ce OEY xc S25 : ES th Be | Gi, le ao a eee & -Medical- J ULY, 1914. Serial prs ‘ eS nie | Vol. XXV. DONG. <2; 5 . 3 . Nee“ ica a Bit Fide J. Brackenridge Clemens, Died 1867. PHILIP P. CALVERT, Ph.D., Editor. E. T. CRESSON, Jr., Associate Editor. HENRY SKINNER, M.D., Sc.D., Editor Emeritus. ADVISORY COMMITTEE: EZRA T. CRESSON. J. A. G. REHN. PHILIP LAURENT, ERICH DAECKE, H. W. WENZEL. 1 d a : . PHILADELPHIA : THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, ‘ . LOGAN SQUARE. ls ; ¥ ; ea Entered at the Philadelphia Post-Office as Second-Class Matter. ant re 4, Tha he Ae ieee Hehe an Kactiet tI #0 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS published monthly, excepting August and September, in charge of the Entomo- logical Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, ae and the American Entomological Society. isnt Soe ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $2.00 IN ee oe NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS $1.90 IN ADVANCE. SINGLE COPIES 25 CENTS = Advertising Rates: Per inch, full width of page, single insertion, $1.00; a a dis- Sy count of ten per cent. on insertions of five months or over. ie advertise ment taken for less than $1.00—Casht in advance, : aa rs ee ip ake s@x~ All remittances, and communications regarding subscriptions, non-receipt “+ of the News or of reprints, and requests for sample copies, should be i addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL News, Academy of Natural Sciences, Logan Square, Philadelphia, Pa. A// Checks and Money Orders to be made Pee e es ble to the ENTOMOLOGICAL NEws. sa" Address all other communications to the editor, Dr. P. P. Calvert, 4515 Re Regent Street, Philadelphia, Pa., from September rs5th to June 15th, or at — 2 the Academy of Natural Sciences from June 15th to September 15th. Pega fas ph ag@sPLEASE NOTICE that, beginning with the number for January, 1914, aw EP the News will be mailed only to those who have paid their suns i hat as t wo 8. ae io The Conductors of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS solicit and will thaskielies Ri receive items of news likely to interest its readers from any source. The Se author’s name will be given in each case, for the information of cataloguers and bibliographers. oe s TO CONTRIBUTORS.—AIl contributions will be considered and passed - aim a upon at our earliest convenience, and, as far as may be, will be published according to date of reception. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS has reached BS circulation, both in numbers and circumference, as to make it necessary to put is “‘copy”’ into the hands of the printer, for each number, four weeks before date =! ofissue. This should be remembered in sending special or important matter Se for a certain issue. Twenty-five ‘‘extras,’’ without change in form and without — & covers, will be given free, when they are wanted; if more than twenty-five — 2 copies are desired, this should be stated on the MS. The receipt of all papers + <3 will be acknowledged. Proof will be sent to authors for correction only when é ‘¢ specially requested. eee 7. ae t- The printer of the News will furnish reprints of articles over and above the twenty-five 5 given free at the following rates: Each printed page or fraction thereof, twenty-five copies, re 15 cents; each half tone plate, twenty-five copies, 20 cents; each plate of line cuts, twenty- Nog five copies, 15 cents; greater numbers of copies will be at the corresponding wi of i these rates. as a al er. 1,000 PIN LABELS 25 CENTS! At Your Risk. (Add 10¢ for Registry or Checks) Limit ; 25 Characters ; 8 Blank or Printed Lines (12 Characters in Length.) Additional Characters ic. per 1,000. Pins In Multiples of 1,000 only : on Heaviest White Ledger Paper---No Border---4-Point Type---About 25 on a Strip---No Trim- | “Pp ming---One Cut Makes a Label. SEND ME ORDER WITH COPY, FOR ANY KIND OF ARTISTIC PRINTING LARGE OR SMALL. “al ye INDEX CARDS, MAPS, SEX-MARKS, LABELS FOR MINERALS, PLANTS, EGGS Etc, IF QUANTITY IS RIGHT, PRICE IS SURE TO BE. Po c. V. BLACKBURN, 77 CENTRAL STREET, STONEHAM, MASSACH == aaa ‘no AT Orders totalling less than 5,000 (all alike or different) double price. . = vt _ . Fs - Le EnT. NEws, VoL. XXV. Plate XII. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SECTION. ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPHIA. VoL. XXV. JULY, 1914. NO} :7- CONTENTS: Skinner—Dr. J. Brackenridge Clemens 289 Quayle, Barber—Changes of Address.. 292 Rehn and Hebard—A New Species of True Katydid from Western Texas (Orthoptera ; Tettigoniidae) ...... 293 Diptera at High Altitudes............ 295 Girault—Standards of the Number of Eggs laid by Insects (Orthop. )—XI 296 Nakahara—A new Dilar species from Japan (Nes, Plams)). ais,