QL | 713.2 W56 1996 | KELL National Contingency Plan for Response to Unusual Marine Mammal Mortality Events Dean M. Wilkinson U.S. Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-OPR-9 September 1996 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The comments received on the draft version of this plan were particularly useful. It would be impossible to list everyone who contributed, but a number of people who made major contributions should be recognized. Foremost among these, the Working Group on Unusual Marine Mammal Mortality Events provided input throughout the process and reviewed multiple drafts. The members of the Working Group are: Dr. Joseph Geraci, Chair; Dr. Gregory Bossart; Dr. Leslie Dierauf, Dr. Romona Haebler; Dr. Robert Hofman; Dr. Thomas Lipscomb; Dr. James Mead; Dr. Thomas O’ Shea; Dr. John Reif; Dr. Thomas Roffe; Dr. Linda Schlater; Dr. Randall Wells; Dr. Thomas Williams; Kate Wynne; Nina Young; and Jeffrey Horwath, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Liaison to the Working Group. Extensive comments from the Marine Mammal Commission markedly improved the final product. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Regional Offices were responsible for much of the material on manatees and sea otters. Christine Pattison of the California Department of Fish and Game made a major contribution to the material on sea otters. Pam Chelgren-Koterba of the NOAA Hazardous Materials Response and Assessment Division provided guidance on oil and chemical spill response. Having directed the response to two mortality events, Ann Colbert of the National Marine Fisheries Service’s (NMFS) Charleston Laboratory made a number of suggestions based on practical experience. Finally, the material in the addenda is in large part the work of the NMFS Regional Stranding Coordinators—Nancy Haley, Jeff Brown, Joe Cordaro, Brent Norberg, and Linda Shaw. Suggested citation: Wilkinson, Dean M. 1996. National contingency plan for response to unusual marine mammal mortality events. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-OPR-9, 118 p. National Contingency Plan for Response to Unusual Marine Mammal Mortality Events Dean M. Wilkinson National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA Office of Protected Resources 1335 East-West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 NOAA Technical Memorandum NMES-OPR-9 September 1996 U.K. FISD & WILDLIFE RERVICR ¢ re oe U.S. Department of Commerce Michael Kantor, Secretary National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration D. James Baker, Under Secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere National Marine Fisheries Service Rolland E. Schmitten, Assistant Administrator for Fisheries U.S. Department of the Interior Bruce Babbit, Secretary U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service John G. Rogers Jr., Acting Director 4 Ahi aan a r = ah yen i cman aman Teacttut ii /_ 1 ety Aretha 6 8 Boia : pdr ys set tse TAG: ti wast Cte, guihiqa = ahi: ™ i Mon, r se. . a _ “wide ents a ae ~ vel oral Tnniiniiyn'? tan enwio re TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Act Development of a Contingency Plan Unusual Mortality Events Baseline Information and Stranding Networks Objectives of Contingency Plan Discharges of Oil and Hazardous Chemicals Resources PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Safety and Hygienic Precautions Aviation Safety Carcass Disposal Live Animals ADVANCE PLANNING Equipment Protocols and Training Compilation of Lists Early Monitoring Activities INITIAL STEPS Criteria for Determining an Unusual Mortality Event Appointment of Onsite Coordinator Notifications to Accelerate Response Assessment of Capacities, Capabilities Aerial Surveys Environmental Parameters Data Requirements ADMINISTRATIVE TASKS Financial Administration Public Information Tracking of Animals and Samples LIVE ANIMALS Available Facilities and Requirements Release Conditions aLabat NAN NWN RK TISSUE COLLECTION, PRESERVATION, AND SHIPPING Protocols and Available Trained Personnel Sea Otter Provisions Shipment and Tracking of Samples Specific Types of Analyses Blood Histopathology Life History Biotoxins Heavy Metals/Organic Contaminants Virology, Bacteriology, Mycology Conditions on Disclosure of Results SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES Litigation Live Captures Independent Research Mass Strandings POST-EVENT ACTIVITIES Report Follow-up Activities Tissue Access Post-Event Monitoring REFERENCES ADDENDA Stranding Network Members Federal Beachfront Agencies State Wildlife Resource Agencies State Public Health Organizations Native American Organizations Facilities for Holding Live Animals Sources for Gross Necropsies and Tissue Preparation Veterinary Colleges iv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Act requires the preparation of a contingency plan for response to unusual marine mammal mortality events. Such events may be caused by a variety of factors including: oil discharges and releases of anthropogenic chemicals; naturally occurring biotoxins; changes in environmental conditions; and infectious agents. Mortality events also vary in their characteristics. The cause may be known or not known. There may be live marine mammals requiring care or only dead animals on the beaches. Depending on the type of event and characteristics, the appropriate response will vary, and a contingency plan must be sufficiently broad to provide for a response to a wide variety of circumstances. The Act provides that the response to an unusual mortality event will be directed by an Onsite Coordinator. The Onsite Coordinator will be either a National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Regional Director or an individual designated by the Regional Director. The primary purpose of this plan is to provide a blueprint to the Onsite Coordinator for the response to mortality events. It provides guidance to Regional Directors of NMFS and FWS on: steps to be taken to protect the public health and welfare; advance planning for such events; steps to identify the cause(s) of an event; and measures to determine the biological significance of an event. The plan contains lists of contacts for response, facilities that are capable of holding live animals, tissue collection and preparation, and analyses that may be necessary to determine causes of death and the effects that physical, chemical, or biological factors may have on marine mammal populations. This plan is divided into several sections corresponding to different activities that may be required in a response to an unusual mortality event. Because public health and welfare is of paramount concern in any mortality event, a short section (Section II) on this issue precedes all other substantive sections. Although not technically part of a response, section three addresses materials and information that should be generated in advance. The success of a response may be dependent on having necessary equipment in place, well trained personnel, and general protocols for tissue collection. In preparation for unusual marine mammal mortality events, Regional Directors should: 1) Be aware of possible causes for unusual marine mammal mortality events (p. 3) and the criteria used to designate such events (p. 18); 2) Identify individuals with the necessary abilities to be Onsite Coordinators (p. 18-19); 3) Identify and preposition equipment that might be necessary to respond to a mortality event (p. 13-14); 4) Distribute protocols for gross necropsy and tissue collection to those who are likely to be involved in a response to a mortality event (p. 14-15); 5) Provide training to individuals likely to be involved in a response. Such training should include: a) Safety measures (p. 9-12); b) Utilization of protocols for gross necropsy, tissue collection, preparation, and shipment for different analyses (p. 33-38); c) Chain-of-custody procedures; 6) Establish and maintain lists of contacts, including: a) Notifications to be made to accelerate initial response (p. 15-16, 19-20, and Addenda A-E); b) Facilities with capacity, equipment, and expertise to treat live animals (Addendum E); c) Facilities/individuals with the expertise necessary to conduct gross necropsies and prepare tissues for a variety of analyses (Addendum F); d) Facilities/individuals with the expertise necessary to conduct specific analyses (p. 34-38); and 7) In order to respond to situations where live-capture operations may be necessary to determine the cause(s) of a mortality event, identify (if necessary, train) individuals with the expertise necessary for live capture operations and identify sources of equipment that would be required for such an exercise (p. 39-40). Sections four through nine deal with procedures in responding to an unusual mortality event. It should be noted that under certain circumstances, another entity may be responsible for response. In the case of a known oil discharge or release of a hazardous substance, either the Coast Guard or the Environmental Protection Agency will assume responsibility for a response. When the reason for a mortality event is determined to be a direct human interaction, e.g., incidental mortality in fisheries or animals being deliberately killed, the appropriate actions should be taken by either the management or enforcement sections of the two agencies and are outside the context of this plan. Section four (IV) (p. 18-26) covers steps that should be taken to accelerate response and assess capabilities and needs. During past mortality events, NMFS has found that it is extremely difficult for the same individual to conduct the scientific side of an investigation and deal with the administrative side of an investigation. Section five (V) (p. 27-30) prescribes the appointment of personnel whose primary responsibility will be administrative. Section six (VI) (p. 31-32) covers special circumstances when there may be live animals during a mortality event. Section seven (VII) (p. 33-38) details analyses that might be required, lists individuals with the skills necessary to conduct necropsies and collect tissues for detailed analysis, and locations where specific analyses may be performed. Although additional analyses may be required depending on the nature of the event, basic information is contained on the following: blood from live animals; histopathology; life history; biotoxins; heavy metals/organic contaminants; and virology/bacteriology/mycology. There are special circumstances that may require additional actions. The eighth section (VIII) discusses procedures for dealing with: the possibility of litigation; live capture to gain information not available from stranded animals; requests from independent researchers for materials; and mass strandings. The final section (IX) details responsibilities after an event is concluded. The Onsite Coordinator will prepare a report containing results of scientific investigations, findings as to the cause of a mortality event, an assessment of the impact on the affected population(s), and recommendations for subsequent monitoring or management activities. In addition, participants should receive communications expressing appreciation for their roles in responding to the mortality event. . vi Basic steps in responding to an event include: 1) Based on the criteria listed on page 18, the Working Group on Unusual Marine Mammal Mortality Events is responsible for determining when an unusual mortality event is occurring. 2) When notified by the Working Group that an unusual mortality event is occurring, the Assistant Administrator for Fisheries or, when species under FWS jurisdiction are involved, the Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will appoint the appropriate Regional Director as Onsite Coordinator. The Regional Director may designate another qualified individual to serve in this capacity. 3) To accelerate response, the Onsite Coordinator will provide notification and instruction to: a) Stranding Network members (Addendum A); b) Federal beachfront agencies (Addendum B); c) State wildlife resource agencies (Addendum C); d) Coast Guard District Headquarters (p. 15-16); e) Public health agencies (if necessary) (Addendum D); f) Appropriate local governmental units; g) NMFS, FWS, and National Biological Service laboratories; h) Native American groups (as appropriate) (Addendum EB). 4) As necessary, the Onsite Coordinator will establish an Administrative Team (p. 27-30) to: a) Handle contracting and other financial affairs; b) Respond to inquiries from the media and general public; and c) Handle collection of data, data entry, and tracking of samples. 5) The Onsite Coordinator is responsible for checking to determine if environmental conditions may have precipitated a mortality event or resulted in detection of a larger number of mortalities than would normally be the case. These conditions include: a) Current anomalies (p. 24); b) Sea surface temperatures (p. 24); c) Toxic phytoplankton blooms (p. 24); and d) Shellfish monitoring (p. 24). 6) The Onsite Coordinator shall assess basic needs for response including: adequacy of response network in terms of coverage, ability to conduct necropsies, and ability to collect tissue samples; available equipment; and, if live animals are involved in the mortality event, the capacity and capabilities of rehabilitation facilities. If any of these is less than adequate, steps shall be taken to supplement existing resources. 7) If the cause(s) of an event is known, the Onsite Coordinator will make provision for: a) Adequate care of live animals (p. 31-32); b) Collection, preparation, analysis, and archiving of tissues and voucher specimens (p. 33-38). If litigation is possible, provisions for maintaining a proper chain of custody are necessary; c) Assessing the impact of the mortality event on wild populations; and d) If feasible, put mitigation measures in place. vil 8) If the cause(s) of an event is unknown, all of the previous steps are necessary. In addition, in consultation with the Working Group, the Onsite Coordinator will put investigative measures in place including: a) Making provision for aerial surveys, if necessary, to locate fresh carcasses and/or determine the extent of a mortality event (p. 23); b) Defining specific tissue collection and preparation protocols. Making arrangements for specific analyses to be performed and for shipment of samples to facilities performing analyses (p. 33-38); c) Compiling and analyzing results. 9) After a mortality event is over and results of analyses have been received, the Onsite Coordinator shall file a final report containing compilation and, as appropriate, interpretation and correlations of data sets and analytical results to document the cause(s) and biological significance of an event. If appropriate, the report shall contain recommendations for post-event monitoring. In addition, the report shall analyze the response to the event and provide suggestions for improving future responses. (p. 43-44). Immediately following this page, a decision tree is provided covering the various activities that may be necessary in a response. Wakatal Appointment of On-site Coordinator Notifications a. Stranding Networks (Addendum A) b. Federal Beach Front Agencies (Addendum B) . State Wildlife Resource Agencies (Addendum C) d. Coast Guard District Headquarters (pp. 15-16) e. Local Government Agencies f. NMFS, FWS, NBS Laboratories . State Public Health Agencies, if necessary (Addendum D) Set up Administrative Team a. Contract Officer upon release of Contingency Fund b. Public Information Orficer c. Data collection/entry/tracking individual Set up chain of custody procedures if litigation Is likely a. Current anomalies (p. 24 ) b. Sea surface temperatures (p. 24) c. Toxic phytoplankton blooms (p. 24) d. Shellfish monitoring (p. 24) e. If toxic event possible contact EPA Regional Office (pp. 25-26) Live Animals Dead Animals (see pp. 31-32) In consultation with WG, identify and initiate (if feasible) mitigation measures. In consultation with WG, identify and initiate (if feasible) mitigation measures Assess capacity of facilities Assess adequacy of response network in terms of coverage, ability to perform necropsies, and to collect tissues Assess capacity of facilities In consultation with WG, determine (Addendum D) what tissues should be collected Make provision for supplementing Assess capacity of network to respond capacity, if necessary and ability to collect needed samples If necessary, make provision for supplementing capacity If necessary, set up special response team or provide equipment to network Notify facilities of any special care provisions recommended by WG In consultation with WG determine If necessary to locate fresh carcasses medical tests to be performed, tissues to or determine extent of event, make be collected, and analyses to be provision for aerial surveys performed Provide protocols for collection, preparation, and shipment of tissues for analysis or archival (pp. 33-38) In consultation with WG determine tissues to be collected and analyses to be performed Make provision for collection, Provide guidance on carcass disposal if Appointment of On-site Coordinator Notifications a. Stranding Networks (Addendum A) b. Federal Beach Front Agencies (Addendum B) State Wildlife Resource Agencies (Addendum C) Coast Guard District Headquarters (pp. 15-16) Local Government Agencies NMFS, FWS, NBS Laboratories State Public Health Agencies, if necessary (Addendum D) Set up Administrative Team a. Contract Officer upon release of Contingency Fund b. Public Information Orficer c. Data collection/entry/tracking individual Set up chain of custody procedures if Current anomalies (p. 24 ) litigation is likely b, Sea surface temperatures (p. 24) c. Toxic phytoplankton blooms (p. 24) d. Shellfish monitoring (p. 24) e. If toxic event possible contact EPA Regional Office (pp. 25-26) Live Animals (see pp. 31-32) In consultation with WG, identify and initiate (if feasible) mitigation measures. Dead Animals In consultation with WG, identify and initiate (if feasible) mitigation measures Live Animals Assess capacity of facilities Assess adequacy of response network in terms of coverage, ability to perform necropsies, and to collect tissues Assess capacity of facilities (Addendum D) In consultation with WG, determine what tissues should be collected Assess capacity of network to respond and ability to collect needed samples If necessary, make provision for If necessary, set up special response supplementing capacity team or provide equipment to network n for supplement capacity, if necessary In consultation with WG determine If necessary to locate fresh carcasses medical tests to be performed, tissues to or determine extent of event, make be collected, and analyses to be provision for aerial surveys performed Notify facilities of any special care provisions recommended by WG Provide protocols for collection, preparation, and shipment of tissues for analysis or archival (pp. 33-38) In consultation with WG determine lissues to be collected and analyses to be performed Make provision for collection, preparation and shipment of medical samples recommended by WG (pp. 33-38) Provide guidance on carcass disposal if public health problem In consultation with WG, set release criteria for rehabilitated animals Make arrangements for analyses (pp.33-38) If possible, monitor subset of re- leased animals Assure gross necropsies are performed by competent personnel (Addendum F) and provide protocols for tissue collection, preparation, and shipment Monitor impact on population including survey work, if necessary Monitor impact on population including survey work if necessary Make arrangements for archival of tis- sues/voucher specimens Compile reports and data Make arrangements for archival of tis- sues/voucher specimens Compile results of analyses and data If cause is determined, after consultation with WG, identify and initiate (if feasible) mitigation measures File report on event (p. 43) If cause is determined, after consultation with WG set release criteria for rehabilitated animals If possible monitor subset of released animals File report on event (p. 43) Table I - | ote SamEt ners ne 1), 2a, 1p SER were on Ie : pp he Bie vicgy Sa asaya 4 Beas VE Vent ae laey yi ' eat ; Ege auaamean tt | a “te wie Diy berhey ie RAR, etait aah pete Lighlanc histo Teo as eee. hee Py Sr aN Siete $4 eens sad wh ago Rin praia ! “pt ory i ; } ; Ruyiwi einen . ertite F our vir bpulaniecni INTRODUCTION Much of the impetus for the passage of the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) in 1972 (P.L. 92-522) stemmed from concern over the direct killing of marine mammals and mortality associated with fisheries. In the two decades following enactment, increasing attention has been given to more indirect human impacts on marine mammals, including those associated with anthropogenic contaminants. The deaths of large numbers of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, on the U.S. east coast in 1987-88 created concern that the Federal Government was inadequately prepared to respond to unusual mortality events, explain their occurrence, and take corrective action. Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Act In response to increasing public concern, the Congress passed the Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Act in 1992 (P.L. 102-587, 16 U.S.C. 1421-1421(h)). The Act created a new Title 3 to the Marine Mammal Protection Act that was redesignated as Title 4 by §24(b)(1) of P.L. 103-238. Sections 301-309 were redesignated as §§401-409. The Act contained three basic elements. Sections 402-403 deal with generating scientific information from stranded animals and upgrading the capabilities of the marine mammal stranding networks. Section 402 also mandates development of criteria for release of rehabilitated animals. In response to the problem of adequate baseline information, section 407 provides for the establishment of a National Marine Mammal Tissue Bank, provisions for analysis of tissues for contaminants, and creation of a data base. Section 404 provides a framework for responding to unusual mortality events. It creates a multidisciplinary Marine Mammal Unusual Mortality Event Working Group to provide guidance to the Secretaries of the Interior and Commerce in determining when such an event is occurring, in developing a response plan to such an event, and in developing a contingency plan for responding to such an event. The Working Group was constituted in April 1993. The Act also provides the framework for responding to mortality events which includes the appointment of an Onsite Coordinator to coordinate response activities. The Onsite Coordinator shall be a Regional Director of either the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) or the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) or someone designated by the Regional Director. The House Report describes the Onsite Coordinator’s responsibilities: directing of the response process; managing personnel and facility usage; acting as a liaison with central offices; and coordinating public relations. Section 405 creates a fund to be used for special costs incurred in responding to unusual mortality events. The development of this contingency plan was mandated by §404(b) which states: "(1) IN GENERAL.--The Secretary (of Commerce) shall in consultation with the Secretary of the Interior and the unusual mortality event working group, and after an opportunity for public review and comment, issue a detailed contingency plan for responding to any unusual mortality event. "(2) CONTENTS.--The contingency plan required under this subsection shall include-- "(A) a list of persons, including stranding network participants, at a regional, State, and local level who can assist the Secretary in implementing a coordinated and effective response to an unusual mortality event; "(B) the types of marine mammal tissues and analyses necessary to assist in diagnosing causes of unusual mortality events; "(C) training, mobilization, and utilization procedures for available personnel, facilities, and other resources necessary to conduct a rapid and effective response to unusual mortality events; and "(D) such requirements as are necessary to-- "(i) minimize death of marine mammals in the wild and provide appropriate care of marine mammals during an unusual mortality event; "(il) assist in identifying the cause or causes of an unusual mortality event; "(iii) determine the effects of an unusual mortality event on the size estimates of the affected populations of marine mammals; and "(iv) identify any roles played in an unusual mortality event by physical, chemical, and biological factors, including contaminants." In scope, the contingency plan must include all coastal regions of the United States and the adjacent waters under United States jurisdiction. It must be adequate to address all species of marine mammals. With the exceptions noted below, NMFS is primarily responsible for response to mortality events involving cetaceans and pinnipeds (excluding walrus), and FWS is primarily responsible for sea otters, walrus, manatees, and polar bears. Depending on the circumstances, other units of government may have responsibilities. As an example, if a mortality event should create a serious public health problem, a variety of other local, state, and Federal agencies would have responsibilities. The House Report accompanying the legislation states that the plan should be specific to species (or groups of species). Because approaches for determining the cause of an event--collecting, preserving, and analyzing tissues--are likely to be similar among the range of species, this contingency plan provides a general outline, with species differences highlighted only when appropriate. The species-specific approach is most appropriate for rehabilitating live animals (Dierauf, 1990). For example, the physical facilities needed to care for pinnipeds are less complicated than those needed for cetaceans or polar bears. Unusual Mortality Events The Act characterizes an unusual mortality event as having the following characteristics: (1) it is unexpected; (2) it involves a significant die-off of any marine mammal population; and (3) it demands an immediate response. In addition to the obvious circumstances involving significant numbers of marine mammal deaths within a short period of time, the Working Group determined that there were two other instances when a response would be justified--when there is a mass stranding of unusual species of cetaceans and when even small numbers of a severely endangered marine mammal species appear to be affected. Although steady declines of a population over time warrant investigation, such occurrences are part of each agency’s more general charge under the Act. Clearly, the structure of the Act indicates that its purpose is to address acute mortality. Rapid large-scale mobilization and appointment of an Onsite Coordinator may not be the appropriate method for addressing a chronic population decline. 2 Factors that can cause an unusual mortality event include, but are not limited to: 1) Impacts including toxicity and fouling caused by oil discharges or chemical releases or toxic runoff of anthropogenic chemicals or other impacts, such as immunological dysfunction, caused by chronic exposure to pollutants that may become apparent in an acute mortality event; 2) Naturally occurring biotoxins; 3) Changes in environmental conditions such as an El Nifio or a sudden change in water temperature; 4) Parasitic or infectious disease agents; or 5) Mortalities caused by direct human interactions such as bycatch in fisheries or deliberate taking. As noted below, such a mortality factor must be taken into account when trying to determine a cause of an event, but, once confirmed, response becomes a management or enforcement responsibility. A contingency plan must include provisions for detecting and responding to each of these conditions. The response priorities will vary depending on whether or not the cause of the event is known, the number and species of animals involved, or if the event poses a threat to public health and safety. The major task during an El Nifio may be to rescue and rehabilitate emaciated animals. In other instances, attention may focus on determining a cause(s), which may be far more difficult. As an example, it may be difficult to determine if contaminant burdens have compromised a population’s immune systems to the point where the marine mammals are more vulnerable to the normal range of pathogens. Such a determination often is difficult even in human epidemiology, and far less is known about stressors and immune systems of marine mammals. Although mortality events have received more publicity since the 1987-88 mortality of bottlenose dolphins along the mid-Atlantic coast, an examination of the historical record since 1978 shows that such events are not uncommon. Table | lists known mortality events over this period and scientific literature pertinent to those events. Baseline Information and Stranding Networks The 1987-88 mortality event raised some significant questions concerning response to such events. It drew attention to the need for baseline information. As an example, some of the dolphins died with high tissue levels of organochlorines, the significance of which could not be determined because there was a dearth of information with which to make comparisons (Geraci, 1989). It was also obvious that resources needed to respond to such an event were not initially available. The response might have been more effective if a team of specialists and protocols for tissue collection, preservation, and analysis had been in place. Following the 1987-88 mortality event, NMFS took steps to address these weaknesses. A National Marine Mammal Tissue Bank was established to collect and archive tissues from marine mammals that can be used for retrospective analysis of contaminant levels. Section 407 of the Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Act provides a legislative mandate for the 3 Year Species Cause Implicated Location Reference 1978 1979-80 1982 1982 1987 1987 1987-88 1988 1989 1990-91 1992 1992 1992-93 1993 Hawaiian monk seals (Monachus schauinslandi) Harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) Harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) Manatees (Trichechus manatus) (Associated mortalities of fish and double-crested cormorants) Several species of pinnipeds California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) (Smaller outbreaks of the same disease occurred in 1988 and 1991) Sea Otters (Enhydra lutris) (Two humans contracted paralytic shellfish poisoning in the same area from blue mussels) Dolphins, primarily Tursiops truncatus and some Sousa chinensis (Associated mortalities of fish, dugongs, birds, and sea turtles) Humpback whales Baikal seals (Phoca sibirica) Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) Harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) Sea Otters (Enhydra lutris) and some harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) Striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) Northeast phocids Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) (Associated mortalities of fish and birds. Pesticide aldicarb detected in trace amounts in water.) Several species of pinnipeds Harbor seals (Phoca vitulina), Steller sea lions (Eumatopias jubatus), and California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) Common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) Common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) and California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) (Associated mortalities of birds) Manatees (Trichechus manatus) Ciguatoxin and maitotoxin Influenza A virus Influenza A virus Brevetoxin Cause not determined Saxitoxin Morbillivirus Brevetoxin Morbillivirus Phocine distemper virus Oil spill-Exxon Valdez Morbillivirus Phocine distemper virus Cause not determined EI Nifio Human interaction— gunshot wounds Morbillivirus Cause not determined Probable toxic discharge Investigation ongoing Northwest Hawaiian Islands Cape Cod, Massachusetts Cape Cod, Massachusetts Southwest Florida Pacific coast from Peru through California California Kodiak Island, Alaska Persian Gulf Northeast U.S. coast Lake Baikal, USSR USS. east coast North Sea Prince William Sound, Alaska Mediterranean Sea U.S. east coast Calhoun and Aransas Counties, Texas California Central Washington coast Gulf of Mexico Califomia coast Gulf of California, Mexico Southwest Florida Gilmartin, 1987 Geraci et al., 1982 Hinshaw et al., 1984 O’Shea et al., 1991 Trillmich and Ono, 1991 Dierauf et al., 1985 DeGange and Vacca, 1989 Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment, 1986 Geraci et al., 1989 Grachev et al., 1989 Geraci, 1989 Lipscomb et al., 1994 Osterhaus and Vedder, 1988 Loughlin, 1994 Domingo et al., 1990 Geraci et al., 1990 Pers. comm. A Jennings Pers.comm. K. Hanni Pers. comm. B. Norberg Lipscomb et al., in press Pers. comm. J. Cordaro Vidal and Gallo, in press Pers. comm R. Tumer Tissue Bank. The Tissue Bank is located at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, Maryland. The tissues are collected following a rigorous protocol and stored in liquid nitrogen. Because of uncertainties as to whether singly stranded animals are representative of populations as a whole and whether health conditions may have an impact on results from analyses, collections for the Tissue Bank currently have been restricted to presumably healthy marine mammals either taken in the subsistence harvest by Alaskan natives, incidentally taken in fisheries, or, in the case of cetaceans, mass stranded. To ensure uniform standards of analyses, NIST has set up a Quality Assurance program involving interlaboratory comparison exercises and the preparation of Standard Reference Materials. As a second step toward improving response, a program review of the Marine Mammal Stranding Networks was conducted. To respond to marine mammal strandings, networks of volunteers have been authorized by NMFS for cetaceans and pinnipeds and by FWS for manatees and sea otters. Members of the Stranding Networks are issued Letters of Authorization by the NMFS Regional Offices. NMFS Regions are shown on the next page. Most of the volunteers are professionals with marine mammal experience. They may be researchers affiliated with State agencies or universities, individuals associated with public display facilities, or individuals with animal rehabilitation experience. The members of the Networks rehabilitate sick and injured marine mammals, and collect basic biological data and tissues from dead marine mammals. Addendum A contains a list of Stranding Network members by State. Network members are the first line of response to any marine mammal strandings. They have capabilities to treat animals and collect tissues for analyses. Therefore, they are likely to be heavily involved in any response to an unusual mortality event. The program review identified strengths and weaknesses of the Networks and made recommendations to improve the administration of the Networks by NMFS and enhance the capabilities of individual members (Wilkinson, 1991). Objectives of Contingency Plan To develop the expertise necessary to respond to mortality events, NMFS established a Task Group on Unusual Marine Mammal Mortalities in April 1991. The Task Group was similar in function to the Working Group on Unusual Marine Mammal Mortalities set up under the Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Act. Whenever an unusual event was suspected, NMFS consulted with the members of the Task Group for guidance on what steps should be taken to respond to the event. The Task Group was consulted seven times between April 1991 and April 1993, when it was succeeded by the statutory Working Group. The purpose of this contingency plan is to outline actions that can/should be taken to: 1) Protect the public health and welfare; 2) Investigate and identify the cause(s) of a mortality event; 3) Minimize or mitigate the effects of a mortality event on the affected population(s) and provide for the rehabilitation of individual animals; and 4) Determine the impact of a mortality event on the affected population(s). 5) National Marine Fisheries Service Regions NORTHEAST REGION i ses eerench as irae tetas Although there is considerable public interest in appropriate response to marine mammal mortality events, achieving these goals is the responsibility of the Onsite Coordinator, and this plan is intended to provide guidance for the Onsite Coordinator by detailing responsibilities, providing a general framework for response, and listing activities and resources. Because of variations in appropriate response actions and available resources, a national contingency plan must be flexible. A prescribed protocol applicable to all events could actually inhibit an effective response. A contingency plan should identify actions and resources needed to increase the level and timeliness of response and provide procedures for a range of analyses that may be required. In some instances, the emphasis may be on mitigation, rehabilitation, documentation of effects, and assessment of impacts on the population(s). In others, the highest priority will be determination of the cause(s). Discharges of Oil and Hazardous Chemicals There is one type of unusual mortality event during which procedures laid out in the Act including responsibilities, appointment of Onsite Coordinators, and funding will not be followed. Responses to oil discharges or releases of hazardous substances are governed by either the Clean Water Act, as amended, the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, or the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act. The U.S. Coast Guard has primary responsibility for response to spills and releases within or threatening the coastal zone. Coast Guard District Offices are listed on pages 15-16. Although not specifically addressed in the Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Act, the House Report stated that the authority of the Act would not supersede, modify, or limit the duties and responsibilities conveyed by the other Acts. Such an interpretation is logical in order to avoid competing and conflicting response activities and contingency plans. Many of the resources identified for response under the Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Act also will be utilized in spill emergencies. An effort has been made by the Working Group to help those developing regional and state oil spill contingency plans identify those individuals and facilities that can provide treatment for impacted marine mammals and collect tissues for analyses. In the northeast, California, and Alaska, oil spill response procedures and personnel to be utilized closely parallel those set out in this contingency plan. Resources This contingency plan assumes that adequate funding for a response will be available. The Act created a special fund to be applied for response to mortality events. In addition to authorizing appropriations, it allows acceptance of private donations. Such donations can be sent to: Office of Protected Resources National Marine Fisheries Service 1335 East-West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910-3226 ATTN. Unusual Mortality Event Fund Telephone: (301) 713-2322 To date no funds have been appropriated or donated to the fund. Although advance planning can enhance the response to a mortality event, lack of funds or the necessity to reprogram funds can delay or limit the magnitude of the response. PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE The first priority in responding to an Unusual Marine Mammal Mortality Event is public health and welfare. There are several ways in which a marine mammal mortality event could have an impact on public health or safety. Safety and Hygienic Precautions Although not common, if basic safety and hygienic precautions are not observed, stranded animals can cause physical injury or transmit disease to humans. Under §300.150 of the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (40 CFR Part 300) which references the OSHA regulation at 29 CFR 1910.120, participants in a response to oil discharges or releases of hazardous chemicals are required to have OSHA training. Most of the individuals responding to mortality events under the Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Act will have previous experience in handling stranded animals. Stranding Network members have received safety protocols and reminders of safety precautions and should not need special training. Despite such steps, however, even the most experienced personnel may forget safety precautions. If less experienced personnel are utilized, the Onsite Coordinator should ensure that they are informed of safety measures. When the cause of an event is unknown, extra precautions should be taken. In January 1992, a letter on safety precautions was distributed to Stranding Network members. If a mortality event should occur, participants in a response should be reminded of the points contained in that letter: 1) Recognize your physical limitations. Guard against overexposure to cold water and weather as well as to sun and heat. Do not attempt to lift more weight than you can without injury. 2) Precautions against injury should be taken at the site of a live stranding. Pinnipeds can be aggressive, and respondents should guard against being bitten. Distance is the only safeguard against the thrashing flukes of a cetacean. 3) Wear gloves when touching animals, conducting dissections, and handling tissues and fluids. Cover any cuts, scratches, or abrasions with waterproof protective dressings before handling animals or parts. Use waterproof outerwear to protect clothing from fluid contamination. 4) Wash your skin after handling either live or dead animals. Clothing and footwear should also be washed. 5) If you are bitten, cut, or injured while handling an animal or tissues, seek professional medical attention. Do not rely on first aid alone. 6) If you become ill after handling a marine mammal or tissues from a marine mammal, inform your physician that you have had contact with such animals. Some of the diseases that could be transmitted are rarely encountered (e.g., sealfinger), and may not be correctly diagnosed if a physician is not provided with an adequate history. 9 Aviation Safety In the section below entitled Initial Steps, there are two circumstances when aerial survey work may be undertaken: to help in locating fresh carcasses and to determine the possible impact of an event on population abundance. Some Federal agencies currently have safety guidelines for aviation, and Federal employees should strictly follow these guidelines. In some instances, however, private individuals and aircraft may be used. Such individuals also should be conscious of safety measures. To provide guidance to them, the following list has been adapted from draft guidelines prepared by the National Biological Service. As a guiding principle, safety is paramount. Mission urgency should never override sound safety requirements. General Requirements: 1) The mission to be flown shall be necessary, and flight planning for the mission shall be appropriate. 2) Only personnel necessary to the mission are to be on board the aircraft. 3) The configuration of the aircraft will be appropriate to the mission. 4) The pilot must have proficiency and experience for the type of mission to be flown. 5) The weather must be good enough to accomplish the mission safely. If weather conditions deteriorate so that safety becomes an issue, the mission will be terminated. 6) All passengers will follow instructions from the pilot. Safety Briefing: The pilot shall conduct a safety briefing prior to each flight. If the pilot does not do so, it is the responsibility of passengers to remind the pilot of this responsibility. The subjects of the briefing should include: Mandatory 1) Location and operation of the fire extinguisher. 2) Location and contents of the first aid kit. 3) Location and operation of the emergency exits. 4) Location and operation of the Emergency Locator Transmitter. 5) Emergency crash and aircraft exiting procedures. 6) Proper use of seatbelts and shoulder harnesses. 10 7) Location and use of survival gear. Recommended 1) Location and operation of emergency fuel shut off. 2) Location and operation of avionics master switch and electrical master switch. 3) Location and operation of communications radio. Personal Safety Equipment: 1) Adequate hearing protection, e.g., earplugs, earphones, or helmets equipped with headphones. 2) Helmet. 3) Fire-retardant clothing. Note: Nylon, dacron, or polyester garments or undergarments which have direct contact with the wearer’s skin should not be worn because they present an unacceptable exposure to post-mishap fire injury. 4) Personal flotation devices must be worn for over water work in single-engine airplanes and helicopters. Personal Flotation Devices need not be worn but must be immediately accessible to each person in multiengined aircraft operating over water. 5) Properly fitting anti-exposure suits must be worn in all single-engine aircraft and must be readily accessible to occupants of multi-engined aircraft when water temperatures are estimated to be 50°F (10°C) or less. Carcass Disposal Carcasses of dead animals could be a source of either pathogens or toxins that might affect wildlife and domestic animals. Steps should be taken to avoid such possibilities, including proper isolation and disposal of carcasses. In normal circumstances, carcasses sometimes are left on the beach to decompose naturally. If there is the possibility of a transmissible pathogen or serious toxin, unused portions of carcasses should be buried, taken to a sanitary landfill, or fully destroyed by incineration. If carcasses are buried, they should be in an area where fluids will not leach into groundwater and deep enough so that they will not be dug up by scavengers or uncovered by wave action. Live Animals Live animals moved to research or display facilities should be quarantined in an area or enclosure with a separate source of water and waste water run-off. Hygienic measures should be taken to prevent the spread of pathogens to display animals. These should include footbaths, 11 protective clothing, washing after handling animals, and changing and disinfecting clothing and footwear. If a serious health or safety hazard is identified, the Onsite Coordinator will be responsible for issuing special requirements in terms of collecting and handling animals and carcasses, providing quarantine instructions, and setting up specific measures for carcass disposal. In such cases, consideration should be given to appointment of a safety/sanitation officer to assist, monitor, and supervise such activities. 12 ADVANCE PLANNING The Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Act provides that the Onsite Coordinator will be one or more Regional Directors of NMFS or FWS or their designees. Although the Act emphasizes response to unusual mortalities, there are steps that should be taken by Regional Offices well in advance of a mortality event in order to facilitate the response. These include purchase of equipment and development of a list of support services and contacts to be made when such events occur. In most instances, the individuals best placed to rapidly respond to marine mammal strandings are the members of the Stranding Networks. However, all that is required under Letters of Authorization in normal circumstances is for members to collect basic information such as date and site of a stranding, the species involved, the condition of the animal or carcass, its length and sex, any evidence of human interaction, and disposition of the animal or carcass. Although many of the members work beyond collection of such basic data and collect tissues for research, not all members of the Networks have the equipment and training necessary for necropsy or specialized tissue collection. Equipment Experience with past events has shown that identification of equipment needs, location of vendors, and completion of purchase arrangements takes valuable time when response to an event may require immediate action. To address this problem, the NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center created 20 kits (Table 2) that were prepositioned in the Southeast to be used in unusual mortality events. Although the list is not intended to be all-inclusive, it does convey examples of the types of equipment that may be needed. Such kits may vary depending on the Region, species, and equipment normally available. Among suggestions for additional equipment that have been made are flensing knives and blue ice for cooling. A similar list of equipment drawn from numerous protocols is contained in the field guide prepared for Stranding Network members (Pages 287-289 in Geraci and Lounsbury, 1993). Each NMFS and FWS Regional Office should consider following the example of the Southeast Fisheries Science Center and purchase equipment that may be needed in advance. Ata minimum, the Regional Offices should identify sources where equipment can be obtained and develop streamlined procedures for its rapid deployment in the field. The equipment should be appropriate for a variety of tasks covering the range of information that might be needed to determine the cause of a mortality event. 13 TABLE 2 SOUTHEAST STRANDING KIT INVENTORY 100 quart cooler metric ruler 2 large sharp knives flashlight long-handled pruners size D batteries large bow saw 30 m fiberglass tape measure knife sharpener/stone heavy rope plastic scalpel handles (2) 2 short meat hooks box of surgical blades 16" selecting hook titanium knife 12"x12" plastic ziploc bags vacutainer holders (5) 6"x6" plastic ziploc bags sterile vacutainers aluminum foil (20 EDTA 5 cc) blank polypaper labels (20 plain 10 cc) permanent markers (20 heparin 10 cc) large heavy duty plastic bags (20 serum-separator) heavy rubber gloves (2 pr.) vacutainer needles powder-free latex gloves (30 @ 20 ga.x1-1/2) surgical masks syringes (sterile) disposable cover-alls (4) (10 @ S5cc) surgical scissors (10 @ 10cc) 500 ml teflon bottles (2) (10 @ 20 or 30 cc) glass jars, formalin samples (12) (10 @ SO or 60 cc) buffered 10% formalin (4L) needles (sterile) pre-soaked alcohol wipes (10 @ 18 ga.x1-1/2) spool of twist ties (10 @ 22 ga.x1) 10" teflon-coated tongs (1 @ 14 or 15ga.x3-1/2) titanium forceps (5 @ 18 ga.x3-1/2) teflon forceps vacutainer needle disposer teflon bags (6"x8") butterfly 19x7/8, 12" tubing polyfoam container for blood shipment infusion set (10) Protocols and Training The availability of equipment does not ensure that necropsies will be properly performed or that high quality tissue samples will be collected for analysis. To accomplish this task, detailed protocols and training are needed. Three such protocols have been developed for distribution to Stranding Network members. The stranding field guide (Geraci and Lounsbury, 1993) was distributed to NMFS Stranding Network members in 1993. The guide contains basic protocols for necropsies and collection and preservation of tissues for a variety of analyses. The guide covers cetaceans, pinnipeds, manatees, and sea otters. NMFS has also prepared and distributed more detailed laboratory manuals to be used for cetaceans (Galloway and Ahlquist, in press) and pinnipeds (Dierauf, 1994). FWS also has prepared a manual on necropsy of manatees (Bonde et al., 1983). These guides contain information on how to perform necropsies and how to collect and preserve tissues for: histopathology; life history; bacteriology; virology; mycology; 14 parasitology; biotoxins; contaminants; and genetics. The manuals also contain chain of custody instructions. Although not a formal part of this contingency plan, these protocols are incorporated by reference. It is recommended that these guides be kept together at each Stranding Network facility and that Network members should incorporate these documents into their curricula and training courses for personnel who might be involved in a response to an unusual mortality event. To avoid delays and improper collection and preparation of tissues, another part of preplanning activities should be training of individuals who are likely to be participants in a response to an unusual mortality event. Using the protocols, training should be given in gross necropsy procedures and the collection and preparation of samples for the range of analyses discussed in the section below entitled "Necropsy, Tissue Collection, Preservation, and Analyses." Two other topics should be presented in training sessions: following chain of custody procedures and a review of safety procedures. Compilation of Lists This contingency plan contains lists of organizations and people to be notified when an unusual mortality event occurs. Stranding Network members are listed in Addendum A. (Because lists containing information such as Stranding Network membership and individuals who can perform necropsies are likely to be subject to change, they have been incorporated as addenda rather than appendices so that they can be changed without amending the entire document). Depending on the Region involved, NMFS and FWS representatives have telephone numbers, FAX numbers, and, in some instances, the capacity to communicate via e-mail with each Stranding Network member within their Regions. A list of Federal agencies with jurisdiction over beach areas is contained in Addendum B. There are eight Coast Guard Districts in marine areas. These are: First Coast Guard District (ME, NH, MA, CT, RI, NY) Coast Guard Building 408 Atlantic Ave. Boston, MA 02110-3350 (617) 223-8480 Fifth Coast Guard District (NJ, DE, MD, VA, NC) Federal Building 431 Crawford St. Portsmouth, VA 23704-5004 (804) 398-6000 Seventh Coast Guard District (SC, GA, Peninsular FL) 909 SE First Ave. Brickell Plaza Federal Bldg. Miami, FL 33131-3050 (305) 536-5683 Eighth Coast Guard District (FL Panhandle, AL, MS, LA, TX) 15 Hale Boggs Federal Bldg. 501 Magazine St. New Orleans, LA 70130-3396 (504) 589-6230 Eleventh Coast Guard District (CA) 501 West Ocean, Suite 7170 Long Beach, CA 90822-5399 (310) 980-4300 Thirteenth Coast Guard District (OR, WA) Jackson Federal Bldg. 915 Second Ave. Seattle, WA 98174-1067 Fourteenth Coast Guard District (HI) Prince Kalanianaole Federal Bldg. 300 Ala Moana Blvd., 9th Floor Honolulu, HI 96850-4982 (808) 541-2260 Seventeenth Coast Guard District (AK) P.O. Box 25517 Juneau, AK 99802-5517 (907) 586-7298 Although the Coast Guard Operations Manual has instructions to report stranded marine mammals, and some units/stations are included on the list of Stranding Network members, the appropriate District Headquarters should be notified when there is an unusual mortality event. Upon receipt of reports of stranded animals, the Coast Guard will contact the appropriate Network representatives and provide the information needed for response. Operations permitting, they may also be available to assist in salvage, rescue, or disposal of animals, as well as for providing security or other assistance. Addendum C contains a list of State agencies with jurisdiction over natural resources as contact points for State governments. Addendum D lists State public health agencies to be contacted should there be concern that a mortality event might affect human public health. Addendum E lists Native American organizations to be contacted if a mortality event occurs in either the Pacific northwest or Alaska. Early Monitoring Activities There may be a period of time between an initial observation that marine mammal mortalities are increasing and the determination that a full-fledged mortality event is in progress. In some cases, the actions taken during this period ultimately may determine the success of a subsequent investigation into the cause(s) of a mortality event. 16 When there is reason to believe that there may be an incipient mortality event, the agency with jurisdiction over the species should take steps to ensure that strandings are reported on a real-time basis so that numbers of mortalities can be closely monitored. An effort should be made to ensure that experienced specialists perform gross necropsies on all carcasses. In some mortality events, early collection and preservation of samples for later analysis may be critical. For example, if a mortality event is precipitated by a toxic discharge, water sampling two or three weeks after the discharge may not detect the toxic compound. In order to enhance the potential of finding the cause of a mortality event, an effort should be made during the monitoring phase to collect and preserve samples that could be used later for diagnosis. If mortalities are localized, water samples should be collected. Sets of tissues appropriate for a range of analyses should be collected. Depending on the type of anticipated analysis, some tissues may be fixed in formalin, and some may be frozen. If available, blood serum from fresh carcasses and affected live animals should be collected and frozen. Because early monitoring activities will take place before the appointment of an Onsite Coordinator, each NMFS and FWS Region should prepare a basic protocol appropriate for its species and available resources to be used during this period. 7) INITIAL STEPS The Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Act sets up an initial procedure to be followed if an unusual mortality event is suspected. Members of the Working Group on Unusual Marine Mammal Mortalities are to be consulted to determine if a mortality event actually is occurring. Criteria for Determining Unusual Mortality Event The Working Group has developed a set of criteria to be utilized in making this judgment. A single criterion or combination of criteria may indicate the occurrence of an unusual mortality The criteria are: 1) A marked increase in the magnitude of strandings when compared with prior records. There is no set formula for determining what magnitude would trigger a response. The NMEFS Southeast Region has used a formula of the historic mean plus two times the standard deviation to determine a threshold level. The Working Group stated that magnitude must be weighed against other knowledge. As a pragmatic method, it was suggested that if a pulse in strandings is spread over an area or timeframe that strains the capacity of the Stranding Networks to respond, it should be cause for concern. 2) Animals are stranding at a time of the year when strandings are unusual. 3) An increase in strandings is occurring in a very localized area (possibly suggesting a localized problem), is occurring throughout the geographical range of the species/population, or spreads geographically with time. 4) The species, age, or sex composition of the stranded animals is different than that of animals that normally strand in the area at that time of the year. 5) Stranded animals exhibit similar or unusual pathologic findings or the general physical condition (e.g., blubber thickness) of stranded animals is different from what is normally seen. 6) Mortality is accompanied by behavior patterns observed among living individuals in the wild that are unusual, such as occurrence in habitats normally avoided or abnormal patterns of swimming and diving. 7) Critically endangered species are stranding. Stranding of three or four right whales, for example, may be cause for great concern whereas stranding of a similar number of fin whales may not. Appointment of Onsite Coordinator When the determination is made that an unusual mortality event is occurring, NMFS or FWS is responsible for appointing an Onsite Coordinator. The Onsite Coordinator is to be one 18 or more of the appropriate Regional Directors of NMFS or FWS or their designees. The Onsite Coordinator is responsible for directing the response. The Onsite Coordinator should have the background and knowledge needed to coordinate a scientific investigation. The Working Group on Unusual Marine Mammal Mortality listed the qualities/skills that the Onsite Coordinator should have: 1) Strong management and leadership abilities including the ability to coordinate a range of support services. The Onsite Coordinator will be responsible for implementing an event-specific plan. In addition, it will be necessary to consult and cooperate with agency headquarters, the Working Group, and other appropriate individuals; 2) Strong communications skills. The Onsite Coordinator will be the primary contact for members of the Working Group and the primary recipient of daily information and reports. (S)he should be diplomatic and calm when working with individuals in a crisis situation; 3) The ability to make decisions with minimal use of intermediaries; 4) The ability to access information and expertise including interagency expertise (e.g., NMFS, FWS, Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Biological Service), scientific contacts, and logistical contacts; 5) Familiarity with this contingency plan and associated protocols; and 6) Familiarity with and ability to work with the Marine Mammal Stranding Networks. Notifications to Accelerate Response In all mortality events, it is important to accelerate the response, and there are a number of notifications that should take place under the direction of the Onsite Coordinator: 1) Stranding Network members (Addendum A) should be notified that a response to an unusual mortality event has been initiated and that they will be acting under the direction of the Onsite Coordinator. They should be given specific instructions as to steps to be taken in the response. 2) Federal beachfront agencies (Addendum B) should be alerted and provided with instructions as to whom to contact if an animal should strand on their beaches. As in the case of State Wildlife Resource Agencies, it should be determined if such agencies have additional resources, e.g., biological personnel, boats, etc. that can supplement the response. 3) State Wildlife Resource Agencies (Addendum C) should be contacted to alert them to the mortality event and to determine if they can provide resources to assist in responding. The Onsite Coordinator should obtain the names and telephone numbers of field 19 supervisors in the area who could be contacted for various types of assistance, e.g., biologists, boats and operators, law enforcement personnel. 4) Coast Guard District Headquarters should be alerted and given instructions as to who should be contacted if they observe a stranded animal. They should be notified if a formal enforcement case is likely because the Coast Guard provides joint support to the responsible agencies in law enforcement/fisheries related cases. 5) Potential public health problems may be present during a mortality event. In many instances notification of the appropriate local authorities will be necessary for assistance in restricting access to live animals and rotting carcasses and to ensure that carcasses are disposed of properly. If a serious health hazard, e.g., a serious disease transmissible to humans, is identified, the State Public Health Department should be contacted. In some instances it may be necessary to notify the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. The Onsite Coordinator is responsible for reducing safety risks to those working in the field whether those risks are exposure to the animals themselves, to pathogens, or to contaminants. 6) In many areas, local governments serve as the conduit for information on initial reports of stranded animals. In the Northeast, the NMFS Regional Office has prepared a list of all local government police forces. Similarly, local governments have played a major role in areas such as California. Contacts with local agencies that may receive reports of strandings will help to accelerate the response. 7) The FWS (or supporting National Biological Service Science Centers) and NMFS have Regional Laboratories that can provide specific services such as tissue collection, processing, and analyses for toxins and disease-causing agents. Such laboratories should be involved in both advance planning and response. 8) In the Pacific northwest and Alaska, Native American groups are actively involved in marine mammal management, and, in some areas, are dependent on marine mammals for subsistence harvest. In addition, permission from tribal authorities may be necessary to enter specific coastal areas. If a mortality event occurs in such areas, tribal governments or management units such as the Eskimo Walrus Commission should be notified. A list of these groups is included in Addendum E. In addition, an effort should be made to involve Native Americans in the response. Assessment of Capacities, Capabilities When live animals are involved, an Onsite Coordinator must make provision for care or, if appropriate, euthanasia of such animals. Among the first actions should be an effort to determine what capacity is currently available in those facilities authorized to rehabilitate stranded animals. If capacity is insufficient, the Coordinator should either make arrangements for expanding capacity or locate backup facilities. In instances when the unusual mortality event is characterized by large numbers of dead animals, the primary foci of activity should be 20 expeditious recovery and examination of carcasses, complete necropsy of the freshest animals, collection of tissues for relevant analyses, and proper handling and disposal of carcasses. The response for an event of known cause is likely to be directed primarily toward treatment of affected animals, documentation of specific effects on animals, and, if feasible, intervention to prevent additional mortalities. The Onsite Coordinator should make provision for rescuing live animals and recovering carcasses. Provisions should be made to rehabilitate what may be large numbers of animals under conditions that prevent the spread of pathogens to healthy animals and to prevent animals being rehabilitated from being infected with pathogens from other sources. Possible pathways for infection include not only animals of the same species but humans, domestic animals, and other wild terrestrial and aquatic animals. After consultation with the Working Group, the Onsite Coordinator will be responsible for communicating to facilities any medical tests to be performed and any special provisions for care. When appropriate, instructions should be provided on tissue collection and chain of custody protocols if legal action is possible. When all other provisions are in place, plans may be made for collecting tissues for opportunistic research. When the reason for a mortality event is unknown, the primary task will be to identify the cause(s). The Onsite Coordinator must make arrangements for collection, preservation, and storage of tissues until an investigative plan is developed covering all possible causes. Assistance _ from a variety of specialists may be necessary. An effort must be made to step up the response including carcass recovery so that tissues may be collected in a timely fashion. The condition of a carcass often deteriorates rapidly limiting its suitability for analyses. Therefore, expeditious response is particularly important. The Coordinator must also ensure that necropsies are performed and tissues are collected for analyses following prescribed protocols. Provisions must be made for proper preservation and shipment of tissues to researchers using proper chain of custody procedures. The Onsite Coordinator will have to determine whether existing human and material resources in the area are adequate. In some areas, the Stranding Networks may be able to provide an adequate response and collect tissues for analysis. There are at least three instances when existing coverage may have to be supplemented: (1) There may be a geographic gap in Network coverage in the area; (2) The magnitude of an event may be such that it is beyond the capacity of the Network to cover effectively; and (3) The necropsy/tissue collection requirements may be beyond the expertise and/or resources of some Network members. If local resources are inadequate, a response team incorporating the necessary levels of expertise should be mobilized. In specific Regions, such teams may be constituted from NMFS or National Biological Service laboratory personnel. The NMFS Southeast Region developed such a team in responding to the mortality event in Texas in 1992. Similar capacity also exists in NMES Northwest Region if personnel from the National Marine Mammal Laboratory are used. The National Biological Service’s National Wildlife Health Center in Madison, Wisconsin, serves a similar role for species under Interior jurisdiction. Particularly in the case of cetaceans, the material with which investigators work is likely to be of less than ideal quality. Often, the only carcasses available are those that have washed in and are in varying stages of autolysis. Table 3 adapted from the cetacean laboratory forensic manual shows analyses that can be conducted by condition of a carcass. 21 TABLE 3. Guide To Data and Sample Collection for Condition Code 1-5 Marine Mammals CONDITION CODE Sample Type il" De Bes 43 5 Clinical a a Respiration rate a Heart rate | Urine sample | Blood sample a a Life History | | a a Stomach & contents a | a Jawbone/teeth a r | | Skull a r ] a | Rib/spinal section a r rT] a Morphometrics a a | Reproductive organs a | a Parasites r ] a | Blubber thickness | a Genetics a ] | | | Parasitology a = a a Microbiology LT a Toxicology a | Histopathology | a Necropsy | | External observations Site observations LT a Ectoparasites LT] a Gross lesions a | Gross dissection Parasites a a Gross lesions a | Organs | 1. Code | animals are reassigned to Code 2 at death. 2. Heart blood collected shortly after death. 3. Morphometrics should be taken on late Code 3 and Code 4 animals only for those measurements that are not altered by decomposition of the soft tissues. 4. Some tissues degrade quickly and will not yield samples suitable for histopathology; judgement is required. 22 The condition codes are: Code 1--Live animal Code 2--Dead, extremely fresh, no bloating, organs fresh Code 3--Early--minor bloating, skin peeling, organs intact Late--moderate decomposition, bloating, skin peeling Code 4--Advanced decomposition, bone exposed, major bloating skin peeling, internal organs decomposed Code 5--Mummified or skeletal remains, no organs present The number of analyses that can be conducted decreases rapidly as a carcass deteriorates. It is, therefore, imperative that an effort be made to recover carcasses quickly. Aerial Surveys Because beaches in some areas may be remote or only have limited beach traffic, aerial surveys may help in the detection of carcasses. Such surveys also can provide initial information on the magnitude of an event. The Onsite Coordinator should consider such surveys when an event is occurring in a low traffic area. Among the resources that may be available are NOAA or Coast Guard airplanes and helicopters. The Onsite Coordinator should be aware that while such agencies provide assistance when possible, their primary mission does not include such aerial overflights, and search and rescue operations always take priority. To determine if they can provide assistance, the Onsite Coordinator should contact the appropriate Coast Guard District Headquarters listed above or the NOAA Aircraft Operations Center at (813) 830-3310. If the Onsite Coordinator is unable to use official aircraft, it may be possible to contract for private aircraft or utilize offers from private organizations. Aerial surveys can also provide information on whether carcasses are being reported in a timely fashion in areas where coverage is assumed to be adequate. The Onsite Coordinator also will be responsible for determining what additional equipment may be needed. Such equipment may range from transportation equipment to make sure that both live animals and carcasses are rapidly retrieved to the equipment necessary to collect tissue samples for analysis. In the past, when existing transportation equipment has not been adequate, trucks have been rented. Because response to an unusual mortality event entails collection of materials beyond the minimum information requirements of normal strandings, respondents may need additional equipment to collect and preserve tissues. As noted above, it is recommended that such equipment be purchased in advance and prepositioned. Whether such a step is taken or not, the Onsite Coordinator will be responsible for provision of equipment when needed. 23 Environmental Parameters When the cause of a mortality event is unknown, possible environmental factors that could account for an increase in strandings should be evaluated. It is possible that an increase may be an artifact of changes in current or wind patterns resulting in a higher percentage of carcasses being washed ashore than would normally be the case. To check on current anomalies, the Coordinator may contact: NMES Monterey Laboratory at (408) 656-3311. Changes in the water temperature may also have an impact on certain species of marine mammals. As an example, in January 1990, over 30 bottlenose dolphins were found dead in Matagorda Bay, Texas, following a cold snap during which ice formed on the Bay (Miller, 1993). To obtain real time information on sea surface temperatures, the Coordinator may contact the Coast Watch Program of the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service at (301) 713-3277. If there are reports of unusual deaths of other animal species such as fish or birds or if the mortality is extremely localized, there is the possibility that a toxic event might be responsible. When initial contacts are made with State wildlife agencies and Federal beachfront agencies, inquiries should be made to determine if they have observed increased mortality of other species. In such instances the Onsite Coordinator will take steps to determine if a toxic phytoplankton bloom has occurred in the vicinity of the mortality event. The Onsite Coordinator should check with the shellfish monitoring program to determine if there have been shellfish bed closures. Information on shellfish monitoring can be obtained from the State resources agencies that have responsibility for shellfish monitoring in each State. The Office of the Executive Director of the Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference, (803) 788-7559, can provide points of contact within each State. The Onsite Coordinator also may contact the Marine Biotoxins Program at the NMFS Charleston Laboratory, (803) 762-8529, to initiate investigations into the potential role of a toxic phytoplankton bloom. The Marine Biotoxins Program has analytical capabilities for rapid response to suspected toxic blooms and has established a network with regional experts and State regulatory agencies to coordinate sample collection, phytoplankton identification, and toxin analysis. Instructions for tissue collection for biotoxin analysis are given below. It should be noted that biotoxins can pose a human health hazard. They have been responsible for paralytic shellfish poisoning, amnesic shellfish poisoning, and ciguatera poisoning. If there is evidence that such agents may be responsible for a mortality event, seafood safety perscnnel should be contacted immediately. Indicators of a direct toxic event caused by anthropogenic contaminants are similar to those for biotoxins. If it is suspected that chemicals in the water may be contributing to a 24 mortality event, the Coordinator should contact the nearest Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency to make arrangements for an initial investigation including water sampling. EPA Region 1 (ME, NH, MA, CT, RI) Water Management Division John F. Kennedy Federal Building One Congress Street Boston, MA 02203 (617) 565-3420 EPA Region 2 (NY, NJ, PR, VI) Water Management Division Jacob K. Javits Federal Building 26 Federal Plaza New York, NY 10278 (212) 264-2513 EPA Region 3 (DE, MD, VA) Water Management Division 841 Chestnut Building Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 597-9410 EPA Region 4 (NC, SC, GA, FL, AL, MS) Water Management Division 345 Courtland Street, N.E. Atlanta, GA 30365 (404) 347-4450 EPA Region 6 (LA, TX) Water Management Division First Interstate Bank Tower at Fountain Place 1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 1200 Dallas, TX 75202-2733 (214) 655-7101 EPA Region 9 (CA, HI, GU) Water Management Division 75 Hawthorne Street San Francisco, CA 94105 (415) 744-2125 M5) EPA Region 10 (OR, WA, AK) Water Division 1200 Sixth Avenue Seattle, WA 98101 (206) 553-1233 In the Southeast Region, the NMFS Laboratory in Charleston, (803) 762-8500, has also conducted water quality analyses. In addition to water quality analyses, it may be necessary to analyze sediments and indigenous fish and invertebrates for the presence of anthropogenic contaminants. Data Requirements The Onsite Coordinator also will be responsible for taking such action as will be necessary to determine the impact of a mortality event on the marine mammal population(s) affected. In order to accomplish this task, it will be necessary to compile data on the number of marine mammals affected. In addition, information on the geographic extent of the mortality and factors in population dynamics such as age and sex of animals affected should be collected. Much of this information may be gathered from stranding report forms, but arrangements to compile the information should be made. If the mortality event is large-scale in relation to the size of the specific population(s) affected, it may be necessary to conduct surveys to determine the impact. Strandings may provide an indication of the magnitude of an event, but they only account for animals that reach shore. To determine the geographic extent of a mortality event, offshore survey work may be necessary. It also may be necessary to prepare abundance estimates for comparison with pre- event population estimates. 26 ADMINISTRATIVE TASKS In addition to conducting the investigation, there are a variety of administrative tasks involved in responding to a large-scale unusual mortality event. In past events, NMFS has learned that administrative activities can have an impact on the response to an event. When equipment cannot be ordered in a timely fashion, samples are not carefully tracked, or requests for information impinge on investigative time, the failure to address administrative issues adequately can hinder an investigation. At best, it is difficult to handle both the research tasks and the administrative tasks; at worst, attempting to handle both simultaneously may mean that neither is adequately addressed. A separate team should be set up to work with the Onsite Coordinator on administrative tasks. The size of the team will vary depending on the magnitude of the event, but provision should be made for financial coordination, public information coordination, and tracking of animals and samples. The administrative team must work closely with the Onsite Coordinator in order to meet the needs of the investigation. Financial Administration As indicated above, the Act creates a Marine Mammal Unusual Mortality Event Fund to cover the "special" costs incurred in responding to such events. Upon designation of an unusual mortality event the Assistant Administrator for Fisheries may release funds for response. The Onsite Coordinator will determine which expenses will be eligible for reimbursement. The Fund may be used to reimbuse costs not normally part of operating expenses. For example, if it should be necessary to dispatch a response team to the site of a mortality event, the costs incurred other than usual salary expenses could be covered. In addition, once the Onsite Coordinator designates facilities for analyses, contracts for reimbursement will be set up. The Act also provides that Stranding Network participants shall be reimbursed for costs incurred in the preparation of tissues and shipment of tissues. Such costs may include equipment that must be purchased. The House Report accompanying the bill stated that such reimbursement would be limited to costs beyond normal stranding response. Stranding Network members will not be reimbursed for time, gasoline expenses for response, or for carcass disposal. The House Report details the procedures for reimbursement. The Stranding Network participant must receive authorization from the Onsite Coordinator to incur such expenses, save the receipts, and file a claim for reimbursement. If there are insufficient amounts available in the Fund to satisfy pending claims, they will remain pending until such time as sufficient funds are available. All authorized pending claims will be satisfied in the order received. Upon release of funds from the contingency fund or after other financial provisions are made, a financial officer will be appointed by the appropriate Regional Office to work with the Onsite Coordinator. The financial officer shall be a certified Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative and will work with a certified Contracting Officer to: 1) Negotiate and enter into agreements for reimbursement for services performed in the course of a response to an unusual mortality event. Whenever possible, such agreements should be in writing and describe exactly what services will be performed and what the rate of reimbursement shall be. As an example, it should be determined in advance what types of expenses will be reimbursed for care and rehabilitation of live animals. Contracts will include language stating that disclosure of results without clearance from i, the Onsite Coordinator is prohibited. It is also recommended that an initial ceiling level be determined on individual contracts. Without such a ceiling, it may be difficult to control costs. If the ceiling level is reached, an opportunity for reassessment is available. 2) If requested by the Onsite Coordinator, be responsible for locating and ordering supplies and equipment as they are needed. 3) Be responsible for prompt payment for contracted services, purchase orders, and reimbursement for expenses such as travel. Public Information Whenever an unusual mortality event occurs, it should be anticipated that there will be public concern and inquiries. It should be emphasized that public interest is legitimate and that the agencies have a responsibility to convey accurate information in a timely manner. Accurate information can help to educate the public and may help in accelerating a response. Speculation and/or inaccurate information may raise undue alarm and do more harm than good, including damaging potential legal aspects of an investigation. There are two types of situations that should be anticipated: (1) an on-the-beach situation involving interested bystanders and/or (2) media and general public inquiries during the course of an investigation. The first situation is most likely to occur during mass stranding events, but is also possible during ongoing events. In order to prevent interference with rescue operations and other activities, it is recommended that, when possible (or necessary), an onsite spokesperson be designated. This person should be knowledgeable and able to provide basic information on the species involved, the procedures being undertaken, and operation of Stranding Networks. Participants in the response to unusual mortality events should be encouraged not to speculate on causes and not to attempt to answer questions beyond their level of knowledge. If an individual does not know the answer to a question, it is acceptable to answer, "I don’t know." Even better, take the individual’s name and telephone number and promise to get back to them with an answer. The NMFS Office of Public Affairs, (301) 713-2370, or the FWS State or Regional Office, will make an effort to find the answer to specific questions and get back to an individual. It should be anticipated that there will be media inquiries during the investigation of an unusual mortality event. To the extent feasible, an effort should be made to funnel requests for information to a single individual. That individual may be a public affairs officer designated by the agency or an individual involved in the response. Participants in the response should receive a telephone number where the designated media contact can be reached and should be encouraged to refer inquiries to that individual. The designated media contact should be briefed regularly by the Onsite Coordinator as to progress in the investigation. The media contact should immediately contact local media if there is a public health concern. Whenever working with local media, the media contact should emphasize the importance of a rapid response and emphasize that the general public can provide assistance by reporting strandings as soon as possible. The media contact should make every effort to be helpful to the media but should avoid speculation as to the cause(s) of an event. Because they can be misleading, partial results of the investigation should not be disclosed without clearance from the Onsite Coordinator. Instead, it 28 may be worthwhile to discuss the types of analyses being conducted and, using examples of past mortality events, to explain why specific analyses are being conducted. The media contact should not disclose the names of specific researchers involved. During past mortality events, individual researchers have expressed frustration that interruptions from the media have made their task more difficult. If technical questions are received, the media contact may communicate with a researcher in order to answer a media inquiry if such a course of action is recommended by the Onsite Coordinator. In some cases with the approval of the Onsite Coordinator, technical inquiries may be referred to individuals involved in the investigation. The designated media contact should keep a list of inquiries so that follow-up calls can be made when significant findings occur or when an event is determined to be over. Tracking of Animals and Samples It may be necessary to appoint an individual specifically dedicated to tracking live animals and samples. As indicated above, multiple samples may be taken from a single animal and sent to different facilities for analysis. It is important that all analyses from an individual marine mammal be accessible if the goal is to obtain a total picture of an animal’s health. All shipments, analyses, and results should be collected in a central data base with all information on an individual animal accessible under a single unique number. Photocopies of all stranding reports, gross necropsies, shipments of tissues, and analytical results should be sent to a central location designated by the Onsite Coordinator for data entry. Arrangements also should be made to retain voucher specimens, i.e., photographs and skulls. To avoid confusion, the master file should have a single number for all materials from a single animal even if those receiving tissues may assign their own accession number. It is recommended that this number be the field number assigned by the individual who initially collects the animal. When there is a possibility of litigation, special care must be taken to keep a record of the movement of samples, and the protocol for chain of custody should be strictly observed. Arrangements should be made with those participating in the response to provide duplicates of stranding reports and all transmittal forms to the individual responsible for tracking. In addition, copies should be made of all correspondence, analytical results/reports, notes, data sheets, and any other documentation. These copies should be placed in a secure location so that there is complete documentation of the investigation. In order to facilitate movement of tissues for analysis, the individual responsible for tracking should make arrangements for overnight shipment. This can either be done by furnishing preprinted forms or an account number to participants in the response. Just as written records of analyses are important, permanently archiving duplicate sets of tissues may assist future investigators. Upon the recommendation of the Onsite Coordinator, the individual responsible for tracking should make arrangements for such archival. Permanent archival may entail making arrangements for formalin-fixed tissues, frozen tissues, and osseous materials. Archival arrangements should be made with institutions rather than with individuals. The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (202) 782-2600 has indicated a willingness to be a repository for pathology tissue samples. Various museums and institutional members of the Stranding Network maintain collections of skulls and life history materials. As examples, the Smithsonian Institution, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, University of Washington Burke Museum, Texas A&M University, and Sea World of Florida all maintain collections of materials from cetaceans. The New England Aquarium has maintained a collection 29 containing both cetaceans and east coast pinnipeds. The University of Alaska-Fairbanks Museum archives materials from Alaskan marine mammals. Various NMFS laboratories have limited capacity for storage of formalin fixed and frozen tissues. A permanent record of archived materials should be maintained and combined with the records of tissues shipped for analysis. 30 LIVE ANIMALS The initial decision involving live stranded animals takes place on the beach. An expert assessment of an animal’s condition is necessary before making a decision to take an animal in for rehabilitation, to euthanize it, or to treat it and release it on site. With the exception of mass strandings, the third of these options will be inappropriate in most instances. Such decisions shall only be made by competent professionals. Available Facilities and Requirements A list of facilities with experience in treating stranded marine mammals is included as Addendum F. The procedures in this contingency plan are predicated on the assumption that those with previous experience in treating marine mammals are most competent to treat live animals. Nevertheless, such facilities and their veterinarians should make an effort to maintain up to date references on diagnosis and treatment of marine mammal diseases. In addition to the protocol manuals mentioned above, an extremely detailed protocol on care and rehabilitation of sea Otters has been prepared (Williams and Davis, 1995). Although designed for response to oil spills, much of the information is applicable to other types of mortality events and to other species of marine mammals. Materials such as the Handbook on Marine Mammal Medicine (Dierauf, 1990) also are useful. The Working Group may prescribe appropriate event-specific treatment measures. Precautions should be taken to ensure that animals being treated are quarantined from healthy captive animals and that personnel take measures to avoid cross-contamination within the facility. Although some facilities can accommodate relatively large numbers of pinnipeds and/or sea otters, the physical facility requirements for maintenance of cetaceans are such that only limited numbers of small cetaceans can be treated during a mortality event. Cetaceans and manatees require, at a minimum, pools large enough to accommodate them. Pools should be on a separate water system so that disease cannot be spread to healthy animals within the facility. In the case of an emergency, sea otters and pinnipeds are not totally dependent on pools, and in past epizootics such as the leptospirosis outbreak in 1984, pinnipeds have been accommodated in dry areas with access to fresh drinking water and saltwater baths. Even in such circumstances facilities must have the ability to isolate animals from display animals and terrestrial animals that may either transmit or be exposed to pathogens. The facilities that are authorized to provide treatment for marine mammals and have veterinary services (except for those designated as short- term) are listed in Addendum F. This list has been provided to the agencies responsible for developing oil spill contingency plans. The Northeast, California, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska have provisions in oil spill contingency plans for involving Stranding Network members in the recovery of carcasses and the rescue and rehabilitation of live animals. In Florida, provisions are in place for manatees, but no arrangements have been made for cetaceans in any of the southeastern states. Each facility listed in Addendum F has resources for activities such as live animal retrieval, medical diagnostic analyses, and food and pharmaceutical provisions. The costs of such services in an unusual mortality event may be beyond normal operating costs, however, and may create a financial burden. Arrangements for partial reimbursement for special costs should be specifically defined and implemented early in the response. Sil It should be recognized, however, that even under the best of circumstances, a facility’s physical capacity for treatment of live animals is limited. In the case of cetaceans, few facilities can manage more than an animal or two at a time. The 1992-93 El Nifio event demonstrated that, even in the case of pinnipeds, facilities can be filled to capacity in a relatively short time. Therefore, attention should be given to methods by which capacity can be expanded in the event of an epizootic. In the case of cetaceans, live stranded animals have occasionally been accommodated in open ocean net pens. Purchase of materials for construction of such pens in advance will expedite expansion of capacity during an unusual mortality event. In the case of pinnipeds, manatees, and sea otters, advance procurement of materials for temporary pools and fencing will help expand capacity. Release Conditions To safeguard wild populations of marine mammals, no rehabilitated animals will be released that do not meet the guidelines for release of rehabilitated animals under § 402(b) of the MMPA. In addition, the Working Group will be consulted to determine if there should be event- specific release standards. The release standards should give priority to the health of the wild population over the health of an individual animal. Provision should be made to monitor at least a representative subset of released animals to determine if they survive and resume being functional components of the affected population. 32 NECROPSY, TISSUE COLLECTION, PRESERVATION, AND ANALYSES The Onsite Coordinator will be responsible for setting up procedures for necropsy and collection of tissues for analysis. The tissues to be collected and analyses to be performed shall be determined in consultation with the Working Group. The Onsite Coordinator will be responsible for communicating procedures for tissue collection, preservation, and shipment to those involved in responding to strandings. Tissue samples should be obtained from selected animals during a mortality event in order to: (1) confirm the cause(s) of death when a putative cause has been established from preliminary findings and history; (2) establish the cause(s) of mortality when the origin of the event is unknown; (3) establish the pattern and progression of lesions and other parameters; (4) establish baseline values for such things as contaminants; and (5) provide specimens to be archived for future studies of epizootics. Tissue samples constitute a valuable resource even for events when the etiology appears clear, e.g., environmental disturbance (El Nifio, marked changes in water temperature), trauma, biotoxin, or fisheries interaction. Protocols and Available Trained Personnel As a necessary first step, complete necropsies should be performed by trained personnel following the protocols contained in the manuals (pages 187-199 in Geraci and Lounsbury, 1993; pages 18-50 in Dierauf, 1994, and section 2.3.4 in Galloway and Ahlquist, in press. Also see Jefferson et al., (1994). Each Region has a list of those individuals with the training necessary to conduct necropsies and their locations. In most instances, these individuals will be able to perform gross necropsies and to collect and prepare tissues for analysis. In instances when an extreme health hazard may be present or the possibility of litigation requires rigorous chain-of- custody procedures, the Onsite Coordinator may have to make special arrangements. Addendum G contains an initial list of Stranding Network members with the expertise necessary to conduct necropsies. The list should be updated periodically. In addition to those listed and agency personnel that might make up a response team, it may be possible to work with veterinary schools and local veterinarians if technical training is provided. A list of veterinary organizations and schools is contained in Addendum H. Regional Stranding Coordinators should contact veterinary schools in advance to determine if there is interest and the ability to perform such functions. As an additional resource, the American Veterinary Medical Association has an Emergency Preparedness unit (800-248-2862 x287). Sea Otter Provisions Procedures for sea otters differ from other species. Necropsies and analyses for California sea otters will be performed by the National Wildlife Health Center of the National Biological Service in Madison, Wisconsin. They have an ongoing program to determine the causes of southern sea otter mortality. Sea otter carcasses should not be altered in any way. Carcasses should be cooled (NOT FROZEN) by immersion in iced water and shipped in an insulated container cooled by blue ice. For sea otter mortalities in Alaska, contact U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Marine Mammals Management, (907) 271-2348. 33 Sample Shipment and Tracking The Onsite Coordinator should make arrangements for shipment of preserved tissues for analysis. (S)he should determine whether the tissues are to be sent to a central location before shipment for analysis or sent directly to the facility performing a specific analysis. Although not covered by this contingency plan, it should be noted that in the event of a discharge of an anthropogenic contaminant, a resource trustee will be designated to store tissues prior to analysis so that a proper chain-of-custody protocol will be followed. Some analyses such as viral and bacterial analyses are time sensitive, and samples should be shipped directly to the facility performing the analysis. In other instances such as contaminant analysis, tissues do not have to be analyzed within hours and may be preserved at a common collection site. If there are special requirements such as an ultra-cold freezer, the Onsite Coordinator should make such arrangements. Shipping instructions and labels with overnight mail account numbers should be provided to those involved in the collection and preservation of tissues. Although, as indicated under Administrative Tasks, another individual may actually be responsible for tracking tissues, it will be the responsibility of the Onsite Coordinator to see that this is accomplished. In certain cases such as shipment to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, a photocopy of the standard transmittal sheet may be sufficient. When such standard forms are not used, a record of the shipment, the individual animal, and the tissue(s) should be kept so that it is possible to trace results back to the specific marine mammal. It is important that a unique identification number be assigned to each animal and that all tissues from an animal have the same number. Analyses from a single animal may be performed by more than one facility. As an example, certain life history information such as age and reproductive status are required to complement analyses of anthropogenic contaminants. If there is the possibility that litigation may be involved, the chain-of-custody protocol contained in the laboratory manuals should be followed. Recognizing that individual members of Stranding Networks may not have specific items required for adequate chain of command/custody protocols, e.g., a locked freezer with limited access, it is recommended that the chain-of-custody protocol still be followed as closely as possible because it provides an accurate record of where tissues are stored and where tissues are sent. Specific Types of Analyses Although by no means exhaustive, the following list includes specific types of analyses that may be required and facilities that have been used in past. Page numbers corresponding to protocols in the previously mentioned manuals are listed. Blood from live marine mammals Hematology and serum chemistries can be used to determine if blood values are within normal ranges. Because blood values are used routinely to monitor the health of captive animals, many of the facilities involved in rehabilitation of marine mammals either have their own capacity to conduct such analyses or have made arrangements with clinical laboratories to conduct such analyses. Such analyses also can be conducted by veterinary clinical laboratories or even hospitals that treat humans. 34 Serum can also be analyzed for the presence/absence of antibodies to specific pathogens. The laboratory needs to be told for which antibodies the serum is to be analyzed. Tests may be run for a specific pathogen or for a suite of pathogens. In the past, the Department of Agriculture’s National Veterinary Services Laboratories in Ames, Iowa, (515) 239-8599, USDA’s Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory at Plum Island, New York, (516) 323-2500, and Cornell University’s Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory have performed analyses for NMFS. A number of veterinary colleges and clinical laboratories may be able to perform the analyses. If feasible, frozen serum also should be archived for future research. Geraci and Lounsbury, 1993, pp. 178-181, 200-201 Dierauf, 1994, pp. 4-10 Histopathology Microscopic examination of tissues is an essential procedure in determination of cause of death and often provides evidence of infectious agents, toxicity or other changes such as immunosuppression. In some areas, there is a practice of freezing carcasses in order to preserve them until a necropsy can be performed at a more convenient time. Freezing of carcasses greatly reduces the usefulness of tissues for histopathology. If necessary, carcasses may be refrigerated (but not frozen) temporarily prior to necropsy. A complete set of tissues should be collected in accordance with the necropsy protocol being utilized. When possible, multiple sets of tissues should be collected from each organ. The tissues should be fixed in 10 percent buffered formalin. In the case of NMFS species, it is highly recommended that examination arrangements be made with the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (202) 782-2600 through the NMFS National Stranding Coordinator (301) 713-2322. Geraci and Lounsbury, 1993, pp. 186-187, 216-219 Dierauf, 1994, pp. 51-54 Galloway and Ahlquist, in press, section Bonde et al., 1983, pp. 57-58 Life history Although the size of cetaceans and pinnipeds can provide a rough estimate of age, teeth should be collected to determine ages in adult animals particularly if contaminant analysis is to be performed. For toothed cetaceans, contact Dr. Aleta Hohn in the NMFS Beaufort Laboratory (919) 728-3595 to make arrangements for reading of growth layer groups from teeth. Similarly, the National Marine Mammal Laboratory (206) 526-4045 can perform the same task for both pinnipeds and cetaceans. Sea otter teeth are read by the National Biological Service in San Simeon (805) 927-3893. For manatees, the Marine Mammal Pathobiology Laboratory of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (813) 893-2904 uses the periotic bone for age determination. 85 Stomach contents should be collected and frozen to identify prey species. Among those who have analyzed prey species from stomach contents are Nelio Barros of the Hubbs-Sea World Research Institute (407) 363-2664, James Craddock of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, and NMFS’ National Marine Mammal Laboratory (206) 526-4045. Intact prey and slurry may also be required for biotoxin analyses or for analysis of ingested toxins such as organophosphate pesticides in instances when acute toxicity is suspected. Reproductive tracts should be collected and preserved in formalin following the protocols mentioned above. For cetaceans, contact Dr. Aleta Hohn (301) 713-2322 or the National Marine Mammal Laboratory (206) 526-4045. Geraci and Lounsbury, 1993, pp. 186-187, 199, 202-205 Dierauf, 1994, pp. 13-15, 66 Galloway and Ahlquist, in press, sections and 2.3.5 Bonde et al., 1983, pp 58-59 For preparation of reproductive tracts, also see Akin et al., 1993. Biotoxins A number of biotoxins such as saxitoxin (Geraci et al., 1989 and De Gange and Vacca, 1989), brevetoxin (Geraci, 1989 and O’Shea et al., 1991), ciguatoxin (Gilmartin, 1987), and domoic acid could possibly be responsible for mortality events. If biotoxins are present, they are often preceded by an algal bloom and may be accompanied by mortality of other species. If discolored water (red or brown) is noted, whole water samples (100 ml.) should be collected for identification of the bloom organism. Samples should be fixed by the addition of Lugol’s iodine or 5% buffered formalin and stored at room temperature until shipment. If possible, 4-gallon whole water samples from discolored areas should be collected for analysis of the toxicity of phytoplankton and stored at room temperature until shipment. (Note that these samples must be shipped to an analytical laboratory within two days, or bloom organisms may die or be overgrown by other species). Analysis of biotoxins in marine mammals may be complicated by matrix problems, depending on the tissue being analyzed and the condition of the carcass. Therefore, collection of prey and indicator organisms from the area of the stranding may be important. Filterfeeding shellfish (mussels, clams, and oysters) in the area may be good indicators of toxic blooms because they accumulate toxins rapidly and to high levels. In addition, standard analytical procedures are established for shellfish tissue. In order to collect an adequate sample, two dozen shellfish or enough to give 100 g wet weight of tissue should be collected. Whole shellfish samples may be stored refrigerated several days before shipment. Prey fish species should also be collected if possible. Fish should be stored frozen until shipment. Marine mammal tissues potentially suitable for biotoxin analysis include serum, whole blood, liver, whole prey from stomach contents, and stomach content slurries. All samples should be collected in polyethylene tubes (blood) or bags and stored frozen until shipment. Contact the Marine Biotoxins Program of the NMFS Charleston Laboratory, (803) 762-8529 for analytical assistance. 36 Geraci and Lounsbury, 1993, pp. 205-211 Dierauf, 1994, pp. 59-60 Galloway and Ahlquist, in press, section Heavy metals/organic contaminants Tissues to be collected for heavy metal/organochlorine analysis include liver, kidney, and blubber. Brain tissue should be collected if direct mortality from organochlorine poisoning is suspected. The protocols set up for such collections are rigorous in order to avoid contamination. If the necessary equipment is not available, larger pieces of tissue should be collected that can be subsampled by the laboratory conducting the analysis. Tissues are to be frozen before shipment. For NMFS species, any laboratory performing contaminant analyses should participate in the Quality Assurance program set up in conjunction with the National Marine Mammal Tissue Bank. The Environmental Conservation Division of the Northwest Fisheries Science Center (206) 860-3330 and the Charleston Laboratory (803) 762-1200 have performed such analyses in the past. Research for FWS on contaminants has been performed by the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center of the National Biological Service (301) 497-5720. Geraci and Lounsbury, 1993, pp. 205-211 Dierauf, 1994, pp. 60-63 Galloway and Ahlquist, in press, section Bonde et al., 1983, pp. 59-60 Virology/bacteriology/mycology Samples for such analyses can only be collected from live or recently dead marine mammals. The sampling protocols contained in the field guide and laboratory forensic manuals should be followed. Among possible sources for such analyses are the National Veterinary Services Laboratories of the Department of Agriculture (515) 239-8266, the American Type Culture Collection (301) 881-2600, the National Wildlife Health Center of the National Biological Service (608) 264-5411, the NMFS Charleston Laboratory (803) 762-1200, Dr. Mel Eklund of the Northwest Fisheries Science Center (206) 860-3380, and Dr. John Buck of Mote Marine Laboratory (813) 388-4441. Geraci and Lounsbury, 1993, pp. 186-187, 211-216 Dierauf, 1994, pp. 54-55, 57-59 Galloway and Ahlquist, in press, section Bonde et al., 1983, pp. 60-61 The list of analyses discussed here is general in nature. It may be necessary to collect additional tissues and perform additional analyses depending on the nature of the event. As an example, if there is a question as to whether an organophosphate or a carbamate pesticide compound may have been responsible for an acute mortality, it might be necessary to collect extremely fresh brain tissue or blood to test for acetylcholinesterase inhibition and stomach Si contents for residue analyses. In such instances, it may also be necessary to obtain blood from healthy animals to determine "normal" acetylcholinesterase activity. Additional analyses may be prescribed in consultation with the Working Group. For additional analyses, a specific tissue collection protocol should be prepared. Conditions on Disclosure of Results Without authorization from the Onsite Coordinator, individuals who are reimbursed for performing analyses as part of an investigation may not disclose results to outside parties. Disclosure of partial results may be misleading. Additionally, no facility may withhold information from the Onsite Coordinator. Such conditions should be included in any contracts issued in the course of a response to a mortality event. If an individual or facility is unwilling to abide by such conditions, the Onsite Coordinator will use another facility. In the past, there sometimes has been a question as to the availability of research data because individual researchers have a proprietary interest in publishing their own results. Because a declared unusual marine mammal mortality event is an emergency situation, all results of research will be provided as soon as it is feasible to the Federal agency responsible for the response. Currently, Letters of Authorization provide that Stranding Network members must cooperate with NMFS. A refusal to provide information during a mortality event should be viewed as non-cooperation. While NMFS and FWS are sensitive to the desire of individual researchers to receive the credit for research that they have conducted, in an investigation of an unusual mortality event, timely receipt of information becomes paramount. In order to protect the interests of individual researchers, it is the position of NMFS and FWS that partial results of an investigation shall not be released to the general public without compelling circumstances. Once an investigation has been completed, however, the investigative results may be subject to disclosure. 38 SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES This contingency plan is structured to anticipate common actions that can be undertaken with a degree of flexibility. However, in some mortality events, special circumstances may dictate additional actions. These include: an event when there may be litigation; an event when a live capture is recommended; and mass strandings. Possibility of Litigation If there is evidence that a mortality event may have been caused by human action such as an oil discharge, toxic chemical release, or pesticide runoff, it is possible that litigation may result. Even though other agencies have responsibility for mounting a response to known oil discharge or hazardous chemical release, there are instances when such events may not be obvious, and it is important to maintain an evidentiary record. An extremely localized event with a number of different species affected may indicate such a cause. If the Onsite Coordinator suspects that human action may be responsible, consultations should be undertaken with the NOAA Office of General Counsel or the Office of the Solicitor in the Department of the Interior. Live Capture There may be instances when the capture of live animals may be necessary to provide information that cannot be gained from stranded carcasses. Capture and sampling of live animals may provide baseline information with which to make comparisons. Blood serum samples can provide information on past disease exposure and help determine if a disease is enzootic in a particular population. Collection of information on bacteriology and virology from autolyzed tissues can be problematic. Sampling of orifices from live animals can provide materials to be analyzed for microbiology. Impression smears and fine needle aspirates of lesions can provide material for cytologic diagnosis. Biopsies can provide samples for microbiology, contaminant analysis, and histopathology. Capture of moribund animals that are still capable of swimming may also help determine the etiology of a mortality event. In addition to observing the progression of the medical condition, medical diagnostic tests can be performed that might not be possible if dead animals are the only source of samples. If moribund animals die or are sacrificed, individuals performing gross necropsies or harvesting tissues may have high quality materials for analysis. During past mortality events, there have been instances when emergency authorizations have been given to capture live animals. Such operations require special equipment and trained individuals. Capturing a free swimming dolphin or a pinniped hauled out on a rock is difficult and potentially dangerous. When live capture recommendations were made during past dolphin mortality events, the need to obtain equipment and experienced personnel caused delay. In some areas, the responsible agencies have adequate resources for live capture operations. In the case of manatees, FWS has both the necessary equipment and personnel. As a result of the sea otter translocation project, FWS has both the personnel and equipment needed for the live capture of sea otters off the coast of California. The NMFS Southeast Science Center has personnel with experience, and much of the equipment required. In addition, Mote Marine Laboratory has personnel with experience and 39 immediate access to the equipment required, and Texas A&M University has personnel experienced in live cetacean capture. On the west coast, NMFS personnel have been involved with live capture of pinnipeds for collection of scientific information but have little experience with cetaceans. In Alaska, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game has live capture experience with pinnipeds and belugas (Delphinapterus leucas). The University of Alaska-Fairbanks and the North Slope Borough also have captured pinnipeds for scientific research. FWS has experience in Alaska with the capture of walrus, sea otters, and polar bears. It is recommended that NMFS develop teams that can carry out live capture operations on all coasts for cetaceans and pinnipeds. Each capture team should have individuals experienced in taking samples and cooperating veterinary personnel to monitor and ensure the safety and humane handling of the animals. A list of veterinarians who would be willing to participate in such operations should be developed in advance. NMFS also should locate sources of specialized equipment needed for each of the teams and/or purchase such equipment. Depending on the local area, such equipment may be available from a number of different sources. Although it can be assumed that boats can be located relatively easily in the area of a capture, equipment such as specialized netting may be difficult to obtain in a timely fashion. Live capture emergency authorizations may be issued by the NMFS Office of Protected Resources (301) 713-2289 or the FWS Permit Office (703) 358-2104. Such authorizations will only be issued if the Working Group has recommended such action in order to determine the cause of an event. Requests for live capture authorizations must contain the following information: 1) The questions or uncertainties that can be addressed by a live capture operation; 2) The location(s) of captures and the numbers of animals proposed to be captured. If variables such as age or sex of animals are to be considered in capture operations, they should be noted; ; 3) If the request involves sacrifice of animals, an explanation of why non-lethal methods are unacceptable must be included; 4) A description of the methods, equipment, and personnel to be involved in the capture. The proposal must contain adequate measures to ensure the safety of the marine mammals and humans involved. It should also identify veterinary personnel involved; and 5) A complete protocol listing the tissues to be collected, how they will be collected and preserved, and the analyses to be performed. The request for such an authorization must also specify what facility or facilities will perform the analyses. Before issuing an emergency authorization, FWS or NMFS will forward the request as soon as feasible to the Marine Mammal Commission for independent review and comment. 40 Independent Research FWS and NMFS recognize that mortality events may provide an opportunity to conduct independent research related to the ongoing investigation or to address other scientific questions. To the extent feasible, NMFS and FWS will attempt to accommodate outside requests for tissues if they do not inhibit the ongoing investigation. Even if approved, the availability of tissues will be subject to the willingness of participants in the response to collect and preserve tissues for the independent researcher. It should be recognized that time constraints may prevent such actions, and the individuals harvesting tissues are under no compulsion to provide samples for independent research. Requests for utilization of tissues will be approved under the following conditions: 1) An acceptable scientific protocol must be submitted that describes the analyses to be performed, their objectives, a description of the methodology to be used, and the methods used to preserve the tissues. If the proposed research is related to the ongoing investigation, it will be reviewed by the Onsite Coordinator and the Working Group. If unrelated to the ongoing investigation, the proposed research will be reviewed by the NMES Office of Protected Resources (301) 713-2322 or the FWS Office of Management Authority (703) 358-2104 in consultation with the Marine Mammal Commission. 2) Requests for tissues may not compromise the availability of tissues for other analyses being conducted under the authority of the Onsite Coordinator including the maintenance of replicate samples. 3) Until the completion of the investigation, data obtained from authorized independent research projects may not be released to the public without the advance approval of the Onsite Coordinator. 4) Unless explicitly authorized by the Onsite Coordinator, approval of an independent research proposal will not include the authority to collect stranded animals or tissues therefrom. 5) Participants in the response who are collecting tissues are under no compulsion to provide tissues to independent researchers. It is recommended that independent researchers provide tissue collection, preparation, and mailing materials to the individual or organization harvesting tissues. Mass Strandings Odontocete species periodically mass strand. A mass stranding is a simultaneous stranding of an entire group of marine mammals. Although they are not necessarily unusual, mass strandings do represent a special circumstance when a mobilization is necessary to rescue as many of the animals as feasible. The response must be rapid, and the procedures of consulting the Working Group and appointing an Onsite Coordinator will not be possible. Protocols are currently in place for responding to mass strandings in Massachusetts, Florida, California, 4] Oregon, and Washington. The protocols differ according to available resources. On Cape Cod, where there are more mass strandings than in any other area, an elaborate protocol has been set up including a phone tree for over 500 volunteers, check-in procedures at the site, triage procedures, ocean holding sites for live animals, and a list of local jurisdictions that are willing to provide assistance. In California, where few mass strandings have occurred, the protocol is primarily designed to ensure that lines of authority are established and local resources are identified. Although the first priority of a response to a mass stranding is human safety and the welfare of the animals, such an event may provide the opportunity to gain knowledge about particular species. Knowledge of the biology of the Atlantic white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus) (St. Aubin and Geraci, 1979 and Sergeant et al, 1980), the spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) (Mead et al, 1980), and the false killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens) (Odell et al, 1980) increased markedly as a result of information gained from mass strandings. If an unusual species is involved in a mass stranding, an effort should be made to collect a maximum amount of information from each animal. Mass strandings have also been approved as a source of tissues for the National Marine Mammal Tissue Bank (NMMTB). The NMMTB has been set up to archive tissues that can be used for contaminant analysis. The tissues are collected following a rigorous protocol (available from the Office of Protected Resources (301) 713-2322) and preserved in liquid nitrogen at the National Institute of Standards and Technology for retrospective analysis. Whenever a mass stranding occurs, the NMMTB should be contacted to determine if collection of tissues is feasible (301) 975-6291 or (301) 975-3112. Because of the special circumstances involved and the difficulty in controlling costs, funds from the Marine Mammal Unusual Mortality Event Fund will not routinely be released for a response to a mass stranding. At the discretion of the Secretary of Commerce, compensation may be provided for specific expenses incurred in responding to a mass strandings. 42 POST-EVENT ACTIVITIES Report The Onsite Coordinator will be responsible for preparing a report of the unusual mortality event. The report will be prepared in draft for peer review by the Working Group or any individuals that the Working Group may designate as peer reviewers. The report will contain results of analyses even if they are not directly relevant to the ultimate finding(s) because they may contain valuable baseline information. The report also should provide an assessment of the response and suggestions for improving responses in the future, including suggestions for revisions in protocols and/or the Contingency Plan. The report should also acknowledge all of those who made a contribution. The report also will contain an assessment of the impact of the mortality event on the affected population(s). In some instances when a limited mortality event has affected a large marine mammal population, the conclusion may be that the event only had a minimal impact. If there has been a large-scale mortality or a vulnerable population has been affected, a more detailed analysis will be necessary. In order to accomplish such a task, it may be necessary to develop an estimate of total mortality in relation to abundance estimates and information on population dynamics, e.g., have specific age cohorts been disproportionately affected. If there is evidence of a significant impact, the report may contain recommendations for population monitoring. Such recommendations may include survey and research projects to better characterize population abundance and dynamics. Because such activities are part of the general management mandates given to FWS and NMBS, they should be incorporated into the more generic management programs of the agencies. As a general principle, monitoring activities and/or specific recovery actions (and possibly preparation of a conservation or recovery plan) probably are warranted if there is evidence that a mortality event has reduced a population beneath its Optimum Sustainable Population (OSP) level. For species that are beneath OSP, i.e., depleted, threatened, or endangered, a mortality event that affects more animals than an annual net recruitment level may require population monitoring. In the case of cetaceans, the default value for this figure will be a mortality level of two percent of the population. In the case of pinnipeds, the same threshold would be a mortality level of six percent of the population. Follow-up Activities Once the report is finalized, copies will be provided to those who contributed, and it will be released to the public. When the report is released, all data, information, and results of analyses will be available to the public. In past mortality events, one of the post-event activities that is easiest to accomplish has sometimes been neglected. The participants in a response should receive thanks for their efforts. Given the volunteer nature of the Stranding Network, receipt of information on the results of their efforts and an acknowledgement that their efforts have been appreciated provide incentives for continuing participation. The Onsite Coordinator is responsible for these actions. 43 Tissue Access The agency responsible for the response will set conditions for access to tissues used in the investigation. In instances when researchers want to examine things such as histopathology slides, access should be unimpeded. If a researcher requests tissues that could result in destructive analysis of the tissue, a decision will be made based on an assessment of the proposed research activity, the availability of appropriate tissues, and the need to retain archival tissues. Post-Event Monitoring Even after an unusual mortality event has run its course, there may be a reason to continue monitoring an individual population for additional impacts. If continued monitoring is determined to be necessary, the Working Group will prescribe which tissues should be collected and what analyses should be performed. It is not intended that the full set of analyses performed during the response to the mortality event should be prescribed. Post-event collection activities shall be communicated to members of the Stranding Networks. Such post-event monitoring activities will not be funded from the Marine Mammal Unusual Mortality Event Fund. Instead, such activities should be considered part of the individual agency’s normal management responsibilities under other provisions of the MMPA or, when appropriate, the Endangered Species Act. REFERENCES Akin, P. A., K. M. Peltier, and R. B. Miller. 1993. Techniques for the preparation and examination of reproductive samples collected from dolphins in the eastern tropical Pacific. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo NMFS-SWFSC-192, La Jolla, Cal., 26 p. Bonde, R. K., T. J. O'Shea, and C. A. Beck. 1983. Manual of procedures for the salvage and necropsy of carcasses of the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus). Nat. Tech. Inform. Serv., Springfield, Va, Publ. No. PB-83-255273, 175 p. DeGange, A. R. and M. M. Vacca. 1989. Sea otter mortality at Kodiak Island, Alaska, during summer 1987. Journal of Mammalogy, 70:836-838. Dierauf, L. A. (Editor). 1990. CRC Handbook of Marine Mammal Medicine: Health, Disease, and Rehabilitation. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl., 735 p. 1994. Pinniped forensic, necropsy and tissue collection guide. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-OPR-94-3, 80 p. ., D. J. Vandenbroek, J. Roletto, M. Koski, L. Amaya, and L. J. Gage. 1985. An epizootic of leptospirosis in California sea lions. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 187:1145-1148. Domingo, M., L. Ferrer, M. Pumarola, A. Marco, J. Plana, S. Kennedy, M. McAliskey, and B. K. Rima. 1990. Morbillivirus in dolphins. Nature, 348:21. Galloway, S. B. and J. Ahlquist (Editors). In press. Forensic manual for the analysis of marine animal tissues. NOAA Tech. Memo. Geraci, J. R. 1989. Clinical investigation of the 1987-88 mass mortality of bottlenose dolphins along the U.S. central and south Atlantic coast. Report to National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. Office of Naval Research, and Marine Mammal Commission, Washington D.C., 63 p. . and V. J. Lounsbury. 1993. Marine Mammals Ashore, a Field Guide for Strandings. Texas A&M University Sea Grant College Program, Galveston. 305 p. ., D. J. St. Aubin, I. K. Barker, R. G. Webster, V. S. Hinshaw, W. J. Bean, H. L. Ruhnke, J. H. Prescott, G. Early, A. S. Baker, S. Madoff, and R. T. Schooley. 1982. Mass mortality of harbor seals: pneumonia associated with influenza A virus. Science, 215:1129-1131. ., D. M. Anderson, R. J. Timperi, D. J. St. Aubin, G. A. Early, J. H. Prescott, and C. A. Mayo. 1989. Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) fatally poisoned by 45 dinoflagellate toxin. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 46(11):1895-1898. , P. J. Duignan, and G. Early. 1993. Survey for morbillivirus in pinnipeds along the northeastern coast. Final Report to National Marine Fisheries Service, Contract No. 50- DGNF-2-00098, 95 p. Gilmartin, W. G. 1987. Hawaiian monk seal die-off response plan, a workshop report. Southwest Fisheries Center Honolulu Laboratory, NMFS, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Admin. Rep. H-87-19, Honolulu, Hawaii, 55 p. Grachev, M. A., V. P. Kumarev, L. V. Mamaev, V. L. Zorin, L. V. Baranova, N. N. Denikina, S. I. Belikov, E. A. Petrov, V. S. Kolesnik, R. S. Kolesnik, V. M. Dorofeev, A. M. Beim, V. N. Kudelin, F. G. Nagieva, and V. N. Sidorov. 1989. Distemper virus in Baikal seals. Nature, 338:209. Hansen, L. J. (Editor). 1992. Report on investigation of 1990 Gulf of Mexico bottlenose dolphin strandings. Southeast Fisheries Center, NMFS, NOAA, Report MIA-92-93-21, Miami, 219 p. Hinshaw, V. S., W. J. Bean, R. G. Webster, J. E. Rehg, P. Fiorelli, G. Early, J. R. Geraci, and D. J. St. Aubin. 1984. Are seals frequently infected with avian influenza viruses? Journal of Virology, 51(3):863-865. Jefferson, T. A., A. C. Myrick, Jr., and S. J. Chivers. 1994. Small cetacean dissection and sampling: a field guide. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SWFSC-198, La Jolla, Cal., 54 p. Lipscomb, T. P., F. Y. Schulman, D. Moffett, and S. Kennedy. 1994. Morbilliviral disease in Atlantic bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from the 1987-88 epizootic. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 30(4):567-571. Lipscomb, T. P., S. Kennedy, D. Moffett, A. Krafft, B. A. Klaunberg, J. H. Lichy, G. T. Regan, and J. K. Tauenberger. In Press. Morbilliviral epizootic in Atlantic bottlenose dolphins of the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. Loughlin, T. R. (Editor). 1994. Marine Mammals and the Exxon Valdez. Academic Press, San Diego, 395 p. Mead, J. G., D. Odell, R. Wells, and M. Scott. 1980. Observations on a mass stranding of spinner dolphin, Stenella longirostris, from the west coast of Florida. Fishery Bulletin, 78(2):353-360. Miller, W. G. 1992. An investigation of bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus deaths in East Matagorda Bay, Texas, January 1990. Fishery Bulletin, 90(4):791-797. Odell, D. K., E. Asper, J. Baucom, and L. Cornell. 1980. A recurrent mass stranding of the false killer whale, Pseudorca crassidens, in Florida. Fishery Bulletin, 78(1): 171-177. 46 O’Shea, T. J., G. B. Rathbun, R. K. Bonde, C. D. Buergelt, and D. K. Odell. 1991. An epizootic of Florida manatees associated with a dinoflagellate bloom. Marine Mammal Science, 7:165-179. Osterhaus, A. D. M. E. and E. J. Vedder. 1988. Identification of virus causing recent seal deaths. Nature, 335:20. Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment (ROPME), Kuwait. 1986. First meeting of experts on mortality of marine animals, report of the meeting. ROPME Report WG.24/3, Kuwait, 39 p. Sergeant, D. E., D. J. St. Aubin, and J. R. Geraci. 1980. Life history and northwest Atlantic status of the Atlantic white-sided dolphin, Lagenorhynchus acutus. Cetology, No. 37, 12 p. St. Aubin, D. J. and J. R. Geraci. 1979. Strandings: a rare look into the biology of the Atlantic white-sided dolphin, Lagenorhynchus acutus. Pp. 190-206 in J. R. Geraci and D. J. St. Aubin (Editors), Biology of Marine Mammals: Insights through Strandings. Marine Mammal Commission Report No. MMC-77/13, Washington, D.C. Trillmich, F. and K. A. Ono (Editors). 1991. Pinnipeds and El Nifo. Springer-Verlag, New York. 293 pp. Vidal, O. and J. P. Gallo. In press. Die-offs of marine mammals and sea birds in the Gulf of California, Mexico. Marine Mammal Science. Wilkinson, D. M. 1991. Report to the Assistant Administrator for Fisheries. Program Review of the Marine Mammal Stranding Networks. U.S. Dep. Comm., NOAA, NMFS, Silver Spring, Maryland, 171 p. Williams, T. M. and R. W. Davis. 1995. Emergency Care and Rehabilitation of Oiled Sea Otters: A Guide for Oil Spills Involving Fur-Bearing Marine Mammals. University of Alaska Press, Fairbanks, Alaska, 279 p. 47 ADDENDUM A STRANDING NETWORK MEMBERS BY STATE Note: To safeguard the privacy of non-governmental Stranding Network members, addresses are limited to the city, and telephone numbers are not provided when there may be an issue of personal privacy. FWS and NMFS Regional Offices have this information as well as FAX numbers and, in some instances, the capability of communicating with Network members via computer. It should be noted that Stranding Network members may be authorized for different levels of activity depending on their level of expertise. MANATEES A toll-free number has been set up in Florida to report manatee strandings. It is 1-800-342-5367. The Manatee Coordinator for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is in the Jacksonville, FL, office, (904) 232-2580. Other FWS Offices in the Region are: Endangered Species Division U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 75 Spring Street, S.W. Atlanta, GA 30303 (404) 679-7096 Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge 7798 S. Suncoast Blvd. Homosassa, FL 32646 (904) 563-2088 Network Members Marine Mammal Pathobiology Laboratory Florida Department of Environmental Protection 3700 54th Ave., S. St. Petersburg, FL 33711 (813) 893-2904 Jacksonville Field Station Florida Department of Environmental Protection 7825 Baymeadows Way Central Building, Suite 200B Jacksonville, FL 32256-7577 (904) 723-5845 48 Tequesta Field Station Florida Department of Environmental Protection 19100 S.E. Federal Highway Tequesta, FL 33469-1712 (407) 575-5407 Melbourne Field Station Florida Department of Environmental Protection Melbourne, FL (407) 984-7757 Port Charlotte Field Station Florida Department of Environmental Protection Port Charlotte, FL (941) 255-0777 Office of Protected Species Management Florida Department of Environmental Protection Marjory Stoneman Douglas Bldg. 3900 Commonwealth Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32399 (904) 922-4330 Sirenia Project Laboratory National Biological Service 412 N.E. 16th Ave., Room 250 Gainesville, FL 32601 (904) 372-2571 Dr. John E. Reynolds, III Department of Biology and Marine Science Eckerd College St. Petersburg, FL 33733 (813) 864-8431 Miami Seaquarium 4406 Rickenbacker Causeway Miami, FL 33149 (305) 361-5705 ext. 240 Living Sea/Epcot Center P.O. Box 10,000 Lake Buena Vista, FL 38830-1000 (407) 560-7688 Sea World of Florida 7007 Sea World Drive Orlando, FL 32821 (407) 363-2364 Lowry Park Zoo 7530 North Blvd. Tampa, FL 33604 (813) 935-8552 49 Homosassa Springs State Wildlife Park 9225 West Fishbowl Drive Homosassa, FL 32646 (904) 628-5343 Florida Marine Patrol 1-800-DIAL-FMP Blue Spring State Park 2100 West French Ave. Orange City, FL 32763 (904) 775-3663 Dolphin Research Center P.O. Box 2875 Marathon Shores, FL 33052 (305) 289-0002 Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve 10 Shell Island Road Naples, FL 33962 (941) 775-8845 Amber Lake Wildlife Refuge and Rehabilitation Center 297 Artists Ave. Englewood, FL 34223 (941) 475-4585 Mote Marine Laboratory 1600 Thompson Parkway Sarasota, FL 34236 (941) 388-4441 Marineland of Florida 9507 Ocean Shore Blvd. Marineland, FL 32086-9602 (904) 471-1111 Caribbean Stranding Network Department of Marine Sciences University of Puerto Rico, RUM P.O. Box 908 Lajas, Puerto Rico 00667-0908 (809) 899-2048 SEA OTTERS IN CALIFORNIA The Sea Otter Hotline Number is (408) 648-4829. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Office in Ventura, CA, is responsible for administration, (805) 644-1766. Network Members--Live Sea Otters Marine Mammal Center (Sausalito) (415) 289-7325 Monterey Bay Aquarium (Monterey) (408) 648-4829 or (408) 649-4840 Sea World of California (San Diego) (619) 226-3830 or (619) 222-6362 Network Members--Dead Sea Otters Ano Nuevo Area: Ray Bandar-California Academy of Sciences Karen Cebra-California Academy of Sciences Burney Le Boeuf-U.of Cal., Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Area: Jim Estes-National Biological Service Mike Kenner-National Biological Service Monterey Area: Michelle Staedler-Monterey Bay Aquarium Alisa Giles-Monterey Bay Aquarium Jack Ames-Cal. Dept. of Fish and Game Cambria and San Simeon Area: Brian Hatfield-National Biological Service Morro Bay Area: Fred Wendell-Cal. Dept. of Fish and Game Michael Harris-Cal. Dept of Fish & Game Santa Barbara and Ventura Area: Kate Symonds-U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 50 (415) 334-6341 (415) 750-7177 (408) 459-2845 (408) 459-2820 (408) 459-3244 (408) 648-4976 (408) 648-4973 (408) 649-2893 (805) 927-3893 (805) 772-1714 (805) 772-1135 (805) 644-1766 POLAR BEARS, SEA OTTERS, AND WALRUS IN ALASKA Marine Mammals Management U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1011 East Tudor Road Anchorage, AK 99503-6199 (907) 786-3800 NMFS NORTHEAST REGION The NMFS Northeast Regional Stranding Coordinator is in the NMFS Regional Office in Gloucester, MA, (508) 281-9138. Maine Tom Fernald Allied Whale College of the Atlantic 105 Eden Street Bar Harbor, ME 04609 (207) 288-5015 James Gilbert University of Maine School of Forest Resources Orono, ME 04469 (207) 581-2866 Massachusetts Governmental Units NMFS Northeast Region One Blackburn Drive Gloucester, MA 01930-2298 (508) 281-9138 or (508) 281-9328 Marine Mammal Investigation NMFS Northeast Fisheries Science Center 166 Water Street Woods Hole, MA 02543-1026 (508) 548-5123 51 National Park Service Cape Cod National Seashore South Wellfleet, MA 02663 (508) 349-3785 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service--Region 5 300 Westgate Center Drive Hadley, MA 01035-9589 (413) 253-8615 Massachusetts Division of Fish and Wildlife Nongame and Endangered Species 100 Cambridge Street Boston, MA 02202 (617) 727-3151 Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management 100 Cambridge Street, Room 2000 Boston, MA 02202 (617) 727-9530 Non-governmental Units New England Aquarium Central Wharf Boston, MA 02110 (617) 973-5246, Hotline: (617) 973-5247 Note: the Aquarium is the Letterholder for the State. Others are those who may be called upon for mass strandings and/or to supplement response. Mason Weinrich Cetacean Research Unit P.O. Box 159 Gloucester, MA 01930 (508) 281-6351 New England Whale Watch 54 Merrimack Street Newburyport, MA 01912 (508) 465-7165 Center for Coastal Studies P.O. Box 1036 Provincetown, MA 02657 (508) 487-3622 Cape Marine Animal Rescue and Conservation, Inc. Box 1524 Brewster, MA 02631 (508) 896-3328 International Wildlife Coalition 70 E. Falmouth Highway E. Falmouth, MA 02536 (508) 548-8328, Ext. 220 or 200 International Fund for Animal Welfare 382 Woods Hole Road Falmouth, MA 02540 (508) 540-8335 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Woods Hole, MA 02543 (508) 457-2000 Connecticut Mystic Aquarium 55 Coogan Blvd. Mystic, CT 06355-1997 (203) 536-9631, Ext. 107 Note: Also provides coverage for Rhode Island. New York Wildlife Resources Center NYSDEC - Nongame Unit Delmar, NY 12054-9767 (518) 439-0198 OKEANOS Ocean Research Foundation 431 East Main Street Riverhead, NY 11901 (516) 369-9840 Aquarium for Wildlife Conservation Surf Avenue and West 8th Street Brooklyn, NY 11224 (718) 265-3440 New Jersey Marine Mammal Stranding Center P.O. Box 773 Brigantine, NJ 08203 (609) 266-0538 Delaware Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife P.O. Box 1401 Dover, DE 19903 (302) 739-4782 Maryland Oxford Cooperative Laboratory Maryland Department of Natural Resources 904 S. Morris Street Oxford, MD 21654 (410) 576-3853 National Aquarium in Baltimore Pier 3, 501 E. Pratt Street Baltimore, MD 21202 (410) 450-3852 Assateague Island National Seashore 7206 National Seashore Lane Berlin, MD 21811 (410) 641-1443 Virginia Virginia Marine Science Museum 717 General Booth Blvd. Virginia Beach, VA 23451 (804) 437-4949 Virginia Institute of Marine Science College of William and Mary Gloucester Point, VA 23062 (804) 642-7313 Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries 4010 Broad Street P.O. Box 11104 Richmond, VA 23230-1104 (804) 367-1000 Other Dr. James Mead and Charles Potter of the Division of Mammals, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560, (202) 357-1923, have as much experience in responding to stranded animals and collecting tissues from them as anyone in the country. NMFS SOUTHEAST REGION The Regional Coordinator for the Southeast Stranding Network is in the NMFS Regional Office in St. Petersburg, FL, (813) 570-5312. In addition, the NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center has assumed the major role in working with the Network. They have set up a NMFS State Representative system based out of NMFS laboratories to work with Network members and move reporting closer to real time. The Coordinator of this system is based at the NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center in Miami, FL, (305) 361-4299 or (305) 361-4264. The current NMFS Stranding Network Representatives are: 58) North Carolina Vicky Thayer NMFS Beaufort Laboratory 101 Pivers Island Road Beaufort, NC 28516-9722 (919) 728-8740 South Carolina, Georgia Wayne McFee NMES Charleston Laboratory P.O. Box 12607 Charleston, SC 29422-2607 (803) 762-1200 East and South Florida Ben Blaylock, Blair Mase, and Jim Tobias NMFS Miami Laboratory 75 Virginia Beach Drive Miami, FL 33149 (305) 361-4586 or (305) 361-5761 24 hour pager (305) 862-2850 West Florida Jeff Brown NMES Southeast Regional Office 9721 Executive Center Drive, N. St. Petersburg, FL 33702-2432 (813) 570-5312 Florida Panhandle Bill Fable NMFS Panama City Laboratory 3500 Delwood Beach Road Panama City, FL 32408-7403 (904) 234-6541 54 Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana Wayne Hoggard and Kevin Rademacher NMFS Mississippi Laboratory P.O. Drawer 1207 Pascagoula, MS 39568-1207 (601) 762-4591 Texas Charles Caillouet and Dickie Revera NMES Galveston Laboratory 4700 Avenue G Galveston, TX 77551-5997 (409) 766-3500 In addition, a scientific coordinator has been designated for the Southeast Region. He is Dan Odell, Sea World of Florida, Orlando, Florida, (407) 363-2662. Stranding Network participants are: North Carolina National Marine Fisheries Service Beaufort Laboratory 101 Pivers Island Road Beaufort, NC 28516-9722 (919) 728-8740 North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries Morehead City (919) 726-7021 North Carolina Office of Marine Affairs 417 Blount Street Raleigh, NC 27601 (919) 733-2290 North Carolina State Museum of Natural History 102 North Salisbury Raleigh, NC 27601 (919) 733-7450 Environmental Management Dept. U.S. Marine Corps Base, Bldg. 103 Camp LeJeune, NC 28542 (910) 451-2195 Keith Rittmaster North Carolina Maritime Museum Beaufort, NC 28516 (919) 728-7317 Jean Beasley Surf City 55 Dr. Mary Burkart Roanoke Island Animal Clinic P.O. Box 1275 Manteo, NC 27954 (919) 473-3117 Dr. Claire Hohenwarter Wilmington Amanda Noe Wilmington George Roundtree Wilmington Dr. Dwight Shumway Outer Banks Animal Hospital Outer Banks Mall U.S. 158 Nagshead, NC 27959 (919) 441-6066 Dr. Walter Westbrook Newport Animal Clinic 444 Howard Blvd. Newport, NC 28570 (919) 223-5115 Marine Biomedical Center Duke University Marine Laboratory Beaufort, NC 28516 (919) 728-2111 Dr. Stephen Jaffe Wilmington Dr. Suzanne Botts Experimental Pathology Laboratories, Inc. P.O. Box 12766 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 (919) 544-8061 Dr. R. Guy Jaconis Beaufort North Carolina State Aquarium/Fort Fisher P.O. Box 130 Kure Beach, NC 28449 (910) 458-8258 North Carolina State Aquarium/Roanoke Island P.O. Box 967 Manteo, NC 27954 (919) 473-3494 North Carolina State Aquarium/Pine Knoll Shores P.O. Box 580 Atlantic Beach, NC 28512 (919) 247-4004 College of Veterinary Medicine North Carolina State University 4700 Hillsborough Street Raleigh, NC 27606 (919) 829-4200 Dr. W. David Webster Dept. of Biological Sciences University of North Carolina at Wilmington 601 South College Road Wilmington, NC 28403-3497 (910) 395-3756 Cape Lookout National Seashore 3601 Bridges Street, Suite F Morehead City, NC 28557 (919) 728-2250 56 Bald Head Island Conservancy P.O. Box 3109 Bald Head Island, NC 28461 (910) 457-0089 Cape Hatteras National Seashores Route 1, Box 675 Manteo, NC 27954 (919) 473-2111 Hammocks Beach State Park Route 2, Box 295 Swansboro, NC 28584 (910) 326-4881 Fort Macon State Park P.O. Box 127 Atlantic Beach, NC 28512 (919) 726-3775 South Carolina Sally Murphy--State Coordinator South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources Department 217 Ft. Johnson Road P.O. Box 12559 Charleston, SC 29422-2559 (803) 795-6350 NMES Charleston Laboratory P.O. Box 12607 Charleston, SC 29412 (803) 762-1200 Charleston Museum 360 Meeting Street Charleston, SC 29403 (803) 722-2996 Hunting Island State Park 1775 Sea Island Parkway St. Helena Island, SC 29920 William Bell N. Myrtle Beach Rob Young Coastal Carolina College P.O. Box 1954 Conway, SC 29526 (803) 349-2277 Jim Burton Surfside Beach Chris Marlow Pawleys Island Jeffrey McClary Pawleys Island Mark Spinks Georgetown Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge Awendaw (803) 928-3368 Watson McCaskill Awendaw Beth Rice Sullivans Island Dan O’Brien Folly Beach Bob Cowgill Kiawah Island George Walther Kiawah Island Lynn Burnett Johns Island Sally Whitner Johns Island Charlotee Hope Edisto Island Si Tom Murphy Green Pond Betty Sobol Fripp Island Mike Walker St. Helena Island Ed Caine Beaufort Nancy Polk-Weckhorst Hilton Head Island Ed Drane Hilton Head Island Georgia Mike Harris--State Coordinator Georgia Department of Natural Resources One Conservation Way Brunswick, GA 31520 (912) 264-7218 Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary P.O. Box 13687 Savannah, GA 31416 (912) 598-2345 Florida NMES Southeast Fisheries Science Center 75 Virginia Beach Drive Miami, FL 33149 (305) 361-4299 NMES Panama City Laboratory 3500 Delwood Beach Road Panama City, FL 32407 (904) 234-6541 NMFS Southeast Regional Office 9721 Executive Center Drive, N. St. Petersburg, FL 33702-2432 (813) 570-5312 Florida Department of Environmental Protection Jacksonville Field Station 7825 Baymeadows Way Central Building, Suite 200B Jacksonville, FL 32256-7577 (904) 448-4300, Ext. 222 Marineland of Florida 9507 Ocean Shore Blvd. Marineland, FL 32086-9602 (904) 471-1111 Sea World of Florida 7007 Sea World Drive Orlando, FL 32821 (407) 351-3600 Hubbs-Sea World Research Institute P.O. Box 691602 Orlando, FL 32869-1602 (407) 363-2662 Dr. Lewellyn Ehrhart Department of Biological Sciences University of Central Florida P.O. Box 25000 Orlando, FL 32816 (407) 823-2970 The Bionetics Corporation Mail Code BIO-2 Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899 (407) 853-3281 Florida Department of Environmental Protection Indian River Field Station 328 W. Hibiscus Blvd. Melbourne, FL 32901-6988 (407) 984-4828 58 Florida Institute of Technology 150 W. University Blvd. Melbourne, FL 32901 (407) 768-8000, Ext. 7283 Ecological Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 405 Jensen Beach, FL 34958-0974 (407) 334-3729 Florida Marine Conservation Corporation 12295 Indian Mound Road Lake Worth, FL 33467 (407) 798-8201 Florida Department of Environmental Protection Tequesta Field Station 19100 S.E. Federal Highway Tequesta, FL 33469-1712 (407) 575-5407 Department of Biological Sciences Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, FL 33431 (305) 361-3793 Miami Seaquarium 4400 Rickenbacker Causeway Miami, FL 33149 (305) 361-5705, Ext. 240 Marine Mammal Rescue Foundation of the Upper Keys, Inc. P.O. Box 2728 Key Largo, FL 33037 (305) 451-1993 Dolphin Research Center P.O. Box 2875 Marathon Shores, FL 33052 (305) 289-1121 Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve 10 Shell Island Road Naples, FL 33962 (941) 775-8845 Florida Marine Mammal Stranding Network, Southwest Region P.O. Box 07361 Ft. Meyers, FL 33919 (941) 335-2372, 455-3139, 597-3108 Amber Lake Wildlife Refuge and Rehabilitation Center 297 Artists Avenue Englewood, FL 34223 (941) 475-4585 Mote Marine Laboratory 1600 Thompson Parkway Sarasota, FL 34236 (941) 388-4441 The Florida Aquarium 300 S. 13th Street Tampa, FL 33602-5628 (813) 229-8861 Dr. John Reynolds, III Department of Biology and Marine Science Eckerd College St. Petersburg, FL 33733 (813) 864-8431 Florida Department of Environmental Protection Marine Mammal Pathobiology Laboratory 3700 54th Ave., S. St. Petersburg, FL 33711 (813) 893-2904 Dr. Bill Goldston St. Petersburg 59 Clearwater Marine Science Center 249 Windward Passage Clearwater, FL 33515 (813) 441-1790 Gulf World 15412 West Highway 98 Panama City Beach, FL 32407 (904) 234-5271 Gulfarium Highway 98 East Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548 (904) 243-9046 Gulf Islands National Seashore 1801 Gulf Breeze Parkway Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 (904) 934-2617 EPA Laboratory Sabine Island Gulf Breeze, FL 32561-5299 (904) 934-9200 Alabama Stranding Hotline (800) 799-6637 Spring Hill College 4000 Dauphin Street Mobile, AL 36608 (205) 460-2239 Mississippi Stranding Hotline (800) 799-6637 NMES Pascagoula Laboratory P.O. Drawer 1207 Pascagoula, MS 39567 (601) 762-4591 Gulf Islands National Seashore Mississippi District 3500 Park Road Ocean Springs, MS 39564 (601) 875-9057 Gulf Coast Research Laboratory P.O. Box 7000 Ocean Springs, MS 39566 (601) 872-4211 Marine Life Oceanarium P.O. Box 4078 Gulfport, MS 39502-4078 (601) 864-2511 Louisiana Stranding Hotline (800) 799-6637 Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Louisiana Natural Heritage Program P.O. Box 98000 Baton Rouge, LA 70898-9000 (504) 765-2821 Texas Stranding Hotline (800) 9-MAMMAL NMFS Galveston Laboratory 4700 Avenue U, Building 303 Galveston, TX 77550 (409) 766-3500 Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network Texas A&M University 4700 Avenue U, Bldg 303 Galveston, TX 77551 (409) 740-4455 University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife Austin Marine Science Institute University of Texas Port Aransas Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Corpus Christi University of Texas-Pan American South Padre Island Padre Island National Seashore Corpus Christi Sea World of Texas San Antonio Gladys Porter Zoo Brownsville Puerto Rico Caribbean Stranding Network Department of Marine Science University of Puerto Rico Apartado 980 Lajas, PR 00667-0908 (809) 899-2048 Note: The Texas Network is administratively centralized through Texas A&M University, but there are Network participants along the coast including: 60 NMFS SOUTHWEST REGION The Stranding Network Coordinator is in the NMFS Southwest Regional Office in Long Beach, CA, (310) 980-4017. Stranding Network participants include: California Vertebrate Museum Department of Zoology Humboldt State University Arcata, CA 95521 (707) 826-4872 Northcoast Marine Mammal Center 424 Howe Drive Crescent City, CA 95531 (707) 464-7448 The Marine Mammal Center Marin Headlands Golden Gate National Recreation Area Sausalito, CA 94965 (415) 289-7325 Marine World Africa USA 100 Marine World Parkway Vallejo, CA 94589 (707) 644-4000, Ext. 242 Northcoast Redwoods District California Department of Parks and Recreation 600-A West Clark Street Eureka, CA 95501 (707) 445-6547 Redwood National Park P.O. Box 7 Orick, CA 95555 (707) 464-6101 Humboldt Wildlife Care Center Arcata (707) 826-1583 61 Marine Resources Division California Department of Fish and Game 619 2nd Street Eureka, CA 95501 (707) 445-6499 U.S. Coast Guard Group Humboldt Bay McKinleyville, 95521 (707) 822-7648 Department of Biology Mendocino Coast Branch College of the Redwoods 1211 Del Mar Drive Fort Bragg, CA 95437 (707) 961-1001 Marine Resources Division California Department of Fish and Game 19160 South Harbor Drive Fort Bragg, CA 95437 (707) 964-9078 Mendocino District California Department of Parks and Recreation P.O. Box 440 Mendocino, CA 95460 (707) 937-5804 Department of Ornithology and Mammalogy California Academy of Sciences Golden Gate Park San Francisco, CA 94118 (415) 750-7177 Museum of Vertebrate Zoology University of California 2593 Life Sciences Building Berkeley, CA 94720 (415) 642-1379 Point Reyes Bird Observatory 4990 Shoreline Highway Stinson Beach, CA 94970 (415) 868-1221 Point Reyes National Seashore Point Reyes, CA 94956 (415) 663-8525 Bodega Marine Laboratory University of California Bodega, CA 94293 (707) 875-2211 Russian River District California Department of Parks and Recreation P.O. Box 123 Duncans Mills, CA 95430 (707) 865-2391 Doran Regional Park P.O. Box 372 Bodega Bay, CA 94923 (707) 875-3540 U.S. Coast Guard MSO San Francisco Bay Coast Guard Island, Building 14 Alameda, CA 94501 (415) 437-3073 U.S. Coast Guard, Pt. Brower Yerba Buena Island San Francisco, CA 94130 (415) 556-4471 62 U.S. Coast Guard Station Rio Vista 900 Beach Drive Rio Vista, CA 94571 (707) 374-2871 San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge P.O. Box 524 Newark, CA 94560 (415) 792-0222 Golden Gate National Recreation Area Fort Cronkhite, Building 1056 Sausalito, CA 94965 (415) 331-0744 Marine Resources Division California Department of Fish and Game 411 Burgess Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025 (415) 688-6340 Peninsula Humane Society 12 Airport Blvd. San Mateo, CA 94401 (415) 688-6340 Bay Area District California Department of Parks and Recreation 95 Kelly Avenue Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 (415) 726-6238 San Francisco Animal Control 1200 15th Street ‘ San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 554-6364 NMES Office of Enforcement Santa Rosa Federal Bldg., Room 203 777 Sonoma Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 578-3740 Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary Fort Mason, Building 201 San Francisco, CA 94123 (415) 556-2587 Long Marine Laboratory Institute for Marine Studies University of California 100 Shaffer Road Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (408) 459-2883 Santa Cruz Department of Parks and Recreation 323 Church Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (408) 429-3777 Santa Cruz District California Department of Parks and Recreation 101 Madeline Drive Aptos, CA 95003 (415) 688-3241 Moss Landing Marine Laboratories P.O. Box 450 Moss Landing, CA 95039 (408) 633-3304 Hopkins Marine Station Stanford University Cabrillo Point Pacific Grove, CA 93950 (408) 373-6658 SPCA of Monterey County Animal Care Services P.O. Box 3058 Monterey, CA 93942 (408) 372-7466 63 Marine Resources Division California Department of Fish and Game 2201 Garden Road Monterey, CA 93940 (408) 649-2870 Monterey District California Department of Parks and Recreation 2211 Garden Road Monterey, CA 93940 (408) 384-7695 U.S. Coast Guard Group Monterey 100 Lighthouse Avenue Monterey, CA 93940 (408) 375-2278 Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary 2560 Garden Grove Road, #101 Monterey, CA 93940 (408) 647-4208 Vertebrate Laboratory Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History 2559 Puesta Del Sol Road Santa Barbara, CA 93105 (805) 687-4065, Ext. 320 Piedras Blancas Research Station National Biological Service P.O. Box 70 San Simeon, CA 93452 (805) 927-3893 Marine Resources Division California Department of Fish and Game 213-B Beach Street Morro Bay, CA 93442 (805) 545-4439 Marine Biology Laboratory Pacific Gas and Electric Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant P.O. Box 117 Mailstop BB6 Avila Beach, CA 93424 (805) 545-4439 Santa Barbara Marine Mammal Center 3930 Harold Avenue Santa Barbara, CA 93110 (805) 687-3255 San Luis Obispo Coast District California Department of Parks and Recreation 3220 S. Higuera Street, Suite 311 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 549-3312 Pismo Dunes District California Department of Parks and Recreation 576 Camino Mercado Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 (805) 489-2684 Environmental Division 30 SPW/ET 806 13th Street, Suite J Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA 93437 (805) 866-9687 Marine Resources Division California Department of Fish and Game 530 East Montecito Street, Room 104 Santa Barbara, CA 93103 (805) 568-1220 Marine Resources Division California Department of Fish and Game 330 Golden Shore, Suite 50 Long Beach, CA 90802 (310) 590-5117 64 NMES Office of Enforcement 501 West Ocean Blvd., Suite 4400-A Long Beach, CA 90802 (310) 980-4052 Long Beach Naval Shipyard 300 Skipjack Road Code 106.331 Long Beach, CA 90822-5090 Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary 113 Harbor Way Santa Barbara, CA 93109 (805) 966-7101 Jalama Beach Park Star Route Lompoc, CA 93436 (805) 734-1446 Channel Coast District Office California Department of Parks and Recreation 1933 Cliff Drive Santa Barbara, CA 93109 (805) 687-3714 Ventura Field Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2493 Portola Road, Suite B Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 644-1766 Environmental Division Code P7320 Naval Air Station Pt. Mugu, CA 93042-5000 (805) 989-3808 Animal Regulation Department County of Ventura 600 Aviation Drive Camarillo, CA 93010-8594 (805) 388-4344 Channel Islands National Park 1901 Spinnaker Drive Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 644-8157 Section of Mammals Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 900 Exposition Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90007 (213) 585-5105 Los Angeles Humane Society 5026 West Jefferson Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90016 (213) 730-5338 Los Angeles County Animal Control 29525 Agoura Road Agoura, CA 91301 (818) 991-0070 West Los Angeles Animal Care Center 11950 Missouri Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90025 (213) 820-2691 Santa Monica Animal Shelter 1640 Ninth Street Santa Monica, CA 90301 (310) 450-6179 Southern California Humane Society 12910 Yukon Avenue Hawthorne, CA 90250 (310) 676-1149 Animal Control City of Manhattan Beach 1400 Highland Avenue Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 (310) 545-5621 65 Animal Control City of Hermosa Beach 1315 Valley Drive Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310) 318-0209 Animal Control City of Redondo Beach 401 Diamond Street Redondo Beach, CA 90277 (310) 318-0611 San Pedro Animal Regulation 735 Battery Street San Pedro, CA 90731 (310) 831-2414 Long Beach Animal Control 3001 East Willow Long Beach, CA 90806 (310) 595-5449 Beach Maintenance City of Long Beach 205 Marina Drive Long Beach, CA 90803 (310) 598-6628 Animal Control City of Seal Beach 911 Seal Beach Blvd. Seal Beach, CA 90740 (310) 431-2541 Friends of the Sea Lion Marine Mammal Center 20612 Laguna Canyon Road Laguna Beach, CA 92651 (714) 494-3050 Safety and Sanitation Division Department of Beaches and Harbors County of Los Angeles 13737 Fiji Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 (310) 305-9550 Marine Science Department Orange Coast College 2701 Fairview Road Costa Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 432-5564 Santa Monica Harbor Patrol Harbor Office 600 Santa Monica Pier Santa Monica, CA 90401 (310) 458-8695 Cabrillo Marine Aquarium 3720 Stephen White Drive San Pedro, CA 90731 (310) 548-7562 Northern Section Lifeguard Headquarters Department of Beaches and Harbors County of Los Angeles 30050 W. Pacific Coast Highway Malibu, CA 90265 (310) 457-9898 Harbor Patrol Port of Long Beach 925 Harbor Plaza Drive Long Beach, CA 90802 (310) 590-4185 Environmental Management Division Harbor Department Port of Los Angeles P.O. Box 151 San Pedro, CA 90733-0151 (310) 519-3675 Central Section Lifeguard Headquarters Department of Beaches and Harbors County of Los Angeles 1642 The Promenade Santa Monica, CA 90401 (310) 451-2906 66 Southern Section Lifeguard Headquarters Department of Beaches and Harbors Los Angeles County 1200 Strand Avenue Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310) 372-2162 Harbor Patrol City of Redondo Beach 280 Marine Way Redondo Beach, CA 90277 (310) 318-0632 San Pedro-Cabrillo Beach Headquarters Department of Beaches and Harbors County of Los Angeles 3720 Stephen White Drive San Pedro, CA 90731 (310) 832-1138 Southern California Edison 2244 Walnut Grove Avenue P.O. Box 800 Rosemead, CA 91770 (818) 302-9732 Scattergood Generating Station 12700 Vista Del Mar Playa del Rey, CA 90293 (310) 832-1138 West Sector Ranger Station California Department of Parks and Recreation 9000 W. Pacific Coast Highway Malibu, CA 90265 (818) 706-1310 Department of the Navy Naval Weapons Station Public Works-Code 0923 Seal Beach, CA 90740 (213) 594-7273 Huntington Beach Area Office California Department of Parks and Recreation 18331 Enterprise Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 536-2581 Beach Operations City of Huntington Beach 103 Pacific Coast Highway Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 536-2581 Orange County Animal Control 561 City Drive South Orange, CA 92668 (714) 834-6957 Orange County Sheriff's Department 1901 Bayside Corona del Mar, CA 92625 (714) 494-6571 Lifeguard Service City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92659-1761 (714) 673-3360 Newport Beach Animal Shelter 125 Mesa Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (714) 644-3656 Animal Shelter City of San Clemente 320 Avenida Pico San Clemente, CA 92672 (714) 361-8205 Newport Beach Animal Control 870 Santa Barbara Drive Newport Beach, CA 92658-7000 (714) 644-3717 67 City of Avalon P.O. Box 707 Avalon, CA 90704 (310) 510-0221 University of Southern California Marine Science Center P.O. Box 398 Avalon, CA 90704 (310) 743-6792 Catalina Island Marine Institute P.O. Box 796 Avalon, CA 90704 (310) 510-1622 Fort MacArthur Marine Mammal Care Center 3601 South Gaffey Street San Pedro, CA 90731 (310) 548-5667 Beach Lifeguard Service City of Seal Beach 211 Eighth Street Seal Beach, CA 90740 (310) 430-2613 Catalina Island Lifeguard Headquarters Department of Beaches and Harbors County of Los Angeles P.O. Box 385 Avalon, CA 90704 (310) 510-0856 Microbiology Section Mail Stop 535 Hyperion Treatment Plant 12000 Vista Del Mar Playa del Rey, CA 90293 (310) 648-5438 Regional Environmental Health Service NRMC Branch Clinic Terminal Island Naval Station Long Beach, CA 90822 Sea World of California 1720 South Shores Road San Diego, CA 92109 (800) 541-7325 Naval Ocean Systems Center Code 642 San Diego, CA 92152 (619) 553-1374 NMES Southwest Fisheries Science Center P.O. Box 271 La Jolla, CA 92038 (619) 546-7067 Hubbs-Sea World Research Institute 1700 South Shores Drive San Diego, CA 92109 (619) 226-3870 Department of Animal Control County of San Diego Central Animal Shelter 5480 Gaines Street San Diego, CA 92210 (619) 278-9760 North County Humane Society 2905 San Luis Rey Road Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 757-4357 Animal Services City of Coronado 578 Orange Avenue Coronado, CA 92118 (619) 522-7371 Department of Marine Safety City of Solana Beach P.O. Box 311 Solana Beach, CA 92075 (619) 755-1569 68 Southern Region Headquarters California Department of Parks and Recreation 8885 Rio San Diego Drive, Suite 270 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 237-6770 NMES Office of Enforcement 185 West F Street, Suite 405 San Diego, CA 92101 (610) 557-5494 Office of Oil Spill Prevention and Response California Department of Fish and Game P.O. Box 944209 Sacramento, CA 94244-2090 (916) 445-8285 Hawaii All stranding responses in Hawaii are centrally coordinated by the NMFS Pacific Area Protected Species Program Coordinator, (808) 973-2987. All calls should initially be made to this office, and the office will make the follow-up calls. By island, Stranding Network participants include: j Kauai Division of Aquatic Resources Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources 3060 Eiwa Street, Room 306 Lihue, HI 96766 Walter Haas, DVM and David Haas, DVM Lihue Veterinary Hospital 3113 Oihana Street Lihue, HI 96766 Kauai National Wildlife Refuge P.O. Box 87 Kilauea, HI 96754 Kauai County Public Works 3021 Umi Street Lihue, HI 96766 Hawaii ’ Division of Aquatic Resources Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources P.O. Box 936 Hilo, HI 96721 Hawaii County Public Works 630 Lanikaula Street Hilo, HI 96720 U.S. Coast Guard P.O. Box 4819 Hilo, HI 96720 Hawaii Preparatory Academy P.O. Box 428 Kamuala, HI 96743 Marta Lepes, DVM Hilo Veterinary Clinic 701 Kanoelehua Avenue Hilo, HI 96720 Maui Roger Kehler, DVM Kihei Veterinary Clinic P.O. Box 1669 Kihei, HI 96753 Division of Aquatic Resources Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources 70 S. High Street Wailuku, HI 96793 Maui County Department of Public Works 200 S. High Street Wailuku, HI 96793 69 U.S. Coast Guard BMC Leavitt Maalaea Road Wailuku, HI 96793 Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary 726 South Kihei Road Kihei, HI 96753 Molokai Division of Aquatic Resources Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Hoolehua, HI 96729 Maui County Department of Public Works P.O. Box 526 Kaunakakai, HI 96748 Lanai Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources P.O. Box 1 Lanai, HI 96763 Maui County Department of Public Works P.O. Box 793 Lanai, HI 96763 Oahu NMFS Pacific Area Office 2570 Dole Street, Room 105 Honolulu, HI 96822 Sea Life Park Makapuu Point Waimanalo, HI 96795 Waikiki Aquarium 2777 Kalakaua Street Honolulu, HI 96815 Dave McKay, DVM Kaneohe Veterinary Clinic 45-480 Kaneohe Bay Drive Kaneohe, HI 96744 Howard Blatt, DVM Honolulu Michelle Magee, DVM NOSC P.O. Box 997 Kailua, HI 96734 Charla Jones, DVM Kaneohe Tom Sawa, DVM Division of Animal Husbandry Department of Agriculture 99-762 Moanalua Road Aiea, HI 96701 Honolulu County Department of Public Works 650 S. King Street Honolulu, HI 96813 U.S. Coast Guard OLE 300 Ala Moana Blvd., Ninth Floor Honolulu, HI 96850 Thierry Work, DVM USFWS 3 Waterfront Plaza, Suite 580 500 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96813 Division of Aquatic Resources Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources 1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 330 Honolulu, HI 96813 70 Annette Freeman, DVM NOSC P.O. Box 997 Kailua, HI 96734 Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary P.O. Box 50186 Honolulu, HI 96850 Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marc Webber USFWS Tern Island National Wildlife Refuge P.O. Box 50167 Honolulu, HI 96850 NMFS NORTHWEST REGION The Northwest Regional Stranding Coordinator is in the NMFS Northwest Regional Office, (206) 526-6733. Participants in the Stranding Network include: Oregon Oregon State Police Central Dispatch 3710 Portland Road, N.E. Salem, OR 97310 (800) 452-7888 Wildlife Division Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife P.O. Box 59 Portland, OR 97207 Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Marine Science Drive, Bldg. 3 Newport, OR 97365 (503) 867-4741 Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife P.O. Box 5430 Charleston, OR 97420 (503) 888-5515 Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife P.O. Box 642 Gold Beach, OR 97444 (503) 247-2112 Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Hamlet Route, Box 360 Seaside, OR 97138 (503) 738-7066 Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife 4909 Third Street Tillamook, OR 97141 (503) 842-2741 Un Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife 575N North Bank Road Otis, OR 97368 (503) 994-8606 Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife 17730 S.E. Evelyn Street Clackamas, OR 97015 (503) 657-2000 Northwest Wildlife Rehabilitation Center 6265 Brickyard Road Tillamook, OR 97141 (503) 842-2111 Free Flight Wildlife Rehabilitation Center 1185 Portland Avenue Bandon, OR 97411 (503) 347-3882 Oregon Institute of Marine Biology P.O. Box 5389 Charleston, OR 97420 (503) 888-2581 Oregon State University 2030 S. Marine Science Drive Newport, OR 97365 (503) 270-2381 or (503) 867-0202 Oregon Coast Aquarium P.O. Box 2000 Newport, OR 97365 (503) 867-3474 U.S. Coast Guard 2185 S.E. Airport Road Warrenton, OR 97146-9693 (503) 861-0211 U.S. Coast Guard P.O. Box 167 Garibaldi, OR 97118 (503) 322-3531 U.S. Coast Guard P.O. Box 97 Depoe Bay, OR 97341 (503) 765-2124 U.S. Coast Guard P.O. Box 1010 Newport, OR 97365 (503) 265-5381 U.S. Coast Guard P.O. Box 1008 Winchester Bay, OR 97467 (503) 271-2138 U.S. Coast Guard 2000 Connecticut Avenue North Bend, OR 97459 (503) 756-9220 U.S. Coast Guard 4645 Eel Avenue Charleston, OR 97420 (503) 888-3266 U.S. Coast Guard 19206 Carpenterville Road Brookings, OR 97415 U.S. Coast Guard 6767 N. Basin Avenue Portland, OR 97217 (503) 240-9305 Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area 2030 S. Marine Science Drive Newport, OR 97365 Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area Reedsport, OR 97467 Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge 2030 S. Marine Science Drive Newport, OR 97365 (503) 867-4550 NMFS Office of Enforcement 2030 S. Marine Science Drive Newport, OR 97365 (503) 867-3777 NMEFS Office of Enforcement P.O. Box 27 Astoria, OR 97103 (503) 325-5934 NMES Office of Enforcement Coos Bay (503) 269-1861 NMES Office of Enforcement 911 Northeast 11th Avenue, Room 620 Portland, OR 97232 (503) 230-5427 Oregon State Park, Region II 3600 E. Third Street Tillamook, OR 97141 Oregon State Park, Region III 365 N.E. Fourth Street, Suite A Coos Bay, OR 97420 Oregon State Park, Ocean Beaches Vick Building 525 Trade Street, S.E. Salem, OR 97310 Fort Stevens State Park Hammond, OR 97121 Cape Lookout State Park 13000 Whiskey Creek Road W. Tillamook, OR 97141 Beverly Beach State Park 198 N.E. 123rd Street Newport, OR 97365 South Beach State Park 5580 S. Coast Highway South Beach, OR 97366 Devils Lake State Park c/o Beverly Beach State Park 198 N.E. 123rd Street Newport, OR 97365 Jessie M. Honeyman State Park 84505 Highway 101 South Florence, OR 97439 Sunset Bay State Park 10965 Cape Arago Highway Coos Bay, OR 97420 Bullards Beach State Park P.O. Box 25 Bandon, OR 97411 Cape Blanco State Park P.O. Box 1345 Port Orford, OR 97465 Harris Beach State Park 1655 Highway 101 Brookings, OR 97415 Department of Biology Portland State University Portland, OR 97207 (503) 464-3851 Washington NMES Northwest Regional Office 7600 Sand Point Way, N.E. BIN C15700, Bldg. 1 Seattle, WA 98115-0070 (206) 526-6733 73 NMES Northwest Fisheries Science Center 2725 Montlake Blvd., E. West Building, Room 363 Seattle, WA 98112 (206) 860-3200 NMFS Enforcement P.O. Box 2369 Bellingham, WA 98227 (360) 676-9268 NMES Enforcement 138 W. Ist Street, Room 209 Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 457-0229 National Marine Mammal Laboratory 7600 Sand Point Way, N.E. Seattle, WA 98115-0070 (206) 526-4045 Cascadia Research Collective Waterstreet Building, Suite 201 2182 W. Fourth Avenue Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 943-7325 Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife 7810 Phillips Road, S.W. Tacoma, WA 98498 (206) 589-7235 Washington State Patrol 4242 Martin Way Olympia, WA 98504 The Whale Museum P.O. Box 945 Friday Harbor, WA 98250 (360) 378-4710 Whale Hotline-- 1-800-562-8832 Wolf Hollow Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre P.O. Box 391 Friday Harbor, WA 98250 (360) 378-5000 Sardis Wildlife Center 7472 Valley View Road Ferndale, WA 98248 (360) 366-3863 Pt. Defiance Zoo and Aquarium 5400 N. Pearl Street Tacoma, WA 98407 (206) 591-5337 Ocean Shores Police Department P.O. Box 100 Ocean Shores, WA 98569 San Juan Islands National Wildlife Refuge 100 Brown Farm Road Olympia, WA 98506 (360) 753-9467 Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary 138 W. First Street Port Angeles, WA 98362-2600 (360) 457-6622 Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge 100 Brown Farm Road Olympia, WA 98506 (360) 753-9467 Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge 33 S. Barr Road Port Angeles, WA 98382 Fort Canby State Park P.O. Box 488 Ilwaco, WA 98624 (360) 642-3078 Ocean City State Park 148 State Route 115 Hoquiam, WA 98550 (360) 289-3553 Twin Harbors State Park Westport, WA 98595 (360) 268-9717 74 Fort Flagler State Park Nordland, WA 98358 (360) 385-1259 Camano Island State Park 2269 Lowell Point Road Stanwood, WA 98292 (360) 387-3031 Deception Pass State Park 5175 NSH 20 Oak Harbor, WA 98277 (360) 675-2417 Fort Casey State Park 1280 S. Fort Casey Road Coupeville, WA 98239 (360) 678-4519 Fort Ebey State Park 395 N. Fort Ebey Road Coupeville, WA 98239 (360) 678-4636 Larrabee State Park 245 Chuckanut Drive Bellingham, WA 98226 (360) 676-2093 ~ Moran State Park Star Route, Box 22 East Sound, WA 98245 (360) 376-2326 Sequim Bay State Park 1872 Highway 101 E. Sequim, WA 98382 (360) 683-4235 South Whidby State Park 4128 Smugglers Cove Road Freeland, WA 98249 (360) 331-4559 Sucia Island State Park Star Route, Box 177 Olga, WA 98279 (360) 376-2073 Olympic National Park Rural Route 1, Box 5749 Forks, WA 98331 (360) 374-5450 Marine Animal Resource Center 2201 34th Avenue, W. Seattle, WA 98199 (206) 285-7325 U.S. Coast Guard 13th District 915 2nd Avenue Seattle, WA 98174 (206) 220-7090 U.S. Coast Guard Neah Bay Coast Guard Station Neah Bay, WA 98357 (360) 645-2236 U.S. Coast Guard Gray’s Harbor Coast Guard Station Westport, WA 98595 (360) 268-0121 U.S. Coast Guard Cape Disappointment Coast Guard Station P.O. Box 460 Ilwaco, WA 98624 (360) 642-2382 iS NMFS ALASKA REGION The NMFS Alaska Stranding Coordinator is in the Alaska Regional Office, Juneau, AK, (907) 586-7510. Stranding Network participants include: NMFS Alaska Regional Office P.O. Box 21668 Juneau, AK 99802-1668 (907) 586-7510 NMFS Anchorage Office 222 West 7th, #43 Anchorage, AK 99513 (907) 271-5006 NMES Kodiak Office P.O. Box 1903 Kodiak, AK 99615 (907) 487-4961 NMES Dutch Harbor Office P.O. Box 946 Dutch Harbor, AK 99692 (907) 581-2062 Jan Straley Sitka Tory O’Connell Sitka Glacier Bay National Park P.O. Box 140 Gustavus, AK 99826 (907) 697-2230 University of Alaska Museum 907 Yukon Drive Fairbanks, AK 99775-1200 (907) 474-6947 Alaska Department of Fish and Game Division of Wildlife Conservation 1300 College Road Fairbanks, AK 99701 (907) 456-5156 Beth Mathews University of Alaska-Southeast Education and Liberal Arts and Sciences 11120 Glacier Highway Juneau, AK 99801 (907) 465-6407 Elizabeth Kunibe Marine Wildlife Rescue Team, Inc. 9503 Antler Way Juneau, AK 99801 Gary Freitag Ketchikan Kate Wynne MAP, FITC 900 Trident Way Kodiak, AK 99615 (907) 486-1517 Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge 2355 Kachemak Bay Drive, Suite 101 Homer, AK 99603 (907) 235-6546 Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge Aleutian Islands Unit FPO AP 96506-5251 Izembeck National Wildlife Refuge P.O. Box 127 Cold Bay, AK 99571 (907) 532-2445 Katmai National Park P.O. Box 7 King Salmon, AK 99613 (907) 246-3305 North Gulf Oceanic Society P.O. Box 15244 Homer, AK 99603 (907) 235-6590 Glacier Ranger Station Chugach National Forest P.O. Box 129 Girdwood, AK 99587 (907) 783-3242 Alpine Veterinary Clinic 12531 Seward Anchorage, AK 99515 (907) 345-1515 Anchorage Zoo 4731 O’Malley Road Anchorage, AK 99516 (907) 346-2133 Beth Trowbridge Prince William Sound Science Center P.O. Box 705 Cordova, AK 99574 (907) 424-5800 Marian Beck Halibut Cove Department of Wildlife Management North Slope Borough P.O. Box 69 Barrow, AK 99723 (907) 852-2611 Marine Mammals Management U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1011 East Tudor Road Anchorage, AK 99503-6199 (907) 786-3800 77 Kenai Fjords National Park P.O. Box 1727 Seward, AK 99664 (907) 224-3175 ADDENDUM B FEDERAL AGENCIES WITH BEACHFRONT AUTHORITY Maine Acadia National Park Bar Harbor Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge Wells Pond Island National Wildlife Refuge Franklin Island National Wildlife Refuge Calais Seal Island National Wildlife Refuge Cross Island National Wildlife Refuge Calais Petit Manan National Wildlife Refuge Calais Massachusetts Cape Cod National Seashore South Wellfleet Nomans Land Island National Wildlife Refuge Nantucket National Wildlife Refuge Newburyport Monomy National Wildlife Refuge Newburyport Thacher Island National Wildlife Refuge Parker River National Wildlife Refuge Newburyport 78 Rhode Island Block Island National Wildlife Refuge Charlestown Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge Charlestown Ninigret National Wildlife Refuge Charlestown Trustom Pond National Wildlife Refuge Charlestown Connecticut Salt Meadow National Wildlife Refuge — Charlestown, RI New York Gateway National Recreation Area Brooklyn Fire Island National Seashore Patchogue Amagansett National Wildlife Refuge Wertheim National Wildlife Refuge Conscience Point National Wildlife Refuge Morton National Wildlife Refuge Sag Harbor Oyster Bay National Wildlife Refuge Shirley Target Rock National Wildlife Refuge Shirley New Jersey Cape May National Wildlife Refuge Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge Oceanville Barnegat National Wildlife Refuge Barnegat Maryland Assateague Island National Seashore Berlin Virginia Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge Virginia Beach Plum Tree Island National Wildlife Refuge Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge Wallops Island National Wildlife Refuge Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge Chincoteague North Carolina Cape Hatteras National Seashore Manteo Cape Lookout National Seashore Beaufort Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge Rodanthe Cedar Island National Wildlife Refuge Swanquarter Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuge Swanquarter 79 Camp LeJeune Marine Corps Base Camp LeJeune South Carolina Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge Awendaw Currituck National Wildlife Refuge MacKay Island National Wildlife Refuge Knotts Island Georgia Cumberland Island National Seashore St. Marys Blackbeard Island National Wildlife Refuge Savannah Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuge Savannah Savannah National Wildlife Refuge Savannah Tybee National Wildlife Refuge Savannah Wolf Island National Wildlife Refuge Savannah Wassaw Island National Wildlife Refuge Savannah Grays Reef National Marine Sanctuary Savannah Florida Biscayne National Park Homestead Canaveral National Seashore Titusville Gulf Islands National Seashore Gulf Breeze Fort Jefferson National Monument Homestead Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve Naples Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge Titusville Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge Titusville Hobe Sound National Wildlife Refuge Hobe Sound Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge Big Pine Key Key West National Wildlife Refuge Big Pine Key National Key Deer Wildlife Refuge Big Pine Key J.N. "Ding" Darling National Wildlife Refuge Sanibel Caloosahatchee National Wildlife Refuge Sanibel Island Bay National Wildlife Refuge Sanibel Matlacha Pass National Wildlife Refuge Sanibel Pine Island National Wildlife Refuge Sanibel 80 Egmont Key National Wildlife Refuge Homosassa Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge Homosassa Cedar Keys National Wildlife Refuge Homosassa Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge Homosassa Passage Key National Wildlife Refuge Homosassa Pinellas National Wildlife Refuge Homosassa St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge St. Marks St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuge Apalachicola Puerto Rico Desecho National Wildlife Refuge Boqueron Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge Boqueron Culebra National Wildlife Refuge Boqueron Virgin Islands Buck Island National Wildlife Refuge Boqueron, PR Green Cay National Wildlife Refuge Boqueron, PR Sandy Point National Wildlife Refuge Boqueron, PR Alabama Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge Gulf Shores Mississippi Gulf Islands National Seashore Ocean Springs Louisiana Breton National Wildlife Refuge Venice Texas Padre Island National Seashore Corpus Christi McFaddin and Texas Point National Wildlife Refuge Anahuac Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge Anahuac Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge Angleton San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge Angleton Aransas National Wildlife Refuge Austwell California Channel Islands National Park Ventura Redwood National Park Crescent City Point Reyes National Seashore Point Reyes 81 Golden Gate National Recreation Area San Francisco Cabrillo National Monument San Diego Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area Woodland Hills Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Santa Barbara Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary San Francisco Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Monterey San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Newark Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge Newark San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge Newark Vandenberg Air Force Base Vandenberg Air Force Base Point Mugu Naval Air Station Pt. Mugu Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach Long Beach Naval Station Long Beach Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton Naval Ocean Systems Center San Diego Naval Air Station San Diego Naval Amphibious Base Coronado Hawaii Haleakala National Park Makawao Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary Kihei Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge Honolulu Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge Kauai Kilauea National Wildlife Refuge Kauai James C. Campbell National Wildlife Refuge Honolulu Kakahaia National Wildlife Refuge Honolulu Midway National Wildlife Refuge Honolulu Johnston Atoll National Wildlife Refuge Honolulu Rose Atoll National Wildlife Refuge Honolulu Howland Island National Wildlife Refuge Honolulu Baker Island National Wildlife Refuge Honolulu National Park Service, National War 82 Memorial of the Pacific Agana Pearl Harbor Naval Base Pacific Missile Range Facility Barking Sands, Kauai Kaneohe Marine Corps Air Station Kaneohe, Oahu Hickam Air Force Base Honolulu Barbers Point Naval Air Station Barbers Point, Oahu Anderson Air Force Base Guam Wake Island Air Force Base Wake Island Oregon Suislaw National Forest Corvallis Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area Reedsport Yaquina Head Natural Area Newport Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge Newport Three Arch Rocks National Wildlife Refuge Cape Meares National Wildlife Refuge Corvallis Washington Olympic National Park Forks Willapa National Wildlife Refuge Ilwaco Copalis National Wildlife Refuge Quillayute Needles National Wildlife Refuge Flattery Rocks National Wildlife Refuge Jones Island National Wildlife Refuge San Juan Islands National Wildlife Refuge Olympia Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge Olympia Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge Port Angeles Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Port Angeles Bangor Naval Submarine Base Silverdale Alaska Glacier Bay National Park Gustavus Kenai Fjords National Park Seward Lake Clark National Park Anchorage Katmai National Park King Salmon Chugach National Forest Anchorage Tongass National Forest Petersburg Bering Land Bridge National Preserve Nome Cape Krusenstern National Monument Kotzebue Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge (all units) Homer Alaska Peninsula National Wildlife Refuge King Salmon Becharof National Wildlife Refuge King Salmon Izembeck National Wildlife Refuge Cold Bay Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge Kodiak Kenai National Wildlife Wildlife Refuge Soldotna Togiak National Wildlife Refuge Dillingham Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge Bethel Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Fairbanks ADDENDUM C STATE WILDLIFE RESOURCE AGENCIES Maine Department of Marine Resources Augusta, ME (207) 624-6550 New Hampshire Department of Fish and Game Concord, NH (603) 271-3421 Massachusetts Department of Natural Resources Division of Fisheries and Wildlife Boston, MA (617) 727-3151 Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection Hartford, CT (203) 566-7404 Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management Division of Marine Fisheries Providence, RI (401) 294-4524 New York Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Marine Resources Albany, NY (516) 751-7775 New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy Division of Fish Game and Wildlife Trenton, NJ (609) 292-2965 Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife Dover, DE (302) 739-4782 84 Maryland Department of Natural Resources Oxford, MD (410) 226-5193 Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Richmond, VA (804) 367-1000 Virginia Marine Resources Commission Newport News, VA (804) 247-2200 North Carolina Department of Environmental Health, and Natural Resources Division of Marine Fisheries Morehead City, NC (919) 726-7021 North Carolina State Office of Marine Affairs 417 N_ Blount Street Raleigh, NC 27601 (919) 733-2290 South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources Department Charleston, SC (803) 795-6350 Florida Department of Environmental Protection Marine Mammal Pathobiology Laboratory St. Petersburg (813) 893-2904 Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Division of Marine Resources Dauphin Island, AL (205) 861-2882 Mississippi Bureau of Marine Resources Biloxi, MS (601) 385-5860 Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Louisiana Natural Heritage Program Baton Rouge, LA (504) 765-2821 Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife Division of Fisheries and Wildlife Austin, TX (512) 389-4971 Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources P.O. Box 5887 Puerta de Tierra Station San Juan, PR 00906 (809) 724-8774 Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural Resources Suite 231, Nisky Center St. Thomas, VI 00803 (809) 774-3320 California Department of Fish and Game Marine Resources Division Sacramento, CA (916) 445-8386 Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Aquatic Resources Honolulu, HI (808) 587-0100 85 Guam Division of Aquatic and Wildlife Resources Agana, GU 671, 734-3944 Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Newport, OR (503) 867-4741 Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Tacoma (206) 589-7235 Alaska Department of Fish and Game Division of Wildlife Conservation Marine Mammals Coordinator Fairbanks, AK (907) 456-5156 ADDENDUM D STATE PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCIES Maine Department of Human Resources State House Station 11 Augusta, ME 04333 New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services 6 Hazen Drive Concord NH 03301 Massachusetts Department of Public Health 150 Tremont Street, 10th Floor Boston, MA 02111 Connecticut Department of Public Health and Addiction Services 150 Washington Street Hartford, CT 06106 Rhode Island Department of Health Cannon Bldg, 3 Capitol Hill, Room 401 Providence, RI 02908 New York State Department of Health Corning Tower Bldg, Empire State Plaza, Room 1482 Albany, NY 12237 New Jersey Department of Health CN 360 Trenton, NJ 08625 Division of Public Health Delaware Department of Health and Social Services P.O. Box 637 Dover, DE 19903 Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene 201 West Preston Street Baltimore, MD 21201 86 Virginia Department of Health 1500 East Main Street, Suite 214 P.O. Box 2448 Richmond, VA 23219 North Carolina Department of Environmental, Health and Natural Resources P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control 2600 Bull Street Columbia, SC 29201 Georgia Department of Human Resources 2 Peachtree Street, NE, Suite 7-300 Atlanta, GA 30303 Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitation Services 1323 Winewood Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32399 Alabama Department of Public Health 434 Monroe Street Montgomery, AL 36130 Mississippi State Department of Health P.O. Box 1700 Jackson, MS 39215 Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals P.O. Box 3214 Baton Rouge, LA 70821 Texas Department of Health 1100 West 49th Street Austin, TX 78756 Puerto Rico Department of Health P.O. Box 70184 San Juan, PR 00936 Virgin Islands Department of Social and Health Services St. Thomas Hospital St. Thomas, VI 00802 California Department of Health Services 714 P Street, Room 1253 Sacramento, CA 95814 Hawaii Department of Health 1250 Punchbowl Street P.O. Box 3378 Honolulu, HI 96801 Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services P.O. Box 2816 Agana, GU 96910 Oregon Health Division 800 NE Oregon Street, #21, Suite 950 Portland, OR 97232 Washington Department of Social and Health Services P.O. Box 47890 Olympia, WA 98504 Alaska Department of Health and Social Services P.O. Box 110610 Juneau, AK 99811 87 ADDENDUM E NATIVE AMERICAN ORGANIZATION CONTACTS Washington Quinault Tribe P.O. Box 189 Tahola, WA 98587 (360) 276-8211 Hoh Tribe HC80, Box 917 Forks, WA 98331 (360) 374-6582 Quileute Tribe P.O. Box 279 LaPush, WA 98350 (360) 374-6163 Makah Tribe P.O. Box 115 Neah Bay, WA 98357 (360) 645-2205 Lower Elwha S’Klallam Tribe 2851 Lower Elwha Road Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 452-8471 Jameston S’Klallam Tribe 305 Old Blyn Highway Sequim, WA 98382 (360) 683-1109 Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe P.O. Box 280 Kingston, WA 98346 (360) 297-2646 Skokomish Tribe N. 80 Tribal Center Road Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 426-4232 88 Suquamish Tribe P.O. Box 498 Suquamish, WA 98392 (206) 598-3311 Squaxin Island Tribe West 81 Highway 108 Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 426-9781 Tulalip Tribe 6700 Totem Beach Road Marysville, WA 98270 (360) 653-4585 Swinomish Tribe P.O. Box 817 LaConner, WA 98257 (360) 466-3163 Lummi Tribe 2616 Kwina Road Bellingham, WA 98226 (360) 734-8180 Alaska Alaska and Inuvialuit Beluga Whale Committee c/o North Slope Borough P.O. Box 69 Barrow, AK 99723 Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission P.O. Box 570 Barrow, AK 99723 Alaska Nanuuq Commission P.O. Box 69 Barrow, AK 99723 Alaska Native Harbor Seal Commission P.O. Box 1005 Cordova, AK 99574 Alaska Sea Otter Commission P.O. Box 83177 Fairbanks, AK 99708 Arctic Marine Resources Commission c/o NANA Regional Corporation P.O. Box 49 Kotzebue, AK 99752 Cook Inlet Marine Mammal Commission 17414 Monte #3 Eagle River, AK 99577 Eskimo Walrus Commission P.O. Box 948 Nome, AK 99762 Indigenous People’s Council for Marine Mammals P.O. Box 200908 Anchorage, AK 99520 Inuit Circumpolar Conference Calais Building One, Suite 608 3201 C Street Anchorage, AK 99513 Nome, Elim and Shaktoolik Beluga Whale Commission c/o Kawerak Corporation P.O. Box 948 Nome, AK 99762 Pribilof Aleut Fur Seal Commission P.O. Box 901 St. Paul, AK 99660 89 Southeast Native Subsistence Commission Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska 320 W. Willoughby Avenue Juneau, AK 99801 Unalaska Native Fishermen’s Association P.O. Box 591 Unalaska, AK 99685 President Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove P.O. Box 38 King Cove, AK 99612 President Akiachak Native Community P.O. Box 70 Akiachak, AK 99551 President Akiak Native Community P.O. Box 51265 Akiak, AK 99552 Alaska Federation of Natives Suite 100 1577 C Street Anchorage, AK 99501 Alaska Native Coalition P.O. Box 104024 Anchorage, AK 99510-4024 Executive Director Alaskan Inter-Tribal Council Suite 225 308 G Street Anchorage, AK 99501 President Aleut Community of St. Paul Island P.O. Box 86 St. Paul Island, AK 99660 Aleutian-Pribilof Islands Association Suite 201 401 E. Fireweed Lane Anchorage, AK 99503-2111 President Angoon Community Association P.O. Box 188 Angoon, AK 99820 Chief Anvik Village General Delivery Anvik, AK 99558 President Association of Village Council Presidents P.O. Box 219 Bethel, AK 99559 President Atqasuk Village General Delivery via Barrow, AK 99723 Executive Director Bristol Bay Native Association P.O. Box 310 Dillingham, AK 99576 President Caswell Native Association 1202 Old Seward Highway Anchorage, AK 99515 President Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska Suite 300 320 W. Willoughby Avenue Juneau, AK 99801 President Chevak Native Village P.O. Box 5514 Chevak, AK 99563 90 President Chignik Lake Village P.O. Box 33 Chignik Lake, AK 99548 President Chilkat Indian Village of Klukwan P.O. Box 525 Haines, AK 99827-0210 President Chilkoot Indian Association of Haines P.O. Box 235 Haines, AK 99827 President Chinik Eskimo Community General Delivery Golovin, AK 99762 Director Chugachmuit The North Pacific Rim 330 C Street Anchorage, AK 99503 City Manager | City of St. Paul Pouch 1 St. Paul, AK 99660 President Cook Inlet Tribal Council 670 W. Fireweed Lane Anchorage, AK 99503 Copper River Delta P.O. Box 1460 Cordova, AK 99574 Executive Director Copper River Native Association Drawer H Copper River, AK 99573 Vice President Craig Community Association P.O. Box 244 Craig, AK 99921 President Douglas Indian Association P.O. Box 434 Douglas, AK 99824 President Egegik Village P.O. Box 189 Egegik, AK 99579 President Eklutna Native Village 26339 Eklutna Village Road Chugiak, AK 99567 President Ekwok Village P.O. Box 49 Ekwok, AK 99580 President Emmonak Village P.O. Box 126 Emmonak, AK 99581 President Eyak Native Village P.O. Box 1388 Cordova, AK 99574 President Gold Creek-Susitna Gold Creek via Talkeetna, AK 99676 President Gulkana Village P.O. Box 254 Gakona, AK 99586 91 President Hoonah Indian Association P.O. Box 144 Hoonah, AK 99829 President Igiugig Village P.O. Box 4008 Igiugig, AK 99613 Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope P.O. Box 934 Barrow, AK 99762 President Ivanof Bay Village P.O. Box KIB Ivanof Bay, AK 99502 President Kaktovik Village P.O. Box 8 Kaktovik, AK 99747 Tribal Chairperson Kenaitze Indian Tribe P.O. Box 988 Kenai, AK 99611 Chief King Island Native Community P.O. Box 992 Nome, AK 99762 President Knik Village P.O. Box 872130 Wasilla, AK 99687 President Kodiak Area Native Association 402 Center Avenue Kodiak, AK 99615-1277 President Kodiak Tribal Council P.O. Box 1974 Kodiak, AK 99615 President Kokhanok Village P.O. Box 1007 Kokhanok, AK 99606 President Koliganek Village Koliganek, AK 99576 President Kongiganak Native Village P.O. Box 5069 Kongiganak, AK 99559 Kotzebue IRA Council P.O. Box 296 Kotzebue, AK 99752 President Levelock Village General Delivery Levelock, AK 99625 President Maniilaq Association P.O. Box 256 Kotzebue, AK 99752 President Manokotak Village P.O. Box 169 Manokotak, AK 99628 President Mentasta Lake Village General Delivery Tok, AK 99780 Metlatka Indian Community P.O. Box 439 Metlatka, AK 99926 92 President Montana Creek Native Association P.O. Box 200267 Anchorage, AK 99520-0267 Mount Marathon Native Association P.O. Box 995 Seward, AK 99664 North Slope Borough Department of Wildlife Management P.O. Box 69 Barrow, AK 99723 President Naknek Native village P.O. Box 106 Naknek, AK 99633 President Nanwalek Village Council General Delivery English Bay, AK 99603 Native American Fish and Wildlife Society Suite 204 4141 B Street Anchorage, AK 99503 President Native Village of Chickaloon P.O. Box 1105 Chickaloon, AK 99674 President Native Village of Port Heiden P.O. Box 49007 Port Heiden, AK 99459 President Native Village Council P.O. Box 244 Nome, AK 99762 President Native Village of Akhiok P.O. Box 5030 Akhiok, AK 99615 President Native Village of Akutan P.O. Box 89 Akutan, AK 99553 President Native Village of Aleknagik P.O. Box 115 Aleknagik, AK 99555 President Native Village of Ambler P.O. Box 47 Ambler, AK 99786 President Native Village of Andreafski P.O. Box 368 St. Mary’s, AK 99658 President Native Village of Atka Atka Rural Branch Atka, AK 99502 President Native Village of Barrow P.O. Box 1139 Barrow, AK 99723 President Native Village of Belkofski General Delivery Belkofski, AK 99695 Tribal Chairman Native Village of Bill Moore’s Slough P.O. Box 20037 Kotlik, AK 99620 93 President Native Village of Brevig Mission General Delivery Brevig Mission, AK 99785 President Native Village of Buckland General Delivery Buckland, AK 99727 President Native Village of Cantwell P.O. Box 94 Cantwell, AK 99729 President Native Village of Chenega P.O. Box 8079 Chenega, AK 99574 President Native Village of Chefornak P.O. Box 29 Chefornak, AK 99561 President Native Village of Chignik General Delivery Chignik, AK 99563 President Native Village of Chignik Lagoon General Delivery Chignik Lagoon, AK 99565 President Native Village of Chistochina P.O. Box 241 Gakona, AK 99586 President Native Village of Chitina P.O. Box 31 Chitina, AK 99566 Chief Native Village of Chuathbaluk P.O. Box CHU Chuathbaluk, AK 99557 President Native Village of Chuloonawick General Delivery Chuloonawick, AK 99581 President Native Village of Crooked Creek P.O. Box 69 Crooked Creek, AK 99575 President Native Village of Deering General Delivery Deering, AK 99736 President Native Village of Dillingham P.O. Box 216 Dillingham, AK 99576 President Native Village of Diomede General Delivery Diomede, AK 99762 President Native Village of Eek P.O. Box 087 Eek, AK 99578 President Native Village of Ekuk General Delivery Ekuk, AK 99576 President Native Village of Elim P.O. Box 39070 Elim, AK 99739 94 Vice President Native Village of False Pass P.O. Box 29 False Pass, AK 99583 President Native Village of Gakona P.O. Box 124 Gakona, AK 99586 President Native Village of Gambell P.O. Box 133 Gambell, AK 99742 President Native Village of Georgetown General Delivery Red Devil, AK 99656 President Native Village of Goodnews Bay P.O. Box 03 Goodnews Bay, AK 99589 President Native Village of Hamilton Generxal Delivery Kotlik, AK 99620 President Native Village of Hooper Bay P.O. Box 2193 Hooper Bay, AK 99604 President Native Village of Kanatak c/o BIA Anchorage Agency 1675 C Street Anchorage, AK 99501 President Native Village of Karluk P.O. Box 22 Karluk, AK 99608 President Native Village of Kasiglik P.O. Box 19 Kasiglik, AK 99609 President Native Village of Kiana P.O. Box 69 Kiana, AK 99749 President Native Village of Kipnuk P.O. Box 57 Kipnuk, AK 99614 President Native Village of Kivalina P.O. Box 50051 Kivalina, AK 99750 President Native Village of Kobuk General Delivery Kobuk, AK 99751 Chairman Native Village of Kotzebue P.O. Box 296 Kotzebue, AK 99752 President Native Village of Koyuk P.O. Box 30 Koyuk, AK 99753 President Native Village of Kuti-kaah P.O. Box 68 Copper Center, AK 99573 President Native Village of Kwigillingok P.O. Box 49 Kwigillingok, AK 99622 95 President Native Village of Kwinhagak General Delivery Quinhagak, AK 99655 President Native Village of Larsen Bay P.O. Box 35 Larsen Bay, AK 99624 President Native Village of Marshall P.O. Box 10 Fortuna Ledge, AK 99585 President Native Village of Mary’s Igloo P.O. Box 571 Teller, AK 99778 President Native Village of Mekoryuk P.O. Box 66 Mekoryuk, AK 99630 President Native Village of Mountain Village P.O. Box 32249 Mountain Village, AK 99632 President Native Village of Napakiak General Delivery Napakiak, AK 99634 President Native Village of Napamute P.O. Box 96 Aniak, AK 99557 President Native Village of Napaskiak P.O. Box 6109 Napaskiak, AK 99559 President Native Village of Nelson Lagoon General Delivery Nelson Lagoon, AK 99571 President Native Village of Nightmute General Delivery Nightmute, AK 99690 President Native Village of Nikolski General Delivery Nikolski, AK 99638 President Native Village of Noatak General Delivery Noatak, AK 99761 Mayor Native Village of Nuiqsut General Delivery Nuiqsut, AK 99723 President Native Village of Nunapitchuk P.O. Box 130 Nunupitchuk, AK 99641 President Native Village of Ouzinkie P.O. Box 13 Ouzinkie, AK 99644 President Native Village of Perryville P.O. Box 101 Perryville, AK 99648 President Native Village of Piamuit General Delivery Hooper Bay, AK 99604 96 President Native Village of Pilot Point P.O. Box 449 Pilot Point, AK 99649 President Native Village of Pitka’s Point P2O} Box. 1277 Pitka’s Point, AK 99658 President Native Village of Point Hope P.O. Box 91 Point Hope, AK 99766 Village Coordinator Native Village of Point Lay P.O. Box 101 Point Lay, AK 99759 President Native Village of Port Lions P.O. Box 253 Port Lions, AK 99550 President Native Village of Russian Mission P.O. Box 09 Russian Mission, AK 99657 President Native Village of Savoonga P.O. Box 129 Savoonga, AK 99769 President Native Village of Scammon Bay P.O. Box 126 Scammon Bay, AK 99662 President Native Village of Selawik P.O. Box 59 Selawik, AK 99770 President Native Village of Shaktoolik General Delivery Shaktoolik, AK 99771 President Native Village of Sheldon’s Point General Delivery Sheldon’s Point, AK 99666 President Native Village of Shishmaref General Delivery Shishmaref, AK 99772 President Native Village of Shungnak General Delivery Shungnak, AK 99773 President Native Village of Solomon P.O. Box 243 Nome, AK 99762 President Native Village of St. Michael General Delivery St. Michael, AK 99659 President Native Village of Tanana P.O. Box 77093 Tanana, AK 99777 President Native Village of Tooksook Bay Nelson Island Tooksook Bay, AK 99637 President Native Village of Tuntutuliak P.O. Box 77 Tununak, AK 99681 97 President Native Village of Tyonek P.O. Box 82009 Tyonek, AK 99862-0009 President Native Village of Unalakleet P.O. Box 70 Unalakleet, AK 99684 President Native Village of Wales General Delivery Wales, AK 99783 President Native Village of White Mountain P.O. Box 84082 White Mountain, AK 99784 President Native Village of Yakutat P.O. Box 418 Yakutat, AK 99689 President New Stuyahok Village P.O. Box 49 New Stuyahok, AK 99636 President Newhalen Village P.O. Box 207 Iliamna, AK 99606 President Newtok Village P.O. Box WWT Newtok, AK 99559 President Ninilchik Village Traditional Council P.O. Box 39070 Ninilchik, AK 99639 President Nome Eskimo Community P.O. Box 401 Nome, AK 99762 President Nondalton Village General Delivery Nondalton, AK 99640 President Noorvik Native Community P.O. Box 71 Noorvik, AK 99763 President Organized Village of Kake P.O. Box 316 Kake, AK 99830-0316 President Organized Village of Kasaan General Delivery Kasaan, AK 99924 President Organized Village of Kwethluk P.O. Box 84 Kwethluk, AK 99621 President Organized Village of Saxman Route 2, Box 2 Ketchikan, AK 99901 Chairman Orutsararmuit Native Council 835 Ridgecrest Drive P.O. Box 927 Bethel, AK 99559 President Oscarville Traditional Council P.O. Box 1554 Oscarville, AK 99559 98 President Pedro Bay Village P.O. Box 47020 Pedro Bay, AK 99647 President Petersburg Indian Association P.O. Box 1418 Petersburg, AK 99883 President Pilot Station Traditional Council P.O. Box 5040 Pilot Station, AK 99650 President Platinum Traditional Village General Delivery Platinum, AK 99651 President Port Graham Village P.O. Box PGM Port Graham, AK 99603-8998 President Portage Creek Village General Delivery Portage Creek, AK 99576 President Qagan Tayagungin Tribe of Sand Point P.O. Box 189 Sand Point, AK 99661 President Qawalingen Tribe of Unalaska P.O. Box 334 Unalaska, AK 99685 Chief Rampart Village P.O. Box 67029 Rampart, AK 99767 Chairperson Rural Alaska Resources Association P.O. Box 200908 Anchorage, AK 99520 President Seldovia Village Tribe P.O. Drawer L Seldovia, AK 99663 Chief Shageluk Native Village General Delivery Shageluk, AK 99665 President Shoonaq’ Tribe of Kodiak P.O. Box 1974 Kodiak, AK 99615 President Sitka Tribe of Alaska 456 Katlian Street Sitka, AK 99835 President South Naknek Village P.O. Box 70106 South Naknek, AK 99670 President St. George Traditional Council P.O. Box 940 St. George, AK 99660 President Stebbins Community Association P.O. Box 2 Stebbins Village, AK 99671 First Chief Takotna Village P.O. Box TYC Takotna, AK 99675 99 Tanana IRA Council General Delivery Tanana, AK 99777 President Native Village of Tatitlek P.O. Box 650 Cordova, AK 99574 President Traditional Village of Teller P.O. Box 590 Teller, AK 99778 President Traditional Village of Togiak P.O. Box 209 Togiak, AK 99678 President Twin Hills Village General Delivery Twin Hills, AK 99576 President Ugashik Village General Delivery via King Salmon, AK 99613 President Umkumiut Native Village General Delivery Nightmute, AK 99690 Administrator Unalaska IRA Council Unalaska, AK 99685 President Valdez Native Association P.O. Box 1108 Valdez, AK 99686 President Village of Alaknut P.O. Box 167 Aluknut, AK 99554 President Village of Aniak P.O. Box 176 Aniak, AK 99557 President Village of Atmautluak P.O. Box ATT Atmautluak, AK 99559 President Village of Clark’s Point P.O. Box 16 Clark’s Point, AK 99569 President Village of Iliamna P.O. Box 286 Iliamna, AK 99606 President Village of Kalskag General Delivery Kalskag, AK 99607 Chief Village of Kaltag P.O. Box 9 Kaltag, AK 99748 President Village of Kotlik P.O. Box 20096 Kotlik, AK 99620 President Village of Lower Kalskag P.O. Box 27 Kalskag, AK 99626 100 President Village of Ohogamiut General Delivery Fortuna Lodge, AK 99585 President Village of Old Harbor P.O. Box 62 Old Harbor, AK 99643 President Village of Red Devil P.O. Box 49 Red Devil, AK 99656 President Village of Alamatof P.O. Box 2682 Kenai, AK 99611 President Village of Sleetmute P.O. Box 21 Sleetmute, AK 99688 President Village of Stoney River P.O. Box SRV Stoney River, AK 99557 President Village of Wainwright P.O. Box 184 Wainwright, AK 99782 Yakutat Native Association P.O. Box 418 Yakutat, AK 99689 President Kodiak Area Native Association 402 Center Avenue Kodiak, AK 99615 Southwest Alaska Municap Conference 3300 Arctic Blvd. Aneh, Alaska 99503 101 ADDENDUM F FACILITIES APPROVED FOR HOLDING LIVE STRANDED MARINE MAMMALS Maine, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire New England Aquarium Central Wharf Boston, MA 02110 (617) 973-5246 Pinnipeds and cetaceans Connecticut and Rhode Island Mystic Aquarium 55 Coogan Blvd. Mystic, CT 06355-1997 (203) 536-9631, Ext. 107 Pinnipeds and cetaceans New York OKEANOS Foundation 431 East Main Street Riverhead, NY 11901 (516) 369-9840 Pinnipeds and short-term holding of single cetaceans Aquarium for Wildlife Conservation Surf Avenue and West 8th Street Brooklyn, NY 11224 (718) 265-3440 Cetaceans and sea otters* New Jersey and Delaware Marine Mammal Stranding Center P.O. Box 773 Brigantine, NJ 08203 (609) 266-0538 Pinnipeds and short-term holding of single cetaceans Maryland and Virginia National Aquarium in Baltimore Pier 3, 501 E. Pratt Street Baltimore, MD 21202 (410) 450-3852 Pinnipeds and cetaceans 102 North Carolina North Carolina State Aquarium--Roanoke Island P.O. Box 967 Manteo, NC 27954 (919) 473-3493 Short-term holding of single animals only North Carolina State Aquarium--Ft. Fisher P.O. Box 130 Kure Beach, NC 28449 (919) 458-8257 Short-term holding of single animals only North Carolina State Aquarium--Pine Knoll Shores P.O. Box 580 Atlantic Beach, NC 28512 (919) 247-4003 Short-term holding of single animals only Florida Marineland of Florida 9507 Ocean Shore Blvd. Marineland, FL 32086-9602 (904) 471-1111 Cetaceans Miami Seaquarium 4406 Rickenbacker Causeway Miami, FL 33149 (305) 361-5705 ext. 240 Cetaceans and manatees Living Seas/Epcot Center P.O. Box 10,000 Lake Buena Vista, FL 38830-1000 (407) 560-7688 Manatees Sea World of Florida 7007 Sea World Drive Orlando, FL 32821 (407) 363-2364 Cetaceans and manatees 103 Dolphins Plus P.O. Box 2728 Key Largo, FL 33037 (305) 451-1993 Cetaceans Dolphin Research Center P.O. Box 2875 Marathon Shores, FL 33052 (305) 289-0002 Cetaceans Mote Marine Laboratory 1600 Thompson Parkway Sarasota, FL 34236 (941) 388-4441 Cetaceans Lowry Park Zoo 7530 North Blvd. Tampa, FL 33604 (813) 935-8552 Manatees Clearwater Marine Science Center 249 Windward Passage Clearwater, FL 33515 (813) 447-0980 Cetaceans Homosassa Springs State Wildlife Park 9225 West Fishbowl] Drive Homosassa, FL 32646 (904) 628-5343 Manatees Gulf World 15412 West Highway 98 Panama City, FL 32407 (904) 234-5271 Cetaceans 104 Gulfarium Highway 98 East Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548 (904) 243-9046 Cetaceans (Can also provide some coverage for Alabama) Mississippi and Louisiana Marine Life Oceanarium P.O. Box 4078 Gulfport, MS 39502-4078 (601) 864-2511 Cetaceans (Can also provide some coverage for Alabama) Texas Sea World of Texas 10500 Sea World Drive San Antonio, TX 78251 (512) 523-3000 Cetaceans Marine Mammal Research Program Department of Marine Biology Texas A&M University P.O. Box 1675 Galveston, TX 77553-1675 (409) 740-4455 Cetaceans University of Texas Marine Science Institute Port Aransas Short-term holding of single cetaceans Gladys Porter Zoo Brownsville Short-term holding of single cetaceans Puerto Rico Caribbean Aquatic Animal Health Project Department of Marine Science University of Puerto Rico Apartado 980 Lajas, PR 00667-0908 (809) 899-2048 Cetaceans and manatees 105 California Northcoast Marine Mammal Center 424 Howe Drive Crescent City, CA 95531 (707) 464-7448 Pinnipeds Marine World Africa USA 100 Marine World Parkway Vallejo, CA 94589 (707) 644-4000, Ext. 242 Cetaceans Humboldt Wildlife Care Center Arcata (707) 826-1583 Short-term holding of pinnipeds The Marine Mammal Center Marin Headlands Golden Gate National Recreation Area Sausalito, CA 94965 (415) 289-7325 Pinnipeds and sea otters Long Marine Laboratory Institute for Marine Studies University of California 100 Shaffer Road Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (408) 459-2883 Short-term holding of cetaceans Monterey Bay Aquarium 886 Cannery Row Monterey, CA 93940 (408) 648-4829 Sea otters Santa Barbara Marine Mammal Center 3930 Harold Avenue Santa Barbara, CA 93110 (805) 687-3255 Pinnipeds 106 Fort MacArthur Marine Mammal Care Center 3601 South Gaffey Street San Pedro, CA 90731 (310) 548-5667 Pinnipeds Friends of the Sea Lion Marine Mammal Center 20612 Laguna Canyon Road Laguna Beach, CA 92651 (714) 494-3050 Pinnipeds Sea World of California 1720 South Shores Road San Diego, CA 92109 (800) 541-7325 Cetaceans, pinnipeds, and sea otters Hawaii Sea Life Park Makapuu Point Waimanalo, HI 96795 Cetaceans and pinnipeds Oregon Oregon Coast Aquarium P.O. Box 2000 Newport, OR 97365 (503) 867-3474 Pinnipeds and sea otters* Northwest Wildlife Rehabilitation Center 6265 Brickyard Road Tillamook, OR 97141 (503) 842-2111 Pinnipeds Free Flight Wildlife Rehabilitation Center 1185 Portland Avenue Bandon, OR 97411 (503) 347-3882 Pinnipeds 107 Washington Marine Animal Resource Center 2201 34th Avenue, W. Seattle, WA 98199 (206) 285-7325 Pinnipeds Pt. Defiance Zoo and Aquarium 5400 N. Pearl Street Tacoma, WA 98407 (206) 591-5337 Cetaceans Wolf Hollow Wildlife Rehabilitation Center P.O. Box 391 Friday Harbor, WA 98250 (360) 378-5000 Pinnipeds Alaska Anchorage Zoo 4731 O’Malley Road Anchorage, AK 99516 (907) 346-2133 Pinnipeds Alpine Veterinary Clinic 12531 Seward Anchorage, AK 99515 (907) 345-1515 Pinnipeds and sea otters Marian Beck Halibut Cove Pinnipeds and sea otters *In the case of California sea otters, those facilities marked with an asterisk are backup facilities to be used with specific authorization from FWS. 108 ADDENDUM G SOURCES TO PERFORM GROSS NECROPSY AND TISSUE COLLECTION AND PREPARATION For Manatees Marine Mammal Pathobiology Laboratory Florida Department of Environmental Protection 3700 54th Ave., S. St. Petersburg, FL 33711 (813) 893-2904 For Sea Otters National Wildlife Health Center 6006 Schroeder Road Madison, WI 53711 (608) 264-5411 For Polar Bears, Sea Otters, and Walrus in Alaska Marine Mammals Management U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1011 East Tudor Road Anchorage, AK 99503-6199 (907) 786-3800 National Biological Service 1011 East Tudor Road Anchorage, AK 99503-6199 (907) 786-3512 Maine Allied Whale College of the Atlantic 105 Eden Street Bar Harbor, ME 04609 (207) 288-5015 109 Massachusetts New England Aquarium Central Wharf Boston, MA 02110 (617) 973-5246 Marine Mammal Investigations National Marine Fisheries Service Woods Hole Laboratory 166 Water Street Woods Hole, MA 02543-1026 (508) 548-5123 Connecticut Mystic Aquarium 55 Coogan Blvd. Mystic, CT 06355-1997 (203) 536-9631, Ext. 107 Rhode Island Dr. Romona Haebler Environmental Protection Agency 27 Tarzwell Dr. Narragansett, RI 02882 (401) 782-3095 New York OKEANOS Ocean Research Foundation 431 East Main Street Riverhead, NY 11901 (516) 369-9840 New Jersey Marine Mammal Stranding Center P.O. Box 773 Brigantine, NJ 08203 (609) 266-0538 Maryland National Aquarium in Baltimore Pier 3, 501 E. Pratt St. Baltimore, MD 21202 (410) 450-3852 Maryland Department of Natural Resources Oxford Cooperative Laboratory 904 S. Morris Street Oxford, MD 21654 (410) 576-3853 Office of Protected Resources National Marine Fisheries Service 1335 East-West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 (301) 713-2322 District of Columbia Dr. James Mead and Mr. Charles Potter Division of Mammals National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution Washington, DC 20560 (202) 357-1923 Department of Veterinary Pathology Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Walter Reed Army Medical Center Washington, DC 20306-6000 (202) 782-2600 Virginia Virginia Marine Science Museum 717 General Booth Blvd. Virginia Beach, VA 23451 (804) 437-4949 Virginia Institute of Marine Science School of Marine Science College of William and Mary Gloucester Point, VA 23062 (804) 642-7313 110 North Carolina NMES Beaufort Laboratory 101 Pivers Island Road Beaufort, NC 28516-9722 (919) 728-8740 William McLellan Biological Sciences University of North Carolina at Wilmington 601 South College Road Wilmington, NC 29403 (910) 395-3487 Dr. Andrew Read Duke University Marine Laboratory 111 Pivers Island Road Beaufort, NC 28516 (919) 504-7590 South Carolina and Georgia NMFS Charleston Laboratory P.O. Box 12607 Charleston, SC 29422-2607 (803) 762-1200 Florida NMEFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center 75 Virginia Beach Drive Miami, FL 33149 (305) 361-4586 NMES Panama City Laboratory 3500 Delwood Beach Road Panama City, FL 32408-7403 (904) 234-6541 Marineland of Florida 9507 Ocean Shore Blvd. Marineland, FL 32086-9602 (904) 471-1111 Hubbs-Sea World Research Institute P.O. Box 691-602 Orlando, FL 32869-1602 (407) 363-2662 Miami Seaquarium 4400 Rickenbacker Drive Miami, FL 33149 (305) 361-5705, Ext. 240 Mote Marine Laboratory 1600 Thompson Parkway Sarasota, FL 34236 (941) 388-4441 Florida Department of Environmental Protection Marine Pathobiology Laboratory 3700 54th Ave., South St. Petersburg, FL 33711 (813) 893-2904 R.T. Goldston, D.V.M. 3295 62nd Ave., North St. Petersburg Gulf World 15412 West Highway 98 Panama City Beach, FL 32407 (904) 234-5271 Gulfarium Highway 98 East Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 (904) 243-9046 EPA Laboratory Sabine Island Gulf Breeze, FL 32561-5299 (904) 934-9200 111 Alabama Dr. Gerald Regan Spring Hill College 4000 Dauphin Street Mobile, AL 36608 (205) 460-2239 Mississippi and Louisiana NMFS Pascagoula Laboratory P.O. Box 1207 Pascagoula, MS 39567 (601) 762-4591 Texas Dr. Graham Worthy Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network Texas A&M University 4700 Avenue U, Bldg. 303 Galveston, TX 77550 (409) 740-4721 Dr. Dan Cowan Department of Pathology University of Texas Medical Branch 2.180 John Sealy Hospital E88 Galveston, TX 77550 California Vertebrate Museum Department of Zoology Humboldt State University Arcata, CA 95521 (707) 826-4872 Northcoast Marine Mammal Center 424 Howe Drive Crescent City, CA 95531 (707) 464-7448 The Marine Mammal Center Marin Headlands Golden Gate National Recreation Area Sausalito, CA 94965 (415) 289-7325 Department of Biology Mendocino Coast Branch College of the Redwoods 1211 Del Mar Drive Fort Bragg, CA 95437 (707) 961-1001 Department of Ornithology and Mammalogy California Academy of Sciences Golden Gate Park San Francisco, CA 94118 (415) 750-7177 Museum of Vertebrate Zoology University of California 2593 Life Sciences Building Berkeley, CA 94720 (415) 642-1379 Monterey Bay Aquarium 886 Cannery Row Monterey, CA 93940-1085 (415) 289-7325 (Sea Otters) Long Marine Laboratory Institute for Marine Studies University of California 100 Shaffer Road Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (408) 459-2883 Moss Landing Marine Laboratories P.O. Box 450 Moss Landing, CA 95039 (408) 633-3304 112 Vertebrate Laboratory Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History 2559 Puesta Del Sol Road Santa Barbara, CA 93105 (805) 687-4065, Ext. 320 Santa Barbara Marine Mammal Center 3930 Harold Avenue Santa Barbara, CA 93110 (805) 687-3255 Section of Mammals Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 900 Exposition Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90007 (213) 585-5105 Friends of the Sea Lion Marine Mammal Center 20612 Laguna Canyon Road Laguna Beach, CA 92651 (714) 494-3050 Fort MacArthur Marine Mammal Care Center 3601 South Gaffey Street San Pedro, CA 90731 (310) 548-5667 Department of Animal Care Sea World 1720 South Shores Road San Diego, CA 92109 (800) 541-7325 Southwest Fisheries Science Center National Marine Fisheries Service P.O. Box 271 La Jolla, CA 92038 (619) 546-7067 Naval Ocean Systems Center Code 642 San Diego, CA 92152 (619) 553-1374 Hawaii Dr. Annette Freeman P.O. Box 1106 Kailua, HI 96734 Dr. David Haas 3113 Oihana St. Lihue, HI 96766 Dr. Walter Haas 3113 Oihana Street Lihue, HI 96766 John R. Henderson Southwest Fisheries Science Center 2570 Dole St. Honolulu, HI 96822 Dr. Charla Jones Care Animal Hospital 1135 Kapahulu Ave. Honolulu, HI 96816 Dr. Roger Kehler Kihei Veterinary Clinic P.O. Box 1669 Kihei, HI 96753 Dr. Marta Lepes Hilo Veterinary Clinic 711 Kanoelehua Ave. Hilo, HI 96720 Dr. David MacKay 45-480 Kaneohe Bay Drive Kaneohe, HI 96744 Dr. Michelle Magee P.O. Box 1106 Kailua, HI 96734 Dr. Robert Morris 420 Uluniu St. Kailua, HI 96734 113 Eugene T. Nitta NMFS, Southwest Region 2570 Dole Street Honolulu, HI 96822 Dr. Tom Sawa Division of Animal Industry Dept. of Agriculture 99-762 Moanalua Road Aiea, HI 96701 Dr. Thierry Work U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 3 Waterfront Plaza, Suite 580 500 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96813 Oregon Robin Brown Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Marine Science Drive Newport, OR 97365 (503) 867-4741 Susan Reimer Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife 53 Portway St. Astoria, OR 97103 Jan Hodder Oregon Institute of Marine Biology P.O. Box 5389 Charleston, OR 97420 (503) 888-2581 Bruce Mate Oregon State University 2030 S. Marine Science Drive Newport, OR 97365 (503) 270-2381 Mike Glenn Oregon Coast Aquarium P.O. Box 2000 Newport, OR 97365 (503) 867-3474 Washington National Marine Mammal Laboratory National Marine Fisheries Service 7600 Sand Point Way, N.E. Seattle, WA 98115-0070 (206) 526-4045 Cascadia Research Collective Waterstreet Bldg., Suite 201 218 1/2 W. Fourth Ave. Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 943-7325 Steve Jeffries Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife 7801 Phillips Road, S.W. Tacoma, WA 98498 (206) 589-7235 Marine Animal Resource Center 2201 34th Ave., W. Seattle, WA 98199 (206) 285-7325 Alaska Alaska Department of Fish and Game Division of Wildlife Conservation Marine Mammals Coordinator 1300 College Road Fairbanks, AK 99701 (907) 456-5156 National Marine Fisheries Service Alaska Regional Office P.O. Box 21668 Juneau, AK 99802-1668 (907) 586-7510 114 National Marine Fisheries Service Anchorage Office 222 West 7th, #43 Anchorage, AK 99513 (907) 271-5006 National Marine Fisheries Service Kodiak Office P.O. Box 1903 Kodiak, AK 99615 (907) 487-4961 Kate Wynne FITC, MAP 900 Trident Way Kodiak, AK 99615 (907) 486-1517 Jan Straley P.O. Box 273 Sitka, AK 99835 Department of Wildlife Management North Slope Borough P.O. Box 69 Barrow, AK 99723 (907) 852-2611 North Gulf Oceanic Society P.O. Box 15244 Homer, AK 99603 (907) 235-6590 University of Alaska Museum 907 Yukon Drive Fairbanks, AK 99775-1200 (907) 474-6947 Beth Mathews University of Alaska-Southeast Education and Liberal Arts and Sciences 11120 Glacier Highway Juneau, AK 99801 (907) 465-6407 Gary Freitag P.O. Box 3181 Ketchikan, AK 99901 ITs) ADDENDUM H VETERINARY ORGANIZATIONS AND COLLEGES American Veterinary Medical Association Except where noted otherwise, veterinary Emergency Preparedness Office school telephone numbers are for the Dean’s 1023 15th Street, N.W., Suite 300 Office. Washington, D.C. 20005-2602 (800) 248-2862, Ext. 287 Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine Dr. Jim McBain Auburn University, AL 36849 International Association for Aquatic Animal (205) 844-4546 Medicine c/o Sea World of California University of California 1720 South Shores Road School of Veterinary Medicine San Diego, CA 92109 Davis, CA 95616 (619) 226-3833 (916) 752-1361 Dr. Wilbur Amand Colorado State University American Association of Zoological College of Veterinary Medicine and Veterinarians Biomedical Sciences c/o Philadelphia Zoological Society Ft. Collins, CO 80523 3400 West Girard Avenue (303) 491-7051 Philadelphia, PA 19104-1960 (215) 387-9094 Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine Dr. David Hunter Ithaca, NY 14853 American Association of Wildlife (607) 253-3771--Dean’s Office Veterinarians (607) 253-3365--Department of Avian and Idaho Department of Fish and Game Aquatic Animal Medicine P.O. Box 25 (607) 253-3900--Diagnostic Laboratory Boise, ID 83707 (208) 454-7638 University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine Dr. David Jessup Gainesville, FL 32610-0125 Wildlife Disease Association (904) 392-4700, Ext. 5000 California Department of Fish and Game 1701 Nimbus Road, Suite D University of Georgia Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 College of Veterinary Medicine (916) 355-0237 Athens, GA 30602 (706) 542-3461 116 University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine 2001 South Lincoln Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 333-2760 Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine Ames, IA 50011 (515) 294-1242 Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine Manhattan, KS 66506 (913) 532-5660 Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine Baton Rouge, LA 70803 (504) 346-3151 Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine East Lansing, MI 48824-1314 (517) 355-6509 University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine St. Paul, MN 55108 (612) 624-9227 Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine Mississippi State, MS 39762 (601) 325-1418 University of Missouri College of Veterinay Medicine Columbia, MO 65211 (314) 882-3768 117 North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine 4700 Hillsborough Street Raleigh, NC 27606 (919) 289-4210--Dean’s Office (919) 829-4230--Companion Animals and Special Species Medicine Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine Columbus, OH 43210 (614) 292-1171 Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine Stillwater, OK 74078 (405) 744-6648 College of Veterinary Medicine at Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 (503) 737-2098 University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine 3800 Spruce Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-6044 (215) 898-8841 Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine 1240 Lynn Hall West Lafayette, IN 47907 (317) 494-7607 University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine Knoxville, TN 37901 (615) 974-7262 Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine College Station, TX 77843-4461 (409) 845-5053 Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine 200 Westboro Road North Grafton, MA 01536 (508) 839-5302 Tuskegee University School of Veterinary Medicine Tuskegee, AL 36088 (205) 727-8174 Virginia Tech and University of Maryland Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine Blacksburg, VA 24061-0442 (703) 231-7910 Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine Pullman, WA 99164 (509) 335-9515 University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine Madison, WI 53706 (608) 263-6716 118 Cyan toe i Wii 3 908 762 | L 8 00828 4