tx$TO RAGE b op Si, APRIL, 1912. & Medical BNTOMOLOGICAL i £31 PD, S BEF No. 4 $5. oo an bo PHILIP P. CALVERT, Ph.D., Editor. E. T. CRESSON, Jr., Associate Editor. HENRY SKINNER, M.D., Sc.D., Editor Emeritus. ADVISORY COMMITTEE: - BZRA T. CRESSON. J. A. G. REHN. PHILIP LAURENT. ERICH DAECKE. H. W. WENZEL. PHILADELPHIA: THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES. LOGAN SQUARE. Entered at the Philadeiphia Post-Office as Second-Class Mattec Greene ) ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Published monthly, excepting August and September, in charge of the Entomo- logical Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, and the American Entomological Society. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $2.00 IN ADVANCE. SINGLE COPIES 25 CENTS Advertising Rates: Per inch, full width of page, single insertion, $1.00 ; a dis- count of ten per cent. on insertions of six months or over. No advertise- ment taken for less than $1.00—Cash in advance. g@z All remittances should be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEws, Academy of Natural Sciences, Logan Square, Philadelphia, Pa. Adi Checks and Money Orders to be made payable to the ENTOMOLOGICAL NEws. seAddress all other communications to the editor, Dr. P. P. Calvert, 4515 Regent Street, Philadelphia, Pa., from September rst to July rst, or at the Academy of Natural Sciences from July 1st to September rst. kes"PLEASE NOTICE that, beginning with the number for January, 1912, the News will be mailed only to those who have renewed their subscrip- tions. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY Official Organ of the Association of Economic Entomologists Editor, E. Porter Felt. Albany, N. Y., State Entomologist, New York. Associate Editor, W. E. Britton, New Haven, Conn., State Entomologist, Conn. Business Manager, A. F. Burgess, Melrose Highlands, Mass. The only journal devoted exclusively to economic entomology. Six illustrated issues per year—bimonthly 50 to 100 pages Subscription in U. S., Canada and Mexico, $2 00; and in foreign countries, $2.50 per year in advance Sample copy on request. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY, Melrose Highlands, Mass. PSY GRE An illustrated journal of Entomology, published by the Cambridge Entomological Club Appears bimonthly and contains articles dealing with all aspects of entomology Sample copy on request Subscription Price One Dollar and a half per year Address Bussey Institution, Harvard Univ., Forest Hills, Boston, Mass. PHOTOGRAPHING for ENTOMOLOGISTS Every facility for photographing insects from whole to smallest parts, Plates 4x5, 5x7, or 64%x8%. From any insect or well-made microscopical mount Photographs for half-tones for your monograph, for record books or exhibition transparencies. - EDWARD F. BIGELOW, PH.D. LABORATORY AND GALLERY, ARCADIA, SOUND BEACH, CONNECTICUT Write for terms and particulars. Send toc. for a copy of ‘'The Guide to Nature” (popular nature magazine). THE “‘ENTOMOLOGIST’S MONTHLY MAGAZINE"'—a journal devoted to general Entomology, started in 1864, and now edited by G.°C. Champion, J. E. Collin, W. W. Fowler, R. W. Lloyd, G. T. Porritt, J. J. Walker and Lord Walsingham. It contains descriptions of new genera and species, in all Orders (British and foreign), life histories, reviews of new works, etc., and is illustrated by at least two chromo-lithographic plates per annum. Vol. xlvii (xxii of the second series) was commenced in January, 1911. The subscription for the 12 numbers is six shillings per annum, post free. Address the publishers, GURNEY & JACKSQN, Paternoster Row, London, E. C. Advertisements are inserted at low rates: for terms, apply to R. W. Lloyd, |, 5, Albany, London, W. When Writing Please Mention ‘*‘ Entomological News.” Ent. News, Vor. XXIII. Plate 2X. ih Hf Wey Wy, H. E. EWINGy DEL. MOLTING PROCESS OF TETRANYCHUS TELARIUS L.—ewina. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS AN D PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SECTION ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPHIA. WOK.) ol. APRIL, 1912. No. 4. CONTENTS: Ewing—Notes on the Molting Process of our common red spider (Tetra- nychus telarius L.) (Acarina)...... 145 Neils—Wing Production in Aphids (QRIETH) anceooasco0GODe GdUGOseOo 149 Williamson—The Known Indiana So- matochloras (Odonata)......-...-. 152 Blaisdell—Hibernation of Cicindela se- AMUSE (CSOLCG Ps) yatta iain ec sloleisneie.s vies « 156 Aldrich—Flies of the Leptid genus Atherix used as Food by California Meats (Dp ts) eioisie o)e ole 'sieiele ice oie 0.0: 159 Braun—Notes on Chambers’ species of AMinleina(eepidsysiecicinese\s- These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued For Exchange—350 species of Coleoptera for native or exotic speci- mens new to my collection. List on application.—Emil Liljeblad, 1018 Roscoe St., Chicago, Ill. Semiophora tenebrifera, Choephora fungorum and many other desirable species of Nocturnal Lepidoptera offered for exchange.—Fred. Marloff, Oak Station P. O., Allegheny Co., Pa. Lepidoptera—I have for exchange Ca/ocala nubilis, elonympha, gra- cilis, grynea, ultronia, cerogama, tia and var. uxor, unijuga, cara, antinympha, paleogama, neogama and var. snowiana, piatrix and epione. Desire other Catocalae.—John H. West, 2229 N. Mascher Street, Phila., Pa. Live ova and pinned imagoes of Catocalae, chrysalids of Sphinges and Papilios and cocoons and pupae of the Saturnidae and Ceratocampidae for exchange.—-R. R. Rowley, Supt. Schools, Louisiana, Mo. Papilios of the world wanted, either by exchange or purchase.—C. F. Groth, 45 Poplar Place, New Rochelle, N. Y. ‘ For Sale—A copy of the Butterflies of North America, by W. H. Edwards. Copy in beautiful condition.—Dr. F. W. Russell, Winchen- don, Mass. I collect in all orders for cash. Locals only. Unique field. Hand written price lists for intending buyers, two cents. Specialists served.— A.H. Manee, Southern Pines, N. C. Lepidoptera from Florida—Several thousand specimens to dispose of in exchange or for cash, also southwestern material—Henry Engel, 753 Ensign Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Lepidoptera for exchange—A number of butterflies from the south- west, such as A. strigosa, Synchloe california, Melitaea neumoegeni, M. gquino, L. mormo, C. australis. Correspondence desired on special ma- terial desired from this section.—J. R. Haskin, 936 Manhattan Place, Los Angeles, Cal. Tom Spalding will collect 1912 Utah Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, etc., particularly Papilionidae, Catocalae, Cicindelidae.—Provo, Utah. Wanted—Tipulidae (Craneflies) from any part of the Globe, but especially of North America. Will buy for cash or give exchanges in Coleoptera, Lepidoptera or Coleoptera.—Dr. W. G. Dietz, Hazleton, Pa. AL One copy, good condition, Mulsant and Verreaux, Histoire Natu- FOR S telle des Oiseaux-mouches ou Colibris. 4 vols. in 2, impl. 4to, with 120 colored plates; half vellum. Lyons, 1876-77. Price, $30.00. Also a complete set, 67 parts, unbound, in original wrappers, of the English edition, by Kirby, of Wytsman’s reprint of Hubner and Geyer’s Lepidopteres Exotiques, with 663 colored plates, issued at 10 francs per part. Price, $100.00. Apply to ELLISON A. SMITH, Jr., Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia HEMILEUCA BURNSI n. sp. ex. Nevada By arrangement with Mr. Burns, I am disposing of the available limited supply of this species described in Trans. Manchester Entom. Soc, !gro. Fresh, perfect specimens, <’. $1.25; 9, $! 00; pair, $2.00. Carefully papered, carriage free, or set specimens at same price, carriage extra. J. HENRY WATSON, 70 Ashford Road, Withington, Manchester, England. SECOND VOLUME ILLUSTRATIONS COR DIURNAL LEPTOOF ee WITH DESCRIPTIONS BY ANDREW GRAY WEEKS, JR. 1911 This second volume contains 37 pages and 21 colored plates by J. Henry Blake, ad. nat., and B. Meisel, lithographer, descrip- tive of 35 species hitherto undescribed or figured, from the Suapure District of Venezuela, with a steel plate frontispiece of William Henry Edwards. The plates are of the same high, artistic order as those of the first volume, for sample of which see the adver- tisement in the NEws for June, Ig11. Vol. 1. $15.00—117 pages, 45 plates, 81 species. Wols-2: 5.00 Address orders to H. PECK, Agent, 8 Congress Street, Boston, Mass., U. S. A. Or to Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London LEPIDOPTERA COLLECTORS. Experienced collector will make collection of California Lepidop- tera commencing May, 1912. All parties desiring fresh and perfect duplicates of specimens obtained send list of desiderata for prices. Dealers’ patronage solicited. JAMES SINCLAIR, 333 Kearny Street, San Francisco, Cal. JUST PUBLISH eo The Boreal American Species of Chlorippe (Doxocopa, Apatura), by Henry Skinner: S.ppe.) fis, Scns ee ce oh ee .I0 Notes on Calligrapha and its allies, with descriptions of a few new spe- eles, by Es Cs Bowditch 1ospp. = cet ta Se eo ee TS Descriptions of new species of North American Neuropteroid Insects, by Nathan Banks; 26 :pp.;3 ples 3) Screen en .40 Descriptions of North American Myrmaridae, with synonymic and other notes on described genera and species, by A. A. Girault. 72 pp. .75 A Price List of Entomological Publications Mailed on Application Address American Entomological Society Publication Department, Logan Square, PHILADELPHIA, PA. When Writing Please Mention ‘“Entomological News."' | | ; ~The Celebrated Original Dust and Pest-Proof METAL CASES FOR SCHMITT BOXES Described in “ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS,” page 177, Vol. XV These cabinets are the best and safest ever designed for the preservation of insects. They are used by the leading museums in the United States. Send for our illustrated booklet describing them. BROCK BROS., Harvard Square, Cambridge, Mass. JUST PUBLISHED CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE LEPIDOPTERA OF NORTH AMERICA By WM. BARNES, S.B., M.D., and J. McDUNNOUGH, Ph D. Volume I —No. 1.—Revision of the Cossidae. 35 pp., 7 plates. . .. . $1.50 No. 2—The Lasiocampid genera Gloveria and its allies. a7 pps. 4 DIS. a 2-2. Ht Te a ae pe, ore) No. 3—Revision of the Mecathyrouiae: 43 pp.,6plates . . 1.25 To be obtained from DR. WM. BARNES - - DECATUR, ILL. ENTOMOLOGISCHE BLATTER. An Illustrated Monthly Journal devoted solely to Coleoptera. The eighth volume (1912) will treat of the life-histories, zoogeography and systematics of Beetles, especially of Europe, methods of collecting, results of the more important collecting expeditions, book-notices, personals and other news. Volume 7 contained 60 original articles, a review of the literature on bark-beetles (65 gp ) and a list of specialists in Coleoptera. ; ndispensable for the collector of Beetles. Published in German. Foreign subscriptions 8 ‘Marks. Sample copy free. FRITZ PFENNINGSTORFF, Publisher, Berlin W. 57, Steinmetzstr. 2. 1,000 PIN LABELS 25 CENTS! At Your Risk. See 10¢ for Registry or Checks) ‘Limit : 25 Characters ; 3 Blank or Printed Lines (12 Characters in Length ines 10c. Characters 1c. per 1,000. ‘In Multipies of 1 ,000 only : on Heaviest White Ledger Paper-- -No Senne --4- ---About 25 on a Strip---No Trim- ming---One Cut Makes a Label. SEND ME ORDER WITH COPY, FOR ANY KIND OF TIC PRINTING LARGE OR SMALL. INDEX CARDS, MAPS. SEX-MARKS, LABELS FOR MINERALS, PLANTS, EGGS Etc, IF QUANTITY IS RIGHT, PRICE IS SURE TO BE. Cc. V. BLACKBURN, 77 CENTRAL STREET, STONEHAM, MASSACHUSETTS THE POMONA JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY Published by the Biological Department of Pomona College The only entomological journal published on the Pacific Slope. A well-established, high-class quarterly in its second year, fully illustrated, and devoted to original investigations in economic, biologic and taxonomic entomology. Indispensable to working entomologists everywhere. Price merely nominal, $1.00 to domestic, and $1.25 to foreign postal countries. Separates of any articles always available. Address Pomona Journal of Entomology, Claremont, California When Writing Please Mention ‘‘ Entomological News.” al K-S Specialties Entomology THE KNY-SCHEERER COMPANY Department of Natural Science 404-410 W. 27th St., New York North American and Exotic Insects of all orders in perfect condition Entomological Supplies Catalogue gratis INSECT BOXES—We have given special attention to the manufacture of insect cases and-can guarantee our cases to be of the best quality and workmanship obtainable. NS /3085—Piain Box s for Duplicates—Pasteboard boxes, com- pressed turf lined with plain pasteboard covers, cloth hinged, for shipping specimens or keeping duplicates. These boxes are of heavy pasteboard and more carefully THE KNY-OCMEEWERTO W made than the ones usually found in the market. SIZEROXK5 5: UN Zoeraia o a asia cqere sie e'sls rece wt Att c Each $0.25 NS 7/3085 SIZC/G KIO Mies «oe odie ae oo cett's ¢ Cow bic oaeeee Each .15 NS /3091—Lepidoptera Box (improved museum style), of wood, cover and bottom of strong pasteboard, covered with bronze paper, gilt trimming, inside covered with white glazed paper. Best quality, Each box in extra carton. Size 10x12 in., lined with compressed turf (peat). Per GOZeiies cs sams ss pave tis tere nee ecee ate 5.00 Size 10x12 in., lined with compressed cork. ; Per GOZERN sors Gh 6 Fie eas er wake ee wires nda es 6.00 ¢ 5 ' Caution :—Cheap imitations are sold. See our name and address NS /3091 in corner of cover. Ciercexiib on pearoncsd NS /3121—K.*S. Exhibition Cases, wooden boxes, glass cover , fitting very tightly, compressed cork or peat lined, cov- ered inside with white glazed paper. Class A. Stained imitation oak, cherry or walnut. Size 8x11x2)% in. (or to order, 834x1034x2%4 in,).... SSS Size 12x16x2/% in. (or to order, 12X15x2%4 in.)....-.-4 1.40 Pibsais Size 14x22x2)% in. (or to order, 14x22x24% in.)....... 2.00 NS //3121 Special prices if ordered in larger quantities. THE KNY-SCHEERER Co. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL SCIENCE. PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION Gold Medai PARIS EXPOSITION: Eight Awards and Medals LP ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION: Grand Prize and Gold Medal ENTOMOLOGICAL SUPPLIES AND SPECIMENS North American and exotic insects of all orders in perfect condition. Single specimens and collections illustrating mimicry, protective coloration, dimorphism, collections of representatives of the different orders of insects, etc. Series of specimens illustrating insect life, color variation, etc. Metamorphoses of insects. We manufacture all kinds of insect boxes and cases (Schmitt insect boxes Lepidoptera boxes, etc.), cabinets, nets, insects pins, forceps, etc.. Riker specimen mounts at reduced prices. Catalogues and special circulars free on application. Rare insects bought and sold, When Writing Please Mention ‘Entomological News.” ockhausen. Printer, 5555 N. 7th Street, Philadelphia. : oT ee ~ mis ‘ i, ™ he * ay oe " - ‘ PP See wh ee Ske eee eS eee ee ek - 3 - ie ~ ‘ a eh BS 8 TST! ee oe eB! Fi of, + A Se a, ee GE eee a