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Scanned from the collection of David Pierce

Coordinated by the Media History Digital Library

Funded by a donation from Richard Scheckman

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^Where Paramount Artcraft Pictures J^re Mzde

THE Famous- Players Lasky studio in Hollywood, Cali- fornia, known all over the world as the Lasky studios. Here are found the huge sky-light buildings for in- teriors, enormous laboratories, cos- tume and research departments, acres of out-door locations, whole cities built for sets and, all in all, the most completely organized producing unit in the world.

Airplane view oj the Lasky Studios

..<i~;.J"'- "

Drawing showing buildings and out-door sets

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Famous Players-Lasky

Model of Studio as it will appear when completed

THE most complete and up-to-date institution of its kind in the world is now nearing completion in Long Island City.

A reinforced-concrete. fire-proof studio building and laboratories wherein all the eastern producing activities of Paramount Artcraft will be housed, covering over 140,000 square feet of ground area.

The studio will contain elaborate dressing-room facilities equipped with shower baths, lounging rooms and all the latest conveniences for the artists. Elaborate suites will be provided for stars, directors and their assistants and each director will be furnished with an individual pro- jection room equipped with every modern facility.

Large scene docks equipped with modern machinery are being built to handle all sets mechanically. Scenario departments, casting department, modeling department, wardrobe rooms, property rooms, and a completely

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New $2,000,000 Studio

equipped modern theatre are part of the enormous plans for this huge institution.

An up-to-date restaurant for the exclusive use of artists, a refrigerating plant, a sanitary barber shop, hair dress- ing parlors, libraries, reading rooms, locker rooms, Turkish baths, green room, club rooms and gymnasium are other units provided in this new Famous Players studio.

The studio building is being equipped with the most modern sprinkler system, and elevators for the quick handling of scenes and sets will be provided. Modern ventilating and air-cooling systems are being installed beneath the enormous glass roof. . Every improved invention known to modern science will be employed. On the block adjoining there will be erected a three- story building devoted exclusively to laboratory purposes. It is now practically completed.

View of ground of neiv Studio on May /6, iqiq

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T/ic famous "56//1 A." Studio

IF these walls could speak they would tell wonder- tales of the filming of some of the most pretentious, the most artistic and the most financial- ly successful mov- ing pictures ever made.

For this is the noted "56th St." studio, long the home of moving picture art in New York City.

The only big com- pany studio sit- uated in the very heart of New York City at 1 30 West 56th St., this studio has become as famous as any theatre on Broadway. For here the very greatest artists and stars of the speaking stage and the screen have acted before the camera, and the greatest directors of the entire industry have all at one time or another been within its portals.

Other of the enormous production activities of Famous Players in the east have been carried out in the huge Fort Lee studio and in various other studios in the outlying districts of the city.

With the completion of the new $2,000,000 studio all these activities will be concentrated in the new Long Island City studio.

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"n^"0 outsider is allowed within these sacred portals.

^ For here is an institution as famous as Plymouth Rock and a million times as jazzy.

"Mack Sennett Studios" what a wealth of beautiful imagery those words produce! A peep into the working home of such laugh-producers as Ben Turpin, Charlie Murray, Ford Sterling, Kala Pasha, and of the king of them all, Mack Sennett himself, would be an event worth recording in history.

From the Bathing Beauties to the intricately-planned thrills of the incomparable Paramount-Sennett Come- dies, there is room in this huge studio plant for them all. Here the best brains of the moving picture comedy world are working for the delight of millions, for it is here that the Sennett Comedy Features are provided for a comedy-hungry public.

No comedy studios on earth can approach this hallowed spot in the wealth of its traditions, just as no comedy pictures on earth can hope to come up to the high standard set by Mack Sennett, the father of picture comedy and the leader of them all.

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Where Thomas H. Ince

Headquarters Building, Thomas H. Ince Studios

THE enormous producing activities of Thomas H. Ince take place in a studio plant that occupies eleven acres of ground at Culver City, Cal. These new studios have become one of the show places of southern California, because of their architectural beauty and their vast size.

The "mansion," or administra- tion building, houses all the executive offices of the Ince Com- pany. This state- ly building, set back on a tree- studded lawn, faces the boule- vard. The work- ing buildings are hidden in the rear, and include two huge glass stages, dressing rooms, scene

docks, shops, Outside the dressing-rooms

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Productions are Made

property rooms and wardrobe buildings, all in separate units. A new labora- tory and a dupli- cate lighting plant to be used in case the orig- inal plant is ever out of commis- sion, are two ad- ditional units to the grounds.

In thece new and beaut i ful studios the Thomas H. Ince productions take

form. Mr. Ince's technical and producing staff is world-famed. His stars, Charles Ray, Dorothy Dalton, Enid Bennett, Douglas MacLean and Doris May are the most popular in filmdom.

The new Thomas H. Ince studios provide a fitting home for such artists, and assure exhibitors and public of the finest motion picture work that modern invention and artistic genius can supply.

A corner of the art-title department

A floor interior of one of the .studios


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Fatty Arbuckle Studio

Fatty Arbuckle Studio

AND this is where "The Garage" was made the funniest Fatty Arbuckle Comedy ever produced in fact, the funniest two-reel comedy that has graced the screen in a year or two of holidays. The man, woman or child who won't laugh from the beginning to the end of "The Garage" doesn't exist. It's the biggest hit in picture comedy history

And here is where it was made. Such a location deserves immortal fame for that reason alone. But beside that reason for historic notoriety, consider the fact that here is where "Back Stage." "The Hayseed," "A Desert Hero," "Out West," "The Sheriff," "The Bell Boy," and all the other world-famed Arbuckle comedies were born and bred and had their being.

But what matter the studio, even if it were a cinema palace. Give the world Fatty Arbuckle, some picture film and a motion picture camera and there's joy enough for all the world, even if he had to produce in a barn.


»S^^\T/* ADOLPH ZUKOR Pres. JESSE L.LASKY Vice Pres CECIL B.DE MILLE Director Genend

*^€Mm tft ^NEW YORK. J

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By J. Gmbb Alexander and By Robert W. Chambers

D. F. Whitcomb


By Marjory Land May By C. N. and A. N. Williams

First National Release Management Sam E. Rork



Starring in First National Attractions




Starring in

First National Attractions CONSTANCE TALMADGE FILM CO.





pimuiigiiiiiiiiHw ,i nil imi.iiiiru iXiiljliHiiiiumiiiimu mmmu^>a-nmnmmmmmnmmmmt%

are selected for the screen from stories appearing in the pages of the great chain of Hearst Maga- zines and Newspapers.


Outside of the pre-advertising these pictures receive when they are read in the magazines, they are advertised with display space in The Atlanta Georgian, The Chi- cago American, The Chicago Herald and Examiner, The Bos- ton American, The Boston Adver- tiser, The San Francisco Exam- iner, The Los Angeles Examiner, The New York American, The New York Evening Journal, The Washington Times, The Wiscon- sin News, and other newspapers of large circulation.


A studio in the heart of New York City covering an entire block. A staff of writers, directors and tech- nical experts make Cosmopolitan Productions entertainment feat- ures of superior quality.

International Film Service Co., Inc.

729 Seventh Avenue New York City


Alfred (Jheney Jolmsion


STARRING in Cosmopolitan Produc- tions and the entrancing heroine of Robert W. Chambers' "Restless Sex"





William "Ekrell


Photo Pla^/"^ sSuLpr1 errx e, Eel





142 East 18th Street, N. Y. C. Sluyvesant 433



Allen Holubar














The Company Goldwyn Keeps

The canny exhibitor who has kept stride for stride with the amazing advance in modern picture pro- duction knows that Goldwyn Pic- tures attract a following of their own the solid, steady, profit-build- ing element in every community.

You know that Goldwyn means better business and more of it. Are you getting your share of the com- pany Goldwyn keeps?


Samnel Goldwyn, President


The dramatic flame that is Farrar the melting smile of Tom Moore the thrilling emotional fervor of Pauline Frederick Jack Pickford's fresh and youthful charm the rollicking comedy of Mabel Normand the infectious humor of Will Rogers the sparkling sprightliness of Madge Kennedy Goldwyn stars ripple the histrionic scale!

From staccato comedy to gripping drama, from chuckles to tears. It's the Goldwyn interpretation of variety. It's giving your patrons what they want!


Samuel Goldwyn, President


Geraldine Farrar Mabel Normand Tom Moore Will Rogers Pauline Frederick Madge Kennedy Jack Pickford

Hooth Tarkxngton

'Booth Tarkington's Edgar Comedies

Two lieel Features

"The Adventures and Emotions of Master Edgar Pomeroy, Aged about Eleven, and not the Best Boy in Town nor the Worst."

In Booth Tarkington's own words, there is the kernel of the Edgar Com- edies. Another "Penrod," brought to life on the screen with all the delic- ious humor that has made this the most popular char- acter in fiction.


Samuel Goldwyn, President


These great names have a perma- nent place in the hearts of the American public. Millions are held in the thrall of their magic pens millions more throng to the presentation of their creations upon the screen.

Ride the crest of this mighty wave of popular approval. Link your theatre to the finest achievement in modern screen production!


Samuel Goldwyn, President

Rex Beach Rupert Hughes Gertrude Atherton Mary Roberts Rinehart Basil King Leroy Scott Gouverneur Morris

One-reel features that throw a dazzling high- light on any picture programme.

Uproariously funny animated cartoons, exquisite scenic bits and short snappy edu- cationals blended with the characteristic Goldwyn flaire for effect.


Samuel Goldwyn, President

Goldwyn Service Sells!

It sells the exhibitor because it's the kind of advertising that sells his patrons.

From a two column newspaper ad to a smashing twenty four sheet poster, Goldwyn advertising pul- sates with a dynamic spirit of sales- manship.

Get behind every Goldwyn Picture you show and push! We're here to help you, with the kind of help that registers success !


Samuel Goldwyn, President












Tootsies and Tamales Mates and Models Happy and Healthy Squabs and Squables

Flips and Flops Bungs and bunglers

Yaps and Yokels Dames ai\d Dentists




madge titheradge peggy hyland isobel elsom maudie dunham daisy burrell








Leading Acior in fbe jollowir^ London &> New York Prodiictioflf

5ui?iy Pult the 9triigr

Graham [Hoffat ^Arnold Benr?ett

Edward kr?dbJoc/<

etc etc etc



ii$ lead with

London &- LorAig'eler




" The Cameo Girl "

Star of " The Virtuous Model," " The Right to Lie " and " A Web of Deceit "



Featured in Blackton Productions Released by Pathe





Stai'i'iu^ in t^Tfeal Hari Productions*

Disivihuiad J>y CapziaL Film (h., Inc.







Eddie Lyons acrid Lee Moraai

Isfow pr'oci-izciirg- \Serie-S o/" Fea.'bu.x'e Come.ciry jDr'dcm.a^^ /or Univer^rxl *

Iirx pjrepa.TT'a.-fcioia: EdLjSa^r FVacruklixi v3"to:ry " Ev-erjrtKxxi^ l>-uA the Truth "



HE independent producer, the man of ideals, the man with a vision and the ability to put it over is the man responsible for the success of production.

The destruction of the independent, the suppression of ideals, is akin to the standardization of Art. The standard- ization of Art is the death of the industry.

From the beginning Robertson-Cole has backed the independent producer. We have invited the best efforts of all with a guarantee of adequate return.

We will continue to place our resources back of the men of big ideals, the men of broad instinct, the independent pro- ducers.



HE future of the exhibitor lies en-: tirely in the preservation of his complete independence.

His right to select is his most sacred and valuable right. To destroy it means the destruction of progress in the making of pictures.

Robertson-Cole stands for progress and INDEPENDENCE. In a word, we stand with the exhibitor.

His success is our success and we are pledged to make our success his success. Our joint success is the greatest guaran- tee of the future of the industry.

Business methods, the fair deal and fair price, and mutual co-operation, is our pledge to the exhibitor.


A. S. K1RKPATRICK Vice President and General Manager.



Irene Blackwell




Management Edward Small



■I »■


Florence Evelyn Martin

^ Jjeadjng Woman

Guy Smpey Productions

Ira L. Hill ©.






Gene Pollar

Playing Tarzan in

i4 The Return of Tarzan " Numa Pictures Corporation

1476 Broadway, New York City


Walter Miller

Featured in productions for Artclass Pictures Corporation

Released by Robertson-Cole


piiuiiii mniiiiiii iiiiniiiniui mi milium iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiii i. iiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiii uiiniiuuiiiitiiifiitn imiitiiun i u i iirii run i uiitHiiniimHuumauiumHiwnH^



An educational and co-operative organization for the further- ance of the artistic development of motion pictures, holding meetings at regular intervals for the exchange of ideas, securing lecturers whose discourses will promote discussion of subjects pertaining to the work of members, and for the establishment and maintenance of a library on art, architecture and kindred subjects, beneficial to the members and their employers, the producers.

ALFRED W. ALLEY, President ESDRAS C. HARTLEY, Secy. \(&V/2 Winona Blvd. 1221 W. 7th St.

Holly. 3062 60121

R. E. SIBLEY, Vice-Pres. 2138 Marathon St.

Jl U. 2469

SIDNEY M. ULLMAN, Treas. 1557 Gordon St. Holly. 42

FRANK S. BROWN 142 W. 37th Place




6732 Hollywood Blvd.


335 N. Vendome St. 53770

ROBT. J. ELLIS 59287 1827 N. Vermont Ave. CHAS. I. FARBER Holly 5738 Waring Ave. 3230

LEWIS GEIB Holly 4426 Russell Ave. 992

FRED GABOURIE 5164 Argyle St. EDWARD J. HAAS 597618 7726 Walnut Drive


W. S. HINSHELWOOD 5663 Sa ita Monica Blvd.

Holly 4080 4

C. TRACY HOAG Wilt 1143 Logan St. 2245

JOHN K. HOLDEN Holly 745 Cahuenga Ave. 1130

G. A. HOLLICKER Bway 1312 Maryland St. 4949

CHAS. D. HULL Holly' 4555 Prospect Ave. 2371 J. I. JACKMAN 1429 Logan St. CHAS. H. KEYSON Holly 7266 Sunset Blvd. 3056 EDWARD M. LANGLEY 310517!; Kenwood Ave. 7327 ROY HEWITT McCRAY 1537 N. Alexandria St.

Holly 2131 MILTON T. MENASCO 6511% Hollywood Blvd.


AMCS J. MYERS 1422 Gordon St. CHAS. ODDS 67103 123 N. Grand Ave. JACK OKEY 560695 537 N. Ardmore Ave. EARLE F. OLIN Holly 5417 Sunset Blvd. 2890 FRANK D. ORMSTON Ho el Glidden, Hollywood MAX PARKFR West 91') W. 35th Place 1279 A. R. RITTER Wilt 1742 Kane St. 3480

J. H. ROGERS Holly 5536 Delongpre St. 1131

ALLEN RUOFF 1442 McCullum St.

ELMER E. SHEELEY 1601 Edgemont St.

W. E. SHEPHERD 347 E. 33rd St.

E. J. SHULTER Hollywood Apts.


FIELDER C. SLINGLUFF Universal City M. P. STAULCUP 1905 N. Wilcox A. B. STURGES 4561 W. 2nd St.

TOM F. WARRILLOW 1546 N. Western Ave. 599122 REX D. WESTON 12881 Gibson Apts.. 4th & Hope

GEO. H. WILLIAMS 666) Franklin Ave.

JOHN VOSHEELE C. K. Young Studio

Wilt 5621

South 5633 J







=ii]iiiiiii!iiiiiiii! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: oiiffiiiiwiiii iiimiiiiiirailiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii imiiiiiiniiHiiiiiiiniiiiiiiHtiitiHiiiiininmnHiiuiii!iiii:iiitiiiinitiiiiiimmiiiiiini«iii t^mmaxnmlu^


lllilMIIIIIIIII'llllllll Hill.

i:|,ll|hll!|i;il|lli:l!IIIIHlllll :il!|l|l|i||!l1llllilll;iiri!lllll|llllllllllll!ll!li!llll!lllli!!,i.lli::i:tllllu1|l'l.r ||li;illl|||||||]|lll!lll||IH'l,,,i;i i'llhiiiilK.MillllllL.II'lI'lllllllhl'lllllllllg



New York Lodge

234 W. 55th St.— Circle 1844

Adolphi, John

Gerrard, Douglas

Arbuckle, Roscoe G.

Giblyn, Charles

Archainbaud, Geo.

Gordon, James

August, Edwin

Haddock, Wm. F.

Barker, Reginald

Harvey, John J.

Beal, Frank

Heffron, Thomas N.

Beaudine, fm.

Henderson, Dell

Beaumont, Harry

Henley, Hobart

Bertram, Wm,

Herman Victor

Blystone, John G.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -i r A ll.'ii 1

Borzage, Frank

Hopper, E. Mason

Brooke, Van Dyke

TT . T

Hunt, Jay

liuel. Kenean

lnce, John L.

Campbell, Colin

T \> 1 1

Ince, Ralph

Carleton, Lloyd r>.

T 1 T 1 1

lngraham, Lloyd

Carewe, Edwin

Irving, George

Chaudet, Louis Wm.

Jaccard, Jacques

Chautard, Emile

Kelsey, Fred A.

Christie, Al. E.

King, Henry

Clements, Roy

Kirkland, David

Cline, E. F.

Knoles, Harley

Conway, Jack

LeSaint, Ed. J.

Crane, Frank H.

Lessey, George A.

Crisp, Donald W.

Lloyd, Frank

Daly, Wm. Robt.

Lund, 0. A. C.

Dawley, J. Searle

MacGregor, Norval

DeGrasse, Joseph

MacQuarrie, Murdock J

Dillon, J. F.

MarshaU, George

Duncan, Wm.

McGill, Lawrence B.

Eagle, Oscar

Melford, George

Edwards, J. Gordon

Middleton, Edwin

Edwards, Walter

Millarde, Harry

Fishbach, Fred

Miller, Ashley

Fitzmaurice, George

Miller, Chas. A.

^lemirg, Carroll

Morgan, George

Ford, Francis

N-U. Roy

French, Chas. K.

,x,r?rien. John

Gasnier, Louis J.

r>,',r>,t. Sidney

Los Angeles Lodge 6372 Hollywood Blvd.

Otto, Henry W. Payton, Stuart Perret, Leonce Powers, Francis J. Reynolds, Lynn F. Ricketts, Thomas Robertson, John S. Ruggles, Wesley Sargent, George L. Scardon, Paul Schertzii ger, Victor Seitz, George B. Sidney, E. Scott Siegman, George A. Sloman, Edward Smalley, Phillips Stanton, Richard Swim, Capt. O. H. Taylor, S. E. V. Taylor, Wm. Desmond Terriss, Tom Thomson, Fred. A. Tourneur, Maurice Vale, Travers Van, Wally Vekroff, Perry N. Vignola, Robert G. Vincent, James Walsh, Raoul A. Ward, Ernest Webb, Kenneth West, Raymond B. Williams, C. Jay Wilson, Ben Withey, Chet Worsley, Wallace Worthington, Wm. Wright, Fred E. Young, James

LILLIAN R. GALE /V. Y. Press Representative.




He is the most imaginative!

and sane American who ever 1 revoluf ionized f be t heaf re when | if needed an emancipator ~


He has far exceeded the pow- er of i be spoken word"


"A new art has indeed ar- rived-an art as imporfarrf as i baf of Poetry or Music. You have immortalized yourself-"





Associated with D. W. Griffith

" The Hun Within "

"The New Moon "—Norma Talmadge

" The Teeth of the Tiger "— Paramount- Artcra ft

" She Loves and Lies " Norma Talmadge

" ROMANCE," with Doris Keane






Some Past Releases



The Shell Game EMMY WEHLAN


Peggy Does Her Darndest MAY ALLISON

The Lion's Den BERT LYTELL



Revelation NAZIMOVA

The Cinema Murder MARION DAVIES

The Man Who Lost Himself WM. FAVERSHAM

| Address 130 West 44th Street New York City

liiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinin minimi I


^illiMxi^T). clkyrlorr

C urrent l^elea^e HUCKLEBERRY FINN





Dex Irgram


Firs-f Rc/easc since reiurn from

Qoy<?/ F/yM Corps:'' CAPTAIN COURAGE

Walfer Mayo, AsriYtaai Director.




M. P. D. A.

Director Famous Players-Lasky Corporation


Assistant Director





RECENT RELEASES Lion and the Mouse " " The Vengeance of Durant "

The Third Degree '• The Fortune Hunter "

" The Climbers "



First Release:


Next Production: " TRAILIN' "

Victor Fleming j

Fairbanks Studio 1 Hollywood, Calif.

| . ... . ^'^■■^ SL~-:j^^--.Jr^>^ |

^Sti mtti i«i tin iiitiin intiuniiiiiii iriimiii i iiTj i)> 11 1 1 j 1 1 it i itii i iiiiif i ti iiiti 1 f ni tit j 1 1 1 iiiii ri i 11 1 tn 1 1 iiti ti 1 111 i iiitf 11 ii iitii uinnt ■■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiTiiiiiiiiiitiiri'iiiiiiitiiiriiiiitirtiiiiiiiiiirfiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiifiiTirtiiftiiiiiniiiiiii rtimmmuiitnp^B






C^A. s s o c 1 2>J^e dL -Oi^L— >




aJoJOTOE in the motion picture that carries a message to humanity.

318 If OKU BT in the picture that mill help humanitg to free itself from the shackles of fear—" and suffering that have so long bound it with iron chains.

Cl 11)31 IK knowingly produce a picture that

contains anything 3 do not believe to be -V absolutely true to human nature, anything that could injure anyone, nor anything unclean in thought or action.

T|<2)JR UBEK 3 deliberately portray anything Ml to cause fright, suggest fear, glorify mis- chief, condone cruelty or extenuate malice.

3U)MjO: niEtr'ffJn picture evil or wrong , except to prove, the fallacy of its lure.

/\(0 K<Dn<8 AS 31 direct pictures, 3 will make only those founded upon the principle of rv right and 3 will endeavor to drau> upon the inexhaustible source of (Sood for my stories, my guidance, and my inspiration.


CL Series of Special Productions for First National





| of

Douglas Fairbanks in " Headin' South " Artcraft Louise Glaum in " Sahara " J. Parker Reed Tom Mix in " Rough Riding Romance " Fox Mildred Harris Chaplin in " A Splendid Hazard " Realart




Los Angeles, Lai





giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiiuiiiiimiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiimiii!iiiiiiiii!iii::iiip>iiiiiiiii;iiiim;m^

John Emerson Anita Loos


For CONSTANCE TALMADGE A Temperamental Wife The Virtuous Vamp In Search of a Sinner


The Social Secretary


Come on In Oh, You Women!


Reaching for the Moon Down to Earth

In Again, Out Again Wild and Woolly

His Picture in the Paper The Americano

Address: 130 West 44th Street, New York

m mini iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiniiiiitiiiii i iiiiiiiiiraiiiniiiiiiimiiiimim minimnmm !



(bT (9TT




eJe^e 0- Hampton Prodaetion^

.^boptly0 to produce

Thopreby (ppeeid ^Te^fupe^

Ppeperrhed by0 eJe^e D Hampton Studio: Hollywood- QoX^




Frank L. Geraghty, Asst. Arthur L. Todd, Cinematograph

Robert Brunton Studios, Hollywood 129

pmuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii iiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiii h i iiiiiuuiiiniiiiuiiuniuniiiiitiHiinfiaiinnrintmniinf hum miBtMwniiitiiiiimiiiMiuiii minimum mmm 1




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Producer-Director 131

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(Management Edivard Small)

Who Will Direct a Series of R. William Neill Productions to Be Made in England and to Be Released Through First National





Personally Supervising and Directing UOBART UENLEY PRODUCTIONS







(xxxa o goo g oxro






Director General, Perret Pictures, Inc. A uthor Producer Director CURRENT PRODUCTIONS: " THIRTEENTH CHAIR " 4i A. B. C. OF LOVE "


^njiiifiiiiiiiitiitiiiiifrntfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiitiiiiiriitiiititiiiiiiiisiritiiitftitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTitriiiiJiitiiiiiitiiifjfiiiiiiijiiriiiijiiiiiiiiiiiii-i iiiiimiiiiif iiTifiitiJiriiiiiiiitiniimfiTiitfriiitiiifiiitiirnTtmiiiiiniTimfiiHiiiniiiHiittvtitiHiniirrirtiiifftritflf^P


aj iimiui inu mil 11 l : i : i r : l s 1 1 1 null I uuiuuiuuimwuiiuiuilliw



The Following Productions for 1920

"RIO GRANDE " Bv Augustus Thomas


" WHAT MAN CALLS LOVE" By Augustus Thomas

"HABIT" By Tom Barry


"THE RIGHT TO LIE" Dolores Cassinelli

"THE WEB OF LIES" Dolores Cassinelli

"The Soul of a Woman" Emily Stevens

"The Snowbird" Mabel Taliaferro

"The House of Tears" Emily Stevens

"The Splendid Sinner" Mary Garden

"Her Great Price" Mabel Taliaferro

" The Voice of Conscience," 1 Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne j

"God's Half Acre" Mabel Taliaferro

"Pals First" Harold Lockwood

"The Trail to Yesterday" Bert Lytell

"The Way of the Strong" Anna Q. Nilsson §




EDWIN CAREWE PRODUCTIONS, Inc. Suite 809 Brokaw Bldg. 1457 Broadway


luniunn uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuuiiiiilllUlllUllllKIUIllHIII iililllll mum In i iiiiiiittiiMiirftiiiirTTiMTTTtitiiiTiiiirttitiiriHrftiiittiiiiitTtiiTitttiTiittiTiMiiiixniiiiiiiiititiiiiiiiiiiriiiniiiiiiTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirtiiinmiiii nl



Producer of Important Feature Films Who Directed




Producing Serials Current Release : " The Trail of the Octopus "

In Production : " The Screaming Shadow," Released February 1, 1920

Through HALLMARK PICTURES CORP. Frank Hall, President Address: Universal City, Calif. 150


{j*f; \ Present, as

their initial offering


startling society drama


r /featuring .

j8#A£ Clifford






Director Management Edward Small

Directed Herbert Rawlinson in W. J. FLYNN SERIES





Latest Release " THE ISLE OF JEWELS," Serial Starring Stuart Holmes



gpunnuiniiMiiiM luiniiiiiiiiiiiiuiwiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii



j Nazimova

| Viola Dana

| May Allison

| Florence Reed

| Petrova

I Mary Miles Minter

| Edmund Breese

| Holbrook Blinn

| Frank Keenan

| Bessie Love

| Emily Stevens

| Ethel Barrymore

| King Baggot

Bminiiiniiiiiiiiiiii iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiii!iiiiiiiiiiiii!i!iiiiiiiiiiiiii!!iiiiiiiiiiii;iuiiniiii




















Serialr Feafrjrer Comedier


' Qlent Mystery " "cMyrtcry of 13 " "Gater of Doom"

"Crimror? rhoalr "— Feature







rw .1









Francis ford mlm cjo.






Prod|jpuctiori EdUtor

gliiiiilllimiiilllimilllllilliiiiilimiliiillillllilllllllNiiim I minimi luiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiittiiiiHinimiiiiiiR

Harry 0. Hoyt !

" The director of motion pictures must | be first of all a story teller he must

have the gifts of the novelist and the |

playwright or he cannot reach the j

heights. The author brings to picture j

direction an appreciation of story |

values he has read and studied in |

preparation for his production and as |

a result intelligence marks the picture." j

Author of several hundred original | stories and scenarios.

| Directed Montague Love, Dorothy Green, Arthur Ashley, |

1 Virginia Hammond and others in " A Broadway Saint," §

| " Forest Rivals," " Through the Toils," etc., for World |

| Film Corporation. j

Now Directing | Miss Catherine Calvert in

" That Woman "

Engaged until January First Nineteen Twenty-one

liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiii m iiiiiiniiiinniiiiiiiiiiii in nmnmmnnmi iiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiimiiniiniiiii miTiii iiitik mn mm nuiuiiiminiumiiiniiiniumiiniimif










272 Lincoln Road Brooklyn, N. Y.


uhiui uuiuj iiiiuiuuunuittiiiuiuuui inuiiiiuiauiuii in miimiui inn mi iiiiiuuiuiuiiiuiiiiiuii niuiuiu uiuiiumuaui iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

| |


Scenario Writer

I and |

Editor of Production



"When the Clouds Roll By"

" Turn to the Right " and maybe more

At the tender age of seven when I wrote my first magic lantern show entitled " Murder Is Awful."

Cable Address T. J. G.

Kwas-Nujol Hollywood, Calif.


iiiuiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie

WALTER RICHARD HALL Sir? rtor nnb Auitfnr






" HATE "




Continuity That Reaches the Screen as It Is Written

ADDRESS 1203 Candler Building, N. Y. C.

'PHONE Bryant 8440

Siiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiniiiiiiiin mill iniiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii iiiiuiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiimimiiimmiimiiiiiiin







1916 Successful short-story writer.

1917 Edilor-in-Chief of a big magazine.

1918— Soldier of Uncle Sam.

1919— Continuity writer at VITAGRAPH (East Coast) and author of original screen stories for Louise Huff and others.

1920— Picturizing big plays and novels at METRO (West Coast) and writing originals for leading stars.

1921— Past performance is the best guarantee of future success. I look ahead confidently, with a solid background of practical experience behind me.





vSpeciaJiziig' in. "Adapting ^tories^ for the Screen 1920 BELEA9£r

' P-uth. Poland - PaiKe ^Seried

by John&ton. FlcCudley.

houia Player Production.


Jsy Qcor&e Bait JJbCuioJviou.

Ecfcaot- Lewis

Three R-yhnv&ii Productions XcL3r<w- '7' 7 -So. Flower ^-fc., l^oir Axgfeles


£!llllllll!;l!.llll[|l!!lllllllllllll IlllllillllllllllllUlllllllUllllllllUllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU III! ||!|l||||l Ill ||| | Illlll!ni|||||ll||||||||||l|!|||||||||||| Il!llll!lllllll|lll||lllllllll|lll|l||| || |||||||| I [Ill'


Copyright 1919






•>•> TEN



Scotland Yard Ac- tivity

Whitechapel Rab- ble Characters

Chinese Dope Den

Women of the Street

Dive Scene

The Fagin School

The Fence

The Great Bank Robbery

The Good Samari- tan

The Master Mind of Crooks




The International

Sport The International

Beauty Four International Sporting Events The Horse Race The Auto Race The Aviation Meet The Boxing Contest The Great Gam- bling Scene The Mission of Humanity


Unanimous Opinion: The Greatest Human Interest Story Ever Written


Producers :

United States Photoplay Corporation


SSiif tmif i in tim'it i r iifrtfintf inmimnrrniniiinnniuiininni innmm mumitif t innimtimniitm miif rnnti luirTiiiiiTTTiiiiiTiiTiiuiTTiMrrriTiMrrTiiiTiiiitirwiitTiiTiiTniiiiiTiitTiciiTiiiiiiTiiiiiiriiuiirtTTriiintiiiiiitiiiiiiTiiiitTiiiiiiif iiiiiiiiiiniri?


tfuumuiliiimiiuillllll miiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiimiiiiwiNiiiiiiw^ iiiwimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii



That membership in this Society may become a mark of honor and distinction based on merit.

This organization has been formed for the purpose of bringing into the closest confederation all but omy those leaders in the cinematographic science whose attainments in their chosen field entitle them to member- ship in this Society, for the purpose of maintaining the high standard set for themselves and at the same time promote the interest and welfare and protect the rights of all who shall be so fortunate as to be called to membership.

At this date our membership consists of the following cinematographers :

Philip E. Rosen, Pres.

Joe August L. D. Clawson Eugene Gaudio Frank B. Good King D. Gray Walter L. Griffin J. D. Jennings Roy H. Klaffki Robert S. Newhard Stephen S. Norton L. Guy Wilky

John Arnold Friend F. Baker William J. Beckway R. J. Bergquist

Charles G. Rosher, Vice-Pres. Wm. C. Foster, Treas.

H. Lyman Broening Henry Cronjager Ernest S. Depew Arthur Edeson William Fildew Ross G. Fisher Gaetone G. Gaudio Fred Le Roy Granville Albert G. Heimerl F. W. Jackman Charles E. Kaufman H. F. Koenekamp Edward Kull Robert B. Kurrle Sam Landers Walter Lundin

Victor Milner, Sec'y

Chester A. Lyons Reggie Lyons Hugh C. McClung Ira H. Morgan Ernest S. Palmer Paul P. Perry G. C. Peterson Sol Polito George Rizard A. Scholtz Homer A. Scott John F. S»itz R. H. Totheroh J. C. Van Trees Gilbert Warrenton Philip H. Whitman

I Membership is by invitation only, each man being judged solely upon his 1

| record and ability as a cinematographer and his personal fitness as a man 1

I 9


325 Markham Building, 6372 Hollywood Blvd. I Hollywood, California

| |

Kouwrnlniiiiiiimntniitiiiinniiinimmi nniininniiminnmnimianiiniiiiim niiiiniininmiinimmiiiiiiiiiimii iiiiiniiiiniiiin innnmimn iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiNii




" After many others have failed in an attempt to use natural interior settings for scenes in films, Dal Clawson with his assistant, Pete Harrod, has worked out appliances that make possible photography of all kinds of settings with artificial light.

" This is indeed a step in the advancement of motion picture plays, for it makes possible a ma- terial decrease in the cost of production and at the same time assures abso- lute realism. It is by using interiors actually erected for a given pur- pose and used for that purpose a number of months or years. It is assured that the correct atmosphere will be secured and that such set- tings have a great advan- tage over those built at the studios especially for the making of film scenes. The studio created set is so apt to be incorrect, it is a very easy matter for the technical men to overlook the little details that mean so much in the scene. Then, too, the actual marks made by wear and tear are hard to duplicate. All of these are to be had in a film if actual interiors are used and this applies to resi- dences and public build- ings of all kinds.

"The photography work has been most suc- cessfully carried out by Dal Clawson in a num- ber of photoplays he has photographed for Lois

Weber. Included in this list of screen plays photo- graphed entirely in the homes of the elite are, " For Husbands Only," " Forbidden," " A Midnight Ro- mance," " Mary Regan," and the one he is now finish- ing which will be Miss Weber's initial release through Famous Players-Lasky Corporation. In " The Mid- night Romance " all of the interior scenes with the exception of one were made in residences and public buildings, the two being filmed at the studio where a special set was erected.

"The special contrivances necessary for this kind of work, created by Mr. Clawson, are now being patented and it is probable they will shortly be placed on the market. In the making of these appliances, the inventive genius of both Mr. Clawson and his assistant, Pete Harrod, has brought to the film industry articles of merit that will make possible economic measures for the film industry."

Iiiimili luiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii inn niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini mi niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii TiniiiiiiTuiiitiiiHiiTiiiiitiUTiiitiiniiitJiniiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiituiuif tiiiiiLUiniiinmnitKi?



Frank D. Williams

Photographing Motion Pictures Since 1905

Four and one-half years head cameraman Mack Sennett Studios.

Photographer for Charles Chaplin first eighteen months of his screen career.

Photographing Sessue Hayakawa for Haworth Company.

Current Releases: The Dragon Painter The Tong Man

The Man Beneath The Beggar Prince

The Grey Horizon The Undertow

Previous Releases: MABEL NORMAND in " Mickey " ANNETTE KELLERMAN in " Queen of the Seas "

Inventor and patentee of tank method making pos- sible undersea photography used in the filming of " Queen of the Seas," and now in use by the Annette Kellermann Company; and of method of substituting any background in motion pictures or photographs after negatives of action or subjects have been made. Both methods for lease.

Address Haworth Pictures Corp., 4500 Sunset Blvd. Hollywood, California

luiiuiiiuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i luiiiuiiimnnnniiiiiiiinii nununinnraamaioitmiminiiiimiimimiiiiiiHmtni ngnnimmnnu iwiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui i unmmmS


gjHimiiliniiiiiiiimiii iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiniiiiiiiiiiuimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi win iiiiiiiiiimiiuiim^





= Director-General Famou6 Players

•Larky. Corporation


Lois Water Productions rfcted Director, 3Lu.tKor


Head of the

Thomas H. Ince St.-u.djoa


Special Saturday Ereni™£ R>st UVitcr and Screen Authority


1. Frank Lbyd 5. 2U.E. Christie 9. High IlcClung

2. Jeanie fMlerson. 6. Jasper Eamg Brady 10 RcA "VaJner

3. Clarence Badga- 7. George Beban 11. EricHoward 4 Demson Clift & l^te Corbaley 12. Adeline Alvord

Department of Education

Somewhere in America this year scores of new photoplay writers will be developed.

Many perhaps a majority of these new writers will be trained and developed through the Palmer course and service. Some of them will be the famous photoplaywrights of the future.

The day of the untrained amateur scenario writer is passed. The era of the writer trained in screencraft is here now!

A genuine opportunity awaits men and women of creative impulse who are willing to train themselves intensively in the new art of photoplay writing.

Now approaching our third year of educa- tional work, we can point with gratification to the development of many new photoplay- wrights. Most of them came to us without either experience or previous success. A num- ber of our more successful students have taken staff scenario positions in Los Angeles studios. Others are doing splendid free-lance work.

The Palmer Course makes it possible for any- one to secure this training by correspondence instruction in his own home during his spare time, at nominal cost.

The educational policy of the Department of Education is supervised by an Advisory Coun- cil comprising a group of the industry's lead- ing men and women. Our Director of Edu- cation is Frederick Palmer, an able and ex- perienced scenario writer, editor and teacher. Assisting Mr. Palmer in guiding students along the right paths are twelve able men and women who are directly connected with the motion picture industry and who are leaders in their respective fields of endeavor.

To those interested in learning the details of the Palmer course and service, we will be glad to send a copy of our general catalog, and the booklet, " Proof Positive," which has been especially prepared for skeptics. A post card will bring both of these interesting and in- formative books to you post paid.

Palmer Photoplay Corporation 565-592 I. W. Hellman Building Los Angeles, Cal.

SlllllllllIIlllllillllllllHIUllI 1111 lllllllllll tllll!llll!l!lll!ll!l!!l!HI ill! IIIIIIIIKI I1IIIIIIIIIIIINII llllllllllllllllllil 111101101 :


BfflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllimilllllllllllW iiiimiiilllllllllllllllllllllllliimiwiiiillllg


Los Angeles "Film Capilal of the World"

TO PRODUCERS: The Palmer Photoplay Corporation |

offers a complete story service carefully-selected good orig- |

inals, short stories, books and plays; continuities that are |

backed by a guarantee of satisfaction ; research work of the | highest class.

Each of these departments is directed by experienced special- |

ists whose services are at the disposal of producers at any time |

upon request. |

Studios that do not maintain continuity or research depart- |

ments are invited to investigate the economic advantages of |

Palmer Service. A letter or 'phone call will bring full infor- |

mation. A private branch exchange connects all depart- | ments.


Bess Meredyth Exchange, Affiliated Los Angeles

Willis and Inglis, Inc.

Motion Picture and Theatrical Enterprises Los Angeles and New York






I Stars Directors— Authors |


Specialist in the Exploitation of Screen Personalities

Artists Represented Only Under Written Contract of Management

1493 Broadway New York City

(Putnam Building) Tel. : 2389 Bryant









directors | representative I Scenarios






Chamberlain Brown

1482 Broadway New York

Phone Bryant 9130

Exclusive manager for














Casting directors for players in all branches of the picture field and scenarios suited to well \nown stars


Under ihe Supervision oj



:>TTS-- I. I' I "I ;- i -ii if—. i^^MESS.



£>an 3mmma Jffilm Exchange Hoaro of Etnbe

j Organized and Perpetuated that Dealings between Exhibitors and 1 Exchanges be Fair and Equitable, thereby Bringing about a Closer Relationship of these Important Divisions for the General Better- | ment of Conditions of the Film Industry in Northern California

1 and Nevada.




Sec'y and Treas.

LOUIS HYMAN All Star Feature Distributors, Inc.

191 Golden Gate avenue Market 292

A. M. BOWLES American Film Mfg. Company

985 Market street Garfield 323

M. H. KOHN Consolidated Film Corporation

116 Golden Gate avenue Prospect 2634

C. A. WHITNEY Community Motion Picture Bureau

821 Market street Sutter 2591

J. BREHANY Equity Pictures Corporation

995 Market street Douglas 4958

H. G. ROSEBAUM Famous Players-Lasky Corporation

Pacific Building Sutter 4572

W. A. CRANK Robertson-Cole Company

177 Golden Gate avenue Market 2975

F. W. VOIGT Metro Pictures Corporation

55 Jones street Market 906

CHAS. ROSENTHAL, Jr., Vice-President.


Attorney. E. B. MAYER


CHARLES ROSENTHAL, Jr. M. & R. Feature Film Exchange

107 Golden Gate avenue Park 178

H. J. HENRIOLLE, Pathe Exchange, Inc.

985 Market street Garfield 323

R. B. QUIVE Realart Pictures Corporation

995 Market street Douglas 5450

FLOYD ST. JOHN Republic Distributing Corporation

104 Golden Gate avenue Prospect 3132

H. L. KNAPPEN, Select Pictures Corporation

985 Market street Sutter 2466

S. Y. EDWARDS Turner & Dahnken 134 Golden Gate avenue Prospect 2500

M. L. MARKOWITZ Universal Film Exchanges, Inc. 121 Golden Gate avenue Market 248

FRANK C. BURHANS Vitagraph, Incorporated

985 Market street Sutter 2974

Milton A. Nathan, Attorney, 521 Chronicle Building





Haddon Stephens! Howard V Stubtuns I Oren Ftybodu

Ecpubl.c .-.,1 Returea I ftiUrt_



Insures the highest quality of production in the minimum of time!

The Robert Brunton Studios have made it possible for 1 any one to produce motion pictures without having to | own a studio.

Some of the screen triumphs made at this perfectly equipped plant:

| " The Miracle Man " | "Desert Gold"

" The Westerners " | " Just a Wife " j " Luck of the Irish " | "The Better Wife" " The Dragon Painter " "The Heart of Rachael" | "Live Sparks" i " That Something " ! "Back to God's Country " " The Wolf " | "Blind Youth"

"The Splendid Hazard" I " One Week End " \ " The Hoodlum " "The Spite Bride" " Pollyanna "

The Robert Brunton Studios, Inc.

I 5301 to 5601 Melrose Avenue Los Angeles, Cal.

piiiiiiiiiiiliNliiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiN !!!!iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiim!iniiiin


" Heart of the Hills " ' The Illustrious Prince" " I he Woman Michael

Married " "The Beloved

Cheater " " I pstairs and Down " "A White Man's

Chance " " Bill Apperson's Boy " " Billy Jim " " The Bells " " Beckoning Roads " "Rio Grande" "Dare-Devil Jack"

"His Majesty, the

American " " The Sage Brusher "

" The Dwelling Place

of Light '' " Soldiers of Fortune "

1 he Temple of Dusk " "Desert of Wheat"

" 1 he Joyous Liar " " The Lord Loves the Irish"

V hen Bearcat Went

Dry "

"The World Aflame" "A Man's Country" "The House of

Intrigue " " The Heart of a Fool " " When the Clouds Roll By"

"Carmen of the Klondike "

^^in it tin iMnijftiiJifiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiuiijiitfiiiifi uiitm iifiiinifiii nmunini tu'tii iiiiiiiiiiiiitiiitifiitiitiiiiiiutiiiiiiiiiiiirtiiiiiitiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiiiH m miin ■tiiiiiiiiitiiiifiiitniiittiitiHiiiiiitfiiiiitiiiiiitiiiii(iifiiiiMtitiii«iiiiiiitttiiiiitttiti




To the Motion Picture


working space in one of the largest and most completely equipped studios in Greater New York, located at College Point.

Two connecting stages, 100 x 70 ft. and 60 x 50 ft., respectively. Latest type Wohl, Kligel and Cooper- Hewitt lighting, with a 56 switch, double throw 4 panel Metropolitan Board. Capacity 15,000 amperes.

Complete scenic equipment with expert crew. Offices, dressing-rooms, projection and loading rooms, shops, etc.

For detailed information and terms, telephone



niiulni iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii i iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiimiiuiiinin^ iiiniiiiiiinuiiiiiiiiiiii


yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiuuui mi in iiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiii;iiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiuaainiiuuiniwiMiu!






The same wide advancement in quality of productions



Which made the super-serials




Longacre Building 6050 Sunset Boulevard

New York City Los Angeles, Calif.




| SOL LESSER— Distributor 1 —POLICY FOR 1920— I

Sol Lesser, creator of innovations in the distribution of shadow plays, presented in a distinctive and unique manner.

In the exploitation of Mack Sennett's Comedy "Yankee Doodle

In Berlin", with the Sennett Bathing Girls, Mr. Lesser established a precedent in silver screen presentation, that proved to be a popularity riot. This was the verdict of the exhibitor and public alike. The Bathing Girls went over with a bang. They were new.

He created the personal appearance in conjunction with the shadow drama.

He now offers

George Beban Production with the personal appearance of Mr. Beban in his famous characterization of the big hearted Italian, immor- talized by his famous stage play "The Sign of the Rose."


Annette Kellerman, with her feminine form divine, fresh as the morning's dew in Springtime, with the personal appearance of Miss Kellerman.

Great plays, with great players, presented with exquisite perfection. Beautiful in production. Perfect in presentation.

Mr. Lesser gained an enviable record in film presentation and ex- ploitation, by the distribution of such well known plays of the silver sheet as— "Hearts of The World"— "Intolerance"— "Cabiria"— "The Spoilers"— "The Ne'er Do Well"— "Mickey", etc.

SOL LESSER, Distributor



418 Longacre Bldg., New York 514 W. 8th Street, Los Angeles

Branch Offices in all large cities thruout America

Affiliations in Europe, So. America and the Far East



pnraiiraiiiiiitiiiiifii ii::tii riiiii]Tiiiii3iiij>iiiiriiifiTiiiiirtTfTiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(iiiiiiti[iiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiitiiii:jfrfiiiiiiitrTiiiifiiiiiiiiiiriiiiii;fi<tiiiij:iiirfi » m mum imiiiiiiimii luiiuimiiiiiiiuiiiiii




Starring Ruth Clifford and Jack Sherrill supported by an unparalleled serial cast.

The greatest serial the world has even seen Written by Mr. Guy McConnell

A startling innovation, a staggering dramatic production in

fifteen episodes.

Four super-features with stars of international renown

Two extraordinary seven reel productions adapted from two of the most popular novels of the year, each with its own female star.

Twenty-six two reel Western Dramatic Productions starring MYNA Cunard, popularly known as " The Girl of the Great Divide."

Original creative features in two reel lengths.

Twenty-six two reel Comedies with a star comedian of positive box office drawing power.

These attractions will be produced along the lines of the usual Frohman standard which means the last word in photoplay art.


WILLIAM L. SHERRILL, President Executive Offices 310 Times Building New York City



|iiuiiuiiiiiuiiniiiiiiuuiiii iiiiiin iiiiiniiiii in ii luiu i jimiiiu inni m i m miiiitiiuiitniu iiiiiiinii iiiiimii iniiuiiiiiniiiti mini; iiiinraiMHiura iHwmm nnin m

Announcing I

A Series of Eight Reel Western Melodramas

Sylvanite Productions

Picturing the West as it was

Each of the eight five reel productions will have as its star performers, the most daring and accomplished cowboys and cowgirls whose names have appeared in all western made pictures from the west in the past several years, and who have won a major- ity of the prizes at all big Western Rodeos.


The first subject will be released about March 1st


Studio Address: Long Beach. Calif.

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinifiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii milium '""""mm iiiiif iiiiiiiiiuuiTiririiiir iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiitiiiMf iiiiiiiiiniiiiitiiiiEiMiiiiiiiftriiiirruiiiiiiiriiiJifiiiiiiiiriiHiiiTiniiiiiiniimHiwiiwiiHii^P




Most important of all phases of motion picture | manufacture is the market.

| Experience is of prime importance. Trust- |

worthiness is vital.

We are in constant and intimate touch with j

the market. We know where your picture |

will sell for the most money. We'll get the j

| biggest price for your negative from both j

domestic and foreign distribution.

Fair dealing and honest relations with pro- | ducers and distributors have built for us an 1

established and select clientelle.

The next time you have a picture for the g market consult us. Let us show you where 1 the money is and get it for you.

C. B. PRICE CO., Inc. j

ZM. o t i o n Pictures | IMPORT DOMESTIC EXPORT |

cC/mes {Building, 3^ew York City

ii" mi iiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii itDumiiiHiiiiinmiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiii iniiim liiiiiiinni iiinmitm nrnnimmnnminiini uiiiiiiiiiniiiiiimimiiniiiiiiiiiiiin n nnt i m imiimni mrnimtmniiiiiniiminii nuimtmii iffl



for five years producer of comedies for



The Harold Lloyd Special T wo Reel Comedies

Acknowledged generally to be the best comedies of their length ever made

The Rolm

One Reel Comedies

Featuring kkSnub Pollard and Little "Sunshine Sammy

All productions produced under Mr. Roach s personal supervision






iUiliiiNlllllliiilliiliiiuiitiiininiiiinn imiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiinniiiiinni n n iiiiuiniiiiii tit in un iiiimniiiimiiiiimiimiiiiiii^iiiiiiiiMii^iiiiiimiiiniiiiimiiiiiitHiiiimiiiii'iiimiiiimm!


A World Organization, Justly Proud of Its Sanity and Strength

Pathe Exchange Inc. is a distributing organization, highly specialized, with thirty two exchanges located in the logical distributing centres of the United States.

Pathe has left to others the production of film, believing that the maxi- mum of success comes with concentration. Pathe has concentrated upon selling. Pathe has built up an unsurpassed marketing organiza- tion, highly trained in all its branches, and one that attains the widest possible distribution.

FEATURES: Pathe distributes the productions of Edgar Lewis, Hobart Henley, Frank Keenan, Jesse D. Hampton, Edwin Carewe, J. Stuart Blackton, Leonce Perret and Albert Capellani.

SERIALS: Pathe distributes serials produced by George B. Seitz, Inc., Ruth Roland Serials, Inc., Arthur Beck, Louis J. Gasnier, and Robert Brunton.

COMEDIES: Pathe distributes the Harold Lloyd Special Two Reel Comedies produced by Hal E. Roach; the Rolin One Reel Comedies with Snub Pollard; the Mrs. Sidney Drew Two Reel Comedies with John Cumberland; the "Bringing Up Father" Two Reel Comedies for the International.

SHORT SUBJECTS: Pathe News, the famous news weekly, issued twice a week, and Pathe Review, the film magazine, issued once a week, are standards of quality everywhere.


iliilimilililltwninilimi iiuiiiiliiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiliiiiiliiiimiiiiiiiiiNtiiireirii'iii'Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinim nil n iiinii [ n 1 1 1 1 in iijintninnurmiii i rmn Linin in mi : i [f niuiintui im: inn in nriiiriinjiiiirinprrniinii


1^ i M : ! r 1 1 . . ; r I u , : 1 1 1 : 1 1 r I : : : : ! i : j : : t n : i r l l n n L i L I u : : : 1 1 : ! 1 1 . . 1 1 i i ; [ l i : 1 1 : : : : 1 1 : : . l i . : . l m : . i . l i l i . . 1 1 , : . : : l : : i . . l : 1 1 ; : : 1 1 1 1 , i i ; . . . , l i ; d i l i : . : m i : . i..-.: :i::: : iimiiiimiinimitimmimmiimiiimmmmmiimiiiiimiiiiiuuilimiiimiim

IN 1620 a ship called Mayflower arrived on America's shore and thereby established a milestone in history. In 1920, three hun- dred years later, history repeated itself. A motion picture company called MAYFLOWER established, through the photoplays it pre- sented, a new standard for the Screen. That this standard will continue to rise is assured by the fact that MAYFLOWER presents the productions of George Loane Tucker, Emile Chautard, Allan Dwan, R. A. Walsh, Charles Miller and Sidney A. Franklin.


ISAAC WOLPER. President 1465 Broadway, New York.

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Motion Picture News



President Vice-President Secretary and Treasurer




729 - 7th Avenue, New York, N. Y. Phone: Bryant 9360


J. C. JESSEN, Mgr. 205 Baker Detwiller Building, 412 West 6th Street, Los Angeles, California Phone: Pico 780

1920 1920

Phone: Harrison 7667 Copyright, 1920, by Motion Picture News, Inc.

liniinin'niiiiii iniiiiiDiiiiiliiiiiiitifiniiiiiiiiiii nm mini! urn iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim nf




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A practical achievement of practical color motion photography for practical exhibi- tors who want practical results combined with the highest artistic qualities in the

subjects they use.

PRIZMA MASTER PICTURES, photo- graphed in Nature's colors, represent the supreme achievement of 1919 in the motion picture industry.

Used by all leading theatres to build prestige and profits.


PRIZMA, INCORPORATED 71 West 23rd Street, New York, N. Y.


n trm mnnnnmi nn imnnnm



Motion Picture Studio Directory


Trade Annual


| Table of Contents

A.rt Gallery of Film Personages 11-202

Actors' Biographies 203

Actresses 257

Child Players 286

Film Producers 289

Directors 294

j Scenario Writers 317

Cinematographers 329

Motion Picture Organizations 339

Who's at the Helm 341

Directory of Film Companies 350

Foreign Market 363

Seventh Motion Picture News Chart of Film Trade

Conditions 368

List of 1919 Film Releases 370

Directory of Newspapers and Motion Picture

Theatres 487

List of Studios 516

A Complete Index can be found at the Back

^mnmimnnillliuimiiuiinnill imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii w llliniilllllNllllllllll mini minim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimi iiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiniiniiimiiinnniiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiniiiiiiiir


Motion Picture Studio Directory


Trade Annual



ABBE, Jack Vutaku; b. Japan, educ. Japan. Sendai, coll. and high schl.; stage career, 2 yrs. ; screen career, Essanay ("The Curse of Iku"), Triangle ("Her American Husband." "Who's to Blame," "Mystic Faces"), Metro (Empress in "Red Lantern"), Hampton ("Pa- gan God"), Hayakawa ("Henchman"), Metro ("The Willow Tree"). Plays leads opposite Tsuru Oaki for Universal. Hght., 5, wght., 125; black har, brown eyes. Ad., 1904 Argyle Av., Hollywood, Cal. Phone 6790S7.

ABRAHAM, Jake; b. N. Y. C, 1854; educ. San Francisco; stage career, Rainer & Bird's Min- strels; screen career, Paralta, Lasky, Brun- ion, etc. ("By the World Forgot," "The Gentle- man from Indiana," "The Only Way"), Jack Pickford ("In Wrong"), Goldwyn ("Girl from Outside"), Selig ("The Lost City"), American ("Social Briars"), Vitagraph ("The Girl in the House," "A Gentleman's Agreement," "The Dawn of Understanding"). Hght., 5, 4; wght., 150; gray hair and eyes. Ad., 231 S. Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal.

ACKER, Eugene; b. Stockholm, Sweden, May 13. 1889; educ. there; stage career, European prods. ; screen career, Palm M. P. Co., Selig. Essanay ("Dignified Family." George Ade's Fables, "Prisoner at the Bar"), Metro ("Sylvia on a Spree," "My Four Years in Germany," ".Men"). Hght., 5, 1; wght., 156; light com- plexion, light hair, blue eyes; Member Green Room Club. Ad., home, 334 W. 56th St., N. Y. C. Col. 9799. Studio, Metro, Hollywood, Cal.

ACOKD, Art.; b. Stillwater, Okla., 1890; early career, cowboy and ranchman; stage career. Dick Stanley Wild West Show, 1919, with Buf- falo Bill. 1911, rode second at Pendleton, Ore . Cheyenne and Salt Lake roundups, won cham- pionship In broncho riding at Klamath Falls. 1912; screen career, starred in Chas. E. Van Loan stories, ("Buck Parvin in the Movies"). Fox ("Cleopatra"), IS mos. in service. Univer- sal ("Out West," "Behind the Fighting Line." "The Cow Boy and the Kid"), now being fea- tured in Western serial. Hght.. 6, 1: wght. 1N5; light hair, blue eyes. Ad., Universal Studio.

ADAMS, Lionel; educ. pub. schls. ; stage career, leading man in "The Hour." "Paid in Full "The Christian," "The Spendthrift," "Ben Hur." with Julia Marlowe, Anne Russell, Wm. Gillette; screen career, Vitagraph ("Mysterv of Mary," "Lady of the Lighthouse"). Paragon ("The Closed Road"), Shomer-Ross ("The Sa- cred Flame"). Hght. 5. 11; wght.. 155: dark hair, dark blue eyes. Art.. 340 W. Silth st N" V Circle 7281. or Lambs Club. N. Y.

AINSWOKTII, Charles Sydney; b. Manchester, Eng., 1S86; educ. Madison. Wis.; stage career, with Maude Adams in "Little Minister." played Denton in "Arizona." with Montgomery and Stone in "Wizard of Oz." with Robert Edeson in "Fortune Hunter": screen career. Essanay 1913 ("On Trial"), Selig ("Brown of Harvard"). Goldwyn ("One Week of Life." "The Crimson Gardenia." "A Man and His Money," "Hearts- ease," "Girl From Outside." "The Gay Lord Quex"). Hght.. ;,, ll«i; wght., 156; fair com- plexion, brown hair. Art., Goldwyn studio, Cul- ver City, Calif.

AITKEN, Spottisuoortc; b. Ertinburgh, Scotland: educ. there; stage career, with Augustin Daly and many others, in all-star company mgmt. Brady; 27 yrs. in legitimate; screen career, Reliance ("The Birth of a Nation"), Fine Arts American Tourneur ("The White Heather"). Paramount ("Jane Goes A-Woolng." "Hay- Foot. Straw-Foot"). Hortkinson ("Fighting Thru"), Universal ("The Wicked Darling"). Fox ("Evangeline." "Broken Commandments"). Hampton -Pathe ("Woman of Pleasure"), First Nat'l ("The Thunderbolt").

ALBEKTSON, Arthur; b. Waycross, Ga., 1892; educ, Univ. of Florida, Wash, and Lee Univ.; stage career, mgmt. Klaw & Erlanger, Wm. A. Brady stck. ; screen career. Red Feather-Uni- versal ("It Happened in Honolulu"), Kalem ("The Missing Heiress"), Selznick ("The Argyle Case"). Hght., 5, 9; wght., 160; medium com- plexion, brown hair, dark gray eyes.

ALBEKTSON, E. Cort; b. Reading, Pa.; educ Penn. Univ.; stage career, "Madam Sherry." "Girl From Rector's"; starred in "Stubborn Cinderella," "The Dance Dream" screen career, Kalem ("Masked Dancer"), Fox ("Freedom"), serial "The Carter Case," lead with Edith Tal- iaferro in "Whose Your Brother," Lillian Walker in serial "One Million Dollars Reward," Margaret Marsh in "Wits Against Wits." Hght., 5, 11 %\ wght., 170; light complexion, brown hair and eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y. studio ad., Grossman Pictures, Inc., Ith- aca, N. Y.

ALEXANDER, Clifford; b. San Jose, Cal., 1891; educ. there; stage career, 6 yrs. in stk., now in stk. Alcazar theatre, San Francisco, Cal.; screen career, Paralta ("Madame Who," "Turn of a Card," "Patriotism," "Intelligence," "With Hoops of Steel," "Maid o' the Storm." "Heart of Rachel"). Pathe ("The Silver Girl"). Hght., 6; wght,, 155; light hair, blue eyes.

ALEXANDER, Edward; b. Ogdensburg, N. Y. ; educ. there; stage career, several years in stock and rep.; screen career. Universal, Horsley, Fox ("The Arm of the Law," "The Tale of Two Cities," "North of Fifty-Three"), Glen- dale Films (Dir. "The Lone Bandit"), Metro ("No Man's Land," "In Judgment Of," "The Island of Intrigue"), Paramount ("Heart of Youth"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 155; black hair, dark gray eyes.

ALEXANDER, Frank D. ; b. Olympia, Wash.. 1882; educ. pub. and high schls., Ore.; early career, cowboy and stage driver; screen career, 1% yrs. with Keystone Vitagraph ("Huns and Hyphens." "Bears and Bad Men," "Humbugs and Husbands," "Pluck and Plotters"). Ad., 4311 Prospect ave.. Hollywood, Cal.; studio, Vitagraph.

ALEXANDER, Gus; educ, N. Y. : stage career, "Wildfire." "The Whirl of the Town," stage and pictures for 24 years; screen career. Bio- graph, Mutt and Jeff, Universal-Christie. Lloyd. Blackton ("Life's Greatest Problem"). Fox ("Les Miserables "). Hght., 4. 4; wght.. 118; brown hair, blue eves. Art., Betts & Fowler, 1482 Bway., N. Y. Bryant 5664.

ALLARDT. Arthur; b. N. Y. ; educ. N. Y.. Phila. schls.. stage career. 10 yrs. legit., vaurt. Pacific Coast, N. Y., Phila.; screen career, Ma- jestic, Thanhouser. Frontier. Corona ("The Curse of Eve"), Paralta ("One Dollar Bid." "Patriotism," "Intelligence"), Pathe ("The M)rtnight Stage"). Paramount ("Louisiana"). Hght., 6; wght., 165; complexion, fair; brown hair. Sings. Ad., 5519 A. Sierra Vista St., Holly- wool, Cal., Holly 1473.

ALLEN, Alfred; b. Alfred. N. Y.. 18SC: screen career, 3 yrs. with Universal. Bluebird, Lois Weber Prods. ("The Whim," "Price of a Good Time"). Universal ("Wolves of the North," "Riders of Vengeance." "The Sleeping Lion." "Loot," "His Divorced Wife"), Robertson-Cole ("The Other Half"). Hght., 6; wght., 195; light hair, gray eyes. Ad., University Club. L. A.

AMADOU, Charles Edward; also scenario writer; b. Oakland. Calif.; educ. there; screen career. Hulls-Eye ("Bone Drv." "A Rural Romance." "One $1,000.00 Short." "Hot Dogs"), Vlta- graph-Larry Semon comedy ("Well, I'll be

." "His Home. Sweet Home," "Scamps

and Scandals"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 135: dark brown hair, brown eyes. Ad., Jack White Comedies. Los Angeles, Cal., phone 61464.




ANDERSON, Robert; b. Denmark, X890; educ. Denmark; screen career, Fine Arts ('Intoler- ance';, Metro ("Draft 268"), D. W. Griffith ( "Hearts of the World"), Universal ("Heart of Humanity"), Lasky ("Fires of Faith"), Universal ("Petal on the Current," "Right to Happiness," "Common Property"). Now In Denmark. Hght., 5, 10; wght, 180; medium hair, blue eyes. Ad., home, 1752% No. Ver- mont ave., Los Angeles, Cal. ANDREWS, Frank; educ. Boston; stage career, over 30 yrs. exper., playing everything from children to old men, Shakespeare, "East Lynne," N. T. prods, with Belasco, Frohman, Brady, Cort, Cohen & Harris, etc.; screen career, Vltagraph, Famous Players, Goldwyn, Fox, Metro, World, etc., "For France," "Chil- dren of Shelto," "Capt. Swift," "The Night- ingale," "When My Ship Comes In," "Sport of Kings," "Poor Little Rich Girl," "The Road Between," etc. Hght., G; wght., 176; white hair, dark brown eyes. Permanent ad., Ac- tor's Equity, N. T. ANKER, William; b. France, 1860; educ. Lycee Imperial of Rouen, France; early exper., pro- fessor of languages; screen career, 10 yrs., playing for following cos.: Universal, Than- houser, Fox, Biograph, Gaumont, Metro, World, Klelne (as the father in "Wild Oats"; as the professor in "The Green Cloak," etc.), Inter- national ("The Cinema Murder"), Edgar Lewis ("Another Man's Shoe"), Numa ("Re- turn of Tarzan"), Selznick ("Memory"). Hght., 6, 7; white hair and beard, gray-blue eyes. Ad., 339 W. 58th St.. N. T. Phone, Col. 9998. AOYAMA, Yukio; b. Nagoya City, Japan, 1888; stage career, leading man, Cherry Blossom Players, Los Angeles; screen career, Lasky ("The Bravest Way"), Pathe ("Japanese Nightingale"); featured in ("Harlkari"), Cal. M. P. Corp., Metro ("The Red Lantern") Fox ("Thieves"). Hght., 5, 5; wght., 130; black hair, black eyes. Ad., home, 229% N. San Pedro St., Los Angeles. ARBUCKLE, Andrew; b. Galveston, 1884; educ. St. Louis; stage career, vaud. playing Western characters; screen career, Metro ("Big Tre- maine"), Ince-Triangle ("Happiness"), Art- craft ("Romance of Happy Valley"), Brunton ("A White Man's Chance"), Hart ("John Petti- coats"), Mary Pickford ("The Hoodlum"), United ("Square Shootin' Dan"). Goldwyn ("Pinto"), Hampton (with Blanche Sweet). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 235; auburn hair, blue eyes. Ad., Hulburt Apts., Los Angeles, Cal. ARBUCKLE, Maclyn; also scenario writer; b. San Antonio, Texas; educ. Glasgow, Scotland, and Boston, Mass.; stage career, since 1888, In "The Emigrant," later in Charles Frohman Cos.. Frawley Stk. Co., San Francisco; in "Why Smith Left Home," "The County Chairman," also in vaud.; screen career, Pallas ("The Re- form Candidate"), Famous Players ("The County Chairman"), San Antonio Pictures ("Mr. Potter of Texas," "Mr. Bingle," "Squire Phin"). Hght., 5, 9; wght., 235; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., P. O. Box 872, San Antonio, Texas.

ARBUCKLE, Roscoe, also producing-director j b.

Kansas, lt>87; stage career, on tour in drama and stock repertoire; managed own company for two yrs. ; screen career, began with Keystone, 1913, as extra man at $3 per day; advanced to regular parts; later played leads and became director; directing and acting for nearly 3 yrs.; Keystone, Paramount ("His Wedding Night," "Fatty in Coney Island"), Arbuckle-Paramount ("The Bell Boy," "Out West," "Good Night, Nurse," "The Cook," "The Sheriff." "Camping Out," "Love," "A Desert Hero," "Back Stage," "The Hayseed," "The Garage") Ad. Comique Film Co.. Long Beach. Cal.

ARDIZONI, John; b. 1882; stage career, mus. com., drama, opera, in "Twin Beds." "Pierrot, the Prodigal," Geo. Arliss "Hamilton," "The Melting Pot"; screen career, Vitagraph ("The Man of Mystery,') with E. H. Sothern ("The Glory of Tolande"), World ("Phil for Short"), Fox ("A Woman There Was"). World ("The American Way"), Faversham ("Man Who Lost Himself"), Wm. Collier prods. Hght., 6, 11; wght., 190; dark complexion. Ad. 33 W. 84th et., N. T. Schuyler 9949.

AREY, Wayne; b. Rock Falls, 111., April 12, 1880; educ. there; stage career, stock in Minneapolis, Brooklyn, Atlanta, Toronto and Lawrence, Mass., in N. Y. prods., mgmt. Llebler. Belasco, Chas. Frohman, etc.; screen career, Thanhouser (late pictures, "Hinton's Double." "The Heir-

ess," "The Woman in White," "It Happened to Adele"), Pathe ("War and the Woman"). Hght., 6; wght., 185; brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 37 North ave.. New Rochelle, N. Y. AKLING, Charles; b. Toronto, Canada; educ. there; stage career, with Francis Wilson, Henry W. Savage, Blanche Walsh, Shuberts, 3 yrs. ; screen career, Anita Stewart ("In Old Ken- tucky"), Curwood-Carver ("Back to God's Country"), Fox ("Snares of Paris," "Vaga- bond Luck"), Wm. S. Hart ("Wagon Tracks"). Hght., 6; wght., 190; dark brown hair, blue- gray eyes. Ad., 1835 Argyle ave., Hollywood, Cal. Phone 579596. ARNOLD, Edward; b. N. Y.; educ. pub. schls. and Columbia Univ. ; stage career, with Robert B. Mantell, Ethel Barrymore, John Drew, Max- ine Elliott, James K. Hackett; stock In St. Paul, Philadelphia; screen career, Essanay. 1915 ("When the Man Speaks"), Emerald Film Co. ("A Slacker's Heart"), World ("Phil for Short," "A Broadway Saint"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 155; light brown hair, blue eyes. ASUER, Max; Universal; b. Oakland, Cal., 1879; educ. pub. schls.; stage career, People's stock. Oakland, with Louis and Kale in musical com- edy for 4 yrs.; screen career, Keystone, 1912, Universal- Joker, Universal ("Max Comes from the West"), Vitagraph ("Counts and Noac- counts," " Bonds and Banners," "Laws and Outlaws'), Vitagraph ("A Yankee Princess"). Hght., 6, 9; wght., 205; dark hair, eyes and complexion. Ad., Vitagraph Studio, L. A., Cal. ASHLEY, Arthur H.; also director; b. and educ. N. Y. ; stage career, stock with Payton, Spoon- er, Poli, Baker, Davis; in "Brewster's Mill- ions"; screen career, Vitagraph 3", 4 yrs., Than- houser 1 yr., World (late pictures. "The Iron Ring," "Rasputin, the Black Monk," "Shall We Forgive Her?" "A Creole's Revenge," "Broken Ties"), Goldwyn ("Be Careful, Mary"), World ("The American Way," "The Praise Agent," "Forest Rivals"). ATWILL, Lionel; b. London, Eng.; educ. Eng.; stage career, featured in "The Lodger" (Max- ine Elliott theatre), "Another Man's Shoes" (39th St. theatre), leading man Belasco thea- tre in "Tiger, Tiger"); screen career, F.-P.- Lasky Corp. (opp. Elsie Ferguson, "For Sale"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 160; brown hair, gray eyes. Ad.. Lotus Club, N. Y. AUBREY, James; b. Liverpool, Eng.; educ. Liv- erpool; stage career, Fred Karno's "Night in English music hall," doing the Terrible Turk (orig. ), vaud. and mus. com., Gus Hill's "Around the Clock"; screen career, Mitten- thal's Starlight Pathe comedies, playing Heinie in "Heinie and Louie" comedies, "A Merry Chase," "Monkey Shines"), Vitagraph ("Rah. Rah, Rah," "Maid and Muslin," "Dames and Dentists"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 165; blue eyes, brown hair. Ad., Green Room Club, N. T. ; studio, Vitagraph, Los Angeles, Cal. AUCKER, William; stage career, with Irene Fen- wick in "Wild Oats"; screen career, Pathe. Thanhouser, Universal, Solax, Kleine, Metro ("The Turmoil"). Hght., 5, 7; fair complexion, white hair.

AUGUST, Edwin (rhillipe von der Butz), also director and author; b. St. Louis, Mo.; educ. Christian Bros. Coll., St. Louis, Mo.; stage ca- reer, with Otis Skinner, Mrs. Leslie Carter, Digby Bell; screen career, Edison, Biograph, Vita., Univ., Edwin August Feature Films, Kleine-Edison (author and director "Bond- woman"). Bluebird ("City of Tears." "Broad- way Scandal"), Univ. ("Mortgaged Wife"), World ("The Poison Pen"), Artcolor ("A Tale of Two Nations"). Hght.. 5, 11; wght.. 155. Member M. P. D. A. and Friars Club. N. Y. AUSTEN, Leslie; b. London, 1888; educ. Cam- bridge Univ. ; stage career, with Elsie Fergu- son, Gertrude Kingston, Jane Cowl, in "Joseph and His Brethren"; screen career, Metro. Fox, Lubln, Art Drama ("A Man and a Woman"), Fox ("Two Little Imps." "Caught In the Act"). Famous Players ("Mrs. Dane's De- fense," Pauline Frederick), ("Woman of Im- pulse," Lina Cavallere), Fox ("My Little Sis- ter"), Select ("Marie, Ltd."). Hght., 6; wght., 165; brunette, blue eyes. Ad., home, 220 Wads- worth ave., N. Y., St. Nlch. 2828. AUSTIN, Albert; b. Birmingham. Eng., 1885; educ. Birmingham; stage career first came to this country with Charles Chaplin In "A Night In an English Music Hall," stock In Denver. Colo., for 2 yrs. ; screen career, Lone Star Film ("The Floorwalker," "The Fire- man." "The Vagabond." "One A. M.," "A Dog's Life," Shoulder Arms," "Sunnyalde,"



"The Count"), Chaplin ("A Dog's Life," "Shoulder Arms"). Hght., 6. 11; wght., 160; brown hair and eyes. Sect, to Charlie Chaplin. AUSTIN, Jere; also director; b. Minneapolis; » luc. Rensselaer Polytech. and Univ. of Minn.; Stage career, several years Western Stock Cos. Ralph Stuart, Dan'l Prawley, etc.; screen career, Famous Players ("Resurrection," "Fe- dora"), Goldwyn ("All Woman," "Hidden Fires," "A Perfect Lady," "Day Dreams," "Woman on Index"), Screencraft ("The Tap"), United ("The Eternal Mother"), Realart ("Barna Vetta"). Hght., 6, 1; wght., 195; dark hair and eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

AVERY, J. Ray; b. San Diego, Calif.; educ. there and San Francisco; stage career, 1905, in stk., rep., mus., com., vaud. and one-piece; screen career, juvenile and light comedy with Goldwyn, Ince, Griffith, Brunton and Ameri- can studios, Universal ("Ambition," "The Woman in the Plot," "The Phantom Melody"), Goldwyn ("The Tower of Ivory," "The Bloom- ing Angel"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 140; dark brown hair, dark blue eyes. Home ad., Alpin Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif. Bway. 317.


BACON, Lloyd Francis; b. San Jose, Cal., 1889; educ. Santa Clara Coll., Cal.; screen career. Keystone ("Pearls and Perils"), Artcraft ("Square Deal Sanderson," "Wagon Tracks"), Robertson-Cole ("House of Intrigue"), Fox ("Vagabond Love," "The Feud"). Hght, 5, 10; wght., 150; brown hair and blue eyes. Ad., home, Camerford Apts., 5716 Camerford ave. , Los Angeles.

BAGGOT, King; also director; b. St. Louis, Mo.; educ. Christian Bros. College, St. Louis; stage career, stk. cos. and under mgmt. Frohman, Liebler & Co., Shuberts, etc., star in "The Violation"; screen career, Universal ("Ivan- hoc," "Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde," "Absinthe," "Shadows"), Metro ("Kildare of the Storm," "Man Who Stayed at Home"), Burston Films ("The Hawk's Trail" serial), B. B. Hampton ("The Dwelling Place of Light"), played in over 300 pictures. Hght., 6; wght., 185; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., Lambs Club, N. T. C, or Hollywood Hotel, Hollywood, Calif.

BAILEY, Bill; b. Omaha, Neb.; educ. Milwau- kee, Wis.; stage career, 15 yrs., manv prods.; mngt. K. & E., Pabst Eng. Stock Co.. Mil- waukee; screen career, Essanay, Mutual, World, etc.; Dir. comedies for Universal; Rolfe-Metro ("A Million a Minute"), Wharton ("The Eagle's Eye"), Fox ("Bonnie Annie Laurie"), Blackton ("The Common Cause"), Metro ("Shadows of Suspicion"), Goldwyn ("Speedy Meade"), Triangle ("Three Black Eyes").

BAINBRIDGE, William Herbert; b. England, 1853; educ. England; early career, mining en- gineer; screen career, National, Ince ("False Faces"), Brunton studio with Kitty Gordon. Helen Kellar, Bessie Barriscale; Universal ("The Desire of a Moth," "Broadway Scan- dal," "The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin"), Hampton-Hodkinson ("Desert Gold"), First National ("Heart of the Hills"). Hght.. 5,11%; wght., 200; medium complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 6778 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles.

BAIRD, Stewart; b. Boston; educ. Harvard; stage career, New Theatre Co.. N. T., "All for the Ladies"; leads in "Sybil," "The Kiss Burglar," Frohman; screen career, Famous Players ("Moth and the Flame," "Incorrigible Dukan"), Kalem ("The Runaway Wife"), Metro. Hght., 6; wght., 168; dark complexion, brown hair, brown eyes. Ad., 15 Central Park West, N. Y. Col. 4509. Studio ad., Shubert office, N. Y.

BAKER, Edwin King (Eddie Baker) ; b. Wash- ington, D. C. Nov. 17, 1896; educ. Washing- ton, D. C, and Calif.; stage career, with Baker stk. in repertoire thru Eastern States; screen career, began with Universal, before entering army was with Joker Comedy, late work doing heavies with Gale Henry, 12 picture ("Poor Fish," "Pant," "Kids," etc.); now -with Al Christie. Hght., 6, 1; wght., 190; fair com- plexion, brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., Jean Hotel, Los Angeles, Cal. Pico 3036; stu- dio ad., Christie Studio, Hollywood, Cal.

BANKS, Perry; b. Victoria, B. C, 1877; educ Pierce Christian Coll., Cal.; stage career, 16 yrs. stock and rep., with Robt. Downing In

rep.; vaud. and circus; did Griffith's sketch, "In Washington's Time"; screen career, Ameri- can (best pictures "Other Side of the Door," "Overalls," "The Overcoat," "Faith," "Me- lissa of the Hills," "The Sea Master," "A Sporting Chance," "Six Feet Four," "Eve in Exile").

BARKER, Bradley; b. Hempstead, D. I., 1886; educ. N. Y. ; stage career, 5 yrs. dramatic stck.; screen career, 7 yrs., Famous Players ("Com* Out of the Kitchen," "Wanted a Husband"), Realart ("Erstwhile Susan," "Fear Market"), Acme, Chas. Miller Co. ("Heart of a Gypsy"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 180; dark complexion, dark brown hair, hazel eyes; writes scenarios. Ad., Southhold Apts., 150th st. and Broadway, N. Y., and Green Room Club.

BARNETT, Chester; b. Piedmont, Mo.; educ. St. Benedict's Coll., Atchison, Kan.; stage career, Belasco 2 yrs., "The Climax" (Weber) ; screen career. Crystal, Peerless, Warner Features, Equitable (appearing in "Trilby," "The Wish- ing Ring," "Marrying Money," "Heart of the Blue Ridge," "Little Miss Brown," "The Pit," "Old Dutch," "The Gentleman from Mississip- pi." "La Vie de Boheme"), Selznick ("The Law of Compensation"), Submarine Film ("The Submarine Eye"), Select ("Break the News to Mother"), Submarine Film ("Girl of the Sea"). Hght., 5, 9%; wght., 155; dark hair, brown eyes. Ad., 655 West 171st St., N. Y.

BARRIE, Nigel; b. Calcutta, India; educ. Hailey- burg Coll., England; stage career, with Sir Frank Benson, Sir Herbert Tree, Fred Terry and Julia Neilson, John Drew, Grace George, leads in "Count of Luxemburg," "Gypsy Love," "The Laughing Husband," Professional dancer in vaud. with Joan Sawyer; screen career, Famous Players ("Bab" series, "Widow By Proxy"), Select ("The Marionettes," "The Bet- ter Wife"), Robertson-Cole ("Joselyn's Wife," "Tangled Threads"), Paramount ("Cinema Murder"), First National ("The Turning Point"), American ("The Honey Bee"). Hght., 6, 1; wght., 175; black hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 1919 N. Van Ness ave., Hollywood, Cal. Phone 599891.

BARRINGTON, Herbert; b. England; educ. Cin- cinnati; stage career, with Mansfield in Shake- speare, 1899, with Wyndham in London, 1900, in "Florodora,"' N. Y., in stock and on tour, starred in "When We Were Twenty-One"; screen career, from 1911, Edison, then Solax, Thanhouser, Pilot, Biograph, Universal, World ("Maternity," "Shall We Forgive Her?" "A Self-Made Widow").

BARROWS, Harry A.; b. Saco, Me., 1875; educ. Thornton Acad., Saco; stage career, in mus. com. with Elsie Janis, Lew Fields, Henry W. Savage, Frohman and Dillingham; also in rep.; screen career, Famous Players, Biograph, Fox, Howarth ("Temple of Dusk"). Jewel ("Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin"), Universal ("The Right to Happiness," "The Trembling Hour"), Brent- wood ("Come Again, Smith"), American ("Hobbs in a Hurry"), Lois Weber Co. ("For Husbands Only"). Astra ("Common Clay"), Ince ("In the Claws of the Hun"). Hght., 6; wght., 200; light complexion, dark hair, blue eyes. Ad., 1552 Hudson ave., Los Angeles, Cal.

BARRY, Eddie; b. Phila., Pa., 1887; stage career, comedian in Madame Sherry Co. in "The Red Rose." "A Knight for a Day," "Comin' Thru the Rye," "A Stubborn Cinderella"; stk. at Keith and Proctor's, N. Y. C, Poll's, Spring- field. Mass,, etc.; screen career, Christie ("Working His Way," "A Lucky Slip," "Vamp- ing Reuben's Millions," "His Cut-Up Life," specials, "Rowdy Ann." "Dangerous Dan Mc- Grew," "Shades of Shakespeare," "Wild and Western"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 137; auburn hair and brown eyes. Home ad., 6424 Dix St., Hollywood, Cal.; studio ad., Christie studio, Hollywood, Cal.

BARRYMORE, John; b. 1882; stage career, since 1903. appeared as Max in "Magda." starred in "Toddles," "The Fortune Hunter," "A Slice of Life." "The Affairs of Anatol," "A Thief for a Night." "Justice." "Peter Ibbetson." "Redemp- tion." "The Jest"; screen career. Famous Players (featured in "The Dictator." "Nearly a King," "The Red Widow," "The Lost Bride- groom"), L. Lawrence Weber Prod. ("Raffles, the Amateur Cracksman"), Famous Players ("On the Quiet," "Here Comes the Bride," "The Test of Honor," "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Ad., Lambs Club, N. Y.

BARRYMORE. Lionel; stage career, with Nance O'Nell. James Heme, John Drew, In "The Best



of Friends," "Pantaloon," "Fires of Fate," toured vaud. in "The Still Voice"; "The Cop- perhead," "The Jest"; screen career, Biograph, Pathe, "Exploits of Elaine"; Metro, starred in comedy and dramatic parts, "The Yellow Streak," "Great Green Eye," "The Millionaire's Double"), Famous Players ("The Copperhead"). Ad., Famous Players, N. Y.

BARTHELMESS, Richard; b. N. Y. City, 1895; educ. Trinity College. Hartford, Conn.; screen career, Herbert Brenon productions ("War Brides"), Famous Players ("Bab's Burglar," "Bab's Diary," "The Seven Swans," "Rich Man, Poor Man, 1'hree Men and a Girl"), Goldwyn ("Nearly Married"), D. W. Griffith ("The Hope Chest," "Boots," "Broken Blos- Boms," "Scarlet Days," "(iirl Who Stayed at Home"), Dorotln Gish 1 '<>. ("Peppy Polly," "I'll Get Him Yet"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 135; dark complexion, dark hair, brown eyes. Ad., Lambs Club, N. Y., or L. A. A. C, Los Angeles, Cal.

ItAKTLETT, Harry ; b. Pittsburg, Pa.; educ. there; stage career, began 1882, chiefly vaud.; "Mutt" in Mutt and Jeff, on road and with own company; screen career, 3 yrs.. Famous Players ("Anne of Green Gables," "The Copper- head"), with Leah Baird in "The Volcano." Hght., 6, y2 ; wght., 170; gray hair, blue eyes. Ad., 2297 Eighth ave., N. Y. Phone Mngsd. 2597.

BEAMISH, Frank; b. Memphis, Tenn., 1881; educ. Christian Brothers Coll.; stage career, with Chas. Frohman, E. H. Sothern, Rose Stahl; screen career, Equitable-World, Peer- less-World ("The Revolt"), Fox ("Putting One Over," "Checkers"). Hght., 6; wght, 165; complexion fair, light brown hair, blue eyes.

BEBAN, George; stage career, since 8 yrs. old, singing in Reed and Emerson's minstrels, stk. in San Francisco, mus. com., "Nancy Brown," with Weber and Fields, comedy lead in "Fan- tana" and "The American Idea," starred in "The Sign of the Rose"; screen career NYMP ("An Alien"), Morosco ("Lost in Transit," "The Land of the Free," "Jules of the Strong Heart." "One More American"), Independent Prod. ("Hearts of Men"), Sol Lesser ("One in a Million"). Ad. Friars Club, N. Y. Home ad., 7018 Hawthorne St., Hollywood, Cal., Holly 3851; studio ad., 904 Girard St., Los Angeles.

BECHTEL, Win. A.; stage career, 30 yrs., Europe and America; screen career, Peerless, Edison, Ivan, Graphic ("Echo of Youth"), Vitagraph ("Vengeance of Durand." "Gray Tower Mys- tery"), Wistaria Corp. ("The Lurking Peril"). Hght., 5, 9; wght.. 160; dark hair and eyes. Ad., home, 173 W. 79th st., N. Y. C. ; Schuy- ler 1661.

BEEKY, Noah, Jr.; I. Kansas City, Mo., 1884; stage career, with Mansfield, Cohan and Harris, H. B. Harris, Klaw and Erlanger; screen ca- reer, Artcraft ("Believe Me, Xantippe," "The Whispering Chorus,' "The Squaw Man"), loaned to Metro for "The Red Lantern," with Nazimova, Lasky ("The Sea Wolf"), B. B. Hampton ("The Sagebrusher" ) , Louis B. Mayer ("The Fighting Shepherdess"). Hght., 6, 1; wght., 212; dark hair and eyes. Ad., home. 6421 Ivarene st.. Hollywood, Cal.; studio. Lasky.

BEI.ASCO, Jay; b. Brooklyn, X. Y. ; educ. Eng- land, Bedford; stage career, dram, and vaud. throughout Europe, Africa, Australia and U. S. ; screen career since 1915, 2 yrs. dir. and star of Christie Comedies; 1 yr. Blue Bird Features. Universal, 2 pictures with Frank Keenan ("Enter a Vagabound," "Out of the Ashes"). Hght.. 5, 10; wght., 152; dark hair and eyes. Ad., Hotel Glidden, Hollywood, Cal. Holly 3910.

BELMONT, Joseph (Baldy) ; b. St. Clair, Mich ; educ. Catholic Acad., Port Huron; stage career, stk.. rep., vaud., etc., in "Trilby," "Oliver Twist," "The Girl of the Golden West," etc., mgmt. David Belasco, B. F. Keith. Poli Stock, etc.; screen career. Crystal ( wrote, directed and played leads in more than 40 "Baldy" Belmont comedies). Griffith's Reliance-Majestic (di- rected 1 and 2 reel dramas). Fine Arts. Key- stone since Dec, 1915 ("Skidding Hearts," " Oriental Love." "Won by a Fowl." "Never Too Old," "Star Boarder," "No Mother to Guide Her"). Hght.. 5. 6%; wght., 155; dark hair, brown eyes. Home ad.. 1712 Allesandro, Los Angeles, Cal.; studio ad., Sennett, L. A., Cal.

BENEDICT, Kingsley, also scenario writer; b.

Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1882; educ. Columbia Coll.; stage career, with Charles Frohman,

Klaw & Erlanger, William A. Brady, Shuberts, etc.; screen career, Universal ("The Water Spy," "The Human Target," etc.); author of several plays, "The Niche in the Wall," "The Coward," "A Woman's Law," "The Craven," Bluebird ("Who Will Marry Me?"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 150; brown hair and blue eyes. Ad., Universal, Universal City.

BENHAM, Harry; b. Valparaiso, Ind , Feb. 26, 1886; educ. Chicago and Goshen, Ind.; stage career, "Madame Sherry," "Sultan of Sulu." "Pinafore," "Florodora," etc.; screen career. World (opp. Alice Brady in "The Dancer's Peril"), Ed. Warren Prod. ("Warfare of the Flesh"), Apollo ("When You and I Were Young"), Metro ("The Outsider"), Pathe ("The Frame-Up, " "Convict 993"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 170; brown hair and eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

BEN NEK, Yale Hespine; b. X. Y., 1X75; educ. Brooklyn; stage career, in "The Stolen Story," "Zira," "Leah Kleschna," "The Three Twins," vaud., leading man with Hope Booth; screen career, Edison, 5 yrs. (playing leads, straights, character comedy, heavies), Thanhouser ("The Pillory"). Metro ("A Wife by Proxy").

BENNETT, Joseph; b. Los Angeles, Cal.; screen career, Alkire Prod. ("An Ace in a Hole"), Fox ("The Feud"), American ("Rose of Hell"), Lewis Stone Co. ("Man's Desire"), Tri- angle ("Golden Fleece," "Crown Jewels," "Marked Cards," "Limousine Life," "Indiscreet Corrine"). Hght., 5, 10%; wght., 153; dark brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., Baker Apts., Los Angeles, Cal. Bdwy. 940.

BENNETT, Richard; b. Bennetts Switch, Ind., 1873; educ. Kokomo, Logansport, Ind.; stage career, from 1891, covering period of 15 yrs., leading man and star mgmt. Chas. Frohman, Empire theatre, N. Y., and on tour; prod, as star personally, "Damaged Goods," "The Un- known Purple," "For the Defense"; screen career, American-Mutual (star in screen ver- sion of "Damaged Goods," late pictures, "And the Law Says," "Gilded Youth"). Hght., 5, 10; wght.; 160; dark brown hair, dark gray eyes.

BENNISON, Louis; b. Oakland, Cal.; educ. Univ. of Cal.; stage career, 15 yrs. stk. in West; sup- ported Richard Bennett in "Damaged Goods," Emily Stevens, "Unchastened Woman," starred 2 yrs. in "Johnny Get Your Gun"; screen ca- reer, Goldwyn ("Oh. Johnny"), Betzwood ("High Pockets," "Road Called Straight." "Misfit Earl," "Sandy Burke," "Speedy Meade"). Hght., 6, 1; wght., 165; dark hair, gray eyes. Ad.. Lambs Club, N. Y.

BENSON, Clyde; b. Marshalltown, Iowa; early career, 15 yrs. on legit, stage, "Everywoman" 4 seasons, "The Climax" 2 seasons, "Unbroken Road" 1 season; screen career, Universal, Se- lect ("The Savage Woman"), with Priscilla Dean in "The Virgin of Stamboul," Ince-Para- mount ("The Sheriff's Son," "Green Eyes," "Maggie Pepper"), Hodkinson ("The Best Man"), with J. Warren Kerrigan in "live Sparks," now playing in Jack Dempsey serial. Hght.. 6; wght., 170; brown hair, fair com- plexion. Ad., Balboa Hotel. 1221 West 7th St.. Los Angeles, Cal. Phone 60121; studio, Brun- ton.

BENTON, Curtis; b. Toledo, O., 1885; educ. Van- derbilt Univ.; stage career, from 1903. with Robert Hilliard in "A Fool There Was," 2 sea- sons with Cohan and Harris in "The Fortune Hunter." "Broadway Jones," etc., writer of vaud. acts and short stories; screen career, Imp-Universal ("Pursuit Eternal," "Con- science"— author "Lady High and Mighty." "Everygirl." juv. in "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea"). Fox ("Jealousv." "The Siren"). Hght., 5, 10; wght.. 180: dark hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 520 W. 130th St., N Y. C. Ad.. Green Room Club. N. Y. C.

BERGEN, Thurlow; stage career, stk. "De Luxe Anne"; screen career, Pathe ("The Stain." "The Boundary Rider," "A Prince of India." "The Fireman and the Girl," "A Change of Heart." "A Woman's Fight," "The Stolen Birthright"). Unity ("The Lottery Man"), Fox "The Love Auction." "The Lure of Ambition"). Ad., care Edward Small, Inc., N. Y.

BEKGMAN, Henry; Chaplin First Natl. ("A Dog's Life," "Shoulder Arms," "Sunnyside" ) . Chaplin ("A Day's Pleasure"). Ad.. Boule- vard Apts., Hollywood. Cal. Chaplin Studio, Hollvwnod. Cal.

BERRELL, George; b. Philadelphia, 1849: educ. St. Mary's Coll., Wilmington. Del.; stage ca- reer. 44 yrs. in drama, with Booth, Barrett,



McCullough, Mary Anderson; screen career, Lubin, Lasky, Bosworth, Metro ("As the Sun Went Down," "In for Thirty Days"), Universal ("The Three Godfathers"), Lasky ("Love In- surance"), Fred Stone ("The Duke of Chim- ney Butte"), Mary Pickford ("Pollyanna" ) . Hght., 6; wght., 175; gray eyes and hair. Home ad.. 1532 Vista st., Los Angeles, Cal. BET AN, Billy; b. Orange, New South Wales, Australia, 1887; educ. Sydney, Australia; stage career. 8 yrs. with Pollard's Australian Opera Co., ^'Mikado," "Belle of New York," "Geisha," "Flofadora," "Sergeant Bone"; screen career, L-Ko. Lehrman. Fox. Christie, etc.. "Some- body's Widow," "What Did Father Say," "Their Little Kid," "His Smashing Career," Mack Sennett ("Salome versus Shenandoah," "A Lady's Tailor"). Hght., 5, S; wght., 185; auburn hair, brown eyes. Ad.. Mack Sennett Comedies. Edendale. Calif.

BLACK, AV. W.; b. Irvington, N. Y., 1871; stage career, in K. & E., Savage, Lederer prods.; screen career, Metro ("The Greatest Power"). Goldwyn ("The Hell Cat"), Norma Talmadge Co. ("Secret of the Storm Country"). Fox ("The Prussian Cur"), Popular Players ("Raf- fles"), Goldwyn ("High Pockets." "The Floor Below"), J. Vincent Corp. ("The Spirit of Lafayette"), International ("The Hidden Truth"), S. K. Krellberg ("The Fatal For- tune," serial). Ad., Ill Manhattan St., N. Y. Morningside 8145.

BLACKYVELL, Carlyle; b. Troy, Pa., 1888; educ. Syracuse; stage career, in Broadway successes, including "Brown of Harvard" and "Right of Way"; Keith and Proctor stock co. ; screen career, Lasky, International, World. "The Be- loved Blackmailer." "Road to France," "The Allies," "Hit or Miss." "Love in a Hurry," "Courage for Two, fhree Green Eyes." Has written, produced and acted his own stories. Hght., 5, 11; wght., 155; dark complexion, eyes and hair. Ad., Lambs Club, N. Y.

BLINK, Holbrook; b. San Francisco; educ. San Francisco and Stanford Univ.; stage career. 27 yrs. acting, starring, and managing, famous producer of 1-act plays at Princess theatre, N. Y. ; screen career. World ("The Butterfly on the Wheel." "The Unpardonable Sin," "Hus- band and Wife," "The Hidden Scar"). Pathe ("The Empress"). McClure ("Pride"). World ("The Boss." "McTeague"), World-Tourneur ("The Ivory Snuff-Box"). Steger ("Prima Donna's Husband"). Ad., Journey's End, Croton-on-Hudson, N. Y.

BLOOMER, Raymond; b. Rochester, N. Y. ; stage career, 10 yrs. stock, with Belasco, "A Good Little Devil," "Fair and Warmer," "Squab Farm," also Comic Opera; screen career, Fa- mous Players ("Out of a Clear Sky"), Screen- craft ("The Prodigal Wife"), Marion Davies Film Co. ("The Belle of N. Y."). Hght., 6 ft.; wght., 168; dark complexion, eyes, hair. Ad., 683 West End ave., N. Y. River 9944.

BLI'E, Monte; b. Indianapolis, 1S90; educ. Pur- due Univ.; stage career, 2 yrs. vaud.; screen career, Griffith, Pathe, Triangle. Douglas Fair- banks ("Wild and Wooly." "Man From Painted Post"), Mary Pickford ("M'Liss," "Johanna Enlists"), Lasky ("Squaw Man," "Rustling a Bride," "Told in the Hills," "In Missouri," "Every woman, rhirteenth Commandment," "Too Much Johnson"). Hght., 6, 2; wght.. 185; brown hair and eyes. Ad., Lasky Film Corp., Vine st., Hollywood, Calif.

BOLAND, Eddie "Bo"; b. San Francisco, Calif., 1885; educ. St. Charles Academy, San Fran- cisco; stage career, 6 yrs.; screen career, since 1912, Universal ("Lady Raffles series, "Lucille Love" serial, "Peg o' Ring" serial, featured 14 mos. with Ernie Shield in one reel "Joker" comedies), now featured with Harry Pollard in one reel Rolin Comedies (Pathe}, "All at Sea." "Call for Mr. Caveman," "Order in the Court." "Giving Away the Bride," etc. Hght.. 5. 7%; wght., 135; fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 208 S. Flgueroa st., Los Angeles. Phone 62570; studio aC, Rjlin.

BOLDER, Robert; b. London. England; educ. Christ's Hospital, The Blue Coat School; stage career. 37 years on stage; screen career, 7 yrs.. 2 yrs. stk. Essanay, Astra ("Japanese Butterfly"), Vitagraph ("Diplomatic Mis- sion"), Fox ("Fame & Fortune"), Fairbanks ("Arizona"), Goldwyn ("Strictly Confidential," "Upstairs"), Haworth ("The Beggar and the Prince"). light., r>, 2; wght.. 185: silver grey hair, blue eyes. Home ad . 1 304 N. Vermont

ave., Los Angeles. Phone 597690; studio ad., Haworth Co., Brunton Studios. BOSWORTH, Hobart Van Zandt; b. Marietta.

Ohio; educ. there; stage career, since 1885; 10 yrs. at Daly's theatre, New York, support- ing Mrs. Fiske, Marlowe, Grossman, Amelia Bingham, as leading man, starred by Harri- son Fiske, stage director Belasco theatre, Loa Angeles, up to 1909; screen career, played lead in first picture made in Los Angeles, Selig ("Monte Cristo," and 112 others), Bosworth. Inc. ("The Sea Wolf," "Buckshot John," "Pur- suit of the Phantom"). Lasky ("Joan the Woman," "Oliver Twist," "Little American," "Woman God Forgot"), Universal ("Two Men of Sandy Bar," "Way of the World"), T. Hays Hunter Special ("Border Legion"), featured in two pictures with Ince and one yr. with J. Parker Read. Home ad., 236 S. Rampart Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. Wilshire 17.

ROTELER, Wade; 1. Santa Ana. Calif.; clue Los Angeles; stage career, 3 yrs. acting in stk., 2 yrs. dir. stk., 1 season with Otis Skin- ner; screen career. Famous Players ("Very Good Young Man"), Ince ("Crooked Straight." "23% Hours Leave"), Goldwyn ("Hard Propo- sition." "Cup of Fury"). Hght.. 6: wght., 180; red hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 1910 West 42nd Place, Los Angeles, Calif.; Vermont 5361; studio. Thomas H. Ince.

BOTTEK, Henry P.; educ. Boston. Mass.; stage career, actor and director in stock and pro- ductions, also vaudeville; screen career with Edison, Biograph, Kalem. Essanay and Mon- mouth Film Co. Ad., 316 W. 51st St., N. Y.

BOWERS, John; b. Indiana; stage career, with Donald Robertson. Beulah Poynter, in "The Family Cupboard." "Things That Count." screen career. Griffith, World Metro, Famous Players. Thanhouser. World ("The Divorce Game." "Betsy Ross." "Joan of the Woods," "Day Dreams," "Sis Hopkins," "Daughter of Mine." "The Pest"), Goldwyn ("Thru the Wrong Door," "Strictly Confidential," "Tower of Ivory," "Woman in Room 13"). Hght., 6; wght.. 180; dark hair and eyes. Ad., c/o Goldwyn Pict. Corp., N. Y. C.

BOWES. Clifford W.; b. Pueblo. Colo.; educ. Los Angeles. Calif; screen career, entered pic- ture industry in 1915; 2% yrs. with Mack Sennett, 6 mos. with Fox, attained rank of warrant flyer when discharged from navy April. 1919. Hght.. 5, 5; wght., 140; dark brown hair, blue ey?3. Home ad., 3011 Lake St., Ocean Park, Cal., phone 4033.

BRACY, Sidney; b. Melbourne, Australia, 1882; educ. Melbourne Univ.; stage career, 6 yrs. with late J. C. Williamson in Australia, with Kyrle Bellew, supported Viola Allen, with Nazimova. Nat Goodwin, in revival of "Robin Hood" and "Rob Roy," in N. Y. ; screen career. Thanhouser ("Million Dollar Mystery," "The Miser's Reversion"), Fox ("Merely Mary Ann." "Sporting Blood"). Universal ("Elusive Isa- bel." "Temptation and the Man," etc.), Ar- row ("Crime and Punishment," "The Deem- ster"), Famous ("The Long Trail"). Hght.. 5. 8; wght., 148; brown hair and eyes.

BRADBCRY, Ronald; b. Walla Walla, Wash , 1886; educ. Baker Sch.. Walla Walla, and Chicago; stage career, Baker Stock Co., Port- land, Ore., 7 yrs featured over Orpheum an 1 Pantages circuits; own companies; screen career. Universal ("Colorado," "Big Bill Brent"), Lasky ("To Have and to Hold"). Kalem ("The Harvest of Gold," "On the Brink of War." "The False Prophet," "The Resurrection of Gold Bar"). Ad., Vitagraph Studios. Hollywood. Cal.

BRADY, Edwin J.; b. N. Y., 1889; educ. pub. sch. and Coll. City of N. Y. ; stage career, mus. com., vaud. and dram, stk.; screen career. Selig. Universal, Nestor; joined Balboa 1915 ("Who Pays?" series, "Neal of the Navy"), Selig ("Out of the Shadows," "Hedge of Heart's Desire," "The Fount of Courage), Pathe-Keenan ("The False Code"), Goldwyn "Almost a Husband"), World-Macauley ("When Bearcat Went Dry"). Wght., 165; hght., 5, 10%; brown hair, brown eyes.

BRAMMALL, John Gardiner; b. Rochdale. Eng.; educ. Christ Church. Eng.; stage career with Maxlne Elliott, .Mabel Taliaferro, Lillian Rus- sell; screen career, Biograph, Fine Arts, Lasky. Fox ("House on the Land." "Confession," "The Girl Who Came Back"), Pathe ("The Master Man"), Metro ("Her Inspiration"), American ("Six Feet Four"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 135; light hair, gray eyes. Ad.. 1630% Morton ave.. Los Angeles. Cal., phone 53603.


BKEESE, Edmund; b. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1871;

educ. there; 2., yrs. on legitimate stage; fea- tured 4 yrs. in "Lion and the Mouse," lead In "Today," "The Fear Market"; 2 yrs. "Why Marry?"; screen career, Lasky ("The Master Mind"), Fox ("Walls of Jericho"), Metro ("Shooting of Dan McGrew," "Song of Wage Slave," "Spell of Yukon," "Lure of Heart's Desire," "Weakness of Strength"), Ivan Abram- son ("Someone Must Pay"), Gaumont ("A Temporary Wife"). Hght., 6, 9%; wght., 152; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., home, Edmund Brecse Farm, Norwalk, Conn. BRINLEY, Charles E.; b. Yuman, Ariz.; educ. there; screen career, 8 yrs. with Universal ("The Lone Hand," "Tempest Cody," "Down But Not Out," "Tray of Hearts," "Liberty," "Red Ace"), Pathe ("Patra"). Hght., 5, 11%; wght., 1(10; gray hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 1646 Lake Shore ave., Los Angeles, Cal., phone 51702.

BROOKS, Joe; b. St. Louis, Mo.; educ. Rock Church Sch., St. Louis; stage career, Odan Stock Co., 1 yr. ; screen career, Biograph ("Ju- dith," "The Battle of Truth"), Sawyer ("Love's Cross Roads"), Fairbanks ("Reaching for the Moon," "Mr. Fix-It"). Hght., 6; wght., 185; black hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 1109 W. 10th St., Los Angeles, Cal., phone 556470.

BROOKS, Sam; b. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1891; educ. Brooklyn; stage career, 7 yrs. on stage; screen career, Rolin Pathe, Lonesome Luke Series, Snub Pollard Comedies, Harold Lloyd Comedies. Hght., 4; wght., 100; fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 215 W. 50th St., Los Angeles, Cal., phone 288218; studio ad., Rolin Co., Culver City, Cal.

BROUGHTON, Lewis; educ. England and Paris; stage career, 20 yrs. on legit, stage; screen career, Premier ("The Greater Will"), Selznick lead in "The Woman's Game"). Hght., 6; wght, 140; light hair, blue eyes. Ad., 50 W. 94th St., N. Y. C, Riverside 516.

BROWN, J. Edwin; b. Boston, Mass.; educ. Bos- ton; stage career, 42 yrs. on legit, stage as stage director; screen career, Universal ("The Isle of Life," "The Black Box," "For Her Mother's Sake," "The Cry of Conscience," "A Romany Rose," "The Birth of Patriotism," "The House of Gloom." "The Scarlet Shad- ow"). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 130; brown hair and blue eyes.

BROWN, William H.; b. Northampton, Mass.; stage career, with Dorothy Morton Opera Co., stock at Castle Square, Boston, La Salle stock, Chicago, with "Messenger Boy" Co. ; screen career, Yankee Film and other feature cos., Reliance-Majestic, Fine Arts ("Casey at the Bat," "The Rummy," "The Wharf Rat," "The House Built Upon Sands," "The Bad Boy"), Paramount-Artcraft ("The Valley of the Giants," "In Mizzoura").

BROWNE. Both well, Female Impersonator; b. Denmark; stage career, 20 yrs., Shubert, vaud. ; originated Gibson Girl and Cleopatra in "Ser- pent of the Nile"; screen career, Paramount- Sennett, starred in "Miss Jack"; Lesser-Sennett "Yankee Doodle in Berlin"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 165; blond hair, blue eyes. Ad., Sher- wood Apts., 4th and Grand ave., Los Angeles, Cal.

BRUNTON, William, b. Canada; educ. Canada; stage career, road shows Canada and United States, played stk. and rep., with own show, over Western circuit and vaud.; screen ca- reer, joined Kalem 1912, with Universal, Sig- nal, In "The Girl and the Game," "The Lost Express," Metro ("As the Sun Went Down"), Lasky ("Cruise of the Make Believes," "The Squaw Man"), Metro ("As the Sun Went Down"), Para.-Artcraft ("Valley of the Giants"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 140; light hair, brown eyes, fair complexion. Home ad., 819 Mariposa St., Glendale, Cal., Glendale 531-W.

BRYANT, Charles; b. Hartford, Eng., 1887; educ. Ardingly College; stage career, 21 yrs., 10 yrs. in America with Ethel Barrymore, Mrs. Patrick Campbell, Chas. Frohman, Mme. Nazi- mova; screen career, Brenon-Selznick ("War Brides"), Metro ("Revelation." "Toys of Fate," "Eye for Eye," "Out of the Fog," "The Brat," "Stronger Than Death"). Hght., 6, 3; wght., 190; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., care of Metro., Hollywood, Cal.

BUCKLEY, Floyd Thomas, characters; b. Flores- vllle, Tex., 1882; educ. Syracuse Univ. and Am. Acad. Drama; stage career, mus. com., vaud..

stk., drama; screen career, Famous ("Nanette of the Wilds"), International ("The Flower of Faith"), Rolfe ("Master Mystery," "Scream in the Night"), McManus ("Lost Battalion"). Now with Helen Holmes in the serial, "The Fatal Fortune," S. L. K. Serial Corp. Hght., 5, 11%; wght., 187; light complexion, dark hair, blue eyes. Ad., home, 251 W. 39th St., or Green Room Club, N. Y. BUCKLEY, William; b. Chicago, 111., 1891; educ. there; stage career, stk., Denver, Chicago, vaud., "Brown of Harvard," "Strongheart" ; screen career, Majestic, Universal, Famous Players, Essanay, Thos. H. Ince, Goldwyn, Metro, Vitagraph. Hght., 6, 1; wght., 169; medium complexion, brown hair, dark eyes. Home ad., Biltmore Apts., 330 So. Grand ave., Los Angeles, Cal., Main 4104. BUNKER, Ralph; educ. Harvard Univ.; stage career, featured In "The Very Idea," comedy lead with Arthur Hopkins, "Good Gracious Annabelle," "Plots and Playwrights," Comedy theatre, N. Y., "Hobohemia" ; screen career, with Constance Talmadge in "In Search of a Sinner," Films, Inc. ("That Woman," with Catherine Calvert), "Gloria's Romance," with Billie Burke. Hght., 6, 7 % '• wght., 135; black hair, dark eyes. Ad., Harvard Club, 27 W. 44th St., N. Y. C. BUNNY, George; b. N. Y , 1867; educ. Brooklyn; stage career, actor in various prod, for 2S yrs.; screen career, Eastern Film Corp. ("Capt. Eric," and a number of one-reel comedies); Fox ("A Camouflaged Kiss"). Goldwyn ("Friend Husband"), Fox ("Caught in the Act"), World ("A Broadway Saint," "The Poison Pen"), Selznick ("Piccadilly Jim"). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 200; gray hair, blue eyes. Ad., home, 31 Trinity St., New Britain, Conn. BURKE, Joseph; b. N. Y. C. ; educ. England; stage career, since a boy in mus. com. and vaud.; screen career, with Pathe, Famous Players, Fox, Geo. Kleine, Ivan, Rolfe; recent pictures, Norma Talmadge ("De Luxe Annie"), Famous Players ("Come On In," "Good Bye, Bill," "Oh, You Women"), Town and Country ("Independence, By Gosh"), Edison ("A Fool's Paradise"), Fox ("Help! Help! Police!"), Screencraft ("The Trap"), Vitagraph ("The Winchester Woman," "Green God"), Selznick ("The Country Cousin"), Briggs, Oh, Man Series. Hght., 5, 9; wght., 135; gray hair, dark blue eyes. Home ad., 310 W. 14th St., N. Y. C, Chelsea 10365. BURNS, Ed. J.; b. Phila., 1892; educ. Catholic schools Penna. ; stage career, Orpheum Stock Co., Phila., 1 yr. ; screen career. Fox. Vita- graph, Famous Players, World, with Kitty Gor- don in "Her Hour"; leads with Elsie Ferguson, Alice Brady, Pauline Frederick, Corinne Griffith, Gladys Leslie, Hodklnson ("Made in America"), Keeney-Sherry ("A Marriage for Convenience"), Fox ("Miss Adventure"), Para.-Artcraft ("The Love Burglar," "Male and Female"). Hght., 5, 11%; wght., 135; dark complexion, eyes, hair. Home ad., 547 Riverside Dr. N. Y., Mngsde 3753; studio ad., Universal. BURNS, Fred; b. Ft. Keogh, Mont., 1878 ; early career, ranching, breaking horses, later with Buffalo Bill's Wild West, 101 Ranch, gave rope throwing and riding exhibitions throughout U. S. and Europe; screen career, Selig, Reliance- Majestic, Pallas, Fine Arts ("Birth of a Na- tion," "Ben Blair"). Clune ("Eyes of the World"), Artcraft ("Fancy Jim Sherwood"), Vitagraph ("Sunlight's Last Raid." "The Fighting Trail"), Artcraft ("Bound in Moroc- co"). Has been assisting Douglas Fairbanks and Ruth Roland for past year. BURNS, Neal; b. Bristol, Pa.; educ. Atlantic City, N. J.; stage career, "Just Out of College," "The Girl in the Taxi," "The Sporting Dea- con," "A Winsome Widow," "A Stubborn Cin- derella," "The Girl of My Dreams," "Yankee Prince," Morosco Theatre Stk., Los Angeles; screen career, Christie ("He Married His Wife," "Rough and Western"), Goldwyn ("Darn That Stocking," "A Dollar Down"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 141; brown hair and eyes. Ad.. 6424 Dix St., Hollywood, Cal.. phone 929; studio ad., National Studios. BURNS, Robert Paul (Bobby Burns); b. Phila- delphia.. Pa., 1878; stage career. ri yrs. in vaud.. 6 seasons mus. comedies, "Babes in Toy- land." "Wizard of Oz" ; screen career. 10 years with Selig. Lubin, Reliance, World. Vim and


Jaxon Comedies, Mr. Pokes of Pokes & Jabes Series, Cuckoo Comedies. Studio ad., 750 Riverside ave., Jacksonville, Fla., or Photo Products, Commercial Trust Bldg., 41st & Bvvay., N. Y. C. BURNS, Sammy; b. N. Y., 1888; became acrobat with Hassan-Ben Ali troupe at six yrs. old, toured world; appeared in Europe with Syl- vester Schaefer Family; in vaud. In Europe and U. S. ; mus. com. "Tick Tock Man of Oz," etc. j screen career, 15 com. with Vogue. L-Ko, w rote, dir. and starred "Bombs aand Bandits," "A Mexican Muddle," "Rural Rogues," "A Doggone Dog"; in tech. and seen, depts. of Keystone; wrote, dir. and acted in several Black Diamond com.; now star King Cole comedies. Ad., Motion Picture Producing Co. of America, 398 Fifth ave., N. Y. C. Studio, Dongan Hills, S. I., N. Y. HI KRESS, William; b. New Cornerstown, O., 1867; educ. Uhrichsville, O. ; early career, worked for Penn. Railroad; stage career, Chas. Prohman, Klaw and Erlanger, Shuberts, vari- ous vaud. and stk. cos.; screen career. Fox "End of the Trail," "Man from Bitter Roots," "Fires of Conscience," "Island of Desire," "The Spy," "The Forbidden Room"), Universal ("Broadway Love," "Paid in Advance"), Gold- wyn ("Heartsease," "Lord and Lady Algy"). Studio ad.. Garson Studios, Los Angeles. BURTON, Clarence; b. Windsor, Mo.; stage ca- reer, stk. at Curtis theatre, Denver, for 3 yrs., 2 seasons at Miles theatre, Minneapolis, Minn., etc., toured Orpheum Circuit and other vaud. circuits in several acts, most of which were written by himself; screen career, 1913, Famous Players ( "Hawthorne of the U. S. A.," "The Six Best Cellars," "Thou Art the Man!"), now with Lasky Stock Co. Hght., 5, 11; wght., 17G; brown hair and eyes. Ad., Lasky Studio, Hollywood, Cal. BURTON, Ned; b. U. S.; educ. Harvard Univ.; stage career, 18 yrs. in vaud. as senior mem- ber of Burton and Brookes, 2 seasons with Julian Eltinge Co., 1 season In original "Pot- ash and Perlmutter" Co.; screen career, Peer- less ("The Man of the Hour"), Herbert Brenon ("War Brides," with Nazimova), Artcraft ("The Poor Little Rich Girl"), Goldwyn ("The Auction Block"), World ("The Moral Dead- line"), Fox ("Thou Shalt Not"), Hodkinson ("Thunderbolts of Fate"). Hght., 6; wght., 245; white hair, blue eyes. Ad., home, 214 W. 92d St., N. Y. Riverside 2709. BUSHMAN. Francis Xavier; b. Norfolk. Va., Jan. 10. 1885; educ. Ammendale Coll., Maryland; early career, wrestler, bicycle racer, artist's model, student of sculpture; stage career, at 9 appeared in "The Lady of Lyons," in "Queen of the Moulin Rouge," "Going Some"; also In stk., rep., etc.; screen career, from 1911, Essa- nay ("Graustark," "The Master Thief"), March, 1915. joined Metro (first serial. "The Great Secret," "Romeo and Juliet." "The Voice of Conscience," "Red, White and Blue Blood," "Social Quicksands," "A Pair of Cu- pids." "The Poor Rich Man"). Vitagraph ("Daring Hearts"). Member Friars Club. Hght., 5. 11; wght., 186; complexion, light, brown hair, blue eyes. BUTLER, David Wyngate b. San Francisco. Cal., 1895; educ. Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ.; stage career, Alcazar Stk. Co. 3 yrs. at Morosco theatre, Los Angeles, stage mgr. for Oliver Morosco's "Upstairs and Down." "Lombardl, Ltd.," "Sadie Love"; screen career, Griffith ("The Greatest Thing in Life." "Girl Who Stayed at Home"), Selznick ("Upstairs and Dowh"), Brentwood ("Better Times." "The Other Half"). Dorothy Gish ("Nugget Nell") Universal ("The Unpainted Woman," "The Petal on the Current." "Bonnie. Bonnie Lassie"), Tourneur ("The County Fair"). Hght., 6; wght., 185; dark complexion, black hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 972 Arapahoe St., Los Angeles. Phone 52998. BUTT, Laivson VP.; b. 1883; stage career, leads "The Wanderer." "Merry Wives of Windsor." "Taming of the Shrew"; screen career Metro Selig, Paralta ("Shackled," "The One Wom- an"), Pathe ("Her Man"). G. L. Turker ("Miracle Man"), United ("Playthings nf Pas- sion"), Goldwyn ("The World "and Tts Wom- an"), Hampton-Hod ("Desert Gold"), Tyrad ("It Happened In Paris"), "Tower of Ivory" "Dangerous Days," "The One Woman"). Hght, 6. 2; complexion dark. Studio ad., Goldwvn Culver Cltv. Cal. RUTTERWORTH. Ernest: b. England; educ there; early career, military profession: screen

career, Griffith ("Intolerance." "Broken Blos- soms," "Greatest Thing in Life"). Fairbanks ("Arizona," "Say, Young Fellow," "Knicker- bocker Buckaroo"), own company ("The Little Cripple," "Children of the Mission"). Hght., 5, iy»\ wght., 170; slightly gray hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 6100 Elinor av., Los Angeles. Holly 3110.

Bl'RAJI, Ronald; b. Brisbane, Australia; educ. Sidney Univ., Aust. ; stage career, 5 yrs. with J. C. Williamson, Ltd., Aust., in "Shirley Kaye," "Lord and Lady Algy," with Wm. Faversham and Maxine Elliott; screen career, Famous Players, "Out of the Shadows," with Pauline Frederick, Vitagraph ("A Gentleman of Quality"). Hght., 6 ft.; wght., 168; dark complexion, brown eyes, dark hair. Home ad., 116 W. 71st St., N. Y. C. and L. A. Athletic Club, L. A., Cal.


CAIN, Robert; b. 1882; stage career, "The Mis- leading Lady," "The Deep Purple," "The Blue Mouse," "The Man of the Hour"; screen career. Famous Players, Bacon-Backer ("Men"), Select ("The Death Dance"), Para- mount ("Secret Service," "Paid in Full," "In Mizzoura"), Fox ("Eastward Ho!"), Para- Artcraft ("Male and Female"). Hght., 5, 10; medium complexion.

CAMERON, Rudolph W. B.; b. Washington, D. C, 1892; educ. Georgetown Univ.; stage exper. in Geo. Broadhurst's "Rich Man, Poor Man"; screen career, Vitagraph ("The More Excellent Way," "Clover's Rebellion"), Vice- President and Gen. Mgr. of Anita Steward Prod., Inc. Ad., 6 West 48th St., N. Y C. ; studio, Anita Stewart Prods., 3800 Mission Road, Los Angeles, Cal.

CAMERON, Tom; educ. Derby, England; stage career, 3 seasons circus-singing clown, 3 sea- sons comic opera and musical comedy, 4 sea- sons dramatic rep., 12 yrs. vaud.;' screen career, 4 yrs. Fox ("Child of the Wild," "Blue Streak"), Pathe ("Hillcrest Mystery"), Abramson ("The Window Opposite"), Warner ("The Other Man's Wife"), Dalton ("The White Rook"), Ince ("Black is White"), Constance Talmadge ("At the Barn"). Hght., 5, 10%; wght., 165; light brown hair, gray eyes. Ad., 512 W. 146th St., N. Y., Audubon 47.

CAMPEAU, Frank; b. Detroit, Mich.; educ. Notre Dame, Ind. ; with Louis Morrison in "Faust," Frank Mayo in "Pudd'nhead Wilson," "Arizona," "The Virginian," "Kindling," "Ghost Breaker," "Believe Me, Xantlppe," "Within the Law"; screen career, Griffith ("Jordan is a Hard Road"), C. K. Young ("Cheating Cheaters"), Fairbanks ("Man From Painted Post," "Reaching of tha Moon," "Heading South." "Mr. Fixlt," "Say, Young Fellow," "His Majesty, the American," "When the Clouds Roll By"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 158; dark hair, dark gray eyes. Home ad., Angeles Hotel, Los Angeles, Cal.; Main 8890; studio, Douglas Fairbanks Studio.

CANNON, Pomeroy; b. Kentucky; educ. there and New York; stage career, Belasco, Froh- man, minstrel, vaud., opera; screen career, Fairbanks ("Good Bad Man"), Morosco-Pallas ("Parson of Paramint"), Fox ("Honor Sys- tem,' "A Camouflage"), Goldwyn ("When Doc- tors Disagree," "Flame of the Desert," "Cup of Fury"). Hght., 6. 2; wght., 225; dark hair and eyes. Home ad., 4407 Clayton ave., Los Angeles, Cal., phone 599213.

CAREY, Harry; b. N. Y.. 1880; educ. N. Y. Univ.; early career, actor, playwright, pros- pector and cowboy; stage career, starred In his own plays, "Montana," "Heart of Alaska," stock; screen career, Biograph, Universal ("Riders of Vengeance," "Roped," "Outcasts of Poker Flat," "Fight for Love," "Bare Fists," "Riders of the Law," "Gun Fightin' Contleman," "Marked Men," "Man Who Wouldn't Shoot"). Hght., 6; wght., 180; blonde hair. Studio, Universal City.

CARLETON, William T.; b. 1859 ; educ. Lon- don. Eng.; stage career, 40 years leading operatic baritone, proprietor and star of Carleton Opera Co. 15 yrs., with Llebler Bros.; screen enreor. TTamnii" Plavera. Patho. Mu- tual, Goldwyn, Peerless. Metro ("Eye for Eye," "The Danger Mark." World ("Home Wanted," "His Father's Wife," "Me and Capt. Kidd"). Artcraft ("A Society Exile"). Hght.. 6; wght., 190; ruddy complexion, dark hair.



gray eyes. Ad., The Lotus Club, 10 W, 57th st., N. Y. C.

( ARLYLE, J. Montgomery; b. N. T. C. , educ. Cornell Univ. '02; stage career, "Charlie's Aunt," Chas. Frohman Co., 2 seasons; "Duchess of Danzig," Alf Hayman Co., 1 season; Owen Davis Stk. Co., 2 yrs. ; Belasco stk., 3 yrs.; screen career, Baby Marie Os- borne Co. ("Marie's Trip West"), Universal ("Midnight Man." "Just Bill"), Shcrrill Co. ("Spirit Cabin Mine"), Goldwyn ("Flame of the Desert"), Fox ("Girl in Bohemia"). American ("Hands Up"). Hght., C; wght., 201; light brown hair, dark blue eyes. Home ad., Iris Apts., 1220 Olive St., Los Angeles, Cal.

CARLY'LE, Richard; educ. Little Rock, Ark . stage career, 14 yrs., including 6 N. Y. prod., "Under Cover," "Pays to Advertise," "The Torches,'' "Upstairs & Down"; screen career, Marion Leonard ("The Vow"), Knickerbocker ("Bridge of Sighs," "The Purple Knight"), Lubin ("Those Who Toil"), Grandin ("Stolen Will"), Goldwyn ("Spotlight Sadie"), Famous Players ("The Copperhead"). Hght., 5, 9; wght., 145; brown hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

CARRIGAN, Thomas Jay; b. and educ. Lapeer, Mich.; stage career, with Belasco, Schubert. Lew Fields, Castle Sq. Stk. of Boston, College Stk. of Chicago, Baker Stk. Co. of Portland, Ore.; W. S. Harkins Co.. in Eastern Canada and So. America. "Mother Carey's Chicken"; screen career. "The Copperhead," with Lionel Barrymore, Selig ("The Two Orphans," "Cin- derella," "The Royal Box"). Fox ("Checkers"), World ("Dust of Desire"), Camera Art ("Somewhere in Love"), Capellani ("Little Mother Hubbard"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 168; brown hair, gray eyes. Ad., Lambs Club, N. Y.

CARROLL, William Arthur; l> X Y. C. ; educ.

there; stage career, 1889, with Rice & Dixey, with Jos. & W. Jefferson, in "The Henrietta"; screen, career, since 1910, 2 yrs. with Gaston Melies, 3% yrs. Biograph, 2 Vi yrs. American. Ince ("Bill Henry"), National ("Blue Bon- nett," "The Confession"), Metro ("One Thing at a Time O' Day"). Hght., 5, 10>/2; wght.. 145; brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 7028 Hollywood blvd., Los Angeles, phone 577116. or Actor's Assn., Hollywood 1946.

CARTER, Harry; b. Louisville, 1879; educ. Ho- bart Coll.; stage career, rep. with Mrs. Fiske, "Excuse Me," stage director for Charles Dil- lingham. "The Red Mill"; screen career, Uni- versal ("The Mystery of the Gray Ghost," "The Circus of Life." "One Clear Call," "Be- loved Jim," "The Bride's Awakening," "The Marriage Life." "The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin," "A Kentucky Cinderella," "Beans"); Metro ("After His Own Heart." Hght., 6; wght., 190; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., Uni- versal City, Calif.

CARUSO, Enrico; b. Naples, Italy; educ. Italy: opera singer; screen career, Famous Players ("My Cousin" and "Prince Ubaldo"). Hght., 5, 6 ; dark complexion, dark eyes, chestnut hair. Ad., Knickerbocker Hotel, N. Y. C.

CA VENDER, Glen, also director; b. Tucson, Ariz., 1887 ; stage career, vaud., musical team, Buf- falo Bill; screen career, St. Louis M. P. Co., Albuquerque. Universal, NYMP, Keystone (dir- 14 mon. ; played in "The Surf Girl," dir. "Lion and the Girl," "A Dog Catcher's Love"), Sen- nett-Paramount, "Are Waitresses Safe?" "The Kitchen Lady"), Lehrman ("His Musical Sneeze"), Sunshine "High Life in Jail"), dir- ector, Arbuckle ("The Sheriff," "The Cook"). Awarded medal of Legion of Honor of France for bravery in Boxer Rebellion. Hght.. 5, 9%; wght., 175; light brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 5718 Carlton Way, L. A., Cal.; studio, Fox Sun- shine.

CECIL, Edward; b. San Francisco, Calif.; educ. there; stage career, several years in stk. vaud. rep. and prod. ; screen career, co-lead with Jim Corbett in "Burglar and Lady," Priscilla Dean in "Wild Cat of Paris," Madeleine Tra- vers in "Danger Zone," Peggy Hyland in "The Lost Princess," Eleanor Fiar in "The Girl of Bohemia," Grace Cunard in "After the War," Betty Blythe in "Third Generation." Hght. 5. 11; wght., 165; brown hair, hazel eyes. Ad., Brentwood Film Corp., Fountain Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.

CHANDLER, Warren; b. Bklyn., N. Y., 1881; stage career, stock cos. California; screen career. Famous Players, Ivan. Frohman Amuse-

ment Co., Vitigraph ("The Birth of a Race," "The Adventure Shop," "Grey Towers Mys- tery";, Pathe ("My Husband's Other Wife").

Hght., 6<4 ft.: wght., 185; fair complexion, bro wn hair, blue eyes. Ad., 885 Bushwick ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bush 6513.

CHANEV, Lon; b. and educ. Colorado Springs; stage career, directed and produced "Pop" Fischer and Kolb and Dill attractions, dancing comedian; screen career, Universal ("Fires of Rebellion," "Broadway Love," "Anything Once." "A Broadway Scandal," "That Devil, Bateese" "The Wicked Darling," "Paid in Advance"), Para-Artcraft ("The False Faces," "The Mira- cle Man," "Victory"), Ex. -Mutual ("A Man's Country"), World-Macauley ("When Bearcat Went Dry"). Ad., Goldwyn Studio, Culver City, Calif.; home ad., 1575 Edgemont, Hollywood, Calif.; Holly 1111.

CHAPLIN, Charles Spencer, also produeing-diree- tor; b. Paris, 1889; stage career, in Londoii theatres, "Rags and Riches," "Billy" in "Sher- lock Holmes," came to America with "Night in an English Music Hall"; screen career, in Key- stone. Essanay. Lone Star-Mutual ("The Rink." "Easy Street," "Tillie's Punctured Romance"), Mutual ("The Immigrant," "The Adventurer"). Now starring with First Exhibitors Circuit, a company of his own formation. Chaplin-First Natl. ("A Dog's Life." "Shoulder Arms," "A Day's Pleasure," "Sunnyside"). Hght., 5, 4; wght, 125; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., home, Los Angeles Athletic Club; studio, Charlie Chaplin Film Co., 1416 La Brea ave., L. A.. Cal.

CHAPLIN", Sydney, also director; b. Cape Town. So. Africa: educ. London; stage career, with Chas. Froham, Fred Karno "A Night In an English .Music Hall"; screen career. "Submar- ine Pirate" and others for Keystone; bus. mgr. for brother, Chas. Chaplin, for 3 yrs.; Sydney Chaplin Prod. ("One Hundred Million"). Hght., 5, 7I/i; wght., 165; black hair, dark brown eyes. Ad., Sydney Chaplin Prod., 6642 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.

CHASE. Colin; b. Lewiston, Idaho. Apr. 13, 1888; educ. Chicago and Newport, R. I.; early career, staff artist on Chicago papers; stage career. 2 seasons stk., 1 season in "Sam Houston," vaud.; screen career, Essanay, Colorado, Uni- versal, Morosco, Ince-Triangle ("A Strange Transgressor"). Fox ("Conscience," "The Awakening," "A Branded Soul," "The Moral Law," "Eastward Ho!"). Expert horseback rider. Hght., 5, 11; wght., 165; complexion dark, brown hair, gray eyes.

CHESEBORO, George; screen career, Texas (luinan two-reelers, Frohman Corp. ("The She- Wolf") Selig ("The Lost City" serial).

CHRISTMAN, Pat. (Ora N.) ; b. Meadville, Mo., 1882; educ. Chillicothe, Mo.; early career, cow puncher, horse breaker 4 yrs.; screen career. Lubin, Pathe, Reliance, Selig ("The Pony Ex- press." "The Canbvhill Outlaw." "When Cupid Slipped"). Fox ("Western Blood," "Six Shooter Andy," "Ace High." "Rough Riding Rom- ance"). Held bucking horse championship In Dallas. Tex.. 1906. Ad., studio. Fox, L. A., Cal.

CLAPHAM, Leonard T.j b. Louisville. Ky. ; educ. there; early career, locomotive engineer; screen career, Universal ("Heart of Humanity." "Liberty" serial. "Great Air Robbery," "Cy- clone Smith" series, "Lion Man" serial), Gold- wyn ("Leave it to Susan"), Fox ("Lone Star Range," "Last of the Duanes"). Hght., 6, 1%; wght., 187; light hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 1535 Edgemont ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Holly 635.

CLARK, Frank M.; b. Cincinnati, Ohio; educ. there; stage career, 1874. own cos. in Australia, theatrical mgr.; screen career, 10 yrs. with Selig Polyscope Co. ("The Spoilers," "Dextry," "Ne'er Do Well." "The Rosary." "The Still Alarm," "The Lost City" serial), Fox ("The Price of Silence"). Hght., 5, 9; wght., 170; fair complexion, grey hair and eyes. Home ad., 231 Parkside, Los Angeles, Calif. East 289S; studio, 3800 Mission Road, Los Angeles. East 33.

CI. ARK, Harvey, b. Boston, 1886; educ. Mass. Coll.. Cambridge; stage career, with Otis Skin- ner, Robert Hilliard. own act in vaud.; screen career. NYMP. American ("The Gentle In- truders," "The Frame-up." "Melissa of the Hills.'' "A Sporting Chance," "Six Feet Four"). Triangle ("Restless Souls," "Prudence on


R. Cecil Smith

Now writing exclusively for Selznick

The most prolific writer of today for the screen

(Product of the past two years)

Price Mark Dalton

Love Letters Dalton

Tyrant Fear Dalton

Green Eyes Dalton

Mating Marcella . . . . Dalton

Extravagance Dalton

Hard Boiled Dalton

Homebreaker Dalton

L'Apache Dalton

Wife's Friend Dalton

Her Bit Dalton

Maternal Spark ... Sedgwick

The Busher Ray

Playing th; Game Ray

Son of Snows Ray

Claws of the Hun Ray

Straight and Narrow . . Ray

Wedding Ring Bennett

Coals of Fire Bennett

Flying Colors Desmond

Master of Home Desmond Sudden Gentleman Desmond Little Reformer Love

Free and Equal All Star

Trail of Yukon Bosworth Madcap Madge. . Thomas

Out the Night Thomas

Wife's Money O'Brien

Country Cousin .. H'm'rst'n Rosalie Byrnes. . . .H'm'rst'n

Who's Who Moore

Bond of Fear . . Roy Stuart What's Your Husband

Doing Maclean-May




Screen Dramatist



; iniliiiillii!ll!iiii'iiliiiiimii!!iiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iii;iii:i(








T9*l I















(Anita Stewart) (Olive Thomas) (Alice Joyce) (Gladys Leslie) (Harry Morey) (Harry Morey) (Earle Williams) (Bessie Love) (Gladys Leslie) I Bessie Love) (Gladys Leslie) (Harry Morey) (Harry Morey) (Anita Stewart) (Harry Morey)


Green Room Club, N. Y. City



1111 1 II [ 11) 1 1 1 111) 1 1 II 1 1 UT 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 f 11 1 1 1 [ 1 1 11 ] It 1 1 1 1 I [ I ! 1 1 1 1 U J 1 1 1 r r 1 1 1 J C 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' I t M 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 j j 1 ! ri 1 > 1 1 1 U 1 1 1 t M J 1 1 1 » 1 1 1 1 J t r 1 1 411 1 1 II I ! J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 S I J 111 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J i Illlllllllllllltllllllllll Illllllilllg

Writing Continuity

George D. Proctor

My Pledge:

I will not accept for adaptation any story in which I can not see the foundation of a good feature production.


Coming Adaptations

"THE FORTUNE TELLER " An Albert Capellani production starring Marjorie Rambeau.

"OTHER MENS SHOES "—An Edgar Lewis production.

" IN WALKED MARY " Capellani production. Directed by George Archain- baud. Starring June Caprice.


Permanent Address

Green Room Club, 139 West 47th Street, New York City. Bry ant 407

^ Meaning: Translation o) drama Into terms o) the screen.





Management of Myron Selznick j

aimiii hi 1 1 tiiini|iiiiiiiiiii iiiimni 1 1 iiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiii i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniiinmiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiimiiiiiiiiimmiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiii

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Originals and Continuity for

Selznick Pictures

Latest Works :

" Red Pepper "

" She Held Her Husband "

" Hard Luck O'Day "

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Broadway"), Pathe ("This Hero Stuff"). Amer. Pathe ("Eve in Exile"). Hght., 5, 9; wght., 158; brown hair and eyes. Ad., American Studio, Santa Barbara, Calif. CLARI, Charles; b. Charleston, Ills.; screen career. 9 yrs.. Fox ("Wolves of the Night," "The Splendid Sin"), Goldwyn ("Street Called Straight," "Woman in Room 13"), Morosco ("Girl Named Mary"), Universal ("Under Suspicion") Hgh... u; wght., laU; dark iron grey hair, hazel eyes. Home ad., 1774 N. Vine St., Hollywood. Calif. Phone 577025, or Actor s Assn., 6412 Holly Blvd., Los Angeles. CLIF*E, Henry Cooper; 0. Oxiord, England; educ. England; stage career, in many produc- tions as leading man and star; screen career. Fox ("Gold and the Woman," etc.), Rolfe- Metro ("An Enemy to Society," "Final Judg- ment," etc.), Astra-Pathe ("Arms and the Woman"), Selznick ("The Argyle Case"), Metro "Raffles"), Plays and Players ("Soul of a Mag- dalene"). Hght., 5, 11V4; wght., 176; dark complexion, dark hair, brown eyes. Home ad., Whitestone Landing, L. I., N. Y.

CLIFFORD, William; b. New Orleans, 1878; educ. Toronto Conservatory of Music; stage career, 18 yrs., Mantell, Whiteside and own co.; screen career, Universal, Mutual, Fox ("Sins of a Parent," "Tale of Two Cities"), Metro ("Under Handicap," "Paradise Garden," "Square Deceiver," "A Man of Honor"), Fox ("Gambling in Souls"), National ("Long Arm of Mannister"). Home ad., 6669 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Cal.

COBB, EDMUND F.J b. Albuquerque, New Mex- ico, 1892; stage career, stk. ; screen career, Lubin, Essanay and others, at present Art-O- Graf, latest feature releases, "Wolves of the Street," "The Desert Scorpion." Hght., 6, % ; wght., 165; hair, brown; eyes, brown. Ad., Art-O-Graf, 305 Guardian Trust Bldg., Den- ver, Col.

tCODY, Albert R. ; b. Portland, Oreg.; educ. Bishop Scott's Mil. Acad.; stage career. 3 yrs. in Opera in Milan, Italy, Grand Opera in Eng- land for 1 yr. ; screen career, with Charles Ray in "The Hon. Lord Algy." J. Warren Kerrigan in "Turn of a Card," "Joyous Liar," Frank Keenan, "The Bells." Bessie Barriscale, "Two Gun Betty," "All of a Sudden Norma," "Kitty Kelly, M. D.," Dorothy Dalton, "Flame of the Yukon," now playing in Jack Dempsey serial. Hght., 5, 9; wght., 165; black hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 1212 So. Grand, Los Angeles, Cal.. Bway 6349.

CODY, Lewis J.; b. Waterville, Me., 1885; educ, McUill Univ., Montreal; stage career, stock, rep. leads in "Via Wireless." Frohman prod.. 2 sea- sons at N. Y. Winter Garden, with own CO.; screen career. Fox ("A Branded Soul"), Metro. ("Treasure of the Sea," "The Demon"), Lois Weber ("For Husbands Only"). Artcraft ("Don't Change Your Husband"), Lew Cody Films Corp. ("The Beloved Cheater," "The Butterfly Man"). Ad., 1979 Grace ave., Los Angeles, Cal.

COG LEY, Nick, also director; b. N. Y., 1869; educ. St. Francis Xavier Coll., N. Y.; stage career, started at Lyceum theatre in light opera, Lillian Russell, Delia Fox; screen career, Selig, Keystone ("Saved by Wireless," "Ori- ental Love," "Hearts and Sparks"). Paralta ("Maid o' the Storm"), Goldwyn ("Sis Hop- kins." "Toby's Vow"). Has written several scenarios. Hght., 5, 7%; wght.. 195; blond hair, blue eyes.

COHILL, William Wright; educ. Univ. of Pa.; stage career, Al Woods, "Business Before Pleasure," chorus lady, Poli Co's, starred in vaud.; screen career, World, Pathe, Famous Players. Metro ("Eye for Eye," "Five Thousand an Hour"), S. L. Pictures ("Virtuous Men"), 2 yrs. stk.). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 150; dark hair and eyes. Ad. 56 Farrington St., Flush- ing, L. 1 , N. Y. Flushing 64-J.

COLEMAN, Frank; b. Newburg, N. Y. ; educ. Waterbury, Conn.; stage career. Garden City Quartette. Bennett-Molton stk.; screen career, with L-Ko. Rolin. Essanay. Chaplin and Lone Star ("Carmen." "Police," "The Floorwalker"), Lehrman-Sunshine ("A High Diver's Kiss"), Fox-Sunshine ("Dabbling in Society." "Wild Waves and Women"). Hght.. 5, 11; wght., 287; brown hair, grev eyes. Ad.. 1670 N st Andrews pi.. Los Angeles. Cal.

COLEMAN, Vincent; educ. N. I'. pub. BChls and private tutors; stage career, began at age of 12; Cecil Spooner Stk. Co.. Corse Payton Stk. Co., with Arnold Daly in "Beau Brummel." etc.; screen career. Fox ("Should a Husband

Forgive?"). Fischer ("Law of Nature"), Crea- tion ("Freedom of Ireland"), Goldwyn ("Part- ners of the Night"), Moss ("The Scarlet Trail"). Hght., 6; wght., 178; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

COLKSOX, Robert; b. West Point, Miss., 1892 ; educ. So. Christian Col. and Mississippi Univ.; stage career, 2 yrs. stk.; screen career, Hodkin- son ("Made in America," serial), McManus ("Lost Battalion"), W. H. Prod. ("Every- body's Business"), Wistaria ("Lurking Peril" serial). _ Served in war as Lieut, of Infantry. Hght.^ 6; wght., 172; dark hair, blue eyes. Ad., Green Room Club. N. Y.

CON KLIN, Charles J.; b. San Francisco, Cal.; educ. there; stage career, 15 yrs. musical com- edy, dram, stk., vaud. Keith and Orpheum cir- cuits; screen career. Mack Sennett ("Two Tough Tender'feet," "The Battle Royal," "East Lynn with Variations," "Uncle Tom Without the Cabin." "Salome vs. Shenandoah"). Hght., 5, 6; wght.. 160; black hair, dark brown eyes. Home ad., 5135 Sunset blvd., Los Angeles, Cal.; studio. Mack Sennett studios.

CONKLIN. Chester; b. Oskaloosa. Iowa; educ. there; early career, circus clown, stock and road comedian; screen career, Majestic, Key- stone for 3 yrs., Sennett-Paramount, Fox-Sun- shine Comedies ("Back to Nature Girls," "Her Private Husband," "The Great Nickel Rob- bery," "Those Dangerous Eyes." Hght., 5, 5; wght., 140; brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 1235 West 41st St., Los Angeles, Cal. Vermont 2760.

CONKLIN, William; b Brooklyn. N. Y. ; educ. Brooklyn Polytechnic; stage career, "The Vir- ginian," "Paid in Full." "Over Night." "The Round-Up. " leading man in number of stock cos.; screen career. Paralta, American, Ince ("The Price Mark," "Flare-Up Sal," "Love Letters." "The Virtuous Thief." "Woman in the Suit Case," "Red Hot Dollars," "Sex"). Hght., 6, 1; wght.. 183; black hair, dark gray eyes. Home ad.. 1766 La Brea ave., Los Angeles, Cal.. phone 579008; studio, Thos. H. Ince.

COXLEY, Erlie; b. Norwich. Conn., 1857; educ. Boston, Mass ; stage career. Daly's theatre, N. Y. C, with Julia Marlowe, Viola Allen, Henrietta Grossman, Margaret Anglin, Edwin Booth, in "Poor Little Rich Girl," " 'Way Down East." "Deep Purple." Daniel Frohman Stk. Co.; screen career, Vitagraph, Triangle, Metro. Lasky, "The Wager," "Toys of Fate," "Peggie Does Her Darndest." "It Pays to Ad- vertise," "Revelation." "Blind Man's Eyes." Hght., 5, 11%; wght., 180; dark complexion, dark gray hair. Home ad.. 5419 Harold Way. Hollywood, Cal. Studio ad., Metro Pictures Corp.. Los Angeles. Holly 4485.

CONNELLY. Edward J.; b N. Y. C. ; stage career. 5 yrs. with James A. Heme's "Shore Acres" Co., with Fritzi Scheff in "Babette." "The Bird Center." "Higgledy-Piggledy" ; screen career. N. Y. Motion Pict. Co., Thomas Ince Prod.. Serial Producing Co.. Pathe, Astra, manoffs." "Toys of Fate." with Nazimova. The Metro. Herbert Brenon: "Fall of the Ro- Devil." Rasputin." "The Willow Tree," "Shore Acres." Hght.. 6; wght.. 150; dark complex- ion, brown hair, and eyes. Ad., Lambs Club. N Y. and Metro Studio. Hollywood, Cal.

CONNESS, Robert; b. 111.; educ. St. Mary's Kan.; stage career, leading man with Blanche Walsh, Mary Mannering, Francis Wilson, stk., Louis Mann. "Julie Bonbon"; screen career, Edison, Frohman ("The Witching Hour"). Art Dramas ("The Rainbow"), Paramount ("The Martyrdom of Philip Strong"), K-E-S-E ("A Message to Garcia," "The Master Pas- sion," "The Ghost of Old Morro"), Van Dyke ("A Song of Sixpence"). Hght., 5, 11 H; wght.. 175; dark hair, blue eyes.

CONNOLLY. Jack; b. Denver. Colo.; educ. there; stage career. 10 yrs. vaud., mus. com. and dram, stk.; screen career. Diando Pathe ("The Saw Dust Trail," "Dolly's Vacation," "Milady of the Beanstalk." "The Little Pa- triot." "The Voice of Destinv." "The Little Diplomat"). Ince ("The Egg Crate Wallop"). Wyan Mack ("Bubbles"). Leon T. Osborne ("One Way Trail"), now playing in "The Lin- coln Highwayman." Hght.. 5, 11; wght.. 172; dark brown hair, dark green eyes. Home ad., 971 Virgil ave., Los Angeles; Wilshire 584.

COOK, Warren; b. Boston. 1S70; educ. Boston; stage career, with Phoebe Davis in "Way Down East," in "The Conspiracy." 3 yrs. with Castle Square stk.. Boston and stk. in other cities; screen career. Edison. Vitagraph, Ka-



lem. Faversham & Elliot ("Man Who Lost Himself"), Ince-Paramount ("The White Book"), Artcraft ("Pride of the Clan," "Seven Keys to Baldplate"), Art Drama ("Infidel- ity"), Pathe serial ("The Great Gamble"), Marion Davies ("April Folly"), Chas. Miller ("A Dangerous Game"), Capellani ("The Hight to Lie"), Tourneur ("My Lady's Gar- ter," "Woman"). Hght., 6; wght., 175; gray hair, blue eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

COOLEY, Hullum; b, X Y., 1888 ; educ. Univ. of Minn.; stage career, stock, in "The Man from Mexico"; screen career, Selig, AmerlcsHi, Uni- versal, Keystone; Universal ("Brass Bullet"), Pickford ("Daddy Long Legs"), Goldwyn ("One of the Finest." "Upstairs," "Girl From Outside"), Paramount ("Happy Tho Married," "Girl Dodger," "More Deadly Than the Male"), National ("Long Arm of Mannister"). Hght., 6; brown hair, blue eyes.

COOMBS, Guy, also director; b. Wash., D. C, 1882; stage career, Mrs. Fiske in "Becky Sharp," "The White Horse Tavern," "The Rivals." with Joseph Jefferson; screen career, with Edison, Kalem (Alice Joyce series), later directing, leads with Metro, Kleine, Ivan ("The Promise," "Two Men and a Woman"), Famous ("Bab's Diary," "Bab's Burglar"), Metro ("Flower of the Dusk").

COOPER, Claude Hamilton; b. London, Eng.; stage career, 23 yrs. stk., rep.. 3 seasons with Russ Whytal, 3 yrs. with F. F. Proctor, stk.; screen career, dir. Gaumont talking pictures, made first 12 pictures for Solax, acted for Famous Players, All-Star, Kinemacolor, Re- liance, with Ethel Barrymore in "The Night- ingale," with Jane Cowl and Mary Pickford, Universal ("Her Friend the Burglar"); di- rected and played lead in one-reel comedies for 18 months; at present with "Boys Will Be Boys" at Belmont Theatre. Hght., 5, 6, wght., 137; dark hair, blue eyes. Ad., 23 Main St., Yonkers, N. Y.

COOPER. George (George Healy) ; b. Newark, 1891; educ. N. Y. ; stage career, Newark Stock Co., Blaney Stock Co., Fiske O'Hara, vaud.; screen career, with Vitagraph, specializing in Italian. Spanish, French types ("Mills of the Gods," "A Night Out," "Hunted Woman," "The Suspect," "Her Secret"), Goldwyn ("The Auction Block"), Paramount ("The Dark Star").

COOPER, Jack; b. Manchester. Eng., 1880; educ. there; stage career, vaud. 3 yrs.; screen ca- reer. Mack Sennett ("Beware of Boarders," "Her Screen Idol." "Her First Beau"), Fox Sunshine ("Money Talks," "Virtuous Hus- bands," "Merry Jail Birds," "Yellow Dog Catcher," "Footlight Maids," "Hungry Lions and Tender Hearts." "The Heart Snatcher"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 135; dark hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 5666 Fernwood Ave., Hollywood, Cal. ; studio. Fox Sunshine, Hollywood.

CORBETT, James J.; b. San Francisco, 1868; educ. Sacred Heart College, Frisco; stage ca- reer, with Wm. A. Brady. Henry Frazer, H. B. Harris, "Naval Cadet," "Pals," "Facing the Music," "Burglar and the Lady," etc.; screen career, "Burglar and the Lady," "The Midnight Man," "Riders of Vengeance." Hght.. 6, 1%; wght., 190; dark hair, gray eyes. Home ad., Bayside, L. I.. Hotel Alexandria, L. A.; studio, Universal City, Cal.

COREY, Eugene; b. Florence, Italy; educ. there; screen career, 1 yr. stk. with D. W. Griffith. 6 mos. Universal, "Law of the North West," "Evidence." "Velvet Hand," "Sleeping Lion," 2 reel specials for Christie. Hght.. 5. 11; wght., 172; brown hair and eyes. Home ad.. 333 Olive St., Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 62257; studio. Christie.

CORTES, Armand; b. Nimes, France, 1885; educ. City Col., N. Y. C. ; stage career, with James T. Powers. Fritzi Scheff, Sam Bernard, Lenore Ulric in "Tiger Rose," etc.; screen career, "House of Bondage," featured in "Yel- low Menace." serial. Famous Players, heavy with Mae Murray, Pauline Fredericks, Geo M. Cohan in "Seven Keys," etc., leads in "Hearts of the Northland." heavy in Gau- mont's first release, "A Temporary Wife," and with Wm. Collier in "Taking the Count," now playing Rockoff in "The Return of Tar- zan." Good violinist. Hght., 5, 11; wght., 155; dark brown hair; brown eyes. Ad., Friars Club. N. Y. C.

COSSAR, John Hay; b. London. England; educ. N. Y. C. Col.; stage career, 30 yrs. exp. ;

screen career. National ("Strong Arm of Man- nister," "Masks and Hearts"), Lois Weber ("Home"). Fox ("The Feud"), Astra ("Com- mon Clay"), Vitagraph ("Highest Trump" I, Lasky '"Love Insurance"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 168; iron gray hair, dark brown eyes. Home ad.. 160G N. Alexandria Ave.. Los An- geles. Phone 5976X11. COSTELLO. Maurice; b., Pittsburgh: educ. there; stage career, 18 yrs.; screen career, 7 yrs. with Vitagraph ("A Tale of Two Cities," "Mr. Barnes of N. Y.." "The Man Who Couldn't Beat God." "The Crown Prince's Double"), Erbograph ("The Crimson Stain Mystery"), Vitagraph ( "The Captain's Cap- tain," "Man Who Won." "Cambric Mask." Girl Woman"). Hght.. 5. 10; wght., 160; brown hair, blue-grav eyes. Ad.. Bayside, L. I.. N. Y.

COWELL, George; b. Auburn. N. Y. ; educ. Stockton; stage career, 2 yrs. in stock, rep and vaud.; screen career. Alkire ("An Ace in the Hole"), Ince ("Borrowed Plumage." "Wooden Shoes"), Lasky ("Years of the Lo- cust," Grim Game"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 145; light brown hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 610 S. Carondelet St., Los Angeles; Wilshire 2970; studio, Alkire Productions.

(OXEN Edward; educ. San Francisco and Berk- eley, Cal. ; stage exp., stk. ; screen career. Solax- art ("Carmen of the Klondike"). Paralta ("A Law Unto Herself," "Within the Cup," "Heart of Rachael"). United ("Crime of the Hour"). Goldwyn ("Go West, Young Man"), Hampton-Hod. ("Desert Gold"), First Natl. ("In Old Kentucky"). Hght.. 5. 11; wght.. 168; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 2520 W. 7th St., Los Angeles, Cal.; Wil. 2060; studio, care of Willis & Inglis.

CRAIG, Charles; screen career. Artcraft ("Poor Little Rich Girl"), Brenon ("The Fall of the Romanoffs"), Fox (late pictures, "Royal Ro- mance," "A Rich Man's Plaything." "Should a Husband Forgive?"), Vitagraph ("Gray Towers Mystery"). Ad., 639 Hudson Ave., West New York. N. Y.

CRANE, James L. ; b. Rantoul, 111.; educ. Wil- liams College; stage schooling, repertoire and stk.; plays "The Price," "Guilty Man,'" "Amer- ican Ace," "The Pawn," "Under Orders": screen career. "His Bridal Night." "Sinners," as leading man supporting Alice Brady; "Mis- leading Widow." "Sadie Love," "Wanted: A Husband," as leading man supporting Bil- lie Burke. Hght., 5. 11; wght.. 155; dark complexion, black hair, grey eyes. Member Lambs and N. Y. Athletic Clubs.

CRANE, Ogden; b. N. Y.; educ. there and prep, sch. Newburgh, N. Y. ; stage career, with Mrs. Patrick Campbell in "The Sorceress." Louis Mann in "The Man Who Stood Still," under mgmt. Chas. Frohman. Wm. Brady, Klaw & Erlanger, etc.; screen career, Goldwyn ("Jinks"). Vitagraph ("The Hornet's Nest," "Light of Western Stars"). Mayflower ("Sol- diers of Fortune")*, Federal ("The Dwelling Place of Light"), Haworth ("The Greater Profit"), Lasky ("The Valley of the Giants"). Hght., 6: wght., 176; grey hair, blue eyes. Home ad., Actors Assn. of Hollywood, Cal.

CRANE, Ward; b. Albany, N. Y. ; educ. there; screen career, Marion Davies ("The Dark Star"), Alan Dwan ("Soldiers of Fortune," "Luck of the Irish," "Heart of a Fool"). Hght.. 5, 11; wght., 175; dark hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 2101 Canyon Drive, Holly- wood. Cal. Phone 277965; Studio. Alan Dwan Studio.

T'RIMANS. W. W.; b. 1877; stage career. 20 yrs., prods., stk., with Geo. Fawcett. J. K. Hackett, Amelia Bingham, Dick Bennett, Geo. Beban, leads in "Kick In." "At Bay," "Maternity"; soreen career, with Clara Kimball Young in "Light." Hght., 5. 11; complexion, med.

CRIMMINS, Daniel; b. Liverpool, Eng.; educ. Bishop Sch., Detroit; stage career, toured for many seasons in vaud., headline act, starred with own mus. com. co.. "Wizzard of Oz" ; screen career, Vitagraph, 10 mos. with Pathe, Reliance. Kleine (1 yr. in "Musty Suffer" se- ries), Artcraft ("Johnny Get Your Gun," "Under the Top"), Wallace Reid ("You're Fired"), Dorothv Phillips ("Ambition"), Fat- ty Arbuckle ("The Garage"). W. S. Campbell Co. (Joe Martin, 5 reels). Hght., 5, 3; brown hair, blue eyes. Has written and prod, sev- eral one and two act comedies. Home ad., 201 Lake Shore Terrace, Los Angeles, Cal.



CRITTENDEN, Dwieht; b. Oakland. Calif.; educ. England, Germany, U. S. ; traveled in all of northern Europe, So. Africa, Panama, etc.; stage career, with Savage in grand and light opera, Ben Greet, Brady; screen career, Fam- ous Players ("The Veiled Adventure"), Lois Weber ("Home"), Geo. Loane Tucker ("Miracle Man"). Mary Pickford ("The Hoodlum"), Gold- wyn ("Cup of Fury," "Pinto." "Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come"). Hght.. 8; wght., 175; gray hair and eyes. Home ad.. 5406 Lexington, Hollywood, Calif. Phone 599241.

CUMMINGS, Irving; b. N. Y., 18 88; educ. there; stage career, Davidson Stock, "The Man of the Hour." "The Great Divide," "In Search of a Sinner," with Henry Miller, Lillian Russell; screen career, since 1910, World ("Rasputin, the Black Monk"). Fox ("The Woman Who Gave"), DeMille ("Don't Change Your Hus- band"). World ("Mandarin's Gold." "Unveiling Hand"). Paramount ("Men, Women & Money," "Secret Service." "What Every Woman Learns," "Every woman" ) , United ("Her Code of Honor"), Select ("The Better Wife"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 170; black hair, brown eyes. Ad., Lasky Studio. Hollywood, Calif.; Home ad., 1837 Morgan PI., Hollywood.

CI MMINGS, Robert; heavies; b. Richmond. Va., 1867; educ. there; stage career, from 1883. .stk.. rep., etc., appeared with Fanny Davenport, and in orig. casts of "The Great Divide," "One Parole." "The Bluebird," 1919, "His Honor, Abe Potash"; prop, and mgr., Cummings Stk. Co., 6 yrs.; screen career, with Biograph, Famous Players, World. Metro ("The Awaken- ing of Hela Richie." "Romeo and Juliet," Fox ("A Rich Man's Plaything"), S. L. Pictures ("Virtuous Men"), Vitigraph with Gladys Leslie and others. Hght., 6; wght.. 200; brown hair and eyes. Home ad., 56 S. 17th st., Flushing, L. I., N Y.

CUNEO, Lester; b. Indian Territory, 1888; educ. Northwestern Univ.; stage career, stock rep.. "The House Next Door"; screen career, Selig (dir.). Essanay (Geo. Ade comedies, Prince Gabriel in "Graustark"). Metro ("Mister 44." "Big Tremaine," "Pidgin Island," "The Haunted Pajamas." "Under Handicap," "Para- dise Garden." "Love Me for Myself Alone"). Hght. 6, 1%; wght, 180; black hair, gray eyes; 18 mos. in U. S. service. Returned to Los Angeles in December, 1919. Ad. 90 Willis & Inglis, L. A., Calif.

CURRAN, Thomas A.; b. Australia, 1879; educ. Australia; stage career, 17 yrs. in stk. and legit, prod., with "Excuse Me," "Oh, Oh, Delphine," etc.; screen career. Universal ("Ear! of Paw- tucket"), Metro ("Greater Love Hath No Man," "Her Great Match"). Thanhouser ("Silas Mar- ner," "The Nymph," "Brothers Equal." "The "World and the Woman." "The Vicar of Wake- field." "A Modern Monte Cristo." "The Candy Girl." "The Heart of Ezra Greer"). Hght, 5, 10; wght.. 160: gray hair, dark blue eyes.

CURRIER, Frank; b. Norwich. Conn., 1857 ; educ. Boston; stage career, call boy at 10. played with Julia Marlowe, Viola Allen, Nat Goodwin, etc., "Way Down East" 5 yrs.; toured Europe and Australia; screen career, 6 yrs. Vitagraph, Metro ("Revelation," "Toys of Fate," "The Red Lantern," "Peggy Does Her Darndest"), Nazimova ("The Brat"), Anita Stewart ("King- dom of Dreams"). "Easy to Make Money," "It Pays to Advertise," "Should a Woman Tell?" "The Right of Way." Hght., 5, 11; wght., 180; gray hair, hazel eyes. Ad., 6665 Selma ave.. Hollywood. Cal.

CURTIS, Jack; b. San Francisco; educ. there; stage career, 1898, stk., rep., musical & dram., also road shows and directed own shows., vaud. Orpheum; screen career, Humanity ("The Gift Supreme"), Fox ("The Hell Ship"), "Man's De- sire"; Universal ("Brute Breaker"), Goldwyn ("The Pest"), H. O. Davis ("The Servant in the House"). Triangle ("Until They Get Me." "Little Red Decides"). Hght., 6; wght.. 200; dark hair and eyes. Home ad.. 7146 Watseka, Culver City. Calif. Phone 70314.


D'ALBKOOK, Sidney, b, Chicago; educ. North- western Military Acad.; stage career, in "The Wolf,*' "Virginian," "The Telephone Girl"; screen career, Artcraft ("Heart of the Wilds." "Three Men and a Girl"). Blackton ("The Common Cause"), MacManus ("The Lost Bat- talion," "Bruised Humanity"), Rolfe ("A Scream In the Night"), Helen Holmes serial

("The Fatal Fortune"), Blackton ("Life's Great Problem"). Hght., 5, 101/. ; wght., 155; fair complexion, black hair and eyes. Ad., Green Room Club. N. Y.

DALY, Arnold; b. Brooklyn, 1875; educ. Acad, of the Sacred Heart, and St. Patrick's, Brook- lyn; stage career, first success in "Pudd'nhead Wilson," "Secret Service," "When We Were Twenty-one." produced and appeared in many successes, including "Mrs. Warren's Profession," "Arms and the Man," also with dramatic sketch in vaud.; screen career, Pathe ("Ex- ploits of Elaine," serial; "The House of Fear," played or dir. several others) ; Frohman ("A Man Without a Country").

DANIELS, Frank I). Dayton. O. ; educ. Boston and N. E. Conservatory of Music; stage career, Boston Opera co., under mgmt. of John Norris, original "Bad Boy" in "Peck's Bad Boy," under W. H. Harris five years ; star own mgmt., "Little Puck," under Charles B. Dillingham in "The "Office Boy," "Omar Khayyam," and others; screen career, Vitagraph (in "Crooky Scruggs." "Mr. Jack" series, "Captain Jinks" series. Ad., Studio, Vitagraph, Brooklyn.

DARC'LAY, Louis; b. Belgium, 1895; educ. there and Paris: stage exper.. 2% yrs. in London and France; screen career. Universal. Harold Bell Wright Story Pict. Corp., Eclair, Film Art, Paris; 1918 America. Metro ("The Parisian Tigress"). Para. -Artcraft ( "L' Apache" ). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 143; blond hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., 1825 Morgan PI., Hollywood, Cal.

DAVIDSON, John; b. N. Y. 1886; educ. Colum- bia Univ. ; stage career, with Mrs. Flske in "Madame Sand," lso in "Penrod," "Young Man's Fancy"; screen career, Quality-Metro ("The Wall Between," "A Million a Minute"). Kleine ("Green Cloak," "Sentimental Lady," "Caravan." "Danger Signal"), World ("Pawn of Fate," "The Genius Pierre," "Black Circle," "Forest Rivals," "Through the Toils"), Gold- wyn ("The Stronger Vow"). Ad., 4 West 108th St., N. Y. C.

DAVIDSON, Max; b. Berlin, educ. Berlin and U. S. ; stage career, from 1897. melodrama, vaud.. in "Fighting Fate," "The Bowery News- girl," "Billy the Kid," "Alias Jimmy Valen- tine"; screen career, since 1913, Biograph, Re- liance-Majestic, Fine Arts (as "Izzy" In the Izzy series of comedies, in "Puppets," "The Doll Shop"), First Nat'l ("The Hoodlum"). Hght.. 5. 4; wght., 130; black hair, blue eyes.

DAVIDSON, William Beatman; b. Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., 1888; educ. Columbia Univ.; early career, law and banking; screen career, Goldwyn ("Friend Husband." "Our Little Wife"), Fox ("Why I Would Not Marry," "La Belle Russe," "A Woman There Was"), Metro ("The White Raven," "The Greatest Power"), Pathe ("The Capitol," "Impossible Catherine"), Mayfalr ("Persuasive Peggy"). Hght., 6 1; wght.. 195; dark hair, blue eyes. Home ad., Green Room Club, N. Y. C.

DAVIES, Howard; b. Liverpool; educ. Cam- bridge Univ., Eng.; stage career, with Wilson Barrett in revival "Lights of London," title role in Lewis Morrison's "Faust"; toured West in 'Lady Audley's Secret." in Liebler's revival of "Faust," 5 yrs. in vaud., etc.; screen career, with Vitagraph. first leading man for Melies In U. S.. ; Universal, Majestic, leading man Oz. Co.. in "Sapho." Morosco-Pallas. Haworth ("His Birthright"). Metro ("Boston Blackie's Little Pal"), Triangle ("It's a Bear"), Para- mount ("A Sporting Chance"), Brunton-Hod- kinson ("A White Man's Chance"). Hght., 5, 10%; wght.. 190; dark complexion, brown hair. Ad. 6852 BoltoH rd., Hollywood, Cal.; Holly 1400.

DAVIS, Edwards; b. Santa Clara, Calif., 1873; educ. Kentucky Univ. (M. A.); stags career, debut in "The Cherry Pickers." N. Y. C, 1900; headliner in vaud. for 12 yrs. In own plays 'The Unmasking," "All Rivers Meet at Sea." "The Picture of Dorian Gray," "The Kingdom of Destiny"; screen career. Famous ("Daugh- ter of MacGregor," "The Knife"). Vitagraph (" The Question," "The Transgression"), Gold- wyn ("Dodging a Million"), Select ("De Luxe Annie"), Capellani ("The Love Cheat"), Mc- Manus ("The Gray Brother"); latest dramatic engagement, David Belasco's "Daddies"; Pres. of Green Room Club. N. Y. C, 3 yrs.; now Pres. of National Vaudeville Artist's Club. 229 West 46th St., N. Y. C.

DAVIS, J. Gunnis; b. Sunderland. Eng.; educ. London; stage career, 20 yrs. under mgmts. W.



S. Penley, Oscar Barrett, Frank Curzon, James Welch, Fisher & Ripley, Chas. Frohman, Dan Frohman, J. K. Hackett, Henry W. Savage, Proctor's stk. ; screen career, Eclair stk. 2 yrs. ("13 at Table," "Going for Father," "Adven- tures in Diplomacy," World ("Little Duchess," "Stolen Orders"), Famous, Goldwyn, Solax, Gaumont stk. 1 yr., Pathe, at present leading comedian with Cissy Fitzgerald. Hght., 6, 7; wght., 109; fair hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 2704 Ocean Front, Los Angeles, Calif., or Actors Equity , N. Y.

DAWSON, Ivo; b. Rutlandshire. Eng.; educ. Up- pingham Pub. Schl., Eng.; stage career, 16 yrs. with Sir George Alexander, 7 yrs. with Sir John Hare, London, and American Tours, with Sir Herbert Tree, and Chas. Frohman, London and America, also with Geo. Tyler, late Henry Harry, late Chas. Klein, and Margaret Anglin; screen career, State Picture Co., London ("The Keeper of the Door"), International ("Miracle of Love"). Selznick ("Out of the Night"). Hght., 6; wght., 173; dark brown hair and eyes. Ad., management of Edward Small, 1493 Broad- way, N. T. C, or 215 W. 70th St., N. Y. C, 5K8S

DEAN, Jack; b. Was-h., 1S80; educ. Stamford Mil. Acad, and Yale; stage career, with Jas. A. Heme, Eleanor Robson, in Shakespearean rep., with Lawrence D'Orsey, William Collier, lead- ing man with Fannie Ward; screen career, Lasky ("Betty to the Rescue," "Her Strange Wedding," Unconquered." "The Crystal Gazer"), Pathe ("The Yellow Ticket"), Selz- nick ("Sealed Hearts"). Hght, 5, 11; wght., 170; brown hair and eyes.

DEAN, Louis; b. Wilmington, Del.; educ. Wash- burn Coil., Topeka; stage career, dir. Mme. Modjeska, Henrietta Crossman, Wilton Lack- aye; stk., starred in "Sherlock Holmes," "The Bells." etc.; screen career. Fox (The Kaiser in "My Four Years in Germany"), Blackton prod. (Capt. Bach in "The Common Cause," "Blood Barrier." "Moonshine Trail" ) , Sim Photo Plays ("Unconditional Surrender," "The De- stroyer of Humanity,'' "Birth of a Race"), Selznick ("Sealed Hearts"). Hght., 5, 10%; wght., 180; fair complexion, dark hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 1808 Marmion ave., N. Y. C, Tremont 6581.

DEAKHOLT, Ashton; b. Milwaukee, Wis.; educ. Culver Mil. Acad.; screen career, over 3 yrs., with American (in "Van Loan" series. "Her Country's Call," "Peggy Leads the Way"), Universal ("The Bride's Awakening," "The Brass Bullet"), Fox ("Pitfalls of a Big City"), Goldwyn ("The Tower of Ivory"), with Bessie Barriscale in B. B. Features, Universal ("Caba- ret Girl." "The Girl in the Dark"). Hght., 6; wght., 170; dark hair and eyes. Home ad., 6735 Hollywood blvd.. Los Angeles, Cal.

DE CODE, Syn. M., b. Brazil; educ. Paris; screen career, featured lead in pictures made in Paris for 3 yrs, Nazimova-Metro ("Revelation"), Fox ("The Crystal Fate"), Paramount ("Out of the Shadow"). Artcraft ("Girl Who Stayed at Home"), Goldwyn ("Flame of the Desert"), Universal ("Rouge and Riches"). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 138; black hair and eves. Ad.. 215 W. 88th, St., N. Y.

DE CORDOBA, Pedro; b. and educ. N. Y. ; stage career, "If I Were King." with Sothern 2 sea- sons, Sothern and Marlowe. "Merely Mary Ann." in "The Blue Bird," "Sister Beatrice," "Sadie Love." "Tiger Rose." "Where Poppies Bloom." "The Light of the World"; screen career, with Lasky ("Carmen," "Temptation." "Maria Rose"). Artcraft ("Barbary Sheep"), Select ("The New Moon"), Famous Players ("Girl of the South"), Thos. Ince ("The Dark Mirror"). Ad., 64 E. 86th St., N. Y. C.

DE CORDOVA, Leander; educ. Collegiate School and Private Tutors. Kingston. Jamaica, and B. W, Indes; stage career, starred in "The Shadow Behind the Throne." "Wireless the Loop-Hole," "Your Flag and Mine," with Klaw and Er- langer. etc.; screen career. Roife ("Scream in the Night"); McManus Corp. ("Lost Bat- talion"). Metro. Ad., Edward Small, 1493 Broadway. N. Y. C.

DE GRASSE, Samuel Alfred; b. Bathhurst. New Brunswick; early career practiced dentistry; screen career. Griffith ("Birth of a Nation." "Intolerance." "Diana of the Follies"), Doug- las Fairbanks ("Good. Bad Man," "Half Breed." "Wild and Wooly"), Mary Pickford ("Heart of the Hills"). Universal ("Silk Lined Burglar." "Rlind Husbands" ) . Hght.. 5, 10%; wght.. 150; black hair, dark brown eyes. Home

ad., 1729 Winona blvd., Hollywood, Cal.. Holly 2216.

Deli A \ EX, Carter; b. Chicago, 1886; educ. there; stage career, vaud., head of Carter De Haven Vaud. and Farce Comedy Co., De Haven trio, Weber and Fields, "Girl in the Taxi," "Hanky Panky" ; screen career, Universal ("The Losing Winner," "The College Orphan," "From B'way to a Throne," "Youth of Fortune"); engaged by National Film Corp. to play in series of 13 pictures; Goldwyn ("In a Pinch," "Why Di- vorce"), now with Paramount. Home ad., 7237 Franklin ave., L. A., Cal; studio, National.

DE LACY, John V.; educ, N. Y. C. ; stage career, 7 yrs. vaud. and 7 yrs. legit, prod.; screen career, "Broadway Jones," "Wanted For Mur- der," "Queen of the Seas," "Retribution," "The Cavell Case," "The Auction Block." "Prunella," "Doll's House," "Rose of No Man's Land," "Small Town Girl," "The Unpardonable Sin," Craig Kennedy Serial, "The Carter Case," "Price of Malice," "Patsy," "Peg of the Pirates," "The Love Net," "Hash-House Heiress" Hght., 5, 8; wght., 145; dark brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 167 E. 61st St., Plaza 6719; Friars Club and Green Room Club.

DELANEY, Bert.; b. Minneapolis, 1891; educ. Notre Dame; stage career, with Lewis Waller in "Henry the Fifth." "The Five Frankfurters," vaud. in "At Bay"; screen career, Edison, Thanhouses (juv. leads in "The Road to Fame," "His Profession," "The Net"). Hght., 5, 10; dark complexion, dark eyes.

DELANEY, Leo; educ. Manhattan Coll. and N. Y. Law Schl. ; stage career, "Brown of Harvard." "The Virginian"; screen career, 7 yrs. with Vitagraph and other companies. Hght., 5, 9%; wght., 158; dark hair and eyes. Ad.. Green Room Club, N. Y.

DENT, Vernon; b. San Jose. Cal.; educ. there and Oakland, Cal.; screen career, Hank Mann Comedies ("A Harem Hero," "An Eye for Figures," "Broken Bubbles," "A Depot Ro- mance," "A Gas Attack") Hght.. 5. 9; wght., 215; dark brown hair, dark blue eyes. Home ad., Rutland Apts.. Los Angeles, Cal.. South 106; studio, Hank Mann Comedies, Francis Ford Studio.

DEPP, Harry; b. St. Louis. Mo.; educ. St. Louis Univ.; stage career, with Elsie Janis in "The Fair Co-Ed, " K. & E. 8 yrs, "The Pink Lady," "The Little Cafe," numerous stock cos.; screen career, Universal, Triangle. Keystone, leads in numerous comedies. Fox, Mutual-Strand ("Dan Cupid, M. D.," "The Girl in the Box," "Their Baby"), Christie ("Mixed Drinks," "Good Night, Judge." "Are Honeymoons Happy," "Their Little Wife," etc). Hght.. 5. 4; wght., 139; light hair and complexion, blue eyes. Home ad., 1912 Kent St., L. A., Wilshire 4623; studio, Christie Film Co., Hollywood, L. A.. Cal.

DESMOND, William; b. Dublin. Ireland; educ. N. Y. ; stage career, "Quo Vadis," Burbank Stock, starred in "The Judge and the Jury," "The Bird of Paradise" ; screen career. Triangle ("Beyond the Shadow," "A Sudden Gentle- man"). Hampton Prod. "Life's a Funny Prop- osition," "The Prodigal Liar"). Ex-Mutual ("Mints of Hell"). Ro-Cole ("Bare-Fisted Gal- lagher." "Whitewashed Walls." "A Sage Brush Hamlet." "Dangerous Water," "The Blue Ban- danna"). United ("Her Code of Honor"). Pathe ("The Prince and Betty"). Author of 3 vaud. sketches. Hght., 5, 11; wght., 170; black hair, blue eyes. Ad., L. A. Athletic Club. L. A.. Cal.; studio, J. D. Hampton Studio, Holly- wood Cal.

DE VAULL, Wm. P.; b. 1870. San Francisco; educ. there; stage career, over 20 yrs. prod, stk. and road cos.; screen career. 3>£ yrs. Griffith studios, Universal ("Blind Husbands"), King Vidor ("Better Times"), Brentwood ("Poor Relations"). Hght., 5. 7; wght., 168; gray hair and eyes. Ad.. 4472 Sunset blvd., Los Angeles, Cal., phone 59427.

DEVERE, Harry T. ; b. N. Y. ; educ. there; stage career, from age of 5. with Fanny Davenport, Mrs. Fiske. "Ben Hur," "Madame X ." vaud.; screen career. American. Selig ("The Journey's End." "The Ne'er Do Well"), Morosco. Bos- worth ("The Code of Marcia Grav"), Pallas ("Davy Crockett"). Fox ("The End of the Trail"), Ro-Cole ("The Lamb and the Lion"), Fox ("Last of the Duanes," "Wings of the Morning"). Hght., 6; wght., 190; gray hair, blue eyes.

DEXTER, Elliott; b. Houston. Texas; stage ca- reer, stk. leads for Marie Doro, etc.; screen career. Paramount, leads for Alice Bradv. Mary Pickford. etc.: Cecil De Mille. ("We Can't Have



Everything," "The Whispering Chorus," "The Uirl Who Came Back," 'The Squaw Man," "Old Wives for New"), Paramount ("Maggie Pepper"), Artcraft ("Don't Change Your Hus- band," "For Better, for Worse"). Ad., care Artcraft, Hollywood, Cal.

DILLION, John Webb; educ. New Haven, Conn, and Phila. Dental Coll.; stage career, with Viola Allen in Shakespeare, with James O'Neil In romantic drama, dramatic stock cos. in Minneapolis, Chicago, Milwaukee, Omaha, etc.; screen career, Fox ("Why I Would Not Mar- ry"), B. A. Rolfe Co. ("Scream in the Night"), Goldwyn ("Joan of Plattsburg"), Pathe ("House of Hate" serial), A. F. Beck Prods. ("Isle of Jewels" serial). Hght., 6; wght., 175; dark hair and eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y. C.

DONAI.D.SON, Arthur; b. Norsholm, Sweden, 1875; educ. Sweden; stage career, since 7 yrs. old, Duff Opera Co., Augustin Daly, Henry W. Savage; original prince in 'Prince of Pil- sen," sang role in 1,345 performances; screen career, Famous, Pathe, World ("Hearts of Men"), Vitagraph ("For France"); man of mystery in "Runaway Jane," "Her American Prince," Vitagraph ("Over the Top," "The Captain's Captain," "Miss Dulcie From Dixie," "Fighting Destiny," "Daring Hearts"), World ("Coax Me"), Select ("The Undercurrent"), First Nat'l ("Mind the Paint Girl"), Ferret- Pathe ("The A B C of Love"). Hght., 6; wght., 195; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 75 Sherman ave., N. Y., St. Nich 9186.

DONNELLY, James A.; b. Boston, Mass.; educ. Boston; stage career, for thirty years in opera and musical comedy; screen career, Edison, Keystone, Vitagraph ("Pluck and Plotters," "Cupid Forecloses"). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 200; dark hair, gray eyes. Ad., Mason Hotel, Los Angeles, Cal.

DOOLEY, Johnny; educ. Oxford; stage career, circus acrobat, vaud., dramatic stk. and musi- cal comedy; screen career, Johnny Dooley Film Comedies ("Bobby the Office Boy," "Private Preserves," "Pep"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 140; blond hair and blue eyes. Ad., Lambs Club, N. Y. C.

DORETY, Charlie; b. San Francisco, educ. L. A.; stage exper., vaud. and dancing; screen ca- reer, Fox, Sunshine, L-Ko ("Roaring Lions and Wedding Bells," "Tight Squeeze," "Mon- grels," "A Neighbor's Keyhole"), Bull's Eye Film Corp. ("Haunted Hearts"). Hght., 5, 4; wght., 126; black hair and eyes. Ad., 1270 Rose Courts, St. Andrew PI., Hollywood, Cal.; studio, Lehrman, Culver City, Cal.

DORIAN, Charles W. ; b. Santa Monica, 1891; educ. there; stage career, vaud.; screen career, National, Universal ("She Couldn't Resist Him," "Onda of the Orient," "Lone Larry," Triangle ("Hell's End"), Bluebird ("The Sealed Envelope"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 175; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., home, Edmunds Hotel, Ocean Park, Cal.; studio, Universal City.

DOWLIXG, Joseph; b. Pittsburg, 1850; educ. there; stage career, 5 yrs. in Grand opera stock co., in "Henry the Fifth," starred in "The Red Spider"; screen career, from 1914, Ince, Mastercraft, Paralta ("A Law Unto Her- self," "Intelligence," "With Hoops of Steel," "Maid o' the Storm"), Solaxart ("Carmen of the Klondike"), Frank Keenan ("More Trouble," "Tidebrook" ) , J. Warren Kerrigan ("The Joyous Liar," "Live Sparks"), "Mid- night Stages," "The Bells," "Desert of Wheat," Geo. Loane Tucker ("The Miracle Man"). Hght.. 6, 1; wght., 185; white hair, blue eyes. Ad., 5302 Virginia Ave., Hollywood, Cal.

DRUCE, Hubert; b. 1870, Richmond, England; educ. London Univ.; stage career, with Rich- ard Mansfield in repertory, 3 seasons leading comedian with John Drew, 2 seasons with Grace George, 1 season with Laurette Taylor, produced "Mr. Hopkinson," "The Night of the Party"; screen career, Empire All Star Mutual ("Please Help Emily," "My Wife"), last season with John Barrymore in "Re- demption," this season produced "The Master of Ballantrae," Goldwyn ("Dodging a Mil- lion"). Ad., home, 62 Sherman Ave., Lincoln Ave., Lincoln Park, Yonkers, N. Y. Yimkers 279-J.

DRIMIER, Jack; b. Phila., 1864; educ. Univ. of Penn.; early career, practiced law; stage ca- reer, leading man for 20 yrs., appearing in "Captain Svvift," "The Gilded Fool"; screen career. World ("The Beloved Blackmailer," "Just Sylvia," "The Snug Harbor," "An Ama-

teur Widow," "Phil for Short," "Courage for Two," "Home Wanted," "The Quickening Flame," "Three Green Eyes," "The Praise Agent," "Forest Rivals"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 190; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 1783 Marmion Ave., N. Y. C. Tremont 3470.

DRYDEN, Wheeler; b. Brixton, London, Eng., 1892 ; educ. Clapham Coll. and Streatham Hill Coll., London; stage career, 4 yrs. principal comedian of Charles Hewitt and A. Phillips' Dramatic and Comedy Co., touring far East in rep. of 70 plays; screen career Sunrise Film Co. ("A Dream of the Orient"), Stage Womens' War Relief, prod, by Universal ("Tom's Lit- tle Star"), Universal ("Hard Lines!"). Hght., 5, 8%, wght., 155; dark brown hair and eyes. Ad., c/o Actor's Equity Assn., N. Y. C.

DUCROW, Tote G.; b. Barcelona, Spain; stage career, 35 years exp. in all branches of pro- fession, legitimate, vaud., circus; screen ca- reer, Fine Arts ("The Americano"), Vitagraph ("Fighting Trail," "Perils of Thunder Moun- tain"), Metro ("Red Lantern"), Lasky ("Rim Rock Jones"), Astra ("Corsican Bros"), Re- liance ("Celestial Code"), American ("Betty and the Buccaneers"), Universal ("Fighting Gringo," now in stk. for serial). Ad., 4618 Fountain Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Phone 59470.

DUDLEY, Charles; b. Ft. Grant, Ariz., 1883; stage career, comic op.; screen career, Bal- boa (Joe Welcher in "Neal of the Navy," "Who Pays?" series), Knick. Star ("Twin Souls"), Balboa-Mutual ("A Bit of Kindling," "The Secret of Black Mountain"). Hght., 6; wght., 160; blond hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 1435 Wilcox Ave., Hollywood, Cal.

DUFFY, Jack; b. Pawtucket, R. I., 1879; educ. there; stage career, vaud. and musical com- edy; screen career, Vitagraph, Universal ("Peg of the Ring," "The Purple Mask," "Farmers and Framers," "Misfits and Matrimony"). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 132; has written "Destiny of the Sea," "Both Rivals Win," "A Woman More Beautiful Than I," Metro ("Blackie's Redemption"). Ad., home, 4607 Fountain Ave., Hollywood, Cal.; Holly 3970; studio Vit- agraph.

Dl'MONT, Gordon; b. Milwaukee, Wis.; educ. there and St. Francis Solannus Coll., Quincy, 111.; screen career, Ince, De Mille, in "Heart of a Fool," with Alan Dwan. Hght., 5, 10; wght., 160; dark complexion, dark hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 1322 Curson Ave., Hollywood, Cal. Phone 579809.

DUNBAR, Robert N; b. Beaver, Pa.; educ. Phila.; stage career, grand opera, leading tenor in "Gypsy Baron"; screen career, Lubin ("Third Degree"), Lasky ("The Goose Girl"), Morosco ("The Yankee Girl"), McClure ("Eyes of the World"), Triangle ("Broadway Ari- zona"), Fox ("The Forbidden Room," "Fight- ing For Gold"). Hght., 6; wght., 180; brown hair and gray eyes.

DUNCAN, Albert Edward ("Bud"), also author; b. Brooklyn, 1886; educ. Berkeley Military Sch., N. Y. ; stage career, vaud. with Kolb and Dill; screen career, as Jeff in "Mutt and Jeff," Kalem ("The Fatal Violin," "A Manageria Mix-Up," "The Onion Magnate's Revenge," "Seaside Romeos," "Rival Romeos," "Twin Caddies"), Clever Comedies, Paramount "Maggie Pepper"). Hght., 4, 11; wght., 122; fair complexion, blond hair, blue eyes.

DUNCAN, H. William, also director; b. Stoc- land ; educ. America; early career, instructor in McFadden's Physical Culture School, es- tablished own school; stage career, vaud. with Sandow, the wrestler; leads in Forepaugh stock, formed own co. ; wrote "The Fifth Gen- eration," "The Sporting Editor"; screen ca- reer, Selig, leads and director; Vitagraph "Dead Shot Baker," "The Fighting Trail," "Wolfville," "The Tenderfoot," "The Last Man," "Vengeance and the Woman," "A Fight for Millions," "The Man of Might," "Smashing Barriers"). Member M. P. D. A. Hght., 5, 10; wght., 180; dark brown hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., Vitagraph, Los Angeles, Cal., or L. A. Athletic Club, Los Angeles, Cal.

1)1 NKINSON, Harry Leopold; b. N. Y., 1876 ; educ. there; stage career, since 9 yrs. old, with Denman Thompson in "Old Homestead." Augustin Daly, Horace McVicker; screen ca- reer, Essanay, since 1914 ("The Misleading Lady," "Mary Page." "The Beach Comber"), Universal ("The Edge of the Law," "Barter"), Artcraft ("Selfish Yates"), Fox ("The For- bidden Room," "The Rebellious Bride," "Love is Love," "Chasing Rainbows"), Universal



("Rouge and Riches." Hght., 5, 11; wght.. 217; brown hair, blue eyes. Studio ad., Uni- versal.

DUNN, Bobby; b Milwaukee, Wis., 1891; educ. St. John's Mil. Acad.; champion high diver of the World, with Dr. Carver's diving horses; screen career, Sennett Comedies, Fox Sun- shine Comedies. Studio ad., Fox Sunshine Comedies.

DUNN, Edward Frank; stage career, 2 yrs. in Musical Comedies on Broadway, 3 yrs. in stock cos.; screen career, Blackton ("Moon- shine Trail," "Dawn," "The Blood Barrier"), Vitagraph feature comedies 1 yr. Hght., 6. 1%; wght., 187; brown hair and eyes. Ad., 241 Linden Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., Flatbush

I>1 N N, ,J. Malcolm; educ. England; stage ca- reer, lead in several London theatres, Aus- tralia and So. Africa, "Sweet Kitty Bellairs" with David Belasco, Orlando in "As You Like It" with Henrietta Crosman, lead in "The House Next Door" Cohan and Harris. "Seven Sisters" with Laurette Taylor, "Mons. Beau- caire," "Butterfly on the Wheel," "Arms and the Girl" with Wm. Harris, Jr.; screen career, Edison ("The Magic Skin"), Vitagraph ("The Scarlet Runner"), several pictures for Bio- graph, Famous-Lasky ("Arms and the Girl," "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"). Hght. 5, 11; wght., 165; blond hair, grey eyes. Ad., The Boulevard, Beechhurst, L. I., N. Y. Flushing 2439 or Lambs Club, N. Y.

DUNN, William K. ; b. Astoria, L. I., 1884; educ. Brooklyn; stage career. in Payton Stock, Brooklyn, Mrs. Leslie Carter, Nance O'Neil, vaud. ; screen career, Vitagraph ("Man Be- hind the Curtain," "The Secret Kingdom," "Clover's Rebellion." "The Princess of Park Row," "I Will Repay," "Mary Jane's Pa"), Fox ("I Want to Forget," "Woman, Woman"), Select ("The Undercurrent"). Ad., 241 Linden Ave., Bklyn., N. Y. Flatbush 6287. Dl'PREE, George; b. Cincinnati, O.. 1874; educ. N. Y. ; 25 yrs. stage exper., screen career. Famous Players, Goldwyn, Fox. Pathe ("Woman the Germans Shot," "Dance of Death"). Acme ("Thirteenth Chair"), Tour- neur ("The Whip"), Famous ("The Ava- lanche"), American Cinema ("Inner Voice"), Selznick ("Great Lover"), Craig Kennedy Serial. Ad., 316 W. 47th St., N. Y. C. Bry- ant 8094.

DURHAM, Lewis; b. New Oxford. Pa.; educ. Georgetown; early career, professional ball player on Brooklyn Natl., Wash. Amer. and N. Y. Natl.; screen career, NYMP, Horsley ("The Conscience of John David"), Triangle ("An Even Break." "One Shot Ross"), Gold- wyn ("Flame of the Desert"). Hght., 5, 10%; wght., 183; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., home, 504 Hull St., Ocean Park, Cal. ; studio, Gold- wyn.

DUKNING, Bernard J.; b. N. Y. C; educ. Ford- ham Univ., stage career, stage manager sev- eral seasons; screen career, Biograph 2 yrs., Edison 6 yrs., directed Shirley Mason produc- tions, also O. Henry pictures, with John Col- lins. "In The Fog," "Blackjack Bargainer," "Weaver of Dreams"; Metro (Played in "Blackie's Redemption"), World ("When Bearcat Went Dry").


EARLE, Edward; b. Toronto, Can.; educ. Toron- to; stage career, in many prods., including "The Bishop's Carriage," "Sweet Kitty Bel- lairs," "Glorious Betsy," "The Shepherd King," "The Blue Moon" with James T. Powers, "The Matinee Idol" with De Wolf Hopper. "The Quaker Girl," etc.; screen career. Famous Players, Edison. Metro, Anagraph ("For France." "The Blind Adventure," "One Thous- and Dollars," "Transients in Arcadia," "Buried Treasure"), Selec't ("His Bridal Night"), Para- Artcraft ("Miracle of Love "). Hght.. 5, 11%; wght., 160. Ad.. Lambs Club, N. Y.

EDESOX, Robert; b. New Orleans, La.; educ. Brooklyn; stage career, »5 yrs. starring in many prods.; screen career, Lasky ("The Call of the North"), NYMP, Mutual ("The Absen- tees"), Vitagraph ("Mortmain," "The Cave Man"), Pathe ("The Light That Failed," "Big Jim Garrity"), Raver-Art Dramas ("The Public Defender"), Selznick ("Sealed Hearts"). Ad., Lambs Club, N. Y.

EDWARDS, Chas., b. N. Y„ 1887; educ. X. Y ; stage career, with Frohman, Rich and Harris, Frank McKee, Sydney Rosenfleld, vaud.; screen career, Metro Sidney Drew Comedies, Select, Metro ("The Man Who Stayed at Home," "Wilson or the Kaiser"), Perret ("Lafayette. We Come"), Select ("The Woman the Germans Shot"), World ("The Clouded Name"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 171; medium complexion, gray hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., 139 West 47th St., N. Y.

ELDKIDGK, Charles; b. Saratoga Spring.-. X. Y. ; educ. Lanesboro, Mass. ; stage career. Variety Theatre, Buffalo, stk. comedian, prods, under Frohman, Mansfield; screen career, Vitagraph 4% yrs. ("Love vs. Law"), Metro ("The Pre- tenders," "Eye for Eye"). Famous ("Sunshine Nan"), Tourneur ("Sporting Life"), Arden ("The Challenge"). Famous ("Red Head"), Vitagraph ("Man Who Might Have Been"), Selznick. Hght., 5, 5; wght., 157; white hair and blue eyes. Ad., 102 Riverside Drive, N. Y. C. Schuyler 9487. Member Green Room Club. N. Y. C. ELKAS, Edward; b. N. Y. 1862; educ. there; stage career, director for Lulu Glaser and Alice Nielsen, Aborn Opera Co. and mus. com.; screen career, Vitagraph ("Mortmain"), Selznick ("Foolish Virgin"), Metro ("Lifted Veil"). Birth of Race Co. ("Birth of a Race"), Fox ("Les Miserables"), Tourneur ("Woman," "Blue Bird." "Prunella"), Vitagraph ("Locked Door," "The Goddess"), Goldwyn ("Joan From Platts- burg," "Venus Model"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 170; fair complexion, gray hair, blue eyes. Ad.. 2155 86th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bath Beach 1428. Member Green Room Club, N. Y. ELLIOTT, Frank; b. Cheshire, England; educ. Liverpool Univ. ; stage career, leading man in Drury Lane prods., member Drury Lane Fund, and therefore, a Rayol player: screen career. 6 yrs. as leading man and heavy, in about 150 pictures. Fox ("Wings of the Morning"), Universal ("The Gorgeous Butterfly"), Metro ("The Hope" I. Hght.. 6; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad.. 1735 Highland' ave„ Hollywood, Calif., phone 577876. ELLIOTT, Robert; b. Ireland; stage career, leads in "Seven Keys to Baldpate," "Country Girl," repertoire Forbes-Robertson, lead with Mar- garet Illington "Within the Law," "The Lie"; screen career, Metro, McClure, Goldwyn, Betz- wood, Sunset, World; supported Ethel Barry- more. Alice Brade, Nance O'Neil, Marjorie Rambeau, Pauline Frederick, Dorothy Dalton, Gail Kane, Irene Fenwick, Dolores Cassinelli, Theda Bara, Virginia Pearson, Mabel Normand; Famous ("Resurrection"), Fox ("Checkers"), Ince ( "L'Apache" ) . Powell Mutual ("Mary Moreland"). U. S. Govt. ("Spirit of Lafayette"), Perret ("Unknown Love"). Hght. 6, 1%; wght., 185; dark brown hair, blue eves. Ad., 130 W". 4»th st . X. Y. C. ELMER, William, b. Council Bluffs, Iowa, 1872; educ. Pacific Univ.; stage career, rep. with Frederick Warde and Louis James, stock; screen career, Biograph. Selig, Lasky, Lasky- Paramount ("The Countess Charming"), Ince- Para, Para ("Firefly of France," "Playing the Game." "Coals of Fire," "Wolves of the Rail"), Fox ("Married in Haste." "Cheating Herself"), Paramount ("The Dub," "Maggie Pepper," "Alias, Mike Moran"). Hght., 5, 10%; wght.. 165; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., home, 212 E. 23rd St., Los Angeles, Cal.; studio, Goldwyn. ELTIXGE, Julian; b. 1883. educ. Boston. Mass.; stage career, "Mr. Wicks of Wickham." mngt. Ed. E. Rice; vaud., with Harry Lauder. "Fas- cinating Widow," "Crinoline Girl." "Cousin Lucy"; screen career. Over the Rhine Co. & Lasky ("Over the Rhine." "Countess Charm- ing," "Clever Mrs. Carfax," "The Widow's Might"), Republic ("An Adventuress). Hght., 5. 8%; wght., 165; brown hair; gray eyes. Ad., c/o Fred J. Balshofer. Hollywood. Calif. ENTWISTLE, Harold; b. London, Eng.; educ. Heidelburg, Lycee Vitry, Paris,, and Eng.; stage career, 25 yrs., Chas. Frohman, 6 yrs., Henry Irving, Wilson Barrett, Mrs. Patrick Campbell, Mrs. Langtry, Forbes-Robertson; screen career. Famous Players, Metro, Perret, Goldwyn, Ince ("Too Fat to Fight," "In the Hollow of Her Hand," "The Divorcee," "A Soul Adrift"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 175; white hair, blue eyes. Ad., 251 West 88th St., N. Y. River- side 5576.

EVANS, Herbert D.; b. London, Eng.; educ. there; stage career, Beerbohm Tree, His Majes-



ty's theatre, "Quinney's," "The Great Adven- ture" (Winthrop Ames), "Potash and Perl- mutter"; screen career, leads opposite Mme. Petrova, Virginia Pearson, Edna Goodrich, Eva Taneuav, Barbara Castleton; Vitagraph ("The Third Degree"). Hght., 6, 2; wght.. 190; dark hair, dark eyes. Ad., Friars Club, N. Y.


FAIRBANKS, Douglas; b. Denver, 1883; educ. Mil. Acad, and Colorado Schl. of Mines, Har- vard; stage career, rep., vaud., under dir. Wm. A. Brady in 'The Pit," "Two Little Soldier Boys"; featured in "Frenzied Finance," "A Gentleman from Mississippi"; co-starred with W. H. Crane in the "New Henrietta"; screen career, Fine Arts ("The Americano"), Artcraft ("In Again, Out Again," "Wild and Woolly," "Reaching for the Moon," "A Modern Muske- teer," "Headin' South," "Mr. Fix-It." "Bound in Morocco," "Say, Young Fellow," "He Comes Up Smiling," "Arizona," "Down to Earth," "The Knickerbocker Buckaroo"), United Art- ists ("His Majesty, the American." "When the Clouds Roll By"). Ad., Douglas Fairbanks Co., Hollywood, Cal.

FAKLEY, James Lee; b. Waldron, Ark., 1882; educ. Univ., Mo.; early career. Govt. & railroad service; stage career, rep. & stk.; screen career. Selig, Fox, Univ. ("Brute Force", American ("For the Family Name," "The Bride's Si- lence"), Bluebird ("Sue" of the South"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 185; brown eyes and hair.

FARNUM, Dustin; b. Hampton Beach, N. H., 1874; stage career, with Ethel Tucker Co., Chauncey Olcott, starred in "The Virginian," "The Ranger," "The Squaw Man," "Cameo Kirhy," "Littlest Rebel"; screen career, Lasky ("The Squaw Man," "The Virginian," Pallas- Paramount ("A Gentleman from Indiana," "David Garrick." "Parson of Paniment," "Ben Blair," "A Son of Erin"), Fox ("The Scarlet Pimpernell," "The Spy," "Durand of the Bad Lands," "North of 53"), United ("The Light of Western States." "The Man in the Open." "A Man's Fight," "The Corsican Brothers"). Studio ad., United Farnum Prod., Glendale, Calif.

FARNUM, Franklyn; b. Boston. Mass., June 5, 1883; educ. Boston, Mass.; stage career, 12 yrs., leading man for Chas Frohman, Henry W. Savage, George Lederer, Nixon & Zimmerman, Jos. Webber; screen career, Universal ("The Clock," "Fighting Grin," "Anything Once"), Metro ("In Judgment Of"), seria1 for Selig now- releasing through Canyon Films. 130 W. 46 St., N. Y. Hght., 5, 11: wght.. 168; dark com- plexion, dark hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 4845 Elmwood ave., Los Angeles, Calif., Holly 3257.

FARM M, William; b. Boston, 1876; educ. Bucks- port. Me.; stage career, from age of 15, in "Prince of India," "Virginius," -starred 5 yrs. in "Ben Hur," leading man with Olga Neth- ersole. starred with Dustin Farnum 2 seasons in "The Littlest Rebel," 10 yrs. a legit, star; screen career, Selig ("The Spoilers"), Fox ("A Tale of Two Cities," "Les Miserables," "Riders of the Purple Sage." "Lone Star Ranger," "Wolves of the Night," "Last of the Duanes," "Wings of the Morning," "If I Were King"). Hght.. 5, IOV2; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., Fox Film Corp., N. Y. C.

FAULKNER, Ralph C; b. and educ. San Antonio. Tex.; early career, cartoonist and reported in Mexico, Los Angeles, San Francisco; monologist in vaud.; screen career, Albuquerque Film, Thanhouaer ("War and the Woman"), im- personating Woodrow Wilson, specializes in cowboys and Indians; Fox ("The Prussian Cur"). Hght., 5. 10; wght., 175; brown eyes and hair. Ad., N. V. A. Club, 229 W. 46th St.. N. Y.

FA\ EKSHAM, William; b. and educ. England; stage career; star under own management in "The Squaw Man," "The World and His Wife," "Herod," "Julius Ceasar," "Othello," "Romeo and Juliet," "The Fawn," "The Hawk," "Lord and Lady Algy. Screen career; Famous Players, ("The Silver King," "The Man Who Found Himself"). Ad., 116 W. 39th St., N. Y. C. Greeley 3376, or Lambs' Club, N Y.

FAWCETT, George; b. Virginia; educ. Univ. of Virginia; stage career, extensive experience in United States and England; screen career,

Universal, Fine Arts, Selig ("The Crisis"), Select, Selznick ("Panthea"), Artcraft ("The Great Love," "Romance of Happy Valley," "Hearts of the World," "Cinderella Man," "The Hun Within"), Paramount ("The Hope Chest," "I'll Get im Yet," "Out of Luck.' "lurningthe Tables"), Artcraft ("Girl Who Stayed at Home"), Griffith ("Scarlet Days"), First Nat'l ("The Greatest Question). Ad., Griffith Studio, Mamaroneck, N. Y. FAY, Hugh; o. N. Y. ; educ. N. Y. ; stage career, with Barry and Fay. Lillian Russell in "The Grand Duchess,'" "Coming 1 hrough the Rye," "Three Twins," "Belle of New York"; screen career, with Keystone ("Village Vampire"), Sunshine ("Roaring Lions on a Midnight Ex- press," "A Neighbor's Keyhole," "My Hus- band's Wife"), Metro ("Almost Married," "A Favor to a Friend," "Please Get Married"), Rob-Cole ("Better Times"). Hght., 6; wght., 135; light hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 1775 Las Palmas, Los Angeles; studio, Lehrman, Cal.

FELI.OWES, RoeUcliffe; b. Ottawa, Can., 1885; educ. Bishop's Coll. Schl., Lennoxville; stage career, with Ethel Barrymore, Cyril Scott, "Within the Law," "Under Cover"; screen ca- reer, Fox ("Where Love Leads," "The Bondage of Fear." "The House Cat," "The Web of Desire"), Selznick ("The Easiest Way"), Gold- wyn ("Cup of Fury"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 175; brown hair and eyes. Home ad., 450 Madison ave., N. Y. C. ; studio, Goldwyn.

FENTON, Mark; b. Crestline, O., Nov. 11, 1866; stage career, Charles Frohman's "All the Com- forts of Home" and "The Sporting Duchess," in Shakespearian drama with Booth and Bar- rett, in cos. of Otis Skinner. Madame Modjeska, in stk. many yrs.; screen career, Biograph, Pathe and Universal ('The Car of Chance," "Flirting with Death," "The Man Trap," "Saving the Last Mail"), Universal ("A Fight for Love," "Molly and I"), Jewell ("The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 190; complexion fair, brown hair, gray eyes. Home ad., 518 W. 47th St., N. Y. ; studio, Francis Ford.

FERGUSON, Casson; b. Alexandria, La., 1891; educ. there and Paris; stage career, 10 yrs. Shakespeare and mus. com. in America; revue, mus. com. and concert in London, Grand Opera, in Paris; screen career, Morosco, Lasky, Ince, Universal, Triangle, Hampton ("How Could You, Jean?" "The Only Road"), Paramount ("Jane Goes A-Wooing," "Secret Service"), Artcraft ("Johnny Get Your Gun"), Goldwyn ("Flame of the Desert"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 150; brown hair, blue gray eyes. Home ad., 1522 Manhattan pi., L. A.; Holly 2107; studio, Lasky, Hollywood, Cal.

FIELD, George; b. San Francisco; educ. Chicago; stage career, 10 yrs. in mus. com., stock and vaud.; screen career, American ("The Key"), Selig ("Beware of Strangers"), Metro ("The Testing of Mildred Vane"), Rob-Cole ("A Trick of Fate," "A Sage Brush Hamlet"). Hodkinson ("End of the Game"). Studio ad.. Universal City, Cal.

FILLMORE, Clyde; educ. Univ. of Oregon, Johns Hopkins Univ. ; stage career, 4 yrs. under mngmt. Cohan & Harris in "It Pays to Adver- tise," "House of Glass," "He and She." "The Little Teacher"), Anderson & Weber in "The Very Idea," "Civilian Clothes," at Morosco The- atre, Los Angeles; screen career. Universal ("Millionaire Pirate," "Fire Flingers." "Sun- down Trail," "His Great Success"), Fox ("When Fate Decides"). Hght., 6. 2; wght.. 195; brown hair, gray eyes. Home ad., 1715a Wilcox ave., Hollywood, Cal.; phone 579059.

FISHER, George; b. Republic, .Mich.; educ. Mil- waukee, Wis.; stage career, 6 yrs., began in 1907; screen career, started in 1914 with Thos. H. Ince, Paralta ('Within the Cup," "Maid of the Storm"), Selznick ("Mrs. Lemngwell's Boots"), Universal ("Fires of Youth"), Pathe ("Gates of Brass"), Hall Prod. Co. ("The Awakening"). Hght., 5, 11; wght.. 170; light brown hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 1133 So. Hoover St., Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 54006.

FIT/ROY', Louis; 1>. Fort Brady. Mich.; educ. Ohio Univ. ; stage career began in 1886, dram, stk , Columbus, Ohio; screen career, began in 1911 with Cameraphone, N. Y., Fox ("A Bird of Prey"), Metro ("The Four-Flusher," "The Devil's Deputy"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 150; gray hair, dark blue eyes. Home ad., 1322 MoCnddcn place. Hollywood. Cal ; Holly 1S34

FLANAGAN, D. J.; b. Ireland, 1S76; stage "career,



mgmt. Brady and Ziegfeld, com. opera, mus. com., played with Alice Nielson, Grace Van Studdiford, Anna Held, Julian Eltinge, etc.; screen career. World ("Trilby," "La Boheme"), Selznick ("The Common Law"), McClure ("Sloth"), M. H. Hoffman ("One Hour"), light., 5, 10 % ; wght., 180; brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 523 W. 134th St., N. Y.

FOOTK, Court enay ; b. Yorkshire, Eng.; educ. Oxford; early career, studied civil engineering; stage career, with Beerbohm Tree, in rep.; America, all star cast of "Oliver Twist"; mgmt. Chas. Frohman, Belasco, Liebler, etc. ; screen career, Vitagraph, Bosworth, Fine Art Films, Jlorosco ("Cross Currents," "An International Marriage"), Famous Players, Mutual ("Love's Law"), Artcraft ("His Parisian Wife"), Para- mount ('The Two Brides"). Ad., G6 W. 38th st., N. Y. C.

FORD, Harrison; b. Kansas City, Mo.; educ. there and Los Angeles; stage career, stk. in Baltimore, Md., in 1914, Syracuse, N. Y., 1913 and 1915; Famous Players ("Unclaimed Goods," "Girls." "The Third Kiss," "The Lottery Man"). Hght., 5. 10; wght., 160; brown hair and eyes. Ad., Laskv Studio, Lasky, Hollywood, Cal.

FOR MAN, Tom; b. Mitchell Co., Tex.; stage ca- reer, Belasco stock, Los Angeles, toured west at head of own rep. co. ; screen career, Kalem, Luliin, Lasky ("The American Consul." "Her Strange AVedding," "The Jaguar's Claw," "For- bidden Paths"), Pallas-Paramount ("A Kiss for Susie," "Hashamura Togo," "The Trouble Buster"). Artcraft ("For Better. For Worse"), Paramount ("Heart of Youth," "Told in the Hills"), Famous Players ("The Tree of Knowl- edge," "The Round-Up"). Blond hair, blu» eyes. Ad., Lasky Studio. Hollywood, Cal.

FORMES, Carl, Jr.; b. London, Eng., 1848; stage educ. Meiningen Theat., under Duke of Mein- ingen and Baron von Chroneck; stage career, engagements in Berlin, Dresden, Vienna, Am- sterdam, Stanton Opera Co.'s world tour; screen career, Kalem, Fine Arts ("Old Heidel- berg," "Macbeth," etc.), Select ("Up the Road with Sallie"), Vitagraph ("A Rogue's Ro- mance"). Hght., 5, 10%; wght., 148; brown hair, blue eyes.

FORREST, Allan; b. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; educ. Univ. Sch., Cleveland, Ohio; stage career, stk. in Cleveland and Baltimore, Md. ; screen ca- reer, 3 yrs. American Film Co., Santa Bar- bara, Cal., leading man for Mary Miles Min- ter. Hght., 6; wght.. 160; dark hair and eyes. Ad.. Los Angeles Athletic Club.

FORTH, George J.; b. Philadelphia; early exper. gentleman farmer; screen career, Vitagraph ("A Municipal Report"), Thanhouser, Edison. Pathe ("The Sixteenth Wife." "The Heart of Ezra Greer," "Bobby's Bravery," "The Girl from the Sea"), Goldwyn ("Our Little Wife"). Hght., 5, 11: wght, 170; brown hair and eyes. Home ad., Green Room Club, 139 W. 47th St., N. Y.

FOSHAY. Harold; b. and educ. Brooklyn; stage career, vaudeville and stock; screen career, Metro, Biograph, Harry Raph, Vitagraph. ("The Girl Problem"). Edgar Lewis Prod. ("Other Men's Shoes"). Hght., 5, 9; wght., 145: light hair, blue eyes. Ad., 34 Jefferson Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y.

FOSS, Darrell Burton; b. 1893, So. Wisconsin; educ. Chicago & So. Cal.; screen career, Kalem. Ince, Triangle ("Without Honor"), Metro ("Return of Mary," "Testing of Mildred Vane." with May Alilson, "The Red Lantern" with Nazimova ), Nazimova ("The Brat"). May Allison ("The Walk Offs"), Lasky ("Rose o'the River"). Universal special (featured in "Loot"), Hght., 6; wght., 160; dark com- plexion, brown hair and eyes. Home ad., 103 Rose Ave., Venice, Cal.; or, 5527 Fernwood Ave., Hollywood, Cal. Holly 2098.

FOSTER, J. Morris; b. Foxberg, Pa.; educ. Stam- ford Univ.; stage career, with Henrietta Crossman, Olive Windham, in "The Christian Pilgrim," "The Sixth Commendment." "What Happened to Mary," Harry David Stk. Co.; screen career, Thanhouser, Famous Players, Universal. American. Hampton; "The Inno- cent Lie," "High Speed." "The Secret Man," "Overland Red." "The Parish Priest," 5 Pathe releases. Hght., 5, 10%; wght., 150; medium brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 1572 La Baig Ave., Hollywood, Cal.

FOXE, Earle A.J b. Oxford, O., 1888; educ. Ohio State Univ.; stage career, Chicago stk.. in "The Deserters." "The Stranger." "The Cub," with Douglas Fairbanks; screen career, Grif-

fith ("The Escape," "The Man Upstairs"), Lasky ("The Trail of the Lonesome Pine"), Triangle ("From Two to Six"), Select ("The Honeymoon"), Metro ("Outwitted"), Pathe ("The Fatal Ring" serial), Goldwyn ("Peck's Bad Girl"). Hght., 6, I; wght, 178; light com- plexion, light brown hair, blue eyes.

FRANCIS, Alec Kudu; b. London", Eng.; educ. Uppingham Coll.; stage career, with various prods, in England. India, South Africa and United States; screen career, Vitagraph, Eclair, World, Goldwyn ("The Face in the Dark," "The Glorious Adventure," "The Venus Model"), C. K. Young-Select ("The Marion- ettes"). Goldwyn ("Day Dreams," "Crimson Gardenia." "City of Comrades," "Heartsease," "World and Its Woman," "Lord and Lady Algy," "Flame of the Desert"), United ("Her Code of Honor"), Select ("Probation Wife"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 157; light hair, gray eyes; ad., Goldwyn Studio, Culver City, Cal.

FRANCK, Jolui L. ; b. Louisville. Ky.. 1860; educ. Louisville; early career, as clown and in minstrels; screen career, entered pictures when they were first -installed on the Coast, with Bison, Kalem, Fine Arts, Famous Play- ers, Fox, Universal ("Virgin of Stamboul"),, Mary Pickford ("Pollyanna"), Metro, C. K. Young ("Eyes of Youth"), Goldwyn ("Flame of the Desert"), Vitagraph, Selig ("Auction of Souls"). Ad., 1811 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal.

FRANK. J. Herbert; stage career. 10 yrs. Wm. A. Brady, vaudeville, stock; screen career, Vitagraph. 2 yrs., World, Metro, Talmadge; "Tempered Steel," Petrova co. ; "Good Bye, Bill." Famous; "Freedom," Fox; "Dodging a Million." Goldwyn; Fox ("For Freedom"), Photoplay Libraries ("Empty Arms"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 180; dark complexion, hair and eyes. Ad., home, 152 W. 49th St., N. Y. C. ; Bryant, 8116 and 5217.

FRAUNHOLZ, Fraunie French; b. and educ. Balto., Md. ; 15 yrs. stage exper., stk. and own act in vaud.; screen career, Solax, Metro, Fa- mous Players, Thanhouser, Universal, with Petrova, Florence Reed, Edmund Breese, Gall Kane, Mary Miles Minter: Perret ("Lafayetre We Come," "Stars cf Glory," "Thirteenth Chair"). Hght., 5. 8; wght., 140; brown hai.-, gray eyes. Ad., Fort Lee, N. J.

FRENCH, Chas. K. ; b. Columbus, Ohio; educ. there; stage career. variety, minstrel and dram., song and dance man. banjoist come- dian, character actor; screen career, Nazi- mova ("Hermit Doctor of Garja"). "Law of the North" with Chas. Ray. with Dorothy Dalton in "The Weaker Sex." Tom Mix "High Speed." Wm. S. Hart ("Tiger Man"), Wm. Russell "That Hero Stuff." Hght.. 5, 11%; wght., 190; brown gray hair, blue eyes. Ad., 2217 Ewing St., Los Angeles, Cal. Wil- shire 2847.

FRENCH, George B. ; Storm Lake. Iowa; stage career, for 15 qrs. in dram, stk , on road, and in vaud.; with Louis James "Parsifal," etc.; screen career, National (Tarzan of the Apes," "Back to Nature"), Christie ("In and Out," "500 or Bust." "Sally's Blighted Career." "His Pajama Girl"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 140; dark hair and eyes. Home ad., 1636 Argyle Ave., Hollywood, Cal.; studio ad., Christie, Holly- wood.

FCREY, Jas. A.; b. and educ. Brooklyn; stage career, 38 yrs.; screen career, Pathe ("The Awakening of Helena Ritchie," "Destruction" with Theda Bara), Fox ("Her Sister," "Queen of Hearts"), Peerless ("Phil"). Blackton ("Dawn"), Vitagraph ("Climbers"), Famous ("On With the Dance"), Selznick ("Love"). Hght., 5, 9; wght.. 150; white hair, blue eyes. Ad., 454 Classon Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Pros- pect 7128.


GADEN, Alexander; b. Montreal, Canada, Feb. 20, 1880; educ. there; stage career, stock, throughout U. S., etc., playing over 500 parts; also with Savage's prod., "Madame X"; screen career, Famous. Universal. Vitagraph. Gau- mont ("The Hidden Face." "The Gates of Divorce." "The Toll of War") Hodkinson ("The Bandbox"). Artco ("The Capitol"). Hght., 5, 9%; wght., 175; fair complexion, dark brown hair, brown eyes; has written several successful playlets and photoplays.

GAILLARD, Robert; b. Adrian. Mich.; educ. Wisconsin University; stage career, 15 yrs.



leading man, manager, director; screen ca- reer, 8 yrs. with Vitagraph Co. ("In the Balance," "A Girl of the Times." "The Clutch of Circumstance," "Beauty Proof," "The Ad- venture Shop." "Silent Strength." "The Man Who Won," "Beating the Odds." "In Honor's Web"). Hght., 6 ft.; wght., 186; brown hair, brown eyes. Home, 3718 ave. J, Bklyn, N. Y.

GALLAGHER, Raymond; b. San Francisco, 1889; educ. Sacred Heart Coll.; screen ca- reer, 10 yrs. exp., stk. and road shows, lead- ing man in "The Wolf," "Mrs. Temple's Tele- gram," "The Girl of the Golden West," Al- cazar Stk. Co.; screen career, Melies, Lubin, Universal ("His Divorced Wife," "The Phan- tom Melody"). Hght., 5, 9; wght., 160; dark complexion, brown hair and eyes. Ad., Sherwood Apts., Los Angeles. Pico 3202.

GAMBLE, Warburton; educ. England; stage career, London, under Sir Herbert Tree, Forbes Robertson, Chas. Frohman, with Tree In "Colonel Newcomb" ; in New York, "The Outcast" with Elsie Ferguson, the aviator in Shaw's "Misalliance," "Margaret Schiller" with Miss Ferguson, "Milestones"; screen ca- reer. Paramount ("The Outcast," "Silver King," "A Society Exile," "The Invisible Bond," "Two Brides"), Goldwyn ("Thirty a Week." "The Palliser Case"), Raver ("As a Man Thinks," "La Belle Russe"). Hght., 5, 11%; wght., 165; dark hair, dark gray eyes. Ad., Whitestone, L. I., N. Y. Flushing 1324-R.

GELD ART, Clarence H.; b. St. John, N. B.; educ. Collins Coll., Boston; stage career, 15 yrs., with Mansfield, Neil Burgess, Russ Whytal, Lewis & Tilbury and stk. cos.; screen career, Fine Arts, Griffith ("Intolerence"), Nat. Drama (Gen. Arnold in "The Fall of a Nation"), Lasky stk. co. ("Hidden Pearls," "Gypsy Trail," "The Way of a Man with a Maid," "Secret Garden," "The Goat"). Hght., 5 ft. 11 in.; Wght., 180 lbs,; light complexion, brown hair, gray eyes. Home ad., 1765 G. No. Bronson ave., Hollywood, Cal. Phone 577811. Studio ad., Lasky, Hollywood, Cal.

GERALD, Pete; b. Piacenza, Italy, 1864; stage career, 35 yrs. vaud., circus, drama, from con- tortionist to leading man; screen career, L-Ko ("Born to the Purple," "Phantom Island," "The Eye of Fear"), Universal ("The Purple Mask", Bluebird ("The Craving"), Monopol (Crimson Shoals"); actrobat and athletic con- tortionist. Hght., 5, 9; wght., 140; black hair, brown eyes. Ad., home, 1442 Union ave., Los Angeles, Calif.

GERARD, Charles; b. Carlow, Ireland, 1887; educ. Castleknock and Dublin Univ. ; stage career, in London, "The Country Girl," with George Edwardes, "The Gay Gordons ; screen career, Famous Players, Paramount ("Little Miss Optimist"), Universal ("The Double Standard"), Select ("The New Moon," "The Isle of Conquest"), Paramount ("Pettigrew's Girl," "Something to Do"), Artcraft ("The Counterfeit." "The Teeth of the Tiger"). Ad., Hotel Algonquin. N. Y.

GIBUS, Robert Paton, b. Pa.; educ. Univ. of Va. ; stage career, "The Flame," "Trilby," "Madam X," "Ghosts"; screen career, Savage (title role in "Robinson Crusoe"), Pathe, Kalem ("Grip of the Charlatan"), World ("The Beloved Adventuress"), Metro ("Man Who Stayed at Home"), Fox ("Lure of Am- bition"), World ("The Beloved Adventuress"). Hght.. 5, 8; wght., 155; dark complexion, gray hair, black eyes. Ad., 16 Gramercy Park, N. Y.

GIBSON, Ed ("Hoot"); b. Tekamah. Nebr. 1892; early career, cowboy, with Bud Atkin's circus to Australia; screen career, since 1911. Sellg, Kalem ("Hazards of Helen"), Universal ("A Knight of the Range," "The Crow," "The Voice on the Wire," "Shameless Salvason," "The Trail of the Holdup Men." "The Lone Hand," "The Double Holdup." "The Sheriff's Oath," " The Jay Bird." "Harmonv Ranch." "Roaring Dan"). Hght., 5, 10; wght.. 160; Light hair and blue eyes. Studio, Universal City. Calif.

GILBERT, Jack; b. Logan. Utah. 1S95; educ. Hitchcock Mil. Acad., San Rafael, Calif.; stage career, Baker Stk. Co. in Portland, Ore. and Seattle, Wash., Forepaugh Stk. Co., Cin- cinatl, road shows; screen career, Ince ("Princess of the Dark," "Golden Rule," "Millionaire Vagrant"), Mary Plckford ("Heart of the Hills"), Geo. Loane Tucker ("Ladles Must Live"), Maurice Tourneur ("White Heather," "Glory of Love"). Home ad., L. A. Athletic Club, Los Angeles, Calif. Studio, Maurice Tourneur Co., Goldwyn studio, Culver City, Calif.

GILES, Corliss; b. Providence, R. I.; educ. there; stage career, with Lou Tellegen, "King of Nowhere." "The Ware Case," "The Iron Dove," John Cort (stock in large cities) ; screen career, Clara K. Young ("Shirley Kaye," "The Marionettes." "The House of Class" i, Miller-Hallmark ("Love, Honor and ?"), Hallmark ("Heart of a Gypsy"). Hght., 5, 11%: wght., 170; dark hair and eyes. Home ad.. Lambs Club, N. Y. C.

GIRARD, Jos. W.; b. Williamsport, Pa.; educ. Phila., Pa.; stage career, 20 yrs. exp.; screen career, 1 yr. with Edison, 4 yrs. with Uni- versal ("Two Souled Women," "Beast of Ber- lin," "Loot," "Paid in Advance," "Midnight Man" serial), Payton Pictures, Inc. ("Sign of the Rat"). Hght., 6; wght., 185; gray hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 1757 Orange Drive, Hollywood, Calif., phone 577320.

GLASS, Gaston; b. 1895 and educ. Paris, France; stage career, 5 yrs. with Sarah Bernhardt in France and U. S. ; screen career, Pathe Freres, Gaumont. Paris; Famous Players-Lasky ("Oh, You Women," "Honeymoon for Three," "Let's Elope"), Warner ("Open Your Eyes"), Mc- Manus ("Lost Battalion"), World ("Women of Lies", Ed. Jose Prod. ("Mothers of Men"). Hght., 5, 10%; wght., 156; dark hair, brown eyes. Ad., 48 W. 49th St.. N. Y. C.

GLENDON, J. Frank; b. Choteau, Mont., 1885; educ. Montana Wesleyan Univ.; stage career, 9 yrs.; screen career, Vitagraph (O. Henry stories and "Woman in the Web," "The Changing Woman," "By the World Forgot," "Dawn of Understanding," "Wishing Ring Man," "The Enchanted Barn"). Hght., 6; wght., 175; gray eyes, brown hair. Ad., 5925 Yucca St., Hollywood, Cal.; studio, Vitagraph, L. A., Cal.

GOLDSMITH, Frank; b. 1881; stage career, 8 yrs. mgmt. of Chas, Frohman, with Shubert, Brady, Wlnthrop Ames, "Truth" with Grace George; screen career. Wartons, Peerless, Paragon, World Film ("The Page Mystery"), Mutual ("Reputation"), Artcraft ("The Rise of Janice Cushing"), Goldwyn ("Oh, Johnny"), Fox ("Woman, Woman"). Hght., 5, 10%; dark complexion.

GOLDSWORTHY, John Heath; educ. privately in England; stage career, 17 yrs. In England and America with George Edwardes, Shubert. Frohman, and at present with "The Royal Vagabond," Cohan and Harris; screen career, Metro ("The Better Man." "The Yellow Streak," "Debt of Honor," " Corner in Cot- ton." "The Divorcee"), Fox ("The Second Wife"), Famous Players ("The Red Widow," "Career of Katherlne Bush"). Vitagraph ("The Sporting Duchess"). Hght, 6, 1%; wght., 175; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., Cohan & Harris Theatre, N. Y. C.

GOODWINS. Fred.; b. London, Eng., 1891; educ. Grocer's Co. Coll., London; stage career, with Sir George Alexander, John Drew, Chas. Froh- man, etc.; screen career, Edison. Essaney. Christie. Select ("Mrs. Leffington's Boots"), Lois Webber ("For Husbands Only"), Metro ("The Testing of Mildred Vane," "Making Good", Paramount ("Way of a Man With a Maid"), Pathe ("Common Clay"), Jewel- Universal ("Forbidden"). Hght., 5, 10; wght.. 150; blond hair and blue eyes.

GORDON, Harris; b. Glenside, Pa.; educ. Chel- tenham Acad.; stage career, with Louis Mann; screen career. Reliance, Solax, Famous, Than- houser ("The Picture of Dorian Gray," " God's Witness," " The Price of Her Silence," " The Girl Who Wanted to Dive." " The Image Maker "), Famous Players (" Double- crossed "), Select Pictures ("The Honey- moon "), Screencraft (" The Prodigal Wife," "Suspense"). Hght., 6; wght., 150; light hair, blue eyes.

GORDON, Huntley; b. Montreal. Can., educ. Bannister Court School, England; screen career, Vitagraph, leads for Ralph Ince, Metro ("The Million Dollar Dollies," "Our Mrs. McChesney "), Blackton ("The Common Cause"). Vitagraph ("Too Many Croeks," "The Unknown Quantity"). Selznick ("The Glorious Lady," "Out Yonder"). Hght., 6; wght., 170; fair complexion, light hair, blue eyes. Add., Hayshore, L. I., N. Y Bayshore 527.

GORDON James; b. Pittsburgh. Pa.; 10 yrs stage; screen career. Edison, Famous Players, Pathe. Wharton. Paramount (" The Final Close-Up"), Select ("Jacques of the Silver North"), First National ("The Thunder- bolt"), directed "The Great Wide Trail," played In " The Girl from Outside," " B«-



hind the Door," "Are You Married?" "Mary's Ankle," " The Sea Wolf," " Experimental Marriage." Member M. P. D. A. Home ad., 4520 Fountain Ave., Los Angeles, Cal., phone 59584.

(H)Kl)ON, Robert; educ. Polytechnic Junior Col- lege; stage career, one season with Hollywood Community Players ; screen career, Lasky ("Tom Sawyer," "Huck and Tom," "The Varmint," "Cap'n Kidd, Jr."), Blackton ("Missing," "The Moonshine Trail," "Dawn," "The Blood Bar- rier"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 160; light brown hair, dark brown eyes. Ad., 25 W. 45th St., N, Y.

COWXAND, Gibson; b. England; educ. private schls. Eng.; stage career, legitimate; screen career, Paramount ("White Heather," "Ladies Must Live"), Universal ("Blind Husbands"), Metro ("The Right of Way"), First National ("The Fighting Shepherdess"). Hght., 6; wght., 190; brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 1401 El Molino, Los Angeles, Cal.

GKANBY, Joseph; b. Boston, 1885 ; educ. there; stage career, Castle Sq. and Boston stk., in "Fine Feathers," vaud. for two seasons with Valeska Suratt; screen career, Universal ("Man From Nowhere"), Fox ("Jealousy," "The Vic- tim"), World ("Rasputin, the Black Monk"), Metro ("The Great Romance"), Ince-Para- mount ("Black Is White"), Hallmark-Fitzger- ald Prod. Hght., 5, 10%; wght., 155; dark com- plexion, dark hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 518 W. 134th st., Mngsde. 9798, or Green Room Club, N. Y.

GRANT, Edwin J.; b. Cambridge, Mass., 1893; stage career, stock, "Seven Days' Leave," "Get- ting Together," Ziegfeld Midnight Frolic; screen career, World, Petrova Co., Talmadge Co., Gold- wyn, Famous, Fox ("The Panther Woman," "The Safety Curtain," "Private Peat," "Why America Will Win"). In U. S. Service; played in "Atta Boy" and stage mgr. for Frank Tin- ney, the blackface comedian, now forming dra- matic stk. co. of own at Somerville, Mass. Hght., 5, S; wght., 160; black hair, blue eyes. Ad., 21 Webster ave., Somerville, Mass., and Film Players, 138 W. 46th St., N. Y. C.

GRASSBY, Bertram; b. Lincolnshire, Eng., 1880; educ. U. S. ; stage career, rep, stk.; screen ca- reer, Selig, Universal, Fox ("Blindness of Di- vorce"), Griffith ("Romance of Happy Valley"), Para-Gish ( "Battling Jane," "The Hope Chest"). Rob-Cole ("Hoopla," "What Every Woman Wants," "The Gray Horizon," "The Illustrious Prince"), Fox ("Cowardice Court"), Amer.- Pathe ("Yvonne from Paris"), Hodkinson ("The Lone Wolf's Daughter"). Hght., 6; wght., 175; black hair and eyes. Ad.. 1632 Vista st., Holly- wood, and care Willis & Inglis, L. A., Cal.

GRATTAN, Stephen; screen career. Fox ("The Ruling Passion," "The Spider and the Fly," "A Tortured Heart," "The Family Stain," "Should a Mother Tell?"), Brennon Selznick ('The Lone Wolf"), Select ("A Scream in the Night"). Home ad., Hotel Van Courtlandt. N. Y.

GRAVES, Ralph; b. Cleveland. O. ; screen career, 2 yrs. Essanay, Univ., World ("Tinsel"), Tour- ney ("Sporting Life," "The White Heather"). Paramount ("I'll Get Him Yet," "The Home Town Girl," "Out of Luck"), Universal ("The Scarlet Shadow," "What Am I Bid?"), Griffith ("Scarlet Days"), First National ("The Great- est Question"). Hght., 6, 1; wght., 170; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., L. A. A. Club, Los An- geles, Cal., and Griffith Studio, Mamaroneck, N.Y.

GRAY, Clifford B. ; educ. St. Luke's Schl., Wayne. Pa., Lake Forest Acad., Cornell Univ.; stage career, with Lew Fields, Musical Comedy, stock in Chicago, vaud.; screen career, Pathe ("Beu- lah," opposite H. B. Walthall), Famous Play- ers ("The Crucible," "The Cost"), World ("Na- than Hale," "Daughter of the Sea"), Metro ("Strength of the Weak"). Hght., 5, 8; wght.. 150; dark hair, blue eyes. Ad., Friars Club, N. Y.

GREENE, Kempton; b. Shreveport, La., 1890; educ. Friends' Sch., Phila. ; stage career, "Checkers"; screen career, Lubin ("A Question of Right," "The Man from the Sea"), Selig ("Brown of Harvard"), Goldwyn ("Our Little Wife"), Oliver Film Corp. ("Craig Kennedy Serial"), Arrow ("A Fool's Gold"). Vitagraph ("Fortune's Child"), Fox ("My Little Sister"), World ("Crook of Dreams." "Forest Rivals"). Hght., 5, 9; wght., 148; blond complexion.

GKEENXEAF, ('has. L. ; b. Evanston, 111., 1890; educ. Lake View H. S., Chiearo, and Univ. of Minnesota; stage career, legitimate, covering

period of 4 yrs., Sari, comedy and Forbes- Robertson Shakespearian plays; screen ca' ^er, Essanay ("Little Girl Next Door"), 5 charac- ters in "Love's Sweet Dream," Portray .'"Urns ("For Her Lover's Sake"). Hght., 5, 11; wght , 165; dark brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad , 4358 Fountain ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; phont 597120.

GRIHIiON, Harry; b. 1888 and educ. N.

stage career, 15 yrs.; Ziegfeld Follies, Louise Gunning, Shuberts, K. & E., etc.; screen career, Keystone, Fox, Sennett - Paramount ("His Smothered Love," "Ladies First"), Mack Sen- nett Rural Comedies ("Down on the Farm"), 5-reel comedy for Gt. Western Prod. Co. Home ad., 1337 N. Alvarado, Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 55174.

GR1MWOOD, Herbert; b. Essex, England, eflue. Forest School, Eng.; stage career, F. R. Benson Shakespearean Co., heavy leads with Sir H. Beerbohm Tree and for 8 yrs. to Oscar Asche and Lily Bray ton; screen career, Douglas Fair- banks Co. ("When the Clouds Roll By"), 2 productions for Jesse Hampton Co. Hght., 5, 8%; wght., 156; iron gray hair, hazel eyes. Home ad., 1835 Argyle ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 579575.

GRISEL, Louis R. ; b. N. Y., 1849; educ. Phila.; stage career, "The Lion and the Mouse," "Such a Little Queen," stage mgr. for McVicker's theatre, Chicago; screen career, Pathe (one and two-reel features), Reliance ("Solomon and Son"), Eclair, World ("Broken Chains," "The Crimson Door"), Goldwyn ("The Cinder- ella Man"), World ("Love in a Hurry," "The Bluffer," "The Moral Deadline"), Artcraft ("His Parisian Wife"), Realart ("Mystery of the Yellow Room").

GROSSMITH, J/awrence b. London, 1877; educ. St. Paul's Coll., London Univ. Sch. and Shrews- bury; stage career, in London, 1896-1915; in U. S. Played Freddy Popple in "Nobody Home" ; screen career, J. S. Blackton ("The Common Cause"), Lawrence Grossmith Comedy, 1 reel ("Making Good with Mother"). Ad., Booth theatre, N. Y.

GUISE, Thomas Sheldon; b. Detroit; educ. there; stage career, 35 yrs. with De Wolf Hopper, Francis Wilson, Lillian Russell; screen career, Famous, Savage, Ince, Triangle ("Broadway Arizona," "The Clodhopper," "The Wolf Wom- an," "The Idolaters," "The Tar Heel Warrior," "The Stainless Barrier"), Rob. -Cole ("Jos- selyn's Wife," "Hearts Asleep," "Woman Michael Married"), Pathe ("The Forbidden Room"), Paramount ("23% Hours' Leave"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 175; gray hair and eyes.


HACKATHORN, George, Juveniles and leads; b. Pendleton, Ore.; educ. there; stage career, "Devil's Auction," "Girl I Left Behind Me"; first exp. at age of 9, stk. and vaud. as singer; screen career. Universal (" Sue of the South," "Heart of Humanity"). Barriscale Features ("Josselyn's Wife"). Lasky ("Too Much Johnson"), Paralta ("A Law Unto Herself"), now with Lois Weber in her first Paramount- Artcraft special with all-star cast, also with Fox and Harold Bell Wright Pictures Corp. Hght., 5, 7; wght., 120; dark brown hair, blown eyes. Ad., Lois Weber Studios.

HACKETT, Albert; educ. private tutorage and Professional Children's School. N. Y. C. ; stage career. melodrama. " Traveling Salesman." " Writing on the Wall." with Olga Nethersole. "Just a Woman." with Walter Hampden and Josephine Victor; screen career, Pathe ("Poor Jimmy"). Lubin ("Four Years"), Gaumont ("The House Party"). Edison ("Boy Who Cried Wolf," "The Grail"), Metro ("Dope"). World ("Ginger"), Famous Players ("Come Out of the Kitchen," " Anne of Green Gables"). Hght., 5, 9; wght.. 139; brown hair and eyes. Ad., 10 W. 64th St.. N. Y. C. Columbus 3875.

HAINES, Robert Terrell; b. Muncie, Ind.; educ. Kansas City pub. schls. and Univ. of Mis- souri; stage career, starred in "The Darling of the Gods," " Once Upon a Time," " The Spendthrift"; in vaud.;. also leading man for Mrs. Fiske. Viola Allen, Olga Nethersole. Grace George; stock star in N. Y., Cleveland. Baltimore, Syracuse; screen career, leads in Equitable, Gaumant, Erbograph ("The Vic- tim"), Art ("The Capitol"). Hght., 5, 10; wght.. 174; dark complexion, dark hair and eyes. Ad., Lambs' Club, N. Y.



HALE, Alan; b. Wash., D. C, 1892; educ. Phila. ; stage career, stk., vaud., "Rainbow Girl." " Rock-a-Bye Baby," "Friendly Enemies"; screen career, Famous, Peerless (" Scarlet Oath"), Fox ("The Lone Thief"), Selznick ("The Price She Paid"), Metro ("The Whirl- pool"), M. H. Hoffman ("One Hour"), Graphic ("Moral Suicide"). Hght., G; wght., 195; blond hair, blue eyes. Ad., home, 630 W. 135th St., N. Y. ; Mngsde 5060. HALE, Creighton; b. Cork, Ireland; educ. Dub- lin and London; coming of theatrical family; stage career, from early age, in various Lon- don prods.; came to America with Gertrude Elliott's "Dawn of a To-morrow"; appeared in Broadway prods, with John Mason, Hol- brook Blinn, Edmund Breeze, in leading roles; screen career, Metro (" Woman the Germans Shot," " Wilson or the Kaiser," " The Thir- teenth Chair"), Capellani ("Oh, Boy," "The Love Cheat," " A Damsel in Distress "), World ("The Black Circle"), Griffith produc- tion, not yet released. Ad., Great Neck Sta- tion, L. I., N. Y.

HALL, Al. ; stage career, stk. co., Poli Stk., Payton Stk.; screen career, Arrow ("Deem- ster"), "Twenty Million Dollar Mystery," H. H. Prod. ("His Way Back"), Fox ("Doing Their Bit," ''Miss U. S. A."). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 150; blond hair, brown eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

HALL, Ben; b. & educ. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; screen career: 6 yrs. with Imp, Universal, Herbert Brenon; lyr. stage manager for Herbert Brenon; hght.. 5, 9; wght. 129; light hair, blue eyes. Now with British & Colenial Kine- matograph Co., Ltd., 35 Endell St., Longacre, W. C. 2, London, England.

HALL, Donald; b. Murree, North West Province, East India, Aug. 14, 1878; educ. London, Eng.; stage career, baritone lead in "Florodora" and " The Girl Behind the Counter," played with Anna Held, Fritzi Scheff and other stars in the United States; screen career, Perfec- tion-Kleine ("The Awakening of Ruth"), Metro ("Alias Mrs. Jessup"), Universal ("The Raggedy Queen"), Goldwyn ("The Face in the Dark"). Oliver ("Craig Kennedy Serial") World ("Love and the Woman"), Emory Film Corp. ("The Chosen Path"), Selznick ("The Broken Melody"). Played society and character parts. Hght., 5, 9; wght., 170; light complexion, dark hair, gray eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

If ALL, Howard, also scenario writer; b. Evans- ton, III.. 1878; educ. State Normal Schl. ; stage career, 30 yrs., starred 12 yrs. in own plays; screen career, Pathe, Vitagraph, Equitable. Gaumont ("According to Law"), Beach ("The Barrier"). Metro ("Alias Mrs. Jes- sup"!. Warren Prod. ("Weavers of Life"), France Film Co. ("The Natural Law"), Metro ("The Gold Cure"). Hght.. 6, 1%; wght., 185; medium complexion, dark hair, dark eyes. Ad., home, Decatur, Mich., and Green Room Club, N. L.

HALL, Thurston; b. Boston; educ. Winchester, Mass.: stage career, Ben Hur in "Ben Hur." supported Lillian Russell in "Wildfire," Mar- guerite Clark. Charlotte Walker, Amelia Bingham, " The Only Girl," " Love of Mike," "Have a Heart"; screen career, Fox (Marc Antony in Theda Bara prod.. "Cleopatra"), leads in Thos. Ince prod., Paralta, Famous ("Tyrant Fear." "We Can't Have Every- thing"). C. DeMille ("The Squaw Man"), Universal ("The Weaker Vessel." "The Un- paintt-d Woman "), lead with Gail Kane in " Empty Arms." Now with " Civilian Clothes" at Morosco Theatre, N. Y. Hght., 6; wght.. 200; fair complexion, brown hair, gray- blue eyes. Ad., Morosco Theatre. N. Y.

HALL, Winter; b. Christchurch, New Zealand; educ. there; stage career. 15 yrs. in Australia and New Zealand under J. C. Williamson, Ltd.. and Brough Fleming Comedv Co.; screen career Lasky ("The Primrose Ring." "The House of Silence." " Till I Come Back to You," " Capt. Kidd, Jr.", " City of Dim Faces," "The Tree of Knowledge"), Metro ("The Red Lantern"), W. S. Hart ("The Money Corral"). Katherine MacDonald ("The Bleed- ers"). Hght., 6; wght.. 185; gray hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 1963 Beachwood Drive, Hollywood. Cal.. Holly 3943.

HALLAM, Henry; b. London, 1867; educ. Lon- don: stage career, with Frank Wilson. Pauline Hall, own sketch, with Lillian Russell; screen career, Kleine ("Gloria's Romance"), Vita- graph ("Lion and the Mouse." "The Climb-

ers"), Fox "Help, Help, Police," "Never Say Quit," "Kathleen Mavourneen "). Hght., a, 11V>; wght., 179; gray hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 4 W. 109th St., N. Y. Academy 4878.

HALLARD, C. M.j b. Edinburgh, Scotland; educ. Edinburgh Acad. and Univ.; stage career, 30 yrs. with Sir Frank Benson, Sir Herbert Tree, Sir John Hare, Charles Froh- man, 3 yrs. doing lead at Drury Lane, "Sealed Orders," "Best o' Luck"; screen career, Samuelson ("The Elder Miss Blos- som," " Gamblers All," " The Husband Hunt- er," "The Edge of Bevond," "The Bridal Chair," "Faith, Hope and Charity"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 182; gray hair, blue eyes. Home ad., Alvarado Hotel, Los Angeles, Cal.; studio, G. B. Samuelson, Universal City.

HAM, Harry; b. Napanee, Ont. ; educ. Yale Univ.; screen career. Famous. Bosworth (supported Elsie Janis), Metro ("Father and the Boys"), Christie (" Tramp, Tramp, Tramp," " A Gay Deceiver," " His Wedded Wife," " Kidding Sister." " He Fell on the Beach," " Down by the Sea," "Crazy by Proxy,'.' "The Honey- mooners," "Skirts." Ad., home, Los Angeles Athletic Club. Studio ad., Christie Studio.

IIAMKR, Fred; b. Lancashire, England; educ. Manchester, Eng.; early career, 10 yrs. in Brit- ish Army; stage career, 7 yrs. in stk. and as stage mgr., Belasco Theatre and Morosco The- tre, Los Angeles, played in orig. prod, of "Bird of Paradise"; screen career. Majestic ("His Little Pal," "Texas Bill's Last Ride," " Blue Pete's Escape." " Bank Burglar's Fate," "Broken Nose Bailey"), Fine Arts ("Stage Struck," "Man and His Mate"), Griffith "Hearts of the World," "Broken Blossoms"), " The Great Radium Mystery," serial. Ad., Great Western Serial Co., L-Ko Studio. Holly- wood, Cal.; home ad., 4412 Sunset Drive, Los Angeles. Holly 971.

HAMILTON, Hale; b. Ft. Madison. Iowa; educ. Shattuck Military Academy and Univ. of Mich- igan; stage career, Shakespearian repertoire; in Wilton Lackaye's " The Pit," " The Ne'er Do Well," Drury Lane Theatre, London, " Sealed Orders," " A Pair of Sixes " ; screen career, Metro ("The Winning of Beatrice," "After His Own Heart," "Full of Pep." "That's Good," " In His Brother's Place." " The Four- Flusher," " Five Thousand an Hour," " Johnny on the Spot.") Hght., 6; wght., 175; light hair, blue eyes. Ad., L. A. Athletic Club.

HAMILTON, Mahlon; b. Baltimore, Md. ; educ. there and Maryland Agriculture Coll.; stage career, " The Great Question," " Israel " (Chas. Frohman), "The Chaperon" (Maxine Eliott), etc.; screen career, Pathe, co-star in serial ("The Hidden Hand"), Artcraft ("The Danger Mark"). Select ("The Death Dance"). Kitty Gordon Prod., Mary Pickford ("Daddy Longlegs"), Anita Stewart ("Kingdom of Dreams," " In Old Kentucky," " Ladies Must Live"), Blanche Sweet ("The Deadlier Sex"). Brentwood Films ("The Third Generation"). Hght.. 6; wght., 185; light brown hair, blue eyes.

HANXA, Franklyn; b. 1S75; stage career, Senator Murphy in " Potash and Perlmutter." lead in "Under Cover," vaud.; screen career. Than houser. Edison. Metro. Vitagraph (" The Mes- sage of the Mouse." "Richard the Brazen"). M. H. Hoffman ("One Hour"), Metro ("The Gold Cure." "The Great Romance"), World ("The American Way"), Pathe ("The Web of Deceit"). .Hght., 6, 2; complexion, dark; blue eyes.

H.AKDIN, Neil ('.; b. Louisiana. Mo. ; educ. Univ. of Michigan; early career, lawyer; stage career, 2 yrs. under direction Allan Damaby; screen career, Universal, Pathe ("The Neglected Wife"), Metro ("Johnny on the Spot"), Na- tional ("Modern Husbands"), American ("The Dangerous Talent"). Hght., 5, 10%; wght., 150; dark brown hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., c/o Willis and Ingliss. Los Angeles, Cal.

HARE, Francis Lumsden; b. Ireland. 1S75; educ. St. Dunstan's, London; stage career, 20 yrs. leading man. Ethel Barrymore. Maude Adams, Billie Burke, John Drew, Gertrude Eliott; screen career. World ("Love's Crucible"). Pathe ("Arms and the Woman"). Famous Players ("The Avalanche"). Films Specials ("Mothers of Men"). Selznick ("The Country Cousin"). L. Weber ("The Blue Pearl"). Crest ("No Children Allowed"). Hght.. 6; wght., 175; brown hair. Member Lambs'. Players'. Dunwoodie Country and Malba Field Clubs, and Green Room Club. London. Ad., home. Ballingarry, Whitestone Landing. L. I., N. Y.



HARKNESS, Carter B.; b. 1888 ; stage career, 3 yrs. stk. ; screen career, Biograph, Edison, Pox ("Gold and the Woman," "Her People"), Thanhouser 2 yrs., Edison (" The Battle of Tapoli "), Rador (" The Spirit of 1917 "). Hght., 5, 11; medium complexion. Ad., 118 W. 64th St., N. Y. Col. 8665.

HARLAN, Kenneth; b. N. Y. C, 1895; educ. N. Y. C. ; stage career, followed T. Roy Barnes in '" See My Lawyer," lead with Gertrude Hoff- man, played in " The Fortune Hunter," " Boys of Company B," " The Lottery Man," " The Country Boy"; screen career, Famous Players, Metro, Ince Lois Weber prod. ("The Whim"), Paralta ("A Man's Man"), Bluebird ("The Wine Girl," " Bread," " The Model's Confes- sion," "Midnight Madness," "The Turning Point"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 165; dark com- plexion, dark hair, black eyes. Studio ad., Katherlne MacDonald Film Corp.

HARLAM, Macey; b. N. Y.; educ. N. Y.; stage career, Frohman, Harris, Klaw and Erlanger, Fiske, Woods, " Yellow Ticket." " Inside the Lines," Otis Skinner, "Eyes of Youth"; screen career, Famous Players, Douglas Fairbanks, World, Triangle (" Nannette of the Wilds," "The Sorceress"), Goldwyn ("Flame of the Desert," " The Woman and the Fool." " Toby's Bow"). Hght., 5, 9%; wght., 155; black hair, brown eyes. Ad., Lambs' Club, N. Y.

HARLAN, Otis; b. Zanesville, O. ; educ. Kenyon College, Gambier, O. ; became member Chas. Hoyt's Co., " A Black Sheep," producing man- ager, " The Vanderbilt Cup." " The Parisian Model"; screen career. Selig (plays adapted from Hoyt comedies, "A Black Sheep," "A Stranger in New York," " A Milk White Flag." "A Temperance Town"), Edison ("Regenera- tion of Sam Packard," " Everybody Loves a Fat Man"), Otis Harlan Co. ("Welcome Home"). Ad., The Otis Harlan Co., Georgia

6 Gerard ave., Los Angeles, Cal. HARMON, "Pat"; b. Lewistown, 111.; educ.

there; stage career, 8 yrs. in stk., rep. and cir- cus; screen career, began in 1914. Kinemacolor, Fox, Griffith, Ince, L-Ko. Universal, " Speed Maniac " with Tom Mix, " The Busher " with Charles Ray. Hght., 6; wght., 210; brown hair and eves. Home ad., 516 W. 42nd Place, Los Angeles, Cal. 'Phone 28375. HARKISON, James ("Jimmle") ; b. Milwaukee. Wis.; educ. there and Chicago; screen career, stk. for 1 season in Chicago. " Bird of Para- dise " Morosco, with Lenore Ulrich, 30 mos. ; 1 season vaud. in sketch, with James T. Powers In "Somebody's Luggage"; screen career, Grif- fith ("The Bad Boy," "Madame Bo-Peep"), Christie Comedies for one year; army 20 mos.,

7 mos. in France; with Christie since April 1919 (" Kids and Kidlets," " Reno, All Change." "Nearly Newlyweds," and 14 others. Hght., 5, 9; wght., 140; dark complexion, black hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 1618 Hudson st., Holly- wood, Cal., Holly 2728; studio. Christie.

HARRON, Robert; b N. Y., 1894 ; left school at 14 to become errand boy in Biograph studios; screen career, from 1908, Biograph, Reliance- Majestic, Fine Arts; in "The Birth of a Na- T tion," "Intolerance," "Near to Earth," Goldwyn

| ("Sunshine Alley"), Griffith ("Hearts of the

J World." "The Great Love," "The Greatest Thing v In Life," "True Heart Susie," "Romance of Happy Valley," "Girl Who Stayed at Home," "The Greatest Question"). Ad., Griffith Studio. Mamaroneck, N. Y.

HART, Albert; stage career, with Richard Mans- field, and many Broadway successes; screen ca- reer, "Big Foot Ben." "Man Hunt." "Sickening Flame," "Driving Power," "Page Mvstery," "A Woman of Redemption." "Allies," World ("The Roughneck." "The Little Intruder." "The Quick- ening Flame," "Miss Crusoe," "The Oakdale Affair"), Independent ("The Challenge of Chance" ).

HART, Neal, also director; b. Richmond, N. Y. ; educ. Bucknell Univ.. Lewisburg, Pa.; early career, served as deputy sheriff and marshal in Wyoming, mgr. several large ranches in Wyoming; screen career, in pictures 5 yrs.. featured In 2. 3 and 5-reel subjects. Universal ("Man From Montana." "Lion's Claw" serial"). Circle H. Film Co. ("When the Desert Smiled"), Capital ("A Knight of Western Land." "The Dead Line." "The Square Shooter." "Sands of the Desert." "Bare Knuckled Gallagher," "The Element of Might"). Hght., 5, 9; wght., 170; dark brown hair, dark blue eyes. Home ad., 6258 Yucca- ave., Hollywood. Calif. Phone 57413; studio. Capital Film Co., Inc.

HART, William S.; b. Newburgh, N. Y. ; stage career, debut at 19 with Daniel B. Bandmann,

supported Modjeska; screen career, Ince, Hart- Artcraft ("Wolves of the Trail," "Blue Blazes Rawden," "The Tiger Man," "Selfish Yates," "Shark Monroe," "Riddle Gawne," "The Border Wireless," "Branding Broadway," "The Breed of Men," "The Poppy Girl's Husband," "The Money Corral," "Square Deal Sanderson," "Wagon Tracks," "John Petticoats"), William

5. Hart Co., organized Sept., 1919, Famous Players ("Sand," "The Toll Gate"). Hght.,

6, 1; wght., 190; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., Wm. S. Hart Co., Bates and Effie sts., Holly- wood, Calif.

HARVEY, Lew; b. Wisconsin; educ. Portland;

stage career, 3 yrs. legitimate; screen career, Texas Guinan Co. ("Not Guilty," "The Lady of the Law." "Bob White"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 160; black hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 630 W. 4th St.. Los Angeles. Calif.; phone 16439.

HATCH, Wm. RUey; b. & educ. Cleveland, O.: studied art for 3 yrs. in Paris; stage career, 35 yrs., opera & mus. com.; with Augustus Daly; "Squaw Man" with Louis Waller in London, "Paid in Full" 2 seasons N. Y., with Wm. Gll- lett in "Secret Service," "Sherlock Holmes," etc., Wm. Collier "Nothing but Lies"; screen career, with Pauline Frederick, Petrova, Famous Players. "Teeth of the Tiger"; E. K. Lincoln, "The Inner Voice"; Dorothy Gish, "Her Ma- jesty." Hgt., 6; wght, 209; dark brown hair, black eyes. Member Lambs Club. Ad., Bay- side, L. I., N. Y. ; Bayside 676.

U.YTTERAS, Richard; educ. Harrow, England; stage career, produced Shaw's "Pygmalion" and "The Second Mrs. Tangueray" for Mrs. Patrick Campbell, was leading man for Margaret Illing- ton in "The Lie" for a year's tour; screen ca- reer, Frohman ("John Gladyde's Honor"), Em- pire All Star ("The Outcast"). Rapf ("The Struggle Everlasting"), Famous Players ("The Fear Market"). Hght., 6; wght., 140; dark brown hair, hazel eyes. Ad., Hotel Majestic, N. Y.

HATTON, Edward; b. Kentucky; screen career, began in 1915. Vitagraph ("Rose of Wolfville"), Tex. Guinan ("Bob White"). Doubleday ("God's Children"). Bill Farnum ("The Last of the Duanes," "In the Heart of a Fool"). Hght , 5, 9 '6 ; wght., 155; blond hair, blue eyes. Home ad.. 924 West 6th St.. Los Angeles, Calif.

HATTON, Raymond; b. Red Oak, Iowa; educ. there; stage career, played in all the foremost produs. of the day, portraying mostly character roles; screen career, Famous Players, "The Whispering Chorus." "We Can't Have Every- thing," "Arizona." "Male and Female." "Every- woman." "The Sea Wolf," "Young Mrs. Win- throp." "The Dancing Fool"). Hght., 5, 7; wght.. 140; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., Lasky Studio, Hollywood. Calif.

HA YAK A WA, Sessue; b. Tokio, Japan, 1889; educ. college in Japan and Univ. of Chicago; stage career, 6 yrs. of stage experience in Japan: screen career. Paramount ("City of Dim Faces"). Haworth-Mutual ("His Birthright," "Temple of Dusk"), Hawnrth-Robertson-Cole ("Bonds of Honor," "A Heart in Pawn," "Cour- ageous Coward." "The Debt." "The Grey Hori- zon"), Rob-Cole ("The Man Beneath." "The Mysterious Prince." "The Dragon Painter," "The Tong Man," "His Highness the Beggar"). Hght., 5. 1Vi\ wght., 157; black hair and black eyes. Ad., Haworth Pict. Corp., Brunton Studio, Los Angeles. Cal.

HAYES. Frank; b. San Francisco, 1871; educ. San Francisco; stage career, mus. com., vaud., stock, tour; screen career. Keystone ("Fatty and Mabel Adrift." "Stolen Magic," and over 40 other Keystones), Sunshine Comedies. Vita- graph ("Cupid Forecloses") Metro ("After His Own Heart"). Ad., 1417 N. Alvarado, L. A., Cal.

HAYS. Wm. T.; educ. Wentworth Military Acad., Lexington. Mo. ; stage career. 30 yrs. ; screen career, Fox ("Troublemakers," "American Buds." "Eastward Ho!"). Edison ("Awaken- ing of Ruth"). Metro ("Tho Brass Check"), Selznick ("Sealed Hearts." "Piccadilly Jim"), InternaUonal ("Miracle of Love"), Mayflower ("Scrap of Paper"). Hght.. 5. 11; wght.. 160, Grav hair, blue eyes. Ad., 331 W. 45th St., N. Y. ; Bryant 2533.

II EARN. Edward; b. Dayton. Wash., 1S88; educ. Whitman Coll.: screen career, from 1915, Uni- versal ("Her Bitter Cup." "The Seekers." "The Undercurrent." "Idle Wives." "Treason"), Fox ("Patsy"). Signal Film ("The Lost Express"),



Bluebird ("Lure of Luxury," "The Last of His People"), Bradbury Prods. ("Into the Night"), now with Jack Dempsey in Pathe serial "Dare- devil Durant." Hght., 6; wght., 190; brown hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 5807 Lexington, Hollywood, Cal.

HEBEKT, Henry J.; b. Providence, R. I.; educ. there and St. Lawrence Univ., Canton, N. Y.; stage career. 12 yrs., "The City," "Brewster's Millions," "Batchelor's Baby," etc., 5 yrs. in Keith's stk. : screen career, Norma Talmadge ("Ghosts of Yesterday"), Famous ("La Tosca"), Doris Kenyon ("Wild Honey"), Fox (supported Win. Farnum for 2 yrs., "When Fate Decided," "Rose of the West," "Last of the Duanes"), Mary Pickford ("Heart of the Hills"), Fox ("Lost Money," "Sergt. Tim Rierdon"). Hght., 5. 11; wght., 175; dark hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 2208 Fargo St., Los Angeles, Calif. Wilt. 2623; studio. Fox.

HENRY, George; educ. St. Louis Hall, Montreal, Can.; stage career, 25 yrs., started as trick and straight pony rider, with Jas. Melville Family, Wood's Museum, Madison Square theatre; screen career, Fox ("A Fool There Was"), World, Famous Players, Biograph, Vitagraph, ("Grain of Dust," "When It Strikes Home," etc. Hght., 5, 9; wght., 172; mixed gray hair, dark gray eyes. Permanent ad., 229 W. 46th St., N. Y. C. ; Bryant 4020.

HERBERT, A. J.; b. Melbourne, Aus. ; educ. there, Scotch College; stage exper., came from England with Chas. Frohman, supported Doris Keane in "Romance," Mrs. Pat Campbell in "Pygmalion," Nat Goodwin, Mrs. Fiske, "Fair and Warmer," "The Melting of Molly"; screen career, Famous Players, Metro. Vitagraph, Selig ("In the Hollow of Her Hand." "The Man Who Stayed at Home"), Hodkinson ("As a Man Thinks," "Coax Me"). Selznick ("Coun- try Cousin"), Gaumont ("Making Her His Wife"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 140; dark brown hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., Green Room Club,

. N. Y.

HERBERT, Holmes Edward; b. Dublin, Ire., 1882; educ. Rugby, Eng.; stage career, 7 yrs. in U. S., with Billie Burke, Grace George, Ethel Barrymore, Blanche Bates, Elsie Ferguson, In England at Drury Lane, Adelphia, Duke of York's, etc.; screen career. Famous Players ("A Doll's House," "His House in Order"), Tourneur ("My Lady's Garter," "White Heath- er"), Ince ("Other Men's Wives," "Market of Souls." "Black Is White"), Perrett ("A, B, C of Love"). Hght., 6; wght., 176; fair com- plexion, light hair, grav eyes. Ad., 36 28th st.. Beechhurst, L. I., N. Y. Flushing 3878 J.

HERNANDEZ, George F.; b. Placerville, Cal., 1863; educ. Oakland, Calif.; stage career, 26 yrs., including 4 yrs. in stk.; screen career. Selig, Metro, Lasky, Universal ("The Girl of Lost Lake," "God's Crucible." "The Greater Law." "Cherries Are Ripe," "Be a Little Sport" ), Kcenan ("The Silver Girl"), Triangle ("Up and Down." "Broadway Arizona"), Lois Weber (Anita Stewart in "Mary Regan"), Ha- worth-Hayakawa ("Courageous Coward"), Ince- Paramount ("Watch Out. William"). Black- well. Inc. ("East or West"), ght.. 5. 5; wght., 196; dark complexion, brown hair and eyes. Home ad., 2228 Duane st., Los Angeles, Calif.; Wilshire 2647.

HERSHOLT, Jean, also director; b. Copenhagen, Denmark; educ. Jesuit Coll., Copenhagen; stage career, 12 yrs. in Denmark, Sweden and Nor- way; screen career, NYMP and Universal, 2 yrs.; Triangle one yr. ("The Servant in the House"), First National ("Whom the Gods Would Destroy"), American-Lifeograph ("The Golden Trail," "Men of Today and Tomorrow"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 180: brown hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., American Lifeograph Co., Port- land, Ore.

HE YES, Herbert; b. Little Falls, Wash.; educ. Hill's Mil. Acad., Portland, Ore.; stage career, 12 yrs. in prods, and stk. as leading man and stage director; star of "Truxton King." "The Man on the Box," in tour "Girl of the Golden West"; screen career, leading man with Helen Keller in "Deliverance"; co, star Rex Beach's "Heart of the Sunset"), Ro-Cole ('The Heart of Rachael"; leading man with Theda Bara, Constance Talmadge. May Allison. Kmmv Weh- len, Ethel Clayton, etc. Hght., 6, 1%; wght., 190; dark complexion, dark brown hair, hazel eyes. Home ad.. Hotel Hollywood, Los Angeles, Calif. Holly 4101.

HICKMAN. Alfred, also scenario writer; Btage career, Sir Henry Irving, Augustin Daly, orig-

inal Little Billy in "Trilby," Frohman, "Man and Superman," David Belasco's "The Lily' screen career, "The Witch," "Fall of the Romanoffs," "Lone Wolf," Famous Playeia ("Pursuit of Polly," "Make Believe Wife," "Barnabetta," "Fear Market," "Little Miss Hoover," "Here Comes the Bride"). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 160; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 105 W. 55th St., N. Y. C, Lambs Club or N. Y. Athletic Club. HICKS, Henry C; b. England; 4 yrs. war service in Belgium and France, 18th Royal Fusiliers and 1st Cavalry Division; screen career, Lasky ("Thou Art the Man," "The Dancing Fool"). Hght., 5, 10; wght.. 150; brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 2440 W. Pico St., Los Angeles, Calif.; West 1680.

HIERS, Walter; b. Cordele, Ga. ; educ. Savan- nah and Peekskill Mil. Acad.; stage caree., vaud. in sketches; screen career, Lasky ("It Pays to Advertise"), Ince ("What's Your Hus- band Doing?" "Hard Boiled"), Goldwyn ("When Doctors Disagree," "The Fear Wom- an," "Spotlight Sadie"), Select ("An Experi- mental Marriage"), First National ("The Turning Point"), Ince ("Bill Henry"). Hght., 5, lOH; wght., 230. Home ad., Engstrum Apts., 623 W. 5th st., Los Angeles. Calif. Main 7374.

HIGBY, Wilbur; b. Churchill, Miss., Aug. 21, 1869; educ, Michigan and Hillsdale Coll.; stage career, 20 yrs., in stk and on road with Oti» Skinner, Wilton Lackaye, Marguerite Clark, stk. star at Garrick Theatre, St. Louis, etc.; screen career, Fine Arts ("Intolerance," "Diane of the Follies"), D. W. Griffith ("Broken Blos- soms." "True Heart Susie," "I'll Get Him Yet"), American ("Brass Buttons"), Ino» ("Homer Comes Home,"). Hght., 5, 10%; wght.. 180; brown hair, gray eyes. Home ad., 1805 Wilcox ave., Hollywood, Calif.

HILL, Rollo Lee; b. Minneapolis, Minn.; educ. Univ. of M. ; stage career, theatre mgr. road, Rroadhurst & Currie, stock cos., Minneapolis, leads in stock, Louisville, Ky., Minneapolis; screen career, Thos. H. Ince ("The Idolator"), Triangle ("Station Content," "Lonely Woman"), special prods. ("Old Wives for New," "Men of Today and Tomorrow"), Paramount ("Girls." "The Crystal Globe"), Universal ("The Sign of the Four"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 165; dark hair and eyes. Ad., P. O. Box 205, Glendale, Calif.; Wil. 172., or Actors' Assn., Hollywood, Calif.

HILLIARD, Harry S.; b. Cincinnati, O. ; educ. Cincinnati High and Miami Medical Coll.; stag* career, with Wilton Lackaye, Blanche Ring, Florence Reed, Marie Dressier, also in special production of "Mrs. Temple's Telegram"; screen career, Universal, Fox ("Every Girl's Dream"), Metro ("The Successful Adventure"), Universal ("A Romance of Rome"), Fox ("The Sneak," "Cheating Herself"), Bluebird ("Little White Savage"), Triangle ("The Little Rowdy"). Jewel-Univ. ("Destiny"). Member of Lambs Club. Hght., 5. 11; wght., 170; brown hair and eyes. Home ad.. 1903 Wilcox ave., Hollywood, Cal.; phone 577939.

HINES, John; b. Golden, Colo., July 25, 1895; educ. Pittsburgh and C. C. of N. Y. ; 8 yrs. on stage; screen career. Peerless-World ("Miss Petticoats," opp. Marie Dressier in "Tillie Wakes Up." "Alias Jimmy Valentine"), World ("A Scrap of Paper," "Neighbors," "The Little In- truder," "Heart of Gold," "Three Green Eyes"), Fox ("Eastward Ho!"). Hght., 5, 9; wght., 150; dark hair, brown eyes. Ad., 548 W. 164th St., N. Y. C.

HOFFMAN. Otto F. ; b. N. Y. C. ; educ. there; stage career, 20 yrs., with Elsie Ferguson in "The Strange Woman," "Spring Main," Louis Mann in "The Cheater," Selwyn's "Coming Homo to Roost"; screen career, Ince ("Sher- iff's Son." "String Beans," "Nine O'clock Town," "Hi, me Town," "Egg Crate Wallop," "The Busher." "23>4 Hours' Leave," "Paris Green"). Goldwyn ("City of Comrades"), Hght., 5, 7V4; wght., 130; dark brown hair, dark eyes. Ad., Box 55, Culver City, Calif.; studio. Ince.

HOLDING, Thomas; b. Black Heath, Kent, England; educ. Rugby; stage career, 12 yrs., Edward Terry, Forbes-Robertson. Maxine El- liot. Nazimova; screen career. Famous Players, Morosco (dir. "The Redeeming Love"), Petro- va Pictures ("Daughters of Destiny"), Univer- sal ("Vanity Pool"), Fox ("The Danger Zone"), Paramount ("The Lady of Red Butte"), Rob- Cole ("Tangled Threads." "Beckoning Roads"), Goldwyn ("Peace of Roaring River"), Hodkln-



son ("Lone Wolf's Daughter"). Hght., 6; wght., 172; dark hair, blue eyes. Ad., 1470 Morgan Place, L. A., Cal. Phone 597397.

HOLLAND, Cecil C.J stage career, 5 yrs. legiti- mate stock and rep.; screen career, 1912, Selig Co., 2 yrs. in army, Morosco ("His Sweet- heart," "Pals"), Lasky ("Each to His Kind," "The Bottle Imp"), Selig ("The Crisis," "Gar- den of Allah," "Gentleman Adventurer," "In Tune With the Wild," "Bloom Center" serial). Ad., instructor at National Acad, of Photoplay Arts, Los Angeles, Calif. Home ad., 2626 W. 9th St., Los Angeles; phone 51036.

HOLLINGSWOKTH, Alfred; also scenario writer; b. Nebraska; educ. Pueblo, Colo.; stage career, 14 yrs., Richard Mansfield, E. H. Sothern, Leslie Carter, David Belasco, Daniel Frohman. Klaw & Erlanger, etc.; screen career, Goldwyn ("The Strange Boarder," "Leave It to Susan," "The One Way Trail"). Ince ("23% Hours' Leave"), Metro C"The Uplifters"), American ("Fair Enough"), Vitagraph ("Adventures of Simple Harry," "The Trail of the Hawk" serial), Metro ("Please Get Married "). Hght.. 6; wght., 200; dark brown hair, dark blue e^'.n. Home ad., 540s Hollywood blvd., Los A^.neles, Calif.; phone 597518.

HOLMES, .Stuart; b. Chicago, 1887; educ. Art Inst. ; stage career, with Henry E. Dixey in "Mary Jane's Pa"; screen career, Selznick ("The Wild Girl," "The Ghost-, of Yesterday." "Poor Rich Man," "When Ken Betray," "Sins of the Children"), Norma Talmadge ("The New Moon." "Way of a Woman"), Hallmark ("The Other Man's Wife," "A Dangerous Affair," "Love, Honor and ?"). World ("Dust of De- sire." "Little Intruder"), Pathe ("Isle of Jew- els," " 15 episode serial). Hght., 6; wght., 182; gray eyes, reddish hair. Ad., care Edward Small, Inc., 1493 Bway, N. Y.

HOLMES, Taylor; b. Newark, N. J.; stage career, "His Majesty Bunker Bean," "The Commuters." "The Third Party," "The Million"; screen ca- reer, Essanay ("The Small Town Guy," "Rug- gles of the Red Gap," "A Pair of Sixes," "The Rainbow Chaser," "Uneasy Money"), Triangle ("Upside Down," "Taxi," "A Regular Fellow," "Three Black Eyes," "It's a Bear"), Taylor Holmes Prod. ("Nothing But the Truth." "The Very Idea"). Hght., 5, S % ; wght.. 150; dark hair, brown eyes. Ad., Friars Club, N. Y. C.

HOLT, Jack; b. Winchester. Va. ; educ. V. M. L. ; stage exper., 4 seasons stk. ; screen career. Uni- versal, Select, Paramount ('The Honor of His House"), Ince-Para. ("A Desert Wooing.' "The Marriage Ring ). Select ("Cheating Cheat- ers"), Paramount ("The Life Line." "Victory"), First National ("A Midnight Romance'),, Rob- Cole ("Kitty Kelly, M. D."), Artcraft ("For Better, For Worse"). Hght., 6; wght., 173: dark brown hair and eyes. Ad., Lasky studios, Hollywood. Calif.

HOOSE, Ralph R.; juveniles; b. Mishawaka, Ind., 1900; screen career, Castle studios, Chicago. Comedy Co., "Do the Dead Talk?" Specialty Feature Films ("Within Our Gates"). Micheaux Films. Hght., 5, 3; wght, 122; brown hair and eyes. Ad., Castle Studios, 2332 N. California ave.. Chicago, 111.

HORXE, W. T.; b. Chicago; educ. Conn.; stage career, since 1885 ; screen career, Vitagraph ("The Enchanted Barn"), the Judge in all Judge Brown's pictures for 2 yrs; ("Surprising Carlotta"). National ("Boys Will Be Boys"). Capitol ("Bare Knuckies"). Universal ("Graft," "Who was the Other Man?" "A Social Bucca- neer"), Signal ("The Knotted Cord"). Hght., 5, 10%; wght., 198; grayish brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 2004 Cahuenga ave., Los Angeles, Calif. ; Holly 2780.

HOUDINI, Harry; b. Appleton, Wis.; stage ca- reer, since 1883; legitimate, circus, vaud.; screen career, Octogen Film Corp. ("The Master Mys- tery"), Lasky ("The Grim Game," "Deep Sea Loot"), Cinema Lux., Paris ("Adventures of Houdini in Paris"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 179; black gray hair; steel blue eyes. Ad., Laskv Studio.

HOUSMAN, Arthur; b. N. Y., 1890; educ. N. Y .; stage career, vaud. comedy parts in N. Y. ; screen career, 5 yrs. with Edison, featured for a yr. in 8 comedies, Selig ("Brown of Har- vard"), Metro ("Red, White and Blue Blood"), about 1 yr. with Goldwyn ("All Woman." "Bondage of Barbara." "Back to the Woods." "The Gay Lord Quex," "Toby's Bow," "The Blooming Angle"), Tourneur ("The County Fair"). Ad., 395 E. 197th St.. N. Y. C.

HOWARD, Charles Ray; b. San Diego, Calif; educ. there and N. Y. C. ; stage career, 3 yrs.

stk., rep. and prod., Guy Bates Post in "Omar, the Tentmaker" ; screen career, 2 yrs. with Bio- graph and Edison, Fox ("Every Mother's Son"), H. & H. Prod. ("Soul of a Nation"), World ("Neighbors"), Government Films ("America Was Right"), Herbert Brenon ("Eternal Sin"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 150; brown hair, light brown eyes. Home ad., 902 Gratton st., Los Angeles. Calif Bway 140. HOWARD, George; b. and educ. Philadelphia; stage career, 20 yrs., under Chas. Frohman, Em- pire Theatre stk., leading man for Ethel Barry- more, Mrs. Leslie Carter, Blanche Walsh; with Faversham & Elliott in "Lord and Lady Algy"; screen career, "The Cup of Chance," with Alice Brady; "Out of the Dark," Vitagraph; "Picca- dilly Jim," Selznick. Hght., 6; wght., 170; brown hair, blue eyes. Member Lambs Club. Home ad., 654 St. Nicholas ave., N. Y. ; Audu- bon 6460.

HOXTE, Hart; Lasky ("Blue Blazes Rawdc-n." "Nan of Music Mountain," "Johnny Get Your Gun"), Vitagraph serials ("The Iron Test," "Fight for Millions"), Paramount-Artcraft ("Valley of the Giants," "Told in the Hills"). Ad., 1041 Verduga Rd., Los Angeles.

HOXIE, Jack; b. Oklahoma; early career, raised on cattle ranch, was cowboy, won several championships as trick and fancy rider of horses; screen career, Lasky, now starring in "Lightning Bryce" serial wth National Film Corp., 1116 Lodl st., Los Angeles, Calif. Home ad., 1325 N. Hobart blvd., Hollywood, Calif.; Holly 1-213.

HOVT, Arthur; b. Georgetown, Colo.; stage ca- reer, 16 yrs. Liebler, H. W. Savage, Hunter Bradford Players, etc.; screen career, Lasky, Universal. Triangle ("The Lash." "Little Part- ner,". "Man Who Took a Chance." "The Show- down." "Broadway Arizona," "Bringing Home Father," "Polly Ann"), "In the Heart of a Fool" with Allan Dwan for Mayflower Photo- play Corp. Ad., Los Angeles Athletic Club, Los Angeles, Calif.

HOYT, Edward N. ; b. Auburn, N. Y.. 1859; educ. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; stage career, many prods., with Joseph Proctor, 1883. MacVickar stk., Chicago, Robert Mantell. Walker Whiteside, "Quo Vadis," many Shakespearean prods., two seasons starring as "Hamlet"; screen career, Edison, Universal, Biograph, Pathe, Metro, Selznick (clergyman in "The Foolish Virgin"), World Film ("The Crimson Dove"), Harry Rapf ("The Struggle Everlasting"), past 15 mos. war work. Hght., 5, 9; wght., 152; gray hair, bald, brown eyes. Home ad., 1793 Mont- gomery ave., N. Y. C.

HUGHES, Gareth; b. Llanelly, Wales, 1897; educ. there and Paris; stage career, starred in "Everyman." featured in "Salome," "Moloch," "The Guilty Man," "Margaret Schiller," Ben- jamin in "Joseph and His Brethren"; screer career, C. K. Ynung _("Eyes of Youth"). Mar- guerite Clark ("Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch"), Florence Reed ("Woman Under Oath"), Norma Talmadge ("The Isle of Con- quest"), now with Harry Garson. Hght., 5, 5; wght., 125; fair complexion; brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 223 W. 12th st., N. Y. C: Chelsea 8713; studio, Garson Studios, Los An- geles. Calif.; Wilshire 81.

HUGHES, Lloyd; b. Bisbee, Ariz., 1899; educ. Polytechnic, L. A. ; screen career, Paramount ("The Haunted Bedroom"). Jewel ("The Heart of Humanity"). Select ("The Indestructible Wife"), Metro ("Satan, Junior"), Rob. -Cole ("Turn in the Road"), Ince-Para. ("The Virtu- ous Thief"). Ad., Ince Studio, Culver City, Cal.

HUMAN, Billy; b. Ft. Worth. Tex., 1890; educ. Peacock Mil. Acad.. Univ. of Texas; screen ca- reer. Universal ("Behind the Lines." "One Wild Night"), Hodkinson ("The Forfeit"), Triangle ("The Unbroken Promise"). Hght., 6; wght., 185: brown hair and eyes.

HUNT, Leslie M. ; b. Lafayette, Ind., 1885; educ. Hyde Park. High Schl. and Univ. of 111.; stage career, "The Squaw Man," "My Lady's Garter," "Penrod," etc.; screen career, Metro ("Life's Whirlpool"), Edison ("Cy Whittaker's Ward," "The Unbeliever"). Goldwyn ("Peck's Bad Girl"), Cummins ("Some Wild Oats"), Realart ("Erstwhile Susan"). With Marie Dressier in "Tilly's Nightmare." Hght., 6; wght., 150; dark hair, blue eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y. C.

HUNTLEY, Hugh; educ. Paris and Shrewsbury Schl.. Eng.: stage career, with Geo. Edwardes' Co., Daly theatre, London, Juvenile lead for Marie Tempest, juvenile leads in Australia with J. C. Williamson, Ltd., 5 yrs.; screen career, Australian Famous Players ("The Monk and



the Woman"), Famous Players ("His Official Fiancee"), Vitagraph ("The Climbers"). Now with "The Lost Leader" at Greenwich Village theatre. Hght., 5, 10; wght., 160; dark brown hair, brown eyes. Ad., 15 E. Boulevard, White- stone, L. I., N. Y. Flushing 79-W.

Ill NTLY, Fred \\. ; b. London, 1SG3 and educ. there; stage career. 1879, Covent Garden the- atre. Gilbert & Sullivan, Carleton Opera cos.; Spanlsb and Philippine wars; screen career. .Metro. Morosco ("Johanna Enlists," "We- tona"). Mary Pickford ("Heart of the Hills"). First National ("Kingdom of Dreams." "Daddy Long Legs"), Lasky ("Love's insurance," "The Sea Wolf"). Hght.. 5, lOVfe; wght.. 160; gray hair, hazel eyes. Ad., 2017 Ivanhoe ave., Los Angeles. Cal.

HITCHINSON, t'has. A.J b. Pittsburgh; educ. Western Univ.; stage career, several Bway successes and valid, for 8 yrs. ; screen career, Triumph. Crystal. Brenon. Solax, Vitagraph. Pathe ("Wolves of Kultur"), Western ("Great Gamble"), All Good ("The Whirlwind"). Hght.. 5, 10; wght., 160; dark complexion, hair and eyes. Ad., 2 Arden St.. N. Y. C. St. Nich. 3616.


IRWIN, Boyd; b. Brighton, England; educ. Bel- fast, Ireland; stage career, 17 yrs. in England and Australia in rep.; screen career, began in 1915 in Australia, with J. C. Williamson Prods., Southern Cross Feature Film Co., Haymarket Picture Corp., all of Australia, as leading man, came to Los Angeles in 1919, lead in "The Sign of the Rat" serial. Hght., 6; wght, 170; brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 400 Washington ave., Santa Monica, Calif.; studio, with Bessie Barriscale, Brunton Studios, Los Angeles, Calif.


JAMEISON, William Edward (Bud) ; b. Vallejo, Calif., 1894; educ. San Francisco; early career, performer and cafe entertainer; stage career, 4 yrs. in vaud., stk., and on road; screen career, Essanay, Rolin-Pathe ("Lonesome Luke" series), 3 yrs. with Harold Lloyd, 1 yr. with L-Ko. Hght., 6; wght., 270; light complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 132 North Hill, Los Angeles. Calif. JAMES, Gladden; b. Zanesville, O. ; educ. Colum- bus, O. ; stage career, child actor at age of 6. later in many prods., "Under the Greenwood Tree." "Way Down East." "The Third Degree," "Officer 666," etc.; screen career, Ivan ("Bab- bling Tongues"), Select ("Scandal"), Fine Arts ("The Social Secretary"), Pathe ("Mystery of the Double Cross," "Hearts of Love"), Select ("Heart of Wetona"), Vitagraph ("The Mid- night Bride"). Curtiss Pict. ("Who's Your Brother"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 160; light hair, blue eyes. Ad., 1767 Bedford ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Flatbush 10335. JAMES, James Wharton; b. Richmond, Ky. ; educ. Wm. Jewell Coll., Mo.; stage exper . stk., in- structor Dramatic Art, "Volunteer Players" at Camp Kearney, entertainer for Y. M. C. A. overseas; screen career, Artcraft ("Wild and Wooly"), Universal ("Man Who Dared God." featured in 3 Judge Brown stories, "The Preacher's Son," "Marrying Off Dad," "The Accusing Foe"), Metro ("Almost Married"). Hght.. 6; wght., 160; dark brown hair, dark gray eyes. Studio ad., Pickford Co., 5341 Mel- rose ave., Los Angeles, Cal. JASMINE, Arthur; b. St. Paul, Minn.; educ. there; stage career, 3 yrs. legitimate; screen career. Essanay ("Broncho Billie's Parents"), Universal ("Man in the Moonlight." "Common Property," "Lasca"). Hght., 5. 1%; wght., 144; dark brown hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 560 N. Hill St.. Los Angeles, Calif.; Pico 3337 JEFFERSON, Thomas; b. N. Y. C; educ. here and abroad; stage career, many years on stage; screen career, Pathe ("Hands Up"), Metro ("The Spenders"), Goldwyn ("Sis Hopkins"), National ("Tarson of the Apes." "Romance of Tarzan"), Universal ("Beloved Liar"), Fine Arts ("The Fencing Master"), Metro ("Lom- bardi. Ltd."). Alan Dwan ("Splendid Hazard"). Ad., 2652 Beachwood Drive, Los Angeles, Calif- phone 577729. JEFFERY, Hugh 8.; b. Belfast, Ireland; educ Queens Coll., Belfast, Ireland; stage career. 15 yrs., with Robt. Mantell, Robt. Edeson, May

Irwin, and in "The Littlest Rebel"; screen career. World. Metro ("Out of the Fog"), S-L Pictures ("Virtuous Men"). Hght., 5, 9%; wght., 160; dark complexion, dark hair, blue eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y. JENNINGS, Al; b. Virginia, 1863 ; educ. Virginia Univ.; early career, lengthy career as outlaw, elected Governor of Oklahoma, later practised law; screen career, began in 1914, now engaged in production of 24 two-reel pictures based upon personal experiences, under contract with the Capital Film Co. Hght.. 5. 5; wght., 145; auburn hair, gray eyes. Home ad., 2733 Ken- wood ave., Hollywood. Calif. JOBSON, Edward; b. Phila.. Pa.. 1864; educ. San Francisco; stage career, with Evans and Hoey. Frank Daniels, Paul Dresser and many others; screen career. Essanay, Balboa, Rob-Cole ("The Mints of Hell "). Fox ("Cheating Herself," "The Merry-Go-Round"), Paramount ("The Egg Crate Wallop"). Hght., 5, 9%; wght., 245: gray hair, gray eyes. Ad., home, 1626 Vine St., Hollywood, Calif. JOBY, II aiis, also assist, director; b. Kronstadt. Hungary, 1884; educ. Leipsig Conservatory; stage career, 10 yrs. opera singer; screen career, in Denmark and Berlin. Universal, L-Ko. Hght.. 5, 6; wght., 180; brown hair and eyes. Home ad., Oak Log Cabin. Laurel Canyon, Hollywood. Calif.; Holly 3662; studio, Century Comedies. JOHNSON, Emory; b. San Francisco, 1894 ; educ. Univ. of Cal. ; screen career, Essanay, Pathe, Universal ("The Devil's Bondwoman," "The Right to Be Happy," "The Mystery of the Gray Ghost," "My Little Boy," "Green Magic"). Uni- versal ("A Mother's Secret"), Ince-Para ("Green Eyes"), Paramount ("Woman Next Door," "Alias Mike Moran"), American ("Trixie from Broadway," "Put Up Your Hands," "The Tiger Lily," "The Helion"). Hght., 6, 2; wght., 185; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., home. 1834 El Cerrita pla., Hollywood, Cal. JOHNSON, Noble; b. Colorado Springs, Colo.; early career, ranching, stock raising, horse training in Colo., amateur athlete, boxer and endurance runner in N. Y. ; screen carer, Uni- versal ("Love Aflame," "Last of Night Riders," "The Human Tiger," "Red Ace." "Bull's Eye," "Lure of the Circus," "Midnight Man," "Beach Comber"), National Film ("Lightning Brice"). Hght., 6, 2; wght., 215; dark hair and eyes. Ad., P. O. Box 31, Universal City, Calif.; Wil- shire 6557.

JOHNSTON, J. W.; b. Ireland; educ. N. Y. and Dublin; stage career, Sothern. Frohman. "The Squaw Man," "The Waif," stock; screen career, Pathe, Lasky, Famous ("Destiny's Toy"), Metro ("God's Half Acre," "The Adopted Son," "The Eternal Mother"), Fine Arts ("Fifty-Fifty"). Paramount ("The Test of Honor"), Goldwyn ("Speedy Meade"), World ("The Praise Agent"), Pathe ("Twin Pawns"). Hght., 6; wght., 175; dark hair, dark eyes. Ad., 356 Wadsworth ave., N. Y.

JONES, Buck; b. Vincennes, Ind. ; educ. Indian- apolis; screen career. Fox ("True Blue." "Riders of the Purple Sage," "Rainbow Trail," "Speed Maniac," "Western Blood," "Square Shooter," "Last Straw"), with Charles Ray in "Sheriff's Son." Hght.. 5. 11%; wght., 173; brown hair, gray eyes. Home ad., 2210 Clifford ave., Los Angeles, Calif.; studio. Fox. JORDAN, Sid.; b. Muskogee, Okla., 1888; educ. Cherokee Indian sch., Vanita, Okla.; stage career, 101 Ranch Show, Parker Amus. Co.; screen career, Selig ("The Pony Express." "A Mistake in Rustlers," "The Sheriff's Blunder"), Fox ("The Wilderness Trail," "Fighting for Gold." "Rough Riding Romance"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 170; dark complexion, brown hair and eyes.

JOY, Ernest C. ; b. Minneapolis, Minn., 1880; educ. Minnesota Univ.; stage career. 10 yrs. in stock, 5 yrs. under Liebler and Co.; with Wilton Lack- aye, Margaret Anglin; screen career, Eclair, Kinemacolor. Thanhouser, Majestic. Lasky- Paramount ("Freckles." "Little Miss Optimist," "The Call of the East. rhe White Man's Law," "One More American"), Artcraft ("Johnny Get Your Gun"). Writes scenarios and short stories. Hght, 6; wght, 190; brown hair and blue eyes. Ad., home, 4335 Kingswell ave., Hollywood; studio, Lasky, Hollywood, Cal.

JOYNER, Francis; educ. Houston, Texas; stage career, dramatic stk., road tours with Willard Mack, Shakespeare with Ben Greet; screen career, "The Auction Block," Metro ("Day- break," "The Brass Check"), Famous Players



("Less Than iJust," "The Copperhead"). Hght., 5, 9; wght., 130; brown hair and eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.


KANN, Marvin; educ. prep, school, 2 yrs. Univ. Washington & Lee; screen career, 1 yr. stk. Bishop Stk. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.; screen career, Selznick ("Piccadilly Jim," "Red Robin Hood"), etc. Hght., 6; wght., 180; brown hair, gray eyes. Ad., 101 W. 126th St., N. Y. ; Morning- side 4367.

KARNS, Roscoe; b. San Bernardino, Calif.; educ. Univ. Calif.; stage exper. : stk. in Calif., with Marjorie Rambeau; screen career, Brentwood ("Poor Relations"), now with King Vldor. Hght., 5, 10; wght., 165; brown hair and eyes. Home ad., Seminole Apts . Hollywood, Calif.; studio, King Vidor Productions.

EARR, Hilliard Sinclair; b. and educ. Houston, Texas. 1899; screen career, Master Pict. Co. ("Nathan Busts Into the Movies"), Florida Film ("Hot Sands and Cold Feet"), Sunbeam Comedies ("Work and Win 'Em," "His Con- science His Guide," "A Traveling Man's Temp- tations," "A Trial by Jury"), Cuckoo Comedies ("Starting Out in Life"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 318; red hair, blue eyes. Ad., home, 3501 Burl- ington ave., Houston, Texas.

KEATON, "Buster"; b. Kansas; stage career, vaud., 16 yrs. with "The Three Keatons"; screen career, Arbuckle-Paramount ("The Butcher Boy," "A Reckless Romeo," "Rough House," "His Wedding Night," "Fatty at Coney Island," "A Country Hero," "The Bell Boy," "Moonshine," "Good Night, Nurse"). Hght., 5, 6; wght, 140; dark complexion, black hair, brown eyes. Home ad., Long Beach, Cal. Ad., Arbuckle Co., Lehrman Studios, Culver City, Calif.

KEELING, Robert Lee; stage career, with Robert Mantell and Robert Hilliard: screen career, Famous Players ("The Counterfeit"), Vitagraph ("Mind-the-Paint Girl," "Over the Top"), "La Belle Russe," "Wives of Men," "Her Husband's Honor," Fox ("Putting One Over"), Screen Classics ("Shadows of Suspicion"), Selznick ("Out of the Night"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 140; light brown hair, hazel eyes. Ad., 135 E. 34th st., N. Y. ; Murray Hill 1074.

KEENAN, Frank; b. Dubuque, la.; educ. Boston Coll.; stage career, stk., rep., vaud.; with Jo- seph Proctor, Boston Museum Co., Charles Hoyt, succeeded James A. Heme in "Hearts of Oak," David Belasco; screen career, Universal, Ince ("The Thoroughbred"), Universal, Pathe ("Loaded Dice," "More Trouble," "The Night Stage," "Tod of the Times," "Statesright Raver." "The Defender"), Keenan-Pathe ("Gates of Brass," "The Silver Girl," "World Aflame," "The False Code," "Brothers Di- vided"). Hght., 6. 1%; wght., 170; light hair, blue eyes. Ad., Frank Keenan Prod., Inc., Brunton Studios, Hollywood, Cal.

KELLARD, Ralph; b. N. Y. C; educ. there; stage career, 3 seasons mngt. David Belasco, with David Warfield in "Music Master," in orig. prod, of "The Warrens of Virginia." 3 seasons owner and star of Ralph Kellard Stk. Co., lead- ing man in orig. N. Y. prods, of "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm." "Eyes of Youth," "Nancy Lee." "Over Here." "A Stitch in Time"; screen career, Pathe ("The Shielding Shadow," "Pearl of the Army," "The Hillcrest Mystery"). Select ("Scream in the Night"), Hallmark. Famous Players ("The Cost"). Hght., 6; wght., 155; light complexion, red-brown hair, brown eyes. Home ad.. Post Road, Rye, N. Y.

KELLY, Paul; b. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1899; educ. private schls. and tutors; stage career, child actor with David Warfield in "Grand Army Man," with Robert Mantell Co. in "The Con- fession," "Mother," "Ninety and Nine," In Belasco's "A Good Little Devil," in "Seven- teen," "Penrod," "Golden Age"; screen career, Vitagraph ("Jarr Family" series and "Buddy" series), Edison ("Star Spangled Banner," "Knights of the Square Table"), Artcraft ((Anne of Green Gables"), Government ("Fit to Fight"). Now with H. Savage in "Shav- ings." Hght., 5, 11; light brown hair, dark eyes. Ad., 82 Schermerhorn st., Brooklyn, N. Y.

KENNEDY, Ed.; b. Monterey Co., Cal., 1890; stage career, 2 in vaud., 2 yrs. in mus. com. with "A Stubborn Cinderella," "The Alaskan"; screen career, Keystone ("A Game Old Knight,"

"Oriental Love," "The Lost Baby"). Hght., 6, 1; wght., 210. Studio ad., Fox Sunshine Studio, Hollywood, Calif.

KENNY, Colin; b. Dublin; educ. Rugby, England; stage career, 10 yrs. legit.; screen career, Lois Weber ("Price of a Good Time"), Metro ("Un- expected Places"), National ("Tarzan of the Apes," "Return of Tarzan"), Goldwyn ("Girl from Outside," "Toby's Bow"), Selznick ("Blind Youth"). Hght., 6, 11; wght., 170; dark brown hair, dark green eyes. Home ad., Melrose Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif., Pico 1121.

KENT, Charles; b. London, Eng., 1852; educ. Dul- wlch Coll.; stage career, from 1875 to 1906; screen career, Vitagraph ("Scarlet Runner," "The Enemy," "Whom the Gods Destroy," "Soldiers of Chance," "Miss Dulcie from Dixie," "The Gamblers," "Kennedy Square," "Dan- iel," "Duplicity of Hargraves"). Ad., 92 Rem- son St.. Brooklyn, N. Y.

KENT, Craufurd; b. London; educ. there; stage career, mus. com., "Deep Purple," etc.; screen career, Goldwyn ("Thais"); Famous Players ("The Danger Mark," "Ordeal of Rosetta," "Prince Cosmo," "Good Gracious, Annabelle," "Broadway Jones," "Career of Katherine Bush," "Come Out of the Kitchen"), Metro ("Kildare of Storm"), Edgar Lewis ("Other Men's Shoes"), Fox ("Thou Shalt Not"), Realart ("Sinners"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 156; dark brown hair, dark gray eyes. Ad., Lambs Club, N. Y.

KEPLER, Edward; educ. Austria and Switzer- land; stage career, Vienna, Amsterdam, Hol- land, Petrograd, Berlin, Irving Place Theater, N. Y.; screen career, Herbert Brenon ("Empty Pockets"), Metro ("Poor Rich Man"), Deitrich- Beck ("The Bandbox"), American Cinema ("The Inner Voice"), Norma Talmadge ("Woman That Gives"). Hght., 5, 9; wght., 134; brown hair, dark gray eyes. Ad., 200 W. 52nd St., N. Y. ; Circle 3660.

KERRIGAN, Jack Warren; b. Louisville, Ky„ 1889; educ. Chicago Univ.; stage career, Klaw & Erlanger prods. "The Road to Yesterday," "Brown of Harvard"; screen career, Essanay, American (leads for 3 yrs.), Universal ("Rory o' the Bogs," "Terrence O'Rourke," "The Dol- lar Bid," "Prisoner of the Pines," "Live Sparks," "$30,000," now with own company pro- ducing at Brunton Studios ('The Joyous Liar," "The Dream Cheater," "One Week End." Hght,. 6, 1; wght., 190; black hair, hazel eyes. Home ad.. 1743 Cahanga ave., Hollywood, Calif.

KERRY, Norman; b. N. Y. ; educ. St. John's Mili- tary Acad., Annapolis, Md. ; screen career, Paramount-Artcraft, "The Little Princess," "Amarilly of Clothesline Alley"; Select, "Up the Road With Sally," "Good Night, Paul"; Allan Dwan for Mayflower. "Soldiers of For- tune," "A Splendid Hazard." Hght., 6, 2; wght., 180; dark, hair, hazel eyes. Ad., 1745 McCadden place, Los Angeles, Calif.; Brunton Studio.

KILGOUR, Joseph; b. Ayr, Ont.. Canada; educ. Canada and England; stage career, 20 yrs., leading man with Henrietta Crossman, Mrs. Fiske and others, "Arizona," "The Easiest Way," "Ready Money," etc.; screen career, Vitagraph, "Thou Art the Man." "The Writing on the Wall"; Select, "The Easiest Way"; Metro, "The Divorcee," etc. Hght., 5, 11; wght., 200; dark brown hair, dark gray eyes. Permanent ad., Garden Court Aprts., Hollywood, Calif.; Holly 3420.

KIM, Sam; b. China; educ. China, Korea, Japan and America; early career, general in Chinese army; stage career, "Daughter of Heaven," etc. ; screen career, Chinese Ambassador In "Woman Who Gave," double of Houdini in Houdini serial, "Lightning Raider," serial with Pearl White, "Spirit of Poppies," "Lost Bat- talion," "Isle of Jewels" serial, "Faith and Fortune," lead with Helen Holmes, "Green God," "Two American Buds," "Inner Voice." Plays Hindoo and Indian parts. Hght., 5, 8; wght., 165. Ad., 170 W. 126th St., N. Y. C. ; Mngside 5639.

KIMBALL, Edward Marshall; b. Keokuk, la., 1859; educ. Collegiate Inst., Baraboo, Wis.; 40 yrs. on legit, stage, stk., operatic and vaud. ex- per., "The Stranger," "A Girl From Rector's," etc.; screen career. Select, "The Common Law," "Magda"; Vitagraph, "The Christian," "David Garrick"; World, "The Hidden Fear"; to be featured in "Old Jed Prouty." Hght., 5, 10; wght., 225; gray hair and eyes. Home ad., 1515 Cerro Gordo St., or 2425 S. Western ave., L. A., Calif.



KING, Emmett C; b. Griffin, Ga. ; educ. So. Geor- gia Coll.; stage career, James O'Neil in "Monte Cristo," Frank Mayo in "Puddin' Head," lead- ing man with Mrs. Patrick Campbell, appeared in "Everywoman," "Experience," with George Arliss in "Alexander Hamilton"; screen career, with Madge Kennedy in "The Fair Pretender"; Metro ('In His Brother's Place," "Please Get Married"), Goldwyn ("The Fear Woman"), with J. "Warren Kerrigan in "In One Week End," B. B. Features ("Beckoning Roads"), Allan Dwan Prod. ("In the Heart of a Fool"). Hght., 6; wght., 185; gray hair; blue eyes. Ad., Hotel Rosslyn. L. A., Calif.

Kl K K I. AND. Hardee; b. Savannah, Ga.; educ. West Point; stage exper., McKee-Rankin stk., "Innocence," with Pauline Frederick, "The Woman," Belasco; screen career, Fox, "Les Miserables"; Mayflower. "The Splendid Haz- ard"; Geo. Loane Tucker, "Ladies Must Live," with Hazel Dawn in "The Feud Girl." Hght., 5, 11; wght., 176; dark hair, tinged with gray; dark blue eyes. Home ad., 5553 Hollywood blvd., Hollywood, Calif.; phone 597139.

KIRKWOOD, James; b. Grand Rapids, Mich.; educ. there; stage exper., 18 yrs.; screen ca- reer, Biograph, Reliance, Universal, Mutual, American. Keeney, "Marriage of the Under- world"; Fox & Famous Players 1918; "The Struggle Everlasting," "Eve's Daughter"; First National, directed Jack Pickford in "In Wrong"; Allan Dwan for Mayflower, "The Luck of the Irish," "In the Heart of a Fool." Hght., 6; wght.. 180; sandy hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 725 Rodea ave., Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Calif.

KLEIN, Robert; b. Paris, 1882; educ. Charle- magne Coll.. Paris; stage career, dancing; screen career, American ("Lure of the Mask," "The Idol," "Secretary of Frivolous Affairs," "The Bride's Silence." "Charity Castle," "South- ern Pride"), Mutual ("Whose Wife?" "Annie for Spite," "For the Family Name," "Souls in Pawn"), Fox ("Married in Haste").

KOLKER, Henry; also director; educ. Quincy. 111.; stage career, 20 yrs., 15 yrs. annual ap- pearing in N. T. as leading man in B'way prods. ; screen career, Kleine ("Gloria's Romance," "The Shell Game," "Social Hypocrites," "House of Glass," "Wilson or the Kaiser"), Metro (played in "The Parisian Tigress," "Blackie's Redemp- tion," with Nazimova in "The Red Lantern"). Rob-Cole (directed "Woman Michael Married," played in "Her Purchase Price"), directed "The Third Generation." Home ad., 1764 N. Syca- more, L. A.. Calif.

KORTMAN, Robert; b. Phila. ; educ. England & Germany; early career, in U. S. Cavalry; screen career, Ince. "Cash Parrish's Pal." "Shooting- Iron Parson," "The Waifs," "The No-Good Guy," "Captive God": Para-Artcraf t. "The Nar- row Trail," "Square Deal Sanderson." "Radial Mystery"; with A. E. F. until discharged in March, 1919. Home ad., Marine Apts., Ocean Park, Calif.; phone 5055.

KOUPAL, T. Morse; b. N. T., 1890; educ. City Coll.; stage career, with Mrs. Louis James; Edith Wynne Matthison. Charlotte Walker; screen career, Knickerbocker ("Tides of Time"), Gaumont ("Capital Punishment," "Un- suspected Isles" ). Charter Features, Metro ("Out of the Fog "). Hght., 6; wght., 185; light com- plexion, sandy hair, blue eyes. Ad., 240 W. 122d St., N. Y. C.


LA CROIX, Emile; b. Alsace, France; stage ca- reer, 35 yrs. on legitimate stage, 3 yrs. stk.; screen career, (Richelieu in "The Three Guards- men," "Runaway Princess," Pharaoh in "Jo- seph and His Brethren," "Yellow Menace"), Peerless-World ("Brand of Satan"), World ("A Broadway Saint"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 170; white hair, gray eyes. Home ad., 251 W. 48th st., N. Y. C.

LAJDLAW, Roy; b. Canada; educ. there; stage career, 12 yrs. stk. and road cos.; screen career, Ince, Paralta ("His Robe of Honor." "Honor's Cross," "With Hoops of Steel'1), Curwood-Car- ver ("Back to God's Country"), J. Warren Ker- rigan ("Live Sparks"), J. D. Hampton ("The Weaker Sex"). Hght., 5. 10; wght.. 160; gray hair, dark blue eyes. Home ad., R. F. D. 7, Box 733, Los Angeles, Calif.; phone 70004.

I.ANDIS, Cullen; screen career. Universal ("The Outcasts of Poker Flat"), American ("Where the West Begins"), Goldwyn ( "t'pstairs,"

"Jinx," "Almost a Husband," "Girl From Out- side").

LANE, Charles; educ. high and prep, schools; stage career, 25 yrs. under mgmt. Chas. Froh- man, David Belasco, Klaw & Erlanger, Arthur Hopkins, Shuberts, etc.; screen career, Es- sanay ("Ruggles of Red Gap"), Famous Play- ers ("Mrs. Black Is Back." "Man From Mexi- co," "Wanted A Husband." "Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde"), Cosmopolitan, "The Restless Sex." Hght., 6, 1; wght., 180; gray hair, brown eyes. Ad., 130 W. 44th St., N. Y.

LANNING, Frank; b. Marion, Iowa; educ. Marion and Cedar Rapids; stage career, with Blanche Bates in "Girl of the Golden West," J. D. Hampton ("The Prodigal Liar," "The Mints of Hell," "Bare Fisted Gallagher," "Betty and the Prince," "The Blue Bandanna," "A Sage Brush Hamlet," "House of a Thousand Can- dles"), Morosco ("Huckleberry Finn"), B. B. Hampton ("Desert Gold"), Carlyle Blackwell ("The Half Breed"). Ad., 1135 N. Madison, Los Angeles, Calif.; phone 597532.

LANOE, J. Jiquel; b. Britanny, France; stage career, with George M. Cohan, Leslie Carter, Alcazar stk. in San Francisco; screen career, 5 yrs. with D. W. Griffith, Famous Players ("The Eternal City"), Allan Dwan ("A Splen- did Hazard"). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 160; dark hair, brown eyes. Home ad., New Hollywood Apts., Hollywood, Calif.

LA RENO, Dick; b. Ireland; educ. N. Y. C; stage career, 15 yrs. on legit, stage, 10 yrs. vaud., 5 yrs. with circus; screen career, Lasky ("Squaw Man," "Cameo Kirby"), Fox ("The Hell Ship," "Camouflaged"), Universal ("The Beach Combers"), Hampton ("The Blue Ban- danna"), Frank Keenan ("The World Aflame"), J. Warren Kerrigan ("A White Man's Chance"), Dustin Farnum ("A Man's Fight"), known as the Sheriff of the Movies. Hght., 6; wght., 218; iron gray hair, dark brown eyes. Home ad., 1411 Gordon St., Hollywood, Calif.; Holly 4019.

LARKIN, George; b. N. Y., 1890; educ. privately; stage career, circus, vaud., stk. ; screen career, Diano Film Co. ("Wolf Face" serial, "Com- ing of the Law," "Zongar"), Astra serial ("Hands Up"), Wistaria ("Lurking Peril"), Pathe ("Tiger's Trail," "Terror of the Range," "Border Raiders"). Hght., 5, 8V2; wght., 165; dark hair and eyes. Ad., care Ed. Small, 1493 Bway., N. Y. C.

LA ROCQUE, Rod; b. Chicago; educ. Nebraska; stage career, stk., legitimate, vaud.; screen ca- reer, Essanay, Goldwyn ("The Venus Model," "A Perfect 36," "Hidden Fires"), Mutual ("The Kaiser Bride"), Famous Players ("Easy to Get"), American Cinema ("Greater Than Love"). Hght., 6; wght.. 175; dark hair and eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

LARSON, Oscar M.; also asst. director; b. Stock- holm, Sweden; educ. there and Chicago, 111.; stage career, with Lincoln J. Carter and Lorin J. Howard Stk. Co., Chicago, 111.; screen ca- reer, Universal ("Bedford's Hope"), Rolin- Pathe ("Kicking the Germ Out of Germany"), W. H. Clifford Co. ("Democracy"), Biograph ("The Battle of Truth"), Universal ("From Dawn to Dark"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 160; light brown hair, dark blue eyes Home ad., 406 Court St., Los Angeles, Calif. ; Pico 680.

LAW, Burton; b. Ouray, Colo., 1880; educ. Stern's Acad., Chicago; stage career, burlesque and comedy, stock; screen career, Thanhouser, Universal ("Broken Coin." "Sign of the Cres- cent." "The Sea Lily," written by himself, "A Mountain Tragedy," "Treason." "Like Wild- fire"), Bluebird ("Who Will Marry Me?"), Fox ("Cowardice Court"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 170; dark complexion, black hair, brown eyes.

LAW, Walter; b. Dayton, Ohio. 1S7S; educ. Ohio State Univ.; stage career, original cast of "Quo Vadis," starred for 5 yrs. in "The Sign of the Cross," 10 yrs. vaud.; screen career, Fox ("The Darling of Paris," "Camille," "The Heart of a Lion," "The Greatest Love," starred in "War Bride's Secret," "Lady From the Sea"), Gold- wyn ("A Perfect Lady"), Acme ("The Thir- teenth Chair"), Fox ("If I Were King"). Hght., 6, 1; wght., 220. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

LAWRENCE, W. E.; b. Brooklyn, 1S93; educ. there; artist's model for Christy, Leyendecker; screen career, Reliance-Majestic ("The Battle of the Sexes"), Fine Arts ("Old Folks at Home," "Intolerance"), Artcraft ("The Little Princess"), Triangle ("The Passion Flower"), Sunshine ("Damaged No-Goods"), Para. ("MIle-a-Mlnute Kendall"), Vitagraph ("Th»



Girl Woman"). Hght., 5. 10%; wght., 180; black hair, blue eyes.

LEUERER, Otto; b. Prague, Bohemia; educ. Vienna; stage career, opera in Vienna, Irving Place theatre; screen career, Selig, Vitagraph ("Mr. Aladdin of Broadway," "The Lady Sher- iff," "Red Prince." "Dead Shot Baker," "The Flaming Omen," "The Woman in the Web," "The Diplomat of Wolfville," "Cupid Fore- closes," "Over the Garden Wall"), now in Japan. Hght., 6; wght., 170%; dark eyes, black hair. Ad., 1852 Hillcrest ave., Hollywood. Cal.

LEE, Harry; b. Richmond, Va., June 1, 1872; educ. private and parochial schl.; stage career, 1893 with Fred Bryton in "Forgiven"; screen career. Famous Players ("Lady Eileen"), Gold- wyn ("Friend Husband," "Hell Cat"), De Luxe ("Twilight"), Keeney ("Romance of the Un- derworld"), Triangle ("Upside Down"), Em- pey ("The Undercurrent"), Buffalo M. P. Corp. ("Spirit of Kings"), now with Guy Empey Pict. Hght., 5, 10%; wght., 171; fair complexion, dark brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 145 W. 12th St., N. Y. ; Chelsea 5774.

LE GUERE, George; b. New Orleans, La.; educ. Georgetown Univ., Wash., D. C. ; stage career, with Forbes-Robertson, Margaret Anglin, Char- lotte Walker, Wm. Hodge, Jane Cowl, David Warfield, etc., in "The Man From Home," etc.; screen career, Essanay, Metro, Famous, Pathe, Brenon ("Third Floor Back," with Forbes- Robertson), Select ("Cecelia of the Pink Roses," "The Way of a Woman"). World ("The Hand Invisible"), Ind. ("Sun Up"). Hght., 5, 9; wght., 135; blond complexion. Home ad., 8 W. 107th St., N. Y. ; Acad. 1445.

I Kir. I K Fritz; stage career, in People's Stock, Chicago, with Julia Marlowe, . Robt. B. Man- tell, David Warfield, Mme. Petrova; screen ca- reer, Metro, Fox ("Cleopatra," "If I Were King"). Home ad., Atlantic Highlands, N. J.

LEVERING, James; b. Bristol, Eng., 1861; educ. Belgrave Coll., Bristol, and Oxford Univ.; stage career, with Sir Henry Irving, also in "Silver King," "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," "Private Secretary," etc., and several yrs. in stk.; screen career, with Edison, Pathe, Lubin, Norma Tal- madge, Florence Reed, Gaumont ("Rain of Death," "Dead Alive"), Solax ("Pit and Pen- dulum," "Brennan of the Moor"), Frohman Amuse. ("My Own United States"). Hght., .5, 6; wght., 145. Home ad., 133 Manhattan ave., Jersey City, N. J.

LEWIS, B. A.; screen career, Mary Pickford ("The Heart of the Hills," "The Hoodlum"). Anita Stewart ("The Fighting Shepherdess"), Universal ("The Unique Crook"), C. K. Young ("Eyes of Youth"). Ad„ Union League Club, Los Angeles, Calif.

LEWIS, Mitchell; b. Syracuse. N. Y. ; educ. Syra- cuse Univ. and Naval Acad.; 6 yrs. in U. S. Navy; stage career, "The Two Orphans," with Wm. Faversham 3 yrs., "The Squaw Man" in Eng. ; "Chinese Honeymoon," "Every woman," with Nazimova in " 'Ception Shoals"; screen career, first Metro pictures of Harold Lock- wood and Viola Dana, Rex Beach ("The Bar- rier"), Select ("Children of Banishment," "Code of the Yukon"), Screen Classics ("Burning Daylight," "A Daughter of the Snows," "Smoke Bellew"). Hght., 6, 1; wght., 195; black hair, brown eyes. Ad., 41S Mason Bldg., Los An- geles. Calif.

LEWIS, Ralph; b. Englewood. 111.; educ. North- western Univ.; stage career, rep., mus. com., with Wilton Lackaye, Jas. K. Hackett, Julia Marlowe, 4 yrs. vaud. ; screen career. Fine Arts, Fox ("Jack and the Beanstock," "Talk of the Town"), Mary Pickford ("The Hoodlum"). C. K. Young ("Eyes of Youth"). Douglas Fair- banks ("Till the Clouds Roll By"), starring in "Common Sense." Hght., 5, 10; wght., 180. Home ad., 6267 Yucca, Los Angeles, Calif.

LEWIS, Sheldon; b. Phila., Pa.; stage career, 20 yrs. in stk., starring; leading man for Mrs. Fiske. Ada Rehan. Blanche Walsh, and with Wm. Brady's prod. "Life"; screen career, Pathe ("The Clutching Hand," in "The Exploits of Elaine," "The Iron Claw," "The Hidden Hand," "Wolves of Kultur"), Virginia Pearson Photo- plays, 1919-20. Home ad., 464 Riverside Drive. N. Y. C.

LEWIS, Walter P.; b. Albany, N. Y., June. 1871; educ. Albany; stage career, Zieke Pettingill with "Quincy Adams Sawyer," "Quo Vadis," "David Harum"; vaud.; screen career, "Seven Pearls," "Out of a Clear Sky," "Pals First," "To Hell With the Kaiser," "The Avenging

Trial," Vitagraph ("Man Who Might Have Been"), First National ("A Woman Under Oath"), Willat & Shurtliff ("The Star Rover"). Hght., 6, 1; wght., 180; light hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 237 W. 107th St., N. Y. ; Acad. 490.

LINCOLN, E. K.; b. Johnstown, Pa.; stage ca- reer, stk. 4 yrs.; also "The College Widow," "Strongheart," "The Squaw Man," "The Vir- ginians." "The Woman"; screen career, World, Goldwyn, Perret Prod. ("For the Freedom of the World," "Lafayette, We Come," "Stars of Glory"J, Hodkinson ("Fighting Through." "Des- ert Gold"), S. L. Pict. ('Virtuous Men" and "The Inner Voice"), Western, society and char- acter roles. Hght., 6; wght., 185; black hair and hazel eyes. Owns modern m. p. studios at Grantwood, N. J., and Blandford, Mass. Ad., 110 W. 40th St., N. Y.

LINCOLN, Elmo (Otto Elmo Linkenhelt) ; b. Rochester, Ind., Feb. 6, 1889; educ. there; stage career, Holden Stk. Co., 2 seasons; screen ca- reer, in D. W. Griffith's "Birth of a Nation," "Intolerance," Fox ("Treasure Island"), Na- tional ("Tarzan of the Apes," "The Romance of Tarzan," "The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin"), "Elmo the Mighty," "Beachcomber," "Fight- ing Through." Hght., 5, 11%; wght., 200; brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 2719 Sunset blvd.. Los Angeles, Calif.; studio, Universal.

LINDER, Max; b. Bordeaux, France; educ. there and Paris; stage career, stk. in Europe; screen career, Pathe (Max comedies), Essanay (wrote, dir. and starred in "Max Comes Across." "Max in a Taxi." "Max, the Heartbreaker." "Max Plays Detective," "Max Wants a Divorce"); fought in war. wounded at Aisne; proposed for Knight of Legion of Honor Cross for services rendered his country; has just returned to America. Hght., 5, 4; wght., 125; dark com- plexion, black hair, brown eyes. Ad., Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Calif., and 220 W. 42d St., N. Y.

LINGHAM, Thomas; b. Indianapolis, Ind., 1874; stage career, with James O'Neill. E. H. Sothern, Robert Mantell; screen career, Kalem ("Stinga- ree" series), Signal ("Medicine Bend," "Mana- ger of B. & A.." "A Lass of the Lumberlands," "The Lost Express"); ice skater. Hght., 6; wght., 185; complexion brunette, green eyes, dark brown hair. Ad., 201 E. Acacia St., Trop- ico, Calif.; studio ad., Ruth Roland Co., Horsley Studio.

LITTLEFIELD, Lucien L. ; b. Richmond, Va.; educ. Staunton Mil. Acad., Staunton, Va. ; studied at dramatic schl. in N. Y. : stage ca- reer, stk. in San Antonio, Tex., in various sketches; screen career. Imp, Rex. Lasky ("Joan of Arc," "The Miser." "The Gutter Magdalene," "The Golden Fetter"}. Lasky- Paramount ("The Hostage"), Paramount-Art- craft ("Everywoman"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 145; blond hair and green eyes.

LIVINGSTON, Jack; b. St. Albans. Vt.; educ. Chicago, 111.; stage career, six yrs. legit.; screen career, in addition to having been featured, has played leads opposite Vivian Martin. Dorothy Dalton, Peggy Hyland. Bessie Barriscale. Jane Novak and others; 6 yrs. in pictures. Hght., 6: wght., 175; dark brown hair, dark blue eyes. Home ad., 1230 Gardner St., Los Angeles, Calif.: phone 577810.

LLOYD, Harold C; b. Nebraska. 1893; educ. Denver, Omaha and San Diego; stage career, began at age of 12; stk. and road shows: screen career. Universal, Edison. Keystone, was original Lonesome Luke in those series; Pathe, 52 one-reel Lloyd comedies. 2-reel comedies ("Bumping Into Broadway," "Capt. Kidd's Kids," "His Royal Slyness." "From Hand to Mouth"). Hght., 5, 9; wght., 150; black hair, blue eyes, light complexion. Home ad., 369 South Hoover St., Los Angeles, Calif.: studio ad., Rolin Film Co., Court and Hill sts., Los Angeles.

LOCKNEY, J. P.; b. Philadelphia: educ. there; stage career, stk., with John McCullough; wrote "The Hidden Crime" and "The Girl With the Taking Way" (vaud. sketch), in which he toured; screen career, 5 yrs. with Ince-Para- mount ("The Silent Man," "String Beans"), Paramount ("Hay-foot, Straw-foot." "The Sher- iff's Son," "Greased Lightning," "The Egg Crate Wallop"). Hght., 5, 10: wght., 190; dark hair, brown eyes. Studio ad., Ince. Los An- geles.

LONG, Captain Walter; b. Milford, N. H., 1884; educ. Nashua, N. H.; stage career, stk. rep. and vaud., with Holbrook Blinn, H. B. Warner,



under ragmt. of Shubert and Frohman; screen career, Essanay, Reliance, Lasky ("Tears of the Locust," "The Golden Fetter," "Hashimura Togo"), Fine Arts ("Intolerance"), Artcraft ("The Poppy Girl's Husband"), Fox ("Chasing Rainbows"), Hampton-Hod. ("Desert Gold"), Griffith ("Scarlet Days"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 175; brown hair, gray eyes. Ad., 4406 Sunset Drive, Los Angeles, Cal.

LONSDALE, Harry G.; b. Worcester, Eng.; educ. Worcester Cathedral; stage career, with Mans- field in "Beau Brummel," with E. S. Willard in repertoire, with Nat C. Goodwin, 2 seasons at the old Boston Museum stk. ; screen career, Selig ("The Brand of Cain," "Beware of Strangers"), Fox ("Conscience"), Rob-Cole ("The Illustrious Prince"), Select ("The Last of His People"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 160.

LOSEE, Frank; b. and educ. Bklyn. ; 25 yrs. with Belasco, Frohman, K. & E., the Shuberts, John Cort; screen career, Famous Players ("The Eternal City," "Old Homestead," "La Tosca," "Helene of the North," "The Spider," "Bab's Stories," "Paid in Full," "Here Comes the Bride." "His Parisian Wife," "The Firing Line," "Good Gracious, Annabelle," "Marie, Ltd"). Ad., Famous Players, N. Y.

LOUIS, Willard; b. San Francisco, Cal., 1882; stage career, with Edward Harrigan, appeared in many Broadway prods., played lead 2 yrs. in "Seven Days"; screen career. Fox ("The Merry - go-Round"), Goldwyn ("Letty," "Jubilo." "Go- ing Some"), Universal ("Unpainted Woman," "The Scarlet Strain," "The Highest Bidder"). Ad., 2124 Beachwood Drive, Los Angeles, Calif.

LOVE, Montagu; b. Calcutta, India, 1877; educ. England; stage career, mgmt. Belasco, Joseph Brooks, Shuberts, W. A. Brady, Cyril Maude (in London); screen career, Pathe, Metro ("The Cross Bearer," "Rasputin," "Brand of Satan," "The Awakening"), World ("The Rough Neck," "The Hand Invisible," "The Quickening Flame," "Three Green Eyes," "A Broadway Saint," "The Steel King"). Hght., 6, 1; wght., 195; fair com- plexion, red hair, blue eyes.

LOWELL, John; b. Pleasant Grove, Iowa; educ. Iowa and S. D. ; early career, cowboy, surveyor; screen career, star of recent World release "The Clouded Name"; playing leads in Blazed Trail Prods., "When Bad Dan Rides." "The Hidden Pit." "The Danger Patrol," "Across the Line," "Tell Tale Tracks," "Where Peril Lurks." "Code of the North." Hght., 6, 2; wght. ,185; dark hair and eyes. Ad., Blazed Trail Prod., care Arrow Film Corp., 220 W. 42d St., N. Y. C.

LUCAS, Wilfred; b. Canada; educ. Montreal high schl. and McGill Univ.; stage career, light and grand opera abroad and in America, 2 seasons in "Quo Vadis" ; screen career. Fine Arts ("His Excellency, the Governor," "Food Gamblers"), Paramount ("The Judgment House"), Universal ("The Wild Cat"), Metro ("The Return of Mary"), Allan Dwan for Mayflower ("Soldiers of Fortune"), now in Australia.

LUCY, Arnold; stage career, character actor of 25 yrs. exper. in comedy and drama in London and New York, in "Fanny's First Play." Wm. Knox, "Nothing but the Truth," "The Bishop," "Eternal Magdalene," "Roads of Destiny"; screen career. "The Devil's Toy," Edison ("Vanity Fair"), Fairbanks ("In Again, Out Again"), Vitagraph ("Nymph of the Foothills"), Famous Players ("The Cost"). Hght.. 5, 7; wght., 140; light brown hair, gray eyes. Ad., Westover Court, 210 W. 44th St., N. Y. C. ; Bryant 5860.

LYON, Ben; b, Atlanta, Ga., 1899 ; educ. Balti- more Park School and Balto. City College, Md.; stage career, "Seventeen," "Milestones," "Kick In," "Kismet," "Nothing But the Truth." "Too Many Cooks," "Fair and Warmer," "Piccadlily Jim." "The Gibson Upright"; screen career, featured with Faire Binney in "Open Your Eyes," Violet Mersereau's leading man in "Mor- gan's Raiders," co-star with Marian Swayne in "The Transgressor." leads in Edison's "Con- quest Series." Complexion brunette. dark brown hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., Stuart Walker Co., 304 Carnegie Hall Bldg., N. Y.

LYONS, Eddie, also director; b. Beardstown, 111., 1886; stage career, rep., Marlowe stk., Chicago, "Mrs. Wiggs of Cabbage Patch," mgmt. Lieb- ler, vaud., "Beverly of Graustark" rd. co. ; screen career, Biograph, Imp, Nestor ("The Rushin' Dancers," "Dolls and Dollars," "Too Much Women," "Bad News," "A Fire Escape Finish," "There and Back," "A Hasty Hazing," "His Wife's Relatives"), co-starred with Lee Moran In Star Comedies, making 62 single-reel

comedies past year for Universal, now pro- ducing feature comedy dramas for Universal ("Everything But the Truth"). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 143; gray eyes, dark brown hair. Ad., Universal City, Calif.

LYTELL, Bert; b. and educ. N. Y. C. ; stage ca- reer, stock, many Broadway prod., lead with Irene Fenwick, "Mary's Ankle"; screen career, Brenon ("The Lone Wolf"), Metro ("The Spender," "Faith," "One-Thing-at-a-Time- O'Day"), Metro-Screen Classics ("Lombardi. Ltd.," "The Right of Way," "Alias Jimmy Valentine"). Hght., 5, lO1^; wght., 155; brown hair, hazel eyes. Studio, Metro. Hollywood, Cal.

LYTELL, Wilfred; b. N. Y. C. ; stage exper.. "The Country Boy," "His Brother's Keeper," "Captain Kidd, Jr.," "Business Before Pleas- ure"; screen career, Ince-Vitagraph, "The De- stroyer," "The Conflict," "The 90 and 9," "The Lily and the Rose," Warren prod, with House Peters; Metro ("Our Mrs. McChesney"), Arthur F. Beck, Inc. ("Isle of Jewels" serial). Hght.. 5, 10; wght., 155; dark hair and eyes. Home ad., 5 Jackson st., Bayside. L. I., N. Y.

LYTTON, Roger; b. New Orleans, La.; educ. Dresden, London, Paris, Columbia Univ.; stage career, E. H. Sothern's leading man in "The Proud Prince"; 20 yrs. on stage; screen career, member of old Vitagraph Co. ("Vengeance of Durant." "Battle Cry of Peace," "Panthea," "Lest We Forget," "Burden of Proof." "The Forbidden City," "The Third Degree"), Selz- nick ("A Regular Girl"). Hallmark-Miller ("High Speed"). Hght., 5, 11; wght , 180; dark complexion, iron gray hair, brown eyes. Mem- ber Columbia Univ. Club, N. Y. Ad.. 142 East 18th St., N. Y. ; Stuyvesant 433.


MacDERMOTT, Mare; b. London. Eng.; educ Australia; stage career, 7 yrs. with Geo. Rin gold's Co. in Australia, with Mrs Patrick Camp- bell in U. S. and England, with Richard Mans- field, mgmt. Charles Frohman. etc.; screen career, Edison, 6 yrs., twice sent around world by Edison as their star; Vitagraph ("The Green God," "An Alabaster Box"), Fox ("Buchanan's Wife," "Kathleen Mavourneen" ) , Norma Tal- madge ("The New Moon"), Perret "13th Chair"), Rolf e-Fischer ("The Amazing Lover," "The Red Virgin"). Hght., 6; wght., 175; au- burn hair, brown eyes. Ad., 546 W. 113th St.. N. Y. C ; Cathedral 7483.

MacDONALD, Donald; screen career. Paramount ("The Law of Men," "Extravagance," "The Market of Souls"), Select ("Who Cares?"), Pathe ("The Silver Girl"), Rob-Cole ("The House of Intrigue").

MacDONALD, Wallace; b. Mulgrave, Nova Scotia. Canada; educ. Sydney, N. S. ; stage career, stock cos. at Vancouver, B. C and San Francisco. Calif., Phoenix, Ariz., and El Paso, Tex.; screen career, co-star on Triangle and Vitagraph pro- grams, leading man for Pauline Frederick, Mae Marsh, Mabel Normand, Marguerite Clark. Mary Miles Minter, Olive Thomas, Anita Stewart. Hght., 5, 10; wght . 142; dark brown hair and eyes. Ad., L. A. Athletic Club, Los Angeles, Calif.

MacDOWELL, Melbourne; b. Little Washington, N. J.; educ. N. Y. ; stage career. 25 yrs., hus- band of Fanny Davenport, appeared in Sardou repertory, starred in stock several seasons, "Tosca," "Theodora," "Fedora." "Gismonda" ; screen career, Ince-Para. ("Tyrant Fear," "Claws of the Hun." "Coals of Fire"), National "The Lamb and the Lion," "Passions Three." "Wolves of the Rail"), with Allan Dwan for Mayflower ("Soldiers of Fortune"). Hght., 6; wght., 210; dark complexion, gray hair and eyes. Home ad., 1047 Everett St., Los Angeles,

I 'Ml

MACK, Hay ward ; b. Albany. X Y ; educ. Iowa Coll.; early career, civil engineer and newspaper man; stage career, 7 yrs. in stock, vaud. and prods.; screen career, since 1910. Imp, Majestic. Famous Players, Biograph, Universal ("The Spindle of Life"), Amer. Mutual ("Impossible Susan"), Hodkinson ("Fighting Through"), American ("Some Liar." "Put Up Your Eyes"). Fox ("Love Is Love." "The Speed Maniac," "Thieves"). Hght., 6; wght., 185; dark hair, blue eyes.

MACK, Joseph .due. Rome, [taly; Mage ca-

reer, 12 yrs. legitimate, 12 yrs. vaud.: screen career, 6 yrs., Detrich Co. ("Wild Honey" I. Metro ("Brass Check," "Under Suspicion"), E.



V. B. ("Little, But Oh My!"), Fox ("Never Say Quit," "Shark Rawley"), Hallmark ("Chain of Evidence"), Raver ("Golden God"), Porter ("Train-Wreckers"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 200; dark hair and eyes. Ad., 301 W. 46th St., N. Y. ; Bryant 4578.

MACKAY, Charles; educ. N. T. College; stage ca- reer, N. Y. prods, with Wm. A. Brady, Mrs. Henry Harris, George Tyler, Charles Frohman, Klaw and Erlanger; screen career, Tourneur ("The Velvet Paw"), World-Peerless ("The Un- pardonable Sin," "That Oakdale Affair." "The Woman of Lies," "Me and Capt. Kidd," "The Poison Pen," "The Steel King"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 170; gray eyes. Ad. Coytesville, N. J.; Fort Lee 38 W.

MACKAY, Edward; stage career, leading man with Mrs. Fiske, Henrietta Crosman, Grace George, Nethersole; stock star, Washington, D. C„ Brooklyn, X. Y., Chicago, Toronto, etc.; screen career. Famous Players ("Port of Miss- ing Men," "Clothes," "The Clue," "The Secret Orchard"), Ivan "Man and His Angel." "The Faded Flower." "The Window Opposite"). Now with Oliver Morosco. Hght., 5, 10; wght., 155; light hair, dark eyes. Ad., home, Coytesville, N. J.

MacLEAN, Douglas; b Phila. ; educ Northwestern Univ., Pres. Sch., and Lewis Inst. Tech.; stage career, juvenile in stock cos., also with Maude Adams in "Peter Pan" and other Barrie plays, other Broadway appearances; screen career, Artcraft ("The Hun Within." "Johanna En- lists," "Capt. Kidd, Jr."), Ince-Para. ("Fuss and Feathers"), now starring for Thomas H. Ince ("23^4 Hours Leave," "What's Your Hus- band Doing," "Mary's Ankle"). Hght., 5, 9%; wght., 145; brown hair and eyes. Ad., 406 S Alvarado St., Los Angeles, Calif; studio, Thos. H. Ince.

MacLEAN, R. D. ; b. New Orleans, La. ; educ. Washington & Lee Univ., Lexington, Va.; stage career, starred for several yrs. in classic rep., "Brutus and Othello." with Wm Faversham Co.; screen career, Goldwyn ("The Silver Horde." "Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come"), also with Jack Pickford. Hght., 5, 11; wght., 190; iron gray hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 1764 Syca- more ave.. Los Angeles, Calif.; phone 579793; studio, Goldwyn.

MAC QUARRIE. Frank; b. San Francisco. Cal. ; educ. there; stage career. 19 yrs. with Nance O'Neill, stk. with Henry Miller and 5 yrs. stk. Vancouver, B. C. ; one season "The Spoilers"; screen career. Universal 3 yrs. ("The Flash of Fate." "The Man Trap "), Triangle ("Pralg" in Black Box serial. "Broadway to the Throne." "Two Men from Sandy Bar"), National ("Girl of My Dreams"), Rob-Cole ("Whitewashed Walls"), Universal ("Loot," "Under Suspicion"). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 140; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., Oakwoods Hotel, Los Angeles. Calif.

MAILES, Charles Hill; b. Halifax. N. S:, 1870; stage career, since 24 yrs. old. in vaud., con- cert work, Shakespearian roles, also In "The Squaw Man." "The Clansman," "The Oath"; screen career, over 5 yrs. with Biograph. Uni- versal ("A Young Patriot." "Bitter Sweet." "The Lair of the Wolf," "The Dynast." "The Spotted Lily." "The Power." "The Girl Who Won Out," "Beloved Jim." "Talk of the Town" ) , Metro ("Full of Pep"), Pathe ("Our Better Selves"), Fox ("The Speed Maniac"). Para-Art- craft ("Red Hot Dollars"). Iron gray hair.

MALATESTA, Frederic M„ also director; b. Na- ples, Italy; educ. there and Rome; stage career, Italy and South America; screen career, Pathe ("The Wolf-faced Man " serial. "The Devil's Trail"), Griffith ("The Greatest Thing in Life"). American ("The Other Side of Eden"). Metro ("The Legion of Death." "The Demon." "Full of Pep," "The Four-Flusher" ) . Directed Max Under for the Essanay Co. Hght., 6; wght , 185; dark hair and eyes. Ad. 4520 Russell Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.; phone 599062.

MALONEY. Leo. D.; b. San Jose, Cal., 1888; educ. Santa Clara Coll., Cal.; early career, on ranch until young man; screen career, Pathe, Signal ("The Girl and the Game." "Whispering Smith." "Medicine Bend," "Judith of the Cumberlands." "Manager of B. and A.." "A Lass of the Lum- berlands," "The Overland Disaster." "The Lost Express"), Vitagraph ("A Fight for Millions"). Universal ("The Spitfire of Seville"), World ("The Arizona Catclaw"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 170.

MANN, Hank, also director; b. N. Y. C. ; edue.

Morris High School; stage career, vaud.; screen career, Mack Sennett ("The Village Black- smith." "His Bread and Butter"), Fox ("Bon Bon Riot," "His First Blow Out"), Hank Mann

Comedies ("Messenger," "Harem Hero." "Ey« for Figures"). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 165; light brown hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 1021 Lake Shore Ave., Los Angeles, Calif; Wilshire 1262; studio, Hank Mann Comedies Co., Francis Ford Studio, Los Angeles.

MARBURGH, Bertram; b. 1875; stage career, with John Drew in "Much Ado About Nothing," with Wm. Faversham in "The Squaw Man." with Maude Adams In "Chanticler," with Rob- ert Hllliard in "Argyle Case"; screen career, Wharton ("The Eagle's Eye"), Fox ("Check- ers"), World ("Social Pirates"), Powell ("You Never Know Your Luck"). Height, 5, 10V4; complexion, dark. Ad., Lambs Club, N. Y.

MARCUS, James A.; stage career, from 1881, In "The Lights of London," stage director for the Fay Templeton Opera Co., "The Cub," "The Sign of the Cross"; screen career. Fox ("Car- men," "Regeneration," "Honor System." "Be- trayed," "This Is the Life," "The Conqueror," "Evangeline," "Should a Husband Forgive?").

MARKS, Willis; b. Rochester, Minn.; educ. there; stage career, began in 1888 in St. Paul. Minn., member of Morosco. Burbank Theatre, Los An- geles, for 9 yrs.; screen career, 5 yrs.. Lasky ("Man from Funeral Range," "The Dancing Fool"), Vitagraph ("The Wishing Ring Man,'' "Over the Garden Wall"), Ince ("Greased Light- ning"), Universal ("The Trembling Hour"!, Haworth ("The Greater Profit"). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 140; gray hair and eyes. Home ad., 1341% Toberman St., Los Angeles, Calif.; West 4046.

MARMONT, Percy; educ. St. Anne's, Redhlll, Surrey, England; stage career. In England, with Sir Herbert Tree, Sir Geo. Alexander. Cyril Maude, etc.; in U. S., with Anne Murdock, Ethel Barrymore, Belasco. and in "The Invis- ible Foe"; screen career. Paramount ("Rose of the World," "The Lie"). Goldwyn ("Turn of the Wheel"), Famous Players ("Three Men and a Girl"), Select ("In the Hollow of Her Hand"), Vitagraph ("Vengeance of Durand." "The Win- chester Woman." "The Climbers," "Pride." "The Sporting Duchess"). Hght., 6; wght., 150; blond hair, blue-gray eyes. Ad., Lambs Club, N. Y.

MARQUIS, Joseph Philip; b. N Y. C. : educ. there; stage career, stk. co. one year; screen career, Biograph ("Midnight Girl." "Oh, Louise," "My Girl Suzanne"). Universal ("Lo- nora," "A Matter of Taste" i. MacManus ("Bruised Humanity"). Hght . 6; wght.. 175; blond hair, blue eyes. Ad., 75 W. 94th St., N. Y. ; Riverside 2989.

MARK, Gordon; b. London. Ont., Canada, 1891: educ. Toronto Univ.; 5 yrs. stage exper.. stk., etc.; screen career. Wash. M. P. Corp., Fox ("The Coming . of the Law," "The Greater Law"). Enlisted 1915 with Canadians, over- seas 18 mos.. honorably discharged. Metro ("Fools and Their Money." "The Island of In- trigue") Hght., 5, 7%; wght.. 138; dark com- plexion, eyes, hair. Ad.. Glidden Hotel, Holly- wood. Cal.

MARSHALL, Tully: b. Nevada City, Calif; educ. private sch. and Santa Clara Coll., Calif.; screen career. All Star. Fine Arts. D. W. Griffith ("The Girl Who Stayed at Home"). Famous Players- Lasky, Goldwyn, Thos. Ince, Maurice Tourneur ("Life Line"), Paramount-Artcraf t ("Every- woman"). Rex Beach ("The Crimson Garden- ia".), etc. Hght., 5 10%; wght., 140; brown- gray hair, brown eyes. Ad.. 128 Rldgewood Place. Los Angeles. Calif; studio. Lasky.

MASON, "Smiling" Billy, also director; educ. Chi- cago, Univ. of Michigan. Copenhagen, Denmark; stage career, circus clown, in "Shepherd King "; screen career, Pathe. Essanay. World Film. Uni- versal ("A Box of Tricks"), Christie ("Their Sea- side Tangle," "Help! Help! Police!" "One Good Turn." "Whose Wife"). Bluebird ("A Taste of Life"), Vitagraph ("The Wolf"). Hght.. 5, 11; wght., 156; blond hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., home. 1(j0S N. Alexandria Ave.. Hollywood.

MASON, Charles E. ; b. Warren County, Ky . : educ. Bowling Green. Ky. ; stage career, stk. co. in Portland. Oreg. ; screen career. Metro ("The Yellow Dove"), Astor Co.. Fox. North West Motion Pict.. etc. Hght.. 6: wght.. 190: dark brown hair, blue eves. Ad . home. 1750V4 West- ern Ave.. Hollywood. Calif.; 'phone, 5976S1; studio ad., Lew Cody Co., Hollywood, Calif.

MASON, Dan; b. Syracuse. N. Y.. 1S57; educ. Syracuse: stage career. Washburn stk., with Wm. Collier in "The Man from Mexico," "Why Smith Left Home." in "Naughty Anthony." "The Prince of Pilsen." "Miss Patsy"; screen career, Edison stk.. Fox ("The Scarlet Letter," "The Slave." "The Broadway Sport," "Every Girl's Dream." "Thou Shalt Not Steal"). Fox



("The Lure of Ambition"). Hght., 5. 9; wght., 175; black hair, black eyes.

MASON. Sidney L. ; b. Paterson, N. J., 1886; educ. there; stage career, Manhattan Opera House Co., N. Y. ; mgmt. Cohan and Harris, "Stop Thief"; screen career, Bluebird ("Honor of Mary Blake"), Fox ("Painted Madonna," "The Fallen Idol"), Frank Powell ("The Promise"), Fox ("Bonnie Annie Laurie," "The Forbidden Path"), Universal ("The Trap"). Perret ("A Modern Salome ", McCord Pict. ("The Wild Faun"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 163; dark com- plexion, dark hair, brown eyes. Ad., 3657 Broadway, N. Y. C, or Green Room Club.

MAYALL, Herschel; b. Bowling Green, Ky. ; educ. Farmington, Me., and Univ. of Minn.; stage ca- reer, 25 yrs., 14 yrs. leading man in stk. cos. In New York, Cincinnati, etc.; screen career, Ince ("Civilization"), Morosco (with Leonore Ulrich), Brunton ("Carmen of the Klondyke"), Bessie Barriscale ("The Heart of Rachael"). Wm. Farnum ("Wings of the Morning"), Alas- kan Prod. Co. ("The Seal of Death") Hght., 5, 10; wght., 185; dark brown hair, dark gray eyes. Home ad., 1486 Allison Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.

MAYO, Frank; b. N. Y., 1886; educ. Peeks- kill Mil. Acad.; stage career, with grandfather in "Davy Crockett," "Woman in the Case," "The Squaw Man," 3 yrs. with Arthur Boucher and Herbert Sleath, Eng., mgr. own sketch, Eng.; screen career, featured in "Power and the Glory," etc.; leads with Alice Brady, Ethel Clayton, June Elvidge, Louise Huff, Kitty Gor- don, Lois Weber prod. ("Mary Regan"), Uni- versal ("The Peddlar," "Burnt Wings," "Las- ca," "The Brute Breaker," "A Little Brother of the Rich." Hght., 5, 11%; wght., 165; brown hair, gray eyes. Ad., 7018 Franklin Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.

McCALL, Billy; b. 1870, and educ. Peoria, 111.; 25 yrs. stage exper., vaud., etc.; screen career, Ince, Marie Dressier, Horsley, Fox, Vitagraph ("Bears and Bad Men," "Huns and Hyphens," "Fight for Millions," "Smashing Barriers"). Hght.. 5, 9%; wght., 175; dark hair, blue eyes. Ad., 447% S. Flower St.. Los Angeles, Calif.

MCCARTHY, Myles; b. Montreal, Can.; educ. Mc- Gill Univ., Montreal; stage career, under mgmt. of Frohmans, E. E. Rice, W. E. Nankeville, Chas. B. Dillingham, George Broadhurst, etc., also headliner in vaud.; screen career, with Selig, Gaumont, Thanhouser, National, Vita- graph ("The Highest Trump"), United ("A Man's Fight"), Keenan-Pathe ("The False Code"), Universal ("Twisted Souls"), Metro ("Silence Sellers"). Hght., 5, 11%; wght., 163; iron gray hair and blue eyes.

McCOY', Harry H., also director; b. 1895 and educ. Phila., Pa.; stage experi., vaud. and legit, in N. Y. ; screen career. Mack Sennett 5% years, American, Selig, featured with Coleen Moore, "The Hoosier Romance," directing and playing own comedy leads 2 yrs. with Mar- garita Fisher in "Fair Enough," "His Wife's Friend," Lehrman ("Twilight Baby"), Ar- buckle ("The Garage"). Hght., 5, 8%; wght.. 155; light hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 1627 S. Union ave., L. A., Cal.

McCULLOUGH, Philo; b. San Brendo, Cal.; educ. there and Los Angeles; screen career, Selig, Mutual, Kalem, Metro, Bluebird ("The Dream Lady," "Rich Man's Darling"), Allan Dwan Prods. ("Soldiers of Fortune," "The Splendid Hazard," "Heart of a Fool"). Hght., 5, 11%; wght., 175; light complexion, light brown hair, dark blue eyes. Studio, Allan Dwan at Brunton Studios, Los Angeles, Cal. Holly 4080.

McDANIEL, George; b. Georgia; educ. Georgia Tech., Atlanta Coll. of Physicians; stage ca- reer, 5 yrs. operatic and concert work, 2 sea- sons with Victor Herbert prods, as principal baritone, Pythias in 1915 revival of "Damon and Pythias." 2 seasons Morosco stk., etc.; screen career, Lasky ("The Little Princess"), Blunbird ("The Door Between"). Select ("The Shuttle"). Fox ("The She Devil." "Lost Money." "What Would You Do?") H B Wright ("The Shepherd of the Hills"), Uni- versal ("The Woman Under Cover"), Metro ("Lombard!, Ltd."). Featured In own prods, at Art Unit Studios, Glendale, Cal.; home ad.. Actors' Assn. of Los Angeles. Holly 1946.

McDONAI.D, Francis J.; b. Bowling Green, Ky., 1891; educ. St. Xavier Coll., Cincinnati; stage career, since 1905, 1 season leading man at Spokane, 7 mos. on Orpheum Circuit; screen career, 2 yrs. with Universal, then to Fine

Arts for 15 mos., and then back to Universal ("The Black Orchid," "The Mansard Mystery," "O'Connor's Mag"), Triangle ("The Passion Flower," "The Confession," "Hearts and Masks," "The Kentucky Colonel"). Hght., 5, 9; wght, 155; black hair, brown eyes. Studio ad., National Film Corp., 1116 Lodi St., Los Angeles; home ad., Glidden Hotel, Holly Blvd., Hollywood, Cal.

McDOWELL, Nelson; b. Greenfield, Mo.; educ. North Western Univ., Chicago; stage career, 2 yrs. stock co., Chicago, 4 yrs. lecture plat- form; screen career, Paramount ("Romance of the Redwoods"), Vitagraph ("A Diplomatic Mission," "The Home Trail," "The Flaming Omen"), Universal ("The Charmer," "The Sun- down Trail"), Fox ("Sadie," "One Touch of Sin," "Bruce of the Circle A"), Mitchell Lews Co. ("Jaques of the Silver North"), Byron Powers Co. ("The Planters"), B. B. Hampton ("Desert of Wheat"), Rex Beach-Goldwyn ("Going Some"). Hght., 6, 2; wght., 180; light complexion, brown hair, blue-gray eyes. Ad., 1802 N. Van Ness ave., Hollywood, Cal., or Willis & Inglis, Los Angeles, Cal.

McEWEN, Walter; b. 1865; stage career, 20 yrs. with Geo. Edwards, Gaiety theatre, London, also with Winthrop Ames; screen career, Peer- less, Fox, Famous Players, Kalem, Vitagraph (with E. H. Sothern in "The Chattel"), Select ("The Probation Wife"), Hodkinson ("The Bandbox"). Hght., 5, 8.

McGARRY, Garry; b. Franklin, Pa., Oct. 17, 1889; educ. Sacred Heart Acad., Franklin, and Canisus Coll., Buffalo; stage career, in "The Soul Kiss," "The Waltz Dream," "The Confes- sion," 2 seasons with Tom Terrlss, a season each with Frank Keenan and Madame Dore In vaud.; screen career, Vitagraph ("The Daugh- ter of Israel," "A Question of Clothes," "The Wrong Girl," "The Tigress," "Prince in a Pawn- shop"), Paramount-Artcraft ("False Faces"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 129; fair complexion, brown hair and eyes. Ad., Lambs Club, N. Y. C.

McGOWAN, John W. (Jack) ; b. and educ, Mus- kegon, Mich., 1894; stage career, "The Time, Place and Girl," "My Wife's Family," "Her Soldier Boy," "My Girl from Brazil," "Oh, Boy," Ziegfeld Follies, Ziegfeld Midnight Frolic, Century Review; screen career, Mstro ("Flower of the Dusk," "Oh, Annice," "The Gold Cure"). Hght, 5, 9; wght, 160; light hair, blue eyes.

McGRAIL, Walter; b. and educ. Bklyn, N. Y., 1889; stage career, 2 yrs. comic opera, 3 yrs. vaud.; screen career, Vitagraph, 5 yrs ("Within the Daw," "Womanhood," "Business of Life," "Miss Ambition"), Pathe ("The Black Secrst"), Selznick ("Country Cousin," "Greater than Fame"). Hght, 6; wght., 175; dark com- plexion, black hair, blue eyes. Ad., 105 Berke- ley place, Brooklyn, N. Y., or Lambs Club.

McGREGOR, Gordon; b. Scotland, 1885; educ. Watts Coll., Edinburgh; stage career, from 1895; toured New England In "Evangeline"; screen career, from 1911, Selig, Lasky ("Brew- ster's Millions," "The Squaw Man"), Horsley (Mina and Cub comedies), Metro ("A Man of Honor"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 175; blue eyes, black hair.

McINTOSH, Burr; b. Wellesville, O., 1862; educ. Lafayette Coll. and Princeton Univ.; reported for Phila. News; stage career, in "Trilby," "The Man of the Hour," on tour In "The Gen- tleman from Mississippi"; screen career, playsd Wallingford In Pathe "Wallingford" serial, Mutual ("My Partner"). Ad., Lotos Club, N. Y.

McKEE, Raymond; b. Chicago, 1892; stage ca- reer, lead in "Grit, the Newsboy," with Robert Hilhard in "A Fool There Was," "The Phan- tom Legion," mus. com., "The Golden Girl," stk. in Atlanta and Chicago; screen career, Edi- son ("Heart of the Hill"), Metro ("The Sun- beam"), Conquest-Forum Films ("Kidnapped," 'Lady of the Photograph"). Klelne ("The Un- believer). Fox ("Kathleen Mavourneen"), World ("Capt. Kldd"), A. E. F. 1st sgt. 18 mos. Hght., 5, 7%; wght.. 130; gray eyes, brown hair. Home ad.. 587 Riverside Drive N Y ! or Friars Club., N. Y. C.

McKIM, Robert; b. San Jacinto, Cal., 1887; educ San Francisco; stage career, stk. with Alcazar, San Francisco, 3 seasons over Orpheum circuit with Mrs. Langtry; screen career, Ince-Para- mount ("The Silent Man," "Son of His Father" "Love Me." "The Marriage Ring," "Tlie vamp , "Green Eyes." "Law of the North"), Goldwyn ("The Silver Horde." "Woman In Room 13"). Hght.. 6; wght., 175; black hair.



brown eyes. Home ad., 708 Crescent Drive, Beverly Hills, Cal. ; studio, Goldwyn, Culver City, Cal.

McLEAN, .luck; b. 1893 and educ. Brookline, Mass.; stage career, "Mary's Ankle," "Watch Your Step"; screen career, Goldwyn, Graphic, Fox ("Blue Eyed Mary"), Famous Players ("Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch"), Vita- graph ("Thin Ice," "The Unknown Quantity"). Graphic ("The Echo of Youth"). World ("His Father s Wife"), W. H. Prod. ("The Lost Bat- talion"). Hght., 5, 8%; wght., 140; brown hair, blue eyes. Permanent ad., 35 Walter ave., Brookline, Mass.

McQUARKIE, Albert; b. San Francisco, 1882; stage career, began at Alcazar theatre in 1904, on dram, stage until 1913; screen career, start- ed with David Horsley, with Universal 3 yrs., 2 pictures with Bryant Washburn for Pathe, Douglas Fairbanks ("Bound in Morocco," "He Comes Up Smiling," "Arizona," "Knicker- bocker Buckeroo," "His Majesty, the Ameri- can," "When the Clouds Roll By"). Hght., 5, 9: wght.. 100; brown hair, gray eyes. Home ad., 1024 Hudson ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; Holly 2737.

MEIGHAN, Thomas; b. Pittsburgh, Pa.; educ. there; stage career, played a season witli Grace George, 2 yrs. in Pittsburgh Stk. Co., leading man in London engagement of "The College Widow," 3 yrs. with David Warfield in "The Return of Peter Grimm," also in "On Trial"; screen career, Paramount-Artcraft ("M'liss," "Out of a Clear Sky," "The Heart of Wetona," "Male and Female," "Don't Change Your Wife," "The Miracle Man"). Hght., G; wght., 170; black hair, brown eyes. Ad., L. A. Athletic Club; studio, Lasky, Holly- wood, Cal.

MERLO, Anthony; b. Italy; educ. N. Y. ; screen career, Fox, Famous Players, World, Brenon- Selznick, Universal, Metro, Maurice Tourneur ("A Daughter of France," "Human Drift- wood." "Maid of Belgium." "The Cross Bear- er," "The Awakening," "The Sea Waif," "The Heart of Gold," "Woman," "Sporting Life"), World ("Phil for Short," "Mandarin's Gold." "The Unveiling Hand"). Hght., 5, 10; wght.. 165; dark complexion, brown hair, brown eyes. Ad., care of Fox, N. Y.

MESTAYER, Harry; b. San Francisco; educ. N. Y. and Boston Latin; stage career, with Holbrook Blinn, Helen Ware, E. H. Sothern. James K. Hackett, "The Son-Daughter"; screen career, George Kleine's ("Stop Thief"). Selig ("The Millionaire Baby," "The House of a Thousand Candles," "The Gold Ship"), Tri- angle ("High Tide." "Wife or Country"). Ad., La*, bs Club, N. Y.

MElCv'.vE, Earl Keeney; b. Newport, Ky., 188»: ;duc. Cincinnati, O. : stage career, 7 yrs. in -itk. and N. Y. prods.; vaud.; screen career, Lui>in, 4 yrs. ("The Phantom Happiness"). Select ("World to Live In"), World ("The Battler," "Coax Ale." "Woman of Lies,' "Poi- son Pen"), Vitagraph ("The Fortune Hunter"), Shomer ("The Great Mystery"). Directed Jas. Montgomery Flagg comedies; 19 mos. in U S. Army as 2nd Lieut, with 69th N. Y. Inf 1 yr. in France. Hght., 5, 11; wght.. 170: brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., Lambs Club, N. Y.

MILASH, Robert E. ; b. N. Y. C, Apr. 18. 1885; educ. N. Y. C. ; stage career, under Frohman in "The Girl I Left Behind Me," with James K. Hackett in "The Prisoner of Zenda"; screen career, Edison. Biograph. Pathe, Crys- tal. Universal ("Timothy Dobbs. That's Me" series), World ("The Roughneck"). Para- mount ("Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch." "The Two Brides"), Pathe ("The Moonshine Trail"). Hght.. 6. 7; wght., 122; gray hair, blue eyes, dark complexion. Home ad., 512 W. 151st St., N. Y. C.

MILLER. Harold Atchison; b. Redondo Beach, Cal.; educ. Los Angeles: screen career, Selznick ("Upstairs and Down"). Frank Keenan Co ("World of Flame"), Universal ("The Ped- dler"), Allan Dwan ("Heart of a Fool"). Hght., 6. 1; wght. 160; brown hair and eyes. Home ad.. 4520 W. 18th St., Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 72409.

MILLER, Walter; b. Atlanta, Ga. ; educ. there and Brooklyn, N. Y. ; stage career. Roe Stock. Stanley Stk.. Hall Stk., Jersey City. Lyceum Stk., Brooklyn, N. Y. ; screen career, Metro

("The Slacker." "Miss Robinson Crusoe," "Draft 258"), Ralph Ince ("11th Command- ment"), Vitagraph ("Thin Ice," "A Girl at Bay," "The Friendly Call"), Artclass ("The Open Door"). Hght. 5, 11; wght., 165; dark brown hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 235 West 107th St., N. Y. C.J Acad. 1106; and offices Art- class Pict.. Longacre Bldg., N. Y. .

Mil. LETT, Arthur Nelson; b, .Maine, 1874; educ. Coll. of Sacred Heart, Denver, and European sch. of music; stage career, 14 yrs.. with Patta Roso for a yr. ; screen career. Triangle ("Ship of Doom," "Sea Panther"), Fox ("The Fram- er"). "King Spruce" with Mitchell Lewis, "Out of Count," "Sparks" with Jack Warren Ker- rigan, "23% Hours Leave," "Egg-Crate Wal- lop" with Charles Ray. "Count of the Times" with Frank Keenan. Hght., 6, % ; wght., 196; brown hair, dark eyes. Ad., 2707 S. Norman- die, Los Angeles, Cal.

MILLS, Frank; b. Kalamazoo. Mich.; educ. Univ. of Mich.; stage career, Chas. Frohman, Be- lasco, Daniel Frohman, prods.; "Sue," 5 yrs. with Sir Herbert Tree, Mrs. Pat Campbell, Sir J. Forbes-Robertson, etc.; in America, leads with Olga Nethersole. Elsie Ferguson, Mary Mannering. etc.; in "Bought and Paid For"; screen career, Select ("De Luxe Annie"), De Luxe ("Wild Honey," "Twilight"), Famous Players ("Let's Elope," "The Misleading Wid- ow"). First National ("Wives of Men"), Pathe ("The Bramble Bush"), "Actors' Equity Strike." by the Assn., Capellani ("The Right to Lie"). American Cinema ("Women Men Forget" I. Hght., 5, 11; wght., 172; dark hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 264 W. 57th st., N. Y. Circle 1561.

MIX, Tom, also writer and director; early career, rode the plains as a cowboy, was a member of the Rough Riders during Spanish-American War; screen career, with Selig, Fox ("Cupid's Round Up," "Western Blood," "Ace High," "Hell's Roaring Reform," "Treat 'Em Rough," "Fame and Fortune," "Mr. Logan, U. S. A ," "Wilderness Trail," "Fighting for Gold." "Dare Devil," "Rough Riding Romance," "Three Gold Coins"). Member M. P. D. A. of Los Angeles. Ad., Fox studios, Los Angeles. Home ad.. 5841 Carlton Way, Hollywood.

MOXG, William V., also scenario writer; b. Cham- bersburg, Pa., 1875; stage career, with Newton Beers in "Lost in London," vaud. in own play, "The Clay Baker," in "The House Next Door," "The Light in the Window," etc.; screen ca- reer. Essanay, Selig. scenario editor, acting and directing for Universal. Crest Picture Co.; Tour- ("The County Fair"), Geo. Loane Tucker ("Ladies Must Live"). Katherine MacDonald ("The Turning Point"). Bessie Rarriscale ("Luck of Geraldine Laird"). Hght., 5, 9; wght., 140; dark hair, dark brown eyes. Ad., home. RR No. 2, Whittier, Cal. Studio ad., Brunton. Whittier 5151

MONTAGUE, Frederick; b London. England; educ. Richmond; stage career, with Augustin Daly, E. H. Sothern. leading man 2 yrs. with Mme. Modjeska; screen career, Vitagraph. Thanhouser. Lasky, Universal < "A Prince for a Day." "Little Marian's Triumph." "His Robe of Honor." "Lure of the Circus." "The Rough Lover"), Rob-Cole ("His DpM") Hampton- Hodkinson ("The Best Man f. right., 5. 8<* ; wght.. 165; gray hair, brown eyes. Ad., 133 W. 21st St.. Los Angeles. Cal.

MONTGOMERY, Earl Triplett ; b. Santa Cruz Co., Cal., 1893; educ. Nome, Alaska; stage career. 2 seasons mus. com.; screen career, L-Ko, Amer- ican, 4 yrs. with Vitagraph ("Rums and Boarders," "Chumps and Cops." "Farms and Fumbles," "Love and Lather," "Damsels and Dandies." "Zip and Zest." "Harems and Ho- kum." "Vamps and Variety." "Caves and Cro- quettes." "Rubes and Robbers"). Hght., 5, 8; wght.. 180; light brown hair, hazel eyes. Ad, 204 S. Dillen St.. Los Angeles. Calif.; phone 51648; studio, Vitagraph.

MOORE, Matt; b. Ireland. 188S; educ. Toledo. O ; screen career. Artcraft ("Pride of the Clan"). Universal ("20,000 Leagues Under the Sea"), Ardsley Film Corp. ("Runaway Romany"), Neilan Prod. ("Unpardonable Sin">. J Parker Reid ("Sahara"). Buffalo M. P. Co ("Sport of Kings"). Artcraft ("Heart of the Wilds"), Selz- nick ("A Regular Fellow." "The Glorious Lady"). Marion Davies ("The Dark Star." "Get- ting Mary Married"). Ad., 110 W 48th St., N. Y.

MOORE, Owen, b: Ireland, came to U S. when 11 yrs. old; educ. Toledo. O. : stag-- career, from twentieth yr., juvenile leads in several road



attractions; screen career, since 1909, Biograph, Reliance-Majestic, Fine Arts, Famous Players ("A Coney Island Princess," "A Girl Like That," "The Little Boy Scout"), Beach-Gold- wyn ("The Crimson Gardenia"), Selznick ("Pic- cadilly Jim," "Who's Who"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 140; dark hair and eyes. Ad. C/o Selz- nick Pict. Corp., N. Y. MOORE, Tom; b. County Meath, Ire.; educ. there and Toledo, O. ; stage exper., 7 yrs. stk.; screen career, 6 yrs. Kalem, Lubin, Lasky, Select, Selig ("Brown of Harvard"), Goldwin; starred in "Thirty a Week," "Go West Young Man," "A Man and His Money," "One of the Finest," "Lord and Lady Algy," "The Gay Lord Quex," "City of Comrades," "Toby's Bow," "Duds "). Hght., 5, 10% J wght., 142; light brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 1919 Van Ness ave., Los Angeles; studio, Goldwyn, Culver City, Cal. MOORE, Victor; b. Hammonton, N. J.; stage career, with John Drew in " Rosemary," in Klaw and Erlanger's " Jack and the Bean- stalk," chorus man in "Change Your Act or Back to the Woods," etc.; several yrs. in "45 Minutes from Broadway," "The Talk of New York," etc.; screen career, Lasky ("Snobs," "Chimmie Fadden" series, "The Race," "The Clown"), Klever Komedies ("The Moneyless Honeymoon," "The Cinderella Husband," "Camping," "Home Defence," "The Sleep- walker," etc.) Hght., 5, 7%; wght., 200; dark complexion, brown hair and eyes. Home ad., 139 Harrison ave., Baldwin, L. I., N. Y. MORAN, I,ee; also director and scenario writer; b. Chicago, 111.; educ. St. Ignatius Coll., Chi- cago; stage career, musical comedy, vaud.; screen career, from 1912, Lyons & Moran come- dies ("Duck Out of Water," "Camping Out," "Bullsheviks," "Dog-Gone Shame"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 135; brown hair, blue-gray eves. Ad., 131 Ridgewood Place, Los Angeles, Calif., Holly 4340; studio. Lyons-Moran Co., Universal Studio. MORAN, William F.j b. New Orleans, La.; educ. there; stage career, stock, rep. and prod.; screen career, 1 yr. stock with Diamond Film Co. of New Orleans. John Ince ("Please Get Married"), Rex Beaeh-Goldwyn ("Cup of Fury," with Helen Chadwick), Bradbury Prodfi., Inc. ("Angel of the Hollyhocks," "The Dawning Light"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 140; dark hair, brown eyes. Home ad., Bonnie Brier Hotel, Hollywood, Calif., Holly 2744; studio ad., Brunton. MORANTI, Milburn; b. San Francisco, Calif.; stage career, several yrs. circus and dram, cos., starring in own legit, prods.; screen career. Universal, Triangle. Keystone, first 15 of the Gale Henry comedies for Model Comedy Co., now appearing in own Mercury Comedies as character comedian. Hght., 6, 8; wght.. 150; black hair, dark eyes. Ad., Mercury Comedies, Balboa, Calif. MORDANT, Edwin; stage career, prominent all over U. S., Canada and Mexico; starred in "The Prisoner of Zenda," "Faust," "Oliver Twist," leading roles in "Secret Service," "Sherlock Holmes," "The Tempest," "Midsummer Night's Dream," "Business Before Pleasure," 1919, "His Honor, Abe Potash"; screen career, Famous Players ("Moth and the Flame," "Seven Sisters." "Molly-Make-Believe," "Poor Little Peppina," "The Undying Flame." "The Cost"). Member Lambs Club. N. Y. Southern Society, Councilman Actor's Equity Assn., Actors and Artistes Assn. of America. Ad., 305 W. 45th St., N. Y. Bryant 7730. MORENO, Antonio Garrido Monteagudo; b Mad- rid, 1888; educ. Madrid. Catholic Sisters Schl. and pub. schls.. New York City; came to U. S. at age of 14; stage career, with Mrs Leslie Carter, with Tyrone Power, Constance Collier, Wilton Lackaye; screen career, went to Vita- graph in 1914, playing leads ("The First Law" "The Mark of Cain"), starred in the "Nau- lahka." "The Angel Factory," "The Iron Test" Perils of Thunder Mountain," "The Unforseen Hand," and fpature subjects. Ad., L. A. Ath- letic Club, studio, Vitagraph, Hollywood, Cal. MOREV, Harry T.; b. Michigan; stage career, associated with many well-known stars and at- tractions; screen career, since 1909 with Vita- graph ("The Golden Goal," "The Green God" "All Man," "Playing with Fate." "Silent Strength." "The Man Who Won." "Fighting Destiny," "The Gamble." "Beating the Odds."

The Darkest Hour," "In Honor's Web" Ad studio, Vitagraph. Brooklyn, N. Y. MORGAN, Frank; b. N. Y.. 18110; educ. Cornell Univ.; stage career, stk., "A Full House," "In Cold Type"; screen career, Vitagraph, Edison. McClure, Pox ("A Modern Cinderella"), K E

S. E. ("Sight in Darkness"), Goldwyn ("Baby Mine"), Master D. Feat ("Who's Your Neigh- bor?")' Select ("At the Mercy of Men"), Vita- graph ("Gray Tower Myster," "The Golden Shower"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 166; light com- plexion, brown hair, dark eyes. Ad., 310 W. 79th St.. N. Y. C.

MORLEY, Jay; b. Port Orange, Fla. ; educ. Colum- bus, Ohio; stage career, 5 yrs. dram, stock; screen career, Selig, Universal. Warner Features, Lubin, Fox, Paralta, Doraldina ("The Cave Women"), Vitagraph ("Over the Garden Wall," "The Roads We Take," "The Little Boss," "Telamacus Friend," "A Fighting Colleen"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 183; brown hair, dark eyei. Ad., 1520 Hudson ave., Hollywood, Calif.; phone 57683; studio, Vitagraph.

MORRISON, Arthur; b. St. Louis, Mo., 1880; educ. there; stage career, Hopkins stk., Chi- cago, with Richard Mansfield, mus. com., 6 yrs. vaud.; screen career, Pathe, Triangle ("The Feud Girl"), Ray Comedies ("Casey, the Fire- man"), Superlative Pictures ("Between Men"), Overland Film ("A Man's Law"), Hampton- Hodkinson ("Desert Gold," "The Sage Brush- er"). Hght., 5, 11% ; wght., 183; dark brown hair, blue eyes; medium complexion. Home ad., 905 E. 173d St., N. Y. C. ; studio, Zane Grey Pictures, Inc., Brunton Studio, Los Angelei. Calif.

MORRISON, James Woods; b. Matoon, 111., 1888; educ. Univ. of Chicago; stage career, vaud. stk.; screen career, Vitagraph, 6 yrs., Ivan ("En- lighten Thy Daughter," "One Law for Both," "Two Men and a Woman," "Babbling Tongues," "Sins of Ambition," "Life Against Honor"), Vitagraph ("Over the Top," "Miss Dulcie from Dixie," "The Midnight Marriage"). Fox ("Sacred Silence"), Selznick ("The Woman Game"), Hght., 5. 8; wght., 135; brown hair and eyes. Ad., 327 W. 56th st., N. Y. Col. 3019. MORTIMER, Henry; b. Toronto, Ont.; educ. St. Michael's Coll., Toronto, St. Catherine's Coll. Inst. ; stage career, with Mrs. Fiske. Elsie Fer- guson. Louis Mann, John Barry more; screen career, Metro ("Her Great Price," "Their Com- pact"), Unitv ("The Pursuing Vengeance"), Betzwood ("The Road Called Straight"), Ince ("His Wife's Friend"), Realart ("The Fear Mar- ket"). Hght., 5. 11; wght., 170; dark brown hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., Lambs Club, N. Y., or Bryant 3968. MOWER, Jack; b. Honolulu, 1890 ; educ. Punahou Coll., Honolulu; stage career, 6 mos. stock, 2 yrs. mus. com., vaud.; screen career. Vitagraph, Selig ("The Primitive Woman," "Money Isn't Everything"), American ("Molly of the Follies," "Mantle of Charity"), Metro ( "Island of In- trigue"), Cody ("The Beloved Cheater"), Pathe "The Third Eye" serial). (Pacific Coast cham- pion swimmer for 4 yrs.). Hght.. 6; wght., 180; medium complexion, brown hair, gray eyes. Home ad.. Elk's Club, Glendale, Calif.; studio, Astra, Glendale, Calif. MULHALL, Jack; b. N. Y.; educ. N. Y., Columbia Univ.; stage career, 2 yrs. with West End Stk., N. Y., on Orpheum Circuit, with James K. Hackett in "The Grain of Dust"; screen career, Biograph (played leads for 4 yrs). Universal ("Safe," "Sirens of the Sea," "High Speed," "Three Women of France," "The Midnight Man," "Boss of Powderville." "Madame Spy"), Para., Blackton ("Wild Youth"), Universal ("The Brass Bullet"). Metro ("Should a Woman Tell?" "The Hope"). Hght., 5. 11; wght., 150. Home ad., 5857 Harold Way, Hollywood. Calif; studio. Metro. Hollywood. MULLEN, Gordon Douglass; b. Winnipeg. 1889; educ. Wesley Coll. ; stage career, vaud., stk. in Winnipeg and Toronto; screen career, 1914-15 with NYMP, Horsley ("Could a Man Do More?") Paramount ("Crooked Straight"). Hght., 5, 9%; wght., 162; brown hair and eyes. MURRAY, Charles; b. Laurel, Ind., 1872; educ. Cincinnati; stage career, 20 yrs. with Ollie Mack as Murray and Mack; screen career, 2 yrs. with Biograph, Keystone, Sennett-Para. ("Her Blighted Love," "Never Too Old." "Reilly's Wash Day," "Trying to Get Along," "The Den- tist," "Up in Alf's Place," "The Speak-Easy"). Hght., 6; wgh., 200; red hair, light gray eyes. Ad., studio. Mack Sennett Comedies, 1712 Al- lesandro St., L. A., Calif. Home ad., 422 S. Hoover St.. Los Angeles, phone 53466. MUSGRAVE, Billy; b. Toledo. O., 1890; educ. Toledo and Chicago, 111. ; stage career, asso- ciated with well known stock and road attrac- tions as child actor and juvenile; screen career, Rolin, Powers, Universal ("The Hero of Bunko Hill." "The Blood of Gladness"), Triangle



("Crown Jewels"), Select ("The Midnight Patrol"), Metro ("Blackle's Redemption" ) . Hght., 5, 8Vi; wght., 140; brown hair and eyes. Ad., home, Armondale Hotel, Los Angeles. MUSSETT, Charles; b. 1876; stage career, is yrs. with Chas. Frohman, Wilson Barrett, Cyril Maude, mus. com., "Blue Pearl" Co., "East Is West"; screen career, Edison, Peerless, Vita- graph, Paragron, Triangle. Hght., 6; fair com- plexion. Ad., Lambs Club, N. Y.


NAGEL, Conrad; b. Des Moines, Iowa, 1896; educ. Highland Park College, Des Moines; stage exper., "Experience," "Man Who Came Back," "Forever After"; screen career, Wm. A. Brady, ("Little Women"), Vitagraph ("Lion and the Mouse," Alice Joyce), Famous Players- Lasky with Alice Brady. Hght., 6; wght., 165; blond hair, blue eyes. Home ad., Lambs Club, N. Y.

NEILL, James; b. Savannah, Ga., educ. Carolina Mil. Inst, and Univ. of Georgia; stage career, leading man in "Mr. Barnes of N. Y.," lead- ing man for Mrs. Fiske, member all-star cast In "Held by the Enemy"; screen career, Uni- versal (dis. J. Warren Kerrigan, Cleo Madison), Kalem (dir.), Lasky, Para. ("Say, Young Fel- low," "The Girl Who Came Back," "Men, Women and Money," "The Rescuing Angel," "His Official Fiancee," "Every woman") , Art- craft ("Don't Change Your Husband"), Select ("Romance and Arabella"). Ad., Goldwyn Studio, Culver City, Cal.

NEILL, Richard R. ; b. Phila., educ. there; stage career, 6 yrs. mgmt. Chas. Frohman, with E. H. Sothern, "The Other Girl," "Girls of Gotten- berg," with Margaret Anglin, W. H. Thompson, etc. ; screen career, Fox, Metro, World, Ince ("The Broken Daw," "The Road to France," "Pals First," "The Great Gamble," "The White Rock"). Author of several scenarios. Hght., 6; wght., 180; dark brown hair. Ad., Lambs Club, N. Y. Ad., home, 2676 Decatur ave., N. Y. C. Tremont 37G6.

NELSON, Jack; b. Memphis, Tenn., 1882; educ. Mil. Acad., Sweetwater, Tenn.; stage career, for 12 yrs., Belasco Stock, with Henry Miller In "Mice and Men," own stock co. in Spring- field, Mo., for 2 yrs; screen career, Selig, Ince. Universal ("The Flash of Fate," "The Man Trap"), Bluebird ("Winner Takes All," "The Dong Chance"). Paramount ("The Girl Dodg- er," Hours Leave"), Fox ("The Wilder- ness Trail," "Rose of the West," "Rough Rid- ing Romance"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 150; brown hair, gray eyes.

NICHOLS, George O.; b. Rockford, 111., 1864; stage career, stock in San Francisco and Chi- cago 14 yrs., with road cos. 5 yrs.; screen career, with Edison as actor, then as assistant to Griffith at Biograph for 3 yrs., director for Thanhouser 1 yr., Lubin 1 yr., Keystone 1 yr., then Universal, Ince-Paramount ("The Son of His Father," "Keys to the Righteous"). Artcraft ("Battling Jane," "The Romance of Happy Valley"), Goldwyn ("Mickey," "When Doctors Disagree," "Pinto"), Griffith ("The Greatest Question"), First National ("Bill Apperson's Boy"). Member of M. P. D. A. Home ad., 1442 Alvarado Terrace, Los An- geles, Cal.

NORCROSS, Frank M.; b. Boston; stage career, 20 yrs., actor, manager, Frohman, and own co.; screen career, Biograph, Griffith, Uni- versal, Kalem, World. Metro, 1918-19 with Vitagraph; in "The Highest Bidder," "The Spark Divine." "The Girl Woman," "The For- tune Hunter," "The Undercurrent," "Beware," "From Bankers to Bums." Hght., 5, 10; wght., 250; fair complexion, grayish hair, gray eyes. Ad., 50 Warburton ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Yon- kers 2789.

NORTHRUP, Harry S.; b. Paris. France; educ. San Francisco' and Univ. of Calif.; stage career, stock in San Francisco, heavies with E. H. Sothern, Henry Miller Wm. Faversham, Mary Mannering, Mrs. Leslie Carter; screen career, Douglas Fairbanks ("Arizona"), Harry Garson ("The Hushed Hour"). Metro ("Way of the Strong"), Universal ("The Brute Break- er"), Allan Dwan ("Luck of the Irish"). Hght., 6; wght., 175; brown hair and eyes. Home ad.. Hotel Clark. Los Angeles. Calif.

NOWELL WEDGWOOD, also musical director; b. Porsmouth, N. H. ; educ. Univ. of Pa.; stage career, Klaw & Erlanger's "Ben Hur." sup- ported Blanche Bates, Amelia Bingham, Wil-

liam Faversham, etc.; screen career. United ("The Corsican Brothers," "A Man's Fight," "Adele"), Brunton ("The Dream Cheater," "The Lord Loves the Irish"), B. B. Features ("Kitty Kelly, M. D.," "Her Purchase Price"), J. D. Hampton ("Man Who Turned White"). First Nat l ("The Beauty Market"), Haworth ("The Man Beneath"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 165; dark brown hair and eyes. Member Actors' Equity Assn., Friars Club. Ad., care Actors' Assn. of Los Angeles, 6412 Hollywood blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.; Holly 1946. NYE, G. Raymond; b., Pa.; educ. Wilmington, Del., Phila., Pa., and Univ. ot Penn. ; stage career, 5 yrs. road shows, vaud. and stock; screen career, Fox ("When a Man Sees Red" "Salome" "Rainbow Trail," "Last of the Duanes," "Lone Star Ranger," "Wolves of the Night "), Hart ("Dan Kurrie's Inning"). Hght.. 5, 11%; wght., 215; dark brown hair and eyes. Home ad., Roberts Apts., 1042 Sanborn ave., Los Angeles, Calif.; Wilshire 5327.


OAKER, John; b. Ottawa, 1893; educ. Isaac Woodbury Comm. Coll., Los Angeles; stage career, 2 yrs. in stock, Burbank theatre, Lob Angeles; screen career, Bosworlh ("Majesty of the Law"), Horsley in 1915 ("Haunting Symphony"), Centaur-Mutual ("The Single Code"), Vogue ("A Vanquished Flirt"), Ma- rine Film Co. ("Lorelei of the Sea"), Fox ("The Sneak"). Hght., 5, 5; wght., 155; black hair and eyes.

OAKMAN, WHEELER; b. Washington, D. C; educ. there; stage career, "Under Southern Skies," "Strongheart," "Checkers," also rep.; screen career, Selig, Fox, Universal, Triangle, Keystone ("Mickey"), Blanche Sweet ("Wom- an of Pleasure"), S. C. Photo Co. ("Back to God's Country"), Charlotte Walker ("Eve in Exile"), Priscilla Dean ("Virgin of Stam- boul"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 170; brown hair and eyes. Home ad., 5611 Hollywood blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.

O'BRIEN, Eugene; b. Colo., 1884; educ. Univ. of Colo.; stage career, mus. com., Frohmans, Elsie Janis, Ethel Barrymore, Margaret Illing- ton, Ann Murdock, Fritzi Scheff; screen career, Artcraft ("Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm"), Select ("The Ghosts of Yesterday"), Keeney ("A Romance of the Underworld"), Select ("By Right of Purchase," "De Luxe Annie"), Para ("Little Miss Hoover," "Come Out of the Kitchen"), F. P. -Lasky ("Fires of Faith"), Selznick ("The Perfect Lover," "Sealed Hearts," "The Broken Melody," "His Wife's Money," "A Fool and His Money"). Hght., 6; wght., 160; light brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., Players' Club, N. Y. ; studio, care Selznick Pict. Corp.. N. Y.

O'CONNOR, Edward; b. Dublin, Ireland, Feb. 20, 1862; stage career, 34 yrs., com. and char, parts in support of Al. Leach, Andrew Mack, Kathryn Kidder, William Courtleigh, Rogers Bros., "Old Lady 31"; vaud.; screen career. Edison 6 yrs., Pathe ("Hazel Kirke," "Get Rich Quick Wallingford"), World ("Man Who Stood Still"), Mirror, K. E. S. E. ("One Touch of Nature"), Fox ("Kathleen Mavour- neen"). Now in "The Lost Leader" at Green- wich Village theatre. Ad., 15 Filmore ave.. Corona, L. I., N. Y. ; Newtown 1253-R.

O'CONNOR, Harry M. ; b. Chicago, 111.. 1873; educ. Seattle, Wash. ; stage career, stk. and vaud.; screen career. Fox, Paralta, National etc., Lasky ("The Girl of My Dreams," "Blind- folded." "The Dub," "Have Another," "Ths Haunted House"), Paramount ("The Dub"), Rob-Cole ("The Long Lane's Turning"). Hght., 6; wght., 195; medium complexion, brown eyes, brown hair. Ad., 1316 Tamarind ave., Hollywood, Cal. Holly 2586.

O'CONNOR, Louis J.; b. Providence, R. I, 1880; stage career. Western Stk., also with Shubert Prods.; screen career. Selznick ("Glorious Lady"), Goldwyn ("Woman in the Index," "Partners of the Night"), Pathe ("The Fatal Ring"). Hght.. 5. 11; wght.. 210; slightly grav hair, hazel eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

OGLE, Charles; b. Morgan Co., Ohio; educ. Chicago. 111. Coll. of Law; stage career. 20 yrs., 3 yrs. with Klaw & Erlanger, 3 yrs. Shu- berts. 2 yrs. Dan Frohman. 3 yrs. Chauncex Olcott, etc.; screen career, 7 yrs. with Edison, 4 yrs. with Famous Players ("Vallev of the Giants," "Told in the Hills." "Capt. Haw-



thorne of the U. S. A." "Treasure Island," "Jack Straw"). Hght., 6, 2%; wght.. 200; dark brown hair and eyes. Ad., Lasky Studio, Hollywood, Calif. OLAND, Warner; b. Sweden, 18S0; educ. Bos- ton; stage career, with Viola Allen in "The Christian," "Eternal City," "Twelfth Night," "Winter's Tale," with Sothern and Marlowe in "A Fool There Was," "Yellow Ticket," etc.; screen career, Wharton-International ("Pa- tria"), Astra ("The Cigarette Girl," "The Naulahka"), World ("Mandarin Gold"), Fa- mous Players ("The Avalanche," "Witness for the Defense"), Pathe ("Twin Pawns"), Translator of Strindberg's plays; scenario writer and producer. Hght., 5, 11; wght., 180; brown hair and eyes. Home ad., 257 W. 86th St., N. Y., or Hollywood Hotel, Holly- wood, Calif.

OLIVER, Guy; b. Chicago, 1880; educ. Logan sen., Lamar, Mo.; stage career, vaud. 4 sea- sons, stk. and road; screen career, from 1911, Lubin 2 yrs., Kinemacolor 1 season, Eclair 1 vr.. Selig. Artcraft ("The Little American," "M'liss," "Rimrock Jones," "The Whispering Chorus," "Less Than Kin," "Under the Top"), Paramount ("The Roaring Road," "The Val- ley of the Giants," "The Heart of Youth," "Told In the Hills," "It Pays to Advertise," "Hawthorne of the U. S. A." "Male and Fe- male"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 176; brown hair, gray eyes. Home addr 6063 Selma ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; studio, Lasky, Hollywood, Cal.

OLIVO, Valerio; b. Mexico City; educ. abroad; stage career, 3 yrs. abroad and So. America; screen career, Francis Ford ("The Silent Mys- tery," "Mystery of 13," "Gates of Doom"). Home ad.. Bachelor's Lodge, Hollywood, Cal.; phone 577177; studio. Francis Ford.

O'MALLEY, Patrick H.; b. 1892, Dublin, Ire- land; educ. Forest City, Pa.; stage career, stk. in British Isles, France and Germany, with Olcott Co. 3 yrs.; screen career, Kalem, Gaun- tier, Edison, Famous Players. Universal ("Breath of the Gods"), Metro ("False Evi- dence"), Goldwyn ("Blooming Angel"). Hght.,

5, 11; wght., 168; brown hair, blue eyes. Home add.. 5610 Franklin ave., Hollywood, Calif.; studio. Universal Citv.

O'NEILL, James; b. Phila., Pa.; educ. Univ. of Penn. ; stage career, 20 yrs. as singer and actor, playing in many prods, and starring In "The Burglar"; screen career, 4 yrs. with Solaz playing characters In over 200 pictures for the Blaches, with U. S. Amusement Corp., Famous Players ("The Traveling Salesman"), Bluebird ("The Honor of Mary Blake," "Little Miss Nobody." "The Ragged Queen"). White hair and blue eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

O'REILLY, J. Francis; educ. St. John's College, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; stage career, 25 yrs.; screen career, straight and characters. Famous Players, World, Metro, Fox, Doris Kenyon Co., Mirror Films, Tourneur. Capellani. Vita- graph, etc; 1919-29 with Morosco's "Civilian Clothes" co. Hght., 5, 10: wght., 160; gray hair, blue eyes. Ad., 23 Martin ave., Glen- dale. Brooklyn, N. Y. : Rich Hill 769.

ORMONDE, Eugene; b. Boston; educ. there, England and France; stage career, Augustin Dalys, David Belasco, Mrs. Fiske, Margaret Anglin, etc.; screen career. Famous Players. Triangle, Fox ("Dancing Girl," "Morals of Marcus," "Bella Donna," "The Woman Who Gave," "The Light"). Hght., 6; wght., 180; dark complexion, hair, eyes. Ad., 16 Gra- mercv Park, N. Y.

OVERTON, Evart Emerson; b. Osborne, O. ; educ. Osborne and Ohio State Univ.; early career, newspaper man; stage career, in mus. comedy and vaud.. appeared with Raymond Hitchcock and other stars; screen career, Vitagraph ("Lost on Dress Parade," "The Bottom of the Well," "The Enchanted Pro- file," "Heredity." "The Purple Dress"). Hght.,

6, 2; wght., 186: brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., Vitagraph. Brooklyn, N. Y.

OVEY, George: b. Grunty Co., Mo.; educ. Kansas City, Mo.; stage career, starred in "A Knight for a Day" 2 seasons, starred one season in "The Runaways," star stk. engagement at Portland, Me.: screen career, Horslev. Gaiety comedies ("Dropped Into Scandal," "Are Flirts Foolish?" "Dark and Cloudy." "Hits and Misses." "Cursed by His Cleverness"). Hght., 5, 4; wght., 130; brown hair and eves. Ad., 1501 Gower St., Los Angeles. Calif.; Holly 3100; studio, Gaiety Comedies, Inc.


PAGET, Alfred; b. England; early career, Brit- ish Army in Boer war; stage career, from 1907, Belasco Stk. Co., with Julia Marlowe in "The Goddess of Reason," and Guy Bates Post in "The Bridge"; screen career, since 1910, Biograph, Reliance-Majestic, Fine Arts, in a number of photoplays under Griffith's supervision, including "Intolerance," "Nina the Flower Girl"), Morosco ("Big Timber"), Fox, ("Alladin and the Wonderful Lamp"), Jewel ("When a Girl Loves").

PAISLEY, G. Chas.; b. Glasgow, Scotland; educ. Univ. of Glasgow; stage career, 1910 tour of G. B. with Cinderella pantomime, 1911 Alladin pantomime, headed own act over the Beres- ford tour, with Harry Lauder's rep., etc.; screen career, 1912, London Film Co. ("Lady of the Lake," "Merchant of Venice," wrote and made 39 two-reel comedies with Jack Purves, English woman impersonator). Hght., 5, 9; wght., 143; auburn hair, blue eyes. Ad., Hotel Glidden, Hollywood, Calif.

PALLETTE, Eugene; b. Winfleld, Kan. ; educ. Culver Mil. Acad.; stage career, 12 yrs. in "Alias Jimmy Valentine"; screen career, Uni- versal, American, Majestic, Selig. Fine Arts ("Hell-to-Pay Austin," "Intolerance"), Moros- co-Paramount ("The Marcellini Millions," "The World Apart," "The Heir of the Ages"), Paralta ("A Man's Man," "Turn of a Card"), Famous Players ("The Ghost House"), Na- tional Film Corp. ("Tarzan of the Apes"), Houdini ("Under Sea Loot"), Metro ("Ame- teur Adventuress," "Fair and Warmer," "Jimmy Valentine," "Parlor, Bedroom and Bath," "Twin Beds"). Hght., 5, 9%; wght., 155; dark brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad.. Gates Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif.

PAPE, Edward Lionel; educ. Eton and Trinity College, Oxford, England; stage career, "Fanny's First Play," "General John Regan," etc.; screen career, several pictures before the war, ("The Sporting Duchess") for Vita- graph. Hght., 5, 9; wght., 170; brown hair, blu" gray eyes. Ad., Friars Club, N. Y.

PARKE, William, Jr.; b. Phila., Pa.; educ. Phila. pub. schls. and by tutors; stage career, 2 yrs. dram, stk, mgmt. Brady. A. H. Woods, with Andrew Mack, Arnold Daly, etc.; screen ca- reer. Famous Players, Thanhouser ("Vicar of Wakefield," "Her New York," "The Candy- Girl"), Astra-Pathe ("The Cigarette Gorl," "Streets of Illusion," "The Last of the Car- naby's," "A Crooked Romance"). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 130; brown hair, hazel eyes . Captain in R. F. C. in France. Ad., 514 W. 184th St., N. Y.

PATTEE, Herbert Horton, also scenario writer;

b. Ft. Fairfield, Me.; educ. Wash., D. C; stage career, Boston stk., with Booth, Bar- rett, Modjeska, Henry Miller, Walker White- side, vaud.; screen career. Edison ("A Royal Pauper"), Metro ("The Millionaire's Double"), Veritas ("And the Children Pay"), Goldwyn ("For the Freedom of the East"), Vitagraph ("The Cambric Mask," "The Vengeance of Durand," "The Fortune Hunter," "In Honor'* Web," "Silent Strength") Hght., 5, 10; wght., 170; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 2339 Morris ave., N. Y. ; Fordham 2250.

PAUNCEFORT. George; b. San Francisco; educ. Boston and Da Voe College; stage career, with Frohman. Shubert, John Drew, "Gay Lord Quex," Chas. Hopkinson; screen career. Black- ton, Metro, Pathe Jimmy Dale serial Educa- tional "The Purple Lady," "Her Great Price," "Marriage," "The Key to Power." Hght., 5, 10%; wght., 160: brown hair, blue eyes. Ad„ 177 W. 79th, N. Y.

PEARCE, George C; b. N. Y. ; educ. Trinity Schl.; stage career, with Henry E. Dixey'» summer opera co., leading tenor in rep opera, 6 yrs. a member Empire Theatre Stk. Co., mgmt. Charles Frohman, with Henry Miller; screen career, Biograph 2 yrs., Triangle, Cul- ver City ("Intolerance"), Universal ("The Masked Woman"), Bluebird ("Treason," "The Black Mantilla," "The Pointed Finger." "The Woman With the Parakeets"), Triangle ("Crown Jewels"), Vitagraph ("A Gentleman of Quality"). Studio ad., Triangle, Culver City, Cal. Permanent ad., The Players, 16 Gramercy Park, N. Y. C.

PEGG, Vester; b. Ponca City, Okla.. 1889; early career, spent on ranch, toured with 101 Ranch Wild West Show; screen career, NYMP, Bison, Kalem, Vitagraph. Reliance-Majestic, Fine



Arts ("The Birth of a Nation"), Fox ("Blue Blood and Red"), Universal ("The Texas Sphinx," "The Range War," "The Secret Alan," "The Marked Man," "A Woman's Fool," "Hell Bent," "Ace of the Saddle," "Bare Fists," "Riders of the Law"). Studio ad., Selig, Los Angeles. Calif. PEIL, Edward; b. Racine, Wis.; educ. Univ. of Notre Dame, South Bend, Ind.; stage ca- reer, with Mme. Modjeska, in road cos. of "The Witching Hour," "Brewster's Millions," mus. com., "The Century Girl," leads in stk. 5 yrs. ; screen career, American, Lubin, Selig, Pathe, D. W. Griffith ("Eyes of the World," "Borrowed Clothes," "Greatest Thing in Life," "Broken Blossoms"), Jesse Hampton ("Cres- sy," "Pagan God," "House of Thousand Can- dles," "The Dragon Painter"). Home ad., 1729 Sunset blvd., Hollywood, Calif.; Wilshire 3774.

PENILL, Richard; b. Jersey City, N. J.; educ. N. Y. ; 5 yrs. stk. in England; screen career, Ince, Universal, Lois Weber, Brunton, Vita- graph, Lasky, "American Ace," "Doctor and the Woman," "Home," Paramount ("The Sil- ver King"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 161; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., Yorkshire Hotel, L. A., Cal.

PEBCYVAL, T. Wigney; b. Yorkshire, England; stage career, with Wilson Barrett, Herbert Tree, in England; with Ethel Barrymore, Dil- lingham, K. and E. Frohman, Belasco. Ames, in America; screen career. Fox ('Bilali in "She"), Famous Players. Home ad., 56 W. 11th st., N. Y. PERIOLAT, George E. ; b. Chicago, 111.; educ. there; stage career, 17 yrs. with Otis Skinner, Julia Arthur, "Arizona," Adelaide Thurston Co., stk. ; screen career, 1 yr. Selig, 2 yrs. Universal, 8 yrs. American ("Mate of the Sally Ann," "The Hellium," "Tiger Lily"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 187; brown-gray hair, blue-gray eyes. Home ad., Engstrum Apts., Los Angeles, Cal.; Main 7374. PERRY, Waiter; screen career, Rob-Cole ("A Sage Brush Hamlet," "The Pagan God," "Dan- gerous Waters," "A Fugitive From Matri- mony"), Hampton-Pathe ("Fighting Cressy," "Prince and Betty"). PETTIE, Graham; b. Edinburgh, Scotland; educ. King's Coll., London, Trinity Coll., Cam- bridge; stage career, 18 yrs., supported Rich- ard Mansfield. Forbes-Robertson, Margaret Anglln, Charles Coghlan; screen career. Tri- angle ("Heirs for a Day," "Honest Man"), Hampton ("The Westerners"), Metro "The Right of Way," "Old Lady 31"). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 156; brown hair, dark blue eyes. Home ad., 1597 W. 21st St., Los Angeles. Calif.; phone 72891. PHILLIPS, Augustus; b. Rensselaer. Ind.; educ. Univ. of Ind.; stage career, stock San Fran- cisco and N. Y., "The Wolf." "Small Town Girl," "Lady Betty"; screen career, Edison. Vitagraph. Universal, Metro ("The Gates of Eden," "Threads of Fate." "Aladdin's Other Lamp," "Blue Jeans," " The Lion's Den," "Peggy Does Her Darndest"). Para-Artcraft ("The Grim Game"). Goldwyn ("Toby's Bow"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 169; dark complexion, dark brown hair, gray eyes. PICKFORD, Jack; b. Toronto, Can.. 1896; educ. St. Francis Mil. Acad., N. Y. ; stage career, "Peg Robin," "The Three of Us"; screen career since 1909, Biograph, 1 yr.. Famous Players ("Great Expectations." "Freckles," "The Girl at Home." "The Varmint," "What Money Can't Buy," "The Ghost House." "Tom Sawyer," "Jack and Jill." "Huckleberry Finn." "The Spirit of '17"); own co. ("Sandy." "In Wrong"), Goldwyn ("Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come," "The Double Dyed Deceiver"). Ad., studio, Goldwyn. Culver City. Calif. PIERCE, Ben; stage career, juvenile and charac- ter roles in light comedy and comedy produc- tions; associated with American and Atlantic Amuse Co. ; screen career. Jester and Screen- craft Comedies; to appear in series of comedies with Sammy Burns. Motion Picture Producing Co. of America; also write continuities. Hght., 5, 11%; wght.. 180; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 321 21st St., Brooklyn. N. Y. PIERSON, Leo; b. Abilene, Kan., 1890; educ. St. Vincent's Coll . Los Angeles; stage career. Be- lasco stk. and Burbank theatre, Los Angeles; Bcreen career, helped make pictures 12 foreign countries, the Orient and South Seas; Universal ("The Birth of Patriotism," "A Soldier of the Legion"). Selig ("The Fount of Courage"), Hart ("Poppy Girl's Husband," "Wagon

Tracks"), New Art Films ("Sins of Parents"), Pasograf ("Spreading Evil"), Beban ("Hearts of Men"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 160; dark hair, hazel eyes. Ad., 3048 W. 12th St., Los Angeles, Calif.

PIKE, William; b. Salt Lake City; stage career, 12 yrs.; screen career, Cal. M. P. Corp., Fox, Rolfe "Salvation Nell," "The Unwritten Law," "Faust," "The Master Mystery"), Oliver Films ("The Carter Case" serial), Grossman Pictures ("One Million Dollars Reward " serial). Hght., 5, 8'^; wght., 155; dark hair and eyes. Ad., St. Margaret Hotel. W. 47th St., N. Y.

PLAYTER, Wellington; b. England, 1883 ; educ. N. Y. State Normal Sch.; stage career, stock leads in Denver, Salt Lake, Rochester, on road with Playter players; screen career, Edison, Famous Players, Metro, directed Wharton's " Eagle Eye Serial," lead. Universal, National ("The Search for Arcadia"), Goldwyn (opp. Mae Marsh), Ex. Mutual ("In Search of Arcady"), Arrow ("Fool's Gold"), First National ("Back to God's Country"). Hght., 6, 1%; wght., 232; light hair, blue eyes, athletic build. Ad., 5553 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.

POLLAR, Gene; b. N. Y. C. ; screen career, Nunia Pictures Corp. (lead in " The Return of Tar- zan"). Hght., 6, 2; wght., 215; black hair, brown eyes. Ad., Numa Pictures Corp., 1476 Broadway, N. Y.

POLLARD, Harry ("Snub"); b. Melbourne, Aus. ; educ. there; stage career, 6 yrs. with Pollard Juvenile Opera Co.; screen career, since 1915, Morosco, Ferris Hartman, Essanay, now with Rolin making 2-reel (Harry Pollard Co.) come- dies ("All at Sea," "Start Something," "How Dry I Am"). Hght. 5, 6V4; wght., 148; brown hair and eyes. Home ad., 406 Court St., Los Angeles. Calif.; Pico 680; studio, Rolin.

POLO, Eddy; b. San Francisco; educ. continent; stage career, variety shows, musical comedies and circus; screen career, leads in "The Broken Coin," "Liberty," "Ouda of the Orient," Gray Ghost," "Bull's Eye," "Lure of the Circus." "Money Madness." Hght., 5, 8%; wght.. 175; black hair and eyes. Home ad., 6629 Holly- wood Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif., phone 577763; studio, Universal.

POTEL, Victor; b. Lafayette. Ind., 1889; early career, business in Chicago and Memphis, Tenn.; screen career, was engaged by G. M. Anderson because of physique, first picture with Essanay (lead in "Slippery Slim " series), with Universal, 1915, Keystone, Mary Pickford ("Capt. Kidd, Jr."), Metro ("Amateur Adven- turess," "Full of Pep," "The Heart of a Child" i. Paramount-Artcraf t ("In Mizzoura"), Thos. H. Ince ("Mary's Ankle"), Universal ("Petal of the Current"), Goldwyn ("Billy Fortune Series). Hght., 6, 1; wght., 130; light brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 5742 Virginia ave., Hollywood, Calif.

POWELL, David; b. Scotland; stage career, with Sir H. B. Tree in London, Ellen Terry, Forbes- Robertson; screen career. World, Famous Play- ers. Selznick. Empire ("The Unforeseen," "The Beautiful Adventure," " The Girl and the Judge," "The Better Half," "The Make Be- lieve Wife." "Under the Greenwood Tree"), Artcraft ("His Parisian Wife"), United ("The Woman Under Oath"). Paramount ("The Fir- ing Line." "Teeth of the Tiger"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 160; dark hair and eyes. Ad., Famous Players, N. Y.

POWELL, Russ; b Indianapolis. 1875; stage ca- reer. 9 yrs.. vaud., Orpheum circuit, "Madcap Duchess." "Chocolate Soldiers." 2 seasons as basso San Francisco Opero Co. ; screen career, Biograph, National, with Vogue since its or- ganization ("Morning After." "Missing Heiress"!. Pathe ("Brothers Divided"). Hght., 5, 11: wght., 295. Studio ad., Keenan Prod.. Inc., Brunton Studios. Los Angeles.

PRIOR, Herbert; b. Oxford, Eng.; educ. Ox- ford; stage career, 15 yrs.; screen career, Bio- graph. Majestic, Edison. Famous ("Mrs. George Washington"). Artcraft ("Poor Little Rich Girl." "The Model's Confession," "A Burglar for a Night," "Great Expectations"), Nazimova "Stronger Than Death"), Mary Pickford ("Pollyanna"). Hght., 6; wght.. 180; dark hair, grav eves. Ad., 6519a DeLongpre ave., Hollywood. Calif.

PITRVES, Jack H.; b. Edinburgh, Scot.; educ. Heroit Watt Coll., Edinburgh; stage career, 1% yrs. legit, stage, juvenile leads and leads in "Peter Pan " tour; screen career, London Film Co. ("Dick Whittington." "House Temperly"), 39 successful comedies high-class, also a female impersonator. Hght.. 5, 7; wght., 136; black



nair, blue eyes. Home ad., Glidden Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif., Holly 3910.


RANDAIX, Bernard; b. Odessa, Russia, 1884; educ. N. Y. and W. Jersey Military Acad.; stage career, actor and stage mgr. in many N. Y. successes, in dram, and vaud. houses through- out country in past 14 yrs. ; screen career. Rex Beach ("The Auction Block"), Blackton ("Safe for Democracy," " Life's Greatest Problem"), Vitagraph ("The Clarion Call," "Within the Law"), H & H Prods. ("The Collar Line"), Vitagraph ("The Song of the Soul"), Bluebird ("Together"), Grossman ("Million Dollars Re- ward"), Benny Leonard Serial, " The Evil Eye." Hght., 5, 11; wght., 160; dark hair, gray eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

RANDOLF, Anders; b. 1875, Denmark; stage ca- reer, stk. in Columbus, Cleveland, Buffalo; also with Wm. Farnum's all-star co., Henrietta Crossman, etc.; screen career, 4 yrs. Vitagraph, leading and title part in "413"; Master Drama "Who's Your Neighbor?", Olcott Players, Inc. ("The Belgian"), Buffalo M. P. Corp. ("The Price of Virtue"), Goldwyn ("Splendid Sin- ner"), Vitagraph ("Lion and the Mouse"), Famous Players ("Erstwhile Susan"), Interna- tional ("Cinema Murder"), Griffith ("The Black Beach"). Ad., Lambs Club, N. Y., and 15 W. 67th St., N. Y.

RATTENBERRY, Harry L.; b. Sacramento, Calif., 1858; stage career, from 1879, 27 yrs. of oper- atic work in all principal cities, 1 season in "The Chorus Lady"; screen career, Powers, Keystone, Mutual, Rolin, 3 yrs. with Christie. Lasky ("Oliver Twist"), Universal ("High Speed"), Ince-Para. ("Playing the Game"), Mary Pickford ("M'Liss"), Selznick ("Indis- creet Corinne"), George Beban ("Hearts of Men"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 295; brown hair and eyes. Ad., 1554 N. Alexandria ave., Los Angeles.

RAWLINSON, Herbert; b. Brighton, Eng., 1885; educ. Eng. and France; stage career, repertoire and stk.; screen career, Selig. Bosworth, Uni- versal ("Florting with Death," "The Flash of Hate," "The Man Trap," "Come Through," "Smashing Through"), Goldwyn ("The Turn of the Wheel"), Famous Players ("Good Gracious, Annabelle"), Blackton ("The Common Cause." "House Divided"), Oliver (Craig Kennedy serial; Chief Flynn Secret Service series), Blackton Prod. ("Passers-By"). Hght., 6; wght., 165; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., Lambs Club. N. Y.

RAY, Albert: b. New Rochelle, N. Y.. 1893; educ. N. Y. ; stage career, "Buster Brown" at 7 yrs., mus. com., vaud., stk.; screen career, Pathe, Vitagraph, Fox, Loie Weber, Ince, Universal, etc. "Home," "Bluebird," "When Do We Eat," "Married in Haste," "Love Is Love," "Bet a Little Sport," "The Lost Princess," "Tin Pan Alley," "The Honey Bee," "Vagabond Luck"). Hght., 6 ft.; wght., 160; brown hair, dark blue eyes. Ad.. L. A. A. Club, Los Angeles, Calif.; studio. Fox.

RAY, Charles; b. Jacksonville, 111., 1891; educ. Illinois and Los Angeles Poly tech. Schl. ; stage career, 4% yrs. in mus. and dram, stk., vaud., etc.; screen career, Ince-Para. ("String Beans," "The Sheriff's Son," "The Coward," "The Busher," "The Girl Dodger," "The Egg-Crate Wallop," "Greased Lightning." "Bill Henry." "Crooked Straight." "Red Hot Dollars," "Paris Green"). Hght., 6, % ; wght., 170; dark brown hair, brown eyes. Ad., Charles Ray Prods., 615 Wright and Callendar Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif.

RAYMOND, Dean; stage career, stk., vaud. and prods.; screen career. Bluebird ("The Boy Girl," "Little Miss Nobody"), Photo Drama ("Warn- ing"), Goldwyn ("Cinderella Man"), General ("For Freedom of the World"), Eva Tanguay ("The Wild Girl"), Ivan ("Conquered Hearts"), Metro ("Winning of Beatrice"). Hght., 6, 9; wght., 170: light gray hair, dark gray eyes. Ad.. Green Room Club, N. Y.

RAYMOND, Pete; stage career, 2 seasons with Belasco "The Woman," Morosco "Mile-a-Minutc Kendall," Cohan & Harris "Tailor Made Man"; 15 yrs. in stk., Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Minneapolis, etc.; screen career, Ivan-Ahramson ("Some One Must Pay"), Selznick ("Sealed Hearts," "The Imp"), Famous Plavers ("On With the Dance"), Democracy Co. (Democ- racy"). Hght., 6; wght, 200; brown *a<r and eyes. Ad.. Elks Club. 116 W. 43d st.. N V

REEVES, Bob; b. Marlin, Texas; educ. there and

A. & M. Coll., Texas; early career, cowboy; screen career, Universal ("To the Tune of Bul- lets"), Pacific Prod. Co. ("Elmo the Mighty," "The Radium Mystery"). Hght., 6, 2%; wght., 200; brown hair, gray eyes. Home ad., 223 S. Flower, Los Angeles, Calif., B'way, 2120.

REID, Wallace; b. St. Louis, Mo.; educ. N. Y. and New Jersey Mil. Acad.; early career; held posi- tion on editorial staff of Motor Magazine; stage career, appeared In a vaud. sketch by his father, Hal Reid; screen career, Vitagraph, Universal (wrote, acted and directed), with D. W. Griffith in "Birth of a Nation," Lasky (lead- ing man for Geraldine Farrar in "Carmen." "Joan the Woman," etc.). Famous Players ("Believe Me. Xantippe," "The Roaring Road," "You're Fired," "The Love Burglar," "Valley of the Giants," "Hawthorne of the U. S. A.," "Double Speed," "Excuse My Dust," "The Dancin' Fool"). Hght., 6, 1; wght., 170: light brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., Lasky Studio, Hollywood, Calif.

RENE, Alex W.; b. Prague (Bohemia): educ. Prague, Vienna, Canada, Southern France; stage career, operatic stage, also dramatic since early childhood, abroad, Canada and stk. cos. Chicago; screen career, World ("Dangerous Ground," "Dark Silence"). Independent V'The Blood Stain"), Edison ("Barnaby Lee"). Otto ("Scouting for Washington"), Bloxbee ("Young America"), Camo Art Film ("Somewhere in Love"); famous fencing expert. Hght., 5, 11; wght., 153; light brown hair, dark eyes. Ad., Actors Equity Assn., N. Y.

RENFROE, James L. ; b. Denison, Texas; educ. there; stage career, in vaud.; screen career, Cuckoo Comedies, Sunbeam Comedies (" Hot Sands and Cold Feet," "His Concrete Dome," "His Conscience His Guide," "A Traveling Saleman's Temptations," "Work and Win 'em," "A Trial by Jury.") Hght., 5, 4%; wght., 120; dark complexion, black hair, blue eyes. Ad., 436 E. 3d st., Jacksonville, Fla.

RICH, Charles G. ; b. N. Y. C. ; educ. N. Y. Univ. ; early career, dramatic critic and writer; screen career, Vitagraph ("The Iron Test " serial. "Perils of Thunder Mountain" serial, "The In- visible Hand" serial, "The Fighting Coleen"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 155; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 4356 Kingswell ave., Los Angeles, Calif.; studio, Vitagraph.

RICHARDSON, Jack H.; b. London, Eng.; educ. Lindisfarm Coll., West Clift-on-Sea, England; stage career, Geo. Edwards Co., Gaiety theatre, London, London Music Halls, stk. Vancouver,

B. C. ; screen career, Chaplin Co., Henry Lehr- man ("Milk Fed Vamp," "Roaring Lions and Wedding Bells," etc.), Diando Films ("Old Maid's Baby," etc.), Paton Film Co. ("The Sign of the Rat"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 150; dark hair and eyes. Home ad., 2905 Washington Blvd., Ocean Park, Calif.

RICHMAN, Charles; b. Chicago; educ. Chicago Coll. of Law; stage career, with Ada Rehan in London and America, Blanche Bates, Mary Mannering, starred under mgmt. of the Shu- berts, Wm. A. Brady and David Belasco; screen career, Lasky, Fox, Vitagraph ("The Secret Kingdom," "The More Excellent Way"), Public Rights Film ("The Public Be Damned"), Riehman P. Corp. ("Over There"). Select ("The Hidden Truth"), Graphic ("The Echo of Youth"). Hght., 6, 1; wght., 196; brown hair and hazel eyes. Home ad., 65 Northfield rd., West Orange, N. J., and Lambs Club, N. Y.

RICHMOND, Warner Paul; b. Culpeper, Va.; educ. Univ. of Va. ; stage career, leads in "Eyes of Youth," "Trail of the Lonesome Pine," "Mis- leading Lady," "As a Man Thinks," "Indian Summer," "Little Miss Brown"; screen career, Triangle, Selig, Tourneur prods. ("Sporting Life," "Woman," "My Lady's Garter"), Vita- graph ("Gray Towers Mystery"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 165; fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

RIDGWAY, John H. ("Jack"); b. Phila.. Pa.. 1866; educ. pub. schls., Phila.; early career, 2 yrs. in Forepaugh's Stock, Phila., and 2 yrs. with Forepaugh's circus; screen career, 5 yrs. with Lubin ("The Third Degree," "The Lion and the Mouse," "The Gamblers," etc), Famous Players ("Poor Little Peppina"), 4 yrs. with Universal ("Under Southern Skies," played all characters with King Baggot), Vitagraph ("The Unknown Quantity"). Has played West- ern and society roles. Hght.. 5, 10; wght.. 200; light complexion, gray hair and blue eyes. Home ad., 360 West 42d St., N. Y. C.



RIESNER, C. Francis ("Chuck") ; b. Minneapo- lis, Minn.; educ. there; stage career, 10 yrs. in Keith and Orpheum circuits in vaud., starred in Dillingham's "Stop! Look! Listen!" and "Queen of the Movies"; screen career, scenario dept. at the Keystone ("His First False Step," "His Lying Heart"), with C. Chaplin ("A Dog's Life"), Rothackers-Chicago. Hght., 5, II; wght., 178; brown hair and eyes. Ad., 6122 De Longpre ave., Hollywood, Calif.

RITCHIE, BiUie; b. Glasgow, Scotland, 1877; slage career, vaud. com., mus. com., played in "A Night in an English Music Hall," also In "A Night on Broadway," "Vanity Fair," "Around the Clock," over Orpheum Circuit; .screen career, L-Ko., playing in many one, two and three-reel farce-comedies ("Where Is My Wife?"), Fox ("The House of Terrible Scan- dals"), Sunshine Comedies ("The Twilight Baby"). Hght., 5, 7%; wght., 140. Home ad.. Laurel Canyon, Hollywood, Calif.; studio, Lehr- inan Studio, Culver City, Calif.

ROACH, Bert; b. Washington, D. C. ; educ. there; slage career, 3 yrs. with Henry B. Harris, in "Louisiana Lou." "The Commuters"; screen career, Reliance, Majestic, Keystone ("Fatty's Magic Pants"), Universal ("Cactus and Kale," "Soapsuds and Sirens"), L-Ko. ("Dirty's Daring Dash"), Sennett ("Yankee Doodle in Berlin"). Hght., 5, 11 j wght., 195; light hair and light eyes.

BOBBINS, Marc; b. 1870; early career, ranch- ing; stage career, with Fanny Davenport, In Shakespearean roles in N. T., stk. dir. 5 yrs. in St. Louis; screen career, with Universal, 1014, playing character leads with Kerrigan, Joe de Grasse and Frank Lloyd, late Universal pictures ("The Mainspring," "Her Soul's In- spiration"), Fox ("American Methods," "The Heart of a Lion," "True Blue." "Riders of the Purple Sage," "For Freedom," "The Man Hunter"). Ad., Zane Grey Pict., Inc., Brun- ton Studio

ROBERTS, Theodore; b. San Francisco, Calif.;

educ. there; stage career, played first leads with Robson and Crane, Fanny Davenport, played Svengali in "Trilby," Simon Legree in "Uncle Tom's Cabin," "The Squaw Man," "The Barrier," vaud.; .screen career, Famous Play- ers ("Old Wives for New," "M'liss," "Believe Me. Xantippe," "The Roaring Road," "Male and Female," "Hawthorne of the U. S. A."). Hght., 6; wght., 195; gray hair, blue eyes. Ad., Lasky Studio, Hollywood, Calif.

ROBSON, Andrew; b. Hamilton. Can., 1868; 25 yrs. on stage; starred 12 seasons "Royal Box," "Richard Carvel." etc.; screen career. Fox ("The Devil's Wheel"). Bluebird ("A Broad- way Scandal." "That Devil Bateese," "Which Woman?"), W. S. Hart Co. ("Branding Broad- way"). Ince-Paramount ("Alarm Clock Andy," "A Virtuous Thief." "Law of Men"), United ("The Corsican Brothers"), Rob-Cole ("The Beloved Cheater," "The Butterfly Man"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 190; gray hair, brown eyes. Ad.. Hotel Rosslyn, Los Angeles, Cal.

ROCK, Charles; b. Velore, E. Indies, I860; educ. Brighton Coll., Eng.; stage career, Sir J. Hare; screen career (Scrooge in "A Christmas Carol," Hardcastle in "She Stoops to Conquer," Colonel Sapt in "Prisoner of Zenda." also leads in "Sons of Satan." "Rupert of Hentzau"), Vitagraph ("Firm of Girdlestone"), Cosmofotofilm ("I Be- lieve"), World ("The Better 'Ole"). Ad., St. Margaret's, Middlesex, Eng.

ROCK, Joseph P.; b. N. T. C, 1892; educ. N. T. Normal and Chautauqua Normal; early career, teacher of dancing, physical culture, director of carnival; screen career, Vitagraph 4 yrs.. Rock and Montgomery in Big V Comedies ("Bumbs and Boarders." "Chumps and Cops." "Farms and Fumbles." "Love and Lather." "Damsels and Dandies," "Zip and Zest," "Ha- rems and Hokum," "Vamps and Variety." "Caves and Croquettes," "Rubes and Robbers"). Hght., 5, 5; wght.. 145; black hair, dark blue eyes. Home ad.. 1450 N. Normandie, Los An- geles. Calif.; phone 599052; studio. Vitagraph.

RODNEY, Earl; b. Toronto, Can.; educ. Notre Dame Univ.; stage career, vaud., stk. and on road; screen career, Griffith, Keystone, Blue- bird ("City of Tears"), Ince, Para. ("Biggest Show on Earth." "Naughty, Naughty," "Keys ..." the Righteous"), Christie ("Two A. M.," "The Loonev Honeymoon," " 'Twas Midnight." "Furs and Folly." "Ducks." "Monkey Shines"). Hght., 5, 11 j wght , 167; dark complexion, eyes, hair. Ad., 2754 W. 14th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Studio, Christie. Hollywood, Cal.

ROGERS, Will; b. near Claremore, Indian Ter- ritory; stage career, 1905, vaud., fancy roper, Hammerstein's Roof, 8 yrs. vaud., 5 yrs. Follies and Midnight Frolics; screen career, Goldwyn ("Bill Hyde"), "Almost a Husband," "Jubilo," "The Strange Boarder"; author of "The Peace Conference" and "Prohibition." Hght., 5, 11; wght., 170; dark hair, gray eyes. Home ad., Culver City, Calif.; phone 56664.

ROONEY, Gilbert; educ. Univ. of Penn.; stage career, with Robt. Hilliard in "The Fool There Was," Edward Abeles in "Brewster's Millions." "Ready Money," "Pom Pom"; screen career, World ("Woman in 47"), Universal ("Parent- age"), Selznick ("Country Cousin"), Erbo- graph ("Burning Question"), Lasky ("Framed Up"), International ("Adventures of Dorothy Dare" serial), Edward Warren ("Weavers of Life"), Vitagraph ("Blind Adventure"), Norma Talmadge ("Daughter of Two Worlds"); 2 yrs. in service, Tank Corps. Hght., 5, 10; wght., 155; brown hair and eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

ROSCOE, Albert; b. Nashville, Tenn., 1887; educ. Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville; 15 yrs. on stage as leading man and director; screen career, Famous Players, Leonce Perret, Fox ("The Siren's Song," "Evangeline"), Ex. Mutual ("A Man's Country"), Goldwyn ("The City of Com- rades"), Rob-Cole ("Her Purchase Price"). Hght., 6; wght., 175; brown eyes, black hair. Ad., Lambs' Club N. Y.

ROSE. MAN, Ed. E. ; b. Terre Haute, Ind„ 1875; stage career, 6 yrs. with Lincoln J. Carter, Wright Lorimer, In "The Shepherd King"; screen career, supporting Mary Pickford, Rob- ert Warwick; Edgar Lewis Prods. ("The Bar- rier," "Calibre 38"), Betzwood ("High Pock- ets"), World ("The Red Woman"), Virginia Pearson Co. ("Impossible Katherine"), Fox ("13th Bride" serial). Hght., 6; wght.. 185; dark hair and eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

ROSS, D. George; educ. Washington. D. C, and N. Y. ; stage career, vaud., "Romance of the Underworld," with "Way Down East," "The Holdup," with Will Hart stk.; screen career, Donovan Prods., Pathe, Selznick, "Bullin' the Bullsheviki" ; served in France lb mos. Hght., 5, 5; wght., 125; gray hair, blue eyes. Ad., Hotel Princeton. N. Y. ; Bryant 3582.

Ross, Milton; b. California; educ. Univ. of the Pacific for ministry; stage career, Mary Man- nering in "Janice Meredith," Melbourne Mc- Dowell, James O'Neil, vaud.; screen career, Ince ("Truthful Tulliver"), Triangle. Artcraft- Paramount ("The Narrow Trail," "The Silent Man," "Riddle Gawne"), Universal ("Pretty Smooth." "The Exquisite Thief"), Hodkinson ("The End of the Game"), Goldwyn ("Flame of the Desert"), Hampton-Pathe ("A Woman of Pleasure"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 190: dark hair and eyes. Ad., Goldwyn Studio. Culver City, Calif

RUSSELL, William; educ. Fordham Univ.; stage career from age of 8. Ethel Barrymore in "Cousin Kate," David Higgins, Chauncey Ol- cott, Blanche Bates, Poli stk., starred in "St. Elmo," vaud.; screen career. Biograph. Than- houser. Famous, Pathe ("The Midnight Trail." "Hearts or Diamonds," "Up Romance Road," "Hohhs in a Hurry"), Amer. -Pathe ("A Sport- ing Chance." "Where the West Begins." "Brass Buttons." "Six Feet Four." "This Hero Stuff"). Fox ("Sacred Silence," "Eastward Ho." "The Lincoln Highwayman") Hght. ,6, 2; wght., 203; dark hair and eyes. Member M.P.D.A. Ad., Fox Studio, Hollywood, Calif.


SACK, Nathaniel; b. & educ. Russia; stage ca- reer, 10 yrs. with Leonard Rayne Dramatic Co., toured extensively the Orient, British Colo- nies and So. Africa; in U. S. A since 1912 with Mme. Nazimova. Fannie Ward. Walker White- side, Frank Keenan. "The Big Chance." with Mary Nash; screen career, Kalem ("Glory of Youth"l. Famous Players ("Man From Mex- ico," "Mistress Nell"), Artcraft ("Less Than Dust"). Pathe ("Innocent"). Metro ("Will o' the Wisp"). Specialty, Oriental characters Hght., 5, 7; wght., 145; dark brown hair and eyes. Home ad.. 126 W. 119th St., N. Y. C. ; MornlnESide 1963.

SACKVILLE, Gordon; b. Peterborough. Ontario. 1880; educ. Kalamazoo Coll.. studied voice cul- ture In London and Paris; stage career. "Cir-



cus Girl." "Chinese Honeymoon," with Richard .Mansfield. N. Y. Hippodrome; screen career. Edison. Rex. Universal, Selig ("The Cherry Pick- ers"), Bosworth ("An Odyssey of the North"), Balboa ("The Crip of Evil." "The Girl Angle." "Clad Glory"), Falcon-General ("The Best Man"), Pioneer ("The Boomerang"). World ("The Arizona Cat Claw"). Hght.. 6, 1; wght., 210; brown hair and eyes. SAGE, Stuart; b. Sioux Falls. S. D.. lS93;"educ. Tudd Seminary, Neb. Military Acad.; stage ca- reer, 2 yrs. vaud., "Help Wanted," "Argyle Case," "Baby Mine." with Emma Dunn in "Old Lady 31." stk., mus. com.; screen career. Fox < "The War Bride s Secret," "Two Little Imps." "Trouble Makers"), Lasky ("Brewster's Mil- lions"); original "Argonne Players." Hght., 5, 9; wght., 140; fair complexion, light hair, blue eyes. Ad., c/o Melville Rosenow, New Amsterdam Theatre Bldg., N. Y. SALISBURY, Monroe; b. N. Y. ; studied art and music; stage career, from 1898; rep. with Rich- ard Mansfield. Mrs. Fiske. John Drew. Nance O'Neil, etc., followed Wm. Farnum in "The Prince of India," under Chas. Frohman, K. & E., stk. at Castle Square, Boston, etc. ; screen career, since 1913; Fine Arts, Lasky ("The Goose Girl"), Clune (Allesandro in "Ramona." "Eyes of the World"), Universal ("The Devil Between," "The Sleeping Lion," "The Phantom Melody"). Home ad., 5956 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. SAN FORD, Philip; b. N. Y. C. ; stage career, with Chas. Frohman, David Belasco, Cyril Maude, "Sherlock Holmes," "Secret Service"; screen career. Metro, Vitagraph ("The Sign Invisible." "The White Raven," "Strength of Men"), Hod- kinson ("Made in America"), Zion ("Broken Barrier"), Community ("Home Keeping of Jim"), Adolph Phillip ("Midnight Girl"), Ed- gar Lewis ("Other Men's Shoes"), Betzwood ("Sandy Burke of U-Bar-U"); specializes in AVestern heavies. Hght.. 6; wght., 200; light complexion, brown hair and eyes. Home ad.. 637 Bedford ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., or Green Room Club, N. Y. SANTSCHI, Thomas; b. Kokomo. Ind. : stage ca- reer, stock; screen career, Selig ("The Crisis," "The Garden of Allah," "The City of Purple Dreams." "The Still Alarm," "Little Orphant Annie"), Farrar-Goldwyn ("Shadows," "The Stronger Vow"), First National ("Her Kingdom of Dreams "), Universal ("Hugon. the Mighty") Hght.. 6. 2; sandy hair, blue eyes. Home ad , 1523 Micheltorena St.. Los Angeles. Calif; Wil- shire. 755.

SARNO, Hector V.; b. Naples. Italy. 1880; educ. there; stage career. Eimete Novelli Co. 5 yrs , Italy; screen career. Vitagraph, Universal, Fox, Goldwyn, Pathe, Metro ("Isle of Intrigue"), Rex Beach ("Silver Horde"), Dorothv Phillips ("Right to Happiness"). Ed. Carewe ("Rio Grande"), Romaine Film Co. ("Give and Take"), and several heavies opposite H. B. Warner. Hght.. 5. 10; wght.. 175; black hair, dark brown eyes Ad.. 4344 Fountain ave., Los Angeles, Calif.

SAWYER, Donald; b. Dundee, N T„ 1S94: educ. Rochester, N. Y. : stage career, played Joe Blake in "A Man's Home," with Geo. Nash. Hyperion Buncombe in Henry Savage's "Toot. Toot." Cyril Kinney in "The Country Cousin." with Alexandria Carlyle; screen career, Metro Goldwyn, Famous Plavers, Pathe. Drew come- dies. "His Bonded Wife," etc. Hght.. 5. 10H ; wght.. 140; brown hair, blue eves. Ad., 241 W. 45th St., N. Y. C; Bryant 7098.

SAXE, Templer (Templer William Edward Ede- vevn) : b. Redhtll. England; educ. Bonn and Brussels Univs. ; stage career, leading baritone Carl Rosa Opera Co. (London). "An English Daisy." 'Tiff. Paff, Pouff " ; screen career, Vita- graph ("Strength of the Weak." "Mind the Paint Girl," "Lion and the Mouse." "Miss Am- bition." "Pride"). Paramount -Artcraft ("The Teeth of the Tiger"). Constance Talmadge ("At the Barn"), Vitagraph ("One Thousand Dol- lars"). Hght.. 5. 10; wght.. 170; dark brown hair gray-blue eves Ad . Green Room Club, N. Y.

SAXON, Hugh; b. New Orleans. La.; educ Van- derbilt Univ.. Nashville. Tenn ; stage career, with Thomas W Keene. Henry Dlxey, Maud Granger. Marie Wa Inwright ; Charles Hovt's comedies. Belasco Stk.. Geary Stk.. Ferris Stk. and own cos., also travelled over world in vaud. and circus clown; screen career, Wm. S. Hart ("Dan Kurrie's Inning"). Brentwood ("The Other Half"), Ince ("Alarm Clock Andy"). Hght., 5, 9%; wght, 165, silver gray hair.

dark blue eyes. Home ail., 2610 Juliet, Los Angeles. Calif; phone 72540. SCHABXE, Robert, also director; stage career, with Ethel Barrymore, John Drew. Marie Doro, Annie Russell. George Fawcett, Nazimova, "Every woman," etc.; screen career, Famous Players-Lasky ("The Marriage Price," "World to Live In." "Red Head." "Test of Honor." "Firing Line," "Sinners," "On with the Dance"), Hght., 5, 7; wght., 145; light hair, blue eyes. Ad., Lambs Club, N. Y. C. SCHENCK, Earl; b. Columbus, O. ; educ. Ohio State Univ.; stage career, Stubbs Wilson Stk. Co., lead in Wm. A. Brady's "Way Down East," with .las. K. Hackett, also vaud.; screen career. Pathe. World, Metro ("My Four Years in Ger- many," "The Spirit of Lafayette," "Ruling Passions," "Sacred Flame," "Blue Pearl," fea- tured in Vitagraph O. Henry stories. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y., or care Edward Small, Inc. SCHUMM, Harry W.; b. Chicago, 111.; educ. Chi- cago Univ.; stage career, 18 yrs. leading and heavy man. Hopkins Stock Co., Chicago, 1917 with Klaw & Erlanger, Morosco, 9 mos. Musical Stock, Camp Kearny; screen career. 6 yrs with Universal exclusive direction Francis Ford, now direction Phil Rosen and Al Santell. Hght , 5. ll1/^; wght., 175; dark brown hair and eyes. Home ad., 1727 Kent St., Los Angeles, Calif; Wilshire 4855; Walter Farnum, personal rep., Grant Bldg., Los Angeles. SCOTT, William; b. 1893; educ. N. Y. ; stage ca- reer, with Maude Adams. Joseph Jefferson, Kelcey and Shannon; screen career, Artcraft ("Amarilly of Clothesline Alley"). Fox ("Ri- ders of the Purple Sage," "True Blue," "Kul- tur," "The Forbidden Room," 'Pitfalls of a Big City," "Chasing Rainbows," "Broken Com- mandments." "Thieves," "Flames of the Flesh"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 168; light com- plexion. Ad., home, 1923 Kent St., L. A., Cal. SEARS, Allan; b. San Antonio; educ. Knox Coll.; concert work; stage career, stock, com. opera; screen career, Reliance-Majestic ("The Birth of a Nation"), Fine Arts ("The Little Yank," "Children of the Feud," "Girl of the Timber- lands"). Triangle ("Madame Bo-Beep"). Blue- bird ("The Red, Red Heart"), Jewel ("Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin"). Metro ("Kate of Ken- tucky." "The Amateur Adventuress." "Her In- spiration"), Universal ("Destiny"). Ad., 4618 Russell St., Hollywood, Cal. SEDGWICK, Edward, also scenario writer; educ. St. Mary's Univ.. Texas Univ.; stage career, actor and stage dir., 10 yrs. in vaud. and mus. com., also dram. stk. and rep. ex.; screen ca- reer , Lubin, Universal, American, Metro ("Haunted Pajamas"), Famous Players ("The Varmint"), Fox ("Yankee Way," "Checkers"); has written original stories as follows: "The Yankee Way," "Cheating the Public," "Stolen Honor," "Rough and Ready." "The Winning Stroke." "The Sea Beast," with continuities also, for Fox: also new Fox serial. "Bride No. 13." Hght.. 6: wght., 245: brown hair, blue eyes. Ad.. 245 W. 51st St.. N. Y. ; Circle 1730. SEDLEV, Henry; b. N. Y. ; educ St. Paul's School. Andover Acad.. Yale Univ.; stage career, 6 yrs.; screen career. 5 yrs., ("The Daredevil," "Thunderbolts of Fate," "The Kaiser Bride," "Embarrassment of Riches." "Marriage of Con- venience." "Stranger Within the Gates." "The Clouded Name," "Corruption," "The Hidden Hand" Pathe serial, "Taxi"). Hght., 5, 11; wgt., 155: fair complexion. Home ad.. 114 W 79th St.. N. Y. C, or Green Room Club, N. Y. SEIGMANN, George; b. N. Y. ; educ. Boston Univ., La Salle Acad.; stage career, with Chas. Frohman. Harry Doel Parker; screen career. Fine Arts ("Intolerance." "The Little Yank"), Crystal ("Mother Love and the Law"). Griffith ("Birth of a Nation." "Hearts of the World." "The Great Love"), Dwan ("The Grafters"). Hght.. C, 2; wght . 230; brown hair and eyes. Home ad.. 4518 Fountain ave., Los Angeles Calif; phone 597529. SELBY, Norman ("Kid McCoy") ; b. Rushville. Ind.; early career, professional boxer: screen career. Feature Film ("The Great Diamond Robbery"). Fine Arts (the Rube in "Bettv of Grey Stone"), Griffith ("Broken Blossoms"). Hght., 6: wght.. 200; dark hair and eyes. Studio ad., Garson. SELL, Henry G.; b. Los Angeles. 1889: stage ca- reer, stk. cos.. Laurie in "Little Women," also with Arnold Daly, Lily Langtry. Julia Dean, etc. : screen career. Crystal. Astra, World ("Fine Feathers." "The Fatal Ring." "Light- ning Ralder">. Argus ("House Without Chil- dren"). Vitagraph ("Thin Ice"), Per' ot ("'Twin



Pawn"), Serico ("Jeweled Hand " serial). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 155; brown hair and eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y. SHAW, Brinsley; b. N. Y. C; educ. Coll. City N. Y. ; stage career, co-star with Margaret Wy- cherley in "The 13th Chair," E. H. Sothern Co., J. C. Williamson mgmt., Australia, Richard Mansfield, "The Squaw Man" orig. prod.; screen career, Anita Stewart ("Mary Regan"), Vita- graph ("The Wolf," "The Hornet's Nest," "The Invisible Hand"). Hght., 6; wght., 1G0; brown hair, gray eyes. Ad., 16 Gramercy Park, N. Y. C.

SHEER, William A., b. Birmingham, Eng.; educ. Eng.; premier jockey for 3 yrs. ; stage career, vaud. alone and with Isabelle De Armond; mus. com., "Isle of Spice," etc., produced "Oh, Look!" Orpheum, 1 season; screen career, Key- stone-Mack Sennett, 1 yr., Fox ("Regeneration," "Within the Law"), World, general casting di- rector. Universal ("The Cabaret Girl," "Sealed Envelope"), Norma Talmadge ("A Daughter of Two Worlds," character lead). Hght., 6, 10; wght., 140; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 1600 Broadway, N. Y. C, or 1627V4 N. Kingsley Drive, Los Angeles, Calif.; Holly 4452.

SHERIDAN, Frank; b. Boston, Mass.; educ. Bos- ton; stage career, featured actor in "Paid in Full," "Fine Feathers," "The Unwritten Law," "Blackmail," "The Next of Kin," "Three Faces East"; screen career, Kleine ("The Money Mas- ter"), Pathe ("At Bay," "Ruler of the Road"), Equitable ("The Man Higher Up"), World ("The Struggle"), Ivan "Enlighten Thy Daugh- ter"), Universal ("His Woman"), Norma Tal- madge ("Daughter of Two Worlds"). Ad., 1531 Broadway, N. Y.

SHERRILL, Jack; b. Atlanta, Ga., April 14, 1898; educ. Berkeley School, N. Y. C. ; stage career, stock, vaud.; screen career, Frohman ("Just Out of College," "The Witching Hour"), Art Dramas ("The Rainbow," "Once to Every Man"), Authors Film Co. -Mutual ("The Silent Witness"), Frohman ("Once to Every Man," "The Invisible Ray"). Hght., 5, 9%; wght., 135; light complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 166 W. 72nd St., N. Y., and c/o Frohman Amuse. Corp., Times Bldg.. N. Y.

SHERRY, J. Barney; b. Germantown. Pa.; educ private schls., Phila., and Catholic College, Germantown; screen career, Thos. H. Ince ("Civilization"), Universal ("Little Brother of the Rich," "Breath of the Gods"), Marshall Neilan ("The River's End"), Universal ("The Forged Bride"). Hght., 6, %; wght., 200; Iron gray hair, gray eyes. Home ad., 224 San Vincente, Santa Monica, Calif; phone 508.

SHIELDS, Earnest W.; b. 1884; educ. Chicago and Grand Rapids; stage career, "Soldiers of Fortune," stock, stage mgr. for Shubert. vaud. ; screen career. Kalem, Edison, Universal ("The Broken Coin," "Birth of Patriotism"). Bluebird ("Wanted A Home." "Good Morning, Judge"), Fox ("The Speed Maniac," "The Square Shoot- er"), Vitagraph ("For Love and Honor" serial with William Duncan); 29 mos. active service, vice-pres. Hollywood post, American Legion. Hght., 5, 9; wght., 140; brown hair and eyes. Home ad., 7 Carver Court, Los Angeles, Calif.; phone 577112.

SHIELDS, Wilbert; educ. Hoboken, N. J.; stage exper. , stk. and vaud.; screen career. Jester, Thanhauser ("The Recruit," "Man Without a Country"). Hght.. 5, 8; wght., 148; black hair, blue eyes. Ad., 800 Bloomfield St., Hoboken, N. J.; Hoboken 578.

SHIRLEY. Arthur; b. Sydney, Australia; stage career, 8 yrs.; screen career, Australian Films. Ltd.. Kalem. Universal, National Drama (lead in "The Fall of a Nation"), Selig (John Val- iant in "The Valiants of Virginia"), Ince ("Bawbs o' Blue Ridge"). Balboa ("Betty Be Good," "The Wildcat," "Bab the Fixer." "Pet- ticoats and Pants"), Universal ("Roped"). Hght., 6; wght.. 185: brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., home, 1201 Fielding ave., Hollywood.

SHORT, Antrim; b. Cincinnati, Ohio; educ. pri- vate tutor; stage career, 7 yrs. legit, stage; screen career. Bluebird, American. Pathe, Uni- versal ("Jewel in Pawn," "The Yellow Dog"), Metro ("Please Get Married," "The Right of Way"), Hampton "Cressy"), Famous Players ("Romance and Arabella"). Hght., 5, 7%; wght., 135: medium brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 1771 Cahuenga ave., Los Angeles, Calif.; Holly 1713.

SHUMWAY, Leonard C; b. Salt Lake City, 1884; educ. Univ. of Salt Lake: stake career, stk.; screen career. Universal, Kalem, Selig, Lubln, Universal ("The Phantom's Secret," "Helen

Grayson's Strategy"). Fox ("Bride of Fear," "Bird of Prey," "The Scarlet Road," "The Si- ren's Song," "The Speed Maniac," "A Girl in Bohemia"), Hodkinson ("The Love Hunger"), Amer. -Pathe ("Eve in Exile"). Hght., 6; wght., 180.

SIEGEL, Bernard; b. Lemberg, Austria; educ. Vienna Univ. ; stage career, stk. for many yra. in Austria, also stk. in U. S. at N. Y., St. Louis, Phila.; screen career, with Lubin and Vita- graph, in "Souls in Bondage," "Within the Law," "The Glory of Yolande," "The Mael- strom," "The Green God," "The Cambric Mask," "Beauty Proof," "Dan La Roche," "Fighting Destiny." Hght., 5, 9; wght., 145; brown hair and eyes. Ad., 2573 E. 14th st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Coney Island 1122 W.

SILLS, Milton; b. Chicago, 111.; educ. Univ. of Chicago; stage career, 8 yrs. as leading man, Belasco, Shubert, Brady, Frohman; screen ca- reer, Goldwyn, Select, Fox, World, Universal ("The Claw," "The Savage Woman," "The Yellow Ticket," "The Mysterious Client," "The Other Woman"); late pictures, "The Stronger Vow," "Woman Thou Gavest Me," "The Fear Woman," "What Every Woman Learns," "Street Called Straight," "Eyes of Youth." Hght., 6; wght., 180; light hair, gray eyes. Home ad., 1816 Argyle St., Hollywood, Cal.

SIMPSON, Allan Hart; educ. N. Y. C, Columbia Univ.; stage career, 1 yr. with Corse Payton Stk. Co., boy parts; screen career, Paramount- Flagg comedies ("The Last Battle"), stock with Goldwyn, Famous Players ("Career of Catherine Bush"); posed for Arrow Collars, Chesterfield Cigarette heads and Liberty Loan posters by James Montgomery Flagg and J. C. Leyendecker. Hght., 5, 11; wght., 160; light hair, dark eyes. Ad., 530 Riverside Dr., N. Y. Morningside 2842.

SIMPSON, Russell; b. San Francisco, 1880; educ. there; stage career, 12 yrs. stk., road shows, Bway prods, with Belasco, Savage, K. & E. ; screen career, 7 yrs. Famous Players, Metro, First National, Goldwyn, World, in Rex-Beach-Goldwyn "The Brand. "The Bar- rier," "Blue Jeans," "Our Teddy," "Cressy," "Out of the Dust," "Bill Apperson's Boy." Hght., 6; wght., 175; medium brown hair, gray eyes. Ad., 5158 Hollywood blvd., Los Angeles, Cal., phone 597051.

SINGLETON, Joseph E.; b. Melbourne, Aus- tralia, 1881; educ. there; stage career, 12 yrs. stock, vaud.; screen career, Universal, Fine Arts ("Girl of the Timber Claims"), American, Keystone, author vaud. acts and scenarios, "The Skull of Life," "He Drew the Line," "The Cross Roads," "The Booster," "The Per- fect Woman"), Fox ("Aladdin and the Won- derful Lamp"), Artcraft ("Shark Monroe"), Al. Jennings prod. ("The Lady of the Dug- out"), Vitagraph ("The Enchanted Barn"). Hght., 6, 1; wght., 195; dark hair, dark eyes.

SMILEY, Joseph W.; b. Boston, 1875; educ. there; stage career, Hanlon Brothers, Fanny Davenport, rep. Klaw and Erlanger; screen, Imp., director of Lubin and for Jules Brula- tour, Artcraft, World, Goldwyn, Fox, etc.; recent pictures, Elsie Ferguson ("Hearts of the Wild"), Virginia Pearson ("Queen of Hearts"), Select ("Break the News to Mother," " The Isle of Conquest"). Fox ("Luck and Pluck," "Never Say Quit"), World ("The Moral Deadline," "The Poisoned Pen"). Ad., Friars Club, N. Y.

SMILEY, Robert W.J b. Washington. D. C. ; stage career, T. Boggs Johns in "Pair of Sixes," E. H. Sothern, "Everyman," "Common Clay," Grace George, Otis Skinner; screen career, Edison, Imp ("Prince and Pauper, "Aunt Maria's Substitute," "Ruling Passions." Hght., 5, 9; wght.. 175; dark complexion, brown hair, blue grav eves. Ad., St. Paul Hotel, N. Y.

SOMERVLLLE, George J. ("Slim") ; b. Albu- querque, N. M., 1892; educ. Chatham, Can.; stage career, mus. com., vaud., rep., stk.; screen career, Keystone ("Their Social Splash," "His Bread and Butter," "A Dog Catcher's Love," "His Precious Life," "The Winning Punch"). Paramount ("Roping Her Romeo," "Are Waitresses Safe?"). Sennett-Para. ("It Pays to Exercise," "The Kitchen Lady"), Sun- shine ("High Diver's Last Kiss"). Hght., 6, 2; wght., 164. Ad., home, 520 S. Flower St., Los Angeles.

SOTHERN, Sam; b. London, England; educ. there; stage career, legit:; screen career, Doug- las Fairbanks ("His Majesty, the American"), Garson ("Eyes of Youth"). Ad., Lowe's Ex- change, 1123 Broadway, N. Y. ; studio, Garson.



SPERE, Charles; b. Omaha, Neb.; educ. Neb. Univ. and Northwestern Univ., Chicago; stage career, 1 season vaud. ; screen career, Ince ("A Desert Wooing"), Vitagraph ("A Fighting Col- leen," "Pegeen," "Man Who Wouldn't Tell"), American ("A Bachelor's Wife," "The Hell- ion"), New Art Films ("The Solitary Sin";, Brunton ("What Every Mother Knows"), Na- tional ("The Lamb and the Lion"). Hght., 5, 10%; wght., 150; brown hair and eyes. Ad., 408 S. Alvarado St., Los Angeles. Cal.

SPINGLER, Harry; b. Buffalo, N. Y. ; educ. there; stage career, vaud., 190S-1912, with Al H. Wilson Co.; screen career, Reliance, Life Photo ("Northern Lights," "The Ordeal"), Fox ("Samson," "The Plunderer," "The Bond- man"), Ivan ("Her Surrender"), Ocean ("Drift- wood"), Universal ("Cheaters," "Woman Under Cover"), Fox ("Flames of the Flesh"). Hght., 6, 9; wght., 155; fair complexion, blond hair, gray eyes.

SPOTTSWOOD, James Carlisle; educ. Gonzaga Coll., St. John's College; Georgetown Univ., Washington, D. C; stage career, Mary Manner- ing, featured in Shubert's "Going Some," "Mid- night Sons," Julian Eltinge's "Fascinating Widow" and "Crinoline Girl," S seasons lead- ing juvenile with A. H. Woods prods., "Mary's Ankle," "Parlor, Bedroom and Bath," "His Honor, Abe Potash"; screen career, Than- houser ("Weighed in the Balance"), Vita- graph ("The Climbers"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 145; light brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., Lambs Club, N. Y.

SPROTXE, Bert; b. Huisum, Schleswig-Holstein ; educ. Halle, S. Saxony; stage career, 15 yrs., 8 yrs. in Europe, 7 yrs. Milwaukee and Chicago; screen career, W. S. Hart ("Selfish Yates," "Shark Monroe," "Breed of Men"), F. Keenan ("The World Aflame"), Harold Bell Wright Co. ("Shepherd of the Hills"), Goldwyn ("Girl from Outside"), Universal ("Brute Breaker"), Amer. Lifeograph Co. ("The Golden Trail," "Men of Today and Tomorrow"). Hght., 6, 1; wght., 200; iron gray hair, gray eyes. Home ad., 2025 W. 7th ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Holly 1964.

STANDING, Gordon H.; b. London, Eng., 1889; educ. Upper Latimer and St. Paul's, London, Eng.; stage career, with Leonard Rayne in S. Africa; 2 yrs. student McGill, Montreal; 3 yrs. Canadian Mounted Rifles; with Paul Armstrong In vaud.; "A Full House," H. H. Frazee, Shu- berts, A. H. Woods; screen career, Triangle ("Three Black Eyes"), Independent ("Up and Down"), Rolfe ("Red Virgin"), Famous Play- ers, Pathe, World; 2 yrs. A. E. F., 21 mos. actual service. Hght.. 6; wght., 185; chestnut brown hair, brown eyes. Add., care Arthur H. Jacobs. Inc.. 145 W. 45th St., N. Y. C.

STANDING, Herbert; stage career, with Sir Henry Irving, Sir Charles Wyndham, 23 yrs. Criterion theatre, London; screen career, Para- Artcraft ("How Could You, Jean," "He Comes Up Smiling"), Metro ("In Judgment Of"), Goldwyn ("The Wrong Door," "Strictly Con- fidential," "Almost Married," "Lord and Lady Algy," "Cup of Fury"). Ad., 615 So. Catalina St., Los Angeles, Cal.

STANDING, Herbert, Jr.; b. London, Eng., 1887; educ. St. Paul's Schl., London; stage career, leads with Amelia Bingham, Nance O'Neil. George Edwards, Sir Beerbohm Tree; screen career, Betzwood ("Misfit Earl"), Carl Carle- ton ("En L'Air"), Vitagraph ("Jewels"). Fa- mous Players, Pathe, World. Goldwyn. Hght., 6; wght., 185; dark brown hair and eyes. Ad., Sterling Apts., 126 W. 49th St., N. Y. Bryant 5138.

STANDING, Wyndham; b. London, Eng., 1880; educ. St. Paul's Coll.; stage career, 1899. sir Henry Irving, Mr. and Mrs. Kendal, Miss For- tescue, Comstock and Gest, Wm. A. Brady, Shubert, Lyceum theatre, London; screen ca- reer, Triangle-Ince, Famous Players, Goldwyn, International. Maurice Tourneur Prods.. "Rose of the World." "Paid in Full," "Eyes of the Soul," "Miracle of Love," "Witness for the De- fense," "Earth Bound." Hght., 6, 1; wght., 180; brown hair, gray eyes. Ad., Goldwyn Studio, Culver City, Cal.

STANLKV, Edwin; b. Chicago; stage career, dram, stk., vaud.; screen career. "King Lear," "Divorce and the Daughter," "Law of Com- pensation," "Justt a Woman," "Marriages Are Made," "Every Mother's Son," "An Honest Thief," "The Love Auction." Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

STANLEY, Forrest; stage career, stk., rep.;

screen career, Morosco ("Kilmeny," "Mme. La Presidente," "Making of Maddalena," etc.), Pallas ("Reform Candidate," "The Heart of Paula"), Bosworth ("Rug Maker's Daughter"), Morosco ("His Official Fiancee"), Universal ("Under Suspicion," "The Triflers"), First Na- tional ("The Thunderbolt"). Home ad., 207 S. Ardmore ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 560597.

STARKEY, Bert; educ. Fall River, Mass.; stage career, with H. W. Savage for 4 yrs.; vaud. with own act and others; over the United Time for about 5 yrs.; screen career, Pathe ("Fatal Ring,' serial), World ("The Boss"), "Jimmy Valentine," "Deep Purple"), Metro ("Broad- way Bill," "The Come Back"), 4 yrs. in stk. with World Motion Picture Co.; now with Dorothy Dalton. Hght., 5, 6; wght., 127; dark hair and eyes. Ad., 300 W. 17th St., care Con- don, N. Y. Chelsea 7084.

STARK, Frederic; b. San Francisco; educ. there; stage career, 15 yrs., with Nance O'Neil and stk.; screen career, Brunton ("Jack Dempsey serial), Fox ("Camouflage"), Jesse Hampton ("A Woman of Pleasure"), Universal ("The Beach Combers," "The Sea Flower"), Hart ("The Poppy Girl's Husband"), Ince ("Vive La France"), Goldwyn, B. B. Hampton ("A Desert of Wheat"). Hght., 6, 2; wght., 225; dark brown hair and eyes. Home ad., 6056 Carlton Way, Los Angeles. Cal. Holly 387.

STEARNS, Louis; b. N. Y. C, 1867 educ. Colum- bia Coll., N. Y. C. ; stage career, 20 yrs., "Busi- ness Before Plesaure," with A. H. Woods; screen career, Fox ("Painted Madonna"), Uni- versal ("Great Problem"), Metro ("Great Ro- mance"), Rolfe ("Scream in the Night"), Norma Talmadge ("Her Only Way"), B. S. Moss ("Break the News to Mother"), Adanac Co. ("The World Shadow"). Hght.. 5, 10%; wght., 185. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

STEEL, Vernon; b. Santiago, Chile; educ. Eng- land; stage career, leading man with Phyliss Neilson Terry, Oscar Asche and Lily Brayton, Forbes-Robertson, George Alexander, etc.; screen career, Goldwyn, Vitagraph, Famous Players ("Firing Line," "Witness for the De- fense"), Atlas ("Phantom Honeymoon"). Now playing in "Declassee" with Ethel Barrymore at Empire theatre. Hght., 6; wght., 155; brown hair, hazel eyes. Ad., 56 W. 11th St., N. Y. C. Chelsea 9494.

STEERS, Larry; b. Chicago; educ. there; stage career, Bush Temple Stock, Chicago, Robert Edeson, "Strongheart," stock at St. Louis, Mo.; screen career, Lasky ("City of Dim Faces"), Morosco ("Little Comrade"), Goldwyn ("Heartsease"), Metro ("Right of Way"), Kee- nan ("Out of the Dust"). Hght., 6; wght.. 175; dark hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 3700 Sunset. Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 597263.

STEPPLING, John; b. 1869 ; educ. Univ. Penn. ; stage career, Frohman, Sothern in "Prisoner of Zenda," Olga Nethersole, "Sappho," Wm. Gillette, "Secret Service"; screen career, Essa- nay. Famous ("The Bishop's Carriage," "Tess of the D Urbervilles," "Johanna Enlists"), Fox ("The Divorce Trap"), Rob.-Cole ("Life's a Funny Proposition"), Paramount ("The Rescu- ing Angel"), Metro ("Lombardi, Ltd."). First National ("The Inferior Sex"). Ad., 2017 Ar- gyle ave., Hollywood, Cal.

STERLING, Ford; screen career, Mack Sennett Comedies ("Yankee Doodle in Berlin," "The Little Widow," "Hearts and Flowers," "Among Those Present," "Uncle Tom Without the Cabin." "His Last False Step." "A Lady's Tailor"). Ad., 5638 Carlton Way, Hollywood, Cal.

STEVENS. Edwin; b. California; educ. Univ. of Cal.; early career, banking, mining and scout- ing; stage career, since 1883. "The School for Scandal." "The Devil"; screen career, directed for Universal, played in World ("The Devil's Toy"), Artcraft ("The Squaw Man"), Metro ("Faith"), Select ("Cheating Cheaters"). Pathe ("The Profiteers"), Goldwyn ("The Crimson Gardenia." "Upstairs"), Para-Artcraft ("Haw- thorne of the U. S. A."). Hodkinson ("The Lone Wolf's Daughter"). "Hght., 6; wght., 200; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., Lambs Club, N. Y.

STEVENS, George; I. and . ,lu. London; came to U. S. with Mrs. Langtry. with A. M. Palmer Stk. Co.; screen career, 5 yrs. with Vitagraph, C. K. Young. Metro. Famous Plavers, Para- mount ("Come Out of the Kitchen"). Hght., 5. 9; wght., 150; gray hair, blue eyes. Ad., 295 Monroe St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bedford 7044.

STEVENSON, Chat. E. ; b, Sacramento, Cal.; educ. there; screen career. Harold Lloyd



("Bumping Into Broadway," "Capt. Kldd's Kids," "From Hand to Mouth," "His Royal Shy- ness"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 185; brown hair and eyes. Home ad., 1636 Magnolia ave., Los Angeles, Cal., W 1796; studio, Rolin.

STEWART, Roy; b. San Diego, Cal.; educ. Univ. of Cal.; stage career, traveling stock cos. on West Coast, with Florodora Co. ofli tour, etc. ; screen career, Majestic, American, Uni- versal, Triangle ("Wolves of the Border," "The Silent Rider"), Fine Arts ("The House Built Upon Sand," "The Doll Shop," "The Fugi- tive"), B. B. Hampton ("The Westerners," "The Sagebrusher." "Desert of Wheat"), Selz- nick ("Just a Wife"). Hght., 6. 2; wght., 190; black hair and brown eyes. Studio ad., Roy Stewart Feature Films, 641 N. Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.

STEWART, Victor A.; b. London, Eng.; educ. Wimbleton College, Eng.; stage career, vaud. ; screen career, Vitagraph, Lubin ("Within the Law." "Everybody's Girl," "Find the Woman." "Adventure Shop"). Hght., 5, 10% ; wght., 180; chestnut hair, gray eyes. Ad., 2200 Coney Island ave., N. Y.

ST. JOHN, Al; b. Santa Ana, Calif.; educ. there; screen career, Keystone-Triangle ("Fatty and Mabel Adrift," "He Did and He didn't," "The Bright Lights," "His Wife's Mistake," "The Moonshiners"), Arbuckle ("The Butcher-Boy," "A Reckless Romeo," "His Wedding Night"), Warner Bros. ("Speed"), will appear in 2-reel comedy every month, released by Paramount. Hght., 5, 6%; wgh., 150; light complexion, blond hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 4411 Victoria Park Place. Los Angeles; phone 75477; studio ad., Astra Studio, Glendale, Calif . ; Glendale 902.

STOCKDALE, Carl; b. Worthington, Minn., 1874; educ. Univ. of North Dakota; stage career, stock and vaud.; screen career, Fine Arts ("In- tolerance," "Atta Boy's Last Race"), Ameri- can ("A Night in New York," "Peggy Leads the Way"), Al Jennings prod. ("The Lady of the Dugout"), Griffith ("The Greatest Ques- tion"), J. Warren Kerrigan ("After Hours"), "The Trembling Hour" with Mary MacLaren, "The Fatal 30" serial with Jack Dempsey, "Brass Buttons" with William Russell. Hght., 5, 11; wght., 155; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., home 1627 Winona Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Holly 2913.

STONE, Lewis; screen career, "The River's End" with Marshall Neilan, "Man's Desire," Laskv ("Held by the Enemy). Home ad., 226 S. Rampart blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.; phone 52449; studio, Neilan Prods.

STOWE, Leslie; b. Louisiana; educ. Georgetown Univ., Texas; stage career, Augustin Daly Stk. Co., . "Ben Hur," "Shore Acres." etc.; screen career, Metro, Fox, World ("Social Quick- sands," "The Closed Road." "The Impostors"), Famous Players ("The Copperhead"), May- flower ("Bolshevism on Trial"), Metro ("The Adopted Son"), Paragon ("La Boheme"), Ar- nold ("The Carter Case"). Hght.. 5, 10%; wght., 210; gray hair, blue eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

STOWELL, William H., b. Boston. Mass., March 13, 1885; educ. Boston H. S. ; stage career, 2 seasons in mus. com. in Chicago, leading man at Whitney Opera House, 3 seasons lead in road ens. touring the East; screen career, since 1909. Selig. Universal ("The Doll's House," "Bondage." "Man of God." "Broadway Love"), Lois Weber Prod. ("The Man Who Dared God," etc.). Jewel ("The Talk of the Town." "Heart of Humanity," "When a Girl Loves," "Destiny," "Right to Happiness"). Home ad., 1729 N. Normande ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Studio, Universal. Universal City.

STRONG, Eugene; educ. Univ. of Chicago; stage career. 15 yrs.; screen career, Metro ("Lady Frederick," "The Border Legion." "Safe for Democracy." "The Divorcee"). Vitagraph ("A Stitch in Time." "Vengeance of Durand"). Bur- ton King ("Power of Woman"), Empey-Select ("The Undercurrent") Hallmark ("Wit Wins"). Hght., 6. 2; wght., 185; dark complexion, dark hair, blue eyes. Ad., c/o Edward Small, Inc., N. Y.

SULLIVAN, Danny; b. Newark. N. J.. 1885; educ. there; stage career, minstrels, "Rahes in Toy- land." 5 yrs. with "The Wizard of Oz" : screen career, Biograph, 3 yrs. in comedies. Fox (the Gambler in "The Blue Streak." "Wife Number Two." "Thou Shalt Not Steal"), Frank Hall ("The Other Man's Wife"), Ad., home, 206 W. 109th St., N. Y.

SULLIVAN. William A.; educ. N. Y. ; stage career, 15 yrs. legit, stage; screen career, Thanhouser ("Million Dollar Mystery"), Pathe ? yrs. ("Hones'. Thief," "Getaway Kate," "Cigarette Girl," "Lightning Raider"). Hght., 5, 7%; wght., 145; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 340 W. 56th st., N. Y. ; Circle 6784.

Sl'THERLANI), John; b. Scotland; educ. there; screen career. Famous Players ("Silver King," "The Lie." "His House in Order," "Test of Honor," "Uncle Tom's Cabin"), Biograph ("The Imp"). Crest ("Grain of Dust"), Gold- wyn ("Dodging a Million"). Hght., 5, 10: wght., 168; fair complexion, gray hair, dark eyes. Ad.. 340a Ninth St., Brooklvn, N. Y.

SUTHERLAND, Victor; b Paducah, Ky., 1889; educ. Ky. ; stage career, Morgan Stock Co.; screen career, Victor ("The Dancer and the King"), Fox ("Daredevil Kate"), Rex Beach ("The Barrier"), Ed. Lewis Prod. ("The Bar Sinister." "The Sign Invisible." "Calibre 38"), Fox ("Her Price"). Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

SWAIN, Mack; b. Salt Lake City. 1876; educ. there; early career, own company, vaud., mus. com., drama, stock; screen career, Keystone (comedy leads in "The Schemers." "Safety First Ambrose"), Sennett-Paramount ("The Pullman Bride"), L-Ko ("Ambrose and the Lion Hearted"). Hght.. 6. 2; wght.. 240. Stu- dio. Sunset, I os Angeles. Calif.

SWICKARD, Charles; stage career, s k ; screen career, Universal-Bluebird, Metro. Fox ("Li*rht rf Wrs'ern Stars"). Metro ("The Spender." "Faith," "Almost Married"), Thrs. H. Inee ("The Toast of Death," "The Beckon^t; Flame"), Para-Artcraf t. "Hell's Hinges." "Captive God"), H. B. Warner ("Beggar of Cawnpoor"). Ad., 1533 Arlington ave., Los Angeles, Calif.

SWICKARD, Josef; stage career, 25 yrs. Dram- atic and vaud., America. So. Africa and Eu- rope; screen career, Thanhouser, Majestic, Keystone, Fox ("Tale of Two Cities"), Metro, Inc ("Keys of the Righteous"), Mitchel Lewis "Last of His People"), Bessie Barriscale ("Trick of Fate"). Brentwood ("The Third Generation"). Hght., 5, 10% wght.. 155; iron gray hair, dark blue eyes. Home ad.. 1533 Ar- lington ave., Los Angeles, Calif., West 4263.


TABER, Richard; b. N. J.; educ. there; stage career, "Coat Tales," "The Willow Tree," "Lit- tle Miss Brown"; screen career, Pathe ("At Bay." "Kick In"), Essanay ("Eyes That See Not," "When My Lady Smiles." "Caught"), World ("Miss Crusoe"). Hght., 5, 6%; wght.. 140; dark hair, dark eyes. Ad., Lambs Club, N. Y.

TEAD, Phillips; b. Somerville, Mass : educ. Am- herst Coll., '15; stage career, "Oh. Lady. Lady," "The King," with Leo Ditrichstein. "Our Mrs. McChesney" ; screen career. Norma Talmadge ("She Loves and Lies"), Selznick ("The Woman's Game"). Famous Players ("The Lost Paradise"). Hght., 5, 8%; wght.. 134; brown hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., 136 W. 44th st, N. Y. C. ; Bryant 2592.

TEARLE, Conway; b. N. Y.. 18S0; stage career, Sir Charles Wyndham. Ellen Terry. Billie Burke, Ethel Barrymore, Viola Allen, stk. with Grace George; screen career. Brenon C'The Fall of the Romanoffs"), Paramount ("S'ella Maris"), Select ("The "Reason Why"). First National ("Virtuous Wives." "A Virtuous Vamp," "Mind the Paint Girl," "Two Weeks"). Select ("Way of a Woman," ("She Loves and Lies"), United ("Her Game"). Hght., 5, 11; wght.. 180; dark hair and eyes. Ad., Friars" Club. N. Y.

TELLEGEN, Lou; b. Athens, Greece. Nov. 26, 1881: stage career, leading man with Sarah Bernhardt in Paris and on tour, director and star on London and American stages: screen career, Pathe, Lasky ("The Unknown," "The Victory of Conscience." "The Victoria Cross"), Laskv-Paramount ("The Long Trail." "What Monev Can't Buy," "The Thing We Love." "Blind Youth"). Goldwyn ("World and its Woman," "Flame of the Desert"). Hght., 6; wght., 175; dark hair, gray eyes. Ad., c/o Goldwyn, N. Y.

THOMAS, Al Franklyn; b. and educ. N. Y. C. ; stage career, 15 yrs.; screen career. Metro. Kalein. Fox, Famous Players. " Davenport ("Rule of Reason"), Moss ("In the Hands of



the Law"), Garrick ("The Eternal Law," "Where is My Father?"), Oliver ("Carter Case"), Bloxbee ("The Manicure Man"), Gaumont ("Temporary Wife"), Creation ("For the Freedom of Ireland"), Francis Grandon ("Conquered Hearts"). Hght., 5. 9%; wght., 168; dark hair and eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. T.

THOMPSON, Hugh; b. St. Louis, Mo., 1887; educ. there; stage career, 8 yrs. stk.; screen career, Metro ("Secret Strings"), United ("Woman Under Oath"), Rothapfel ("False Gods"), World ("Phil for Short"), Hallmark ("Wit Wins"), Graphic ("Someone Must Pay'"), Gaumont ("Making Her His Wife"), Gibraltar ("Cynthia of the Minute.") Hght., 6, 2; wght., 180; dark complexion, brown hair and eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y. Press represen- tative, Lillian Gale, 234 W. 55th St., N. T.

TILTON, Edwin Booth; b. Chicago, 111.; educ. N. Y. and Providence, R. I. ; stage career, first prof, appearance "Lights O' London," season 1885-86, under mgnt. K. & E., Henry Savage, Shuberts, Frohman, etc.; screen career, Lubin, Fox ("Under the Yoke," "Merrie-Go-Round," "Right After Brown," "Words and Music," "Auld Lang Syne," "Heritage of Eden"), Keenan ("Gates of Brass," "World Aflame"), Constance Talmadge ("The Shuttle"). Hght., 5, 11%; wght., 180; dark gray hair, hazel eyes. Home ad., 1731 N. Normandie ave., Los Angeles, Calif.; phone 59230.

TODD, Harry; b. Alleghany, Pa., 1865; stage career, at age of 14; screen career, Essanay ("Pete's Pants"), Selig (Mustang Pete, "Snakeville" comedies), Rolin, Metro ("Thirty Days," "The Baby Devil"), Bluebird ("Taste of Love"), Metro ("A Favor to a Friend," "Please Get Married). Hght., 5, 9; wght., 160; brown hair, blue eyes, dark complexion. Ad., home, 5736 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood, Cal.

TOOKER, William H.; b. N. Y. C.'Sept. 2, 1875; educ. pub. schls., N. Y. C. ; stage career, first part in "A Hole in the Ground"; stock engage- ments, also important roles with John Mason, Emma Dunn, Lionel Barrymore, etc.; screen career, Fox (featured in "A Fool's Revenge"), Metro ("Draft 258," "Red, White and Blue Blood"), Fox ("Woman, Woman"), Select ("The Woman the Germans Shot"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 187; light complexion, light hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 25 St. Nicholas Terrace, N. Y. C. Morningside 8420.

TOWER, Halsey; b. Buffalo, N. Y.; educ. there; stage career, "Mary Jane's Pa," also vaud. ; screen career. High Life Comedy Co. ("The Wedding Punch." "Her Rough Knight," "The Girl Betwist," "Bosom Enemies"). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 150; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 1004 Wright-Callender Bldg. ; phone 13924.

TRAVERS, Richard C; b. Can.; educ. St. An- drew's Coll., Can.; early career, practiced med- icine and In army; screen career, Essanay (late pictures, "Lost, Twenty-four Hours." "Bor- rowed Sunshine." "The Egg," "The Phantom Buccaneer," "Among Those Present," "The "Hoodooed Storv"), State Rights ("House Without Children"), Fox ("The White Moll"). Hght., 6, 1; wght., 207; black hair, brown eyes; 3 yrs. in U. S. service. Ad., Bayshore, L. I., N. Y.

TRENTON, Pell; b. N. Y. C. ; educ. Columbia Univ., stage career, supported Julia Marlowe, Maxine Elliott, Laurette Taylor, Marie Doro. King Love in "Every woman," with Fannie Ward on vaud. tour, Sir Herbert Tree; screen career, C. K. Young ("House of Glass"), Metro ("The Uplifters," "Fair and Warmer," "The Willow Tree"), with Edith Storey in "The Better Profit," Blanche Sweet ("Cressy"). Hght., 6; wght . 175; black hair, dark blue eyes. Home ad., 1722 La Brea ave., Los Angeles, Calif.; Holly 5797.

TRIMBLE, George S.; b. N. Y., Oct. 10, 1874; educ. N. Y. ; stage career, 25 yrs.. stk. and mus com. with Frohman, Mantell, etc., screen ca- reer, Lubln ("The House Next Door"), Famous Players ("Silks and Satins," "Arms and the Girl"), World ("The Man Who Stood Still"). Pathe ("Wallingford" series) . Capellani ( "Dam- sel In Distress"), Chautard ("Liza Ann"). Hght., 5, 11%; wght., 265; dark hair, brown eyes. Home ad.. Green Room Club, N. Y.

TRCESDELL, Fred C; b. Cold water, Mich.; educ. Michigan; stage career, stk., vaud. and comic opera, Including " Suwanee River," " The Pink Lady," " Easiest Way." " La Bohema," "Alias Jtmmte Valentine." with B. HE, Sothern; screen

career, Metro ("Wilson and the Kaiser," as President Wilson), Perret (" Lafayette, We Come"); played in stk. co. of U. S. soldiers in Paris and thru France during the past year. Hght., 5, 10%; wght., 170; gray hair, green eyes. Ad., 230 W. 107th St., N. Y. Acad. 2757; or Green Room Club, N. Y.

TRUEX, Ernest; b. Kansas City; educ. Whittier School, Denver, Colo.; stage career, 20 yrs., cre- ated leads in "A Good Little Devil," "Over Night," "Very Good Eddie," "The Very Idea"; screen career, Famous Players ("Come On In," "Goodbye, Bill," "Oh, You Women," "Stick Around," "Knight of the Dub," "Too Good to Be True"). Hght., 5, 2%; wght., 120; light hair, blue eyes. Ad., Great Neck, L. I., N Y. Great Neck 411 R.

TURNER, Bowd M. (Smoke); b. Cumberland, Md.; stage exper., 20 yrs. stk. touring; screen career, Essanay ("Little Shoes," "Phantom Buccaneer"), Fox ("Mr. Logan, U. S. A.," "Treat 'Em Rough," "Coming of the Law," "Hell Roarin' Reform," "Married in Haste"). Hght., 5, 8%; wght., 140; black hair, blue eyes Home ad., 5502 Santa Monica Blvd., Los An- geles, Cal.; phone 597125.

TURNER, F. A.; b. Boston, 1866; stage career, "The Black Crook," with Blanche Bates, Henry Miller, Robert Edeson and Edgar Sel- wyn; screen career, Imp, Biograph, Reliance- Majestic, Fine Arts ("Atta Boy's Last Race," "Children of the Feud," "Intolerance"), Tri- angle ("Madame Bo-Peep"), Bluebird ("Play- things," "The Love Swindle"), Metro ("As the Sun Went Down"), Select ("Heart of We- tona"), Para-Art ("The Miracle Man").

TURNER, William H.; b. Ireland; stage career, 25 yrs., "David Harum," "Father and the Boys"; screen career, Lubin ("The Nation's Peril," "The Gods of Faith," "Gods of Fate"), Monmouth ("Jimmy Dale"). Art Dramas ("Her Good Name"), Vitagraph ("Church with Over- shot Wheel"), O. Henry's "The Sporting Duch- ess"). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 165; gray hair, dark eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

TURPIN, Ben; b. 1874, New Orleans; stage ca- reer, Sam T. Jack's Burlesque Co., Chicago, "Busy Izzy," 11 yrs. vaud.; screen career, Essa- nay 2% yrs.; first slapstick comedian in pic- tures, 1 yr. with Charlie Chaplin, "A Night Out," "His New Job," Vogue Comedies, Para- mount ("A Clever Dummy." "Roping a Romeo"), Mack Sennett ("East Lynne with Variations," "Yankee Doodle in Berlin," "Uncle Tom without the Cabin," "Salome vs. Shenan- doah'). Hght., 5, 4; wght., 120; dark com- plexion, black hair, cock eyes. Ad., home, 5560 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 599383; studio ad., Mack Sennett Com- edies, L. A., Cal.


VALENTINO, Rudolph; b. Taranto, Italy; educ. Mil. and Agricultural Coll. in Italy; stage ca- reer, 3 yrs. vaud. with Bonnie Glass and Joan Sawyer, 2 seasons mus. comedy; screen career, Mae Murray specials ("The Big Little Person," "Delicious Little Devil"), Universal ("Society Sensation," "All Night"), Dorothy Gish ("Out of Luck"), C. K. Young ("Eyes of Youth"), Dorothy Phillips ("Ambition"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 154; black hair, dark brown eyes. Ad., 692 Valencia St., Los Angeles, Cal., Wilshire 476.

VAN DYKE, Truman; b. Natchez, Miss., 1897; educ, Miss. A. & M. Coll., and Marion Inst., Alabama; stage career, dramatic club at col- lege doing amateur work all through Southern States; screen career, 6 mos. stk. with Tri- angle, Vitagraph ("Wishing Ring Man," "Over the Garden Wall"), Universal ("The Red Glove," "Betty Reforms," "The Peddler"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 155; dark red hair, gray- brown eyes. Ad., Gen. Delivery, Culver City. Cal.; phone 70304.

VANE Denton; b. Brooklyn, 1886; educ. Jack- sonville, Fla. ; stage career, several season* in vaud., with Maude. Odell, stock in Portland, Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles in mus. com., played in support of Ethel Barrymore, Blanche Bates, etc.; screen career, Selig, Kalem (leads opp. Irene Boyle), joined Vitagraph in 1914 ("The Stolen Treaty." "Soldiers of Chance," "The Hillman," "Love Watches," "The Golden Goal." "Playing with Fate," "Beauty Proof," "Fortune's Child," "A Girl at Bay," "Man Who Won"). Hght., 5 8" wght.. 160; dark hair, brown eves. Home ad.



422 State St., Brooklyn, and Green Room Club, N. T.

VAX LOAN", Philip; b. Amsterdam, Holland, 1884; educ. there; stage career, played Christ in Oberammergau Passion Play, played Ibsen, Sudermann, Hauptmann in Germany, Holland, Belgium; screen career, Fox ("Queen of the Sea"), Famous (Christ in "The Sign of the Cross"), Blackton ("The Common Cause"), also directed for 4 yrs. with Great Northern Film Co., Copenhagen, Denmark; International Film Co., Beatrice Fairfax Series; Bloxbe Film Co., Young American series. Hght., 5, 11V4; wght., 175; dark hair, dark eyes. Ad., 335 E. 79th St., N. Y. ; Lenox 10007.

VAN METER, Harry L.; b. Malta Bend, Mo.; early career, physical culture teacher, Denver; stage career, from 1895, in stk., Denver, with Henry Kolker, Blanche Bates, Orrin Johnson; screen career, leads with Nestor, American 3 yrs. ("Beloved Rogues"), Paralta ("A Man's Man"), Universal ("Princess Virtue," "Broad- way Love"), with Dustin Farnum in "A Man's Fight," Frank Keenan ("Out of the Ashes"), Metro ("Judah"), Universal ("Beach Comb- ers," "The Day She Paid"). Ad., Metro Stu- dios, Hollywood, Calif.

VERNON", Bobbie; b. Chicago, 1897; educ. there; stage career, with Kolb and Dill, mus. com., vaud. ; screen career, Universal, Keystone, Christie ("Pearls in a Peach," "Bobby Comes Marching Home," "Fair, but False," "Watch Your Step. Mother," "Why Wild Men Go Wild," "Papa by Proxy," "Oh, Doctor, Doctor," and 20 other Christie Comedies). Now working in Christie's Specials. Hght., 5, 2%; wght., 145; light hair, blue eyes; 4 mos. in U. S. Navy. Ad., 1756 N. Western ave., Hollywood; studio, Christie, L. A., Cal.

VIVIAN, Robert; b. London, Eng., 1867; educ. London, France and Germany; stage career 15 years in London with Sir Henry Irving, "A Good Little Devil," with David Belasco, Maude Adams in "A Kiss for Cinderella"; screen career. Famous Players ("Under the Greenwood Tree," "The Counterfeit"), Tour- neur ("Law of' the Land"), Selznick ("Pic- cadilly Jim," "The Spite Bride"), Norma Talmadge ("Mr. Butler Buttles"), Fox ("La Belle Russe"); now engaged in A. H. Wood's "A Room at the Ritz." Hght., 5, 11; wght.. 171; fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 156 W. 46th St., N. Y. ; Bryant 7811.


WADE, John P.; b. Ohio; educ. Mt. St. Mary's

College, St. Francis Xaxier's Jesuit College; stage career, stk.. wrote, starred in and di- rected vaud. acts, with T. Daniel Frawley Stk. in tour of the Far East; screen career, Biograph, Edison, Famous Players, Vitagraph ("The Third Degree"), S.-L. Pict. ("Virtuous Men"). Rob. -Cole ("The Open Door"). Hght., 5, 10M>; wght., 165: iron grav hair, dark eyes. Ad.. 507 W. 112th St., N. Y. C. ; Mngde. 7582.

WALKER, Robert Donald; b. Bethlehem, Pa., 1S8S; educ. Horace Mann School, N. Y. ; stage career, in musical comedies; screen career, Edison, Fox, Metro ("Aladdin's Other Lamp." "God's Law and Man's," "Lady Barnacle." "The Girl Without a Soul." "Blue Jeans"), Select ("The Whirlpool"), Fox ("The Light"), Goldwyn ("City of Comrades"), First Na- tional ("Burglar by Proxy"), Fox ("The Mer- ry-Go-Round"), Universal ("Rouge and Riches"). Hght., 6; wght., 160; dark brown hair, blue eyes. WALLOCK, Edwin N.; b. Council Bluffs. Ia.; 1S7S; educ. Benedictine Univ., Atchison. Kan.; stage career, for 18 yrs. with Thomas Keene, Richard Mansfield, Frederick Warde, head of own co., and also in stk. in East; screen ca- reer, with Selig, in many jungle zoo pictures, Universal ("Behind the Line." "Even as You and I"), Ince-Paramount ("The Price Mark"), Hampton-Hodkinson ("The Sage Brusher"). Hght., 5. 11; wght., 185; black hair, gray eyes. Home ad., 3522 N. Broadwav. Los Angeles.

WAI.POLE, Stanley; b. Melbourne. Australia, 1S86; educ. Carlton, Aust. ; stage career, on stage since 17 yrs. old. played in rep. and prod, under mgmt. J, C. Williamson, "Monsieur Beaucaire," "Prisoner of Zenda"; screen ca- reer. Universal ("Moira," "Dollar Mark." "Unconventional Girl." "Seeds of Redemp- tion." "Crimson Trail"), Vitagraph ("For- tune's Child"). McCIure ("Yellow Eel"). "Ca- lonla" (Australia). Capellani prod. Hght., 5,

10}£; wght., 165; brown hair, gray eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y. WALSH, George; b. N. Y., 1892; educ. N. Y. High Schl. of Commerce, studied law at Ford- ham and Georgetown Univs. ; screen career, Fox ("The Book Agent," "Some Boy," "The Kid Is Clever," "The Yankee Way," "This Is the Life," "The Pride of N. Y.," "Jack Spurlock, Prodigal," "Brave and Bold," "I'll say So," "Luck and Pluck," "Putting One Over," "Never Say Quit," "The Winning Stroke," "Help, Help, Police"). Hght.. 5. 11; wght., 180; dark hair and eyes. Ad., Fox, N. Y.

WALTEMEYER, Jack; b. Salida, Col., 1884; educ. Col.; stage career, 18 yrs. stk. in Spo- kane, Portland, Del., Sacramento, Seattle, Roanoke, Va.; screen career, Universal, L-Ko, Kalem, Vitagraph ("The Iron Test"), Paralta ("Carmen of the Klondike"), Triangle ("The Gun Women"). Hght., 5, 10%; wght., 170; brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 1232 Tam- arind ave., Los Angeles, Cal.

WALTHALL, Henry 15. ; b, Shelby Co., Ala.; stage career, played through East; screen ca- reer, from 1910, Griffith ("Birth of a Nation," "Great Love"), Ince ("False Faces"), National, Ex-Mutual ("And a Still Small Voice," "The Come Back,'1' "A Long Lane's Turning"), Mayflower ("A Splendid Hazard"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 135; dark complexion, dark brown hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 25 Arcadia Ter- race, Santa Monica, Los Angeles, Calif.; S. M. 277-J.

WARD, Chance E.; b. Dayton. O., 1878; screen career. Universal, 1912, as actor and asst. dir.. later as actor and dir.; asst. dir. Kalem, then dir., producing Ham and Bud comedies 9 months; with American, 1915, directing with James Douglass, made "Johnnie's Birthday," Metro, played in "Island of Intrigue." Ad., Hollywood, Cal.

WARD, Freddie Fay; b. San Francisco, 1907; screen career, Universal, Triangle, Brunton, Fox; Village Boy, Italian and French parts. Hght., 4, 9; wght., 81; dark brown hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., 434 N. Alvarado St., Los Angeles. Cal.; Wils. 6169.

WARD, Hap H.; b. Santa Ana, Cal.; educ. Los Angeles; stage career, 7 yrs., Keith, Wm. Morris, and Orpheum Circuits of vaud., West- ern Wheel Burlesque, 3 yrs., mus. com. 10 yrs.; screen career, began with Gale Henry in 1918; later Francis Ford throughout the "Silent Mystery"; back with Gale Henry for past year. Hght., 5, 7; wght., 135; brown hair and eyes. Home ad., 1416 N. Kenmore, Holly- wood, Calif.; 599273 Phone. Studio ad., Gale Henry Comedies, Bulls Eye Studio, Hollywood, Calif.

WARDE, Frederick 15. ; b. Wardington, Oxford- shire, England, 1851; stage career, started in 1867 when he appeared as second murderer In "Macbeth," is noted chiefly for his many inter- pretations of Shakespearean roles, both in this country and abroad; other plays in which he has appeared are "Brunhilde." "Mary Stuart"; screen career, Thanhouser ("King Lear," "Vicar of Wakefield." "Hinton's Double." "Fires of Youth," "Under False Colors," "The Heart of Ezra Greer"), World ("The Unveil- ing Hand," "Silas Marner"). Ad., 1720 Ditmas av., B'klyn, N. Y. ; Flatbush 3378-J.

WARNER, H. B.; b. St. John's Woods, London, Eng.; educ. Bedford, Eng., and Univ. Coll., London, Eng. ; stage career, with Sir Charles Wyndham, Sir Herbert Tree, Marie Tempest, in England, came to America in 1905 to play opposite Eleanor Robson; screen career, Ince ("The Ghost Breaker," "The Vagabond Prince"), McCIure, Frohman ("God's Man"), Jesse D. Hampton ("Man Who Turned White," "Pagan God," "For a Woman's Honor," "Grey Wolf's Ghost," "Fugitive From Matrimony," "House of a Thousand Candles"). Hght., 6, H; wght., 167; fair hair, blue eyes. Perma- nent ad.. Hollywood Hotel, Hollywood, Calif.; studio. Hampton.

WARREN, Fred H.; b. Rock Island. 111.; stage career, Warren & Conley, vaud.; screen career, Metro ("Kildare of Storm," "Sylvia on a Spree." played in "Johnny on the Spot," "A Favor to a Friend," "Turning the Tables"), First National ("Heart o' the Hills."

WARWICK, Major Robert; b. Sacramento, Calif.; educ. San Francisco; stage career, played in stk. at Valencia theatre. San Fran- cisco, "The Dollar Mark" at Wallach's. N. Y. ; Screen career. World ("Man of the Hour"),



Selznick ("The Argyle Case," "A Modern Othello," "The Mad Lover"), Famous Players ("Secret Service," "Told In the Hills," "In Mizzoura," "Tree of Knowledge," "Thou Art the Man!" Enlisted and served as Captain on Gen. Pershing's staff, later given Major's commission. Hght., 6; wght., 175; brown hair and eyes. Ad., Lasky Studio, Hollywood, Calif.

WASHBURN, Bryant; b. Chicago, 1889; educ. there; stage career, from 1907, with George Fawcett in several successes, starred in "The Fighter"; screen career, Essanay, 6 yrs., Pathe, Artcraft ("Till I Come Back to You," "The Way of a Man with a Maid"), Famous Players ("A Very Good Young Man," "Love Insurance," "Why Smith Left Home," "Too Much Johnson," "It Pays to Advertise," "Six Best Cellars," "Sick-a-Bed"). Hght., 6; wght., 155; dark complexion, dark brown hair, brown eyes. Ad., 7003 Hawthorne ave., Hollywood, Calif.; studio, Lasky.

WEBB, George; b. Indianapolis, Ind. ; educ. Min- neapolis and Los Angeles; stage career, 8 yrs. leading man in stock cos., Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco, etc., own co. 3 trips to Hawaiian Islands; screen career, 4 yrs., American, Universal, Triangle, Thos. H. Ince ("John Petticoats" with Wm. S. Hart, "Alarm Clock Andy" with Chas. Ray, "Below the Surface" with Hobart Bosworth), Fox ("Miss Adventure"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 160; dark brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 1218 No. Bronson ave., Los Angeles, Calif.; phone 579820.

WEIGEL, Paul; b. Halle, Saxony; educ. Ger- many; stage career, since 1885; screen career, since 1916, Lasky, Metro ("The She Devil," "Dubarry," "The Light," "Smiles"), Fox ("Evangeline"), Famous Players ("Luck in Pawn"), Universal ("The Beachcombers," "Breath of the Gods"). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 145; dark gray hair, gray eyes. Home ad., 6806 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.; Hol- ly 2744.

WELCH, NLles; b. Hartford, Conn.; educ. St. Paul's School, Yale Univ., Columbia Univ.; stage career, 4 yrs. legit., stock; screen career, World. Universal, Pathe, Goldwyn, Technicolor ("The Gulf Between," first picture prod, in colors), Norma Talmadge ("Secret of the Storm Country"), Famous Players ("Miss George Washington"), Metro ("Her Boy," "One of Many"). Ince ("The Law of Men," "The Vir- tuous Thief," "Stepping Out"), Bessie Barris- cale ("Beckoning Roads," "Luck of Geraldine Laird"). Hght., 6; wght., 165; medium brown hair, dark blue eyes. Home ad.. 6650 Leland Way, Los Angeles, Calif.; Holly 316.

WELDEN, Jess C.J b. Keine Valley, N. Y. ; educ. there; stage career, 3 yrs. as circus clown; screen career, Hehrman Comedies ("Milk-Fed Vamp," "Roaring Lions and Wedding Bells"), Chas. Chaplin ("The Count"), "Broken Bub- ble." Hght., 4, 8; wght., 185; dark hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 334 So. Figueroa St., Los An- geles, Calif.; phone 13404.

WELSH, William J.; b. Phila. ; stage career, opera, dramatic, with Belasco in "Under Two Flags," managed Joseph Santley on tour; screen career, with Universal (playing heavies in "Traffic in Souls." "Neptune's Daughter," "Peg of the Wilds," characters in "Lords of High Decision." "Elusive Isabel." "In the Heart of New York"), Selznick ("The Foolish Vir- gin"), Frank Seng "Parentage"), Pathe ("The Little Diplomat").

WEST, Billy; b. Russia; educ. Chicago; stage career, prods, and vaud. ; screen career. King Bee Billy West's comedies ("Cupid's Rival " "The Pest." "Buck Stage." "The Slave." "The Hero," "Candy Kid," "The Stranger," "The Rogue." "A Scrapper," "Playmates," "Bright and Early," "Straight and Narrow." "The Mes- senger," "The Orderly"). Making 2-reeI com- edies for Cropper Dist. Corp., 207 Wabash ave., Chicago. 111.; studio, Emerald, 1717 No. Wells st., Chicago.

WEST, Charles H.; b. Pittsburgh, 1886; educ. Western Univ. of Pa.; stage career, from 1904, stage mgr.. stock rep., with J. K. Hackett; screen career, since 1910. with Biograph until 1915, Fine Arts, Lasky, Selig, Universal ("The Little Pirate"). Paramount ("White Man's Law." "The Girl Who Came Bark"), Universal ("Flask of Fate," "His Divorced Wife," "The Phantom Melody"). Hght., 5. 11; wght.. 150; light complexion, light brown hair, dark brown eyes. Ad., 1437 So. Bonnie Brae, Los Angeles Calif.

WHEATCROFT, Stanhope; b. N. Y.. 1888; educ. Columbia Univ.; stage career, from prod, of

"Nancy Stair" at Criterion theatre, N. Y. ; screen career, Fox ("East Lynne," "Under Two Flags," "A Modern Cinderella"), World, Univer- sal ("The Right to Happiness," "The Amazing Wife," "The Breath of the Gods," "Harmony Ranch"), National ("The Blue Bonnet"), Mo- rosco ("The Veiled Adventure," "The Old Town Girl"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 145; dark hair, brown eyes. Ad., Hotel Hollywood, Hollywood, Calif.

WHITCOMB, Barry; b. Australia, 1872; educ. Aus- tralia and City of London Coll. ; stage career, 25 yrs. with leading Eng. mgmts., Irving, Tree, Frohman, Mrs. Langtry, Willard. etc.; screen career, Fox ("The Serpent," "Hypocrites"), Famous Players ("The Undying Flame"), Arrow ("The Deemster"), C. K. Young ("Common Law"), Nazimova ("Eye for Eye," " 'Ception Shoals"), Mayflower ("Bolshevism on Trial"), World-Peerless ("The Battler"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 178; brown hair, brown eyes. Home ad.. West Fort Lee, N. J. Fort Lee 41-R.

W'HITE, Billy; b. Sacramento, Calif.; educ. there < and San Francisco; stage career, stage mgr. Silver King Co., minstrel, etc.; screen career. Keystone, Ince, Kerrigan, Christie, C. K. Young, Fairbanks ("American Ace," "Brewster's Mil- lions"), Fox ("Tale of Two Cities"), Charlie Chaplin ("A Dog's Life"), Selig ("The Spoil- ers"), Universal ("The Broken Coin," "Lucille Love"), Burston ("The Hawk's Trail"). Hght.. 5, 4; wght., 175; light hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 416 Madison ave., Los Angeles, Calif., Wil- shire 5395.

WHITE, George; b. and educ. AVashington, D. C. ; stage career, "Kismet," "Man Higher Up," "Putting It Over," stk. in Balto. ; screen career, Goldwvn ("All Woman "), Metro ("The Slack- er"), Hobart Henley ("Gay Old Dog"). Hght., 5, 5; wght., 132; brown hair. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

WHITLOCK, T. Lloyd; b. Springfield, Mo.; educ. Missouri Univ.; early career, civil engineer; stage career, stock; screen career, Biograph, Klein, Kalem, Univrsal ("A Gentle 111 Wind," "The Edge of the Law," "Lasca," "Rouge and Riches"), National ("The Boomerang," "The Love Call," "Rose Marie"), Beban ("One Man in a Million"). Hght., 6, 1%; wght., 175; brown hair and eyes. Ad., 3 Carver Court, Hollywood, Calif., phone 579388.

WHITMAN, Alfred; b. Chicago, 1890; educ. Lewis Inst., Chicago; stage career, with Estelle Allen in "Barriers Burned Away"; screen career, 2 yrs. with NYMPH, Morosco, American, Univer- sal, Vitagraph ("The Eighth Great-Grand-Par- ent," "Cavanaugh of the Forest Ranges," "The Home Trail," "The Girl from Beyond," "A Gen- tleman's Agreement," "Tongues of Flame," "Days of Forty-Nine," "Trick of Fate"), Hod- kinson ("End of the Game." "The Best Man"). Hght., 6, 1,; wght.. 195; dark brown hair and eyes. Ad., 4500 Franklin ave., Los Angeles, Calif.

WHITMAN, Walt; screen career, Jewell ("Heart of Humanity"), Pathe ("Cry of the Weak"), Universal ("Destiny"), World-Macauley ("When Bearcat Went Dry"), Para-Artcraft ("John Petticoats").

WHITSON, Frank; b. N. Y. C, 1876; educ. Peek- skill Mil. Acad., 1 yr. at medical coll.; stage career, 15 yrs., stk. in N. Y., Chicago, in "Sporting Life," 6 yrs. in vaud.; screen career, Metro, Fox, Universal, Ince-Triangle ("The Son of a Gun," "The Tigress." "Send Him Away With a Smile," "Social Briers"), Artcraft ("Square Deal Sanderson"), Rob-Cole ("Trick of Fate," "Hearts Asleep"). Select ("Faith of the Strong"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 180; brown hair and dark brown eyes. Ad., home, 1136- Gordon st., Los Angeles, Cal.

WILBUR, Crane, aliso co-director; b. Athens, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1889; educ. pub. schls. ; stage career, from age of 15, rep., stock, etc., 7 yrs. with Mrs. Fiske; screen career, Pathe ("The Perils of Pauline" series), Horsley ("The Spite Hus- band," "The Painted Lie," "Unlucky Jim." 'The Morals of Men." "The Eye of Envy," "Heirs of Hate." "The Blood of His Fathers," "Unto the End"), Triangle ("Devil M'Care," "Breezy Jim"), Victor Kremer ("Stripped for a Million." author and actor). Hght.. 5, 9; wght., 169; brown hair, gray eyes. Ad., c/o N. T. Gran- lund, 1493 B'way, N. Y.

WILLIAMS, Earle Rafael; b. Sacramento, Calif.. Feb. 28, 1880; educ. pub. and hgh. schls. Oak- land, Polytech.. Coll. of Calif.; stage career, with Baldwin-Melville stock co., New Orleans, 1901; with Frederick Belasco co., San Fran- cisco and Portland; with James Nelll stock co..



Henry Dixey, Rose Stahl, Mary Mannering, Helen Ware. Geo. Beban; screen career, with V'itagraph, leads and heavies, in ("The Greli Mystery," "The Hlllman," "The Seal of Silence," "The Girl in His House," "An American Live Wire," "A Diplomatic Mission," "The Man Who Wouldn't Tell," "The Highest Trump," "A Gen- tleman of Quality," "The Usurper," "A Rogue's Romance," "The Hornet's Nest," "The Wolf," "The Black Gate"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 176; dark complexion, black hair, blue eyes. Studio ad., Vitagraph, B'klyn. N. Y.

WILSON, Ben, also director; b. Corning. Iowa; educ. there and Centerville, Iowa; stage career, 12 yrs. stock and prods.; screen career, Kdison (lead in "Who Will Marry Mary" serial), Uni- versal (lead in "Voice on the Wire," "The Mys- tery Ship," directed "The Brass Bullet " serials), Hallmark (lead in "Trail of the Octopus," "The Screaming Shadow" serials), starred in various features. Hght., 5, 11 Yt wght., 17G; dark hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 219 So. Harvard Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif., phone 560661; studio, Ben Wilson Prods.

WILSON, Hal; b. N. T. C; educ. Coll. of City of N. T. ; stage career, 20 yrs. Harrigan and Hart, Frohman, A. H. Woods, Murray Stk. Co. under H. V. Donnelly's mgmt. ; screen career, from 1907, 3 yrs. dir. Eclair, Fine Arts (appeared in "Casey at the Bat," "The Little Yank"), Grif- fith ("Intolerance"), Universal comedies, Vita- graph ("Clowns Best Performers." "The Blind Miner," "Tale of Two Cities"), Metro ("Easy to Make Money"). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 160; gray hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 514 2 De Longpre ave., Los Angeles, Calif., Holly C39; studio, Lois Weber Prods.

WILSON, Tom; b. Helena, Mont., 1880; early career, soldier, professional boxer, trained Fitz- slmmons for fight with Corbett; stage career, with Fitzsimmons in "A Fight for Love," with Eva Tanguay in vaud. ; screen career, Reliance- Majestic, Fine Arts ("Atta Boy's Last Race." "The Americano." "Wild and Wooly," "Amarll- ly of Clothesline Alley"), Chaplin ("A Dog'i Life," "Shoulder Arms." "Sunnyside," "A Day's Pleasure"). Hght., 6, 2; wght., 220; dark brown hair, dark gray eyes. Ad., 1352 Spauld- lng ave., Los Angeles, Calif.

WINDERMER, Fred C; b. Muscatine, Iowa; educ. there; screen career, directed Essanay Snake- ville series, Essanay-Chaplin ("A Night Out." "The Champion." "Work," "The Tramp"). Hank Mann ("The Messenger," "The Gas At- tack." "His Waiting Career," "Hopping the Bells," "A Rural Romeo"). Home ad., 5800 Franklyn ave.. Hollywood. Calif.; studio, Hank Mann Co.

WING, Ward; b. Springfield, Mo.; educ. Kansas City, Mo.; stage career, Geo. Ade's "The Mayor

and the Manicure," over U. B. O. time 2 yrs.. Lyric Stock Co., Woodward Stock Co., Martin Stock Co., Rush Stock Co.; screen career, Lasky, Universal ("The Eagle," "A Mother's Sacrifice," "The Camera Man," "The Monkey Bus." "Loot"), Christie ("Her Helping Hand"), Metro ("In His Brother's Place"), New Art ("The Solitary Sin"), Sellg ("Cupid's Thumb Print"). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 140; dark brown hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., Actor's Assn. of Los Angeles, Calif., Holly 1946.

WISE, Harry; b. N. Y. ; educ. N. Y. ; stage career, vaud., light opera; screen career, Metro ("Out of the Fog"), Famous Players ("Flfl," "The Avalanche"), Universal ("Shot in the Dark." "Servant of the Slums"). Selznick with Elsie Janis. Hght., 5, 5; wght., 148; dark hair, bruwn eyes. Ad., 269 W. 45th St., N. Y., Bryant 2257.

WOODWARD, Henry F.; b Charleston, West Va.; educ. M. D. degree at Univ. of Md., B. A. de- gree at Univ. of W. Va. ; early career, 1st Lieut, in Philippine Islands, 2 yrs. in U. S. Engineers; screen career. Fox ("Lawless Love"), Loil Weber ("Forbid"), Brunton ("Hearts Asleep"), Lasky, (3 yrs. stock, "The Mystery Girl," "Your Fired"), Garson ("Road Through the Dark"), Brentwood ("Where There's a Will"), Brunton ("Are You Legally Married?") Para.-Artcraft ("Male and Female"). Hght., 6; wght., 180, brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 1953 Ivar St., Hollywood, Calif.; Holly 3188.

WYNNE, Hugh; b. N. Y. C, 1868; educ. St. Mark's. Southboro, Mass., and Exeter, N. H. ; stage career, Wilton Lackaye Players. H. B. Warner Co., Henrietta Crossman, "Polly of the Circus," etc.; screen career, Metro ("American Widow," "Their Funny Affair"), Vitagraph ("One Thousand Dollars," "Tangled Lives"), etc. Hght., 5, 8; wght., 135; gray hair, blue eyes. Home ad., Huntington. L. I., N. Y.


YOUNG, Tammany; b. N. Y. C. ; stage career, with Nat Goodwin, Holbrook Blinn, William Farnum. Beatrice Forbes-Robertson, David Belasco. Cohan & Harris, Klaw & Erlanger, "Alias Jimmy Valentine," "Bought and Paid For," "The Man Inside," A. H. Woods, "The Big Chance." "Kick In"; screen career. Fox ("Checkers"), MacManus ("Lost Battalion"). Goldwyn ("The Service Star," "The Racing Strain." with Mae Marsh. "The Woman on the Index"), Selznick (with Elsie Janis in "A Regu- lar Girl," "The Imp"), Famous Players ("The Amazons"), Thomas Mott Osborne's "Our Gray Brothers." Ad., 150 W. 36th St., N. Y., Greeley 2082.

The industry's reference book.

Motion Picture Studio Directory and Trade Annual.



ADAMS, Claire; b. Winnipeg, Can.; educ. Canada and England; screen career, Red Cross ("Spirit of the Red Cross" j , Educational ("Key to Power"), Government ("Richard Bennett"), Betzwood ("End of the Road," "Lord Jim"). Famous-Players ("Invisible Bond"), Zane Grey Pict. (" Desert of Wheat"), with H. B. Warner in Jesse D. Hampton prod. Ad., care Federal Photoplays, Brunton Studios, Los An- geles, Calif.

ADAMS, Dora Mills; screen career, Vitagraph, Famous, 2 yrs., Pathe. Metro ("The Square Deceiver"), Brenon (" Passing of the Third Floor Back"), Perret-Pathe ("Twin Pawns"), John Dooley comedy; Pathe (" The Black Hawk"), Selznick ("Piccadilly Jim"). Hght., 5, 10; wght., 118; dark complexion, brown hair and eyes. Home ad., 4S5 Rugby Road. Brook- lyn. N. Y.

ADAMS, Kathryn; b. St. Louis, Mo., 1897; educ. St. Louis; stage career, musical comedy, 1 yr. ; screen career, Metro, World, Famous Players, Thanhouser (" Vicar of Wakefield"), Pathe, ("Streets of Illusion," "The Silver Girl"), Gold- wyn ("Baby Mine"), Vitagraph ("A Rogue's Romance," "A Gentleman of Quality"), Trian- gle ("Restless Souls"), Fox ("Cowardice Court"), Universal ("Little Brother of the Rich," "The Brute Breaker"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 130; blond hair, dark gray eyes. Ad., 1553 N. Mariposa, Los Angeles, Calif.; phone 59476.

AIKEN, Alma; b. Chicago; educ. Notre Dame Acad., Boston Highlands; stage career with Fanny Davenport and Marie Wainwright; screen career, Reliance, Biograph, Famous Players ("The Test of Honor"). Hght., 5, 6; wght,, 16S; gray hair, gray eyes. Ad., 258 W. 52nd st.. N. Y. Circle 1080. AI.DEN, Mary; b. New Orleans; educ. Art Stu- dents' League, N. Y. ; stage career, Baldwin- Melville, Hunter-Bradford stk. cos.; with Mrs. Fiske. with Phillips Smalley in "The Wolf"; screen career. Fox, Pathe, Biograph, Reliance- Majestic, Fine Arts, Artcraft, Selznick ("The Argyle Case"), Famous Players ("The Land of Promise." " The Straight Path," "Common Clay"), Blanche Sweet Co. ("The Unpardon- able Sin"). Robertson-Cole ("The Broken But- terfly"), Realart ("Erstwhile Susan"). Ad., Rex Arms, 945 Orange St., Los Angeles, Cal.

ALEXANDER, Claire; b. N. Y., 1897; educ. N. Y. I>ul> schs. and Portland. Ore., high sch. ; screen career, Fine Arts. Famous Players, joined Horsley, 1916 (in Cub comedies. "Jerry's Big Mystery," "Jerry's Picnic," "Jerry's Jam," "Jerry's Soft Snap"). Keystone-Triangle ("His Disgusted Passion"). Triangle ("Child of M'sieu"). Hght., 4, 10; wght., 101; dark brown hair, hazel eyes.

ALEXANDER. Sara; b. Wheeling, W. Va. ; early career, in stock in Salt Lake City 6 yrs., then with Barrett-McCullough Co.; has appeared at various times with Lydia Thompson. John T. Raymond, Kyrle Bellew; screen career, Fox ("Caprice of the Mountains." "Little Miss Hap- piness," "The Jungle Trail").

ALLEN, Beatrice; stage career of 12 yrs ; 4 yrs. with Nazimova, Jas. K. Hackett. Fannie Ward. Wm. Farnum; Jewish Girl in "Riddle Woman." " Kyrle Bellew," 2 yrs., with " Bunty Pulls the Strings"; screen career. Famous Players ( "Anne of Green Gables"). Now with Mary Ryan in "A Room at the Rltz." management of A. H. Woods. Hght.. small; wght., 115; dark eyes, dark hair. Ad., home, Bayside, L. I.; phone Bayside 949-W.

ALLEN. Diana; b. Gotland, Sweden; educ. New Haven. Conn.; stage career, "Follies." 1917- 18; "The Frolic," 1919, "Miss 1917"; screen ca- reer, Rolfe-Flsher ("The Red Virgin"), Trian- gle ("Three Black Eyes"). Tourneur ("Wom- an"). Diamond Film Co., Breed-Howell. Hght., 5, 3; wght., 115; blond hair, blue eyes. Ad., care Rc-tts & Fowler, 1482 Broadway, N. Y. Bryant 5664.

ALLEN, Phyllis; b. Staten Island, N. Y.; stage career, vaud. and mus. com., with Kate Castle- ton in "The Dazzler," 1893; screen career. Sellf,

Keystone Comedies 2*A yrs.; characters, Sun- shine Comedies, Vitagraph, etc. Hght., 6, 8; wght., 180; red hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 230 S. Beaudry ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone Broad 7422.

ALLEN, Ray; educ. San Francisco, Calif.; stage exper. for good many years; screen career, Perret-Pathe ("Lafayette, We Come"), Pathe, ("The Right to Lie," "Innocence"), Community ("The Home Coming of Jim"). Hght., 5. 8; wght., 155; grey hair, dark eyes. Ad., 2569 Bedford ave., Brooklyn. N. Y. Flatbush 6030-R.

ALLEN, Ricca; b. Victoria, B. C. ; educ. Calif.; stage career, America, England, Australia, So. Africa and Egypt; screen career, character leads with D. W. Griffith, Metro, Frohman, World, Louis Dennison, Herbert Brenon, Apex. Hght.. 5, 10; brunette, dark eyes. Home ad., 360 W. 55th St., N. Y.

ALLISON, May; b. Georgia; educ. Birmingham and Centenary Female Coll., Cleveland, Tenn. ; first stage appearance as Beauty in "Every- woman," title role in "Quaker Girl," with W. H. Crane in "David Harum"; screen career, from 1915, Famous Players ("Governor's Lady"), Metro ("The Winning of Beatrice," "In for Thirty Days," "Peggy Does Her Darndest," "Isle of Intrigue," "Almost Married," "The Uplifters"). Metro-Screen Classics ("Fair and Warmer," "The Walk-Offs"). Hght., 5, 5; wght., 125; fair complexion, golden hair, blue eyes. Ad., Metro, Hollywood, Calif.

ALTER, Lottie; b. La Cross, Wis.; educ. St. Mary's, Wis.; stage career, "The Girl I Left Behind Me," 2 yrs. with Joseph Jefferson, Sr., in U. S., England and Australia. "Excuse Me," Lovely Mary In "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch"; screen career, Pathe ("An Arizona Romance"). Famous ("The Eternal City"), Savage ("Excuse Me," "See Saw"), Wharton ("Exploits of Elaine," "The Lottery Man"), Morosco, "Cappy Ricks"). Ad., home, Bay- side, L. I.; phone Bayside 941-R.

ANDERSON, Claire; b. and educ. Detroit, Mich.; screen career. Fine Arts, Triangle-Keystone ("The Answer," "Mile. Paulette," "The Prince of Applause"), Triangle ("Crown Jewels"), Select ("Who Cares"), Universal ("Spitfire of Seville," "Rider of the Law"); playing come- dienne leads. Hght., 5, 5; wght., 132; fair com- plexion, light hair, brown eyes. Ad., home, 3524 White House pi., Los Angeles, Cal.

ANDERSON, Helen Relyea ("Mother") ; b. N. Y. C, June, 1874; educ. Canadian Convent; early career, school teacher; stage career, concert work; screen career, Vitagraph ("Over the Top," "Kitty Mackay," "Anselo Lee"), World ("Blood of the Trevor"). Fox ("The Soul of Buddha"). Tourneur ("The Life Line"), Mary Plckford ("The Hoodlum"), Metro ("Castles In the Air," "Lion's Den," "Should a Girl Tell"), Vitagraph Comedies. Hght., 5, 3; wght.. 148; fair complexion, brown hair, grey eyes. Ad., 1527 Third St., Santa Monica, Calif. Phone 217-J. Personal rep., Rose Mullaney, Security Bldg.

ANDERSON, Mary; b- Brooklyn, June 28, 1897; educ. Brooklyn, Erasmus Hall, Holy Cross Schl; early career, amateur Grecian dancing for charity; screen career, 5 yrs. Select ("The Hushed Hour"), Artcraft ("Johnny Get Your Gun," "False Faces"), Metro ("The Spender"), Super Art ("Bubbles"), Morgan Features ("Re- forming a Reformer"), Selig ("The Haunted Ranch"). Now featured in Selig Serial. Hght., 4, 11; wgh., 105; golden hair, blue eyes. Home ad.. 1532 Third St., Santa Monica, Calif. Phone 217-J.

ANDERSON, Mignon; b. Baltimore, Mil.; educ. N. Y. C. ; early experience; stage career, with Richard Mansfield, Julia Marlowe, etc.. as a child actress; screen career, Thanhouser. Uni- versal ("A Wife on Trial." "The Get-a-way." "The Master Spy"). Metro, ("The Claim." "Blind Man's Eyes"), Keenan-Pathe ("The Midnight Stage"). Robertson-Cole ("The House of Intrigue"), Mitchell Lewis ("King Spruce"), also lead In "Hell Fire"). Hght., 5; wght., 94: fair complexion, blond hair. Studio ad., 7572 La Balg ave., Hollywood. Calif.




AOKI, Tsuru; b. Tokio, Japan, Sept. 9, 1892; educ. Japan and convent in this country; (tag* career, since 8 yrs. old with aunt and uncle: screen career, Lasky-Paramount ("The Call of the East"), Essanay ("The Curse of Iku"), Lasky ("The Bravest Way"), Haworth ("His Birthright," "Bonds of Honor," "Heart In Pawn," "The Grey Horizon"), Robertson-Cole ("The Courageous Coward," "The Dragon Painter," "The Breath of the Gods," "Locked Lips," "The Tokio Siren"). Hght., 5, 1; wght., 120; black hair and eyes.

ARTHUR, Julia; b. Hamilton, Ont., Can.; educ. Canada; stage career, began at 12 yrs. Palm- ers Co., stk., Henry Irving Co., star in "Lady of Quality," "More Than Queen," Shakespear- ian roles, "Eternal Magdalene" with Selwyn; produced "Romeo and Juliet," "As You Like It," "Seremonda," etc.; screen career, Blackton ("The Common Cause"), Plunkett & Carroll ("The Woman the Germans Shot"). Hght., §, 1 wght., 125; dark hair and eyes. Ad., Hotel BUtmore, N. Y. C.

ASHTON, Iris; b. El Paso, Texas; educ. San Francisco; stage career, studied In San Fran- cisco under Madame Ferrier and Maude Ott, drama and aesthetic ballroom dancing; screen career, Rainbow ("How Can I Earn a Living"), Triangle ("You Can't Believe Everything," "False Ambition," "Prudence on Broadway"), stock one vear with Ince; Maurice Tourneur ("Glory of Love"). Hght., 5, 7%; wght., 13$; dark brown hair and eyes. Maurice Tourneur Productions, Goldwyn Studio; home ad., 711C Tecumseh St.. Culver City, Calif. Phone 70304.

ASHTON, Sylvia; b. in mid-ocean of American parents; stage career, 15 yrs. in stk. and en tour; screen career, 10 yrs., C. B. DeMllle ("Old Wives for New," "Don't Change Your Hus- band," "Why Change Your Wife?"), Famous Players ("Jack Straw," "Thou Art the Man!"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 140; blond hair, blue eyes. Ad., Lasky Studio, Hollywood, Calif.

AYRES, Agnes; b. Chicago; educ. there; screen career. Essanay, Vitagraph ("Richard the Brazen"), O. Henry-General ("The Defeat of the City," "The Girl and the Graft." "The En- chanted Profile," "The Purple Dress," "One Thousand Dollars"), Fox ("Sacred Silence"), American Cinema ("The Inner Voice"). Ad., New York City.


BAILEY, MUdred E.; b. West Haven, Conn., Nov. 12, 1898; educ. prep. schl. at Deep River, Conn., and New Haven Coll. for Girls; stage career, 12 mos. with Poli stk. at New Haven; screen career, Metro ("Extravagance"), Ni- agara ("Perils of the Girl Reporters," "Up Romance Road"), Mutual ("Hearts or Dia- monds"), Petrova ("The Black Butterfly"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 134; brown hair, gray- brown eyes. Home ad., 1808 Marmion ave., N. Y.

BAIRD, Leah; b. Chicago, 111.; educ. there; screen career. 'Hearts of the First Empire," "Absinthe." "Neptune's Daughter," "People vs. John Doe," "One Law for Both," Interna- tional ("Echo of Youth"), Hodkinson ("As a Man Thinks." "The Capitol," "Cynthia of the Minute"), author of many scenarios. Dark hair and brown eyes. Ad., W. W. Hodkinson Corp., N. Y. . and care A. F. Beck, 135 W. 44th St., N. Y.

BALLIN, Mabel; b. and educ. Philadelphia; stage exper., 3Vi yrs.; screen career. Famous Players. Vitagraph, Triangle, Goldwyn, Tour- neur, World ("The White Heather"), ("The Quickening Flame"), Goldwyn ("Lord and Lady Algy"). Rob. -Cole ("The Illustrious Prince"). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 122; light brown hair, brown eyes. Home ad.. Lincroft. Sauga- tuck. Conn.; 2021 Beachwood Drive, Los An-

BANKS, Mrs. Estar; b. Boston, Mass.; educ. there; on speaking stage 36 years; screen career, Edison, Universal. Famous Players ("At First Sight." "Hit the Trail Halliday," "Woman of Impulse"). Vitagraph ("Love versus Mammon"), Rapf ("Sins of the Children"); now with "La La Lucille." Hght., 5. 3'/i; wght.. 1 1 G ; gray hair, brown eyes. Ad., Bijou Fernandez office, 42d St., West, New Amsterdam Thea. Bldg., N. Y.

BARA, Theda; b. 1890; screen career, Fox ("A Fool There Was," "Carmen," "Her Double Life," "The Vixen," "The Price of Silence," "The Tiger Woman," "Cleopatra," "Her Great- est Love," "Heart and Soul," "Camille," "The

Rose of Blood," "Du Barry," "The Forbidden Path." "Salome," "The Soul of Buddah," "The Clemenceau Case," "When a Woman Sins," "The She-Devil," "The Siren's Song," "The Light," "A Woman There Was." "La Belle Russe," "Kathleen Mavoureen," "The Lure of Ambition." Hght., 5, (i; wght., 135; dark brown hair and eyes. 1920, A. H. Wood's "The Blue Flame."

BARKER, Corinne; educ. Acad, of Sacred Heart, Salem, Ore.; stage career, "The Crinoline Girl" with Julian Eltinge. "Potash and Perlemutter," "The Squab Farm," "Sirley Kaye" with Elsie Ferguson, "On With the Dance," with John Mason and Julia Dean, "Remnant" with Flor- ence Nash; screen career, Goldwyn ("Money Mad," "Peck's Bad Girl," "One Week of Life," "Peace of Roaring River"), Fox ("Why I Would Not Marry"), Vitagraph ("The Climb- ers," "The Golden Shower"), Selznick ("The Broken Melody"), International ("The Rest- less Sex"). Hght., 5, 8; wght.. 138; dark brown hair, hazel eyes. Ad., 1 West 30th St., N. Y. ; Mad. Sq. 3770.

BARNEY, Marion; educ. Univ. of Calif.; stage career, Frohman, Klaw & Erlanger, David Belasco, John Cort, stk. leads; screen career, World-Peerless ("Heart of Gold," "Dove and the Woman," "Dust of Desire," "His Father's Wife," "Poison Pen," "Steel King"), James Vincent ("The Spirit of Lafayette"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 145; blond hair, blue-gray eyes. Ad., 312 Manhattan ave., N. Y. C. ; Cathedral 8208.

BARRI SCALE, Bessie; b. N. Y. ; stage career, starred in "The Rose of the Rancho." "Bird of Paradise" and "We Are Seven"; screen career, Paralta ("Within the Cup," "Patriot- ism," "The Heart of Rachael," "Two Gun Betty"), B. B. Features ("Trick of Fate." "Josselyn's Wife," "Tangled Threads," "Wom- an Michael Married," "Her Purchase Price," "Beckoning Roads"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 12J; blond hair, brown eyes. Studio ad.. Brunton Studios, 5341 Melrose ave., Los Angeles, Calif.

BARRYMORE Ethel; b. Phila., Pa., 1879; stage career, since 1894, as Kate Fennell in "The Bauble Shop" with her uncle, John Drew; Eng- lish debut in 1897 as Miss Kittridge in "Secret Service" with Gillette, on tour in "The Bells" with Irving; starred in "The Twelve-Pound Look," "Our Mrs. McChesney" ; 1919. "Del- casse"; screen career. All Star ("The Nightin- gale"); Metro ("Awakening of Helena Richie." "The White Raven." "The Lifted Veil," "The Whirlpool," "An American Widow." "The Eter- nal Mother," "Lady Frederick," "Our Mrs. Mc- Chesney," "The Divorcee)." Ad., 130 East 66 til St., N. Y.

BARTON, Grace; stage career, mus. com., "Broadway Jones." "Over Night"; screen ca- reer. Famous - Players. Fox, Kleine, Universal ("The Raggedy Queen"), World ("Heart of Gold"). Hght., 5, 7'/4; complexion medium.

BAXTER, Thuma Jadee; b. Milton, Ky.. 1897; educ. Bowling Green, Ky., Ward-Bellmont, Nashville, Tenn. ; stage career. Follies 1918, Shuberts, Monte Cristo, stk.; screen career. Hallmark Prod. ("The Heart of a Gypsy"), Curtis Special ("Who Is Your Brother?"), Jester Comedies ("Shime"), World ("His Father's Wife"). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 115; fair complexion, black hair, dark brown eyes. Ad., 520 N. Meridian St., Apt. 26, Indianapolis, Ind.

BAYNE, Beverly; b. Minneapolis, Minn., 1895; educ. Minneapolis. Phila., and Hyde Park High Sch., Chicago; screen career, Essanay ("Un- der Royal Patronage," "Graustark," "Dear Old Girl," etc.), Metro ("Romeo and Juliet." "The Great Secret," "Their Compact," "God's

Outlaw," "The Voice of Conscience, l'he

Adopted Son," "The Red, White and Blue Blood," "Social Quicksands." "A Pair of Cupids," "The Poor Rich Man"), Vitagraph ("Daring Hearts"); has appeared in more that! 500 photoplays. Hght., 5, 2; wght., 125; dark brown hair, brown eyes.

BECK, Lillian; b. Cincinnati; educ. St. Joseph's Convent; stage career, "Never Say Die," With Wm. Collier, mus. com.; screen career, 7 yrs., Kleine ("Gloria's Romance"), Metro ("Noth- ing But the Truth"), King Cole Comedies. Hght., 5. 6; wght., 150; light brown hair, blue eyes. Permanent ad., 709 W. 170th St., N. Y. C. ; Wadsworth 4480.

BELMORE Daisy; b. 1889; stage career, "The Fawn," "Our Mrs. Glbbs,' "In Half an Hour"; screen career. Famous Players ("The Better



Man"), Select ("His Bridal Night"). Hght., 5. 8.

BENNETT, Belle; b. near Dublin, Ireland; be- gan stage career five weeks later in father's road show, continuing until 1915; screen career, Universal ("In the Fires of Rebellions," "The "Charmer"), Triangle ("The Bond of Fear," "The Hell Cat of Alaska," "Ashes of Hope," "Fuel of Life," "Because of the Woman," "The Devil Dodger," "The Lonely Woman," "The Mayor of Filbert"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 125; light complexion, Roman gold hair, gray eyes.

BENNETT, Enid; b. York, Western Australia; educ. Perth, W. Australia; stage career, in America and abroad in support of Fred Niblo, Otis Skinner, etc.; screen career, starring dra- matic ingenue, Thos. E. Ince ("Fuss and Feathers," "The Vamp," "Biggest Show on Earth," "Law of Men," "Haunted Bedroom," "Virtuous Thief," "Stepping Out," "What Every Woman Learns," "Woman in the Suit- Case"). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 102; golden brown hair, hazel eyes. Ad., Ince Studio, Culver City, Calif.

BERKELEY, Gertrude; educ. College Hill, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; stage exper., with Chas. Frohman, Henry Miller, Mme. Nazimova, Mai- lne Elliott, etc.; screen career. Fox, Brenon, Pathe, Famous, World ("Song of Songs," "Just Sylvia," "War Brides"), Select ("Break the News to Mother," "The Way of a Woman"). Hght., 5, 5; wght., 155; brown hair, hazel eyes. Ad., Ridgewood, N. J.; Ridgewood 669 or 265.

BERNARD, Dorothy; b. Port Elizabeth, S. Africa, 1890; educ. Australia and Marlborough Schl., Los Angeles, Cal. ; stage career, from age of 2, child parts in U. S., Australia, New Zealand, England, leads in many stk. cos. in U. S., under mgmt. Shuberts, Selwyn & Co., etc. ; screen career, Biograph, 2 yrs., Kalem, Lubin, Famous Players, with Fox 18 mos. (in "Little Gypsy," "Sporting Blood," "Fine Feathers," "Les Miserables"), Brady ("Little Women"), C. P. R. and Canadian Government ("The World Shadow"). Hght., 5, 5; wght., 124; olive com- plexion, brown hair, brown eyes. Ad., 112 23d St., Elmhurst, L. I., N. Y.

BESSERER, Eugenie; b. Marseilles, France; educ. Convent of Notre Dame, Ottawa, Can- ada; stage career, since early childhood with McKee Rankin, Wilton Lackaye, Frank Kee- nan, various stk. cos., under mgmt. J. C. Williamson In Australia; screen career, Selig ("Crises," "Carpet From Bagdad," "Little Orphant Annie," "Auction of Souls"), D. W. Griffith ("Scarlet Days"), Humanity Film ("The Gift Supreme"). Home ad., 2215 Bax- ter St., Los Angeles, Calif.; Wilshire 2994.

BIALA, Sara; educ. Drake Univ., Des Moines, Iowa, Chicago Musical Coll.; stage career, Shakespearean rep., stk. cos., "Baby Mine" with Marguerite Clark, "The Ghost Breaker" with H. B. Warner, "Romance," Nazimova's role in second "War Brides" Co., with George Arliss in "Paganini." London and N. Y. prods, of "Some Baby," "The Torches," "The Weaker One," vaud. ; screen career, Hallmark ("Heart of a Gypsy"), Famous Players ("The Fear Market"), Italian, French, Spanish and Ori- ental types and emotional roles. Hght., 5, 5; wght., 118; dark brown hair, brown eyes. Ad., Rehearsal Club. 220 West 46th st.. N. Y. C.

HILLINGS, Florence B.; educ. private schl., N. Y. ; screen career, Vitagraph, 2V& yrs., Hallmark ("Wit Wins." "Heart of a Gypsy," "Dangerous Affair"). Laurence Weber ("The Blue Pearl"), Selznick ("Woman Game"). Ad., Actors Equity. N. Y. ; home. 601 W. 139th St., N. Y.

BILLINGTON, Francelia; b. Dallas, Texas, Feb. 1, 1897; educ. Sacred Heart Convent, Dos An- geles. Calif.; screen career, Griffith, Reliance, Majestic, American, Universal ("Blind Hus- bands," "The Day She Paid"). Hght., 5, 6; wght.. 135; light complexion, light brown hair, dark gray eyes. Studio ad., Universal Film Co.; home ad., 127 W. Chestnut St., Glendale, Calif., Glendale 2177-R.

BINNEY, Constance; b. N. Y. ; educ. Brearly Schl. in Westover, Conn., French Convent, Paris, France; took part in the Booth Pageant in Detroit; placed under contract with Winthrop Ames, associated with Comstock & Elliott as dancer in "Oh! Lady, Lady"; appeared in Maur- ice Tournour's "Sporting Life" and played op- posite John Barrymore in "Test of Honor " and "Here Comes the Bride"; starred in Rachael Crothers' "39 East"; starred in Realart picture, "Erstwhile Susan." Ad., c/o Realart Pictures Corp.. 469 Fifth ave.,- N. Y.

BINNKY. Faire; b. N. Y. C 1901; educ. Concord,

Mass.; screen career, Maurice Tourneur ("Sport- ing Life," "Woman"), Famous Players ("Here Comes the Bride," with John Barrymore), Re- public ("The Blue Pearl"). Hght., 5, 1; wght., 106; brown hair, hazel eyes. Ad., 212 E. 62nd St., N. Y., Plaza 4767.

BIRON, Lillian; b. Independence, Kans. ; educ. California; stage career, 1 yr. stock; screen ca- reer, 3 yrs. in pictures, 2 yrs. in Mack Sennett Comedies, Vitagraph ("Roop and Riots," "Min- isters and Matrimony"). Hght., 5, 4; wght., 120; blond hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 7810 Fountain ave., Hollywood, Calif; studio, Gayety Comedies, 1501 Gower St., Hollywood.

BLACK, Fritzie; b. Galveston, Texas; educ. N. Y. ; stage career, 10 yrs. in stk., rep. and prod, and vaud.; screen career, National ("Wolf on Wall Street"), Anita Stewart ("Fighting Shepherd- ess"), Universal, 3 yrs. ("We Are French"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 127; auburn hair, brown eyes. Ad., Broadway Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif., Pico 875.

BLACKWELL, Irene; b. B'klyn, N. Y., educ. Penna. ; screen career: Fox, "Why I Would Not Marry," "Miss Innocence," "Caught in the Act"; Metro, "His Bonded Wife"; Hallmark, "High Speed"; Supreme, "The Mystery Mind"; Photoplay Libraries, "Empty Arms." Hght., 6, 5^4; wght., 135; black hair; green eyes. Ad., 340 West 86th St., N. Y. Schuyler 4481.

BLINN, Genevieve; b. San Francisco, Calif. ; educ. Sacred Heart Convent, Oakland, Calif.; stage career, stk. in Los Angeles, Indianapolis, Win- nipeg, Salt Lake City, with Madame Kalich in N. Y. ; screen career, Fox (Daughter of the Gods," "American Methods," "Conscience," "Du Barry," "Cleopatra," "When Fate Decides," "Last of the Duanes"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 132; fair complexion, blond, dark blue eyes.

BLYTHE, Betty; b. 1893, Los Angeles; educ. Univ. of Calif, and Paris; stage career, Morosco 1 yr., Comstock & Gest, 2 yrs., "So Long Letty," "Nobody Home," "Experience"; screen career, Vitagraph (" Over the Top," with Harry Morey for 1 yr. in "His Own People," "Tangled Lives," "The Green God"), World ("Dust of Desire"), Selznick ("Undercurrent"), Goldwyn ("Silver Horde"), Brentwood ("Third Generation"), Curwood-Carver Prod. ("The Yellowback"). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 145; dark hair and complex- ion, blue eyes. Ad., Goldwyn Studios, Los An- geles, Calif.

BOLAND, Mary; b. Phila., Pa.; educ. Detroit; stage career, with Virginia Harned, supported Robert Edeson in " Strongheart," yr. in London, Dustin Farnum, Francis Wilson, 4 yrs. leading woman for John Drew, "Clarence"; screen ca- reer, NYMP ("The Stepping Stone"), World ("Price of Happiness"), Pathe ("Big Jim Gar- rlty"), Bacon-Backer ("A Woman's Experi- ence"); Selznick ("The Perfect Lover"), Gau- mont ("The Contrary Wife"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 127; blond hair, blue eyes. Ad., 21 W. 58th St., N. Y., Plaza 9379.

BOOKER, Beula; b. Silverton. Colo.; educ. in Denver, Colo., and Notre Dame, Paris; 3 yrs. on the stage on Western and Eastern coasts and in Denver; 3 yrs. in picture, most recent picture being "The Dwelling Place of Light." with Federal Photoplays. Hght., 5, 2.; wght., 105; brown hair and eyes. Ad., Actors Assn., 6412 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, Calif.

BOONE, Dell; b. Springfield, Mo., 1894; educ. New Orleans; stage experience, Southern stock cos.; screen career. World Film, Pathe, Duplex ("Shame," "The Girl and the Horses"), Para- mount ("Other Men's Wives)", "The Honey Bee," with Rupert Julian, now with Fox; has traveled extensively and ridden through Panama jungle. Hght., 5, 6%; blond hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 6650 Leland Way, Hollywood, Calif., Holly 316.

BOCTON, Betty; educ. Univ. of Penn. ; stage ca- reer, trained at Sargeant Sch. of Dram. Art., in stock, with Nat Goodwin in "The Merchant of Venice," with Bertha Kalich, "The Riddls Woman"; screen career, with Marguerite Clark, Shirley Mason, Dustin Farnum, Mary Plckford, etc.: "Three Men and a Girl," "The Final Close Up," "A Man's Fight," "Daddy Long Legs." "Heart of the Hills," "The Hellshlp." Ad., Marshall Neilan Studio.

BOYLE, Irene; b. N. Y., 1896; educ. N. Y. and Washington; screen career. Kalem multiple reel pictures, Edgar Lewis Prod. ("Other Men's Shoes"), Bloxliy ("Young America" series), Rex Beach ("Heart of the Sunset"), Jack London ("The Star Rover"). Hght., 5. 2%; wght., 112; dark brown hair, grey eyes. Ad., 617 W. 135th St., N. Y.; Mngside 8306.



BRAD \ , Alice; b. N. T. C. ; educ. convent, N. J. ; studied in Boston for grand opera; stage career, lhe Balkan Princess," at Herald Square thea- tree, singing and comedy roles for 3 yrs., Gil- bert & Sullivan opera, "Sinners," "Family Cup- board," "Forever After"; screen career, World, Select ("The Whirlpool," "The Death Dance," The Better Half," "Her Great Chance," "His Bridal Night"), Realart ("Sinners," "Fear Mar- ket ). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 108; dark complex- . . J}: dark hair and e>'es- A<L, Realart, N. Y. HREAMER, Sylvia; b. Sydney, Australia; educ there; stage career, 5 yrs. in American suc- cesses in Australia, with Grace George in N. Y "The Argyle Case," "Bought and Paid For," etc.; screen career, Triangle-Ince, Tourneur ("My Lady's Garter"), Artcraft ("The Family Skeleton," "We Can't Have Everything") J. S Blackton ("Missing," "The Common Cause," "A House Divided," "The Moonshine Trail," "Dawn," "My Husband's Other Wife"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 135; dark brown hair and eyes. Ad., c/o Mayflower Photoplay Corp., 1465 Broadway, N. Y.

BRENT, Evelyn; b. Tampa, Fla., 1899; educ. Normal Coll., N. Y. ; screen career, Metro ("The Lure of Heart's Desire," "The Soul Market," "The Spell of the Yukon," "The Iron Woman," "The Millionaire's Double"), Master Drama ("Who's Your Neighbor?"), Arrow ("Fool's Gold"), Frank Hall ("The Other Man's Wife"), Fox ("Help, Help, Police"), Selznick ("The Glorious Lady").

BROCK WELL, Gladys; b. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1894; educ. privately; stage career, since childhood, stk., rep., vaud.: with Willard Mack; screen career, Lubin, NYMP, Reliance-Majestic, Fine Arts, Universal, Fox ("Call of the Soul," "The Divorce Trap," "The Sneak." "The Forbiddm Room," "Pitfalls of a Big City," "Chasing Rain- bows," "Broken Commandments." "Thieves," "Flames of the Flesh," "The Devil's Wheel," "The Strange Woman"). Studio, Fox, 1401 N. Western ave., Los Angeles, Calif.

BRODI, Anne G.; educ. N. Y. C; stage career, stock and vaud. ; screen career, Vitagraph for 5 yrs ("Girl at Bay," "Princess of Puck Row," "The Suspect," O. Henry Prod.), Universal, Kalem, Pathe ("The Yellow Ticket"), Fox, Reliance, Famous Players ("Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch"), Selznick ("The Perfect Lover"), Curtiss ("Who's Your Brother?"), Serico Prod. ("The Jewelled Hand" serial). Hght.. 5; wght., 160; black hair, brown eye». Ad.. 92 St. Nicholas ave., N. Y. ; Cathedral 9240.

BROOKE, Myra; educ. Sacred Heart, Philadel- phia, Pa. ; stage career, w ith Rankin 2 yrs., Mansfield 4 yrs., Winthrop Ames. Little Theatre, Harry Corson Clark, many mus. com.; screen career, Metro 2% yrs.. Reliance. Edison, Gau- mont, Briggs Comedies, Mrs. Sidney Drew. Hght., 5, 4%; wght., 200; brown hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., Ill W. 125th St., N. Y. C. Mngsde. 4590.

BROWN, Anita; b. New Haven, Conn.; educ. there; stage career, burlesque, comedy, Poli Stock Co.; screen career. Metro ("Eye for Eye"), Famous ("Mrs. Wiggs Cabbage Patch"), Fox ("Fallen Idol"), Pathe ("Lightning Raider, 12th Episode), Briggs Comedies, Gaumont ("Making Her His Wife"), Pathe ("Sunshine Annie"), Cuckoo Comedies. Hght., 5, 1Vi\ wght.. 270; fair complexion, dark brown hair and eyes. Home ad., 201 E. 66th St.. N. Y. C. or 750 Riverside ave., Jacksonville, Fla.

BROWN, Iva; b. London, England; educ. Los Angeles. Calif.; screen career, Paramount-Al St. John Comedies; worked in "Cleaning Up" and "Ship Ahoy!" Hght., 5, 6; wght., 115; dark complexion, black hair, brown eyes. Home ad.. Monroe Apts.. Los Angeles, Calif. Phone 558140.

BRUCE. Beverly; b. Montreal, Can.; stage career, leads in stk. in Phila. and Montreal. "Within the Law," "Under Cover," "Bought and Paid For." "Tess of the Storm Country"; screen career ("Evangeline"), Continental ("David Copperfleld." "Cricket on the Hearth"). London Film Co. ("Little Dorritt." "The Decoy"). Hep- worth, Fleur de Lvs ("Emptv Arms," "The Street"). Willard King Bradley ("This Is the Life," "Babette of the Moulin Rouge"). Ad., care of Willard King Bradlev. 1552 Broadway. N. Y. C.

BRUCE, Kate; character woman, was with the original Biograph Co. under D. W. Griffith, has appeared in nearly all Griffith productions, re- cent ones: "A Romance of Happy Valley," "The Girl Who Staved at Home," "Scarlet Days." Ad., Griffith Studio. Mamaroneck. N. Y.

BKUNDAGE, Mrs. Mathilde; b. Louisville, Ky. ; screen career, Pioneer ("Wives of Men," "Her Game"), Norma Talmadge ("New Moon"), Famous Players ("Career of Catherine Bush"). ( has. Miller ("Heart of a Gypsy"), Faversham & Elliott ("The Man Who Lost Himself"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 148; silver gray hair and brown eyes. Ad., home, 100 Hillcrest ave., Park. Yonkers. N. Y. Yonkers 3305-R.

IiRl NETTE, Florence (Fritzi); b. Savannah, Ga., 1894; screen career, Yankee Film, Universal 5 yrs., last 2 yrs. with Selig, Laskv, Selig, Blue- bird ("Playthings," "The Velvet Hand," "Sealed Orders"), National ("The Still Small Voice"), Select ("Jacques of the Silver North"), Paramount ("Woman Thou Gavest Me"), Pathe-Amer. ("A Sporting Chance"), Robt.- Cole ("Whitewashed Walls"), Universal ("Woman Under Cover"), Brunton-Hodkinson ("The Lord Loves the Irish"). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 117; olive complexion, black hair, gray- blue eyes. Ad., Brunton Studio, Hollywood; home ad., Hollywood Hotel, Hollvwood, Calif.

ItlRKE, Billie (Mrs. Florenz ZiegfelU); b. Washington, D. C, 1886; educ. there and In France; first appeared on the stage singing in the principal mus. halls in Austria, Germany, Russia, France, won success at the Pavilion, London, supporting Edna May in "The School Girl" at the Prince of Wales Theatre, London; N. Y. debut made under mgmt. Frohman, play- ing opposite John Drew in "My Wife" at the Empire, later success "The Pink Pajama Girl"; screen career, Kleine ("Gloria's Romance"), Famous Players-Para. ("The Mysterious Miss Terry," "The Land of Promise," "Arms and the Girl," "Good Gracious, Annabel," "The Make Believe Wife," "The Misleading Widow," "Sadie Love," "Wanted, a Husband"). Ad., Famous Players, 485 Fifth ave., N. Y. C. BIKKE, Olive; b. Boston; educ. private schls., N. Y. and Paris; screen career, Frank P. Don- ovan's Prods., Vitagraph, Selznick, World, "Bullin' the Bullsheviki," "Pardon Me," "Nep- tune's Stepdaughter," "Double Trouble." Heht., :., 4; wght., 120; blond hair, brown eyei. Ad., Frank P. Donovan's Prods., Inc., 118 W. 45th St.. N. Y. BURNIUM, Beatrice; b. Galveston, Tex., Feb. 10. 19Q2; screen career, Morosco, Fox, Ince, Clune ("Eyes of the World"), Metro ("Hidden Chil- dren"), Goldwyn ("Upstairs"), Universal ("Burnt Feathers"). Hght., 5; wght., 110; olive complexion, black hair and eyes. Ad., 5614 Franklin ave., Hollywood, Calif. Phone 597785.

Bl'SCH, Mae; b. Melbourne, Austr : educ. con- vent. Madison, N. J.; stage career, leads with Eddie Foy; screen career, Keystone, with Eddie Fov. Weber and Fields ("Wife and Auto Trouble," "Better Late Than Never"), Para- Artcraft ("The Grim Game"). "The Devil's Pass Key." Hght., 5, 5; wght.. 125; black hair, gray eyes. Studio ad., Universal City, Calif.

BUTLER, "Babs"; b. Ogdensburg. N. Y.. 1902; educ. there and N. Y. ; screen career, World. Famous Players, Pathe; at present playing lead in Translantic Boarding School Girls comedies; daughter of Major H. B. Butler. D. C; fair hair, blue eyes; hght., 5. 2. Ad., West Fort Lee, N. J.; studio ad.. Transat- lantic Film Co. of America, 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C.

BYRON, Nina; b. New Zealand. 1900; screen talent discovered by Nicholas Dunaew; screen career. Ince-Triangle ("Truthful Tulliver"). Pallas-Paramount ("The Heir of the Ages"), Lasky ("The Source," "The Dub." with Wal- lace Reid. "Johnny Get Your Gun." with Fred Stone, Pioneer ("The Boomerang"). Hght.. 5, 3; wght., 110; light brown hair, brown eyes. Ad., Lasky Studio, Hollywood, Cal.


CALDWELL, Virginia; b. Peoria. 111.; educ. Windmoore Hall Convent. Kansas City. Mo.; stage career, with Raymond Hitchcock in "Hitchy-Koo," also in Florenz Ziegfeld's Follies; screen career, Lasky ("Secret Service" with Robt. Warwick), Metro ("Lombardi. Ltd." and "The Right of Way" with Bert Lytell). Hght.. 5. 7; wght.. 129: brown hair, green eyes. Home ad.. Blackstone Apts., Los Angeles, Calir. ; Main 244.

CALHOUN, Alice B.; b. Cleveland. Ohio. educ. there and private tuition: screen career. Acme ("The Thirteenth Chair"). W H. Prods



("Everybody's Business"), Vitagraph (A Bride in Bond";. Home ad., 736 Riverside Drive, N. Y. C. ,

CilHOlN, Jean; screen career, Universal ( ine Exquisite Thief"), Fox ("The Splendid Sin " "Thieves," "The Feud"), Keenan-Pathe ( lh« False Code").

CALVERT, Catherine (.Mrs. Paul Armstrong) ; b. Baltimore, Md. ; stage career, leading roles in "Brown of Harvard." "Deep Purple," "Ro- mance of the Underworld." "The Escape ; screen career, Keeney Pic. Corp. ("A Romance of the Underworld." "Marriage," "Out of the Night," "A Marriage of Convenience ). Famous-Lasky ("Fires of Faith," "Career of Katherine Bush"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 12o; complexion brunette, dark brown hair and eyes. Home ad., 124 W. 55th St., N. Y. C. ; Circle 461. Office, Films, Inc., 1482 Broad- way, N. Y.

CAPRICE, June; b. Arlington, Mass., 1899; educ. Boston; screen career. Fox ("Caprice of the Mountains," "A Modern Cinderella," "The Rag- ged Princess," "A Child of the Wild," "Every Girl's Dream," "Miss U. S. A.," "Sunshine Maid," "A Camouflaged Kiss," "Blue Eyed Mary"). Albert Capellani ("Oh, Boy!"), Pathe ("The Love Cheat," "A Damsel in Distress"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 105; light complexion, light hair, blue eyes. Ad., c/o Capellani Prods., 1457 Broadway, N. Y.

CAREVV. Ora; b. Salt Lake City, Utah; educ. Relanc. Hall Seminary and private tutor; stage career, vaud., mus. com. and dram. stk. ; screen career. Goldwyn, "Go West, Young Man"; Para, "Too Many Millions"; Universal ("Love's Protege," "Loot," "Under Sus- picion," "The Peddler of Lies"). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 120; dark brown hair, brown eyes. Home add., 5517 Carlton Way, Los Angeles, Calif.; Holly 788; studio, Universal Film Co.

CARMEN, Jewel; educ. St. ' Mary's Acad., Port- land. Oreg. ; screen career, "The Half-Breed" with Doug. Fairbanks, Fox ("Tale of Two Cities," "Les Miserables," "The Bride of Fear " "The Confession," "You Can't Get Away With It"). Hght., 5. 5; wght., 115; light brown hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., care Roland West, 260 W. 42d St., N. Y C; Bryant 2564.

CARRINGTON, Evelyn Carter; stage career, 20 yrs.. with Chas. & Daniel Frohman, Wm. Brady. Chas. Dillingham, Henry Savage, played parts ranging from Shakespeare to musical corned v, grand dames; screen career, with Con- stance Talmadge in "In Search of a Sinner," character part. Hght., 5, 10; wght., 200; dark brown hair, blue eyes. Ad.. 484 Haw- thorne ave.. Yonkers, N. Y. ; phone 6363-M.

CARROLL, Marcelle; b. Biarritz, France; educ. Sacred Heart Convent, Paris, and Boston; stage exper., with Fritzi Scheff in "Pretty Mrs. Smith." with Wm. Gillette In "Successful Calamity"; screen career, Herbert Brenon, J. S. Blackton ("The Marble Heart," "Daughter of the Gods," "Fall of the Romanoffs," "The Common Cause," "Moonshine and Shadows." "Somewhere in Love"), with Taylor Holmes In "Nothing But the Truth." Hght., 5; wght.. 104; black hair, brown eyes, fair complexion. Ad . Starlit Bungalow, roof of Godfrey Bldg., 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C.

CASSINELLI. Dolores; b. N. Y. ; educ. Holy Name Convent. Chicago; screen career. Es- sanay ("When Soul Meets Soul," "Do Dreams Come True," "The Greek Singer"), Perret ("Lafayette. We Come," "Stars of Glory." "A Soul Adrift"). Capellani ("The Virtuous Model"), Carew prod. ("The Right to Lie," "The Web of Lies"); known on the screen as the Cameo Girl. Hght., 5, 7; wght., 135; black hair. hazel eyes. Personal representative, Harry Cahane. Room 809, 1457 Broadway, N. Y.

CASSITY, Ellen L.; b. Jackson. Tenn. ; educ. Louisville. Ky. ; stage career. Follies: screen career. Fox ("Checkers"), World ("Through the Toils") Frank Hall ("Other Men's Wives"), Carl Harhaugh ("Love Honor and "). Hght., 5, 6'/6: wght., 135; blond hair, dark gray eyes. Ad.. Betts & Fowler, N. Y. : Bryant 5664.

CASTLE, Irene; b. New Rochelle, 1S93; cdue. N. Y. ; stage career, vaud., mus. com., last ap- pearance In "Watch Your Step": screen career. International ("Patria"). Astra-Pathe ("Sylvia of the Secret Service," "The Girl From Bo- hemia," "Stranded in Arcady," "The Mark of Cain," "The Hillcrest Mystery," "The First Law," "The Mysterious Client," "Convict 993"),

Famous Players-Lasky ("The Firing Line ). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 115; brown hair, gray eyes. Ad., care Famous Players, 486 Fifth Ave., N. Y.

CA.STLETON, Barbara; b. Little Rock, Ark., 1896; educ. "The Castle," New Rochelle; screen career. Ivan ("Sins of Ambition"), Essanay ("On Trial"), World ("Heart of a Girl," "Just Sylvia"), Famous Players "The Silver King opp. Wm. Faversham, "Peg o' My Heart ), Ince ("Americanism"), Eminent Authors-Gold- wyn ("The Tower of Ivory," "Dangerous Days"). Hampton ("The Man Who Turned White" opp. H. B. Warner). Hght., 5, 5; wght., 128; brown hair and eyes. Ad., 19 w. 69th St.. N. Y. C.

CAVALIERI, Lina; b. Rome, Italy, 1874 ; educ. toi grand opera under Mme. Mariani-Mase; stage career, operatic debut Lisbon. Portugal, 1900. first American appearance with Hammerstein Man Opera House, N. Y., 1906; screen career. Paramount ("The Temptress," "The Two Brides"). Studio ad., Paramount, 4 85 Fifth ave.

CECIL, Nora; b. England, 1879; educ. London stage career, played in many English prods., ' yrs. with Klaw & Erlanger; screen career, Uni versal. World ("Miss Crusoe"), Fox ("Woman Woman"), Selznick ("Picadilly Jim"). Hght. 5 8' wght., 145; light complexion, brown hair brown eyes. Home ad., Lake St., Englewood N. J. Englewood 1746.

CHADWICK, Helene; b. Chadwick, N. Y. ; educ there; screen career, Astra-Pathe. Paramount ("Girls"), Pathe ("Go Get 'Em. Garringer"). Goldwyn ("Heartsease"), National ("Long Arm of Mannister"). Goldwyn ("The Cup of Fury." "Scratch My Back "). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 130; light hair, brown eyes, light complexion. Ad., Goldwyn Studio. Culver City, Calif.; home ad., 4428 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Holly 3049.

CHAMBERS, Marie; b. Phila.; educ. Paris; stage career, under Woods. Brady, Fiske, stk., leading woman for Lou-Tellegen in "Blind Youth"; screen career, Famous Players ("The Woman in the Case"), Triangle ("Fifty-Fifty"), World ("Maternity"), Capellani ("The Virtuous Model"). Now playing in "Nightie Night" at Princess theatre. Hght.. 5, 5; wght.. 122; fan- complexion, blond hair, dark eyes. Ad., 145 E. 35th St., N. Y. Murray Hill 3123.

CHAPMAN, Audrey Emily; b. Phila.. 1899; educ. there and Los Angeles; screen career. Triangle ("Marriage"). Morosco ("Her Country First "). Vitagraph ("The Usurper"). Pickford ("Daddy Long Legs"), Vitagraph ("The Luck of Ger- aldine Laird," "The Mormon Trail"). Hght., 5, 3; wght.. 124; blond hair, blue eyes. Ad., 4887 Melrose ave., Hollywood, Calif.

CHAPMAN, Edythe; screen career, Metro ("Faith"). Artcraft ("The Knickerbocker Buck- aroo"). Paramount ("The Home Town Girl," "Secret Service." "The Winning Girl," "Alias Mike Moran." "The Rescuing Angel"). Goldwyn ("Flame of the Desert"), Select ("Experimental Marriage"), Para-Art. ( "Everywoman") .

CHARLESON, Mary; b. Dunganon. Ireland, May 18, 1893; educ. convent in Los Angeles, Calif.; stage career, ingenue with grand opera co. on Pacific Coast; screen career, Vitagraph, Selig ("The Prince Chap," "The Country That God Forgot"), Essanay ("The Truant Soul." "Little Shoes." "The Saint's Adventure"), Paralta ("His Robe of Honor," "Humdrum Brown," "With Hoops of Steel"), Natl. Ex., Mutual ("A Long Lane's Turning"). Select ("Upstairs and Down"). Hght.. 5. 2; wght., 110; brunette, dark brown hair, gray eyes.

CHILDERS, Naomi; b. Penn. ; educ. Maryville Convent. St. Louis, Mo.: stage career, "Madam X," "Ready Money," "Among Those Present," with H B. Warner: screen career, Vitagraph. Metro ("The Yellow Dove," "Blind Man's Eyes." "Shadows of Suspicion." with Harold Lock- wood). Goldwyn ("Lord and Lady Algy." "Gay Lord Quex." "Street Called Straight." "Duds" I Hght.. 5. 6V4; wght., 135; dark brown hair, blue eyes Home ad., 1824 Highland ave., Holly- wood. Calif.. Holly 2002; studio. Goldwyn, Cul- ver City. Calif.

CLAIRE. Gertrude; l'. Boston; stage career, rep., managed own stk co , screen career, Hiograph ("Kamona). Imp. Hex. Nestor. NYMPH. Ince- Triangle ("Golden Rule Kate"). Ince-Para- mount ("A Nine o'clock Town"). Select ("Romance and Arabella"). Goldwyn ("Crimson Gardenia." "Jinx"), Paramount ("Hard Boiled." "Little Comrade," "Stepping Out," "Widow by



Proxy"), Metro (" Blind Man's Eyes"), Pathe ("Brothers Divided"). Hght., 5, 2; gray hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 1233 Trenton St., Los Angeles, Calif., Main 7834.

CLAKK, Marguerite; b. Cincinnati, 1887; eduo. Ursuline convent; stage career, since 1899, with De Wolf Hopper for several seasons, "Baby Mine"; screen career, Famous Players ("Bab's Burglar," "Bab's Matinee Idol," "Bab's Diary," "Still Waters," "The Seven Swans," "Prunella," "Rich Man, Poor Man," "The Golden Bird," "A Honeymoon for Three," "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch," Three Men and a Girl," "Let's Elope"), Paramount ("Little Miss Hoover," "Girls," "Widow by Proxy"). Hght., 4, 10; wght., 90; fair complexion, brown hair, hazel eyes. Ad., home, 50 Central Pk. West; studio, Famous, N. Y.

CLARKE, Betty Ross; b. Langdon, N. D. ; e6uc. Stanley Hall, Minn. ; stage career, lead in "Fair and Warmer," 1st road co. ; stk. in Halifax, Pittsburg, Haverhill, Mass., Des Moines and Staten Island; screen career, Fox ("If I Were King"), Taylor Holmes ("The Very Idea"), D. W. Griffith ("Romance"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 134; light brown hair, dark gray eyes. Ad., 245 W. 51st St., N. Y. C. Circle 1730. .

CLAY, Velma Louise; b. San Antonio, 1898; educ. Univ. of Texas; stage exper., stk. and vaud. ; screen career, Diando, American, Universal, Pathe ("The Little Diplomat"). Hght., 5. 6; wght., 125; blond hair, brown eyes. Ad., 1407 Bond St., Los Angeles, Calif., phone 20853.

CLAYTON, Ethel; b. Champaign, 111.; educ. St. Elizabeth's Convent, Chicago; stage career, T. D. Frawley Stock Co., "The Devil," with Edwin Stevens, "The Country Boy"; screen career, Lubin ("The Lion and the Mouse," "The Great Divide," "The Blessed Miracle," "The Fortune Hunter," "Dollars and the Woman"), World ("The Stolen Paradise," "The Soul Without Windows"), Famous Players ("Pettigrew's Girl," "Woman's Weapons," "Maggie Pepper," "Men, Women and Money," "A Sporting Chance," "More Deadly Than the Male," "The Thirteenth Commandment," "Young Mrs. Win- throp"). Hght., 5, 5; wght., 130; red gold hair, gray eyes. Ad., Lasky Studios, Hollywood.

CLAYTON, Marguerite; b. Salt Lake City, 1896; educ. St. Mary's Acad., Salt Lake; screen career, Essanay, ("The Long Green Trail," "Stardust"), Famous Players ("Hit-the-Trail Holliday," with Geo. Cohan), Essanay ("Prince of Graustark"), World ("The Bronze Man," "Inside the Lines"), Eff & Eff ("Bolshevist Burlesque"), Select ("The New Moon"), Fox, Richard Stanton Prod. Hght., 5, 4; wght., 120; fair complexion, blond hair, blue eyes. Ad., Hotel Ansonia, B'way and 72nd St., N. Y.

CLEMENT, Eloise May; b. New Orleans, La., 1892; educ. private tutors and Wellesley Coll. ; stage career, leading woman with Jas. O'Neil in "Monte Cristo," and Shakespearean rep. at 16, stk. and rd. ; screen career, World ("Just Sylvia," "The Love Defender"), Marion Davies ("The Burden of Proof"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 138; red hair, dark blue eyes.

CLIFFORD, Kathleen; b. Charlottesville, Va.; educ. Brighton, England; stage career, vaud., Winter Garden with Gaby Deslys. starred in "The Winsome Widow," A. H. Wood's "The Heart of a Child," H. H. Frazee's "Business Before Pleasure"; screen career, made debut with Balboa in serial "Who Is Number One?" also in "The Law that Divides," "The Angel Child," with Douglas Fairbanks in "When the Clouds Roll By." Home ad., Virginia Hotel, Long Beach. Calif.

CLIFFORD, Ruth; b. Rhode Island. Feb. 17, 1900; educ. St. Mary's Seminary, Bayview, R. I.; screen career, Edison, Universal. Jewel ("The Kaiser the Beast of Berlin"), Bluebird ("Fires of Youth," "The Lure of Luxury," "The Game Is Up," "The Millionaire Pirate"), Republic ("The Amazing Woman"), Vitagraph ("The Black Gate"). Frohman Amuse. Corp. ("The Invisible Ray"). Hght., 5, 5%; wght.. 123; light complexion, light brown hair, dark blue eyes. Home ad., 1802 Cherokee St., Los Angeles, Cal.

COLLINS, May; b. N. Y. ; educ. there; stage career, "The Betrothal," "At 9.45," "She Would and She Did," with Grace George; screen career, Universal ("A Matter of Taste," "The Winning Shot"), Maple Leaf ("Hearts of the North Land"). Hght., 5, 3%; wght., 120; brown hair, gray eyes. Ad., 119 Forley st., Elmhurst, L. I., N. Y. Newtown 1096.

COL WELL, Goldie; b. Edinburgh, Scotland, 1893; educ. Immaculate Heart Convent, Los Angeles;

stage career, from 1911, dramatic leads In rep. co., Kansas City; screen career, 1912, Selig, featured with Tom Mix in Westerners, Horsley, first in Cub comedies ("Jerry's Gentle Nur«- ing"), then in dramatic leads ("When Avarice Rules"), Fox ("Vengeance is Mine"), with Mitchell Lewis in "The Code of the Yukon." has been writing scenarios and short stories during past year. Hght., 5, 6; wght., 137; light hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 1028 Overton St., I. os A.rif^GlGs C&lif

COMPSON, Betty; b. Salt Lake City; stage ca- reer, vaud.; screen career, Christie ("Those Wedding Bells," "Down by the Sea," "The Honeymooners," "As in Days of Old," "A Blessed Blunder," "Their Seaside Tangle"), Pathe ("The Terror of the Range," "The Little Diplomat"), World ("The Devil's Trail"). Robt -Cole ("Prodigal Liar"), Universal ("Light of Victory"), Para.-Art. ("Miracl* Man"). Blue eyes, light hair. Now with Geo. Loane Tucker, Brunton Studios, Los Angeles, Calif.; home ad., 3526 Winslow Drive, Los An- geles, Calif.; phone 597220.

CONCORD, Lillian; b Omaha, Neb.; educ. Univ. of Cal., Univ. of Wis., also studied voice cul- ture in Paris; stage career, "The Kingdom of Destiny," "The Red Widow," "The Midnight Girl," and vaud.; screen career, Frohman ("The Woman in 47"), Universal ("The Ivy and the Oak," "Heritage of Hate"), Fox ("The Trouble- maker," "The Girl from Rectors"). Now with "The Boomerang," by David Belasco. Hght., 5, 8; wght., 140; blond hair, blue eyes. Ad., home, 340 W. 85th st., N. Y.

COOLING, Maud; stage career, vaud. and pro- ductions; screen career, important parts with Bluebird, Goldwyn, Pathe. Hght., 5, 4%; wght., 128; dark brown hair, brown eyes. Ad., Packard Exchange, N. Y.

COOPER, Edna Mae; b. Baltimore, Md. ; educ. there; screen career, Lasky ("Men, Women and Money," "Old Wives for New," "The Thing» We Love," "Rimrock Jones," "The Village Cut- Up," "You Never Saw Such a Girl," "Whisper- ing Chorus"), Morosco ("The Third Kiss"), Brunton ("The Scoffer"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 135; brown hair, hazel eyes. Home ad., 4424 Sunset Drive. Los Angeles, Calif. Holly 1502.

COOPER, Miriam; b. Baltimore; educ. there and N. Y. Art School; screen career, Reliance-Ma- jestic ("The Birth of a Nation"), Fine Art» ("When Fate Frowned," "Intolerance"), Fox ("The Honor System." "The Silent Lie," "The Innocent Sinner," "Betrayed," "The Prussian Cur," "Evangeline," "Should a Husband For- give?"). Brown eyes, dark hair. Ad., c/o R. A. Walsh, Mayflower Photoplay Corp., N. Y.

CORNWALL, Anne; b. Brooklyn, Jan. 17, 1897; educ. Catskill, N. Y. ; stage career, mus. com.; screen career. Select ("The Knife." "The Hollow of Her Hand"), Artcraft ("Prunella"), Special ("Quest of the Big 'Un"), Famous Players ("Indestructible Wife," "World to Live In," "Copperhead"). Artcraft Special ("Firing Line"). Hght., 4, 11; wght, 102; dark brown hair and dark eyes. Studio ad.. Famous Play- ers Studio, N. Y.

COTTON, Lucy; b. Houston, Texas; educ. studied in Houston under Mrs. Alma McDonell and Theodora Ursula Irvine at Carnegie Hall and Anton Diehl Conservatoire Music, Houston; stage career, understudied Ina Claire In "Quaker Girl," played in "Little Women," "Polygamy," "Up in Mabel's Room"; screen career, co-starred with Boland in "The Prod- igal Wife." starred in "Blind Love." featured in Artcraft-Cosmopolitan Special "The Miracle of Love," Selznick ("The Broken Melody"), Mayflower-Chautard ("The Invisible Foe"); now with International. Hght., 5, 6; wght., 125; light brown hair, dark brown eyes. Ad., The Nevada, 70th st. and Broadway, N. Y. ; Col. 1570.

COCRTOT, Marguerite Gabrielle; b. Summit, N. J., Aug. 20, 1897; educ. N. Y. and Switzerland; early career, posing for Harrison Fisher; screen career, Kalem, 3 yrs., Famous Players ("Roll- ing Stones"). France Film Co. ("The Natural Law," "The Unbeliever"), Selznick ("The Per- fect Lover"), Artcraft Special ("Teeth of the Tiger"), Pathe serials ("Bound and Gagged," "Pirate Gold"). Hght., 5, 2^4 ; wght., 110; light clear complexion, golden brown hair, greenish blue eyes. Home ad., 19 Hudson pi., Wee- hawken, N. J.; Union 1795.

CRAIG, Blanche; educ. Boston, Mass.; stage exper., vaud. and legit.; screen career, Famou» Players ("Come On In"), Goldwyn, World, Fox



CI Want to Forget"). Ad., 323 W. 70th St., N. Y.

CKONK, Olga; b. Cawker City, Kansas; educ Topeka; screen career, Dwan ("Luck of the Irish," "The Heart of a Fool"). Hght., 6, 6; wght., 125; auburn hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 694 S. Burlington, Los Angeles, Calif.

CROVVELL, Josephine Bonaparte; b. Canada; educ. Canada and Boston; early career, public reader in Boston; stage career, with Robert Hilliard, Frank Keenan, mgmt. Harrison Grey Fiske, toured 2 seasons in "The County Fair," mgmt. K. & E. ; screen career, Fine Arts ("The Birth of a Nation," "Intolerance"), Artcraft ("Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm," "Hearts of the World"), Robertson-Cole ("Josselyn's Wife," "House of Intrigue"), Paramount ("Puppy Love," "Peppy Polly"), Fox ("Flames of the Flesh"), First Nat'l ("Greatest Ques- tion"). Hght., 5, 5; wght., 140; brown hair, brown eyes.

CRUTE, Sally; b. 1893, Chattanooga, Tenn. ; educ. Huntsville, Ala.;; stage career, lead in 'The Deep Purple," "Within the Law," with Doug- las Fairbanks in "Officer 666"; screen career, Edison, Lubin. Metro ("The Light of the Dusk," "A Wife by Proxy," "Blue Jeans," "The Awakening of Ruth"), Sidney Olcott Players ("The Belgian"), Metro ("The Poor Rich Man"), De Luxe ("Twilight"), World ("A Broadwav Saint"), Select ("The Under- current"). Hght., 5, 5%; wght., 130; fair complexion, blond hair, blue eyes. Home ad., Palisade St., Ft. Lee, N. J.

CULLINGTON, Margaret; b. New Rochelle, N. Y.; educ. N. Y. ; born and reared on legitimate stage under father's stage direction; screen career, Pathe ("Caroline of the Corners"), 9 pictures with Baby Marie Osborne, Fox ("Camouflage" with Buck Jones). Hght., 5, 9?4; wght., 136; brown hair, dark blue eyes. Now with Tom Mix at Fox Studio. Home ad., 1322 McCadden place, Hollywood, Calif.; Holly 1834.

CUMMING, Dorothy; b. Burrows, Australia; educ. Sidney, Australia; stage career, 4 yrs. leading woman to J. C. Williamson, Ltd., Aus- tralia, in "Milestones," with Cyril Maude in "Grumpy," "Caste," "School for Scandal," lead at Belasco theatre. N. Y., 9 mos. in "Tiger, Tiger"; screen career, George Loane Tucker ("Ladies Must Live"). Goldwyn ("Woman and the Puppet"), Bessie Barriscale ("Woman Who Understood"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 125; brown hair and eyes. Ad.. 2047 Cahuenga ave., Los Angeles, Calif.; phone 1943.

CURLEY, Pauline; b. Holyoke, Mass.; educ. private tutor; stage career, at age of 5 en- tered stk., vaud. coast to coast tour, "A Daddy by Express," scored hit in "Polygamy" 1914- 15; screen career, Brenon ("The Fall of the Romanoffs"), Artcraft ("Bound in Morocco"), Brentwood ("The Turn in the Road"), Ha- worth-Robertson-Cole ("The Man Beneath"), Independent ("The Solitary Sin"), Alkire- Robertson-Cole ("Love Apple"), Vitagraph ("The Unforeseen Hand"). Hght., 5, 4; wght., 115; light complexion, blond hair, hazel eyes. Home ad., 806 Waterloo St., Los Angeles, Calif.; Wilshire 4801.


DALTON, Dorothy ; b. Chicago, 111., Sept. 22, 1893; educ. Sacred Heart Acad., Chicago; stage ca- reer, several seasons in stk. on B. F. Keith's and Orpheum circuits in vaud.; "Aphrodite"; screen career, Triangle-Ince ("Wild Winship's Widow," "The Flame of the Yukon"), Ince ("Vive la France," "Quicksand," "Market of Souls," "I/Apache," "His Friend's Wife," "Black Is White." "Dark Mirror," "Other Men's Wives'), Famous Players ("Half an Hour"). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 127; dark brown hair, gray- eyes Ad., Hotel Des Artistes, 1 West 67th St., N. Y. C, or 805 Crescent Drive, Beverly Hills Cal.

DALY, Hazel; screen career, Essanay ("Skinner's Dress Suit," "Skinner's Bubble," "Filling His Own Shoes," 'A Corner in Smiths"), Selig ("Tub Brown of Harvard"). Triangle ("The Little Rowdy"), Goldwyn ("The Gay Lord Quex").

DANA, Margaret; b. Charleston, S. C, 1895; educ Convent Lady of the Woods. Terre Haute, Ind. ; screen career, Essanay, Arrow, playing parts of every description. Hght.. 5, 7%; wght., 138; brown eyes, brunette. Home ad., 254 W 76th St.. N. Y. C.

DANA, Viola; b. Brooklyn, 1898; educ. New York; stage career, 11 yrs., appeared in "Rip Van Winkle," "The Littlest Rebel," "The Poor Little Rich Girl"; screen career, Edison ("The Stoning "), Metro ("Blue Jeans," "A Weaver of Dreams," "The Night Rider," "Flower of the Dusk," "Oh, Annice," "The Gold Cure," "The Baby Devil," "Diana Ardway," "Jeanne of the Gutter," "False Evidence," "Some Bride," "Satan Junior," "Parisian Tigress," "The Mi- crobe," "Please Get Married," "The Willow Tree"). Home ad., 7070 Franklin ave., Los An- geles, Cal.; studio, Metro, Hollywood.

DANIELS, Bebe; b. Dallas, Texas, 1901; educ. convent in Los Angeles; stage career, played child parts with Burbank and Belasco Stk. cos. in L. A., Valencia Stk. co., San Francisco; screen career, 2 yrs. leading parts Rolin-Pathe Comedies, Famous Players ("Why Change Your Wife?" "Every woman," "The Dancin' Fool"). Hght., 5, 4; wght., 123; black hair and eyes. Ad., Lasky Studio, Hollywood. Cal.

DARLING, Grace; b. N. Y., 1896; educ. N. Y.; early career, newspaper writer; screen career. International ("Beatrice Fairfax"), S. L. Prod. ("Virtuous Men"), Rothapfel ("False Gods"), Rolfe ("Amazing Lovers"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 127; blond hair, blue eyes. Ad., 25 East 64th St., N. Y. C.

DARLING, Helen; stage career, classical dancing for four yrs.; screen career, past nine mos. with Al. Christie. Hght., 5, 5; wght., 120; auburn hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 6019 Yucca St., Los Angeles, Cal.; Holly 3158; studio, Christie.

DARLING, Ida; b. and educ. N. Y. C; stage ex- per., 15 yrs. ; screen career, Famous, Vitagraph, World, Fox, Norma Talmadge, etc. ("The Make Believe Wife." "Marriage," "Broadway Jones"), Metro ("Man Who Stayed at Home"), Rothapfel ("False Gods"), International ("Miracle of Love"), Norma Talmadge ("Two Women"), Grossmith ("Making Good with Mother"). Gray hair, brown eyes. Ad., Cum- berland Hotel, 54th st. and Bway, N. Y. C.

DARMOND, Grace; stage career, several seasons in stock, leading role in "A Texas Steer," "House of a Thousand Candles," "A Black Sheep"; screen career, Technicolor ("The Gulf Between"), Vitagraph ("The Seal of Silence," "The Girl in His House," "A Diplomatic Mis- sion," " A Gentleman of Quality"), J. D. Hamp- ton, Vitagraph ("The Highest Trump"), Rob.- Cole ("What Every Woman W'ants"), Para.- Artcraft ("Valley of the Giants"), Burston Films serial, "The Hawk's Trail." Hght., 5, 3V4; wght., 129; blond hair, dark eyes. Home ad., 7216 Franklin ave.. Hollywood, Cal.

DAVENPORT, Alice; b. N. Y. C, 1864; educ. Miss Irving's Sch., N. Y. ; stage career, from age of 5, played over 800 parts in 25 yrs. in stk., on tour and in rep. with noted actors; screen ca- reer, 4 mos. Nestor, Horsley, one of orig. six who made first Keystone, Sunshine Comedies, played characters for Fox. Hght., 5, 2; wght., 140; ruddy complexion, gray hair, hazel eyes. Ad., 1748 N. Western ave., Hollywood, Cal.

DAVENPORT, Blanche; b. London. Eng.; educ. Alpaugh Coll., London; stage career, Aborn Opera Co.; screen career. Pathe, Thanhouser ("The Woman, the Saint and the Devil"), Tri- angle ("American That's All"), Keeney ("Mar- riage for Convenience"), Metro ("God's High- way"), McManus ("Lost Battalion"), Marion Davies ("Miracle of Love"). Edison ("The Un- believer"), Sidney Olcott ("The Belgian"), Fox ("Life of General Pershing"). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 139; fair complexion, blond hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 100 Convent ave., N. Y. ; Mngside 38S7.

DAVIES, Marion; b. Brooklyn, 1S9S: educ. N. Y. ; stage career, "Betty." "Oh. Boy"; screen ca- reer, Select ("The Belle of New York"), Inter- national Film Co., Cosmopolitan Prod. ("The Dark Star," "April Folly," "The Cinema Mur- der," "The Restless Sex," "Superman," "Get- ting Mary Married"). Hght., 5, 4 y, ; wght., 123; golden hair, blue eyes. Ad.. International Film Co., 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C.

DAVIS, Mildred; b, Philadelphia. Pa.; educ. Friend's School, Phila. ; screen career, Metro (' Weaver of Dreams'). Pathe ("All Wrong," Pathe comedies), leads in Mutual comedies, now co-starring with Harold Llovd. Hght., 5; wght.. 100; blond hair, blue eyes. Ad., Rolin Film Co.. Los Angeles. Cal. Home ad.. 5947 Carlton Way. Hollywood, Cal.: phone 579227.

DAVISON, Grace; b Oceanslde, L. I : educ X. Y. ; Long Island society girl, organized own com- pany and made "Wives of Men." starring Flor-



ence Reed, Miss Davison playing second lead; starring in "Atonement" with Conway Tearle, "A Convert of Revenge" with Montague Love, and Selznick Prod. Hght., 5, 6 Mi; wght., 135; dark hair and eyes. Ad., 1465 Broadway, N. T.

DAW, Marjorie; b. Colorado Springs, Colo., 1902; educ. Westlake Schl. ; screen career, Universal, Lasky ("Joan the Woman"), Artcraft ("Re- becca of Sunnybrook Farm," "Arizona," "He Comes Up Smiling," "Bound in Morocco," "Mr. Fix-It," "Say, Young Fellow"), Fairbanks ("Knickerbocker Buckaroo," "His Majesty, the American"), Marshall Neilan ("The River's End"). Hght., 5, 2%; wght., 104; light brown hair, hazel eyes. Home ad., 6609 St. Frances Court, Los Angeles. Holly 3709; studio, Mar- shall Neilan Prod.

DAWN, Hazel; b. Ogden City, Utah; educ. Round- wood, Cal., and London, Eng.; stage career, yr. mus. com. in London, 4 yrs. with K. and E. in "The Pink Lady," starred in "The Debutante," etc.; screen career, Famous Players ("The Heart of Jennifer," "The Masqueraders," "The Saleslady," "Under Cover," etc., Herbert Brenon ("The Lone Wolf"). Hght., 5, 4y2; wght., 135; blond hair, hazel eyes. Ad., home, Amitvville, L. I., N. Y.

DEAN, Julia; b. St. Paul, 1880; educ. Salt Lake Citv; stage career, with stk. cos. in West from 1899-1902, supported Nat. Goodwin, Eleanor Robson, "Paid in Full," "Bought and Paid For," etc.; screen career, Triangle ("Matri- mony"), Universal ("Judge Not"), Triumph ("The Ransom"), LoRugel ("How Molly Made Good"), World ("Rasputin"), Schomer ("Rul- ing Passions"). S. W. W. Relief ("An Honor- able Cad"). Famous Players ("Society Exile"). Ad.. 320 W. 51st St., N. Y. C.

DEAN, Priscilla; b. N. Y. C. ; educ. private tutors; stage career, 15 yrs. in stk., rep., vaud., prod.; screen career, from 1911, Biograph, Pathe, World, now with Universal ("Exquisite Thief," "Virgin of Stamboul," "Pretty Smooth," "Kiss or Kill." "Wicked Darling," "Wildcat of Paris," "Two-Souled Woman," "Brazen Beauty," "Beautiful Beggar"). Hght., 5, 4; wght., 125; dark brown hair, brown eyes. Ad., Universal Studio. Universal City, Cal.

DEANE, Hazel; b. Perth, Australia; educ. San Francisco, Cal.; stage career, 8 yrs. in vaud.; screen career. Balboa ("Soft Soap"), Fox ("Money Talks"), National ("That Darned Stocking," "Matrimoniacs"). Hght., 5, 2%; wght.. 120; blond hair, gray eyes. Home ad., 5817 Virginia ave., Hollywood, Cal.; Holly 2677; studio. Vitagraph.

DEARING, Ann; educ. High School, N. Y. C; screen career, World ("Tinsel"), Independent Sales ("My Four Years in Germany"), Famous Players ("Marie, Ltd.," "Career of Catherine Bush"). Hght., 5, 5; wght., 119; dark brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 2 W. 111th St., N. Y. C; Univ. 5719.

De COKDOBA, Mercedes; b. N. Y. C; educ there, studied 5 yrs. in Europe; stage career, with Wm. Faversham in "The Hawk." French thea- tre in "Les Luminenses," "The Wanderer," "Chu-Chin-Chow," also Shakespearean roles; screen career, Edison, Famous Players ("Out of a Clear Sky"), with Marguerite Clark; Univer- sal, with Violet Mercereau. Hght.. 5, 6; wght., 125; black hair and eyes. Ad., 77 East 89th St.. N. Y. C.

DE FOREST, Patsey; b. Port Penn, Del.; educ. Philadelphia and private sch. ; stage career, small parts as a child, played with Francis Bushman in stock, child parts; screen career, Lubin, leads with O. Henry Stories ("Her Se- cret." "Hugs and Hubbubs," "A Night in New Arabia," "Lost In Dress Parade," "The Guilty Party," "The Last Leaf"), Vitagraph ("The Love Doctor," "Alabaster Box"), 2 yrs. with Larry Semon. Hght., 5; wght., 107; auburn hair, dark brown eyes. Home ad., 446 N. Vir- gil ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; Wil. 1171.

De HAVEN, Flora Parker (Mrs. Carter De Haven) j b. Perth Amboy, N. J.; stage exper., stk. in New Orleans, leading woman for Nat Goodwin, vaud., queen in "Queen of the Moulin Rouge": screen career. Universal ("The Mad Cap," "Youth of Fortune," "College Orphan"), 13 two-reel comedies for National, now with Paramount. Home ad., 7237 Franklin ave., Los Angeles. Cal.

DE LACY, May E.; educ. N. Y. C.J stage career. 3 yrs. vaud.; screen career, World ("Human Driftwood." "Tillie Makes Up," "Price of Pride." "Stolen Paradise," "Wanted A Mother"), Fox ("Romeo and Juliet," "Les

Miserables"), Metro ("Duchess of Doubt"). Fa- mous ("Arms and the Girl"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 130; light brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 167 E. 61st St., N. Y. C. ; Plaza 6719.

De La MOTTE, Marguerite; b. Duluth, Minn.; educ. San Diego, Cal.; screen career, H. B. Warner ("The Pagan God," "For a Woman's Honor"), Jesse D. Hampton ("A Sagebrush Hamlet." "Dangerous Waters"), B. B. Hamp- ton ("The Sagebrusher"), Jack Pickford ("In Wrong"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 105; fair hair, hazel eyes. Home ad., 1918 Pinehurst Road, Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 577912.

DELARO, Hattie; b. Brooklyn, N. Y.; educ. Packard Institute, Bklyn.; stage career, with Augustin Daly, Nat Goodwin and many mus. corns.; orig. soubrette in Gilbert and Sullivan's operas; also vaud.; screen career. Famous Play- ers ("Old Homestead"), Metro ("Blindness of Love," "Awakening of Helena Richie," etc.), O. Henry series for Vitagraph ("Mind the Paint Girl," "Marriage"), Rothapfel ("False Gods"), International ("April Follies"), grand dames and "mother" roles. Hght., 5, 5; dark hair, dark gray eyes. Home ad., 541 W. 124th St., Apt. 15, N. Y. C. ; Mngsde 2669.

DEMPSTER, Carol; b. California; early career, studied under Ruth St. Denis and toured as one of Denishawn dancers; screen career, D W. Griffith prods. ("Romance of Happy Valley," "The Girl Who Stayed at Home," "Scarlet Days"). Ad., Griffith Studio, Mamaroneck, N. Y.

DE REMER, Rubye; b. Denver, Colo.; stage ca- reer, Ziegfeld Girl, "Midnight Frolic"; screen career, Rex Beach ("The Auction Block"), Ivan ("Enlighten Thy Daughter"), Metro ("Pals First" and "The Great Romance," with Harold Lockwood). Blackton ("Safe for Democ- racy"), Famous Players ("Fires of Faith"), Hodkinson ("His Temporary Wife"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 122; fair complexion, blond hair, blue eyes. Ad., 33 W. 67th St., N. Y.

DESHON, Florence; b. Tacoma, Wash.; educ. N. Y. ; stage career. Belasco, "Seven Chances"; screen career, Goldwyn ("The Auction Block"), Vitagraph ("The Other Man," "The Desire of Women," "A Bachelor's Children," "Love Watches," "The Cambric Mask"), Goldwyn ("Cup of Fury," "Dangerous Days"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 142; dark hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 6220 DeLongpre ave, Los Angeles. Cal.; studio, Goldwyn, Culver City, Cal.

De VORE, Dorothy; b. Fort Worth; educ. there and Los Angeles; stage exper., 1 season vaud.; screen career, 15 comedies Lyons & Moran, Christie ("Know Thy Wife," "Oh, Baby," "Anybody's Widow," "Two A. M.." "A Looney Honeymoon," "Nearly Newlyweds," "Should Husbands Dance," "'Twas Midnight"). Hght., 5. 2; wght., 115; brown hair and eyes. Ad., 4560 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal.; studio. Christie, Hollywood, Cal.

DOMINQUEZ, Beatrice; b. San Bernardino. Cal.; educ. Sacred Heart Convent; stage career, Spanish dancer under name of La Bella Se- villa; 2 yrs. at P. O. I. Exposition and San Diego Exposition; 6 mos. with "The Land of Joy Review"; 1 yr. on tour with own CO.; screen career, Douglas Fairbanks ("Bound in Morocco"). Universal ("Light of Victory," "The Sundown Trail." "The Beach Comber"). Hght., 5, 4; wght.. 122; black hair and eyes. Ad.. 4011 University ave., Los Angeles. Cal.

DORO, Marie; b. Duncannon. Pa.. 1885 ; educ. Peebles and Thompson Sch. and Miss Bronson's Sch., N. Y. ; stage career. 1901, "Sherlock Holmes" with Gillette. "Richest Girl," "Oliver Twist," "Diplomacy," "Butterfly on the Wheel" ; screen career. Famous, Lasky ("Oliver Twist," "The Lash." "Lost and Wnn"), Lasky-Para- mount ("Heart's Desire"), Republic ("Twelve- Ten"). Hght., 5. 4; wght.. 115; brown hair and eyes. Home ad., 615 Fifth ave.. N. Y.

DRESSLER, Marie; b. Coburg, Canada, Nov. 9, 1871; educ. Canada; stage career, began 1886 In "Under Two Flags," with Lew Fields Trav- esty Co. vaud. in U. S. and London, "What Happened to Jones"; screen career. Kalem, Lasky ("The Blacklist." "The Leach"), with Charlie Chaplin in " Tillie's Punctured Ro- mance," "Burlesque on Carmen"). Hght., 5, 5; wght., 128; brown hair and blue-gray eyes. 1920. legitimate prod.

DREW, CORA; b. America; educ. there; stage career, from babyhood to age of 22; screen ca- reer, last six yrs., scenario and magazine arti- cles, newspaper fashion stuff; Weber-Smalley ("Where Are My Children?"). Maclyn Arbuckle ("It's No Laughing Matter"), Fox ("When a



Man Sees Red"), 2 yrs. stk. with Griffith, Uni- versal ("Prince of Ave. A"), with Mildred Harris in Meyer Co. Hght., 5, 5; wght, 123; brown-gray hair, hazel eyes. Ad., Actors' Assn.. Los Angeles, Cal.

DREW, .Mrs. Sidney (Lucille McVey) ; b. Sedalia, Mo., 1S90; educ. Sedalia Coll. of Music, Ne- braska Sch. of Expression; stage career, enter- tainer for Redpath Lyceum, U. S. and Europe, screen career, Vitagraph (playing cormdies directed by Sidney Drew in "The Story of ihe Glove"), Metro ("Reliable Henry," "One of the Family," "Her First Game," "Henry's Ances- tors," "The Patriot." "The Rebellion of Mr. Minor." "A Close Resemblance." "As Others

' See Us," "The Spirit of Merry Christmas"). Famous Players ("Once a Mason," "The Ama- teur Liar," "Harold, the Last of the Saxons." "Bunkered," "A Sisterly Scheme"), Pathe ("After Thirty"). Studio ad., 363 W. 125th St., N. T. C.

Dl'BREV, Clare; b. N. Y., 1893; educ. in con- vents; stage career, stk.; screen career. Uni- versal, Fox ("When Fate Decides"), Rob-Cole ("Modern Husbands," "What Every Woman Wants"), World ("The Devil's Trail"), Pathe ("The Old Maid's Baby." "The Sawdust Doll," "The World Aflame"). Vitagraph ("The Wish- ing Ring Man"), Selznick ("The Spite Bride"), Ince ("Americanism"), Metro ("The Walk- offs"), ("Heart of a Child"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 130; auburn hair, brown eyes. Ad., Metro Studio.

DUNBAR, Helen; b. N. Y. ; educ. Eden Hall. Pa ; stage career, 16 yrs. in comic opera. Weber and Fields, own rep. co., "The Little Minister"; screen career, Essanay, Metro, Lasky-Para- mount ("The Squaw Man"), Paralta ("Maid o' the Storm"), Metro ("Making Good"), Pathe ("All Wrong," "Common Clay"), Rob-Cole ("Josseiyn's Wife"), Paramount ("Jane Goes A-Wooing," "Venus In the East," "Men, Women and Money," "The Winning Girl," "Puppy Love"), Hodkinson ("Fighting Through"). Hght.. 5. 6; auburn hair, brown eyes. Studio ad., Universal City, Cal.

DUNHAM, Maudie; b. Essex, England; educ. Holmwood Coll., Westcliffe-on-Sea, England; stage career, 5 yrs. musical comedy at Gaiety Theatre with George Grossmith and Leslie Henson in " To-night's the Night" and "Theo- dore and Co." at Adelphi with W. H. Berry in "The Boy"; screen career, Samuelson (Lon- don) ("Lads of the Village"), Barker (Lon- don) ("The Beetle"), Samuelson (Cal.) ("Tem- porary Gentlemen"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 105; blond hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 1265 Third ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 747-89; studio, Samuelson. Universal City, Cal.

DUPRE, Louise; b. Atlanta, 1897; educ. con- vent; stage career, 10 yrs., "Paid in Full," "The Wolf," "Hanky Panky"; screen career, Pathe ("Perils of Pauline"). Vitagraph. Famous Players, World. Mary Pickford as her under- study in "Pollyanna." Home ad.. Hotel Glld- den. Hollywood, Cal.; Holly 3910.

DURFEE, Minta (Mrs. Rosooe Arbuokle) ; b. Los Angeles. 1897; early career in mus. com. and vaud. ; screen career. Keystone since 1913 as comedienne ("His Wife's Mistake," "Mick- ey"). Wght.. 130; red hair, blue eyes. Ad., Truart Pictures, 1457 B'way, N. Y.

DWYER, Ruth; educ. Brooklyn; stage career, musical comedy 2 yrs.; screen career, 1 yr. with Universal, Wistaria ("The Lurking Per- il"). Hallmark ("The Evil Eye"). Hght., 5,2; wght., 109; blond hair, brown eyes. Ad.. 1533 West 3rd St., Brooklyn, N. Y.


EDDY, Helen Jerome; b. N. Y. C. ; educ. Los Angeles; screen career, Morosco ("His Sweet- heart." "Lost in Transit"). Lasky ("One More American"), Universal ("The Blinding Trail"). Brentwood ("The Turn in the Road"). Ha- worth ("The Man Beneath." "The Tong Man"), Tourneur ("The County Fair"), Mary Pickford ("Pollyanna"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 135; dark hair and eyes. Home ad.. 1911 N. Van Ness ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; Holly 3326.

EDGINGTON, Ida; educ. Fogg School, Nashville. TiMin.; screen career, series of Beauty Pictures for the Screen Magazine of the Universal Film Co., "The Burning Question." Catholic Art Assn. Hght., 5, 4 % ; wght., 128; light brown hair and dark eyes. Ad., 235 W. 76th St., N. Y. : Schuyler 1759.

ELVIDGE, June C; b. St. Paul. Minn.. June 30, 1893; educ. Penn. Coll.; early career, con- cert singer; stage career, Winter Garden, "Passing Show of 1914"; screen career. World ("Stolen Orders," "The Quickening Flame," "The Love Defender"). World ("The Moran Deadline," "Three Green Eyes." "Coax Me," "His Father's Wife," "The Woman of Lies," "Poison Pen," "The Steel King"). Mayflower- Miller prod. ("The Call of the Yukon"). Hght., 5, 9; wght., 135; brown hair and eyes. Ad., Bavside. L. I., N. Y.

ESMONDE. Merceita (Mrs. Harry Northrup) ; b. Phila., educ. N. Y. C. ; stage career. 5 yrs. with Chas. Frohman; screen career, Empire All Star Corp., Famous Players ("Less Than the Dust." "Beautiful Adventure." "Oh. You Women"). Wght.. 135; brown hair and eyes. Ad., 419 W. 119th St., N. Y. C.

EYTON, Bessie; b. Santa Barbara. Cal.; educ there; screen career, Selig ("The Crisis." "Heart of Texas Ryan," "City of Purple Dreams." "The Smoldering Flame," "The Love of Madge O'Mara." "The Sole Survivor," "The Still Alarm," "Victor of the Plot," "Law North of 65"), Paramount ("Way of a Man with a Maid"). Metro ("Man of Honor"), Vitagraph ("The Usurper").


FAIR, Elinor; b. Richmond, Va., 1902; educ. pri- vate schools and private tuition here and abroad; stage exper., musical comedy at Alca- zar Theatre; screen career, Paralta, J. D. Hampton. C. K. Young. Triangle, G. L. Tucker special ("The Miracle Man"), Hodkinson ("End of the Game"); Fox ("Words and Music," "Be a Little Sport," "Married in Haste," "Love Is Love," "The Lost Princess," "Tin Pan Alley"). Hght., 5, 5; wght., 125; brown hair and eyes. Ad., Fox Film Corp., Hollywood, Cal.

FAIRBANKS, Gladys; b. 1889 and educ. Halifax, N. S. ; stage career, stock, "Poor Little Rich Girl," "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch." "Redemption," 1918; screen career. Famous Players ("The Poor Little Rich Girl"), Metro ("The Outsider"). Rankin Drew ("Who's Your Neighbor?"), Goldwyn ("Our Little Wife," "The Face in the Dark"). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 135; light brown hair, dark grey eyes. Ad., 421 East 64th St., N. Y. C. ; Rhinelander 300.

FARLEY, Dorothea, also scenario writer; b. Chi- cago; educ. Rockford. 111., Seminary, Valpa- raiso Conservatory; stage career, since age of 3, starred in own stk. co for several yrs., In dram. stk. and mus. com.; screen career. Es- sanay, American, Universal, Keystone, Fox, Sunshine, series of six Century Comedies, now featured in series of Vin Moore Comedies. Home ad.. 1731 Bellview, Los Angeles. Cal.; phone 558774; studio, Vin Comedies, 1919 So. Main, Los Angeles. Cal.

FARRAR, Geraldine; b. Melrose, Mass ; educ. Europe and America; stage career, from 1901. debut as Marguerite in "Faust" at Royal Opera House, Berlin, member Royal Opera House, Berlin, and Metropolitan Opera Co., N. Y., has appeared in many operatic roles, one of the greatest living prima donnas; screen career, Lasky ("Carmen," "Joan the Woman." "The Jaguar's Claws"), Artcraft ("The Woman God Forgot"), Goldwyn ("The Stronger Vow," "Shadows." "World and Its Woman." "Flame of the Desert"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 135: black hair, gray eyes. Permanent ad., Metropolitan Opera House, N. Y. C. ; studio, Culver City, Cal.

FARRINGTON, Adele; b. Brooklyn. N. Y ; educ. Lindenwood Coll.. St. Charles. Mo.; stage ca- reer, comic opera leads with Amelia Bingham, Florence Roberts. 7 yrs. Belasco Stk Co.; screen career, Bosworth. Inc. ("Country Mouse"), Morosco ("Marclllina's Millions." "Roadside Inn"). Lasky ("House of Silence." "Something to Do"). Jesse Hampton ("Fugitive from Mat- rimony"), Lasky ("Too Much Johnson"). Hght., 5. 5; wght., 150; light hair, gray eyes. Home ad., 1812 Wilcox ave., Hollywood. Cal.

FAZENDA, Louise; b. Lafayette, Ind., 1895; educ. St. Mary's Convent, and L. A. High School. Los Angeles; stage career, short season stock; screen career. Universal, Keystone, Sennett- Paramount ("The Kitchen Lady." "Her First Mistake," "Her Screen Idol," "The Village Chestnut." "The Village Smithy," "The Fool- ish Age." "Hearts and Flowers." "Treating 'Em Rough." "Hack to the Kitchen"). Hght.,



5, 5; wght., 138; light hair, hazel eyes. Ad.. 1132 LeMoyne ave., Los Angeles', studio, Mack Sennett Comedies, Los Angeles, Cal.; Wilshire 1222

FERGUSON", Elsie Louise; b. N. Y. C. ; educ Normal College, N. Y. ; stage career, star In "Such a Little Queen," "First Lady of the Land," "The Strange Woman," "Outcast," etc.; 1920, "Sacred and Profane Love"; screen career, Famous Players ("The Danger Mark," "Heart of the Wilds," "Under the Greenwood Tree," "The Parisian Wife," "The Marriage Price," "Salt of the Earth," "Eyes of the Soul." "The Avalanche." "A Society Exile," "The Counter- feit" "His House in Order"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 125; golden hair, blue eyes. Ad., Fa- mous Plavers-Lasky Corp., 485 5th ave., N. Y. C.

FERGUSON", Helen; b. Decatur. 111.. 1901; educ. Chicago; screen career. Blackton ("Safe for Democracy"), Metro ("Wilson or the Kaiser"), McManus ("Lost Battalion." "Bruised Human- ity"). Vitagraph ("The Gamblers"). Goldwyn ("Going Some"). Hght., 5. 3; wght.. 125; brown hair and eyes. Ad., 274. W. 71st St.. N. Y. C. ; Columbus 10028.

FIELD, Elinor; b. Plymouth, Pa.. 1902; educ. L. A. Poly. High; screen career, Sennett Come- dies. 18 mos. ; Christie Comedies, 7 mos., Strand Comedies, 10 mos. ("Easy Payment," "Dan Cupid," "The Tale of a Hat," "Just Home Maid." "Are Brunettes False?". "For Love or Money"), National ("Hearts and Masks"). Hght., 5, 1; wght., 102; blond hair, hazel eyes. Ad.. 827 Glendale ave., Glendale, Cal.; studio. National, Los Angeles.

FIELDING, Margaret; l> Louisville. Ky. ; educ. New York; stage career, leading woman in stk. with Keith for 6 yrs., 2 yrs. in vaud. with U. BO., leads in "Double Exposure," "Some Daddy." "The Crowded Hour"; screen career. Fox ("The Moon Sprite." "Every Girl's Dream," "The Mischief Maker," "The Straight Way"), Serico ("The Jeweled Hand"). Hght., 5, 5%; wght . 125; dark brown hair, brown eyes. Ad., Betts & Fowler, 1482 Broadway. N. Y.

FINCH. Flora; b. England; educ. English private school; stage career, began with Ben Greet in England, also in vaud.; screen car.eer. Vita- graph ("A Night Out"), Biograph, Pathe- Thanhouser ("Prudence, the Pirate"). Flora Finch Film. Capellani ("Oh. Boy"), Flagg- Paramount ("The Unwelcome Guest"), Black- ton ("Dawn"). Hght., 5, 5; wght.. 110; fair complexion, dark hair, blue-gray eyes. Home ad.. 253 W. 42nd St., N. Y. C.

FISHER, Margarita; b. Missouri Valley. Iowa; educ. on stage at age of 8; screen career. American ("The Quest," "Miracle of Life"). Equitable ("The Dragon"), Pollard Picture Plays ("Pearl of Paradise." "Miss Jackie of the Navy." "The Little Girl Who Wouldn't Grow Up." "The Butterfly Girl," "The Devil's Assistant"). Hght.. 5; wght., 177; copper color hair, gray eyes. Studio ad., American studio. 1811 ctnte s'.. Santa Barbara. Cal.

FITZ-GERALD, Cissy; stage career, mgmt. Charles Frohman; screen career, Vitagraph ("The Win- some Widow," "How Cissy Made Good." "The Accomplished Mrs. Thompson," "Cissy's Inno- cent Wink," "Curing Cissy"); now producing series of comedies, "Cissy and Bertie," first re- lease, "Cissv's Funnymoon." Ad., Rothacker Film Co., Chicago, 111.

FLEMING, Ethel; b. N. Y. C; educ. Cleveland, O. ; stage exper., 2 seasons stk. and road cos.; screen career. Famous Players. Edison. Fox. Triangle ("The Pretender." "Silent Rider," "Tenderfoot Schoolmaster," "Smiles." "Pas- sions Three"), Robertson-Cole ("Modern Hus- bands"). Hght., 5, 4; wght., 115; blond hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 1001 N. Western Blvd., Hollywood, Cal.

FORDE, Eugenie; b. N. Y. C. ; educ. N. Y. C; stage career, from 1898, with George Munroe, Chauncey Olcott, Wm. Faversham, Blanche Walsh, etc.; screen career, 7 yrs. Christie Com- edies, Selig, Universal, American ("Send Him Away with a Smile"), Goldwyn ("Sis Hopkins" with Mabel Normand, "Strictly Confidential"), American ("Fair Enough"). Hght., 5. 6; wght., 139; complexion dark, brown eyes, auburn hair. Home ad., 1600 N. Bronson ave., Hollywood, Cal.; Holly 1167.

FORREST, Ann; b. Denmark, 1897; educ. Den- mark; screen career, American, Universal ("The Birth of Patriotism," "The Midnight Man"), Triangle ("The Tar Heel Warrior"), Lasky ("The Grim Game." "The Prince Chap"), Allan Dwan ("A Splendid Hazard"). Goldwyn ("Dan-

gerous Days"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 104; blond hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 1139 LaBrea, Lob Angebs Call .: Holly 1423.

FORREST, Edith; <-duc. high sch. and college, Mich.; stage career, 10 yrs. dramatic leads In produs., stock and vaud.; screen career, Selz- nlck ("The Imp"), Vitagraph ("The Golden Shower"), Metro ("The Lifted Veil"), Frohman ("The Invisible Ray"), etc. Hght., 5, 5; wght., 140; red hair, blue eyes. Ad., 270 W. 39th St., N. Y. C. ; Greeley 2429.

FREDERICK, Pauline; b. Boston. Mass.; educ. Boston private sch.; stage career, "Roger Brothers" successes. "Princess of Kensington. "Little Gray Lady," "Toddles," "When Knights Were Bold." "Samson" with Gillette. "Joseph and His Brethren," "Innocent" (starred); screen career. Famous Players ("Mrs. Dane's Defense," "A Daughter of the Old South," "£aza," "La TuS-a," "red la"), G< di< ("Woman on the Index," "Bonds of Love." "Fear Woman." "Peace of Roaring River." "Loves of Letty," "One Week of Life." "The Paliser Case"). Hght., 5, 4; wght., 130; brown hair and blue eyes. Ad., home. 449 Park ave., N. Y. ; studio. Goldwyn Culver City Cal.


GALE, Alice; b. Phila., Pa., 1868; educ. Phila. Hlgfl S " s. : st:,ge isnt wi m N-i "Oi Leslie Carter, James O'Neil. Marie Doro, Otis Skinner. Billie Burke, Louis Mann. Booth. •"> yrs. at the Grand Opera House Pittsburg. 3 yrs. at Girard Ave. theatre, Phila ; 1 yr. at Proc- tor's Fifth Ave.; screen career, Fox ("The Darl- ing of Paris." "The New York Peacock." "Camille"), Select Pictures ("Magda"). Para- Artcraft ("L' Apache").

GANE. Vivian; b. Brookville, Kans. ; educ. Kansas City; screen career, leading lady in series of Al Jennings' pictures, including "The Outlaw's Alibi." "The Deputy Marshal's Wife," "When Outlaws Meet." Hght.. 5. 4; wght., 123; light brown hair, hazel eyes. Home ad.. 1224 West 41st «tt., Los Angeles Calif.; phone 26332; studio, Capital Film Co.. Hollywood. Calif.

GAUNTIER, Gene; b. Wellsville, Mo.; educ. studied drama in Berlin, grad. Kansas City Sch. of Oratory; stage career, stk.; screen career, author, star and co-director of biblical film "From Manger to the Cross," Kalem ("Col- leen Baun," "Girl Spy Series." "Tragedy o' the Desert," "Down Through the Ages"), Gene Gauntier Feature Players ("In the Form of a Hypnotist," "Daughtsr of the Confederacy"), 50 Kalem Irish dramas; during 1919. dramatic editor and critic, Kansas City Post; written over 500 produced scenarios; star, scenarioist and supervising director Dodge Feature Films. Home ad., 3000 Prospect ave., Kansas City, Mo.

GEORGE, Maud; b. Riverside, Cal., 1890; educ. Los Angeles; stage career, Burbank stock, Los Angeles, 2 seasons with Conrad Le Marie over Orphe'im circuit played in "The Sui ' n s Fa- vorite" for 1 season; screen career, Universal ("Idle Wives," "Shadows of Suspicion," "Even as You and I," "Heart Strings"), Artcraft ("Blue Blazes Rawden"), Ince-Para. ("The Marriage Ring"), Vitagraph ("A Rogue's Ro- mance"), Pathe ("The Midnight Stage"), Rob.- Cole ("The Lamb and the Lion"). Hght., 5, 7; stately type, olive complexion, black hair, dark brown eyes. Studio ad., Universal City. Calif.

GERBER, Neva; b. Chicago, 111.; educ. Immacu- late Heart Coll.; screen career, with Edwin August in "The Awakening," Metro ("The Great Secret"), Universal ("The Prodigal Widow." "Like Wildfire," "Caught in the Act," "The Phantom Ship." "The Spindle of Life," "Roped," "The Trail of the Octopus." "The Screaming Shadow"). Hght., 5, 2; wght.. 112; light brown hair, brown eyes. Ad. 217 N. Western ave., Los Angeles, Calif.; phone 560576.

GIBSON, Helen; b. Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 27, 1894; educ. Central High. Cleveland; ea»-iy career, rodeo rider, holding highest honors for Los An- geles rodeo woman rider 2 yrs. ; screen career. Universal ("The Dynamite Special." "Man of God," "The Run of the Yellow Mail." "The Frustrated Holdup." "Fighting Mad"), number of 2-reel releases. Capital Film ("Peril of the Rails," "When Seconds Count," "Border Watch Dogs," "The Ghost of Canyon Diablo," "The Robber of the Golden Star," "Trail of the Rails"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 142; brown hair, hazel eyes, olive complexion. Ad. Capital Film Co., Hollywood, Calif.



GILL, Helen; stage career, "Business Refire Pleasure," original "Fair and Warmer," "Ex- perience"; screen career, lead in Selznick Pic- tures. Hght.. 5, 6; wght., 135; dark hair and eyes. Ad., c/o Arthur H. Jacobs, 145 W. 45th st.. N. Y. C; Bryant 4783.

GISH, Dorothy; b. Dayton, O.. 1898; stage career from 1902; screen career, Biograph. Reliance- Majestic. Fine Arts ("The Little Yank," "Chil- dren of the Feud." "That Colby Girl"), Griffith ("Hearts of the World"), Paramount ("Battling Jane." "The Hope Chest," "The Hun Within." "Boots," "I'll Get Him Yet," "Peppy Polly," "Nugget Nell," "Out of Luck," "Turning the Tables"). Hght., 5; blue eyes, fair hair. Ad., Griffith Studio, Mamaroneck, N. Y.

GISH, Lillian; b. Springfield, O., 18911; educ. fin- ishing schl.; stage career, from 1902; screen career, from 1912 engaged by Griffith for Bio- graph stock; went with Griffith to Reliance- Majestic and Fine Arts ("Birth of a Nation," "Intolerance." "Souls Triumphant"). Griffith- Artcraft, "Hearts of the World," "The Great Love," "The Greatest Thing in Life," "Ro- mance of Happy Valley," "Broken Blossoms," 'True-Heart Susie"), First National ("The Greatest Question"). Studio ad., Griffith studio, Mamaroneck, N. Y.

G LA I'M, Louise; b. nr. Baltimore; educ. Mary- land; stage career, stk and several prod.; screen career, Thos. H. Ince ("The Wolf Woman," "The Sweetheart of the Doomed," "Love and Justice," "Golden Rule Kate"), Paralta ("Shell 43," "Law Unto Herself"), J. Parker Read, Jr. ("Sahara," "Lone Wolf's Daughter," "Sex"). Hght.. 5. 5; wght., 130; brown hair, hazel eyes Ad. J. Parker Read Jr., Prods., Thos. H. Ince Studio. Los Angeles, Calif.; phone W. 62.

GOLDEN, Ruth Fuller; b. N. Y. C. ; educ. Los Angeles; screen career, Vitagraph comedies, "Pegern," "Over the Garden Wall," "Cupid Forecloses." Hght., 5, 7; wght., 128; light brown hazel eyes. Ad., 1729 Winona Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.; Holly 2216; studio, Vita- graph.

GORDON, Eva; b. Alsace-Lorraine; educ. there; stage career, Berlin with Harry Walden, stock; screen career, Union Film Co. in Berlin, Great Northern Film Co. in Copenhagen, Metro ("Under Suspicion"), World ("The Black Cir- cle"), Hallmark ("The Chains of Evidence"), Jack London Film Co. ("The Star Rover"), Fox ("The White Moll"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 135; blond hair hazel eyes. Ad., Hotel Ransby, 324 W. 84th St., N. Y. C. ; Schuyler 5420.

GORDON, Julia Swayne; b. Columbus, O. ; educ. there; stage career, stk., vaud. and prod.; screen career Vitagraph ("The Soul Master," "'Son of the Hills," "The Message of the Mouse," "Soldiers of Chance," "The Hillman," "Over the Top," "The Soap Girl," "Love Watches," "The Captain's Captain," "The Girl Problem,'' "Miss Dulcie from Dixie"). Black- ton-Pathe ("The Moonshine Trail"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 135; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 355 W. 51st St., N. Y.

GORDON Maude Turner; b. Franklin, Ind., 1867; educ. Oxford, O., and Franklin Coll. Ind.; stage career, 16 N. Y. prod., including "Nothing Bu the Truth," "Divorcons," "Melting of Molly"; screen career, Fox, Goldwyn ("The Danger Mark"), Famous, World ("Home." "Bringing Up Betty," "The Oakdale Affair"), Gaumont ("Making Her His Wife"), Selznick ("The Honeymoon"). 3 pictures with Marguerite Clark and 3 with Pauline Frederick. Hght., 5, 1%; wfht.. 150; white hair, blue gray eyes. Ad . Flanders Hotel. N. Y. C.

GORDON, Vera; b. Russia; educ there; stage career, Jacob P. Adler Stk. Co., with Sam Lie- vert in vaud., "The Land of the Free" with Florence Nash, "Why Worry" with Fannie Brice, "The .Gentile Wife" with Emily Stevens; screen career. Universal ("Sorrows of Israel"), International ( "Humoresque" ) . Hght., 5, 5%; wght., 165; black hair and eyes. Ad.. Betts & Fowler, 1482 B'way, N. Y. ; Bryant 5664.

GREELEY, Evelyn; b. Lexington. Ky. ; educ. Frances Shimer Acad, and Univ. School for Girls; screen career, Essanav, Dixie Film Co , World ("The Road to France," "The Allies," "Hit or Miss," "Phil for Short," "Bringing Up Betty." "The Oakdale Affair." "Me and Captain Kidd"). Hght.. 5, 3; wght.. 115; light hair, brown eyes. Ad., Colonial Studios Bldg. 39 W 67th St., N. Y. C.

GREEN, Dorothy; b. Petrograd, Russia, 1895; educ. N. Y. ; screen career, Lasky ("Country Boy"), World, Fox ("A Parisian Romance").

Metro ("Devil at His Elbow"). International ("Patria") World ("The Rough Neck," "The American Way." "The Praise Agent," "Forest Rivals"). Paramount ("The Dark Star"), Per- ret-Pathe ("The A B C of Love"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 125; black hair, green eyes. Ad., home. 828 Seventh ave.. N. Y.

GREEN. Helen; b. N. Y C; educ. Georgetown Convent, Wash., D. C. ; stage exper., 1 yr. plaved Love in "Experience." 6 mos. stk. ; screen career. Famous Players. World, Metro ("The Amazons." "On the Quiet," "In Again. Out Again"), Sub-Deb series ("Woman and Wife." "Honeymoon for Three"), Paramount- Artcraft ("Wanted, a Husband"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 125; light hair, gray eyes. Ad., 21 W. 46th St., N. Y. C. ; Bryant 4194.

. GREEN, Margaret; b. N. Y., 1892; educ. there; stage career, "Seven Keys to Baldpate," "Broad- way Jones," vaud.; screen career, Pathe ("Ne- dra"), Mirror, Unity, Ivan ("One Law for Both"), Pathe ("The Angel Factory"), Para- mount ("A Sporting Chance").

GREENWOOD, Winifred; b. Oswego, N. Y. ; stage career, vaud., stock; headed own co. ; screen career, American ("Lying Lips," "Reclama- tion." "Dust." "The Two Orphans"), Lasky ("The Crystal Gazer"), Universal ("The Decid- ing Kiss"), Hodkinson ("Come Again Smith"), Paramount ("Maggie Pepper," "Men, Women and Money," "The Lottery Man").

GREY, Olga; b. Budapest, Hungary; educ. Los Angeles and N. Y. C. ; early career, concert pianist; screen career. American ("When a Man Rides Alone." "Trixie from Broadway"), Griffith ("Intolerance"). Triangle ("Lure of Wanton Eyes"), Pathe ("Third Eye"). Hght.. 5, 7; wght.. 141; brown hair and eyes. Home ad., 1488 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.; Alain 5284.

GRIFFITH, Cecilia Frances; b. Boston; educ. th^re; stage career. "Everyman." "Girl W m Rector's"; screen career. Metro ("The Yellow Streak," "The Kiss of Hate," "Notorious Gal- lagher"). Now playing in vaudeville. Hght., 5, 6%; wght., 165; blond complexion, red hair, gray eyes; write scenarios. Ad., home, 19 Adams St., Dorchester, Mass.

GRIFFITH, Coriiuie; b. Texarkana. Tex.; educ. Sacred Heart Convent, New Orleans; profes- sional dancer 1 yr. before beginning screen ca- reer with Western Vitagraph ("The Last Man," "Love Watches," "Miss Ambition"); ingenue leads, later with Earle Williams; Vitagraph ("The Adventure Shop." "Thin Ice," "A Girl at Bay," "The Girl Problem." "The Unknown Quantity," "The Climbers"). Hght., 5, 4; wght., 120; light complexion, light brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., Vitagraph Studio, Brooklyn. N. Y.

GRIFFITH, Katherine; b. San Francisco, Calif.; stage career, 15 yrs. ; screen career, Universal ("Snow White," "Talk of the Town"), L-Ko Comedies, Vitagraph ("Irish Princess"), Lasky ("Vicky Van," "Little Princess"), Artcraft "Huckleberry Finn"), Mary Pickford ("Polly- anna"). Hght., 5, 7; wght.. 165; black hair, gray eyes. Home ad., 1232 Gower St., Los An- geles, Calif.; Holly 2491.

GUINAN, "Texas"; b. Waco, Texas, 1891; stag.- career, 6 yrs.. Winter Garden Revues. Klaw & Erlanger, Shubert. John Cort, etc.. "Hop O' My Thumb" in London; screen career. Triangle. World ("The Gun Woman," "Fuel of Life," "Love Brokers"), Frohman Amuse ("The She- Wolf"), two-reel pictures for Bull's Eye Film .Corp. Hght.. 5, 6: wght.. 136.; light hair, blue eyes. Ad., Bull's Eye Studio, Hollywood, Cal.


HALL, Ella; b. N. Y. 1897; educ. there; stage career, "Grand Army Man"; screen career, Biograph. Reliance. Universal ("A Jewel in Pawn," "The Little Orphan." "Bitter Sweet." " The Charmer," "The Spotted Lily," "We Are French," "My Little Boy," "Green Magic"). Paralta ("Heart of Rachael"). Bluebird ("Which Woman"), Artcraft ("Under the Top"), Francis Ford Serial ("The Gates of Doom"). Home ad., 1834 El Cerrita Place. Hollywood, Cal.; studio. Francis Ford Studio.

HALL, Lillian; b. . Brooklyn. N. Y., 1897; educ. H. S. and business college there; stage exper.. stk. In Phil., etc; screen career, Beth In Wm. A. Brady's "Little Women"; Norma Talmadge ("The Safety Curtain"). Mutual ("Her Second Husband," "Wanted for Murder"). Triangle ("Ttfxfy; Fox ("My Little Sister"). World



("Coax Me"), Rex Beach ("Going Some";. Hght., 5; wght., 100; blond hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., Hotel Van Nuys, Los Angeles, Cal. HALLOR, Edith; stage career, Ziegfeld "Follies." "Intoxication" in "Experience"; starred in Comstock & Gest's "Leave It to Jane," co- starred with Wm. Collier in "Nothing But Lies"; screen career, dramatic lead in 6 pic- tures with Weber Prods., Inc., Selznick. Hght.. 5, 6 ; wght., 135; auburn hair, hazel eyes. Ad., Wyoming Apts., 853 Seventh ave., N. Y. C. ; Circle 3312.

HAMMERSTEIN, Elaine; b. 1897; granddaughter of Oscar Hammerstein, operatic impresario; educ. Armitage Coll., Pa.; stage career, in "The Trap," later lead in "High Jinks"; screen career, Jewell Productions ("The Co-Respond- ent," "The Battle Cry"), Harry Rapt Prod. ("Wanted for Murder"), Selznick Plct. ("The Country Cousin," "Greater Than Fame," "The Woman Game"). Wght., 120; complexion, fair; brown, wavy hair, gray eyes. Ad., c/o Selznick Pictures Corp., N. Y.

HAMMOND, Virginia; b. Virginia; stage career, debut with E. H. Sothern, "If I Were King," "Our American Cousin," Shakespearian rep.. "What's Your Husband Doing?", "The Famous Mrs. Fair"; screen career, World ("The Hand Invisible," "Miss Crusoe"), Select ("The World to Live In"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 130; light hair, blue eyes. Ad., 105 W. 55th St., N. Y.

HAMPTON, Hope; educ. Dallas, Tex., schools and Sophie Newcomb School, New Orleans. La. ; screen career, Hope Hampton Prods., Inc. (lead in "A Modern Salome"). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 118; auburn hair, dark blue eyes. Ad.. Hope Hampton Prods., Inc.. 1476 Broadway, N. Y.

HANXON, Alma; b. N. Y., 1894; educ. N. Y. ; screen career, Kleine, Ivan ("The Faded Flow- er"), Fox ("Gold and the Woman," etc.). Tri- umph ("The Libertine"), Apollo ("God of Lit- tle Children," "The Mystic Hour," "The Golden God," "When You and I Were Young." "The Public Defender"), U. S. Amusement ("Behind the Mask"), Pioneer Film Corp. ("Sins of the Children"). Ad., Bayside, Dong Island, N. Y.

HANSEN, Juanita; b. Des Moines, la., 1897; educ. Cal.; screen career. Famous (opp. Jack Pickford), Fine Arts, American (heroine in "Secret of the Submarine"), Keystone, Univer- sal ("The Finishing Touch," "Broadway Love"), Ince-Para. ("Mating of Marcella"), Universal ("The Rough Lover," "The Brass Bullet" serial), First National ("A Midnight Romance"), Artcraft ("The Poppy Girl's Hus- band"), Fox ("Rough Riding Romance"), Metro ("Lombard!, Ltd."), Selig' ("The Lost City" serial). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 130; fair complexion, blond hair, blue eyes.

HARRIS, Marcia; b. Providence; educ. there; stage career, und. Broadhurst, Liebler and Co., Weber and Fields; screen career. Famous, Ed- ison, Fox, Vitagraph ("The Foundling," "The Reformer"), Artcraft ("Poor Little Rich Girl"i, Famous Players ("The Little Boy Scout"), Goldwyn ("Day Dreams"), Pathe ("The Bish- op's Emeralds"), Fox ("Putting One Over"), Realart ("Anne of the Green Gables"). Hght., 5, 9; wght., 150; dark complexion, dark hair, brown eyes.

HARRIS, Mildred (Mrs. Charlie Chaplin) ; b

Cheyenne, Wyo., 1901; educ. privately; screen career, Vitagraph, Reliance-Majestic, Fine Arts ("Old Folks at Home." "The Village Prodi- gal"), Universal ("The Whim," "K.," "The Price of a Good Time," "The Man Who Dared God," "When a Girl Loves." "For Husbands Only," "Home," "Forbidden"), First National ("The Inferior Sex," "Polly of the Storm Coun- try," "Social Mockery"). Hght., 5, 2; wght.. 10S; blue eyes, brown hair. Ad., Mayer Chap- lin Co., 3800 Mission Rd., Los Angeles, Cal. HARRIS, Winifred; educ. Kew, Richmond, Eng- land; stage career, in England, "Madam X." "Sally Bishop," Prince of Wales, "Girl on the Film." Shakespearian prods, with Sir Herbert Tree, Sir Henry Irving; in America, "Taking Chances." "Co-respondent," "Cheating Cheat- ers." "Royal Vagabond," Cohan and Harris, "Light" in the "Bluebird"; screen career, with Norma Talmadge ("Panthea," "Daughter of Two Worlds"), Authors Films, Inc. ("Crucible of Life"), several pictures with Vitagraph. Hght., 5, 10; wght., 170; light brown hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., 147 W. 44th St., N. Y. ; Bryant 3406.

HART, Lallah Rookh; b. and educ. Denver. Col.; ■creen career, "The Wife," "A la Cabaret," "A

Sanatarium Blunder," "Half and Half." "Heart's Strategy," Paramount ("Men, Women and Money"), playing mothers, maiden aunts, eccentric characters. Hght., 5, 4; wght., 120; dark complexion, brown eyes and hair. Ad., home, 427 Olive St., Los Angeles, Cal.

HARTMAN, Greta; b. Chicago, 111., 1897; educ. private tutors and Sheldon School; stage ca- reer, Wilton Lackaye, Wright Lorrimer, cre- ated Mary Jane in "Mary Jane's Pa"; screen career, Famous Players, Fox ("The Painted Madonna," "Fantine" in "Les Miserables" ) , Argus ("The House Without Chillren"), Die- trick Kenyon Co. ("The Bandbox"). Pioneer ("Atonement"). Hght., 5, 5; wght, 135; brown hair and eyes. Ad., 630 W. 135th St., N. Y. C; Morningside 5060.

HASTINGS, Carey; b. New Orleans; educ Brook- lyn, N. Y. ; stage career, in "St. Elmo." "Girl from Rector's," stk. in New York, Norfolk, Richmond. Atlanta, etc.; screen career. Than- houser, 2 yrs. ("The Vicar of Wakefield," "Her Beloved Enemy," "Her New York." "Under False Colors," "Man Without a Country"), Select ("Heartsease"), Fleur de Lys ("Empty Arms"); 10 weeks Loew's vaud. circuit. Hght.,

5, 5; wght., 140; brown hair, hazel eyes. Ad , 2155 Mohegan ave., N. Y. ; Fordham. 4781.

HAVER, Phillis; b. Douglas. Kan., Jan. 6, 1899; educ. Los Angeles; screen career. Lasky. Key- stone. Sennett ("Never Too Old," "The Fool- ish Age," "Hearts and Flowers," "Among Those Present," "Salome vs. Shenandoah." "His Last False Step"). Hght., 5, 6; wght.. 126; light complexion, blond hair, blue eyes. Ad., home, 3924 Wisconsin St., Los Angel's, Cal.; studio, Mack Sennett Comedies, Los Angeles, Cal.

HAWXEY, Ormi; b. Holyoke, Mass., 1890; grad. New Eng. Conserv. of Music; stage career, 2 yrs. in stock as leading woman ; screen career, starred by Lubin, "The Ragged Earl"; featured by World Film and Popular Players, starred by Mutual and Fox, has played lead in over 250 photoplays ("Where Love Leads"), Ardsley Art Film ("Runaway Romany"), Famous Players ("The Antics of Ann." "Prince Ubaldo"), Betzwood-Goldwyn ("The Road Called Straight" I. Hght.. 5, 3; wght., 130; fair complexion, blond hair, gray eyes.

HAWXEY, Wanda; b. Scranton, Pa.; educ. Seat- tle, Wash., and N. Y. ; stage career, amateur theatricals in Seattle and concert work in U. S. and Canada; screen career, C. B. DeMille Prod. ("Old Wives for New." "For Better, For Worse"), Famous Players ("Double Speed," "Everywoman," "The Tree of Knowledge," "The Six Best Cellars"). Hght., 6, 3; wght., 110; blond hair, grayish-blue eyes. Ad., Lasky Studio, Hollywood, Cal.

HEMING, Violet; b. Leeds, Yorkshire, Eng.; educ. Malvern House School, Southport, Eng.; stage career, Wendy in "Peter Pan" at 12 yrs., created Rebecca in "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm," 2 yrs. leading woman for Geo. Arliss, "The Naughty Wife," 1918 "Three Faces East"; screen career, Goldwyn ("The Turn of the Wheel"), Blackton ("The Judgment House"), Selig ("The Danger Trail"), Para-Artcraft ("Everywoman"). Hght., 5, 4: wght., 118; blond hair, blue eyes. Ad., care of Cohan & Harris, W. 42nd st., N. Y. C.

HENRY, Gale; b. Bear Valley, Cal.; educ. Los Angeles, Cal. ; stage career, Temple Opera Co., Century Theatre, Los Angeles, 2 yrs.; screen career, 5 yrs. with Universal, starred in one- reel comedies; commenced production of own comedies February, 1919. Hght., 5, 9; wght., 128; dark hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 1546 Winona Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal.; studio, Bulls- eye Studio, Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal.

HERNANDEZ, Mrs. George (Anna Dodge) ; b.

River Falls, Wis.; educ. State Normal Schl., River Falls; stage career, with McDonough Stk., Oakland, Cal., and with Walter Bentley Co.; screen career. Selig ("The Rosary"), Edi- son, Fine Arts, Universal ("The Heritage"), Goldwyn ("Leave It to Susan"), B. B. Fea- tures ("Hearts Asleep"), Brentwood ("Where There's a Will"), Humanity ("The Gift Su- preme"), Griffith ("Battling Jane"). Hght.,

6, 4; wght., 196; brown air, hazel eyes. Home ad., 2228 Duane st., Los Angeles, Cal.

HERRING, Aggie; b. San Francisco: educ. there: stage career, from age of 17, stock cos., vaud.; screen career, Triangle-Ince. Paralta ("Within the Cup"). Vitagraph ("Cupid Forecloses," "A Yankee Princess"), United ("A Man's Fight"),



First National ("The Hoodlum"), Hodkinson ("The Lord Loves the Irish," "The Sage Brush- er"). Hght., 5, 4; wght., 165; blond hair, blue eyes. Ad., Federal Photoplay Corp., Los An- geles, Cal.

HICKS, Maxine Elliott; b. Denver, Colo.; edue. private tutor; stage career, "The Things that Count," 8 mos. in Brady's Playhouse, N. Y., "Seven Sisters," "The Little Princess," "Blue

Bird"; screen career, Artcraft ("Poor Little Rich Girl"). "World ("The Little Duchess," "The Crimson Dove," "Neighbors"), Metro ("The Eternal Mother"), Allen Holubar ("The Right to Happiness"), Tourneur ("The County Fair"), Lasky ("Speed Carr"). Hght., 5; wght., 90; chestnut brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 1227 So. Hoover St., Los Angeles, Cal.; West 1424.

HILBURN, Betty; educ. Horace Mann Sch., N. Y.. St. Elizabeth Convent, Convent Station, N. J.; stage career, "The Betrothal," "Tumble Inn"; screen career, Submarine Film Corp. ("Girl of the Seas"), Fox ("Heart Strings"), Selznick ("Little Red Riding Hood"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 104; dark brown hair and eyes. Ad., 223 W. 83rd St., N. Y. C. ; Schuyler 5793.

HILL, Josephine; b. San Francisco; educ. there; stage career, vaud. with Gus Edwards, featured with "Georgie Price"; screen career, Universal, lead and featured with Edgar Jones Prods. "The Sheriff'* Oath," "The Four Bit Man," "At the Point of a Gun," "Love and the Law," "The Fighting Heart," "Shameless Salverson," "The Jack of Hearts," "The Voice on the Wire," "The Bronco and the Bronx"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 110; light hair, blue eyes. Ad., 6200 De Longpre, Hollywood, Cal.; Holly 2592; studio, Universal City.

HILL, Maud; heavies; b. St. Louis; educ. convent, Chicago; stage career, stk. in West; screen career, with Metro for several years; Fox ("Sis- ter Against Sister," "A Daughter of France," "When Men Desire"), Chas. Miller ("A Danger- ous Affair"), Schomer & Ross ("The Sacred Flame"), Edward Griffith ("The End of the Road"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 135; dark com- plexion, red brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., home, 6 West 107th St., N. T. Academy 993.

HOFFMAN, Ruby; b. Phila., Pa.; stage career, stock, Phila.; "Gentleman from Mississippi," and Daniel Frohman's "Detective Keene" : screen career, Pathe, Famous Players ("The Slave Market"), Fox ("The Children of the Ghetto"), Kleine (featured in "The Danger Signal"), World, McClure ("Passion"), Pathe ("The Fatal Ring," "The House of Hate"), Triangle ("Upside Down"). Hght., 5, 6; brown hair and eyes. Ad., home, 206 W. 52nd St., N. Y. ; Circle 4653.

HOLLAND, Edna M.; b. 1896; stage career, with Edith W. Mathison, David Belasco, "The Good Little Devil"; screen career, Vitagraph ("Con- fession of Madam Barrestoff"), Metro ("The Lifted Veil." "Always in the Way"), Famous Players ("World's Great Snare," "Feud Girl"), Wm. Steiner ("The Tenderfoot," "The Masked Rider"). Hght., 5, 9; brunette. Ad., 324 W. 51st st., N. Y. C. ; Bryant 3582.

HOLLISTER, Alice; b. Worcester, Mass.; educ. Convent Villa Maria, Montreal; screen career, Mary Magdalene in Kalem's " From the Manger to the Cross," with Sid Olcott in Ire- land in ("The Kerry Gow," "Vampire," "De- stroyer," "Yellow Sunbonnet," "Lotus Wom- an"), Famous Players ("Her Better Self"). Ad., 414 32nd St., Woodcliff, N. J.

HOLLOW AY, Carol; b. Williamstown, Mass.; educ. Franklin. Mass.; stage career. Carleton stock and N. Y. prods., Youth In "Everywom- an" ; screen career. Pilot, Lubin, Lasky, NYMP, American, Fine Arts, Vitagraph ("The Fight- ing Trail." "The Tenderfoot," "Vengeance and the Woman." "The Iron Test," "Perils of Thun- der Mountain"). Ad.. 4417 Prospect ave., Holly- wood, Cal.; studio, Vitagraph.

HOLMES, Helen; educ. Chicago; early career, artist and artist's model; screen career. Key- stone, Kalem, ("Hazards of Helen"), Universal, Railroad stories. Signal-Mutual ("Girl and the Game." "Railroad Raiders," "A Desperate Deed," "The Lost Express," "Medicine Bend." "Whispering Smith"), S. L. K. serial, "The Fatal Fortune" Hght., 5, 6; wght., 135; fair complexion, brown hair and eyes. Ad., Betts & Fowler, 1482 Bway., N. Y. ; Bryant 5664.

HOPE, Gloria; b. 1901, Pittsburgh, Pa.; educ. Newark. N. J.; screen career, Ince Triangle, Artcraft ("The Great Love"), Tnce-Para. ("Naughty, Naughty"), Paralta ("Ilciirt of Rachael"), Universal ("Outcasts rf poker

Flat," "Riders of the Law," "The Day She Paid"), Garson Prod. ("The Hushed Hour"), First National ("Burglar by Proxy"), Goldwyn ("Gay Lord Quex"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 106; light complexion, auburn hair, blue eyes. Ad., 1423 Curson ave., Hollywood, Cal. HOPKINS, May F. ; b. N. J.; stage exper., "Loy- alty," "The Grass Widow," "She's In Again," Ziegfeld Follies; screen career, C. K. Young ("Everybody's Girl," "The Deep Purple"), Cap- allani ("Virtuous Model," "Easiest Way"), World ("Social Pirate"), Vitagraph, Norma Talmadge ("Two Women"), Mayflower ("Bol- shevism on Trial"), Wharton ("Beatrice of Fairfax"), Talmadge ("By Right of Purchase," "Petroleum Prince"). Hght., 5, 5; wght., 123; blond hair, brown eyes. Ad., 243 W. 132nd St., N. Y. C.

HOPPER, Mrs. De Wolf; b. Pittsburgh; educ. there; stage career, with Selwyn, Henry Harris, Shuberts, Arthur Hopkins, "The Quaker Girl," "Be Calm, Camilla"; screen career, Goldwyn, Geo. Cohan ("Seven Keys to Baldpate"), Anita Stewart Prod. ("Virtuous Wives"), Vitagraph ("Third Degree"), Norma Talmadge ("Isle of Conquest"), Wm. Faversham ("Man Who Lost Himself"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 135; green eyes, brown hair. Ad., Algonquin Hotel, N. Y.

HORTON, Clara Marie; b. Brooklyn, June, 1904; educ. private tuition; stage career, since 4 yrs. ; screen career, Eclair 4 yrs., Universal 2 yrs., Triangle 1 yr., Lasky (with Jack Pickford in "Tom Sawyer," "Huck Finn," "The Plow Wom- an," "The Yellow God," "In Wrong," " Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come," played " Youth" In "Everywoman"), Rex Beach ("Girl from Out- side"), Selznick ("Blind Youth"). Golden hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 2660 Magnolia ave., Los

HORTON, Jeanette; b. Horton, N. Y. ; educ. Bing- hamton, N. Y. ; stage career, "Seven Keys to Baldpate," "Melting of Molly," "Squab Farm," 4 seasons in stk.; screen career. Kalem ("The Guilt"), Metro ("The Lure of the Heart's De- sire," "The Yellow Streak"), also with Emily Wehlen, Mabel Taliaferro, Robert Warwick. Hght.. 5, 7'/4; wght., 138; brown hair and eyes. Ad., Betts & Fowler, 1482 Bway.. N. Y. C.

HOTELLENG, Louise; b. 1901 and educ. Ithaca, N. Y. ; screen career. Arrow ("Profiteers"), Grossman ("Million Dollars Reward"), Whar- ton ("Great White Trail," "Hun Within Our Gates," "Eagle Eye"). Hght., 5, 1; wght., 105; brown hair and eyes. Ad., 320 N. Tioga St., Ithaca, N. Y.

HOWELL, Alice; b. N. Y., May 5, 1892; educ. N. Y. pub. schs. ; stage career, mus. com. in 1907, burlesque for 5 years.; Howell & Howell vaud. sketch 3 yrs.; screen career, Keystone since 1914 with L-Ko (leading parts in "The Mother-in-Law," "Balloonatics." "The Honor of the Sawdust," "Neptune's Naughty Daugh- ter"), Century ("Alice of the Sawdust," "Her Horseshoe Obligation"), classic dancing. Medi- um height, fair complexion, light hair, hazel eyes. Ad., Billy West Comedies, Cropper Dist. Corp., 207 So. Wabash ave., Chicago, 111.

HOWLAND, Jobyna; b. Indianapolis, Ind. ; educ. Denver, Colo.; stage exper. years In B'way prods, "Nancy Lee," "Ruggles," "A Little Jour- ney," etc.; screen career, Norma Talmadge Co. ("Her Only Way," "Way of a Woman"). Se- lect ("What Might Have been"). Hght., 5. 11; wght.. 150; red hair, dark eyes. Ad. Hotel Al- gonquin, N. Y.

HUFF, Louise; b. Columbus, Ga.; educ. there and Horace Mann, N. Y. C. ; stage career, "Ben Hur," stock at Utica and N. Y. ; screen career, Famous Players ("Seventeen," "Great Expecta- tions," "Freckles," "The Varmint," "What Money Can't Buy," "The Ghost House," " Tom Sawyer," "Jack and Jill," "Bunker Bean"), World ("T'other Dear Charmer," "Sea Waif," "The Crook o' Dreams"), Famous flayers ("Oh, You Women"). Hght., 5; wght., 106; fair complexion, blond hair, violet eyes. Ad., home, 64 W. 49th St., N. Y. C.

HULETTE, Gladys; educ. by private tutor; stage career, with De Wolf Hopper. Bertha Kalich. Nazimova, also the original Tyty in New thea- tre prod, of "Blue Bird"; screen career. BIo- graph, Edison, Thanhouser ("Her New York" "Pots-and-Pans Peggy," "The Candy Girl," "The Streets of Illusion"), Astra ("The Cigar- ette Girl," "The Last of the Carnabvs." "Miss Nobody," "A Crooked Romance"); swims, rides draws. Hght., 5, 4; wght., 114; brown hair and gray eyes. Ad., 128 Mt. .lav Place, New Ro- ch.'lle, N. Y. ; New Rochelle 417-J.



Hl'KLEY, Julia; b. Greenwich Village, N. T. ;

educ. N. Y.; stage career, 48 yrs. with Char- lotte Cushman, under mgrat. E. L. Davenport, with Harrigan and Hart in "Mulligan Guards," "The Gentile Wife" with Emily Stevens; screen career, Famous Players ("Gismonda," "Easy to Get," "The Cost"), Wm. Brady ("Little Wom- en"), World ("Poison Pen"). Warner Bros. ("Beware"). Hght., 5, %; wght., 134 % ; silver gray hair, dark hazel eyes. Ad., 306 W. 46th st., N. Y. C. ; Bryant 394.

HITTON, Lucille; b. Indiana, 1901; educ. Sacred Heart Convent, Los Angeles; stage exper., stk. ; screen career, Vitagraph, Montgomery & Rock Co., Loane Tucker ("Miracle Man"). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 117; dark hair, brown eyes. Ad., Eng- strum Apts., Los Angeles, Cal.

HYLAND, Peggy; b. near Worcestershire, Eng- land; educ. Belgium; stage career, in "The Yellow Jacket," and with Cyril Maude's co. ; screen career, numerous prods, in England, Famous Players. V itagraph (in support of E. H. Sothern in the first of his releases on the screen, "The Chattel"). Pathe, Fox ("Other Men's Daughters," "Marriages Are Made." "Bonnie Annie Laurie." "Rebellious Bride," "Merry-Go-Round," "Official Chaperone," "Girl in Bohemia"). Hght., 5, 1; wght., 120; brown hair, green eyes. Now with Samuelson Film Co.


ILLIAN, Isolde C: b. Milwaukee, Wis., 1899; educ. Milwaukee Downer Seminary and Col- legiate Centenary College. Hackettstown. N. J.; stage career, in stk. in Milwaukee from age of ; screen career, Thanhouser ("The Mill on the Floss," "The Reunion." "The Crimson Sabre." "Harry's Happy Honeymoon." "Rusty Reggie's Record"), "The Man Hunt." Hght., 5; wght.. 108; blond hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., home, 62 Vernon ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y.


JANIS, Elsie; b. and educ. Columbus, Ohio; stage career, vaud., "Vanderbilt Cup," "Slim Prin- cess," "The Lady of the Slipper," "Her Gang," 1919; screen career, Selznick ("A Regular Girl." "The Imp"). Hght.. 5. 5%; wght.. 120; brown hair and eyes. Home ad., Philipse Manor, Tarrytown. N. Y. ; studio ad., Selznick Pict. Corp.. 729 Seventh ave.. X. Y.

JENNINGS, Jane; educ. Brooklyn and N. Y. ; early career, teacher of dramatics; screen ca- reer, Vitagraph ("Lion and the Mouse," "The Gamblers," "Darkest Hour," "The Climbers." "Girl at Bay." "Out of the Dark"), Triangle ("Taxi," "Woman Under Oath"), American Cinema ("Women Men Forget"), Famous Play- ers ("Lady Rose's Daughter," "The Cost"). Hght.. 5, 6; wght.. 140; white hair, dark brown eves. Ad.. 661 Prospect place, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Prospect 2270.

JENSEN. Eulalie; b. St. Louis. 1885 ; educ. Oxford Coll., O., Lorette Acad., St. Louis: stage career, w ith Bernhardt on tour in U. S. ; stk in St. Louis and Chicago, appeared in comic operas. "The Time, the Place and the Girl." "Prince of Pilsen" in U. S. and London, with Maude Adams, vaud.. rep.; screen career. Edison, Vita- Kraph ("Salvation Joan," "The Tarantula," "The Kid," "Mary Jane's Pa." "Tangled Lives." "Strength of the Weak," "Wild Prim- rose." "The Captain's Captain," "The Girl Problem." "Beating the Odds"), First National ("A Temperamental Wife").

JOHNSON, Edith; b. Rochester. N. Y„ 1895; educ. Vassar Coll.; screen career. Lubin, Universal ("Behind the Lines." "The Scarlet Car." "For Love "and Gold," "Giant Powder." "The Scarlet Crystal"). Selig ("The Franc Piece." "In the Talons of an Eagle"), Vitagraph ("Smashing Barriers," "Man of Might." serials with Wm. Duncan. "Love and Honor"). Hght., 5, 4; wght.. 135; light hair, brown eyes. Ad., home, 1624 Hudson ave.. Hollywood; studio, Vita- graph, Hollywood. Cal.

JONES, Jessie; b. Garden City, Kan., 1892; educ. Univ. of Kansas; early career, professional model: screen career, Essanay ("The Un- known." "Strange Case of Mary Page"), Selig "The Crisis," "History of Indiana"), Everett True Comedy Series; characters in "Do the Dead Talk?" Specialty Feature Films and "Within Our Gates," Mieheau Films; leads,

Superior Film Co. and Castle Film Co. Hght., 5, 6; wght., 128; auburn hair, gr>-en eyes. Studio ad., Castle Studios, 2332 N. California ave.. Chicago, III. JOY, Leatrice; b. New Orleans, La.; educ. Sacred Heart Acad., New Orleans, La. ; stage career, 8 mos. in stk. in San Diego; screen career, Wm. 1'arnum ("A Man Hunter"), Selznick ("Just a Wife"), Geo. Loane Tucker ("Ladies Must Live"), Bert Lytell ("The Right of Way"i. J. Warren Kerrigan ("A Dollar Bid"). Hght.. 5, 3; wght., 125; black hair, brown eyes. Home ad.. 1626 Vine St., Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 577979.

JOYCE. Alice; b. Kansas City, Mo., 1S90; educ. Annandale, Va. ; early career, telephone oper- ator in the Gramercy exchange, N. Y. C. ; screen career, Kalem, Vitagraph ("The Cambric Mask," "The Lion and the Mouse," "The Song of the Soul," "The Business of Life." "To the Highest Bidder," "The Strength of the Weak," "The Winchester Woman," "Everybody's Girl." "The Captain's Captain," "Third Degree," "Spark Divine," "The Vengeance of Durand," "The Sporting Duchess"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 120; brown hair, hazel eyes. Ad., Vitagraph, Brooklyn, N. Y.


KANE, Gall; b. Phila.. Pa.; educ. Mt. Mary's. Newburgh, N. Y. ; stage career, with many prods., including "The Miracle Man," "The Hy- phen"; screen career, All Star, Ariz., Metro, Pathe. World, Mutual ("The Serpent's Tooth." "The Woman in Black." "The Unafraid." "For the Family Name." "Souls in Pawn," "South- ern Pride." "The Spectre of Suspicion," "The Bride's Silence," "A Game of Wits"), Graphic ("When Men Betray"), Mutual ("The Dare- devil"), Photoplay Libraries ("Empty Arms"). Hght.. 5, 7; wght., 142; dark brown hair and eyes. Office ad.. 500 Fifth ave.. N. Y.

KAYE, Frances -Manila; b. Chicago, 111., 1898; educ. N. Y C. ; stage exper., mus. com., "Rock- abye Baby"; screen career, Famous Players ("The Make Believe Wife," "The Golden Bird." "Here Comes the Bride"), Paramount ("Little Miss Hoover," "Come Out of the Kitchen"). Hght., 5, 5; wght.. 128; brown hair and eyes.

KEEFE, Zena Virginia; b. San Francisco, 1896; educ. in convent; stage career, vaud., rep. and on tour in "The Fatal Wedding"; screen career. Vitagraph, Ivan ("Enlighten Thy Daughter"), Arden Photoplays ("The Challenge Accepted"), Capellani-Pathe ("Oh. Boy"), Selznick ("Picca- dilly Jim," "His Wife's Money." "The Woman That God Sent"). Hght.. 5. 3; wght., 120; dark hair, brown eyes. Ad., 219 W. 81st St.; studio, c/o Selznick Pict. Corp., N. Y.

KELLERMANN, Annette; b. Sydney, New South Wales; early career, professional and exhibition swimming and diving in all the principal cities In Australia, England, France, Austria, Ger- many, U. S., holder of several world's records; stage career, as "Prince Arthur" in Shake- speare's "King John," later at London Hippo- drome, on Keith and Orpheum circuits in U. S., with Shuberts; screen career, Universal ("Nep- tune's Daughter"), Fox ("A Daughter of the Gods," "Queen of the Sea"). Now under con- tract with Sol Lesser to appear in series of productions. Ad.. 498 West End ave., N. Y., or 707 Oak st., South Pasadena, Calif.

KELSO, Mayme; b. Dayton. O.; educ. there and Cincinnati; stage exper.. light opera, mus. com., vaud.; screen career, Paramount ("Old Wives for New"), Haworth ("His Birthright"), Lasky ("Men. Women and Money," "Daughter of the Wolf," "Peg o' My Heart," "Don't Change Your Wife," "Jack Straw"), American ("The Week End"), Hampton ("Simple Souls"), Metro ("The Hope"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 145; blond hair, blue eves. Ad., home, Stillwell Hotel, Los An- geles, Calif.

KENNEDY, Madge; b. Calif.; educ. there and Art Students' League, N. Y. C; studied drama and played in amateur theatricals; stage career. Col. stk.. Cleveland, 2 yrs., leading comedy role in "Overnight." featured in "Little Miss Brown," "Twin Beds," "Fair and Warmer"; screen career, Goldwyn ("Baby Mine," "Nearly- Married. " "Friend Husband." "The Kingdom of Youth," "Primrose," "Daughter of Mine," "Day Dreams." "Leave It to Susan," "Through the Wrong Door," "Strictly Confidential"); cartoon- ist, drew famous patriotic poster. Ad., Gold- wyn, N. Y.



KENYON, Doris; b. Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1897 ; educ Packer Coll. Inst, and Columbia Univ.; stage career, in "Princess Pat"; screen career. Famous Players ("The Traveling Salesman"), Essanay ("On Trial"), Pathe ("The Hidden Hand"), Wharton ("The Great White Trail"), De Luxe Pict. ("Street of Seven Stars," "Twi- light"), Dietrick-Beck ("The Band Box," "The Harvest Moon"). 1918 season, legitimate prod., "The Girl in the Limousine." Hght., 5, 6; wght 125; light complexion, brown hair and gray eyes. Home ad., 850 West End ave.. N. Y.

KERN, Cecil; b. Portland, Ore., 1892 ; educ. there and Chicago; stage career, "The Man of tne Hour." original co. opp. Douglas Fairbanks, for 2 yrs., "Madame X" for 2 yrs. opp. Wm. Elli- ott, "Ben Hur," leads in stk.; screen career, Edison ("Girls I Know"), Vitagraph ("Gray Towers Mystery," "Fountain of Jewels"), Mc- Manus ("Bruised Humanity"). Hght., 5, 6; wght , 130; fair complexion, blond hair, blue eyes. Home ad.. 1 W. 67th St.. N. Y. C.

KING, Mollie; b. N. Y., 1898; educ. there; stage career, "Her Own Way," "The Royal Family," vaud., Winter Garden; 1918, Century Roof, "Good Morning, Judge"; screen career, World. Astra-Pathe ("Kick In," "The Double Cross," "Blind Man's Luck," "Seven Pearls," "On-the- Square Girl"), Screencraft ("Suspense"), Amer- ican Cinema ("Greater Than Love," "Women Men Forget"). Wght., 115; blond hair, hazel eyes. Ad.. Hotel Ansonia, N. Y. C.

KINGDON, Dorothy; b. Auburn, N. Y. ; educ. N. Y. ; stage career, in stock and road production*; screen career, Pathe. Metro ("Romeo and Juli- et"), Famous, Ince ("The Belgian," "Her Fam- ily's Honor," "Out of the Depths"), Oriental Film Co., Ltd., of India ("Sakuntala." featured lead with all Indian cast). Hght., 5, 6; wght, 130; golden brown hair, brown eyes. Ad., 22 Allamount Rd.. Cumballa Hill. Bombay, India.

KINGSLEY, Florida; b. 1879, Jacksonville, Fla. ; stage career, stk. prods.; screen career, Essanay, Metro ("The Turmoil"), Bluebird ("The Boy Girl"), Pathe ("The Iron Heart," "Mrs. Slack- er"), United ("Woman Under Oath"), Selznlck ("Love." "Independence, B'Gosh"), Hodkinson ("Made in America"). Hght., 5, 1; wght., 110; gray hair, blue eyes. Ad., 303 West 150th St.. N. Y. C.

KINGSTON, Winifred; b. London, Eng.; educ. Scotland and Belgium; stage career, with Henry Miller, Joseph Gattes, Frohman. also stk., screen career, Lasky, All-Star, Morosco, Fox, opp. Dustin Farnum in "David Garriek," "Davy Crockett," "The Virginian," "The Squaw Man," Farnum-United, "Light of Western Stars." "Corsican Brothers." Hght.. 5; wght., 105; grav eyes, reddish hair, fair complexion. Home ad., 18S2 Cherokee ave., Hollywood, Calif.; phone 573G4.

KIRBY, OIlie; b. Phlla.; educ. Bryn Mawr; stage career, vaud.; screen career, Favorite Players, Kalem ("The Tiger's Claws." "The Girl Detec- tive." "Mysteries of the Grand Hotel." "Social Pirates." "Grant. Police Reporter," series). Hg-ht., 5, 3; wght., 120; light hair, blue eyes. Ad.. 125 W. 49th st., N. Y. C. ; Circle 735.

KIRKHAM, Kathleen; b. Menominee. Mich., 1895; educ. Cummock School there; stage exper., stk. in Los Angeles, with Dustin Farnum in "Vir- ginian.' "Squaw Man"; screen career. Lew Cody ("The Beloved Cheater"), First National ("The Beauty Market"). Frank Keenan ("The Master Man"), Univ. ("For Husbands Only"), Artcraft ("Arizona," "He Comes Up Smiling"). Selznlck ("Upstairs and Down"). Morosco ("The

Third Kiss"). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 150; brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 1135 Delaware ave., Los Angeles, Calif.; phone 74802.

KITSON, May; educ. Boston and N. Y. ; screen career. Famous Players ("Come Out of the Kitchen." "Firing Line"), World ("Woman of Lies"), "The Burning Question," Pathe ("The Thirteenth Chair"), Hallmark ("The Veiled Marriage"). Hght., 5. fi ; wght, 138 ; grav hair, blue eyes. Ad.. 27 W. f,7th St., N. Y. C; Col. 1123.

KNOTT. Lydia; b. 1873; stage career, vaud stk.. Harlem Opera House in "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch"; screen career, World, Ince- Triangle ("Sudden Jim," "The Clodhopper"), Ince-Paramount ("His Mother's Boy"), Univer- sal ("Home," "The Pointing Finger"), Para- mount ("Heart of Youth." "What Every Woman Learns"), First National ("In Wrong"), Metro ("Should a Woman Tell"). Hght., 5, 4.

KNOWLAND. Alice; b. Fort Fairfield, Me., 1879; educ. Boston; 10 yrs. legit, stage exper., Keith

Stk. Co., "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch," Lew Fields, "The Girl Patsy," etc.; screen ca- reer, "Delicious Little Devil" with Mae Mur- ray; Metro ("Satan, Jr."), Hampton ("Parish Priest"), Lasky ("Rustling a Bride"). Hght., 5, 6. wght., 139; gray hair and eyes. Home ad.. 1345 Beachwood Dr., Hollywood, Calif.; Holly 1787.


LA FAYETTE, Ruby; b. July 22, 1844, Augusta, Ky. ; educ. Gt. Western Fern. Seminary, Oxford, O. ; stage career of fifty yrs., appeared as Lucre- tia Borgia, Ingomar, Lady Audley; screen ca- reer. Universal, playing mothers, in "The Drag- net," "Mother o' Mine," Metro ("In His Brother's Place"), Goldwyn ("Toby's Bow"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 120; fair complexion, white hair, gray eyes. Ad., home, 680 S. Westlake ave., Universal City, Cal.

LAKE, Alice; b. Brooklyn, 1897; educ. there; stage career, amateur theatricals, pantomime and dancing; screen career, Vitagraph, Mack Sennett, Universal, Roscoe Arbuckle, Christie, Metro, Screen Classics ("Should a Woman Tell?" "Shore Acres"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 106; light complexion, dark brown hair, brown eyes. Ad., Metro Studio, Hollywood, Calif.

LAMBERT, Dorothy; b. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; stage career, understudy with E. H. Sothern. 4 sea- sons with Viola Allen, understudied "Martha" and "Mary Magdalene" in orig. prod, of "The Holy City," 2 yrs. in U. S. in "The Sign of the Cross," 2 yrs. in Gt. Britain, "Second to None "Apple of Eden," "Driven From Home,' "A Scrap of Paper"; screen career, Herkomer. Neptune, B. & C. Lucoque. Samuelson, Barker, Ideal British Actors. Hght., 5, 4; complexion fair, light brown hair, dark gray eyes. Ad., The Rehearsal Club, 29 Leicester Square, Lon- don, England.

LANDIS, Margaret Cullen; b. Nashville, 1896; educ. Ward Seminary; screen career, Balboa (as fancy dancer, "Who Pays"? "Joy and the Dragon," "The Checkmate," "The Martinache Marriage"), "The Confession," "The Parted Curtain," also with Fairbanks and Mary Pick- ford and other prods. Hght., 5. H Vz : wght.. 123: blond hair, gray-blue eyes. Ad., Garden Court Apts.. Los Anereles, Calif.; Holly 3420.

LANGDON, Lillian; b. New Jersey; stage career, comic opera, stk., rep.; screen career, Kalem. Biograph, Reliance-Majestic, Famous Players. Fine Arts ("Diane of the Follies." "Intoler- ance"), played in Triangle ("Prudence on Broadway," "A Regular Fellow"). Fox i "The Rebellious Bride"). Vitagraph ("The Usurper"), United Artists ("His Majesty, the American"), American ("The Hellion"); wrote, in collabora- tion, "The Higher Law" and other stage plays; picturized "The Price She Paid."

LARRIMORE, Francine; b. France; stage career, started seven yrs. ago, playing leads from the first, farce, mus. com. and high comedy; screen career, Metro ("Somewhere in America"), Edi- son ("Royal Pauper"), with Max Linder for Essanay, Fox ("Resurrection"), Gaumont ("Devil's Darling"). At present in "Scandal." Hght., 5, 1; red gold hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., 730 Riverside Drive, N. Y.

LA RUE, Fontaine; b. N. Y. C. ; educ. Univ. and N. Y. Schl. of Dramatic Art; stage career, pro- fessional toe and Oriental dancing, stk. co. in Chicago, 2 yrs. ; screen career. Paramount ("Boots," "Too Many Nieces," "His Precious Life," "Gypsy Joe"), Sennett-Keystone ("His First False Step," "Who Killed Walton?"). Universal ("Wild Cat of Paris," "Playing the Game"), with Sessue Hayakawa in "The Man Beneath." lead in "The White Rat," Paton serial. Hght., 5, 3%; wght., 130; black hair, dark brown eyes. Home ad., 1802 N. Van Ness, Hollywood, Calif.; phone 597623; and care of Willis & Inglis, Los Angeles.

LAUREL, Kay; b. Penn. ; educ. private school; stage career, Ziegfeld Folies for 3 seasons; screen career, Goldwyn, "The Brand," with Wally Reid in Famous Players-Lasky's "The Valley of the Giants" and Jack O'Brien's Inde- pendent production, "Lonely Heart," in which she starred Now has her own producing com- pany. Hght., 5, 3; wght., 106; hair, light brown; eyes, blue. Ad., Hotel Manhattan, New York City.

LA VARNIE, I -a lira ; b. and educ. Mo.; stave exper., 35 yrs., with Shubert, vaud., stk.; screen career. Biograph, Lasky ("Mickey"), Sennett- Paramount Comedies. Fox Sunshine Comedies ("The Yaller Dog Catcher," "Her First Kiss."



and all Fox Sunshine comedies for last 6 mos.). Hght., 5, 4; wght., 150; dark hair and eyes. Ad., 2015 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.; Wilt. 2804.

LAWRENCE, Dakota; b. N. T. C, 1902; educ. Wadleigh High, Art Students' League; screen careeer, co-star with John Lowell in Blazed Trail Prods., recent releases, "When Big Dan Rides," "The Hidden Pit," "Danger Patrol," "Across the Line," "Where Peril Lurks," "Code of the North." Hght., 5, 6%; chestnut hair, dark eyes. Ad., Blazed Trail Prods., care of Arrow Film Corp.. N. Y. C.

LEDERER, Gretchen; b. Cologne, Germany; educ. Cologne Conservatory of Music; stage career, German musical stock; screen career, Universal ("The House of Gloom," "The Greater Law," "The Little Orphan," "The Rescue," "The Pointed Finger," "The Cruise of the Jolly Roger," "The Silent Lady," "Green Magic"), Universal ("Red, Red Heart," "Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin," "The Model's Confesson," "Kentucky Cinderella"), Triangle ("Wife or Country"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 140; brown hair and eyes.

LEE, Alberta; b. Akron, O. ; educ. Cleveland, O.; stage career, began at age 15, James H. Wal- llck's "Queens of the Highway," "The Clans- man," "The Confession"; screen career, 3% yrs. Fine Arts; then Triangle, Vltagraph, Mrs. Lin- coln in "The Clansman," "Intolerance," "The Lilv and the Rose"), Triangle ("Prudence on Broadway"), Vitagraph ("The Wishing Ring Man"), Tyrad ("The Red Viper"), Universal ("Rouge and Riches"). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 135; partially gray hair, dark eyes.

LEE, Carev; b. Louisville, Ky. ; stage career, leading woman in stock, featured in vaud.; screen career, Pathe ("Iron Claw"), Reliance, Fox ("The Bondman," featured In "The Darl- ing of Paris," "The Crimson Stain," and many others), author of "The Nigger," "The Bond- man," "Samson," "A Gilded Fool"; Cosmopoli- tan Films, "The Miracle of Love." Hght., 5, 6; wgnt., 140; fair complexion, blond hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 1808 Marmion ave., N. T. C. ; Tremont 6581.

LEE, Carolyn; educ. Ward's Seminary, Nashville, Tenn.; stage career, many yrs., last 2 yrs. with "The Little Teacher," mngt. Cohan & Harris; screen career, Famous Players, Fox, Pathe, Thanhouser, World, "Anne of the Green Gables." "The Copperhead." Hght., 5, 6; wght., 118; dark hair and eyes. Ad., Actors' Equity, N. Y. C.

LEE, Dixie; educ. St. Francis De Sales Acad., Maysville, Ky. ; stage career, Chas. Frohman, Shuberts, Winnipeg Stk. Co., Cal. Stk. Co- Ibsen "Ghosts," "Lavender and Old Lace" and other Bway. successes; 2 yrs. star in vaud.; screen career, Fischer ("The Law of Nature"), Waldorf ("Where Bonds Are Loosed," "Dad's Girl"). Hght., 5, 4%; wght., 120; brown hair, hazel eyes.

LEE, Jennie; b. Sacramento, 1859; stage career, began at 9 with John McCullough, Joseph Jef- ferson, Edwin Booth, Mme. Modjeska, in stk., vaud.; screen career, Reliance-Majestic, Fine Arts ("Birth of a Nation," "The Children Pav," "Nana, the Flower Girl"), Fox ("One Touch of Sin," "The Innocent Sinner"), Tri- angle ("Madame Bo-Peep"). Artcraft ("The Little Princess"). Lasky-Paramount ("The Clever Mrs. Carfax," "One Man in a Million"), Universal ("Riders of Vengeance," "Riders of the Law").

LEE, Lila; b. N. Y. ; educ. private tutor; stage career, appeared at a very early age under mngt. of Gus Edwards, 10 yrs. in vaud.; screen career, Famous Players ("A Daughter of the Wolf," "Heart of Youth." "Male and- Female," "Terror Island." "Hawthorne of the U. S. A."). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 110; black hair and eyes. Ad., Lasky Studio, Hollywood, Calif.

LEE, Virginia; b. Mexico; educ. St. Scholastica's Acad., Covington, La.; screen career. Fox ("Be- yond the Law," "Sandy Burke," "Oh, Johnny," "The Whirlpool," "Luck and Pluck"), Southern Fea.. Schenck ("Taking the Count"), First Na- tional ("A Woman of Two Worlds"). Hght.. 5, 4%; wght, 120; fair complexion, blond hair, blue-gray eyes. Ad., home, 705 W. 170th St.. N. Y. ; St. Nich. 4020.

LEHR, Anna; b. N. Y. C. ; educ. St. Catherine's Convent; stage exper., Bway plays; screen ca- reer, Triangle, Goldwyn, Fox ("For Freedom," "The Jungle Trail"), Triangle ("Upside Down"), World ("Home Wanted"). Rob-Cole ("The Open Door"), Hallmark ("The Veiled

Marriage"), Hght., 5, 8; wght., 112; dark brown hair and eyes. Ad., Algonquin Hotel, N. Y.

LEIGHTON, Lillian Brown; b. Auroraville, Wis.; educ. Wis.; publisher country weekly paper, 12 yrs. legit, stage exper., mostly stk. and vaud.; screen career, 9 yrs., Lasky ("Joan the Woman," "Witchcraft," "Freckles"), Famous Players ("A Lady's Name," "Secret Service," "Louisiana," "All of a Sudden Peggy," "The Devil Stone"), Brentwood ("Poor Relations"). Hght., 5, 314; wght., 150; dark hair and eyes. Ad., 1962 Cheremoya ave., Los Angeles, Calif.; Holly 429.

LESLIE, Gladys; b. N. Y. C, March 5, 1899; educ. Washington Irving High School and Columbia Univ.; screen career, Edison, Thanhouser, Vita- graph ("The Vicar of Wakefield," "The Beloved Imposter," "Fortune's Child," "Miss Dulcie of Dixie," "Stitch in Time," "Too Many Crooks," "The Girl Woman," "Mystery of Gray Towers." "Golden Showers," "Midnight Bride," "Elsie in New York"). Hght., 5; wght., 95; light hair and complexion, brown eyes. Home ad., 1252 E. 26th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Midwood 3915.

LESLIE, Lilie; b. 1892; stage career, stk. prods. Australia, "Experience," with Elliott, Comstock and Gest, Morosco, Belasco, in "The Boom- erang"; screen career, 3 yrs.. Fox, Lubin, Pathe, Metro ("The Silent Woman," "Man Who Stayed at Home." "Diana Ardway," "Johnny on the Spot," "Satan, Junior"), Universal ("Little Brother of the Rich"). Hght., 5, 5; wght., 135; complexion, fair; red gold hair, brown eyes.

LESLIE, Marguerite; b. Sweden; educ. Sweden and England; stage career, leads with Sir Charles Wyndham, Sir John Hare and in sev- eral other Chas. Frohman's London prods.; came to this country to play lead in "The Money Moon," Morosco; "The Secret" with Frances Starr, Belasco; screen career, Famous (in support of John Mason in "Jim the Pen- man"), World ("The Question"), Emory Film Corp. ("The Chosen Path"). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 146; fair complexion, auburn hair, blue eyes.

LESTER, Kate; b. England; educ. Normal Coll., N. Y. ; stage career, with Richard Mansfield, Julia Marlowe, John Drew, Mrs. Fiske; screen career, Famous Players, Edison, World ("The Unbeliever." "Little Women"). Goldwyn ("A Man and His Money," "Heartsease," "Letty," "Bonds of Love," "Cup of Fury," "The Palliser Case." "Woman in Room 13"). Ad., 7131 Len- kill ave.. Culver City, Calif.; phone 70150.

LESTER, Louise; b. Milwaukee, Wis.; educ. there; stage career, People's Stock, and Bush Temple, Chicago; screen career, Selig, Ameri- can ("Calamity Ann," "Mother of the Ranch," "Repaid"), Allan Dwan in "Luck of the Irish." Hght., 5, 4; wght., 140; auburn hair, blue eyes. Ad.. 2110 Hollister ave.. Santa Barbara, Calif.

LEWIS, Eva; b. St. Louis, Mo.; educ. San Fran- cisco, Cogswell's Coll.; stage career. Ye Liberty Stk. Co., Oakland, Calif., Central and National Stocks, leads for Blaney Attr., N. Y., vaud.. Orpheum; screen career, Universal ("Riders of the Range," "Idle Wives," "Jacques of Yukon." "Mother of Mine") , Crescent ("Chosen Prince"), L-Ko ("Wayward Sons"), Francis Ford ("Man of Mystery" serial). Hght., 5, 5%; wght., 140; brown hair, gray eyes. Home ad., 416 Madison ave., Los Angeles, Calif.; Wilshire 5395.

LEWIS, Ida; b. England; educ. Montana; stage career, 30 yrs. in legit., appeared with elder Sothern, with many stk. cos. throughout West, in "Kindling," "East Lynne"; screen career, Horsley, Paralta ("A Man's Man"), Klotz & Streimer ("Whither Thou Goest?" "Patriot- ism," "Maid o' the Storm," "Heart of Rachael"), Rob-Cole ("Dangerous Waters"). Hght., 5, 5; wght., 160; blond hair, blue eyes. Ad., 147 N. Coronado, Los Angeles, Calif.; Wil- shire 1681.

LEWIS, Katharine; b. Newark, N. J., 1899; educ. Manual Training Sch., Brooklyn; screen career, Vitagraph, 18 mos. ("Mr. Jack" series with Frank Daniels, "Walls of Convention," "Ken- nedy Square," "The Hawk." "The Soul Mas- ter"), First National ("Virtuous Wives"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 120; blond hair, blue eyes.

LEWIS, Vera; b. N. Y.; educ. Normal Coll.; stage career, 1897, rep., vaud. and stk., mgmt. Frohman, Shubert, Belasco; screen career. Fine Arts ("Intolerance"). Fox, Paramount ("Lost In Transit"). Metro ("As the Sun Went Down"). Walthal ("A Still Small Voice," "The Lion and the Lamb"), with Mary Miles Mlnter In "Nurse Marjory," Madge Kennedy in "The Blooming Angel." Bert Lytell "Lombardl, Ltd.," Gladys



Brockwell, "The Devil's Riddle." Ad., home, 6267 Yucca ave., Los Angeles, Cal.

LINDEN, Margaret; b. Australia; educ. there; stage career, "Madam X," "The Fortune Hun- ter," "Sunday," "Stop Thief," "The Three Bears," "Head Over Heels," "Man Who Came Back"; screen career, World ("The Grouch"), Constance Talmadge ("The Virtuous Vamp"), Famous Players ("Wanted, A Husband," "His House in Order"). Hght., 5, 7%; wght., 142; brown hair, gray eyes. Ad., 236 W. 70th St., N. T. C. ; Columbus 9808 and 9930.

LINDROTH, Helen; educ. America; stage career, 15 yrs. legit.; screen career, Kalem ("From the Manger to the Cross"), Famous Players ("Audrey," "The Spider," "Little Lady Eileen," "Seventeen"), Metro ("The House of Gold," "The Great Romance," "Shadows of Suspicion"), Goldwyn ("The Eternal Magdalene"), Mc- Manus Corp. ("The Gray Brother"). Hght., 5, TVt', wght., 160; brown hair and eyes. Ad., 315 W. 51st St., N. T. C; Circle 6745.

LITTLE, Ann.; b. Sisson, Calif.; educ. Chicago and Los Angeles; stage career, stock in Los Angeles; screen career, Universal, American, Mutual, Selznick, Metro, Lasky ("Believe Me, Xantippe." "Less Than Kin," "The Squaw Man"), Famous Players ("Rimrock Jones," "Alias, Mike Moran," "The Roaring Road," "Told in the Hills," "The Bear Trap"), Na- tional ("Lightning Brice" serial), Hart-Artcraft ("Square Deal Sanderson," "Service Stripes"). Hght.. 5, 5; wght., 112; black hair, brown eyes. Ad.. Lasky Studio, Hollywood, Calif.; perma- nent ad., Rex Arms Apts., Orange St., Los An- geles, Calif.

LIVINGSTON, Marguerite; b. Salt Lake City, Utah; educ. there; screen career, Paralta ("Ali- mony," "Within the Cup"), Pathe ("All Wrong"), Ince ("The Busher," "What's Tour Husband Doing?"), Goldwyn ("Billie's For- tune"), J. D. Hampton ("House of a Thousand Candles"). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 120; auburn hair, brown eyes. Ad., 144 So. Virgil, Los An- geles, Calif.; phone 52710; studio, J. D. Hamp- ton Studio.

LORRAINE, Leota; b. Kansas City, Mo., 1893; educ. Univ. of Missouri at Columbia; screen ca- reer, Essanay 18 mos., Metro, Triangle, Ince- Para. ("Playing the Game," "The Kaiser's Shadow"), Goldwyn ("The Pest," "The Gay Lord Quex"), Fox ("Be a Little Sport"), Famous Players ("Luck in Pawn"), "The Loves of Letty," with Pauline Frederick, First Na- tional ("The Turning Point"). Hght., 5, 5%; wght., 125 blond hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 1765 N. Bronson ave., Los Angeles, Calif.; Holly 2444; studio, MacDonald Film Corp.

LORRAINE, Lillian; b. San Francisco, 1892; stage career; at age of 4 played Eva in "Uncle Tom's Cabin," later stk., "The Great White Way" with Blanche Ring, Ziegfeld Follies of 1909. starred in Follies of 1912; 1919 "Little Blue Devil"; screen career, Kalem, Triangle, Ince ("Playing the Game," "The Kaiser's Shadow"), Goldwyn ("The Pest").

LOVE, Bessie; b. Los Angeles, Cal. ; educ. high schl. in Los Angeles; screen career, Triangle- Fine Arts ("A Sister of Six," "Intolerance," "The Heiress of Coffee Dan's," "The Doll's Shop," "Nina, the Flower Girl"), Ince-Triangle ("The Sawdust Ring," "Wee Lady Betty," "Pernickety Polly Ann," "The Dawn of Under- standing," "The Enchanted Barn"). With Vita- graph for past year. Ad., home, Hollywood Apts., Hollywood, Calif.

LOVELY, Louise; b. Sydney, Australia, 1896; educ. Switzerland and Sydney; stage career, vaud., mus. com., in Australia, in vaud. for 2% yrs.; screen career, with Australian Biograph Co., Universal-Bluebird ("Wolve« of the North"), Fox ("The Man of Power"), Vltagraph ("The Usurper"), Fox-Farnum ("The Lone Star Ranger," "The Last of the Duanes," "Wolves of the Night," "Wings of the Morn- ing"), Metro ("Johnny on the Spot"), Rob-Cole ("The Butterfly Man"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 128; fair hair, blue-gray eyes. Ad., home, 1746 Wilcox ave., Hollywood.

LUTHER, Anne; b. Newark, N. J., 1894; screen career, Reliance, Lubln, Sellg, Keystone, Fox ("Her Father's Station" "The Island of Des- tiny"), Ivan ("Moral Suicide"), Triangle ("The Marriage Bubble"), General ("Her Moment"). Pathe ("The Great Gamble"), Fox ("Woman, Woman." "The Jungle Trail"); Western Photo- plays, Inc., co-star with Chas. Hutchinson, also Wisteria Prods., Inc. Hght., 5. 5; wght., 129; tltlan hair, blue eyes.

LYNARD, Lenore; b. Philadelphia; educ. Drexel Inst.; screen career, Jack Pickford ("Burglar by Proxy"), Madlaine Traverse ("What Would You Do"), Geraldine Farrar ("Flame of the Desert"), Goldwyn ("Dangerous Days"), Vlta- graph ("The Wolf"). Hght., 6, 6; wght., 130; blond hair, blue eyes. Home ad., Alvarado Apts., Los Angeles, Calif.; Wilshire 5010; studio, Samuelson Films, Universal City, Cal.

LYNNE, Ethel; b. 1896, Longview, Tex.; educ. Carr-Burdette Coll., Sherman, Tex.; stage ca- reer, in "Tic Toe Man of Ox," musical comedy; screen career, Universal, Christie ("Local Col- or," "Nearly a Papa," "Help, Help, Police!" "Are Second Marriages Happy?" "War Gar- dens," "Efficiency"), Ince-Para. ("Biggest Show on Earth," "He Who Hesitates," "Lobster Dressing," "Reno, All Change"). Hght., 5, 5; wght., 118; brown hair and eyes. Ad., home, 40SB S. Alvarado St., Los Angeles, Calif.; phone 44215.


MacCLEAN, Grace; b. Detroit, Mich.; educ. there; stage career, 7 yrs. permanent stock and prods.; screen career, Ince ("Let's Be Fashionable"), Fox ("Sergeant Tim"), Universal ("Elmo the Mighty," "Blind Husbands"). Hght., 5, 4%; wght., 128; brown hair, dark blue eyes. Home ad., 6511% Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 577330 or 577333.

MacDONALD, Katherine Agnew; b. Pittsburgh, Pa.; educ. Blairsvllle Coll.; screen career, Art- craft, Paramount, Betzwood ("Headin' South," "Shark Monroe," "Riddle Gawne," "Mr. Flxit," "Battling Jane," "Squaw Man," "The Woman Thou Gavest Me"). First National "The Thun- derbolt," "The Beauty Market" "The Turn- ing Point," "The Guest of Hercules," "The No- torious Miss Lisle." Hght., 5, 8; wght., 134; blond hair, blue eyes. Ad., MacDonald Film Corp.. 904 Girard St., Los Angeles, Cal.

MACLAREN, Mary MacDonald; b. Pittsburgh, Pa.; educ. Greensburg, Pa.; stage career, Win- ter Garden, N. Y. C, with Al. Jolson in "Pass- ing Show of 1914," "Dancing Around"; screen career, Universal ("Idle Wives," "The Model's Confession," "Vanity Pool," "Bread," "Shoes," "Saving a Family Name," "Petal on the Cur- rent," "Unpainted Woman," "Bonnie, Bonnie Lassie," "Rouge and Riches"). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 124; blond hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 127 No. Manhattan Place, Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 560850; studio. Universal.

MADDEN, Golda; b. Denver, 1894; educ. Univ. of Colo.; stage career, stk., William Collier; screen career, Biograph, Lubin, Pathe, Keystone, Na- tional ("Girl of My Dreams"), Brentwood ("Turn in the Road"), Universal ("Fires of Rebellion"), Goldwyn ("Woman in Room 13"), Triangle ("Flying Colors"), American ("Jilted Janet"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 125; light com- plexion, blond hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., 1606 McCadden Place, Los Angeles, Cal.

MADISON, Cleo; b. Bloomington, 111.; educ. Bloomington Normal Univ. ; stage career, with James K. Hackett, Virginia Harned, in vaud. on Orpheum circuit, toured with own co.; screen career, Universal, first success in "Trey of Hearts," has headed own co. and directed own prods, for a time ("The Chalice of Sorrow," "Retribution," "Black Orchids," "The Chasten- ing"), Universal ("The Girl Who Lost," "The Web"), National ("Romance of Tarzan," "Girl From Nowhere"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 125; blue eyes, medium hair with reddish tinge. Ad., 1525 No. Bronson, Los Angeles, Cal.

M ALONE, Molly; b. Denver, Colo., 1897; educ. Denver and Los Angeles; screen career, Vita- graph, Lubin, Lasky, Universal ("The Pullman Mystery," "The Range War," "The Marked Man," "Hawaiian Knights," "The Red Stain " "The Scarlet Drop," "A Woman's Fool," "Matching Billy," "Birds of a Feather"), Ar- buckle-Para. ("The Desert Hero," "Back Stage," "The Hayseed," "The Garage"), Supreme Com- edies ("Molly's Millions," "Molly's Mumps," "Come In the Kitchen," "Her Doctor's Dilem- ma"). Home ad., 6621 St. Francis Court, Holly- wood, Cal.

MANN, Alice; b. Plainfield, N. J., 1900; educ. Boston Girls' Latin Schl.; screen career Fox ("Help, Help, Police!"). Essanay ("Pair of Sixes"), McClure ("The Yellow Eel"). Hght 5, 4; wght., 118; light golden hair, blue eyes. Ad., home, 455 Ft. Washington ave.. N Y. St. Nich. 8812.



MANN, Frankie; b. Mill Hall, Pa., 1892; educ. Boston Girls' Latin Sch.; stage career, 2 yrs. In stk., Orpheum, Phila. ; screen career, Lubin. Vitagraph ("Youth"), Pathe ("Ravengar"), Ivan ("The Sex Lure"), A. F. Beck, "The Isle of Jewels. Hght., 5, 4; wght., 120; dark brown hair, brown eyes. Ad., home, 455 Ft. Washing- ton ave., N. Y. ; St. Nicholas 8812.

MANNING, Marjorie; stage career, stk. Co., and with Oliver Morosco; screen career, Famous Players ("His House in Order," "The Cost," "Miss Antique"), Hess-Ives ("Dismal Swamp"). Hght., 5, 71/&; wght., 140; blond hair, blue eyes. Ad., Hotel Grenoble, N. Y. ; Circle 909.

MANNING, Mildred; stage career, musical com- edy, in Broadway prods, for 8 yrs. ; screen ca- reer, Biograph ("Charity Ball," "Our Poor Re- lations," etc.). Vitagraph ("Mary Jane's Pa," "The Princess of Park Row," "Next Door to Nancy," "An Investment in Petticoats"), Hampton-Hodkinson ("The Westerners"), Rob- Cole ("Kitty Kelly, M.D."). Hght., 5, 4; wght., 120; brown hair and eyes, olive complexion.

MANON, Marcia ; screen career, Paramount ("Maggie Pepper," "The Test of Honor," "The Lottery Man"), Rob-Cole ("Woman Michael Married"), First National ("In Old Kentucky").

MANSFIELD, Martha; b. Mansfield, O., 1899; educ. there; stage career. Winter Garden, "Cen- tury Girl" (Dillingham & Zlegfeld), A. H. Woods' "On With the Dance"; screen career, Essanay (Max Linder comedies), played oppo- site Montague Love and Eugene O'Brien, played In "Mothers of Men"; opposite John Barrymore in "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Hght., 5, 4; wght., 122; blond hair, gray eyes. Ad., 545 W. 158th St., N. Y. C.

MARCEL, Inez; o. 1899; stage career, stk. prods., with Klaw and Erlanger, Chas. Frohman; screen career, Hobart Henley Prod. ("Gay Old Dog"), Gaumont ("Making Her His Wife"), Catholic Arts Assn. ("The Burning Question," "The Transgression," "The Victim"). Curtis ("Who Is Your Brother?"). Hght., 5, 7; com- plexion, light. Ad., 174 W. 109th St., N. Y.; Academy 365.

MARINOFF, Fania; b. Odessa, Russia; stage ca- reer, "The House Next Door," "Romance of the Underworld." "Within the Law," Arnold Daly's revival of Shaw's "Arms and the Man," Ariel In the tercentenary performance of Shake- speare's "The Tempest," "Karen," "Awaken- ing of Spring," "The Walk-Offs"; screen career, Famous Players ("One of Our Girls"), Kleine ("The Money Master"), Pathe ("Nedra"), World ("Life's Whirlpool"), Artcraft ("Rise of Jennie Cushing"). Black hair and eyes. Home ad., 151 E. 19th St., N. Y. C.

MARKEY, Enid; b. Dillon, Colo., 1896; educ. Den- ver; stage careeer, Burbank stock, with Nat Goodwin, 1919 Al Woods, "Up in Mabel's Room"; screen career, Ince ("Civilization," "The Devil's Double"), Fox ("The Yankee Way," "Responsibility"). Corona ("The Curse of Eve"), National ("Tarzan of the Apes," "Romance of Tarzan"), Shlpman ("Mother, I Need You"). Hght., 5, 4; wght., 125; dark hair, dark eyes. Ad., 245 W. 51st st., N. Y. C, and Eltinge theatre.

MARSH, Mae; b. Madrid, New Mexico, 1897; educ. convents in San Francisco; screen career, Biograph, Reliance-Majestic ("The Birth of a Nation"), Fine Arts ("Intolerance"), Goldwyn ("Polly of the Circus," "The Cinderella Man," "Sunshine Alley," "Fields of Honor." "The Be- loved Traitor," "The Face In the Dark." "The Glorious Adventure." "All Woman," "Hidden Fires," "Money Mad," "Spotlight Sadie"). Hght., 5, 3, gray eyes, auburn hair. Ad., mngt. Louis J. Gasnier, Rob-Cole release.

MARSH, Marguerite C; b. Lawrence, Kansas. 1892; educ. San Francisco and Los Angeles;; stage career, two seasons with Raymond Hitch- cock; Morosco stock in Los Angeles; screen ca- reer, Biograph under Griffith, Essanay, Reliance, Fine Arts ("Mr. Goode. the Samaritan"), Tri- angle, Goldwyn, Rolfe ("The Master Mystery"), Oliver ("Craig Kennedy" serial). Hallmark ("Phantom Honeymoon"), Fox, Stanton serial. Hght., 5, 2; wght.. 120; auburn hair, dark blue eyes, fair complexion. Ad., Hotel Monterey, N. Y. C.

MARSTTNI, Rosita; b. France, Sept. 19, 1887; educ. Belgium; screen career, Universal ("The Heart of a Tigress," "On the Trail of the Ti- gress," "Graft"), Fox ("A Tale of Two Cities," "The Innocent Sinner." "Flames of the Flesh"). Lasky-Paramount ("The Clever Mrs. Carfax," "Widow by Proxy." Hght., 5. 6%; wght., 147;

light complexion, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes. Home ad., Windsor Apts., Los Angeles, Cal. Now in Belgium.

MARTIN, Florence Evelyn; educ. San Francisco, Cal. ; stage career, 3 yrs. with Oliver Morosco prods, playing leads, also one season with Geo. Tyler, playing lead; screen career, Guy Empey Co. ("The Undercurent"). Hght., 5, 3%; wght., 120; dark brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 208 W. 56th St., N. Y. ; Circle 2121.

MARTIN. Vivian; b. near Gr. Rapids. Mich.; stage career, with Richard Mansfield in "Cy- rano de Bergerac," in "Officer 666," "Stop Thief," "The Only Son"; screen career, World Film, Fox ("A Modern Thelma"), Morosco- Pallas ("Her Father's Son," "Right Direction," "The Wax Model," "Forbidden Paths," "Little Miss Optimist," "Molly Shawn," "A Kiss for Susie," "The Sunset Trail." "The Trouble Bus- ter," "Mary Gusta," "Molly Entangled"), Para. ("Unclaimed Goods," "Her Country First," "Littlest Scrub Lady," "Mirandy Smiles," "Home Town Girl," "Little Comrade." "Louisi- ana." "Third Kiss," "His Official Wife"), Gau- mont ("Husbands and Wives").

MASON, Shirley; b. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1901; educ. private tutors; stage career, created part of Little Hal in "The Squaw Man," with Wm. Favorsham at the age of 4, "Rip Van Winkle." "Passers-By," also "The Poor Little Rich Girl," etc.; screen career, K. E. S. E. ("Cy Whittaker's Ward"), Edison. ("The Apple Tree Girl," "The Wall Invisible"), Famous Players ("Come On In," "Good-Bye Bill," "Gosh Darn the Kaiser"), Paramount ("The Rescuing Angel," "The Final Close-Up," "The Winning Girl"), Fox ("Her Elephant Man"). Hght., 5; wght.. 94; brown hair, light gray eyes. Home ad., 1770 Grand Concourse, N. Y. C. ; studio, Fox. Los Angeles, Cal.

MATTOX, Martha; b. Natchez, Miss.; educ. East Miss. Coll.; stage career, several years in rep., stk. and prod., playing characters and heavies; screen career, Selig ("Chronicles of Bloom Cen- ter"). Universal ("Scarlet Shadow," "Polly Put the Kettle On"), Famous Players ("Huckle- berry Finn"), American ("Eve in Exile"), Metro ("Old Lady 31"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 164; dark brown hair and eyes. Home ad., 2007 Sunset, Los Angeles, Cal.; Wilshire 6851.

MAY, Ann; b. Cincinnati, Ohio, 1901; educ. St. Ursula Acad., grad. Schuster-Martin School of Dramatic Art, 1916, 1 yr. at Little Playhouse, Cincinnati; screen career, Keeney Pict. Corp., Goldwyn, Famous Players, ingenue lead in "A Marriage for Convenience"), Metro <"Lombardl, Ltd."). Univ. ("A Lovely Night"), Ince-Para., opp. Chas. Ray, "Paris Green." Hght.. 5, 2%; wght., 103; black hair, brown eyes. Ad., care of Motion Picture News, N. Y. C.

MAY, Doris; b. Seattle, Wash.; educ. French Con- vent, Seattle; screen career, doubled for Mary Pickford in "The Little American"; Thos. H. Ince, "The Hired Man," "Playing the Game," In "23% Hours Leave." "What's Your Husband Doing?" "Mary's Ankle," "Let's Be Fashion- "Green Eyes" (co-star with Douglas MacLean able"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 117; golden hair, brown eyes. Ad., Thos. H. Ince Studio, Culver City, Cal.

MAYO, Christine; stage career, in "Excuse Me," "Seven Keys to Baldpate," vaud., stk.; screen career, Metro ("Spell of the Yukon." "Iron Woman," "Fair and Warmer"), Master Drama ("Raffles," with John Barrymore), Metro ("House of Mirth"), World ("The Little In- truder"), Hampton ("A Fugitive from Matri- mony"), Goldwyn ("Duds." "Mother's Confes- sion," "A Fool's Paradise," "Two Men and a Woman"); specializes in vampire and emotional leads. Hght., 5, 7; wght., 135; dark hair and eyes. Ad., 1803C Highland, Hollywood, Cal.; home ad., 559 W. 164th St., N. Y. ; Aud. 5664.

MAYO, Edna; b. Philadelphia, Pa., 1893; educ. Girls' Coll., Philadelphia; stage career, starred In "Madame X," "Excuse Me," "Help Wanted"; screen career, Essanay since 1915 ("The Woman Hater," "The Little Straw Wife," "The Mis- leading Lady." "The Strange Case of Mary Page," "The Return of Eve," "The Chaperon"), American ("Hearts of Love"). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 115; fair complexion, light hair, blue eyes.

McAVOY, May; b. N. Y., 1901; educ. N. Y. ; screen career, Goldwyn ("Perfect Lady"), United ("Woman Under Oath"), Famous Players ("Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch"), World ("Hit or Miss"). H. & H. ("Love Wins"), Biackton ("My Husband's Other Wife"), Vita-



graph ("Sporting Duchess"). Hght., 4, 11; wght., 94; dark hair, blue eyes. Ad., home, 217 W. 106th St., N. Y. C. ; Acad. 1299.

MeCONNELL, Mollie; b. Chicago, 1870; stage ca- reer, first with Mrs. Leslie Carter in "Spanish Guide," with Mansfield 2 yrs. in "Old Heidel- berg," in England and on Continent with Marie Tempest, Pauline Chase; screen career, with Universal and Balboa in character and grande dame parts, Balboa-Mutual ("Glad Glory"), Ince-Para. ("The Claws of the Hun"), Metro ("The Demon," "No Man's Land," "Fools and Their Money"), Universal ("Bare Fisis"), Fox ("Cheating Herself," "The Feud"), Paramount ("His Official Fiancee," "Red Hot Dollars").

McCOV, Gertrude; b. Rome, Ga., 1896; educ. Nas- sau, Tenn. ; stage career, stk. and mus. com., "The Two Orphans"; screen career, 8 yrs. Bio- graph under Griffith, Pathe, Edison ("Through Turbulent Waters," "On the Stroke of Twelve," "What Could She Do?" "June Friday," "Friend Wilson's Daughter"), Gaumont ("The Isle of Love"), Van Dyke ("The Lash of Destiny"), Authors Film Co. -Mutual ("The Silent Wit- ness," "Madame Sherry"), Artcraft ("The Dan- ger Mark"). Hght., 5, 6H; wght., 135; blond hair, blue-green eyes.

McDOWELL, Claire; b. N. T. ; educ. N. T. ; stage career since babyhood, in "The Clansman," has acted with Faversham, Julie Opp, Marie Dress- ier; screen career, with Biograph for over 5 yrs., Universal ("The Gates of Doom," "The Storm Woman"), Triangle ("The Strange Weakling." "Everlasting Mercy," "Fighting Back," "The Ship of Doom," "The Follies Girl"), Fox ("Chasing Rainbows." "The Feud"), First National ("Heart o' the Hills"). Hght., 5, 4; wght., 115; brown hair and eyes. Ad., home, Highland ave., Hollywood Park, Holly- wood.

McGOWAN, Roxana; b. March 15, 1899, Chicago. 111., educ. Chicago and Houston, Tex.; screen career, Sennett ("Villa of the Movies." "Her Nature Dance," " A Bedroom Blunder," " Love Loops the Loop," " Summer Girls," " Her Screen Iidol "). On road for 7 mos. with "Yankee Doodle in Berlin" Co. Hght., 5, 4; wght, 120; light complexion, brown hair, gray eyes. Ad., home, 1020 W. 75th St., Los Angeles, Cal

McQUADE, Mabel; b. Kokomo, Ind., 1897; educ. Darlington Seminary; stage career, dancing; screen career, Vitagraph, Goldwyn, Virginia Pearson Co. ("Impossible Catherine"). Hght. 5, 5; wght., 131; light complexion, blnnd hair, dark blue eyes. Ad. 126 23rd St., Elmhurst, L. I., N. Y. Newtown 2550.

MERSEREAU, Violet; b. and educ. N. Y.; stage career, child parts in stock, tonred with Mar- garet Anglin, played Flora in orlg. co. of " The Clansman," starred on road as Rebecca in " Re- becca of Sunnybrook Farm"; screen career, Famous Players, Universal (" Little Miss No- body," " The Girl by the Roadside, " Princess Tatters," "The Wild Cat," "The Raggedy Queen, "Souls United," "Together"; Bluebird ("The Nature Girl"). Hght., 5, 4; wght.. 115; blond hair, dark blue eyes. Home ad., Hotel Monterey, N. Y. C.

M1DGLEY, Fannie; b. Cincinnati: stage career, from age of 15, with Henry Miller in " The Great Divide"; screen career, Melies, Biograph, Ince (" The Waifs," " The Apostle of Venge- ance." " Civilization," " The Man from Ore- gon." " Somewhere in France," " Jim Grims- by's Boy"), Paramount ("The Heart of Youth," "The Lottery Man"), United ("The Corsican Brothers").

MILHOLLAND, Helen; b. Kingston, N. Y. ; educ. Canada and Paris, France; stage career, stk.; "Why Marry," Selwyn; vaud.; screen career. World Metro, ("The Soul Market"), Famous Players ("The Long Trail"), Creative ("Girl Whn Didn't Think"). Arnold Dalv ("My Own United States"). Hght., 5; wght., 110; light complexion, brown hair, gray eyes. Home ad., 29 W. 61st St., N. Y. Columbus 8213.

MILTON, Marjories educ. Wadleigh High Sch., N. Y. ; early career, receptionist in photographic studio; screen career, Vitagraph ("A Woman at Bay"), Pathe ("The Black Secret"), Con- stance Talmadge ("In Search of a Sinner"). Hght.. 5. 8; wght.. 140; light brown hair, dark gray eyes. Ad., 15 W. 88th St., N. Y. C, River- slde 7947.

MINKAl , Charlotte; i. Bordeaux, France; educ. Convent de L'Assumption. Louisville, Canada; screen career. Essanay (Geo. Ade Fables, Swee- dy Series), 1917, in stk. with Chaplin. Patha

("Rosemary Climbs the Heights" with Mary Miles Minter, "Carolyn of the Corners" with Bessie Love. Hght., 5, 10; wght., 160; auburn hair, violet eyes. Home ad.. Gates Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif.; Bway 826; studio, Mack Sen- nett.

MINTER, Mary Miles; b. Shreveport, La., April 1, 1902; educ. by private tutors; stage career, child actress supporting Nat Goodwin, Robert Hilliard, Mrs. Fiske, Bertha Kalich, Dustin Farnum, for 4 yrs. appeared in title role in "The Littlest Rebel"; screen career, Metro, American, American-Pathe ("The Eyes of Julia Deep," "Wives and Other Wives." "The Amaz- ing Impostor," "A Bachelor's Wife," "Yvonne from Paris"), American ("Intrusion of Isabel"). Realart ("Anne of Green Gables," "Judy of Rogue's Harbor"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 112; golden hair, blue eyes. Ad., Realart Pict. Corp., N. Y. Home ad., 56 Fremont place, Los An- geles, Calif.

MITCHELL, Rhea; b. Portland, Oreg. ; educ. there; stage career, on Orpheum circuit, stk. at Alcazar, San Francisco; screen career, Lasky ("The Goat"), Metro ("Unexpected Places"), William S. Hart ("The Money Corral"), Burston ("The Hawk's Trail "). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 110; blond hair, dark blue eyes. Home ad., 1742 Northwestern ave., Hollywood, Calif.; phone 599969.

MITCHELL, Yvette; b. San Francisco; educ. Los Angeles; stage career, Orpheum dancing act, "So Long Letty"; screen career. Universal ("The Red Ace," "Flower of Doom."' "The Door Be- tween," "Virgin of Stamboul," "The Petal on the Current," "The Wicked Darling"), Mitchell Lewis Prod. ("Last of His People"), Dustin Farnum ("Honor of His Family"), Mayer Prod. Co. ("The Inferior Sex"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 112; black hair, hazel eyes. Home ad., 6049 Selma ave., Los Angeles. Calif. Holly 348.

MONTROSE, Helene; b. San Francisco; educ. there and Paris; stage career, with Francis Wilson, Frohman Co., operatic exper. in France and Italy; screen career, Famous Players ("Ca- reer of Katherine Bush," "Sadie Love," "Coun- terfeit"), Selznick ("The Country Cousin"), Jose Prod. ("Mothers of Men"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 135; black hair and dark brown eyes. Ad., Great Northern Hotel, 118 W. 57th St., N. Y.

MOORE, Colleen; b. 1900, Port Huron, Mich.; educ. Convent of Holy Name, Tampa, Fia. ; screen career. Triangle, Fine Arts, Ince, Selig (featured in "Little Orphant Annie," "A Hoosier Romance"), Paramount ("The Busher," "The Egg-Crate Wallop"), Fox ("The Wilderness Trail"), Universal ("Common Property," "The Man in the Moonlight"), Christie Comedies (featured in "A Roman Scandal," "Her Bridal Night-Mare"). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 110; brown hair and eyes. Ad., c/o Christie Film Co., Los Angeles, Calif.

MORNE, Maryland; b. England; educ. Convent in Chicago; stage career, "Alice in Wonderland" when 7 yrs. old, Adean stk. in St. Louis; screen career, Allan Dwan ("In the Heart of a Fool"). Hght., 5, 5; wght., 130; blond hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 4736 Franklin ave., Los Angeles, Calif.; Holly 531.

MORRISON, Mrs. Priestly; educ. Missouri State Univ.; stage career, stk. in N. Y. C, Cleveland, Kansas City, Des Moines, Iowa, Los Angeles, etc., covering period of 25 yrs.; screen career. Famous ("Uncle Tom's Cabin," "Misleading Widow." "Wanted, A Husband"), World ("The Steel King," "The Praise Agent"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 130; brown hair, gray eyes. Ad., 2059 Davidson ave., N. Y. Fordham 533 and 1520.

MOSQITNI, Marie; b. Dos Angeles, Calif., 1899; educ. Immaculate Heart Convent; screen ca- reer. Rolin Film Co. ("It's a Hard Life"), Harry Pollard Comedies ("Looking for Trou- ble." "Floor Below"). Harold Lloyd comedies ("His Royal Shyness"). Hght., 5, 4; wght.. 125; olive complexion, brown hair, hazel eyes. Home ad., 921 Bernal st., Los Angeles, Calif.; Boyle 3498.

MURRAY, Mae; stage career, mus. com.; screen career, Lasky-Paramount ("To Have and to Hold," "The Dream (ini"), Famous Players ("The Primrose Ring"), Universal ("Princess Virtue," "Face Value"), Lasky ("A Mormon Maid"), Universal ("The Bride's Awakening," "The Scarlet Stain," "What Am I Bid?" "De- licious Little Devil," "Modern Love"), Pathe ("Twin Pawns," "A, B, C of Love"), Para- mount-Artcraft ("On With the Dance"). Ad.. Famous Players, 485 Fifth ave., N. Y. C.



MYERS, Carmel; b. San Francisco, April 9, 1901; ecluc. Los Angeles; screen career, Fine Arts, Metro (opposite Harold Dockwood in "The Haunted Pajamas"), Universal ('Sirens of the Sea"), Bluebird ("The Dream Lady," "A So- ciety Sensation"), Universal ("My Unmarried Wife," "Who Will Marry Me?" "The Litttle White Savage." Now playing in "The Magic Melody" at Shubert Theatre.


NAZIMOVA, Alia; b. Yalta, Crimea, Russia; educ. Zurich, Odessa and dramatic sch. at Moscow; stage career, stock in Kerson, Vilna and Petrograd; first appeared in N. Y. In 1906, presenting 'Hedda Gabler," "A Doll's House," "The Master Builder," etc.; screen career, Brenton-Selznick ("War Brides"), Metro ("Revelation," "Toys of Fate," "Eye for Eye," "Out of the Fog," "The Red Lantern," "The Brat," "Stronger Than Death"). Height 5, 3; wght., 116; black hair, violet eyes. Ad., Metro, Hollywood, Calif.

NE5BIT, Evelyn; b. Tarentum, Pa.; educ. Shakespeare School at Pittsburgh and private tutors; stage career, 4 yrs. vaud., in Follies, Marigny theatre, Paris; London Hippodrome; screen career, Jos. Schenck ("Her Mistake," "Redemption"), Fox ("The Woman Who Gave," "I Want to Forget," "Thou Shalt Not," "Judge Not," "A Fallen Idol," "My Little Sis- ter," "Woman, Woman"). Hght., 5, 3%; wght., 122; brown hair, hazel eyes. Ad., 201 W. 54th St., N. Y. C.

NIGHTINGALE, Virginia; b. in Vienna of Eng- lish and French parentage; educ. Los Angeles, San Francisco, Santa Barbara; screen career, 2 yrs. with Mack Sennett, one of the orig. beau- ties with Mack Sennett studio. Vitagraph ("The Miracle Afternoon" with William Dun- can). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 140; black hair, light blue eyes. Home ad., 1308 S. Hill St., Los Angeles, Calif. ; phone 60733.

NILSSON, Anna Q..; b. Ystad, Sweden; educ. Sweden; stage career, in Sweden and America; screen career. Famous Players, Goldwyn, Metro ("In Judgment of." "Way of the Strong," "No Man's Land"), Mayflower ("Soldiers of For- tune," "Luck of the Irish," "In the Heart of a Fool"). Hght.. 5. 7; wght., 135; fair com- plexion, blond hair, blue eves. Home ad., 1901 Wilcox av.. Hollywood. Calif.; Holly 3634.

NORMAND, Mabel; b. Boston, Mass.; screen ca- reer. Vitagraph, Biograph, Keystone (starred in "Fatty and Mabel." "Mabel's Busy Day." "Fat- ty and Mabel Adrift," "He Did and He Didn't," "The Bright Lights," etc.), headed Mabel Nor- mand Feature Film Co., star in "Pat," "Mick- ey," "Mickey Gets Ready," etc., Goldwyn ("Joan of Plattsburgh," "Dodging a Million," "The Venus Model," "Back to the Woods," "Peck's Bad Girl," "A Perfect 36." "Sis Hop- kins." "The Pest," "When Doctors Disagree," "Upstairs." "Jinks." "Pinto"). Dark hair and brown eyes. Ad., Goldwyn, Culver City, Cal.

NOVA, Hedda; b. Odessa, Russia; educ. there, Petrograd, Berlin; screen career, Edgar Lewis ("Bar Sirlister," "The Barrier"), Vitagraph ('Woman in the Web" serial). Universal ("Spit- fire of Seville"), Goldwyn ("The Crimson Gar- denia"), Katherine MacDonald ("The Turning Point"). Selig ("The Mask"). Hght.. 5. 6; wght., 130: dark hair, brown eyes. Ad., Selig Studio. Los Angeles, Calif.

NOVAK, Jane; b. St. Louis, Mo.; educ. Notre Dame Convent; stage career, vaud.. mus. com., stk., 2 yrs.; screen career, Clune Prod. ("Eyes of the World"), Wm. S. Hart ("The Tiger Man." "Selfish Yates"), Ince ("Nine O'clock Town," "String Beans," "Wagon Tracks"), Ha- worth ("The Temple of Dusk"), Rob. -Cole ("His Debt"), Marshall Neilan ("The River's End"). Hght., 5. 7; wght., 135; blond hair, blue eyes. Home ad.. 6629 % Hollywood blvd.. Los An- geles, Calif.; phone 577769.

Nl'ILLE. Ida; b. Boston. Mass ; stage career, 20 yrs. with all leading productions, under Corn- stock & Gest in "Chin Chin Chow" for 2 yrs ; screen career, with Norma and Constance Tal- madge. Hght.. 5; wght.. 130: brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., St. Paul Hotel, N. Y. ; Columbus 2905.


O'BRIEN, Gipsy; educ. England; stage career, leads in "I Love You," "Cheating Cheaters." etc.; screen career, Famous Players ("Wanted, A Husband"), Vitagraph ("The Day Resurg- ent"), etc. Hght.. 5, 5; wght., 125; auburn

hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., 142 W. 44th St., N. Y. C.; Bryant 1062. O'BRIEN, Helen; ingenue and comedienne; b.

Cedar Rapids, Iowa; screen career, Camel Adv. Film Co., "Pink Nitie," "Bad Bears," Castle Film Co., Emerald Co., "Do the Dead Talk?" Special Feature Films, Billy West comedy series, Alice Howell Comedies. Hght., 5, 5; wght., 128; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., Emerald Studios, Chicago, 111,

O'CONNOR, Kathleen; b. Dayton, O., 1897; educ. St. Joseph's Convent and Notre Dame Acad.; screen career, Keystone, Rolin-Pathe, Fox ("Ace High," "Fame and Fortune," "Mr. Logan, U. S. A."), Universal ("Vamping the Vamp," "The Midnight Man," "Gun Fighting Gentleman" with Harry Carey, starring in "The Lion Man"). Hght., 5, 4%; wght., 125: fair complexion, light brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 1723 Garfield place, Hollywood, Calif.; studio, Universal.

O'CONNOR, Loyola; b. St. Paul, Minn.; educ. Convent of Holy Name, Portland, Ore.; stage career, Frederick Warde, Frank Mayo, 7 yrs. In "Way Down East," 3 yrs. in "Ben Hur" (mgmt. K. and E.), 3 yrs. in "Rebecca of Sun- nybrook Farm"; screen career, since 1913, Vita- graph, Lasky, Famous Players, Fine Arts, Grif- fith ("True Heart Susie"), Wm. De Mille ("Tree of Knowledge"), Para-Aracraf t ("The Love Burglar"), Cecil B. De Mille ("Why Change Your Wife?"). Ad., 7002 Hawthorne ave., Hollywood, Calif.; phone 577927.

O'DARE, Peggy; b. N. Y. C. ; educ. there; screen career, leads in L-Ko, 1 yr. Lehrman comediee. Universal ("For Life," "In the Balance" lead with Eddie Polo, "Vanishing Dagger," "Ken- tuck's Ward," "Blind Chance" starring in series of two-reel pictures). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 124; blond hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 6615 St. Frances Court, Hollywood, Calif.; Holly 3716; studio, Universal.

O'MADIGAN, Isabel; b. St. Louis; educ. Sacred Heart Convent; stage career, Belasco, "Heart of Wetona," "The Brat," "Common Clay"; screen career, Metro ("Pirate Gold," "Love De- fender," "Five Thousand a Minute," "Sylvia Goes on a Spree"), Famous Players ("The Make Believe Wife"), Artcraft ("Suspense"), Hall- mark ("Retribution"). Now playing in "Scan- dal" at 39th St. Theatre. Hght., 5. 7; wght., 139; white hair, green eyes. Ad., 108 Wash- ington place, N. Y. ; Spring 1798.

ORTH, Louise; b. Denver, Colo.; educ. Hinshaw Conservatory; stage career, in Blanche Ring's Yankee Girl," 2 seasons with Julian Eltinge in "The Fascinating Widow," Morosco stock in Los Angeles, Alcazar stock in "A Modern Eve"; screen career, L-Ko ("Mr. Shoestring in the Hole" and a number of others), Triangle ("Three Black Eyes"). Light hair, blue eyes. Ad., Hotel Monterey, N. Y.

OSTRICHE, Muriel; b. N. Y., 1897; educ. pub. schls.. N. Y.; screen career. Eclair. Thanhouser, Vitagraph ("Kennedy Square," "Mortmain"), Equitable ("A Daughter of the Sea." "A Circus Romance," "By Whose Hand?"), World ("The Man She Married," "A Square Deal"), Peerless- World ("Moral Courage," "The Dormant Power," "Leap to Fame," "Tinsel," 'What Love Forgives." "The Bluffer." "The Moral Dead- line." "The Hand Invisible"), Schomer-Ross ("The Sacred Flame"). Ad., 141 W. 73d St., N. Y.

OWEN, Seena (Signe Auen) ; b. Spokane, Wash.; educ. Bruno Hall, there, and in Copenhagen, Denmark; stage career, six weeks in stock. San Francisco; screen career, from 1914, Kalem, Reliance-Majestic, Fine Arts ("Martha's Vindi- cation." "Madame Bo-Peep"). Griffith ("Intol- erance." "Fall of Babylon"), Artcraft ("Brand- ing Broadway," "The Sheriff's Son." "Breed of Men." "A Man and His Money," "One of the Finest," "City of Comrades" with Tom Moore, Tnurneur ("The Life Line," "Victory"). Ad., 103 N. Manhattan place, Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 560921.


PAIGE, Jeane; b. Paris, 111., 189S; screen career, Vitagraph. featured in O. Henry subjects. "The Count and the Wedding Guests." Blue Ribbon Feature ("The Desired Woman"), Vitagraph ("Tangled Lives." "King of Diamonds," "Dar- ing Hearts," "Too Many Crooks," "Beating the Odds," "The Darkest Hour," "The Fortune Hunter"). Hght., 5, 4: wght.. 115; dark hair and blue eyes. Ad. Vitagraph Studio. Holly- wood, Calif.



PALMER, Patricia; b. San Francisco, Calif.; educ. there; stage career, child parts for several yrs.; screen career, 2 yrs., with Vitagraph for one yr., starring in two-reel O. Henry and Wolf- ville stories, "The Canyon Hold-Up, " "The Rose of Wolfville," with W. S. Hart in "The Money Corral," and "Dan Kurrie's Inning," featured in Christie Comedies, in Mitchell Lewis picture, "The Faith of the Strong," now being starred under mgmt. of Cyrus J. Williams in Brad- bury Prods. Home ad., Melrose Hotel, 120 S. Grand ave., Los Angeles, Calif.

PALMER, Violet; b. Flint, Mich., 1S99; educ. Spokane and Seattle; stage career, in vaud. as child; also stk., mus. com.; screen career, Lasky, Kalem, Fox ("The Blue Streak"), Amer.-Pathe ("Eve in Exile").

PARKS, Frances Craven; b. Dawson, Ga., 1902; educ. Atlanta, Ga. ; stage career. Alkahest Lyce- um Bureau through southern states; screen career, with D. W. Griffith for 2 yrs. ("The Girl Who Stayed at Home"), now with Wm. De Mille at Lasky, "Jack Straws" with Robert Warwick. Hght., 5, 2; wght 105; dark brown hair, black eyes. Home ad., 4634 Hollywood blvd., Los Angeles. Calif.; Holly 4178.

PARR, Peggy; b. Baltimore. 1890; educ. Notre Dame Convent, Md. ; screen career, Essanay ("The Coward," leads in George Ade Fables). Metro ("Sowers and Reapers," "Winning of Beatrice"), Klever Comedies with Victor Moore, Fox ("La Belle Russe," "Lure of Ambition"). Int. -Famous Players ("Cinema Murder"). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 116; dark complexion, dark hair, brown eyes. Ad., 203 W. 85th St., N. T. ; Schuyler 5734.

PA VIS, Yvonne (Marie); b. London, England; educ. Eng. and continent; stage career, dram, stk. and vaud., U. S. A. and Europe; screen career, in Europe and U. S. A., Vitagraph ("Easter Babies"), serial with Universal. Fa- mous Players. Triangle ("High Tide," "Tony America"). Metro ("The Walk-Offs"); writes scenario. Hght., 5, 3Vfe; wght., 110; light com- plexion, black hair, dark brown eyes. Home ad., 5200 Hollywood blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.; Holly 2230.

PAWN, Doris; b. Norfolk. Neb., 1896; educ. busi- ness college; screen career. Universal ("Trey of Hearts"), Fox ("Blue Blood and Red," "The Book Agent," "Some Boy," "The Kid is Clever," Para. ("The City of Dim Faces"), Goldwyn ("Tob's Vow," "Tower of Ivory," "The Strange Boarder"). Studio ad., Gold- wyn, Culver City, Calif.

PAYNE, Lila.; b. Boston, Mass., 1887; educ. Bos- ton, Mass., pub. schs. and sch. of elocution; early career, directed amateur work in Boston and other Mass. cities for 10 yrs.; stage career, stock in Richmond Stock Co., and Castle Square Stock, Boston; screen career, W. E. M. P. Co. ("The Friend," "Comrades"), Solax ("Littlest Rebel." "The Parting"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 116; dark brown hair, dark gray eyes. Home ad., 372 Communipaw ave., Jersey City, N. J.; Actors' Equity, N. Y.

PAYSON, Blanche; b. Santa Barbara, Calif.; educ. there; screen career. Keystone ("Wife and Auto Trouble." "Bathhouse Blunder," "Her Cirrus Knight"), Vitagraph ("His Diplomatic Mission," "Bums and Boarders," "Farms and Fumbles," "Beauties and Barbers"), Sunshine Comedies ("Heart Smasher"). Hght., 6, 3; wght., 215; dark brown hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 317 S. Olive St., Los Angeles. Calif.; phone 10089.

PAYTON, Gloria; b. N. Y. C. ; educ. convent; stage career, stock and vaud. for 8 yrs.; screen career, American (played ingenues), Balboa ("The Yellow Bullet," "The Grip of Evil"), Glendale Film Co. ("The Lone Bandit"), Fox . ("A Branded Soul"). Mitchell Lewis "Faith of the Strong"). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 118; black hair, brown eyes. Ad., care of Willis and Ingliss, Los Angeles, Calif.

PEARCE, Pegg^; b. Long Beach, Calif., 1896; educ. there; screen career. Biograph, "The Mother's Heart"; L-Ko. and Keystone come- dies, "The Fisher Johnnie," "Raffles, the Gen- tleman Burglar," "A Dog Catcher's Love." "Soul of a Plumber," "Won by a Fowl." "The Win- ning Punch." Hght., 5. 4; wght, 135; blond hair, blue eyes.

PEARSON. Virginia (Mrs. Sheldon Lewis) ; b Louisville, Ky., 1888; educ. Louisville; stage career, stk. two seasons as the vampire in Rob- ert Hilliard's "A Fool There Was," followed Mme. Dorstet in Faversham's orig. prod. "The Hawk"; screen career, Vitagraph, a few moa.

in 1910, Famous ("The Aftermath"), Vita- graph 1915 ("The Vital Question"), Fox ("Royal Romance," "When False Tongues Speak," "All for a Husband," "The Bitter Truth," "A Daugh- ter of France." "The Firebrand," "Her Price," "The Liar," "Queen of Hearts," "Buchannon's Wife";, Pearson Prod. ("The Bishop's Emer- alds," "Impossible Catherine"). Hght., 5, 7%; wght., 145; dark brown hair and hazel eyes.

PERCY. Eileen; screen career, American, "Some Liar," "Where the West Begins," "Brass But- tons"; Rob. -Cole. "The Gray Horizon." "The Beloved Cheater"; Para-Artcraft, "Told In the Hills," "In Mizzoura"; Hampton-Hodk., "Desert Gold." At present on world tour.

PEREDA, Christina; b. Mexico City; educ. Seville, Spain; stage career, in vaud. as dancer and pantimome and mus. com. in Spain, Cuba and Mexico, came to this country after several yrs. with Molasso's Pantomime Co.. with "The Land of Jou," starred on stage when 8 yrs. old; screen career, Goldwyn ("The Woman and the Puppet"), Lew Cody-Gasnier ("The Butterfly Man"). Hght.. 5, 5; wght., 125; black hair and eyes. Home ad.. Continental Hotel, 626 S. Hill St.. Los Angeles. Calif.; phone 10325.

PETROVA, Olga; b. Warsaw. Poland; educ. Brus- sels. Paris, London; stage career, from age of 20, Shakespearean rep., played Ibsen, Bernstein and Strindberg in Europe, American debut at Folies Bergere. N. Y.. under mgmt. Henry B. Harris; starred in "Panthea" and "The Re- volt," mgmt. Shuberts; screen career, Lasky- Paramount ("The Undying Flame," "The Law of the Land"), Metro ("The Soul of a Magda- len"), Petrova Pictures ("Daughter of Des- tiny," "The Life Mask," "Tempered Steel," "The Panther AVoman"). Now fulfilling recital tour in vaud. Hght., 5. 5; wght., 130; red hair, green eyes. Ad., 125 W. 40th St., N. Y.

PHILLIPS, Carmen; b. San Francisco, 1895; educ. Univ. of Cal. ; stage career. Princess Opera Co. of San Francisco, Hartman and Lombardi's Op. Cos.; screen career, with Universal Vita- graph. Fox. Christie. Universal. Fox Comedies ("Chased in Love," "There's Many a Fool"), Morosco-Paramount ("Forbidden Paths," "The Sunset Trail," "Tyrant Fear," "Unclaimed Goods," "The Home Town Girl"), Bluebird ("The Cabaret Girl"), Fox ("Smiles"), Rob-Cole ("Whitewashed AValls," "The Pagan God," "For a Woman's Honor"). Hght.. 5, 5; wght., 130; brunette, black eyes and hair. Ad., home, 6555 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood. Studio ad., Metro, Hillywood, Calif.

PHILLIPS, Dorothy; b. Baltimore, Md. ; educ. there, St. John's Convent; stage career, George Fawcett stk. co. in Baltimore. 2 seasons "Mary Jane's Pa," season with "Everywoman," as "Modesty," Henry W. Savage prod., created title role in "Pilate's Daughter"; screen career, Universal ("Talk of the Town," "Hell Morgan's Girl," "Heart of Humanity," "The Right to Happiness," "Ambition"). Hght., 5, 3%; wght., 123; chestnut hair, dark gray eyes. Ad., 1946 Cahuenga Blvd., Hollywood. Calif.; Holly 3767. Studio, Universal City.

PICKFORD, Lottie; screen career, "Mile-a-Min- ute Kendall." with Jack Pickford. "The Man- from Funeral Range." with AVallace Reid, play- ing heavies. Ad., Brunton Studio, Hollywood, Calif.

PICKFORD, Mary; b. Toronto, Can., 1893; stage career, in juvenile parts at age of 5, Valentine Stk. Co., Toronto, at age of 9 starred in "The Fatal Wedding." played with Chauncey Olcott in "Edmund Burke." scored success in1 Belasco's "AVarrens of Virginia"; screen career, Biograph, direction Griffith. "The Violin Maker of Cremona." first lead, 1-reeler, Independent M. P. Co., returned to stage for Belasco's "A Good Little Devil," went to Famous Players with entire cast for film version, "Tess of the Storm Country," Artcraft ("The Little Prin- cess." "Romance of the Redwoods," "Poor Lit- tle Rich Girl." "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm." "M'liss," "Little American," "Amarilly of Clothesline Alley," "Stella Maris." "Johanna Enlists." "Captain Kidd. Jr."), First National ("Daddy Long Legs." "The Hoodlum." "Heart o' the Hills"), United Artists ( "Pollyanna" ). Hght., 5; wght., 100: golden hair, hazel eyed. Ad., Marv Pickford Co., Los Angeles. Calif.

PITTS, Za Su; b. Parsons, Kan.. 1S98; educ. Santa Cruz; screen career, has appeared in 15 comedies with La Salle, Universal ("Behind the Footlights," "AA'hy They Left Home"), Famous Players ("The Little Princess." "A Modern Mus- keteer," "How Could A'ou. Jean"). Metro ("As the Sun AVent Down"), Brentwood Prod. ("Bet-



ter Times"), Paramount ("Men, Women anil Money"), Rob-Cole ("The Other Half," "Poor Relations".). Hght., 5, 0; wght., 115; blue eyes, brown hair, light complexion. Ad., 632 S. Fre- mont ave., Los Angeles. Studio, Brentwood Film Corp.

POWELL, Mabel Alline; b. Dallas, Texas, 1898; educ. Page Seminary, Los Angeles; screen ca- reer, Vitagraph, Selig, Rolin. Hght., 6, 6; wght., 165; blond hair, brown eyes. Ad., Hotel Alexandria, Los Angeles.

POWER, Jule (Mrs. Edwards Davis) ; b. Portland, Ore.; educ. St. Mary's Coll., Portland; stage ca- reer, Baker Stk. Co., leads in "The Little Min- ister, "Her Own Way," "The Little Grey Lady," "The Road to Yesterday," Broadway prods, in support of Kelsey and Shannon, Wilton Lack- aye, Grace George; vaud. featured with Ed- wards Davis in "Found Out," "The Kingdom of Destiny," etc.; screen career, vampire in serial ("Gloria's Romance"), (Kleine), Fox, lead in "Her Mother's Secret." Hght., 5, 6; wght., 140; black hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 44 West 60th St., N. Y., or National Vaud. Artists, 229 West 46th St., N. Y.

PRETTY, Arlijie; b. Wash., D. C, 1893; educ. Wash, and priv. finishing sch. ; stage career, be- ginnine with the Columbia players in Washing- ton playing ingenues and later leads for over 3 yrs. ; screen career, began with "The Old Guard," Imp-Universal, Vitagraph ("The Dawn of Freedom," "The Secret Kingdom"), Artcraft ("In Again Out Again"), Pathe ("The Hidden Hand"), Continental Pic. ("The Challenge of Chance"), Serico Prod. ("The Woman in Gray" serial). Hght., 5, 5%. Ad., care Serico, 220 W. 42nd St., N. Y.

PREVOST, Marie; b. Sarnia, Canada, 1898; educ. Denver; screen career, Mack Sennett Comedies ("Nature Dance," "Sleuths," "East Lynne with Variations," "His Hidden Purpose," "Never Too Old," "Yankee Doodle in Berlin," "Reilly's Wash Day," "When Love is Blind," "Love's False Faces," "The Dentist," "Uncle Tom With- out the Cabin," "Salome vs. Shenandoah," "The Speak-Easy"). Hght., 5, 4; wght.. 123; dark hair, blue eyes. Ad., 953 West Seventh St., Los Angeles, Cal.; Pico 2111. Studio,. Sennett-Para- mount.

PRICE, Kate; b. Ireland, 1872; educ. Pawtucket, R. I.; stage career, vaud. with Price and Steel, stk. and rep.; screen career, Vitagraph ("Officer Kate," "Fisherman Kate," "A Night Out"). Keystone ("The Waiter's Ball"), Vim ("Mother's Child." "Fat and Fickle"), Amber Star, Jaxon Film Co. ("Week End Shop- ping"), Artcraft ("Amarilly of Clothesline Al- ley"), Fairbanks ("Arizona"). American ("Put Up Your Hands"), Fox ("Tin Pan Alley"). Ad., 1605 N. Kingsley, Los Angeles, Cal.; Holly 3970.

TRUSSING, Louise; educ. Chicago Latin Sch. and Stamford, Conn.; stage career, Athalie in "The Country Cousin," Angela in "The Maid of the Mountains," hostess Blackstone Hotel, Chi- cago, Vanderbilt Hotel, N. Y. C, Sherry's; screen career, Selznick ("Sealed Hearts," "Out Yonder," "His Wife's Money"). Hght , 5, 6; wght., 130; medium light hair, blue eyes. Ad., 66 W. 49th St., N. Y. ; Bryant 418.

PULLIAM, Pauline; b. 1902; educ. Los Angeles; stage career, vaud. ; screen career, Pathe ("Carolyn of the Coriers"), Morosco ("Final Close Up"), Fox, Goldwyn ("Sis Hopkins"), Famous Players ("A Girl Named Mary," "All of a Sudden Peggy"), National ("Hall Room Boys" stories). Ad., 1731 N. Mariposa ave.. Hollywood, Calif.

PURVIANCE, Edna Olga; b. Reno. Nev. ; educ. there and San Francisco; screen career, with Charlie Chaplin at Essanay, Chaplin-First Na- tional ("A Dog's Life," "The Adventurer," "Easy Street," "Sunnyside," "Shoulder Arms"). Hght., 5, 4; wght., 130; blond hair, gray eyes. Home ad., 402A Westlake Terrace, Los Angeles, Calif.; phone 55219.


iRAMBEAl', Marjorie; educ. San Francisco, Calif.; stage career, star in "Sadie Love, "Cheating Cheaters." "The Fortune Teller," "The Un- known Woman," "Eyes of Youth"; screen ca- reer, Capcllani ("The Fortune Teller"). Ad., 305 W. 72nd St.. N. Y. C.

RANKIN. Caroline J.; b. Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 22, 1889; educ. Chicago; stage career, with "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch," and in stock in Chicago, Cleveland, Cincinnati. Harlem Opera House, N. Y., etc.; screen career, Fox ("Some Boy"), Keystone ("A Seminary Scandal"), Vitagraph ("Quarantined"), Ince-Para. ("A

Nine o'clock Town," "Coals of Fire," "When Do We Eat," "Hard Boiled," "Up in the Air," "Lost in Traffic"). Hght.. 5, 7>/4; wght., 92; light brown hair and gray eyes. Home ad., 1629 Third ave., Los Angeles, Calif.; phone 75609. REARDON, Mildred; christened by Henry Cllve "The Girl with the Brown Eyes," while with Florenz Ziegfeld; screen career, with Pathe, Fox, Cecil De Mille ("Male and Female"), Para.-Artcraft ("Everywoman"). Golden hair, brown eyes, very small. Ad., Hotel Astor, N. Y.

REED, Florence; b. Phila., 1883; educ. Sacrecolust Convent; comes of theatrical parentage; stage career, includes stk. and many prods., with Walker Whiteside; Ramons in 'The Painted Woman"; screen career, Pathe ("The Woman's Law"), Brenon ("Lucretia Borgia"), Harry Rapf ("The Struggle Everlasting," "Wives of Men"), United ("Call of the Heart," "Woman Under Oath," "Her Game," "The Eternal Mother, "Her Code of Honor"). Ad., Harry Rapf, 1564 Broadway, N. Y.

REED, Nora; educ. Houston, Texas; screen ca- reer, in stock with Famous Players-Lasky Corp., 6 mos. ; casting directress for Famous players, 1 yr. ; played in "Career of Catherine Bush," "Sinners," "Fear Market." Hght., 5, 7; wght., 120; auburn hair, dark blue eyes. Studio ad.. 130 W. 56th St., N. Y.

REEVES, Myrtle; b. Atlanta, Ga., 1897; educ. Washington Seminary, Atlanta; screen career, Vitagraph and Balboa (third episode of "Red Circle" series, "The Grip of Evil," "Dawn of Wisdom"), Universal ("Eternal Love"), Blue- bird ("Playthings," "A Kentucky Cinderella"), American ("A Bachelor's Wife"), Vitagraph ("Over the Garden Wall"). Hght., 5, 4; wght., 136; blue eyes, golden hair, and very fair com- plexion.

RENECK, Ruth; b. Galveston, Texas; educ. Texas and Arizona; stage career, 4 yrs., 1 sea- son In "Secret Service," 1 season "Shenandoah," stock; screen career, Paramount-Artcraf t ("Hawthorne of the U. S. A."), Hampton ("The Parish Priest," "The White Dove"), Hght., 5, 2; blond hair, hazel eyes. Home ad., 2320 12th ave., Los Angeles. Calif.; phone 75454.

RENFROE, Vida Estelle von Katz; b. 1900; educ. private schls. and convent; screen career, 3 yrs., starting with the old Amber Star, Metro. James Montgomery Flagg. Geo. M. Cohan, Vim Comedies, Black Diamond Comedies, Sunshine Comedies ("Trial by Jury." "Work and Win 'Em," "Moonshine on the Wabash," "His Cave- man Tactics"), Public Health Series ("Cleared for Action"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 100; dark brown hair and eyes. Ad., 436 E. 3rd St., Jack- sonville, Fla.

RHODES, Billie; b. San Francisco; educ. San Francisco; stage career, on Orpheum circuit, soubrette in "Babes in Toyland"; screen career, leads in dramas and comedies, with Kalem. Universal, Christie, Strand-Mutual ("A Two Cylinder Courtship." Bluffing Father," "Some Nurse," "For Sweet Charity" ) ; Natl. Robertson- Cole ("Girl of My Dreams," "In Search of Arcady," 'Lion and the Lamb," "The Love Call," "Hoop-la of the Circus," "Blue Bonnet "). Hght., 5; wght., 106; brown hair and eyes. Ad., home. 1841 Wellington. Hollywood. Calif. Studio, National, Hollywood.

RICE, Fanny; stage career, 25 yrs. appearing in cities in U. S., Canada, also vaud. in Australia and New Zealand; star of own prods.; screen career, Blackton ("Moonshine Trail." "Dawn," "Tinsel's Triumph," "My Husband's Other Wife"). Hght., 5, 5; wght., 140; auburn hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., 340 Lafayette ave., Brook- lyn, N. Y. ; Prospect 208G.

RICH, Irene; b. Buffalo, N. Y. ; educ. St. Mar- garet's Girls' Sch.; screen career, Paralta ("A Law Unto Herself"), Frank Keenan ("Todd qf the Times"), Goldwyn ("The Strange Boarder." "Tough Proposition," "Street Called Straight"), National ("Blue Bonnet"), Fox ("Lone Star Ranger." "Wolves of the Night"). Hght.. 5, 6; wght., 138; dark brown hair and eyes. Ad., 703 N. Gramercy Place, Los Angeles, Calif.

RICH, Vivian; b. at sea; educ. Boston; stage career, 1 season with Gus Edwards, vaud. ; screen career, American, Selig, Fox ("The Crime of the Hour," "Judgment is Mine." "The Price of Silence," "Beware of Strangers"), Ind. ("Sins of the World"), Mitchell Lewis ("Ven- geance is Mine"), J. D. Hampton ("The Mints of Hell"), Fox ("The Last Straw"). Hght., 5, 4%; wght., 115; brown hair, dark brown eyes. Ad., 1323 N. Martel ave., Hollywood, Calif.; phone 577780.



BIDGEWAY, Fritzie; b. Butte, Mont., 1S9S; educ. there and Schl. Fine Arts, Chicago; stage ca- reer, stk. In N. Y. C, 2 yrs. vaud. ; screen ca- reer, Essanay, Triangle ("Up or Down"), Fox ("The Danger Zone"), Universal ("Fire Fling- ers," featured in "Winning a Bride," "Ranger of Pike's Peak," "Petal on the Current"), Morosco-Lasky ("Judy of Rogues' Harbor"). Sphinx Film Co. (featured in "The Fatal 30" serial). Hght., 5,5; wght., 130; medium com- plexion, brown hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., Box 813, Laurel Canyon, Hollywood, Calif.

ROBERTS, Edith; b. N. Y. C; educ. N. Y. C. ; stage career, began age 6; also in vaud.; screen career, Nestor ("The Lost Appetite," "Jilted in Jail," "A Burglar by Request," "Her City Beau," "The War Bridegroom," "Five Little Widows," "Seeing Things," "O'Connor's Mag," "Madame Spy," "The Deciding Kiss," "The Love Swindle," "Beans." "Cherries Are Ripe"), Universal ("Lasca," "The Triflers"). Hght., 5, 1; wght., 105; fair complexion, light brown hair, brown eyes. Ad., home, 6122 Selma ave., Holly- wood. Studio, Universal City. Calif.

ROBINSON, Daisy; b. N. Y. C. ; educ. Ursuline Convent, Quebec, Canada, Holy Cross Acad.. N. Y. ; stage career, at very early age, played with Joseph Jefferson, Maude Adams, in "Peter Pan," Olga Nethersole; screen career, 1 yr, Reliance-Majestic ("A Bad Man and Others"), Fine Arts ("The Price of Power," "Intolerance"), Morosco ("The Happiness of Three Women"), Lasky ("The Clever Miss Car- fax"), Douglas Fairbanks ("When the Clouds Roll By"). Hght., 5, 5; wght., 115; dark brown hair, dark eyes. Home ad., 2652 Beachwood drive, Los Angeles, Calif.; phone 577729.

ROBINSON, Gertrude May; b. N. Y. C, 1895; educ. N. Y. C.J stage career, began as child actress at the age of 4, has appeared in "A Bonnie Briar Bush," "A Midsummer Night's Dream," "Rip Van Winkle" and "Ben-Hur"; screen career, Biograph, Reliance, Victor, Laskv ("The Arab"), Famous ("May Blossom"), Gau- mont ("The Haunted Woman," "The Quality of Faith"), Henley-Pathe ("The Gay Old Dog"i. Hght., 5, 2; wght., 105; dark brown hair and blue-gray eyes, olive complexion. Home ad., 106 Morningside drive, N. Y. C.

ROBSON, May (Mrs. Stuart Robson) ; b. Aus- tralia; educ. Paris, London, and Brussels; stage career, from 1884, noted character portrayal as Aunt Mary Watkins in "The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary"; screen career, Vitagraph ("A Night Out"), World ("A Broadway Saint"), Select ("His Bridal Night"). W. H. Prods. ("The Lost Battalion"). Ad., Highlands, N. J.; phone 1249-W.

ROLAND, Ruth; b, San Francisco, Calif.; stage career, since 3 yrs. of age, first appearing in Ed. Holden's "Cinderella" Co. at Columbia theatre, San Francisco; screen career, Kalem, Astra, Pathe ("Hands Up," "Tiger's Trail," "Neglected Wife," "Price of Folly," "Fringe of Society"), Ruth Roland Serials, Inc. ("Adven- tures of Ruth"). Hght., 5, 4; wght., 122; red- dish brown hair, violet eyes. Ad., 901 So. Man- hattan Place, L. A., Ruth Roland Studio, Los Angeles.; phone 23955.

ROYCE, Riza; b. Lancaster. Pa.; educ. Wadley High, N. Y. C. ; screen career, Selznick, World. Fox ("Sacred Silence," "Checkers," "The Shark"), Guy Empey. Hght.. 5, 5^.; wght,, 126; dark brown hair, gray-green eyes. Home ad., 155 W. 117th st., N. Y. ; phone Harlem 6510.

ROYCE, Ruth; b. Versailles, Mo.; educ. Loretta Acad., Kansas City; stage career, Woodward Stock Co.. Lewis Stock Co.; screen career, Uni- versal ("The Beach Combers," "Little Brother i)f the Rich." "Chris Rube"). Ince, Lasky, Fox ("The Splendid Sin"), with Eddie Polo in Uni- versal serial, "The Vanishing Dagger." Hght., 5. 6; wght., 130; black hair, blue eyes. Home ad.. 5222 y2 Sunset boulevard. Los Angeles Calif,; phone 597212.

RUBENS, Alma; b. San Francisco; screen career. Triangle ("Kcggie Mixes In," "Master of His Home," "The Firefly of Tough Luck," "Blue Blood," "The Passion Flower," "Gown of Des- tiny." "Regenerates." "The Answer," "Love Brokers," "Judith." "The Ghost Flower"), Ex. Mutual ("Diane of the Green Van"), Rob-Cole ("A Man's Country"), International ("Humor- esque"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 130; black hair, dark eyes. Ad., care International, 729 7th ave., N. Y.


SAIS, Marin; b. Marin Co., Calif.; educ. Notre Dame Acad., San Jose; screen career, Lasky ("City of Dim Faces"), Haworth ("His Birthright." " Bonds of Honor," " The Golden Hope"), Universal ("The Vanity Pool"), H. B. Warner ("Manya"), 6 yrs. with Kalem Co. as leading woman, also starred in serials " The American Girl," " Girl From Frisco," " Sting- aree." Ad., 1325 N. Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.

SAMPSON, Teddy; b. N. Y., 1895; stage career, vaud., comic opera, with Gus Edwards, Blanche Ring; screen career, Christie ("Good Morning Judge," "Are Honeymoons Happy?" "Oui Little Wife"), Triangle ("Her American Hus- band," " Fox Woman," " Sympathy Sal," "Child of the Surf," "Big Jim's Heart," "Fencing Master"), Fox "Fighting for Gold"), lead in Capitol Comedies with Smiling Bill Parsons. Hght., 5, 2; wght., 110; black hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 1907 Wilcox Ave. Los Angeles, Calif.; Holly 460.

SAUNDERS, Alice (Mrs. Harry M. O'Connor) ; b. Holyoke, Mass., 1880; stage exper., stk. in Cal. and N. Y. for 20 yrs.; screen career, Selig. Diando, Kalem, Fox. Lasky, Griffith ("Recon- struction," " The Wolf Faced Man," " The Haunted House," etc.). Hght., 5, 7%; wght.. 140; auburn hair, blue eyes. Ad., 161 Date St., Riverside, Calif.

SAUNDERS, Jackie; b. Philadelphia, 1893; educ. St. Joseph's Convent, Phila. ; stage career, Daw- son's Dancing Dolls; stock; screen career, Bio- graph, Pathe, Universal, Balboa (" Shrine of Happiness," " Flirting Bride," " Betty Be Good," " The Checkmate "), " Mugsby," " Mir- acle of Love," Cosmopolitan Film, " Dad's Girl." Author of several scenarios, including "Rose of the Alley." Hght., 5, 3; wght., 115; blond hair, blue eyes.

SAVAGE, Aileen; educ. Madams of the Sacred Heart in Paris and San Francisco; screen career, Buffalo ("The Sport of Kings"), Fa- mous Players, ("The Cost," "Red Head") Hght., 5, 4V-; wght., 119; black hair, dark eyes. Ad., 62 W. 51st St., N. Y. ; Circle 3471.

SCHADE, Betty Marie; b. Berlin, 1894; educ. Chicago; stage career, vaud. rep.; screen career, Goldwyn (" Bonds of Love," " The Crimson Gardenia," "Thru the Wrong Door"), Select ("Happiness a la Mode"), "Paris Green" with Chas. Ray, Universal ("Bare Fists"). Leibfreed-Miller ("Deliverance"), Fox ("A Girl in Bohemia," "Shod With Fire"). Hght , 5, 6; wght., 142: light complexion, ti.i>'n hair, blue eyes. Ad., home, 7 Carver Court, Los An- geles, Cja] if. ; phone 577112.

SCHAEFER, Anne; b. St. Louis, Mo.; educ. Notre Dame Convent; stage career, 3 yrs. stock cos., 4 yrs. Shakesperian rep. with Louis James, also played " The Green Clad Woman " in " Peer Gynt;" screen career, member of the orginal Vitagraph Co. on West Coast as a fea- ture player, free lancing for 2 yrs., recently returned to Vitagraph stock, playing emotional character leads. Hght., 5, 7%; wght., 160; brown hair and eyes. Ad., 6067 Salem Place. Los Angeles. Calif.; phone 577820.

SCHRAM, Violet; b. San Antonio, Tex., Dec. 1. 1898; educ. Chicago pub. and high schls; early career, professional reader for several yrs. : screen career, Universal, since Oct., 1915 ("Shoes," "Saving the Family Name." 16 th episode of " Graft," " Two Rebels, " Out of the Darkness," "The Woman with the Para- keets"), Metro ("The Walkoffs"), H. B Warner ("The Grey Wolf's Ghost"), Tom Moore ("Toby's Bow"). Zane Crey ("T>-e Desert of Wheat"). Fox ("White Lies") Hght., 5, 3; wght., 120; black hair, dark brown eyes. Home ad., 5674 DeLongpre, Hollywood. Calif.; Holly 4345.

SCOTT, Mabel Juliene; b. Minneapolis, Minn.; educ. there, Stanley Girls' Coll. and North- western Conservatory; stage career, dramatic stock at Minneapolis, Omaha, Kansas City and Detroit, leading woman with Fiske O'Hara starred In "The Intruder" In vaud.; screen career. Rex Beach (" The Barrier "), Edgar Lewis ("The Sign Invisible"). Elk Film Co. ("Reclaimed"), Graphic ("Ashes of Love"). Fox ("Sacred Silence"), Lasky ("The Sea Wolf"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 128; dark brown hair, brown eyes. Ad., Lasky Studios, Holly- wood. Calif.

SEDGWICK. Eileen; b. Galveston. Texas; educ Ursuline Convent, Galveston; stage career; from



childhood, dram. stk.. vaud.. musical comedy with (5) Sedgwicks Co.; screen career. Uni- versal ("Lure of the Circus", lead with Eddie Polo. " The Radium Mystery," " Man and Beast." " Dropped From the Clouds," " Trail of No Return," "No. 10 West Bound"). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 120; blond hair, dark blue eyes. Home ad., Boulevard Apts., Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.; phone 577332; studio Universal.

SEDGWICK, Josie; b. Galveston Texas; educ. Ursuline Convent, Galveston; stage career, since babyhood, vaud., dram, stk., musical comedy, with (5) Sedgwicks; screen career. Triangle ("Wolves of the Border," "Maternal Spark," " Boss of the Lazy Y," " Paying His Debt," "Beyond the Shadow," "Wild Life"), Fred Stone (" Duke of Chimney Butte "), Goldwyn ("Jubilo"), Fox ("Camouflaged"). Hght., 6, 5; wght., 132; blond hair, grey eyes. Ad., 6511% Holly. Blvd., Hollywood, Calif.; phone 577332.

SEGER, Lucia Backus; educ. Lake Erie Coll., Painesville, Ohio; stage career, Hoyt comedies, Everett Stk. Co., Teck Theatre Stk. Co.; screen career. Famous Players ("Seven Swans," "Oh! You Women "), Truex-Paramount (" Stick Around "), Blackton (" My Husband's Second Wife "). Jaxon Films (" Awakening of Cecily "), Sunshine Film Co. (Moon Comedies). Hght., 5, 4; wght., 148; brown hair, blue eyea. Ad., 1547 St. Nicholas ave.. N. Y. ; Wadsworth 3057.

SELBIE, Evelyn; b. Louisville, Ky. ; educ. there; stage career, 15 yrs. Proctor's Stk., N. Y., Al- cazar Stk., San Francisco, featured in " Human Hearts"; screen career, Universal ("Pay Me," " People vs. John Doe," " Mysterious Mrs. M.," "Hand That Rocks the Cradle"), 3 yrs. leads with Essanay. Hght., 5, 4; wght., 125; black hair, brown eyes. Ad., Auditorium Hotel, Los Angeles. Calif.; Main 3404.

SELBY, Gertrude; b. Phila, 189G; educ. N. Y.; stage career, musical comedy, vaud. and stock, danced with Gertrude Hoffman in vaud.; screen career, Universal, Fox, L-KO, Pathe. Sunshine ("Mongrels," "Son of a Hun," "Who's Your Father," " His Smashing Career." " Damaged No-Goods"), Metro ("Easy to Make Money"). Ad.. 5703 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. ; phone 59913S.

SEE WYNNE, Clarissa; b. London, England; educ. there; stage career, 15 yrs. in classical and modern plays, in Eng. and U. S. ; screen career, Metro, Universal (" The Bride's Awakening," " Smashing Thru," " The Talk of the Town "), Goldwyn ("Dangerous Days," "Tower of Ivory," "Cup of Fury"), Lois Weber ("Home"), Vita- graph ("Black Gate"). Hght.. 5, 7; wght.. 135; dark brown hair and eyes. Home ad.. Boule- vard Apts.. Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 577330.

SEYMOUR, Clarine; b. B'klyn. N. Y. ; educ. Mrs. Chase's Finishing School; screen career, Than- houser, Pathe, Rolin. Christie. Griffith ("True Heart Susie," " Girl Who Stayed at Home." "Scarlet Days"). Hght.. 5. l; wght.. 160; black hair and eyes. Ad., Griffith Studio. Ma- maroneck. N. Y.

SHAFFER. Marie; b. Hartford. Conn., 1876; educ. N. Y.; screen career, Fox ("The Jungle Trail"), International ("Cinema Murder"), with Harry Morey in Yitagraph. Gaumont (" Making Her His Wife "). Abramson (" Some One Must Pay"). Hght., 5, 8%; wght., 155; hair, dark brown tinged with grey; hazel eyes. Ad., 230 W. 101st St., N. Y. ; Riverside 1724.

SHANOR, Peggy; b. W. Va., 1896; educ. Win- chester School. Pittsburgh, Pa.; stage exper., stk., leads in Middle West; vaud. sketch, legit, with Anderson & Weber. Selwyn & Co.. Shu- berts; screen career, Pathe ("The House of Hate"), Fox ("The Queen of Hearts"), Fa- mous (" Here Comes the Bride "), Abramson (" The Echo of Youth "), Wisteria Prods. Hght. 5, 5%; wght., 133: dark brown hair, dark grey eyes. Ad., 140 W. 73d St., N. Y. C. ; Col. 5786.

SHEPARD, Pearl; educ. N. Y. C. ; stage career, concerts as singer; screen career, Selznick ("Break the News to Mother"), Graphic ('■' Echo of Youth "), Vitagraph comedies. Gen- eral Film series. Pearl Shepard Comedies; fea- tures in over 70 comedies, in features; been in pictures over 5 yrs.; now with Director Frank P. Donovan in special feature comedies for Paramount. Hght., 5. 5; wght., 125; auburn hair, hazel eyes. Ad., Hotel Claridge, N. Y. ; studio ad., International Films, N. Y.

SHIPMAN. Edna; educ. Toronto, Canada and Los Angeles. Cal.: screen career, Canadian

Photoplays ("Back to God's Country"). Uni- versal-Jewel ("The Trembling Hour"), Gold- wyn, Metro, Christie Comedies. Hght.. 5; wght., 110; light brown hair, hazel eyes. Ad., 253 W. 100th st., N. Y. ; Riverside 4517.

SHIPMAN, Nell; stage career, vaud., "The Piano Fiends," featured in " The Barrier," own co., stock; screen career, Fox, Vitagraph ("The Eighth Great Grand Parent," " Through the Wall Lasky, leading woman with Lou-Telle- gen ("The Home Trail," "Girl from Beyond," " A Gentleman's Agreement. " Baree Son of Kazan "), Curwood-Carver (" Back to God's Country "). Author of several scenarios. Dark brown hair, brunette complexion. Home ad., 921 E. Wilson St.. Glendale. Calif.; Glen. 2036-.I.

SHORT, Florence; b. Springfield. Mass.. 1893; educ. Finch School. N. Y. ; stage career, original Passion in " Experience," Hilda in " Sinners." stk., vaud.; screen career, Wharton ("The Eagle's Eye"). Metro ("A Man's World," "Kildare of Storm." "5000 an Hour." "The Out- sider." Why Germany Must Pay"). World ("Phil for Short"), Hallmark ("Love. Honor and ? "). Hght., 5. 7; wght.. 139; dark brown hair and eyes. Ad., 156 W. 106th St.. N. Y.; Acad. 2343.

SHORT, Gertrude; b. Cincinnati. 1900: stage career, at age of 5 yrs. with Nance O'Neil in "Golden Fleece;" with Thos. Jefferson, vaud., Mary Mannering. stock; screen career. Edison, Vitagraph, Universal (" Little Angel of Canon Creek," "Cowboy and the Lady"). Lasky ("The Hostage"), Metro ("Blackie's Redemp- tion"), Paramount ("The Heart of Youth," "In Mizzoura "). Wght.. 95; hght.. 5, 2; brown hair, blue eyes, light complexion. Ad., home, 6822 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood. Cal.

SHOTWELL, Marie; b. N. Y. C, educ. Mme. Gar- diner's Schl.. N. Y. C. ; stage career, original co. of " Madame Sans Gene," with E. H. So- thern. Frohman stk co.. under Henry B. Harris, as Shirley in " The Lion and the Mouse;" screen career. Frohman Amusement Co. (" The Witch- ing Hour"), Acme ("The Thirteenth Chair"), co-starred with Edmund Breeze in Hallmark, ("Chains of Evidence"). Dietrich-Beck ("The Harvest Moon"). Hallmark strial ("The Evil Eye"). Hght.. 5. 7'A; wght.. 154: da^k brown eyes, light hair, dark complexion. Home ad., Seymour Hotel. N. Y. C.

SIMPSON, Henrietta; educ. Emma Fullerton Priv. Schl.. Phila.. Pa.; stage career, with Daly; screen career. World ("Diamonds and Pearls," "Youth." "Phil for Short"), Pathe ("Light- ning Raider"), Metro ("Winning of Beat- rice"). Blackton ("House Divided"). Inter- national (" Cinema Murder "), Famous Plavers ("Career of Katherine Bush"). Hght.. 5. 7%; wght.. 155: gray hair, hazel eves. Ad.. 204 W. 70th St., N. Y. ; Columbus 1878.

SINCLAIR. Maud B.; b. Cleveland. O.; educ. De- troit and Jackson. Mich.; stage career, Harris & Woods, Chas. Frohman, with stars Joseph Wheelock. Jr.. Ethel Barrymore, Charlotte Neil- son. 3 seasons with "Old Lady 31;" screen career. Fox. Thanhouser. etc.. with Vivian Mar- fin. June Caprice. Alice Joyce. Ad.. Rehearsal Club. 220 W. 46th St.. N. Y.

SISSON, Vera; b Salt Lake City. 1S95: educ. Den- ver, Colo.; screen career, joined Universal; played leads opp. J. Warren Kerrigan, with co. 18 mos. ("The Bolted Door," "The Man From Nowhere"): 1915 joined Biograph (in " The Laurel of Tears," " The Trail of the Serpent ". Metro (" The Iron Woman." " Para- dise Garden"), Lamree Film Corp. ("The Blackmailers"). General ("The Married Vir- gin", Select ("The Veiled Adventure," "Ex- perimental Marriage"), Paramount ("The Heart of Youth." "His Official Fiancee"), Transatlantic ("The Marriage Blunder"). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 120.

SNOW, Marguerite (Mrs. James Cruze) : b. Sa- vannah, 1892; educ. Loretta Heights Acad., Denver; stage career, since 1907. with James O'Neill in " Monte Cristo," H. W. Savage, J. W. Gaites. Delamater and Norris. Walter Law- rence, leads in " Peter Pan." " The College Widow." " Old Heidelberg," " The Christian." "The Devil." "The Road to Yesterday:" screen career, Metro (" The Silent Voice." " The Half- Million Bribe," " Notorious Gallagher ", Art- craft (" Broadway Jones "), Pathe (" The Hunt- ing of the Hawk "). with Hale Hamilton " In His Brother's Place." Hght.. 5. 5; wght., 105; brown hair, brown eyes. Studio ad., Metro, Hollywood. Calif.



SPAULDING, Nellie Parker; b. Machias, Me.; educ. Emerson Coll. of Expression, Boston; stage career, lyceum platform, vaud., stk. ; 20 yrs. stage exper. ; screen career 5 yrs. ; Select ("Her Great Chance"), Keenan-Pathe ("Ruler of the Road "), Educational (" Business of Life"), Vitagraph ("The Midnight Bride"), Realart ("The Fear Market"), Paramount- Artcraft ("On With the Dance"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 135; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., home, 132 22nd St., Elmhurst, L. I., N. Y. ; New-

STANWOOD, Kita (Mrs. H. B. Warner) ; b. Sa- lem, Mass.; educ. there; stage career, "Excuse Me," "When Dreams Come True," "unost Breaker, "Pipes of Pan," "Under Cover," etc.; screen career, Jesse D. Hampton (" Gray Wolf's Ghost"), Famous Players ("Ghost Breakers." "Lost Paradise"). Hght., 5, 4y2; wght., 122; brown hair and eyes. Home ad., Hollywood Hotel, Hollywood, Calif.

STARK, Pauline; b. Joplin, Mo., 1900; educ. there; screen career, Triangle (" The Shoes That Danced," " Innocents Progress," " Judith," "Alias Mary Brown," "Irish Eyes"), Tour- neur ("The Life Line"), Equity ("Eyes of Youth"), Allan Dwan for Mayflower ("Sol- diers of Fortune"). Hght., 5, 4; wght., 110; brunette complexion, brown hair, dark grey eyes.

STEADMAN, Vera; b. June 23, 1900, Monterey, Cal., educ. Los Angeles; screen career, 2 yrs. Keystone (" Hula Hula Land," " Tugboat Romeo"), with Sennett-Paramount ("A Bed- room Blunder," "A Pullman Bride," "Are Waitresses Safe?" "That Night." "Why Men Go Wild." " Watch Your Step, Mother," " Oh, Doctor. Doctor," "License Applied For," "Papa By Proxy"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 118; dark complexion and hair, brown eyes. Studio ad., Christie, Hollywood. Calif.

STEDMAN, Myrtle; b. Chicago; educ. Mrs. Ster- rett's Sch., Chicago; stage career, mus. com., light opera, stock, on road; screen career, Selig, Bosworth, Pallas, Morosco, Lasky (" Soul of Kura San"), Vitagraph ("In Honor's Web"), Select "In the Hollow of Her Hand"), Art- craft ("The Teeth of the Tiger"), Beach- Goldwyn ("The Silver Horde"), J. Parker Reed, Jr. (" Sex "), " Bucko McAIister." Blond hair, blue eyes. Personal representative, Re- gina Kruh, 220 W. 42nd St., N. Y.

STEVENS, Elizabeth; educ. Packer Collegiate Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y. ; stage career, 4 yrs.; screen career, society leads. Famous Players, World, Metro, Equitable, Universal. Hght., 5, "',2, wght., 131; blond hair, blue eyes. Ad., c/o J. H. Livingston, 1440 Broadway, N. Y. ; Bryant 3805.

STEVENS, Emilly; b. N. Y. ; stage career with her aunt, Mrs. Fiske; " Tess," " Divorcons," "Man and Superman," "The Devil;" Broad- way star in "The Unchastened Woman;" screen career, Metro (' Wheels of Justice," " The Slacker," "Alias Mrs. Jessup." "Outwitted," " Daybreak," " The Wager," " The Soul of a Woman," " A Man's World," " Kildare of Storm." " Daybreak "), Schomer-Ross Prod. ("The Sacred Flame").

STEVENS, Grace Elizabeth; b. Chicago, 1875; Am. Acad. Drama; stage career, stk., concert; screen career, Thanhauser (" Mill on the Floss"), Metro ("Life's Shadows"), Fox ("A Modern Cinderella"), Goldwyn ("Fair Pre- tender"), World ("Moral Dead Line," "Power and Glory"), Select ("Break the News to Mother"), Briggs comedies ("Married Life"), " Fall of the Romanoffs " Third Floor Back." Hght., 5, 7%; wght, 156; dark complexion, gray hair. Home ad., 747 Quincy St., Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Bushwick 1692.

STEWART, Anita; b. Brooklyn, 1896; educ. Erasmus Hall; screen career, Vitagraph ("The Girl Philippa." "The Goddess"), First National ("Virtuous Wives," "A Midnight Romance," "In Old Kentucky," "Mary Regan"). Louis Mayer ("Kingdom of Dreams," "Human De- sire." "Mind-the-Paint Girl"), First National ("The Fighting Shepherdess," "The Yellow Typnoon"). Light hair, brown eyes. Ad., care Anita Stewart Pict. Corp., 6 W. 48th St., N. Y. C.

STEWART, Katharine; b. Kent, England; educ. Germany; stage career, 22 yrs.; screen career. Empire All-Star Corp. ("Please Keep Smil- ing"). Hght., 5, 5; wght., 185; dark brown hair, gray eyes. Ad., St. Margaret Hotel, N. Y.

STEWART, Lucille Lee; b. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; stage career, vaud.; screen career, Biograph, Vita- graph ("The Conflict." "His Wife's Good

Name," "The Ninety and Nine"), Metro ("iiye Thousand an Hour" "Our Mrs. McChesney >, Ex-Mutual ("The Eleventh Commandment ), Selznick ("The Perfect Lover," "Sealed Hearts"), Fox ("Eastward Ho!"). Hght., 5, 4; fair complexion, blond hair, dark blue eyes. Home ad., Brightwaters, L. I., N. Y.

STOCKTON, Edith; educ. Rock Island, 111., and Barrett Inst.. Chicago; stage career, dram, stk., Cleveland, Chicago, mus. com. N. Y.; screen career, Fox ("Putting One Over"), Artclass Film ("The Open Door"), Curtiss ("The Little Brother"), Famous Players, supporting Alics Brady. Hght., 5, 4; wght., 128; blond hair, blue eyes. Ad., 418 Central Park West, N. Y. ; Riverside 4164. „" .

STONEHOISE, Ruth; b. Denver, 1894; educ. Monticello Seminary, Godfrey, 111; early career, professional dancer; screen career, Essanay, Universal, Triangle ("The Phantom Husband"), Universal ("Love Never Dies"), Rolfe ("The Master Mystery"), Arrow ("The Masked Rider"), Metro ("The Four-Flusher," "The Hop"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 105; olive com- plexion, light hair, brown eyes. Ad., perma- nent, 321 Laurel Canyon. Los Angeles, Calif.

STOREY, Edith; screen career, Vitagraph ('An Enemy to the King," "Mr. Aladdin From Broadway"), Metro ("The Legion of Death, "The Silent Woman," "Island of Regenera- tion," "Tarantula," 'The Christian"; been in service driving an ambulance; now with Ha- worth ("The Price of Folly," "The Claim,' "Dust of Egypt"). Ad., 676 Riverside Drive, N. Y. ,

STUART, Julia; b. Scotland; educ. there; stage career own co. under Liebler, Booth Tarkmg- ton's play, "The Country Cousin"; screen career, Lubin, Eclair, Peerless ("The Flash of an Em- erald," "The Master Hand," "The Ballet Girl"), Selznick ("Common Law"), Famous ("Traveling Salesman"), Fox ("The Painted Madonna"). Ad., 305 W. 45th st., N. Y.

SULLY, Janet Miller; b. Boston. 1876; stage ca- reer, from 1885, "Pinafore," 10 yrs. in stk., vaud., mus. com.; screen career, since 1915, Horsley (appeared in all of the 60 Cub com- edies), Chaplin ("Easy Street," "A Dog's Life," "The Adventurer," "The Cure"), Universal ("Midnight Madness," "The Petal on the Cur- rent"), Metro ("Fair and Warmer"), National ("Hall Room Boys"). Hght.. 5, 5%; wght., 160; black hair, hazel eyes. Ad., Rutland Apts., Los Angeles, Calif.

SURTEES, Catherine; b. San Antonio, Texas, 1901; educ. Los Angeles Polytechnic: screen career. 9 months stock with Fox, 6 mos. stk. with Rolin as ingenue lead. Hght 5, 2; wght., 100; Titian hair, green eyes. Home ad., 763 Vine St., Hollywood, Calif.; Holly 2624; studio. Fox.

SVVANSON, Gloria: b. Chicago, 111.; educ. there; screen career, Essanay. Universal, Keystone, Sennett-Paramount ("The Pullman Bride"), Triangle ("Her Decision." "Every Woman's Husband," "Shifting Sands," "Station Content"). Famous Players ("Don't Change Your Hus- band," "For Better, For Worse." "Male and Female," "Why Change Your Wife?"). Hght., 5, 3; wght.. 112: brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., Laskv Studio. Hollywood, Calif.

SWEET, Blanche; b. Chicago; stage career, with Gertrude Hoffman. Chauncey Olcott; screen career, Biograph ("Judith of Bethulia," "Oil and Water"), Griffith ("The Escape"). Lasky ("The Warrens of Virginia," "The Storm"), Independent release ("The Unpardonable Sin," "The Hushed Hour"), J. D. Hampton ("A Woman of Pleasure." "Cressy." "The Deadlier Sex," "Cinderella Jane"). Home ad., 6737 Witley Terrace. Los Angeles, Calif.; phon» 577691; studio, J. D. Hampton.


TALMADGE, Constance; b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr. 19, 1900; educ. Erasmus Hall; screen career, Vitagraph, Triangle ("Intolerance"), Selznick ("Scandal," "The Honeymoon"), Select ("Up the Road With Sallie," "A Pair of Blue Stock- ings," "Mrs. Lefflngwell's Boots," "Sauce for the Goose," "Romance and Arabella"), First National ("A Temperamental Wife," "The Vir- tuous Vamp," "Two Weeks"). Hght., 6, 6, wght., 120; golden hair, brown eyes. Ad., 318 E. 48th St., N. Y. ; Vanderbilt 7340.

TALMADGE, Natalie; b. Brooklyn. N. Y.; educ. Brooklyn schs. and Erasmus Hall: screen ca-



reer, Vitagraph; gave up acting to become assist, gen. mgr. Norma 'J almadge Film Corp.; financial mgr. and asst. studio mgr., Comique Film Corp., playing occasional leads; played with Norma Talmadge in "The Isle of Con- quest." Hght., 5, 2; wght., 100; brown hair and eyes. Ad., 318 E. 48th St., N. Y. ; Vander- bilt 7340.

TALMADGE, Norma; b. Niagara Falls, N. Y., 1897; educ. Brooklyn schls. ; entered motion pictures at age of 14 with no previous stage experience; first associated with Yitagraph, later Fine Arts; starred in "The Crown Prince's Double." Triangle, Fine Arts ("The Social Secretary," "Panthea"), Selznick-Select ("The Ghosts of Yesterday," "De Luxe Annie," "Her Only Way," "The Forbidden City," "The Heart of Wetona," "The Probation Wife," "The New Moon," "The Way of a Woman," "The Isle of Conquest," "She Loves and Lies"), First Na- tional ("Daughter of Two Worlds"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 110; dark hair, brown eyes. Ad.. Norma Talmadge Film Corp., 318 E. 48th St., N. Y.

TAMS, Irene; educ. Notre Dame Seminary, New- ark, N. J.; stage career, vaud. and ingenue lead with "Elixir of Youth"; screen career, 7 yrs., with Biograph and Edison for 2 yrs., World ("Lola"), Milo ("Hired Help," "En- tanglement," "Home-Coming," "Fireman's Dream," "The Storm"), Triangle ("Taxi"), Capellani ("Oh, Boy!"). Hght., 6, 1; wght., 112; brown hair, gray eyes. Ad., 66 W. 77th St., N. Y.; Schuyler 3670.

TAPLEY, Rose Elizabeth; b. Petersburg, Va , June 30, 1883; educ. Maiden, Mass., and Boston Univ.; stage career, 1900-10, Chauncey Olcott, "Sign of the Cross," "Lion and the Mouse," ■etc.; screen career, Biograph, Vitagraph. 'Money Kings," "Rip Van Winkle," "Memories That Haunt," "Vanity Fair," etc.; 1916-17. toured country for Vitagraph in interest of better pictures; 1917, joined Famous Players for same work; at present mgr. of Club and Social Section of Non-Theatrical Dist. Dept., Famous Players-Lasky Corp. Hght., 5, 6; wght., 137; brown hair, gray eyes. Home ad., 644 Springdale ave., East Orange, N. J.

TAYLOR, Pauline; b. N. Y. ; educ. N. Y. C. ; stage career, stk., with Eva Taylor in vaud.; screen career, Thanhouser ("Hidden Valley"), Apex ("Couple Wanted," "With All Improve- ments," "Furnished Complete," "In Bad"). Hght.. 5, 7%; wght., 128; light brown hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., Apex Pictures Corp., In- dianapolis, Ind.

TELL, Olive; b. N. Y. C; educ. France; stag* career, Sargent School of Acting, N. Y., stk., prods. "Cousin Lucy," "The Intruder," "Ro- mance," "Under Pressure," etc.; screen career. Empire, All-Star-Mutual ("Her Sister," "The Unforeseen," "The Girl and the Judge," 'The Smugglers"), Metro ("Secret Strings," "To Hell With the Kaiser"), Universal ("The Trap"). Jans Pict., Inc. ("Love Without Question"). Hght., 5, 5%; wght., 127; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., care Jans Pictures, Inc., 729 Seventh ave., N. Y.

TENNANT, Barbara; b. and educ. London; stage

career, Shakespearean rep.; screen career, fea- tured lead in "The Dollar Mark," "The Marked Woman," "The Price of Malice," "The Closed Road." Retired from screen 1917, returning 1920. Hght., 5. f>>4; wght.. 124: auburn hair, hazel eyes. Ad., 2307 Holly drive, Hollywood, Calif.

TENNEY, Beth, also seen, writer; b. Manchester,

Eng., 1893; educ. Notre Dame Convent, Bait.; stage career, stk., "Oh! Oh! Delphine," "The Love Cure"; screen career, Klever Komedies, double for Ethel Clayton in "Private Petti- grew's Girl"; featured in "The Thirteenth Chair," "Echo of Youth," "Woman, Woman." Gaumont ("Temporary Wife"), Famous ("Oh, You Woman"), McManus ("Lost Battalion"), Triangle ("Three Black Eyes"), Pioneer ("Sins of Children"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 130; fair complexion, blond hair, dark eyes. Ad., 130 W. 85th St.. N. Y. C. ; Schuyler 3956.

TEKKY, Alice; b. Nashville, Texas. 1896; educ. Washington, D. C. ; stage career, "Nobody Home," "Go To It," Washington Square Play- ers; screen career, Crystal ("Strictly Business"), Vitagraph ("The Bottom of the Well," "Love Watches," "The Clarion Call," "Thin Ice"). Hght., 5, 1; wght., 115; fair complexion, blond hair, gray eyes.

TERRY, Ethel.; b. 1898; stage exper., mus. com., classical fancy dancing; screen career, leads

in Win. H. Clifford Photoplay Co. ("The Snail," "Denny from Ireland," etc), Egyptian slave girl In "Intolerance." Hght., 5, 1; wght,., 117; dark hair and eyes. Home ad., 1012 N. Ver- mont ave., Los Angeles, Cal. ; phone 597046.

TERRY, Ethel Grey; b. Oakland, Calif.; educ. Notre Dame, Boston, Mass.; stage career, with Belasco in "The Lily" two seasons; lead in "The Smouldering Flame," "Search Me," Irving players, Little Theater, Los Angeles, etk. ; screen career, Famous ("Sign of the Cross"), Vitagraph ("Arsene Lupin," "Craig Kennedy" serial), Oliver ("Carter Case"). American Cine- ma ("Greater Than Love"), World ("Phil for Short"), Mayflower ("Mystery of the Yellow Room"), Goldwyn ("Going Some"). Hght., 6, 6; wght., 130; dark complexion, brown hair and gray eyes. Ad., 260 W. 57th St., N. Y., and 1903 Wilcox ave., Hollywood, Cal.

THEBV, Rosemary; b. St. Louis, Mo.; educ. Sar- gent Dramatic Sch. ; screen career, Universal ("Too Much Women," "Boston Blackie's Little Pal," "Unexpected Places," "The Shooting of Sadie Rose"), Artcraft ("The Winged Mys- tery"), Metro ("The Great Love"), Mayflower ("A Splendid Hazard"). Hght., 5, 5; wght.. 124; dark brown hair, hazel eyes. Home ad., 1907 Wilcox ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Holly 460.

THOMAS, Olive Elain; b. Oct. 20, 1898, Charleroi, Pa.; educ. Pittsburgh High; stage career, mus. com. 3 yrs., "Frolic of '14," "Follies of '15," "Frolic of '15"; screen career. Famous Players, Ince-Triangle ("A Girl Like That," "Madcap Madge," "An Even Break," "Frankly Chaste," "Betty Takes a Hand"). Selznick Pict. Corp. ("Upstairs and Down," "The Spite Bride," "The Glorious Lady," "Out Yonder," "Footlights and Shadows"). Hght., 5. 3; wght., 118; light complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., Selz- nick Pict. Corp., N. Y. C.

THLRMAN, Mary; b. Richfield, Utah; educ. Univ. of Utah; screen career, Fine Arts ("Sunshine Dad "), Keystone ("His First False Step," "The Late Lamented"), Sennett-Paramount ("A Bed- room Blunder," "That Night"), Pathe ("This Hero Stuff," "The House of Betty"), Allan Dwan ("In the Heart of a Fool"). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 123; chestnut hair, gray eyes. Ad., 133 Edgecliff Drive, Los Angeles, Cal.; phone Wil- shire 6057.

TINCHER, Fay; b. Topeka, Kan.; educ. there and Chicago; stage career, vaud. one season; screen career, Reliance-Majestic, Fine Arts, Griffith ("Battle of Sexes," "Don Quixote"), Triangle ("Bill, the Office Boy" series), Christie ("Rowdy Ann," "Dangerous Nan McGrew," "Wild and Western," "Go West, Young Woman"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 110; black hair, brown eyes. Ad., Christie Studio, Los Angeles, Cal.

TITHERIDGE, Madge; b. Melbourne, Australia; educ. England; stage career, 17 yrs. with Cyril Maude, Sir Herbert Tree, Lewis Waller, Coque- lin, Sir George Alexander; screen career, Barker (London), ("Brigadier Gerard," "The Woman Who Was Nothing"). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 120; black hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 1565 Third ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 747-89; studio, G. B. Samuelson Film Mfg. Co.

TITUS, Ljdia Yeamans; b: Australia; educ. there; stage career, from early age. toured world with husband in own entertainment; screen career. Universal ("High Speed," "The Edge of the Law," "Little Marian's Triumph"). Artcraft ("Romance of Happj- Valley"), Paramount I "Happy Though Married"), Vitagraph ("Yan- kee Princess"), Goldwyn ("Peace of Roaring River," "World and Its Woman." "Strictly Con- fidential"), Universal ("Gun Fightin' Gentle- man"). Hght., 4, 9; wght.. 140; brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 1515 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles. Cal.

TONCRAY, Kate; stage career, with Thomas Keene, Alexander Solvini, Nat Goodwin, mgmt Chas. Frohman. Shubert. Belasco, Brady, etc.; screen career, Biograph, Reliance-Majestic, Fin^ Arts ("Little Meena's Romance," "The Little Yank," "The Failure"). Artcraft ("Rebecca of Sunnvbrook Farm"), Para. ("Battling Jane"), with D. W. Griffith. Old Biograph until he went East, now with Dwan. 5408 Hollywood Blvd . Los Angeles. Cal.; phone 597538.

TRAVERSE, Madlabie; b. Boston, Mass.; educ. Europe; stage career, since 12 yrs. old, vaud.. stk. and road, featured at Cohen's Grand opera house, Chicago, and Gaiety, N. Y. ; screen ca- reer, Artcraft ("The Poor Little Rich Girl"), Ivan ("Sins of Ambition"), Fox ("The Cailliaux Case." "The Danger Zone." "The Love That Dares." "Gambling in Souls." "The Splendid



Sin." "The Snares of Paris," "Lost Money," "The Hell Ship," "What Would You Do?" "The Penalty"). Hght., 5, 9; wght., 165; dark brown hair, hazel eyes. Home ad., Hollywood Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif.; Holly 4101; studio, Fox.

TREVELYN, Una; b. English ship; educ. Ward Belmont Schl. for Girls. Nashville, Tenn.; stage career, 4 yrs., 2 seasons with A. H. Woods, N. Y. C, "Common Clay," "Cheating Cheaters." dram, stk.; screen career, old Lubin Co. ("Lost in Mid Ocean"), Goldwyn ("Venus Model"), B. B. Features ("Her Purchase Price"), Universal ("The Woman in the Plot"). Hght., 5, 4%i. wght., 128; very fair hair, hazel eyes. Ad., 809 S. Harvard boulevard, Los Angeles, Calif.; Wilshire 910.

TREVOR, Olive; b. New Orleans, La., 1899; educ. Ward-Belmont, Nashvlle, Tenn.; stage career, dram, reading, vaud., artist's model; screen career. Universal, Gaumont ("The Haunted Manor," etc.), Vitagraph ("Col. Nutt" series, etc.), Fox, Triangle ("Taxi"), Frank Hall ("The Other Man's Wife"). Hght., 5, 5; wght., 118; reddish hair, green eyes.

TURNER, Florence; b. N. Y. ; educ. there; stage career, 4 yrs.. with Mantell, Grace George, Henry Irving; screen career, Vitagraph, Turner- Trimble-Edwards ("A Welsh Singer"), Mutual ("East Is East," "Doorsteps"), Arrow ("Fool's Gold"). Hght., 4, 10; wght., 102; dark com- plexion, black hair, dark eyes. Ad., home. Burch House, Walton-on-Thames, Eng. Ad., Hotel Alexandria. Los Angeles, Cal.. Studio, Universal Film Co.. Universal City, Cal.


UZZELL, Coreno; b. and educ. Houston. Texas; stage career, with H. W. Savage, Klaw & Erlan- ger, Al Woods; screen career, Pathe, Famous Players, Mutual, Fox, ("On Trial," "Seven Keys to Baldpate," "Conquered Hearts," "A Woman of Impulse," "Thunderbolts of Fate"), World ("The Oakdale Affair," "The Clouded Name",) San Antonio Pictures Corp. ("Mr. Potter of Texas"), Frohman Amuse. Corp. ("The Invis- ible Ray" serial). Hght., 5, G; wght., 134; black hair, brown eyes. Ad., 158 W. 15th St., N. Y. ; Watkins, 5383.


VALE, Yola ; stage career, in amateur theatricals in Rochester, N. Y. ; screen career, Biograph (stk. member, later played leads for 2 yrs), Universal ("The Adventure of the Last Cigar- ette," "The Woman He Feared," "The Price of Silence," "Eagle's Wings"), Lasky ("Each to His Kind"), Balboa ("The Secret of Black Mountain "), Paramount ("The Son of His Father"). Ince-Artcraf t ('The Silent Man," "The Bloodhound"), Vitagraph ("The Hornet's Nest"), Paramount ("Happy Tho Married"), Rob.-Cole ("Heart in Pawn." "Hearts Asleep"), American ("Six Feet Four").

VALENTINE, Vangie; b. Milwaukee. Wis., 1901; educ. Milwaukee; entered stage work at 5 yrs. did the Fairy in "Blue Bird," Century Roof show, "Miss 1917," leads for Gus Edwards in "Band Box Review," etc.; screen career, "Her Uncle's Wish," "Velvet and Rags," "Measured Steps." Macauley Pict. ("When Bearcat Went Dry"). Bloxbe Film (Young American series); at present with Ziegfeld Midnight Frolic. Hght., 5, 3; wght.; 110; fair complexion, blond hair, l>lue eyes. Ad., 245 W. 51st St., N. Y. C.

VALERIE, Gladys; b. Wheeling, W. Va.; educ. N. Y. C. ; stage career, concert and opera; screen career, Selznick, Mutual, World ("Heart of a Girl"), Famous Players ("Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch"), Select ("Marie, Ltd."), Blackton ("Dawn"), First National ("Mind-the Paint-Girl"), Screencraft ("Golden Nugget"), Hght.. 5, 5; wght., 125; fair complexion, blond hair, brown eyes. Home ad.. Hotel Grampion, 182 St. Nicholas ave.. N. Y. ; Morningside 3892.

VAIXI, Virginia; b. Chicago, 1895; educ. there; stage career, interpretative dancing; screen ca- reer, Essanav. World ("His Father's Wife," "The Black Circle." "The Battler"), Dark hair and eyes. Ad.. 304 W. 91st St., N. Y. C.

VAN, Beatrice (Beatrice Abbott), also scenario writer; b. Omaha. Neb.; educ. St. Mary's Con- vent and Lexington Coll.; stage career. In ama- teur and college productions; screen career. Universal 2% yrs.. American 1 yr. ("The Tiger

Lily," "The Dangerous Talent"), author of fol- lowing stories: "Jackie of the Army," "Molly, Go-Get-'Em," "Anns Finish." "Paula's Di- vorce." Ad., 291G So. Vermont ave., Los An- geles, Calif.

VAN BUREN, Mabel; b. Chicago; educ. there; stage career, stock; screen career. Biograph, Vitagraph, Kinemacolor, Selig, Fox, Clune ("Ramono"). Lasky ("The Sowers," "The Silent Partner." "The Jaguar's Claws," "Uncon- quered," "The Squaw Man's Son." "Hashimura Togo," "Countess Charming," "The House with the Golden Windows," "The Victoria Cross"), Abrams ("Hearts of Men"). Hght., 5, 3V4; wght., 136; dark hair, brown eyes. Ad., home, 4347 Kingswell ave., Hollywood.

VAN NAM K, Elsie, also scenario writer; b. Staten Island, N. Y. ; educ. N. Y. ; stage exper., stk., road shows; screen career, 5 yrs. Universal ("John Ermine of Yellowstone," "The Mystery Ship"), Francis Ford ("Who Was the Other Man," "The Silent Mystery") ; wrote "Mystery Ship," "Isle of Intrigue," "Silent Mystery." Francis Ford Studio, 6040 Sunset boulevard, Los Angeles, Calif. Hght., 5, 8; wght., 140; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 6210 W. 28th St., Los Angeles, Calif.

VANN, Polly; b. Scranton; educ. Mount St. Mary, Scranton; stage career, vaud., danger; screen career, Universal, Metro ("To the Death"), Mayflower ("Scrap Paper"), Universal ("Hard Lines"), Pathe ("Crooked Daggers"), Selznick ("Regular Girl"), Triangle ( "Three Black Eyes"), Hght., 5, i%; wght., 132; dark complexion, dark brown hair, hazel eyes. Ad., 3544 Broadway, N. Y.

VERNON, Agnes; b. Oregon; educ. Chicago, III., Kansas City, Mo.; screen career, Universal- Bluebird (late pictures, "Taking Father Home," "Bringing Home Father," "The Clean-Up." "Sky High"), Keystone ("Dangers of a Bride," "It's Up to You," "A Stormy Knight"), Rob.- Cole ("Bare-Fisted Gallagher"), Hght., 5, 4; wght., 115; light complexion, brown hair, brown eyes. Ad., 1552 Cassil Place, Hollywood, Calif.

VIDOR, Florence; b. Houston, Texas, 1895; educ. convent, high schl. there; screen career, Famous ("The Countess Charming"), Lasky, Artcraft ("The Bravest Way," "New Wives for Old." "Till I Come Back to You." "The Honor of His House," "The White Man's Law"), late pictures ("Turn in the Road," "Poor Relations." "The Other Half," "Better Times." Hght . 5, 4; wght, 120; olive complexion, brown hair and eyes. Home ad., 1514 Sierra Bonita. Los An- geles. Calif.; phone 579306. Studio ad., 6642 Santa Monica boulevard, Hollywood.


WALCAMP, Marie; serpen career. Bluebird ("Hop, the Devil's Brew," "The Flirt," "John Needham's Double"), Gold Seal-Universal ("Onda of the Orient," "Liberty," "The Silent Terror," "The Quest of Virginia," "The Red Ace," "The Indian's Lament"), International ("Patria," "The Lion's Claws," "Tongues of Flame," "The Red Glove" serial). Universal ("The Red Robe"). Ad., Universal City. Now in China.

WALES, Betty; b. Middlebury, Vt., 1900; educ. Castle School, New Rochelle, and Dwight School, Englewood, N. J.; stage exper., ingenue In revival of "Get Rich Quick Wallingford." lead opp. Wm. Collier in "Nothing But the Truth"; screen career, Famous Players ("Oh, You Women"). At present leading ingenue opp. Lewis Stone in Majestic Stk. Co., Los An- geles, Cal. Hght., 5, 4V4; wght., 132; brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 264 Riverside Drive, N. Y. C. ; Riverside 9933.

WALKER, Charlotte; b. Galveston, Tex , 1878; educ. there; stage career from 1895, recent ap- pearances as star or leading woman in "The Wolf," "Just a Wife," "Boots and Saddles," "The Trail of the Lonesome. Pine," "The War- rens of Virginia." "Two Virtues"; screen ca- reer, Lasky ("Out of Darkness," "Tho Trail of the Lonesome Pine"), McClure ("Sloth"), Mu- tual ("Pardncrs"), Julius Steger ("Just a Woman"). Fox ("Every Mother's Son"), Pathe ("Eve in Exile").

WALK Kit, Lillian; b. Brooklyn. N. Y. ; edUC Brooklyn; early career, photographer's model; stage career, in stk. and vaud.; screen career, Vitagraph ("Princess of Park Row," "The Star Gazer"), Ogden Film Corp. ("The Lust of tho Ages." "The Grain of Dust." "Embarrassment of Riches"). Hodklnson ("The Love Hunger,"



"The White Man's Chance," "A Joyous Liar"), Select ("The Better Wife"), Grossman serial ("$1,000,000 Reward"). Hght., 5, 1%; wght., 120; blond hair and blue eyes.

WALLACE, Dorothy; screen career, United ("A Man's Fight," with Dustin Farnum), poster girl for James Montgomery Flagg, appeared in Flagg serials, also supported Gloria Swanson, Olive Thomas, Selznick ("The Spite Bride").

WALTERS, Dorothy; stage career, Belasco, "What's Wrong," Savage, "The Great Name," Frohman, "Lottery Man," "What Ails You?"; screen career, Famous Players ("Misleading Widow," "Little Miss Hoover"), Carl Carlton ("No Children Allowed"), Fox ("Woman, Woman"), World ("Relatives"), Town and Country, Flagg Comedies, Fox with Lee chil- dren. At present In "Irene" at Vanderbilt Theatre. Hght., 5, 6; wght., 196; reddish gray hair, gray eyes. Ad., 226 W. 50th St., N. T. ; Circle 4673.

WALTON, Olive; characters; b. Garden City, Kansas; educ. Topeka High Sch. ; screen career, Westerns, " Camp-fire Embers," " Do the Dead Talk? ". Specialty Feature Films, Castle Films. Hght., 5, 5; wght., 120; red hair, green eyes. Ad., Castle Studios, 2332 N. California Ave., Chicago, 111.

WARD, Fannie; b. St. Louis, 1875; stage career from 1890, various B'way productions, on tour In " Marriage of William Ashe," " New Lady Bantock," "Madam President," also in vaud. ; screen career, Lasky; "The Tears of the Lo- cust," " Betty to the Rescue," " Her Strange Wedding," "The Crystal Gazer," "The Sun- set Trail," " On the Level." " The Lure of Crooning Waters," " The Winning of Sally Temple," Pathe ("The Yellow Ticket," "The Narrow Path," " Cry of the Weak," " Common Clay," "The Profiteers," "Our Better Selves"). 1919 in England. Hght., 5, 1; wght., 125; fair hair, blue eyes. Ad., Hotel Claridge, N. Y.

WARD, Lucille; b. Dayton, O., 1885; stage career, 15 yrs., name part in " Tillle's Nightmare," also in stk. ; screen career, since 1912, in char- acter comedy and leads, with Imp, N. Y., com- edy leads with Keystone, with American in Beauty Comedies and Mutual Masterpieces, Mo- rosco (" Happiness of Three Women," " The Road to Love"), American-Mutual (" Annie- For-Spite," "The Frame-up"), Metro ("Ama- teur Adventuress"), Lasky ("Fires of Faith"), Paramount (" Secret Garden ").

WARE, Helen; b. San Francisco; educ. N. Y. Normal Coll.; stage career, from 1899, as understudy, leading woman or star; appeared with Maude Adams, Rose Stahl, Blanche Bates, Robert Edeson, "Within the Law"; screen career, Fine Arts, Bluebird, Selig ("Garden of Allah"), starred in "Third Degree," "The Es- cape," "The Revolt," "Celebrated Case," "Out There," Crystal ("The Price"), Universal ("Secret Love"), Triangle ("Cross Currents"). Clubs: Twelfth Night, Three Arts Club, Society of Arts and Letters. Ad., 339 Rye Beach ave.. Rye, N. Y.

WARNER, Marion; b. Indianapolis, 1893; educ. St. Annis Acad., Victoria, B. C. ; screen career, NYMP. 1912-14. Selig (leads in "The Cycle of Fate," "The Far Journey," several Selig animal pictures). Corona ("The Curse of Eve"), Diando ("Very Young Love," "Daddy's Girl," "Daugh- ter of the West," "Old Maid's Baby"); now with King Cole comedies. Hght., 5, 3; wght., 120; blond hair, gray eyes. Ad., Motion Picture Producing Co. of America, 398 Fifth ave., N. Y. : studio ad.. Donogan Hills, S. I., N. Y.

WARREN, Mary; b. Phila.; educ. St. Cecelia Acad., Scranton, Pa., 2 yrs. mus. com., Al Jol- son; screen career, 5 yrs. Vitagraph, Universal, Triangle, Hampton ("What Every Woman Wants"). Goldwyn ("One of the Finest"), Para- mount ("Girls"), Goldwyn ("Heartsease," "City of Comrades"), Universal ("Prince of Avenue A"). Hght., 5, 4; wght., 134; titian hair, violet eyes. Ad., 7059 Jasmine ave., Palms, Los An- geles. Cal.; phone 70003.

WARRENTON, Lule; b. Mich.; educ. Calif.; early career, elocutionist in Notre Dame Univ.; stage career, from age 17, Shakespearian roles, toured British Isles, organized and headed own co., produced children's plays; screen career, 5 yrs. Universal (acted, dir. and wrote seen. "A Bird's Christmas Carol," "Bit o' Heaven." "Star Dust," "The Littlest Fugitive"), Triangle, Goldwyn ("Heart of the Sunset"), Ince ("String Beans"), with Tom Mix in "Whirlwind Trail," Fox ("Be a Little Sport," "Merry-Go-Round"), with George Loane Tucker and H. B. Warner. Ad., 5916 Sunset Blv., Hollywood.

WASHBURN, Hazel; b. Albany, Oct. 25, 1898; educ. Albany, N. Y. ; stage career, 2 yrs. with Ziegfeld Follies, 2 yrs. vaud. musical; screen career, Metro ("Revelation"), Select ("Ordeal of Rosetta"), World ("The Wasp"), Pathe. Hght., 5, 6; wght.. 125; blond hair, dark eyes. Ad., acre of Betts & Fowler, 1482 Bway, N. Y.; Bryant 5664.

WATERMAN, Ida; stage career; played in "Secret Service" with Wm. Gillette; "The Boomerang"; also with Maude Adams, etc.; screen career, Betzwood-Goldwyn, "A Misfit Earl"; Fox, "Lure of Ambition"; Para.-Artcraft, "The Counterfeit," "Lady Rose's Daughter," "On with the Dance." Hght., 5, 7; wght., 150; gray hair, blue eyes. Ad., 203 West 14th St., N. Y. City; Farragut 2650.

WEER, Helen; b. Anderson, Ind., 1898; educ. in convent St. Joseph's Acad., near Chicago; In "Hitchy Koo" Revue in 1918; screen career, left school to go into motion pictures, 6 mos. with Essanay, World, Frohman, Famous Players, Lubin, Fine Arts ("The Social Secre- tary," "House Without Children"), Argus En- terprises, Inc. ("A Broadway Saint"). Hght., 5, Vi ; wght., 99; blond hair. Ad., 687 Madison ave.. N. Y.

WEHLEN, Emmy; educ. Vienna and London; stage career, with London Gaiety Co., Daly's, leads In "The Merry Widow," "Dollar Prin- cess," In London, and "Marriage a la Carte," "Tonight's the Night," "The Girl on the Film," etc., in America; screen career, Metro ("The Duchess of Doubt," "The Outsider," "The Shell Game," "House of Gold," "His Bonded Wife," "Sylvia on a Spree," "The Amateur Adven- turess," "Fools and Their Money." "A Favor to a Friend"). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 110; blond hair, brown eyes. Ad., Hotel Netherlands, N. Y.

WENDELL, Bunny; b. Boston, 1896; educ. Bos- ton; stage career, In "Follies" of '13, '14, '15, with Castles in "Watch Your Step," and with Raymond Hitchcock in "Beauty Shop," and "Betty," vaud. with Joseph Santley, 3 seasons with "Jack O'Lantern"; screen career. Famous Players, Artcraft ("Less Than Dust"); now rehearsing with "The Night Boat." Hght., 5, 4; wght., 125; brown hair, blue eyes, fair com- plexion. Ad., home, 812 Lexington ave., or

Globe Theatre. N. Y. C.

WEST, Lillian M. ; b. N. Y. C. ; educ. there and New Jersey; stage career, musical comedy and dramatic; screen career, Fox, Triangle, Selig ("Auction of Souls"), Morosco ("Louisiana"), World ("Woman of Lies"), Sphinx serials ("The Fatal Thirty"). Hght., 5, 5; wght., 130; brown hair and eyes. Home ad., Hotel Glidden, Los

WESTOVER, Winifred; b. San Francisco, Cal.; educ. Dominican Coll. (convent at San Rafael); screen career, 2 yrs. with D. W. Griffith. Fine Arts, playing leads opposite De Wolf Hopper, Wilfred Lucas, Douglas Fairbanks, etc., "In- tolerance." with Chas. Ray in "Watch Out William," with Harry Carey in "Gift of the Desert," Para.-Artcraft ("John Petticoats"), Pathe ("This Hero Stuff," "Hobbs in a Hurry." "All the World to Nothing"). Hght.. 5, 3; wght., 128; blond hair, dark blue eyes. Home ad., 5120 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles. Cal.; phone 597429.

WHIPPLE, Clara Brimmer; b Missouri; educ in convent in Germany and finishing schl. in Switzerland; stage career. Pittsburgh stock, Henry Miller's "Dragoon Claw"; screen career, Kalem, Equitable-World ("The Gilded Cage"), Rolfe-Metro ("The Stolen Triumph"), Louis Weber Prod. ("The Man Who Dared God"), Paramount ( "Pettigrew's Girl").

WHISTLER, Margaret; b. Louisville, Ky., 18SS: educ. Notre Dame Coll., Washington. D. C. ; stage career, vaud., stk. and circus throughout Eng. and U. S.. with Blanche Bates in "The Girl of Wall Street"; screen career, since 1911, Lubin, Universal ("Behind Life's Stage," "Her Soul's Temptation." "Come Through." "Mary from America"), Selznick ("Poppy"): is painter and designer of gowns for Fox Sunshine come- dies. Hght., 5. 3; wght.. 134; light brown hair, brown eyes. Ad.. Fox Studios. Hollywood. Cal.

WHTTCOMB, Mabel; b. Manchester. Eng.; stage career, 15 yrs. with Sir Charles Wyndham, Beerbohm Tree. Drury Lane. Frohman prod.; screen career. 2 yrs. Goldwyn, 3 yrs. World. Mayflower ("Bolshevism on Trial"), Famous Players ("Should a Wife Forgive"), Prizma with Madge Evans, World ("His Father's Wife." "Broadway Saint"), with Jane and Katherine Lee; at present playing in "Three Faces East." Hght.. 5, 4; wght., 145; blond



hair, brown eyes. Ad., Coytesville, N. J.; Fort Lee 41-R.

WHITE, Pearl; b. Missouri; attracting attention of theatrical man by reciting "Hamlet's Solil- oquy," played Little Eva in "Uncle Tom's Cabin"; screen career, first appeared in Wild West pictures, because of her ability to ride, starred with Pathe ("Perils of Pauline," •'Elaine" series, "The Iron Claw," "The Fatal Ring," "Pearl of the Army," "Hazel Kirke," "May Blossoms," "New York Lights," "The House of Hate," "The Lightning Raider," "The Black Secret"), Fox ("The White Moll"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 120; light hair, blue eyes. Ad., care of Fox, N. Y.

WHITMAN, Velma; b. Richmond, Va. ; educ. there; screen career, Fox ("East Lynne," "Some Boy," "Melting Millions," "The Book Agent"), 1918-19 with Julian Eltinge, now playing special engagements West Coast Studios. Ad., 2101 Canyon Drive, Los Angeles.

WHITNEY, Claire; b. New York City; educ. N. Y. Wadleigh H. S. ; stage career, a one-act vaud. mus. com., also in stock; screen career, from 1909, Biograph, Fox ("The Victim," "The New York Peacock," "When False Tongues Speak," "Thou Shalt Not Steal," "Camille"), Select ("Shirley Kane"), Metro ("The Man Who Stayed at Home"), Para.-Art. ("Career of Katherine Bush"), Ed Jose ("Mothers of Men"), Select ("Isle of Conquest"). Hght., 5, 4; wght., 120; blond hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 50 Morningside ave., N. Y. C.

WIGGIN, Mrs. Margaret A.; b. Indiana; educ. 111. & Kan.; screen career, Essanay, Selig, Roth- acker, Wholesome, Geo. Ade Fables, "Gift of Gab," "The Penny Philanthropist," with Peggy O'Neil. Hght., 5, 6; wght., 150; white hair, blue eyes. Ad., Hotel Grenoble, N. Y. C.

WILKINSON, Mary E.; b. Lafayette, Tenn., 1852; educ. Franklyn, Ky. ; early career, teacher, court reporter, proof-reader; screen career, Bio- graph. Fine Arts ("Bread Line"), D. W. Grif- fith, Famous Players ("Rose of the Rancho," etc.). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 98; silver hair, hazel eyes. Ad., Imperial Apts., 350 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, Cal. ; studio, Famous Players.

WILLA, Susanne; b. Los Angeles, Cal. ; educ. Paris and San Francisco, Cal.; stage career, Cohan and Harris, musical com. leads, with Emily Stevens, in "Within the Law," playing Aggie. Belasco stk.; screen career, Pathe. Bre- non ("Sylvia of the Secret Service," "Kick In," "Arms and the Woman," "Empty Pockets") ; at present playing leading feminine role in "Nightie Night." Hght., 5, 2%; wght., 106; blond complexion, golden red hair, green eyes. Ad., 140 W. 55th St., N. Y.

WILLIAMS, Cora; educ. Boston, Mass., and Lon- don, Eng.; stage career, 15 yrs. in dramatic companies, stk., etc.; in comic opera as prima donna, soubrette and comedienne; screen ca- reer, 2'»2 yrs. with Edison, Metro ("The Pur- ple Lady"), Famous Players ("The Parisian Wife," "Eyes of the Soul." "Witness for the Defense"), Fisher-Rolfe ("Love Wins"), Cam- merait ("Somewhere in Love"), Selznick ("Love"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 130; grayish hair, brown eyes. Ad., 315 W. 58th st., N. Y. ; Columbus 6405.

WILLIAMS, Kathlyn; b. Butte. Montana; educ. Wesleyan Univ. and N. Y. Schl. of Dramatic Art; stage career, "When We Were Twenty- One," "Mrs. Dane's Defense," "The Man of the Hour"; screen career, Morosco-Paramount ("The Highway of Hope," "Big Timber"), Lasky ("Out of the Wreck"), Artcraft ("The Whispering Chorus." "We Can't Have Every- thing"), Select ("The Better Wife"). Para- mount ("A Girl Named Mary," "Tree of Knowledge"). Hght., 5, 5; wght., 138; blond hair, blue-gray eyes. Ad., home, 264 So. Kings- ley Drive, Los Angeles, Cal.

WILSON, Edna Mae, b. N. Y., 1903; educ. there; stage career, orig. Dulcie in "The Things That Count," Puck in "Midsummer Night's Dream," "The Prince Chap." etc.; screen career. Fine Arts, World. Edison, Biograph, Universal, Re- liance-Majestic, Pathe. National ("Tess of the Mountain Country," "The Fall of a Nation"), Lasky ("Maggie Pepper"), Brunton ("A Man's Country"); fancy, toe and classic dancer. H«ht., 5, 3; wght., 98: natural blond, curly hair, dark eyes. Ad., 530 E. Jefferson St., Los Angeles, Cal.

WILSON, Lois; b. Pittsburg, Pa.; educ. Ala. Nor- mal Coll.; screen career, representative of Ala. in Universal's Beauty Contest, Paralta ("A Man s Man," "Turn of a Card." "His Robe of

Honor," "One Dollar Bid," "End of the Game"), Lasky ("Love Insurance," "Why Smith Left Home," "It Pays to Advertise," "Too Much Johnson"). Hght., 5, 5%; wght.. 120; brown hair, hazel eyes. Ad., Lasky Studio, Hollywood, Cal.

WILSON, Margery; b. Gracey, Ky. ; educ. Sandy Valley Seminary; screen career, "Intolerance." Ince-Triangle ("Wolf Lowry," "The Clodhop- per," "The Mother Instinct," "The Kentucky School Master"), Triangle ("Mountain Dew." "Wild Sumac," "Lupin Gal." "Bearing Her Cross." "Without Honor," "The Law of the Great North West," "The Finger Print," "The Hand at the Window," "Marked Cards"), Gold- wyn ("The Blooming Angel"). Studio ad., Goldwvn. Culver City. Cal.

WOLBERT, Dorothea; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; educ. Mt. Vernon Inst., Baltimore, Md. ; stage career, 20 yrs., Chas. Frohman, "The Masqueraders,"-. "Charlie's Aunt," A. L. Willard's "Middleman." "Span of Lift," stock cos.; screen career. New Art Film ("The Solitary Sin"), Fox ("A Man of Sorrow"), Vitagraph ("Sue," "The Enchant- ed Barn." "Cupid Forecloses." "When Lyn Came Home," "Smashing Barriers," "The Last Man"), Rolin, Lemon, Montgomery & Rock, James Aubrey comedies. Hght., 5; wght., 106; blond hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 123 N. Grand ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 67103.

WOLFE, Jane; b. St. Petersburg, Pa.; educ. Edgehill Inst., Pa.; stage career, with Klaw and Erlanger, in "Buster Brown," "The Ruse," "What Happened to Jones"; screen career, Art- craft ("Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm," "Under the Top," "Cruise of the Make-Believes," "Mile-a-Minute Kendall," "The Girl Who Came Back," "Thirteenth Commandmant," "The Six Best Cellars"), Famous Players "Vicky Van." "Men, Women, and Money"), C. B. DeMille ("Why Change Your Wife?"). Hght.. 5, 5; wght., 128; brown hair and blue-gray eyes. Ad.. Laskv. Hollywood.

WOODWARD, Mrs. Eugenie; b. Cincinnati, O. : stage career, stk. in San Francisco. "Henrietta." with Julia Marlowe in Shakespeare, with Otis Skinner. Wm. Hodge; screen career, World Film ("Bought and Paid For," with Alice Brady), Fox ("East Lynne," "Sporting Blood"), Than- houser ("Last of the Carnabys"), World ("T'other Dear Charmer"), with Lionel Barry- more in "Copperhead," American Cinema ("Stormy Petrel"), Selznick, with Elaine Ham- merstein. Hght., 5, 4; wght., 128; gray hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 70 Morningside Drive. N. Y. ; Mngsde 1100.

WORTH, Lillian; educ. N. Y.; stage career, leads and seconds in musical comedy and dramatic stock, small parts in N. Y. prods.; screen career. 2 yrs. with Pathe Freres. B. & C. Film. London. England; S. S. Krellberg (with Helen Holmes in "The Fatal Fortune"), with Constance Tal- madge in "In Search of a Sinner." Hght., 5. 8; wght., 139; blond hair, hazel eyes. Ad., 135 Remsen St., Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Main 1431.

WRIGHT, Helen; b. St. Paul. Minn., descendant of Scotch and Welsh Royalty; educ. Chicago seminary; stage career, with DeWolf Hopper in "Wang," with Delia Fox, Leslie Carter, David Warfleld in "The Grand Army Man"; screen career, joined Otis Turner Universal Co.. play- ing character leads ("A Doll's House." "Sirens of the Sea," "The Field of Honor," "The Car of Chance," "The Brass Bullet" serial). Fox ("The Speed Maniac"). Gray hair, brown eyes.


YORSKA; stage career, appeared before Leopold II in Belgian Court, adopted by Sarah Bern- hardt, toured world with own co. of French Players; screen career, Tyrad ("It Happened in Paris"). Ad., Brunton Studios, Hollywood. Cal.

YOUNG, Clara Kimball; b. Chicago; educ. St. Xavier's Acad., Chicago; stage career, from age of 3, stock, vaud. and prods.; screen career. Vitagraph ("My Official Wife"), World ("Ca- mille." "The Yellow Passport," "The Feast of Life"), at present with own company ("The Foolish Virgin," "The Easiest Way," "The Rise of Susan." "Magda," "Shirley Kaye," "The Sav- age Woman," "The Marionettes," "The Road Through the Dark," "The Claw." "Cheating Cheaters," "Eyes of Youth," "Forbidden Wom- an"). Hght., 5. 6; wght., 135; dark hair and eyes. Ad., Garson Studio, Hollywood, Cal., and Aeolian Bldg., N. Y.

YOUNG, Lassie; b. Portland, Ore; educ. San



Francisco and Brunot Hall, Spokane, Wash.: screen career, in stock with Christie, B. B. Hampton (ingenue lead in "The Dwelling Place of Light"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 115; blond hair, blue eyes. Studio, B. B. Hampton; home ad., S019 Yucca ave.. Los Angeles, Cal.; Holly 3158. YOl'NGE, Lucille; I. Lyons. France; educ. there and Mich.; stage career, vaud.; screen career.

Fox, Fine Arts, Tnce ("Fuss and Feathers"), American ("High Play"), Griffith ("The Great- est Thing in Life"), Ince-Para. ('The Virtuous Thief." "Man in the Moon"), Fox ("Fighting for Gold"). Hght., 5, 4; wght., 125; dark brown hair and eyes. Ad., 1337 Waterloo St., Los An- geles, Cal.. 1012 N. Vermont, Hollywood, Cal.; phone 597046.



ALEXAXDKK, Little Ben; b. Goldfield, Nev. ; screen career, Griffith ("Hearts of the World"). King Vidor ("Turn in the Koad," "Battle of Youth",), Tourneur ("White Heather"), Paral- ta ("Heart of Rachel"), C. K. Young ("The Better Wife"), Robertson-Cole ("Josselyn's Wife," "Tangled Threads"), Universal ("The Triflers"). Hght., 4; wght., 55; blond hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., 1812 N. Winona Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.; 'phone 597485.

ALEXANDER, Lois; b. 1908; educ. private tutor; short stage career; 7 years screen career with parts; Hindoo Princess in "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea." Ad., home, 640 West 129th St., New York City.

AXZELLE, Violet; b. Feb. 3, 1912, Baltimore; screen career, Universal, Technicolor, World Film, "A Fool's Paradise," "A Wife's Folly," "Behind the Veil," "For the Sake of a Baby," "The Gulf Between' (first m. p. in natural color), "Rasputin the Black Monk," "The Girl from Bohemia"), Schomer-Ross ("The Sacred Flame"). Hght., 3, 4; wght., 53; fair complexion, yellow hair, blue eyes. Ad., home, West Fort Lee, N. J.


BAKER, Doris; b. Los Angeles, Cal.; educ. priv. school, Los Angeles; stage career, 1 yr. vaud. in own act, 3 yrs. stage, Seattle Stock and Morosco; screen career, 6 yrs., Alkire Co. ("An Ace in the Hole"), Pathe ("I Want to be a Lady"). Hght., 5, 3; wght., 110; blond hair; dk. blue eyes. Home ad., 351% So. Figueroa St.. Los Angeles. Cal. Pico 3046.

BARRY, Wesley; b. Los Angeles. Cal.; educ. there; screen career, Mary Pickford ("Daddy Long Legs"), Blanche Sweet ("The Unpardon- able Sin," "A Woman of Pleasure"), Anita Stewart ("Her Kingdom of Dreams"), C. B. DeMille ("Male and Female"). Hght., 4, 6; wght., 84; red hair, blue eyes. Home ad.. 1725 Manzanita Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; studio, Marshall Neilan Productions.

BASKETTE, Lena; b. San Mateo. April 19, 1907; educ. Notre Dame, Redwood City, Cal., studied dancing with Vestoff, former partner of Pav- lowa, appeared at Techan Tavern, San Fran- cisco; screen career, Universal ("Brother Jim," "Shoes," "A Romany Rose," "Mysterious Egypt," "The Lonely Little Prince," " A Prince for a Day," "Little Marian's Triumph," "The Caravan,' "Dream of Egypt." "Amelita's Friend"). Hght., 4, 7; wght.. 75; black hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 1323 Orange Drive, Hollywood, Cal.

BATISTA, Miriam; b. N. Y. City, 1914; played In legitimate prod. "The Whirlwind"; screen prod. International, "Humoresque." Black hair and eyes. Ad. 362 West 45th St., N. Y. City. Bryant 4316.

BELLE, Tula; b. Christiania. Norway, 1909; educ. New Rochelle; screen career, Than- houser ("Fear of Poverty." "The Vicar of Wakefield." "Through the Open Door"), Metro ("The Brand of Cowardice"), Thanhouser ("Woman and The Beast"), Maurice Tourneur ("The Blue Bird"), Helen Keller ("Deliver- ance"), George Loane Tucker ("Miracle Man"), Famous Players ("Doll's House"). Hght., 4; brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 1055 No. St. Andrews Place. Hollywood. Cal.

Bl'TTERWORTII, Frank; also leads and come- dian; b. Lancashire, Eng., 1906; screen career. Ince , Universal ("When You and I Were Young," "The Circus," "When Hearts Were Trumps." "The Children of the Mission."

"Amarilly of Clothesline Alley," "The Honor- able Algy"), Vitagraph ("The Enchanted Barn"). Hght., 5, 1; wght., 104; fair com- plexion, brown hair, brown eyes. Ad., home, 6100 Elenor ave., Los Angeles, Cal.


CARPENTER, Francis Wilburn; b. Glen wood Springs, Col., 1911; screen career. Fine Arts (in juv. co. under Director Franklins, " Chil- dren in the House," "Going Straight"), Fox (".lack and the Beanstalk." "Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp," "The Girl with the Cham- pagne Eyes," "True Blue," "The Mikado," "The Forbidden Room"), Goldwyn ("Jinx"). Hght., 3, 2; wght., 47; light hair, blue syes. Ad., home, 1316 Lyman PI., Los Angeles.

CASWELL, Nancy; b. Los Angeles, 1913; stage exper. with Wm. and Dustin Farnum in "The Littlest Rebel"; screen career, Fox ("Riders of the Purple Sage," "Rainbow Trail," "The Blindness of Divorce"), Paralta ("Within the Cup." "Blue Blood"), Universal ("The End of the Rainbow"), Fox ("Call of the Soul"). Hght., 3, 7; wght., 46; blond hair, blue eyes. Ad., 1544 N. Western, Hollywood, Cal.

CONNELLY, Robert Joseph; b. Brooklyn. 1909; screen career, with Kalem Co. at 3 yrs. old; Vitagraph ("Sonny Jim" series, "A Prince in a Pawnshop," "Bobby, Director," "Bobby, Philanthropist," "Bobby, Pacifist," "Bobby's Bravery," "Just What Bobby Wanted"), O. Henry ("The Discounters of Money," " The Bottom of the Well," "Her Right to Live"). Cai son-Neilan ("The Unpardonable Sin"). World ("What Love Forgives"), International ("Humoresque"). Ad., 483 E. 9th St., Brooklyn.

CORBIN, Virginia Lee; b. Prescott, Ariz., 1912; model for artists; screen career, Lasky, with Farrar and Fannie Ward, 8 mos. Universal, with Ben Wilson; played with Allen Holubar in series of pictures written for her; Metro. Balboa, now with Fox ("Jack and the Bean- stalk," "The Mikado," "Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp," "The Babes in the Wood," "Treasure Island," "Ace High," "Six Shooter Andy," "The Forbidden Room"). Hght., 3, 4; wght., 50; light hair, blue eyes. Ad., 1421 Cherokee. Hollywood, Cal.

CRUMPTOX, Charles; b. London, England; stage career, "Mother," "Happy Ending," "Rip Van Winkle," "Hansel & Gretel," "Eyes of Youth," "Through the Ages," "Luck of the Navy"; screen career. Universal ("Toy Soldier"). Chapin ("Abraham Lincoln"), Fox ("Green Eyed Monster"). World ("Rasputin"!, Art- craft ("Doll's House). Vitagraph ("Golden Goal"), Canadian ("A World's Shadow"), Famous Players ("Hulda from Holland"). Hght.. 4. 7: wght., 80; blond hair, brown eyes. Ad., 108 W. 86th St., N. Y. Schuyler 7314.


DEAN", Teddy; b. Chicago, 1905; stage etreer, "Her Own Way," "Little Lord Fauntleroy," "Prince Chap": screen career, Edison. Fox ("Girl I Left Behind Me"). Frohman ("Then I'll Come Back to You"). Hght., 5, 2; wght., 90; blond hair, blue eyes. Home ad., Chamber st.. Bavside, L. I., N. Y.

DE RUE, Carmen; b. Pueblo, Colo., 190S; educ. private tutor; screen career. Lasky ("Squaw Man." "Brewster's Milions." "Master Mind"), LTnlversal (leads for yr. in child co. with Gordon Griffith and Billy Jacobs), Majestic (lead for 1 yr. in child co., dir. Franklins), for one yr. featured as one of Fine Arts "kiddies"; has appeared in more than 100



photoplays; Fox ("Jack and the Beanstalk,'' "Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp," "Babes in the Woods," "Girl with the Champagne Eyes"). Hght., 4,6; wght., 85; light hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 1627 Hudson ave., Hollywood, Calif.


EVANS, Madge; b. N, Y. C. 1909; educ. private tuition; stage career, Mimsey in "Peter Ibbet- son" with John Barry more; screen career, child parts in Famous Players ("Zaza," "The Seven Sisters"), Peerless-World ("Seventeen," "Beloved Adventuress," "The Burglar," "Little Patriot," "True Blue," "Web of Desire," "Maternity," "Neighbors," "Wanted, a Mother," "Love Not." "Home Wanted," starred in "Little Duchess," "The Volunteer," "Adventures of Carol," "Gates of Gladness"). Home ad., 50 Cathedral Parkway, N. Y. C.


GAKY, Nadia Louise; b. 1912; Butterfly Baby with Boston Opera Co.; screen career 2 yrs, Goldwyn, Fox, World, Metro, Artcraft, etc. Current releases with Mabel Normand in "The Venus Model"; Wm. Faversham ("The Silver King"), Goldwyn ("Sandy Burke of the U-Bar-U"). Ad., 2 Abbey Court, 4640 B'way. N. Y. C.

G RACER, Ben; b. N. Y. C, 1910; stage career. Geo. C. Tyler, "Penrod"; J. D. Williams, "Betty at Bay"; Shubert, "Maytime"; screen career, Fox ("Cailleux Case"), World ("Neigh- bors"), Julius Steger ("Hidden Truth," "Break the News to Mother"), Stage Women's War Relief ("The Mad Woman"), Universal ("His Woman"). Hght. 4, 3; wght., 62; light brown hair, dark brown eyes. Ad., 201 W. 112th St., N. Y. C. Cathedral 8762.


IIOKTON. "Little Aida"; b. 1914. Long Island; screen career, Vitagraph (tiniest leading lady Bobby Connelly series, "A Bachelor's Child- ren," "The Desired Woman," "The Mating," "Compliments of the season"). Miller Prod. ("High Speed," "The Romany Call"). Hght., 3, 1; wght., 34; fair complexion, blond hair, blue eyes. Home ad., Aqueduct, Woodhaven P. O., L>. I., N. Y.


IRVING, Mary Jane; b. Columbia, S. C, 1914; screen career, Brunton Studios ("The Temple of Dusk," "Heart of Rachael"), Mastercraft ("The One Woman," "Patriotism"), B. P Hampton ("The Westerners"), Haworth ("The Gray Horizon"), Goldwyn ("Almost a Hus- band," "Cup of Fury"), Robt. Brunton ("Live Sparks"). Home ad., 828 So. Burlington, Los Angeles, Cal.


JOY, Gloria; b. Oct. 16. 1911. Los Angeles; stage career. Little Theatre, Los Angeles, speaking and dancing parts; screen career, leads in "Wanted a Brother." "No Children Wanted," "The Locked Door," "Little Miss Grown Up," "Miss Mischief Maker." "The Midnight Burglar"); with Dorothv Phillips in "The Talk of the Town." Hght., 3, 8; wght., 55; brown hair, hazel eyes. Ad., home, 1133 Lake Shore Ave.. Los Angeles, Cal.

- K

KAY, Honey Beatrice; b. N V <'., 1907; specialty characters; cereen career, World, with Louise Huff; Fox ("Why I Would Not Marry"), Universal ("Santa and Genii"), Goldwyn, with Mabel Normand; Chas. Miller ("Crowded Hour"), Screen Letter Box. Hght., 4 ft., 2 in., wght.. 72; blond hair, blue eyes. Ad., 312 W. 48th St.. N. Y. C. Bryant 8560.


LA WREN IK, Little Adelaide; b Brooklyn, 1905; photographer's model; screen career, Vita- graph ("Easter Babies"), Reliance ("The Barefoot Boy"), Pathe ("Little Keeper of the Light"), Kalem ("Little Wanderer"), Fox ("The High Born Child and the Beggar," "The Queen of Hearts"). Fair complexion, auburn bronze hair, brown eyes. Ad., 274 Rut- land Road, Brooklyn, N. Y.

LEE, Master Frankie; b. Gunnison. Colo., 1912; screen career, Mayflower ("The Miracle Man"), Goldwyn ("Bonds of Love"), B. B. Hampton ("The Westerners"), Thos. Ince ("Quick- sands," "The Law of Men"), Realart ("Judy of Rogues Harbor," "Nurse Marjorie"), Mary Pickford ("Daddy Long Legs"), Tom Mix ("Rough Riding Romance"). Hght., 3, 9; wght., 42; dark brown hair, dark blue eyes. Home ad., 1460 Vine St., Hollywood, Cal., •phone 579619.

LEE, Jane; screen career. Fox ("The Clemenceau Case," "The Spider and the Fly," " A Daugh- ter of the Gods," "Patsy," "Two Little Imps," "Trouble Makers," "Love and Hate," "Ameri- can Buds," "Doing Their Bit," "Swat the Spy," "We Should Worry," "Tell It to the Marines," "Smiles"). Series of 2-reel come- dies for Rogers Film Corp., 1639 B'way, N. Y.

LEE, Katherine; b. Glasgow, Scotland; stage career, with Lew Fields; screen career, Fox ("The Clemceau Case," "The Spider and the Fly," "The Daughter of the Gods," "Love and Hate," "The Two Imps," "The Trouble- makers," "American Buds," "Doing Their Bit," "Swat the Spy," "We Should Worry," "Tell It to the Marines," "Smiles"); auburn hair. Series of 2-reel comedies for Rogers Film Corp., 1639 B'way. N. Y.


MESSENGER, Buddie; b. 1909, San Francisco; screen career, Universal; Fox, "Gloriana," "Trie Street Urchin," "Fighting Joe," "Jack and the Beanstalk," "Treasure Island," "Alad- din," "Babes in the Wood"), First National ("The Hoodlum"); excels as a heavy. Fair complexion, light brown hair, brown eyes. Ad., home, 5423 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Cal.

MONAHAN, Janethel; b. N. Y. C, 1907; stage career, understudied Gogo and Mimsey in "Peter Ibbetson," with John Barrymore; screen career, Juvenile Film. "Chip of the Old Block," "Chip's Elopement," "Chip's Rivals," "The World War in Kidland," "For Sale, a Daddy," "Chip's Carmen." "Chip's Movie Co."; Universal ("Me and My Gal"), 10 two- reel comedies by Atlas Film Corp. ; Prizma ("May-Days," "Whittier's School Days"). Hght., 4, 6: wght., 79 %; chestnut hair, dark blue eyes. Home ad., Center Ave., West Fort Lee, N. J. Post Office Box 155.

MONAHAN, Joseph; b. Brooklyn, N. Y.. 1908; stage career, "Peter Ibbetson" with John Barrymore; screen career, 2 yrs. under dir. of Jas. A. FitzPatrick, in "Chip of the Old Block," "Chip's Elopement," "Chip's Rivals," "The World War in Kidland," "For Sale, a Daddy," "Chip's Carmen," "Chip's Movie Co., as Willie Lincoln in "Chapin's Lincoln Cycle," Universal ("Me and My Gal"), 10 two-reel comedies by Atlas Film Corp., Prizma ("May- Days," "Whittier's School Days"). Hght., 4, 6; wght., 77^4; dark brown hair, dark blue eyes. Home ad.. Center Ave., West Ft. Lee, N. J. P. O. Box 155.

MOORE, Pat; b. England, 1914; screen career, Ince ("Sahara"), Universal ("The Sleeping Lion"), K. MacDonald Pict. ("The Turning Point"), Macarthy ("Out of the Dust"), May- flower ("A Fool at Heart"). Hght.. 3, 8; brown hair and eyes. Home ad., 1739 Vine St.. Los Angeles, Cal., 'phone 57427.


OSBORNE. "Baby" Helen Marie; b. 1911; screen career, Pathe ("Little Mary Sunshine." etc.), Lasalida-Pathe Films ("When Baby Forgot," "Baby Pulls the String. The Child of M'sleu," "Baby's Diplomacy." "Tears and Smiles"). Diando Films ("The Little Dlplo-



mat." •'Sawdust Doll," "The Old Maid's Baby," "Dolly's Vacation," "Milady of the Beanstalk," "The Evidence"), Ad., Baby Marie Osborne Prod., Long Beach, Calif.


IRAK, Zoe ("Baby"); b. Chicago, July 13, 1910; screen career, 6 yrs., Biograph and Universal, star of "Gloriana," ."Through Baby's Voice," "The Little Pirate," "Danger Within," "Heart Strings," "By Speshul Delivery," "Naked Hearts." "Bobby's Bargain," leading parts in "The Desperado," "The War Waif," "Bettina Loved a Soldier," "We Are French," "The Kaiser the Beast of Berlin." etc. Wght., 72; blond hair, blue eyes. Ad., 1015 Manzanita ave., Los Angeles.

REDDEN, Arthur L.; b. Boston, Mass.. July 17, 1908; educ. Los Angeles; screen career, Triangle ("Mayro of Filbert"), New Art Film ("Solitary Sin"), Metro ("Way of the Strong"), Brentwood ("Other Half," "Van Dusen's Home"), Universal ("The Pointing Finger"). Hght., 4. 8; wght., 70; brown hair, dark blue eyes. Home ad.. 1324 W. 31st St., Los Angeles, Calif.; West 6459.

REINECKE, Helen; stage career, Winthrop Ames, "The Betrothal," stk. co. in Akron, O., "An Old Sweetheart of Mine," ballet dancer and oriental dancer; screen career, "The Farm- er," "The Magician," Selznick ("Sealed Hearts") Hght., 4, 7; wght., 86; light, curly hair, blue eyes. Ad., 158 W. 96th St., N. Y. ; Riverside 9891.


SMITH, Little Bernice; b. Portland, Ore.. 1911; stage career, Fisher Circuit, Bert Levy Circuit, featured at the Hippodrome, Portland; screen career, began with Universal at 4 yrs. of age, "The Finest Gold," has played with Murdock MacQuarrie, and also with Helen Holmes in railroad pictures, etc. Now with Gloverlo Comedies.

STONE, George; b. 1911, Cleveland, O.; now be- ing educated by tutor; screen career, Biograph. Majestic, Fine Arts; in child parts; has ap- peared in "Going Straight," "The Little School M'am," etc., Triangle ("An Even Break." "Wild Shumac"), Fox ("Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves"), Artcraft ("Till I Come Back to You," "The Poppy Girl's Husband"), Fox ("The Jungle Trail." "The Speed Maniac"), Hampton-Pathe ("Fighting Cressy"). Hght., 3, 2; wght., 47; blue eyes, brown hair.


WARD, Baby Ivy; b. London, Eng., 1914; screen career, Metro ("The Great Secret," "The Slacker," "Draft 258," "The Winning of Bea- trice," "A Man's World," "Silent Woman"), World ("Neighbors"), Wm. A. Brady ("Little Women"), Leah Baird Co. ("As a Man Thinks"), Charles Richmond Co. ("Everybody's Business"), Artcraft ("Doll's House"), Uni- versal ("Heads Win"), Canadian Co. ("A World's Shadow"). Hght.. 3. 6; wght., 34; blond hair, hazel eyes. Ad., 108 W. 86th St.. N. Y. ; Schuyler 7314.


Continuity Reconstruction Specials REAL SCREEN PLAYS

The logical result of dramatic ability PLUS six years of thorough studio training.


William Russell, Olive Thomas. Margery Wilson, Roy Stewart, Pauline Slarke, Wil- liam Desmond. J. Warren Kerrigan, H. B. Warner. Blanche Sweet, etc., etc.


(Blanche Sweet) i Wm. Desmond I



44 Hearts of the World " " The Turn in the Road " 44 The Better Wife "

44 Little Ben " in King W. Vidor's initial special production

for First National

Permanent address c/o Willis & Jnglis



ABRAMSON, Ivan, director and scenario writer; b. Vilna, Russia; educ. Vilna; early exper., impressario of Ivan Abramson Opera Company for 7 years, wrote many plays for Jewish stage, dir. Jacob P. Adler for 15 yrs. ; screen career, Ivan ("Enlighten Thy Daugh- ter." "Sins of Ambition," "Babbling Tongues," "When Men Betray," "Ashes of Love," "Moral Suicide," "Someone Must Pay," "One Law for Both," "Echo of Youth"), director general Graphic Film Corp., 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. Home ad., 207 West 110th St., N. Y.


BEACH, Rex, author; b. Atwood, Mich., 1S77; educ. Rollins Coll., Chicago Coll. of Law, Kent Coll. of Law; author of "The Spoilers," "The Barrier," "The Silver Horde," "Going Some," "The Ne'er-Do-Well," "The Net," "The Iron Trail," "The Auction Block," "Heart of the Sunset." "Rainbow's End," "Crimson Gar- denia." "The Brand," "The Girl From Out- side." Member Players Club. Lambs Club, N. Y. Athletic Club. Home ad., Lake Hopat- cong, N. J.

BENNEY, Harold J., producer-director; b. Kansas City, Kans., June 3, 1889; educ. Univ. of Washington; stage career, 3 yrs. vaud., "The Girl I Left Behind Me," "Cigarette," "Shenan- doah," etc.; screen career, Biograph, I. M. P., Keystone ("Hash House Fraud," "Court House Crooks," "The Submarine Pirate." "The Snow Cure," etc.); since 1916 independent producer personally directing his own productions, among which were all "Josh Binney" Comedies, and all "Masterpicture" features; late produc- tions are "Her Uncle's Wish," "Velvet and Rags." "Measured Steps." Now operating un- der name of Canadian Photo-play Productions, Ltd. Ad.. Studio, Canadian Photo-play Pro- ductions. Ltd., New Toronto, Canada; res., 276 Wright ave., Toronto, Canada.

BLACKTON', J. Stuart, Director General of own company: b. 1S75, Sheffield, Eng.; commenced educ. at Eton, Eng., finished in America, C. C. N. Y. ; early career, newspaper writer and artist, pioneer in motion picture industry since 1897; organized Vitagraph Co. In 1900; most notable productions, "The Christian," "Island of Regeneration," "The Battle Cry of Peace," "Womanhood," "Missing," 'The Common Cause"; founded Motion Picture Magazine 1910: organized Motion Picture Board of Trade of America and was elected its first president In 1915; organized own independent producing CO., Blackton Productions, Inc., 1917, merged Into J. Stuart Blackton Feature Pictures, Inc., 1919 ("A House Divided," "The Moonshine Trail." "Dawn." "My Husband's Other Wife," "The Blood Barrier," "Passers-by"). Ad.. 25 West 45th St., N. Y.

BRENON', Herbert; b. Dublin. Ireland. 1880; educ. St. Paul's and Kings Coll., London; early career, stage dir. and owner of m. p. theatre; screen career, Universal ('Neptune's Daugh- ter"), Fox ("A Daughter of the Gods"), Brenon-Selznlck ("War Brides"), Brenon-Se- lect ("The Lone Wolf"). Brenon ("The Fall of the Romanoffs." "Kismet"), independent producer. Herbert Brenon Film Corporation ("The Passing of the Third Floor Back," with Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson). Propaganda picture for British government: now making a series abroad starring Marie Doro ("Princess Impudence"), Republic ("12-10"). Ad. Lambs Club, N. Y.

BRUCE, Robert Cameron; b. Stowe, Vt 1887' educ. Univ. of Iowa, Univ. of Minn.; early careei, retail lumberman, rancher; screen ca- reer, with Katherine F. Carter, Inc., and Ed- ucational prod, scenics, including "Me and My Dog," "The World of Dreams," "Wanderer and the Whozitt," "River Gray and the River Green," "Wolf of the Tetons," "Separate

Trails," "Frozen Thrills," "Sundown," "An Essay of the Hills." Hght., 6, 2; wght., 150; light hair, blue eyes. Ad., Educational Film Coip., 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. BRIN'TON, Robert A.; b. Glasgow, Scotland; educ. London, at Royal Academy schls. ; stage career, scenic artist with Henry Irving at Ly- ceum theatre, London, made 3 tours of Amer- ica with Irving as scenic director, 3 yrs. with Shuberts as scenic artist, 3 yrs. with Oliver Morosco; screen career, art director and mgr. of prod., Ince-Triangle ; owner and executive head of Robt. Brunton studios, 5341 Melrose ave., Los Angeles, Cal.


CAPELLAN'I, Albert; director; b. Paris, 1874; one of, pioneers in moving picture art; 17 yrs. moving picture career with Pathe; 5 yrs. in America. World Film, Selznick, Clara K. Young Corp., Metro directing Madame Nazimova in "Eye for Eye,' "Out of the Fog," "The Red Lantern"; now at head of own producing corp., starring Marjorie Rambeau, Dolores Cassinelli, June Caprice; personal representative in Amer- ica and France, Harry Cahane. Ad., Albert Capellanl Prods., Inc., 1457 Broadway, N. Y.

CABEWE, Edwin; director; b. Gainsville, Texas; educ. Univ. Missouri and Texas; stage career, 16 yrs.; screen career, Lubin, Rolfe-Metro in "Her Fighting Chance," "The Trail of the Shadow," "The Voice of Conscience," "The Splendid Sinner," "The Trail of Yesterday," "The Snowbird," "House of Tears," "God's Half Acre," "The Final Judgment," "Pals First," "Shades of Suspicion," "The Way of the Strong," "It's Easy to Make Money" now at the head of his own producing company; has made the "Right to Lie," "The Web of Lies." Ad., Brunton Studios, Hollywood. Calif.

CARLETON, Lloyd B.; b. N. Y.; educ. Colum- bia Coll.; stage career, with Maude Adams, dir. Fawcett Stock Co.; screen career, Than- houser, Lubin, Fox, Selig, Universal, dir. "Walls of Jericho," "The Idler." "Their Sinful In- fluence," "Way of the World" (late pictures, "The Unattainable," "The Morals of Hilda," "The Devil's Bondwoman"), Lloyd Carleton Prod. ("The Amazing Woman"). Member M. P. D. A. Home ad., 5846 Carlton Way, Hollywood.

CHAUTARD, Emile, director; b. Paris; educ. France; stage career, leading man at Odeon theatre, Paris, Gymnase theatre, Rayne theatre and Theatre Royal; screen career, with Eclair in Paris, Peerless, Lasky, C. K. Young ("Mag- da"), Pathe, World, Famous Players-Lasky ("The House of Glass," "The Marionettes," "The Ordeal of Rosetta,' "Her Final Reckon- ing," "The Daughter of the Old South," "Paid in Full," "Under the Greenwood Tree," "The Parisian Wife," "The Marriage Price." "Out of the Shadows," "Eyes of the Soul"), May- flower Photoplays, Inc. ("Mystery of the Yellow Room"), "The Invisible Foe." Home ad., 790 Riverside drive, N. Y.

CHRISTIE, Al. E., director; b. London, Canada; educ. N. Y. ; early career, with Liebler & Co. in productions starring Wilton Lackaye, May Irwin, William C. Hodge and others; screen career, director, producer and author of more than 700 comedies; four years ago organized Christie Film Co., and produced Christie Com- edies for independent release, one reel subject weekly and two reel subject monthly. Ad., Christie Film Co., Inc.. Hollywood, Cal.


DeMILLE, Cecil B., director general, Famous Players-Lasky Corp.; b. Asheville, Mass.: educ. mil. schl., Amer. Acad. Dram. Arts, N. Y. ; stage career, prominent parts in all-star road cos. over the U. S. for 7 yrs., produced number of stage successes, including "Return of Peter




Grim," with David Warfield, wrote and dir. several musical operettas; Famous Players- Lasky Corp., Paramount-Artcraft Pictures ("Joan the Woman," "The Whispering Chorus," "We Can't Have Everything," "The Woman God Forgot," "Old Wives for New," "For Bet- ter, For Worse," "Don't Change Your Hus- band," "Male and Female," "Why Change Your Wife?" Ad., Lasky Corp., Hollywood, Calif.

DWAN, Allan, director; b. Toronto, Can.; educ. Notre Dame, Ind. ; screen career, Essanay (scenario writer), American (seen. edit, and dir. for 3 yrs.), Famous Players (dir. "Wild- flower," "David Harum"), Selznick ("Pan- thea"), Goldwyn ("Fighting Odds"), Triangle ("Man Who Made Good"), C. K. Young ("Cheating Cheaters"), Artcraft ("Mr. Fixit." "Bound in Morocco," "He Comes Up Smiling," "Heading South"), Louise Glaum ("Sahara" i. Allan Dwan Prod. ("Soldiers of Fortune," "Luck of the Irish," "A Splendid Hazard," "In the Heart of a Fool," "The Scoffer"). Member M.P.D.A. Now producing for Mayflower Photo- plays, Inc.

E ; '

EMERSON, John, director; b. Sandusky, O., 1874; educ. Oberlin Coll., Heidelberg Univ., Univ. of Chicago; stage career, with Mrs. Fiske, 4 yrs. stage dir., with Shubert, leads with Nazi- mova, 4 yrs. gen, stage dir. for Chas. Froh- man, 2 yrs. starring in "The Conspiracy"; screen career, Famous Players. Fine Arts (pro- duced "Old Heidelberg," and in collaboration with Anita Loos, "The Americano," "Macbeth," "The Social Secretary"), Artcraft (dir. "Less Than Dust," "In Again, Out Again." "Wild and Wooly"), Paramount ("Oh, You Women"), Constance Talmadge Co. ("A Temperamental Wife," "Virtuous Vamp," "In Search of a Sin- ner"). Home ad.. Lambs Club; studio 318 E. 48th St., N. Y. C.

EMPEY, Arthur Guy, actor and author; vice-pres. Guy Erapey Pict. Corp.; educ. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; early career, short story and newspaper writer; stage career, starred with Rose Stahl in "Pack Up Your Troubles," Wagenhalls & Kemper; military career, served in U. S. Army with the regulars and in U. S. Navy before European war; in 1915 went to London and enlisted in British Army, served for eighteen months, discharged in July, 1916, on account of wounds received in Battle of the Somme; author of "Over the Top," "First Call," "Tales From a Dugout"; screen career, "Over the Top," "The Undercurrent," "Oil"; now engaged in pro- ducing series of pictures, stories of which are written by himself. Hght., 5, 5; wght., 150; brown hair and eyes. Ad., 220 W. 42d st N. Y. ; Bryant 6492.

FORD, Francis, director and actor; b. Portland. Me., 1882; stage career, with Amelia Bingham in stock, etc.; screen career, Melise, NYMP, Universal ("Purple Mask," "Good Morning, Judge," '"The Unfinished Jewels," "The Puzzle Woman," "The Greatest Sacrifice," "The Chang Fuy Treasure." "The Phantom Ship"), F. Ford Prod. Co. ("Berlin via America," "The Isle of Intrigue"), Ford Miniatures ("The Silent Mystery"), star and director of "The Mys- tery of 13" and "The Gates of Doom" serials Hght., 5, 11; wght., 160; fair complexion, black hair, gray eyes. Ad.. Ford Studio, 6040 Sunset blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Home ad., 1210 W. 2Sth st.,»Los Angeles.


GARSON, Harry I., manager and press repre- sentative; b. Rochester, N. Y. ; educ. there; Broadway Strand theatre, Detroit, Mich., Har- ry Garson Prod, with Clara Kimball Young and Blanche Sweet; organized Garson Studios pro- duced "The Eyes of Youth," "The Forbidden Woman"; also directed the latter. Studio ad. lS4.ri Allesandro St., Los Angeles, Calif.

GASNIEIt, Louis .1.; b. Paris, France; screen ca- reer, associated with Pathe Freres 17 yrs., 14 yrs. as Gen. Mgr. and 2 yrs. Vice-Pres. ; 1916, organized Astra Film Corp. serving as Pres. and Gen. Mgr. to date; produced Fannie Ward features, Mrs. Vernon Castle features for Pathe; "Hands Up," "The Tiger's Trail," "The Third Eye," serials for Pathe; March 1919, organized Lew Cody Prods.: supervised production of "The Beloved Cheater," "The Butterfly Man"; supervising dir. Dustin Farnum, "Corslcan Brothers," "Square Shooting Dan." Home ad., 3847 Hudson Blvd., No. Bergen, N. J.; studio, Verdugo Road, Glendale, Calif. GRIFFITH, David Wark, gen, mgr. own CO.; b. 1880, LaGrange, Ky. ; on stage 'L yrs.; screen career, since about 1908, first as actor, then as director for Biograph, where he introduced innovations which changed the whole course of motion picture art; first to use "close-ups" and "cut backs"; trained a large number of screen players who have since become stars, 1914, assumed charge of Reliance-Majestic studios for Mutual; producer of "Judith of Bethulah," "Birth of a Nation," "Intolerance," "Hearts of the World," "The Great Love," "The Greatest Thing in Life," "True Heart Susie," "Romance of Happy Valley," "Girl Who Stayed at Home," "Broken Blossoms," "Scar- let Days." First National ("The Greatest Question"). Griffith Prod., "Romance," "Fires of Youth." Ad., Mamaroneck, N. Y.


HAMPTON, Je»se D., producer; b. Galesburg, 111.; educ. Knox College; early career, news- paper, magazine and advertising business sev- eral years; screen career, organized Jesse D. Hampton Productions, starring Blanche Sweet, H. B. Warner and Wm. Desmond. Ad., Holly- wood, Calif.

HENLEY, Hobart, director; b. Louisville, Ky., 1887; educ. Univ. Cincinnati; stage career, stock in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Buffalo; screen career, from 1913, Universal ("June Madness"), Frank Seng ("Parentage"), Pathe, Goldwyn ("The Face in the Dark," "The Glorious Ad- venture," "All Woman," "Money Mad," "One Week of Life," "The Peace of Roaring River," 'Woman on the Index," "Too Fat to Fight"), Hobart Henley Prod. ("The Gay Old Dog"). Ad., care Pathe Exchange, N. Y.


INCE, Thomas H., producing director; b. New- port, R. I., 1882; stage career, song and dance artist in "Poets and Puppets" with James A. Herne in "Shore Acres," Edwin Arden in "Ninety and Nine," star in "For Love's Sweet Sake," vaud. ; screen career, appointed director general NYMP 1909; director general and one of the three vice-presidents in charge of mfg. Triangle; laid out plants at Inceville, near Santa Monica, Triangle at Culver City, and the new Thomas H. Ince studio at Culver City, Cal. Now producing photoplays featur- ing Dorothy Dalton, Charles Ray and Enid Bennett for Paramount program. Notable pro- ductions. "The Wrath of the Gods," "Civiliza- tion," Dorothy Dalton in "Vive la France," "Extravagance." Charles Ray in "String Beans," "Greased Lightning," "The Busher," "Hayfoot, Strawfoot, ' Enid Bennett in "Happy Tho' Married." "Partners Three," "Nemesis," MacLean and May in "23% Hours Leave," "What's Your Husband Doing? " "Mary's Ankle." Hobarth Bosworth "Behind the Door," Ince Special. Ad., Culver City, Cal. INGI.IS, Gus, member of Willis and Inglis; early career, actor, stage mgr. ; screen career, actor, dir., writer, exhibitor, exchange man; now edits films, manages many well known people, and finances companies. Ad., Los Angeles. Calif.


JOSE, Edward, director; b. Antwerp, Belgium; educ. Paris Conservatory for Pianists; stage career, for 20 yrs. in France, Belgium, . S. America and England, stage director for An- toine and Sarah Bernhardt; screen career, Pathe ('The Light That Failed"), Selznick




I 220 West 42nd Street vivian m. MOSES

I New York City General Manager I





("Poppy." 'The Moth"). Artcraft ("La Tosca." "Resurrection," "Fedora"). Artcraft specials. ("My Cousin." "The Beautiful Romance," "Two

Brides" and "Fires Prod. ("The Fight i "Isle of Conquest" ) of Uen' i. Ad.. Fri; Hotel. Los Angeles.

Anita Stewart >herdess"). Select e Prod. ("Mothers X. T. ; Hollywood


PHII.IPP. .\dolf. general director Adolf Philipp

Film Corp.; stage career, manager and owner of Adolf Philipp Theatre, N. T.. as star in own plays, author and composer of "Alma. Where Do Tou Lire?" "Adele," "The Midnight Girl." "The Girl Who Smiles." "Mimi." "Two Is Com- pany," etc; screen career, Adolf Philipp Film Corp. ("The Midnight Girl." "My Girl Sn- zanne." "Oh! Louise"). Studio ad. 11 E. 14th St.. X T. Home ad.. 1219 Madison ave.. X. T.

LKHRMAX, Henry; b. Austria: educ there; screen career. Biograpb. Imp. Keystone, helped organized L-KO. organized Lehnnan Sunshine Comedies in 1917 with William Fox. organized and president of Henry Lehrman Prods.. Inc., producing comedies for First Xat'l release. Sunshine Comedies ("Wild Women and Tame Lions," "Who's Tour Father?" "A Tight Squeeze," "A High Divers Last Kiss." "Mon- grels." "The Fatal Marriage";. Lehrman Prods. ("The Twilight Baby"). Ad., 6717 Franklin ave., Los Angeles. Calif.; Holly 2229.

LEWIS. Edgar; b. Holden. Mo.. 1S72; as a boy was shanghaied and taken to England, later 4 yrs, with circus; stage career, long period of rep. and stock: screen career. Solax. Re- liance, Photoplay Prods. Co.. Life Photo. 6 yrs. Fox, Lubin ("The Great Divide," "The Bar- rier"). Edgar Lewis ("The Bar Sinister." "The Sign Invincible." "Calibre 3i." "Other Men's Shoes." "Sherry." "Lahoma"). Permanent ad., Edgar Lewis Prods., Inc.. 1457 Broadway, X. T. C. or 201 S. Bonnie Brae St.. Los An- geles, Calif.


MILLER. Charles, director; b. Saginaw, Mich.: educ. Univ. of Mich.; stage career, for 15 yrs. under mgmt. of Chas. Frohman. Henry B. Harris. Klaw & Erlanger. Daniel Frohman, stage dir., stock throughout country, leading man with Clara Bloodgood. Louis Mann, Clara ~ i- ; -:r*e- -.irar. 1 yr. with Inc*.

Triangie-Ince ("The Flame of the Yukon"). Select ("The Ghosts of Yesterday"), Metro Screen Classics ("Wilson or the Kaiser," "Why Germany Must Pay"). Goldwyn ("The Service Star"), Mayflower ("Law of the Yukon"). Author of several vaud. acts, has reconstructed many stage plays. Ad.. Lambs Club. X. Y.


XEILAX, Marshall, director; b. 1891; educ. high school; stage career, stk. in San Francisco and Los Angeles, on read with Barney Ber- nard and others; screen career, Artcraft ( "Re- becca of Sunnybrook Farm." "Little Princess."

II l:;s." 5-e .a. Maris." "Amarilly of Clothes- line Alley." "Hit-the- Trail Holliday." ■'Hearts of the Wild," "Out of a Clear Sky." "Three Men and a Girl"), Blanche Sweet Co. ("The Unpardonable Sin"), First Xat'l ("Daddy Long Legs," "Her Kingdom of Dreams." "Tn Old Kentucky"), Marshall Xeilan Prods. ('The River's End"). Home ad.. Los Angeles Ath- letic Club: studio. 1723 Allesandro St.. Los Ar.z-r'.es: Milshir* 4.


PERRET. Leonce, director; b. Xiort. Fnr.:^ 1880; educ. Paris. Univ. and Scola Cantorum: stage career, vaud. ; screen career. Gaumont of Paris: formed own corporation. Perret Prods ("Lafayette. We Come." "The Million Dollar Dollies." with Dolly Sisters. 'The Un- known Love." "Stars of Glory," "A Soul Adrift," with Dolores CassinelU, 'The Twin Pawns." "A. B. C of Love." with Mae Murray: adapted and directed 'The 13th Chair." with all-star cast: special. "A Modern Salome." with Hope Hampton-. Coming. "L'Entreinte du Passe." by Henri Ardel and "Koenigsmark." by Pierre Benoit, awarded first prize at Gon- court Academy. Ad.. Perret Pictures, Inc. 320 W. 42d St.. X Y.

sAMLEI.SON. George B. ; b :

educ there: screen career, aging director of Samuels Ltd.. of England. ("Milest Dress." "Admiral Crichton." "Quinneys." 'The Love Tra Fear."

Satan"). Ad., geles, Calif.

iuthport. England; founder and man- n Film Hfg. Co.. ines," "My Lady's 'Choosing a Wife," 1." 'The Valley of "The Sorrows of

Samueison Films. Los


sCHLAXK. Morris R. :

there; screen career. J Boys in Missouri," "Sal "Secret 8errice Steve.'

'The Da'ton Boys." :- 3. ^.irr . :r. .hi ? now producing Hank Mann coi Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. Cs

Xebr. ; educ Co. ("James

dw d Dick."

idden Hand," Bull." 'Tea

e Inspector").

lea Ad., 604*

UUUISR, Mack, director-general: ^:re?n ca- reer, actor with Biograph. where he appeared in many comedies and dramas; 1912 organized Keystone Film Co.. with assistance of Ad. and Charles Kessel and Charles Baumann; took his co. to Los Angeles, establishing head- quarters there, where he has since been; now supervising production of two-reel comedies for Mack Sennett-Paramount Co. release. "Uncle Tom Without the Cabin." "Back to the Kitchen." "Salome vs. Shenandoah," "His Last False Step," etc., special prods., "Tankee Doodle in Berlin." "Down on the Farm," five parts. Ad . Mack Sennett Comedies, 1T11 Allesandro St.. Los Angeles, CaL

SPITZ, Eugene; independent producer, super- vising director Stage Women. s War Relief series, owner and manager Estee Studios and Laboratories, Inc. 361 W. 125th St.. X. Y. C. Member Green Room Club. Ad.. Estee Annex, 210 E. 124th St.. X. Y C.


TOCRXECR. Maurice, director: b. and educ Paris. France: stage career. 15 yrs as pro- ducer; screen career. Eclair. World, Paramount, Artcraft. "Jimmy Valentine." 'Trilby." "The Whip." 'The Poor Little Rich Girl." "The Blue Bird." "Barbary Sheep." "Rose of the World." "Sporting Life." "Prunella. " "Woman." 'The White Heather." "The Life Line." 'Treasure Island." "Victory." Member M. P. D. A. Stu- dios. Triangle. Culver City, Cal.. and Paragon. Fort Lee. X. J.

TUCKER. George Loane. director: b. Chicago;

stage career, with Cohan & Harris, H. H. F razee. H. W. Savage. Joe Weber; screen ca- reer, producer of the English and European version of "The Christian." 'The Prisoner of Zenda" and "Arsene Lupin": also directed "I Believe." 'Traffic in Souls." "Rupert of Hentzau." "The Man Without a Soul." "The Mother." and 'The Manx-Man." Anita Stewart in "Virtuous Wives." Para-Art. special ("The Miracle Man"). Xow making own productions for Mayflower Photoplay Corp. Ad.. Friars* Club. X. Y.

V1DOR. Kins W.. director: '- C-i "r--:r. Texas; educ. southern and eastern colleges: Brent- wood ("The Turn in the Road." "Better Times." "The Other Half." "Poor Relations"), First Xational ('The Family Honor"). Home ad., 1514 Sierra Bonita. Los Angeles. Calif.: phone 579306: studio. King W. Vidor Productions. P.e'.easing thru First Xatl. Ex. Circuit, X. Y.



_ w

WALSH, Kaoul A., director; b. N. Y.. 18S9; educ. St. Francis Xavier, Seton Hall; screen career, first work under supervision of D. W. Griffith, appeared as John Wilkes Booth in "The Birth of a Nation"; as director for Fox has made "Carmen," "The Honor System," "The Silent Lie," "This Is the Life," 'The Pride of N. Y.." "Woman and the Law," "The Prussian Cur," "18-45," "On the Jump," "Every Mother's Son." "Evangeline," "Should a Husband For- give?" Author of many scenarios. Ad., Great Neck, L. I., N. Y., or care Mayflower Photoplay Corp., N. Y.

WEBER, Lois (Mrs. Phillips Smalley), co-di- rector with Phillips Smalley; b Pittsburgh educ. Pitsburgh; early career, concert work; stage career, rep. and stk. with husband; screen career, Gaumont, NYJIP, Rex. Bos- worth, Universal, Bluebird ("The People vs. John Doe," "Even as You and I," "The Mys- terious Mrs. Musselwhite," "The Face Down- stairs," "The Hand that Rocks the Cradle"), Lois Weber Prod. ("The Price of a Good Time," "K," "The Man Who Dared God," "For Husbands Only," "Borrowed Clothes," "Forbidden." "There's No Place Like Home"i, First Nat'l ("A Midnight Romance." "Mary Regan," "Hypocrites"). Ad., Lois Weber Prod.. Hollywood, Cal.; Famous Players Release.

WHARTON, Leopold; b. Manchester. Eng., 1870; educ. Hempstead, Texas.; stage career, asso- ciated with Augustin Daly. Olga Nethersole, K. & E.; screen career, since 1909, Pathe (played among other parts, Lincoln in "Abraham Lin- coln's Clemency," later dir. comedies, "The Elusive Kiss," etc., then dramas, "Memories," "The Great White Trail"). "The New Ad- ventures of .1. Rufus Wallingford." "The Mys- teries of Myra," "Patria." Ad., Wharton, Inc. Ithaca, N. Y.

WHARTON, Theodore; b. Milwaukee. Wis., 1875; stage career, has appeared with E. H. Sothern. Augustin Daly, John Drew; screen career.

since 1907, first as free lance seen, writer, later seen. ed. and studio supervisor Edison, Kalem, 1908, building first indoor studio. Pathe, 1911, their first dir., later Essanay, Wharton, Inc. ("The New Adventures of Rufus Walling- ford," "The Mysteries of Myra," "Patria"). Ad., Wharton, Inc., Ithaca, N. Y. WILLAT, Irvin V.; b. Stamford, Conn.; educ. De Land, Fla. ; screen career, has had experi- ence in every branch of motion picture manu- facture; with original Imp as actor, factory supt. NYMP, N. Y., manufactured cameras, first cameraman with Keystone, later with Re- liance, Ail-Star, World Film, in charge of pho- tography for Ince-Triangle, introduced deco- rated titles to the trade for Ince-Triangle. Ince- Triangle (dir. "In Slumberland" ), Ince (dir. "The Guilty Man"), Lasky (Houdini in "The Grim Game"), Ince ("False Faces," "Behind the Door"). Ad., care W. W. Hodkinson. 527 Fifth ave., N. Y.; studio Los Angeles. Calif. WILLIS, Richard, member Willis and Inglis; early career, actor, screen career, since 1911, acted and wrote scenarios for Nestor, repre- sented and did publicity work for stars, etc.; manages many well known people, has assisted in financing several new companies, is writer of magazine articles of features and interviews with stars, works on the sale of books and stage plays for picture purposes. Ad., Los Angeles, Cal.


YOl'NG, ISriant S. ; also studio executive; b. Salt Lake City, Utah; educ. there and Sar* Francisco; 1903-4 motion picture exhibitor; 1909-10, motion picture producer; 1912-1914, di- rector-general Fiestas; 1914-17, producer mo- tion pictures; 1918-1919, affiliated industries, student of all branches of motion picture In- dustry, including technical, directing, camera efficiency, etc. General Manager Art Unit Stu- dios. Gle.idale, Calif., Home ad., 2922 So. Flower, Los Angeles, Cal., So. 5537.



for Cameras, Tripods, Studio Arcs, etc.

Everything for the Production of Film


Pathe Debrie Universal Metal Pathe

New Universal Cameras at Bargain Prices


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Spuiiiiiiili ittuunnu mi iiiiiiumumii u iiimiiiiiuiniiitiumiiiiiitiiniituiiininiiininimiiiiii niitin i mil i nntmiminnnnmiiiitiflniiii iiumnniiiiinuiinmiiiiiuiiiii inn iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininimiil



ABRAMSON, William, assistant director; b. N.

Y., 1891; educ. there; screen career ("Enlighten Thy Daughter," "One Law for Both"), Graphic ("Someone Must Pay," "Echo of Youth," "When Men Betray," "Ashes of Love," "Moral Suicide"). Hght., 5, 6; wght., 130; dark com- plexion, brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., home, 68 E. 113th st.; phone Harlem 8832.

ADOLFI, John G.; b. N. Y.; educ. N. Y. and Philadelphia; stag© career, 10 yrs. ; screen ca- reer, since 1909, leading man for Vitagraph, etc.; recent pictures, "Queen of the Sea" with Annette Kellerman, "The Cavell Case" with Julia Arthur, "Who's Your Brother" with Edith Taliaferro. Ad., Friars' Club, N. Y.

ALGIEK, Sidney Jl., assistant director; b. Sha- mokin, Pa.; educ. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; stage ca- reer, 14 yrs. in mus. com. and comic opera, with Shuberts, Klaw & Erlanger, John Cort, etc.; screen career, American (Sequel of "Dia- mond From the Sky," "Six Feet Four," "The Twinkler," "Some Liar," "Dust," "The Week End," "The Inner Struggle," "A Sporting Chance," "The Reclamation"). Hght., 5, 7; wght., 160; brown hair and eyes. Home ad, 1816 De la Vina st., Los Angeles, Calif.; tele- phone 2226-W; studio, American Film Co., Santa Barbara, Calif.

ALLEN, Major Jack; educ. Balto., Md. ; self producer and distributor of special nature and wild animal pictures; naturalist, traveler, cav- alryman in Spanish-American war. Studio ad.. Universal, Universal City, Cal.

ALLEY, Alfred Wright, art director; b. Buffalo. N. Y.; educ. there, Calif, and Mexico; early career, civil engineer, architect and interior decorator; screen career, American, Fox, Lois Weber Prod., Universal, Metro. Studio ad., Metro Studios, Hollywood, Calif.; home ad., 1632 ^ Winona blvd., Hollywood, Calif.; phone 3062.

ALLEY, Y. C. ; technical director; productions for J. G. Pictures, Inc., J. M. Shear & Co., Lew- Rogers, Supreme Pictures. Ad., home, 232 West 48th St., New York City.

AI'FEL, Oscar C; b. and educ. Cleveland, O. ; stage career, producer and director Chicago Opera House, Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh. Buffalo; screen career, World ("The Inter- loper," "Tinsel," "Merely Players," "The Man- darin's Gold"), Lasky ("The Squaw Man." "Cameo Kirby"), Fox ("A Soldier's Oath," Battle of Hearts," "End of the Trail," "Man of Sorrow"), Paralta ("A Man's Man," "Turn of a Card"), Selig ("Auction of Souls"). Ad., Lambs Club, N. Y.

ARCHAINBAUD, George; b. Paris, France; educ. France; screen career, with Eclair in Paris and U. S. A., Beacon Film, Peerless World, American Cinema Corp., Pathe Freres; producing director for Gail Kane. Ethel Clay- ton, Kitty Gordon. Alice Brady, Montagu Love, Louise Huff. Creighton Hale and June Caprice 'As Man Made Her," "The Brand of Satan,' "A Maid of Belgium." "The Cross Bearer," ' The Awakening," "The Stormy Petrel," "Love Cheat," "A Damsel in Distress," "Little Mother Hubbard." Ad., home. City Club, 55 W. 44th St., N. Y. ; business, Room 809, 1457 Bway, N. Y

AVERY, Charles; b. Chicago, 1873; educ. Boston; stage career, covering 12 yrs., supporting W. H. Crane, William Faversham, starred in "Charlie's Aunt," original company "The Clansman"; screen career, member of original Biograph, with original Bison, with Keystone since its organization in Cal.; dir. Arbuckle 31 pictures, played in cast 19 pictures with Charles Mur- ray, all "Hogan" series, "Submarine Pirate," "The Last Scent," and others with Sid Chaplin, dir. Ford Sterling, L-Ko Comedies. Hght., 5, 4 1,4 ; dark complexion, gray hair, eyes. Ad., home. 2028 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Cal ; Wil. 6099.


BADGER, Clarence G., also writer.; b. San Fran- cisco, 1880; educ. Boston, Mass.; early career, edit, work "Youth's Companion" and Pacific Coast newspapers; screen career, free lance

writer, and on scenario staff of Lubin, Univer- sal, Keystone, became director for Keystone, Oct., 1915; Sennett-Paramount, Goldwyn ("A Perfect Lady," "Daughter of Mine," "Sis Hop- kins," "Leave it to Susan," "Through the Wrong Door," "Strictly Confidential," "Almost a Husband," "Jubilo"), "The Strange Boarder," "Water, Water Everywhere," "Kingdom of Youth." Ad., Goldwyn Studio, Culver City, Cal.; home ad., R. F. D. No. 10, Box 890-B, Los Angeles, Cal.; Holly. 2135.

BAKER, George D.j b. Champaign, 111.; stage career, with Walker Whiteside, David Higgins, McKee Rankin, Nance O'Neil, stock and vaud., also for six yrs. mgr. of own attractions, "Graustark," "In the Bishop's Carriage," "The Goose Girl"; screen career, Vitagraph, three yrs., then "The Dust of Egypt," "The Shop Girl," "A Price for Folly," "Tarantula," etc.), Metro 3 yrs. ("The Wager," "The White Raven," "His Father's Son," "The Shell Game," "Peggy Does Her Darndest," "The Lion's Den," "Toys of Fate," "Revelation," etc.), director general Metro West Coast studios, supervising Lytell and Allison features; author of "Taran- tula," "The Wager," "Sowers and Reapers,"

"In Judgment of ," "Her Inspiration," "As

the Sun Went Down." Now free lancing ("The Cinema Murder," with International, and "The Man Who Lost Himself," with Wm. Faver- sham). Ad., 130 W. 44th St., N. Y.

it Le Roy L., technical director, also actor;

b. Washington, D. C. ; screen career, Pathe. Rolfe, Wharton, Vitagraph, Thanhouser, Uni- versal, Oliver; played in "Perils of Pauline," "The Eagle's Eye," "Exploits of Elaine," "Patria," "Get Rich Quick Wallingford," "Bea- trice Fairfax Series," "Mysteries of Myra," "Master Mystery," "Craig Kennedy Serial."

BALLLN, Hugo, Art director; b. N. Y. C. 1880; educ. New York and Europe; member Natl Inst. Arts and Letters, Natl. Academy of De- sign; conducted scenic studios in N. Y. and elsewhere; screen career, Goldwyn (directed "Baby Mine"). Author of "Daughter of Mine" and others; "Fields of Honor," "The Stronger Vow"; Geo. Loane Tucker Prod., "The Cinder- ella Man." Ad., Goldwyn, Culver City, Cal.

BARKER, Reginald; b. Scotland; educ. there: stage career, wrote and staged diet rky »l 16. managed own stock CO., Kansas City, prod, di- rector for Henry Miller, Olga Nethersol<\ Emilv Stevens, Robert Hilliard, Walker Whiteside, screen career, Ince ("Golden Rule Kate"), Par- alta ("Madame Who?"). Independent ("Car- men of the Klondike"). Mastercraft ("The One Woman"), Goldwyn ("The Turn of the Wheel," "The Stronger Vow"), Rex Beach ("The Brand." "Girl from Outside," "Flame of the Desert," "Bonds of Love." "The Crimson Gar- denia"), "Woman and the Puppet," "Danger- ous Days." Member M. P. D. A. Ad., home. 122 So. Ardmore, Hollywood, Cal.; studio, Gold- wyn.

BARKY, Joseph J.; educ. N. Y. ; stage career, 7 yrs. in vaud., stock and musical comedy; screen two years, and director; Nestor. 101 Bison, Uni- versal, Vogue, Fox, Metro, American, Jack Lon- don P'ctures, Kalem, now with Bla^ad Tra;! Prod. Hght., 5, 8; wght., 150; blond hair and gray eyes. Ad., N. V. A. Club, 229 W. 46th St., N. Y. ; phone Bryant 4020.

BARTLETT, Charles E. ; b. Minneapolis, Minn.; educ. Denver, Colo.; stage career. 10 yrs.. started in child parts, played lead in largest stock company in Chicago, Denver, Salt Lake City and Los Angeles; screen career, 9 yrs. as leading man and feature director with Beaver Film Co., Portland. Ore.

BASIL, Joseph, assistant director; b. Brooklyn. N. Y. ; educ. there; early career, physical in- structor in public schools, swimming teacher and all-around athlete; screen career, Vita- graph ("It Wasn't Him," "Plans and Pa- jamas," "Puppy Love," "Rough Necks and Roof Tops"), playing comedy roles and as asst. director; now with King Cole Comedies. Home ad., 323 Schermerhorn St.. Brooklyn. N. Y. ; studio ad., Motion Picture Producing i'o. of America, Dongan Hills, S. I., N. Y.

BEAL, Frank; b. Cleveland, 1865; educ. Univ. of Kansas: stage career, with Frohman and W A. Brady, first as actor then as stage director. 12 yrs. directing stock cos.; 2 yrs. gen. dir. Liebler & Co.; screen career, from 1908, with



Selig American, Pathe, Fox ("The Danger Zone." "The Divorce Trap," "Chasing Rain- bows," "Broken Commandments," "Thieves," "Tin Pan Alley"). Author of "Her Moment." President M. P. D. A. 1918. Ad., home, 7106 Hawthorne ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; studio, Fox, Hollywood, Cal.

BEAL, Scott R., assistant director; b. Quinnesec, Mich., 1890; educ. Chicago Univ.; stage career, stage manager and light comedian in stk. and road shows; screen career, Selig, American, Keystone, Universal, National ("Undine," "The Blue Bonnet." "Hearts and Masks," "The Love Call," "Girl of My Dreams," "A Kentucky Colo- nel," "Long Lane's Turning." Hght., 5, 6; wght., 135; dark complexion, black hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 1256 N. Kingsley Drive, Los Angeles, Cal.; Hy. 982; studio ad., National Studio. Los Angeles, Cal.

BEAUDINE, William; b. N. Y. C, 1892; educ. N. Y.; screen career. Biograph Comedies, Ka- lem, Ham & Bud Comedies, Ethel Teare Com- edies, Universal, Joker Comedies, Gale Henry & Billy Franey, Triangle. Keystone Comedies, Christie ("Rustic Romf-o." "Mixed Drinks." "Pass the Apples. Eve." "Watch Your Step, Mother," "All Jazzed Up"). Ad., 8201 Fountain ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; Holly. 713; studio ad., Christie Studio, Los Angeles. Cal.

BEAUMONT, Harry; b. Abilene, Kan.; educ. St. Joseph, Mo.; stage career, 10 yrs. ; screen ca- reer, 7 yrs. with Edison as actor, directed 18 mos. for Essanay, Selig, Goldwyn (since July, 1918. "Thirty a Week." "Go West, Young Man." "A Man and His Money," "One of the Finest," "Lord and Lady Algy," "Gay Lord Quex." "Toby's Bow," "Going Some," "Two Cents Worth of Humaneness"). Home ad., 617 Can- yon Drive, Beverly Hills, Cal.; studio, Goldwyn.

BERANGER. George A.; b. Sydney, Australia, March 27, 1S93; educ. N. S. W., Australia; stage career (Australia), "Sweet Lavender" and Shakespearean rep. ; screen career, juvenile Biograph and directing asst. D. W. Griffith all features up to and including "Birth of a Na- tion"; direeted (Griffith-Mutual) 6 productions, leading man Blanche Sweet, Bessie Love, Louise Huff, co-star Constance Talmadge (Re- liance), "Flirting with Fate," "Half-Breed." "Manhattan Madness," "Broken Blossoms"; 1917-18 aviator British forces; 1918-19 director staff of D. W. Griffith; 1919 director Fox Film Corp. ("Find the Woman," etc.). Ad., Los Angeles Athletic Club, and New' York Athletic Club.

BERTRAM, William; b. Ontario, Can., 18S0; stage career, stk. in Spokane and San Fran- cisco, supported Mrs. Leslie Carter; screen career, with Pathe, 1912, in Indian parts; di- rected "Buck Parvin" series adapted from Chas. "Van Loane series. Diando ("A Little Patriot." "Dolly Does Her Bit," "Cupid by Proxy," "Milady of the Beanstalk," "Dolly's Vacation," "Sawdust Doll," "The Old Maid's Baby"). World ("The Arizona Cat Claw"). Ad., care of M. P. D. A., Alexandria Hotel, Los An- geles, Cal.

BEVIS, Ted J., technical director; early career, stage carpenter in New York and Chicago; now at Art Unit Studio, Glendale. Cal. Home ad., 1257 West 53rd St., Los Angeles, Cal.; Ver. 2534.

BINGHAM, E. Douglas, studio manager and tech- nical director; screen career. Wharton, Metro. Rolfe. Oliver ("Patria," "The Eagle's Eyes," "Mysteries of Myra," "Great White Trail," "Master Mystery," "Craig Kennedy." "A Mill- ion Dollars Reward"). Ad.. 20 E. 48th St., N. Y.

BLAC'HE, Mme. Alice; b. Paris, 1878; educ. con- vents in Paris and Geneva; screen career, started as sec. to M. Gaumont in Paris, later in charge of Gau. studio (Paris) 1897, Solax 1910 Co.; producing "The Pit and the Pendulum." "The Rogues of Paris." formed with Herbert Blache U. S. Amusement Co., producing "The Dream Woman," "The Empress," "Sea Waif," "House of Cards," "When You and I Were Young," "Behind the Mask." Bessie Love In "The Great Adventure"; Dolores Cassinelll in "A Soul Adrift."

BLACHE, Herbert; b. London, Eng.; educ. Lon- don and Montpelier, France: screen career, Gaumont. Blach Feature. U. S. Amust. Corp.. Pathe; dir. Petrova, Florence Reed. Mary Miles MInter, Frank Keenan. Emily Stevens, " Edith Storey. Ethel Barrymore. King Baggot. Nazim- ova ("The Brat." "Stronger Than Death"). Screen Classic (May Allison in "The Walk-

offs'). Ad., Friars Club, N. Y. ; studio, Metro, Los Angeles, Cal. BLAKE, Ben; b. 1892; educ. Columbia Univ.; stage career, one year in stock; screen career, started with Imp in 1910; assisted many well- known directors for several years; co-directed with Hobart Henley on "Parentage"; now di- recting and supervising Universal Educational pictures. Ad., home, 1815 Seventh ave., N. Y.

BLYSTONE, J. G.; b. 1892; screen career, Uni- versal, 3 yrs., directed Joker comedies, wrote many of his own scenarios, joined L-Ko at its formation, directed "Balloonatics" ; produced many successful comedies, released on Univer- sal ("A Surf Scandal," "Love Behind Bars," "Soapsuds and Sirens," "Fat and Furious"), now directing Fox Sunshine Comedies ("Virtu- ous Husbands," "Footlight Maids," "Yellow Dog Catcher," "Her Naughty Wink," "The Quack Duck Hunter"). Studio ad., Fox Sun- shine Comedies, Hollywood, Cal.; home ad., 6901 Hawthorne St., Hollywood, Cal.

BORDEAUX, Joe, assistant director; b. Canada, 1886; educ. Cal.; screen career, with Billy West Comedies, Fox "Smiles"; 4 yrs. with Arbuckle ("Fatty and Mabel Adrift," "Waiters' Ball," "His Wife's Mistake"), with Blystone. Ad., 3700 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal.

BORZAGE, Frank; b. Salt Lake City, 1893; educ. Salt Lake City; stage career, from age of 14. stock and rep., last stage appearance in "The Prisoner of Zenda"; screen career, Universal. I.ubin. American, Mutual, Lasky ("A Mormon Maid"), Triangle ("Flying Colors," "Until They Get Me"), Essanay ("The Curse of Iku"), Mac- auley Photoplays ("Whom the Gods Would De- stroy"). Triangle ("Toton." "Shoes that Danced"), Fred Stone ("Billy Jim," "Duke of Chimney-Butte"), International ("Humor- esque"). Member M. P. D. A. Ad., 3974 Wll- shire Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal.

BOWMAN. William J.; b. Bakersville, N. C. ; educ. Lordsburg Coll., Pomona, Cal.; early ca- reer, draftsman; stage career, rep. stock, vaud., with Mantell; toured Orient in Shakespearean rep.; screen career. Thanhouser ("Merchant of Venice"), American, Triangle, Vitagraph ("Master of the Mine," "Inasmuch"), Keystone, Quality ("Second in Command," "Silent Voice"), Universal ("From Broadway to a Throne"), now independent producer Para- Artcraft ("False Faces"). Ad., Elks' Club, Santa Monica, Cal.

BRABIN, Charles; b. Liverpool, Eng., 1883; educ. Coll. St. Francis Xavier. Mayfield, Sussex, Eng.; stage career, in "Medal and the Maid"; screen career, from 1908, Edison and Vitagraph as dir., with Essanay, 1915 ("The Raven"), Vita- graph ("The Price of Fame," "Mary Jane's Pa," "The Sixteenth Wife"), Metro ("Social Quicksands," "Red. White and Blue Blood," "The Poor Rich Man"). Fox ("Buchanan's Wife." "Thou Shalt Not," "La Belle Russe," "Kathleen Mavourneen." "While New York Sleeps"). Ad., care of Ed Small, Inc., N. Y.

BRACKEN, Bertram; b. Texas; educ. Yale; early career, worked in a bank and was member of 15th U. S. Cavalry for 1% yrs.; screen career, Melies Co., Lubin. 2 yrs. Fox, 1 yr. direct. Henry B. Walthall; Fox ("The Eternal Sappho," "East Lynne"), Walthall ("Long Arm of Mannister," "The Confession," "The Boom- erang"). Studio ad., Selig Studios. 3800 Mis- sion Ronrl. L,,,s Angeles.

BRADBURY. Robert North; b. Walla Walla. Wash.; educ. Baker Sch. and Chicago; stage career, Baker Stk. Co., Portland. Ore., 7 yrs. featured over Orpheum and Pantages circuits; own companies; screen career. Universal, Lasky ("To Have and to Hold"), Kalem ("The Har- vest of Gold," "The False Prophet," "The Res- urrection of Gold Bar"), Mitchell Lewis ("Faith of the Strong," "Last of His People"), Bradbury Prod. ("Into the Light"). Ad., 418 Mason Bldg.. Los Angeles, Calif.

BRA DDE N, John D., Art director; b. England; screen career, Fox (9 yrs.), Plunkett and Car- roll Co. ("Daughter of the Gods," "Les Miser- ables," "Edith Cavel," "When Burglars Call"). Home ad., Grantwood, N. J. Studio, Ideal. Hudson Heights, N. J.

BRODSKY. Samuel Richard; educ. Cleveland. Ohio: stage career, stage mgr. for William Pos- tance. Jack Halliday, May Buckley and Vaughn Glazer; also played many parts on legitimate; screen career, directed "The House Without Children," "The Greatest of These," "Men in the Making," "Vanishing Charms," for Argus Co. Hght., 5. 10; wght.. 148: brown hair and eyes. Ad.. The Argus Enterprises, Cleveland, Ohio: Main 7174.



BROOKE, Van Dyke; b. Detroit, Mich.; stage career, many yrs. in stk., on road in important metropolitan prods.; screen career, from 1908 with Vitagraph, director, scenario writer and actor, directed Norma Talmadge, Anita Stew- art, Earle Williams, Mary Fuller, Leah Baird and other stars ("Janet of the Chorus," "The Gods Redeem," "The Primal Instinct"), Than- houser ("It Happened to Adele"), Vitagraph "The Fortune Hunter"), Am. Cinema ("The Stormy Petrel"). Member M. P. D. A. Ad., 234 "W. 55th St., N. Y.

BROUN, Melville V*.; b. Portland, Ore.; stage career, Baker Stk., Portland, Ore.; Columbia theatre, Milwaukee, Wis., Spokane theatre, Spo- kane, Wash., 4 seasons vaud. ; screen career, scenario writer for Triangle, Chaplin, Goldwyn, Universal, Vitagraph now directing Montgom- ery & Rock, Vitagraph Studio. Home ad., 2045 Pinehurst Road, Hollywood, Cal.; phone 577254; or P. O. Box 142, Hollywood.

BROWNING, Tod; b. Louisville; stage career, toured world at head of "Lizard and Coon" Co., "Mutt and Jeff," "World of Mirth"; screen career, Biograph. Reliance-Majestic, Fine Arts, Metro ("The House in the Mist"), Bluebird ("The Deciding Kiss," "The Brazen Beauty"), Universal ("The Wicked Darling," "An Exqui- site Thief," "The Unpainted Woman," "Petal on the Current," "Bonnie, Bonnie Lassie," "The Beautiful Beggar"). Home ad., 1719 Cherokee St., Los Angeles, Cal.; Holly 4142; studio, Uni- versal.

BUCKLAND, Wilfrid, Art director; screen career, technical dir.. Lasky. Ad., Famous Players Studio. 1520 Vine St., Los Angeles, Cal.

BUEL, Kenean; originally on legit, stage; Joined Kalem shortly after its organization, 7 yrs. there, wrote and produced "Civil War" pic- tures; joined Fox 1915 ("Blazing Love," "We Should Worry," "Doing Their Bit," "I Want to Forget," "Woman, Woman." "My Little Sis- ter"), Hallmark ("The Veiled Marriage").

BURT, William P., Assistant director; b. St. Peters, Minn.; educ. Denver, Boston; stage career, on legitimate stage for yrs. ; screen career, Vitagraph, Thanhouser, Metro, Astra- Pathe; characters, heavies; Pathe (acted In "The Lightning Raider"). Home ad. 393 Cen- tral Park West, N. T. C.

BUTLER, Alexander Beaubien; b. Beamsville, Ont., Canada; educ. Hamilton, Can.; stage career. United States. So. America. So. Africa, Australia Gt. Britain; with Charles Frohman and George Edwards; screen career 1912, pro- duced first feature film. "East Lynne" for London Co., Barker, London (dir. "Five Nights," "The Beetle"). Samuelson ("Just a Girl," "My Lady's Dress." "Damaged Goods." "Sorrows of Satan," "The Admirable Crich- ton"). Home ad., Alvarado Hotel, Los Angeles, Cal.; studio, Samuelson.


CAB ANNE, William Christy; b. St. Louis, 1SSS; educ. St. Rose Acad., Culver Military Acad.; early career, spent in Navy; stage career, 1908- 1910; screen career, since 1910, Fine Arts (dir., Douglas Fairbanks' first pictures, "Double Trouble" and "Reggie Mixes In"). 5 yrs. Grif- fith's Chief of Staff, author and dir. of "One of Many," "The Slacker," co-author and dir. of "Draft 258." dir. Metro's first serial, "The Great Secret," at head of own company state's rights ("Fighting Through"), W. H. Special ("A Regular Fellow"), Goldwyn ("The Pest"), Lew Cody ("Beloved Cheater"). Ad.. 929 So. St. Andrews PI., Los Angeles, Cal.; studio, Uni- versal.

CAMPBELL, Colin; screen career, Selig (made "The Spoilers," "The Garden of Allah." "The Crisis." "The Still Alarm." "The Law North of 65," "Little Orphan Annie," "A Hoosier Ro- mance"), Universal ("The Yellow Dog," "In the Carquinez Woods"), Mutual ("A Hoosier Romance"). First Natl. ("The Thunderbolt" 1 . United ("The Corsican Brothers"). Member M.P.D.A. Ad., Brunton Studio, Hollywood, Cal.

CAMPBELL, William S.; b. Ashley, Pa.; educ. Ashley High Sch.; early career, 10 yrs. vaud. and motion picture mgr.; screen career, SVt yrs. with Keystone, directing numerous Sennett- Paramount comedies; Fox Sunshine, Universal, series of Joe Martin, Orang-Outang comedies, now producing series of 26 animal comedies to be released as Campbell comedies. Ad., 1720 Soto St., Los Angeles. Cal.

C \RLETON, John T., Assistant director; b. N. Y. ;

educ. Grad. Columbia Law Sch.; early career,

practiced law 15 yrs. pert, mostly to theatri- cal matters; screen career, associated with brother, Lloyd B. Carleton, as asst. and co- director for past 6 yrs. Vice-pres. Clermont Photoplays Corp. Home ad., 5846 Carlton Way, Hollywood, Cal.; studio, Clermont Photoplay Corp., Los Angeles. CARPENTER, George Mulford, Art & Technical director; b. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; educ. Art Stu- dents League, N. Y., and studied abroad; .-arly career, mural painter, assisted Edwin H. Blash- lield, decoration Ball Room ceiling, Waldorf- Astoria Hotel, N. Y., decoration Grand Salon, str. "Commonwealth," Fall River Line, etc.; screen career, Metro ("Best of Luck," "Right of Way," designed sets), painted screen and motion picture "Mt. Fuji" for "The Willow Tree," motion picture "Fifth Ave., N. Y.", "Lombardi, Ltd." Home ad., 1440 Stanley ave., Hollywood, Cal.; phone 577371; studio ad., Metro.

CARRE, Ben, Art director; b. Paris, France; educ. Paris; stage career, 6 yrs. on stage; screen career, Gaumont (Paris), Eclair. World, Paramount, Artcraft, Tourneur (Paris), now with Marshall Nellan; "Trilby," "The Whip," "Poor Little Rich Girl," "Undying Flame," "Barbary Sheep," "Blue Bird," "Prunella," "Sporting Life," "Life Line," "In Old Ken- tucky," "The River's End." Home ad., 6732 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles; Holly 3910; studio, Marshall Neilan Prod.

CHAUDET, Louis W.; b. Manhattan, Kan., 1884; early career, photographer; stage career vaud., road shows. Belasco stk.; screen career, Selig, as actor, photographer, asst. dir., Universal (Nestor comedies), Smiling Bill Parsons, 8 comedies, "The Girl of My Dreams," "Merry Andrews" (Rhodes), "Long Lanes Turning" (Walthall), National ("Hoop-La," "The Love Call," "The Blue Bonnet" (Rhodes), Selznick ("Common Sense"). Member M.P.D.A.

CLEMENS, James H., Assistant director; b. Eng- land; educ. Pa. and Ky. ; stage career, Or- pheum Circuit; screen career, 3 yrs. with Uni- versal, 1 yr. Morosco, 2 yrs. Triangle. 1 yr. Keystone-Triangle, 1% yrs. Christie, now di- recting Gayety Comedies featuring George Ovey. Home ad., 1216 S. Catalina St., Los An- geles, Cal.; studio, Christie Comedies.

CLEMENTS, Roy; b. 111., 1877; on stage 22 yrs.; screen career, Essanay ("Snakeville" series), Universal ("Slippery Slim" series, Pat Rooney Features), Sierra Features, Universal ("Fat and Foolish," "A Proxy Elopement," "The Im- patient Patient." "The Bright Lights.'' "See- ing Things," "The Potato Patriot," "Too Much Women"), Triangle ("Crown Jewels"), Hall- mark ("When a Woman Strikes." "The Reck- oning Day"), Mitchell Lewis ("King Spruce"). Member M.P.D.A. Home ad., 6S24 Whiteley Terrace, Hollywood, Cal.

CLIFTON, Elmer; stage career, from 1907, in "The Girl of the Golden West," "The Dollar Mark," mgmt. Belasco when latter was Coast stk. director, two B'way prods, with Richard Bennett; screen career, Reliance-Majestic (Phil. Stoneman In Griffith's "Birth of a Nation." "In- tolerance"), Fine Arts, Universal ("Smashing Through," "Kiss or Kill"), Para ("Battling Jane." "The Hope Chest," "Peppy Polly," "Nugget Nell," "Out of Luck," "Turning the Tables"). Ad., Griffith Studio, Mamaroneck, N. Y.

CLINE, Edward Francis; b. Kenosha, Wis., 1892; educ. Lake Forest, Chicago; screen career. Key- stone ("The Winning Punch," "His Busted Trust"), Sennett-Paramount ("That Night," "The Kitchen Lady," "Those Athletic Girls," "A Bedroom Blunder," "Sheriff Nell's Come- back," "A School House Scandal," "Training for Husbands"). Member M.P.D.A. Home ad., Alvarado Apts., Los Angeles, Cal.; Wilsh. 5010; studio. Fox Sunshine Studio.

COLLINS, Clifford B., Assistant director; b. Mc- Clure, Ohio; educ. Toledo, Ohio; stage career, at Lyceum theatre, Toledo Ohio as asst. stage director; screen career, from 1914-17, with Thos. H. Ince, as asst. director. 1917-19 with A. E. F. Home ad.. 1014 N. Mariposa ave., Hollywood, Cal.; Holly 40SO; studio, Brunton Studios.

CONWAY, Jack; b. Graceville. Minn.. 1887 ; educ. there; stage career, from 1907, in stock, melo- drama in "Mrs. Temple's Telegram": screen career since 1911, Selig, Bosworth, Reliance- Majestic, Fine Arts, Universal ("Bitter Sweet," "Judgment of the Guilty"), Triangle ("Doing Her Bit," "Bone of Fear." "Because of a



Woman*'), Bluebird ("A Jewel in Pawn"), Tri- angle ("You Can't Believe Everything," "Rest- less Souls"), Metro ("Lombard!, Ltd."), Fed- eral ("Desert of Wheat," "The Dwelling Place of Light," "The U. P. Trail"). Member M. P. D. A. Home ad., 2211 Budlong ave., Los An- geles, Cal.; studio ad., Brunton.

COOPER, J. Gordon; educ. St. Francis Xavier College; screen career, Fox, features for Oliver Productions, Inc., starring Herbert Rawlinson, now with Hallmark Prods. Ad., 537 West 149th St . X. Y. C. ; Audubon 2040.

COX, George L.; b. Chicago, 111.; educ. America and Europe; stage career, David Warfleld, Nat Goodwin, Mrs. Leslie Carter, stk. and rep.; screen career Selig Polyscope, Advance Motion Picture Co., American, Cox Feature Film Co. Home ad., 1729 Garden St., Los Angeles; phone i:93-J; studio ad., American Film Co., Santa Barbara, Cal.

CRANE, Frank H. ; b. San Francisco; stage career, with William Collier, Arnold Daly, James A. Heme; screen career, Pathe ( Stranded In Arcady"), Goldwyn ("Thais"), Petrova ("The Life Mask"), World ("Clarissa," "Neighbors"), Harry Rapf ("Wanted for Mur- der"), United ("Her Game"). Ad., Friars Club, N. Y.

CRISP, Donald; b. London, Eng.; educ. there; screen career, Biograph, Majestic, Mutual, Clune ("Ramona" "Eyes of the World"), D. W, Griffith ("played role of "Battling Burrows" in "Broken Blossoms"). Famous Players ("Poor Boob," "Love Insurance," "Putting It Over," "Something to Do," "A Very Good Young Man," "Why Smith Left Home," "Too Much Johnson," "The Six Best Cellars"). Ad., Lasky, studio, Hollywood, Cal.

CKOSLAND, Frederic Alan; educ. East Orange Preparatory School and Dartmouth College; early career, newspaper game since college, "N. Y. Globe," also short stories various maga- zines; stage career, with Annie Russell in Sher- idan's "Rivals," Goldsmith's "She Stoops to Conquer," Shakespeare stage manager and juvenile parts; screen career, played in pic- tures with Pathe, Edison, etc.. been director for five yrs., starting at age of 21, directed "The Unbeliever," "Kidnapped," for Edison, "The Whirlpool " for Famous Players, "The Country Cousin," "Greater than Fame," "Glorious South" for Selznick; 18 mos. service in France in Signal Corps. Directed the compiling of the Photographic History of the War. Ad., 1 W. 67th St., N. Y. ; Columbus 4204.

CRl'ZE, James; b. Ogden, Utah, 1884; educ. there; stage career, medicine shows, touring country, later formed own co., toured several yrs. in "Heart of Maryland," joined co. playing Shakespeare and stock melodrama; screen ca- reer, Metro, Lasky, Paramount ("The City of Dim Faces." "Less than Kin," "Johnny Get Your Gun,'' "Too Many Millions"), Artcraft (played in "Under the Top," "Johnny Get Your Gun"), Paramount ("You're Fired," "Alias, Mike Moran," "The Roaring Road," "The Love Burglar.'' "Valley of the Giants," "The Lottery Man," "Hawthorne of the U. S. A."). Black hair, dark eyes. Ad., Lasky Studios, Holly- wood. Cal.

CULLISON, Webster; b. Baltimore, Md. ; educ. there and Washington; stage career, 19 yrs., owner, actor and stage director; screen career, 9 yrs. producer of pictures. World, Lubin, Equitable, etc., O. Henry stories for Eclair, May Alison with Metro, Juanita Hansen and George Cheseboro with Selig in "The Lost City." Home ad.. 5123 Harold Way, Los Angeles, Cal.; Holly. 883.

CCTIIBERT, C. E. (Casey), assistant director;

b. Michigan; educ. Detroit; stage career, stk., rep. and prod., "Thais" with Constance Collier and Tyrone Power, "Love's Wager" with Fritzie Scheff, "The Enchantress" with Kitty Gordon; screen career, began in 1912, Thos. Ince, Uni- versal, mechanical director with Irene Castle in "Patria." honorably discharged from A. E. F.. May. 1919. now with Capital Film Co. Home ad., 4509 Fourth ave., Hollywood, Cal.


DALY, Win. Robert; b. Boston, 1872; educ. Bos- ton Latin School; stage career, with Frohman, Liebler, H. B. Harris and Julius Cahn. as actor and director; screen career, began 1910, Imp- Universal. Selig, etc., "The Militant." "Uncle Tom's Cabin." "Miracle Mary," "Calvarv's Shadow," "Unto Those Who Sin," "The Mak-

ing of Crooks," "At Piney Ridge.'' Member M. P. D. A. Home ad., 1956 Franklin Circle, Hollywood, Cal.

DAVENPORT, Charles E.; b. Easton, Pa., 1884; educ. Pa.; stage career, since childhood, stk., rep. and Shakespearean; training under the late James Booth Roberts and George Bangs; screen career, acting and directing Lubin, Reli- ance, Majestic ("The Strength of the Weak," "The She Wolf," "Virgin of the Fire," "The Half Wit"), Stage Right and Government prod. "Governor's Boss," "Kavah," "Rule of Rea- son," "House that Jack Built." "Broken Bar- riers"), Sholom Aleichem Series in preparation. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

D.YY1D, Charles Norman, also laboratory expert; b. Chicago, 1889; screen career, 3 yrs. in print- ing, perforating and laboratories at Essanay, founder of the Active Motion Picture Co. and Interstate Film Producers; cameraman on trav- elogues for Chicago Herald Land Bureau in Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia and Texas; director and cameraman of 15 Ebony Comedies; cameraman on "Do the Dead Talk?" produced by Special Feature Production Co. ; director "Castle Comedies." Ad., Castle Studios, 2332 N. California ave., Chicago, 111.

DAVIS, William S. ; stage career, staged many Broadway productions for the Frohmans, Har- rison Grey Fiske, etc. ; screen career, for 6 yrs. Edison, Biograph, Fox ("The Fool's Revenge"), Metro ("Alias Mrs. Jessup," "Under Suspicion," "The Brass Check," "With Neatness and Dis- patch," "No Man's Land," "In Judgment Of"), United Pictures, Inc., Supreme Pictures, Inc. Author of many scenarios.

DAVVLEY, J. Searle; b. Del Norte; educ. Scott Saxton Coll. of Oratory, Denver; stage career, 4 yrs. stage mgt. for Lewis Morrison Faust Co., 2 yrs. in vaud., 5 yrs. in stk.; screen career, Edison. Famous Players, directed Mary Pick- ford, H. B. Warner, Billie Burke, Marguerite Clark ("Snow White," "The Seven Swans"), Elsie Ferguson in "The Lie," Doris Kenyon in "Twilight'' and "Harvest Moon," wrote and di- rected "Everybody's Business" for Chas. Rich- man Co., "The Phantom Honeymoon" for Hall- mark. Author of IS stage plays and several scenarios. Ad., 215 W. 51st St., N. Y.

DAWN, Norman; b. Santa Barbara Rancho. Prov. of Salta, Argentina; scenic cinematographer 7 yrs. Gaumont, Biograph, Ince, Keystone; over 2 yrs. with Universal, producing 2 and 5 reel pictures, "Sinbad the Saihir," "The Eternal Triangle," "Two Men of Tinted Butte," "Lasca," "Down by the Rio Grande," "Hermit Creek," "The Line Runners," etc. Ad., Uni- versal Studio, Hollywood, Cal.; home, 1435 Grand Canal, Venice. Cal.

DEAN, Ralph; educ. N. Y. and Chappaqua; stage career, Chas. Frohman, Liebler & Co., Henry Savage, "Heir to the Hoorah," Cohan and Har- ris, 5 yrs. dramatic; screen career, Edison, Colonial, Frohman, 2 yrs. directed Geo. Irving; directed "The Rainbow," "The Accomplice," "The Song of Sixpence," "Madam Sherrv." Member Lambs Club. Home ad.. Chamber St., Bayside, L. I., n. y.

DE CARLTON, George; assistant director; b. Boston, Mass., June 30, 1867; stage career, in every branch, beginning at early age; screen career, Reliance (asst. to Oscar Apfel), Life Photo ("Northern Lights," "The Lighthouse," "Captain Swift," "The Ordeal "), Fox (asst. to Edgar Lewis, appearing in "The Thief," "The Plunderer," "A Gilded Fool," "Samson," "The Nigger"), Ocean Film, World ("The Rough Neck".. Ad., Friars' Club, N. Y.

DE GRASSE, Joseph; b. France; educ. N. Y.; stage career, from 1883, actor and producer of classic drama, own co. ; screen career, from 1909, Pathe (leads and director), Lubin, Uni- versal, from 1913. Argosy ("After the War"), Ince-Para ("Market of Souls"), First Nat'l ("Heart of the Hills"), Para-Art ( "L" Apache" ) , "Wild Cat of Paris," with Priscilla Dean, "My Friend's Wife," Dorothy Dalton, "The Golden Hope," Edith Storey, "The Undertow," Sessue Hayakawa. Member M. P. D. A., Los Angeles, Cal. Ad.. 213 W. Windsor Road, Glendale, Cal.; studio, Haworth.

DE LA MOTI1E, Leon; b. New Orleans, La.; educ. Mt. St. Mary Acad., Emmittsburg, Md.. Notre Dame Univ.; stage career, 10 yrs. exper. as stock director and featured heavy man, also with "Slaves of the Mine." and featured in "Texas"; screen career, director with St. Louis Motion Picture Co. for 2 yrs., Warner's Fea- tures 1 yr., Lubin Film Co. 2 yrs., Universal 8 mos.. Selig 6 mos. Home ad., 2027 Reservoir St., Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 53289.


DEL KUTH, Hampton, editor and supervising director; b. Venice, Italy, 1888; educ. Oxford Univ., England; screen career, NYMP Co., some successful scenarios are: "The Passer-by," "Old Black Joe," "Count of Monte Cristo," "The Lighted Way," "The Struggle Everlasting," "Ties of Fate," "Love Tales of Hoffman"; 0 yrs. with Keystone and Sennett-Paramount Comedies; at present editor and supervising di- rector of all Wm. Fox Sunshine Comedies. Ad., Los Angeles Athletic Club, Los Angeles, Cal.

DE MILLK, William C; b. Washington, N, C. 1878; educ. Columbia Univ., A.B., 1900; author of "Strongheart," "The Warrens of -Virginia," "The Woman" and other plays and sketches; screen career, Famous Players-Lasky, 1914 i "The Ragamuffin," "The Heir to the Hoorah," "The Clown," "Hashimma Togo," "The Wid- ow's Might," "One More American," "Peg o' My Heart," "The Tree of Knowledge"). Ad., Lasky Studio, Hollywood, Cal.

DILLON, Edward; b. N. Y. ; stage career, juv. and com. leads in "The Sporting Duchess," juv. lead and stage mgr. for Otis Skinner, Dustin Farnum, with Rose Melville in "Sis Hopkins"; screen career, Biograph, Reliance-Majestic. Fine Arts ("The Doll Shop," "Might and the Man"), Paramount, Fox ("Luck and Pluck," "Putting One Over," "Never Say Quit," "Help, Help, Police," "The Winning Stroke"). Mem- ber M P. D. A. Ad., 234 West 65th st., N. Y.

DILLON, Jack; b. N. Y., 1886; educ. St. Francis Xavier, N. Y. C. ; stage career, stk., "Officer 666," "The Right of Way," "Via Wireless," "The Rosary"; screen career, Kalem, Famous, Nestor, Universal, Lubin, Keystone, First Na- tional, Metro, Mary Pickford; "The Right of Way," starring Bert Lytell; wrote original story for Jack Pickford in "A Burglar by Proxy," also wrote for Fox; "An Heiress for a Dav" and "Limousine Life," with Olive Thomas; "The Silk-Lined Burglar" and "Wanted A Husband," starring Priscilla Dean, "Hop o' My Thumb," with Mary Pickford. Ad.. Marv Pickford Co., Hollywood, Cal.

DONOVAN, Frank P.; b. Rosendale, N. Y. ; stage career, vaud., with Del Henderson in "From Sing Sing to Liberty," etc.; screen career, Manhattan Features, Yankee, Universal, Stat< Right Series ("Bullin the Bullsheviki" ) , Bin- graph ("Pardon Me," "Neptune's Stepdaugh- ter." Gertrude Selby Comedies). Vitagraph ("Boobs and Bumbs"), O. Henry's stories; now making feature pictures with Pearl Shepard Member M. P. D. A. Ad., Green Room Club. N. Y.

DOVVLAN, William C; b. St. Paul; educ. Chris- tian Brothers, St. Paul; stage career, 14 yrs. with Morosco stk., Los Angeles; screen career. Universal (played lead in "Drugged Waters," dir. "The Madcap"), American (dir. "Youth's Endearing Charm"). Metro ("Rose of the Alley," "Nobody," "The Winding Trail," "The Outsider"). Triangle ("Restless Souls"), Fox ("Cowardice Court"), Universal ("Loot," "Un- der Suspicion"). Home ad., 1642 Shumway ave.. Hollywood, Cal.; studio. Universal.

DTTNLOP, Scotty; screen career, late releases, Fox ("Vagabond Luck," "The Hell Ship," "The Elephant Man," "Forbidden Trails," "Words and Music." "Be a Little Sport," "Love Is Love"). Ad.. Fox Studio, Hollywood, Cal.


EAGLE. Oscar; b. Gallipolis, Ohio; educ. Chick - ering Coll., Cincinnati, Ohio; stage career, di- rector and actor, directed "Some Time" "The Melting of Molly," "An Ideal Husband," "A Sleepless Night," "The Little Whopper," "The Little Blue Devil"; screen career, Selig, 2 yrs. Reliance, Famous Players ("The Dictator"), World ("The Cotton King," "Sins of Society." "The Fruits of Desire," with Robert Warwick, "The Little Mademoiselle," with Vivian Mar- tin), American Pict. Asso. Co. ("Home, Sweet Home"). Member M. P. D. A. Permanent ad., Lambs Club, N.i Y.

EARLE, William P. S.; b. 1884. N. Y. C. ; educ. Barnard School and Columbia Univ. (gradu- ate) ; early career, writer, playwright and pho- tographer; screen career. Vitatgranb nrodur- ing features only, "Womanhood," "Within the Law," "His Own People," "Mary Jane's Pa," "The Law Decides"). World ("T'other Dear Charmer"), C. K. Young Co. ("The Better Wife"). Ince ("The Lone Wolf's Daughter"), Selznick ("The Broken Melody." "The Woman's

Game"), directing 8 pictures for Selznick. Home ad.. 329 W. 57th st., N. Y. ; studio ad., Selznick Pictures Corp., N. Y.

EASON, Reaves; b. Prize Point, Miss.; educ. Mon- rovia and Berkley Coll., Cal.; stage career, 1 yr. drama, stk. with Nielson Stk. Co. and Be- lasco, Orpheum and Pantages doing character songs; screen career, American ("In Sheep's Clothing," "Poet of the Peaks"), Balboa ("Sirene of the Slums," "Who Wins" series). Mitchell Lewis (author, producer, actor and dir. of "Nine-Tenths of the Law"), Universal ("The Man Hunter" serial, "Jack of Hearts," "Fighting Line," "Tell Tale Wire"). Hght., 6; wght., 158; brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 1130 Orange Drive, Hollywood Cal.; Holly 2247

ECKERLINE, John, technical director; b. N. Y. C. ; stage career, Liebler Co., Richard Mans- field; vaud.; long study on costtumes and periods; screen career, Kalem, Pathe, Harold Lockwood, Frohman Amusement Corp., now with Harold J. Binney Prod., Inc. Ad., care of Eaves Co., 110 W. 46th St., N. Y. C.

EDWARDS, Harry; screen career, 5 yrs. director of comedy, Universal, Fox, L-Ko, National; directed 12 pictures for the Hall Room Boys, Flanagan and Edwards. Ad., National studio, Hollywood, Cal.

EDWARDS, J. Gordon; b. Montreal, Can.; educ. Quebec; stage career, rep., toured U. S. and England with Wilton Lackaye, Amelia Bing- ham, James K. Hackett, stage director and pro- ducer for Fox Acad, of Music, producing 250 nlays; screen career, "Cleopatra." "Camille." "Salome," "Her Greatest Love," "The Soul of a Buddha," "Under the Yoke," "The Light," "A Woman There Was," "Lone Star Ranger," "When Men Desire," "Wolves of the Night," "Last of the Duanes," "Wings of the Morn- ing") Ad.. Fox.. Los Angeles. Cal. -

EDWARDS. Walter; b. Michigan; educ. there; stage career, from 1896. starred in "Sherlock Holmes," "Lion and the Mouse," "The Deep Purple": screen career. Ince ("Ashes of Hope. "The Passion Flower"), Paramount ("Man From Funeral Range," "Viviette." "The Gypsy Trail"), Select ("Pair of Silk Stockings," "Sauce for the Goose," "Mrs. Leffingwell's Boots"), Paramount ("The Final Close-Up," "Girls," "The Rescuing Angel," "Widow By Proxy"), Select ("Who Cares?" "Romance and Arabella," "Happiness a la Mode"). Member M. P. D. A. Studio ad.. Lasky, Hollywood; home ad.. Culver City, Cal.

ELLIS, Robert du Reel, also actor; b. Brooklyn; educ. Francis Xavier Coll., N. Y. ; stage career, mgmt. Shuberts. Klaw & Erlanger; screen career, Kalem, Metro ("In for Thirty Days," "Peggy Does Her Darndest"). Paramount-Art- craft ("Louisiana," "The Third Kiss"), Selz- nick ("Upstairs and Down." "The Spite Bride"). Ad., care of Selznick Pict. Corp., N. Y.

ESTABROOK, Howard; b. Detroit, 1884; educ. Detroit; stage career, in many N. Y. and Lon- don successes, including "Within the Law," "Little Women," etc.; screen career as star. Kleine ("Officer 666"), also World, Metro. Pathe International; as director, Paramount ("Giving Becky a Chance," "The Highway of Hope"), Selznick-Select ("The Wild Girl"). During war filled executive post with Standard Oil. Ad., Lambs Club, N. Y.


FIELDING, Romaine, also author; b. Corsica; educ. Shattuck Mil. Acad., Univ. of Minn., and Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons (M. D.); early career on N. Y. Herald several yrs. ; melo- dramatic plays; screen career, Lubin (wrote, produced and acted in "The Toll of Fear." "Eagle Nest," "The Garden of the Gods." "The Valley of Lost Hope," "In the Hour of Disas- ter"), Peerless-Brady ("Moral Courage." "Youth"), Ira Lowry ("For the Freedom of the World"), Romaine Fielding Productions, star- ring Mabel Taliaferro and Romaine Fielding. Ad., Lambs Club, N. Y.

FISCHER, David G. ; educ. Univ. of Virginia; stage career, "Brown of Harvard." "Blue Mouse," for Shuberts. Virginia Harned. Julia Marlowe Bush Temple Stk. Co. Shubert Stk. Co., author of "Lavender and Old Lace." "The Master's Violin," "Immigrants," "John Rawn." "Purchase Price" etc.; screen career, American ("College Chums." "The Battleground." "The Silent Message"). Premier ("Ambition"), Fischer Prod. ("Law of Nature"). Waldorf



("Where Bonds Are Loosed," "Dad's Girl").

M Nil HACK. Fred; b. Bucharest, Rumania, 1894; educ. N. Y. ; screen career, Mack-Sennett ("Be- ware of Boarders," "Cactus Nell," "Interna- tional Spy"), Sunshine Comedies ("Merry Jail- birds," "Money Talks"), Fishback Century Comedies ("A Jungle Gentleman," "Baby Doll Bandit," "Over the Transom"). Member M. P. D. A. Studio ad., L-Ko studio, Hollywood, Cal.

FITCH, George; stage career, stk. ; screen career, technical director for all Herbert Brenon prods., also for Warren Producing Co., "Warfare of the Flesh." Now director of British & Col- onial Kinematograph Co., Ltd. Ad., 56 Blooms- burg si., London. VV. ('., England.

FITZGERALD Dallas M. ; b. La Grange, Ky. ; educ. Louisville, Ky. ; "The Open Door," "Chains of Evidence"; now producing Hall- mark Prods. Ad., 220 West 42nd St., N. Y. C.

FITZMAURICE, George; b. France; screen ca- reer, Kleine (dir. "Stop Thief"), back to Pathe (dir. features, including "Arms and the Woman," "The Iron Heart," "Blind Man's Luck." "Sylvia of the Secret Service," "On-the- Square Girl," "The Recoil," "The Mark of Cain," "Innocent," "Common Clay," "Japanese Nightingale") Famous ("The Avalanche," "The Society Exile." "The Witness for the Defence," "The Counterfeit," "On With the Dance"). Ad., 1 West 07th st., N. Y. ; studio ad., Famous Players-Lasky Corp., N. Y.

FITZPATRICK, James A., also seen, writer; b. 1895; Shelton, Conn.; educ. Yale Univ. and Frohman Acad., N. Y. C. ; early career. 2 yrs. newspaper work; author of magazine articles and vaud. sketch; stage career, 1 yr. in rep., 1 yr. in vaud.; screen career, Juvenile Film and Cosmofotofilm, author and director of "The World War in Kidland," "Chip of the Old Block," "Chip's Elopement," Jax Film Co. ("Keep Smiling," "Cupid at Work," "Dust Unto Dust," "Uncle Sam's Reason"), Prizma ("May Days," "Memories"). Ad., Prizma, Inc., 71 W. 23rd St., N. Y. C.

FLAVEN, Arthur J ; b. N. 1. C. ; educ. N. Y. ; screen career, Famous Players and Universal, 5 yrs. asst. dir., "Running Straight," "Call of the Cougar," "Who Wins," with Hoot Gibson. Ad. Universal City, Cal.

FI.KM1NG, Carroll; early career, director on cSa- matic stage, author of spectacles at N. Y. Hip- podrome, wrote "Sis Hopkins" 18 yrs. ago, wrote and directed "The Choir Singer," "The Master Hand," produced "Fancy Free" with Clifton Crawford for Lee Shubert; screen ca- reer, Thanhouser ("Song of the Heart," "Rajah's Diamond," "Turn of the Road," etc.), Pathe (early episodes of "The Iron Claw," "The Hidden Hand"). Member M. P. D. A.

FLEMING, Caryl Stacy; b. Cedar Rapids, la., 1890; educ. Chicago hgh. schl. and coll.; stage career, 7 yrs. in stk. and vaud.; screen career. Universal, Eclair, Mutual, Federal, Kleine, Ter- ris, Victor Moore comedies. Produced "Amer- iea Must Conquer" for Liberty Loan; Keeney ("Her Family's Honor"), World ("The Clouded Name"), Physical Culture, Fad and Fancies Comedies. McManus ("Bruised Humanity") Member Green Room Club, N. Y. Home ad., 276 Riverside Drive, N. Y.

FLYNN, Emmett J.; b. Denver, Colo.; educ. Sa- cred Heart Coll., Denver; screen career. First National ("Alimony"), Goldwyn ("Racing Strain." "Bondage of Barbara"), American ("A Bachelor's Wife." "Yvonne from Paris," "Other Side of Eden"). Fox ("Eastward Ho," "The Lincoln Highwayman," "Shod wi Fire"). Home ad.. 4912 Rosewood ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 567321; studio, Fox Studio, Los Angeles.

FORD, Hugh; b. Wash.. D. C. ; educ. Univ. of Cal.; stage career, many prods, covering a period of 20 yre. ; staged "Joseph and Hl.- Brethren," "The Yellow Ticket." "The Melting Pot," "Garden of Allah," "Bird of Paradise," "Potash and Perlmutter"; screen career, Fa- mous Players ("The Slave Market." "The Cru- cible," "Prince and the Pauper." "Such a Little Queen," "Sapho"), Artcraft ("Seven Keys to Baldpate," "His House in Order"), Special ("The Woman Thou Gavest Me," "Secret Ser- vice"). Member Lambs Club and N. Y. A. C. Studio ad.. Famous Players, N. Y.

FORD, Jack; b. Portland, Me., 1895; educ. Univ. of Maine; screen career, from July, 1914, Uni- versal ("The Round Up," "The Range War," "The Secret," "A Marked Man," "A Woman's Fool," "Roped," "Outcasts of Poker Flat," "Fight for Love." "Ace of the Saddle," "Bare Fists." "Rider of the Law," "A Gun Fightln'

Gentleman," "Marked Men"). Ad., home, Vir- ginia Apts., Hollywood, Cal.; studio, Universal.

FRAME, Park B. ; b. Seattle, Wash.; educ. Ju- neau, Alaska; screen career, J. D. Hampton (dir. "The White Washed Walls," "The Mints of Hell," "Man Who Turned White," "The Pagan God," "For a Woman's Honor," "The Gray Wolf's Ghost"). Home ad., 1471 Milton ave., Hollywood, Cal.; phone 577448.

FRANKLIN, C. M.; b. San Francisco, 1890; educ. there; early career, cartoonist for San Fran- cisco "Bulletin," "Call," "Examiner"); screen career. Keystone, Majestic, Fine Arts ("A Sis- ter of Six"), Fox ("Jack and the Beanstalk," "The Mikado," "Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp," "AH Baba and the Forty Thieves"). Received honorable discharge from the U. S. Army. Ad., L. A. Athletic Club, Los Angeles, Cal.

FRANKLIN, Harry L.; b. 1879; educ. St. Louis and Denver; stage career, 22 yrs. light com- edian and juvenile leads with Chas. Frohman, A. H. Woods, etc.; screen career, Metro and International ("The Winning of Beatrice." May Allison, "Kildare of Storm," Emily Ste- vens, "Sylvia on a Spree," Emmy Wehlen, "Johnny on the Spot"), Metro ("That's Good," "After His Own Heart," "Full of Pep," "In His Brother's Place," "The Fourflusher"), Univer- sal ("Rouge and Riches," Mary MacLaren). Ad., 7952 Norton ave., Hollywood, Cal.

FRANKLIN, S. A.; b. San Francisco, 1893; educ. there; screen career, Selig, Bosworth, Majestic, Fine Arts, Fox ("Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves"), Norma Talmadge Co. ("The Safety Curtain," "Her Only Way," "The Forbidden City," "The Heart of Wetona," "The Probation Wife"), Vitagraph (played in "A Rogue's Ro- mance"), Universal (played in "The Sleeping Lion"), First National ("The Hoodlum," "Heart of the Hills"). Ad., Norma Talmadge Film Corp., N. Y. C.

FRANZ, Joseph J.; b. Utica. N. Y., 1883; educ. Christian Bros. Acad.; stage career, actor and dir. with Elsie De Tourney in Shakespearean rep., on tour in "Lion and the Mouse," "Squaw Man," "Three Weeks"; screen career, Santa Barbara M. P. Co., Universal ("Voice of the Wilderness"), Robertson-Cole ("Life's a Funny Proposition." "Mints of Hell," "A Sage Brush Hamlet." "The Blue Bandanna"), Hodkinson ("End of the Game"), "The Gray Wolf's Ghost" with H. B. Warner. Ad., Hampton Studio, Hollywood. Cal.; home ad., 4389 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Cal.


GAVE, Howard; b. England; educ. there; earlv career. British diplomatic and Govt, service; special writer for London newspapers; stage ca- reer, with Beerbohm Tree, Chas. Hawtrey, Forbes-Robertson; screen career, Reliance- Majestic, Fine Arts ("Diana of the Follies," "Intolerance"), Fox ("The Scarlet Pimpernel," "The Spy"), Mena Film Co. ("By Super Strat- egy"), Metro ("The Uplifters"), 2 yrs. in Eng- lish army. Studio ad., Haworth Pictures Corp., Los Angeles, Cal.

GEORGE, Burton; b. Lake Charles, La.; educ. La. State Univ.; stage career. Baldwin-Melville Stock. San Francisco, San Antonio Stock, Den- ver Stock, Willard Mack Co.; screen career, Biograph, Eclair, Reliance, Lubin, Edison, Uni- versal-Red Feather ("The Isle of Life"), with Fox to direct Geo. Walsh, Amer. -Pathe ("Eve in Exile").

GERRARI). Douglas, also actor; b Dublin Ire- land. 1.885; educ. Univs. of Dublin and Heidel- berg. Germany; stage career, Shakespearean rep.. Eng. com., classic plays in England and Australia, modern drama under Frohman and others in Eng.; in U. S., leading man with Viola Allen, Ethel Barrymore. Grace George- screen career, Rex. Pathe, Kalem, Famous Players, Universal (dir. "$5,000 Reward," "The Sealed Envelope." "Playthings," "Should a Woman Tell?" "The Velvet Hand," "His Di- vorced Wife." "The Phantom Melody," "Sins of the Father," "Better Half"). Home ad., L A. Athletic Club, Los Angeles, Cal. Member

_ M ,PD A. Studio, Universal City, Cal.

GIBLYN, Charles; b. Watertown, N. Y. ; educ hgh. sch. ; stage career, stock, rep , mus com as actor and mgr.; with Harrigan and Hart' Wm Gillette, Sothern. mgmt. Chas. Frohman, H. W. Savage; screen career, 2 yrs with Uni- versal, Ince ("Honor Thy Name"). Trlangle- Ince ("The Vagabond Prince." "Somewhere in



France"), Select ("The Studio Girl"). F P. Lasky ("Let's Get a Divorce," "Sunshine Nan"), Goldwyn ("Peck's Bad Girl," "Just for Tonight," "A Perfect 36"), Selznick (."Upstairs and Down," "The Spite Bride"). Ad., L. A. Athletic Club.

GILL STROM, Arvid E. ; b. Gotenberg. Sweden, 1889; educ. Sch. of Mines, Colo.; early career, mining eng., leasing and prospector; screen career, asst. dir. Kalem, Keystone ("Hearts and Swords." "Their Social Splash"), King Bee. 26 comedies, Mack Sennett, 4 yrs. ("The Snow Cure," etc), Fox ("Smiles," "Tell It to the Marines," "Swat the Spy"), Famous Players ("So This Is America," "The Con in Econ- omy"). Ad., home, 1855 Winona Blvd., Holly- wood. Cal.. and Hotel Astor, N. Y.

GITTEN'S, Wjndham; b. at sea; educ. W. Indies and Harrow. Eng.; early career, newspaper and magazine writer, also on trade publications: screen career. Biograph, Melies, Universal as screen editor, with Triangle since June, 1917 as director ("The Ship of Doom," "The Second Floor Front," "Me unt Gott," Romayne). Gittens Prod. ("Give and Take"). Ad., home, Welling- ton Apts., 953 West 7th St.. Los Angeles; Pico 2111.

GOLDAINE, Mark S.; b. Hartford, Conn.; educ. there and Pittsburgh W. U. ; stage career, 20 yrs., 15 yrs. stage director; screen career. Equitable. Universal, now at National Studio Author of several plays and sketches. Home ad., 1514 Rodney Drive, Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 597848.

GOULDING, Alf. ; b. Melbourne. Australia: educ there; stage career, 25 yrs. with J. C. William- son. Australia. Pollar Opera Co.. Orpheum Cir- cuit 3 yrs., Morosco 1 yr., Marie Dressier 6 mos. ; screen career, 1916, 3 two-reel Fox Com- edies, directed Harold Lloyd for IV2 yrs., now with Rolin. Home ad., Glendale. Cal. Glen. 540-J.

GRANDON, Francis J.; b. Chicago; educ. Chicago Univ.; stage career, road and stock; screen ca- reer, Biograph. Imp (dir.), also dir. for Lubin, and Griffith-Triangle ( "Strathmore." "Cross Currents"), Metro (dir. Mme. Petrova and Ed- mund Breese). Universal (dir. Violet Mersereau in Bluebird features), Famous ("The Dummy"), Famous Players ("Heart's Desire," "The Little Boy Scout"), Famous Players- Lasky ("The Little Soldier Girl"), Ivan ("Con- quered Hearts"), Mutual ("Love's Law." "The Dare Devil"), Sherry ("Wild Honey"), National ("The Lamb and the Lion"). Ad.. 532 So. Freemont ave., Los Angeles; studio, Selig Poly- scope Co., Los Angeles, Cal.

GRANVILLE, Fred Le Roy, also cinematcgraph- er; b. Victoria, Australia; educ. there and New Zealand; early career, naturalist and photog- rapher; screen career, 2 yrs. with Allan Hollu- bar ("Heart of Humanity," "Ambition"), photo- graphed rescue of Stefansson Arctic expedition, only white man to cross No. Eastern Siberia with camera; lived 15 yrs. in South Sea Islands; directed 2-reel subjects for Universal, now di- recting "Peggy Hyland" at Brunton Studios, for Samuelson, Ltd., of England. Home ad.. Fin- ley ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; Holly. 2S80.

GREEN, Al.; b. Perris, Cal.; stage career. 2 sea- sons in various prods. ; screen career, asst. dir. to Marshall Neilan "In Old Kentucky." "Unpar- donable Sin," "Daddy Long Legs": now direct- ing at Garson Studio, Fox ("Right After Bra- son" with Peggy Hyland), Garson ("Silk Hus- bands, Calico Wives" with House Peters), now in production picture with Clara K. Toung. Ad., home. 831 Bryan St., L. A.; Garson Studio, Los Angeles, Cal.

PRIFFTN", Frank C; b. Norfolk. Va., 1891; educ. Phila. ; early career, drama, stock. vaud.; screen career. Lubin ("Blood Will Tell." "His Wedding Day"), produced for Universal, Lubin and Keystone ("Maggie's False Step"), Fox ("Where Love Leads"), Mack Sennett Com- edies, special comedies for Universal, Frank Griffin Prod. ("Three Paces West"), Fox-Sun- shine ("Her Private Husband," "A Roaming Bathtub"), Al St. John (Ship Ahoy," "The Aero-nut"). Author of "Half Angel." Ar . L. A. Athletic Club. Los Angeles, Ca.,; studio ad., Al St. John Studio, Los Angeles.

GRIFFITH. Edward Hilaire; b Bloomington. 111.; educ. Chicago; early exper., newspaper man, reported for Chicago Tribune, Herald, Journal and Chicago Press Asso., Cleveland Leader; 7 yrs. in reporting, editorial work, special staff corresp., magazine and feature writer: author In collaboration with Francis Trafford Ryall of "The Finish," produced in London, 1910: screen

career, Edison, writing orig. stories and recon- struction and adaptations, including works of Wm. J. Locke, Peter B. Kyne, Rex Beach ( "Barnaby Lee," "Cupid and Contraband "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"), Edison ("One Touch of Nature," "The Awakening of Ruth. Directed Corinne Griffith. Ad. Vitagraph Stu- dio. Brooklyn, N. Y.

GKIMMER, Frank; b. N. Y., 1S86 educ. N Y and New Rochelle; stage career, 5 years: scr>— ii career, Thanbouser, as casting director. Co- director to John B. O'Brien. Ad., 9 Mt. Etna pi., New Rochelle. N. Y.

GRINDE, Nick, assistant director; b. Madison, Wis.; educ. Univ. of Wis., B. A. degree: screen career, B. B. Hampton ("Desert of Wheat.' etc.), Home ad., 1837 Morgan Place. Holly- wood Cal.; phone 59488; studio, Weber Produc- tions, Inc., Brunton Studios.

GLTTERRES, Mojses H. da SUva, art director, also actor; educ. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. Shanghai, China; stage career, 12 yrs. exp. vaud., operatic, dramatic plays and social en- tertainments, in Portuguese and English lan- guages; "Quaker Girl." "Balkan Princess."' "Expiation," "Gondolier of Death," "Dollar Princess." "Rodolpho de Novaes," "Ici on Parle Francais." "Dairymaids,'' "The Last Coat," "If I Were King," "The Crusaders"; screen career, art dir. Emerald Motion Picture Co., asst. dir. and art dir. Apex Pictures Corp. Hght.. 5, 4; wght., 125; black hair, dark eyes. Ad.. Apex Pictures Corp., Indianapolis. Ind.


HADDOCK, William F. ; b. Portsmouth. N. H . 1S77; educ. Burdett Coll.. Boston; stage career, stk. ; screen career, Edison, Melies, Eclair. All- Star, Life Photo, Gotham. Gaumont ("Tempest and Sunshine," "Devil's Darling." "I Accuse." "As a Woman Sows," "The Ace of Death," "The Unsuspected Isle"), Rolfe ("The Master Mystery"), Oliver ("Craig Kennedy" serial). Ad., home, 117 Sherman ave., N. Y. C. ; St. Nich. 3200. Member M. P. D. A.

HALE, Albert W. ; educ. Bordeaux. France; stage career, producer of spectaculars for Ringling Bro. Circus, musical comedies on Broadway, N. Y. ; screen career. Famous Players, "Pris- oner of Zenda," Vitagraph, 50 pictures; Pathe Freres, 50 pictures; Thanhouser, 20 pictures; American, 100 pictures. Hght., 5; wght.. 205; brown hair and eyes. Ad.. Hotel Ansonia, N. Y. C; Union League Club, Los Angeles, Cal.

HALL, George Edwardes, also scenario writer; b. and educ. Bklyn. ; stage career, with Chas. Frohman, Edwin Booth, Stuart Robson. stock; screen career, since 1904, 6 yrs. with Herbert Brenon, Henry Lehrman, Harold J. Binney, author of "War Brides," "Fall of the Roman- offs." "The Lone Wolf." Several yrs. at Imp. now directing for British & Colonial Kinema- tograph Co., 35 Endell St., Longacre, W. C, 2, London.

HAMILTON, Gilbert P.; b. Chebeaque. Me.: 5 yrs. speaking stage in stock throughout East and Hopkins theatre. Chicago; screen career began in developing dept. Edison, then to Bio- graph as cameraman. 4% yrs. with Essanay as supt. of factory and production; directed numerous photoplays, including " Price of Crime." "Peril of the Plains." "Lust of the Red Men," "Even Unto Death," Century ("In- herited Passions"), Triangle 1 yr. ("The Ma- ternal Spark"), "Every Woman's Husband." "The Golden Fleece." World, directing June Elvidge, "The Woman of Lies," "Coax Me," etc. Now directing Helen Holmes in "The Danger Trail." Home ad., Gates Hotel, Los Angeles; studio, 2019 S. Main St.. Los Angeles.

HAMILTON, Lloyd Vernon; b. Oakland. Cal., 1892; stage career, Elleford stock, J. I . Hack- ett, mus. com. and burlesque; screen career. Kalem (originator of Ham comedies, with Bud Duncan, and creator of the character Ham; "Seaside Romeos," "Dudes for a Day"), Sun- shine ("Mongrels," "Son of a Hun." "Roaring Lions and Wedding Bells." "A Tight Squeeze." "A Waiter's Wasted Life," "The Twilight Baby." Hght., 6, 1: wght., 217; light com- plexion, blond hair, blue eyes. Ad., home. L. A. Athletic Club; studio, Lehrman Studios, Culver City, Cal.

HANSHAW, Dale; b. Grafton, W. Va. ; educ. there, Pittsburgh and N. Y. ; early career, 3 yrs. producing vaud. acts; screen career, World, Metro, continuities and scenarios for

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Universal. "The Nature Girl." "The Unfinished House," "Together," produced "Healtho- srams." "Federation." "Physical Culture Pho- toplays"; at present producing Transatlantic Boarding School Girls comedies for Transat- lantic Film Co. of America, Inc. Ad., Green Room Club, X. Y. C. HARRISON. Saul E. ; b. Brenham. Texas; educ. X. Y. City; stage career, mus. stock, 6 yrs.. dram, stock, 3 yrs.; screen career, Universal. Metro, Edison ("The Customary Two Weeks," "One Kind of Wireless." "Edison's Dream Comes True"), 2-reel Flagg-Para. comedies ("Tell That to the Marines," "Independence, B'Gosh!" "Perfectly Fiendish Flanagan"). Grossman Pictures, serial ("One Million Dol- lars Reward"). Home ad., 2900 Briggs ave., N. T. C.

HARTFORD, David; b. Rockland, Mich.; educ. Detroit, stage career, 4 yrs. with Barnum's Circus, 10 yrs. actor and prod. dir. under mgmt. E. D. Stair, stk. In Cleveland, Detroit, Omaha. Los Angeles; screen career, dir. for Universal, Famous Players ("Teas of the Storm Coun- try"), Ince ("The Bride of Hate"), Paralta ("Madame Who?" "Inside the Lines," "The Infernal Net," by Sarah Bernhardt). Curwood- First Nat'l ("Back to God's Country," "The Yellow Back"). Home ad., 110 So. Benton Way, Los Angeles, Cal.; studio, Curwood- Carver Prods., Inc., 5341 Melrose ave., Los Angeles.

HARTIGAN, P. C; b. Cork, Ireland, 1881; educ Trinity College, Dublin; early career, army officer in South Africa; screen career, began at Western Kalem (3 yrs. as mgr. and director, dir. dramas and reel comedies), 1 yr. with Pathe (dir. "I Love the Nurses" and other comedies), Vitagraph ("The Life of Moses." "Twelfth Night"), Nevada Film ("The Planter"), Fox ("A Fallen Idol").

HARVEY, John ("Jack"); b. Cleveland. O., 1881 ; educ. pub. sen., Cleveland; early career, bari- tone in many prods., also in every branch of amusement business from circus to opera; screen career, Vitagraph, Thanhouser, Univer- sal, Imp ("When Thieves Fall Out"). Ernest Truex Comedies, Paramount-Briggs Comedies. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

HATDON, J. Charles; b. Frederick. Md.; educ. St. John's prep. sch. and Holy Cross Coll., Mass.; stage career, with Chauncey Olcott. "Mistress Nell," about 6 yrs.; screen career. Kinemacolor, Bosworth, Rex. Essanay, directed "The Family Divided." "The Scapegoat," "John Barleycorn." "The Strange Case of Mary Page." "The Sting of Victory," "The Night Workers." and "The Rise and Fall of the Confederacy" for So. Carolina Capital. Ad.. Green Room Club, N. Y.

HEARS, Fred G., assistant director; also actor; b. Louisville, Ky. ; 20 yrs. on stage; screen career, parts under Griffith. Kirkwood, Nye and others, lately Von Jagow in "My Four Years in Germany." with Marion Davies Film Co., assistant to Julius Steger, Select (played in "The Hidden Truth"), Paramount ("The Dark Star." "The Misleading Widow"). Ad., home. 1372 Ogden ave.. N. Y.

HEERMAN, Victor; b. London, England; educ. N. Y. ; stage career, with Nat Goodwin In "A Mid-Summer Night's Dream"; screen career, Keystone. Mack Sennett. Fox. "The Two Crooks," "She Loved a Sailor." "Watch Your Neighbor," "Are Waitresses Safe?" 15 mos. U. S Navy, chief yeoman. Home ad., Los Angeles Athletic Club, Los Angeles, Cal.; B'way 444; studio, 4634 Santa Monica blvd., Los Angeles; Wishire 5174.

HEFFRON, T. N.; b. Virginia City, Nev., 1872; educ. Santa Clara Coll., Cal.: stage career actor and stage director for Cohan and Harris, Wm. A. Brady, Mrs. Fiske, A. H. Woods, Chas. Frohman, heavies in stk.; screen career from 1911, Thanhouser 1 yr.. Biograph 1% yrs.. Famous Players. American (dir. Kolb and Dill "A Peck of Pickles"), Triangle ("The Stainless Barrier." "The Sudden Gentleman," "The Veil," "The Price of Applause"), Rob- Cole ("The Prodigal Liar"). United ("A Man's Fight"), Lasky ("Thou Art the Man." "City of Masks"!. Member M P. D A. Home ad., 504 So. Hobart Blvd.. Los Angeles. Cal.; studio, Laskv. Hollywood.

HENABERY, Joseph; b. Omaha. Neb.: educ. there; early career, architectural drafting and railroading; stage career, San Carlos Opera Co., Geo. W. Lynch Co.; screen career, from

1910. Universal. Reliance-Majestic ("The Green Idol," "Capt. Maeklin"), Lincoln in Griffith's "Birth of a Nation," Fine Arts ("Intolerance," "Children of the Feud," "That Colby Girl"), Artcraft ("Fancy Jim Sherwood," "The Man from Painted Post," "Say, Young Fellow"), United Artists ("His Majesty, the American"). Ad., Ince Studio, Culver City, Cal.

HENDERSON, Dell; b. St. Thomas, Ont, Can ; stage career, stk. leads in Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omaha; screen career, Biograph, Triangle, Famous Players, Chas. Frohman, World ("Love in a Hurry," "Courage for Two," "Three Green Eyes"). Ad., Lambs' Club, and Hotel Claridge, N. Y. C.

HESSER, Edwin Bower; military director and Hcenario writer; b. Jersey City, N. J., 1893; early career, reporter, critic and author; stage career, dir. tours of Boston Opera Co.; screen career. Cinema Roma, Rome, Italy; director- in-chief Official Canadian Govt, films ("Cana- da's Fighting Forces." "In the Fire Trenches with Canada's Armv." "Britain at War"), etc., Capt. 213 O. S. B., C. E. F. ; Goldwyn, author-dir. Victory Film Co.; served as Capt. Signal Corps, U. S. Army, in Photographic Section; directed following War Dept. prods., "His Best Gift." "The Making of an Aviator." and several training series pictures; wrote scenario "Virtuous Men," released by S. L. Pictures. Ad., Scenario Dept., Anita Stewart Prod., Inc., 6. W. 48th St., N. Y.

IIKYWOOD, W. L. ; art director; b. England; educ. there; screen career, 18 yrs. author actor, manager, producer, scenic artist, tech- nical director, art director. Studio ad., Thos H. Ince Studios, Culver City, Cal:

HICKMAN, Howard; ii Columbia, Mo.; educ. Su .lose, Calif.; stage career, from 1898, toured with Bernhardt; screer career, Paralta ("The White Lie." "Heart of Rachael," "Two Gun Betty"), B. B. Features ("Trick of Fate," "Josselyn's Wife," "Tangled Threads," "Her Purchase Price," "Beckoning Roads"). Hght., 6; wght., 150; dark hair and eyes. Studio ad., Brunton, 5341 Melrose ave., Los Angeles, Cal.

HILL, Robert J.; b. Port Rohen, Ont., Can.; educ. Detroit, Mich. ; stage career, 7 yrs. with Vaughan Glaser in stk. and rep.; screen career, "The Lonely Heart," "The Girl Who Wouldn't Tell," with Violet Mersereau, "Temptation and the Man," "The Crystal's Warning," with Ho- bart Henley, "The Great Radium Mystery," Pacific Prod. Co. serial. Home ad., 4633 Ver- mont place, Los Angeles; studio. Pacific Prod. Co., Hollywood, Calif.

HILLYER, Lambert, also scenario writer; b. So. Bend, Ind.. 1893: educ. Wilson M. A.. Somer- ville, N. J., Drake Univ., Des Moines, Iowa; early career, newspaper work, short stories, prof, baseball; screen career, American, Mu- tual. Eastern Film Corp.. Triangle, Ince, Art- craft. Hart Prod., as author wrote 17 pictures for Triangle-Ince, including "Sudden Jim," "Son of His Father," "An Even Break," which he also directed; dir. and wrote a series of 16 prod, for Wm. S. Hart in 1917-19. including "The Narrow Trail," "Riddle Gawne," "Square Deal Sanderson," "The Money Corral," "Sand," "By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them." Home ad., 914 So. Kingslev drive. Los Angeles, Calif.; studio, W. S. Hart Co., Hollywood, Calif.

HODGE, Rex, assistant director; b. Flint, Mich.; ■•due. Detroit and Mich. Agricultural Coll.; stage career, with B. C. Whi

for a Day," season in "Isle of Spice," season In "Isle of Bong Bong "; screen career, since 191-. asst prod. mgr. at Universal Citv unt" Sent 1918, then asst. dir.. "The Millionaire Pirate." "The Sleeping Lion," "His Divorced Wife," "The Phantom Melody," With Monroe Salis- bury, "The Fire Flingers" with an all-star cast. Home ad., 6152 De Longpre ave., Los Angeles, Calif.; Hollv 1059; studio, Universal City.

HOGAN, Danny ("Kid"); stage manager; b. 1881,

Italy; ex-lightweight champion of N. Y. ; in vaud. 2 seasons, daredevil acts at Hippodrome; screen career. Universal, asst. dir. and actor, "A Good Little Devil." "Such a Little Queen," with Metro 3 yrs. as art director and actor of under-world parts; stage mgr. with Nazimova, Bert Lytell, Mav Allison. Ad.. Metro Studio HOLBROOK. John Knight, also studio mgr.: b. Ripley. Tenn. ; educ. National Normal Univ., Lebanon. Ohio: early career, 12 yrs., designing optical instruments, especially for moving pic- tures: screen career. 6 yrs. chief of photogra-



phy, Pathe, Besley South American Expedi- tion. Wharton, Inc., stunts in "Patricia," "Ex- ploits of Elaine," "Mysteries of Myra," also It Pays to Advertise," "The Profiteer," "Huns Within Our Gates," etc.; writer of scenarios and travel stories, United ("Her Game"). Home ad., 121 E. Mill St., Ithaca, N. Y.

11 OLDEN, John K., art director; b. Canada;; educ. Univ. of Calif.; early career, 6 yrs. with Edison Co. in Los Angeles; stage career, 10 yrs. scenic artist and stage manager in theatres and studios in Chicago, N. Y., Boston and Los Angeles; screen career, art director of Clune Film Prod. ("Ramona," "Eyes of the World"), Famous Players ("Rags, Little Pal"), Mary l'ickford ("The Foundling"), H. B. Wright Plot ("Heart of the Hills"). Metro ("Fair and Warmer"). Ad., 745 Cahuenga ave., Los An- geles, Calif,; Holly 1130; studio, Metro Pic- tures Corp., Los Angeles.

HOLLYWOOD, Edwin L.; b. N. Y.; educ. N. Y. ; screen career, Peerless-World, Lasky ("Sweet Kitty Blelairs," "Thousand Dollar Husband"). Pickford ("Less Than Dust," "Pride of the Clan"), Hoffman ("One Hour"), Goldwyn ("Polly of the Circus"), Arden ("The Chal- lenge Accepted" with Zena Keefe) ; first gov. picture, "The Immigrant," Vitagraph ("Birth of a Soul"). Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y. C.

HOLT, George; b. Fall River, Mass.; educ. there; stage career, with Annie Russell in "The Mys- terious Mr. Bugle," played several seasons in vaud., stk., and rd. cos.; screen career, Lubin, Vitagraph ("Billy Smoke," "Mr. Alladin From Broadway"), Lasky-Para ("Sacrifice"), directed Universal ("Kingdom Come," "Four Gun Ban- dit." "Tempest Cody Turns Detective"), Cap- ital ("Boss of the Flying H">. Home ad., 1144 5th St., Los Angeles, Calif.

IIOLUBAK, Allen J.; b. Cal., 1889; stage career, stk., rep., on tour in "Girl of the Golden West," "Man of the Hour," "Everywoman," leading man in Cincinnati, Elmira and Phila. stk. cos.; screen career, from 1914, Universal (lead In "Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea," dir. and lead. "Heart Strings"), Bluebird ("Sirens of the Sea," "The Mortgaged Wife"). Jewel ("A Soul for Sale," "Talk of the Town," "Heart of Humanity," "Right to Happiness," "The Gorgeous Canary") ; member M. P. D. A. Studio ad., Universal Film Co.; home ad., 1946 Cahuenga St.. Los Angeles, Calif.; permanent ad.. Friars' Club, N. Y.

HOPPER, E. Mason; b. Vermont; educ. Univ. of Maryland and abroad; stage career, began at 14 yrs., in many branches of theatricals; screen career, directing S yrs. for Essanay, Pathe, Famous Players, Goldwyn, producer of more than 300 photoplays, author of over 400 produced scripts, "As the Sun Went Down," "Boston Blackie's Little Pal," "When Bear- Cat Went Dry"; member of M. P. D. A. Home ad., 119 Dwight St., Santa Monica. Calif.; studio, Goldwyn Studio, Culver City, Calif.

HOKAN, Charles; b. N. Y. ; educ. Fordham, Columbia and Harvard; stage career, grand opera and stock; screen career, played leads at Thanhouser, Metro ("The Quitter"), Gold- wyn ("Polly of the Circus"), Triangle ("Three Black Eyes"., Grace Davison in "A Convert of Revenge."

IIOKNE, James W.; b. San Francisco. 1880 ; educ. San Francisco; Belasco and Mayer Stk. at Alcazar theatre 9 yrs. in "Brewster's Millions." mgmt. Cohan & Harris; screen career, since 1912 Kalem (scenario ed., became manager when Geo. Melford resigned, "The American i;irl"), Universal ("The Bull's Eye"), Pathe ("Hands Up"), Universal ("Midnight Man"). 'Hands Up" serial, "The Tiger Trail," "The .Midnight Man" with Jas. J. Corbett. Home ad., 1445 Valley View rd.. Case Verdugo. Los Angeles. Cal.; studio, Astra Film Corp.. Glen- dale. Calif.

HOURY, Henry; b. and educ. Paris. France; stage exper., leading man Paris theatres, An- toine, Chatelet. Gymnase; screen career, Eclipse, Paris, Vitagraph Co. of America (direct. Corin- ne Griffith in "Love Watches." "Clutch of Cir- cumstance." "Miss Ambition "I. Bushman- Bayne Prod.; for 1920. 10 episodes "When We Love." with Arnold Daly. Ad.. 3 Place de la Madelaine, Paris, France.

HOWE, Eliot: b. Boston. Mass.; educ. Harvard Mil. Sch. and Univ. course at Throop Inst, of Tech.; stage career, age of 7 to 12, then finished education as mining engineer; screen career, Selexart ("niue Blood"). Paralta ("With Hoops of Steel" I. Pathe ("Silver Girl." "Todd Of the Times".), Frank Keenan Prod. ("Crooked

Roads or Straight"). Home ad., 5408 Holly- wood blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.; phone 597538; studio, Frank Keenan Productions, Brunton Studio.

HOWELL, W. A.; b. Cincinnati, O., 1877; previ- ous to screen career, dramatic actor, director, producer; since 1910 organizer of own inde- pendent picture producing companies; special- izes in comedies. Office, 110 West 42d st., N. Y. C. ; Bryant 4527.

1IOYT, Harry O., also scenario writer; b. Min- neapolis, 1885; educ. Univ. of Minnesota, Col- umbia Univ., Yale Univ.; written short stories and novels for 15 yrs., motion picture plays for 11 yrs.; editor for Fox, Metro. Goldwyn; over one hundred feature picture adaptations; author of following features: "Courage for Two," "Road to France," "Beloved Black- mailer," "By Hook or Crook," "Queen of Hearts," "Just Sylvia," "I Want to Forget," "The Sea Waif"; directed "Hand Invisible," "Thru the Toils," "Broadway Saint," with Montagu Love, "Forest Rivals," With Dorothy Green; directed Catherine Calvert in "That Woman." Ad., Yale Club, N. Y. C.

HUMPHREY, William J.; screen career, Vita- graph ("Tale of Two Cities," "Midnight Bride"), Ivan ("Two Men and a Woman," "Babbling Tongues"), Rialto De Luxe ("The Unchastened Woman"), Humphrey Pictures ("Atonement"). Ad., 152 Parkside ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.

HUNT, Jay, also scenario writer; b. Phila.. Pa., 1865 ; educ. Univ. of Pa.; stage career, charac- ter actor and director, author of several plays, including "The Master Workman"; screen ca- reer, 1 yr. with Vitagraph, Horsley, Universal, Ince ("His Brother's Keeper," "The Mills of the Gods"), Metro ("The Promise"); member M. P. D. A. Home ad., 260 Convent ave., N. Y.

HUNTER, T. Hayes; b. Philadelphia, 1882; educ. Univ. of Pa.; stage exper., 3 yrs. stage mgr. for David Belasco, produced "The Girl of the Golden West" and others in co-operation with Mr. Belasco ; screen career, director general of the Biograph Co., producing Klaw & Erlanger Biograph features; independent producer and sole director of "The Border Legion" featuring Blanche Bates and Hobart Bosworth, "Once to Every Man," with Jack Sherrill and Mabel White; also produced "Fire and Sword," "The Puppet Jury," Goldwyn, "Desert Gold," "The Cup of Fury. Ad., Lambs' Club, N. Y., and care Goldwyn. Culver Citv, Calif.

HURST, Paul C; b. Calif.; educ. there; stage career, 5 yrs.; screen career. Universal, Lasky ("Rimrock Jones"), Vitagraph ("Woman in the Web," "Iron Test"), National ("Lightning Brice"), Kalem ("Return of Stingaree"), Pathe ("Tiger's Trail"). Ad., National, Studio Los Angeles, Calif.

HUSTED, Charles Clemens, assistant director; educ. Univ. of Mich.; stage career, season en- gagements with Stair and Havlin Prods, of "Common Law." "White Sister." "St. Elmo," "Awakening of Helena Ritchie," 4 seasons, associated with following as director and player: stk. cos., Cathrine Countiss, Vaughn Glaser, Mary Servoss, etc.. 8 seasons; screen career, educational and industrial pictures, photo-novel series for Screen Letter Box, "Love. Honor and ?." "Heart of a Gypsy," etc. for Chas. Miller Prod. Ad , 120 W. 47th St., N. Y. C-. Brvant 70T.2

HUTCHINSON. Craig; h. Austin. Mtmi.. 1892; educ. Mil. School; early career, newspaper work on the Coast; screen career, scenario writer for Keystone, seen, writer and dir. for L-Ko, Universal, 4 mos. dir. comedy ; orig. new weekly burlesque "The Weakly Indigestion"; dir. of all New Gaiety comedies released to date. Home ad., 5403 Romayne st.. Holly- wood, Cal.; Holly 1475; studio. Gaiety Comedies, Inc.

INCE, John; b. N. Y., 1879; educ. N. Y. ; stage career, from 188S, in many prods., including "Ben Hur," "The Great Divide," etc.; screen career. Lubin. World ("The Struggle"), Equit- able ("Sealed Lips." "Secret Strings," "Blind Man's Eyes"), Metro ("Should a Woman Tell." "Please Get Married," "Old Lady 31"), Studio ad.. Metro Studio, Los Angeles, Cal.

INCE, Ralph W.; b. Boston, Mass.. 1887; stage Career, Richard Mansfield Co., "The College Widow"; screen career, first as actor and then



director, Vitagraph (appeared as Lincoln in the "Lincoln" series), directed Jewel Prod. ("The Co-Respondent"), Petrova Pict. and Metro, S-L Pictures ("Virtuous Men" I , Selznick Pict. Corp., "The Perfect Lover," Sealed Hearts," "Out Yonder," "His Wife's Money"). Ad., care Selznick Pict. Corp., N. Y.

INGRAHAM, Harrish; b. London Eng., 1881; educ. Bedford Modern School, England; Lon- don University; early career, school teacher; came to the United States in 1902 for stage career in stock with Forepaugh Company. Cinn., O. ; Dominion Stock Co., Ottawa, Can.; with Adelaide Thurston, leads; own company In vaudeville 2 yrs.; screen career, Pathe (2 yrs.), David Horsley ("The Painted Lie," "Un- lucky Jim." "The Single Code," "The Eye of Envy," "Heirs of Hate"), Lasalida-Pathe ("When Baby Forgot." "The Child of M'sieu"). Triangle ("Child of M'sieu"), Ro.-Cole (played in "A Sage Brush Hamlet").

INGRAHAM, Lloyd; b. Rochelle, 111.; stags career, stock director for Oliver Morosco. Harry Bishop; screen career, Reliance-Ma- jestic, Essanay, Fine Arts, American ("Charity Castles," "Her Country's Call," "Peggy Leads the Way," "A Daughter of Joan," "The Eyes of Julia Deep"), Thos. H. Ince ("What's Your Husband Doing?" "Mary's Ankle," "Let's Be Fashionable"). Member M. P. D. A. Ad., Ince Studio, Culver City, Cal.

INGRAM, Rex; b. Dublin, Ireland, 1892; educ. St. Columba's Coll., Trinity Coll., Dublin and Yale; studied sculpture under Lawrie; stage career, pantomine abroad; screen career, Edi- son and Vitagraph, scenarist of Fox Prods. ("Blindness of Devotion," "Galley Slave." "Cup of Bitterness." "Song of Hate"); dir. first Bluebirds made in East ("Broken Fet- ters," "The Great Problem"), wrote and dir. on the Coast, Bluebird ("Chalice of Sorrow." "Flower of Doom"), Paralta ("His Robe of Honor"), was in service in Royal Flying Corps, since returning dir. Universal-special ("The Beach-Comber"), Metro ("Shore Acres"). Ad., Metro Studios, Hollywood, Cal.

IRVING, George; b. N. Y. ; educ. N. Y. ; stage career, with Chas. Frohman 13 yrs., appearing with William Gillette, Maude Adams, Francis Wilson, and others; screen career, genl. prod, dir. for Frohman ("The Witching Hour"), Petrova Pictures ("Daughter of Destiny"), Metro ("To Hell with the Kaiser"), Goldwyn ("Hidden Fires"), Artco ("As a Man Thinks," "The Capitol"), Select ("A Glorious Lady"), Lawrence Weber ("The Blue Pearl"). Presi- dent M. P. D. A. Ad., care Atlantic Films. London England; home, Bayside, N. Y. ; Bav- side 2823-J.


JACCARD, Jacques; b. near N. Y., 1885; educ. in France; stage career, 4 yrs. as stock pro- ducer; screen career, 1910, American, Inter- national, Universal, wrote many of the scripts, sometimes appeared as juvenile heavy, adapted and produced "Terrence O'Rourke" series, directed first numbers of "Diamond from the Sky" for American, Anti-Vice M. P. Corp. ("Is Any Girl Safe?", dir. and seen.). Universal ("The Quest of Virginia," "The Red Ace," "Cyclone Smith," Spur and Saddle series and first aerial featutre, "Cassidy of the Air Lanes"). Member M. P. D. A.

JAMES, Harry C; b. 1896, Ottawa, Canada; stage career. Dominion Stock Co., under Mar- shall Farnum; screen career, played parts in Majestic-Reliance productions in Hollywood under Wm. C. Cabanne, and in Universal pro- ductions with Carter DeHaven and Wallace Beery, asst. director to C. H. Higgin, tech- nical director Lasky Studio, Mae Murray Pro- duction Co., with Robert Leonard, making specialty of futurist stage effects. Ad., Box 155. Hollywood, Cal.

JOHNSON, Tefft; b. Wash.; educ. Georgetown Coll.; stage career, mgmt. David Belasco 12 yrs., appearing with Mrs. Leslie Carter and Blanche Bates In "The Heart of Maryland," "Under Two Flags"; screen career, Edison, Vitagraph ("Turn in the Road," "Writing on the Wall"), Tefft Johnson ("Sonny Boy at the Bat," "Sonny Boy in School Days," "Sonny Boy and the Dog Show"), World ("Love De- fender." "Love Net," "Love and the Woman," "Home Wanted"). Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

JONES, Grover; b. Terre Haute, Ind. ; educ. private schools; early career, newspaper re- porter; screen career, scenic artist at Uni- versal, scenario editor Morosco Studios; seen, writer for Larry Semon; now directing Milburn Moranti in the Mercury Comedies, released by Bulls-Eye Film Corp. Home ad., Los Angeles, Cal.; studio, Mercury Comedies, Long Beach, Cal.

JONES, Richard, also studio mgr.; b. St. Louis' screen career, with O. T. Crawford in St. Louis 2 yrs., 4 yrs. with Keystone ("Mickey"), Sunshine, Sennett Special (Yankee Doodle in Berlin," "His Last False Step," "Down on the Farm"). Ad., Los Angeles Athletic Club, Los Angeles; studio ad., Mack Sennett Comedies, Los Angeles, Cal.

JULIAN, Rupert; screen career, "The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin," Universal (dir. and played in "The Fire Flingers," dir. "The Sleeping Lion"), Bluebird ("The Millionaire Pirate"). Ad., Goldwyn, Culver City, Cal.


KELLETTE, John William; also scenario writer; b. Lowell, Mass.; screen career, Uni- versal, asst. Dir. Violet Mersereau features; Thanhouser, seen, writer for 2 yrs., Fox Film Corp., co-director and writer on Vivian Martin, June Caprice, Lee Children, George Walsh, Peggy Hyland, Evelyn Xesbit features; now directing Paramount-Briggs comedies ("Satur- day. "Burglars." the Circus series. "The Sticky Six." "Burried Gold"; composer of popular songs. Studio ad.. Klutho Studio. Jacksonville. Fla. ; home ad., Elks Club, 116 W. 43d st., N. Y. C.

KELLEY, Winthrop; b. Portland, Maine; educ. Harvard Univ.; stage career, Castle Sq. stk., Richard Mansfield. Sothern and Marlowe; screen career, Eclair, Ideal ("The Submarine Eye"), Williamson Bros. Ad., Hotel Somerset, N Y.

KELSEY, Fred A.; b. Sandusky, O., 1884; educ. high sch. ; early career, sailor on Great Lakes; stage career, playing juveniles, comedians, heavies, in "Secret Service," "House of a Thousand Candles"; screen career, Nestor, Re- liance-Majestic, Fine Arts, Thanhouser, Uni- versal ("A Slave of Fear," "The Fugitive," "Red Sanders Plays Cupid," "The Outlaw and the Lady," "The Texas Sphinx," "The Honor of an Outlaw," "A 44-Calibre Mystery," "Six Shooter Justice," "The One Way Trail," "Re- forming a Reformer"). Member M P. D. A. Ad., 2209 Fairfield, Hollywood, Cal.; Holly 3340.

KELSON, George; b. England; educ. Univ. of London, stage career 5 yrs. London, 6 yrs. Eng- lish provinces; screen career. World ("The AVay of the Strong," "The Tenth Case." "The Way Out," "The Purple Lily"). Brady ("Stolen Orders." "Little Women"), Mayflower ("Bol- shevism on Trial"), Canadian Prod. ("The World Shadow"). Ad., Friars Club, or home, 535 W. 135th St., N. Y. ; Mngside 4357

KENNEDY, Aubrey M.; b. Winnipeg, Man., Canada; educ. St. Mary's Coll., Dayton, O. ; early career, author; screen career, 3 yrs. Gen. Mgr. for Essanay, 2 yrs. Gen. Mgr. for Ameri- can, 3 yrs. Gen. Mgr. of prods, for Universal 2 yrs. Gen. Mgr. of prods. for Goldwyn; author and director of "The Yellow Menace" a serial, "The Masked Rider," serial, 12 2-reeI westerns.

KENNEDY, Jack; assistant director; b. Hop-

kinton, Mass.; educ. Dartmouth Coll.; excelled in college theatricals, author of several scen- arios produced by Vitagraph; asst. dir. May- fair Film Corp. ("Persuasive Peggy"), Vita- graph ("Between Friends," "Bobby Connelly" series kid pictures), Goldwyn-Rex Beach Pic- tures with Hobart Henley; Famous Players- Lasky Corp., asst. to John Emerson. Home ad.. Hotel Grenoble, N. Y. C. KING, Barton; b. Cincinnati, 1877; stage career, in "Strongheart," "Graustark," "Shot Gun Opera"; screen career, Equitable ("Man and His Angel"), Metro ("Black Butterfly," "A Soul of a Magdalen," "To the Death"), Pathe ("Seven Pears"), Selig ("Out of the Shadow," "The Font of Courage"), International ("Flower of Faith"), Rolfe ("Master Mystery" Houdini serial), Selznick ("Scream in the Night"). McManus ("Lost Battalion"), Wistaria ("Lurking Peril" serial). Ad., M. P. D. A. and 1520 B'way, N. Y.



KING. Carleton S.J b. Dec. 15. 1887. St. Louis, Mo.; eiluc. St. Louis. Chicago and N. Y. C. ; stage career, comedian ia opera and mus. com., also comedy-drama with Francis Wilson Co., etc.; screen career, 2 yrs. with Edison (played leads and directed "The Way Back," "Breaking the Shackles," "A Child in Judg- ment," "A Broth of a Boy"), Dixie Films, Vitagraph ("Dry Valley Jackson"), Famous Players ("Uncle Sam. M. D."), Paramount Magazine ("Aint"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 165; dark complexion, brown hair, gray eyes. Ad., 471 Central Park West, N. Y.

KING, Henry; b. Christiansburg, Va. ; educ. Roanoke; 10 yrs. legit, stage exper. as actor, Shakespearean roles in stk.. also "The Lion and the Mouse," "House of a Thousand Can- dles," "Graustark." etc.; screen career, Amer- ican ("Mate of Sally Ann," "Beauty and the Rogue," "Six Feet Four"), Ince, Paramount ("23% Hours' Leave"). Jesse D. Hampton ("Fugitive From Matrimony," "The White Love"). Member M. P. D. A. Studio ad., Jesse D. Hampton Productions, L. A., Calif.

KIRKLAND, David; b. San Francisco; educ. Univ. of Calif.; stage career, with Robert Ede- son, Maud Adams; screen career, Essanay ("The Children of the Forest"); member M. P. D. A.; in U. S. service 1917-1919, capt. and adj. 62d Infantry; director, John Emerson, Anita Loos Prods., "A Temperamental Wife," "A Virtuous Vamp." Ad., 318 E. 48th St., N. Y. C.

KNOLES, Harley; b. Rotherham, England, 1880; educ. Cambridge Univ.; stage career, stage mgr. and prod. Liebler & Co.; screen career, World ("Who Is Svlvia?" "The Price of Pride," "The Little Duchess,""). World ("The Volun- teer." "His Brother's Wife," "The Adventures of Carol." "Wanted, a Mother," "Stolen Or- ders"), Brady Prod. ("Little Women"), May- flower Photoplay Corp. ("Bolshevism on Trial"), Famous Players, "Half an Hour" with Dorothy Dalton; member Friars' Club and M. P. D. A. Home ad.. 490 Riverside drive, N. Y.

KORACH, Milton W., technical director; educ. Cleveland; early career, newspaper specialty man: screen career. Argus ("House Without Children." "Vanishing Charms"), editor Cleve- land Plain Dealer Screen Magazine. Ad., Argus Enterprises, Cleveland, Ohio.


LAMBERT, Capt. Harry; b. Dublin, Ireland; educ. Trinity Coll.. Dublin, and Edinburgh Univ. ; early career, officer British cavalry for

9 yrs., saw active service in Egypt, India, Basutoland. and Boer War; stage career, light comedy, with Geo. Edwardes, Frank Curzon, Cyril Maude in London, character parts in "Three Faces East," "A Night at an Inn," "The Bluebird": screen career, director at Vitagraph 1912-15, "An Officer and a Gentle- man." "Spirit and the Clay," "The Diver," "The Test." "Ancient Order of Good Fellows," pro- ducer of official pictures for New York City at the Panama Pacific Exposition, Author's Film ("The Silent Witness," "Trie Crucible of Life"), vice-pres. and dir. gen. Lambert Film Corp. and Mirror Films, Inc. Ad., Lambs' Club, N. Y.

LAMBERT. Glen: b Richmond. Va., 1894; educ. choir school. Cathedral St. John the Divine, N. Y. ; stage career, Boston stk co. vaud. pro- ducer; screen career. Florida Photoplays, "Child of the Sea," "The Dream Man" Superior Fea- tures, "The Rounder" also with Biograph, Crystal. Eclair, Klutho; author 73 produced scenarios.

LANE, Tamar; educ. Boston, Prince Schl. and Stamford Acad.; has written articles and stones for leading newspapers and magazines; in theatrical and motion picture business for

10 years, serving in various capacities; photo- play erlitor Boston Evening Record; editor Screen Magazine; author and director of sev- eral pictures made by Plaza Film Co.; Gen Mgr. Character Pictures Corp. Ad.. 200 W 111th st . N. Y. C. '

LAYER. II. A. (Jack): educ. Western Reserve Unlv : publicity man. newspaper and maga- zine writer, publisher of first screen magazine on Pacific coast; screen career. National (asst dir. on "In Search of Arcady." "The Boomer- ang." "The Long Arm of Mannister," "The Confession"), dir. comedies for National. Home ad. 60(5 1 Santa Monica blvd.., Los Angeles Calif.; Holly 4276.

LAWRENCE. Edmund; b. Bridgeport, Conn.; educ. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; stage career, character actor and comedian, Julia Marlowe, Francis Wilson, E. H. Sothern, Daniel Frohman, Lillian Russell, DeWolf Hopper, the Shuberts; screen career, Fox Film Corp. ("Lure of Ambition." "Queen of Hearts," "The Liar," "Her Price," "The Love Auction," "A Daughter of France," "The Fire Brand," "The Merry-Go-Round," "Lost Money," "What Would You Do?" Home adr 274 Rutland road, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; phone Flatbush 5461 ; studio, Fox, Hollywood, Calif.

LEAVERS, George R. B., technical director; b Hamilton, Canada; educ. Los Angeles, Throop Acad., Pasadena, Cal., Univ. of Washington; early career, structural engineer, architectural draftsman, designer, supervising engineer of construction for U. S. Gov.; screen career, archi- tect for Art Unit Studios, Glendale. Calif. Home ad., 241 Avenue 25, Los Angeles, Calif.

I.EAVITT, Harvey C, technical director; b. Kan- sas City, Kans. ; educ. Colorado Springs, Colo., also Colo. Coll.; early career, general con- tractor and builder throughout Middle West. Ad.. 4261 So. Grand ave., Los Angeles, Calif.; phone So. 3305.

LEONARD, Robert Z,; b. Denver, Colo.; stage career, with Calif. Opera Co., property man, comedian, stage mgr. in comic opera and drama, has sung in over 100 light operas screen career, Lasky ("A Mormon Maid," "Life's Pendulum"), Famous Players ("The Primrose Ring"), Universal ("Primrose Vir- tue," "The Bride's Awakening," "Modern Love," "Delicious Little Devil"), Cosmopolitan ("Mira- cle of Love," "Restless Sex"); member M. P. D. A. Home ad., 1 W. 67th St.; studio ad., Cosmopolitan Film Studios, N. Y. C.

LE SAINT, Edward J.; b. Cincinnati, Ohio; educ. there; stage career, 20 yrs. in stk. and on the road; screen career, Universal ("The Long Chance," "The Three Godfathers"), Fox ("The Devil's Wheel," "The Bird of Prey," "Kultur," "The Strange Woman," "The Call of the Soul," "The Wilderness Trail," "The Speed Maniac"). Home ad., 850 N. Andrews blvd., L. A.; studio, Fox Studio, Los Angeles, Calif.

LE SAINT, Stella Razeto (Mrs. Edward J.) ; b. San Diego, Calif.; educ. San Francisco; stage career, 10 yrs. in stk. and on the road; screen career, Majestic, Kinemacolor, Selig, Universal, dir. Ed. Le Saint, title role in Universal's "The Three Godfathers," co-director with Mr. Le Saint on everything he makes. Home ad., SO N. Andrews blvd., Los Angeles, Calif; Wil- shire 2931; studio, Fox.

LESSEY, George A,; b.; Amherst, Mass.; educ. Dean Acad., Williston Sem. and Amherst Coll.; stage career, in all branches of theatrical busi- ness; screen career, Thanhouser (Romeo in "Romeo and Juliet"), 3 yrs. with Edison (dir. "The Birth of the Star Spangled Banner," etc.). Universal in 1914 (dir. King Baggot), Metro ("The Purple Lady"), Wharton,, Inc. CPatria," "The Eagle's Eye"), De Luxe ("Twilight"). Home ad., 34 W. 75th St., N. Y. C. LE STRANGE, G. S. (Dick); also Comedian; b. Weisbaden, Germany, 1882; educ. New York Univ.; stage career, stk., vaud., with Savage and Shubert, "Girl of the Golden West" on tour; screen career, Lasky, Fox, Selig, Morosco, Metro leads, Sunset Pict. ("Sundown Slim"), Edison ("Five Dollar Bill." 'Whirligig of Life"), directed 20 reel serial featuring Grace Davidson "Bolsheviki of the U. S. A." Hght., 6; wght.. 185; blue eyes, blond hair. Home ad.. Ill Hollister ave.. Ocean Park, Cal.; Sunset studio. San Antonio, Texas.

LEVERING, Joseph; b. Columbus, Ind. ; educ. Kansas City, Mo.; screen career. Art Dramas ("Little Miss Fortune." "The Road Between"), Erbograph ("The Little Samaritan" with Marion Swayne, "The Victim," "The Trans- gressor"), Gaumont ("His Temporary Wife." "Making Her His Wife"); now directing spe- cials for Gaumont Co. Home ad., 518 W. 204th St.. N. Y. C.

LEAVIS, Charles, also scenario writer; b. Brook- lyn; educ. Brooklyn: screen career. Jungle Film Co., Universal, Kinetophoto Corp., Imp, Novelty; produces, directs amateur pictures ("The Dim Light" Lewis Films, directed "Visions," both with full amateur casts). Home ad., 61 Bay 23d St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

I.ITSON, M. N.; b. N. Y., 1878; educ. Coll. City. N. Y. : stage career, productions. "Sword of the King." "Robin Hood," "Ninety and Nine"; screen career. Paragon ("Paying the Price"), Peerless ("Nathan Hale"), Thanhouser ("Pa- triot and Spy"), Biograph, Edison, Metro ("The




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Eternal Question"), Artcraft ("Pride of the Clan," "Poor Little Rich Girl"), production mgr. at Goldwyn Studio. Studio, Goldwyn, Culver City, Calif.

LLOYD, Frank; b. Glasgow, Scotland; stage ca- reer, stk., rep., came to America at head of Walker's rep. cos.; also vaud.; screen career (heavy in Rex releases, then dir. own co), Fox ("Les MIserables," "Tale of Two Cities," "Blindness of Divorce," "Riders of the Purple Sage"), Goldwyn ("World and Its Woman," "Loves of Letty," "Silver Horde"), with Pauline Frederick in "Woman in Room 13," "The Roads of Destiny"; member M. P. D. A. Home ad., 1765 N. Vine St., Hollywood, Calif.

LLOYD, Harold Warner, assistant director; b. Long Branch, N. J., 1888; educ. N. Y. ; screen career, NYMP, Universal ("Dumb Girl of Por- tici"), Signal ("Girl and the Game," "Whisper- ing Smith," "Medicine Bend," "Manager of B. and A."), ex-director of Physical Culture, N. Y. Police Dept. Hght., 5, 9%; wght., 160; dark complexion, blue eyes. Ad., Signal, 4560 Pasa- dena ave., Los Angeles.

LORD, Delmer, assistant flirector; b. N. Y. C. ; screen career, formerly with Mack Sennett, now directing under supervision of Hampton Del Ruth. Home ad., 1022 N. Bonnie Beal, Los Angeles, Calif.; phone 55116; studio, Fox Sunshine Comedies.

LOUIS, Will; b. Woodfleld, Md. ; stage career, 15 yrs. as stock actor and stage manager; screen career, has directed numerous pictures, specializing in comedies, with Lubin, Edison, Solax, Vim, Goldwyn (played in "Jubilo"). Hght.. 5, 6; wght., 150. Home ad., 3651 N. 15th St., Phila. ; studio, 750 Riverside ave., Jackson- ville.

LOVETT, Shaw; assistant director and actor; b.

March 22nd, 1896; N. Y. C. ; demobilized from Royal Air Forces as Lieut, in April, 1919; played with Irene Castle in the "Firing Line," and with Billie Burke in the "Misleading Widow" and "Sadie Love." Asst. director with Lawrence Windom in "Darcy," and John S. Robertson in "Sadie Love," "Erstwhile Susan," "Jekyll and Hyde." Studio ad., Famous Players Lasky Corp.

LOWRY, Ira M.; b. Phila., 1888; educ. there; screen career, began 1903, familiar with every branch of the industry through personal ex- perience; designed 400-acre plant now used by Betzwood Film Co., of which he is vice-presi- dent and general manager; Betzwood ("The Eyes of Truth," "Sandy Burke," "Oh, Johnny," "Speedy Meade," "A Misfit Earl," "Road Called Straight"). Ad., Betzwood Film Co., Port Kennedy, Pa.

LUDDY, Irving; Edward; assistant director; b. Canada; educ. N. Y. C. ; early career, manager of the Flatbush and Jefferson Theatres, N. Y. C. ; screen career, Vitagraph ("Nights and Nighties," "Cave Men," "Vamps and Var- ieties," "Rubes and Robbers," "Lovers-Not"). Home ad., Angelno Apts., Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 10815; studio, Vitagraph.

LUND, O. A. C; also writer; b. Stockholm, Sweden; educ. Upsala Univ.; stage career, Folk Theatre, Stockholm, and Royal Dramatic Theatre; screen career, Eclair, World, Uni- versal, Metro ("The Dollar Mark," "The Marked Woman"), Fox ("The Painted Ma- donna," "Hearts Revenge," "Peg of the Pirate"), Universal (Violet Mersereau in "To- gether," "The Unfinished House"). Bluebird ("The Nature Girl"). Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y. C.


MACDONALD, J. Farrel; b. Waterbury, Conn., 1875; educ. Yale; ex-officer U. S. Army; stage career IS yrs.; screen career from 1908 with G. M. Anderson, with Griffith (Biograph) ; Imp as actor and dir. ; with Patthe as director produced all 5 and 6 reel Oz features, Key- stone-Triangle, Universal ("Roped," "A Fight for Love," played in "Marked Men"), Ameri- can ("Molly of the Follies," "A Sporting Chance"), Pathe ("This Hero Stuff"). Ad., home, 1443 Martel ave., Los Angeles. Member M. P. D. A.

MACDONALD, Sherwood; b, N. Y. C. ; educ. Yale Univ., Ph. B. ; early career, lawyer, author; screen career, Republic, Triangle ("What Every Mother Knows," "Muggsy," "Sunny Jane," "Checkmate." "Wildcat." "Bit of

Kindling," "Betty Be Good," "Bab the Fixer," "Red Circle" serial). Home ad., 1221 W. 7th St., Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 60121; studio, Becker Macdonald Prods.

MacGREGOR, Norval; b. River Falls, Wis., 1865; stage exper. 20 yrs., lead and manager for Nance O'Neil; 5 yrs. mgr. Janet Waldorf in world tour; screen career, 8 yrs., independent release "100 Years of Mormonism," Selig,, Uni- versal, Calif. Film. Corp., Select "Children of Banishment" (Mitchell Lewis). Home ad.. Sierra Madre, Cal. Member M. P. D. A.

MACKENZIE, Donald; b. Edinburgh, Scotland; educ. Stewart's Coll., Edinburgh; with Au- gustin Daly Co., Whitney Opera Co., played with Lew Fields in "The June Bride"; screen career, Pathe ("The Perils of Pauline," "The Spender," "The Pardon," "The Shielding Shad- ow," "The Challenge," "The Seven Pearls," Oliver ("Craig Kennedy" serial), S. L. K. Corp. ("The Fatal Fortune'' with Helen Holmes). Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

MACQUARRIE, Murdock, also actor; b. and educ. San Francisco; stage career, played the waif in "Lights o' London" at age of 7, in rep., etc., with Henry Miller, W. A. Brady, Joseph Jefferson, E. S. Willard, in leading parts, several seasons in stock; screen career, with Biograph, was first lead with Kinema- color, to Universal in 1913, Signal ("Stain in the Blood," "Nancy's Birthright"), American ("The Gambler's Last Love"), Selznick ("Pan- thea"), Bernstein ("Humility," "Loyalty," "Justice"), National ("The Son of Tarzan" serial, Universal ("Twisted Souls." "The Keeper of Hell Gate"). Hght., 5, S; wght., 150; brown hair, gray eyes. Member M. P. D. A. Home ad., 1967 Beechwood Drive, Holly- wood, Cal.

MAIGNE, Charles; b. Richmond, Va., Nov. 11, 1881; educ. Univ. of Notre Dame; early career, newspaper man, war correspondent, magazine writer, officer in U. S. Army; screen career, adapted and directed Famous Players ("The Copperhead"), Artcraft ("The Invisible Bond," "Firing Line"), Select ( "Redhead," "World to Live In"), Special ("Quest of the Big 'Un"), now engaged in adapting and di- recting special productions for Famous Players-Lasky Corp. ("The Copperhead"). Ad., Lambs Club, N. Y.

MARSHALL, George E.; b. Chicago, 1891; educ. St. John's Mil. Acad.; Wisconsin and Univ. of Chicago; screen career, 4 yrs. with Universal "Love's Lariat," "Liberty" serial), dir. "Ad- ventures of Ruth," Ruth Roland Serials. Member M. P. D. A. Ad. 620 W. Moreland, Los Angeles. Cal.

MARSHALL, Roy H. ; assistant director; screen career, Lasky, 5 yrs., with Geo. Melford, Wm. C. De Mille, Robert Z. Leonard, Irvin V. Willat, "Rustling a Bride," "A Daughter of the Wolf," "The Grim Game," Brentwood ("The Other Half," "Poor Relations"). Ad., 6433 Dix St.. Hollywood. Cal.; phone 577354; studio, Haworth Pictures Corp., Sunset Studio, Los Angeles.

MARSTON, Theodore M.; stage career covering a period of 20 yrs., creating and playing many leading character parts in B'way prods.; with Mary Mannering, H. B. Warner, Wm. H. Crane, etc., appearing in "The Man of the Hour," "The Girl from Rector's," "Quo Vadis." "Alias Jimmy Valentine." "The Squaw Man"; screen career, Pathe. Kinemacolor, Vitagraph, (dir. "Mortmain," "The Secret Kingdom"), McClure ("Greed," "Sloth," "Wrath," of "Seven Deadly Sins" series)' Universal ("The Girl by the Roadside," "The Raggedy Queen"), Vitagraph ("The Black Gate").

MARTIN, E. A.; also scenario writer; stage career, with R. B. Mantell, Frank Mayo, general stage mgr. for David Belasco, author and producer of the play "Wyoming," stk. producer for 6 yrs.; screen career, Selig ("When a Woman's Forty," "The Fighting Fishmaid," "In Tune with the Wild," "The Lost City" serial). Home ad., 3463 Mission road, Los Angeles, Cal. ; studio, Selig Zoo.

McCLOSKEY, Justin H.; assistant director; b. Orange, N. J.; educ. St. Johns Parochal Sch., Seton Hall Coll.; stage career, theatre manager and treasurer, New York, Webers, Daly's, Grand Opera House, Casino; screen career, Humanity ("Whom the Gods Would Destroy," "When Bearcat Went Dry." "The Gift Su- preme"). Home ad., Boulevard Apts., Los. Angeles, Cal.; phone 577332.



McGILL, Lawrence B.; b. Courtland, Miss., 1S69; educ. Courtland Acad.; stage career, for 20 yrs. directed traveling rep. and stock cos., producing more than 400 plays; screen career, dir., American-Eclair, Reliance-Majestic, All- Star, Metro, Arrow ("Children of St. Anne," "Arizona," "Pierre of the Plains," "The Price He Paid," "The Sealed Valley," "How Molly Made Good," "The Woman's Law," "Crime and Punishment"), Astra Pathe ("The Girl From Bohemia," "The Angel Factory"). Member M. P. D. A.

McGOWAN, John P.; director general; b. S. Australia; educ. Australia; stage career, with Robert Mantell, William Faversham, H. W. Savage, also in stock and vaud. ; screen career, with Kalem, making three trips with them to Ireland; later with Lasky and Universal; formed Signal Corp. with S. S. Hutchinson to feature Helen Holmes in railroad films, pro- duced "Girl and the Game," Whispering Smith," "Medicine Bend," "Lass of the Lumberlands," "Diamond Runners," "The Railroad Raiders," "The Lost Express," serial "Lure of the Circus," Universal ("Elmo, the Fearless" serial). Member M. P. D. A. Studio ad., L-Ko Motion Pictures Corp., Holly- wood, Cal.

McM.YCKIN, Archer; b. Lake City, Iowa; educ. Univ. of Chicago and Cornell; early career, magazine and newspaper writer in Chicago, reporter and special writer to Record-Herald; screen career, started writing for Essanay, Biograph and Lubin, later editor, Essanay, also wrote publicity," conducted contest which produced the word "photoplay" now uni- versally used; wrote more than 500 orig. stories and prod, nearly 400 subjects, best pictures. Essanay ("The Final Judgment," "The Right of Way"), American ("In the Purple Hills," "Everyheart") , National

("Nothing But Nerve"), Model-Gale Henry (This Way Out"). Home ad., 205 N. Broad- way, Los Angeles, Cal.; Pico 875.

McRAE, Henry Alexander; b. Ontario, Can.; educ. there; stage career, on graduating from school toured with own co. for 2 yrs., later operated stock cos. in Seattle, Portland, Sac- ramento and San Francisco; took shows to Japan, Hawaii, the Orient; screen career, 1 yr. with Selig, Universal (dir. Bison animal and other features, dir. "The Pirate of Panama"), Bison ("Giant Powder," "A Night with Whis- pering Smith"). Formerly director-general Universal City, Universal ("Dropped from the Clouds," "Man and Beast," "The Range War"). Now in China for Universal. Ad., L. A.. Athletic Club. Member M. P. D. A., Los Angeles, Cal.

MELFOKI), George H.; b. Rochester, N. Y. ; educ. MeGill Univ.; stage career, 7 yrs., in various legit, prods.; screen career, 10 yrs., first with Kalem (as actor and director, produced "The Boer War," "The Invisible Power"), Lasky (dir. "The Hostage," "The Call of the East," "Nan of Music Mountain," "Sandy," "The Bravest Way," "City of Dim Faces," "The Source," "Cruise «f the Make Believes," "Everywoman," "The Sea Wolf," "The Round- Up"). Ad., studio, Lasky, Hollywood, Cal.

MENASCO, Milton, art director; b. Los Angeles; educ. St. Vincent's Coll., Los Angeles; studied art with Robert Reid, the mural painter; screen career, 7 pictures for Hayakawa ("Tem- ple of Dusk," "Dragon Painter," etc.). Lew Cody ("Butterfly Man"); now art dircetor with Katherine MaeDonald. Home ad., 6511 »^ Holly- wood blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.; phone 577337.

MENESSIER, Henri, assistant director; screen career, Selzniek ("The Common Law," "Easiest Way," "Price She Paid"), Nazimova-Metro ("Eye for Eye," "Out of the Fog," "Red Lan- tern"), asst. director for Chautard Prods., Paragon Studios, Fort Lee, N. J. Home ad., 125 W. 45th St., N. Y. C.

MIDDLETOX, Edwin; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; educ. Swarthmcye Coll., Pa.; stage career, 30 yrs., 21 yrs. in stk., Phila., supporting Mrs. John Drew, Amelia Bingham, Edward Harrigan, Rose Stahl, etc.; screen career, entered motion pictures in 1906, returning to the legitimate each autumn until 1911, when he joined the Lubin forces, subsequently with Biograph, Gau- raont, Frohman Amuse. Corp., and Cissie Fitz- gerald Co., directing Thomas Jefferson, Lillian Russell, Lionel Barrymore and Jane Gray; member of Lambs', Players' Club and M. P. D. A. Ad., Cissie Fitzgerald Co., Horsley Studio, Los Angeles, Calif.

MILLARDE, Harry; b. Springfield, O. ; stage ca- reer, with Walker Whiteside, Robt. Mantell, J. K. Hackett, stock in Cincinnati, O., Wil- mington, Del.; screen career. Kalem. Universal, Fox. playing and directing ("Every Girl's Dream," "Miss U. S. A.," "Sunshine Maid," "Blue Eyed Mary," "Bonnie Annie Laurie," "Caught in the Act," "Miss Innocence"), Fox ("Gambling in Souls," "Rose of the West," "Sacred Silence," "The White Moll"). Ad., care Fox Film Corp., N. Y., or Hotel Claridge.

MILLER, Ashley; b. Cincinnati, O.; educ. De- troit, Mich.; stage career, with Walker White- side, Otis Skinner, Ezra Kendall, Henrietta Crossman, Anna Held; screen career, Edison (7 yrs.). Famous Players, Community Prods.; author of 150 produced photoplays, of "The Seventh Chord," a three-act play with music, of several one-act sketches and one novel, "The Key"; Edison ("Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." "Out of the Ruins"), Pathe ("The King's Game"), Vitagraph ("Princess of Park Row," "The Marriage Speculation"), Ashley Miller Prod. ("Made in America"). Home ad., 4 West 92nd St., N. Y.

MILLS, Thomas R. ; b. England; educ. Horsham Coll., Eng.; stage career, with Modjeska, Richard Mansfield, Chas. Frohman, Henry Miller, Louis Mann, covering 16 yrs.; screen career. Reliance 1 yr., Vitagraph 4 yrs. ("The Duplicity of Hargraves," "Cop and the Author," "The Guilty Party," O. Henry series, "A Night in New Arabia," "The Girl in His House"), Goldwyn ("Duds"). Hght., 5, 9y2; wght., 175; dark hair, gray eyes. Home ad., 999 E. 5th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. ; studio, Goldwyn, Culver City, Calif.

MITCHELL, Claude H. ; b. Melbourne, Australia, 1891.; educ. Paris, France, Los Angeles, Aber- deen Univ., Scotland; traveled throughout Eu- rope. America, Mexico, etc., in 1914, designed and built the Lone Star Studio, Hollywood, for the Climax Co., including large laboratory, thereafter installing the entire studio equip- ment, joined the Famous Players-Lasky in 1915 as asst. dir., shortly becoming head of the Asst. Director's Dept.. and being in that capacity for 3 yrs., in 1916 published "The Assistant Director's Compendium"; at present writing and directing for Brentwood featuring Zasu Pitts ("Seeing It Thru"). Home ad., 1556 No. Kenmore ave.. Hollywood, Calif.; phone 59437; studio, Brentwood.

MITCHELL, Howard M . . b. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1883; educ. there; stage career, stock, rep. and heavies in A. H. Woods prods.; screen career, Lubin (8 yrs. acting and directing). Than- houser (2 yrs. directing Gladys Hulette and Lottie Briscoe). Balboa (dir. "Petticoats and Pants"), Fox ("The Splendid Sin," "Snares of Paris," "A Girl in Bohemia"). Home ad., Woodward Hotel, 6th and Figueroa, Los An- geles, Calif.

MOODY, Harry G., also scenario writer ; b. Syd- ney, Australia; educ. there; stage career, 16 yrs., stk., vaud., mus. com.; screen career, 1 yr. with Universal, 2 yrs. with Griffith, Doubleday Prod. (The Katterjohns in "Strand- ed," "Pa's Vacation," "False Faces," "Wild Women," "Pa Steps Out," "Buried Treasure," "Investigating the Count"). Ad.. 1745 Alle- sandro St., Los Angeles, Calif.; Holly 2372; studio, Bronx Studio, Los Angeles; phone 54109.

MOORE, Eugene W.; b. Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia; educ. Boston, Mass.. and N. Y. ; stage career, appeared with Edwin Booth, Frederick Warde and Stuart Robson in Shakespearean plays: starred 5 yrs. in "The Burglar," then "Diplomacy"; screen career, since 1912, Thanhouser ("The Candy Girl "). Pathe ("When Baby Forgot"), Universal ("Nancy's Baby," "O'Connor's Mag," "Gene of the Lazy A," "The Girl Who Won Out"), Lasalida-Pathe ("Captain Kiddo"), Eugene Moore Prod., Blue- bird ("Sue of the South").

MORRIS, Reggie; b. N. Y., 1890; educ. Newark Acad.; stage career, from 1905, with Richard Carle, with "Johnnie Jones" co., mgmt. Cohan & Harris, also "45 Minutes From Broadway," "Three Twins," with Kitty Gordon in "The Enchantress"; screen career. Edison for 2 yrs., Biograph 3 v> in juv. leads, 1914 joined eastern Universal, became member L-KO stock, Key- stone ("False to the Finish"), Bluebird ("The Love Swindle"), Sennett ("Back to the Kitch- en"). Home ad., 1742'i N. Western, Los Angeles, Calif.; phone 597717; studio, Christie.

MORTIMER, Edmund; b N Y. C.| educ. there; stage career, with Mary Mannering, "Thais," all-star, Wm. Faversham; screen career, C. K.



Young ("Savage Woman," "Road Thru the Dark"), Harry Garson ("Hushed Hour";, Tour- neur ("County Fair"). Home ad., 1828 High- land ave., Hollywood, Calif.; Holly 2121; studio, Maurice Tourneur Prods., Inc.

MUELLER, Floyd, art director; b. Lafayette, Ind.; educ. Purdue Univ., Art Inst., Chicago; early career, practicing licensed architect, Chi- cago; screen career, Tourneur ("Victory," "Treasure Island," "Glory of Love"). Home ad., 1316 Fairfax ave., Los Angeles, Calif.; Holly 4495; studio, .Maurice Tourneur.

MYLES, Norbert; b. Wheeling, W. Va.; educ. Mount St. Joseph Coll., Baltimore, Md. ; stage career, 9 yrs. in stk., Shakespearean rep., vaud., and prod.; screen career, began in 1910 with Pathe as leading man, Kalem, Eclair, Universal, leading man for American, Vita- graph, now directing Helen Gibson in railroad specials. Home ad., 4618 Melbourne ave., Hol- lywood. Calif.; Holly 4424; studio, Capital Film Company's studio.


NEI1.L, R. William: b. Dublin, Ireland; educ. private tutor; stage career, in "Wildfire" with Lillian Russell, starred in "Baby Mine," in Lon- don and on American circuits in "O'Reggie"; author of "Prince o' My Dreams," "Heart's Desire," and other plays; screen career, 1V4 yrs. with Ince, associated with R. B. West in making of "Civilization"), Paramount ("The Price Mark," "Flare-Up Sal," "Love Me," "Tyrant Fear," "Green Eyes," "Mating of Marcella," "Puppy Love"), Famous Players ("Career of Katherine Bush"), Hodkinson ("The Bandbox"). Member M. P. D. A.

NELSON, J. Arthur, also prod, mgr., author, actor; b. Scranton, Pa., 1877 ; educ. Princeton Univ. ; stage career, director, author and star Stair & Havlin Attr., stk. star and dir. in N. Y.. Phila., Boston, etc.; author several plays and books, including "The Photoplay"; screen ca- reer, author, star, dir. Universal series of "Slim" comedies; author, dir. 'Under Fire in Mexico," "Day of Reckoning," "Lure of the Rose"; member Associated and United Motion Picture Producers; past 3 yrs. dir. gen. Do- minion Film Corp., also Federation Film Corp. ("The Boomerang"). Ad., studio, Federation Film Corp., Seattle, Wash.

NIBLO, Fred; b. York, Neb.; educ. there; stage career, 25 yrs., starred and produced own plays in every English speaking country in world; screen career, feature director for Thos. H. Ince, 2 yrs. all Enid Bennett releases, Thos. H. Ince super-special "Dangerous Hours" with all-star cast, J. Parker Read special, "Sex" with Louise Glaum. Ad., Ince Studio, Culver City, Calif.

NIGH, William; b. Berlin, Wis.; educ. Univ. of California, Berkeley, Cal., while in college wrote first play, "Off the Road," afterwards converted into a musical com.; stage career, comedy leads in many mus. prods.; screen ca- reer, Reliance (wrote, acted and dir. comedies). California M. P. Corp. ("Salomy Jane"), Metro (dir. "A Yellow Streak"), Fox ("The Slave." dir. "Life's Shadows." "My Four Years in Ger- many." "The Blue Streak," "Notorious Galla- gher"), First National ("The Fighting Roose- velts"), Johnny Dooley comedies.

NOBLE, John W.; b. Albemarle Co., Va., 1880: educ. West Point; early career, Lieut, in U. S. Army for 7% yrs., in Philippines and China, engineer in Mexico; stage career, 5 yrs. in stk., vaud. and Broadway prods.; screen ca- reer, Thanhouser, Biograph, Universal, Mutual. Metro, Goldwyn, Frohman, Selznick. Writer of plays and short stories. Ad.. Great Neck Station, L. I., N. Y.

NORTH, Wilfrid; b. London, Eng.; early career, with Mercantile Marine, cattle puncher in Texas, practising lawyer, soldier in N. G. State of Texas; stage career, stage mgr. for Mrs. Fiske 5 yrs., assoe. with Winthrop Ames at the Little Theatre and the New Theatre, also first dir. Harvard Dram. Club and dir. Ama- teur Comedy Club, N. Y. ; screen career. Vita- graph, director late John Bunny, 3 vrs. directed for Vitagraph ("Salvation Joan," "The Ordeal of Elizabeth," "The Kid." "Kitty Mackay," •Mind the Paint Girl"), Select ("The Under- current," "Oil"). Home ad.. 1270 Allan ave.. N. Y. C. ; ad., care Guv Empey Prods , 220 W 42nd St., N. Y.


O'BRIEN, John IJ. ; b. Richmond, Va. ; educ. St. John's Coll., Brooklyn, N. Y. ; stage career, juv leads with Augustus Thomas Co.; screeen ca- reer, Essanay (juv. leads, touring Mexico and Hawaii, also wrote a number of scenarios), Powers, Universal (director). Majestic, Famoui Players ("The Foundling," "Hulda From Hol- land"), Metro ("Vanity"), World ("Materni- ty"), Triangle ("Souls Triumphant"), Empire All Star ("Queen X," "A Daughter of Mary- land," "The Girl and the Judge," "The Richest Girl"), Pathe ("The Bishop's Emeralds," "Im- possible Catherine"). Member M. P. D. A.

O'BRIEN, Thomas E., assistant director; b. Grand Rapids, Mich., 1889; educ. Leland Stanford; early career, with Barnum and Bailey's Circus in 1898; stage career, in vaud. and road cos.; screen career, Essanay, Biograph, with D. W Griffith 2 yrs. as asst. in production of "The Birth of a Nation"; also with Fox and Peerless, played in "The Sage Brusher," Hampton-Hod- kinson. Is rough rider and cowboy, 18 mos. with Royal Northwest Mounted Police.

OLCOTT, Sidney; b. Toronto, Can.; educ. Toron- to; stage career, for 5 yrs.; screen career, Kalem (first salaried director), Sid Olcott In- ternational Prods, (producing abroad). Im- portant productions. "From the Manger to t'-e Cross," "Colleen Bawn," "Mother of Men, " "Madame Butterfly," "Seven Sisters." "Poor Little Peppina," "All for Ireland," "The Bel- gian"), Famous Players ("The Daughter of MacGregor"), Keeney-Sherry ("A Marriage for Convenience"). Hght., 5, 9; wght., 165; iron gray hair, gray eyes. Ad., 315 W. 51st., N. Y., or 220 W. 42nd St., N. Y.

OLIVER, Harold G., art and technical director; b. Hastings, Minn.; stage career, 3 yrs. master of properties, 2 yrs. prop, maker, 2% yrs. technical director; screen career, La; ky ('Grim Game" with Houdini), Ince ("Behind the Door," "Below the Surface" with Hobart Bosworth"). Home ad.. Culver City Hotel, Culver City, Calif.; phone 70386; studio, Ince, Culver City.

O'NEILL, Jack, also scenario writer; b. Phila- delphia, Pa.; educ. there; stage career, 3 yrs. vaud.; screen career, Lubin, Pennsylvania, Scarlett, Unicorn, etc., Billy West Comedies, D. L. D. Comedies, Walleene Films, Phila., Pa. Home ad., 3702 Brandywine St., Phila., Pa.

DliMSTON, Frank D., art director; educ. Colum- bia Univ.; early career, 3 yrs. designer of scenery; screen career, American, Adoliscope, Powers, Universal (prepared sets for "Dumb Girl of Portici," '.'Hypocrites"), art director for Lois Weber ("For Husbands Only"), Lew Cody ("Beloved Cheater"). Ad., Astra Film Corp., Glendale, Calif.

ORTH, George; b. N. Y. C, March 24, 1894; educ. X. Y. C.J screen career, for 11 yrs., Yankee, Republic, Eclair, Biograph, Gaumont, Atlas, dir. "The Wrong House," "A Reel Romance," "A Wakeful Night.'' "A Mixed-up Affair," etc., ■'Millions for a Day," "In Again, Out Again' cameraman in U. S. Signal Corps. Ad., Hotel Monterey, N. Y.

OTTO, Henry; b. St. Louis, Mo.; stage career, 1903-1910: screen career, Metro ("Undine," "Mr. Forty-Four," "River of Romance," "Some Bride." "Fair and Warmer," "The Willow Tree"). Member M. P. D. A. Studio ad., Metro. Hollywood. Calif.; Holly 4485.


PARKE, William : b. Bethlehem, Pa.; stage di- rector with E. H. Snthern, Richard Mansfield, Arnold Daly. Castle Sq. Theatre, Boston; screen career. Thanhouser. Astra. Educational Films, Goldwyn ("The Shine Gorl." "The Yellow Ticket " "The Key to Power," "Convict 993." "The Paliser Case," "Tower of Ivory"). Ail.. 1815 La Brea ave. Hollywood, Calif.

PARKER. Albert; screen career, dir. Douglas Fairbanks in "Arizona." "Knickerbocker Bur- karoo." dir. Clara Kimball Young in "The Eyes of Youth." Permanent ad.. Lambs' Club. N. Y. C.

PARKER. Max. art director; b. Prescott, Ariz.; educ. tkere and Los Angeles; early career, 1 yrs. in architecture; screen career, Lasky ("Call of the East," "City of Dim Faces," "Victoria Cross." etc). Marv Pickford ("The Hoodlum." "Heart of the Hills." "Pollyanna" ) . Dougbis Fairbanks ("His Majesty, the America Home ad., 91 :i W. is. .in place. Los Angeles, Calif.; West 1279; studio. Mary Fickford Co.. Brunton Studio



PARROTT, Charles; b. Balto., 1893; stage career, vaud. 2 yrs., Irish monologue, burlesque; screen career, discovered by Al. Christie at Universal, in Keystone first as actor, then as asst. dir., Fox, 1916 (first release, burlesque on "A Fool There Was," etc.), all Bull's Eye Comedies; now directing the De Havens in "Teasing the Soil." Home ad., 5714 Santa Monica blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.; studio, Sunset.

PATON, Stuart; b. Glasgow, Scotland, 1885; early career, chemist and painter stage career, 6 yrs. in London at Kings Way Theatre, per- formed before King Edward, King George; screen career, Universal, scenario editor, asst. to Frank Crane, "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" ("Peace at Any Price," "Like Wildfire," "The Green Seal," "Beloved Jim"), Universal ("The Gray Ghost"), World ("The Devil's Trail"); also directed Christy Mathew- son and Jess Willard in special releases. Mem- ber M. P. D. A. Home ad., 1814 Hillcrest rd., Hollywood, Cal.

PECK, Raymond S.; b. Ridgetown, Ont., Can., 1886; educ. Collegiate Inst., Chatham, Ont.; early career, connected with various Canadian and American newspapers in reportorial and editorial capacities; screen career, 1917, joined Universal in Canada as director of publicity for the Dominion and editor of Motion Picture Bulletin, later amalgamated the Bulletin with Canadian Moving Picture Digest, thus launch- ing Canada's first film trade paper, left the Digest to become Montreal branch mgr. of Mutual, in June, 1919, became director of motion pictures for Dept. of Trade and Com- merce, Federal Govt, of Canada, Ottawa.

PETERS, Thomas Kimmwood, director, tech- nical engineer, studio manager new Hallmark studios Hunts Point; b. Norfolk, Va. ; educ. Los Angeles, Coll. City Mexico; screen career, since 1898; built and managed Co-operative M. P. C. studio, now Griffith Fine Arts; produced and directed for himself in Frisco; directed "Trapped by Wireless," "Saving Mark," "A California Romance," etc.; developed aeroplane camera and manufactured altimeters for Gov- ernment during war; inventor of cameras, printers and other machinery used in industry; author of "Technique of Cinematography." Ad., 112S Randall Court, Los Angeles, Cal.

PHILLIPS, R. G., also studio manager; b. South Bend. Ind., 1890; educ. Columbia Univ.; stage career, 1908. business mgr. and press agent, Aitken Shows, Great American Shows, Dan Robinson Co.; screen career, 1911, numerous road attractions, Gaumont Co., Jacksonville studio; asst. dir. "Dead Alive," "Feather-Top," etc.; Serial Film Co., "The Bishop's Secret," 5 reels; 1916, director Superior Film Co.; 1917, director and studio mgr. Ebony Film Corp., Chi- cago, dir. IS Ebony comedies, dir. and studio mgr. Castle Studios, 2332 N. California ave., Chicago, 111.

PHYSIOC, Wray; b. Columbia, S. C, Nov. 23, 1890; educ. Virginia; early career, scenic artist with Walter Burridge and Physioc Studios; screen career. 2 yrs. with Pathe Freres, Eclair, World; organized Hamo Films in 1912; producer of "Hearts of Oak," "Born Again," "Shadows of Doubt"; director American Biograph dramas 3 yrs. ; producer of 8-reel feature in natural colors for Technicolor ("The Gulf Between"); now producing a series, "Facts and Follies" in Jacksonville, Fla. Ad., Physioc Studios, 449 First ave., N. T. C.

POLLARD, Harry A.; b. Republic City, Kan., 1883; stage career, 10 yrs., stock, vaud. and prods.; screen career, director with Universal, American, Goldwyn, National, World-Equitable, Frohman Amuse. Co.; "The Quest," "Miracle of Life," "Girl from His Home Town," "The Devil's Assistant," "The Dragon," "The Dan- ger Game?" "Girl Who Wouldn't Grow Up." Hght., 5, 10; wght., 170; black hair, blue eyes. Ad., Frohman Amuse. Co., Times Square Bldg., or Hotel Clarldge, N. Y. C.

POLLOCK, Gabriel L., art and technical director; b. Southern Russia; educ. Russia and Chicago Art Inst.; with Selig Polyscope Co. since 1905. Home ad.. 3005 So. Kenwood ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; West 4279; studio, 3800 Mission Road, Los Angeles; East 33.

POWELL, Frank; b. Hamilton, Ont.; educ. Cleve- land, O. ; stage exper.. 12 yrs., stk., actor and stage director with Belasco, Fanny Ward, 2 yrs.; with Ellen Terry in England; screen ca- reer, Biograph. Pathe, Fox, Mutual, "A Fool There Was," "Officer 6G0"; Powell Prods., "The Forfeit," "Heart of the Sunset"; Triangle. "The

Unbroken Promise"; World, "You Never Know Your Luck." Ad., Lambs Club, N. Y.

POWELL, Paul; b. Illinois; early career, news- paper man with Chicago "Tribune," Lob An- geles "Express"; screen career, from 1912, Lu- bin, Reliance-Majestic, Fine Arts ("The Mar- riage of Molly-O," "Hell-to-Pay Austin," "Girl of the Timberlands"), Triangle ("Betsy's Bur- glar"), Universal ("A Society Sensation," "Who Will Marry Me?" "The Weaker Vessel," "Com- mon Property"), Mary Pickford ("Pollyanna"). Ad., 1957 Lemon St., So. Pasadena, Cal.

PRATT, Gilbert Walker; b. Providence, R. I., 1891; educ. prep, schls. at Tarrytown, N. Y. ; screen career, Kalem, NYMP, Rolin (playing heavies and co-directing); Vitagraph ("Board- ers and Bums," "Farms and Fumbles"). Home ad., 934 Westmoreland Ave., Hollywood; studio, Vitagraph.


QUIRK, William A. ("Billy"), also comedian; b.

Jersey City, N. J.; educ. Jersey City High; stage career, stock and vaud., James J. Cor- bett's Co., Belasco's "The Rose of the Rancho;" screen career, Biograph, Vitagraph, Universal (dir. "Billy Joins the Band"), Metro (dir. Fig- man Comedies, "Winning an Heiress"), World (played in "The Devil's Trail," "The Arizona Cat Claw"), Pathe ("The Old Maid's Baby," played in "The Sawdust Doll"). Hght., 5, 6%; dark blond hair, dark blue eyes.


RAYMAKER, Herman C. ; b. Fruitvale, Calif. ; educ. Petaluma, Calif.; screen career, 3 yrs. with Keystone Comedies, Hank Mann ("Broken Bubbles), Gale Henry "Gas," "Kids," "Chicken a la King"), Mack Sennett ("Soul Mates"), Poppy Comedies ("Diplomatic Ambrose"). Home ad., San Gabriel, Calif.

REED, THEODORE, Technical director; also scenario writer; b. Cincinnati, Ohio; educ. Univ. of Mich., A. B. 1908, M. S. 1909; early career, V. P., Detroit Steering Gear Co.; screen career, Douglas Fairbanks, titles for "Say, Young Fellow," "His Majesty, the American." tech. dir. for "When the Clouds Roll By." Home ad., 7240 Hillside Ave., Hollywood, Calif., phone 57643; studio, Douglas Fairbanks Pictures Corp.

REGAN, THOMAS C.j b. Lowell, Mass.; educ. there; stage career, 5 yrs.; screen career, Pathe, Mittenthal, Univ., World, Jester Comedy Co. as assistant director.

REICHER, Frank; b. Munich, Germany, Dec. 2, 1875; stage career, after 7 yrs. acting in Ger- many, came to U. S., debut in "Ghosts" in N. Y., has appeared with Julia Marlowe, Mrs. Fiske, Lulu Glaser, Annie Russell, Grace George, etc.; stage director for Henry B. Har- ris; screen career, Lasky ( "Pudd'n-head Wil- son," "The Inner Shrine"). Metro, Hayakawa ("Alien Souls"), Fannie Ward ("For the De- fense"), Metro ("The Only Road"), Screencraft ("Suspense," "The Prodigal Wife"), World ("The American Way"), Universal ("The Trap"), Photoplay Libraries ("Empty Arms").

KEVIER, Harry; b. Phila., 1883; educ. Scranton; stage career, operated chain of theatres in Salt Lake City, Ogden, Vancouver, Los Angeles; screen career, with Gaumont, Universal, Lasky, World, Metro ("The Evil Men Do"), Ogden Pictures ("The Lust of the Ages," "Grain of Dust," "Romance of the Air," "Unconditional Surrender"), Ind. Sales ("The Challenge of Chance"). Ad., Somerset Hotel, N. Y.

REYNOLDS, Lynn Fairfield, also seen, writer; b. Harlem, Iowa, 1889; educ. Denver, Colo.; early career, reporter in Denver; stage career, with Elitch-Long Stock Co., Denver, etc.; screen career, since 1913, Selig, Universal (co- dir. with Gene Gauntier, later dir.), Bluebird ("God's Crucible"), Triangle ("Broadway Ari- zona"), Fox ("Mr. Logan, U. S. A.," "Western Blood," "Treat 'Em Rough," "Miss Adven- ture"), Universal special ("Little Brother of the Rich," "The Brute Breaker," "The Over- land Red"). Member M. P. D. A. Home ad., 1939 Morgan place, Los Angeles, Calif., studio Universal.

ttlCKETTS, Thomas; b. London, Eng.; stage career, in Eng. with Sir Henry Irving, wrote and produced "Duvar," 1881, produced and played lead in "Honeymooners," producer for Frohman, K. and E., H. E. Dixey; screen career, from 1907, Essanay, American, Horsley,



Nestor, Universal, American ("The Great Ques- tion," "Buzzard's Shadow," "Other Side of the Door"), Centaur-Mutual ("The Single Code," "A Daughter of the Well-dressed Poor," "For- bidden," "The Counterfeit Soul"), United Film Corp. ("The Crime of the Hour"), for State Rights ("Sins of the World"). Member M. P. D. A. Home ad., 1280 Sweetzer ave., Holly- I Blvd., R. F. D. No. 10, Cal.; Holly, 2115.

BOBBINS, Jesse J.; b. Dayton, Ohio; screen career, 7 yrs. with Essanay, as director and general mgr., creator and director "Snakeville" and "Alkali Ike" comedies and many of Broncho Billy Western films, 1915 organized Bobbins Photoplays, director and mgr. Chaplin comedies, making Rainbow Comedies past £ mos. ("Oriental Romeo," "Barnyard Romance," "In Society," "Shimmie Shakers," "On the High Seas"). Ad., Los Angeles Athletic Club, Los Angeles, Calif.

KOBKKTSON, John Stuart; b London, Ont., Can- ada, June 14, 1878; educ. St. Thomas, Ont., Canada; stage career, stk. co., 2 yrs. with Rose Stahl, with Chas. Frohman, Maude Adams, Henry B. Harris, Rice and Harris, etc.; screen career, Famous Players ("Test of Honor," "Come Out of the Kitchen," "Misleading Widow," "Let's Elope," "Jekyl and Hyde"), Realart ("Erstwhile Susan"), Ad., Famous Players-Lasky Corp., N. Y.

ROSEN, Philip E. ; also cameraman; b. Machias, Me.; screen career, Edison, Universal, Fox (photographed "Romeo and Juliet," "The Darl- ing of Paris," "The Greatest Love"), Goldwyn ("Spreading Dawn"), "The Miracle Man," "The Beach Comber," "Little Brother of the Rich," "The Bru'.e Breaker," Universal (dir. "The Double Hold Up," "The Sheriff's Oath"). Home ad., 1010 E. Oxford ave., Hollywood, Cal. Phone 599947. Studio Universal.

KOSSON, Arthur H. ; b. Eng.; screen career, Tri- angle ("Caseidy"), Artcraft ("Headin' South"). Vita., Univ., Norma Talmadge, Liberty Loan picture "100% American" (Mary Pickford), and one for Canadian Victory Loan; J. P. Reed Prod. ("Sahara"), directing Tom Mix for Fox, Mayer-Chaplin ("Polly of the Storm Country," "Social Mockery"). Ad., Los Angeles Athletic Club, and 6091 Salem place, Hollywood, Cal. Studio, Mayer-Chaplin Co., Los Angeles, Cal.

BOSSON, Dick; assistant director; b. New York City, 1894; educ. Newport, R. I.; screen career, Vitagraph, Universal, Famous Players, Ameri- can. Triangle ("The Haunted House"), Selznick ("Pantrea," "The Shoes That Danced," "The Secret garden." Assisted Arthur Rosson at the May<ir-Chaplin Co.. Los Angeles.

EUGGI,ES, Wesley H.; b. Los Angeles, 1889; stage career, mus. com., stk., rep.; screen career, Keystone (Syd. Chaplin comedies, "Her Painted Hero," Chaplin burlesque of "Carmen"), Vita- graph ("For France," "The Agony Column," "The Winchester Women," O. Henry's Specials, Bobby Connelly Specials), Selznick ("Piccadilly Jhn," "Plans of Men"). In U. S. Service 18 mos., mustered out May 15, 1919. Ad., 117 W. 81st St., N. Y.


SANTELL, AI., also studio executive; b. San Francisco, Cal.; educ. there; early career, ar- chitect, short story author; screen career, di- rector of American, Mutual, Master Pictures, Kalem Comedies, World Comedy Features, Smiling Bill Parsons Comedies, Goldwyn Come- dies, dir. Kolb & Dill, Fay Tincher, Kathleen O'Connor, Neal Burns, Joan Hill. Now super- vising manager comedy prod, at Universal City, personally dir. feature comedies with Joe Martin, the Human Orang-Outang and animals. Home ad., Cordova Hotel, Los Angeles, Cal. Bdwy. 506; studio, Universal.

SARGENT, George L. ; b. Phila. ; educ. Princeton; stage career, stage director for Dillingham and Cohan & Harris prods. ; screen career, Eclair, "Dollars and a Heart"; World, "The Gentleman from Mississippi"; Dra'-Ko comedies, Kalem. "The Masked Dancer," American, "The Secret of the Submarine," "The Gilded Youth," "His Brother's Keeper," Univ. "High Speed." Mem- ber M. P. D. A. Ad. Green Room Club, N. Y.

SAUM, Clifford P.; b. Columbus, O. ; stage career. Wilbur Opera Co., Anna Held, in Ziegfeld's Follies; screen career, Reliance, Biograph, f-tog;re,ss, Thanhouser, Fox, Warner Features

("The Kaiser's Finish"), asst. in "Lest We For- get," now assisting Edgar Lewis, 1919-20. Ad., 606 Candler Bldg., N. Y. C. SCAKDON, Paul; b. Melbourne, Australia, 1S78 ; educ. there; stage career, 12 yrs. in Australia, with Nance O'Neil, Kyrle Bellew, E. H. Soth- ern and Mrs. Fiske; screen career, Reliance- Majestic, Vitagraph ("Arsene Lupin," "The Game with Fate," "The Golden Goal." "Tangled Lives," "The Green God," "King of Diamonds," "Silent Strength," "Man Who Won." "Fighting Destiny," "The Gamblers," "Beating the Odds," "In Honor's Web"). Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

SCll EKTZINGEB, Victor I..; educ. Univ. Penn. ; screen career, N. Y. M. P. Co., Triangle-Ince, Thos. H. Ince, "Ezry," "The Hired Man," "The Family Skeleton," "His Own Home Town," "Nine O'clock Town," "The Sheriff's Son," "Playing the Game," "Coals of Fire," "Claws of the Hun," "String Beans," "Quick Sands"; composed 31 scores for Ince prod., including first original for any picture ("Peggy"), Gold- wyn ("Jinx," "Pinto," "The Blooming Angel"). Member M. P. D. A. Home ad.. 4S01 Hollywood blvd., Hollywood, Cal.; phone 59463; studio, Goldwyn, Culver City, Cal.

SCHTJLTZ, Carl H.; technical director; 15 yrs. exper. staging prods, and 4 yrs. at Fox Studio, Fort Lee, N. J.; associated with R. A. Walsh, Gordon Edwards, Charles Brabin, Kenean Buel, Wm. Nigh, Dallas Fitzgerald; at present with Hallmark Pictures Corp. Ad., West Norwood, N. J.; phone Closter 143-W.

SCHULZE, Jack; technical director; screen ca- reer, Selznick, Pathe, Warner Bros. Ad., 268 W. 84th St.. N. Y. C.

SCULLY, Wm. Jos.; assistant director; b. Green Island, N. Y. ; screen career, Biograph, prods, in which the following stars appeared: Mary Pickford, John Barrymore, Marguerite, Paul- ine Frederick, C. K. Young, Enrico Caruso, Elsie Ferguson, Elaine Hammerstein; Famous Players ("The Avalanche," "A Society Exile," "Witness for the Defence"), Selznick ("The Country Cousin," "Greater Than Fame"). Ad., Selznick Pictures, West Fort Lee, N. J.

SEAY, Charles Morgan; b. Atlanta, Ga. ; educ. Univ. of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. ; stage career, 4 yrs. with road prods., 5 yrs. in vaud. feature act, 6 yrs. in stk. in N. Y. C. and other cities; screen career, directed for Edi- son, Equitable, Moss, Vitagraph. Local Life, Gray Seal, Div. of Films, C. P. I., U. S. Gov't; at present Community Prods. Ad., Community Prods., Inc., 46 W. 24th St., N. Y. C.

SEITEB .William A.; b. N. Y. ; edue. Hudson River Mil. Acad. ; early career, artist and writer; screen career, Reliance. Universal, Ma- jestic, Crown City, National Film ("Morning After," "Tangled Threads"), 13 comedies for Mr. and Mrs. Carter Dehaven for Goldwyn, National ("Hearts and Masks," "The Ken- tucky Colonel"). Home ad., St. Francis Court, Hollywood, Cal.; studio, National.

SEITZ, George Krackett, also actor and scen- ario writer; b. 1883, Mass.; educ. Friends' Sehl., Phila.; early career, short story writer and playwright; screen career, joined Pathe in 1912; author of "The Shielding Shadow," "Pearl of the Army," "The Fatal Ring," adapted "The Beloved Vagabond." "Nedra"; Astra ("Fatal Ring," "House of Hate," "Lightning Raider" serials), G. B. Sei'z, Inc. ("Black Secret," "Bound and Gagged," "Pi- rate Gold," "Velvet Hawk" serials). Home ad., 2 West 67th St., N. Y. ; studio ad., G. B. Seitz, Inc., 1990 Park ave., N. Y.

SEMON, Lawrence; also comedian; b. West Point, Miss., 1889; educ. Savannah, Ga. ; early career, played child parts on stage with Zera Semon, his father; pro. magician, cartoon artist and tumbler in vaud.; screen career, Universal, Palace Players (dir. Frank Daniels Comedies); Vitagraph ("Players and Puppy Love," "Rooftops and Ruffians," "Huns and Hyphens," "Pluck and Plotters." "Traps and Tangles," "Scamps and Scandals." "The Head Waiter"); writes all his own comedies; car- toonist N. Y. Evening Sun, N, Y. Herald and Evening Telegram. Ad., Vitagraph, Holly- wood, Cal.

SHAW, William Bay, Technical director; b. Sa- vannah, Ohio; educ. Mansfield, O., Pasadena, Cal., and private sch. in engineering; early career, civil engineering, municipal engineer- ing, designer. Chief Engineer for Art Unit Studios, Glendale, Cal.



SHELDON, Roy, also actor; b. Jacksonville, 1885; educ. there; stage career, 8 yrs., stk., vaud., drama; screen career, Sid Olcott, Reli- ance. Gauntier, Sterling, Champlain, Kalem (•■When Man Could Kill," "Mother of Men," "The Taint," "Land of the Lost"), E. I. S. ("Trooper 44"), 2 yrs. with Fox and Creation Films. Hght., 5, 9%; wght., 150; dark com- plexion, brown hair, dark eyes. Ad., 124 W. 64th at., N. Y. ; Col. 9076.

SIDNEY, Scott; stage career, 20 yrs.; screen career, NYMP (produced 80 one- and two-reel subjects), Triangle (dir. "Bullets and Brown Eyes," "The Deserter"), Pallas-Morosco ("The Road to Love," "Her Own People"). National Film Corp. ("Tarzan of the Apes"), Christie special ("Go West, Young Woman." and 26 Christie comedies). Member M. P. D. A. Ad., Christie Studio, Hollywood, Cal.

SIEBEL, Bert E., assistant director; screen ca- reer, Universal, National. Pathe, Goldwyn, Thos. Ince. Ad., Thos. Ince Studio, Culver City, Cal

SILSBY, Wilson, art director; b Chicago, 1883; educ. Chicago, N. Y. and abroad; early career, 17 yrs. designing and building scenery; scenic artist Metropolitan Op.; had own scenic studio, 1912; produced "The Rosary," "The Silver Box," "Justice," "The Pigeon" first time in America; painted mural decorations for Chi- cago Fed. Bldg. ; wrote novel, "Woman with Red Hair"; composed dances for "The Silver Slipper"; screen career, Universal, Pathe, Max Figman, Harry Carey ("Outcasts of Poker Flat"), Rupert Julian ("Millionaire Pirate"), Bradbury Features ("Into the Light"). Ad., Mitchell Lewis Prods., Inc., Bradbury Features, 412 Mason Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.

SIMONE, Charles, also scenario writer, studio manager, manufacturer and distributor; b. Castellana, Italy, 1874; educ. Europe, America; stage career, stk., rep., playing juvenile and light comedy roles, dramatic coach; screen career, Nestor, Universal, Centaur, Venus, General Film Co., New Haven. Conn., Hallmark Pictures Corp. Albany, N. Y. Ad., 82 Third ave., Albany, N. Y.

SLOMAN, Edward; b. London. 1S85; stage ca- reer, stock, "Parsifal," "Mummy and Hum- ming Bird," vaud.; screen career. Universal, Lubin, American ("Shackles of Truth," "The Frame Up," "Periwinklee," "The Masked Heart," "The Pagan," "Sands of Sacrifice," "The Sea Master." "A Night in New York," "Snap Judgment," "Aladdin's Night"), Mutual ("The Ghost of Rosey Taylor"), Federal ("The Westerners," "The Sage Brusher"). B. B. Fea- tures ("Luck of Geraldine Laire"), Selznick ("Blind Youth"). Member M. P. D. A. Ad., home, 1720 Chapala St., Santa Barbara, Cal.; 608 S. Serrano. Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 560616.

SLOSSER, Ralph J., assistant director; b. N. Y. C. ; educ. Los Angeles and U. S. C. College; early career, student; screen career, 2 yrs. property man with Famous Players. 6 mos. asst. tech. dir. with Clara Kimball Young Co., 1 yr. asst. prod, and business mgr. with Gold- wyn, at present asst. director at Brentwood Film Co. Home ad., Ellison Apts., Venice, Cal.; phone 5179.

SMALLEY, Phillips; b. Brooklyn, 1870; educ. Balliol College. Oxford, and Harvard Univ.; early career, law, member of N. Y. Bar for 7 yrs.; stage career, Mrs. Flske, Raymond Hitch- cock; screen career, Gaumont. Kalem, NYMP, Rex, Bosworth ("Hypocrites"), Universal ("The Dumb Girl of Portici," "Where Are My Children?" "Shoes," "Saving the Family Name," "Idle Wives," "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle," "The Double Standard," "The Doctor and the Woman"). Member M. P. D. A. Studio. Lois Weber Prod., Hollywood.

SMAIXWOOD, Ray C; b N V. L888; screen career, Imp. Ince, Universal, dir. "The Best of Luck" for Screen Classics at Metro Studio. Mme. Nazimova in "The Heart of a Child." Ad., Metro Studios.

SMITH, David; b. England: educ. there; early career, business, mechanical draughtsman; stage career, bus. mgr. stock co.; screen career, scenario writer, dir. for Vltagraph, O. Henry-General ("The Enchanted Barn," "Sue." "By the World Forgot," "Baree, Son of Kazan," "A Gentleman's Agreement," "The Wishing Ring Man," "Cupid Forecloses," "A Yankee Princess," "Over the Garden Wall," "A Fighting Colleen"). Ad., home, 4609 Pros- pect ave., Hollywood, Cal.; studio, Vltagraph.

SMITH, Noel Mason; b. Rockland, Me.; educ. Cal.; screen career, from 1912, L-Ko, Henry Lehrman Sunshine Comedies, Vitagraph ("Tootsies and Tamales," "Healthy and Hap- py," "Flips and Flops," "Yaps and Yokels," "Mates and Models," "Squabs and Squabbles," "Bungs and Bunglers"), Fox Sunshine ("The Diver's Last Kiss"). Ad., 1355 N. Alvarado st., Los Angeles, Cal.

SNYDER, Jack, assistant director and actor; b. Brooklyn, 1S91; educ. Columbia Coll., N. Y. ; stage career, vaud.; screen career-, Kay Bee- Triangle ("The Food Gamblers," "Cassidy"), Fox ("Les Miserables"), played western roles with Thanhouser and underworld with Metro, Fox and Pathe; in service for 1 yr. ; assist, dir. on "Regular Fellers" series; now asst. dir. on making of educations and short subjects. Home ad., 149 S. 4th St.. Brooklyn, N. Y.

SOTHERN, Harry, assistant director; b. London; educ. Rugby; stage career, 7 yrs. in company of E. H. Sothern, his uncle, with Otis Skinner; screen career, Metro ("Romeo and Juliet," and other Bushman and Bayne prods.), Select ("The New Moon").

SPINAK, Leon, Art and technical director and studio executive; b. Paris. France; educ. Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris; decorated for Czar of Russia, King Emmanuel and Duke of Norfolk, also Franco-British Exposition, London; 5 yrs. with Thos. H. Ince and Robt. Brunton as art director. Home ad., 1432 So. Union ave.. Los Angeles, Cal.; West 1377; studio, Art Unit Studios.

STAHL, John; screen career, directed Mildred Harris, Florence Reed in "Wives of Men," "Her Code of Honor," "A Woman Under Oath," Molly King in "Greater Than Love," "Women Men Forget." Ad., Mayer-Chaplin Studio, 3800 Mission Road, Los Angeles, Cal.

STANTON, Richard; b. Phila.. educ. there; stage career, stock with Kolb and Dill; screen career, Melies, Ince (produced "Aloha," also played leads), Universal ("Graft" series), Fox (dir. "THe Love Thief," "The Scarlet Pimpernel," "The Spy," "The Yankee Way," "Durand of the Bad Lands," "Responsibility," "Rough and Ready," "Why America Will Win," "Eyes of the Soul," "Why I Would Not Marry," "The Jungle Trail," "Checkers"). Member M. P. D. A. Ad., Fox, N. Y.

STARK, Lowell Randall, assistant director; educ. Univ. of Michigan; screen career, 1 yr. writer and asst. dir. Kalem ("Call of the Dance," etc.), 1 yr. comedy scenario editor Metro ("His Wedding," etc.), 2 yrs free lance writer, 6 mos. seen, writer and asst. dir. Johnny Dooley Com- edy Co. ("Artificial Art," etc.), asst. dir. Films, Inc. ("That Woman"). Ad., White Plains, N. Y. ; White Plains 2531.

STACLCUP, M. P., Art director; b. Amenia, N. Y. ; interior decorator and designer. Metro Pictures Corp., Hollywood, Cal.

STEGER, Julius, also playwright; b. Vienna, Aus- tria; educ. there and America; stage career, actor, singer and producer, starring in own prods, and in vaud.; screen career, Rolfe-Metro ("The Stolen Triumph"), for Jos. Schenck ("Re- demption," "Just a Woman"), International ("Hidden Truth"), Metro ("Blindness of Love"), State Rights ("The Libertine." "Prima Donna's Husband"), author, singer and musi- cian; associated with Messrs. Shubert in prod, of plays; Select ("Cecilia of the Pink Roses," "Belle of New York"). Ad., Players Club. N. Y.

STEWART, K. C, assistant director; b. Chitte- nango, N. Y.; educ. Yates High Schl., Williams Coll., Mass.; early career, business and sales- man; screen career, 1918, Astra ("The Cry of the Weak," "Our Better Selves"), Universal ("Ex- quisite Thief," "The Unpainted Woman," "Blind Husbands," 5 comedies with Florence Turner). Home ad., 1835 Argyle St., Hollywood, Cal.; phone 579,957; studio. Universal.

ST. GERMAINE, A., technical director; b. Sher- brooke, Canada; educ. Acad. Sacred Heart, Man- chester, N. H. ; stage career, since 7 yrs. of age; screen career, Pathe, 6 yrs. Norma Talmadge Co., asst. to Ed. Jose. Home ad.. 150 Broad- way, Brooklyn. N. Y. ; studio ad.. Selznick Stu- dios. Fort Lee. N. J.

STOKM, Jerome; b. Denver, Colo.; educ. there; stage career, with James O'Neil. Robert Edeson, Olga Nethersole, New York prods., stk.; screen career, Ince-Paramount, directed Charles Ray In "The Girl Dodger," "Greased Lightning," "The Busher." "Bill Henry." "Egg-Crate Wal- lop," "Paris Green," "Alarm-Clock Andy." Home ad.. 1321 Edgecliff Drive, Los Angeles. Cal.; Wilshire 1175; studio, Ince.



STRONG, Jay, assistant director; b. Cleveland, Ohio, 1897; educ. Western Reserve Univ., Cleve- land, Ohio; screen career, asst. dir., continuity man for Church Film Corp.; at present asst. dir. for Transatlantic Film Co. of America., Inc., Comedies.

STURGEON, Rolliii S.; screen career, free lance scenario writer, member Vitagraph scenario dept., head of producing co.; founded original Western Vitagraph Co. at Santa Monica; new plant constructed under his supervision (dir "The Chalice of Courage," "God's Country and the Woman," "Through the Wall"), Lasky ("Petticoat Pilot"), Universal ("Destiny," "Pretty Smooth." "Sundown Trail," "Breath of the Gods"). Ad., 723 N. Mariposa, Los Angeles. Cal.

SUTCH, Herbert, assistant director; b. London,

Eng., 1882; Technical Coll., South Kensington, London, Wurzburg, Germany, and Veimont Coll.; stage career, Jessie Shirley Stock Co., Spokane; Central Stock Co., San Francisco; Baker Stock Co., Portland; screen career, Fine Arts, both as character actor and as asst. dir.; Arizona Film Corp., Kalem, Mena, Griffith (played in "Scarlet Days"). Ad., home, 4400 Sunset Drive, Hollywood, Cal. SYMONDS, Henry Roberts; b. Chicago; educ. Univ. of Notre Dame, So. Bend, tnd.; early ca- reer, automobile business, Los Angeles and Chi- cago; 18 mos. in U. S. Army Air Service; screen career, "Milk Fed Vamp," "Twilight Baby," etc.. with L-Ko, Sunshine and Henry Lehrman Prod. Ad., Henry Lehrman Prods., Inc.. Hollywood, Cal. Home ad., Hotel Glidden, Los Angeles, Cal.; Hollywood, 3910.


TATE, Cullen, assistant director; b. Paducah, Ky., 1893; educ. Castle Hghts. Sch., Lebanon, Tenn. ; screen career, Famous Players ("Joan the Wom- an," "The Romance of the Redwoods," "The Little American," "The Woman God Forgot," "The Devil Stone." "The Love Burglar," "The Lottery Man." "Hawthorne, U. S. A." Home ad., 1722 Wilcox St., Hollywood, Cal.; phone 577797; studio. Lasky. TAUSZKY, David Anthony, Art director; b. Cin- cinnati, Ohio; educ. N. Y. Univ. and Paris, France; early career, portrait painter; screen career, "Eye for Eye," "Please Get Married," all Metro pictures since Feb., 1919. Ad., Sal- magundi Club, 47 Fifth ave., N. Y. ; studio, Metro. Hollywood, Cal. TAYLOR, William Desmond; b. Ireland, 1877; educ. Clifton Coll., England; screen career, Ince, Vitagraph, Favorite Players, Morosco, Pallas (dir. "The Parson of Panamint," "Redeeming Love," "The Happiness of Three Women," "The Varmint"), Fox (dir. "North of 53," "The Tale •of Two Cities"). Artcraft ("How Could You, Jean," "Johanna Enlists," "Capt. Kidd, Jr."), Paramount ("Mile-a-Minute Kendall"), Artcraft ("Huckleberry Finn"), Realart ("Anne of Green Gables"). Member Los Angeles Athletic, and Town and Country Clubs, M. P. D. A. Studio, Morosco, Los Angeles, Cal. TERRIS, Tom; b. London, 1877; educ. Christ Coll., Eng.; stage career, actor and actor mgr. in Eng.; screen career, World ("Pursuing Shad- ow"), Terris ("Woman of the World," "My Country First"), Vitagraph ("Between Friends," "The Business of Life," "Lion and the Mouse," "The Third Degree," "The Climbers," 'The Vengeance of Durand." "The Fortune Hunter"). Ad., 676 Riverside Drive, N. Y. ; studio, Vita- graph, Brooklyn, N. Y. TERWILLIGER, George, also author; b. N. T., 1882; early career, newspaper man on "Dra- matic Mirror" and "Telegraph"; screen career, scenario ed. Reliance, then free lance writer, Biograph (wrote "The Battle," "The Mother- ing Heart"), Lubin (dir. "The Cry of the Blood," "The Nation's Peril"), dir. Star Series for Stage Women's War Relief, "The Sporting Duchess" for Vitagraph. Ad., 875 W. 180th st, N. Y.

THAYER, Otis B.; b. Richland Center, Wis.; educ. Freeport, 111.; stage career, 15 yrs. ; screen ca- reer, Selig, Colorado, Pike's Peak, Art-o-Graf Film Co., Independent Prod. ("Awakening of Bess Morton," over 200 shorter releases, "Wolves in Wall Street"). Office, 305 Guardian Trust BIdg., Denver. Colo.; studio, Englewood, Colo.

THOMSON, Frederick A.; b. Montreal. Can.; stage career, 20 yrs.; screen career. Famous ("Sign of the Cross"), Vitagraph ("The Chris-

tian," "Wild Beasts at Large," "An Enemy to the King," "Nymph of the Foothills"), Lasky ("The Goose Girl"), Fox ("The Wonderful Ad- venture"), Pathe ("How Could You, Caroline"), Buffalo ("The Sport of Kings"). Now with Prizma. Ad., Players Club, N. Y. THORNUY, Robert; b. N. Y. C; educ. there and Syracuse; stage career, road shows 3 seasons, Keith and Proctor stock 2 seasons; screen ca- reer, 10 yrs., started with Vitagraph as actor, then dir. 4 yrs.; Sennett-Keystone 6 mos.; Ster- ling Kid Comedies 1 yr. ; World 1 yr. ; Lasky 1 yr. ; Pathe 0 mos.; produced for himself; has directed Ethel Clayton, Kitty Gordon, Gail Kane, Sessue Hayakawa, Blanch Sweet, Wm. Desmond; World ("Broken Chains," "Code of ' the Mountains"), Famous Players ("The Bar- barian," "The Hostage"), J. D. Hampton ("The Prince and Betty," "Cressy," "The Deadlier Sex"). Home ad., 2464 Beachwood Drive, Los Angeles, Cal.; Holly. 2019. TRACY, Bert; b. England; educ. St. Bede's Coll., Eng.; stage career, mus. com.; screen career, Kalem ("The Tiger's Claws"), Vim ("Thirty Days"),Vitagraph("His Own People"), Sunbeam Comedies ("Hot Sands and Cold Feet," "His Conscience His Guide," "Trial by Jury"); come- dian and writer; directing Sunbeam Comedies. Home ad.. 5S7 Riverside Drive. N. Y. C. ; studio, Klutho Studio. Jacksonville, Fla. TRIMBLE, Laurence; b. Robbinston. Me., Feb. 15, 1885; educ. dist. schl., and by private tutor; early career, forming lumbering business, short story writing; screen career, Goldwyn ("The Auction Block." "The Spreading Dawn"), Turner Films, gen. mgr. (dir. "Mv Old Dutch," "Door Steps," "East Is East," "The Fight With- in" (Petrova), "Fools' Gold" (Mitchell Lewis), "The Saintly Show Girl" (Mae Marsh). TURNER, D. H., also actor; b. N Y. C, Jan. 12, 1883; educ. Hudson Mil. Acad, and Univ. of Penn. ; stage career, 10 yrs. in various prods.; screen career, Edison, Pathe. Henry W. Savage ("Her American Prince," "Revelation," "The Eagle's Eye"), Metro ("Man That Stayed at Home"), San Antonio Pict. ("Mr. Potter of Texas," "Mr. Bingle," "Squire Phin"). Hght., 5, 10^4; wght., 175; brown hair, steel-gray eyes. Ad., P. O. Box 872, San Antonio, Texas. TYROL, Jacques; educ. Austria; stage career, 18 yrs. European stages and U. S., Vienna, Berlin, Petrograd, Moscow; played "Professor Bhaer" in Brady's revival of "Little Women"; screen career, 8 yrs., "The Hand," "Out of the Dark- ness," "The Face in the Crowd," ('Truth"), Ty- rad ("And the Children' Pay," "The Red Viper"), decorated by former Emperors of Austria and Germany, Czar of Russia, and reigning heads of German municipali- ties; with Associated Press, special cor- respondent Spanish-American War, '98; Boxer uprising, Pekin, China, 1901; massacre Kishi- neff, 1903; Russian- Japanese War; studied lan- guages and psychology under Ivan Bloch, Metshnikoff and August Forrell. Ad., Green Room Club, Elks or 729 Seventh ave.; Bryant 5426, N. Y.


VALE, Travers; b. Liverpool, Eng., 1865; educ. Australia, India and U. S. ; stage career, pro- duced and plays leads in "Madame X," "Lion and the Mouse"; screen career, Rex, Reliance, Biograph, Universal, World ("A Self-Made Widow," "Betsy Ross," "The Woman Be- neath," "The Dormant Power"), Brady-World ("The Dancer's Peril," "Darkest Russia," "Soul Without Windows," "The Witch Woman," "Vengeance," "The Journey's End"). Ad., Pel- ham. N. Y., or Friars Club, N. Y.

VAN, Wally; supervising director; educ. Cooper Inst.; stage career, director of College Plays; several Thespian stocks and society enter- tainer; screen career, Vitagraph ("Man Behind the Door," "Love, Luck and Gasoline," and many others; Rothapfel ("False Gods"), "Trail of the Octopus" serial. Ad., 312 West- minster Road, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Flatbush 5983.

VAN DEUSEN, Cortlandt J.; b. Brooklyn, 1890; educ. Polytechnic Coll.; stage career, Shubert and Crescent Stk. ; screen career, Kalem, Vita- graph ("Man Behind the Curtain," "In Arca- dia," "Mystery of Empty Room"), Jester ("His Golden Romance"), Apex ("Couple Wanted," "Furnished Complete," "All Im- provements." "In Bad"); now supervising di- rector Apex. Ad., Apex Pictures Corp., In- dianapolis, Ind.



VEKROFF, Perry N.; b. Alexandria, Egypt; educ. Robert Coll., Constantinople; early ca- reer, studied law and dramatic art at Univ. of Sofia, Bulgaria; stage career, drama, opera, vaud., under Augustin Daly, K. & E., H. W. Savage Thos. Riley; screen career, director, American Kinemacolor, 3% yrs., Metro, "Vita- graph, Bacon-Backer ("Man," "A Woman's Experience"), World ("What Love Forgives," "Dust of Desire"), Arthur Beck serial ("Isle of Jewels"), in preparation "Cynthia of the Minute," with Leah Baird. Ad., Exclusive mgnt. Edward Small, 1493 Broadway, N. Y.

VIGNOLA, Robert G.; b. Italy;- educ. Albany; stage career, 7 yrs. Shakespearian rep., melo- drama; screen career, Kalem ("The Vam- pire"), Famous ("The Reward of Patience," "Great Expectations," "The Fortunes of Fifl," "Her Better Self," "The Love That Lives"), Select ("The Claw"), Paramount ("The Girl Who Came Back"), Select ("Experimental Marriage"), Paramount ("Louisiana," "Heart of Youth," "The Third Kiss," "His Official Fiancee," "More Deadly Than the Male"). Ad., International Films, 729 7th ave., N. Y.

VINCENT, James; educ. Springfield, Curry Sch. of Oratory and Dramatic Art; stage career, 15 yrs.; screen career, 12 yrs.; director for Kalem, Pathe, Sterling, Cort, Fox, Pilgrim, Serlco. James Vincent Film Corp.; "The Penalty" "The Atheist," "Land of the Lost," "The Wolf," "The Melting Pot," "Gold and the Woman," "Sins of Men," "Ambition," "The Battle of Life," "Lady from the Sea," "A Royal Romance," "The Hidden Hand," "The Spirit of Lafayette," "The Woman in Gray." Home ad., 215 W. 51st St., N. Y. ; office ad., 1465 Broadway, N. Y. ; Bryant 7028.

VON STROHEIM, Erich O. H.; b. Austria; educ. Milit. Acad., Austria; early career, army officer, newspaper man and magazine writer in U. S. ; stage career, over Orpheum circuit in dramatization of novel by himself, co-author of "The Mask," a stage play; author of "Blind Husbands"; Fine Arts, Selznick ("Panthea"), Mary Pickford ("Less Than the Dust"), Doug- las Fairbanks ("In Again, Out Again"), Vita- graph ("For France"), Edison ("The Unbe- liever"), Griffith ("Hearts of the World"), Hol- ubar ("Heart of Humanity"), Universal (dir. "Blind Husbands," and "The Devil's Pass Key"). Ad., Universal City, Los Angeles.

VOSHELL, John M., art director; b. Smyrna, Delaware; educ. Phila., Drexel Inst., Sch. of Industrial Art; stage career, 1 yr. stock. Chestnut St. theatre, Phila.; screen career, now with Garson Studios, Los Angeles, Cal. Ad., 2033 Vista Del Mar ave., Los Angeles; phone 7126.


WALES, R. Ellis, art director; b. Des Moines; screen career, technologist and designer Grif- fith's Fine Arts Studio 1914-15; personally handled and designed costuming for Baby- lonian period "Intolerance" and responsible for historical presentation; other personal service, Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree. John Emerson, Douglas Fairbanks, Norma and Con- stance Talmadge, Mae Marsh, Elsie Ferguson, Dorothy and Lillian Gish, John Robertson, "Test of Honor" with Barrymore; supervisor technical production and personnel, Famous Players-Lasky Studios, N. Y., 1918-19; at pres- ent director production service, W. W. Hodkin- son Corp., 527 Fifth ave., N. Y. C.

WARDE, Ernest C; b. Liverpool, Eng., 1874; son of Frederick Warde, the tragedian; educ. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; stage career, 23 yrs., 9 yrs. stage dir. for Richard Mansfield; screen career, Thanhouser ("A Man Without a Country"), Pathe, Paralta ("One Dollar Bid," "A Burglar for a Night," "Three X Gordon"), Farnum- United ("A Man in the Open"), Frank Keenan ("The World Aflame"), J. Warren Kerrigan ("A White Man's Chance," "The Lord Loves the Irish," "Live Sparks," "Thirty Thousand Dollars"). Home ad., Alvarado Hotel, Los Angeles, Cal.; studio, Brunton.

WARREN, Edward; educ. N. Y. C. ; stage ca- reer, many years' exper. as actor with Charles and Daniel Frohman, Klaw & Erlanger, also stage director; screen career, 8 yrs. director, "Beasts of the Jungle," "Adventure of a Boy Scout." "Divorced," "Warfare of the Flesh," with Walter Hampden, "Thunderbolts of Fate"

with House Peters and Anna Lehr, "Weavers of Life," "Beggar Prince of India," etc. Ad., 1482 Broadway, N. Y. C. ; Bryant 8757.

WATSON, William H.; b. Montreal, Can.; educ. Los Angeles; early career, printer and devel- oper; 5 yrs. film editor for Keystone; asst. dir. at Sennett Studios; Fox Sunshine Comedies, Century Comedies ("Romeos and Juliets"), Sennett ("Rip and Stitch, Tailors"), at pres- ent making super 5-reel comedy "Dad's For- get-Me-Not" for Great Western Prod. Co.

WEBB, Kenneth; b. N. Y. C. ; A. B., Columbia Univ.; author of following mus. com. and comic operas: "The Dream Girl," "The For- bidden City," "The Mountaineers," "The Best Sellers,' "The Rainbow Cocktail"; screen ca- reer, Select ("Marie, Ltd", "His Bridal Night"), Realart ("Sinners," "The Fear Mar- ket"), Vitagraph ("One Thousand Dollars," O. Henry, "Transients in Arcadia," "Spring- time a la Carte"). Ad., Lambs Club. N. Y., or care of Famous Players-Lasky, N. Y.

WEBB, Roy, assistant director; educ. Columbia Univ., Art Students League. N. Y. C. ; stage career, musical director, musician, composer of operettas and vaud. sketches, "When Dreams Come True," "The Rainbow Cocktail," "The Best Sellers," "Leap Year Land," etc.; now asst. to Kenneth Webb, Famous Players- Lasky Corp. N. Y. ad.. Lambs Club, N. Y.

WELLS, Raymond; b. Dodge City, Kan.; stage career, from 1895, rep. melodrama, stk. in Chi- cago, Portland Ore., Kansas City; screen ca- reer Reliance-Majestic, Fine Arts, Universal, Triangle ("The Strange Weakling." "Fanatics," "Fighting Back," "The Man Above the Law," "The Hand at the Window," "Law of the Great Northwest"), 1918-19 producing mgr. stock co. at Camp Kearney; organized His- torical Film Corp. of America, producing series pictures depicting stories of the Bible. Ad., Stough Ranch, Burbank, Cal.

WHITE, Gilbert, art director; b. Grand Rapids, Mich.; educ. Columbia Univ., Art Students' League, Julian Acad., Beaux Arts, Paris; early career, mural painter lecturer and decorator. Ad., the Players Club, N. Y. ; studio, Goldwyn, Culver City, Cal.

WHITE, Jack; b. N. Y. C. 1897; educ. N. Y., Chicago, Vienna; .screen career, N. Y. Motion Picture Co., Keystone ("Damaged No Goods," "Roaring Lions and Wedding Bells"). Sunshine ("A Tight Squeeze," "Mongrels," "A Waiter's Wasted Life"), Lehrman ("A Twilight Baby"). Home ad., 2233 Ewing St., Los Angeles, Cal.

WILLIAMS, Charles J. (C. Jay); b N. Y. C.: educ. N. Y. C; stage career, covers 25 yrs., last appearance on stage with Blanche Walsh in "The Test," earlier with Bertha Kalich, Florence Roberts, Digby Bell, "Mr. Pipp" and many other first-class attractions; screen ca- reer, 4 yrs. with Edison (dir. "Why Girls Leave Home." "Caste," "The Gilded Kid" and "Wood B. Wed" series), 5 mos. with Universal (with Jeff. De Angelis in "The Funny Side of Life"), 2 yrs. with Vitagraph (dir. Frank Daniels in "Crooky" and "What Happened to Father"). Ad., 102 Riverside Dr., N. Y. C; Schuyler 9487. Member M. P. D. A.

WINDOM, Lawrence C; b. N. Y., 1876; educ there; stage career, with Klaw and Erlanger, Charles Frohman, Henry B. Harris, Richard Mansfield. Joseph Jefferson. Robert Edeson, William Faversham, Elsie Ferguson, road and stk. cos. ; screen career, Pathe, Essanay ("Blind Justice," "The Chimney Sweep," "The Way of Patience," "Efficiency Edgar's Court- ship," "Fools for Luck"), Triangle ("Taxi," "Upside Down," "It's a Bear"), Para.-Artcraft ("Wanted a Husband").

WITHEY, Chester (Chet) ; stage career, exten- sive stock experience; screen career, Ameri- can, Keystone, Reliance-Majestic, Fine Arts ("The Old Folks at Home," "The Wharf Rat." "Mr. Goode the Samaritan," "The Village Prodigal." "Madame Bo-Peep"), Vitagraph ("An Alabaster Box"), Artcraft ("The Hun Within"), Para. ("Maggie Pepper," "Little Comrade," "The Teeth of the Tiger"), Norma Talmadge ("The New Moon"). Member M. P. D. A. Author of large number of photoplays. Ad., 750 W. 4th St., Los Angeles, Cal.

WORSLEY, Wallace; b. 1880, Wappingers Falls, N. Y.; educ. Brown Univ. Providence, R. I.; stage career 15 yrs., first N. Y. engagement at Empire theatre under Chas. Frohman, "Notre Dame" with Bertha Galland, juvenile lead William Collier 3 seasons, produced "Checkers"



»nd was with it 4 seasons, stock several sea- sons; screen career, Ince ("The Paws of the Bear"), with Paralta since opening ("Wed- lock," "A Law Unto Herself," "Shackled," "Intelligence"), Kitty Gordon Co. ("Adele"), Goldwyn ("Street Called Straight," "Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come"). Ad., Lambs Club, N. T. C, or Los Angeles Athletic Club, L. A., Cal. ; stutdio, Goldwyn, Culver City, Cal.

WORTH1NGTON William; b. and educ. Troy, N. T. ; studied grand opera in France and Ger- many; stage career, grand opera, drama, stock, vaud., "Everywoman," which he di- rected; screen career. Universal ("Devil's Pay Day"), Pathe ("The Ghost of the Rancho"), Haworth ("His Birthright," "Temple of Dusk," "Bonds of Honor," "Courageous Coward," "Heart in Pawn." "The Debt," "The Grey Horizon"), "The Dragon Painter," "The Illus- trious Prince"; prod, for Gibraltar Pict. star- ring Leah Baird. Member M. P. D. A.

WRIGHT, Fred E.; b. Catskill Mts., N. T. ; educ.

Union Coll. and Albany Law Schl. ; stage ca- reer, Frank Mayo, dir. 15 yrs. ; screen career, Columbia, National, Pathe, Essanay (dir. "The Breaker," "The Trufflers," "The Man Who

Was Afraid"). Member M. P. D. A.


YOUNG, James, also scenario writer; b. Balti- more, 1878 ; educ. Johns Hopkins Univ.; stage career. Shakespearian rep. with own co., with Sir Henry Irving, Augustin Daly, Viola Allen,

Annie Russell, starred in "Brown of Harvard"; screen career, Vitagraph, World, Morosco, Lasky, Haworth, Paralta, Selznick ("A Regu- lar Girl," "Daughter of Two Worlds," "Hearts in Exile," "Goodness Gracious"), directed Nor- ma Talmadge, Mae Murray. Blanch Sweet, C. K. Toung, Elsie Janis. Earle Williams, Sessue Havakawa. Member M. P. D. A. Ad. Lambs Club, N. Y., and L. A. Athletic Club, Los An- geles, Cal.

The all-year-round forum for players, directors, and scenario writers is

Motion Picture News' "In the Studios" department.

Newspapers use it for their photoplay departments; adver- tisers use it for results.



At'KEK, Edward; b. New York City; educ. N. Y. C; stage career, appeared in "Robespierre" with Sir Henry Irving; early career, wrote special articles and stories for Brooklyn Times, Black Cat, Theatre Magazine, Pearson's, etc. ; screen career, as free lance writer for Biograph, Pathe, Kalem, Universal, Essanay, etc.; sold 43 to Biograph. then on their staff for 3 yrs. ; author of "A Cry for Help," "What Drink Did," adapted "Lorna Doone," "The Cricket on the Hearth." etc.; contributor of poems and verses to "Judge" and New York Globe. Home ad., 906 East 176th St., New York City. ADDISON, Smjthe, also director; b. Covington, Ky. ; scenario dept. Universal Film Co., Key- stone; director, David Horsley, Armstrong Com- edy series, Alhambra, Criterion, Sydney Grey Comedies, "Heart of California," Independent Features; past year in U. S. Service. Ad., 6$ West 6sth St., N. Y. C. ALEXANDER, J. Grubb; b. Scranton, Pa.; educ. Lafayette Coll., Easton, Pa.; early career, civil engineer, author of treatises on bridge construc- tion and bacteriology; screen career, 1913, Uni- versal, Paralta, 1917, to write original photo- plays and continuity for Bessie Barriscale and others; First National ("The Thunderbolt," "The Beauty Market" with Katherine Macdon- " aid"), Haworth ("The Under Tow." "The Bleed- er" with Sessue Hayakawa), titles and editing of Maurice Tourneur Prod. ("The County Fair," "The Life Line," "The Broken Butterfly"), au- thor of "The Trail of the Octopus," Hallmark Serial. Home ad., 1443 Iowa St., Hollywood, Cal. Holly. 3445. ANDREWS, Gertrude; b. Toledo, Ohio; educ. To- ledo and N. Y., high schl. and Columbia Uni- versity; stage career, actress, 8 seasons, then dramatist and writer, five plays produced; screen career, Frank Keenan ("Brothers Di- vided'), Fox ("True Blue"), Universal ("Wheels of Power"). Home ad., 1600 Sierra Bonita ave., Hollywood. Cal.; phone 577721; studio, Brunton Studios. Hollywood, Cal. ASHTON, Rosalie; b. New- Orleans, La.; earls- career, 2 yrs. reporter for N. Y. Times, magazine writer; screen career, American, Lasky, Gold- wyn, World ("Humility," "Rounding Off Cor- ners," "The Brigadier General." "The Chasten- ing"), Vitagraph ("The Wager"), vaudeville sketch and picture, "Proved," now with Who's Who in America, Inc., 35 West 39th St., N. Y.

~ B

BAER, Dr. Rerthnld A.J educ. Europe; screen ca- reer, Lubin. also has written and produced scripts for Selig ("A Modern Cinderella"), Edi- son. Vitagraph ("Fires of Fate"). Universal In- dustrial scenarios. Author of plays and short stories. Ad., home. 25 Claremont ave.; bus., 1970 Broadway, N. Y.

BAKER, Charles Graham; early career, news- paper and cartoon work; now picturizing all Vitagraph serials; late releases. "Smashing Barriers," "The Invisible' Hand," other adapta- tions, "The Mightier Strength," "Daring Hearts." "The Fortune Hunter," etc.; director and author of many comedies produced at Vita- graph. Studio ad., Vitagraph. Brooklyn. N Y

BAKER, Ilettie (ires, production editor; b. Hart- ford, Conn.; educ. Simmons College; early ca- reer, librarian six years, free lance in 1913, screen, Bosworth (scenario editor), Fine Arts (writer). Fox, author of many short stories Studio ad., care of Fox, N. Y.

BALDWIN". Ruth Ann; b. West Suffleld, Conn ; educ. San Diego, Cal.; early career, newspaper and publicity work, commercial art, concert work; screen career, joined Universal in 1913 wrote for Henry McRae, Otis Turner and Frank Lloyd: six mos. as film editor: wrote for Wil- liam Fox Pictures, Gladys Brockwell and Peggy Hyland; director for 8 mos.. making pictures with Cleo Madison. Jack Mulhall. Irene Hunt Mignon Anderson. Leo Pierson and Donna Drew Home ad.. 3048 W. 12th St., Los Angeles Cal phone 75623 ' '

BALL, Eustace Hale; b. Gallipolis, O., 1881; educ. Univ. of Cincinnati, Art. Acad., Harvard Univ., N. E. Conserv. Music; early career, painter, novelist, Newspaper man, author of novels, "Traffic in Souls," "The Voice on the Wire," also "Love Affairs of a Lonely Woman," "The Art of Photoplay," the Jack Race novels; screen career, scenario ed. and ad. mgr., Eclair, dir. Solax. staff writer All Star, dir. and writer Reli- ance-Majestic, president Historical Film Co., at present free lance writer and feature editor of the N. Y. Evening Sun. Ad., home, 200 West 95th st., New York. BARRY, Richard; b. Cal., 1883; early exper., newspaper and magazine writer, novelist and playwright; represented Collier's Weekly, Cen- tury Magazine, N. Y. Times; wrote plays ("Brenda of the Woods," "The Love Bird," "Petroleum Prince"); screen career, D. W. Grif- fith. Equitable. Rolfe-Metro, Universal ("Horns of the Devil"), American ("The Secret of the Submarine"). Ad., care of N. Y. Times Sunday Magazine. N. Y. BERANGER, Clara; b. Baltimore, Md. ; educ. Goucher College; early career, magazine and newspaper work; screen career, began writing as a free lance for Edison, Vitagraph, Kalem, both originals and continuities; staff writer for Fox ("Fedora." "Tale- of Two Cities"), Pathe, wrote exclusively for Baby Marie Osborne ("Dolly Does Her Bit." "Winning Grandma," etc.); staff writer for Famous Players ("Come Out of the Kitchen," "Firing Line," "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," "Sadie Love," "Girls," "The Cost," "The Fear Market"). Studio ad., Fa- mous Players, 130 W. 56th st., N. Y. ; home ad., 267 W. 79th St., N. Y. BERESFORD, Frank S.; b. 1876, Steubenville, O. ; educ. as mining engineer, Cleveland. O. ; stage career, with Henry Irving, Maude Adams, stage director Fritzi Scheff for Chas. Dilling- ham 4 yrs.; screen career, general technical di- rector Universal's eastern' studios, tech. mgr. Empire All-Star Corp.. script editor Triangle K-Bee studios, special writer and mgr. prod. Pathe-Diando. making Baby Marie Osborne fea- tures, scenario editor Virginia Pearson Photo- plays, Inc., Paramount ("Paid in Full"), Pathe ("Impossible Catherine"). Ad., home, 1844 N. Winona Blvd.. Hollywood, Cal. BERGMAN, Helnier Walton; b. Sundsvall, Swe- den; educ. Univ. of Michigan; stage career. 3 yrs. circus, 1 yr. vaud., 2 yrs. stk. and rep.; screen career, Vitagraph ("Womanhood," "Aladdin from Broadway"), E. H. Sothern ("Enemies of the King"), number of O. Henry stories; entered A. E. F. at outbreak of war, attaining rank of Flight-Commander, dis- charged June, 1919. Studio ad.. Capital Film Co.; home ad., 1914 West 41 Drive, Los Angeles, Cal.: phone 79517. BINGHAM. Edfrid A.; b Oak Hill, Ohio; educ. Ohio Univ.; early career, newspaper man in Cincinnati. Denver. Chicago and N. Y. ; 7 yrs. on Paris edition of N. Y. Herald, author of 2 novels. "Art Thou the Man?" and "The Heart of Thunder Mountain"; screen career, Rolfe- Metro. Arrow ("Who's Guilty?" series, "The Deemster"), with Goldwyn since May, 1917 ("Lord and Lady Algy," "Gay Lord Quex"). Ad., Young Apts., 1621 Grand ave.. Los Angeles; studio. Goldwyn, Culver City, Cal. BRADLEY, Willard King; educ. N. Y. C. ; early career, newspaper and magazine writing; screen career. "Main 4400." "The Little Nomad." 'The Burning Rivet." "Empty Arms." "The Street," etc. Ad.. 1552 Broadway, N. Y. BRADY, Jasper Ewing. reader; b. Pittsburgh, Pa.; early career. 14 yrs. commissioned officer in U. S. Army, later Lieut. Col. 32d Regt., N G of N. Y. ; screen career. Vitagraph ("The Island of Regeneration." "The Island of Surprise," "Surprises of an Empty Hotel." "Little Angel of Canon Creek," "Hero of Submarine D-2"), and many others. Ad.. Metro NYC BRET, Tom; b. Bolivar. X. Y. : fought wax- through parochial school and college; stage ca- reer. Snow Stk. Co.. Scranton. and road shows; traveled 18,000 miles as lecturer and worked on 1< newspapers in 11 cities; wrote titles for •Wives of Men" (Florence Reed). "Lest We Forget" (Rita Jolivet). "The Master Mystery" (Houdlnl serial). "Italy on the Firing ' Line,"




"Birth of a Race" (Metropolitan version), re- wrote Ibsen's "A Man There Was," "Girl from the Marshcroft," "The Sacred Flame," Para- mount Truex Comedies, Cissy Fitzgerald Com- edies, "Upstairs and Down," "O, Boy!" titles for "The Trap," Paramount-Drew Comedies. Ad., 220 West 42nd St., N. Y.

BRONSTON, Douglas; b. Richmond, Ky„ 1887; educ. Cincinnati, O.; early career, newspaper and magazine writer, press agent, general mgr. for Thomas Dixon's theatrical enterprises, with Liebler, Chas. Dillingham; screen career, Pathe ("Neal of the Navy," "The Grip of Evil," "Ashton Kirke" detective series, "Hazel Kirke," "The Galloper"), Fox ("Thieves"). Member Friars Club, N. Y.

BROWNE, Lewis Allen; educ. pub. schls. N. Hamp,. priv. schls. Virginia; early career, city edit. Boston Journal for 10 yrs., asso. ed. N. Y. Sunday American, ed. Wildman Magazine and News Service, asso. ed. Forum Magazine, co- author Morosco farce, "Please Get Married," author several books, magazine writer; screen career, Famous Players ("Miss George Washing ton" with Marguerite Clark), Vitagraph ("The Soap Girl"), Metro ("Please Get Married"), co- author with Viola Dana, Independent ("Good Dodd"), Goldwyn ("Spotlight Sadie" with Mae Marsh), Selznick ("The Woman Hater" with Owen Moore), comedies produced by Lubin, Christie, etc. Member American Press Humor- ists' Asso. Home ad., 11 N. Harrison St., East Orange. N. J.

BUCHANAN, Thompson; b. N. Y. C; educ. Louis- ville, Ky., Univ. of the South; early career, newspaper man, author, playwright; wrote "Woman's Way," "The Cub," "Life," "Lulu's Husband," "Civilian Clothes"; screen career, author of "Woman's Way," "The Cub" and "The Rack" for World; "World and Its Wom- an," Goldwyn; author of novels, "The Castle Comedy," "Judith Triumphant"; was private 1st Kentucky Inf. Span.-Amer. War and 1st Lieut. 138 F. A. World War. Ad., 418 So. Kingsley, Hollywood, Calif.; phone 56171.

BUCKLEY, Frederic Robert; b. Ireland; educ. King's Schl. and B'ham Univ. England; early career newspaper work, continuity writer on 5-reel specials, at 'Vitagraph; picturized Cham- bers' "Cambric Mask," "By the World For- got," "The Other Man," etc.; in past year sold play to David Belasco, and twenty-five short stories; in addition, acted principal parts in Vitagraph's "Unknown Quantity." and the Guy Empey superfeature, "The Undercurrent": n editor "Uncle Sam Magazine" and special pub- licity man, Empey Pictures Corp. Home ad., 630 W. 135th St., N. Y. C. ; studio ad., 220 West 42nd St., N. Y.

BUFFINGTON, Adele; b. St. Louis. Mo., 1900; educ. St. Louis and Univ. of Calif.; stenogra- pher at age of 13 for 2 yrs., treas. of several St. Louis picture houses, came to Calif. 1916 and remained with Miller Amuse. Co., lastly California Theatre until "discovered" by Mr. Ince. began as reader, now doing originals and continuity, Ince ("L'Apache" with Dorothy Dalton, "Meet My Sister," by Lois Zellner, pic- turized by Adele Buffington). Home ad., Cj press Apts., 2204 Hoover St., Los Angeles, Cal. : West 950; studio ad., Thomas H. Ince Studios, Culver City.

BURNHAM. Julia; b. Trenton. N. J.; author of "The Little Duchess," "The Adventures Carol," "The Volunteer," "The Fires of Youth." "The Glory of Renunciation," "A Soul Without Windows," "The Call of the Soul," "Love, Honor and ?," "The Lure of Ambition." Home ad., 35 W. 75th St.; permanent, Authors' League of America, Inc.

BURTON, G. Marion; b. Stillwater, Minn.; educ. Emerson Coll., Boston, Mass.; early career, dramatic editor of Parisienne and Saucy Sto- ries, short story, publicity and feature writer; screen career, 2yrs. head reader and scenario writer for Vitagraph; later free lance writer for Famous-Lasky, Selznick, Screencraft; now managing editor of scenario dept. of Arthur H. Jacobs, Inc. ; late pictures, "The Unknown Quantity," "Thin Ice," "Wishing Ring Man," "Miss Dulcie from Dixie," of Vitagraph; coming releases. Realart, "A Juliet of the Hills." Selz- nick, "The Woman Game." and "Straight Down the Crooked Lane." Ad., Arthur H. Jacobs, Inc., 145 W. 45th St., N. Y.

B1 SQUET, Leo A.; b. Ogdensburg, N. Y. ; educ. Utica Free Academy and Hamilton Coll.; stage career, mus. com., with Shuberts. Klaw & Er- langer, "Oh. Delphine." also newspaper writer: screen career. Universal, staff writer, Blachc ("Prisoner of the Harem"), Balboa ("Nerve,"

"Jerry in the Park"), "In Haste," "The Edge of the Desert," now seen. ed. Cinema Film Co., "Carry On." Hght., 6; wght., 163. Home ad., 1100 Linwood place, Utica, N. Y. ; studio ad.. Cinema Film Co., 12 Lafayette St., Utica, N. Y.


CARLTON, Walter A.; educ. State Univ Florida; early career, wrote poems and newspaper arti- cles, for 2 yrs. star reporter on "Bradentown Herald"; stage career, 1 '/j yrs. vaud.; screen career, American ("Out of the Jaws of Death"), Balboa ("Margaret, the Innocent"), Triangle ("Dust of Desire"), "Voice of the Siren," Kay Bee ('Desperate Ambrose "j. Hght.. 5. 8; wght., 143; auburn hair, gray eyes. Ad., Box 1193, Tampa, Fla.

CARR, Catherine; b. Austin, Tex.; educ. Wash., D. C, early career, short story writer; screen career, scenarios for Vitagraph, seen. ed. North American Film, Cort, wrote "The Whirl of Life" for Vernon Castle," "The Melting Pot"; Lasky, Triangle ("Blue Blood," "Tar Heel War- rior," "Real Folks"), United ("The Corsican Brothers"). Home ad., 17 Westminster ave., Venice, Cal.

CARSON, Ella Stuart; b. 1880, Hebron, Ind. ; educ. Univ. of Chicago, Indiana State Normal; early career, newspaper woman Chicago Tribune and Chronicle, Albuquerque Journal; screen career, scenario writer, "Love Letters," "Mother'* Boy," Paramount, Ince-Para.. "The Wedding Ring," "The Yellow Back," J. O. Curwood, "His World of Honor," "Keep Him Guessing," Selz- nick. Studio ad., Selznick Pictures Corp., Fort Lee, N. J.

CHAPIN, Frederic; b. Cleveland, 1875 ; educ. Chi- cago; early career, wrote "The Storks," "Th« Forbidden Hand," "The Woggle Bug," "Rock and Fulton" sketches; screen career, wrote scenario, "The Argyle Case," "Today," "Heart of the Sunset," "The Venus Model"; author of "Auction of Souls," Selig animal serial, "The Lost City," production mgr. of Pathe. Ad., care Pathe, 25 W. 45th St.. N. Y.

CLARK, Violet; b. Omaha, Neb., 1886; educ. Mills Coll., Calif.; 2 yrs. at Univ. of Chicago; screen career, Universal ("Loot," "Bonnie Bonnie Laurie," with Mary MacLaren, "No Experience Required"). Home ad., Hollywood Studio Club, Hollywood, Calif.; Holly 2716; studio. Universal Film Corp.; Holly 2500.

CLAWSON, Elliott J.; b. Salt Lake City; early career, newspaper writer, San Francisco and elsewhere; toured the world; screen career. Universal publicity writer, produced "Hoosier School Master," etc., Morosco, wrote "Mine. La Presidente," "Gentleman from Indiana." etc., Universal ("The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin," "Fires of Youth," "A Kentucky Cinderella"). Goldwyn ("Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come"). Home ad., 2615 Scott ave., Los Angeles; studio, Goldwyn Studios, Culver City, Calif.

CLIFT, Denison; b. San Francisco, 1885 ; educ. Stanford Univ.; short story writer, novelist and playwright; author of "Wolves of the Rail" for William S. Hart, "The Midnight Patrol." Ince- Select special; "Wedlock" for Louise Glaum; "And a Still Small Voice" for Henry B. Walt- hall; "His Birthright" for Sessue Hayakawa; the following original stories and continuities for Madlaine Traverse, "Rose of the West," "The Snares of Paris," "Lost Monev," "The Hell Ship," "What Would You Do?" stories for Gladys Brockyell, Tom Mix, Peggy Hyland, etc., formerly feature writer at Lasky, Ince and Paralta studios; now scenario editor of Fox West Coast feature prods. Ad., 1762 Tamarind ave.. Hollywood, Calif.

COATES, Franklin B.; b. Springfield, Mass., 1881; educ. New Haven, Conn.; early career, on news- paper; screen career, staff writer for Fox. Gold- wyn, Vitagraph; "Romance of the Air." "Tale of Two Nations," "Price of Fame," "Last of the Wares," "Poppy," "Always in the Way," "Amazonian Girl," "The Jungle Man." "The Purple Hour," "Spider and the Fly." Ad., Betts & Fowler, 1482 B'way, N. Y.

COHEN, Bennett Ray; b. Trinidad. Colo.; educ. bus. coll.; early career, newspaper work; screen career. Universal. Vitagraph. Fox "Fame and Fortune," "Pitfalls of a Big City," "The Fallen Angel," "Bride of Fear"), Haworth ("The Greater Profit"). Home ad., 2322 W. Sth st., Los Angeles; Wilshire 320.

COLDEWEY, Anthony W.; b. Louisville, Ky. ; educ. Keyon Coll., Gambier, Ohio; early career, newspaper work; screen career, since 1913; staff Writer for Universal, Balboa. Crown City. Na- tional, American, Sennet t-Keystone. Triangle,



L-Ko, Vitagraph. Home ad., 214 S. Benton way, Los Angeles; phone 657602. CONKLLN, Frank Roland; b. Atchison, Kan., 1886; educ. N. Y. C. and Haverford Coll., Pa.; early career, short stories, sketches and plays; screen career, Christie Film Co., author of Christie specials, Christie comedies, Strand Comedies, Supreme Comedies, Gaiety Comedies, etc.; co-author "Wild and Western," "A Roman Scandal," "Passing of Peevish Pete"; author "Kidnapping Caroline," "Mixed Drinks," "Truly Rural," "Nearly Newlyweds." Ad., "The Out- post," 7065 Franklyn ave., Los Angeles; studio, Christie Studios, Los Angeles; Holly 3100.

CONLEY, John J.; b. Boston, Mass., 1884; educ. Boston Latin Schl. ; early career, real estate op- erator in Boston. Home ad., 6713 Yucca St., Hollywood, Cal. ; phone 577128; studio, care Metro, Holly 4485.

CONSIDINE, Mildred; b. 1892, Chicago; educ. Acad, of Fine Arts; early career, magazine writer, author vaud. acts; screen career, scena- rio editor and writer for Monmouth Film Co., adapted 32 reels of the "Jimmie Dale" serial, Essanay, Selznick, Norma Talmadge Co., author of over 100 successful pictures, "Framing Fram- ers," "Ghosts of Yesterday." Ad. home and studio, 321 W. 55th St., N. Y. C.

COOLIDGE, Karl R.; b. Scranton, Pa., 1890; educ. Stanford Univ.; early career, newspaper work and entomological expert, short story writer and author of biolopical treatises; screen career, scenario ed. Lubin, Keystone, American, staff author Universal; serials, "The Lion Man," "The Moon Riders," western, "The Fighting Line," "A Sagebrush Gentleman," "Striped Shirt Ran- som." etc. Ad., Box 12, Hollywood Station, Los Angeles, Calif.

COURTNEY, William B.; b. Dover, N. H.; early career, newspaper work, Passaic, N. J., Wash- ington, D. C, and New England, also in U. S. Army; screen career, free lance, then took staff job with Vitagraph in 1914, commissioned in army; returned to U. S. in May, 1919, and re- joined Vitagraph staff as feature writer, "De- feat of the City," "For France." "Flaming Omen." "Duplicity of Hargraves," and many other features and short subjects of the O. Henry series; several superfeatures now in mak- ing. Ad.. 148 St. Paul's place, Brooklyn, N. Y.

COWAN, Sada; educ. Europe; stage career, plays produce, "Playing the Game," "The State For- bids," and 14 one-act plays; screen career, Cecil B. De Mille ("Why Change Your Wife?"). Ad., Lasky Studio, Los Angeles, Cal.; Holly 2400.

CUNNINGHAM, Jack; b. Ionia. Iowa; educ. Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon, Iowa; early career, newspaper man; screen career, Triangle ("The Argument"), Pathe ("Midnight Stage," "Todd of the Times"), Brunton ("Heart of Rachael"), Paralta ("Law Unto Herself"), Hampton ("Burglar for a Night"), Brunton ("$30,000." "The Joyous Liar"), and some 50 or 60 other photoplays; now associated with George Loane Tucker Prod, and Robert Brun- ton Prod. Home ad.. Box 800, R. D. No. 10 Laurel Canyon, Hollywood, Cal.; Holly 3382; studio, Robert Brunton Studio, Inc.


DAZEY, Charles Turner; b. Lima, HI. ; educ Harvard Univ. (B. A.) ; early career, author and playwright, has written verses for Century Magazine and other periodicals, author of several plays, Including "In Old Kentucky," co-author of "A Night Out," "The Captain"; screen career, on scenario staff of Metro, author of "The Redemption of Dave Darcey," co-author of "Manhattan Madness," "The Flower of Faith"; American ("The Call to Arms," "A Night In New York"), Metro ("Testing of Mildred Vane"). Member Photo- dramatists. At present free lance. Ad Lambs Club, N Y.

DE CORDOVA, Rudolph; educ. Univ. Coll. Schl., Univ. Coll. and Hospital, London; acted lead- ing parts in Shakespeare and modern drama in London; written many plays in collaboration with Alicia Ramsey (Mrs. De Cordova), pro- duced in London and America; "Monsieur de Paris," "Edmund Kean," "The Password," "As a Man Sows," "Honor," "John Hudson's Wife," "The Mandarin," "Shadow Behind the Throne," "The Quicksands," 7 melodramas produced at London Hippodrome, etc. ; wrote scenario for "Romeo and Juliet"; recently engaged on series of important scenarios for Vitagraph. Ad., 45 Beaver St., N. Y. C.

BENCH, Ernest Alfred, also publicity representa- tive; b. London, 1895; educ. London; screen career, author of "The Footballer's Honor" and 20 other produced photoplays; one of vice-presi- dents of Photoplay Authors' League, author of "Playwriting for the Cinema," "Making the Movies," "Advertising by Motion Pictures," "Motion Picture Education"; former special pub. representative for Lillian Walker, Edward Earle, Eleanor Woodruff and Wilfred North, bus. mgr. for Wheeler Dryden. Home ad., 3052 Emmons ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.

DIX, Beulah Marie (Mrs. George Flebbe) ; b. Plymouth, Mass.; educ. Radcliffe Coll., A. B. & M. A. degrees, member Phi Beta Kappa; au- thor short stories, books for children, ten novels, including "The Fighting Blade," "Ward Mili- cent," "Hands Off"; collaborated with E. G. Sutherland in plays, including "The Road to Yesterday," "The Breed of the Freshams," Martin Harvey's great English success, author of "Across the Border," "Moloch"; screen career, Paramount-Artcraft, "Call of the East," "Hid- den Pearls," "Squaw Man," "Secret Service," "Woman Thou Gavest Me," "Men, Women and Money," "In Mizzouro." Ad., 2026 Argyle ave., Hollywood, Calif.; Holly 2400; studio, Lasky.

DUNN, Winifred, author and adaptor; b. Roch- ester, N. Y., daughter of George M. Dunn, pri- vate secy, to William Ewart Gladstone and exec. secy, to Labouchere; Selig Polyscope Co., Universal, Edw. Warren Prod., etc. ; author of "Friendship," "The Pendulum," "Too Late," "Marianna," "Scratched Locket," "Charity at Home," "Truth," "Wood-witch," "The Hand," "Greater Love," "Prodigal Daughter," "The Coward," "Sinless Child of Sin," "Peg o' the Sea," "Thunderbolt of Fate," "And the Children Pay," "The Red Viper," etc. Member Authors' League of America.

DURANT, Harry R. ; b. New Haven. Conn., Yale '94; has written short stories, novels, photo- plays and plays; has been managing editor of Biograph, Triangle, Famous Players and Gold- wyn, and now manager Play Dept. for Famous Players-Lasky Corp. Ad., Empire Theatre, N. Y. C.


FAIRFAX, Marion (Mrs. Tully Marshall) ; b.

Richmond, Va., educ. Emerson Coll., Boston,, private tutors; author of following plays, all N. Y. Prod.. "The Builders," "The Chaperon," "The Talker," "Mrs. Boltay s Daughters," "Tho Ways and the Means," etc.; screen career, Marshall Neilan and Famous Players-Lasky Co., "The River's End," "Valley of the Giants," "The Clown," "The Widow's Might," "The Blacklist," "Less Than Kin," "Freckles," "The Honor of His House," "The Secret Game," "Hashamura Togo," "Love Insurance," "Vicky Van," "Daughter of the Wolf," "Putting It Over," etc. Ad., 128 N. Ridgewood pi., Los Angeles, Calif.; phone 567430.

FALLON, Thomas F. ; b. N. Y., 1885; educ. St. Francis Xavier Coll.; stage career, with Annie Russell, Mme. Kalich, Bertha Galland, Amelia Bingham, Wilton Lackaye, May Irwin; screen career, Famous Players. Biograph, Edison, adaptation and scenario. Fox. Miss Innocence"; in collaboration with Harry Millarde, "Caught in the Act," "Bonnie Annie Laurie," "Blu» Eyed Mary," scenario "Sacred Silence" story for Geo. Walsh in preparation. Ad., Fox, N. Y.

FARLEY, Mary Louise; b. Parkersburg, W. Va. ; educ. Parkersburg and Chevy Chase. Md. ; early career, writing for magazines N. Y. ; correspond- ent for "Cosmos" magazine; screen career, has written over 100 scenarios, "Our Poor Rela- tions," "Dawn of a New Day," "Little Flower Girl," "A Message to Heaven," "Weighed in the Balance." "The Welcome of the Unwel- come." "Father's Hot Toddy." "Little Show," "Perils of a War Messenger"; secry. of the Photodramists. N. Y. ; member Authors' League of America. Ad., 600 W. 136th St., N. Y. C.

FOX, Finis; b. Oklahoma; educ. coll. and univ.; early career, sales, newspaper editor, state legislator, gen. mgr. National Mfg. Corp. ; screen career, author "The Jury of Fate" (Mabel Taliaferro). "The Voice of Conscience" (Bush- man and Bayne), "The Web of Lies" (Dolores Cassinelli); author and scenarioist, "The Great Romance" (Harold Lockwood), "Should a Woman Tell?" scenarioist for Bert Lytell's "Blackie's Redemption." "Easy to Make Money" and "Alias Jimmy Valentine"; Viola Dana's "The Tarisian Tigress" and "Please Get Mar- ried": Emmy Wehlcn's "Fools and Their Money," etc. Ad., Metro Studio, Hollywood, Cal.


FIRTHMAN, Jules; b. Chicago, 111.; educ. North- western Univ., Columbia Univ.; early career, newspaper and magazine work; screen career, writing scenarios since 1910, Fox, Pathe ((Japa- nese Nightingale" with Farrie Ward, "More Trouble" with Frank Keenan, American ("Brass Buttons," "This Hero Stuff," "Six Feet Four," "Other Side of Eden"), Tourneur (adaptations "Victory," "Treasure Island," "Glory of Love"). Home ad., Alexandria Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif. ; studio, Maurice Tourneur Prods.


GATES, Harvey K.; b Hawaiian Islands, 1889; Educ. L. u. S. Univ.. Utah; early career, news- paper reporter X. \. Dramatic .Mirror, publicity mgr.; screen career. Universal, Lubin. Morosco, National; author of "Love Never Dies," "Sands of Sacrifice" (Wm. Russell), "Broadway Scan- dal," "Wine Girl," "Hell Morgan s Girl," "Wild Cat of Paris"; adaptations "Exquisite Thief," "Wicked Darling," "Three Godfathers," "The Sealed Envelope," "After the War," "The Mid- night Man," "Lightning Brice," "Beckoning Roads," "The Luck of Geraldine Laird," etc. Home ad., 2006 Ivar ave„ Hollywood, Calif.; phone 579268.

GEKAGHTY, Tom J.; b. Rushville, Ind.; early career, reporter and special writer, contributed to Saturday Evening Post, Munsey's, Pearson's, etc., author of vaud. sketches; screen career, "When the Clouds Roll By" with Douglas Fair- banks, "In Old Kentucky," "Mary Regan," "Her Kingdom of Dreams" for Anita Stewart, "Too Much Johnson" for Bryant Washburn, "A Man's Fight" for Dustin Farnum, "A Heart in Pawn." "The Courageous Coward." "The Blood- hound" for Sessue Hayakawa, "In for Thirty Days." "Her Inspiration" for May Allison, etc.; now writing exclusively for Douglas Fairbanks. Home ad., 2050 El Cerrito place, Hollywood, Calif.; studio, Fairbanks.

GIBSON, Tom, director-author; b. Boston, Mass., 1887; educ. Riverside High Schl.; early career, 1 yr. in vaud., wrote and staged vaud. sketches in San Francisco, newspaper man in Los An- geles, published the Sporting Bulletin; screen career, author of over 250 reels of produced material mostly comedies. Universal, National, Brentwood, etc.; now directing Gale Henry in two-reel comedies, "The Champeen," "The Laundry Lady," etc. Studio ad., Model Com- edy Co., Hollywood, Calif.; Willis & Inglis, rep- resentatives, ad., P. O. Box G, Hollywood, Calif.

GIBSON, Victor; b. Boston, Mass.; educ. Los Angeles, Calif.; early career, newspaper writer on various coast publications, magazine con- tributor, novelist; screen career, staff and spe- cial writer Brentwood, National, Hampton, Fox, original stories, continuities, subtitles. Ad., P. O. Box G, Hollywood. Calif.

GIELETT, Ethel; b. Calif.; educ. Leland Stanford Univ.. Mills Coll., Oakland, Calif.; lectured dur- ing war on "Child Welfare," journalish for San Francisco papers; began in pictures 1 yr. ago under supervision of Thos. H. Ince. Home ad.. 1S35 Argyle, Hollywood, Cal.; phone 579502; studio. Thos. H. Ince Studios, Culver City, Cal.

GEASSMIRE, Albert; b. Phila. ; educ. there: early career, stage directing in stk. ; author of "The Devil's AVorkshop," stage play; wrote several scenarios before entering pictures; screen ca- reer, Biograph, Universal. Mutual, Triangle-Key- stone. Ad., Mack Sennett Studio, Glendale, Cal.

GOELOMB, Joseph; b. Petrograd. Nov. 15, 1881; educ. Coll. City, N. T., and Columbia; early career, teacher, lecturer, newspaper man N. Y. Evening World. Mail, dramatic critic N. Y. Call, special writer N. Y. Evening Post, Times, Munsey, Harper, etc.; Actionized "Lucille Love" for Evening Mail; screen career, reviewer for New York dailies; scenario writer, Universal, Vitagraph ("A Man's Sacrifice," "The Lonelies." "The City of Romance," "The Surprise Partv." "The Shop Girl," "The Man Hunt," etc.); free lance novelist and magazine writer. In 1919. Vitagraph produced "Girl at Bay" with Corinne Griffith. Paramount-Artcraft "The Stained Lily" with Ethel Clayton. Ad., 45 W. 11th St., N. Y. C.

GOEEDING, Edmund; educ. England; stage ca- reer, commenced at age of 15 in London, later leading man and vaud. headliner, dramatic sketches, played with Sir Herbert Tree and all principal London theatres; first play "Ellen Young," produced Savoy Theatre. London. 1914; during active service wrote several Famous Players-Lasky features; "The Ordeal of Ro- setta" for Select: during 1919, returning from


France, adapted and originated a series of pic- tures for Selznick; adapted "Daughter of Two Worlds" and "Yes or No" with Norma Tal- madge. London ad., 166 Shaftsbury ave.. Lon- don, England; 59 W. 44th St., New York.

GRIFFITH, Raymond; b. Boston, 1890; educ. St. Anselm's Coll., N. H. ; stage career, Barnum & Bailey; mus. com., drama, pantomime; screen career, Kalem, L-Ko., Keystone ("The Surf Girl"), Fox ("An Aerial Joy Ride"), Triangle- Keystone ("A Royal Rogue," "His Foothill Folly," "False to the Finish," "Something from the West";, Triangle (played in "The Follies Girl"). Now scenario writer with Mack Sennett Comedies, L. A., Cal.

GUIHAN, Frances; b. St. Louis, Mo.; screen ca- reer, Balboa, Metro ("Soul of Kura San," orig., for Hayakawa"), Lasky, adaptations for Haya- kawa-Haworth, "His Birthright," "Bonds of Honor," "Courageous Coward," "Heart in Pawn," Pathe. Ruth Roland serial, "Broadway Bab," "The Yellow Typhoon," starring Anita Stewart, "Sherry" for Edgar Lewis, 3 Frohman prods., starring Texas Guinan. Ad., 1707 So. Flower St., Los Angeles, Cal.


HABLEY, Grace T.; b. Indiana; educ. Stanford Univ.; early career, newspaper and publicity work; screen career, following films made under personal supervision for Society for Electrical Development; Universal ("The House that Runs by Magic," "Santa and the Wonderful Genie," "Table Cookery," "The Heat Chaser," "Which One of These Is YOU?" played leading part in "Current Convenience." Ad., 29 W. 39th St., N. Y. C.

HAEL, Emmett Campbell; b. Talbotton, Ga., Nov 18, 1882; educ. law; served in diplomatic bu- reau of Dept. of State and other Govt, offices; magazine contributor of short stories, articles and verse; screen author since 1910, associated with Biograph, Kalem. Lubin and Goldwyn companies; seven hundred original photoplays produced, besides adaptations, by fifteen stu- dios. Ad., Delray, Palm Beach County. Fla.

HALE, Walter Richard, also director; b. N. V C, May 26, 1887; educ. DeWitt Clinton High and Columbia Law; early career, cartoonist on staff of Success Magazine and various dailies; screen career, has written following serials, "The Fatal Fortune," "The Jeweled Hand." "The Man Without a Face," and "Pirate Gold." Follow- ing features, "Hate," "Souls of Men." "The Leech," etc. Short subjects for Vitagraph. Ad., 1203 Candler Bldg., N. Y. C; Bryant 8440.

HARMER, Frances, reader; b. Brighton, England; educ. there; early career, teacher of College English, librarian in schools, writer for maga- zines, Hearst's Magazine, Ainslee's, Smith's. Snappy, Woman's Magazine, To-Day's, McCall's. etc.; screen career. Lasky. Home ad., 5956 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 579097; studio, Lasky, 1520 Vine St., Los An- geles: Holly. 2400.

HAVEZ, Jean; b. Baltimore. Md.: educ. Johns Hopkins Univ. ; stage career, 25 yrs. writing for legitimate stage and vaud. Home ad.. 906 Fourth ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 567309; studio. Fatty Arbuckle Comedies.

HAWKS, J. G., also director; b. California; educ Stanford Univ.; early career, in army; stage career, joined Belasco in 1910; screen career, free lance writer. Monarch (director), Vim (di- rector), Paralta-Artcraf t ("Wolves of the Rail." "Blue Blazes Rawden"), Ince-Paralta ("The Sheriff's Son." "Dreamy Dub." "The Kaiser's Shadow." "The Woman Who Dared." "The Des- ert Wooing," "Partners Three"), for past year editor and mgr. scenario dept. Goldwyn. Stu- dio. Goldwvn's, Culver City. Cal.

HIEE, Wycliffe; b. Summerville, La., 1883 ; early career, 15 yrs. newspaper writer and magazine editor; screen career. Corona Cinema Co. ("The Curse of Eve"). Universal ("Tempest Cody Kid- napper." "Wits and the Woman," "The Coun- terfeit Trail'"). Author of "Ten Million Photo- play Plots" and "Hill's Plot Treatise" for High School dramatic classes. Home ad., 3748 Wood- lawn. Los Angeles, Cal.; So. 3102; studio, Uni- versal City. Hollv. 2500.

HIVEEY. George O.; b. Springfield, Mo.. 1889; educ. there. Drury College; early career, sect, to vice-pres. of Santa Fe. stage work 2 yrs , Mo.. Okla., Texas; screen career. Keystone, Tri- angle ("Six-Shooter Justice." "Phantom Rid- ers"), Universal (author of 15 2-reelers, 10 "Cy- clone Smith" stories; 10 "Spur and Saddle" stories, "Ace of the Saddle" with Harry Carey,



"The Lotus Flower," "The Great Air Robbery, ' "The Rattler's Hiss"). Ad., home, !>15 W. Sixth St., Los Angeles; studio, Universal.

UOADLEV, C. li. (Top) ; b. Elyria, Ohio; educ. Galion, Ohio; early career, newspaper writer for 20 yrs. on city dailies; screen career, American ("Secret the Submarine" serial, "Sequel to the "Diamond from the Sky" serial;, 100 Lyons and Moran comedies for Universal, Montgomery and Rock comedies for Vitagraph. Home ad., 1518 N. Alexandria ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; Holly. 3132; studio, Vitagraph.

HO AD LEY, Harold Win. ("Hal") ; b. Defiance. Ohio, 1893; early career, newspaper reporter at age of 14; author of several produced vaud. sketches; screen career, orig. Imp Co. (1910), Universal, Vitagraph, American, U. S. Air Ser- vice, Universal since June, 1919, current re- leases: continuities for "Gun Fightin' Gentle- man" with Harry Casey, "Rouge and Riches" with Mary MacLaren, "The Triflers," "The Day She Paid," "Sins of the Father." Home ad., 1518 N. Alexandria ave., Hollywood, Cal.; Holly. 3132; studio, Universal City, Cal.; Holly. 2500.

HODES, Hai; managing editor Universal New Screen Magazine; early career, operator with Vitagraph 1904-5; subsequently reporter Newark Evening News; advertising and publicity with Kalem 1913-15; sales promotion man Universal, 1915; later asst. general manager of exchanges. Ad., Universal Film Mfg. Co., N. Y.

HOPLEY, Frank Dorrance; b. Portland, Conn.; early career, short story writer; screen career, seen, writer for Kalem ("A Mother's Atone- ment"), Reliance ("The Ten o'Clock Boat"). Home ad., 116 W. 71st St., N. Y. C. Ad., 1615 Woolworth Bldg., N. Y. C.

HORNER, Bob; b. Spring Valley, 111., Sept. 14, 1896; educ. Spring Valley and Chicago; screen career, wrote Vitagraph "Whom God Would Destroy," starring Harry Morey and Alice Joyce, "The Bully" for Ebony, "The Millionaire Piker," "The Reckless Rover," "Hell's Valley," "The Uphill Road." Home ad., 4040 Bway, Chicago, 111.

HOWARD, George Bronson; b. The Relay, How- ard Co., lid., 1884; career, in U. S. Government employ, Civil Government, Philippines. Imperial Chinese Service, Canton, China, war cor. for London Chronicle during Russo-Japanese war, author "Norroy, Diplomatic Agent," "Scars on the Southern Seas," "An Enemy to Society," "The Red Light of Mars," "Pages from, the Book of Broadway," "God's Man"; screen ca- reer, Lasky, Kalem ("Social Pirates"), Univer- sal ("Stronger than Steel," "Tlie Adventure of the Poison Dagger, "The Master Spy"), Moss ("The Power of Evil"), Fox ("Queen of the Sea," "The Spy"). Ad., 654 St. Nicholas ave., N. Y. C.

HUBBARD. Philip; b. London, Eng.; educ. Lan- cing Coll., Sussex, Eng.; Sandhurst Royal Mil. Coll.; Finsbury Tech. Sen. of Engineering; stage career, Tapping Stk. Co., also with James Welch, Charles Frohman, AVilliam Greet, etc., was orig. Capt. Kettle in play of that name at Adelphi theatre, London, in burlesque of Sher- lock Holmes, "Sheerluck Jones," etc., played 2 seasons with Jane Cowl, "Captain Paget," "Lilac Time," "Information Please"; screen ca- reer, author of scenario of ."The Auction Block." Rex Beach Pictures and asst. dir. of production, Dustin Farnum's Liberty Loan picture, etc., Universal, lead with Florence Turner in com- edies. Home ad., 2452 Beachwood Drive. Holly- wood, Cal.; phone 577786; studio, Universal.


JAMES, Frederick Henry; 1,. N Y C. ; educ. abroad; early career, dramatist, novelist, short story writer; stage career, play writing, adapt- ing, producing for about 10 yrs.; screen career, free lance writing at first, then staff writing: has several hundred screen prods, of original stories to his credit, "A Pair of Baby Arms." "Memories." "The Man Who Paid," "The Sav- ing Bullet," "Uncle Ben in Paris," "A Kiss for Charity," "His Daughter Pays," "The Danger Zone," reconstructions and adaptations, "Secret Kingdom" (serial), "Jar Stories," "The Violet Widow," etc.; formerly staff writer Vitagraph, Pathe, Fox; later editor Lincoln Picture Class- ics. Home ad., 2100 Cropsey ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.: Bensonhurst 4100.

JANSEN, Laura; b. Antwerp, Belgium: educ. Bel- gium, Isle of Wight and London; stags career, in England and America; screen career, since

1917 with Famous Players, and with Directors Capellani and Perret; completed scenario of "A -Modern Salome" for Hope Hampton; has been assisting in preparing scripts for the special prods, being made by Emile Chautard. Ad., Coylesville, N. J.

JEFFERSON, L. \ .; b. Carthage, Mo., 1874 educ. Kentucky; early career, stock broker, short story writer for Munsey publications, Every- body's, National, etc.; screen career, National ("A Kentucky Colonel," "Son of Tarzon" se- rial), Federal ("Desert of Wheat"), Haworth ( "The Man Beneath," "His Debt"), Art-o-graf ("Last of Open Range"). American ("Put Up Your Hands," "Charge It to Me"), L. S. Stone Pic, ("Man's Desire ), Lasky, Ince, Triangle, World, Universal, Fox, etc., 370 orig. stories and book adaptations produced. Home ad., 3950 S. Hill st., Los Angeles, Cal.; South 964-J.

.IE.NK!S, George El wood; b. Minneapolis. Minn., 1881; educ. there; 12 yrs. varied adventurous career in city society, underworld, West and Canadian wilds; 6 yrs. studio training, tech. dir., cutter, acct. dir., staff writer since days of 1 and 2-reelers; adaptations and original fea- tures for many prominent stars. Current re- leases, "A Woman of Pleasure" (Blanche Sweet), "The Man Who Turned White" and "The Pagan God" (H. B. Warner), "The Parish Priest" (Wm. Desmond), etc., etc.. Studio ad., Jesse D. Hampton Prods., Hollywood; home, 22 Linnie ave., Venice, Cal.

JEVNE, Jack; b. Provo, Utah, 1892; educ. Chi- cago, St. Louis, Salt Lake; stage career, own stk. co., Salt Lake, juvenile leads with Annie Kiskadden (Maude Adams' mother), "Paid in Full," "Little Women," "Within the Law," N. Y. prods., "So Much for So Much," "Alias Santa Claus," "Taking Chances." Home ad., 1820 West 43d Place, Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 79508; studio, Universal City; Holly. 2500.

JOHNSON, Adrian R.; b. Knoxville, Tenn., Jan. 13, 1886; educ. St. Mary's Coll., Belmont, N. C. ; early exper., commercial work; screen career, Metro, Fox ("Royal Romance," "Heart and Soul," "Every Girl's Dream," "Camille," "Cleo- patra," "Du Barry," "Romeo and Juliet," "Un- der the Yoke," "Salome," "The Firebrand," "Her Greatest Love," "The Darling of Paris"), Para-Artcraft ("Miracle of Love"). Home ad., 115 West 48th St., N. Y. C.

JOHNSON, Merle; educ. Quincy. 111., and Univ. of Mich.; early career, newspaper reporter; screen career, actor and asst. director for Essa- nay, has written following pictures which are in productions: "She Held Her Husband" and "Red Pepper" with Olive Thomas, "Hard Luck O'Day" with Eugene O'Brien, and several two- reel comedies. Ad., Phi Gamma Delta Club, 30 W. 44th St., N. Y.

JOHNSTON, Agnes Christine; b. Swissvale, Pa.; educ. Horace Mann Sch., N. Y., and Workshop Dramatic Course at Harvard Coll.; screen ca- reer, 5 yrs. Vitagraph. Thanhouser, Pathe, Mary Pickford, Thos. H. Ince; "Daddy Long-Legs" for Mary Pickford; "23 Vi House' Leave," Mac- Lean and May; "Carmen." Theda Bara; "Homer Comes Home," Charles Ray; orig. stories, "Alarm Clock Andy," "The Village Sleuth," "Trixie from Broadway," "The Saw- dust Doll," "The Old Man s Baby," "The Shine Girl," "Her New York," "Pots-and-Pans- Peggy," "Prudence, the Pirate." "The Amateur Orphan," "Fires of Youth." Sidney Drew Com- edies, etc. Home ad., 1911 Pinehurst Road, Hollywood, Cal.; studio, Thos. H. Ince, Culver City, Cal.

JOSEPHSON. Julian; 1.. Roseburg, Ore.; educ. Stanford Univ.; screen career, Ince-Paramount ("The Hired Man," "Playing the Game," "String Beans." "Fuss and Feathers," "Greased Lightning',' "Hay-Foot, Straw-Foot," "The Egg-Crate Wallop," "Crooked Straight," "Red- Hot Dollars," "Paris Green," "Crossed Wires," "Shakespeare Clancy," "Under the Mask"). Ad., 7212 Lenkill ave., Culver City, Cal.; studio, Thos. H. Ince Studio. Culver City, Cal.

JUSTICE, Mai belle Ileirke-.; 1. Indiana ; educ. N. Y. C. and Phila. ; war worn last two yrs., for which has been cited and given honorary rank of Capt.,U. S. Regular Army; early career, novel- ist and short story author; screen career, spe- cial original photodramas. "Melissa of the Hills," "The End of the Trail." "Glory of Yo- landa," "Intrigue," "Her Husband's Honor." "Friendship of Beaupere," "The Great Game." "The Final Judgment," "A Splendid Sacrifice." and forthcoming new specials. Member Au- thor's League of America. Photodramatists,



Theatre Assembly Club, Drama Comedy Club, etc. Home ad., 41 W. 47th St., N. Y.


KATTERJOILN, Monte M. ; b. Boonville, Ind. ; educ. there; early career, newspaper and maga- zine work, published "Mototopic," pub. first magazine for photoplay wrights ; screen career, from 1908, first as free lance, then Universal as scenario ed., then NYMP; Griffith ("Apostle of Vengeance"), Ince ("The Gun Fighter," "The Clodhopper"), Triangle ("Golden Rule Kate"), Paralta ("Madam Who," "Within the Cup," "Carmen of the Klondike," "Puppy Love," "The Fresh Young Thing," "intelligence"), Paralta ("The Source," "The Man from Funeral Hange"), Katterjohn ("Alaska"), Hodkinson ("The Lord Loves the Irish"). Home ad., Wal- dorf Hotel, Venice, Cal.

KAVANAUGH, Katharine; b. Baltimore, Md.; educ. Notre Dame, Md. ; stage career, 2 yrs. stk., 7 yrs. vaud., writer vaud. sketches, "Am- bition," to be produced by Valerie Bergere; screen career, Metro (author of "The Wheel of the Law," "The Will o' the Wisp," "The Call of Youth," "The Winding Trail"), Triangle ("Betty Takes a Hand"), Fox ("The Liar"). Metro ('Social Quicksands," "House of Gold," "Impulse of the Moment"), Universal ("Win- ning His Wife"). Home ad., 3434 Belair Rod., Baltimore, Md.

KELLY, Anthony P.; b. Chicago, 1892; educ. Loyola and Purdue acads. ; early career, news- paper reporter in Chicago; screen career, sold first script, a 1-reel, to Vitagraph, later with Balboa, Essanay, Famous Players, Lubin; sce- uarios of Channing Pollock's "Little Gray Lady" and C. Townsend Brady's "Ring and the Man," Bernstein's "The Thief," Sutro's "Walls of Jericho," recent successes, "The Light at Dusk," Frohman ("My United States," "God's Man," 'The Witching Hour," "A Man Without a Coun- try"), Art Dramas ("The Rainbow"), Edgar Lewis ("The Bar Sinister," "The Sign Invis- ible"), Technicolor ("The Gulf Between"), Moss ("The Sins of the Children"), Empire All Star ("Outcasts"). Legit prod., "Three Faces East" (Cohan and Harris theatre). Ad., 715 Madison ave., N. Y. C.

KENTON, Albert G.; b. San Francisco, 1884; educ. Univ. Cal.; stage exper., actor with Margaret Illington, Sidney Drew, produced own vaud. sketches; screen career. Universal ("The Girl with Green Eyes"), Fox ("Bogus Jimmie," "Bird of Prey," "The Crucible"), Metro ("The Spender"), Paralta ("Ladder of Life"). Ad., 630 N. Gramercy, Los Angeles. Studio, Mayer- Chaplin Co.

KENYON, Charles A.; b. 1880, San Francisco; early career, playwright, "Kindling," "The Claim," and of the vaud. sketches. "We Need the Money," "The Placerville Stage" ; screen career, with Lasky, wrote the story, "The Sac- rifice" for Margaret Illington, and the story of "On the Level" for Fannie Ward, author of scenario, "The Silent Man," produced by Art- craft, Fox, "The Siren's Song," continuity writ- er for "Dangerous Days," "The Penalty," Fox. "Wings of the Morning," "Last of the Duanes," "Lone Star Rider" for Farnum, orig. stories, "The Feud," "A Rough Riding Romance" for Tom Mix.- Ad., home, 1607 Vista St., Holly- wood, Cal.

KRAFT, John W.; b. Indianapolis, Ind., 1888; educ. there; newspaper man; motion picture editor, dramatic critic, newspaper humorist, contributor tod humorous publications, comedv title writer, author of jokes and paragraphs used in The New Screen Magazine" issued by Universal, editor Universal's press books anil weekly Bulletin. Ad., 609 W. 191st St., N Y. C St. Nich., 3470.


LAMOTHE, Julian Louis; b. New Orleans, 1S93; educ. Tulane Univ., N. O. Coll. of Oratory; early career, wrote scenarios while at college, some newspaper work, author of vaudeville sketches and short stories; screen career, 18 mos. as edi- tor Western Lubin Co., editor Pollard Co.. staff writer American ("The Inner Struggle," "South- ern Pride." "Dust"), Paralta ("His Robe of Honor," "Humdrum Brown," etc.); student of drama, Psychiatry and Ancient Religions. Home ad., 427 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Cal.;

LARR1MEK, Marj Edna, dramatist and continu- ity writer; b. Peru, Ind.; educ. classical sen., Chicago Conservatory of Music; editorial writ- ing; author of Belgian play, "Official Bondage," used in war relief work, "Sacrifice," "Lies," "Mercurial Youth," "Elizabeth Ann." Home ad., 718 So. Alvarado, Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 50954.

I \ I r. William Barbarin; formerly associated with Chaplin-Lincoln Pict.; cinematographer with Goldwyn, Farrar and Normand prods.; staff writer for Vitagraph; author of "Camera," published by Motion Picture News; co-author with Harry Chandlee and Lawrence McCloskey for the Edgar Jones Prods., supplying all stories produced; editor Universal Industrial prods. Ad., Universal Film Mfg. Co., N. Y. C.

LAWRENCE, Frank, editor-in-chief; b. N. Y. C; with Vitagraph, Pathe, Universal; "Through the Wall," "Battle Cry of Peace," "The Chris- tian," "The Isle of Regeneration," "The Heart of Humanity," "Right to Happiness," "Blind Husbands," "The Gorgeous Canary," "The Beautiful Beggar," etc. Ad., Universal City, Cal.

LEIBKAND, Lela Owens; b. Council Bluffs, Iowa; educ. Kansas City, Mo. ; screen career, Fox, Diando-Pathe, Balboa ("The Climber," Henry King, "A Lady in the Library," Vialo Vale; "The Little Patriot," Baby Marie Osborne; "Marylee Mixes In," Gloria Joy; "The Rose of Blood," Theda Bara; "Bonnie Annie Laurie"). Ad., office, Fox, N. Y. C.

I.ENGEL, William C; educ. Kansas City S»hool of Law; director of publicity for Employment Management Section War Industries Board; in charge promotion of Nast Publications, Vogue, Vanity Fair, House and Garden; contributor to Red Book, Ainslee's, All-Story, etc.; author of "The Game," "The Come-Back" in vaud.; "If You Would Write for Vaudeville"; author of "Words and Music By" and "Tin Pan Alley," produced by Fox, among other original photo- plays. Member Scenario Staff, Fox Film Corp. Ad., 1356 University ave., N. Y. ; Melrose 7600.

LE VINO. Albert Shelby; b. Fredericksburg, Va., 1878; educ. Bucknell Univ.; early career, Wash., D. C., newspaper correspondent N. Y. Times, N. Y. American, fiction and article writer for Collier's, Harper's, Leslie's, author of "Cost in Men and Money of Our Wars"; screen career, "His Bachelor Dinner," "The Other Wife," "The Woman's Law," "Who's Guilty," "Sleep- ing Memory," "Under Suspicion," "Wilson or the Kaiser," etc. Ad., P. O. Box 123, Holly- wood. Studio, Metro, Los Angeles, Cal.

LEWIS, Eugene B. ; newspaper ed. and owner in Idaho, newspaper writer on San Francisco Chronicle and Hearst papers, N. Y. ; screen ca- reer, member of Biograph staff, doing adapta- tions and originals; ed. Biograph; author of stories and continuities for Universal ("Three Mounted Men," "Roped"), Ince ("What Every Woman Learns"). Hampton ("The Blue Ban- danna," "Unchartered Channels"), adaptations for Hampton ("The White Dove," "Mounting Shadows," "The Pink Dove"). Home ad., 1414 N. Benton Way, Hollywood, Cal.

l.OCKE, Ashley T.; b. New Albany, Ind.; 5 yrs. general newspaper experience, covering all branches of editorial and reportorial work; 2 yrs. publicity director for Edison; 2 yrs. mgr. motion picture dept., Frank A. Munsey Co.; at present asst. scenario editor, Fox Film Corp. Home ad., 365 St. Johns Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.; studio ad., Fox Film Corp., 130 W. 46th St., N. Y. C.

I.ONERGAN, Lloyd; b. Chicago; educ. Annapolis Naval Acad.; early exper., magazine and news- paper writer, with Hearst; screen career, Than- houser (wrote "Million Dollar Mystery," "A Modern Monte Cristo," "Under False Colors," "The Man Without a Country," "The Heart of Ezra Greer"), Chautard ("The Scrap of Pa- per," "Battle for Billions"), Wistaria ("Lurk- ing Peril"). Home ad., Hotel Richmond, 70 West 46th St., N. Y. C.

I.ONERGAN, Philip; b. Hackcnsack. N. J.; educ. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; early career, in business, also writer of short stories; screen career. Than- houser ("The World and the Woman," "King Lear," "The Girl Who Wanted to Live," "The Candy Girl," "Saint, Devil and Woman"), World ("Mandarin's Gold." "Love and the Woman," adapted "Dust of Desire," "His Father's Wife," "Coax Me"). Home ad., 130 Lefferts Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.

I.OOS, Anita; b. California: screen career, 6 yrs. with D. W. Griffith in Biograph, Mutual and Triangle Cos . with Douglas Fairbanks in Art-



craft, Eracrson-Loos Co., making Artcraft spe- cials, Paramount-Artcraft ("Oh, You Women," "Come On In"). Douglas Fairbanks ("The Americano," "Wild and Woolly"), Constance Talmadge ("A Temperamental Wife," "The Virtuous Vamp"). Home ad., 103 E. 75th si., N. Y. C.

LORING, Hope; b. Madrid, Spain; educ. convents, boarding schools, private tutors; early career, magazine stories; screen career, Universal ("The Lure of the Circus," "The Society Sensa- tion," "The Cabaret Girl," "The Red Glove," "The 13th Hour," "Vanishing Dagger"), also "Diamond Snake Mystery" for London Co., Ad., 221 S. Wilton Place, Los Angeles, Cal.; Wil. 1158; studio,. Universal.

LOWE, Edward T., Jr.; b. Nashville, Tenn.. 18S0; educ. there, Fogg High School; screen career, began with Essanay in 1912, 1917-18, editor and asst. supervisor of prods, with that co., Gold- wyn ("The World and Its Woman," "Bonds of Love," "Toby's Bow," "Street Called Straight," "Tower of Ivory," "Scratch My Back!" "A Double-Dyed Deceiver"). Ad., 531 So. Mariposa, Los Angeles, Cal.; studio, Goldwyn, Culver City, Cal.

LYNCH, John; b. New York; educ. Cornell and Georgetown Univ.; owner of theatres, writer of fiction and special articles; with Thomas H. Ince for 4 yrs.; now head of scenario dept., Selznick Pictures Corp. Ad., Selznick Studios, Lort Lee. N. J.


MACPHERSON, Jeanie; b. Boston, Mass.; educ. Paris, France; stage career, in "Strongheart" mgmt. H. B. Harris, and "Havana" mgmt. Shuberts; screen career, acted and directed for Biograph, Edison, Universal, Lasky (has writ- ten or adapted "Joan the Woman"), Artcraft "The Little American," "Old Wives for New," "The Whispering Chorus," "Till I Come Back to You," "Don't Change Your Husband," "Male and Female"), personal asst. to C. B. De Mille in all departments pertaining to her stories. Ad., home, 7047 Hawthorne ave., Los Angeles; studio, Lasky, Hollywood.

MARION, Frances; b. San Francisco; educ. San Francisco; early career, artist, designing theat- rical posters and illustrating for magazines, newspaper work; screen career, began writing scenarios as a free lance, went with Bosworth to learn the business; wrote "The Foundling" for Mary Pickford, "Daughter of the Sea" for Muriel Ostriche, World, Famous, Artcraft ("Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm," "Johanna Enlists," "He Comes Up Smiling," "Capt. Kidd. Jr.," "The City of Dim Faces"), Haworth "Temple of Dusk"), Selznick ("A Regular Girl"), Realart ("Anne of Green Gables"), United Artists ("Pollyanna"). Ad., Lasky Stu- dio, Hollywood, Cal.

MATH1S, June; b. Leadville, Colo.; educ. San Francisco and Salt Lake City; stage career, since childhood, leading woman with Cohan and Harris, A. H. Woods, Shuberts, and Lieb- ler; screen career, first free lance scenario writer, now head of scenuario dept. with Metro; recent pictures: "To Hell with the Kaiser," "Toys of Fate," "Eye for Eye," "Out of the Fog." "The Red Lantern." "Lady Fred- erick," "Five Thousand an Hour," "Kildare of Storm," "The Brass Check," adapted "The Willow Tree," "Risht of Way," "Old Lady 31 " Lombardi. Ltd." Ad., 1729 Chuenga ave, Hollywood: 214 West 92nd St., N. Y .; studio Metro, Hollywood, Cal.

MAXWELL, Ann.; educ. high school, N. Y ; early career, real estate, newspaper and pub- licity work; screen career, asst. director Vita- graph in Nov., 1915, resigned shortly after to do free lancing, author of "Little Doll's Dress- maker, ' "Peggy of Fifth Avenue," "On the Turn of a Card," orig. scenario, "The Cross- bearer, not orig., "Little Women, Way

Down East/' "Maytime." Home ad., 157 Bridge St.. Brooklyn, N. Y.

MeCLOSKEY, Lawrence; b. Cincinnati, O., 188G- educ. Cincinnati and Philadelphia; early ca- reer, newspaper work; screen career 3 yrs. scenario editor and special writer 4 yrs. free lance; author of over 60 screen fea- tures In which appeared Madge Kennedy, George Beban, Lionel Barrymore, Louise SlvU^HHa^ .Mor,ey. Elaine Hammersteln. Raymond Hitchcock, Ethel Clayton, Alice Joyce, Doris Kenyon. Gladys Leslie. Kitty

Gordon, Louise Huff, etc., Green Room Club, N. Y.

McCONNELL, Guy VV., also director; b. Wrights- ville, Pa., 1S79; early career, journalism, insur- ance and politics; screen career, Pathe, Froh- man, Wholesome Films; produced "Penny Phi- lanthropist"; author "Pearl of the Army" (Pearl White), "Red Snows" (Pathe), "Invis- ible Ray," "The Northern Lights" (McConnell Films), "True Americanism" (Balmer Films), etc. Ad., Hotel Commodore, N. Y.

McCRORY, John Robert; 1898; educ. high school and commercial college; newspaper artist with Omaha News; screen career, artist and camera- man with K. C. Motion Picture Co., advertising film; animated cartoon, technical drawings and photography with Bray Pictures Corporation. Home ad., 516 West 157th St.; studio ad., 23 East 26th St., N. Y. C.

McGOWAN, Robert F.. also director; b. Denver, Colo.; educ. Denver pub. schls. ; screen career, seen. Universal ("The Search of a Wife," "Their Only Son," etc.), Christie ("A Blessed Blunder," "Nearly a Papa"). Recreations, swimming, riding. Home ad., 1455 Logan St., Los Angeles, Cal.; studio ad., Christie, Los An- geles, Cal. ; Thos. H. Ince, Christie, Universal, National, directed Christie Comedies, has writ- ten and produced nearly 100 comedies, also Universal features, now assisting writing and producing with Carter De Haven comedies "After the Ball," "Their Day of Rest," "Hoo- dooed," "Close to Nature"). Studio, Carter De Haven Studio, 4500 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Cal.: home ad., 5343 Lexington ave., Los An- geles, Cal.

McLAUGHLIN, Robert; author of following mov- ing picture productions and plays: "Hidden Charms," "The Eternal Magdalene," "House Without Children," "Fires of Spring," "De- cameron Nights," "Pearl of Great Price," "Home Again," "Walk Into My Parlor," "Greatest of These," "Men in the Making." Ad., care of Argus Co., 815 Prospect ave., Cleveland, Ohio.

McNAMARA, Walter; b. Linsmore, Co. Water- ford, Ireland, 8176; educ. St. Peter's Sch., Car- diff, S. Wales; early career, editor, novelist, war corresp., actor, director, and comedian; screen career, Universal, began as seen, ed., later wrote and produced "Traffic in Souls," "Ireland a Nation," Goldwyn (played in "Girl from Outside") ; author and producer of many orig. photoplays.

McNEIL, Everett; early career, author of eleven published books of fiction and 240 pub. short stories; screen career, with Vitagraph and Edison, author of "The Price Paid," "The Bet- ter Success," "The Making of an American," "The Rebellion o' Mandy," "The Martyrdom of Philip Strong," "The Making Over of Geof- frey Manning," and many other produced mov- ing picture scenarios. Home ad., 543 West 49th St., N. Y. C.

MEREDITH, Miriam; chief reader for Thos. H. Ince and J. Parker Read, Jr., prods, for last 2 yrs.; b. Tucson, Ariz.; educ. Cumnock Acad, and Sch. of Expression, Los Angeles, Elesm»re Hall., N. Y. ; stage career, Burbank Stk. Co., Los Angeles, part of a season with Mrs. Fiske in "Salvation Nell," Wm. Stoermer's Shake- spearean Repertory Co., director of pageants for Y. W. C. A. and of Hollywood Children's Theatre Co. Ad., 1848 Morgan Place, Holly-

„^1°A-Ca1-: P«one 599728; studio. Ince.

MILLHAUSER, Bertram; b. N. Y. ; screen career Pathe-Astra (continuity "Double Cross " 15 episodes, and co-authorship "The Fatal Ring " "House of Hate," "The Lightning Raider," se- rjals starring Pearl White), G. B. Seitz, Inc. (The Black Secret," "Velvet Hawk," serials) Studio ad., G. B. Seitz. Inc., 1990 Park ave , N Y^ "c 454 Ft' WashinSton ave.,

MONTAGNE, Edward Joseph; educ. Brooklyn N. Y. ; early career, newspaper work; screen career, 7 yrs.; wrote and plcturlzed over 100 features for Vitagraph, editor at Bay Shore studios; The Combat," "Apartment 29," "Lion and the Mouse," "Oil and Water." "Out Yon- der, "Beating the Odds," some of most prom- inent successes; have written and have had produced over 1,000 reels of screen dramas- now associated with Selznick Pictures Corp' Home ad., 799 Gravesend ave., Brooklyn N Y studio ad., Fort Lee, N J

M?S5?' Alfre'l, "uKer, Jr.; b. Louisville. Ky., 1874; educ Alabama Polytech., Mass. Inst, of Tech.; early career. 17 yrs. mechanical, elec- trical and photographic lines; screen career



Peerless ("The Little Duchess"), Triangle-Fine Art ("The Social Secretary' '), Thanhouser. 6 yrs. ("Jareph in the Land of Egypt," etc.), Rolfe-Metro ('Life's Shadows"); Norma Tal- madge, Herbert Brenon Prods. Studio ad., British and Colonial Film Co., London. Eng- land. Ad., Hoe si., Wallhamstor, London, E. C, England.

MOVERS, Bertie Badger: b. Louisville. Ky. ; free lance, specializes in refined comedy and com- edy drama; has sold to American. Vitagraph, Metro. World, Christie, etc.; Drew comedies ("His First Love." "Joy of Freedom." "Why Henry Left Home," "Too Much Henry." etc.), National ("After the Bawl," "Close to Nature," "Why Divorce?" "Forget Me Not"), Christie ("Who's With the Baby?"). Ad., 215 Verne St., Tampa, Fla.

MUXL1N, Eugene; b. Brooklyn, N. T. ; educ. Sa- cred Heart Acad.; early career, mining and railroad business: screen career, 7 yrs. with Vitagraph as writer, director and editor. 6 mos. with Universal as editor-in-chief, adapted features for Vitagraph. ("The Christian." "Within the Law," "The Cambric Mask," "The Third DegTee"); written 50 orig. stories, 75 adaptations; now with Goldwyn as managing editor. Ad., 71 Cumberland St., Brooklyn. N. T., Prospect 7135- studio. Goldwyn, N. T.

MURELLO, Mary; b. Bradford. Yorkshire, Eng.; educ. Sacred Heart Convent, London; screen career, wrote for Lois Weber, Philip Smalley, Herbert Brenon and Edgar Lewis. Chief writ- er for Fox, having written or adapted fifty Fox productions until 1918, for Th£da Bara, William Farnum, etc. Since 1918 fre% lancing, writing for Norma Talmadge "The Forbidden City." "The Secret of the Storm Country," "The Heart of Wetona." Wrote for Metro, Emily Stevens, Ethel Barrymore. Madame Nazimova. Harold Lockwood, also for Clara Kimball Toung and the "Panther Woman" for Petrova. Frank Hall "The Other Man's Wife"). Ad.. Hotel Algonquin.

MIRPHEY, Will C; b. Camden, N. J., 1878; early career, newspaper man, Herald, Sun. American, former secretary N. J. Senate: wrote "Why Women Sin." "For Her Daily Bread," "Why He Divorced Her." "The Double Life" for stage; screen career. "Coax Me" (World), "Far East" (World), "Why Women Sin" (Wistaria). Ad., New Tork Press Club. 21 Spruce St., N. Y. C. ; 3505 Beekman.

BIT TON, Fred; b. Garden City. Kan.; educ. Penn. Mil. Coll., Chester, Pa. ; screen career, since 1913, with Kalem. Universal. Lasky, Paralta and Brunton. continuities in the past year in- clude "Desert Gold," "A Man in the Open," for Dustin Farnum, "Burglar by Proxy," with Jack Pickford. "A Trick of Fate" and others for Bessie Barriscale." "The Prince and Betty" with William Desmond. "A Fugitive from Mat- rimony" with H. B. Warner," "Cressy," "The Deadlier Sex," "Simple Souls" with Blanche Sweet: at present with J. D. Hampton Prods. Ad.. 2511 Beverly ave.. Ocean Park. Cal.; Ocean Park 4768.


NATTEFORD, J. F. ; court reporter, general busi- ness man with barn-storming repertory co.. Newspaper writer, executive positions in auto- mobile industry; screen career, publicity writer, film editor and title writer; now scenario editor and title writer for Screencraft Pictures. Mem- ber A. M. P. A., and author of published stories and articles. Ad., care of Screencraft Pictures. 1476 Broadwav. N. Y. ; Bryant 772.

XErrz, Alvin J.; b. Washington. D. C; educ. Wentworth Milit. Acad.. Lexington. Mo.: stage career, stage mgr. 3 seasons Riley and Woods's Casino Girls; screen career, asst. director 2 yrs. Thos. H. Ince. director and scenario editor 2 yrs. Horsley. author of scenarios, "The Good for Nothin' Brat," "Star of India." "Fighting Back." "Hell Cat." "The Gun Woman." "The Learnin' of Jim Benton." Ad., home. 33 "West- minster ave.. Venice. Cal.; studio. Capital Film Co.


O'CONNOR, Mary H.. Scenario and film editor;

b. St. Paul, Minn. : early career, newspaper, mag- azine and novel writer: screen career, 1 yr. with Vitagraph. 3 yrs. Griffith. 3 yrs. Famous Play-

ers. Ad.. 7002 Hawthorne ave., Holly wood. Cal. ; phone 577-527; studio. Famous Players-Lasky corp., Hollywood, Cal.

OLMSTEAD, E. Stanley; scenario editor for Blackton Prods.; b. Cherokee Co., N. C. ; educ. Washington, D. C, and Europe; journalist ca- reer on Evening Mail, McClure's Magazine, Mu- sical America, Morning Telegraph; novelist and short story writer; screen career, Vitagraph ("One Thousand Dollars," "The Buyer from Cactus City"), Blackton ("My Husband's Other Wife," "Dawn," "The Wife and the Girl." "The Blood Barrier," "The Moonshine Trail," writ- ten in collaboration with J. S. Blackton. Ad., Friars' Club, N. Y.; studio ad., Blackton Prod., Inc.. 25 W. 45th St., X. Y. ; Bryant 8513.

OSMl'N, Leighton Graves; b. 1^80, Newark, N.J. ; educ. Newark Acad, and Univ. of Penna. ; early career, fiction writer. "The Clutch of Circum- stance" (novel); screen career, Lasky 2 yrs., author of "The Devil Stone" for Geraldine Far- rar. "The Jaguar's Claws" for Sessue Haya- kawa, "Castles for Two" for Marie Doro. "Heir to the Hoorah" for Anita King, "Bettie to the Rescue" for Fannie Ward. Ad., Selznick Stu- dio, Fort Lee, N. J.


PAGET, Francis; b. '1861; educ. Wellington Col- lege, completed France and Germany, graduate of Sandhurst, service in India, lieut., famous march to Kandahar; toured world, prospected in Klondike: in Boer War with Ian Hamilton's column; connected with moving picture theatre in Montana; there wrote Miss Glaum's play, "A Law Unto Herself," continuity writer for Robert Brunton Studios. 5341 Melrose ave., Los Angeles, Cal.

PALMER, Frederick: b. Belmont, N. T.. 1881; educ. Cornell Univ. ; early career, newspaper man, editor, actor; screen career, since 1914, Selig. Nestor. Keystone, Vogue, Universal, Tri- angle. Wm. Fox. At present, president Palmer Photoplay Corp., 570-599 I. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles. Home ad., 1317 Libert}- St., Los Angeles, Calif.

PARK, Ida May (Mrs. Joseph De Grasse), aloe director; b. Los Angeles, Cal.; educ. San FraB- cisco, Cal.; stage career, 12 yrs. leading woinca in support of well-known stars; screen caretr, Pathe and Universal ("Fires of Rebellion," "Bondage," "Model's Confession," "Bread," "Vanity Pool." "The Amazing Wife"), Lew Cody special ("The Butterfly Man"), now owd producing company. Park-De Grasse special prods. Home ad., 213 W. Windsor Rd.. Glet- dale, Cal.

PARKER, William; b. Walla Walla. Wash., Sept. 17, 1886; early career, newspaper reporter, edi- torial writer and editor; screen career, Amer- ican, Universal, Ince. Fox, J. D. Hampton; re- cent stories and continuities. "Money Isn't Everything," "What Every Woman Wants," "Bare-Fisted Gallagher." "The Third Eye," Pathe serial. Universal special. "The Virgin of Stamboul." etc.; now associated with King W. Vidor. Home ad., 1146 Arapahoe St., Los An- geles. Cal.

PARSONS, Agnes, scenario writer and film edi- tor; b. Burlington. Iowa; screen care&r. scenario writer for Fox ("Melting Millions"'. Triangle ("Wild Sumac"), Educational Films ("Citizens in the Making"). Ad., 812 Majestic Bldg., Los Angeles. Cal.; phone 61245.

PHILIPPS, Henry Albert: b. Brooklyn. N. Y.. Jan. 28, 1880; early career, assoc. ed. Metro- politan Magazine, lecturer. Brooklyn Inst, of Arts, assoc. ed. Motion Picture Magazine, etc., author of "The Plot of the Short Story," "The Photodrama." "Art in Short Story Narration," "The Universal Plot Catalogue." "The Feature Photoplay," "A Complete Course in Short Story Writing." and other books; original photoplays, "Heiress for a Dav." "The Primitive Woman," "The Self-Made Widow," "The Mate of the Sally Ann." "Bonnie Annie Laurie." "The Love Burglar." "Bolshevism." "Pierre Le Grand." Ad.. Larchmont. N. Y.

PIGGOTT, William; b. Liverpool. Eng.. 1876; educ. Liverpool Coll. ; early career, ranching in Canada, business in Winnipeg; screen career, free lance writer, Vitagraph. 1913. with Ameri- can. 1914, author of "Daddy's Soldier Boy," "Tair.',ed Money" (Vitagraph >, adapted Van Loan »eries. "Buck-Parvin," 'End of the Road" (American), Fox ("The Price of Silence"). Now with Universal, continuity editor. Home ad., 2260 Beechwood Drive, Hollywood, Cal.



1'IAMITON, George Holcombe; b. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1889; educ. Brooklyn Boys' High, Cooper Union; early career, business and magazine work; screen career, Vitagraph (for 2V4 yrs., writing many orig. one-reel comedies and five- reel picturizations, including "Soldiers of Chance," "Dead Shot Baker," "The Tender- foot," "The Home Trail"); wrote and prod. "The Making of Good Citizens" and "Fire Fighters" for "Frisco Exposition; Metro-Drew comedies and adaptations for Lasky; 1919, 1st Lieut. Q. M. C, U. S. A. Ad., 2100 Highland ave.. Hollywood, Cal.

POLAND, Joseph F.; b. Waterbury, Conn., Sept. 4. 1892; educ. St. John's Coll. and Erasmus Hall. Brooklyn, N. T. ; screen career, Kalem (adapted and in part wrote orig. "Stingaree" series), Vitagraph (wrote "Hesper of the Moun- tains," etc.), Art Drama ("The Cloud"), Fox ("Patsy"), Pathe ("Miss Nobody"), Universal ("The Spitfire of Sevilla"). author over 100 photoplays. Hght., 5, 11; wght., 145; hair dark, eyes gray. Studio, Universal City, Cal.

POWELL, A. Van Buren; b. Macon, Ga., Mar. 31. 1886; educ. Macon and N. Y. C. pub. and high schls. ; early career, writer of special articles; screen career, Biograph, Kalem, Colonial, Vita- graph and free lance; author of "Everybody's Girl," "The Girl Woman." etc.; now editor "Scripts and Scribes" dept., the Billboard. Ad., 130 St. Paul's Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.

PRLNTZLAU, Olga; b. Phila., 1893; educ. there and Los Angeles; screen career, Edison, Ma- jestic, American, Universal, Ince, Lasky ("Be- lieve Me, Xantippe," "One More American," "Why Change Your Wife?" "Jack Straw," "Prince Chap," "Peg o' My Heart"), Fox ("Lawless Love"), Blue Bird ("City of Tears"), Brentwood ("Turn in the Road"). Ad., Lasky Film Co., 6265 de Longpre ave., Hollywood, Cal.; home ad., 5846 Harold Way, Los Angeles, Cal.

PROCTOR, George DuBois; educ. Andover and Yale: motion picture editor of The Morning Telegraph; editor Motion Picture News; news- paper man and writer; Capellani Prod. ("The Fortune Teller." "Held in Trust," "Little Mother Hubbard"), Edgar Lewis Prod. ("Other Men's Shoes"), 10 Lasky prods., 6 for Triangle and 8 for World. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.


RAMSEY, Alicia; educ. at Orford Coll., London, and Leipsig; has written short stories pub. in chief magazines in England and America; two novels, "Mortimer Dixon" and "Miss Elizabeth Gibbs"; many plays alone or in collaboration with husband, Rudolph de Cordova, produced in London and U. S., among them are "Mon- sieur de Paris," "Edmund Kean," "As a Man Sows," "Isla, the Chosen," "Honor," "Bridge," "John Hudson's Wife," "The Mandarin," "The Shadow Behind the Throne." "The Quick- sands"; 7 melodramas produced at London Hippodrome; many original scenarios produced by Famous Players. Metro. Vitagraph. etc., in which Line Cavalieri, Alice Joyce, Billie Burke, etc., have appeared. Ad., 45 Beaver st.', N. Y.

REARDON, Mark S., 3d; b. Brooklyn, N. Y.; educ. Columbia Univ., Adelphi Coll., St. Francis Xavier Coll., N. Y. Law Schl. ; early career, lawyer and author, wrote "The Last Laugh," "Trapped," "Romance of a Day," etc.; screen career, author of "In Wolf's Clothing," "Her, Husband's Friend," "New Love and the Old," etc., 1st lieut. adj. A. E. F. 191S-19. now gov. atty. War Dept.; latest literary work "The Family Album," Home ad., 170 Keap St., Brooklyn. N. Y. ; bus. ad.. War Dept., Wash- ington, D. C.

REED. Katharine Speer; early career, magazine writer and special newspaper work in Boston, Phila. and N. Y. ; also advertising exper., screen career, has written O. Henry stories, original and adapted comedies, "Let's Elope" with Marguerite Clark. "Greater Than Fame" and "Just a Wife" for Selznick, and about 40 others. Now with Harry Rapf's Selznick prods., Los Angeles. Home ad., 143 W. 69th St., N- Y. C. ; Columbus 7963.

REED, Luther A.; b. Berlin. Wis., 1888; educ. Columbia Univ., Mo.; early career, 5% yrs. with N. Y. Herald. 2d lieut. infantry, U. S. A. 8 mos. ; 2 yrs. Universal and Metro (wrote "In for Thirty Days." "A Favor to a Friend." "The Ameteur Adventuress"), Fox. Ince ("Behind the

Door," "Under the Surface," "Let's Be Fash- ionable"); co-author stage comedy "The Won- derful Workshop," produced by Erlanger & Golden. Ad., 29 Claremont ave., N. Y. C. ; studio, Thos. H. Ince. Culver City, Calif.

REID, Donald Gordon; b Tarrytown, N. Y. ; screen career, Vitagraph, World, U. S. Division of Films. Pathe, Arden ("The Immigrant," "The Challenge Accepted," "The Ordeal," "The Leavening"). Home ad., 365 E. 209th St., N. Y.

REID, James Halleck; b. Homer, Ind.; screen career, editor scenario dept. Universal, Vita- graph ("The Seventh Son," "The Victoria Cross"), Reliance ('Father Beauclaire," "Be- fore the White Man Came," "Cripple Creek"), Paramount (played in "The Two Brides"), National ("The Confession"). Home ad., Coytesville, N. J.; office, 1600 Broadway, N. Y.

REYNOLDS, Stephen Allen; b. Boston. Mass.; educ. private sch.; early career, adventurer, soldier of fortune, governmental inspector, au- thor; screen career. Reliance ("The Master Cracksman"), etc. Ad., Fox Film Corp.. Holly- wood, Calif.

RICE, Elmer L. ; b, N. Y. ; graduate X. Y, Law Sch. '12; member N. Y. Bar, author of "On Trial," "For the Defense," "The Iron Cross," and other plays. Ad., 1732 Grenshaw blvd., Los Angeles. Calif.; prone 75084; studio. Gold- wyn, Culver City, Calif.

RICH, H. Thompson; educ. grad. Dartmouth Coll. ; early career, teacher, newspaper man, magazine writer; later editor-in-chief The Forum Magazine; left magazine field to serve in war; screen career, writer of original sto- ries and continuity; American Cinema Corp. ("A Woman Strays"); with Metro Pictures Corp.' scenario dept., Hollywood, Calif. Perma- nent ad., 43 Donaldson ave., Rutherford. N. J.

RIPLEY, Arthur D., also cutter; b. Townshend, Vt. ; educ. Morris High, N. Y. ; screen career, film editor for Kalem, Vitagraph. Fox ("Sa- lome." "Cleopatra"), Metro ("The Spender." "Peggy Does Her Darndest"), under super- vision of Geo. D. Baker, now assisting Henry Kolker with development of his scripts and editing his productions. Ad., 770 Hollywood blvd.. Hollvwood. Calif.

RITCHEY. Will M. ; b. Evansville. Ind.; educ. Univ. of Wooster. Ohio; early career, news- paper editor for 12 yrs. ; screen career. Selig, Lubin. Vitagraph, Balboa, Astra. Famous Play- ers ("Everyw oman." "Told in the Hills." "The Dub." "Alias Mike Moran," "Something to Do." "The Winning Girl." "Pettigrew's Girl," '('Rose o' the River," "A Sporting Chance"). Ad. 929 Galena ave.. Pasadena. Calif.; Colo. 1273; studio. Famous Players-Lasky.

ROLANDS, George K., also director and film editor; educ. Baltimore City Coll.; stage ca- reer, actor with Frohman Cos.. including "Peter Pan." "Samson." "Flag Lieut.." "Mons. Beau- caire." with Maude Adams in "Chanticleer." Jas. K. Hackett Co.. Marie Doro. etc.: screen career. N. Y. Producing Co.. author and di- rector ("Trapped." "Lure of New York"), ("Web of Life" featuring James Cruze), asso- ciate dir. Schomer Film Co. ("Ruling Pas- sions"), Emily Stevens in "The Sacred Flame," also special editor for all Exclusive Features and Canvon Pictures Corp. Ad.. 1001 Faile St., N. Y. ; Intervale 1465.

RUSSELL, L. Case; b. Yankton, S. D.: writer of verse, stories, etc.; special writer Motion Picture Magazine: author of over 100 produced photoplays, "The Light Within." "Black But- terfly." "To the Death." "Soul of a Magdalene," "Merely Players." "Two-Edged Sword." sev- eral Sydney Drew comedies; recent releases. "Water Lily." "Fruits of Passion." "Root of Evil"; at present writing and supervising 12 Blazed Trail Prods., featuring John Lowell, those released being "When Big Dan Rides," "Hidden Pit." "Danger Patrol," "Across the Line," "Tell Tale Tracks." "Where Peril Lurks." "Code of the North." Ad.. Blazed Trail Prods., Green Lake P. O, Fulton Co.. N. Y.


SCIIROCK, Raymond T..; b. Goshen, Ind . 1892; educ. Univ. of 111.; stage career, director for stk.; screen career. Gauntier, ed. and dir. ("Twilight"). Universal, seen. ed. ("The Man Inside," "Elusive Isabel." "Code of His An- cestors," "The Finer Metal"), World ("Her Hour," "A Leap to Fame." "His Royal High- ness"), Fox ("Caught in the Act." "Splendid



Malefactor," "Way to Happiness," "The Win- ning Stroke"), Frohman ("The She Wolt"). Home ad., 601 W. 139th St.; Aud. 2320.

SCHROEDER, Doris; b. Long Island, N. Y. ; educ. Brooklyn Girls High Sch. ; screen career, 9 yrs. motion picture work, adaptations, "My Fighting Gentleman," "Charity Castle," for American, "Price of Applause," "Love's Pay Day," for Triangle, "The Little Boss," for Vitagraph, "My Unmarried Wife," "The Trem- bling Hour," "Under Suspicion," "Pals," "Jewel" for Universal. Ad., 4515 Russell ave., Los Angeles, Calif.; Holly 737; studio, Universal.

SCOTT, Leroy; b. Fairmount, Ind., 1875; A. B., Ind. Univ. 1897; newspaper work, asst. editor Woman's Home Companion 1900-1; has de- voted entire time to writing since 1904; written novels, short stories, stage dramatization of own fiction; feature prods, made with Norma Talmadge, Anita Stewart, etc.; member Emi- nent Authors Pictures, Inc., producing and releasing through Goldwyn; pictures made un- der own personal supervision, to be released as Leroy Scott Features; member The Players, West Side Tennis. Ad., 49 W. 85th St., N. T.

SERPIGO, James; b. Napoli, Italy, 1896; educ. there and Rossi private coll., N. T. C. ; early career, 4 yrs. asst. mgr. Electric and Savoy theatres, Madison, N. J.; screen career, adapted "The Great Sacrifice," "The Fluffy Philly," "Hounds of the Underworld," "The Better Road," "The Home Brand," "The Paved Road," for Star Pictures, Marquette Film Corp., Purity Pictures, Madison Film Corp., Paragon Art Pictures, etc. Served in U. S. Army, mustered out May, 1919. Ad., 23 Central ave., Madison,

n. j. a!

SHAW, Stanley; b. Boston, Mass.; newspaper writer and editor, advertising, author many short stories, novelettes and magazine serials. "Jungle Heart," Vitagraph, "Fighting Destiny," Harry Morey, "That Quiet Night," Truart Pic- tures. Ad., Camp Wildwood, South Hanson, Mass.

SHERWIN, Louis; scenario writer, editor of scripts, films and titles; b. London; educ. Char- terhouse, England, and privately on the conti- nent; early career, 8 yrs. dramatic critic N. T. Evening Globe, contributor to American, Met- -ropolitan, Vanity Fair, etc. Ad., Goldwyn Studio, Culver City, Calif.

SLOANE, Paul H.; educ. N. T. Univ., B. S., also N. T. U. Sch. of Journalism; screen career, started with Edison studios in 1914, film editor, scenario editor and director; scenario writer with Pathe; wrote Rainbow Comedies; was in U. S. A. service; Vitagraph, now writing orig- inal stories for Fox. Ad., 783 Beck St., N. T. C. ; Melrose 4950.

SLOCUM, Daisy Mayer; b. Cleveland, O. ; educ. there; stage career, traveled through the Brit- ish Isles, S. Africa, Australia and Continent In vaud. ; in drama, light opera, vaud. in U. S. ; screen career, wrote for Selig, Vitagraph, Frontier, American. Home ad., The Parkview, Ansel road, Cleveland, Ohio., or care J. Allen Boone, N. T.

SMITH, R. Cecil; b. 1880, Parkersburg, W. Va.; educ. Univ. of Chicago; stage career, juveniles and characters in several stk. cos., mgr. Chutes Park, Denver, Colo., mgr. Tuileries Park, Den- ver; screen career, played character roles in Ince prods, for 2 yrs.; Ince-Triangle scenario dept.. "Master of His Home," "Madcap Madge," "Claws of the Hun," "The Busher," "Home Breaker." "Out of the Night," "L'Apache." "His Wife's Money." Home ad.. Culver City. Cal.; studio ad., Selznick Studios, Fort Lee, N. J.

SOMERVILLE, Roy; b. New Orleans, La.; educ. Trinity Coll.; early career, 12 yrs. newspaper experience, wrote number of vaud. sketches, author of "The Prairie Waifs," originator of "Kid Ryan" series, etc.; screen career, Fine Arts ("The Little Tank," "An Innocent Magda- lene," "Acquitted," "Reggie Mixes In," "Chil- dren in the House," "The Devil's Needle." "Hit- ting the Trail," "Embarrassment of Riches," "The Danger Games," "Pursuit of Polly," "What Shall We Do With It?"). Hodkinson ("The Bandbox"), Fox ("Eastward Ho!"). Home ad.. 320 St. Nicholas ave.. N. Y. C; tel. Morningside 5310.

SPENCE, Ralph H. ; b. Houston, Texas, 1889; formerly vice-pres. and gen. mgr. Houston Daily Telegram, correspondent with Pershing on Mexican border; screen career. Mack Sen- nett. Sunshine Comedies. Fox ("The Yankee Way," "This Is the Life." "The Kid Is Clever." "I'll Say So"), for Geo Walsh ("A Camouflage

Kiss"), for June Caprice ("Smiles") for Lee children; also director, writes "Newsettes" for Fox News. Ad., Fox Films Corp., N. Y., or Hotel Astor.

STARR, Helen; b. New Milford, Conn.; educ. Stanford Univ., Calif.; stage career, stock in Worcester, Mass., Mt. Vernon, N. Y., Lawrence. Mass., Waterbury, Conn.; toured Keith circuit with Marie Doro, De Wolf Hopper, "Within the Law"; screen career, publicity dept. Mutual, N. Y. Script editor Universal 1 yr., scenario writer Universal 1 yr., American, U. S. Secret Service during war; now Goldwyn scenario dept. Ad., 134» Douglas St., Los Angeles, Calif.; Pico 2254; studio, Goldwyn, Culver City, Calif.

STATTER, Arthur F.; b. Carlisle, England; educ. England and Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon, Iowa; newspaper man, asst. secretary U. S. Treasury in Roosevelt administration, scenario writer Universal, Triangle, Ince; now with Jesse D. Hampton Prod.

STEARNS, Myron Morris; b. Hartford, Conn., 1884; educ. Stanford Univ. (grad. 1906); early career, 9 yrs. newspaper work; largely with Los Angeles Times, 3 yrs. magazine work, fiction, articles and verse, Colliers, Century, Harper's, and many others; screen career, American Film Co.; recently scenario writer Sunset Studios; now scenario editor Griffith Studios. Home ad.. West St., Mamaroneck, N. Y. ; bus. ad., 720 Longacre Bldg., N. Y.

STECK, H. Tipton; b. Chicago, 111.; educ. busi- ness coll. in Chicago; early career, 2 yrs. re- porter and press agent on Chicago newspapers; wrote for magazines; screen career, 10 yrs. with Essanay as scenario editor, manager of pro- duction and feature writer; Essanay ("Graus- tark"), Universal ("Outcasts of Poker Flat," "Riders of the Law," "Gift of the Desert" with Harry Carey, "The Incorrigible" with Priscilla Dean). Tourneur ("Broken Butter- fly"), First National ("Duke of Chimmey Butte," "The Turning Point"), author of over 500 produced photoplays. Ad., 1741 N. Chero- kee ave., Hollywood, Calif.; Holly 4428.

STERNBERG, Jo; screen career, 3 yrs. World Film in charge of all film, asst. dir. to Emile Chautard; connected with General Staff, U. S. A., for 2 yrs. in charge of "Training of the Sol- dier" film series; film editor and laboratory supervisor for Wm. A. Brady. Ad., care of Wm. A. Brady, The Playhouse, W. 48th St., N. Y.

STEWART, Charles Conger; b. N. Y. O; super- visor and improver of picture shows in Chicago; lecturer on pictures and fiction; writer of pic- ture and short stories; most of fiction pub. in Munsey and Street and Smith publications; chief reader and analytical expert for Fox. Home ad., Ditmas ave., E. Elmhurst, L. I., N. Y. ; studio ad.. Fox Film Corp.. N. Y.

STONE, Le Roy; film editor; b. San Francisco. 1894; educ. Univ. of California; m. p. career, associated with Thomas H. Ince since 1913. Experience covers practically all lines of pro- duction. Recently toured East in behalf of Ince Productions, making study of presenta- tions in theatres, inspecting exchanges and making exhaustive investigations of labora- tories of New York and New Jersey. Person- ally edits all Wm. S. Hart Productions. Home ad., 2207 West 11th St., Los Angeles, Calif.; studio, Hart Prods., Hollywood, Cal.

STUART. Kathryne; educ. Columbia Univ.; early career, publicity and journalistic exper, for a yr. ; Famous Players ("Erstwhile Susan," "His Bridal Night," "Career of Katherine Bush." "His House in Order," etc.). Home ad., 34 W. 51st St., N. Y. C. ; studio. Famous Players- Lasky Corp., N. Y.

SULLIVAN, C. Gardner; b. Stillwater, Minn. 1886; educ. Univ. Minnesota; early career, news- paper man; screen career. Edison, Ince ("A Corner in Colleens," "The Thoroughbred," "Civilization"), Triangle-Ince ("Happiness"), ("The Girl Glory"), Ince ("Civilization"). Triangle ("Peggy," "Hell's Hinges," "Those Who Pay"), Artcraft ("Selfish Yates," "Shark Monroe," "Branding Broadway"), Ince-Paralta ("Love Me," "Naughty, Naughty," 'The Vamp," "The Accursed Town"), Paramount ("The Haunted Bedroom," "Market of Souls," "Virtuous Thief," "Stepping Out"), Artcraft ("Poppy Girl's Husband"). Ad., Ince, Culver City, Cal.

SUTTON, T. Shelley; b. Hanford, Calif., 1877; educ. Univ. of 111.; early career, 18 yrs. news- paper experience; author of many short sto-




ries and more than 30 vaud. successes; screen career, 6 yrs. writing for Pathe, Lubin, Es- sanay, Selig and Universal; 2 yrs. staff writer for Universal, writing Westerns for Harry Carey, Neal Hart, etc.; "The Grudge," 'The Cougar," "A Texas Sphinx," "Fighting Blood." "Girl From Guthrie," "Forbidden Soil," "The Taint," "Phantom Gold," "Betty's Bandit," "The Straggler," etc. Home ad., 901 West 58th St., Los Angeles, Calif.; Vermont 925; studio, scenario editor, Coburn Prods., Inc., Holly- wood, Calif.


TAYLOK, Kex; b. Des Moines, Iowa; educ. Ham- ilton Inst, and Iowa State Coll.; early career, mining engineering, life insurance; stage ca- reer, rep., vaud.; screen career, Goldwyn ("Leave It to Susan," orig. and continuity, "Strictly Condential," "The Wrong Door," adaptations). Universal ("The Love Swindle," "Beans," "She Hired a Husband," original), Vitagraph ("Miss Ambition," "Nymph of the Foothills," originals). Ad., 1910 Vista Del Mar, Hollywood, Calif.; phone 579363.

TAYLOK, Sam; b. N. Y. C, Aug. 13, 1894; educ. Fordham Univ., 1915; film editor of Kalem 1916, in 1917 for Universal; in charge of scena- rio and film editing depts. of motion picture division of Medical Corps, U. S. A. 1918; feature continuity writer on Vitagraph scenario staff 1919, adapted "The Gamblers," "In Honor's Web," "Over the Garden Wall," etc. Ad., 14 Butler pi., Brooklyn, N. Y.

TEKHISK, Albert Payson; b. Newark, N. J., 1872; educ. Columbia Univ., Paris, Geneva and Florence; early career, exployer, newspaper and magazine writer, novelist, editor, etc.; screen career, Famous Players, Pathe, Gau- mont, etc.; author of "Dollars and the Woman," "The Years of the Locust," novelized "Red Circle" for Pathe, "Crimson Stain" for Con- solidated; 1919, author of "Once a Mason," "The Amateur Liar," "The Night of the Dub," for the Sidney Drews and Ernest True; "The Wildcat" for Frank Keenan; "Driftwood" for Roland West; "The Lotus Eater" for Hearst's International; played character role in World's "The Love Defender." Ad., Sunny Bank, Pompton Lakes, N. J.

THEW, Harvey F.; b. Mankato, Minn., 1883; educ. Univ. of Minn.; early career, newspaper man; screen career. Famous Players ("Seven- teen," "Plow Girl," "The Shuttle," "Jules of the Strong Heart"), Universal ("Delicious Little Devil," "Beach Comber"), George Beban ("Hearts of Men"), Jack Pickford ("Bill Ap- person's Boy"), Goldwyn ("Duds," "Man in Lower Ten"), etc. Home ad., 1768 Las Palmas, Hollywood, Calif.; studio, Goldwyn.

THOMPSON, Hamilton; b. Conn.; early career, newspaper man and magazine editor; managed fir Alaska magazine; screen career, Fox Film Corp., publicity and adv. dept., at present scenario editor ("Bonnie Annie Laurie," "When They Come Back," "Swat the Spy," "The Brain Master" (serial), "Me and Capt. Kidd"). Ad., 905 Seventh ave., N. Y.

TODD, Robert Lee; b. Springfield, 111., 1895; educ. Hot Springs, Ark., stage expert with Howard Thurston, magician; screen career, Keystone. L-Ko, Ince, Paralta, Dougles Fair- banks ("He Comes Up Smiling"). Home ad., S475 Francisco St., Los Angeles. Cal.

TYLER, G. Vere; b. Richmond, Va., educ. Rich- mond and Europe; early career .novelist, dramatist, essayist and psychological fiction- ist; seen, writer; has written several vaud. suc- cesses, society novelettes and short stories for Smart Set magazine; contributor to Town Topics, also editorial columns of New York American and other Hearst papers; screen career, "A Huntress of Men" (Universal), "The Wax Model" (Pallas-Paramount), engaged by Joseph M. Schenck (Selznick) to write script, several photoplays forthcoming. Home ad., 105 E. 15th St., N. Y. ; Stuyvesant 120.


I'NSELL, Eve; educ. Emerson Coll., Boston; early career, newspaper work; screen career, free lance scenario writer, "Are You a Mason?" Famous Plavers ("Eyes of the Soul," "The Parisian Wife." "Out of the Shadow"), Gold- wyn ("Cup of Fury"), Realart ("Sinners"), Adnac ("The Great Shadow"); organized

scenario dept. Famous Players-Lasky British producers, London. England. Ad., 272 Lincoln road, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Flatbush 304.


VAN LOAN, H. II.; b. Athens, N. Y., 1885; educ. Yale prep, and Columbia Univ.; early career, 3 yrs. publicity mgr. for Univ.; started first moving picture column in N. Y. C , 1914, "Flashes in the Screen" in N. Y. Globe, also in 200 other newspapers; screen career, author of "Vive La France," Universal ("The Beauti- ful Beggar"), Select ("The New Moon "), Vita- graph ("The Highest Trump," "A Rogue's Ro- mance"), Pathe ("The Third Eye" serial), Fox ("The Speed Maniac," "The Last Night," "Three Gold Coins," "The Red Terror"), Anita Stewart ("Danger"), Maurice Tourneur ("The Great Redeemer"). Ad., 121 West Eulalia St., Glendale, Calif.

VAN PETTEN, Stacey A.; b. Dec. 11, 1883, Peoria, 111.; educ. Grinnell, Iowa, 2 yrs. at Iowa Coll.; early career, 10 yrs. exper. as court reporter in criminal and civil courts of Chicago; author of numerous short stories, magazine articles, adv. booklets, etc.; for past several yrs. specialized in scenario writing, and in capacity of scenario editor or as free lance has written many orig. stories and continuities for leading producers; at present scenario editor of Atlas Educational Film Co., Chicago, 111. Home ad.. 1516 Hood ave., Chicago, 111.


WALLACE C. R.; screen career, Keystone, Uni- versal, Triangle, Robertson-Cole, Fox. Home ad., Clark Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif.; Bway 7200; studio. Fox, Hollywood, Cal.

WEADOt'K, Louis; b. Saginaw, Mich.; educ. Notre Dame Univ.; early career, newspaper business in N. Y., Cnicago, Boston, Phila., San Francisco, Los Angeles and Grand Rapids, Mich. Home ad., 1821 N. Normandie ave., Hollywood, Calif.; studio, Douglas Fairbanks.

WHITCOMB, Daniel Frederick; b. Louisville, Ky., 1880; educ. private school, Boston; early ca- reer, fiction writer, reporter; screen career, scenario writer since 1910, free lance and on staff of Universal, Keystone, Fox, Balboa, American, Ince and Goldwyn; author of more than 200 original features, "Little Mary Sun- shine," "Shadows and Sunshine," "Told at Tyi- light," American, "Game of Wits" and "Bride's Silence," Gail Kane; Mission, "Send Him Away AVith a Smile," and "What Every Mother Knows," Gloria Joy. Permanent home address, 1611 McCadden place, Hollywood, Cal.

WHITTAKER, Charles Everard; b. Dublin, Ire- land, 1878; educ. Owens Coll., Manchester, and New Coll., Oxford; early career, journal- ism, traveled in Africa. Asia and all over Eu- rope; screen career, adapted "The Whip," "The Pride of the Clan" (Mary Pickford), "Arms and the Girl" ((Billie Burke), "On the Quiet," "Here Comes the Bride" (John Barrymore), "La Tosca," "Resurrection," "Fedora," "Her Final Reckoning" (Pauline Frederick), "The House of Glass," "The Claw," "Eyes of Youth" (Clara Kimball Young), "Partners of the Night" (Eminent Authors. Inc.). "Mothers of Men" (Edward Jose), "The White Heather." "The Life Line," "The Broken Butterfly" (Maur- rice Tourneur). author of "Woman" and "Fires of Faith." Ad., Garson Studio, Los Angeles.

WILKINSON, Jas.; b. Los Angeles, Cal.; educ. (here; opr. in Los Angeles theatres; 2 yrs. with Mutual Film Co. ; five serials and five features with J. P. McGowan and Helen Holmes, 2 seri- als with Eddy Polo at Universal, asst. dir. to Polo on European trip, at present with Christy Cabanne. Ad., Universal Film Mfg. Co.. Uni- versal City, Cal.

WJXLETS, Gilson; b. N. Y. C. ; eauc. there; au- thor; 20 yrs. globe-trotter in quest of special stories. Russia. Egypt and Arabia; special sled journey to Arctic Circle, north of Finland and Sweden; 3 mos. trip to India for story of plague; member Harriman Expedition in Mex- ico, etc.; screen career, author of first moving picture serial. "The Adventures of Kathleen," also author of "Hands Up." "Tiger's Trail." "Adventures of Ruth." "The Double Cross." Pathe serials; "The First Fair." Pathe feature. Home ad.. Algonquin Hotel, N. Y. C. ; studio, Pathe. N. Y.




WILLIAMS, Harry H.; b. Minnesota; educ. there; author, actor and song writer for 20 yrs., also motion picture director for Mack Sennett, Tri- angle, etc. Home ad., Hotel Waldorf, Venice, Cal.; studio. Fattv Arbuckle, Culver City, Cal.

WILLIS, F. McGrew; b. Iowa, 1890; stage ca- reer, rep. ; screen career, free lance writer, then Pathe, Mutual. Balboa, Universal ("The Bride's Awakening'' with Mae Murray, "The Phantom .Melody"). Head of F. McGrew Willis Institute, 4IS Wright and Calleneler Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. .

WILSON, Chas. Jerome. Jr.; b. N. T. C. ; author >f first juvenile feature released through World ("Jess of the Mountain Country"), Triangle ("The Greater Law," "Her Decision," "Those Restless Ones"), Goldwyn ("Spotlight Sadie"). Fox ("White Lies"), Universal ("Breath of the Gods," "Prince of Avenue A," "Outdone," "Tel- low Orchid"). Home ad., 35 W. Mountain St., Pasadena, Cal.; studio, Universal.

WING, William E., scenario writer and editor; b. Maine; educ. Maine and Minn, and Univ. of So. California; screen career, Biograph, Fine Arts ("Casey at the Bat," "Sold for Marriage," "The Microscope Mystery"), Vitagraph ("Little .Miss Adventure," "The Spirit of the Range" i. National ("Tarzan of the Apes"), "Lure of the circus," Polo serial; "Elmo the Mighty" serial; "Trails of Doom," Franklyn Farnum serial. Ad.. 1543 Council St., Los Angeles, Cal.; Main 8550.

WOODS, Frank E.; early career, on staff of N. Y. Dramatic Mirror as "Spectator," published first review of motion pictures, afterward chief edi- tor Mirror; screen career, Kinemacolor, Bio- graph, Reliance-Majestic, Fine Arts, wrote ("The Children Pay," "The Bad Boy," "Betsy's Burglar"), author of "The Little School Ma'am." prod. mgr. for Lasky for past 3 yrs. Ad., Lasky. Hollywood.

WOODS, Walter; mgr. and director of stock cos. at St. Louis. Cincinnati. Richmond, Brockton. Lowell. Waltham and Salem, Mass., and St. John. N. B.. author of plays, including "Billv. the Kid," "Girl of Eagle Ranch." "Within Four Walls." "The Sunset Gun." "The Reformers." etc. Ad., Famous Players-Lasky Co., Holly- wood, Cal.


VOHALEM. George M. ; b N Y. C. ; screen career. 6 yrs. in scenario and title departments of Fa- mous Players, now writing scenarios for Selz- nick Pictures. Ad., care of Selznick. N. Y.

YOUNG, Harold: b. Salt Lake City, Utah; educ. there; early career, short-story writer, essay-

ist, etc.; screen career, wrote "The Gringo" for Overland Feature Film Corp. Studio ad., Art Unit Studios, Los Angeles, Cal.; home ad., 2922 So. Flower St., Los Angeles. Cal.; So. 5537.

YOUNG, Howard Irving; educ. N. Y. Univ. and Sorbonne Univ. of Paris; screen career, seen, ed. Crystal, ed. Reliance: staff writer, Kalem, Pathe, Metro; author of "Hearts in Exile," "The Mission of Morrison," "The Apaches of Paris," "The Lotos Woman," "Sacred Silence," Fox ("The Steel King"), World; now editor Paramount Screen Magazine, Famous Players- Lasky Corp., 1st Lieut. Inf., A. E. F., January, 1918, to July, 1919. Clubs: Secretary Green Room Club, Dramatic Committee of Authors' League, Photodramatists, Transportation, Psi Upsilon Club, Cercle Interallie (Paris). Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y.

YOUNG, Waldemar ; educ. Stanford Univ., Cal.; early career, sporting editor San Francisco Chronicle, dramatic critic S. F. Examiner and S. F. Chronicle, mgr. on tour with Frank Fo- garty, advance agent Gertrude Hoffman, played Orpheum Circuit in "When Caesar Ran a Pa- per"; screen career, Universal as scenario edi- tor and writer, "The Man Trap," "Flirting with Death," "The Show Down." "The Clean Up," "The Car of Chance," "The Light of Victory," "Cherries Are Ripe," "Pirate Gold," "Fire Flingers," "Spitfire of Seville," "Sundown Trail"). Ad., home, 1552 Cassil PI., Los An- geles.

YOUNGER, A. P.; b. Sacramento, Cal.; educ. San Francisco; screen career, "Fair and Warmer," "The Walk-Offs" for May Alison, "Eliza Comes to Stay" for Viola Dana. Home ad., 1723 W. 9th st., Los Angeles, Cal.; Wil. 497; studio, Metro.


ZELLNEK, Arthur J., scenario writer and film editor; b. Memphis, Tenn. ; educ. Louisiana State Univ.; early career, magazine and news- paper writer; at present with Metro Specials. Ad., 1762 Ivar ave., Hollywood, Cal.; phone -7170. ;

ZKLLNER. Lois; b. Macon, Ga. ; educ. private schools and tutors; screen career, free lance writer, groundwork on one-reel comedies, two yrs. writing features, Paramount ("The Inno- cent Lie," "As Men Love." "Giving Becky a Chance"), Thos. H. Ince ("The Little Broth- er"), Pathe ("Over the Hill"). Astra ("The Girl from Bohemia." special feature for Mrs. Vernon Castle), Bluebird ("Ladv Eldone's Daughter"), Goldwyn ("The Odd Pearl"). Ad.. 1762 ^ Ivar Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 57170.



ABEL, David; b. Russia, 1SS4; educ. Russia; screen career. American, Fine Arts. Goldwyn ("Thais." "The Splendid Sinner"). Special Art- craft ("The Hun Within"), Talmadge Co. ("The Heart of Wetona," "The Probation Wife," "Nancy Lee"). Home ad., Hotel The- resa, N. Y. ; studio. 31S East 48th St., N. Y. C.

AHOUSSLEMAN, Charles; b. Mount Lebanon, Syria, 1888; educ. French Coll. of the Lazarist Fathers in Syria; screen career, Eclair, Pathe, Gaumont and Universal; specialized in studio and scenic photography; made official Indus- trial Films for Bolivian Govt, in S. America: speaks French, English, Spanish. Turkish and Arabic. Member Cinema Camera Club. Ad., home, 620 54th St., Brooklyn.

ADAMS, William S.; b. N. Y.; educ. there; screen career. Vitagraph ("The Juggernaut," "Shad- ows of the Fast," "The Wreck." featuring Anita Stewart), Blackton ("Moonshine Trail," "Dawn." "Tinsel Triumphs," featuring Sylvia Breamer). Ad. home. 1645 East 9th St., Brook- lyn, N. Y. ; phone Midwood 661 2.

AI DER, William F.j b. Oil City. Pa.; educ. Lewis Inst. Technology, grad. from Illinois State Univ. as registered engineer; screen career, with Bell and Unwell, camera makers, installed first Gau- mont chronophone for Herbert Blache. in 1907, organized Chicago Scenic Stage Lighting Co.,

with American as cameraman, then to Universal, Sterling, Quality and Ince, successfully experi- mented with stereoptic and 3-color effects. Over the Rhine Co. with Julian Eltinge; in Orient taking scenic for Universal. Member Cinema Camera Club. Home ad., 1340 Mari- posa st., Los Angeles, Cal.

ALEXANDER, Frank Nesbitt; educ. Shawville High Sch. and Acad.; Cowling & Willis Busi- ness Coll., Ottawa., Inst, of Languages, Ottawa; asst. law clerk. Inland Revenue Service; road manager. Enterprise Amuse. Co.: free lance news cameraman for Universal, Pathe, Inter- national, British-Canadian Gazette. Now staff cameraman for Fox News. Permanent ad., Ot- tawa, Can.; Sherwood 3203.

ALEXANDER, J. Melrose; .due Shawville Acad., Shawville, Que., Canada; official photographer for Dept. of Trade and Commerce, Government of Canada. Ad., 638 Gladstone ave., Ottawa, Can.; Sherwood 3203.

ALLEN, Albert C; b. Nashville. Tenn., 1875; screen career, Gaumont. photographer "Crater Lake National Park," Pathe; "Pear Growing in Oregon." contributed to Gaumont's "Reel Life." News, etc.; specialist in educational, scenic, topical, wild life and scientific pictures, also Universal Screen Magazine and Fox News. Home ad.. Medford. ( ire

ALLER, Joseph (Altschnler) j b Russia; educ, there and tech. schl. in X. V. c. ; screen career, professional photographer in N. Y. and Europe;



took up motion picture photography in 1904, Biograph, Mutoscope, organized Aller Labora- tories at former Griffith Studios; now with D. W. Griffith as laboratory superintendent; in- ventor of Eastman Negative Keyed stock and film devices . Ad., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los An- geles, Cal.

AN'DKIOT, Lucien; b. Paris, France; educ. there; early exper., photographer; screen career, Pathe, Gaumont, Eclair, Peerless ("Silver Pox," "Two Lives," "The Price," "The Marked Wom- an," "M'liss," "The Face in the Moonlight," "Impostors," "Camille"), Paragon ("Feast of Life," "La Boheme," "Almighty Dollar"). Art- craft ("Pride of the Clan"), Select ("The Mad Lover"), Capellani Prod. ("Oh! Boy," "Virtuous Model," "The Right to Lie"), Faversham and Elliot ("The Man Who Lost Himself"). Ad., home, 7 E. 45th St., New York City.

ARNOLD, John; b. N. Y. C, 1S53; educ. U. S. A.; screen career, World, Life, Metro ("Some Bride," "Please Get Married"). Ad., Metro Studio, Hollywood, Cal.

AUGUST, Joe; b. Idaho Springs, Colo.; educ. Colo. Sch. of Mines; screen career, 6 yrs. with Ince ("Truthful Tulliver"). Para.-Artcraft ("John Petticoats"). Ad., Metro Studio, Hollywood, Cal.


BADARACCO, Jacob A.; b. 1SS3, Hoboken, N. J.; screen career, Universal, World, Famous Play- ers, Pathe ("Hidden Hands" serial), at present with Tavlor Holmes Prod. Co. at Biograph Stu- dio. Member Local 567, I. A. T. S. E. Ad., 254 Manhattan ave., N. Y. ; Cathedral S540.

BAKER, Friend F. ; b. Hamburg, la.; educ. Tabor Coll.; early career, commercial photography, also school teacher; screen career, Universal 1 yr., Ince 1 yr., back to Universal ("Love Never Dies," "The Car of Chance," "The Clean- Up"), Fox ("The Wilderness Trail," "Thieves"). Member Amer. Soc. of Cine.; home ad., 1538 Morningside Ct., Hollywood, Cal.

BARLATIER, Andre; b. France; educ. there; screen career. Eclipse, Paris, Universal, Fox, Ralph Ince, charge of Universal factory, photo- graphed "Daughter of the Gods"; Metro ("The Black Butterfly"), World ("The Burglar"), Schomer-Rose ("The Sacred Flame"). Home ad., 701 W. 178th St., N. Y. C. ; studio, Goldwyn, Culver City, Cal.

BECK, Frederick; b. Budapest; photographed Willard and Johnson fight at Havana, took full charge three cameras. Astor Cup Race for Paramount, ten camera men, "The Three Mus- keteers," "House of Bondage," Lottie Pickford, Fulton and Dempsey fight. Ad., home, 203 W. 103rd St.; bus., Candler Bldg., N. Y.

BELL, Walter XV. ; b. Baldwin, Kan.; educ. Baker Univ.; screen career, now photographing Cap- itol Comedies. Home ad., 1868 Allesandro St., Los Angeles, Cal.; studio, National Film Co.

BENOIT, George; screen career, Fox ("Regenera- tion," "The Serpent," "Carmen," "The Honor System." "The Scarlet Letter"). Quiroga Benoit Film (Argentina). ("Juan Sin Ropa"). Mem- ber I. A. E. T. S. E., local 557, 220 W. 42nd St.. N. Y. ; home ad., 114 W. 47th St., N. Y. ; Bryant 4541.

BITZER, George W. ; b. Boston, Mass.; screen ca- reer. Biograph ("Judith of Bethulia." "The Battle of Elder Bush Gulch," "The Battle"), Reliance-Majestic ("The Battle of the Sexes," "Home, Sweet Home," "The Escape"), chief cameraman for "The Birth of a Nation" and "Intolerance" made first Mutoscope in 1895; "Hearts of the World," "Scarlet Days," and other Griffith subjects. Ad., Griffith Studio, Mamaroneck, N. Y.

BITZER, J. C; b. Boston, Mass.; Biograph. N. Y. and Cal.; Triangle, D. W. Griffith ("Intoler- ance"), Keystone, Screencraft. Goldwyn ("Face in the Dark," "Back to the Woods," "The Glori- ous Adventure"), All Good ("The Whirlwind"). Ad., Room 1603, Candler Bldg., N. Y.

j '.l/l I : Jacques; b. Nantes, France; photog- rapher for last 3 yrs. for Emile Chautard. Ad., home, West Fort Lee, N. J.; studio. Mayflower Photoplays, Inc.

BLACKEI.Y, Walter W.; b. Boston, Mass.. 1892; screen career, George Kleine Co.. N. Y., and Chicago, 3 yrs.. Fairmount Film Co., Gaumont ("Love Thy- Neighbor"). Benjamin Chapln's Lincoln Cycle. Pathe. In service in Navy at photo, work. Home ad.. 102 Congress St., N. J.

BLOUNT, Frank M.; b. Tampa. Pla.j educ. there

and N. Y. C; screen career, Lasky ("The Grim Game"), Ince ("Behind the Door," "Beneath the Surface"). Studio ad., Irvin V. Willat Co., Ince Studio, Culver City, Cal.; home ad.. Box 165, Culver City, Cal.; phone West 62. BLITHE, Sydney C. \V.; b. London, Eng ; educ. Archbishop Tennysons, London; screen career, 5 yrs. works mgr. and head photographer of Samuelson Film Co., Ltd., of England; "My Lady's Dress," "Admirable Crlchton," "Valley of Peal," "Just a Girl," "Choose a Wife," "Sor- rows," "Husband Hunter"; with G. B. Sam- uelson. Cal.

BOYLE, John William ; b. Memphis, Tenn., 1892; educ. pub. sehls., New Orleans, La.; screen ca- reer, organized and operated the "Item Ani- mated Weekly," special work for Mutual Week- ly, cameraman with Nola. Xew Orleans ("The Man Wno Lost"), Metro ("Her Great Match"), Astra-l'athe ("Kick In"), Thomas Dixon's "Fall of a Nation," Fox ("Cleopatra," "Wings of the Morning"). Home ad., 5536 De Longpre ave., Hollywood, Cal.

BRAUTIGAM, Otto; b. Manchester, Eng., 1877; educ. Municipal Tech. Sch., Manchester; early career, mechanical engineer, semi-prof, photog- rapher; specialized on lantern slides; screen ca- reer, 6 yrs. with Edison; toured Europe with Charles Brabin and players in 1913; joined Thanhouser in 1915 ("The Flight of the Duch- ess"), Victory Film ( "The Triumph of Venus"), Blackton Prod. Member I. A. T. S. E., local 557, 220 W. 42nd St.. N. Y. Ad., 310 Claremont ave., Jersey City, N. J.

ItKKIIKSKN, Henry; cameraman since 1909; educ. Beloit. Wis.; formerly with Thos. A. Edison, Inc.. now with Mack Sennett. Ad., 1476 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal.

BROEMNG. Henry Lyman; b. Baltimore, Md. ; educ. Balto. Polytech. and Johns Hopkins Univ.; early career, lecture illustrating, stere- opticon slides and photography; screen career, Monopole Film ("Carmen," "The Seat of the Fathers"), Famous Players ("Helene of the North," "Still Waters," "Silks and Satins," "Miss George Washington." etc.), Famous Play- ers-Paramount ("The Mysterious Miss Terry"), Allan Dwan ("Soldiers of Fortune," "Luck of the Irish"). Ad., Allan Dwan Prod., Cal.

BROTHERTON, James, Long Beach, Cal.; studio. National Film Corp.

BROTHERTON, Robert, Diando Film Corp ; now Crosby Laboratory, Hollywood, Cal.

BROWN, John Webster; b. Aberdeen, Scotland, 1888; educ. there and Chicago; early career, portrait studios; screen career. American, Uni- versal ("The Other Train," "The Divinity of Motherhood"). Universal ("Roped," "Rider of Vengeance." "Outcasts of Poker Flat." "Three Wise Men"), Empey Prod. ("Undercurrent"). Member local 557, I. A. T. S. E. Home ad., 1980 65th St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

BROWNELL, Hobart H., also director; b. Bur- lington. Vt. ; educ. Oregon City, Ore.; started as news weekly cameraman, met manager of Mutual Film Corp. Exch. at Portland. Ore., and Seattle, Wash.; Adventure Scenics Corp. ("Just Over Yonder," "Waters of Destiny." "Flaming Ice." "The Tempest"). Home ad.. 2723^i Sun- set Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal.; studio ad., Adven- ture Scenics Corp., Los Angeles. Cal.

BROWNING, Irving; educ. N. Y. ft; screen ca- reer. 10 yrs. in motion pictures; played com- edies for four years, studied portrait photog- raphy; last year has been photographing and directing Health pictures and Educational sub- jects for Universal Screen Magazine and Health Associations; at present making single reel travels. Ad.. 66 East 106th St.. N. Y.

BUCHANAN, James B.; b. Monongahela. Pa.; educ. Carnegie Inst.; screen career, Sun, Clarion Features, Universal Animated Weekly, Hudson Film. Hearst-Pathe News, International Film Service; served 11 mos. in France, received 1st Lieut, commission in Photographic Division of Signal Corps. Home ad., 314 Fourth St., Monon- gahela. Pa.; studio ad., care of Fox Film Corp.. N. Y. C.

BUFFUM, J. H.; b. Boston. Mass., 1881; trained printer, proofreader, writer, editor; A. P. rep- resentative; special writer metropolitan dailies: investigator for trade publications; entered moving picture production in 1911, laboratory expert, cameraman, ind. producer of specialties: from 1913-1919 staff cameraman for News Weeklies for Pathe, Sellg-Tribune, one yr. con- tribution producer for Gaumont's "Reel Life." Screen Telegram and Kinograms: now director of art title production at Universal. Ad.. 514 Union League Bldg.. Los Angeles. Cal.



BULL, Clarence S., cinematographer and director <>( still photograpnv b- Muniaia; caur. I niv of Michigan; photographing, traveling from Canadian Rockies to Hudson Bay with geo- graphical expeditions, through mountains, spent 1 yr. making bird studies in So. America; started making photographic studies when 7 yrs. of age; was engaged in motion picture prod, along scientific and travel lines while at Univ. of Michigan. Ad., Goldwyn Film Corp., Los Angeles, Cal.


CABOT, Harry; b. Scranton, Pa.; educ, Scranton and Toronto, Canada; screen career, Kinc- macolor, 2 yrs., Triangle Eastern 1916-17, Yorke Metro 1917; Wm. Fox 1918-19, Oliver Films 1919. series of 20 two-reel Chief Flynn detective stories. Home ad., 243 Riverdale ave., Yonkers, N. Y.

CALCAGNI, David; educ. Italy; screen career, Pathe, Fox, Brenon ("The Eternal Sin"), Gold- wyn ("Auction Block," by Rex Beach), Mutual, now with Metro. Home ad., 367 14th St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

CANADY, D. K.; chief cameraman; b. 1894. Paris, France; early career, aviator, motordrome rider before 1908; screen career, photographed and directed foremost industrial pictures in U. S. ; latest production "The Greatest of These"; in- ventor of attachment for ultra speed photog- raphy, which fits any camera; first to use soft focus borders; chief cameraman for Argus Mo- tion Picture Co., Cleveland, Ohio.

CANN, Bert; b. N. Y. C.J educ. N. Y., Paris. Vienna, Budapest; early career, portrait photog- rapher; stereoscopic expert for Dr. Trenkler Co., Leipzig; screen career, Pathe Freres and others, Ince ("23 lk Hours' Leave," "Mary's Ankle," "Playing with Fires"). Ad., Thos. H. Ince Studios, Culver City, Cal.

CARLETON, Herbert Oswald; b. Rochester, N.Y. ; educ. N. Y.; early career, raech. and inventor, working m. p. mach.; has patented Duplex Printing Machine; screen career, Vitagraph, Renfax, Singing Pictures, Dramascope, Crystal, Dyer (industrial), Rolfe-Metro ("The High Road," "Satan Sanderson," "The Bridge"). Ad., home, 1133 75th St., Brooklyn.

CAWOOD, AI.; b. Moberly, Mo., 1880; educ. N. Y.; screen career, Kalem Co. 7 yrs. 6 mos.. making educational picture in Alaska for Herald Film Co.. 5 yrs with Universal and Lyons-Moran, made 250 pictures for Lyons & Moran, now with Ruth Roland Serial Co. Home ad., 1226 June St., Hollywood, Cal.; Holly. 3126; studio, Ruth Roland Studio.

(EDERBEKG, Eric J.; b. Sweden, 1S90; educ. Sweden; screen career, Swedish Bioscope, Co- lumbia, Melies, Rex, Imp, Mohawk, Hector, American Biograph ("Difference of Opinion," "Mister Paganini"), Kinemacolor ("House on the Plains"). Photographing specials. Mem- ber I. A. T. S. E., 220 W. 42nd St., N. Y.

CIIASTON, Fred.; b. London. 1871; educ. Liver- pool; early career. U. S. Army, Alaskan service as photog. and master mechanic; screen career, Lubin ("The Lion and the Mouse," "The Third Degree," "The Great Ruby," "The Rights of Man," "A Man's Making," "Those "Who Toil"). Charter member I. A. T. S. E., secy, and treas. local 557. Member Green Room Club. N. Y. C.

CHOCKLETT, A. Luther; b. Taylor's Store, Va.; educ. Roanoke pub. schls. and high schl.; early career, motion picture machine operator; screen career, Mutual Weekly Dept. of Gaumont. Uni- versal, Animated Weekly, Stone Specialty Films ("A Modern Cola Plant," "Elks' National Home." "Valley of Virginia," "Historic Vir- ginia," "Under the Protection of the W. O. W." Home ad., 1014 7th ave., S. E., Roanoke. Va.

CLARKE, Frederic Colburn; b. Wyoming, O.; educ. Ohio; screen career. All-Red Feature Co. (Canada), W. H. Clifford Photoplay Co., 1917. head of Still Dept. for Goldwyn. also special photographer to Mary Garden in 1918, to Flor- ence Turner and 1919 to Nazimova. Home ad. 7616 Norton ave.. Hollywood, Cal.

CLAWSON, Dal.; screen career, Bosworth. Uni- versal, Morosco, Ince ("Hypocrites," "The Ros- ary." "The Merchant of Venire," "The Dumb Girl of Portici." "Honor Thv Name"), Lois Weber ("For ITushands Onlv." "Forbidden"), Hayakawa ("Ronds of Honor"). United ("The Corslcan Brothers"). Member Cinema Camera Club. Home ad.. 612S Selma ave.. Los Angeles; studio. Lois Weber Studio. Hollywood, Cal

COOK, Clyde; b. Broekway ville, Pa.; screen ca- reer, "The Show-Down, " "Southern Justice, "The Greater Law," Triangle ("Up or Down' ), with Alan Dwan ("Soldiers of Fortune") .Mem- ber Cinema Camera Club, L. A. Ad., 604 N. Belmont ave., Los Angeles, Cal.

COOPER, William S ; b. Phila.; educ. there; early career, photographer; screen career, Lu- bin, photographed for Frank Brandon and George Terwilliger, Peerless-World ("Youth"), J. M. Lowry Photo. ("For Freedom of the World"). Ad., home, 1043 N. College ave., I'hila. Member local 557, I. A. T. S. E., 220 W. 42nd St., N. Y.

COl DEBT, George C; b. Montbelard, France, 1884; educ. Newark, N. J.; early career, photog- rapher in own studio in Newark; also mfr. raw film, Newark Celluloid Co.; screen career, Pathe, Reliance, Italian-American, Metro, In- ternational, Charter Features, Moss, Kleine, Equitable. Fairmount Film Corp. ("Hate"); Y. M. C. A. Prod. ("Round the Clock with the Rookie," "White Hairs"), and activities of Y. M. C. A. at Camp Dix, Devens, Pelham Bay, Springfield; serial at Wilkesbarre, Pa. Member I. A. T. S. E., local 557. Ad., 291 Market St., Newark, N. J.

( ISA IT, William James; b. N. Y. C; educ. there; stage career, 5 yrs. stk., rep. and prod.; screen career, began in 1910. Kalem ("Hazards of Helen"), 3 yrs. official photographer Pathe with Canadian Exped. Forces in Canada, Gt. Britain and France; Universal ("The Great Radial Mystery"). Home ad.. 2120 Santa Monica Blvd., Santa Monica, Cal.; studio, Universal.

CROLLY, William S.; b. N. Y. ; educ. there; early career, pianist, church organist and choir di- rector; screen career, cameraman for Reliance- Majestic. Kalem, Universal. Pathe ("The Gay Old Dog").

CRONJAGER, Henry; b. Germany; educ. Ger- many; early career, photographer to the profes- sion; screen career, Edison ("The Battle of Trafalgar"), Biograph ("The Road to Yester- day," " Lord Chumley"), Thanhouser, Vita- graph ("The Combat," "Ninety and Nine," "For France"). Now on Coast with Mary Pick- ford. Studio ad., Marshall Neilan Prod., Los Angeles.


DAVIS, Charles John; b. N. Y. C, 1891; educ. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; early career, professional cycle rider; screen career, Vitagraph, pictures taken in front line trenches of France and Italy with E. M. Newman, Warner Bros. ("Fighting Roosevelts"), Vitagraph ("Pride," "Sporting Duchess"). Hght., 5. 4; wght., 154; dark com- plexion, brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 322 Albemarle Road, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; studio ad., Vitagraph, Brooklyn, N. Y.

DEAN, Faxon M.; b. Guyten, Ga., 1882; educ. Georgetown Univ.; early career, newspaper pho- tographer, 3 yrs. theatrical electrician; screen career, for 11 yrs. with Pathe, Universal and American (filmed "The Light," "Life's Stair- case," "Pastures Green," "Tangled Skeins," "The Counterfeit Earl." "Mountain Mary," "The Wasp"), Pallas-Paramount ("Lost in Transit"), Lasky-Paramount ("Countess Charming"). Member Cinema Camera Club. Home ad.. 260 Valentine Lane. Yonkers, N. Y. ; Yonkcre 567.

DELAVAN, Fred M„ Jr.; b. Chicago, 1886; educ. Chicago; early career, chemist with Eastman, press photographer Chicago Herald, expert Paget & Autchrom color photographer; screen career, Selig (news and commercial pictures) ; foreign camera correspondent for Selig-Tribune and later asst. editor; with Gaumont News & Graphic 1917-19; asst. news editor. Fox News. Home ad., 19 State St.. Flushing, N. Y. ; office, 3 West 61st St., N. Y. C.

DEPEW, Ernest; b. Brushton, N. Y. ; educ. Calif.; screen career, 4 yrs. cameraman, with Thos. H. Ince 6 mos.; Chaplin ("Dog's Life," "Shoulder Arms"). Fox Sunshine ("Bell Boy's Millions." "Wild Waves and Women," "Dabbling in Soci- ety"), Ruth Roland ("Adventures of Ruth"), Sphinx Serial Co. ("The Fatal Thirty"). Mem- ber Amer. Soc. Cinematographers. Home ad., 1357 McCadden Place. Hollywood, Cal.; phone 577244; studio ad.. Campbell Comedies.

DE VINNA, Clyde; b. Akinsville. Mo.; early ca- reer, newspaper photographer; screen career, since 1914, with Ince ("Whither Thou Goest," "A Corner In Colleens"). Pfimlto ("Rose o' Par- adise." "Madame Who"), p-ox ("The Lincoln



Highwayman"). Ad., Brunton Studios, Holly- wood, Cal.

Dl! BRAY, J. A.; screen career, Lew Cody Pro- ductions. Astra Film Co. Home ad., 103Vi Brand Blvd., Glendale. Cal.

IH HEM, Raymond A.; b. San Francisco; screen career. Mutual, International; filmed Panama Canal from aeroplane, Yellowstone Nat. Park, Canadian Pacific R. R., Universal Current Events Animated Weekly, Screen Telegram, Hearst-Pathe, Gaumont, etc., expert camera work, trick photography; now owner and mana- ger Duhem M. P. Mfg. Co. Ad., 700 Hayes St., San Francisco, Cal.; Market 4432.

Dl'NMYRE, Louis H. ; Butler, Pa.; early career, exhibitor for S yrs.; screen career, Lubin ("When Youth Was Ambitious," "A Romance of a Beanery," "The Bigamist," "Dollars and the Woman"), Member local 657, I. A. T. S. E. With Burton King Serial, Mirror Studio, Glen- dale, L. I. Ad., 875 W. 180th St.. N. Y.

DUPREZ, Charles J.; publicity photographer; with Denver Post, Brown Bros., World Film, Lawrence Weber Prod. ("Blue Pearl," "Oakdale Affair," "Steel King," "Heart of Gold," "His Father's Wife," "Bringing Up Betty"). Ad., 164 Ivy St., Elmhurst, L. I., N. Y.


EAGLER, Paul; b. Newman. 111., 1889 ; screen ca- reer, Kay-Bee. Triangle ("The Millionaire Va- grant," "The Bond of Fear"), Ince-Paramount ("The Son of His Father"), Chas. Ray Prods. ("False Faces"); now in charge dept. of pho- tography. Studio ad., Ince, Culver City, Cal.

EDESON, Arthur; educ. N. C. C. Coll., 2 yrs. at Chemistry Labr. ; early career, worked 8 yrs. in leading portrait studios in N. Y. as portrait photographer; screen career, World ("Dollar Mark," "Hearts in Exile," "Bought and Paid For"), Goldwyn ("Baby Mine," "Nearly Mar- ried"), Garson ("Hushed Hour"), C. K. Young ("Cheating Cheaters," "Eyes of Youth"). Hght., 5, 4%; wght., 14S; brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad.. 1741 N. Cherokee ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; Holly. 4428.

EDMOND, William M., also actor; b. Pa.; stage career, vaud. under Frohman, Brady in "Fren- zied" Finance" ; screen career, Pathe ( 'Perils of Pauline," "The Idol of Paris"), Eclair, Balboa. Universal ("Joker" comedies, played in "The Light of Victory"). Member Cinema Camera Club. Home ad., iOlhi So. Vermont ave., Los Angeles, Cal.

EVERETTS, Allen; b. Kaelskrcma, Sweden; Thos A. Edison, Pathe Freres, 3 yrs.; at the war fronts in Russia. Balkan States and Turkey. Member local 557. I. A. T. S. E. Ad., 603 Acad- emy St., N. Y. C.


FETTY, Charles C; b. Indianapolis. Ind., 1890; early career, commercial and portrait photog- rapher; screen career, cameraman for Universal Weekly, Coburn Photo-Film Co., featured races at famous Indianapolis speedway, later with Emerald Motion Picture Co.. Ebony Film Co. Ad.. Ebony Film Co., 2332 N. California ave., Chicago. 111.

FISHER, Ross G.; b. Springfield, Mo., 1886; educ. St. Louis; early career, Gene Gauntier, Olcott International Players series of Irish plays. Marion Leonard ("Romany Rye"). Horsley Cub comedies, 2 yrs. with Christie Film Co., Natl. Film Corp. ("The Love Call"), George Loane Tucker ("Ladies Must Live"). George Beban ("One Man in a Million"). Ad., George Beban Studio, 904 Girard St.. Los Angeles; home ad.. 6313 Fountain ave., Hollywood, Cal.

FLEMING, Victor L., cameraman; b. Los An- geles; worked with Alan Dwan at Fine Arts: Artcraft ("A Regular Guy." "Wild and Woolly." "Down to Earth," "The Man from Painted Post" i : now dir. Douglas Fairbanks ("When the Clouds Roll By"). Home ad., 1618 Cren- shaw Blvd., Los Angeles. Cal.

FOSTER, William C; b. Bushnell. 111.. 1880; early career, vaud. and circus; screen career, Selig. Universal, Equitable. Metro. Chaplin. Fox ("Sins of the Parents," "Price of Silence." "Tale of Two Cities." "Les Miserables." "Riders of the Purple Sage," "Rainbow Trail"). Jesse D. Hampton ("Man Who Turned White." "Woman of Pleasure"). Beaoh-Goldwyn ("The Silver Horde"). Dustin Farnum Prod ("Oorsi-

can Brothers"). Member A. S. of C. Home ad., 5615 La Marada St., Hollywood, Cal.

FKAWLEV, Jack; b. N. Y. C, 1866; educ. thei r, early career, photographer; screen career, with Lubin, Philadelphia, 20 yrs. as studio manager, director, etc.; making educational films, special M. P. work at Camp Dix, N. J. Home ad., 2241 West Somerset St., Philadelphia, Pa.

FRENCH, Eugene De Tousard; b. Phila., Pa., May 18, 1887; stage career, 8 yrs. stk. and vaud.; screen career, Pathe, Lubin. Regent. Regal, Victor ("Snow White"), "What Becomes of the Children?" "The Legend of the Ever- glades." Member local 557, I. A. T. S. E.

FRIED, A.; machine designer and camera me- chanic; b. Austria, 1886; educ. Vienna. Buda- pest and N. Y. ; screen career, connected with motion picture industry for past 6 yrs.; pres- ent position with Fox Film Co. Home ad.. 5947 Willoughby ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; studio. Fox Film Corp.

FROMMER, Henry G.; b. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; Crystal Film Co. Comedies, Western Photoplays, Inc. "Wolves of Kultur"), Triumph ( "Master of the House," "Man and His Angel.'' "The Senator," "The Price"), Ivan ("Conquered Hearts"). Home ad., 73 State St., Ossining, N. Y. Member local 557, I. A. T. S. E.

FUQUA, John W.; b. Macon, Mo., 1884 ; educ. Burns, Ore.; early career, rancher, theatre manager, exhibitor; screen career. Bunny Films, Active M. P. Co., has made industrial and educational films, Chicago Herald Travelogues, Northwestern Film Corp. ("Before the White Man Came"), all Indian feature 7-reels. Home ad., 101 So. Oxford St., Los Angeles, Cal.


GANDOLFI, Alfred E. ; b. Italy; screen career, Cines at Rome, Italia at Torino, Pathe, Lasky, Morosco-Pallas, Fox ("Trie Little Minister," and all other William Farnum pictures) ; first man to use a foreground reflector in Cal., inventor of double exposure, sunshade, etc. ; Lasky, Dustin Farnum; Morosco, Cyril Maude; World. Mon- tagu Love; 6 yrs. with Oscar Apfel; Selig ("The Market of Souls"). World ("The Grouch," "The Pirate's Gold," "The Little Intruder"), Mac- Donald ("The Thunderbolt"), now with Gold- wyn, N. Y. Home ad., 630 Palisade ave., West New York, N. J.

GARMES, Lee; b. Peoria, 111., 1898; educ. Denver, Colo.; early career, printing; screen career, Dorothy Gish Prods. ("The Hope Chest." "Nug- get Nell." "I'll Get Him Yet." "Nobody Home"), Model Comedy Co. (Gale Henry in "Don't Chase Your Wife," "Chicken a la King," "Sweet Cookie"). Home ad., 1338 Beechwood Drive. Los Angeles, Cal.; studio, 5821 Santa Monica Blvd.. Los Angeles; Holly. 157.

GAl'DIO, Eugene; b. Italy; educ. there; screen career. Imp, Universal, chief photographer for "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea," Metro ("Toys of Fate," "Eye for Eye." "Out of the Fog," "The Red Lantern"), B. B. Features ("Kitty Kelly, M.D.," "The Lock of Geral- dine"). Home ad., 1401 Spaulding ave.. Holly- wood, Cal.; studio, B. B. Features. -Brunton Studios.

GAUDIO, Gaetano, "Tony"; b. Italy; educ. Univ. of Rome; screen career, Vitagrapn 1 yr.. Uni- versal, head cameraman 4 yrs., Biograph 3 yrs., Yorke-Metro ("The Hidden Spring." "Under Handicap." "Big Tremaine." "Pidgin Island." "Mister Forty-Four"). Ad., studio, Meyer Chaplin Co., 3800 Mission Rd., Los Angeles, Cal.

GELENG, Louis A. J.; b. London, England, July 24, 1880; educ. common schls.; in photographic business since 15 years old, first with father, then worked for well-known society photog- raphers in Chicago, later in business for himself making pictures on porcelain, glass, leather, ivory, etc.; screen career, since 1903, took pic- tures of the Panama Canal for Govt., Vitagraph ("Youth Gone to the Dogs," etc.), 1 year each with Selig and Lubin. Member local 557, I. A. T. S. E. Now with Fox. N. Y.

GILSON, Charles; b. Brooklyn. N. Y. ; educ. Brooklyn and Mt. Vernon; screen career. Para- mount, Edison ("Star Spangled Banner." "The Law of the North," "The Telltale Step"), Mc- Clure ("The Seven Deadly Sins"), U. S. Gov- ernment picture; U. S. Motion Pict. Co.. Rain- bow Releases, Russian Kinetophone Co.. St. Petersburg, Russia. Ad., 109 W. Sidney St.. Mt Vernon. N. Y.

GLENNON, Bert Lawrence; b. Anaconda, Mont..



1893; educ. Stanford Univ., '12; stage career, stage mgr. for Oliver Morosco 1 yr., "Tick Tok Man": screen career. Keystone, Famous Play- ers. Clune Film Corp., Kalem Co., ("Ramona," "Eyes of the World," "Stingaree" series, 26 pictures). National ("Lightning Brice" serial, 15 episodes;. Home ad., 1718 Vine St., Los An- geles, Cal.; phone 57685; studio, National, Santa Monica and Gower, Los Angeles; Holly, 4470.

GOBBETT, David William; b. and educ. England; screen career, with Urban, Pathe, Gaumont, Reliance, Biograph, Lubin, Buffalo Jones Big Game film. Ad„ Green Room Club, N. T. C.

GOODFRIEN'D, Pliny, also asst. director; b. Drayton, N. Dak., 1891; educ. pub. and high schls. ; screen career, Vitagraph, Lasky, Mar- shall Neilan. Mayflower, Louis B. Mayer, Gold- wyn. Home ad., 1532 3rd st., Santa Monica, Cal.; phone 217-J; studio, Brunton Studio.

GOSDEN". Alfred; b. London, England; educ. St. Paul's School, London; screen career, "The Dur- bar'' at Delhi, India, for Kinemacolor, Bio- graph. Reliance-Majestic, Fine Arts ("Don Quixote"). Lubin. Universal ("The Spitfire of Seville" with Hedda Bova, "The Breath of the Gods'' with Tsuru Aaki, "Pretty Smooth" with Priscilla Dean). Home ad., 4549 Kingswell ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; Holly. 1859.

GRAY, King D.; b. Virginia, 1886; educ. there; first to start lighting effects at Universal; screen career, New Art ("Solitary Sin"), Fox ("Cowardice Court "). Universal ("Paid in Ad- vance," 'Hearts of Humanity"), Ben Wilson Prods. ("The Octopus," "The Screaming Shad- ow"). Member Amer. Soc. Cinematographers. Home ad., 6674 Selma ave., Hollywood. Cal.; Holly. 3279.

GREGORY, Carl Louis; 1st Lieut. S. C; b. Kan- sas; educ. Ohio State Univ.; early exper., sce- nario writer, dir., author, photographer, lec- turer; screen career. Edison. Metro. Williamson Submarine expedition ("Thirty Leagues Under the Sea," motion pictures underneath the ocean in the West Indies) ; member Royal Photo- graphic Society of Great Britain, Amer. Chem- ical Society, N. Y., Fox (Annette Kellermann in "Queen of the Sea"). Now chief instructor of cinematography in photographic section of Signal Corps, U. S. A. Member local 557, I. A. T. S. E. Ad., 76 Echo ave., New Rochelle, N. Y.

G REINER, Arthur Leroy; b. Denver, Colo., 1894; educ. Colo. Agriculture College; screen career. New York Motion Picture Co., Vitagraph Co., Universal Film Co. Home ad.. Vine Apts., Hollywood, Cal.; phone 579839; studio, Univer- sal City. Cal.

GUISSART, Rene; b. Paris, France; educ. Paris; screen career, Eclair, France; then Eclair in U. S. as chief cameraman, Climax, superin- tended building of studio and laboratory at Los Angeles; Griffith, direction of Alan Dwan; came east to join Fox; now with World in Madge Evans features; Tournier (latest prod., "Wom- an." "My Lady's Garter"); now with Maurice Tourneur.


HARDE, Harry D.; b 1S94: educ. Jersey City, N. J.; with Pathe since their advent in this country: features. "Go Get 'Em. Garringer" serials, "Hands Up." "Tiger's Trail." features.

Twin Pawns." "A, B. C of Love"), Hope Hampton Co. ("Modern Salome"); now working on feature for Pathe. Home ad.. 535 Palisade ave.. Jersey City, N. J. HATKIN, Philip; b. Riga, Russia; educ. Russia- early career. 11 years a photographer; screen career. Kinemacolor. Kleine ("Bondwoman,"

Crimson Path." etc.), World Film ("Yellow Passport." "Social Highwayman." "Perils of Divorce." "The Summer Girl." "The Men She Married." "The Man Who Forgot," etc ) Peer- f4s Br,ady ' "Moral Courage," "Yankee Pluck."

Rrnnd of Satan," "The Iron Ring." "The Maid of Belgium"). Membpr local 557, I A T S E A.I . Friars' Club. N. Y. C. IIII.IK K\. Percy; serpen career, several years with Vitagraph. Lasky. Fanny Ward-Pathe (Japanese Nightingale." "The Narrow Path") Farrar-Goldwyn ("Turn of a AVheel." "Shad- ows"). Normand-Goldwyn ("Sis Hopkins")

Dangerous Days." with Geraldinc Farrar in "Flamo of the Desert." "World and Its Wom- an." "Woman and the Puppet." Ad 1910 Pinehurst Rd., Hollywood, Cal.; studio ' Gold- wy n.

HOFFMAN, Charles Wilbur; b. N. Y. C. ; educ. Chase School of Art. International School of De- sign; early exper., photographer, artist, portrait painter; screen career, Thanhouser, Edison. Paragon, World, Famous Players, Lyman H. Howe, Inc., Royal Cinema-War-News Corp., Pathe. Home ad.. 395 E. 197th st. Member Cinema Camera Club. N. Y.

HOLLISTER, Geo. K. ; b. N. Y. C. ; early career, official war correspondent and photographer; cinematograph experience since its earliest in- ception; camera man for the following motion picture stars, Ethel Barrymore, Emily Stevens, Edith Story, Bessie Love, Helen Holmes, Alice Hollister, Marjorie Rambeau, Nance O'Neil, Alice Joyce, Ruth Roland, etc. Ad., Union Local 557, 220 W. 42nd St., N. Y. C.

HORN, Edward; b. N. Y., 1881; cameraman 11 yrs.; Pathe, Geo. Kleine ("Officer 666," "Stop Thief," "Who's Who"), Biograph-World ("As in a Looking-Glass"), etc. Member local 657, I. A. T. S. E.; now with Edgar Lewis Prod. Ad., 70 Lincoln ave., Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y.

HORNE, Pliny W.; b. Wallingford. Conn., 1891; educ. Conn, and Calif. ; screen career, Peerless, Universal, Triangle ("Fighting Back," "The Spindle of Life." "The Hero of the Hour," "The Shoes that Danced," "Innocent's Prog- ress," "The Secret Code," "Society for Sale"), Universal ("The Fireflingers") ; specialist in lighting effects; now in Africa with the Smith sonian African Expedition in conjunction with Universal Film Co. Ad., 2004 Cahuenga ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; Holly, 2780.

HUNT, J. Roy; b. Carperton, W. Va., 1884; screen career, Milo, Gaumont. Fox ("The Daughter of the Gods"), Charter Feature, Herbert Brenon, ("War Brides." "The Eternal Sin"), Select ("The Lone Wolf"); 9 mos. with British Govt, as official cinematographer; during 1919 ex- perimented on moving pictures in natural col- ors. Ad., 2129 35th ave., Birmingham, Ala.


IRISH, Roy; 10 yrs. exper. as cameraman with Essanay, Universal, Fox. Vitagraph, Triangle, American; now with Mary Miles Minter Co., under direction Lloyd Ingraham. Ad., Ameri- can Film Co., Santa Barbara, Cal.


JACKMAN, Fred J.; b. Toledo, Iowa, 1881; educ. engineering course. Calif. Sch. of Mechanical Art; screen career. Pathe, Essanay, Rolin, Key- stone, 4 yrs. supervising cinematographer for Mack Sennett. Home ad., 5336 Virginia ave., Los Angeles, Cal. ; studio, Mack Sennett Com- edies, 1712 Allesandro st., Los Angeles.

JENNINGS, Dev.; screen career. Fox ("Miss Ad- venture," "The Feud"). Ad., 1409 Maltman St.. Los Angeles, Cal.

JOHNSON, Jugo C; educ. N. Y. C. ; screen career, Geo. Kleine ("Wild Oats." "The Scarlet Road." "Gloria's Romance." starring Billie Burke) ; at present with Selznick. Ad., 501 W. 123rd St., N. Y. ; Mngsde. 4542.


KEEPERS, Harry Leslie; I. Newark, N. J., 1882; educ. Newark; practical stage electrician; oper- ated one of first projectors in N. Y. C. at Tony Pastor's, installed machines for Keith and Proctor, using and making first two-wing shut- ter; screen career. Vitagraph, globe trotter with Clara Kimball Young and Maurice Costello, Edison. Wanamaker Expedition, making "Life of American Indian." first prize Panama Expos.. Universal (feature productions), inventor of Focalplanograph Camera, author of course in Cinematography. Empire All-Star ("Outcast") Curtiss Prod. < "Who's Your Brother"), Fleur De Lys ("Empty Arms"). Metro ("Legion of Death"). Charter member I. A. T. S. E., local 557. Ad., 534 W. 159th St., N. Y. C. ; Audubon 4771.

KIKBY. Frank <i ; l> Bremen, Germany; educ. Bremen: early career, art photographer: screen career. Edison as director, Life Photo, Fox ("The Bitter Truth." "She"); controls patents on mechanical developments on cameras; spe- cialist in photography and laboratory work now with Wm. Farnum with Fox: charter member I. A T S E.. local 557, N. Y




LANCASTER, L. L., supt. of photography; b. La- fayette, Ind., 1888; early career, commercial photographer; screen career, 7 yrs. laboratory work at Universal City, past 2 yrs. head cam- eraman and laboratory supt. West Coast Uni- versal Studios. Ad., Universal City, Cal. Home ad.. Lankershim, Cal.

LATHEM, Alfred H.; b. Birmingham, Ala.; educ. Univ. of Alabama; screen career, organized Southern M. P. Corp., laboratory man at Lasky Laboratories; "The Right to Happiness," star- ring Dorothy Phillips, "The Girl of 1,000 Faces," "Oh! It's Easy," "The $10,000 Reward," "Coun- try Maid." "Some Girl," "Matrimonial Bliss," "Old Dials for New," featuring Florence Turner, "The Little Green Devil," "In the Dark," "The Man Hunter." Hght., 5, 10; wght., 150; dark hair, hazel eyes. Ad., 1815 Cahuenga ave., Hollywood, Cal; phone 57674; studio, Uni- versal Film Co.

LAWRENCE, George W.; b. St. Paul, Minn.; educ. Univ. Calif., Berkeley, Cal.; early career, civil and electrical engineer, scenic photog- rapher; screen career. Universal ("The Nature Man." "War of the Tongs," "Chalice of Sor- row," "Upper Three and Lower Four"), Para- mount ("Rule G"), Mutual ("Death Lock," "The Planter"). Specialize on Light Effects. Ad.. Universal City, Cal.

LEACH, Henry Anderson; b. Toronto, Can., 1878; educ. U. A. A.; early career, photographer; screen career, Powers Co., Universal, Fox ("Miss U. S. A," "The Lure of Ambition"). Home ad., 109 Sherman ave., N. T. C; studio. Fox, N. Y.

LE PICARD, Marcel A.; b. Le Havre, France; screen career, Pathe, Reliance-Majestic, Mu- tual, Universal, Fox, Ivan. Goldwyn, last year prods, include all the "Madge Kennedy" pic- tures, also all the "Will Rogers" prods., "Al- most a Husband," "Jubilo." Ad., Goldwyn Pict. Corp., Los Angeles, Cal.

LEWIS, At wood Lloyd; b. Philadelphia; 30 yrs. photographer, 10 yrs. at motion pictures. Lu- bins. Universal, Thanhouser. Fox, Ogden ("Birth of the Race"), Goldwyn and others. Charter member I. A. T. S. E., local 557, 220 W. 42nd st., N. Y. C.

LIGUORI, Alfonso; b. Salerno, Italy, 1885; educ. Brooklyn; early career, commercial photog- rapher; screen career, Famous Players ("An Innocent Lie," "The Smugglers," "A Daughter of MacGregor"), Olcott Players. Inc. ("The Bel- gian"). Member Cinema Camera Club. Ad., home, 761 E. 133d St., N. Y. ; Melrose 1038.

LINDEN, Edwin G.; b. Lake Geneva, Wis.; educ. there; screen career, photographer, motion pic- ture operator for 7 years, feature cinematog- rapher for Selig 6 yrs. Home ad., 225 N. Ken- wood St.. Glendale. Cal.; studio ad.. Selig Poly- scope Co., 3800 Mission Road.. Los Angeles, Cal.; phone. East 33.

LISSACK. William; b. Glasgow, Scotland; 5 yrs. news photo., London News Agency. London. Eng.; Inter. News Agency, N. Y. ; screen ca- reer. Mutual Crystal, Fox, Wharton Bros., E. I. S. Film Corp.

LYONS. Chester; b. Westfield. N. Y. ; screen ca- reer. Reliance, Eclair. Ince-Triangle, Ince-Para., all Charles Ray Para, productions to date, Paramount ("The Egg Crate Wallop." "Red Hot Dollars"). Home ad., 7056 Clarington ave.. Culver City. Cal.; studio, Ince.

LYONS, Reginald Edgar; b. N. Y. C: educ. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; screen career, 6 yrs. Eastern Yitagraph, Christie, La Salle, Vitagraph ("Wheels of Justice," "Mortmain." "Hearts of Flame"). 1 yr. chief photographer for 79th Div., A. E. F., Argonne and Meuse sectors; re- turned to Vitagraph in May, 1919. photograph- ing Montgomery and Rock, Big V. Comedies. Member A. S. of C. Home ad.. 4603 Melbourn, Hollywood, Cal.; Holly. 1666; studio, Vitagraph.


MacWILLIAMS, Glen; li. San Francisco; educ. Los Angeles; screen career, 2 yrs. with Griffith.

3 yrs. with Douglas Fairbanks, 14 pictures, among which was "Sav, Young Fellow."

VIA EDLER, Richard W.: b. N. Y. C; screen ca- rter, photographed titles and inserts of fol- lowing Fox pictures: "Last of the Duanes," "Lure of Ambition," "Wings of the Morning."

"Should a Husband Forgive?" "Checkers," "Sacred Silence," "Eastward Ho!" "EvangM- llne," "Kathleen Mavourneen." Home ad., Le- moine ave., Fort Lee, N. J. ; studio ad.. Fox Film Corp., N. Y. MARSHALL, WilUam C; b. 1883. Houston, Tex.; educ. Horace Mann Schl., N. Y. ; screen career, Yankee, Pathe, Ocean-Fox, Famous Players, pictures, "Great Expectations," "Amazons," "Arms and the Girl," "Land of Promise." Now on West Coast with Famous-Paramount Co.; studio ad., Lasky Studio, Hollywood, Cal. McCAKTHY, J. P.; screen career, several yrs. cameraman for D. W. Griffith; organized Mc- Carthy Pictures Corp.; produced "Out of the Dust." Office, 609 Homer Laughlin Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. McCLAIN, A.; b. Louisville, Ky.; screen career, began in 1915, Universal ("Hearts of Human- ity," "Elmo the Mighty"), number of features with Allan Holubar. Home ad., 205 Grand Oaks, Pasadena, Cal.; studio, Universal. McCLLNG. Hugh C; b. Brenham, Texas; educ. high schls. Texas; early career, navigator and press photographer; screen career. Artcraft ("Say, Young Fellow," "Mr. Fix-It." "Bound iri Morocco," "He Comes Up Smiling," "A Modem Musketeer," "Headin' South," "A Knickerbock- er Buckaroo"), Universal ("Overland Red"). Photographed "The Wonderful Schools of Los Angeles," winning first prize at the Panama- Pacific Exposition. Member Am. Soc. of Cine- matographers. Studio ad., Universal City, Cal.; home ad., 4280 Brighton ave., Hollywood, Cal. McCOY, William H.; b. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; educ. Brooklyn pub. schls. ; screen career, photog- rapher for Reliance, Universal, now with Vita- graph, filmed "The Tale of Two Cities," "The Man Who Couldn't Beat God," "The Ruse." Member I. A. T. S. E., local 557. Home ad., 724 Chauncey St., Brooklyn, N. Y. ; studio, Vitagraph, Brooklyn. McGANN, William M.; b. Pittsburgh. Pa.; educ. St. Vincent's Coll. and La Salle Acad.; early career, telephone company in Los Angeles; screen career, 1 yr. with Hobart Bosworth, 6 mos. American, 2% yrs. Fox, 6 mos. George Beban features, 6 mos. Lewis Stone features. Home ad., 1249 W. 6th St., Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 556615. MESCALL, John J.; b. Litchfield. 111.; educ. In- dianapolis; early career, portrait and press photographer; screen career, news cameraman for Gaumont, Goldwyn. making Booth Tark- ington-Edgar pictures. Home ad., 2468 W. Washington St., Los Angeles, Cal.; phone 73903; studio, Goldwyn. MILLER, Harold Louis (Henry) ; b. London. Eng- land; educ. London; screen career, with Robert W. Paul, London, in 1905, in 1906 with Kine- macolor, London, in 1912 sent to American Kinemacolor from London co., also photog- rapher for B. S. Moss ("Three Weeks "). Astra ("The Romantic Journey"). Member I. A. T. S. E., local 557; studio ad., Post Talking Pic- ture Co., N. Y.; home ad., 29 No. 7th ave., Whitestone, L. I., N. Y. MILNER, Victor; educ. N. Y. C: screen career, Pathe Freres, Selig, Giants and White Sox World Tour, Belgian Congo, Wm. S. Hart, all Artcraft prods., in charge of laboratory of Eberhard Schneider, N. Y. C. ; last big feature "Out of the Dust"; at present with J. D. Hamp- ton photographing H. B. Warner ("Fugitive from Matrimony," "House of a Thousand Can- dles," "The White Dove"). Secretary Amer. Soc. of Cinematographers. MINNERLY, Nelson Harvey; edu< X V and N. J., Englewood High Schl., Englewood. N. J.; screen career, asst. cameraman World ("Price of Pride," "Phil for Short"), Adanac Prod. ("World Shadow"), asst. dir. World ("Gates of Gladness," "Carol of Subway," "Little Pa- triot." "Stolen Orders"), photographer. Serico ("The Jewelled Hand"). Ad., 128 Convent ave., N. Y. ; Morningside 6689. MITCHELL, Pell, editor "Fox News"; b. Fulton, Ky. ; educ. Vanderbilt Univ.; early career, ex- pert in still photography, later a newspaper man. special writer and advertising mgr.; screen career, Mutual as editor of "The Mutual Weeklv," later "The Gaumont News." joined Fox to organize "Fox News'' August. 1919. Home ad., 219 W. 34th St.. N Y. : studio ad., Fox News, 3 West 61st St., N. Y. MOLLOY, Thos. F.; b. Wellesley. Mass.; educ. Brooklvn, N. Y.; early career, photographer; screen career, with Vitagraph ( "The Blue En-



envelope," "The Walls of Convention," "Indis- cretion," "Over the Top," "The Climbers," "The Fortune Hunter"). Home ad., 301 East 23d St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; studio, Vitagraph, Brooklyn.

MORGAN, Lieut. Ira H.; screen career, Essanay, Eclair, Liberty Film Co. Member Cinema Camera Club. Studio, Brentwood Film Co., Los Angeles.

MOSS, Stewart Belfleld; educ. Fort St. Model High Schl., Sydney, Aus. ; early career, pho- tographing and editing for A. R. C; screen career, photographed educational scenics. news and special subjects for Universal, International Film Service; now with American Red Cross. Ad., 17 Manhattan ave., N. Y. C; Bryant 3151.

_ N

NAGY, Anthony U.; b. Hungary; educ. Europe; early career, portrait photographer, screen ca- reer, Universal, now with Christie Comedy Co. Home ad., 1258 Beechwood drive, Los Angeles, Calif.

NELSON, Frederick; b. 1889, Chicago; educ. there; screen career, chemist and negative de- veloper for Selig 8 yrs., then- cameraman "Brown of Harvard," "Pearl of Great Price"; cameraman, chemist and negative developer for Ebony Film Corp. ("The One Dollar Bill," "Cool Heads and Hot Feet," "The Bully," "Spooks," "The Milk-Fed Hero," "The Devil for a Day"). Ad., 4925 N. Tripp ave., Chi- cago, 111.

NICKERSON, Clark R. ; b. N. Y. C. ; screen career, Vitagraph ("The Law Decides," "The Courage of Silence," "Within the Law," "Woman- hood," "The Sixteenth Wife"). Ad., home. In U. S. service. Member Cinema Camera Club. N. Y.

NORTON, Stephen S.; b. Palmyra, N. Y. : educ. Buffalo, N. Y.; screen career, entered field as cameraman in 1912; has photographed over 140 pictures, from one to six reels, worked for di- rectors, Robert Leonard, Lois Weber, Phillips Smalley, Henry Otto, Douglas Girrard, Allen Holubar, Jack Dillon, etc.; has photographed Olive Thomas. Alma Rubens, Mary MacLaren, Tyrone Power, Wm. Desmond, Ella Hall, Cleo Madison, etc. Ad.. Hotel Northern, 420 W. 2nd st., Los Angeles, Calif.


ORTUEB, Alfred; b. Ivry-Sur-Seine, France; educ. Paris; early career, in business as sales- man; screen career, photographer for Gaumont. Selig, Metro ("The Shooting of Dan McGrew," "Greater Love Hath No Man"), Perret Prod., Inc. ("Lafayette We Come," "Stars of Glory"), Pathe ("Twin Pawns," "The A B C of Love").


1'KKKY, Taul P.j b. Denver, Colo.; educ. there; stage career, 4 yrs. theatrical stage electrician; screen career, Famous Players ("Every woman," "The Sea Wolf," "The Round-Up," "Told in the Hills," "Pettigrew's Girl," "A Sporting Chance," "Money, Men and Women," "Good Gracious Annabelle," "City of Dim Faces"). Home ad., 6070 Selma, Hollywood, Calif.; Holly 2713; studio. Famous Plavers-Lasky Co.

PEKUGINI, Francis; b. N. Y.; educ. N. Y. Psy- chiatric Inst.; early career, studied medicine; screen career, Imperial, Pathe, Eastern, Klnett- cartoon, Klever, with Ernst Truax. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y. Home ad., 2218 Cropsey ave., Brooklyn. N. Y.

PF.TERSON, Gus; b. San Francisco, Calif.; educ. Los Angeles; screen career, Blograph, Bosworth ("Smoke Bellew," "Beach Combers"), Fred Stone ("Billy Jim"), B. B Features ("Her Pur- chase Price"), Universal ("Rouge and Riches"), Triangle ("I Love You"), 7 yr. Photographic Section of Signal Corps of U. S. Army, 10 mos spent in Franco taking pictures of different engagements. Ad.. 626 S. Bonnie Brae St., Los Angeles, Calif.: Wilshire 4254.

PHYSIOC, lewis \> .. manager Golilwyn Labora- tories; b. Columbia, S. C; educ. Coll of Agri- cultural and Mechanical Arts, Raleigh, N. C. ; screen career, 12 yrs. scenic artist, 2 yra. tech. dir. for Cameraphone, tech. dir. and producer Edison Kimctoscope, 2 yrs. tech. dir. for Pathe Freres, 2'4 yrs. cameraman Famous Players ("Bab's Diary." "Seven Keys to Baldpate,"

'The Knife,'' "Rolling Stones," "A Girl Like That"), C. K. Young ("The Reason Why"), Goldwyn ("Peck's Bad Girl," "Perfect 36"), Selznick ("Upstairs and Down," "The Spite Bride"). Ad., 1326 Milton ave.. Hollywood, Cal.

I'OLITO, Sol; b. Palermo, Sicily; educ. Italy and N. Y.; early career, still photographer, m. p. developer and licensed projector; screen career, Biograph, Metro ("Rip Van Winkle"), Walter Miller Features, Universal, Kismet, Features, Peerless-World ("Sins of Society," "The World Against Him"); now with Allan Dwan-May- flower. Member Cinema Camera Club, L. A. Home ad., 4351 Kingsland ave., Los Angeles; studio, Brunton Studio; phone Holly 4080.

PORTER, Hector A.; b. Ellendale, N. Dak., 1896; educ. State Normal Industrial Schl. ;• early ca- reer, Manual Training Teacher, Agricultural Schl., Park River, N. D., and High Schl., Shreve- port La.; screen career, asst. cameraman for 6 mds. at Lasky Studio, Hollywood, with Bryant Washburn, now second cameraman at Goldwyn Studio, Culver City, Calif. Ad., 1634 Vine St., Hollywood, Calif.; Holly 1191.

POWELL, Ernest; screen career, Thanhouser ("Her Dream Mother"), B. S. Moss ("One Day," "Girl from Rectors"), Rothacker ("Trooper 44"); now with King Cole Comedies. Home ad., Woodcliffe, N. J.; studio ad., Motion Picture Producing Co. of America, Dongan Hills, S. I., N. Y.

POWERS, Len; b. Rodney, Lowa, 1894; educ. Portland, Ore.; screen career, as cameraman has been connected with Reliance, Fox ("The Honor System"), Mack Sennett ("Beware of Boarders"), Hank Mann Co. ("Broken Bub- bles"), Fox ("Back to Nature Girls," "The Yellow Dog-Catcher," "Virtuous Husband"). Home ad., 1426 N. Serrano ave.. Los Angeles, Calif.


OC'INN, Arthur T. ; b. N. Y. ; educ. St. Francis Xavier Coll., N. Y. ; screen career, Vitagraph ("The Girl Philippa," "The Suspect," "Thou Art the Man," "Kennedy Square"). Ad., 1389

Bedford ave.. Brooklyn, N. Y.


RAMSAY, K. L.; b. Beaver Falls. Pa., 1887; educ. Pittsburgh; screen career, Fox. Home ad., 1163 N. Western ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; studio, Fox.

RAYMOND, Jack O.; educ. Berne, Switzerland, and Paris; made pictures of Hamburg-American Trip around the world in 1916; makes scenics and travelogues; Pathe Freres, Paris; Interna- tional, Universal. Ad., 540 W. 165th St., N. Y. ; Audubon 2832.

REA. Thomas H.; b. Nebraska; educ there; screen career, Universal ("Lasca," "Two Men of Tinted Butte," "Sinbad, the Sailor," "The Eternal Triangle," "The Girl in the Gang"). Home ad., 756 East 22nd st., Los Angeles, Calif.; studio, Universal.

REED, Arthur; b. Houston, Texas; screen career, Lasky Studios, Hollywood. Calif. Home ad., 250 Riverside drive, N. Y. ; studio ad., Famous Players-Lasky Corp., 130 W. 56th St., N. Y.

REID, Wrm. W.; b. Concordia. Kan., 1887 ; Pathe correspondent for Northern Kansas. Home ad., 1123 Van Buren St., Topeka, Kan.; studio, Orpheum Theatre Bldg., Topeka.

REINHART, William A.; educ. Cincinnati, Ohio; early career, portrait photographer; screen career, Famous Players, Fox ("Ace High"), Triangle ("Gown of Destiny"), Frohman ("Witching Hour"), Rolfe (Houdini Serial), Gaumont ("Isle of Love"). Ad., 714 8th ave., N. Y.

REYNOLDS, It. F.; b. and educ. Grand Rapids, Mich.; screen career. Essanay, Universal ("Blind Husbands"). Member Cinema Camera Club. Home ad.. 244 So. Olive St., Los Angeles; studio. Universal City, Cal.

REYNOLDS, Ernest M.; educ. Cleveland, Ohio, and technical schls. ; 1911 began career In laboratory and still camera work, began cine- matographic end of trade In 1913; latest pic- tures, "The House Without Children," "Hidden Charms."

RICARDO, Arnold; educ. Antwerp, Belgium, Am- sterdam, Holland; Brooklyn. N. Y. ; screen ca- reer. 5 yrs. exper. with Kansas M. P. Co., Southern Educational. National Pictures Corp., McHenry Film Co., Fleur-de-Lys Co., Goldwyn,



making news, scenic, educational, industrial prods, as second cameraman and stills Mem- ber I. A. T. S. E., local 557. Ad., 145 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, N. Y. KIE.S, Irving G.; b. Akron, Ohio; screen career, Rothacker, Chicago, Educational, Selig Tribune Weekly; spent 1% yrs. in Germany, Russia and Belgium making "Fighting With the Ger- mans" and 6 mos. in Mexico making "Barbar- ous Mexico"; Model Comedy Co. ("A Wild Woman," "Cash"), Vitagraph ("Flips and Flops," "Healthy and Happy," "Mates and Models," "Sciuabs and Squabbles," "Bungs and Bunglers," "Yaps and Yokels"). Member Cinema Camera Club. Ad., 6132 De Longpre ave., Hollywood, Calif.

R1ES, Park J.; b. Akron, O., 1897; screen career, began at age of 13 in Akron as photoplay op- erator, with Universal two seasons as cine- matographer, L-Ko ("As Fate Decides," "Where Is My Husband?"), Fox ("Oh. What a Knight," "Money Talks," "Jail Birds"), Poppy Comedies ("Daddy Ambrose," "Heroic Ambrose," "Foxy Ambrose," "Diplomatic Am- brose"), Vitagraph ("The Invisible Hand" serial). Member Cinema Camera Club. Home ad., 1314 Beechwood drive, Hollywood.

KIZARD, George; b. Paris, France; in U. S. since 1895; early career, portrait and miniature pho- tographer; screen career, 6 yrs. with Pathe, American and Balboa. Speaks English. French. Spanish; is familiar with all branches of pho- tography. Ad., Woodward Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif.; American Studio, Santa Barbara. Calif.

ROOS, Charles G., also director; b. Canada, 1882; educ. Gait High Cchl., Chemistry and still photography; with Pathescope of Canada, Ltd., making educational subjects for Ontario Gov't and Committee of Pub. Information, Ottawa, Ont. Home ad., 1457 Dundas St., West, Toronto, Ont., Canada; studio ad., Pathescope of Can- ada, Ltd., 156 King St.. West, Toronto. Ont., Canada.

ROOS, Leonard H.; b. 1896, Gait, Ont.; educ. Gait and Toronto; screen career, specializes in news photography, Atlas Motion Pict. Co., De- troit, Strand Star Weekly Review, Canadian Topical Review, All-Canada Weekly, Hearst Pathe News, film editor Detroit Free Press; Canadian editor Fox News. Home ad., 48 Brant road North, Gait, Ont., Canada; studio ad.. Dominion Laboratories, 120 University ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada.

ROSE, Jackson J.; b. Chicago, 1886; early career, news and com. photographer; screen career, with Essanay, Selig, Rothacker, International, Commonwealth. Apex; 10 yrs. exper. as cam- eraman; filmed "Graustark." "The Slim Prin- cess," "Prince of Graustark," "The Breaker." "The Alster Case," "Skinner's Dress Suit." "Skinner's Baby"; associated with over 26 di- rectors photographing over 275 prods.; inventor of many camera devices; owns complete Bell and Howell outfit with every known attach- ment. Studio ad., Apex Co., 223 N. New Jer- sey St., Indianapolis, Ind.

ROSHER, Charles G. ; studied technical and artis- tic photography abroad; early career, Messrs. Speaight, Ltd., Court photographers, London; screen career, Nestor, Gene Gautier, Pathe, Victory Co., Mutual (filmed the battle of Oji- naga with General Villa in Mexico), Lasky (photographed all of of William C. De Mille's prods., including "Anton, the Terrible." "The Plow Girl," also "The Primrose Ring." "The Secret Game," "One More American," "Johan- na Enlists," "Captain Kidd, Jr."); chief cam- eraman for "Daddy Long Legs," "Hoodlum," "Heart of the Hills," "Pollyanna." Member Cinema Camera Club. Studio, Mary Pickford Co., Los Angeles, Calif.

ROSSMAN, Earl W.; b. Scotland, S. D. ; educ. Dakota Wesleyan Univ. as civil engineer; early career, newspaper man and photographer; stage career, mgr. of N. Y. theatre and McKinley Sq. theatre, N. Y. C. ; screen career, Kinemacolor, Shubert, Mississippi Film; now on expedition in So. Africa for Prizma, Inc. Studio, 71 W. 23d St., N. Y.

ROTH, Charles A.; educ. Columbia Coll. and Cornell Univ.; early career, research chemist, Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst.; screen career, chief cameraman Brewster Film Co.; cameraman of color work Power Reproduction Co.; camera- man Iconocrone Co. ; cameraman and research chemist Prizma; X-Ray photographer in A. E. F. In France; now with Prizma. Ad., 2106 Amsterdam ave.. N. Y-

RUBINSTEIN, Irving It. ("Kuby") ; b. N Y. C,

1S92; educ. U. S. Military Schl. ; screen career, with Doc AVillat, built studio for Carl Laemmle at Havana, Cuba, also Ruby Twinplex Studio, several laboratories in U. S. and Canada; cam- era work for Universal, American Films, Para- mount, Frohman Amuse., World, and many independent features; mustered out of U. S. Army Feb., 1919, with rank of sergt. -major, Engineers; Zion Films ("Broken Barriers"); now working with Chas. E. Davenport; one of first to use Bell & Howell Camera in East and now owns a $2,400.00 outfit. Ad., 100 W. 119th St., N. Y. C.

KICKEK, Joseph T.j b. Atlanta; educ. there; early career, laboratory film work; screen ca- reer, Universal, Pathe, covering Middle West for Pathe News. Member I. A. T. S. E., local 557. Home ad., 5824 Broadway, N. Y.

Rl'TTENHEKG, Joseph; b. Russia; educ. Boston, Mass.; early career, toured Europe with Joseph Urban as cameraman; screen career. Fox ("Do- ing Their Bit." "The Woman Who Gave," "Women, Women." "Fallen Idol," "My Little Sister." "From Now On"). Home ad., 945 Fox St., N. Y. C; studio ad.. Fox. N. Y.


SCHEIBE. Geo. H. ; b. Plymouth, Wis., 1880: photographer and chemist since 1896; expert developer of negatives and positives, toning and tinting, managed negative laboratory for Triangle Keystone, also cameraman for Thos.

H. Ince and Mack Sennett Comedies, inventor of Scheibe's Monotone Filter. Ad., 342 S. Broadway, Suite 400, Los Angeles, Calif.

SCHELLINGER, Rial B. ; screen career. Fox ("The Mischief Maker," "Camille," "Cleopatra." "A Modern Cinderella"). Member local 557,

I. A. T. S. E. Ad., 52 Rhodes St., New Ro- chelle, N. Y.

SCHNEIDER, Max; b. Egen, Bohemia; educ. there; grad. Royal Imperial Art Schl. of Bo- hemia; screen career, Kalem, Reliance. Key- stone, World, Thos. Ince. photographed fea- tures of Alice Brady, Ethel Clayton, Holbrook Blynn, etc. Member local 557, I. A. T. S. E. Ad., 220 Candler Bldg., N. Y.

SCHOENBAtJM, Charles Edgar; b. California; educ. there, Poly High Schl.; early career, photo-engraver; screen career, Lasky ("Vicky Van," "Love Insurance," "Why Smith Left Home," "It Pays to Advertise," "Too Much Johnson"), J. D. Hampton ("The Best Man"). Ad., 1528 Morningside, Los Angeles, Calif.; Holly 2955.

SEELING, Charles R.; b. Perth Amboy, N. J.; educ. Phila., Pa.: screen career, photographed Nell Shipman, Bessie Love, Monroe Salisbury, Mahlon Hamilton. Betty Blythe; Vitagraph ("Baree, Son of Kazan." "A Gentleman's Agreement." "A Girl from Beyond." "Pegeen." "The Dawn of Understanding." "The Enchanted Barn," "The Wishing Ring Man"), Universal ("That Devil Bateze"). Home ad., 1868 Alle- sandro St., Los Angeles, Calif.; Wilshire 5235.

SEIDMAN, I. Sy.; b. and educ. N. Y. C; pho- tographer, Goerz lens salesman, newspaper man. head cameraman Educational Films. N. Y.. 1911, camera work and editor Physical Culture Screen Mag.; specialized in scientific, educa- tional and commercial films and news weeklies. Ad., Room 1104, 110 West 40th St., N. Y. City; Bryant 738.

SEITZ, John F. ; b. Chicago; educ. there; screen career. Essanay, American. St. Louis M. P. Co. ("Ranger of Lonesome Gulch." "The Quag- mire," "Whose Wife?" "Edged Tools"), Amer- ican-Mutual ("A Soul for Pawn"), Hampton- Hodkinson ("The Sage Brusher"). chemist. Home ad., 1625 State St., Santa Barbara; studio American. Santa Barbara.

SHELDERFEK, Joseph; b. Brooklyn; early ca- reer, m. p. operator: screen career, Vitagraph ("Dust of Egvpt," "A Price for Follv." "A Two- Edged Sword"), Lasky ("The Ghost House"). Member local 557. I. A. T. S. E. Ad., 300 Chauncey St.. Brooklyn, N. Y.

SHELTON, Byron J.; b. St. Louis, Mo.; educ. there: now at Gale Henrv Studio. Ad., Glid- den Hotel. Hollvwood. Calif.; Holly 3910.

STNTZEN1CH, Hal; educ. Bedford Coll.. Eng- land; screen career. Williamson Bros. Subma- rine Films ("Girl of the Sea"). Lady Macken- zie's African Big Game Hunt. Kinemacolor World Tours, Tourneur ("White Heather").



Ad., 906 Longacre Bldg.. N. Y. ; Bryant 6057; Williamson Bros. ("Submarine Eye" J, Selznick ("Out Yonder"), Worlds Tours, Tourneur ("White Heather--). Ad., 906 Longacre Bldg., N. Y. ; Bryant 6057; studio ad., Selznick Studios, Fort Lee, N. J.

SMITH, Al Ira; b. Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 15, 13S7; educ. Chicago Art Institute and Univ. Tenn.; eany career, cartoonist; screen career, Selig, Pathe, Uaumont and Smith Films ("Timothy," "Jitneyed," "See America First," "Alaska Won- ders in Motion," etc.). Home ad., 131 S. Grand ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; studio ad., 303 S. Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal.

SMITH, Leonard; screen career, Vitagraph ("Bat- tle Cry of Peace"), Larry Seamon comedies, "Between Friends"; General Pershing's per- sonal staff photographer during the war; now with King Cole Comedies. Home ad., 1011 Ocean ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. ; studio ad., Motion Picture Producing Co. of America, Dongan Hills, S. I., N. Y.

SONNTAG, Emil B.; b. and educ. Chicago; screen career, cameraman Selig Polyscope Co. 8 yrs. ; Rothacker Film Co. 2^ yrs., Amazon Film Co., 2% yrs., as laboratory mgr.; cameraman for Northwestern Film Corp. ("Before the White Man Came"). Home ad., 1706 Augusta St., Chicago, 111.

SQUIRE, Harry E.; b. N. Y. ; educ. Trinity Schl. and Mechanics Inst.; screen career. Paramount Pictograph, Edison, Paramount-Flagg come- dies ("One Every Minute," "Pride and Pork Chops." "Beresford of the Baboons," "The Last Bottle," "Welcome Little Stranger," "The Con in Economy"), chief cinematographer for Educational Dept. of Famous Players-Lasky Corp., Long Island City, N. Y. Home ad., 2679 Briggs ave., N. Y. C. ; Fordham 190S.

STKEN'E, E. Burton, also technical director; b. Philadelphia, 1879; educ. Univ. of Pa.; early career, cavalry officer in Spanish war, special cor. and photographer in army corps; N. Y. Telephone Co. 5 yrs.; screen career, began in 1909 with Pathe as asst. ed. Pathe Weekly, covered world making scenics; now chief pho- tographer and tech. dir. Pathe industrial dept., with Educational Film. Member local 557, I. A. T. S. E. Ad., 220 Candler Bldg., N. Y. Elks, Spanish War Vets.

STUART, Robert A.; b. Sheffield, Eng.; educ. N. Y.; screen career, Imp-Universal, Vitagraph ("Rose of the South." "The Enemy," "Soldiers of Chance." "Her Right to Live"). Member local 55 M. A. T. S. E. Home ad., 1019 E. 15th St., Brooklyn. N. Y.

STUMAR, Charles; b. Budapest, Hungary, 1890; screen career, since 1916 with Ince, photogra- pher of the Louise Glaum specials. Home ad.. 7023 Watseka ave., Culver City, Calif.; phone 70002.

STUMAR, John Stuart; screen career, chief pho- tographer of Dorothy Dalton prod., "Vive La France." "Quicksand," "Extravagance," etc., Enid Bennett, "The Marriage Ring," etc., Ince- Paramount ("Market of Souls." "L'Aache"). Ad.. Ince Studio, Culver City, Calif.

STURGIS, F. H.; b. Michigan; educ. Calif.; screen career, laboratory work for 2 yrs.; motion pic- ture camera 1 yr. ; 20 yrs. photographic exper. ; Monrovia Feature Film Co., Hearst-Pathe, Clune Producing Co., Federal Photoplays. Home ad., 6059 Holly blvd., Hollywood. Calif.; studio. Federal Photo Plays, Hollywood.


T.MXGUY, Lucien b. Paris, France: educ. Paris; screen career, with George Melies in Paris ("The Trip Around the Moon"), in America with Vitagraph, All-Star, Eclair, Peerless- World ("All Man." "The Beloved Adventur- ess," "The Man Who Forgot"). Home ad., 601 W. 127th St., N. Y. C. ; Mngside. 3085. Member local 557, I. A. T. S. E.. N. Y.

TANNURA, Philip; b. N. Y. C. 1897; educ. N. Y. C. ; screen career, Reliance, Biograph, Majes- tic. Kinemaeolor. Famous Players. Edison ("The Little Chevalier." "Knights of the Square Table," "Story the Key Told." "Apple Tree Girl." "The Unbeliever"); athletics; played character parts. Hght.. 5, 4; wght., 120; dark complexion, black hair, brown eyes. Home ad 2737 Decatur ave., N. Y.

THORNI.EY, William H.; b Cineinnati, Ohio; educ. there; early career, photographer; screen career. Brentwood ("Better Times," "Turn of the Road"), Pathe ("Terror of the Range"

serial, "Border Raiders," "The Devil's Trail"), Stuart Paton Prod. ("The Fatal Sign" serial). Home ad., 5322 Lexington ave., Los Angeles, Calif.; Holly 3319; studio, Stuart Paton Studio, Ocean Park, Calif.

THORPE, Harry; b. St. Paul, Minn.; educ. there and Los Angeles, Calif.; screen career, Douglas Fairbanks ("Down to Earth," "Man From Painted Post," "Reaching for the Moon," "A Modern Musketeer," "When the Clouds Roll By"), 18 mos. in France. Ad., Douglass Fair- banks Studio, Hollywood, Calif.

THORPE, William Harris; b. St. Paul; general photographic work, for 3 yrs. half-tone operator Thorpe Engraving Co.; screen career, Kalem, cameraman Hollywood studios; Artcraft ("Headin' South"). Member Cinema Camera Club. U. S. Expeditionary Forces, France.

TODD, Arthur Lyle; b. and educ. N. Y. C; screen career, Gaumont, Kalem, Reserve Photoplays Co., World, Perry Pictures, Film D'Art, late pictures "The Whip," "Betsy Ross," "Auntie," Brunton-Hodkinson ("The Lord Loves the Irish"). Home ad., 721 West Lake, Los An- geles; studio, Brunton.

TOTHEROH, Roland; b. San Francisco, Cal., 1S90; educ. Alameda: early career, cartoonist; screen career, Essanay, Lone Star and Mutual. Head cameraman Charlie Chaplin Film Co. Member Cinema Camera Club. Studio, 1416 La Brea ave., Los Angeles. Cal. Home ad., 1222 Highland ave., Hollywood, Calif.

TRAVIS, Norton C; b. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; educ. there; screen career, Pathe, Fox, engaged in making moving pictures in first line trenches on Russian western front; now developing speed camera at work. Member local 557, I. A. T. S. E., 220 W. 42nd St., N. Y.

TROFFEY, Alex., film cutter; b. Long Island; educ. there; 8 yrs. cutting; Universal, Vita- graph, Monmouth ("Jimmie Dale" serial 32 reels; Frohman Amuse. ("Once to Every Man"), T. Hayes Hunter ("Border Legion"); with Goldwyn since its inception. Ad., Goldwyn Pictures Corp., 469 Fifth Ave., N. Y.

TUERS, William H.; b. N. Y. C.j educ. Trinity Schl.; screen career, Baumer Films, Metro, Oliver Films. Rolfe Prods., MacManus Corp. Home ad.. 1499 E. 10th St., Brooklyn, N. Y., or Green Room Club, N. Y.


ULLMAN, Edward; b. Natchez, Miss.. 1874; educ. there; early career, wide range photographic work; screen career, Reliance, Majestic, Uni- versal, supt, of photography dept. and chief cameraman ("Father and the Boys." "The Wild Cat of Paris," "Blinding Trail." "Little White Savage." "Broadway Scandal"), Christie ("Two A. M."). Ad., 1107 So. Western ave., Los Angeles, Calif.; studio, Christie.


VALUE JO, Enrique Juan (or Harry) ; b. Mexico City; educ. there and Los Angeles; screen ca- reer, Keystone, photographed first Chas. Chap- lin picture. Universal, Pathe, Clune Films ("Ra- mona," "Eyes of the World"). International ("Patria"), Pathe ("Twenty-one," "Kidder & Ko."), National ("Romance of Tarzan." "Tar- zan of the Apes," 7 comedies of "Hall Room Boys" series, one Billy Parsons comedy). Fed- eral ("Desert of Wheat," "Dwelling Place of Light"). Home ad., 1611 Curson ave.. West Hollywood. Calif.; phone 2374; studio, Federal Photoplays Co.. Brunton Studio.

VAN BUREN, Ned; b. Gouverneur, N. Y. , 1882: educ. there; early exper., photography; screen career, Mittenthal. NY MP ("The Alien"); Gau- mont Weekly, Conness Till Co.. Edison ("Chil- dren of Eve"), Universal ("Thread of Life"), Vitagraph, Famous ("Nanette of the Wilds." "Her Better Self," "Double Crossed," "The Slave Market"). Artcraft ("Seven Keys to Bald- pate"), with Buffalo Film Co at present. Mem- ber local 557, I. A. T. S. E. Ad., 147 W. 55th St.. N. Y.

VAN DEK VEER, Willard; b. Brooklyn, 1894; stage career, since age of 10 , "Polly of the Circus." Sign of the Four"; screen career. 1916-17, Gaumont, West Indian series, tours around the world; Sept., 1917, to June 25. 1919, Photographic Div.. Signal Corps.. U. S. Army, A. E. F. ; Outing Chester series, "Fool- ish Fish of Sawback," "Hippity. Hoppity. Wa- piti." Ad., care Motion Picture News, N. Y.



VAUGHAN, Roy V.; b. 1893; educ. Los Angeles, Cal. ; early career, learned manufacture of sur- veying instruments; screen career, built mo- tion picture cameras, operating them later for Triangle, Selznick, Goldwyn ("Her Excellency the Governor," "The Food Gamblers," "The Haunted House," "The Man Hater"). Member 557, I. A. T. S. E. Ad., 206 W. 106th St., N. Y.


WAGNER, William F.; b. N. Y., 1893; educ. N. Y. ; screen career, Pathe, Famous Players, Metro ("The Pretenders"), Mutual ("Mary More- land"). Now with Selznick, N. Y. Home ad., 142 W. 77th St., N. Y.

WALES, Claude Henry ("Bud") ; b. Indianapolis, Ind. ; educ. Univ. of Wash.; screen career, Uni- versal, Keystone, Triangle, Beaver Films, Fine Arts, National ("Fall of a Nation"), Lenox Prod. Co. ("The Betrayal," 8 reels), "Madam Sphinx." "Tony America," "Headin' North," "The Painted Lily," etc., photographed 2 yrs. in Alaska, traveled around the world. Home ad., 159 W. 45th St., Los Angeles, Calif.

WALKER, Vernon L.; screen exper., for Edwin Bower Hesser ("On Secret Service," "The White Coat," five-reel dramas), Starline Company ("You Can Never Tell," "State of Georgia," 12-reel historic pageant, "Alaska Today," 5- reel travelogue in the making of which every foot of Alaska was covered), staff photogra- pher Selig-Tribune Weekly; National Film Corp., Denver ("Where the Sun Sets Red," "The Mating of Meg Malloy," "In the Shadows of the Rockies," "The Bandit of Lonesome Gap," "The Bridge Across," etc., etc.; now head cameraman for The Art-O-Graf Film Co., Denver, Colo.; enlisted in Photo Section Signal Corps, U. S. A. Home ad., 2858 Race St., Denver, Colo.

WARREN, Dwight W.; b. 1888, Los Angeles; early career, 8 yrs. in still photography; screen career, 2 seasons with Ince, Kay-Bee Triangle ("In Slumberland"). Home ad., 14 N. El Mo- lino St., Alhambra, Los Angeles, Calif.; studio, Hart Studio, Los Angeles.

WARRENTOX. Gilbert; b. Paterson, N. J.; screen career, Univ. Fine Arts, Triangle. American ("Law of the Great Northwest," "Hard Rock Breed," "High Tide," "The Golden Fleece," "Fair Enough," "Put Up Your Hands"), Mary Pickford Co. and International. Member Cin- ema Camera Club, Los Angeles. Home ad., 1525 Bronson ave., Los Angeles, Calif.

WEBBER, George; b. Kingston, Ont. : educ. C. C. N. Y. ; screen career, Lubin, World, Bio- graph, Thanhouser; photographed "Tlie Mil- lion Dollar Mystery," "Tillie's Tomato Sur- prise," Metro ("The Eternal Mother"), Goldwyn (Tom Moore in "Go West, Young Man," "Man and His Money," "One of the Finest," "City of Comrades," "Lord and Lady Algy," Mabel Nor- mand in "Upstairs," "The Jinks," "Pinto," Madge Kennedy in "The Blooming Angel").

WHITMAN. Philip H.; b. N. Y. ; screen career, formerly with Universal, Keystone and Sennett companies, now doing special productions with Hampton Del Ruth. Home ad., 1748% N. Western ave., Los Angeles, Calif.; Holly 2623; studio, Fox.

WTLKY, L. Guy; b. Phoenix, Ariz.; educ. Univ. Ariz.; screen career, Lubin, American, Ince- Triangle, Paralta; specialist in artificial light- ing and special effects for artistic prod.: stu- dent of art and composition with its relation to cinematography; with Bessie Barriscale for 1 yr., Famous Players 6 mos., affiliated with Wm. C. DeMille, photographed "Tangled Threads," "Two-Gun Betty. " "The Woman Michael Married," "The Tree of Knowledge." Member A. S. of C. Home ad., 5517 Sierra Vista ave., Hollywood, Calif.; phone 599514; studio, Lasky.

WILLIAMS, Frank D. ; b. Nashville, Mo.. 1S93; educ. Pittsburg; screen career. Essanay. Key- stone, chief cameraman with Sennett 4% yrs.. photographer Charlie Chaplin. Mabel Normand in "Mickey," Annette Kellerman in "Queen of the Sea," owns tank patents on this picture; Roscoe Arbuckle. Metro. Bushman & Bavne. "The Dragon Painter." "The Gray Horizon." "The Tong Man" and other Sessue Hayakawa pictures: head of photograph dept. for Haworth Pictures Corp.; owns patent for putting char-

acters into action on photographic background. Member Cinema Camera Club, Los Angeles. Ad., 1710 W. 6th st., Los Angeles. Calif.

WILLIAMS, Lawrence E.; screen career, Than- houser, Reliance, Famous Players, Harry Rapf, Frank A. Keeney Prods., Artcraft, Virginia Pearson Co. ("The Bishops Emeralds," "Im- possible Catherine"), Shear & Co. ("Lonely Heart"). Is familiar with every branch of photography. Ad., 540 S. 6th ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y.

WILLIAMS, Walter E. ; b. Indiana. 1891; educ. there; screen career, Fine Arts, Reliance, Ma- jestic, Fox ("Jack and the Bean Stalk," "The Splendid Sin," "The Snares of Paris," "Lost Money," "What Would You Do?" with Mad- laine Traverse, "In the Days of Auld Lang Syne" with Peggy Hyland. Is familiar with every branch of photography. Ad., 5723 La Mirada ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Member Cine- ma Camera Club.

WINTHER, Carl Pagh; b. Denmark; screen ca- reer, cinematographer for Majestic-Reliance, Fine Arts Studio; directing of Higganie pictures, Alaska wilds, California wild life, Mexico birds and game, life in India and the West Indies for Dr. Salisbury and Rex Beach.

WYCKOFF. Alvin; director of photography; b.

Elmira, N. Y. ; educ. Detroit Univ., Detroit, Mich.; stage career, William Owen 2 seasons, eastern dram, stock 5 seasons; screen career, Artcraft, Selig ("Monte Cristo," "The Spoilers," "Wizard of Oz"), Lasky ("Joan of Arc," "The Cheat"), Famous Players ("Male and Female," "Girl of the Golden West," "Squaw Man," "The Virginian"); supervised erection of new Lasky laboratory; is also inventor of numerous ap- pliances; familiar with every branch of pho- tography. Member Cinema Camera Club. Ad., Famous Players-Lasky Studio, Hollywood, Calif.

WYNAKD, Edward; b. N. Y. C. ; screen career, Imp 5% yrs., Roland West Film Co., 12 pictures for Norma Talmadge Film Corp., Fox, Ray Emory Prod. Co. "The Chosen Path"), National Film Co.. Dietrich and Beck ("The Band Box"), Tyrad ("Tlie Red Viper"), Norma Talmadge ("The Forbidden City"). Hallmark. Ad., 536 Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y.


YOUNG, Hal.; b. Australia; screen career, Sid Olcott Irish productions, Famous, World ("The Dark Silence"), Metro, Selznick ("The Foolish Virgin," "The Easiest Way," "The Common Law"), Para-Art ("Witness for the Defense"). Realart ("Anne of Green Gables"), Member Cinema Camera Club. Ad., 1043 Boston rd., N. Y. ; Intervale 5500.

YOUNG, Jack R.; b. N. Y. C, 1896 (claims to be youngest professional cameraman); stage ex- perience, with Blanch Ring in "When Claudia Smiles"; screen career, D. W. Griffith, M. Sen- nett, Reliance, cameraman with Fox, National Drama, Bluebird Prod. ("The Nature Girl." "The Great Cause"). Edgar Jones Prod. ("Quicksand," "Border River," "Beloved Brute"), on expedition to Grand Fall, Labra- dor for Mills Bros. Ad., Edgar Jones Prod., Inc., Augusta. Maine.


ZALIBRA, George C. ("Duke") ; b Pittsburg. Pa., Feb. 9, 1887; educ. St Joseph's Acad., Pitts- burg, Pa. ; early career, stage mgr. ; screen ca- reer, Pathe, Keystone and Mutual ("A Trip Through Africa," "Through the Alps," "Trip to the North Pole," etc.), Goldwyn ("The Scrub Lady"). Member Cinema Camera Club, Los Angeles. Home ad., 132 Edmund St., Pitts- burg, Pa.

ZAXGRILLI, Orestes A.; b. Italy. 1881: educ. N. Y. ; screen career. Kalem Co. 9 yrs.. Uni- versal Film Co. 1 yr. Ad., 52 Sherman St., Montclair, N. J.

ZOLLINGER, William M.; b Brooklyn. 1874; educ. there; screen career. Vitagraph ("War"), Thanhouser ("Silas Marner." "War and the Woman." "King Lear"); is familiar with every branch of photography. Member local 577 I,

A. T. S. E.. 220 W. 42nd St., N. Y.




The National Board of Review was organized in March, 1919, by the People's Institute at the request of the theatres exhibiting motion pictures in New York City. The work of the Board be- came national in scope in June of the same year at the request of the manufacturers of motion- picture films. Since that date, the Board has gained an increasing control over the films exhibited in America.

The Board is composed as follows: a general committee of thirty representatives from various civic agencies located in New York, together with certain disinterested, public-spirited individ- uals; an executive committee chosen from this membership: and a review committee of 100 members. This last unit, divided into sub-com- mittees, is at work at least five days each week. The general committee was called together by the People's Institute at the beginning of the Board's existence, and elects its own members. The review committee is selected by the general committee, the tenure of office being three months. No member of the Board is engaged in any branch of the motion-picture business, and no voting member is salaried directly or indirectly for his services.

The Board is self-governing in all particulars, establishes its own standards, elects its own officers and executive staff, and controls its own finances. The money to defray expenses is raised wholly from three sources: By voluntary sub- scriptions from persons interested in and bene- fited by its work; by subscriptions to its weekly bulletin service; and by a charge to all produc- ing companies for a review of their product at a flat rate per reel.

The general committee, as presently consti- tuted, is presided over by Everett Dean Martin. The executive staff, with headquarters at 70 Fifth Avenue, is composed as follows:

Executive Staff

W. D. McGuire, Jr Executive Secretary

Orrin G. Cocks Advisory Secretary

W. M. Covill Membership Secretary

W. A. Barrett Review Secretary

Alice B. Evans Corresponding Secretary

Besides the committees given above, a national advisory committee with representatives in all of the larger cities of the Union co-operates with the National Board of Review in furnishing in- formation and promoting the Board's plans. The advisory committee for New York City, which consists of thirty-five members, includes such names as Percy Mackaye, William H. Maxwell, Jacob H. Schiff, Oscar S. Straus and Stephen S. Wise. The representatives of the national ad- visory committee for other cities are listed as follows:

D. Hiden Ramsay, Asheville, N. C; W. A. Percy. Atlanta, Ga. ; Hon. H. W. Adams, Beloit, Wis.; John M. Casey, Boston, Mass.; S. Parkes Cadman and Dr. J. P. Warbasse, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; John L. Alexander and Shailer Mathews, Chicago, 111.; George A. Bellamy, Mrs. George Crile and Miss Charlotte Rumbold, Cleveland, Ohio; D. G. Johnson. Colorado Springs, Colo.; A. W. Taylor, Columbia. Mo.; Elmer Scott, Dallas, Tex.; Mrs. Helen Ring Robinson and Mrs. Margaret D. Con- way, Denver, Colo.; Dr. Harris F. Rail, Evanston, III.; A. G. Arvold, Fargo, No. Dak.; Dan C. Beard, Flushing, N. Y. ; Miss Mary Gray Peck, Geneva, N. Y. ; Harry C. Hurd, Indianapolis, Ind. ; L. A. Halbert. Kansas City, Mo.; R. H. Edwards, Lisle, N. Y. ; Everett C. Beach and S. M. Cooper, Los Angeles. Calif.; Mrs. Fred Levy, Louisville, Ky. ; Charles Stelzle, Maplewood, N. J.; John M. Dean. Memphis, Tenn. ; G. R. Radley, Milwaukee, Wis.

M. L Burton, Mrs. Charles W. Cartwright and Robins Gilman, Minneapolis, Minn.; J. E. McCul- loch and Hamilton Love, Nashville, Tenn.; Anson Phelps Stokes, New Haven, Conn.; Mrs. Paul Getzchman and T. T. Sturgess, Omaha, Nebr. ; Ernest A. Batchelder and Vernon O. Whitcomb, Pasadena, Calif.; Miss Helen L. Coe, Portland, Me.; W. G. Eliot, Jr., William T. Foster and Mrs. Millie Trumbull, Portland, Oreg. ; Sergeant Rich- ard Gamble, Providence, R. I.; Edward C Fel- lows, Randolph, N. Y. ; R. Andrew Hamilton, Rochester, N. Y. ; Charles DeY. Elkus and Mrs. Bert Schlesinger. San Francisco, Calif.; Dr. Sarah Kendall. Seattle. Wash.; U. G. Manning, South

Bend, Ind.; C. A. Fleming and S. Glasgow, Spo- kane, Wash.; Rev. James Boyd Coxe and Horace M. Swope, St. Louis, Mo.; Walter W. Nicholson and Miss Minnie E. Paddock, Syracuse, N. Y. ; Festus Foster, Topeka, Kan.; Burdette G. Lewis, Trenton, N. J.; Samuel Gompers, Washington, D. C, and Dr. Frank Oliver Hall, Winchester, Mass.

In criticizing productions, the members of a reviewing committee are required to bring to the picture the judgment of the typical audience and must endeavor to reflect what the people of the United States would think about any given pro- duction were they sitting en masse to view the picture. In other words, the standard of judg- ment must be public opinion and not personal prejudice or views.

The decisions of the National Board of Review are enforced by public officials and other agencies, which are kept acquainted with the criticisms and accomplishments of the Board, principally by the publication of a weekly official Bulletin. This publication is furnished free of charge to officials in the principal cities of thirty- eight states. It gives a list of all pictures re- viewed during each current week, with notes and decisions thereon. Accordingly, though the Board is a voluntary, extra-legal body, having no legal power resident in itself, its decisions have the effect of legal verdicts through the co-operation of mayors, license-bureaus, police departments and boards of public welfare in cities throughout the country, where the official correspondents enforce the judgments of the National Board.

That the National Board of Review is an active body is evidenced by the following excerpt from a recent publication of the organization: "The National Board sits at the gateway through which all motion pictures must pass before they reach the American public. During a single year a ceaseless stream of five thousand subjects flows past it. Since 1909 the National Board has daily inspected and passed upon films, until now it views 10.000 reels or 10,000.000 feet a year, which are copied from 20 to 150 times each and circulated in all parts of the United States."


The information compiled and submitted below gives the officers and directors of the National Association of the Motion Picture Industry, who were elected at the third annual meeting, held at Rochester, N. Y., on Aug. 6th, 1919. The per- sonnel of the executive committee follows. There are also included the other principal committees of the association, together with their respective chairmen. The headquarters of the National As- sociation is located in Room S06, Times Building. New York.

Officers and Directors for 1919-1920 President: William A. Brady. Wm. A. Brady

Picture Plays. Inc. Vice Presidents: Adolph Zukor, Famous Players- Lasky Corporation; Samuel Goldwyn, Goldwyn Pictures Corporation; Will C. Smith, Nicholas Power Company; E. M. Porter, Precision Ma- chine Company; P. A. Powers, Universal Film Mfg. Company; Paul H. Cromelin, Inter-Ocean Film Corporation. Treasurer: J. E. Brulatour. Eastman Film. Executive Secretary: Frederick H. Elliott, S06 Times Building.

Producers' Division, Class No. 1 Adolph Zukor, Famous Players-Lasky Corpora- tion.

J. Stuart Blackton, J. Stuart Blackton Feature

Pictures, Inc. William A. Brady, Wm. A. Brady Picture Plavs.


Paul Brunet, Pathe Exchange, Inc.

William Fox, Fox Film Corporation.

Samuel Goldwyn, Goldwyn Pictures Corporation.

D. W. Griffith, D. W. Griffith Enterprises.

Carl Laemmle, Universal Film Mfg. Company.

Richard A. Rowland, Metro Pictures Corporation.

Joseph M. Schenck, Norma Talmadge Picture

Corporation. Lewis J. Selznick, Select Pictures Corporation. Albert E. Smith, Vitagraph Company of America.

Supply & Equipment Division, Class No. S J. E. Brulatour, Eastman Films. Harry H. Allen, Wyanoak Publishing Company. Willard B. Cook. Pathescope Company of America.




Joseph F. Coufal. Standard Slide Company. Walter J. -Moore, H. C. Miner Lithographing Company.

E. M. Porter, Precision Machine Company. B. F. Porter.

"Will C. Smith, Nicholas Power Company. L. P. Weber, Acme Lithographing Company. Distributors' Division, Class No. 4

Walter W. Irwin, Famous Players-Lasky Cor- poration.

W. E. Atkinson, Metro Pictures Corporation. William J. Clark, Exhibitors Mutual Distributing Corporation.

Arthur S. Friend, Famous Players-Lasky Cor- poration.

Ricord Gradwell, World Film Corporation. Gabriel L. Hess, Goldwyn Distributing Corpora- tion.

Lewis Innerarity, Pathe Exchange, Inc. P. A. Powers, Universal Film Mfg. Company. John M. Quinn, Vitagraph, Inc. W. R. Sheehan. Fox Film Corporation. Percy L. Waters, Triangle Distributing Corpora- tion.

J. D. Williams, First National Exhibitors Circuit. General Division, Class No. 5

John C. Flinn, 485 Fifth Ave.

Fred J. Beecroft, 729 Seventh Ave.

George Blaisdell, 516 Fifth Ave.

Paul H. Cromelin, 21S West 42nd St.

Paul Gulick, 1600 Broadway.

Lesly Mason, 1587 Broadway.

J. Robert Rubin, 165 Broadway.

Julian M. Solomon, Jr., 141 East 25th St.

Thomas G. Wiley, 209 West 48th St.

Executive Committee

Walter W. Irwin, Chairman; William A. Brady, ex-offlcio; Jack G. Leo, Fox Film Corp.; Louis J. Selznick, Select Pictures; Paul H. Cromelin, John M. Quinn, J. E. Brulatour, Gabriel L. Hess, John C. Flinn, W. E. Atkinson, Lewis Innerarity, Arthur S. Friend.

Censorship Committee, Gabriel L. Hess; Fire Prevention Committee, J. E. Brulatour; Legal and Legislative Committee, Nathan Vidaver; Transportation Committee, P. H. Stilson.

In the following are submitted the various classes of membership in the National Associa- tion of the Motion Picture Industry and the entrance fees and annual dues for each class. Producer, Class No. 1.

Entrance Annual Fee. Dues.

Class A to comprise features re- leased through distributing companies $250 $100

Class B to comprise those who produce for State right sales and serials 150 50

Class C to comprise those pro- ducing for a program of one, two and three reels, producers of industrial pictures, and film

developers and printers 75 25

Exhibitors, Class No. 2

Seating Annual

Class. Capacity. Dues.

A 3001 or over $50

B 2001 to 3000 36

C 1001 to 2000 24

E> 501 to 1000 19

E 301 to 500 12

F 300 or under 6

Supply and Equipment, Class No. 3

Entrance Annual Fee. Dues.

Banner and Photograph Manu- facturers $50 §25

Camera, Studio and Laboratory

Equipment Dealers 100 50

Camera, Studio and Laboratory Equipment Manufacturers and Importers 250 100

Carbon Manufacturers and Im- porters 250 100

Chairs, Exclusive Dealers in.... 100 25

Chairs, Manufacturers and Im- porters 250 100

Chemical Manufacturers, Im- porters and Dealers: Class A, Manufacturers and

Importers ?S0 100

Class B 100 25

Costumes, Props and Furnishing

Manufacturers 150 50

Electric Sign Dealers 50 25

Electric Sign Manufacturers 100 SO

Electric Light. Heat and Power Comnanies ;

In Cities up to 100,000 50 10

In Cities up to 500,000 75 25

In Cities up to 1,000,000 150 75

In Cities over 1,000.000 250 100

Electric Light Plant Manufac- turers 50 25

Film Renovators 25 10

Film Cleaning Machine Manu- facturers 50 25

Lens for Cameras and Projectors, Manufacturers and Impor- ters of 100 50

Lithograph and Poster Manufac- turers 250 100

Lobby Display Manufacturers... 50 25

Motion Picture Machine Dealers. 50 25

Motion Picture Machine Distribu- tors 100 50

Motor Generator, Rotary Con- verter, Rectifier, Transform- er, Arc Controller and Rheo- stat Manufacturers 75 25

Musical Instrument Manufac- turers 150 100

Operating Booth Manufacturers

(asbestos or metal) 100 50

Printers of Tickets. Folders,

Heralds, Small Work 50 25

Projection Machine Manufac- turers and Importers: Class A, Standard Machines... 250 100 Class B, Home Machines (in- cluding Importers) 100 50

Raw Film Manufacturers, Im- porters and Agents 500 250

Screen Manufacturers and Im- porters 150 50

Slide and Novelty Manufacturers 50 25

Stage Lighting Equipment Man- ufacturers 150 50

Stage and Studio Scenery Man- ufacturers 150 50

Ticket Selling Machine and De- vice Manufacturers 75 25

Ventilating Equipment Manu-

turers 75 25

Engravers and Electrotypers. . . . 100 50

Distributor and Exchange, Class No. 4

Entrance Annual

Fee. Dues.

Motion Picture Film Distributors $500 $250

Exchanges (Each) 50 25

General Division, Class No. 5

Entrance Annual

Fee. Dues.

Advertising Agents $250 $100

Architects and Builders and Sub-Contractors:

In Cities up to 100,000 25 10

In Cities up to 500,000 50 25

In Cities up to 1,000.000. 150 75

In Cities over 1,000.000 250 100

Bill Posting Companies:

In Cities up to 100,000 50 10

In Cities up to 500.000 75 25

In Cities up to 1,000.000 150 75

In Cities over 1,000.000 250 100

Banks and Trust Companies.... 75 25

Camera Men 10 5

Employes of Establishments and Plants in any way connected with the Motion Picture In- dustry 2 2

Employment Agents 50 25

Exhibition Halls:

Up to 2500 Capacity 50 25

Over 2500 Capacity 100 50

Insurance Companies 250 100

Motion Picture Actors and

Actresses other than Stars.. 10 5-

Motion Picture Stars 150 75

Newspapers, Daily and Sunday:

In Cities up to 100,000 50 10

In Cities up to 500,000 75 25

In Cities up to 1,000.000 150 75

In Cities over 1,000.000 250 100

Program Publishers 50 25

Projection Engineers 25 10

Publications Devoted Exclusively

to Motion Pictures 250 100

Publications with Motion Picture

Department 150 100

Studio Directors 50 25

Studio Managers 25 10

Transportation and Express

Companies 250 100

Film Exporte-s and Forwarders 100 50

State Rights Buyers IP 5



President of San Antonio Pictures Corporation Mr. Arbuckle has been a prominent figure in the theatrical world for a good many years. Taking up the stage as his profession at an early age, he worked his way to stardom because of his talent and personality. He was starred in George Ade's drama, "The County Chairman," and also starred in "The Round-Up" and other plays. Mr. Arbuckle is now identified with pictures and holds the office of President of San Antonio Pictures Corporation and is also a member of the Board of Directors. The capital stock of this concern is $160,000.00. The Company started producing the first of July, 1919, under the direction of Leopold D. Wharton, and Mr. Arbuckle is featured exclusively in photo- play comedy-dramas. The first six subjects are from the pens of Holman F. Day, Irvin S. Cobb, George Barr McCutcheon, Archibald Clavering Gunter, George V. Hobart and Fred Jackson. For further information see " Actors."


Gerald F. Bacon Productions Gerald Bacon has been prominently identified with both stage and screen for many years, be- ginning his theatrical career with Sanger & Jor- dan, play-brokers, following a short time as min- ing engineer in the West. Mr. Bacon, in addi- tion to his work as play-broker and producer for the stage, has produced more than half a dozen photodramas, including "A Woman's Experience," "Men," "The Melting Pot," and "The Whirl of Life." Mr. Bacon's business address is the Ful- ton theatre, N. Y. C.


President and General Manager Mr. Bray was born in Michigan. He became a newspaper artist and cartoonist with the Brook- lyn Eagle and the Detroit Free Press. He was a pioneer in the development of animated cartoon processes. Became president of Bray Studios, 1915-1919, president of Bray Pictures Corporation in 1919. The address of this concern is 23 East 26th St., N. Y. C.


T ice-President Mr. Handy was born in Chicago and educated in the University of Michigan. Trained himself as a newspaper writer and executive with the Chicago Tribune under Medill McCormick. Later became asscociated with Harrington Emerson, efficiency expert. Then with Herbert Kaufman in sales and advertising business. In 1916-1918 be- came president of Keeley-Handy Syndicate with Chicago Herald. He is a writer of well-known motion picture serials. Specialist in production of Industrial Pictures.


Vice-President Mr. Leventhal was born in Tennessee and edu- cated himself as an architect. In 1916-1919 be- came identified with Teknagraph Films. In 1918 originated animated technical drawings, called "Keknagraphs." Produced "Training of Soldier Films" for U. S. Army. Originator of "Gasoline Engine Films." In 1919 he became vice-president of Bray Pictures Corporation.


Vice-Prcsidint and General Manager of Pathe Ex- change, Inc.

Paul Brunet. in addition to being vice-presi- dent and general manager of Pathe Exchange, Inc., has the signal honor of being an adminis- trator of Pathe Cinema, Ltd., of Paris, the International motion picture organization. He is the only vice-president of Pathe Exchange. Inc., who has been paid this high tribute. Mr.

Brunet was elected vice-president and general manager of Pathe Exchange, Inc., on Marcil 7, 1918. Under him the organization has grown into one of the most influential m the Mm industry. Mr. Brunet recently was honored by an appointment as one of the board of governors of the Franco-American Board of Commerce and Industry, along with such well known New York- ers as Albert Breton, Joseph T. Cosby, Pa«' Fuller, Jr., Ernest Iselin, Arthur B. Leach. ±i. Michelin, Jean Revillon, and J. R. Munoz, all of whom are identified with big enterprises. Before assuming his present offices with Paths Mr. Brunet was its comptroller. Under his administration and his power for organization the department gained vastly in its effective- ness. Before coming to this country from Francs five years ago to join the Eclectic Film Com- pany, which at that time distributed Pathe's product, Mr. Brunet was prominent in the bank- ing circles of Paris. All his business life has been devoted to the handling of big financial institutions, and the rapid growth of Paths Exchange, Inc., is a monument to his ability.


Producer See " Producers "


President C. L. Chester Productions, Inc., 120 West 41st St., N. Y. C. Mr. Chester is one of the pioneer producers in the motion picture industry. He has been a picture man all his adult life, starting in still photography and entering the motion picturs business almost as soon as motion pictures were invented. He has supervised the filming of many notable travel features and himself has taken subjects on trips into the wilds. C. L. Chester's Productions, Inc., produce Chester Outings, weekly, one reel travel pictures, and screenics, weekly, one reel combination animal life and Famous Wits release.


President Christie Film Company See " Producers "



Mr. Clark, in addition tr, being President of the Clark-Cornelius Corporation, is President of Ex- hibitors' Mutual Distributing Corporation. Con- solidated Theatres, Inc.. Grand Rapids. Mich.; an officer of and director in various industrial and financial corporations in Grand Rapids, Mich., and Little Rock. Ark.



Mr. Cornelius is also secretary and treasurer of the Wolverine Brass Works. Grand Rapids, Mich.; vice-president of Exhibitors' Mutual Dis- tributing Corporation and vice-president of the Consolidated Theatres, Inc., of Grand Rapids.



Mr. Rollo was formerly director of sales and exchanges for Exhibitors' Mutual Distributing Corporation; was sales manager of the Mutual Film Corporation, prior to which he was con- nected in an executive capacity with the sales department of Montgomery Ward Company. Chi- cago, and the National Biscuit Company.


General Manager Mr. Plumb was treasurer of the Exhibitors' Mutual Distributing Corporation, which position he took upon the completion of war work as exe- cutive secretary to the Tanners' Council; he has extensive interests in Grand Rapids, Mich., and was for some years connected with the sales de-




partment of the National Biscuit Company and the Loose-Wiles Biscuit Company in an executive capacity.


Assistant Treasurer Mr. Brown was director of publicity of Ex- hibitors' Mutual Distributing Corporation, prior to which he was advertising manager of the Mutual Film Corporation. His first connection with the film industry was as Western representa- tive of the Exhibitors' Trade Review, prior to which he was sales manager of the New York Evening Mail Syndicate and editorial executive on a Mid-West newspaper.


Jack and Harry Cohn

Jack Cohn's early career was identified with newspaper work. His screen career began with Universal Film Manufacturing Company, where he had charge of special exploitation. He is at present president of the Hall Room Boys Photo- plays, Inc., with offices at 1S00 Broadway. He distributes with his brother, Harry, the Hall Room Boys' comedies and series of educational and industrial pictures.


President of Deitrich-Beck, Inc., and De Luxe Pic- tures, Inc.

Theodore C. Deitrich was born in New Brighton, Pa., and until he entered the motion picture in- dustry four years ago had spent practically his entire life in newspaper and magazine work, hav- ing been managing editor and editorial and dra- matic writer in New York, Chicago, and San Francisco. Four years ago he was transferred by William Randolph Hearst from the New York American to the International Film Service, where he remained until November, 1917, when he organized the De Luxe Pictures, Inc., and since then Deitrich-Beck, Inc.


Owner and Producer of Cuckoo Comedies Mr. Dintenfass has been in the motion picture business for a great many years. He bought the Jacksonville studios, which include laboratories, from Lubin and there he produces the Cuckoo comedies which are released through United Pic- ture Theatres. He is owner and producer of the Lee Kid comedies, vice-president of Tribune Pro- ductions, Inc., president of Stellar Laboratories, secretary and treasurer of " My Four Years in Germany " Company, and owner of the Vim Film Corporation.


President of A. H. Fischer Features, Inc., and Vice- President and Treasurer of Octagon Films, Inc. A. H. Fischer, president and treasurer of A. H. Fischer Features, Inc., with studios and laboratory at 46 Main st., New Rochelle, N. Y., entered the film business in August, 1918, when in association with B. A. Rolfe, who produced the Houdini serial, "The Master Mystery." Since then he has produced, also with Mr. Rolfe, "A Scream in the Night," by Charles A. Logue. Or- ganized in June, 1919, with B. A. Rolfe and Charles A. Logue, A. H. Fischer Features, Inc., for the production of special features. Bought the former Thanhouser studios in New Rochelle. Now producing a series of pictures based on stories written by Robert W. Chambers, and a series of pictures based on stories by Charles A. Logue. Completed productions: "The Amazing Lovers," from " The Shining Band," by Robert W. Chambersffi " The Red Virgin," by Charles A. Logue. Besides his film activities Mr. Fischer is engaged in extensive glove and leather manu- facturing.


Vice-President A. H. Fischer Features, Inc., and President of Octagon Films, Inc. Mr. Rolfe was producer of vaudeville acts in association with Jesse L. Lasky and C. B. Mad-

dock. Entered film business as the head of Rolfe Photoplays, Inc., which he organized, and which produced Metro releases from the inception of Metro until 1918. One of the organizers of Octa- gon Films, Inc., which produced the Houdini serial, "The Master Mystery," as a B. A. Rolfe production. With A. H. Fischer and Charles A. Logue formed in June, 1919, A. H. Fischer Fea- tures, Inc., now producing Chambers and Logue stories.


Secretary A. H. Fischer Features, Inc.

Mr. Logue is writer of all scripts, both adapta- tions and originals, picturized by the company. Former newspaper man on New York World and New York Tribune; also contributor to Munsey's and other magazines. Wrote first script about three years ago "The White Raven,'' produced by Metro. Since then wrote the following original stories: "My Lady Incog" and "The Feud Girl" (Famous Players), "A Wife by Proxy" (Metro), "The Duchess of Doubt" (Metro), "Outwitted" (Metro), "The Compact" (Metro), "The Service Star" (Goldwyn), "Just for Tonight" (Goldwyn), "The Kingdom of Youth" (Goldwyn), "On Record" (Lasky), "Treason" (Empire), "Ashes of Embers" (Famous Players), "The Lost Bat- talion" (MacManus), "A Scream in the Night" (Rolfe-Selznick), "The Flame of the Desert" (Goldwyn), "The Red Virgin" (A. H. Fischer Features, Inc.) His adaptations are: "The Heir to the Hoorah" (Lasky), "My Four Years in Ger- many" (Gerard), "Laughing Bill Hyde" (Rex Beach-Goldwyn), "Too Fat to Fight" (Rex Beach-Goldwyn), "The Brand" (Rex Beach-Gold- wyn), "The Amazing Lovers" (Fischer Features). His serials are: "The House of Hate," "The Hid- den Hand," and "The Tiger's Trail" (Pathe), and "The Master Mystery" (B. A. Rolfe).


General Manager of A. II. Fischer Features, Inc. and Octagon Films, Inc.

Mr. Stewart, manager, the Princess theatre, New York, for three years; manager, the Knick- erbocker theatre, New York, under Triangle regime; manager, the Rialto and Rivoli theatres. New York, from the time of opening until Janu- ary 1, 1919. Theatrical producer under the firm name of Stewart and Morrison, Inc.. which pro- duced "Our Pleasant Sins" at the Belmont thea- tre, New York, season 1918-19; "Betty Behave," season 1919-20. General manager of A. H. Fischer Features, Inc., and Octagon Films, Inc., since January 1, 1919.


President Fox Film Corporal inn

William Fox got into the motion picture in- dustry of his own volition because he had been cheated in the purchase of a penny arcade and wished to recoup in some amusement enterprise. That was several years ago, and now he is the head of his own motion picture concern. Fifteen years ago William Fox was in the cloth-sponging business on the lower East Side of New York City. He soon progressed to foreman, manager, and eventually owner of the establishment. Soon after he ventured with his penny arcade with the zeal consummated, Mr. Fox found that the business was wholly fictitious. He set about the task of building up the business of the arcade, and in a few weeks was rewarded by a lucrative patronage. Encouraged, he branched out and took over two other similar enterprises, operating them successfully. From an arcade owner, Mr. Fox became a theatre owner. He leased the Dewey theatre in 14th street and the Gotham theatre in 125th street, New York. This was fourteen years ago, when the film business was beginning to attract attention. His start as a film man was humble enough. He formed the Greater New York Film Rental Company with offices at 116 East 14th street, and thus set himself up in business as a film distributor for the New York territory. The concern grad- ually branched out and established branch offices through the East. Mr. Fox then organized the Box Office Attraction Company. He formed a selling organization that covered twenty-twe cities and made preparations to produce his own plays, continuing the meanwhile the distribution of other companies' films. In 1914 Fox Film Corporation absorbed the Box Office Attraction Company. The Eclair studio was purchased.



companies were organized and productions started. He established a film printing plant at Fort Lee, N. J., in 1915, together with labora- tories for handling the entire output of the organization. Branch offices were established In the United States, Canada, South America, Australia, New Zealand and Cuba. In 1916 the studios at Hollywood were completed. In 1919 construction was started on the $2,600,000 Wil- liam Fox building at 10th avenue, from 55th to 56th streets, Manhattan. This building was constructed to house the administration offices, the eastern studios and the laboratory, and will accommodate nearly 5,000 employees. It in- cludes room tor twenty companies to work simul- taneously.


President Frazee Film Productions, Inc. Edwin Frazee will be remembered as a director of comedies formerly with Mack Sennett's Keystone Company. He was the creator of the comedy successes "Crooked to the End," "Bath- Tub Perils," also Fox Film comedy "Social Pi- rates." Mr. Frazee is the originator of trick photography as applied to moving picture com- edies and has reserved innumerable ideas to be used now that he has acquired his own com- pany and can consequently secure a free field to produce his effects. The Frazee Comedies feature humor attached to a rush of novel sit- uations. Riverside, California, has been chosen as the studio site, because of its natural setting, having a background of hills and vegetation with a reliable climate. Mr. Frazee has always de- veloped his own plots for scenarios and directs without any script, although he is open to sug- gestion and has a staff of assistants with that aim.


President Frohman Amusement Corp. Mr. Sherrill was born in Dadeville, Ala. Previ- ous to his connection with the motion picture industry he was identified with various life insurance companies in an executive capacity. Was the first film executive to recognize the screen value of legitimate stage attractions and popular novels and was the first in the industry to acquire the screen rights to certain works of Booth Tarkington, Lionel Sutro, Augustus Thomas, George Ade, Edward Locke and other literary celebrities. One of the pioneers in in- dependent productions and state right distribu- tion. Mr. Sherrill is a director in several com- mercial enterprises. City residence, Hotel Com- modore, New York: country residence. Rye, N. Y.


General Manager Frohman Mr. Goldburg was born in New York City. Educated Dwight School, New York Preparatory School, and New York Law School. Organized Life Photo Film Corporation, the first independ- ent producing organization in the United States. Created and established the state right method of distribution of productions and devised the territorial division of state rights and the per- centages originally allotted to each territory. Thereafter organized and was vice-president of Ocean Film Corporation and the Rialto Film Corporation. Has occupied several positions of supervising director, sales manager, advertising and publicity manager. At present engaged as general manager of the Frohman Amusement Corporation, Times Building, New York City.


President Crystal Film Company and Stockholder of Allgood Pictures Corporation

Joseph A. Golden has been identified with the motion picture business for several years, acting principally in the capacity of director. He has handled the megaphone for twelve years and Introduced the first stage star In pictures, namely, Blanche Walsh, in "Resurrection." He has di- rected Norma Talmadge, Lenore Ulric, Cyril Scott, Holbrook Blinn. Julia Dean, Helen Ware, Jane Grey, James O'Neill and many others. Mr. Golden is now directing a fifteen-episode serial called "The Whirlwind," starring Charles Hutchison, who Is the star of "The Great Gam- ble," a serial distributed by Pathe and directed by Mr. Golden.

SAMUEL GOLDWYN President Goldwyn Pictures Corporation Samuel Goldwyn began his business career at the age of thirteen in New York. He pursued a career along mercantile lines until the motion picture started to make inroads into American social development. In 1912 he induced Cecil DeMille to enter the picture field and a $20,000 corporation was formed with Jesse Lasky. In 1916 Mr. Goldwyn retired as chairman of the Board of Directors of the Lasky Corporation, and in 1916 he formed the Goldwyn Pictures Corporation, which started to produce pictures in 1917. He secured the services of many of the foremost stars, and in 1919 he directed the reorganization of the Goldwyn Company, with F. F. Godsol, the Shuberts, A. H. Woods and the Selwyns on the directorate and a capitaliza- tion of $20,000,000. In 1919 he formed the Emi- nent Authors Pictures, Inc., with Rex Beach as president and with Rupert Hughes, Leroy Scott, Basil King, Gouverneur Morris, Gertrude Atherton and Mary Roberts Rinehart under ex- clusive contract. Under his direction the Gold- wyn Company purchased the Triangle Studios at Culver City, California. In December, 1919, a merger of new interests was effected which brought H. F. Du Pont, Eugene E. Du Pont, W. W. Laird, R. R. M. Carpenter, C. C. Kurtz, E. V. R. Thayer, Duncan A. Holmes, William Topkins, George T. Blssel, G. W. Davison, Mac- millan Hoopes and Abbott M. Wittenberg into the Goldwyn Pictures Corporation.


Mr. Block' was born in Cherokee, Iowa, June 21, 1889. He was educated in public schools and traveled abroad. Graduated from University of Michigan in 1911. Became a member of the editorial staffs of Louisville Courier-Journal and Detroit News. Later dramatic critic of Kansas City Star and New York Tribune. Mr. Block left the latter newspaper to become associated with Goldwyn Pictures Corporation. Now abroad for Goldwyn Pictures Corporation.


President Supreme Pictures, Inc.

John W. Grey entered the motion picture busi- ness as advertising manager of Universal Film Manufacturing Company where he continued for a year and a half. While acting in that capacity he realized the value of merchandizing methods in the industry and in the sale of film. He planned the second serial ever released and real- ly the first syndicate serial, "Lucille Love the Girl of Mystery," handled "The Trey of Hearts," and started the "Black Box" campaign ex- ploited and assisted in establishing the feature, "Traffic in Souls." Mr. Grey left Universal to be- come assistant to the president of Mutual Film Company, supervising advertising and publicity, and handled and promoted the sales plans for "The Escape," "The Avenging Conscience," and other Griffith productions. He personally wrote and directed single reel productions for Norma Phillips and handled all costs for the Reliance studio in New York and Yonkers. Mr. Grey left Mutual to join Vitagraph as assistant to the president, A. E. Smith. While there he had supervision of sales, publicity, exploitation and productions; handled "The Battle Cry of Peace," and all features. When International was formed Mr. Hearst sent for Mr. Grey and ap- pointed him head of the exploitation department. He next became head of the scenario department and titling and editing department of Pathe and had personal supervision of all production; worked on many serials and personally wrote stories for Baby Marie Osborne series for Bryant Washburn, series for Astra, and conti- nuity for many leading features. Mr. Grey then left Pathe to go In business with Arthur B. Reeve and collaborated with him in writing the "Houdinl" serial, "Carter Case" serial, "One Million Dollars Reward" serial, "Grim Game" serial, "The Isle of Hate" feature, "White Lights" serial and "Whispering Walls" serial.


D. W. Griffith Attractions ; The Wark Producing Cor- poration; D. W. Griffith Bervice David W. Griffith Is one of the shining lights of the motion picture industry. More than any other factor In the picture world he Is rcsponal-



lile for putting the photoplay upon an artistic plane. This director and producer was formerly identified with the stage where he earned a salary of $15 a week. When the motion picture was launched as a form of entertainment he was quick to realize its tremendous possibilities and he joined the Biograph Company as an "extra" at an insignificant salary. He soon showed his worth and advanced to a position which com- manded a princely stipulation for those days some years ago. He is now recognized as the highest paid director in the picture field. David W. Griffith was the first to see the advantages of the multiple reel picture as a means of enter- tainment. He was the guiding genius of that masterpice "The Birth of a Nation," the first big picture ever produced in America. Where others used a mere handful of actors, Mr. Griffith used thousands. This picture was followed by an- other tremendous photoplay, "Intolerance." He went to England, where he was commissioned by the English Government with the taking of pic- tures for the war archives. The creation of his efforts on the other side was "Hearts of the World." Then followed "Broken Blossoms." Mr. Griffith has made dozens of photoplays of shorter length than the above mentioned. He is not only responsible for introducing such technical inventions as the "flashback" and "fade-out" and visualizing stories on a tremendous and lav- ish scale, but he is also responsible for bringing out many of our most brilliant screen stars. See also " Producers."


President of Grossman Pictures, Inc. Harry Grossman, producer and supervising di- rector of "$1,000,000 Reward," has forced his way to the front among producers of episode pictures, maintaining from the first a determina- tion and produce serials on the highest plane pos- sible. In his more recent activities in the pro- duction of serials, Mr. Grossman, in association with Octagon Films, Inc., was responsible for the serial production "The Master Mystery," with Harry Houdini. Following this he produced the Oliver Films, Inc., feature serial production "The Carter Case," with Herbert Rawlinson and Mar- garet Marsh as the featured players. He has now produced "$1,000,000 Reward," with Lillian Walker. Grossman Pictures, Inc., is located at Ithaca, N. T.


President of Classical Motion Picture Company, Inc.

Hopp Hadley first exhibited motion pictures in 1908 in an 800 capacity tent. He graduated from New York University in 1901. Was an actor and theatrical manager until entrance into picture business as scenario editor of Majestic Company. Was advertising manager of Reliance and Mutual. Is identified with Frank G. Hall enterprises.


President of Hallmark Pictures Corporation Mr. Hall entered the picture business as ex- hibitor, operating a chain of theatres in New Jersey. Later entered distributing branch of the independent field, buying and distributing Independent productions. Mr. Hall founded the Independent Sales Corporation and later merged his interests in Hallmark Pictures Corporation. He has five producing companies working. Also a serial company on the Pacific Coast under the supervision of Ben Wilson. He has more than thirty-five special productions on the market.


Producer See " Produce s "


President Hobart Henley Productions See " Producers "


President W. ^Y. Hodkinson Corporation

W. W. Hodkinson has been identified with the film industry for over twelve years, being one of the pioneers in the field. He entered motion pictures in Ogden, Utah, In 1907, in order to prove to himself that the nickel store-show

was not the limit of the motion picture field. Seeing after a time that he would have to insure his product, he opened a film exchange as rep- resentative of a Chicago concern. His salary was $15 a week. Then he and a partner bought one of the town's nickel shows, established a policy of changing films weekly and charged 10 cents admission. Within two years he had bought both his competitors out. He had also established a protective ruling for his territory and would rent his films only to houses charging 10 cents admission. He returned subsequently to Ogden, took over the exchange for that terri- tory, and opened a newer anl larger theatre. Later he took over a theatre in Salt Lake City and in 1911 went to Los Angeles and then to San Francisco as representative of General Film Company. In Los Angeles he put on a greatly improved basis in less than six weeks' time, but San Francisco was a hard nut to crack. Mr. Hodkinson saw that rulings were necessary, and being in full charge of the territory, announced that he would require large houses to charge 10 cents, with two changes a week, and that the small houses could run three reels only, limited to three changes a week. Later he took charge of the entire Pacific coast. Hodkinson estab- lished his concern in 1913. In 1914 he saw that to perpetuate his units on the coast he would have to apply these selective principles nation- ally. He got the Bosworth Company, the Famous Players Company and the Lasky Company as his units. He organized Paramount and made it a distributing organization. In 1916, resigned from Paramount and in 1917 began the labor of organizing a new distributing company and this became eventually the W. W. Hodkinson Corporation. In 1919 he offered his product to the exhibitors on an open booking sales plan.


President American Film Company, Inc. Samuel S. Hutchinson was born in Cheyenne Wyoming, in 1S69. Moved to Green County Illinois, in 1871, where boyhood days were spent. Educated at Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloom- ington, 111., receiving a degree of Bachelor of Science. Member of Sigma Chi Fraternity. Was president of the Interstate Oratorical Associa- tion in 1893. Started business career in Chicago bank. Sixteen years ago was president and general manager of the Theatre Film Service Company, Chicago. Three years later was presi- dent and manager of the H. & H. Film Service. Since 1909, the founding of the American Film Company, has been its president continuously; also president of the American Company. Lon- don. Limited, a British corporation, established in 1911, to handle the English and Continental activities of the American Film Company. Presi- dent of the American Projecting Company, man- ufacturers of the American Projectoscope, a portable motion picture machine. Mr. Hutchin- son has two sons, J. Hobart Hutchinson, assist- ant manager of the American Film Company, and Winston S. Hutchinson, connected with the sales and distribution division of the American Film Company. Home address, 6231 Sheridan road, Chicago, 111.


President of Victor Kremer Film Features, Inc.

Mr. Kremer has had a varied career in tht amusement business. Prior to entering the mo- tion picture field he was one of the biggest pub- lishers of popular music in the United States. During his career in the publishing business he maintained offices in New York, Chicago and San Diego, and handled many of the biggest song successes of the period. He entered the motion picture business as a producer and was responsible for the promotion of a series of Shorty Hamilton feature dramas and a series of pictures starring Margarita Fisher. During the past year he has become one of the factors in the distributing on a territorial basis, five of the most important Chaplin pictures, made during the comedian's contract with Essanay. Mr. Kre- mer maintains offices in New York, Chicago and San Diego, and in addition to the Chaplin fea- tures he handles many of the Essanay produc- tions starring Henry B. Walthall, Jack Gardner, Richard Travers. Bryant Washburn and others. He maintains residences in New York and San Diego, and is also largely interested in several clay mines situated on the west coast.




President Universal Film Manufacturing Company

From the partnership of a little clothing store to the presidency of one of the biggest moving picture concerns in a few years' time is the story of the meteoric rise of Carl Laemmle, the gfuiding genius of the Universal Film Manufac- turing Company. After Laemmle had accumu- lated the magnificent fortune of $4,000 from the profits of the sale of all wool creations to the populace of Oshkosh, Wis., he became struck with the idea of getting into a "ten cent" busi- ness. The crowds in front of a moving picture theatre in Chicago decided him moving pictures it was. He started a moving picture theatre in Chicago, and with his usual foresight, realizing the need of a distributing organization, created the first exchange. In 1909 he organized the Independent film producers into the Imp Com- pany, as a first step in the fight against the Gen- eral Film Company, then known as the "trust." In 1910 he organized the Motion Picture Sales Company, still fighting the trust, which was now giving ground. His purchase of 12,000 acres in the San Fernando Valley, late in 1912, was the beginning of the Universal City of to- day. The Universal Company sailed to the shores of rapid success with Laemmle at the helm. Practically every known screen star of today has at one time or another appeared in Universal pictures. Many of them owe their careers to Carl Laemmle's far-sightedness.


President Henry Lehrman Productions, Inc. See " Producers "


Sol Lesser Enterprises

Sol Lesser has been identified with the mo- tion picture industry since 1909, and at the present time the largest individual state right operator handling such films as "Hearts of the World," "Intolerance," "Mickey," "Yankee Doo- dle in Berlin," and the Sennett "Bathing Girl Act," "Sky-Eye," and many others. Mr. Lesser has just opened the Sol Lesser Film Exchange at 729 Seventh ave., N. T. C. The exchange will handle all the films Mr. Lesser buys for Greater New York. Branches are conducted in Cleveland, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle.

been with Metro Pictures Corporation as director general for the past three years. Supervises all productions. Mr. Karger is 5 feet 10 inches in height and weighs 174 pounds. Home address, Hollywood Hotel, Hollywood, Cal. Studio ad- dress, Metro Studio, Hollywood, Cal.


President Creation Films, Inc.

K. Hoddy Milligan was former president of the Franklin Oil and Gas Company, and has been connected with the theatrical business for the last fifteen years.


Director of Marshall Keilan Productions See " Producers "


President Adolf PMlipp Film Corporation See " Producers "


President C. U. Price Co., Inc.

Mr. Price has been associated with the motion picture industry for several years. He has been identified with the most prominent distributors and producers in the United States, always be- ing a leader in the establishment of the business of the concerns whom he represented. He has been special representative and manager of the New York exchange for the Triangle Distribut- ing Corporation, coast manager of the V. L. S. E., the Mutual, and western representative of the McClure Motion Picture Corporation. He resigned on January 1, 1919, as eastern repre- sentative of the Fox Film Corporation and or- ganized the business of C. B. Price Co., Inc., which has grown to such magnitude within the year that he has decided to move from the Times Building, New York, to more spacious quarters, equipped with new and improved ideas, furnishing every convenience for state rights and foreign buyers. There will be private pro- jection rooms, vaults and special editing rooms, together with private offices and reception rooms.


President of MacManus Corporation Mr. MacManus was born in Fishkill Landing, N. Y., and educated at Newburgh High School, Spencerian Business College, and Cornell Uni- versity. Early career, printer, correspondent for New York papers, reporter for New York World, circulation manager Collier's Weekly, ad- vertising representative Hampton's Agency, pro- motion manager for Ladies' World and Mc- Clure's Magazine. Motion picture career, orig- inated screen serials, developed idea which re- sulted in combination of Ladies' World and Edi- son and first serial, "What Happened to Mary?" He became general manager with Hearst service, organized serial combination with Pathe and Vitagraph ("Perils of Pauline," "Exploits of Elaine," "Goddess," "Wallingford." "Mysteries of Myra," and "Patria" (produced by Wharton, Inc.). Became manager with Paramount Pic- tures Corporation, produced independently "The Lost Battalion" with survivors and "The Gray Brother," with Thomas Mott Osborne. Mr. Mac- Manus was a member of 71st Regiment, N. G. N. Y. in Spanish War; on athletic teams of 71st Kegiment and Irish-American Athletic Club. He is a member of the Metropolitan Museum, New Y'ork Athletic Club, 71st Regiment Veterans' Club. Home address, 206 West 92d st., NYC


Director General Metro Pictures Corporation and Screen Classics, Inc. Mr. Karger was born in Cincinnati January 17 1S79. Was educated in Cincinnati schools. On reaching maturity became first violinist with orchestra of Metropolitan Opera House New Y'ork City. He remained with this Institution for seven years. Entered the motion picture busi- ness several years ago as a scenario writer. Has


President The Film Market, Inc.

Robert W. Priest was first identified with the dry goods business, and soon after became asso- ciated with a theatrical company which he suc- cessfully piloted throughout the countrv. He became manager eventually for DeWolf Hopper. William Faversham, Pavlowa and Mordkin (the imperial Russian ballet), etc., afterward joining the Messrs. Shubert, where he handled the Winter Garden attractions, the Hippodrome and musical comedies. While associated with Lee Shubert, Mr. Priest became interested in the motion picture business through the Captain Scott Antarctic films, which he edited and in- troduced in this country. Through this connec- tion Mr. Priest became the American manager of Gaumont, Ltd., of London. He exploited Pathe's "The Life of Our Saviour" and Paul J. Rainey African hunt pictures. Then followed a period in which Mr. Priest acted in various capacities with several distributing companies to round out a thorough education in the picture industry. He joined Thos. H. Ince as publicity director for "Civilization." From the Ince affif- iation he took charge of the defunct Patriot Film Corporation and revived Interest In the British Government pictures, which later be- came the Allied War Pictures. About this time Mr. Priest entered the state right field and as general manager of Arrow Film Corporation sold "The Deemster" on the open market. This ex- ploitation resulted in the partnership of Shallen- berger & Priest, the former being the president of Arrow. This firm handled independent pro- ductions for W. H. Clune, Harry Rapf, L. Law- rence Weber and others. At the height of this association he became associated with Robertson- Cole. When he sold his Interest to this concern he organized the Film Market, Inc., for the pur- pose of handling films for independent pro- ducers.





Mr. Kleine was born in New York in 1863. Attended New York schools and College of the City of New York. Received degree A. B., class of 1882. Started in business in Chicago in 1893, general optical business, special projection apparatus. Took up motion pictures in 1896. Introduced the Magniscope to this market. Spe- cialized in projection apparatus and moving pic- ture films from this period. Established Kleine Optical Company in 1897. Closed out general optical business in 1900, confining operations to moving picture machines and films. From 1900 to 1906 supplied the general demand for ma- chines and films, at that time largely confined to traveling lecturers, circus men, tent show- men, etc. Began importing films about 1903. Sold American and European made films to the early picture theatres and exchange men. Es- tablished selling and renting branches in the United States and Canada in 1906. In 1907 Mr. Kleine founded th6 Kalem Company, together with Messrs. Long and Marion. The name of the company was founded on the initials K-L-M. Was president of the Kalem Com- pany during its first year of operation. He gradually acquired exclusive control for the United States and Canada of the output of foreign producers as new manufacturers opened up, and by 1908 controlled the French factories Gaumont, Urban-Eclipse, Lux, Raleign and Rob- erts, Theophlle, Fathe; English factories Gaumont, Urban-Eclipse, Warwick, Walturdaw, Clarendon Film Co.; Italian factories Aquila-Ottolenghi, Itala Films (Rossi), Ambrosio. In combination with the Biograph Company opposed the Edison Licenses in 1908. Settled quarrels in December and accepted licenses from Motion Picture Pat- ents Company in January, 1909, sold his dis- tributing exchanges to the General Film Com- pany in April, 1910. Distributed his products through General Film Company thereafter. Vice-president of General Film Company 1910 to 1913, president 1916. In 1913 opened up vari- ous distributing offices to take care of super- features, such as "Quo Vadis," "Cleopatra?" "Spartacus," etc. Stopped European importations in 1914 and produced in America during the following years; 1915 to 1916 his exchanges dis- tributed his own productions and in addition to those of Edison, Essanay. and Selig. Closed branch exchanges in December, 1918. Since 1919 Mr. Kleine's film business has been conducted in his own name as an individual. At present time he has in addition, various interests in other film corporations.


President of Realart Pictures Morris Kohn was for many years a well known figure in motion picture theatres. In the past three years he has become widely acquainted in producing and distributing circles. A pio- neer in the motion picture theatre, Mr. Kohn about twelve years ago established the Auto- matic Vaudeville Company, opening the Unique theatre at 14th street and 6th avenue, and later opened and started theatres in many cities throughout the country, the most important of which were located in Boston, Chicago, Milwau- kee and Kansas City. He became treasurer of Select Pictures Corporation at the time of the incorporation of that concern, but later resigned his office to become treasurer of Realart Pic- tures Corporation.


General Manager Realart Pictures J. S. Woody's connection with the film world dates from 190S with O. T. Crawford Film Ex- change, St. Louis. In 1913 he became asso- ciated with the General Film Exchange, in a special capacity, covering all territory west of Denver. He stayed with this company until 1914, when he joined Mutual to handle the Pacific Northwest district. Two years later he became affiliated with Triangle in New York, where he attracted the attention of Arthur S. Kane, then general manager of Select, with the result that Mr. Woody became field manager for Select. He was later promoted to general sales manager, and when Mr. Kane organized Realart Mr. Woody went with him in the same position he held with Select. Since then he has been promoted to general manager, the posi- tion he holds at present.


Treasurer Romayne Co. Mr. Romayne is a member of the Oregon, California, and Washington bars, and up to three years ago was practising law.


General Manager Romayne Co. Mr. Ulrich is a member of the Oregon, Cali- fornia and Washington bars, and up to three years ago was president of the Auto Funding Company of America, and assisted in various enterprises, such as Pacific Tool and Steel Com- pany of Portland, Ore., the Fulton Ship Yards of Los Angeles, etc.


Treasurer Romayne Co. Mr. Baker was formerly deputy and sheriff of Kern County, California, for twenty years, and is a son of the founder of Bakersfield.


President Rothacker Film Manufacturing Company

Mr. Rothacker was born in Chicago May 6, 1885. The Idaho Thunder Mountain gold rush in 1901 drew him from the Lewis Technical High School, where at the age of 16 he sank all his available wealth in the Terror Mine. Then he went to work as editor-porter-business manager of the Wiener, Idaho, Signal. In order to support the Signal he hustled freight after- noons at the local railroad depot. But the Signal's appetite for printer's ink and white paper eventually proved too much for its 17- year-old editor's freight trucking capacity, and Mr. Rothacker went to work for a year on the Mule Shoe Bar Ranch in Colorado, learning how to rope steers and getting the price of a ticket back to Chicago. He was western manager of the Billboard in Chicago when he succumbed to the movie fever in May, 1910. He was the pioneer in the industrial films branch of the motion picture industry. Carl Laemmle, Robert H. Cochrane and Mr. Rothacker were the stock- holders in the Industrial Moving Picture Com- pany, the latter being general manager. In 1913 Mr. Rothacker bought out Messrs. Laemmle and Cochrane, and in 1916 a new corporation was formed and the firm name changed to the Rothacker Film Manufacturing Company. About five years ago he began doing laboratory work for others and developed this side of his business, until today large producers feature "Rothacker Prints" in their advertising. In the last few years the Rothacker Film Manufacturing Com- pany has put out a number of outdoor industrial and educational releases. The address of the company is 1339-1351 Diversey Parkway, Chi- cago, III.


Assistant to the President Select Pictures Corp. Mr. Pettijohn was born in Indianapolis May 5, 1881. Graduated from Indianapolis High School in 1900, and from Indiana University, Department of Law, in 1903. Practised law in Indianapolis 1903 to 1916. First became identi- fied with the picture industry an general coun- sel for American Exhibitors' Association. Was one of the first persons in the industry to talk exhibitor co-operation. Mr. Pettijohn has always been a firm believer that co-operative exhibitor producing and distributing organizations will eventually control the industry. Organized the Affiliated Distributors' Corporation, one of the few ventures which paid one hundred cents on the dollar before withdrawing from the field. Is an active supporter and worker in the Na- tional Association of the Motion Picture Indus- try. Signed a long-time contract with Lewis J. Selznick on October 20. 1919. Familiarly known in the industry as "Selznick's right bower."


Director of Sales, Select Pictures Corporation

After leaving the English High School, Boston, Mass., at the age of 17, Mr. Rogers was em- ployed as a representative for a haberdashery shop in Boston, visiting colleges, "prep" schools and a university, taking orders for haberdashery and clothing. After three years, resigned to


accept a position as representative for a cloth- ing specialty house and traveling throughout New England and New York State. Was with this concern for three years. Resigned to ac- cept a position as special representative for Mayer & Lowerstein, one of the largest manu- facturers of varnish in the country, calling upon the manufacturers of pianos, motor cars, furni- ture, etc. Covered New England and New York States. Was with them eight years. Upon get- ting married, he resigned from this concern, as he did not wish to do any more traveling. Mr. Rogers then built the first moving picture thea- tre in East Buffalo, called the Eastern Star. Also dabbled with a few state right productions such as "Three Weeks," "Neptune's Daughter" and some of the B. S. Moss releases.. Six months after having built this theatre Mr. Rogers made application to Mr. Selznick for a position as branch manager of his Buffalo exchange, and was accepted. This was the first position he held with any film company. After having met with success at the Buffalo office, a year later was given the Boston office. After having been in the Boston office for ten months, placing that exchange among the successful branches, Mr. Selznick at that time bought out Mr. Zukor's interest in the Select Pictures Corporation and offered him a position as director of sales a position which he accepted.


Vice-President and General Manager Select Pictures Corp.

A few years ago when Lewis J. Selznick was vice-president and general manager of World Film Corporation, Mr. Morris worked his way to the position of manager of World's Clevelana exchange. Later, when Mr. Selznick left the World Corporation and founded his own com- pany, he installed him as treasurer of Selznick enterprises. Shortly after, Mr. Morris, retaining his position as treasurer, became general man- ager. In this position he remained until Select Pictures Corporation was formed, at which time Mr. Morris was selected to handle the important sales territory lying in the rich heart of the central states, and given the title of East Cen- tral general manager, having jurisdiction over Select's Detroit, Cincinnati and Cleveland branches, with headquarters established In the latter city. Mr. Morris knows the film business thoroughly. He has been an exhibitor in Cleve- land before entering World Film Corporation's exchange in that city, and therefore is able to approach sales propositions from the theatre owner's angle. Sam Morris Is a native of OH City, Pa. In April, 1919, he was recalled to the home office to assume the position of vice-presi- dent and general manager, which position he now holds.


Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer Select Pictures Corporation

Mr. Selznick was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., and educated in the New York City public schools, Hamilton Institute and Columbia University. His business career started in 1916 when he be- came secretary of Film Advertising Service, Inc. In 1918 he became secretary of Selznick Pictures Corporation, and in 1919 the assistant treasurer of Select Pictures Corporation.


President Arrow Film Corporation W. E. Shallenberger hails from Ohio. He was a boyhood chum of the late Charles J. Hite, and when the latter made his entry into pictures In the days of the H. & H. Film Exchange of Chicago, Mr. Shallenberger, his brother and Sam- uel Hutchinson were Hite's partners and finan- cial backers. Later he assisted in the promotion of the American Film Company of Chicago, of which he was one of the largest stockholders. This led to the purchase of the Thanhouser plant of Edwin Thanhouser, effected by Hite, Shallen- berger and associates, and later the formation of the Mutual Film Corporation by the above. In which later venture they were joined by H. E. Aitken, J. R. Freuler, and other men who have become large operators In the film business. He later Joined the above in financing the N. Y. Motion Picture Company, Reliance


and Majestic. Then followed the Syndicate Film Corporation which made every one a fortune with its one release, "The Million Dollar Mys- tery." Mr. Shallenberger then started the Arrow Film Corporation, which concern produced for some time for Pathe and the State Rights Mar- ket. Connection with the latter field convinced Mr. Shallenberger that here was a real oppor- tunity for his endeavors and the operation of a brokerage office to take care of the requirements of the state right buyer. This has been ac- complished after a couple of years of hard work. The Arrow is known as an independent film concern. It is at present handling three serials, starring Ruth Stonehouse, Anne Luther. George Larkin, Ann Little and Jack Hoxie. In addition to their serial progress, it is releasing a big variety of short reel comedy and dramatic subjects as well as a feature program of large proportions.


President Equity Picture* Corporation

Mr. Somborn began his moving picture career in 1907 in Pittsburgh, Pa., associated with Clark and Rowland. As the firm expanded, he opened up branch offices throughout the United States, and was general manager of these offices. In 1909 he went into partnership with J. M. Mullen under the firm name of Mullen Film Service, this being the first film company to break Into "independent" distribution of pictures. He es- tablished offices in Syracuse, Kansas City, Min- neapolis, and other points. In 1911 he opened the first Feature Film Exchange in the United States at Rochester, N. Y. Later became con- nected with the original Majestic Motion Picture Corporation, starring for their first production Mary Pickford and Owen Moore. He later spent several years in California, becoming financially interested in numerous independent productions, among which was "The Unpardonable Sin." Mr. Somborn is now president of the Equity Pictures Corporation and actively engaged in its man- agement.


President Commonwealth Pictures Company, 1333 Argyle St., Chicago, III.

Mr. Spanuth is a pioneer in motion pictures and is recognized as one of the first men to make a film using a legitimate star, and prob- ably the first to employ the idea of state rights buying, and the first to utilize motion photogra- phy for political campaign purposes. He was general manager of Miles Bros. Film Exchange of New York, organized and operated Carl Laemmle's Film Exchange in the same city, afterward becoming advertising manager for the company distributing Universal and Mutual products. In 1912 he produced the five-reel drama "Oliver Twist," with Nat C. Goodwin as the star. Also covered Col. Theodore Roosevelt's tour of the country for motion pictures. He developed the Celebrated Players' Co., and or- ganized and acted as managing director of the Central Film Co. Mr. Spanuth was instrumental in forming the F. I. L. M. Club of Chicago, the first of such associations of exchange men for greater efficiency and correction of untoward con- ditions in their work. Mr. Spanuth is producing the "Vod-a-Vil Movies," which consist of four to six vaudeville acts, released in lengths of one thousand feet, every other week. "Spanuth's Sermonettes" is his latest achievement. It por- trays ethical ideals in pictures of one-reel length released twice each month.


President Maurice Tourncur Productions, Inc. See " Producers "


President Transatlantic Film Corp. Mr. Roach was born in England and was edu- cated at Harrow, Cambridge and Paris universi- ties. Formerly special correspondent to the Dally Mai! of London and subsequently airplane manu- facturer. Entered the motion picture business in 1910 as European publicity director for Rex. Imp and Solex Films. Director of the Histrionic Film Company, which was the first to present



Sarah Bernhardt In moving pictures. Later pub- licity and continental manager for Transatlantic Film Company, London. Then produced films In England and Denmark. Four years In Intelli- gence Department of British Army.


American Sales Manager Transatlantic Corp. Mr. Harrison was born in 1893 in Philadelphia, Pa., and educated in Montreal, Quebec, and Lon- don, England. Screen career, exhibitor In Mon- treal two years, publicity, Broadway theatre, New York City. American Sales Director of Trans- atlantic Film Company of America, Inc.


President and General Manager Tyrad Pictures Mr. Radin was born In Sweden, migrated to the United States when he was eight years old and attended the public schools of New York City. He graduated from New York University and in 1904 was admitted to the bar of New York, having received the degrees of A. B. and LL.B. He then conducted a chain of theatres in Long Island in Rockville Centre, Lynbrook, Hempstead and Mineola. known as the O'Connor-Radin cir- cuit. Mr. Radin also conducted a number of theatres on the lower East Side of New York. He then went into the employ of the Universal Film Manufacturing Company as salesman. He was thereafter promoted to take charge of the Jewel productions in New York City, which he launched. He then became manager of that In- stitution and supervised certain territory on be- half of the Universal Film Manufacturing Com- pany. He became president and general manager of Tyrad Pictures, Inc., in February, 1919. Mr. Radin is married, has a family, a son and daugh- ter, and resides in this city.


President Timely Films, Inc., AyVeeBee Corporation and V. B. K. Corporation

Mr. Van Beuren became a producer of motion pictures when he brought Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew back to the screen in two-reel comedies. His preceding Interests in the amusement line in- clude the ownership and management of the Moorish Gardens and the Van Kelton Stadium Airdomes, the Notlek Tennis Courts and Ice Skat- ing Rinks in New York City. For many years he was vice-president of the Van Beuren Blllposting Company. Mr. Van Beuren still retains his inter- ests in all these concerns. Timely Films, Inc., produce "Topics of the Day," selected from the press of the world by The Literary Digest and distributed by Pathe. The AyVeeBee Corporation produce the Paramount-Ernest Truex Comedies. V. B. K. Corporation produce the Paramount- Drew Comedies.


President of Apollo Trading Corporation and L. Law- rence Weber Photo Dramas, Inc. Mr. Weber has been Identified with amusements for several years. With Bobby North he organ- ized the Popular Plays and Players, Inc., which exploited Mme. Petrova. When Metro " bought in " its producing companies, Popular Plays and Players was dissolved. The same two men have had years of experience in theatrical producing as well, Mr. Weber being manager of the Long- acre theatre, N. Y. C. When Popular Plays and Players was dissolved Messrs. Weber and North organized the L. Lawrence Weber Photo Dramas, Inc., which produced for its initial venture "Raffles, the Amateur Cracksman," with John Barrymore. This corporation consists of Mr. Weber, Mr. North and Lee Shubert and has just completed making the stage play, "The Blue Pearl," and will make a number of other produc- tions during the year.


President Canyon Pictures Corporation Mr. Weinberg entered the motion picture busi- ness in 1905, opening an exchange at 27 E. 21st St., N, Y. C. He became interested in a moving

picture theatre at 129 E. Houston St., N. Y. C, and a theatre at 1759 Pitkin ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. Weinberg first began producing in 1912; at that time also became associated with Exclusive Features, Inc., conducting a film exchange. He has always been an advocate for pictures with thrills produced with technical details and proper direction, maintaining that people are ready to admire red-blooded action. He is also a firm be- liever in the heart interest story.


President Bctzwood Film Company

Mr. Wolf, president of Betzwood Film Com- pany, is a member of the banking firm of Wolf Brothers & Company, Philadelphia, who have large and varied interests throughout the country.


President Famous Players-Lasky Corporation

Adolph Zukor, son of Jacob and Hannah Zukor, was born on January 7, 1874, and at the age of 16 came to America. His first position in this country was as a sweeper in a fur store. The boy worked hard and advanced rapidly an ad- vance hastened financially by the Invention of a patent snap in furs. In 1894 Mr. Zukor left for Chicago, where he entered the <ur trade and it was there he met his future wife, whom he mar- ried in 1897. Returning to New York in 1903. he ventured with Marcus Loew in the Penny Arcade, a feature then in vogue. This was the foundation of the Marcus Loew Enterprises, of which Mr. Loew became president and Adolph Zukor treasurer, extending soon to a chain of theatres all over the East. Shortly after the be- ginning in the exhibiting end of the moving pic- ture business, the photoplay began to lose its first novelty because of the crude pictures which the producers of those days turned out. Mr. Zu- kor soon realized that unless the standard of the screen was raised the industry was doomed to perish, and he wrote to the various producing companies begging them to raise their standards. Mr. Zukor stated that if they didn't give him better pictures he would make them himself. This decision resulted, in 1912, in the formation of the Famous Players Film Company, for which Mr. Zukor secured the services of Daniel Froh- man. In September, 1913, the success of the first features attracted into the field other con- cerns which adopted the policy of the Famous Players, among which were the Jesse L. Lasky Feature Play Company and Bosworth, Inc., who combined their distributing sources in order to give exhibitors a more extended service, for which purpose the Paramount Pictures Corpora- tion was launched. On July 1, 1916, the Famous Players Film Company and the Jesse D. Lasky Feature Play Company combined under the name of Famous Players-Lasky Corporation. On Sep- tember 1, 1916, the Famous Piayers-Lasky Cor- poration absorbed the Oliver Morosco Photoplay Company and Bosworth, Inc. The latter wos producing under the title of Pallas Pictures. Ill October, 1916, the Artcraft Pictures Corporation was created to distribute productions of Mary Pickford and other stars and producers. On January 1, 1917, Paramount Pictures Corporation was absorbed by Famous Players-Lasky Corpo- ration. On April 15, 1917, Artcraft Pictures Cor- poration was absorbed by the Famous Players- Corporation, and Paramount and Artcraft Pic- tures was placed on the open market by the Star Series plan, beginning August 5, 1917. In January, 1918, the sales and executive depart- ments of Artcraft and Paramount were coordin- ated and the corporate names of these concerns were discontinued, but retaining the trademarks and making all sales through Famous Players- Lasky Corporation.


Born in Evanston, 111., and educated there. Entered the newspaper business as a reporter on the Chicago Inter-Ocean. Later joined the staff of the New York Herald, serving nine years as reporter and dramatic editor. Five years ago be- came publicity manager of the Jesse Lasky Fea- ture Play Company, and on the formation of the Famous Players-Lasky Corporation became Its Director of Advertising and Publicity. In Febru- ary, 1920, assumed high executive position as head of the corporation's Exhibition Department.

eveloping and Printing

How do you figure ycur

bills for positive prints by the price you pay per foot or by the service the prints actually render?

In "service" should be

reckoned screen value right up to the time of the last run.


List of Film Companies


Acme Motion Picture Company, Austin ave., Chi- cago, 111. Oscar Holmes.

Acme Pictures Corporation, 220 West 42d St., N. T. C. Leonce Perret, director.

Adventure Sceuics Corporation, c/o Robertson- Cole Company, 1600 Broadway, N. T. C. Jesse G. Sill, H. H. Brownell, John Rantz.

Alexander Film Corporation, 126 West 46th St., N. T. C. William Alexander, president.

ALkire Company, Wright-Callender Building, Los Angeles, Cal. Walter H. Alklre, president; Philip H. White, production manager.

Alter Laboratories, 4500 Sunset Boulevard, Holly- wood, Cal. Joseph (Altschuler) Aller, proprie- tor, 500,000 weekly equipment. Laboratory did negative and print work for all Griffith subjects past five years. Also "The Miracle Man," "Daddy Longlegs," "The Unpardonable Sin."

Allgood Pictures Corporation, 815 Longacre Bldg., N. Y. C. Philip Bernstein, president; Louis F. Orenstein, vice-president; Amiel Alperstein, treasurer and general manager; Joseph A. Holden.

Allied Film Corporation, Washington and First sts., Spokane, Wash. Charles Dreyer, manager.

Alpha Pictures, Inc., 126 West 46th St., N. T. C. M. Rothflelsh, president; B. Kerzner, treas- urer; B. H. Mills, sales manager.

American Cinema Corporation, 411 Fifth ave., N. T. C. Walter Niebuhr, president; James S. Sheehan, studio manager.

American Film Company, Inc., 6227-6235 Broad- way, Chicago, 111. Samuel S. Hutchinson, president; John R. Freuler, secretary and treasurer. Department heads R. R. Nehls, general manager; J. Hobart Hutchinson, as- sistant manager; C. A. Stimson. general sales manager; L. M. Belfield, publicity director; A. L. Thompson, western studio, manager, Branches American Companv (London). Ltd., 89-91 Wardour st., London, W. I., England; all Pathe exchanges in the United States. Studios and laboratories Santa Barbara, Cal.; Chi- cago, 111., and Croydon. Eng. (See also Amer- ican Projecting Company and Signal Film Cor- poration. )

American Projecting Company, 6229 Broadway, Chicago, 111. Samuel S. Hutchinson, John R. Freuler, officers. Department heads R. R. Nehls, general manager; J. Hobart Hutchinson, assistant manager; Arthur McMillan, sales manager; Bruno Stechbart. superintendent. Factory, 11-17 South Desplaines St., Chicago, III. See also American Film Company, Inc.)

G. M. Anderson Photoplay Company, Longacre Bldg., N. Y. C. G. M. Anderson. (See Golden West Productions.)

Apollo Pictures Company, 1402 Broadway, N. Y. C. (See Harry Raver.)

Apollo Trading Corporation, 220 West 48th St., N. Y. C. L. Lawrence Weber, president; Ben- jamin Hicks, vice-president; Bobby North, treasurer; Ben A. Boyar, office manager. Branch 28 Denmark St., London, Eng. (See also L. Lawrence Weber Photo Dramas, Inc.)

Roscoe Arbuckle Comedies, Culver City, Cal. (See Comique Film Company.) Released through Famous Players-Lasky Corporation, 485 Fifh ave., N. Y. C.

The Argus Motion Picture Company, Inc., 816-

823 Prospect ave., Cleveland, Ohio. H. H. Cud- more, general manager.

Arrow Film Corporation, Candler Bldg., N. Y. C. W. E. Shallenberger, president; W. Ray John- ston, vice-president and treasurer; P. B. Dana, sales manager; M. Cohen, London office.

Art class Pictures Corporation, Longacre Bldg., N. Y. C. Adolph Weiss, president; George M. Merrick, supervisor of productions. Studioa, Yonkers, N. Y. (See also Numa Pictures Cor- poration.)

Artco Productions, Inc., 135 West 44th St., N.' Y. C. Arthur Beck, president; Leah Baird, secre- tary and treasurer. Studio, Leah Baird Studios, Cliffside, N. J. (See also Arthur Beck Serial Productions, Inc., and Gibraltar Pictures.)

Artcolor Pictures Co., Inc., 126 West 46th St., N. Y. C. Louis J. Dittmar, president; Ed. H. Phillippl, vice-president; C. Lang Cobb, gen- eral manager.

Art-O-Graf Film Company, Inc., Guardian Trust Bldg., Denver, Col. O. B. Thayer, president and production director; Tom Gibson, managing editor; David W. Townsend, secretary and treasurer; Vernon L. Walker. Studio, Engle- wood, Col.

Astra Film Corporation, Glendale, Cal. L. J. Gasnier, president; Mrs. Emma Gasnier, vice- president; G. Bardet, secretary; Frank Orms- ton, art director; Opal Craig, film editor; AL Sprague, stage manager; S. E. Schlager, pub- licity manager; Ethel Wood, chief clerk; Ken- neth O'Hara. studio manager; James Home, director. Studios, Glendale, Cal., and 1 Con- gress St., Jersey City, N. J. Productions re- leased through Pathe Exchange, Inc.

Atlas Educational Film Company, 63 E. Adams

St., Chicago, 111. I. R. Rehm, president; L. Palmer Bowman, studio director; Charles W. Hitchcock. Studio, Diamond studio, 2624 Mil- waukee ave., Chicago, 111.

Atlas Film Corporation, Newton, Mass. Frank J. Howard, president; L. E. Dadmun, vice- president and general manager; Herbert L McClearn, treasurer; Ida Harrison, general representative. Studio, Newton, Mass.

Attractions Distributing Corporation, 1482 Broad- way, N. Y. C. Bernard P. Fineman. president. Controls the Katherine MacDonald Pictures and the Paramount-Burlinghom Travel Pic- tures.

Ay-won Film Corporation, 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C. Nathan Hirsh, president.

AyVeeBee Corporation, Palace Theatre Annex, 1562 Broadway, N. Y. C. Amedee J. Van Beu- ren, president; Edward J. Shalvey, treasurer; Clayton J. Heermance, secretary; Mann Page, scenario editor; Rutgers Neilson, director of publicity and advertising. Producers of Para- mount-Ernest Truex Comedies. (See also V. B. K. Film Corporation and Timely Films, Inc.)


B. B. Features, Brunton Studios, 5341 Melrose ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Franklyn L Hutton, president; Howard C. Hickman, vice-president; Lynden Bowring, secretary; J. L Frothlng- ham, treasurer and general manager.

Gerald F. Bacon Productions, Fulton Theatre Bldg., 46th st. and Broadway, N. Y. C. Gerald F. Bacon and Oliver D. Bailey, directors of company.

Leah Baird Studios, Cliffside, N. J. Arthur F.

Beck, president.

Reginald Barker Productions, c/o Goldwyn Stu- dios, Culver City, Cal.

Baumer Films, Inc., 6-8 West 48th St., N. Y. C. N. J. Baumer, president; W. J. Casey, vice- president; Emile Levy, secretary and treasurer. Department heads E. H. Philippi, sales man- ager; J. D. Barnard, supervisor of production; Carl Bender, publicity. Branches Boston, 44 Bromfleld St.; Chicago, 1714 Tribune Bldg. Ex- changes— Principal cities throughout the United States.

Bay State Film Company, 10 High St., Boston, Mass. Chester M. Coram, president and man- ager.

Rex Beach Pictures Co., Inc., 469 Fifth ave., N. Y. C. Samuel Goldwyn, president; Rex Beach, vice-president; Gabriel L. Hess, secre- tary and treasurer. (See also Goldwyn Pic-



tures Corporation and Eminent Authors Pic- tures, Inc.)

George Beban Company, Hollywood, Cal. George Stout, manager.

Arthur F. Beck Serial Productions, Inc., 135 West 44th St., N. Y. C. Arthur F. Beck, president and treasurer. Studio, Leah Baird Studios, Cliffside, N. J. (See also Artco Productions, Inc., and Gibraltar Pictures.)

Betzwood Film Company, The, Empire Bldg., 13th and Walnut sts., Phila., Pa.; Clarence Wolf, president; Ira M. Lowry, vice-president and general manager; F. C. Wagner, Jr., treas- urer; Norman Jefferies, scenario, publicity, ad- vertising sales, etc. Studios, Betzwood, Mont- gomery County, Pa. ; P. O. address, Port Ken- nedy, Pa.

Big Productions Film Company, care of Arrow

Film Corporation, 220 West 42nd St., N. T. C.

W. Ray Johnston, president. Big V Comedies, care of Vitagraph Company of

America, 1600 Broadway, N. T. C. Biograph Studios and Laboratories, 807 East

175th St., N. Y. C. H. H. Bruenner; Thomas

A. Persons.

J. Stuart Blackton Feature Pictures, Inc., 25

West 45th St., N. Y. C. J. Stuart Blackton, president and director general; J. Stuart Black- ton, vice-president; Sanford Samuel, treasurer; Stanley Olmsted, scenario editor. For Depart- ment Heads see Pathe Exchange, Inc. Studio, 423 Classon ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Carlyle Blackwell Productions, Hollywood, Cal. New York office, 1457 Broadway. Studio, Hol- lywood Studios, Santa Monica Blvd. and Sew- ard st., Hollywood, Cal.

Blazed Trail Productions, Inc., care of Arrow Film Corporation, 220 West 42nd St., N. Y. C.

Bloxbe Pictures Corporation, 130 West 46th St., N. Y. C. E. Scnwalbe, president and general manager.

Bloom Film Laboratory, 7520 Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood, Hollywood, Cal. John M. Lacka- mira Bloom, proprietor and manager. Present capacity, negatives, 40,000 daily; positives, 130,- 000 daily.

Boston Art Film Studios, Inc., 146 Stuart St., Trinity Court, Boston, Mass. Edward A. Mey- senburg.

William A. Brady, The Playhouse, 48th St., N. Y. C.

Bray Pictures Corporation, The, 23 East 26th St., N. Y. C. J. R. Bray, president; J. F. Leven- thal, vice-president; Jamison Handy, vice- president; Watson B. Robinson, secretary and treasurer; E. D. Parmelee, assistant secretary and treasurer; Rowland Rogers, assistant sec- retary and treasurer. Department heads Mrs. Marguerite Gove, scenario; Rowland Rog- ers, educational; Max Fleischer, cartoon; F. Lyle Goldman, technical art; J. F. Leventhal, experimental and research; E. Dean Parmelee, head of Chicago office; Jamison Handy, sales. Branch office, 208 So. La Salle St., Chicago, 111.

Brentwood Film Corporation, 4811 Fountain ave., Hollywood, Cal. Lloyd C. Haynes, president; W. H. Rimmer, vice-president; Willard Bar- rows, treasurer; H. M. Brandel, assistant treas- urer; S. P. Trood, secretary; H. L. Maynes, assistant secretary; Sarah Y. Mason, A. D. Rip- ley, scenarios; R. B. Putney, supt. laboratory; Henry Kolker, Claude Mitchell, directors. Studio, 4811 Fountain ave., Hollywood, Cal.

Briggs Pictures, Inc., 30 East 42nd St., N. Y. C. C. A. Briggs, president; Mr. Yokel, vice-presi- dent; J. S. Gillespie, treasurer; John William Kellette, director; Lew Taylor, cameraman; Edward Becker, assistant cameraman; Doty Hobart, scenario editor; Alex Yokel, general manager. Studios, Eastern, Hudson Heights, N. J.; Southern headquarters, Briggs Studio, 9th and Main sts., Jacksonville, Fla. Pictures released through Famous Players-Lasky Corp.

British-American Finance Corporation, 126 West 46th St., N. Y. C. Nancibelle Grant, president.

J. Frank Brockliss, 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C. Sidney Garrett, president. Branch 167 War- dour St., London, Eng. Five branches through- out Great Britain, Dublin, Paris, Turin Mos- cow, Barcelona, Brussels, Copenhagen, Sydney, Cape Town, Bombay, Tokio. '

Bobert Brunton Productions, 6301-5601 Melrose ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Studio, Robert Brun- ton Studios, 5301-5601 Melrose ave., Los An- geles, Cal. (Care W. W. Hodkinson Corpora- tion, 516 Fifth ave., N. Y. C.

Brunton Studios, 5341 Melrose ave., Los Angeles Cal. Robert Brunton, president and general manager; M. C. Levee, vice-president and busi- ness manager; J. S. Frothingham, treasurer; J. C. Okey, technical director; R. B. Kldd, sce- nario editor; M. P. Havez, Irene Rivierre, Flor- ence Parks, scenarios; Ernest C. Warde, '"How- ard Hickman, directors.

Buffalo Motion Picture Corporation, s. e. cor. 6th, ave. and 48th St., N. Y. C. Frank L. Talbot, president; Frank B. Caldwell, vice-president; J. William Prouse, second vice-president; James M. Sparks, secretary. Peter Ernst, An- drew J. Keller, Louis J. Moschell, Edward A. Jones, William Atkinson constitute the board' of directors. Buffalo office, 338 Ellicott Square.

Bulls Eye Film Corporation, 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C. Milton L. Cohen, president and treasurer; Wm. Moore, vice-president; Nat. H. Spitzer, studio manager. Studio, 5821 Santa Monica Boulevard, Hollywood, Cal.; Long Beach, Cal.

Burrud (Sunset) Scenics, c/o Bulls Eye Film Cor- poration, 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C.

Burston Films, Inc., Longacre Bldg., N. Y. C. Louis Burston. president; M. C. Kenny, secre- tary; M. T. Benjamin, treasurer; James Cal- well, publicity; W. S. Van Dyke, director. Studio, 6050 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Cal.

Byoir & Hart, 6 West 48th St., N. Y. C. Charle* S. Hart.


William Christy Cabanne Producing Company,.

1745 Allesandro St., Los Angeles, Cal.

Campbell Comedies, 1720 N. Soto St., Los Angeles, Cal. Wm. S. Campbell, Edna Schley, John- Grey, Al McKinnon and S. W. Wallace. Using E. & R. Jungle Film animals. Wm. S. Camp- bell, director, producing series of animal com- edies for release through C. L. Chester Pro- ductions, Inc.

Canadian Photoplays, Ltd., Calgary, Can. Ncr York office, First Nat. Ex. Cir., 6 West 48th st.

Canadian Photoplay Productions, Ltd., Toronto,. Can. Harold J. Binney, director general. Studio, Toronto, Can.

Canyon Pictures Corporation, 126 West 46th St., N. Y. C. Jack Weinberg, president; Joseph M. Goldstein, treasurer. Studio address, 3800 Mis- sion Road, Los Angeles, Cal. Producing West- ern pictures starring Franklyn Farnum.

Albert Capellani Productions, Inc., 1457 Broad- way, N. Y. C. Albert Capellani, president; Harry Cahane, treasurer; Louis M. Jerowski, secretary. Department heads, Sollto Solano, director of publicity. Studios, Solax Studio, Fort Lee, N. J., and Brunton Studio, Holly- wood, Cal.

Capital Film Company, Consumers Bldg., Chi- cago, 111. S. L. Barnhard, president; D. A. Coulter, vice-president; B. Herbert Milllgan, treasurer; J. R. Lorain, publicity manager; C. E. Eckels, general manager; Carl H. Pafen- bach, studio manager; John Powers, produc- tion manager; Christeen H. Warnack, scenario; Milton Baker, technical director; Roy A. Eiler, supt. laboratory; M. Fahrney, director. Studio, Hollywood, Cal.

Capital Pictures Corporation, Inc., Fairfax, Va. Marshall Hartman, president and director gen- eral.

Capitol Comedies, care of Goldwyn Distributing; Corporation, 469 Fifth ave., N. Y. C.

Lloyd Carleton Productions, 430 So. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Lloyd B. Carleton.

Edwin Carewe Productions, Inc., 1457 Broadway, N. Y. C. Edwin Carewe, president; Harry C. Cahane, treasurer; Abraham L. Feinstein, sec- retary. Department heads, Solita Solano, di- rector of publicity. Studios, Solax Studio, Fort Lee, N. J., and Brunton Studio. Hollywood, Cal.

Celebrated Players Film Corporation, 207 So. Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. J. L. Friedman, president.

Century Comedies, 1600 Broadway, N. Y. C. (See. Universal Film Manufacturing Company.) Studios, Hollywood, Cal.

Charles Chaplin Film Corporation, 1420 La Bres/ ave., Hollywood, Cal. Alfred Reeves, studio- manager; Charles Chaplin, scenario editor; Douglas Tuck, technical director; Charles Levin, supt. laboratory; Charles Chaplin, director.

Sydney Chaplin Company, 6642 Santa Monica. Blvd., Hollywood, Cal. Sydney Chaplin, pro-



auction manager; Henry Clive, art director; Cliff Elfeldt, Reggie Lyons, directors; John Meighan. master of properties.

Chaplin-Mayer Pictures Company, 2 West 45th st., N. Y. C. Louis B. Mayer, president; Bennie Ziedman, vice-president; J. Robert Rubin, sec- retary and treasurer; Arthur H. Rosson, direct- or; A. G. Kenyon, George Hall, directors; Wil- liam Shav, film editor; Jack Neville, publicity; George Hopkins, art director; Antonio Gaudio, Hal Rosson, cameramen. Studio, 3800 Mission road, Los Angeles, Cal.

Character Pictures Corporation, 17 West 42 nd st., N. Y. C. Albert W. Plummer; Charles W. Buck; David Shapiro. .

Emil Chantard Pictures Corporation, Fort Lee, N J. Emil Chautard. Studio, Fort Lee, N. J.

C. Li. Chester Productions, Inc., 120 West 41st st., N. Y. C. C. L. Chester, president; H. H. Caldwell, vice-president; Katherine Hilllker, secretary; Raymond S. Harris, sales manager and advertising; Katherine Hilliker, editor of productions. (See also Outing-Chester Pic- tures.)

Christie Film Company, 6101 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Al E. Christie, president; C. H. Christie, treasurer and general manager; Fred L. Porter, vice-president and secretary. De- partment heads, Al E. Christie, director of pic- tures; Scott Sidney, director of pictures; Wil- liam Beaudine, director of pictures; W. Scott Darling, editor of scenario dept.; Frank R. Conklin, Keene Compson, Jack Jevue, Nan Blair, Harry Loos, scenarios; Pat Dowling, pub- licity and advertising. Studio, 6101 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Christie Comedies are released through the following independent ex- changes— Peerless Film Service Co., San Fran- cisco; Peerless Film Service Co., Los Angeles; The Greater Features, Inc., Seattle; Celebrated Players Film Corp., Chicago; First National Exchange. Inc.. New York; First National Ex- change, Inc.. Buffalo; Quality Film Co., Inc., Pittsburgh; Electric Theatre Supply Co.. Phila- delphia; E. & H. Film Distributing Co., At- lanta; American Feature Film Co., Boston; American Feature Film Co., New Haven; R. D. Lewis Film Co., Oklahoma City, Okla. ; R. D. Lewis Film Co., Dallas; Standard Film Service •Co., Cleveland; Capital Film Service, Ine., Washington; Standard Film Service Co., De- troit; Standard Film Service Co.. Cincinnati; Standard Film Corp., St. Louis; Supreme Sys- tem, Inc., Minneapolis; First National Ex- change, Vancouver, B. C; Crescent Film Co., Kansas Citv; A. H. Blank Enterprises, Omaha; Mid-West Distributing Co., Milwaukee; Famous Players Film Service, Toronto; Arrow Photo- plays Co., Denver; Reginald Warde, New York; S. A. Lvnch Enterprises, Atlanta; Enterprise Distributing Corp., New Orleans; Enterprise Distributing Corp., Dallas; Capital Film Serv- ice, Inc.. Baltimore.

Cinema Classics, Inc., 32 West 47th St., N. Y. C. H. C. K. Mattison, president; Joel F. Seedoff, vice-president and treasurer; M. L. Fulton, sec- retary.

Cinema Distributing Corporation, 220 West 42nd St., N. Y. C. Paul H. Cromelin, president.

Clark-Cornelius Corporation, The, 1600 Broadway, N. Y. C. William J. Clark, president; L. A. Cornelius, vice-president; S. J. Rollo, secretary; H. C. Cornelius, treasurer; Walter K. Plumb, general manager; Colvin W. Brown, assistant treasurer. (See also Exhibitors Mutual Distrib- uting Corporation.)

Classical Motion Picture Co., Inc., 130 West 46th st., N. Y. C. Hopp Hadley, president; W. L. Russell, treasurer; Lynn S. Card, secretary.

Cloverio Film Company, Lents, Portland, Ore. Hector Cloverio, sole owner and supervisor. Department heads Joseph Grant Kelly, Jr.. publicity: Louis Hodes, scenario editor; George Speer, photography department. Studio, Lents, Portland, Ore.

Chine Film Producing- Company, 547 So. Broad- way, Los Angeles, Cal. I. M. Newman, presi- dent; A. S. Brown, vice-president; O. K. Evans, president and treasurer.

Lew Cody Film Corporation, Glendale, Cal. L. J. Gasnier, president and general manager; Lew Cody, vice-president; Sydney Cohan, treasurer and sales manager; G. Bardet, secretary; Ken- neth A. O'Hara, studio manager. Studios. Astra Studios, Glendale, Cal., and 1 Congress St., Jersey City, N. J. (See also Astra Film Corporation.)

Jack and Harry Cohan, 1600 Broadway, N. Y. C. (See also Hall Room Boys Photoplays, Inc.)

Columbus Photoplays Company, Exchange Bldg., Columbus. Ga. Col. H. Hamilton, director general; R. E. L. Golden, treasurer; Mrs. J. B. Smith, manager.

Comique Film Corporation, 1493 Broadway, N. Y. C. Joseph M. Schenck, president and treasurer; Lou Anger, general manager; Jean Havez, Harry Williams, scenarios. Studio and western offices, Culver City, Cal. (See Roscoe Arbuckle Comedies.)

Commonwealth Film Corporation, 1600 Broadway. N. Y. C. Sam Zierler, president and general manager.

Commonwealth Pictures Company, 220 So. State St., Chicago. 111. H. A. Spanuth, president; John Keane, vice-president; Dana Spanuth, secretary and treasurer. Department heads- Henrietta Burr, booker; Edith Conrad Beale, editor. Studio, 1333 Argyle St., Chicago, 111.

Community Productions, The, Hastings-on-Hud- son, N. Y. Christine A. Bowles; Mary W. Fry; Elizabeth Miller; Warren D. Foster; William H. Foster; Ernest H. Smith; Forrest Izard.

Consolidated Film Corporation, 738 So. Olive St., Los Angeles, Cal., and 90 Golden Gate ave., San Francisco, Cal. Marion H. Kohn, presi- dent.

Continental Pictures Corporation, 14S2 Broadway. N. Y. C. Fred L. Wilke, president; E. Lanning Masters, special representative. Chicago office, Suite 922, 208 So. La Salle st.

Corona Cinema Company, 901-903 Baker-Detwil.r Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. F. E. Keeler, presi- dent; I. W. Keerl, vice-president.

Cosmofotofilm Company, 220 West 42nd St., X Y C. E. H. Cromelin, president; E. C. Wallace, treasurer and general manager.

Cosmopolitan Films, Willemsen & Company, 428 Camp St., New Orleans, La.

Cosmopolitan Prodnctions, International Film Service, 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C.

Creation Films, Inc., Cliffside, N. J. K. Hoddy Milligan, president; B. D. Biggerstaff, vice- president; C. C. Shively, treasurer; C. R. Konig, secretary. Department heads K. Hoddy Mil- ligan, general manager; B. D. Biggerstaff, sce- nario; Frank C. Beetle, publicity; B. H. Milli- gan, sales. Pictures distributed through Cap- ital Films Co., Consumers Bldg., Chicago. 111.

Crest Picture Corporation, Times Bldg., N. Y. C. Carle Carlton, general manager.

Cromlow Film Laboratories, Inc., 220 West 42nd St., N. Y. C. Paul H. Cromelin, president; Allan A. Lownes, treasurer and general mana- ger. Laboratory, 62 Standish ave., West Orange, N. J.

Cropper Distributing Corporation, The, 207 So.

Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. Ross C. Cropper, president; George West.

Crystal Film Company, Longacre Bldg., Room 815, and 430 Claremont Parkway, N. Y. C. Joseph A. Golden, president; A. Alperstein, treasurer. (Also Allgood Pictures Corporation.)

Cuckoo Comedies, care of Mark Dintenfass, 1600 Broadway, N. Y. C.

Cathrine Curtis Corporation, Los Angeles, Cal. Cathrine Curtis, president; George M. Taylor, vice-president; Dorman T. Connet, secretary and treasurer. Cathrine Curtis, Albert L. Jud- son, Reese Llewellyn, William Dewey Loucks, E. R. Pirtle, Malcolm McLellan, Robert N. Simpson, Arthur F. Spaulding, George M. Tay- lor and George J. Whalen compose board of directors'. Loucks & Alexander, counsel, New York office, 120 Broadway.

Curtiss Pictures Corporation, 33-35 West 42nd St., Aeolian Hall, N. Y. C. L. Roy Curtiss, presi- dent; Henry C. Rahe, general manager.

Curwood-Carver Productions, Inc., 6 West 48 th St., N. Y. C. R. C. Thomas, president; Ernest Shlpman, manager; James Oliver Curwood, di- rector; H. P. Carver, managing director; cars of First National Exhibitors Circuit.

Grace Davison Productions, c/o Pioneer Film Corporation, 130 West 46th st., N. Y. C.

Carter DeHaven Comedies, Hollywood, Cal. Car- ter DeHaven, c/o Famous Players-Lasky Cor- poration, 485 Fifth ave., N. Y. C.

Deitrich-Beck, Inc., 135 West 44th St., N. Y. C.- Theodore C. Deitrich, president; Arthur F. Beck, treasurer; Thomas F. Macmahon, secre- tary. Studio. Leah Baird Studio, Cliffside, N. J. (See also De Luxe Pictures, Inc.)

Delcah Photoplay Company, L. A. Investment Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Joseph Montrose, gen- eral manager.

De Luxe Pictures, Inc., 135 West 44th St., N. Y. C. Theodore C. Deitrich, president; Doris Kenyon, treasurer; William Chilvers, vice-president and



secretary. Studio, Leah Baird Studio, Cliffside, N. J. (See also Deitrich-Beck, Inc.)

De Luxe Victor Moore Productions, Candler Bldg., N. Y. C. A. E. Riskin, R. R. Rlskin.

Diamond Film Company, Audobon Bldg., New Orleans, La. R. M. Chisholm, president; W. J. Hannon, vice-president and general manager; Arthur J. Leopold, attorney.

Mark M. Dintenfass, 1600 Broadway, N. Y. C. Owner and producer of Cuckoo Comedies. Studio, Riverside ave., Jacksonville, Pla. Will Lewis, Jr., studio manager.

Diva Pictures, Inc., 469 Fifth ave.. N. Y. C. Jacob Hilder, president; Moritz Hilder, secre- tary and treasurer. (See also Goldwyn Pic- tures Corporation.)

Johnny Dooley Film Comedies, Longacre Bldg., N. Y. C. Clarence L. Bach, president; Law- rence Wolf, vice-president; Harry Hochheimer, secretary and treasurer.

Doubleday Production Company, Bronz Studio, on Allesandro St., Hollywood, Cal. Ovid Dou- bleday, president; L. S. McKee, secretary; Charles Mack, manager; H. M. Owens, western representative.

Douglass Natural Color Film Co., Ltd., San Ra- fael. Cal. Leon F. Douglass, president; Thom- as J. Lennon, vice-president; Thomas P. Boyd, second vice-president and general manager; Henry A. Melvin, chairman board of directors; Frank H. Kerrigan, treasurer; Peter Baciga- lupl, Jr., secretary.

Allan Dwan Productions, c/o Mayflower Photo- play Corporation.


E. & R. Jungle Film Company, 1720 No. Soto St.. Los Angeles, Cal. Edwards & Rounan, owners.

Eagle Film Corporation, 211 W. Saratoga St., Baltimore, Md. Alfred Waldeck, president; John Waldeck, treasurer; Raymund Hechinger, secretary; Sam Phillips, director. Studio, 211 W. Saratoga St., Baltimore, Md. Educational Films Corporation of America, 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C. G. A. Skinner, presi- dent; E. V. Hammons, vice-president and gen- eral manager. Producing Robert Bruce scenics; Hudson's Bay Party scenics; Indian Expedi- tion scenics; Mediterranean Expedition scenics; handling Photoplay Magazine Screen Sup- plement; the Red Cross Travel Series; De Luxe Hand Colored scenics; Black- and-White Cartoon Comedies, and Ditmars' "Living Book of Nature." Exchange Centers in the United States Denver, Atlanta, Dallas, St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City, Cincinnali, Baltimore, Cleveland, Boston. Philadelphia, New York. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seatlle. Canada Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Skag- way. Mexico Mexico City. Sales Cities In Foreign Lands Valparaiso, Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Panama, South America; Johan- nesburg, Capetown, Cairo. Africa; Lisbon, Mad- rid, Rome, Paris. Berlin, Warsaw, London, Brussels, Prague. Petrograd, Christianla, Stock- holm, Budapest, Bucharest, Europe. Red Cross Cameramen in the Field Warsaw, Belgrade Bucharest, Budapest, Paris, Archangel, Petro- grad, Constantinople, Prague, Siberia. Sales Cities and Red Cross Cameramen Vladivo- stok. Sales Cities. China, Peking; Japan, Toklo Subsidiary Company Far East Film Corpora- tion, 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C. ; Reginald Warde, president; E. W. Hammons, vice-presi- dent. London Branch, The Educational Film Company, Ltd., 71 Wardour St., W. I.; H. Hol- ford Bottomly, A. J. Davidson. General labor- atory— Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Production Studio Providence, R. I. Educational Exchanges Celebrated Players Film Corporation, Chicago Indianapolis, Milwaukee; Electric Theatre Sup- ply Company. Philadelphia; Federal Feature Film Corporation. Boston; Baltimore Booking Company, Baltimore; First National Exhib- itors' Exchange, Pittsburg; Standard Film Ser- vice Company, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Detroit- standard Film Corporation, Kansas City Mo Consolidated Film Corporation, San Francisco' Los Angeles; Greater Features, Inc., Seattle- Arrow Photo Plays Company, Denver, and Mon- arch Film Company, Ltd., Toronto and Mon- ■e.u' T?f nad?- Subsidiary Companies affiliated " Educational Films Corporation of Amer- V*£~o e A'llar>ce F'lm Securities Corporation, 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C. c/o Educational; E. W. Hammons, president; G. A. Skinner

vice-president. Coronet Film Corporation, 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C, c/o Educational; G. A. Skinner, president. Educator's Cinematograph Company, 70 Fifth ave., N. Y. C. Alfred H. Saunders, governor of education.

Eff & Eff Productions, Inc., 145 West 45th St.. N. Y. C. Joseph Finger, president; Frank P. Donavan, director.

Elk Photoplays, Inc., The, 126 West 46th St., N. Y. C. Jacob Berjowitz, president and gen- eral manager; E. Berman, treasurer; B. H. Mills, secretary and sales manager.

Emerald Motion Picture Corporation, 1717 No. Wells St., Chicago, 111. Frederick J. Ireland, president; M. E. Oberdorfer, secretary and treasurer; J. W. Martin, business manager. Studio, Chicago, 111.

Eminent Authors Pictures, Inc., 469 Fifth ave., N. Y. C. Rex Beach, president; Samuel Gold- wyn, chairman board of directors; P. W. Ha- berman, treasurer; Gabriel L. Hess, secretary. (See also Goldwyn Pictures Corporation.)

Guy Empey Pictures Corporation, 220 West 42nd St., N. Y. C. James F. Shaw, president; Ar- thur Guy Empey, vice-president; F. C. Rich- ardson, secretary and treasurer. Entente Film Corporation, 247 No. 11th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Benjamin Primavera, man- ager; Morton Z. Paul, president. Enwood Feature Picture Company, Denver, Colo. O. D. Woodward, president, care of Republic Distributing Corporation, 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C.

Equity Pictures Corporation, 33 West 42nd St.. N. Y. C. H. K. Somborn. president; Joseph I. Schnitzer, treasurer. Department heads Harry L. Reichenbach, publicity; A. B Wil- liamson, assistant publicity; Nat. G. Rothstein. advertising; John N. Weber, auditor. Studio, Garson Studios, Inc., 1845 Allesandro st., Los Angeles. Cal.

Erbograph Studios, 203 West 146th St., N. Y. C. Ludwlg G. B. Erb, president; Benjamin Goetz, secretary and treasurer.

Essanay Film Manufacturing Company, 1333 Ar- gyle St., Chicago, III. George K. Spoor, presi- dent. Studios, 1333 Argyle St., Chicago, 111. (See also Spoor-Thompson Machine Company.)

Exclusive Features, Inc., 126 West 46th St., N. Y. C. Joseph Goldstein, J. Weinberg. (See also Canyon Pictures Corporation.)

Exhibitors Mutual Distributing Corporation, 1600 Rroadway, N. Y. C. William J. Clark, presi- dent; H. C. Cornelius, vice-president; L. A. Cornelius, secretary; Walter K. Plumb, treas- urer. (See also Clark-Cornelius Corporation.)

Export & Import Film Company, 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C. Ben Blumenthal.


VukIm and Follies, Inc., c/o Pioneer Film Corpo- ral ion. 130 West 46th St., N. Y. C. Bernard Mucfadden.

Douglas Fairbanks Pictures Corporation, Holly- wood. Cal., and 1482 Broadway, N. Y. C. Douglas Fairbanks, president; John Fairbanks. Ireasurer; Dennis O'Brien, secretary and treas- urer. Department heads John Fairbanks, general manager; Robert Fairbanks, manager of productions; Leeds Baxter, auditor; Victor Fleming, director; Tom Geraghty, scenario ed- itor; Joan Boison, scenario reader; Albert Mac- Quarrie, casting director; J. Theodore Reed, technical director; Edward M. Langley, art director; William McGann, Harry Thorpp. cinematographers; Charles Warrington, still department; Frank England, custodian of prop- erties; William Nolan, cutting department; A. J. Coe, location agent; Paul Burns, proper- ties; Carlyle R. Robinson, director of publicity. Studio, Melrose and Bronson aves., Los An- geles, Cal.

Famous Players-Lasky Corporation, 485 Fifth ave., N. Y. C. Adolph Zukor, president; Jesse L. Lasky, vice-president; Arthur S. Friend, treasurer; Emil E. Shauer, assistant treasurer; Eugene J. Zukor, assistant treasurer; Elek John Ludvigh, secretary; Ralph A. Kohn, as- sistant secretary; L. S. Wicker, assistant secre- tary; Frank Mayer, assistant secretary; John Flinn, associate executive. Department heads: Production Department Cecil B. De Mille, di- rector general; Whitman Bennett, production manager; Robert A. MacAlarney, scenario edi- tor; Charles Eyton, general manager, West coast studios; J. N. Naulty. general manager.



Eastern studios; Frank E. Woods, supervising director, West coast studios; Nathan friend, general manager Educational Department. De- partment of Distribution Al Lichtman, general manager; Fred C. Chamberlain, assistant gen- eral manager; Sidney R. Kent, sales manager. Publicity Jerome Beatty, director of publicity and advertising. Studios, Long Island City, N Y. ; 130 West 56th St., N. Y. C. ; Fort Lee, N. J.; Hollywood. Cal. (two). Special repre- sentatives to Exchanges -J. W. Allen, head- Quarters at Chicago; M. H. Lewis, headquarters at Kansas City; W. J. Pratt, headquarters at Atlanta; L. L. Dent, headquarters at Dallas. District managers Harry Asher, Boston dis- trict; W. E. Smith, Philadelphia district; C. E. Holcomb, Southern district (Atlanta) ; Louis Marcus, Salt Lake City; Norman Webber, San Francisco. Exchanges Boston. Portland (Me.), New Haven, New York, Buffalo, Philadelphia, Washington, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Chicago, Minneapolis, Detroit, Kansas City, St. Louis, Des Moines, Omaha. Atlanta. New Or- leans, Dallas, Oklahoma City, Charlotte, Salt Lake City, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland (Ore.). Canadian organiza- tion— Famous Lasky Film Service, Ltd., George W. Weeks, general manager, supervising branch exchanges at Toronto (home office), Montreal, St. John, Winnipeg, Calgary and Vancouver. Fay Film Corporation, 1739 No. Campbell ave., Chicago, 111. R. F. Fry, president; Frank S. Watterson, general manager. Federal Photoplays, Inc., 25 West 45th St., N. Y. C. Benjamin B. Hampton, president; C. A. Weeks, secretary and treasurer; E. F. Warner, assistant secretary and assistant treasurer. De- partment heads Wm. Clifford, scenario; J. B. Chapman, publicity; J. G. Fater, advertising. Studio, Brunton Studios, 5341 Melrose St., Los Angeles, Cal. (See also Federal Photoplays of California. Zane Grey Pictures, Inc., and Great Authors Pictures, Inc.) Federal Photoplays of California, 5341 Melrose St., Los Angeles. Cal. Benjamin B. Hampton, pres- ident; Hewlings Mumper, secretary and treas- urer; Norris N. Mumper, assistant secretary and assistant treasurer. Department heads Wm. Clifford, scenario; J. B. Chapman, pub- licity; J. G. Fater, advertising. Branch office, 25 West 45th St., N. Y. Studio, Brunton studio, 5341 Melrose St., Los Angeles, Cal. See also Zane Grey Pictures, Inc., Great Authors Pic- tures, Inc., and Federal Photoplays, Inc.) Ferndale Film Studios, Inc., The, Ferndale, L. I. C. F. K. Andrews; Miss L. Minnie Kirmmse; E. G. W. Dietrich. Films Incorporated, 1482 Broadway, N. Y. C. William W. Young, president; S. Kantrowich, vice-president; Joseph J. Macdonald, secretary and treasurer; Edward Marshall, chairman committee on production. These officers with J. J. Flannery constitute the board of directors. Film Market, Inc., The, Times Bldg.. N. Y. C.

Robert W. Priest, president. Film Novelties, Inc., 145 West 45th St., N. Y. C. J. Finger, president; A. J. Danziger, general manager.

Film Specials, Inc., 130 West 46th St., N. Y. C. Joseph M. Schenck; W. S. Epstein, general manager. _ _ _

First National Exhibitors' Circuit, Inc., The, 6-8

West 48th St., N. Y. C. Robert Lieber, presi- dent; T. L. Tally, vice-president; H. Schwalbe, secretary and treasurer; J. D. Williams, mana- ger. Directors T. L. Tally, R. H. Clark, H. Schwalbe. Aaron Jones, E. H. Hulsey, J. G. Von Herberg, Robert Lieber. Department heads J. D. Williams, general manager; W. J. Morgan, manager contract department; C. L. Yearsley, director of publicity and advertising; E. J. Hudson, publicity representative; George R. Grant, auditor. Exchanges Atlanta, Ga., First Nat. Exhibitors' Cir. of Va., 146 Marietta St.; Boston. Mass., Gordon-Mayer Film Corp., 35 Piedmont St.; Buffalo, N. Y., First Nat. Exch.. 215 Franklin St.; Chicago, 111.. First Nat. Ex. Exch., 110 So. State St.; Cleveland, Ohio, First Nat. Ex. Cir. of Ohio, 402 Sloan Bldg.; Dallas, Tex., First Nat. Ex. Cir. of Texas. 1924 Main St.; Denver, Colo., First Nat. Ex. Cir. of Colo., 1518 Welton St.; Des Moines, Iowa, A. H. Blank 326 Iowa Bldg.; Detroit, Mich., First Nat. Exch. of Mich., 63 E. Elizabeth St.; In- dianapolis. Ind.. The H. Lieber Co.. 24 W. Washington St.; Kansas City, Mo., A. H. Blank Enterprises, 317 Floyd Bldg.; Kansas City, Mo., Richards & Flvnn. 12th Street theatre; Los An- geles, Cal., First Nat. Ex. Exch., 633 So. Bway. ;

Louisville, Ky.. First Nat. Exch. of Ky. and Tenn., Nat. Theatre Bldg.; Milwaukee, Wis., First Nat. Ex. Exch., 40K Toy Bldg.; Minneap- olis, Minn., First Nat. Ex. Cir. of N. W., 408-18 Loeb Arcade Bldg.; New Haven, Conn., First Nat. Ex. Exch., 126 Meadow St.; New York City, First Nat. Ex., Inc.. 509 Fifth ave.; Okla- homa City, Okla., First Nat. Ex. Exch., 127 So. Hudson St.; Omaha, Neb., A. H. Blank Enter- prises, 314 So. 13th st. ; Ottawa, Can., H.Brouse, Dom. Amuse. Co., Imperial theatre; Phila., Pa., Peerless Feature Film Exch.. 1339 Vine St.; Pittsburgh, Pa., First Nat. Ex. Exch., 414 Ferry St.; Richmond, Va., First Nat. Ex. Cir. of Va., 904 E. Broad St.; St. Louis, Mo., Grand Cent. Film Co., New Grand Cent, theatre; Salt Lake City, Utah, First Nat. Ex. Cir. of Colo., 136 E. 2nd So. St.; San Francisco, Cal., Turner & Dahnken. 134 Golden Gate ave.; Seattle, Wash., Ex. Film Exch., Inc., 2023 3rd ave.; Toronto, Can., Regal Films, Temple Bldg.; Toronto. Can., Allen Bros., Allen Theatre Bldg.; Van- couver, B. C, First Nat. Ex. Cir., Ltd., 1318 Standard Bank Bldg.; Washington, D. C, First Nat. Ex. Exch.. 916 "G" St., N. W. A. H. Fischer Features, Inc., 46 Main St., New Rochelle. N. Y. A. H. Fischer, president and treasurer; B. A. Rolfe, vice-president; Charles A. Logue, secretary. Department heads Charles G. Stewart, general manager; Charles A. Logue, scenario; Carey Wilson, sales; Harry H. Poppe, advertising and publicity. Studio, A. H. Fischer Studios and Laboratory, 46 Main St., New Rochelle, N. Y. (See also Octagon Films, Inc.)

Cissy Fitzgerald Comedies, care of United Pic- ture Theatres of America, Inc., 1600 Broadway, N Y. C.

Florida Film Corporation, 22 West Ninth St.. Jacksonville, Fla. H. J. Klutho, president; Fay Smith, vice-president; Harland Smith, secre- tary; Virgil MacKenzie, general manager; Glen Lambert and Bert Tracy, picture directors. Studios. Klutho studios, 22 West Ninth St., Jacksonville, Fla.

Francis Ford Producing Company, 6040 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Cal. Francis Ford, director; Harry Ellis Dean, studio manager; Nell Dean, publicity; Elsie Van Name, scenario.

Forward Film Distributors, Inc., 110 West 40th St., N. Y. C. J. Joseph Sameth, president; M. Warschauer. vice-president; Harry Roth, secre- tary and treasurer. London office. 17 Shafts- bury ave., care of J. A. Barkey & Co.

Foundation Film Corporation, 1600 Broadway, N. Y. C. Murray W. Garsson, president. Lab- oratories. Hudson Heights, N. J.

Fox Film Corporation, 10th ave.. 55th to 56th sts., 130 West 46th St.. N. Y. C. William Fox, pres- ident; Winfield R. Sheehan, general manager. Department heads Arthur James, advertising and publicity; Merritt Crawford, director of publicity; Hamilton Thompson, Denison Clift, Hampton Del Ruth, scenario editors. Studios: Western, 1401 North Western ave.. Los Angeles, Cal.; Eastern, 10th ave., 55th to 56th sts.. Col- lege Pt., L. I., and Fort Lee. N. J. United States Exchanges Atlanta, Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Kansas City, Los Angeles. Minneapolis, Indianapolis, New Haven, New Orleans, New York, Omaha. Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Seattle, St. Louis, Washington. Foreign exchanges Great Britain: London, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Glasgow, Leeds, Cardiff. Birmingham, Dublin. Australia: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Ade- laide, Wellington. N. Z. South America: Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Rosario, Montevideo, Lima, Peru. Canada: Montreal, Toronto, St. John. Vancouver, Caleary. Winni- peg. Agencies: Paris, France; Rome, Italy; Barcelona, Spain; Copenhagen. Denmark; Stockholm, Sweden; Christiania. Norway; Mos- cow, Russia; Johannesburg, South Africa; Bom- bay, India; Batavia, Java; Hong Kong. China; Yokohama, Japan; and Manila, Philippine Islands.

Fox Studios (Western), 1417 N. Western ave.. Los Angeles. Cal. Sol. M. Wurtzel. studio man- ager; George Teffeau. studio supt. ; Denison Clift, scenario editor: Frank Burns, laboratory supt.; E. A. Yerby Smith, technical director; J. Anthony Roach. H. H. Van Loan. Gus Meins, scenarios; Hampton Del Ruth, scenario edi- tor; E. J. LeSaint. Scott Dunlap. Howard Mitchell. Cliff Smith. Eddie Cline. J. G. Bly- stone, Roy Del Ruth. Delmar Lord, directors; Louis Seiler, production manager; Fay Dur-



ham, Frank Good, Walter Williams, George Schneiderman, Earl Ellis, Irving Rosenberh, Bud Courcier, Frank Heisler, G. F. Schoedsack, P. D. Whitman, E. B. DuPar, cameramen.

Frazee Comedies, Riverside, Cal. (See Frazee Film Productions, Inc.)

Frazee Film Productions, Inc., Magnolia and Ju- rupa aves. , Riverside, Cal. Edwin Frazee, pres- ident and general manager; Joe Murphy, assist- ant manager; M. J. Twogood, secretary and treasurer; Florence Gottlieb, publicity and scenario department. New York office, 17 West 44th St.; London office, 90 Fleet st. Frazee Comedies released through Clurje Exchange in United States and England.

Frohman Amusement Corporation, The, Times Bldg., N. Y. C. William L. Sherrill, president; Jesse L. Goldberg, secretary and general man- ager; Joseph Schwartz, acting treasurer. Stu- dios, New York City and Los Angeles, Cal.


Garson Studios, Inc., 1845 Allesandro St., Log An- geles, Cal. Harry Garson, president and gen- eral manager; E. W. Butcher, vice-president and studio manager; R. M. Yost, publicity; John M. Voshell, technical director; C. B. Edington, auditor.

L,. J. Gasnier Productions, Verdugo Road. Glen- dale. Cal. L. J. Gasnier, director general. (See Astra Film Corporation and Lew Cody Produc- tions. )

Gaumont Company, Flushing, L. I. F. G. Brad- ford, manager.

Gayety Comedies, Inc., 1501 Gower St., Los An- geles, Cal. Craig Hutchinson, production man- ager, scenario editor and director; Claude Hill, studio manager; James Clemens, technical di- rector.

Gibraltar Pictures, 135 West 44th St., N. Y. C.

Arthur F. Beck; Charles C. Burr.

Dorothy Gish Productions, New Art Film Co. (D. W. Griffith), Longacre Bldg., N. Y. C.

Wyndham Gittens Productions, 926 Investment Bldf., Los Angeles, Cal.

Golden West Productions, 309 W. 9th St., Glen- dale. Cal. G. M. Anderson.

Goldwitt Film Sales Company, 145 West 45th St., N. Y. C. Mortimer D. Sikawitt, president; Samuel Goldstein.

Goldwyn Pictures Corporation, 469 Fifth ave., N. Y. C. Samuel Goldwyn, president; F. J. Godsol, Moritz Hilder, Lee Shubert, Edgar Sel- wyn, Abraham Lehr, vice-presidents; P. W. Haberman, treasurer; Gabriel L. Hess, secre- tary; F. J. Godsol. chairman of executive com- mittee. Also connected in the directorate of the corporation are H. F. du Pont, Eugene E. du Pont. W. W. Laird, R. R. M. Carpenter, G. C. Kurtz, E. V. R. Thayer, Duncan A. Holmes; William Topkis, George T. Bissell, G. W. Da- vison, Macmillan Hoopes, Abbot M. Witten- berg. Department heads Ralph Block, direc- tor of publicity and advertising; Howard Dietz, manager of publicity; Eugene Mullin, head of scenario department in East; J. G. Hawkes. head of scenario department in West- Felix Feist, sales: Geoffrey Nye, Far East rep- resentative. Studio. Culver City, Cal. Branches Atlanta, Ga„ 111 Walton St.; Boston. Mass., 42 Piedmont St.; Buffalo, N. Y., 200 Pearl st ' Chicago, III.. 207 So. Wabash ave.; Cincinnati' O., 216 East 5th st.; Cleveland, O., 403 Stand- ard Theatre Bldg.; Dallas, Tex., 1922 Main st Denver, Colo., 1440 Walton st. ; Detroit, Mich, Film Exchange Bldg.; Kansas City, Mo., 1120 Walnut st.; Los Angeles. Cal., 912 So. Olive st Minneapolis. Minn., 16 No. 4th st. ; New York City, 509 Fifth ave.; Philadelphia, Pa., s e cor. 13th and Vine sts. ; Pittsburgh. Pa. 1201 Liberty ave. ; San Francisco, Cal.. 985 Market st ; St. Louis, Mo., 3312 Lindell Blvd.; Seattle Wash., 2018 Third ave.; Washington. D. C 714 11th st., N. W. ; New Orleans, La., 714 Povdras st : Omaha Neb 1508 Howard st. ; Salt Lake City, U.. 135 East 2nd South st

Goldwyn Distributing Corporation, 469 Fifth ave N. Y. C. Samuel Goldwyn, president; Felix f' Feist and Alfred Weiss, vice-presidents; Ga- briel L Hess, secretary and treasurer. (See also Goldwyn Pictures Corporation )

GoJdwyn Studios, Culver City, Cai. Abraham Lehr, general manager; Milton Gardner, secre- tary; Mason N. Litson, production manager- J. G Hawks, scenario editor; Gilbert White technical director; Lewis Physloc, supt of lab-

oratory; Thompson Buchanan, E. A. Bingham, Rex Taylor, Edward T. Lowe, E. Richard Schayer, Gerald C. Duffy, Harvey Thew, Charlei Kenyon, Bess E. Haas, Elliot Clawson, Elmer L. Rice, Louis Sherwin, J. E. Nash, Jean Hol- lingsworth, Elanor Flori, H. Schrleber, Mar- garet Minning, scenarios; Harry Beaumont, Victor L. Schertzinger, T. Hays Hunter, Wallace Worsley, Reginald Barker, Clarence Badger, Frank Lloyd, directors; J. S. Woodhouse, Clarke Irvine, Helen Starr, C. S. Bull, Eugene Rlchee, Lloyd J. Roby, J. C. Gault, Hal White, Sue Mc- Namara, R. E. Dawson, publicity. (See also Goldwyn Pictures Corporation.) Graphic Film Corporation, 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C. Ivan Abramson, president. Exchanges handling product Eastern Feature Film Ex- change, 57 Church St., Boston, Mass.; Hygrade Feature Film Co., Charlotte, N. C. ; Southeast- ern Pictures Corp., 61 Walton St., Atlanta, Ga.; Major Film Co., 10 Piedmont St., Boston, Mass.; Joseph Horowitz, Detroit, Mich.; First Nat'l Ex. Cir., St. Louis, Mo.; Superb Productions, Omaha, Neb., and Des Moines. Ia.; Frank Ger- sten, Inc., 130 West 46th St., New York; Screen Art Pictures Co., 1315 Vine St., Phila., Pa.; Special Feature Film Co., Atlanta, Ga. ; First Nat'l Ex. Cir., 35 Piedmont St., Boston, Mass.; Unity Photoplay Corp., 207 So. Wabash ave., Chicago, 111.; First Nat'l Ex. Cir., Minneapolis, Minn.; First Nat'l Ex. Cir., Kansas City, Mo.; M & R Feature Film Co., San Francisco, Cal. ; N. J. Metro Film Co., 729 Seventh ave.. New York.

Great Authors Pictures, Inc., 5341 Melrose St., Los Angeles, Cal. Benjamin B. Hampton, president; E. F. Warner, C. A. Weeks, vice- presidents; Hewlings Mumper, secretary and treasurer. Department heads Wm. Clifford, scenario; J. B. Chapman, publicity; J. G. Fa- ter, advertising; Edward Sloman, director. Branch New York office. 25 West 45th st. Studio, Brinton Studio, 5341 Melrose St., Los Angeles, Cal. (See also Zane Grey Pictures, Inc., Federal Photoplay of California, and Fed- eral Photoplays, Inc.)

Great Western Producing; Company, 1600 Broad- way, N. Y. C. (See Universal Film Manufac- turing Company.) Studios, Hollywood, Cal. Julius Stern, president; A. Stern, vice-presi- dent; Louis Jacobs, general manager.

Great Western Pictures Corporation, Longacre Bldg., N. Y. C. Emmett Dalton, president.

Greiver Distributing Corporation, 207 So. Wabash ave., Chicago, 111.

Zane Grey Pictures, Inc., 5341 Melrose St., Los Angeles, Cal. Benjamin B. Hampton, presi- dent; E. F. Warner, vice-president; Hewlings Mumper, secretary and treasurer. Department heads Wm. Clifford, scenario; J. B. Chapman, publicity; J. G. Fater, advertising; Jack Con- way, director. Branch office, 25 West 45th St., New York. Studio, Brunton Studio, 5341 Mel- rose St., Los Angeles, Cal. (See also Great Authors Pictures, Inc., Federal Photoplays of California, and Federal Photoplays, Inc.)

David Wark Griffith Attractions, Longacre Bldg., N. Y. C. D. W. Griffith, owner and producer. Executive Department Albert L. Grey, general manager: John Lloyd, personal representative; Robert Edgar Long, publicity; Agnes Wiener, executive secretary. Studio Department J. C. Epping, studio manager; Myron M. Stearns, scenario editor; G. W. Bitzer, chief photogra- pher; Frank Wortman, technical director; Sam- uel Thompson, chief electrician; Albert H. A. Banzhaf. counsel. Studio, Orienta Point, Ma- maroneck, N. Y.

D. W. Griffith Service, 720 Longacre Bldg., N. Y.

C. Albert L. Grey, general manager. (See

D. W. Griffith Attractions.)

Grossman Pictures, Ithaca, N. Y. Harry Gross- man, president, general manager and super- vising director; Abel Cary Thomas, secretary;

E. D. Bingham, technical director; George Litt- man, sales manager; T. D. Bonneville, public- ity and advertising. Branches Business, pub- licity, advertising offices. 110 West 42nd St.. N. Y. C. Studio, Ithaca, N. Y.


Hallmark Pictures Corporation, 130 West 46th St., N. Y. C. Frank G. Hall, president. De- partment heads John Glavey, C. Clarkson Miller, and Olga Jaffe, scenario; Joseph L Kelley, publicity; Hopp Hadley, advertising; W. F. Rodger, sales; J. L. Burke, business



manager; Harry P. Diggs. exploitation; Leon D. Britton, productions manager. Studios, 230 West 38th st. and 517 West 54th St., New York City.

Hall Room Boys Photoplays, Inc., 1600 Broad- way, N. Y. C. Jack Cohn, president; Harry Conn, secretary and treasurer. Hope Hampton Productions, Inc., Longacre Bldg.. N. Y. C.

Jesse D. Hampton Productions, 1425 Fleming St.. Hollywood, Cal. Jesse D. Hampton, owner and general manager; E. L. Smith, studio manager; Fred Gabourie, production manager; A. F. Stat- ter, scenario editor; Henry King, Robert Thornby, Joseph Franz, directors.

Benjamin B. Hampton Productions, Los Angeles, Cal. See Zane Grey Pictures, Inc., and Great Authors Pictures, Inc.)

Calvert Harrison Feature Film Corporation, 115 N. Pennsylvania ave., Indianapolis, Ind. C. Hanford Harrison, business manager.

William S. Hart Productions, 1215 Bates St., Los Angeles, Cal. B. M. Allen, manager; Lambert Hillyer, director; Paul H. Conlon, publicity; Bennett Musson, scenario editor; Thomas Bri- erly, technical director; Le Roy Stone, film editor; H. J. Howard, casting director.

J. Frank Hatch Enterprises, Inc., 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C. J. Frank Hatch.

Haworth Pictures 5341 Melrose ave., Los An- geles, Cal. George W. Stout, general manager; \Vm. J. Connery, vice-president; Wm. Worth- lngton, Joseph DeGrasse, directors; Eddie Scott, film editor; Charles Greenberg, general counsel and secretary.

Hobart Henley Productions, 363 West 125th St.. N. Y. C. Hobart Henley, president; Benjamin P. Schoenfein, studio manager; Warren V. Fromme, assistant director; Richard L. Fryer, cameraman; Hadley Waters, publicist; Hulda Salat, casting department; Jules W. Redston, technical department; Felix Larson, scenic de- partment; Edward Quinn. property department. Studio, 361-363 West 125th St., N. Y. C. Home office. 25 West 45th St., N. Y. C. Branch, Los Angeles, Cal.

Gale Henry Comedies, c/o Model Comedy Com- pany, 5821 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood, Cal. Released through Bulls Eye Film Corpo- ration, 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C.

L. I. Hiller, Longacre Bldg.. N. Y. C.

Historical Film Company of America, The., Bur- bank, Cal. J. A. McGill. president; Raymond Welt, director of productions.

W. W. Hodkinson Corporation, 527 Fifth ave.. N. Y. C. W. W.. Hodkinson, president; Ray- mond Pawley, vice-president and treasurer; Mary A. Bell, secretary; F. B. Warren, vice- president in charge of distribution and adver- tising. Department heads P. N. Brinch, as- sistant to the president and manager of for- eign department; C. E. Hopkins, auditor. Branches Distributing through Pathe Ex- change, Inc., with sales force in each office.

Hollywood Studios, Inc., Santa Monica Blvd. and Seward St., Hollywood, Cal. John Jasper, gen- eral manager.

Burton Holmes Travel Pictures, Aeolian Bldg., 33 West 42nd St.. N. Y. C. Burton Holmes, c/o Famous Players-Lasky Corporation.

Taylor Holmes Productions, Inc., c/o Metro Pic- tures Corporation, Longacre Bldg., N. Y. C. Taylor Holmes, president; Paul Turner, vice- president; H. H. Bruenner, treasurer; Thomas A. Persons, supervising director in charge of productions; Gus Mohme, director of sales. Studio, Biograph studio, 175th st. and South- ern Boulevard, the Bronx, N. Y. C.

Wm. Horsley Film Laboratories, 6060 Sunse\ Boulevard, Hollywood, Cal. William Horsley, sole owner. Arthur T. Horsley, laboratory ex- pert. Wm. C. Horsley, laboratory superintend- ent. Capacity, 150.000 ft. negative per week, 400,000 ft. positive per week.

Humanity Producing Company, Brunton Studios, 5341 Melrose ave., Los Angeles, Cal.

Humphrey Pictures, Inc., c/o Pioneer Film Cor- poration, 130 West 46th St., N. Y. C.

Arthur S. Hyman Attractions, Consumers Bldg.. Chicago, 111. W. G. McCoy, manager, Film Bldg., Detroit, Mich.

Hyperion Productions, Inc., George H. Wiley, president; Walter Richard Hall; Joseph W. Farnham; James Vincent.


Thomas M. Ince Productions, Culver City, Cal. Thomas M. Ince, president; J. Parker Reed. Jr., general manager; Clark Thomas, produc- tion manager; W. J. Gilmour. supt. of studio; Fred Fralick, casting director; Harvey Leavitt, technical director; W. P. Hey wood, art direc- tor; Spencer Valentine, purchasing dept.; Al- fred Brandt, laboratory dept.; Paul Eagler, head cameraman; C. Garner Sullivan, Julien .Tosephson, E. Magnus Ingleton. Luther Reed, Helen Badgley, Bernard McElroy, Ethel C. Thorp, Adele Bufflngton. F. Ely Paget, John B. Ritchie, Miriam Meredith, Miss Lorimer, sce- narios. Companies Enid Bennett Company, Fred Niblo, director; Charles Ray Company, Jerome Storm, director; MacLean-May Com- pany, Lloyd Ingraham. director; Boswortb Company, Irvin Willat, director.

International Film Service, 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C. William R. Hearst, president; Morrll Goddard, treasurer; R. V. Anderson, general sales manager; E. B. Hetrick, general news manager; Leslie Jordan, advertising manager.

Inter-Ocean Film Corporation, 220 West 42d St., N. Y. C. Paul H. Cromelin, president and gen- eral manager.

Ivan Film Productions, Inc., 126 West 46th st., N. Y. C. I. E. Chadwick, general manager. (See Merit Film Corporation.)

Ivy Films Corporation, Lincoln Studio, Grant- wood, N. J. Henry L. Keats, president.


Lonis Jacobson Enterprises, Inc., 110 West 42nd St., N. Y. C. Louis Jacobson, president and treasurer.

Jans Distributing Corporation, 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C. H. F. Jans, president and treasurer; F. E. Backer, general manager.

Jans Productions, Inc., 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C. Herman F. Jans, president and treasurer; F. E. Backer, general manager; B. A. Rolfe, direc- tor general. See also Jans Distributing Corpo- ration.) Studio, Peerless Studio, Fort Lee, N. J.

Jaxon Film Company, Commercial Trust Bldg., N. Y. C. F. A. Tichenor, president; Walter Young, secretary.

Al Jennings Photoplay Company, Hollywood. Cal. H. M. Owens, general manager. Studio, Holly- wood, Cal.

Jester Comedy Company, 220 West 42nd St.. N. Y C. William Steiner, president. (See also Wil- liam Steiner Productions, The Photo Drama Co and The Tex Pictures, Inc.)

Jewel Productions, Incorporated, 1600 Broadway, N. Y. C. (See Universal Manufacturing Com- pany.)

Johnson & Hopkins Company, 3!iS Fifth ave., N. Y. C. Walter L. Johnson; Earle H. Hopkins. (See Motion Picture Producing Company of America.)

Jolly Comedies, care of Film Specials, Inc., 126

West 46th St., N. Y. C. Juvenile Photoplay Distributors, Inc., 729 Seventh

ave., N. Y. C. A. D. V. Storey, president; Jack Cohn, production manager; Bernard Miller.


8. L. K. Film Corporation, 112 West 42nd St., N. Y. C. S. Krellberg.

Arthur S. Kane Pictures Corporation, 452 Fifth ave., N. Y. C. Arthur S. Kane, president.

James Keane Feature Photoplay Productions, 220 West 42nd st., N. Y. C. James Keant, director; E. A. Keant, general manager; Florence Vin- cent, chief of scenario staff.

Frank Keenan Productions, Inc., Robert Brunton Studios, 5341 Melrose ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Frank Keenan, president; Robert Brunton, vice- president and general manager; Fred G. An- drews, business manager; Carlos Huntington, publicity; Gertrude Andrews, scenarios; Elliot Howe, director; Robert Newhardt, cameraman.

J. Warren Kerrigan Pictures, Inc., Brunton Stu- dios, 5341 Melrose ave., Los Angeles, Cal., care of W. W. Hodkinson Corporation, 516 Fifth ave., N. Y. C.



King Cole Comedies, care of Motion Picture Pro- ducing Company of America, 398 Fifth ave., N. Y.

Kinogram Publishing Corporation (Kinograms), 71 West 23rd St., N. Y. C. Dennis J. Sullivan, general manager; Terry Ramsay e.

George Kleine, 63 East Adams St., Chicago, 111. New York office, 110 West 46th st. .Merrill Smith, general manager.

Victor Kroner Film Features, 105 West 40th St., N. Y. J!. Victor Kremer, president; J. Shen- field, secretary. Branches Chicago office, 1345 Argyle St.; Pacific coast office, 728 Broadway, San Diego, Cal.


i-Ko Pictures Kompany, 1600 Broadway, N. Y. C. Julius Stern, president; Abe Stern, vice-presi- dent and secretary; Louis Jacobs, business man- ager; Ed. Haas, technical director; Fred Fish- back, Robert Hill, J. P. McGowan, William Watson, Jesse Robbins, directors. Studios, 6100 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Cal. (See also Uni- versal Film Manufacturing Company.) LaSalle Film Company, The, 1450 Dayton St., Chicago, 111. B. F. Lewis, general manager; Phil Grau, secretary; F. J. Seng, treasurer. Studio, Sunset and Gower sts., Los Angeles, Cal. Lasky Studios, 1520 Vine St., Los Angeles, Cal. Charles Eyton, general manager; Fred Kley, studio manager; Cecil B. De Mille, director general; Donald Crisp, Wm. De Mille, George Melford, Sam Wood, Thomas Heffron, Charles Maigne, directors; Alvin Wyckoff, director of photography; L. M. Goodstadt, casting director; Al Palm, supt. of laboratory; Wilfred Buck- land, art director; Henry Kotani, Paul Perry, C. E. Schoenbaum, Guy Wilky, Victor Ackland, Al Gilks, William Marshall, cameramen; Loren Taylor, title dept.; W. E. Sender, auditing dept.; Edmund Mitchell, purchasing dept.; Elizabeth Mcgaffey, research dept.; Howard Wells, property dept.; Clare West, designer; Roy Diem, costumes; Beulah Marie Dix, Frances Harmer, Clara Kennedy, Mary H. O'Connor, Will M. Ritchey, Frank E. Woods, Walter Woods, Olga Printzlau, Elmer Harris, Frank Finnegan, Margaret Turnbull, scenarios. (See also Famous Players-Lasky Corporation.)

Henry Lohrman Productions, Inc., Culver City, Cal. Henry Lohrman, nresident; Edward L. Symonds, studio manager; Mr. Sarber, technical director; Norman Taurog, director; George Meehan, Charles Selby, cameramen.

Sol Lesser Enterprises, Longacre Bldg., N. Y. C. Sol Lesser, president; Maurie Meyers, publicity. Branches Cleveland, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle. Exchange, Sol Lesser Film Exchange, 729 Seventh ave.

Edgar Lewis Productions, Inc., 1457 Broadway, N. Y. C. Edgar Lewis, president; Harry Ca- hane, treasurer; Abraham L. Feinstein, secre- tary. Department head. Solita Solano, director of publicity. Studios, Solax Studio, Fort Lee, N. J., and Brunton Studios, Hollywood. Cal.

Liberty Feature Films Company, San Francisco, Cal. Studio. Niles, Cal.

Life-Grams, Inc., 825 Longacre Bldg., N. Y C care of Wilk & Wilk.

Harold Lloyd Comedies (See Rolin Film Com- pany.)


C. R. Macauley Photoplays, Inc., 516 Fifth ave

N. Y. C. Charles R. Macauley, president; Fred H. Albert, vice-president; Hy. Butterfield, treasurer; Donald Woodruff, business manager.

Katherine MacDonald Picture Corporation, Girard and Georgia sts., Los Angeles, Cal. Chas. E. Evans, president and treasurer; Sam Rork production manager; H. W. Rork, secretary; Fred Bagley, business manager; Ursula March' casting director; E. C. Largey, studio manager; Milton Monasco. technical director; Colin Campbell, J. A. Barry, directors; Joseph Broth- erton, cameraman.

MacManus Corporation, 2 West 47th st. N Y C Edward A. MacManus, president and "treasurer ; Marion Sanger, secretary: H. A. Palmer busi- ness manager; Charles Phillpps, publicity di- rector; Burton King and Sidney Olcott, pro- ducing directors.

Hank Mann Comedies, care of Arrow Film Cor- poration, 220 West 42nd st.. N. Y. C. Morris

Schlank, producer. Studio, Francis Ford studio, 6040 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Cal.

Mastercraft Photoplay Corporation, Brunton Stu- dios, Los Angeles, Cal. Dr. F. Eugene Farns- worth, president and director general; E. R. Sherburne, treasurer.

Master Films, Incorporated, 1214 Aeolian Bldg.. 33 West 42nd St., N. Y. C. Charles C. Burr, president and general manager; E. J. Clode, vice-president.

McCarthy Picture Productions, 609 Laughlin Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. John P. McCarthy, supervisor and director; John F. Powers, man- ager.

Mayflower Photoplay Corporation, 1465 Broad- way, N. Y. C. Isaac Wolper, president and general manager; B. A. Prager, treasurer; A. W. Sampson, assistant treasurer; J. C. Bills, Jr., secretary and clerk. Branches 68 Devon- shire St.. Boston. Mass.; 5341 Melrose ave., Los^ Angeles, Cal. Studios West Fort Lee, N. J., and Hollywood, Cal. Producers associated with Mayflower-George Loane Tucker, Allan Dwan, Emile Chautard, R. A. Walsh, Charles Miller.

Stella Mayhew Productions, The, New Rochelle, N. Y. Stella Mayhew Taylor; William B. Tay- lor; Jacob S. Ruskin.

Melies Manufacturing Company, 110 West 40th St., N. Y. C. Paul C. Melies.

Mena Film Company, Fountain and Berando sts.. Hollywood, Cal. E. W. Kuehn, president; G. C. Driscoll; R. R. Hollister.

Mento Motion Picture Company, 220 West 42nd, St., N. Y. C. S. Samson.

Mercury Comedy Company, Balboa Studios, Long Beach, Cal. Milburn Moranti, general mana- ger; Grover Jones, director; Al Moranti, tech- nical director; Miles Burns, cameraman. (See- also Moranti Comedies.)

Merit Film Corporation, 130 West 4Gth St., N. Y. C. I. E. Chadwick, vice-president. Branches 680 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. ; M. F. Tobias. 327 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. ; N. I. Filkins, Belmont Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio; George Stockton, 130- West 46th St., New York; F. J. Willis.

Metropolitan Film Company, 1482 Broadway, N. Y. C. C. Milton Morrison.

Metro Pictures Corporation, 1476 Broadway, N. Y. C. Richard A. Rowland, president; William E. Atkinson, general manager; Maxwell Kar- ger, director general of productions; Joseph W. Engel, treasurer; J. E. D. Meador, director of advertising and publicity; E. M. Saunders, gen- eral sales manager; Charles K. Stern, assistant treasurer; Harry J. Cohen, manager of foreign department; Col. Jasper E. Brady, scenario editor, eastern studio; June Mathis, scenario editor, western studio. Stfidios 61st St. and Broadway, New York; Hollywood, Cal. Ex- changes— Atlanta, Ga„ 14G Marietta St.; Boston, Mass., 60 Church St.; Buffalo, N. Y., 327 Main St.; Chicago, 111., 5 So. Wabash ave.; Cincinnati, O., 7th and Main sts.; Cleveland, O., 404 Sin- cere Bldg.; Dallas, Tex., 1924 Main st. (2); Denver, Colo., 1721 California St.; Detroit, Mich., 51 East Elizabeth St.; Kansas City, Mo., 928 Main St.; Los Angeles, Cal., 820 So. Olive st. (2); Little Rock, Ark., 106 So. Cross St.; Minneapolis, Minn., Produce Exchange Bldg.; New Haven, Conn., 126 Meadow St.; New York (2), 729 Seventh ave.; New Orleans, La, Saen- ger Amus. Co. Bldg , Liberty st. and Tulane ave.; Oklahoma City, Okla.. 127 So. Hudson St.; Omaha, Neb., 211 So. 13th st.; Philadelphia, Pa., 1321 Vine St.: Pittsburgh. Pa., 101S Forbes St.; Salt Lake City, U., 20 Post Office Place; San Francisco, Cal., 55 Jones st. ; St. Louis Mo.. 3313 A Olive st.; Seattle. Wash.. 2002 Third ave.; Toronto, Can., 21 Adelaide St., W ; Washington, D. C. 916 G St., N. W. (See also Screen Classics, Inc. and Nazimova Produc- tions. )

Metro Studios, Hollywood. Cal. Maxwell Karger director-general: Herbert Blache. Jack Dillon' John E. Ince. Henry Otto, Rav C. Smallwood. ^L""^ P' R'P'cy. W. A. Howell, directors; Clifford P. Butler, business manager; David H Thompson, studio manager; Horace Williams casting director; William Swigart, cashier- Eva Roth, wardrobe mistress; June Mathis, head scenario dept.; Finis Fox, Albert S LeVino A. P. Younger. Lois Zellner. Arthur Zellner' scenarios; Ted Taylor, publicity director; How- ard Strlckllng, publicity; George A. McGuire supt. of laboratories: John J. Arnold. Rudolph Bergqulst, Robert Kurrle. Sol Pollto. Harold Wenstrom, William Edmunds, John Sykes,



Mickey Whalen, cameramen. (See also Metro Pictures Corporation.) Charles Miller Productions, care of Mayflower Photoplay Corporation, 1466 Broadway, N. Y. C. Charles Miller. Studio, 230 West 38th St., N. Y. C.

Mission Productions, 902 Baker-Detwiler Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. I. W. Keerl, general mana- ger.

Model Comedy Company, 5821 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood, Cal. Bruno J. Becker, gen- eral manager; Gale Henry, director; Al Risley, publicity. (Also Gale Henry Comedies.)

Monopol Pictures Company, 1476 Broadway, N. Y. C. Max Cohen, director of sales and exploita- tion. Distributors of State Right films.

Moranti Comedies, care of Bulls Eye Film Cor- poration, 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C. (See also Mercury Comedy Company.)

B. S. Moss Motion Picture Corporation, 729 Sev- enth ave., N. Y. C. B. S. Moss, president; Myron Sulzberger, secretary and treasurer; Arthur McQue, publicity.

Motion Picture Producing Company of America, 398 Fifth ave., N. Y. C. Walter L. Johnson, president; Earle H. Hopkins, secretary and treasurer. Marc Connelly, director of publicity and advertising. Studio, Dongan Hills, Staten Islanl. Affiliated Companies Sterospeed Pro- ductions, Inc.; Vivilite Products Corporation. Producers of King Cole Comedies.

Multnomah Film Corporation, 33rd and Halsey sts., Portland, Ore. Raymond Wells.


National Film Company, Tuilleries Park, Engle- wood, Denver, Colo. George A. Levy, general manager; J. W. Boot, treasurer; J. H. Hine, secretary; W. H. Ender, W. E. Morris.

National Film Corporation of America, 1116 Lodi St., Hollywood, Cal., and 1600 Broadway, New York. Harry M. Rubey, president; Isador Bernstein, vice-president; William LaPlante, treasurer; Joe Brandt, general representative. Studio, Santa Monica Boulevard, Gower to Lodi sts., Hollywood, Cal.

National Picture Theatres Incorporated, 729 Sev- enth ave., N. Y. C. Lewis, J. Selznick, presi- dent; Harry Crandall, Charles Olson, Hector Pasmezoglu, Ike Libson, John Harris, Jake Wells, vice-presidents; Lee Kugel, director of advertising, publicity, exploitation and service. (See also Select Pictures Corporation, Repub- lic Distributing Corporation, and Selznick Pic- tures Corporation.)

National Studios, 1116 Lodi st., Hollywood, Cal. Isadore Bernstein, production manager; Martin Doner, art director; Bertram Bracken. Mark Goldaine, Paul Hurst, Harry Edwards, William Seiter, directors; Franklyn Hall, L. V. Jeffer- son, Everett Maxwell, Harvey Oates, scenarios; Lenwood Abbot, laboratory. (See also National Film Corporation of America.)

Nazimova Productions, The, 1476 Broadway, N. Y. C. (See also Metro Pictures Corpora- tion.)

Marshall Neilan Productions, 1723 Allesandro St., Los Angeles, Cal. Marshall Neilan, director; Victor Heerman, director; Tom Held, assistant director; H. I. Peyton, assistant director; Hen- ry Cronjager, head cameraman; Sam Landers, cameraman; Foster Leonard, assistant camera- man; Ben Carre, art director; Howard M. Ewing, electrical expert; Wellington Wales, business manager; William Bomb, studio man- ager; Marion Fairfax, scenario editor; J. R. Grainger, eastern representative; Peter Grid- ley Smith, publicity director; Eddie O'Hara, studio publicity manager; Naida Carle, pub- licity writer; Lucita Squier, eastern auditor. Studio, 1723 Allesandro St., Los Angeles, Cal. Eastern offices, Capitol Theatre Bldg., N. Y. C.

Northwestern Film Corporation, Sheridan, Wyo. John E. Maple, general manager.

Novagraph Company, c/o Pathe Exchange, Inc., 25 West 45th St.. N. Y. C. Charles Watson, president.

Numa Pictures Corporation, Longacre Bldg., N. Y. C. Adolph Weiss, president; George M. Merrick, supervisor of productions. Studios. Yonkers, N. Y. (See Artclass Pictures Corp.)


Oakley Super Quality Productions, Inc., 529 Weil

8th St., Los Angeles, Cal.

Octagon Films, Inc., 46 Main St., New Rochelle. N. Y. Headquarters A. H. Fischer Studio and Laboratory. B. A. Rolfe, president; A. H. Fischer, vice-president; Charles G. Stewart, general manager; Harry H. Poppe, advertising and publicity manager. (See also A. M. Fischer Features, Inc.)

Oliver Films, Inc., 308 East 48th st, N. Y. C. I. Oliver, president; J. W. Grey, Arthur B. Reeve, T. D. Bonneville, publicity.

Outing-Chester Pictures, 120 West 41st at., N. Y. C. (See C. L. Chester Productions, Inc.)


Pacific Producing Company, 1600 Broadway, N. Y. C. (See also Universal Film Manufac- turing Company.) Studios, Hollywood, Cal.

Palmer Photoplay Corporation, 571-591 I. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Frederick Palmer, president; H. E. Teter, vice-president; S. M. Warmbath, secretary and treasurer; Roy L. Manker, general manager. Following de- partments are maintained Department of ed- ucation; continuity department; photoplay sales department; research and technical de- partment. Educational department supervised by Cecil B. DeMille, Thomas H. Ince, Lois Weber and Rab Wagner. Dorothy Yost, head of continuity; Adeline Alvord, director of re- search department; Kate Corbaley, head of photoplay sales department. Organization is engaged exclusively in the handling of stories for motion picture production.

Paramount-Artcraft Pictures, 485 Fifth ave., N. Y. C. (See Famous Players-Lasky Corpo- ration.)

Paramount Pictures Corporation, 485 Fifth ave., N. Y. C. (See Famous Players-Lasky Corpo- ration.)

Parex Film Corporation, 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C. William L. Sherry, president; M. V. Sherry, vice-president; N. J. Sennott, secre- tary. (See also Wm. L. Sherry Service.)

Pathe Exchange, Inc., 25 West 45th St., N. Y. C. Charles Pathe, president; Paul Brunet, vice- president and general manager; Lewis Inner- arity, secretary; Louis Landry, treasurer; Fred C. Quimby, director of exchanges. Charles Pathe, Paul Fuller, Leon Madieu, Louis Lan- dry, Paul Brunet, Edmund G. Lynch, Lewis Innerarity, Fred C. Quimby and Gaston Cha- nier constitute the board of directors. Studio, 1 Congress st., Jersey City, N. J. Branches Atlanta, Ga., Ill Walton St.; Dallas, Tex., 1715 Commerce St.; Chicago, 111., 220 So. State St.; Minneapolis, Minn., 608 First ave. North; New York City, 1600 Broadway; Boston, Mass., 7 Isabella st. ; Los Angeles, Cal., 732 So. Olive St.; St. Louis, Mo., 3308 Lindell ave.; San Fran- cisco, Cal., 985 Market St.; Albany; N. Y., 35- 37 Orange St.; Pittsburg, Pa., 1018 Forbes St.; Cincinnati, O., 124 East 7th st. ; Cleveland, O., 750 Prospect ave., S. E.; Oklahoma City, Okla., 119 So. Hudson St.; Phila., Pa., 211 No. 13th st.; New Orleans, La., 229 Dauphine St.; Wash- ington, D. C, 916 G St., N. W. ; Kansas City, Mo., 928 Main st. ; Denver, Colo., 1436 Welton St.; Omaha, Neb., 1417 Harney st.; Seattle, Wash., 2133 Third ave.; Salt Lake City. U.. 64 Exchange pi.; Indianapolis, Ind., 66 W. New York St.; Detroit, Mich., 63 E. Elizabeth St.; Des Moines, la.. lOO1^ E. Locust St.; Newark, N. J., 6 Mechanic St.; Charlotte, N. C, 235 So. Tryon st. ; Buffalo, N. Y., 218 Franklin St.; Milwaukee, Wis., 174 Second St.; Spokane, Wash., 408 First ave.; Little Rock, Ark., 1116 W. Markham st.; Portland, Ore., 392 Burn- side st.

Paton Films, Inc., Nat Goodwin Piere, Hollister ave. and Ocean Front, Santa Monica, Cal. Stuart Paton, director general; Dr. Henry Noel Potter, general manager. Studio, Nat Good- win Pier, Santa Monica, Cal.

Leonce Perret Productions, 220 West 42nd St., N. Y. C. Also Acme Pictures Corporation, 220 West 42nd St., N. Y. C. Leonce Perret, di- rector.)

Adolf Philipp Film Corporation, 11 East 14th St., N. Y. C. Adolf Philipp, president; Paul Phil- ipp, treasurer and business representative; Maurice Weissman, secretary. Department heads J. H. Dreher, sales manager; Tom Bret, title editor. Studio, 11 East 14th St., New York.

Photoplay Libraries, Inc., 500 Fifth ave., N. Y. C. Lester Park; Edward Whiteside.

Photoplay Magazine Screen Supplement, 350 N. Clark St., Chicago, 111. James R. Quirk, pub- lisher.



Photo Drama Co., The, 220 W. 42nd St., N. Y. C. William Steiner, president; Studio, Cliffside, N. J. (See also Wm. Steiner Productions, The Tex Pictures, Inc., and Jester Comedy Com- pany.)

Physical Culture Photoplays, Inc., c/o Pioneer Film Corporation, 130 West 46th St., N. Y. C. Bernarr MacFadden. (See also Facts and Fol- lies, Inc.)

Mary Pickford Company, Hollywood Cal. Mary Pickford, president. Department heads F. E. Benson, studio manager; E. D. Shanks, auditor; Mark Darkin, publicity director; Mrs. Elizabeth Cameron, secretary to Miss Pickford; Marion

B. Jackson, scenario; Paul Powell, director for "Pollyanna" ; Max Parker, technical director; Charles Rosher, cameraman; Mrs. Adele Chin- ley, head of wardrobe. Studio, Hollywood, Cal.

Pioneer Film Corporation, 130 West 46th st, N. Y. C. Morris Rose, president; Louis Haas, vice- president and treasurer; M. H. Hoffman, secre- tary and general manager. Department heads W. F. Hurst, comptroller; Southard Brown, director of publicity. Branches, Buffalo, N. Y., 145 Franklin St.; New York City, 130 West 46th »t. ; Cleveland, Ohio, 812 Prospect ave. ; Detroit, Mich., 53 East Elizabeth St. Exchanges affili- ated with Pioneer, Eastern Features Film Co., 67 Church St., Boston, Mass.; Masterpiece Film Attractions, 1235 Vine St., Phlla., Pa.; Criterion Film Service, 67 Walton St., Atlanta, Ga. ; Greater Stars Productions, 716 Consumers Bldg., Chicago, 111.; M & R Exchange, 107 Golden Gate ave., San Francisco, Cal. ; M & R Exchange, 730 So. Olive St., Los Angeles, Cal.; Screen Art Pictures, Inc., Washington, D. C. Producing organizations affiliated with Pioneer, Grace Davison Productions, Humphrey Pictures, Inc., Physical Culture Photoplays, Inc., National Film Corporation of America; Atlas Film Cor- poration.

Playter Photoplayers, Inc., The, Minnehaha Park, Spokane, Wash. Wellington Playter, president.

Plymouth Film Corporation, 786 Broad St., New- ark, N. J. James K. Shields, president; B. F. Jones, vice-president; Dr. Yarrow, secretary; Mr. Macauley, treasurer.

Snnb Pollard Comedies. (See Rolin Film Com- pany.)

Poppy Comedies, Times Bldg., c/o Frohman

Amusement Corporation. Post Pictures Corporation, 527 Fifth ave., N. Y.

C. Albert Redfield, president and treasurer; Clyde E. Elliot, vice-president and general di- rector; Germaine De Maria, director of pub- licity; Marie Post, editor scenario department; Horace C. Shimeld, chief cameraman.

C. B. Price Co., Inc., Times Bldg., N. Y. C. C. B. Price, president; F. H Price, vice-presi- dent; Asa B. Kellogg, secretary; C. A. Meade.

Prizma, Incorporated, 71 West 23rd St., N. Y. C. H. Wilson Saulsbury, president; Carroll H. Dun- ning, Frances T. Homer and C. H. D. Walsh, vice-presidents; William V. D. Kelley, technical adviser; S. C. Strock, treasurer; George P. Kelley, secretary. Department head, Howard G. Stokes, assistant general manager, in charge of production, advertising, publicity and serv- ice. Laboratory, 3193 Boulevard, Jersey City, N. J. Pictures distributed by Republic Dis- tributing Corporation, 130 West 46th St.. N. Y. C.

Producers Security Corporation, 516 Fifth ave., N. Y. C. Ricord Gradwell, president and gen- eral manager; F. J. Hawkins, secretary; Nathan Vidaver, general counsel; Campbell McCulloch, director of advertising and publicity; Ricord Gradwell, John Maynard Harlan, F. J. Hawkins and Nathan Vidaver, directors of corporation.


Quality Film Company, 208 Iowa St., Davenport, 111. C. B. Holman and Ivan L. Swanson, man- agers.


Rainbow Comedies, care of Universal Film Com- pany, 1600 Broadway, N. Y. C.

Harry Raver, Inc., 1402 Broadway, N. Y. C. (See Apollo Pictures Company.)

J. Parker Read, Jr., Productions, Robert Brunton Studios, 5341 Melrose ave., Los Angeles. Cal. (Care of W. W. Hodkinson Corporation. 616 Fifth ave., N. Y. C.)

Realart Pictures Corporation, 469 Fifth ave., N Y. C. Morris Kohn, president and treasurer. Department heads— J. S. Woody, general man- ager; J. C. Ragland, general sales manager; Ben F. Simpson, field manager; E. S. Flynn, special representative; John Pond Frltts, pub- licity and advertising; Dario L. Farella, con- troller; Lewis Kinskern, contract manager; Jay A. Gove, associate director of publicity; C. Alfred Karpen, advertising accessories; Bert Adler, exploitation; Harry Day, exploitation; Edna S. Michaels, feature writer; Mrs. Pattenca Bevier Cole, feature writer; Ben Davis, ex- ploitation; E. L. Massie, Pacific coast exploita- tion; James Cuniff, chief traveling auditor. Branches Atlanta, Ga., 146 Marietta st.; Bos- ton, Mass., 5 Isabella St.; Buffalo, N. Y., 221 Franklin St.; Chicago, 111., 207 So. Wabash ave.; Cincinnati, O., Mercantile Library Bldg.; Cleve- land, O., 942 E. Prospect ave.; Dallas, Tex., 1905 Commerce St.; Denver, Colo., 1742 Glenarm St.; Detroit, Mich., 306 Joseph Mack Bldg.; Kansas City, Mo., 509-10 Republic Bldg.; Los Angeles, Cal., 643 So. Olive st.; Minneapolis, Minn., 801 Produce Exchange Bldg.; New York, 729 Seventh ave.; New Orleans, La Saenger Bldg. Tulane and Liberty sts. ; Omaha, Neb., 1216 Farnam St.; Philadelphia, Pa., 1237 Vine St.; Pittsburgh, Pa.. 1018 Forbes St.; San Fran- cisco. Cal., 1006-1008 David Howe Bldg.. 995 Market St.; Seattle, Wash., 2012 Third ave.; St. Louis, Mo., 3626 Olive St.; Washington, D. C., Rooms 806-820 Mather Bldg., 916 G St., N. W.

Renco Film Company, National Life Bldg., Chi- cago, 111. Mr. Reynolds, manager; Harry Earl, advertising.

Republic Distributing Corporation, 130 West 46th St., N. Y. C. Berton N. Busch, president and general manager; Lewis J. Selznick, advisory director and treasurer; C. C. Pettijohn, secre- tary; Lee Kugel, publicity; S. B. Van Horn, advertising; G. R. Meeker, sales manager. Branches Mrs. A. H. Sessions, 148 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga.; Geo. M. A. Fecke, 78 Broad- way Boston, Mass.; J. E. Kimberley, 269 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. ; L. A. Rozelle, 207 S. Wa- bash ave., Chicago, 111.; R. E. Flagler, N. W. corner 7th and Main sts, Cincinnati, Ohio; C. A. Thompson. Belmont Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio; Tom N. Parker, 1905 Commerce st., Dallas, Tex.; John Child, 1753 Welton St.. Den- ver, Colo. ; G. F. Weaver, 63 E. Elizabeth St., Detroit, Mich.; W. E. Truog, 1612 Main St., Kansas City, Mo.; T. E. Hancock, 818 S. Olive St., Los Angeles, Cal.; Robert Cotton, 6th and 1st ave., Minneapolis, Minn.; Norman Moray, 130 West 46th st., New York; W. R. Priest, 1315 Vine st., Phila., Pa.; Fred Salinger, 1201 Liberty ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.; W. G. Carter, 3617 Washington ave., St. Louis, Mo.; Floyd St. John 104 Golden Gate ave., San Francisco, Cal.; Jack Weil, 1301 5th ave., Seattle, Wash.; R. B. Smeltzer, 916 "G" St., N. W., Washing- ton, D. C. (See also Select Pictures Corp.)

Robertson-Cole Company, 1600 Broadway, N. Y. C. Rufus Cole, Lieut. Robertson, Alexander Beyfuss; A. S. Kirkpatrlck, vice-president and general manager. Branches Los Angeles, Cal.; San Francisco, Cal.; London, Eng.; Sydney, Australia; Calcutta, Ind.; Bombay, Ind. ; Singa- pore and Rangoon. Exchanges in all the prin- cipal cities of the United States. (See also Robertson-Cole Distributing Corporation.)

Robertson-Cole Distributing Corporation, 1600 Broadway, N. Y. C. (See Robertson-Cole Com- pany.)

Rogers Film Corporation, Capitol Theatre Bldg., N. Y. C. Louis T. Rogers.

Ruth Roland Film Company, 1919 Main St.. Los Angeles, Cal. Ruth Roland, president; L. E. Kent, studio manager; Gilson Willets, scenario; Charlie Gee, technical director; D. C. Harrison, film editor; George Marshall, director; Al Ca- wood, camera man. (Also Ruth Roland Serials. Inc.) Pictures released through Pathe Ex- change, Inc., 25 West 45th St., N. Y. C.

Rolin Film Company, Culver City, Cal. Mai Roach, president; C. M. Roach, secretary and treasurer: E. L. Wisdom, vice-president: Mai Roach, Fred Newmayer, Al Gouldlng, Frank Terry, directors; Walter Lundln, cameraman; W. D. McCary, technical director.

Roma-New York Pictures Corporation, 1400 Broadway, N. Y. C. P. A. Powers, president; Gen. Giuseppe Garibaldi, vice-president : Anne Felnman, secretary; Capt. Ezio Garibaldi, as-



Blstant secretary; R. H. Cochrane, treasurer. The board of directors consist of the above named persons in addition to Tarkington Baker and Dan B. Lederman Studio Italy. (See also Universal Film Mfg. Co.)

Komavne Super- Film Company, Culver City, Cal. H. Y. Romayne, president; E. D. Ulrich, general

. manager; Thomas A. Baker, treasurer; J. E. Kelly, production manager; Walter McNamara, scenario department; Otto M. Steiger, publicity and advertising department; Frank P. Ham- ilton, sales department; Vln Moore and Charles Avery, scenario and comedy directors. Studio Culver City, Cal.

Rothacker Film Manufacturing Company, 1339- 1351 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, 111. Watterson R. Rothacker, president; David Beaton, Jr., vice-president; H. J. Aldous, secretary and treasurer; J. G. Hahn. assistant secretary; J. «; Mammoser, assistant treasurer. Laboratory 1339 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, 111.


S. L. Pictures, 1476 Broadway, N. T. C. Herbeit Lubin, president; Arthur H. Sawyer, treasurer and general manager; Bert Ennis, director of publicity; Bert Lubin, sales manager.

San Antonio Pictures Corporation, 416-417 Cen- tral Office Bldg., San Antonio, Tex.; Macklyn Arbuckle, president; Charles Schreiner, Jr., vice-president; L. P. Hart, vice-president; L. D. Wharton, vice-president and general man- ager; T. W. Wharton, supervising director; R. D. Barclay, treasurer; William H. Furlong, secretary; W. C. Hogg, assistant secretary; R. J. Boyle, counsel. These officers, together with F. M. Lewis, Ike T. Pryor, and J. E. Jarratt. constitute the board of directors. Stu- dio— 5700 S. Press St., San Antonio, Tex.

Sanborn Laboratories, Inc., Culver City, Cal. P. M. Burke, president; O. D. Bennett, vice- president. Daily capacity, 100,000 ft. positive, 30,000 ft. negative.

P. D. Sargent Productions, 753 South Boyle ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Clyde C. Westover, general manager; Park B. Frame, producing director.

Schomer-Ross Productions, Inc., 1440 Broadway (temporary office until Feb. 1, 1920), 126 West 46th St. (after Feb. 1. 1920), N. Y. C. S. Scho- mer, director-general; Sidney L. Ross, presi- dent and treasurer; Leon Rosen, secretary; E. S. Manheimer, general manager; Agnes Eagen Cobb, sales manager; Nat Rothstein, publicity manager.

Screencraft Pictures, Inc., Longacre Bldg., N. Y. C. Maurice Fleckles, president; Joseph Pol- lak, vice-president; Akiba Weinberg, treasurer.

Screen Classics, Inc., 1476 Broadway, N. Y. C. (See Metro Pictures Corporation.)

Screen Follies, Inc., 220 West 42d St., N. Y. C. F. A. A. Dahme, president; Luis Seel, secretary and treasurer; F. A. A. Dahme, title illustra- tions and titles; Luis Seel, animated films, an- nouncers, trailers, and cartoons.

Screen Letter Box, Strand Theatre Bldg., N. Y. C. Morris Kashin.

George B. Seitz, Inc., c/o Pathe Exchange, Inc., 25 West 45th St., N. Y. C.

Select Pictures Corporation, 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C. Lewis J. Selznick, president; C. C. Petti- john, assistant to the president; S. E. Morris, vice-president and general manager; F. A. Selz- nick. treasurer and secretary; David Selznick, assistant secretary and treasurer. Department heads M. C. Howard, comptroller; C. R. Rogers, sales, manager ; C. C. Ryan, purchasing; Lee Kugel, advertising, publicity, and exploita- tion; Louis Brock, export. Branches, see Re- public Distributing Corporation, also 66 New York St., Indianapolis. Ind.; 19 Portsca St.. New Haven, Conn.; 718 Poydras St., New Orleans. La.; 1512 Howard St., Omaha, Neb.; 160 Regent St., Salt Lake City, Utah; 501 Excelsior Life Bldg., Toronto, Ont.; 679 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. ; 69 Church St.. Boston, Mass.; 178 Franklin St., Buffalo, N. Y. ; 220 S. State St., Chicago. 111.; 402 Strand Theatre Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio; 815 Prospect ave., Cleveland, Ohio; 1917 Main St., Dallas, Tex.; 1728 Walton St., Denver, Col.; 920 Main St.. Kansas City, Mo.; 736 S. Olive St.. Los Angeles. Cal.; 16 No. 4th St., Minneapolis, Minn.; 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C. ; 1308 Vine st., Phila., Pa.; 3313 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo.; 985 Market St.. San Francisco, Cal.; 308 Virginia St., Seattle, Wash.; 525 13th St., N. W., Washing- ton, D. C. ; Select Pictures Corporation, 43 Rue

la Bruyere. Paris, France, Lewis J. SelznlcK, president; Select Pictures Corporation, Sydney. N. S. W.. Australia, Lewis J. Selznick, presi- dent; Select Pictures Corporation, Ltd., 289 St. Catherine St., W., Montreal, Canada, Lewis J. Selznick, president. (See also Selznick Pictures Corporation. ) Selig Polyscope Company, Inc., Garland Bldg., Chicago, 111. Studio, 3800 Mission Road, Los Angeles. Cal. Col. Wm. H. Selig, president; Thomas S. McGee, studio manager; William E. Wing, E. A. Martin, scenarios; Webster Cul- lison, Francis Grandon, Leon de la Mothe, di- rectors; Harry Neuman, Eddie Lindon, Gerald MacKenzie, cameramen; Frank Prucha, supt. of laboratory.

Selznick Pictures Corporation, 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C. Myron Selznick, president; F. A. Selz- nick, treasurer. Department heads John Lynch, scenario; Lee Kugel, publicity; Ran- dolph Mailer, purchasing; Frank Hampton, studio manager; James Dent, business mana- ger; Mr. Raphe, art director. Studios, West Fort Lee, N. J., and 507 East 175th St., N. Y. C. Branches (See also Select Pictures Corpora- tion, Republic Distributing Corporation, Nation- al Picture Theatres, Inc.)

Larry Semon Comedies, care Vitagraph Company, 1600 Broadway, N. Y. C.

Mack Sennett Comedies. 1712 Allosandro St., Los Angeles, Cal. Mack Sennett, president; J. A. Waldron, general manager; Ray Griflith. Al- bert Glassmare, scenarios; Richard Jones, Reg- gie Morris, directors; Fred Jackman, camera- man. Studio, 1712 Allesandro St., Los Angeles. Cal.

Serico Producing Company, Candler Bldg., N. Y.

C. George H. Wiley, president. Win. L. Sherry Service, 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C.

(See Parex Film Corporation.) Ernest Shipman, 6 West 48th St., N. Y. C. C. E. Shurtleff, Inc., 729 Fifth ave., N. Y. C.

Mitchell Lewis Productions for Metro. Signal Film Corporation, 6235 Broadway, Chicago,

111. Samuel S. Hutchinson, president; John R.

Freuler, secretary and treasurer. (See also

American Film Company, Inc.) Spoor-Thompson Machine Company, 1345 Argyle

St., Chicago, 111. George K. Spoor, president.

(See also Essanay Film Manufacturing Com- pany).

State Rights Distributors, Inc., 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C. Louis Weinberg, general manager; Ira H. Simmons, general sales manager.

William Steiner Productions, 220 West 42nd St.. N. Y. C. William Steiner, president. Studios, Cliffside, N. J., and San Jose. Tex. (See also Photo Drama Co., The Tex Pictures, Inc., and Jester Comedy Company).

Sterling Films, Ltd., 166 Bay St., Toronto, Can. I. Soskin, president; M. Volansky, secretary and treasurer. Offices in Montreal, Can.

Anita Stewart Productions, Inc., 2 West 45th St., N. Y. C. Louis B. Mayer, president; Rudolph Cameron, vice-president and general manager; E. B. Hesser, advertising and publicity mana- ger; Wm. H. Leahy, publicity manager.

Stereospeed Productions, Inc., care Johnson & Hopkins Company, 39S Fifth ave., N. Y. C.

Al St. John Comedies, Burston Studios. 6050 Sun- set blvd., Hollywood, Cal. New York Office, 220 West 42nd St., care Warner Bros. J. L. Warner, president; James P. Taylor, secretary and treasurer; Al St. John, vice-president; Jack Froliech, technical director; Frank C. Griffith, director; Harry Brand, publicity; Frank Mc- Gee, Frank Zukor, George Crocker, cameramen. (Released through Famous Players-Lasky Cor- poration. )

Submarine Film Corporation, The, Longacre Bldg., N. Y. C. J. E. Williamson, general manager. (Also Williamson Bros.)

Success Pictures Company, 905 Haas Bldg.. Los Angeles, Cal. Leonard J. Meyberg. distributor.

Sun Films, Inc., 730 So. Olive St., Los Angeles, Cal. Branches, 114 Golden Gate ave., San Francisco, Cal.; 2016 Third ave.. Seattle, Wash.; territory, seven western states, Hawaiian Isl- ands and Alaska.

Sunbeam Comedies. (See also Florida Film Cor- poration. )

Sunshine Comedies, care Fox Film Corporation,

130 West 46th St., N. Y. C. Supreme Comedies, care Robertson-Cole Company,

1600 Broadway, N. Y. C. Supreme Pictures, Inc., 101-103 West 42nd St.,

N. Y. C. John W. Grey, president; Arthur B.



Reeve, vice-president: J. F. Cleaveland, secre- tary; J. A. Forney, treasurer; H. Sumnich, as- sistant secretary. Studio, Flushing, L. I.

Sylvanite Productions, Balboa Studios, Long Beach, Cal. Alvin J. Neitz, director; Robert Sullivan, general manager.

Syndicate Superfeatures, Inc., care George Kleine, 63 East Adams St., Chicago, 111.


Norma Talmadge Film Corporation, 318 East 48th

st., N. Y. C. Joseph M. Schenck, president;

Edward J. Mannix, general manager. Studio.

318 East 48th st. Charles A. Taylor Studios, Inc., 1745 Allesandro

St., Los Angeles, Cal. James Tynan, publicity

and advertising manager. Territorial Sales Corporation, 1600 Broadway, N.

Y. C.

Tex Pictures, Inc., The, 220 West 42nd St., N. Y. C. William Steiner, president. Studios, Cliff- side, N. J., and San Antonio, Tex. (See also William Steiner Productions, The Photo Drama Co., and Jester Comedy Company.)

Timely Films, Inc., Palace Theatre Annex, 1562 Broadway, N. Y. C. Amedee J. Van Beuren, president; A. E. Siegel, treasurer; Clayton J. Heermance, secretary; Rutgers Neilson, director of publicity and advertising. Producers of "Topics of the Day," selected from the press of the world by the Literary Digest. (See also V. B. K. Film Corporation and Ay-Vee-Bee Corporation.)

Titan Feature Photoplay Company, Sherwood Bldg., Spokane, Wash. J. Don Alexander, pres- ident; R. E. Musser, secretary and treasurer; C. L. Mayo, vice-president; J. G. Sullivan, field manager.

Titan Pictures Corporation, 301 Garrick Bldg., 58 Randolph st., Chicago, 111. Frederick Russell Clark.

Topical Tips, 220 West 42nd St., N. Y. C. Tom Bret.

Maurice Tourneur Productions, Inc., Culver City., Cal. Maurice Tourneur, president; J. E. Briila- tour, treasurer; Sam Mayer, secretary; Jules Furthman (Stephen Fox), scenario; John S. Dunham, publicity; Johnny Gray, film editor; Floyd Mueller, art director; Ed Mortimer, cast- ing director; Charles Van Enger, Rene Guissart, cameramen. Advertising through Famous Play- ers-Lasky Corporation.

Tower Film Corporation, 71 West 23rd st., N. Y. C.

Transatlantic Film Company of America., Inc., 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C. Lewis Roach, presi- dent; Jacques Cibrario, vice-president; Charles Yale Harrison, American sales manager. Agencies. Russia, England, France, Italy, Bel- gium, Holland, Scandinavia, Finland, Spain, Portugal. Balkan States, Egypt, Japan, China, India, Australia, South Africa, and South America.

Triangle Distributing Corporation, 1459 Broadway. N. Y. C. Exchanges in principal cities of United States.

Triangle Film Corporation, 1459 Broadway. N. Y. C. (Also Triangle Distributing Corporation.)

Tribune Productions, Inc., care of Mark M. Din- terfass, 1600 Broadway, N. Y. C.

Triumph Film Corporation, Longacre Bldg., N. Y. C. Joseph A. Golden, president.

Tmart Pictures, Inc., 1457 Broadway, N. Y. C Charles H. France, director general; Bory Osso, vice-president and general manager.

George Loane Tucker Productions, care Brunton Studios, 5341 Melrose ave., Los Angeles, Cal. (Also Mayflower Photoplay Corporation, 1465 Broadway, N. Y. C.)

Tyrad Pictures, Inc., 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C. Matthias Radin, president and general man- ager; Jacques Tyrol, secretary, treasurer, and general director; Matthias Radin, sales man- ager; Jacques Tyrol, technical director; Wini- fred Dunn, scenario. Branches, Pittsburgh, Pa.. 100 Fourth ave., Buffalo, N. Y., Palace Theatre Bldg.


United Artists Corporation, 729 Seventh ave, N Y. C. Oscar A. Price, president; Hiram Abrams, general manager; Paul N. Lazarus, advertising and publicity manager. Home office. 729 Sev- enth ave.. New York. Branch offices. Atlanta. Ga., Ill Walton St.; Boston. Mass.. 41-43 Win-

chester St.; Toronto, Can., Stair Bldg., 123 Bay st.; Chicago, 111., 17 N. Wabash ave.; Dallas Tex., 1930 Main St.; Cleveland, Ohio, Plymouth Bldg., 2143 Prospect ave.; Denver. Colo., 617 19th st.; Detroit, Mich., 605 Joseph Mack Bldg.; Kansas City, Mo., 922 Oak St.; Los Angeles, Cal., 643 S. Olive st. ; Minneapo- lis, Minn., 402 Film Exchange Bldg.; New York City, 729 Seventh ave.; New Orleans, La., 1401 Tulane ave.; Phila., Pa., 314 Bulletin Bldg.; Pittsburgh. Pa., 412 Ferry st. ; San Francisco. Cal., 100 Golden Gate ave.; Seattle, Wash., 1200 Fourth ave.; Washington, D. C„ 801 Mather Bldg.

United Picture Theatres of America, Inc., 1600 Broadway, N. Y. C. J. A. Berst, president; C. C. Johnson, secretary; Milton M. Goldsmith, treasurer; Lloyd Willis, assistant to president; Theodore L. Liebler, Jr., manager scenario dept.; Leon J. Bamberger, manager contract dept.; R. W. Baremore. publicity and adver- tising; William Lord Wright, western studio representative. United States Photoplay Corporation. 922 Munsey Bldg., Washington, D. C. Frederick F. Stoll, president; Dr. George L. Carder, vice- president; Dr. H. H. Prentice, director; Capt. L. S. Flavin, director; William P. Doing, direct- or; C. L. Wakeman, secretary. Studio, E. K. Lincoln Studio, Grantwood. N. J. Unity Photoplays Company, 207 S. Wabash ave.,

Chicago, 111. Frank Zambreno, president. Universal Film Manufacturing Company, 1600 Broadway, N. Y. C. Carl Laemmle. president: R. H. Cochrane, vice-president; Siegfried Hart- man, secretary; P. A. Powers, treasurer; Tark- ington Baker, general manager and super- visor of Universal City. Department heads, H. M. Berman, general manager of exchanges and sales manager; E. H. Goldstein, assistant sales manager; Edward Moffat, advertising manager; Albert Tuchman, purchasing agent; Harry Levey, general manager industrial de- partment; Percy Heath, scenario department; Paul Gulick, editor-in-chief of Moving Picture Weekly; P. D. Cochrane, manager of poster department; Sidney Singerman, assistant man- ager of poster department; Edward Roskam, manager program department; Harry Rice, di- rector of publicity; John W. Krafft, press book editor; Joseph H. Mayer, special exploitation representative; Lee Reiner, still department. Studios. Universal City, Cal. Branches, Atlanta, Ga.. Ill Walton st. ; Baltimore, Md., 412 E. Bait., St.; Boston, Mass., 13 Stanhope St.; Bos- ton, Mass., 60 Church St.; Boston, Mass., 20 Winchester st. ; Buffalo, N. Y., 35 Church St.; Butte, Mont., 52 E. B'way; Calgary, Alta., 407 W. 8th ave.; Charlotte, N. C, 307 W. Trade; Chicago, 111., Consumers Bldg.; Cincinnati. Ohio, 501 Strand St.; Cleveland. Ohio, Prospect ave., and Huron st. ; Charleston, W. Va., 607 Deydoh st.; Columbus, O.. 294 N. High St.; Dallas. Tex., 1900 Commerce; Denver, Colo., 1422 Welton St.; Des Moines, la., 918 Locust St.; Detroit, Mich.. 63 E. Elizabeth st.; El Paso, Tex., 110 E. Franklin st.; Evansville. Ind. ; Ft. Smith, Ark.. 307 Garrison St.; Indianapolis. Ind.. 113 W. Georgia St.; Jacksonville. Fla., 3.10 W. Forsythe St.; Kansas City Mo.. 214 E. 12th St.; Los Angeles. Cal., 822 S. Olive St.; Louisville, Ky.. 407 Walker Bldg.; Memphis. Tenn., 226 Union ave.; Milwaukee, Wis.. 133 Second St.; Minneapolis, Minn., 719 Hennepin ave.; Montreal, Que.. 295 St. Catherine St., W. ; Newark, N. J., 25 Branford pi.; New Haven, Conn., 126 Meadow st. ; New Orleans, La., 914 Gravier st. ; New. York City, 1600 B'way; Okla. City, Okla., 116 W. 2d St.; Omaha, Neb.. 1304 Farnam St.; Phoenix. Ariz.. 117 N. 2d St.: Phila., Pa., 1 304 Vine st:; Pittsburgh. Pa., 938 Penn ave.; Portland, Ore.. 405 Davis st. ; St. Louis, Mo., 2116 Locust st.: Salt Lake City, Utah, 56 Exchange pi.; San Francisco. Cal.. 121 Golden Gate ave.: Seattle. Wash.. 215 Vir- ginia St.; Spokane, Wash., 16 S. Wash. St.: Sioux Falls, S. D., Colonial Theatre Bldg.; St. John, N. B., Can., 87 Union St.: Toronto. Can., 106 Rich. St.. W. ; Vancouver. B. C, 711 Dunsmulr St.; Washington. D. C. 307 9th St.. N. W.; Wichita. Kan,. 209 E. 1st St.; Wilkes- barre. Pa.; Winnipeg, Can., 40 Aikens RIdg. Universal Studios, Universal City, Cal. Merrill Montgomery, production manager: Tarklngton Raker, general manager: Monroe Bennett, film editor; Harry Williams, technical director: Frank Lawrence, film editor; Pert King, head property man; Ray Rockett, purchasing dept.; Percy Heath, scenario editor; Karl I, Coolldge,



Arthur Gooden, Wycllffe A. Hill, George Hively, Hal Hoadley, Phillip Hubbard, Hope Lorlng, ■William Piggott, J. F. Poland, Doris Schroeder, Chas. J. Wilson, scenarios; Tod Browning, Wm. Christie Cabaynne, Norman Dawn, Wm. C. Dowlan, Reeve Eason, Jack Ford, Harry Frank- lin, Douglas Gerrard, Allen Holubar, Eddie Kull, Lynn Reynolds, Phillip E. Rosen, Albert Russell, Al Santell, R. S. Sturgeon, Eric Von Stroheim, Arthur Flaven, Edward Sawders, John West, directors; Alfred Lathem, Friend Baker, Sidney Blythe, John Brown, Wm. James Craft, Wm. Edmunds, Fred Leroy Granville, King D. Gray, Arthur Greiner, Harold Jones, Roy Klaffki, R. H. Kline, J. Kull, George Law- rence, Milton Loryea, A. McLain, Hugh Mc- Clung, Virgil Miller, Milton Moore, Cecil Myers, Stephen Norton, Harold Oswald, Gus Peterson, B. F. Reynolds, cameramen. (See also Uni- versal Film Manufacturing Company.)


V. B. K. Film Corporation, Palace Theatre An- nex, 1562 Broadway, N. Y. C. Amedee J. Van Beuren, president; Harry J. Kelton, treasurer; Clayton J. Heermance, secretary; William H. Rice, scenario editor; Rutgers Neilson, director ef advertising and publicity. Producers of Paramount-Drew Comedies. (See also AyVee- Bee Corporation and Timely Films, Inc.)

Amedee J. Van Beuren Enterprises, Palace The- atre Annex, 1562 Broadway, N. Y. C. Amedee 1. Van Beuren, president. (See also Timely Films, Inc., AvVeeBee Corporation, V. B. K. Film Corporation.)

King Vidor Productions, Hollywood Studios, 6642 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Cal. King Vidor.

Vim Film Corporation, care of Mark M. Dinten- fass, 1600 Broadway, N. Y. C.

ffitagruph Company of America, 1600 Broadway, N. Y. C. Albert E. Smith, president; A. Victor Smith, assistant to the president; John M. Quinn, general manager; A. W. Goff, assistant general manager. Department heads, George Randolph Chester, scenario and production ed- itor; B. W. Conlon, publicity and advertising director; W. S. Smith, western studio manager; R. A. Reader, eastern studio manager; Frank Loomis, casting director. Studios Eastern •tudio, Brooklyn, N. Y., Locust ave. and East 15th St.; western studio, 170S Talmadge St., Hollywood, Cal. Exchanges, Albany, N. Y.; Atlanta, Ga. ; Boston, Mass.; Buffalo, N. Y. ; Chicago, 111.; Cincinnati, O. ; Cleveland, O. ; Dallas, Tex.; Denver, Colo.; Detroit, Mich.; Kansas City, Mo.; Los Angeles, Cal.; Minne- apolis, Minn. ; New Orleans, La. ; New York City; Omaha, Neb.: Phila., Pa.; St. Louis Mo.; Salt Lake City, Utah; San Francisco, ' Cal. ; Seattle, Wash.; Spokane, Wash.; Washington, D. C. ; Montreal, Can.; Toronto, Can.; St. John, N. B. ; Winnipeg, Can.

Titagraph Studios (Western), 170S Talmadge St., Hollywood, Cal. William S. Smith, studio and

production manager; Roy McCray, technical director; Samuel Liffon, laboratory supt. ; Chas. Giegrich, publicity; William Duncan, Wm. S. Bauman, David Smith, Gilbert Pratt, Noel Smith, Larry Semon, Chester Bennett, direct- ors; Stephen Smith, I. G. Hies, Park J. Ries, William Grow, cameramen.


W. H. Productions Company, 71 West 23d St., N. Y. C. Joseph Simmonds, president; H. J. Shepard, advertising manager; H. Winick Carl Lothrop.

Waldorf Photoplays, Inc., 220 West 42d st., N.

R. A. Walsh Productions, care of Mayflower Photoplay Corporation, 146 Broadway, N. Y. C.

Wark Producing Corporation, Longacre Bldg., N. Y. C. (See also David Wark Griffith.)

Warner Brothers, 220 West 42d St., N. Y. C. Company consists of H. M. Warner, Albert Warner, S. L. Warner and J. L. Warner.

Edward Warren Productions, 1482 Broadway. N. Y. C.

I>. Lawrence Weber Photo Dramas, Inc., 220 West 48th St., N. Y. C. L. Lawrence Weber presi- dent; Bobby North, treasurer; Ben A. Boyar, manager; Lee Shubert, director. Branches, 28 Denmark St., London, Eng. (See also Apollo Trading Corporation.)

Lois Weber Productions, 4634 Santa Monica blvd , Hollywood, Cal. Lois Weber.

Billy West Comedies, care of Bulls Eye Film Corporation, 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C

Western Photoplays, Inc. A. Alperstein, care of Pathe Exchange, Inc., 25 West 45th St., NYC.

W harton Studios, 623 W. State St., Ithaca, N Y

Wholesome Films Corporation, 17 N Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. Milton Daily, president; A. M. Allen, vice-president; M. Feldstein, gen- eral manager; P. W. Stanhope, secretary and treasurer. New York office, 220 West 42d st.

Williamson Bros., Longacre Bldg., NYC (See Submarine Film Corporation.)

Jacob^Wilk, care of Wilk & Wilk, Longacre Bldg.,

Wilk & Wilk, 825 Longacre Bldg., N. Y C Wistaria Productions, Inc., 1520 Broadway, N Y C. Burton King, vice-president and director- general.

Harold Bell Wright Story Pictures Corporation,

Los Angeles, Cal.; E. W. Reynolds, president and general manager; Charles M. Stone, tres- urer; George L. Belcher, secretary; Harold Bell Wright, director general.


Zion Films, Inc. 116 West 39th St., NYC L. Kehlmann, president and treasurer;' m' Kehlmann, vice-president and manager- R Walitzky, secretary.



The credit for the figures presented hereafter goes to the Department of Commerce. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Washington, J>. C, which prepared them expressly for Motion Picture News. Conversion equivalents of weights and moneys are given for the convenience of the reader. The figures presented are the latest available,

EXPLANATORY NOTES. Notice. In making use of the accompanying ■tatement, the fact should be kept in mind that authoritative information in regard to rates of duty can be obtained only from the customs au- thorities of the country concerned. While every care has been taken to insure accuracy, the Bu- reau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce is unable to guarantee that the rates given in the ■tatement will be applied to the articles concern- ing which inquiry is made. To test the rates, ■mall trAal shipments are advisable. Authorita- tive decisions in regard to the customs classifica- tion of articles not specified in the tariff may be obtained in advance In a number of countries. More detailed information in regard to this mat-

ter will be given by the Bureau upon application.

The statements should be filed for reference, but, in view of the frequent changes in the cus- toms tariffs of foreign countries, should not be used in future without confirmation by this Bu- reau.

When two or more rates of duty are shown for the same article, products of the United States as a rule are admitted at the lowest rate (" con- ventional " or " minimum "), except: (1) Into France and French colonies, where (in the case of most articles) the " general " rate is applied; (2) into Canada, where the " general " rate Is applied; and (3) into other British colonies, where the " preferential " rates (if any) are withheld from all non-British imports. Other exceptions are noted in the statement.

An asterisk (•) indicates that the article Is not specified in the tariff, but has been classified by customs decision. Figures preceded by (t) are inserted merely to facilitate the verification of the statement, and may be ignored by the reader.


Unless otherwise specially set forth In the statement, the basis of weight for the assessment


of specific customs duties is as shown below. For colonies, the basis may be taken to be the same as in the mother country.

Gross Weight. Austria-Hungary (articles duti- able at not more than 7.50 crowns per 100 kilos), Bulgaria (articles dutiable at not more than 10 reva per 100 kilos), Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecua- dor (classes 3-12, 14-17, 19-21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29- 31, 34, 36, 39, 42, 43, and 45), France (articles dutiable at not more than 10 francs per 100 kilos), Germany (articles dutiable at not more than 6 marks per 100 kilos), Honduras, Italy (articles dutiable at not more than 20 lire per 100 kilos), Nicaragua, Portugal (articles dutiable at not more than 0.005 milreis per kilo), Salvador, Serbia (articles dutiable at not more than 10 dinars per 100 kilos), Switzerland and Venezuela.

Net Weight (actual or legal). Austria-Hun- gary (articles dutiable at more than 7.50 crowns per 100 kilos), Belgium, British Possessions, Bul- garia (articles dutiable at more than 10 leva per 100 kilos), China, Denmark (including immediate packing), Ecuador (classes 13, 18, 22, 25, 28, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 44, and 46-58, including immediate packing), Finland, France (articles dutiable at more than 10 francs per 100 kilos), Germany (articles dutiable at more than 6 marks per 100 kilos), Greece, Italy (articles dutiable at more than 20 lire per 100 kilos), Japan, Nether- lands, Norway, Persia, Portugal (articles dutiable at more than 0.005 milreis per kilo), Russia, Ser- bia (articles dutiable at more than 10 dinars per 100 kilos), Sweden and the United Kingdom.

Legal Weight. By " legal weight," which Is the basis for duty on many articles in some countries of Latin America, is meant the weight of the articles and their immediate containers or packing. In most other countries legal weight is calculated upon the gross weight with certain tare allowances.


Import Price (C.I.F.). In most countries the value used as a basis for calculating ad valorem rates of duty is theoretically the value of goods at the port of importation, but the methods of determining the value at such port are far from uniform. In some cases the value is arrived at by adding a certain percentage to the invoice value, when such value does not include freight, Insurance, etc.; in other cases for example, in the absence of an invoice or when the correctness of the invoice is questioned it is determined by making a deduction from the wholesale (duty- paid) price at the port of entry. In Australia, New Zealand and Haiti, 10 per cent, is added to the invoice value or fair market value at the place of exportation.

Export Price (F.O.B.). In the following countries the value taken as a basis for ad valo- rem rates of duty is the value at the place of exportation, usually including the cost of packing and other expenses incidental to preparing the goods for shipment: Cuba, Dominican Republic, Newfoundland and Panama. In Canada and the Union of South Africa the dutiable value must not be less than the current value for home con- sumption at the place of purchase.

Official Value. Ad valorem duties are based on the official valuations prescribed (for most arti- cles) by Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Uru- guay.


Balboa ' $1.00

Bolivar 193

Boliviana 389

Colon 465

Crown (Austria-Hungary) (a) .203

Crown (Denmark, Norway, Sweden) ... (a) .268

Dinar (same as franc) 193

Dollar (Straits Settlements) 5678

Dollar (elsewhere) 1.00

Drachma (same as franc) 193

Florin (a) .402

Franc (a) .193

Gourde (b) 1.00

Kran— 20 shahls (a) .1332

Leu (same as franc) (a) .193

Lev (same as franc) (a) .193

Lira (same as franc) (a) .193

Mark (Finland, same as franc) 193

Mark (Germany) (a) .238

Milreis (Brazil, paper) (c) .257

Milreis (Portugal, paper) (c) .68

Peseta (same as franc) (a) .193

Peso (Argentina, Paraguay, gold) 965

Peso (Chile, gold) (a) .365


Peso (Guatemala, most articles) (b) .61

Peso (Honduras) (c) .56

Peso (Mexico) (a) .49*

Peso (Salvador) 1.09

Peso (Uruguay) (a) 1.934

Pound (Egyptian)* 4.94S

Pound (sterling) 4.8666

Pound (Turkish) (a) 4.40

Ruble (a) .616

Rupee (a) .3244

Sol (a) .4867

Sucre 48*7

Tael (customs; (c) 1.207

Tical 3709

Yen 4»g



Batman 6.648

Catty (see Picul)

Central 109

Cwt. (see Hundredweight) Funt (see Pood)

Hundredweight (Canada) 100

Hundredweight (d.) 112

Kilogram (Kilo) 1,000 grams 2. 204*

Kin 1.3228

Oke (Greece) 2.822

Picul (China, British colonies), 100 catties,


Picul (Japan), 100 kin 132.28

Pood, 40 funt 36.113*

Pound (Haiti), % kilo 1.1023

Quintal (Latin America) 101.4

Ton (Canada. Union of South Africa) .. 2,000

Ton (metric), 1,000 kilos 2,204.6

Ton (d.) 2,240


Bushel (imperial), (d.) bushels 1.0314

Gallon (imperial) (d.) gallons 1.2009

Gallon (imperial proof) (d).U. S. proof gals 1.874

Hectoliter, 100 liters gallons 26.417

Liter quarts 1.06ft

Meter, 100 centimeters, 1,000 millimeters,

inches 39.37

(a) Normal value: actual rate of exchange variable.

(b) For customs purposes, account being taken of proportionate payment in gold (if any) re- quired.

(c) Fluctuating currency, quotation from esti- mate of the Director of the Mint for April 1, 1919.

(d) Current in the United Kingdom and most British colonies. In Canada, the bushel of weight is the legal unit for grain and certain other products.


The surtaxes accompanied by date are affected by fluctuations in the currency (paper or sliver). Certain charges (warehousing, customs handling, local taxes, revenue stamps, etc.) are not In- cluded; the rates of duty shown, increased by the surtaxes, should therefore be regarded as the minimum. Surtaxes marked " most articles " apply to the articles concerning which inquiry was made, unless the contrary is noted in the statement of rates of duty. The surtaxes (which include certain requirements increasing the duties) are to be added to the rates in the state- ment.

Argentina: When the regular duty Is not less than 10% ad valorem nor

more than 20% (a) 2% ad val.

When dutiable at more than 20%. (a) 7% ad val.

Bahamas 10% of duty

Bermuda 10% of duty

Bolivia :

fost dutiable articles 15% of duty

Most free articles (a) 2% ad val,

Brazil :

The " actual duties " In the at- tached statement Include 2% gold surtax and increase due to propor- tion of duty payable on a gold basis. The calculations are based on a value of 12>4 pence (25 cents) to the paper milreis and are subject to change in accordance with varia- tions in its value for customs pur- poses as fixed by the Brazilian Gov- ernment. British Guiana:

Articles subject to ad valorem rates. 10% of dnty

Articles subject to specific rates

(except matches) 5% of doty




Most dutiable articles (octroi* 20% of duty

Free articles 0.5% ad val.

Colombia 7% of duty

Costa Rica: ,

Imports intended for the province

of Limon 5% of duty

Imports for interior provinces 2% of duty

Egypt: At Alexandria (wharfage and

paving) 0.5% ad val.

Finland: Dutiable articles 3% of duty

Haiti: (January 1, 1919) 11.6% of duty

Honduras: (January 1. 1919) 9.1% of duty

Newfoundland: Dutiable articles (ex- cept coal) 10% of duty

New Zealand 1% ad val.

Nicaragua 12%% of duty

Paraguay: Dutiable articles (a) 1.5% ad val.

Peru :

Callao. Salaverry, Mollendo. Ilo.

Paita. and Pisco 10% of duty

Other ports 8% of duty

Portugal 40% of duty

Salvador 1.5% of duty

St. Lucia: Most dutiable articles 10% of duty

Uruguay :

Most articles subject to specific du- ties or dutiable at more than 12%

ad valorem (a) 14% ad val.

Articles dutiable at 9-12% ad val- orem (a) 9% ad val.

Other (including free) articles. . (a) 4% ad val.

Venezuela 56.55% of duty

Statement of Rates of Duty on CINEMATOGRAPH FILMS

Rate for all Rate for all SOUTH AFRICA countries countries

Films for bioscopes and clnemato- L. 8 d.

graphs per 100 feet 50

STRAITS SETTLEMENTS All goods other than certain bever- ages free

Rubles per RUSSIA pood Magic lanterns and other projecting lanterns and photographic appara- tus, including developed cine- matograph films 13.20

Articles of all kinds not specified of Per funt celluloid (French treaty), includ- ing undeveloped cinematograph

films 0.82 H

1st Tariff 2nd Tariff Persetas Persetas SPAIN per kilo per kilo Instruments and apparatus not specified for arts and sciences, including developed cinemato- graph films, net weight 3.00 3.00

Celluloid manufactures, other than than articles for personal adorn- ment including undeveloped cine- matograph films, net weight 2.00 2.00

Dollars Dollars

per kilo per kilo

CUBA General U. S. Celluloid manufactured into cine- matograph films and similar arti- cles, whatever may be the purpose for or conditions under which

Imported, net weight 5 20 4 .16

Rate of Rate of

Duty Duty

General Conven- tional

Marks per Marks per

GERMANY 100 kilos 100 kilos Manufactures of celluloid not

specified 200.00

Conven- General tional Lire per Lire per ITALY 100 kilos 100 kilos

Manufactures of celluloid not

specified 100 80


Films, not specified, .ad valorem . 40%

General Minimum Crowns per Crowns per NORWAY kilo kilo Manufactures of celluloid not speci- fied. Including Inner packing.... 1.50 1 20 NETHERLANDS Articles not specified Free Free

Francs per Francs per FRANCE (a) 100 kilos 100 kilos

Cinematograph films:

Merely sensitized, net weight. .. . 480.00 320.00 (a) Including the Increased rates of July 8. 1919.

Rate of Duty

Rate of Duty Dollars 100 lbs.



Films for cinematographs, exposed

Valuation 5.00 pesos per kilo. . . . 25% BOLIVIA

Cinematograph films, including weight of packing, valuation 4

Bolivianos per kilo 30% $21 17

Mllrels per kilo

BRAZIL Actual Films for cinematographs, exposed (No. 15). nominally 25 mllrels per

kilo 48.150 547.10


Cinematograph films Free Free

Pesos per CHILE kilo Photographs on celluloid films.

legal weight 6.00 99.34


Cinematograph films, exposed 5.00 242.68


Optical instruments Free Free

Articles not otherwise specified

ad valorem 10% 10% ECUADOR

Films for cinematographs Free Free

PARAGUAY Films tor cinematographs

Valuation. 5 00 pesos per kilo. .. . 42% 95.20 PERU

Photographs on paper and card- board

Nominal Actual Rate of Rate of Duty Duty

ARGENTINA Optical and other instruments, not

specified, ad valorem 25%

Mllrels Mllrels BRAZIL per kilo per kilo

Films for cinematographs, blank

(No. 15) 10.000 19.260

CHILE per kilo Films prepared for photography,

gross weight 0.30

COLOMBIA per kilo FUms for cinematographs, blank.. 0.10

Temporary Admission of Motion Picture Films in South American Countries.

In Bolivia Motion Picture films are entitled to free admission under bond. To cancel the bond a certificate should be secured from the Bolivian customs agent at Mollendo or Antofagasta or from a Bolivian consul in the country to which exported, as stated in Tariff Series 34, page 112.

The laws of Colombia provide for the free tem- porary admission of the property of theatrical or dramatic companies, but there is nothing in the law itself to indicate whether this provision is extended to motion picture films or not. Inas- much as other laws granting exemptions in Columbia are rather strictly construed it is prob- able that no refund would be granted to films upon re-exportation.

According to a report of October 24, 1914, from Consul S. H. Wiley at Asuncion, films entered in Paraguay for temporary exhibition and to be re- exported are not subject to duty. No information has been received as to procedure necessary to secure this exemption, but it probably consists in the requirement that a bond equal to the duties be deposited.

It has been held in Peru, by a resolution of January 5. 1910, that motion picture films are not subject to temporary free importation. It was held at the same time, however, that scientific institutions might import films free of duty upon guaranteeing their re-exportation. It appears probable that a similar exemption might be secured for films intended for educational or similar purposes. A Peruvian resolution of February 22, 1914. subjected films to the same conditions as inflammable and explosive articles, as regards transportation. Packages containing such articles should be marked " Peligrose." They are also excluded from baggage unless marked as indicated.

A law of Uraguay. enacted in October," 1912, authorized the temporary free admission of all articles imported to be re-exported in any form. No information has been received as to its appli- cation to cinematograph films, but in view of its general terms it appears reasonable to suppose that it would be held to include motion picture films.



No information is available as to the treatment of motion picture films in Venezuela, and under the circumstances it is probable that they would be dutiable as ordinary imports. There appears to be no general provision for temporary free admission of articles.

ARGENTINA Films for cinematographs, exposed Valuation 5.00 pesos per kilo. . . . BOLIVIA Cinematographs and their acces- sories, ad valorem


Films for cinematographs, exposed (No. 15), nominally 25 milrels per



Cinematograph Films


Photographs on celluloid films,

legal weight


Cinematograph films exposed

Cinematograph films sensitized


Optical Instruments

Articles not otherwise specified, att



Films for cinematographs

PARAGUAY Films for cinematographs

Valuation 5.00 pesos per kilo. . . . PERU

Photographs on paper and card- board

Rate of Duty


30% Milreis per kilo Actual


Free Pesos per kilo

5.00 .10





Rate of Duty Dollars per 100 lbs.


34. 5"

547.10 Free

99.34 242.68

Free 10% Free


Rate of Rate of Duty Duty Soles Dollars ' PERU per kilo per 100 lbs.

Pictures known as cinematographs,

legal weight 1 . 00 24.28

Manufactures of celluloid and gela- tin not otherwise specified, legal

weight 4.00 97.09


Cinematograph Films, ad valorem. . 31% 45% Official valuation fixed at 3.50

pesos per kilo 74.87

Reduction of 50% on used films


VENEZUELA per kilo

Films for cinematographs 1.25 17.13


FRENCH GUIANA per 100 kilos Cinematograph films:

With impressions 165.00 14.44

Merely sensitized 300.00 26.26

TRINIDAD Per 100 ft. Per 100 ft.

Cinematograph films 6d. 0.10

Rate of Duty

, General Ad

NEW ZEALAND Valorem Magic lanterns, bioscopes, cinema- tographs, klnetoscopes 30%

Per Lb.

Printed posters 3 3-5d.

Films for bioscopes, cinematographs

and klnetoscopes. Free


Traveling shows, such as cinema- tograph and other similar equip- ment Imported temporarily for public entertainment Free

Articles not specified, ad valorem 5% JAPAN

Chromolithographlc prints (in re- lief and cut) ; printed pictures for advertising purposes Free

Magic lanterns, cinematographs and klnetoscopes, and parts thereof

ad valorem 50%

Manufactures of celluloid not speci- fied ad valorem 40%

Films not specified ad valorem 40%

Articles imported for use in theatri- cal and other performances are exempt from Import duty If they are to be reexported within one year from date of importation and if security for the full duty Is deposited.

Rate of Duty Preferen

tial Ad Valorem

20% Per Lb. 3d





Rate of Duty 20%

Rate of Duty


General 10%

16 2-3%

Preferen- tial 10%


Articles not specified. . . .ad valorem (No provision for temporary admission.) Advertising matter, if declared for

free distribution


Advertising matter

Articles not specified. . .ad valorem (No provision for temporary admission.)


Articles not specified. . .ad valorem Note Any animal or thing im- ported Into the colony for some temporary purpose approved by the Governor-in-Councll if satisfactory bond be given for the reexportation thereof within ninety days and for the pay- ment of a duty of customs of one and one-half per centum ad valorem


Articles not specified. . .ad valorem Note There is no provision in the tariff regarding temporary free importation of theatrical accessories, etc.


Articles not specified. . .ad valorem Note Professional implements, instruments, and tools of trade, etc., in the possession of persons not coming to the island as


Philosophical and scientific appar- atus and appliances brought by professional artists, lecturers, .or scientists for use by themselves temporarily for exhibition, etc.,

and not for sale

Used theatrical effects to be re- exported


With closer coordination of the foreign and local markets now more a matter of present moment than of future probability, a strong in- terest is manifest in American film circles of the competitive strength of foreign companies and the advances in film production, stories of which are brought over by those who have had oppor- tunity to observe conditions on the other side.

The fact that English film companies have thrown down the gauntlet of competition to American producers is well known. A number of these concerns are patterning their product to appeal to the American public, and are more and more strongly pushing their output in this market.

The better known English corporations, whose productions are best suited to American consump- tion, together with their addresses, and a few of their best productions as listed by Bioscope, the English trade publication, are presented below:

Hepworth Picture Plays, Ltd., 2 Denman Street. Piccadilly Circus, London, W. 1. ("David Cop- perfield," " Coming Thro' the Rye," " Sheba," " Possession," " City of Beautiful Nonsense," " Sweet Lavender," etc.)

British Actors' Film Co., Ltd., Melbourne Road, Bushey, Herts. (" The Usurper," " Lady Clare," etc.)

Gaumont Co., Ltd., 6 Denman Street, Picca- dilly Circus, London, W. 1. (" First Men in the Moon," "The Fall of a Saint.")

British & Colonial Kinematograph Co., Ltd.,

33-35 Endell Street. Long Acre, London, W. C. 2. ("Twelve Ten," "Nobody's Child," "The Temp- tress.")

Samuelson Film Co., Ltd., Worton Hall, Isle- worth, Middlesex. ("Milestones," "Elder Miss Blossom," " Tinker, Tailer, Soldier, Sailor.")

George Clark Productions, 41 Ebury Street, Victoria, London. (" Garden of Resurrection," " March Hare." )

Ideal Film Co., Ltd., 76-78 Wardour Street, London, W. 1. (" Masks and Faces," " His Greatest Performance," " Chinese Puzzle.")

Broadwest Film Co., Ltd., Wood Street, Walthamstow, E. 17. (" A Great Coup," " Her Son," "Crucifixion.")

London Film Co., Ltd., St. Margarets. Twicken- ham. ("The House of Temperley." "The Pris- oner of Zenda," " The Christian," " The Manx- man")

pmiiiiiimiiMiiimmiiiiimiiii iiiiiiiniiiiuiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiirriuiif iiiriiiiiiiiiiiittrniuiiiu JiiiiiiLtiitiiixiuiiitttniKtiiutiiiiiiiiiiiimiiriiiijiiiiiu i u mi minim iiimmnii miiimmimiiiiimiiimi!i |


After an association covering a period of 12 consecutive j

| years with D. W. Griffith, serving in the capacity of Laboratory |

| Superintendent, I have decided to remain on the West Coast and |

| continue the activities of the Aller Laboratories commencing | | January 1, 1920.

The Laboratory work of all Griffith Releases up to now, as well as the following subjects, was done under my personal supervision: Special town releases of " The Miracle Man," " Daddy Long Legs," " The Unpardonable Sin," and nega- tives and sample prints of all prominent pro- ducers.


Laboratories: 4500 Sunset Blvd. Holly 2800 LOS ANGELES

i i:. i -i.. i i liiniimii mini .; ■: iiiiii'iiiiiiimi: ;'i Illimillllii iilllll mm i:. It n mi 111111:1111 Illllllllimilllllltlllli.-


^iiiiiiiiiii]|iiiiiiiiii!|]|iiiiiiiii!iiiii!ii!ii:iiiii![i!iii!i!iiii!iiii[|[iilin i i 1 1 1 ] ; i : l M ; : . . 1 1 1 h ; , ; : . : : ; : i : : . m i : : . i . . i : i : . : > i : j ; i i ! : minii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllliiiilliiiilll IIIIIIIIIHt


No alibis we stand on our service and work

Sanborn L



PHONE. 70099

1 1 1 1 1 : ; : : 1 1 1 . , s , > i : . i l ! 1 1 1 : , i , i : i ! i ; , l : 1 1 : : : - r 1 1 , l ; : ; - ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : ; i . r 1 1 1 r 1 1 r i : ■: ' r i r 1 1 i l : r I : I : . i [ l i : l : 1 1 ; r 1 1 : M - : i : M : : i ; - : : i : : :




Seventh Motion Picture News Chart of

City or Exchange Center

A General Trade Conditions Since Jan. 1, 1919 B Outlook for the Future

Number of Theatres A Opened B— Closed

Since Jan. 1, 1919

In What Degree Have Admission Prices Been Raisec

Buffalo, N. Y

A Good B Excellent

A— None B None


Springfield, 111

A Excellent B Very Good

A None B— One

General Raise From 15c to 20c and 25c

Toledo, 0

A Uncertain B— Good

A— 35 B— None


Milwaukee, Wis

A Good

B— Very Bright

A None B— None

About 40%

Dallas, Tex

A Excellent B Excellent

A— 9 B— 2


Montreal, Quebec

A Good B— Good

A None B— 2

Average of 5c

Ottowa, Ont

A Fair B— Fair

A None B— One

Average of 5c

Toronto, Ont

A Flourishing B Excellent

A— 8

B None


Rochester, N. Y

A Excellent B— Bright

A— 29 B— None


Salt Lake City, Utah

A— Fine B Dubious

A— 2 B None


Richmond, Va

A Fine

B Exceptionally Good

A None B— None


San Francisco, Cal

A Very Good

B Most Excellent

A— Unknown B None


Providence, R. I

A Good B— Bright

A— 2 B— 1


Spokane, Wash

A Above Average A Fair

A— 9 B— None


Los Angeles, Cal

A Greatly Improved B Exceptionally Bright

A None B None


Baltimore, Md

A Excellent

B Most Promising

A None B None


Chicago, 111

A Best Ever Experienced B— Very Bright

A Not known B Not known


Butte, Mont

A Good

B Very Bright

A— 8 B— 7

No Raise

A Excellent B Excellent

A Not known B Not known


STUDIO DIRECTORY 369 National Film Trade Conditions 1920

What is the Average Length of Runs

Are Exhibitors Tending Toward Booking Combi- nations?

Number of Theatres in Course of Construction?

Strength of Exhibitors' Organizations?

Is There Too Much Theatre Competition in Your Terri- tory?

Four Days

Talked of but nothing done


All Large Houses Organized


Three to Seven Days



No Local Organization


One Week



Good— 40 Members in Manager's Asso.


A Week Downtown Two Days in Suburbs




In Suburbs, Yes

Two Days



(in the State)



Three Days





1-2 Weeks Large Houses 3 Days Small Houses





3 to 7 Days





3 Days





2Y2 Days





3 to 7 Days



Very Strong


One Week





One Week



No Local Organization


4 Days





3 to 7 Days





1-2 Weeks Largest Houses 3 Days Small Houses



Claimed Strongest in Country


3 Days



Very Strong


j JJays

i es


No Organization


3 to 7 Days







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'The Light That Never Fails"

Sun-light Arc can be used for General Flood Lighting, for Spot Lighting, or Several Spots, for Wonderful Effect Lighting.

Always there when needed.






218 West 48th Street, N. Y. C, U. S. A.



1735 Highland Ave., Hollywood, Cal. FRANK ELLIOTT, Manager


Representative for France, Italy Belgium and Switzerland

416 rue St. Honore, Paris (8e)

Tel. Central 08-50


511111)1 H J11MI I llflll HtlllllJ liHUIII Iff II Hill I lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i : r : ; r i 1 1 r 1 1 1 n r p t r 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 : t r 1 1 ; , i r ! 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; ! r 1 1 ; ] 1 1 1 m 1 1 ' ; i 1 1 , 1 1 [ r i r ri : : i m 1 1 1 - ; 1 1 1 : i : l : : : : ; ' : r 1 1 : i : i r ri i ] : j 1 1 r i : : 1 1 1 1 : j . ; i : i ; . ; . ; i : i . . . l : i ; u l: i 1 1 1 .





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General Offices, 95 River St., Hoboken, N. J.

Boston Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Detroit Los Angeles Milwaukee Philadelphia

Pittsburgh St. Louis Syracuse


amiiiii!iii!!!!iL.i::!!i!i][|ii:;iiiiii'!j:i::,i!;.:,iii.:i!!i;i::i.,::]!li!!i]]i;iiii: :: niiiii: lllllliniil!'

.'Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiii.n:.. i 'iiii-i ,i iiiiiiiiii!iii!iiii:i;i":.lii::iiirii!l!iillllllllllllllliiilllllllllie

Kathleen Kirkham

Leads and Heavies with




Representatives: U Ulis <fc Inglis Los Angeles




"The Road Called Straight"

Betzwood Film Co. "His Wife's Friend"

Thos. H. Ince Co. " The Fear Market "

Rcalart Co.

sinimniiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiniipiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii mum mum iiniiiiiiiiuniiii iniiuniiiiini m niiiiiiiimnniiiui uiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiniiininiii iiiniiiiiiiiiimtn mil








■MiiHiniiiiiiiii iiiiiuiiiiiiii iiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mi in in mniiiuiiiiiniiiiiiuni nnc


| Character Leads and Heavies j


" Stronger Than Death "

from Book, " Hermit Doctor of Gaya " with Nazimova (Metro)

" Jubilo," with Will Rogers ( Goldwyn )

" What Would You Do? " | with Madlaine Traverse (Fox) §

| "Flames of the Flesh" and

" The White Lie " | with Gladys Brockwell (Fox) |

| |

2217 Ewing St., Los Angeles. Phone: Wil. 2847

Bmniuniiu m 1 1 1 iit rui ■n*f<iiiiifitfiri nt f 1 1 tiimi j mtiinii mtit inn nit f n mi niiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiniir



| Heavy Leads and Heavies 1 with

Gale Kane Mme. Yorska Dorothy Gish Kathlyn Williams Dorothy PhiUips Constance Talmadge Vivian Martin and others

Business Address:

| c/o Mabel Condon Exchange | Hollywood

siimniniiiininrai iniiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiinninimmiiBfflB mmumnnimmS




*L _ _|T


i.'iiniiiiiii ii i^'HiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinilililiiiiiiili


Universal W estern Star

Current Releases:

| " The Crow "

I '* Runnin* Straight "

| " The Sheriff's Oath "

| 44 Winning a Home "

1 " The Lone Hand "

I " Trail of the Holdup Man " I

1 44 Double Holdup "

I " Roarin' Dan "

| The Voice on the Wire "

| " Harmony Ranch "

| " Shameless Salvason "

| W/inner of Gold Belt Pendleton, §

| Oregon, 1912, at age of 19, for j

| the best all around cowboy in |

| this world.

i luttii (ji iiitmuu Jim i mint u 1 1 i iiitri ii miii in iiiuiuijiiihi 1 1 uif tniiintiii nuitniiuiiiini nmuumimm nnu Is

■liiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii!!iiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiitmffli


The Fat Juvenile

I "It Pays to Advertise" Bryant Washburn i g "What's Your Husband Doing? MacLean f & May

|j "Going Some" Rex Beach Story £ "The Turning Point" Katherine

MacDonald "Mrs. Temple's Telegram" Bryant

Washburn | "Hard Boiled" Dorothy Dalton = "Bill Henry" Charles Ray

= "When Doctors Disagree" Mabel Normand |

§ "The Fear Woman" Pauline Frederick

|[ "Spotlight Sadie" Mae Marsh

H "Our Little Wife" Madge Kennedy

= "An Experimental Marriage'' Constance I

Talmadge | "Seventeen" Jack Pickford ee "Mysterious Miss Terry" Billie Burke I "A Man's World" Emily Stevens | "The End of the Tour" Lionel Barrymore g §§ "God's Man" H. B. Warner

Now under long term contract | with Famous Players-Lasky Corp. j

Address : Lasky Studios, Hollywood, Calif.

==: > u i [ r I i 1 1 < . l : : . . : i : r 1 1 1 j j i : i l 1 1 1 L i : [ i [ r : ^ j . e l 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 [ J 1 1 1 1 [ 1 1 1 ] ; [ [ I T n 1 1 [ [ r n 1 1 [ r r 1 1 1 i I r 1 1 1 1 n i j 1 1 1 u m 1 1 1 j < 1 1 1 1 r i i ri r i r m r.'

jiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii miimiiiiimiiimiiin mum iiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffl!! |liiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii hi iiiwiiiiuiiwi iimniimiii iiiiimiiiimiuiiimimmiiii


Management of Eduard Small

I " Perfect Lady," Goldwyn

1 "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch," Famous

| " Hit or Miss," World

| " Love Wins," H. & H.

| "My Husband's Other Wife," Blackton

| " Sporting Duchess," Vitagraph


Heavies "The Desert of Wheat" Zane Grey Story Produced by B. B. Hampton

"The Poppy Girl's Husband" Wm. S. Hart Production

Playing the Heavy in

Jack Dempsey Serial now in production

Miiiiilliiinilliiiilliiill minimi r i:. ;m vincm:" " nimmili iiimiiiiimii?

iiiiiimiiiiimiiimiiiii ii iiiim i mimmmiiii iiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimimmiiiiinimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiii,?


I""111 mimnninniouilHl ruiiiMJiin Mj:iiniiMiiruui:niin:£MM>ntiiHt^i:nji.ii iHiiKi^jininiiiniliiuinniiiJiiriiiiinMiiiMiniiijiMiiiHiHiirniiitiiiiMijiiiiiitiiJ hi ■iiimiiifMiiitiiuiiiftaftiiiitfiiimmiiiifi inn m


Starred in " The Girl from the Outside " Rex Beach Story


" Every Woman " Lasky

" The Little Shepherd of Kingdom

Come " Goldicyn

awwwxv mi::. '».::. :::..: . . .::':::",: :.::!:i:]::[:!i;;iiinil!iiiii!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:[[nii:iiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiniH,T?




gmiiiimiiiiiiiiiuiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiul

iiiMaiiiKiiiimiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiMii iiiiiniiij.uiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiuLiiiniiiiiiiimiiiiii'iii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuuiiiiiiiuii



Famous Players-Lasky Corp.

Editor of

Scenarios and Films



"True Heart Susie'' -Griffith "Tree of Knowledge" W. C. deMille "Why Change Your Wife"— C. B. deMille "The Love Burglar"— Paramount-Artcraft

7002 Hawthorne Avenue, Hollywood, Calif. Phone: 577927

Smmmmiiiiiiiiiiitmini iiimniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiuiiiiiiiiBrai ranamnimnnnngi^^ minimis

i iiiiiimiiiiMiii!niti!iii:iii<:i[|!i|iiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiii i ■, ;':iiiiiiii;;iiiiiiiiimiiiiii&


Serial Leads with Universal



Serial in 18 Episodes

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiMiilliiiiliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiii:;1 i;ii;iiimii!iiiiii^


^':!n;;ii>];:j;i.jiiimiii!UiiiiiiiiiiiiiiU!ii!liiiiiiNlM :r n 'ihiiiiiiiiiiiii' ii;!!ii!!1u:iiiiiiiiii;uiiiii!II!II|ii ill iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii'i iitiiiiiili.iiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiit



"THE UPLIFTERS " May Allison Metro

" FAIR AND WARMER " May Allison Metro

" THE WILLOW TREE " Viola Dana Metro

" THE BETTER PROFIT " Edith Storey

" CRESSY " Blanche Sweet

5111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiuiimiiiii!iiiiraiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiN

itUiriuituittiiiiiilJiiUJiitiiiiiiTiinitiiiiiitiiiirtiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiii jmiu iiiiiiiiniJiiiniui linn us :t in u i tni < 1 1 urn 1 1 1 niu 1 1 iiiiiiiiiiiu i iiiiiuiiiiuxiiiiituiTiiM iinnii m:iri i n n i : [ n rr Trn n [ fmii 1 1 ihi 1 1 :niiri i ;j in i j : 1 1 IlillllllliiiMiupiillfK

Jac\ Gilbert

The White Heather"

"Heart o the Hills"

"Ladies Must Live"

"The Glory of Lode"

Under Contract to


I Maurice Tourneur |

i . i

= =






Appearing in


Directed by Herberf Blache Metre Production

Jorepf? Ar?fbf?y Doacf?

Ccercarior Orgiralr ar?d Control


William Fox Prcxductiorcr


u I)



rl IP




piiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiuiiiiiimiiiiiiiu!^ HUBiiBHtHemiitutmiiM^g

^tiinOHHttiiiaiiiitiiuni HiiniiHiHMiiiH ihnin in iniuiiiuuiiiiiiiiiii miiiin m: nniiiiiiiiiiii i mi iiiiiiiiiii 1 1 nun 1 11 iiui 11 11 1 riiii niuiiti iiittiniiiiimnitii ru uniiiinininiiiiHmmiiiniiiiiiijHiininiiii iiiipiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini?


Ivo Dawson

Management - Edward Small

^■unmnniiiintiiiriiiHtiiliini iiiiiiiifiH:i!tiiti<iiimintnii iiiiiiithiiiiiiiiiiifiiliiiimiiiiiiimiii iiTimiiiitiiiiiiiiftitiiiininiiinifiiiiiimniiimitmiimiii'nrfitnmHnitfitifin nfflHiffiiwiii irann immmrfninimtmHil


^iiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!ii!iiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiii!i,,:;iiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiii:iiii Ill'* ^

1 Jack Made A Hit With Royalty

^Wnce of Wales Slaps Thigh; Over Comedy ar Academy of Music in New York

Bii Universal Service NEW YORK, Nov. 19.— Edward Al- bert. Prince of Wales, smiled his way

" '- : - . .


| Featured

| Money Talks

I Virtuous Husbands

I Merry Jail Birds

| Big Yellow Dog Catcher

j His Footlight Maids

| The School House Scandal

| Hungry Lions and Tender §


| The Heart Snatchers

| The Light Weight Lover




§ i Supervision


^^wiimTTTTUiiTTiiiTiuiiuiiiiiiiirruiTii iiiititxiiiiTTiTiiiTiTXiiiTTiiiiniiMiiitiiiiiiiiiirrjiiui jjitf ii; j rtTj r:j <:{itiiiii(tiitimi^



p ....

George Howard



^ r j ti i it utiii iiinini I Jinn) u 1 1 iliiitii ) biittiMiii:!iEiiiiiiitiiuiiiiiiniiil)Hliixi:iiiiii! : 1 1 mi 31 i nut 1 1 1 1 1 1 un j i Et ; till 1 1 [ 1 1 ilii: i : i it ! iiiiciim iiii iiiuiinrti iniii[Utiin:iuiM:iiiiiTliilltTiiili[iiliiiiitti(iiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit 11 mniwtmi mm



Capacity 300,000 feet weekly

Equipment : Bell & Howell, Printers and Perforators, William Hors- §

| ley Sprocket Movement Printers, Three Powers 6-B Projectors, polish- |

| ers, Bell & Howell Patchers, Separate positive and negative developing |

| rooms, private projection rooms for editors and theatres for reviewers. | | and other conveniences not found at other laboratories.

Accommodations for producing companies include magazine refilling | | dark rooms, cameraman's editing rooms, inspecting projection room, pre- | | view theatre, still photograph studio and laboratory, and other features. §

We do negative developing and make prints for Christie Comedies, |

| National, Mr. and Mrs. Carter DeHaven Comedies. Francis Ford Se- |

| rials, Louis Burston, King Baggot Serials, and list of our other patrons ]

| include Mitchell Lewis Company, Frohman Amusement Company, Con- j | tinental Producing Companies, Gold Star Company and others.


6060 Sunset Blvd.

Hollyuood 3693

Los Angeles, California

fxiiinnai.: /:.:.!/:.i!iii!:iniiiiiiiii!niiiii!<""iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii<'»niu!iiiiuiiiiiiii niirora imiiMiiinniinm^ muni <s


i'llllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllilMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIII'llll IIIII'MIIIIMI Illlllll IlllllttllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIII





i;iiiiiiun:iiiiiiir !iii!:iiiiiiiii:iiiiui!iiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i:iin

Producer of


Recent Productions



Supervising Director APEX PICTURES CORPORATION Indianapolis, Ind.

imiiiiiii!iiuiininnnimiiiiii!i:iiiiiiiiiiii'ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiDiiuiuiDiniiiil



EpiiiiuuiimnMiiiiiiiiiiui^ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Frank D. Ormston

Art Itrwtar




^iiiiiuiiLiiiiiuiJiiiiiiiuiiiuiJiuciruiiitmriiiiiiiiuiiiiiiifiiiiiiijiiiuiiiiitiiiuiiiiiiuiiiluiiiiiuiiitiiiriiuujuiij iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiuniiniiiiiuuiiiiii niiiiiiiuuttiiuiiiumnHiiuuiitiiiiiiiuuDiiiiiiniuuuniuinB




Siiiiniiii«iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!i:i!Iiiiiiiiiiii!iiiii iii'iiniinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim


Colin Cocmphell


Colin Cacmpbell Directed Pictures LATEST JUST COMPLETED

The Thunderbolt lie- ^ az,/,-„„^/ When "Deoun j/oz-

The Beauty Market F,r3* ^tl°^ Hu^h E Dierlcer

The Corvsicaon Brothers Photoplays Co

with Du-stin Fak.rmj.Ta

NOV DIRECTING Edith Storey in PToon H&dne^"

Villisjn C Foster

riember of

Americacn 5ociety °f Cinem3±<^re*>s Hollywood CaJif ~


The ^Silver Horde " Goldwyn

Consicarv Brothers"

Du^tin Fao-num -United

a,nd x5pecieJ FeadLUire iDie-rker PTioto Dr&jn^ Co


Berc Carre-

Art Director Marrhall Neilan Production;:



f7r. hr/pr. Carter Dctlamn




I IIJIJKIMI I Illl Ill Illllllllllllllllllllllll!l!lll!lllllll!l!.l!li!lll!!lfi!ll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIUIllUIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllN lUIUIIIIIttUHl 111111'


Producer and Director

j " Truth "

| " The Face in the Crowd "

| "The Pendulum"

| "The Red Viper"

| " Friendship "

| " And the Children Pay "

| "Broken Hearts"

liiiililiii!!iiiiililiiiiiiillliiiilll)iliiiii:iilliiiillllili!uiuiiliii»ini illllllllillltillilllill iii!iiiiiiii>iiiii;ii!ii;i:!iiiiiiiiiii!:iiii]!iiii;iiiiiiiiii,iiiiii!ii!i!i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin

1111 ii iniMiMiriiiiufiMiiiiiii tiiicirji jiJiii iiii : ; i j 1 1 n : ! t r>i! < i ! n n;i j g : i ! t r l : 1 1 1 1 1 > tT t < 1 11 imittiituiit r 1 1 mi jiiiiif i niiiiiFfTmririiiii?jiiiuii>fiijT)iHiFf iinrTtj jiiiiitiriiitiiiiuiiiiTiiiiifiiiijifiiuHAiiirnjiiinrjiff tiiimimEisis


Director General of


Offices and Studios 11 E. 14th St., New York City

Author and Composer of Famous Broadway Successes





^uiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiniiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iitiiiiitiiJiiiiiiiiiiiHiitisjiiitiiitiiiiitiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriitiiTiiittiiiiiiiiimi u iituii inif til nif uiiiitiiimuni n iiintil iitnuifiui nttri ■liiiiHfitHmiinTtiiRf i tiHinrnimnHtS


jpiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii Miiiminiiiffliiiii»^

smniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiipiM^ riniJiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiuiiirifiiiiifiiuiiiuitiutiiiiiJinitiiJiiiiiiriiiifirifrFp


j Edwin L. Hollywood


STuHtiiiM uniituiniiini niRiiniiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiniiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiii iimuuiumun HiiHiiiiiHiuiiimiiiiini rmi iiiiiiiiiii imiiimrn iiniiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiniinniiitiintiiiiiiHfiiinittniiiiriiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin mtm iffi


Fred L Grawille

Now directing PEGGY WYLuNO




D. Butler -

T)i rector

Unlvaval City


David Jl.


Proc/uans* Director


Qeleorec/ by


Back io God'r Country "The Yellow Back "


Jack Corway

Director Lombard/, Ltd.

Zane. Grey

" Dwelling Place <f \M

° Virion CWIL

io the making*



I George Lloyd Sargent |

Feature Director J M. P. D. A. I

1 The Green Room Club | 1 new york city |





Comedies and Comedy Dramas

I See These Two SPECIAL Comedies |

Now Showing


Flanagan & Edwards Gale Henry

National Film Corp'n Model Comedy Co.

Ininlniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiuiiiii iinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuniipi iniiniiiiiiiniii miiiiiii n tti i it n*i i uin nil nit ) in ti ifin ■nirvMtnini miuit vniruiumrimiu iiiiinjtniii n nininnmiuun mninnramuuii iiiuiiii



Director of the Master Drama

44 The Confession "

Now making the stupendous production

44 The Mask "

| with a series of well- I known novels to follow

Miiiiinnuiniiiuiiiiim^ gpiiipMiui^



Productions with Virginia Pearson, Theda Bara and

Mme. Petrova

Current Releases:

I " LURE OF AMBITION " 44 THE MERRY-GO-ROUND " I Theda Bara Pergy Hyland

" LOST MONEY " Madlaine Traverse

Permanent Address: 274 Rutland Road, Brooklyn, N. Y.



I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiNiiiii! iii : : : . i : i . : Eitii i : : . m n : i . t : i li 1 . . . 1 1 l i j . l t : i j ] : l i M u i j ci i lj j J > i lj ij i . t m : i j j i l l i j j i u inin inn n j i j j . 1 1 1 1 j : l : :i j : : j m 1 1 u . ; : 1 1 1 1 j i . Li l i u l iiiuiiiiiiiiiii

Edward Griffith



Edward Small

i .inn iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii urn imimi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'i?


GEORGE L. COX, Director— American Film Co.

Santa Barbara, Cal.

Recent Releases and Coming :

" The Rose of Hell "

" The Week End "

" The Thirteenth Piece of Silver "

" The Hellion "

" Payment Guaranteed "

" The Golden Gift "

" Their Mutual Child "

" The Blue Moon "

Member: Motion Picture Directors Association



ijuniftiuliiiiiii iiin il is m i nun nittiiu i t iitu m n n 1 1 imiuiirtii mil uiniui inu ui iiuuii uiuuti 11 iiouiniiuutuf^

Watch 'em go past! !

(William E.)





TRAILS OF DOOM Franklyn Farnum (in production)







I Just Coming Into the Market j

Four new, six-red features coming up.

I Now playing around as editor | | of the Selig Polyscope Company j

^anminmiiainiHiiiuiiiiiTmifiiuinniiiutnnimiuiiiiiimiiMftfriiiijiiHniiiiirirTnifiirnii iiiiirarmiiiiiinul

^iliiltltiiiiiiiiiiiiifitJiiiiiiiiiiiti4Miitiiiiii.tiiijiiiuii.iiii ii<iiiJiltii:iitiiiititiiiii*ttiniiiiliilLJ4 itiiiiiiiiiiiiniitiiiinr^


Original Stories

The Fued Tom Mix §

The Devil's Wheel

Gladys Brockwell §

The Scarlet Road

Gladys Brockwell |

| The Bird of Prey

Gladys Brockwell §

| The Siren Song. .Theda Bara |

| Sacrifice . .Margaret Illington |

I On the Level. .Fannie Ward j


| Dangerous Days. . .Goldwyn |

The Penalty Goldwyn |

The Light Theda Bara §

| Hell Roarin' Reform

Tom Mix | The Last of the Duanes. .

William Farnum | The Lone Star Ranger. . .

William Farnum §

| The Rainbow Trail

William Farnum | | The Wings of the Morning.

William Farnum §

Author of the following | New York Stage Productions: j | Kindling

Produced by

Margaret Illington | | Husband and Wife

Produced by

Arthur Hopkins | | The Claim

Produced by

Henry Harris Estate | | The Operator. . In Vaudeville |

At Present With GOLDWYN. .. .Culver City I

in MinMinniHiiinnnMn


iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii: !!i!iiiiiiin[iiii!iiiniiiiiiiiiii[ii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiii[iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii]iL-





| CURRENT RELEASES: " Eastward Ho " "The Lincoln Highwayman"


" Shod with Fire "

" The Other Side of Eden "


I Alimony First National Exhibitors

| Bondage of Barbara— Mae Marsh

| The Racing Strain Mae Marsh

| A Bachelor's Wife— Mary Miles Minter |

| Yvonne from Paris Mary Miles Minter |

BmwinnmitTiiiiiiMniiiftHiiiriiiiniiiiitii[i iiiiiifiiiiitftiiMitiiiinniiiKiiiiMi ijHtiiiiiiniiiiiEiiiiiiiMiiiiiiriiitiiTiir^


iam S.



gpillllimiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! : iiiiiii m iitiri 1 1 j J:ii:: Lit if ari i iji imii iiiiiiiiiii iim iiiiitu II Jiiiirii)iii iiiiiiiiMiiirtiiisii jiiiiiii jsii nm^Miiii iiiiii^iiiinninmiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiniiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiii' ' iiiiiiii imimnis


Scenario Writer | Famous Players-Lasky Eastern Studio

" Erstwhile Susan "

" His Bridal Night "

" Career of Catherine Bush "

" His House in Order "

"Probation Wife'1

. i iiililini in iiijiittnin ::; : rii i jimi 1 1 : '.. .:m i ii J I j];in i ! , .. , i . i : - 1. : : : i . - : n - mi n , i. - : ; 1 1 1 1 1 ] n i in ] 1 1 1 m ; u 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 : ; 1 1 1 : n i n 1 1 1 1 m i . 1 1 u . i : ; > i 1 1 . . , i ; i . . k , 1 1 jniMMiniTti [liuiiiiiiiiiinDiiiiiiiiiiilHliillltiHuiiniii iiiintui iiiii-:ii!i:Eiin ^

%^i)n 1 1 in i Ji in 1 1 r : [inn i : i :[ n i m it i : , . ; - l : . : j 1 1 1 : ) i l i u j i . : : : i ! : : j : ; r l : i : : j ] ^.i :j j ; i t ii i i [ [ [ jitii ; ii 1 1 j u i uti i M [ in 1 1 it u i ii 111111 iiri li 1 1 jiii j j j ii i n ; ii Jiii j ii j^ij 1 1 j( ii< jji j jii m iiiiiiii Mill i iiiiiiiiii Jiiiiiiin i:]isitiii[»U3iiiitiiutf luk i : i . i ir < i : ii-t 1 1 - - r i . . . : p - ^


Head of Scenario Department



"Out of the Fog." "Lombardi, Ltd. " "Fair and Warmer. " "Eye for Eye. " NazimoVa

^illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliliilliiiiiililllilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiMiiniiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiniiimiinim mmr i i : : 1 1 1 1 ; ; , n: : , i!iniii iiimimm. n n i , r; , i:. . .'.riii.iimiiiu ; ::i,,i!iiii;iiii,)uii ui ..-



-} iimiiiiiimiimiiiiimiiiiimiiiiimiimimiiiiiiii inniiii mnmmiuii m n nmiiiiiiiiiiiiiii imuii minimi mi iiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuimiiiiniiiimiiii^



With J Famous Players-Lasky Corporation

Notable Releases of Past Year

Everywoman Told in the Hills

Pettigrew's Girl A Sporting Chance

Alias Mike Moran The Winning Girl

The Dub Something to Do

The Sea Wolf Rose o' the River

iiwiuili i l u n 1 1 1 1 1 m j n n n i [ [ [ 1 11 n 1 1 1 1 l l i j j i : : [ [ l i j u i m 1 11 1 t n n i [ e [ n j u 1 1 i i u n n i t J u J j n 1 1 1 1 u ij , k [ b i l k n i : k m n i i i l l j 1 1 j . ; h i [ n i n i [ l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 [ l 1 1 1 1 : i 1 1 1 1 [ l 1 1 1 1 1 1 e u 1 1 1 1 1 1 t f 1 1 ] ; i [ [ [ i ] d i ] i i u 1 1 1 i : i [ 1 1 ] 1 1 1 1 1 i t ] n i [ l j t 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 : [ t i { 1 1 [ : [ 1 1 1 r 1 1 e t f r r ; i : i i 1 1 > i ; [ r ; i r 1 1 1 1 1 l 1

gjimniui mi niiwnmiiiiiiiitiiiM i in n ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimmi |

Arthur J. Zellner Lois Zellner

I The Zellners

On the Metro Staff Writing Specials

METRO STUDIOS :: Hollywood

^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ miiimimiiiimiiiiiimi iiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiimimim iiiimmiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiis


^■iiijiuiiiuniuiiiiiiituiiiiuiiLUUiiuiuuiiuiHUiiuuiiuiiiiuiiiiiijiiiiiiiittii miiiiuiiiiii iiiiiiiiimiiiii inn mi mi iminii iiiiiinimtllil ill n 11 iiiinm iiminii i n wiliilliiUJiiig


Continuity Editing Titling

Assistant to J. G. HAWKS Supervisor of Production at Goldwyn Studios Editor of Goldwyn Titles for past year

\ Eight years dramatic critic, N. Y. Globe. Contributor to Amer- 1 ican, Metropolitan, Vanity Fair, Smart Set and other magazines.

-.:'-!■ . miii i minim iimiiiiminiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiimiiii TiTiiiiiriiiiiiiiTTiiiitTiiiticiiJiri'riiiiiriiinsiirTiiiiitTiniiiTiintrinnnriiiiiTriiiTiiiiiTiiiiirdTiiiiiTiimiiit iimiiiiiiimiiimiimiimmiimimiiimimiiimmmiiiii;

2 iiinii iiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiitiiiiimiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim

This Space Is Hopefully Dedicated By Stephen Fox, The Well Known Scribe, To Inspire Replies To That Very Pertinent Question

Should Authors Advertise?

i mi M I itui uitiiltiniitiJ < M I nil mil 1 1 r i u j j i : r t n j i r 1 1 j u 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 l : i : : : ; i . 1 1 [ 1 1 1 1 - n i u < : i M 1 1 ] i ; r n j j t l 1 1 j . ; . : : 1 1 iiimimimmimm miiiiiiiiiiim miiimi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiminim iiiiiiiiniliiiuii MUliaHUS


gNMrniiuiuniioiijin in iinmiiuiBiiuui'iiiiiiiiiiniiii mi umiiiuauiui minium m i imiuiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiii iniuiiMnuiiiiiiwiniiiiimimiuiuiiHfitai,Hi


W riting Originals and Continuities for Selzniek Pictures Author of

" MISS GEORGE WASHINGTON," Marguerite Clark " THE SOAP GIRL," Gladys Leslie " GOOD DODD," Walter Hiers " GAS LOGIC," Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew " SOONER OR LATER," Owen Moore " THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY," Ralph Ince Etc., Etc., Etc.

Co-author " SPOTLIGHT SADIE," Mae Marsh " PLEASE GET MARRIED," Viola Dana

Selzniek Studio, West Fort Lee, N. J.




Originals Continuities Titles

"THE THUNDERBOLT "— Katherine MaeDonald's first First Na- tional. The picture that is breaking all house records.

" THE BEAUTY MARKET ' Katherine MacDonald First National.

" EAST OR WEST "— Carlyle Blackwell Productions.

" THE TRAIL OF THE OCTOPUS "—Frank G. Hall's record-break- ing serial with Ben Wilson.

Titles and editing for the Maurice Tourneur successes " THE LIFE LINE " and " THE BROKEN BUTTERFLY." "THE COUNTY FAIR "—Maurice Tourneur Productions.

j In production :

" THE UNDERTOW " Hayakawa Haworth Production.

" THE BLEEDER " Hayakawa's next Haworth Production.

" THE BETTER HALF "— Universal Mary MacLaren Special.

Address: Hollyivood, California Phone Holly 3445

^^nuinii unit mtii 1 1 iijiiiiiiiinif fiiitiiiiiniaiiitnuiinHnatiiMoiuimn«iinnnitiuuniunHitii iwintiiHiiiii imna i u mam imiinMBiMBHnnMiMHNMMMinBnHBi 1



Author of " Friendship "

" The Pendulum " " Too Late "

" Marianna " " Scratched Locket "

" Charity at Home " " Truth "

" Wood-witch "

" The Hand "

" Greater Love " "The Prodigal Daughter" " The Face in the Crowd " " Out of the Darkness "

"The Coward" " The Sinless Child of Sin "

" Peg o' the Sea " " The Thunderbolt of Fate " " And the Children Pay " " The Red Viper " etc., etc.

(See Biography)



Palace Theatre Annex 1562 Broadway, New York City

TIMELY FILMS, Incorporated Producing


The Jiterary Digest

AyVeeBee Corporation Producing


V. B. K. Film Corporation Producers of


iDKintiiii imici! i iiiiiiiiiitiiiitTiiiiiiiKiiiiiMirririiiKiiiKi -<itiiiirttitti?iiiift<riii*iiri>cti)iritr»ittirtti(iitiirfiifrrriiiirrrrCTiTtTiiiTii)rTT>iTirri rT)rriTTiii)irirTt[([TrtirTrTiiiiriTiii)iiiiirriiiitrMiTrrir<ri i riii)irrtiTiriiiTTiiiirriTTi(riTri)itriitTrrritniriT(i


G aojd io Brothers


Tony Gene

vrth with

~Anita Stewart Productions' Bessie Barriscale Features

f inn iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiii minium iiiiiimiimiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii imiiimin in iiiiiiiiiiiinuiiiiimiiiiimi i miniimiiiimiiii mm iiiiimi m 11111111111111111;




^ttifitiiiniffinTfniiiiiiiniiiirttniiiiiMifiiTTfttiinitiiitiiiiiitiiuritiiiinTitniiTfiiiriniiiiiriiniiiiiiirifiiiiririiiitiiiiiiinitHii niiiiiiiiiiiirniiiiTitiiiirrriiiiiMiiiiiiitiiimfiiiirTfiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiniiinfiiiiiiiiimiiiintiiiiiMMiiiimtfiiTriitiiiiiKimtii^'f

Photographing Douglas Fairbanks


Assistant Richard Holahan

Fairbanks Studio* Hollywood




The Buffum Process of Art Title Making

A logical outgrowth of the best art of the industry at large

discovered and perfected by the head of one of the best Art Title departments in the business.


|i iiiiimiiiiiiniiiiii iniiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiniiiiii mi ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiimiiiinii niiiiiiiimiiiini iniiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimnin^

For Players For Producers




Phone 577450 Hollywood, Calif.



iillllllliliiiiiilillillllilllii lliiillllillliimili'lillliiliiiiiiii 1 . [Illim minimi iiiiliiiliimiliiil in mi iiiimii miiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mimii m n minim iiiiiimi i nniiiiitiimiiin


a!iii!!iiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimni:"'!ii!!"-:,,,: ::;:i!iim!iii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiii imiiii iniuiniffliiimiiil niiiiii i i m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiimi iiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiis


275 Grand Avenue | Englewood, New Jersey


Among the more common articles which we supply for studios are

Palms Cut Flowers

Ferns Bouquets

Bay Trees Smilax

Tropical Plants Boxwood Trees

Our service, however, covers a much wider scope

If the set calls for a garden in flower, growing hedges and trees, paths, walks or driveways, we have the material and the organization to supply you at the shortest possible moment. Our proximity to the Dyckman, Fort Lee, and Forty-second Street ferries assures you getting your goods when you want them.

Our plant being located in the country where land and rents are low, our prices are correspondingly low.

Phone Englewood 1707-1708 We will have what you want

I i 1 |

1 1 [in > iiTi 1 1 1 iiiu I inn i ii in i nun ii r i h 1 1 [ e n ; [ I m M : [itrn r [ in 1 1 1 irri 1 1 1 [ r in [ [ I rs ] 1 1 r r rj l ! r r r:n i ! I tru I rf r riimniiiiiTTriiiriTiinTTiuf r i tiniiiniiiiiTirt: in nuriFTiT'iri rTiiiTiirni'Tiniiurr irHiiummiiriTTuiirTi ItmiimfflHWnmill


gimilUDIUIUUIIllllll jiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiuiiiiiiiw mi iiiiiiiiiiiiiini iimiimii; iiiuiuii iiiimi iimiiiiii i n iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiik


| Stye Mnbd Cnntwtt iExrl^atig^ |

1 Hollywood, Calif.


Directors Leads

Supporting Casts



Magazine Stories Authors


Continuities Editing

Studio Rentals


Wmmumm iiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiuuiiiiiiii niiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii uiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiinii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiinuiiiiuiiiiiiuu iiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiraiiumiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiS









General Manager


Literary Department

FITZGERALD BUILDING 1482 Broadway, New York


Motion Picture Department



Telephone Bryant 5664

5iiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiimiuiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin






"ladies nun LIVE"







DoyDel Butf?

T)irectirg Fox Siircrhfae Comedicr

under ihe supervision of

Hampton "Del Buth




Producer Cerctury Comedies"





SV, <?<>. „Nv, ^ ^ /A„Yi // " /A

)V '!>>' a \v >v vt^"




^ 7\r?n Foppert Hi

IH Vaoda Havlcy- [1

JlgROf? cflixteorc cJ.JIorrir Forfer

^ Addrerr: ActoiT ^Association, Lor Angeles;

Betty Cchade

Leads- arid Heavier-

Ernie Shield

-IB Vidiara Duncan'r new Serial





! i


mm eiDGWY


Character Leadr

Henry C- Hick?

PboneVerl: 1680 fiddrese-. 2440 V Pico ft. Lor Jli^eler



English Boy Actor "■aS1" 108 W. 86th St., New York


Five year old emotional actress 108 W. 86th St. New York City

Schuyler 7314



Leading Business Supporting such stars as

Vivian Martin Dorothy Gish Lillian Gish Gail Kane Blanche Sweet Mary MacLaren

William Russell H. B. Warner William Desmond Margarita Fisher Mary Miles Minter Sessue Hayakawa

Joseph Granby


518 W. 134th St., New York

Morningside 9798 or

Green Room Club


Characters Character Leads Character Heavies Eccentric Characters


Actors Association of Los Angeles 6408 Hollywood Blvd. Holly 1946

WALLACE MacDONALD Leading Man Current Releases: Madge Kennedy "Leave It To Susan" Marguerite Clark "A Girl Named Mary "

Frank Keenan " Brothers Divided " Mary MacLaren " Rouge and Riches" Anita Stewart " The Fighting Shep- herdess "

Address: Los Angeles Athletic Club

iiiimiiiiiiiiiiiFMini m milium iimsn



MALATESTA Being Starred In

Heavies " The Lion Man "

Ten Pictures with Metro j j Xaken from « The gtrange Cage

Selig Studio of Cavendigh n

Current Production , _ . ,

I I By Kandolf Parish

"The Mask" I !

(I'hoto by Campbell)



Starring in Film Comedies after seven years' tour of India, Burma, Federated Malay States, Straits Settlements, China, Philippine Islands, and Japan.

Fred W. Huntly

Characters and Director 2017 Ivanhoe Avenue

Phone: Wilshire 4376




I 58 W. 36th St. New York City

Greeley 6372


Leads, Heavies and Character | Leads

| Management EDWARD SMALL

1493 Broadway, N. Y.




3657 Broadway. N. Y. C. Telephone: Audubon 81 10 or Green Room Club

WILLIAM ANKER | 339 W. 58th St. N. Y. C.

Phone: Columbus 9998



520 N. Meridian St. Apt— 26 Indianapolis, Ind.


1547 St. Nicholas Ave., N. Y. C. (Phone: 3057 Wadsworth) Characters


Rurrell £impron


Just Completing


for Selig





4811 Fountain Avenue Los Angeles California

FVecL Hwner'e.sjr: Pho-topl^yer1* Equity JSLs^rx. Holly weocl, C*lj£ .









RECENT RELEASES Heavy Leads and Principal Supporting Roles With

H. B. WARNER in "The Man Who Turned While" (Robertson-Cole)

BESSIE BARRISCALE in "Killy Kelly, M. D." (Robert- son-Cole)

DUST1N FARNUM in "A Man s Fight" (United Picture Theatres)

KATHERINE MACDONALD in "The Beauty Market" (First National)

J. WARREN KERRIGAN in "The Lord Loves the Irish" (Brunton-Hodkinson)

BESSIE BARRISCALE in "Her Purchase Price" (Robertson-Cole)

ALMA RUBENS in "Diane of the Green Van" (Robert- son-Cole)

KITTY GORDON in "Adele" (United Picture Theatres!

J. WARREN KERRIGAN in "The Dream Cheater" (Brunton-Hodkinson) and

as MONSIEUR CHATEAU RENAUD, opposite DUSTIN FARNUM in United Picture Theatres Superb Production of "THE CORSICAN BROTHERS"

•r^rr* (C) Shirlev Mane L. A.


Perry Woods with Charles Ray in " The Egg Crate Wallop "

Motorcycle officer with William Rus- sell in " The Lincoln Highwayman"

Now doing Tommy Cleary with Wil- liam Russell in " Ruth of Circle A "

991 N. Virgil Phone: Wilshire 584


Hector V. Sarno

Current Releases:

The Silver Horde"

by Rex Beach

The Right to Happiness " with Dorothy Phillip.

Rio Grande "

by Augustus Thomas

Leading Character Role in


First 1920 George Loane Tucker Production




Feature Player

American Lithograph Co. Portland, Ore.


In King W. Vidor's initial Production for First National

Permanent Address:

King W. Vidor Productions Hollywood, Cal.


"In Old Kentucky" "Back to God's Country" "Snares of Paris" "One Week's End"



Directing " Hoot " Gibson


UNIVERSAL FILM MFG. CO. Address: Universal City


Director Recent Productions

JUBILO with Will Rogers




SEVEN OAKS with Will Rogers


THE KINGDOM OF YOUTH with Madge Kennedy

SIS HOPKINS with Mabel Normand

LEAVE IT TO SUSAN with Madge Kennedy




Charles E. Bartlett

Director Gentral

Beaver Film Co. Portland, Ore.


Member of

M. P. D. A. The Lambs The Players

Just finished " Headin' North ' in 7 reels

Address: c/o Motion Picture News

* * * *

PAUL POWELL | | Harry Beaumont



Mary Pickford's Goldwyn "POLLYANNA" I I West Coast Studios

* * * *




"The Golden Trail" featuring JANE NOVAK Just finishing Men of Today and Tomorrow " with CAROL HOLLOW AY and all star cast



| A Tale of Two Cities Vitagraph Co. I

I Two Men and a Woman Ivan Co.

1 Babbling Tongues Ivan Co.

1 The Unchastened Woman Rialto De \

I Luxe Co.

1 Atonement Humphrey Pictures, Inc. I

] The Midnight Bride Vitagraph Co. |



Director M. P. D. A.


First Nat. Ex. Cir.


Paramount- Artcraft




J. Laurence Weber Alliance Film, Ltd. London, Eng. Through Ed. Small, Inc.



Special Features


Author of over two hundred reels of produced comedy




J. G. Blystone


William Fox

Sunshine Comedies

Willis & Inglis



Consulting Editor Continuity Expert I I

J. ROY HUNT Works for You

Titling | |

Film Editing

812 Majestic Bldg. Los Angeles Phone: 61245


Cinematogra pher

Latest Work: I "Hidden Charms"


I resting after his 22 mile swim Battery to Sandy Hook.

When not writing photoplays, Mr. James devotes his time to water sports.



Albert Shelby LeW'no

—.[or three yea/r 9ta(f Writer—

^etro Pictures' Corporation



Gabriel L. -Pollock-

Jlrt Director

9dg Polyscope Con?par?!j Lor /Wde^

Home "Address : ^ 5005 South kenvood "Ave. Phone: Vert 4273


Jk?irtai?t Director


Lawei?ce Weber


Film Editor


Director Emmett J. Flyrm


V\\\\am Pox Productions* Dwell



Photo playwright 'The Wild Cat of Paris "—Original

ADAPTATIONS: "The Exquisite Thief" " The Wicked Darling "

CURRENT RELEASES: ' The Beckoning Road "

Bessie Barriscale ' The Luck of Geraldine Laird "

Bessie Barriscale


Writer and Editor of

Marshall Neilan Productions


Adaptations and Continuity Universal


" The Trembling Hour " " Under Suspicion " " Kentucky Jim " " Jewel "


Now Writing For Haworth Film Corporation

Current Releases:

'Fame and Fortune" Tom Mix

'Pitfalb of a Big City"— Gladys Brockwell

'The Greater Storey

Profit"— Edith

nm nun ill :nmi t " 111.111.. Illlillll II Hinil mill. I IIIIIIC



Scenario Writer Lasky Company With fm. de Mille Specials RECENT PRODUCTIONS: Peg o' My Heart Why Change Your Wife?

with Wm. de Mille

Jack Straw

The Prince Chap

Turn of the Road

Cfwisline cJoknslon

Writing for Thomas H. Ince Productions

Current Deleases: Daddy lonii Lctff'

23i Hours Leave'



iiiiiiiiiftiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit>"i'iii'!iiiiri[T iiiiutitiiititiiiirMit>;i

Karl R. Coolidge

Serial Author Universal Complete Continuity: " The Lion Man " Co-author: " The Moon Riders "



Associated with

George Loane Tucker Productions


Robert Brunton Productions

Address: Brunton Studios Hollywood, Calif.


Metro Staff Writer

liiiimniii ii i

Now Doing Specials

iimiiiiniiimiiniMiii mm


.iillliiiHimiiininii nii'iiiiini

*_"*" <>»" ' linn in






Victor Gibson


Originals Subtitle* Continuities




EDNA SCHLEY, Markham Bldg. Hollywood, Representative



through which to express to the j

entire Motion Picture profession j

my sincerest appreciation and f my heartiest endorsement of



for its splendid efficiency, its I

proven honesty, its unprejudiced j

poise and its " wide-awake " [

progressiveness, and more espe- § dally of


its Western Representative, to I whom much credit is due for this splendid reputation.


Scenario Writer S9S0 So. Hill St. Phone : South 964-J I

Writer of Stories and Continuity

The record for 1919 includes Scripts produced with Mae Murray, Jack Pickford, Bessie Barriscale, Tom Moore. William Desmond, Elmo Lincoln. Lew Cody, Texas Guinan, Priscilla Dean


Jame? Kirkwood, Robert Leonard, Rex Ingram, Tom Mills, Howard Hickman. Harry Beaumont, George Fitzmaurice, Cliff Smith.

Nino on the Goldwyn Staff

Charles E. Whittaker j

Scenario Writer for

John Barrymore Billie Burke Pauline Frederick Clara Kimball Young

also for

Maurice Tourneur Eminent Authors, Inc. The Famous Players-Lasky Corp.

The Salvation Army, and The United States Govern- ment

Author of - - " WOMAN," w FIRES OF FAITH," and others


Photo-Playwright Specializing in Westerns [ Author of More Than 100 Stage and Screen Successes " The West That Was " Cowboy, Desert, Indian and Alaskan Features

Lubin, Pathe, Selig, Essanay and Triangle

Two yrs. staff writer with Universal; 25 yrs. newspaper experience, police re- porter and news editor, with Chicago Chronicle, Portland Oregonian, S. F. Call, L. A. Times, Herald, Express and Exam- iner. Wrote recent Orpheum hit, "The Actress and the Critic," starring Con- stance Crawley two seasons; also "Pic- kles," "The Chink," "The Shyster," "Painless Dentist" and other vaudeville tabloids. Screen productions include "Phantom Gold," "The Taint," "The Grudge," "The Trail of No Return," "A Texas Sphinx," "The Taming of Bill Magee," "The Girl From Guthrie," "The Straggler," "The Story of a Kiss," etc., etc.

At present Scenario Editor and au- thor of all productions featuring Wal- lace Coburn, COBURN PRODUC- TIONS. Inc.. Hollywood, Calif. Resi- dence : 901 West 58th St., Los Angeles, Phone: Vermont <>25

R. Ellis Wales

Complete staging,


and effects,

including executive



Feature photoplays

Two years each with D. W. Griffith and

Famous Players-Lasky

Present affiliation:

W. W. Hodkinson Corporation 527 Fifth Avenue, New York.N. Y.


Formerly Film Editor

Inter-Ocean Film Corpora- tion

Now in conjunction u ith


Cutting and Editing

Just Completed




Original Stories and Continuities

For William Fox Film Corp.


THE YANKEE WAY with George Walsh


ROUGH AND BEADY with William Farnum

STOLEN HONOB with Virginia Pearson

DTVOBCE with All Star Cast

OPEN YOCB EYES with All Star Cast (Special)

THE WINNING STROKE with George Walsh

THE SEA BEAST with George Walsb




Friendship and Pillage!

Address FOX FILM CORP. 130 W. 46th Street New York City



SCENARIOS SUBTITLES Editor Topical Tips and

Motion Picture Press Association

The most successful film editor in the world. Dramatic Mirror.

A master of art captioning.

Zit, in N. Y. Journal.

Bret has written the titles for more motion picture subjects than any other man in the world. Robert Priest, Pres., Film Mar- ket, Inc.

Tom Bret was formerly subtitle edi- tor, Vitagraph, and scenario editor, Rolfe-Metro Studios. Just finished Metropolitan version, " Birth of a Race," " Blind Love," fea- turing Lucy Cotton, and " The Sacred Flame," featuring Emily Stevens. Pathe-Drew Comedies

Paramount-Truex Comedies Suite 2003-11 Candler Bldg. 220 West 42nd Street Phone Bryant 9120



Author of Originals

Enid Bennett in

" What Every Woman Learns "

Harry Carey in

"Three Mounted Men" and " Roped "

H. B. Warner in

" Unchartered Channels " ADAPTATIONS: "The White Dove" with H. B. War- ner from novel by fm. J. Locke and "Haunting Shadows" from the Mere- dith Nicholson novel, " The House of a Thousand Candles."

With Jesse D. Hampton Productions Permanent Address: 1414 North Benton Way Hollywood, Calif.

i in ii" in n i m i : i ; i itmi


Now Writing Original Stories



W. C. L.

A writer of magazine fic- tion, stage plays and motion pictures. Member Fox Sce- nario Staff. See Lengel, W. C, biographical section.

Reaves Eason

Author Actor and Producer




Mitchel Lewis Jimsy May and "Breezy" Reaves

Now Under Contract at the


Making Them Wild and Woolly



iltn nun iim

> 1 in i r miniiiiirtii


Associate Editor

Goldwyn Pictures Corporation of New York

STUDIOS Culver City, California


"Civilian Clothes" " A Woman's Way " " Life " "The Cub"

PICTURES: "Thirty a Week" "The World and Its Woman" "The Rack" " A Woman's Way "

''"'<< i num.. imn;



Member American Society of Cinematographers

Cincmatographer for Ben Wilson Productions " The Trail of the Octopus "

In Production: " The Screaming Shadow "

Current Features

" The Solitary Sin " Robertson-Cole

" Cowardice Court " Fox




Lightning Bryce," Serial The Kentucky Colonel "




Vander Veer


Formerly photographer of Chester Outings and Screenics, released by

C. L. Chester Productions, Inc.

Now with Universal


Cinematogra pher Universal City, Calif.

Priscilla Dean in



Hedda Nova in


Helen Jerome Eddy in


Tsuru Aoki in


9iHmn»iiriiu»Mi»iininini»:iinniitiHfn>i«i;iimnM(riMiiinmtmumi»"!:i *:*( 'rruuw-t^'tftmnnammc


Rene Guissart

Photographing Anita Stewart

en S. Norton




Cameraman for

Universal Film Mfg. Co.


Chief Photographic Department Universal City for past two years

riiii!iiiiiniimi"iiiiiniiiin 'i mnmim


Chief Cinematographer

Argus Motion Picture Co.

Cleveland, Ohio

mi hi kiii 1 1 inn urn i i mini i i iiiimiini minimiimillfillllllllhl



Glidden Hotel Hollywood

Park J. Ries


Now Photographing Antonio Moreno Vitagraph Co.

"•(Milium m ,i


Cinematogra pher Universal Film Co.

Recent Features: Dorothy Phillips in "The Right to Happiness " and all

Florence Turner Productions also

" The Moon Riders " 18 Episode Serial featuring



Member of AMERICAN SOCIETY^ CINEMATOGRAPHERS 428 Br^Won Aire. Les Arg'clea. Ca>.I.


Camera Master Mechanic Designer and Builder of Motion Picture Machinery

3 years with William Fox West Coast Studios Owner of a Complete Camera Repair Shop

Address : William Fox Film Corp. 5947 Willoughby Avenue, Hollywood Los Angeles


Film Cutter

Also Laboratory Expert

With GOLDWYN since its incep- tion. Formerly with Universal, Vi- tagraph, Monmouth, F r o h m a n Amusement Corp. and T. Hayes Hunter. Address : Goldwyn Pictures Corporation, 469 Fifth Avenue, New York City.

'i mm, iiuuiiinii niii i nun "'


music set to




The music fits the picture he makes it fit when


he plays at


319 Ferguson Bldg.

Phone 13920 Los Angeles, Calif.

" Art Titles by Buffum "

implies, to both exhibitor and public, the highest achievement in animated art backgrounds.

now with


J. H. BUFFUM DIRECTOR Art Title Department

M II i '■ in.. pi



With Films, Incorporated

Publicity Director Scenario Editor


Business and Production Manager of

Franklyn Farnum Serial Co.

SELIG POLYSCOPE CO. Los Angeles, Calif.


Catherine Calvert


Publicity M. P. D. A. Press Representative

234 W. 5")th St. N. Y. C.

Circle 1844

Bernard F. McElroy

Personal Representative for

Thos. H. Ince Ince Studios Culver Citv, Cal.



Asst. Director for

Montgomery & Rock Co. Vitagraph Studios Hollywood


Assistant Director to


Apex Pictures Corporation



Better known as


Associated with Syd Chaplin Hollywood Studio Los Angeles, Calif.


Spencer Valentine

Season :

1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920

Valentine Valentine Valentine Valentine Valentine Stock Stock Thos. H. Thos. H. Thos. H. Thos. H. Thos. H. Thos. H. Thos. H. Thos. H. Thos. H.

Four Four Four

& Valentine & Valentine

Ince Ince Ince Ince Ince Ince Ince Ince Ince




'Out of the T>ujt"

(rteCiety Picturva Corp. Spwt)

"A R^itive from Matrimony*

House of Thoxi^ajid CmdlM * "The White Dove" " Unchw-tered Channel* •*

iWOi Jwe D- H*rrt/jton)

"Xmeric*n -Society Clnem&to^r&phere Mvrkh»on &Ui.. HoI]vwood California.

Can You Bank At Your Convenience?

HEPENDABLE bank service has won this bank a host of depositors numbering more than 65 thousand.

Let us be of service lo you OPEN ALL NIGHT



The Largest Variety in Stock

High Luminosity Flat Field Special Lenses

Made to order in our factory in France

New Rochelle Optical Exchange

10 Drake Avenue New Rochelle N. Y..U. S. A.




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IllllUllllllllllllllllilllNlllillllllM 111

State Rights Percentages


THE proper percentages to be charged for each district have now become stabilized. After many changes during the past three years the percentages finally adopted by the First National Exhibitors' Circuit are most gener- ally accepted. The State Rights buyers are expected to pay their stipulated per- centage of the gross price set for the United States and its possessions, including also the Dominion of Canada.

First National percentages can be found in the following list supplied by the circuit to Motion Picture Studio Directory and Trade Annual.



Sol. Lesser and Gore Bros.


Broadway Theatre Los Angeles, Cal.



Counties of San Luis Obispo, Santa 2 27 56 Barbara, Kern, Ventura, Los Ange- les, San Bernardino, Riverside, Orarge, San Diego and Imperial in California fit Arizona.

Turner & Dahnken

134 Golden Gate Ave. San Francisco, Cal.

Nevada, Territory of Hawaii and all counties in California except those above mentioned.

3 2 14

Exhibitors Film Ex.

First National Ex. Circuit of Colo.

Western Theatre Co.

First National Ex. Exchange

H. Lieber Co.

A. H. Blank

First National Film Ex. of Michigan

First National Ex. Circ. of N. W.

Skouras Bros.

1200-4th Ave., Seattle, Wash.

1744 Curtis St., Denver, Colo.

Rex Theatre, Vancouver, B. C.

110 So. State St., Chicago, 111.

24 W. Washington St., Indianapolis, Ind.

Garden Theatre, Des Moines, Iowa

Film Building, Detroit, Mich.

Film Exchange Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.

New Grand Central St. Louis.

Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Mon- tana, and all counties in Idaho north of and including Idaho county.

Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyo- ming and all counties in Idaho south of Idaho county.

All Canada West of and including Fort William and Port Arthur.



Kansas, Iowa & Nebraska.


Minnesota, Dakota.


Wisconsin, N. & S.

3 5 8

1 3 4

8 1 4

3 18

4 3 4

4 1 4

3 1 4

First Natl. Ex. Cir. Co. of Ohio

Sloan Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio.






Gordon-Mayer Film Co.

First National Ex. Exchange.

First National Ex. Exchange of N. J.

First National Ex.

First National Ex. Exchange.

Peerless Feature Film Exch.

H. Brouse

First National Ex. Circ. of Va.

First National Ex. of New Orleans

First National Ex. Circ. of Texas

Big Feature Rts. Corporation


35 Piedmont St., Boston, Mass.

916 G St. N.W., Washington, D. C.

729-7th Ave., New York City

509-5th Ave., New York City

414 Ferry St., Pittsburgh, Pa.

13th & Vine Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.

Imperial Theatre, Ottawa, Canada

904 E. Broad St., Richmond, Va.

712 Poydras St., New Orleans, La.

Old Mill Theatre, Dallas, Texas

Rex Theatre Bldg. Louisville, Ky.


New England States. 8

Maryland, Dist. of Col. and Del. 2 1/4

New Jersey. 3 5/8

New York 14 1/2

West Va. 8& Western Penna. con- 4 1/8 sisting of all counties west of and including Fulton, Huntingdon, Cen- ter, Clinton & Potter.

Eastern Pa., consisting of all coun- 4 3/4 ties east of those above mentioned.

All Canada East of, but not includ- 3 1/8 ing Fort William & Port Arthur.

Georgia, Fla., Ala., Va., N. & S. 3 1/4 Carolina.

Louisiana 8s Mississippi. 1 3/8

Texas, Oklahoma 8s Arkansas. 4 1/2

Kentucky & Tennessee. 1 7/8

E!Jimilllllllllll!l!!!lllll!!l!llll!ll!inilll!llim IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIININIIII"

MOTION PICTURE NEWS and MOTION | PICTURE STUDIO DIRECTORY have led ( in efforts towards securing newspaper coopera- tion with the motion picture industry.

I The STUDIO DIRECTORY works for you | I all the year round— MOTION PICTURE j NEWS with an every week punch.

^^iiiiiiiij]tiiiiir<iiii:iiitiii»iiiiitr<iiiJ)jitittfiiJifriiiiiritiiiinjiitiiii:iMTi'iiiri>^iiiiif ^!'niiiirrtriiiiiiii itiiiiiittiniiiii iiiiiifitiinu uiiitrrniiirri 1 1 uirin mtiri riiiiim Jliiiriiuiitiiiriiu [iiuiri: iif TTirTinTiiiiiriMiixuTiiTiiTiiiimtrTTiDtrrTiiiiTiitttiuiiiiiii'^

ii mm iiimiiinii mum i iiiniiiiiiiii i iiiiiiiiimiiimiiii mini mini iiiimiii iniiiin m n niiuiii miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiniiiiiiiiiimj

What Can We Do For You?

From its very beginning MOTION PICTURE NEWS has sincerely aimed to be of help to all genuinely connected with this industry. If we can give you information, advice, or assistance of any kind just

Call Bryant 9360 or write to MOTION PICTURE NEWS 729 7th Ave., New York


SlllllinWi am iNiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiimiiimiiimi'iiiiiiiiiiniiiimm I mmim iiiiimiiiimiiiiimmiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiimiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiimiiimmmimiiiiiiiniiinimiiiu


piiiuiiill imiimiimimiiiiimiliiimi iiiiimmiiiiimiiiimii! iiiiiiiiiiuiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii miiiimmiiiuiii minimi minimi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiimiumiinnmmimnmiH-'immnmrai


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516 ,


American Film Co., Santa Barbara.

Astra Film Corporation, Verdugo Road, Glendale.

Beban, Geo., Productions, 434 H. W. Hellman

Bldg.. Los Angeles. Brentwood Film Corporation, 4811 Fountain Ave.,


Bringing Up Father Comedies, 6100 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood.

Bull's Eye Film Corporation. 5823 Santa Monica

Blvd., Hollywood. Burs;on Films, 6050 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood. Capital Film Co., 1025 Lillian Way, Hollywood. Carpess Film Co., 626 Homer Laughlin Bldg., Los


Chaplin. Charles, Studio, 1420 LaBrea Ave., Hol- lywood.

Chaplin. Mildred Harris Co., 3900 Mission Road,

Los Angeles. Chaplin. Syd., Productions, 6642 Santa Monica

Blvd., Hollywood. Christie Film Co., 6101 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood.

Clermont Photoplay Corp., 323 Title Insurance

Bldg , Los Angeles. Cohn. Marion H., Productions, 1116 Lodi Street,


Coiniquu Film Corporation (Roscoe Arbuckle), Culver City.

DeHaven Comedy Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Holly- wood.

Dierker Film Co., 1023 Van Nuys Bldg.. Los Angeles.

E. & R. Jungle Film Co., 1720 N. Soto St., Los Angeles.

Fairbanks, Douglas, Co., 5320 Melrose Ave., Hollywood.

Famous Players-Lasky Corporation, 1520 Vine St., Hollywood.

Ford, Francis, Studios, 6040 Sunset Blvd., Holly- wood.

Fox, William, Film Corporation, 1417 N. Western Ave., Hollywood.

Fox, William, Studio (Ranch), 2450 Teviot, Los Angeles.

Gaiety Comedies, Inc., 1501 Gower St., Hollywood.

Garson Studios, 1845 Allesandro St., Los Angeles.

Gasnier, L. J., Productions, Verdugo Road, Glen- dale.

Goldwyn Film Corporation Studios, Culver City.

Great Western Film Co., 6100 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood.

Hampton, J. D., Productions, Sunset and LaBrea Blvds., Hollywood.

Hart, Wm. S., Studio, 1215 Bates St., Los Angeles.

Haworth Pictures Corp., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Holly- wood.

Historical Film Corporation of America. Burbank.

Horsley, David, Studios, 1919 So. Main St., Los Angeles.

Ince, Thomas H., Studios, Inc., Culver City.

Lehrman, Henry, Studios, Culver City.

Lesser, Sol, Enterprises, 434 H. W. Hellman

Bldg., Los Angeles. Lewis. Edgar, Productions, Universal City. L-Ko Motion Picture Corporation, 6100 Sunset

Blvd., Los Angeles. Mayer, Louis B., Productions. 3900 Mission Road,

Los Angeles. McCarthy Pictures Corporation, 609 Laughlin

Bldg.. Los Angeles. MacDonald, Katherine, Studios, 904 Girard St,

Los Angeles. Mann, Hank, Comedies, 1919 S. Main St., Los


Metro Pictures Corporation. 6300 Romayne, Hol- lywood.

Model Comedy Co., 5821 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood.

Moranti Comedies, Inc., Long Beach.

Morosco Studios, 201 N. Occidental Blvd., Loa Angeles.

National Film Corporation of America 1116 Lodl St., Hollywood.

Ray, Chas., Productions, Inc., 1425 Fleming St., Hollywood.

Reed, J. Parker. Jr., Productions, care Ince Studios, Culver City.

Rolin Film Co., Culver City.

Romayne Studio, Washington Blvd., Culver City.

Kamuelson, G. B., Productions, Universal City.

Sellg, W. H., Pictures, 3800 Mission Road, Los Angeles.

Sennett, Mack, Comedies, 1712 Allesandro, Los Angeles.

Shurtleff, C. E., Inc., 6300 Romayne St., Holly- wood.

Special Pictures Corporation, 634 H. W. Hellman Bldg, Los Angeles.

Special Pictures Corp. Studios, Long Beach.

St. John, Al., Comedies, 5823 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood.

Stewart, Anita, Productions, 3900 Mission Road, Los Angeles.

Sylvanite Productions, 239 So. Van Ness St., Loa Angeles.

Tourneur. Maurice, Productions, Universal City.

Triangle Film Corporation, 405 Currier Bldg., Los Angeles.

Universal Film Mfg. Co., Universal City.

Vitagraph Co., 1708 Talmadge St., Hollywood.

Wade Productions. 6050 Sunset Blvd.. Hollywood.

Warner Brothers, 1919 So. Main St., Los Angeles.

Weber, Lois, Productions, 4634 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles.

Willatt, Irving, Productions, Culver City.

Wilson, Ben, Productions, 5823 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood.

Young, Clara Kimball, Co., 1845 Allesandro St., Los Angeles.


Companies Working at Jasper Hollywood Studios 6642 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood

Callaghan Andrew J., Productions, Inc. (Bessie Phillips-Holubar Productions.

Love Co.) Schwab, D. N.( Productions, Inc.

Neilan, Marshall, Productions Vidor, King, Productions, Inc.

Companies Working at Robert B run ton Studios 5341 Melrose Ave., Hollywood

Jack Dempsey Pathe Serial. L. Lawrence Weber Productions.

Annette Kellerman Company. Mayflower Pictures Corporation.

Betty Compson Productions. Mary Pickford Film Co.

B. B. Hampton-Great Authors Productions. Mae Marsh Pictures.

Selznick Pictures. James Oliver Curwood Productions.

United Theatre Productions. Bessie Barriscale Productions.

Republic Pictures. » J. Warren Kerrigan Productions.


Adolf Philipp Film Corp., 11 East 14th St.. Stuyvesant 6787.

Bacon-Backer, 230 West 38th St., Greeley 2486. Biograph, S07 East 175th St., Tremont 6100. •Columbia-Metro, 3 West 61st St., Columbus 8181. Crystal, 430 Claremont Parkway, Tremont 3766. Edison, Decatur Ave. & Oliver PI., Fordham 8330. Erbograph, 203 West 146th St., Audubon 3716. Estee's, 361 West 125th St., Morningside 4985. Famous Players, 130 West 56th St., Circle 500.

Fifty-fourth St., 517 West 54th St., Columl>u» 6498.

Filmart, 69 West 90th St. (used for school of

acting), Riverside 1315. Fox, West 55th St., Circle 6800.

International, 127th & Second Ave., Harlem 6298. Norma Talmadge, 318 East 48th St., Vanderbilt


Oliver, 308 East 48th St.. Murray Hill 6276. Pathe, 134th St. & Park Ave., Acad. 4730. Victor, 645 West 43rd St., Longacre 20.


J. Stuart Blackton, 423 Classon Ave., Brooklyn,

N. Y., Prospect 9683. Famous Players, Long Island City, N. T. Frohman Amuse. Corp., 140 Amity St., Flushing,

L. I., Flushing 3994. Mirror, Glendale, L. I., Rich Hill 3545.

Gaumont, Flushing, L. I., laboratory, Flushing 2211.

Hal Benedict, College Point, Flushing, L. I., Flushing 3142.

Vitagraph, E. 15th St. & Locust Ave, Midwood



Charter Film (Benj. Chapin), Ridgefield Park, N. J. (used as laboratory at present), Hacken-

sack 583.

Eclair-Fox, Fort Lee, N. J., Fort Lee 120. Ideal (Briggs), Hudson Heights, N. J., Union 5067.

Kalem, Cliffside, N. J., Cliffside 789. Lincoln, Grantwood, N. J., Morsmere 649.

Paragon (Chautard), Fort Lee, N. J., Fort Lee 329.

Pathe-Astra, 1 Congress St., Jersey City. N. J., Webster 4675.

Peerless, Fort Lee, N. J., Fort Lee 200.

Solaz, Fort Lee, N. J., Fort Lee 166.

Universal-Selznick, Leonia, N. J., Fort Lee 350.


Beaver, Dongan Hills, Staten Island, N. T., New Dorp 635.

A. H. Fisher, New Rochelle, N. T., New Rochelle, 2277.

.Griffith, Orienta Point, Mamaroneck, N. Y., Mamaroneck 1191.

Plimpton, 965 Yonkers Ave., East Yonkers, N. Y..

Mt. Vernon 3884. Reliance, 537 Rlverdale Ave.. Kingsbridge, near

Yonkers, N. Y. C, Kingsbridge 270. Unexcelled, 120 School St., Yonkers N. Y. Yonkers


Ilillllllllllli™ Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!






Biog- Por- raphy trait

Abbe. Jack 203

Abel, David 329

Abraham, Jake 203

Ahramson, Ivan 289

Abramson, William 294

Abroussleman, CharleK 329

Acker, Edward 317

Acker, Eugene 203

Acord. Art 203 401

Adams, Claire 257

Adams, Dora Mills 257

Adams, Kathryn 257

Adams, Lionel 203

Adams, William S 329

Addison, Smythe 317

Adolfl, John G 294

Aiken, Alma 257

Ainsworth, Charles Sydney 203

Aitken, Spottiswoode 203

Albertson, Arthur 203

Albertson, I . Cort 203

Alden, Mary 257

Alder, William F 329

Alexander, Ben 286 288

Alexander, Claire 257

Alexander, Clifford 203

Alexander, Edward 203

Alexander, Prank D 203

Alexander, Frank Nesbitt 329

Alexander, Gus 203

Alexander, J. Grubb 317 428

Alexander, J. Melrose 329

Alexander, Lois 286

Alexander, Sara 257

Algier, Sidney H 294

Allardt, Arthur 203

Alien, Albert C 329

Allen, Alfred 203

Allen, Beatrice 257

Allen, Diana 257

Allen, Major Jack 294

Allen, Phyllis 257

Allen, Ray 257

AUen, Rlcca 257 455

Alier, Joseph 329

Alley, Alfred Wright 294

Alley, Y. C 294

Allison, May 257 80

Alter, Lottie 257

Amador, Charles Edward 203

American Society of Cinematographers . 173

Anderson, Claire 257

Anderson, Helen Belyea 257

Anderson, Mary 257 66

Anderson, Mignon 257 445

Anderson, Robert 204

Andrews, Frank 204

Andrews, Gertrude 317

Andriot, Lucien 330

Anker, William 201 454

Aoki, Tsuru 258

Aoyama, Yukio 20i

Apfel, Oscar C 294

Arbuckle, Andrew 204

Arbuckle, Maclyn 204 341

Arbuckle, Roscoe 204 10

Archainbaud, George 294 95

Ardizoni, John 20 i

Arey, Wayne 20 1

Arling, Charles :204 465

Arnold, Ed ward 201

Arnold, John 330

Aronson, N. W 306

Arthur, Julia 258

Artigue, Pierre 473

Asher, Max 204

Ashley, Arthur H 204

Ashton, Iris 258 441

Ashton, Rosalie 317

Ashton, Sylvia 258

Atwill, Lionel 204

Aubrey, James 204

Aucker, William 204

August, Edwin -. 204

August, Joe 330

Austen, Leslie 204

Austin, Albert 204

Austin, J ere 205 438

Avery, Charles 294

Avery, J. Ray 205 458

Biog- Por-

raphy trait

Axzelle, Violet 286

Ay res, Agnes 258 80


Bacon, Gerald F 341

Bacon, Lloyd Francis 205

Badaracco, Jacob A 330

Badger, Clarence G 294 466

Baer, Berthold A 317

Baggot, King 205 67

Bailey, Bill 205 439

Bailey, Mildred E 258

Bainbridge, Wm. Herbert 205

Baird, Leah 258

Baird, Stewart 205

Baker, Charles Graham 317

Baker, Doris 286 463

Baker, Edwin King 205

Baker, Friend F 330

Baker, George D 294 105

Baker, Hettie Grey 317

Baker, LeRoy L 294

Baker, Thomas A 346

Baldwin, Ruth Ann 317

Ball, Eustace Hale 317

Ballin, Hugo 294

Ballin, Mabel 258

Banks, Mrs. Estar 258

Banks, Perry 205

Bara, Theda 258 26

Barker, Bradley 205

Barker, Corinne 258 76

Barker, Reginald 294

Barlatier, Andre 330

Barnett, Chester 205

Barney, Marion 258

Barrett, Thomas A

Barrie, Nigel 205 S3

Barrington, Herbert 205

Barriscale, Bessie 258

Barrows, Henry A 205

Barry, Eddie 205 457

Barry, Joseph J 294

Barry, Richard 317

Barry, Wesley 286

Barrymore, Ethel 258

Barrymore, John 205

Barrymore, Lionel 205

Barthelmess, Richard 206

Bartlett, Charles E 294 468

Bartlett, Harry 206

Barton, Grace 258

Basil, Joseph 294

Baskette, Lena 286

Batista, Miriam 286

Baxter, Thuma Jadee 258 455

Bayne, Beverly 258

Beach, Rer 289

Beal, Frank 294

Beal, Scott Rathbone 295

Beamish, Frank 206

Beaudine, William 295

Beaumont, Harry 295 468

Beban, George 206

Bechter, William A 206

Beck, Frederick 330

Beck, Lillian 258

Beery, Noah, Jr 206

Belasco, Jay 206

Bell, Walter W 330

Belle, Tula 286

Belmont, Joseph 206

Belmore, Daisy 258

Benedict, Hal Studios 185

Benedict, Klngsley 206

Benham, Harry 206

Benner, Yale Despine 206

Bennett, Belle 259

Bennett, Enid 259

Bennett, Joseph 206

Bennett, Richard 206

Bennison, Louis 206

Benoit, George 330

Benson, Clyde 206 449

Benton, Curtis 206

Beranger, Clara S 317 170

Beranger, George A 295 460

Beresford. Frank S 317

Bergen, Thurlow 206

Bergman, Helmer Wllhelm 317

Bergman, Henry 206

Berkeley, Gertrude 259



Biog- raphy

Bernard, Dorothy 259

Berrell, George 206

Bertram, William 295

Besserer, Eugenie 259

Betts & Fowler

Bevan, William 207

Bevis. Ted J 295

Hilda, Sara 259

Billings, Florence 259

Billington, Francelia 259

Bingham, Edfrid A 317

Bingham, E. Douglas 295

Binney, Constance 259

Binney, Faire 259

Binney, Harold J 289

Biron, Lillian 259

Bitzer, George W 330

Bitzer, J. C 330

Bizeul, Jacques 330

Blache, Mine. Alice 295

Blache, Herbert 295

Black, Fritzie 259

Black, W. W 207

Blackton, J. Stuart 289

Blackwell, Carlyle 207

Blackwell, Irene 259

Blake, Ben 295

Blakely, Walter W 330

Blinn, Genevieve 259

HI inn, Holbrook 207

Block, Ralph 343

Bloom, J. M

Bloomer, Raymond 207

Blount, Frank M 330

Blue, G. Monte 207

Blystone, J. G 295

Blythe, Betty 259

Blvthe, Sydney C. W 330

Boland, Eddie 207

Boland, Mary 259

Bolder, Robert 207

Booker, Beula 259

Boone, Dell 259

Bordeaux, Joe 295

Borzage, Frank 295

Bosworth, Hobart 207

Boteler, Wade 207

Botter, Henry P 207

Bouton, Betty 259

Bowers, John 207

Bowes, Clifford W 207

Bowman, William J 295

Boyle, Irene 259

Boyle, John Wm 330

Brabin, Charles 295

Bracken, Bertram 295

Bracy, Sidney 207

Bradbury, Robert North 295

Bradbury, Ronald 207

Bradley, Willard King. 317

Brady, Alice 260

Brady, Edwin J 207

Brady, Jasper Ewing 317

Brammall, John Gardiner 207

Brautigam, Otto 330

Bray, John Randolph 341

Breamer, Sylvia 260

Bredeson. Henry 330

Breese, Edmund 208

Brenon, Herbert 289

Brent, Evelyn 260

Bret, Tom 317

Brinley, Charles E 208

Brockwell, Gladys 260

Brodsky, Samuel 295

Brody, Anne G 260

Broenuig, Henry Lyman 330

Bronston, Douglas 318

Brooke, Myra 260

Brooke, Van Dyke 296

Brooks, Joe 208

Brooks, Sam 208

Brotherton, James 330

Brotherton, Robert 330

Broughton, Lewis 208

Brown, Anita 260

Brown, Chamberlain

Brown, Colvin W 342

Brown, Iva 260

Brown, J. Edwin 208

Brown, John W 330

Brown, Melville W 296

Brown, William H 208

Browne, Bothwell 208

Browne. Lewis Allen 31K

Brownell, Hobart H 330

Browning, Irving 330

Browning, Tod 296

Por- trait

79 434




155 155

2 85





36 463



409 428 470

Biog- raphy

Bruce, Beverly 260

Bruce, Robert Cameron 289

Bruce, Kate 260

Brundage, Mathllde 260

Brunet, Paul 341

Brunett*, Fritzl 260

Brunton, Robert A 289

Brunton, William 208

Bryant, Charles 208

Buchanan, James B 330

Buchanan, Thompson 318

Buckingham, Thomas

Buck land. Wilfrid 296

Buckley, Floyd Thomas 208>

Buckley, Frederick Robert 318

Buckley, William 208

Buel, Kenean 296

Buffington, A dele 318

Buffum, Jesse H 330

Bull, Clarence S 331

Bunker, Ralph 208

Bunny, George 208

Burke, Billie 260

Burke, Joseph 208

Burke, Olive 260

Burn ham, Beatrice 260

Burnham, Julia 318

Burns, Ed. J 208

Burns, Fred 208

Burns, Neal 208

Burns, Robert Paul 208

Burns, Sammv 209

Burress, William 209

Burston Films

Burt, William P 296

Burton, Clarence F 209

Burton, G. Marion 318

Burton, Ned 209

Busch, Mae 260

Bushman, Francis X 209

Busquet, Leo A 318

Butler, Alexander B 296

Butler, " Babs " 260

Butler, David 209

Butterworth, Ernest 209

Butt, Lawson W 209

Butterworth, Frank 286

Byram, Ronald 209

Byron, Nina 260


Cabanne, Wm. Christy 296

Cabot, Harry 331

Cain, Robert 209

Caleagni, David 331

Caldwell, Virginia 260

Calhoun, Alice B 260

Calhoun, Jean 261

Calvert, Catherine 261

Cameron, Rudolph 209

Cameron, Tom 209

Campbell, Colin 296

Campbell, William S 296

Campeau, Frank 209

Canady, D. R 331

Cann, Berthold 331

Cannon, Pomeroy 209

Capellani, Albert 289

Caprice, June 261

Carew, Ora 261

Carewe, Edwin 289

Carey, Harry 209

Carleton, Herbert Oswald 331

Carleton, John T 296

Carleton, Lloyd B 289

Carleton, William T 209

Carlton, Walter A 318

Carlyle, J. Montgomery 209

Carlyle, Richard 209

Carmen, Jewel 261

Carpenter, Francis W 286

Carpenter, George Mulford 296

Carr, Catherine 318

Carre, Ben 296

Carrigan, Thomas J 209

Carrington, Evelyn Carter 261

Carroll, Marcelle 261

Carroll, Wm. Arthur 210

Carson, Ella Stuart 318

Carter, Harry 210

Caruso, Enrico 210

Cassinelll. Dolores 261

Cassity, Ellen 261

Castle, Irene 261

Por- trait


479> 482;

I 432 I 483





38$ 481

106 14T



21S 64



Hiog- Por- raphy trait

Cast lei on. Barbara 261

Caswell, Nancy 286

Cavelleri, Lina 261

Cavender, Glen 210

Cawood, Albert I 331

Cecil, Edward E 210 443

Cecil, Nora 261

Cederberg, Eric J 331

Chadwick, Helene 261

Chambers, Marie 261

Chandler, Warren 210

Chancy, Lon 210

Chapin, Frederic 31K

Chaplin, Charles Spencer 210

Chaplin, Mildred Harris 268 18

Chaplin, Sydney 210 37

Chapman, Audrey Emily 261 447

Chapman, Edythe 261

Charleson, Mary 261

Chase, Colin 210

Chaston, Fred 331

Chaadet, Louis W 296

Chautard, Emlle 289 104

Cheseboro, George 210

Chester, C. I 341

Childers. Naomi 261 42

Chocklett, A Luther 331

Christie. A I E 289 118

Christman, Pat 210

Claire, Gertrude 261

Clapham, Leonard T 210

Clark, Frank 210

Clark, Harvey 210

Clark, Marguerite 262

( lark, Violet 318

Clark, Wm. J 341

Clarke, Betty Ross 262 30

Clarke, Frederic Colburn 231

Clary, Charles 221 457

Clawson, Dal 331 174

Clawson, Elliott J 318

Clay, Velma Louise 262

Clayton, Ethel 262 14

Clayton, Marguerite 262

Clemens, James 11 296 467

Clement, Eloise May 262

Clements. Koy 296

Cliffe, Henry Cooper 221

Clifford, Kathleen 262 71

Clifford, Ruth 262

Clifford, William 221

Cllft, Denison 318 161

Clifton. Elmer 296

Cllne, Edward Francis 296 72

Coates, Franklin B 318

Cobb, Edmund 221

Cody, Albert R 221 460

Cody, Lewis J 221

Cogley, Nick 221

Cohen, Bennett Ray 318 474

Coblll, Wm Wright 221

Cohn, Jack 342

Cohn, Martin G 478

Coldeway, Anthony Weller 318

Coleman, Frank 221

Coleman, Vincent 221 460

Coleson, Robert 221

Collins, Clifford B 296

Collins, May 262

Col well, Goldie 262

Compson, Betty 262

Concord, Lillian 262

Condon, Mabel, Exchange 434

Conklin, Charles J 221

Conklin, Chester Cooper 221

Conklin, Frank Roland 319

Conklin. William 221

Conley, Effie 221

Conley, John J 319

Connelly, Edward J 221

Connelly, Robert Joseph 286

Conness, Robert 221

Connolly, Jack 221 464

Considine, Mildred 319

Conway, Jack 296 417

Cook, Clyde 331

Cook, Warren 221

Cooley, Hallum 222

Coolidge, Karl K 319 47.r>

Cooling, Maud 262 458

Coombs, Guy 222

Cooper, Claude Hamilton 222

Cooper, Edna Mae 262 448

Cooper, George 222

Cooper, Hewitt 377

Cooper, Jack 222 405

Biog- raphy- Cooper, J. Gordon 297

Cooper, Miriam 262

Cooper, William S 331

Corbett, James J 222

Corbin, Virginia 286

Corey, Eugene 222

Cornelius. H. G 34 1

Cornwall, Anne 262

Cortes, Armand F 222

Cosmopolitan Productions

Cossar, John Bay 222

Costello, Maurice >:i'i

Cotton, Lucy 262

Coudert, George C 331

Courtney, Wm. Basil 319

Courtot, Marguerite 262

Cowan, Sada 319

Cowell, George 222

Cox, George I, 297

Cozen, Edward 222

Craft, Wm. James 331

Craig, Blanche 262

Craig, Charles 222

Crane, Frank H 297

Crane, James L 222

Crane, Ogden 222

Crane, Ward 222

Crimans, W. W 222

Crimmins, Daniel 222

Crisp, Donald 297

Crittenden, Dwight 223

Crolly. William S 331

Cronjager, Henry 331

Cronk, Olga 263

Crosland, Frederic. Alan 297

Crowell, Josephine 263

Crumpton, Charles 286

Crusader Service

Crute, Sally 263

Cruze, James 297

Cullington, Margaret 263

Cullison, Webster 297

dimming, Dorothy 263

Cummings, Irving 223

Cummings, Robert 223

Cuneo, Lester 223

Cunningham, Jack 319

Curlev, Pauline 263

Curran, Thomas A 223

Currier, Frank 223

Curtis, Jack 223

Cuthbert, C. E 297


D'Albrook, Sidney 223

Dalton. Dorothy 263

Dalv, Arnold 223

Dalv, Hazel 263

Daly, Wm. Robert 297

Dana, Margaret 263

Dana, \ a 263

Daniels, Bebe 263

Daniels, Frank 223

Barclay , Louis 223

Darling, Grace 263

Darling, Helen 263

Darling, Ida 263

Darmond, Grace 263

Davenport, Alice 263

Davenport, Blanche 263

Davenport, Charles E 297

David, Charles N 297

Davidson, John 223

Davidson, Max 223

Davidson, Wm. Beatman 223

Davies, Howard 223

Davies, Marion 263

Davis, Charles John 331

Davis. Edwards 223

Davis, J. Gunnis 223

Davis, Mildred 263

Davis, William S 297

Davison, Grace 263

Daw, Marjorie 264

Dawley, J. Searle 297

Dawn, Hazel 264

Dawn, Norman 297

Dawson, Ivo 224

Dazev, Charles Turner 319

Dean. Faxon M 331

Dean, Jack 224

Dean, Julia 264

Dean, Louis 224

Por- trait





451 307

476 378

450 485

23 461

35 196

466 404



137 436

385 455

Biog- Por- raphy trait

Dean, Friscilla 264

Dean, Ralph 297

Dean, Ted 286

Deane, Hazel 264

Dearholt, Ashton 224

Dearing, Ann 264

DeCarlton, George 297

DeConde, Syn M 224

De Cordoba, Mercedes 264

De Cordoba, Pedro 224

de Cordova, Leander 224

De Cordova, Rudolph 319

De Forest, Patsey 264 409

De Grasse, Joseph 297

De Grasse, Samuel A 224

De Haven, Carter 224

De Haven, Flora Parker 264

Deitrich, Theodore C 342

De Lacy, John V 224

De Lacy, May 264

de La Mothe, Leon 297 389

de la Motte, Marguerite 264

Delaney, Bert 224

Delaney, Leo 224

Delaro, Hattie 264

Delavan, Frederick M., Jr 331

Del Ruth, Hampton 298

Del Ruth, Roy

De Mille, CeoU B 289

De Mille, Wm. Churchill 298

Dempster, Carol 264

Dench, Ernest Alfred 319

Dent, Vernon 224

Depew, Ernest 331

Depp, Harry 224

De Remer, Rubye 264

De Rue, Carmen 286

Deshon, Florence 264

Desmond, William 224

De Vaull, Wm. P 224

Devere, Harry T 224

De Vinna, Clyde 331

De Vore, Dorothy 264

Dexter, Elliott 224

Dillion, John Webb 224

Dillon, Edward 298

Dillon, Jack 298

Dintenfass, Mark M 342

Dix. Beulah Marie 319

Dominquez, Beatrice 264

Donaldson, Arthur 224

Donnelly, James A 224

Donovan, Frank P 298

Dooley, John 225

Dorety, Charles 225

Dorian, Charles W 225

Doro, Marie 264

Dowlan, William C 298 423

Dowling, J, Joseph 225

Dressier, Marie 264

Drew, Cora 264

Drew, Mrs. Sidney 265

Drnce, Hubert 225

Drumier, Jack 225

Dryden, Wheeler 225 153

Dubray, J. A 332

Dubray, Clare 265

Ducrow, Tote G 225

Dudley, Charles 225

Duffy, Jack 225

Duhem, Raymond A 332

I >um»nt, Gordon 225

Dunbar, Helen 265

Dunbar, Robert N 225

Duncan, Albert Edward 225

Duncan, William 225 52

Dunham, Muudie 265

Dunkinson, Harry Leopold 225

Dunlap, Scott 298

Dunmyre, Louis H 332

Dunn, Bobby 226

Dunn, Edward Frank 226

Dunn, J. Malcolm 226

Dunn, William R 226

Dunn, Winifred 319 429

Dupre, Louise 265

Dupee, George 226

Duprez, Charles J 332

Durant, Harry R 319

Durfee, Minta 265

Durham, Lewis 226

Durning, Bernard J 226

Dwan, Alaa 290

Dwyer, Ruth 265 86


Biog- Por- raphy trait

Eagle, Oscar 298

Eagler, Paul 332

Earle, Edward 226

Earle, William P. S 298

Eason, Reeves 298 479

Eckerline, John 298

Eddy, Helen Jerome 265 460

Edeson, Arthur 332

Edeson, Robert 226

Edgington, Ida 265

Edmond, William M 332

Edwards, Charles 226

Edwards, Harry , . . 298

Edwards, J. Gordon 298

Edwards, Walter 298 109

Eldridge, Charles 226 459

Eikas, Edward 226

Elliott, Frank 226

Elliott, Robert 226 446

Ellis, Robert du Reel 298 220

Elmer, William 226

Eltinge, Julian 226

Elvidge, June 265 94

Emerson, John 290 127

Empey, Arthur Guy 290 291

Entwistle, Harold 226

Esmonde, Merceita 265

E-.tabrook, Howard 298

Evans, Herbert D 826

Evans, Madge 287

Everetts, Allen 338

Eyton, Bessie 365


Fair, Elinor 265

Fairbanks, Douglas 227

Fairbanks, Gladys 265

Fairfax, Marion 319 474

Fallon, Thomas F 319 164

Famous Players-Lasky

3, 4. ;.. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Farley, Dorothea 265 463

Farley, James 227 381

Farley, Mary Louise 319

Farnum, Dustin 227

Farnum, Franklyn 227

Farnum, William 227

Farrar, Geraldine 265

Farrington, Adele 265

Faulkner, Ralph C 227

Faversham, William 227

Fawcett, George 227 410

Fay, Hugh 227

Fazenda, Louise 265

Fellowes, RockclifTe 227

Rockcliffe 227

Fenton, Mark 227

Ferguson, Casson 227

Ferguson, Elsie Louise 266 13

Ferguson, Helen 266 387

Fetty, Charles C 332

Field. Eliner 266

Field, George 227

Fielding, Margaret 266

Fielding, Romaine 298 154

Fillmore, Clyde 227

Finch, Flora 266

Fir-,t National 198

Fischer, A. II 342

Fischer, David G 298

Fishback, Fred 299 436

Fisher, George 237

Fisher, Margarita 366

Fisher, Ross G 333

Fitch, George 299

Fitz-Gerald, Cissy 266

Fit/. Gerald, Dallas M 29!) 467

Fitzniaurice, George '»!>!)

FitzPatrick, James A 299 I'M

Fit/.roy, Louis 227

Flanagan, D. J 227

Flaven. Arthur J 299 466

Fleming, Carroll 299

Fleming. Caryl Stacy 299

Fleming. Ethel 266

Fleming, Victor L 332 120

Minn, John 348

Flynn, Emmet! .1 !'.m

Foote, Courtenay

Ford, Francis 290 158

Ford, Harrison 228




Ford, Hugh 299

Ford, Jack 299

. Forde, Eugenie 266

Forman, Tom 228

Formes, Carl, Jr 228

Forrest. Alan 228

Forrest, Ann 266

Forrest, Edith 266

Forth, George J 228

Foshay, Harold 228

Foss, Darrell Burton 228

Foster, .(. Morris 228

Foster, William C 332

Fox, Finis 319

Fox, Stephen

Fox, William 342

Foxe, Earle A 228

Frame, Park 299

Francis, Alec Budd 228

Franck, John L !.228

FYank J. Herbert ' 228

Franklin, C. M 299

Franklin, Harry L 299

Franklin. S. A 299

Franz, Joseph J 299

Fraunholz, Fraunie 228

Frawley, Jack 332

Frazee, Edwin 343

Frederick, Pauline 266

French, Charles K 228

French, Eugene De Tousard 332

French, George B 228

F'ried, A 332

Frohman Amusement Corp

Frommer, Henry G 332

Fimua, John W 332

Furey, James A 228

i'urthman, Jules 320


Gaden, Alexander 228

Gaillard, Robert 228

Gale, Alice 266

Gale, Lillian

Gallagher, Raymond 229

Gamble, Warburton 229

Gandolfi, Alfredo 332

Gane, Vivian 266

liarmes, Eee 332

Garson, Harry 1 290

Gary, Nadia Louise 287

Gasnier, Louis 290

Gates. Harvey II 320

Gaudio, Eugene 332

Gaudio, Gaetano 332

Gauntier, Gene 266

*i«ye, Howard 299

Celdert, Clarence H 229

Geleng, Louis A. J 332

George, Burton 299

George, Maud 266

Geraghty, Tom J 320

Gerald, Pete 229

Gerard, Charles 229

Gerber, Xeva 266

Gerrard, Douglas 299

Gibbs, Robert Paton 229

Giblyn, Charles 299

Gibson, Ed ("Hoot") 229

Gibson, Helen 266

Gibson, Tom 320

Gibson,. Victor 320

Gilbert, John C 229

Giles, Corliss 229

Gill, Helen 26"

Gillett, Ethel 320

Gillstrom, Arvid E 300

Gilson, Charles 332

Girard, Josenh W 229

Gish, Dorothy 267

Gish, Lillian 267

Gittens, Wyndham 300

Glass, Gaston 229

Glassmire, Albert 320

Glaum, Louise 267

Glendon, J. Frank 229

Glennon, Bert Lawrence 332

Golden, Ruth Fuller 267

Gobbett, David Wm 333

Goldaine, M. S 300

Goldburg, Jesse James 343

Golden, James A 343

Golden. Ruth Fuller 267

Goldsmith, Frank 229

Blog- Por-

Goldsworthy, John 229

Goldwyn Pictures Corp

_ , 43, 14, 45, 46, 4 7, 48

Goldwyn, Samuel 343

Gollomb, Joseph 320

Goodfriend, Pliny 333

442 Goodwins, Fred 229

Gordon, Eva 267

Gordon, Harris 229

Gordon, Huntley 229 397

Gordon, James 229

445 Gordon, Julia Swayne 267

411 Gordon, Maude Turner 267

163 Gordon, Robert 230 65

427 Gordon, Vera !...267

Gosden. Alfred 333 480

Goulding, AM 300

Goulding, Edmund 320 168

Gowland, Gibson 230 464

Granby, Joseph 230 452

393 Grandon, Francis J 300

Grant, Edwin J 230

Granville, Fred Le Roy 300 416

Grassby, Bertram 230

Grattan, Stephen 230

Grauer, Ben 287

Graves, Ralph 230

Gray, Clifford 230

202 Gray, King D 333 480

384 Greeley, Evelyn 267 11

Green, Al 300

Green, Dorothy 267

483 Green, Heien 26 «

188 Green, Margaret 267

Greene, Kempton 230

Greenleaf, Chas. L 230

Greenwood, Winifred 207

Gregory, Carl Louis 333

Greiner, Arthur Leroy 333

Grey, John W 343

Grey, Olga 267

Gribbon, Harry 230

Griffin, Frank C 300

Griffith, Cecelia Frances 267

Griffith, Corinne 267

Griffith, David Wark 299, 343 102

484 Griffith, Edward H 300 420

Griffith, Katherine 267

461 Griffith, Raymond 320

Grimmer, Frank 300

78 Grimwood. Herbert 230 461

Grinde, Nick 300 472

Grisel, Louis R 230

Grossman, Harry 344

Grossmith, Law rence 230

474 Guihan, Frances 320 171

430 Gninan, "Texas" 267

430 Guise, Thomas Sheldon 230

Guissart, Rene 333 481

Gullan, Campbell 60

Gutterres, Moyses 300 485

Hackathorn George H 230 449

388 Hackett, Albert 230

409 Haddock, William F 300

Hadley, Grace T 320

Hadley, Hopp 344

390 Haines. Robert Terrell 230

Hale, Alan 231

470 Hale, Albert W 300

476 Hale, Creighton 231

395 Hall, A I 231

Hall, Ben 231

440 Hall, Donald 231

Hall, EUa 267

Hall, Emmett Campbell 320

Hall, Frank G 344

460 Hall, George Edwards 300

Hall, Howard 231

Hall, Lillian 267 441

Hall, Thurston 231

Hall, Walter Richard 320 167

Hall, Winter 231 444

Hallam, Henry 231

Mallard. CM 231 61

480 Halliday, John 439

Hallor, Edith 268

Ham, Harry 231

Hamer, Fred 231 456

Hamilton, Gilbert P 300 141

Hamilton, Hale 231

Hamilton, Lloyd Vernon 300 97

Hamilton, Mahlon 231 41



Biog- Por- raphy trait

Hammerstein, Elaine 268

Hammond, Virginia 268

Hampton, Hope 268 74

Hampton, Jesse D 290 119

Handy, Jamison 341

Hanlon, Alma 268

Hanna, Franklyn 231

Hansen, Juanita 268

Hanshaw, Dale 300

Harde, Harry D 333

Hardin, Neil Cameron 231

Hare, Francis Lumsden 231 440

Harkness, Carter B 232

Harlam, Macey 232

Harlan, Kenneth 232

Harlan, Otis 232

Harm it, Frances 320

Harmon, "Pat" 232

Harris, Marcia 268

Harris, Mildred 268 18

Harris, Winifred 268

Harrison, ( lias. Yale 348

Harrison, James 232 457

Harrison, Saul E 302

Harron, Robert 232

Hart, Albert 232

Hart, Lallan Kookh 268

Hart, Neal 232 68

Hart, William S 232

Hartford, David M 302 417

Hartigan, P. C 302

Hartman, Greta 268

Harvey, John 302

Harvey. Lew 232

Hastings, Carey 268

Hatch, Wm. Kiley 232 393

Hatkin, Philip 333

Hatteras, Kir hard 232

Hatton, Edward 232

Hatton, Raymond 232

Haver, Phi Ilia 268

Havez, Jean 320

Hawks, J. G 320

Hawley, Ormi 268

Hawley, Wanda 268 442

Hayes, Frank

Hays, Wm. T ,

Hearn, Edward

Hearn, Fred G

Hebert, Henry J

Heerman, Victor

Heffron, T. N

Hellman Bank

Heming, Violet

Henabery, Joseph

Henderson, Dell

Henley, Hobart

Henry, Gale

Henry, George

Herbert, A. J

Herbert, Holmes Edward. Hernandez, George F. . . . Hernandez, Mrs. George. .

Herring, Aggie

Hersholt, Jean R

Hesser, Edwin Bower

Heyes, Herbert H

Hey wood, W. L

Hickman, Alfred

Hickman, Howard

Hicks, Henry C

Hicks, Maxine Elliot

Hiers, Walter

Higby, Wilbur

Hilburn, Betty

Hilburn, Percy

Hill, Robert I Hill, Rollo l ee . Hill, Wyclift A Hilliard, Harrv S.

Hively, George O .

Hodge, Rex E

Hodkinson. W. W

Hoffman, Charles Wilbur.

Hoffman, Otto F

Hoffman, Ruby

Hogan, Danny

Holhrook, John Knight... Holden, John K


















































Biog- Por- raphy trait

Holding, Thomas 233

Holland, Cecil C 234

Holland, Edna M 269

Hollingsworth, Alfred 234

Hollister, Alice 269

Hollister, George K 333

Holloway, Carol 269 465

Hollywood, Edwin L 303 415

Holmes, Helen 269

Holmes, Stuart 234 87

Holmes, Taylor 234

Holt. George 303

Holt. Jack 234

Holubar, Allen J 303

Hoose, Ralph R 234

Hoover, Billy 397

Hope, Gloria 269

Hopkins, May F 269

Hopley, Frank Dorrance 321

Hopper, Mrs. De Wolf 269

Hopper, E. Mason 303 143

Horan, Charles 303

Horn, Edward 333

Home, James VV 303

Home, Pliny A 333

Home, Wm. T 234

Horner, Bob 321

Horsley Film Laboratories 406

Horton. Aida 287

Horton, Clara Marie 269 392

Horton. Jeanette 269

Hotelling, Louise 269

Houdini, Harry 234

Houry, Henry 303

Housman, Arthur 234

Howard, Chas. Ray 234

Howard, George 234 406

Howard, George Bronson 321

Howe, Eliot 303 425

Howell, Alice 269

Howell, W. A 303

Howland, Jobyna 269

Hoxie, Hart 234

Hoxie, Jack 234

Hoyt, Arthur 234

Hoyt. Edward X 234

Hoyt, Harry O 303 160

Hubbard, Philip 321 449

Huff, Louise 269 32

Hughes, Gareth 234

Hughes, Lloyd 234

Hulette, Gladys 269 392

Human, Billy 234

Humphrey, William J 303 469

Hunt, Jay 303

Hunt, J. Roy 303 471

Hunt, Leslie M 234

Hunter, T. Hayes 303 132

Huntley. Hugh 234 439

Huntly. Fred W 235 453

Hurley, Julia 270

Hurst, Paul C 303

Husted, Chas. Clemens 303

Hutchinson. Charles A 235

Hutchinson, Craig 303 467

Hutchinson, Samuel S 314

Hutton, Lucille 270

Hyland, Peggy 270 59

111 inn, Isolde C 270

Ince, John 303

Ince, Ralph 303

Ince, Thomas H 290 8,9

Inglis. Gus 290 178

Ingraham, Harrish 304

Ingraham, Lloyd 304

Ingram, Rex 304 115

Irish. Roy 333

Irving, George 304 470

Irving, Mary Jane 287

Irwin, Boyd 235

Jaccard, Jacques 304 473

Jackman, Fred J 333

Jameison, Wm. Edward 235

James, Frederick Henry 321 471

James. Gladden 235

440, 448

James, Harry C 304

James, James Wharton 235

Janls, Elsie 270



Biog- For- raphy trait

Jansen, Laura 321 475

Jasmine, Arthur 235

Jefferson, I , V 321 477

Jefferson, Tnomas 235

Jeffrey, Hugh S 836

Jenks, George Elwood 321 288

Jennings, Al 235 78

Jennings, Dev 333

Jennings, Jane 2 70 83

Jensen, Eulalie 270

Jevne, Jack 321

Jobson, Edward 235

Joby, Hans 235

Johnson, Adrian K 321

Johnson, Edith 270 53

Johnson, Emory 235

Johnson, Hugo C 333

Johnson, Merle 321 220

Johnson, Noble 235

Johnson, Tefft 304

Johnston, Agnes Christine 321 475

Johnston, J. \Y 235

Jones, Buek 235 382

Jones, Jessie 270

Jones, Grover 304

Jones, Richard 30-1

Jordan, Sid 235

Jose, Edward 890 135

Josephson, Julian 321

Joy, Ernest C 235

Joy, Gloria 287

Joy, Leatrlee 270

Joyce, Alice 270

Joyner, Francis 235

Julian, Kupert 301

Junior, John 440

Justice, Maibelle Heikes 321


Kane, Gail 270

Kann, Marvin 236

Karger, Maxwell 345

Karns, Roscoe 236 465

Karr, Milliard Sinclair 236

Katterjohn, Monte M 322

Kavanaugh, Katherine 322

Kay, Beatrice 287

Kaye, Frances Manila 270

Kenton, "Buster" 236

Keefe, Zena Virginia 270

Keeling, Robert 236

Keenan, Frank 236

Keepers, Harry Lester 333

Kellard, Ralph 236

Kellermann. Annette 270

Kellette. John Wm 304

Kelley, Winthrop 304

Kelly, Anthony Paul 322

Kelly, Paul 236

Kelsey, Fred A 304

Kelso, Mayme 270

Kelson, George 304

Kennedy, Aubrey M 304

Kennedy, Ed 236

Kennedy, Jack 304

Kennedy. Madge 270

Kenny, Colin 236 435

Kent, Charles 236

Kent, Craufurd 236 77

Kenyon, Albert G 322

Kenyon, Charles A 322 422

Kenyon, Doris 271

Kepler, Edward 236

Kern, Cecil 271

Kerrigan, Jack Warren 236 70

Kerry, Norman 236 S09

Kessel, Nicholas, Laboratories 534

Kilgour, Joseph 236

Kim, Sam 236

Kimball, Edward Marshall 236

King, Burton 304 415

King, Carleton S 305

King, Kmmett C 237

King, Henry X05

King, Mollie 271

Kingdon, Dorothy 271

Klngsley, Florida 271

Kingston, Winifred 271

Klrby, Frank Gordon 333

Kirkhy, OIlie 271

Kirk bam, Kathleen 271 *T9

Kirkland. David 305

Kirkland, Hardee 237

Kirkwood, James 237

Kltson, May 271 451

Hii>K- Por-

ninn, ivoueri sot

Kleine, George 346

Knoles, Hariey 05

Knott, Lydia 271

Knowland, Alice . . 271

Kohn, Morris 346

Kolker, Henry 237 456

Korach, Milton W 305

Kortman, Robert 237 462

Koupal, T. Morse 137

Krafft, John W 322

Kremer, Victor 344


La Croix, Km lie 237

Laemmle, Carl 345

I, a Fayette, Ruby 271

Laidlaw, Roy 237

Lake, Alice 271

Lambart, Henry 305

Lambert, Dorothy 271

Lambert, Glen 305

Lamothe, Julian Louis 322

Lancaster. Leland L 334 481

Land is. Cullen 237

Landis, Margaret Cullen 271

Lane, Charles 237

Lane, Tamar 305

Langdon. Lillian 271

Lanning, Frank 237

Lanoe, J, Jiquel 237 382

La Reno, Dick 237

Larkin, George Alan 237

La Rocque, Rodney 237

Larrimer, Mary Edna 322

Larrimore, Francine 271

Larson, Oscar M 237

La Rue, Fontaine 271 435

Lathem, Alfred II 334 482

Laub, William B 322

Laurel, Kay 271

La Varnle, Laura 271

Laver, Jack 305

Law, Burton 1ST

Law, Walter 237

Lawrence, Adelaide 28T

Lawrence, Dakota 272

Lawrence, Edmund 305 41t

Lawrence, Frank 322 327

Lawrence, George W 334

Lawrence, W. E 237

Leach, Henry A 334

Leavers, George R. B 305

Leavitt, Harvey C 305

Lederer, Gretchen 172

Lederer, Otto 238

Lee, Alberta 272

Lee, Carey 272

Lee, Carolyn 272

Lee, Dixie 272

Lee, Frankie 28T

Lee, Harry 238

Lee, Jane 287

Lee, Jennie 272

Lee, Katherine 287

Lee, Llla 272

Lee, Virginia 272 398

Le Guere, George 238

Lehr, Anna 272

Lehrman, Henry 290

Leiber, Fritz 238

Leighton, Lillian 272

Leibrand, Lela Owens 322

Lengel, Wm. C 322 479

Leonard, Robert Z 305 112

Le Pi card. Marcel A 334

Le Saint, Edward J 305

Le Saint, Stella Razetto 305

Leslie, Gladys 272

Leslie, Lille 272

Leslie, Marguerite 272

Lesser, Sol 345 18"

Lessey, George A 305

Lester, Kate 272

Lester, Louise 272

Le Strange, Dick 305

I.eventhal, J. F 341

Levering, James 238

Levering, Joseph 305

Le Vino. Albert Shelby 322 472

Lewis, Atwood Lloyd 334

Lewis, B. A 238

Lewis, Charles 305

Lewis, Edgar 292


Biog- Por- rapny trait

Lewis, Eugene B 322 479

Lewis, Eva 272

Lewis, Ida 272

Lewis, Katherine 272

Lewis, Mitchell 238

Lewis, Ralph 238

Lewis, Sheldon 238

Lewis, Vera 272

Lewis, Walter P 238

Lichtig, Harry 432

Liguori, Alfonso 334

Lincoln, E. K 238 49

Lincoln, Elmo 238

Linden, Edwin G 334

Linden, Margaret 273 117

Under, .Max 238 69

Lindroth, Helen 273

Lingham, Thomas Glessing 238

Llssack, William 334

Litson. M. N 305

Little, Anne 273

Llttlefield, Lucien L 238

Livingston, Jack 238 437

Livingston, John J 180

Livingston, Marguerite 273

Lloyd, Frank 308 110

Lloyd, Harold C 238 193

Lloyd, Harold Warner 308

Locke, Ashley T 322

Lockney, J. P 238

Logue, Charles A 342

Lonergan, Lloyd 322

Lonergan, Philip 322

Long, Walter 238

Lonsdale, Harry G 239

Loos, Anita 322 127

Lord, Delmer 308

Loring, Hope 323 478

Lorraine, Leota 273

Lorraine, Lillian 273

Los Angeles Exchange 183

Losee, Frank .239 X80

Louis, Will 308

Louis, Willard 239

Love, Bessie 273

Love, Montagu 239

Lovely, Louise 273

Lovett, Shaw 308

Lowe, Edmund 88

Lowe, Edward T., Jr 322

Lowell, John 239

Lowry, Ira M 308

Lucas, Wilfred 239

Lucy, Arnold 239

Luddy, Irving Edward 308 485

Lund, Oscar A C 308

Luther, Anne 273

Lynard, Lenore 273 »99

Lynch, John 323 215

Lynne, Ethel 273

Lyon, Ben 239

Lyons, Chester 334

Lyons, Eddie 239 73

Lyons, Reginald Edgar 334

Lytell, Bert 239 80

Lytell, Wilfred 239 X96

Lytton, Roger 239 28


Hat Clean, Grace 273

Mac Dermott, Marc 239 388

Mae Donald, Donald 230

Mac Donald, J. Farrel 308

Mac Donald, Katherine Agnew 273 15

Mac Donald, Sherwood 308 126

Mac Donald, Wallace 239 452

Mae Dowell, Melbourne 239

Mac Gregor, Norval 308

Mack, Hayward 230

Mack, Joseph P 039

Mackay, Charles 240

Mackay, Edward 240

Mackenzie, Donald 308

Mac Laren, Mary 273 |go

Mac I. mmi. Douglas 240

Mao Lean, R. D 240

Mac Mann*. Edward A 345

Mac Pherson, Jeanie 323

MacQuarrie, Frank . . \ 240

MacQuarrie, Murdock 308

MacWilliams, Glen 334

Madden, Golda 273

Madison, Cleo 273

Maedler, Richard W 334

Malgne, Charles 308

:al index 527

Biog- Por- raphy trait

Malles, Charles Hill 240

Malatesta, Fred 240 453

Malone, Molly 273

Maloney, Leo D 240

Mann, Alice 273

Mann, Frankie 274

Mann, Hank 240 90

Manning, Marjorie 274

Manning, Mildred 274

Manon, Mareia 274

Mansfield, Martha 274

Marhurgh, Bertram 240

Marcel, Inez 274

Marcus, James A 240

Marinoff, Fania 274

Marion, Frances 323

Markey, Enid 274

Marks, Willis 240

Marmont, Percy 240 44X

Marquis, Joseph Phillip 240

Marr, Gordon 240

Marsh, Mae 274

Marsh, Marguerite C 274

Marshall, George E 308

Marshall, Roy Howard 308

Marshall, Tully 240

Marshall, William C 334

Marstini, Rosita 274

Marston, Theodore M 308

Martin, E. A 308

Martin, Florence Evelyn 274 92

Martin, Vivian 274

Mason, "Smiling" Billy 240

Mason, Charles E 240

Mason, Dan 241

Mason, Shirley 274

Mason, Sidney L 241 454

Mathis, June 323 424

Mattox, Martha 274 451

Maxwell, Ann 323

May, Ann 274 21

May, Doris 274

Mayall, Hershall 241 437

Mayflower Photoplay Corp 195

Mayo, Christine 274

Mayo, Edna 274

Mayo, Frank 241

McAvoy, May 274 S9I

McCaU, Billy 241

McCarthy, J. P 334

McCarthy, Myles 241

McClain, A 334

McCloskey, Justin H 308

McCloskey, Lawrence 323

McClung, Hugh C 334 482

McConnell, Guy W 323

.McConnell, Mollie 275

McCoy, Gertrude 275

McCoy, Harry H 241

McCoy, William H 334

McCrory, John Robert 32S

McCulIough, Philo 241

McDaniel, George A 241

McDonald, Francis J 241 403

McDowell, Claire 275

McDowell, Nelson 241 462

McElroy, Bernard 481

McEwen, Walter 241

McGann, William M 334 431

McGarrj'. Garry 241

McGill, Lawrence B 309

McGowan, John P 309

McGowan, John W 241

McGowan, Robert F 323

McGowan, Roxana 275

McGrail, Walter 241 438

McGregor, Gordon 241

Mcintosh, Burr 241

McKec, Raymond 241 »!>">

McKim, Robert 241

McLaughlin, Robert 323

McLean, Jack 242

McMackin, Archer 309 418

McNumara, Walter 323

McNeil, Everett 323

Mc(fuade, Mabel 275

McQuarrie, Albert 242 449

McRne, Hanry Alexander 309

Meadowbrook Nurseries, Inc 433

Meighan, Thomas 242

Melford, George H 309

Menasco, Milton 309

Menessier, Henri 309

Meredith, Miriam 323

Merlo, Anthony 21;

Mersereau, Violet 275

Mescal, John J 334

Messenger, Buddie 287




». . raphy

Mestayer. Harry 242

Metcalfe, Earl Keeney . 242

Middleton, Edwin 309

Midgley, Fannie ' 275

Migel Silk

Milash, Robert E ....H2

Milholland, Helen !!.275

Millarde, Harry' .......309

Miller, Ashley !..309

Miller, Charles !!.!292

Miller, Harold Atchinson 242

Miller, Harold Louis 334

Miller, Walter 242

Millett, Arthur Nelson 242

Millhauser, Bertram "323

Milligan, K. Hoddy 345

Mills, Frank 242

Mills, Thomas K 309

MUner, Victor .334

Milton. Margery 275

Mlneau, Charlotte 275

Minnerly, Nelson Harvey 334

Minor, C. Sharpe

Minter, Mary Miles 275

Mitchell, Claude H 309

Mitchell, Howard M 309

Mitchell, Pell 334

Mitchell, Rhea 275

Mitchell, Yvette 275

Mix. Tom 242

Molloy, Thomas F , 334

Monahan, Janethel 287

Monahan, Joseph "287

Mong, William V !242

Montagne, Edward Joseph 323

Montague. Frederick 242

Montgomery, Earl 242

Montrose, Helene 275

Moody, Harry 309

Moore, Coleen Noylan 275

Moore, Eugene W 309

Moore, Matt 242

Moore, Owen 242

Moore, Pat 287

Moore, Tom 243

Moore, Victor 243

Moran. Lee 243

Moran, William F 248

Moranti, Mi I hum M 243

Mordant, Edwin 243

Moreno, Antonio 243

Morey, Harry T 243

Morgan, Frank 243

Morgan, Ira H 335

Morley, Jay 243

Morne, Maryland 275

Morris, Reggie 309

Morris, S. E 347

Morrison, Arthur 243

Morrison, James Woods 243

Morrison, Mrs. Priestly 275

Mortimer, Edmund 309

Mortimer, Henry 243

Moses, Alfred Huger, Jr 323

Mosquini, Marie 275

Moss, Stewart Belfield 335

Motion Picture Art Directors' Ass'n . . . . Motion Picture Art Directors' Vss'n. . . .

Motion Picture Apparatus Co

Mower, Jack 24S

Moyers, Bertie Badger 324

Mueller, Floyd 310

Mulhall, Jack 243

Mullen, Gordon Douglass 243

Mullln, Eugene 324

Murlllo, Mary .- 324

Murphy, Will C 324

Murray, Charles 243

Murray, Mae 275

Musgrave, Billy 243

Mussette, Charles 244

Myers, Carmel 278

Myles, Norbert 310

Myton, Fred 324


Nagel, Conrad 244

Nagy, Anthony 335

Nash, Thomas S

Natteford, J. F 324

Naxlmova, Alia 276

Nellan. Marshall 292

NeiM. James 244

Neill, Richard R. . . 244

Nelll, R. William 310

Por- trait


12 465

99 435



413 136


436 218





378 399




100 101 293




. raphy

Neitz. Alvin J 324

Nelson, Frederick 335

Nelson, Jack 244

Nelson, J. Arthur 310

Nesbit, Evelyn 276

New Rochelle Optical Exchange

Nlblo, Fred 310

Nichols, George 0 244

Nickerson, Clark R 335

Nigh, William 310

Nightingale, Virginia B 276

Nllsson, Anna (J 276

Noble, John W 310

Norcross, Frank M 244

Normand. Mabel 276

North, Wilfrid 310

Northrop, Harry S 244

Norton, Stephen S 335

Nova. Hedda 276

Novak, Jane 276

Nowell, Wedgwood 244

Nuille. Ida 276

Nye, G. Raymond 244


Por- trait


50 441 13*

145 44S

481 456




19 T

443 134

Oaker, John 244

Oakman, Wheeler 244

O'Brien, Eugene 244

O'Brien, Gypsy 276

O'Brien, Helen 276

O'Brien, John B 310

O'Brien, Thomas E 310

O'Connor, Edward 244

O'Connor, Harry M 244

O'Connor, Kathleen 276

O'Connor, Louis J 244

O'Connor, Loyola 276

O'Connor, Mary H 324

O'Dare. Peggy 276

Ogle, Charles 244

Oland, Warner 245

Olcott. Sidney 310

Oliver, Guy 245

Oliver, Harold G 310

Olivo, Valerio 245

Olmsted, E. Stanley 324

O'Madigan, Isabel 276

O'Malley, Patrick H 245

O'Neill, Jack 310

O'Neill, James 245

O'Reilly, J. Francis 245

Ormonde, Eugene 245

Ormston, Frank D ..310

Orth, Louise 276

Orth, George 310

Ortlieh, Alfred 335

Osborne, Helen Marie 287

Osmun, Leighton-Graves 324

Ostriehe, Muriel 276

Otto, Henry 310

Overton, Evart Emerson 245

Ovey, George 245

Owen, Seena 276

Paget, Alfred 245

Paget, Francis 324

Paige, Jean 276

Paisley, G. Charles ' 245

Pallette, Eugene 245

Palmer, Frederick 324

Palmer, Patricia 277

Palmer Photoplay Corp

Palmer, Violet 277

Pape, Edward Lionel 245

Park, Ida May 324

Parke, William 310

Parke, William, Jr 245

Parker, Albert 310

Parker, Max 310

Parker, William 324

Parks, Frances Craven 277

Parr, Peggy 277

Parrott, Charles 311

Parsons, Agnes 324

Pathe Films

Pa*on, Stuart 311

Pattee, Herbert Horton 245

Pauncefort, George 245

Pavis, Vvonne Marie 277

Pawn, Doris 277

Payne, Lila 277



394 381




444 J 176 1 177


412 471 194



Biog- Por- raphy trait

Payson, BlaDche 277

Pay ton. Gloria 277

Pearce, George C 245

Pearce, Peggy 277 459

Pearson, Virginia 277

Peck, Raymond S 311

Pegg, Vester 245

Peil, Edward 246 452

Penill. Richard 246

Percy, Eileen 277

Percyval, T. Wigney 246

Pereda, Christina 277

Periolat, George E 246

Perret, Leonce 292 146

Perry, Paul 335

Perry. Walter 246

Perugini, Francis 335

Peters, T. Kimmwood 311

Peterson, Gus 335

Petrova, Olga 277

Pettie, Graham 246

Pettijohn, C. C 246

Philipp, Adolf 292 414

Phillips, Augustus 246

Phillips, Carmen 277

Phillips, Dorothy 277 29

Phillips, Henry Albert 324

Phillips, R. G 311

Physioc, Lewis W 335

Physioc, Wray 311

Pickford, Jack 246

Pickford, Lottie 277

Pickford, Mary 277

Pierce, Ben 246

Pierson. Leo 246 444

Pigott, William 324

Pike, William 246

Pitts, Za Su 277

Playter, Wellington 246

Plumb, Walter K 341

Plympton. George Holcombe 325

Poland, Joseph F 325

Polito, Sol 335

Pollar, Gene 246 98

Pollard, Harrv 246

Pollard, Harry A 311

Pollock, Gabriel 311 472

Pole, Eddie 246 394

Porter, Hector A 335

Potel, Victor 246

Powell, A. Van Buren 325

Powell, David 246

Powell, Ernest 335

Powell, Frank 311

Powell, Mabel A I line 278

Powell, Paul 311 468

Powell, Russ 246

Power, Jule 278

Power, Nicholas, Company 519

Powers, Len 335

Pratt, Gilbert Walker 311 467

Pretty, Arline 278

Prevost. Marie 278

Price Co., C. B 345 191

Price, Kate 278

Priest, Robert W 345

Printzlau, Olga 325 475

Prior, Herbert 246

Prizma 200

Proctor, George Dubois 325 219

Prussing, Louise 278

Pulliam, Pauline 278

Purves, Jack H 246

Purviance, Edna Olga 278


Quinn, Arthur T 335

Quirk, William A 311


Had in. Matthias 348

Rae, Zoe 288

Rambeau, Marjorie 278

Ramsey, Alicia 325

Ramsay, R. L 335

Randall, Bernard 247

Randolf, Anders 247

Rankin, Caroline J 278

Rattenberry, Hurry 1 247

Rawlinson, Herbert 247

Ray, Albert 247

Ray, Charles 347

Raymaker, Herman C 311

Biog- Por- raphy trait

Raymond, Dean 247 458

Raymond, Jack 335

Raymond, Pete 247

Rea, Thomas H 335

Reardon, Mark S 325

Reardon, Mildred 278

Redden, Arthur L 288

Reed, Arthur 335

Reed, Florence 278

Reed, Katherine Speer 325

Reed, Luther A 325

Reed, Nora 278

Reed, Theodore 311

Reeves, Myrtle 278

Reeves, Bob 247 189

Regan, Thomas C 311

Reicher, Frank . 311 149

Reid, Donald Gordon 325

Reid, James Halleck 325

Reid, Wallace 247

Reid, William W 335

Reinecke, Helen 288

Reinhart, William A 335

Rene, Alex '.V 247

Reneck, Ruth 278

Renfroe, James Lige 247

Renfroe, Vida Estelle 278

Revier, Harry 311

Reynolds, B. F 335

Reynolds, Ernest M 335 471

Reynolds, Lynn Fairfield 311 421

Reynolds, Stephen Allen 325

Rhodes, Billie 278

Ricardo, Arnold 335

Rice, Elmer L 325

Rice, Fanny 278

Rich, Charles G 247

Rich, H. Thompson 325 169

Rich, Irene 278

Rich, Vivian 278 442

Richardson, Jack 247

Richman, Charles 247

Richmond, Warner Paul 247

Rieketts, Thomas 311

Rigewav, Fritzie 279 450

Ridgway, John H 247

Ries, Irving G 336

Ries, Park J 336 482

Riesner, C. Francis 248

Ripley, Arthur D 325 456

Ritchey, Will M 325 426

Ritchie. Billie 248

Rizard, George 336

Roach, Bert 248

Roach, Hal 192

Roach, Joseph Anthony 402

Roach, Lewis 347

Robhins, Jesse X 312 421

Robbins, Marc 248

Roberts, Edith 279

Roberts, Theodore 248

Robertson-Cole 81, 82

Robertson, John Stuart 31!

Robinson, Daisy 279

Robinson, Gertrude May 279

Robson, Andrew 248

Robson, May 279

Rock, Charles 248

Rock, Joseph P 248 55

Rodney. Earl 248

Rogers, Charles R 346

Rogers. Will 248

Roland, Ruth 279

Rolands, George K 325 469

Rolfe, B. A 342

Rollo, S. J 341

Romayne, H. V 346

Rooney. Gilbert G. 248

Roos, Charles G 336

Roos, Leonard H 336

Roscoe, Albert 248

Rose, Jackson J 336 430

Roseman, Edward -.248

Rosen, Philip E 312

Rosher. Charles G 336

Ross, George 248

Ross, Milton 248

Rossman, Earl W 336

Rosson, Arthur II 312 125

Resson,' Dick 312

Roth, Charles A 336

Rothacker, Watterson R 346

Royce, Riza 279

Royce, Ruth 279 447

Rubens, Alma 279

Rubinstein, Irving B 336

Rucker, Joseph T 336

Ruggles. Wesley 312





182 4<>(i

418 I'M



454 113 91

Biog- Por- raphy trait

Russell, L. Case 325

Russell. William 248 27

Ruttenherg, Joseph 336

Sack, Nathaniel 248

Sackville, Gordon 248

Sage, Stuart 249

Sais, Marin 279

Salisbury, Monroe 249

Sampson, Teddy 279

Satnuelson Films

Samuel so ii, George B 292

Sanford, Philip 249

San Francisco Exchange

Santell, Al 312

Santschi, Thomas 249

Sargent, George L 312

Sarno, Hector V 249

Saum, Clifford P 310

Saunders, Alice 279

Saunders, Jackie 279

Savage, Aileen 279

Sawyer, Donald 249

Saxe, Templer 249

Saxon, Hugh A 249

Scardon, Paul 312

Schade, Hetty 279

Schable, Robert 249

Schaefer, Anne 279

Schiebe, George H 336

Schellinger, Rial B 336

Schenck, Earl

Sehertzinger, Victor L 312

Schlank, Morris R 292

Schneider, Max 336

Schoenbaum, Charles Edgar 336

Schram, Violet 279

Schrock, Raymond I, 325

Schroeder, Doris 326

Schultz, Carl H 312

Schulze, Jack 312

Schumm, Harry W 249

Scott, Leroy 326

Scott, Mabel Juliene 279

Scott, William 249

Scully, Wm. Joseph 312

Sears, Allan 249

Seay, Charles Morgan 312

Sedgwick, Edward 249

Sedgwick, Eileen 279

Sedgwick, Josie 280

Sedley, Henry 249

Seeling, Chas. Richard 336

Seger, Lucia Backus 280

Seidman, I. Sy 336

Seigmann, George 249

Seiter, W illiam A 312

Seitz, George B 312

Seitz, John F 336

Selbie, Evelyn 280

Selby, Gertrude 280

Selby, Norman 249

Sell, Henry G 249

Selwynne, Clarissa 280

Selznick, David 347

Selznick Pictures 211, 212, 213,

Semon, Lawrence 312

Sennett, Mack 292 7,

Serpico, James 326

Seymour, Clarine 280

Shaffer, Marie 280

Shallenberger, W. E 347

Shanor, Peggy 280

Shaw, Brinsley 250

Shaw, Stanley 326

Shaw, William Ray 312

Sheer, William A 250

Shelderfer, Joseph 336

Sheldon, Roy 313

Shelton, Byron J 336

Shenard, Pearl 280

Sheridan, Frank 250

Sherrill, Jack 250

Sherrill, William E 343

Sherry, J. Barney 250

Sherwin, Louis 326

Shield, Ernest W. 250

Shields, Wilbert 250

Shipman, Edna 280

Shipman, Nell 280

Shirley. Arthur 250

478 189


403 144


214 114


427 445

Biog- Por- raphy trail

Shores, Marie 484

Short, Antrim 250

Short, Florence 280 400

Short, Gertrude 280

Shotwell, Marie 280 408

Shumway, Leonard C 250

Sidney, Scott 313

Siebel, Bert E 313

Siegel, Bernard 250

Sills. Milton 250 450

Silsby, Wilson 313

Simone, Charles 313

Simpson, Allan Hart 250

Simpson, Henrietta 280

Simpson, Russell 250 456

Sinclair, Maud 280

Singleton, Joseph E 250

Sintzenich, Hal 336

Sisson, Vera 280

Sloane, Paul H 326 479

Slocum, Daisy Mayer 326

sloman, Edward 313

Slosser, Ralph J 313

Small, Edward 179

Smalley, Phillips 313

SmaUwood, Ray 313

Smiley, Joseph W 2511

Smiley, Kobert W 250

Smith, Al Ira 337

Smith, Bernice 288

Smith, David 313

Smith, Leonard M 337

Smith, Noel Mason 313

Smith, R. Cecil 326. 216, 217

Snow, Marguerite 280

Snyder, Jack 313

Somborn, Herbert K 347

Somerville, George J 250

Somerville, Roy 386

Sonntag, Emil B 337

Sothern, Harry 313

Sothern, Sam 250

Spanuth, H A 347

Spaulding, Nellie Parker 281

Spence, Ralph H 326

Spere, Charles 251

Spinak, Leon 313

Spingler, Harry 251

Spitz, Eugene 292 148

Spottswood, James Carlisle 251 446

Sprotte, Bert 251

Squire, Harry E 337

Stahl, John M 313 130

Standing, Gordon 251

Standing, Herbtrt 251

Standing, Herbert, Jr 251 438

Standing, Wyndham 251 39

Stanley, Edwin 251

Stanley, Forrest 251

Stanton, Richard 313

Stanwood, Rita 281

Stark, Lowell Randall 313

Starke, Pauline 281

Starkey, Bert 251

Starr, Frederick 251 391

Starr, Helen 326

Statter, Arthur F 326

Staulcup, M. P 313

Steadman, Vera 281

Stearns, Louis 251

Stearns, Myron Morris 326

Steck, H. Tipton 326

Med man. Myrtle 281

Steel, Vernon 251 439

Steene, E. Burton 337

Steers, Larry 251 462

Steger, Julius 313

Steppling, John 281

Sterling, Ford 251

Sternberg, Jo 326

Stevens, Edwin 251

Stevens, Elizabeth 281

Stevens, Emily 281

Stevens, George 251

Stevens, Grace Elizabeth 281 458

Stevenson, Charles E 251

Stewart, Anita 281 19

Stewart, Charles Conger 326

Stewart, Charles G 342

Stewart, Katherine 281

Stewart, K. C 313

Stewart, Lucille Lee 281

Stewart, Roy 252 401

Stewart. Victor A 252

St. Germain, A 313

St. John, Al 252

Stockdale, Carl 252

Stockton, Edith 281


Biog- Por- raphy trait

Stoll, Frederick 172

Stone, George 288

Stone. Le Boy 326 159

Stone, Lewis S 252

Stonehouse, Ruth 281 402

Storey, Edith 281

Storm, Jerome 313 111

Stowe, Leslie 252

Stow ell, William H 252

Strong, Eugene 252

Strong, Jay 314

Stuart, Julia 281

Stuart. Kathryne 326 424

Stuart, Robert A. 337

Stumar, Charles 337

Stumar, John Stuart 337

Sturgeon, Rollin S 314 413

Sturgis, F. H 337 431

Sullivan, C. Gardiner 326

Sullivan, Danny 252

Sullivan, Frank 431

Sullivan, William A 252

Sullv, Janet Miller 281

Sunlight Arc 373

Surtees, Catherine 281 447

Sutch, Herbert 314

Sutherland, John 252

Sutherland, Victor 252

Sutton, T. Shelley 326 477

Swain, Mack 252

Swanson, Gloria 281

Sweet, Blanche 281

Swickard, Charles 252

Swickard, Joseph 252 62

Sylvanite Prods 190

Symondw, Henry Roberts 314


Taber, Richard 252

Tainguy, Lucien 337

Talmadge, Constance 281 17

Talmadge, Natalie 281

Talmadge, Norma 282 16

Tarns, Irene 282 93

Tun num. Philip 337

Tapley, Rose Elizabeth 282

Tate. Cullen B 314

Tauszky, David Anthony 314

Taylor, Pauline 282 407

Taylor, Rex 328

Taylor, Sam 328 473

Taylor, William Desmond 314 108

Tead, Phillips 252

Tearle. Conway 252 31

Tell, Olive 282 63

Tellegen, Lou 252

Tennant, Barbara 282

Tenney, Beth 282

Terhune. Albert Payson 328

Terriss, Tom 314 117

Terry, Alice 282

Terry, Ethel 282

Terry. Ethel Grey 282

Terwilliger, George 314

Thayer, Otis B 314

Theby, Rosemary 282

Thew, Harvey F 328 477

Thomas, Al Franklyn 252

Thomas. Olive Elain 282

Thompson, Hamilton 328

Thompson, Hugh 253 34

Thomson, Frederick A 314

Thornby, Robert 314 128

Thornley, William H 337

Thorpe, Harry 337 431

Thorpe, Wm. Harris 337

Thurman, Mary 282

Tilton, Edwin Booth 253

Tincher, Fay 282

Titheridge, Madge 282

Titus, Lydia Yeamans 282

Todd, Arthur Lyle 337

Todd, Harry 253

Todd, Robert Lee 328

Toncray, Kate 282

Tooker, William II 253

Totheroh, Roland 337

Tourneur. Maurice 292 107

Tower. Halsey 253

Tracy, Bert 314

Travers, Richard C 253

Traverse. Madlaine 282 57

Travis, Norton C 337

Trenton, Pell 253 395

Trevelyn, I nn 283 398

Biog- Por- raphy trait

Trevor, Olive 283

Trimble, George S 253

Trimble, Laurence 314

Troffey, Alex 337 483

Truesdell, Fred C 253

Truex, Ernest 253

Tucker, George Loane 292

Tuers, William H 337

Turner, Bowd M 253

Turner, D. H 314

Turner, F. A 253

Turner, Florence 283

Turner, William H 253

Turpin, Ben 253

Tyler, G. Vere 328

Tyrol, Jacques 314 414


UUman, Edward 337

Ulrich, E. D 346

1'. S. Photoplay Corp

Unsell, Eve 328

Uzzell. Corene 283



Wade, John P 254

Wagner, William F 338

Walcamp, Marie 283

Wales, Betty 283

Wales, Claude Henry 338

Wales, R. Ellis 315

Walker. Charlotte 283

Walker, Lillian 283

Walker, Robert Donald 254

Walker, Vernon L 338

Wallace, C. R 328

Wallace. Dorothy 284

Wallock. Edwin N 254

Walpole, Stanley 254

Walsh, George 254

Walsh, Raoul A 292

Waltemever, Jack 254

Walters, Dorothy 284

Walthall. Henry B 254

Walton, Olive 284

Ward, Chance E 254

Ward, Fannie 284

Ward, Freddie Fay 254

Ward. Hap 254

Ward. Ivy 288

Ward, Lucille 284


172 165

Vale, Travers 314

Vale, Vola 283

Valentine, Spencer 486

Valentine, Vangie 283

Valentino, Rudolph 253

Valerie, Gladys 283

Vallejo, Enrique Juan 337 431

Valli, Virginia 283

Van, Beatrice 283

Van, Wally 314 139

Van Beuren, Amedee J 348 429

Van Buren. Mabel 283

Van Buren, Ned 337

Van Der Veer, Willard 337 480

Van Deusen. Cortlandt J 314 407

Van Dyke, Truman 253

Vane, Denton 253

Van Loan, H. H 328

Van Loan, Philip 254

Van Meter, Harry L 254

Van Name, Elsie 283

Vann. Polly 283

Van Petten. Stacey A 328

Vaughan. Roy V 338

Vekroff, Perry N 315 153

Vernon, Agnes 283

Vernon, Bobbie 254

Vidor, Florence 283

Vidor. King W 292 123

Vignola, Robert G 315

Vincent, James 315 140

Vitagraph Company 51

Vitagraph Big V Comedies 56

Vivian, Robert 254

Von Stroheim, Erich 315

Voshell, John M 315





Biog- Por- raphy trait

Warde, Krnest C 315 129

Warde, Frederick B 254

Ware, Helen 284

Warner, H. B 254

Warner, Marion 284

Warren, Dwight W 338

WHiren, Edward 315

Warren, Fred 25-1

Warren, Mary 284

Warrenton, Gilbert 338

Warrenton, Lule 284

Warwick, Robert 254

Washburn, Bryant 255

Washburn, Hazel 281

Waterman, Ida 284

Watson, William H . 315

Weadock, Louis 328

Webb, George , 255

Webb, Kenneth 315 n<j

Webb, Roy 315

Webber, George F 338

Weber, L. Lawrence 348

Weber, Lois 292

Weer, Helen 284

Wehlcn, Emmy 2X4

Weigel, Paul 255 437

Weinberg, Jack 348

Welch, Niles 255

Welden, Jess C 255

Wells, Raymond 315

Welsh, William J 255

Wendell, Bunny 284

West, Billy .! . . .855

Westinghouse Electric 301

West, Charles H 255 386

West. Lillian Mildred 284

Westover, Winifred 284

Wharton, Leopold 293

Wharton, Theodore 293 142

Wheatcroft, Stanhope 255

Whipple, Clara Brimmer 2S1

Whistler, Margaret 281

Whitcomb, Barry ,*] .. 255

Whitcomb, Daniel Frederick. ......... .328

Whitcomb, Mabel i>84

While, Billy '. ' 255

White, George 255

White, Gilbert 315

White, Jack 315

White, Pearl og^

Whitlock, T. Lloyd 255

Whitman, Alfred 255

Whitman, Philip H 338

Whitman, Velma 285

Whitman, Walt !..255

Whitney, Claire ' 285

Whitson, Frank 255

Whittaker, Charles Everard . .328 477

Wilkinson, James 328

Wiggin, Margaret A " 285

Wilbur, Crane 255

Wilkinson, Mary E 285

Wilky, L. Guy '338

Willa, Susanne 285

Willat, Irvin V 293 l1^

Willets, Gilson 328 ^ l0'

Williams, C. Jay :..'".315

Biog- Por- raphy trait

Williams, Cora 285

Williams, Earle Rafael 255

Williams, Frank D 338 175

Williams, Harry H 329

Williams, Kathlyn 285

Williams, Lawrence E 338

Williams, Walter E 338

Willis, F. McGrew 329

Willis, Richard 293 178

Wilson. Ben 256 150

Wilson, Charles Jerome, Jr 329

Wilson, Edna Mae 286

Wilson, Hal 256

Wilson, Lois 285

Wilson, Margery 285

Wilson, Tom 256

Windemer, Fred C 256

Windom, Lawrence C 315

Winfield-Kerner Company 516

Wing, Ward 250

Wing, William E 329 422

Winther, Carl Pagh 338

Wise, Harry 256

Wit hey, Chet 315 103

Wolbert, Dorothea 285

Wolf, Clarence 348

Wolfe, Jane 285

Woods, Frank E 329

Woods, Walter 329

Woodward, Eugenie 285

Woodward, Henry F 256

Woody, J. S 316

Worsley, Wallace 315

Worth, Lillian 285

Worthington, William 316 408

Wright, Fred E , 316

Wright, Helen 285

Wyckoff, Al\ in 338

Wynard, Edward 338

Wynne, Hugh 256


Yohalem, George M 329

Yorska 285

Young, Briant S 293

Young, Clara Kimball 285

Young, Hal 338

Young, Harold 329

Young, Howard Irving 329

Young, Jack R 338

Young, James 315

Young, Lassie 285 459

Young, Tammany 256 463

Young, Waldemar 329

Younge, Lucille 286

Younger, A. P 329 476

Zallbra, George C 338

Zangrilli, Orestes A 338

Zellner, Arthur 329

Zellner, Lois 329

Zellinger, William M 338

Zukor, Adolph 348

426 426


•I For service when you need it <I Use the "In The Studios" Section of MOTION PICTURE NEWS For players, directors and writers.


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who wish to obtain stories for use in future productions should avail them- selves of the services of the

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Robert J. Shores Manager


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Booklet on Application

pnmmn n mmum i mmm rammmti iiiinTiiriiTrfniiTiiiiTTTitiTTiiTTTriiririTiiiiiiiiiiTTiiriiTiriiiTirTiiiTTiimiTiiiiiiruiiriiiDitiTTiiFiiiuuim i wmmmmmmm