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INSTITUTION NOILONLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S31uvud AN NVINOSHLIWS NYINOSHLIWS NVINOSHLIWS ~ Wy SMITHSONIAN SMITHSON! LILSNI NVINOSHLIWS sa1uvugin LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTIC NOILNLILSNI LIBRARIES NOILNLILSNI LIBRARIES NOLLALILSNI ARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOLINLILSNI NVINOSHLIWNS S3INWHA| y ‘ } 7 . i} i \ 4 y ru | af 7 me Ge Lr > me. ch. pee 1 ‘a ri aie ieee on Lh eS! £y a ed se. . 4 ) AS i a 4 ) ut | t 4 v ¢ y ‘4 wee ¢ 7 th = ~ ; \ Ps , , ~s A - Education Department Bulletin Entered as second-class matter June 24, 1908, at the Post Office at Albany, N. Y., under eal the act of July 16, 1894 © No. 470 | ALBANY, N. Y, May I, 1910 New York State Museum Joun M. CrarKe, Director CHARLES H.. Peck, State Botanist Museum Bulletin 139 REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 PAGE| PAGE WeTEMEMMICEMATA “@ ™ . Pp » , % \ MAY 1G. 4 ak I218 C ALBANY UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK IQIO Mbrze2r-F 10-2000 a STATE OF haw YORE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Regents of the University With years when terms expire 1913 WuiteLaw Reip M.A. LL.D. D.C.L. Chancellor New York 1917 St Crain McKe.tway M.A. LL. D.Vice Chancellor Brooklyn totg DaniEL BeacH Ph.D. LL.D. - - -— -— =— Watkins 1914 Puiny T. Sexton LL.B. LL.D. - - -— -— -— Palmyra 1912 T. GuitForp SmitH M.A. C.E. LL.D. - —- — Buffalo 1918 Wiiiiam NottincuaM M.A. Ph.D. LL.D. - — Syracuse 1922 CHEsTER 8S. Lorp M.A. LL.D. - -—- - -— — New York tots ALBERT VANDER VEER M.D. M.A. Ph.D, LL.D. Albany 1911 Epwarp Lautrerspacu M.A. LL.D. - - - - New York 1920 Eucene A. Puirpin LL.B. LL.D. — — —-— — New York 1916 Lucian L. SHEDDEN LL.B. LL.D. - -— — -- Plattsburg 1921 Francis M. CARPENTER ~ ~ -— = — — -— Mount Kisco Commissioner of Education ANDREW 5. Draper DE. Be VED, ' Assistant Commissioners Avcustus 8S. Downine M.A. Pd.D. LL.D. Furst Assistant FRANK Ro .iins Ph.D. Second Assistant Tuomas E. Finecan M.A. Pd.D. Third Assistant Director of State Library JAMEs I. Wver, [R, M.L.S. Director of Science and State Museum Joun M. Crarke Ph.D. Sc.D. LL.D. Chiefs cf Divisions Administration, HARLAN H. Horner B.A. Attendance, James D. SULLIVAN Educational Extension. W1Litiam R. Eastman 41.A. M.L.S. Examinations, CHARLES F. WHEELOCK B.S. LL.D. Inspections, FRanK H. Woop M.A. Law, FRANK B. GitBert B.A. School Libraries, CHARLES E. Fitcu L.H.D. Statistics, Hiram C. Casz ‘Trades Schools, ARTHUR D. Dean B.S. Visual Instruction, ALFRED W. ABRams Ph.B. New York State Education Department Science Division, February 23, 1910 Fion. Andrew S. Draper LL.D. Commissioner of Education Sir: I have the honor to communicate herewith for publica- tion as a bulletin of the State Museum, the report of the State Botanist for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1900. Very respectfully Joun M. CLARKE Director State of New York Education Department COMMISSIONER’S ROOM Approved for publication this 24th day of February roro Education Department Bulletin Published fortnightly by the University of the State of New York Entered as second-class matter June 24, 1908, at the Post Office at Albany, N. Y., under the act of July 16, 1894 No. 470 : ALBANY, N. Y. q May 1, 1910 New York State Museum Joun M. CLARKE, Director CHARLES H. PEcK, State Botanist Museum Bulletin 139 REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 Dr John M. Clarke, Director of State Museum: The following report of work done in the botanical department of the State Museum for the year 1909 is respectfully submitted. Since the date of my last report specimens of plants for the State herbarium have been collected in the counties of Albany, Columbia, Jefferson, Lewis, Livingston, Rensselaer, Steuben, St Lawrence, Warren and Wyoming. Specimens have also been added to the herbarium that were received from correspondents and others. These were collected in the counties of Albany, Cayuga, Dutchess, Essex, Franklin, Herkimer, Monroe, New York, Oneida, Onondaga, Ontario, Orleans, Oswego, Queens, Rensselaer, Schoharie, Suffolk, Tompkins, Ulster, Warren and Washington. The number of species of which specimens have been added to the herbarium is 255 of which 56 species were not before rep- resented in it. Of these, II are considered new or hitherto un- described species. All except one are fungi. The specimens of the 199 species not new to the herbarium serve to give a better or more complete representation of their respective species than was given before. A list of the names of all the added species is given under the title “ Plants added to the herbarium.” The number of these reported as contributors to the herbarium is 66. Some of these have sent specimens for identification merely, but when the specimens were collected in this State and were received in good condition, if the species was previously unrepresented in the herbarium or if for any other reason they were deemed worthy of preservation, they have been preserved and credited to the sender as a contribution to the herbarium 6 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Some of our best and most interesting additions to the herbarium have been made in this way. The names of contributors of such specimens and of extralimital specimens with their respective contributions are given under the title “ Contributors and their contributions.” . The number of species added to our New York flora is 77. Several of these have been reported before as varieties of other species or confused with other species, but having been recently admitted in Gray’s New Manual as distinct species it has been thought best to record them as such with their known New York localities. The names of these and other added species together with their localities, descriptions of new species, and other mat- ters of interest will be found under the title “ Species not before reported.” Under the heading “ Remarks and observations ” any facts of interest concerning the species mentioned are recorded. This record may include new varieties of plants or notable varia- _ tions, new localities for rare plants, and remarks concerning the diseases of plants or their economic properties. The work of testing our wild mushrooms for their edible qual- ities as opportunity was given has been continued. Five species shave been personally tested and approved as edible. These, added to the species and varieties previously known, make the number of New York species and varieties now known to be edible 200. Plain and simple descriptions of the newly added species are given under the title “ Edible fungi.” Colored fig- ures of these species may be found on plates 117-20. Among the extralimital contributed specimens Io apparently new spe- cies are represented. Descriptions of these species are given in a part of the report marked “ New species of extralimital fungi.” Colored figures of six of these species may be found on plates WV ow oy cand Revised descriptions of our New York species of the genera Inocybe and Hebeloma have been prepared, with keys to the sections or subgenera and to the species. It is believed that. these simple localized monographs will be helpful to those studying or desiring to study these interesting subjects of the vegetable kingdom. These chapters are respectively entitled “New York species of Inocybe” and “New York species of Hebeloma.” The climatic character of the season has been to a large extent a repetition of that of 1908. A cold late spring, an unusually dry summer and prevailing cool weather were its characteristic REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST IQOQ y features. These conditions were decidedly unfavorable to wild mushroom growth. Scarcely any could be found except the few that naturally inhabit swamps and low wet ground in woods. In the latter part of the season gentle rains moistened the sur- face of the ground sufficiently to insure the development of good agricultural crops and a fair seasonable crop of some mush- rooms. But the effect upon the common mushroom, A gari- cus campester and its variety, the garden mushroom, Peieets Campester hortensis, is,worthy of spe- cial notice. In the vicinity of Albany a gentle and prolonged rain, the latter part of August, moistened the surface of the ground quite effectually. In a few days the common mushroom appeared in unusual abundance, though it was a little earlier in the season than it usually appears. The mushrooms were so plentiful that at least one fruit dealer offered them for sale in quart baskets at his fruit stand. A few weeks later light showers were followed by a copious crop of the “garden mushroom,” a form differing from the common mushroom in having its cap adorned with brownish fibrils which form small spotlike scales on it and give it a darker color than that of the white form of the common mushroom. This crop continued to develop freely for several days and grew in, some instances in pastures of light sandy soil where mushrooms are not usually expected to grow. The same abundant appearance of the edible mushroom was re- ported to have followed the light autumnal showers in other l@calities in the State. The lesson it teaches is that for mush- room production gentle showers are better than torrents of rain. The number of those who have sent or brought specimens of plants to the office of the botanist for identification is 152. The number of identifications made is 1717. Mr S. H. Burnham, my assistant, in addition to his other duties, has prepared a list of the names of the edible, poisonous and un- wholesome species of mushrooms hitherto figured and described in the publications of the museum, together with the citations of the time and place of publication of each. He has also prepared a list — of the genera of fungi of which the New York species (chiefly) have been described as far as known in previous reports. The time and place of these limited monographic publications are cited. Both ._ these lists may be found at the end of this report. CHARLES H. Pecx State Botanist Albany, December 24, 1909 8 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM PLANTS ADDED TO THE HERBARIUM New to the herbarium Ascochyta solani-nigri Diedicke. — Belonidium glyceriae PR. _Biatora cupreo-rosella (Nyl.) Tuckm. Bidens tenuisecta Gray Boletus viridarius Frost Carduus crispus L. Chaenactis stevioides H. & A. Ciboria luteo-virescens R. & D. Clitocybe candida Bres. Cortinarius subsalmoneus Kauf. Ms. Crataegus brevipes PR. GC: eirerata’.S: c letchworthiana S. Diplocladium penicilloides Sacc. Diplodia cercidis E. & E. D; hamamelidis Fairm. iD tamariscina Sacc. Dothiorella divergens Pk. Epipactis tesselata (Lodd.) Eaton Fenestella amorpha FE. & E. Hypholoma boughtoni Pk. H. rigidipes PR. Leontodon nudicaulis (L.) Banks Ligusticum scoticum L. Lophiotrema hysterioides E. & E. es littorale Speg. Marasmius alienus PR. Melanopsamma confertissima (Plow.) Microcera coccophila Desm. Midotis irregularis (Schw.) Monolepis nuttalliana (R. & S.) Morchella crispa Karst. M. rimosipes DC. Nardia crenulata (Sw.) Lindb. N. hyalina (Lyell) Carr. Peridermium strobi Kleb. Pezizella lanc.-paraphysata Rehm Phaeopezia fuscocarpa (E. & H.) Pholiota aurivella Batsch Phomopsis stewartii Pk. Picris echinoides L. Polyporus giganteus (Pers.) Fr. Psilocybe nigrella Pk. Puccinia epiphylla (L.) Wetist. Ribes trist. albinervium (M~+z.) Rubia tinctorum L. Rumex pallidus Bigel. Schwalbea americana L. Septoria sedicola Pk. Solidago aspera Ait. Sparganium diversifolium Graeb. Stachys sieboldii Mig. Stephanoma strigosum Wallr. Trametes merisma PR. Verticillium rexianum Sacc. Volvaria volvacea (Bull.) Fr. Not new to the herbarium Agaricus campester L. A. silvicola Vitt. Agropyrum tenerum Vasey Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh Amanita frostiana Pk. A. phalloides Fr. Anagallis arvensis L. Angelica atropurpurea L. Antennaria brainerdi Fern. Anthemis cotula L. Arcyria cinerea (Bull.) Pers. A. punicea Pers. Arenaria peploides L. Arisaema dracontium (L.) Schott Aristida gracilis Ell. Armillaria mellea Vahl Aster ericoides L. Ns puniceus L. Atriplex pat. littoralis (L.) Barbarea vulgaris R. Br. Bidens beckii Torr. Boehmeria cylindrica (L.) Sw. Bromus altissimus Pursh Caldesiella ferruginosa (Fr.) Calvatia elata (Mass.) Morg. a gigantea (Batsch) Cantharellus infundibuliformis(Scop.) Cardamine bulbosa (Schreb.) REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I90Q_ _ Cardamine douglassii (Torr.) Carduus spinosissimus (Walt.) . Carex bebbii Olney en crawfordii Fern. Centaurea solstitialis L. Cerastium viscosum L. Cladosporium typhae Schw. Collybia myriadophylla Pk. = platyphylla Fr. ce radicata (Relh.) Fr. Convallaria majalis L. Coprinus atramentarius (Bull.) ©: micaceus (Bull.) Cornus amomum Mill. Corallorrhiza trifida Chat. Crataegus acclivis S. C. anomala S. ‘oe beata 5S. sn eatoniana S. c. ellwangeriana S. fe: grayana Egg. os halliana S. oe holmesiana Ashe cS ignea S. Ss maineana S. CS. menandiana S. C. ovatifolia S. c persimilis S. c polita S. c punctata Jacq. & repulsans S. Ss. rotundifolia Moench eS succulenta Lk. €: tenuiloba S. Crepidotus applanatus (Pers.) c. malachius B. & C. Cuscuta arvensis Beyrich. c. cephalanthi Engelm. Cypripedium acaule Ait. Cystopus candidus (Pers.) Lev. Daedalea unicolor (Bull.) Fr. Erysiphe cichoracearum DC. Erythronium albidum Nutt. Eupatorium purpureum L. Exidia gland. levior Sacc. Exoascus confusus Atk. E. pruni Fckl. E. unilateralis Pk. Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn. Favolus europaeus Fr. Fimbrystilis castanea (M-x.) Vahi Flammula pulchrifolia Pk. Fuligo septica (Lk.) Gmel. Fusicladium destruens Pk. Galera lat. albicolor Pk. Galium erectum Huds. Geranium pusillum Burm. f. Geum flavum (Port.) Bickn. Gloeoporus conchoides Mont, Hedeoma hispida Pursh Helenium autumnale L. Hieracium florentinum All. H: gronovii L. ise scabrum Myr. Hybanthus concolor (Forst.) Hypericum canadense M-z. Hypochaeris radicata L. Ilex vert. tenuifolia (Torr.) Wats. Iris prismatica Pursh Irpex obliquus (Schrad.) Fr. Juncus brachycephalus (Engelm.) Hi brevicaudatus (Engelm.) if: secundus Beauv. Juniperus com. depressa Pursh Ne horizontalis Moench Lactarius aquifluus Pk. | glyciosmus Fr. Lactuca scar. integrata G. & G. Laportea canadensis (L.) Gaud. Lappula virginiana (L.) Greene Leonurus cardiaca L. Listera australis Lindl. Lycoperdon gemmatum Batsch Marasmius acerinus Pk. M. glabellus Pk. M. oreades Fr. Monilia crataegi Diedicke Morus rubra L. Mycena pelianthina Fr. M. pseudopoda (Pers.) M. pseudopura Cke. M. sanguinolenta 4A. & S. Myosotis virginica (L.) B. S. P. Naias gracillima (4. Br.) Magn. Oenothera linearis Mx. Omphalia rugosodisca Pk. Onopordon acanthium L. Panicum implicatum Scribn. Pr: oric0hka fi. S*C: Pi spretum Schultes 10 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Fr. Peridermium consimile 4. & K. Phlox divaricata L. Pholiota angustipes Pk. ar. vermiflua PR. Pilea pumila (L.) Gray Plantago decipiens Braineoud Pleurotus ulmarius (Bull.) Sow. Pluteus admirabilis Pk. Pr, cervinus (Schaeff.) Fr. is granularis PR. r. nanus (Pers.) Fr. Polygonum avic. littorale (LR.) Polyporus elegans Fr. sulphureus (Bull.) Fr. Potamogeton richardsoni (Benn.) Prunus pumila L. Puccinia coronata Cda. a rubigo-vera (DC.) Wint. F. veratri Niessl. Pyrus coronaria L. P._ = melanocarpa (Mx.) Willd. Quercus macrocarpa Mx. Radicula pal. hispida (Desv.) Ranunculus delphinifolius Torr. R: reptans L. Roestelia aurantiaca Pk. Rubus andrewsianus Blanch. Rg permixtus Blanch. R. recurvans Blanch. Russula brevipes Pk. R. lepida Fr. R. mariae Pk. Sanicula canadensis L. Sedum ternatum M-». Silybium marianum (L.) Gaertn. Sisymbrium altissimum L. S. sophia L. Solanum dulcamara L. oa nigrum L. Solidago neglecta T. & G. 5: squarrosa Muh. Sparganium americanum Nutt. S: angustifolium My. Spiraea latifolia Borkh. Stachys arenicola Britton Suaeda maritima (L.) Dumort. Thalictrum confine Fern. is dasycarpum F. & L. aq, revolutum DC. Thelephora terrestris Ehrh. Trametes suaveolens (L.) Fr. Tricholoma album (Schaeff.) Fr. Trichothecium roseum (Pers.) Lk. Trillium grand. variegatum Pr. Tripsacum dactyloides L. Urtica lyellii Wats. Ustilago longissima (Sow.) Tul. Ustulina vulgaris Tode Vaccinium pennsylvanicum Lam. Veronica humifusa Dicks. V. tournefortii Gmel. Verticillium lactarii Pk. Vicia angustifolia (L.) Reich. Viola rafinesquii Greene VT. renifolia Gray V. sororia Willd. We triloba Schw. Vitis vulpina L. Zizania palustris L. Zizia aurea’ (L.) Koch. CONTRIBUTORS :-AND THEIR CONTRIBULGRS Miss L. C. Allen, Newtonville, Mass. Bovistella ohiensis FE. & M. - Miss H. C. Anderson, Lambertville, N. J. Morchella gigas (Batsch) Fr. Miss F. Beckwith, Rochester Bidens tenuisecta Gray Chaenactis stevioides H. & A. Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Her. Geranium pusillum Burm. f. Monolepis nuttalliana (R. & S.) Sisymbrium sophia L. Viola sororia Willd, REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I90Q | II Mrs E. B. Blackford, Boston, Mass. Cortinarius acutoides Pk. Lactarius hysginus Fr. = lutescens Pk. Russula blackfordae Pk. Russula serissima Pk. Mrs H. C. Davis, Falmouth, Me. Bovista pila B. & C. Mutinus caninus (Huds.) Fr. Crucibulum vulgare Tul. Rhizina inflata (Schaeff.) Quel. A set of colored drawings representing about I50 species of fleshy fungi from Maine Mrs E. P. Gardner, Canandaigua Trillium grandiflorum variegatum Pk. Mrs L. L. Goodrich, Syracuse Arisaema dracontium (L.) Schott Sisymbrium altissimum L. Veronica tournefortii C. C. Gmeln. Mrs C. W. Harris, Washington, D. C. Baeomyces roseus Pers. Peltigera canina (L.) Hoffm. Cetraria oakesiana Tuckm. 12): polydactyla (Neck.) Cladonia caespiticia (Pers.) FI. Physcia aquila detonsa Tuckm. CG. cristatella Tuckm. PB caesia (Hoffm.) Nyl. c - mitrula Tuckm. ey obscura (Ehrh.) Nyl. CG. papillaria (Ehrh.) Hoffm. . P. obsc. endochrysea Nyl. C. pyxidata (L.) Fr. P. stellaris (L.) Tuckm. C rangiferina (L.) Hoffm. P. stell. aipolia Nyl. c. verticillata Fr. Pyxine sorediata Fr. Parmelia borreri rudecta Tuckm. Ramalina calic. fastigiata Fr. P caperata (L.) Ach. Sticta amplissima (Scop.) Mass. rR conspersa (Ehrh.) Ach. =: pulmonaria (L.) Ach. P: perlata (L.) Ach. Umbilicaria dillenii Tuckm. Py -.>. _physodes (£.) Ach. 1S muhlenbergii (Ach.) PE: Saxatilis CL.) Fr. Umbilicaria pustulata papulosa Peltigera aphthosa (L.) Hoffm. Tuckm. Miss A. Hibbard, West Roxbury, Mass. eelouaite glandulosus PR. Gomphidius nigricans Pk. Boletus miniato-olivaceus Frost Stropharia depilata Pers. Tricholoma acre PR. Miss D. Hone, Minneapolis, Minn. enh aie isidioides Berk. Polyporus obtusus Berk. Miss A. Lorenz, Hartford, Conn. Marsupella robusta (DeNot.) Evans Nardia crenulata (Sm.) Lindb. M. sullivantii (DeNot.) N. hyalina (Lyell) Carr. Miss H. L. Palliser, Poughkeepsie Boletus viridarius Frost 12 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Dr-G E. Putnam, St Paul, Minn. Secotium acuminatum Mont. Miss M. L. Sutliff, Sacramento, Cal. Rhizopogon rubescens Tul. Mrs M. E. Williams, Wernersville, Pa: Leskea gracilescens Hedw. J. C. Arthur, Lafayette, Ind. Puccinia grindeliae Pk. A. D. Baker, Auburn Centaurea solstitialis L. C.F: Baker; Claremont, iCal> Agaricus bivelatus Pk. A. solidipes Pk. A. subnitens Pk. Amanita bivolvata Pk. ia calyptratoides Pk. A. ocreata PR. A. virosa Fr. Amanitopsis velosa PR. Armillaria subannulata Pk. Boletus tomentipes Earle Clitocybe microspora PR. - sphaerospora PR. Collybia albogrisea PR. Coprinus calyptratus Pk. Cortinarius multiformis Fr. Hebeloma foedatum PR. jek ischnostylum Cke. Hypholoma campanulata PR. HI: cutifracta PR. Inocybe bakeri Pk. i bulbosa Pk. Lactarius rufulus Pk. Bs theiogalus (Bull.) Leptonia edulis Pk. Mycena atroalboides Pk. M. elegantula Pk. M. haematopoda (Pers.) Fr. Naucoria platysperma Pk. Ni vinicolor Pk. Pluteolus luteus Pk. Psathyrella graciloides Pk.- Psilocybe castanella Pk. Russula semicrema FY. Tricholoma equestre (L.) Fr. Tubaria furfuracea (Pers.) Fr. HJ. Onygena equina Pers. _ Xyla H. Banker, Greencastle, Ind. Polyporus sulphureus (Bull.) Fr. ria pedunculata (Dicks.) Fr. W. Barratt, Poughkeepsie Coprinus atramentarius (Bull.) Fr. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 13 E. Bartholomew, Stockton, Kan. Barlaea subaurantia B. & R. Bjerkandera adusta (JVilld.) Karst. Botrytis uredinicola Pk. Bubakia crotonis (Cke.) Arth. Ceratophorumi uncinatum (C lint.) Cercospora biformis Pk. simulata E. & E. sordida Sacc. vignae E. & E. Clavaria aurea Schaef. Coleosporium elephantopodis (Schw.) ie, ipomoeae (Schw.) Burr. c. _ laciniariae Arth. ec. solidaginis (Schw.) c. vernoniae B. & C. Coriolus prolificans (Fr.) Murr. G. versicolor (L.) Quel. Corticium roseolum Mass. Cylindrosporium padi Karst. Daedalea aesculi (Schw.) Murr. Darluca filum (Biv.) Cast. Diatrype stigma (Hoffm.) Fr. Fusarium bartholomaei PR. F, juglandinum Pb. Ganoderma curtisii (Berk.) Murr. Gyroceras divergens Pp. Hapalopilus gilvus (Schw.) Murr. Helminthosporium hamatellum Pp. Herpotrichia rhodospiloides Pp. Hirneola auricula-judae CE} Hydnoporia fuscescens (Schw.) Murr. Hypoxylon multiforme Fr. Irpiciporus lacteus (Fr.) Murr. Kuehneola albida (Kuehn.) Magn. Lenzites betulina (L.) Fr. Lycoperdon atropurpureum Vitt. a pulcherrimum B. & C. Melampsora bigelowii Thuem. M. medusae Thuem. Microsphaera alni (Wallr.) Salm. ce. brunnea Pp. c: flagellaris E. & M. ie. fuscovirens Sacc. C. mississippiensis T. & E. os rhoina C. & E. c. rubi Sacc. a C, . Eee Sie Nectria cinnabarina (Tode) Fr, Nummularia repanda (Fr.) Nits. Ozonium auricomum Link Peniophora quercina (Fr.) Che. Phlebia radiata Fr. Phyllosticta smilacis E. & M. Piggotia fraxini B. & C. Pileolaria toxicodendri (B. & Re) Puccinia helianthi Schz. lateripes B. & R. lobeliae Ger. menthae americana Pk. Muhlenbergiae A. & H. polygoni-amphibii Pers. smilacis Schw. xanthii Schw. Pacis agrimoniae (Schw.) Pp: hydrangeae (B. & C.) P. myrtilli (Schw.) Rhysotheca halstedii (Farl.) Schizophyllum commune Fr. Scleroderma tenerum B. & C. Septoria musiva Pk. a ee Seer: rey Se populi Desm. Ss. rubi West, S: scrophulariae Pk, Sorosporium ellisii Wint. Sphaerella fraxinicola (Schw.) Sphaeria potentillae Schw. Stereum acerinum nivosum Berk. Ss complicatum Fr. Se curtisii Berk, Ss: spadiceum Fr, S versicolor (Sw.) Fr. Stigmina platani (Fekl.) Sacc. Thelephora rosella Pk. Tranzschelia punctata (Pers.) Uncinula parvula C. & P. Uromyces andropogonis Tracy UU; appendiculatus (Pers.) aristidae E. & E. euphorbiae C. & P. hedysari-paniculata (Schw.) lespedezae (Schw.) Pk. spermacocis (Schw.) Curt. AValeavia nigrospora (Pk.) B. & V. _ Jj. B. Bartlett, Albany Sterigmatocystis ochracea (Wilh.) VanTigh. I4 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM F. S. Boughton, Pittsford Hypholoma boughtoni PR. Volvaria volvacea (Bull.) Fr, S. H. Burnham, Sandy Hill Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh Hypomyces lactifluorum (Schw.) - Anthemis cotula L. lle torminosus (Mont.) Tul. Aster divaricatus L. Julella monosperma (Pk.) Sace. A. . macrop. velutinus Bu. Lactarius cinereus Pk. Carduus crispus L. is subdulcis (Bull.) Fr. Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa (Muell.) Lecanora rubina (Vill.) Ach. Cladosporium herbarum (Pers.) Fr. Massaria vomitoria B. & C. Clitocybe candida Bres. Peridermium conorum-piceae (Rees) (@s trullisata Ellis Peronospora parasitica (Pers.) Collybia platyphylla Fr. Piggotia astroidea B. & Br. Coprinus insignis Pk. Polyporus chioneus Fr. Corticium cremicolor B. & C. Psilocybe uda (Pers.) Fr. Cc lacteum Fr. Pucciniastrum potentillae Kom. Cortinarius rimosus Pk. Rubia tinctorum L. oe subsalmoneus Kauff. Ms. Rubus permixtus Blanch. G: validipes Pk. Russula aeruginea Fr. Diplocladium penicilloides Sacc. R. decolorans Fr. Eutypella cerviculata (Fr.) Sacc. Sanicula canadensis L. Flammula pulchrifolia Pk. Sparganium diversifolium Griseb. F. spumosa Fr, Stachys arenicola Britt. Fomes pinicola (Sw.) Fr. S sieboldii Mig. Geum flavum (Port.) Bickn. Trametes sepium Berk. Gloeosporium irregulare Pk. sla suaveolens (L.) Fr. Helvella palustris Pk. Tricholoma transmutans PR. Hydnum laciniatum Leers Vaccinium pennsylvanicum Lam. Hypocrea aurantiaca Pk. Zygodesmus fuscuis Corda I. O. Cross, Hoosick Falls Fusicladium dendriticum (Walir.) Fckl. S. Davis, Boston, Mass. Clavaria lavendula Pk. Gomphidius maculatus (Scop.) Fr. ‘© pallescens Pk. Inocybe hiulca Fr. Clitocybe brumalis Fr. i infelix brevipes Pk. c compressipes Pk. Marasmius varicosus Fr. Clitopilus davisii Pk. Mycena pseudopura Cke. Eccilia watsoni PR. Naucoria firma Pk. Entoloma griseo-cyaneum Fr. N. sphagnophila Pk. i; sericeum Fr. Nolanea conica Pk. ie. variabile Pk. Omphalia pyxidata (Bull.) Fr. Galera later. albicolor Pk. Pholiota autumnalis Pk. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I909 15 J. Dearness, London, Can. Clasterosporium caricinum Schw, Marsonia potentillae (Desm.) Entyloma linariae Schroet. Microstroma juglandis (Bereng.) Hypocrella hypoxylon (Pk.) Peridermium conorum-piceae (Rees) Isariopsis albo-rosella (Desm.) Puccinia caricis-asteris Arth, Leptothyrium punctiforme B. & C. Sphaerotheca humuli (DC.) Burr. F. Dobbin, Shushan Hedeoma hispida Pursh Stellaria borealis Bigel. C. J. Elting, Highland Centaurea solstitialis L. C. E. Fairman, Lyndonville Belonidium glyceriae Pk. Lophiotrema littorale Speg. Cantharellus floccosus Schw. Melanopsamma confertissima ( Plow.) Ciboria luteo-virescens R. & D. Microsphaera diffusa C. & P. Diplodia cercidis E. & E. Ovularia obliqua (Cke.) Oud. _ DS hamamelidis Fairm. Pezizella lanc.-paraphysata Rehm 1B tamariscina Sacc. Phialea scutula (Pers.) Gill. Fenestella amorpha EF. & E. Polyporus sulphureus (Bull.) Fr. Helotium salicellum Fr. Puccinia epiphylla (L.) Weittst. Lycogala flavo-fuscum (Ehrh.) Rost. Stephanoma strigosum Wallr. Lophiotrema hysterioides (FE. & L.) Trichosporium variabile PR. G. C. Fisher, DeFuniak Springs, Fla. Bovistella floridensis Pk. Peridermium pyriforme Pk. WieP. Eraser, Pictou, Gan: Calicium lenticulare (Hoffm.) Ach. Lycopodium sabinaefolium Willd. Cenangium populneum (Pers.) Rehm L. sitchense Rupr. Dothidella kalmiae (Pk.) Sacc. Ramularia dubia Riess Gnomoniella coryli (Batsch) Sacc. Septogloeum salicinum (Pk.) Sacc. Venturia pulchella C. & P. C. Gaffin, Utica Volvaria bombycina (Pers.) Fr. H. Garman, Lexington, Ky. Pholiota vermiflua PR. S. J. Greenfield, Ilion Panaeolus retirugis Fr. J. G. Grossenbacher, Geneva Cryptosporium cerasinum PR, M. E. Hard, Kirkwood, Mo. Laternea columnata Nees 16 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM E. T. Harper, Chicago, III. Corticium mutatum PR. Myxosporium acerinum Pk. Diaporthe aucupariae Hazsl, Phoma lebiseyi Sacc. Diplodina fusispora Pk. Ey menispermi Pk. Dothiorella celastri Pk. é P: platysperma Pk. Fusarium pyrochroum (Desm.) Sacc. Sphaeropsis simillima PR. - Helminthosporium macrocarpum Stagonospora linearis Pk. Grev. Stemphylium macrosporoideum (B. Macrophoma samaricola Sace. SiC O. Hill, Boston, Mass. Agaricus halophilus PR. Hypholoma rigidipes Pk. Tricholoma subcinereum. Pk. G. T. Howell, Rockville, Ind. Flammula praecox PR. Flammula pulchrifolia Pk. Lepiota granosa Morg. G. Jericho, Albany Calvatia cyathiformis (Bosc) Morg. C. E. Jones, Albany Prunus pumila L. M. E. Jones, Salt Lake City, Utah Actinonema rosae (Lib.) Fr. Linospora brunellae E. & E. Ascochyta colorata Pk. Macrosphaera alni ludens Salm. Cylindrosporium padicerasinum (Pk.) M. diffusa C. & P.. Cs simile PR. Phyllosticta angelicae Sacc. Dimerosporium collinsii (Schw.) Physoderma vagans Schroet. Doassansia :alismatis (Nees) Septoria sacch. occidentalis E. & E. D. sagittariae (West.) S). sorbi Lasch Erysiphe polygoni DC. St streptopodis Pk. Sphaerotheca iniraule (DC.) Burr. R. Latham, Orient Point Angelica atropurpurea L. Iris prismatica Pursh Arenaria peploides L. Leontodon nudicaulis (L.) Banks Aristida gracilis Ell. — Ligusticum scoticum L. Atriplex pat. littoralis (L.) Myosotis virginica (L.) B. S. P. Cerastium viscosum L. Onopordum acanthium L. Cirsium spinosissimum (Walt.) Panicum spretum Schultes Cyperus nuttallii Eddy Picris echioides L. Fimbristylis castanea (M-x.) Vahl Plantago decipiens Barneoud Fomes rimosus Berk. Polygonum littorale Link Hieracium gronovii Mx. Rumex pallidus Bigel. H. scabrum M+. Salsola kali L. Hypericum canadense L. Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. Hypochaeris radicata L. Solidago aspera Ait. Ilex vert. tenuifolia (Torr.) Strophostyles helvola (L.) Tripsacum dactyloides L. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 17 J. Mickleborough, Brooklyn Myxosporium castaneum PR. A. J. Miller, Rensselaer Nuts of Phytelephas macrocarpa Rk. & P. G. E. Morris, Waltham, Mass. Amanita morrisii Pk. Eccilia pyrina B. & C. ‘3 muscaria L. Entoloma cuspidatum Pk. A. russuloides Pk. E; jubatum Fr. Boletinus grisellus PR. E, rhodopolium Fr. Boletus morrisii PR. iE: salmoneum Pk. B. spectabilis Pk. Geoglossum nigritum Pers. Calocera cornea Fr. Hydnum graveolens Delast. Clitocybe centralis Pk. H. laevigatum Sw. G metachroa Fr, Lactarius bryophilus Pk. Coprinus niveus (Pers.) Fr. Leotia punctipes Pk. Cortinarius ferrug.-griseus Pk. Russula serissima Pk. Eccilia flavida Pk. Tricholoma piperatum PR. W. A. Murrill, New York Hypholoma boughtoni PR. ; Inocybe infida Pk. H. S. Paine, Glens Falls Pholiota duroides Pk. C. R. Pettis, Lake Clear Junction Peridermium strobi Kleb. H. G. Pierce, Rochester Salis alba 2: E. Riesel, Herkimer Cuscuta arvensis Beyrich W. H. Ropes, Salem, Mass. Lepiota americana PR. Lepiota cepaes. lutea (Bolt.) Lepiota friesii Lasch. J. C. Smock, Hudson Bidens beckii Torr. Hybanthus concolor (Forst.) Erythronium albidum Nutt. Schwalbea americana L. P. Spaulding, Washington, D. C. Peridermium strobi Kleb. 18 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM E. B. Sterling, Trenton, N. J. Agaricus eludens Pk. Agaricus magniceps PR. F. C. Stewart, Geneva Erysiphe cichoracearum DC. ; Hypholoma perplexum Pk. Fomes ribis (Schum.) Fr. Microcera coccophila Desm., Phomopsis stewartii Pk. H. L., True, McConnelsville; O. Polyporus flavovirens B. & R. Xylaria digitata (L.) Grev. B. D. VanBuren & S. H. Burnham, Albany Collybia velutipes (Curt.) Fr. J. M. VanHook, Greencastle, Ind. Hydnum laciniatum Leers H. Wardell, Middleburg Lappula virginiana (L.) Greene H. L. Wells, New Haven, Conn. Agaricus rodmani PR. Fie 2B Wheeler, Syracuse Morchella crispa Karst. Morchelia rimosipes DC. Pholiota aurivella Batsch H. H. Whetzel, Ithaca Ascochyta solani-nigri Diedicke T. E, Wilcox, Washington, D: C. Amanita flavorubescens Atk. D. B. Young, Albany Amanitopsis vaginata (Bull.) Roze Entoloma salmoneum Pk. Boletus albus Pk. Lactarius deliciosus Fr. B. Ppiperatus Bull. iL. oculatus (Pk.) Burl. Eccilia atrides Lasch. Russula fragilis (Pers.) Fr. Sporotrichum larvatum PR, REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 1g SPRCIES NOT BEFORE REPORTED Ascochyta solani-nigri Diedicke Pome leaves or ege plant, Solanum melongena L., Ithaca. October. H. H. Whetzel. Agropyrum tenerum Vasey Brownsville, Jefferson co. and Adirondack mountains. June and July. Formerly confused with Agropyrum violaceum Lange. | “Belonidium glyceriae n. sp. Receptacle 1-1.5 mm broad, gregarious, sessile, plane or convex, glabrous or merely papillate on the under side, pale yellow; asci subclavate or subfusiform, obtuse, 120-130 x 14-18 +; spores ob- long or subcylindric, straight or slightly curved, 3-septate, often 4-nucleate, crowded or biseriate, 35-40 x 4-5 w, paraphyses filiform. Deagsciims of Glyceria nervata (Willd.) Trin. Lyn- donville, Orleans co: June. C. E. Fairman. Receptaculum I-1.5 mm latum, gregarium, sessile, planum con- vexumve, extus glabrum seu papillatum, flavidum; asci subclavati vel subfusiformes, obtusi, 120-130 x 14-18 +; sporae oblongae vel subcylindraceae, rectae vel leviter curvae, 3-septatae, saepe 4-nu- cleatae, confertae vel distichae, 35-40 x 4-5 v, paraphyses filiformes. Biatora cupreo-rosella (Nyl.) Tuckm. Limestone rocks. Pine Island, Orange co. November. C. F. Austin. Bidens tenuisecta Gray Field near Rochester. August. Miss F. Beckwith. Probably a recent introduction from the West. Boletus viridarius Frost Grassy places near pine trees. Poughkeepsie. September and October. Miss H. L. Palliser. For description of this species see article on ‘“‘ Edible fungi” in another part of this report. Bromus altissimus Pursh Rathbone, Steuben co. and North Greenbush, Rensselaer co. Au- gust to October. Formerly confused with Bromus cili- aetis LL; 20 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Cardamine douglasii (Torr.) Britton Niagara Falls and Sytactise. May. Formerly Tefemeduae Cardamine rhomboidea purpitsrea Tory nine megs recognized as a distinct species. Carduus crispus L. Fields. Helderberg mountains. October. 5. H. BG@ratamay oey recently introduced plant, very spiny but beautiful. Carex bebbii Olney Common. Formerly considered a variety of Carex tribu- loides Wahl., but now recognized as a distinct species. Carex crawfordii Fern. Common. Previously known as Carex scoparia minor Boott, but raised to specific rank in the New Manual. Chaenactis stevioides H. & A. Newly seeded lawn. Rochester. Miss F. Beckwith. Probably a recent introduction from the West. , Ciboria luteo-virescens R. & D. On petioles of fallen maple leaves. Lyndonville. C. E. Fairman. Clitocybe candida Bres. Woods. West Fort Ann, Washington co. October. S. H. Burn- ham. ‘The pileus in these specimens is not a pure white as might be inferred from the specific name, but is tinged in the center with yellowish or grayish brown hues. It is also sometimes eccentric. Cortinarius subsalmoneus Kauffm. Ms. Woods. Hague, Warren co. September. S. H. Burnham. The full description of this species has not yet been published, but the specimens agree with those characters published in the Key to the Species of Cortinarius and in the author’s manuscript description. Crataegus brevipes n. sp. Leaves ovate or broadly ovate, acute, rounded or broadly cuneate at the base, with 2-3 very slight broad lobes each side or scarcely lobed, with marginal teeth short, broad and blunt, glabrous except REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 at a few hairs on the upper surface of the midrib near the base, slightly bronze tinged when unfolding, soon green or yellowish green, paler beneath, becoming darker green and firm, those on vigorous shoots larger, subcoriaceous, more distinctly lobed, and broadly rounded or subtruncate at the base, petioles short, 6-12 mm long, slightly margined at the top, nearly or quite glandless. Flowers 5-10 in a cluster, 1.6—2.4 mm broad, commonly on sim- ple glabrous pedicels 6-12 mm long, calyx lobes irregular, often abruptly narrowed toward the reddish apex, entire or with few marginal glands, slightly hairy inside; stamens 8-10, anthers pink: styles 3-4. Fruit erect, globose or depressed globose, I-1.4 cm long, 1.2-1.4 cm broad, angular, scarcely or not at all pruinose, 3-8 in a cluster, supported on short glabrous pedicels, dull red or blotched with green, nutlets 3-4, 7-8 mm long. A shrub 2-3 m tall, with wide spreading branches armed with stout, nearly straight spines 2.5-4 cm long. Flowers the last week in May. Fruit ripe the latter part of September. Rocky hilly places. Corning, Steuben co. The species evidently belongs to the Pruinosae group, though the fruit is not distinctly pruinose. The specific name has reference to the short pedicels, by which character the species is distinguished from all others of this group known to me. Folia ovata vel late ovata, acuta, basi rotundata vel late cuneata, utrique 2-3 lobata, seu vix lobata, dentibus brevibus, latis, obtusis, margine serrata, glabra, nisi pilis paucis in venis ad basem, juventate leviter rufobrunnea, mox viridia, infra pallidora, in maturitate virescentiora et subcoriacea, petiolae 6-12 mm longae, ad apicem leviter marginatae fere eglandulosae. Flores 5-10 in corymbo, 1.6—-2.4 cm latae, in pedicellis glabris, vulgo simplicibus, 6-12 mm longis, calicis lobi irregulares, saepe ad apicem abrupte angustati et rubri, integri vel glandis paucis, intra leviter hirti, stamines 8-10, antherae rosaceae; styles 3-4. Poma I-1.4 cm longa, 1.2-1.4 lata, angularia, epruinosa, brevibus glabris erectis pedicellis suffulta, sanguinea, nuculae 3-4, 7-8 mm longae. Diplocladium penicilloides Sacc. Decaying specimens of Polyporus resinosus (Schrad.) Fr. Helderberg mountains. May. S. H. Burnham. 22 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Diplodia cercidis E. & E. Dead branches of cultivated Cercis japonica Sieb. Lyn- donville. July. C. E. Fairman. Diplodia hamamelidis n. sp. Fairm. in litt. _Perithecia gregarious, minute, depressed globose, black, at first covered by the epidermis, then erumpent; spores at first color- less, then colored, for a long time continuous, finally uniseptate, 20-28 x 10-12 v. Dead branches of witch hazel Hamamelis virginianaL. Lyndonville. September. C. E. Fairman. | Perithecia gregaria, minuta, depresso-globosa, nigra, primus epi- dermide tecta, deinde erumpentia; sporae primus hyalinae, deinde coloratae, diu continuae, denique uniseptatae, 20-28 x IO-I2 #. Diplodia tamariscina ‘Sace. Dead branches of cultivated Tamarix parviflora DC. Lyndonville. July. C. E. Fairman. Discina leucoxantha Bres. Ground, under beech trees. Altamont, Albany co. May. Dothiorella divergens n. sp. Clusters of perithecia 1-3 mm broad, seated on or immersed in a black stroma, suborbicular or elliptic, erumpent, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis; perithecia irregular, unequal, submembran- ous, black, pallid within; spores oblong, obtuse, straight or slightly curved, sometimes uninucleate, hyaline rarely becoming greenish or yellowish, 20-30 x Q—IO pv. Dead branches of apple tree, Pyrus malus L. Menands, Albany co. May. This species differs from Dothiorella mali E. & E. and D. pyrenophora Karst. & Sacc. in its much larger spores. It diverges from the generic character in sometimes having spores slightly tinged with green or yellow. | Caespites perithecioruam I-3 mm lati, insidentes stromate nigro, suborbiculares seu ellipsoidei, erumpentes, epidermide rupta circum- dati; perithecia irregularia, inaequalia, submembranacea, atra, intus pallida; sporae oblongae, obtusae, rectae, vel leviter curvae, ali- quando uninucleatae, hyalinae, rare viridescentes seu flavescentes, 20-30 x 8-I0 »v. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 _ 23 Epipactis tesselata (Lodd.) Eaton Woods. Gansevoort, Saratoga co. August. Fenestella amorpha E. & E. Dead branches of hickory. Lyndonville. July. C. E. Fairman. Geum flavum (Port.) Bickn. Greenburg, Westchester co. E. C. Howe. Shushan, Washing- temeo. september. S. H. Burnham: Hypholoma boughtoni n. sp. PLATE II, FIG. I-7 Pileus fleshy, thin except in the center, broadly convex or sub- hemispheric, rarely with a slight umbo, glabrous or slightly fibril- lose, often concentrically and areolately cracking, pale reddish brown or grayish brown, flesh whitish, taste disagreeable; lamellae un- equal, moderately close, adnate, purplish brown, seal brown or black- ish, obscurely spotted, whitish on the edge; stem equal, floccosely fibrillose, striate at the top, hollow, white or whitish; spores black on white paper, broadly elliptic, apiculate, 1o-12 x 7-8 pv. Pileus 2.5-7 cm broad; stem 2.5-6 cm long, 4-10 mm thick. Ground in woods and in open places. Near Pittsford, Monroe co. and at Menands. August. F. S. Boughton and C. H. Peck. This species is closely allied to Hypholoma velutinum (Pers.) Fr. from which it may be separated by its dry, not hygro- phanous, pileus, its whitish flesh and stem, the absence of cystidia and the larger spores. The spore print of both this and Hy pho- loma rigidipes Pk. is black on white paper. This would indicate a close relationship to the Melanosporae, not only of these two species, but probably also of the closely related species mer elutin um Ceers:) FProandH.olacrymabundum Fr. Pileus carnosulus, centro excepto, late convexus vel subhemi- sphaericus, rare subumbonatus, glaber vel subglaber, saepe rimosus, rufo-brunneus vel griseo-brunneus, carne albida, sapore ingrato; lamellae inaequales, subconfertae, adnatae, obscure maculatae, pur- pureo-brunneae, atro-brunneae vel nigrescentes, acie albida; stipes — aequalis, floccoso-fibrillosus, ad apicem striatus, cavus, albidus; sporae in fundamento candido atrae, late ellipsoideae, apiculatae, I0-I2 x 7-8». 24. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Hypholoma rigidipes n. sp. PLATE III, FIG. I-O Pileus fleshy, thin, convex or broadly convex, dry, fibrillose- squamulose, tawny brown (raw umber), often reddish in the center, flesh whitish, odor slight or none, taste mild; lamellae narrow, close, slightly sinuate, adnexed, brownish red becoming black or purplish black with age; stem slender, rigid, equal, hollow, fibriliose squamu- lose, colored like the pileus or a little paler; spores subellipsoid, apiculate, Ic-12 x 6-8 p. Pileus 2.5-5 cm broad; stem 5-10 cm long, 4-6 mm thick. Gregarious. Damp places under tall herbs. North River, War- Ten co. ‘September. This is closely related to Hypholoma lacrymabundum Fr. from which it may be separated by its smaller size, gregarious mode of growth, slender, rigid, equal, darker colored stem, larger spores and slight evanescent veil. Pileus carnosulus, convexus vel late convexus, siccus, fibrilloso- squamulosus, umbrinus, saepe in centro rubescens, carne albida, sapore mite; lamellae angustae, confertae, adnexae leviter sinuatae, rufo-brunneae, deinde purpureo-atrae vel nigrescentes ; stipes gracilis, rigidus, aequalis, cavus, fibrilloso-squamulosus, pileo in colore similis; sporae subellipsoideae, apiculatae, Io-12 x 6-8 p Juncus brachycephalus (Engeim.) Buchen. Jamesviile, Onondaga co. and Sevey, St Lawrence co. July and August. Formerly reported as a variety of Juncus canaden- Sis Gay. : | Juncus brevicaudatus (Engelm.) Fern. West Albany, Sand Lake and Adirondack mountains. August and September. Formerly reported as a variety of Juncus canadensis Gay. Juncus secundus Beauv. Blue Mountain Lake, Hamilton co. August. Reported as a va- riety of Juncus tentis . Willd, Juniperus horizontalis Moench Bergen swamp, Genesee co. Formerly reported as a variety of imundperus ‘sab ina. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 25 Leontodon nudicaulis (L.) Banks Orient Point, Suffolk co. September. R. Latham. Leskea gracilescens Hedw. Trunks of trees. Kingston. July. Mrs M. E. Williams. Ligusticum scoticum L. Sricaehoemt Scptember.. R. Latham. eer ate A a oe Lophiotrema hysterioides E. & E. Decorticated twigs and branches lying on the ground in woods. iyudonvidie: September: - C. E.. Fairman: Lophiotrema littorale Speg. Dead branches of willow. Lyndonville. May. C. E. Fairman. ’ Marasmius alienus n. sp. Pileus thin, tough, convex, subpruinose, dry, pallid or pale buff, with a thin straight margin; lamellae subarcuate, distant, slightly decurrent, creamy yellow, becoming brownish in drying; stem slen- der, firm, hollow, subpruinose, pallid; spores oblong or narrowly elliptic, 8-Io x 4-5 ». Pileus 6-12 mm broad; stem 2.5-5 cm long, .5—1 mm thick. Mossy prostrate trunks of trees in woods. Fine, St Lawrence co. August. This species belongs to section 3, subsection 2, of Professor Mor- gan’s Synopsis of North American Species of Marasmuus. Pileus tenuis, lentus, convexus, subpruinosus, siccus, pallidus vel subluteolus, margine tenue, recto; lamellae subarcuatae, distantes, leviter decurrentes, cremeae, in siccitate brunnescentes; stipes gracilis, firmus, fistulosus, subpruinosus, pallidus; sporae oblongae vel anguste ellipsoideae, 8-10 x 4-5 p. Melanopsamma confertissima (Plowr.) Sacc. Dead. branches of-spice bush, Benzoin aestivale (L.) Nees, Eyndonville, . C.... Pairman. Microcera coccophila Desm. Parasitic on San José scale infesting living branches of apple foeese Liicksville, Nassam co, October. F. C. Stewart., A wel- come enemy to a very unwelcome foe to fruit trees and shrubs. 26 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Midotis irregularis (Schw.) Cke. On decaying wood. Indian Lake, Hamilton co. October. Monolepis nuttalliana (R. & S.) Wats. Rochester. Miss F. Beckwith. September. An interesting mem- ber of the Goosefoot family. It has probably been recently intro- ~ duced from the western part of the country. 7 Morchella crispa Karst. Near Syracuse. May. F. B. Wheeler. It resembles Mor- chella conica Pers. but may be distinguished from it by the more irregular tortuous ribs of the cap, the chinks at the base of the stem and the longer spores. Morchella rimosipes DC. Near Syracuse. May. F. B. Wheeler. Probably both this and — the preceding species of morel are edible, but as I have had no opportunity of making a personal test of their edible quality they are not here recorded as such. Naias gracillima (A. Br.) Magn. Water holes near West Albany. September. Formerly reported as a variety of Naias indica Willd. but now considered a distinct species. Nardia crenulata (Sm.) Lindb. Near Calamity pond, Essex co. August. Miss A. Lorenz. Nardia hyalina (Lyell) Carr. Banks of Marcy brook, Essex co. July. Miss A. Lorenz. Panicum implicatum Scribn. Albany; Machias, Cattaraugus co. and Adirondack mountains. July. Formerly confused with Panicum pubescens Lam. and P.lanuginosum Ell. Panicum oricola H. & C. Manor and Riverhead, Suffolk co. and Fulton Chain, Herkimer co. July and August. Formerly confused with Panicum dichotomum L. and P.atlanticum Nash. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 | 27 Panicum spretum Schultes Near Albany ; Riverhead and Orient Point, Suffolk co. and White- hall, Washington co. July. Formerly confused with Panicum avenhotomum L. Peridermium strobi Kleb. Seedling white pines, Pinus strobus L. Lake Clear Junc- fiom Franklin co. October. Perley Spauiding and C. R. Pettis. Our specimens are immature. This parasitic fungus is destructive to white pine trees. It is fimonputc. Cronartium ribicola Dietr. 1s a form which develops on leaves of currant bushes. Its spores are capable of infecting white pine trees and reproducing the pine rust, Peri- dermium strobi, in them. To prevent this it is important that currant and gooseberry bushes whose leaves are attacked by the ‘Cronartium should be destroyed at once. Pezizella lanceolato-paraphysata Rehm Dead stems of cultivated Spiraea filipendula L. Lyn- donyille; fume. C. E. Fairman. Phaeopezia fuscocarpa (E. & H.) Sacc. Decaying wood. Kasoag, Oswego co. July. Pholiota aurivella Batsch Decaying wood of maple. Near Syracuse. October. F. B. Wheeler. i ’ Phomopsis stewartil n. sp. Perithecia gregarious, commonly occupying grayish or brown spots, thin, subcutaneous, at length erumpent, depressed, minute, Y%-Y% mm broad, black; spores of two kinds, first, filiform, curved, flexuous or uncinate, hyaline, 16-25 x I-1.5 », second, oblong or subfusiform, hyaline, commonly binucleate, 8-12 x 2-3 #3 sporo- phores slender, equal to or shorter than the spores. On stems of Cosmos bipinnatus Cav. Garden of Agri- cultural Experiment Station, Geneva, Ontario co. October. F. C. Stewart. Perithecia gregaria, maculas griseas seu brunneas vulgo occu- pantia, tenua, subcutanea, deinde erumpentia, depressa, minuta, ¥%-Y% mm lata, nigra; sporae dimorphae, primum, filiformes, cur- 28 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM vatae, flexuosae hamataeve, hyalinae, 16-25 x I-1I.5 #, secundum, oblongae vel subfusiformes, hyalinae, vulgo binucleatae 8-12 x 2-3 v, sporophores graciles, sporis aequales vel breviores. Picris echinoides L. Orient Point. September. R. Latham. Potamogeton richardsoni (Benn.) Rydb. Lake Champlain and Oneida lake. August. Formerly reported as.a variety of Potamogeton perfoliatus L. but now classed as a distinct species. 7 ’Psilocybe nigrella n. sp. PLATE III, FIG. 7—II Pileus thin, broadly convex or nearly plane, slightly umbonate, hygrophanous, seal brown and shining when moist, even and ob- scurely striate on the margin, raw umber or mummy brown when the moisture has escaped; lamellae thin, rather close, rounded be- hind, adnexed, purple brown or seal brown, whitish on the edge; stem firm, rigid, equal, stuffed with a slender white pith, silky fibrillose, whitish; spores dark purplish brown, almost _ black, ellipsoid, 10-12 x 6-8 #. Pileus 2.5-4 cm broad; stem 3.5—7 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Damp mossy ground in swamps. Karner, Albany co. October. Pileus tenuis, late convexus subplanusve, leviter umbonatus, hygro- phanous, atrobrunneus, nitidus, levis, margineque obscure striatus in conditione uda, umbrinus in siccitate; lamellae tenues, subcon- fertae, adnexae, atrobrunneae, acie albidae; stipes firmus, rigidus, aequalis, medulla alba farctus, sericeo-fibrillosus, albidus; sporae purpureo-brunneae vel subatrae, ellipsoideae, 10-12 x 6-8 p. Puccinia epiphylla (L.) Wettst. Living leaves of low spear grass, Poa annua L. Lyndon- ville. September”) (C. H jh amemaiaia, Ribes triste albinervium (Mx.) Fern. Colton hill swamp. Fine. August. This is closely related to Ribes vulgare Lam., the common garden currant, from which it may be separated by its more strag- gling, partly decumbent habit and by the glands on the pedicels. GC a REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I909 ' 29 The variety differs from the typical form in having the leaves glabrous on the lower surface. Rubia tinctorum L. Near Smiths Basin, Washington co. October. S. H. Burnham. Introduced and formerly cultivated for its roots, which yield a coloring. matter suitable for dyeing. It has persisted several years in the locality cited. Rumex pallidus Bigel. Orent Point.” July. ‘R. Latham. Rubus andrewsianus Blanch. Sandy soil. Islip, Suffolk co. Formerly considered a small form of Rubus villosus frondosus Bigel. Rubus permixtus Blanch. Light soil in pastures. North Elba, Essex co. July. Formerly referred to Rubus procumbens Muhl. Rubus recurvans Blanch. Pine Plains, Dutchess co. and Snyders Corners, Rensselaer co. July and August. Formerly considered a variety of Rubus villosus Ajit. of the older botanies. eee oria sedicola n. sp. Spots orbicular, 4-8 mm broad, usually one or two on a leaf, at first definite, depressed and without discoloration of the surrounding leaf tissue, at length convex above, concave beneath, the surround- ing part of the leaf becoming yellowish, thin and flaccid, finally the whole leaf dying; perithecia numerous, minute, amphigenous, black ; spores filiform, straight, curved or flexuous, enucleate, 20-40 » long, 1-1.5 + thick. Living leaves of live-for-ever, Sedum purpureum Tausch. (Sedum telephium L. Man. ed. 6.) Fine. August. This fungus is closely allied to Septoria sedi West. from which I have separated it because of its amphigenous perithecia and its enucleate spores. The host plant is very tenacious of life and on that account a very undesirable weed though it spreads slowly. This parasite is injurious to it and tends to keep it in check and may therefore be considered a beneficial fungus. 30 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Maculae orbiculares, 4-8 mm latae, vulgo in ullo folio una duove, primus definitae, depressae, in partibus folii circumdantibus, absque decoloratione, deinde convexae supra, concavae infra, foliis flaves- centibus, tenuibus, flaccidis, moribundis; perithecia numerosa, minuta, amphigena, nigra; .sporae filiformes, rectae, curvatae flexuosaeve, enucleatae, 20-40 X I-I.5 p. | Solidago aspera Ait. Orient Point. September. R- Latham. Sparganium americanum Nutt. Lakes and ponds. Sand Lake, Rensselaer co. July. Formerly regarded as Sparganium simplex nuttallii Engelm. Sparganium angustifolium Mx. Lake Placid, Essex co. Formerly recorded as Sparganium simplex angustifolium (Mx.) Engelm. Sparganium diversifolium Graebn. Shushan. September. S. H. Burnham. Stachys sieboldii Miq. Along the railroad near Whitehall. September. S. H. Burnham. This is sometimes designated as Stachys tuberifera Naud., a name suggested by its tuberous edible roots. It bears the common names knot root, Chinese artichoke and Japan artichoke. Stephanoma strigosum Wallr. In woods. Lyndonville. August. C. E. Fairman. This fungus is parasitic on Lachnea> hemispaeused Wigg. In the generic and specific descriptions some of the char- acters of the host plant are confusingly incorporated as if they belonged to the parasite. Sterigmatocystis ochracea (Wilh.) VanTigh. On diseased gladiolus bulbs and other vegetable matter kept under a bell glass in the office of the State Entomologist. Albany. April and May. J. B. Bartlett. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I909Q 31 { Trametes merisma n. sp. Pileus coriaceous, fibrous, tough, commonly deeply divided into several pileoli, uneven, tuberculose, colliculose or diminutively pro- liferous, subpubescent, white or whitish, flesh pure white, the margin obtuse, sterile beneath; pores minute, 2-3 in a millimeter, develop- ing from the center toward the margin, white, the edge of the dissepiments at first obtuse; stem like base short or none; spores not seen. Pileus 2.5—7 cm broad. Decaying prostrate trunks of beech trees, Fagus grandi- potted Ehra «Fine. August: This singular fungus sometimes develops from the lower surface of the trunk, in which case a tubercle first appears and the pendent pileus develops from it and is centrally attached to it by the apex. The context of the pileus is similar to that of species of Polystictus, but the character of the pores indicates a closer connection with Trametes. Pileus coriaceous, fibrosus, lentus, vulgo in pileolos paucos pro- funde divisus, asper tuberculosus colliculosus vel leviter proliferus, subpubescens, albus albidusve, carne candida, margine obtuso, infra sterile; pori minuti, .23-.5 mm lati, a centro ad marginem patescentes, albi, dissepimentis obtusis, stipes brevis vel nullus. ’ Trichosporium variabile n. sp. Widely effused, forming thin indefinite blackish patches; hyphae prostrate or suberect, simple or branched, continuous or rarely septate, 4-5 » in diameter, brown by transmitted light or partly hyaline; spores varying from globose to ore colored, 6-10 ,, in diameter or 8-12 x 6-8 »p. 7 On building paper kept in rolls under shelter. Lyndonville. September and November. C. E. Fairman. The species is remarkable for the variability in the size and shape of the spores. ‘They are intermingled, but the oblong spores are more numerous than the globose. It differs from Tricho- Sperttmcharbaceum: (Pers.) Sacc. im its: much. latger spores. Late effusum, stratum tenue indeterminatum nigrescens formans; hyphae repentes suberectaeve, simplices ramosaeve, continuae vel leviter septatae, 4-5 » crassae, fuscae seu partim hyalinae; sporae fuscae, globosae, 6-10 » latae, vel oblongae, 8-12 x 6-8 ». 32 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Verticillium rexianum Sacc. Parasitic on Arcyria cinerea (Bull.) Pers. Fine. Au- gust. Volvaria volvacea (Bull.) Fr. Pittsford. August. F.S. Boughton. This is a-white form with the silky fibrils of the pileus paler than in the typical form. Zizania palustris L. Shores of Lake Champlain near Whitehall and Dresden. August and September. This grass was formerly confused with Zizania aquatica L. but is now separated as a distinct species, distin- guished by its broader leaves. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 | 33 REMARKS AND OBSERVATIONS Cardamine bulbosa (Schreb.) B. S. P. This name takes the place in the New Manual of Cardamine rhomboidea DC. in Gray’s Manual, ed. 6. Fine flowering specimens of it were collected in May near Little’s pond, Albany co. Centaurea solstitialis L. This recently introduced plant is apparently spreading, specimens having been received the past season from Highland, Ulster co., where it was collected by C. J. Elting, and from the southern part of Cayuga co., collected by A. D. Baker. Cerastium viscosum L. Orient Point. May. R. Latham. This is a rare species in our State. ( Crataegus verecunda gonocarpa n. var. Leaves thin, elliptic, oval or suborbicular, obtuse or acutish, rounded at the base, yellowish green, green with age, becoming glabrous except a few scattered hairs on the upper surface, not at all or only slightly broadly lobed above the middle, the margins often curved upward, petioles 4-10 mm long, slightly margined above, glabrous or with few hairs in the furrow, with few or no glands. Flowers 5-10 in a cluster, 12-14 mm broad, on short mostly simple pedicels less than an inch long, calyx lobes linear, glabrous, subentire ; stamens 1-7, anthers whitish; styles 2-3. Fruit erect or nearly so, compressed or obtusely 3-angled, dark red when ripe, with numerous minute yellowish lenticels, 10-12 mm long, 7-12 mm broad, compressed fruits about 7 mm in the narrow diameter, 12 mm in the broad diameter, flesh greenish yellow, hard and dry, nutlets 2-3, 7-9 mm long. Rocky hillside. Corning. May 29, September 17 and 21. A shrub 2-3 m tall with numerous spreading branches armed with curved spines 2.5-4 cm long, commonly pointing toward the base. The leaves on vigorous shoots are larger than the others, nearly orbicular and more distinctly lobed. The characters which specially distinguish this from the typical plant are its more entire elliptic or suborbicular leaves, its shorter pedicels and its com- pressed or bluntly angular fruit. 2 34 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM A planta typica differt in foliis magis integris, ellipticis vel sub- orbicularibus, pedicellis brevioribus et fructibus compressis vel obtuse triquetris. Epilobium densum Raf. Waste places. Fine. August. The name here used takes the place of Epilobium lineare Muhl. used in Gray’s Manual, cio: Erythronium albidum Nutt. This plant formerly grew in the vicinity of Albany but it long ago disappeared from this region. A specimen of it has been contributed by Prof. J. C. Smock, which was collected many years ago and has “ Albany” on the label. A specimen in Beck herbarium is labeled “‘ Wet meadows, Albany.” Exoascus pruni Fcki. ? This parasitic fungus, which causes the enlargement of the fruit known as “bladder plums,” was very prevalent about Rossie, St Lawrence co., in June. Many trees of both the wild black plum, Prunus, nigra Ait., and the wild red plum, Pramaseaemen. icana Marsh., had scarcely a sound plum on them. Galium erectum Huds. This introduced species of bedstraw is abundant in pastures and along roadsides near Hudson. It spreads by subterranean root- stocks and threatens to be a pernicious weed. . Hedeoma hispida Pursh Two stations are now known in the State for this rare plant, Little Falls and Shushan. | Ilex verticillata tenuifolia (Fern.) Wats. Orient Point..July:) Rs Lathan. Lactuca scariola integrata G. & G. In the New Manual this name designates. the wild lettuce pre- viously referred-to Lactuca virosa. This lettacedhaa now become very common in and around many cities and villages in the State. ‘REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 35 Laportea canadensis L. ‘here are two forms of this nettle. One is common in moist or wet places. It has a slender stem, thin leaves on long slender petioles and usually bears a terminal cluster of pistillate flowers only. The other is rare, grows in dry soil or upland either in woods or open places, has a stouter stem, thicker leaves on shorter petioles and frequently bears staminate flowers in the axils of most of the leaves, either with or without a terminal cluster of pistillate flowers. This form was found by the roadside at Fine and in woods near Castorland, Lewis co. Listera australis Lindl. A single plant was found in a large swamp near Fine. August. Marasmius oreades Fr. A variety with the pileus white or whitish occurs in grassy ground at Rossie. September. V Omphalia rugosodisca levidisca n. var. . Decaying wood. Fine. Avgust. This differs from the typical form only in having the center of the pileus even. Pileus in centro levis. Peridermium consimile A. & K. eaves of black ‘spruce, Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S. P. Fine. August. Polyporus giganteus (Pers.) Fr. About old stumps in woods. Fine. August. This species forms large clusters of pilei which are at first whitish or pale grayish brown, but they become brown or blackish brown in age or in drying. The minute-white pores when fresh assume a blackish color where bruised and sometimes become black in drying. Prunus pumila L. Pulaski, Oswego co. August. C. E. Jones. The plants growing in sandy soil northwest of Albany and formerly referred to Priumus puntila- ate now referred to Prunus cuneata 30 _ NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Raf., which species is characterized by its more erect mode of growth. Pyrus coronaria L. : The leaves of the American crabapple are quite variable. In one form they are gradually narrowed toward the acute apex but broad at or near the base and often somewhat lobed; in the other they are more or less oblong or elliptic and barely acute at the apex. Pyrus melanocarpa (Mx.) Willd. Fruiting specimens of this species were collected at the same time from shrubs on opposite sides of a path in a swamp near Fine. The shrub on one side of the path had black fruit, on the other, dark red. Solanum nigrum L. | Although the fruit of this plant is reputed poisonous, neverthe- less in some places it is used in making pies. The plant is even cultivated for its fruit. A form bearing very large fine fruit was observed in a garden at Rossie and the proprietor assured me that he used the fruit for food. Cooking appears to™@esmoyaums deleterious qualities. The cultivated form is localiy known as “garden huckleberry.”’ y = Solidago squarrosa ramosa n. var. Corning. September. This differs from the ordinary form in developing a pyramidal panicle of flowers at the top of the stem. The branches are 2.5-10 cm long, gradually diminishing in length from the base to the top of the panicle. The ray flowers are 8-11, disk flowers 9-14. Leaves more narrow than in the common form. Panicula pyramidata, ramis 2.5-10 cm longis, flores marginis 8-11, flores disci 9-14, folia angustiora. Schwalbea americana L. In the New Manual this plant is said to grow in wet sandy soil near the coast. In Beck’s Botany it is credited to sandy plains near Albany. In Paine’s Catalogue of Oncida County Plants it is reported as occurring near Center (Karner) station between Albany and Schenectady. A specimen has been contributed to the herbarium by Professor Smock that was credited to Albany and probably collected in or near the locality observed by the author REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I909 37 of Paine’s Catalogue. In the Beck herbarium there are specimens credited to Albany. Thalictrum confine Fern. Rossie. June. Specimens collected near Port Henry and re- ferred to Thalictrum purpurascens I. belong here. Thalictrum revolutum DC. This name is used in the New Manual to designate the plant formerly referred to Thalictrum PACE Pid SOems Cet 1 ferum Aust. and the glandular leaved form of Thalj Cie at i Peeepibbascens L- Viola sororia Willd. A white or whitish flowered form of this species was found near Rochester in May by Miss F. Beckwith and specimens were con- tributed by her to the herbarium. EDIBLE BUNGI Clitocybe multiceps Pk. MANY ‘CAP -CEITOCYBE DATE AL RIG: 7-6 Pileus fleshy, firm, convex, slightly moist in wet weather, whitish, grayish or yellowish gray, flesh white, taste mild; lamellae close, adnate or slightly decurrent, whitish; stems densely cespitose, equal or slightly thickened at the base, solid or stuffed, firm, slightly pruinose at the top, whitish; spores globose, .0002-.0003 of an inch in diameter (5-8 »). The many cap clitocybe is quite constantly tufted in its mode of growth. The tufts may be composed of two or three or many individuals. When there are many individuals in a tuft the caps are generally irregular because closely crowded against each other in their growth. The surface is smooth but sometimes slightly silky and brownish in the center. The color is whitish, grayish or yellowish gray, but the flesh is pure white. The gills are white, closely placed, with intervening short ones, the longest ones reach- ing the stem and broadly connecting with it or slightly decurrent on it. The stems are stout, nearly equal in diameter in every part, 38 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM smooth, solid, white or whitish. They are crowded or even attached to each other at the base. They may appear at any time from June to October if the weather is sufficiently rainy. The taste, though not acrid, is some- times slightly disagreeable in the raw state, and unless thoroughly cooked the disagreeable flavor may not be wholly dispelled in pre- paring the caps for the table. his has given rise to different opinions concerning its edibility. One correspondent declares that he considers it one of the best mushrooms. Another thinks it unfit to eat. My first trials of it were not satisfactory. More recent ones lead me to place it among our edible species though it is scarcely to be considered first-class. Lactarius aquifluus Pk. WATERY MILK LACTARIUS PLATE 118, FIG. I-6 Pileus fleshy, fragile, convex or nearly piane, at length centrally | depressed, sometimes with a small umbo, glabrous or slightly and minutely tomentose, burnt sienna red when young and moist, paler grayish buff or subochraceous when dry, flesh colored nearly like the pileus, milk watery, taste mild or tardily acrid; lamellae thin, close, adnate or slightly decurrent, yellowish; stem equal or slightly taper- ing upward, glabrous or subpruinose, hollow, paler than the pileus; spores subglobose, .0003—.00035 of an inch in diameter (8-9). The watery milk lactarius grows in mossy swamps or wet places, rarely as a short: stem variety, Lactarius a@ae@eeee brevissimus Pk., in black muck soil in old roads in woods. The plants are generally gregarious but sometimes ‘tufted. The cap is 2-4 inches broad, the stem 1-4 inches long and 4-8 lines thick. It is moist or subhygrophanous in wet weather and even in dry weather when growing in wet places. 3 The color of the cap is at first yellowish red, but. this soon changes to a grayish or pale ochraceous color as the moisture es- capes. ‘The flesh is colored similar to the pileus. The milk is scant and watery in appearance. The taste is mild or slowly and slightly acrid. The odor in the fresh plant is weak but agreeable. It be- comes stronger in the dried plant and persists a long time. It is not always entirely destroyed even in cooking. It resembles the odor of melilot and is ‘similar to that of Lactarius glycios- mus Fr. and Lactarius camphoratus (Bull) Pre ite REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I90Q 39 gills have a pale creamy yellow color and become pruinosely dusted by the spores in the dried plant. They are at first broadly attached to the stem but in specimens having the pileus centrally depressed they become slightly decurrent. The stem is nearly or quite smooth, hollow and colored like, but a little paler than the cap. It is generally about equal to the diameter of the cap in length. In the upland form it is shorter. The species is closely related to Lactarius helvus Fr. of Europe, which is said by Fries to occur in a degenerate form in swamps and to have a rimose cap and watery milk. lf we admit that Fries was correct in considering his watery milk lactarius a degenerate form of his typical Lactarius helvus with white milk, it still remains doubtful if our plant is the same as his, as some have claimed. The reasons for considering it a dis- tinct species are two. First, it is not always an inhabitant of swamps, and, second, I have never found it with the cap rimose. It may be added as a presumptive distinguishing feature that Fries makes no mention of the very noticeable and long persistent odor emitted by the drying and dried plants. The further fact that our plant has never yet been found with white milk, even in its upland growth, leads to the conclusion that it is certainly not a degenerate form but a species constant in its milk character, and in its decided and persistent odor and therefore worthy of specific distinction. Entoloma grande Pk. GRAND ENTOLOMA. PLATE I10Q, FIG. I-5 Pileus fleshy, thin toward the margin, glabrous, convex becoming nearly plane, often broadly umbonate, sometimes rugosely wrinkled about the umbo, moist in wet weather, yellowish white or grayish brown, flesh white, odor and taste at first farinaceous, then some- times leaving a disagreeable sensation in the mouth; lamellae broad, subdistant, slightly adnexed, whitish becoming pink; stem equal or nearly so, solid, slightly fibrous externally, mealy at the top, white; spores angular, .co03—.0004 of an inch in diameter (8-10 » The grand entoloma is a large but rare mushroom. It has been found in a single locality near Albany twice in 13 years. It has been found once in the state of Vermont by Professor Burt. It is one of the few species of the genus Entoloma that have a farinaceous taste and odor. It grows in woods and occurs in August. It is 40 NEW ‘YORK STATE MUSEUM found single or in tufts. The cap is 2-6 inches broad, the stem 1.5-6 inches long and 3-12 lines thick. ‘The cap is convex or some- what bell shape, becoming nearly flat, whitish to grayish brown in color, its surface is sinooth, and in large specimens it is sometimes umbonate and rugosely wrinkled about the umbo. Its flesh is white. The gills are at first whitish or grayish but as they mature they assume the pink color of the spores. They are rounded next the stem and but slightly attached to it. The stem is white or whitish, solid and often mealy at the top. On account of the disagreeable sensation left in the mouth by tasting the uncooked cap it was thought that this mushroom would probably be found to be unwholesome. But actual experiment has shown that this character is destroyed by thorough cooking and that the mushroom is edible though less highly flavored than some others. Its scarcity makes it of but little importance. Hebeloma album Pk.. WHITE HEBELOMA PLATE 1L7, EiG) 1-0 Pileus fleshy, thin, firm, convex becoming nearly plane or con- cave by the upcurving of the margin, giabrous, slightly viscid, white or yellowish white, flesh white, taste mild; lameilae thin, narrow, close, adnexed, whitish when young, becoming brownish ferruginous; stem equal, firm, solid, glabrous, slightly mealy at the top, white; spores subelliptic, .ooo5-.co0o6 of an inch long, .00025-.0003 broad (12-16 x 6-8 +). The white hebeloma is not a common mushroom but it is an ex- cellent one for the table. It is gregarious in its mode of growth and occurs among fallen leaves and mosses or on naked damp soil in woods, and may be found in September and October. The cap 1s I-2 inches broad, the stem 1-3 inches long and 2-3 lines thick. Generally the whole plant is white when young but the gills assume a brownish cinnamon or brownish rust color when mature. The edge of the gills is slightly excavated near the stem, to which they are narrowly attached. The cap is sometimes tinged with yellow and the stem is adorned at the top with white particles or a floccose mealiness. In State Museum Report 54, plate G, figures 1~7, the gills and spores are incorrectly colored. A new figure has therefore been prepared. I ci sen, oe REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I9OQ AT Boletus viridarius Frost _ GREEN LAWN BOLETUS PLATE 120, FIG. I-10 Pileus fleshy, convex, viscid when moist, glabrous, dingy whitish, pale ochraceous reddish yellow or pale orange, inclining to reddish brown, flesh whitish or yellowish, unchangeable; tubes from plane to convex, usually slightly depressed around the stem, their mouths small or medium size, subrotund, the dissepiments at first whitish, becoming yellowish or yellowish brown when mature; stem equal or slightly tapering upward, solid, white or yellowish and distinctly reticulated above the slight white annulus, pallid, reddish or brown- ish below, whitish or yellowish within; spores oblong-fusiform, .0003—.0005 of an inch long, .oo016—.00024 broad (8-12 x 4-6 /). Pileus 1-5 inches broad; stem 1-2.5 inches long, 3-6 lines thick. Grassy ground near pine trees. September and October. Pough- beepsm. Miss Et. L.. Palliser. M@aise species is telated to Boletus flavus With. by the stem being reticulate above the annulus, but it is far more vari- able in the color of the pileus and stem, and it also differs in the character of the margin of the pileus, which is often incurved and appendiculate by the remains of the white veil. In none of the specimens seen do I find any green hues, nor is anything said of green or greenish colors in the original description of the species by Mr Frost. We can therefore only infer that the specific name was stiggested by the green grassy places in which this Boletus grows. Its edible qualities have been tested both by Miss Palliser and myself and are considered excellent. The pileus is generally soiled by fragments of dirt or other matter, by reason of which it is bet- ter to remove the separable viscid cuticle before cooking. The plants vary in size. Those appearing in September are larger than those appearing in October. The tubes when young are whitish or pale yellow and where wounded assume a pale brownish or fawn color; when older they become brownish yellow and wounds assume a darker brown hue. The veil is white and in the later specimens appears to be more fully developed and more persistent than in the earlier ones. Its fragments in the later ones often adhere to the margin of the cap. 42 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM NEW SPECIES: OF EXTRAEIMITAL Bite J ae morrisii PLATE. W, FIG. I-4 _Pileus fleshy, subcampanuiate becoming broadly convex, viscid when moist, glabrous, even on the margin, with a separable pellicle, dark grayish brown or blackish brown, becoming a little paler with age and with the escape of moisture, tlesn white; 'amellae thin, close, narrow, rounded behind, slightly adnexed, white; stem equal or slightly tapering upward, slightly buibous at the base, solid or stuffed, slightly floccose, sometimes grayish and striate at the top, usually white, annulus double, radiately striate above, whitish buff beneath, the slight volva soon breaking into fragments and disap- pearing or occasionally partly adhering to the lower part of the stem; spores subglobose or broadly ellipsoid, 8-10 x 6-8 »p. Pileus 5-10 cm broad; stem 8-14 cm long, 12-20 mm thick. In black vegetable mold among mosses. Natick swamp, Mass. September. G. E. Morris. Pileus carnosus, subcampanulatus, deinde late convexus, viscidus, glaber, margine leve, pellicula separabile, griseo-brunneus seu atro- brunneus, in senectute vel quum siccus pallidior, carne alba; lamel- lae tenues, contertae, angustae, leviter adnexae, albae; stipes ae- qualis, vel sursum attenuatus, solidus farctusve, minute flocculo- sus, aliquando griseus et ad apicem striatus, vulgo albus, annulus crassus, mollis, supra radiate striatus et alba, infra luteolus, volva in fragmenta mox frangens et vanescens, seu stipitis parti inferori- in fragmentis rare adhaerens; sporae subglobosae vel ellipsoideae, 8-10 x 6-8 z. Agaricus eludens PLATE X, FIG. 6-13 Pileus thin, ovate, broadly conic or subcampanulate, sometimes becoming broadly expanded, brown when young, becoming whitish and covered with brown fibrillose squamules, the center smooth, brown, the young margin surpassing the lamellae, flesh white changing to reddish where wounded; lamellae thin, close, narrow, free, whitish becoming bright pink, then chocolate brown and finally black or blackish brown; stem firm, nearly equal or sometimes thickened at the base, often slightly bulbous, fibrous, silky, white, stuffed with a hollow tube, internally white, changing to blood red REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST IGOQ 4 & where wounded, then to brown or black, annulus thick, persistent, white; spores subglobose or ellipsoid, 5-7 x 4-5 Pileus 2.5-10 cm broad; stem 2.5—7 cm long, 4-8 mm thick. Cespitose or single, often in clusters of many individuals. On dumping ground near Trenton, N. J. September. E. B. Sterling. The pileus closely resembles that of Agaricus placomy- ces Pk., but the mushroom differs in its commonly tufted mode of growth, the darker color of its mature pileus, the thicker and more persistent annulus, the distinct hollow tube of the stem and specially in the change of color of the wounded flesh and stem. ieimeaisea closely allied to Agaricus approximans Pk. from which it may be separated by its lamellae becoming pink before they assume the brown color of maturity. The discoverer pronounces it edible but says its flavor is less agreeable than that edocs campester’L, Pileus tenuis, ovatus, late conicus seu subcampanulatus, aliquando late expansus, quum juvenis brunneus deinde albidus, squamulis brunneis fibrillcsis tectus, centro glaber, brunneus, margine juvene lamellas excedente, carne alba, ubi vulnerata rufescente; lamellae tenues, confertae, angustae, liberae, albidae, mox incarnatae, deinde nigro-brunneae; stipes firmus, subaequalis, aliquando basi incras- satus saepe leviter bulbosus, fibrosus, sericeus, albus, tuba cava farc- tus, carne alba, ubi vulnerata sanguinea, deinde brunnea vel nigra, annulus crassus, persistens, albus; sporae subglobosae vel ellipsoi- deae, 5-7 x 4-5 ". “ Russula blackfordae PLATE Z, FIG. 9-13 Pileus fleshy but thin, broadly convex or nearly plane, viscid when moist, striate on the margin, whitish or pale gray, brown in the center, flesh white, taste mild; lamellae thin, narrow, close, ad- nate, pale vellow or cream color; stem equal, glabrous, stuffed or hollow, white; spores pale yellow, globose, 8-9 » broad. Pileus about 2:.5-cm broad; stem about 2.5 cm long, 4-6 mm thick. | Bilis dviass. sOctober. Mrs E: B. Blackford. aims spectese@urers: from Russtula fallax (Schaeff.) Sacc. in the color of the pileus, the closer and yellowish lamellae, the mild taste and the color of the spores. The viscid pellicle of the pileus is separable. The species belongs to the section Fragiles, second subsection. - AA NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Pileus carnosulus, late convexus subplanusve,. quum humidus, viscidus, margine striatus, albidus, pallido-griseusve, centro brun- neus, carne alba, sapore miti; lamellae tenues, angustae, confertae, adnatae, flavidae vel cremeae; stipes aequalis, glaber, farctus vel cavus, albus; sporae globosae, flavae, 8-9 pv latae. Russula serissima Pileus fleshy, thin, fragile, convex becoming nearly plane or centrally depressed, viscid when moist, glabrous, with. the margin even or sometimes obscurely striate when old, variable in color, pale olive-green or brownish purple, sometimes spotted in the cen- ter, occasionally pruinose, flesh white or whitish, taste mild or slightly and tardily acrid, odor in the dried or drying plant strong, unpleasant, persistent ; lamellae thin, close, 4-8 mm broad, narrowed behind, adnexed sometimes seceding from the stem, cream color or buff, becoming dingy or smoky in drying; stem equal or tapering upward, solid but spongy within, white, both it and the flesh as-— suming a somewhat smoky hue in drying; spores subglobose, buff yellow, 10-12 x 8-10 p. Pileus 5—7 cm broad; stem 4-7 cm long, 8-20 mm thick. Under fallen leaves in woods. Ellis, Mass. October. Mrs E. B. Blackford and G. E. Morris. The pileus varies in color as does the pileus of Russula vVariata Banning and Russula squalida Pk) “tae wem close to the latter, from which it scarcely differs except in its viscid pileus, its late occurrence, its lamellae and flesh not changing color where wounded and specially in the color of the spore print. Pileus carnosus, tenuis, fragilis, convexus, deinde subplanus vel centro depressus, quum humidus viscidus, glaber, margine levis aliquando in senectute leviter striatus, olivaceus vel brunneo-pur- pureus, aliquando centro maculatus, rare pruinosus, carne alba albidave, sapore miti vel leviter tardeque acri, odore ingrato, per- sistente; lamellae, tenues, confertae, 4-8 mm latae, adnexae, cre- meae vel luteolae, deinde fumidae; stipes aequales vel sursum at- tenuatus, solidus, intra spongiosus, albus, deinde fumosus; sporae subglobosae, luteo-flavae, 10-12 x 8-10 ». Lactarius bryophilus PLATE X, FIG. I-5 Pileus thin, broadly convex or nearly plane, with an even mar- gin, sometimes slightly umbonate, very viscid or glutinous, reddish REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I9QOQ 45 becoming subochraceous sometimes with one or two narrow orange zones near the margin, flesh white, taste mild, milk watery, scanty ; lamellae unequal, close, adnate, whitish becoming ochraceous buff ; stem soft, equal, glabrous, stuffed or hollow, colored like or a little paler than the pileus; spores subglobose, 6-8 » in diameter. Pileus 1-4 cm broad; stem 1.5-3.5 cm long, 4-8 mm thick. Among mosses in swamps. Natick, Mass. September and October. G. E. Morris and S. Davis. A very rare species hitherto known from no other locality, and only sparingly found in this one. It may be easily recognized by its small size, very viscid subochraceous pileus, mild taste and watery, unchangeable milk. In one or two cases very young speci- mens have appeared to have white milk, but in mature specimens the milk is constantly watery. This is doubtless its normal color. Pileus tenuis, late convexus subplanusve, margine levis, subum- bonatus, viscosus, rufus deinde subochraceus, aliquando juxta marginem zona angusta auratiaca ornatus, carne alba, sapore miti, lacte aquoso, parco; lamellae inaequales, confertae, adnatae, albidae, deinde flavo-ochraceae; stipes mollis, aequalis, glaber, farctus ca- vusve, colore pileo similis vel paliidior; sporae subglobosae, 6-8 v latae. Naucoria sphagnophila Pileus thin, convex becoming nearly plane, minutely appressed tomentose and sometimes flocculose squamulose, hygrophanous, when young and moist tinged with flesh color, becoming buff white in drying, grayish ochraceous or rusty brown when mature; lamel- lae thin, narrow, subsinuate, close, unequal, uneven on the edge, yellowish becoming ferruginous; stem equal, flexuous, solid or at length hollow, yeliowish with a slight floccose tomentum at the top, white tomentose at the base; spores ellipsoid, 8-9 x 4-5 p. Pileus 1.2-2.4 cm broad; stem 2.5-4.5 cm long, 2-3 mm thick. Gregarious. In sphagnum in a swamp. Stow, Mass. July. Se Wavis. Pileus tenuis, convexus vel subplanus, minute tomentosulus, ali- quando floccoso-squamulosus, hygrophanus, in juventate subincar- natus, in maturitate griseo-ochraceus vel ferrugineus; lamellae tenues, angustae, subsinuatae, confertae, inaequales, acie erosae, flavidae, deinde ferruginae; stipes aequalis, flexuosus, solidus, deinde fistulosus, luteolus, ad apicem minute floccoso-tomentosulus, basi albido-tomentosus ; sporae ellipsoideae, 8-9 x 4-5 ’. 46 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Cortinarius ferrugineo-griseus PLATE Y, FIG. I-4. PLATE Z, FIG. 1-3 Pileus convex or nearly plane, sometimes with the thin margin upcurved and then appearing .centrally depressed, hygrophanous, brownish ferruginous when moist, gray or whitish gray when the moisture has escaped, flesh whitish; lamellae 4-6 lines broad, mod- erately close, adnexed, appearing free in the dried plant, pale cinnamon or clay color when young, brownish cinnamon when mature; stem equal, abruptly bulbous at the base, solid or stuffed, silky fibrillose, sometimes colored like but paler than the pileus, sometimes shining, variable in color, whitish below and violet tinted above or entirely violaceous, violaceous within; spores ellipsoid and commonly uninucleate, 10-12 x 7-8 p. Pileus 3.5-10 cm broad; stem 3.5-8.5 cm long, 6-20 mm thick. Under pine trees near Natick swamp, Mass. October. G. E. Morris. The growing plant is often covered with pine needles. It be- longs to subgenus Hydrocybe and is closely allied to Cortina- rius saturninus Fr., from which it may be separated by its pileus fading to grayish white and by its solid stem often abruptly bulbous. It also differs in its habitat and in its larger spores. Pileus convexus vel subplanus, aliquando centro depressus, mar- gine recurvato, hygrophanus, quum humidus ferrugineo-brunneus, quum siccus albido-griseus griseusve, carne albida; lamellae sub- confertae, adnexae, 8-12 mm latae, in juventute cinnamomeae vel argillaceae, in maturitate brunneo-cinnamomeae; stipes aequalis, basi abrupte bulbosus, sericeo-fibrillosus, nitidus, solidus, infra al- bidus, supra violaceus, vel omnino violaceus, aliquando in colore pileo similis sed pallidior, interne albidus vei viclaceus; sporae ellipsoideae, vulgo uninucleatae, 10-12 x 7-8 /. Cortinarius acutoides PLATE Z, FIG. 4—8 Pileus submembranous, conic or subcampanulate, acttte or acutely umbonate, hygrophanous, at first pale chestnut color floc- cose and white margined by the fibrils of the veil, after the escape of the moisture whitish and silky fibrillose; lamellae narrow, as- cending, adnexed, subdistant, yellowish cinnamon; stem solid or with a small hollow, white, becoming whitish like the pileus; spores. ellipsoid, 8-10 x 6-7 », : : | : | | REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I909 47 Pileus 8-16 mm broad; stem 2.5-5 cm long, 2-3 mm thick. Swamps. Ellis, Mass. October. Mrs E. B. Blackford. Closely allied to Cortinarius acutus (Pers.) Fr., from which it differs in the darker color of the young moist pileus and whiter color of the mature dry pileus, the white color of the young stem, the adnexed lamellae, and specially by the larger spores and absence of striae from the moist pileus. This may be the plant mentioned in Syllogg as a variety of Cortinarius acutus bbers.)- br. Pileus submembranaceus, conicus subcampanulatusve, acutus vel acute umbonatus, hygrophanus, primus pailido-castaneus, velo albo fioccosus, margine albido, quum siccus albescens, sericeo-fibril- losus ; lamellae angustae, ascendentes, adnexae, subdistantes, flavido- cinnamomeae; stipes solidus seu leviter cavus, albus deinde pileo in colore similis; sporae ellipsoideae, 8-10 x 6-7 pu. Clavaria lavendula Tufts 2.5-4 cm high, densely and subdichotomously branched, the branches compressed, thin, lilac pink when moist, pruinose when dry, the ultimate ones often bidentate, axils rounded; spores mi- nute 6-8 x 3-4 v. Chestnut grove. Stow, Mass. July. S. Davis. ime especies is related io Clavaria-amethystina Bull. but it differs in its flattened branches and smaller spores. Caespites 2.5-4 cm alti, dense et subdichotome ramosissimi, rami tenues, numerosi, compressi, quum humidi lavenduli, sicci, palli- diores pruinosique, ramuli. ultimi saepe bidentati; sporae ellipsoi- deae, 6-8 x 3-4 Clavaria pallescens Clubs simple, loosely cespitose or gregarious, 2.5-4 cm tall, clav- ate, soft, fragile, obtuse, pale buff fading to whitish, sometimes minutely rugulose, stuffed or hollow, pale yellow within; stem _ short, glabrous, 2-4 mm long, pale yellow; spores oblong or ellip- tic, white, 9-12 x 6-8 »p. . Dry gravelly soil near Kal mia angustifolia L. South Acton, Mass. October. S. Davis and G. E. Morris. __ This species is allied to Clavaria ligula Fr. from which it differs in its smaller size, in its color becoming whitish or paler with age or in drying, but being lemon-yellow and more persistent 48 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM within, in its glabrous lemon-yellow stem and in its broader spores. It is apparently a rare but very distinct species. Clavae simplices, laxe caespitosae vel gregariae, 2.5-4 cm longae, clavatae, molles, fragiles, obtusae, luteolae, deinde albescentes, ali- quando minute rugulosae, fafctae cavaeve, intra flavae; stipes 2-4 mm longus, glaber, flavidus; sporae oblongae vel ellipsoideae, albae, 9-12 x 6-8 »p. 3 NEW YORK SPECIES OF INOCYBE Inocybe Fr. Veil universal, subfibrillose, concrete with the cuticle of the pileus, often free on the margin, webby; lamellae subsinuate (rarely adnate or decurrent) changing color, not cinnamon pul- verulent; spores even, angular or rough, more or less brownish ferruginous. Sylloge 5:762 3 The species of this genus are generally of .small or medium» size. They were formerly included by Fries in the genus Hebe- loma, from which the universal veil concrete with the commonly dry pileus specially distinguishes them. The prevailing color of the pileus is brown in some of its shades. In no other genus of the Agaricaceae is it more necessary to make use of the micro- scope in the identification of the species, for the external resem- blance in some is so close that microscopic examination of the spores can not safely be omitted. The presence or absence of cystidia is also a character of some importance in the classification and identification of the species. Nearly all the species are terres- trial, some growing in woods, others in pastures and open places. A few occur on the ground and on decaying wood also. They have been distributed in five sections for convenience of study and the better understanding of their relations to each other. One author has instituted a genus depending on the rough spore char- acter but it does not seem to find much favor among mycologists. A microscopic examination of the spores would be necessary in such a case before even the generic identification could be made. Many of our species are rare or local, having been found but once and in a single locality. In the following pages the arrangement of the sections as given in Sylloge has been followed. The following key to the sections is based on external characters and indicates the prominent char- acteristic of each section. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I90Q_ 49 KEY TO THE SECTIONS PeeieaCestcwn Oba SUUamnOSe..... .. +s... + < bcos ois valde des see's Squarrosae Peieieeaiia Shem NOt DOEN SQtaMIOSG. oo. .c. caececckek cca ed lvededeeevcees I Maemeclerointhe pilems jacerated- or cracked... oss. . s oe ccc See eee cs ve evess 2 etl OE time eile CONUMMUOUS : <6 Ly u's Lees een ce ee wie cele ites awe tenes 3 PeEdens squamose ot fibrillosely lacerated../.....5. 0.00 cs ce es Lacerae # Pileis radiately rimose and fibrillose.........)..........200- Rimosae RUE NTS PREV ASN oe eS cee. nec s ie Roane 6 oles DO E's Se Shs end ats es Velutinae a TNS eRe ietinrts ho UA a hls ie BS FAME Oo e wo Svds ain Viscidae Squarrosae Pileus at first squamose or squarrosely squamose; stem squamose, colored like the pileus, both commonly some shade of brown. This section differs from the others in having the pileus and stem alike in color and both squamose or squamulose. KEY EO THE SPECIES STEVES BAR oe Ske Pde aie Sete sR UM AS Ge ai aR ie agro aire I SPEER CO's SUSIE a cai RS inca MI ee gaat eo 4 Fa eR a AE CN TOrVET Secret POR on PO geist Oak aie Oe od Se wee we oa es 2 DPE DAE CIOS USA RON i ees ae gi i ae ee 3 PeeuecEs 2-5 Cm. proad, scales» persistent.....5...0.....6: calamistrata Peeeess 15-2. cor broad, scales subdeciduous.....2....0....-- mutata 3 Pileus tawny, stem hollow, fibrillose squamulose............... fibrillosa wet wets esHpecitaceous, stem solid, squamulose..........2..05..%. unicolor Peeticis+? = cin bfOad; ). 2... lke Re Gre erates alts s.r stellatospora Bebaensetess than: 25 em broad... Ye be eee es Scale Ais ee aa lanuginosa Inocybe calamistrata Fr. CURVED SCALE INOCYBE Sylloge 5: 762 Pileus fleshy, thin, campanulate or convex, obtuse, squarrosely squamose, brown or dark brown, flesh whitish, reddish where wounded; lamellae close, adnexed, whitish becoming ferruginous, the edge thick, whitish; stem equal, tough, solid, squarrosely squa- mose, brown, bluish at the base; spores oblong or ellipsoid, even. IO-15 x 5-6 wv. Pileus 1-3 cm broad; stem 3-7 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Damp places under trees or bushes. Albany, Essex and Warren counties. August and September.’ This species is well marked by the recurved scales of the pileus and stem and the bluish tint at the base of the stem. The European plant is described as having a strong odor but this character is scarcely noticeable in the American plant. 50 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Inocybe mutata (Pk.) Mass. CHANGED INOCYBE Ag. (Hebeloma) mutatus Pk. N.Y. State Mus. Rep cio Pileus thin, broadly conic or convex, obtuse or slightly and broadly umbonate, at first covered with erect or recurved scales which at length disappear except at the center, dark brown; lamel- . lae broad, close, rounded at the stem, deeply sinuate, adnexed, fer- - ruginous brown, crenulate on the edge; stem slender, equal, solid, floccosely scaly, often curved at the base, brown; spores ellipsoid, even, Q-II x 5-0 | Pileus 1.5--2.5 em broad; stem 5-7 cm long, about 2 mm thick. Damp ground in woods. Ulster co. July. The species is closely related to Inocybe calantist rae Fr. from which it may be separated by its smaller size, scales dis- appearing from the margin, absence of bluish tints from the base of the stem and shorter spores. The changed appearance of the pileus caused by the vanishing scales of the margin is suggestive of the © specific name. Inocybe fibrillosa Pk. FIBRILLOSE INOCYBE N.Y. State Mus. Rept 41;.p.65 ; Pileus thin, convex or nearly plane, obtuse or subumbonate. densely fibrillose, tawny, generally a little darker in the center and there adorned with appressed fibrillose scales; lamellae close, adnate, yellowish or yellowish olivaceous becoming brownish cinnamon; — stem equal, hollow, fibrillosely squamose, colored like or a little paler than the pileus; spores ellipsoid, even, 8-10 x 5-6 v. Pileus 2-3.5 cm broad; stem about 2.5 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Damp mossy banks in woods. Albany co. August. A rare species. Inocybe unicolor Pk. ONE COLORED INOCYBE N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t, 50, p.104 Pileus conic or very convex becoming broadly convex or nearly plane, tomentosely squamulose, pale ochraceous or grayish ochrace- ous, flesh white; lamellae broad, subdistant, subventricose, pale ochraceous becoming tawny brown; stem slender, firm, equal, flexu- ee ee ee ee ee al : : : REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 _ 51 ous, solid, squamulose, colored like the pileus; spores ellipsoid, ever, 8-12 x 5-6». Pileus 2-2.5 cm broad; stem 2.5—3 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Clay soil. Albany co. July. Rare. iis spcetes approaches Inocybe subochracea .(Pk.) Mass. in color, but it differs in having the stem squamulose and colored like the pileus and in its larger spores. Inccybe stellatospora (Pk.) Mass. SPELDATE SPORE INOCYBE Wwe Adtepeloma) steltlatesporwus Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep't . 26, p.57 Pileus thin, convex or nearly plane, dry, covered with erect or curved scales, dark brown; lamellae close, adnate, pallid becoming brown or slightly rusty brown; stem. equai, firm, solid, squamose. colored like the pileus; spores subglobose, nodulose, 7-8 u in di- ameter, cystidia 70-80 x 14-20 v. Pileus about 2.5 cm broad; stem 4-5 cm long, about 2 mm thick. In woods. Lewis co. September. In size and color this species resembles Inocybe mutata (Pk.) Mass. but it is easily distinguished by its persistent scales on the pileus and by its nodulose spores. Inocybe lanuginosa (Bull.) Karst. WOOLLY INOCYBE A e. Cinoey be) snodiulospiorus Pk ON: Y.. State. Mus. Rep’t. 32, p.28 Pileus thin, hemispheric or convex, obtuse, floccosely squamose, cervine brown or umber color, the scales of the disk usually erect; lameilae close, broad, ventricose, rounded at the stem, pallid becom- ing ferruginous cinnamon, white and crenulate on the edge; stem slender, equal, solid, flexuous, tomentosely squamulose, colored like the pileus; spores globose or subellipsoid, nodulose, 6-8 » in di- ameter or 8-10 x 8 », cystidia ellipsoid, 30-40 x 16-20 . Pileus 1-2 cm broad; stem 2-2.5 cm long, 2 mm thick. Decaying wood in woods. Saratoga co. August. European authors do not all agree concerning the character of the spores of this species, describing them as even, angular and acutely warty. In our specimens, which were at first supposed to be distinct, they are as here described. In other characters the 52 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM agreement with the description of Inocybe lanuginosa (Bull.) Karst. as given in Sylloge is so close that it seems best to refer our plant to this species. Lacerae Cuticle of the pileus squamose or fibrillosely lacerated ; stem paler than the pileus. KEY, TOs HE SPHELES Spores: event: acl xs-s (ese tints Ge oe ee ee ee cp ee ae I Spores angular or nodmlosessytou. ss ee one eee a oe | ee 2 1 Pileus brown, fibrillosely squamulose....... aa Sa le 4p age 3 infelix t Pileus ochraceous buff, rimosely squamose in the center... .squamosodisca 2 Spores. anwar. 9 co. a Gi ke scsi, bak cons eee een maritimoides # Spores. noduloses sve ee ees ee ee bb vs cha 2 3 Pileus brown “or grayish brown.) 00.20... ..2. «eo diminuta 3 Piles: tawily.* Of “OChTaceous. 72s. aed oe ee ee ah ee eee subfulva Inocybe infelix Pk. UNFORTUNATE -INOCYBE Ag. (Inocybe) infelix Pk... N. Y. State Mus. Repitie2 epee Pileus campanulate broadly convex or nearly plane, subumbonate, floccosely squamulose, grayish brown or umber, flesh whitish; lamellae close, adnexed, ventricose, broad, whitish becoming brown- ish ferruginous; stem equal, solid, silky fibrillose, pallid or whitish above, generally brownish toward the base, pruinose at the top; spores oblong, even, I0—-I 15 x 5-6 pv, cystidia flask shape, 40-60 X 15-20 P. Pieus 1.5-2.5 cm broad; stem 2-5 cm long, 2-4 mm Thos Naked sterile soil or among mosses. Albany, Saratoga, Essex and Hamilton counties. May to August. Var.-brevipes..Pk. NOY “State Mus. (Bul 2. queen Pileus scarcely exceeding 1.5 cm broad, stem about 1.5 cm long. This is a common and variable species, but it is easily recognized by its persistently squamulose brown pileus and its oblong even spores. In wet weather the cuticle of the pileus is often more lac- erated than in dry weather. The umbo is sometimes wanting. The plants occur throughout the season when the weather conditions are favorable. It is gregarious in its mode of growth. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 _ 53 Inocybe squamosodisca Pk. SCALY. DISK INOCYBE NY. State Mus. Bul..75; p.18 Pileus fleshy, firm, convex, fibrillose on the margin, rimesely squamose in the center, ochraceous or ochraceous buff, flesh whit- ish or yellowish white; lamellae broad, moderately close, adnate, pale ochraceous becoming darker with age; stem equal, solid, fibril- lose, colored like or a little paler than the pileus; spores ellipsoid, even, 8-I0 x 5-6 p. Pileus 2.5—5 cm broad; stem about 2.5 cm long, 4-6 mm thick. Gregarious. Under pine trees. Hamilton co. August. Rare. The scales of the pileus are caused by the cracking of the cuticle. Inocybe maritimoides Pk. MARITIMOID INOCYBE N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 38, p.87 Pileus subconic or convex, obtuse or slightly umbonate, densely squamulose in the center, fibrillose on the margin, dark brown; lamellae close, adnexed, ventricose, whitish becoming brownish ochraceous; stem equal, solid, fibrillose, colored like but paler than the pileus; spores irregular, angular, ovate or ellipsoid, 7-9 x 5-6 », cystidia 40-55 X 12-20 My Pileus 1.5-2.5 cm broad; stem about 2.5 cm long, 4 mm thick. Sandy soil in woods. Albany co. October. Rare. It resembles Inocybe maritima Fr. but is separated from it by the pileus which is not hygrophanous and by the spores which are smaller and angular but not nodulose. Inocybe diminuta Pk. SMALL INOCYBE N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 105, p.23 Pileus thin, hemispheric becoming convex or nearly plane, squa- mose with erect or squarrose hairy scales in the center, fibrillose on the margin, grayish brown; lamellae subdistant, broadly sinuate, adnexed, ventricose, whitish becoming rusty brown; stem short, firm, solid, silky fibrillose, whitish above, grayish brown and slightly squamulose toward the base; spores subglobose, nodulose, 8-10 x 6-8 p, cystidia 40-50 x 12-20 p. 54 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Pileus 0-12 mm broad; stem 8-16 mm long, 2 mm thick. Bare compact soil in roads in woods. Suffolk co. August. Rare. It appears like a dwarf form of Inocybe infelix Pk. but it is very distinct in the character of the spores. Inocybe subfulva Pk. TAWNY INOCYBE N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 41, p.66 Pileus broadly conic or subcampanulate, becoming convex or nearly plane, subumbonate, fibrillosely squamiose, tawny ochraceous ; lamellae broad, close, adnexed, ventricose, pallid becoming tawny cinnamon ; stem equal, firm, solid, fibrous striate, obscurely pruinose, colored like but paler than the pileus; spores globose or ellipsoid, stellately nodulose, 8-1o » in diameter or 10-12 x 7-8 »p, cystidia 40-80 x I0-I5 »p. | Pileus 1.5-3 cm broad; stem 2.5-5 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Sandy soil in fields. Albany co. August. ~ This species is closely allied to Inocybe gaillardi Gill, from which it may be distinguished by its larger size, solid stem and variable spores. The scales of the center of the pileus are often erect but not squarrose. Rimosae Pileus radiately fibrillose, soon radiately rimose, sometimes adorned with appressed scales; stem fibrillose, white or whitish or slightly tinged with the color of the pileus. The species of this section are easily recognized by the radiately cracking of the cuticle of the pileus and the pale color of the stem. KEY TO THE SPECIES Spores: @Vetie.. gece bo Sie oe hls cop © en cele aoe ee I Spores angular or slightly nodulose... 2. 5c... sc >< ocala 7 Spores distinctly noduloses. 2.0. i. 0). 2 Gals =, Sete eee 8 t Pileus ~zvnbonates .... 6.02. a2 wc dies tiv oe Siew eee ets eee 2 I Pileus not wmbonate.. oc 2 sce ws sects bi ach ee = eee 5 2 Cuticle peeling m. scalesor patches 52.5. 2.25.-.- 1 excoriata 2 Cuticle not peehtie.s.... 200 eit et ae ee 3 3 Pileus ‘pale ‘browae. ioe A oat ee eee pallidipes 2 Pileusyellowish.. browits..: cschiesateie ws op be wit waren eine ee rimosa | 2 Pileus some other. Color. 20.4 fs cae «c cuts eis «tis ws 6s lo> oo en oe pe 4 4 Pileus fawn: colored. 2c tse aera eee oc yeie oud a eutheles 4 Pileus grayish fawn or Cnesmets. sc esses cs. Soe ee eutheloides Pileus. yellowish brownes.%.5 foc eee eee ee rimosa on KEEORT (Ob THE STATE. BOTANIST 1909 55 Sana ser ia RNNG a OU ITSM A Pi eee Ss oo eds es «ple du cndald gxtaehelele oe aw aw s 6 See sO Mince MeueNLae WMINIS Res atch opel s dn r,s cos a vie a eles e a)e oe griseoscabrosa peoun= olannellace ‘pale “viOlaceOuS.. 6). 0. ein cece Snes violaceifolia ge BCS eM Te COLO Gear oe § ae Cais ae kilns 2 o.e'e GM aye ee ens Pak wees castanea Peery GONE vor (Cathe: TOW 6 cic ene o's wal we ye awdicla ee es cee ede umboninota eteusinecw mist with a whitish Center... .. 6c... . ne ee ee ees albodisca SS ELS 0S HERE SCs een a a sce ee Re ce a Pn rigidipes PCE MOUS OR, (stile cei ss Ween cidis werk ok dlse ec bee ea es asterospcra Inocybe excoriata Pk. PXCORIATE INOCY BE NepYo State Mus. Bul) 75;>p.16, plO; fig. TA-19 Pileus fleshy, broadly conic becoming broadly convex, umbonate, fibrillose or fibrillosely squamulose, shghtly silky or tomentose on the margin, grayish brown, the cuticle often cracking and peeling, flesh white; lamellae close, narrow, adnexed, with a decurrent tooth, white becoming brownish gray, whitish and crenulate on the edge; stem equal, solid, silky fibrillose, white or whitish; spores ellipsoid, even, 8-10 x 5-6 “, cystidia flask shape, 50-60 x 12-20 »p. Pileus 2.5-5 cm broad; stem 2.5-5 cm long, 4-6 mm thick. Among fallen leaves in woods. Hamilton co. August. The surface of the pileus cracks radiately and thereby indicates the section to which the species belongs. A slight whitish webby veil is present in the young plant. Inocybe pallidipes E. & E. PAE SE VE NOC BE Jour. Myce. 5, p.24 Pileus conic or campanulate becoming expanded, umbonate, fibrillosely squamiose, innately or subrimosely scaly on the disk, sub- rimose on the margin, brown or pale brown; lamellae subclose, rather broad, ascending, becoming ventricose, adnate with a decur- rent tooth, pallid becoming clay color or watery cinnamon; stem solid, slightly narrowed and mealy above, loosely fibrillose below, subbulbous, white, white tomentose at the base; spores unequally ellipsoid, even, 7-Io x 5-6 », cystidia ventricosely fusoid or flask shape, 40-60 x 14-20 /. Pileus 2-3 cm broad; stem 2.5—5 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Decaying wood and vegetable mold. Warren co. July. This species may be recognized by its umbonate pileus and per- sistently white stem. The umbo is sometimes more highly colored 56 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM than the rest of the pileus.- From Inocybe emitime logue Pk. it may be distinguished by its lamellae and white stem. Inocybe rimosa (Bull.) Fr. CRACKED INOCYBE Sylloge 5:775 Pileus fleshy, thin, broadly conic or campanulate becoming ex- panded, obtuse or umbonate, silky fibrous, radiately cracking on the surface, yellowish brown; lamellae subclose, adnexed or nearly free, whitish becoming tan color or subferruginous; stem equal, firm, solid, mealy at the top, nearly glabrous, subbulbous, whitish; spores ellipsoid, even, 10-12 x 5-6 », cystidia very rare, 60-65 X 15-18 p. Pileus 2.5-5 cm broad; stem 2-5 cm long, 4-6 mm thick. Ground in woods and open places. Albany, Franklin and Ulster - counties. August and September. | This is a very variable species but one which is generally recog- nizable by the radiately cracking of the surface of the pileus. Var. parva Pk. Very small; the pileus rarely more than 2 cm broad, the cuticle obscurely cracking or sometimes continuous. Var. cuspidata Pk. Pileus with a very prominent narrow subacute or cusplike umbo. Inocybe eutheles (B. & Br.) Sace. MAMMILLATE INOCYBE Sylloge 5:776 Pileus thin, campanulate becoming expanded, distinctly umbonate, silky, shining, subsquamulose, pale fawn color; lamellae rather narrow, adnate, pallid becoming subferruginous, whitish crenulate on the edge; stem slender, solid, equal; fibrous) pallmeen whitish; spores ellipsoid, even, 10-15 x 6-8 », cystidia very rare, 60-65 X 15-20 pv. Pileus 2.5-4 cm broad; stem 3-6 cm long, 2-3 mm thick. Ground. Albany co. This species has been found but once and is apparently very rare. The European plant is said to have a farinaceous odor and spores 7-10 »- long. In our plant the spores are longer and the odor was not noticed, but in other respects the agreement is fairly good. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I9QO9Q 57 Inocybe eutheloides Pk. EULAELOM- INOCY BE NGM: Stabe Muss Rep 32, p.20 Pileus thin, campanulate becoming expanded, distinctly umbonate, silky fibrillose, subrimose, varying from grayish cervine to chestnut color, sometimes squamulose on the disk; lamellae close, rather broad, ventricose, narrowed toward the stem, adnexed, whitish be- coming brownish ferruginous, white and crenulate on the edge; stem equal, subflexuous, solid, fibrillose, pallid or whitish; spores unequally ellipsoid, uninucleate, even, 8-12 x 5-6 +, cystidia ventri- cose, 45-55 X 12-10 pv. Pileus 1.5—2.5 cm broad; stem 2.5-5 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Ground in woods. Onondaga co. September. Miteeanicrs irom inocybe eutheles (B.& Br.) Sacc. in its smaller size, darker color, adnexed lamellae, and slightly smaller spores. Inocybe griseoscabrosa (Pk.) Mass. CRAVISEH 1NOCY BE eommemeloma) griseoseabrosus Pk, N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t . 2G. G7, | Pileus hemispheric or convex, fibrillosely squamulose, cinereous,. with margin whitish when young; lamellae broad, close, whitish ‘becoming brownish ferruginous; stem firm, equal or slightly taper- ing downward, solid, fibrillose or slightly squamulose, whitish or grayish; spores ellipsoid, even, 9-12 x 5-8 »p, cystidia ventricose,. 40-60 X 15-20 Pp. Pileus: 1-2 cm broad; stem 3-5 cm long, 2-3 mm thick. Ground in woods. Albany co. October. Rare. This small species has been found but once. It is peculiar in having a grayish or cinereous pileus with a white margin. ~Inocybe violaceifolia Pk. ViGrACEOUS, GILL, INOCY BE N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 26, p.57 Pileus thin, convex or nearly plane, floccosely fibrillose, sub- squamulose, grayish buff; lamellae close, adnexed, pale violaceous. becoming pale cinnamon; stem firm, solid, slender, fibrillose, white or whitish; spores ellipsoid, even, 8-10 x 5-6 », cystidia 40-60 x 15-20 /. 58 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Pileus 1-2 cm broad; stem about 2.5 cm long, 2mm thick. Mossy ground in woods. Albany co. Rare. This is a small pale species remarkable for the violaceous tint of the young lamellae. Sometimes the pileus is slightly umbonate. A webby veil is present in the young plant. Inocybe castanea Pk. CHESTNUT: INOCYBE N.Y. State Mus. Bul--7s, p16; PLO: fea Pileus conic or convex, umbonate, radiately rimose, fibrillose, chestnut color; lamellae thin, narrow, close, adnate, whitish becom- ing brownish ferruginous; stem equal, hollow, subglabrous, pruinose or mealy at the top, often with a whitish tomentum at the base, colored tike but paler than the pileus; spores subglobose, angular or slightly nodulose, 6-8 » in diameter or 8 x 6 », cystidia sub- fusiform, 50-80 x 12-18 v. | ? Pileus 1-2 cm broad; stem 2.3—5 cm long, about 2 mm thick. Mossy ground under spruce and balsam fir trees. Hamilton cw. August. Rare. . This is a well marked species and not easily confused with any other. Inocybe umboninota Pk. UMBO MARKED INOCYBE Ag. (Inocybe) umboninotus: Pk. N. Y. State Mie eae p.87 in. part Pileus broadly campanulate becoming expanded, umbonate, fibril- lose, slightly rimose, dark brown, the umbo sometimes darker than the rest of the pileus; lamellae close, adnate, sometimes slightly sinuate, whitish becoming brownish ferruginous; stem equal or slightly thickened at the base, solid, colored hke but paler than the pileus, pruinose at the top; spores subglobose or ellipsoid, very slightly nodulose, 6-8 x 4-6, cystidia 50-60 x 12-20 Pileus 1.5-2 cm broad; stem 2.5—5 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Ground in woods. Ulster co. September. This species is closely related to Inocybe asterospora Quel. from which it may be separated by its less distinctly rimose pileus and by its smaller less globose and but slightly nodulose spores. | REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I9OQ 59 Inocybe albodisca Pk. WHITE DISK INOCYBE N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 51, p.z90 Pileus conic or campanulate, umbonate, glabrous, whitish in the center when moist, elsewhere yellowish brown or lilac brown, paler when dry, slightly silky fibrillose, radiately rimose; lamellae sub- close, adnexed, whitish becoming subferruginous ; stem equal, solid, striate, slightly mealy or pruinose at the top, pallid; spores sub- globose or ellipsoid, slightly nodulose, 6-8 » in diameter or 8 x 6 », cystidia 40-60 x 14-20 ». Pileus 1.5-2.5 cm broad; stem 2-5 cm long, 3—4 mm thick. Under spruce and balsam fir trees. Essex co. August. The species is well marked by the whitish umbo or center of the pileus. | Inocybe rigidipes Pk. RIGID STEM INOCYBE N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 51, p.2890 Pileus thin, convex or subcampanulate becoming convex, um- bonate, squamulose, striate and slightly rimose on the margin _ when dry, tawny gray; lamellae broad, subdistant, narrowed toward the stem, slightly adnexed, tawny ochraceous; stem slender, flexuous, rigid, firm, solid, slightly pruinose, colored like the pileus ; spores globose, strongly ncdulose, 12 » im diameter, cystidia 45-600 x 12-16 »p, Pileus 1.5-2.5 cm broad; stem 3.5-6 cm long, about 2 mm thick. Damp clay soil in shaded places. Albany co. August. Rare. This species resembles Inocybe subfulva Pk. from which it may be distinguished by its globose spores and tawny gray pileus. It is also related to Inocybe calospora Quel. from which it differs in its tawny gray color, slightly adnexed lamellae, solid flexuous stem and larger spores. - Inocybe asterospora Quel. SLAR SPORE INOCYBE _ Sylloge 5: 780 Pileus campanulate becoming expanded, umbonate, radiately rimose, fibrillose, brown or brownish, the umbo often darker than the rest ; lamellae close, dull cinnamon; stem equal, subbulbous, sub- ‘OO NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM glabrous, solid, whitish or tinged with the color of the pileus; spores subglobose, nodulose, 8-12 » in diameter, cystidia 40-70 x 12-20 p. Pileus 2-3 cm broad; stem 3-6 cm long, 2-3 mm thick. Ground in woods. Fulton and Rensselaer counties. June and July. It bears some resemblance to ILnocybe rimosa (Bull.) Fr. but from that species it is at once separated by its nodulose sub- globose spores. A form with brown cap and prominent umbo was formerly confused with Inocybe umboninota Pk. from which it is also best separated by its spores. Velutinae Cuticle of the pileus not cracking, covered with interwoven fibrils, becoming smooth or appressedly squamose, disk even ; stem polished, smooth, whitish, mealy at the top. KEY £0 THE SPECIES SPOTeS EVER.) bc cee oe we ines wet lees cbse yee) I Spores slightly nodulose-... 5.005.202. 02 i. on oe = Spores. distinctly nodtlose... 055... 2... ....0+) ese eee 7 1 Pileus white or whitish, rarely lilac.tinted............... a hr > AS 2 1° Pileus some other color. ...:. 055 0.0.66 cobs oe cess os or 3 2 -Prlegs-2-8 mm DrOAG. 225s) oo Bo. 2 Le cee ee ee comatella 2 Pilews #25 em broad... 0 io. noe kc se. aee ee eee geophylla 2 Pileuse2. 5-7 emabroads .oiik os ete a aoe .c 8) ee serotina 3 Pileus ‘pale..ochraceous.. 2. 6.505 40655 6.502.424 ds ieee 3 Pileus pale tawny or brownish tawny......-...: 2... 2.02) eee 4 A Pileus pale tawny, umbonate: ..5....... 22. 1:..6. eee agglutinata 4 Pileus brownish tawny, obtuse. set alk?a SRS Ta ete Site ee subtomentosa s Pileus -2:5—5 cm broad... 0.73 nee Sees. £2552. a oe fallax s Pileus less than 25 cm broad..... 2.22.0... 220. .22 feo. ee 6 6-Pileus whitish or pallid 1-2 em broad... ....../..25-0eeee paludinella 6 Pileus chestnut or subochraceous, 6-10 mm broad............. subexilis 7 Pileus blackish brown with a grayish margin when moist, einereous when OTy. wf. 5 2 sci ss vs) snse alee seine oe nigridisca 7 Pileus whitish, often -with a reddish brown umbo. -..°.222- see eee infida Inocybe comatella Pk. HAIRY CAP INOCYBE N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 38, p.87, pl.2, fig.5-8 Pileus very thin, convex or expanded, clothed with whitish or grayish hairs, fimbriate on the margin; lamellae subdistant, adnexed, cinnamon; stem equal, solid, flexuous, pallid or reddish brown, slightly mealy at the top, slightly flocculose pruinose, with a hire a REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST IQOQ 61 whitish mycelial tomentum at the base; spores subeliipsoid, even, 8-10 x 5-6 », cystidia 45-55 x 12-20 » Pileus 4-8 mm broad; stem 1.5—-2.5 cm long, about 1 mm thick. Decaying wood and bark buried under fallen leaves. Fulton co. Way kare. Found but once. ‘This is a very small but distinct species remarkable for the hairy covering of the pileus. The hairs on the margin are longer and ‘coarser than the others. The habitat is unusual for an Inocybe. Inocybe geophylla (Sow.) Fr. EARTHY LEAF INOCYBE Sylloge 5 :784 Pileus fleshy but thin, conic or ovate becoming expanded, umbo- nate, silky fibrillose, even, commonly white or whitish, rarely lilac; lamellae close, rather broad, ventricose, adnexed, white becoming clay color ; stem equal, firm, stuffed, white, mealy at the top, spores ellipsoid, 8-10 x 4-6 1, cystidia 40-60 x 12-20 p. Pileus 1.5-2.5 cm broad; stem 2.5-6 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Ground in woods. Common. August to October. A fine but small species found mostly in woods and varying some itde calor of the pileus. Var. lilacinwus Pk. with lilac colored pileus fading to whitish when old appears to include both A gari- Pisa hinds Pers and Agaricus geophilus Pers. Inocybe serotina Pk. PALE INOCY BE NEY Siete: Muss Ball 75-6 p17 Pileus fleshy, firm, campanulate or convex becoming nearly plane, fibrillose on the margin, white or yellowish, flesh white; lamellae close, rounded at the stem, slightly adnexed, subventricose, whitish becoming brownish cinnamon; stem subequal, bulbous or sometimes narrowed at the base, solid, fibrous, white; spores oblong or ellip- soid, uninucleate, even, 12-16 x 6-8 pv. Pileus 2.5-6 cm broad; stem 2.5-6 cm long, 6-12 mm thick. “Sandy soil of Lake Ontario. Wayne co. October. Rare or local. Found but once. This is one of the largest of our species. Its late appearance in the season is suggestive of the specific name. It is reported by its discoverer, E. B. Burbank, to be edibile. 62 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM -Inocybe subochracea (Pk.) Mass. OCHRACEOUS INOCYBE Ag. (Hebeloma) subochracets BE N. Yo States @2p ee oe 23, P.95 Pileus thin, conic or convex becoming expanded, commonly umbo- nate, fibrillosely squamulose, ochraceous yellow ; lamellae close, sinu- ate next the stem, adnexed, whitish becoming ferruginous or brown- ish ferruginous; stem equal, solid, slightly fibrillose whitish; spores ellipsoid, even, 8-10 x 5-6 », cystidia 40-60 x 12-16 /. Pileus 2-4 cm broad; stem 1-6 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Ground in woods and open places. August to October. Common, Var. burti. Pk. N. Y. State Mus: Rep’t 547 p. 1079p) eee 23-29. Veil distinct, webby, adhering to the margin of the pileus and to the stem, stem long, 5-7.5 cm, fibrillose; mature lamellae darker colored. Inocybe agglutinata Pk. AGGLUTINATE INOCYBE N. Y. State Mus. Rept 41, p.67 Pileus conic or campanulate becoming convex, umbonate, ap- - pressedly fibrillose, sometimes streaked or spotted by the colored fibrils, pale tawny, the umbo very prominent, brown; lamellae close, broad, ventricose, adnexed, whitish becoming brownish cinnamon, usually whitish on the edge; stem firm, solid, pruinose at the top, white or whitish above, tawny or brown toward the base, fibrillose ; spores subovate or ellipsoid, even, 10-12 x 5-6 », cystidia 40-60 x 16-24 PV. | Pileus 1-2.5 cm broad; stem 2.5—5 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Under pine trees. Ulstersco.. “September 2 naee The fibrils of the pileus appear as if glued to its surface but the pileus is not viscid. The species is: very similar to: 9 moma whitei B. & Br. in general appearance, but it dimers trom anuae species in having a very prominent umbo, in the absence of viscidity from the pileus and in its larger spores. ‘Inocybe subtomentosa Pk. SUBTOMENTOSE INOCYBE N. Y. State Mus. Rep't 48, p.11 Pileus thin, dry, convex or plane, minutely tomentose, brownish tawny ; lamellae thin, close, adnate, slightiy sinuate, brownish tawny; REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I9QOQ 63 stem short, solid, slightly silky fibrillose, colored like or a lit:le paler than the pileus, often with a conspicuous white mycelioid tomentum at the base; spores subellipsoid, even, 8-10 x 5-7 p. Pileus 1.5-2.5 cm broad; stem 1.5—2.5 cm long, 2 mm thick. Gravelly soil among fallen leaves. Clinton co. September. Rare. ; Whis species is related to Inocybe tomentosa E.& E. from which it may be separated by the darker color of the pileus, the absence of an umbo and the larger spores. Its distinguishing feat- ures are its small size and minutely tomentose pileus of a uniform brownish tawny color. Inocybe fallax Pk. BALEACIOUS INOCYSE INE YoeState Mius= Bul75, p07. pl.O; fis.20-24. Pileus thin, campanulate or convex, umbonate, obscurely fibrillose, sometimes minutely and obscurely squamulose, whitish or whitish butt, subshining, the margin decurved and often splitting; lamellae thin, close, adnexed, pallid becoming brownish ferruginous; stem equal, flexuous, hollow, minutely mealy or pruinose, whitish; spores angular or slightly nodulose, 8-10 x 6-8 », cystidia 40-50 x 15-18 pv. Pileus 2.5—5 cm broad; stem 5—7.5 cm long, 4-8 mm thick. Among fallen leaves in woods. Hamilton co. Atvgust. Rare. This species resembles large forms of Inocybe geophylla (Sow.) Fr. from which it may be separated by its spores. Inocybe paludinella Pk. MARSH INOCYBE Pese(inocybe) paludinellus Pk N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 31, p.34 Pileus thin, slightly convex, soon plane, umbonate, subfibrillose, whitish or pallid; lamellae narrow, close, adnate, whitish becoming subferruginous; stem slender, equal, colored like the pileus with a mass of white mycelium at the base; spores subangular, very slightly nodulose, 6-8 x 5-6 », cystidia 45-6o x 12-16 »p. Pileus 1-2 cm broad; stem 2.5-5 cm long, 1-1.5 mm thick. Gregarious. Low ground and wet places under bushes. Rens- Selaer co. August Rare: This species resembles small forms of Inocybe geophylla (Sow.) Fr. in color, but it is at once separated from that species by its slightly nodulose spores. From Inocybe trechispora 64 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Berk. it differs in its smaller size, more slender stem, and in its pileus being neither viscid when moist nor silky when dry. Its lamellae are adnate and fairly bristle with numerous cystidia. Inocybe subexilis Pk. FEEBLE INOCYBE Ag. (Inocybe) subexilis Pk. N: Y. State Mus) Rept goes Pileus thin, convex or subcampanulate becoming expanded, umbonate, fibrillose on the margin, pale chestnut becoming yellow- ish or subochraceous; lamellae narrow, close, adnexed, whitish becoming dingy ochraceous; stem equal, slender, flexuous, slightly striate, solid, minutely pruinose, pinkish becoming yellowish; spores subglobose, slightly mnodulose, 5-6 v in diameter, cystidia 45-60 X 12-15 P. Pileus 6-10 mm broad; stem 2~2.5 cm n long, about I mm thick. Damp mossy ground in woods. Fulton co. July. Rare. Inocybe nigridisca Pk. BLACK DISK JNOCYBE N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 41, p.67 Pileus thin, convex becoming nearly plane or centrally depressed, umbonate, minutely fibrillose and blackish brown with a grayish margin when moist, cinereous when dry; lamellae close, rounded at the stem, free or slightly adnexed, grayish becoming brownish ferruginous; stem slender, flexuous, firm, solid, minutely villose pruinose, reddish brown; spores globose or ellipsoid, nodulose, 5-6 z in diameter or 7-8 x 5-6 , cystidia 45-50 x 12-15 p» Pileus 8-16 mm broad; stem 2.5-4 cm long, about 1 mm thick. ” Damp places under fern Oswego co. June. Rare. Its distinguishing features are its blackish brown pileus with grayish margin when moist, fading to cinereous when dry. | Inocybe infida (Pk.) Mass. UNETRUSTY INOCYBE Ag. (Inocybe). infidus: Pk. -N, Y. State Mus. Rept ages Pileus firm, campanulate or expanded, subumbonate, slightly squamulose on the disk, often split on the margin, whitish with umbo or disk often reddish brown; lamellae close, narrow, adnexed, pallid, becoming subcinnamon; stem equal or a little enlarged at REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 65. the base, furfuraceous at the top, hollow, white; spores subglobose, nodulose, 8-10 x 6-8 », cystidia 40-60 x 12-20 p. Pileus 1.5-2.5 cm broad; stem 3-5 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Mossy ground in low woods. Essex co. September. The resemblance of this species to some forms of Inocybe geophylla (Sow.) Fr. is so close that it is important to have a knowledge of its spore characters in order to make a satisfactory determination. The specific name is suggestive of this fact. Some- times the margin is so abundantly and deeply split that the radiating lobes give a stellate appearance to the pileus. Inocybe com- mixta bres, [nocybe umbratica Quel. and Inocybe leucocephala Boud. are given as synonyms of this species by Massee. This species has been reported as having caused a slight tempor- ary illness in some members of a family who had specimens of it prepared for the table and partook of them. It is weil therefore to consider it a poisonous or at least an unwholesome species. Viscidae Pileus viscid becoming smooth. This section connects the genus Inocybe with the genus Hebeloma, the viscid pileus being common to it and Hebeloma. The character, “becoming smooth,” does not rigidly apply in all cases, for in some ef the species the pileus is more or less persistently silky or fibrillose or hairy on the margin. KD Ver iO = EER SPECIES Spates ONOSE VOR SUDSIOWOSE. ta. be sd wis ee eee eae wees tricholoina ai eI EOS ES anne t eet SA cychec Sk hyn oS ea Cvrk wb ed a we loa ee © I MRC ECOMIMOMUNG SCS soc. Si.2c.. face pal hs te aie es cen nevlasie ead edees tus trechispora ICE MINI CMMOSCM 90 ah avant ys. 2 Coan fe ec ak Sele Gan Seca avecsavadses Zs PACS WeaCkiSis PLOW). i GME, CONLED 6... bel dares ae eek ws fuscodisca Pebtleis aot Dackish brown inthe center.:.............5. vatricosoides Inocybe tricholoma (A. & S.) Fr. HAIRY MARGIN INOCYBE Edasali@s stricosus Pk. N: Y.-State Mus: Rep’t 26, p.63 Pileus thin, broadly convex becoming nearly plane or slightly ; y 5 J gutty depressed in the center, subviscid, slightly hairy, specially on the subciliate margin, whitish ; lamellae close, narrow, decurrent, whitish becoming brownish or subferruginous ; stem equal, stuffed or solid 66 NEW: YORK STATE MUSEUM pruinose, whitish; spores subglobose, even or minutely nodulose, 4-5 yp in diameter. . Pileus 2-3 cm broad; stem 4-5 cm long, 2-3, mm _ thick. Ground among fallen leaves in woods. Lewis co. September. — This is a rare species which departs from the generic character in its decurrent lamellae. It is unlike any of our other species of Inocybe in its minute globose spores. These have been described in Sylloge as echinulate, but in our plant the spores appear even under ordinary magnification, most minutely uneven under higher power or better definition. By some, the species has been referred to the genus Flammula. It has also been taken as the type species of a genus Ripartites, instituted by Karsten to include all the species of this section. 7 _Inocybe trechispora (Berk.) Karst. ROUGH SPORE INOCYBE Ag. (Hebeloma) trechisporus Berk. Outl B. Fungi, p.156 Pileus thin, convex, acutely umbonate, at first viscid, then dry and silky, whitish with the umbo yellowish; lamellae subdistant, -ventricose, sinuate, whitish becoming subferruginous; stem equal, slightly striate, stuffed, mealy, whitish; spores subglobose or ellipsoid, nodulose, 6-8 » in diameter or 7-8 x 5-6 ,, cystidia 40-50 X 12-20 /. Pileus 2-3 cm broad; stem 2.5—5 cm long, 2-5 mim thick, Ground in woods. Herkimer and Onondaga counties. August. Inocybe fuscodisca (Pi.) Mass. BROWN DISK INOCYBE Ag. (ie belo ma) fuscodisca Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep't 27, p.95, pl.1, fig.3-6 Pileus conic becoming campanulate or expanded, umbonate, slightly viscid, fibrillose, whitish, blackish brown on the umbo; lamellae close, adnexed, whitish becoming brownish ferruginous, white crenulate on the edge; stem equal, solid, whitish pruinose at the top, fibrillose below, brownish; spores ellipsoid, even, 8-10 x 5-0 p, cystidia 40-70 x 12-20). Pileus 1.5-2.5 cm broad; stem 2.5-7 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Ground under trees. Sullivan co. September. Rare. The viscid pellicle is separable. The odor resembles that of chestnut blossoms. N REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 6 VA . Inocybe vatricosoides n. sp. VATRICOSOID INOCYBE Pileus thin, convex becoming nearly plane, slightly viscid when moist, obtuse or subumbonate, fibrillose on the margin from the abundant whitish webby veil, whitish, often reddish in the center, flesh whitish, odor like that of radishes; lamellae close, broadly sinuate, adnate with a decurrent tooth, whitish becoming brownish ferruginous, white crenulate on the edge; stem equal, flexuous usually curved at the base, stuffed or hollow, silky fibrillose, whitish or grayish, sometimes with whitish floccose scales toward the base ; spores ellipsoid, even, 10-12 x 6-8 ». Pileus 2-3 cm broad; stem 2.5—5 cm long, 2-6 mm thick. Damp ground under willows. Ulster co. September. This species is closely allied to Inocybe vatricosa Fr. to which it was referred in New York State Museum Report 41, page 67, but from which it is here separated because of its well developed webby veil, its radishlike odor, its adnate lamellae, its silky fibrillose stem and its larger spores. Pileus tenuis, convexus, deinde subplanus, dum humidus sub- viscidus, obtusus subumbonatusve, margine velo abundante albido arachnoideo fibrillosus, albidus saepe centro rufescens, carne albida, odore Raphani; lamellae confertae, late sinuatae, adnatae, albidae deinde fusco-ferrugineae, acie albae crenulatae; stipes aequalis, flexuosus, saepe basi curvatus, farctus fistulosusve, sericeo-fibril- losus, aliquando infra squamulis albis floccosis ornatus, albidus vel griseus; sporae ellipsoideae, leves, 10-12 x 6-8 »v. tmoecype radiata Pk. N.Y. State Mus. Bul. 105, -p: 24. The Port Jefferson specimens referred to this species as a small ° form ate tather a small form of Inocybe asterospora Quel. NEW LORKY SP ECLES OF HEBELOMA Hebeloma Fr. Veil partial, fibrillose or obsolete; stem fleshy fibrous, somewhat mealy at the apex ; margin of the pileus at first incurved, the cuticle continuous, glabrous, subviscid; lamellae sinuate, adnexed, usually whitish on the edge; spores subargillaceous. Sylloge 5:791 This genus formerly included the species now referred to Inocybe. It differs from it specially in its partial veil and in its continuous, subviscid and glabrous cuticle. Some of the species have a peculiar radishlike odor. The spores in all our species are even. As in the 68 | NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM preceding genus, most of the species are terrestrial. They have been placed in two primary divisions, Exannulata and Subannulata. Our species fall in the Exannulata division which has been divided into three sections, the principal characters of which are indicated in the following key. KEY TO THE SECTIONS Pileus more than 3-5 cm broad. . 2. .......:0 010.8 ee I Pileus ‘less. than 3.5\-cm1 broad. a, 02. s42000 toe eee Pusilla I Veil presenti. 2.2 OOP ls Sets iv ouisieaen | oe ee Indusiata To ViGt aD SER e 6 reece th, OE Fee ee ENTE Dal orn yo ee Denudata Indusiata Veil evident, webby, often making the margin of the pileus super- ficially silky. KEY TO THE SPECIES Pileus glutinous and squamose... 2 =. 2.225225.) ee glutinosum. Pileus viscid, not sqttamose. .2: <0 so0..... . sgh oe oe oe I 1 Stem commonly showing fragments of an annulus.......... ... .velatum 1.Stem not at all annulate... 2.0.00... 58)... ee 2 2 Pileus sumbonate. 16525 oe yc es ea Sis be ne firmum 2 Pile gs uno t AImMDONAte A wees... Gaara eed oa ele Wueeeee ee lita sale "etapa amen 3 3 Spores 6-8 LONGM AAs serine teen pad bebe oye parvifructum 3 Spores 10-12 VOUS 85 vis oa ee sae oe oe ee oe ce a A Stem. white, fibrous: squamulose.:..../.22 ....2. 3-6 eee fastibile 4 Stem whitish or subochraceous, fibrillose.................5-- pascuense Hebeloma glutinosum (Lindgr.) Fr. GLUTINOUS HEBELOMA Sylloge 5:793 Pileus fleshy, convex becoming plane, glutinous, sprinkled with white superficial squamules, yellowish white, flesh white or whitish ; lamellae close, sinuate, adnexed, yellowish becoming dingy cinna- mon; stem equal or slightly thickened at the base, firm, stuffed, mealy at the top, fibrillose squamulose, whitish, somewhat ferrugin- ous within; spores ellipsoid, 10-12 x 5-6 v. Pileus 2.5-7 cm broad; stem 4-8 cm long, 4-8 mm thick. Ground in woods. Essex and Warren counties. September and October. This species is easily recognized by its very viscose or glutinous pileus with its superficial white scales. These are not persistent and consequently specimens may be found without any scales. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST IQOQ 69 Hebeloma velatum Pk. VEILED HEBELOMA Eeamere ma colyini Pk. var. -velatum Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.19 Pileus convex, plane or slightly centrally depressed, obtuse or umbonate, slightly viscid when moist, glabrous or slightly silky from the veil which may disappear with age or persist and make the margin silky or floccosely scaly or appendiculate with its fragments, chestnut color, reddish gray, pale ochraceous or grayish; lamellae close, ventricose, adnexed, whitish becoming pale cinnamon, whitish and often crenulate on the edge; stem equal, hollow, silky fibrillose, sometimes floccosely squamulose toward the base, often more or less annulate, the soft cottony whitish or grayish veil rupturing and adhering partly to the stem and partly to the margin of the pileus, whitish ; spores subellipsoid, 1o-12 x 6-8 ». Pileus 1.5-6 cm broad; stem 1.5-6 cm long, 4-6 mm thick. Gregarious or cespitose. Gravelly soil under cottonwood trees. Clinton co. September. This is an extremely variable species and shows how difficult it may be with a limited number of specimens in such cases to locate them correctly. All the forms here included under one name were collected at the same time and place, in a limited area but a few feet in diameter. They are without doubt all one species. Their general appearance suggested such a close relationship to H ebelo- ma colvini Pk. thatit was thought best to group them all under that species as a variety distinguished chiefly by its more fully developed veil. If only the form having the veil and annulus in their most highly developed condition had been seen, the species might easily have been referred to the genus Pholiota. Even with those in which only fragmentary vestiges of the veil adhere to the stem its natural place would seem to be in the Subannulata division of the genus Hebeloma. But other forms show no trace of an annulus and compel us to be more conservative in our assignment of this per- plexing species. It is therefore placed where the more abundant forms and less strongly developed or silky fibrillose veil would require it to go. It differs from Hebeloma strophosum Fr. in its great variability, differently colored pileus, radishlike odor and specially in the whitish color of the young lamellae. 7O NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Hebeloma firmum (Pers.) Fr. FIRM HEBELOMA Sylloge 5 :793 Pileus fleshy, convex or campanulate becoming expanded, umbo- nate, viscid, fibrillose, brick red with paler margin; lamellae close, rounded behind, adnexed, tan color becoming subferruginous; stem equal or nearly so, solid or with a smali cavity, floccosely squamu- lose, whitish sometimes becoming subferruginous toward the hbase ; spores subellipsoid, 10-12 x 5-6 ». Pileus 5-7 cm broad; stem 4-6 cm long, 6-8 mm thick. Mossy ground in low woods: Essex co. September. Hebeloma parvifructum Pk. SMALL FRUIT HEBELOMA ALe (Le Die 1 O:taa)- vp aay bat te Ps lke ENE ~ Sia Mus. Rep’t 38, p.88 Pileus convex becoming expanded, slightiy viscid, whitish, gray- ish brown or pale chestnut, often paler on the margin; lamellae moderately close, slightly sinuate, white becoming dingy ochraceous, at first hidden by the copious white webby filaments of-the veil; stem equal, often flexuous, solid, silky fibrillose, pruinose and sub- striate at the top, whitish above, ferruginous or brownish toward the base; spores subochraceous, 6-7 x 4-5 v. Pileus 5-7 cm broad; stem 5-8 cm long, 6-8 mm thick. Sandy soil in pine woods. Albany co. October. The small spores are suggestive of the specific name. Hebeloma fastibile Fr. OCHERY HEBELOMA Sylloge 5 :792 Pileus convex or nearly plane, compact, often wavy, obtuse, viscid when young, whitish, yellowish or tan color, flesh white, odor similar to that of radishes, taste bitterish, veil webby, - distinct ; lamellae sinuate, adnexed, subdistant, whitish or pallid becoming cinnamon, whitish on the edge; stem equal, solid, fibrous, firm, some- times slightly bulbous, white; spores ellipsoid, 10-12 x 5-6 ». Pileus 3-7 cm broad; stem 5-7 cm long, 5-10 mm thick. Ground in woods. Albany and Ulster counties. October. A small white form, perhaps var. alba Sacc., has been found in Albany county. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I9QO0Q ft Hebeloma pascuense Pk. PASTURE HEBELOMA N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 53, p.844, pl.C, fig.21-27 Pileus thin, convex becoming nearly plane, viscid when moist, obscurely innately fibrillose, brownish clay color, often darker or rufescent in the center, the margin when young often whitened by the thin webby veil, flesh whitish, odor similar to that of rad- ishes; lamellae close, adnexed, whitish becoming pale ochraceous; stem firm, equal, solid, fibrillose, slightly mealy at the top, whitish or pallid; spores pale ochraceous, subellipsoid, uninucleate I0x6 4. Pileus 2.5-5 cm broad; stem 2.5-5 cm long, 4-6 mm thick. Gregarious or subcespitose. Stony pastures. Warren co. Oc- tober. Closely related to Hebeloma fastibile Fr. but a smaller species with a more slender stem, a different habit and habitat, dif- terently colored pileus and more crowded lamellae. Sometimes a narrow brown zone or line encircles the pileus near the margin. Denudata Pileus glabrous, veil absent from the first. The species are easily distinguished from those of the preceding section by the entire absence of a veil. KEY TO THE SPECIES eee aV AUN UO TN IMUIS: Tai fos GM eNO os ceed 8d adc eed bie ee I FEATS VEICVAEIC CVS RG) Op ch nee ea er pa SP a 3 Mmerin@eidc minty Wen Color. 6.1 2...c..00 0.00. echo py esc dens se» .Sarcophylium 1 Lamellae white or whitish becoming dingy ferruginous................... 2 PeLiers wikte Or yellows: Whites. i... acco es css veces e soa album A Meise wont isis OT raw isit sWitttes ..2 oi vee bee Saks Sede vas oe cee albidulum Pee aavine a radishlike odot. oo... on. ween es ec es crustuliniforme 3 Plant not having a radishlike odor........... eee Se TS et eee Le 4 Zeelane orowine in sandy soil iopen ‘places... ... ies... colvini Pear PO WATUED IN WOOUS sa oki da ches eas ccleje goes wh wk sale’ a longicaudum Hebeloma sarcophyllum Pk. PINK GILL HEBELOMA Pen tii airertoman sarcophylius’ Pk. ~N. ¥. State Cab? Rep’t 23, mob pl: t, figt7- ii Pileus fleshy, obtusely conic or convex, glabrous, white, flesh white, taste bitterish; lamellae subclose, adnexed, deeply sinuate, dingy flesh color; stem equal, firm, stuffed, mealy or minutely 72 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM squamulose at the top, white; spores dark ferruginous, subellipsoid, 8-Io x 5-6 ». Pileus 1.5-3 cm broad; stem 2.5-4 cm‘ long, 2-4 mm thick. Grassy ground. Rensselaer co. June. Rare. 3 A species well marked by the peculiar color of the lamellae which at first suggests a species of Agaricus. Hebeloma album Pk. WHITE HEBELOMA N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 54, p.147, pl.G, fig.1-7 Pileus fleshy, firm, convex becoming nearly plane or concave by the margin curving upward, glabrous, subviscid, white or yellowish white, flesh white; lamellae thin, narrow, close, sinuate, adnexed, whitish becoming brownish ferruginous; stem equal, firm, rather long, solid or stuffed, slightly meaiy at the top, white; spores sub- 7 ellipsoid, pointed at one or both ends, 12-16 x 6-8 p. Pileus 2.5-5 cm broad; stem 3.5-7 cm long, 4-6 mm thick. Among fallen leaves in woods. Essex co. October. Easily recognized by the white color of both pileus and stem. A new figure of this species is given in the present report on plate 117, figure 1-6. Hebeloma albidulum Pk. WHITISH HEBELOMA IN. NY. “State Mius:) Rept 54,7 p46 . Pileus fleshy, firm, broadly convex or nearly plane,. glabrous, slightly viscid when moist, dingy white or grayish white, flesh white; lamellae close, narrow, adnexed, whitish becoming brcown- ish ferruginous, white and minutely denticulate on the edge; stem equal, firm, glabrous, slightly mealy or pruinose at the top, hollow, sometimes slightly bulbous, colored hke the pileus; spores sub- ellipsoid, obtuse, 10-12 x 6-8 ». Pileus 2.5-6 cm broad; stem 3-6 cm long, 4-6 mm thick. Among fallen leaves in woods. Essex co. October. This differs from Hebeloma albwm Pk. 1m itsimoreminiey color, its hollow stem and its shorter and more cbtuse spores. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST IQOQ RS Hebeloma crustuliniforme (Bull.) Fr. CRUSTULINE HEBELOMA Sylloge 5:79090 Pileus fleshy, convex becoming plane, obtuse or with an obtuse umbo, even, glabrous, slightly viscid when young, whitish tan or brick red, odor like that of radishes; lamellae close, adnexed, nar- row, thin, whitish becoming clay color or brownish ferruginous ; stem equal, stuffed or hollow, subbulbous, white squamulose at the top, whitish; spores ellipsoid, unequal, 10-12 x 5-7 +. Pileus 4-6 cm broad; stem 4-5 cm long, 6-10 mm thick. Ground in woods or open places. Cattaraugus and Ulster coun- ties. September. Hebeloma colvini Pk. COLVIN HEBELOMA eee bel oma) colvani Pk N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 28; p.40 Pileus fleshy, convex or nearly plane, sometimes gibbous or broadly umbonate, rarely centrally depressed, glabrous, grayish or alutaceous with an ochraceous tint; lamellae close, broad, sinuate, -adnexed, whitish becoming brownish ochraceous; stem equal, flexu- ous, silky fibrillose, stuffed or hollow above, solid toward the base, whitish; spores subellipsoid, 10-12 x 5-6 ». Pileus 2.5-7.5 cm broad; stem 2.5-8 cm long, 2-6 mm thick. Sandy soil in open places. Albany co. October. The mycelium binds the sand into a globose mass which adheres to the base of the stem. Hebeloma longicaudum (ierss) Fs: LONG STEM HEBELOMA Sylloge 5 :800 Pileus fleshy, convex becoming expanded, glabrous, viscid, whit- ish, argillaceous or tan color, sometimes brownish or yellowish red on the disk; lamellae close, sinuate near the stem, adnexed, whitish and serrulate on the edge, tan color becoming dingy cinnamon; stem unequal, rather long, fragile, partly hollow, mealy at the top, obsoletely fibrillose, white ; spores oblong or ellipsoid, 10-12 x 6-8 vp. Pileus 3.5-6 cm broad; stem 5-9 cm long, 5-8 mm thick. Ground in woods. Catskill mountains. September. A rare species in our State. 74 - NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Pusilla Pileus small, less than 3.5 cm broad. Several species have been referred to this section that have not a viscid pileus, but in some it is moist. KEY “TO; TEE “SPECIES Pileus slightly viscid when moist....'s:.25.<... 40-2 ores Pileus not viscid when -moist... 5... 2.2. 0.00. 42 eee 4 I Pileus white or yellowish: white, /27..o¢ 200. 0s ee ee sociale 1 Pileus’ some other. color: i:4).. 2 ee.) ou Ss 2 2 Pileus ochraceous yellow. c024.. o- Y-. State Mus. Bul. 116, p:45. 1007 N.Y. State Mus. Bul. 94, p.z0-21, pl.Q, fig.6-10. 1905 Boletus scaber Fr. Nevo State Mus. Kept 48, p.199-200, pl.35.. 1896:. Bot. ed. Boletus spectabilis Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.171-72, pl.62. 1900 Boletus subaureus PR. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.169~-70, pl.61, fig.6-13. 1900 Boletus subglabripes Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 51, p.308-9, pl.55._ 18c8 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.172-73, pl.64. 1900 Boletus subluteus Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, -p.196, pl.33, fig.1-6. 1895.: Bot. ed. rez@) NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Boletus versipellis Fr. ; N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.108, pl.34, fig.6-10. 1806. Bot. ed. Bovista pila B. & C. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 75, p.34, pl.84, fig.14-18. 1904 Bovista plumbea Pers. N.Y. State Mus. Bul. 54, p.97-78, pl.81, fig.12-19. 1902 . Cantharellus cibarius Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.190-91, pl.32. 1896. Bot. ed. Cantharellus cinnabarinus Schw. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 25, p. 679-680, pl.6o, fig.1-g. 1809 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.155—-56, pl.55, fig.1-8. 1900. Cantharellus dichotomus Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 67, -p.46-47, pl.84, fig.8-21. 1903 Cantharellus floccosus Schw. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 25, p.680-81, pl.6o, fig.10-14. 1899 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.156-57, pl.55, fig.9-13. 1900 Cantharellus infundibuliformis (Scop.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.158-59, pl.56, fig.g-16. 1900 Cantharellus lutescens FY. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.157-58, pl.56, fig.1-8. 1900 Cantharellus minor PR. . N. Y-'State Mus. Bul. 131, p:41-42,; plo, figa12=177 eee Clavaria botrytis Pers. . N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t:a8, p.211, pl.30, fig.5-7:. 1606, > RGrnee Clavaria botrytoides Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 94, p.49, pl.o3, fig.5-7. 1905 Clavaria conjuncta PR. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 105, p.42-43, pl.102. 1906 Clavaria cristata Pers. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.211-12, pl.30, fig-8-12. 1890, er em: Clavaria flava Schaeff. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.210, pl.39, fig.1-4. 1896. Bot. ed. Clavaria pistillaris L. | : N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 94, p.50, pl.o3, fig.1-4. 1905 Clavaria pistillaris umbonata PR. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.178, pl.66, fig.15-17. I9g00 Clitocybe adirondackensis Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 54, p.174-75,. pl.Co, fig.1-13. 907 Clitocybe amethystina (Bolt.) Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 116, p.40—41, pl.105, fig.1-6. 1907 Clitocybe clavipes (Pers.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 49, p.58, pl.45. fig.1-7. 1896. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.139-40, pl.46, fig.1-6. 1900 Clitocybe infundibuliformis Schaef. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.174-75, pl.24, fig.1-6, 1896. Bot, ed. Clitocybe laccata Scop. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.175-77, pl.25. 1896. Bot. ed. Clitocybe maculosa Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 54, p.174, pl.€9, fig.14-2I. 1901 REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I90Q Clitocybe media PR. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.173-74, pl.23, fig. 17. 1896. Bot. ed. oe monadelpha Morg. . ¥. State Mus. Rep’t 51, p.302-3, pl.51, fig.1-5. 1808 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.140—41, pl.46, fig.7-12. 1900 Clitocyvbe multiformis Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.141, pl.47, fig.I-9. 1900 Clitocybe nebularis Batsch N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.172-73, pl.23, fig.8-13. 1806. Bot. ed. Clitocybe ochropurpurea Berk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 116, p.41-42, pl.106, fig. 7-It. 1907 Clitocybe subcyathiformis Pk, N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 122, p.136-37, pl.1io, fig.1-6. 1908 Clitopilus abortivus B. & C. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 54, p.968-69, pl.78, fig.13-19. 1902 Clitopilus micropus Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 54, p.g7o, pl.78, fig.1-12. 1902 Clitopilus orcella Bull. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.153, pl.14, fig-7-11. 1806. Bot. ed. Clitopilus prunulus Scop. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.152-53, pl.14, fig.1-6. 1806. Bot. ed. Collybia acervata Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 75, p.27—28, pl.84, fig.8-13. 1904 Collybia dryophila (Bull.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 122, p.137-38, pl.111. 1908 Collybia familia Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 75, p.28-29, pl.84, fig.1-7. 1904 Collybia platyphylla Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.142-43, pl. 49. 1900 Collybia radicata (Relh.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 51, p.304-5, pl.52. 1808 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.143-44, pl.48. 1900 Collybia velutipes (Curt.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 51, p.305-6, pl.5o0, fig.11-16. 1898 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.144-45, pl.47, fig.10-15. I¢00 Coprinus atramentarius Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.144-45, pL, fig.7-11. 1896. Bot. ed. Coprinus comatus Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.143-44, pl.1o. 1896. Bot. ed. Coprinus micaceus Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.145-47, pl.11, fig.1-6. 1896. Bot. ed. Cortinarius cinnamomeus Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.149-50, pl.13, fig.7-20. 1896. Bot. ed. Cortinarius collinitus Fr N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.149, pl.13, fig.1-6. 1895. Bot. ed. Cortinarius corrugatus Pk. ~ N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 25, p.674, pl.57, fig.6-13. 18909 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.161-62, pl.58, fig.8-15. I9c0 Cortinarius evernius Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.162-63, pl.58, fig.1-7. 1900 SI 82 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Cortinarius violaceus Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.148-40, pl.t2. 1806. Bot. ed. Craterellus cantharellus (Schw.) Fr. N. Y. State Mts. Rep’t 49, pl. 44, fig. 1-5. 1806: Botied: N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.177-78, pl.56, fig.17—21. Craterellus cornucopioides Pers. ° N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.208-9, pl.24, fig.7—10. Crepidotus malachius B. & C. 1900 1896. Bot. ed. N. Yi StateVins. + Bulga p30. plane. Bei 1908 Fistulina hepatica Fr. N.Y. State! Mus..,Riep’t 48, pi204—s; -pl.37.1s.5—e: Gyromitra esculenta Fr. N. Y¥..State Mus Rept 48, p.t28-20, pls fie 13 8ae,. Helvella crispa Fr. NeeY... State Mus. Rept 48." psi29-30; (piss hea 7 Hydnum albidum PR. 1896. Bot. ed. Bot. ed. 1896. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 51, p.310; pl.56, fig.1-7. 1898 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.175-76, pl.67, fig.1-7. 1900 Hydnum caput-ursi Fr. N..¥. State Mus. Rep’t.51, p.310-12, pl.56, fig 8=12;~ 1893 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.176-77, pl.67, fig.8-12. Hydnum coralloides Scop. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.207-8, pl.24, fig.7—-10. Hydnum repandum L. 1900 1896. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.206-7, pl.38. 1806. Bot. ed. Hygrophorus cantharellus Schw. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 54, p.175-76, pl.76, -fig.8-20. Hyegrophorus chlorophanus Fr. IQOI N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.147, pl.51, fig.13-20. 1900 Hygrophorus flavodiscus Frost N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 51, p.303-4, pl.51, fig.6-11: Hyegrophorus fuliginosus Frost Hygrophorus: laricinus Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.146-47, pl.51, fig.1-12. Hygrophorus laurae Morg. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 54, p.967-68, pl.77, fig.6-14. Hyegrophorus laurae decipiens Pr. 1898 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.145, pl. 50, fig.I-6. 1900 N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 4o,. p.590, pl.45, fig.8-14. 1806. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.146, pl.5o, fig.7-12. 1900 TQOO 1902 N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 094, p.46, pl.88, fig.8-11. 1905 Hygrophorus miniatus Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.182-84, p!.28, fig. 1-10. Hygrophorus nitidus B. & C. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 94, p.45, pl.88, fig.1-7. 1905 Hygrophorus pratensis Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.181-82, pl.28, fig.11—-17. Hygrophorus pudorinus Fr. 1895. Bot. ed. 1896. Bot. ed. N. Y, State Mus: Bul: 67, -pai=42; piss fisst—6. 19003 REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST IQOQ Hygrophorus puniceus Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 25, p.675, pl.s8&, fig.1-7. 1800 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.149, pl.52, fig.1-7. 1900 ilygrophorus speciosus Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.148, pl.51, fig.21—28. r900 Hygrophorus virgineus (Wulf.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 25, p.675—76, pl.58, fig.8-12. 1809 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.150, pl.52, fig.8-12. 1900 Hypholoma aggregatum sericeum Pk. .N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 54, p.972-73, pl.70; fig.8-14. I902 Hypholoma incertum Pk, N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 25, p.676-77, pl.58, fig.13-20. 1899 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.165-66, pl.6o, fig.I-9. I900 Hypholoma perplexum Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 40, p.61-62, pl.47, fig.11-18. 1806. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.166-67, pl.€o, fig.1c-17. 1900 Hypomyces lactifluorum (Schw.) Tul. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 105, p.43-44, pl.103. 1906 Lactarius chelidonium Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 25, p.677—78, pl.59, fig.1-6. 1800 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p. 150-51, pl.53, fig.1-6. roqeo Lactarius deceptivus Pk. . N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 54, p.177-78,. pl.7o, fig.7-11. 1901 Lactarius deliciosus Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.185-86, pl.29. 1806. Bot. ed. Lactarius distans Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 25, p.678-79, pl.5o, fig.7-11. 1890 _ N. Y¥. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.151-52, pl.53,. fig.7-11. I9e0 Lactarius gerardii Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 25, p.679, pl.50; fig.12-16.. 18909 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.152-53, pl.53, fig.12-16. 1900 Lactarius luteolus Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 67, p.43, pl.83, fig.7-11. . 1903 Lactarius rimosellus Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 105, p.37, pl.os, fig.1-6. 19C¢6 Lactarius serifluus (DC.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 105, p.37-38, pl.os. fig.7-11. 1906 Lactarius subdulcis (Bull.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. €7, p.43-45, pl.83, fig.12-24. 1903 Lactarius subpurpureus Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 54, p.176-77, pl.7o, fig.1-6. I901 Lactarius volemus Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.186-88, pl.30. 1896. Bot. ed. Lepiota americana Pk. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 49, p.56-57, pl.44, fig.6-10. 1896. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.136-37, pl.44, fig.11-16. 1900 Lepiota cepaestipes Sow. N. Y. State Mus. Bul: oy, p.44-45, pl.87. 1905 Lepiota clypeolaria (Buill.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 54, p.173, pl.76, fig.1-7. 1901 83 84 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Lepiota naucinoides Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.162-64, pl.19. 18096. Bot. ed. Lepiota procera Scop. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.161-62, pl.18. 1896. Bot. ed. Lycoperdon cyathiforme Bosc N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.121-22, plz. 1806. Bot, ed: | Lycoperdon gemmatum Batsch ; N.Y. State Mus. Bul. 122, p.135-36,, pl.rr4, fig. a 1908 Lycoperdon giganteum Batsch Be ‘N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.121, pl. I. 1896. Bot. ed. Lycoperdon subincarnatum Pk. ; NY -StateyMus: Bulyi22) paaeiypis 114, fig.I-6. 1908 Marasmius oreades Fr. ca -N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.195-96, pl.33, fig.7-12. 1896. Bot. ed: Mitrula vitellina irregularis Pk, e N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.130-31, pl.s, fig.8-14. 1896. Bot. ed. Morchella angusticeps PR. N. Y. State Mus. Rept 48; p. 125, pl.4, fig. 5-9. 1895. Bot. ed. Morchella bispora Sor. ua N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.126-27, pl.3, fig. 8-10. 1896. Bot. ed. Morchella conica Pers. : N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.124-25, ‘pl.4, fig. ee 1896. Bot. ed. Morchella deliciosa Fr. N. Y.> State Mus, Rep’t 48, p.125—26, pl.3, fig:4-7.. 1866..9 Boreas Morchella esculenta Pers. : N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.124, pl.3, fig.1-3. 1806. Bot. ed. Morchella semilibera DC. | N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.126, pl.3, fig.11-13. 1896. Bot. ed. Paxillus involutus Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.150-51, pl.28, fig.18-23. 1896. Bot. ed. Pholiota adiposa Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 49, p.60-61, pl.46, fig.18-23. 1896. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.160-61, pl. 57 fig. 12-17., 1o0Gms Pholiota caperata Pers. N.Y. State Mus Rept 54, p:182, pl.73;-fig.1-5 1901 Pholiota duroides Pk. N.Y. State Mus. Bill 137, 30-40, pl110, fest 7. roee Pholiota praecox (Pers.) Fr. N.Y. State Mus. Rep’t .49, ‘—p.50760,. pl.46, fig-1-17. 1806: Bored N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.159-60, pl.57, fig.I-1I. I900 Pholiota squarrosa Muell. N. Y. State Mus." Bul. 54; p.o71-72, pl.7o, fig.1-7.- 1002 Pholiota squarrosoides Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 54, p.183, pl.73, fig.6-I5. IQOI Pholiota vermiflua Pk. N.Y. State. Mus. Bull75, pi32) pusownied2—20.. KGo4 Phylloporus rhodoxanthus (Schw.) Bres. N. Y. State Mus. ‘Bul: 131, p.40-41, pi 116, see 1909 Pleurotus ostreatus' Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep't 48, p.180-81, pl.26, fig.5-9. 1896. Bot. ed. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 85 Pleurotus sapidus Kalchb. . N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.179-80, pl.27. 1896. Bot. ed. Pleurotus ulmarius Bull. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.177-79, pl.26, fig.1-4. 1896. Bot. ed. Pluteus cervinus (Schaeif.) Fr. N. Y..State Mus. Rep’t 54, p.181-82, pl.74, fig.9-19. 1901 Polyporus sulphureus Fr. N: Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.203-4, pl.37, fig.1-4. 1896. Bot. ed. Psilocybe foenisecii (Pers.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 75, p.33-34, pl.86, fig.I-11. 1904 Russula abietina Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 54, p.180-81, pl.72, fig.I-1r. I9g01 Russula albida Pk. NX: State Mus: Bul) 105, p.38, plio6. - 1906 Russula brevipes Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 54, p.178-79, pl.71, fig.1-5. 1901 Russula compacta Frost N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 116, p.42, pl.109. 1907 Russula crustosa Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 67, p.45-46, pl.84, fig.1-7. 1903 Russula earlei Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 116, p.42. 1907 IN-SY Stace Mus: Bul.67,.p.24, pl.N, fig.5-10. 19003 Russula flavida Frost N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 105, p.38-30, pl.o7. 1906 Russula furcata (Pers.) Fr. INDY State Mus. Bul. 75, ».31—32, pl.85, fig.o-14. 1904 ' Russula mariae Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 75, p.29-31, pl.85, fig.1-8. 1904 Russula nigricans (Bull.) Fr. Neve State Mis: Repits54, p.178, pli, fie.6—9. ‘1901 Russula ochrophylla Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 51, p.307-8, pl.53, fig.8-14. 1808 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.154-55, pl.54, fig.8-14. 1900 Russula pectinatoides Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 116, p.43, pl.1o05, fig.6-10. 1907 Russula pusilla Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 122, p.138, pl.11o, fig.7—-14. 19c8 Russula roseipes (Secr.) Bres. New: State Mais. Rep’t 51, p306-7, pl.53; fi, 1808 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.153-54, pl. 54, fig.1-7. Ig00 Russula rugulosa Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 54, p.179-80, pl.72, fig. 12-18. 1901 Russula sordida PB. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 105, p.39-40, pl.o8. 1906 Russula subsordida Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 105, p.40-41, pl.og. 1906 Russula uncialis Pk. N.Y.” State Mus. Bul, 116, p.43, pl.107, fig.7-12... 1907 86 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Russula variata Banning N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 105, p.41-42, pl.1o1. 1906 Russula virescens Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.189-90, pl.31. 1896. Bot. ed. Russula viridella Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 105, p.41, pl.100. 1906 Strobilomyces strobilaceus (Scop.) Berk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 94, p.48-49, pl.g2. 1905 Stropharia bilamellata Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 122, p.139-40, pl.112, fig.5-10. 1908 Tricholoma hirteilum PR. N.Y. State Mus. Bul. 116, p.38-30, pl.tos, fig.1-5. 1007 Tricholoma imbricatum Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.169-70, pl.2i, fig.6-11. 1896. Bot. ed. Tricholoma nudum (Bull.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 116, p.39-40, pl.104. 1907 Tricholoma personatum Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.170-72, pl.22.. 1806. Bot. ed. Tricholoma portentosum centrale Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 25, p.673, pl.57, fig.1-5. 1899 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.138-30, pl.45, fig.1-5. I9g00 Tricholoma radicatum PR. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 67, p.40-41, pl.82, fig.15-I9. 1903 Tricholoma russula (Schaeff.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 54, p.966-67, pl.77, fig.1-5. 1902 Tricholoma silvaticum PR. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 67, p.41, pl.82, fig.1-6. 1903 Tricholoma sordidum (Schum.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 131, p.38-30, pl.115. 1909 Tricholoma subacutum Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 67, p.39-40, pl.82, fig.7-14. 1903 Tricholoma terreum fragrans PR. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 49, p.57, pl.47, fig.1-10. 1896. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.137-38, pl.45, fig.6-15. 1900 Tricholoma transmutans Pk. N. Y. State Mus Rep’t 48, p.168-69, pl.21, fig.1-5. 1806. Bot. ed. Tricholoma unifactum Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 105, p.36-37, pl.o4. 1906 Poisonous or unwholesome Amanita muscaria L. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.212-15, pl.42. 1896. Bot. ed. Amanita phalloides Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.215-17, pl.40, 41, fig.I-3. 1896. Bot. ed. Amanita verna Bull. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 48, p.2rs, pl.41, fig.4-7. 1806. Bot. ed. Boletus felleus Bull. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.217-18, pl.43. 1896. Bot. ed. Clitocybe illudens Schw. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 49, p.65, pl.49. 1986. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.179-80, pl.68. 1900 REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I909 foo OF GENERA WEOSE- NEW YORK SPECIES eter LY) HAVE BREN COLLATED WITH. DESCRIP- TIONS IN THE STATE BOTANIST’S REPORTS CITED Aecidium ~ N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 24, p.105-8. 1872 Agaricus N. Y. State Cab. Rep’t 23, p.96-98. 1872. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 36, p.41-49. 1884 Amanita BY: State: Cab.Rep’t 23, pe8—jzo. 1872. ‘Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 33, p. 38-49. 1880 Armillaria N= M2 State Cab. Rep 1/23, 9.73. .1872: (Bot. ed: N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 43, p.40-44. 1800. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 43, p.44-45. 1890. species ) Boletus a N- Y. State Cab. Rept 23:p.127-33 1872. Bot. -ed. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 2, p.57-606. 1887 N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 8, p.80-157. 1880. Boletinus N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 8, p.74-80. 1880. Cantharellus ieee Stave Cab: Rep f 23; pi2r24.), 1972. Bot. ed, N= Y¥.-State Mus. Bul. 2, p:34-43.. 1887 Claudopus N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 30, p.67—-69. 1886 Clavaria N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 24, p.104-5. 1872 Clitocybe Rie Siate™ Cab; ‘Rept 23,"p.75-78... 1872: Bot. ed: Clitopilus N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 42, p.39-46. 1889. Bot. ed. Collybia Nel. State’Cab. Rep't.23,.p.78-So.. 1872. Bot. ‘ed. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 49, p. 32-55. 1896. Bot. ed. Coprinus N. Y. State Cab. Rep’t 23, p.103-4. 1872. Bot. ed. Cortinarius hey state Cab; Rept 23, p.ros-12 1872. Bot. ed. Craterellus N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 2, p.44-48. 1887 Crepidotus N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 39, -p.69-73. 1886 Entoloma N. Y. State Cab, Rep’t 23, p.88.. 1872. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 131, p.47-54. 1909 Bot. ed. (United States (United States species) (United States species) &8 Flammula N.Y. State: Cab: (Repit+23; p-6o-01- (1872. oor ed: N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 50, p.133-44. 1807 Galera N. Y. State Cab: Rept 235 p.03-04; 1872, Bot ved: N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 46, p.61-69. 1893. Bot. ed. Hebeloma N. Y. State Cab. Rep’t 23, p.g5-06. 1872. Bot. ed. Helvella N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t, 31, p.60. 1879 Hygrophorus N.OY> State Cab. Rep’t 23; p112-14, 1872) Bot.ed: NEY State Mus. Bal. 11650145071" 10071 5 2 Hypholoma N. Y. State Cab. Rep’t 23, p.o8-99. 1872. Bot. ed. Lactarius IN. 7 Yo pstate Cab. Rep’t-23, p1t4-20) » 1572. Bou ed: IN. OY State Mus. Rept 38, priri-33)" ress Lentinus N: Y. State“Cab. Rept 23,p:126-27> 1872) Bot.-ed: N.Y. State Mus. Bult 131, p:42747.- “1900 Lepiota Ne 2 State Cab: Rept 23) -p 70-73-1872. bot, ed: N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 35, p.150-64. 1884 Leptonia IN. “¥> StatesCab, Rept 23,vp:30: 71872. > Bot. ed. Lycoperdon N: Yo State Mus: Rep t. 32. p)s8—72: 1870 Marasmius NIN: State Cab! Kept 23> p:124--26.47 1872. -Bot."ed, Mycena N.Y. ‘State ‘Cab. Rept 23° p.80-c4. , 1672.5 Bot, ed: Naucoria No °Y. State Cab. Repti 23) pol-04.) 1672.0. boc. ved. Odontia N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 53, p.847. 1900 Omphalia N. Y.. State-Cab. Rep’t 23, p.84-85: 1872: Bot. ed: N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 45, p.32-42. 1893. Bot. ed. Panaeolus N: Y. State Cab. Rept 23, p.t00-2. 1872. Bot. ed: Paxillus N. ¥. (State sMus-- Bil. 2, p:20-33. 2857, Pholiota N. Y. State Cab. Rep’t 23, p.89-90. 1872. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 122, p.141-58. 1908 Pleurotus N. Y. State Cab. Rep’t 23, p.86-87. 1872. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 39, p.58-67. 1886 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I9Q0Q Pluteolus N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 46, p.58-61. 1893. Bot. ed. Pluteus MY. State Cab, Rep’t 23, p.87-88.. 1872. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 38, p.133-38. 1885 Psathyrella ~ Nfs State Gab. Rept’ 23,\p.102-3." 1872; Bot. ed. Psilocybe Neo. State: Cab. Rept 23, p.o9-too, —1872. Bot. ed. Puccinia ihMeev state: Mus. Rept 25, p. 180-23... 1873 Russula ea wee state Cab. Rep ft .23) p.120-21., ) 1872.’ Bot, ed. IN] Yi State Mus. Bul. 116, p.67-08.. 1007 Spathularia N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 50, p.118-19. 1897 Strobilomyces N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 8, p.158-59. 1889. (United States species) Trametes N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 54, p.169-70. _ 1901 Tricholoma Deena ote Cab. Rept 23, p.73-75.. 1872. Bot. ‘ed: N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 44, p.38-64. 1801. Bot. ed. Xylaria Ne Ye State. Mus. Rept 31, p.59. 1870 89 BXPLANATION ©F PLATES PLATE Q1 Hypholoma boughtoni Pk. BOUGHTON HYPHOLOMA 1 Cluster of three immature plants 2 Mature umbonate plant - 3 Mature plant without an umbo 4 Vertical section of upper part of an immature plant 5 Vertical section of upper part of a mature plant 6 Transverse section of a stem 7 Four spores, x 400 92 PLATE ITI FUNGI N. Y. STATE MUS. 63 HYPHOLOMA BOUGHTONI Px. BOUGHTON HYPHOLOMA Hypholoma rigidipes Pk. RIGID STEM HYPHOLOMA 1 Immature plant 2 Mature plant 3 Vertical section of upper part of an immature plant 4 Vertical section of upper part of a mature plant 5 Transverse section of a stem 6 Four spores, x 400 Psilocybe nigrella Pk. BLACKISH, PSILOCYBE 7 Immature plant with moist cap 8 Mature plant with moist cap 9 Mature plant with dry cap 10 Vertical section of upper part of a mature plant 11 Four spores, x 4co O} N. Y. STATE MUS. 63 FUNGI ; PLATE IIT Fic. 1-6 Fic. 7-11 HYPHOLOMA RIGIDIPES Px. — PSILOCYBE NIGRELLA Px. RIGID STEM HYPHOLOMA BLACKISH PSILOCYBE Hebeloma album Pk. WHITE HEGELOMA 1 Young plant 2 Mature plant with expanded; cap 3 Mature plant with convex cap tinged with yellow 4 Vertical section of upper part of a young plant 5 Vertical section of upper part of a mature plant 6 Four spores, x 400 he Clitocybe multiceps Pk. MANY CAP CLITOCYBE 7 Cluster of seven plants 8 Vertical section of upper part of a plant 9 Four spores, x 400 96 N. Y. ee MUS. 63 EDIBLE PNG. PLATE 117 Fic. 1-6 Fic. 7-9 HEBELOMA ALBUM Px. CLITOCYBE MULTICEPS Px WHITE HEBELOMA MANY CAP CLITOCYBE Lactarius aquifluus Pk. © WATERY MILK LACTARIUS 1 Young plant with moist cap 2 Mature plant with dry margin 3 Mature plant with entire cap dry 4 Vertical section of upper part of a plant 5 Transverse section of a stem 6 Four spores, x 400 98 os Ne |. Y. STATE MUS. 63 ~ % GIL LE IT ANE EEE MP i ac a EDIBLE FUNGI LACTARIUS AQUIFLUUS Px. WATERY MILK LACTARIUS . PLATE 118 Entoloma grande Pk. GRAND ENTOLOMA t Cluster of one mature and two young plants 2 Mature plant with umbonate and rugosely wrinkled cap . - 3 Vertical section of upper part of a young plant 4 Vertical section of upper part of a mature plant 5 Four spores, x 400 100 STATE MUS. al 3 PHOLBLE” FUNGI PLATE 119 . IS Pe we Goi hen ENTOLOMA GRANDE PK. GRAND ENTOLOMA : tiie Boletus viridarius Frost GREEN LAWN BOLETUS 1 Young plant with tubes concealed by the veil 2 Young piant with tubes exposed 3 Mature plant showing a fragment of the white veil still adhering to the margin of the cap 4 Mature plant with whitish cap appendiculate with the ruptured veil 5 Young plant with yellowish tubes 6, 7 Mature plants showing color of mature tubes; stem of no. 7 only partly reticulated above the collar 8 Vertical section of upper part of a young plant 9 Vertical section of upper part of a mature plant 10 Four spores, x 400 Reo? . \ = N. Y. STATE ye 63 EDIBLE FUNGI - , pee ian BOLETUS VIRIDARIUS Frost GREEN LAWN BOLETUS "46 9:9) eee ee oN > ‘TRALIMITAL SPECIES iy Se PRAT CVE Stak we | eat Cae Amanita morrisii Pk. . MORRIS AMANITA I Young plant with expanded cap 2 Mature plant with expanded cap and two fragments of the volva ad- hering to the base of the stem 3 Vertical section of the upper part of a mature plant 4 Four spores, x 400 104 eee ee) EX TRALIMITAL FUNCI See AMANITA MORRISII PK. MORRIS AMANITA pat ae , YY aa he c pA ea ele We bl) dene Wein v.58 Je yey Lactarius bryophilus Pk. MOSS LOVING LACTARIUS I Young plant 2 Mature plant showing upper surface of cap 3 Vertical section of a young plant 4 Vertical section of a mature plant 5 Four spores, x 400 Agaricus eludens Pk. ELUSIVE MUSHROOM 6 Young plant showing white gills and brown cap 7 Middle aged plant showing pink gills and brown cap 8 Mature plant showing brown gills and scaly cap 9 Mature plant showing red wound spot on the stem 10 Vertical section of upper part of a middle aged plant II Vertical section of upper part of a mature plant 12 Transverse section of a stem 13 Four spores, x 400 106 vv.stave mus.6s EXTRALIMITAL FUNGI ene: a ae cs F ee Fre. 1-5 Fic. 6-13 LACTARIUS BRYOPHILUS Px. AGARICUS ELUDENS Pr. MOSS LOVING LACTARIUS ELUDING AGARICUS Cortinarius ferrugineo-griseus Pk. RUSTY GRAY CORTINARIUS 1 Young moist plant showing the webby veil 2 Mature moist plant showing remains of the spore stained veil on the stem 3 Vertical section of a young plant 4 Vertical section of a mature plant with part of the cap “wanting 108 N. Y. STATE MUS. 63 EXTRALIMITAL FUNGI PLATE Y G. E. M. del. CORTINARIUS FERRUGINEO-GRISEUS PK. RUSTY GRAY CORTINARIUS Cortinarius ferrugineo-griseus Pk. RUSTY GRAY CORTINARTUS Mature dry plant with violaceous stem Vertical section of a small mature plant with violaceous stem Four spores, x 400 N we ies) Cortinarius actutoides Pk. ACUTOID CORTINARIUS 4 Group of six young moist plants, one showing floccose scales of the white veil on the cap 5 Two mature dry plants : 6 Vertical section of a young plant 7 Vertical secticn of a mature plant 8 Four spores, x 400 Russula blackfordae Px. BLACKFORD RUSSULA 9, 10 Two plants with convex cap 11 Mature plant with expanded cap 12 Vertical section of a mature plant 13 Four spores, x 4Co IIO N.¥. STATE mus.68 HX TRALIMITAL FUNGI PLATE Z SSO Ze Bic. d=4 Fic. 4-8 CORTINARIUS FERRUGINEO-GRISEUS Px. CORTINARIUS ACUTOIDES Px. RUSTY GRAY CORTINARIUS ACUTOID CORTINARIUS FIG. 9-13 RUSSULA BLACKFORDAE Px. De eh BLACK EORD- BUSCGULA. iN DE Agaricus campester, 7. ; Discina leucoxantha, 22. hortensis, 7. Dothiorella divergens, 22. eludens, 42. explanation of plate, 106. Edible fungi, 6, 37-41; list, 78-80. Agropyrum tenertum, I9. Entoloma grande, 309. Amanita morrisii, 42. explanation of plate, Loo. explanation of plate, 104. Epilobium densum, 34. Epipactis tesselata, 23. Erythronium albidum, 3a. Exoascus pruni, 34. Explanation of plates, QI-1lo. Ascochyta solani-nigri, I9. Belonidium glyceriae, 10. Biatora cupreo-rosella, Ig. Bidens tenuisecta; 10. Boletus viridarius, 19, 41. explanation of plate, 102. Bromus altissimus, 19. Fenestella amorpha, 23. Flammula highlandensis, 77. Fungi, edible, 6, 37-41; extralimital, new species, 42-48; list, 78-89. Cardamine bulbosa, 33. douglasii, 20. Carduus crispus, 20. Carex bebbii, 20. crawfordii, 20. Centaurea solstitialis, 33. Cerastium viscosum, 33. Chaenactis stevioides, 20. Ciboria luteo-virescens, 20. Clavaria lavendula, 47. pallescens, 47. Clitocybe, many cap, 37-38. Clitocybe candida, 20. Galium erectum, 34. Geum flavum, 23. Hebeloma, New York species, 67- 77: colvin, 73. crustuline, 73. disk diseased, 75. fitin.. 70: fragile, 77. glutinous, 68. gregarious, 75. long stem, 73. tame multiceps, 37. marsh, 76. explanation of plate, 96. ochery, 70. Cortinarius acutoides, 46. pale margin, 76. explanaticn of plate, IIo. pasture, 71. ferrugineo-griseus, 46. pike eral Ze | explanation of plate, 108, IIo. slightly sordid, 75. subsalmoneus, 20. small fruit, 70. Crataegus brevipes, 20. social, 74. verecunda gonocarpa, 33. thin margin, 77. unlawful, 76. Denudata, 71. veiled, 60. Diplocladium penicilloides, 2r. white, 40, 72. Diplodia cercidis, 22. whitish, 72. hamamelidis, 22, Hebeloma, 67. tamariscina, 22. albidulum, 72. 112 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Hebeloma (continued) album, 40; 72. explanation of plate, 96. colvim; 73! crustuliniforme, 73. discomorbidum, 75. excedens, - 77. fastibile, 70. firmum, 7o. frags, 77 glutinosum, 68. gregarium, 75. illicitum, 76. longicaudum, 73. pallidomarginatum, 76. palustre, 76. parvifructum, 70. pascuense, 7I. sarcophyllum, 71. sociale, 74. sordidulum, 75. velatum, 69. Hedeoma hispida, 34. Hypholoma boughtoni, 23. explanation of plate, 92. rigidipes, 24. explanation of plate, 94. Ilex verticillata tenuifolia, 34. Indusiata, 68. Inocybe, New York species, 48-67. agglutinate, 62. black disk, 64. brown disk, 66. changed, 5¢. chestnut, 58. cracked, 56. curved scale, 49. earthy leaf, 61. eutheloid, 57. excoriate, 55. fallacious, 63. feeble, 64. fibrillose, 5o. grayish, 57. hairy cap, 60. hairy margin, 65. late, 61. mammillate, 56. maritimoid, 53. Inocybe (continucd) marsh, 63. echraceous, 62. one colored, 50. pale stem, 55. rigid stem, 59. rough spore, 66. scaly disk, 53. small, 53. Stat, spore, 750: stellate spore, 51. subtomentose, 62. tawny, 54. umbo marked, 58. unfortunate, 52. untrusty, 64. vatricosoid, 67. violaceous gill, 57. white disk, 50. woolly, 51. — Inocybe, 48. agglutinata, 62. albodisca, 509. asterospora, £9, 77. calamistrata, 49. Gastanea,) 56: comatella, 60. diminuta, 53. eutheles, 56. eutheloides, 57. excoriata, 55. ‘fallax, 63. fibrillosa, 50. fuscodisca, €6. geophylla, 61. griseoscabrosa,° 57. qrelix, 52.° 77. var, brevipes, 52. infida, 64. lanuginosa, 51. maritimoides, 53. mutata, 50. nigridisca, 64. pallidipes, 55. paludinella, 63. rigidipes, 50. rimosa, 56. var. parva, 59. var, cuspidata, 56. INDEX, TO "REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANISY I909 Inocybe (continued) serotina, 61. squamosodisca, 53. stellatospora, 51. subexilis, 64. subfulva,. 54. subochracea, 62. subtomentosa, 62. trechispora, 66. ticholoma, 6s. umboninota, 58. unicolor, 50. vatricosoides, 67. violaceifolia, 57. Juncus brachycephalus, 24. brevicaudatus, 24. secundus, 24. Juniperus horizontalis, 24. Lacerae, 52. Lactarius aquifluus, 38. explanation of plate, 98. bryophilus, 44. explanation of plate, 100. Lactuca scariola integrata, 34. Laportea canadensis, 35. Leontodon nudicaulis, 25. Leskea gracilescens, 25. Ligusticum scoticum, 25. Kistera australis, 45. Lophiotrema hystericides, 25. littorale, 25. Marasmius alients, 25. oreades, 35. Melanopsamma confertissima, 25. Mierccera coccophila, 25. fidctis irregularis, 26. Monolepis nuttalliana, 26. Morchella crispa, 26. rimosipes, 26. Mushrooms, see Fungi. Naias gracillima, 26. Nardia crenulata, 26. hyalira, 26. Naucoria sphagnoghila, 45. Omphal’a rugosodisca levidisca, 35. Panicum implicatum, 26. oricola, 26. spretum, 27. Peridermium consimile, 35. strobi, 27. 113 } Pezizella lanceolato-paraphysata, 27 \ Phaeopezia fuscocarpa, 27. Pholiota aurivella, 27. Phomopsis stewartli, 27. Picris echinoides, 28. Plants, species added to collcction, 5, 6, 8-10; species not before re- ported, 5, 19-32; contributors and their contributions, 10-18. Plates, explanation, QI-II0o. Polyporus giganteus, 35. Potamogeton richardsoni, 28. Prunus pumila, 35. Psilocybe nigrella, 28. explanaticn of plate, 94. Puccinia epiphylla, 28. Pusilla, 74. Pyrus coronaria, 36. melanccarpa, 36. Ribes triste albinervium, 28. Rimosae, 54. Rubia tinctorum, 29. Rubus andrewsianus, 29. permixtus, 29. recurvans, 20. Rumex pallidus, 29. Russula blackfordae, 43. explanation of plate, Itc. serissima, 44. Schwalbea americana, 36. Septoria sedicola, 29. Solanum nigrum, 36. Solidago aspera, 30. squarrosa ramosa, 306. Sparganium americanum, <0. angustifolium, 30. diversifolium, 30. Squarrosae, 40. Stachys sieboldii, 30. Stephanoma strigosum, 20. Sterigmatocystis ochracca, 2c. —————— —— II4 ‘NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Thalictrum confine, 37. | Verticillium rexianum, 32. revolutum, 37. Viola sororia, 37. Trametes merisma, 31. Viscidae, 65. Trichosporium variabile, 31.. Volvaria’volvacea, ~ 32. Velutinae, 60. she Zizania palustris, 32. New York State Education Department New York State Museum Joun M. Crarke, Director PUBLICATIONS Packages will be sent prepaid except when distance or weight renders the Same impracticable. On 10 or more copies of any one publication 20% discount will be given. Editions printed are only large enough to meet special claims and probable sales. When-the saie copies are exhausted, the price for the few reserve copies is advanced to that charged py second- hand booksellers, in order to limit their distribution to cases of special need. Such prices are inclosed in[]. All publications are in paper covers, unless binding is specified. Checks or money orders should be addressed and payable to New York State Education Department. Museum annual reports 1347-date. Allin print io 1894, 50c a volume, 75¢ in cloth; 1894-date, sold in sets only; 75c each for octavo volumes; price of quarto volumes on application. These reports are made un of the reports of the Director, Geologist, Paleontologist, Botanist and Entomologist, and museum bulletins and memoirs, issued as advance sections of the reports. Director’s annual reports 1904-date. 1904. 138). 20C. 1907. 212p. 63pl. soc. 1905. 102p. 23pl. 30c. 1908. 234p. 39pl. map. 4oc. Iyo6. 186p. 4rpl. 35¢. These reports cover the reports of the State Geologist and of the State Paleontologist. Bound also with the museum reports of which they form a part. Geologist’s annual reports 1881-date. Rep’ts 1, 3-13, 17—-date, 8vo; 2, 14-16, 4to. In 1898 the paleontologic work of the State was made distinct from the geologic and was reported separately from 1899-1903. The two departments were reunited in 1904, and are now reported in the Director’s report. The annual reports of the original Natural History Survey, 1837-41, are out of print. Reports 1-4, 1881-84, were published only in separate form. Of the 5th report 4 pages were reprinted in the 39th museum report, and a supplement to the 6th report was included in the 40th museum report. The 7th and subsequent reports are included in the 41st and following museum reports, except that certain lithographic plates in the 11th report (1891) and 13th (1893) are omitted from the 4sth and 47th museum reports. Separate volumes of the following only are available. Report Price Report Price Report Price 12 (1892) $.50 17 $.75 21 3.40 14 Bers 18 api 22 -40 I5, 2V. 2 19 .40 23 .45 16 I 20 .50 (See Director’s annual reports] Paleontologist’s annual reports 1899—date. See first note under Geologist’s annual reports. Bound also with museum reports of which they form a part. Reports for 1899 and 1900 mav be had for 20c each. Those for 1901-3 were issued as bulletins. In 1904 combined with the Director’s report. Entomologist’s annual reports on the injurious and other insects of the State of New York 1882-date. Reports 3-20 bound also with museum reports 4c-46, 48-58 of which they form a part Since 1898 these reports have been issued as bulletins. Reports 3-4, 17 are out of print, other reports with prices are: Retort Price Report Price Report Price Tt $.50 Io $.35 18 (Bul. 64) $.20 2 .30 It .25 TOL Gow 7 Ors 5 .25 12 25 20 (‘* o7) .40 6 nos 13 Free 25-(-“" 204) - 48 7 .20 14 (Bul. 23) .20 270": Srixo)cas 8 nas Tea Qtae o'r) rs 23e(0. Gnas .7S 9 ~25 BOE at GO) eas Pw ON ge ep) emer. Reports 2, 8-12-may also be obtained bound in cloth at 25c each in addition to the price given above. - Botanist’s annual reports 1867-date. Bound also with museum reports 21-date of which they form a part; the first Botanist’s report appeared in the 21st museum report and is numbered:21, Reports 21-24, 29, 31-41 were not published separately. Separate reports for 1871-74, 1876, 1888-98 are out of print. Report for 1899 may be had for 20c; t900 for 50c. Since rgo1 these reports have been issued as bulletins. Descriptions and illustrations of edible, poisonous and unwholesome fungi of New York have also been published in volumes 1 and 3 of the 48th (1894) museum report and in volume 1 of the 49th (1895), 51st (1897), 52d (1898). 54th (1900), 55th (1901), in volume 4 of the (1903), in volume 4 of the 58th (1904), in volume 2 of the s9th (1905), 60th (1906), in volume 2 of the 61st (1907) and 62d (1908) reports. The descriptions and illustrations of edibleand unwholesome species contained in the 49th, sist and 52d reports have been revised and rearranged, and, combined with others more 56th (1902), in volume 2 of the 57th NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT recently prepared, constitute Museum memoir 4. Museum bulletins 1887-date. 8vo. To advance subscribers, $2 a year or $1 a year for division (1) geology, economic geology, paleontology, mineralogy; 50¢ each for divisions (2) general zoology, archeology and miscellaneous, (3) botany, (4) entomology. Bulletins are grouped in the list on the following pages according to divisions. The divisions to which bulletins belong are as follows: 47 Zoology Botany Economic Geology Mineralogy Entomology Economic Geology Botany Zoology Economic Geology “ce Entomology Geology Economic Geology Archeology Economic Geology Archeology Geology Entomology Geology Archeology Entomology Botany Entomology Botany Zoology Economic Geology Entomology Archeology Zoology Paleontology Economic Geology Entomology Zoology Paleontology Zoology Archeology Paleontology Zoology Economic Geology Paleontology Entomology 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Geology Paleontology Archeology Zoology Paleontology Entomology Botany Archeology Geology Entomology Mineralogy Entomology Zoology Economic Geology Miscellaneous Paleontology Entomology Paleontology Miscellaneous Botany Entomology Paleontology Mineralogy Zoology Entomology Archeology Entomology Botany Entomology Geology Archeology Entomology Paleontology “ Geology Economic Geology Entomology Archeology Zoology Archeology Paleontology Zoology Paleontology Economic Geology 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 IOI 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Io09 IIo III Ir2. raaie: II4 II5 116 Te7 118 II9Q I20 I21 122 123 124 125 bao) I27 128 I29 130 135 Tate 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 Botany Geology Entomology Mineralogy Paleontology Economic Geology Paleontology Economic Geology Entomology Botany Geology Archeology Entomology Geology Economic Geology Archeology Paleontology Geology Botany Archeology Paleontology Economic Geology Director’s report for 1907 Botany Economic Geology Entomology Archeology Geology -Paleontology Entomology Zoology Botany Economic Geology Director’s report for 1908 Entomology Bulletins are also found with the annual reports of the museum as follows: Bulletin Report I2-15 48,v.1 TO ey Os Wied Tey wl OV nests Bee O25 2 beer Vioek 26-30) VSS, ave 2 2-346 54,0.) 5 35,30 54, Vv. 2 37a aes 45-48 54,Vv.4 AS=54 eo, Vek 55 56,Vv. 4 56 FOgew.. I 81,82 57 56, Vv. 3 58 iS Onava or 59, 00 56, Vv. 3 OI BOL aor 62 BO, Vea 63 56, Vv. 2 64 50, Vas 65 56, Vv. 2 66,67 56; V.:4 68 Holy ae Bulletin 56, 57) 575 575 57) Report Bulletin Report Wa 2 97 esq aA Vio Ga TE 98, 99). 593% Woche Gree 100 59, V. Vii 2 IOI ROWE Ve, pe2 Io2 SiQiive Verne 103-5 59, Vv. Veer pi) 2 196 59, V. Vests Dib al: 107 60, V. Vine 108 60, Vv. Ae Anh Oia I09, T1060, Vv. Vel Spt. k a Matt 60, V. Vins Te 60, Vv. Wee II3 60, Vv. V2 Il4 60, V. Vals I15 60, V. v.4 116 60, Vv. Wie S I17 [ako py ngs Vv. 4 118 60, v. a3 PIQ-21- 62, Vv. V.2 I22 OT, Vie Ved 123 Olas View 124 Or Wh mn DHNHHWHFDHWRNDHWNHHNDHNHADN be NWN HW Geology Entomology Geology Botany Bulletin Report Tes 6255Ns 126-28 (62, V. 129 O2 eve 130 O25 Ve 1.30, a 2uOee ewe T3302 625 Vi. 134 G25 Ve Memoir 2 49, Vv. 3 3,4 53, V. 2 Sun0 i a fii) 7 S71 Var 8, pt I 59, Vv. 3 8, Dti2) "5050-4 9, pt 1 60, v. 4 9; Dt. 2 O2."Vn0n 10 60,_Ve0S It 61, Ves MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS - The figures at the beginning of each entry in the following list indicate its number asa museum bulletin. Geology. 14 Kemp, J. F. Geology of Moriah and Westport Townships, Bssex, Co. N. Y., with notes on the iron mines. 38p. il. 7pl. 2° maps. Sept. 1895. Free. t9 Merrill, F. J. H. Guide to the Study of the Geological Collections of the New York State Museum. 164p. 119pl. map. Nov. 1898. Out of print. 21 Kemp, J. F. Geology of the Lake Placid Region. 24p. 1pl.map. Sept. E398. Free, 48 Woodworth, J. B. Pleistocene Geology of Nassau County and Borough of Queens. 58p. il. 8pl. map. Dec. 1901. 25¢. 56 Merrill, F. J. H. Description of the State Conlon Map of 1901. 42p. 2 maps, tab. Nov.1902. Free. 77 Cushing, H. P. Geology of the Vicinity of Little Falls, Herkimer Co. 98p. il. r5pl.2 maps. Jan. 1905. 30c 83 Woodworth, J. B. Pleistocene Geology of the Mooers Quadrangle. 62p. 25pl-iuap.. June 1905. — 25c. 84 Ancient Water Levels of the Champlain and Hudson Valleys. 206p. i repl.co maps. July rg905. 45¢. g5 Cushing, H. P. Geology of the Northern Adirondack Region. 188p. EGplsg maps. Sept. 1905. Z0C. 96 Gaiieie. I. H. Geology of the Paradox Lake Quadrangle. 54p.il. r7pl. MAG WEC. 1905. 3OC. 106 Fairchild, H. L. “Glacial Waters in the Erie Basin. 88p. 14pl. 9 maps. Feb. 1907. Out of print. 107 Woodworth, J. B.; Hartnagel, C. A.; Whitlock, H. P.; Hudson, G. H.; Clarke, J. M.; White, David & Berkey, CaP. Geological Papers. 388p. 54pl. map. May 1907. 9goc, cloth. Contents: Woodworth, J. B. Postglacial Faults of Eastern New York. Hartnagel,C. A. Stratigraphic Relations of the Oneida Conglomerate. Upper Siluric and Lower Devonic Formations of the Skunnemunk Mountain Region. Whitlock, H. P. Minerals from Lyon Mountain, Clinton Co. Hudson, G. H. On Some Pelmatozoa from the Chazy Limestone of New York, ; Clarke, * M. Some New Devonic Fossils. An Interesting Style of Sand-filled Vein. —— Eurypterus Shales of the Shawangunk Mountains in Eastern New vor White, David. A Remarkable Fossil Tree Trunk from the Middle Devonic of New York. Berkey, C. P. Structural and Stratigraphic Features of the’ Basal Gneisses of the Highlands. 111 Fairchild, H. L. Drumlins of New York. 6o0p. 28pl. 19 maps. July 1907. Out of print. 115 Cushing, H. P. Geology of the Long Lake Quadrangle. 88p. 2opl. Map woe Pia. L007. )'25C. 126 Miller, W. he Geology of the Remsen Quadrangle. sap. il. r1pl. map. Jan. 1909. 127 Fairchild, ee L. Glacial Watersin Central New York. 64p. 27pl. 15 maps. Mar. 190g. 4o0c. 135 Miller, W. J. Geology of the Port Leyden Quadrangle, Lewis County, NPS Soop ilv1r pl.map, --\ans Loro:- ase: 137 Luther, D. D. Geology of the Auburn-Genoa Quadrangles. 36p. map. Mar: r9ro. 20c. 138 Kemp, J. F. & Ruedemann, Rudolf. Geology of the Elizabethtown 2 and Port dienty Quadrangles. 2176p. il. 20 pl... 3 maps.. Apr.21910.. 4o0c. Berkey, C. P. Geology of the Highlands of the Hudson. In preparation. Cusine; HP; Fairchild, H. L.5.° Ruedemann,.Rudolf & Smyth, C. H. Geology of the Thousand Island Region. Im press. Economic geology. 3 Smock, J. C. Building Stone in the State of New York. 3154p. Mar. 1888: Out of print. First Report on the Iron Mines and Iron Ore Districts in the State of New York. -78p. map. June 1889. Out of print. to —— Building Stone in New York. 210p. map, tab. Sept. 1890. 4oc. 1r Merrill, F. J. H. Salt and Gypsum Industries of New York. g4p. rapl. 2 maps, 11 tab. Apr. 1893. [50c] 12 Ries, Heinrich. Clay Industriesof New York. 174p.1pl. il. map. Mar. TSO5.. °-ZOC.'« NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 15 Merrill, F. J. H. Mineral Resources of New York. 240p. 2 maps. Sept. 1895. [soc] 17 Road Materials and Road Building in New York. 52p. 14pl. 2 maps. Oct-41 507.0) 15c, 30 Orton, Edward. Petroleum and Natural Gas in New York. 136p. il. 3 maps. Nov.-ré90:. 15¢. —~ 35 Ries, Heinrich. Clays of New York; their Properties and Uses 456p. “~~ “a4epl” map. , June 1900... Outop priv. Lime and Cement Industries of New York; Eckel, E. C. Chapters on the Cement Industry. 332p. rorpl. 2 maps. Dec. 1901. 85¢, cloth. 61 Dickinson, H. T. Quarries of Bluestone and other Sandstones in New York. 1214p. a8pl: 2 maps: Mar, 1903. 445c. 85 Rafter, G. W. Hydrology of New York State. gozp. il. 44pl. 5 maps. May 1905. $1.50, cloth. 93 Newland, D. H. Mining and Quarry Industry of New York. 78p. July 1905. Out of print. too McCourt, W. E. Fire Tests of Some New York Building Stones. 4op. 26pi. Feb EGO." 15: 102 Newland, D. H. Mining and Quarry Industry of New York 1905. 16ep. June 1906. Out of print. 112 Mining and Quarry Industry of New York 1906. 82p. July 1907. Out of print. 119 & Kemp, J. F. Geology of the ndaneeeece Magnetic Iron Ores | with a Report on the Mineville-Port Henry Mine Group. 184p. 14pl. 8 maps. Apr. 1908. 35c. 120 Newland, D.H. Mining and Quarry Industry of New York 1907. 8a2p. July 1908. 15¢. 123 & Hartnagel, C. A. Iron Ores of the Clinton Formation in New -York State. 76p.il.14 pl. 3maps. Nov. 1908. 25¢. 132 Newland, D.H. Mining and Quarry Industry of New York 1908. 98p. Jiuly-200e., U5c: —— Mining and Quarry Industry of New York for 1909. Im preparation. eee: 4 Nason, F. L. Some New York Minerals and their Localities. 22p. 1pl. Aug. 1888. Free. 58 Whitlock, H. P. Guide to the Mineralogic Collections of the New York State Museum. t5op. il. 39pl. 11 models) Sept. 1902. 40c. New York Mineral Localities. 11op. Oct. 1903. 20¢. Contributions from the Mineralogic Laboratory. 38p. 7pl. Dec. T90Ss 15c. Paleontalowy: 34 Cumings, E. R. Lower Silurian System of Eastern Mont- gomery County; Prosser, C. S. Notes on the Stratigraphy of Mohawk Valley and Saratoga County, N. Y. 74p. 14pl. map. May igoo. t15c. 39 Clarke, J. M.; Simpson, G. B. & Loomis, F. B. Palecntologic Papers 1. 72p. il. r6pl. Oct. TOOO.- SC; Contents: Clarke, J. M. A Remarkable Occurrence of Orthoceras in the Oneonta Beds of the Chenango Valley, N. Y. —— Paropsonema cryptophya; a Peculiar Echinoderm from the Intumescens-zone (Portage Beds) of Western New York. —— Dictyonine Hexactinellid Sponges from the Upper Devonic of New York. —— The Water Biscuit of Squaw Island, Canandaigua Lake, N. Y. Simpson, G. B. Preliminary Descriptions of New Genera of Paleozoic Rugose Corals. Loomis, F. B. Siluric Fungi from Western New York. 44 70 98 42 Ruedemann, Rudolf. Hudson River Beds near Albany and their Taxo- nomic Equivalents. 116p; 2pl..map. “Apr. 190T. aise. 45 Grabau. A. W. Geology and Paleontology of Niagara Falls and Vicinity. 286p. il. 18pl. map. Apr. 1991. 65c; cloth, goc. 49 Ruedemann, Rudolf; Clarke, J. M. & Wood, Elvira. Paleontologic waPapers 2. a4op: r3pl. Dec. 1901. 4oc: Contents: Ruedemann, Rudolf. Trenton Conglomerate of Rysedorph Hiil. Clarke, J. M. Limestones of Central and Western New York Interbedded with Bitumi- nous Shales of the Marcellus Stage. Wood, Elvira. Marcellus Limestones of Lancaster, Erie Co., N. Y. Clarke, J. M. New Agelacrinites. Value of Amnigenia as an Indicator of Fresh-water Deposits during the Devonic of ty New York, Ireland and the Rhineland. MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS 52 Clarke, J. M. Report of the State Paleontologist 1901. 28op. il. ropl. map, t tab. July 1902. 4oc. 63 —— & Luther, D. D. Stratigraphy of Canandaigua and Napies Quad- rangles. 78p.map. June rgoa. 25c. 65 Clarke, J. M. Catalogue of Type Specimens of Paleozoic Fossils in the New York State Museum. 848p. May 1903. $1.20, cloth. 69 Report of the State Paleontologist 1902. 464p. 52pl. 7maps. Nov. 1903. $1, cloth. 80 ——- Report of the State Paleontologist 1903. 396p. 2o9pl. 2 maps. Feb. ro05. 85c, cloth. 8x1 —— & Luther, D. D. Watkins and Elmira Quadrangles. 32p. map. Mar. 1905. 25¢c. 82 —— Geologic Map of the Tully Quadrangle. 4op.map. Apr. 1905. 20C¢. 90 Ruedemann, Rudolf. Cephalopoda of Beekmiantown and Chazy For- mations of Champlain Basin. 224p. il. 38pl. May 1906. 75c, cloth. 92 Grabau, A. W. Guide to the Geology and Paleontology of the Schoharie Resion, 314p.. il. 26pl. map... Apr. 1906. 75c, cloth. 99 Luther, D. D. Geology of the Buffalo Quadrangle. 32p. map. May 1906. 20C. nya Geology of the Penn Yan-Hammondsport Quadrangles. 28p. map, July 1906: 25¢. 114 Hartnagel, C. A. Geologic Map of the Rochester and Ontario Beach Quadrangles. 36p.map. Aug. 1907. 20. 118 Clarke, J. M. & Luther, D. D: Geologic Maps and Descriptions of the Portage and Nunda Quadrangles including a map of Letchworth Park. sop. 16pl. 4 maps.. Jan. 1908. 35c. 128 Luther, D. D. Geology of the Geneva-Ovid Quadrangles. 44p. map. Apr. 1999. 20C. —— Geology of the Phelps Quadrangle. In preparation. Whitnall, H. O. Geology of the Morrisville Quadrangle. Prepared. Hopkins, T. C. Geology of the Syracuse Quadrangle. In preparation. Hudson, G. H. Geology of Valcour Island. In preparation. Zoology. 1 Marshall, W. B. Preliminary List of New York Unionidae. 2z0p. Mar. 18092. Free. 9 —— Beaks of Unionidae Inhabiting the Vicinity of Albany, N. We 30p. ipl. Aug. 1890. Free. 29 Miller, G. S. jr. Preliminary List of New York Mammals. 124p. Oct. ue 15¢c. 33. Farr, M.S. Check List of New York Birds. 224p. Apr. 1900. 25¢. 38 Miller, Cas: jr. Key to the Land Mammals of Northeastern North America. 106p. Oct: 1900. 15¢c. 49 Simpson, G. B. Anatomy and Physiology of Polygyra albolabris and Limax maximus and Embryology of Limax maximus. 82p. 28pl. Oct. EOOU.. 25C. 43 Relaee: J. L. Clam and Scallop Industries of New York. 36p. 2pl. imap. Apr. 1901. Free. 51 Eckel, E. C. & Paulmier, F. C. Catalogue of Reptiles and Batrachians of New York. 64p. il. ipl. Apr: 1902. “15¢. Ecke!, E.C. Serpents of Northeastern United States. Paulmier, F.C. Lizards, Tortoises and Batrachians of New York. Aho H Catalogue of the Fishes of New York. 784p. Feb. 1903. 1, cloth, 71 Kellogg J. L. Feeding Habits and Growth of Venus mercenazia. 3op, 4pl. Sept. 1903. Free. 88 Letson, Elizabeth J. Check List of the Mollusca of New York. 116p May 1905. 200. gt Paulmier, F. C. Higher Crustacea of New York City. 78p. il. June 1905. 20C, 130 Shufeldt, R.W. Osteologyof Birds. 382p. il. 26pl. May 1q09. soc. Entomology. 5 Lintner, J. A. White Grub of the May Beeile. 3 4p. il. Nov. 1888. Free. 6 —— Cut-worms. 38p. il. Nov. 1888. Free. NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT . a San José Scale ga Some Destructive Insects of New York State Dp. 7pl. -Aprerso5s< 15 20 Heit. E. P. Elm- feat Beetle in New York State. 46p. il. spl. June 1898. Free. See 57. 14th Report of the State Entomologist 1898. rsop. il. gpl. Dee. 1898. 20¢. c Memorial of the Life and Entomologic Work of J. A. Lintner Ph.D. State Entomologist 1874-98; Index to SES s Reports 1-13. 3116p. ipl) Oct.1890. 2 35c: Supplement to 14th report of the State Entomologist. ; 26 Collection, Preservation and Distribution of New York Insects, 36p. il. Apr. 1899. Free. 2 Shade Tree Pests in New York State. 26p. il. spl. May 1899. a sth Report of the State Entomologist 1899. 3128p. June 1900. I 36 16th Report of the State Entomologist 1900. 118p. 16pl. Mar. LOOd. + 25: Catalogue of Some of the More Important Injurious and Beneficial Insects of New York State. 54p. il. Sept. 1900. Free. Scale Insects of Importance and a List of the Species in New Vork’State: “n4ap-ilk sgplt- une: to01rs: Sse: 47 Needham, J. G. & Betten, Cornelius.. Aquatic Insects in ve Adiron- dacks. 234p. il. 36pl. Sept. TOOT. -45¢. 53 Felt, E. P. 17th Report of the State Entomologist 1901. 232p. il. 6pl. Aug. 1902. Out of print. Elm Leaf Beetle in New York State.: 46p..il. 8pl. Aug. 1902. Out of print. ; This is a revision cf 20 containing the more essential facts observed since that was pre- pared. 46 57 59 Grapevine Root Worm. gop. 6pl. Dec. 1902. 15¢. See 72. 64 18th Report of the State Entomologist 1902. 11o0p. 6pl. May 1903. 20C 68 Needham, J. G. & others. Aquatic Insects in New York. 322p. 52pl. Aug. 1903. 8oc, cloth. 72 Felt, E.P. Grapevine Root Worm. s8p. 13pl. Nov. 1903. 20c. This is a revision of 59 containing the more essential facts observed since that was prepared. 74 —— & Joutel, L. H. lcagenoa™ of the Genus Saperda. 88p. 14pl June 1904. 25¢c. 76 Felt, E. P. roth Report of the State Entomologist 1903. 15o0p. 4pl. POGd... 1 5: Mosquitos or Culicidae of New York. 164p. il. 57pl. tab. Oct. 79 1904. 40Cc 86 Nesdicimn: j. G. & others. May Flies and Midges of New York. 352p. i 27 pi. June 1905. 8o0c, cloth. g7 Felt, E. P. 2oth Report of the State Entomologist 1904. 246p. il. 19pl. Nov. 1905. 4o0¢c. 103 Gipsy and Brown Tail Moths. 44p. t1opl. July 1906. 165¢. 104 21st Report of the State Entomologist 1905. 144p. topl. Aug. 1906. 25¢. 1cg —— Tussock Moth and Elm Leaf Beetle. 34p. 8pl. Mar. 1907. 2o0¢. b ® Ce) 22d Report of the State Entomologist 1906. 1152p. 3pl. June LOO7-. y25Cc. 23d Report of the State Entomologist 1907. 542p. 44pl. il. OGE 1908) 75c. 129 Control of Household Insects. 48p. il. May 1909. Out of print. MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS 134 24th Report of the State Entomologist 1908. 208p. 17pl. il, Sept. 1909. 35C. 136 Controlof Flies and Other Household Insects. 56p.il. Feb.1gro. a5C: This; is a revision of 129 containing the more essential facts observed since that was prepared. Needham, J. G. Monograph on Stone Flies. In preparation. Botany. 2 Peck, C. H. Contributions to the Botany of the State of New Werk. -72p. 2pl. May 1887. Out of print. 8 Boleti of the United States. 98p. Sept. 1889. Out of print. 25 Report of the State Botanist 1898. 76p. 5pl. Oct. 1899. Out of print. 28 Plants of North Elba. 206p. map. June 1899. 200. 54 Report of the State Botanist 1901. 58p.7pl. Nov. 1902. 4oc. 75 Report of the State Botanist 1903. op. 4pl. 1904. 4oc. 04 Report of the State Botanist 1904. 6op. ropl. July 1905. 4oc. 105 —— Report of the State Botanist 1905. s108p.12pl. Aug. 1906. 5oc. 67 —— Report of the State Botanist 1902. s196p.s5pl. May 1903. Soc. 116. Report of the State Botanist 1906. t120p. 6pl. July 1907. 35¢c. 122 —— Report of the State Botanist 1907. 178p. spl. Aug. 1908. 4oc. 13I —— Report of the State Botanist1908. 202p. 4pl. July1ge9. 4oc. 139 —— Report of the State Botanist 1909. 116p.1opl. May roto. 465c. Archeology. 16 Beauchamp, W. M. Aboriginal Chipped Stone Imple- ments of New York. 86p. 23pl. Oct. 1897. 25¢c. 18 —— Polished Stone Articles used by the New Par Aborigines. 104p. 3spl. Nov. 1897. 25¢. Earthenware ef the New York Aborigines. 78p.°33pl.. Oct. 1898. 25c. Aboriginal Occupation of New York. i1g0p. 16pl. 2maps Mar. EQOG, 2 30C. 22 32 41 Wampum and Shell Articles used by New York Indians. 166p. 28pl. Mar. 1901. 3oc. 50 —— Hora oe Bone Implements of the New York Indians, 112p. 43pl. Mar. 1902. 55 —— Metalic ‘Implements of the New York Indians. o94p. 38pl. June 1902. 25¢. 73 Metallic Ornaments of the New York Indians. r22p. 37pl. Dec. peices ERAtOry of the New York Iroquois. 340p. 17pl. map. Feb. 1905. A ae Lake Mounds. 84p. t12pl. Apr. 1905. 20¢. : 89 Aboriginal Use of Wood in New York. tgop. 35pl. June oe er original Place Names of New York. 336p. May 1907. 4oc. 113 —— Civil, Religious and Mourning Councils and Ceremonies of Adop- Homes «isp. 7pl. June 1907... 25¢: 117 Parker, A. C. a ne Indian Village and Burial Site. r1o2p. gopi... Dee. 1907. 125 WG deme H. M. & Parbae A.C. Iroquois Myths and Legends. r196p. Gerri. Dec. 1903." soc. Miscellanecus. Ms 1 (62) Merrill, F. J. H. Directory of Natural History Museums in United States and Canada. 236p. Apr. 1903. 30c. - 66 Ellis, Mary. Index to Publications of the New York State Nat- ural History Survey and New York State Museum 1837-1902. 418p. June 1903. 75¢, cloth. Museum memoirs 1889-date. Q. 1 Beecher, C. E. & Clarke, J. M. Development of Some Siluriax: Brachi- opoda. 96p. 8pl. Oct. 1889. = $r. 2 Hall, James & Clarke J. M. Paleozoic Reticulate Sponges. 35op. il. 7opl. 1898. $2, cloth. 3 Clarke. J. M. The Oriskany Fauna of Becraft Mountain, Columbia Co., N. Y. 3128p. gpl. Oct. 1900. 8oc. 4 Peck,C.H. N.Y. Edible Fungi, 1895-99. 1106p. 25pl. Nov. 1900. [$1.25] This includes revised descriptions and illustrations of fungi reported in the 49th, sist and 52d reports of the State Botanist. NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT | 5 Clarke, J. M. & Ruedemann, Rudolf. Guelph Formation and Fauna of New York State. -ro6p. 21pl. July 1903: $1.50, cloth: 6 See M. Naples Fauna in Western New York. 268p. 26pl. map. 2, cloth. 7 Ruedemann, Rudolf. Graptolites of New York. Pt 1 Graptolites of the Lower Beds. 350p.17pl. Feb. 1905. $1.50, cloth. 8 Felt, E. P. Insects Affecting Park and Woodland Trees. v.1. 46op. il. g48pl. Feb. 1906. $2.50, cloth:.v.2. 548p. il. 22pl. Feb. 1907. $2, cloth. 9 Clarke, J. M. Early Devonic of New York and Eastern North America. Pt 1. 366p. il. 7opl. 5 maps. Mar. ro08. $2.50, cloth; Pt 2, 250p. il, soph -4maps. Sept. 1909. $2, cloth. | to Eastman, C. R. The Devonic Fishes of the New York Formations. 236p. «uspl. ro907. $1.25, cloth. tr Ruedemann, Rudolf. Graptolites of New York. Pt 2 Graptolites of the Higher Beds..584p. il. 2 tab. 31pl. Apr. 1908. $2.50, cloth. 12 Raton, E. H. Birds of New York.. v. 1, 5orp. il. 42° pi ape emer $3, cloth; v. 2 in press. ' 13. Whitlock, H. P. Calcites af New York. In press. Clarke, J. M. & Ruedemann, Rudolf. The Eurypterida of New York. Prepared. Natural history of New York. 3ov. iJ. pl. maps. 4to. Albany 1842-04. DIVISION 1 ZOOLOGY. De Kay, James E. Zoology of New York; or, The New York Fauna; comprising detailed descriptions of all the animals hitherto observed within the State of New York with brief notices of | those occasionally found near its borders, and accompanied by appropri- ate illustrations. 5v.il.pl.maps. sq. 4to. Albany 1842-44. Out of print. Historical introduction to the series by Gov. W. H. Seward. 178p. , v. 1 ptr Mammalia. 131+46p. 33pl. 1842. 39° copies with hand-colored plates. v. 2pt2 Birds. 12+380p. r41pl. 1844. . Colored piates. v. 3 pt3 Reptiles and Amphibia. 7+98p. pt4 Fishes. 15 +415p. 1842. 9t3-4 bound together. v. 4 Plates to accompany v. 3. Reptiles and Amphibia 23pl. Fishes 7gpl. 1842. 300 copies with kaud-colored clates. v. 5 pts Mollusca. 4+271p. qopl. pt6 Crustacea. jop. r3pl. 1843-44. Hand-colored plates; pts—6 bound together. DIVISION 2 BOTANY. Torrey, John. Flora of the State of New York; com- prising full descriptions of all the indigenous and naturalized plants hith- erto discovered in the State, with remarks on their economical and medical properties. ev. il. pl. sq. gto. Albany 1843. Out of print. v. t Flora of the State of New York. 12+484p. 72pl. 1843. 300 copies with hand-colored plates. v: 2 Flora of the State of New York. 572p. 89pl. 1843. 3900 copies with hand-colored plates. DIVISION 3 MINERALOGY. Beck, Lewis C. Mineralogy of New York; com- prising detailed descriptions of the minerals hitherto found in the State of New York, and notices of their uses in the arts and agriculture. il. pl. sq.4to. Albany 1842. Out of print. v. 1 pt1 Economical Mineralogy. ptz Descriptive Mineralogy. 24 +536p. 1842. 8 plates additional to those printed as part of the text. DIVISION 4 GEOLOGY. Mather, W. W.; Emmons, Ebenezer; Vanuxem, Lard- ner & Hall, James. Geology of New York. 4v. il. pl. sq. 4to. Albany 1842-43. Out of print. v. 1 ptr Mather, W. W. First Geological District. 37+653p. 46pl. 1843. vy. 2 pte Emmons, Ebenezer. Second Geological District. 10+437p. 17pl. 1842. Vv. 5 pe Vanuxem, Lardner. Third Geological District. 306p. 1842. v. 4 pt4 Hall, James. Fourth Geological District. 22+683p. ‘opl. map. 1843. MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS DIVISION 5 AGRICULTURE. Emmons, Ebenezer. Agriculture of New York; comprising an account of the classification, composition and distribution of the soils and rocks and the natural waters of the different geological formations, together with a condensed view of the meteorology and agri- oon productions of the State. sv. il. pl. sq. gto. Albany 1846-54. Out of print. Vice Soils of the State, their Composition and Distribution. 11+371p. 2rpl. 1846. v. 2 Analysis of Soils, Plants, Cereals, etc. 8+343+46p. 42pl. 18409. With hand-colored plates. v. 3 Fruits, etc. 8+340p. 1851. v. 4 Plates to accompany v. 3. g5pl. 1851. Hand-colored. v. 5 Insects Injurious to. Agriculture. 8+272p. sopl.- 1854. With hand-colored plates. DIVISION 6 PALEONTOLOGY. Hall, James. Paleontology of New York. 8v; il. pl. sq. 4to. Albany 1847-94. Bound in cloth. . v. rt Organic Remains of the Lower Division of the New York System. 23+338p. oopl. 1847. Out of print. v. 2 Organic Remains of Lower Middle Division of the New York System. 8+362p. 1o4pl. 1852. Out of print. v. 3 Organic Remains of the Lower Helderberg Group and the Oriskany Sandstone. pti, text. 12+532p. 1859. [$3.50] : pt2. 143pl. 1861. [$2.50] v. 4 Fossil Brachiopoda of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. 11+1+428p. 6g9pl. 1867. $2.50. v. 5 ptr Lamellibranchiata 1. Monomyaria of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton and Chemung Groups. 18+268p. 45pl. 1884. $2.50. _Lamellibranchiata 2. Dimyaria of the Upper Helderberg, Ham- ilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. 62+293p. 5ipl. 1885. $2.50. —— ptz Gasteropoda, Pteropoda and Cephalopoda of the Upper Helder- berg, Hamilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. 2v. 1879. v. 1, text. 15+492p. v.2, r20pl. $2.50 for 2 v. : & Simpson, George B. v. 6 Corals and Bryozoa of the Lower and Up per Helderberg and Hamilton Groups. 24+298p. 67pl. 1887. $2.50. & Clarke, John M. v. 7 Trilobites and other Crustacea of the Oris- kany, Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage, Chemung and Catskill Groups. 64+236p. 46pl. 1888. Cont. supplement to v. 5, ptz. Ptero- poda, Cephalopoda and Annelida. 42p. 18pl. 1888. $2.50. & Clarke John M. v. 8 pt: Introduction to the Study of the Genera of the Paleozoic Brachiopoda. 16+367p. 44pl. 1892. $2.50. —— & Clarke, John M. v.8 pt2 Paleozoic Brachiopoda. 16+394p 64pl. 1894 $2.50. Catalogue of the Cabinet of Natural History of the State of New York and of the Historical and Antiquarian Collection annexed thereto. 242p. 8vo. 1853. Handbooks 1893-date. In quantities. 1 cent for each 16 pages or less. Single copies postpaid as below. New York State Museum. s52p. il. Free. Outlines, history and work ot the museum with list of staff 1902. Paleontology. 12p. Free. Brief outline of State Museum work in paleontology under heads: Definition Relation to biology; Relation to stratigraphy: History of paleontology in New York. Guide to Excursions in the Fossiliferous Rocks of New York. r24p. Free. Itineraries of 32 trips covering nearly the entire series of Paleozoic rocks, prepared specially for the use of teachers and students desiring to acquaint themselves more intimately with the classic rocks of this State Entomology. r6p. Free. Economic Geology. 44p. Free. Insecticides and Fungicides. 2op. Free Classification of New York Series of Geologic Formations. 32p. Free. NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT | Para Geologic maps. Merrill, F. J. H. Economic and Geologic Map of the State — of New York; issued as part of Museum bulletin 15 and 48th Museum Report, v. 1. 59x67 cm. 1894. Scale 14 miles to 1 inch. 15¢. Map of the State of New York Showing the Location of Quarries of Stone Used for Building and Road Metal. Mus. bul. 17. 1897. Free. —— Map of the State of New York Showing the Distribution of the Rocks Most Useful for Road Metal. Mus. bul. 17. 1897. Free. Geologic Map of New York. tro01. Scale 5 miles to 1 inch. Im atlas form. $3; mounted on rollers $5. Lower Hudson sheet 6oc. The lower Hudson sheet, geologically colored, comprises Rockland, Orange, Dutchess, Put- nam, Westchester, New York, Richmond, Kings, Queens and Nassau counties, and parts of paliven, Ulster and Suffolk counties; also northeastern New Jersey and part of western “Connecticut. Map of New York Showing the Surface Configuration and Water Sheds. 1go1. Scale r2 miles to 1 inch. 15¢. . : ; Map of the State of New York Showing the Location of its Economic Deposits. 1904. Scale 12 miles to 1 inch. 15¢c. on Geologic maps on the United States Geological Survey topographic base; scale 1 in. = 1m. Those marked with an asterisk have also been pub- lished separately. 3 *Albany county. Mus. rep’t 49, v. 2. 1898. Out of print. Area around Lake Placid. Mus. bul. 21. 1808. Vicinity of Frankfort Hill [parts of Herkimer and Oneida counties]. Mus. Tepe Si, v.,.T. > £890. Rockland county. State geol. rep’t 18. 1890. Amsterdam quadrangle. Mus. bul. 34. 1900. -*Parts of Albany and Rensselaer counties. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. Free. *Niagara river. Mus. bul. 45. rg01. 25¢. Part of Clinton county. State geol. rep’t 19. rgot. Oyster Bay and Hempstead quadrangles on Long Island. Mus. bul. 48. Igot. Portions of Clinton and Essex counties. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. Part of town of Northumberland, Saratoga co. State geol. rep’t 21. 1903. Union Springs, Cayuga county and vicinity. Mus. bul. 69. 1903. *Olean quadrangle. Mus. bul. 69. 1903. Free. *Becraft Mt with 2 sheets of sections. (Scale 1 in. =- 4m.) Mus, bul. 69. 1903. 20€. *Canandaigua-Naples quadrangles. Mus. bul. 63. 1904. 20€. *Little Falls quadrangle. Mus. bul. 77. 1905. Free. 2 *Watkins-Elmira quadrangles. Mus. bul. 81. 1905. 206. *Tully quadrangle. Mus. bul. 82. 1905. Free. *Salamanca quadrangle. Mus. bul. 80. 1905. Free. *Mooers quadrangle. Mus. bul. 83. 1905. Free. *Buffalo quadrangle. Mus. bul. 99. 1906. Free. *Penn Yan-Hammondsport quadrangles. Mus. bul. ror. 1906. 20¢, *Rochester and Ontario Beach quadrangles. Mus. bul. 114. 20¢. *Long Lake quadrangle. Mus. bul. 115. Free. *Nunda-Portage quadrangles. Mus, bul. 118. 20¢c. *Remsen quadrangle. Mus. bul. 126. 1908. Free. *Geneva-Ovid quadrangles. Mus. bul. 128. 1909. 20¢. *Port Leyden quadrangle. Mus. bul. 135. 1910. Free. *Auburn-Genoa quadrangles. Mus. bul. 137. 1910. 20¢. *Elizabethtown and Port Henry quadrangles. Mus. bul. 138. 1910, I5¢. c~ wee Pig SOAR this +. Fi. “4 Wasnt “fea ILILSNI_ NVINOSHLINS S3IYVYGIT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN or NVINOSH Seap. . ON DC SMITHSO! li NVINOSH: SMITHSOI NVINOSH. NOILNLILSNI NOILNLILSNI LIBRARIES NOILNLILS ARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI. 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