TULIP TREES. CENTRAL PARK, LOUISVILLE, KY. These are two of a group, forest grown; the largest 16 1-2 feel in circumference. Native Trees of Kentucky A Handbook Native Trees of Kentucky A Handbook By Sarah Webb Maury Copyright 1910 QK Edition of Kentucky Federation of Women's Clubs Tulif) Tree — Federation State Tree preface There are few problems of more economic importance to the State of Kentucky at the present time than an adequate forest policy. Relieving that, if the people of the State could be brought to a realization of the fact, that few regions of the world hi. greater number of merchantable species of trees than Kentucky, they would establish and support such a forest policy, this volume descriptive of the State trees has been prepared. The term "tree" has been given, regardless of size, to every woody plant which produces one main stem, bearing a definite crown ; this feature distinguishes trees from shrubs which have main1 stems growing from the same roots. Although any systematic arrangement of trees necessitates the use of botanical names, an effort has been made to use the smallest possible number, in order that the book may appeal to all persons interested in the forest conditions of the State. The sequence of families follows the order advocated by Engler and Prantl, the renowned German botanists, and the nomenclature is adopted from "The Check List of Forest Trees in the United States." Bulletin 17 — Forest Service. For convenience, a list of the com- mon names of the trees, native and naturalized in Kentucky has been added. The manuscript was offered to the Kentucky Federation of Women's Clubs for publication of an unlimited first edition, pro- vided the books were distributed free to the people of the State. This offer was accepted at the Annual Meeting in Owensboro, June, 1909. Before going to press the manuscript was checked up by Mr. George 1'.. Sudworth, Dendrologist of Forest Service: Dr. Her- mann Von Schrenk, of St. Louis, and Mr. J. P>. Atkinson, of Earlington, Ky. The illustrations are from photographs given by Forest Service, Washington, D. C. ; Prof. C. J. Norwood, Director of Kentucky Geological Survey: Mr. J. P.. Atkinson, of Earlington, Ky. ; Dr. Henry Chandler Cowles, of the University of Chicago, and from those made under the supervision of the Author. JVativc Urccs of Kentucky All trees of the Xorth Temperate region are seed-bearing plants. They are divided into two classes : 1. Gymnosperms — Xaked seed plants. 2. Angiosperms — Covered seed plants. CLASS I.— GYMNOSPERMS. Gymnosperms have their ovules and seeds borne without cov- ering- on the face of scales. They are represented in Kentucky by the Pine Family. PINE FAMILY-Conifers. Pinaceae. The conifers are the oldest living representatives of the pre- historic forests. They are commonly known as evergreen because with two exceptions, the Larch and Bald Cypress, they do not shed all their leaves at any given season. The wood of the conifers is of the highest economic impor- tance ; soft and easy to work : usually resinous. Two pines grow- ing in the South form the principal source of our turpentine and pine tar industries. Many of the trees are ornamental park trees. In Kentucky there are four divisions or genera of the conifers: A. Genus Pinus — Pines. B. Genus Tsuga — Hemlocks. C. Genus Taxodium — Bald Cypress. D. Genus Juniperus — Cedars. The two chief characteristics of this family are : 1. Leaves — needle-like. 2. Fruit — a cone. i 2 \ntive Trees of Kentucky A. PINES — GENUS PINUS. Kentucky is in the center of the most productive hard wood region of the world, and as a State, can not claim a large com- mercial supply of Pines. There are four native species in the State : a. Short-leaf Pine — Pinus echinata. b. White Pine — Pinus strobus. c. Pitch Pine — Pinus rigida. d. Scrub Pine — Pinus virginiana. They all have a characteristic method of growth, a tall, con- tinuous, tapering shaft and branches arranged in horizontal layers of imperfect whorls. The leaves are of two kinds, primary and secondary : primary — small, scale-like, forming a sheathe, falling early ; secondary — long, needle-like, persistent in clusters of two to five. The flowers are of two kinds, staminate and pistillate, arranged in small catkins on different parts of the same tree. The fruit, a woody cone of variously shaped scales, matures usually at the end of the second season. These cones often per- sist for many years, but shed the seeds at maturity. The seeds, usually winged, are borne in pairs at the base of the cone scales. Native Trees of Kentucky 13 a. Short-leaf Pine — Pimis echinata. Commercially, the Short-leaf Pine is Kentucky's most valuable conifer, commonly found throughout the eastern and southeastern counties. It is the "Yellow Pine," "Slash Pine" and "Old Field Pine" of the mountain vernacular. The wood, an orange or yellow brown in color, is used for doors, sash and blinds, framing and interior finish. This Pine and its relative, the Red Pine, are the only conifers that can successfully resist the scourge of forest fires. The seed- lings and even older trees can have all their leaves burnt off with- out killing the trees. Seedlings from five to six years or older sprout from the roots ; and young trees, when felled, are able to reproduce themselves by sprouts from cut-over stumps. These two unusual and valuable characteristics strongly recommend the Short-leaf Pine for profitable and systematic management of forest areas. Tree — tall, slender, 50 to 60 feet high. Bark — thick, covered with cinnamon brown scales. Leaves — dark blue-green, flexible, in clusters of 2 or 3. Fruit— cones, biennial, pendent; scales marked with strong transverse ridges. 14 Native Trees of Kentucky b. White Pine — Finns strobus. White Pine is the largest of the conifers native to the eastern half of North America and reaches its best development in asso- ciation with the hard woods. Formerly, it covered vast tracks of land in the Northern States and was the chief lumber tree of commerce. Kentucky, at the present time, can claim a growth of commercial value in but three counties, Lee, Wolfe and Mor- gan. It has been generally planted over the State. White Pine produces only from seed, and owing to the thinness of the bark, saplings are seriously injured by fire. Horticulturally considered, it is one of the most stately and attractive conifers. The pronounced habit of whorled branching, so characteristic of this Pine, is due to the arrangement of buds on the twigs. Each twig has a circle of five buds around a cen- tral bud or leader.- This leader grows upward and the five buds below develop into five radiate branches. The tips of the side branches repeat the same manner of growth. Tree — tall ; main trunk continuous, with horizontal, wide spreading branches. Bark — thick, fissured with brown scaly ridges. Leaves — long, soft, flexible, in clusters of 5. Fruit — cones, long, pendent, biennial, falling at maturity. Native Trees of Kentucky c. Pitch Pine — Finns rigida. d. Scrub Pine — Finns I'irginiana. The Pitch and Scrub Pines are common in the mountain dis- tricts, where they are locally used for fences, fuel and charcoal. They are rich in resin, especially in the "pine knots. I 'itch Pine : Tree — trunk stout, gnarled ; branches stiff, gar/e— irregular, confluent ridges, with red-brown scales Leaves— ^stout, stiff, in clusters of 3. Fruit — cones, perennial, per- sistent ; cone-scales, with stiff prickles. Scrub Pine : Tree— trunk short, branches spreading-, pendulous. Bark — shallow fissures, with dark brown scales. Leaves — deep. dark green, stout, in clusters of 2. Fruit — cones, biennial, persist- ent ; cone-scales, spiny. SCRUB PINE. Trees of Kentucky B. HEMLOCKS — GENUS TSUGA. The only conifer that bears its leaves on steins or petioles. Kentucky has one native spe- cies : Canadian Hemlock — T s u g a canadensis, The Hemlock is common throughout the mountains, along streams, and high up their steep, rocky banks. Commercially, the wood is used as second-grade building material, and the bark contains tannic acid in paying quanti- ties. Grown in the open, the Hemlock is a great favorite as an ornamental tree. Tree — tall, pyramidal, with graceful branches, heavy with- foliage. Bark — furrowed into flat, confluent plates with gray-brown scales. Leaves — stalked, short, flat. Fruit — cones, small, pendent, annual : cone-scales, thin. j .JMIgj,- ' itfiKtf :-vwr$':S-v^ ^'•^',;- : ^ ' WFr 1 8 X'ttive Trees of Kentucky C. P>.\u> (1\ 'I'kKss — GEXUS TAXODIUM. One specks native- in Kentucky: Bald Cypress — Tu.rodiuin distichum. The Liald or Deciduous Cypress is of very ancient lineage, at one time covering the hills and valleys of the North Temperate regions, and extending into Iceland and Greenland. Later, it could not hold its own with the advance of the pines and hard- woods and was forced by competition into the low places. It is now a typical swam]) tree. In Kentucky, small groves are reported on the lower Green River region and the bottom-lands of the Tennessee Valley, where the trees reach a diameter from three to seven feet. Their large, often hollow trunks, anchored by strong buttresses, stand in water a part of every year. Upright projections called "knees," a char- acteristic development of the root system, rise above the water from three to five feet. Cypress is a typical coniferous wood, easily worked, of even, smooth grain, and beautiful figures. The varying colors of the wood indicate the locality in which the tree grew. Cypress lumber does not stain nor decay in the piles, and im- parts neither odor nor taste to liquids. It is what the scientists call "chemically inert." This characteristic recommends the wood for manufacture of all kinds of tanks, churns, bee-hives and incu- bators. Great durability and resistance to decay make Cypress of high value for the woodwork of green-houses, for foundation timbers, porch columns, rails and girders. It is also popular for interior finish and is being introduced as a substitute for White Pine in government ships. So close is the method of manufacturing the wood that even the diseased logs known in trade as "pecky cypress" are used for crates, laths, shingles, covering for steam pipes and veneer core. In parks Cypress is a highly ornamental tree. Tree — tall, pyramidal, with tinted, flaring trunk. Bark — thin, scaly, reddish brown. Leaves — small, 2 — ranked, annual. Fruit — cones, small, generally in pairs, annual. Native Trees of Kentucky 19. D. JUNIPERS — GENUS JUNIPERUS. The Junipers differ in two points from other members of the Pine Family : 1. The flowers are borne on separate trees. 2. The fruit is not a true cone, but is composed of small fleshy scales, so coalescent in growth that they form a sweet, resinous berry. These berries are about the size of a pea, pale green at first, but later a dark blue covered with a glaucous bloom. One native species in Kentucky: Red Cedar — Junif>cnts virginiana. Red Cedar, found everywhere in Kentucky, is of economic importance only in the South-central part of the State. It is a slow-growing, long-lived tree, tolerant of shade, but indifferent to varying conditions of soil and climate. The wood is light, soft, close-grained, red in color and fragrant. Its durability gives it a value for naval construction, for posts and for telegraph poles. It is used in small cabinet work, and is extensively consumed by the lead pencil industry, manufacturers of pencils often maintain- ing their own forests of Red Cedar. Owing to its thin, stringy bark and extensive root system. Red Cedar is easily damaged by fire. It suffers serious injuries from attacks of fungus growths ; one disease, the Cedar Apple, is of some importance. There are three interesting phases of this Cedar Apple : 1. After spring rains, the fungus appears on the twigs of Cedar as a purplish-brown spongy mass, which later nearly encircles the twigs. When the apple is full grown, from the reg- ular sections of its surface, there protrude orange-colored, tongue- like bodies of tangled threads, each thread ending in a spore. 2. These spores, scattered by the wind, germinate only when they fall upon the Apple tree, forming yellow patches of rust on leaves and twigs. 3. This "apple rust" generates spores, which germinate only when they are blown upon the branches of the Cedar. A successful Cedar plantation must then avoid the vicinity of the Apple orchard. Tree — tall, conical, becoming irregular with age. Bark — separates in long, persistent shreds of a reddish color. Leaves — two kinds; scale-like on old stems, awl-shaped on new stems. Fruit— small, fleshy, dark blue berry. 2o Native Trees of Kentucky CLASS II.— ANGIOSPERMS. The Angiosperms include all plants that have the ovules and seeds covered by a more or less complicated floral envelope. This class is divided into two sub-classes, one of which is rep- resented by the Palm Family, not indigenous to Kentucky ; the second sub-class contains the broad leaf type of deciduous trees, represented by the so-called soft and hard woods. Two common characteristics of the deciduous trees are : 1. Lcoi'cs — netted veined; simple or compound, alternate, opposite or whorled. 2. Fruit — the matured ovary, represented by various forms and structures; nuts, acorns, berries, pods, samaras, capsules. Native Trees of Kentucky 21 WILLOW FAMILY— Saliciaceae. Considering- the trees in their natural order of development, the Willow Family ranks as the earliest type among deciduous trees. The family characteristics are : 1 . Trees — water-loving, rapid-growing-. 2. Leaves — alternate, simple. 3. Flowers — drooping catkins of two kinds, staminate and pistillate on separate trees. It is composed of two genera : A. Genus Populus — Poplars. P>. Genus Salix — \Yill<>\v>. The Poplars differ from the Willows in three points : 1. Trees — large. 2. Buds — large and resinous. 3. Leaves — broad, on long stems. The leaf stems of the Poplars are laterally flattened ; the trem- bling, restless motion of the leaves is due to this peculiarity. In Kentucky, Poplars are represented by three native species : a. Cotton-wood — Populus deltoides. b. Swamp Cotton-wood — Populus heterophylla. e. Large-toothed Aspen — Populus grandidentata. Native Trees of Kentucky a. Cotton-wood — Populns dcltoidcs. The Cotton-wood is one of the large trees found in moist meadows and along' streams. ( irown in the open, its branches are low. thick and spreading, easily fractured by the wind. The wood, light and soft, is used extensively for wood pulp, excelsior and fuel. The tree is particularly adapted for protecting lands subject to overflow from debris or erosion, and .for ornamental planting along canals. Deltoides refers to the shape of the leaf, which has the form of the Greek letter, Delta. Tree — trunk tall, 50 to 80 feet, often 4 feet in diameter. Bark — gray-green, thick and deeply fissured; twigs smooth with long, resinous buds. Leaves — broadly triangular, toothed, long pointed, firm in texture. Fruit — long capsules : seeds numerous, covered with cottony hairs. Native Trees of Kentucky 23 b. Swamp Co ft (in-wood — Popiilns heteroph\l!a. The Swamp Cotton-wood or Downy Poplar is recorded as the fastest growing tree native to America. In Kentucky its swamp associates are Red Maple, Tupelo, Sweet Gum and the water-loving" Oaks. The Cotton-wood's su- preme intolerance of shade soon causes it to outstrip its com- petitors and assume the dominant position in the swam]). The wood is soft and extensively used for cheap furniture, veneer core, and pulp wood. The annual seed production is abundant: the seeds are equip- ped with fine, cottony hairs. A distinctive feature of this tree is the orange-colored pith. Tree — large, with small crown. Bark — brown, thick, scaly like Shaghark Hickory. Leaves — broad and long, toothed, with cottony lining. Fruit — pointed capsules; seeds covered with silky down. c. Large-toothed Aspen — Populus grandidentata. In habit, distribution. Mowers and flattened leaf stem, the Large-toothed Aspen resembles the other members of the genus. The conspicuously large, incurved teeth on the scalloped margins of the leaves are responsible for its descriptive name. The weak, soft wood is used for paper pulp. Tree — medium size, with narrow, rounded top. Bark — thin, pale brownish green, fissured. Leaves — heart-shaped at base, coarse, thick, cottony on under N side, coarsely toothed. Fruit — cone-shaped, hairy capsules, filled with downy seeds. 24 Xntive Trees of Kentucky B. Wn.mws — GENUS SAI.IX. There are three species native to Kentucky : a. Black Willow — Salix nigra. b. Longleaf Willow — Salix rluviatilis. c. Pussy Willow — Salix discolor. The Willows are medium sized trees, characterized by short, thick trunks, manv low branches, and furrowed, scaly bark. The leaves are typically long and slender, short stemmed, tapering at both ends, showing a variety of greens. As the stumps sprout easily and the twigs root freely, the problem of reproduction among Willows is simple. This rapid growth, sturdiness and extensive branching make Willows valuable for wind-break plant- ing. The bark yields an important drug. Next to Oaks, Willows have more natural enemies among scales, borers and leaf eaters than any other trees, while the havoc among them from fungus diseases is of economic im- portance. Native Trees of Kentucky 25 a. Black Willow — Sali.v nigra. Tree — largest of the Willows. Bark — black, shaggy. Leaves — green on both sides, with a persistent pair of small, heart-shaped stipules at the base. Fruit — capsules in loose clusters. b. Lon^lcuf irilloic — S\ili.\- fluviatilis. Longleaf or Sand-bar \Yillow is peculiarly an American type. Tree — small, much branched. Bark — dark brown, scaly. Leaves — narrow, 2 to 6 inches long, silky when young, coarse- ly toothed, tapering at both end-. Fruit — capsules light brown, with short stem. c. Piissv or Glaucous JFillou' — Sali.v discolor. Tree — small, shrub-like, with purplish twigs. Bark — brown, tinged with red. Leaves — thick, firm, silvery white below. Fruit — capsules cylindrical, with long points. 26 Native Trees of Kentucky WALNUT FAMILY-Juglandaceae. The name of this family is a contraction of the Latin, Jovis glans, the nut of Jupiter: it is represented by two genera: A. Gems Julians — Walnuts. P>. (ienus Ilicoria — Hickories. They have four common features: 1. Aromatic hard wood. 2. Leaves — alternate, compound. 3. Flowers — catkins of two kinds ; staminate and pistillate on the same tree. 4. Fruit — woody nut enclosed in a fibrous husk. They have two different characteristics: In Walnut: 1. Twigs have champered pith. 2. Xuts are rough, with persistent, undivided husk. In Hickory : 1. Twigs have solid pith. 2. Xuts are smooth with a four-valved divided husk. A. WAI. NUT — GENUS JUGLANS. The Walnut of Kentucky has two species : ur or Mossy Cup Oak, the largest of Kentucky's Oaks, is found in low wet grounds west of the mountains. The wood is sold with White Oak in the lumber markets. The distinguishing features of ihir Oak are: (1) a mossy fringe about the rim of the large deep cup, (2) large, unequally divided leaves, (3, corky winged branches. Tree — large and heavy, with spreading, shaggy, corky-winged branches. Bark— dark, deeply furrowed. Leaves — long, divided into unequal halves by deep sinuses ; upper half long and broad with scalloped or lobed margins ; lower half, short, lobed, tapering to the stem. Fruit — acorns, large and round, set deeply in scaly, mossy fringed cups. . *»* BUR OAK— OUERCUS MACROCARPA. HOPKINS CO.. KY Trees of Kentucky No. 1. c. Post Oak — Qitcrcus minor. The Post Oak is found all over the State, but is of commer- cial importance only west of the Blue Grass region. The wood is used for posts, ties and cooperage or wherever durability is desired in contact with soil or water. Post Oak is an excellent park tree. The foliage is a ready means of identification ; the form of the normal leaf is almost cross-shaped. Tree — medium height, with low twisted branches and close round top. Bark — dark, deep furrows cov- ered with scales. Leaves — lower pair of five lobes small, middle pair broad and gen- tly lobed, terminal lobe itself 3-lobed ; texture of leaves thick, leathery, roughened by mi- nute hairs. Fruit — acorns, small, usually sessile in groups of 2 to 3. POST OAK— OUERCUS MINOR. HOPKINS CO., KY. Native Trees of Kentucky No. 1. d. Overcup Oak — Qucrcus l\rata. The ,'OVercup or Swamp Post Oak is a native of low river bottoms and swamps, in the western part of the State. The wood is not differentiated from While ( )ak in the lumber markets. The nut, almost enclosed by the scaly cup, gives the descrip- tive name to this species and is an easy guide to identification. Tree — large, trunk dividing into several main branches. Bark — reddish gray, shedding in thick scaly plates. Leaves — 3 to 5 pairs of oblong, pointed lobes with broad mid- dle sinuses. Fruit — acorns, small, rounded, often entirely enclosed by rough, scaly cups. No. 1. e. Chestnut Oak — Quercus prinus. The Chestnut Oak takes its name from the resemblance of its leaves to those of the Chestnut. As the more tolerant Maple, Beech and Hemlock disappear in the ascent up steep ridges. Chestnut Oak increases. In the Cumberland River district, which is the second heaviest timbered region of Kentucky, Chestnut Oak forms one of the four abundant forest trees. It is also found on sterile dry situations in the central and western part of the State. Neither the leaves nor the twigs are seriously damaged by insects and fungi, but the wood is discolored by the burrowing of minute larvae during the process of seasoning. These black specks, filled with sawdust, enlarge, reducing the grade of timber in the markets. The largest and soundest logs are sold with \Yhite Oak and utilized for the same purposes. The Chestnut Oak, however, is seldom quarter-sawed because of its poor silver grain. The bark is used extensively in the tanneries ; it is this tannic extract that has named the tree Tanbark Oak. Tree — large, usually divided into several main branches. Bark — very dark, fissured in deep, rough ridges. Leaves — resembling Chestnut without the pronounced toothed xs> margin. Fruit — acorns, single or in pairs ; nuts more than half im- bedded in round, scaly cups. Native Trees of Kentucky 53 No. 1. f. Chinquapin Oak — Oncrcns acinniiiata. The Chinquapin, or Narrow- leaved Chestnut Oak, grows along the rocky banks of streams in the mountains. It is also found abundantly on limestone ridges. The wood, very strong and close-grained, is difficult to sea- son, but is used for railroad ties, barrels and fencing. Attractive in form and foli- age, the Chinquapin deserves a prominent place in parks and on large lawns. The tree is often called Yellow Chestnut Oak from the yellow green of its foliage. Tree — tall, straight, with wide spreading base. Bark — close, rough, separating into brown scales. Leaves — long-, narrow, taper-pointed, coarsely toothed, crowd- ed together at ends of branches. Fruit — acorns, small and sweet ; nuts set one-half of their length, in fringy rimmed cups. 54 Trees of Kentucky No. 1. g. -SV(//;//> ll'liitc Oak — Qucrcns platanoidcs. Swamp White ( >ak is found commercially in the moist situa- tions of Western Kentucky. In habit, it resembles White Oak; the wood also is sim- ilar, but of an inferior quality. The two-toned surface of its leaves justifies the botanical name, bicolor. , , - ,, - Tree — tall, straight, with large trunk often buttressed at the base. Bark — dark brown, shedding in sheets like Syca- more. Lca-rcs — broad, with narrow tip and base ; yellow screen above, pale, downy white, be- neath. Fruit — acorns on long', slender stems ; oblong nuts deeply set in saucer- shaped cups, covered with thick, woolly scales. S\VAMP WHITE OAK — OUERCUS I'l.ATANOJDKS. HOPKINS CO., KV. Native Trees of Kentucky No. 1. //. Basket Oak — Onercus iniclian.vii. The I'asket Oak, or Cow Oak, found abundantly in low grounds of Western Kentucky, ranks close to White Oak in qual- ity and price. As the wood splits easily, it is especially valuable in the manufacture of baskets and crates. Owing to the sweet- ness and abundance of its acorn, Basket Oak ranks among the foremost mast trees of the Oak Family. It is the handsomest of the Chestnut Leaved Oaks, deserving recognition as an ornamental park tree for wet situations. Tree — undivided straight trunk, with large full crown. Bark — separates into thin plates of pale gray color. Leaves — broadly oblong, with narrow base and coarsely scal- loped margins. Fruit — acorns, sweet, edible ; nuts deeply seated in saucer- shaped cups, with hairy fringed rims. Native Trees of Kentucky 59 No. 2. — BLACK OAK GROUP. Of the Black Oak group there are four species of great com- mercial importance in Kentucky : a. Red Oak — Ouercus rubra. b. Black Oak — Ouercus velutina. c. Scarlet Oak — Ouercus coccinea. d. Texan ( )ak — Ouercus texana. Between the lumber of Red Oak and Black Oak there is little preference shown in the market, and between the trees, small basis for a close habit classification. They are both found all over Kentucky in gravelly, clay soils of slopes and ridges. The wood of each is heavy, hard and strong ; more easily worked than White Oak. but inferior in quality where great strength or contact with the ground is required. The bark of each is rich in tannic acid used for tanning leather. Both have oblong leaves, more or less acute at the 3-toothed apex, and wedge-shaped at the base. The 7 to 9 irregularly toothed lobes are furnished with bristly points. Two points of difference may be considered : Red Oak — inner bark, red ; acorns, large, bitter ; nuts en- closed only at base in shallow scaly cups, often persistent after nuts have fallen. Black Oak — inner bark, orange yellow : acorns, smaller ; nuts enclosed to one-half their size in scaly cups. 60 Native Trees of Kentucky No. 2. c. Scarlet Oak — Oucrcus coccinca. The Scarlet Oak, found all over the State on high, dry ground, is strongly resistent to fire, and sprouts abundantly from stumps. The wood is sold with second-grade Red Oak. Its attractive form and brilliant autumn foliage give the Scarlet Oak great advantages as a park tree. Tree — tall, lower branches wide spreading, head narrow. Bark — red brown, with shallow fissures. Leaves — general outline of the Red and Black Oak, but of a thinner texture and more deeply lobed. Fruit — acorns, resembling those of Black Oak, with kernels of nuts white, instead of yellow. No. 2. d. Te.van Oak — Oucrcus tc.rana. The Texan Oak is the tallest of our Black Oak group. It grows in moist bottomlands of the western part of the State, especially along the lower Green River. The valuable wood is priced with Red Oak and used for the same purposes. It resembles Scarlet Oak in foliage and Red Oak in fruit. TEXAN OAK— OUKRCUS TEXANA. HOPKINS Co., KY. 62 Native 1 rees oj Kentucky \o. 2. c. Pin Oak — Qiiercns palnstris. The Pin Oak is common in wet land all over the State. The wood checks and warps seriously ; and is used principally for shingles. The Pin Oak is a rapid-growing ( )ak and easily transplanted ; it is extensively used as a shade tree along- driveways, on lawns and in parks. The secondary branches are numerous, so small and fine that they probably warrant the common name. Pin Oak. Tree — handsome pyramidal outline, with single unbroken shaft like Cypress. Bark — dark gray, nearly smooth. Leaves — borne on long stems ; 5 to 9 oblong deeply-cut lobes, with sharp, bristly tipped teeth. J:ntit — acorns, small ; nuts, striped, set in shallow, soucer- shaped cups. No. 2. /. Spanish Oak — Qnercns digitata. The Spanish Oak is found on dry, gravelly or sandy soil, but most abundant in the southeastern part of the State, west of the mountains. The wood, strong and coarse-grained, checks badly while sea- soning, and is not prominent in the lumber markets. The unique and varied shape of the foliage makes the Spanish Oak an attractive ornamental tree. Leaves — oval in outline, drooping in habit and covered with down on the under surface ; terminal lobe, elon- gated, so deeply and variously cut as to challenge any uniform description. Fruit — acorns, long, slender : nuts set about one-fourth of length, in top-shaped, scaly cups. PIN OAK — OUERCUS PALUSTRIS. HOPKINS CO., KY. 64 Native Trees of Kentucky No. 2. g. Swamp Spanis/i Oak — Oitercus pagodaefoliit. This Oak, similar to forms of the Spanish Oak, is found sparingly on swamp borders and along streams west of moun- tain regions. The wood, hard, strong and tough, is valued highly for con- struction. Tree — tall, with massive trunk and narrow head. Bark — thick, covered with brown plate-like scales. Leaves — 5 to 11 lobes, with wide sinuses; dark green above, persistently woolly beneath. Fruit — acorns on short stalks ; nuts set about one-half of length in hairy-lined, top-shaped cups. No. 2. h. Black Jack — Onercits marilandica. The P>lack lack; or Barren Oak is found on dry, barren ridges everywhere in Kentucky. The tree is of slow growth, checks badly in seasoning, and is used commercially only in the manu- facture of charcoal. Growing on the dryest, poorest soil with huckleberries and reindeer moss, this black-trunked, stunted tree can easily be iden- tified by the peculiar shape of its thick leathery leaves. Pear- shaped in general outline, they vary in form from a broad tip without lobes, to one, three, or five-lobed with sharp bristly points. y • - -, /•: .. '*W' '» , , ' " '"^ " ' "' ' ' J SWAMP SPANISH OAK — OL'ERCL'S PAC.ODAEFOLIA. HOPKINS CO., KV. 66 Native Trees of Kentucky No. 2. /. Shingle Oak — Qiiercus imbricaria. j. irillou' Oak — Quercus phcllos. k. Laurel Oak — Ouercns laurifolia. These three Oaks are found scattered in moist situations of the Trade Water district of Western Kentucky. The Shingle Oak receives its name from the manufacture of its wood into shingles. The others are not prominent in the lumber markets, but their wood is used locally for wagon making and light construction work. Owing to their rapid growth, wide spreading lower branches, and slender, glossy unlobed leaves, they deserve extensive plant- ing as ornamental shade trees. In Louisville, the Willow Oak in Central Park remains green far into the winter. No. 2. /. Water Oak — Ouercns nigra. The Water Oak is found along borders of streams in the western part of the State. The leaves resemble leaves of Black Jack in outline, but are smaller, of thinner texture and without the prominent bristly points. Xo. 2. HI. Bear Oak — Oitercits nana. The Bear Oak is a small, much branched shrub-like tree, forming close thickets on dry, sterile regions of the State. The leaves are small, oval in outline, with 5 to 7 short tri- angular lobes strongly bristle-tipped, like Holly. WATER OAK — QUERCfS N1GRA. HARLAN CO.. KY. 68 Native Trees of Kentucky ELM FAMILY— Ulmaceae. This family contains two genera native to Kentucky A. Genus Ulmus — Elms. P>. Genus Celtis — Hackberries. A. ELMS — GENUS ULMUS. a. White Elm — Ulmus americana. b. Slippery Elm — Ulmus pubescens. c. Rock Elm — Ulmus racemosa. ornamental plant for large shrubbery borders. The small, perfect, greenish white flowers are borne in clus- ters in the axils of the leaves. Tree — small, slender, with spreading top. Bark — dark gray, often spotted with black. Leares — simple, alternate, elliptical. 2 to 6 inches long, slight- ly serrate. Fruit — berrv-like, black and sweet when ripe in early autumn. Native Trees of Kentucky 113 LINDEN FA/WILY- Tiliaceae. This tropical family is represented in North America by a single genus, Tilia. GENUS TILIA — LIXDEXS. In Kentucky, there are two species known as "Linn," or Bas.- wood,. distinguished only by experts. . Genus ( )xydendron. a. Great Laurel — Ihododendron maximum. In the mountains of the State, especially in caves and along- small streams of the sandstone regions. Rhododendron forms dense, evergreen thickets. Evergreen leaves are usually needle- like, but Holly and Rhododendron represent two of the broad leaf type. The large, perfect flowers are profusely set in showy, pinkish white clusters among whorls of fresh, new leaves. Rhododendron and its relative, shrubby Kalmia, are unsur- passed as ornamental evergreens. Tree — small, bushy, with bent or twisted trunk and stout, crooked branches. Bark — thick, covered with reddish brown scales. Leaves — oblong', thick and leathery, dark, glossy green, re- maining on the branches for two or three years. Fruit — oblong, woody capsules, containing many fringed seeds. flkc! umwood." The heart wood of Persimmon is hard and black, but is not formed until the tree reaches an advanced age. The wood is used for interior finish and for piano frames, and is largely ex- ported to Europe for this purpose. The less important uses are shoe lasts, plane stocks and tool handles. The flowers are small, of /u'o kinds, staminate and pistillate, borne on different trees; staminate in clusters, pistillate usually solitary. Tree — tall, slender, with full round head. Bark — dark brown, broken into irregular ridges showing an orange colored, inner layer. Leaves — alternate, simple, pointed, thick and leathery. Fruit — large, round, pulpy berries, edible when ripe. 124 Native Trees of Kentucky STCRAX FflMILY-Styracaceae. One genus, Mohrodendron, with one tree species represents this family in Kentucky. a. Silver-bell Tree — Mohrodendron carolimim. This orna- mental tree is known in differ- ent Southern States as Snow- drop Tree, Wild Olive Tree. Bell Tree, Opossum Wood, and Tiss- wood. It is found along mountain slopes with Mag- nolia, Rhododendron, Sourwood and Witch Hazel. Early in the spring, before the leaves are developed, the branches are decorated with large, graceful, bell-like flowers in lateral clusters of 2 to 4. The flowering period lasts from two to four weeks and places this tree in the list with Dogwood, Red- bud and Flowering Crab for landscape effects. Tree — generally small, with short, stout branches. C7 * Bark — brown, with scaly furrows. Leaves — simple, alternate, oblong, 2 to 4 inches long. Fruit — 1~ winged, pendulous nutlets, persistent far into the winter. Native Trees of Kentucky 125 OLIVE FAMILY— Oleaceae, Two genera represent this family in Kentucky : A. Genus Fraxinus — Ash. B. Genus Chionanthus — Fringe Tree. A. ASH — GENUS FRAXIXUS. Three characteristics readily identify these trees: 1. Branches — opposite. 2. Leaves — compound. 3. Fruit — a key or samara with one wing. Five species of Ash are found in Kentucky forests a. White Ash — Fraxinus americana. b. Red Ash — Fraxinus pennsylvanica. c. Green Ash — Fraxinus lanceolata. d. Blue Ash — Fraxinus quadrangulata. c. Black Ash — Fraxinus nigra. 126 Xative Trees of Kentucky a. IVliitc Ash — Fra.rinus aincricana. The White Ash reaches its best development in rich bottom- lands of river valleys, but is distributed throughout the State in association with other hard woods. Because White Ash floated easily and brought a good price, the commercial supply of Ken- tucky is now limited ; but the tree is a prolific seeder, sprouts abundantly from stumps and grows with fair rapidity. The strong, elastic wood seasons without injury and takes a fine polish ; these qualities place it in the first rank for interior finishings, furniture, car and carriage building, and agricultural implements. Ordinarily, curly growth in Ash is on one side of the tree, though trees have been found with the entire circum- ference figured ; these figures run crosswise of the tree, resem- bling bird's eye in Maple. Curly Ash commands the highest price as fancy grain and is exported to foreign countries principally for inlaid work. White Ash has great value as a shade tree. The flowers are usually of two kinds, staminate and pistillate, in loose panicles on separate trees ; sometimes both kinds in same cluster. Tree — large trunk, with broad, round, graceful head. Bark — gray, closely furrowed ; new shoots smooth, olive green. Leaves — 5 to 9 leaflets, stalked, sharp-pointed, with pale under surface. Fruit — keys in loose pendent clusters ; each key with a long slender wing like a paddle. Native Trees of Kentucky 1 2 • b. Red Ash — Fra.vinus pennsylvanicum. In habit. Red Ash is similar to \Yhite Ash, though a much smaller tree. It is found all over the State outside of the moun- tain region, but most abundantly in the western part. The wood, inferior to White Ash, is used as second-class ma- terial for many of the same purposes. The tree grows rapidly and is well adapted for street and lawn planting. For identification, Red Ash has 1. Twigs — hairy or velvety. 2. Leaves — 5 to 9 leaflets, with hairy stems. 3. Fruit — keys, with spatnlate-shaped wings notched at the tip. c. Green Ash — Fra.vinus lanccolaia. Green Ash is a small tree common in the Blue Grass region extending to the western part of the State. The wood is inferior to White Ash and is used for similar purposes. It is recommended for street and park planting. The foliage of Green Ash is smooth and of such uniform dark, lustrous green that it gives the tree its distinctive name and is the easiest means of identification. 128 Xative Trees of Kentucky d. Bine Ash — Fra.rinns quadrangulata. Blue Ash is found sparingly in the State, preferring lime- stone regions. Although less abundant in the markets than White Ash, the wood ranks as same grade of lumber. An easy mark for identification is the square or four-angled twigs which suggested the specific name, quadrangulata; the common name. Blue, was given from a dye in the bark. Unlike the other members of this family, Blue Ash has perfect flowers, borne in loose clusters, appearing before the leaves. Tree — the most slender of the family. Bark — light gray, splitting into scales ; branches conspicuously four-angled. Leaves — 7 to 11 leaflets, pale and hairy beneath. Fruit — keys, with flat seeds entirely enveloped by long blunt wing. r. Black Asli — Fra.rinns ni^ra. The Black Ash is the water-loving member of the family and is found principally in swampy lands in western part of the State. The wood is used for fence posts and in basket making. Three strong characteristics are a guide to identification: 1. Buds — bluish black. 2. Leaves — 7 to 11 leaflets without stems, except the ter- minal one. 3. Flowers — defective, wanting two of their floral parts, sepals and petals. X alive Trees of Kentucky 129 Frine Tree — Chionantkos This very attractive tree has received many names : Old Man's Beard, Snow-flower Tree, Flowering Ash and White Fringe, all alluding to the beauty of its flowers. The generic name, Chinonanthos, well describes the bloom, Chion — snow, anthos — flower. In June, as the leaves unfold, the delicate, fragrant flowers appear in slender, drooping panicles, This flowering habit, together with its handsome foliage, have given the tree a favorite place in gardens of Eastern United States. In Europe, it is highly prized as an American exotic. Tree — trunk short, often shrub-like. Bark — brown, fissured. Leaves — simple, alternate, oblong, taper-pointed at each end$ bright yellow in autumn. Fruit — borne in clusters, dark blue with slight bloom. 130 Native Trees of Kentucky FAMILY— Bignoniaceac. In Kentucky, this tropical family is represented by one genus Catalpa with two species : a. Catalpa — Catalpa speciosa. b. Catalpa — Catalpa bignonioides. a. JTcstcni Catalpa — Catalpa speciosa. Catalpa speciosa is reported in Ohio River bottoms in Western Kentucky, below the mouth of Wabash River. The strong, elastic wood has a beautiful grain and is sus- ceptible of a fine polish for furniture and interior trimmings. A tall, straight trunk, rapid growth and extreme durability in con- tact with the soil make this Catalpa peculiarly suitable for mine timbers, telegraph poles and railroad ties ; for commercial uses, large tracts have been planted with these trees in different parts of the country and several plantations have been started in Ken- tucky. Catalpa speciosa is also much prized as a shade and orna- mental park tree, because of its dark, tropical foliage and large panicles of showy, perfect, white flowers. Catalpa is an Indian word given to these trees by the Cherokee Indians. Tree — tall, upright trunk with short, stiff, dead-looking branches. Bark — brown, breaking into thin scales. Leaves — simple, opposite or in whorls, large, heart-shaped, thick and firm. Fruit — slender, bean-like capsules, 10 to 20 inches long, filled with flat, winged seeds ; wings frayed at edges into many soft threads. Native Trees of Kentucky 131 b. Catalpa — Catalpa bignonioidcs. This Catalpa, or Indian liean, as it is sometimes called, is found common in low river bottoms of the State. The wood, durable in contact with water and soil, is much inferior to Catalpa speciosa ; it is used locally for fence posts. This Catalpa is also a favorite ornamental tree, taking rank with Horse Chestnut and Paulownia. These two Catalpas are distinguished one from another only by the expert, but four points of difference are guides to identi- fication. Catalpa bignom'oicles has : 1. Short, thick, low-branching trunk; 2. Later flowering period ; 3. Smaller flowers and pods ; 4. Seeds smaller with wings, either twisted at the ends, or drawn out to a point. Native Trees of Kentucky List of Crees Dative to Kentucky 1. Short-leaf Pine. 2. White Pine. 3. Pitch Pine. 4. Scrub Pine. 5. Hemlock. 6. Bald Cypress. 7. Red Cedar. 8. Cottonwood. 9. Swamp Cottonwood. 10. Large-toothed Aspen. 11. Black Willow. 12. Long-leaf Willow. 13. Glaucous Willow. 14. Black Walnut. 15. Butternut. 16. Shagbark Hickory. 17. Kingnut. 18. Black Hickory. 19. Mockernut. 20. Pecan. 21. Bitternut. 22. Hornbeam. 23. Hop Hornbeam. 24. Water Birch. 25. Yellow Birch. 26. Sweet Birch. 27. American Beech. 28. Chestnut. 29. Chinquapin. 30. White Oak. 31. Bur Oak. 32. Post Oak. 33. Overcup Oak. 34. Chestnut Oak. 35. Chinquapin Oak. 36. Swramp \Vhite Oak. 37. Basket Oak. 38. Red Oak. 39. Black Oak. -10. Scarlet Oak. 41. Texan Oak. 42. Pin Oak. 43. Spanish Oak. 44. Swamp Spanish Oak. 45. Black Jack. 46. Shingle Oak. 47. Willow Oak. 48. Bear Oak. 49. Water Oak. 50. Laurel Oak. 51. White Elm. 52. Slippery Elm. 53. Rock Elm. 54. Winged Elm. 55. Hackberry. 56. Sugarberry. 57. Red Mulberry. 58. Osage Orange. 59. Tulip Tree. 60. Cucumber Tree. 61. LTmbrella Tree. 62. Ear-leaved Umbrella. 63. Large-leaved Umbrella. 64. Pawpaw. 65. Sassafras. 66. Sweet Gum. Xative Trees of Kentucky 133 LIST OF TREES NATIVE TO KENTUCKY— Con' d 67. Witch Hazel. 68. Sycamore. 69. Black Cherry. 70. Wild Plum. 71. Service Berry. 72. Cockspur Thorn. 73. Scarlet Haw. 74. Pear Haw. 75. Washington Haw. 76. Black Locust. 77. Honey Locust. 78. Kentucky Coffee Tree. 79. Yellow \Yood. 80. Redbud. 81. Three-leaved Hop Tree. 82. American Holly. 83. Mountain Holly. 84. Deciduous Holly. 85. Sugar Maple. 86. Black Maple. 87. Silver Maple. 88. Red Maple. 89. Mountain Maple. 90. Striped Maple. 91. Boxelder. 92. Ohio Buckeye. 93. Yellow Buckeye. 94. Indian Cherry. 95. American Linden. 96. White Basswood. 97. Hercules' Club. 98. Tupelo Gum. 99. Black Gum. 100. Flowering Dogwood. 101. Rhododendron. 102. Sourwood. 103. Persimmon. 104. Silverbell Tree. 105. White Ash. 106. Red Ash. 107. Green Ash. 108. Blue Ash. 109. Black Ash. 110. Fringe Tree. 111. Catalpa speciosa. 112. Catalpa bignonioides. 134 Xative Trees of Kentucky LIST OF TREES IN DOUBT. 1. Table-mountain Pine_. -I'inus pungent 2. Ward Willow. _Salix wardi 3. Planer Tree _ -Planera aquatica 4. Sweet Crab-. .Pyrns coronaria 5. Mountain Ash .Pyrus americana 6. Water Locust- .-Gleditsia aquatica 7. Wrater Gum -Nyssa biflora 8. Buckthorn Bumelia .Bumelia lycioides DOUBTFUL WHETHER TREES OR SHRUBS IN KENTUCKY. 1. Staghorn Sumach _ .Rlius hirta 2. Dwarf Sumach _Rhus copallina 3. Poison Sumach Rhus vernix 4. Wahoo __ Euonymus atropurpureus 5. Blue Dogwood ..Cornus alternifolia 6. Mountain Laurel _Kalmia latifolia 7. Sheepberry -Viburnum lentago 8. Nannyberry (Black Haw). .Viburnum prunifolium 9. Choke Cherry .Prunus virginiana 10. Clammy Locust -Robinia viscosa FOREIGN TREES THAT HAVE BECOME SPONTANEOUS IX KENTUCKY. 1. White Poplar Populus alba 2. White Willow . -Salix alba 3. White Mulberry- _Morus alba 4. Paper Mulberry -Moms papyrifera 5. Tree of Heaven -Ailanthus glandulosa 6. Paulownia Tree Paulownia tomentosa 7. English Hawthorn Crataegus oxyacantha Index. Ailanthus 134 American Beech 42 American Holly 101 American Linden 113 Angelica Tree 114 Angiosperms . ._11-20 Ashes 125-128 A-h-leaved Maple 107 Bald Cypress 18 Barren Oak 64 Basket Oak 56 Bear Oak 66 Beech Family 41-66 Big Bud Hickory 35 Big Xut Hickory 33 Birch Family __36-38 Bitternut 35 Black Ash 128 Black Birch 40 Black Gum . 118 Black Haw 134 Black Hickory . 33 Black Jack 64 Black Locust 95 Black Maple 104 Black Oak . 59 Black Oak Group ___. .___59-60 Black Walnut Black Willow Blue Ash 128 Blue Dogwood 134 Boxelder 107 Buckeye Family 108-111 Buckthorn Bumelia 134 Buckthorn Family 112 Bur Oak 48 Butternut . 35 136 Index Canadian Hemlock 16 Catalpa Family ..130-131 Cherry Birch 40 Chestnut . _43-44 Chestnut Oak 52 Chinquapin 44 Chinquapin Oak _ 53 Choke Cherry __. 134 Clammy Locust 134 Cockspur thorn 132 Conefirs 11 Cork Elm 71 Cottonwood 22 Cow Oak 56 Cucumber Tree 79 Custard Apple Family , 82 Deciduous Cypress 18 Deciduous Holly 102 Dog-wood Family __•_. 115-119 Downy Poplar __ 23 Dwarf Sumach 134 Ear-leaved Umbrella Tree 80 Ebony Family 123 Elm Family ___ __68-72 English Hawthorn . 134 Fetid Buckeye ___ 108 Flowering Dogwood 119 Fringe Tree 129 Ginseng Family 114 Glaucous Willow 25 Gray Birch . 39 Great Laurel __. 120 Green Ash . 127 Gymnosperms 11 Hackberry Haws ___. Heath Family 120-122 Hemlock 160 Hercules' Club 114 Index 137 Hickories 31-35 Holly Family -101-102 Honey Locust 96 Hop Tree 100 Hop Hornbeam 37 Hornbeam . 37 Indian Bean 131 Indian Cherry 112 Ironwood 37 Junebcrry 93 Junipers 19 Kingiiut 33 Kentucky Coffee Tree . 97 Large-leaved Magnolia 81 Large-toothed Aspen _ I .aurel Family Laurel Oak 66 Linden Family 113 Locusts -95-96 Long-leaf Willow 25 Magnolia Family Mahogany Birch 40 Maple Family ._ 103-107 Muckernut Mossy Cup Oak . 48 Mountin Ash 134 Mountain Holly 1()- Mountain Laurel Mountain Maple . '(l(l Mulberry Family . .-73-74 Xettle Tree Nannyberry Narrow-leaved Chestnut 138 Index ( )aks 45-66 Ohio Buckeye 108 Old Field Pine 13 ( )live Family _125-129 Osage Orange 74 Overcup Oak __ 52 Paper Mulberry 134 Paulownia 134 Pawpaw 82 Pea Family. 94-99 Pecan 35 Persimmon 123 Pignut 33 Pin Oak 62 Pine Family 11-13 Pitch Pine . 15 Planer Tree Family 88 Planer Tree 134 Poison Sumach 134 Poplars . ..21-23 Post Oak 50 Pussy Willow 25 Red Ash 127 Redbud 99 Red Cedar 19 Red Gum 85 Red Maple 105 Red Mulberry 73 Red Oak . 59 Rhododendron 120 Rock Elm . __ 71 Rock Maple 104 Rose Family ..91-100 Rue Family 100 Sandbar Willow 25 Sassafras 83 Scalybark Hickory 30 Scarlet Haw ; 65 Scarlet Oak 60 Index 139 Scrub Pine 15 Service Berry .__ 93 Shadbush 93 Shagbark Hickory 32 Shellbark Hickory 30 Sheepberry .__ 134 Shingle Oak 66 Short-leaf Pine . 13 Silverbell Tree 124 Silver Maple 105 Slippery Elm __ 70 Sour wood 122 Spanish Oak _ 62 Staghorn Sumach 134 Storax Family 124 Striped Maple 106 Sugarberry .__ 72 Sugar Maple _ 104 Swamp Cottonwood _ 23 Swamp Spanish Oak . 64 Swamp Post Oak . 52 Swamp White Oak . 54 Sweet Birch . 40 Sweet Crab 134 Sweet Gum . 85 Sycamore 88 Table-mountain Pine 134 Texan Oak . 60 Three-leaved Hop Tree ICO Tree of Heaven 134 Tulip Tree __. 76-78 Tupelo Gum 116 Umbrella Tree 80 Viburnum 134 Wafer Ash . 100 Walnut Family __26-35 Ward Willow . 134 Washington Haw _. 134 Water B'irch - 39 Water Gum 134 i 40 Index Water Lncust 134 Water Oak 66 Western Catalpa - 130 White Ash 126 White Basswood 113 White Elm 69 White Mulberry 134 White Oak 46 White Pine 14 White Poplar 134 White Walnut 30 White Willow 134 Wild Black Cherry . 92 Wild Yellow Plum _ 92 Willow Family 21-25 Willow Hickory ! 35 Willow Oak . 66 Winged Elm 71 Witch Hazel _ 86 Witch Hazel Family . __84-86 Yellow Birch 39 Yellow Buckeye . 109 Yellow Buckthorn 112 Yellow Word 98 6131