MaBfii ^ UNIVERSITY or PITTSBURGH Dcur. q>^H138| Jjarlington .M.einonaI L/ibrary THE NATURAL HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OP S E L B O R N E, T. Bentlcy, Frimcr, Bolt Court, ri«< Street. T. Bcnilc)', Primer, Bolt Court, Fl«t Street. lojhmtt/ic I; II, h'/// r^.j/ r/ru' '•/ S-EI.B0/RWjS,//y/,, //. ' S'JfriRT Z:i^TM£ 0 THE NATURAL HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF SELBORNE, IN THE Count? of Southampton* TO WHICH ARE ADDED, THE NATURALIST'S CALENDAR; OBSERVATIONS ON VARIOUS PARTS OF NATURE; AND POEMS. Bxj the late Rev. GILBERT WHITE, FORMERLY FELLOW OF ORIEL COLLEGE, OXFORD. A NEW EDITION, WITH ENGRAVINGS. LONDON: PRINTED FOR WHITE, COCHRANE, AND CO ; LONGMAN, HURST, KEES, ORME, AiSID BROWN; J. MAWMAN ; S. BAGSTER : J. AND A. ARCH; J. HATCHAKD ; R.BALDWIN; AND T. HAMILTON. 1813. ADVERTISEMENT. The Author of the following Letters takes the liberty, with all proper deference, of laying before the public his idea of parochial history, which, he thinks, ought to consist of natural productions and occurrences as well as anti- quities. He is also of opinion that if stationary men would pay some attention to the districts on which they reside, and would publish their thoughts respecting the objects that surround them, from such materials might be drawn the most complete county-histories, which are still wanting in several parts of this kingdom, and in particular in the county of Southampton. And here he seizes the first opportunity, though a lale one, of returning his most grateful acknowledgments to the reverend the President and the reverend and worthy the Fellows of Magdalen College in the university of Oxford, for their liberal behaviour in permitting their archives to be searched by a member of their own society, so far as the evidences therein contained might respect the parish and priory of Selborne. To that gentleman also, and his assistant, whose labours and attention could only be equalled by the very kind manner in which they were bestowed, many and great obligations are also due. Of the authenticity of the documents above-mentioned there can be no doubt, since they consist of the identical deeds and records that were removed to the College from the Priory at the time of it's dissolution; and, being care- fully copied on the spot, may be depended on as genuine ; and, never having been made public before, may gratify the curiosity of the antiquar}', as well as establish the credit of the history. If the writer should at all appear to have induced any of his readers to pay a more ready attention to the wonders of the Creation, too frequently overlooked as common occurrences; or if he should by any means, through his researches, have lent an helping hand towards the enlargement of the boundaries of historical and topo- graphical knowledge; or if he should have thrown some small light upon ancient customs and manners, and espe- cially on those that were monastic ; his purpose will be fully answered. But if he should not have been success- vu ful in any of these his intentions, yet there remains this consolation behind — that these his pursuits, by keeping the body and mind employed, have, under Providence, contributed to much health and cheerfulness of spirits, even to old age : and, what still adds to his happiness, have led him to the knowledge of a circle of gentlemen whose intelligent communications, as they have afforded him much pleasing information, so, could he flatter him- self with a continuation of them, would they ever be deemed a matter of singular satisfaction and improve- ment. January lst,'l788. GIL. WHITE, The following few biographical records of the Author, it is presumed, will not be unacceptable to the Reader. Gilbert White was the eldest son of John White of Selborne, Esq. and of Anne the daughter of Thomas Holt, rector of Strealham in Surry. He was born at Sel- borne on July 18, 1720; and received his school-educa- tion at Basingstoke, under the Rev. Thomas Warton, vicar of that place, and father of those two distinguished literary characters, Dr. Joseph Warton, master of Win- chester school, and Mr. Thomas Warton, poetry-professor at Oxford. He was admitted at Oriel College, Oxford, in December 1739, and took his degree of bachelor of arts in June 1743. In March 1744 he was elected fellow of his college. He became master of arts in October 1746, and was admitted one of the senior proctors of the university in April 1752. Being of an unambitious tem- per, and strongly attached to the charms of rural scenery, he early fixed his residence in his native village, where he spent the greater part of his life in literary occupations, and especially in the study of nature. This he followed with patient assiduity, and a mind ever open to the les- sons of piety and benevolence which such a study is so well calculated to afford. Though several occasions of- fered of settling upon a college living, he could never per- IX suade himself to quit the beloved spot, which was, indeed, a peculiarly happy situation for an observer. He was much esteemed by a select society of intelligent and wor- thy friends, to whom he paid occasional visits. Thus his days past, tranquil and serene, with scarcely any other vicissitudes than those of the seasons, till they closed at a mature age on June 26, 1793. ^TEW or THEMKSIDEKCJEAT. SJ3MOJRNJE.OF TIHDB JLATJS 3«V. GU.BE1R.T ^THITE. /b ADVERTISEMENT TO THE NEW EDITION. It is peculiarly gratifying to the Editor to olx-y the call of tlie Pubhc for a new edition of this work, endeared to him by so many ties, and of which the merits have been so well ap])recialed by the literary world. He has taken the opportunity of adding to it the Naturalist's Ca- lendar, (with the Comparative Calendar by Mr. Mark WICK*) and Oijskrv ations on various Parts OF Nature, which had appeared in a separate form, and of adding a few Poems not before published. The classical reader and the naturalist will, he conceives, be equally pleased by the publication of the elegant re- marks on the work with which the Editor has been favoured by the Rev. John Mitford of Benhall, and unite in regrelling that they are not more numerous. Some of the plates have been re-engraved, two new ones have been added; and with increased advantages of typography and embellishment, the Editor trusts that the present edition will be not less favorably received by the public than the preceding. J. W. Selborne, May 10, 1813. * Tliis gentleman, who iubsequcntly changed his name to Eversfield, in conse- quence of succeeding to the estates of his uncle, the late Sir C. Eversfield Bart, of Denn Place, died at his teat atCats6eld, near Battle in Sussex, on the 6th of last month. NATURAL HISTORY OF S E I. B O R N E. Tpij%£/, aXX ayuBri KispoTpo(po;. vti iyuyi * Ug yocirjg ovvu[/.xt yXvKepuTepov aXXo iSsa-dai. IIOMERI ODYSS. IX. Tola tleniqne nostra ilia aspera, & montuosa, & fiijelis, & simplex, & fautrix suorum regio. Cictio Oral, pro Cn. Plancio. rk '^ ~:nt tR' .f-TM'sa '>I1j THE NATURAL HISTORY SELBORNE. LETTER I. TO THOMAS PENNANT, ESQUIRE. The parish of Selborne lies in the extreme eastern corner of the county of Hampshire, bordering on the county of Sussex, and not far from the county of Surrey ; is about fifty miles south-west of London, in latitude 51, and near midway between the towns oi Alton and Petersjield. Being very large and extensive it abuts on twelve parishes, two of which are in Sussex, viz. Trotton and Rogate. If you begin from the south and proceed westward the adjacent parishes are E7nshot, Newton Valence, Faringdon, Harteley Mauduit, Great Ward le ham, Kingsley, Hedleigh, Bram- shot, Trotton, Rogate, Lysse, and Greatham. The soils of this dis- trict are almost as various and diversified as the views and aspects. The high part to the south-west consists of a vast hill of chalk, 0 NATURAL HISTORY rising three hundred feet above the village; and is divided into a sheep down, the high wood, and a long hanging wood called The Hanger. The covert of this eminence is altogether beech, the most lovely of all forest trees, whether we consider it's smooth rind or bark, it's glossy foliage, or graceful pendulous boughs. The down, or sheep-walk, is a pleasing park-like spot, of about one mile by half that space, jutting out on the verge of the hill- country, where it begins to break down into the plains, and com- manding a very engaging view, being an assemblage of hill, dale, wood-lands, heath, and water. The prospect is bounded to the south-east and east by the vast range of mountains called The Sussex Dffwns, by Guild-down near Guildford, and by the Downs round Dorking, and Ryegate in Surrey, to the north-east, which altogether, with the country beyond Alton and Farnham, form a noble and extensive outline. At the foot of this hill, one stage or step from the uplands, lies the village, which consists of one single straggling street, three quarters of a mile in length, in a sheltered vale, and running parallel with The Hanger. The houses are divided from the hill by a vein of stiff clay (good wheat-land), yet stand on a rock of white stone, little in appearance removed from chalk ; but seems so far from being calcarious, that it endures extreme heat. Yet that the freestone still preserves somewhat that is analogous to chalk, is plain from the beeches which descend as low as those rocks extend, and no farther, and thrive as well on them, where the ground is steep, as on the chalks. The cart-way of the village divides, in a remarkable manner, two verj' incongruous soils. To the south-west is a rank clay, .that requires the labour of years to render it mellow; while the gardens to the north-east, and small enclosures behind, consist of a OF SELBORNE. 3 warm, forward, crumbling mould, called black malm, which seems highly saturated with vegetable and animal manure ; and these may perhaps have been the original site of the town ; while the wood and coverts might extend down to the opposite bank. At each end of the village, which runs from south-east to north-west, arises a small rivulet : that at the north-west end frequently fails : but the other is a fine perennial spring little in- fluenced by drought or wet seasons, called Well-head^. Ihis breaks out of some high grounds joining to Nore Hill, a noble chalk promontory, remarkable for sending forth two streams into two different seas. The one to the south becomes a branch of the Aru7t, running to Arundel, and so falling into the British channel : the other to the north. The Selborne stream makes one branch of the JFei/ ; and, meeting the Black-down stream at Hed- leigh, and the Alton and Farnham stream at Tilford-bridge, swells into a considerable river, navigable at Godalming ; from whence it passes to Guildford, and so into the Thames at TFeybridge ; and thus at the Nore into the German ocean. Our wells, at an average, run to about sixty-three feet, and when sunk to that depth seldom fail; but produce a fine limpid water, soft to the taste, and much commended by those who drink the pure element, but which does not lather well with soap. To the north-west, north and east of the village, is a range of fair enclosures, consisting of what is called a white malm, a sort of » This spring produced, September 14, 178I, after a severe liot summer, and a pre- ceding dry spring and winter, nine gallons of water in a minute, wJiich is five hundred and forty in an hour, and twelve thousand nine hundred and sixty, or two hundred and sixteen hogsheads, in twenty-four hours, or one nntural day. At this time many of the wells failed, and all the ponds in the vales were dry. B 2 4 NATURAL HISTORY rotten or rubble stone, which, when turned up to the frost and rain, moulders to pieces, and becomes manure to itself \ Still on to the north-east, and a step lower, is a kind of white land, neither chalk nor clay, neither fit for pasture nor for the plough, yet kindly for hops, which root deep into the freestone, and have their poles and wood for charcoal growing just at hand. This white soil produces the brightest hops. As the parish still inclines down towards JVolmer-forest, at the juncture of the clays and sand the soil becomes a wet, sandy loam, remarkable for timber, and infamous for roads. The oaks of Temple and Blackmoor stand high in the estimation of purveyors, and have furnished much naval timber; while the trees on the freestone grow large, but are what workmen call shakey, and so brittle as often to fall to pieces in sawing. Be- yond the sandy loam the soil becomes an hungry lean sand, till it mingles with the forest ; and will produce little without the assistance of lime and turnips. LETTER II. TO THE SAME. In the court of No7'ton farm house, a manor farm to the north- west of the village, on the white malms, stood within these twenty years a broad-leaved elm, or wych hazel, ulmus folio latissimo scabro of Ray, which, though it had lost a considerable leading *• This soil produces good wheat and clover. OF SELBORNE. 5 bough in the great storm in the year 1703, equal to a moderate tree, yet, when felled, contained eight loads of timber; and, be- ing too bulky for a carriage, was sawn off at seven feet above the butt, where it measured near eight feet in the diameter. This elm I mention to shew to what a bulk planted elms may attain ; as this tree must certainly have been such from it's situation. In the centre of the village, and near the church, is a square piece of ground surrounded by houses, and vulgarly called The Pkstor". In the midst of this spot stood, in old times, a vast oak, with a short squat body, and huge horizontal arms extending almost to the extremity of tlie area. This venerable tree, sur- rounded with stone steps, and seats above them, was the delight of old and young, and a place of much resort in summer even- ings ; where the former sat in grave debate, while the latter fro- licked and danced before them. Long might it have stood, had not the amazing tempest in 1703 overturned it at once, to the infinite regret of the inhabitants, and the vicar, who bestowed several pounds in setting it in it's place again : but all his care could not avail; the tree sprouted for a time, then withered and died. This oak I mention to shew to what a bulk planted oaks also may arrive : and planted this tree must certainly have been, as will appear from what will be said farther concerning this area, when we enter on the antiquities of Selborne. On the Blackmoor estate there is a small wood called LoseVs, of a few acres, that was lately furnished with a set of oaks of a pe- culiar growth and great value; they were tall and taper like firs, but standing near together had very small heads, only a little brush without any large limbs. About twenty years ago the « Vide the plate in the Antiquities. 6 NATURAL HISTORY bridge at the Tot/, near Hampton Court, being much decayed, some trees were wanted for the repairs that were fifty feet long without bough, and would measure twelve inches diameter at the little end. Twenty such trees did a purveyor find in this little wood, with this advantage, that many of them answered the description at sixty feet. These trees were sold for twenty pounds apiece. In the centre of this grove there stood an oak, which, though shapely and tall on the whole, bulged out into a large excres- cence about the middle of the stem. On this a pair of ravens had fixed their residence for such a series of years, that the oak was distinguished by the title of Tlie Raven-tree. Many were the attempts of the neighbouring youths to get at this eyry .• the difficulty whetted their inclinations, and each was ambitious of surmounting the arduous task. But, when they arrived at the swelling, it jutted out so in their way, and was so far beyond their grasp, that the most daring lads were awed, and acknow- ledged the undertaking to be too hazardous. So the ravens built on, nest upon nest, in perfect security, till the fatal day arrived in which the wood was to be levelled. It was in the month o^ February, when those birds usually sit. The saw was applied to the butt, the wedges were inserted into the opening, the woods echoed to the heavy blows of the beetle or mallet, the tree nodded to it's fall ; but still the dam sat on. At last, when it gave way, the bird was flung from her nest; and, though her parental affection deserved a better fate, was whipped down by the twigs, which brought her dead to the ground. Wt -r / ,/. r ;v , (^' /v.', A/ fA^//^ ' OF SELBORNE. LETTER in. TO THE SAME. The fossil-shells of this district, and sorts of stone, such as have fallen within my observation, must not be passed over in silence. And first I must mention, as a great curiosity, a specimen that was plowed up in the chalky fields, near the side of the Down, and given to me for the singularity of it's appearance^ which, to an incurious eye, seems like a petrified fish of about four inches long, the cardo passing for an head and mouth. It is in reality a bivalve of the Linncean Genus of Mytilus, and the species of Crista Gain ; called by Lister, Rastellum ; by Rumphius, Ostream pli- catum minus; by D' Argenville, Auris Porci, s. Crista Galli; and by those who make collections cock's comb. Though I applied to several such in London, I never could meet with an entire specimen ; nor could I ever find in books any engraving from a perfect one. In the superb museum at Leicester-house, permission was given me to examine for this article; and though I was dis- appointed as to the fossil, I was highly gratified with the sight of several of the shells themselves in high preservation. This bivalve is only known to inhabit the Indian ocean, where it fixes itself to a zoophyte, known by the name Gorgonia. The curious foldings of the suture the one into the other, the alternate flutings or grooves, and the curved form of my specimen being much easier expressed by the pencil than by words, I have caused it to be drawn and engraved. Cornua Ammonis are very common about this village. As we were cutting an inclining path up The Hanger, the labourers 8 NATURAL HISTORY found them frequently on that steep, just under the soil, in the chalk, and of a considerable size. In the lane above Well-head, in the way to Emshof, they abound in the bank in a darkish sort of marl; and are usually very small and soft: but in Clays Pond, a little farther on, at the end of the pit, where the soil is dug out for manure, I have occasionally observed them of large dimen- sions, perhaps fourteen or sixteen inches in diameter. But as these did not consist of firm stone, but were formed of a kind of terra lapidosa, or hardened clay, as soon as they were exposed to the rains and frost they mouldered away. These seemed as if they were a very recent production. In the chalk-pit, at the north- west end of The Hanger, large nautili are sometimes observed. In the very thickest strata of our freestone, and at considerable depths, well-diggers often find large scallops or pectines, having both shells deeply striated, and ridged and furrowed alternately. They are highly impregnated with, if not wholly composed of, the stone of the quarry. LETTER IV. TO THE SAME. As in a former letter the freestone, of this place has been only mentioned incidentally, I shall here become more particular. This Stone is in great request for hearth-stones, and the beds of ovens: and in lining of lime-kilns it turns to good account; for the workmen use sandy loam instead of mortar; the sand of which fluxes, •'and runs by the intense heat, and so cases over the "" There may probably be also in the chalk itself that is burnt for lirae a proportion of sand : for few chalks are so pure as to have none. OF SELBORNE. 9 whole face of the kiln with a strong vitrified coat like glass, that it is well preserved from injuries of weather, and endures thirty or forty years. When chiseled smooth, it makes elegant fronts for houses, equal in colour and grain to the Bath stone ; and su- perior in one respect, that, when seasoned, it does not scale. De- cent chimney-pieces are worked from it of much closer and finer grain than Portland; and rooms are floored with it; but it proves rather too soft for this purpose. It is a freestone, cutting in all directions; yet has something of a grain parallel with the hori- zon, and therefore should not be surbedded, but laid in the same position that it grows in the quarry .= On the ground abroad this fire-stone will not succeed for pavements, because, probably, some degree of saltness prevailing within it, the rain tears the slabs to pieces.' Though this stone is too hard to be acted on by vinegar; yet both the white part, and even the blue I'ag, ferments strongly in mineral acids. Though the white stone will not bear wet, yet in every quarry at intervals there are thin strata of bins rag, which resist rain and frost ; and are excellent for pitching of stables, paths and courts, and for building of dr\ walls against banks ; a valuable species of fencing, much in use in this village, and for mending of roads. This rag is rugged and stubborn, and will not hew to a smooth face; but is very durable : yet, as these strata are shallow and lie deep, large quan- tities cannot be procured but at considerable expense. Among ' To suried stone is to set it edgewise, contrary to the posture it had in the quarry, says Dr. Plot, Oxfordsh. p. ^^ . But surbedd'mg does not succeed in our dry walls ; neither do we use it so in ovens, though he says it is best for Teynton stone. f " Firestone is full of salts, and has no sulphur : must be close grained, and have " no interstices. Nothing supports fire like salts ; saltstone perishes exposed to wet " and frost." Plot's Staff, p. 152. C 10 NATURAL HISTORY the blue rags turn up some blocks tinged with a stain of yelloxu or rust colour, which seem to be nearly as lasting as the blue ; and every now and then balls of a friable substance, like rust of iron, called rust balls. In fFolmer Forest I see but one sort of stone, called by the workmen sand, ov forest-stone. This is generally of the colour of rusty iron, and might probably be Avorked as iron ore; is very hard and heavy, and of a firm, compact texture, and composed of a small roundish crystalline grit, cemented together by a brown, terrene, ferruginous matter ; will not cut without diffi- culty, nor easily strike fire with steel. Being often found in broad flat pieces, it makes good pavement for paths about houses, never becoming slippery in frost or rain; is excellent for dry walls, and is sometimes used in buildings. In many parts of that waste it lies scattered on the surface of the ground ; but is dug on Weavers Down, a vast hill on the eastern verge of that forest, where the pits are shallow, and the stratum thin. This stone is imperishable. From a notion of rendering their work the more elegant, and giving it a finish, masons chip this stone into small fragments about the size of the head of a large nail; and then stick the pieces into the wet mortar along the joints of their freestone walls: this embellishment carries an odd appearance, and has occasioned strangers sometimes to ask us pleasantly, " whether we fastened our walls together with lenpenny nails. OF SELBORNE. ] 1 L E T T E R V. TO THE SAME. Among the singularities of this place the two rocky hollow lanes, the one to Alton, and the other to the forest, deserve our atten- tion. These roads, running through the malm lands, are, by the traffick of ages, and the fretting of water, worn down through the first stratum of our freestone, and partly through the se- cond ; so that they look more like water-courses than roads ; and are bedded with naked rag for fuilongs together. In many places they are reduced sixteen or eighteen feet beneath the level of the fields ; and after floods, and in frosts, exhibit very grotesque and wild appearances, from the tangled roots that are twisted among the strata, and from the torrents rushing down their broken sides; and especially when those cascades are frozen into icicles, hanging in all the fanciful shapes of frost-work. These rugged gloomy scenes atfright the ladies when they peep down into them from the paths above, and make timid horse- men shudder while they ride along them ; but delight the naturalist with their various botany, and particularly with their curious^//ce* with which they abound. The manor of Selborne, was it strictly looked after, with all it's kindly aspects, and all it's sloping coverts, would swarm with game ; even now hares, partridges, and pheasants abound ; and in old days woodcocks were as plentiful. There are few quails, because they more affect open fields than enclosures ; after har- vest some few land-rails are seen. The parish of Selborne, by taking in so much of the forest, is a vast district. Those who tread the bounds are employed part of c 2 12 NATURAL HISTORY three days In the business, and are of opinion that the outHne, in all it's curves and indentings, does not comprise less than thirty miles. The village stands in a sheltered spot, secured by The Hanger from the strong westerly winds. The air is soft, but rather moist from the effluvia of so many trees ; yet perfectly healthy and free from agues. The quantity of rain that falls on it is very considerable, as may be supposed in so woody and mountainous a district. As my experience in measuring the water is but of short date, 1 am not qualified to give the mean quantity.^ I only know that Inch. Hund. From May 1, 1779, to the end of the year there fell 28 37! From Jan. 1, 1780, to Jan. 1, 1781 From Jan. 1, 1781, to Jan. 1, 1782 From Jan. 1, 1782, to Jan. 1, 1783 From Jan. 1, 1783, to Jan. 1, 1784 From Jan. 1, 1784, to Jan. 1, 1785 From Jan. 1, 1785, to Jan. 1, 1786 From Jan. 1, 1786, to Jan. 1, 1787 The village of Selborne, and large hamlet of Oakhanger, with the single farms, and many scattered houses along the verge of the K A very intelligent gentleman assures me (and he speaks from upwards of forty years experience) that the mean rain of any place cannot be ascertained till a person has measured it for a very long period. " If I had only measured the rain," says he, " for the four first years, from 1740 to 1743, I should have said the mean rain at " Lyndon ^zs \Q^ inch for the yearj if from 1740 to 1750, ISJ inches. The " mean rain before 1763 was 20$ from 1"63 and since 254 fro'n 1"70 to 1/80, 26. "■ If only 1773, 1774 and 1775, had been measured, Lyndon mean rain would have " been called 32 inches." 27 32 30 71 50 26! 33 71 S3 80 31 55 39 57 OF SELBORNE. 13 forest, contain upwards of six hundred and seventy inhabitants.'' •"^ STATE of the Parish of SELBORNE, taken October 4, 1783. The number of tenements or families, 136. The numbfr of inhabitants in the street is 313 J Total 676 ; neaj five inhabitants to In the rest of the parish - - 3C)3 > each tenement. In the time of the Rev. Gilbert White, Vicar, who died in 1727-8, the number of inha- bitants was computed at about 500. Average of baptisms for 60 years. From 1740 1721), both ^Females years inclus. J 1739, both \^,^^^^^^ yea: inchis. 6,0j'-'' 7,lj'^- 'roml750 W Q-l 17&9inel. J ^- ^'M 1749 incl From 1750 Total of baptisms of Males 615 1 Females 465/^ Total of baptisms from 1720 to 1779, both inclusive - |From 1760 to 1769 incl. [From 1770 to 1779 incl- }^f-f3}20,3 60 years 980. From 1720 to") nj, "j 1729, both kltiesjlf 9'! years mclus. j j ^,Tn'r?K°lMales 4,8 1,„ .1739, both >Females5 8 f '0' years incms. J J Average of burials for 60 years. From 1740') ,, 1749 mcl. J From 1750 T ^ to Cv ' 1759 incl. J • ■9|io,0 ' } From 1760 ■" |f^'9Jl3.4 1769 incl. J^- '^'^J Froml770|j^I 5 -| to TF 1779 'ncl- J e 315 325 60 years - - - 640. Total of burials of Males Females Total of burials from 1720 to 1779, both inclusive - Baptisms exceed burials by more than one third. Baptisms of Males exceed Females by one tenth, or one in ten. Burials of Females exceed Males by one in thirty. It appears that a child, born and bred in this parish, has an equal chance to Vwt abovt forty years. Twins thirteen times, many of whom dying young have lessened the chances for life. Chances for life in men and women appear to be equal. A TABLE 0/ Z/ic Baptisms, Burials, ohJ Marriages, yjom January 2, 1761, /o December 1761. 1762. 1763. 1764. 1765. 1766. 1767. 1768. 1769. 1770. 25, 1780, in the iPTl SMS BURIALS. M.; M. F. Tot. M. F. Tot. 8 10 18 2 4 6 7 8 15 10 14 24 8 10 18 3 4 7 11 9 20 10 8 18 12 6 18 9 7 16 9 13 22 10 6 16 14 5 19 6 5 11 7 6 13 2 5 7 9 14 23 6 5 11 10 13 23 4 7 11 Parish of SELBORNE. 95 94 1£ 62 65 127 43 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MAE M. F. Tot. M. F. Tot. 1771. 10 6 16 3 4 7 4 1772. 11 10 21 6 10 16 3 1773. 8 5 13 7 5 12 3 1774. 6 13 19 2 8 10 1 1775. 20 7 27 13 8 21 6 1776. 11 10 21 4 6 10 6 1777. 8 13 21 7 3 10 4 1778. 7 13 20 3 4 7 5 • 779. 14 8 22 5 6 11 5 1780. 8 9 17 11 4 15 3 103 94 197 61 58 119 40 95 94 189 62 65 127 43 198^88^86 123 123 246 83 During this period of twenty years the births of males exceeded those of females - - 10. The burials of each sex were equal. And the births exceeded the deaths - - - 140. U NATURAL HISTORY We abound with poor; many of whom are sober and indus- trious, and live comfortably in good stone or brick cottages, which are glazed, and have cliambers above stairs : mud buildings we have none. Besides the employment from husbandry, the men work in hop gardens, of which we have many ; and fell and bark timber. In the spring and summer the women weed the corn ; and enjoy a second harvest in September by hop-picking. Formerly, in the dead months they availed themselves greatly by spinning wool, for making of tarragons, a genteel corded stuff, much in vogue at that time for summer wear; and chiefly manu- factured at Alton, a neighbouring town, by some of the people called Quakers : but from circumstances this trade is at an end.' The inhabitants enjoy a good share of health and longevity; and the parish swarms with children. LETTER VI. TO THE SAME. Should I omit to describe with some exactness the jTore-s^ of Wolmer, of which three fifths perhaps lie in this parish, my ac- count of Selborne would be very imperfect, as it is a district abounding with many curious productions, both animal and ve- oetable ; and has often afforded me much entertainment both as a sportsman and as a naturalist. ' Since the passage above was written, I am happy in being able to say that the spinning employment is a little revived^ to the no small comfort of the industrious housewife. OF SELBORNE. 15 The xoy?^ forest of IVolmer is a tract of land of about seven miles in length, by two and a half in breadth, running nearly from North to South, and is abutted on, to begin to the South, and so to proceed eastward, by the parishes of Greatham, Lysse, Rogate, and Trotton, in the county of Sussex ; by Bramshot, Hedleigh, and Kingsley. This i-oyalty. consists entirely of sand covered with heath and fern ; but is somewhat diversified with hills and dales, without having one standing tree in the whole extent. In the bottoms, where the waters stagnate, are many bogs, which for- merly abounded with subterraneous trees; though Dr. Pbt says positively,'' that " there never were any fallen trees hidden in the " mosses of the southern counties." But he was mistaken : for I myself have seen cottages on the verge of this wild district, whose timbers consisted of a black hard wood, looking like oak, Avhich the owners assured me they procured from the bogs by probing the soil with spits, or some such instruments : but the peat is so much cut out, and the moors have been so well ex- amined, that none has been found of late.' Besides the oak, I have also been shewn pieces of fossil-wood of a paler colour, ^ See his Hist, of Staffordshire. ' Old people have assured me, that on a winter's mornirg they have discovered- these trees, in the bogs, by the hoar frost, which lay longer over the space where they were concealed, than on the surrounding morass. Nor does this seem to be a fan- ciful notion, but consistent with true philosophy. Dr. Hales saith, " That the " warmth cf the earth, at some depth under ground, has an influence in promoting " a thaw, as well as the change of the weather from a freezing to a thawing state, " is manifest, from this observation, viz. Nov. 2Q, 1731, a little snow having fallen " in the night, it was, by eleven the next morning, mostly mdted away on the sur- " face of the earth, except in several places in Bushy-park, where tliere were drains " dug and covered with earth, on which the snow continued to lie, whether those " drains were full of water or dry; as also where elm-pipes lay under ground : a 16 NATURAL HISTORY and softer nature, which the inhabitants called fir: bu<:, upon a nice examination, and trial by fire, I could discover nothing resinous in them; and therefore rather suppose that they were parts of a willow or alder, or some such aquatic tree. This lonely domain is a very agreeable haunt for many sorts of wild fowls, which not only frequent it in the winter, but breed there in the summer; such as lapwings, snipes, wild-ducks, and, as I have discovered within these few years, teals. Partridges in vast plenty are bred in good seasons on the verge of this fo- rest, into which they love to make excursions : and in particular, in the dry summer of 1740 and 1741, and some years after, they swarmed to such a degree, that parties of unreasonable sports- men killed twenty and sometimes thirty brace in a day. But there was a nobler species of game in this forest, now ex- tinct, which I have heard old people say abounded much before shooting flying became so common, and that was the heath-cock, black game, or grouse. When I was a little boy I recollect one coming now and then to my father's table. The last pack re- membered was killed about thirty-five years ago; and within these ten years one solitary grei/ hen was sprung by some beagles in beating for a hare. The sportsmen cried out, " A hen phea- sant ;'" but a gentleman present, who had often seen grouse in the north of England, assured me that it was a grey hen. " plain proof tills, that those drains intercepted the warmth of the earth from as- '' cendlng from greater depths below them : for the snow lay where tlie drain had " more than four feet depth of earth over it. It continued also to lie on thatch, tiles, " and the tops of walls." See Hales s Haemastatics, p. 360. Quere, Might not such observations be reduced to domestic use, by promoting the discovery of old oblite- rated drains and wells about houses; and in Roman stations and camps lead to the finding of pavements, baths and graves, and other hidden relics of curious antiquity ? OF SELBORNE. 17 "Nor does the loss of our black game prove the only gap in the Fauna Selboiviiemis ; for another beautiful link in the chain of be- ings is wanting, I mean the red deer, which toward the beginning of this century amounted to about five hundred head, and made a stately appearance. There is an old keeper, now alive, named Adams, whose great grandfather (mentioned in a perambulation taken in i6Jo) grandfather, father and self, enjoyed the head keepership of Wolmer forest in succession for more than an hun- dred years. This person assures me, that his father has often told him, that Queen Anne, as she was journeying on the Ports- mouth road, did not think the forest of Wolmer beneath her royal regard. For she came out of the great road at Lippoch, which is just by, and, reposing herself on a bank smoothed for that pur- pose, lying about half a mile to the east of Wolmer pond, and still called Queen s-hank, saw with great complacency and satisfaction the whole herd of red deer brought by the keepers along the vale before her, consisting then of about five hundred head. A sight this worthy the attention of the greatest sovereign ! But he farther adds that, by means of the IValtham blacks, or, to use liis own expression, as soon as they began blacking, they were reduced to about fifty head, and so continued decreasing till the time of the late Duke of Cumberland. It is now more than thirty years ago that his highness sent down an huntsman, and six yeomen-prickers, in scarlet jackets laced with gold, attended by the stag-hounds; ordering them to take every deer in this forest alive, and to convey them in carts to Windsor. In the course of the summer they caught every stag, some of which shewed extraordinary diversion: but, in the following winter, when the hinds were also carried off, such fine chases were ex- hibited as served the country people formatter of talk and won- D 18 NATURAL HISTORY tier for years afterwards. I saw myself one of the yeomen- prickers single out a stag from the herd, and must confess that it was the most curious feat of activity I ever beheld, superior to any thing in Mr. Astleys riding-school. The exertions made by the horse and deer much exceeded all my expectations; though the former greatly excelled the latter in speed. When the devoted deer was separated from his companions, they gave him, by their v\^atches, law, as they called it, for twenty minutes; when, sounding their horns, the stop-dogs were permitted to pursue, and a most gallant scene ensued. LETTER VIL TO THE SAME. Though large herds of deer do much harm to the neighbour- hood, yet the injury to the morals of the people is of more mo- ment than the loss of their crops. The temptation is irresistible ; for most men are sportsmen by constitution: and there is such an inherent spirit for hunting in human nature, as scarce any inhibitions can restrain. Hence, towards the beginning of this century, all this country was wild about deer- stealing. Unless he was a hunter, as they affected to call themselves^ no young- person was allowed to be possessed of manhood or gallantry. The JValtham blacks at length committed such enormities, that goveriMapnt was forced to interfere with that severe and san- guinary act called the bhick act,"" which now comprehends more "> Statute Q Geo. I. c. 22. OT SELBORNE. 19 felonies than any law that ever was framed before. And, there- fore, a late bishop of TV'uichester, when urged to re-stock Waltham- chase," refused, from a motive worthy of a prelate, replying that " It had done mischief enough already." Our old race of deer-stealers are hardly extinct yet: it was but a little while ago that, over their ale, they used to recount the exploits of their youth; such as watching the pregnant hind to her lair, and, when the calf was dropped, paring it's feet with a penknife to the quick to prevent it's escape, till it was large and fat enough to be killed ; the shooting at one of their neighbours with a bullet in a turnip-field by moonshine, mistaking him for a deer; and the losing a dog in the following- extraordinary manner: — Some fellows, suspecting that a calf new-fallen was deposited in a certain spot of thick fern, went, with a lurcher, to surprise it ; when the parent-hind rushed out of the brake, and, taking a vast spring with all her feet close together, pitched upon the neck of the dog, and broke it short in two. Another temptation to idleness and sporting, was a number of rabbits, which possessed all the hillocks and dry places : but these being inconvenient to the huntsmen, on account of their burrows, when they came to take away the deer, they permit- ted the country-people to destroy them all.' Such forests and wastes, when their allurements to irregulari- ties are removed, are of considerable service to neighbourhoods that verge upon them, by furnishing them with peat and turf for their firing; with fuel for the burning their lime ; and with •> This chase remains un-stocked to this day ; the bishop was Dr. Hoadly. D 2 20 NATURAL HISTORY ashes for their grasses ; and by maintaining their geese and their stock of young cattle at Httlc or no expense. The manor farm of the parish of Greatham has an admitted claim, I see, (by an old record taken from the Tmcer of Londmi) of turning all live stock on the forest, at proper seasons, bidentibus exceptis." The reason, I presume, why sheep'' are excluded, is, because, being such close grazers, they would pick out all the finest grasses, and hinder the deer from thriving. Though (by statute 4 and 5 JV. and Alary) c. 23. " to bum on " any waste, between Candlemas and Midsummer, any grig, ling, " heath and furze, goss or fern, is punishable with whipping " and confinement in the house of correction ;" yet, in this fo- rest, about March or April, according to the dryness of the sea- son, such vast heath-fires are lighted up, that they often get to a masterlcss head, and, catching the hedges, have sometimes been communicated to the underwoods, woods, and coppices, where great damage has ensued. The plea for these burnings is, that, when the old coat of heath, &c. is consumed, young will sprout up, and aflford much tender bronze for cattle ; but, where there is large old furze, the fire, following the roots, consumes the very ground ; so that for hundreds of acres nothing is to be seen but smother and desolation, the whole circuit round looking like the cinders of a volcano j and, the soil being quite exhausted, no traces of vegetation are to be found for years. These confla- gi'ations, as they take place usually M'ith a north-east or east wind, ° For this privilege the owner of that estate used to pny to the king annually seven bushels of oats. P In The Holt, where a full stock of fallow-deer has been kept up till lately, no ?l:eep are admitted to this d.iy. OF SELBORNE. 21 much annoy this village with their smoke, and often alarm the country ; and, once in particidar, I remember that a gentlemani who Uves beyond AnJover, coming to my house, when he got on the downs between that town and JVinchester, at twenty-five miles distance, was surprised much with smoke and a hot smell of fire ; and concluded that Ahxsford was in flames ; but, when he came to that town, he then had apprehensions for the next village, and so on to the end of his journey. On two of the most conspicuous eminences of this forest, stand two arbours or bowers, made of the boughs of oaks; the one called JValdon-lodge, the other Bnmstoiie-lodge : these the keepers renew annually on the feast of St. Baruahas^ taking the old materials for a perquisite. The farm called JS/«c/c/koo;v in this parish, is obliged to find the posts and brush-wood for the former ; while the farms at Greatham, in rotation, furnish for the latter; and are all enjoined to cut and deliver the materials at the spot. This custom I mention, because I look upon it to be of very re- mote antiquity. LETTER VIII. TO THE SAME, On the verge of the forest, as it is now circumscribed, are three considerable lakes, two in Oakhanger, of which I have nothing- particular to say ; and one called Bin's, or Bean's pond, which is worthy the attention of a naturalist or a sportsman. For, being crowded at the upper end with willows, and with the carex 22 NATURAL HISTORY cespitosa,'^ it affords such a safe and pleasing shelter to wild ducks, teals, snipes, &c. that they breed there. In the winter this covert is also frequented by foxes, and sometimes by phea- sants ; and the bogs produce many curious plants. [For which consult letter XLII. to Mr. Barri?igton] By a perambulation of TVolmer forest and The Holt, made in 1635, and in the eleventh year o^ Charles the First (which now lies before me), it appears that the limits of the former arc much circumscribed. For, to say nothing of the farther side, with which I am not so well acquainted, the bounds on this side, in old times, came into Binswood; and extended to the ditch of JVard k ham-park, in which stands the curious mount called King Johns Hill, and Lodge Hill ; and to the verge of Hartley Mauduit, called Manduit-hatch ; comprehending also Short-heath, Oakhanger, and Oakwoods ; a large district, now private property, though once belonging to the royal domain. It is remarkable that the term purlieu is never once mentioned in this long roll of parchment. It contains, besides the peram- bulation, a rough estimate of the value of the timbers, which were considerable, growing at that time in the district of Tht Holt; and enumerates the officers, superior and inferior, of those joint forests, for the time being, and their ostensible fees and perquisites. In those days, as at present, there were hardly any trees in J Vvlmer forest. Within the present limits of the forest are three considerable 1 1 mean that sort which, rising into tall hassocks, is called by the foresters tor- rets; a corruption, I suppose of turrets. Note, In the beginning of the summer 178/ the royal forests of Wolmer and Holt were measured by persons sent down by government. OF SELBORNE. " ^3 lakes, Hogmer, Cranmer, and IFol/iter; all of which are stocked with carp, tench, eels, and perch : but the fish do not thrive well, because the water is hungry, and the bottoms are a naked sand. A circumstance respecting these ponds, though by no means peculiar to them, I cannot pass over in silence; and that is, that instinct by which in summer all the kine, whether oxen, cows, calves, or heifers, retire constantly to the water during the hotter hours; where, being more exempt from flies, and inhaling the coolness of that element, some belly deep, and some only to mid- leg, they ruminate and solace themselves from about ten in the morning till four in the afternoon, and then return to their feed- ing. During this great proportion of the day they drop much dung, in which insects nestle ; and so supply food for the fish, which would be poorly subsisted but from this contingency. Thus Nature, who is a great economist, converts the recreation of one animal to the support of another ! Thomson, who \vas a nice observer of natural occurrences, did not let this pleasing circumstance escape him. He says, in his Summer, " A. various group the herds and flocks compose : " on the grassy bank " Some ruminating lie; while others stand "■ Half in the flood, and, often bending, sip " The circling surface." Wolmer-pond, so called, I suppose, for eminence sake, is a vast lake for this part of the world, containing, in it's whole circum- ference, 2646 yards, or very near a mile and an half. The length of the north-west and opposite side is about 704 yards, and the breadth of the south-west end about 456 yards. This measure- ment, which I caused to be made with good exactness, gives an £4 NATURAL HISTORY area of about sixty-six acres, exclusive of a large inegular arm at the north-east corner, which we did not take into the reckoning. On the face of this expanse of waters, and perfectly secure from fowlers, lie all day long, in the winter season, vast flocks of ducks, teals, and wigeons, of various denominations; where they preen and solace, and rest themselves, till towards sun*set, when they issue forth in little parties (for in their natural state they are all birds of the night) to feed in the brooks and mea- dows ; returning again with the dawn of the morning. Had this lake an arm or two more, and were it planted round with thick covert v. for now it is perfectly naked), it might make a valuable decoy. Yet neither it's extent, nor the clearness of it's water, nor the resort of various and curious fowls, nor it's picturesque groups of cattle, can render this meer so remarkable as the great quantity of coins that were found in it's bed about forty years ago. But, as such discoveries more properly belong to the an- tiquities of this place, I shall suppress all particulars for the present, till I enter professedly on my series of letters respect- ing the more remote history of this village and district. "LETTER IX. TO THE SAME. By way of supplement, I shall trouble you once more on this subject, to inform you that JVolmer, with her sister forest Aylcs OF SELBORNE. 25 Holt, alias Alice Holt,'^ as it is called in old records, is held by grant from the crown for a term of years. The grantees that the author remembers are Brigadier-General Emanuel bcroope Howe, and his lady, Rvperta, who was a natural daughter of Prince Rupert by Margaret Hughs ; a Mr. Mordaunt, of the Peterborough family, who married a dowager Lady Pem- broke; Henry Bilson Legge and lady; and now Lord Stawel, their son. The lady of General Howe lived to an advanced age, long surviving her husband ; and, at her death, left behind her many curious pieces of mechanism of her father's constructing, who was a distinguished mechanic and artist,' as well as warrior; and, among the rest, a very complicated clock, lately in possession of Mr. Elmer, the celebrated game-j)ainter at Farnhain, in the county of Surrey. Though these two forests are only parted by a narrow range of enclosures, yet no two soils can be more different: for The Holt consists of a strong loam, of a miry nature, carrying a good turf, and abounding with oaks that grow to be large timber ; while TVolmer is nothing but a hungry, sandy, barren waste. The former, being all in the parish of Bmsted, is about two miles in extenffrom north to south, and near as much from east to west; and contains within it many woodlands and lawns, and the great lodge where the grantees reside ; and a smaller lodge called Goose-green ; and is abutted on by the parishes of Kingsley, ") " In Rot. Inquisit. de statu forest, in Scaccar. 36. Ed. 3. it is called Aisholt." In the same, " Tit. IVoolmer and Aisholt Hantisc. Dominus Rex habet unam ca- " pellam in ha'ia sua de Kingesie." " Haia, sepes, sepimentum, parcus : a Gall. " iaie and haye." Spelraan's Glossarj'. ' This prince was the inventor of mezzotinto. 26 NATURAL HISTORY Frimham, Farnham, and Bentley ; all of which have right of common. One thing is remarkable ; that, though The Holt has been of old well-stocked with fallow-deer, unrestrained by any pales or fences more than a common hedge, yet they were never seen within the limits of JFohner ; nor were the red deer of Wolmer ever known to haunt the thickets or glades of The Holt. At present the deer of The Holt are much thinned and reduced by the night-hunters, who perpetually harass them in spite of the efforts of numerous keepers, and the severe penalties that have been put in force against them as often as they have been detect- ed, and rendered liable to the lash of the law. Neither fines nor imprisonments can deter them : so impossible is it to extinguish the spirit of sporting, which seems to be inherent in human nature. General Howe turned out some German wild boars and sows in his forests, to the great terror of the neighbourhood ; and, at one time, a wild bull or buffalo : but the country rose upon them and destroyed them. A very large fall of timber, consisting of about one thousand oaks, has been cut this spring (viz. 1784) 'n\The Holt forest; one fifth of which, it is said, belongs to tlie grantee, Lord Stawel. He lays claim also to the lop and top : but the poor of the pa- rishes of Binsted and Fr'mshavi, Bentley and Kingsley, assert that it belongs to them; and, assembling in a riotous manner, ha\e actually taken it all away. One man, who keeps a team, has carried home, for his share, forty stacks of wood. Forty- five of these people his Lordship has served with actions. These trees, which were very sound, and in high perfection, were winter-cut, viz. in February and March, before the bark woidd run. In old times The Holt was estimated to be eishteen OF SELBORNE. 27 miles, computed measure, from water-carriage, viz. from the town of Chertsey, on the Thames; but now it is not half that distance, since the JFey is made navigable up to the town of Godabning in the county of Surrey. LETTER X. TO THE SAME. August 4, 1/6?. It has been my misfortune never to have had any neighbours whose studies have led them towards the pursuit of natural knowledge; so that, for want of a companion to quicken my industry and sharpen my attention, I have made but slendec progress in a kind of information to which I have been attached from my childhood. As to swallows (hirundbies rusticce) being found in a torpid state during the winter in the isle of f Fight, or any part of this coun- try, I never heard any such account worth attending to. But a clergyman, of an inquisitive turn, assures me, that, when he was a great boy, some workmen, in pulling down the battlements of a church tower early in the spring, found two or three swifts (hirundines apodes) among the rubbish, which were, at first ap- pearance, dead ; but, on being carried toward the fire, revived. He told me that, out of his great care to preserve them, he put them in a paper bag, and hung them by the kitclicn fire, where they were suffocated. 28 NATURAL HISTORY Another intelligent person has informed me that, while he was a schoolboy at Brighthelmstone, in Sussex, a great fragment of the chalk-clifF fell down one stormy winter on the beach ; and that many people found swallows among the rubbish : but, on my (juestioning him whether he saw any of those birds himself; to my no small disappointment, he answered me in the negative; but that others assured him they did. Young broods oi ^oallows began to appear this year on July the eleventh, and young martins (hirimdines iirbica) were then fledged in their nests. Both species will breed again once. For I see by my fauna of last year, that young broods came forth so late as September the eighteenth. Are not these late hatchings more in favour of hiding than migration ? Nay, some young martins re- mained in their nests last year so late as September the twenty- ninth; and yet they totally disappeared with us by the fifth of October. How strange is it that the swift, which seems to live exactly the same life with the swallozv and house-martin, should leave us before the middle of ^w^m*^ invariably! while the latter stay often till the middle of October; and once I saw numbers of house-martins on the seventh of November. The martins and red-xving fieldfares were flying in sight together; an uncommon assemblage of summer and winter-birds. A little yellow bird (it is either a species of the alauda trivialis, or rather perhaps of the motacilla trochilus) still continues to make a sibilous shivering noise in the tops of tall woods. The stoparola of Jiay ffor which we have as yet no name in these parts) is called, in your Zoology, the fly-catcher. There is one circumstance characteristic of this bird, which seems to have escaped obser- vation, and that is, it takes it's stand on the top of some stake OF SELBORNE. eg or post, from whence it springs forth on it's prey, catching a fly in the air, and hardly ever touching the ground, but returning still to the same stand for many times together. I perceive there are more than one species of the motacilla trochiliis: Mr. Derhain supposes, in RaysPhibs. Letters, that he has discovered three. In these there is again an instance of some very common birds that have as yet no English name. Mr. Stillingfleet makes a question whether the black-cap (mota- cilla atricapilla) be a bird of passage or not : I think there is no doubt of it: for, m April, in the first fine weather, they come trooping, all at once, into these parts, but are never seen in the winter. They are delicate songsters. Numbers of snipes breed every summer in some moory ground on the verge of this parish. It is very amusing to see the cock bird on wing at that time, and to hear his piping and humming notes. I have had no opportunity yet of procuring any of those mice which I mentioned to you in town. The person that brought me the last says they are plenty in harvest, at which time I will take care to get more ; and will endeavour to put the matter out of doubt, whether it be a non-descript species or not. I suspect much there may be two species of water-rats. Ray says, and Linnc^us after him, that the water-rat is web-footed be- hind. Now I have discovered a rat on the banks of our little stream that is not web-footed, and yet is an excellent swimmer and diver: it answers exactly to the mus amphibius of LimicEus (See Syst. Nat.) which he says " natat infossis et urinafur." I should be glad to procure one " pkmtis pal??iatis." LinncEus seems to be in a puzzle about his mus amphibius, and to doubt whether it dif- fers from his mus terrestris; which if it be, as he allows, the " >7ius ao NATURAL HISTORY agrestis capite gi^andi hrachyuros''' of Ray, is widely different from the water-rat, both in size, make, and manner of life. As to the falco, which I mentioned in town, I shall take the liberty to send it down to you into Wales ; presuming on your candour, that you will excuse me if it should appear as familiar to you as it is strange to me. Though mutilated " qualem dices . . . " antehac fuisse, tales cum sint reliquue .'" It haunted a marshy piece of ground in quest of wild-ducks and snipes: but, when it was shot, had just knocked down a rook, which it was tearing in pieces. I cannot make it answer to any of our English hawks; neither could I find any like it at the curious exhibition of stuffed birds in Spring-Gardens. I found it nailed up at the end of a barn, which is the countryman's museum. The parish I live in is a very abrupt, uneven country, full of hills and M'oods, and therefore full of birds. LETTER XL TO THE SAME. Selborne, September Q, 1767. It will not be without impatience that I shall wait for your thoughts with regard to the falco; as to it's weight, breadth, &c. I wish I had set them down at the time: but, to the best of my remembrance, it weighed two pounds and eight ounces, and mea- sured, from wing to wing, thirty-eight inches. It's cere and feet were yellow, and the circle of it's eyelids a bright yellow. As it OF SELBORNE. 31 had been killed some da} s, and the eyes were sunk, I could make no good observation on the colour of the pupils and the iricles. The most unusual birds I ever observed in these parts were a pair of hoopoes (upupa) which came several years ago in the sum- mer, and frequented an ornamented piece of ground, which joins to my garden, for some weeks. They used to march about in a stately manner, feeding in the walks, many times in the day; and seemed disposed to breed in my outlet; but were frighted and persecuted by idle boys, who would never let them be at rest. Three gross-beaks (loxia coccothraustes) appeared some years ago in my fields, in the winter; one of which I shot: since that, now and then one is occasionally seen in the same dead season. A cross-bill (loaia curvirostra) was killed last year in this neighbourhood. Our streams, which are small, and rise only at the end of the village, yield nothing but the bull's head or millers thumb (gobius fluviatilis capitatiis), the trout (trutta flumatilis), the eel (anguilla), the lampern (lampcetra parva et fluviatilis), and the stickle-back {pisciculus aculeatus). We are twenty miles from the sea, and almost as many from a great river, and therefore see but little of sea-birds. As to wild fowls, we have a few teams of ducks bred in the moors where the snipes breed ; and multitudes of widgeons and teals in hard wea- ther frequent our lakes in the forest. Having some acquaintance with a tame brown awl, I find that it casts up the fur of mice, and the feathers of birds in pellets, after the manner of hawks: when full, like a dog, it hides what it cannot eat. The young of the barn-owl are not easily raised, as they want a constant supply of fresh mice : whereas the young of the brown 32 NATURAL HISTORY owl will eat indiscriminately all that is brought j snails, rats kittens, puppies, magpies, and any kind of carrion or offal. The house-martins have eggs still, and squab-young. The last swift I observed was about the twenty-first of ^mo'm*^; it was a straggler. lled-starts, fiy-catchers, white-throats, and regiili non cristati, still appear; but I have seen no black-caps lately. I forgot to mention that I once saw, in Christ Church college quadrangle in Oxford, on a very sunny warm morning, a house martin flying about, and settling on the parapet, so late as the twentieth of November. At present I know only two species of bats, the common vespertilio murinus and the vesper tilio auribus. I was much entertained last summer with a tame bat, which would take flies out of a person's hand. If you gave it any thing to eat, it brought it's wings round before the mouth, hovering and hiding it's head in the manner of birds of prey when they feed. The adroitness it shewed in shearing off the wings of the flies, which were always rejected, was worthy of observation, and pleased me much. Insects seemed to be most acceptable, though it did not refuse raw flesh when offered: so that the notion, that bats go down chimnies and gnaw men's bacon, seems no impro- bable stor3\ While I amused myself with this wonderful qua- druped, I saw it several times confute the vulgar opinion, that bats when down on a flat surface cannot get on the wing again, by rising Avith great ease from the floor. It ran, I observed, with more dispatch than I was aware of; but in a most ridicu- lous and grotesque manner. Bats drink on the wing, like swallows, by sipping the surface, as they play over pools and streams. They love to fiequent OF SELBORNE. 33 waters, not only for the sake of drinking, but on account of in- sects, which are found over them in the greatest plenty. As I was going, some years ago, pretty late, in a boat from Richmond to Sunbury, on a warm summer's evening, I think I saw myriads of bats between the two places : the air swarmed with them all along the Thames, so that hundreds were in sight at a time. I am, &c. LETTER XIJ. TO THE SAME. SIR, November 4, 1767. It gave me no small satisfaction to hear that the Jalco ' turned out an uncommon one, I must confess I should have been bet- ter pleased to have heard that I had sent you a bird that you had never seen before; but that, I find, would be a difficult task. I have procured some of the mice mentioned in my former letters, a young one and a female with young, both of which I have preserved in brandy. From the colour, shape, size, and manner of nesting, I make no doubt but that the species is non- descript. They are much smaller, and more slender, than the 7nm domesticus medius of Ray ; and have more of the squirrel or dormouse colour: their belly is white; a straight line along their sides divides the shades of their back and belly. They never enter into houses; are carried into ricks and barns with the sheaves; abound in harvest, and build their nests amidst the ' This hawk proved to be the/a/copfireg-WKiff; a variety. 34 NATURAL HISTORY straws of the corn above the ground, and sometimes in thistles. They breed as many as eight at a htter, in a little round nest composed of the blades of grass or wheat. One of these nests I procured this autumn, most artificially platted, and composed of the blades of wheat; perfectly round, and about the size of a cricket-ball; with the aperture so inge- niously closed, that there was no discovering to what part it belonged. It was so compact and well filled, that it would roll across the table without being discomposed, though it contained eight little mice that were naked and blind. As this nest was perfectly full, how could the dam come at her litter respectively so as to administer a teat to each? perhaps she opens different places for that purpose, adjusting them again when the business is over: but she could not possibly be contained herself in the ball with her young, which moreover would be daily increasing in bulk. This wonderful procreant cradle, and elegant instance of the eflTorts of instinct, was found in a wheat-field suspended in the head of a thistle. A gentleman, curious in birds, wrote rae word that his servant had shot one last January, in that severe weather, which he be- lieved would puzzle me. I called to see it this summer, not knowing what to expect: but, the moment I took it in hand, I pronounced it the male gaiTulus bohemkus, or German silk-tail, from the five peculiar crimson tags or points which it carries at the ends of five of the short remiges. It cannot, I suppose, with any propriety, be called an English bird: and yet I see, by Rays Philoaoph. Letters, that great flocks of them, feeding on haws, appeared in this kingdom in the winter of 1 685. The mention of haws puts me in mind that there is a total failure of that wild fruit, so conducive to the support of many OF SELBORNE. 3,5 of the winged nation. For the same severe weather, late in the spring, which cut off all the produce of the more tender and curious trees, destroyed also that of the more hardy and common. Some birds, haunting with the missel-thrushes, and feeding on the berries of the yew-tree, which answered to the description of the meritlu torquata, or ring-ouzd, were lately seen in this neighbourhood. I employed some people to procure me a specimen, but without success. See Letter VIII. Quoy — JNIight not Canary birds be naturalized to this climate, provided their eggs were put, in the spring, into the nests of some of their congeners, as goldfinches, greenfinches, &c. ? Be- fore winter perhaps they might be hardened, and able to shift for themselves. About ten years ago I used to spend some weeks yearly at Sunbury, which is one of those pleasant villages lying on the Thames, near Hampton- court. In the autumn, I could not help being much amused with those myriads of the swallow kind which assemble in those parts. But what struck me most was, that, from the time they began to congregate, forsaking the chimnies and houses, they roosted every night in the osier-beds of the aits of that river. Now this resorting towards that ele- ment, at that season of the year, seems to give some countenance to the northern opinion (strange as it is) of their retiring under water. A Sivedish naturalist is so much persuaded of that fact, that he talks, in his calendar of Flora, as familiarly of the swal- low's going under water in the beginning of September, as he would of his poultry going to roost a little before sunset. An observing gentleman in London writes me word that he saw an house-martin, on the twenty-third of last October, flying F 2 36 NATURAL HISTORY in and out of it's nest in the Borough. And I myself, on the twenty-ninth of last October (as I was travelling throu?,h Oxford), saw four or five swallows hovering round and settling on the roof of the county-hospital. Now is it likely that these poor little birds (which perhaps had not been hatched but a few weeks) should, at that late sea- son of the year, and from so midland a county, attempt a voyage to Goree or Senegal, almost as far as the equafor}' I acquiesce entirely in your opinion — that, though most of the swallow kind may migrate, yet that some do stay behind and hide with us during the winter. As to the short-winged soft-billed birds, which come trooping in such numbers in the spring, I am at a loss even what to sus- pect about them. I watched them narrowly this year, and saw them abound till about Michaelmas, when they appeared no longer. Subsist they cannot openly among us, and yet elude the eyes of the inquisitive: and, as to their hiding, no man pre- tends to have found any of them in a torpid state in the winter. But with regard to their migration, what difficulties attend that supposition! that such feeble bad fliers (who the summer long- never flit but from hedge to hedge) should be able to traverse vast seas and continents, in order to enjoy milder seasons amidst the regions of Jfrica! ' See Adanson's Voyage to Senegal, OF SELBORNE. 3T LETTER XIII. TO THE SAME. SIRj SelbornEj Jan. 22, 1/66. As in one of your former letters you expressed the more satis- faction from my correspondence on account of my living in the most southerly county; so now I may return the compliment, and expect to have my curiosity gratified by your living mucli more to the North. For many years past I have observed that towards Christmas vast flocks of chaffinches have appeared in the fields; many more, I used to think, than could be hatched in any one neigh- bourhood. But, when I came to observe them more narrowly, I was amazed to find that they seemed to me to be almost all hens. I communicated my suspicions to some intelligent neigh- bours, who, after taking pains about the matter, declared that they also thought them all mostly females ; at least fifty to one. This extraordinary occurrence brought to my mind the remark of Linmeus; that " before winter all their hen chaffinches mi- " grate through Holland into Italy." Now I want to know, from some curious person in the north, Avhether there are any large flocks of these finches with them in the winter, and of which sex they mostly consist? For, from such intelligence, one might be able to judge whether our female flocks migrate from the other end of the island, or whether they come over to us from the continent. We have, in the winter, vast flocks of the common linnets; 38 NATURAL HISTORY more, I think, than can be bred in any one district. These, I observe, when the spring advances, assemble on some tree in the sunshine, and join all in a gentle sort of chirping, as if they were about to break up their winter quarters and betake themselves to their proper summer homes. It is well known, at least, that the swallows and the fieldfares do congregate with a gentle twittering before they make their respective departure. You may depend on it that the bunting, emberiza miliaria, does not leave this county in the winter. In January 1767 I saw several dozen of them, in the midst of a severe frost, among the bushes on the downs near Andover: in our woodland en- closed district it is a rare bird. Wagtails, both white and yeillow, are with us all the winter. Quails crowd to our southern coast, and are often killed in numbers by people that go on purpose. Mr. Stilliugfleet, in his Tracts, says that, " if the wheatear '■'■ (ananthe) does not quit England, it certainly shifts places; " for about harvest they are not to be found, where there was " before great plenty of them." This well accounts for the vast quantities that are caught about that time on the south downs near Lewes, where they are esteemed a delicacy. There have been shepherds, I have been credibly informed, that have made many pounds in a season by catching them in traps. And though such multitudes are taken, I never saw (and I am well acquainted with those parts) above two or three at a time: for they are never gregarious. They may perhaps migrate in general; and, for that purpose, draw towards the coast of Sussex in autumn : but that they do not all withdraw I am sure; because I see a few stragglers in many counties, at all times of the year, espe- cially about warrens and stone quarries. OF SELBORNE. 39 I have no acquaintance, at present, among the gentlemen of the navy : but have written to a friend, who was a sea-chaplain in the late war, desiring him to look into his minutes, witii re- spect to birds that settled on their rigging during their voyage up or down the channel. What Hasselquist says on that subject is remarkable: there were little short-winged birds frequently coming on board his ship all the way from our channel quite up to the Levant, especially before squally w^eather. "What you suggest, with regard to Spain, is highly probable. The winters of Andalusia are so mild, that, in all likelihood, the soft-billed birds that leave us at that season may find insects sufficient to support them there. Some young man, possessed of fortune, health, and leisure, should make an autumnal voyage into that kingdom; and should spend a year there, investigating the natural history of that vast country. Mr. IViliugkby" passed through that kingdom on such an errand; but he seems to have skirted along in a super- ficial manner and an ill humour, being much disgusted at the rude dissolute manners of the people. I have no friend left now at Sunbury to apply to about the swallows roosting on the aits of the Thames: nor can I hear any more about those birds which I suspected were merulce torquatce. As to the small mice, I have farther to remark, that though they hang their nests for breeding up amidst the straws of the standing corn, above the ground; yet I find that, in the winter, they burrow deep in the earth, and make warm beds of grass: but their grand rendezvous seems to be in corn-ricks, into which they are carried at harvest. A neighbour housed an oat-rick lately, under the thatch of which were assembled near an hun- " See Riiij's Travels, p, 466. 40 NATURAL HISTORY. died, most of which were taken; and some I saw. I measured them; and found that, from nose to tail, they were just twe inches and a quarter, and their tails just two inches long. Two of them, in a scale, weighed down just one copper halfpenny, which is about the third of an ounce avoirdupois: so that 1 sup- pose they arc the smallest quadrupeds in this island. A full- grown inus mcd'ms domesticus weighs, I find, one ounce lumping weight, which is more than six times as much as the mouse above; and measures from nose to rump four inches and a quai'- ter, and the same in it's tail. We have had a very severe frost and deep snow this month. My thermometer was one day four- teen degrees and an half below the freezing point, within doors. The tender evergreens were injured pretty much. It was very providential that the air was still, and the ground well covered with snow, else vegetation in general must have suffered pro- digiously. There is reason to believe that some days were more severe than any since the year 1739-40. I am, &c. &c. LETTER XIV. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selboknk, March ] 2, 176s. If some curious gentleman would procure the head of a fallow- deer, and have it dissected, he would find it furnished with two spiracula, or breathing-places, besides the nostrils; probably OF SELBORNE. 41 analogous to the puncta lachryvialia in the human head. When deer are thirsty they plunge their noses, like some horses, very deep unerd water, while in the act of drinking, and continue them in that situation for a considerable time : but, to obviate any inconveniency, they can open two vents, one at the inner corner of each eye, having a communication with the nose. Here seems to be an extraordinary provision of nature worthy our attention ; and which has not, that I know of, been noticed by any naturalist. For it looks as if these creatures would not be suffocated, though both their mouths and nostrils were stopped. This curious formation of the head may be of singular service to beasts of chase, by affording them free respiration : and no doubt these additional nostrils are thrown open when they are hard run\ Mr, Ray observed that, at Malta, the owners slit up the nostrils of such asses as were hard worked: for they, being naturally strait or small, did not admit air sufficient to serve them when they travelled, or laboured, in that hot climate. And we know that grooms, and gentlemen of the turf, think large nostrils necessary, and a perfection, in hunters and running horses. Oppian, the Greek poet, by the following line, seems to have had some notion that stags have four spiracula : " TsrpaSvjjjii 'ptvEs, itKrvpe; mvoiyja-i StauXai" " Quadrifidx nares, quadruplices ad respirationem canales." Opp. Cyn. Lib. ii. 1. 181. ^ In answer to this account, Mr. Pennant sent me the following curious and per- tinent reply. " I was much surprised to find in the antelope something analogous " to what you mention as so remarkable in deer. This animal also has a long slit " beneath each eye, which can be opened and shut at pleasure. On holding an C 42 NATURAL HISTORY Writers, copying from one another, make Aristotle say that goats breathe at their ears; whereas he asserts just the con- trary:— " AXXjUaiwi' yxp oux aXti^rt ^lyet, (pa[ji,£VOi aixTrtinv Taf uiyxi kxtcc " rot uTOi." " Alcmceo7t does not advance what is true, when " he avers that goats breathe through their ears." — History of Animals. Book I. chap. xi. LETTER XV. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selborne, March 30, 1/68. Some intelligent country people have a notion that we have, in these parts, a species of the genus musteUnum, besides the weasel, stoat, ferret, and polecat; a little reddish beast, not much bigger than a field mouse, but much longer, which they call a catie. This piece of intelligence can be little depended on; but farther inquiry may be made. A gentleman in this neighbourhood had two milkwhite rooks in one nest. A booby of a carter, finding them before they were able to fly, threw them down and destroyed them, to the regret of the owner, who would have been glad to have pre- served such a curiosity in his rookery. I saw the birds myself nailed against the end of a barn, and was surprised to find that their bills, legs, feet, and claws were milkwhite. " orange to one, the creature made as much use of those orifices as of his nostrils, " applying them to the fruit, and seeming to smell it through them." OF SELBORNE. 43 A shepherd saw, as he thought, some white larks on a down above my house this winter: were not these the emberiza nivalis, the snow-flake of the Brit. Zool. ? No doubt they were. A few years ago I saw a cock bullfinch in a cage, which had been caught in the fields after it was come to it's full colours. In about a year it began to look dingy; and, blackening every succeeding year, it became coal-black at the end of four. It's chief food was hempseed. Such influence has food on the colour of animals! The pied and mottled colours of domesticated ani- mals are supposed to be owing to high, various, and unusual food. I had remarked, for years, that the root of the cuckoo-pint ("^um) was frequently scratched out of the dry banks of hedges, and eaten in severe snowy weather. After observing, with some exactness, myself, and getting others to do the same, we found it was the thrush kind that searched it out. The root of the arum is remarkably warm and pungent. Our flocks of female chaffinches have not yet forsaken us. The blackbirds and thrushes are very much thinned down by that fierce weather in January. In the middle of February I discovered, in my tall hedges, a little bird that raised my curiosity: it was of that yellow-green colour that belongs to the salicaria kind, and, I think, was soft- billed. It was no par us; and was too long and too big for the golden-crowned wren, appearing most like the largest willow- wren. It hung sometimes with it's back downwards, but never continuing one moment in the same place. I shot at it, but it was so desultory that I missed my aim. I wonder that the stone curlew, charadrius oedictmnus, should be mentioned by the writers as a rare bird: it abounds in all the 44 NATURAL HISTORY campaign parts of Hampshire and Sussex, and breeds, I think all the summer, having young ones, I know, very late in the autumn. Already they begin clamouring in the evening. They cannot, I think, with any propriety, be called, as they are by Mr. -R«y, " circa aquas versantes.;' for with us, by day at least, they haunt only the most dry, open, upland fields and sheep walks, far removed from water; what they may do in the night I cannot say. Worms are their usual food, but they also eat toads and frogs. I can shew you some good specimens of my new mice. Li/> ncem perhaps would call the species mus minimus. LETTER XVL TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selborne, April 18^ 1768, The history of the stone curlew, charadrius oedicnemus, is as follows. It lays it's eggs, usually two, never more than three, on the bare ground, without any nest, in the field; so that the countryman, in stirring his fallows, often destroys them. The young run immediately from the egg like partridges, &c. and are withdrawn to some flinty field by the dam, where they sculk among the stones, which are their best security; for their fea- thers are so exactly of the colour of our grey spotted flints, that the most exact observer, unless he catches the eye of the young bird, may be eluded. The eggs are short and round; of a dirty OF SELBORNE. 45 white, spotted with dark bloody blotches. Though I might not be able, just when I pleased, to procure you a bird, yet I could shew you them almost any day; and any evening you may hear them round the village, for they make a clamour which may be heard a mile. Oedicnemus is a most apt and expressive name for them, since their legs seem swoln like those of a gouty man. After harvest I have shot them before the pointers in turnip- fields, I make no doubt but there are three species of the willffw- wrens: two I know perfectly; but have not been able yet to procure the third. No two birds can differ more in their notes, and that constantly, than those two that I am acquainted with; for the one has a joyous, easy, laughing notej the other a harsh loud chirp. The former is every way larger, and three quarters df an inch longer, and weighs two drams and an half; while the latter weighs but two: so the songster is one fifth heavier than the chirper. The chirper (being the first summer-bird of passage that is heard, the wryneck sometimes excepted) begins his two notes in the middle of March, and continues them through the spring and summer till the end of August, as appears by my journals. The legs of the larger of these two are flesh- coloured ; of the less, black. The grashopper-lark began his sibilous note in my fields last Saturday. Nothing can be more amusing than the whisper of this little bird, which seems to be close by though at an hun- dred yards distance; and, when close at your ear, is scarce any louder than when a great way off. Had I not been a little ac- quainted with insects, and known that the grasshopper kind is not yet hatched, I should have hardly believed but that it had been a kcusta whispering in the bushes. The country people 46 NATURAL HISTORY laugh when you tell them that it is the note of a bird. It is a most artful creature, sculking in the thickest part of a bush; and will sing at a yard distance, provided it be concealed. I was obliged to get a person to go on the other side of the hedge where it haunted; and then it would run, creeping like a mouse, before us for an hundred yards together, through the bottom of the thorns; yet it would not come into fair sight: but in a morning earlj^, and when undisturbed, it sings on the top of a twig, gaping and shivering with it's wings. Mr. Ray himself had no knowledge of this bird, but received his account from Mr. Johnson, who apparently confounds it with the reguli non aistati, from which it is very distinct. See Ray's Philosophical Letters, p. 108. The fly-catcher (stoparola) has not yet appeared: it usually breeds in my vine. The redstart begins to sing: it's note is short and imperfect, but is continued till about the middle of June. The willow xvrens (the smaller sort) are horrid pests in a garden, destroying the pease, cherries, currants, &c; and are so tame that a gun will not scare them. A List of the Summer Birds of Passage discovered in this neigh- bou7'hood, ranged so7newhat in the Order in which they appear: Linnaei Nomina. Smallest willow-M'ren, Motacilla trochilus: Wryneck, Jynv torquilla: House-swallow, Hirundo rustica: Martin, Hirundo urbica: Sand-martin, Hirundo riparia: Cuckoo, Cuculus canorus : Nightingale, Motacilla luscmia: OF SELBORNE. 47 Linnaei Nomina. Blackcap, Motacilla atricapilla: Whitethroat, Motacilla sylvia: Middle willow-wren, Motacilla trochilus: Swift, Hirundo apus: Stone curlew,? Charadrius oedicnemus? Turtle-dove,? Turtur aldrovandi? Grashopper-lark, Alauda tiivialis : Landrail, Rallus crex: Largest willow-wren, Motacilla trochilus: Redstart, Motacilla phcenicurus: Goatsucker, or fern-owl, Caprimulgus europceus: Fly-catcher, Muscicapa grisola. My countrymen talk much of a bird that makes a clatter with it's bill against a dead bough, or some old pales, calling it a jar- bird. I procured one to be shot in the very fact; it proved to be the sitta europcza (the nuthatch.) Mr. Tiay says that the less spotted woodpecker does the same. This noise may be heard a furlong or more. Now is the only time to ascertain the short-winged summer birds; for, when the leaf is out, there is no making any remarks on such a restless tribe ; and, when once the young begin to appear, it is all confusion: there is no distinction of genus, species, or sex. In breeding-time snipes play over the moors, piping and hum- ming : they always hum as they are descending. Is not their hum ventriloquous like that of the turkey? Some suspect it is made by their wings. This morning I saw the golden-crowned wren, whose crown 48 NATURAL HISTORY glitters like burnished gold. It often hangs like a titmouse, with it's back downwards. Yours, &c. &c. LETTER XVIL TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selborne, June 16, 1768. On Wednesday last arrived yo\ir agreeable letter of June the 10th. It gives me great satisfaction to find that you pursue these studies still with such vigour, and are in such forwardness with regard to reptiles and fishes. The reptiles, few as they are, I am not acquainted with, so well as I could wish, with regard to their natural history. There is a degree of dubiousness and obscurity attending the propaga- tion of this class of animals, something analogous to that of the cryptogamia in the sexual system of plants : and the case is the same with regard to some of the fishes ; as the eel, &c. The method in which toads procreate and bring forth seems to be very much in the dark. Some authors say that they are viviparous: and yet Ray classes them among his oviparous ani- mals; and is silent with regard to the manner of their bringing forth. Perhaps they may be ta-u fAtv wotcxbi, i^u ie ^uoronoi, as is known to be the case with the viper. The copulation of frogs (or at least the appearance of itj for Swatnmerdam proves that the male has no penis intrans) is noto- OF SELBORNE. 49 rious to every body : because we see them sticking- upon each others backs for a month together in the spring: and yet I r.ever saw, or read, of toads being observed in the same situation. It is strange that the matter with regard to the venom of toads has not been yet settled. That they are not noxious to some animals is plain: for ducks, buzzards, owls, stone curlews, and snakes, eat them, to my knowledge, with impunity. And I well remember the time, but was not eye-witness to the fact (though numbers of persons were) when a quack, at this village, ate a toad to make the country-people stare j afterwards he drank oil. I have been informed also, from undoubted authority, that some ladies (ladies you will say of peculiar taste) took a fancy to a toad, which they nourished summer after summer, for many years, till he grew to a monstrous size, with the maggots which turn to flesh flies. The reptile used to come forth every evening from an hole under the garden-steps; and was taken up, after supper, on the table to be fed. But at last a tame raven, ken- ning him as he put forth his head, gave him such a severe stroke with his horny beak as put out one eye. After this accident the creature languished for some time and died. I need not remind a gentleman of your extensive reading of the excellent account there is from Mr. Derham, in Rays Wis- dom of God in the Creation (p. 365), concerning the migration of frogs from their breeding ponds. In this account he at once subverts that foolish opinion of their dropping from the clouds in rain; shewing that it is from the grateful coolness and moisture of those showers that they are tempted to set out on their travels, which they defer till those fall. Frogs are as yet in their tadpole state; but, in a few weeks, our lanes, paths, H 50 NATURAL HISTORY fields, will swarm for a few days with myriads of those emi- grants, no larger than my little finger nail. Swammerdam gives a most accurate account of the method and situation in which the male impregnates the spawn of the female. How wonder- ful is the oeconomy of Providence with regard to the limbs of so vile a reptile! While it is an aquatic it has a fish-like tail, and no legs: as soon as the legs sprout, the tail drops off as useless, and the animal betakes itself to the land! Merret, I trust, is widely mistaken when he advances that the rana arborea is an English reptile ; it abounds in Gerynany and Switzerland. It is to be remembered that the salamandra aquatica oi Ray (the water-newt or eft) will frequently bite at the angler's bait, and is often caught on his hook. I used to take it for granted that the salamandra aquatica was hatched, lived, and died, in the water. But John Ellis, Esq. F. R. S. (the coralline Ellis) asserts, in a letter to the Royal Society, dated June the 5th, 1766, in his account of the mud inguana, an amphibious bipes from South Carolina, that the water-eft, or newt, is only the lar'va of the land-eft, as tadpoles are of frogs. Lest I should be suspected to misunderstand his meaning, I shall give it in his own words. Speaking of the opercula or coverings to the gills of the mud in- guana, he proceeds to say that " The form of these pennaled " coverings approach very near to what I have some time ago " observed in the larva or aquatic state of our English lacerta, " known by the name of eft, or newt; which serve them for " coverings to their gills, and for fins to swim with while in this " state; and which they lose, as well as the fins of their tails, " when the}' change their state and become land animals, as I liaAe " observed, by keeping them alive for some time myself."' OF SELBORNE. 51 Linnmis, in his Si/stema Naturcc, hints at what Mr. Elhs advances more than once. Providence has heen so indulgent to us as to allow of but one venomous reptile of the serpent kind in these kingdoms, and that is the viper. As you propose the good of mankind to be an object of your publications, you will not omit to mention common salad-oil as a sovereign remedy against the bite of the viper. As to the blind worm (anguisfragilis, so called because it snaps in sunder with a small blow), I have found, on exami- nation, that it is perfectly innocuous. A neighbouring yeoman (to whom I am indebted for some good hints) killed and opened a female viper about the twenty-seventh of May : he found her filled with a chain of eleven eggs, about the size of those of a blackbird; but none of them were advanced so far towards a state of maturity as to contain any rudiments of young. Though they are oviparous, yet they are viviparous also, hatching their young within their bellies, and then bringing them forth. Whereas snakes lay chains of eggs every summer in my melon beds, in spite of all that my people can do to prevent them; which eggs do not hatch till the spring following, as I have often experienced. Several intelligent folks assure me that they have seen the viper open her mouth and admit her helpless young down her throat on sudden surprises, just as the female opossum does her brood into the pouch under her belly, upon the like emergencies; and yet the Lo)idon viper-catchers insist on it, to ]\Ir. Barrington, that no such thing ever happens. The serpent kind eat, I believe, but once in a year; or, rather, but only just at one season of the year. Country people talk much of a water-snake, but, I am pretty sure, without any reason; for h2 52 NATURAL HISTORY the common snake (coluber natrix) delights much to sport in the water, perhaps with a view to procure frogs and other food. I cannot well guess how you are to make out your twelve species of reptiles, unless it be by the various species, or rather varieties, of our lacerti, of which Ray enumerates five. I have not had opportunity of ascertaining these; but remember well to have seen, foimerly, several beautiful green lacerti on the sunny sandbanks near Farnham, in Surrey, and Kay admits there are such in Ireland. LETTER XVIIL TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, SelboknEj July 27, 1768. 1 RECEIVED your obliging and communicative letter of June the 28th, while I was on a visit at a gentleman's house, where I had neither books to turn to, nor leisure to sit down, to return you an answer to many qjieries, which I wanted to resolve in the best manner that I am able. A person, by my order, has searched our brooks, but could find no such fish as the gasterosteus pungitius: he found the gasterostem acukatus m plenty. This morning, in a basket, I packed a little earthen pot full of wet moss, and in it some sticklebacks, male and female; the females big with spawn: some lampernsi some bulls heads; but I could procure no min- OF SELBORNE. 53 nows. This basket will be in Fleet-street by eight this evening ; so I hope Mazel will have them fresh and fair to-morrow morn- ing. I gave some directions, in a letter, to what particulars the engraver should be attentive. Finding, while I was on a visit, that I was within a reasonable distance of Amhresbury, I sent a servant over to that town, and procured several living specimens of loaches, which he brought, safe and brisk, in a glass decanter. They were taken in the gullies that were cut for watering the meadows. From these fishes (which measured from two to four inches in length) I took the following description : " The loach, in it's general aspect, " has a pellucid appearance : it's back is mottled with irregular " collections of small black dots, not reaching much below the *' linea lateralis, as are the back and tail fins: a black line runs "from each eye down to the nose; it's belly is of a silvery "white; the upper jaw projects beyond the lower, and is sur- " rounded with six feelers, three on each side : it's pectoral fins " are large, it's ventral much smaller; the fin behind it's anus " small; it's dorsal-fin large, containing eight spinesj it's tail, " where it joins to the tail-fin, remarkably broad, without any " taperness, so as to be characteristic of this genus : the tail-fin " is broad, and square at the end. From the breadth and mus- *' cular strength of the tail it appears to be an active nimble " fish." In my visit I was not very fiir from Hungerford, and did not forget to make some inquiries concerning the wonderful method of curing cancers by means of toads. Several intelligent persons, both gentry and clergy, do, I find, give a great deal of credit to what was asserted in the papers : and I myself dined with a clergyman who seemed to be persuaded that what is related is 54. NATURAL HISTORY matter of fact; but, wl)cn I came to attend to liis account, I thouglit I discerned circumstances which did not a little invali- date the woman's story of the manner in which she came by her skill. She says of herself " that, labouring under a virulent " cancer, she went to some church where there was a vast crowd : " on going into a pew, she was accosted by a strange clergy- ''■ man; who, after expressing compassion for her situation, told " her that if she would make such an application of living toads " as is mentioned she would be well." Now is it likely that this unknown gentleman should express so much tenderness for this single sufferer, and not feel any for the many thousands that daily languish under this terrible disorder? Would he not have made use of this invaluable nostrum for his own emolu- ment; or, at least, by some means of publication or other, have found a method of making it public for the good of mankind? In short, this woman (as it appears to me) having set up for a cancer-doctress, finds it expedient to amuse the country with this dark and mysterious relation. The water-eft has not, that I can discern, the least appearance of any gills; for want of which it is continually rising to the surface of the water to take in fresh air. I opened a big-bellied one indeed, and found it full of spawn. Not that this circum- stance at all invalidates the assertion that they arc larva: for the larva of insects are full of eggs, which they exclude the instant they enter their last state. The water-eft is continually climbing over the brims of the vessel, within which we keep it in water, and wandering away: and people every summer see numbers crawling, out of the pools where they are hatched, up the dry banks. There are varieties of them, differing in colour; and some have fins up their tail and back, and some have not. OF SELBORNE. 5S LETTER XIX. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, SetBOBKB, Aug. 17, 1768. I HAVE now, past dispute, made out three distinct species of the willow-wrens (m/jtacilUe trochili) which amistantly and in- •oariably use distinct notes. But, at the same time, I am obliged to confess that I know nothing of your willow-lark ^ In my letter oi April the l^th, I had told you peremptorily that I knew your willow-lark, but had not seen it then : but, when I came to procure it, it proved, in all respects, a very motacilla trochilm; only that it is a size larger than the two other, and the yellow- green of the whole upper part of the body is more vivid, and the belly of a clearer white. I have specimens of the three sorts now lying before me; and can discern that there are three gradations of sizes, and that the least has black legs, and the other two flesh-coloured ones. The yellowest bird is considera- bly the largest, and has it's quill-feathers and secondary feathers tipped with white, which the others have not. This haunts only the tops of trees in high beechen woods, and makes a sibi- lous grashopper-like noise, now and then, at short intervals, shivering a little with it's wings when it sings; and is, I make no doubt now, the regulus non cristatws of Ray ; which he says " cantat vKt xtridula locmtceJ" Yet this great ornithologist never suspected that there were three species. T Brit. Zool. edit. 177Q, octavo, p. S81. 56 NATURAL HISTORY LETTER XX. TO THE SAME. Selborne, October 8, 1768. It is, I find, in zoology as it is in botany: all nature is so full, that that district produces the greatest variety which is the most examined. Several birds, which are said to belong to the north only, are, it seems, often in the south. I have discovered this summer three species of birds with us, which writers men- tion as only to be seen in the northern counties. The first that was brought me (on the 14th of May,) was the sandpiper, tringa hypoleucus : it was a cock bird, and haunted the banks of some ponds near the village; and, as it had a companion, doubtless intended to have bred near that water. Besides, the owner has told me since, that, on recollection, he has seen some of the same birds round his ponds in former summers. The next bird that I procured (on the 21st of May) was a male red-backed butcher bird, lanius colhirio. My neighbour, who shot it, says that it might easily have escaped his notice, had not the outcries and chattering of the white-throats and other small birds drawn his attention to the bush where it was: it's craw was filled with the legs and wings of beetles. The next rare birds (which were procured for me last week) were some ring-ousels, tiirdi torquati. This week twelve months a gentleman from London, being with us, was amusing himself with a gun, and found, he told OF SELBORNE. 57 us, on an old yew hedge where there were berries, some birds like blackbirds, with rings of white round their necks: a neigh- bouring fanner also at the same time observed the same; but, as no specimens were procured, little notice was taken. I men- tioned this circumstance to you in my letter of November the 4th, 1767: (you however paid but small regard to what I said, as I had not seen these birds myself:) but last week the afore- said farmer, seeing a large flock, twenty or thirty of these birds, shot two cocks and two hens : and says, on recollection, that he remembers to have observed these birds again last spring, about Lady-day, as it were, on their return to the north. Now per- haps these ousels are not the ousels of the north of England, but belong to the more northern parts o^ Europe; and may re- tire before the excessive rigor of the frosts in those parts; and return to breed in the spring, when the cold abates. If this be the case, here is discovered a new bird of winter passage, con- cerning whose migrations the writers are silent: but if these birds should prove the ousels of the north o? England, then here is a migration disclosed within our own kingdom never before remarked. It does not yet appear whether they retire beyond the bounds of our island to the south; but it is most probable that they usually do, or else one cannot suppose that they would have continued so long unnoticed in the southern counties. The ousel is larger than a blackbird, and feeds on haws; but last autumn (when there were no haws) it fed on yew-berries: in the spring it feeds on ivy-berries, which ripen only at that season, in March and April. I must not omit to tell you (as you have been so lately on the study of reptiles) that my people, every now and then of late, draw up with a bucket of water from my well, which is 58 NATURAL HISTORY 63 feet deep, a large black warty lizard with a fin-tail and yel- low belly. How they first came down at that depth, and how they were ever to have got out thence without help, is more than I am able to say. My thanks are due to you for your trouble and care in the examination of a buck's head. As far as your discoveries reach at present, they seem much to corroborate my suspicions; and I hope Mr. rn^y fi'i^l reason to give his decision in my favour; and then, I think, we may advance this extraordinary provision of nature as a new instance of the wisdom of God in the creation. As yet I have not quite done with my history of the oedicne- mus, or stone-curlew ; for I shall desire a gentleman in Susses (near whose house these birds congregate in vast flocks in the autumn) to observe nicely when they leave him, (if they do leave him) and when they return again in the spring: I was with this gentleman lately, and saw several single birds. LETTER XXL TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selborne, Nov. 28, 1768. With regard to the oedicnemus, or stone-curlew, I intend to wiite very soon to my friend near Chichester, in whose neigh- bourhood these birds seem most to abound; and shall urge him to take particular notice when they begin to congregate, and afterwards to watch tlicm most narrowly whether they do not k OF SELBORNE. S9 withdraw themselves during the dead of the winter. When I have obtained information with respect to this circumstance, I shall have finished my history of the stove-curlezo ; which I hope will prove to your satisfaction, as it will be, I trust, very near the truth. This gentleman, as he occupies a large farm of his own, and is abroad early and late, will be a very proper spy upon the motions of these birds: and besides, as I have prevailed on him to buy the Naturalist's Journal (with which he is much delighted,) I shall expect that he will be very exact in his dates. It is very extraordinary, as you observe, that a bird so common with us should never straggle to you. And here will be the properest place to mention, while I think of it, an anecdote which the above-mentioned gentleman told me when I was last at his house; which was that, in a warren joining to his outlet, many daws (corvi monedulce) build every year in the rabbit-burrows under ground. The way he and his brothers used to take their nests, while they were boys, was by listening at the mouths of the holes; and, if they heard the young ones cry, they twisted the nest out with a forked stick. Some water-fowls {plz. the puffins) breed, I know, in that manner; but I should never have suspected the daws of building in holes on the flat ground. Another very unlikely spot is made use of by daws as a place to breed in, and that is Stonehenge. These birds deposit their nests in the interstices between the upright and the impost stones of that amazing work of antiquity: which circumstance alone speaks the prodigious height of the upright stones, that they should be tall enough to secure those nests from the annoyance of shepherd-boys, who are always idling round that place. 60 NATURAL HISTORY One of my neighbours last Saturday, Novemhtr the 26th, saw a martin in a sheltered bottom : the sun shone warm, and the bird was hawking briskly after flies. I am now perfectly satisfied that they do not all leave this island in the winter. You judge very right, I think, in speaking with reserve and caution concerning the cures done by toads: for, let people ad- vance what they will on such subjects, yet there is such a pro- pensity in mankind towards deceiving and being deceived, that one cannot safely relate any thing from common report, espe- cially in print, without expressing some degree of doubt and suspicion. Your approbation, with regard to my new discovery of the migration of the ring-ousel, gives me satisfaction; and I find you concur with me in suspecting that they are foreign birds which visit us. You M-ill be sure, I hope, not to omit to make inquiry whether your ring-ousels leave your rocks in the autumn. What puzzles me most, is the very short stay they make with us; for in about three weeks they are all gone. I shall be very curious to remark whether they will call on us at their return in the spring, as they did last year. I want to be better informed with regard to icthyology. If fortune bad settled me near the sea-side, or near some great river, my natural propensity would soon have urged me to have made myself acquainted with their productions : but as I have lived mostly in inland parts, and in an upland district, my knowledge of lishcs extends little farther than to those common sorts which our brooks and lakes produce. I am, &c. OF SELBORNE. 61 LETTER XXII. TO THE SAMK. DEAR SIR, Selborne, Jan. 2, l/6g. As to the peculiarity of jackdaws building with us under the ground in rabbit-burrows, you have, in part, hit upon the rea- son; for, in reality, there are hardly any towers or steeples in all this country. And perhaps, Norfolk excepted, Hampshire and Susseji' are as meanly furnished with churches as almost any counties in the kingdom. We have many livings of two or three hundred pounds a year, whose houses of worship make little better appearance than dovecots. When I first saw Northamp- tonshire, Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire, and the fens of Lincolnshire, I was amazed at the number of spires which pre- sented themselves in every point of view. As an admirer of prospects, I have reason to lament this want in my own country; for such oljjects are very necessary ingredients in an elegant landscape. What you mention with respect to reclaimed toads raises my curiosity. An ancient author, though no naturalist, has well remarked that " Every kind of' beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, " and things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed, qfman- " kind." '' It is a satisfaction to me to find that a green lizard has actually been procured for you in Devonshire ; because it corro- '^ James, chap. iii. 7- 6'i NATURAL HISTORY borates my discovery, which I made many years ago, of the same sort, on a sunny sandbank near Farnham, in Surrey. I am well acquainted with the south hams o? Devonshire ; and can suppose that district, from it's southerly situation, to be a proper habitation for such animals in their best colours. Since the ring-ousels of your vast mountains do certainly not forsake them against winter, our suspicions that those which visit this neighbourhood about Michaelmas are not English birds, but driven from the more northern parts of Europe by the frosts, are still more reasonable; and it will be worth your pains to endeavour to trace from whence they come, and to inquire wliy they make so very short a stay. In your account of your error with regard to the two species of herons, you incidentally gave me great entertainment in your description of the heronry at Cressi-hall; which is a curiosity I never could manage to see. Fourscore nests of such a bird on one tree is a rarity which I would ride half as many miles to have a sight of Pra^* be sure to tell me in your next whose seat Cressi-hall is, and near what town it lies." I have often thought that those vast extents of fens have never been suffi- ciently explored. If half a dozen gentlemen, furnished with a good strength of water-spaniels, were to beat them over for a week, they would certainly find more species. There is no bird, I believe, whose manners I have studied more than that of the caprimulgus (the goat-sucker,) as it is a wonderful and curious creature: but I have always found that though sometimes it may cliatter as it flies, as I know it does, yet in general it utters it's jarring note sitting on a bough; and 1 have for many an half hour watched it as it sat with it's under * Cressi-hall is near Spalding, in Lincolnshire. OF SELBORNE. 63 mandible quivering, and particularly this summer. It perches usually on a bare twig, with it's head lower than it's tail, in an attitude well expressed by your draughtsman in the folio British Zoohgy. This bird is most punctual in beginning it's song exactly at the close of day; so exactly that I have known it strike up more than once or twice just at the report of the Portsmouth evening gun, which we can hear when the weather is still. It appears to me past all doubt that it's notes are formed by organic impulse, by the powers of the parts of it's windwipe, formed for sound, just as cats pur. You will credit me, I liope, when I assure you that, as my neighbours were assembled in an ''hermitage on the side of a steep hill where we drink tea, one of these churn-owls came and settled on the cross of that little straw edifice and began to chatter, and continued his note for many minutes: and we were all struck with wonder to find that the organs of that little animal, when put in motion, gave a sensible vibration to the whole building ! This bird also sometimes makes a small squeak, repeated four or five times; and I have observed that to happen when the cock has been pursuing the hen in a toying way through the boughs of a tree. It would not be at all strange if your bat, which you have procured, should prove a new one, since five species have been found in a neighbouring kingdom. The great sort that I men- tioned is certainly a non-descript: I saw but one this summer, and that I had no opportunity of taking. Your account of the Indian-grass was entertaining. I am no angler myself; but inquiring of those that are, what they supposed that part of their tackle to be made of? they replied " of the intestines of a silkworm." * See the vignette in this book. 64 NATURAL HISTORY Though I must not pretend to great skill in entomology, yet I cannot say that I am ignorant of that kind of knowledge : I may now and then perhaps be able to furnish you with a little information. The vast rains ceased with us much about the same time as with you, and since we have had delicate weather. Mr. Barker, who has measured the rain for more than thirty years, says, in a late letter, that more has fallen this year than in any he ever attended to; though, from July 1763 to January 1764, more fell than in any seven months of this year. LETTER XXIIL TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selbornb, February 28, I769. XT is not improbable that the Guernsey lizard and our green lizards may be specifically the same; all that I know is, that, when some years ago many Guernsey lizards were turned loose in Pembroke college garden, in the university of Oxford, they lived a great while, and seemed to enjoy themselves very well, but never bred. Whether this circumstance will prove any thing either way I shall not pretend to say. I return you thanks for your account of Cressi-hall; but re- collect, not without regret, that in June 1746 I was visiting for a week together at Spalding, without ever being told that such a curiosity was just at hand. Pray send me word in your next • OF SELBORNE. 63 what sort of tree it is that contains such a quantity of herons' nests; and whether the heronry consists of a whole grove or wood, or only of a few trees. It gave me satisfaction to find we accorded so well about the caprimulgiis : all I contended for was to prove that it often chat- ters sitting as well as flying; and therefore the noise was volun- tary, and from organic impulse, and not from the resistance of the air against the hollow of it's mouth and throat. If ever I saw any thing like actual migration, it was last Michaelmas- day. I was travelling, and out early in the morn- ing: at first there was a vast fog; but, by the time that I was got seven or eight miles from home towards the coast, the sun broke out into a delicate warm day. We were then on a lai'ge heath or common, and I could discern, as the mist began to break away, great numbers of swallows (lurimdines rustica) clustering on the stunted shrubs and bushes, as if they had roosted there all night. As soon as the air became clear and pleasant they all were on the wing at once; and, by a placid and easy flight, proceeded on southward towards the sea: after this I did not see any more flocks, only now and then a straggler. I cannot agree with those persons that assert that the swal- low kind disappear some and some gradually, as they come, for the bulk of them seem to withdraw at once: only some strag- glers stay behind a long while, and do never, there is the greatest reason to believe, leave this island. Swallows seem to lay themselves up, and to come forth in a warm day, as bats do continually of a warm evening, after they have disappeared for weeks. For a very respectable gentleman assured me that, as he was walking with some friends under Merton-wall on a re- K 66 NATURAL HISTORY markably hot noon, either in the last week in Dece^nber or the first week in January, he espied three or four swallows huddled together on the moulding of one of the windows of that college. I have frequently remarked that swallows are seen later at Oxford than elsewhere: is it owing to the vast massy buildings of that place, to the many waters round it, or to what else? When I used to rise in a morning last autumn, and see the swallows and martins clustering on the chimnies and thatch of the neighbouring cottages, I could not help being touched with a secret delight, mixed with some degree of mortification : with deligbt to observe with how much ardour and punctuality those poor little birds obeyed the strong impulse towards migration, or hiding, imprinted on their minds by their great Creator; and with some degree of mortification, when I reflected that, after all our pains and inquiries, we are yet not quite certain to what regions they do migrate; and are still farther embarrassed to find that some do not actually migrate at all. These reflections made so strong an impression on my ima- gination, that they became productive of a composition that may perhaps amuse you for a quarter of an hour when next I have the honour of writing to you. OF SELBORNE. 67 LETTER XXIV, TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, SelbornEj May 2Q, 1769. The scarabcEus fullo I know very well, having seen it in collec- tions; but have never been able to discover one wild in its natural state. Mr. Banks told me he thought it might be found on the sea-coast. On the thirteenth of April I went to the sheep-down, where the ring-ousels have been observed to make their appearance at spring and fall, in their way perhaps to the north or south; and was much pleased to see three birds about the usual spot. We shot a cock and a hen; they were plump and in high condition. The hen had but very small rudiments of eggs within her, which proves they are late breeders; whereas those species of the thrush kind that remain with us the whole year have fledged young before that time. In their crops was nothing very dis- tinguishable, but somewhat that seemed like blades of vegetables nearly digested. In autumn they feed on haws and yew-berries, and in the spring on ivy-berries. I dressed one of these birds, and found it juicy and well-flavoured. It is remarkable that they make but a few days stay in their spring visit, but rest near a fortnight at Michaelmas. These birds, from the observa- tions of three springs and two autumns, are most punctual in their return; and exhibit a new migration unnoticed by the writers, who supposed they never were to be seen in any of the southern counties. One of my neighbours lately brought me a new salicaria, which at first I suspected might have proved your willow-lark/ c For this salicaria see letter August SO, 1769 68 NATURAL HISTORY but, on a nicer examination, it answered much better to the description of that species which you shot at Revesby, in Lin- colnshire. My bird I describe thus: " It is a size less than the " grasshopper-lark; the head, back, and coverts of the wings, " of a dusky brown, without those dark spots of the grasshopper " lark; over each eye is a milkwhite stroke; the chin and throat " are white, and the under parts of a yellowish white; the rump " is tawny, and the feathers of the tail sharp-pointed; the bill " is dusky and sharp, and the legs are dusky; the hinder claw " long and crooked." The person that shot it says that it sung so like a reed- sparrow that he took it for one; and that it sings all night: but this account merits farther inquiry. For my part, I suspect it is a second sort of locustella, hinted at by Dr. Derham in Rays Letters: see p. 108. He also procured me a grashopper-lark. The question that you put with regard to those genera of animals that are peculiar to America, viz. how they came there, and whence? is too puzzling for me to answer; and yet so obvious as often to have struck me with wonder. If one looks into the writers on that subject little satisfaction is to be found. Ingenious men will readily advance plausible arguments to sup- port whatever theory they shall chuse to maintain; but then the misfortune is, every one's hypothesis is each as good as another's, since the}' are all founded on conjecture. The late writers of this sort, in whom may be seen all the arguments of those that have gone before, as I remember, stock America from the western coast of Africa and the south of Europe; and then break down the Isthmus that bridged over the Atlantic. But this is making use of a violent piece of machinery: it is a diffi- culty worthy of the interposition of a god ! " Incredulus odi.'' OF SELBORNE. 69 TO THOMAS PENNANT, ESQUIRE. THE NATURALIST'S SUMMER-EVENING WALK. equidem credo, quia sit divinitus illis Ingenium. Virg. Georg. When day declining sheds a milder gleam, What time the may-fly'' haunts the pool or stream; When the still owl skims round the grassy mead, What time the timorous hare linips forth to feed; Then be the time to steal adovvn the vale, And listen to the vagrant" cuckoo's tale; To hear the clamorous' curlew call his mate. Or the soft quail his tender pain relate; To see the swallow sweep the dark'riing plain Belated, to support her infant train; To mark the swift in rapid giddy ring Dash round the steeple, unsubdu'd of wing: Amusive birds ! — say where your hid retreat When the frost rages and the tempests beat; Whence your return, by such nice instinct led. When spring, soft season, lifts her bloomy head? ^ The angler's may-fly, the ephemera vulgata Linn, comes forth from it's aurelia state, and emerges out of the water about six in the evening, and dies about eleven at night, determining the date of it's fly state in about five or six hours. They usually begin to appear about the 4th of Jane, and continue in succession for near a fortnight. See Swammerdam, Derham, Scopoli, izfc. ' Vagrant cuckoo; so called because, being tied down by no incubation or attendance about the nutrition of it's young, it wanders without control. ' Charadriui Oedicnemus. 70 NATURAL HISTORY Such baffled searches mock man's prying pride, The GOD of NATURE is your secret guide! While deep'ning shades obscure the face of day To yonder bench leaf-shelter'd let us stray, 'Till blended objects fail the swimming sight. And all the fading landscape sinks in night; To hear the drowsy dorr come brushing by With buzzing wing, or the shrilP cricket cry; To see the feeding bat glance through the wood ; To catch the distant falling of the flood; While o'er the cliff th' awaken'd churn-owl hung Through the still gloom protracts his chattering song ;" While high in air, and pois'd upon his wings, Unseen, the soft enamour'd Svoodlark sings: These, NATURE'S works, the curious mind employ, Inspire a soothing melancholy joy : As fancy warms, a pleasing kind of pain Steals o'er the cheek, and thrills the creeping vein! Each rural sight, each sound, each smell, combine ; The tinkling sheep-bell, or the breath of kine; The new-mown hay that scents the swelling breeze, Or cottage-chimney smoking through the trees. The chilling night-dews fall: away, retire; For see, the glow-worm lights her amorous fire!' s Gryllus campestris. '■ In hot summer nights woodlarks soar to a prodigious height, and hang singing in the air. ' The light of the female glow-worm (as she often crawls up the slalk of a grass to make herself more conspicuous) is a signal to the male, which is a slender dusky scaralccus OF SELBORNE. 71 Thus, ere night's veil had half obscur'd the sky, Th' impatient damsel hung her lamp on high : True to the signal, by love's meteor led, Leander hasten'd to his Hero's bed. ^ I am, &c. LETTER XXV. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, SelbornEj Aug. 30, 1769. It gives me satisfaction to find that my account of the otisel migration pleases you. You put a very shrewd question when you ask me how I know that their autumnal migration is south- ward? Was not candour and openness the very life of natural history, I should pass over this query just as a sly commentator does over a crabbed passage in a classic; but common ingenu- ousness obliges me to confess, not without some degree of shame, that I only reasoned in that case from analogy. For as all other autumnal birds migrate from the northward to us, to partake of our milder winters, and return to the northward again when the rigorous cold abates, so I concluded that the ring-ousels did the same, as well as their congeners the fieldfares; and especially as ring-ousels are known to haunt cold mountainous countries : but I have good reason to suspect since that they may come to us from the westward; because I hear, from very good autho- '' Sec the story of Hero and Leander. 72 NATURAL HISTORY rity, that they breed on Dat^tmore; and that they forsake that wild district about the time that our visitors appear, and do not return till late in the spring. I have taken a great deal of pains about your salicaria and mine, with a Avhite stroke over it's eye and a tawny rump. I have surveyed it alive and dead, and have procured several spe- cimens; and am perfectly persuaded myself (and trust you will soon be convinced of the same) that it is no more nor less than the passer arundmaceus minor of Ray. This bird, by some means or other, seems to be entirely omitted in the British Zoology; and one reason probably was because it is so strangely classed in Ray, who ranges it among his picis affines. It ought no doubt to have gone among his a'viculce caudci unicohre, and among your slender-billed small birds of the same division. Linnceus might with great propriety have put it into his genus o?' motacilla ; and the motaciUa salicaria of \{\s fauna suecica seems to come the nearest to it. It is no uncommon bird, haunting the sides of ponds and rivers where there is covert, and the reeds and sedges of moors. The country people in some places call it the sedge- bird. It sings incessantly night and day during the breeding- time, imitating the note of a sparrow, a swallow, a sky-lark; and has a strange hurrying manner in it's song. My specimens correspond most minutely to the description of yourye« salicaria shot near Revesby. Mr. Ray has given an excellent character- istic of it when he says, " Rostrum 8^ pedes in hue aviculd midtd majores sunt quam pro corporis ratione." See letter May QQ, 1769. I have got you the egg of an oedicnemus, or stone-curlew, which was picked up in a fallow on the naked ground: there were two; but the finder inadvertently crushed one with his foot before he saw them. I OF SELBORNE. 73 When I wrote to you last year on reptiles, I wish I had not forgot to mention the faculty that snakes have of stinking se defendendo. I knew a gentleman who kept a tame snake, which was in it's person as sweet as any animal while in good humour and unalarmed; but as soon as a stranger, or a dog or cat, came in, it fell to hissing, and filled the room with such nauseous effluvia as rendered it hardly supportable. Thus the squnck, or stonck, of Ray's Synop. Quadr. is an innocuous and sweet ani- mal; but, when pressed hard by dogs and men, it can eject such a most pestilent and fetid smell and excrement, that nothing can be more horrible. A gentleman sent me lately a fine specimen of the lan'ms minor cinerascens cum macula in scapuUs alba, Raii; which is a bird that, at the time of your publishing your two first volumes of British Zoology, I find you had not seen. You have described it well from Edwards's drawino-. LETTER XXVI. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR Selbobne, December 8, i;69. I WAS much gratified by your communicative letter on your return from Scotland, where you spent, I find, some considerable time, and gave yourself good room to examine the natural curi- osities of that extensive kingdom, both those of the islands, as well as those of the highlands. The usual bane of such expe- ditions is hurry; because men seldom allot themselves half the 74 NATURAL HISTORY. time they sliould do: but, fixing on a day for their return, post from place to place, rather as if they were on a journey that re- quired dispatch, than as philosophers investigating the works of nature. You must have made, no doubt, many discoveries, and laid up a good fund of materials for a future edition of the Bri- tish Zoohgy; and will have no reason to repent that you have bestowed so much pains on a part oi Great-Britain that perhaps was never so well examined before. It has always been matter of wonder to me that fieldfares, which are so congenerous to thrushes and blackbirds, should never choose to breed in England: but that they should not think even the highlands cold and northerly, and sequestered enough, is a circumstance still more strange and wonderful. The ring-ousel, you find, stays in Scotland \ihe Avhole year round; so that we have reason to conclude that those migrators that visit us for a short space every autumn do not come from thence. And here, I think, will be the proper place to mention that those birds were most punctual again in their migration this autumn, appearing, as before, about the SOthoi September: but their flocks were larger than common, and their stay protracted somewhat beyond the usual time. If they came to spend the whole winter with us, as some of their congeners do, and then left us, as they do, in spring, I should not be so much struck with the occurrence, since it would be similar to that of the other winter birds of passage; but when I see them for a fort- night at Michaelmas, and again for about a week in the middle oi April, I am seized with wonder, and long to be informed whence these travellers come, and whither they go, since they seem to use our hills merely as an inn or baiting place. Your account of the greater brambling, or snow-fleck, is very * OF SELBORNE. f5 amusing; and strange it is that such a short- winged bird should deUght in such perilous voyages over the northern ocean! Some country people in the winter time have every now and then told me that they have seen two or three white larks on our downs; but, on considering the matter, I begin to suspect that these are some stragglers of the birds we are talking of, which sometimes perhaps may rove so far to the southward. It pleases me to find that white hares are so frequent on the Scottish mountains, and especially as you inform me that it is a distinct species; for the quadrupeds oi Britain are so few, that every new species is a great acquisition. The eagle-owl, could it be proved to belong to us, is so ma- jestic a bird, that it would grace our fauna much. I never was informed before where wild-geese are known to breed. You admit, I find, that I have proved your Jeti-salicaria to be the lesser reed-sparrow of Ray: and I think you may be secure that I am right ; for I took very particular pains to clear up that matter, and had some fair specimens; but, as they were not well preserved, they are decayed already. You will, no doubt, insert it in it's proper place in your next edition. Your additional plates will much improve your work. De Buffon, I know, has described the water shrew-mouse : but still I am pleased to find you have discovered it in Lincoln- shire, for the reason I have given in the article of the white hare. As a neighbour was lately plowing in a dry chalky field, far removed from any water, he turned out a water-rat, that was curiously laid up in an hybernaculum artificially formed of grass and leaves. At one end of the burrow lay above a gallon of potatoes regularly stowed, on which it was to have supported 76 NATURAL HISTORY itself for the winter. But the difficulty with me is how this amphiblus mus came to fix it's winter station at such a distance from the water. Was it determined in it's choice of that place by the mere accident of finding the potatoes which were planted there; or is it the constant practice of the aquatic- rat to forsake the neighbourhood of the water in the colder months? Though I delight very little in analogous reasoning, knowing how fallacious it is with respect to natural history; yet, in the following instance, I cannot help being inclined to think it may conduce towards the explanation of a difficulty that I have mentioned before, with respect to the invariable early retreat of the hirundo apus, or swift, so many weeks before it's congeners ; and that not only with us, but also in Andalusia, where they also begin to retire about the beginning o? August. The great large bat' (which by the by is at present a non- descript in England, and what I have never been able yet to procure) retires or migrates very early in the summer; it also ranges very high for it's food, feeding in a different region of the air; and that is the reason I never could procure one. Now this is exactly the case with the swifts; for they take their food in a more exalted region than the other species, and are very seldom seen hawking for flies near the ground, or over the sur- face of the water. From hence I would conclude that these hirundines, and the larger bats, are supported by some sorts of high-flying gnats, scarabs, or phakena, that are of short con- tinuance; and that the short stay of these strangers is regulated by the defect of their food. ' The little bat appears almost every month in the yenr; but I have never seen the large ones till the end of April, nor at'tcr July. They are most common in .hme, but never in any plenty : are a rare species with us. OF SELBORNE. 17 By my journal it appears that curlews clamoured on to Octo- bei' the thirty-first; since which I have not seen or heard an}-. Swallows were observed on to November the third. LETTER XXVII. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR SelhornEj Feb, 22, 1770. xiEDGE-iioGs abound in my gardens and fields. The manner in which they eat their roots of the plantain in my grass-walks is very curious: with their upper mandible, which is much longer than their lower, they bore under the plant, and so eat the root off upwards, leaving the tuft of leaves untouched. In this respect they are serviceable, as they destroy a very trouble- some weed; but they deface the walks in some measure by dig- ging little round holes. It appears, by the dung that they drop upon the turf, that beetles are no inconsiderable part of their food. In June last I procured a litter of four or five young hedge-hogs, which appeared to be about five or six days old; they, I find, like puppies, are born blind, and could not see when they came to my hands. No doubt their spines are soft and flexible at the time of their birth, or else the poor dam would have but a bad time of it in the critical moment of par- turition: but it is plain that they soon harden; for these little pigs had such stiff prickles on their backs and sides as would easily have fetched blood, had they not been handled with cau- tion. Their spines are quite white at this age; and they have 78 NATURAL HISTORY little hanging ears, which I do not remember to be discernible in the old ones. They can, in part, at this age draw their skin down over their faces; but are not able to contract themselves into a ball, as they do, for the sake of defence, when full grown. The reason, I suppose, is, because the curious muscle that enables the creature to roll itself up in a ball was not then arrived at it's full tone and firmness. Hedge-hogs make a deep and warm hybernaculum with leaves and moss, in which they conceal themselves for the winter: but I never could find that they stored in any winter provision, as some quadrupeds cer- tainly do. I have discovered an anecdote with respect to the fieldfare (turdus pilaris), which I think is particular enough: this bird, though it sits on trees in the day-time, and procures the greatest part of it's food from white-thorn hedges; yea, moreover, builds on very high trees; as may be seen by tht fauna suecica; yet always appears with us to roost on the ground. They are seen to come in flocks just before it is dark, and to settle and nestle among the heath on our forest. And besides, the larkers, in dragging their nets by night, frequently catch them in the wheat-stubbles; while the bat-fowlers, who take many red- wings in the hedges, never entangle any of this species. Why these birds, in the matter of roosting, should differ from all their congeners, and fn^m themselves also with respect to their pro- ceedings by day, is a fact for which I am by no means able to account. I have somewhat to inform you of concerning the moose- deer; but in general foreign animals fall seldom in my way; my little intelligence is confined to the narrow sphere of my own obser- vations at home. OF SELBORNE. 79 LETTER XXVIII. TO THE SAME. Selborne, March 1 770. On Michaelmas-day 1768 I managed to get a sight of the female moose belonging to the duke o^ Richmond, at Goodwood; but was greatly disappointed, when I arrived at the spot, to find that it died, after having appeared in a languishing way for some time, on the morning before. However, understanding that it was not stripped, I proceeded to examine this rare quadruped : I found it in an old green-house, slung under the belly and chin by ropes, and in a standing posture; but, though it had been dead for so short a time, it was in so putrid a state that the stench was hardly supportable. The grand distinction between this deer, and any other species that I have ever met with, con- sisted in the strange length of it's legs; on which it was tilted up much in the manner of the birds of the grallce order. I measured it, as they do an horse, and found that, from the ground to the wither, it was just five feet four inches; which height answers exactly to sixteen hands, a growth that few horses arrive at: but then, with this length of legs, it's neck was remarkably short, no more than twelve inches; so that, by straddling with one foot forward and the other backward, it grazed on the plain ground, with the greatest difficulty, between it's legs: the ears were vast and lopping, and as long as the 80 NATURAL HISTORY neck; the head was about twenty inches long, and ass-like; and had such a redundancy of upper lip as I never saw before, with huge nostrils. This lip, travellers say, is esteemed a dainty dish in North America. It is very reasonable to suppose that this creature supports itself chiefly by browsing of trees, and by wading after water plants; towards which way of livelihood the length of legs and great lip must contribute much. I have read somewhere that it delights in eating the nymphcea, or water-lily. From the fore-feet to the belly behind the shoulder it measured three feet and eiglit inches : the length of the legs before and behind consisted a great deal in the tibia, which was strangely long; but, in my haste to get out of the stench, I forgot to measure that joint exactly. It's scut seemed to be about an inch long; the colour was a grizzly black; the mane about four inches long; the fore-hoofs were upright and shapely, the hind flat and splayed. The spring before it was only two years old, so that most probably it was not then come to it's growth. What a vast tall beast must a full grown stag be! I have been told some arrive at ten feet and an half! This poor creature had at first a female companion of the same species, which died the spring before. In the same garden was a young stag, or red deer, between whom and this moose it was hoped that there might have been a breed; but their inequality of height must have always been a bar to any commerce of the amorous kind. I should have been glad to have examined the teeth, tongue, lips, hoofs, &c. minutely; but the putrefaction precluded all farther curiosity. This animal, the keeper told me, seemed to enjoy itself best in the extreme frost of the for- mer winter. In the house they shewed me the horn of a male OF SELBORNE. 81 moose, which had no front-antlers, but only a broad palm with some snags on the edge. The noble owner of the dead moose proposed to make a skeleton of lier bones. Please to let me hear if my female moose corresponds with that you saw; and whether you think still that the American moose and European elk are the same creature. I am, With the greatest esteem, &c. LETTER XXIX. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selkorne, May 12. 1770. i-/AST month we had such a series of cold turbulent weather, such a constant succession of frost, and snow, and hail, and tempest, that the regular migration or appearance of the sum- mer birds was much interrupted. Some did not shew them- selves (at least were not heard) till weeks after their usual time; as the black-cap and white-throat; and some have not been heard yet, as the gras hopper -lark and largest willow-wren. As to the Jly-catcher, 1 have not seen it ; it is indeed one of the latest, but should appear about this time: and yet, amidst all this me- teorous strife and war of the elements, two swallows discovered themselves as long ago as the eleventh of April, in frost and snow; but they withdrew quickly, and were not visible again for many days. House-martins, which are always more back- ward than swallows, were not observed till May came in. M 82 NATURAL HISTORY Among the mmwgamous birds several are to be found, after pairing-time, single, and of each sex : but whether this state of celibacy is matter of choice or necessity, is not so easily disco- verable. When the house-sparrows deprive my martins of their nests, as soon as I cause one to be shot, the other, be it cock or hen, presently procures a mate, and so for several times fol- lowing. I have known a dove-house infested by a pair of white owls, which made great havock among the young pigeons : one of the owls was shot as soon as possible; but the survivor readily found a mate, and the mischief went on. After some time the new pair were both destroyed, and the annoyance ceased. Another instance I remember of a sportsman, whose zeal for the increase of his game being greater than his humanity, after pairing-time he always shot the cock-bird of every couple of partridges upon his grounds; supposing that the rivalry of many males interrupted the breed: he used to say, that, though he had widowed the same hen several times, yet he found she was still provided with a fresh paramour, that did not take her away from her usual haunt. Again ; I knew a lover of setting, an old sportsman, who has often told me that soon after harvest he has frequently taken small coveys of partridges, consisting of cock-birds alone; these he pleasantly used to call old bachelors. There is a propensity belonging to common house-cats tliat is very remarkable; I mean their violent fondness for fish, which appears to be their most favourite food: and yet nature in this instance seems to have planted in them an appetite that, unas- sisted, they know not how to gratify: for of all quadrupeds cats are the least disposed towards water; and will not, when they OF SELBORNE. S3 can avoid it, deign to wet a foot, much less to plunge into that element. Quadrupeds that prey on fish are amphibious: such is the otter, which by nature is so well formed for diving, that it makes great havock among the inhabitants of the waters. Not supposing that we had any of those beasts in our shallow brooks, I was much pleased to see a male otter brought to me, weighing twenty-one pounds, that had been shot on the bank of our stream below the Priory, where the rivulet divides the parish of " not only sing sweetly as they sit on trees, but also as they play and toy about on the wingj and particularly while they are descending, and sometimes as they stand on the ground. Adanson's'^ testimony seems to me to be a very poor evidence that European swallows migrate during our winter to Senegal: he does not talk at all like an ornithologist; and probably saw only the swallows of that country, which I know build within Governor O'Haras hall against the roof. Had he known Etiro- pean swallows, would he not have mentioned the species? The house-swallow washes by dropping into the water as it flies: this species appears commonly about a week before the house-martin, and about ten or twelve days before the swift. In 1772 there were young house-martins' in their nest till October the twenty-third. ' p. 216. " p. 224. » p. 229. y Vol. ii. p. 237. ' p. 242. » p. 244 OF SELBORNE. 99 Tlie 5ti'///i' appears about ten or twelve days later than the hoitse- swallaw: -viz. about the twenty-fourth or twenty-sixth oi April. Whin-chats and stone-chatters' stay with us the whole year. Some wheat-ears'* continue with us the W"inter through. Wagtails, all sorts, remain with us all the winter. Bulfinches, ' when fed on hempseed, often become wholly black. We have vast flocks of female chaffinches f all the winter, with hardly any males among them. When you say that in breeding time the cock-snipes ^ make a bleating noise, and I a drumming (perhaps I should have rather said an humming), I suspect we mean the same thing. However, while they are playing about on the wing they cer- tainly make a loud piping with their mouths: but whether that bleating or humming is ventriloquous, or proceeds from the motion of their wings, I cannot say; but this I know, that when this noise happens the bird is always descending, and his wings are violently agitated. Soon after the lapwings *■ have done breeding they congregate, and, leaving the moors and marshes, betake themselves to downs and sheep-walks. Two years ago 'last spring the little auk was found alive and unhurt, but fluttering and unable to rise, in a lane a few miles from Alresford, where there is a great lake: it was kept awhile, but died. I saw young teals '' taken alive in the ponds of Wolmer-forest in the beginning of July last, along with flappers, or young wild-ducks. ' 245. " 270. 271. <* 269. ' 300. f 306. 6 358, ^ 360. * 409. " 475. o2 100 NATURAL HISTORY Speaking of the sxcift, ' that page says " it's drink the dexv;' whereas it sliould be " it drinks on the wing;"' for all the swal- low kind sip their water as they sweep over the face of pools or rivers: like Tlrgil's bees, they drink flying; "flumiiia summa libant." In this method of drinking perhaps this genus may be peculiar. Of the sedge-bird "' be pleased to say it sings most part of the night; it's notes are hurrying, but not unpleasing, and imi- tative of several birds; as the sparrow, swallow, sky-lark. When it happens to be silent in the night, by throwing a stone or clod into the bushes where it sits you immediately set it a singing; or in other words, though it slumbers sometimes, yet as soon as it is awakened it reassumes it's song. LETTER XL. TO THE SAME. BEAR SIR, Selborne, Sept. 2, 1774. Before your letter arrived, and of my own accord, I had been remarking and comparing the tails of the male and female swal- low, and this ere any young broods appeared; so that there was no danger of confounding the dams with their puL'i: and besides, as they were then always in pairs, and busied in the employ of nidification, there could be no room for mistaking the sexes nor the individuals of different chimnies the one for the other. From all my observations, it constantly appeared that each sex ' p. 15. "> p. 16. OF SELBORNE. 101 has the long feathers in it's tail that give it that forked shapej with this difference, that they are longer in the tail of the male than in that of the female. Nightingales, when their young first come abroad, and are helpless, make a plaintive and a jarring noise; and also a snap- ping or cracking, pursuing people along the hedges as they walk: these last sounds seem intended for menace and defiance. The grasshopper-lark chirps all night in the height of sum- mer. Swans turn white the second year, and breed the third. Weasels prey on moles, as appears by their being sometimes caught in mole-traps. Sparrow-hawks sometimes breed in old crows' nests, and the kestril in churches and ruins. There are supposed to be two sorts of eels in the island of Ell/. The threads sometimes discovered in eels are perhaps their young: the generation of eels is very dark and mysterious. Hen-harriers breed on the ground, and seem never to settle on trees. When redstarts shake their tails they move ihem horizontally, as dogs do when they fawn: the tail of a wagtail, when in motion, bobs up and down like that of a jaded horse. Hedge-sparrows have a remarkable flirt with their wings in breeding-time; as soon as frosty mornings come they make a very piping plaintive noise. Many birds Avhich become silent about Midsummer reassume tlieir notes again in September ; as the thrush, blackbird, wood- lark, willow- wren, &c. ; hence August is by much the most mute month, the spring, summer, and autumn through. Are birds 102 NATURAL HISTORY induced to sing again because the temperament of autumn re- sembles that of spring? Linnaus ranges plants geographically; palms inhabit the tro- pics, grasses the temperate zones, and mosses and lichens the polar circles; no doubt animals may be classed in the same manner with propriety. House-sparrows build under eaves in the spring; as the -weather becomes hotter they get out for coolness, and nest in plum-trees and apple-trees. These birds have been known some- times to build in rooks' nests, and sometimes in the forks of boughs under rooks' nests. As my neighbour was housing a rick he observed that his dogs devoured all the little red mice that they could catch, but rejected the common mice; and that his cats ate the common mice refusing the red. Red-breasts sing all through the spring, summer, and autumn. The reason that they are called autumn songsters is, because in the two first seasons their voices are drowned and lost in the general chorus; in the latter their song becomes distinguishable. Many songsters of the autumn seem to be the young cock red- breasts of that year: notwithstanding the prejudices in their favour, they do much mischief in gardens to the summer- fruits." The titmouse, which early in February begins to make two quaint notes, like the whetting of a saw, is the marsh titmouse: the great titmouse sings with three cheerful joyous notes, and begins about the same time. Wrens sing all the winter through, frost excepted. " They eat also the berries of the ivy, the honey-suckle, and the euonymus eiiropcBus, or spindle-tree. OF SELBORNE. 103 House-martins came remarkably late this year both in Hamp- shire and 'Devonshire: is this circumstance for or against either hiding or migration? Most birds drink sipping at intervals; but pigeons take a long continued draught, like quadrupeds. Notwithstanding what I have said in a former letter, no grey crows were ever known to breed on Dartmoor; it was my mistake. The appearance and flying of the scarahmis solstitialis, or fern-chafer, commence with the month o? July, and cease about the end of it. These scarabs are the constant food of caprimulgi, or fern-owls, through that period. They abound on the chalky downs and in some sandy districts, but not in the clays. In the garden of the Black-bear inn in the town of Reading is a stream or canal running imder the stables and out into the fields on the other side of the road: in this water are many carps, which lie rolling about in sight, being fed by travellers, who amuse themselves by tossing them bread: but as soon as the weather grows at all severe these fishes are no longer seen, be- cause they retire under the stables, where they remain till the return of spring. Do they lie in a torpid state? if they do not, how are they supported? The note of the white-throat, which is continually repeated, and often attended with odd gesticulations on the wing, is harsh and displeasing. These birds seem. of a pugnacious disposition; for they sing with an erected crest and attitudes of rivalry and defiance ; are shy and wild in breeding-time, avoiding neigh- bourhoods, and haunting lonely lanes and commons; nay even the very tops of the Sussex-downs, where there are bushes and covert; but in July and August they bring their broods into gar- 104 NATURAL HISTORY dens and orchards, and make great havock among the summer- fruits. The black-cap has in common a full, sweet, deep, loud, and wild pipe ; yet that strain is of short continuance, and his mo- tions are desultory; but when that bird sits calmly and engages in song in earnest, he pours forth very sweet, but inward melody, and expresses great variety of soft and gentle modulations, supe- rior perhaps to those of any of our warblers, the nightingale excepted. Black-caps mostly haunt orchards and gardens; while they warble their throats are wonderfully distended. The song of the redstart is superior, though somewhat like that of the white-throat : some birds have a few more notes than others. Sitting very placidly on the top of a tall tree in a vil- lage, the cock sings from morning to night: he affects neigh- bourhoods, and avoids solitude, and loves to build in orchards and about houses; with us he perches on the vane of a tall maypole. The fly-catcher is of all our summer birds the most mute and the most familiar; it also appears the last of any. It builds in a vine, or a sweetbriar, against the wall of an house, or in the hole of a wall, or on the end of a beam or plate, and often close to the post of a door where people are going in and out all day long. This bird does not make the least pretension to song, but uses a little inward wailing note when it thinks it's young in danger from cats or other annoyances: it breeds but once, and retires early. Selhorne parish alone can and has exhibited at times more than half the birds that are ever seen in all Sweden; the former has produced more than one hundred and twenty species, the OF SELBORNE. 103 latter only two hundred and t\vent3'-one. Let nie add also that it has shewn hear half the species that were ever known in Great-Britain, p On a retrospect, I observe that my long letter carries with it a quaint and magisterial air, and is very sententious; but, when I recollect that you requested stricture and anecdote, I hope you will pardon the didactic manner for the sake of the information it may happen to contain. LETTER XLI. TO THE SAME. It is matter of curious inquiry to trace out how those species of soft-billed birds, that continue with us the winter through, subsist during the dead months. The imbecility of birds seems not to be the only reason why they shun the rigour of our win- ters; for the robust wry-neck (so much resembling the hardy race of wood-peckers) migrates, while the feeble little golden- crowned wren, that shadow of a bird, braves our severest frosts without availing himself of houses or villages, to which most of our winter-birds crowd in distressful seasons, while this keeps aloof in fields and woods; but perhaps this may be the reason why they may often perish, and why they are almost as rare as any bird we know. I have no reason to doubt but that the soft-billed birds, which winter with us, subsist chiefly on insects in their aurelia P Sweden 221, Great-Britain 252 species. P 106 NATURAL HISTORY state. All the species of wagtails in severe weather haunt shal- low streams near their spring-heads, where tliey never freeze; and, hy wading, pick out the aurelias of the genus of'' Phry. ganect, &c. Hedge-sparrffws frequent sinks and gutters in hard weather, where they pick up crumbs and other sweepings: and in mild weather they procure worms, which are stirring every month in the year, as any one may see that will only be at the trouble of taking a candle to a grass-plot on any mild winter's night. Red- breasts and wrens in the winter haunt out-houses, stables, and barns, where they find spiders and flies that have laid themselves up during the cold season. But the grand support of tlie soft- billed birds in winter is that infinite profusion oi" aut'elice of the lepidoptera ordo, which is fastened to the twigs of trees and their trunks; to the pales and walls of gardens and buildings; and is found in every cranny and cleft of rock or rubbish, and even in the ground itself Every species of titmouse winters with us; they have what I call a kind of intermediate bill between the hard and the soft, between the LinncEan genera oi fringUla and motacilla. One species alone spends it's whole time in the woods and fields, never retreating for succour in the severest seasons to houses and neighbourhoods; and that is the delicate long-tailed tit- mouse, which is almost as minute as the golden-crowned wren: but the blue tit mouse, or nun (parus caruleus), the cole-mouse (parus ater), the great black-headed titmouse (fringiUago), and the marsh titmouse (parus palustris), all resort, at times, to build- ings; and in hard weather particularly. The great titmouse, driven by stress of weather, much frequents houses, and, in 1 See Derham's Ph^sico-tbeology, p. 235. OF SELBORNE. 107 deep snows, I have seen this bird, while it hung with it's back downwards (to my no small delight and admiration), draw straws lengthwise from out the eaves of thatched houses, in order to pull out the flies that were concealed between them, and that in such numbers that they quite defaced the thatch, and gave it a ragged appearance. The blue titmouse, or 7iu7i, is a great frequenter of houses, and a general devourer. Besides insects, it is very fond of flesh; for it frequently picks bones on dunghills : it is a vast admirer of suet, and haunts butchers' shops. When a boy, I have known twenty in a morning caught with snap mouse- traps, baited with tallow or suet. It will also pick holes in apples left on the ground, and be well entertained with the seeds on the head of a sun-flower. The blue, marsh, and great titmice will, in very severe weather, carry away barley and oat straws from the sides of ricks. How the wheat-ear and whin-chat support themselves in win- ter cannot be so easily ascertained, since they spend their time on wild heaths and warrens; the former especially, where there are stone quarries: most probably it is that their maintenance arises from the aurelicB of the lepidoptera ordo, which furnish them with a plentiful table in the wilderness. I am, &c. 108 NATURAL HISTORY LETTER XLIL TO THE SAMK. DEAR SIR, Selborne, March g, 1775, Some future Jaunist, a man of fortune, will, I hope, extend his visits to the kingdom of Ireland; a new field, and a country little known to the naturalist. He will not, it is to be wished, under- take that tour unaccompanied by a botanist, because the moun- tains have scarcely been sufficiently examined; and the south- erly counties of so mild an island may possibly afford some plants little to be expected within the British dominions. A person of a thinking turn of mind will draw many just remarks from the modern improvements of that country, both in arts and agriculture, where premiums obtained long before they were heard of with us. The manners of the wild natives, their supersti- tions, their prejudices, their sordid way of life, will extort from him many useful reflections. He should also take with him an able draughtsman; for he must by no means pass over the noble castles and seats, the extensive and picturesque lakes and water- falls, and the lofty stupendous mountains, so little known, and so engaging to the imagination when described and exhibited in a lively manner: such a work would be well received. As I have seen no modern map of Scotland, I cannot pretend to say how accurate or particular any such may be ; but this I know, that the best old maps of that kingdom are very defective. The great obvious defect that I have remarked in all maps OF SELBORNE. 109 of Scotland that have fallen in my way is, a want of a coloured lifie, or stroke, that shall exactly define the just limits of that district called The Highlands. Moreover, all the great avenues to that mountainous and romantic country want to be well dis- tinguished. The military roads formed by general fFade are so great and Roman-like an undertaking that they well merit attention. My old map, Moll's Map, takes notice of Fort JVil- liam; but could not mention the other forts that have been erected long since: therefore a good representation of the chain of forts should not be omitted. The celebrated zigzag up the Coryarich must not be passed over. Moll takes notice of Hatnilton and Drumlanrig, and such capital houses; but a new survey, no doubt, should represent every seat and castle remarkable for any great event, or cele- brated for it's paintings, &c. Lord Breadalbanes seat and beau- tiful/)o&j/ are too curious and extraordinary to be omitted. The seat of the Earl of Eglintoun, near Glasgow, is worthy of notice. The pine-plantations of that nobleman are very grand and extensive indeed. I am, &c. LETTER XLIIL TO THE SAME. A PAIR of honey-buzzaids, buteo apivonis, sive •vespivortts Rati, built them a large shallow nest, composed of twigs and lined with dead beechen leaves, upon a tall slender beech near the middle of Selborne-hanger, in the summer of 1780. In the mid- 110 NATURAL HISTORY die of the month o^ June a bold boy climbed this tree, though standing on so steep and dizzy a situation, and brought down an egg, the only one in the nest, which had been sat on for some time, and contained the embrio of a young bird. The egg was smaller, and not so round as those of the common buz- zard; was dotted at each end with small red spots, and sur- rounded in the middle with a broad bloody zone. The hen-bird was shot, and answered exactly to Mr. Ray's description of that species; had a black cere, short thick legs, and a long tail. When on the wing this species may be easily distinguished from the common buzzard by it's hawk-like appear- ance, small head, wings not so blunt, and longer tail. This spe- cimen contained in it's craw some limbs of frogs and many grey snails without shells. The irides of the eyes of this bird were of a beautiful bright yellow colour. About the tenth oi July in the same summer a pair of spar- row-hawks bred in an old crow's nest on a low beech in the same hanger; and as their brood, which was numerous, began to grow up, became so daring and ravenous, that they were a terror to all the dames in the village that had chickens or ducklings under their care. A boy climbed the tree, and found the young so fledged that they all escaped from him; but discovered that a good house had been kept : the larder was well-stored with provisions; for he brought down a young blackbird, jay, and house-martin, all clean picked, and some half devoured. The old birds had been observed to make sad havock for some days among the new-flown swallows and martins, which, being but lately out of their nests, had not acquired those povvers and command of wing that enable them, when more mature, to set such enemies at defiance. OF SELBORNE. 11 r LETTER XLIV. TO THE SAME. DEx\R SIR, Selboene, Nov. 30, 17SO. Jll/VERY incident that occasions a renewal of our correspondence will ever be pleasing and agreeable to me. As to the wild wood-pigeon^ the oenas, or vinago, of Ray, I am much of your mind; and see no reason for making it the origin of the common house-dove: but suppose those that have advanced that opinion may have been misled by another appellation, often given to the oenas, which is that of stock-dove. Unless the stock-dove in the winter varies greatly in man- ners from itself in summer, no species seems more unlikely to be domesticated, and to make an house-dove. We very rarely see the latter settle on trees at all, nor does it ever haunt the woods; but the former, as long as it stays with us, from Novem- ber perhaps to February, lives the same wild life with the ring- dove, palumbus torquatus; frequents coppices and groves, supports itself chiefly by mast, and delights to roost in the tallest beeches. Could it be known in what manner stock-doves build, the doubt would be settled with me at once, provided they construct their nests on trees, like the ring-dove, as I much suspect they do. You received, you say, last spring a stock-dove from Sussex j and are informed that they sometimes breed in that country. But why did not your correspondent determine the place of it's nidification, whether on rocks, cliffs, or trees? If he was not an 112 NATURAL HISTORY adroit ornithologist I should doubt the fact, because people with us perpetually confound the stock-dove with the ring-dove. For my own part, I readily concur with you in supposing that house-doves are derived from the small blue rock-pigeon, for many reasons. In the first place the wild stock-dove is mani- festly larger than the common house-dove, against the usual rule of domestication, which generally enlarges the breed. Again, those two remarkable black spots on the remiges of each wing of the stock-dove, which are so characteristic of the species, would not, one should think, be totally lost by it's being re- claimed; but would often break out among its descendants. But what is worth an hundred arguments is, the instance you give in Sir Roger Mostyns house-doves in Caernarvonshire; which, though tempted by plenty of food and gentle treatment, can never be prevailed on to inhabit their cote for any time j but, as soon as they begin to breed, betake themselves to the fastnesses of Ormshead, and deposit their young in safety amidst the inaccessible caverns, and precipices of that stupendous pro- montory. " Naturann expellas furca . . . tamen usque recurret." I have consulted a sportsman, now in his seventy-eighth year, who tells me that fifty or sixty years back, when the beechen woods were much more extensive than at present, the number of wood-pigeons was astonishing; that he has often killed near twenty in a day; and that with a long wild-fowl piece he has shot seven or eight at a time on the wing as they came wheeling over his head: he moreover adds, which I was not aware of, that often there were among them little parties of small blue doves, which he calls rockiers. The food of these numberless emigrants was beech-mast and some acorns; and OF SELBORNE. 113 particularly barley, which they collected in the stubbles. But of late years, since the vast increase of turnips, that vegetable has furnished a great part of their support in hard weather; and the holes they pick in these roots greatly damage the crop. From this food their flesh has contracted a rancidness which occasions them to be rejected by nicer judges of eating, who thought them before a delicate dish. They were shot not only as they were feeding in the fields, and especially in snowy wea- ther, but also at the close of the evening, by men who lay in ambush among the woods and groves to kill them as they came in to roost. ■■ These are the principal circumstances relating to this wonderful internal migration, which with us takes place towards the end of November, and ceases early in the spring. Last winter we had in Selborne high wood about an hundred of these doves; but in former times tlie flocks were so vast not only with us but all the district round, that on mornings and evenings ihey traversed the air, like rooks, in strings, reaching for a mile together. When they thus rendezvoused here by thousands, if they happened to be suddenly roused from their roost-trees on an evening, " Their rising all at once was like the sound "■ Of thunder heard remote." — ^- It will by no means be foreign to the present purpose to add, that I had a relation in this neighbourhood who made it a prac- tice, for a time, whenever he could procure the eggs of a ring- dove, to place them under a pair of doves that were sitting in his own pigeon-house ; hoping thereby, if he could bring about ■■ Some old sportsmen say that the main part of these flocks used to withdraw- as soon as the heavy Christmas frosts were over. Q 1 14 NATURAL HISTORY a coalition, to enlarge his breed, and teach his own doves to beat out into the woods and to support themselves by mast: the plan was plausible, but something always interrupted the success; for though the birds were usually hatched, and some- times grew to half their size, yet none ever arrived at maturity. I myself have seen these foundlings in their nest displaying a strange ferocity of nature, so as scarcely to bear to be looked at, and snapping with their bills by way of menace. In short, they always died, perhaps for want of proper sustenance: but the owner thought that by their fierce and wild demeanour they frighted their foster-mothers, and so were starved. Virgil, as a familiar occurrence, by way of simile, describes a dove haunting the cavern of a rock in such engaging numbers, that I cannot refrain from quoting the passage : and Jo/m Diyden has rendered it so happily in our language, that without farther excuse I shall add his translation also. " Qualis spelunca subitb commota Columba, " Cui domus, et dulces latebroso in pumice nidi, " Fertur in arva volans, plausumque extertita pennit " Dat tecto ingentem — mox aere lapsa quieto, " Radit iter liquidum, celeres neque coramovet alas." " As when a dove her rocky hold forsakes, " Rous'd, in a fright her sounding wings she shakes j " The cavern rings wilh clattering : — out she flies, " And leaves her callow care, and cleaves the skies: "■ At first she flutters : — but at length she springs " To smoother flight, and shoots upon her wings." I am, &c. OF SELBORNE. 115 LETTER I. TO THE HONOURABLE DAINES BARRINGTON, DEAR SIR, Selborne, June 30, 1769. VVhen I was in town last month I partly engaged that I would somethne do myself the honour to write to you on the suhject of natural history : and I am the more ready to fulfil my pro- mise, because I see you are a gentleman of great candour, and one that will make allowances; especially where the writer pro- fesses to be an out-door naturalist, one that takes his observations from the subject itself, and not from the writings of others. Thefollffwing is a List of the Summer Birds of Passage which I have discovered in this neighbourhood, ranged somewhat in the order which they appear: RAII NOMINA. 1. Wryneck, Jtjnx, sive torquilla : 2. Smallest willow-wren, ReguJus non cristalus : 3. Swallow, 4. Martin, 5. Sand-martin, 6. Black-cap, 7. Nightingale, 8. Cuckoo, 9. Middle willow- wren, 10. White-throat, Hirundo domestica : Hirundo rustica : Hirundo riparia : Atricapilla : Luscinia : Cuculus : Regulus non cristalus : Ficedulce affinis : USUALLY APPEARS ABOUT C The middle of iJfarcA; \ harsh note. S March 23 : chirps till Sep- \ temler. April 13. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto : a sweet wild note. Beginning of April, Middle of April. Ditto : a sweet plaintive note, f Ditto: mean note; sings on X till September. 116 NATURAL HISTORY 11. Red-start, 12. Stone-curlew, 13. Turtle-dove, 14. Grasshopper-lark, 15. Swift, 16. Less reed-sparrow, 17. Land-rail, 18. Largest willow-wren 19. Goatsucker, or 7 fern-owl, 3 20. Fly- catcher. BAII NOMINA. Rudcilla : Oedicnemus : Turlur. Alauda minima locustce voce : Hirundo apus : Passer arundinaceus minor: Ortyigometra : , Regulus non cristatus : Caprimulgus : Stoparola: USUALLY APPEAES ABOUT C Middle oi April ; more agree- \ able song. C End of March ; loud noctur- ia nal whistle. f Mx^&\tApril : a small sibilous \ note, till the end of July. About April 27. f A sweet polyglot, but hurry- •< ing : it has the notes of t many birds. A loud harsh note, crex, crex. f Can tat voce stridula locustae f- ^ end oi April, on the tops of {_ high beeches. f Beginning ofMay; chatters by \ night with a singular noise, (May 12. A very mute bird : This is the latest summer bird of passage. This assemblage of curious and amusing birds belongs to ten several genera of the Linnaan system ; and are all of the ordo of passeres, save theji/nx and cuculus, which are piece, and the chara- drius (oedicnemus) and rallus (ortygometra), which are grallce. These birds, as they stand numerically, belong to the follow- ing Linn QuerqueduJa : Wolmer-forest J 15. Cross-beak, Coccotliraustes : (These are only wanderers that appear 10. Gross-bill, Loxia : I occasionally, and are not observant 17. Silk-tail, Garruliis lohemicus : -' of any regular migration. These birds, as they stand numerically, belong to the follow- ing Litmcean genera: 1, 2, 3, Turdus: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 4, Corvus: Anas: 5, 6, 7, Scolopax : 15, 16, Loxia: 8, Columba: 17, Ampelis. Birds that sing in the night are but few. Nightingale, Luscinia : " In shadiest covert hid." Miltow, Woodlark, Alauda arlorea : Suspended in mid air. Less reed-sparrow, PawifT arundinaceus minor: Among reeds and willows. I should now proceed to such birds as continue to sing after Midsummer, but, as they are rather numerous, they would exceed the bounds of this paper: besides, as this is now the season for remarking on that subject, I am willing to repeat my observations on some birds concerning the continuation of whose song I seem at present to have some doubt. I am, &c. OF SELBORNE. 119 LETTER II. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Seleokne, Nov. 2, 1769. When I did myself the honour to write to you about the end of last June on the subject of natural history, I sent you a list of the summer-birds of passage which I have observed in this neighbourhood; and also a list of the winter-birds of passage: I mentioned besides those soft-billed birds that stay with us the winter through in the south of England, and those that are re- markable for singing in the night. According to my proposal, I shall now proceed to such birds (singing birds strictly so called) as continue in full song till after Midsummer; and shall range them somewhat in the order in which they first begin to open as the spring advances. 1. Wood-lark, 2, Song-thrush, S.Wren, 4. Redbreast, 5. Hedge-sparrow, j6, Yellowhammer, 7. Skylark, 8. Swallow, 9. Black-cap, KAII NOMINA. AJauda arborea : {Turdus simpUciter dictus : Passer troglodytes : Rulecula : Curruca : Emlerizajlava : Alauda vulgaris : Hirundo domestica : Atricapilla .\ C In January, and continues to sing < through all the sunnmer and {_ autumn. I In Felruary and on to August, re- \ assume their song in autumn. All the year, hard frost excepted. Ditto. Early in Felruary to July the lOth f Early in Felruary, and on through \ July to August the 21st. In Felruary, and on to Octoler. From April to Septemler. Beginning oi April to July 13 th. 120 NATURAL HISTORY 10. Titlark, 11. Blackbird, 12. White-throat, 13. Goldfinch, 14. Greenfinch, 15. Less reed- "J sparrow J EAII NOMINA. jUauda pratorum . Merula vulgaris : Ficedulce affinis : Carduelis : Chloris ; Passer arundinaceus minor : iQ. Common linnet, Linaria vulgaris : From middle of April to July the l6th, r Sometimes in February and March, ■( and so on to July the twenty-third j L reassumes in autumn. In April, and on to July 23 . April, and through to September l6. On to July and August 2. J May, on to beginning of July. /"Breeds and whistles on till August; \ reassumes it's note when they be- J gin to congregate in October, and i again early before the fiock. (_ separate. Birds that cease to be in full song, and are usually silent at or before Midsummer: 17. Middle willow- ? ^ ;„^ „o„ cristatus: Middle of June : begins in April. wren, J o ^ 18. Redstart, Ruticilla: Ditto : begins in ik/ay. f Beginning of June : sings first in 19. Chaffinch, Fringilla: | February. 20. Nightingale, Luscinia : Middle of June : sings first in April. Birds that sing for a short time, and very early in the spring: r January the 2d, 1770. in February. Is called in Hampshire and Sussex the storm-cock, because it's song is supposed to forebode windy wet weather: is the largest singing bird we have. In February, March, April: reas- sumes for a short time in September^ 21. Missel-bird, Turdus viscivorus : 22. Great titmouse, or ox-eye. J FringiUag OF SELBORNE. 121 Birds that have somewhat of a note or song, and yet are hardly to be called singing birds: 23. Golden-crown- ed wreflj 24. Marsh titmouse, 25. Small willow- RAII NOMINA. • Regulus cristatus : Parus palustris : ■ Regulus non cristatus : 26. Largest ditto. Ditto : 27. Grasshopper- lark, 28. Martin. 29. Bullfinch, 30. Bunting, f Alauda minima voce, \ locustce: Hirundo agrestis : Pyrrhula. Emberixa alia : fit's note as minute as it's person ; < frequents the tops of high oaks {_ and firs: the smallest ^ri^ii/tbird. f Haunts great woods : two harsh \ sharp notes. Sings \a March, and on to September. f Cantat voce striduld locustce ; from \ end of April to August. f Chirps all night, from the middle \ of April to the end of July. C All the breeding time ; from May \ to September. From the end of January to July. All singing birds, and those that have any pretensions to song, not only in Britain, but perhaps the world through, come under the Linnaan ordo of passeres. The above-mentioned birds, as they stand numerically, belong to the following Linnaan genera. 1, 7, 10, 2;. Alauda : 8, 28. Hirundo. 2,11,21. Turdus: 18, 16, 19- Fringilla. 3, 4, 5, 9, 12, 15, \ 17, 18, 20, 23, 25, 26. j Motacilla : 22, 24, Parus. 6, 30. Emberiza ; 14, 29. Loxti^ 122 Skylark, Titlark, Woodlark, Blackbird, White-throat, Swallow, Wren, NATURAL HISTORY Bitds that sing as they fly are but few. RAIl NOMINA. yilauda vulgaris : Rising, suspended, and falling. f In it's descent J also sitting on trees, I and walking on tlie ground. j4Jauda pratorum : Alauda arbnrea : Merula : Ficedulce affinis : Hirundo domestica Passer troglodytes ; Birds that breed most early in these parts: f Suspended; in hot summer nights \ all night long. Sometimes from bush to bush. ( Uses when singing on the wing odd \ jerks and gesticulations. In soft sunny weather. Sometimes from bush to bush. Hatches in February and March. In March. In March. Builds the beginning of March, Hatches in .April. Lays the beginning of April. Raven. Corvus: Song-thrush, Turdus : Blackbird, Merula : Rook, Cornix frugikga : Woodlark, Alauda arborea : Ring-dove, Palumbus torquatus ; All birds that continue in full song till after Midsummer appear to me to breed more than once. Most kinds of birds seem to me to be wild and shy some- what in pioportion to their bulk; I mean in this island, where they are much pursued and annoyed: but in Ascension Island, and many other desolate places, mariners have found fowls so unacquainted with an human figure, that they would stand still to be taken; as is the case with boobies, &c. As an example of what is ad%'anced, I remark that the golden-crested wren (the smallest British bird) will stand unconcerned till you come with- in three or four yards of it, while the bustard (otis), the largest British land fowl, does not care to admit a person within so many furlongs. I am, &c. OF SELBORNE. 123 LETTER III. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selborne, Jan. 15, 17;o. It was no small matter of satisfaction to me to find that you were not displeased with my little methodus of birds. If there was any merit in the sketch, it must be owing to it's punctuality. For many months I carried a list in my pocket of the birds that were to be remarked, and, as I rode or walked about my busi- ness, I noted each day the continuance or omission of each bird's song; so that I am as sure of the certainty of my facts as a man can be of any transaction whatsoever. I shall now proceed to answer the several queries which you put in your two obliging letters, in the best manner that I am able. Perhaps Eastwick, and it's environs, where you heard so very few birds, is not a woodland country, and therefore not stocked with such songsters. If you will cast your eye on my last letter, you will find that many species continued to warble after the beginning o^ July. The titlark and yellowhammer breed late, the latter very late; and therefore it is no wonder that they protract their song: for I lay it down as a maxim in ornithology, that as long as there is any incubation going on there is music. As to the red" breast and wren, it is well known to the most incurious observer that they whistle the year round, hard frost excepted ; especially the latter. b9 124 NATURAL HISTORY It was not in my power to procure you a black-cap, or a less reed-sparrow, or sedge-bird, alive. As the first is undoubtedly, and tiie last, as far as I can yet see, a summer bird of passage, they would require more nice and curious management in a cage than I should be able to give them: they are both distinguished songsters. The note of the former has such a wild sweetness that it always brings to my mind those lines in a song in " As You Like Ity " And tune his merry note " Unto the wihl bird's throat." Shakespeare. The latter has a surprising variety of notes resembling the song of several other birds; but then it has also an hurrying manner, not at all to it's advantage : it is notwithstanding a delicate polyglot. It is new to me that titlarks in cages sing in the night; per- haps only caged birds do so. I once knew a tame redbreast in a cage that always sang as long as candles were in the roomj but in their wild state no one supposes they sing in the night, I should be almost ready to doubt the fact, that there are to be seen much fewer birds in July than in any former month, notwithstanding so many young are hatched daily. Sure I am that it is far otherwise with respect to the swalluw tr'ibe,\\h\c\x increases prodigiously as the summer advances: and I saw, at the time mentioned, many hundreds of young wagtails on the banks of the Cherwell, which almost covered the meadows. If the matter appears as you say in the other species, may it not be owing to the dams being engaged in incubation, while the voung are concealed by the leaves? Many times have I had the curiosity to open the stomachs of woodcocks and snipes; but nothing ever occurred that helped OF SELBORNE. U5 to explain to me what their subsistence might be: all that I could ever find was a soft mucus, among which lay many pellu- cid small gravels. I am, &c. LETTER IV. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selborne, Feb. I9, I77O. louR observation that "the cuckoo does not deposit it's egg " indiscriminately in the nest of the first bird that comes in it's " way, but probably looks out a nurse in some degree congene- " rous, with whom to intrust it's young," is perfectly new to me; and struck me so forcibly, that I naturally fell into a train of thought that led me to consider whether the fact was so, and what reason there was for it. When I came to recollect and inquire, I could not find that any cuckoo had ever been seen in these parts, except in the nest of the wagtail, the hedge-sparrow, the titlark, the white-throat, and the red-breast, all soft-billed in- sectivorous birds. The excellent Mr. JVillughby mentions the nests of the palumbus {ring-dove,) and of the fringilla (chaffinch,) birds that subsist on acorns and grains, and such hard food: but then he does not mention them as of his own knowledge; but says afterwards that he saw himself a wagtail feeding a cuckoo. It appears hardly possible that a soft-billed bird should subsist on the same food with the hard-billed: for the former have thin membranaceous stomachs suited to their soft food; while the ] 26 NATURAL' HISTORY latter, the gianivorous tribe, have strong muscular gizzards, which, liii^e mills, grind, by the help of small gravels and peb- bles, what is swallowed. This proceeding of the cuckoo, of dropping it's eggs as it were by chance, is such a monstrous out- rage on maternal affection, one of the first great dictates of nature; and such a violence on instinct; that, had it only been related of a bird in the Brazils, or Peru, it would never have merited our belief. But yet, should it farther appear that this simple bird, when divested of that natural iro^y^ that seems to raise the kind in general above themselves, and inspire them with extraordinary degrees of cunning and address, may be still endued with a more enlarged faculty of discerning what species are suitable and congenerous nursing-mothers for it's disregarded eggs and young, and may deposit them only under their care, this would be adding wonder to wonder, and instancing, in a fresh manner, that the methods of Providence are not subjected to any mode or rule, but astonish us in new lights, and in various and changeable appearances. What was said by a very ancient and sublime writer concern- ing the defect of natural aifection in the ostrich, may be well applied to the bird we are talking of: " She is hardened against her young ones, as though th&f were " not her's: " Because God hath deprived her ofwisdom, neither hath he im- " parted to her understanding'" ' Job sxxix. 16, 17» OF SELBORNE. 127 Query. Does each female cuckoo lay but one egg in a sea- son, or does she drop several in different nests according as opportunity offers? I am, &c. LETTER V. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, SelbormEj April 12, 1770. I HEARD many birds of several species sing last year after Mid- summer; enough to prove that the summer solstice is not the period that puts a stop to the music of the woods. The yellovir- hammer no doubt persists with more steadiness than any other; but the woodlark, the wren, the redbreast, the swallow, the white-throat, the goldfinch, the common linnet, are all un- doubted instances of the truth of what I advanced. If this severe season does not interrupt the regularity of the summer migrations, the blackcap will be here in two or three days. I wish it was in my power to procure you one of those songsters; but I am no birdcatcher; and so little used to birds in a cage, that I fear if I had one it would soon die for want of skill in feeding. Was your reed-sparrow, which you kept in a cage, the thick- billed reed-sparrow of the Zoology, p. 320; or was it the less reed-sparrow oi Ray, the sedge-bird of Mr. Petinanfs last publi- cation, p. 16? As to the matter of long-billed birds growing fatter in mo- derate frosts, I have no doubt within myself what should be 128 NATURAL HISTORY the reason. The thriving at those times appears to me to arise altogether from the gentle check which the cold throws upon insensible perspiration. The case is just the same with black- birds, &c. ; and farmers . and warreners observe, the first, that their hogs fat more kindly at such times, and the latter that their rabbits are never in such good case as in a gentle frost. But when frosts are severe, and of long continuance, the case is soon altered; for then a want of food soon overbalances the re- pletion occasioned by a checked perspiration. I have observed, moreover, that some human constitutions are more inclined to plumpness in winter than in summer. When birds come to suffer by severe frost, I find that the first that fail and die are the redwing-fieldfares, and then the song-thrushes. You wonder, with good reason, that the hedge-sparrows, &c. can be induced at all to sit on the egg of the cuckoo without being scandalized at the vast disproportioned size of the suppo- sititious egg; but the brute creation, I suppose, have very little idea of size, colour, or number. For the common hen, I know, when the fury of incubation is on her, will sit on a single shape- less stone instead of a nest full of eggs that have been with- drawn: and, moreover, a hen-turkey, in the same circumstances, would sit on in the empty nest till she perished with hunger. I think the matter might easily be determined whether a cuckoo lays one or two eggs, or more, in a season, by opening a female during the laying-time. If more than one was come down out of the ovary, and advanced to a good size, doubtless then she would that spring lay more than one. I will endeavour to get a hen, and to examine. Your supposition that there may be some natural obstruction OF SELBORNE. 129 in singing birds while they are mute, and that when this is re- moved the song recommences, is new and bold; I wish you could discover some good grounds for this suspicion. I was glad you were pleased with my specimen of the capri- mulgus, or fern-owl; you were, I find, acquainted with the bird before. When we meet, I shall be glad to have some conversation with you concerning the proposal you make of my drawing up an account of the animals in this neighbourhood. Your par- tiality towards my small abilities persuades you, I fear, that I am able to do more than is in my power: for it is no small un- dertaking for a man unsupported and alone to begin a natural history from his own autopsia! Though there is endless room for observation in the field of nature, which is boundless, yet investigation (where a man endeavours to be sure of his facts) can make but slow progress; and all that one could collect in many years would go into a very narrow compass. Some extracts from your ingenious " Investigations of the difference between the present temperature of the air in Italy," &c. have fallen in my way; and gave me great satisfaction: they have removed the objections that always arose in my mind whenever I came to the passages which you quote. Surely the judicious Virgil, when writing a didactic poem for the region of Ifaly, could never think of describing freezing rivers, unless such severity of weather pretty frequently occurred! P. S, Swallows appear amidst snows and frost. ]30 NATURAL HISTORY LETTER VL TO THE S.AME. DEAR SIK, Selborne, May 21, 1/70. The severity and turbulence of last month so interrupted the regular progress of summer migration, that some of the birds do but just begin to shew themselves, and others are apparently- thinner than usual ; as the white-throat, the black-cap, the red- start, the fly- catcher. I \vell remember that after the very severe spring in the year 1739-40 summer birds of passage were very scarce. They come probably hither with a south-east wind, or when it blows between those points; but in that unfavourable year the winds blowed the whole spring and summer through from the opposite quarters. And yet amidst all these disadvan- tages two swallows, as I mentioned in my last, appeared this year as early as the eleventh o? April amidst frost and snow; but they withdrew again for a time. I am not pleased to find that some people seem so little satisfied with Scopol'is new publication;' there is room to expect great things from the hands of that man, who is a good natu- ralist: and one would think that an history of the birds of so distant and southern a region as Carniola would be new and in- teresting. I could wish to see that work, and hope to get it sent down. Dr. Scopoli is physician to the wretches that work in the quicksilver mines of that district. When you talked of keeping a reed-sparrow, and giving it ' This work he calls his Annus Primus Historico Naturalis. OF SELBORNE. 131 seeds, I could not help wondering ; because the reed-sparrow which I mentioned to you (passer arundbiacem miiior Rait) is a soft-billed bird; and most probably migrates hence before win- ter; whereas the bird you kept (passer torquatus Rail) abides all the year, and is a thick-billed bird. I question whether the lat- ter be much of a songster; but in this matter I want to be bet- ter informed. The former has a variety of hurrying notes, and sings all night. Some part of the song of the former, I suspect, is attributed to the latter. We have plenty of the soft-billed sort; which Mr. Pennant had entirely left out of his British Zoology, till I reminded him of his omission. See British Zool- ogy published, p. 16." I have somewhat to advance on the different manners in which different birds fly and walk; but as this is a subject that I have not enough considered, and is of such a nature as not to be contained in a small space, I shall say nothing further about it at present. *" No doubt the reason why the sex of birds in their first plum- age is so difficult to be distinguished is, as you say, " because " they are not to pair and discharge their parental functions till " the ensuing spring." As colours seem to be the chief external sexual distinction in many birds, these colours do not take place till sexual attachments begin to obtain. And the case is the same in quadrupeds; among whom, in their younger days, the sexes differ but httle: but, as they advance to maturity, horns and shaggy manes, beards and brawny necks, &c. &c. strongly discriminate the male from the female. We may instance still farther in our own species, where a beard and stronger features are usually characteristic of the male sex : but this sexual diver- ^ See letter xxv. to Mr. Pennant, y See letter xlii. to Mr. Barrington. 132 NATURx\L HISTORY sity does not take place in earlier life; for a beautiful youth shall be so like, a beautiful girl that the difference shall not be discernible; " Quem si puellarum insereres choro, " Mire sagaces falleret hospiles " Discrimen obscurum, solutis " Crinibus, ambiguoque vultu." Hok. LETTER VII. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, RiNGMER, near Lewes, Oct. 8, 17/0. 1 AM glad to hear that Kuckalm is to furnish you with the birds oi Jamaica; a sight of the hirundines of that hot and distant island would be a great entertainment to me. The Anni of Scopoli are now in my possession; and I have read the Annus Prmus with satisfaction: for though some parts of this work are exceptionable, and he may advance some mis- taken observations J yet the ornithology of so distant a country as Carniola is very curious. Men that undertake only one dis- trict are much more likely to advance natural knowledge than those that grasp at more than they can possibly be acquainted with: every kingdom, every province, should have it's own monographer. The reason perhaps why he mentions nothing of Ray's Orni- thology may be the extreme poverty and distance of his coun- try, into which the works of our great naturalist may have I OF SELBORNE. 133 never yet found their way. You have doubts, I know, whether this Ornithology is genuine, and really the work of Scopoli: as to myself, I think I discover strong tokens of authenticity ; the style corresponds with that of his Entomology ; and his charac- ters of his Ordines and Genera are many of them new, expres- sive, and masterly. He has ventured to alter some of the Lin- ncEan genera with sufficient shew of reason. It might perhaps be mere accident that you saw so many swifts and no swallows at Staines; because, in my long observa- tion of those birds, I never could discover the least degree of rivalry or hostility between the species. Ray remarks that birds of the gallince order, as cocks and hens, partridges, and pheasants, &c. are pulveratrices, such as dust themselves, using that method of cleansing their feathers, and ridding themselves of their vermin. As far as I can observe, many birds that dust themselves never wash: and I once thought that those birds that wash themselves would never dust; but here I find myself mistaken; for common house-sparrows are great pulveratrices, being frequently seen grovelling and wallow- ing in dusty roads; and yet they are great washers. Does not the skylark dust? Query. Might not Mahomet and his followers take one method of purification from these pulveratrices? because I find from travellers of credit, that if a strict mussulman is journey- ing in a sandy desert where no water is to be found, at stated hours he strips off his clothes, and most scrupulously rubs his body over with sand or dust. A countryman told me he liad found a young Jern-oivl in the nest of a small bird on the ground; and that it was fed by the little bird. I went to see this extraordinary phenomenon, and 134 NATURAL HISTORY found that it was a young cuckoo hatched in the nest of a tit- lark: it was become vastly too big for it's nest, appearing — in tenul re Majores pennas nido extendisse and was very fierce and pugnacious, pursuing my finger, as I teazed it, for many feet from the nest, and sparring and buifet- ting with it's wings like a game-cock. Tlie dupe of a dam appeared at a distance, hovering about with meat in it's mouth, and expressing the greatest solicitude. In July I saw several cuckoos skimming over a large pond; and found, after some observation, that they were feeding on the libelluke, or dragon-flies; some of which they caught as they settled on the weeds, and some as they were on the wing. Not- withstanding what Linnaus says, I cannot be induced to believe that they are birds of prey. This district affords some birds that are hardly ever heard of at Selborne. In the first place considerable flocks of cross-beaks (loxice curvirostrce) have appeared this summer in the pine-groves belonging to this house, the water-ousel is said to haunt the mouth of the Lewes river, near Newhaveii; and the Cornish chough builds, I know, all along the chalky cliffs of the Sussex shore. I was greatly pleased to see little parties of ring-ousels (my newly discovered migraters) scattered, at intervals, all along the Sussex downs from Chichester to Lezves. Let them come from whence they will, it looks very suspicious that they are cantoned along the coast in order to pass the channel when severe wea- ther advances. They visit us again in April, as it should seem, in their return ; and are not to be found in the dead of winter. OF SELBORNE. 135 It is remarkable that they are very tame, and seem to have no manner of apprehensions of danger from a person with a gun. There are bustards on the wide downs near Brightlielmstone. No doubt you are acquainted with the Sussex downs : the prospects and rides round Lexves are most lovely ! As I rode along near the coast I kept a very sharp look out in the lanes and woods, hoping I might, at this time of the year, have discovered some of the summer short-winged birds of pas- sage crowding towards the coast in order for their departure: but it was very extraordinary that I never saw a redstart, white- throat, black-cap, uncrested wren, fly-catcher, &c. And I re- member to have made the same remark in former years, as I usually come to this place annually about this time. The birds most common along the coast at present are the stone-chatters, whinchats, buntings, linnets, some few wheat-ears, titlarks, &c. Swallows and house-martins abound yet, induced to prolong their stay by this soft, still, dry season. A land tortoise, which has been kept for thirty years in a little walled court belonging to the house where I now am visiting, retires under ground about the middle of November, and comes forth again about the middle of April. When it first appears in the spring it discovers very little inclination towards food; but in the height of summer grows voracious: and then as the summer declines it's appetite declines; so that for the last six weeks in autumn it hardly eats at all. Milky plants, such as lettuces, dandelions, sowthistles, are it's favourite dish. In a neighbouring village one was kept till by tradition it was supposed to be an hundred years old. An instance of vast lon- gevity in such a poor reptile! :136 NATURAL HISTORY LETTER VIIL TO THE SAME. DKAR SIR, Selborne, Dec. 20, 1770. The birds that I took for aberdavines were reed-sparrows (passages torquati.) There are doubtless many home internal migrations within this kingdom that want to be better understood: witness those vast flocks of hen chaffinches that appear with us in the winter without hardly any cocks among them. Now was there a due proportion of each sex, it should seem very improbable that any one district should produce such numbers of these little birds; and much more when only one half of the species appears: therefore we may conclude that the JringillcB ccelebes, for some good purposes, have a peculiar migration of their own in which the sexes part. Nor should it seem so wonderful that the inter- course of sexes in this species of birds should be interrupted in winter; since in many animals, and particularly in bucks and does, the sexes herd separately, except at the season when commerce is necessary for the continuance of the breed. For this matter of the chaffinches see Fauna Suecica, p. 8.5, and ^*- tema Naturce, p. 318. I see every winter vast flights of hen chaffinches, but none of cocks. Your method of accounting for the periodical motions of the British singing birds, or birds of flight, is a very probable one; since the matter of food is a great regulator of the actions and proceedings of the brute creation: there is but one that can be OF SELBORNE. 137 set in competition with it, and that is love. But I cannot quite acquiesce with you in one circumstance when you advance that, *•' when they have thus feasted, they again separate into small " parties of five or six, and get the best fare they can witliin a " certain district, having no inducement to go in quest of freslr " turned earth." Now if you mean that the business of congre- gating is quite at an end from the conclusion of wheat-sowing to the season of barley and oats, it is not the case with us; for larks and chaffinches, and particularly linnets, flock and con- gregate as much in the very dead of winter as when the hus- bandman is busy with his ploughs and harrows. Sure there can be no doubt but that woodcocks and fieldfares leave us in the spring, in order to cross the seas, and to retire to some districts more suitable to the purpose of breeding. That the former pair before they retire, and that the hens are forward with egg, I myself, when I was a sportsman, have often expe- rienced. It cannot indeed be denied but that now and then we hear of a woodcock's nest, or young birds, discovered in some part or other of this island: but then they are always mentioned as rarities, and somewhat out of the common course of things: but as to redwings and fieldfares, no sportsman or naturalist has ever yet, that I could hear, pretended to have found the nest or young of those species in any part of these kingdoms. And 1 the more admire at this instance as extraordinary, since, to all appearance, the same food in summer as well as in winter might support them here which maintains their congeners, the black- birds and thrushes, did they chuse to stay the summer through. From hence it appears that it is not food alone which determines some species of birds with regard to their stay or departure. Fieldfares and redwings disappear sooner or later according as T 138 NATURAL HISTORY the wnnn weather comes on earlier or later. For I well remem- ber, after that dreadful winter 173y-40, that cold north-east winds continued to blow on through April and May, and that these kinds of birds (what few remained of them) did not depart as usual, but were seen lingering about till the beginning of June. The best authority that we can have for the nidification of the birds above-mentioned in any district, is the testimony of faunists that have written professedly the natural history of par- ticular countries. Now, as to the fieldfare, LinncEus, in his Fauna Suecica, says of it that " maximis in arboribus nidijicat:" and of the redwing he says, in the same place, that " nidificat in " mediis arbusculis, sive sepibus: ova sex cceruleo-viridia macidis *■' nigyis variis." Hence we may be assured that fieldfares and redwings breed in Sweden. Scopoli says, in his Annm Primus, of the woodcock, that " nuptaadnos venit circa ceqmtoctium vernak:^^ meaning in Tirol, of which he is a native. And afterwards he adds " nidificat in paludibus alpinis: ova ponit 3 5." It does not appear from Kramer that woodcocks breed at all in Austria: but he says " Avis kcec septeiitrionalium provinciarum astivo tempore " incola est ; icbi plerumque mdificat. Appropinquante hyeme austra- " liores provincias petit: June circa pie nilunium mensis Octobris ple- " riimque Austriatn transmigrat. Tunc rursus circa plenilutiiu7n " poiissimum 7nensis Martii per Austriam matrimonio juncta ad sep- " tentrionales provincias redit." For the whole passage (which I have abridged) see Elenc/ms, &c. p. 351. This seems to be a full proof of the migration of woodcocks; though little is proved concerning the place of breeding. P. S. There fell in the county a? Rutland, in three weeks of this present very wet weather, seven inches and an half of rain. OF SELBORNE. 139 which is more than has fallen in any three weeks for these thirty years past in that part of the world. A mean quantity in that county for one year is twenty inches and an half. LETTER IX. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Fyfield, near Andover, Feb. 12^ ijyi. ■ You are, I know, no great friend to migration; and the well attested accounts from various parts of the kingdom seem to justify you in your suspicions, that at least many of the swallow kind do not leave us in the winter, but lay themselves up like insects and bats, in a torpid state, and slumber away the more uncomfortable months till the return of the sun and fine wea- ther awakens them. But then we must not, I think, deny migration in general; because migration certainly does subsist in some places, as my brother in Andalusia has fully informed me. Of the motions of these birds he has ocular demonstration, for many weeks toge- ther, both spring and fall: during which periods myriads of the swallow kind traverse the Straits from north to south, and from south to north, according to the season. And these vast migra- tions consist not only of hirundines but of bee- birds, hoopoes, oro pendolos, or golden thrushes, &c. &c. and also of many of our soft- billed summer-birds of passage; and moreover of birds which never leave us, such as all the various sorts of hawks and kites. T 2 140 NATURAL HISTORY Old Belon, two hundred years ago, gives a curious account of the incredible armies of hawks and kites which he saw in the spring-time traversing the Thradan BospJwrus from Asia to Ji, Europe. Besides the above mentioned, he remarks that the pro- ^ cession is swelled by whole troops of eagles and vultures. •-' Now it is no wonder that birds residing in Africa should '' retreat before the sun as it advances, and retire to milder regions, and especially birds of prey, whose blood being heated with hot animal food, are more impatient of a sultry climate: but then • I cannot help wondering why kites and hawks, and such hardy birds as are known to defy all the severity of England, and even o^ Sweden and all north Europe, should want to migrate from the south of Europe, and be dissatisfied with the winters of Andalusia. It does not appear to me that much stress may be laid on the difficulty and hazard that birds must run in their migrations, by reason of vast oceans, cross winds, &c.; because, if we reflect, '[. a bird may travel from England to the equator without launch- \ ing out and exposing itself to boundless seas, and that by cross- ing the water at Dover, and again at Gibraltar. And I with the more confidence advance this obvious remark, because my brother has always found that some of his birds, and particularly \ the swallow kind, are very sparing of their pains in crossing the Mediterranean: for when arrived at Gibraltar, they do not " Rang'd in figure wedge their way, " And set forth " Their airy caravan high over seas ; " Flying, and over lands with mutual wing : " Easing their flight :" — Milton. tk but scout and hurry along in little detached parties of six or OF SELBORNE. UJ seven in a company; and sweeping low, just over the surface of the land and water, direct their course to the opposite conti- nent at the narrowest passage they can find. They usually slope across the bay to the south-west, and so pass over 0])posite to Tangier, which, it seems, is the narrowest space. In former letters we have considered whether it was pro- bable that woodcocks in moon- shiny nights cross the German ocean from Scandinavia. As a proof that birds of less speed may pass that sea, considerable as it is, I shall relate the following incident, which, though mentioned to have happened so many years ago, was strictly matter of fact: — As some people were shooting in the parish of Trotton, in the county of Susse.v, they killed a duck in that dreadful winter 1708-9, with a silver collar about it's neck,^ on which were engraven the arms of the king of Denmark. This anecdote the rector of Trotton at that time has often told to a near relation of mine ; and, to the best of mji' remembrance, the collar was in the possession of the rector. At present I do not know any body near the sea-side that will take the trouble to remark at what time of the moon wood- cocks first come: if I lived near the sea myself I would soon tell you more of the matter. One thing I used to observe when I was a sportsman, that there were times in which woodcocks were so sluggish and sleepy that they would drop again when flushed just before the spaniels, nay just at the muzzle of a gun that had been fired at them : whether this strange laziness was the effect of a recent fatiguing journey I shall not presume to say. Nightingales not only never reach Northumberland and Scot- ^ I have read a like anecdote of a swan. 142 NATURAL HISTORY land, but also, as I have been always told, Devonshire and Corn- wall. Ill those two last counties we cannot attribute the failure of them to the want of warmth: the defect in the west is rather a presumptive argument that these birds come over to us from *". tlie continent at the narrowest passage, and do not stroll so far westward. Let me hear from your own observation whether skylarks « do not dust. I think they do: and if they do, whether they wash also. The alauda pratensis of Ray was the poor dupe that was edu- cating the booby of a cuckoo mentioned in my letter of October last. Your letter came too late for me to procure a ring-ousel for Mr. Timstul during their autumnal visit; but I will endeavour to get him one when they call on us again in April. 1 am glad that you and that gentleman saw my Andalusian birds; 1 hope they answered your expectation. Royston, or grey crows, are winter birds that come much about the same time with the > woodcock: they, like the fieldfare and redwing, have no appa- 'f rent reason for migration; for a^ they fare in the winter like their congeners, so might they in all appearance in the summer. Was not Tenant, when a boy, mistaken? did he not find a mis- sel-thrush's nest, and take it for the nest of a fieldfare? The stock-dove, or wood-pigeon, oeiias Raii, is the last winter bird of passage which appears with us; and is not seen till towards the end of Noveyjiber: about twenty years ago they abounded in the district of Selborne; and strings of them were seen morning and evening that reached a mile or more : but since the beechen woods have been greatly thinned they are OF SELBORNE. 143 much decreased in number. The ring-dove, palumbiis Raii, stays with us the whole year, and breeds several times through the summer. Before I received your letter of October last I had just remarked in my journal that the trees were unusually green. This uncommon verdure lasted on late into November; and may be accounted for from a late spring, a cool and moist summer; but more particularly from vast armies of chafers, or tree-beetles, which, in many places, reduced whole woods to a leafless naked state. These trees shot again at Midsummer, and then retained their foliage till very late in the year. M}' musical friend, at whose house I am now visiting, has tried all the owls that are his near neighbours with a pitch-pipe set at concert-pitch, and finds they all hoot in B flat. He will examine the nightingales next spring. I am, &c. &c. LETTER X. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selborne, Aug. 1, 1771. Xrom what follows, it will appear that neither owls nor cuckoos keep to one note. A friend remarks that many (most) of his owls hoot in B flat; but that one went almost half a note below A. The pipe he tried their notes by was a common half-crown pitch-pipe, sucli as masters use for tuning of harpsichords; it was the common London pitch. A neighbour of mine, who is said to have a nice ear, remarks 144 NATURAL HISTORY that the owls about this village hoot in three difFerent keys, in G flat, or F sharp, in B flat and A flat. He heard two hooting to each other, the one in A flat, and the other in B flat. Query: Do these difi^erent notes proceed from diflferent species, or only from various individuals? The same person finds upon trial that the note of the cuckoo (of which we have but one species) varies in difFerent individuals; for, about Selborne wood, he found they were mostly in D : he heard two sing together, the one in D, the other in D sharp, who made a disagreeable concert: he afterwards heard one in D sharp, and about JVolmer-forest some in C. As to nightingales, he says that their notes are so short, and their transitions so rapid, that he cannot well ascertain their key. Perhaps in a cage, and in a room, their notes may be more distinguishable. This person has tried to settle the notes of a swift, and of several other small birds, but cannot bring them to any criterion. As I have often remarked that redwings are some of the first birds that suffer with us in severe weather, it is no wonder at all that they retreat from Scandinavian winters: and much more the ordo of grallcc, who, all to a bird, forsake the northern parts of Europe at the approach of winter. " GralUe tanquam conjurat(E " unanimiter infugam se conjiciunt ; ne eai^um tinicam quide9?i inter " nos habit anteni invenire posdmus; ut enim (estate in australibus " degere nequeunt ob defectum lumbricorum, terramque siccam; ita " nee in frigidis ob eandem causam" says Ekmarck the Szvede, in his ingenious little treatise called Aligrationes Avium, which by all means you ought to read while your thoughts run on the subject of migration. See Amcmitates Academiccc, vol. 4, p. 565. Birds may be so circumstanced as to be obliged to migrate in one country and not in another: but the gral/ce, (which i)ro- y OF SELBORNE. 145 cure their food from marshes and boggy grounds) must in win- ter forsake the more northerly parts o? Europe, or perish for want of food. I am glad you are making inquiries from Linnceus concerning the woodcock: it is expected of him that he should be able to account for the motions and manner of life of the animals of his own Fauna. Faunists, as you observe, are too apt to acquiesce in bare descriptions, and a few synonyms: the reason is plain; because all that may be done at home in a man's study, but the investi- gation of the life and conversation of animals, is a concern of much more trouble and difficulty, and is not to be attained but by the active and inquisitive, and by those that reside much in the countrj'. Foreign systematics are, I observe, mnch too vague in their specific differences; which are almost universally constituted by one or two particular marks, the rest of the description run- ning in general terms. But our countryman, the excellent Mr* Ray, is the only describer that conveys some precise idea in every term or word, maintaining his superiority over his fol- lowers and imitators in spite of the advantage of fresh disco- veries and modern information. At this distance of years it is not in my power to recollect at what periods woodcocks used to be sluggish or alert when I was a sportsman : but, upon my mentioning this circumstance to a friend, he thinks he has observed them to be remarkably listless against snowy foul weather: if this should be the case? then the inaptitude for flying arises only from an eagerness for food; as sheep are observed to be very intent on grazing against stormy wet evenings. I am, &c. &c. u H6 NATURAL HISTORY LETTER XL TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selborne, Feb. 8, 1772. When I ride about in the winter, and see such prodigious flocks of various kinds of birds, I cannot help admiring at these congregations, and wishing that it was in my power to account for those appearances almost peculiar to the season. The two great motives which regulate the proceedings of the brute cre- ation are love and hunger; the former incites animals to perpe- tuate their kind, the latter induces them to preserve individuals ; whether either of these should seem to be the ruling passion in the matter of congregating is to be considered. As to love, that is out of the question at a time of the year when that soft passion is not indulged; besides, during the amorous season, such a jealousy prevails between the male birds that they can hardly bear to be together in the same hedge or field. Most of the singing and elation of spirits of that time seem to me to be the effect of rivalry and emulation: and it is to this spirit of jealousy that I chiefly attribute the equal dispersion of birds in the spring over the face of the country. Now as to the business of food: as these animals are actuated by instinct to hunt for necessary food, the}' should not, one would suppose, crowd together in pursuit of sustenance at a time when it is most likely to fail; yet such associations do take place in hard weather chiefly, and thicken as the severity in- OF SELBORNE. 147 creases. As some kind of self-interest and self-defence is no doubt the motive for the proceeding, may it not arise from the helplessness of their state in such rigorous seasons; as men crowd together, when under great calamities, though they know not why? Perhaps approximation may dispel some degree of cold; and a crowd may make each individual appear safer from the ravages of birds of prey and other dangers. If I admire when I see how much congenerous birds love to congregate, I am the more struck when I see incongruous ones in such strict amity. If we do not much wonder to see a flock of rooks usually attended by a train of daws, yet it is strange that the former should so frequently have a flight of starlings for their satellites. Is it because rooks have a more discerning- scent than their attendants, and can lead them to spots more productive of food? Anatomists say that rooks, by reason of two large nerves which run down between the eyes into the upper mandible, have a more delicate feeling in their beaks than other round-billed birds, and can grope for their meat when out of sight. Perhaps then their associates attend them on the motive -of interest, as greyhounds wait on the motions of their finders; and as lions are said to do on the yelpings of jackals. Lap- wings and starlings sometimes associate. 148 NATURAL HISTORY LETTER XIL TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, March 9, 1772, As a gentleman and myself were walking on the fourth of last November round the sea-banks at Newhaven, near the mouth of the Lewes river, in pursuit of natural knowledge, we were sur- prised to see three house-swallows gliding very swiftly by us. That morning was rather chilly, with the wind at north-west ; but tlie tenor of the weather for some time before had been delicate, and the noons remarkably warm. From this incident, and from repeated accounts whicli I meet with, I am more and more induced to believe that many of the swallow kind do not depart from this island; but lay themselves up in holes and caverns; and do, insect-like and bat-like, come forth at mild ■times, and then retire again to their latebne. Nor make I the least doubt but that, if I lived at Newhaven^ Seaford, Brighthelm- stone, or any of those towns near the chalk-cliffs of the Sicssex coast, by proper observations, I should see swallows stirring at periods of the winter, when the noons were soft and inviting, and the sun warm and invigorating. And I am the more of this opinion from what I have remarked during some of our late springs, that though some swallows did make their appearance about the usual time, viz. the thirteenth or fourteenth of Api'il, yet meeting with an harsh reception, and blustering cold north- east winds, they immediately withdrew, absconding for several days, till the weather gave them better encouragement. OF SELBORNE. 149 LETTER XIII. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, April 12, i;72. While I was in Smscv last autumn my residence was at the village near Lewes, from whence I had formerly the pleasure of writing to you. On the first of November I remarked that the old tortoise, formerly mentioned, began first to dig the ground in order to the forming it's hybernaculum, which it had fixed on just beside a great tuft of hepaticas. It scrapes out the ground with it's fore-feet, and throws it up over it's back with it's hind; but the motion of it's legs is ridiculously slow, little exceeding the hour-hand of a clock; and suitable to the composure of an animal said to be a whole month in performing one feat of copu- lation. Nothing can be more assiduous than this creature night and day in scooping the earth, and forcing it's great body into the cavity; but, as the noons of that season proved unusually warm and sunny, it was continually interrupted, and called forth by the heat in the middle of the day; and though I continued there till the thirteenth of November, yet the work remained unfinished. Harsher weather, and frosty mornings, would have quickened it's operations. No part of it's behaviour ever struck me more than the extreme timidity it always expresses with regard to rain; for though it has a shell that would secure it against the wheel of a loaded cart, yet does it discover as much solicitude about rain as a lady dressed in all her best attire, shuf- 150 NATURAL HISTORY fling away on the first sprinklings, and running it's head up in a corner. If attended to, it becomes an excellent weather-glass; for as sure as it walks elate, and as it were on tiptoe, feeding with great earnestness in a morning, so sure will it rain before night. It is totally a diurnal animal, and never pretends to stir after it becomes dark. The tortoise, like other reptiles, has an arbitrary stomach as well as lungs; and can refrain from eating as well as breathing for a great part of the year. When first awakened it eats nothing; nor again in the autumn before it retires: through the height of the summer it feeds voraciously, devouring all the food that comes in it's way. I was much taken with it's sagacity in discerning those that do it kind offices; for, as soon as the gootl old lady comes in sight who has waited on it for more than thirty years, it hobbles towards it's benefac- tress with aukward alacrity; but remains inattentive to stran- gers. Thus not only " the o.v himveth his owner, and the ass his masters crib" '' but the most abject reptile and torpid of beings distinguishes the hand that feeds it, and is touched with the feelings of gratitude ! I am, &c. &c. P. S. In about three days after I left Sussex the tortoise retired into the ground under the hepatica. i> Isa'ali i. 3. OF SELBORNE. 151 LETTER XIV. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selbokne, March 26, 1773. The more I reflect on the (rrofyn of animals, the more I am asto- nished at it's effects. Nor is the violence of this affection more wonderful than the shortness of it's duration. Thus every hen is in her turn the virago of the yard, in proportion to the help- lessness of her hrood; and will fl}' in the face of a dog or a sow in defence of those chickens, which in a few weeks she will drive before her with relentless cruelty. This affection sublimes the passions, quickens the invention, and sharpens the sagacity of the brute creation. Thus an hen, just become a mother, is no longer that placid bird she used to be, but with feathers standing an end, wings hovering, and clocking note, she runs about like one possessed. Dams will throw themselves in the way of the greatest danger in order to avert it from their progeny. Thus a partridge will tumble along before a sportsman in order to draw away the dogs from her helpless covey. In the time of nidification the most feeble birds will assault the most rapacious. All the hirundines of a village are up in arms at the sight of an hawk, whom they will perse- cute till he leaves that district. A very exact observer has often remarked that apair of ravens nesting in the rock of Gibraltar would suffer no vulture or eagle to rest near their station, but would drive them from the hill with an amazing fury : even the US NATURAL HISTORY blue thrush at tlie season of breeding would dart out from the clefts of the rocks to chase away the kestril, or the sparrow- hawk. If you stand near the nest of a bird that has young, slie will not be induced to betray them by an inadvertent fond- ness, but will wait about at a distance with meat in her mouth for an hour together. Should 1 farther corroborate what I have advanced above by some anecdotes which I probably may have mentioned before in conversation, yet you will, I trust, pardon tlie repetition for the sake of the illustration. The flycatcher of the Zoology (the stoparola o{ Rat/,) builds every year in the vines that grow on the walls of my house. A pair of these little birds had one year inadvertently placed their nest on a naked bough, perhaps in a shady time, not being aware of the inconvenience that followed. But an hot sunny season coming on before the brood was half fledged, the reflection of the wall became insupportable, and must inevitably have de- stroyed the tender young, had not affection suggested an expe- dient, and prompted the parent-birds to hover over the nest all the hotter hours, while with wings expanded, and mouths gaping for breath, they screened off the heat from their suffering offspring. A farther instance I once saw of notable sagacity in a willow- wren, which had built in a bank in ray fields. This bird a friend and myself had observed as she sat in her nest; but were parti- cularly careful not to disturb her, though we saw slie eyed us with some degree of jealousy. Some days after as we passed that way we were desirous of remarking how this brood went on; but no nest could be found, till I happened to take up a OF SELBORNE. US large bundle of long green, moss, as it were, carelessly thrown over the nest, in order to dodge the eye of any impertinent intruder. A still more remarkable mixture of sagacity and instinct occurred to me one day as my people were pulling off the lining of an hotbed, in order to add some fresh dung. From out of the side of this bed leaped an animal with great agility that made a most grotesque figure; nor was it without great diffi- culty tliat it could be taken; when it proved to be a large white- bellied field-mouse with three or four young clinging to her teats by their mouths and feet. It was amazing that the desul- tory and rapid motions of this dam should not oblige her litter to quit their hold, especially when it appeared that they were so young as to be both naked and blind ! To these instances of tender attachment, many more of which might be daily discovered by those that are studious of nature, may be opposed that rage of affection, that monstrous perversion of the (TTopyn, which induces some females of the brute creation to devour their young because their owners have hand- led them too freely, or removed them from place to place' Swine, and sometimes the more gentle race of dogs and cats, are guilty of this horrid and preposterous murder. When I hear now and then of an abandoned mother that destroys her off- spring, I am not so much amazed; since reason perverted, and the bad passions let loose, are capable of any enormity: but why the parental feelings of brutes, that usually flow in one most uniform tenor, should sometimes be so extravagantly diverted, I kave to abler philosophers than myself to determine. I am, &c. 154 NATURAL HISTORY L E T T E R XV. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selborne, July 8, 1773. Some young men went down lately to a pond on the verge of JVolmer-forest to hunt flappers, or young wild-ducks, many of which they caught, and, among the rest, some very minute yet well-fledged wild-fowls alive, which upon examination I found to be teals. I did not know till then that teals ever bred in the south of EnglaJid, and was much pleased with the discovery: this I look upon as a great stroke in natural history. We have had, ever since I can remember, a pair of white owls that constantly breed under the eaves of this church. As I have paid good attention to the manner of life of these birds during their season of breeding, which lasts the summer through, the following remarks may not perhaps be unacceptable: — About an houi* before sunset (for then the mice begin to run) they sally forth in quest of pre}', and hunt all round the hedges of meadows and small enclosures for them, which seem to be their only food. In this irregular country we can stand on an eminence and see them beat the fields over like a setting-dog, and often drop down in the grass or corn. I have minuted these birds with my watch for an hour together, and have found that they return to their nest, the one or the other of them, about once in five minutes; reflecting at the same time on the adroitness that every animal is possessed of as far as regards the well being of itself and off- OF SELBORNE. 155 spring. But a piece of address, which they shew when they re- turn loaded, should not, I think, be passed over in silence. — As they take their prey with their claws, so they carry it in their claws to their nest : but, as the feet are necessary in their ascent under the tiles, they constantly perch first on the roof of the chancel, and shift the mouse from their claws to their bill, that the feet may be at liberty to take hold of the plate on the wall as they are rising under the eaves. White owls seem not (but in this I am not positive) to hoot at all : all that clamorous hooting appears to me to come from the wood kinds. The white owl does indeed snore and hiss in a tremendous manner; and these menaces well answer the inten- tion of intimidating: for I have known a whole village up in arms on such an occasion, imagining the church-yard to be full of goblins and spectres. White owls also often scream horribly as they fly along; from this screaming probably arose the com- mon people's imaginary species of screech-owl, which they super- stitiously think attends the windows of dying persons. The plu- mage of the remiges of the wings of every species of owl that I have yet examined is remarkably soft and pliant. Perhaps it may be necessary that the wings of these birds should not make much resistance or rushing, that they may be enabled to steal through the air unheard upon a nimble and watchful quarry. While I am talking of owls, it may not be improper to men- tion what I was told by a gentleman of the county oflVilts. As they were grubbing a vast hollow pollard-ash that had been the mansion of owls for centuries, he discovered at the bottom a mass of matter that at first he could not account for. After some exa- mination, he found that it was a congeries of the bones of mice (and perhaps of birds and bats) that had been heaping together ]56 NATURAL HISTORY for ages, being cast up in pellets out of the crops of many gene rations of inhabitants. For owls cast up the bones, fur, and fea- thers of what chey devour, after the manner of hawks. He be- lieves, he told me, that there were bushels of this kind of sub- stance. When brown owls hoot their throats swell as big as an hen's egg. I have known an owl of this species live a fill 1 year with- out any water. Perhaps the case may be the same with all birds of prey. When owls fly they stretch out their legs behind them as a balance to their large heavy heads : for as most nocturnal birds have large eyes and ears they must have large heads to con- tain them. Large eyes I presume are necessary to collect every ray of light, and large concave ears to command the smallest de- gree of sound or noise. 1 am,^ &c. It will be proper to premise here that the sixteenth, eighteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first letters have been published already in the Philosophical Transactions: but as nicer observation has furnished several corrections and additions, it is hoped that the republication of tbem will not give offence; especially as these sheets would be very imperfect without them, and as tliey will be new to many readers who had no opportunity of seeing them when they made their first appearance. The hirund'mes are a most inoffensive, harmless, entertaining, social, and useful tribe of birds: they touch no fruit in our gar- dens ; delight, all except one species, in attaching themselves to our houses; amuse us with their migrations, songs, and marvel- lous agility; and clear our outlets from the annoyances of gnats and other troublesome insects. Some districts in the south seas, near Guiaquil," are desolated, it seems, by the infinite swarms of <^ See UUoa's Travels. OF SELBORNE. 157 venomous mosquitoes, which fill the air, and render those coasts insupportable. It would be worth inquiring whether any spe- cies of hirundines is found in those regions. Whoever contem- plates the myriads of insects that sport in the sun-beams of a summer evening in this country, will soon be convinced to what a degree our atmosphere would be choaked with them was it not for the friendly interposition of the swallow tribe. Many species of birds have their particular lice; but the hi- rundines alone seem to be annoyed with dipterous insects, which infest every species, and are so large, in proportion to themselves, that they must be extremely irksome and injurious to them. These are the hippobosccB hinmdinis, with narrow subulated wings, abounding in every nest; and are hatched by the warmth of the bird's own body during incubation, and crawl aboat under its feathers. A species of them is familiar to horsemen in the south o? Engr land under the name oi Jorest-fiy ; and to some of side fly, from it's running sideways likea crab. It creeps under the tails, and about the groins, of horses, which, at their first coming out of the north, are rendered half frantic by the tickling sensation; while our own breed little regards them. The curious Reawnur discovered the large eggs, or rather pupie, of these flies as big as the flies themselves, which he hatched in his own bosom. Any person that will take the trouble to examine the old nests of either species of swallows may find in them the black shining cases of the piipce of these insects : but for other particulars, too long for this place, we refer the reader, to I'Histoire d'Insectes of that admirable entomologist. Tom. iv. pi. 11. 158 NATURAL HISTORY LETTER XVL TO THE SAME. BEAR SIR, Selbokne, Nov. 20, 1773. Ix obedience to your injunctions I sit down to give you some account of the house-martin, or martlet; and, if my monographv of this little domestic and familiar bird should happen to meet with your approbation, I may probably soon extend my inquiries to the rest of the British hirundines — the swallow, the swift, and the bank-martin. A few house-martins begin to appear about the sixteenth of April; usually some few days later than the swallow. For some time after they appear the hirundines in general pay no attention to the business of nidification, but play and sport about either to recruit from the fatigue of their journey, if they do migrate at all, or else that their blood may recover it's true tone and texture after it has been so long benumbed by the severities of winter. About the middle of May, if the weather be fine, the martin begins to think in earnest of providing a mansion for it's family. The crust or shell of this nest seems to be formed of such dirt or loam as comes most readily to hand, and is tempered and wrought together Avith little bits of broken straws to render it tough and tenacious. As this bird often builds against a per- pendicular wall without any projecting ledge under, it requires it's utmost efforts to get the first foundation firmly fixed, so that it may safely carry the superstructure. On this occasion the I OF SELBORNE. 159 bird not only clings with it's claws, but partly supports itself by strongly inclining it's tail against the wall, making that a ful- crum; and thus steadied it works and plasters the materials into the face of the brick or stone. But then, that this work may not, while it is soft and green, pull itself down by it's own weight, the provident architect has prudence and forbearance enough not to advance her work too fast; but by building only in the morning, and by dedicating the rest of the day to food and amuse- ment, gives it sufficient time to dry and harden. About half an inch seems to be a sufficient layer for a day. Thus careful work- men when they built mud-walls (informed at first perhaps by this little bird) raise but a moderate layer at a time, and then de- sist ; lest the work should become top-heavy, and so be ruined by it's own weight. By this method in about ten or twelve days is formed an hemispheric nest with a small aperture towards the top, strong, compact, and warm ; and perfectly fitted for all the pur- poses for which it was intended. But then nothing is more com- mon than for the house-sparrow, as soon as the shell is finished, to seize on it as it's own, to reject the owner, and to line it after it's own manner. After so much labour is bestowed in erecting a mansion, as Nature seldom works in vain, martins will breed on for several years together in the same nest, where it happens to be well sheltered and secure from the injuries of weatlier. The shell or crust of the nest is a sort of rustic-work full of knobs and pro- tuberances on the outside : nor is the inside of those that I have examined smoothed with any exactness at all; but is rendered soft and warm, and fit for incubation, by a lining of small straws, grasses, and feathers; and sometimes by a bed of moss interwo- ven with wool. In this nest they tread, or engender, frequenth^ 160 NATURAL HISTORY (luring the time of building ; and the hen lays from three to five white eggs. At first when the young are hatched, and are in a naked and helpless condition, the parent birds, with tender assiduity, carr}' out what comes away from their young. Was it not for this affectionate cleanliness the nestlings would soon be burnt up, and destroyed in so deep and hollow a nest, by their own caustic excrement. In the quadruped creation the same neat precaution is made use of; particularly among dogs and cats, where the dams lick away what proceeds from their young. But in birds there seems to be a particular provision, that the dung of nest- lings is enveloped into a tough kind of jelly, and therefore is the easier conveyed off without soiling or daubing. Yet, as nature is cleanly in all her ways, the young perform this office for them- selves in a little time by thrusting their tails out at the aperture of their nest. As the young of small birds presently arrive at their n^mioc, or full growth, they soon become impatient of con- finement, and sit all daj' with their heads out at the orifice, where the dams, by clinging to the nest, supply them with food from morning to night. For a time the young are fed on the wing by their parents; but the feat is done by so quick and al- most imperceptible a slight, that a person must have attended very exactly to their motions before we would be able to per- ceive it. As soon as the young are able to shift for themselves, the dams immediately turn their thoughts to the business of a second brood : while the first flight, shaken off and lejected by their nurses, congregate in great flocks, and are the birds that are seen clustering and hovering on sunny mornings and even- ings round towers and steeples, and on the roofs of churches and houses. These congregatings usually begin to take place OF SELBORNE. 161 about the first week in August; and therefore we may conclude that by that time the first flight is pretty well over. The young of this species do not quit their abodes all together; but the more forward birds get abroad some days before the rest. These ■approaching the eaves of buildings, and playing about before them, make people think that several old ones attend one nest. They are often capricious in fixing on a nesting-place, beginning many edifices, and leaving them unfinished ; but when once a nest is completed in a sheltered place, it serves for several sea- sons. Those which breed in a ready finished house get the start in hatching of those that build new by ten days or a fortnight. These industrious artificers are at their labours in the long days before four in the morning: when they fix their materials they plaster them on with their chins, moving their heads with a quick vibratory motion. They dip and wash as they fly some- times in very hot weather, but not so frequently as swallows. It has been observed that martins usually build to a north-east or north-west aspect, that the heat of the sun may not crack and destroy their nests: but instances are also remembered where they bred for many years in vast abundance in an hot stifled inn-yard, against a wall facing to the south. Birds in general are wise in their choice of situation: but in this neighbourhood every summer is seen a strong proof to the contrary at an house without eaves in an exposed district, where some martins build year by year in the corners of the windows. But, as the corners of these windows (which face to the south- east and south-west) are too shallow, the nests are washed down every hard rainj and yet these birds drudge on to no purpose from summer to summer, without changing their aspect or house. It is a piteous sight to see them labouring when half y \6^ NATURAL HISTORY their nest is washed away and bringing dirt--- "generis lafisi sanire ruinas." TIuis is instinct a most wonderful unequal faculty; in some instances so much above reason, in other respects so far below it! Martins love to frequent towns, espe- cially if there ai'c great lakes and rivers at hand; nay they even affect the close air oi London. And I have not only seen them nesting in the Borough, but even in the Strand zx^A Fleet-street; but then it was obvious from the dinginess of their aspect that their feathers partook of the filth of that sooty atmosphere. Martins are by far the least agile of the four species; their wings and tails are short, and therefore they are not capable of such surprising turns and quick and glancing evolutions as the swal- low. Accordingly they make use of a placid easy motion in a middle region of the air, seldom mounting to anj' great height, and never sweeping long together over the surface of the ground or water. They do not wander far for food, but affect sheltered districts, over some lake, or under some hanging wood, or in some hollow vale, especially in windy weather. Tiiey breed the latest of all the swallow kind: in 1772 they had nestlings on to October the twentj'-first, and are never without unfledged young as late as JMichaelmas. As the summer declines the congregating flocks increase in numbers daily by the constant accession of the second broods; till at last they swarm in myriads upon myriads round the vil- lages on the Thames, darkening the face of the sky as they fre- quent the aits of that river, where they roost. They retire, the bulk of them I mean, in vast flocks together about the begin- ning o^ October: but have appeared of late years in a considera- ble flight in this neighbourhood, for one day or two, as late as November the third and sixth, after they were supposed to have OF SELBORNE. 16 been gone for more than a fortnight. They therefore withdraw with us the latest of any species. Unless these birds are very short-lived indeed, or unless they do not return to the district where they are bred, they must undergo vast devastations some how, and some where; for the birds that return yearly bear no manner of proportion to the birds that retire. House-martins are distinguished from their congeners by having their legs covered with soft downy feathers down to their toes. They are no songsters; but twitter in a pretty inward soft manner in their nests. During the time of breeding they are often greatly molested with fleas. I am, &c. LETTER XVII. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, RiNGMER, near I,ewes, Dec. 9, 1773- 1 RECEIVED your last favour just as I was setting out for this place; and am pleased to find that my monography met with your approbation. My remarks are the result of many years observation; and are, I trust, true in the whole: though I do not pretend to say that they are perfectly void of mistake, or that a more nice observer might not make many additions, since subjects of this kind are inexhaustible. If you think my letter worthy the notice of your respectable society, you are at liberty to lay it before them; and they will consider it, I hope, as it was intended, as an humble attempt to promote a more minute inquiry into natural history; into tne Y 2 ]64 NATURAL HISTORY life and conversation of animals, Ftrliaps hereafter I may be induced to take the house-swallow under consideration; and from that ])roceed to the rest of the British hirundines. Though I have now travelled the Sussex-downs upwards of thirty years, yet I still investigate that chain of majestic moun- tains with fresh admiration year by yearj and think I see new beauties every time I traverse it. This range, which runs from Chichester eastward as far as East-Bourn, is about sixty miles in length; and is called The South Dozens, properly speaking, only round Lewes. As you pass along you command a noble view of the wild, or weald, on one hand, and the broad downs and sea on the other. Mr. Rai/ used to visit a family'' just at the foot of these hills, and was so ravished with the prospect fiom Plumpton-plain near Lexves, that he mentions those scapes in his <' Wisdom of God in the Works of the Creation" with the utmost satisfaction, and thinks them equal to any thing he had seen in the finest parts of Europe. For my own part, I think there is somewhat peculiarly sweet and amusing in the shapely figured aspect of chalk-hills in pre- ference to those of stone, which are rugged, broken, abrupt, and shapeless. Perhaps I may be singular in my opinion, and not so happy as to convey to you the same idea; but I never contemplate these mountains without thinking I perceive somewhat analogous to growth in their gentle swellings and smooth fungus-like pro- tuberances, their fluted sides, and regular hollows and slopes, that carry at once the air of vegetative dilatation and expan- sion Or was there ever a time when these immense ■■ Mr. Courthope, oi Danny. OF SELBORNE. 165 masses of calcarious matter were thrown into fermentation by some adventitious moisture; were raised and leavened into such shapes by some plastic power; and so made to swell and heave their broad backs into the sky so much above the less animated clay of the wild below? By what I can guess from the admeasurements of the hills that have been taken round my house, 1 should suppose that these hills surmount the wild at an average at about the rate of five hundred feet. One thing is very remarkable as to the sheep: from the westward till 3fou get to the river Acliir all the flocks have horns, and smooth white faces, and white legs; and a hornless sheep is rarely to be seen: but as soon as you pass that river eastward, and mount Beeding-hill, all the flocks at once become hornless, or, as they call them, poll-sheep; and have moreover black faces with a white tuft of wool on their foreheads, and speckled and spotted legs: so that 3'ou would think tliat the flocks oi Lahan were pasturing on one side of the stream, and the variegated breed of his son-in-law Jacob were cantoned along on the other. And this diversity holds good respectively on each side from the valley of Bramber and Beedbig to the eastward, and west- ward all the whole length of the downs. If you talk with the shepherds on this subject, they tell you that the case has been so from time immemorial: and smile at your simplicity if you ask them whether the situation of these two different breeds might not be reversed? However, an intelligent friend of mine near Chichester is determined to try the experiment; and has this autumn, at the hazard of being laughed at, introduced a parcel of black-faced hornless rams among his horned western 166 NATURAL HISTORY ewes. The black-faced poll-sheep have the shortest legs and the finest wool. As I had hardly ever before travelled these downs at so late a season of the year, I was determined to keep as sharp a look- out as possible so near the southern coast, with respect to the summer short-winged birds of passage We make great inquiries concerning the withdrawing of the swallow kind, without examining enough into the causes why this tribe is never to be seen in winter; for, e?it)'e nous, the disappearing of the latter is more marvellous than that of the former, and much more unac- countable. The hirundmes, if they please, are certainly capable of migration; and yet no doubt are often found in a torpid state: but redstarts, nightingales, white- throats, black-caps, &c. &c. are very ill provided for long flights; have never been once found, as I ever heard of, in a torpid state, and yet can never be supposed, in such troops, from year to year to dodge and elude the eyes of the curious and inquisitive, which from day to day discern the other small birds that are known to abide our winters. But, notwithstanding all my care, I saw nothing like a summer bird of passage: and, what is more strange, not one wheat-ear, though they abound so in the autumn as to be a con- siderable perquisite to the shepherds that take them ; and though many are to be seen to my knowledge all the winter through in many parts of the south of England. The most intelligent shep- herds tell me that some few of these birds appear on the downs in March, and then withdraw to breed probably in warrens and stone-quarries: now and then a nest is plowed up in a fallow on the downs under a furrow, but it is thought a rarity. At the time of wheat-harvest they begin to be taken in great numbersi OF SELBORNE. 16/ are sent for sale in vast quantities to Briglithehnstone and Tun' bridge; and appear at the tables of all the gentry that entertain with any deg-ree of elegance. About Michaelmas they retire and are seen no more till JSIarch. Though these birds are, when in season, in great plenty on the south downs round Lewes, yet at East-Bourn, which is the eastern extremity of those downs, they abound much more. One thing is very remarkable — that though in the height of the season so many hundreds of dozens are taken, yet they never are seen to flock ; and it is a rare thing to see more than three or four at a time: so that there must be a perpetual flitting and constant progressive succession. It does not appear that any wheat-ears are taken to the westward of Houghton-bridge, which stands on the river Anin. I did not fail to look particularly after my new migration of ring-ousels ; and to take notice whether they continued on the downs to this seasbn of the year; as I had formerly remarked them in the month of October all the way from Chichester to Lewes wherever there were any shmbs and covert: but not one bird of this sort came within my observation. I only saw a few larks and zvhin-chats, some rooks, and several kites and buzzards. About JMidsummer a flight of cross-bills comes to the pine- groves about this house, but never makes any long stay. The old tortoise, that I have mentioned in a former letter, still continues in this garden; and retired under ground about the twentieth of November, and came out again for one, day on the thirtieth: it lies now buried in a wet swampy border under a wall facing to the south, and is enveloped at present in mud and mire! Here is a large rookery round this house, the inhabitants of 168 NATURAL HISTORY which seem to get their UveUhood very easily; for they spend the greatest part of the day on their nest-trees when tlie weather is mild. These rooks retire every evening all the winter from this rookery, where they only call by the way, as they are going- to roost in deep woods: at the dawn of day they always revisit their nest-trees, and are preceded a few minutes by a flight of daws, that act, as it were, as their harbingers. I am, &c. LETTER XVIII. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selborne, Jan 29, 1774. The house-swallow, or chimnej'-swallow, is undoubtedly the first comer of all the British hirundines; and appears in general on or about the thirteenth of April, as I have remarked from many years observation. Not but now and then a straggler is seen much earlier: and, in particular, when I was a boy I observed a swallow for a whole day together on a sunny warm Shrove Tuesday; which day could not fall out later than the middle of March, and often happened early in February. It is worth remarking that these birds are seen first about lakes and mill-ponds; and it is also very particular, that if these early visiters happen to find frost and snow, as was the case of the two dreadful springs of 1770 and 1771, they immediately withdraw for a time. A circumstance this much more in favour of hiding than migration; since it is much more probable that a OF SELBORNE. 169 bird should retire to it's hjbernaculum just at hand, than return for a week or two only to warmer latitudes. The swallow, though called the chimney-swallow, by no means builds altogether in chimnies, but often within barns and out-houses against the raftersj and so she did in Virgil's time: . " Garrula quam tignis nidos suspendat hirundo." In Sweden she builds in barns, and is called ladu swala, the barn-swallow. Besides, in the warmer parts of Europe there are no chimnies to houses, except they are English-built : in these countries she constructs her nest in porches, and gate-ways, and galleries, and open halls. Here and there a bird may affect some odd, peculiar placej as we have known a swallow build down the shaft of an old well, through which chalk had been formerly drawn up for the purpose of manure: but in general with us this hirundo breeds in chimnies; and loves to haunt those stacks where there is a constant fire, no doubt for the sake of warmth. Not that it can subsist in the immediate shaft where there is a fire; but prefers one adjoining to that of the kitchen, and disregards the perpetual smoke of that funnel, as 1 have often observed with some degree of wonder. Five or six or more feet down the chimney does this little bird begin to form her nest about the middle o^ May, which consists, like that of the house-martin, of a crust or shell com- posed of dirt or mud, mixed with short pieces of straw to render it tough and permanent; with this difference, that whereas the shell of the martin is nearly hemispheric, that of the swallow is open at the top, and like half a deep dish: this nest is lined with 170 NATURAL HISTORY fine grasses, and feathers which are often collected as they float in the air. Wonderful is the address which this adroit bird shews all day long in ascending and descending with security through so narrow a pass. When hovering over the mouth of the funnel, the vibrations of her wings acting on the confined air occasion a rumbling like thunder. It is not improbable that the dam submits to this inconvenient situation so low in the shaft, in order to secure her broods from rapacious birds, and particularly from owls, which frequently fall down chimnies, perhaps in attempting to get at these nestlings. The swallow lays from four to six white eggs, dotted with red specks; and brings out her first brood about the last week in Jtme, or the first week in July. The progressive method by which the young are introduced into life is very amusing: first, they emerge from the shaft with difficulty enough, and often fall down into the rooms below: for a day or so they are fed on the chimney-top, and then are conducted to the dead leafless bough of some tree, where, sitting in a row, they are attended with great assiduity, and may then be called /;erc/ier*. In a day or two more they htcoxae flyers, but are still unable to take their own food; therefore they play about near the place where the dams are hawking for flies; and, when a mouthful is collected, at a certain signal given, the dam and the nestling advance, rising towards each other, and meeting at an angle; the young one all the while uttering such a little quick note of gratitude and complacency, that a person must have paid very little regard to the wonders of Nature that has not often remarked this feat. The dam betakes herself immediately to the business of a OF SELBORNE. 171 second brood as soon as she is disengaged from her first; which at once associates Avitli tlie first broods oi hoitse-marthis ; and with them congregates, clustering on sunny roofs, towers, and trees. This hirundo brings out her second brood towards the middle and end o^ August. All the summer long is the swallow a most instructive pat- tern of unwearied industry and affection ; for, from morning to night, while there is a family to be supported, she spends the whole day in skimming close to the ground, and exerting the most sudden turns and quick evolutions. Avenues, and long- walks under hedges, and pasture-fields, and mown meadows where cattle graze, are her delight, especially if there are trees interspersed; because in such spots insects most abound. When a fly is taken a smart snap from her bill is heard, resembling the noise at the shutting of a watch-case; but the motion of the mandibles are too quick for the eye. The swallow, probably the male bird, is the excuhitor to house-martins, and other little birds, announcing the approach of birds of prey. For as soon as an hawk appears, with a shrill a^larming note he calls all the swallows and martins about him ; who pursue in a body, and buffet and strike their enemy till they have driven him from the village, darting down from above on his back, and rising in a perpendicular line in perfect security. This bird also will sound the alarm, and strike at cats when they climb on the roofs of houses, or otherwise approach the nests- Each species of hirundo drinks as it flies along, sipping the sur- face of the water; but the swallow alone, in general, washes on the wing, by dropping into a pool for many times together: in very hot weather house-martins and bank-martins dip and wash little. The swallow is a delicate songster, and in soft sunny weather 172 NATURAL HISTORY sings both perching and flying; on trees in a kind of concert, and on chimney tops: is also a bold flyer, ranging to distant downs and commons even in windy weather, which the other species seem much to dislike; nay, even frequenting exposed sea-port towns, and making little excursions over the saltwater. Horsemen on wide downs are often closely attended by a little party of swallows for miles together, which plays before and behind them, sweeping around, and collecting all the sculking insects tliat are roused by the trampling of the horses feet: when the wind blows hard, witliout this expedient, they are often forced to settle to pick up their lurking prey. This species feeds much on little coleoptera, as well as on gnats and flies; and often settles on dug ground, or paths, for gravels to grind and digest it's food. Before they depart, for some weeks, to a bird, they forsake houses and chimnies, and roost in trees; and usually withdraw about the beginning of Ocfobe?-; though some few stragglers may appear on at times till the first week in Novetfibe?: Some few pairs haunt the new and open streets of London next the fields, but do not enter, like the house-martin, the close and crowded parts of the city. Both male and female are distinguished from their congeners by the length and forkedness of their tails. They are undoubt- edly the most nimble of all the species: and when the male pursues the female in amorous chase, they then go beyond their usual speed, and exert a rapidity almost too quick for the eye to follow. After this circumstantial detail of the life and discerning c-To^yn of the swallow, I shall add, for your farther amusement, an anecdote or two not much in favour of her sagacity: — A certain swallow built for two years together on the handles OF SELBORNE. IfS of a pair of garden-shears, that were stuck up against tlie boards in an out-house, and therefore must have her nest spoiled when- ever that implement was wanted: and^ what is stranger still, another bird of the same species built it's nest on the wings and body of an owl that happened by accident to hang dead and dry from the rafter of a barn. This owl, with the nest on it's wings, and with eggs in the nest, was brought as a curiosity worthy the most elegant private museum in Great-Britain. The owner, struck with the oddity of tlie sight, furnished the bringer with a large shell, or conch, desiring him to fix it just where the owl hung: the person did as he was ordered, and the follow- ing year a pair, probably the same pair, built their nest in the conch, and laid their effffs. The owl and the conch make a strange grotesque appearance, and are not the least curious specimens in that wonderful col- lection of art and nature. ^ Thus is instinct in animals, taken the least out of it's \vay, an undistinguishing, limited faculty; and blind to every circum- stance that does not immediately respect self-preservation, or Jead at once to the propagation or support of their species. I am, With all respect, &c. &a f Sir Aihton Lever's Musaeum, 174 NATURAL HISTORY LETTER XIX. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIK, Selborne, Feb. 14, I774. 1 RECEIVED your favour of the eighth, and am pleased to find that you read my little history of the swallow with your usual candour : nor was I the less pleased to find that you made ob- jections where you saw reason. As to the quotations, it is difficult to say precisely which species of hirundo Virgil might intend in the lines in question, since the ancients did not attend to specific differences like modern naturalists: yet somewhat may be gathered, enough to incline me to suppose that in the two passages quoted the poet had his eye on the swallow. In the first place the epithet garrula suits the sxcallow well, who is a great songster; and not the martin, which is rather a mute bird; and when it sings is so inward as scarce to be heard. Besides, if tignum in that place signifies a rafter rather than a beam, as it seems to me to do, then I think it must be the swal- hnv that is alluded to, and not the martin; since the former does frequently build within the roof against the rafters ; while the latter always, as far as I have been able to observe, builds xvith- out the roof against eaves and cornices. As to the simile, too much stress must not be laid on it: yet the epithet nigra speaks plainly in favour of the swallow, whose back and wings are very black; while the rump of the martin is milk-white, it's back and wings blue, and all it's under part OF SELBORNE. 175 white as snow. Nor can the clumsy motions (comparatively clumsy) of the martin well represent the sudden and artful evo- lutions and quick turns which Juturna gave to her brother's chariot, so as to elude the eager pursuit of the enraged 2Eneas. The verb sonat also seems to imply a bird that is somewhat loquacious. ^ We have had a very wet autumn and winter, so as to raise the springs to a pitch beyond any thing since 1764; Avhicli was a remarkable year for floods and high waters. The land-springs, which we call lavaiits, break out much on the downs o^ Susscv, Hampshire and Wiltshire. The country people say when the lavants rise corn will always be dear; meaning that when the earth is so glutted with water as to send forth spsiiigs on the downs and uplands, that the corn-vales must be drowned; and so it has proved for these ten or eleven years past. For land- springs have never obtained more since the memory of man than during that period; nor has there been known a greater scarcity of all sorts of grain, considering the great improvements of modern husbandry. Such a run of wet seasons a century or two ago would, I am persuaded, have occasioned a famine. Therefore pamphlets and newspaper letters, that talk of combi- nations, tend to inflame and mislead; since we must not expect plenty till Providence sends us more favourable seasons. The wheat of last year, all roimd this district, and in the county oi Rutland, and elsewhere, yields remarkably bad: and 8 " Nigra velnt magnas domini cum diviUs aedes " Pervolat, et pennis alta atria lustrat hirundo, " Pabula parva legens, nidisque loquacibus escas: " Et nunc porticlbus vacuis, nunc humida circum " Stagna sonat." — — — — 176 NATURAL HISTORY our wheat on the ground, by the continual late sudden vicissi- tudes from fierce frost to pouring rains, looks poorly; and the turnips rot very fast. I am, &c. ^ LETTER XX. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selboene, Feb. 26, 1/74, J- HE sand-martin, or bank-martin, is by much the least of any of the Britiah hirundines ; and, as far as we have ever seen, the smallest known hirundo: though Brisson asserts that there is one much smaller, and that is the hirundo esculenta. But it is much to be regretted that it is scarce possible for any observer to be so full and exact as he could wish in reciting the circumstances attending the life and conversation of this little bird, since it \% fera natura, at least in this part of the kingdom, disclaiming all domestic attachments, and haunting wild heaths and commons where there are large lakes; while the other species, especially the swallow and house-martin, are remarkably gentle and domesticated, and never seem to think themselves safe but under the protection of man. Here are in this parish, in the sand-pits and banks of the lakes of Wolmer-forest^ several colonies of these birds; and yet they are never seen in the village; nor do they at all frequent the cottages that are scattered about in that wild district. The only instance I ever remember where this species haunts any OF SELBORNE. 177 building is at the town of Bishop's TValtham, in this county, where many sand-martins nestle and breed in the scaffold- holes of the back-wall of TFilliam of JVykehams stables: bat then this wall stands in a very sequestered and retired enclosure, and faces upon a large and beautiful lake. And indeed this species seems so to delight in large waters, that no instance occurs of their abounding, but near vast pools or rivers: and in particular it has been remarked that they swarm in the banks of the Thames in some places below London-brklgc. It is curious to observe with what different degrees of archi- tectonic skill Providence has endowed birds of the same genus, and so nearly correspondent in their general mode of life! for while the swallow and the house-martin discover the greatest address in raising and securely fixing crusts or shells of loam as cunabula for their young, the bank-martin terebrates a round and regular hole in the sand or earth, which is serpentine, hori- zontal, and about two feet deep. At the inner end of this bur- row does this bird deposit, in a good degree of safety, her rude nest, consisting of fine grasses and feathers, usually goose-fea- thers, very inartificially laid together. Perseverance will accomplish any thing: though at first one would be disinclined to believe that this weak bird, with her soft and tender bill and claws, should ever be able to bore the stubborn sand-bauk without entirely disabling herself; yet with these feeble instruments have I seen a pair of them make great dispatch: and could remark how much they had scooped that day by the fresh sand which ran down the bank, and was of a different colour from that which lay loose and bleached in the sun. In what space of time these little artists are able to mine ^ A 178 NATURAL HISTORY and finish these cavities I have never been able to discover, for reasons given above; but it would be a matter worthy of obser- vation, where it falls in the way of any naturalist to make his remarks. This I have often taken notice of, that several holes of different depths are left unfinished at the end of summer. To imagine that these beginnings were intentionally made in order to be in the greater forwardness for next spring, is allowing perhaps too much foresight and rerum prudentia to a simple bird. May not the cause of these latebrce being left unfinished arise from their meeting in those places with strata too harsh, hard, and solid, for their purpose, which they relinquish, and go to a fresh spot that works more freely ? Or may they not in other places fall in with a soil as much too loose and mouldering, liable to flounder, and threatening to overwhelm them and their labours? One thing is remarkable — that, after some years, the old holes are forsaken and new ones bored ; perhaps because the old habitations grow foul and fetid from long use, or because they may so abound witli fleas as to become untenantable. This species of swallow moreover is strangely annoyed with fleas: and we have seen fleas, bed-fleas (pulex irritans), swarming at the mouths of these holes, like bees on the stools of their hives. The following circumstance should by no means be omitted — that these birds do not make use of their caverns by way of hybernacula, as might be expected; since banks so perforated have been dug out with care in the winter, when nothing was found but empty nests. Tlie sand-martin arrives much about the same time with the swallow, and lays, as she does, from four to six white eggs. But as this species is cryptogmne, carrying on the business of nidifica- OF SELBORNE. 179 tion, incubation, and the support of it's young in the dark, it would not be so easy to ascertain the time of breeding, were it not for the coming forth of the broods, which appear much about the time, or rather somewhat earlier than those of the swallow. The nestlings are supported in common like those of their congeners, with gnats and other small insects; and some- times they are fed with libellul(Z (dragon-flies) almost as long as themselves. In the last week in June we have seen a row of these sitting on a rail near a great pool as perchers; and so young and helpless, as easily to be taken by hand : but whether the dams ever feed them on the wing, as swallows and house-mar- tins do, we have never yet been able to determine; nor do we know whether they pursue and attack birds of prey. When they happen to breed near hedges and enclosures, thej^ are dispossessed of their breeding holes by the house-sparrow, which is on the same account a fell adversary to house-martins. These hirundines are no songsters, but rather mute, making only a little harsh noise when a person approaches their nests. They seem not to be of a sociable turn, never with us congre- gating with their congeners in the autumn. Undoubtedly they breed a second time, like the house-martin and swallowj and withdraw about Michaelmas. Though in some particular districts they may happen to abound, yet in the whole, in the south of England at least, is this much the rarest species. For there are few towns or large vil- lages but what abound with house-martins; few churches, towers, or steeples, but what are haunted by some swifts; scarce a hamlet or single cottage-chimney that has not it's swallow; while the bank-martins, scattered here and there, live a seques- 180 NATURAL HISTORY tered life among some abrupt sand-hills, and in the banks of some few riv-ers. These birds have a peculiar manner of flying; flitting about with odd jerks, and vacillations, not unlike the motions of a butterfly. Doubtless the flight of all hirundines is influenced by, and adapted to, the peculiar sort of insects which furnish their food. Hence it would be worth inquiry to examine what parti-' cular genus of insects affords the principal food of each respec- tive species of swallow. Notwithstanding what has been advanced above, some few sand-martins, I see, haunt the skirts o^ London, frequenting the dirty pools in Saint Georgis-Fields, and about White-Chapel. Tlie question is where these build, since there are no banks or bold shores in that neighbourhood : perhaps they nestle in the scaiFold holes of some old or new deserted building. They dip and wash as they fly sometimes, like the house-martin and swallow. Sand-martins differ from their congeners in the diminutive- ness of their size, and in their colour, which is what is usually called a mouse-colour. Near Valencia in Spain, they are taken, says JVillughby, and sold in the markets for the tablej and are called by the country people, probably from their desultory jerking manner of flight, Papilion de Montagna. OF SELBORNE. 181 LETTER XXI. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selborne, Sept. 28, 17/4. As the swift or black-martin is the largest of the British hiruii- dines, so is it undoubtedly the latest comer. For I remember but one instance of it's appearing before the last week in Jpril: and in some of our late frosty, harsh springs, it has not been seen till the beginning of May. This species usually arrives in pairs. The swift, like the sand-martin, is very defective in architec- ture, making no crust, or shell, for it's nest; but forming it of dry grasses and feathers, very rudely and inartificially put toge- ther. With all my attention to these birds, I have never been able once to discover one in the act of collecting or carrying in materials: so that I have suspected (since their nests are exactly the same) that they sometimes usurp upon the house-sparrows, and expel them, as sparrows do the house and sand-martin; well remembering that I have seen them squabbling together at the entrance of their holes; and the sparrows up in arms, and much disconcerted at these intruders. And yet I am assured, by a nice observer in such matters, that they do collect feathers for their nests in Andalusia; and that he has shot them with such materials in their mouths. Swifts, like sand-martins, carry on the business of nidification quite in the dark, in crannies of castles, and towers, and steeples. 182 NATURAL HISTORY and upon the tops of the walls of churches under the roof; and therefore cannot be so narrowly watched as those species that build more openly : but, from what I could ever observe, they begin nesting about the middle of May; and I have remarked, from eggs taken, that they have sat hard by the ninth of June. In general they haunt tall buildings, churches, and steeples, and breed only in such : yet in this village some pairs frequent the lowest and meanest cottages, and educate their young under those thatched roofs. We remember but one instance where they breed out of buildings; and that is in the sides of a deep chalkpit near the town of Odiham, in this county, where we have seen many pairs entering the crevices, and skimming and squeaking round the precipices. As I have regarded these amusive birds with no small atten- tion, if I should advance something new and peculiar with respect to them, and different from all other birds, I might per- haps be credited ; especially as my assertion is the result of many years exact observation. The fact that I would advance is, that swifts tr-ead, or copulate, on the wing: and I would wish any nice observer, that is startled at this supposition, to use his own eyes, and I think he will soon be convinced. In another class of animals, viz. the insect, nothing is so common as to see the diiferent species of many genera in conjunction as they fly. The swift is almost continually on the wing; and as it never settles on the ground, on trees, or roofs, would seldom find op- portunity for amorous rites, was it not enabled to indulge them in the air. If any person would watch these birds of a fine morning in May, as they are sailing round at a great height from the ground, he would see, every now and then, one drop on the back of another, and both of them sink down together OF SELBORNE. 183 for many fathoms with a loud piercing shriek. This I take to be the juncture when the business of generation is carrying on. As the swift eats, drinks, collects materials for it's nest, and, as it seems, propagates on the wing; it appears to live more in the air than any other bird, and to perform all functions there save those of sleeping and incubation. This hii^undo differs widely from it's congeners in laying in- variably but two eggs at a time, which are milk-white, long, and peaked at the small end; whereas the other species lay at each brood from four to sLv. It is a most alert bird, rising very early, and retiring to roost very late ; and is on the wing in the height of summer at least sixteen hours. In the longest days it does not withdraw to rest till a quarter before nine in the evening, being the latest of all day birds. Just before tliey retire whole groups of them assemble high in the air, and squeak, and shoot about with wonderful rapidity. But this bird is never so much alive as in sultry thundry weather, when it expresses great alacrity, and calls forth all it's powers. In hot mornings several, getting together in little parties, dash round the steeples and churches, squeaking as they go in a very clamorous manner: these, by nice observers, are supposed to be males serenading their sitting hens; and not without reason, since they seldom squeak till they come close to the walls or eaves, and since those within utter at the same time a little inward note of com- placency. When the hen has sat hard all day, she rushes forth just as it is almost dark, and stretches and relieves her weary limbs, and snatches a scanty meal for a few minutes, and then returns to her duty of incubation. Swifts, when wantonly and cruelly shot while they have young, discover a little lump of insects in 184 NATURAL HISTORY their mouths, which they pouch and hold under their tongue. In general they feed in a much higher district than the other species; a proof that gnats and other insects do also abound to a considerable height in the air: they also range to vast dis- tances; since loco-motion is no labour to them, who are endowed Avith such wonderful powers of wing. Their powers seem to be in proportion to their leavers; and their wings are longer in proportion than those of almost any other bird. When they mute, or ease themselves in flight, they raise their wings, and make them meet over their backs. At some certain times in the summer I had remarked that swifts were hawking very low for hours together over pools and streams; and could not help inquiring into the object of their pursuit that induced them to descend so much below their usual range. After some trouble, I found that they were taking phri/gaiiece, ep/ionerce, and UbellulcE (cadew-flies, may-flies, and dragon-flies) that were just emerged out of their aurelia state. I then no longer wondered that they should be so willing to stoop for a prey that aftbrded them such plentiful and succulent nourishment. They bring out their young about the middle or latter end oi' July: but as these never become perchers, nor, that ever I could discern, are fed on the wing by their dams, the coming forth of the young is not so notorious as in the other species. On tlie thirtieth of last June I untiled the eaves of an house where many pairs build, and found in each nest only txco sfiuab, naked j9«//i; on the eighth oi' July I repeated the same inquiry, and found they had made very little progress towards a fledged state, but were still naked and helpless. From whence we may conclude that birds whose way of life keeps them perpetually OF SELBORNE. 185 on the wing would not be able to quit their nest till the end of the month. Swallows and martins, that have numerous families, are continually feeding them every two or three minutes; while swifts, that have but two young to maintain, are much at their leisure, and do not attend on their nests for hours together. Sometimes they pursue and strike at hawks that come in their way; but not with that vehemence and fury that swallows express on the same occasion. They are out all day long in wet days, feeding about, and disregarding still rain: from whence two things may be gathered ; first, that many insects abide high in the air, even in rain ; and next, that the feathers of these birds must be well preened to resist so much wet. Windy, and particularly windy weather with heavy showers, they dislike; and on such days withdraw, and are scarce ever seen. There is a circumstance respecting the colour of swifts, which seems not to be unworthy our attention. When they arrive in the spring they are all over of a glossy, dark soot-colour, except their chins, which are white; but, by being all day long in the sun and air, they become quite weather-beaten and bleached before they depart, and yet they return glossy again in the spring. Now, if they pursue the sun into lower latitudes, as some suppose, in order to enjoy a perpetual summer, why do they not return bleached? Do they not rather perhaps retire to rest for a season, and at that juncture moult and change their feathers, since all other birds are known to moult soon after the season of breeding? Swifts are very anomalous in many particulars, dissenting from all their congeners not only in the number of their young, but in breeding but once in a summer; whereas all the other 2 B 186 NATURAL HISTORY Bintish Inrmidines breed invariably twice. It is past all doubt that swifts can breed but once, since they withdraw in a short time after the flight of their young, and some time before their congeners bring out their second broods. We may here remark, that, as swifts breed but once in a summer, and only two at a time, and the other hirimdines twice, the latter, who lay from four to six eggs, increase at an average five times as fast as the former. But in nothing are swifts more singular than in their early retreat. They retire, as to the main body of them, by the tenth o? August, and sometimes a few days sooner: and every strag- gler invariably withdraws by the twentieth, while their conge- ners, all of them, stay till the beginning of October; many of them all through that month, and some occasionally to the be- ginning of November. This early retreat is mysterious and won- derful, since that time is often the sweetest season in the year. But, what is more extraordinary, they begin to retire still earlier in the most southerly parts o? Andalusia, where they can be no ways influenced by any defect of heat; or, as one might sup- pose, defect of food. Are they regulated in their motions with us by a failure of food, or by a propensity to moulting, or by a disposition to rest after so rapid a life, or by what? This is one of those incidents in natural history that not only baffles our searches, but almost eludes our guesses! These hirundines never perch on trees or roofs, and so never congregate with their congeners. They are fearless while haunt- ing their nesting places, and are not to be scared with a gun; and are often beaten down with poles and cudgels as they stoop to go under tlie eaves. Swifts are much infested with those pests to the genus called hippoboscx Jnrundinis; and often wriggle OF SELBORNE. ]87 and scratch themselves, in their flight, to get rid of that clinging annoyance. Swifts are no songsters, and have only one harsh screaming note; yet there are ears to which it is not displeasing, from an agreeable association of ideas, since that note never occurs but in tlie most lovely summer weather. They never settle on the ground but through accident; and when down can hardly rise, on account of the shortness of their legs and the length of their wings: neither can they walk, but only crawl; but they have a strong grasp with their feet, by which they cling to walls. Their bodies being flat they can enter a very narrow crevice; and where they cannot pass on their bellies they will turn up edgewise. The particular formation of the foot discriminates the swift from all the British hirundines; and indeed from all other known birds, the hiruudo melba, or great white-bellied swift o^ Gibraltar, excepted; for it is so disposed as to carry '' omnes quatuor digitos anticos"' all it's four toes forward; -besides the least toe, which should be the back- toe, consists of one bone alone, and the other three only of two apiece. A construction most rare and pecu- liar, but nicely adapted to the purposes in which their feet are employed. This, and some peculiarities attending the nostrils and under mandible, have induced a discerning ^naturalist to suppose that this species might constitute a gentis per se. In London a party of swifts frequents the Tower, playing and feeding over the river just below the bridge: others haunt some of the churches of the Borough next the fields; but do not ven- ture, like the house-martin, into the close crowded part of the town. 6 John Antony Scopoli, of Carniola, M. D, 188 NATURAL HISTORY The Swedes have bestowed a very pertinent name on this swallow, calling it ring swala, from the perpetual rings or circles that it takes round the scene of it's nidification. Swifts feed on coleoptera, or small beetles with hard cases over their wings, as well as on the softer insects; but it does not appear how they can procure gravel to grind their food, as swallows do, since they never settle on the ground. Young ones, over-run with hippoboscie, are sometimes found, under their nests, fallen to the ground; the number of vermin rendering their abode insupportable any longer. They frequent in this village several abject cottages: yet a succession still haunts the same unlikely roofs : a good proof this that the same birds return to the same spots. As they must stoop very low to get up under these humble eaves, cats lie in wait, and sometimes catch them on the wing. On the fifth oi July, 1775, I again untiled part of a roof over the nest of a swift. The dam sat in the nest; but so strongly was she affected by natural a-rof-y/i for her brood, which she supposed to be in danger, that, regardless of her own safety? she would not stir, but lay sullenly by them, permitting herself to be taken in hand. The squab young we brought down and placed on the grass-plot, where they tumbled about, and were as helpless as a new-born child. While we contemplated their naked bodies, their unwieldy disproportioned abdomina, and their heads, too heavy for their necks to support, we could not but wonder when we reflected that these shiftless beings in a little more than a fortnight would be able to dash through the air almost with the inconceivable swiftness of a meteor; and perhaps, in their emigration, must traverse vast continents and oceans as distant as the equator. So soon does Nature advance OF SELBORNE. I8y small birds to their r^iKia, or state of perfection ; while the pro- gressive growth of men and large quadrupeds is slow and tedious! I am, &c. LETTER XXII. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selborne, Sept. 13, 1774. -t>Y means of a straight cottage-chimney I had an opportunity this summer of remarking, at my leisure, how swallows ascend and descend through the shaft; but my pleasure, in contem- plating the address with which this feat was performed to a con- siderable depth in the chimney, was somewhat interrupted by apprehensions lest my eyes might undergo the same fate with those of Tobit. ' Perhaps it may be some amusement to you to hear at what times the different species of hirundines arrived this spring in three very distant counties of this kingdom. With us the swal- low was seen first on April the 4th, the swift on April the 24th, the bank-martin oto. April the 12th, and the house-martin not till April the 30th. At South Zele, Devonshire, swallows did not arrive till April the 25th; swifts, in plenty, on May the 1st; and house-martins not till the middle of May. At Blackburn, in Lancashire, swifts were seen April the 28th, swallows April the 29tb, house-martins May the J st. Do these different dates, ' Tobit ii. 10. 190 NATURAL HISTORY iu such distant districts, prove any thing for or against mi gration ? A farmer, near JFeyhill, fallows his land with two teams of asses; one of which works till noon, and the other in the after- noon. When these animals have done their work, they are penned all night, like sheep, on the fallow. In the winter they are confined and foddered in a yard, and make plenty of dung. Linnceiis says that hawks " paciscuntur inducias cum avibus> quamdiu cuculus cuculat-" but it appears to me that, during that period, many little birds are taken and destroyed by birds of prey, as may be seen by their feathers left in lanes and under hedges. The 7nissel-thrush is, while breeding, fierce and pugnacious, driving such birds as approach it's nest, with great fury, to a distance. The JVelch call \t pen y lluyn, the head or master of the coppice. He suffers no magpie, jay, or blackbird, to enter the garden where he haunts; and is, for the time, a good guard to the new-sown legumens. In general he is very successful in the defence of his family: but once 1 observed in my garden, that several magpies came determined to storm the nest of a missel-thrush: the dams defended their mansion with great vigour, and fought resolutely pro aris &J'ocis; but numbers at last prevailed, they tore the nest to pieces, and swallowed the young alive. In the season of nidification the wildest birds are compara- tively tame. Thus the ring-dove breeds in my fields, though they are continually frequented; and the missel-thrush, though most shy and wild in the autumn and winter, builds in my gar- den close to a walk where people are passing all day long. Wall-fruit abounds with me this year; but my grapes, that OF SELBORNE. 19 1 used to be forward and good, are at present backward beyontl all precedent: and this is not the worst of the story; for the same ungenial weather, the same black cold solstice, has injured the more necessary fruits of the earth, and discoloured and blighted our wheat. The crop of hops promises to be very large. Frequent returns of deafness incommode me sadly, and half disqualify me for a naturalist; for, when those fits are upon me, I lose all the pleasing notices and little intimations arising from rural sounds; and May is to me as silent and mute with respect to the notes of birds, &c. as August. My eyesight is, thank God, quick and good; but with respect to the other sense, I am, at times, disabled: "■ And Wisdom at one entrance quite shut out." LETTER XXIII. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selbokne, June S, 1775. On September the 21st, 1741, being then on a visit, and intent on field-diversions, I rose before daybreak: when I came into the enclosures, I found the stubbles and clover-grounds matted all over with a thick coat of cobweb, in the meshes of which a copious and heavy dew hung so plentifully that the whole face of the country seemed, as it were, covered with two or three setting-nets drawn one over another. When the dogs attempted to hunt, their eyes were so blinded and hoodwinked that they could not proceed, but were obliged to lie down and scrape the 192 NATURAL HISTORY incumbrances from their faces with their fore-feet, so that, find- ing my sport interrupted, I returned home musing in my mind on the oddness of the occurrence. As the morning advanced the sun became bright and warm, and the day turned out one of those most lovely ones which no season but the autumn produces; cloudless, calm, serene, and worthy of the South oi France itself. About nine an appearance very unusual began to demand our attention, a shower of cobwebs falling from very elevated regions, and continuing, without any interruption, till the close of the day. These webs were not single filmy threads, floating in the air in all directions, but perfect flakes or rags; some near an inch broad, and five or six long, which fell with a degree of velocity that shewed they were considerably heavier than the atmosphere. On every side as the observer turned his eyes might he behold a continual succession of fresh flakes falling into his sight, and twinkling like stars as they turned their sides towards the sun. How far this wonderful shower extended would be diflScult to say; but we know that it reached Bradley, Selborne, ^wA Aires- ford, three places which lie in a sort of a triangle, the shortest of whose sides is about eight miles in extent. At the second of those places there was a gentleman (for whose veracity and intelligent turn we have the greatest venera- tion) who observed it the moment he got abroad; but concluded that, as soon as he came upon the hill above his house, where he took his morning rides, he should be higher than this meteor, which he imagined might have been blown, like Thistle-down, fton\ the common above : but, to his great astonishment, when OF SELBORNE. 193 he rode to the most elevated part of the down, 300 feet above his fields, he found the webs in appearance still as much above him as before; still descending into sight in a constant succes- sion, and twinkling in the sun, so as to draw the attention of the most incurious. Neither before nor after was any such fall observed; but on this day the flakes hung in the trees and hedges so thick, that a diligent person sent out might have gathered baskets full. The remark that I shall make on these cobweb-like appear- ances, called gossamer, is, that, strange and superstitious as the notions about them were formerly, nobody in these days doubts but that they are the real production of small spiders, which swarm in the fields in fine weather in autumn, and have a power of shooting out webs from their tails so as to render themselves buoyant, and lighter than air. But why these apterous insects should that day take such a wonderful aerial excursion, and why their webs should at once become so gross and material as to be considerably more weighty than air, and to descend with pre- cipitation, is a matter beyond my skill. If I might be allowed to hazard a supposition, I should imagine that those film}' threads, when first shot, might be entangled in the rising dew, and so drawn up, spiders and all, by a brisk evaporation into the regions where clouds are formed : and if the spiders have a power of coiling and thickening their webs in the air, as Dr. Lister says they have, [see his Letters to Mr. Ray] then, when they were become heavier than the air, they must fall. Every day in fine weather, in autumn chiefly, do I see those spiders shooting out their webs and mounting aloft: they will go off from your finger if you Avill take them into your hand. Last summer one alighted on my book as I was reading in the 2 c ]y4 NATURAL HISTORY parlour; and, running to the top of the page, and shooting out a web, took it's departure from thence. But what I most won- dered at was, that it went off with considerable velocity in a place where no air was stirring; and I am sure that I did not assist it with my breath. So that these little crawlers seem to have, while mounting, some loco-motive power without the use of wings, and to move in the air faster than the air itself. LETTER XXIV. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selborhje, Aug, 15, 17/5. There is a wonderful spirit of sociality in the brute creation, independent of sexual attachment: the congregating of grega- rious birds in the winter is a remarkable instance. Many horses, though quiet with company, will not stay one minute in a field by themselves: the strongest fences cannot restrain them. My neighbour's horse will not only not stay by himself abroad, but he will not bear to be left alone in a strange stable without discovering the utmost impatience, and endea- vouring to break the rack and manger with his fore feet. He has been known to leap out at a stable-window, through which dung was thrown, after company; and yet in other respects is remarkably quiet. Oxen and cows will not fatten by them- selves; but will neglect the finest pasture that is not recom- mended by society. It would be needless to instance in sheep, which conslantly flock together. OF SELBORNE. 395 But this propensity seems not to be confined to animals of the same species; for we know a doe, still alive, that was brought up from a little fawn with a dairy of cows; with them it goes a-field, and with them it returns to the yard. The dogs of the liouse take no notice of this deer, being used to her; but, if strange dogs come by, a chase ensues; while the master smiles to see his favourite securely leading her pursuers over hedge, or gate, or stile, till she returns to the cows, who, with fierce low- ings and menacing horns, drive the assailants quite out of the pasture- Even great disparity of kind and size does not always pre- vent social advances and mutual fellowship. For a very intelli- gent and observant person has assured me that, in the former part of his life, keeping but one horse, he happened also on a time to have but one solitary hen. These two incongruous ani- mals spent much of their time together in a lonely orchard, where they saw no creature but each other. By degrees an apparent regard began to take place between these two seques- tered individuals. The fowl would approach the quadruped with notes of complacency, rubbing herself gently against his legs: while the horse would look down with satisfaction, and move with the greatest caution and circumspection, lest he should trample on his dimunitive companion. Thus, by mutual good offices, each seemed to console the vacant hours of the other; so that Milton, when he puts the following sentiment in the mouth o? Adam, seems to be somewhat mistaken: " Much less can bird with least, or fish with fowl, " So well converse, nor with the ox the ape." 196 NATURAL HISTORY LETTER XXV. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selborne, Oct. 2, \7'5. W have two gangs or hordes of gypsies which infest the south and west of £«o7fl«J, and come round in their circuit two or three times in the year. One of these tribes calls itself by the noble name of Stanley, of which I have nothing particular to say; but the other is distinguished by an appellative somewhat remarkable — As far as their harsh gibberish can be understood, they seem to say that the name of their clan is Curleople; now the termination of this word is apparently Gi'ecian: and as Meze- ray and the gravest historians all agree that these vagrants did certainly migrate from Egypt and the East, two or three cen- turies ago, and so spread by degrees over FAirope, may not this family-name, a little corrupted, be the very name they brought with them from the Levant? It would be matter of some curio- sity, could one meet with an intelligent person among them, to inquire whether, in their jargon, they still retain any Greek words: theOreek radicals will appear in hand, foot, head, water, earth, &c. It is possible that amidst their cant and corrupted dialect many mutilated remains of their native language might still be discovered. With regard to those peculiar people, the gypsies, one thing is very remarkable, and especially as they came from warmer climates; and that is, that while other beggars lodge in barns, stables, and cow-houses, these sturdy savages seem to pride OF SELBORNE. 197 themselves in braving the seventies of winter, and in living sub dio the whole year round. Last September was as wet a month as ever was known; and yet during those deluges did a young gypsy-girl lie-in in the midst of one of our hop-gardens, on the cold ground, with nothing over her but a piece of a blanket ex- tended on a few hazel-rods bent hoop fashion, and stuck into the earth at each end, in circumstances too trying for a cow in the same condition: yet within this garden there was a large hop-kiln, into the chambers of which she might have retired, had she thought shelter an object worthy her attention. Europe itself, it seems, cannot set bounds to the rovings of these vagabonds; for Mr. Bell, in his return from Pek'mg, met a gang of these people on the confines of Tartary, who were endeavouring to penetrate those deserts and try their fortune in China. ^ Gypsies are called in French, Bohemiens; in Italian and modern Greek, Zingani. I am, &c. *= 5ee Bell's Travels in China. 198 NATURAL HISTORY LETTER XXVL TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selbobne, Nov. 1, 1/75. " Hie - - - - taedae pingues, hie plurimus ignis " Semper, et assidua postes fuligine nigri." 1 SHALL make no apology for troubling you with the detail of a very simple piece of domestic oeconomy, being satisfied that you think nothing beneath your attention that tends to utility: the matter alluded to is the use of rushes instead of candles, which I am well aware prevails in many districts besides this; but as I know there are countries also where it does not obtain, and as I have considered the subject with some degree of exact- ness, I shall proceed in my humble story, and leave 3'ou to judge of the expediency. The proper species of rush for this purpose seems to be the juncus cotigbmeratus, or common soft rush, which is to be found in most moist pastures, by the sides of streams, and under hedges. These rushes are in best condition in the height of summer; but may be gathered, so as to serve the purpose well, quite on to autumn. It would be needless to add that the largest and longest are best. Decayed labourers, women, and children, make it their business to procure and prepare them. As soon as they are cut they must be flung into water, and kept there; for otherwise they will dry and shrink, and the peel will OF SELBORNE. 199 not run. At first a person would find it no easy matter to divest a rush of it's peel or rind, so as to leave one regular, nar- row, even rib from top to bottom that may support the pith: but this, like other feats, soon becomes familiar even to children; and we have seen an old woman, stone-blind, performing this business with great dispatch, and seldom failing to strip them with the nicest regularity. When these juncl are thus far pre- pared, they must lie out on the grass to be bleached, and take the dew for some nights, and afterwards be dried in the sun. Some address is required in dipping these rushes in the scald- ing fat or grease; but this knack also is to be attained by prac. tice. The careful' wife of an industrious Hampshire lahourer obtains all her fat for nothing; for she saves the scummings of her bacon-pot for this use; and, if the grease abounds with salt, she causes the salt to precipitate to the bottom, by setting the scummings in a warm oven. Where hogs are not much in use^ and especially by the sea-side, the coarser animal-oils will come very cheap. A pound of common grease may be procured for four pence; and about six pounds of grease will dip a pound of rushes; and one pound of rushes may be bought for one shilling : so that a pound of rushes, medicated and ready for use, will cost three shillings. If men that keep bees will mix a little wax with the grease, it will give it a consistency, and render it more cleanly, and make the rushes burn longer: mutton-suet would have the same effect. A good rush, which measured in length two feet four inches and an half, being minuted, burnt only three minutes short of an hour: and a rush still of greater length has been known to burn one hour and a quarter. These rushes give a good clear light. Watch-lights (coated . !200 NATURAL HISTORY with tallow,) it is true, shed a dismal one, "darkness visible;'' but then the wicks of those have two ribs of the rind, or peel, to support the pith, while the wick of the dipped rush has but one. The ttvo ribs are intended to impede the progress of the flame and make the candle last. In a pound of dry rushes, avoirdupois, Avhich I caused to be weighed and numbered, we found upwards of one thousand six hundred individuals. Now suppose each of these burns, one with another, only half an hour, then a poor man will purchase eight hundred hours of light, a time exceeding thirty-three entire days, for three shillings. According to this account each rush, before dipping, costs 3^3 of a farthing, and ,-, afterwards. Thus a poor family will enjoy 5^ hours of comfortable light for a farthing. An experienced old housekeeper assures me that one pound and an half of rushes completely supplies his family the year round, since working people burn no candle in the long- days, because they rise and go to bed by daylight. Little farmers use rushes much in the short days, both morn- ing and evening, in the dairy and kitchen; but the very poor, who are always the worst oeconomists, and therefore must con- tinue very poor, buy an halfpenny candle every evening, which, in their blowing open rooms, does not burn much more than two hours. Thus have they only two hours light for their money instead of eleven. While on the subject of rural oeconomy, it may not be im- proper to mention a pretty implement of housewifery that we have seen no where else; that is, little neat besoms which our foresters make from the stalk of the polytriciim commune, or great golden maiden-hair, which they call silk-wood, and find plenty in the bogs. Whe;i this moss is well combed and dressed, and OF SELBORNE. 201 divested of it's outer skin, it becomes of a beautiful bright-ches- nut colour; and, being soft and pliant, is very proper for the dusting of beds, curtains, carpets, hangings, &c. If these besoms were known to the brushmakers in town, it is probable they might come much in use for the purpose above-mentioned. ' I am, &c. LETTER XXVII. TO THE SAME. DKAR SIR, Sblboene^ Dec. 12, 1775. \Ve had in this village more than twenty years ago an idiot" boy, whom I well remember, who, from a child, shewed a strong propensity to bees; they were his food, his amusement, his sole object. And as people of this cast have seldom more than one point in view, so this lad exerted all his few faculties on this one pursuit. In the winter he dosed away his time, within his father's house, by the fire side, in a kind of torpid state, seldom departing from the chimney-corner; but in the summer he was all alert, and in quest of his game in the fields, and on sunny banks. Honey-bees, humble-bees, and wasps, were his prey wherever he found them : he had no apprehensions from their stings, but would seize them nudis manibus, and at once disarm them of their weapons, and suck their bodies for the sake of their honey-bags. Sometimes he would fill his bosom between his shirt and his skin with a number of these captives; and ' A besom of this sort is to be seen in Sir Ashton Lever's Mmeura. 2 D 20^ NATURAL HISTORY sometimes would confine them in bottles. He was a very merops apiaster, or bee-bird; and veiy injurious to men that kept bees; for he would slide into their bee-gardens, and, sitting down before the stools, would rap with his finger on the hives, and so take the bees as they came out. He has been known to overturn hives for the sake of honey, of which he was passion- ately fond. Where metheglin was making he would linger round the tubs and vessels, begging a draught of what he called bee- wine. As he ran about he used to make a humming noise with his lips, resembling the buzzing of bees. This lad was lean and sallow, and of a cadaverous complexion; and, except in his favourite pursuit, in which he was wonderfully adroit, discovered no manner of understanding. Had his capacity been better, and directed to the same object, he had perhaps abated much of our wonder at the feats of a more modern exhibiter of bees; and we may justly say of him now, "— — — — _ — _ — Thou, " Had thy presiding star propitious shone, " Should'st Wildman be ^ — — — ." When a tall youth he was removed from hence to a distant village, where he died, as I understand, before he arrived at manhood. I am, &c. OF SELBORNE. LETTER XXVIII. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIE, Selborne, Jan. 8, l/zti. It is the hardest thing in the world to shake off superstitious prejudices: tijey are sucked in as it were with our mother's milk; and, growing up with us at a time when they take the fastest hold and make the most lasting impressions, become so interwoven into our very constitutions, that the strongest good sense is required to disengage ourselves from them. No wonder therefore that the lower people retain them their whole lives through, since their minds are not invigorated by a liberal edu- cation, and therefore not enabled to make any efforts adequate to the occasion. Such a preamble seems to be necessary before we enter on the superstitions of this district, lest we should be suspected of exaggeration in a recital of practices too gross for this enlight- ened age. But the people of Tring, in Hertfordshire, would do well to remember, that no longer ago than the year 1751, and within twenty miles of the capital, they seized on two superannuated wretches, crazed with age, and overwhelmed with infirmities, on a suspicion of witchcraft; and, by trying experiments, drowned them in a horse-pond In a farm-yard near the middle of this village stands, at this day, a row of pollard-ashes, which, by the seams and long cica- ao4 NATURAL HISTORY trices clown their sides, manifestly shew that, in former times, they have been cleft asunder. These trees, when young and flexible, were severed and held open by wedges, while ruptured children, stripped naked, were pushed through the apertures, under a persuasion that, by such a process, the poor babes would be cured of their infirmity. As soon as the operation was over, the tree, in the suffering part, was plastered with loam, and care- fully swathed up. If the parts coalesced and soldered together, as usually fell out, where the feat was performed with any adroitness at all, the party was cured; but, where the cleft con- tinued to gape, the operation, it was supposed, would prove in- effectual. Having occasion to enlarge my garden not long since, I cut down two or three such trees, one of which did not grow together. We have several persons now living in the village, who, in their childhood, were supposed to be healed by this superstitious ceremony, derived down perhaps from our Saxon ancestors, who practised it before their conversion to Christianity. At the south corner of the Plestor, or area, near the church, there stood, about twenty years ago, a very old grotesque hollow pollard-ash, which for ages had been looked on with no small veneration as a shrexv-ash. Now a shrew-ash is an ash whose twigs or branches, when gently applied to the limbs of cattle, will immediately relieve the pains which a beast suffers from the running of a shrew-mouse over the part affected: for it is supposed that a shrew-mouse is of so baneful and deleterious a nature, that wherever it creeps over a beast, be it horse, cow, or sheep, the suffering animal is afflicted with cruel anguish, and threatened with the loss of the use of the limb. Against this accident, to which they were continually liable, our provi- OF SELBORNE. 205 dent fore-fathers always kept a shrew-ash at hand, which, when once medicated, would maintain it's virtue for ever. A shrew- ash was made thus : " — Into the body of the tree a deep hole was bored with an auger, and a poor devoted shrew-mouse was thrust in alive, and plugged in, no doubt, with several quaint in- cantations long since forgotten. As the ceremonies necessary for such a consecration are no longer understood, all succession is at an end, and no such tree is known to subsist in the manor, or hundred. As to that on the Plestor " The late vicar stubb'd and burnt it," when he was way-warden, regardless of the remonstrances of the by-standers, who interceded in vain for it's preservation, urging it's power and efficacy, and alleging that it had been " Religione patrum multos servata per annos." I am, &c. LETTER XXIX. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Seiborne, Feb. 7, 1776. In heavy fogs, on elevated situations especially, trees are per- fect alembics: and no one that has not attended to such matters can imagine how much water one tree will distil in a night's time, by condensing the valour, which trickles down the twigs ■" For a similar practice, see Pht's Stajfordshire. ^06 NATURAL HISTORY and boughs, so as to make the ground below quite in a float. In Newton-lane, in October 1775, on a misty day, a particular oak in leaf dropped so fast that the cart-way stood in puddles and the ruts ran with water, though the ground in general was dust}'. In some of our smaller islands in the TVest-Indies, if I mistake not, there are no springs or rivers; but the people are supplied with that necessary element, water, merely by the dripping of some large tall trees, Mhich, standing in the bosom of a moun- tain, keep their heads constantly enveloped with fogs and clouds, from which they dispense their kindly never-ceasing moisture; and so render those districts habitable by condensation alone. Trees in leaf have such a vast proportion more of surface tlian those that are naked, that, in theory, their condensations should greatly exceed those that are stripped of their leavesj but, as the former imbibe also a great quantity of moisture, it is difficult to say which drip most: but this I know, that deciduous trees that are entwined with much ivy seem to distil the greatest quantity. Ivy-leaves are smooth, and thick, and cold, and there- fore condense very fast; and besides ever-greens imbibe very little. These facts may furnish the intelligent with hints con- cerning what sorts of trees they should plant round small ponds that they would wish to be perennial; and shew them how ad- vantageous some trees are in preference to others. Trees perspire profusely, condense largely, and check evapor- ation so much, that woods are always moist: no wonder there- fore that they contribute much to pools and streams. That trees are great promoters of lakes and rivers appears from a well known fact in North- Ame7'ica ; for, since the woods and forests have been grubbed and cleared, all bodies of water OF SELBORNE. £07 are much diminished; so that some streams, that were very con- siderable a century ago, will not now drive a common mill." Besides, most woodlands, forests, and chases, with us abound with pools and morasses; no doubt for the reason given above. To a thinking mind few phenomena are more strange than the state of little ponds on the summits of chalk-hills, many of which are never dry in the most trying droughts of summer. On chalk-hills I say, because in many rocky and gravelly soils springs usually break out pretty high on the sides of elevated grounds and mountains; but no person acquainted with chalky districts will allow that they ever saw springs in such a soil but in vallies and bottoms, since the waters of so pervious a stratum as chalk all lie on one dead level, as well-diggers have assured me again and again. Now we have many such little round ponds in this district ; and one in particular on our sheep-down, three hundred feet above my house; which, though never above three feet deep in the middle, and not more than thirty feet in diameter, and con- taining perhaps not more than two or three hundred hogsheads of water, yet never is known to fail, though it affords drink for three hundred or four hundred sheep, and for at least twenty head of large cattle beside. This pond, it is true, is over-huno- with two moderate beeches, that, doubtless, at times afford it much supply: but then we have others as small, that, without the aid of trees, and in spite of evaporation from sun and wind and perpetual consumption by cattle, yet constantly maintain a moderate share of water, without overflowing in the wettest seasons, as they would do if supplied by springs. By my jour- " Vide Kalm's Travels to North- Ameiica. 208 NATURAL HISTORY iial of May 1775, it appears that " the small and even considera- " ble ponds in the vales are now dried up, while the small ponds " on the very tops of hills are but little affected." Can this dif- ference be accounted for from evaporation alone, which certainly is more prevalent in bottoms? or rather have not those elevated pools some unnoticed recruits, which in the night time counter- balance tlie waste of the day; without which the cattle alone must soon exhaust them? And here it will be necessary to enter more minutely into the cause. Dr. Hales, in his Vegetable Statics, advances, from experiment, that " the moister the earth " is the more dew falls on it in a night: and more than a double "■ quantity of dew falls on a surface of water than there does on " an equal surface of moist earth." Hence we see that water, by it's coolness, is enabled to assimilate to itself a large quantity of moisture nightly by condensation; and that the air, when loaded with fogs and vapours, and even with copious dews, can alone advance a considerable and never-failing resource. Per- sons that are much abroad, and travel early and late; such as shepherds, fishermen, &c. can tell what prodigious fogs prevail in the night on elevated downs, even in the hottest parts of summer; and how much the surfaces of things are drenched by those swimming vapours, though, to the senses, all the while, little moisture seems to fall. I am, &c. OF SELBORNE. 209 LETTER XXX. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, SelbormEj April 3, 17;S. JVIoNSiEUR Herissant, a French anatomist, seems persuaded that he has discovered the reason why cuckoos do not hatch their own eggs; the impediment, he supposes, arises from the internal structure of their parts, which incapacitates them for incubation. According to this gentleman, the crop, or craw, of a cuckoo does not lie before the sternum at the bottom of the neck, as in the gallince, columbce, &c. but immediately behind it, on and over the bowels, so as to make a large protuberance in the belly.° Induced by this assertion, we procured a cuckoo; and, cut- ting open the breast-bone, and exposing the intestines to sight, found the crop lying as mentioned above. This stomach was large and round, and stuffed hard like a pincushion with food, which, upon nice examination, we found to consist of various insects; such as small scarabs, spiders, and dragon flies; the last of which we have seen cuckoos catching on the wing as they were just emerging out of the aurelia state. Among this farrago also were to be seen maggots, and many seeds, which belonged either to gooseberries, currants, cranberries, or some such fruit; so that these birds apparently subsist on insects and " Histoire del' Academie Royale, 1752. 2E 210 NATURAL HISTORY fruits: nor was there the least appearance of bones, feathers, or fur to support the idle notion of their being birds of prey. The sternum in this bird seemed to us to be remarkably short, between which and the anus lay the crop, or craw, and imme- diately behind that the bowels against the back-bone. It must be allowed, as this anatomist observes, that the crop placed just upon the bowels must, especially when full, be in a very uneasy situation during the business of incubation; yet the test \\ill be to examine whether birds that are actually known to sit for certain are not formed in a similar manner. This in- quiry I proposed to myself to make with s. fern-owl, or goat- sucker, as soon as opportunity offered : because, if their forma- tion proves the same, the reason for incapacity in the cuckoo will be allowed to have been taken up somewhat hastily. Not long after a fern-owl was procured, which, from it's habit and shape, we suspected might resemble the cuckoo in it's internal construction. Nor -were our suspicions ill-grounded; for, upon the dissection, the crop, or craw, also lay behind the sternum, immediately on the viscera, between them and the skin of the belly. It was bulky, and stuffed hard with large phalancp, moths of several sorts, and their eggs, which no doubt had been forced out of those insects by the action of swallowing. Now as it appears that this bird, which is so Avell known to practise incubation, is formed in a similar manner with cuckoos, Monsieur Herissant's conjecture, that cuckoos are incapable of incubation from the disposition of their intestines, seems to fall to the ground : and we are still at a loss for the cause of that strange and singular peculiarity in the instance of the cuculus canorus. or SELBORNE. 211 We found the case to be the same with the ring-tail hawk, in respect to formation; and, as far as I can recollect, with the swift; and probably it is so with many more sorts of birds that are not granivorous. I am, &c. LETTER XXXI. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selbobne, April 2p, 17;6. On August the 4th, 1775, we surprised a large viper, which seemed very heavy and bloated, as it lay in the grass basking in the sun. When we came to cut it up, we found that the ab- domen was crowded with young, fifteen in number; the shortest of which measured full sevten inches, and were about the size of full-grown earth-worms. This little fry issued into the world with the true viper-spirit about them, shewing great alertness as soon as disengaged from the belly of the dam : they twisted and wriggled about, and set themselves up, and gaped very wide when touched with a stick, shewing manifest tokens of menace and defiance, though as yet they had no manner of fangs that we could find, even with the help of our glasses. To a thinking mind nothing is more wonderful than that early instinct which impresses young animals with the notion of the situation of their natural weapons, and of using them properly in their own defence, even before those weapons subsist or are formed. Thus a young cock will spar at his adversary 2 £ 2 212 NATURAL HISTORY before liis spurs are grown; and a calf or a lamb will pusli with their heads before their horns are sprouted. In the same man- ner did these young adders attempt to bite before their fangs were in being. The dam however was furnished with very for- midable ones, which we lifted up (for they fold down when not used) and cut them off with the point of our scissars. There was little room to suppose that this brood had ever been in the open air before; and that they were taken in for refuge, at the mouth of the dam, when she perceived that dan- ger was approaching; because then probably we should have found them somewhere in the neck, and not in the abdomen. LETTER XXXIL TO THE SAME. C/ASTRATiON has a strange effect: it emasculates both man, beast, and bird, and brings them to a near resemblance of the other sex. Thus eunuchs have smooth unmuscular arms, thighs, and legs; and broad hips, and beardless chins, and squeaking voices. Gelt-stags and bucks have hornless beads, like hinds and does. Thus wethers have small horns, like ewes; and oxen large bent horns, and hoarse voices when they low, like cows: for bulls have short straight horns; and though they mutter and grumble in a deep tremendous tone, yet they low in a shrill high key. Capons have small combs and gills, and look pallid about the head, like pullets; they also walk without any parade, OF SELBORNE. filS and hover chickens like hens. Barrow-hogs have also small tusks like sows. Thus far it is plain that the deprivation of masculine vigour puts a stop to the growth of those parts or appendages that are looked upon as it's insignia. But the ingenious Mr. Lisk, in his book on husbandry, carries it much farther; for he says that the loss of those insignia alone has sometimes a strange effect on the ability itself: he had a boar so fierce and venereous, that, to prevent mischief, orders were given for his tusks to be broken off. No sooner had the beast suffered this injury than his powers forsook him, and he neglected those females to whom before he was passionately attached, and from whom no fences eould restrain him. LETTER XXXm. TO THE SAME. J. HE natural term of an hog's life is little known, and the reason is plain — because it is neither profitable nor convenient to keep that turbulent animal to the full extent of it's time: however, my neighbour, a man of substance, who had no occasion to study every little advantage to a nicety, kept an half bred Ban- tam-sow, who was as thick as she was long, and whose belly swept on the ground till she was advanced to her seventeenth year; at which period she shewed some tokens of age by the decay of her teeth and the decline of her fertility. For about ten years this prolific mother produced two litters 214 NATURAL HISTORY in the year of about ten at a time, and once above twenty at a litter; but, as there were near double the number of pigs to that of teats, many died. From long experience in the world this female was grown very sagacious and artful; — when she found occasion to converse with a boar she used to open all the intervening gates, and march, by herself, up to a distant farm where one was kept; and when her purpose was served would return by the same means. At the age of about fifteen her lit- ters began to be reduced to four or five; and such a litter she exhibited when in her fatting-pen. She proved, when fat, good bacon, j^ticy, and tender; the rind, or sward, was remarkably thin. At a moderate computation she was allowed to have been the fruitful parent of three hundred pigs: a prodigious instance of fecundity in so large a quadruped! She was killed in spring 1775. I am, &c. LETTER XXXIV. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selbokne, May g, 1776. admorunt ubera tigres." We have remarked in a former letter how much incongruous animals, in a lonely state, may be attached to each other from a spirit of sociality; in this it may not be amiss to recount a dif- ferent motive which has been known to create as strange a fondness. OF SELBORNE. gI5 My friend had a little helpless leoertt brought to him, which the servants fed with milk in a spoon, and about the same time his cat kittened and the young were dispatched and buried. The hare was soon lost, and supposed to be gone the way of most fondlings, to be killed by some dog or cat. However, in about a fortnight, as the master was sitting in his garden in the dusk of the evening, he observed his cat, with tail erect, trotting towards him, and calling with little short inward notes of com- placency, such as they use towards their kittens, and something- gamboling after, which proved to be the leveret that the cat had supported with her milk, and continued to support with great affection. Thus was a graminivorous animal nurtured by a carnivorous and predaceous one! Why so cruel and sanguinary a beast as a cat, of the ferocious genus of Feks, the murium leo, as Linnceus calls it, should be affected with any tenderness towards an animal which is it's natural prey, is not so easy to determine. This strange affection probably was occasioned by that desi- derium, those tender maternal feelings, which the loss of her kittens had awakened in her breast; and by the complacency and ease she derived to herself from the procuring her teats to be drawn, which were too much distended with milk, till, from habit, she became as nnich delighted with this foundling as if it had been her real offspring. This incident is no bad solution of that strange circumstance which grave historians as well as the poets assert, of exposed children being sometimes nurtured by female wild beasts that probably had lost their young. For it is not one whit more marvellous that Romulus and Remus, in their infant state, should 216 NATURAL HISTORY be nursed by a she-wolf, than that a poor little sucking leveret should be fostered and cherished by a bloody grimalkin. — — — — " viridi foetam Mavortis in antro " Procubuisse lupam : geminos huic ubera circutn " Ludere pendentes pueros, et lambere matretn '^' Impavidos : illam tereti cervice reflexatn " Mulcere alternos, et corpora fingere lingul." LETTER XXXV. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selborne, May 20, 1777. Jl-/ands that are subject to frequent inundations are always poor; and probably the reason may be because the worms are drowned. The most insignificant insects and reptiles are of much more consequence, and have much more influence in the ceconomy of Nature, than the incurious are aware of; and are mighty in their effect, from their minuteness, which renders them less an object of attention; and from their numbers and fecundity. Earth-worms, though in appearance a small and despicable link in the chain of Nature, yet, if lost, would make a lamentable chasm. For, to say nothing of half the birds, and some quadrupeds which are almost entirely supported by them, worms seem to be the great promoters of vegetation, which would proceed but lamely without them, by boring, perforating, and loosening the soil, and rendering it pervious to rains and the fibres of plants, by drawing straws and stalks of leaves and OF SELBORNE. 217 twigs into it; and,- most of all, by throwing up such infinite numbers of lumps of earth called worm-casts, which, being their excrement, is a fine manure for grain and grass. Worms proba- bly provide new soil for hills and slopes where the rain washes the earth away; and they affect slopes, probably to avoid being- flooded. Gardeners and farmers express their detestation of worms; the former because they render their walks unsightly, and make them much work: and the latter because, as they think, worms eat their green corn. But these men would fin / that the earth without Avorms would soon become cold, hard- bound, and void of fermentation; and consequently steril: and besides, in favour of worms, it should be hinted that green corn, plants, and flowers, are not so much injured by them as by many species of coleoptera (scarabs), and tipulce, (long-legs) in their larva, or grub-state; and by unnoticed myriads of small shell- less snails, called slugs, which silently and imperceptibly make amazing havock in the field and garden.'' These hints we think proper to throw out in order to set the inquisitive and discerning to work. A good monography of worms would afford much entertain- ment and information at the same time, and would open a large and new field in natural history. Worms work most in the spring; but by no means lie torpid in the dead months; are out every mild night in the winter, as any person may be con- vinced that will take the pains to examine his grass-plots with a candle; are hermaphrodites, and much addicted to venery, and consequently very prolific. I am, &c. 1 Farmer Young, of Nor ton farm, says that this spring (1777) about four acres of his wheat in one field was entirely destroyed by slugs, which swarmed on the blades of corn, and devoured it as fast as it sprang. 2 F 218 NATURAL HISTORY LETTER XXXVL TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selborne, Nov. 22, 1777. You cannot but remember that the twenty-sixth and twenty- seventh of last March were very hot days; so sultry that every body complained and were restless under those sensations to which they had not been reconciled by gradual approaches. This sudden summer-like heat was attended by many sum- mer coincidences; for on those two days the thermometer rose to sixty-six in the shade; many species of insects revived and came forth; some bees swarmed in this neighbourhood; the old tortoise, near Lewes in Sussex, awakened and came forth out of it's dormitory; and, what is most to my present purpose, many house-swallows appeared and were very alert in many places, and particularly at Cobliam, in Surrei/. But as tliat short warm period was succeeded as well as pre- ceded by harsh severe weather, with frequent frosts and ice, and cutting winds, the insects withdrew, the tortoise retired again into the ground, and the swallows were seen no more until the tenth of April, when, the rigour of the spring abating, a softer season began to prevail. Again; it appears by my journals for many years past, that house-niarthis ret'ive, to a bird, about the begmn'mg of October; so that a person not very observant of such matters would con- clude that they had taken their last farewell: but tlicn it may be seen in my diaries also that considerable flocks have disco- OF SELBORNE. 219 vered themselves again in the first week of Noxemher, and often on the fourth day of that month onlyybr one day ; and that not as if they were in actual migration, but playing about at their leisure and feeding calmly, as if no enlerprize of moment at all agitated their spirits. And this was the case in the beginning of this very month; for, on the fourth oi November, more than twenty house-martins, which, in appearance, had all departed about the seventh of October, were seen again, for that one morn- ing only, sporting between my fields and the Hanger, and feast- ing on insects which swarmed in that sheltered district. The preceding day was wet and blustering, but the fourth was dark and mild, and soft, the wind at south-west, and the thermometer at 58'!^; a pitch not common at that season of the year. More- over, it may not be amiss to add in this place, that whenever the thermometer is above 50 the bat comes flitting out in every autumnal and winter-month. From all these circumstances laid together, it is obvious that torpid insects, reptiles, and quadrupeds, are awakened from their profoundest slumbers by a little untimely warmth; and there- fore that nothing so much promotes this death-like stupor as a defect of heat. And farther, it is reasonable to suppose that two whole species, or at least many individuals of those two species, of British hirundines, do never leave this island at all, but partake of the same benumbed state: for we cannot suppose that, after a month's absence, house-martins can return from southern . regions to appear for one morning in November, or that house-swallows should leave the districts of Africa to -enjoy, in March, the transient summer of a couple of days. I am, &c. 2 F 2 220 NATURAL HISTORY LETTER XXXVIL TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, SelbornEj Jan. 8, 17T8. There was in this village several years ago a miserable pauper, who, from his birth, was afflicted with a leprosy, as far as we are aware of a singular kind, since it aftected only the palms of his hands and the soles of his feet. This scaly eruption usually broke out twice in the year, at the spring and fall; and, by peeling away, left the skin so thin and tender that neither his hands or feet were able to perform their functions; so that the poor object was half his time on crutches, incapable of employ, and languishing in a tiresome state of indolence and inactivity. His habit was lean, lank, and cadaverous. In this sad plight he dragged on a miserable existence, a burden to himself and his parish, which was obliged to support him till he was relieved by death at more than thirty years of age. The good women, who love to account for every defect in children by the doctrine of longing, said that his mother felt a violent propensity for oysters, which she was unable to gratify; and that the black rougli scurf on his hands and feet were the shells of that fish. Wc knew his parents, neither of which were lepers ; his tather in particular lived to be far advanced in years. In all ages the leprosy has made dreadful havock among mankind. The Israelites seem to have been greatly afflicted with it from the most remote times; as appears from the pecu- liar and repeated injunctions given them in the Lcvitical law.' ' See Leviticus, chap. xiii. and xiv. OF SELBORNE. 221 Nor was the rancour of this foul disorder much abated in the last period of their commonwealth, as may be seen in many passages of the New Testament. Some centuries ago this horrible distemper prevailed all Europe over; and our forefathers were by no means exempt, as appears by the large provision made for objects labouring under this calamity. There was an hospital for female lepers in the diocese of Lincoln, a noble one near Durham, three in London and Southwark, and perhaps many more in or near our great towns and cities. Moreover, some crowned heads, and other wealthy and charitable personages, bequeatlied large legacies to such poor people as languished under this hopeless infirmity. It must therefore, in these days, be, to an humane and think- ing person, a matter of equal wonder and satisfaction, when he contemplates how nearly this pest is eradicated, and observes that a leper now is a rare sight. He will, moreover, when en- gaged in such a train of thought, naturally inquire for the rea- son. This happy change perhaps may have originated and been continued from the much smaller quantity of salted meat and fish now eaten in these kingdoms; from the use of linen next the skin; from the plenty of better bread; and from the profu- sion of fruits, roots, legumes, and greens, so common in every family Three or four centuries ago, before there were any enclosures, sown-grasses, field-turnips, or field-carrots, or hay, all the cattle which had grown fat in summer, and were not killed for winter-use, were turned out soon after Michaelmas to shift as the}' could through the dead months; so that no fresh meat could be had in winter or spring. Hence the marvellous account of the vast stores of salted flesh found in the larder of 222 NATURAL HISTORY the eldest Spencer' in the days o^ Edward the Second, even so late in the spring as the third of May. It was from magazines like these that the turbulent barons supported in idleness their riotous swarms of retainers ready for any disorder or mischief. But agriculture is now arrived at such a pitch of perfection, that our best and fattest meats are killed in the winter; and no man need eat salted flesh, unless he prefers it, that has money to buy fresh. One cause of this distemper might be, no doubt, the quantity of wretched fresh and salt fish consumed by the commonalty at all seasons as well as in lent; which our poor now would hardly be persuaded to touch. The use of linen changes, shirts or shifts, in the room of sordid and filthy woollen, long worn next the skin, is a matter of neatness comparatively modern; but must prove a great means of preventing cutaneous ails. At this very time woollen instead of linen prevails among the poorer JFelch, who are sub- ject to foul eruptions. The plenty of good wheaten bread that now is found among all ranks of people in the south, instead of that miserable sort which used in old days to be made of barley or beans, may con- tribute not a little to the sweetening their blood and correcting their juices; for the inhabitants of mountainous districts, to this day, are still liable to the itch and other cutaneous disorders, from a wretchedness and poverty of diet. As to the produce of a garden, every middle-aged person of observation may perceive, within his own memory, both in town and countr^^, how vastly the consumption of vegetables is in- ' Viz. Six hundred bacons, eighty carcasses of beef, and six hundred muttons. OF SELBORNE. 223 creased. Green-stalls in cities now sujiport multitudes in a comfortable state, while gardeners get fortunes. Every decent labourer also has his garden, which is half his support, as well as his delight; and common farmers provide plenty of beans, peaS; and greens, for their hinds to eat with their bacon; and those few that do not are despised for their sordid parsimony, and looked upon as regardless of the welfare of their dependants. Potatoes have prevailed in this little district, by means of pre- miums, within these twenty years only; and are much esteemed here now by the poor, who would scarce have ventured to taste them in the last reign. Our Saxon ancestors certainly had some sort of cabbage, because they call the month of February sprout -cale ; but, long after their days, the cultivation of gardens was little attended to. The religious, being men of leisure, and keeping up a con- stant correspondence with Italy, were the first people among us that had gardens and fruit-trees in any perfection, within the walls of their abbies ' and priories. The barons neglected every pursuit that did not lead to war or tend to the pleasure of the chase. It was not till gentlemen took up the study of horticulture themselves that the knowledge of gardening made such hasty advances. Lord Cobham, Lord I la, and Mr. JValler o? Beacons- field, were some of the first people of rank that promoted the elegant science of ornamenting without despising the superin- tendence of the kitchen quarters and fruit walls. ' " In monasteries the lamp of knowledge continued to burn, however dimly. " In them men of business were formed for the state : the art of writing was culti- "■ vated by the monks; they were the only proficients in mechanics^ gardening, " and, architecture." i See Dalrymyk's Annals of Scotland, 224 NATURAL HISTORY . I A remark made by the excellent Mr. Ray in his Tour of Europe at once surprises us, and corroborates what has been advanced above; for we find him observing, so late as his days, that " the Italians use several herbs for sallets, which are not " yet or have not been but lately used in England, viz. selleri " (celery) which is nothing else but the sweet smallage; the " young shoots whereof, with a little of the head of the root " cut off, they eat raw with oil and pepper." And farther he adds "curled endive blanched is much used beyond seas j and, " for a raw sallet, seemed to excel lettuce itself." Now this journey was undertaken no longer ago than in the year 1663. I am, &c. LETTER XXXVin. TO THE SAME. " Forte puer, comitum seductus ab agmine fido, " Dixeiat, ecquis adest ? et, adest, responderat echo. " Hie stupet ; utque aciem partes divisit in omnes; " Voce, veni, clamat magn&. Vocat ilia vocantein." DEAR SIR, Selborne, Feb. 12, 177S. In a district so diversified as this, so full of hollow vales and hanging woods, it is no wonder that echoes should abound. Many we have discovered that return the cry of a pack of dogs, the notes of a hunting-horn, a tunable ring of bells, or the me- lody of birds, very agreeably : but we were still at a loss for a OF SELBORNE. 335 polysyllabical, articulate echo, till a young gentleman, who had parted from his company in a summer evening walk, and was calling after them, stumbled upon a very curious one in a spot where it might least be expected. At first he was much sur- prised, and could not be persuaded but that he was mocked by some boy ; but, repeating his trials in several languages, and finding his respondent to be a very adroit polyglot, he then dis- cerned the deception. This echo in an evening, before rural noises cease, would re- peat ten syllables most articulately and distinctly, especially if quick dactyls were chosen. The last syllables of " Tityre, tu patulae recubans - - -" were as audibly and intelligibly returned as the first: and there is no doubt, could trial have been made, but that at midnight, when the air is very elastic, anu a dead stillness prevails, one or two syllables more might have been obtained; but the distance rendered so late an experiment very inconvenient. Quick dactyls, we observed, succeeded best; for when we came to try it's powers in slow, heavy, embarrassed spondees of the same number of syllables, " Monstrum horrendum, informe, ingens - - -" we could perceive a return but of four or five. All echoes have some one place to which they are returned stronger and more distinct than to any other j and that is always the place that lies at right angles with the object of repercussion, and is not too near, nor too far off. Buildings, or naked rocks, re-echo much more articulately than hanging wood or vales; because in the latter the voice is as it were entangled, and em- barrassed in the covert, and weakened in the rebound. 2 G 225 NATURAL HISTORY The true object of this echo, as we found by various experi- ments, is the stone-built, tiled hop-kiln in Gally-Lane, which measures in front 40 feet, and from the ground to the eaves 12 feet. The true centrum phonicum, or just distance, is one parti- cular spot in the Ki)ig's-Jield, in the path to Nore-hitl, on the very brink of the steep balk above the hollow cart way. In this case there is no choice of distance; but the path, by meer contin- gency, happens to be the lucky, the identical spot, because the ground rises or falls so immediately, if the speaker either retires or advances, that his mouth would at once be above or below the object. We measured this polysyllabical echo with great exactness, and found the distance to fall very short of Dr. Plot's rule for distinct articulation : for the Doctor, in his history of Oxford- shire, allows 120 feet for the return of each syllable distinctly: hence this echo, which gives ten distinct syllables, ought to measure 400 yards, or 120 feet to eacli syllable; whereas our distance is only 258 yards, or near 75 feet, to each syllable. Thus our measure falls short of the Doctor's, as five to eight: but then it must be acknowledged that this candid philosopher was convinced afterwards, that some latitude must be admitted of in the distance of echoes according to time and place. When experiments of this sort are making, it should always be remembered that weather and the time of day have a vast influence on an echo; for a dull, heavy, moist air deadens and clogs the sound; and hot sunshine renders the air thin and weak, and deprives it of all it's springiness; and a ruffling wind quite defeats the whole. In a still, clear, dewy evening the air is most elastic; and perhaps the later the hour the more so. Echo has always been so amusing to the imagination, that OF SELBORNE. 227 the poets have personified her; and in their hands she has been the occasion of many a beautiful fiction. Nor need the gravest man be ashamed to appear taken with such a phasnomenon, since it may become the subject of philosophical or mathematical inquiries. One should have imagined that echoes, if not entertaining, must at least have been harmless and inoffensive; yet Virgil advances a strange notion, that they are injurious to bees. After enumerating some probable and reasonable annoyances, such as prudent owners would wish far removed from their bee-gardens, he adds '• — •— — — — — aut ubi concava pulsu " Saxa sonant, vocisque offeiisa resultat imago." This wild and fanciful assertion will hardly be atlmitted by the philosophers of these days; especially as they all now seem agreed that insects are not furnished with any organs of hearing at all. But if it should be urged, that though they cannot hear yet perhaps they may Jeel the repercussion of sounds, I grant it is possible they m?.y. Yet that these impressions are distasteful or hurtful, I deny, because bees, in good summers, thrive well in my outlet, where the echoes are very strong: for this village is another Anathoth, a place of responses or echoes. Besides, it does not appear from experiment that bees are in any way capable of being affected by sounds: for I have often tried my own with a large speaking-trumpet held close to their hives, and with such an exertion of voice as would have hailed a ship at the distance of a mile, and still these insects pursued their various employments undisturbed, and without shewing the least sensibility or resentment. Some time since it's discovery this echo is become totally 22fi NATURAL HISTORY silent, though the object, or hop-kiln, remains : nor is there any mystery in this detect; for the field between is planted as an hop-garden, and the voice of the speaker is totally absorbed and lost among the poles and entangled foliage of the hops. And when the poles are removed in autumn the disappointment is the same; because a tall quick-set hedge, nurtured up for the purpose of shelter to the hop ground, entirely interrupts the impulse and repercussion of the voice: so that till those ob- structions are removed no more of it's garrulity can be expected. Should any gentleman of fortune think an echo in his park or outlet a pleasing incident, he might build one at little or no expense. For whenever he had occasion for a new barn, stable, dog-kennel, or the like structure, it would be only needful to erect this building on the gentle declivity of an hill, with a like rising opposite to it, at a few hundred yards distance ; and per- haps success might be the easier ensured could some canal, lake, or stream, intervene. From a seat at the centrum phonicum he and his friends might amuse themselves sometimes of an evening with the prattle of this loquacious nymph; of whose compla- cency and decent reserve more may be said than can with truth of every individual of her sex ; since she is — — — — 'f __ — — — — — quae nee reticere loquenti, " Nee prior ipsa loqui didicit resonabilis echo." I am, &c. OF SELBORNE. 229 P. S. The classic reader will, I trust, pardon the following lovely quotation, so finely describing echoes, and so poetically accounting for their causes from popular superstition: " Quae bene quom videaSj rationem reddere possis " Tute tibi atque aliis, quo pacto per loca sola " Saxa pareis formas verborum ex ordine reddant, " Palanteis comites quom monteis inter opacos " Quaerimus, et magna disperses voce ciemus. " Sex etiam, aut septem loca vidi reddere voces " Unam quom jaceres: ita coUes coUibus ipsis " Verba repulsantes iterabant dicta referre. " Haec loca capripedes Satyros, Nymphasque tenere " Fiuitimi fingunt, et Faunos esse loquuntur; " Quorum uoctivago strepitu^ ludoque jocanti " Adfitmant volgo taciturna silentia rumpi, " Chordarumque sonos fieri, dulceisque querelas, " Tibia quas fundit digitis pulsata canentum : " Et genus agricolum late sentiscere, quom Pan " Pinea semiferi capitis velamina quassans, " Unco saepe labro calamos percurrit hianteis, " Fistula silvestrem ne cesset fundere musam." Lucretius, Lib. iv. 1. 576. LETTER XXXIX. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selborne, May 13, 1778. Among the many singularities attending those amusing birds the swifts, I am now confirmed in the opinion that we have every year the same number of pairs invariably; at least the 220 NATURAL HISTORY result of my inquiry has been exactly the same for a long time past. The swallows and martins are so numerous, and so widely distributed over the village, that it is hardly possible to recount theni; while the swifts, though they do not all build in the church, yet so frequently haunt it, and play and rendezvous round it, that they are easily enumerated. The number that I constantly find , are eight pairs; about half of which reside in the church, and the rest build in some of the lowest and meanest thatclied cottages. Now as these eight pairs, allowance being made for accidents, breed yearly eight pairs more, what becomes annually of this increase; and what determines every spring which pairs shall visit us, and reoccupy their ancient haunts? Ever since I have attended to the subject of ornitholog}', I have always supposed that that sudden reverse of affection, that strange oivTt;TOf'yv, whicli immediately succeeds in the feathered kind to the most passionate fondness, is the occasion of an equal dispersion of birds over the face of the earth. Without this provision one favourite district would be crowded with inhabi- tants, while others would be destitute and forsaken. Eut the parent birds seem to maintain a jealous superiority, and to oblige the young to seek for new abodes: and the rivalry of the males, in many kinds, prevents their crowding the one on the other. Whether the swallows and house-martins return in the same exact number annually is not easy to say, for reasons given above: but it is apparent, as I have remarked before in my Monographies, that the numbers returning bear no manner of proportion to the numbers retiring. OF SELBORNE. 231 L E T T E R XL. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selborne, June 2, 1778. J. HE standing objection to botany has always been, that it is a pursuit that amuses the fancy and exercises the memory, with- out improving the mind or advancing any real knowledge: and, where the science is carried no farther than a mere systematic classification, the charge is but too true. But the botanist that is desirous of wiping ofF this aspersion should be by no means content with a list of namesj he should study plants philoso- phically, should investigate the laws of vegetation, should exa- mine the powers and virtues of efficacious herbs, should promote their cultivation ; and graft the gardener, the planter, and the husbandman, on the phytologist. Not that system is by any means to be thrown aside; without system the field of Nature would be a pathless wilderness: but system should be subser- vient to, not the main object of, pursuit. Vegetation is highly worthy of our attention; and in itself is of the utmost consequence to mankind, and productive of many of the greatest comforts and elegancies of life. To plants we owe timber, bread, beer, honey, wine, oil, linen, cotton, &c. what not only strengthens our hearts, and exhilarates our spirits, but what secures us from inclemencies of weather and adorns our persons. Man, in his true state of nature, seems to be sub- sisted by spontaneous vegetation: in middle climes, where grasses prevail, he mixes some animal food with the produce of 232 NATURAL HISTORY the field and garden: and it is towards the polar extremes only that, like his kindred bears and wolves, he gorges himself with flesh alone, and is driven, to what hunger has never been known to compel the very beasts, to prey on his own species." The productions of vegetation have had a vast influence on the commerce of nations, and have been the great promoters of navigation, as may be seen in the articles of sugar, tea, tobacco, opium, ginseng, betel, paper, &c. As every climate has its peculiar produce, our natural wants bring on a mutual inter- course; so that by means of trade each distant part is supplied with the growth of every latitude. But, without the knowledge of plants and their culture, we must have been content with our hips andha ws, without enjoying the delicate fruits of India and the salutiferous drugs of Peru. Instead of examining the minute distinctions of every various species of each obscure genus, the botanist should endeavour to make himself acquainted with those that are useful. You shall see a man readily ascertain every herb of the field, yet hardly know wheat from barley, or at least one sort of wheat or barley from another. But of all sorts of vegetation the grasses seem to be most neglected; neither the farmer nor the grazier seem to distin- guish the annual from the perennial, the hardy from the tender, nor the succulent and nutritive from the dry and juiceless. The study of grasses would be of great consequence to a northerly, and grazing kingdom. The botanist that could im- prove the swerd of the district where he lived would be an use- ful member of society : to raise a thick turf on a naked soil " See the late Voyages to the South-seas. OF SELBORNE. 233 would be worth volumes of systematic knowledge; and he would be the best commonwealth's man that could occasion the growth of " two blades qf grass where one alone was seen before." I am, &c. LETTER XLI. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIE, SelBorne, July 3, 1778. In a district so diversified with such a variety of hill and dale, aspects, and soils, it is no wonder that great choice of plants should be found. Chalks, clays, sands, sheep-walks and downs, bogs, heaths, woodlands, and champaign fields, cannot but fur- nish an ample Flora. The deep rocky lanes abound vfiih JiUces, and the pastures and moist woods -w'lih fungi. If in any branch of botany we may seem to be wanting, it must be in the large aquatic plants, which are not to be expected on a spot far removed from rivers, and lying up amidst the hill country at the spring heads. To enumerate all the plants that have been discovered within our limits would be a needless work; but a short list of the more rare, and the spots where they are to be found, may be neither unacceptable nor unentertaining: — Helleborus fcetidus, stinking hellebore, bear's foot, or setter- wort, all over the High-wood and Coney-croft-hanger : this con- tinues a great branching plant the winter through, blossoming about January, and is very ornamental in shady walks and shrubberies, The good women give the leaves powdered to % H <234 NATURAL HISTORY children troul)le(l with worms; but it is a violent remedy, and ought to be administered with caution. Helleborus viridis, green hellebore^ — in the deep stony lane on the left hand just before the turning to NortonJ'arm, and at the top of Middle Dorton under the hedge: this plant dies down to the ground early in autumn, and springs again about Feb- ruary, flowering almost as soon as it appears above ground. Vaccinium o.iycoccos, creeping bilberries, or cranberries, — in the bogs of Bins-pond; Faccinium myrtilliis, whortle, or bilberries, — on the dry hil- locks of JVolmer-j'orest; Drosera rotundifoUa, round-leaved sundew. 7 In the bogs longifolta, long-leaved ditto. j of Bin's-pond. Comariim paliistre, purple comarum, or marsh cinque foil, — in the bogs of Bins-pond; Hypericum androscemum, Tutsan, St. John's Wort, — in the stony, hollow lanes; Vinca minor, less periwinkle, — in Selborne-hanger and Shrub- wood; Monotropa hypopithys, yellow monotropa, or bird's nest, — in Selborne-hanger under the shady beeches, to whose roots it seems to be parasitical — at the north-west end of the Hanger; Chloi'a pcrfoliata, Blackstonia perfoliata, Hudsoni, perfoliated yellow-wort, — on the banks in the Kings-field; Pari^ quadrifolia, herb Paris, true-love, or one-berry, — in the Cliurch-litten-coppice ; Chrysosplenium oppositifoUuni, opposite golden saxifrage, — in the dark and rocky hollow lanes; Gcntiana amarella, autumnal gentian, or felhvort, — on the Zigzag and Hanger; OF SELBORNE. 235 Lathnea sqiiammaria, tootli wort, — in the Cliurch-Utten-cojh- pice under some hazels near the foot-bridge, in I'rimmiiig's gar- den hedge, and on the chy wall opposite Grange-yard ; Dipsacus pilosus, small teasel, — in the Short and Long Lith Lathyrus sijlvestris, narrow-leaved, or wild lathyriis, — in tiie bushes at the foot of the Short Lith, near the path; Ophrys spiralis, ladies traces, — in the Lo7ig Lith, and towards the south-corner of the common; Ophrys nidus avis, birds' nest ojihrys, — in the Long Lith under the shady beeches among the dead leaves; in Great Dor- ton among the bushes, and on the Hanger plentifully; Serapias latifoUa, helleborine, — in the High-wood under the shady beeches; Daphne laureola, spurge laurel, — in Selborne-Hanger and the High-wood. Daphne mezereum, the mezereon, — in Selborne-Hanger among the shrubs at the south-east end above the cottages. Lycoperdon tuber, truffles, — in the Hanger and High-wood. Sambucus ebulus, dwarf elder, wallwort, or danewort, — among the rubbish and ruined foundations of the Priory. Of all the propensities of plants none seem more strange than their different periods of blossoming. Some produce their floAvers in the winter, or very first dawnings of spring; many when the spring is established; some at midsummer, and some not till autumn. When we see the helleborus fcetidus and helle- horus niger blowing at Christmas, the helleborus hyemalis in Jan- uary, and the helleborus viridis as soon as ever it emerges out of the ground, we do not wonder, because they are kindred plants that we expect should keep pace the one with the other. But other congenerous vegetables differ so widely in their time of 2 H £ 036 NATURAL HISTORY flowering, that we cannot but admire. I shall only instance at present in the crocus sativus, the vernal, and the autumnal cro- cus, which have such an affinity, that the best botanists only make them varieties of the same genus, of which there is only one species; not being able to discern any difference in the corolla, or in the internal structure. Yet the vernal crocus ex- pands it's flowers by the beginning of March at farthest, and often in very rigorous weather; and cannot be retarded but by some violence offered: — while the autumnal (the Saffron) defies the influence of the spring and summer, and will not blow till most plants begin to fade and run to seed. This circumstance is one of the Avonders of the creation, little noticed, because a common occurrence : yet ought not to be overlooked on account of it's being familiar, since it would be as difficult to be ex- plained as the most stupendous phenomenon in nature. Say, what impels, amidst surrounding snow Congeal'd, the crocus' flamy bud to glow ? Say, what retards, amidst the summer's blaze, Th' autumnal hull, till pale, declining days ? The God of Seasons; whose pervading power Controls the sun, or sheds the fleecy shower: He bids each flower his quick'ning word obey; Or to each lingering bloom enjoins delay. OF SELBORNE. 237 LETTER XLII. TO THE SAME. " Omnibus animalibus reliquis certus et uniusmodi, et in suo cuique genere " incessus est : aves solas vario meatu feruntur, et in terra^ et in aere." Plin. Hist. Nat. lib. x. cap. 38. DEAR SIB, Selborne, Aug. 7, 17/8. A GOOD ornithologist should be able to distinguish birds by their air as well as by their colours and shape; on the ground as well as on the wing, and in the bush as well as in the hand. For, though it must not be said that every species of birds has a manner peculiar to itself, yet there is somewhat in most genetrc at least, that at first sight discriminates them, and enables a judicious observer to pronounce upon them with some certainty. Put a bird in motion " — — Et vera incessu paluit — — — — " Thus kites and buzzards sail round in circles with wings ex- panded and motionless; and it is from their gliding manner that the former are still called in the north oi England gleads, from the Saxon verb glidan to glide. The kestixl, or wind-hover, has a peculiar mode of hanging in the air in one place, his wings all the while being briskly agitated. Hen-harriers fly low over heaths or fields of corn, and beat the ground regularly like a pointer or setting-dog. Owls move in a buoyant manner, as if lighter than the air; they seem to want ballast. There is a 238 NATURAL HISTORY peculiarity belonging to raveiis that must draw the attention even of the most incurious — they spend all their leisure time in striking and cuffing each other on the wing in a kind of playful skirmish; and, M'hen they move from one place to another, fre- quently turn on their backs with a loud croak, and seem to be falling to the ground. AVhen this odd gesture betides them, they are scratching themselves with one foot, and thus lose the center of gravity. Rooks sometimes dive and tumble in a frolicksome manner; crones and dazes swagger in their walk; wood-peckers fly xolatu undoso, opening and closing their wings at every stroke, and so are always rising or falling in curves. All of this genus use their tails, which incline downward, as a sup- port while they run up trees. Parrots, like all other hooked- clawed birds, walk aukwardly, and make use of their bill as a third foot, climbing and descending with ridiculous caution. All the gallince parade and walk gracefully, and run nimbly; but fly with diiSculty, with an impetuous whirring, and in a straight line. Jlfagpies and jai/s flutter with powerless wings, and make no dispatch; herons seem incumbered with too much sail for their light bodies; but these vast hollow wings are necessary in carrying burdens, such as large fishes, and the like; pigeons, and particularly the sort called smiters, have a way of clashing their wings the one against the other over their backs with a loud snap; another variety called tumblers turn them. selves over in the air. Some birds have movements peculiar to the season of love : thus ring-doves, though strong and rapid at other times, yet in the spring hang about on the wing in a toy- ing and playful manner; thus the cock-snipe, while breeding, forgetting his former flight, fans the air like the wind-hover; and the green-Jinch in particular exhibits such languishing and OF SELBORNE. S39 faultering gestures as to appear like a wounded and dying bird; the king-Jislier darts along like an arrow; fern-oxvh, or goat- suckers, glance in the dusk over the tops of trees like a meteor: starlings as it were swim along, while missel-thrushes use a wild and desultory flight; sxcmllows sweep over the surface of the ground and water, and distinguish themselves by rapid turns and quick evolutions; swifts dash round in circles; and the bank-martin moves with frequent vacillations like a butterfly. Most of the small birds fly by jerks, rising and failing as they advance. Most small birds hop ; but wagtails and larks walk, moving their legs alternately. Skylarks rise and fall perpen- dicularly as they sing; woodlarks hang poised in the air; and titlarks rise and fall in large curves, singing in their descent. The white-throat uses odd jerks and gesticulations over the tops of hedges and bushes. All the duck-kind waddle; divers and auks walk as if fettered, and stand erect on their tails : these are the compedes of Linnceus. Geese and cranes, and most wild- fowls, move in figured flights, often changing their position. The secondary remiges of Tringoi, wild-ducks, and some others, are very long, and give their v\^ings, when in motion, an hooked appearance. Dab-chicks, moor-hetis, and coots, fly erect, with their legs hanging down, and hardly make any dispatch; the reason is plain, their wings are placed too forward out of the true centre of gravity; as the legs of auks and divers are situated too backward. 240 NATURAL HISTORY LETTER XLin. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selbobne, Sept. g, 1778. Jdrom the motion of birds, the transition is natural enough to their notes and language, of which I shall say something. Not that I would pretend to understand their language like the vizier; who, by the recital of a conversation which passed between two owls, reclaimed a sultan, " before delighting in con- quest and devastation; but I would be thought only to mean that many of the winged tribes have various sounds and voices adapted to express their various passions, wants, and feelings; such as anger, fear, love, hatred, hunger, and the like. All species are not equally eloquent; some are copious and fluent as it were in their utterance, while others are confined to a few important sounds: no bird, like the fish kind, is quite mute, though some are rather silent. The language of birds is very ancient, and, like other ancient modes of speech, very elliptical little is said, but much is meant and understood. The notes of the eagle-kind are shrill and piercing; and about the season of nidification much diversified, as I have been often assured by a curious observer of Nature, who long resided at Gibraltar, where eagles abound. The notes of our hawks much resemble those of the king of birds. Owls have very ex- pressive notes; they hoot in a fine vocal sound, much resembling " See Spectator, Vol. VII, N» 512, OF SELBORNE. 241 the VOX' humana, and reducible by a pitch-pipe to a musical key. This note seems to express complacency and rivalry among the males: they use also a quick call and an horrible scream; and can snore and hiss when they mean to menace. Ravens, besides their loud croak, can exert a deep and solemn note that makes the woods to echo; the amorous sound of a crow is strange and ridiculous; rooks, in the breeding season, attempt sometimes in the gaiety of their hearts to sing, but with no great success ; the parrot-kind have many modulations of voice, as appears by their aptitude to learn human sounds ; doves coo in an amorous and mournful manner, and are emblems of despairing lovers; the woodpecker sets up a sort of loud and hearty laugh; thejern-owl, or goat-sucker, from the dusk till day-break, serenades his mate with the clattering of castanets. All the tuneful passeres express their complacency by sweet modulations, and a variety of me- lody. The swallow, as has been observed in a former letter, by a shrill alarm bespeaks the attention of the other hirundines, and bids them be aware that the hawk is at hand. Aquatic and gre- garious birds, especially the nocturnal, that shift their quarters in the dark, are very noisy and loquacious; as cranes, wild-geese, wild-ducks, and the like: their perpetual clamour prevents them from dispersing and losing their companions. In so extensive a subject, sketches and outlines are as much as can be expected; for it would be endless to instance in all the infinite variety of the feathered nation. We shall therefore confine the remainder of this letter to the few domestic fowls of our yards, which are most known, and therefore best understood. And first the peacock, with his gorgeous train, demands our attention; but, like most of the gaudy birds, his notes are grat- ing and shocking to the ear: the yelling of cats, and the bray- 2 I 1)42 NATURAL HISTORY ino- of an ass, are not more disgustful. The voice of the goose is truinpct-likc, and clanking; and once saved the Capitol at Rome, as grave historians assert: the hiss also of the gander \s formidable and full of menace, and " protective of his young." Among ducks the sexual distinction of voice is remarkable; for, while the quack of the female is loud and sonorous, the voice of the drake is inward and harsh, and feeble, and scarce discernible. The cock turkey struts and gobbles to his mistress in a most un- couth manner; he hath also a pert and petulant note when he attacks his adversary- ^Vhen a hen turkey leads forth her young brood she keeps a watchful eye: and if a bird of prey appear, though ever so high in the air, the careful mother announces the enemy with a little inward moan, and watches him with a steady and attentive look; but, if he approach, her note becomes earnest and alarming, and her outcries are redoubled. No inliabitants of a yard seem possessed of such a variety of expression and so copious a language as common poultry. Take a chicken of four or live clays old, and hold it up to a window where there are flies, and it will immediately seize it's prey, with little twitterings of complacency; but if you tender it a wasp or a bee, at once it's note becomes harsh, and expressive of dis- aj)probation and a sense of danger. When a pullet is ready to lay she intimates the event by a joyous and easy soft note. Of all the occLurences of their life tliat o\' laying seems to be the mest important ; for no sooner has a hen disburdened herself, than she rushes forth with a clamorous kind of joy, which the cick and the rest of his mistresses immediately adopt. The tumult is not confined to the family concerned, but catches fron; yard to yard, and spreads to every homestead witiiin hearing, till at last the whole village is in an uproar. As soon as a hen OF SELBORNE. ■24^ becomes a mother her new relation demands a new language- she then runs clocking and screaming about, and seems agitated as if possessed. The father of the flock has also a considerable vocabulary; if he finds food, he C2.11s a favourite concubine to partake; and if a bird of prey passes over, with a warning voice he bids his family beware. The gallant chanticleer has, at com- mand, his amorousphrases and his terms of defiance. But the sound by which he is best known is his crowing: by this he has been distinguished in all ages as the countryman's clock or larum, as the watchman that proclaims the divisions of the night. Thus the poet elegantly stiles him : " — the crested cock, whose claiion sounds " The silent hours." A neighbouring gentleman one summer had lost most of his chickens by a sparrow-hawk, that came gliding down between a faggot pile and the end of his house to the place where the coops stood. The owner, inwardly vexed to see his flock thus diminishing, hung a setting net adroitly between the pile and the house, into which the caitif dashed, and was entangled. Resentment suggested the law of retaliation ; he therefore clip- ped the hawk's wings, cut off his talons, and, fixing a cork on his bill, threw him down among the brood-hens. Imagination cannot paint the scene that ensued; the expressions that fear, rage, and revenge, inspired, were new, or at least such as had been unnoticed before : the exasperated matrons upbraided, they execrated, they insulted, they triumphed. In a word, they never desisted from buffeting their adversary till they had torn him in an hundred pieces. 244 NATURAL HISTORY LETTER XLIV. TO THE SAME. Selborne. «' — — — — monstrent" " Quid tantilm Oceano properent se tingere soles" " Hybenii ; vel quae tardis mora noctibus obstet." Gentlemen who liave outlets might contrive to make orna- ment subservient to utility; a pleasing eye-trap might also con- tribute to promote science: an obelisk in a garden or park might be both an embellishment and an heliotrope. Any person that is curious, and enjoys the advantage of a good horizon, might, with little trouble, make two heliotropes; the one for the muter, the other for the siwmier solstice: and these two erections might be constructed with very little ex" pense: for two pieces of timber frame- work, about ten or twelve feet high, and four feet broad at the base, and close lined with plank, would answer the purpose. The erection for the former should, if possible, be placed within sight of some window in the common sitting parlour; because men, at that dead season of the year, are usually within doors at the close of the day; while that. for the latter might be fixed for any given spot in the garden or outlet: whence the owner might contemplate, in a fine summer's evening, the utmost extent that the sun makes to the northward at the season of the longest days. Now nothing would be necessary but to OF SELBORNE. 245 place these two objects with so much exactness, that the. westerly limb of the sun, at setting, might but just clear the winter helio- trope to the west of it on the shortest clay; and that the whole disc of the sun, at the longest day, might exactly at setting also clear the summer heliotrope to the north of it. By this simple expedient it would soon appear that there is no such thing, strictly speaking, as a solstice; for, from the shortest day, the owner would, every clear evening, see the disc advancing, at it's setting, to the westzcard of the object; and, from the longest day, observe the sun retiring backwards every evening at it's setting, towards the object westward, till, in a few nights, it would set quite behind it, and so by degrees to the west of it: for when the sun comes near the summer solstice, the whole disc of it would at first set behind the object; after a time the northern limb would first appear, and so every night gradually more, till at length the whole diameter would set northward of it for about three nights; but on the middle night of the three, sensibly more remote than the former or following. When beginning it's recess from the summer tropic, it would continue more and more to be hidden every night, till at length it would descend quite behind the object again; and so nightly more and more to the westward. Selbobnb. me NATURAL HISTORY LETTER XLV. TO THE SAME. " — — — Mugire vidcbis " Sub pedibus terram, et descendere montibus ornos." When I was a boy I used to read, with astonishment and im- plicit assent, accounts in Baker's Chronicle of walking hills and travelling mountains. Johji Philips, in his Cyder, alludes to the credit that was given to such stories with a delicate but quaint vein of humour peculiar to the author of the Splendid Shilling. " I nor advise, nor reprehend the choice " 0( Marc ley Hill; the apple no where finds " A kinder raou'd : yet 'tis unsafe to trust • , " Deceitful ground : who knows but that once more " This mount may journey, and his present site " Forsaken, to thy neighbour's bounds transfer " Thy goodly plants, affording matter strange ,. • cf Pqj ]g^ debates !" But, when I came to consider better, I began to suspect that though our hills may never have journeyed far, yet that the ends of many of them have slipped and fallen away at distant periods, leaving the cliffs bare and abrupt. This seems to have been the case with Nore and JVhetham Hills; and especially with the ridge between Harteley Park and JFard le ham, where the ground has slid into vast swellings and furrows; and lies still in such romantic confusion as cannot be accounted for from OF SELBORNE. 247 any other cause. A strange event, that happened not long since, justifies our suspicions; which, though it hefell not within tlie hmits of tliis parisli, yet as it was witliin tlie hundred of «Se/- borne, and as the circumstances were singular, may fairly claisn a place in a work of this nature. The months oi January and February, in the year 1774, were remarkable for great melting snows and vast gluts of rain, so that by the end of the latter month the land-springs, or lavanfs, began to prevail, and to be near as high as in the memorable winter of 1764. The beginning o? March also went on in the same tenor; when, in the night between the 8th and 9th of that month, a considerable part of the great woody hanger at Hawk- ley was torn from it's place, and fell down, leaving a high free- stone cliff naked and bare, and resembling the steep side of a chalk-pit. It appears that this huge fragment, being perhaps sapped and undermined by waters, foundered, and was ingulfed, going down in a perpendicular direction; for a gate which stood in the field, on the top of the hill, after sinking with it's posts for thirty or forty feet, remained in so true and upright a posi- tion as to open and shut with great exactness, just as in its first situation. Several oaks also are still standing, and in a state of vegetation, after taking the same desperate leap. That great part of this prodigious mass was absorbed in some gulf below, is plain also from the inclining ground at the bottom of the hill, which is free and unincumbered; but would have been buried in heaps of rubbish, had the fragment parted and fallen forward. About an hundred yards from the foot of this hanging coppice stood a cottage by the side of a lane; and two hundred yards, lower, on the other side of the lane, was a farm-house, in which lived a labourer and his family; and, just by, a stout new barn. 3^8 NATURAL HISTORY Tne cottage was inhabited by an old woman and her son and his wife. These people in the evening, which was very dark and tempestuous, observed tliat the brick floors of their kitchens began to heave and part; and that the walls seemed to open, and the roofs to crack: but they all agree that no tremor of the ground, indicating an earthquake, was ever felti only that the wind continued to make a most tremendous roaring in the woods and hangers. The miserable inhabitants, not daring to go to bed, remained in the utmost solicitude and confusion, ex- pecting every moment to be buried under the ruins of their shattered edifices. When day-light came they were at leisure to contemplate the devastations of the night: they then found that a deep rift, or chasm, had opened under their houses, and torn them, as it were, in two; and that one end of the barn had suffered in a similar manner; that a pond near the cottage had nndergone a strange reverse, becoming deep at the shallow end, and so vice versa; that many large oaks were removed out of their perpendicular, some thrown down, and some fallen into the heads of neighbouring trees; and that a gate was thrust forward, with it's hedge, full six feet, so as to require a new track to be made to it. From the foot of the cliff the general course of the ground, which is pasture, inclines in a moderate descent for half a mile, and is interspersed with some hillocks, which were rifted, in every direction, as well towards the great woody hangerj as from it. In the first pasture the deep clefts began: and running across the lane, and under the buildings, made such vast shelves that the road was impassable for some time; and so over to an arable field on the other side, which was strangely torn and disordered. The second pasture field, being more soft and springy, was protruded forward without OF SELBORNE. 249 many fissures in the turf, which was raised in long ridges resem- bling graves, lying at right angles to the motion. At the bot- tom of this enclosure the soil and turf rose many feet against the bodies of some oaks that obstructed their farther course and terminated this awful commotion. The perpendicular height of the precipice, in general, is twenty-three yards; the length of the lapse, or slip, as seen from the fields below, one hundred and eighty-one; and a partial fall, concealed in the coppice, extends seventy yards more : so that the total length of this fragment that fell was two hundred and fifty-one yards. About fifty acres of land suffered from this violent convulsion; two houses were entirely destroyed; one end of a new barn was left in ruins, the walls being cracked through the very stones that composed them; a hanging cop- pice was changed to a naked rock; and some grass grounds and an arable field so broken and rifted by the chasms as to be rendered, for a time, neither fit for the plough or safe for pastu- rage, till considerable labour and expense had been bestowed in levelling the surface and filling in the gaping fissures. LETTER XLVI. TO THE SAME. Selbokne. "" ■— resonant arbusta — ^ — — •" X HERE is a steep abrupt pasture field interspersed with furze <;lose to the back of this village, well known by the name of the Short Lithe, consisting of a rocky dry soil, and inclining to 2 JC 250 NATURAL HISTORY the afternoon sun. This spot abounds with the gryllus campes- tris, or Jield-cricket ; which, though frequent in these parts, is by no means a common insect in many other counties. As their cheerful summer cry cannot but draw the attention of a naturahst, I have often gone down to examine the oeconomy of these grylli, and study their mode of Ufe: but they are so shy and cautious that it is no easy matter to get a sight of them; for, feeling a person's foo steps as he advances, they stop short in the midst of their song, and retire backward nimbly inla their burrows, where they lurk till all suspicion of danger is over. At first we attempted to dig them out with a spade, but without any great success; for either we could not get to the bottom of the hole, which often terminated under a great stone; or else, in breaking up the ground, we inadvertently squeezed the poor insect to death. Out of one so bruised we took a mul- titude of eggs, which were long and narrow, of a yellow colour, and covered with a very tough skin. By this accident we learned to distinguish the male from the female; the former of which is shining black, with a golden stripe across his shoulders; the latter is more dusky, more capacious about the abdomen, and carries a long sword-shaped weapon at her tail, which pro- bably is the instrument with which she deposits her eggs in crannies and safe receptacles. Where violent methods will not avail, more gentle means will often succeed; and so it proved in the present case; for, though a spade be too boisterous and rough an implement, a pliant stalk of grass, gently insinuated into the caverns, will probe their Mindings to the bottom, and quickly bring out the inhabitant; and thus the humane inquirer may gratify his curio- OF SELBORNE. 251 sity without injuring the object of it. It is remarkable that, though tliese insects are furnished with long legs behind, and brawny thighs for leaping, like grashoppers; yet when driven from their holes they shew no activity, but crawl along in a shiftless manner, so as easily to be taken: and again, though provided with a curious apparatus of wings, yet they never exert them when there seems to be the greatest occasion. The males only make that shrilling noise perhaps out of rivalry and emulation, as is the case with many animals which exert some sprightly note during their breeding time : it is raised by a brisk friction of one wing against the other. They are solitary beings, living singly male or female, each as it may happen; but there must be a time when the sexes have some intercourse, and then the wings may be useful perhaps during the hours of night. When the males meet they will fight fiercely, as I found by some which I put into the crevices of a dry stone wall, where I should have been glad to have made them settle. For though they seemed distressed by being taken out of their knowledge, yet the first that got possession of the chinks would seize on any that were obtruded upon them with a vast row of serrated fangs. With their strong jaws, toothed like the shears of a lobster's claws, they perforate and round their curious regular cells, having no fore-claws to dig, like the mole-cricket. When taken in hand I could not but Monder that they never offered to defend themselves, though armed with such formidable wea- pons. Of such herbs as grow before the mouths of their bur- rows they eat indiscriminately; and on a little .platform, which they make just by, they drop their dung; and never, in the day .time, seem to stir more than two or three inches from home. Sitting in the entrance of their caverns they chirp all night as 2 K 2 iJ52 NATURAL HISTORY well as clay from the middle of the month o'l May to the middle oi July; and in hot weather, when they are most vigorous, they make the hills echo; and, in the stiller hours of darkness, may be heard to a considerable distance. In the beginning of the season their notes are more faint and inward ; but become louder as the summer advances, and so die away again by de- grees. Sounds do not always give us pleasure according to their sweetness and melody ; nor do harsh sounds always displease. We are more apt to be captivated or disgusted with the asso- ciations which they promote, than with the notes themselves. Thus the shrilling of the Jield-cricket, though sharp and stridu- lous, yet marvellously delights some hearers, filling their minds with a train of summer ideas of every thing that is rural, ver- durous, and joyous. About the tenth of March the crickets appear at the mouths of their cells, which they then open and bore, and shape very elegantly. All that ever I have seen at that season were in their pupa state, and had only the rudiments of wings, lying under a skin or coat, which must be cast before the insect can arrive at it's perfect state;'' from whence I should suppose that the old ones of last year do not always survive the winter. In August their holes begin to be obliterated, and the insects are seen no more till spring. Not many summers ago I endeavoured to transplant a colony to the terrace in my garden, by boring deep holes in tlie sloping turf. The new inhabitants stayed some time, and fed y We have observed that they cast these skins in April, which are then seen lying at the mouths of their holes. OF SELBORNE. 9,53 and sung; but wandered away by degrees, and were heard at a farther distance every morning; so that it appears that on this emergency they made use of their wings in attempting to return to the spot from which tliey were taken. One of these crickets, when confined in a paper cage and set in the sun, and supplied with plants moistened with water, will feed and thrive, and become so merry and loud as to be irk- some in the same room where a person is sitting; if the plants are not wetted it will die. LETTER XLVII. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selborne. " Far from all resort of mirth " Save the cricket on the hearth." ^lih-ron's II Fenseroso. While many other insects must be sought after in fields and woods, and waters, the gryllus domestkus, or house-cricket, resifles altogether within our dwellings, intruding itself upon our notice whether we will or no. This species delights in new-built houses, being, like the spider, pleased with the moisture of the walls; and besides, the softness of the mortar enables them to burrow and mine between the joints of the bricks or stones, and to open communications from one room to another. They are particu- larly fond of kitchens and bakers' ovens, on account of their perpetual warmth. 254 NATURAL HISTORY Tender insects that live abroad either enjoy only the short period of one summer, or else doze away the cold uncomfortable months in profound slumbers; but these, residing as it were in a torrid zone, are always alert and merry: a good Christmas fire is to them like the heats of the dog-days. Though they are frequently heard by day, yet is their natural time of motion only in the night. As soon as it grows dusk, the chirping in- creases, and they come running forth, and are from the size of a flea to that of their full stature. As one should suppose, from the burning atmosphere which they inliabit, they are a thirsty race, and shew a great propensity for liquids, being found fre- quently drowned in pans of water, milk, broth, or the like. "WHiatever is moist they affect; and therefore often gnaw holes in wet woollen stockings and aprons that are hung to the fire: they are the housewife's barometer, foretelling her when it will rain; and are prognostic sometimes, she thinks, of ill or good luck; of the death of a near relation, or the approach of an absent lover. By being tlie constant companions of her solitary hours they naturally become the objects of her superstition. These crickets are not only very thirsty, but very voracious; for they will eat the scummings of pots, and yeast, salt, and crumbs of bread; and any kitchen offal or sweepings. In the summer we have observed them to fly, when it became dusk, out of the windows, and over the neighbouring roofs. This feat of activity accounts for the sudden manner in which they often leave their haunts, as it does for the method by which they come to houses where they were not known before. It is remarkable, that many sorts of insects seem never to use their wings but when they have a mind to shift their quarters and settle new colonies. When in the air they move " volatu itn- OF SELBORNE. ^55 doso,'" in waves or curves, like wood-peckers, opening and shutting their wings at every stroke, and so are always rising or sinking. When they increase to a great degree, as they did once in the house where I am now writing, they hecome noisome pests, flying into the candles, and dashing into people's faces; but may be blasted and destroyed by gunpowder discharged into their crevices and crannies. In families, at such times, they are, like Pharaoh's plague of frogs, — " in their bedchambers, " and upon their beds, and in their ovens, and in their knead- " ing-troughs.''^ Their shrilling noise is occasioned by a brisk attrition of their wings. Cats catch hearth crickets^ and, play- ing with them as they do with mice, devour them. Crickets may be destroyed, like wasps, by phials half filled with beer, or any liquid, and set in their haunts; for, being always eager to drink, they will croM'd in till the bottles are full. LETTER XLVIII. TO THE SAME. Selborne. How diversified are the modes of life not only of incongruous but even of congenerous animals; and yet their specific distinc- tions are not more various than their propensities. Thus, while the Jield-crkket delights in sunny dry banks, and the house-a-icket rejoices amidst the glowing heat of the kitchen hearth or oven, the gryllus gryllo talpa (the mole-cricket,') haunts moist meadows, 2 Exod. viii. 3. 256 NATURAL HISTORY and frequents the sides of ponds and banks of streams, perform- ing all it's functions in a swampy wet soil. With a pair of fore- feet, curiously adapted to the purpose, it burrows and works under ground like the mole, raising a ridge as it proceeds, but seldom throwing up hillocks. As mole-crickets often infest gardens by the sides of canals, they are unwelcome guests to the gardener, raising up ridges in their subterraneous progress, and rendering the walks unsightly. If they take to the kitchen quarters, they occasion great damage among the plants and roots, by destroying whole beds of cab- bages, young legumes, and flowers. When dug out they seem very slow and helpless, and make no use of their wings by day ; but at night they come abroad, and make long excursions, as I have been convinced by finding stragglers, in a morning, in im- probable places. In fine weather, about the middle oi April, and just at the close of day, they begin to solace themselves with a low, dull, jarring note, continued for a long time without interruption, and not unlike the chattering of the fern-owl, or goat-sucker, but more inward. About the beginning of May they lay their eggs, as I was once an eye-witness: for a gardener at an house, where I was on a visit, happening to be mowing, on the 6th of that month, by the side of a canal, his scythe struck too deep, pared off a large piece of turf, and laid open to view a curious scene of domestic oeconomy: « __ - ingentem lato dedit ore fenestrara : " Apparet domus intus, et atria longa patescunt : " Apparent penetralia." There were many caverns and winding passages leading to a kind of chamber, neatly smoothed and rounded, and about the OF SELBORNE. 257 size of a moderate snuff-box. Witliin this secret nursery were deposited near an hundred eggs of a dirty yellow colour, and enveloped in a tough skin, but too lately excluded to contain any rudiments of young, being full of a viscous substance. The eggs lay but shallow, and within the influence of the sun, just under a little heap of fresh-moved mould, like that which is raised by ants. When mole- crickets fly they move " cursu undoso," rising and falling in curves, like the other species mentioned before. In different parts of this kingdom people call them fen-crickets^ churr-worms, and eve-churrs, all very apposite names. Anatomists, who have examined the intestines of these insects, astonish me with their accounts; for they say that, from the structure, position, and number of their stomachs, or maws, there seems to be good reason to suppose that this and the two former species ruminate or chew the cud like many quadrupeds I LETTER XLIX. TO THE SAME. Selbornje, May 7, 1779- It is now more than forty years that I have paid some attention to the ornithology of this district, without being able to exhaust the subject: new occurrences still arise as long as any inquiries are kept alive. In the last week of last month five of those most rare birds, too uncommon to have obtained an English name, but known 2 L 258 NATURAL HISTORY to naturalists by the terms of himantopus, or loripes, and charU' drius h'miantopus, were shot upon the verge of Fr'msham-pond, a large lake belonging to tlie bishop of JVinchester, and lying between Wolmer-j'ortHt, and the town oi Farnham, in the county oi Surrey. The pond keeper says there were three brace in the flock; but that, after he liad satisfied his curiosity, he suft'ered the sixth to remain unmolested. One of these specimens I pro- cured, and found the length of the legs to be so extraordinary, that, at first sight, one might have supposed the shanks had been fastened on to impose on the credulity of the beholder: they were legs in caricaiura; and had we seen such proportions on a Chinese or Japan screen we should has^e made large allow- ances for the fancy of the draughtsman. These birds are of tht plover family, and might with propriety be called the */i/^ plovers. Brisson, under that idea, gives them the apposite name of I'echasse. My specimen, when drawn and stuffed with pepr per, weighed only four ounces and a quarter, though the yiaked part of the tliigb measured three inches and an half, and the legs four inches and an half. Hence we may safely assert that these birds exhibit, weight for inches, incomparably the greatest length of legs of any known bird. The flamingo, for instance, is one of the most long legged birds, and yet it bears no manner of proportion to the Iwnantopus ; for a cock flamingo weighs, at an average, about four pounds avoirdupois; and his legs and thighs measure usually about twenty inches. But four pounds are fifteen times and a fraction more than four ounces, and one quarter; and if four ounces and a quarter have eight inches of legs, four pounds must have one hundred and twenty inches and a fraction of legs; viz. somewhat more than ten feet; such a monstrous proportion as the world never saw ! If 3'ou should ClHLAMAIDmillTS HIMANTO]PU§ . OF SELBORNE 259 try the experiment in still larger birds the disparity would still increase. It must be matter of great curiosity to see the stilt plover move; to observe how it can wield such a length of lever with such feeble muscles as the thighs seem to be furnished with. At best one should expect it to be but a bad walker: but what adds to the wonder is, that it has no back toe. Now without that steady prop to support it's steps it must be liable, in speculation, to perpetual vacillations, and seldom able to pre- serve the true center of gravity. The old name of /uma?itopus is taken from Pliny; and, by an aukward metaphor, implies that the legs are as slender and pliant as if cut out of a tJiong of leather. Neither TVillughbif nor Ray, in all their curious researches, either at home or abroad, ever saw this bird. Mr. Pennant never met with it in all Great- Britain, but observed it often in the cabinets of the curious at Paris. Hasselqiiist says that it migrates to Egypt in the autumn: and a most accurate observer of Nature has assured me that he has found it on the banks of the streams in Andalusia. Our writers record it to have been found only twice in Great-Britain. From all these relations it plainly appears that these long legged /)/o»er,y are birds oi South Europe, and rarely visit our island; and when they do are wanderers and stragglers, and impelled to make so distant and northern an excursion from motives or accidents for which we are not able to account. One thing may fairly be deduced, that these birds come over to us from the continent, since nobody can suppose that a species not noticed once in an age, and of such a remarkable make, can constantly breed unobserved in this kingdom. 2 L 2 260 NATURAL HISTORY LETTER L. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Selborne, April 21, I78O. The old Sussex tortoise, that I have mentioned to you so often, is become my property. I dug it out of it's winter dormitory in March last, when it was enougli awakened to express it's resentments by hissing; and, packing it in a box with earth, carried it eighty miles in post-chaises. The rattle and hurry of the journey so perfectly roused it that, wiien I turned it out on a border, it walked twice down to tlie bottom of my garden; however, in the evening, the weatiier being cold, it buried itself in the loose mould, and continues still concealed. As it will be under my eye, I shall now have an opportunity of enlarging my observations on it's mode of life, and propen- sities; and perceive, already that, towards the time of coming forth, it opens a breathing place in the ground near it"s head, requiring, I conclude, a freer respiration as it !)ccomes more alive. This creature not only goes under the earth from the middle of November to the middle o^ April, but sleeps great part of the summer; for it goes to bed in the longest days at four in the afternoon, and often does not stir in the morning till late. Besides, it retires to rest for every shower; and does not move at all in wet days. When one reflects on the state of this strange being, it is a matter of wonder to find that Providence should bestow such a profusion of days, such a seeming waste of longevity, on a rep- OF SELBORNE. 261 tile that appears to relish it so little as to squander niore thau two thirds of it's existence in a joyless stupor, and be lost to all sensation for months together in the profoundest of slumbers. While I was writing this letter, a moist and warm afternoon, with the thermometer at 50, brought forth troops o? shell-snails ; and, at the same juncture, the tortoise heaved uj) the mould and put out it's liead; and the next morning came forth, as it were raised from the dead^ and walked al)out till four in the after- noon. This was a curious coincidence! a very amusing occur- rence! to see such a similarity of feelings between the two $£p£3i)£oi! for so the Greeks call both the shell-snail and the tortoise. Summer birds are, this cold and backward spring, unusually late: I have seen but one swallow yet. This conformit}' with the weather convinces me more and more that they sleep in the winter. LETTER LI. TO THE SAME. Selboene, Sept. 3, 1781. I HAVE now read your miscellanies through with much care and satisfaction; and am to return you my best thanks for the honourable mention made in them of me as a naturalist, which I wish 1 may deserve. In some former letters I expressed my suspicions that many of the house-martins do not depart in the winter far from this village. I therefore determined to make some search about the q6q natural history south-east end of the hill, where I imagined they might slumber out the uncomfortable months of winter. But supposing that the examination would be made to the best advantage in the spring, and observing that no martins had appeared by the Uth of Jpril last; on that day I employed some men to explore the shrubs and cavities of the suspected spot. The persons took pains, but without any success; however, a remarkable incident occurred in the midst of our pursuit — while the labo.irers were at work a house-martin, the first that had been seen this year, came down the village in the sight of several people, and went at once into a nest, where it stayed a short time, and then flew over the houses; for some days after no martins were observed, not till the l6th of Jp7-il, and then only a pair. Martins in general were remarkably late this year. LETTER LIL TO THE SAME. Seleorne, Sep. g, 1/81. I HAVE just met with a circumstance respecting swifts, which furnishes an exception to the whole tenor of my observations ever since I have bestowed any attention on that species of hirundines. Our swifts, in general, withdrew this year about the first day of August, all save one pair, which in two or three days was reduced to a single bird. The perseverance of this individual made me suspect that -the strongest of motives, that of an attachment to her young, could alone occasion so late a stay. I watched therefore till the twenty-fourth of August, and OF SELBORNE. Q63 then discovered that, under the eaves of the church, she attended upon two young, which were fledged, and now put out their white chins from a crevice. These remained till the twenty- seventh, looking more alert every day, and seeming to long to be on the wing. After this day they were missing at once; nor could I ever observe them with their dam coursing round the church in the act of learning to fly, as the first broods evi- dently do. On the thirty-first I caused the eaves to be searched, but we found in the nest only two callow, dead, stinking swifts, on which a second nest had been formed. This double nest ■ was full of the black shining cases of the hippoboscce hirundinis. The following remarks on this unusual incident are obvious. The first is, that though it may be disagreeable to swifts to remain beyond the beginning of August, yet that they can sub- sist longer is undeniable. The second is, that this uncommon event, as it was owing to the loss of the first brood, so it corro- borates my former remark, that swifts breed regularly but once; since, was the contrary the case, the occurrence above could neither be new nor rare. P. S One swift was seen at Lyndon, in the county of Rut- land, in J 782, so late as the third oi September. 264 NATURAL HISTORY LETTER LIIL TO THE SAME. As I have sometimes known you make inquiries about several kinds of insects, I shall heve send >h'1' an account of one sort which I little expected to Lave found in this kingdom. 1 had often observed that one particular part of a vine growing on the walls of my house was covered in the autumn with a black dust-like appearance, on which the flies fed eagerly; and that the shoots and leaves thus affected did not thrive; nor did the fruit ripen. To this substance I apjilied my glasses; but could not discover that it had any thing to do with animal life, as I at first expected: but, upon a closer examination behind the larger boughs, we were surprised to find that tliey were coated over with husky shells, from whose sides proceeded a cotton- hke substance, surrounding a multitude of eggs. This curious and uncommon production put me upon recollecting what I have heard and read concerning the coccus vitis vimfcrce oi Lin- ncEus, which, in the south o^ Europe, infests many vines, and is an horrid and loathsome pest. As soon as I had turned to the accounts given of this insect, I saw at once that it swarmed on my vine; and did not appear to have been at all checketl by the preceding winter, which had been uncommonly severe. Not being then at all aware that it had any thing to do with England, I was much inclined to think that it came from Gib- raltar among the many boxes and packages of plants and birds which I had formerly received from thence; and especially as OF SELBORNE. 265 the vine infested grew immediately under my study-window, where I usually kept my specimens. True it is that I had received nothing from thence for some years: but as insects, we know, are conveyed from one country to another in a very unexpected manner, and have a wonderful power of maintaining their existence till they fall into a nidus proper for their support and increase, I cannot but suspect still that these cocci came to me originally from Andalusia. Yet, all the while, candour obliges me to confess that Mr. Lightfoot has written me word that he once, and but once, saw these insects on a vine at TFey- mouth in Dorsetshire ; which, it is here to be observed, is a sea- port town to which the coccus might be conveyed by shipping. As many of my readers may possibly never have heard of this strange and unusual insect, I shall here transcribe a passage from a natural history of Gibraltar, written by the Reverend John White, late vicar of Blackburn in Lancashire, but not yet published: — " In the year 1770 a vine which grew on the east-side of " my house, and which had produced the finest crops of grapes " for years past, was suddenly overspread on all the woody " branches with large lumps of a white fibrous substance resem- " bling spiders webs, or rather raw cotton. It was of a very " clammy quality, sticking fast to every thing that touched it, " and capable of being spun into long threads. At first I sus- " pected it to be the product of spiders, but could find none. " Nothing was to be seen connected with it but many brown " oval husky shells, which by no means looked like insects, but " rather resembled bits of the dry bark of the vine. The tree " had a plentiful crop of grapes set, when this pest appeared " upon it; but the fruit was manifestly injured by this foul in= 2 M Q66 NATURAL HISTORY " cumbrance. It remained all the summer, still increasing, and " loaded the woody and bearing branches to a vast degree. I " often pulled oflF great quantities by handfuls; but it was so " slimy and tenacious that it could by no means be cleared. " The grapes never filled to their natural perfection, but turned " watery and vapid. Upon perusing the works afterwards of " M. de Reaumur, I found this matter perfectly described and " accounted for. Those husky shells, which I had observed, " were no other than the female coccus, from whose sides this " cotton-like substance exsudes, and serves as a covering and " security for their eggs." To this account I think proper to add, that, though the female cocci are stationary, and seldom remove from the place to which they stick, yet the male is a winged insect; and that *he black dust which I saw was undqubtedly the excrement of the females, which is eaten by ants as, well as flies. Though the utmost severity of our winter did not destroy these insects, yet the attention of the gardener in a summer or two has entirely relieved my vine from this filthy annoyance. As we have remarked above that insects are often conveyed from one country to another in a verj' unaccountable manner, I shall here mention an emigration of small aphides, which was observed in the village of Selborne no longer ago than August the 1st, 1785. At about three o'clock in the afternoon of that day, which was very hot, the people of this village were surprised by a shower of aphides, or smother-Jiies, which fell in these parts. Those that were walking in the street at that juncture found themselves covered with these insects, which settled also on the hedges and gardens, blackening all the vegetables where they OF SELBORNE. 267 alighted. My annuals were discoloured with them, and the stalks of a bed of onions were quite coated over for six days after. These armies were then, 110 doubt, in a state of emigra- tion, and shifting their quarters; and might have come, as far as we know, from the great hop-plantations oi Kent or Sussex, the wind being all that day in the easterly quarter. They were observed at the same time in great clouds about Farnham, and all along the vale from Farnham to Alton.^ LETTER LIV. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, When I happen to visit a family where gold and silver Jishes are kept in a glass bowl, 1 am always pleased with the occur- rence, because it offers me an opportunity of observing the actions and propensities of those beings with whom we can be little acquainted in their natural state. Not long since I spent a fortnight at the house of a friend where there was such a vivary, to which I paid no small attention, taking every occasion to remark what passed within it's narrow limits. It was here that I first observed the manner in which fishes die. As soon as the creature sickens, the head sinks lower and lower, and it stands as it were on it's head; till, getting weaker, and losing all poise, the tail turns over, and at last it floats on the surface ^ For various methods by which several insects shift their quarters^ see Derham's Phj'sico-Theology. 2 M g. '26b NATURAL HISTORY of the water with it's belly uppermost. The reason M^iy fishes, when dead, swim in that manner is very obvious; because, when the body is no longer balanced by the fins of the belly, the broad muscular back preponderates by it's own gravity, and turns the belly uppermost, as lighter from it's being a cavity, and because it contains the swimming-bladders, which contribute to render it buoyant. Some that delight in gold and silver fishes have adopted a notion that they need no aliment. True it is that they will subsist for a long time without any apparent food but what they can collect from pure water frequently changed; yet they must draw some support from animalcula, and other nou- rishment supplied by the water; because, though they seem to eat nothing, yet the consequences of eating often drop from them. That they are best pleased with &uc\\ jejune diet may easily be confuted, since if you toss them crumbs they will seize them with great readiness, not to say greediness: however, bread should be given sparingly, lest, turning sour, it corrupt the water. They will also feed on the water-plant called lemna (duck's meat,) and also on small fry. When they want to move a little they gently protrude themselves with their pinna; pectorales ; but it is with their strong- muscular tails only that they and all fishes shoot along with such inconceivable rapidity. It has been said that the eyes of fishes are immoveable: but these apparently turn them forward or backward in their sockets as their occasions require. They take little notice of a lighted candle, though applied close to their heads, but flounce and seem much frightened by a sudden stroke of the hand against the support whereon the bowl is hung; especially when they have been motionless, and are per- Jiaps asleep. As fishes have no eyelids, it is not easy to discern OF SELBORNE. 269 when they are sleeping or not, because their eyes are always open. Nothing can be more amusing than a glass bowl containing such fishes: the double refractions of the glass and water repre- sent them, when moving, in a shifting and changeable variety of dimensions, shades, and colours; while the two mediums, assisted by the concavo-convex shape of the vessel, magnify and distort them vastly; not to mention that the introduction of another element and it's inhabitants into our parlours engages the fancy in a very agreeable manner. Gold and silver fishes, though originally natives of China and Japan, yet are become so well reconciled to our climate as to thrive and multiply very fast in our ponds and stews. Linnmus ranks this species of fish under the genus of cypri)ms, or carp, and calls it cyprinus auratus. Some people exhibit this sort of fish in a very fanciful way; for they cause a glass bowl to be blown with a large hollow space within, that does not communicate with it. In this cavity they put a bird occasionally; so that you may see a gold- finch or a linnet hopping as it were in the midst of the water, and the fishes swimming in a circle round it. The simple exhi- bition of the fishes is agreeable and pleasant; but in so compli- cated a way becomes whimsical and unnatural, and liable to the objection due to him, " Qui variare cupit rem prodigialitcr unam." I am, &c. 270 NATURAL HISTORY LETTER LV. TO THE SAME. DEAR SIR, October 10, 1781> 1 THINK I liave observed before that much the most consider- able part of the house-martins withdraw from hence about the first week in October; but that some, the latter broods I am now convinced, linger on till towards the middle of that month: and that at times, once perhaps in two or three years, a flight, for one day only, has shown itself in the first week in November. Having taken notice, in October 1780, that the last flight was numerous, amounting perhaps to one hundred and fifty; and that the season was soft and still ; I was resolved to pay micommon attention to these late birds; to find, if possible, where they roosted, and to determine the precise time of their retreat. The mode of life of these latter hirundines is very favourable to such a design ; for they spend the whole day in the sheltered district, between me and the Hanger, sailing about in a placid, easy manner, and feasting on those insects which love to haunt a spot so secure from ruffling winds. As my principal object was to discover the place of their roosting, I took care to wait on them before they retired to rest, and was much pleased to find that, for several evenings together, just at a quarter past ■ five in the afternoon, they all scudded away in great haste towards the south-east, and darted down among the low shrubs above the cottages at the end of the hill. This spot in many respects seems to be well calculated for their winter residence; OF SELBORNE. 271 for in many parts it is as steep as the roof of any house, and therefore secure from the annoyances of water; and it is more- over clothed with beechen shrubs, which, being stunted and bitten by sheep, make the thickest covert imaginable ; and are so entangled as to be impervious to the smallest spaniel : besides, it is the nature of underwood beech never to cast it's leaf all the wintei"; so that, with the leaves on the ground and those on the twigs, no shelter can be more complete. I watched them on to the thirteenth and fourteenth of October, and found their evening retreat was exact and uniform; but after this they made no regular appearance. Now and then a straggler was seen; and, on the twenty-second of October, I observed two in the morning over the village, and with them my remarks for the season ended. From all these circumstances put together, it is more than probable that this lingering flight, at so late a season of the year, never departed from the island. Had they indulged nie that autumn with a November visit, as I much desired, I presume that, with proper assistants, I should have settled the matter past all doubt; but though the third oi November was a sweet day, and in appearance exactly suited to my wishes, yet not a martin was to be seen; and so I was forced, reluctantly, to give up the pursuit. I have only to add that were the bushes, which cover some acres, and are not my own property, to be grubbed and carefully examined, probably those late broods, and perhaps the whole aggregate body of the house-martins of this district, might be found there, in different secret dormitories; and that, so far from withdrawing into warmer climes, it would appear that they never depart three hundred yards from the village. 5272 NATURAL HISTORY LETTER LVL TO THli; SAME. They who write on natural history cannot too frequently advert to instinct, that wonderful limited faculty, which, in some instances, raises the brute creation as it were above ixason, and in others leaves them so far below it. Philosophers have de6ned instinct to be that secret influence by which every species is im- pelled natiually to pursue, at all times, the same way or track, without any teaching or example; whereas reason, M'ithout in- struction, would often vary and do that by many methods which instinct effects by one alone. Now this maxim must be taken in a qualified sense; for there are instances in which instinct does vary and conform to the circumstances of place and convenience. It has been remarked that every species of bird has a mode of nidification peculiar to itself; so that a school-boy would at once pronounce on the sort of nest before him. This is the case among fields and woods, and wilds ; but, in the villages round London, where mosses and gossamer, and cotton from vegetables, are hardly to be found, the nest of the chaffinch has not that elegant finished appearance, nor is it so beautifully studded with lichens, as in a more rural district: and the wren is obliged to construct it's house with straws and dry grasses, which do not give it that rotundity and compactness so remark- able in the edifices of that little architect. Again, the regular nest of the house-martin is hemispheric; but where a rafter, or a. OF SELBORNE. sb joist, or a cornice, may happen to stand in the way, the nest is so contrived as to conform to the obstruction, and becomes flat or oval, or compressed. In the following instances instinct is perfectly uniform and consistent. There are three creatures, the squirrel, the Jield- mouse, and the bird called the nut-hatch, (sitta Europcea), which live much on hazle-nuts; and yet they open them each in a dif- ferent way. The first, after rasping off the small end, splits the shell in two with his long fore-teeth, as a man does with his knife; the second nibbles a hole with his teeth, so regular as if drilled with a wimble, and yet so small that one would wonder how the kernel can be extracted through it; while the last picks an irregular ragged hole with it's bill: but as this artist has no paws to hold the nut firm while he pierces it, like an. adroit workman, he fixes it, as it \yere in a vice, in some cleft of a tree, or in some crevice; when, standing over it, he perfo- rates the stubborn shell. We have often placed nuts in the chink of a gate-post where nut-hatches have been known to haunt, and have always found that those birds have readily penetrated them. While at work they make a rapping noise that may be heard at a considerable distance. You that understand both the theory and practical part of music may best inform us why harmony or melody should so strangely affect some men, as it were by recollection, for days after a concert is over. What I mean the following passage will most readily explain : " Praehabebat porrd vocibus humanis, instrumentisque har- " monicis musicam illam avium: non quod alia quoque non " delectaretur; sed quod ex musica humana relinqueretur in, *' animo continens qua3dam, attentionemque et somnum contur- 274 NATURAL HISTORY "bans agitatio; dum ascensus, exscensiis, tenores, ac muta- " tiones illaj sonoriim, et consonantiarum euntque, redeuntque " per phantasiam: — cum nihil tale relinqui possit ex modula- " tionibus avium, qua;, quod non sunt perinde a nobis imitabiles, " non possunt periude internam facultatem commovere." Gassendus in Vita Peireskii. This curious quotation strikes me much by so well repre- senting my own case, and by describing what I have so often felt, but never could so well express. When I hear fine music I am haunted with passages therefrom night and day; and especially at first waking, which, by their importunity, give me more uneasiness than pleasure: elegant lessons still tease my imagination, and recur irresistibly to my recollectioa at seasons, and even when I am desirous of thinking of more serious matters. I am, &c. LETTER LVIL TO THE SAME. A RARE, and I think a new, little bird frequents my garden, which I have great reason to think is the pettichap^: it is com- mon in some parts of the kingdom; and I have received for- merly several dead specimens from Gibraltar. This bird much resembles the white-throat, but has a more white or rather sil- very breast and belly j is restless and active, like the xvillow- wrens, and hops from bough to bough, examining every part for food; it also runs up the stems of the crown-imperials, smdy OF SELBORNE. 275 putting it's head into the bells of those flowers, sips the liquor which stands in the 7iectarium of each petal. Sometimes it feeds on the ground like the hedge-sparrow, by hopping about on the grass-plots and mown walks. One of my neighbours, an intelligent and observing man, informs me that, in the beginning of ^lay, and about ten minutes before eight o'clock in the evening, he discovered a great clus- ter of house-swalbws, thirty at least he supposes, perching on a willow that hung over the verge of James Knighfs upper-pond. His attention was first drawn by the twittering of these birds, which sat motionless in a row on the bough, with their heads all one way, and, by their weight, pressing down the twig so that it nearly touched the water. In this situation he watched them till he could see no longer. Repeated accounts of this sort, spring and fall, induce us greatly to suspect that house- swallows have some strong attachment to water, independent of the matter of food ; and, though they may not retire into that element, yet they may conceal themselves in the banks of pools and rivers during the uncomfortable months of winter. One of the keepers of Wolmer-forest sen t me a peregrine- falcoHy which he shot on the verge of that district as it was de- vouring a wood-pigeon. Thefalcoperegrinus, or haggard falcon, is a noble species of hawk seldom seen in the southern counties. In winter I767 one was killed in the neighbouring parish of Far'mgdon, and sent by me to Mr. Pennant into North-Wales.^ Since that time I have met with none till now. The specimen mentioned above was in fine preservation, and not injured by the shot: it measured forty-two inches from wing to wing, and '' See my tenth and eleventh letter to that gentleman. 2 N 2 276 NATURAL HISTORY twenty-one from beak to tail, and weigbed two pounds and ati half standing weight. This species is very robust, and wonder- fully formed for rapine: it's breast was plump and muscular; it's thighs long, thick, and brawny; and it's legs remarkably short and well set: the feet were armed with nu)st formidable, sharp, long talons : the ej'elids and cere of the bill were yellow; but the irides of the eyes dusky; the beak was thick and hooked, and of a dark colour, and had a jagged process near the end of the upper mandible on each side: its tail, or train, was short in proportion to the bulk of it's body: yet the wings, when closed, did not extend to the end of the train. From it's large and fair proportions it might be supposed to have been a female; but I was not permitted to cut open the specimen. For one of the birds of prey, which are usually lean, this was in high case: in it's craw were many barley-corns, which probably came from the crop of the wood-pigeon, on Avhich it was feeding when shot: for voracious birds do not eat grain; but, when devouring their quarry, with undistinguishing vehemence swallow bones and feathers, and all matters, indiscriminately. This falcon was probably driven from the mountains of North JFales or Scotlatid, where they are known to breed, by rigorous weather and deep snows that had lately fallen. I am, &c. OF SELBORNE. 277 LETTER LVIII. TO THE SAME. JVlY near neighbour, a young gentleman in the service of the East-India Company, has brought home a dog and a bitch of the Chinese breed from Canton; such as are fattened in that country for the purpose of being eaten: they are about the size of a moderate spaniel; of a pale yellow colour, with coarse bristling hairs on their backs; sharp upright ears, and peaked heads, which give them a very fox-like appearance. Their hind legs are unusually straight, without any bend at the hock or ham, to such a degree as 'to give them an aukward gait when they trot. When they are in motion their tails are curved high over their backs like those of some hounds, and have a bare place each on the outside from the tip midway, that does not seem to be matter of accident, but somewhat singular. Their eyes are jet-black, small, and piercing; the insides of their lips and mouths of the same colour, and their tongues blue. The bitch has a dew claw on each hind leg; the dog has none. When taken out into a field the bitch showed some disposition for hunting, and dwelt on the scent of a covey of partridges till she sprung them, giving her tongue all the time. The dogs in S.outh America are dumb ; but these bark much in a short thick manner, like foxes; and have a surly, savage demeanour like their ancestors, which are not domesticated, but bred up in sties, where they are fed for the table with rice-meal and other farina-^ 278 NATURAL HISTORY ceous food. These dogs, having been taken on board as soon as weaned, could not learn much from their dam; yet they did not relish flesh when they came to England. In the islands of the pacific ocean the dogs are bred up on vegetables, and would not eat flesh when offered them by our circumnavigators. We believe that all dogs, in a state of nature, have sharp, upright fox-like ears; and that hanging ears, which are esteemed so graceful, are the effect of choice breeding and cultivation. Thus, in the Travels of Ysbrandt Ides from Muscovy to China, the dogs which draw the Tartars on snow-sledges near the river Oby are engraved with prick-ears, like those from Canton. The Kamschat dales also train the same sort of sharp-eared peaked- nosed dogs to draw their sledges; as may be seen in an elegant print engraved for Captain Cook's last voyage round the world. Now we are upon the subject of dogs, it may not be imper- tinent to add, that spaniels, as all sportsmen know, though they hunt partridges and pheasants as it were by instinct, and with much delight and alacrity, yet will hardly touch their bones when offered as food; nor will a mongrel dog of my own, though he is remarkable for finding that sort of game. But, when we came to offer the bones of partridges to tlie two Chinese dogs, they devoured them with much greediness, and licked the plat- ter clean. No sporting dogs will flush woodcocks till inured to the scent and trained to the sport, which they then pursue Avith vehemence and transport ; but then they will not touch their bones, but turn from them with abhorrence, even Avhen they are hungry. Now, that dogs should not be fond of the bones of such birds as they are not disposed to hunt is no wonder; but why OF SELBORNE. 279 they reject and do not care to eat their natural game is not so easily accounted for, since the end of hunting seems to be, that the chase pursued should be eaten. Dogs again will not devour the more rancid water-fowls, nor indeed the bones of any wild- fowls; nor will they touch the foetid bodies of birds that feed on offal and garbage: and indeed there may be somewhat of providential instinct in this circumstance of dislike j for vul- tures," and kites, and ravens, and crows, &c. were intended to be messmates with dogs'* over their carrion; and seem to be appointed by Nature as fellow- scavengers to remove all cada- verous nuisances from the face of the earth. I am, &c. LETTER LIX. TO THE SAME. J. HE fossil wood buried in the bogs of Wolmer-forest is not yet all exhausted; for the peat-cutters now and then stumble upon a log. I have just seen a piece which was sent by a labourer of Oakhanger to a carpenter of this village; this was the but-end of a small oak, about five feet long, and about five inches in diameter. It had apparently been severed from the ground by an axe, was very ponderous, and as black as ebony. Upon ask- ■= Hasselquist, in his Travels to the Levant, observes that the dogs and vultures at Grand Cairo maintain such a friendly intercourse as to bring up their young together in the same place. '' The Chinese word for a dog to an European ear sounds like quihloh. '2S0 NATURAL HISTORY ing the carpenter for what purpose he had procured it; he told me that it was to be sent to his brother, a joiner at Farnham, who was to make use of it in cabinet work, by inlaying it along with whiter woods. Those that are much abroad on evenings after it is dark, in spring and summer, frequently hear a nocturnal bird passing by on the wing, and repeating often a short quick note. This bird I have remarked myself, but never could make out till lately. I am assured now that it is the Stone-curlav, (charadrius oeaic- nemus ) Some of them pass over or near my house almost every evening after it is dark, from the uplands of the hill and North field, away down towards Dorton; where, among the streams and meadows, they find a greater plenty of food. Birds that fly by night are obliged to be noisy; their notes often repeated become signals or watch-words to keep them together, that they may not stray or lose each the other in the dark. The evening proceedings and manoeuvres of the rooks are curious and amusing in the autumn. Just before dusk they rieturn in long strings from the foraging of the day, and rendez- vous by thousands over Selborne-dcnvn, where they wheel round in the air, and sport and dive in a playful manner, all the while exerting their voices, and making a loud cawing, which, being- blended and softened by the distance that we at the village are below them, becomes a confused noise or chiding; or rather a pleasing murmur, very engaging to the imagination, and not imlike the cry of a pack of hounds in hollow, echoing woods, or the rushing of the wind in tall trees, or the tumbling of the tide upon a pebbly shore. When this ceremony is over, with the last gleam of day, they retire for the night to the deep beechen woods of Tisted and Ropley. We remember a little girl OF SELBORNE. 281 v/lio, as she was going to bed, used to remark on such an occur- rence, in the true spirit o^ pJiysico-theology, that the rooks were saying their prayers; and yet tliis child was much too young to be aware that the scriptures have said of the Deity — that " he feedeth the ravens who call upon him." I am, &c. LETTER LX. TO THE SAME. In reading Dr. Hiwkam's Observationes de Acre, Sec. written at Plymouth, I find by those curious and accurate remarks, which contain an account of the weather from the year 1727 to the year 1748, inclusive, that though there is frequent rain in that district of Devonshire, yet the quantity falling is not great; and that some years it has been very small: for in 1731 the rain measured only 17'"'^''. — i6&^'°'^. and in 1741, 20 — 3j4; and again in 1743 only 20 — 908. Places near the sea have frequent scuds, that keep the atmosphere moist, yet do not reach far up into the countryj making thus the maritime situations appear wet, M^ren the rain is not considerable. In the wettest years at Ply- mouth the Doctor measured only once 'SiQ; and again once, viz. 1734, 37 — 1 14: a quantity of rain that has twice been exceeded at Selborne in the short period of my observations. Dr. Huxham remarks, that frequent small rains keep the air moist; while heavy ones render it more dry, by beating down the vapours. He is also of opinion that the dingy, smoky appearance in the sky, in very dry seasons, arises from the want of moisture sufficient 2 o £82 NATURAL HISTORY to let the light through, and render the atmosphere transparent; because he had observed several bodies more diaphanous when wet than dry; and did never recollect that the air had that look in rainy seasons. My friend, who lives just beyond the top of the down, brought his three swivel guns to try them in my outlet, with their muzzles towards the Hanger, supposing that the report would have had a great effect; but the experiment did not answer his expectation. He then removed them to the Alcove on the Hanger; when the sound, rushing along the Lythe and Comb-wood, was very grand: but it was at the Hermitage that the echoes and repercussions delighted the hearers; not only filling the Lythe with the roar, as if all the beeches were tearing up by the roots ; but, turning to the left, they pervaded the vale above Combwood-ponds ; and after a pause seemed to take up the crash again, and to extend round Harteley-hangers, and to die away at last among the coppices and coverts of Wardle ham. It has been remarked before that this district is an anathoth, a place of responses or echoes, and therefore proper for such ex- periments : we may farther add that the pauses in echoes, when they cease and yet are taken up again, like the pauses in music, surprise the hearers, and have a fine effect on the imagination. The gentleman above mentioned has just fixed a barometer in his parlour at Newton Valence. The tube was first filled here (at Selborne) twice with care, when the mercury agreed and stood exactly with my own; but, being filled again twice Sit Nervton, the mercury stood, on account of the great elevation of that house, three-tenths of an inch lower than the barometers at this village, and so continues to do, be the weight of the atmosphere what it may. The plate of the barometer at Newton is figured as low OF SELBORNE. £85 as 27; because in stormy weather the mercury there will some- times descend below 28. We have supposed Newton-house to stand two hundred feet higher than this house : but if the rule holds good, which says that mercury in a barometer sinks one- tenth of an inch for every hundred feet elevation, then the Newton barometer, by standing three-tenths lower than that of Selborne, proves that Newton-house must be three hundred feet higher than that in which I am writing, instead of two hundred. It may not be impertinent to add, that the barometers at Selborne stand three-tenths of an inch lower than the barometers at South Lambeth; whence we may conclude that the former place is about three hundred feet higher than the latter; and with good reason, because the streams that rise with us run into the Thames at JVeybridge, and so to London. Of course therefore there must be lower ground all the way from Selborne to South Lambeth ; the distance between which, all the windings and indentings of the streams considered, cannot be less than an hundred miles. I am, &c, LETTER LXI. TO THE SAME, iSiNCE the weather of a district is undoubtedly part of it's natural history, I shall make no further apology for the four following letters, which will contain many particulars concern- ing some of the great frosts and a few respecting some very hot a 84 NATURAL HISTORY summers, that have distinguished themselves from the rest during the course of my observations. As the frost in January 1768 was, for the small time it lasted, the most severe that we had then known for many years, and was remarkably injurious to ever-greens, some account of it's rigour, and reason of it's ravages, may be useful, and not unac- ceptable to persons that delight in planting and ornamenting; and may particularly become a work that professes never to lose sight of utility. For the last two or three days of the former year tliere were considerable falls of snow, which lay deep and uniform on the ground without any drifting, wrapping up the more humble \egetation in perfect security. From the first day to the fifth of the new year more snow succeeded ; but from that day the air became entirely clear; and the heat of the sun about noon had a considerable influence in sheltered situations. It was in such an aspect that the snow on the author's ever- greens was iiielted every day, and frozen intensely every night; so that the laurustines, bays, laurels, and arbutuses looked, in three or four days, as if they had been burnt in the fire; while a neighbour's plantation of the same kind, in a high cold situa- tion, where the snow was never melted at all, remained un- injured. From hence I would infer that it is the repeated melting and freezing of the snow that is so fatal to vegetation, rather than the severity of the cold. Therefore it highly behoves every planter, who wishes to escape the cruel mortification of losing in a few days the labour and hopes of years, to bestir himself on such emergencies; and, if his plantations are small, to avail liimself of mats, cloths, pease-haum, straw, reeds, or OF SELBORNE. 285 any such covering, for a short time; or, if his shrubberies are extensive, to see that his people go about with prongs and forks, and carefully dislodge the snow from the boughs : since the naked foliage will shift much better for itself, than where the snow is partly melted and frozen again. It may perhaps appear at first like a paradox; but doubtless the more tender trees and shrubs should never be planted in hot aspects; not only for the reason assigned above, but also because, thus circumstanced, they are disposed too shoot earlier in the spring, and to grow on later in the autumn, than they would otherwise do, and so are sufferers by lagging or early frosts. For this reason also plants from Siberia will hardly endure our climate : because, on the very first advances of spring, they shoot away, and so are cut off by the severe nights of March or April. Dr. Fothergill and others have experienced the same incon- venience with respect to the more tender shrubs from Norih- America; which they therefore plant under north-walls. There should also perhaps be a wall to the east to defend them from the piercing blasts from that quarter. This observation might without any impropriety be carried into animal life; for discerning bee-masters now find that their hives should not in the winter be exposed to the hot sun, because such unseasonable warmth awakens the inhabitants too early from their slumbers; and, by putting their juices into motion too soon, subjects them afterwards to inconveniences when rigorous weather returns. The coincidents attending this short but intense frost were, that the horses fell sick with an epidemic distemper, which in- jured the winds of many, and killed some; that colds and 286 NATURAL HISTORY coughs were general among the human species; that it froze under people's beds for several nights; that meat was so hard frozen that it could not be spitted, and could not be secured but in cellars; that several redwings and thrushes were killed by the frost; and that the large titmouse continued to pull straws lengthwise from the eaves of thatched houses and barns in a most adroit manner, for a purpose that has been explained already. " On the 3d of January, Benjamin Martins thermometer within doors, in a close parlour where there was no fire, fell in the night to 20, and on the 4th to 18, and on the 7th to 17j, a degree of cold which the owner never since saw in the same situation; and he regrets much that he was not able at that juncture to attend his instrument abroad. All this time the wind continued north and north-east; and yet on the 8th roost-cocks, which had been silent, began to sound their clarions, and crows to clamour, as prognostic of milder weather; and, moreover, moles began to heave and work, and a manifest thaw took place. From the latter circnmstance we may conclude that thaws often originate under ground from warm vapours which arise; else how should subterraneous animals receive such early intimations of their approach. Moreover, we have often observed that cold seems to descend from above; for, when a thermometer hangs abroad in a frosty night, the intervention of a cloud shall imme- diately raise the mercury ten degrees; and a clear sky shall again compel it to descend to it's former gage. And here it may be proper to observe, on what has been said above, that though frosts advance to their utmost severity ' See Letter xli. to Mr. Pennant. OF SELBORNE. 287 by somewhat of a regular gradation, yet thaws do not usually come on by as regular a declension of cold; but often take place immediately from intense freezing; as men in sickness often mend at once from a paroxysm. To the great credit o? Portugal laurels and American ]\im- pers, be it remembered that they remained untouched amidst the general havock: hence men should learn to ornament chiefly with such trees as are able to withstand accidental severities, and not subject themselves to the vexation of a loss which may befall them once perhaps in ten years, yet may hardly be reco- vered through the whole course of their lives. As it appeared afterwards the ilexes were much injured, the cypresses were half destroyed, the arbutuses lingered on, but never recovered ; and the bays, laurustines, and laurels, were killed to the ground; and the very wild hollies, in hot aspects, were so much affected that they cast all their leaves. By the 14th of January the snow was entirely gone; the turnips emerged not damaged at all, save in sunny places; the wheat looked delicately, and the garden plants were well pre- served; for snow is the most kindly mantle that infant vegeta- tion can be wrapped in: were it not for that friendly meteor no vegetable life could exist at all in northerly regions. Yet in Sweden the earth in April is not divested of snow for more than a fortnight before the face of the country is covered with flowers. 288 NATURAL HISTORY LETTER LXL TO THE SAME. 'XheRE were some circumstances attending the remarkable frost m January 1776 so singular and striking, that a short detail of them may not be unacceptable. The most certain way to be exact will be to copy the pas- sages from ray journal, which were taken from time to time as things occurred. But it may be proper previously to remark that the first week in January was uncommonly wet, and drowned with vast rains from every quarter: from whence may be inferred, as there is great reason to believe is the case, that intense frosts seldom take place till the earth is perfectly glutted and chilled with water ;f and hence dry autumns are seldom followed by rigorous winters. January 7th. — Snow driving all the day, which was followed by frost, sleet, and some snow, till the 12th, when a prodigious mass overwhelmed all the works of men, drifting over the tops of the gates and filling the hollow lanes. On the 14th the writer was obliged to be much abroad; and thinks he never before or since has encountered such rugged Siberian weather. Many of the narrow roads were now filled ' The autumn preceding January 176S was very wet, and particularly the month of Septemher, during which there fell at Lyndon, in the county of Rutland, six inches and an half oi rain. And the terrible long frost in 1/39-40 set in after a rainy season, and when the springs were very high. OF SELBORNE. i289 ^l)ove tlie tops of the hedges; through which the snow was Mr. Miller, in his Gardener's Dictionary, says positively that the Portugal laurels remained untouched in the remarkable frost of 1739-40. So that either that accurate observer was much mistaken, or else the frost of December 1784 was much more severe and destructive than that iu the year above mentioned. OF SELBORNE. qqs days, my parlour-cat was so electric, that had a person stroked her, and been properly insulated, the shock might have been given to a whole circle of people. I forgot to mention before, that, during the two severe days, two men, who were tracing hares in the snow, had their feet frozen; and two men, who were much better employed, had their fingers so affected by the frost, while they were thrashing in a barn, that a mortification foUoAved, from whicli they did not recover for many weeks. This frost killed all the furze and most of the ivy, and in many places stripped the hollies of all their leaves. It came at a very early time of the year, before old November ended ; and yet may be allowed from it's effects to have exceeded any since 1739-40. LETTER LXIir. TO THE SAME. As the effects of heat are seldom very remarkable in the north- erly climate of England, where tlie summers are often so de- fective in warmth and sun-shine as not to ripen the fruits of the earth so well as might be wished, I shall be more concise in my account of the severity of a summer season, and so make a little amends for the prolix account of the degrees of cold, and the inconveniences that we suffered from some late rigorous winters. The summers of 1781 and 1783 were unusually hot and dry; to them therefore I shall turn back in my journals, without -296 NATURAL HISTORY recurring to any more distant period. In the former of these years my peach and nectarine-trees suffered so much from the heat that the rind on the bodies was scalded and came off; since which the trees have been in a decaying state. This may prove a hint to assiduous gardeners to fence and shelter their wall- ,trees with mats or boards, as they may easily do, because such annoyance is seldom of long continuance. During that summer also, I observed that my apples were coddled, as it were, on the trees; so that they had no quickness of flavour, and would not keep in the winter. This circumstance put me in mind of what 1 have heard travellers assert, that they never ate a good apple or apricot in the south of Europe, where the heats were so great as to render the juices vapid and insipid. The great pests of a garden are wasps, which destroy all the finer fruits just as they are coming into perfection. In 1781 we had none; in 1783 there were myriads; which would have devoured all the produce of my garden, had not we set the boys to take the nests, and caught thousands with hazel twigs tipped with bird-lime: we have since employed the boys to take and destroy the large breeding wasps in the spring. Such expedients have a great effect on these marauders, and will keep them under. Though wasps do not abound but in hot summers, yet they do not prevail in every hot summer, as I have instanced in the two years above-mentioned. In the sultry season of 1783 honey-dews were so frequent as to deface and destroy the beauties of my garden. My honey- suckles, which were one week the most sweet and lovely objects that the eye could behold, became the next the most loathsome; being enveloped in a viscous substance, and loaded with black iiphides, or smother-flies. The occasion of this clammy appear- OF SELBORNE. 297 ance seems to be this, that in hot weather the effluvia of flowers in fields and meadows and gardens are drawn up in the day by a brisk evaporation, and then in the night fall down again with the dews, in which they are entangled; that the air is strongly scented, and therefore impregnated with the particles of flowers in summer ^weather, our senses will inform us; and that this clammy sweet substance is of the vegetable kind we may learn from bees, to whom it is very grateful : and we may be assured that it falls in the night, because it is always first seen in warm still mornings. On chalky and sandy soils, and in the hot villages about London, the thermometer has been often observed to mount as high as 83 or 84; but with us, in this hilly and woody district, I have hardly ever seen it exceed 80; nor does it often arrive at that pitch. The reason, I conclude, is, that our dense clayey soil, so much shaded by trees, is not so easily heated through as those above-mentioned: and, besides, our mountains cause cur- rents of air and breezes ; and the vast effluvia from our wood- lands temper and moderate our heats. LETTER LXIV. TO THE SAME. JL HE summer of the year 1783 was an amazing and portentous one, and full of horrible pliEenomena; for, besides the alarming meteors and tremendous thunder-storms that affrighted and dis- tressed the different counties of this kingdom,, the peculiar 2 Q 2&8 NATURAL HISTORY haze, or smokey fog, that prevailed for many weeks in this island, and in every part of Europe, and even beyond it's limits, was a most extraordinary appearance, unlike any thing known within the memory of man. By my journal I find that I had noticed this strange occurrence from June 23 to July 20 inclusive, during which period the wind varied to every quarter without making any alteration in the air. The sun, at noon, looked as blank as a clouded moon, and shed a rust-coloured ferruginous light on the ground, and floors of rooms ; but was particularly lurid and blood-coloured at rising and setting. All the time the heat was so intense that butchers' meat could hardly be eaten on the day after it was killed; and the flies swarmed so in the lanes and hedges that they rendered the horses half frantic, and riding irksome. The country people began to look with a superstitious awe, at the red, louring aspect of the sun; and indeed there was reason for the most enlightened person to be apprehensive; for, all the while, Calabria and part of the isle of Sicily, were torn and convulsed with earthquakes; and about that juncture di volcano sprung out of tlie sea on the coast of Norway. On this occasion Miltons noble simile of the sun, in his first book of Paradise Lost, frequently occurred to my mind; and it is indeed particularly applicable, because, towards the end, it alludes to a superstitious kind of dread, with which the minds of men are always impressed by such strange and unusual phaenomena. " — — — As when the sun, new risen, " Looks through the horizontal, inisty air, " Shorn of his beams ; or from behind the moon, " In dim eclipse, disastrous twilight sheds " On half the nations, and withjiar oi change " Ptrplexes monarchs. — — — — " OF SELBORNE. 299 LETTER LXV. TO THE SAME. We are very seldom annoyed with thunder-storms; and it is no less remarkable than true, that those which arise in the south have hardly been known to reach this village; for before they get over us, they take a direction to the east or to the west, or sometimes divide into two, and go in part to one of those quar- ters, and in part to the other; as was truly the case in summer 1783, when though the country round was continually harassed with tempests, and often from the south, yet we escaped them all; as appears by my journal of that summer. The only way that I can at all account for this fact — for such it is — is that, on that quarter, between us and the sea, there are continual mountains, hill behind hill, such as Nore-hill, the Barnet, Butser- hill, and Ports-down, which some how divert the storms, and give them a different direction. High promontories, and ele- vated grounds, have always been observed to attract clouds and disarm them of their mischievous contents, which are discharged into the trees and summits as soon as they come in contact with those turbulent meteors; while the humble vales escape, because they are so far beneath them. But, when I say I do not remember a thunder-storm from the south, I do not mean that we never have suffered from thun- der-storms at all; for on June 5t\\, 1784, the thermometer in the morning being at 64, and at noon at 70, the barometer at 300 NATURAL HISTORY 29 — six tenths one-half, and the wind north, I observed a blue mist, smelling strongly of sulphur, hanging along our sloping woods, and seeming to indicate that thunder was at hand. I was called in about two in the afternoon, and so missed seeing the gathering of the clouds in the north, which they who were abroad assured me had something uncommon in it's appearance. At about a quarter after two the storm began in the parish of Hartley, moving slowly from north to south ; and from thence it came over Norton-farm, and so to Grange-farm, both in this parish. It began with vast drops of rain, which were soon suc- ceeded by round hail, and then by convex pieces of ice, which measured three inches in girth. Had it been as extensive as it was violent, and of any continuance (for it was very short), it must have ravaged all the neighbourhood. In the parish of Hartley it did some damage to one farm; but Norton, which lay in the centre of the storm, was greatly injured; as was Grange, which lay next to it. It did but just reach to the mid- dle of the village, where the hail broke my north windows, and all my garden-lights and hand-glasses, and many of my neigh- bours' windows. The extent of the storm was about two miles in length and one in breadth. We Mere just sitting down to dinner; but were soon diverted from our repast by the clatter- ing of tiles and the jingling of glass. There fell at the same time prodigious torrents of rain on the farms above-mentioned, which occasioned a flood as violent as it was sudden; doing great damage to the meadows and fallows, by deluging the one and washing away tlie soil of the other. The hollow lane towards Alton was so torn and disordered as not to be passable till mended, rocks being removed that weighed 200 weight. Those that saw the effect which the great hail had on ponds OF SELBORNE. 301 and pools say that the dashing of the water made an extraordi- nary appearance, the froth and spray standing up in the air three feet ahove the surface. The rushing and roaring of the hail, as it approached, was truly tremendous. Though the clouds at South Lambeth, near London, were at that juncture thin and light, and no storm was in sight, nor within hearing, yet the air was strongly electric; for the bells of an electric machine at that place rang repeatedly, and fierce sparks were discharged. When I first took the present work in hand I proposed to have added an Annus Historico-naturalis, or the Natural History of the Twelve Months of the Year; which would have com- prised many incidents and occurrences that have not fallen in my way to be mentioned in my series of letters j — but, as Mr. Aikin o^ TFarrmgton has lately published somewhat of this sort, and as the length of my correspondence has sufficiently put your patience to the test, I shall here take a respectful leave of you and natural history together; And am, With all due deference and regard, Your most obliged, And most humble servaat, Selboene, June 25, 1787. GIL. WHITE. THE ANTIQUITIES OF SELBORNE. COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON. ----- JUVAT IRE - - DESERTOSUUE VIDEKE LOCOS - - - - ANTI QUITIES OF SELBORNE. LETTER I. It is reasonable to suppose that in remote ages this woody and mountainous district was inhabited only by bears and wolves. Whether the Britms ever thought it worthy their attention, is not in our power to determine; but we may safely conclude, from circumstances, that it was not unknown to the Romans. Old people remember to have heard their fathers and grand- fathers say that, in dry summers and in windy weather, pieces of money were sometimes found round the verge of Wolmer- pond; and tradition had inspired the foresters with a notion that the bottom of that lake contained great stores of treasure. During the spring and summer of 1740 there was little rain; and the following summer also, 1741, was so uncommonly dry, that many springs and ponds failed, and this lake in particular whose bed became as dusty as the surrounding heaths and wastes. This favourable juncture induced some of the forest- cottagers to begin a search, which was attended with such suc- 2 R 306 ANTIQUITIES cess, that all the labourers in the neighbourhood flocked to the spot, and with spades and hoes turned up great part of that large area. Instead of pots of coins, as they expected, they found great heaps, the one lying on the other, as if shot out of a bag; many of which were in good preservation. Silver and gold these inquirers expected to find; but their discoveries con- sisted solely of many hundreds of Roman copper-coins, and some medallions, all of the lower empire. There was not much virtii stirring at that time in this neighbourhood; however, some of the gentry and clergy around bought what pleased them best; and some dozens fell to the share of the author. The owners at first held their commodity at an high price; but, finding that they were not likely to meet with dealers at such a rate, they soon lowered their terms, and sold the fairest as they could. The coins that were rejected became current, and passed for farthings at the petty shops. Of tliose that we saw, the greater part were o{ Ala reus Aurdius, and the Empress Faustina, his wife, the father and mother of Commodus. Some of Faustina were in high relief, and exhibited a very agreeable set of features, which propably resembled that lady, who was more celebrated for her beauty than for her virtues. The me- dallions in general were of a paler colour than the coins. To pretend to account for the means of their coming to this place would be spending time in conjecture. The spot, I think, could not be a Reman camp, because it is commanded by hills on two sides; nor does it shew the least traces of entrenchments; nor can I suppose that it was a Roman town, because I have too good an opinion of the taste and judgment of those polished con(]uerors to imagine that they would settle on so barren and dreary a waste. OF SELBORNE. 307 LETTER ir. That Selborne was a place of some distinction and note in the time of the Sa^rons we can give most undoubted proofs. But, as there are few if any accounts of villages before Domesday, it will be best to begin with that venerable record. " Ipse rex •" tenet Selesburne. Eddid regina tenuit, et nunquam geldavit. " De isto manerio dono dedit rex Raclfredo presbytero dimidiam " hidam cum ecclesia. Tempore regis Edxvardi et post, valuit " duodecim solidos et sex denarios; modo octo solidos et quatuor " denarios." Here we see that Selborne was a royal manor; and that Editha, the queen of Edward the Confessor, had been lady of that manor; and was succeeded in it by the Conqueror; and that it had a church. Beside these, many circumstances concur to prove it to have been a Saiwi village; such as the name of the place itself' the names of many fields, and some families," ' Seleslurne, Seleburne, Sellurn, Selbourn, Selborne, and Sclborn, as it has been variously spelt at different periods, is oi Saxon derivation; for Sel S]gn\(ies great, and burn torrens, a brook or rivulet : so that the name seems to be derived from the great perennial stream that breaks out at the upper end of the village. — Sel also signifies bonus, nem,foecundus,feitUis. " Sel-saefir-tun -.foecunda graminis clausura ; fertile pascuum : a meadow in the parish of Godelmtng is still called Sal-gars-ton." Lye's Saxon Dictionary, in the Supplement, by Mr. Manning. ^ Thus the name of Atdred signifies all-reverend, and that of Kemp means a sol- dier. Thus we have a church-lit/on, or enclosure for dead bodies, and not a church- yard : there is also a Culver-croft near the Grange-farm, being the enclosure where Ihsynory pigeon-house iiooA, from c;^/yer a pigeon. Again there are three steep pastures in this parish called the Lithe, from Hlithe, clivus. The wicker-work that 2 R 2 308 ANTIQUITIES with a variety of words in husbandry and common life, still sub- sisting among the country people. What probably first drew the attention of the Saxons to this spot was the beautiful spring or fountain called TVell-head,^ which induced them to build by the banks of that perennial current; for ancient settlers loved to reside by brooks and rivulets, where they could dip for their water without the trouble and expense of digging wells and of drawing. It remains still unsettled among the antiquaries at what time tracts of land were first appropriated to the chase alone for the amusement of the sovereign. Whether our Saxon monarchs had any royal forests does not, I believe, appear on record; but the Cotistituiiones deForesta of Canute, the Dane, are come down to us. W shall not therefore pretend to say whether Wolmer- forest existed as a royal flomain before the conquest. If it did not, we may suppose it was laid out by some of our earliest Norman kings, who were exceedingly attached to the pleasures binds and fastens down a hedge on the top is called ether, from ether an hedge. When the good women call their hogs they cry sic, sic, * not knowing that sic is Saxon, or rather Celtic, for a hog. Coppice or brush wood our countrymen call rise, from hris, frondes; and talk of a load of rise. Within the author's memory the Saxon plurals, housen and peason, were in common use. But it would be endless to instance in every circumstance: he that wishes for more specimens must fre- quent a firmer's kitchen. I have therefore selected some words to shew how fa- miliar the Sa.T07i dialect was to this district, since in more than seven hundred years it is far from being obliterated. ' U'cU-hcad signifies spring-head, and not a deep pit from whence we draw water. For particulars about which see Letter I. to Mr. Pennant. * Iixx, porcus, apud Lactnes ; un Horceau chez les Laademoniens : ce mot a sans doute eftc pris des Celles, qui discent sic, pour marquer ua porceau. Encore aujour'huj' quand les Bretons chassent ces animaux, ils ne disent point autrement, que sic, sic. jinliouiti de !a A'adoii, ct Je .'« Laiisue des Ceites, par OF SELBORNE. 309 of the chase, and resided much at Winchester, which lies at a moderate distance from this district. The Plantagenet princes seem to have been pleased with JVolmer; for tradition says that king John resided just upon the verge, at JVard le ham, on a re- gular and remarkable mount, still called King Johns Hill, and Lodge Hill; and Edward III. had a chapel in his park, or en- closure, at Kingsley."' Humphi^ey, duke o^ Gloucester, and Rich- ard, duke of York, say my evidences, were both, in their turns, wardens of JVolmer-forest ; which seems to have served for an appointment for the younger princes of the royal family, as it may again. I have intentionally mentioned Edward III. and the dukes Huviphrey and Richard, before king Edward II. because I have reserved, for the entertainment of my readers, a pleasant anec- dote respecting that prince, with which I shall close this letter. As Edivard II. was hunting on Wolmer-forest, Morris Ken, of the kitchen, fell from his horse several times; at which acci- dents the king laughed immoderately: and, when the chase was over, ordered him twenty shillings;" an enormous sum for those days! Proper allowances ought to be made for the youth of this monarch, whose spirits also, we may suppose, were much exhilarated by the sport of the day : but, at the same time, it is reasonable to remark that, whatever might be the occasion of " The parish of Kingsley lies between, and divides Tphlmer-forest from ^yles Hole-forest. See Letter IX. to Mr. Pennant. " " Item, paid at the lodge at IVolmer, when the king was stag-hunting there, to Morris Ken, of the kitchen, because he rode before the king and often fell from his horse, at which the king laughed exceedingly — a gift, by command, of twenty shillings." A MS. in possession of Thcmat AstU, esq, containing the private expenses o{ EdwardW. SIO ANTIQUITIES Kens first fall, the subsequent ones seem to have been designed. The scullion appears to have been an artful fellow, and to have seen the king's foible; which furnishes an early specimen of that his easy softness and facility of temper, of which the infa- mous Gaveston took such advantages, as brought innumerable calamities on the nation, and involved the prince at last in mis- fortunes and sufferings too deplorable to be mentioned without horror and amazement. LETTER III. From the silence of Domesday respecting churches, it has been supposed that few villages had any at the time when that record was taken; hut Selborne, we see, enjoyed the benefit of one: hence we may conclude, that this place was in no abject state even at that very distant period. How many fabrics have suc- ceeded each other since the days of Radfredrus the presbyter, we cannot pretend to say; our business leads us to a description of the present edifice, in which we shall be circumstantial. Our church, which was dedicated to the Virgin Jlfary, con- sists of three aisles, and measures fifty-four feet in length by forty-seven in breadth, being almost as broad as it is long. The present building has no pretensions to antiquity; and is, as I suppose, of no earlier date than the beginning of the reign of HcnryYW. It is perfectly plain and unadorned, without painted glass, carved work, sculpture, or tracery. But when I say it has no claim to antiquity, I would mean to be understood of the fabric in general; for the pillars which support the I'oof, are un- •('1\UV Ip;' I ^^^mppK m OF SELBORNE. 311 doubtedly old, being of that low, squat, thick order, usually called Sa.i'o>i. These, I should imagine, upheld the roof of a former church, which, falling into decay, was rebuilt on those massy props, because their strength had preserved them from the injuries of time.° Upon these rest blunt gothic arches, such as prevailed in the reign above-mentioned, and by which, as a criterion, we would prove the date of the building. At the bottom of the south aisle, between the west and south doors, stands the font, which is deep and capacious, and consists of three massy round stones, piled one on another, without the least ornament or sculpture: the cavity at the top is lined with lead, and has a pipe at bottom to convey off the water after the sacred ceremony is performed. The east end of the south aisle is called the South Chancel, and, till within these thirty years, was divided off by old carved gothic frame-work of timber, having been a private chantry. In this opinion we are more confirmed by observing two gothic niches within the space, the one in the east wall and the other in the south, near which there probably stood images and altars. Inthe middle aisle there is nothing remarkable: but I re- member when it's beams were hung with garlands in honour of young women of the parish, reputed to have died virgins; and recollect to have seen the clerk's wife cutting, in white paper, the resemblances of gloves, and ribbons to be twisted into knots and roses, to decorate these memorials of chastity. In the " In the snrae manner, to. compare great things with small, did IFyleham, when he new-built the cathedral at IFinchesler, from the tower westward, apply to his purpose the old piers or pillars of Bishop Walkelin's church, by blending Saxon and Gothic architecture together. See Lo-wth's Life of Wykehara. 312 ANTIQUITIES church of Farhigdon, which is the next parish, many garland? of this sort still remain. The north aisle is narrow and low, with a sloping ceiling, reaching within eight or nine feet of the floor. It had originally a flat roof covered with lead, till, within a century past, a churchwarden stripping off the lead, in order, as he said, to have it mended, sold it to a plumber, and ran away with the money. This aisle has no door, for an obvious reason; because the north- side of the church-yard, being surrounded by the vicarage-gar- den, aflfords no path to that side of the church. Nothing can be more irregular than the pews of this church, which are of all dimensions and heights, being patched up according to the fancy of the owners: but whoever nicely examines them will find that the middle aisle had, on each side, a regular row of benches of solid oak, all alike, with a low back-board to each. These we should not hesitate to say are coeval with the present church : and especially as it is to be observed that, at their ends, they are ornamented with carved h\\xnt gothic niches, exactly corre- spondent to the arches of the church, and to a niche in the south wall. The south aisle also has a row of these benches ; but some are decayed through age, and the rest much disguised by modern alterations. At the upper end of this aisle, and running out to the nortli, stands a transept, known by the name of the North Chancel, measuring twenty-one feet from south to north, and nineteen feet from east to west: this was intended, no doubt, as a private chantry; and was also, till of late, divided off by agothic frame- work of timber. In it's north wall, under a very blunt gothic arch, lies perhaps the founder of this edifice, which, from the OF SELBORNE. 313 shape of it's arch, may be deemed no older than the latter end of the reign of Henry VII. The tomb was examined some years ago, but contained nothing except the scull and thigh-bones of a large tall man, and the bones of a youth or woman, lying in a very irregular manner, without any escutcheon or other token to ascertain the names or rank of the deceased. The grave was very shallow, and lined with stone at the bottom and on the sides. From the east wall project four stone brackets, which I con- clude supported images and crucifixes. In the great thick pilaster, jutting out between this transept and the chancel, there is a very sharp gothic niche, of older date than the present chantry or church. But the chief pieces of antiquity are two narrow stone coffin-lids, which compose part of the floor, and lie from west to east, with the very narrow ends eastward: these belong to remote times; and, if originally placed here, which I doubt, must have been part of the pavement of an older transept. At present there are no coffins under them, whence I conclude they have been removed to this place from some part of a former church. One of these lids is so eaten by time, that no sculpture can be discovered upon it; or, perhaps, it may be the wrong side uppermost: but on the other, which seems to be of stone of a closer and harder texture, is to be discerned a discus, with a cross on it, at the end of a staff or rod, the well- known symbol of a Knight-Templar.'^ This order was distinguished by a red cross on the left shoul- der of their cloak, and by this attribute in their hand. Now, if these stones belonged to Knights Templars, they must have lain p See Dugdale, Monasticon Anglicanutn, Vol. II. where there is a fine engraving of a Knight-Templar , by Hollar. 2 S 314 ANTIQUITIES here many centuries; for this order came into England early in the reign of king Stephen in 1113; and was dissolved in the time o^ Edward II. in 1312, having subsisted only one hundred and ninety-nine years. Why I should suppose that Ktiights Templars were occasionally buried at this church, will appear in some future letter, when we come to treat more particularly concerning the property they possessed here, and the intercourse that subsisted between them and the priors of Selborne. We must now proceed to the chancel, properly so called, which seems to be coeval with the church, and is in the same plain unadorned style, though neatly kept. This room measures thirty-one feet in length, and sixteen feet and an half in breadth, and is wainscoted all round, as high as to the bottom of the windows. The space for the communion table is raised two steps above the rest of the floor, and railed in with oaken balus- ters. Here I shall say soniewhat of the windows of the chan- cel in particular, and of the whole fabric in general. They are mostly of that simple and unadorned sort called Lancet, some single, some double, and some in triplets. At the cast end of the chancel are two of a moderate size, near each other ; and in the north wall two very distant small ones, unequal in length and height: and in the south wall are two, one on each side of the chancel door, that are broad and squat, and of a different order. At the east end of the south aisle of the church there is a large lancet-window in a triplet; and two very small, nar- row, single ones in the south wall, and a broad squat window beside, and a double lancet one in the west end; so that the appearance is very irregular. In the north aisle are two win- dows, made shorter when the roof was sloped; and in the north taansept a large triple window, shortened at the time of a repair ife-: OF SELBORNE. 315 in 1721 ; when over it was opened a round one of considerable size, which affords an agreeable light, and renders that chantry the most cheerful part of the edifice. The church and chancels have all coved roofs, ceiled about the year 1683; before which they were open to the tiles and shingles, showing the naked rafters, and threatening the congre- gation with the fall of a spar, or a blow from a piece of loose mortar. On the north wall of the chancel is fixed a large oval white marble monument, with the following inscription; and at the foot of the wall, over the deceased, and inscribed with his name, age, arms, and time of death, lies a large slab of black marble : Prope hunc parietem sepelitur GILBERTUS WHITE, SAMSONIS WHITE, de Oxon. militis filius tertius, CoUegii Magdale- -nensis ibidem alumnus, & socius. Tandem faven- -te coUegio ad banc ecclesiam promotus ; ubi primae- -v^ morum simplicitate, et diffusa erga omnes bene- -volentia feliciter consenuit. Pastor fidelis, comis, affabilis, Maritus, et pater amantissinius, A conjuge invicem, et liberis, atque A parochianis impense dilectus. Pauperibus ita beneficus ut decimam partem census moribundus piis usibus consecravit. Meritis demum juxta et annis p!enus ex hac vita migravit Feb. 13". anno salutis 172} ^tatis suae 77- Hoc posuit Rebecca Conjux illius raaestissima, raox secutura. 2 S 2 316 ANTIQUITIES On the same wall is newly fixed a small square table-monu- ment of white marble, inscribed in the following manner. Sacred to the memory of the Reyd. ANDREW EITY, B. D. 23 Years Vicar of this parish : In whose character The conjugal, the parental, and the sacerdotal virtues were so happily combined as to deserve the imitation of mankind. And if in any particular he followed more invariabl}' the steps of his blessed Master, It was in his humility. His parishioners, especially the sick and necessitous, as long as any traces of his memory shall remain, must lament his death. To perpetuate such an example, this stone is erected ; as while living he was a preacher of righteousness, so, by it, he being dead yet speaketh. He died April 8"». 1784. Aged 66 years. LETTER IV. We have now taken leave of the inside of the church, and shall pass by a door at the west end of the middle aisle into the belfry. This room is part of a handsome square embattled tower of forty-five feet in height, and of much more modern date than the church; but old enough to have needed a thorough repair in 1781, when it was neatly stuccoed at a considerable expense, by a set of workmen who were employed on it for the greatest part of the summer. The old bells, three in number, OF SELBORNE. 317 loud and out of tune, were taken down in 1735, and cast into four; to which Sir Simeon Stuart, the grandfather of the pre- sent baronet, added a fifth at his own expense : and, bestowing it in the name of his favourite daughter Mrs. Mary Stuart, caused it to be cast with the following motto round it : " Clara puella dedit, dixitque mihi esto Maria : " Illius et laudes nomen ad astra sono." The day of the arrival of this tuneable peal was observed as an high festival by the village, and rendered more joyous, by an order from the donor, that the treble-bell should be fixed bottom upward in the ground, and filled with punch, of which all present were permitted to partake. The porch of the church, to the south, is modern, and would not be worthy attention did it not shelter a fine sharp gothic door-way. This is undoubtedly much older than the present fabric; and being found in good preservation, was worked into the wall, and is the grand entrance into tlie church : nor are the folding-doors to be passed over in silence; since, from their thick and clumsy structure, and the rude flourished-work of their hinges, they may possibly be as ancient as the door-way itself. The whole roof of the south aisle, and the south-side of the roof of the middle aisle, is covered with oaken shingles instead of tiles, on account of their lightness, which favours the ancient and crazy- timber-frame. And indeed, the consideration of acci- dents by fire excepted, this sort of roofing is much more eligible than tiles. For shingles well seasoned, and cleft from quai tered timber, never warp, nor let in drifting snow; nor do they shiver with frost; nor are they liable to be blown off, like tiles; but 318 ANTIQUITIES when well nailed down, last for a long period, as experience has shown us in this place, where those that face to the north are known to have endured, untouched, by undoubted tradition for more than a century. Considering the size of the church, and the extent of the parish, the church-yard is very scanty; and especially as all wish to be buried on the south-side, which is become such a mass of mortality that no person can be there interred without disturbing or displacing the bones of his ancestors. There is reason to suppose that it once Avas larger, and extended to what is now the vicarage court and garden; because many human bones have been dug up in those parts several yards without the present limits. At the east end are a few graves; yet none till very lately on the north-side; but, as two or three families of best repute have begun to bury in that quarter, prejudice may wear out by degrees, and their example be followed by the rest of the neighbourhood. In speaking of the church, I have all along talked of the east and west-end, as if the chancel stood exactly true to those points of the compass; but this is by no means the case, for the fabric bears so much to the north of the east that the four cor- ners of the tower, and not the four sides, stand to tlie four car- dinal points. The best method of accounting for this deviation seems to be, that the workmen, who probably were employed in the longest days, endeavoured to set the chancels to the rising of the sun. Close by the church, at the west end, stands the vicarage- house; an old, but roomy and convenient edifice. It faces very agreeably to the morning sun, and is divided from the vil- lage by a neat and cheerful court. According to the manner of OF SELBORNE. 319 old times, the hall was open to the roofj and so continued, pro- bably, till the vicars became family-men, and began to want more conveniences; when they flung a floor across, and, by par- titions, divided the space into chambers. In this hall we re- member a date, some time in the reign of Elizabeth; it was over the door that leads to the stairs. Behind the house is a garden of an irregular shape, but well laid out; whose terrace commands so romantic and picturesque a prospect, that the first master in landscape might contemplate it with pleasure, and deem it an object well worthy of his pencil. LETTER V. In the church-yard of this village is a yew-tree, whose aspect bespeaks it to be of a great age : it seems to have seen several centuries, and is probably coeval with the church, and therefore may be deemed an antiquity : the body is squat, short, and thick, and measures twenty-three feet in the girth, supporting an head of suitable extent to it's bulk. This is a male tree, which in the spring sheds clouds of dust, and fills the atmo- sphere around with it's farina. As far as we have been able to observe, the males of this species become much larger than the females; and it has so fallen out that most of the yew-trees in the church-yards of this neighbourhood are males: but this must have been matter of mere accident, since men, when they first planted yews, little dreamed that there were sexes in trees. 320 ANTIQUITIES In a yard, in the midst of the street, till very lately, grew a middle-sized female tree of the same species, which commonly bore great crops of berries. By the high winds usually prevail- ing about the autumnal equinox, these berries, then ripe, were blown down into the road, where the hogs ate them. And it was very remarkable, that, though barrow-hogs and young sows found no inconvenience from this food, yet milch-sows often died after such a repast: a circumstance that can be accounted for only by supposing that the latter, being much exhausted and hungry, devoured a larger quantity. While mention is making of the bad effects of yew-berries, it may be proper to remind the unwary, that the twigs and leaves of yew, though eaten in a very small quantity, are certain death to horses and cows, and that in a few minutes. An horse tied to a yew-hedge, or to a faggot-stack of dead yew, shall be found dead before the owner can be aware that any danger is at hand : and the writer has been several times a sorrowful witness to losses of this kind among his friends; and in the island oi Ely had once the mortification to see nine young steers or bullocks of his own all lying dead in an heap from browzing a little on an hedge of yew in an old garden into which they had broken in snowy weather. Even the clippings of a yew-hedge have destroyed a whole dairy of cows when thrown inadvertently into a yard. And yet sheep and turkies, and, as park-keepers say, deer, will crop these trees with impunity. Some intelligent persons assert that the branches of yew, while green, are not noxious; and that they will kill only when dead and withered, by lacerating the stomach : but to this asser- tion we cannot by any means assent, because, among the num- ber of cattle that we have known fall victims to this deadly food. OF SELBORNE. 321 not one has been found, when it was opened, but had a lump of gree7i yew in it"s paunch. True it is, that yevv-tiees stand for twenty years or more in a field, and no bad consequences ensue: but at some time or other cattle, either from wantonness when full, or from hunger when empty, (from both which circum- stances we have seen them perish) will be meddling, to their certain destruction; the yew seems to be a very improper tree for a pasture- field. Antiquaries seem much at a loss to determine at what period this tree first obtained a place in church-yards. A statute passed A. D. 1307 and 55 Edward I. the title of which is " Ne " rector arboi'es in cemeterio prosternat." Now if it is recol- lected that we seldom see any other very large or ancient tree in a church-yard but yews, this statute must have principally related to this species of tree; and consequently their being planted in church-yards is of much more ancient date than the year 1307. As to the use of these trees, possibly the more respectable parishioners were buried under their shade before the improper custom was introduced of burying within the body of the church, where the living are to assemble. Deborah, Rebekah's nurse,'' was buried under an oak; the most honourable place of inter- ment probably next to the cave of Machpelah,' which seems to have been appropriated to the remains of the patriarchal family alone. The farther use of yew-trees might be as a screen to churches, by their thick foliage, from the violence of winds; perhaps also for the purpose of archery, the best long bows being made of ■i Gen. xxxv, 8. ' Gen. xxiii, g. 322 ANTIQUITIES that inateiial: and we do not hear that they are planted in the cluirch-yards of other parts o? Europe, where long bows M-ere not so much in use. They might also be placed as a shelter to the congregation assendjling before the church-doors were opened, and as an emblem of mortality by their funereal appearance. In the south of England ever}' church-yard almost has it's tree, and some two; but in the north, we understand, few are to be found. The idea of R.C. tliat xhz yew-tree afforded it's branches in- stead of ])alms for the processions on Palm-Sunday, is a good one, and deserves attention. See Gent. Mag. Vol. L. p. lilS. LETTER VI. Ihe living of Selborne was a very small vicarage; but, being in tlie patronage of Magdalen-college, in the university of O.jj/wy/, that society endowed it with the great tithes of iW/Jio/v^t;, more than a century ago: and since the year 1758 again with the great tithes of Oakhanger, called Bene's parsonage: so that, to- gether, it is become a respectable piece of preferment, to which one of the fellows is always presented. The vicar holds the great tithes, b}' lease, under the college. The great disadvan- tage of this living is, that it has not one foot of glebe near home.' ' -it Bene's, or Bin's, parsonage there is a house and stout barn, and seven acres of glebe . Bene's parsonage is three miles from the church. L- ,v. d. 8 2 1 0 16 0 1 7 0 9 0 OF SELBORNE. 323 ITS PAYMENTS ARE, King's books — — — Yearly tenths — — — Yearly procurations for Blcichnorc and Oakhanger Chap: with acquit: — — Selbonie procurations and acquit: — I am unable to give a complete list of the vicars of this parish till towards the end of the reign of queen Elizabeth; from which period the registers furnish a regular series. In Domesdax] we find thus — " De isto nianerio dono dedit " Rex Radfredo presbytero dimidiam hidam cum ecclesia." So that before Domesday, which was compiled between the years 108 i and 1086, here was an officiating minister at this place. After tliis, among my documents, I find occasional mention of a vicar here and there: the first is Roger, instituted in 1254. In 1410 John Lynne was vicar oi Selhorne. In 1411 Hugo Tyhhe was vicar. The presentations to the vicarage of Selborne generally ran in the name of the prior and the convent; but Tybbe was pre- sented by prior John JFynechestre only. June 29, 1528, jniUam Fiaher, vicar o^ Selborne, resigned to Miles Peyrson. 1594, William JVhite appears to have been vicar to this time. Of this person there is nothing remarkable, but that he hath made a regular entry twice in the register of Selbonie of the funeral oi Thomas Cowper, bishop of IVinchester, as if he had been buried at Selborne; yet this learned prelate, who died 2 T 2 324 ANTIQUITIES 15()4, was buvied at Uluchester, in the cathedral, near the epis- copal throne.' 15y.5, Richard Boughton, vicar. 1596, JViUiam Inkforiye, vicar. May I6O6", Thomas Phippcs, vicar, June 1631, Ralph Justine, vicar. July l63'i, Jo//« Longzvorth. This unfortunate gentleman, living in the time of Cromwell's usurpation, was deprived of his preferment for many years, probably because he would not take the league and co\euant: for I observe that his father-in-law, the Reverend Jethro Beal, vector of Fariugdon, wliich is the next parish, enjoyed his benefice during the whole of that un- happy period. Longworth, after he was dispossessed, retired to a little tenement about one hundred and fifty yards from the church, where he earned a small pittance by the practice of physic. During those dismal times it was not uncommon for the deposed clergy to take up a medical character; as was the case in particular, I know, with the Reverend Mr. Yalden, rec- tor of Compton, near Guildford, in the county of Surrey. Vicar Longworth used frequently to mention to his sons, who told it to my relations, that, the Sunday after his deprivation, his puri- tanical successor stepped intothe pulpit with no small petulance and exultation; and began his sermon from Psalm xx. 8. " They are brought down and fallen; but we are lisen and stand " upright." Tliis person lived to be restored in 1660, and con- tinued vicar for eighteen years; but was so impoverished by his misfortunes, that he left the vicarage-house and premises in a very abject and dilapidated state. ' See Goilu'in dc praesulibusj folio Cant, ly-io, page 239. OF SELBORNE. 325 July 1678. Richard Byjield, who left eighty pounds by will, the interest to be applied to apprentice out poor children: but this money, lent on private security, was in danger of being lost, and the bequest remained in an unsettled state for near twenty years, till 1700; so that little or no advantage was derived from it. About the year 17.59 it was again in the utmost danger by the failure of a borrower; but, by prudent management, has since been raised to one hundred pounds stock in the three per cents reduced. The trustees are the vicar and the renters or owners ol Temple, Priori], Grange, Blackmoi'e, and Oakkanger- house, for the time being. This gentleman seemed inclined to have put the vicarial premises in a comfortable state; and began, by building a solid stone wall round the front-court, and another in the lower yard, between that and the neighbour- ing garden} but was interrupted by death from fulfilling his laudable intentions. April, 1680, Barnabas Long became vicar. June 1681. Tiiis living was now in such low estimation in Magdalen-college, that it descended to a junior fellow, Gilbert White, M. A. who was instituted to it in the thirty -first year of his age. At his first coming he ceiled the chancel, and also floored and wainscoted the parlour and hall, which before were paved with stone, and had naked walls; he enlarged the kitchen and brewhouse, and dug a cellar and well: he also built a large new barn in the lower yard, removed the hovels in the front court, which he laid out in walks and borders; and entirely planned the back garden, before a rude field with a stone-pit in the midst of it. By his will he gave and bequeathed " the sum <' of forty pounds to be laid out in the most necessary repairs *-' of the church; that is, in strengthening and securing such 326 ANTIQUITIES " parts as seem decaying and dangerous." With this sum two large buttresses were erected to support the east end of the south wall of the churcli; and the gable- end wall of the west cnt! of the south aisle was new built from the ground. B}' his will also he gave " One hundred pounds to be laid " out on lands; tlie yearly rents whereof shall be employed in " teaching the poor children of SelbouDi parish to read and write, " and say their prayers and catechism, and to sew and knit: — " and be under the direction of his executrix as long as she " lives; and, after her, under the direction of such of his chil- " dren and their issue, as shall live in or within five miles of " the said parish: and on failure of any such, tlien under the " direction of the vicar o^ Sdbourn for the time being; but still " to the uses above-named." With this sum was purchased, of Thomas Turville, of Hawkeley, in the county of Soitthamptoti, yeoman, and Hannah his wife, two closes of freehold land, com- monly called Collier s, containing, b}' estimation, eleven acres, lying in Haxvkeley aforesaid. These closes are let at this time, 1785, on lease, at the rate of three pounds by the year. This vicar also gave by will itco hundred pounds towards the repairs of the liighways" in the parish of Selborne. That sum was carefully and judiciously laid out in the summer of the year 1730, by his son John TVhite, who made a solid and firm causey from Rood-green, all down Honey-lane, to a farm called Oak- woods, where the sandy soil begins. This miry and gulfy lane was chosen as worthy of repair, because it leads to the forest, and thence through the Holt to the town of Far nh am in Surrey, " " Such legacies were very common in former times, before any effectual laws " were made for the repairs of highways." Sir John CuUum's Hawsled, p. 15. OF SELBORNE. 327 the only market in those clays for men who had wheat to sell in this neighbourhood. This causey was so deeply bedded with stone, so properly raised above the level of the soil, and so well drained, that it has, in some degree, withstood fifty-four years of neglect and abuse; .•'.nd might, with moderate attention, be rendered a solid and comfortable road. The space from Rood- green to Oak-woods measures about three quarters of a mile. In 1727, Jl'ilUam Henry Cane, B. D. became vicar; and, among several alterations and repairs, new-built the back front of the vicarage-house. On February 1, 1740, Duncombe Bristowe, D. D. was instituted to this living. What benefactions this vicar bestowed on the parish will be best explained by the following passages from his will:— " /to/i, I hereby give and bequeath to the minister " and churchwardens of the parish of .Selbourn, in the county of " Southanipton, a mahogany table, which I have ordered to be " made for the celebration of the Holy Communion; and also " the sum of thirty pounds, in trust, to be applied in manner " following; that is, ten pounds towards the charge of erecting " a gallery at the west end of the church; and ten pounds to " be laid out for cloathing, and such like necessaries, among " the poor (and especially among the ancient and infirm) of the " said parish: and the remaining ten pounds to be distributed " in bread, at twenty shillings a week, at the discretion of John " JFIiite, esq. or any of his family, who shall be resident in the " said parish." On November 12, 1738, Andrew Etty, B. D, became vicar. Among many useful repairs he new-roofed the body of the vicarage-house; and wainscoted, up to the bottom of the win- 328 ANTIQUITIES dows, the whole of the chancel; to the neatness and decency of which he always paid the most exact attention. On September, 25, 1 784, Chiistopher Taylor, B. D. was in- ducted into the vicarao'e of Selborne. LETTER VII. 1 SHALL now proceed to the Priory, which is undoubtedly the most interesting part of our history. The Priory of Selborne was founded by Peter de la Roche, or de Rupibiis,'' one of those accomplished foreigners that resorted to the court of king John, where they were usually caressed, and met with a more favourable reception than ought, in pru- dence, to have been shown by any monarch to strangers. This adventurer was a Poictevin by birth, had been bred to arms in his youth, and distinguished by knighthood. Historians all agree not to speak very favourably of this remarkable man ; they allow that he was possessed of courage and fine abilities, but then they charge him vvith arbitrary principles, and violent conduct. By his insinuating manners he soon rose high in the favour of John; and in 1205, early in the reign of that prince, was appointed bishop of JVinchester. In 1214 he became lord chief justiciary of England, the first magistrate in the state, and a kind of viceroy, on whom depended all the civil aifairs in the " See Godwin de Prxsulibus Anglia. Folio. London. 1743, p. 217- OF SELBORNE. 329 kingdom. After the death of Joh?i, and during the minority of his son Henry, this prelate took upon him tlie entire manage- ment of the realm, and was soon appointed protector of the king and kingdom. The barons saw with indignation a stranger possessed of all the power and influence, to part of wliich they thought they had a claim; they therefore entered into an association against him, and determined to wrest some of that authority from him which he had so unreasonably usurped. The bishop discerned the storm at a distance; and, prudently resolving to give way to that torrent of envy which he knew not how to withstand, withdrew quietly to the Holy Land, where he resided some time. At this juncture a very small part of Palestine remained in the hands of the Christians: they had been by Saladine dispos- sessed of Jerusalem, and all the internal parts, near forty years before; and with difficulty maintained some maritime towns and garrisons : yet the busy and enterprising spirit of de Rupibus could not be at rest; he distinguished himself by the splendour and magnificence of his expenses, and amused his mind by strengthening fortresses and castles, and by removing and en- dowing of churches. Before his expedition to the east he had signalized himself as a founder of convents, and as a benefactor to hospitals and monasteries. In the year 1231 he returned again to England; and the very next year, in 1232, began to build and endow the Prioky of Selborne. As this great work followed so close upon his return, it is not improbable that it was the result of a vow made during his voyage; and especially as it was dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Why the bishop made choice of Selborne for the 330 ANTIQUITIES scene of his munificence can never be determined now: it can only be said that the parish was in his diocese, and lay almost midway between JFinchester and Farnham, or ?>outh JFaltham and Farnham; from either of which places he could without nmch trouble overlook his workmen, and observe what progress they made; and that the situation was retired, with a stream running- by it, and sequestered from the world, amidst woods and meadows, and so far proper for the site of a religious house." The first person with whom the founder treated about the purchase of land was Jacobus de Acharigre, or Ocliangre, a gen- tleman of property who resided at that hamlet; and, as appears, at tlie house now called Oakhanger-house. With him he agreed for a croft, or little close of land, known by the name of La liega, or La li/ge, which was to be the immediate site of the Priori/. De Achangre also accommodated the bishop at the same in- stant with three more adjoining crofts, which for a time was all the footing that this institution obtained in the parish. The seller in the conveyance says " Warantizubinuis, defendemus, et y The institution at Selbome was a priory of Black-Canons of the order of St, Auguslirtc, called also Canons-Regular. Regular-Canons were such as lived in a conventual manner, under one roof, liad a common refectory and dormitory, and were bound by vows to observe the rules and statutes of their order : in fine, they were a kind of religious, whose discipline was less rigid than the monks. The chief rule of these canons was that of St. /Augustine, who was constituted bishop of Hippo, A. D. 395 : but they were not brought into England till after the conquest ; and seem not to have obtained the appellation o( Augustine canons till some years after. Their habit was a long black cassock, with a white rociet over it ; and over that a blac kcloai and hood. The monks were always shaved : but these canons wore their hair and beards, and caps on their heads. There were of these canons, and women of the same order called Canonesses, about 1 75 houses. OF SELBORNE. 331 " EBquietabiimis contra omnes gentesf viz. " We will warrant " the thing sold against all claims from any quarter." In modern conveyancing this would be termed a covenant for further assurance. Afterwards is added — " Pro hac autem do- " nacione, &c. dedit milii pred. Episcopus sexdecem marcas " argenti in Gersumam:" i. e. " the bishop gave me sixteen sil- " ver marks as a consideration for the thing purchased." As the grant from Jac. de Achangre was without date,"" and the next is circumstanced in the same manner, we cannot say exactly what interval there was between the two purchases; but we find that Jacobus de Nortun, a neighbouring gentlemanj also soon sold to the bishop of TVinchester some adjoining- grounds, through which our stream passes, that the priory might be accommodated with a mill, which was a common necessary appendage to every manor: he also allowed access to these lands by a road for carts and waggons. — " Jacobus de Nortun concedit " Petro JVint07i episcopo totum cursum aque que desc^ndit de " Mokndino de Durtan usq; ad boscum /Fill. Mauduit, et crof- " tarn terre vocat: Edricfie croft, cum extensione ejusdem et " abuttamentis; ad fundandam domum religiosam de ordine Sti. " Augustini. Concedit etiam viam ad carros, et caretas," &c. This vale, down which runs the brook, is now called the Long Lithe, or Lythe. Bating the following particular expression, this grant runs much in the style of the former; " Dedit mihi " episcopus predictus triginta quinque marcas argenti ad me " acquietandum versus Judceos." — That is, " the bishop advanced ^ The custom of affixing dates to deeds was not become general in the reign of Henry III. 2 U 2 33-2 ANTIQUITIES " me thirty-five marks of silver to pay my debts to the jews," who were then the only lenders of money. Finding himself still straightened for room, the founder applied to his royal master, Henry, who was graciously pleased to bestow certain lands in the manor at Selborne on the new priory of his favourite minister. These grounds had been the property of Stephen de Lucy; and, abuttir.g upon the narrow limits of the convent, became a very commodious and agreeable acquisition. This grant, I find, was made on March the 9th, in the eighteenth year of //e?2rj/, viz. 1234, being two 3' ears after the foundation of the monastery. Tiie royal donor bestowed his favour with a good grace, by adding to it almost every im- munity and privilege that could have been specified in the law- language of the times. — " Quare volumus prior, &c. habeant " totam terram, &c. cum omnibus libertatibus in bosco et piano, " in viis et semitis, pratis et pascuis; aquis et piscariis; infra " burgum, et extra burgum cum soka et saca, Thol et Them, " Infangenethef et Utfangenethef, et hamsocne et blodwite, et " pecunia que dari solct |)ro murdro et forstal, et flemenestrick, et " cum quietancia de omni scotto etgeldo, et de omnibus auxiliis " regum, vice comitum, et omn: ministralium suorum; ethidagio " et exercitibus, et scutagiis, ettallagiis, et'shiris ethundredis, et " placitis et querclis, et wardaet wardpeny, et opibus castellorum *' et pontium, et tlausuris parcorum, et omni carcio et sumagio, " et domor: regal: cdificatione, et omnimoda reparatione, et " cum omnibus aliis libertatibus." This grant was made out by llicJiard bishop of Chichester, then cliancellor, at the town of Northatnpton, before tlie lord chief justiciary, who was the founder himself. OF SELBORNE. 333 The charter of foundation of the Priory, dated 1233, comes next in order to be considered; but being of some length, I shall not interrupt my narrative by placing it here; and therefore refer the reader to the Appen(hx, N' I. This my copy, taken from the original, I have compared with Dugdale's copy, and find that tliey perfectly agree ; except that in the latter the preamble and the names of the witnesses are omitted. Yet I think it proper to quote a passage from this charter — " Et ipsa " domus religiosa a cujusUbet alterius domus religiosce subjectione " libera permaneat, et in omnibus absoluta" — to shew how much Dugdak was mistaken when he inserted Selborne among the alien priories ; forgetting that this disposition of the convent contradicted the grant that he had published. In the Monasti- con AugUcaniim, in English, p. 1 19, is part of his catalogue of alien priories, suppressed 2 Henry V. viz. 1414, where may be seen as follows, S. Sele, Sussex. SELEBUKN. Shirburn. This appeared to me from the first to have been an oversight, before I had seen my authentic evidences. Yoy priories alien, a ?Q\v conxentual ones excepted, were little better than granges to foreign abbies; and their priors little more than bailifts, remove- able at will : whereas the priory of Selborne possessed the valua- ble estates and manors of Selbor?ie, Achangre, Norton, Brompden, Bassinges, Basingstoke, and Natele; and the prior challenged the right of Pillory, TIturcet, and Furcas, and every manerial privilege. 334 ANTIQUITIES I find next a grant from Jo. de Venur, or Venuz, to the prior of Selbor/te — " de tota mora [a moor or bog] ubi Be)?7e oritur, " usque ad campum vivarii, et de prato voc. Sydenmeade cum " abutt: et dc cursu aque molendini." And also a grant in re- version " unius virgate terre," [a yard land] in Achangre at the death of Richm^d Actedene his sister's husband, who had no child. He was to present a pair of gloves of one penny value to the prior and canons, to be given annually by the said Richard; and to quit all claim to the said lands in reversion, provided tlie prior and canons would engage annually to pay to the king, through the hands of his bailiffs of Aulton, ten shillings at four quarterly payments, " pro omnibus serviciis, consuetudinibus, " exactionibus, et deniandis." This Jo. de Vemir was a man of property at Oakhanger, and lived probably at the spot now called Chapel-farm. The grant bears date the 17th year of the reign of i7ewj/ III. [m. 1233.J It would be tedious to enumerate every little grant for lands or tenements that might be produced from my vouchers. I shall therefore pass over all such for the present, and conclude this letter with a remark that must strike every thinking person with some degree of wonder. No sooner had a monastic insti- tution got a footing, but the neighbourhood began to be touched with a secret and religious awe. Every person round was desirous to promote so good a work; and either by sale, by grant, or by gift in reversion, was ambitious of appearing a benefactor. They who had not lands to spare gave roads to accommodate the infant foundation. The religious were not backward in keeping up this pious propensity, which they ob- served so readily influenced the breasts of men. Thus did the more opulent monasteries add house to house, and field to field; OF SELBORNE. 33.5 and by degrees manor to manor: till at last " there was no place left;" but every district around became appropriated to the pur- poses of their founders, and every precinct was drawn into the vortex. LETTER VIII. Our forefathers in this village were no doubt as busy and bust- ling, and as important, as ourselves: yet have their names and transactions been forgotten from century to century, and have sunk into oblivion ; nor has this happened only to the vulgar, but even to men remarkable and famous in their generation. I was led into this train of thinking by finding in my vouchers that Sir Adam Gurdon was an inhabitant of Sdborne, and a man of the first rank and property in the parish. By Sir Adam Gur- don I would be understood to mean that leading and accom- plished malecontent in the Mountfort faction, who distinguished himself by his daring conduct in the reign oi Henry III. The first that we hear of this person in my papers is, that with two others he was bailiff of Alton before the sixteenth of Henry III. viz. about 1231, and then not knighted. y^\\o Gurdon was, and whence he came, does not appear : yet there is reason to suspect that he was originally a mere soldier of fortune, who had raised himself by marrying women of property. The name o? Gurdon does not seem to be known in the south; but there is a name so like it in an adjoining kingdom, and which belongs to two or three noble families^ that it is probable this remarkable person was a North Briton; and the more so, since the Christian name 336 ANTIQUITIES of Adam is a distinguished one to this day among the family of the Gordons. — But, be this as it may, Sir Adam Gurdon has been noticed by all the writers of English history for his bold dispo- sition and disaffected spirit, in that he not only figured during the successful rebellion q^ Leicester, but kept up the war after the defeat and death of that baron, entrenching himself in the woods of Hampshire, towards the town of Farnham. After the battle oi Evesham, in which Mountfort fell, in the year 1265, Gurdon might not think it safe to return to his house for fear of a surprise; but cautiously fortified himself amidst the forests and woodlands with which he was so well acquainted. Prince Edxvard, desirous of putting an end to the troubles which had so long harassed the kingdom, pursued the arch-rebel into his fastnessess; attacked his camp; leaped over the entrenchments; and, singling out Gurdon, ran him down, wounded him, and took him prisoner/ There is not perhaps in all history a more remarkable in- stance of command of temper, and magnanimity, than this before us: that a young prince, in the moment of victory, when he had the fell adversary of the crown and royal family at his mercy, should be able to withhold his hand from that vengeance which the vanquished so well deserved. A cowardly disposition would have been blinded by resentment: but this gallant heir- apparent saw at once a method of converting a most desperate foe into a lasting friend. He raised the fallen veteran from the ground, he pardoned him, he admitted him into his confidence, and introduced him to the queen, then lying at Guildford, that very evening." This unmerited and unexpected lenity melted " M. Paris, p. 675, & Triveti Annale. OF SELBORNE. 337 the heart of the rugged Gurdon at once; he became in an instant a loyal and useful subject, trusted and employed in mat- ters of moment by Edward when king, and confided in till the day of his death. LETTER IX. It has been hinted in a former letter that Sir Adam Gurdon had availed himself by marrying women of property. By my evidences it appears that he had three wives, and probably in the following order: Constantia, Ameria, axid Agnes. The first of these ladies, who was the companion of his middle life, seems to have been a person of considerable fortune, which she inhe- rited from Thomas Makerel, a gentleman of Selborne, who was either her father or uncle. The second, Ameria, calls herself the quondam wife of Sir Adam, " quae fui uxor," &c. and talks of her sons under age. Now Gurdon had no son: and beside Agnes in another document says, " Ego Agnes quondam uxor " Domini Adce Gurdon in pura et ligea viduitate mea:" but Gurdon could not leave two widows; and therefore it seems probable that he had been divorced from Ameria, who after- wards married, and had sons. By Agnes Sir Adam had a daugh- ter Johanna, who was his heiress, to whom Agnes in her life-time surrendered part of her jointure: — he had also a bastard son. Sir Adam seems to have inhabited the house now called Temple, lying about two miles east of the church, which had been the property of Thomas Makerel. In the year 1262 he petitioned the prior of Selborne in his 2X 338 ANTIQUITIES own name, and that of his wife Constantia only, for leave to build him an oratory in his manor-house, " in curia sua." Li- censes of this sort were frequently obtained by men of fortune and rank from the bishop of the diocese, the archbishop, and sometimes, as I liave seen instances, from the pope; not only for convenience-sake, and on account of distance, and the bad- ness of the roads, but as a matter of state and distinction. Why the owner should apply to the prior, in preference to the bishop of the diocese, and how the former became competent to such a grant, I cannot say; but that the priors of Selborne did take that privilege is plain, because some years afterward, in 1280, Prior Richard granted to Henry JVateiford and his wife Nicholaa a license to build an oratory in their court-house, " curia sua dc Waterford," in which they might celebrate divine service, saving the rights of the mother church of Basynges. Yet all the while the prior of Selborne grants with such reserve and caution, as if in doubt of his power, and leaves Gurdon and his lady answer- able in future to the bishop, or his ordinary, or to the vicar for the time being, in case they should infringe the rights of the mother church of Selborne. The manor-house called Temple is at present a single building, running in length from south to north, and has been occupied as a common farm house from time immemorial. The south end is modern, and consists of a brew-house, and then a kitchen. The middle part is an hall twenty-seven feet in length, and nineteen feet in breadth; and has been formerly open to the top; but there is now a floor above it, and also a chimney in the western wall. The roofing consists of strong massive rafter- work ornamented with carved roses. I have often looked for the lamb and Jlag, the arms of the knights templars, without sue- OF SELBORNE. 339 cess; but in one corner found a fox with a goose on his back, so coarsely executed, that it required some attention to make out the device. Beyond the hall to the north is a small parlour with a vast heavy stone chimney-piece; and, at the end of all, the chapel or orator]/, whose massive thick walls and narrow windows at once bespeak great antiquity. This room is only sixteen feet by six- teen feet eight inches; and full seventeen feet nine inches in height. The ceiling is formed of vast joists, placed only five or six inches apart. Modern delicacy would not much approve of such a place of worship: for it has at present much more the appearance of a dungeon than of a room fit for the reception of people of condition. For the outside 1 refer the reader to the plate, in which Mr. Grimm has represented it with his usual accuracy. The field on which this oratory abuts is still called Chapel-field. The situation of this house is very particular, for it stands upon the immediate verge of a steep abrupt hill. Not many years since this place was used for an hop-kiln, and was divided into two stories by aloft, part of which remains at present, and makes it convenient for peat and turf, with which it is stowed. LETTER X. The Priory at times was much obliged to Gurdon and his family. As Sir Adam began to advance in years he found his mind influ- enced by the prevailing opinion of the reasonableness and efficacy of prayers for the dead; and, therefore, in conjunction 2X2 340 ANTIQUITIES with his wife Constantia, in the year 1271, granted to the prior and convent o^ Selborne all his right and claim to a certain place, placea, called La Pleystow, in the village aforesaid, " in liberam, " puram, et perpetuam eleynosinam.'" This Pkystow, ^ locus ludorum, or play place, is a level area near the church of about forty-four yards by thirty-six, and is known now by the name of the Pkstor." It continues still, as it was in old times, to be the scene of recreation for the youths and children of the neighbourhood; and impresses an idea on the mind that this village, even in Saxon times, could not be the most abject of places, when the inhabitants thought proper to assign so spacious a spot for the sports and amusements of it's young people.'' As soon as the prior became possessed of this piece of ground, he procured a charter for a market' from king Henry III. and began to erect houses and stalls, " seldas" around it. From this period Selborne became a market town: but how long it enjoyed that privilege does not appear. At the same time Gurdon re- •> In Saxon Pleseptop, or Plesp^Jop ; viz. Plegestow, or Plegstow. " At this juncture probably the vast oak, mentioned p. 5, was planted by the prior, as an ornament to his new acquired market place. According to this supposi- tion the oak was .iged 432 years when blown down. ■* For more circumstances respecting the Plestor, see Letter IF. to Mr. Pennant. ' Bishop Tanner, in his Notilia Monastica, has made a mistake respecting the market znA fair at Selborne : for in his references to Dodsworth, cart. 54 Hen. III. m. 3. he says, " De mercatu, etferia de Selelurn." But this reference is wrong; Sor, instead of Sdeburn, it proves that the place there meant was Lehelerne, or Legeborne, in the county oi Lincoln. This error was copied from the index of the Cat. MSS. Angl. It does not appear that there ever was a chartered fair at Sel- borne. For several particulars respecting the present fair at Selborne see Letter XXVI. of these Antiquities, OF SELBORNE. 341 served to himself, and his heirs, a way through the said Plestor to a tenement and some crofts at the upper end, abutting on the south corner of the church-yard. This was, in old days, the manerial house of the street manor, though now a poor cottage; and is known at present by the modern name of EUiofs. Sir Adam also did, for the health of his own soul, and that of his wife Constantia, their predecessors and successors, grant to the prior and canons quiet possession of all the tenements and gar- dens, " curtillagia," which tliey had built and laid out on the lands in Selborne, on which he and his vassals, " homines,'' had undoubted right of common : and moreover did grant to the convent the full privilege of that right of common; and em- powered the religious to build tenements and make gardens along the king's highway in the village oi Selborne. From circumstances put together it appears that the above were the first grants obtained by the Priory in the villao-e of Selborne, after it had subsisted about thirty-nine years: more- over they explain the nature of the mixed manor still remainino- in and about the village, where one field or tenement shall belong to Magdalen-college in the university oi Oxford, and the next to Norton Powlet, esq. of Rotlierjield house j and so down the whole street. The case was, that the whole was once the property of Gurdon, till he made his grants to the convent- since which some belongs to the successors of Gurdon in the manor, and some to the college; and this is the occasion of the strange jumble of property. It is remarkable that the tenement and crofts which Sir Adam reserved at the time of grantino- the Plestor should still remain a part of the Gurdon-manor, though so desirable an addition to the vicarage that is not as yet pos- sessed of one inch of glebe at home : but of late, viz, in January 342 ANTIQUITIES 1785, Magdalen-college purchased that httle estate, which is life- liolding, in reversion, for the generous purpose of bestowing it, and it's lands, being twelve acres (three of \vhich abut on the church-yard and vicarage-garden) as an improvement hereafter to the living, and an eligible advantage to future incumbents. The year after Gurdon had bestowed the Plestor on the Priory, tiz. in 1272, Heiny III. king of E?igland died, and was succeeded by bis son Edzvard. This magnanimous prince con- tinued his regard for Sir Adam, whom he esteemed as a brave man, and made him warden, " custos," of the forest of IFolmer' ^ Since the letters respecting Wolmer-forest and Ayles-holt, from p. 14 to 26, were printed, the author has beau favoured with the following extracts : In the " Act of Resumption, 1 Hen. VII." it was provided, that it be not pre- judicial to " Harry at Lode, ranger of our forest of JVolmere, to him b)' cure letters " patents before tyme gevyn." Rolls of Pari. Vol. VI. p. 370. In the 1 1 Hen. VII. 1495 — " JVarlham [Wardleham] and the offii;e of forest [forester] of JVoimere" were held by Edmund duke of Suffolk. — Rolls, ib 474. Act of general pardon, 14 Hen. VIII. 1523, not to extend to "Rich. Bp. of " IVynton [bishop Fox'\ for any seizure or forfeiture of liberties, &c. within the "forest of Wolmei , Alysholt, and Newe Forest; nor to any person for waste, &c. " within the manor of Wardlam, or parish of Ifardlarn [IVardleham ;] nor to " abusing, &c. of any office or fee, within the said forests of Wolmer or Alysholt, " or the said park of IVardlam." — County Suth't. Rolls prefixt to 1st Vol. of Journals of the Lords, p. xciii. b. To these may be added some other particulars, taken from a book lately pub- lished, entitled "An Account of all the Manors, Messuages, Lands, &c. in the dif- " ferent Counties of England and IVales, held by Lease from the Crown ; as con- " tained in the Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the State '■' and Condition of the Royal Forests," &c. — —London, 1787. " Southampton." £. s. d. P. 64, " A fee-farm rent of 31 2 11 out of the manors of East and West " Wardleham ; and also the office of lieutenant or keeper of the forest or chase of OF SELBORNE. 343 Though little emolument might hang to this appointment, yet are there reasons why it might be highly acceptable; and, in a few reigns after, it was given to princes of the blood.^ In old days gentry resided more at home on their estates, and, having fewer resources of elegant in-door amusement, spent most of their leisure hours in the field and the pleasures of the chase. A large domain, therefore, at little more than a mile distance, and well stocked with game, must have been a very eligible acquisition, affording him influence as well as entertainment; and especially as the manerial house of Temple, by its exalted situation, could command a view of near two-thirds of the forest. That Gm^on, who had lived some years the life of an out- law, and at the head of an army of insurgents, was, for a consi- " Aliceholt and JVolmer, with all offices, fees, commodities, and privileges thereto " belonging. " Names of lessees, WUliam earl of Dartmouth and others (in trust.) " Date of the last lease, March 23, 1780; granted for such terra as would fill " up the subsisting term to 31 years. " Expiration March 23, 1811." " Appendix, N° III." " Southampton." " Hundreds — Sellorne and Finckdeane." " Honours and manors," &c. " j4liee)col( forest, three parks there. " Bensted and Kingsleif; a petition of the parishioners concerning the three " parks in Aliceholt forest." William, first ear\ of Dartmouth, and paternal grandfather to the present lord Sta-wel, was a lessee of the forests of Aliceholt and Wolmer before brigadier-general Emanuel Scroope Howe. s See Letter II. of these Antiquities. 344 ANTIQUITIES derable time, in high rebellion against his soverc'gn, should have been guilty of some outrages, and should have committed some depredations, is by no means matter of wonder. Accord- ingly we find a distringas against him, ordering him to restore to the bishop of JVinchester some of the temporalities of that see, which he had taken by violence and detained; viz. some lands in Hocheleyi, and a mill.'' By a breve, or writ, from the king he is also enjoined to readmit the bishop of JVinchester, and his tenants of the parish and town oi Farnham, to pasture their horses, and other forger cattle, "«reri«,"in the forest oi JVol- mer, as had been the usage from time immemorial. This writ is dated in the tenth year of the reign of Edward, viz. 1282. All the king's writs directed to Gurdon are addressed in the following manner: " Edwardus, Dei gratia, &c. dilecto et fideli" " suo Ade Gurdon salutem;" and again, " Custodi foreste sue de " JVolvemere." In the year 1293 a quarrel between the crews of an English and a Norman ship, about some trifle, brought on by degrees such serious consequences, that in 1295 a war broke out between the two nations. The French king, Philip the Hardy, gained some advantages in Gascony ; and, not content with those, threatened England with an invasion, and, by a sudden attempt, took and burnt Dover. Upon this emergency Edward sent a writ to Gui^doii, order- ing him and four others to enlist three thousand soldiers in the counties of Surrey, Dorset, and Wiltshire, able-bodied men, *■ Hocheleye, now spelt Hawkley, is in the hundred of Selborne, and has a mill at this day. IP'' I \4 y^^^^ OF SELBORNE. 345 " tam sagittare quam balistaie potentes:" and to see that they were marched, by tlie feast of All Saints, to JVinchelsea, there to be embarked aboard the king's transports. The occasion of this armament appears also from a summons to the bishop of JVinchester to parUament, part of which I shall transcribe on account of the insolent menace which is said therein to have been denounced against the English language : — " qualiter rex Francice de terra nostra Gascon nos fraudulenter " et cautelose decepit, earn nobis nequiter detinendo . . . vero " predictis fraude et nequitia non contentus, ad expugnationem " regni nostri classe maxima et bellatorum copiosa multitudine " congregatis, cum quibus regnum nostrum et regni ejusdem in- " colas hostiliter jam invasurus, linguam Anglica?n, si concepte " iniquitatis proposito detestabili potestas correspondeat, quod " Deus avertat, omniuo de terra delere proponit." Dated 30th September, in the year of king Edward's reign xxiii.' The above are the last traces that I can discover of Gurdons appearing and acting in public. The first notice that my evi- dences give of him is, that, in 1 232, being the l6th of Henry III. he was the king's bailiff, with others, for the town o( Alton. Now, from 1232 to 1295 is a space of sixty-three years; a long- period for one man to be employed in active life! Should any one doubt whether all these particulars can relate to one and the same person, I should wish him to attend to the following- reasons why they might. In the first place, the documents from the priory mention but one Sir Adam Giirdon, who had no son lawfully begotten: and in the next, we are to recollect that he ■ Reg. IFynton, Stratford, but query Stratford ; for Stratford was not bishop oiWinton till ]323, near thirty years afterwards. 2 Y 346 ANTIQUITIES nuist have probably been a man of uncommon vigour both of mnid and body; since no one, unsupported by such accompHsh- ments, could have engaged in such adventures, or could have borne up against the difficulties which he sometimes must have encountered : and, moreover, we have modern instances of per- sons that have maintained their abilities for near that period. Were we to suppose Gurdon to be only twenty years of age in ]232, in 1295 he would be eighty-three; after which ad- vanced period it could not be expected that he should live long. From the silence, therefore, of my evidences it seems probable that this extraordinary person finished his life in peace, not long after, at his mansion of Temple. Gurdon s seal had for it's device — a man, with an helmet on his head, drawing a cross- bow; the legend, " Sigi/lum Ade de Gurdonf his arms were, " Goulis, iii tloures argent issant de testes de leopards."'' If the stout and unsubmitting spirit oi Gurdon could be so much influenced by the belief and superstition of the times, much more might the hearts of his ladies and daughter. And accordingly we find that Ameria, by the consent and advice of her sons, though said to be all under age, makes a grant for ever of some lands down by the stream at Durton; and also of her right of the common oi Durton itself.' Johanna, the daughter and heiress of Sir Adam, was married, I find, to Richard Achard ; she also grants to the prior and convent lands and tenements in the village of Selborne, which her father obtained from Thomas Makerel; and also all her goods and chattels in Selborne for the '' From the collection of Thomas Maribi, Esq. in the Antiquarian Repertory, p. 109, N' :5iXXI. ' Durton, now called Dorton, is still a common for the copyholders of Sdlorne manor. OF SELBOIINE. 347 consideration of two hundred pounds sterling. Tliis last busi- ness was transacted in the first year of Edward II. viz. 1307. It has been observed before that Gurdon had a natural son: tliis person was called by the name of John Dastard, alias TFastard, but more probably Bastard; since bastardy in those days was not deemed any disgrace, though dastardy was esteemed the greatest. He was married to Gunnorie Duncun ; and had a tenement and some land granted him in Selborne by his sister Johanna. LETTER XI. Ihe Knights Templars, m who have been mentioned in a former letter, had considerable property in Selborne; and also & preceptori/ at Siidington, now called Southington, a hamlet lying one mile to The Military Orders of the Religious. ™ The Knights Hospilalars of St. John of yerusalem, afterwards called Knights of Rhodes, now oi Malta, came into England shout the year J 100, I Hen. I. The Knights Templars came into England pretty early in Stephens reign, which commenced 1135. The order was dissolved in 1312, and their estates given by act of Parliament to the Hospitalars in 1323. (all in Edw. U.) though many of their estates were never actually enjoyed by the said Hospitalars. Vid. Tanner, p. xxiv. x. The commandries of the Hospitalars, and preceptories of Templars, were each subordinate to the principal house of their respective religion in London. Although these are the different denominations, which Tanner at p. xxviii. assigns to the cells of these different orders, yet throughout the work very frequent instances occur of preceptories attributed to the Hospitalars ; and if in some passages of Notitia 3 Y 2 348 ANTIQUITIES the east of the village. Bishop Tanner mentions only two such houses of the Templars in all the county o^ Southampton, viz. Godesfield, founded hy Henry de Blois, bishop of iV'mchester, and Monast. lommanclries are aUributed to the Templars, it is only where the place afterwards became the property of the Hospitalars, and so is there indifTereutly styled preceplory or commaridry ; see p. 243, 263, 276, 5"/^, 6/8. But, to account for the first observed inaccuracy, it is probable the preceptories of the Templars, when given to the Hospitalars, were still vulgarly, however, called by their old name of preceptories ; whereas in propriety the societies of the Hospitalars were indeed (as has been said) commandries. And such deviation from the strictness of expression in this case might occasion those societies of Hospitalars also to be in- differently called preceptories, which had originally been vested in them, having never belonged to the Templars at all. — See in Archer, p. 6O9. Tanner, p. 300. col. 1 . 720. note c. It is observable that the very statute for the dissolution of the Hospitalars holds the same language j for there, in the enumeration of particulars, occur " command~ " ries, preceptories." Codex, p. IIQO. Now this intercommunity of names, and that in an act of parliament too, made some of our ablest antiquaries look upon a preceplory and commandry as strictly synonimous ; accordingly wc find Camden, in his Britannia, explaining prceceptoria in the text by a commandry in the margin, p. 356. 510. J. L. Commandry, a manor or chief messuage with lands, &c. belonging to the priory of St. John of Jerusalem ; and he who had the government of such house was called the commander, who could not dispose of it but to the use of the priory, only taking thence his own sustenance, according to his degree, who was usually a brother of the same priory. Cowell. He adds (confounding these with preceptoriesj they are in many places ienned Temples, as Temple Bruere'm Lincolnshire, Sec. Prectplories were possessed by the more eminent sort of Templars, whom the chief master created and called Prci'ceptores Teinpli. Cowell, who refers to Stephens de Jurisd. lib. 4. c. 10. num. 27. Placita de juratis et assis coram Salom. de Roffet sociis suis justic. Itiner. apud Wynton. &c. anno regni K. Edwardi fil. Reg. Hen. octavo. — " et Magr. Milicie *' Templi in Angl. ht emendasse panis, & suis [cerevisioe] in Sodington, & nescint " q '. \v.\r. et — et niagist. Milicie Templi non \ en id distr. Chapter-house, JFestminslcr, OF SELBORNE. 349 South Badeisky, a preceptory of the Knights Templars, and after- wards o? St. John of Jerusalem, valued at one hundred and eigh- teen pounds sixteen shillings and seven pence per annum. Here then was 2^ preceptory unnoticed by anticjuaries, between the vil- lage and Temple. Whatever the edifice of the preceptory might have been, it has long since been dilapidated; and the whole hamlet contains now only one mean farm-house, though there were two in the memory of man. It has been usual for the religious of different orders to fall into great dissensions, and especially when they were near neighbours. Instances of this sort we have heard of between the monks of C««^e/-^«rj/; and again between the old abbey of St. Swythun, and the comparatively new minster of Hyde in the city of JVinchester." These feuds arose probably from dif- Notitia Monastica, p. \55. " " Winchester, Newminster. King Alfred founded here first only a house and • chapel for the learned monk Grimhald, whom he had brought out of Flanders : ' but aftf rwards projected, and by his will ordered, a noble church or religious house ' to be built in the cemetery on the north side of the old minster or cathedral; and ' designed that Grimlald should preside over it. This was begun A. D. goi, and ' finished to the honour of the Holy Trinity, Virgin Mary, and St. Peter, by his ' son king Edward, who placed therein secular canons : but A. D. q65 they were ' expelled, and an abbot and monks put in possession by bishop Ethelwokl. " Now the churches and habitations of these two societies being so very near 'together, the differences which were occasioned by their singing, bells, and other ' matters, arose to so great a height, that the religious of the new monastery thought ' fit, about A. D. 1110, to remove to a better and more quiet situation without the ' walls, on the north part of the city called Hyde, where king Henry I. at the in- ' stance of Will. Gijj'ord, bishop of Winton, founded a stately abbey for them. St, ' Peter was generally accounted patron; though it is sometimes called the monas- tery of St. Grimhald, and sometimes of St. Barnabas," &c. 350 ANTIQUITIES ferent orders being crowded within the narrow limits of a city, or garrison-town, wiiere every inch of ground was precious, and an object of contention. But with us, as far as my evidences extend, and while Robert Saunford was master ° and Richard Carpenter w'Sl^ preceptor, the Templars and the Priors lived in an intercourse of mutual good offices. My papers mention three transactions, the exact time of which cannot be ascertained, because they fell out before dates were usually inserted ; though probably they happened about the middle of the thirteenth century; not long after 6ff;/;?/b;Y/ became master. The first of these is that the Templars shall pay to the priory o? Selborne, annually, the sum of ten shillings at two half yearly payments from their chamber, " camera,"' at Sudingto7i, " per nianum preceptoris, vel ballivi nostri, qui pro " tempore fuerit ibidem," till they can provide the ptior and canons with an equivalent in lands or rents within four or five miles of the said convent. It is also further agreed that, if the Templates shall be in arrears for one year, that then the prior shall be empowered to distrain upon their live stock in Bradeseth, The next matter was a grant from Robert de Saioiford to the priory for ever, of a good and sufficient road, " chemimwi,'' capa- ble of admitting carriages, and proper for the drift of their larger cattle, from the way which extends from Sudington towards Blakemere, on to the lands which the convent possesses in Bradeseth. Note. A few years since a county bridewell, or house of correction, has been built on the immediate site of Hide Alley. In digging up the old foundations the workmen found the head of a crosier in good preservation. " Rolert SaiinforiU was master of the Temple in 1241 ; Guido de Foresla was the next In I2g2. The former is fifth in a list of the masters in a MS. Bil. Cotton. Nero. E. VI. OF SELBORNE. 331 The third transaction (though for want of dates we cannot say whicli liappened first and which last) was a grant from Robert Sa}>ifbrd to the priory of a tenement and its appurtenances in the village of Selborne, given to tlie Templars by Americus de VdscL' This property, by the manner of describing it, — " tutum " tenementum cum omnibus pertinentiis suis, scilicet in terris, " & hominibus, in pratis & pascuis, & nemoribus," &c. seems to have been no inconsiderable purchase, and was sold for two hundred marks sterling, to be applied for the buying of more land for the support of the holy war. Prior John is mentioned as the person to whom J^asc'is land is conveyed. But in TViUiss list there is no prior John till 1339, several years after the dissolution of the order of the Templars in 1312; so that unless JVillis is wrong, and has omitted a prior John since 1262, (that being the date of his first prior) these transactions must have fallen out before that date, I find not the least traces of any concerns between Gurdon and the Knights Templars; but probably after his death his daughter Johanna might have, and might bestow. Temple on that order in support of the holy land: and, moreover, she seems to liave been moving from Selborne when she sold her goods and chattels to the priory, as mentioned above. Temple no doubt did belong to the knights, as may be as- serted, not only from it's name, but also from another corrobo- rating circumstance of it's being still a manor tithe-free\ " for, " by virtue of their order," says Dr. Blackstone, "the lands of P Americus Vasci, by his namCj must have been on Italian, and had been pro- bably a soldier of fortune, and one of Gurdon s captains. Americus Fes^ucio, the person who gave name to the new world, was a Florentine, 35^ ANTIQUITIES " the Knights Templars were privileged by the pope with a dis- " charge from tithes." Antiquaries have been much puzzled about the terms /);'ece/> fores and p7-eceptorii<)7i, not being able to determine what officer or edifice was meant. But perhaps all the while the passage quoted above from one of my papers "per m&num preceptoris " vel ballivi nostri, qui pro tempore fuerit ibidem," may help to explain the difficulty. For if it be allowed here iha.t preceptor and ballivus are synonymous words, then the brother who took on him that office resided in the house of the Templars at Sud- ington, a preceptory ; where he was their />;'ece/;^or, superintended their affairs, received their money; and, as in the instance there mentioned, paid from their chamber, " carnera,' as directed: so that, according to this explanation, a. preceptor was no other than a steward, and a preceptoriitm was his residence, I am well aware that, according to strict Latin, the vel should have been sen or sive, and the order of the words " preceptoi-is tiostri, vel " ballivi, qui" — et " ibidem" should have been ibi; ibidem neces- sarily having reference to tzvo or more persons: but it will hardly be thought fair to apply the niceties of classic rules to the Latiuity of the thirteenth century, the writers of which seem to have aimed at nothing farther than to render themselves in-" telligible. There is another remark that we have made, which, I think, corroborates what has been advanced; and that is, that Richard Carpenter, preceptor of Sndington, at the time of the transactions between the 7 emplars and Selborne Priory, did always sign last as a witness in the three deeds: he calls himself y/-fl^c;-, it is true, among many other brothers, but subscribes with a kind of OF SELBORNE. 353 deference, as if, for the time being, his office rendered him an inferior in the community.'' LETTER XII. The ladies and daughters of Sir Adayn Gurdon were not the only benefactresses to the Priory of Selborne; for, in the year 1281, Ela Longspee obtained masses to be performed for her soul's health ; and the prior entered into an engagement that one of the convent should every day say a special mass for ever for the said benefactress, whether living or dead. She also en- gaged within five years to pay to the said convent one hundred marks of silver for the support of a chantry and chantry -chaplain, er lapsum temporis legitime devolutu spectantem, tibi " (sc. P. Berne) de legitimo matrimonio procreate, &c. — con- " ferimus," &c. This deed bears date July 28, 1454. Rtg. JVaynflete, torn I. p. 69. On February 8, 1462,' the visitor issued out a power of sequestration against the Priory o? Selbor7ie on account of noto- rious dilapidations which threatened manifest ruin to the roofs, walls, and edifices of the said convent; and appointing John Hammond, B. D. rector of the parish church of Hetlegh, John Hylling, vicar of the parish church of Nerwton Valence, and JVal- ter Gorfin, inhabitant of the parish oi Selhorne, his sequestrators to exact, collect, levy, and receive, all the profits and revenues of the said convent: he adds " ac ea sub are to, et tuto custo- " diatis, custodirive faciatis-;" as they would answer it to the bishop at their peril. In consequence of these proceedings prior Berne, on the last d&Y o? February, and the next year, produced a state of the revenues of the Priory, N°. 381, called " A paper conteyning " the value of the manors and lands pertayning to the Priory of " Selborne. 4 Edzvard III. with a note of charges yssuing out " of it." This is a curious document, and will appear in the Appendix. From circumstances in this paper it is plain that the sequestra- tion produced good effects; for in it are to be found bills of repairs to a considerable amount. By this evidence also it appears that there were at that junc- 3 c 2 380 ANTIQUITIES ture only four canons at the Priory;" and that these, and their four household servants, during this sequestration for their clothing, wages, and diet, were allowed /jer ajin. xxx lib.; and that the annual pension of the lord prior, reside where he would, was to be x lib. In the year 1468, prior Berne, probably wearied out by the dissensions and want of order that prevailed in the convent, re- signed his priorship into the hands of the bishop. Reg. TVai/nflete, torn. I. pars i""', fol. 1.57. 3farch 28, A. D. 14(58. "In quadam alta camera juxta " niagnam portam nianerii of the bishop of JVynton de JValtham " coram eodem rev. patre ibidem tunc sedente, Peter Berne, " prior of Selborne, ipsum prioratum in sacras, et venerabiles " manus of the bishop, viva voce libere resignavit: and his resig- " nation was admitted before two witnesses and a notary-public. " In consequence, March 29th, before the bishop, in capella " manerii sui ante dicti pro tribunali sedente, comparuerunt " fratres" Peter Berne, Thomas London, JVilliam JVyndesor, and JVilliam Paynell, alias Stretford, canons regular of the priory, " capitulum, et conventum ejusdem ecclesie facientes; ac jus et " voces in electione futura prioris dicti prioratus solum et in so- " lidum, ut asseruerunt, habentes ;" and after the bishop had notified to them the vacancy of a prior, with his free license to elect, deliberated awhile, and then, by way of compromise, as they affirmed, unanimously transferred their right of election to the bishop before witnesses. In consequence of this the bishop, " If bishop IFyieham was so disturbed (see Notal. VisilalioJ to find the num- ber of canons reduced from fourteen to eleven, what would he have said to have seen it diminished below one third of that number ? OF SELBORNE. ^1 after full deliberation, proceeded, April 7tli, " in capella manerii " sui de IValtham" to the election of a prior; " et fratrem Jo- " hannem Morton, priorem ecclesie conventualis de Reygate " dicti ordinis S" Augustini Wynton. dioc. in priorem vice et " nomine omnium et singulorum canonicorum predictorum " elegit, in ordine sacerdotali, et etate licita constitutum, &c." And on the same day, in the same place, and before the same witnesses, John Morton resigned to the bishop the priorship of Reygate viva race. The bishop then required his consent to his own election; "qui licet in parte renitens tanti reverendi patris " se confirmans," obeyed, and signified his consent oraciih vive vocis. Then was there a mandate citing any one who would gainsay the said election to appear before the bishop or his com- missary in his chapel at Farnharn on the second dayofil/ay next. The dean of the deanery of Aidton then appeared before the chancellor, his commissary, and returned the citation or mandate dated April 22d, 1468, with signification, in writing, of his having published it as required, dated Newton Valence, May 1st, 146'8. This certificate being read, the four canons of Selborne appeared and required the election to be confirmed; et ex super abundanti appointed JVilliam Long their proctor to solicit in their name that he might be canonically confirmed. John Morton also appeared, and proclamation was made; and no one appearing against him, the commissary pronounced all absentees contumacious, and precluded them from objecting at any other time; and, at the instance oi John Morton and the proctor, con- firmed the election by his decree, and directed his mandate to the rector of Hedley and the vicar of Newton Valence to install him in the usual form. 382 ANTIQUITIES Thus, for the first time, was a person, a stranger to the con- vent of Selbo7'/ie, and never canon of that monastery, elected prior; though the style of the petitions in former elections used to run thus, — " Vos - - - - rogamus quatinus ehgendum ex " nobis unum confratrem de gremio nostra, — licentiam vestram *' — nohis concedere dicnemini." LETTER XX. Prior Morton dying in 147 h two canons, by themselves, pro- ceeded to election, and chose a prior; but two more (one of them Berne) complaining of not being summoned, objected to the proceedings as informal; till at last the matter was com- promised that the bishop should again, for that turn, nominate as he had t)efore. But the circumstances of this election will be best explained by the following extract: Reg. Waynflete, torn. II. pars i"", fol. 7. Memorandum. A.D. 1471. August 22. William TVyndesor, a canon-regular of the Priory of Selborne, having been elected prior on the death of brother John, ap- peared in person before the bishop in his chapel at South TFal- tham. He was attended on this occasion hy Thomas Londo7i and John Bromesgrove, canons, who had elected him. Peter Berne and JVilUam Stratfeld, canons, also presented [themselves at the OF SELBORNE. 383 same time, cortiplalning that in this business they had been overlooked, and not summoned; and that therefore the validity of the election might with reason be called in question, and quarrels and dissensions might probably arise between the newly chosen prior and the parties thus neglected. After some altercation and dispute they all came to an agree- ment with the new prior, that what had been done should be rejected and annulled; and that they would again, for this turn, transfer to tlie bishop their power to elect, order, and provide them another prior, whom they promised unanimously to admit. The bishop accepted of this offer before witnesses; and on September ^7, in an inner chamber near the chapel abovemen- tioned, after full deliberation, chose brother Thomas Faimnse, vicar of Somhorne, a canon-regular of Saint Augustine in the Priory of Bruscough, in the diocese of Coventry and Litchfield, to be prior of Selborne. The form is nearly as above in the last election. The canons are again enumerated; TV. Wyndesor, sub- prior, P. Berne, T. London, JV. Stratfeld, J. Bromesgrove, who had formed the chapter, and had requested and obtained license to elect, but had unanimously conferred their power on the bishop. In consequence of this proceeding, the bishop taking the business upon himself, that the Priory might not suffer detriment for want of a governor, appoints the aforesaid T. Fair- wise to be prior. A citation was ordered as above for gainsayers to appear October 4th, before the bishop or his commissaries at South JValtham; but none appearing, the commissaries admitted the said Thomas, ordered him to be installed, and sent the usual letter to the convent to render him due obedience. Thus did the bishop of Winchester a second time appoint a stranger to be prior of Selborne, instead of one chosen out of 3U ANTIQUITIES the chapter. For this seeming irregularity the visitor had no doubt good and sufficient reasons, as probably may appear here- after. LETTER XXI. Whatever might have been the abilities and disposition of prior Fairwise, it could not have been in his power to have brought about any material reformation in the Priory of Sel- borne, because he departed this life in the month of August 1472, before he had presided one twelvemonth. As soon as their governor was buried the chapter applied to their visitor for leave to choose a new prior, which being granted, after deliberating for a time, they proceeded to an election by a scrutiny. But as this mode of voting has not been described but by the mere form in the Appendix, an extract from the bishop's register, representing the manner more fully, may not be disagreeable to several readers. Wayneflete Reg. tom. II. pars 1"", fol. 15. " Reverendo &c. ac nostro patrono graciosissimo vestri hu- " miles, et devote obedientie filii," &c. To the right reverend Father in God, and our most gracious patron, we, your obedient and devoted sons, JViUiam JFyndesoi; president of the chapter of the Priory of Selborne, and the con- vent of that place, do make known to your lordship, that our priorship being lately vacant by the death of Thomati Faii'wise, our late prior, who died August 11th, 1472, having committed OF SELBORNE. 585 his body to decent sepulture, and having requested, according to custom, leave to elect another, and having obtained it under your seal, we, IFilliam ITj/fidesor, president of the convent, on the 29th of August, in our chapter-house assembled, and making a chapter, taking to us in this business Richard ap Jenhyn, and Galjrid Bryan, chaplains, that our said Priory might not by means of this vacancy incur harm or loss, unanimously agreed on August the last for the day of election; on which day, having first celebrated mass, " De sancto spiritu," at the high altar, and having called a chapter by tolling a bell about ten o' the clock, we, JVilliam JVyndesor, president, Peter Berne, Thomas London, and JVilliam Stratjeld, canons, who alone had voices, being the only canons, about ten o' the clock, first sung " Veni Creator," the letters and license being read in the pre- sence of many persons there. Then JVilliam JVyndesor, in liis own name, and that of all the canons, made solenm proclama- tion, enjoining all who had no right to vote to depart out of the chapter-house. When all were withdrawn except Guyllery de Lacuna, in decretis Baccalarius, and Robert Peverell, notary- public, and also the two chaplains, the first was requested I*' stay, that he might direct and inform us in the mode of electionj the other, that he might record and attest the transactions; and the two last that they might be witnesses to them. Then, having read the constitution of the general council " Quia propter," and the forms of elections contained in it being sufficiently explained to them by De Lacuna, as well in Latin as the vulgar tongue, and having deliberated in what mode to proceed in this election, they resolved on that of scrutiny. Three of the canons, JVyndesor, Berne, and London, were made scrutators: Berne, London, and Htratfeld, choosing JVyndesor; 3 D 336 ANTIQUITIES JFyndesor, London, and Stratfeld, choosing Berne; JFyndesor, Berne, and Stratfeld, choosing London. They were empowered to take each other's vote, and then that o^ Stratfeld; •' et ad inferiorem partem angularem" of tlie chapter-house, "jiixta ostium ejusdem dechnentes," with the other persons, (except Stratfeld, who staid behind) proceeded to voting, two swearing, and taking the voice of the third, in succession, privately. JVyndeaor voted first: " Ego credo Petrum " Berne mehorem et utiliorem ad regimen istius ecclesie, et in " ipsuni consentio, ac eum nomino," &c. Berne was next sworn, and in hke manner nominated JVyndfsor; London nomi- nated Berne: Stratfeld was then called and sworn, and nomi- nated Berne. " Quibus in scriptis redactis," by the notary-public, they re- turned to the upper part of the chapter-house, where by JFjjnde- sor " sic purecta fecerunt in communi," and then solemnly, in form written, declared the election oi' Berne: when all, " ante- " dicto nostro clecto excepto, approbantes et ratificantes, cepi- " mus decantare solemniter ' Te Deum Luudamm^ et sic canentes " dictum electum ad inajus altaie ecclesie deduximus, ut apud " nos est nioris. Then IVyndesor electionem clero et populo " infra cliorum dicte ecclesie congregatis publicavit, et personam " elect! publice et personaliter ostendit." We then returned to the chapter-house, except our prior; and IVyndesor Mas ap- pointed by the other two their proctor, to desire the assent of the elected, and to notify what had been done to the bishop; and to desire him to confirm the election, and do whatever else was necessary. Then their proctor, before the witnesses, re- quired Berne's assent in the chapter-house: "qui (luidcni in- " stanciis et precibus multiplicatis devictus," consented, " licet OF SELBORNE. SS7 " indignus electus," in writing. They therefore requested the bishop's confirmation of their election " sic canonice et solem- " niter celebrata," &c. &c. Sealed with their common seal, and subscribed and attested by the notary. Dat. in the chapter- house *S'e/)/e;?26fr 5th, 1472, In consequence, Septeinber \ 1th, 1472, in the bisliop's chapel at Esher, and before the bishop's commissary, appeared IF. JFyndesor, and exhibited the above instrument, and a mandate from the bisliop for the appearance of gainsayers of the election there on that day: — and no one appearing, the absentees were declared contumacious, and the election confirmed; and the vicar of Aiilton was directed to induct and install the prior in the usual manner. Thus did canon Berne, though advanced in years, reassume his abdicated priorship for the second time, to the no small satisfaction, as it may seem, of the bishop of JVinchester, who professed, as will be shown not long hence, an high opinion of his abilities and integrity. LETTER XXII. As prior Berne, when chosen in 14o4, held his priorship only to 1468, and then made a voluntary resignation, wearied and disgusted, as we may conclude, by the disorder that prevailed in his convent; it is no matter of wonder that, when re- chosen in 1472, he should not long maintain his station; as old age was then coming fast upon him, and the increasing anarchy and mis- 3 D 2 388 ANTIQUITIES rule of that declining institution required unusual vigour and resolution to stem that torrent of profligacy which was hurrying it on to it's dissolution. We find, accordingly, that in 1478 he resigned his dignity again into the hands of the bishop. Waynflete Reg. fol. 55. Hesignatio Prioris de Seleborne, May 14, 1478. Peter Berne resigned the priorship. May \6 the bishop admitted his resignation " in manerio suo de JVal- " tham, and declared the priorship void; " et priorat. solacio " destitutum esse;" and granted his letters for proceeding to a new election: when all the religious, assembled in the chapter- house, did transfer their power under tlieir seal to the bishop, by the following public instrument. " In Dei nomine Amen," &c. A D. 1478, Maii 19- In the chapter-house for the election of a prior for that day, on the free resignation of Peter Berne, having celebrated in the first place mass at the high altar " De spiritu sancto," and having called a chapter by tolling a bell, ut moris est ; iu the presence of a notary and witnesses appeared personally Peter Berne, Thomas Axhford, Stephen Clydgrove, and John Ashton, presbyters, and Henry Canwood," in chapter assembled; and after singing the hymn ' Veni Creator Spiritic.s,'' " cum versiculo et oratione " Here we see that all the canons were changed in six years; and that there was quite a new chapter, Berne excepted, between 14/2 and 147S ; for, instead of Jfjjiidesor, London, and Slratfeld, we find Afhford, Clydgrove, Jshlon, and Can- 7i'ood, all new men, who were soon gone in their tnrn oft' the stage, and are heard of no more, For, in six years afttr, there seem to have been no canons at all. OF SELBORNE. 589 ' Deus quicorda; declarataque licentla Fundatoris et patroni; " fiiturum priorein eligendi concessa, et constitutione consilii " generalis que iucipit ' Quia propter declaratis; viisque per " quas possent ad hanc electlonem procedere," by the decretorum doctorem, whom the canons had taken to direct them — they all and everyone "dixerunt el; affirmarunt se nolle ad aliquam " viam procedere:" — but, for this turn only, renounced their right, and unanimously transferred their power to the bishop, the ordinary of the place, promising to receive whom he should provide; and appointed a proctor to present the instrument to the bishop under their seal; and required their notary to draw it up in due form, &c. subscribed by the notary. After the visitor had fully deliberated on the matter, he pro- ceeded to the choice of a prior, and elected, by the following instrument, John Sharp, alias Glastenbury. Fol. 36. Provisio Phioris per Epji. JVillmus, &c. to our beloved brother in Christ John Sharp, alias Glastenbury, Ecclesie conventualis de Brutoti, of the order of St. Austin, in the diocese of Bath and JVells, canon-regular — salatem, Sec. " De tue circumspectionis industria plurimum con- " fidentes, te virum providuni et discretum, literarum scientia, " et moribus merito commendandum," &c. — do appoint you prior — under our seal. " Dat. in manerio nostro de Suthwal- tham, May 20, 1478, et nostre Consec. 3]." Thus did the bishop, three times out of the four that he was at liberty to nominate, appoint a prior from a distance, a stran- ger to the place, to govern the convent of Selborne, hoping by 390 ANTIQUITIES this method to have broken the cabal, and to have interrupted that habit of mismanagement that had pervaded the society: but he acknowledges, in an evidence lying before us, that he never did succeed to his wishes with respect to those late governors, — " quos tamen male se habuisse, et inutiliter adnii- " nistrare, et administrasse usque ad presentia tempora post " dcbitam investigationeai, &c. invenit." The only time that he appointed from among the canons, he made choice oi' Peler Berne, for whom he had conceived the greatest esteem and regard. When prior Beriie first relinquished his priorship, he returned again to his former condition of canon, in which he continued for some years: but when he was re-chosen, and had abdicated a second time, we find him in a forlorn state, and in danger of being reduced to beggary, had not the bishop of lPl?tchesfer in- terposed in his favour, and with great humanity insisted on a provision for him for life. The reason for this difference seems to have been, that, in the first case, though in years, he might have been hale and capable of taking his share in the duty of the convent; in the second, he was broken with age, and no longer equal to the functions of a canon. Impressed with this idea the bishop very benevolently in- terceded in his favour, and laid his injunctions on the new- elected prior in the following manner. Fol. 56, " In Dei nomine Amen. Nos TVillmus, &c. consi- " derantes Petriim Berne," late prior " in administratione spiri- " tuaruim et teniporalium prioratus laudabiliter vixisseet rexisse; " ipsumque senio et corporis debilitate confractum; ne in oppro- " brium religionis meiidicari cogattcr; — eidem annuam pensiouem " a Domino Johamie SItarp, alias Glastonbury, priorc modcrno,'* OF SELBORNE. S91 and his successors, and, from the Priory or church, to be payed every j'car during his life, " de voluntate et ex consensu ex- " pressis" of the said John Sharp, "sub ea cjue sequitur forma " verborum — assignamus:" 1st. That the said prior and his successors, for the time being, honeste exhibebunt of tlie fruits and profits of the prior- ship, " eidem esculenta et poculenta," while he remained in the Priory " sub consimili portione eorundem prout convenienter "priori," for the time being, m'mistrari conligerit ; and in like manner unifamulo, whom he should choose to wait on him, as to the servientibus of the prior. Item. " Invenient seu exhibebunt eidem unam honestam " cameram" in the Priory, " cum focalibus necessariis seu oppor- " tunis ad eundem. Item. We will, ordain, &c. to tlie said P. Berne an annual pension of ten marks, from the revenue of the Priory, to be paid by the hands of the prior quarterly. The bishop decrees farther, that John Sharp, and his succes- sors, shall take an oath to observe this injunction, and that before their installation. " Lecta et facta sunt htec in quodam alto oratorio," belong- ing to the bishop at Suthzvaltham, May 25, 1478, in the presence of Johtt Sharp, who gave his assent, and then took the oath before witnesses, with the other oaths before the chancellor, who decreed he should be inducted and installed; as was done that same day. How Joh7i Sharp, alias Glastonbury, acquitted himself in his priorship, and in what manner he made a vacancy, whether by resignation, or death, or whether he was removed by the visitor, S92 ANTIQUITIES does not appear; we only find that some time in the year 1484 there was no prior, and that the bishop nominated canon Ash- jord to fill the vacancy. LETTER XXIII. This Thomas Ashford was most undoubtedly the last prior of Selborne; and therefore here will be the proper place to say something concerning a list of the priors, and to endeavour to improve that already given by others. At the end of bishop Tanner's Notitia Monastka, the folio edition, among Broun JVilHs's Principals of Religious Houses occur the names of eleven of the priors of Selborne, with dates. But this list is imperfect, and particularly at the beginning; for though the Priory was founded in 1232, yet it commences with Nich. de Cantia, elected in 1262; so that for the first thirty years no prior is mentioned; yet there must have been one or more. We were in hopes that the register of Peter de Rujnbus would have rectified this omission; but, when it was examined, no information of the sort was to be found. From the year 1410 the list is much corrected and improved; and the reader may depend on it's being thence forward very exact. OF SELBORNE. 393 A List of the Priors of Selborne Priory, fro7n Brown Willis's Principals of Religious Houses, with additions within [ ] by the author. [John was prior, sine dat.} ^ Nich. de Cantia el. . - - - 1262. [Peter was prior in - - - 1271.] [Richard was prior in - - 1280.] Will. Basing was prior in - - - 1S99. Walter de Insula el. in - - - - - 1324. [Some difficulties, and a devolution; but the election confirmed by bishop Stratford.] JohndeWinton - - - - - 1339- Thomas Weston - - - - 1377. John Winchester, [Wynchestre'] - - 1410. [Elected by bishop Beaufoi^t " per viam vel formam " simplicis compromissi.] [John Stype, 2\\as Stepe, m - _ - - 1411.] Peter Bene [alias Berne or Bernes, appointed keeper, and, by lapse to bishop Wayneflete, prior] in - - 1454. [He resigns in 1468.] John Morton, {Prior oi Reygatelm - - 1468. [The canons by compromise transfer the power of election to the bishop.] " See, in Letter XI. of these Antiquities, the reason why prior John - - -, who had transactions with the Knights Templars, is placed in the list before the year 1262. 3 E 394. ANTIQUITIES JVill. Winsor \JVy7idesor, prior for a few flays] 1471. [but removed on account of an irregular election.] Thomas Farwill [Fah^ise, v\cb.v o^ Somborne] 1471. [by compromise again elected by the bishop.] \Peter Berne, re-elected by scrutiny in - - 1472,] [resigns again in 1478.] John Sharper [Sharp} alias Glastonbury - - 1478. [Canon-reg, of Bruton, elected by the bishop by com- promise.] \Thojnas Js/iford, canon of Selborne, last prior elected by the bishop of fFinchester, some time in the year - - 1484, and deposed at the dissolution.] LETTER XXIV. Bishop TVayneJietes efforts to continue the Priory still proved unsuccessful; and the convent, without any canons, and for some time without a prior, was tending swiftly to it's dissolution. When Sharp's, alias Glastonbury s, priorship ended does not appear. The bishop says that he had been obliged to remove some priors for male-administration: but it is not well explained how that could be the case with any, unless with Sharp; because all the others, chosen during his episcopate, died in their office, viz. Morton and Fairwise; Berne only excepted, who relin- quished twice voluntarily, and was moreover approved of by JVayneflete as a person of integrity. But the way to shew what ineffectual pains the bishop took, and what difficulties he met OF SELBORNE. 395 with, will be to quote the words of the libel of his proctor Radulphus Langley, who appeared for the bishop in the process of the impropriatioQ of the Priory of Helborne. The extract is taken from an attested copy. " Item — that the said bishop — dicto prioratui et personis " ejusdem pie compatiens, soUicitudines pastorales, labores, et " diligentias gravissimas quam plurimas, tain per se quam per " suos, pro reformatione premissorum impendebat: et aliquando " illius loci prioribus, propter malam et inutilem administratio- " nem, et dispensationem bonorum predicti prioratus, suis de- " meritis exigentibus, amotis; alios priores in quorum circum- " spectione et diligentia confidebat, prefecit: quos tamen male " se habuisse ac inutiliter administiare, et administrasse, usque " ad presentia tempora post debitam investigationem, &c. in- " venit." So that he despaired with all his care — " statum " ejusdem reparare vel restaurare: et considerata temporis ma- " licia, et preteritis timendo et conjecturando futura, de aliqua " bona et sancta religione ejusdem ordinis, &c. juxta piam in- " tentionem primevi fundatoris ibidem habend. desperatur." tVilliam fVairifleet, bishop of fVinchester, founded his college of Saint Mary Magdalene, in the university of Oxford, in or about the year 1459; but the revenues proving insufficient for so large and noble an establishment, the college supplicated the founder to augment it's income by putting it in possession of the estates belonging to the Priory of Selhorne, now become a deserted convent, without canons or prior. The president and fellows state the circumstances of their numerous institution and scanty provision, and the ruinous and perverted condition of the Priory. The bishop appoints commissaries to inquire into the state of the said monastery; and, if found expedient, 3 E 2 596 ANTIQUITIES to confirm the appropriation of it to the college, which soon after appoints attornies to take possession, September ^24:, 1484. But the way to give the reader a thorough insight respecting this transaction, will be to transcribe a farther proportion of the process of the impropriation from the beginning, which will lay- open the manner of proceeding, and shew the consent of the parties. Impropriatto Selbokne, 1485. " Universis sancte matris ecclesie filiis, &c. Ricardus Dei " gratia prior ecclesie conventualis de Novo Loco, Sec' ad uni- " versitatem vestre notitie deducimus, &c. quod coram nobis " commissario predicto in ecclesia parochiali S'. Georgii de Esxher, " diet, JVinton. dioc. 5°. die Augusti, A. D. I4So. Indictione " tertia pontificat. Innocentii 8''. ann. 1'"". judicialiter comparuit " venerabilis vir Jacobus Presto)!, S. T. P. infrascriptus, et exhi- " buit literas commissionis — quas quidem per magistrum Thoniam " Somercotes notarium publicum, &c. legi fecimus, tenorem se- " quentem in se continentes." The same as N° 103, but dated — •" In manerio nostro de Essher, Augusti, 1""\ A. D. 1485, et " nostre consec. anno 39." [N° 103 is repeated in a book con- taining the like process in the preceding year by the same com- ' Ecclesia Conventualis de Novo Loco was the monastery afterwards calleii the New Minster, or Abley oi Hyde, in the city of JVinchester. Should any inlelligent reader wonder to see that the prior of Hyde At-bey was commissary to the bishop of ll^inlon, and should conclude that there was a mistake in titles, and that the allot must have been here meant ; he will be pleased to recollect that this person was the second in rank; for, " next under the abbot, in every abbey, was the prior." Pref. to Notit. Monast. p. xxix. Besides, abbots were great personages, and too high in station to submit to any office under the bishop. OF SELBORNE. 397 missary, in the parish church of St Andrew the apostle, at Farn- ham, Sept. 6th, anno 14s4.] " Post quarum literarutn lecturam " — dictus magister Jacobus Preston, quasdani procuratorias " literas mag. Richardi Mayexve presidcntis, ut asseruit, colkgii " beate Marie Magdalene, &c. sigillo lotiuido conimuni, &c. in " cera vubea impresso sigillatas realiter exhibuit, &c. et pro " eisdem dnis suis, &c. fecit se partem, ac nobis supphcavit ut " jiixta formam in eisdem traditaai procedere dignaremur, &c." After tliese proclamations no contradictor or abjector appearing — " ad instantem petitioneni ipsius mag. Jac. Preston, procura- " toris, &c. procedendum fore decrevimus vocatis jure vocandis; " nee non mag. Tho. Somercotes, &c. in actorum nostrorum scri- " bam nominavimus. Consequeiiter et ibidem tunc comparuit " magister Michael Clyff, &c. et exhibuit in ea parte procurato- " rium suum," for the prior and convent of the cathedral of JFiiiton, " et fecit se partem pro eisdem. — Deinde comperuit <' coram nol)is, &c. honestus vir Wdlmus Cowper," proctor for the bishop as patron of the Priory of Seibo?yid, and exhibited his " procuratorium, &c." After these were read in the presence of Clj/ Cortper, " Preston, viva voce," petitioned the commis- sary to annex and appropriate the Priory of Sel borne to the col- lege— " propter quod fructus, redditus, et proventus ejusdem " coll. adeo tenues sunt, et exiles, quod ad sustentationem ejus, " &c. non suihciunt." — The commissary, " ad libellandum et " articulandum in scriptis" — adjourned the court to the 5th of August, then to be held again in the parish church of Essher. W. Coiiper being then absent, Radulphus Langley appeared for the bishop, and was admitted his proctor. Preston produced his hbel or article in scriptis for the union, &c. " et admitti 398 ANTIQUITIES " petiit eundem cum efFectu; cujus libelii tenor sequitur. — In " Dei nomine, Amen. Coram nobis venerabili in Christo patre " Kichardo, priore, &c. de Novo Loco, &c. commissario, &c." Part of the college of ]\Iagd. dicit. allegat. and in his " scriptis " proponit, &c." " Imprimis— that said college consists of a president and " eighty scholars, besides sixteen choristers, thirteen servientes " inibialtissiniofamulantibus, et in scientiis plerisque liberalibus, " presertim in sacra theologia studentibus, nedum ad ipsorum " presidentis et scholarium pro presenti et imposterum, annuente " deo, incorporandorum in eodeni relevamen ; verum etiam ad " omnium et singulorum tam scholarium quam religiosorum *' cujuscunque ordinis undequaque illuc confluere pro salubri " doctrina volentium utilitatem multiplicem ad incrementa " virtutis fideique catholice stabilimentum. Ita videlicet quod " omnes et singuli absque personarum seu nationuin delectu " illuc accedere volentes, lecturas publicas et doctriuas tam in " grammatica loco ad collegium contiguo, ac philosophiis morali " et naturali, quam in sacra theologia in eodeni collegio per- " petuis teuiporibus continuandas libere atque gratis audire " valeant et possint ad laudem gloriam et honorem Dei, &c. " extitit fundatum et stabilitum." For the first item in this process see the beginning of this letter. Then follows item the second — " that the revenues of " the college non sufficiunt his diebus." "Item — that the pre- " misses are true, &c. et super eisdem laborarunt, et laborant " publica vox et fama. Unde facta fide petit pars eorundem " that the Priory be annexed to the college: ita quod dicto " prioratu vacante liceat iis ex tunc to take possession, &c." OF SELBORNE. 399 This libel, with the express consent of the other proctors, we, the commissary, admitted, and appointed the sixth of August for proctor Preston to prove the premisses. Preston produced witnesses, W, Gyfford, S. T. P. John Nele, A. M. John Chapman, chaplain, and Robert Baron, literatus, who were admitted and sworn, when the court was prorogued to the 6th o? August; and the witnesses, on the same 5th of August, were examined by the commissary, " in capella infra " manerium de Essher situata, secrete et singillatim." Then fol- low the " literas procuratorite:" first that of the college, appoint- ing Preston and Langport their proctors, dated August 30th, 1484; then that of the prior and convent of the cathedral of TVintbn, appointing David Husband and Michael Cleve, dated September Ath, 1484: then that of the bisjiop, appointing IF. Gyfford, Radulphus Langley, and IVill. Cozvper, dated September 3d, 1484. Consec. 38°.; — " Quo die adveniente in dicta ecclesia " parochiali," appeared " coram nobis" James Preston to prove the contents of his libel, and exhibited some letters testimonial with the seal of the bishop, and these were admitted ; and con- sequenter Pre.?/o« produced two witnesses, viz. Dominum Thomam Ashfordc imper priorem dictiprioratus, et ff'illm. Rabbys literatum, who were admitted and sworn, and examined as the others, by the commissary; " tunc & ibidem assistente scriba secrete & sin- " gillatim ;" and their depositions were read and made public, as follows: Mr. IF. Gyfford, S. T. P. aged 57, of the state of Magd. Coll. &c. &c. as before: Mr. John Nele, aged 57, proves the articles also: Robert Baron, aged 56: Johannes Chapman, aged 35, also affirmed all the five articles: 400 ANTIQUITIES Dompnus Thomas Ashforde, aged 72 years — " dicit 2''"'" 3"'* " 4""' articulos in eodem libello contentos, concernentes statum " dicti prioiatus de Sekbourne, fuisse et esse veros." TF. Rabbys, ffitat 40 ami. agrees with Gyfford, &c. Then follows the letter from the bishop, " in subsidium pro- " bationis," abovementioned — " JVillmus, &c. salutem, &€• " noverint universitas vestra, quod licet nos prioratui de Scle- " bourne. Sec. pie compacientes soliicitudines pastorales, labores, " diligentias qiiam pliirimas per nos & commissarios nostros pro " reformatione status ejus impenderimus, justicia id poscente; " nihilominus tamen," &c. as in the article — to " dcsperatur," dated " in manerio nostro de Essher, Aug. 3(1, 1485, & consec. 39" Then, on the 6th of August, Preston, in the presence of the other proctors, required that they should be compelled to answer; when they all allowed the articles " fuisse & esse vera;" and the commissary, at the request of Pre^^ow, concluded the business, and appointed Monday, August 8th, for giving his decree in the same church oi Essher; and it was that day read, and contains a recapitulation, with the sentence of union, &c. witnessed and attested. As soon as the president and fellows of ]\Iagdalen college had obtained the decision of the commissary in their favour, they proceeded to supplicate the/J0/;e, and to entreat his holi- ness that he would give his sanction to the sentence of union. Some difficulties were started at Rome; but they were sur- mounted by the college agent, as appears by his letters from that city. At length />o/;e Innocent VIII. by a butl^ bearing date * There is nothing remarkable in this lull o( pope Innocent except the statement of the annual revenue of the Priory of Sellorne, which is therein estimated at l60 OF SELBORNE. 401 the 8 th day of June, in the year of our Lord 1486, and in the second year of his pontificate, confirmed what had been done, and suppressed the convent. Thus fell the considerable and well-endowed Priory of Sd- borne after it had subsisted about two hundred and fifty-four years: about seventy-four years after the suppression of Priories alien by Henry V. and about fifty years before the general disso- lution of monasteries by Henry VIII. The founder, it is pro- bable, had fondly imagined that the sacredness of the institution, and the pious motives on which it was established, might have preserved it inviolate to the end of time — yet it fell, " To teach us that God attributes to place " No sanctity, if none be thither brought " By men, who there frequent, or therein dwell." Milton's Paradise Lost. LETTER XXV. Wainfleet did not long enjoy the satisfaction arising from this new acquisition; but departed this life in a few months after he had effected the union of the Priory with his late founded college; and was succeeded in the see of Winchester by Peter Courtney, some time towards the end of the year I486. Jlor, auri; whereas bishop Godzinn sets it at 337/. 155. G^d, Now zfloren, so named, says Camden, because made by Florentines, was a gold coin of king Edward III. in value 6s. whereof iQO is not one seventh part of 337/. 15i. 6^rf. 3 F 402 ANTIQUITIES In the beginning of the following year the new bishop re- leased the president and fellows of Magdalen College from all actions respecting the Priory of Selborne; and the prior and convent of ^2\nt Swithun, as the chapter of PFi?ichester cathe- dral, confirmed the release.'' N. 293. " Relaxatio Petri epi JVintbn Ricardo Mayew, " Presidenti omnium actionum occasione indempnitatis sibi " debite pro unione Prioratus de Selborne dicto collegio. Jan. 2. " 1487. et translat. anno 1°." N. 374. " Relaxatio ^?7o;'e* et conventus S'^ Swithini Wintbn " confirmans relaxationem Petri ep. TVinton." 1487. Jan. 13. Ashforde, the deposed prior, who had appeared as an evidence for the impropriation of the Priory at the age of seventy-two years, that he might not be destitute of a maintenance, was pen- sioned by the college to the day of his death; and was living on till 1490, as appears by his acquittances. Reg. a. fF. 46. " Omnibus Christi fidelibus ad quos presens scriptum per- " venerit, B.icliardus Mayew, presidens, &c. et scolares, salutem " in Domino." " Noveritis nos prefatos presidentem et scolares dedisse, con- " cessisse, et hoc present! scripto confirmasse Thome Ashforde, " capellano, quendam annualem redditum sex librarum tresdecim •' solidorum et quatuor denariorum bone et legalis monete " Anglie — ad terminum vite prefati Thome' — to be paid from the possessions of the college in Basingstoke. — " In cujus rei " testimonium sigillum nostrum commune presentibus apponi- " mus. Dat. Oxon. in coll. nostro supra dicto primo die mensis * The bishops of Winchester were patrons of the Priory. OF SELBORNE. 403 *' Junii anno regis Ricardi tertii secundo," viz. 1484. The col- lege, in their grant to Ashfordc, style him only capcllanus ; but the annuitant very naturally, and with a becoming dignity, asserts his late title in his acquittances, and identifies himself by the addition oi nuper priorem, or late prior. As, according to the persuasion of the times, the depriving the founder and benefactors of the Priory of their masses and services would have been deemed the most impious of frauds, bishop Wa'wfleet, having by statute ordained four obits for him- self "to be celebrated in the chapel oi JMagdalen College, enjoined in one of them a special collect for the anniversary of Peter de Rupibus, with a particular prayer — " Deiis Indulgentiarum." The college also sent Nicholas Lartgrish, who had been a chantry priest at Selborne, to celebrate mass for the souls of all that had been benefactors to the said Priory and college, and for all the faithful who had departed this life. N. 356. Thomas Knowks, presidens, &c. — "damns et con- " cedimus Nicholao Langrish quandum capellaniam, vel salarium, " sive alio quocunque nomine censeatur, in prioratu quondam de " Selborne pro termino 40 annorum, si tam diu vixerit Ubi " dictus mag". Nicholaus celebrabit pro animabus omnium bene- " factorum dicti prioratus et coll. nostri, et omnium fidelium " defunctorum. Insuper nos, &c. concedimus eidem ibidem " celebranti in sustentationem suam quandam annualem pensi- " onem sive annuitatem octo librarum &c. — in dicta capella " dicti prioratus — concedimus duas cameras contiguas ex parte " boreali dicte capelle, cum una coquina, et cum uno stabulo " conveniente pro tribus equis, cum pomerio eidem adjacente " voc. le Orcheyard — Preterea 26s. 8d. per ann. ad inveniendum " nnum clericum ad serviendum sibi ad altare, et aliis negotiis 3 F 2 404 ANTIQUITIES necessariis ejus." — His wood to be granted him by the president on the progress. — He was not to absent himself beyond a certain time; and was to superintend the coppices, wood, and hedges, " Dat. 5'°. die Julii. an°. He7i. VIIl". S6'\" [viz. 1546.] Here we see the Priory in a new light, reduced as it were to the state of a chantry, without prior and without canons, and attended only by a priest, who was also a sort of bailiff or wood- man, his assistant clerk, and his female cook. Ouen Oglethorpe, president, and Magd. Coll. in the fourth year of Edward VI. viz. \55\, granted an annuity of ten pounds a year for life to Nich. Languish, who, from the preamble, appears then to have been fellow of that society: but, being now superannuated for business, this pension is granted him for thirty years, if he should live so long. It is said of him — " cum jam sit provec- tioris etatis quam ut," &c. Laurence Stubb, president of Magd. Coll. leased out the Priory lands to John Sharp, husbandman, for the term of twenty years, as early as the seventeenth year of Henry VIII. — viz. 1526: and it appears that Henry Nexvlyn had been in possession of a lease before, probably towards the end of the reign of Henry VII. Sharp's rent was vi". per ann. — Regist. B. p. 43. By an abstract from a lease lying before me, it appears that Sharp found a house, two barns, a stable, and a dttf-house, [dove- house] built, and standing on the south side of the old Priory, and late in the occupation of Nexvlyn. In this abstract also are to be seen the names of all the fields, many of which continue the same to this day.*" Of some of them I shall take notice, Avhere any thing singular occurs. ■> It may not be amiss to mention here tliat various u^mei oi tithings,farm!, Jields, woods, &c. whicii appear in the ancient deeds, and evidences of several cen- turies standing, are still preserved in common use with little or no variation :— as OF SELBORNE. 405 And here first we meet with Paradyss [Paradise] mede. Every convent had it's Paradise; which probably was an en- closed orchard, pleasantly laid out, and planted with fruit-trees. Tylehouse grove, so distinguished from having a tiled house near it."" Butt-zvood close; here the servants of the Priory and the village-swains exercised themselves with their long bows, and shot at a mark against a butt, or bank/ Cundyth [conduit] wood: the engrosser of the lease not understanding this name has made a strange barbarous word of it. Conduit-wood was and is a steep, rough cow-pasture, lying above the Priory, at about a quarter of a mile to the south-west. In the side of this field there is a spring of water that never fails; at the head of which a cistern was built which communicated with leaden pipes that conveyed water to the monastery. When this reser- voir was first constructed does not appear, we only know that it underwent a repair in the episcopate of bishop fVainfleet, about the year 1462." Whether these pipes only conveyed the water to the Priory for common and culinary purposes, or con- Nortouy Southington, Durton, Achangre, BlacJtmore, Bradshot, Rood, Plestor, &c. &c. At the same time it should be acknowledged that other places have entirely lost their original titles, as le Buri and Trucstede in this village ; and la Liega, or la Lyge, which was the name of the original site of the Priory, &c. "^ Men at first heaped sods, or fern, or heath, on their roofs to keep off the in- clemencies of weather : and then by degrees laid straw or haum. The first refine- ments on roofing were shingles, which are very ancient. Tiles are a very late and imperfect covering, and were not much in use till the beginning of the sixteenth century. The first tiled house at Nottingham was in 1503. ■• There is also a Butt-close just at the back of the village. ■^ N. 381. " Clausure terre abbatie ecclesie parochiali de Selelurne, ixi. ivad. " Reparacionibus domorum predict! prioratus ii'il. liLxis. Jque co?iduct. ibidem. " xxiii d." 406 ANTIQUITIES tributed to any matters of ornament and elegance, we shall not pretend to say; nor when artists and mechanics first understood any thing of hydraulics, and that water confined in tubes would rise to it's original level. There is a person now living who had been employed formerly in digging for these pipes, and once discovered several yards, which they sold for old lead. There was also a plot of ground called Tan-house garden: and " Tannaria sua," a tan-yard of their own, has been mentioned in Letter XVI. This circumstance I just take notice of, as an instance that monasteries had trades and occupations carried on within themselves/ Registr. B. pag. 1 12. Here we find a lease of the parsonage of Selborne to Thomas Sylvester and Miles Arnold, husbandmen — of the tythes of all manner of corne pertaining to the parsonage — with the offerings at. the chapel of Whaddon belonging to the said parsonage. Dat. Jutie 1. 27'^ He7i. 8'^ [viz. 1536.] As the chapel of Whaddon has never been mentioned till now, and as it is not noticed by bishop Tanner in his Notiiia Monastica, some more particular account of it will be proper in this place. Whaddon was a chapel of ease to the mother church of Selborne, and was situated in the tithing of Oakhanger, at about two miles distance from the village. The farm and field whereon it stood are still called chapel-farm and Jield:^ but there are no remains or traces of the building itself, the very founda- tions having been destroyed before the memory of man. In a farm yard at Oakhanger we remember a large hollow stone of a f There is still a wood near the Priory called Tanner's wood. s This is a manor-farm, at present the property of Lord Stawcll; and belonged probably in ancient times to Jo, de Venur, or Venuz, one of the first benefactors to the Piiory. OF SELBORNE. 407 close substance, which had been used as a hog-trough, but was then broken. This stone, tradition said, had been the baptismal font of fVhaddon chapel. The chapel had been in a very ruinous state in old days; but was new-built at the instance of bishop JFa'mfleet, about the year 1463, during the. Jirst priorship of Benie, in consequence of a sequestration issued forth by that visitor against the Priory on account of notorious and shamefui dilapidations.'' The Selborne rivulet becomes of some breadth at Oakhanger, and, in very wet seasons, swells to a large flood. There is a bridge over the stream at this hamlet of considerable antiquity and peculiar shape, known by the name of Timbridge : it consists of one single blunt gothic arch, so high and sharp as to render the passage not very convenient or safe. Here was also, we find, a bridge in very early times; for Jacobus de Hochangre, the first benefactor to the Priory of Selborne, held his estate at Hochangre by the service of providing the king one foot-soldier for forty days, and by building this bridge. " Jacobus de Hoch- angre tenet Hochangre in com. Southampton, per Serjantiam,^ inveniendi unum valectum in exercitu Domini regis [scil. Hen- rici III'".] per 40 dies; et ad faciendum pontem de Hochangre: et valet per ann. C. s." Blounfs Ancient Tenures, p. 84. h See Letter XIX. of these Antiquities. — " Summa total, solut. de novis edifica- '-' tionibus, et reparacionibus per idem tempus, ut patet per comput." "Videlicet de nova edificat. Capelle Marie de JVadden. \\\\\. lib. v^viiic?.— " Reparacionibus ecclesie Prioratus, cancellor. et capellar. ecclesiarum et capellarum " de Selborne, et Eslworhlam." — &c. &c. ' Sargentia, a sort of tenure of doing something for the king. 408 ANTIQUITIES A dove-house was a constant appendant to a inauerial dwell- ing: of this convenience more will be said hereafter. A corn-mill was also esteemed a necessary appendage of every manor ; and therefore was to be expected of course at the Priory of Selborne. The prior had sect a molendini, or ad molendinum: ^ a power of compelling his vassals to bring their corn to be ground at his mill, according to old custom. He had also, according to bishop Tanner, secta inolendini de Strete: but the purport of Strete, we must confess, we do not understand. Strete, in old English, signifies a road or highway, as JVatling Strete, &c. therefore the prior might have some mill on a high road. The Priory had only one mill originally at Selborne; but, by grants of lands, it came possessed of one at Durton, and one at Oakhanger, and probably some on it's other several manors.' The mill at the Priory was in use within the memory of man, and the ruins of the mill-house were standing within these thirty years : the pond and dam, and miller's dwelling, still remain. As the stream was apt to fail in very dry summers, the tenants found their situation very distressing, for want of water, and so were forced to abandon the spot. This inconvenience was probably never felt in old times, when the whole district was nothing but woodlands: and yet several centuries ago there seem to have ^ "■ Servitiurn, quo feudatorii grana sua ad Domini molendinum, ibi molenda " perferre, exconsuetudine, astringuntur." ' Thoinas Knowles, president, &c. ann. Hen 8vi. xxiii." [viz. 1532.] demised to J. Whitelie their mills, &c. for twenty years. Rent xxiii s. n\\d.— Accepted Frewen, president, &c. ann. Caroli xv. [viz. 1640.] demised to Jo. Hook and Elixabeth, his wife, the said mills. Rent as above. OF SELBORNE. 409 been two or three mills between Well-head and the Priory, For the reason of this assertion, see Letter XXIX. to Mr. Barrington. Occasional mention has been made of the many privileges and immunities enjoyed- by the convent and it's priors; but a more particular state seems to be necessary. The author there- fore thinks this the proper place, before he concludes these antiquities, to introduce all that has been collected by the ju- dicious bishop Tanner, respecting the Priory and it's advantages, in his Notltia Monastica, a book now seldom seen, on account of the extravagance of it's price; and being but in few hands cannot be easily consulted." He also adds a few of it's many privileges from other authorities: — the account is as follows. Tanner, page 166. SELEBURNE. A priory of black canons, founded by the often-mentioned Peter de Rupibus, bishop o? JVinchester, A. D. \9.5'3, and dedi,- cated to the blessed Virgin Mary: but was suppressed — and granted to JP^illiam Wainjleet, bishop of Winchester, who made it part of the endowment of St. Mary Magdalene College in Oxford. The bishops of JVinchester were patrons of it. [Pat. 17. Edxc. II.] Vide in Man. Angl. tom. II. p. 343. " Cartam fundationis ex " ipso autographo in archivis Coll. Magd. O.\on. ubi etiam conser- " vata sunt registra, cartas, rentalia et alia muuimenta ad hunc " prioratum spectantia. "• A few days after this was written a new edition of this valuable work was announcedj in the month oi April oiihe year 1787, as published by Mr^ Nasmith. 3 G 410 ANTIQUITIES " Extracta qiitEclam e legistio MSS. in Bibl. Bodl. Dodswoi'tk, " vol. 89. f. 140." " Cart, antiq. N. N. n. 33. P. P. n. 48. et 71. Q. Q. n. 40. ' plac. coram justit. itin. [Southampton] '20 Hen. rot. 25. De ' eccl. de Basing, & Basingstoke. Plac. de jiiratis apud tVinton. ' 40 Hen. III. rot. — Prosecta molendini de Strete. Cart. 54. ' Hen. Ilf. m. 3. [De meixatu, & feria apud Seleborne, a mistake.] ' Pat. 9- Edxv. I. m.— Pat 30. Edw. I. m.— Pat. 33. Edxo. I. p. ' 1. m.— Pat. 35. Edw. I. m.— Pat. 1. Edzv. 11. p. 1. m. 9-, Pat. 5. ' Edw. 11. p. ]. m. 21. De terris in Achanger. Pat. 6. Edzv. II. ' p. J. m. 7. de eisdem. Brev. in Scacc. 6. Edw. II. Pasch. ' rot. 8. Pat. 17. Edw. II. p. 1. m.— Cart. 10. Edw. III. n. 24. ' Quod terr« suse in Seleburn, Achangre, Norton, Basings, ' Basingstoke, and Nately, sint de afforestatte, and pro aliis ' libertatibus. Pat. 12. Edxc. III. p. 3. m. 3.— Pat. 13. Edw. III. 'p. 1. m.— Cart. 18. Edzv. III. n. 24." " N. N. 33. Rex concessit quod prior, et cahonici de Sele- ' burn habeant per terras suas de Seleburne, Achangre, Norton, ' Brompden, Basinges, Basingstoke, & Nately, diversas libertates. " P. P. 48. Quod prior de Seleburne, habeat terras suas ' quietas de vasto, et regardo." — Extracts from Aylnffe's Calen- ' dars of Ancient Charters. " Placita de juratis & assis coram Salom de Roff, & sociis ' suis justic. itiner. apud Wynion in comitatu Sutht. — anno regni ' R. Edvardi fiiii reg. Henr. octavo. — Et For de Seleborn ht ' in Selebr. fure. thurset. pillory, emendasse panis, & suis." [cerevisifE.] — Chapter- house, IFe-itminster. " Placita Foreste apud JVyntcn in com. Sutham. — Anno reg. " Eduardi octavo coram Rog. de Clifford. — &c. Justic. ad eadem " placita audienda et tminand. assigtis. OF SELBORNE. 411 " Carta Pror de Sekburn, H. Dei gra. rex. angl. &c. Con- " cessim. prior, see. Marie de Seleburn. et canonicis ibidem Deo " servient. q ipi et oes hoies siii in pdcis terris suis et " tenementis manentes sint in ppetum quieti de sectis Swane- " motor, et omnium alior. placltor. for. et de espeltamentis " canum. et de omnibus submonitoibz. placitis querelis et ex- " accoibus et occoibz. ad for. et for. et viridar. et eor. ministros " ptinentibz." — Chapter-house, Westminster. " Plita Forestarum in com. Sutht. apud Suthamton " anno regni regis Edwardi tcii post conquestum quarto coram " Joke Mantxers. Sec. justic. itinand. &c." De hiis qui clamant libtates infra Forestas in com. Sutht. " Prior de Selebowme clamat esse quietus erga dnm regem de " omnibus finibus et amerciamentis p tnsgr. et omnibus ex- *' accoibz ad Dom. regem vel hered. suos ptinent. pret. plita " corone reg. " Item clamat q'' si aliquis hominum suorum de terris et " ten. p. delicto suo vitam aut membrum debeat amittere vel " fugiat, & judico stare noluerit vel aliud delictum fecit pro " quo debeat catella sua amittere, ubicunq; justitia fieri debeat " omnia catella ilia sint ptci Prioris et successor, suor. Et liceat " eidem priori et ballis suis ponere se in seisinam in hujusmodi " catall. in casibus pdcis sine disturbacone ballivor. dni reg. " quorumcunque. " Item clam, quod licet aliqua libtatum p dnm regem con- " cessar. pcessu temporis quocunq; casu contingente usi non " fuerint, nlominus postea eadm libtate uti possit. Et pdcus " prior quesitus p justic. quo waranto clamat omn. terr. et ten. " sua in Selehurne, Norton, Basynges, Basyngesfoke, & Naltele, " que prior domus pdte huit & tenuit X"°. die April anno regni 3 G 2 41S ANTIQUITIES " dni Hen. reg. pavi dni reg. nue XVIII. imppm esse quieta de " vasto et regardo, et visa forestarior. et viridarior. regardator. " et omnium ministrorum foreste." &c. &c. Chapter-house, Westminster. LETTER XXVI. Though the evidences and documents of the Priory and parish of Selborne are now at an end, yet, as the author has still several things to say respecting the present state of that convent and it's Grange, and other matters, he does not see how he can acquit himself of the subject without trespassing again on the patience of the reader by adding one supplementary letter. No sooner did the Priory (perhaps much out of repair at the time) become an appendage to the college, but it must at once have tended to swift decay. Magdalen College wanted now only two chambers for the chantry priest and his assistant; and therefore had no occasion for the hall, dormitory, and other spacious apartments belonging to so large a foundation. The roofs neglected, would soon become the possession of daws and owls; and, being rotted and decayed by the weather, would fall in upon the floors; so that all parts must have hastened to speedy dilapidation and a scene of broken ruins. Three full centuries have now passed since the dissolution; a series of years that would craze the stoutest edifices. But, besides the slow hand of time, many circumstances have contributed to level this venerable structure with the ground; of which nothing OF SELBORNE. 413 now remains but one piece of a wall of about ten feet long, and as many feet bigh, whicb probably was part of an out-house. As early as the latter end of the reign of Hen. VII. we find that a farm-house and two barns were built to the south of the Priory, and undoubtedly out of it's materials. Avarice again has much contributed to the overthrow of this stately pile, a;s long as the tenants could make money of it's stones or timbers. Wanton- ness, no doubt, has had a share in the demolition; for boys love to destroy what men venerate aud admire. A remarkable in- stance of this propensity the writer can give from his own knowledge. When a schoolboy, more than fifty years ago, he was eye-witness, perhaps a party concerned, in the undermining a portion of that fine old ruin at the north end oi Basingstoke town, well known by the name of Holy Ghost Chapel. Very providentially the vast fragment, which these thoughtless little engineers endeavoured to sap, did not give way so soon as might have been expected; but it fell the night following, and with such violence that it shook tlie very ground, and, awakening the inhabitants of the neighbouring cottages, made them start up in their beds as if they had felt an earthquake. The motive for this dangerous attempt does not so readily appear: perhaps the more danger the more honour, thought the boys; and the notion of doing some mischief gave a zest to the enterprize. As Dryden says upon an other occassion, It look'd so like a sin it pleas'd the more." Had the Priory been only levelled to the surface of the ground, the discerning eye of an antiquary might have ascer- tained it's ichnography, and some judicious hand might have developed it's dimensions. But, besides other ravages, the very 414 ANTIQUITIES foundations have been torn up for the repair of the highways : so that the site of this convent is now become a rough, rugged pasture-field, full of hillocks and pits, choaked with nettles, and dwarf-elder, and trampled by the feet of the ox and tlie heifer. As the tenant at the Priory was lately digging among the foundations, for materials to mend the highways, his labourers discovered two large stones, with which the farmer was so pleased that he ordered them to be taken out whole. One of these proved to be a large Doric capital, worked in good taste; and the other a base of a pillar; both formed out of the soft freestone of this district. These ornaments, from their dimen- sions, seem to have belonged to massive columns; and shew that the church of this convent was a large and costly edifice. They were found in the space which has always been supposed to have contained the south transept of the Priory church. Some fragments of large pilasters were also found at the same time. The diameter of the capital was two feet three inches and an half; and of the column, where it had stood on the base, eighteen inches and three quarters. Two years ago some labourers digging again among the ruins found a sort of rude thick vase or urn of soft stone, con- taining about two gallons in measure, on the verge of the brook, in the very spot which traiiition has always pointed out as having been the site of the convent kitchen. This clumsy utensil," whether intended for holy water, or whatever purpose. ° A judicious antiquary, who saw this vase, observed, that it possibly might have been a standard measure between the monastery and it's tenanls. The priory we have mentioned claimed the assize of bread and beer in Selborne manor : and probably the adjustment of dry measures for grain, &c. OF SELBORNE. 415 we were going to procure, but found ihat the labourers had just broken it in pieces, and carried it out on the highways. The Priory of Sclborne had possessed in this village a Grange, an usual appendage to nianerial estates, where the fruits of their lands weie stowed and laid up for use, at a time when men took the natural produce of their estates in kind. The mansion of this spot is still called the G7^ans;e, and is the manor-house of the convent possessions in this place. The author has conversed with very ancient people who remembered the old original Grange ; but it has long given place to a modern farm-house. Magd'dtn College holds a court-leet and court-baron" in the great wheat-barn of the said Grange, annually, where the Pre- sident usually superintends, attended by the bursar and steward of the college.'' The following uncommon presentment at the court is not unworthy of notice. There is on the south side of the king's field, (a large common-field so called) a considerable tumulus^ or hillock, now covered with thorns and bushes, and known by the name of Kite's Hill, which is presented, year by year, in court as not ploughed. Why this injunction is still kept up respecting this spot, which is surrounded on all sides by arable land, may be a question not easily solved, since the usage has long survived the knowledge of the intention thereof. We can only suppose that as the prior, besides thurset and pillory, had ^Siofurcas, a power of life and death, that he might have re- " The time when this court is held is the mid-week between Easter and Whit- suntide. P Ouen Oglelhorp, president, &c. an. Edw. Sexli, primo [viz. 15^7.] demised to Robert Arden Selhorne Grange for twenty years. Rent vi". — Index of Leases, 416 ANTIQUITIES served this little eminence as the place of execution for delin- quents. And there is the more reason to suppose so, since a spot just by is called Gaily [Gallows] hill. The lower part of the village next the Grange, in which is a pond and a stream, is well known by the name o? Gracious- street, an appellation not at all understood. There is a lake in Surrey, near Chobham, called also Gracious-pond: and another, if we mistake not, near Hedleigli, in the county of Hants. This strange denomination we do not at all comprehend, and con- clude that it may be a corruption from some Saxon word, itself perhaps forgotten. It has been observed already, that Bishop Tanner was mis- taken when he refers to an evidence of Dodsworth, " De mercatu et FERiA de Selcburne."' Selborne never had a chartered fair; the present fair was set up since the year 1681, by a set of jovial fellows, who had found in an old almanack that there had been a fair here in former days on the first of August; and were desirous to revive so joyous a festival. Against this inno- vation the vicar set his face, and persisted in crying it down, as the probable occasion of much intemperance. However the fair prevailed; but was altered to the twenty-ninth of May, because the former day often interfered with wheat- harvest. On that day it still continues to be held, and is become an use- ful mart for cows and calves. INIost of the lower house-keepers brew beer against this holiday, which is dutied by the excise- man; and their becoming victuallers for the day Avithout a license is overlooked. Monasteries enjoyed all sorts of conveniences within them- selves. Thus at the Priory, a low and moist situation, there OF SELBORNE. 417 were pomls and stevvs for their fish : at the same place also, and at the Grange in Culver-croft ,<: there were dove-houses; and on the hill opposite to the Grange the prior had a warren, as the names of Tlie Coney-crofts and Coney-croft Hanger plainl^^ testify.'' Nothing has been said as yet respecting the tenure or hold- ing of the Selborne estates. Temple and Norton are manor farms and freehold; as is the manor oi Chapel near Oakhanger, and also the estate at Oakhanger-hoiisc and Black-moor. The Friory and Grange are leasehold under Magdalen- college, for twenty- one years, renewable every seven: all the smaller estates in and round the village are copyhold of inheritance under the college, except the little remains of the Gurdon-manor, which had been of old leased out upon lives, but have been freed of late by their present lord, as fast as those lives have dropped. Selborne seems to have derived much of it's prosperity from the near neighbourhood of the Priory. For monasteries were of considerable advantage to places where they had their sites and estates, by causing great resort, by procuring markets and fairs, by freeing them from the cruel oppression of forest-laws, and by letting their lands at easy rates. But, as soon as the convent was suppressed, the town which it had occasioned began to decline, and the market was less frequented; the rough and sequestered situation gave a check to resort, and the neglected roads rendered it less and less accessible. That it had been a considerable place for size formerly appears from the largeness of the church, which much exceeds « Culver, as has been observed before, is Saxon for a pigeon. '' A warren was an usual appendage to a manor. 3 H 418 ANTIQUITIES those of the neighbouring villages; by the ancient extent of the burying ground, which, from human bones occasionally dug up, is found to have been much encroached upon; by giving a name to the hundred; by the old foundations and ornamented stones, and tracery of windows that have been discovered on the north-east side of the village; and by the many vestiges of disused fish-ponds still to be seen around it. For ponds and stews were multiplied in the times of poper}^ that the affluent might enjoy some variety at their tables on fast days; therefore the more they abounded the better probably was the condition of the inhabitants. More Particulars 7'especiing the Old Family Tortoise, omitted in the Natural History. Because we call this creature an abject reptile, we are too apt to undervalue his abilities, and depreciate his powers of instinct. Yet he is, as Mr. Fope says of his lord, " Much too wise to walk into a well :" and has so much discernment as not to fall down an haha; bnt to stop and withdraw from the brink with the readiest pre- caution. Though he loves warm weather he avoids the hot sun; be- cause his thick shell, when once heated, would, as the poet says OF SELBORNE. 419 of solid armour — " scald with safety." He therefore spends the more sultry hours under the umbrella of a large cabbage- leaf, or amidst the waving forests of an asparagus-bed. But as he avoids heat in the summer, so, in the decline of the year, he improves the faint autumnal beams, by getting within the reflection of a fruit-wall: and, though he never has read that planes inclining to the horizon receive a greater share of warmth,* he inclines his shell, by tilting it against the wail, to collect and admit every feeble ray. Pitiable seems the condition of this poor embarrassed rep- tile: to be cased in a suit of ponderous armour, which he can- not lay aside; to be imprisoned, as it were, within his own shell, must preclude, we should suppose, all activity and disposition for enterprize. Yet there is a season of the year (usually the beginning of June) when his exertions are remarkable. He then walks on tiptoe, and is stirring by five in the morning; and, traversing the garden, examines every wicket and inter- stice in the fences, through which he will escape if possible: and often has eluded the care of the gardener, and wandered to some distant field. The motives that impel him to undertake these rambles seem to be of the kind; his fancy then becomes intent on sexual attachments, Avhicli transport him beyond his usual gravity, and induce him to forget for a time his ordinary solemn deportment. * Several years ago a book was written entitled " Fiuit-wails improved by in- " dining tliem to the horizon :" in which the author has shewn, by calcuhition, that a much greater number of the rays of the sun will fall on such walls than on those which are perpendicular. . 421 APPENDIX, No. I. No. 6. (U^ Carta Petri et conventus ecclesie Winton. pro fundationt prioratm de Sekburne, S^c. dat. 1233. Omnibus Christi fidelibus ad quos presens scriptum pervenerit. P. divina miseracione TVinton ecclesie minister humilis salutem in Domino: Ex officio pastorali tenemur viros religiosos, qui pauperes spiritu esse pro Christo neglectis lucris teniporalibus el/sgerunt; spirituali afFectu diiigere, fovere pariter et creare, eorumq; qiiieti sollicite providere; ut tanto uberiores fructus de continua in lege Dei meditatione percipiant, quanto a contur- bationibiis malignorum amplius fuerint ex patroni provisione et ecclesiastica defensione securi. Hinc est quod universitati vestre notificamus, nos divine caritatis instinctu, de assensu conventus ecclesie nostre TVinton, fundasse domum religiosam, ordinis magni patris Augustini, in honore Dei et gloriose semper vir- 422 APPENDIX. o-iiiis ejusdem Dei genetricis Marie, apud Seleburne; ibidemquc canonicos regulares instituisse: ad quorum sustentationem et hospitum et pauperum susceptionem, dedimus, concessimus, et present! carta nostra confirmavinius eisdem canonicis, totam terram quam habuimus de done Jacobi de Acangre: et totam terram, cursura aque, boscum et pratum que habuimus de done Jacobi de Norlone; et totam terram boscum et reddituni que habuimus de dono domini Ilenricl regis Atiglie; cum omnibus predictarum possessionum pertinentiis. Dedimus etiam et con- cessimus in proprios usus eisdem canonicis ecclesiam predicte ville de Seleburne, et ecclesias de Basing, et de BaHugtstok, cum omnibus earundem ecclesiarum capellis, libertatibus, et aliis pertinenciis; salva honesta et sufficienti sustentatione vicariorum in predictis ecclesiis ministrantium; quorum presentatio ad priorem predicte donius rehgiose de Seleburne et canonicos ejus- dem loci in perpetuum pertinebit. Preterea possessiones et redditus, ecclesias sive decinias, quas in epscopatu nostro adempti sunt, vel in posterum, Deo dante, justis modis poterunt adipisci, sub nostra et JVinton ecclesie protectione suscepimus, et episcopalis auctoritate officii confirmavinius; eadem auctori- tate firmiter inhibentes, ne quis locum, in quo divino sunt officio mancipati, sen alias eorum possessiones, invadere vi vel fraude vel ingenio malo occupare audeat, vel, etiam retinere, ant fratres conversos, sen'ientes, vel homines eorum aliqua violentia per- turbare, sive fugientes ad eos causa salutis sue conservande a scptis domus sue violenter presumat extraere. Prccipinuis autem ut in eadem domo religiosa de Seleburne ordo canon icus, et regularis con\ersatio, secundum regulam niagni patris Augus- lini, quam primi inhabitatores professi sunt, in perpetuum ob- servetur; et ipsa domus religiosa a cujuslibet alterius domus APPENDIX. 423 religiose subjectione libera permaneat, et in omnibus absoluta; salva in omnibus episcopal! auctoritate, et IV'mton ecclesie clig- nitate. Quod ut in nosterum ratum permaneat et inconcussum, presenti scripto et sigilli nostii patrocinis duximus confirman- dum. His testibus domino Waltero abbate de Hyda. Domino Walters Priore de sancto Swithuno, domino Stephano priore de Motestbnte, magistro Alano de Stoke; magistro Willo de sancte Marie ecclesia, tunc official! nostro; Luca arcbidiacon' de surr'. magistro Hunifrido de Millers, Henrico & Hugone capellanis, Roberto de Clinchamp, et Petro Rossinol clericis, et multis aliis. Datum apud f Fines " per manum P. de cancellis. In die sanc- torum martirum Fabiani et Sebastiani. Anno Domi millesimo ducentesimo tricesimo tercio. Seal, two saints and a bishop praying: Lea-end: SVT. M. SITG. BONI. PGTR' PAVL' 6 PATRONI. Probably Wolvesey-house near JFincheslcr. 424 A P P E N D I X. NUMBER II. (Ni 108.) Carta pet ens licentiam eligendi prelatum a Domino Episcopo Wintoniensi. Defuncto prelato forma petendi licentiam eligendi. Domino et patri in Christo reverendo domino & P. Dei gratia Wintoniensi episcopo, devoti sui filii supprior monasterii de S. M'^intoniensis dioceseos salutem cum subjectione humili, reveren- tiam, et honorem. Monasterio nostro de S. in quo sub protec- tione vestra vivimus, sub habitu regulari, Prioris solacio desti- tuto per mortem bone memorie, &c. quondam Prioris nostri, qui tali hora in aurora diem clausit extremum, vestre paternitati reverende et dominationi precipue istum nostrum et nostri monasterii casum flebileni cum merore nunciamus; ad vestre paternitatis refugium fratres nostres A. et C. canonicos desti- nantes, rogando et petendo devote quatenus nobis dignemini licenciam tribuere, ut monasterio predicto, Prioris regimine des- tituto, providere possimus, invocata Spiritus sancti gratia, per electionem canonicam de Priore. Actum in monasterio predicto 5 kalend. &c. anno Domini, &c. Valeat reverenda paternitas vestra semper in Domino. APPENDIX. 425 Forma licencie concesse. P. Dei gratia Wintoniensis episcopus dilectis in Christo filiis suppriori et conventui talis loci salutem, gratiam, et benedictio- nem. Viduitatem monasterii vestri vacantis per mortem quondam R. Prioris vestri, cujus anime propicietur altissimus, paterno compacientes afFectu, petitam a nobis eligendi licenciam vobis concedimus, ut patronus. Datum apud, &c. 3 kalend. Jul. anno consecrationis nostre tertio. Forma decretipost elect ionem conficiendi. In nomine Domini nostri Jhesu Christi, Amen. Monasterio beate Marie talis loci Winton. dioc. solacio destituto per mortem R. quondam Prioris ipsius; ac corpore ejus, prout moris est, ec- clesiastice sepulture commendato; petita cum devocione licentia per fratres K. et . canonicos a ven: in Christo patre et domino domino P. Dei gratia Wintoniensi episcopo ejusdem monasterii patrono, eligendi priorem, et optenta; die dato, a toto capitulo ad eligendum vocati fuere evocandi, qui debuerunt, voluerunt, et potuerunt comode electioni prioris in monasterio predicto in- teresse: omnes canonici in capitulo ejusdem ecclesie convenc- runt tali die, anno Dom. &c. ad tractandum de electione sui prioris facienda; qui, invocata Spiritus Sancti gcatia, ad proce- dendum per formam scrutinii concencientes. I 426 APPENDIX. (N. 108.) Modus p7'ocedendi ad e!ectione7)t perfoi'mam scrutinii. Omnibus in capitulo cougregatis qui debent volunt et possunt comocie interesse electioni eligendi sunt tres de capitulo ^ non nosiro obtdiencias ores,'' qui erunt scrutatores, et sedebunt in angulo capituli; et primo requirent vota sua propria, videlicet, duo requirent tertium et duo alterum, &c. dicendo sic, " Frater " P. inquem concentis ad eligendum in prelatum nostrum?" qui- bus examinatis, et dictis eorum per vicem ex ipsis in scriptura redactis, vocabunt ad se omnes fratres singillatim, primo sup- priorem, &c. Et unus de tribus examinatoribus scribet dictum cujuslibet. Celebrato scrutinio, pubUcare db coram omnibus. Facta ptmodu concensum collectione apparebit in quem pars major capituli et sanior concentit; quo vise, major pars dicet niinori, " Cum major pars et sanior capituli nostri concenciat in fratrem " R. ipse est eligendus, unde, si placet, ipsum communiter eliga- " mus;" si vero omnes acquieverint, tunc ille qui majorem vocem habet in capitulo surgens dicet, " Ego frater R. pro toto capi- *' tulo eligo fratrem R. nobis in pastorem;" et omnes dicent; " Placet nobis." Et incipient, " Te Deum laudamus." Si vero in unum concordare nequiverint, tunc hiis, qui majorem vocem habet inter illos qui majorem et saniorem partem capituli constituerint, dicet, " Ego pro me et illis qui mecum concen- " ciunt in fratrem R. eligo ipsum in," &c. Et illi dicent, " Placet nobis," &c. * Fratres canonicos. See Forma decreti, l^c. ■^ Obedientiores sc. more regular. In virtute obedientiae occurs in Not Visit. APPENDIX 427 Forma ricte presenfandl election, Reverendo in Christo patii et domino domino P. Dei gratia Winton. episcopo devoti sui filii frater R. Supprior conventualis beate Marie de tali loco, et ejusdem loci Conventus, cum sub- jectione humili, omnem obedienciam, revereuciam, et honorem. Cum conventualis ecclesia beate Marie talis loci, in qua sub protectione vestra vivimus sub habitu regulari, per mortem felicis recordationis R. quondam prioris nostri destituta ecclesia priore, qui 6'" kalend. Jul. in aurora anno Dom. &c. diem clausitextremum; de corpore ejus, prout moris est, ecclesiastice tradito sepulture; petita a vobis, tanquam a Domino, et vero ejusdem ecclesie patrono et pastore, licencia eligendi priorem et optenta; convenientibus omnibus canonicis predicte ecclesie in capitulo nostro, qui voluerunt debuerunt et potuerunt comode electioni nostre interesse, tali die anno Dom. supradicto, invo- cata Spiritus Sancti gratia, fratrem R. de C. ejusdem ecclesie canonicum unanimi assensu et voluntate in priorem nostrum, ex puris votis singulorum, unanimiter eligimus. Quem reverende paternitati vestre et dominacioni precipue Priorem vero patrono nostro et pastore confirmandum, si placet, tenore presentium presentamus; dignitatem vestram humiliter et devote rogantes, quatenus, dicte electioni felicem prebere volentes assensum, eidem R. electo nostro nutic confirmabitis, et quod vestrum est pastorali soUcitudine impendere dignemini. In cujus rei testimo- nium presentes litteras sigillo capituli nostri signatas paternitati vestre trammittimus. Valeat reverenda paternitas vestra semper 428 APPENDIX in Domino. Datum tali loco die et anno supiadictis. Oranes et siuguli, per fratres A. B. et C. ejusdem ecclesie canonicos de voluntate tocius conventus ad inquirenda vota singulorum con- stitutos, secreto et singillatim requisiti; tandem publicato scru- tinio et facta votorum colectione inventum est, niajorem et senio- rem partem tocius capituli dicte ecclesie in fratrem S. de B. dicte ecclesie canonicum unanimiter et concorditer concencisse; vel sic, quando inventum omnes canonicos dicte ecclesie preter duos in fratrem, A. D. quibus statim majori parti eligendum adquie- scenter: frater k. supprior ecclesie memorate, juxta potestatem sibi a toto conventu traditam, vice consociorum suorum et sua ac tocius conventus, dictum fratrem S. de B. in priorem ejusdem ecclesie elegit, sub hac forma; "Ego frater supprior conven- " tualis ecclesie beate Marie talis loci, potestate et auctoritate " mihi a toto conventu dicte ecclesie tradita et commissa, " quando, puplicato scrutinio et omnibus circa hoc rite peractis, " inveni majorem et partem seniorem tocius capituli nostri in " fratrem S. de B. virum providum unanimiter concencisse, ip- *' sum nobis et ecclesie nostre, vice tocius conventus, in priorem " eligendum; et eidem electioni subscribe; cui electioni omnes " canonici nostri concencerunt, et subscripserunt." — " Ego " frater de C. present! electioni concencio, et subscribe." Et sic de singulis electoribus; in cujus rei testimonium sigillum capituli nostri apponi fecimus ad presentes. APPENDIX 429 NUMBER III. Visitatio Notabilis de Seleburne. 1387. WiLLMUs peimissione divina Winton Episcopus dilectis filiis Priori et Conventui Prioratus de Selborne Ordinis S". Augustini, nostra dioceseos, Salutem, gratiam, et ben. Suscepti regiminis cura pastoralls officii nos inducit invigilare solicite nostrorum remediis subjectorum, et eorum obviare periculis ac scandala re- movere; ut sic de vinea domini per cultoris providi sarculum vicia extirpentur inferantur virtutes, excessus debite corrigantur, et subditorum mores in nimium prolapsorum per apposicionem moderaminis congrui reformentur: Hanc nempe solicitudinem nostris humeris incumbentem assidua meditacione pensantes, ne sanguis vester de manibus nostris requiratur, ad vos et ves- trum Prioratum supradictum, prout nostro incumbebat officio pastorali, nuper ex causa descendimus visitandi ; et dum inter vos nostre visitacionis officium iteratis vicibus actualiter exer- cuimus, nonnulla reperimus que non solum obviant regularibus institiitis, verum eciam que religioni vestre non congruunt, nee conveniunt honestati; ad que per nostrum antidotum debite 430 APPENDIX reformanda opem et operam proutexpedit etoportet apponimusr quas credimus efficaces, infra scripta siquidem precepta nostra pariter et decreta, sanctorum patrum constitucionibus editis et debite promulgatis canonicisque ac regularibus institutis fiilcita, vobis nostri sigilli roborata munimine transmittimus, inter vos futuris temporibus efificaciter observanda, quatinus ad Dei lau- dem, divini cultus ac vestrse religionis augmentum, ipsis medi- antibus, per viam salutis feliciter incedatis; mores et actus vestri abstrabantur a noxiis, et ad salutaria dirigantur. No. I. In primis ut Domino Deo nostro, a quo cuncta bona procedunt, et omnis religio immaculata sumpsit exordium, in Prioratu vestro predicto serviatur laudabiliter in divinis; Vobis, in virtute sancte obediencie ac sub majoris excommunicationis sententie pena, firmiter injungendo mandamus, quatinus hore ■ canonice, tam de nocte quam de die, in choro a conventu can- tentur; misse quoque de beata Maria et de die, necnon misse alie consuete horis et devocione debitis et cum moderatis pausa- cionibus celebrentur: nee liceat alicui de conventu ab horis et missis hujusmodi se absentare, aut, postquam incepte fuerint, ante complecionem earum ab ipsis recedere quovismodoj nisi ex causa necessaria vel legitima per priorem vel suppriorem aut alium presidentem loci, ut convenit, approbanda; in quo casu ipsorum omnium consciencias apud altissimum arctius oneramus; contrarium vero facientes in proximo tunc capitulo celebrando absq accepcione qualibet personarum regularem subeant discipli- nam; acrius insuper puniendi si contumacia vel pertinacia delin- quencium hoc exposcat; si quis vero post trinam correpcionem debite se non correxerit in premissis, pro singulis vicibus quibus contrarium fecerit ipsum singulis sextis feriis in pane et aqua dumtaxat precipimus jejunare, APPENDIX. 431 No. II. Item quia in visitacione nostra predicta comperimus evidenter quod silencium, quasi in exilio positum, ad quod juxta vegulam S" Augustini efficaciter estis astiicti, locis et tempori- bus debitis inter vos minime observatur contra observancias regulares; Vobis omnibus et singulis firmiter injungendo man- damus, quatinus silencium, prout vos decet, regula supradicta, de cetero locis et temporibus hiijusmodi observetis; a vanis et frivolis colloquiis, sicut decet, vos penitus abstinendo: illos vero, qui silencium hujusmodi in locis predictis non observaverint, animadversione condigna precipimus castigarij et, si quis tercio super hoc legitime convictus fuerit, preter regularem discipli- nam, die, quo debite silencium nou tenuerit, pane et servicia dumtaxat et legumine sit contentus. No. III. Item quia nonnuUi concanonici et confratres prior- atus vestri predicti validi atq; sani et in sacerdocio constituti celebracionem missarum absq; causa legitima indebite ac minus voluntaiie multociens, ut dicitur, negligunt et omittunt ; fun- datorum aliorumq; benefactorum suorum animas, pro quibus sacrificia ofFerre tenentur, sufFragiis nequiter defraudando; Vobis, ut supra, firmiter injungendo mandamus, quatinus vos omnes et singuli Prioratus predicti concanonici et confratres in sacerdocio constituti frequenter confiteamini confessoribus per Priorem deputandis ; quos quidem confessores discretos et idoneos, prout Humerus persnnarum dicti conventus exigit, per vos dominum Priorem predictum precipimus deputari; missasque, impedi- mento cessante legitimo, tam pro vivis quam pro defunctis, pro quibus orare tenemini, de cetero, quanto frequencius poteritis, celebretis devocius, sicut decet; impedimentum vero predictum cum contigerit Priori vel Suppriori Prioratus predicti per illud pacientes infra triduum deciarari volumus et exponi. 432 APPENDIX. ac per eorum alterum prout justum fuerit approbari, vel eciam reprobari; in quo casu ipsorum omnium tam exponencium quam approbancium apud altissimum consciencias districtius onera- mus; conlraiium vero facientes, primo super hoc convicti, proxi- ma quarta feria secjuenti in pane, servisia, et legumine; secundo vero convicti feria quarta et sexta sequentibus modo consimili; tercio vero convicti dictis feriis extunc sequentibus in pane et aqua jejunent, quousque judicio prioris se correxerint in pre- missis; statuentes preterea quod Prior et Supprior Prioratus predicti contra hujusmodi delinquentes seme) singulis mensibus diligenter inquirant, et quos culpabiles invenerint in premissis modo predicto studeant castigare. No. IV. Item quia transitus communis secularium persona- rum utriusque sexus per claustrum Prioratus vestri in congruis temporibus minime exercetur, et potissime horis illis quibus fratres de conventu in contemplacione sancta studiis quoque ac lectionibus variis inibi occupantur; unde dissoluciones plurime provenerunt, et poterunt in futuro verisimiliter provenire, ac ipsorum fratrem quieti et religionis honestati plurimum dero- gatur: Vobis ut supra arcius injungendo mandamus, quatinus, cum secundum regulam sancti Augustini convercacio vestra debeat esse a secularibus /lujusmodi separata, ad animarum ac' eciam rerum pericula, que possent et solent ex concursu hujus- modi provenire, caucius evitanda; transitum communem pre- dictum per pref'atum claustrum de cetero fieri nullatenus per- mittatis, per quem vestra devocio et religionis honestas vulneram vel eciam impediri valeant quovismodo, sub pena excommuni- cacionis niajoris quam in contravenientes intendimus canonice fulminare: ilium vero, ad quem ostiorum claustri custodia per- tinet, si propter illius negligenciam sive culpam transitus hujus- Appendix. 433 modi sustineatur indebite, ut prefertur; pro singulis vicibus, quibus hoc factum fuerit, singulis quaitis feiiis in pane, servisia, et legumine dumtaxat jejunet ; et, si nee sic se correxerit debite in hac parte, ab officio deponatur, ac alius, magis providus, loco siio celeriter subrogetur. No V. Item quia ostia ecclesie atq; claustri prioratus vestii predict! non servautur nee serautur temporibus debitis, nee modo debito, ut deccret; sed custodia eorundem agitur et omit- titur multociens necgligenter; adeo quod suspecte perxone et alie inhoneste per ecclesiam et claustrum hujusmodi incedunt fre- quenter in tenebris atq; umbris, temporibus eciam suspectis et illicitis, indecenter; unde dampna et scandala varia pluries pro- venerunt, et im posteruni verisimiliter poterunt provenire; Vobis, ut supra, mandamus, firmiter injungentes, quatinus dicta ostia de cetero claudi facialis, et clausa per m'inistros idoneos custodiri temporibus debitis, prout decet; vobis inhibentes ex- presse, ne ostia ecclesie vestre predicte, (ilia videlicet que inter navem ipsius ecclesie et chorum ejusdem existunt) nee ostia claustri que ducunt ad extra, et per que introitus secularium in ipsum claustrum patere poterit, de mane, antcquam prima inci- piatur in cboro; aut commestionis tempore; nee eciam de sero, postquam conventus collationem inccperit; nisi in causa utili vel necessaria per priorem vel suppriorem, ut convenit, appro- banda, aperiantur de cetero quovis modo : ad que fidcliter exequenda sacristam, qui pro tempore fuerit, ad cujus oflicium premissa pertinent sub pena amocionis ab officio suo arcius oneramus, acrius per nos puniendum prout nobis videbitur expedire. No. VI. Item quia nonnulli concanonici et confratres prio- ratus vestri minus sapiunt in lectura, non intelligentes quid 3 K 434 APPENDIX. legant, sed literas quasi prorsus ignorantes, dum psallunt vel legunt, accentum brevem pro longo ponunt pluries, et e contra; et per invia gradientes sanuin scripturarum intellectum adiil- terantur multociens, et pervertunt; fitque, ut dum scriptura* sacras non sapiant, ad perpetrandum illicita proniores reddantur; Vobis Domino Priori in virtute obedientie, fiimiter injungendo mandamus, quatinus, cum legere et non intelligere sit necgli- gere, noviciis et aliis minus sufficienter lileratis idoneus de cetero deputetur magisler, qui ipsos in cantu et aliis primittivis scienciis instruat diligenter juxta regularia instituta; quatinus, in eisdem perfectius eruditi, cecitatis squaniis et ignorancie nebulis depositis, que legant Intelligant et agnoscant, et contein- planduni chuius misteria Scripturarum efficiantur, ut convenit, promciores. No. VII. Item quia constituciones sive decretales Roma- norum Pontificum vestrum ordinem concernentes, (ille videlicet de quibus in constitucionibus recolende memorie Domini Otto- boni, quondam sedis Apostolice in Anglia legate, fit mensio specialis) inter vos nullatenus recitantur, prout per constitu- ciones ejusdem legati recitari mandantur; unde, dum decretales ipsas et contenta in eis penitus ignoratis, committitis multociens que prohibentur expressius per easdem in vestrarura periculum animarum: Vobis firmiter injungendo mandamus, quatinus, ne ignoranciam aliquam pretendere poteritis in hac parte, decretales predictas, prout in prefatis domini constitucionibus Ottoboni plenius recitantur, in quodam quaterno sen volumine absque more dispendio faciatis conscribi; ipsas bis singulis annis in vestro capitulo, juxta formam constitutionum dictarum, recitari clarius facientes, ad informacioncm rudium et perfectionem eciam provectorum; adjicientes preterea, ut magistri noviciorum APPENDIX. 435 presencium et eciani futuroriim ipsos in regula S". Augustini diligentur instruant et informant, ipsani regulani eis vulgaiiter exponendo; quodque iidem novicii per frequentem recitacioiieni ejusdem illam sciant quasi cordctenus, sicut in dictis constitiici- onibus plenius continetur, per quam incedere poterint via recta et errorum tenebras caucius evitare: super execucione vero pre- niissorum debite facienda dominiim priorem prioratus vestri pre- dicti arcius oneramus qiiatinus ea que preniisimus in hoc casu sub pena suspensionis ab ipsius officio per mensem diligencius exequatur. No. VIII. Item quia canonici ct confratres prioratus vestri predicti, ipsorum propriam voluntatem pocius quam utilitatem communem sectantes, non vestes necessarias, cum opus fuerit, sed certam et limitatam ac determinatam quantitatem peccunie, velut annuum redditum, pro vestibus hujusmodi percipiunt an- nuatim, contra regulam S". Augustini ac domini Ottoboni et aliorum sanctorum patrum canonica instituta; fitque, ut, dum effrenis ilia religiosorum cupiditas, aliena specie colorata, vetita concupiscat, sancta religio, solutis constantie frcnis, in luxum labentem ad latitudinis tramites que ducunt ad mortem, misera- biliter noscitur declinare: cui quidem morbo pestifero, ne pu- trescat et vermes generet corruptivos, mederi cicius cupientes nichil novi statuendo sed sanctorum patrum vestigiis inherendo, volumus ac eciam ordinamus, quod canonicis et confratribus memoratis presentibus et futuris de bonis et facultatibus com- munibus prioratus vestri predicti vestris usibus deputatis vestes et calciamenta, cum indiguerint, necessaria, juxta facultates predictas, et nullo modo peccuniam, pro eisdem, per eos qui super hiis ministrandi gerent officium de cetero ministrentur; vestes vero inveleratas et ineptas hujusmodi canonicorum ca- 3 K 2 436 APPENDIX. ineraiio communi tradi volunius pauperibus eroganilas juxta regulam S". Augustini, et alias canonicas sanctiones contrariuni vero facientes, si camerarius fuerit, peiiam suspeiisionis ab officio ipsum incunere volumus ipso facto; si vero alius canonicus de conveiitu existat, preter alias pnias regulares tam peccunia quam eciam indumentis novis careat illo anno. No. IX. Item quia nonnuUi canonici et confVatres Prioratus vesti predicti opportuuitate captata, extra septa Prioratus absque societate honesta, evagandi causa, nulla super hoc opteiita iicencia, se transferunt pluries indecenter; alii preterea provec- tiores certis oflicils deputati ad nianeria et loca a.\\a, officus hujus- modi assignata equitant, quando placet, ibidem manentes pro eorum libito volantatis, nuUo canouico ipsis in socium assignato, contra ordinis decenciam et leligionis eciam honestatem, consti- tucionesque Sanctorum Patrum editas in hac parte: Cum igitur religiosos extra eorum Prioratum sic vagari aut in eorum ma- neriis vel ecclesiis eis appropriatis soli manere expresse prohi- beant canonica instituta; nos, premissa fieri de cetero prolii- bentes. Vobis firmiter injungendo mandamus, quatinus, cum aliquis Prioratus vestri canonicus vel confrater super vel pro negociis propriis vel eciam communibus exire contigerit, prius ad hoc a Priore vel Suppriore, si presentes in Prioratu fuerint, alioquin, ipsis absentibus, ab ipso qui protunc conventui preesse contigerit, licenciam habeat specialem; cui assignari volumus unum canonicum in socium, ne suspicio sinistra vel scandalum oriatur; qui, associata eisdem juxta qualitatem negocii cometiva honesta, in euudo et eciam redcundo gravitate servata modestius semper incedant, et expletis negociis ad Prioratum cicius rever- tantur, que regularibus conveniunt institutis devocius impleturi : contrarium vero facientes, absque remissione seu accepcione APPENDIX. 437 qualibet personaium, regularem subeant disclplinam ; super quo presidencium conventus conscieiicias arcius oneramus, ipsosque iiichilominus pro singulis vicibus, quibus excesserint in premissis, singulis sextis feriis in pane et aqua jejunent; et si officiarius fuerit, ipso facto, si aliquod canonicum non obsistat, ab ipsius officio sit suspensus. No. X. Item quia comperimus evidenter, quod iionnulii canonici domus vcstre, secundum carnem pocius quam secun- dum spiritual dissolute viveutes, nulla causa racionabili sub- sistente, nudi jacent in lectis absque femoralibus et camisiis contra eorum observancias regulares; Vobis igitur fermiter in- jungendo mandamus, quatinus vos onines et singuli canonici S". Augustini regulam et in ea parte ordiuis vestri canouica instituta ' Johamiis Baptisie Item I crux argent, et deaur. non radicat. Item turribulum argent et deaur. Item i anuluni cum saphiro Item i aliud anulum i politum aureum Item i anulum argent, et deauratum -V". EdmuncU. Item i concha cum pereo infixo Item i cistani argent, et deaur. Item i imaginem beate Marie argent, et deaurat. Item i parvam crucem cwn v reliquiis Item ijunc/o- rium S'i. Ricardi Item i tecam pro reliquiis imponend Item i calej'actor Sii. Ricardi Item iiii candelebra vid. ii de stagno ct II de f'erro Item i pecten S>''. Ricardi Item ii viell de cristall In parte fract Item i pelvim de coper ad lavator Item ii osculat. de coper Item i parvum terribiilum de latyn Item i vas de coper APPENDIX. 453 pro frank et sence cotisecrand Item i pixidem de juery pro cor- pore Christi Item ii vasa de plumbo pro oleo conservando Item I patellam eneam ferro ligat. Item t tripodem ferr. Item 1 cos- trell contum ir lageu et i potrell. Item ii babyngyres Item ir botelles de corio vid. i de quarte et i de pynte Item in anul. arg. et i pixidem S'" Marie de Waddon Item ( ) Instru- menta pro Sandyng Item i ledbnyfF Item i shasshobe Item i securim Item ii scabell. de ferro pro cancell Item i plane Item I cistam sine cerura Item xiiii sonas Item xix taperes ponder XIII lb et dimid. Item ir torches ponder xxJb Item xiilb cereetdimid. Item de candelis de cera ponder vi lb Item ilb de frank et sence Item i lagenam olei Item ix pondera de plumbo (Vide de stauro in tergo) et in tergo scribuntur hffic, " II vacce i sus nil hoggett et iiii porcell" 454 APPENDIX. NUMBER V, (N. 38 1.) A Paper confei/mng the value of the Manors atid Latids perfayning to the Priorie of Selborne. iv. Edw. 3. With a note of charges yssuing out of it. SELEEORNE PRIORATUS. feuMMA totalis valoris manerioium tenarum tenementorum et premisso- lum ejusdein Prioratus in fFesto S". Michaelis Archaug. anno secundo Regis Edvaidi 4''. ut patet Rotul. de valoribiis liberat. nil VI li. (i. e. Lxxxvi li.) x s. vid. Inde in redditibus resolutis domino pape domino Archiepiscopo et in diversis ffeodis certis personis concessis ac aliis annualibus reprisis in eisdem Rotul^ile valoribus annotatis per annum xiiii li. xix s. v d. Etremanet de claro valore lxxi li. x s. viii d. . Quatuor canonicis et quatuor ffamulis dec et ecclesie ibid, ser- ' vientibus pro eorum vadiis vestur. et diet, ut patet per bill inde fact, per annum xxx li. Diversis creditoribus pro eorum debitis persolvendis ut patet per parcell inde fact, xv li. xv s. iiii. d. Repnracionibus Ecclesiarum domorum murorum et clausura- lum ejusdem Prioratus jjer annum xv li. xv s. iiii d. Annna pcncione Domini Prioris ei assignata per annum quous- que renianet x li. APPENDIX. 45 i a SELBORNE PRIORATUS. 3fodo sequitor de Reformatione premissoi'um. C Summa total, valorum. ibid, misis et 1 despeiatis inde deductis piout patet per I lxxi li. x s. vind declaracionem Dni Petri Prioris de Sele- ) unde per ipsuin dI^j <{ borne ad man. Dni nostri ^^>nton apud > nostruniWynton assig- Palaciumsuura deWolsleypresentat. per j nantur in fforma se- ipsum ultimo die ffebr. Ann. Domini quente videlicet. (_MccccLxii. et penes ipsum remanet. j Pro quatuor canonicis et quatuor ffa mulis deo et ecclesie ibid, servient! eorum Diet, vadiis et vestur bill inde facT^ quatuor ffa- '\ rientibuspro f ^xx ut patet per C Pro annua pencione Prioris quousque remanet. J X li. I" XV li. XV S. nil d. ^ g Pro divei-siscreditoribus pro eorum de- I P^'" " ""°°^ ^^ ^^^^ g I" , bitis persolvendis ut patet per bill inde ^ ''' '^ ^- '^"^ ^ "''''a ■^^ fa^. I ^'^- '^""" d- de ven- ^ ^ j dit. stauri. XV li. XV s. nil d. per II annos ad xxxi li. X s. VIII d. Sum- Prodiversisreparacionibusecclesiarum ma total, valoris pro domorum murorum et clausurarum ut.| debitis et reparacioni- patet per bill. bus assignat. cum lv li. xiiii d. de vendit. Stauri ut supra cxviii L li. n s. VI d. L 456 APPENDIX. Debita que debentur ibid, per diversos tenentes et ffirmarios ad festum S '. Michaelis anno tertio Regis Edvaidi 4". videlicet. Abbasde Derfoid de fleod ffinne suaad ixli. VI s. ) ,. , VIII d. per annum a retro ) Thomas Perkyns armig. ffirmarius Rectorie de •, Estworlam pro uno anno finiente ad fiestum S". J-lxs. Mich. anno ii. Regis Edvardi 4". ^ Johannes Shahnere ball, de Selborne debet Lxxvs. Ricardus Cawry debet de eodein anno vis. Summa xxviili. viiis, xi d* Thomas Perkyns armig. debet de ffirme sua pre- , dicta ad tcbtum S''. Mich. ann. vii et ultra feod. v vii li. vi s. viii d. suum ad xx s. per annum J Thomas lusher debet pro ffirme sua ad xl s. per i annum cum feed, suis ad xx s. per annum J Hugo Pakenham debet de reddit. suo ad xx s 1 „ per ann. i Abbas de Deilbrd debet de ffeod ffirme sua ultra j XX li. VII. s. XI cl. ut supra pro annis III. nil. et V. /-xxviii li. Regis Edvardi ^ Walterus Rerlond ffirmarius de Skene debet ix li. v s. iid. Ilenr. Shafter ffamaiius Jfcod de Basynstoke xii li. mi d. Heiir. lode nuper ffirmarius manerii de Chec'e debet xx li. Total Lxxxxiv li. xii d. Summa lxvi li. xii s. vid. A COMPARATIVE VIEW OF THE NATURALIST'S CALENDAR, AS KEPT AT SELBORNE, IN HAMPSHIRE, BY THE LATE REF. GILBERT WHITE, M. A.. AT CATSFIELD. NEAR BATTLE. IN SUSSEX, BY WILLIAM MARKWICK, ESQ. F. L. S. FROM THE YEAR 1768 TO THE YEAR 1793. 3 N N. B. The dates in the following calendars., when more tlian one, express the earliest and tlie latest times in which the circumstance noted was observed. 459 A COMPARATIVE VIEW OF WHITE'S AND MARKWICK'S CALENDARS. Of the abbreviations used, y. signifies jfoTi/mnf; /. leafing; and ap. the first afpenrame Redbreast 'sylvia ruhecula) sings Larks (alauda arvensis) congregate Nuthatch (sitta europaea) heard Winter aconite (helleborus hiemalis) fl. Shelless snail or slug (limax) ap. Grey&T . r(motaci!laboarula)ap.' White J ° {^(motacilla alba) ap. Missel thrush (turdus viscivorus) sings Bearsfoot (helleborus fetidus) fl. Polyanthus (primula polyantha) fl. Double daisy (bellis perennis plena) fl. Mtzereon (daphne mezereum) fl. Pansie (viola tricolor) fl. Red dead-nettle (lamium purpureum) fl Gi'oundsel (senecio vulgaris) fl. Hazel (corylus avellana) fl. Hepatica (anemone hepatica) fl. Hedge sparrow (sylvia modularis) sings Common flies (musca domestica) seen in numbers Greater titmouse (panis major) sings Thrush (turdus musicus) sings Insects swarm under sunny hedges Primrose (primula vulgaris) fl. Bees (apis mellifica) ap. Gnats play about Chafijnches, male and female, (fringilla caelebs) seen in equal numbers Furze or gorse (ulex europaeus) fl. Wall-flower (cheiranthus cheiri; seu fruticulosus of Smith) fl. Stock (cheiranthus incanus) fl. Emberiza alba (bunting) in great flocks Linnets (fringilla hnota) congregate Lambs begin to fall Rooks (corvus frugilegus) resort to their nest trees Black hellebore (helleborus niger) fl. AV'HITE. 1 — 12 1 — IS 1—14 I. Feb. 18. 2. Jan. 2—1 1 Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 2—14 2. Feb. 14 2. April 12 2, Feb. 1 3. Feb. 16 3 3.-21 3 — 15 3. Feb. 28 4. Feb. 18 5—12 5. Feb. 3 6. Feb. 6. 6—22 6 6. April 7 6. March I9 6. Feb. 3 6—11 8. Feb. 1 8. April 1 8—12 9 9 9—11 10. Feb. 11 10 MAUKWICK. Jan. 3 — 31, and again Oct. 1 6. Feb. 9. [Oct. 6 March 3. April 10 Feb. 28. April I7 Jan. 16. May 31 Jan. 24. March 26 Dec. 12. Feb. 23 Feb. 19. April 14 March 1 . May 5 Jan. 1 . April 9 March 17. April 29 Jan. 2. April 4 Jan. 1. May 10 Jan. 1. April 5 Jan. I. April Q Jan. 21. March 11 Jan. 17. April y Jan. 16. March 13 May 15 Feb. 17. March 17 Jan. 15. April 4 Jan. 3. March 22 Jan. 31. April 11, last [seen Dec. 30 Dec. 2. Feb. 3 Jan. 1. March 27 Feb. 21. May 9 Feb. 1. June 3 Jan. 11 Jan. 6. Feb. 21 Jan. 23 April 27 460 NATURALIST'S CALENDAR. WHITE. Snow-drop (galanthus nivalis) fl. Jan. 10. Feb. 5 White dead-nettle (lamium album) fl. Jan. 13 Trumpet hone3'-suckle, fl. Jan. 13 Common creeping crowfoot (ranunculus repens) fl. Jan. 13 House sparrow (fringilla domestica) chirps Jan. ] 4 Dandelion (leontodon taraxacum) fl. Jan. 16. March 1 1 Bat (vespertllio) ap Jan. l6. March 24 Spiders shoot their webs Jan. 16 Butterfly, ap. Jan. 16 Brambhng (fringilla montifiingilla) ap. Jan. l6 Black-bird (turdus merula) whistles Jan. 17 Wren (sylvia troglodytes) sings Jan. 17 Earth-worms lie out Jan. 18. Feb. S Crocus (crocus vernus) fl. Jan. 13. March 18 Sky-lark (alauda arvensis) sings Jan. 21 Ivy casts its leaves Jan. 22 Helleborus hiemalis, fl. Jan. 22 — 24 Common dor or clock (scarabseus sterco- rarius Jan. 23 Peziza acetabulum ap. Jan. 23 Helleborus virid fl. Jan. 23. March 5 Hazel (corylus avellana) fl. Jan. 23. Feb. 1 Woodlark (alauda arborea) sings Jan. 24. Feb. 21 Chaffinch (fringilla cselebs) sings Jan. 24. Feb. 15 Jack-daws begin to come to churches Jan. 25. March 4 Yellow wagtail (motacilla flava) ap. Jan. 25. April 14 Honeysuckle (lonicera periclymenum) 1- Jan. 25 Field or procumbent speedwell (veronica agrestis) fl. Jan. 27. March 15 Nettle butterfly (papilio urticse) ap. Jan. 2/. April 2 White wagtail (motacilla alba) chirps Jan. 28 Shell-snail (helix nemoralis) ap. Jan. 28. Feb. 24 Earth-worms engender Jan. 30 Barren strawberry (fragaria sterilis) fl. Feb. 1 . March 26 Blue titmouse (parus caeruleus) chirps Feb. 1 Brown wood-owls hoot Feb. 2 Hen (phasianus gallus) sits Feb. 3 Marsh titmouse begins his two harsh sharp notes Feb. 3 Gossamer floats Feb. 4. April 1 Musca tenax ap. Feb. 4. April 8 Laurustine (viburnum tinus) fl, Feb. 5 Butcher's broom (ruscus aculeatus) fl. Feb 5. Fox (canis vulpes) smells rank Feb. 7 Turkey-cocks strut and gobble Feb. 10 Yellow-hammer(emberizacitnnella) sings Feb. 12 MARKWICK. Jan. 18. March 1 March 23. May 10 April 10. May 12 Feb. 17. May 9 Feb. 1. April 17 Feb. 6. June 1, last seen [Nov. 20 Feb. 2 1 . May 8, last seen Jan. 10—31 [Dec 22 Feb. 15. May 13 Feb. 7. June 12 Jan. 20. March 19 Jan. 12. Feb 27, sings till [Nov. 13 Feb. 28, April 17 Feb. 12. April 19, last [seen Nov. 24 Jan. 27. March 11 Jan. 28. June 5 Jan. 21. Feb. 16 April 13. July 3, last seen Jan. 1. April 9 [Sept 8 Feb. 12. March 29 March 5. April 24, last March 16 [seen June 6 April 2. June 1 1 Jan. 13. March 26 April 27 March 8 hatches Jan. 1. April 5 Jan. 1. May 10 May 19 young brought JFeb. 18. April 28 [forth. NATURALIST'S CALENDAR. 461 Brimstone butterfly (papilio rhamni) ap. Green woodpecker (picus viridis) makes a loud cry Raven (corvus corax) builds Yew-tree (taxus baccata) fl. Coltsfoot (tussilago farfara) fl. Rooks (cor\'us frugiiegus) build Partridges (perdix cinerea) pair Peas (pisum sativum) sown House pigeon (columba domestica) has young ones Field crickets open their holes Common flea (pulex irritans) ap. Pilewort (ficaria verna) fl Goldfinch (fringilla carduelis) sings Viper (coluber berus) ap. Wood-louse (oniscus asellus) ap. Missel thrushes pair Daffodil (narcissus pseudonarcissus)fl. Willow (salix alba) fl. Frogs (rana temporaria) croak Sweet violet (viola odorata) fl. Phalaena tinea vestianella ap. Stone curlew (otis oedicnemus) clamours Filbert (corylus sativus) fl. Ring-dove cooes Apricot-tree (prunus armeniaca) fl. Toad (rana bufo) ap. Frogs (rana temporaria) spawn [foha fl. Ivy-leaved speedwell (veronica hederi- Peach (amygdalus persica) fl. Frog (rana temporaria) ap. Shepherd's purse (thlaspi bursa pastoris) fl. Pheasant (phasianus colchicus) crows Land tortoise comes forth Lungwort (pulmonaria officinalis) fl. Podura fimetaria ap. Aranea scenica saliens ap. Scolopendra forficata ap. Wryneck (jynx torquiUa) ap. Goose (anas anser) sits on it's eggs Duck (anas boschas) lays Dog's violet (viola canina) fl. Peacock butterfly (papilio io) ap. Trouts begin to rise WHITE. Feb. 13. April 2 Feb. 13. March 23 Feb. 14—17 Feb. 14. March 27 Feb 15. March 23 Feb. Id. March 6 Feb. 17 Feb. 17. March 8 Feb. 18 Feb. 20. March 30 Feb. 21—26 Feb. 21. April 13 Feb. 21. April 5 Feb. 22. March 26 Feb. 23. Feb. 24 Feb. 24. Feb. 24. Feb. 25 Feb. 26. Feb. 26 Feb. 27. Feb. 27 Feb. 27. Feb. Feb. 28. Feb. 28. March 1. March 2. March 2. March 3 March 3- March 4. March 4. March 4 March 4 March 5- March 5. March 5 March 5 March 6. March 6 March 7- Aprll 1 April 7 April 2 March 31 April 24 April 5 March 24 March 22 April 2 April 17 April 6 -29 May 8 April 16 -16 April 25 April 18 -14 MARKWICK. Feb. 13. March 8, last [seen Dec. 24 Jan. 1. April 17 April 1, has young ones Feb. 2. April 1 1 [June 1 Feb. 18. April 13 Feb. 28. March 5 Feb. 16. March 20 Feb. 8. March 31 Februaiy 8 Jan. 25. March 26 Feb. 28. May 5 Feb. 23. May 6, last seen [Oct. 28 April 27. June 17 Feb. 26. April 18 Feb. 27. April 11 March O. April 20 Feb 7. April 5 June 17 Jan 25. March 26 March 2. August 10 Feb. 28. April 5 March 15. July 1 Feb. Q. April 10, tadpoles [Mar. 19 Feb. 16. April 10 March 4. April 29 March 9 Jan. 2. April 16 March 1. May 22 March 2. May 19 [seen Sept. 14 March 26. April 23, last March 21 March 28 Feb 28. April 22 Feb. 13. April 20. last [seen Dec, 15 462 NATURALIST'S CALENDAR. Field beans (vicia faba) planted Blood-worms appear in the water Crow (corvus corone) builds Oats (avena sativa) sown Golden crowned wren (sylvia regulus) sings Asp (populus tremula) fl. Common elder (sambucus nigra) 1. Laurel (prunus laurocerasus) fl. Chrysomela Gotting. ap Black ants (formica nigra) ap. Ephemersebisetae ap. Gooseberry (ribes grossularia) 1. Common stitchwort (stellarla holostea) fl. Wood anemone (anemone nemorosa) fl. Blackbird (turdus merula) lays Raven (corvus corax) sits Wheatear (sylvia oenanthe) ap. Musk wood crowfoot (adoxa moschatel- lina) fl. Willow wren (sylvia trochilus) ap. Fumaria bulbosa fl. Elm (ulmus campestris) fl. Turkey (meleagris gallopavo) lays House pigeons (columba domestica) sit Marsh marigold (caltha palustris) fl. Buzz-fly (bombylius medius) ap. Sand martin (hirundo riparia) ap. Snake (coluber natrix) ap. Horse ant (formica herculeana) ap. Greenfinch (loxia chloris) sings Ivy (hedera helix) berries ripe Periwinkle (vinca minor) fl. Spurge laurel (daphne laureola) fl. Swallow (hirundo rustica) ap. Black-cap (sylvia atricapiUa) heard Young ducks hatched Golden saxifrage (chrysosplenium oppo- sitifolium) fl. Martin (hirundo urbica) ap. WHITE. March 8 March 8 March 10 March 10—18 March 12. April 30 March 13 March 13—20 March 15. May 21 March 15 March 15. April March l6 [22 March 1". April 1] March 17. May 1 March 17. April March 17 [22 March 17 March 18—30 March 18. April 1.? March 19. April 13 March I9 March IQ. April 4 March IQ. April 7 March 20 March 20. April 14 March 21. April 28 March 21. April 12 Maich 22—30 March 22. April 18 March 22. April 22 March 23. April 14 March 25 March 25. April 1 March 26. April 20 March 26. May 4 March 27 March 27. April Q March 28. May 1 MARKWICK. April 29 emerge July 1 has young ones March 16. April 13 April 15. May 22, seen [Dec. 23. Jan. 26 Feb. 20. March 2S Jan. 24. April 22 April 2. May 27 March 2. May 18 Feb. 26. April 9 March 8. May 7 Feb. 27. April 10 April 14, 3'oung ones May April 1 builds [IQ March ^3. May 23, last [seen Oct 26 Feb 23. April 28 March 30 May 16, sits i\Tay27, last seen Oct. 23 Feb 17. April 25 Vlarch 18 — 25, sits April [4, young ones April 30 March 20 young hatched March 22. May 8 March 15. April 30 April 8. May id, last seen S^'pt. 8. March 3. April 29, last [seen October 2 Feb. 4. Mar. 26, last seen [Nov. 12 March 6. April 20 Feb. 16. May I9 Feb. (i. May 7 April 12 — 22 April 7 — 27, last seen [Nov. IS April 14. May IS, seen April 14. May 20, last seen Sept. 19 April 6. May 16 Feb. 7. March 27 Apr. 14. Mays, last seen [Dec. S NATURALIST'S CALENDAR. 46-3 Double hyacinth (hyacinthus orientalis fl. Young geese (anas anser) Wood sorrel (oxalis acetosella) fl. Ring ouzel (turdus torquatus) seen Barley (hordeum sativum) sown Nightingale (sylvia luscinia) sings Ash (fraxinus excelsior) fl. Spider's webs on the surface of the ground Checquered daffodil (fritiUaria melea- Julus terrestris ap. [gris fl. Cowslip (primula veris) fl. Ground-ivy (glecoma hederacea) fl. Snipe pipes Box-tree (buxus sempervirens) fl. Elm fulmus campestris) 1. Gooseberry ribes grossiilaria) fl. Currant (ribes hortense) fl. Pear-tree (pyru5 communis) fl. Lacerta vulgaris (newt or eft) ap. Dogs mercury (mercurialis perennis) fl. Wych elm (ulmus glabra seu montana of Smith) fl. Ladysmock (cardamine pratensis) fl. Cuckoo (cuculus canorus) heard Black-thorn (prunus spinosa) fl. Death-watch (termes pulsatorius) beats Gudgeon spawns Red-start ^sylvia phasnicurus) ap. Crown imperial (fritillaria imperialis) &. Tit-lark (alauda pratensis) sings Beech (fagus sylvatica) 1. Shell-snail (helix nemoralis) comes out in troops Middle yellow wren ap. Swift (hirundo apus) :ip. Stingmg-fly (conops cilcitrans) ap. Whitlow grass (draba vernal fl. Larch-tree (pinus-iarix rubra) 1. Whitethroat (sylvia cinerea) ap. Red ant (formica rubra) ap. WHITE. March 29. April March 29 [22 March 30. April 22 March 30. April 17 March 31. April 30 " May 1 April. April. 1 May 4 April 1 April 2—24 April 2 April 3—24 April 3 — 15 xApril 3 April 3 April 3 April 3 — 14 April 3 — 5 April 3. May 21 April 4 April 5 — 19 April 5 April 6 — 20 AprQ 7—26 April 7. May 10 April 7 April 7 April 8 — 28 April 8—24 April 9—19 April 10. May 8 April 1 1 . May Q April 11 April 13. May 7 April 14. May I7 April 14 \pril 14 April 14. May 14 April 14 MARKWICK. March 13. April 24 March 29. April 19 Feb. 26. April 20 October 11 April 12. May 20 April 5. July 4, last seen [Aug. 29 March 16. May 8 April 15. May 1 March 3. May 17 March 2. April 16 March 27. May 8 April 2. May I9 March 21. May 1 March 24. April 28 March 30. April 30 Feb. 17. April 15, last [seen Oct. 9 Jan. 20. April 16' April 19. May 10 1. Feb. 21. April 20 April 15. May 3, last [heard June 28 March 1 6. May 8 March 28. May 28 April 5, sings April 25, [last seen Sept. 30 April 1. May 13 April 14 — 29, sits June [16-27 April 24. May 25 May 17. June 11 ap. April 28. May 19 Jan. 15. March 24 April 1. May 9. Aprill4. May5,sing.sMay 3 — 10, last seenScpt 23 April 9. June 26 464 NATURALIST'S CALENDAR. Mole cricket (gryllus gryllotalpa) churs Second willow or laughing wren ap. Red rattle (pedicularis sylvatica) fl. Common flesh-fly I'musca carnaria) ap. Lady cow (coccinella bipunctata) ap. Grasshopper-lark (alaudalocustae voce) ap Willow wren its shivering note heard Middle willow wren (regulus non crista- tus medius) ap. Wild cherry (prunus cerasus) fl. Garden cherry (prunus cerasus) fl. Plum (prunus domestica) fl. Harebell (hyacinthus non-scriptus seu scilla nutans of Smith) fl. Turtle (columba turtur) cooes Hawthorn (Crataegus seu mespilus oxy- cantha of Smith) fl. Male fool's orchis (orchis mascula) fl. Blue flesh fly (musca vomitoria) ap. Black snail or slug (limax ater) abounds Apple-tree (pyrus-nialus sativus) fl. Large bat ap. Strawberry, wild wood (fragaria vesca sylv.) fl. Sauce alone (erysimum alliaria) fl. Wild or bird cherry (prunus avium) fl. Apis hypnorum ap. Musca meridiana ap. Wolf-fly (asilus) ap. Cabbage butter-fly (papilio brassicae) ap. Dragon-fly (libellula) ap. Sycamore (acer pseudoplatanus) fl. Bombylius minor ap. Glow-worm (lampyris noctiluca) shines Fern-owl or goatsucker (caprimulgus europseus) ap. Common bugle (ajuga reptans) fl. Field crickets (gryllus campestris) crink Chaffer or may-bug (scarabaeus melolon- tha) ap. Honeysuckle (lonicera periclymenum) fl. Toothwort (lathraea squamaria) fl. Shell-snails copulate Sedge warbler (sylvia salicaria) sings Mealy tree (viburnum lantana) fl. WHITE. MARKWICK. April 14 April 14—19—23 April 15—19 April 10. June 4 April 15 April 16 April 16—30 April 17. May 7 April 28. Maj 14 April 17—27 April 18. May 12 March 30. May 10 April 18. May 11 March 25. May 6 April 18. May 5 March 24. May 6 April 19—25 March 27. May 8 April 20 — 17 May 14. Aug. 10 seen April 20. June 1 1 April 19. May 2S April 21 March 29. May 13 April 21. May 23 April 22 Feb. 1. Oct 24ap. April 22. May 25 April 11. May 26 April 22. June 1 1 April 23—29 AprU 8—9 April 23 March 3 1 . May 8 April 24 March 30. May 10 April 24 April 24. May 28 April 25 April 28. May 20 April 29. June 15 April 30. May 21 April 18. May 13, last [seen Nov. 10 April 30. June 6 April 20. June 4 IMay 1 May 1. June 11 June 19. Sept. 28 May 1—26 May 16. Sept. 14 May 1 March 27. May 10 May 2—24 May 2—26 May 2. July 7 May 3—30 April 24. June 21 May 4—12 May 4. June 17 May 4 June 2—30 May 5—17 April 25. May 22 NATURALIST'S CALENDAR 465 Plycatcher(stoparolas.muscicgpagrisola)ap Apis longicovnis ap. Sedge warbler (sylvia salicaria) ap. Oak (quercus robur) fl. Admiral butter-fly (papilio atalanta) ap. Orange-tip (papilio cardamines) ap. Beech (fagus sj'lvatica) fl. Common maple (acer campestre) fl. Barberry-tree (berberis vulgaris) fl. Wood argus butter- fly (papilio segeria) ap. Orange lilly (lilium bulbiferam) fl. Burnet moth (sphinx filipendulx) ap. Walnut (juglans regia) 1. Laburnum (cytisus laburnum) fl. Forest-fly (liippobosca equina) ap. Saintfoin (hedysarum onobrychis) fl. Peony (pasonia officinalis) fl. Horse chesnut (aesculus hippocastanum) fl. Lilac (syringa vulgaris) fl. Columbine (aquilegia vulgaris) fl. Medlar (raespilus germanica) fl. Tormentil (tormenlilla erecta seu offici- nalis of Smith) fl. Lily of the valley (convallaria majalis) fl. Bees (apis mellifica) swarm Woodroof (asperula odorata) fl. Wasp, female, (vespa vulgaris) ap. Mountain ash (sorbus seu pyrus aucuparia of Smith) fl. Birds-nest orchis (ophrys nidus avis) fl White-beam tree (Crataegus seu pyrus aria of Smitli) 1. Milkwort (polygala vulgaris) fl. Dwarf cistus (cistus hehanthemnm) fl. Gelder rose (viburnum opuliis) fl. Common elder (sambucus nigra) fl. Cantharis noctiluca ap. Apis longicornis bores holes in walks Mulbeiry-tree (moras nigra) 1. Wild ser\'ice-tree (Crataegus seu pyrus torminahs of Smith) fl. Sanlcle (sanicula europaea) fl. Avens (geum urbanum) fl. Female fool's orchis (orchis morio) fl. Ragged Robin (lychnis flos cuculi) fl. ■Burnet (ppterium sanguisorba) fl. AVHITE. 1 MARKWICK. May 10- -30 April 29. May 21 May 10. June 9 May 11- -13 Aug. 2. May 13- -15 April 29. June 4 May 13 May 14 March 30. May 19 May 15- -26 April 23. May 28 May 16 April 24. May 27 May 17- -26 April 28. June 4 May 17 May 18. Jnne 1 1 June 14. July 22 May 18. June 13 May 24. June 26 May 18 April 10. June 1 May 18. June 5 May 1 . June 23 May 18. June 9 May ly. June 8 May 21. July 28 May 20. June 15 April 18. May 26 May 21. June 9 April 19. June 7. May 21 April 15. May 30 May 21- -27 May 6, June 13 May 21. June 20 April 8. June 19 May 21 April 17. June 11 May 22 April 27. June 13 May 22. July 22 May 12. June 23 May 22- -25 April 14. June 4 May 23 April 2. June 4, last seen [Nov. 2 May 23. June 8 April 20. June 8 May 24. June 1 1 May 18. June 12 May 24. June 4 May 3 May 24. June 7 April 13. June 2 May 25 May 4. Aug. 8 May 26 May 10. June 8 May 26. June 25 May 6. June 17 May 26 May 27. June 9 May 27. June 13 May 20. June 1 1 May 27 May 13. June 19 May 27. June 13 April 23. June 4 May 28 May 9. June 1 1 May 28 April 17. May 20 May 29. June 1 May 12. June 8 May 29 April 30. Aug. 7 466 NATURALIST'S CALENDAR. Foxglove (digitalis purpurea) fl. Corn-flag (gladiolus communis) fl. Serapias longifol. fl. Raspberry (rubus idaeus) fl. Herb Robert (geranium Robevtianum) fl. Figwort (scrophularia nodosa) fl. Gromwell (lithospermum officinale) fl. Wood spurge (euphorbia amygdaloides) fl. Ramsons (allium ursinum) fl. Mouse-ear scorpion grass (myosotis scor- pioides) fl. Grasshopper (gryllus grossus) ap. Rose (rosa hortensis) fl. Mouse-ear hawkweed (hieracium pilo- sella)fl. Buckbean (menyantlies trifoliata) fl. Rose chaffer (scarabaeus auratus) ap. Sheep (ovis aries) shorn Water-flag (iris pseudo-acorus) fl. Cultivated rye (secale cereale) fl. Hounds tongue (cynoglossum officinale) fl. Helleborine (serapias latifolia) fl. Green-gold fly (musca csesar) ap. Argus butterfly papilio moera ap. Spearwort (ranunculus flamniula) fl. Birdsfoot trefoil (lotus corniculatus) fl. Fraxinella or white dittany (dictamnus albus) fl. Phryganea nigra ap. Angler's may-fly (ephemera vulg.) ap. Ladies finger (anthyllis vulneraria) fl. Bee-orchis (ophrys apifera) fl. Pink (dianthus deltoides) fl. Mock orange (philadelphus coronarius) fl. I,ibellula virgo ap. Vine (vitis vinifera) fl. Portugal laurel (prunus lusitanicus) fl. Purple spotted martagon (lilium niarta- gon) fl. Meadow cranes-bill (geranium pratense)fl. Black bryony (tamus communis) fl Field pea (pisum sativum arvense) fl. Bladder campion (cucubalus belicn seu silene inflata of Smith) fl. Bryony (bryonia alba) fl. M'HITE. MARKWICK. May 30. June 22 May 23. June 15 May 30. June 20 June 9. July 8 May 30. June 13 May 30. June 21 May 10, June \Q May 30 March 7. May 16 May 31 May 12. June 20 May 31 May 10—24 June 1 March 23. May 13 June 1 April 21. June 4 June 1 April 1 1 . June 1 June 1— -14 March 25. July 6, last [seen Nov. 3 June 1— -21 June 7- July 1 June 1. July 16 April 19. June 12 June 1 April 20. June 8 June 2- -8 April 18. Aug. 4 June 2- -23 May 23. June 17 June 2 May 8. June 9 June 2 May 27 June 2 May 1 1 . June 7 June 2. Aug. 6 July 22. Sept. 6 June 2 June 2 June 3 April 25. June 13 June 3 April 10. June 3 June 3— -U June 9. July 24 June 3 June 3- -14 June '1 June 1. Aug. 16 June 4. July 4 June 5- -19 May 26. July 6 June 5 May 16. June 23 June 5- -20 June J. July 30 June 18. July 29 June 8. July 1 June 3. July 16 June 8- -25 June 18. July 19 June 8. Aug 1 June 8 May 15. June 21 June 9 May 15. June 21 June 9 May 4. July 13 June 9 May 13. Aug. 1/ NATURALIST'S CALENDAR. 467 Hedge-netde (stachys sylvatica) fl. Bittersweet (solanum dulcamara) fl. Walnut (juglans regia) fl. Phallus impudicus ap. Rosebay wiOow-herb (epilobiuru angusti- folium) fl. Wheat (triticum hyberuum) fl. Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) fl. Yellow pimpernel (lysimachianemorum)fl. Tremella nostoc ap. Buckthorn (rhamnus catharticus) 1. Cuckow-spit insect (cicada spumaiia) ap. Dog-rose (rosa canina) fl. Puff"-ball (lycoperdon bovista) ap. Mullein (verbascum thapsus) fl. Viper's bugloss (echium anglicum sen vulgare of Smith) fl. Meadow hay cut Stag beetle (lucanus cervus) ap. Borage (borago officinalis) fl. Spindle-tree (evonymus europaeus) fl. Musk thistle (carduus nutans) fl. Dogwood (cornus sanguinea) fl. Field scabious (scabiosa arvensis) fl. Marsh thistle (carduus paluslris) fl. Dropwort (spiraea filipendula) fl. Great wild valerian (Valeriana officinalis)fl. Quail (perdix coturnix) calls Mountain wiUow-herb (epilobium mon- tanum) fl. Thistle upon thistle (carduus crispus) fl. Cow-parsnep (heracleum sphondylium) fl. Earth-nut (bunium bulbocastanura seu flexuosum of Smith) fl. Young frogs migrate Oestrus curvicauda ap. Vervain (verbena officinalis) fl. Corn poppy (papaver rhoeas) fl. Self-heal (pruneUa \ailgaris) fl. Agrimony (agrimonia eupatoria) fl. Great horse-fly (tabanus bovinus) ap. Gieater knapweed (centaurea scabiosa) fl. Mushroom (agaricus campestris) ap. Common mallow (malva sylvestris) fl. Dwarf mallow (malva rolundifolia) fl. St. John'svvort (hypercium perforatum) fl. July 4 WHITE. June 10 June 11 June 12 June 12. July 23 June 12 June 13. July 22 June 13 June 13—30 June 1.5. Aug. 24 June IQ June l6 June 17, IS June ] 7. Sept. 3 June 18 June 19 June ly. Jnly 20 June 19 June 20 June 20 June 20. June 21 June 21 June 21—27 June 22. July g June 22. July 7 June 22. July 4 June 22 June 23 — 29 June 23 June 23 June 23. Aug. 2 June 24 June 24 June 24 June 24 June 24—29 June 24. Aug. 2 June 25. June 2(?. Aug. 30 June 26 June 26 June 26 303 MARKWICK. May 28. June 24 May 15. June 20 April 18. June 1 June 4. July 28 June 4—30' May 4. June 23 April 10. June 12 May 25 June 2—21 May 24. June 21 May 6. Aug. 19 June 10. July 22 May 27. July 3 June 13. July 7 June 14 — 21 April 22. July 20 May 1 1 . June 25 June 4. July 25 May 28. June 27 June 16. Aug. 14 May 15. June 19 May 8. Sept. 3 May 22. July 21 July 23, seen Sept. 1— IS June 5 — 21 May 22. July 22 May 27. July 12 May 4—3 1 June 10. July 1" April 30. July 15 June 7—23 June 7- July 9 June 7- Aug. 14 April 16. Aug. )6 May 27. July 13 May 12. July 30 June 15, July 12 468 NATURALIST'S CALENDAR. Broom-rape (orobanche major) fl. Henbane (hyoscyamus niger) fl. Goats-beard (tragopogon pratense) fl. Deadly nightshade (atropa belladonna) fl. Truffles begin to be found Young partridges fly Lime-tree (tilia europasa) fl. Spear thistle (carduus lanceolatus) fl. Meadow sweet (spircfia ulniaria) fl. Greenweed (genista tlnctoria) fl. Wild thyme (thymus serpyllum) fl. Stachys germanic. fl. Day-lily (hemerocallis flava) fl. Jasmine (jasminum officinale) fl . Holy-oak (alcea rosea) fl. Monotropa hypopithys fl. Ladies bedstraw (galium verum) fl. Galium palustre fl. Nipplewort (lapsana communis) fl. Welted thistle (carduus acanthoides) fl. Sneeze wort (achiUea ptarmica) fl. Musk mallow (malva moschata) fl. Pimpernel (anagallis arvensis) fl. Hoary beetle (scarabsus solsit) ap. Corn saw-wort (serratula ai-vensis seu carduus arvensis of Smith) fl. Pheasant's eye (adonis annua seu autum- nalis of Smith) fl. Red eyebright (euphrasia seu bartsia odontites of Smith) fl. Thorough wax (bupleurum rottmdifol.) fl Cockle (agrostemma githago) fl. Ivy-leaved wild lettuce (prenanthes mu- ralis) fl. feverfew (matricaria seu pyretlirum par- thenium of Smith) fl. Wall pepper (sedum acre) fl. Privet (ligustrum vulgare) fl. Common toadflax (antirrhinum linaria) fl. Perennial wild flax (linum perenne) fl. Whortle-berries ripe (vaccinium ulig.) Yellow base rocket (reseda lutea) fl. Blue bottle (centaurea cyanus) fl. Dwarf carline thistle (carduus acaulis) fl. Bull-rush or cats-tail (typha latifolia) fl. Spiked willow-herb (lythruni salicaiia) fl WHITE. 1 MARKWICK. June 37. July 4 Vlay 9. July 25 June 27 May 13. June 19 June 27 Junes— 14 June 27 May 22. Aug. 14 June 28. July 29 June 28. July 31 July 8—28 June 28. July 31 June 12. July 30 June 28. July 12 June 27. July 18 June 28 June 16. July 24 June 28 June 4. July 24 June 28 June 6. July 19 June 29. July 20 June 2g. July 4 May 29. June Q June 29. July 30 June 27. July 21 June 29. Aug 4 July 4. Sept 7 June 29. July 23 June 29 June 22. Aug. 3 June 29 Jime 29 May 30. July 24 June 29 June 30 June 22. Aug. 3 June 30 June 9. July 14 June 30 May 4. June 22 June 30. July 17 July 1 June 15. July 15 July 1 April 1 1 . July 1 5 July 2 June 20. Aug. 10 June 2 July 2 May 14. July 25 July 2 June 2. July 25 July 2 June 19. July 24 July 3 June 8. July 12 July 3 June 3. July 13 Julys June 21. Aug. 3 July 4 April 21. July 0' July 4— 24 July 5 July 19. Jdy 5 May 15. Oct. 14 July 5— -12 June 30. Aug. 4. July 6 June 29. July 21 . July 6 June 24. Aug. ] 7 NATURALISTS CALENDAR. 469 Black mullein (verbascum niger) fl. Chrysanthemum coronarium fl. Marigolds (calendula officinalis) fl. Little field madder (sherardia arvensis) fl. Calaraint (roelissa seu thymus calamintha of Smitli) fl. Black horehound (ballota nigra) fl. Wood betony (betonica officinalis) fl. Round-leaved bell-flower (campanula ro- tundifolia) fl. All-good (chenopodium bonus henricus)fl. Wild carrot (daucus carota) fl. Indian cress (epopaeolum majus) fl. Cat-mint (nepeta cataria) fl. Cow-wheat (melampyrum sylvaticum seu pratense of Smith) fl. Crosswort (valantia cruciata seu galium cruciatum of Smith) fl. Cranberries ripe ■ Tufted vetch (vicia cracca) fl. Wood vetch (vicia sylvat.) fl. Little throat-wort (campanula glome- rata) fl. Sheep's scabious (jasione montana) fl. Pastinaca sylv. fl. White lily (hlium candidum) fl. Hemlock (conium maculatum) fl. Caucalis anthriscus fl. Flying ants ap. Moneywort (lysimachia nummularia) fl. Scarlet martagon(Iiliumchalcedonicum)fl. Lesser stitchwort (steUaria graminea) fl. Fool's parsley (aethusa cynapium) fl. Dwarf elder (sambucus ebulus) fl. Swallows and martins congregate Potatoe (solanum tuberosum) fl. Angelica sylv. fl. Digitalis ferrngin. fl. Ragwort (senecio jacobaea) fl. Golden rod (solidago virgaurea) fl. Star thistle (centaurea calcitrapa) fl. Tree primrose (Oenothera biennis) fl. Peas (pisum sativum) cut Galega officin. fl. Apricots (prunus armeniaca) ripe WHITE. MAKK'VVICK Julys Julys May 28. July 28 July 6—g April 20. July 1 6 July 7 Jan. 11. June 6 July 7 July 21 July 7 June 16. Sept. 12 July 8—19 June 10. July 15 Julys June 12. July 29 July 8 April 21. June 15 July 8 June 7. July 14 July 8—20 June 11. July 25 July 9 July 9 May 2. June 22 July 9 April 10. May 28 July 9—27 July JO May 3 1 . July 8 July 10 July ] 1 July 28. Aug. 18 July 1 1 June 10. July 25 July 12 July 12 June 21. July 22 July 13 June 4. July 20. July 13 July 13. Aug. 1 1 Aug. 20. Sept. 19 July 13 June 14. Aug lO July 14. Aug. 4 June 21. Aug. 6. July 14 May 8. June 23 July 14 June 9. Aug. 9 July 14—29 July 14. Aug. 29. Aug. 1 2. Sept. 8 July 14 June 3. July 12 July 15 July 15—25 July 15 June 22. July 13 July 15 July 7. Aug. 29 July 16 July 16. Aug. 16 July 16 June 12. July 18 July 17. Aug. 14 July 13. Aug. 15 July 17 July 17. Aug. 2 1 July 5; Aug. 16 470 NATURALIST'S CALENDAR. Clown's allheal (stachys palustris) fl. Branching willow-herb (epilobium ra- mos.) fl. Rye harvest begins Yellow centaury (chlora perfoliata) fl. Yellow vetchling (lathyrus aphaca) fl. Enchanter's nightshade(circaealutetiana)fl. Water hemp agrimony (eupatorium can- nabinum) fl. Giant throat wort (campanula trache- lium) fl. Eyebright (euphrasia officinahs) fl. Hops (humulus lupulus) fl. Poultry moult Dodder (cuscuta europaea seu epitliymum of Smith) fl. Lesser centaury (gentiana seu chironia centaurium of Smith) fl. Creeping water parsnep (slum nodiflo- rum) fl. Common spurrey (spergula arvensis) fl. Wild clover (trifolium pratense) fl. Buckwheat (polygonum fagopyrum) fl. Wheat harvest begins Great bur-reed (sparganiura erectum) fl. Marsh St. Johu's-wort (hypericum elo- des) fl. Sun-dew (drosera rotundifolia) fl. Marsh cinquefoil (comai-um paUistre) fl. Wild cherries ripe Lancashire asphodel (anthericum ossifra- gum) fl. Hooded willow-herb (Scutellaria galericu- lata) fl. Water dropwort (oenanthe fistulos.) fl. Horehouud (marrubium vulg.) fl. Seseli caruifol fl. Water plantain (allsma plantago) fl. Alopecurus myosuroides fl. Virgin's bower (clematis vitalba) fl. Bees kill the drones Teasel (dipsacus sylvestris) fl. Wild marjoram (origanum vulgare) fl. Swifts (hirundo apus) begin to depart Small wild teasel (dipsacus pilosus) fl. WHITE. MARKWICK July 17 June 12. July 14 July 17 July 17. Aug. 7 July IS. Aug. 15 June 15. Aug. 13 July 18 July 18 June 20. July 27 July 18 July 4. Aug. 6 July 19 July 13. Aug. 14 July 19 May 28. July 29 July H). Aug. 10 July 20. Aug. 1 7 July 19 July 20 July 9. Aug. 7 July 20 June 3. July 19 July 20 July 10. Sept. 1 1 July 21 April 10. July 16 July 21 May 2. June 7 July 21 June 27. July 10 July 21. Aug. 23 July 11. Aug. 26 July 22 June 10. July 23 July 22- -31 June 16. Aug. 10 July 22 Aug. 1 July 22 May 27. July 12 July 22 July 22 June 21. July 29 July 23 June 2. July 3 1 July 23 July 23 July 24 July 24 May 31. July 21 July 25 July 25. Aug. 9 July 13. Aug. 14 July 25 July 26 July 16. Aug. 3 July 26 July 17. Aug. 29 July 27- -29 Aug. 5. July 28, 29 NATURALIST'S CALENDAR. 471 Wood sage (teucrium scorodonia) fl. Everlasting pea (lathyrus latifolius) fl. Trailing St. John's wort (hypericum hu- mifusum) fl. White hellebore (veratrum album) fl. Camomile (anthemis nobilis) fl. Lesser field scabious (scabiosa columba- ria) fl. Sun-flower (hellanthus multiflorus) fl. Yellow loosestrife (lysimachia vulgaris) fl. Swift (hirundo apus) last seen Oats (avena sativa) cut Barley (hordeum sativum) cut Lesser hooded willow-herb (Scutellaria minor) fl. Middle fleabane (inula dysenterica) fl. Apis manicata ap. Swallow-tailed butterfly(papilio machaon) ap. . Whame or burrel fly (oestrus bovis) lays eggs on horses Sow-thistle (sonchus arvensis) fl. Plantain fritillary (papilio cinxia) ap. Yellow succory (picris hieracioidesj fl. Musca mystacea ap. Canterbury bells (campanula medium) fl. Mentha longifol. fl. Carline thistle (carlina vulgaris) fl. Venetian sumach (rhus cotinus) fl. Ptinus pectiniconiis ap Burdock (arctium lappa) fl. Fell-wort fgentiana amarella) fl. Wormwood (artemisia absinthium) fl. Mugwort (artemisia \'u!garis) fl. St. Barnaby's thistle (centaurea solstit.) fl. Meadow saffron (colchicum autumnale) fl. Michaelmas daisy (aster tradescanti) fl. Meadow rue (thalictrum flavum) fl. Sea holly (eryngium marit.) fl. China aster (aster chinensis) fl. Boletus albus ap. Less Venus looking glass (campanula hy- brida) fl. Carthamus tinctor. fl. Goldfinch (fringlUa carduelis) young broods ap. ■WHITE. MARKWICK. July 28 June 17. July 24 July 28 June 20. July 30 July 29 May 20. June 22 July 30 July 18—22 July 30 June 21. Aug. 20 July 30 July 13. Aug. 9 July 31. Aug. 6 July 4. Aug. 22 July 31 July 2. Aug. 7 July 31. Aug. 27 Aug. 11 Aug. 1 — -16 July 26. Aug. 19 Aug. 1— -26 July 27. Sept. 4 Aug. 1 Aug. 8. Sept. 7 Aug. 2 July 7. Aug. 3 Aug. 2 Aug. 2 April 20. June 7. last [seen Aug. 28 Aug. 3— -19 Aug. 3 Jnne 17. July 21 Aug. 3 Aug. 4 June 6—25 Aug. 5 June 5. Aug. 11 Aug. 5. Aug. 7 July 21. Aug. 18 Aug. 7 June 5 July 20 Aug. 7 Aug. 8 June 17. Aug. 4 Aug. 8. Sept 3 Aug. 8 July 22. Aug. 21 Aug. 8 July 9. Aug. 10 Aug. 10 Aug. 10 Sept. 13 Aug. 15. Sept. 29 Aug. 12. Sept. 27 Aug. 11. Oct. 8 Aug. 14 Aug. 14 Aug. 14. Sept. 28 Aug. 6. Oct. 2 Aug. 14 May 10 Aug. 15 May 14 Aug. 15 Aug. 15 June 15 472 NATURALIST'S CALENDAR. Lapwings (tringa vanellus) congregate Black-eyed marble butterfly (papilio se- mele) ap. Birds reassume their spring notes Devil's-bit (scabiosa succisa) fl. Thistle down floats Ploughman's spikenard (conyza squar- rosa) fl. Autumnal dandelion (leontodon autum- nale) fl. Flies abound in windows Linnets (fringilla linota) congregate Bulls make their shrill autumnal noise Aster amellus fl. Balsam (impatiens balsamina) fl. Milk thistle (carduus marianus) fl. Hop picking begins Beech (fagus sylvatica) turns yellow Soapwort (saponaria otEcinalis) fl. Ladies traces (ophrys spiralis) fl. Small golden black-spotted butterfly (pa^ pilio phlaeas) ap. Swallow (hirundo rustica) sings Althaea frutex (hibiscus syriacus) fl. Great fritillary (papilio paphia) ap. Willow red under-whig moth (phalaena pacta) ap. Stone curlew (otis oedicnemus) clamours Phal2ena russula ap. Grapes ripen Wood owls hoot Saffron butterfly (papilio hyale) ap. Ring ouzel appears on its autumnal visit Flycatcher (muscicapa grisola) last seen Beans (vicia faba) cut Ivy (hedera helix) fl. Stares congregate Wild honeysuckles fl. a second time Woodlark sings Woodcock (scolopax rusticola) returns Strawberry-tree (arbutus unedo) fl. Wheat sown Swallows last seen. (N. B. The house martin the latest.) WHITE. Aug. 15. Sept. 12 Aug. 15 Aug. l6 Aug. 17 Aug. 17. Sept. 10 Aug. IS Aug, 18 Aug. 18 Aug. IS. Nov. 1 Aug 20 Aug. 22 Aug. 23 Aug. 24 Aug. 24. Sept. 17 Aug. 24. Sept. 22 Aug. 25 Aug. 27. Sept. 12 Aug. 29 Aug. 29 Aug. 30. Sept. 2 Aug. 30 Aug. 31 Sept. 1. Nov. 7. Sept. 1 Sept. 4. Oct. 24 Sept. 4, Noy. 9 Sept. 4 Sept. 4—30 Sept. 6—29 Sept. 11 Sept. 12. Oct. 2 Sept. 12. Nov. 1 Sept. 25 Sept. 28. Oct. 24 Sept. 29. Nov. 11 Oct. 1 Oct. 3. Nov. 9 Oct. 4. Nov. 5 MARKWICK. Sept. 25. Feb. 4 June 22. Aug, 23 July 25 Aug. 22. Nov. 8 May 22 July 26 April 21. July 18 Sept. 1—15 Sept. 5—29 July 19. Aug. 23 Aug. 18. Sept. la April 11. Aug. 20 July 20. Sept, 28 June 17 Aug. 31. Nov. 4 Aug. 5. Sept. 26 Sept. 4 — 30 Aug. 9. Oct. 14 Sept. 18. Oct 28 June 4. March 21 Oct. 1. Nov. 1. young ones April 28, last seen April 11 May 21. Dec. 10 Sept. 23. Oct, 19 Nov. 16 NATURALIST'S CALENDAR. 473 Kedwing (turdus iliacus) comes Fieldfare (t.urdus pilaris) returns Gossamer fills the air Chinese holy-onk (alcea rosea) fl. Hen chaffinches congregate Wood pigeons come Royston crow (corvus comix) returns Snipe (scolopax gallinago) returns Tortoise begins to bury himself Rooks (corvus frugllegus) return to their nest trees Bucks grunt Primrose (primula vulgaris) fl. Green whistling plover ap. Helvella mitra ap. Greenfinches flock Hepatica fl. Furze (ulex europaeus) fl. Polyanthus (primula polyanthus) fl. Young lambs dropped Moles work in throwing up hillocks Helleborus foetidus fl. Daisy (beUis perennis) fl. Wall-flower (cheiranthus cheiri seu fru- ticulosus of Smith) fl. Mezereon fl. Snowdrop fl. IN SESE VERTITUK ANNUS. WHITE. Oct. 10. Nov. 10 Oct. 12. Nov. 23 Oct. 15 — 27 Oct. 19 Oct. 20. Dec. 31 Oct. 23. Dec 27 Oct. 23. Nov. 29 Oct. 25. Nov, 20 Oct. 27. Nov. 26 Oct. 31, Dec. 25 Nov. 1 Nov. 10 Nov. 13, 14 Nov. 16 Nov. 27 Nov. 30. Dec. 29 Dec, 4 — 21 Dec. 7—16 Dec. 11 — 27 Dec, 12 — 23 Dec. 14—30 Dec, 15 Dec. 15 Dec. 15 Dec. 29. MARKWICK. Oct. 1. Dec, 18. sings Feb. 10, March 21. last seen April 13 Oct 13. Nov. 18, last seen May 1 July 7. Aug. 21 Oct. 13. Nov. 17, last [seen April 15 Sept. 29, Nov, 11, last [seen April 14 June 29. Oct, 20 Oct. 7, Dec. 30 Feb. 19. Dec. 16—31 Dec. 3 1 Dec. 12. Feb. 21 Dec, 26 31 Nov, 5 3 P OBSERVATIONS ON VARIOUS PARTS OF NATURE. FROM MR. WHITE'S MSS. WITH REMARKS BY MR. MARKWICK. OBSERVATIONS ON BIRDS. BIRDS IN GENERAL. In severe weather, fieldfares, red-wings, sky-larks, and tit-larks, resort to watered meadows for food; the latter wades up to its belly in pursuit of the pupse of insects, and runs along upon the floating grass and weeds. Many gnats are on the snow near the water, these support the birds in part. Birds are much influenced in their choice of food by colour, for though white currants are a much sweeter fruit than red, yet they seldom touch the former till they have devoured every bunch of the latter. Red-starts, fly-catchers, and black-caps, arrive early in April. If these little delicate beings are birds of passage (as we have reason to suppose they are, because they are never seen in win- ter) how could they, feeble as they seem, bear up against such storms of snow and rain, and make their way through such meteorous turbulences, as one should suppose would embarrass and retard the most hardy and resolute of the winged nation? Yet they keep their appointed times and seasons; and in spite of frosts and winds return to their stations periodically, as if 478 ON VARIOUS PARTS they had met with nothing to obstruct them. The withdrawing and appearance of the short winged summer birds is a very puzzUng circumstance in natural history ! When the boys bring me wasps' nests, my bantam fowls fare deliciously, and when the combs are pulled to pieces, devour the young wasps in their maggot state with the highest glee and delight. Any insect-eating bird would do the same; and therefore I have often wondered that the accurate Mr. Ray should call one species of buzzard biiteo apivorus sive vespivorus, or the honey buzzard, because some combs of wasps happened to be found in one of their nests. The combs were conveyed thither doubtless for the sake of the maggots or nymphs, and not for their honey: since none is to be found in the combs of wasps. Birds of prey occasionally feed on insects; thus have I seen a tame kite picking up the female ants full of eggs with much satisfaction. White. That red-starts, fly-catchers, black-caps, and other slender- billed insectivorous small birds, particularly the swallow tribe, make their first appearance very early in the spring, is a well known fact; though the fly-catcher is the latest of them all in its visit (as this accurate naturalist observes in another place,) for it is never seen before the month of May. If these delicate creatures come to us from a distant country, they will probably be exposed in their passage, as Mr. White justly remarks, to much greater difficulties from storms and tempests than their feeble powers appear to be able to surmount: on the other hand, if we suppose them to pass the winter in a dormant state in this country concealed in caverns or other hiding places sufficiently guarded from the extreme cold of our winter to preserve their OF NATURE. 479 life, and that at the approach of spring they revive from their torpid state and reassume their usual powers of action, it will entirely remove the first difficulty, arising from the storms and tempests they are liable to meet with in their passage; but how are we to get over the still greater difficulty of their revivifica- tion from their torpid state ? What degree of warmth in the temperature of the air is necessary to produce that effect, and how it operates on the functions of animal life, are questions not easily answered. How could Mr. White suppose that Ray named this species the honey buzzard because it fed on honey, when he not only named it in Latin buteo apivonis et "cespivorus, but expressly says that " it feeds on insects, and brings up its young with the maggots or nymphs of wasps?" That birds of prey, when in want of their proper food, flesh, sometimes feed on insects 1 have little doubt, and think I have observed the common buzzard, falco buteo, to settle on the ground and pick up insects of some kind or other. Markwick. ROOKS. Rooks are continually fighting and pulling each other's nests to pieces: these proceedings are inconsistent with living in such close community. And yet if a pair offer to build on a single tree, the nest is plundered and demolished at once. Some rooks roost on their nest trees. The twigs which the rooks drop in building supply the poor with brushwood to light their fires. Some unhappy pairs are not permitted to finish any nest till the 480 ON VARIOUS PARTS rest have completed their building. As soon as they get a few sticks together, a party comes and demolishes the whole. As soon as rooks have finished their nests, and before they lay, the cocks begin to feed the hens, who receive their bounty with a fondling tremulous voice and fluttering wings, and all the little blandishments that are expressed by the young, while in a help- less state. This gallant deportment of the males is continued through the whole season of incubation. These birds do not copulate on trees, nor in their nests, but on the ground in the open fields. White. After the first brood of rooks are sufficiently fledged, they all leave their nest trees in the day-time, and resort to some dis- tant place in search of food, but return regularly every evening, in vast flights, to their nest trees, where, after flying round several times with much noise and clamour, till they are all assembled together, they take up their abode for the night. Markwick. THRUSHES. Thrushes during long droughts are of great service in hunt- ing out shell snails, which they pull in pieces for their young, and are thereby very serviceable in gardens. Missel thrushes do not destroy the fruit in gardens like the other species of turdi, but feed on the berries of misseltoe, and in the spring on ivy berries, which then begin to ripen. In the summer, when their young become fledged, they leave neighbourhoods, and retire to sheep walks and wild commons. OF NATURE. 481 The magpies, when they have young, destroy the broods of missel thrushes, though the dams are fierce birds, and fight boldly in defence of their nests. It is probably to avoid such insults, that this species of thrush, though wild at other times, delights to build near houses, and in frequented walks and gardens. White. Of the truth of this I have been an e3'e-witness, having seen the common thrush feeding on the shell snail. In the very early part of this spring (1797) a bird of this species used to sit every morning on the top of some high elms close by my windows, and delight me with its charming song, attracted thither, probably, by some ripe ivy berries that grew near the place. I have remarked something like the latter fact, for I remem- ber, many years ago, seeing a pair of these birds fly up repeatedly and attack some larger bird, which I suppose disturbed their nest in my orchard, uttering at the same time violent shrieks Since writing the above, I have seen more than once a pair of these birds attack some magpies that had disturbed their nest, with great violence and loud shrieks. INIarkwick. POULTRY. Many creatures are endowed with a ready discernment to see what will turn to their own advantage and emolument; and often discover more sagacity than could be expected. Thus my neighbour's poultry watch for waggons loaded with wheat, and running after them pick up a number of grains which are shaken 3 Q 482 ON VARIOUS PARTS from the sheaves by the agitation of the carriages. Thus, when my brother used to take down his gun to shoot sparrows, his cats would run out before him, to be ready to catch up the birds as they felL The earnest and early propensity of the galhnae to roost on high is very observable; and discovers a strong dread impressed on their spirits respecting vermin that may annoy them on the ground during the hours of darkness. Hence poultry, if left to themselves and not housed, will perch the winter through on yew-trees and fir-trees; and turkies and guinea fowls, heavy as they are, get up into apple trees : pheasants also in woods sleep on trees to avoid foxes; while pea-fowls climb to the tops of the highest trees round their owner's house for security, let the weather be ever so cold or blowing. Partridges, it is true, roost on the ground, not having the faculty of perching; but then the same fear prevails in their minds; for through apprehensions from pole-cats and stoats, they never trust themselves to coverts, but nestle together in the midst of large fields, far removed from hedges and coppices, which they love to haunt in the day, and where at that season they can sculk more secure from the ra- vages of rapacious birds. As to ducks and geese, their awkward splay web-feet forbid them to settle on trees; they therefore, in the hours of darkness and danger, betake themselves to their own element the water, where, amidst large lakes and pools, like ships riding at anchor, they float the whole night long in peace and security. White. Guinea fowls not only roost on high, but in hard weather resort, even in the day-time, to the very tops of the highest trees. Last winter, when the ground was covered with snow. OF NATURE. 483 I discovered all my guinea fowls, in the middle of the day, sit- ting on the highest boughs of some very tall elms, chattering and making a great clamour: I ordered them to be driven down lest they should be frozen to death in so elevated a situation, but this was not effected M'ithout much difficulty, they beino- very uuwilling to quit their lofty abode, notwithstanding one of them had its feet so much frozen that we were obliged to kill it. I know not how to account for this, unless it was occasioned by their aversion to the snow on the ground, they being birds that come originally from a hot climate. Notwithstanding the awkward splay web-feet (as Mr. White calls them) of the duck genus, some of the foreign species have the power of settling on the boughs of trees apparently with great ease; an instance of which I have seen in the earl of Ash- burnham's menagerie, where the summer duck, anas sponsa, flew up and settled on the branch of an oak-tree in my presence; but whether any of them roost on trees in the night, we are not informed by any author that I am acquainted with. I suppose not, but that, like the rest of the genus, they sleep on the water, where the birds of this genus are not always perfectly secure, as will appear from the following circumstance which happened in this neighbourhood a few years since, as 1 was credibly informed. A female fox was found in the morning drowned in the same pond in which were several geese, and it Avas supposed that in the night the fox swam into the pond to devour the geese, but was attacked by the gander, which being most powerful in its own element, buffeted the fox with its wino-s about the head till it was drowned. jNIarkwick. 3Q2 484 ON VARIOUS PARTS HEN PARTRIDGE. A hen partridge came out of a ditch, and ran along shivering with her wings, and crying out as if wounded and unable to get from us. While the dam acted this distress, the boy who attended me saw her brood, that was small and unable to fly, run for shelter into an old fox-earth under the bank. So won- derful a power is instinct. White. It is not uncommon to see an old partridge feign itself wounded and run along on the ground fluttering and crying before either dog or man, to draw them away from its helpless unfledged young ones. I have seen it often, and once in parti- cular I saw a remarkable instance of the old bird's solicitude to save its brood. As I was hunting a young pointer, the dog ran on a brood of very small partridges; the old bird cried, fluttered, and ran tumbling along just before the dog's nose till she had drawn him to a considerable distance, when she took wing and flew still farther off^, but not out of the field : on this the dog returned to me, near which place the young ones lay concealed in the grass, which the old bird no sooner perceived than she flew back again to us, settled just before the dog's nose again, and by rolling and tumbling about drew off his attention from her young, and thus preserved her brood a second time. I have also seen, when a kite has been hovering over a covey of young partridges, the old birds fly up at the bird of prey, screaming and fighting with all their might to preserve their brood. Markwick. OF NATURE. 485 A HYBRID PHEASANT. Lord Stawell sent me from the great lodge in the Holt a curious bird for my inspection. It was found by the spaniels of one of his keepers in a coppice, and shot on the wing. The shape, air, and habit of the bird, and the scarlet ring round the eyes, agreed well with the appearance of a cock pheasant: but then the head and neck, and breast and belly were of a glossy black : and though it weighed three pounds three ounces and a half, " the weight of a large full grown cock pheasant, yet there were no signs of any spurs on the legs, as is usual with all grown cock pheasants, who have long ones. The legs and feet were naked of feathers, and therefore it could be nothing of the grous kind. In the tail were no long bending feathers, such as cock pheasants usually have, and are characteristic of the sex. The tail was much shorter than the tail of a hen pheasant, and blunt and square at the end. The back, wing feathers, and tail, were all of a pale russet curiously streaked, somewhat like the upper parts of a hen partridge. I returned it with my verdict, that it was probably a spurious or hybrid hen bird, bred between a cock pheasant and some domestic fowl. When I came to talk with the keeper who brought it, he told me that some pea-hens had been known last summer to haunt the coppices and coverts where this mule was found. Mr. Elmer, of Farnham, the famous game painter, was em- ployed to take an exact copy of this curious bird. • Hen pheasants usually weigh only two pounds ten ounces. 486 ON VARIOUS PARTS N. B. It ought to be mentioned, that some good judges have imagined tliis bird to have been a stray grous or black- cock ; it is however to be observed, that Mr. W. remarks, that its legs and feet were naked, whereas those of the gfous are feathered to the toes. White. Mr. Latham observes that " pea-hens, after they have done laying, sometimes assume the plumage of the male bird," and has given a figure of the male-feathered pea-hen now to be seen in the Leverian Museum; and M. Salerne remarks, that "the " hen pheasant, when she has done laying and sitting, will get the plumage of the male." May not this hybrid pheasant (as Mr. White calls it) be a bird of this kind;' that is, an old hen pheasant which had just begun to assume the plumage of the cock. Markwick. LAND-RAIL. A man brought me a land-rail or daker-hen, a bird so rare in this district that we seldom see more than one or two in a season, and those only in autumn. This is deemed a bird of passage by all the writers: yet from its formation seems to be poorly qualified for migration; for its wings are short, and placed so forward, and out of the centre of gravity, that it tlies in a very heavy and embarrassed manner, with its legs hanging down; and can hardly be sprung a second time, as it runs very fast, and seems to depend more on the swiftness of its feet than on its flying. When we came to draw it, we found the entrails so soft and tender, that in appearance they might have been dressed like OF NATURE 487 the ropes of a woodcock. The craw or crop was small and lank, containing a mucus; the gizzard thick and strong, and filled with small shell snails, some whole, and many ground to pieces through the attrition which is occasioned by the muscular force and motion of that intestine. We saw no gravels among the food: perhaps the shell snails might perform the functions of gravels or pebbles, and might grind one another. Land-rails used to abound formerly, I remember, in the low wet bean fields of Christian Malford in North Wilts, and in the meadows near Paradise Gardens at Oxford, where I have often heard them cry crex, crex. The bird mentioned above weighed 7 -j oz, was fat and tender, and in flavour like the flesh of a woodcock. The liver was very large and delicate. White. Land-rails are more plentiful with us than in the neighbour- hood of Selborne. I have found four brace in an afternoon, and a friend of mine lately shot nine in two adjoining fields; but I never saw them in any other season than the autumn. That it is a bird of passage there can be little doubt, though Mr. White thinks it poorly qualified for migration, on account of the wings being short and not placed in the exact centre of gravity: how that may be I cannot say, but I kncvvthat its heavy sluggish flight is not owing to its inability of flying faster, for I have seen it fly very swiftly, although in general its actions are sluggish. Its unwillingness to rise proceeds, I imagine, from its sluggish disposition, and its great timidity, for it will sometimes squat so close to the ground as to sufi^er itself to be taken up by the hand, rather than rise; and yet it will at times run very fast. What Mr. White remarks respecting the small shell snails 488 ON VARIOUS PARTS found in its gizzard, confirms my opinion, that it frequents corn-fields, seed clover, and brakes or fern, more for the sake of snails, slugs, and other insects which abound in such places, than for the grain or seeds; and that it is entirely an insecti- vorous bird. JMarkwick. FOOD OF THE RING-DOVE. One of my neighbours shot a ring-dove on an evening as it was returning from feed and going to roost. When his wife had picked and drawn it, she found its craw stuffed with the most nice and tender tops of turnips. These she washed and boiled, and so sat down to a choice and delicate plate of greens, culled and provided in this extraordinary manner. Hence we may see that graminivorous birds, when grain fails, can subsist on the leaves of vegetables. There is reason t6 suppose that they would not long be healthy without; for turkies, though corn fed, delight in a variety of plants, such as cabbage, lettuce, endive, &;c. and poultry pick much grass; while geese live for months together on commons by grazing alone. " Nought is useless made ; • " . On the barren heath " The shepherd tends his flock that daily crop " Their verdant dinner from the mossy turf " Sufficient: after them the cacl Mr. Montagu's Ornithological Dictionary, p. xxx ; from which this corollary may be inferred, that if a confined bird had learned the song of another, without retaining any part of its natural notes, and was set at liberty, it is probable, it would, never find a mate of its own. P. 89. The 'bustard' is extinct in Scotland; and as it is now so scarce in England, owing to population and enclosures, it becomes interesting to remark, that two birds of this kind, (male and female) have been kept in tlie garden ground belonging to Norwich Infirmary, and have but lately been sold by the owner of them. The male bird was very beautiful and courageous, apparently afraid of nothing, seizing any one that came near him by the coat ; yet on the appearance of any small hawk high in the air, he would squat close to the ground, expressing strong marks of fear. The female was very shy. A tolerably good resemblance of the male is in Pennant's British Zoology, v. 1. p. 284. P. 98. Concerning swallows, the reader will see, tliat Mr. White appears to ■ incline more and more in favour of their torpidity, and against their miaration. Mr. D. Barrington is still more positive on the same side of the question. See his Miscellanies, p. 225. The ancients generally mention this bird, as wintering in Africa, See Anacreon, Ay. ed. Brunck. p. 38. The Rhodians had a festival called y^sXtSoytcc, when the boys brought about young swallows; the song which they sang, may be seen in the works of Meursius. v. 3. p. 974. fol.. *HA9f 'HA^e, x^XiSwv KaXas, 0,'pa.s ayo'jtra., jcai kclmu; 'Ewaurouj- "Effj ydrrnpa. Xtvua, Kan vu/ra ij.i\Mva.- 4 A 546 OBSERVATIONS. " He comes ! He comes ! who loves to bear " Soft sunny hours, and seasons fair;— " The swallow hither comes to rest " His sable wing, and snowy breast." And alluding to tliis custom, Avienus, (who may be considered only as a veiy bad translator of an excellent poem, the Periegesis of Dionysius), thus says, v. 705, " Nam cum vere novo, tellus se dura relaxat, Culminibusg. cavis, blandum strepit ales hirundo Gens devota choros agitat !" From a passage in the ' birds' of Aristophanes, we leani, that among the Greeks, the crane pointed out the time of sowing; the arrival of the kite, the time of sheep- shearing ; and the swallow, the time to put on summer-clothes. According to the Greek Calendar of Flora, kept by Theophrastus at Athens, the Ornithian winds blow, and the swallow comes between the 28th of February, and the 12th of March; the kite and nightingale appear between the 11th and 26th of March; the cuckoo appears at the same time the young figs come out, thence his name. See Stillingfleet's Tracts on Natural History, p. 324. P. 125. Since this letter of Mr. White's much has been added to pur know* ledge of the cuckoo, by the patient attention of Dr. Jenner. Concerning tlie singing of the cuckoo, mentioned by Mr. White at p. 143, I will add the following curious memoranda from the 7ili Volume of the Transactions of the Linnaean Society. " The cuckoo begins early in the season with the interval of a minsr third, the bird then proceeds to a major third, next to a fourth, then zjifth, after which his voice breaks without attaining a minor sixth." This curious circumstance was however observed very long ago; and it forms the subject of an Epigram in that scarce black- letter volume, the ' Epigrams of John Hey wood, 158/.' OF USE. 95. " Use maketh maistry, this hatli been said alway, " But all is not alway, as ail men do say, " In Aprill, the koocoo can sing her song by rote, " In June, of tune, she cannot sing a note: " At first, koo coo, koo coo sing still can she do, " At last kooke, kooke, kookej six kookes, to one koo! OBSERVATIONS. 547, p. 147. Mr. White says, it is strange that rooks and starlings accompany each other : but this is the case with other birds ; the short-eared owl often accompaniei fliglits of woodcocks to this country. See Pennant's Scotland, i. p. 11. In Greece, the cuckoo migrates with the lurtle-Qocks, thence they call him trigono-kracti, or turtle-leader. P. 149. The motion of the tortoise's legs being, as Mr. White remarks, ridiculously slow, is taken notice of in Homer's hymu to Hermes, v. 28. " Feeding far off from man, the flowery herb. Slow-moving with his feet." P. 154. Mr. White has observed, that the owl returns to its young with food once in_^i'e minutes. Mr. Montagu has observed, that the wren returns once in two minutes, or upon an average thirty-six times in an hour; and this continued full sixteen hours in a day, which if equally divided between eight young ones, each would receive seventy-two feeds in the day, the whole amounting to five hundred and seventy six. See Ornitholog. Diet. p. 35. To this, I will add, that the swal- low never fails to return to its nest at the expiration of every second or thud minute. P. 167. Mr. White says, that no wheatears are taken to the westward of Houghton bridge, on the river Aran ; it appears, however, that is not the case. See the note to Mrs. Charlotte Smith's Poems, I8O7, p. 168. P. 223. As our Saxon ancestors called the month of Febmary ' Sprout-Cale,' so the names of many other months were equally significant; viz. March, Stormy month ; May, Trimilki, the cows then being milked three times a day ; June, dig and weed month ; September, barley montli, &c. P. 269. What Mr. White has remarked of ihe fishes of Japan thriving in our climate, is trae also of the plants ; tlie trees and shrubs brought from the Japonese islands bearing our winters, and growing freely : as for instance, that beautiful tree, the ' Gingko,' now called by Dr. Smith, the Salisluria; and the no less beautifiil and scarce ' Sophora Japonica,' the finest specimens of which trees now in England, are probably in the curious garden of John Orde, Esq. at Fulham. As I am on this subject, I will mention that the garden belonging to the palace of tlie Bishop of Loudon at Fulham, the earliest receptacle of scarce and foreign trees in this country, 4 A 2 548 OBSERVATIONS. is now almost worn out. Not above twelve of the original trees could be found in the survey made in 1793. I remarked in 1811, that some of these were gone, but the pinaster and the ilex remain. P. 297. To this most awful summerj of 1783, Cowper also alludes, in his Task, Book ii. p. 41. "A world that seems To toU the deatli-bell of its own decease ; And by tlie voice of all the elements To preach the general doom." — P. 478. Mr. White observes, that birds of prey, as hawks, feed on insects. There is reason to believe, that insects form also part of the food even of the larger leasts of prey. " Beetles, flies, worms, form part of the lion and tiger's food, as they do that of the fox." See Jarrold's Dissert, on Man. P. 485. Concerning the " hybrid pheasant," see the account by John Hunter, in the Philosophical Transact. Art. xxx. 176O. "The subject of the account is a hen pheasant with the feathers of the cock. The author concludes, that it is most probable that all those hen pheasants which are found wild, and have the feathers of tlie cock, were formerly perfect hens, but that now tliey are changed with age, and perhaps by certain constitutional circumstances." It appears also, that tlie hen taking tlie plumage of the cock, is not confined to the pheasant alone, it takes place also with the pea-hen, as may be seen in the specimen belonging to Lady Tynte, which was in the Leverian Museum. After many broods, this hen took much of the plumage of the cock, and also the fine train belonging to that bird. See also Montagu's Ornitholog. Diet. Art. Pheasant. P. 507. The sqiiirrel's nest is not only called a drey in Hampshire, but also in other counties J in Suffolk it is called a bay. The word ' drey,' though now pro- vincial, I have met with in some of our old writers. P. 540. It will hardly be deemed a discredit to an obseiTer so patient, so accurate, and so faithful, as Mr. White, to mention, that his conjecture concerning the origin of honey-dew is erroneous ; the subject has been elucidated by the obser- vations of Mr. William Curtis, who has discovered it to be the " excrement of tht aphides." See Transact, of the Linnxan Society, vol. vi. No. 4. Benhall, Suffolk, 20th January, 1812. J. M. SUMMARY WEATHER. 3 dco(o-i cdoJ6i'!J-*co Q -• O «3 O) d — so -^ to CO GJ ■* CO — , CI to o> Ol- io d ^ •o -# oi o5 c a — --Ot^OOOirat^'OCO'O f; q t-^ oi CO _ Qo o 02 •-; «3 oJcoTfcjTfi-^dcocdco — o CO — Ol—'^Tj'O^OOl'O cj r^ CO oj _ _ — ■* >o — — d'o>o»odio©icc5>o 53 . 1 OJ Ol — ^ 03 CO -1 OHO CT «o S. t^ »o >o cj r^ «^-t>. 00 oo5d — 'Ti < oo-^oo — TfcooaiOcouo OJOJOOOJCOOoeiOlCOt^OJ o6o»cocoTf"dcodci — -* !>i rC— oJoo— tdoococoio'o 1 »ooi>aOlOOj^-*co — 00 — c5 00 — — — — ^dd oi 6-> ^T^OIOOOOiOOOCOO — cooo'0<»'#Ooioo — r>."0C5Of0 lo — c»cocqojco-*-*'ot^co ■dotcod — ■* — oid— oco Oi»ot^oo-*ooo — ■*socqco — od — — coco^d^ — o> 1 ■*cooo-* — oooooos-j- — tOTi< — coqioocq-^o^r-.'^t-. rf^cociffid — •^— ^C10) 551 SUMMARY OF THE WEATHER. 1768. Begins with a fortnight's frost and snow; rainy during February, Cold and wet spring; wet season from the begin- ning of June to the end of harvest. Latter end of September foggy, without rain. All October and the first part of Novem- ber rainy; and thence to the end of the year alternate rains and frosts. 1769. January and February, frosty and rainy, with gleams of fine weather in the intervals. To the middle of March, wind and rain. To the end of March, dry and windy. To the mid- dle of April, stormy, with rain. To the end of June, fine wea- ther, with rain. To the beginning of August, warm, dry weather. To the end of September, rainy with short intervals of fine weather. To the latter end of October, frosty mornings, with fine days. The next fortnight rainy: thence to the end of November dry and frosty. December, windy, with rain and intervals of frost, and the first fortnight very foggy. 1770. Frost for the first fortnight: during the 1 4th and 15th all the snow melted. To the end of February, mild hazy weather. The whole of March frosty, with bright weather. April, cloudy, with rain and snow. May began with summer showers, and ended with dark cold rains. June, rainy, chec- 552 SUMMARY OF THE WEATHER. quered with gleams of sunshine. The first fortnight in July, dark and sultry; the latter part of the month, heavy rain. August, September, and the first fortnight in October, in general fine weather, though with frequent interruptions of rain: from the middle of October to the end of the year almost incessant rains. 1771- Severe frosts till the last week in January. To the first week in February, rain and snow : to the end of February, spring weather. To the end of the third week in April, frosty weather. To the end of the first fortnight in May, spring wea- ther, with copious showers- To the end of June, dry, warn! weather. The first fortnight in July, warm, rainy weather. To the end of September, warm weather, but in general cloudy, with showers. October, rainy. November, frost, with inter- vals of fog and rain. December, in general bright, mild wea- ther, with hoar frosts. 1772. Tothe end of the first week in February, frost and snow. To the end of the first fortnight in March, frost, sleet, rain and snow. To the middle of April, cold lains. To the middle of Maj^, dry weather, with cold piercing winds. To the end of the first week in June, cool showers. To the middle of August, hot dry summer weather. To the end of September, rain with storms and thunder. To December 22, rain with mild weather. December 23, the first ice. To the end of the month, cold foggy weather. 1773. The first week in January, frost; thence to the end of the month, dark rainy weather. The first fortnight in Feb- ruary, hard frost. To the end of the first week in March, misty, showery weather. Bright spring days to the close of the month. Frequent showers to the latter end of April. To the end of SUMMARY OF THE WEATHER. 555 June, warm showers, with intervals of sunshine. To the end of August, dry weather, with a few days of rain. To the end of the first fortnight in Novemher, rainy. The next four weeks, frost: and thence to the end of the year, rainy. 1774. Frost and rain to the end of the first fortnight in March: thence to the end of the month, dry weather. To the 15th of April, showers; thence to the end of April, fine spring days. During May, showers and sunshine in about an equal proportion. Dark rainy weather to the end of the fid week in July: thence to the 24th of August, sultry, with thunder and occasional showers. To the end of the 3d week in November, rain, with frequent intervals of sunny weather. To the end of December, dark dripping fogs. 1775. To the end of the first fortnight in March, rain almost every day. To the first week in April, cold winds, with showers of rain and snow. To the end of June, warm, bright weather, with frequent showers. The first fortnight in July, almost incessant rains. To the 26th August, sultry weather with frequent showers. To the end of the 3d week in Septem- ber, rain, with a few intervals of fine weather. To the end of the year, rain, with intervals of hoar-frost and sunshine. 1776". To January 24, dark frosty weather, with much snow. March 24, to the end of the month, foggy, with hoar- frost. To the 30th of May, dark, dry harsh weather, with cold winds. To the end of the first fortnight in July, warm, with much rain. To the end of the first week in August, hot and dry, with intervals of thunder showers. To the end of October, in general fine seasonable weather, with a considerable propor- tion of rain. To the end of the year, dry, frosty weather, with some days of hard rain. 4 B 554, SUMMARY OF THE WEATHER. 1777.. To the 10th of January, hard frost. To the 20th of January, foggy, with frequent showers. To the ISth of Feb* ruary, hard dry frost with snow. To the end of ISIay, heavy- showers, with intervals of ^yarln dry spring days. To the 8th July, dark, with heavy rain. To the 18th July, dry, warm wea- ther. To the end of July, very heavy rains. To the ISth Oc- tober, remarkably fine m arm weather. To the end of the year grey mild weather, with but little rain, and still less frost. 1778. To the I'jth of January, frost, with a little snow: to the 24th January, rain: to the 30th, hard frost. To the 23d February, dark, harsh, foggy weather, with rain. To the end of the month, hard frost, with snow. To the end of the first fortnight in March, dark, harsh weather. From the first, to the end of the first fortnight in April, spring weather. To the end of the month, snow and ice. To the iJth of June, cool, with heavy showers. To the 19th July, hot, sultry, parching weatlier. To the end of the month, heavy showers. To the end of September, dry warm weather. To the end of the year, wet, with considerable intervals of sunshine. 1779. Frost and showers to the end of January. To 21st April, warm dry weather. To 8th May, rainy. To the 7th June, dry and warm. To the 6th July, hot weather, with fre- quent rain. To the 18th July, dry hot weather. To August 8, hot weather, with frequent rains. To the end of August, fine dry harvest weather. To the. end of November, fine autumnal weather, with intervals of rain. To the end of the year, rain with frost and snow. 1780. To the end of January, frost. To the end of Feb- ruary, dark, harsh weather, with frequent intervals of frost. To the end of March, warm showery spring weather. To the end SUMMARY OF THE WEATHER. .^55 of April, dark harsh weather, with raiu and frost To the end of the first fortnight in May, mild, with rain. To the end of August, rain and fair weather in pretty equal proportions. To the end of October, fine autumnal weather, with intervals of rain. To the 24-th November, frost. To December \6, mild dry foggy weather. To the 6t\d of the year frost arid snow. 1781. To January 25, frost and snow. To the end of Feb- ruary, harsh and Windy with rain and snow. To April 5, cold drying winds. To the end of May, mild spi-ing weather, with a few light showers. June began with heavy rain, but thence to the end of October, dry weather, with a few flying showers. To the end of the year, open weather with frequent rains. 1782. To February 4, open mild weather. To February 22, hard frost. To the end of March, cold blowing weather, with frost and snow and rain. To May 7, cold dark rains. To the end of May, mild, with incessant rains. To the end of June, warm and dry. To the end of August warm, with almost per- petual rains. The first fortnight in September mild and dry; thence to the end of the month, rain. To the end of October, mild with frequent showers. November began with hard frost, and continued throughout with alternate frost and thaw. The first part of December frosty; the latter part mild. 1783. To January 16, rainy with heavy winds. To the 24th, hard frost. To the end of the first fortniglit in February, blow- ing, with much rain. To the end of February, stormy dripping weather. To the 9th of ]\Iay, cold harsh winds (thick ice on oth of May). To the end of August, hot weather, with frequent showers. To the ESd September, mild, with heavy driving rains. To November 12, dry, mild weather. To the 18th December, 4 B 2 556 SUMMARY OF THE WEATHER. grey soft weather, with a few showers. To the end of the year, hard frost. 1784. To February 19, hard frost, with two thaws; one the 14th January, the other 5th February. To February 28, mild wet fogs. To the 3d March, frost with ice. To March 10, sleet and snow. To April 2, snow and hard frost. To April 27, mild weather with much rain. To May 12, cold dry- ing winds. To May 20, hot cloudless M'eather. To June 27, warm with frequent showers. To July 18, hot and dry. To the end of August, warm with heavy rains. To November 6, clear mild autumnal weather, except a few days of rain at the latter end of September. To the end of the year, fog, rain, and hard frost (on December 10, the therm. 1 deg. below 0.) 1785. A thaw began on the 2d January, and rainy weather with wind continued to January 28. To 15th March, very hard frost. To 2 1st March, mild with sprinkling showers. To April 7, hard frost. To May 17, mild windy weather, without a drop of rain. To the end of May, cold with a few showers. To June 9, mild weather, with frequent soft showers. To July 13, hot dry weather, with a few showery intervals. To July 22, heavy rain. To the end of September, warm with fiequent showers. To the end of October, frequent rain. To 18th of November, dry, mild weather. (Hay- making finished Novem- ber 9, and the wheat harvest November 14.) To December 23, rain. To the end of the year, hard frost. 1786. To the 7th January, frost and snow. To January 13, mild with much rain. To 21st January, deep snow. To February 1 1, mild with frequent rains. To 21st February, dry, with high winds. To 10th March, hard frost. To 13th April, SUMMARY OF THE WEATHER. 5bl wet, with intervals of frost. To the end of April, dry mild weather. On the 1st and 2d May, tliick ice. To lOtli May, heavy rain. To June 14, fine warm (hy weather. From the 8th to the 11th July, heavy showers. To October 13, warm, with frequent showers. To October 19, ice. To October 24, mild pleasant weather. To November 3, frost. To December 16, rain, with a few detached days of frost. To the end of the year, frost and snow. 1787. To January 24, dark, moist, mild weather. To Jan- uary 28, frost and snow. To February 16, mild showery wea- ther. To February 28, dry, cool weather. To March 10, stormy, with driving rain. To March 24, bright frosty wea- ther. To the end of April, mild, with frequent rain. To May 22, fine bright weather. To the end of June, mostly warm, with frequent showers (on June 7, ice as thick as a crown piece.) To the end of July, hot and sultry, with copious rain. To the end of September, hot dry weather, with occasional showers. To November 23, mild, with light frosts and rain. To the end of November, hard frost. To December 21, still and mild, with rain. To the end of the year, frost. 1788. To January 13, mild and wet. To January 18, frost. To the end of the month, dry windy weather. To the end of February, frosty, with frequent showers. To March 14, hard frost. To the end of March, dark, harsh weather, with frequent showers. To April 4, windy, with showers. To tlie end of May, bright, dry, warm weather, with a few occasional showers. From June 28 to July 17, heavy rains. To August 12j hot dry weather. To the end of September, alternate showers and sun- shine. To November 22, dry, cool weather. To the end of the year, hard frost 558 SUMMARY OF THE WEATHER. 1789. To January 13, hard frost. To the end of the month, mild, with showers. To the end of February, frequent rain, with snow-showers and heavy gales of wind. To 13th March, hard frost, with snow. To April 18, heavy rain, with frost and snow and sleet. To the end of April, dark cold weather, with frequent rains. To June 9, warm spring weather, with brisk winds and frequent showers. From June 4 to the end of July, warm, with much rain. To August 29, hot, dry, sultry weather. To September 11, mild, with frequent showers. To the end of September, fine autumnal weather, with occasional showers. To November 17, heavy rain, with violent gales of wind. To December 18, mild dry weather, with a few showers. To the end of the year, rain and wind. 1790. To January I6, mild foggy weather, with occasional rains. To January £1, frost. To January 28, dark, with driving rains. To February 14, mild, dry weather. To February 2i5, hard frost. To April 5, bright cold weather, with a few showers. To April 15, dark and harsh, with a deep snow. To April 21, cold cloudy weather, with ice. To June 6, mild spring weather, with much rain. From July 3, to July 14, cool, with heavy rain. To the end of July, warm, dry weather. To August 6, cold, with wind and rain. To August 24, fine harvest weather. To September 5, strong gales, with driving showers. To November 26, mild autumnal weather, with frequent showers. To December 1, hard frost and snow. To the end of the year, rain and snow, and a few days of frost. 1791. To the end of January, mild, with heavy rains. T'- the end of February windy, with much rain and snow. From March to the end of June, mostly dry, especially June, March and April rather cold and frosty. May and June, hot. July, SUMMARY OF THE WEATHER. 559 rainy. Fine harvest weather, and pretty dry, to the end of Sep- tember. Wet October, and cold towards the end. Very wet and stormy in November. Much frost in December. 1792. Some hard frost in January, but mostly wet and mild. February, some hard frost and a little snow. March, wet and cold. April, great storms on the 13th, then some very warm weather. May and June, cold and dry. July, wet and cool; indifferent harvest, rather late and wet. September, windy and wet. October, showery and mild. November, dry and fine. December, mild. POEMS. 4C THE INVITATION TO SELBORNE. ^EE Selborne spreads her boldest beauties round The varied valley, and the mountain ground, Wildly majestic! what is all the pride Of flats, with loads of ornament snpply'd? Unpleasing, tasteless, impotent expense, Compar'd with nature's rude magnificence. Arise, my stranger, to these wild scenes haste ; The unfinish'd farm awaits your forming taste: "Plan the pavilion, airy, light and true; Thro' the high arch call in the length'ning view; Expand the forest sloping up the hill ; Swell to a lake the scant, penurious rill ; Extend the vista, raise the castle mound In antique taste, with turrets ivy-crown'd ; O'er the gay lawn the flow'ry shrub dispread. Or with the blending garden mix the mead ; Bid China's pale, fantastic fence, delight. Or with the mimic statue trap the sight. Oft on some evening, sunny, soft and still. The Muse shall lead thee to the beech-grown hill. To spend in tea the cool, refreshing hour. Where nods in air the pensile, nest-like bower ; " ' A kind of an arbour on the side of a hiU. 564 POEMS. Or where the Hermit hangs the straw-clad cell,'' Emerging gently from the leafy dell ; By fancy plann'd ; as once th' inventive maid Met the hoar sage amid the secret shade; Romantic spot ! from whence in prospect lies Whate'er of landscape charms our feasting eyes; The pointed spire, the hall, the pasture-plain. The russet fallow, or the golden grain. The breezy lake that sheds a gleaming light, 'Till all the fading picture fail the sight. Each to his task; all different ways retire. Cull the dry stick ; call forth the seeds of fire ; Deep fix the kettle's props, a forky row. Or give with fanning hat the breeze to blow. Whence is this taste, the furnish 'd hall forgot, To feast in gardens, or th' unhandy grot ? Or novelty with some new charms surprizes. Or from our very shifts some joy arises. Hark, while below the village-bells ring round. Echo, sweet nymph, returns the soften'd sound ; But if gusts rise, the rushing forests roar. Like the tide tumbling on the pebbly shore. Adown the vale, in lone, sequester'd nook. Where skirting woods imbrown the dimpling brook. The ruin'd Convent lies; here wont to dwell The lazy canon midst his cloister'd cell ;' Wliile papal darkness brooded o'er the land. Ere reformation made her glorious stand : Still oft at eve belated shepherd-swains See the cowl'd spectre skim the folded plains. '' A grotesque building, contrived by a young gentleman, who used on occasion to .tppear in the character of an hermit. *■ The r\tins of a priory, founded by Peter de Rupibus Bishop of Winchester POEMS. 565 To the high temple would my stranger go/ The mountain-brow commands the woods below ; In Jewry first this order found a name, When madding Croisades set the world in flame; When western climes, urg'd on by Pope and priest, Pour'd forth their millions o'er the deluged east ; Luxurious knights, ill suited to defy To mortal fight Turcestan chivalry. Nor be the Parsonage by the muse forgot: The partial bard admires his native spot; Smit with its beauties, loved, as yet a child, (Unconscious why) its scapes grotesque, and wild. High on a mound th' exalted gardens stand, Beneath, deep vallies scoop'd by nature's hand. A Cobham here, exulting in his art. Might blend the General's with the Gardener's part ; Might fortify with all the martial trade Of rampart, bastion, fosse, and palisade; Might plant the mortar with wide threat'ning bore. Or bid the mimic cannon seem to roar. Now climb the steep, drop now your eye below. Where round the blooming village orchards grow ; There, like a picture, lies my lowly seat, A rural, shelter'd, unobserv'd retreat. Me far above the rest Selbornian scenes. The pendent forests, and the mountain-greens Strike with delight; there spreads the distant view, That gradual fades till sunk in misty blue: Here nature hangs her slopy woods to sight. Rills purl between and dart a quivering light. * The remains of a preceptory of the Knights Templars ; at least it was a farm dcpen- tlant upon some preceptory of that order. I find it was a preceptory, called the preceptoru of Sudington ; now called Southington. 566 POEMS. SELBORNE HANGER. A WINTER PIECE. TO THE MISS BATTIES. The Bard, who sang so late in blithest strain Selbornian prospects, and the rural reign, Now suits his plaintive pipe to sadden'd tone, While the blank swains the changeful year bemoan. How fall'n the glories of these fading scenes ' The dusky beech resigns his vernal greens ; The yellow maple mourns in sickly hue. And russet woodlands croud the dark'ning view. Dim, clust'ring fogs involve the country round. The valley, and the blended mountain-ground Sink in confusion ; but with tempest-wing Should Boreas from his northern barrier spring, The rushing woods with deaf 'ning clamour roar. Like the sea tumbling on the pebbly shore. When spouting rains descend in torrent tides. See the torn zigzag weeps its channel'd sides : Winter exerts its rage; heavy, and slow. From the keen east rolls on the treasur'd snow; Sunk with its weight the bending boughs are seen. And one bright deluge whelms the works of men. Amidst this savage landscape, bleak and bare. Hangs the chill hermitage in middle air; poems; 567 Its haunts forsaken, and its feasts forgot, A leaf-strown, lonely, desolated cot ! Is this the scene that late with rapture rang. Where Delphy danc'd, and gentle Anna sang; With fairy-step where Harriet tripp'd so late. And on her stump reclined the musing Kitty sate? Return, dear nymphs; prevent the purple spring. Ere the soft nightingale essays to sing; Ere the first swallow sweeps the fresh'ning plain. Ere love-sick turtles breathe their amorous pain ; Let festive glee th' enliven'd village raise, Pan's blameless reign, and patriarchal days; With pastoral dance the smitten swain surprize. And bring all Arcady before our eyes. Return, blithe maidens ; with you bring along Free, native humour, all the charms of song ; The feeling heart, and unaffected ease. Each nameless grace, and ev'ry power to please. Nov. 1, 1763. 568 POEMS. ON THE RAINBOW. " Look upon the Rainbow, and praise him that made it : very beautiful is it in the brightness thereof." Eccles. xliii. 11. On morning or on evening cloud impress'd. Bent in vast curve, the wat'ry meteor shines Delightfully, to th' levell'd sun oppos'd : Lovely refraction! while the vivid brede In listed colours glows, th' unconscious swaia With vacant eye gazes on the divine Phaenomenon, gleaming o'er th' illumin'd fields, Or runs to catch the treasure which it sheds. Not so the sage, inspir'd with pious awe ; He hails the federal arch ; ' and looking up Adores that God, whose fingers forni'd this bow Magnificent, compassing heav'n about With a resplendent verge. " Thou mad'st the cloud, " Maker omnipotent, and thou the bow; " And by that covenant graciously hast sworn " Never to drown the world again : henceforth, " Till time shall be no more, in ceaseless round, " Season shall follow season ; day to night, " Summer to winter, harvest to seed time, " Heat shall to cold in regular array " Succeed." — Heav'n taught, so sang the Hebrew bard.' Feb. 13, 1783. ^ Gen. ix. 12— »7. ^ Gen. viii. 42. " Moses. POEMS. 560 A HARVEST SCENE. Wak'd by the gentle gleamings of the morn. Soon clad, the reaper, provident of want Hies cheerful hearted to the ripen'd field ; Nor hastes alone ; attendant by his side His faithful wife, sole partner of his cares, Bears on her breast the sleeping babe; behind With steps unequal trips her infant train : Thrice happy pair, in love and labour join'd! — All day they ply their task ; with mutual chat Beguiling each the sultry, tedious hours : Around them falls in rows the sever'd corn. Or the shocks rise in regular array. But when high noon invites to short repast Beneath the shade of shelt'ring thorn they sit. Divide the simple meal, and drain the cask : The swinging cradle lulls the whimp'ring babe, Meantime; while growling round, if at the tread Of hasty passenger alarm'd, as of their store Protective, stalks the cur with bristling back, To guard the scanty scrip and russet frock. 4I> 570 POEMS. ON THE EARLY, AND LATE BLOWING OF THE VERNAL AND AUTUMNAL CROCUS. Say, what impels ainidst surrounding snow Congeal'd the Crocus' flamy bud to grow; Say, what retards amidst the summer's blaze Th' autumnal bulb; till pale declining days? The God of Seasons! whose prevading power Controls the sun, or sheds the fleecy shower; He bids each flower his quick'ning word obey, Or to each lingering bloom enjoins delay. ON THE DARK, STILL, DRY WARM WEATHER, OCCASIONALLY HAPPENING IN THE WINTER MONTHS. Th' imprison'd winds slumber within their caves Fast bound : the fickle vane, emblem of change. Wavers no more, long-settling to a point. All nature nodding seems compos'd : thick steams From land, from flood up-drawn, dimming the day, " Like a dark ceiling stand :" slow thro' the air Gossamer floats, or stretch'd from blade to blade The wavy net-work whitens all the field. Push'd by the weightier atmosphere, up springs The ponderous Mercury, from scale to scale Mounting, amidst the Torricellian tube. •* •i The Barometer. POEMS. 57 J While high in air, and pois'd upon his wings Unseen, tlie soft, enamour'd wood-lark runs Thro' all his maze of melody ; — the brake Loud with the black-bird's bolder note resounds. Sooth'd by the genial warmth, the cawing rook Anticipates the spring, selects her mate, Haunts her tall nest-trees, and with sedulous care Repairs her wicker eyrie, tempest torn. The plough-man inly smiles to see upturn His mellow glebe, best pledge of future crop : With glee the gardener eyes his smoking beds : E'en pining sickness feels a short relief. The happy school-boy brings transported forth His long- forgotten scourge, and giddy gio- : O'er the white paths he whirls the rolling hoop, Or triumphs in the dusty fields of taw. Not so the museful sage :— abroad he walks Contemplative, if haply he may find What cause controuls the tempest's rage, or whence Amidst the savage season winter smiles. For days, for weeks, prevails the placid calm. At length some drops prelude a change : the sun With ray refracted bursts the parting gloom ; When all the chequer'd sky is one bright glare. Mutters the wind at eve : th' horizon round With angry aspect scowls : down rush the showers. And float the delug'd paths, and miry fields. 4 D 2 INDEX. A. Page AmERIA, one of ihe wives of Sir Adam Giirdon, makes a grant of lands to the Prior}'. ----- 345 Anne, queen, came to IVolmer-forest to see the red deer - - 17 Ants, particulars respecting - - . . 523 Aphides, great shower of, in August - - - - 522 April, 1770, the remarkable inclemency of its weather - - 130 Arum, the cuckoo-pint, eaten in hard weather, by the thrush. - - 43 Ashford, Thomas, last prior of Selborne - . - . 3^2 is pensioned by Magdalen College - - 402 Ash-tree, a rupture one, what - . . . 204 a shrew one, what - - - - - 204 particulars of - - - - - 53 1 August, the most mute month respecting the singing of birds - - 101 Aurora Borealis, singular appearance of, November 1, 17^7 - - 541 Ayles Holt, alias Alice Holt, the forest of - - - 24 its grantees - - - - - 25 B. Barometer, remarkable fall of, November 22, 1768 - - 538 Barometers, Selhorne and Newton compared - - . 282 South Lambeth - - . . _ 283 Barragon, a genteel corded stuff, where manufactured - - 14 Bat, a tame one, some particulars about - - - 32 .... drink on the wing like swallows ----- 32 .... the large sort, some particulars about - - -76 .... nondescript in 1769, 76. More account of - - - 93 Beans, sown by birds ..... 535 Bee, wild, account of - - - . - 517 Beech-trees, love to grow in crowded situations - - . 531 .'574 INDEX. Page Tieech, loveliest of forest trees ... - 2 Beetles buz, at the time that partridges call - - - 509 Beaufort, bishop of Winchester, his register imperfect - - 3(58 Berne, alias Bernes, Peter, sacrist of Selborne Priory - - 27Q appointed prior by lapse to the visitor - - - 3/9 ... . resigned his priorship . . . . 330 is re-elected - - . . . 396 relinquishes again . - . . - 3S8 is pensioned - - . . . 3pi the indenture delivered to him, as sacrist, from the prior of Selborne 451 Bill's, or Bean's-pond, for what remarkable - - - 21 Birds, common in England, that have no English name - - 29 summer, of passage, a list of - - - 4Q^ 115 living ones shewn here, when from distant regions, why usually of the thick-billed genera - - - - 84 of summer passage — seen spring and autumn at Gii?'a//ar - - 88 soft-billed, that winter with us, how supported - - 106 of winter passage, a hst of - - - - I17 that continue in full song till after Midsummer - - 1 1 9 why fatten in moderate frosts - - - - 128 . ... what sorts are pulveralrices - - - - 133 what occasions their congregating - - . - 146, 147 in the season of nidification, tame ... 192 various manner of motion of - - - - 237 notes and language of - - - - 240 in general, observations on - - - - 477 of prey, boldness and rapacity of, when urged by hunger - 49O Black-cap, an elegant songster - - - - 104 Black game seen at Selborne - - - - 16 Black-thorn, usually blossoms while cold winds blow - - 533 Black spring, 17/1, account of the remarkable severity of - - 541 Bohemian chatterer - - - - - 34 Bombylius medius, description of - - ... 521 Boy, an idiot, his strange propensity - - - - 201 .... eats bees, &c. . . . . . 201 j5r;mi/oHe-/orfo'e, some account of - - - - 21 INDEX. 575 Page Brooks at Sellorne, what fishes they produce - . . 31 Bug, harvest, some account of - ... go Bullfinch, turns black - . . . . 43 Bunting, a very rare bird at Sellorne - - . .38 Butcher-bird, red backed - . . . .56 Buzzards, honey, some account of - . - . log C. Cane, a species of weasel - - . - . 42 Caj6nmz;/o«^, or fern-owl, some new observations about - -04 Carta pro fundatione Prioratus de Selelurne - . - 421 Carta petens licenciam elegendi prelatum (i dom. episcop. W'mton. - - 424 Castration, its strange effects - - . - 2] 2 Cats, house, strange that they should be so fond of fish - - 82 Chaffinches, vast flocks of hens - . .37 r hens, more account of - - - . 136 Chalk.hills, why peculiarly beautiful . . . . 164 Charadrius himantopus described .... 258 Chestnut timber, very hke oak .... 533 Chiff-chaff, or willow wren .... 405 Chinese dog and bitch - - ... 277 Church, iSeZi'orne, particulars about - - . 310)316 Cimex Linearis, account of - - - - 514 Clouds, morning, occasion of - - . . 540 Cobwebs, shower of- -----192 Coccus vitis viniferce, strange and rare insect in England - 204, 267 Coins, Roman, found at Selborne in great abundance - - 305, 306 Cock-chaffers, particulars relative to . - . 511 Cock-roach, monography of - - - . . 512 Cold descends - .... 286 Colymbus Glacialis, description of - . . - 401 Comua ^mmonis, where found - - • - 7 8 Cricket, field, a monography of - . . . 250, 253 hearth, a monography of - - - 253, 255 mole, a monography of - - - . 256, 25? Crista Galli, a fossil shell - - - . - 7 .576 INDEX. Page Crocus, the spring, and saffron, their diflFerent seasons of blossoming wonderful, why - ... - 236 Cuckoo, particulars about . - - - 125, 126, 127 sing in different keys - - - - 143 a young one in the nest of a titlark - - - 133 several skimming over a pond, why . . - 134 Cucumbers set by bees ... - - 535 Cumberland, JFilliam, Duke of, takes away the red deer from U olmer-forest 17 Curlew, stone, some account of - - - - 43, 44 more particulars of - - - - 89, 9O further remarks on - - - - 494 D. Dastard, alias IVastard, natural son to Sir Adam Gurdon - - 347 Daws breed in unlikely places - - - - 59 Deer, red, in Wolmer forest , some account of - - - 17, 18 fallow. In Holt-forest - - - - 26 their spiracula, or breathing places - - - 40, 41 Derkam, Mr. mistaken - - - - -9^ Dew, honey, remarks on - - - - 540 Dispersion of birds, pretty equal, why ... 230 Diving birds, how their feet and wings placed - - - 402 Dogs, Chinese, from Canton .... 277 Domesday-book, account of Sellorne from ... . 307 Dove, stock, or wild winter-pigeon - - - . gg stock, many particulars of - - - from 111 to 1 14 ring, food of the - .... 48s Downs, Sussex, a lovely range - - - - - 164 Ducks, foreign, roost on trees .... 433 Ducks, betake themselves to the water in the night time, and why - 482 E. Echo, a polysyllabical one - .... 224 .... why since mute - - - - - 227 several remarks on echoes .... 224, 226 a charming description of echoes from Z-7 197 H. Hail-storm at iSe/iorne in summer 1734 - - - 299,301 Hanger, the ..-.-- 2 Hasel IVych ..---- 4 HawkUy-hanger, the amazing fall thereof ... 246, 249 Hawk, sparrow, the dread of housewives - - - 110 blue, henharrier, boldness of when urged by hunger - - 489 Haze, or smoky fog, the peculiar one which prevailed in summer 1783 297, 298 Heath-fires, why lighted up - - - - 20 Hedgehog, some account of - - - - - 77 cannot contract when young - - - 77 Heliotropes, summer and winter, how to make them - - 244 Hellebores, order of blowing ... - 233 Herissant, Monsieur, mistaken in his reason why cuckoos do not use incubation ..... 209,210 Hirundines, British, when they arrived in three very distant counties IS9 Hogs, would live, if suffered, to a considerable age - - - 213 HoU Ayles, a royal forest ; some account of - - - 24 Hoopoes, seen at Selborne - . - - - 31 Hops, soil suited to ----- ^ observations on - - - - " ^^^ Horns, room containing many, at Lord Pembroke's - - 84 Hornets' nests, how made - - - --51S INDEX. 579 Page Horse and hen, curious instance of affection between - - 195 Hounds, the royal, do not draw the coverts with address, and why - - 508 House, vicai-age, at Sellorne - - - - . 313 Humming in the air - - - - - 510 Howe, General, turns out wild boars in Holt- forest - - 26 Huxham, Tii:. h\s accoMntoi X!un aX. Plymouth .... 281 I. Jar-bird, what - - - - - .47 Indentura Prioris de Sellorne tradit. Petro Bernes sacristce - - 451 Insects have no organ of hearing .... 227 in general, observations on . . . - 509 Instinct, sometimes varies and conforms to circumstances ... 272 often perfectly uniform ...... 273 Johanna, daughter and heiress of Sir A. Gurdon, grants lands and tenements to the Priory ..... 343 /)e/a?irf, why worthy the attention of a naturalist - - - - 108 Ivy-berries do not seem to freeze .... 533 K. Knights Templars, had considerable property at Sellorne - - 347 lived in a mutual intercourse of good offices with the Priory 350 L. Land-rail, generally deemed birds of passage, but appear to be ill qualified for migration .... - 4s(J Lanes, hollow, rocky, their peculiarities - - - - H abound with filices - - - - - 1 1 Langelande, Rolert, severe on the religious ... 374 Langrish, Nicholas, who had been a chantry priest, sent by Magdalen col- lege to celebrate mass at the dissolved Priory of Sellorne - 403 Larks, white, probably snow-flakes ... . . 43 grass-hopper, some curious circumstances about - - - 45 Leper, a miserable one in this village ... 220 Leprosy, why probably less common than of old - - - 221 Leveret, suckled by a cat - - - - - 215 4E2 680 INDEX. Page Liriie blossoms, infusion of, a remedy for coughs, &c. - • 532 Linnets, congregate and chirp - ' - - -v 37 Loaclies from Amlresbury - - - - - 53 Longspee, Ela, founds a chantry at Selborne - . . _ 353 who and what - - - - - 355 Loon, or diver, described - - - - - 49I M. Malm, black, what sort of soil - - - >• 3 Ditto, white .----.- 3 Manor and lands of the Priory of 5e/iorne - . _ . 454 March, the month of, two wonderfully hot days In March 1777; tlie effects of that heat - - - - - 218, 2ly Mare, singular incident relating to an old hunting one - - - 508 Martin, house, seen very late - - - ^ - 60 house, a monography of - - - - 158, l63 house, builds his nest only in themorning ... \sg sand, or bank, a monography of - - - 176,180 house, further circumstances about - - - 26I house, more particulars concerning - . . . 272 additional remarks on - - - - - 499 Martin, Pope, his bull touching the revoking of certain things alienated from the Priory of 5ettorne .... 373 Mercatu de, etferid de Sekhirrie, a mistake in b'shop Tanner 416 Mice, small red, nondescript - - - - - 33 one of their nests described - - - - 34 some farther account of - - - - - 39 Migration, actual, somewhat like it - - - - 65 at Gibraltar, ocular demonstration of - - - 140 Mills, water, the Priory of Selborne in possession of several - - 408 Missel-bird, the largest singing bird - ... 120 pugnaceous - - ... \qq Mist, called London smoke, usually followed by dry weather - - 539 Moose-deer, a female, some account of - - - - 79, 80 a male, where killed - - - - 83 A/o>