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Recipes, with Full Instructions fob Manufacturing Many Popular

AND Saleable Goods. Trade and Mechanical Secrets, Money

Making Inventions, &c., &c., with the Paul Brothers'

Secret, Turkish Perfumes, Cheng "Weng, Starch

Polish, &c.









Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1878, by,

M. Young, in the Office of the

Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. 0.





Header In publishing this Book of Secrets, we do it with the firm belief that it will be the means of doing much good to the thou- sands that have never before had an opportunity to obtain them. Many of these Secrets have already been put in the market, and are now having very large sales. They are, of course, sometimes called by different names than those given in this book. Who- ever puts any of these valuable Medicines in market can give them such names as they think most attractive, or that might have a tendencj' to add to their sales. From the sales of some of these Secrets hundreds of thousands of dollars have been made, and they are now so firmly established in this country, and also in Europe, that they will probably be sought after as long as time lasts.

If yoif desire to commence business for yourself, select from this Book one of these Secrets, one that you think would be the most saleable in your locality, and manufacture it in small quan- tities at first. As your sales imi^rove, and you see your way more clear to increase your business, invest more largely in goods. Sell to families and stores, and if you have the means at your command, leave it on commission and advertise it in every way that you can. Talk about your goods whenever you have an opportunity, and by so doing you will get others inquiring about them, and 3-ou will soon have a business started, with an income from it that will surprise you. The Patent Medicine business is the most profitable, and the surest return, (if properly advertised), of any business that you can engage in. If you are unable to put uj) any of these valuable Eemedies, but have the desire to do so, we would suggest that yon write out the Kecipe for making the Centennial Gold Medal Prize Vinegar and take a



Bample of vinegar with yon in a bottle to show to storekeepers and families, and sell them the Secret of mnnufactinng this excellent vinegar for 50 cents. Any person tasting this article will will- ingly pay you the price yon charge for the Kecipe. Persons keeping provision stores will make money by purchasing this article from you. You can sell 20 Eecipes a day, at 50 cents each, ($10 a day, all profit). If some object to paying j'our price, do not refuse to take less, rather than not sell to them. You can use any other Secret that you wish in the same manner, but we mention the vinegar Kecipe because that is an article that can be sold to almost everybody.

We call especial attention to the Secret of the Paul Brothers, Violet Ink, published in this Book. Any industrious man or woman, boy or girl, can make money wiihout Capital to start with, if they follow closely the Instructions we give in relation to the gale of this valuable Secret. There are many Private Ptccipes, and Mechanical Secrets given in this Book, that have been man- ufactured very largely during the past few years. Fortunes have "been made in the manufacture of a Single Eecipe. We will not attempt to advise out of the many Secrets here given, just the one for the reader to establish a business i'rom, we leave you to judge for yourself what article would be the most suit^Jole and saleable. The manufacture of the Phosphorous Paste has been built up to a stupendous business. Dr Parkers Diarhoja Cure, is now one of the established Medicines of the world, and yon cannot do better than to manufacture this Bemedy. The Starch Polish is ft standard article. The Egyptian Perfume Secret is worth a hundred dollars. It has had most extensive sale.

If you do not wish to leave home, sell all you can in your own town, and then advertise in your local newspaper, telling them what you have for sale, and what it will do. The medicines will always sell. Invalids abound in all communities, and the Eeme- dies you have in this Book of Secrets are the best the world ever produced. After you have got a little start advertise more large- ly, and yon will find your profits steadily increasing, and by continued exertion, and constant effort, you will establish your- self in a permanent and profitable business.

t®T7Ng's book or seckets. 9


Xlie I'aiil Bi'otliei-s Triolet Ink.— In 1871, 1872, and 1873, two young men, (twin Brother's), Frenchmen, were often met in different parts of France and England, dressed {dike, and by closely wai^ching them they were seen to enter counting houses, banks, insurance offices, green grocers, mer- chants, and stores and shops of every kind. They carried no luggage or large sample cases like commercial travellers or drum- mers. They had the a^^pearance of young men with some det» r- mined object in view, and as they flitted swiftly by the br.sv throng, oxi the crowded thoroughfares, little or no comment was made on them except by those that noticed the remarkable re- semblance each bore to the other. These two j'oung men were the celebrated PAUL BEOTHERS, that made clear in three years, between them, over One Hundred Thousand Pounds SteViing, without one cent of capt|ul 1o start with. Previous history does not record a similar case. They stood alone up to 1871. Their method of making a fortune was not known to the general pub- lic until they had finished their successful tour over France and England. They did not advertise or manufacture goods. They did not force their wares on those they met. They had deter- mined on a Plan, (successful as it proved to be), and they fol- lowed it until victory crowned them with financial success. In 1870 they made the discovery of a very rich VIOLET WKITIL'G INK. They put it up in bottles, and sold it for Two Shillings English currency. But they were very poor and could not ad- vertise or commission it, and they struggled hard, but could not get ahead. They walked from shop to shop, every day, occasion- ally selling a bottle. One dark, bleak Saturday night, in the City of Paris, out of money, foot sore, dishearten and hunffry, they entered a Cafe to trade a bottle of their Violet Ink, (if they could), for their su])per. The keen proprietor tested their great discovery and was amazed. He offered them five francs to learn him their Secret, so that he could make his own ink, and never have to buy any more. The Paul Brothers faltered. It was hunger on one side, and the parting with their Secret on the other. They decided to accept the Frenchman's paltry five franc piece, and made the Violet Ink in his presence. They then de- termined to sell that Secret to all France and England. The five francs carried them over 'till Monday morning. From that day fortune never failed them. They each took a pint bottle of the Violet Ink in their pocket, and visited stores, banks, offices, and everywhere that Ink is used or sold. They asked a moment's time of the storekeeper to show him their writing done with this Ink. Then they told him hn could make that Ink for a trifle per gallon. He could sell it in his store, or use it for his own busi-

10 "Toung's book of secrets

ness purposes. Five francs was their price to give the Secret. They found hundreds of thousands ready to buy Their fortune was niiide. Thi-ee years they worked selling this Secret in this way. Very many days they made five and six hundred francs, and in England they were known to make even more than that sum in a single day. The}' retired in the fall of 1873, worth over half a million dollars, every dollar of which was made selling the Secret for making their elegant Violet Ink.

We purchased that Secret in Paris from the Paul Brothers, and we will now send it to you FllEE when you order Young's Great Book of Secrets. You can make the Violet Ink in five minutes in vour own home. It cost next to nothing to manufacture. Any storekeeper will pay you 50 cents for the Secret after you have shown him your sample. Anybody that writes will buy tbis Secret from you, for it is something of great value. Any morning, after breakfast, you can sell it to thirty storkeepers at 50 cents each $15 a day clear profit. If you are smart and ac- tive you can teach fifty every day. Y''oung ladies can easily sell 50 a day. Y''ou can commence at once and each day your income will increase. It is not peddling, as you are dealing entirely with business men, teaching them the Secret to manufacture use or sell the Paul Brothers Violet Writing Ink, and you will be heartil}" welcomed.




TO MAKE ONE GALLON.— Take an ounce of Violet Aniline. Dissolve it in one gill of hot Alcohol. Stir it a few moments. When thoroughly dissolved, add one gallon boiling water, and the ink is made. This ink is usually sold in cities at $2 per pint bottles, $1 for half pints, and 50 cents for gill bottles. This is the original recipe that was bought by us from the Paul Brothers in Paris, It is worth, to an enterprising man or woman. One Thousand Dollars. Do not bury it— use it, and make money out of it.

Caution. As the Aniline Colors of Commerce vary a great deal in quality, the amount of dilution must vary with the sample used, and the shade determined by trial. The above recijte is for the very best first quality Violet Aniline. In some localities it may not be easily obtained. If you desire to make one gallon from the best Violet Aniline, we will got it for you from an Im- porter of Colors in New York. It costs us 50 cents an ounce. That makes one gallon. Wo will send it to you at 50 cents an ounce, by mail.

To Orn-o Bleeclinqr nucl lilincl T?ileH.— This is the celebrated French Surgeon (Dr Chevazzi's) groat cure for Piles. If the piles be vary hot and painful, they should be


"weil fomented by means of a sponge, with hot camomile and poppj'^-head tea, three times a da)', for half an lionr each time, and at bed-time a hot white bread poultice should be a])plied. If the heat be not great, and if tlie pain be not intense, the fol- lowing ointment will be found efficacious; powdered opium one scruple; camphor, (powdered by means of a few drops spirits of wine), half a drachm; powdered galls one drachm: spermaceti oint- ment, three drachms. Mix To be applied night and nicrning. The bowels shoul.l be kept gently opened by one or two tea- spoonfuls of compound confection of senna, take everj' morning. The tea is made from four poppy heads and four oz. camomile blows, boiled in two quarts water half an hour. This is a valu- able Recipe.

To Ou.i"e J*»iol£ Hea.<lnche. Gather sumacleavea in the Summer, and spread them in the sun a few days to dr}'. Tlien powder them fine, and smoke, morning and evening for two weeks, also whenever there are symptoms of approaching headache. Use a new clay pipe. If these directions are adhered to this medicine will surely effect a permanent cure

To Oii-i^G ri Ooii{«iiiiiipti>'0 Ooiig-li. Take three pints ruia water, half pound raisins chopped tine, three tablespoonfuls flax seed, sweeten to a syrup with honey, and boil down to a quart. Add three teaspoonfuls of extract of anise. Take a tablespoonful eight times a day.

To Oiivo BfildiiesH. Colonge water two ounces; tincture of cantharides two drachms; oil of lavender or rosemary, of each ten drops. These applications must be used twice a day for three or foiir weeks, but if the scalp become sore, they must be discontinued for a time, or used at longer intervals.

When the hair falls o{f from diminished action of the scalp, preparations of cantharides are excellent. The following will cause the hair to grow faster than any other preparation: beef marrow soaked in several waters, melted and strained, half a pouml; tincture of cantharides (made b}' soaking for a week one drachm of powdered cantharides in one ounce of proof spirit), one ounce; oil of barganut twelve drops.

Wliooj>iTi.<y OonLj2rli. Dissolve a scruple of salt of tartur in a gill of water; add to it ten grains of cochineal; sweeten it M'ith sugar. Give to an infant a quarter teaspoonful four times a day; two years old half spoonful; from four years a tablesi:)oon- ful.. Great care is required in the administration of medicines to infants. We can assure paternal inquirers that the foregoing may be depended upon.

Li<][iii<l O-l no.— Dissolve one ounce of borax in a pint of boiling w:iter: add two ounces of shellac, and b(;il in a covered vessel until the lao is dissfdved. This forms a very useful and cheap cement, an;l withstands damp much better than the com- mon glue. Tills is superior to any Prepared Glue in market.


niospixorou-S P*aj*Jte for I>eJsti*oyiiig' li^ats a.iicl !M!ioe. Melt one pound of lard, with a very- gentle heat, in a large mouthed bottle or other vessel plunged into warm water ; then add half an ounce of phosphorous, and one pint of proof spirit; cork the bottle securely, and a!« it cools shake it frequently, so as to mix the phosphorous uniformly; when cold pour otf the spirit (which may be preserved for the same purpose), and thicken tha njixture with flour; Small por- tions of this paste may be placed near the rat holes, and being luminous in the dark it attracts them, is eaten greedily, and is certainly fatal. Put it up in small tin boxes, and sell at 25 cents each. There is a firm in this city that has made over thirty thousand dollars manufacturing this article.

I>i'. I?ai*l«:<3i''s Gri'eat Oiir*e fox* X>iax— rhoea and Oraiiips in J^itoiiiacli. Two parts tincture camphor, tincture opium, tincture African Cayenne, essence peppermint, one part tincture rhubarb, Mix. Dose Half teaspoonful for an adult, and from five to ten drops for a child. liepeat the dose in fifteen minutes if the patient is not relieved. Bathe the bowels with strong vinegar. This is one of the most valuable Secrets that this book contains. It has saved hundreds of lives. If you manufacture this article and sell a few bottles in any locality, its great virtues will soon spread far and wide, and you will have orders from families, druggists, and others. Put it up to retail for 25 cents.

I>i'Oj>s^.— Take one pint of bruised mustard seed, two handfuls of bruised horseradish root, eight ounces of lignum- vitce chips, and four r.uncea of bruised Indian hemp root. Put all the ingredients in seven quarts of cider, and let it simmer over a slow tire until it is reduced to four quarts. Strain the decoction, and take a wineglassful four times a day, for a few days, increasing the dose to a small teacupful three times a day. After which use tonic medicines. This remedy has cured cases of dropsy in one week's time which had baffled the skill of many eminent physicians. For children the dose should be smaller.

Iiicielil>le lyTai^-liiiig- Iiili ^W^itlioiit a I'l'epai'atioii. Dissolve separately one ounce of nitrate of silver, and one and a half ounces of sub-carbonate of soda, (best washing soda) in rain water. Mix the solutions, and col- lect and wash the precipitate in a filter; while still moist rub it up in in a marble or hard wood mortar with three drachms of tartaric acid; add two ounces of rain water, mix six drachms white sugar, and ten drachms of powdered gum arable, half an ounce of archil and water to make up six ounces in measure. It should be put up in short drachm bottles, and sold at 25 cents. This is the best ink for marking clothes that has ever been dis- covered. There is a fortune in this recipe, as a good marking ink is very saleable.

young's eook of eeceets. 13

-(^.vistiii's DPei'siaii SsJtai-oli Enamel.

Melt over a slow fire live pounds reiined parrafine, and when it is all melted add two hundred drops oil of citronelli. Place sev- eral new round pie pans, well oiled with lard oil or sweet oil, on a level table, and pour about six tablespoonfuls of the Polish into each pan. Let them stand until they are cool enough to lift into a pail or basin of water; let the pan float on the water a moment so as to cool the bottom, and then submerge or press the pan into the water, until it is cool enough to stamp the Polish out into cakes. This must be done before it gets too hard, and there- IbrS it will requii-e close watching. Have a round tin stamp made to cut cakes about the size of a candy lozenge. Stamp them out, and let them cool well before taking them out of the pans. Put it up in square paper boxes, (nine cakes in each, retail at 5 cents a box). Thirty cakes in oval boxes, 25 cents. The cost of the 25 cent boxes, filled, ready for market, is about 5.] or G cents; the small size boxes about Ik cents. They are also put up in 10 cent boxes which is a very saleable size. Directions To a pint of boiling starch stir in two of the cakes or tablets, or three cakes to a quart. This gives an elegant lustre to linen or muslin, and imparts a splendid perfume to the clothes, and makes the iron pass very smoothly over the surface. It requires but half the ordinary labor to do an ironing. It is admired by every lady. It prevents the iron from adhering to the surface, and the clothes remain clean and neat much longer than by any other method known. Over six thousand storv3s are selling this article in New York and Brooklyn. For Ladies, we know of no busi- ness so suitable and pleasant to engage in. If j-ou desire futher information write your questions briefly and we will answer them at once.

To ileiiio^ e Oi*ea^e oi' stains ii*om Olotliiiig". Ordinary benzine is as good a grease cradicator as is now used. Put up in four ounce bottles and label it "The Nation's Grease Extractor," and sell for 20 or 25 cents. Benzine generally costs about 15 cents a gallon. Dip the corks in wax,

IPosixtitiiMUs!. For making pomatums, the lard, fat, suet, or marrow used, must be carefully prepared by being melted with as gentle a heat as possible, skimmed and cleared from the dregs •which are deposited on standing. Take mutton suet, prepared as above, one pound; lard three pounds; carefully melted togeth- er, and stirred constantly as it cools, two ounces oil bergamot being added just after lifting the pomade from the fire. Hard Pomade. Mutton suet and lard each one pound; white mmx, four ounces; oil of berg:imot one ounce. Put up in short, large mouthed bottles, and sell at 15 or 20 cents.

Oeiiiciit loi' IJi-olceii China, Olass, «S,ie. The foUoM'ing recipe, from experience, we know to be a good one, and, being nearly colorless, it possesses advantages which

14 YOr»G''9 BOOK or SECRETS.

liquid ghie and other cements do not: Dissolve half an onnce of gum acacia in a wineglass of boiling water; add plaster of Paris sufficient to form a thick paste, and apply with a brush to the parts required to be cemented together.

^oi'e tiiicl "Weiilc E^^t?^.— Sulphate of zinc three grains; tincture of opium ten drops, water two ounces. To be applied three or four times a day.

Another. Dissolve five grains acetate of morphia, ten grains BUgar of lead, and six grains sulphate of zinc, in five ounces rose-water. Bathe the eyes freely three times a day. For Scrof- ulous Sore Eyes, take blue violets, dig them up, top and root, wash clean, dry them, and make a tea. Drink several times a day, wetting the eyes each time, and it will soon effect a cure.

Out ox* !Oi*iiiso. A]iply the moist surface of the in- side coating or skin of the shell of a raw egg. It will adhere of itself, leave no scar, and heal without pain.

"Wons. Take the yolks of eggs, beat up, and add as much fine salt as will dissolve, and apply a plaster to the "Wen every ten hours. It cures without pain or any inconvenience.

l^l>i'aiii.ocl ^nlilo ox* Wi-ist.— Wash the ankle very frequently with cold salt and water, which is far better than warm vinegar or decoctions of herbs. Keep the foot as cool as possible to prevent inflammation, and sit with it elevated on a high cushion. Live on low diet, and take every day some cooling medicine such as Epsom salts. It cures in a few days.

Best BlacliiBi^ ioi- Boots aiici }!5<lioes. Ivory black one and ii half ounces, molasses one and a half ounces sperm oil three drachms, strong oil of vitriol three drachms, common vinegar half a pint. Mix the ivory black, molasses and vinegar together, then mix the sperm oil and oil of vitriol sepa- rately, and add them to the other mixture.

Fjfeoltles. Muriate of ammonia half a drachm, lavender water two drachms, rain water half a pint. Api^lied with a sponge two or three times a day.

To take ]>Xai'l£iii«: Iiili: out of Linen. A saturated solution of cyanuret of j)otassium, applied with a camel's hair brush. After the marking ink disappears, the linen should be well washed in cold water.

Hail* I>^^i5.— This preparation has held the market in Europe for several years, nnd gives entire satisfaction. Solution No. 1. Hydrosulphuret of ammonia one ounce, solution of pot- ash three drachms, distilled or rain water one ounce, (all by measure). Mix, and put into small bottles, labeling it No. 1. Solution No. 2. Nitrate of silver one drachm, rain w'ater two ounces. Dissolved and labeled No. 2. Directions. The solution No. 1. is first applied to the hair with a tooth brush, and the application continued for fifteen or twenty minutes. Then let the hair dry a short time. The solution No. 2. is then brushed


over ft. comb beinpj used to separate the hairs and allow the liquid to come in contact with every part. Care must be taken that the liquid does n(^t come in contact with the skin, ns the solution No. 2. produces a ver^^ permanent dark stain on all substances with which it comes in contact. If the shade is not siifficieutly deep, the operation may be repeated. The hair should be cleans- ed from grease before losing the dye. This can be easily done by washing the head in clear water, adding thereto about two tablespoonfals of ordinary washing soda. Dry the hair well with a towel. Tins Dye (No. 1. and No. 2. put up in a box together), is sold at 50 cents. A fine business can be built up by manufact' uring and selling this Hair Dye.

S!^oi'e Tlii-oa^t.— Pour a pint of boiling water upon twenty or thirty leaves of common sage, let the infusion stand for half an hour. Add vinegar sufficient to make it moderately acid, and honey according to tlie taste. It must bo used several times a day. Another excellent remedy is a strong solution of salt and water. Gargle every hour. A wet towel worn on the throat at night will assist in affecting a cure. For a Putrid Sore Throat use a gargle of brewers' yeast six times a day, also bind thin slices of salt pork on the throat.

I>2^''«;pop«ia. One of the first things to be attened to is to regulate the bowels, which in this disease are always in a cos- tive state. The best means of keeping them loose is the eating of a handful of clean wheat bran, once or twice a day. This is the most simple and efficacious method of cleansing the stomach. It may be eaten from the hand with a few swallows of water to wash it down, also use, to regulate the stomach and bowels, the daily use of common salt, in teaspoonful doses, dissolved in a half" tumblerful of water, taken in the morning fasting. Avoid rich diet, and use brown bi-ead instead of that made of superfine flour.

Tlie Best Pill in tUe 'Woi'ld.— Two pounds of aloes, one pound of gamboge, four oxinces of the extract of colocynth, half a pound of castile soap, two fluid ounces of oil of peppermint, and one fluid drachm of cinnamon. Mix and ioi*m into pills. These pills are the most celebrated of any in tho world, and the fortunate manufacturer has accumulated over a million dollars from their sale.

To<>tlisi<:?lio. Take equal parts of camphor, sulphuric ether, ammonia, laudaniim, tincture of cayenne, and one-eight part oil of cloves. Mix well together. Saturate with the liquid ft small piece of cotton, and apply to the cavity of the diseased tooth, and the pain will cease immediately. Put up in long drachm bottles. Ptelail at 25 cents. This is a very saleable prep- aration, and affords a large pi-otit to the manufacturer.

Oi.ii*e ot'W^a,i'ts. The easiest way to get rid of warts is to pare oft" the thickened skin which covers tho prominent wart; cut it off by suG«QS8ive layers, and shave it till you «ome t* tho

16 young's book or secrets.

surface of the slcin, and till you draw blood in two or three places. Then rub the part thoroughly over with lunar caustic, and one effective operation of this kind will generally destroy the wart; if not, you cut off the black spot Avhich has been occasioned by the caustic, and apply it again; or you may apply acetic acid,! and thus you will get rid of it. Care must be taken in applying these acids, not to rub them on the skin around the wart.

Dye ^iilc Lilao. For every pound of silk take one and a half pounds of archil, mix it well with the liquor, make it boil a quarter of an hour, dip the silk quickly, then let it cool, | and wash it in river water, and a fine half violet, or lilac, more or less full, will be obtained.

Put a few droi:)S of spirits of nitre in a teaspoonful of water,' touch the spot with a feather dipped in the mixture, and on the, ink disappearing, rub it over immediately with a rag wet in cold watei', or there will be a white mark which will not be easily, effaced.

To Olcaix IVTarfele. Take two parts common soda.i one part of pumice-stone, and one part of finely powdered chalk; sift it through a fine sieve, and mix it with water; then rub it well over the marble, and the stains will be removed; then washj the marble over with soap and water, and it will be as clear as it was at first.

Paint. To get rid of the smell of oil paint plunge a hand- ful of hay into a pail of water, and let it stand in the room newly' painted.

To Iiemo>^e OiTensive Bi^eatli. ior this' purpose almost the only substance that should be admitted at the' toiletts is the concentrated solution of chloride of soda. From six to ten drops of it in a wineglassful of spring water, taken immediately after the operations of the morning are completed.

In some cases, the odor arising from carious teeth is combined with that or the stomach. If the mouth be well rinsed with a tea- spoonful of the solution of the chloride in a tumbler of water,' the bad ordor of the teeth will be removed.

"Wliito J^Xctal. This is a splendid article for spoons; castors, ornaments, and in short articles of everj"^ descrij)tion.. It closely resembles silver, and may be used with great profit by the manufa'-iture of an infinite variety of commercial articles of almost every description.

The alloy is ten ounces of lead, six ounces of bismuth, four drachms of antimony, eight ounces of brass, and ten oimces of block tin, all melted together. This can be run into moulds or hammered into any shape, as it is perfectly malleable.

Iiiii^"\^on:»i. The head is to be washed twice a day with soft soap and warm soft water; when dried, the places to be rubbed with a piece of linen rag dipped in ammonia from gas tar; the patient should take a little sulphur and molasses, or some

young's boos of sercets. 17

other genuine aperient, every morning: brushes and combs should be washed ev^ry day. and the ammonia kept tightlv corked.

Imitation r»iii-e ?«^il ver.— So perfect in its resem- blance th.it no chemist living can detect it from pure virgin silver. It IS all melted together in a crucible. Quarter of an ounce of copper, two ounces of brass, three ounces of pure silver, one ounce of bismuth, two ounces of saltpetre, two ounces of common salt, one ouuce of arsenic, one ounce of potash. Add a little borax to make it run easy.

Ai\^iiiasoi' S?;oap.— This is made with lard. In France they use lard with a i)ortion of olive or bleached palm oil It is made with one part of olive oil to nine of tallow. But a great part ot %/hat is sold is only curd (tallow) soap, and scentedwith oil of caraway and bergamot. The brown is color with burnt sugar, or umber.

,- Honej^ J*Joap.— White cured soap 1^ pounds, brown Wmdsor soap half pound. Cut them into thin shavings, and bquety as directed above for scented soap; then add four ounces ot lioney, and keep it melted till most of the water is evaporated- then remove from the fire, and when cool enough add any essen-' tial oil. According to Piesse the honey soap usuallv sold con- sists of fine yellow soap, perfumed witli oil of citronella

Maitin's JfiJpleiiclid I51aoli IiilK.-Eoillo-. wood twenty-two pounds, in enough water to yield fourteen gallons decoction. To a thousand parts cf this decoction, when cold, add one part chromate of potash. The mixture is to be well stirred. The proportions are to be carefully observed, and tlie yellow chromate, not the birchromate, employed. This ink possesses some great advantages, to adhere strongly to paper so that It can neither be washed off by water, nor even altered 'by wea^ acids, to form no deposit, and not be in the least acted upon by steel pens. ^

R-ecl Wi-itiniry Iiili.— Best ground Brazil wood four ounces, diluted acetic acid one pint, alum half an ounce. Boil them slowly in a covered tinned copper or enamelled saucepan lor one hour, strain, and add one ounce gum.

Uff^^^^^'^T J»iJ^--<^^imboge triturated with water, and a little alum added.

GJ-i-eeJi Iiilc.-Rub three and a half drachms Prussian Blue, and three drachms of gamboge, with two ounces of mucil- age, and add half a i)int of water.

r.offo'^.^'n ^*^^^^^l-^^i-.I»il^.-Fine Bronze powder, or gold o silver leaf, ground with a little sulphate of potash, and

tity of uT ' ' '" "" ^'"^ '''^^ ''"''^^'' ^^'^ "" sufficient quan-

^V^7'^P^***^*^^ ^** ►*^eci-ot Iillt^j.— The solutions used should be so nearly colorless that the writing canno bo seTn till the agent is applied to render it visibte

Boil oxide of cobalt in acetic acid. If a little common salt bo

18 young's book of 3ECKET3.

added, the writing becomes green -when lieated; bnt witli nitre it becomes a pale rose color.

A weak solution of sulphate of copper. The writing becomes bine when exposed to the vapor of ammonia.

]>iIariifol<i I*a j>oi'. A process by which several letters can be written at one time. It i.s commonly known as coi'>ying paper. Mix lard with black lead or lamp-black into a stiff jmste, rub it over tissue paper with flannel, and wipe off the sui^erfluous quantity with a soft rag. These sheets alternated with black carbon paper, and written with a hard pencil, will produce sever- al cojiies of a letter at once.

To M:ali:e tt Bsii-rel oF Ooocl ^oap.— Dissolve fifteen pounds of bar soap in fifteen gallons boiling water, and let it get cold. Cut up the soap in slices. When cold it will be thick like jelly.

Dissolved fifteen pounds of sal-soda in fifteen gallons more of boiling water, which will take three minutes, then add to this composition six j^ounds of unslacked lime; let these articles boil together twenty minutes. When cold and settled, turn off this fluid, and stir it up with the soap, be careful not to disturb the sediment, then add three pints of alcohol, and stir all the articles together.

W^a«li Equal to T*niixt. Take a half bushel of nnslacked lime, and slack it with boiling water, cover it during the process. Strain it, and add a peck of salt dssolved in warm water, three pounds of ground rice boiled to a thin paste put in boiling hot, half pound of Spanish whiting, and one pound of clear glue dissolved in warm water. Mix and let it stand several days. Keep it in a kettle, and put it on as hot as possible with a brush.

The above is the receipt used for the President's house at Washington. It is said to look as well and last as long as oil paint, on wood, brick or stone.

To Olean Iti<l d-loves. Make a strong lather ■with curd soap and warm water, in which steep a small piece of new flannel. Place the glove on a flat unyielding surface such as the bottom of a dish, and having thoroughly soaped the flannel (when squeezed from the lather), rub the glove till all dirt be re- moved, cleaning and re-soaping the flannel from time to time. Care must be taken to omit no part of the glove, by turning the fingers, etc. The gloves must be dried in the sun, or before a moderate fire, and will present the appearance of old parchment. When quite dry, they must be gradually pulled out, and will look new.

Ooi'iis. Boil a potato in its skin, and after it is boiled take the skin and put the inside of it to the corn, and leave it on for about twelve hours; at the end of that period the corn will ba nearly cured. ...

toung's book or seckets. 19

To X>e«ti.*ov I<^lie» isi a Itoom.-Tuke half a tciispooiiful of black'^peitper, one teaspoonlul of brown sugiir, and one tablespoonful of cream; mix them well together and place them in a room on a plate, where the flies are troublesome and they will soon disappear.

Fi'e^ei'^'iiig,* JdUg-g-^.— The following mixture was patented several years ago by Mr. Jayne of Sheffield, England. He alleged that by means of it he could keep eggs two years. A part of his composition is often made use of perhaps the whole of it would be better. Put into a tub or vessel one bushel of quick lime, two pounds of salt, half a pound of cream of tartar, and mix the same together, with as much water as will reduce the composition, or mixture to that consistence that it will cause an egg put into it to swim with its top just above the liquid. Then i)ut and keep the eggs therein.

JTi-eiieli. l^olisli Ibi* I3ootj^ mi<l ^lioes. Mix together two pints of the best vinegar and one pint of wat- er, stir into it a quarter of a pound of glue, broken up, half a pound of logwood chips, a quarter of an ounce of finely pow- dered indigo, a quarter of an ounce of the best soft soap and a quarter of an ounce of isinglass. Put the mixture over the fire and let it boil ten or fifteen minutes. Then strain the liquid, and bottle and cork it. When cold it is fit for use. The polish should be applied with a clean sponge.

Oi'iijx^.— Wliea a drop of water falls on a black crape veil or collar, it leaves a conspicuous white mark. To obliterate this, spread the crape on a ttible (laying it on a large book or jniper to keep it steady), and place underneath the stain a piece of old black silk. With a large camel's hair brush, dipped in common ink, go over the stain, and then wipe ofi: the ink with a small piece of old soft silk. It will dry immediately, and the white mark will be seen no more.

To Oiii-o r*tiiiis in. tlio Feet: Ooen- S?iioiiecl \)y^ "Walliiiig:.— If your feet become p-iinful from walking or standing too long, put them into warm salt and water mixed in the proportion of two large handfuls of salt to a gallon of water.. Sea watermade warm, is still better. Keep your feet and ankle in the w-ater until it begins to feel cool, rubbing them well with your hands. Then wipe them dry and rub them long and hard with a coarse towel. Where the feet are tender and easily fatigued, it is an excellent practice to go through this practice regulary every night, also on coming home from a walk. With perseverance this has cured neuralgia iu the feet.

l^^e^'ei* mid -A.j>*iie. First clear the bowels wath the fluivl extract of senna and jalep two drachms, infusion of cloves two ounces; mix. To be tukeu at a drauujht. In the cold stage

20 young's booe of seckets.

give hot drinks nud try to excite warmth. In the hot ague give cooling drinks. Then give quinine one scruple, alcohol four ounces, sulphuric acul live clrop's; n)ix— in two tablespoonlul doses, every hull' hour, at the same time give live drop doses of tincture or fluid extract of veratum and rub the patient with dry towels. In the intermission give three grain doses, unce in four hours, and continue it a lormight alter the cessation of the at- tacks.

The following is known as the Cuban Eemedy for chills and fever. Just before the api)roach of the fever spread two plas- ters about two inches wide composed of black pepper, bruised fine ^,not ground \ luixed into a paste with tije white ot an egg. Immediatelj" before the fever comes bind them on the inside of thn wrists, and lie down. Do not remove them until the fever has })assed oit". If the fever is not entirely broken bj' the first application, apply fresh plasters ot the same the next time the fever comes on.

To ]>Xal<e "i'oiii* Teotli as T"^^liite as ^iio'w. Take one part chloride of lime and fifteen parts of prepared chalk, adding half an ounce of pulverized Peruvian bark and a few drops of otto of roses. Use it thoroughly morn- ing and evening.

To iiisilie 01isiiiipa<i'iie Oiclei* ioi* TToiii* Oeiitss SI Oalloii. Take five gallons lukewarm water, add one gallon common molasses, three pounds of brown su- gar, one gallon ot vinegar, one gallon of yeast quarter of a pound of tataric acid. Let all stand m the warm water to dis- solve one hour, then add cold water. Let stand forty-eight hours to work, with bung out. This makes forty-two gallons. In all cases the barrel should be full. To keep for a length of time add one pound of mustard. Bottle and seal it well.

To Di'i^'e Ooclvi'oac'lies IVoiii "i'oiix* I>»'Olliii45"as». Strew pulverized hellebore root on the hearth, tioor, or places they frequent at night. In the morning the roadies will be found either dead or dying, for such is their avidity for this plant, that they never fail to eat it when they can get it. Black pulverized hellebore may be had at all herb shops. Put up in. small tin boxes and retail at twenty- five cents.

To Oiii^o Doaiiioss. Obtain pure pickerel oil »ind ap})ly four drops morning and evening to the ear. Great care sh.uiM be takiii to obtain oil that is ]ierfectly pure.

T4> Olosiii "5l'oiii* l)>\'elliEij>-s ii-oii« I^eil I3ii*>-S5j. Corrosive sublimate and the white of an egg, beat togetUer and laid \\ith a feather nround the crevices of the bed- steads and the Siicking is very etfectual in destroying bugs in them. Tansy is also said to be very effectual in keeping them away. Strew it under the sacking bottom. The best txttrmin-


fttor is black pulverized hellebore root, it destroys them. Placo it Avhere the bngs will be likely to crawl. To 3Xfil£e I*aiiit loi* One Oeiit a, I*oixiT<il.

To one gallon of soft hot water add four pounds sulphate of zinc (crude). Let it dissolve perfectly', and a sediment will settle at the bottom. Turn tha clear solution into another ves- sel. To one gallon of paint (lead and oil), mix one gallon cf the compound. Stir it into the paint slowly for ten or fifteen minutes, and the compound and paint will perfectly combine. If too thick thin it with turpentine. This recipe has been B0I4 to painters as high as $100 for the privilege to use the same in their business.

To 3Xali:e Hens I^ay tlie T\^Iiole "^eai-. Give each hen half an ounce of fresh meat every day, and mix a small amount of red pepper with their food during the winter, (xive them pl'^nty of grain, water, gravel and lime and allow no cocks to run with them.

Irlo^v to Hai«e a IMu-Staelie. Tincture of benzoin compound two drachms, tincture of Spanish flies two dr.ichms, castor oil six ounces, oil bergamot one drachm, oil of verbena fifteen drops, strong alcoliol nine ounces. Circulation should be stimulated first by friction with a rough towel, apply to the whiskers and mustache morning and evening.

To 3Xali:e Ovicini:il>er' "Vines l^eai:- ITive Oi'Oj3S. When a cucumber is taken ^'rom the vine let it be cut witu a knife, leaving about the eighth of an inch of the cu- cumber on the stem, then slit the stem with a knife from its end to the vine leaving a small portion of the cucumber on each di- vision, and on each separate slit there will be a new cucumber as large as the first.

Sil>^ei- Plating" Flviiil.— Take one ounce of pre- cipitate silver to half an ounce of cynate of potash and a quar- ter of an ounce of hyposulphite of soda, put all in a quart of water, add a little whiting, and shake before using. Apply •with a soft rag. Put up in ounce bottles, and retail at twenty- five cents. This secret is worth $103 to an agent to sell to families.

Oliappecl Hands and Lips.— One quarter pound of honey, and one quarter pound sal-soda with one pint of water. Apply often.

Pnlmonic ^Vafei-s for Oong-lis.— White sugar three and a half jDounds, tincture or syrup of ipecac two ounces, antimonial wine one ounce, morphine five grains, dis- solved in a tablespoonful of water; with ten drops sulphuric acid, half an ounce tincture blood root, one ounce syrup of tolu. Add these to the sugar, and mix the whole mass as the confectioners' do for lozenges, and cut into lozenges of the or- dinary size. Use from six to twelve of these in twenty-four

22 young's book of secrets.

hours. These -wafers are equal to any made and are generally sold at high prices.

IVei'voxis Henclaclie. Extract hyocyrnus five grains, pulverized camphor five grains; Mix. Make lour pills, one to be taken ^vhen the pain is most severe in nervous head- ache. Or three drops tincture nux-vomica in a spoonful of wat- er, two or three times a day.

Folon*.— One tablespoonful of red lead, and one tahle- spoonful of Castile soap and mix them with as much weak lye as will make it soft enough to spread like a salve, and ajiply it on the first appearance of the felon, and it will cure in ten or twelve days.

liestoi'e E^-esigrlit:. Let there he an occasional pressure of the finger on the l;all of the eye. Let the pressure always be from the nose and towards the temples, and wash the eyes three times a day in cold water. If this simjile advice is followed the day is not far distant Avhen partial blindness shall disappear from tlie world.

Eiilax'g-ocl T^eiiis of* tlie L-eg*. Apply firm- ly strii)s of leather spread with soap plaster. "' Generally it is better to support the whole limb with a strong calico bandage which should be applied before getting cut of bed, It is well to use friction in connection with iodine ointment.

<Oos"ti~^^eiie»!!S.— Common charcoal is highlv recom- mended for costiveness. It may be taken either in tea or table- spoonful, or even larger doses according to the exigencies of the case, mixed with molasses, repeating it as often as necessary. Bathe the bowels with pepper and vinegar. Or take two ounces of rhubarb, add one ounce of rust of iron, infuse m one quart of wine. Haifa wineglassful every morning. Or take pulver- ized blood root one drachm, pulverized rhubarb one drachm, Castile soap two scruples. Mix and roll into thirty-two pills. Take one morning and night. Bj^ following these directions it may perhaps save you from a severe attack of piles or some other kindred disease.

"Wasliiii^ ]>i;n€lo Easy. To save your linen and your labor pour on half a pound of soda two quarts of boiling water, in an earthenware pan; take half a jjound of soap, shred fine, put it into a saucepan wath two quarts of cold water, stand it on a fire till it boils, and when perfectly dissolved and boiling add it to the former. Mix it well, and let it stand till cold, when it has the appearance of a strong jelly, Let your linen be soaked in water, the seams and anj' other dirty part rubbed in the usual way and remain till the follo^Ying morning. Get your wash boiler ready, and add to the M'ater about a pint basin full. When lukewarm put in your linen and allow it to boil twenty minutes. Hinse it in the usual waj', and that is all

young's book of secrets. ' 23

•s\-liich is necessary to get it clean, and to keep it in good color. The above receipt is invaluable to housekeepers. Give it a trial.

]>Xiii"t ^in.eg'Sir .— Put into a wide-mouthed bottle fresh nice clean ruint leaves enough to lill it loosely, then fill up the bottle with good vinegar, and after it has been stopped close for two weeks it is to be poured off clear into another bottle, and kept well corked for use. Serve with lamb when mint cannot be obtained.

Excellent Ha.ii' TVash.— Take one ounce of borax, half an ounce of camphor, powder these ingredients very fine and dissolve them in one quart boiling water; when cool the solution will be ready for use; damp the hair frequently. This wash effectually cleanses, beautifies and strengthens the hair, preserves the color and prevents early baldness. The camphor will form into lumps after being dissolved, but the water will be sufficiently impregnated.

Oliilfelainss*, ^prtiiiis, etc.— One raw egg, well beaten, half a pint of vinegar, one ounce spirits of turpentine, a quarter of an ounce of spirits of wine, a quarter of an ounce of camphor. These ingredients to be beaten well together, then put in a bottle and shaken lor ten minutes, after which to be corked down tightly to exclude the air. In half an hour it is tit for use. To be well rubbed in, two, three or lour times a day. For rheumatism, in the head, to be rubbed at the back of the neck and behind the ears. In chilblains, this remedy is to be used before they are broken.

Tlie 'Elg;yjyt\a.iM. IPei'tTune.— In manufactur- ing this article, follow the same directions, and use the same ingredients as are used in Austin's Starch Enamel pub- lished on another page of this book, with the simple alteration of using the oil of jassemine instead of the oil of citronella. In perfuming use one ounce of oil of jassemine to every pound and a half of parratine. Stamp out in cakes one inch long, half an inch wide, and one-eighth of an inch in thickness. Put each cake into a small sliding box, and sell at ten cents each. It is very saleable and you can make money fast by putting this up. It is new and has not been introduced as yet in many localities, and if you are first in the field you are sure to do a large business at it. Give it a trial.

Glimmer Oliiii-npai^ne.— To four parts of seltzer water add one ounce of Moselle wine, or hock, and put a tea- spoonful of powdered sugar into a wineglassful ot this mixture; an ebullition takes place and you have a sort of champagne which is more wholesome in hot weather than the genuine wine known by that name.

Deafness.— Take three drops of a sheep's gall, warm, and drop it into the oar before going to bed. Th« ear must be

24 toung's book or secrets.

Bj'ringed with warm soap and water in the morning. The gall must be applied for three successive nights. It is only efficaci- ous when the deafness is produced by cold. The most conven- ient way of warming the gall is by holding it in a silver spoon over the flame of a light. The above remedy has been frequently tried with perfect success.

GrOiil:. This is Col. Birch's receipt for rheumatic gout or acute rheumatism, commonly called in England the "Chelsea Pensioner." Half an ounce of nitre (saltpetre), half an ounce of sulphur-, half an ounce of flower of mustard, half an ounce of Turkej' rhubarb, quarter of an ounce of powdered guaicum. Mix, and take a teaspoonful every other night for three nights, and omit three nights, in a wineglassful of cold water, water which has been previously well boiled.

Life Belts. An excellent and cheap life belt, for per- sons proceeding to sea, bathing in dangerous i^laces, or learning to swim, may be thus made: Take a yard and three-quarters of strong jean, double, and divide it into nine compartments. Let there be a space of two inches after each third compartment. Fill the compartments with very fine cuttings of cork, which can be had at any cork-cutting establishment. Work eylet holes at ihe bottom of each compartment to let the Mater drain out. Attach a neck-band and waist strings of stout boot web, and sew them on strongly.

Bleedings fi'oiii tlie ISTo^e.— From whatever cause, may generally be stopped by putting a plug of lint into the nostrils; if this does not do, a]:)ply a cold lotion to ihe fore- head; raise the head, and place both arms over the head, so that it will rest on both hands; dip the lint plug, slightly moistened, into some powdered gum-arabic, and plug the nostrils again; or dip the plug into equal parts of joowdered gum-arabic and alum. An easier and simpler method is to place piece of writing paper on the gums of the upper jaw, under the upper liii, and let it remain there for a few minutes.

{*4o5ix*lot; JFeT^ei*. It is unnecessary for a child to die of scarlet fever as it is that it should be blind with cataract. Let us see. At any time before the body has finished its inifectual struggle we are able to help it, not by wonderful medicine, but by the knowledge of anatomy and the apjdication of a little com- mon sense. We consult the symiDathetic nerve, and do what it commands us to do. We must give this child salt when it wants it. We must give it acid when it has a fever and anxiously craves it not vinegar, but lemon juice, because the first coagulates albiamen and the latter does not, on account of the amount of oxygen it contains. To imitate the soothing mucus in the intes- tines, which is now wanting, and to give some respiratory food at the same time, we add some gum arable. To restore aad relieve the injured nerve, we apply mcist warmth.

young's book of srCRETS. 2o

In practice we can fulfil all this with the following manipula- tions:— Undress the child and bring it to bed at the very first signs of sickness. Give it, if it has already fever, sourish warm lemonade, with some gum-arabic in it. Then cover its abdomen with some dry flannel. Take a well-folded bed sheet and put in boiling hot v/ater; wring it out by moans of dry towels and put this over the whole and wait. The hot cloth will perhaps require repeated heating. According to the severity of the case and its Btage of progress, perspiration will commence in the child, in from ten minutes to two hours. The child then is .saved; it then falls asleep. Soon after the child awakes, it shows slight incli- nation for food; help its bowels, if necessary, with injections of soap, oil and water, and its recovery will be as steady as the growth of a plant in the green-house if well treated.

Of course if the child w^ere already dying nothing could save it, ' or if it has effusions in the lining of the heart or brain, it is much better that it should die. But if the above is applied in due time, under the eyes and directions of a com]ietent physician, I will guarantee that not one in a hundred children will ever die of . scarlet fever. I know this v/ill startle some of my readers, especi- ally those who have already lost children, but I shall go still further. I maintain that a child will never get scarlet fever if properly treated. If the child has correctly mixed blood it will never catch the scarlet fever if put in bed with a sick child. This is still more startling, but nothing easier got rid of.

iPoisoiis. As a general rule, give emetics after poisons that cause sleepiness and raving; chalk, milk, butter, and warm water, or oil, alter poisons that cause vomitings and pain in the stomach and bowels, vvith purging; and when there is no infla- mation about the throat, tickle it with a feather to excite vomiting. Always send immediately for a medical man.

l^Xotlis. A very pleasant perfume, and also preventive against moths, may be made of the following ingredients: Take of cloves, carraway seods, nutmeg, mace, cinnamon, and Tonquin beans, of each one ounce; then add as much Florentine orris-root as will equal the other ingredients put together. Grind the whole well to powder, and then put it in little bags, among your clothes, etc.

IE3iil<l Xlcacls. A most valuable remedy for promoting the growth of the hair, is an application once or twice a day, of wild indigo, and alcohol. Take four ounces of wild indigo, and steep it about a week or ten days in a pint of alcohol, and a pint of hot water, when it will be ready for use. The head must be thoroughly washed with the liquid, morning and evening, appli- cation being made with a sponge or soft brush. Another excellent preparation is composed of three ounces of castor oil, with just enough alcohol to cut the oil, to which add twentj' drops tincture of cautharides, and perfume to suit. This not only softens and

26 toung's book of seceets.

imparts a gloss to the hair, but also invigorates and strengthens the roots of the hair.

I>i'^^ Ooiigrli. Take of powdered gum-arabic half an ounce I'liqiiorice-iince half an ounce. Dissolve ihe gum first in warm water, squeeze in the juice of a lemon, then add of paregoric two drachms; syrup of squills one drachm. Cork all in a bottle, and shake well. Take one teaspoonlul when the cough is troublesome.

Blaclt Jf??illi !Revi^'er.— Boil logwood m water half an hour, then simmer the silk half an hour, take it out and put into the Vive a little bine vitriol, or green copperas; cool it and simmer the silk for half an hour. Or, boil a handful of fig leaves in two quarts of water until it is reduced to one pint; squeeze the leaves, and bottle the liquor for use. When wanted spoiige the silk with it.

Boils-!!.— These should be brought to a head by warm poul- tices of camomile flowers, or boiled white lily root, or onion root by fermentation with hot water, or by stimulating plasters. When ripe they should be destroyed by a needle or lancet. But this should not be attempted until they are fully proved.

Bullions!. May be checked in their early development by binding the joint with adhesive plaster, and keeping it on as long as any uneasiness is felt. The baudaging should be perfect, and"it might be well to extend it round the foot, An intiamed bunion should be poulticed, and larger shoes be w^orn. Iodine twelve grains, lard or spermaceti ointment half an ounce, makes a eaptial ointment for bunions. It should be rubbed on gently twice or three times a day.

Oaiitioii!*! ill Vi>5iitiii£>: tlie ^iels:.— Do net visit the sick when you are fatigued, "or in a state of perspiration, or vnih. the stomach empty- for in such conditions you are liable to take the infection. When the disease is very contagious, take the side of the patient which is near to the window. Do not enter the room the first thing in the morning before it has been aired; and when you conie away take some food, change yoiu* clothing immediately, and expose the latter to the air for some days. Tobacco smoke is a fine preventive of malaria.

To Bejscti-oy tlie Ta^te oi' ]>le<lieiiie.— Have the medicine in a glass as usual, and a tumbler of water by the side of it, then take the medicine and retain it in the mouth, which should be kept closed, and if you then commence drinking the water the tas^te of the medicine is washed awaj'. Even the bitterness ot quinine and aloes, may be prevented by this means. Olaeap aiicl Ooocl Viiie^ai*.— To eight gallons of cle:ir rain wat» r, add three quarts of molasses; turn the mix- ture into a clean tight cask, shake it well two or three times, and add three spoonfuls of good yeast, or two yeast cakes, place the cask in a warm place, and in ten or twelve days add a sheet of

young's book of seceets. 27

common brown wrapping paper, smeared with molasses, and torn into narrow strips, and you will soon have good vinegar. The paper is necessary to form the "mother " or life of the vinegar.

Oonoei*. The following is said to be a sure cure for can- cer:— A piece of sticking plaster is put over the cancer, with a circular piece cut out of the centre, a little larger than the cancer, BO that the cancer and a small circular rim of healthy skin next to it is exposed. Then a plaster, made of chloride of zinc, blood root and wheat flour, is spread on a piece of muslin, the size of this circular opening, and applied to tlie cancer for twenty-four bouVs. On removing it, the cancer will be found burned into and appear of the color and hardness of an old shoe sole, and the circular rim outside of it will appear white and parboiled, as if scalded by hot steam. The wound is now dressed, and the outside rim soon separates, and the cancer comes out in a hard lump, and the place heals up. The plaster kills the cancer, so that it sloughs like dead flesh, and never grows again. The remedy was discovered by Dr. King, of London, and has been used by him for several years with unfailing success, and not a case has been known of the reappearance of the cancer when this remedy has been applied.

J?iootliiiijy j!!»yi*Ti.j>. Alcohol, oil of peppermint castor oil, of each one ounce; mix, add oil of anise, half drachm; mag- nesia, sixt}'- grains; pulverized ginger, fourty grains; water, two ounces; white sugar to form a syrup.

S^ootliiii^ {!?43"viiX>. Take one pound of honey; add two tal)lespoonfuis of paregoric, and the same of oil of anise seed; add enough water to make a thick syrup, and bottle. For child- ren teething, dose, teaspoonful occasionally.

JBsili^i of l:5eai:i1:,y. Pure soft water, one quart; pulverized Castile soap, four ounces; emulsion of bitter almonds, six ounces; rose and orange flower water, of each, eight ounces; tincture of benzoin, two drachms; borax, one drachm; add five grains bichloride of mercury to every eight ounces of the mixture. To use, apply on a cotton or linen cloth to the face, etc.

Liqiiicl tor Forcing- tlie I5eai*<l.— Colonge, two ounces; liquid hartshorn, one drachm, tincture cantharides, two drachms; oil rosemarj^ twelve drops; lavender twelve drops. Apply to the face daily and await results. Said to be reliable.

To Incretise tlie I^^Iotv of Mlillc in. Oo^WS. Give your cows three times a day, water slightly warm, slightly salted, in which bran has been s'tirred at the rate of one quart to two gallons of water. You will find if you have not tried this daily practice, that the cow will give twenty-five per cent more milk, and she will become so much attached to the diet that she will refuse to drink clear water unless very thirsty, but this mess she will drink at almost any time, and ask for more. The amount of this drink necessary is an ordinary

28 young's book of secrets.

water-pail full each time, morning noon and night. Avoid giv- ing cows " slops," as they are no more fit for the animal than they are for the human.

]>Jiiclx Biittex- fVom JL.ittle IVXilli.— Take four ounces pulverized alum, half an ounce pulverized gum- arabic, fifty grains of pepsin ; place it in a bottle for use as re- quired. A teaspoonful of this mixture added to one pint of new milk, will upon churning make one pound of butter. Agents are selling this secret for $5.

To I^emove Orease.— Aqua ammonia, two ounces, soft water one quart, saltpetre one teaspoonful; shaving soap in shavings, one ounce; mix all together; dissolve the soap well, and any grease or dirt that cannot be removed with this preparation, nothing else need be tried for it.

Il.eiiiecl>^ lx>i- nVeixi-alo'ia.— Hypophosphite of Boda taken in one drachm doses three times a day in beef tea is a good remedy for this painful affection. So is the application of bruised horseradish, or the application of oil of peppermint ap- plied lightly with a camel hair pencil

•Tooltey 01ii.l>. Spirits of wine five gallons orange- flower water one gallon, balsam of Peru, foiir ounces, essence of bergamot eight ounces, essence of musk eight ounces, essence of cloves four ounces, essence of neroli two ounces.

Oeiitenraial Oolcl ]^Xe<lsil ^^iiiejsrar IVo. 1. Mix twenty-tive gallons of warm rain water, with four gal- lons molasses and one gallon of yeast, and let it ferment; you will soon have the best of vinegar; keep adding these articles in these proportions as the stock is sold. Use brewer's yeast.

iF'oi' Gri'ooei's $*»alo. Take three barrels; let one of them be your vinegar barrel; fill this last up before it is quite empty, with molasses, two gallons; soft water, eleven gallons; yeast, one quart; keeping these proportions in filling up the whole three barrels; sell the vinegar out of your old vinegar bar- rel as soon as it is ready, which will be in a short time; when nearly empty, fill it up with the fluid as before, and pass on to sell out of the next bai-rel; by the time it is disposed of go on to the last; then go back to the first, filling up your barrels in every case when nearly empty, and you will always keep a stock of good vinegar on hand unless your sales are very large; in which case, follow the next process. Have the bung-holes open in the barrels to admit air. The free admission of warm air hastens the ]irocess. Use brewers' yeast.

V'iiiejLJrai* ill Tlii-ee !Oa:^^s.— Get a quantity of maple, beech, or basswood chips or shavings, and soak these in good vinegar, for two or three days. With these chips you will fill a barrel, which has been pierced with a large number of inch holes all around the sides for the free admission of air among the chips (the more holes in the barrel the better, for the more

young's book of seceets. 29

air the sooner tlio vinegar will be made); cut .another barrel in. fv/o halves, place one half below the barrel with tlie chips, and the other half above it. The top tub must have its bottom pier- ced with a number of gimlet holes, in which are placed several threads of twine, to conduct the vinegar evenly over the chips. The liquid drains down slowly through the chips and out of a faucet near the bottom of the barrel into the lower tub. It should run through every four hours, a^d then be baled or pumped back. Directions to make vinegar from sugar: Use one'an half pounds to each gallon of water; of the dregs of mo- lasses barrels, use two pounds to each gallon of water; small beer lager beer, ale, etc., which have become sour, make good vinegar by being reduced with water; small beer needs but little water, lager beer as much water as beer; to two gallons of cider, add half gallon of water; you can also make excellent vinegar out of the artificial cider mention below. Use, iuevery case, soft water to make vinegar, and use two quarts yeast to every barrel. It makes much quicker if the fluid is slightly lukewarm. Leach either of these preparations through the shavings.

This process should be attended to during warm weather, or in a room where a pretty high temperature is kept up, as it will not work otherwise,

Wlxite Wiiio Vinegrai*. Mash up twenty pounds raisins, and add ten gallons of water; let it stand in a warm place for one month, and you will have pure white wine vinegar. The raisins may be used a second time the same way.

Sicli Oaixax*ies. Baker's sponge *cake dipped in sherry wine is strongly recommended for sick canary birds that have been moulting. The bird will no doubt eat sparingly of it, but the remedy is excellent. It has been known in many in- stances to restore the voice and health of canaries after shedding eighteen months and two years. Birds often continue moulting from weakness, and a short time feeding them on the cake and sherry, in connection with their seed, soon shows a beneficial effect. I woiald also advise not to give the bird any greens to eat, nor apples, while in the condition described. Canaries having asthma are relieved, and sometimes cured, by giving them a pap made of baker's bread boiled in sweet milk. In very bad cases, remove their seed for a few days and let them feed entirely upon it. The following treatment completely restored a fine singer which I had quite despaired of, as he had been sick and silent for months : Leave off seed entirely. Make a paste of sweet milk and bread crumbs, throwing the crumbs into the milk while boiling, and stir until quite smooth ; add a pinch of cayenne pepper, varied occasionally by some finely-minced clove or gaidic ; dissolve in the drinking water a little black cur- rant jelly, a bit of tig, or half a potash lozenge. I used all of these and my bird is well ; so to which the preference should be

30 young's book of secrets.

given I know not, though I incline to the jelly. It may take a long time to cure the bird, and if the troxible arises from hard- ness of the tongue, it must be painted daily with strong borax water. If he sneezes, a little olive-oil must be gently put \ip the nostrils. He should have plenty of tepid water to bathe in, celery, sweet apple, or lettuce. But by no means hang him close to the window, the cold is too severe, even in a moderately warm room, for a bird in delicate health. Paste must be fresh daily.

To ]>l!eiicl Oi'ocliei'y.— No. 1. Four pounds of white glue, one and a half pounds dry white lead, one-half pound isinglass, one gallon soft water, one quart alcohol, one- lialf pint white varnish ; dissolve the glue and isinglass in the water by gentle heat if preferred ; stir in the lead, put the alco- hol in the varnish, and mix the whole together.

S5icx"e>"V ill Plastoi*. It often becomes desirable to insert screws into plaster walls without attaching them to any wood-work ; but when we turn them the plaster give«-way, and our effort is vain ; and yet a screw may be inserted in plaster, so as to hold light pictures, etc., very lirmly. Enlarge the hole to about twice the diameter of the screw, till it with plaster of Paris, such as is used for fastening the tops of lamps, etc., and bed the screw in the soft plaster. "SVhen the plaster has set the screw will hold like iron.

Ctii'« ±oi' ITever niicl Ag-iie. One-half ounce spirits nitre, one-half ounce tincture pepper, thirty-live grains quinine, one pint of brandy. Take a wineglassful three times a day, one-half hour before meals. If for a child, give only half the quantity.

Extii'patioii of OoelvT-oaolxes.— Common red wafers, to be found at any stationer's, will answer the pur- jiose. The cockroaches eat them and die. Also, sprinkle jpoio- dered 6ora.c plentifully around where " they most do congregate," and renew it occasionally ; in a short time not a roach will be seen. This is a safe and most effectual exterminator.

To Oleaii Old Bin civ JsJillt.— Grate two pota- toes into a quart of water ; let it stand to settle, and then drain it off clear. Lay a breadth of the silk— from which you have wiped off all the dust with a flannel rag— outside upward on a clean cloth spread over an ironing blanket. Sponge it across the breadtli well ; fold it up, taking care to keep the wetted side upward. Do all the breadths, laying them each aside ; then iron them with a hot iron, having a thin piece of linen, or an old handkerchief, spread over the silk under the iron ; this will pre- vent the silk from shining. Chloroform will cleanse the finest silks, and remove spots without injury to the fabric.

To HeiioA-ate Blacit "!5*illi:.— Two ounces soap bark (to be had at an^' drug store) soaked over night in one qwart of rain-water. Pour off the water from the bark in the morning


and sponge the silk thoroughlj'- on both sides, and Imng smoothly on a clothes-horse to dr3% Do not iron. Ohl and soiled black silks have been made to look somewhere ai)proaching to new- ness and more than respectable by this process.

A. JHLeiixecl;^^ ioi* I^lieuLiiititij^iii. Four ounces saltpetre m one pint ot alcohol ; shake well and bathe parts affected ; wetting red flannel with it ; lay it on. It does not cure, but takes away the redness, reduces the swelling, and re- lieves the torment and agonj".

1?o Oi'ive -A.>-v«y A-rtts. Put red pepper in tho places the ants frequent the most, and scrub the shelves or drawei'S with strong carbolic soap.

To T2-eiTio>"e "I^ed ]>Xites" fi-osn Oaii- ax^ios. Put into the cage as a perch one or more hollow sticks, with holes cut into them at short distances as in a cane pipe. The insects crawl into these, and can easily be knocked or shaken out, or destroyed by letting hot water run through the sticks. This should be done every day till the bird is re- lieved. Hang a piece of new white flannel in the cage at night next the perch so that it shades the bird from the light. In the morning you will find the mites on the flannel ; wash, or put in a new piece the following night, and continue doing so until they are all removed. It is also well to scald the cage. The perches should be of red cedar wood.

Ho^v to OiiT^e X>i*-Bi.iili:oiiiiess. Sulphate of iron, five grains ; peppermint water, eleven drachms ; spirit of nutmeg, one drachm ; one tablespoonfiil twice a day. This preparation acts as a stimulant and tonic, and supplies the place ot tlie accustomed liquor.

To I^estore T^el>'et. "Where velvet has been crushed, hold the wrong side over a basin of quite boiling water, ^nd the pile will gradually rise. Do not lose patience, for it takes a considerable time, but tlie result is marvellous.

Hail* liiestorative. A tea made by pouring one pint of boiling water on two tablespoonfuls of dried rosemary leaves, with a wineglassful of rum added, is excellent.

To Molten -tlie Jrla-iids.— Before retiring, take a large pair of old gloves and spread mutton tallow inside, also all over the hands. Wear the gloves all night, and wash the hands with olive-oil and white castilo soap the next morning.

To U/eiiiove Wliite S5»t?xins fr-oiii I^ur- nitiii'O.— Have ready three pieces of woolen cloth, with one wx'U dipped in lamp oil (or if that is not convenient linseed oil), rub the spot briskly, wet the second with alcohol and apply to oily surface, rubbing quickly, as too much alcohol will destroy the varnish, and finally polish with the third cloth, moistened with oil or furniture polish.

32 young's book of sEcnExa.

J*»oa.x> !M!a,iiiifliet"XE.i'o. Whon wood ashes cannot conveuieutly be bad it is ustual for soap manufactures to use equal quantities of recently slacked lime, and sal-soda, soda ash or caustic soda, using water enough to give the ley sufi&cient strength to support a fresh egg. It must be very strong. The solution can be effected by heut, or stirring, or by both methods, finally drawing off, or bailing out the liquid clear of sediment, previously throwing in salt and giving time for the sediment to settle; one ton of yellow soap will require about a thousand pounds tallow and three hundred an tifty poiinds resin, with ley sufficient. The same quantity of white soap will require nearly thirteen hundred pounds tallow, boiling in every case with the proper quantity of ley, until it forms a perfectly hom- ogeneous mass by a perfect blending of the component parts all together, when it is poured out into suitable frames to harden and cool. It is afterward cut up into proper sized bars by means of wires to which handles are attached and then piled up to dr3^

5*4oliil OiVii<llo55» li'oiii Lin'cl.— Dissolve quarter pound alum, and quarter pound saltpetre, in half pint water on a slow fire; then take three pounds of lard cut into small pieces, and put into the pot with this solution, stirring it constantly over a very moderate fire until the lard is all dissolved; then let it simmer until all steam ceases to rise and remove it at once from the fire. If you leave it too long it will get discolored. These candles are harder and better than tallow.

To FliiA'Oi* Toi>s;vc*<?o. This is done by means of a mixture of one part each of lemon peel, orange peel, tigs, corriander seed and sassafras; halt part each of elderflowers, elderberries, and cinnauiou ; two parts of saltpetre, three of salt, and four of sugar. This mixture most be digested in fifty parts of water, and, before applying it flavor with an alcoholic solution of gum benzion, mastic, and n)yrrh. It is said that this decoc- tion gives a flavor to common leaves resembling Porto liico, but to this end the leaves must be well dried, about a year old, well permeated with the preparation, kept in a pile for eight days, turned daily, and finally dried.

navoi" loi' Oi*»'iiV 3Xuli:ei*s. Take two ounces Tonqua beans, and one ounce cinnamon; bruise and pulverizs them to a powder, and put tlunn into one pint of Santa Cruze rum; let it stand for a few days to macerate; stir all together, and with this liquid siiriuklo your common or inferior tobacco. Dry out of the sun, and the flavor will be unequalled.

XJiiei'i'iii^j To«t loi" g'ood noiir*.— Good flour is white, with a j^ellowish or straw-color tint. Squeeze some of the flour in your hand; if good, it will retain the shape given by pressure. Knead a little between your fingers; if it works soft and sticky, it is poor. Throw a little against a dry perpen- dicular surface; if it fall like powder, it is bad.


TiTnisparent J^oai>.~Slice six pounds nice vellow bc-ir-so.ip into shavings; put into a brass, tin or copper kettle, witii alcoliol, half gallon; heating gradually over a slow fire, stir- ring till all is dissolved; then add one ounce sassafras essence, and stir until all is mixed; now pour into pans about one an half inches deep, and when cold cut into square bars the length or width of the pan, as desired.

To Oorrect Mliist^- Floui-.— Carbonate of magnesia, three pounds; flour, seven hundred an sixty-five pounds; mix. This improves bad flour, causing it to become more wholesome, producing lighter and better bread than wl^ alum is used, and absorbs and dissipates the musty smell.

Patent J^ielf-K^aisiiijo: JTlonr.— Kiln-dried flour, one cwt. ; tartaric acid, ten ounces; mix thoroughly. After two or three days, add, of bicarbonate of soda, twelve ounces; lump sugar half pound; common salt one an half pounds. Mix and pass through the " dressing machine." Have all the articles perfectly dry, and separately reduced to fine powder before add- ing to the flour. Mix with cold water, and bake at once. It produces light and porous bread.

To Oixi'e Bwttei-.— Take two parts of fine salt; one part loaf sugar; one part saltpetre; mix completely. Use one ounce of this mixture to each pound of butter; work well. Bury your butter firkins in the earth in your cellar bottom, tops near- ly level with the ground, or store away in a very cool place covering the butter with a clean cloth and a strong brine on the top, and It will keep two years if desired.

To Keep Bixtter clui-ing^ Hot \^eatli- ei'.— A simple mode of keeping butter in Avarm weather is to invert a large crock of earthen, or a flour pot if need be (varyin^y witb the size of the vessel containing the butter), over the dish or firkin in which the butter is held. The porousness of the earthenware will keep the butter cool, and all the more so if the pot be wrapped in a wet cloth, with a little water in the dish with the butter. Not the porosity of the earthenware, but the rapid absorption of heat by external evaporation causes the but- ter to become hard.

Pi-eiiiimii 3Ietlio<l oF Iceepiii^ Hams

ete.— io tour gallons of water, add eight pounds coarse salt- quarter ounce potash; two ounces saltpetre; two pounds brown sugar. Boil together, skim when cold, put on the above quanti- ty to one hundred pounds meat; hams to remain in eight weeks, beef, t_hree weeks. Let the hams drv several days before smokl mg. Meat of all kinds, saliiion and other fish, lobsters, etc may be i)reserved for years by a light application of pyroligneous acid applied with a brni3h, sealiug up in cans as usual. It im- parts a splendid flavor to the meat, is very cheap, an and ettectual preservative against loss.

34 young's book of secrets.

-ZEi'atecl !Oi*ca.cl. une pound flonr, one bun^Jrod grains carbonate of soda; sixty grains common salt; one teaspoon powdered sugar; bundred an twenty grains muriatic acid, more or less, according to its strengtb; one wine pint of water, inferior flour will require less. Well mix tbe flour, soda, salt, and sugar in a eartben vessel, tben add tbe acid mixed witb tbe water, stir witb a wooden spoon. Bake in one loaf about one bour. Bake in tin or iron pans, but avoid tbe use of metallic vessels or spoons wbile mixing.

To tie»tox-e I^aiicicl 13 utter". —Use one pint water to eacli pound of butter, previously adding twenty grains cbloride of lime to eacb pint of water; wasb well tbe butter in tbis mixture, afterward re-wasb in cold water and salt; or melt tbe butter in a water batb witb animal cbarcoal, coarsely powd- ered and previously well sifted to free it from dust; skim, remove, i and strain tbrougb flannel; tben salt.

Tomato Osrtssnii>.— Boil one busbel of tomatoes till tbey are soft, squeeze tbeiu tbrougb a line wii-e sieve; add one an balf pints of salt, two ounces cayenne pepper, and five beads of i onions, skinned and separated; mix togetber, and boil till reduced one balf; tben bottle.

Tlie TVoi-tlieni-X^ig-lit I3iii'iiiiig' ITlviicl- Get good deodorized benzine, sixty to sixty-five gravity, and to eacb barrel of fortj^-two gallons, add two pounds pulverized alum, tbree an balf ounces gum campbor, and tbree an balf ounces oil of sassafars, or two ounces oil bergamot; stir up and mix tborougbly togetber, and it will soon be ready for use. N. B. As tbis fluid creates a mucb larger volume of ligbt and flame tban carbon oil, it is necessary to use eitbera bigb burner, sucb as tbe sun burner, to elevate tbe flame away from tbe lamp in order to keep it cool, or instead tbereof, to use a burner pro- vided witb a tube for tbe escape of tbe gas generated from tbe fluid, sucb, for instance, as tbe Meriden burner.

"iToLing-'s Olieiisr WiiitS" ^tai*clx r*olijs:li. Tliis article bas undoubtedly bael a more extensive sale tbrougb agents tban any otber article used in tbe bousebold. It is a meritorious one, and will always find sale if our directions are followed. Care miist be taken to procure tbe ingredients marked as%e give it.


Procure from your druggist an article of commerce called and marked A 1 (not B 1), but A 1 parafiine wax. It must be tbe bardest wax made. If an inferior grade is used it will not pro- duce the same result as tbe best A 1 wax. Please buy no otber. Place your parailine in a tin boiler or pan, or pail, or kettle, as is most convenient. INIelt it over a slow fire. Use care in melting. Wben melted tborougbly remove tbe vessel from tbe fire ; cover it to keep tbe liquid bot. Take some round tin pie pans, and


oil them with sweet oil as j^ou would for pie baking, but do not use lard. Put these pans on a level table, and pour in enoni^h of the hot wax to make a depth in each pan equal to about the thickness of one-eighth of an inch. While hot glance over the pans to see that they are level. As this is very essential, please remember it. If the pans are not level, the cakes will be all thicknesses, which should not be so. Let them cool, but not too fast. Watch them closely, and have a tin stamp ready to stamp the cakes out about the size of an ordinary' candy lozenge. This stamp should be about eight inches long, larger at the top than at the bottom, so that the cakes can pass up through the stamp as you are cutting them out of the pans. Lay the cakes in another pan to cool. Before they become very hard separate them from each other ; if not it will be difficult to do so Avhen they become very hard. Do not neglect this. Have boxes made at any paper box makers in any large city. They cost about from one to two cents each ; sliding Ijoxes are the best. Have your labels printed, and commence business at once. This is a staple article. Wholesale grocers throughout the United States generally have it in stock. You can wholesale it to them, or re- tail it to families. This one Secret is worth one hundred times the price of this book. It has been manufactured by the pub- lisher of this book since 1863, and there has been a constant de- mand for it.

■yoiiiijir'.s Tiii'lcisli ox* Fi-oz:eix DPei— fn.ii:ie.S.— This is a saleable, cheap, and meritorious Solidihed Perfume. Perhaps no article of luxury has had such a con- tinuous sale. The demand has never "diminished. In 1863 simultaneous with the introduction of the Starch Polish— we in- troduced this novelty— Solidified Ferfame. The sales have been simply enormous. We are selling this perfume as fast as ever, and we feel that the world is wide, and room for all, and have determined to publish the correct Recipe in this hook, and M^e vouch for its reliability, as any one can test by calling on the publisher of this book, at his manufactory, 173 Greenwich street, New York, where this perfume is made nearly every day to fill orders. It is easily and cheaply made. The U. S. Revenue De- partment requires every person manufacturing this article to place a one cent proprietary stamp on every box sold. Please re- member this.


Procure A 1 Paraffine wax from any wholesale druggist. Be sure to get the hard A 1 wax. Melt it over a slow fire in an}'- tin vessel ; care should be taken not to let it burn. Be particular about this. When melted remove it from the fire, and cover the top of the vessel. Now, you must remember that Solidified Per- fumes cannot be successfully made while hot, but they must be warm. The heat drives out the perfume, and counteracts The

36 young's book or seceets.

eflfects of the essential oils used for perfuming purposes. For the perfume you must use only the strongest essential oils. Light extracts are worthless. Take two ounces oil lemon grass, and one-half ounce oil cloves, and one-quarter ounce oil lavender flowers ; mix them well together. For this amount of perfume you require about four quarts of the liquid paraffine. Pour the oils into the melted paraffine while warm, stirring it well while pouring. Have ready round pie pans, well oiled with olive oil. Pour in the perfumed wax until you have about one quarter inch in depth of the melted liquid Perfume in each pan. Be sure to have your pans level on the table. Have a tin stamp ready to use to cut the cakes out at the proper time. This stamp should be made larger at the top than at the bottom. It should be square. The stamp that w^e use is one and three-eighths inches long, and one iiich wide at the stamping point. It is a little larger at the top. The edges are filed sharp as a knife, and kept so constantly. Stamp the cakes out when they are cooling, before they get too hard to cut. You must use your eyes, your hands, and common sense and good judgment at this stage of its maniifacture. If it is too cold and hard you cannot cut it. If too soft your punch will stick to the soft wax. Watch it closely, and you cannot fail to have the best results. Lay the square cakes in pans to cool, or if your punch does not draw them up from the pan you are stamping, let them remain in the original pan until cold enough to box up. Use gilt boxes the size of the cake. Put your own price on them. They are worth 15 to 25 cents retail. Reckon your cost of manufacture, and regulate your wholesale price accordingly. We consider this information worth one thousand dollars to any smart, active man or woman. We mean just what we say. One thousand dollars is a mere song for this recii)e. We have kept one man stamping out this solidified perfume for six consecutive years. Any child of good common sense can make it. Although we introduced it in 1863, we have not manufactured it continually during that time. We made it for six years, and then laid it aside. We have now commenced its manufacture again. It sells well now. We are making it from the above recipe. You have the right and privilege to do the same. But remember we do not give you the privilege to publish this recipe for sale. We give you the right to manu- facture the goods and sell ihem. If the recipe is sold, you must buy this book and sell them this book containing the recipe. We own the copyright for this article, and we will protect it. The books we will sell you at a liberal discount from the retail price. But manufacturing the goods for market is the business you should give your attention to.

young's book of SECEET3. 87


We here publish some of the advertised Secrets which we our- selves have bought from time to time during the past twenty years. Some of these Secrets we have sent $5.00 for, many we have paid $1.00 for, and others we have sent 50 cents to the sSlf-styled " owners " for a coj)y. "We do not claim that fortunes can be made from them, neither do we say that there cannot. We publish them as we received them. For what has cost us about $290 to collect from the different parties advertising these Secrets we give for a mere trifle, and these Secrets are now as much yonr property to manufacture or use as the particular in- dividuals from whom they were purchased by us.

Ai¥iei*iean. Grin. ^witHoul: I>istillatioii. at S*iixteen Oeiits i^er IPint-. To make this com- pound it is necessary to procure clean rectified spirit, either proof or in one five under proof, which can be procured at any of the distillers. Procure one gallon of proof spirit, and one ounce of juniper berries, and let them steep together for a week, then take a quarter of an ounce of the oil of juniper berries, and with this add ten drops of the oil of turpentine and five drops of the oil of sweet fennel seeds. Rub these three oils together with a sufficient quantity of loaf sugar to absorb the oils, after which add gradually the eighth of a pint of recti- fied spirits of wine. Stir it till the whole is thoroughly incor- por/'rted and mix it well in the proof spirits. The next day add half a pint of clean lime-water and fine it with a bit of rock alum the size of a pea. Strain off when clear add two or three quarts of sweetened water to bring it to the strength of what is termed extra strong or strong ; this will produce twelve or four- teen pints of American Gin, at a cost of little more than 16 cents per pint.

I*i*oiiiin.iii ]>Xea<l. ^Fermented mead is made in the proportion of one pound of honey to three pints of water, or by boiling over a moderate fire till the quantity is reduced one third, three parts water and one part honey. The liquor is then skimmed and casked, care being taken to keep the cask full while fermenting, diiring which process the cask is left un- stopped and exposed to the sun, or in a warm room, until the working cease. The cask is then bunged, and in a few months the cellar rendei*s it fit for use. Mead is rendered more vinous and pleasant by the addition of cut raisin, or other fruits, boiled

38 young's ecok of seceets.

in the proportion of half a pound of raisins to six pounds of honey, with a toasted crust of bread ; an ounce of salt of tartar in a glass of brandy being added to the liquor when casked, to which some add five or six drops of the essence of cinnamon ; others pieces of lemon peel, with various syrups. This is not only a splendid beverage for home consumption, but will sell readily at any public resort.

Ale >vi"tlxoii.'t ]>I]o.lit ov Hox:>s. No production in this country abounds so much with saccharine matter as the shells of green peas. A strong decoction of them so much re- sembles, in odor and taste, an infusion of malt (termed wort), as to deceive a brewer. This decoction, rendered slightly bitter with the wood sage, and afterward fermented with yeast, affords a verj' excellent beverage. The method employed is as follows : Fill a boiler with the green shells of peas, pour on water till it rises half an inch above the shells, and eimmer for three hours. Strain off the liquor, and add a strong decoction of the wood sage, or the hop, so as to render it pleasantly bitter ; then fer- ment in the usual manner. The wood sage is the best substitute for hops ; and being free from any anodyne property is entitled to a preference. Boil a fresh quantity of shells in the decoction, and when cold, it may be thoroughly impregnated with saccha- rine matter, as to afford a liquor, when fermented, as strong as ale.

J^iniple U-emody fbi* Astl:aiiia.— The Reper- toire de Fharniacie gives the following simple remedy for the Asthma : Take a strong saturated solution of nitrate of potassa ; dip tinder into it, and then allow it to dry. Procure a wide- mouth phial, the cork of which has an aperture in the centre, so as to admit anj'' hollow tube wliatever— a pipe closed at the end for example. Light the piece of tinder and place it in the phial. Then cause the patient to inhale the gases that are disengaged, either through the mouth or nostrils. At the end of a lew respi- rations he will find relief which will augment. In regard to an explanation of this mode of treatment, it is supposed that a small portion of oxygen, disengaged by the combuf^tion of the nitrate of potassa, is inhaled by the patient. It is known that m asth- matic patients the sanguinous circulation is incomplete in the lungs, and the blood is imperfectly regenerated, that it is black, and does not burn its excess of carbon. By the oxygen absorbed, therefore, combustion may be facilitated.

OlT^'cei'iiie Oeiiieiit.— Professor Hirzel has dis- covered an important use of glycerine. When glj'^cerine is mixed with fine and well dried litharge, it yields a cement that is capable of a large number of applications. All metals and nearly all solid bodies can be bound together by this cement ; it is said to harden under wat-^r as readily as in the air, and to resist a temperature of 500 deg. It is especially lecommended for such

young's book of secrets. 39

pieces of apparatus as are exposed to the action of clilorine ; hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid, sulphurous acid, and nitric acid ; also the vapor of alcohol, ether, and bisulphide of carbon, as none of these agents act upon it. The cement can be used in Bteam engines, pumps, foundations for machinery, and finally, as a substitute for plaster in galvano-plaster and electro-plating. The preparation of glycerine and litharge to be taken must de- pend somewhat upon the consistency of the cement, and its pro- posed uses. An excess of glycerine would retard the setting, as it does not readily evaporate.

TSoi-cleaiix: TV'ine Iniitateil. Take a quart of tine American cider, and an equal quantity of port wine, mix and shake them, put the mixed liquor in bottles, and cork them well, and let the bottles be laid on their sides. In one month it will be a \evy good imitation of foreign Bordeaux wine.

Gri'eat J\.r*t of Watei'pi'ooliiig' Oloth. For many years I have worn India rubber waterproof ; but I will buy no more, for I have learned that good Scottish tweed can be made completely impervious to rain, and, moreover, I have learned how to make it so ; and for the benefit of the jifiblic I have been led to sell this recipe, which is as follows : In a pail of soft water piit half a pound of sugar of lead (the acetate of lead), and half a pound of alum ; stir this at intervals until it becomes clear ; then pour it off into another pail, and put the garments therein, and let it be in for twenty-four hours, and then hang it "^p to dry w'ithout wringing it. Two of my party a lady and gentleman have worn garments thus treated in the wildest storm of wind and rain without getting wet. The rain hangs upon the cloth in globules ; in short, they are really waterproof. A fortnight ago I walked nine miles in a storm of wind and rain, such as yoiij^-arely see, and when I slipped oflf my overcoat my unilerclothls were as dry as w'hen I put them on. This is, I think, a secret worth knowing ; for cloth, if it can be made to keep out wet, is in every way better tban what we know as water- proof.

Ho^w to I^aij*;e the "Vinegrii' X*laiit. "SVhat is popularly known as the vinegar plant is only a form of the "mother of vinegar," which is, again, only a state of common mold. The manner of obtaining it is as follows : Leave a little vinegar in a small bottle to become stale (during hot, close weather is best), till a film appears on the surface. This film is the spciwn or mycelium of a species of mildew, and is th.e in- cipient state of the vinegar plant proper. If a few fragments of coarse brown sugar be now added, it will somewhat aid ita growth ; but when the film has attained the thickness of parch- ment, it is ready for transfer to syrup, where it soon becomes the housewife's normal vinegar plant. Procure a largo jar or botitle, and to two quarts of boiling water add half a pound of

40 young's BOOIt OF SECKBTS.

molasses, and half a pound of the commonest browii sugar ; stir all these ingredients well together, and when cool transfer the film from the surface of the vinegar to the surface of the syrup ; cover up to exclude air, and keep in a warm cupboard. This film will rapidly grow and form a thick, slippery gelatinous mass all over the surface of the syrup, and in course of six weeks or so the liquid will be changed to excellent vinegar. The vine- gar plant can now be taken and divided into layers, or cut up into fragments, each piece of which if placed upon fresh syrup will rajndly grow and change the liquor into vinegar. The vine- gar should be allowed to settle and be strained before it is used.

Fisli Oxilture. How to Secuee nearly Double the USUAL Product in Fish Raising, I have closely observed the habits of many of the fishes that inhabit our southern streams, and among others the trout. Here they are migratory, or at least they leave the small streams in October, and return to them in March. They spawn in April, and the young brood are hatched out in a few days. Now my plan for increasing the yield is to have the eggs of the trout and other fishes well protectedan their natural bed, where deposited by the mother, by placing over it a frame of fine wire net or cloth. But little attention is needed to find the nest of the trout or other fish ; then as soon as the eggs are all deposited you have only to put the wire net over the nest and it will keep off nearly all of the fish and in- sects that pray on the eggs. In this way I think you may be sure of 75 per cent, of the eggs producing young trout, and as these reniain near the nest till old enough to escape from most of the dangers of their infant state, the wire net will save nearly all of them.

'* IMad isJtoii.es." How to Find, How to Prepare, and How TO Use the Great Natural Eemedy for Brw of Poison- ous OR Rabid Animals. There are several possessors of what are called "mad stones," and each of these persons is regarded as peculiarly fortunate to possess the article, which has, in many cases, been handed down irom generation to generation, or has been purchased at a high price. The wonders achieved by such stones have many witnesses in their respective sections, and a single little stone has yielded its onvs-ner a handsome income, as persons bitten by snakes, mad dogs, etc., will readily pay $2 to $10 merely to be allowed to apply the marvelous stone to the wound. The finding of these stones has been so far mere chance. I propose to tell how they can be obtained with greater certainty. In nearly every section there is what is known as "red shale" or "red shell," and also of a darker color, a nearly black variety of similar rocks. Among si^ecimens of both these minerals will be found occasionally one very porous or absorbent. Try one of these on the tongue ; when one is found that will adhere strongly it is suitable to use. Grind down to convenieE* shape,

young's book of secrets. 41

■with a flat surface. In this way several Rpecimens have been found which on comparison proved exactly like the famous one owned by the Pointer tamily, of Halifax Coiinty, Virginia, for fifty years, and performing many cures. Should you have any difficulty in finding anj- of these natural "mad stones," I have learned how artificial ones may be manufactured, possessing equal value ; indeed, such is the secret of the great East Indian " i:)amboo-kaloo " remedy in cases of wounds by venomous ser- pents, of which are given many well authenticated instances of its virtue when the patient was bitten by the deadly cobra di capello. The stone is intensely black and highly polished, and, being porous, rapidly imbibes the blood and with it the poison. Tlip stone adheres for a few minutes, like the " mad stone," then drops off. Analj'sis of one of these has shown it is a piece of charred bone, evidence of which is afforded both by the aper- ture of cells or tubes on its surface and by the fact that it ex- hibits an organic structure within. When heated, water and ammonia escape, and finally the carbon burns away, leaving a white ash which is phosphate of lime. The snake charmers from the coast also visit Ceylon proper to prepare the snake stones themselves, and to preserve the composition a secret ; the manufacture of them is a lucrative trade carried on by the monks of Manilla, who supply the merchants of India. The Mexicans also have a snake stone, piedra ponsona, which is substantially the same as those above mentioned. To make it, it is only ne- cessary to procure a sound, solid piece of horn, hart's horn is considered best, and roast slowly until thoroughly charred throughout. This is the whole secret of making, and the pro- duct will be found to have all the merits possessed by any already celebrated for their cures. In using either the natiiral or artificial, the wood must be slightly moistened with water or spittle, or what would be even better, a little spirits of harts- horn. The stone is to be then pressed into the wound and allowed to adhere until it drops off. Cures are reported in even severe cases in from eight to twelve hours. One, to my own knowledge, applied in a case of bite by a copperhead snake and effected a complete cure in twelve hours. The patient was very sick and delirious.

Miag-ical DPfiint: Oleanei*.— Provide a plate with some of the best whiting to be had, and have ready some clean warm water and a piece of flannel, which dip into the water and squeeze nearly dry; then take as much whiting as will adhere to it, apply it to the painted surface, when a little rubbing will instantly remove any dirt or grease. After which wash the part well with clean water, rubbing it dry with a soft chamois. Paint t-lius cleaned looks as well as when first laid on, without any injur}' to the most delicate colors It is far better than using sorvp, and does not require more than half the time and labor.

42 young's book of secrets.

Oai^tfiiiTL ^iiie Hall's*; Heinedy fbs- "LiOT^e of Hti'oiig" Di'iiili.— Sulphate of iron, five grains ; peppermint water, eleven drachms ; spirit of nutmeg, one drachm. To be taken tM*ice a da,y in doses of about a vv'ine- glassful or less, with or without water. This recipe is not only an inestimable boon to the victim of strong drink, but properly ''pushed "is capable of yielding a handsome income from its manufacture. This remedy is prepared by different persons under different titles, and sold at from $1 to $5 per bottle.

Exicelsioi- A-xle GS-i-easc— Take one part good plumbago (black lead) sifted through a coarse muslin so as to be perfectly free from grit, and stir it into five quarts of lard, warmed so as to be stirred easily without melting. Stir vigorously until it is smooth and uniform. Then raise the heat until the mixture melts. Stir constantly, remove Irom the fire, and keep stirring until cold. Apply cold to the axle or any other bearing with a brush. If intended for use where the axle or bearing is in a warm apartment, as the interior of mills, etc., two ounces of hard tallow or one ounce of beeswax, may be used to every ten pounds of the mix- ture. This grease is cheaper in use than oil, tallow or tar, or any compound of them, and can be sold at a good profit in any thickly settled country.

I^o^^al I5viti^lx ^Vasliing: PoA^^dei*, Hai'cl Wfitei* l^Xacle Holit.— The Laundresses' Assistant, warranted not to injure the finest fabric. No acid, no potash. In the wash room it saves time, labor, expense, muscle, temper and hands. The clothes will come out clean and white, without wear or tear, or rubbing on wash-boards, therefore will last twice as long. For house cleaning it is unequaled. One girl can wash more clothes, paint, walls, windows or floors in a day with perfect ease, with this powder, than she could in tonr days with hard labor, soap and scru.bbing brush; and the paint will look new and bright. It only requires to be tested to be appreciated. If it does not give satisfaction, we will refund the money.

Eecipe,— Mix any quantity of soda ash with an equal portion of carbonate of soda, (ordinary soda) crushed into coarse grains. Have a thin solution of glue, or decoction of linseed oil ready, into which pour the soda until quite thick. Spread it out on boards in a warm apartment to dr^^ As soon as dry, shake up well so that it will pack easily into nice square packages. Label neatly. Pound packages ought not to cost over seven cents, ready for market; these retail readily for thirty-five cents

Iwxpei-ial Fly I'aii^ei', or- "Oateli 'Eiix A.li>^e Oil ! "—You must take linseed oil, no other will do, and put it into a strong iron pot. The pot must be third full only, and must have a lid that fits closely. You bring the oil to

young's book of seceets, 43

n boil and then set fire to it on top as well. This operation can only- he carried on out doors. When it has been afire about forty min- utes put on the lid to quench it and then take a little out on a stick and cool it to see whether it is thick enough. If not boil and burn again twentj'' minutes more, and so on until it is thick enough. Some oil requires long as four or five hours, some longer yet and some less.. When of the right consistency, about like thick New Orleans molasses, it can be brushed on stout manilla (brown) paper. When rigiitly made it v>'ill remain sticky for six months. It can be made cheaper and quicker if some common ronin, cracked up into coarse powder, is put into it (one pound rosin to a gallon of oil) but it dries up quicker; still this kind is good enough for general use. The sheets of paper should be about the size of letter paper and with a crease in the middle, and when covered with the compound should be folded so that the covered parts come together. They can then be packed and carried without injury to anything else. When wanted they can be easily pulled apart. The sheets are a ready sale at five cents apiece. Two hundred and fifty can be made fi'om one gallon of linseed oil which costs about one dollar, the paper costs about eighty cents, it ought to be good and strong and tlie boiling would bring the cost to about a cent a sheet. Mine costs me rather less, but I make it in larger quantities.

GJ-reat Ejaj^-lisli Harness Blacliiiig". Three ounces turpentine, two ounces white wax, to be dissolved together over a slow fire; then add one ounce of ivory -black and one drachm of indigo, to be well pulverized and mixed together. When the wax and the turpentine are dissolved, add the ivovy- black and the indigo, and stiriill cold. Apply very thin; brush afterward, and it will give' a^'beautiful polish. This blacking keeps the leather soft, and, properly applied, gives a good polish. It is excellent for buggy tops, harness, etc. Old harness, if hard may be washed in warm water, and when nearly dry, grease it with neatsfoot oil.

Fii'o liiiKilers. To make very nice fire kindlers, take resin any quantity, and melt it, j^utting in for each pound b^ing used, from two to three ounces of tallow, and when all is hot, stir in pine sawdust to make very thick; and, while yet hot, spread it out about one inch thick, upon boards which have fine sawdust sprinkled upon them, to prevent it from sticking. When cold, break up into lumps about one inch square. But if for sale, take a thin board and press upon it, while yet wai-m, to lay it off into inch squares; this makes it break regularly, if you press the crease sufficiently deep, grease the marked board to prevent it from sticking.

To lieep Oicier s^^veet, stud S^weeteii SOur Oidlei'. To keep cider perfect, take a keg and bore holes in the bottom of it; spread a piece of woollen cloth at the

44 toung's book of secrets.

bottom: then fill with clean sand closely packed; draw your cider from a barrel just as fast as it will run through the sand; after this, put in clean barrels which have had a piece of cotton or linen cloth two by seven inches dipped in melted sulphur and burned inside of them, thereby absorbing the sulphur fumee (this process will also sweeten sour cider) ; then keep it in a cellar or room where there is no fire, and add half pound white mustard seed to each barrel. If the cider is long made, or sour- ing when you get it, about one quart of hickory ashes (or a little more of other hard wood ashes) stirred into each barrel will sweeten and clarify it nearly equal to rectifying it as above; but if it is not rectified, it must be racked off to get clear of the pomace, as with this in it, it will sour. Oil or whiskey bar- rels are best to put cider in, or half pint sweet oil to a barrel, or a gallon of whiskey to a barrel, or both, may be added with decidedly good effects; isinglass, four ounces to each barrel, hepls to clarify and settle cider that is not to be rectified,

I^iqiiid Blacltii*^.— Ivory black two pounds; mo- lasses, two pounds; sweet oil, one pound; rub together till well mixed; then add oil vitrol, three quarters of a pound; add coarse sugar, half pound; and dilute with beer bottoms; this cannot be excelled.

Hunter's Secrets and I*rivate GJ-nicle "to Ti:*aj>j>oi'S.— The following secret applies to all ani- mals, as every animal is attracted by the peculiar odor in a greater or less degree , but it is best adapted to land animals, such as foxes, minks, sables, martens, wolves, bears, wild-cats, ete., etc. Take one half pound strained honey, one quarter drachm oil of lavender, and four pounds of tallow, mix the whole thoroughly together, and make it into forty pills, or balls, and place one of these pills under the pan of each trap when setting it. The above preparation will most wonderfull)'^ attract all kinds of animals, and trappers and others who use it will be sure of success.

To Catch Foxes. Take oil of amber, and beaver's oil, each equal parts, and rub them over the trap before setting it. Set in the usual way.

To Catch Mink. Take oil of amber, and beaver's oil, and rub over the trap. Bait with fish or birds.

To Catch Muskkats. In the female muskrat near the vagina, is a small bag which holds from 30 to 40 drops. Now all the trapper has to do is to procure a few female muskrats and squeeze the contents of a bag into a vial. Now when in quest of muskrats, sprinkle a few drops of the liquid on the bushes over and around the trap. This will attract the male muskrats in large numbers, and if the traps are properly arranged, large numbers of them may be taken. In trapping muskrats steel traps should be used, and they should be set in the paths and

young's book or seceets. 45

runs of the animals, where they come upon the banks, and in every case the trap should be set under the water, and carefully concealed ; and care should be taken that it has sufiacient length ot chain to enable the animals to roach the water after being caught, otherwise they are liable to escape by tearing or gnawint^ off their legs. "

To Catch Beaver.— In trapping for beaver, Bet the trap at the edge of the water or dam, at the point where the animals pass from deep to shoal water, and always beneath the surface, and fasten it by means of a stout chain to a picket driven in the bank, or to a bush or tree. A flat stick should be made fast to the trap by a cord a few feet long, which, if the animal chanced to carrj' away the trap, would float on the water, and point out its position. The trap should then be baited with the folio win rr preparation, called the "Beaver Medicine." This is prei:>ared from a substance called castor, and is obtained from the glan- dulous pouches of the male animal. The contents of five or six of these castor bags are mixed with a nutmeg, twelve or fifteen cloves, and thirty grains of cinnamon in fine powder, and the whole well stirred together with as much whiskey as will give it the consistency of mixed mustard. This preparation must be left closely corked up, and in four or five days the odor becomes powerful ; and this medicine smeared upon the bits of wood, etc., with which the traps are baited, will attract the beaver from a great distance, and wishing to make a close inspection, the animal puts its legs into the trap and is caught.

The same caution in regard to length of chain should be ob- served for beaver as for otters, muskrats, etc., for unless they can reach the water they are liable to get out of the trap and escape.

A^Pple Bixttei- -witlioTit A.pi>les.-Take one-halt pint of the very cheapest black molasses (good molasses won't do) and one-half pint of good vinegar, mix well together put It over the fire until it boils, then take it off, and take one- eighth pint of wheat flour and cold water enough to make a thin batter, and mix well ; then pour all these together, and boil until It gets as thick as you want it. Stir all the time. Put in cinna- mon or allspice to suit your taste. You will then have splendid apple butter. -^

Ho^v to IVTalte Old Orcliards IVotv.—

Aainite. or Tree Medicine.— It is very well known that the rea- son why peach, apple, quince and pear orchards gradually grow poorer and poorer until they cease to produce at all. is because tne potash is exhausted from the soil by the plant. This potash must be restored, and the most effective way to do it is to use the following compound, discovered by a distinguished German caemist : Thirty parts of sulphate of potash ; fifteen parts sul- phate of magnesia ; thirty-five parts salt ; fifteen parts gypsum

46 young's book of seckets.

(plaster-of-paris) ; five parts chloride of magnesia. This shonld be roughly powdered and mixed and then mingled with barn- yard manure, or dug in about the roots of the trees. From ten to twenty pounds to a tree are quite enough. Ho>v to I£eei> A.i3ple5Si r'rejsjii. and J^onixd all ^Wiii'tei*. I discovered a very superior way of preserving ajDples until spring. By it any apple in good condition \vhen packed will be equally good when unpacked, and even those rotting because not in good condition when piTt away will not injure any others. Take fine dry sawdust, prefer- ably that made by a circular saw from well seasoned hard wood, and i:)lace a thick layer on bottom of a barrel. Then place a layer of apples, not close together and not close to staves of the barrel. Put sawdust liberally over and around, and proceed until a bushel and a half (or less) are so packed in each barrel. They are to be kept in a cool i:)lace. I kept some in an open garret, the thermometer for a week ranged close to zero. No bruised or mellow aj^ples will be preserved, but they will not communicate rot to their companions. There is money in this, applied to choice apples.

-A^rt of Itat lillliniif >vitlxoiit Ti-aps or I*oij^oii, Take common sponge, dried, cut into small pieces, soak in lard, melted tallow or meat gravy. Place these pieces within easy access to the rats. They will eat greedily, and the moisture of the stomach will cause the pieces to swell and kill the rat. "Water may be placed within reach, and will hasten results by expanding the sponge.

I. X. L. Bal<iiig- I'oTvdei:'.— Many large for- tunes have been made in this country and England by the manufacture and sale of baking powders. These powders are specially well adapted to all the western parts of our country, where peo])le must bake often in a hurry, and always without the means that are to be had in the east; and notwithstanding the many objections raised against the use of anything but yeast as a rising, these powders, if projaerly made, are perfectly whole- some. It only requires that the powders should be made of jiure material, exactly as laid down in the recipe. It is very true that the competition as to pi-ice tempts manufacturers to cheapen the stuff in their powders until the bread baked from them tastes as if it were made of soap. But a good article will acquire a repu- tation which will secure it a steady and profitable sale.

Eecipe. -Take 1 pound tartaric acid in crystals, 1\ pounds of bi-carbonate of soda and 1^ pounds of potato sta'rch. Each must be powdered separatel5% well dried by a slow heat, well mixed through a sieve. Pack hard in tinfoil, tin or paper glazed on the outside. The tartaric acid and bi-carbonate of soda can of course be bought cheaper of wholesale druggists than you can make them iinless you are doing things on a very large



scale, but potato starch any one can make ; it is only necessary to peel the potatoes and to grate them up fine into vessels of water, to let them settle, pour off the water and make the settlings in balls and to dry them. With these directions any one can make as good a baking powder as is sold anywhere ; if he wants to make it very cheap, he can take cream of tartar and common washing (carbonate) of soda, instead of the articles named in the recipe, but this would be advisable only where customers insist on excessively low prices in preference to qual- ity »f goods.

"To l^Xjilie 3\Iaple ►^iig-ar -v^itKoiit lUCaple Ti*<ees. Though the secret I am about to reveal may seem very simple (when explained), I believe there are few who would discover it of their own accord. The value of the maple sugar crop is considerable, and there is ready sale for all that can be made. I was led by curiosity to boil down a little butternut sap one time with an equal quantity of maple sap, and the result was, a sugar which I could not distinguish from pure maple. I experimented further and found that if a little com- mon (cane) sugar was added to the sap of the Ijutternut it. would do as well as and addition of maple sap. I found tliat the sap, of birch and several other trees would also make, when a very little cane sugar was added, a sugar which in looks and taste exactly resembled maple. To be able to make "maple" sugar from trees not heretofore deemed valuable for the purpose is ^'just so much clear profit.

Gring'ev ■Wine.— "Water, ten gallons; lump sugar twenty pounds; bruised ginger, eight ounces; three or four eggs. Boil well and skim ; then pour hot on six or seven lemons cut in slices, macerate for two hours; then rack and ferment; next add spirit two quarts, and afterward finings, one pint; rummage welL To make the color, boil half ounce saleratus and half ounce alim in one pint of water till you get a bright red color.

Grin^ei' Beer.— Take five an half gallons water, three quarters of a pound ginger root bruised, tartaric acid, half ounce; white sugar, two an half pounds; whites of three eggs well beaten, ten small teaspoonfuls of lemon essence, yeast, one gill; boil the root for thirty minutes in one gallon of the water; strain ofi', and put the essence in while hot; mix, make over night; in the morn- ing, skim and bottle, keeping out the sediments.

Older >vitlioiit A-pples.— Water one gallon; common sugar, one pound; tartaric acid, half ounce; yeast, one tablespoonful ; shake well, make in the evening, and it will be fit to use next day.

Fox- Bottling".— Put in a barrel, five gallons hot water; thirty pounds common sugar; three quarters poimd tartaric aci,l : twenty-five gallons of cold water; three pints of liop or brewers' yeast, worked into paste with one pint of water and one pound

48 young's book of secrets.

flour. Let ifc work in the barrel forty-eight hours, the yeast run- ning out of the bunghole all the time, putting in a little sweet- ened water occasionally to keep it full; then bottle, putting in two or three broken raisins to each bottle; and it will nearly equal champagne.

Oliosip Oiclei*.— Put in ft cask five gallons hot water; fifteen pounds brown sugar; one gallon molasses; half gallon hop or brewers' yeast; good vinegar, six quarts; stir well, add twenty-five gallons cold water, ferment as the last.

Anotlxei.' Oidei'.— Cold water, twenty gallons; brown sugar, fifteen pounds; tartaric acid, half pound; rummage well together, and add, if you have them, three or four pounds of dried sour apples, or boil them and pour in the expressed juice. This cider will keep longer than the others.

SfiJpi'xioe aiicl Oiiig'ei* Beer*. Cold water, ten gallons; boiling water, eleven gallons; mix in a barrel; add molasses, thirty pounds, or brown sugar, twenty-four pounds; oil of spruce or any oil of which you Avish the flavor, one ounce; add one pint yeast, ferment, bottle in two or three days. If you wish white spruce beer, use lump sugar; for ginger flavor, use seventeen oun-^es ginger root bruised, and a few hops; boil for thirty minutes in three gallons of the water, strain and mix well; let it stand two hours and bottle, using yeast, of CMDurse. as before.

Hop IBeex', >^ei*j^ ITiiio. Mix fourteen pounds of molasses and eleven gallons water well together, and boil them for two hours with six ounces hops. When quite cool, add a cupful of yeast, and stir it well by a gallon or two at a time. I/et it ferment for sixteen hours, in a tub covered with a sack, then put it in a nine-gallon cask, and keep it filled up; bung it down in two days, and in seven days it will be fit to drink, and will be stronger than London porter.

I^oiiioii Boei'. To make twenty gallons, boil six ounces of ginger root bruised, quarter pound cream of tartar, for twenty or thirty minutes, in two or three gallons of water; this will be strained in thirteen pounds coffee sugar, on which you have put half an ounce oil of lemon, and six good lemons squeez- ed up together, having warm water enough to make the whole twenty gallons just so hot that you can hold your hand in it without burning, or about seventy degrees of heat; piit in one an a half pints of hop or brewei's' yeast worked into paste with five or six ounces flour. Let it work over night, then strain and bottle for use.

Hop Booi'. Hops six ounces; molasses five quarts; boil the hops till the sti-ength is out, strain them into a thirty-gallon barrel; add the molasses and one teacupful of yeast, and fill up with water; shake it well, and leave the bung out till fermented

young's book of geckets, 49

wliicli ■will be in about twenty-four liours. Bung uj), and it will be fit for use in about three days.

]>Xolfissos5 Boer*. Hops one ounce; water one gallon; boil for ten minutes, strain, add molasses, one jjound; and when luke-warm, yeast, one spoonful. Ferment.

IJ/OOt; 13oei*.— Water ten gallons, heat to sixty degrees Fahrenheit, then add three gallons of molasses; let it stand two hours, pour it into a bowl add powdered or bruised sassafras and wintergreen bark, of each half pound; yeast one pint; bruised sarsiiparilla i'oot, half pound; add water enough to make twenty- five gallons in all. Ferment for twelve hours, then bottle.

Otta^wa Beei', sxiitl Griiis;*er Ale. Ottawa bc-er is made by using eight ounces of a fluid extract which con- tains the concentrated stength of four pounds of thirteen different roots and barks, added to one gallon of syrup which is mixed with fourteen gallons water, into which carbonic acid gas is forced at a pressure of eighty pounds to the square inch. Ginger Ale is made in the same way except that four ounces of extract is suffi- cient. When the ginger is really used, an extract deprived of resinous impurities is made use of, which gives a clear amber colored drink.

J^odix J!s4^"i*"Bi|3S. Loaf or crushed sugar, eight pounds; pure water, one gallon; gum-arabic, two ounces; mix in a brass or copper kettle. Boil until the gum is dissolved, then skim and strain through white flannel, after which add tartaric acid, five an a half ounces; dissolve in hot water; to flavor, use extract of lemon, orange, vanilla, rose, sarsasparilla, strawberry, etc., etc., half ounce, or to your taste. If you use juice of lemon, add two an a half pounds of sugar to a pint, you do not need any tartaric acid with it; now use two tablespoonfuls of syrup to three quart- ers of a tumbler of water, and one third teaspoonful of super- cabonate of soda, made fine; drink quick. For soda fountains, one ounce of super-carbonate of soda is used to one gallon of water. For charged fountains no acids are needed in the syrups.

liladctJei'i'^ Wiiio. Wash the berries and' i:»our one quart of boiling water to each gallon. Let the mixture stand twenty -four hours, stirring occasionally ; then strain and meas- ure into a keg, adding two pounds sugar, and good rye whiskey one pint, or best alcohol, one half pint to each gallon. Cork tight and put away for use. The best wine that can be made.

{^i!iI><3x*ioi» I2.siif«;iii "W^iiie. Take thirty pounds of chopped raisins iree from stems and dust ; put them in a large keg, add to tliem ten gallons soft water ; let them stand two weeks unbunged, shaking occasionally (warm place in winter), then strain througli woolen, or filter ; color with burnt sugar ; bottle and cork Avell for use. The more raisins the bet- ter the wine, not exceeding five pounds to each gallon.

50 young's book of secrets.

I^aisiix ^Viiie, Eqixal to J551xei»ir v.— Boil the proper quantity of water and let it stand till cold. To each gal- lon of this add four pounds of chopped raisins, previously well w;>shed, and freed from stalks ; let the whole stand for one month, stirring frequently ; then remove the raising, and bung up closely for one month more ; then rack into another vessel, leaving all sediment behind, and repeat till it becomes fine ; then to every ten gallons add six pounds of fine sugar and one dozen of good oranges, the rinds being pared thin and in- fused in two quarts of brandy, which should be added to the liquor at its last racking. Let the whole stand three months in the cask, then bottle. It should ren^ain bottled twelve months. To give it the flavor of Madeira, when it is in the cask put in a couple of green citrons, and let them remain till the wine is bottled.

^iiiei'icaii 01iniiii>n«rtio. Good cider (cr.^b- apple cider is the best), seven gallons ; best fourth-i^roof bran- dy, one quart ; genuine champagne wine, five pints ; milk, one gjallon ; bitartrate of potassa, tv>o ounces. Mix, let stand a Bhort time, bottle while fermenting. An excellent imitation.

I5viti«lfc OliUMipti'S'^i^- Loaf sugar, fiftj'-six pounds ; brown sugar (pale), forty-eight pounds ; water (warm), forty-five gallons ; white tartar, four ounces ; mix, and at a proper temperature add yeast, one quart ; and afterward sweet cider, five gallons ; bruised wild cherries fourteen or fifteen ounces ; pale spirits, one gallon ; orris powder, one half ounce ; bottle while fermenting.

London J?iliorr^''. Chopped raisins, four hundred pounds ; soft water, one hundred gallons ; sugar, forty-five pounds ; white tartar, one pound ; cider, sixteen gallons. Let them stand together in a close vessel one month ; stir frequent- ly. Then a Id of spirits eight gallons ; wild cherries bruised, eight pounds. Let them stand one month longer, and fine with isinglass.

Criii-jji^oi* "Wine. Put one ounce of good ginger root bruised in one quart ninety-five per cent alcohol ; let it stand nine days and strain ; add four quarts water, and one pound white sugar dissolved in hot water, color with tincture of San- ders to siiit

Otirtimol is made by boiling clarified sugar till it is very brittle, then pouring it on an oiled slab or sheet of tin, and as Boon as it is cool enough to receive an impression with the finger, Btamping it in small squares, about an inch in size, with a cara- mel mould; then turning over the mass, \viping the bottom to remove any oil that may have adhered from the slab, and putting it m a dr\'' ]ilace to harden. If you have no caramel mould, yon n\iiy score it on the slab with a common case knife, after which tliey are glazed with anotlier coating of sugar. Keep them tightly closed from the air after they are made.





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