EXPOAOLOGICNL Su OF ONTARLO oA Ty CF. re / « : = fi SS. Mo bte MEG PHILIP P. CALVERT, Ph.D., Editor. E. T. CRESSON, Jr., Associate Editor. HENRY SKINNER, M.D., Sc.D., Editor Emeritus. 2 ADVISORY COMMITTEE: EZRA T. CRESSON. ; J. A. G. REHN. PHILIP LAURENT. ERICH DAECKE. H. W. WENZEL. 2 PHILADELPHIA: THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, 2 LOGAN SQUARE. Entered at the Philadelphia Post-Office as Second-Class Matter. — { ( , - . ea ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 3 Published monthly, excepting August and September, in charge of the Entomo- logical Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, and the American Entomological Society. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $2.00 IN ADVANCE. SINGLE COPIES 25 CENTS) Advertising Rates: Per inch, full width of page, single insertion, $1.00; a dis- count of ten per cent. on insertions of six months or over. No advertise- ment taken for less than $1.00—Cash in advance. ges All remittances should be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEws, Academy of Natural Sciences, Logan Square, Philadelphia, Pa. All Checks and Money Orders to be made payable to the ENTOMOLOGICAL NEws. s@eAddress all other communications to the editor, Dr. P. P. Calvert, 4515 Regent Street, Philadelphia, Pa., from September 1st to June 15th, or at the Academy of Natural Sciences from June 15th to October Ist. gaFPLEASE NOTICE that, beginning with the number for January, 1912, the News will be mailed only to those who have renewed their subscrip- tions. The printer of the News will furnish reprints of articles over and above those given free (see the notice on the Editorial page of each number) at the following rates: Each printed page or fraction thereof, twenty-five copies, 15 cents ; each half tone plate, twenty-five copies, 20 cents; each plate of line cuts, twenty-five copies, 15 cents; greater numbers of copies will be at the corresponding multiples of these rates. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY Official Organ of the Association of Economic Entomologists Editor, E. Porter Felt. Albany, N. Y., State Entomologist, New York. Associate Editor, W. E. Britton, New Haven, Conn., State Entomologist, Conn. Business Manager, A. F. Burgess, Melrose Highlands, Mass. The only journal devoted exclusively to economic entomology.