STATISTICAL ABSTRACT 2003 — (-) = a ~ & w <= ~ Sa iS) w e @ E HM @ a ional Park Service Public Use Statistics Office Social Science Program Un324p1b 333.78 2003 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Riad INTRODUCTION National Park Service professionals are dedicated to their fundamental mission as protectors of our resources for future generations, archivists of the nation's history, and providers of educational and leisure time opportunities. Timely, reliable, and useful information is fundamental to effective management and planning. The Social Science Programs’s Public Use Statistics Office acknowledges the conscientious efforts of field staff of the many areas of the NPS. Without the effort of park staff to count, record, and report the public use summarized here, a statistical report of this quality would not be possible. A program of collecting and analyzing monthly public use is combined with continuous auditing of park counting procedures to ensure consistency and accuracy of data. The endnotes at the end of this report describe conditions at parks that may require important adjustments for certain applications of these data. The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience our heritage. National parks help define who we are as a nation and where we have come as a people. Parks show us natural and historical wonders that grace our lives and provide us with cherished memories. Comments or requests for additional public use information should be addressed to: National Park Service Social Science Program Public Use Statistics Office WASO-TNT 12795 W. Alameda Parkway P. O. Box 25287 Denver, Colorado 80225-0287 Telephone: (303) 987-6957 Facsimile: (303) 987-6704 Web Page: STATISTICAL ABSTRACT 2003 Table of Contents DATA TABLES Table 1: 2003 Recreation Visits by Type of Atears...1.--- ten eee i Papure Voc t nea eieals teen tintecesls souls sieietlole segs ee eee ee ae 2 Table 2: 2003 Recreation Visits’ by Statesn..c. 22m. ae eee eee 6) Figure 2. 0 siisiesieds sc Mavsie its opp pcscou eee Mace ee anes eee enn 4 Table 3: 2003 Recreation Visits/Visitor Days by Region:..-.....1..2-2--1 eee 5 Pa suare 3 ic. asidssis sic s Sta onesie arti ets ere nee ev at eee 3 Table 4: 2003 Recreation Visits/Visitor Days by Population Center............. 6 Pioure 4.0. icc sec.ausa eles enene tee dee neces eee een eee 6 Table 5: 2003 Recreation & Non-Recreation Visits/Visitor Days by Park...... a Figure 52.50 vis 220 scacamne teaept nce itea ene ne eRe: Ae ee 16 Table 6:2003 Ovemught Staysiby Park<222) 225.22 922 eee eee Wy) Table 7: 2003. Affiliated and Non-Reporting Areas -25--5...2----1--eease os eee 21 Table 8: 2003 Recreation Visits/Visitor Days Dy State -=..-------- 2b eee 22 Table 9: 2004 and 2005 Forecast of Recreation) Visits 225. +- eee =e. eee 40 Table 10: 2003: Listing of Acreage s25..055-.240- 742 s-ee nee 2 ee ee i)! | Table 11; 2003: Summary of Acreage:.. 2.75.20 ee eee 67 ENMOteS «aos -siceh avlecle steals sblniere ia’ ake ciel Soe seas ee a 68 Definitions... .c-canschca tao cc ede ere © a etr eee e 70 Abbreviations .¢.)..2.cs0 Oo oO = se Pus o~ va Oo Pacific West Region 55,521,45 0.3% 26,849,50 Southeast Region 66,502,796 4.1% 25,030,766 -6.8% NPSTOTAL 266,099,641 -4.0% 100,463,440 3.3% Figure 3: 2003 Percent of Recreation Visits by Region Alaska Intermountain Southeast 1% 15% 24% a Midwest 8% Sea National Capital . 12% Pacific West 21% Northeast 19% Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 4: 2003 Recreation Visits / Visitor Days by Population Center Population Center Visits MIXED AREA 26,701,627 OUTLING AREA 0.7% REMOTE AREA 6.3% RURAL AREA 1.1% URBANAREA | 78,264,784] -5.9%| 9,784,212] _-6.1% NPSTOTAL =—-»-—»s—_—_—s|_ 266,099,641 -4.0% 100,463,440 -3.3% Figure 4: 2003 Percent of Recreation Visits by Population Center Mixed Area Urban Area 10% 29% ie Outlying Area 19% sue Ey Remote Area Suburban Area 1% ie) 9% Rural Area 32% 6 Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 5: 2003 Recreation & Non-Recreation Visits / Visitor Days by Park Dark: Name em Percent | Non-Rec | Percent gene Percent ma Percent 15, 15.6 0} 0.0% 215,659] 24.0% 3,141] 6.6%] 16,032 22.7%| ——131|_—6.5% 16,233] -5.2%| = of,—0.0%|_— 3,143] 4.8%] 0.04 1,811] -14.8%| of! 0.0%|_— 378] 14.8% ~—o_——0.0H Allegheny Portage RailroadNHS_—|__—129,995]_-11.3%| 180] _—0.0%|_—12,836|_-16.6%| 0.0% 2.2%| 1,128] 0.0%] 664,521] 2.0%] = 94]_——0.04 AndersonvilleNHS 150,661] 20.7%] |= 0.0%|_— 25,110] -20.7%] ~—S_—0.04 51,910] 6.2%| = of_—0.0%]_—2,376| 4.0%]. 154] -36.1%| 24] -68.8%| 484] -30.0%] 412] 124.7% 279,694] -7.8%| = o|_—0.0%| 49,563 12.8%] (0.0% 169,699| 0.0%] 1,054| 0.0%] _—-75,489|_—-9.3%{ 220.0% 155,031] -12.5%| _——|_—0.0%| 10,707] -12.5%{ = o|_—0.0% 757,781|_-1.5%| ——Of,_—0.0%| 278,707] _—-2.6% ~—S]—0.0% Arkansas PostNMEM | —_—3:7,905] -21.2% 0.0%] 4,738] 27.2% = —0.0% 378,688] 9.1% 0.0%] 15,779] 9.1%] 0.0% Assateaque Island NS 2,020,666 42,493| -10.4%| ——755| 44.1%] 5,312] -10.4% 18] -79.1%| 871,034] -4.2%| 18,864] 0.0%] 328,242] -2.4%|_—786|__—0.0% 287,096] -1.5%| 840} _—-0.0%| 92,942 —-3.5%]_—S1]_—0.0% 31,247] 4.8% 0.0%] 4,557] 4.7%] 0.0% 2,425| -12.6%| 4,210] 4.6%] _—606]_-12.6%| 2,807] 4.6% 312,384 -4.7%| 2,364] 0.0%] 664,883] -9.9%] 591] __—0.0% 400,902| -10.8%| = O}_— 0.0%] 146,844] -11.3% ~—S]—0.0 56,146] -8.2%| = |_—0.0%]_—8, 146] 0.4%] (0.0% 752,140] -11.8%| __——O_—0.0%| 466,564] 9.4% 0.08 101,580] -0.2%| —of__—0.0%] 32,550] 15%] 0.04 BiscayneNPCSCSC*d:~C«90,037] 4.6%] 0.0%] 122,508] -4.6% ~—>0|—0.0 Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP 167,247] -3.7%| —-of_~—=«0.0% ~—=80,0011~—s «6.2% = S(0.0% Bluestone NSR | 50,302] -8.7%| = of_~—0.0%_— 10,480 8.7% S00 17,906] -6.7%| —84]_—0.0%|_—2,884], 8.9%] 0.0% Boston African AmericanNHS —|—227,200| 24.3%] f= 0.0%] _—6,428]_ -16.5%] = ]——0.0 46,274| -7.8%| _——Of_— 0.0%] 24,383] 5.1%] 0.0% BuffloNR = CCSCSC*d=C«i 834A] -17.0%] = 0.0%] 410,032] -18.9%] Ss _—0.0H 1,045,898] -28%| = |_—0.0%| 223,570] —-2.6% | ~—S= 0.0% Cane River CreoleNHP_ |S 8 380] 12.5% f= 0.0%|_—1,397|— 12.5%] S| ——0.0% 12.2%] 1,285,934] _15.0%| 497,515] 11.8%] 214,322] 15.0% 7 Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 5: 2003 Recreation & Non-Recreation Visits / Visitor Days by Park (cont.) Park Name Rec Percent | Non-Rec | Percent Rec Percent Non-Rec Percent Visits | Change Change Visits | Change Visits | Change Canyonlands NP 386,986] 5.4% O| 0.0%! 316,283] 3.1% o} 0. 67,040] -16.7%| 84,289] -1.0%| _—_—5,587|_-16.7% 8.1% CarlSandburgNHS 32,570] 14.4% 0.0%] 3,587] 14.4% 0.0% Carlsbad CavemsNP_ | 457,631] 3.9% S| 0.0%|_ 150,661] -3.3% —S>=—|—0.0% 2.1% _—'18|——(0.0% Castillo de SanMarcosNM | 665,309] 0.4%] 0.0%] 41,582] 0.4% 0.0% 67.5% Catoctin Mountain Park 21.5% 2,023} -1.2% 3.0% 7,953] __-0.7% 6.0% 512] 8.8% Chamizal NM 9.8%| _3,886| _-25.4%| 39,670] 11.6%) Charles Pinckney NHS | 22,871] -22.9% 0.0%) 3,812| -22.9%| 0.0% Chattahoochee River NRA | 2,694,541| -4.0%| = O}_-—=«i0.0%|_- 898,180] -4.0%] ss O|-—s«s0.0% Chesapeake & Ohio Canal NHP 12.5%! 990] (0.0% 0.2% 6.4%| 439,703] -11.7%| 11,030] __ 6.4% Chiricahua NM 5.9%| ——-100|—-54.2%| Christiansted NHS | 107,907] 2.1% 0.0% 4,698] -2.4%| 0.0 CityofRocksNR_— C*~*‘(L:C«CZQz«B79QC2.0%]_—| 0.0%] 23,208] 2.0% ~—SO—0.0% Clara BartonNHS SSCSSC*d:C15,00] -15.6%| 0.0%] _—1,250) -15.6% = 0|—0.0% 0.4% 296,539] _-1.6%| 85,792] -0.4% CongareeNPCSC*d;:«COT,TTAY C5 AHO 0.0%] 28,565] 5.1% ~—.0% 0.0%| 8,348) -16.7% 104] 0.0% 228,162| 6.5% =| 0.0% 12,515] 4.7% ~—S (0.0%) 479,183] 4.9% _—_49,600|__0.0%| 249,639] -1.2%| 2,067] 0.0% Craters ofthe MoonNM_——C*d;:s«178,8:24/—-2.6%1 ———O—0.0%| 43,694) -4.1%| SO] 0.0% Cumberland Gap NHP 987,782] 7.9%] 7,591,374] 5.0%] 156,290] 6.0%] 316,307] 5.0% CumberlandisiandNS_ CdS. 727|_— 04%] 0.0%| 67,313] -26% = O|—0.0% Curecanti NRA 1,008,810| 37.7% —-O}_-~—-:0.0%] 330,213] 25.5% == Ol-—0.0% 2,879,591 8.2% Dayton Aviation Heritage NHP* | 700,616 150.0%] Oo} -100.0%] 16,769] 150.0% —-O|_-—-0.0% 271,737] 40.0% = |_—0.0%| 37,364) 40.0%] ~—S=—]_—0.0% 8 Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 5: 2003 Recreation & Non-Recreation Visits / Visitor Days by Park (cont.) Rec Percent Park Name Visits Change Mea a 2 WE. 10.8% : 5 1 cle 0 0 eae 0 ; as Sota ; 3.19 : | -6.19 4,761} — -29.79 te) 0 0 0 ele 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 te) : te) : te) : -9.89 30.49 -3.79 te) : fe) 8 3 3 8 0 0 0 6 ' A 0.09 te) se -41.3 -13.1 -22.2 10) A le) e te) ; 0 | 67,537] 8.0%| 0 FotBowieNHS ss C‘dL:C(iti AAS O19%] ES 3N0 ort Caroline NMVEM 180,656] -2.1%| i ae) eae) ort Clatsop NUVEM 255,853} 10.3% 70.5 ort Davis NHS 54,204 31.1 : te) E 643.9 (SS) |=) S/S yl Kons 9 2 fe) A te) ; 3.0 =) S oN 0, 0, 0.8% =) =) oS te) i=) =) oS to) 0.0 0.0 | 79,900] 32.3% 9.99 30 7.39 1.39 eA ort Pulaski NM 6.5% | 600 -36.49 0.09 22.99 10.89 “1.69 0.09 27.29 0.09 : 0, : 0 0 cle 0 0, 0.09 0.09 839,036] -9.19 0.09 12,944] -1.9% 12.59 ort Union Trading Post NHS 24,024 13.0% 25.0% elelelelelele 2) 9 Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Rec Park Name Visits 10 Table 5: 2003 Recreation & Non-Recreation Visits / Visitor Days by Park (cont.) Percent Change i Fort Vancouver NHS 510,383] 31.7% 0 ; : 0.0% Fort Washington Park 264,566] -7.9% SO 0.0%| 84,782] ——-8.5% ~—S— | —0.0% 0.5% ———543{_-36.3%] 2,316] ——-9.8% 14] -33.6% Franklin Delano RooseveltMEM 2,121,931] -14.9% 0.0%] 88,474] -14.9% = 0|_—0.0% 38.1% | 0.0%)~—2,079| 8.2% =O 0.0% 13.0%] 116| 8.7% 1,151] -13.0%| 34] 4.094 4.6%] 1,120,001] -4.2%| 51,648] -5.2%| _15,958| _-4.8% Friendship HilNHS ss sL84,876, 6.2%] 0% 6447] 5.0% ~—S 0.04 23.7% 350| 155.5%] 8,770] 58.1%| 880 -32.2% 5.0%| 1,048,800] -11.6%| 2,246,275| -6.5%| 174,800] -11.6% 21.1% __—O|——0.0%| 53,311] -24.2% Om 14.4%] 831] -11.4% 3,758 8.1% 57] -41.3% 2.9% ——O|_—0.0%| 13,895] -2.9% | —0.0% A2A%| 3,500, -4.1%| 13,256] 42.4%] 292) -4.194 George Washington CarverNM |S 4.024] -3.3%] OL 0.0% 4.444] 3.3% 0.08 -18.5%) 30,534,832] 7.9%] 545,309] -12.7%| 1,272,285] 7.9% 5.0% | 0.0%| 3,989] 5.0% (0.0% GlacierBayNP&PRES? 366,319] -10.2%| 900] -25.7%| 413,185] 5.8%] 19,230] 5.8% -12.7%| __7,805| 38.3% 1,524,285] 14.6%] 5,492] 38.9% 10.9%| 19,814] -7.8%| 2,997,789|__-18.1%] 19,813] -7.8% 0.8% Of 0.0%] 1,845,952] -0.5%| 0} —0.0% 2.1%] 1,292] 0.0% 0.0% == Of 0.0% ~— 418] ~— 0.0% 0.0% Grand PortageNM ss —~—~—~sd=Citi 328] 8.9%] OL 0.0%_— 3,359] -17.6% 00.0% 9.8%] 1,709,492] 24.3%] 1,442,403] -6.3%| 142,458] 24.3% 8.6% ———|_—0.0%| 1,899] 8.6% (0.0% 1.4% ___661|_—-2.8%| 88,753] _—-7.2%| ~—=—28|_-2.6% 7.1% 1,620] 244.7%| 135,654] 13.0%| 135] 244.7% 0.5%|11,267,615| _1.0%|5,807,246| __0.3%| 469,484] 1.0% GreenbeltPark SSCs 7,427] 154.6% Of 0.0%| 97,872] ~— 50.8% =O —0.0% 10.6% == O|_-—0.0%)_— 39,2401 ~—-9.4%_~— 0.0% -30.4%| 4,901,349] 4.7%] _23,643[__-29.6%| 3,390] 4.7% 8.3% 122,415{ 0.0% 1,211,722] __7.5%| 8,641] -1.0% 19.1% Of 0.0% 1,990, 19.1% 00.0% 5.0%] 29,088] _0.0%| 271,334] —-8.9%| 1,680, 0.0% 2.5% __600|_—0.0%| ~—2,.331]——-2.6%| 50] 0.0% lHarpersFerryNHP—SS—SC=«d=Cié TB -7.6%_—O| 0.0%] 88,1601 7.6% Ss] —02.0% 6.1% __—ot_—0.0% 2,848] 8.9% 0.0% 10.7%] 1,186,555] _-7.9%] 619,929] 6.1% __32,630|_-7.9% Visits Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 5: 2003 Recreation & Non-Recreation Visits / Visitor Days by Park (cont.) oi vists [Change |_Vsts | Change | Vists [Change] Vsts | Chang Herbert Hoover NHS 36 -4.49 8,000 .09 -4.4% 10 0.0% Home of FranklinD.RooseveltNHS | 105,026] -16.6% = 0|—0.0%_16,191|_-16.4% ~~ —(0.0% 331,286 0.0%| 6,938] -6.6% 4.477] _—(0.0% Hopewell CultureNHP*#CSSC*;C 46,607] 626% —Ss>_——|_—0.0%|_— 7,768] 188.0% ~—=s——— 0.0% Hopewell FumaceNHS 53,694] -17.6%) = 600] 0.0%] 5,369] 17.6%] Ss 25]—0.04 16.6% 14.1% 0.0% IndependenceNHP* 2,712,277] 8.7% S| —0.0%] 337,933] -7.1% ~~ —0.04 YamesA.GarfieldNHS ss Cs|_S7,984]—— 6.0% 0.0%] 2,997] 6.0% 0.0% Jimmy CarterNHS CSC 784]_ 19.1%] 0.0%] 2.616] 19.1% 0.0% 225| 0.0% YiohnF.KennedyNHS CS 9330] 0.9% ~~ S0.0%]_— 389], 0.9% ~— (0.04 -10.5% 271|__-2.2% KalaupapaNHPCCSC~C*id:=C* GT] -4.7%]_———.0%] 38,648] 4.7% ~~. KalokoHonokohauNHPCSCSCSC*d:C77,632]_— 10.7%] 0.0%] 17,795 18.3% Ss —0.0% KatmaiNPCCC—“‘“;SCSCC*d:«C#S «SB -12.6%| 2] -93.8%| 25,558] -61.8%| == 466] -5,2.0% KenaifjordsNP_ ss CCSC*dC243,71]_-3.2%] 0.0%] 63,169] 5.8% = —.0%H 0.5% “32.2% Kings Mountain NMP Klondike Gold Rush NHP Alaska? | 844,576, 11.9% = O|_—0.0%) 288,983] 10.5% ~~ ——(0.0% Klondike Gold Rush NHP Seattle? | 64,097] -3.2% ——so-~—0.0% ~—s 4,006] 3.2% = SC0«0% Knife River Indian Villages NHS 4,690 -34.4%| 1,148] 1.4%] 3,127|_-34.494 Korean War Memorial NUEM 2,535,768} -5.2% ss O|_-—=—«0.0%] 105,657] 5.2% = 0.0% llakeChelanNRA SCS 35,5 4) 12.4%] ~—O]0.0%| 47,382] 0.0% ~—Ss——.0H , 2% 0.0%] 4,363] -13.3%] 0.0% 8%] 287,096] 4.8%|5,466,037| 1.9% 143,547] 4.8% 3.9% ———o_—0.0%|- 249,902] 4.7% ~~ 0.0% ? assen Volcanic NP : ets 60 09 i a 0.0% 11 Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 5: 2003 Recreation & Non-Recreation Visits / Visitor Days by Park (cont.) Rec Percent | Non-Rec | Percent Visits | Change | Visits | Change mony ‘ie . it Park Name sia Visits | Chang SMD AOU IOUT a Tl ava Beds NM 119,515] 2.6% 771 33] a LBJ Memorial Grove onthe Potomac _——s|«474,238| 12.9% —S=—|—0.0%| 19,760] 12.9%| —S=_— 0.04 0.2%] 16,200| 0.0%] __ 17,899] -0.2%| 225] 0.0% LincoinMemorial = C*d8,272,596] —-7.9%_—S——|—0.0%| 136,358) 7.9% = 0|—004 0.8%] —_3,779{__-1.4%| 35,215] 0.8%] ——157|__—-1.5%) 0.0%| = |_—0.0%|_—17,694] 0.0%] > o|_—0.0H Little Rock Central High SchoolNHS | 23,348] 7.8%] 0.0%|_—1,946 1.8% 0.0% 113.2%] 0.0%] 5,476] 113.2%] = o]—0.0%H 7.1%] 26,041| 114.4%] 87,735] -6.4%| __3,255| 114.4% -10.3%| 11,160] 0.0%] 20,009] -12.3%| 3,720] 0.0% 6.5% | 0.0%|_—— 480] 6.5% 0.0% 3.8%] 7,212] 0.0% 2.5% _—480| 0.0%] 47,497] _-2.5%| = 7]_—0.0% ManzanarNHS | 6,917] —17.2%8| | 0.0%) 5,160] 17.2%] 3.4%] ss ot_—0.0%|—5,506] 3.4% ~~] 0.0% 1.4% _——0f,_—0.0%| 105,596] 2.8%] SO} ——0.04 9.0%| __-720|_—-0.0%| _—_—*1,239 -10.7%] = 15|_—0.0% Mary Mcleod Bethune Council HouseNHS_ | 2,467]_—-3.4% 0.0% 71]_--3.4% 0.08 MinuteManNHPSCSCSCSCSCSC=*diS«L76,2B3Y}_—-0.3%]_——|—0.0%|_ 147,035] 0.3%] = 0|—0.04 MojaveNPRES®@ CCCCS« 15,269] 24.9%] |= 0.0%] _ 373,672] 25.4%] = 0|—0.0H MonocayNB ss C“(‘;*‘“;*‘*C*C*C‘*dYL:«C+*4« GG] 0.0%|_—7,827]_ 6.6%] S| ——0.08 1.0% 420] 0.2%] 53,085] -1.0%| = 9]_—0.04 MooresCreekNB SC SCG,27Q}_-22.5%) SO 0.0%|_—3,630| '-23.8%) —S=|—0.0H MoristownNHP ss CCSCSCSCSC*d«C8228,OGT]|_—-2.5%|_———.0%|_—79,065] 0.1% _—=0|_—0.0%H 3.1%] 595,211] 1.0%] 1,210,814] -3.0%| 49,601] __1.0%4 2.6% 780,122] 2.7%] 243,351] 2.6%| 21,670] _—-2.7% 719,350] 1.6%| = }_—0.0%| 79,908] 1.6%| Ss 0|—0.0%H 4.8% ——|_—0.0%) 44,843] 8.7% SS O—0.0H Natchez TracePKWY S=«dS,555,984] -1.5%] 7,087,269] -7.3%| 1,874,715] -1.4%] 590,606] _ -7.3%) National Capital Parks Central? «'.407,221|_-18.7%| —=—|—0.0%| 62,281] 39.0%] _—0f—0.04 National Capital Parks East? —«', 372,109] 12.190]24,778,745] 2.7%] 166,260] 17.5%] 1,230,065 1.0% National Park of American Samoa’_—s| =~ 100.0% _—S=—|_—0.0%__——f-100.0%| _—>_—0.04 0.6%| 800] _—0.0%| 46,935] 0.1% —=33]_—0.0% 27.1%) 36,507] 25.2% 14,886] 42.4%] ——761|_—25.2% New Bedford Whaling NHP 332,538] -3.5%1 —of-~—=«i0.0%]~— 14,034] -3.7%1 = o—— 0.0% New Orleans JazzNHP_ SSCA 9G] -12.2%] S| 0.0%|__—5,200) 5.6% —S>_—0.04 8.6% —_2,400{ _0.0%| 207,410] -17.8%| 400] _—_—(0.0% NicodemusNHS ss CSCSC*«dS=CiC TQ CGOM{_——]_— 0.0% _— 4,276] 62.0%] _—0f_—0.0% Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Visits / Visitor Days 10n & Non-Recreati 10n by 2003 Recreat Table 5 Percent | Non-Rec| Percent Non-Rec | Percent 3s . S NI} oO Park (cont Park Name ee) oO pS Ss 3s oe orth Cascades NP oatak NPRES bed W&SR =a|l|= klahoma City NUEM cmulgee NM lympic NP O}O SIESES N| lop mo?) LloIT™N ' i ee S| 0c on] (A 2 Sa: oy | fe ~| © |] ™N i SRSSSSSSARRs g S] GO| &] ] BH} S|] S| a] a] CLO] mo] st] Oo] my NI OlLNIN| & = val liked lie a Ake el [ee COSOIn|r|/wol— ed Ed i 8 ee i ) OS} CO] sa] CO] NY] CO] Cc Mm] OO] OO] WO] WO] CO] es ate ees ke alo Alto Battlefield NHS2 ea Ridge NMP rgan Pipe Cactus NM ecos NHP zark NSR Padre Island NS 5 regon Caves NM ae Se) a Ss) roy) re) 3s oe 's Victory Intl. Peace MEM etersburg NB etrified Forest NP ennsylvania Ave. NHS etrodlyph NM e O.} O.] O-| Oo] oo 3s = ctured Rocks NL innacles NM Prince William Forest Park 212,18 u'uhonua O Honaunau NHP uukohola Heiau NHS‘ ainbow Bridge NM edwood NP aint Paul's Church NHS oger Williams NMEM io Grande W&SR ocky Mountain NP oss Lake NRA ock Creek Park agamore Hill NHS ipe Spring NM ipestone NM iscataway Park oint Reyes NS resident's Park? ichmond NBP ussell Cave NM aquaro NP aint Croix NSR ffice Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics O 13 Table 5: 2003 Recreation & Non-Recreation Visits / Visitor Days Park Name Saint-Gaudens NHS henandoah NP 1,163,950 -16.29 10,962 0.0% hiloh NMP itka NHP 251,036 -14.99 haddeus Kosciuszko NMEM heodore Roosevelt Birthplace NHS heodore Roosevelt Inaugural NHS heodore Roosevelt Island heodore Roosevelt NP homas Jefferson MEM homas Stone NHS impanogos Cave NM imucuan EHP onto NM umacacori NHP by Park (cont.) Rec Percent Visits Change | \& ia J 9.1% 0.0%} 5,019] - 25.0% 14.49 0.09 4,39 0.0%] 184,843] -1.09 12.09 0.09 10.29 “3.69 0.09 6 © = ~~ SIEIEI NARS 2.4 6.39 0.09 6.79 4.69 0.0% 74,327] -2.1 -25.29 -13.3%| 24,441] -22.7 -18.89 0.0%] 1,750] _-18.89 105,61 51% f=. 5.1 979,29 6.49 36.4%| 2,638,191] 5.5% 697,839] -11.79 391,346 5.59 5.9%! 50,314] -3.5% 0.09 -11.79 0 2.69 -18.79 5.29 10.1 0.0%] 14,357] -10.19 7.3%] 1,506| -14.79 11.59 5.6% 12,000] 0.09 5.69 S [ ; 1,390 Z 3,105 is) fe 2 r i (Sa) (ey) Do loo) —s ; [ > i | | S nn ' i=) > ine) co w ic on Nn |}w —s a —] | — Ww]o ipo) ~~ |~ (Sy [Ke (op) L is — (=) — 494 on Do —s lop) —~ > ' ' ' ' [ On | w > ee — ~—s Cw Ww rh on & we) ito) w w an = — co =) To} SIDINIJOlOl[AIDlalwIIDlalalol|ilalal|a eolmIIBIIl[aAl[rmloIplolalal|a er ee a oe Ko hem ea re) 33,528] 13,642 Po 62,64 2,53 2,73 ai rae at 2,930 34,79 19 Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 6: 2003 Overnight Stays by Park (cont.) LODGING|CAMPGDS|_ TENTS | RV's ERE EEE PARK NAME SoS Ss SE Ba Prince William Forest Park . | 5,037] =|, 833|— 15,939] 1,095] 5,908] =~ 37,812 RioGrandeWaSR |) S| RockyMountainNP_ | SSC] 97,929] 73,350] 36,012] _—s1,716|_~—S|_—209,007] RossLakeNRA |S 7.874] 16,224 12,049] 14,2631 2,476 S| ——52, 886 SaguaoNP | 20s] SaintCroxNSR | 825 ee San FranciscoMaritimeNHP_| | CCS. SantaMonicaMountainsNRA| s,s CYT] CS 56,422] | 125,161|_— 16,265 75,687] —7,984]~—O| (281,519 ShenandoahNP_ | 107,947] 77,319] 40,671] ~—S= 34,572] ~~ }SSSCS(5 4,509 Sleeping BearDunesNL__ |_| 46,516] 46,439] 20,276, =~ }SCYS1293,238 Theodore RoosevetNP__ | 10,534) 12,555] 7,185] 2,502] |S (26,776 ValleyForgeNHP | CO VicksbugNMP | Virgin islandsNP_ | 18,921 26,602] CCS] 207,079] 1,650] 248,252 1,236). 0S “20, RG NG Sa aey | 0) 5 aaa WhiskeytownNRA | SS 28,842]_— |S BGG] 3,031] 22,047] ~—SS|S—*54,786 WhiteSandsNM- | tg] WindCavenP_ | TCS 3,652 in a YellowstoneNP_ | 559,775| 478,854] 82,134 69,722] 46,087] 14,592] SO _‘1,251,164 874,165, =| _471,765| 220,764] —85,674| 24,563] S| _1,676,931) Yukon-CharleyRiversNPRES] so} CCS 14,625] SSC CSC4, 625 OT Ee Ee, Iwps tora ___[ass7o}noze sans nzcz740025q| ere 08g, 16667638127 20 Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 7: 2003 Affiliated and Non-Reporting Areas . AREAS NOT REPORTING PUBLIC USE Alagnak Wild River Brices Cross Roads NBS ChimneyRockNHS ==~=—___|Ceedar Creek and Belle Grove NHP Delaware National Scenic River Ebey's Landing NHR Gloria Dei (Old Swedes’) Church NHS Green Springs Historic District _————|Great Egg Harbor S&RR Minidoka Internment NM Illinois and Michigan Canal NHC National Mall Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail Quinebaug & Shetucket Rivers Valley NHC Saint Croix Island International HS ThomasColeNHS = =——_ Salt River Bay NHP & Ecological Preserve Yucca House AFFILIATED AREAS ph; Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 8: 2003 Recreation Visits/Visitor Days by State Parks by State 20.43% Little River Canyon NPRES? 4.425 16. . Tuskegee Institute NHS : Subtotal Alabama 751,516} 30.45% ; EE ia DI LEED LL TIE i eS eee Wi LAE oOo }o i=) me |O i=) SIS IZ S ss [sk [ss [3k [3 Aniakchak NM & PRES -36.10%| 484] -30.04% Bering Land Bridge NPRES | 2.425] -12.619| —=—=—«06| -12.61% Cape Krusenstern NM 14.827 Denali NP 33.39% 58,099 Glacier Bay NP & PRES® 5.8 1 eee oS [es Katmai NP 51,589} -12.60% 25,598} -61.76% Kenai Fjords NP 243,719} -3.21% 63,169} -5.82% Klondike Gold Rush NHP Alaska? 10.509 Kobuk Valley NP 3 Lake Clark NP 13.269 Noatak NPRES 7.09% Sitka NHP 11.129 73 | |Vukon-Charley RiversNPRES ss |_————5,552] 7.93%] 30,175] -2.22%H z sERER SS SS Ss Oe 22 Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 8: 2003 Recreation Visits/Visitor Days by State (cont.) Parks by State ONA 11.83 Casa Grande Ruins NM arith Chiricahua NM 5.94% Coronado NMEM 16.13% Fort Bowie NHS 18 Glen Canyon NRA -18.11 Grand Canyon NP 4,124,900} 3.07% 5,102,826} 3.12% Hubbell Trading Post NHS 163,883] -16.76% 7,056} -16.76% Lake Mead NRA 1,978,895} 4.84% 1,366,509 8 Montezuma Castle NM 637,024) -1.03% 53,085 0 2.9 oS oS [Ss of [Ss 1 1 Navajo NM 42.40% Organ Pipe Cactus NM -12.79% Petrified Forest NP 2.15% Pipe Spring NM 2.9 OO as Saquaro NP 643,697) 4.66% 84,293) 3.76% Sunset Crater Volcano NM 159,073} 5.58% 16,570} 5.58% AAS of onto NM 1.40% Tumacacori NHP 8.179 uzigoot NM 2.12% alnut Canyon NM 2.01 Wupatki NM . Subtotal Arizona} 10,555,767 Arkansas Post NMEM 37,905} -21.24% 4,738} -21.2 Buffalo NR 635,344] -17.02% 410,032) -18.87 Fort Smith NHS 73,676] + -1.64% 8,166] -1.64 = oS =I = —_— ine) on Ro SS IES Hot Springs NP 1,561,311} 8.41% 71,838} -12. Little Rock Central High School NHS 23,348] 1.78% 1,946} 1.78% 70,678] -13.61% 11,780} -13.61 Subtotal Arkansas} 2,402,262] -1.29%] 508,499] -17.65% — >) Dm Wei lconimen lice 3s [ek Jas [as 3s Pea Ridge NMP 23 Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 8: 2003 Recreation Visits/Visitor Days by State (cont.) Parks by State ©) -3.8 QO abrillo NM 1,004,280} -4.21% 124,953 Channel Islands NP 585,919] -4.56% 518,901) -9.39 Death Valley NP 890,375} -0.80% 654,498] 10.849 ; pe d NP 47,003| -18.41 1,356] 33.88% 71,320 1,845,952 3.575 3 -3.38 -0.549 -9.8 5.48% 2.93% 0.38% hz 17.22% 313,612} 25.40% 1-597 0.579 -6.12% 408,126| 0.82%| 187,098] _ 1.939 San Francisco Maritime NHP 3,984,826) 11.98% 370,227} 10.17% Santa Monica Mountains NRA 447,776} -4.60% 74,327) -2.0 SRRERE ov LS [s&s oS LSS [es [s&s 846,433 1.485, 692 348,097 30,016 5,160 79,908 49,539 931,542 ZR BERGE oN SS LSS oS 5 fs ie) 979,297] 6.41%] 2,638,191] 5.46% hiskeytown NRA 750,951] 7.80% 242,869] _-0.139 5,320,616] -0.90% 16,184,882] 1.25% = se 3,378,664] 0.50% Subtotal California} 34,177,138} 1.21% 24 Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 8: 2003 Recreation Visits/Visitor Days by State (cont.) Recreation|Percent| Recreation |Percent | Visits |Change|Visitor Days|Change ' ' Parks by State Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP Colorado NM Curecanti NRA Dinosaur NM 47 Florissant Fossil Beds NM 67,537} 8.04% 7,010} 7.85% Great Sand Dunes NM 251-3751 7.07% 135,654) 12.96% Hovenweep NM 13,084] -3.82% 3,474} -0.79% Mesa Verde NP 438,590} 7.92% 286,772} 9.41% Rocky Mountain NP 3,067,256} 2.64% 1,812,303} 2.42% Subtotal Colorado} RST Saas ec Ses a Subtotal Connecticut} _ RT EE PSE EEE abe DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA | [Chesapeake & Ohio CanalNHP | 2,381,353] -12.52%61 396,892) -12.5234 7.21 14.89 221 5.21 128 19 7 411] -3.41 Mary Mcleod Bethune Council House NHS 2,467| -3.41% National Capital Parks Central3 1,401,221] -18.73% 62,281] -39.04% National Capital Parks East3 1,234,898] 12.11% 149.634) 17.46% 18.5 Rock Creek Park -1.23% 20.54% 13.43% Washington Monument 16.5 Subtotal District of Columbia 22,027,057 -9. -] Pennsylvania Ave. NHS 164 340 -4.779%6 4,519} -4.77 White Houses iS ce i) SERGE RRRREREES oS LSS oS LSS NSLS IS IS IS IS IS 25 Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 8: 2003 Recreation Visits/Visitor Days by State (cont.) Parks by State | |Big Cypress NPRES 400,902| -10.81% 146,844) 11.339 Canaveral NS 1,045,898} -2.77%] 223,570] -2.639 490,031] -4.55%| 122,508] _-4.55% Fort Caroline NMEM 2.12% Timucuan EHP Subtotal Florida 1.899 0.589 Jimmy Carter NHS Kennesaw Mountain NBP 1,422,380} 4.65% 205,232 Martin Luther King, Jr. NHS 666,195} 1.35% 105,596} 2.79% Ocmulgee NM 174,340} 59.24% 21,793) 59.24% 26 Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 8: 2003 Recreation Visits/Visitor Days by State (cont.) Parks by State Subtotal Hawaii 5 | __|George Rogers Clark NHP 124,429] -2.95% 13,895] -2.95% | _|indiana Dunes NL 1,953,449] -1.83% _441,973|_ -3.43% | _|Lincoln Boyhood NMEM 126,924] -0.24% 11,899] -0.24% Effigy Mounds NM 79,658} 6.12% 16,596} 6.13% Herbert Hoover NHS 183,364] -4.40% 15,280} -4.40% ZI Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 8: 2003 Recreation Visits/Visitor Days State (cont.) Parks by State Tallgrass Prairie NPRES Subtotal Kansas i KY Abraham Lincoln Birthplace NHS 211,650} -15.60% 17,638} -15.60% 1 Cumberland Gap NHP 987,782| 7.91%] 156,290] 5.98% ; 5 : Big South Fork NRA 308,377] -11.81% 191,291] -9.38% : 7.91 ; Mammoth Cave NP 1,869,137] -1.17% 387,716] -3.75% Bs Fe [Iie ofeansJozznae a0 real ——5.20] _Subtotal Maine] 2,431,062] -4:98%4| 1,084.34 LL ale 28 Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 8: 2003 Recreation Visits/Visitor Days by State (cont.) Parks by State Visits National Capital Parks East3 TSTEZT TE Ze 96 16,626} 17.46% Piscataway Park 184,823) -19.50% 29,068] -18.24% Thomas Stone NHS 4,801 0.46% Hampton NHS 27,526| -2.48% 2,331| -2.56% 14,566| 6.58% 1,821] -6.58% 4 - — MASSACHUSETTS 29 Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 8: 2003 Recreation Visits/Visitor Days by State (cont.) Parks by State Visits | isle Royale NP 17,800} -8.54%| __114,699|_-1.40% | _IPictured Rocks NL 382,456] -10.90% 168,222] -12.46% | _|Sleeping Bear Dunes NL 1,153,962} -1.44%| 552,115] -2.63% MINNESOTA Fas | _[Pipestone NM 2.38% [ae Fes | __[Gul Islands Ns | INatcheznup 8,615] 4.83%] 44,843] 8.70% ea | | Vicksburg NMP | [George Washington Cavern | 24) 3.2056] 44a] 3.2004 | [Harr S Truman NHS -8.867 | [eftersonvem 2,685,219] -10.4506) 895,073] -19.4594 baaed os oO Ozark NSR 1,301,415} -19.03% 298,121] 12.62% Ulysses S. Grant NHS 22,248] -12.86% 2,/81| -12.86% Wilson's Creek NB 200,081] -1.61% 34,170} -2.06% -18.35% 1,237,436} -12. ze CEE TE ats LT Subtotal Missouri 4,291,144 30 Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 8: 2003 Recreation Visits/Visitor Days by State (cont.) Parks by State Little Bighorn Battlefield NM 1.54% Agate Fossil Beds NM 16,233] -5.23% 3,143} -4.77% | __|Homestead NM of America‘ 49,779] -4.87% 6,938] -6.64% | |Scotts Bluff NM 105,611} -5.11% 16,722] -5.11% Subtotal Nebraska | |Great Basin NP 87,020| 1.45% 88,753] -7.16% | _|Lake Mead NRA 5,936,686 4.84%] 4,099,528] 1.88% Subtotal Nevada 3] Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 8: 2003 Recreation Visits/Visitor Days by State (cont.) Parks by State NEW JERSEY Delaware Water Gap NRA 3,592,181 ee 592, |_[Edison NHS* --—fonsusnaea—__}_iiass_ 2.05% 1,297,474) -2.79% 4.96% 449,255) -6.47% Morristown NHP 328,057] -2.51% 79,065} -0.11% 32 Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 8: 2003 Recreation Visits/Visitor Days by State (cont.) Parks by State | [Eleanor RoosevetNHS | 58,8431 17.3454] 7.356) -17.34 | [FederalHalMem 120,152] 32.17%] 6,327] -40.68% | |Fietslandws 29,856] 17.56%] 166,8718| -20.35 | [Fon StanwixnM 56,646] 27.2504) 7,081] -27.25 | [GatewayNRA | 6854,215] 4.9674] 1,797,020] 6.47 | [General GrannMem 68,057] -14.4506) 3,758 8.12% | [Governorsisiandnme | 507] 0m] ate 0.00 | [Hamiton GrangenMeM | 13,378 042] 793] 3.61 | [Home of Frankin D.RoosevetNHS | 105,026] -16.61%4 16,191] -16.40% | [ManinvanGurenNHS | 14,594] 8.99%) 1.239) -10.60% | [Sagamore HiINHS | 42,396] 0.3104 8.833) 0.314 | |SaintPau'sChurchnHS | 1.73] -21.27%6| 1.3571 20.4304 | [Saratoganne 106862] 25.1796] 24.44 22.7494 | |Statue of uiberyne | 3.231,247] 5.20%] 807,872) 5.20% | [Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace NHS | 0.175] 8.52%] 8a8| 5.1304 | |Theodore Roosevelt InauguralnHS | 15,920] 1.83%] _———3,069| 9.87% 13. | ICastle Clinton NMb 2,941,250] 1.19% 124,147] -1.11 seRECERRE | |Upper Delaware S&RR 128,494] -13.21% 40,384] -18.43% | |Vanderbilt Mansion NHS 359,982) -10.68% 39,182] -11.42% | |Women's Rights NHP 19,426] -11.22% 1,418] -10.61% __ Subtotal New York} 14,790,501 To I aE EE NORTH CAROLINA | [Blue Ridge PKWY: 11,373,312] -14.83%] 5,880,435] -14.97% | |Cape Hatteras NS® 2,660,535] -9.01% 976,940] -13.30% Cape Lookout NSé 704,480} 15.42% 204,605 -1.90% ‘ou | | car'SandbugnHs 3,570) 14.4104] 3,587] -14.40% | fot Rateigh nse 77,263 36.37%] 29,453 -26.74% | Great Smoky Mountains NP | |Guiford Couthousenme | 530,756] «30.38% 23,643] -29.64% | IMoorescreeknB_ | r.270 20.40%] 3,630| -23.84% ae 20,379,780 Wright Brothers NMEMé . Subtotal North Carolina 33 Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 8: 2003 Recreation Visits/Visitor Days State (cont.) Parks by State NORTH DAKOTA | __|Fort Union Trading Post NHS 24,024) 13.02% 2,578} 13.97% | [Knife River Indian Villages NHS 36,605] 15.61% 4,944] 14.13% |__| Theodore Roosevelt NP 490,295| 3.97% Subtotal North Dakota ED OTD i OE AMER Nae RAAT a | [cuyahogavaieynp> | 2879,590] 10.51%] 748,452 | [Dayton Aviation Heritage HPs | 100,616] 150.00%| 16,769] 150. | [HopewellcuturenPs | 46,607] 62.56%] 7,768] 187.9794 -—panes4 cadets ———__iai_sui}_2} 08 ee — cop) ~ lo?) wo —_ on oS =>) = ox iS) Perry's Victory Intl. Peace MEM 168,002) -18.51% 16,068) -19.40% 16,275} 21.45% William Howard Taft NHS OKLAHOMA | [Crater Lake NP | Fon clatsopnmem 255,853] 10.33%] 35.141] 10.42% | [John Day Fossil Beds NM | [oregoncavesnm | 94,745] 12.10%] 32,5231 24.50% Subtotal Oregon i) 34 Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 8: 2003 Recreation Visits/Visitor Days by State (cont.) Parks by State PENNS | _|allegheny Portage Railroad NHS 129,995] -11.26% 12,836] -16.56% Delaware Water Gap NRA 1,467,229] -2.05%| 529,954] -2.79% | edgar Allan Poe NHS 10,830] -12.05%| 903) -12.05% | |Eisenhower NHS 69,017| _-9.80% 9,202] -9.80% | |Fort Necessity NB 95,957| 7.33% 11,637] 4.37% Friendship Hill NHS 34,876| 6.15% 6,447| 4.99% 271|_-8.7 YLVANIA Gettysburg NMP 1,769,688} -3.46% 439,429} -7.56% _? a a | lindependencenPs | r2.277] 8.74%] 337,933] _-7.10%4 | ohnstown Flood NMEM | 105,361) -22.61%1 9,200] -21.96%4 | [SteamtownnHS 114.855) 10.1196 14.357] -10.10%4 | |Thaddeus Kosciuszko NMEM | 4.675] -26.84% | 26.89 | lUpperDelawaresaRR_ | 128,494) -13.21061 40,384 -18.430 | \WaleyForgeNHP_ 1,132,976) 2.20% Hopewell Furnace NHS 53,694} -11.59% 5,369} -11.59% ___ Subtotal Puerto Rico} _ erpeupearmes tale Saale 3,869) -6.36% ode Isl ne and} GE EE EE IE Villa SOUTH CAROLINA | feharies PinckneyNHS_— | 22.871] -22.86%4| 3,812 «22.8604 | [congareene tor tt] tee] 28.565] 5.08% | fcowpensna_ 28 t6e] ame] 12,515] 4.679% | |fonsumerwm 839,036] 9.0756] 168,767] 2.97% | ikings Mountain | 272,106) 2.6506] 27,805] 8.55% | WWinety sins 679.9%] 3,300] a.904 Subtotal South Carolina 35 Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 8: 2003 Recreation Visits/Visitor Days by State (cont.) Parks by State SOUTH DAKOTA Badlands NP 2.42% Wind Cave NP Subtotal South Dakota TENNE S Andrew Johnson NHS 51,910] 6.20% 2,376| 4.05% SEE id j : 4.0 Shiloh NMP Stones River NB 71.25% -1.59% ABA ts Subtotal Texas} 4,940,516] -1.33% 2,228,855 36 Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 8: 2003 Recreation Visits/Visitor Days by State (cont.) Parks by State “1.5 : Bryce Canyon NP 903,760} 1.95% 605,507} -1.01% Canyonlands NP 386,986} 5.42% 316,283] 3.08% Capitol Reef NP 535,441] 1.86% 84,289 Cedar Breaks NM 569,455} -2.98% 98,866 4.2 Glen Canyon NRA 18.11% Golden Spike NHS Hovenweep NM -0. Natural Bridges NM 0.12% | __[Buck Island Reef NM 46,274) -7.84% 24,383) -5.08% | —__Christiansted NHS 107,907| -2.09% 4,698] -2.43% | Virgin Islands NP 821,681] 18.48% 421,112] 18.48% Subtotal Virgin Islands 975,862] 14.28% 450,193} 16. 37 Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 8: 2003 Recreation Visits/Visitor Days State (cont.) Parks by State -12.5 -9.09% -4,.96% -14.979 -8.87 10,701 15,779 979,328 3,604,137 2,884 2.9 AAA oO LS ff Ss 296,539| -1.659 ; 5.16% 13,256] -42.4 545,309] -12.72% 480| -6.529 xe oS 47,497| -2.46 13,147] -2.5 188,321] -16.14% Richmond NBP 27,821] 1.64% henandoah NP 697,839] -11.739 heodore Roosevelt Island 25,817] -1.0 Wolf Trap NP for the Performing Arts 184,882] -2.129 sERERE OS LSS SS & 818,21. 4,006] -3.15% 41,382] 0.009 453,009| 2.19% Mount Rainier NP 1,210,814] -2.979 on — co -_, (oe) ine) —_ _ ide} SS North Cascades NP 31,114] 1.6196 1,485,498] -8.34% Ross Lake NRA 134,661] -4.479 18,025] _-2.38% 4,667| 8.62% Subtotal Washington i123; =f 3,434,995} -4.46% 38 Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 8: 2003 Recreation Visits/Visitor Days by State (cont.) Parks by State WEST VIRGINIA Bluestone NSR Chesapeake & Ohio Canal NHP 168,096 ___ Subtotal Wyoming % 7 70 7 INPS TOTAL 266,099,641| -4.00% 100,463,440] -3.30% EI I OR BE ETB ELE MOULD ERED MEL alas (ibaa sles tale Vitti 39 Abbreviations are defined on Page 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 9: 2004 and 2005 Forecast of Recreation Visits 2003 2004 Percent 2005 Percent PARK NAME Visits Forecast | Difference | Forecast | Difference Abraham Lincoln Birthplace NHS 211,650 216,541 2.31% 210,090 , 1.04% 13.93% 2 236 3.40% 3.69% 2 r ~ ~O tr |& oD 3s jas 3s os | | g : | 6 Andrew Johnson NHS 51,910 49,176 5.27% 48,100 -2.19% Aniakchak NM & PRES 0.00% 154) —=—«0,00% 279,694] 299,831 7.20%} 303,622] 1.26% Apostle Islands NL 169,699] 162,203 4.42%] 156,282] 3.6 | , 2 7 A 3s Arkansas Post NMEM 37,905 39,062 3.05% 37,248 -4.64% Arlington House, The R.E. Lee MEM 378,688 368,644 -2.65% 352,952 , & 2.67% -9.46% 4.15% -4.18% Appomattox Court House NHP 155,031 151,616 -2.20% 140,975 -1.02% 4 1 5.53% 1.08% 69 Big Hole NB 1.45% 291 10.0 Arches NP 757,781 W15;2311 5.62% 691,116 -3.37% 34 8.21% 551,757 4.06% 031 26 6.11% Boston African American NHS cn “ ww Sy XN |e nm ne) Sc ise QRS TES ss se — ide) DD @ 3 18 as of 40 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 9: 2004 and 2005 Forecast of Recreation Visits (cont.) 2003 2004 Percent 2005 Percent PARK NAME Visits Forecast | Difference | Forecast | Difference NGUS03I0 1,617,503 0.00%} 1 9 Bryce Canyon NP 903,760 837,414 -1.34% 780,578 -6.79 Buck Island Reef NM 46,274 46,274 0.00% 46,274 0.00% 617 Buffalo NR 635,344 658,335 3.62% 629,532 -4 38 Cabrillo NM 1,004,280 953,936 -5.01% 912,502 -4.34% Canaveral NS 1,045,898} 1,137,045 8.71%] 1,172,962 eal Cane River Creole NHP 8,380 8,380 0.00% 8,380 0.00% Canyon de Chelly NM 866,498 820,495 -5.31% 815,812 -0.57 4.39% 0.0 1.18% 0.00% 6.4 0.2 1.96 1.45% 21 0 =. 0 ,903 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ =) j=) Cai like Bi Ss like S ° <3 = of LOS oS [oS [Ss oN oN oN oe SSIES Castillo de San Marcos NM 665,309 647,140 -2.13% 643,616 -0.54% Castle Clinton NM@ 2,941,250! 2,948,359 0.24%| 2,942,672 -0.19% Catoctin Mountain Park 621,114 597,780 -3.76% 625,113 4.571% : Ww oS Cedar Breaks NM 969,455 993,114 4.15% 591,141 Chaco Culture NHP 84,621 W935i -5.99% 79,624 cle os Chamizal NM 260,142 278,840 7.19% 302,188 Channel Islands NP 585,919 588,708 0.48% 597,617 Charles Pinckney NHS 22,871 23,700 3.62% 22,398 8.37% ; 0 0 1.51 J ; os 5 3 0 4 9 i 0.00% 0.03% 213 38.09 1.68% 3.36 63 4] NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office 1.63 SEES SES BS Table 9: 2004 and 2005 Forecast of Recreation Visits (cont.) 2003 2004 Percent Percent PARK NAME Visits Forecast | Difference 2005 Forecast Difference alii AM tee Co 318 2% 328,455 336 -5.5 : edisonnss | 3.35p)_ of —-t00.00%| 54,935] 0.0084 lorado 642 076 Ford's Theatre NHS* aos tr 3.11% NM 42 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 9: 2004 and 2005 Forecast of Recreation Visits (cont.) 2003 2004 Percent 2005 Percent PARK NAME Visits Forecast | Difference Forecast Difference Fort Caroline NUEM 180,656 186 % 0.19% Fort Clatsop NMEM 255,853 259,790 1.54% 270,376 4.08% Say 186 Fort Davis NHS 54 204 53.313 -1.64% D224 -2.06% Fort Donelson NB 227,004 232,162 2.21% 234,023 0.80% Fort Frederica NM 243,286 236,/17 -2.10% 228,858 -3.32% Fort Laramie NHS 50,455 47,120 -6.61% 46,276 -1.19% Fort Larned NHS 35,317 34,301 -2.88% 32,842 -4.25% Fort Matanzas NM 947,875 956,892 0.95% 1,038,452 8.52% Fort McHenry NM 607,357 610,269 0.48% 593,642 -2.12% Fort Necessity NB 95,957 95,735 -0.23% 97,393 1.73% Fort Point NHS 1,596,933) 1,493,129 -6.50% 1,476,945 -1.08% Fort Pulaski NM 331,059 334,499 1.04% 328,886 -1.68% Fort Raleigh NHS® 278,565 269,030 -3.42% 267,064 -0.73% Fort Scott NHS 29,650 30,526 2.96% 28,202 -1.61% Fort Smith NHS 73,676 73,676 0.00% 73,676 0.00% Fort Stanwix NM 56,646 56,646 0.00% 56,646 0.00% Fort Sumter NM 839,036 839,036 0.00% 839,036 0.00% Fort Union NM 12,944 12,140 -6.21% 11,418 -5.94% Fort Union Trading Post NHS 24,024 ENS: -1.87% 24,444 3.69% Fort Vancouver NHS 510,383 494 207 -3.17% 521,824 5.59% Fort Washinaton Park 264,566 283,557 7.18% 289,700 2.11% Fossil Butte NM 19,417 18,165 -6.45% 17,381 -4.32% 0.0 -48 386 734 ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ' ’ ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ! ' ' ’ ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ! ' ' ' ' ' ' -5.9 George Rogers Clark NHP 124,429] 117,490| 5.58% 112,489 4.26% George Washington Birthplace NM 79,541} 95,931] 20.61% 36,013 10.34% 43 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 9: 2004 and 2005 Forecast of Recreation Visits (cont.) 2003 2004 2005 Visits Forecast Forecast | Difference c Pe Li SE GEE a tbe EOE Ee EGIL -0.80% Percent Percent Difference PARK NAME Geo 2.40% 41,672 George Washington MEM PKWY 6,043,508} 6,508,818 7.10%} 6,280,352 -3.51 Gettysburg NMP 1,769,688} 1,879,789 6.22%} 1,934,444 2a" e Washinaton Carver NM 024 008 x ; ; ; kk Glen Canyon NRA 1,876,984} 1,710,286 8.88%] 1,511,590 -11.62% 4] 42 a 3 Golden Gate NRA 13,854,750| 13,688,173} __-1.20%| 13,597,026 _-0 ; SS 0.00% 4 -4.4 -2.3 2 Governors Island NM 2,507 2,507 0.00% 2,507 Grand Canyon NP 4,124,900} 3,845,796 -6.77%| 3,709,926 Grand Portage NM 63,289 62,471 -1.29% 57,837 ; : 0.4 2 0.0 -3.53% 1 1 o1 |Po as [as Glacier Bay NP & PRES 366,319 3576381 —--2.37%| 344.7271 eta Glacier NP 1,905,689] 1,966,808 3.21%| 2,028,724] 3.15% -6.03% -0.17% Gila Cliff Dwellings NM 47,969] 45,7421 4.4%] aga] Great Basin NP 87,0201 84,695, —-2.67%| —=—84,548 Great Sand Dunes NM 251,375] 233,216, ———-7.22%| 223,540 Great Smoky Mountains NP 9,366,845) 8,860,205 -5.41%| 8,590,915 7 6 5 4 6 1 ' on 3s 0 7 2 4 3 -3.04% 0.00% 3.95% 80 1.35% 3.57 0 S 3 sk 9.08% 0 6.20% 6.68 3d 16. 1.83% 6.25 4.51 0.0 9.99 8.19% Grand Teton NP 2,355,693] 2,366,818 —_0.47%| 2,304,152 Grant-Kohrs Ranch NHS 18,521] 17,504 5.49% 16,448 S18 [se 18 [8 1S [IS IS |S 44 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 9: 2004 and 2005 Forecast of Recreation Visits (cont.) PARK NAME Isle Royale NP James A. Garfield NHS Jean Lafitte NHP3 Jefferson NEM Jewel Cave NM Jimmy Carter NHS John D. Rockefeller, Jr. MEM PKWY John Day Fossil Beds NM John F. Kennedy NHS John Muir NHS Johnstown Flood NVEM Joshua Tree NP Kalaupapa NHP Kaloko Honokohau NHP Katmai NP Kenai Fjords NP Kennesaw Mountain NBP Kings Canyon NP Kings Mountain NMP Klondike Gold Rush NHP Alaska Klondike Gold Rush NHP Seattle" Knife River Indian Villages NHS Kobuk Valley NP Korean War Memorial NVEM Lake Meredith NRA 2003 2004 Percent 2005 Percent Visits Forecast Difference | Forecast | Difference 19) 1 1%| 1 29737 23,361 21.44%] 18,551]__-20.59 55 1 i) to) oOo |.o oO [ot [St 1 1 . 3.43 2.87 gk oS oS 2 2 1,561 40,916 086 6.11% 4.18% kek oS oS 3 1,135,664} 1,043,285 8.13% 987,594 | 1,135,664{ 1,043,285] -8.13%| 987,504 ' ; oS 2.19% 108,181 113,677 5.08% 116,845 | 08.187] 113.677] __——5.08%| 116.845 9,330 9,330 0.00% 9,330 | 9330 9.330] 0.00%| 9.830 0.00% 7.96% 26,578 24,634 7.31% Le (ee | 26576 24.634) 7.31%] 23,292 ; 4 5 -5.45 1 492 4 0.99% 0.00% 10.2 21 4.18% 2.61% 0.17% oul 1 4.23 5.48 1.92 0.00 7.08% 12.59% 15.73% 46 9,90 3) ; 3 : 5 2 | N | oo oO as [as as as [as [as [as os [as 3s 45 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 9: 2004 and 2005 Forecast of Recreation Visits (cont.) 2003 2004 Percent 2005 Percent PARK NAME Visits Forecast | Difference | F orecast } Difference Mise siohitaa tile Lake Roosevelt NRA 1,396,331] 1,354,792 0.11%} 1,348,212 -0.49% 0.0 8.8 Muir Woods NM 719,350 697,438 -3.05% 680,030 -2.50% Natchez NHP 285,615 242,479 -15.10% 220,239 -9.17% Natchez Trace PKWY 5,995,984} 5,245,940 -5.58%| 5,069,143 46 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 9: 2004 and 2005 Forecast of Recreation Visits (cont.) 2004 2005 Percent Forecast Forecast | Difference Percent Difference 1,401,221 0.00%} 1,401,221 0.00% National Capital Parks East TsveiGs|.. 1,411,792 2.89%} 1,462,187 3.57% S BS National Park of AmericanSamoa__—|_— 00% 00 Natural BridgesNM | 974] ga.ra7] 4.20%] 77.258] 8 1.51 3S BS : New Bedford Whaling NHP 332,538] 372,9621 12.16%] ~——«397,291 «6.52% New Orleans Jazz NHP 43,926, 43,926, 0.00%] ~—=—«43,926 New River Gorge NR 1,111,164] 1,155,321] 3.979%] 1,148,588 S BS 0 0 8 BS 4.10% 13.85% oO 3 0.0 0.0 Se) 0.3 0.0 North Cascades NP 20,724 21,307 2.81% 20,653 -3.07% Obed W&SR 206,337 197,696 -4.19% 189,041 -4.38 Ocmulgee NM 174,340 157,634 -9.58% 166,919 9.89 6.3 a3 7.1 309 1.0 kk 0.25 0.28 0.00% Se 8 3s oS 3 6 Palo Alto Battlefield NHS 2,000] 3289.83% 2,500| 25.00% Pea Ridge NMP 70,678| 67,153; -4.99%] 62,739] 6.57% 1 co a ' ' ’ ' ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ ' 6 |< oS LS Pecos NHP 38,326 36,804] —=—-3.97%| 36,8731 sO Pennsylvania Ave. NHS 164,340| 165,987 164,340] -0 Perry's Victory Intl. Peace MEM 168,002 182,128 8.41% 184,015 1.04% Petersburg NB 162,547 169,639 4.36% 172,059] 1.43% N ce 4 0 8 0 ) 2.4 0.00% 1 6 1 9 5 8 Petrified Forest NP 586,245 544 259 -1.16% 524,752 3 Petroglyph NM 58,101 53,055 -8.69% 49,959 5 Pictured Rocks NL 382,456 385,407 0.77% 373,970 -2.9] Pinnacles NM 162,791 164,862 1.27% 164,465 -0.24 Soullzouleuiixe ss [ss [as [ss 21 36 4,05 2.01%] 2,261,404] 0.36 47 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Ss [ss [as Table 9: 2004 and 2005 Forecast of Recreation Visits (cont.) 2003 2004 Percent 2005 PARK NAME Visits F orecast Difference Percent Difference Forecast Li hill ibilae -3.48% 7.85% President's Park 123,515 749,659 0% iz3 3.6 ELE a : st ' A Russell Cave NM 22,892 23,097 0.90% 22,663 -1.88% 8 Sleeping Bear Dunes NL 48 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office Table 9: 2004 and 2005 Forecast of Recreation Visits (cont.) 2003 2004 Percent 2005 Percent PARK NAME Visits Forecast | Difference | Forecast | Difference eS es See aT elas Sa rea: ae ES SESS SSS sae : 2S Sa : bss ae maa 2s e% i Springfield Armory NHS 29.81% 1 10.29% Statue of Liberty NIM2 3,231,247| 3,266,710 ——-1.10%| 3,231,247] —_—-1.09 Steamtown NHS 114,855] 94,1291 _—-18.05%| 78,193] __—-16.93 Stones River NB 201,576| 198,403 1.57%| 200,580, 1.10% o iF 4.58% 7.96 0.00 0.00% 2.83 221 3. 6.22 3.69% 37 4.2 281 2.61% Tuskegee Airmen NHS 0 4. Z 3 29,814 38,701 42,683 Tuskegee Airmen NHS 0.0 0.13 178 4.34% 712 4 1.34 4 ' ' USS Arizona MEM 1,476,396] 1,512,740 2.46% Valley Forge NHP 1,132,976] _ 1,072,960 5.30% 1,018,556 —_-5.07 211 1.63 14.14 8.70 0.89 2.61 900.0% 0.00% Washita Battlefield NHS 0.00% 0.61 Whiskeytown NRA 750,951 731,161 -2.64% 737,416 49 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office 0.86 (=>) > Table 9: 2004 and 2005 Forecast of Recreation Visits (cont.) 2003 2004 Percent 2005 Percent PARK NAME Visits Difference Wolf Trap NP for the Performing Arts World War || Memorial’ Women's Rights NHP Wrangell-St. Elias NP & PRES Wright Brothers NVEM 66,736,003) i EEE litle ddl NPS OVA Se oe eee ate Weeds Notes: Forecasts are trend line extensions based on actual visitation data from the previous 5 years. Oklahoma City NMEM was removed from the National Park Service by Congress in 2004 and is not forecast. The following notes explain circumstances that led to adjustments in the visitation forecasts for 10 parks in 2004/2005. (a) Boston NHP, Castle Clinton NM, Statue of Liberty NM, and the White House (security closures since 9/11/2002) (b) Cape Cod NS and Fort Raleigh NHS (closures caused by Hurricane Isabel in 2003) (c) Cumberland Gap NHP (effects caused by the counting changes in 2001) (d) Edison NHS (closed in 2003/2004) (e) Ford's Theatre NHS (closed for repairs in 2002 and 2003) (f) Glacier NP (major fire in summer of 2003) (g) Jean Lafitte NHP (effects caused by the counting changes in 2002) (h) Klondike Gold Rush NHP Seattle (effects caused by the counting changes in 2001) (i) War in the Pacific NHP (typhoon in 2002 closed the park in 2003) (j) World War || Memorial (expected to open in April 2004) 50 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office ‘J'q ‘uojbuiyseny ‘uoIsiAig Sadunosay pueq Aq paedaig TS 2 a a a ae i a a a) SHN 10; PIO Swag ugoigee ifezsve_—siiee'sve foo. ov besize ooo pvues'ze =| SWAN WN Jaljapueg wessleve forces’ ov ress vee veeea'zee_foo'vee'zet revsey‘oll | MTS] IN SPURILCGT ogee i évog foes fg feeesz# foo feevsz |] NTN Sum DI2Y seoeree scope oy, =~ St ece'u fossge'zt fee'uor_—fag'egz'zt | N| WAN weuz@ ooo ft ft ftee@ foro fez NAT W907 9 “OSNOH LWW CC (a a EE Cs ae ae ae a eT WAWN 1S0d sesuediiy peers. ——ues9L_ foots trese'oe foo ftese’oe Tw int IN SY LE pelt i a Lae ake pevegt Ss fégy eso =| AN] AT dHN'SH UO XONEWOddY plels’s2e |e Osg'US —fes'gos'c —fée'pLos fez zzezgl [veszv'eL [ez'Los‘rst | Av] 9 VD. 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An endnote is not identified if there are no areas that fit the identification for 2003. ‘Redesignated areas Congaree Swamp NM re-designated as Congaree NP *Areas reporting for the first time Governors Island NM Little River Canyon NPRES Palo Alto Battlefield NHS Tuskegee Airmen NHS >Combined areas reporting separately Data for the following areas Klondike Gold Rush NHP - Alaska and Klondike Gold Rush NHP - Seattle are reported separately but are classified as Klondike Gold Rush NHP Data for the following areas National Capital Parks Central, National Capital Parks East and President’s Park are reported separately but are classified as National Capital Parks Combined The following area is combined with National Capital Parks Central; breakdown is not available: Constitution Gardens ‘Changes in counting procedures (Data for the following areas require special adjustments to be comparable with earlier data): Acadia NP (reduced the amount of non-recreation traffic) Blue Ridge PKWY (changed the way traffic is counted) Dayton Aviation Heritage NHP (added new area Huffman Prairie IC) Glacier NP (changed multiplier for overnight hours) Homestead NM of America (started reporting non-recreation) Hopewell Culture NHP (updated visitors hours from | hour 30 minutes to 2 hours) Independence NHP (added new reporting areas) Kings Canyon NP (corrected group camping multiplier) Padre Island NS (corrected backcountry camping multiplier) Puukohola Heiau NHS (changed PPV multiplier from 1.5 to 2.7) Redwood NP (changed tent camping multiplier) Sequoia NP (corrected group camping multiplier) Washita Battlefield NHS (changed hours from 30 minutes to 60 minutes) 68 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office ENDNOTES (continued) *Partial or temporary closing (Data for the following areas require special adjustments to be comparable with earlier data): Castle Clinton NM (affected by closure of Statue of Liberty) Edison NHS (Edison Home closed) Eugene O’ Neill NHS (opened in May after being closed for seven months) National Park of American Samoa (closed due to water damage) Statue of Liberty NM (statue still closed but grounds open) War in the Pacific NHP (closed due to water damage) White House (open on a limited basis) °Special events such as anniversaries, civic fairs, significant natural disasters, storm damage, etc. (Data for the following areas require special adjustments to be comparable with earlier data): Cape Hatteras NS (Hurricane Isabel damage) Cape Lookout NS (Hurricane Isabel damage) Cuyahoga Valley NP (Severe flooding) Fort Raleigh NHS (Hurricane Isabel damage) Glacier NP (Major fires) Grand Teton NP (Major fires) Wright Brothers NMEM (2003 Centennial of 1° flight) ”New areas which are not reporting None ‘Data error in previous year Amistad NRA (data incorrectly reported in December 2002) Glacier Bay NP (Backcountry and miscellaneous overnight stays not reported in 2002) Mojave NPRES (data incorrectly reported in March 2002) 69 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office DEFINITIONS AFFILIATED AREA - An area administrated in connection with the National Park Service (NPS), which use NPS assistance but is neither federally owned nor directly administered by the NPS. BACKCOUNTRY - One or more primitive or wilderness areas which are reached primarily by hiking, boating, or horseback. BUSES - Vehicles carrying 10 or more passengers including commercial tour buses and school buses. CAMPGROUND - An area of land designated and developed for use as a camp. CATEGORY - NPS areas are categorized by their proximity to population centers in the following manner: Mixed Area Park - A park located in a mixture of Outlying Area, Rural Area, Suburban Area, and Urban area. Outlying Area Park - A park located in a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) with a population of less than one million people. Remote Area Park - A park located outside of any MSA and requiring special travel arrangements to reach. Rural Area Park - A park located outside of any MSA and accessible by paved highway, scheduled air or marine transportation service. Suburban Area Park - A park located outside the central city but still within a MSA with a population of greater than one million people. Urban Area Park - A park located within the central city of a MSA. CLASSIFICATION - Designated names for areas administered by the NPS may be found in the publication, The National Parks: Index 2001-2003. CONCESSIONER - A private company or an individual granted the privilege of providing facilities and services considered necessary by the NPS for accommodating visitors. CONCESSIONER CAMPGROUND - An element of a concessionaire operation involving services for overnight camping or equipment for camping. CONCESSIONER LODGING - An element of a concessionaire operation involving facilities for overnight lodging such as hotels, motels, cabins, cottages, trailer villages, and trailer rental. 70 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office DEFINITIONS (continued) MISCELLANEOUS OVERNIGHT STAY - Any overnight stay not otherwise defined (sleeping aboard boats, camping in organized groups, and/or any other overnight stays not included in other categories of overnight stays, except inholders which are non- reportable). MIXED AREA PARK - See CATEGORY. NATIONAL PARK SERVICE (NPS) - A Department of Interior (DOT) agency which administers approximately two dozen types of federal land, nationally significant for their scenic, natural, scientific, historical, or archeological interest (see CLASSIFICATION). The agency was established as a Bureau of the DOI by an Act of Congress on August 25, 1916. The NPS does not administer National Forests (United States Department of Agriculture/Forest Service), Wildlife Refuges (United States Department of Interior/Fish and Wildlife Service), or a variety of other lands available for public use. NEGLIGIBLE TRANSIT - A brief, incidental entry into a park by passing traffic (vehicular or pedestrian) using NPS administered grounds, roads, or walkways (See NONREPORTABLE VISITS). NONRECREATION OVERNIGHT STAY - A reportable non-recreation overnight stay includes leaseholders, line shacks for ranchers, and government personnel (other than NPS employees). NONRECREATION VISIT. A reportable non-recreation visit includes through traffic, persons going to and from inholdings, trades-people with business in the park, and government personnel (other than NPS employees) with business in the park. NONREPORTABLE VISIT - The entry into a park by NPS employees, their families, concessionaire employees, members of cooperating associations, NPS contractors, and service personnel. NOT REPORTING - These areas do not report recreation visits to the NPS. OUTLYING AREA PARK - See CATEGORY. OVERNIGHT STAY - One night within a park by a visitor. gh NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office DEFINITIONS (continued) RECREATION VEHICLE - Any enclosed vehicle used for camping which is more elaborate than a simple truck or car, such as pickup truck with camper body, pop-up tent trailer, travel trailer, bus, motor coach, mobile home, etc. RECREATION VISIT - The entry of a person onto lands or waters administered by the NPS for recreational purposes excluding government personnel, through traffic (commuters), trades-person, and a person residing within park boundaries. REGION - A NPS administrative subdivision. The seven NPS regions include the following states: Alaska (AK) - Alaska Intermountain (IM) - Arizona, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, Wyoming Midwest (MW) - Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Wisconsin National Capital (NC) - Washington, DC, with some units in Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia Northeast (NE) - Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia (excluding units assigned to National Capital Region in Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia) Pacific West (PW) — American Samoa, California, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington Southeast (SE) - Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, U.S. Virgin Islands REMOTE AREA PARK - See CATEGORY. RURAL AREA PARK - See CATEGORY. SERVICE PERSONNEL — Non-reportable visits include visits by employees of the NPS who are assigned to the park or are visiting the park in connection with their duty assignments, NPS contractors, concessionaires, cooperating associations, and the temporary or permanent members in the households of NPS employees resident in the park. SUBURBAN AREA PARK - See CATEGORY. URBAN AREA PARK - See CATEGORY. 79) NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office DEFINITIONS (continued) VISIT - The entry of any person, except NPS and service personnel, onto lands or waters administered by the NPS. A visit may occur as a recreation visit or a non-recreation visit. A same day reentry, negligible transit, and an entry to a detached portion of the same park on the same day are considered to be a single visit. Such adjustments are made insofar as practicable for noncontiguous parts of the same park. However, visits are reported separately for two contiguous parks. VISITOR DAY - Twelve visitor hours in a park. VISITOR HOUR - The presence of one or more persons, excluding NPS personnel, in a park for continuous, intermittent, or simultaneous periods of time aggregating one hour (e.g., one person for one hour, two persons for one-half hour). 73 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office ABBREVIATIONS BM CAMPGDS CNB. Es Internatl LBJ Battlefield Memorial Campgrounds County Historic Shrine, Historic Site International Lyndon Baines Johnson Memorial Miscellaneous Mountains National Battlefield National Battlefield Park National Battlefield Site National Expansion Memorial National Heritage Corridor National Historical Park National Historical Reserve National Historic Site National Lakeshore National Monument National Memorial National Military Park Non-Recreation National Park National Preserve National Park Service National River National Recreation Area National Reserve National River & Recreation Area National Seashore National Scenic River National Scenic Trail Overnight Stays Parkway Preserve Recreation Area Recreation Recreational Vehicle Scenic & Recreational River 74 NPS Social Science Program, Public Use Statistics Office NN 067387842