oe ‘ AIK CROC ean “ Ce igh es ee EON FO NG t 4, = ' cron 5 7 Cee ONS a Ny SRO NOR ENNIS i Nat 7A f \ ‘Ke iN 4 \ aN) Wary AN SAN SNe SERS AWA ; a bags Ot ig os ON etl A ie ‘iy «af lee v1 Mnedty tae ees cing ¢ yi fof eb tralia CL hv. »~) XQ nS) — THE CABINET CYCLOPADIA. KGRTOLIL LonbDon: Printed by A. SpoTTIswOODE, F ip 2 -.-- New-Street-Square. f' tT), FF TPS —~ THE CABINET CYCLOPADIA. CONDUCTED BY THE REV. DIONYSIUS LARDNER, LL.D. F.R.S. L. & E. M.R.ILA. F.R.A.S. F.LS. F.Z.S. Hon. F.C.P.S. &c. &c, ASSISTED BY EMINENT LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC MEN. Patural Historp. ON THE NATURAL HISTORY AND CLASSIFICATION OF -FISHES, AMPHIBIANS, AND REPTILES. BY WILLIAM SWAINSON, A.C.G. F.R.S. L.S. ETC. VOL. II. LONDON: SaNTED FOR LONGMAN, ORME, BROWN, GREEN, & LONGMANS, PATERNOSTER-ROW 5 AND JOHN TAYLOR, UPPER GOWER STREET. 1839. “ THE EARTH IS FULL OF THY RICHES — SO IS THE GREAT AND WIDE SEA, WHEREIN ARE CREEPING THINGS INNUMERABLE, BOTH SMALL AND GREAT BEASTS. —“ PLEURONECTIDZ. one. Body long; seales minute, hid GYMETRES. under the skin; ventral GADIDE. sometimes wanting. Head loricated, the bones high- CANTHILEPTES. ly developed; scales often ¢ SILURIDZ. spinous. Small ; dorsal rays soft; vivipa- rous, BLENNIDES. } CoBITID. A detailed illustration of these comparisons, which we shall now enter upon, will be of much interest to the experienced zoologist, and will give the student a further insight into the several peculiarities of the groups thus brought together. We have shown, in a former volume, that the salmon tribe are the most perfectly organised of the soft-rayed division of osseous fishes ; and Cuvier’s opinion, that the Percide (the types of the Macroleptes) should be placed at the head of the spine-rayed order, is confirmed in its correctness by the result of our researches, In these two groups, typical of their respective orders, we find those genera which are most distinguished for possess- ing two dorsal fins——witness the whole of the Salmonide, ANALOGIES OF THE ORDER. Gg or salmons, and the greater part of the true perches. The shape of both these groups is that of a long oval, mode- rately thick, without any extraordinary development of any one part or member. These characters, however, do not apply to the two next groups, namely, the Micro- leptes and the Pleuronectide: here the scales are inva- riably very small, and often excessively minute. When we consider the shape of the Zeide, or dories (one of the types of the Microleptes), we may justly pronounce them the flat fish of the acanthopterygious order ; both are short and excessively broad fish; both have the scales very minute; and both stand as the sub-typical divisions of their respective orders. The Zeide, in fact, are the shortest and most compressed fish of the Microleptes, just as the Pleuronectide are of the Mala- copteryges. Passing from these, we come to the Gym- netres, or riband-fish, which stand opposite, in our table, to the Gadide, or cods. ‘That these two groups are not only analogous, but actually pass into each other, is completely proved on looking to the genera Cepola and Ophidium in the first, and to Physis and Raniceps in the second. In both we find the dorsal fin excessively long, composed of numerous slender rays; and the ventrals singularly varied, by being either very small and filiform, or altogether wanting: the scales likewise are minute, scarcely perceptible, and seem im- bedded in the common skin of the body, which, from being generally extended over the dorsals, renders those fins very thick. Here, likewise, the spiny rays of the two former tribes disappear, and are exchanged for others, which, if not flexible, as in Ammodytes, Ophi- dium, Cepola, and all the Gadide, are always very slender and brittle. The Gymnetres, in fact, have lost the distinguishing character of the Acanthopteryges, and thus become as truly soft-rayed fishes as any of the Gadidea. The resemblance between the Canthileptes and the Siluride is perhaps stronger than that of any two groups in the whole table: both are the only fa- milies where the head and cheeks are covered with bony 10 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. plates ; or, in other words, they are more or less mailed: in both do we find instances where the first dorsal ray is not only spinous, but armed with prickles on its ante- rior edge: in both the eyes are small, and placed close to each other, towards the top of the head ; and in both is its inferior surface considerably flattened: the analogy, in fact, cannot be Stronger; so that, whatever dispo- sition may be made hereafter of the other groups, no arrangement which does not preserve this most beautiful relation of the Canthileptes to the Siluride, can possibly be natural. We look to this, therefore, as the strongest collateral proof of the general correctness of our arrange- ment, because this arrangement is founded upon rela- tions of affinity ; that is, by tracing the series of groups in all their details: and yet, after having done so, we find that this series of affinity brings to light another series of analogy, even more beautifully harmonious than the first, inasmuch as it adds another instance to that general system of representation which pervades the whole of these vertebrated groups contained in our former volumes. As we shall have occasion, hereafter, to illustrate this part of our present exposition in more detail, we may pass on to the relations between the Blennide and the Cobitide, two singular groups of small- sized fishes, remarkable for being altogether viviparous, and in having the branchial aperture very much con- tracted, although not sufficiently so as to constitute them spiraculated fishes, like the eels. That the blennies and gobies, of all the acanthopterygious order, make the nearest approach to the eels, is sufficiently evident when we look to the Anarrhicas, where the ventral fins disappear, and the dorsal, anal, and caudal fins are united: and yet M. Cuvier very justly observes, that these eel- like fishes may be called blennies without ventrals. The loaches, again, are so closely allied to the Salmonide, by means of the carp (Cyprinine), that Cuvier places them in the same family; from which, however, they differ most essentially, in being viviparous. We revert to these relations of affinity, because the absolute connec- ANALOGIES OF THE ORDER. 11 tion between the Cobitide and the Siluride remains to be discovered: they certainly, however, appear to have no immediate connection with the Esocine, or pikes, although such is the station assigned to them in the Régne Animal. (8.) It is almost unnecessary in this place to compare the tribes of the Acanthopteryges with the orders of the whole class, because, as these latter have already been traced in the divisions of the Malacopteryges, it ne- cessarily follows from the results in our last table, that the tribes of the present order have precisely the same relations. We shall, however, place them before the reader in a distinct table, not only because he will thus have them immediately beneath his eye, but because some very remarkable similarities, not yet alluded to, will be elicited by the comparison. Analogies of the AcantuorTEeRyess to the Orders of Fishes. Tribes. Analogies. Orders. MACROLEPTES. peste: eS OF Gneke *- } AcantnopreRyces, MIcroLepteEs. Sub-typical. Scales in general small. MALACOPTERYGES. GYMNETRES. f Body patr fue Be AES: 2 t APODES. CANTHILEPTES. Ve rece ce Sea } PLECTOGNATHES. Rays of the fins flexible ; head BLENNIDES. f depressed ; viviparous. i CARTILAGINES. The typical and sub-typical groups in these columns need not detain us, for it bas already been seen that they constitute the two most perfect divisions in each : we shall therefore merely glance at the three last, or the aberrant divisions. The whole of the Gymnetres, or riband-fish, may be called the eels of the spine-rayed order ; for although, as their name implies, they are compressed instead of cylindrical, yet the excessive length and slenderness of their bodies, their long dorsal fins, and the freauent absence of the yentrals (as in the \ 12 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, genera Lepidotus, Trichiurus, Ammodytes, Ophidium, &c.), all conspire to evince their analogy to the apodal order. The most hideous fishes in creation are the Scorpenine (as the genera Synancia, Pelor, &c.), and the Chironectes, or frog-fish, the first being part of the typical Canthileptes, and the latter of the Plectognathes ; while, if we wish to see this analogy more conspi- cuously worked out, we have only to look to the mailed groups of the Triglide in one, and the Balistide in the other. Lastly, we have the flexible rays of the fins, and the viviparous nature of the sharks, represented in the Blennides, —characters which are not found in any other of the typical osseous fishes. (9.) In placing these analogies before the reader in. the present stage of our inquiry, we have anticipated the results which come out of the subsequent exposition of the series of atinity. We hope, therefore, he will understand this, and not suppose, as some of our young disciples have done, that in this and other of our tables, those groups are put opposite each other which have the greatest similitude, without a due regard to the order in which the divisions of each column follow in the order of affinity. This is so far from being the case, that each of these groups have been previously analysed almost down to the sub-generic types of form ; and this will be rendered apparent not only in the following chapters, but much more so in the scientific arrangement of the class at the end of the volume. 13 CHAP. II. ON THE MACROLEPTES, OR TYPICAL TRIBE OF THE ORDER OP SPINE-RAYED FISHES. (10.) We commence with the typical group. When it is considered that this vast order includes more than all the other divisions of the class put together, it becomes obvious that our space will only permit a very partial illustration of their relations, in addition to the ample details which will be found in our general arrange- ment of the class in another portion of the volume ; and, indeed, we shall be obliged, in some instances, to give no more than analogical tables of several important groups. The labour bestowed, however, upon the natural arrangement of the whole, will, we hope, com- pensate for this necessary brevity. We have found this tribe, in fact, the most difficult to analyse, next to the Squalide, of any in the entire class. Cuvier has confessed this, and no better authority can be quoted in support of our own opinion than that of so eminent an ichthyologist. It is almost needless to say, that for many years the natural arrangement of these groups have engaged much of our attention, because that will be apparent in the numerous genera and sub-genera now first characterised, no less than in the analogical tables which are so thickly scattered throughout this volume. It is in these comparisons that, as we have been assured, SO many of our readers, ignorant of systematic zoology, feel interested ; nor can we feel any surprise that general views are more interesting to such persons than those dry technicalities with which the naturalist is 14 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. alone interested: we only regret, that having to adapt ~ our volumes to both classes of readers, we cannot give more to the one and less to the other, without an infringement of that plan upon which the Cabinet of Natural History was originally formed. That all the laws of animal variation which have been shown to pervade the classes of quadrupeds and birds, are equally apparent in that of fishes, will, however, be abundantly proved: indeed, so far as our own opinion is con- cerned, we think they are more manifested in this little known class of animals than -in any other of the vertebrated circle. (11.) Having already stated the general characters by which we distinguish the tribes, we may at once take a rapid survey of the minor divisions, or what appear to be the natural families of the Macroleptes. The first of these are the Percide, or perches, where the form is oval-oblong : the plates of the operculum, or gills, are armed with minute serrated teeth or distinct spimes:- the jaws are without grinding teeth ; the fins almost always destitute of scales ; and the dorsal either double or deeply cleft in the middle.—2. The Chetodonide, or chetodons, where the body is short and broad ; the fins generally covered for one half of their breadth with small scales; the dorsal fin usually single; and the jaws often provided both with bristle-like teeth and with grinding teeth. These two constitute the typical families; they comprise a great number of minor variations, and a vast assemblage of species. In the three aberrant types we arrange, 1, the Mugillide, or mullets, where the head is very small, greatly de- pressed on the crown ; the body nearly cylindrical ; and the snout or muzzle projecting beyond a little mouth, which is placed beneath.—2. The Mullide, or sur- mullets, whose head is large, high, and much com- pressed ; the eyes placed close together near the crown ; and the under jaw furnished with barbels.—3. The Spirobranchide, whose body, in comparison to the tail, is FAMILIES OF THE MACROLEPTES. 15 excessively short, so that the vent is close to the pec- toral fin. This peculiarity, joined to a very long ventral, assimilates them to the apodal order. Each of these divisions are represented by the following well- known fishes: —the common perch ; the chetodon ; the common grey mullet; the surmullet; and the Ophio- cephalus. * (12.) The above families appear to form a circular group, which may be traced in the following manner. Commencing with the Percide with spined opercula, we pass through Holocentrus to Percis, —a singular genus, which, by its fleshy lips and nearly smooth gills, prepares us for the Labride, which thus connect the Percide and the Chetodonide. By means of Clepticus and Gerres, we pass to Chetodon and Holocanthus, the two most perfect groups of their family. Diplerodon and Ephippus lead us to the Scienine ; and these, again, to the Sparide. Many of these latter genera show an evi- dent affinity to the mullets : in this small family we also include the genus Polynemus, which, in all but its pec- toral processes, is but a slight modification of the form of Mugil. The surmullets (Mullus) appear to follow these ; and we again return to the Percide by means of the Spirobranchide, where the genera Datnia, Helotes, and Pe- lates of Cuvier, blend into the perches in the most gradual manner. Before exhibiting the analogies which this great circle presents to others, we shall take a short survey of each of the families; the scientific or technical details of which will be found at large in the systematic arrange- ment. (13.) The Percide, or perches, is the only group in this tribe which contains species inhabiting fresh waters, of which the common perch is a well-known example ; the great majority being marine: with a very few excep- tions, they are all oblong fishes, having the membranes of their fins sub-transparent, and destitute of scales to-. wards the base. In all these characters they differ essen- tially from the next family, or the Chetodonide, whose 16 ' CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. body is short and broad: their most essential distinction, however, from these latter (which are much diversified in the aberrant examples) is to be found in the finely crenated margin of the operculum, and the isolated spines upon the pre-opercule : sometimes both these cha- racters exist in the same genus ; while in others there is only one. The teeth are variable; but they are generally small, sharp, and detached ; usually situated not only in the jaws, but also on the vomer and palatine bones: the ventral fins are always perfect, of ordinary dimensions and structure ; and they are placed under the pectorals. There is nothing, in short, in the develop- ment of any part of these fishes, which gives a prepon- derance of power to any one part, and a corresponding weakness or diminution to another. They are perfectly- shaped fishes, with the two dorsal fins either very dis- . tinct, or slightly connected. The number of rays in the gill membrane is generally seven ; but this character, to which so much importance has been attached, we con- sider as of a very secondary nature. We arrange the whole of this group under five sub-families; the names of which, as usual, are taken from the genera which appear to be the types; viz. —1. Percine ; 2. Sera- nine; 3. Percophine; 4. Holocentrine; and 5. Helo- tine. We shall only notice the genera of the first of these, as that will be sufficient to give the reader an in- sight into the principles of arrangement, according to the natural affinities, which have guided us in all the others. (14.) The Percine, or true perches, have the two dorsal fins generally separated: the membrane which connects the rays is semi-transparent, and slightly, if at all, coloured, as in the beautiful group which next suc- ceeds, namely, the Serranine. The form of the body in the perches is oblong; the scales comparatively large, but without extending over the dorsal fins: the pectorals and ventrals are obtuse, and somewhat rounded ; the mouth large, and furnished with short, small, and FAMILIES OF THE MACROLEPTES. 17 crowded teeth ; but without any canines, or larger teeth on the sides. The leading divisions or genera of this group appear to be the following. The most typical, which is that of Perca, has all the characters, strictly so termed, which we have just detailed; with only such slight variations in the sub-genera, as serve to indicate the primary types of the class which they are intended to represent: thusin Lates C. the tail or caudal finis rounded, although in every other respect it is a true Perca. In Diplopteron the body is so broad, and the head so high, that it might be mistaken for a chetodon: the pectoral and caudal fins are rounaed ; but the ventral is long and pointed. This sub-genus has an evident relation to Pentaceros, in the next sub-family. In Lucioperca, as the name implies, we see a perch assuming the aspect of a pike; so that, even in the range ofa single genus, such ' strong resemblances of analogy force themselves on cur attention, that we hesitate not to believe their real import. (15.) The genus Enoplosus follows that of Perca. It is perhaps one of the most extraordinary in the whole - of this family, and is at present represented only by a single species of the Australian seas, first made known by White *: it may be questioned, however, whether that described and figured by Cuvier is not, in reality, a different species. All writers before Cuvier had placed it with the chetedons, which it exactly resembles in its broad and short body, small mouth, and delicate teeth ; yet the fins are naked, the cheek bones spined, and it possesses all the other characters of the true perches. Now here is as perfect an instance of repre- sentation as can possibiy be exhibited ;— an instance, in fact, which will come home to the comprehension of every one who compares its figure with that of a true chetodon: such facts as these (and they start before us at every step of our progress) carry immediate convic- tion to every unprejudiced mind. * Yoyage to New South Wales, pl. 59. f. 1. Chetodon armatus Shaw. VOL. II. ‘i Cc 18 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, (16.) The third genus of the Percine is represented by such fish as the Aspro of Cuvier, where the form is more slender and elongated than in the true perch, the head very much depressed, and the muzzle decidedly advanced beyond the under jaw. It is easy to recog- nise, in this form, a representation of the cartilaginous type, and of the Mugilide: the ventral fins are much developed, and areicnger than the pectorals,—a structure which also reminds us of the Gobiane, or gobies. The fourth genus is of the chironectiform type, and is ad- mirably represented by Huro. Its very wide mouth opens in an obliquely vertical direction ; the under jaw is longest; and the first dorsal fin, as in Uranoscopus and Truchinus (also chironeetiform types), is very smail. The last generic group we place in this sub-family is composed of Pomatomus and Apogon,—pboth remarkable for their excessively large eyes and thick head: the scales are particularly large, and very deciduous: in both the teeth are minute and velvety ; and both appear con- fined to the Mediterranean and Red Seas. It will be observed, that in Apogon the ventral fin, like that of Ambassus (which seems the chironectiform type of this genus), is before the pectoral, whereas in Pomatomus it is beneath. It is therefore under the belief that Am- ' bassus connects Huro with Apogon, that we have placed it in the present group; while the entire structure of the sub-genus Cheilodipterus so beautifully unites those of Apogon and Lucioperca, that we are almost at a loss to determine into which of the genera it enters. We thus return to the genus from whence we commenced ; and we find the sub-family of Percine constitutes a circle, of which the following table expresses the com- ponent parts and the analogies :— Analogies of the Percinz, or Typical Perches. Genera of the - Families of the PERCINE. Analogies. MACROLEPTES. FPerca. Body oblong ; mouth large. PERCIDE. poreaa short, broad ; mouth very small i CHETODONIDZ. Enopizsus. PERCINE AND SERRANINZ. 19 Muzzle broad and advanced; Aspro. f mouth small, placed beneath. } MuciLipz. : Head deep, broad; eyes eg, Huro. Rae ctowiit : MULLIDE. Belly very short; tail Bile Apogon. scales large. 2 ? § SPIROBRANCHID. In regard to the analogy between Huro and Mullus, it - can only be rendered equally clear with the others by looking to the other types, of which both are diversified representatives: thus, if we compared the above se- ries of genera with the orders of fishes, Huro would come in precisely opposite the Plectognathes, wherein we have the frog-fish, whose mouth is formed cn the same general plan. The whole of the other analogies are so clear, and they follow each other so harmoni- ously, that we need not enter into any further explana tion of them. (17.) Such are the principles upon which we have analysed and arranged nearly the whole of the immense tribe of the Acanthopteryges, or spiny-finned fishes ; and were we not straitened for space, we should be able to lay before the reader similar results to those we have just detailed, in almost every group, down to the succession of the sub-genera. Every professed ichthyologist, in-- deed, will be able to do this himself; for as the differ- ent groups and types are all placed in our systematic arrangement in conformity with these principles, so, upon comparing their contents, and studying the prin- cipie of variation, he will be at no loss to discover all the analogical resemblances we have just seen, as ex- hibited in the typical perches: they are, in fact, but a repetition of the very same types differently modified : our notices, therefore, of the remaining groups of this tribe must be more than usually brief. (18.) The Serraning is the second, or sub-typical, division of the Percide ; even more numerous in species, and far more beautiful in their colours. They are all marine, abounding in the seas of warm latitudes, but very rarely straying so far north as Britain: only one c 2 20 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. example, indeed, of the Serranus cabrilia, common in Sicily, has hitherto been found in Cornwall. Their colours are very beautiful, being generally varied with dark bands and bright spots. Their mest obvious dis- tinction from the perches is in having but a single dorsal fin; and most have a canine tooth on each side. In - the typical genus Serranus we have succeeded, as we believe, in determining all the five sub-genera. So beautifully, indeed, do the contents of this sub-family represent those of the last, that it might almost be said every species finds its prototype. If we merely place the genera of the two groups together, their analogies are most complete. Analogies of the Percinz and the SkRRANIN2. Genera of Genera of the PERCIN2. Analogies. SERRANUWE. Body oblong, or ovate; noe aan PERCA. horizontal, large. SERRANUS. PR ; . ENOPLOSUS. ET eS DIRE: mouth ? PeytaceRos. small. £ Muzzle broad, projecting ie _ ASPRO, the lower jaw. ACERINA. 3 Mouth sub-vertical, large ; low- Hivro. er jaw longest. i GRYSTES. Tail much developed; eyes ey is APOGON. markably large. ETELIS. (19.) Again, on looking to the sub-genera of the two typical divisions, Perca and Serranus, the analogies are no less extraordinary. Sub-genera of the Sub-genera of the genus SERRANUS. genus PERCA. Analogies. Perca Cuv. ee es typical; ne Serranus Cuv. Lates Cuv. Body broad; caudal fin rounded. Chromileptes Sw. Centropomus Cuy. Anal spines very large Plectropoma Cuv. Niphon Cur. Lower jaw considerably longest. Cynichthys Sw. i] greatly forked; eyes pale: Variola Sw. Pun . Ta Luctoperca Cuv. ; large. HELOCENTRIN ZA. yal Leaving these, we pass on to the three aberrant sub- families of the perches, viz. the Percophine, the Holo- centring, and the Helotine, in which few species, com- paratively, are contained. The first are remarkable for their elongated shape, and for having, unlike all the other perches, the ventral fins placed almost always be- fore the pectorals. In their pointed head and thickened lips (fig. 1.) they so much ; __ resemble the Labride, that ’ we are left in no doubt as - to the means by which that } charming family is cen- nected to the perches. In the large, vertically cleft mouth of Priacanthus we have a repetition of the chironectiform type — while by Centropristis we immediately enter into the next sub- family. (20.) The Holocentrine, or mailed-perches, are a small but most beautiful group of fishes ; the greater number of the species, and most of the typical, being of different shades of red, from a splendid crimson to a golden yellow. Many types scattered in other groups we have here brought together, and we suspect that se- veral others naturally belong to this division. They are all covered with hard and generally serrated scales; while, in the pre-eminent types (as Trachichthys, Monocenirus, and Hoplostethus), the body is as completely mailed as in the loricated silures ( Loricarine). The true Anthias of the ancients (Serranus Anthias Cuv.) connects these fishes with Centropristis ; while that most singular little fish, the Oriosoma of Cuvier, shows us the counterpart of Huro, Grystes, and all the other oblique-mouthed chironectiform types. Beryx, with its enormous eyes, finds its prototype in Apogon; so that we have precisely the same circularsuccession, and the same modified forms, as in the Percine and the Serranine. Nearly all these are fishes of tropical climates, and not even one can be c 3 22 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. cited as a native example. The whole form a group re- presenting the Canthileptes, the Siluride, the Plecto- gnuthes, and the tortoises, or chelonian reptiles. (21.) The last sub-family of the Helotine, although small and unattractive in appearance, is one of the most singularly interesting groups in the whole family. Cuvier has said of these, that “‘they constitute a group formed, as it were, to make naturalists despair, by showing how Na-. ture laughs at what we deem characteristic combinations. The genera Therapon, Datnia, Pelates, and Helotes, pos- sessing a multitude of mutual relations, as well interior as exterior, sufficient to forbid their distant separation, and bearing a great resemblance to the entire percoid tamily, at the same time combine species furnished with palatine teeth, along with other species which seem to be constantly deprived of these organs ; they also possess close-set teeth in the jaws, and dentations on the subor- bital, the pre-opercules, and not unfrequently on the shoulder bone, while none have more than six branchial rays: no scales are visible on the cranium, muzzle, or maxille ; the dorsal spines are folded back into a groove ot the back, and the swimming bladder is constantly divided by a restriction into two distinct sacks, as in Cyprinus, Choracinus, and Myripristis.” We have given this passage entire, that we may quote it in support of our own arrangement. In regard to the facets thus elicited no difference of opinion can arise ; but our inferences are totally different from those of the learned author: the very circumstance of these fishes not exhibiting in all instances the typical character, as to teeth, of the perches, clearly shows that they stand at the confines of the fa- mily ; while the resemblance they bear — according to Cuvier's own showing — to Myripristis, and con- sequently to the Holocentrine in general, as clearly shows, in our opinion, that they are as equally related to them. So far, therefore, from these genera exciting our ‘* despair”’ at their seemingly discordant characters, we should have been utterly at a loss to complete the circle of the Percide without them ; for none but these — by HELOTINEZ AND CHAZTODONID. ks) connecting the Holocentrine with the Percide— would bring us back again to the last; or,in other words, would complete the circle which the above remarks of Cuvier place beyond doubt. Nature, indeed, will ever laugh, as it were, at our attempts to circumscribe her groups by absolute characters of our own invention ; but she almost invariably points out her own course, if we are: sufficiently humble and unprejudiced to follow it. The external analogies of the Helotine are no less interest- _ ing than their affinities: they * obviously represent the Spa- ride in this family, and give us also a beautiful representation of Gerris Plumierii (fig. 2.) and its allies; so clese, in- deed, in external form, that js) the similitude cannot possibly \¢) be greater : this will be at once ‘(/ apparent from the outlines here given of the heads of the genera Datnia (a), and Gerris (6). Having now closed the circle of the Percide, we proceed to the next, or sub- typical family. (22.) The Cuzroponip#, or chetodons, are not only the most beautiful of the spine-backed order, but of the whole class of fishes. With the exception of the green and richly coloured Labrine, nearly the whole, and certainly all the typical groups, are corfined to the warm latitudes of the tropics, and the shores and islands washed by the great Pacific Ocean. None of them are large fishes, while all appear to be nutritious and savoury food. The family is more numerous even than that of the perches, and contains such an immense assembly of greatly diversified groups, that only a few characters are applicable to the whole. From the perches, however, they are chiefly distinguished by the pre-operculum not c 4 24, CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. being serrated or toothed ; by the operculum itself being rarely armed with prickles; and by the general small- ness of their mouth: the whole of them inhabit the sea, and only the Labrine and the Sparine extend their range to northern latitudes. We arrange the whole under five great sub-families, each represented by the follow- ing Linnean genera: Chetodon, Sciena, Sparus, Scarus, and Labrus. With the exception of the second and third, these groups have undergone a most laborious - analysis, the result of which will be found in our sys- tematic arrangement: a few general remarks upon each is all that our space will allow us to insert in this part of our volume. (23.) For the Labrine we have been prepared by the last division of the perches, where, as in Percis, the mouth is small, the body fusiform, and the lips fleshy : this latter character, in fact, is the most peculiar of all others belonging to these fishes, all of which have the mouth small, the lips very thick, and the jaws, especially at their tips, furnished with sharp conic teeth: the dorsal fin is always single, and the spiny rays are always shorter than those which are soft, —a proportion directly the reverse of that which is pre- valent among the perches. The general colour of these elegant-shaped fishes is green, varied on the head, body, and fins, with stripes of the richest colours, but chiefly blue, purple, or red. Several of these are found in the British seas, and are the different species of wrasse, figured by Mr. Yarrell (vol.i. p. 279300). Insome of the minor groups, the pre-opercule is finely toothed, but there are no prickles on the operculum. In this family, we have defined, for the first time, many sub-genera, exhibiting the different types of form, particularly among the naked-headed wrasses, forming the genus Julis, one of the most lovely groups in the whole of this sub-family. The only species of this latter group that has recently been detected as a wanderer to our western coast, is the Julis Mediterrana of Risso (fig. 3.). DS oy 7 CHATODONIDA AND LABRINA. \\} n CPN LAREN Tier AAU TM Sy SAAR we > NY A Na (24.) The true Chetodonine, or typical chetodons constitute the perfection of the whole. They are short, broad, and almost orbicular fishes, much com- pressed, with a small head, and a still smaller mouth: the teeth are excessively fine, and resemble slender bristles, from whence their name has been derived: the dorsal fin is always single ; and both that and the anal is always covered, more or less, with small scales, con- tinued in a regular series from those on the body. In many of the sub-genera, particularly such as are highly typical, these scales extend almost to the edge of the fin, but they generally reach to cne half, or two thirds, of its breadth. Of the beauty of these fishes, no pen or pencil can give an adequate idea: the body is gene- rally of a silvery white, tinged with rose or yellow, upon which are delicate lines of vivid colours, relieved by ocellated spots and dark bands across the body and fins: they are particularly numerous in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, keeping near the shore or coral reefs ; but not one is found so far north as the Mediterranean. Some are well known to possess the extraordinary power of shooting at insects with a drop of water ejected suddenly from their mouth, — a circumstance which appears altogether unique in this, or, indeed, in any other class of animals: some of the aberrant forms, again, present a most singular elongation of the ventral fins, and even of the dorsal and anal, so as to render them complete prototypes of the Zeine, or Dories in the tribe of Scomberidg, or mackerels. 96 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. (25.) The Scrzx1v 2 succeeds the chetodons in most systems ; and they appear intermediate between them and the Sparing: our analysis of these two sub-families is not yet finished, and we cannot therefore determine the minor groups with that precision which will be found in all the others. They have, in many respects, a close resemblance to the perches ; but they are destitute of palatine teeth: the back is more arched, the mouth smaller ; the tail and caudal fin incline upwards, and the muzzle is obtuse: some few, only, have the dorsal fin protected at the base by scales ; so that, upon the whole, it appears to us, that their true characters, although understood by the eye of an experienced ichthyologist, have never yet been determined. Some of them grow to a tolerably large size ; but they have neither the elegance of form of the wrasses (Labrine), or the beautiful colours of the chetodons, except, indeed, in two or three groups. There are a few species found in the European seas, but the majority are exotic. (26.) The Sparine are not only evidently connected with the last division, but we suspect that several genera, therein included by Cuvier, will prove to be naturally ar- ranged in this. In these fishes the pectoral fin is always pointed, and the caudal deeply forked : their colours are delicate, without being rich: the body is generally silvery, tinged with changeable hues of light blue, pink, and yel- low: the fins, however, are always colourless, or at least only clouded by dusky brown: the teeth often vary in almost every species; and this has given rise to many sub-genera, which cannot be retained ina natural arrange- ment: some of these fishes are provided with strong grinding or molar teeth in the palate, while others have cutting teeth formed nearly on the same model as those of man. The Mediterranean, and even the more temperate seas of Europe, furnish us with many species, but the number evidently increases as their range ap- proaches the tropics. (27.) The Scarine, or parrot-fish, constitute the last and the most aberrant sub-family. Their general shape THE SCARINE AND THE MUGILLIDZA. OT and style of colouring assimilates them very near to the wrasses (Labrine), but their head is thicker and their colours even more brilliant. The scales are very large, and always possess an unusual degree of hardness ; they are sometimes serrated, and even assume the hexagonal form of the plates upon the Plectognathes, or cheloni- form fishes. All the typical genera are distinguished by a character perfectly unique in this order: the jaws, which are very thick, perform the office of true teeth, being sharpened at their edges in the same manner as the ma- jority of the Plectognathes. This similarity of the jaws to the bill of the Psittacide, joined to the vividness of their colouring, have caused these fishes to be named sea- parrots or parrot-ftsh: the uses for which their powerful jaws are designed is obviously to crush the hard cover- ings of those marine animals, as shells and crabs, upon which the Scaring are known to feed; such, also, are devoured by the cheloniform order, so that the analogy between the two is complete. The passage from these fishes to the Labrine, by means of Xirichthys, is no less obvious, and we thus return to the point from whence we commenced ; each sub-family of the Chetodonide representing those of the Percide, and consequently all the other circular groups contained in this class. (28.) The two next families, being aberrant, contain little more than generic examples. The first, that of the Mueiiim2, or mullets, are lengthened and often cylindrical fishes, with very small mouths placed beneath an advanced and obtuse muzzle: the dorsal fins are very distant from each other, the teeth minute, and the sides of the head covered with compact scales: the crown is naked and bony. The grey mullet of our coasts is a typical example, and most of the foreign species are of the same hue. To these we join the genus Polynemus, or Paradise-fish of the Anglo-Indians, re- markable for numerous long flexible filaments placed near the pectoral fins, completely analogous to those we have already described in the genus T’richosoma: in one species, these appendages are so remarkably developed 20 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. as to be nearly five times the length of the body: the pre-opercule is serrated, but in all other parts of their structure the Paradise-fish betray the closest affinity to the mullets. (29.) The Mutuina4, or surmullets, have always been placed close to the T'viglide, or gurnards, probably on ac- count of a certain resemblance in the physiognomy of the two; for when we compare their structure, no two groups can hardly be more dissimilar. In the sur- muilets the scales are large, deciduous, and smooth ; in the gurnards they are small, tenacious, and rough: the head in one is compressed, in the other depressed. Nevertheless, the distant resemblance between them is of much importance when viewed as a relation of analogy only ; and such we may safely pronounce it. The surmullets, in fact; are clearly the chironectiform type of the tribe, representing the T'riglide by their large ..- head, vertical eyes, and small mouth ; and the Gadide by the fleshy cirrus or barbelson thelowerjaw(fig.4.). The species are few, and consti- tute two genera only. The - surmullets, like the Hole- centring, are nearly all of differentshades of red, varied with yellow stripes: it was the death of these fishes, so common in the Mediterranean, which gave delight to the effeminate and luxurious Romans, in the closing years of their power. (30.) The last, and not the least interesting, of the aberrant families of the spine-finned order, is that of the SPIROBRANCHIDA&, which corresponds to Cuvier’s “‘laby- rinthiform pharyngeals.” This is perhaps the most natural of all the groups characterised by that admir- able naturalist; and this not merely by possessing certain peculiarities of internal structure found in no other fishes, but also because they are equally distinct in their exter- nal conformation ; while they present a beautiful grada- ’ MULLIDE, 29°: tion between the soft-rayed Blennides, and the spine- rayed order, or the Acanthopteryges. The most important character they possess, to use the words of our author, “is in having a part of the superior pharyngeals divided into small lamine, more or less numerous ; which form, by their frill-like undulations, intercepting cells, in which water can remain, flow upon, and moisten the gills when the fish is on dry land.” Hence it is that they are enabled to crawl from the rivulets and pools, wherein they usually live, and either go to others, or hide themselves in hollow banks, &c., most probably during the dry season: this singular faculty was known to the. ancients ; while the common Hindoos believe that these fishes fall from the clouds. As we shall enter more at large upon this subject in one of our future volumes, we shall at present merely advert to the external characters of these fishes: nearly all of them have the stomach remarkably short ; and the tail, in. consequence, very long: the ventral fins are remarkably developed ; that is to say, not so much in size as in singularity ; for one or two of the rays are very long and filiform, while the rest are partially or entirely obsolete. Macropodus has the largest caudal fin, in proportion to its size, of any fish hithertodiscovered ; while Ophiocephalus, with a long eel-like and cylindrical body, has all the dorsal rays flexible, like those of the Blennides, but they are branched. In all these characters the reader will not fail to perceive a union of these which separately distinguish the perches, the blennies, and the eels ; all being differ- ently combined in a group of fish, which is related to the two first by affinity, and to the latter by analogy. On this theory, therefore, ali the variations in the genera of the Spirobranchide can not only be reconciled, but explained in the most satisfactory manner: while the whole form a group representing the order Aropss, in the great circle of the ACANTHOPTERYGES, and connect- ing it to the order of Buennines. To this point, there- fore, we shall again return, after tracing the different tribes which intervene between the MacroiEptes and the BLennIpes. ~ 30 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. CHAP. ITI, ON THE MICROLEPTES, OR SMALL-SCALED TRIBE OF THE ACANTHOPTERYGIOUS FISHES. (31.) Tue second tribe of the spine-finned order, although very numerous, is inferior to the last, To man- kind, however, it is of much more importance, since it contains all those of the order before us, which form the object of peculiar fisheries, in which respect it is ana- logous to the Salmonide among the ground-fish. The different species of tunny and of the mackerel are placed at the head of this tribe, the fisheries of which, in the Mediterranean and in Britain, employ many thousands of people and a vast amount of capital. The structure of these fishes, indeed, will give a tolerably good idea of nearly all those which constitute our present di- vision. Having already pointed out their peculiar characters, we may at once proceed to indicate the pri- mary groups into which they appear naturally to be arranged. The two great typical families are the Scomberide, or mackerels, and the Centronotide, or spinebacks. With these we place, as aberrant, the Cory- phenide, or dolphins, the Centriscide, or trumpet-fish, and the Echeneide, or remoras. By far the greater part of the species are comprised in the two first, —an inequality which we have seen to be uniform throughout the whole class, as well as in the great divisions of the verteorated circle. Yet there is such an evident ten- dency of these aberrant families to approximate to this tribe more than to any other, that however wide the intervals may be between some few which, on that account, appear in this and all other systems, to be isolated, yet we are not without valid induction for viewing them as congeners of the more typical groups. We shall therefore at once arrange these divisions in a column, and point out their analogies. ANALOGIES OF THE MICROLEPTES. 31 Analogies of the Microueptes and the OrpErs. Tribe Analogical Characters. Orders of Fisu MIcCROLEPTES. : Typical ; the dorsal spines very are SCOMBERID. strong. ACANTHOPTERYGES. Sub-typical; dorsal spines slight- ZEIDE. ) ly developed in one, and ob: fan scorsenvars, solete in the other. Body lengthened, sub-anguilli- EcHENEID&. form : adhere to other alent OW CENTRISCID.. Body mailed ; mouth very small. PLECTOGNATHES. Snout very obtuse, projecting beyond the mouth. t CaRTILAGINES. CoryPHENIDS. The two first represent each other by each holding the same rank in their respective circles ; and it will be observed that the spiny rays of the Scomberide are much stronger than those ef the typical Zeide. The dorsal spines, indeed, of the latter are generally incipient, assuming the form of prickles, unconnected with a mem- brane ; whereas, in the whole of the typical Scomberide, the dorsal spines form as perfect an anterior fin as in any of the whole class. The well-known power of the remora to adhere to ships and moving objects, as the lampreys and suckers (Cyclopteride) do to stones, &c., is one of those beautiful analogies which result from a natural arrangement. No ichthyologist, indeed, would ever think of there being any affinity, or, in other words, any similarity of organic structure between the remora and the lampreys. M. Cuvier seems quite aware of this. and he merely places the genus Echeneis at the end of the Cyclopterid@, to indicate its holding some sort of relation to those fish. It may at first excite surprise why the order of Apodes should only be repre- sented in this extensive group by a single genus ; but this ceases on looking to the cartilaginous fishes, where we have inequalities equally great in this and in all other arrangements of that order. Besides, it should be remembered that we are now in one of the most typical divisions of the class, the very nature of which 32 CLASSIFICATIGN OF FISHES. implies that it should have as few aberrant or imper- fectly organised types as possible; for otherwise it would not, in one sense, be eminently typical. This reason, by the way, is equally valid as a general ex- planation why nearly all aberrant groups in the higher classes of the animal creation, are so very inferior in point of numbers to such as are typical.* Having now shown the analogy of the Echeneide to the Apedes, that of Centriscus to the cheloniform fishes is cbvious to every one. The Coryphenide, or dolphins, like the Cartilagines, or sharks, are remarkable for their blunt head, which is very much rounded, and projects over the mouth: in one, indeed, the head is compressed, and in the other depressed ; but still the analogous character is beautifully preserved ; and the great head, so prevalent in these groups, is only the modification of the fissi- rostral type among birds, and of the Cete ameng the Mammalia. ‘These fishes, also, have the largest and the most powerful fins of any others in this group, just as the fissirostral birds have invariably the largest wings, both indicating peculiar swiftness either in swimming or in flying. We may now turn to another test ; and we shall find, by comparing the contents of this tribe with that of the entire circle of the spiniferous order, that many other beautiful relations will be elicited. Analogies of the Microueptss to the ACANTHOPTERYGYS. Families of the 2. Tribes of the Microleptes. Analogies. Acanthopteryges. Scomberide. Scales particularly small ; body ? 5 Microuepres. lengthened. Zeide. Body oval; short prickles in- 2 Marurereet stead of dorsal spines. j Adhere to other substances; wi Echeneida. fins without spinous rays. ee aaa Body covered with hard sca- Centriscide, brous scales or plates. i CANTHILEPTES. Body excessively compressed ; Corypheniae, head very obtuse : fins very GYMNETRES, long or broad. * A striking exception, however, to this rule is presented by the order THE SCOMBERIDZ IN GENERAL. 33 The Scomberide, or mackerel, from having the smallest scales in the whole tribe, of course stand at the head of the Microleptes ; while the sub-typical Zeide, on being compared with the sub-typical Macroleptes (which are the Chetodonide), are so strikingly alike, on a super- ficial view, that writers of the first eminence, before Cuvier, were perpetually confounding them ; many of their shapes, in fact, are so much the same, that their resemblance cannot possibly be stronger, if each is to preserve its characteristic organisation. The Echeneide, again, find their perfect representation among the BLen- NIDEs, or blennies and gobies, since the funnel-shaped ventrals of the latter possess the same adhesive power as do the plates upon the head of the remora ; these, be it observed, being the only sucking groups in their respective tribes. The Centriscide find their exact prototypes in the gurnards or CANTHILEPTEs, several of which are covered by the same sort of rough scales or plates: while the Coryphenide, and the Gymnetes or riband-fish, are so alike, that we were for a long time uncertain as to the exact point where they blend into each other. The whole of these families form one im- mense circular group, to the illustration of which, although full of interest, we can only devote a few pages. (32.) The Scomperips, typically so called, contain the largest and the most highly flavoured of the whole tribe. Their body is always more lengthened than oval: their scales are very small, often imperceptible ; and, notwithstanding the diversity of their structure, they all present, as now arranged, the universal cha- racter of being without any detached spines on their backs: they are thus distinctly separated from the next family, where this character is almost universal. The typical divisions have two dorsal fins, the second of which, as well as the anal, is followed by numerous finlets, which extend at equal distances, to the tail ; they Coleoptera among the insects, which is the most aberrant of the Ptileta, and yet is perhaps the most numerous of all its orders. VOL. Il. D 34 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. are very much branched, and are completely detached _ from each other, being placed at much wider distances apart than are the true connected rays of the adjoining fins.* The other characters are of a secondary nature, inasmuch as they vary in the minor divisions. The most typical are the mackerels (Scomberine), and the tunnies ( Thymnine), both of which have two dorsal fins ; the former, however, is distinguished by having the dorsal fins wide apart, while in the tunny they are close together: the pointed upper jaw of these latter fish, and their fleshy keel, or the carinated ridges on each side of their tail, brings them into close connection, as Cuvier well observes, with the sword fish (Xiphius). This group, which forms a sub-family, is composed of the largest fish in the whole order: they are generally found in pairs, wandering in the warmer seas of Europe and the tropics, but they are few in species, and thinly, although widely dispersed; some have been captured near fifteen feet long, and they appear to be so irritable and pugnacious, that they frequently rush at a vessel with such impetuosity as to drive their snout into the timbers so far that they cannot extricate themselves, and so perish.t There are one or two species which annually visit the Sicilian shores, whose flesh, as we can per- sonally testify, is most delicious ; more resembling, when fried, a veal cutlet, than any other meat. The sword fish have but one dorsal, yet this is often ex- cessively high and long, while the ventral fins, which in the tunnies are very small, now become entirely wanting: the mackarels on the other hand follow the tunnies, from which they also differ in wanting that fieshy keel on the tail, seen both in the tunny and the sword fish. From these the passage appears very gradual to the genus Gempy/us (G. prometheus C. fig. 5.), and this appears to lead us immediately to Alepisaurus, at * These appendages are only found well developed, out of this family, in Corynemus Cuy., the true situation of which may therefore admit of some doubt. + M. Cuvier observes, that “a parasitical crustaceous animal penetrates into its flesh, and maddens it to such a degree that it sometimes darts itselt on the shore.” THE SCOMBERID® OR MACKEREL. 35 present known only by one species. ‘This extraordinary fish was discovered by Mr. Lowe, by whose excellent description and figure we only know it. Two specimens were precured by this excellent and indefatigable natu- ralist on the coast of Madeira, the largest of which mea- sured nearly five feet, although its body is so thin that it has justly been compared to the Gymnetres. It isa ~truly formidable fish ; for so great was its ferocity that it attacked the men most furiously upon being drawn into the boat, so that they were obliged in self-defence to kill it by repeated blows. Its discovery is of the highest importance, not only asgiving us anew family type, but as leading to the genus Sudis of Rafinesque, which has also an adipose fin, and evinces an equally strong relation of analogy to the Sphyrenine in the next family. According to Mr. Lowe’s views, the nearest affinity of Alepisaurus is to Lepidotus and Trichiurus. (33.) It is in this family, and as its most aberrant type, that we have ventured to place the genus Fistu- laria, not, indeed, the incongruous assemblage of types now arranged under that name, but only the Fistularia tabaccaria of Block (pl. 387.), one of those singular types of the tubular-mouthed fish, scattered, like Mor- myrus, Gomphosis, Syngnathus, &c. in all the orders. There is no observable affinity that we can trace between Fistularia, even as now restricted, and Xiphius, or Alepisaurus; and yet the analogy it bears to Aulostoma is so strong, that hitherto they have even been placed in the same division. It must be remembered, however, that Aulostoma cannot be separated, in a natural series, from the Gasterostine, because it is connected to them by pn 2 36. CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. thesub-genus Spinachia, and seemsimmediately succeeded by Mastecemblis, so that the introduction of Fistularia among those genera would evidently interrupt and de- stroy the graduated chain thatnow exists. Asotherreasons will subsequently be given for thus breaking up the family Fistularide of M. Cuvier, we shall at once pass on to the fext family, leaving this point to be decided by future analysis. (34.) The Centronotide, or spine-backs, is a much more numerous, and consequently a more diversified group than the last: they are immediately distinguished from them, in all their typical examples, by having the first dorsal fin obsolete, it being represented only by a series of short detached spines, more or less distant, and placed before the true dorsal, which is undivided. There are but very few exceptions to this character*, which, added to the universally smaller size of the fishes them- selves, and the absence (excepting in one groupT) of de- tached finlets, similar to those of the tunny and mackerel, will serve as strong marks of distinction between the two families. They all possess, more or less, the natural characters of the Scomberide, that is to say, the scales are not much larger than the mackerel’s ; the pectoral fin is long and falcate, the body very silvery, and the caudal fin deeply forked or lunated. In both there is no instance in the typical groups of the pectoral or caudal fins being rounded: for the dory of Europe, and the genus Capros, are sub-genera of the most aberrant division of their own circle. Nearly all these fishes are inhabitants of warm seas. The only tvpical examples found with us are the scad mackerel of the sea, and the sticklebacks of our fresh waters. (35.) We may commence a rapid sketch of this fa- mily by first noticing the singular genus Mastecembilis, having an eel-shaped body and fins, but excessively * Caranx, Seriola, Sphyrena. + Corynemus Cuv., which may eventually prove to belong to the true Scomberid@ : some two or three species of Trachinus, also, have a few finlets. THE CENTRONOTID® AND ZEINZ. 37 compressed: its great singularity, however, consists in the snout being prolonged, as is that of the sword fish, considerably beyond the mouth, the tip being armed with cartilaginous prickles. There are only a few species of small size found in India. Notocanthus has been placed, we think with much propriety, close to these fishes, for both have long bodies, or rather tails, and the back armed with a number of detached prickles. These types evidently represent one of the sub-families, and we have therefore called them the NotocanTHINZ. (36.) The Zernz form the next, and a remarkably interesting group, eminently distinguished by the rhom- boidal, and often nearly orbicular, shape of their bodies, their very small mouth, and the falcate shape of their dorsal and ventrals, which gives them all the appearance of Chetodons divested of scales. These latter appendages, indeed, except in the genus Zeus, are so small as not to be perceived, and appear to be hid under a soft satin- like skin. Some of these fishes are as grotesque and singular in their shapes as their prototypes, the Scorpenide, but they have all one character —a deeply lunated tail, and generally long falcate pectorals; although very broad, they are sometimes so remarkably thin, that they are scarcely looked on as articles of. food. The major part were associated by the older writers with the true Zeus, and even M. Cuvier, although he has separated them into groups, still leaves the true dory and the Capros © with them. Both these genera, indeed, although not | typical, seem to be the most aberrant division of the whole, representing by their rough scales the gurnards, and the other Canthileptes, in this their own circle. This is manifested by the spiny processes on the back and head of Zeus, and the hard ciliated scales of Capros.* The minute spines before the dorsal fin are only appa- rent in Apolectus and Seridermis, the latter of which is remarkable, among other peculiarities, for the enlarge- * We have equal scruples on the situation of Styomateus, which we have removed to the Coryphenine, a situation which seems to be more natural than that given to them in the Reg. Animal. p 3 ' $8 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. ment of the scales which form the laterai line, more es- pecially towards the end of the tail, where, in some in- stances, they become analogous to those carinated plates so conspicuous in Caranz, and still more so in the Gasterostide or sticklebacks, a structure which beauti- fully illustrates the analogy of all these fishes to the gurnards. (37.) Leaving the Zeine by means of the genus Equula Cuv., and some other kindred forms, we enter among the true CenTRonoTiN@, or spine-backs, the dis- tinguishing character of which is seen in their lengthened fusiform body; totally different from that of the Zeine, both as to form and thickness. Nearly all are covered with conspicuous scales, and armed with short sharp spines, placed before their dorsal fin, either erect or point- ing forwards on their backs. It is here we place the genus Siganus of Forskill (Amphicanthus of Cuv.), on account of its possessing a recumbent spine, and from its close resemblance to Psenes, this last conducting us to the genus Seriola, which contains several sub-genera; as a whole, however, it is well distinguished, by having the dorsal spines so united as to form a second dorsal fin, perfectly separated from the hinder one. This group is beautifully connected to that of Centronotus (the type of the whole sub-family), by Nomeus, which unites most perfectly to Nauerates, aname given by Rafinesque to the celebrated pilot fish; and one of the very few of this author that has been adopted by Cuvier. Re- — garding these interesting fish, it will be seen, in the appendix, that two, if not three species, exist in the Mediterranean, unknown to Cuvier and Valenciennes. How far the fact is correct, of these fish being guides to the sharks, it is really difficult, if not impossible, to de- termine. It is contrary to all we know of nature, to suppose that the subsistence of one animal depends upon the guidance of another, or that every being is not endowed with those faculties necessary for its perception of danger, or for the procurance of its food; and yet several anecdotes, recorded by observing naturalists, very THE CENTRONOTINE. 39 much confirm the general belief, that the pilot-fish is sometimes a most useful friend to the shark. (38.) Nauecrates brings us immediately into the circle of the genus Centronotus, distinguished at once from that of Seriola, by having but a single dorsal fin ; the ante- rior prickles being very short, and without any connect- ing membrane: even in this generic group we find the minor divisions preserve their analogy to the great types of this order; thus in Scorpis, the fins are covered (as in the Chetodons) with minute scales, but those of Centronotus proper, are quite bare. Leaving these, our next genus is Elacate, where the body is still longer and narrower than in any of the preceding ; it is, in fact, eel-shaped, and shows its.affinity to Sphyrena, into which it passes, by having the lower jaw longest, the mouth wide, and the lateral line sinuated: under this we have assem- bled several remarkable sub-genera, possessing more or less the same characters, and representing the contents of the groups we have already gone through: the little Porthmeus, for instance, has the precise shaped. head of Elacate, and with the commencement of a second dorsal ; while, by its close resemblance, in other respects, to our Zonicthys, we are at once brought into the fifth and last division, namely, Trachinus. This group includes the horse mackarel, and all those of the same general form and structure, which, besides possessing two dorsal fins, have the lateral line armed with a series of large scales or plates, each terminated in a spine, so that the lateral line becomes mailed, and is indicated by a row of prickles pointing backwards: this is precisely analogous to what we see in the sticklebacks and the gurnards; and hence we conclude that the whole of these groups are analogous to each other. Trachinus is very numerous in species, particularly in the Indian seas; and the flesh of all we have met with is very fine. Of the five sub- genera, that of Caranz is chiefly found near the tropics; while several species of true T’rachinus (regarded as but one by Cuvier and Valenciennes) occur in the Medi- terranean and other European seas. We thus close the » D 4 40 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. circle of the Centronotine, and shall now look to its. analogies. Analogies of the ZE1nz and the CENTRONOTINZ fo the sub-families of the Zerwz. Genera of the Sub-families of Genera of the Centronotine. Analogies. the Zeide. Zeine. Centronotus. Dorsal fin single. CENTRONOTINE. Lampris. Sertola. Dorsal fin double. ZEINE. Platysomus. Siganus. Mouth very small. NoTocaNTHINZE. Equula. Trachinus. Lateral scales rough. GASTEROSTINE. Zeus. Elacate. Dorsal single, very long. SPHYRENINE. Apolectus. (39.) We regret that our space will not permit us to dilate upon any other of those numerousrelations between these groups than those we have touched upon ; and still more, that we can only indicate, with the same brevity, the mutual relations between the sub-genera of one and the other, when thus arranged. Analogies of the sub-genera of SrR10LA, CENTRONOTUS, and EvacatTE. Sub-genera of Sub-generaof Sub-genera cf Asalocs Seriola. TACO SPES.- Centronotus. —_Elacate. Sertola Cuv. Dorsal fin entirely naked, Centronotus. Elacate. Dorsal fin, with minute : 5 Tennodon Cv, Zoalea at the bake. i Scorpis. Chironemus. “ Anterior dorsal fin nearly Nomeus. f obsolete: body banded. i Naucrates. Porthmeus. , Under jawlongest; mouth . sub-vertical: lateral “55 Platylepis. ; line with the scales Lichia. Tetragonurus. large. : Psenes. F ae é kei pears Trachinotus. | Meladerma. Perfect as are the relations of the first and second columns, the third, or the sub-genera of E/acate, requires another set of analogies to render them complete: we have merely introduced them, in fact, that the ichthyolo- gist may see how beautifully Momeus, Naucrates, and Porthmeus represent each other. Tetragonurus also, which has been strangely located by our predecessors, SPHYRENINE. 4} - is clearly no other than the mailed or cheloniform type of Elacate, and is consequently the most aberrant of the genus. (40.) Having now treated, in as much detail as our space will admit, on the two typical families of Micro- LEPTES, we must be even more brief with the three that are aberrant; namely, the Coryphenide, the Centris- cide, and the Echeneide. The first, indeed, is rich in the number and variety of its forms; but the two last are represented only by single genera. Having worked out all the divisions of the Coryphenide, and detailed them very fully in our systematic arrangement, the im- possibility of giving further details, in this place, is the less to be regretted. The truth is, that it is utterly im- possible, in two small volumes, to do the least justice to ail the groups of ichthyology, since this would absolutely require a double extension of the work. Thus strait- ened, we have preferred enlarging upon a few groups; and leaving the others to be worked out, from the indi- cations here given, by the reader ; being quite assured of this —that he can come to no other conclusion, in the main, than we have arrived at. (41.) The last sub-family of the Zeide is that of the Sphyrenine, of which the well known Esox Sphyrena of Linneus is the type. Its close affinity to Elacate has already been mentioned ; and its resemblance to a pike is so strong, that Linnean writers actually placed it in the same genus. Both affinity and analogy thus conspire to sanction us in the situation we have here assigned to the genus Sphyrena; it is also obviously connected to Atherina by a new genus, hereafter defined, where we have a fish actually uniting in itself the cha- racters of both these genera. If any further evidence was necessary on this point, we shall find it in the remark- able uniformity with which the great circles of the Scomberide and the Zeide represent each other, thus : — 42 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. W Analogies of the Ze1pz and the ScomBERIDz. Sub-families of ' Sub-families of the the ScoMBERIDA. Analogies. ZEIDE. SCOMBERINZE. Dorsal fins distinct. CENTRONOTINE. THYMNINE. Dorsal fins united. ZEINE. Body long, sub-anguilliform, cylindrical ; mouth and teeth 2 ALEPISAURINE. large; eee jaw longest and SPHYRRNINE. . pointed. Back armed with many naked FISTULARINE. spines before the dorsal fin ; $ GasTEROSTINE. snout sometimes lengthened. f Lower jaw short, the upper pro- longed and pointed. i NOTOocANTHINE. XIPHINE. These analogies are so conclusive, that we apprehend they need no amplification. (42.) The exposition of the three last or aberrant families, which we had written out for so many chap- ters, must now be curtailed to as many paragraphs. The Corypu#nip4, or the true dolphins, represent the Gymnetres, or riband-fish, to which they also open a passage from the Scomberide; to the latter they seem connected by Alepisaurus in one, and Trichiurus in the other: then follow, as sub-families, the Coryphenine, Stromatine, Astrodermine, and the Acanthurine. These latter are a most charming and highly elegant group, representing the file-fishes (Balistide) and the scares (Scaring) in a manner truly surprising: it is rich in species, and we have therefore been able to work out, and to characterise for the first time, nearly all the sub- genera. Only two or three, out of the whole of this family, have been found in the British seas; the most familiar example being that of the sandlance (Ammo- dytes ). (43.) The family of Cenrriscip is represented only by the genus Centriscus of Linneus. The whole struc- ture, external as well as internal, of this singular group THE CENTRISCINA AND ECHENEIDZ. 43 shows that it has nothing more in common with Fistu- laria than it has with Gomphosis, Mormyrus, and other long-snouted types; all of which are only represent- ations, in fact, of the Syngnathide: the hard scales of one type (C. scolopaz, fig. 6. a) show its analogy to the gurnards and to Capros, while the plates on the other, Amphisile scutatus Kl. (fig. 6. b), are exactly analogous to those of the loricated Siluride. : (44.) The Eceneip#, or remora-fish, we place at the end of this tribe, as representatives of the Cyclop- terid@, or suckers, without any fear of violating the order of nature. In all but their singular apparatus for adhesion, they exhibit the unequivocal characters of this tribe, particularly in their hard and almost cartilaginous pectoral and caudal fins: in the structure of the mouth, and some other curious particulars, they evince a rela- tionship to Sphryena; but, like the last group, they stand more isolated, in this and in all other systems, than any of the existing forms in the entire class. (45.) We shall now assemble, and exhibit in one view, the chief groups in each of the five great divisions of the tribe to which this chapter has been devoted ; and then, — having already said sufficient to enable the philosophic ichthyologist to apply our remarks to each and all,— we must leave their further exposition to those who may derive pleasure in following out our theory. 44 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. ppd of the different Groups in the Tribe of MIcROLEPTES. Faniiice ofthe Oriersar Sub-families Sub-families Sub-families MECROLEETES- a7SEES Soares ape Convene ScoMBERIDZ. Matacop. - Scomberine. Centronotine. Coryphenine ZEW. ACANTHOP. Thymnine. Zeine. Stromatine. ECcHENEID. APODES. Xiphine. Notocanthine. Astrodermine, CENTRISCIDE. PLECTOGNATHES. Fistularine. Gasterostina. Acanthurine. CoRYPHZENIDS. CaRTILAGINES. Alepisaurine. Sphyrening. Trichiurine. SAL ee ol CHAP. IV ON THE GYMNETRES, OR RIBAND-FISH. (46.) Tue tribe of Gymnerres, or riband fish, al- though vastly inferior, in point of number, to either of the more typical divisions, is yet one of the greatest interest, since it contains the most singular and extra- ordinary fishes in creation. In the genera of the Coryphenide, from which they insensibly pass, we were in a great measure prepared to see these singular cha- racters in their full development before us. The form of the body, when compared to fishes better known, is more like that of the eel, the length being in the same proportion to the breadth; but then it is generally so much compressed, that these creatures have acquired the popular names of riband-fish, lath or deal fish, &c. The body, indeed, is often not thicker, except in its middle, than that of a sword ; and, being covered with the richest silver, and of great length, the undulating motion of these fishes in the sea must be resplendent and beautiful beyond measure. But these and all the wonders of the mighty deep, are almost hidden from the eye of man. These meteoric fishes appear to live THE TRIBE OF GYMNETRES. 45 in the greatest depths, and it is only at long intervals, or after a succession of tempests, that a solitary indi- vidual is cast up on the shore, with its delicate body torn and mutilated by the element or by the rocks. Such may be truly said of nearly all the genera con- tained in this tribe, the only exceptions being those of Cepola (fig. 7.) and Ophidium, which have a more compact and robust organisation, and habitually frequent the same moderate depths as the generality of edible fish. (47.) The Mediterranean Sea has hitherto produced by far the largest proportion of the riband-fish, and our discovery of some highly interesting forms so far back as in1814 and1815, but still unknown to ichthyologists, will not only show the excessive rarity of this tribe, but will evince how very little we yet know of the pelagic families, even in shores so often explored as those of the Mediterranean. The wide distribution of this group, which extends from the Arctic regions to the sunny shores of India, gives us every reason to suppose that they must be more numerous in inter- tropical latitudes than even in the Mediterranean, so that, much as we shall now augment the number upon record, we believe that not one tithe have yet been discovered. Upon the British coast, indeed, there has been, at remote intervals, two or three individuals cast 46 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. up; but in so mutilated a condition that to this day they are most imperfectly known. We allude to the Gymnetrus Hawkensii, figured by Bloch, and to slight notices of one, if not of two other and different species upon record. Those which are more strongly constructed, — form the aberrant groups; and of these, among the rarest of our fishes, are the Cepola and the Ophidium ; although both genera are common in the Mediterranean. (48.) The annexed outline of the Xiphicthis Russellii Sw., or the blade-fish of India, will give the reader a better PTERACLIDE. ventral very small. nd of the tail armed with short spines. ee Caudal fin generally wanting ; TRACHIURINE. f the tail pointed. at OPHIDONIDE. ACANTHURINE. a i STYLEPHORIDE. To any ichthyologists acquainted with the forms now brought under comparison, it would be altogether super- fluous to attempt any additional illustration in support of four out of the five of these analogies, for nothing in_ nature can possibly be more striking. The very fact of our being able to render the analogical characters so definite, is, perhaps, the best proof that the two groups are natural, for no author has ever had the idea that these resemblances were relations of affinity. The re- lation, however, between Stylephorus and Acanthurus is not so striking: but then it must be remembered that the first is only composed of one species ; so that, in fact, we are completely ignorant of what other forms the fa- mily might, or do, contain. Certain it is, however, that these two have the smallest mouths in their respective circles; and jghat the end of their tail is armed with spines, although placed in a,different position, and of different forms. Besides, as all the others agree. so completely in possessing absolute characters in common, hyper-criticism may be spared on this point. If other- wise, and theanalogy between Stylephorus and Acanthurus be denied, we shall fall back upon our affinities, and then refer the objector to the Régne Animal, where he will find Stylephorus arranged, without the least expres- sion of doubt, among the riband fish. But let us examine VOL. Il. E 50 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. this question a little closer ; the determination of three new types in the Gymnetrid@, now for the first time characterised, completes that group as a perfect circle ; inasmuch as its turns out, on further investigation, to contain representations not only of the primary divi- sions of the Gymnetres, but also of the Coryphenide. Let us therefore examine the analogies of The GYMNETRID&, the GYMNETRES, and the CorvPHz- NID. Families Sub-families ecuerargl the Analogical Characters. of the of the : y : GYMNETRES. CORYPHINIDZ. Typical of their re- spective circles. Caudal fin more or Xiphichthes Nob. wooo EN Te inf Tete Coen Gymnetrus Bl. t Gymnetride. Stromatine. tral fin longer than the pectoral. Ventrals entirely Nemotherus Raf. ; Reus. tal Ophidoniae, Trachiurine. smooth. Tail armed _ with Gymnogaster Brun. spines ; ventral Siylephoride. Acanthurine none. Ventral fins very Lophotes Giorn. small; forehead ¢Prerachdae. Astroderming. elevated. } We have seen how prevalent is the spiny armature of the tail in all types representing the order Plectognathes. Yet with all this, we could hardly have expected to have found it in a group of such delicate fishes, and so unlike all others, as are the Gymnetres. Nevertheless, the re- cent light that has been cast on the Gymnogaster of Brunnich, or the deal-fish of Mr. Yarrell, has established this fact on the most conclusive evidence ; so that by comparing this type with Sty/ephorus, through the Acan- thuride, we can no longer doubt of the true course of the two circles of the Gymnetres and the Gymnetride. (50 a.) M. Cuvier has placed the genus Cepola along with that of Lophotes. Now, notwithstanding the very different structure and shape of the two forms, there ANALOGIES OF THE GYMNETRES. 51 seems, nevertheless, some slight resemblance between them ; though few, we apprehend, will join in the belief of their actual affinity. It appears, however, that, on comparing our distribution of the Gymnetride and the Trachypteride, we find that between the genera yet discovered of the first there is, in fact, a series of analo- gies to those of the second ; a circumstance, we confess, we should not ‘hhave discovered, but from a desire of ascertaining the precise situation of Cepola, which so beautifully connects the typical riband fish with the more robust Ophidians. We may look, therefore, to the analogies of the two families as pretty certain. The GYMNETRIDZ and the TRAcCHYPTERID#. Genera of the Genera of the GYMNETRIDE. Analogies. TRACHYPTERIDE. Gymnetrus Bi. cour or its rudiment hori A Argicthius Raf. Xiphicthes Sw. aAseee as HNO ES Os NESE LATS Sit Trachypterus Gou. Caudal fins perfect, horizontal : Nemotherus Raf. § connecting the two groups. f Cephalepes Rat. Gymnogaster Brun... ey * * * © Snout short ; mouth cleft ob- Lophotes Gio liquely * :” ventral fins perfect. t Cepola Linn, The imperfection of this table, in the omission of the type which should represent Gymnogaster, is not to be wondered at: so little attention, in fact, has been be- stowed upon this most interesting tribe, and they are so difficult to be determined, even in a fresh state, that not one half of the genera or species were known even to M. Cuvier +, who, not having seen them, almost dis- * Cuvier. + In 2 note appended to the genus Gymnetrus, M. Cuvier, after quoting numerous authors who have alluded to or described the different forms of the Gymmetes, concludes by observing, ‘‘ All these fishes hardly differ in species, and not in the least as to genus.” —Gr7f Cuv. pl. 210. This hasty opinion, however, has, in part, been retracted by his subsequently adopting one genus (Tyrachypterus), which he appears to have seen. Caution and scepticism, in regarding the writings of others, may thus be carried beyond all reasonable hounds, more particularly when not sanctioned by actual knowledge of what we reject. In the present case we believe that not one tenth of these fishes have yet been discovered. We have adopted all the species of Rafinesque, for some, indeed, were actually communicated to him by us in 1815, E2 52 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. believed in their existence! We doubt not, however, the type in question will some day be discovered, and in the mean time, as the relation between Cepola and Lophotes is given in Cuvier’s own words, it will be received with that confidence and authority which ours may not. But we must now pass to another tribe. CHAP. Ve ON THE CANTHILEPTES, OR SPINE-CHEEKED TRIBE. (51.) Tue fourth tribe of the spiniferous order, whigh we propose to distinguish by the name of CANTHILEPTEs, from their prickly scales, corresponds in a great measure to that denominated Joues Cuirassées, by M. Cuvier. We seldom, if ever, wish to alter the names of large groups, but in the present order, where the primary divisions are so well characterised by the nature of their scales, it appears desirable to name the present group from that character most typical of itself, and of the numerous representations in this class. The Canthileptes, in fact, are the mailed fishes of the spiniferous order, just as the Balistes are among the semicartilaginous, and’ the Siluride in the soft-rayed order. We have already adverted to these analogies, no less remarkable than harmonious ; and we shall, therefore, at once take a general survey of the principal groups under which the whole appear to be naturally arranged: we may pre- mise, however, that we exclude from these “ mailed cheeks,” of M. Cuvier, the Gasterostri, or sticklebacks, which are evidently the representations only of this tribe among the Microleptes. The structure, again, of Trichodon, placesit, as we conceive, in a natural arrange- ment with the Scorpenide rather than with the perches. The affinity of Uranoscopus and Trachinus to Cottus and Batrachus, &c., has been so universally believed THE TRIGLIDA OR GURNARDS. 53 and insisted upon by the first ichthyologists, that we feel no hesitation in restoring them to their station in the series: these and a few other alterations will, as we believe, render the Canthileptes one of the most natural groups in ichthyology. If we had any material doubts, they would be directed to the singular genus Ryncthytys, an obvious representation of Xiphias: some such form seems necessary to connect Lepidoleprus with Peristedion, two genera which, in all their essential characters, obvi- ously belong to this tribe. (52.) The leading divisions of the Canthileptes, as here arranged, are as follows: —1. The Triglide or gurnards, having the body entirely covered by small prickly scales, very compactly arranged, and generally accompanied by rows of spines, placed along the lateral line. 2. The Scorpenide, or spine heads, having much of the general aspect of the gurnards, but with the body much thicker, and unarmed with pointed scales. In both these, the head is defended by bony plates, ending in numerous spines and sharp prickles; while the pectoral fins, always large, are often enormously deve- loped ; these fins, likewise, are often accompanied by certain finger-like processes at their base, which are not connected by any membrane, and seem to be merely a prolongation of the lower rays of the pectorals, un- usually developed. These processes disappear in the three aberrant divisions, represented by the Cottide or bull- heads, where the ventrals are imperfect, and but of few rays, the Agonide, or mailed fish hitherto included with the last, and the Lepidolepres, or sword gurnards, | having the snout lengthened, the body eel-shaped, and the scales almost mailed, as in the Triglide. (53.) The Trieiip2, or gurnards, are well known inhabitants of temperate seas ; and those found upon our own coasts have been recently so well illustrated, that little of a popular nature need here be said upon them. Scientifically, they may be considered as composed of five genera, differing from all others of this tribe * by * Except the Agonida just mentioned. E 3 54 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. ~ being covered with close-set, compact, spinous scales, or large plates, by which the body becomes nearly as much mailed as in the file fish (Balistide), and the mailed silures — (Loricanine}. Of three of these genera, which are aberrant, hardly more than one species is at present known ; but in the two others there are several sub-genera, more especially in that of T’vrigla, composed of the true gurnards, where, from the number of species now de- termined, all the sub-genera, would seem to exist. Hay- ing paid particular attention to this group, which abounds in the Mediterranean, we shall now give the result of their analysis. (54.) The genus Trigla is composed only of those gurnards which have the lower rays of the pectoral fins assuming the form of detached finger-like pre- esses, unconnected by a membrane, and furnished with a slightly lunated caudal fin. This latter character, indeed, has been so little regarded in ichthyological groups, that the form of the caudal is often not even noticed by our best authors. Its great importance, however, has been already shown, and in the present case its value becomes apparent, because it is the only de- cisive distinction between the typical gurnards and the Scorpenide : two groups, abundantly different, indeed, but which have several characters in common ; both, in fact, give us examples of very large pectorals and naked processes ; but the caudal fin of the Scorpenide is always rounded and the body more or less naked. Restricting, therefore, the genus Trigla by these characters, we may trace a gradual progression in the developement of the pectoral fin, which, in the tribe before us, is of great importance. The nearest approach to Rynchytys is seen in the subgenus Peristedion, where the naked pro- cesses are only two, and the snout is so greatly developed, that the lower jaw is nearly as much beneath it as in Rynchytys. That several forms must intervene between these two cannot, indeed, be doubted ; and, so long as this interval exists, we may even suspect that this rela- tion is merely analogical ; but that question, however im- THE TRIGLIDZ OR GURNARDS. 55 portant, has little to do with our present purpose, which is merely to trace the internal relations of the T'riglide as manifested among the genera. Peristedion is known by its lengthened shape and its cuirassed scales, which form several rows of spines on each side of the body ; and it has, like the sturgeons, soft cirri or beards on the lower jaw, characters altogether peculiar to this form: the pectoral fins are moderate and rather longer than the ventrals. Then comes the restricted sub-genus, Prionotus, where the pectoral fins are greatly increased, so that they reach their highest developement in this group, although not in the next. We separate, under the sub-generic name of Ornichthys those American gurnards that have the caudal fin rounded, in opposition to Prionotus, which is truncate or lunate, as in all the other divisions : this new group may possibly form the passage between Prionotus and Dactylophorus, but we place Ornichthys within the confines of the T'riglide, that the regular series of the digitated gurnards should not be broken. The union of Prionotus, as now restricted, with Ornichthys, is eftected so completely by our well known 7. Lyra, or piper- gurnard, that the presence of dorsal spines alone pre- vents this fish from being classed as a Prionotus. (55.) The genus Dactylophorus is more especially composed of the flyimg gurnards, so called from the faculty they are stated to possess of sustaining themselves in the air for a short time, something like the flying fish ; but we must confess never to have once witnessed this sight during near nine years spent on the various coasts of the Mediterranean, where, as authors say, these flying fish may be seen “in profusion.” The immense size of their pectorals certainly appear to justify this alleged habit, for they far exceed those of the gurnards. The variations yet known are very few, so that we are only acquainted, at present, with two of the types. (56.) The little fish forming the genus Cephalocanthus ( fig. 10.) has the rounded caudal of Ornichthys, and the short obtuse head of Dactylophorus. Of the remaining genera of the Triglidg, mostly represented by single E 4 56 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. examples, nothing can be said beyond that they are all clothed with very hard scales, and that they appear analogical representations of the families composing this tribe. Trachichtys, indeed, may eventually prove to be related to Monocentris by affinity rather than by ana-— logy. It may be placed, however, in the present divi- sion, as the only aberrant form where the lateral line is armed with spinous plates analogous to Caranz, but we believe it is truly connected to Holocentrum. 57.) The Scorpenide, or spine-heads, like the gur- nards, have the head covered with spines, but their bodies are generally destitute of those rasp-like or prickly scales possessed by the Triglide. They are certainly, with the exception of the Chironectide, the most ugly and repulsive fishes in existence, many of them, like those of the genus Pelor (fig. 11.), but more especially the Synanchine, or toad-fish, appear more like fanciful monsters of the artist’s imagination than crea- tures having a real existence. Independent of the head being often enormously large, it is always armed with THE SCORPENIDZ OR SPINE-HEADS. 57 formidable spines of different sizes, and placed in various directions ; so that their appearance is not only repulsive, and even horrid, but their handling becomes dangerous. Their most prominent distinctions, however, from the Triglide, seems not to have been perceived by M. Cuvier: these, according to our analysis, appear to consist in the ventral fins being always placed considerably behind the anterior part of the very broad base of the pectorals ; so that, in fact, the genus Tvichodon is but a modifi- cation of this structure, and naturally brings it within the present division. All these fishes are peculiar to the tropical seas of India ; none of them are very large, nor are they sought after as articles of food. The species are much more numerous than those of the T'riglide, ‘and consequently present a greater diversity of forms. We arrange the whole under the following genera : — 1. Platycephalus, distinguished by its lengthened shape, enormous eyes, and remarkably broad head. 2. Scor- pena, having the body thick, the mouth opening as in ordinary fishes, and the pectoral fins, which are always large, often furnished with one or two detached rays, as in the gurnards. 3. Synachia, where the eyes and the opening of the mouth are vertical, and the dorsal fin single. 4. Blepsias, having high and large dorsals, which extend the whole length of the back, small and im- perfect ventrals, and cirri round the mouth. And lastly, Agriopus, having the mouth very small, and the high dorsals of Blepsias, but with the body covered with a hard tuberculated skin. (58.) The chain of affinities by which all these groups are connected is particularly interesting: some of these we shall presently notice. Let us first, however, draw up the following table, as explanatory of the analogies be- tween the typical genera of the two families. 58 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. Analogies of the Tricxinz and the ScorP#NIDE. — TRIGLIDE. Analogical Characters. ScoRPENIDE. 5 Ventral fins generally placed Trigia. ; under the pectoral: detached ¢ Scorpena. processes. Ventral fins behind the pecto- Dactylophorus. ral; pectoral fins very large, ¢ Synanchia. without detached processes. : Body slender, lengthened: the Oplickthus. ee eee aa } Platycevhalus . Body mailed with plates or tu- - Trachichtys.2 3 VF tes. tS ee } agriopus. 2 Rhyncthitys. Dorsal fin very long. Biepsias. It is impossible to doubt that the three first groups in each family are mutual representations ; but, as there is — only one species of the last, that is, of Rhyncthitys and Blepsias, so their analogy, from being obscure, can only be rendered equally strong with the others by being traced through the medium of other groups. Blepsias, in fact, by its imperfect ventrals, is a Cottus among the Scorpenide, and leads immediately to that family ; while Rhyncthitys as perfectly represents the Lepidole- pride. If the student, then, wishes to work out these two analogies, he has only to compare the circles of the Triglide and Scorpenide with that of the whole tribe, and he will find the same results from our arrangement of their respective affinities. (59.) There is, nevertheless, so much of deep scientific interest attached to this group, in reference to the station we have assigned to the Syngnathide, that limited as is our remaining space, we cannot omit the results of our analysis of the Scorpenide, particularly as they will be found to strengthen, in a remarkable manner, all that has been advanced regarding the Tri- glide, or gurnards. The genera, indeed, which we now arrange under the general family name of Scorpenide, are, in truth, the most typical of the whole tribe, just as the Chironectide are of the order Plectognathes. To dilate upon the extraordinary resemblance in their ge- neral external appearance and anatomy, which these two groups possess, would be quite superfluous; for, were their skeleton and branchial apertures the same, they would then be placed close to each other. The Triglide, ANALOGIES OF THE SCORPHNIDZ. 59 in like maner, with their small mouths. and prickly bodies, equally typify the Balistide. The ichthyolo- gist, however, understanding these relations, can easily pursue the analysis of the others. (60.) The two typical divisions of the Scorpenide are so numerous and remarkable in the forms they con- tain, that we are compelled to view them as sub-families rather than as genera. We shall therefore call them the Scorpenine, or spine hsads, and the Synanchine, or toad-fish ; for by this latter name we shall not only de- signate their direct analogy to the true amphibians, but convey some faint idea of their disgusting and hideous ugliness. The power of leaping from the water, which so many of the Tiglide and some of the Scorpenine possess, is another and a most remarkable point of analogy they bear to the frogs, while the warty fungous- _like skin, and hideous shape, of the Synanchine, devoid, as they are, of leaping like the gurnards, render them no less strikingly analogous to the toads. ‘Thus we have another verification of our views regarding the station of the entire order, which corresponds to that of the am- phibians in the vertebrated circle, and to the order Plectognathes in that of fishes ; but we must leave these distant analogies, and look to those more immediate, (61.) The Scorpenine, or spine heads, are so named because the greater part were comprised by Linneus under this name ; but the genus Scorpena, as restricted by modern ichthyologists, has unluckily been given to a group which is not typical of the whcle. They are at once distinguished from the Synanchine, or toad fish, by the mouth opening horizontally, as in the generality of fishes, and the eyes being situated in the middle of the sides of the head ; whereas, in the latter, the mouth opens almost vertically, and the eyes are close together, and inserted nearly on the crown. ‘The first are generally furnished with scales on their bodies, but the latter have none. ‘These distinctions are obvious to every one, and save us a world of circumlocution and anatomical de- tails, The Scorpenine, thus characterised, are again resolvable into five groups, or genera: 1. Apistes, 2. es, 60 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. Pierois, 3. Tenionotus, 4. Sebastes, and 5. Scorpena, the latter being united to Apistes, by such fish as the Apistes marmorata of Cuv. The union of the two ex- tremities of this series is absolutely so perfect, that it is ‘only by attending to the most refined characters, we can determine where one ends, and the other begins. (62.) The genus Trichodon (fig. 12.), or that of Sebastes, is one of the types of this series: both are SCG _AM_ — distinguished from all the Mucrolepes by its pec- toral fins; and this gives us an opportunity of stating , another peculiarity of the entire family, we had almost omitted, in the multiplicity of others, to mention. In the whole of the Scorpenide, the pectoral fins are ex- cessively broad at their base ; and, at their inferior part, make a considerable advance towards the throat. By this singular formation, unknown in any cther tribe, except the typical Plectognathes or Chironectide, the ventrals are thrown backward, so that they are almost invariably placed behind the pectorals. Something of the same character is also continued onward to-the next tribe of the blennies ; but then the situation of the ventrals is reversed, and they are considerably in advance of the pectorals: this and other essential differences renders Uranoscopus and Trachurus merely analogical to Tem- nodon, and was doubtless the chief reason of Cuvier’s excluding them from our present group. (63.) Referring the ichthyologist to the series of affinity, as detailed in their specific characters, by which the genera Apistes, Pterois, Tenianotus, Trichodon, and Scorpena are mutually connected, and thus demonstrated to be a perfect circular group, we shall now show its analogical relations to the other divisions of the family, and to those of the Triglide. THE CIRCLE OF THE SCORPZENINE. 61 Analogies of the Sub-family Scorrzninz. Genera of the Types of the Types of the Analogiese SCORPENINE. SCORPENIDE, TRIGLIDE. . Pectoral fins large, with is Apistes. § Mantached voeanees: i ScorPmNA. Trigla. Pectorals excessively Pierois. 5 large, but without ae SYNANCHIA, Dactylophorus, tached processes. Tenianotus. Dorsal fin very long. BLEPSIAS. Rhyncthitys. Mouth vertical; body Sebastes. + ; mailed with plates or ¢ AGRIOPUs. ? Trachicthys. tubercles. Scorpena. Head very large. PLATYCEPHALUS. Oplicthys. We have not space to enlarge upon this table ; replete as it is with innumerable relations to all the others contained in this volume ; but we beg the reader’s at- tention to another no less curious, by which it will be seen that the Scorpenine and the Synachine equally represent each other in their details, as well as inti- mately corresponding with the two other columns just enumerated. Analogies of the ScorPHNINE and the SYNANCHINA. Genera of the Genera of the Analogies. SCORPRNINE. SYNANCHINAE. Dorsal fins united, or but slight- Apistes. 5 divided ; pectoral fins mode-¢ Syanchia P rate. Pectoral fins excessively large: Pterois. dorsal rays greatly length ¢ Petr. ened. Dorsal fin extending the whole Tenianotus. ) length of the back ; eyes very ¢ Brose Sw. large. Dorsal fins two, equal, almost { . : Sebastes. united; mouth v erbiGall ; Trichovhasia Sw. Mouth opening obliquely ; mee spe Scorpena. witht 2 Hemitripte us. With such resemblances as these, so definite as almost to assume the precision of generic characters, it would, in fact, be absolutely impossible to tell which was a Scorpena and which a Synanchia, were not these two series permanently distinguished ; the one having the . bedy covered with scales, and the mouth horizontal, 62 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, while in the other the body is naked, and the mouth vertical: these characters, however, are softened down and interchanged in the aberrant examples, so that at these points the two groups may be said to blend into each other in so perfect a manner, that but for our seeing, in Apistes and Synanchia, Pterois and Pelor, what were the true types of each column, we should be in no small danger of confounding one with the other. (64.) But that the important question should be determined, whether or not the theory of representation, and all our other propositions, can be demonstrated as . clearly in ichthyology as they have been in ornithology, we shall now attempt to proceed a step further. In reference to this and the last tribe of spiniferous fishes, we have gone on to analyse one group after another, | (each smaller and more limited than that which pre- ceded it), until, at last, we have come to the genera. Fortunately, however, in this, as in the Zeide, we can advance into the sub-genera ; and, that we may not be supposed to be influenced by a natural prejudice in favour of our own views, we will take one of the genera of M. Cuvier, a group which he has himself determined to possess so many characters in common, as to deserve the name of a genus. This group is his Apistes; we shall take it, therefore, as his own, and by the help of his own admirable descriptions, his no less instructive figures, and our own personal knowledge of the species, we shall endeavour to bring this vital question to a final issue, — at least, in this class.. (65.) Apisres, then, according to Cuvier, is a group of small-sized fishes, either naked, or with small scales, possessing much diversity in general shape, but all having the head more or less covered with spines, and particularly armed with two, one on the suborbital, and another on the preopercule. The head is not crested, as in the Scorpena ; and the pectoral rays, instead of being simple, are always branched. ‘These are very plain and tangible characters; and we are now to determine, whether, among these fishes confined by our author to DETAILED ANALOGY OF APISTES. 63 a single genus, there are not representations of all the families, and other circular groups in this and the other tribes of the class Pisces. For this purpose, we have here placed some of the species of our learned author’s Apistes opposite to the primary groups in which we have distributed the family: these types we propose to distinguish as sub-genera. Analogies of APISTES and SCORPENA. Types as pile Sub-genera of ve 5 Divisions of the Apistes. a ai BY, Analogies. ScoRPENIDE. Typical; pectoral fins 3 moderate ; scales very Apistes Cuv. A. monodactylus. Sal) ays none ; head APISTES Cuv. very spiny. Pectoral fins consi- Pierycthys Sw. A. alatus. derably lengthened ;{ Prono Cuv. d scales distinct. > Dorsal fin very high Platypterus Sw A. tenianotus. ee TENIANOTUS Cuv. length of the back. Mouth — sub-vertical ; ‘ E = dorsal fins two, the Trichosoma Sw. A. trichonoides. first short, the second SEBASTES Cuv. long and narrow. Dorsal fin emarginated Gymnapisies Sw. C, marmoratus. ; beyond the middle ;¢ Sconrsxs Lin. body naked. (66.) If any thing further were necessary to illus- trate these most extraordinary coincidences, it would be the testimony of M. Cuvier himself; this testimony, as collateral evidence, may be called conclusive ; because it is not given in support of any particular theory, but merely from his own perception of the resemblances which his species bear to other genera, and in con- formity with which he gives each of them a specific name expressive of those resemblances. Now, it will be remembered, that the divisions of the Scorpene cor- respond to those in which we have divided the whole of this tribe. That this symbolical relationship should be brought before the reader at a single glance, we shall now place all these groups, and several others equaily analogous, in one table. 64 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. Analogies of the Sub-genera of ApistTxs. Subgenera of Genera ofthe Families of the Tribes of Families of the Apistes. Scorpenide. Canthileptes. Acanthopteryges. Piectognathes. TYPICAL. Apistes. Apistes. Triglide. MacROLEepres. BALISTIDE. Ptericthys. Péerozs. Scorpenide, MIcROLEPTES. CHIRONECTIDZ. ABERRANT. Platypterus. Tentanotus. Lepidolepride. GYMNETRES. LoPHIDz. Trichosoma. Sebasies, Agonide. CANTHILEPTES. SYNGNATHIDE. Gymnapistes. Scorpena. Cottide. BLENNIDES. POLYPTERIDE. ? (67.) The breadth of the page not admitting of the analogical characters being inserted in our usual manner, we shall glance at a few of the most remarkable, passing over several others, which may be elicited by the expe- rienced ichthyologist. Beginning with the entire genus Apistes, at the head of the second column, we observe how perfectly the types represent those of the T'riglide by haying detached processes before the pectoral fins, while the T’riglide, being the most scaly of the Canthi- leptes, correspond to the Macroleptes and the Balistide, both of which, in their own circles, have the strongest and the most regular scales. Ptericthys, Pterois, Pelor (among the Scorpenide), with the Scomberide, and Zeide (among the Microleptes), all agree with the Chironectide in the great developement of their pectoral fins. The next set of groups are all remarkable for their obtuse muzzle ; whether that muzzle be depressed or compressed, and almost universally by their long and very high dorsal fin. The hardest-scaled and most completely mailed fishes are found in the next series, while those having the ventral fins small, or imperfect, or totally wanting, are in the concluding line. ‘True it is, that the genus Scorpena has not this character ; but what says M. Cuvier, in his very first sentence on these fishes? ‘‘ Les Scorpénes ressemblent beaucoup aux Cottes.” And who can deny this? If indeed they resembled them in their ventral fins as well as in all other things, they would merge into the same group ! IMPORTANCE OF ANALOGY. 65 (68.) But our volume is intended, not merely for the » scientific naturalist, but also for those who are merely attached to the contemplation of nature in the abstract ; and who desire to have some of these singular analogies brought before them, that they may judge themselves how far their own unscientific eyes can see these symbolical relationships of which we are continually speaking. The contours of fish have a greater air of individuality, perhaps, than those of the more perfect vertebrated animals; and we shall, therefore, now give to the analogies of the sub-genera of Apistes a form and substance which will speak more to the uninstructed, yet intelligent, reader, than all the scientific details we have gone into by words. On one side of the following pages, are given, in faithful outline, representations of the five sub-genera of Apistes, opposite to which is a characteristic figure of the genera, or higher divisions of the Scorpene, which they represent. On the left hand side are the typical examples of the five sub-genera, or minor divisions, we have made out of Cuvier’s genus Apistes; namely, Plericthys (13.), with its long pectorals and cerrated mouth, re- presenting in all these particulars the genus Machro- chirus, or Pterois, at fig. 17. of the opposite page ; next comes the typical example of Apistes proper, which is but another instance of the same form at Jig. 18. ; following these, we see, on the left, the sub- genus Plaiypterus, at fig.15., having the very broad dorsal fins and the short obtuse head of Tenianotus (fig. 19.), both of which are exact analogies of the dolphins to the riband-fish (fig. 9.); last of all comes Trichosoma, at fig. 16., representing Sebastes ( fig. 20.), as well as Trichodon (fig. 12.). We regret that the size of our page would not admit the introduc- tion also of the fifth types in each, viz. Gymna- pistes and Scorpena; but every ichthyolcgist knows that these two are so perfectly like each other, that they are only separated by those one or two characters which prevent APisTEs, as a whole, from being united with Scorpena. VOL. II. F Dy nD CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. RENT (OL A = tr S=, 2 — CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. EOS i: viial Aa Yi 67 68 CLASSIFICATION OF. FISHES. (69.) And now are we to rest here? Can such a system be the work of human inyention? If so, those who believe it is, are unwittingly doing us far higher honour than was ever yet bestowed upon the greatest naturalists that ever lived, — or such a system had never been left for us to invent. But no; let the glory be His, to whom it belongs. Other branches of human knowledge exalt the creature, because they depend, so to speak, only upon the inventive faculties of man : but in many of the physical sciences it is the reverse; the glory of the wonderous things such researches unfold “is the Lord’s ;”” and man is but the humble instrument in his hands of making them known. Like the stars of heaven, they remain unchanging and unchanged ; and although they may stand open to all, as living but silent testimonies of His hand: they are not so obtrusive, but that they may be disregarded or denied by the careless, the disputant, or the sceptic. (70.) The great and paramount object with which we began the series of the Casrnet or Naturat His- TORY was to trace, as far as possible, the prevalence of a few general laws of natural classification through the whole range of the animated kingdom of nature. In a former volume we endeavoured to exhibit the study of analogies, not merely under its most captivating form, but as absolutely essential to all those who looked be- yond the mere technical surface of Natural History. We are desirous on this occasion, however, to employ, for the same purpose, a strain of eloquence, justness of thought, and soundness of principle, far greater than our own, while the facts we have just adduced are as yet fresh in the memory of the reader. (71.) “ The main prerogative of the human mind,” says the eloquent author of Saturday Evening, “ is its power of gathering general principles from a multitude of diversified forms or appearances. The pre-eminence of the faculty of generalisation constitutes what is termed the philosophic character. The delight with which minds of this class contemplate universal truths does IMPORTANCE OF ANALOGY. 69 not so much spring from perceiving that some general principle holds good and re-appears in a great number of instances that very nearly, or perfectly, resemble one another, as from discovering the occult presence or effi- eacy of some such principle in a multitude of cases which have few points, or perhaps no other points, of alliance beside this one, of their obedience to the same abstract law. The more there is of external diversity, or unlikeness, among particular instances thus allied by their subjection to a common rule, so much the more of satisfaction and delight will be afforded to the mind when it detects the hidden principle of union. These elements of intellectual enjoyment are richly furnished by the studies of the naturalist. Now, it may be, he compares family with family of the animal and vegetable world ; and, after marking the ostensible peculiarities of each, descends beneath the surface of their external dif- ferences, and lays open those great and uniform prin- ciples of mechanical or chemical structure to which all are conformed ; and (if the figure may be used) he listens, and hears all beings uttering, in their several dia- lects, one and the same code of physical existence. The naturalist, after giving a moment to the obvious or common gratification that springs from novelty and di- versity, seeks, and soon finds, the more lasting and sub- stantial pleasures of reason, while marking the oneness and harmony of Nature, even where her clothing and her colours, and her proportions, have the least of uni- formity. If we might so speak, it is by her diversities, her gay adornments, — her copious fund of forms, and her sportive freaks of shape and colour, that Nature allures the eye of man ; while she draws him on to the more arduous, but more noble, pursuit of her hidden analogies. Unlikeness awakens his attention ; uniformity or simplicity fixes and enchains it; and by the pleasure it confers, insures, on his part, the laborious investi- gation of abstruse principles. (72.) “ While the human mind is Aan employed, an insensible process goes on, the effect of which is gra- F 3 70 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. dually to invest general truths with a sort of majesty, as well as of beauty; so that, at length, this new charm rivals and prevails over the graces and attractions of ex- ternal diversity, and imparts more and more force and advantage to that which is occult, until it quite over- powers that which is superficial. Thus it is, that in the eourse of philosophical pursuits, abstract principles come forth more and more into the light, stand out with greater distinctness before the mind; and, ere long, the laws which at first were apprehended with some degree of painful effort, occupy it as pleasant and facile matters in the hour of relaxation, as well as engage it in the season of strenuous exertion. At last, whatever is universal prevails altogether over whatever is individual ; and the rational faculty, getting released from the disturbance of things external or trivial, contemplates with open eye all that is great and permanent.’ — We now return to our more immediate subject. (73.) The genus Apistes is succeeded by that of Ma- crochirus Sw. of which Pterois Cuy. forms a part. The great distinction of all these fishes lies in their enormous pectoral fins and very high dorsals, both of which, in the typical examples, have a number of their rays almost free ; that is, unconnected by any membrane except to- wards their base. They possess much of the strange and grotesque form of some genera we shall presently notice, without their excessive ugliness, while their rich and varied colouring, disposed in zebra-like stripes on the body, renders them highly elegant and interesting. The whole are natives of the Indian seas ; but none grow to a very large size. Having designated the types of form of Cuvier’s Apistes as sub-genera, we have done the same with this, its corresponding group ; and although the species yet known are much fewer, we feel per- suaded that in a few years these new divisions will be augmented to twice their present limits, and their ana- logies more clearly determined than at present. Even among those we now know of there is a gradual pro- gression from Macrochirus to Pterois, where the pec- torals are so much abbreviated as to be little more than THE TRIBE OF BLENNIDES. 71 one half the typical length. In Chiroleptus they are long, but with the rays all united. Tvachipterus seems a prototype of T'richosoma by its low and narrow dor- sal fin, while in Brachirus the pectorals are again short- ened, and the rays connected and branched. We may perhaps be thought to have carried our analysis, or at least our patronymic divisions, rather too far in the two last groups ; but it is clear that if we had not done this in the case of Apistes, the analogies on which we have so lately expatiated would not have come to light. There is a wide difference between such sub-genera as merely state minute differences, and those which indi- eate the stages of circular groups, like Apistes and Ma- erochirus. We have nothing particular to observe on the remaining genera of the Scorpene, since their sci- entific characters will be subsequently detailed. Whether Trichodon or Sebastes is the intervening form between— Tenianotus and Scorpena is a secondary question: both are perfect chironectiform types; and we believe the first is the true one of this group. CHAP. VI. ON THE TRIBE OF BLENNIDES, OR GOBIES AND BLENNIES. (74.) Tuts tribe, which we have named from the typi- cal family, is composed of those acanthopterygious fishes which have the ventral] fins differently construc- ted, as before observed, from all others of the order. They are either of two or three small rays, or enveloped in a thick skin, or they are united together into a funnel, or finally they are totally wanting. They are besides very remarkable from the rays of their fins being more slender than any of the spiniferous tribes; so that in fact there are few, if any, which possess the strong robust rigid spines, so common in the group we have just left ; the ventral fins, when they exist, are also generally placed considerably before the pectorals. All these F 4 72 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. characters, taken collectively, point out this tribe as a natural group, which is further distinguished by contain- ing the only viviparous genera yet known among the Acanthopteryges, and by evincing a clear approximation. to the apodal genera or the eel-like fishes. With the exception of the eel-shaped wolf-fish, and the bull- heads (Batrachide), nearly all the rest are of a small size, neither remarkable for their beauty, nor esteemed as food: the majority only grow to the length of a few inches, and live in very shallow sea water, or in pools left by the sea-side, where they hide themselves from such fish or aquatic birds as prey upon them. In conformity with the result of our investigation of this tribe, we shall divide them into the following families: — The Blennide, or blennies; 2. The Gobide, or gobies ; 3. The Batracide, or bull-fish; 4. The Chiride ; and 5. The Zoarchide, or wolf-fishes. The two first are the typical groups, while it is by the Batracide, blend- ing into the Cottide, or bull-heads, that this tribe is united to the last. (75.) The Buennips, or blennies, form a most sin- gular and interesting family, very abundant in forms and species, at least in the typical genera. Many of them are found in Britain, where they are called blen- nies, &c.; but their size ,is so small, that they are never sold in the markets. It appears that this family is distributed over every part of the world but Asia ; or at least it is a singular fact, that, in the two best works we yet possess upon the fishes of India, not one species has been recorded. (76.) The blennies, as left by M. Cuvier, were distributed under nine genera ; but his able coadjutor M. Valenciennes, in his last admirable volume, has added several others, and has enriched our science with such a host of new species, that with these materials, aided by our own, we have been enabled to arrange and work out the relations of this family with an unusual degree of precision. ‘The majority compose two great groups or sub-families — the Blennine and the Clinine, both ANALOGIES OF THE BLENNINA io. having spinous and soft rays in the dorsal fin, and two or three in each of the ventrals: these are the typical groups: the aberrant, as usual, contain but few species, and those of very diversified forms. These we have arranged under the genera Ophisomus Nob., Cirribarbus Cuy., and Opistognathus Cuv. In the first, the ventrals are almost obsolete, and are indicated by asingleray. In the second, the mouth is cirrated and sub-vertical, the lower jaw being longest ; while in Opistognathus, which opens a passage to the gobies (Gobide), the ventral fins are fully developed, and have five rays. These, however, we must now leave, and confine our remarks to the typical groups. (77.) The Blennine, or true Bien as well as the Clinine, possess both spincus and soft rays to their dorsal fin, but the two groups may be immediately dis- tinguished by this very remarkable character, that in the blennies the spinous rays are always fewer than those which are soft; whereas in the Clinine, the very reverse of this proportion is invariably found. From these beautiful and natural characters we imme- diately obtain the analogical result of the Blennine representing the malacopterygious order, and the Cli- nine that of the acanthopterygious. The Ophisomine, with their eel-shaped body and scarcely the vestige of ventrals, represent the Apodes. Cirribarbus, having a sub-vertical mouth surrounded with. cirri, and the lower jaw longest, equally reminds us of Chironectes, the type of the Plectognathes ; while in the blunt, very large, and obtuse head and perfect ventrals of Opistognathus ”, we have a prototype of the Cartilagines. (78.) Leaving these analogies, however, for the pre- sent, let us look more closely to the contents of the typical sub-families; and first, of the Buennina&. The genera, with the exception of one (Chirolophis Nob.) have ail been designated by MM. Cuvier and Valenciennes. In this light do we regard Salarias, Blennius, Myaodes, Cristiceps, and Chirolophis; while, from their slighter ** La tete grosse et large.” — Valenc. N. H. des Poiss. ii. p.498. 74 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. modifications, Pholis and Blennichis appear to be only sub-genera of the first, and Petroscirtes Riip. of the second. Omitting these, we shall now show that the remainder represent the five higher groups we have just indicated. Analogies of the BLENNINZE. Genera of the Sub-family Sub-families Wine of the Analogies. of the : BLENNINE. ae : - ; BLENNIDZ. : eeth very strong ; dorsa A MALACOP. Blennius. fins deeply emarginate. i Blennine. Teeth fine, slender ; dor- ACANTHOP. Salarias. sal fin of nearly equal Clinine. breadth. Body anguilliform; dor- : sal and anal fins of 2 APODES. Chirolophis. equal breadth and v a Ophisomus. long. PLECTOGNATHES. Cristiceps. J Mouthsub-vertical; ee Cirribarbus. er jaw longest. Head large, elongated ei- CaRTILAGINES. Myzodes. ther before or bakin! i Opistognathus. We have merely inserted the column of the orders of fish to illustrate the analogy of Myzodes, the only genus in the whole tribe which imitates the sharks in having the head elongated in front, the muzzle pro- jecting, and the mouth placed beneath. Having de- tailed all the characteristics of these genera in our systematic arrangement, we shall only at present take a rapid glance at their analogies, leaving the reader to extend them, if he so pleases, to other groups. (79.) Let us now turn to the sub-family, Cuininz. These blennies, as already noted, are distinguished, in the first instance, by the spiny rays of their dorsal fin being always more numerous than those which are soft ; whereas, in the last group, this proportion was exactly reversed. In the next place, their teeth are generally of two sorts, so as to unite, as it were, the strong teeth of Blennius with the more slender ones of Salarias, here- after mentioned. This character, however, does not pervade the whole group ; and yet, by attending to its modification, we shall find that the difference will lead THE GENERA OF THE CLININE. 75 to a natural arrangement of the genus Clinus, as de- scribed by M. Valenciennes. There are more than twenty species, presenting numerous variations in point of structure. If we separate from this assemblage those which have all the teeth velvety, we get two distinct groups, one (Labrisomus Nob.) having strong, conic, and pointed teeth on the outer range, while the inner are velvety ; and the other, Clinus Cuv., where these externai teeth are wanting. Other characters drawn from the fins, mouth, &c., determine two other genera, here named Blennophis and Clinitrachus, and these, united to T'ripterygion Risso, where the dorsals are three, complete the circle of this sub-family, whose contents and characters may be thus stated : — Characters of the genera in the stB-FAMILY of the CLININE. Genera. Characters, Types. Teeth velvety; those in the & front row scarcely, if at all, ( Clinus acuminatus Se NE larger; dorsal fin of nearly C. and V equal breadth throughout. ; in the front row, velvety Labrisomus Nob. teeth behind; dorsal finemar- ginate behind. Dorsal fins three; muzzle pointed. Trachiniform ; dorsal fins two, the first triangular ; 3 all the Clinitrachus Nob, ¢ rays of the dorsal, anal, | pectoral, and caudal fins spi- | { nous. J Anguilliform, cylindrical; the Biennophis Nob. ; dorsal longs narrow, and _— anguillaris C. V. divided. Strong conic and pointed teeth to pectinifer C. V. Tripterygton Risso. Dae variabilis Now, as the first and the last of these forms are in the suite of M. Valenciennes’s series of the genus Cli- nus, their affinity cannot be questioned, He remarks also on the strong resemblance between Clinitrachus * Clinus argenteus C. V. I adopt Rafinesque’s specific name, because it is more expressive, and has the priority of a few months to that of Risso, It is one of the most common species on the Sicilian coast. 76 . CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. and Tripterygion, which passes into Labrisomus by L. Delalandii, a fish having three sinuosities on its dorsal, representing the three distinct fins of T'ripterygion. Thus we have a perfectly circular succession of the whole, in which not a single link can be said to be wanting. Our arrangement, therefore, rests on af- finity: let us now look to analogy. The Blennine and the Clinine, if they are natural groups, will cor- respond in all their subordinate divisions, and that not vaguely, but definitely ; because, as they are closely related, their analogies should be strong in the same proportion. Analogies of the Cumnins and the BueNNINa. Genera of the Blennine. Genera of the , Ciaseae Analogies. Anterior teeth very strong; dorsal fins deeply emargi- } BLEnnius Lénn. nate. LasBrisomus Nob. Teeth very fine; dorsal fin of nearly equal breadth throughout. { Body anguilliform; dorsal snag CLinus Cuv. SALARIAS Cuv. anal fins linear, equal and }CxaiRoLopHis Noé. reaching to the caudal Mouth sub-vertical; dorsal fins two, the first of three rays ; lower jaw longest. TRIPTERYGION Fis. Muzzle elongate. My xopes Cuv. BLeNNOPHIS Nob. CLINITRACHUs Nob. CRISTICEPS Cuv. The most remarkable feature, perhaps, of this table is, that the analogical characters are almost word for word the same as those which designate the absolute generic characters of these groups, omitting only those which especially mark the distinction between the two columns or sub-families ; so that, in fact, if these are set aside, there is no possible way of separating the one from the other. (80.) As Labrisomus and Clinus are thus shown to be typical genera, still possessing several singular, although subordinate variations in form, it follows that they con- tain the types of sub-genera; these, however, are not all discovered, and, having gone thus far, we shall not THE GENERA OF THE CLININE. 17 designate by patronymic names those that appear to be of this description. The researches of naturalists and collectors, in some ten years hence, will probably double the number of species now known. In the mean time, however, it is not a little remarkable, that those types of form, or of sub-genera, which are necessary to connect Tripterygion, Labrisomus, Clinus, and Blennophis, may actually be traced in the admirable descriptions of M. Valenciennes: his C. Delalandii, for instance, has the dorsal fin imperfectly three-cleft ; while in Tripterygion these clefts are so deep as to divide the dorsal into three distinct fins. The passage from Labrisomus, on the other side, is marked by ZL. Gobio, which, according to our observing author, is “‘ remarkable for its thick and wide head*;” and he names it accordingly: this form is im- mediately met by another in the adjoining genus of Cli- nus (as now restricted), namely, the C. cottoides, which he considers to bear precisely the same relation.t Now that these two fishes, so resembling each other, never- theless stand at the approximating confines of two different genera, will be established on the very same authority. The teeth of the jaws in C. Gobio, our author describes as “‘ petites, coniques, et pointues ; la supérieure en a 26 égales, et qui vont jusqu’ a la com- missure ; l’enférieure n’en a que seize, qui n’occupent de chaque coté que moitié de la longueur, et dont les deux dernieres sont plus grosses, et plus crochues.” This is precisely in accordance with the characters we have assigned to our genus Labrisomus. Of the Chnus cottoides, on the other hand, it is asserted that, “ Les dents sont en velours, sur des bandes assez larges ; le rang extérieur différe a peine des autres.” It should be especially remarked, that the passage of these two groups, thus effected, takes place by means of two thick-headed fishes (the only ones in their respective genera), just as the Cottide pass into the Batrachide, and connect the * “Sa grosse et large téte, qui, 4 la premiére vue, la ferait prendre pour notre cotte de riviere (Cottus Gobio).’”’ — Hist. Nat. des Poiss. xi. 395. “ Les inégalités de sa tete donnent 4 cette espéce, au premiére coup d’eil, quelque ressemblance avec les Cottes,’’— Ib. p. 367. 78 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. two tribes of Canthileptes and Blennides; all being car- tilagiform or fissirestral types.* (81.) The reasons, however, which have guided us in not yet venturing to name the sub-genera of Labrisomus and Clinus, are not applicable to Blennius and Salarias, which are the two typical genera of the Blennine, and these we shall now consider. Four of the sub-genera of Buennivs have already been determined, and many species described, by M. Valenciennes : it remains only for us to designate that of Blennitrachus, which, as intervening between Chasmodes and Blennichis, completes the circle of this genus, and gives us a uniform representation of all the groups just enumerated. This type is furnished by the Pholis quadrifasciatus of Woodt; which M. Valen- ciennes, with some hesitation, admits into his genus Chasmodes, observing that it differs in having canine teeth, and in the dorsal and anal fins not being joined to the caudal: the original description, however, fur- nishes us with another character of equal importance, that of the lower jaw being longest: now this is pre- cisely the character wanted to show its relation to Clini- trachus, Cristiceps, Cirribarbus, and all other groups, large or small, which represent T’rachinus and the Chiro- nectide. A glance at the figure of this singular fish, as figured in another part of our volume, which seems to be American, will satisfy the ichthyologist on this point: the head, indeed, is perfectly analogous, but the dorsal fin is not, to Clinitrachus. (82.) The genus Sanarzas of M. Cuvier forms another typical group of the Blennine, and likewise contains its subordinate types, only one of which has been named. The whole form a singular collection of small fishes having the general form of the common blennies, but characterised by a great peculiarity in their teeth: these are particularly slender, very numerous, and so slightly fixed at their roots, that, to use M. Cuvier’s ex- * Corresponding to the aquatic type among quadrupeds and the nata- torial division of birds: all having unusually large heads. t+ Amer. Trans. iv. 282. pl. 17. fig. 1. THE GENUS SALARIAS. 79 pression, they may be moved by the fish, independently of each other, like the keys of a harpsichord: they are nearly all from the Indian Ocean, and present two distinct modifications. In the sub-genus Salarias Cuv. properly so called, the dorsal fin is high and deeply cleft ; and the sides of the mouth are generally furnished with strong canine teeth: but in Erpicthys Nob., the dorsal fin is nearly of equal breadth throughout; and the canines are wanting : many species arrange themselves under each of these, which appear the twotypical sub-genera. The next is Rupiscartes, at once distinguished by having an eel-shaped form, and four rays to its ventral fins; a structure without example in this family. except only in Opistognathus. The fourth is Cirripectus, which shows us the chironectiform type, in its semicircle of tentaculi, or cirri, round the mouth and nape, analogous to Cirribarbus. Lastly comes Dr. Riippel’s sub-genus Petroscertes, joined indeed to Blennichus by M. Valen- ciennes, but at once distinguished by a single series of small setaceous teeth, without the large canines of Omobranchus Ehr. (Blennichus Val.): this form, in short. as seen in O. filamentosus (fig. 21.). connects the genus Salarias in the most perfect manner with that of Blennius. It thus appears, that the sub-genera of Salarias and Biennius not only represent each other, but also show us a series of analogies to the Blennine and the Clinine ; a fact which will be at once ap- parent, if we arrange all these in columns, and com- pare those groups which stand opposite to each other. 80 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES. Analogies of the Sub-genere of Sauariasand BLEennivs. Ouier cE Primary Division Saas aps Genera Genera Mice ones ’ ofthe ofthe Blennide. Blennius. Salarias. Blennine. Clinine. MALAC. Brerxninz. Blennius. Salarias. Biennivs, Lasrisomus. ACANTH. Crininz. Pholis. Erpicthys. SALARIAs. Cuinvs. «APODES. Opruisomus. Chasmodes. Rupiscartes. Cxrroropais. BLENNOPHTS. _ .PLECTO. Crerisarsus. Bilennitrachus. Cirripectus. Cristiceps. CLINITRACHUS. CARTIL. OpistocxatHus. Omobranchus. Petroscertes. Myxoprs. TRIPTERYGION. (83.) The experienced ichthyoiogist, conversant with the typical forms of these groups, will need no further illustration than what we have already offered in the foregoing pages; while, to render it equally clear to the student or general reader, would require much more space than we could possibly spare. One or two addi- tional remarks, however, will serve to show the value of the whole. The groups in the line opposite the Apodes, are all eel-shaped fishes: those opposite the Plectognathes turn out to be all of the chironectiform type, having obliquely vertical mouths, often with cirri or barbels. longer under jaw, &c.; while the great-headed groups, and such as have the mouth beneath, stand opposite ta the Cartilagines. Soft rays predominate in those which are on a line with the Malacopteryges, while in such as follow the Acanthopteryges the spinal rays predominate. (84.) The Goprpz, or gobies, form a much less diversified family than the last ; and their variations in consequence are so few, that we shall make no attempt in this place to determine their natural arrangement. They are all very small-sized and insignificant-looking fishes, the largest seldom exceeding a foot in length, while the majority usually attain only a few inches. They are immediately distinguished from the last family, by having the ventral fins fully developed, and generally so united as to form a funnel or sucker, analo- gous to the cyclopterous, or sucking fishes, by which they are enabled in the same manner to affix themselves to other substances : even in such genera as have not these two fins absclutely. united, the slenderness and flexibility THE FAMILY OF THE GOBIDA. Si of the spinal rays— the grand distinction of this tribe — will always prevent the gobies from being confounded with any other spiniferous group. Several species are found on our own coasts, and they are excessively abun- dant in the Mediterranean, living, like the gobies, in shallow and quiet inlets or harbours, among sea-weeds, They are said by Olivi, a Venetian naturalist, to exca- vate burrows in the mud or clay at the bottoms, where they pass the winter. In spring, they construct a nest in some spot abounding with sea-weed, which they afterwards cover with the roots of the Zostera. Here the males remain, and await the females, who succes- sively arrive to deposit their eggs: these, after fecunda- tion, are taken care of by the males, who exhibit much care and courage in preserving and defending them. M. Cuvier is of opinion, that the goby, in fact, is the Physis of the ancients, which, as Aristotle remarks, is the only fish that constructs a nest. Nearly all the usual variations of form, corresponding to the primary types among fishes in general, will be found in this family. Periopthalmus C., an Indian group, gives us the small vertical eyes of the chironectiform type. Tenisoma Nob. is @ representative of Cepola, and the riband-fish ; Eleotris has the ventrals disunited, and thus makes the nearest approach to the Blennide ; while Comephorus, by being destitute altogether of ventrals, shows us the apodal or anguilliform type. The Gobina, as already intimated, stand at the head of this family : the other chief group being represented by the genus Callionymus, or dragonets: here the ventral fins are even larger than in the gobies, for they exceed the pec- torals, but although close together they are not united : they are also small fishes, often of very beautiful colours, but slimy and unpalatable. Their whole shape and aspect is so very like that of the Triglide, or gur- nards, that we can be at no loss to determine their ana- logical relations: like them also, and several of the gobies, the branchial aperture is reduced to a spiracu- lated orifice, similar to that of the Apodes, which this VOL. IL. & $2 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, tribe represents ; but then the skeleton is truly osseous, and the relaticn is obviously one only of analogy. - (85.) Of the three aberrant divisions, or families, of this tribe, namely, the Batrachide, the Chiride and the Zoarchide, the examples are very few. Comopho- rus, by its broad and depressed muzzle, seems to con= nect the gcobies with the Batrachide; but these latter are so little understood, that, perhaps, the less we say about them the better. The fact seems to be, that M. Cuvier, like all his predecessors, by mistaking analogy or affinity, has mixed up the Lophide, or such as have a sub-cartilaginous skeleton and peduneulated pec- torals, with such of the true Batrachide as have an osseous skeleton and sessile pectcrals, that is, pectoral — fins, formed, as in all the osseous tribes, in the ordinary manner. (86.) The Zoarchide comprise a very few blennies, having eel-shaped bodies, but destitute of ventral fins. The type is a well known fish, common to our northern seas, and known by the name of the cat, or wolf-fish ( Anarrhichas lupus L.*); it exceeds all the other blen- nies in magnitude, being sometimes found above seven feet long. It is common in Scotland, where it is gene- rally known by the name of cat-fish ; the fiesh is much esteemed, but, as the skin is unusually tough, it is always taken off, as in eels, before cooking. It is, in every respect, the shark of this tribe, for its habits are fierce and ravenous, and its mouth is beset with numerous and formidable cutting and grinding teeth ; it lives, how- ever, chiefly on crabs and shell-fish, and is not known to attack men. Lastly, as connecting these fishes to the true blennies, with which we began our survey, there is the genus Zourchus, having the dorsal, anal, and caudal fins blended into one, <8 the vestiges of ventrals. The American species grow to nearly the size of the cat-fish ; but that found on our own coasts (Zoarchus viviparus) is generally not longer than fifteen inches. The clese * Yarrell, i. 247. 7 ! AMPHIBIAN ANIMALS IN GENERAL. 83 affinity which this species bears to our sub-genus Ophi- somus among the Blennine is too obvious to be dwelt upon. (87.) The Chiride we have formed of a very singular and apparently anomalous genus, that of Chirus Steller, of which several species are found in the frigid seas of Northern Asia. Cuvier places this genus at the end of the Blennies, and M. Valenciennes regards it strictly in the same light. In this he may possibly be correct; but if so, it can be no other than the most aberrant group; for notwithstanding several points of resemblance to the blennies, the ventral fins are quite developed, and are not placed, as is usual, before, but under, the pectorals. We therefore arrange Chirus for the present at the end of this tribe, and with the same doubts as M. Cuvier originally entertained regarding its true situation. It must either be the most aberrant type of the blennies, or represent them in the circle of the Percide, just as Sparus does in that of the Chetodonide. We shall now proceed, to another class of animals in the great circle of the Vertebrata. CHAP. VII. ON THE CLASS AMPHIBIA, OR THE AMPHIBIANS. (88.) Tux application of the term Amphibians, in po- pular language, is much more general than that in which it is used by zoologists. An amphibious animal, gene- rally speaking, is one which is capable of inhabiting both the land and water, and the term; as being ex- pressive, should by no means be abolished. But the animals to which naturalists have more particularly applied this name, belong exclusively to such verte- brated reptiles as not only possess the power of living e 2 84 CLASSIFICATION OF AMPHIBIANS. in two elements, but which, during life, undergo a metamorphosis. Linneus indeed placed in his class Am- phibia not only the semi-aquatic reptiles, and the frogs, but the whole of the terrestrial lizards, and serpents, adding thereto the sharks and a large number of true fishes. But modern naturalists have reduced this he- terogeneous assemblage to more order; and although M. Cuvier, by a singular oversight, has not retained a name so expressive, our best erpetologists now agree in restricting the term to the frogs, the salamanders, and the sirens: These, as it has long ago been proved, form a distinct natural class of vertebrated animals, intervening between fishes and the true reptiles, and to which alone we must be considered to allude in this chapter. (89.) “The doctrine of continuous affinities,’ observes Professor Bell, ‘‘ could scarcely receive a more striking illustration in the animal kingdom, than is afforded by the interesting group constituting the Ampuisia of modern authors. Intermediate in their structure, and, in many forms, in their habits and modes of life also, between the fishes and the true reptiles, they bear a still more interesting relation to those classes in that remarkable change which many of them undergo at a certain period of life, by which they become transformed from the nature and habits of the former to those of the latter class ; and thus exhibit, in their own individual life, a beautiful and complete example of transition of organisation, a subject which constitutes one of the most important theories connected with the higher departments of zoological science. To any person ca- pable of appreciating the interest attached to the study of physiological phenomena, the contemplation of an animal, which at one period of its life is endowed exclusively with the organs of aquatic respiration, re- sembling the gills of fishes, with means of locomotion adapted only to a constant residence in water, and with a digestive apparatus fitted exclusively for the assi- milation of vegetable food, assuming by degrees the 3} PRIMARY DIVISIONS OF THE AMPHIBIA. 85 function of atmospheric respiration, acquiring limbs which are formed for leaping on land with great strength and agility, and manifesting the most voracious car- nivorous appetite, will not only excite feelings of the deepest admiration, but necessarily lead to the inves- tigation of the laws by which such extraordinary changes are governed, and of the relations which they bear to the theory of continuous affinity before alluded to, no less than to that of progressive developement through the whole of the animal kingdom.’ * (90.) The general peculiarities of this class, small indeed in its numerical amount, but characterised by se- veral remarkable circumstances, may be thus stated, in reference to their distinction from fish and reptiles. The skin is soft and naked, being destitute of either scales or plates; and nearly all undergo metamorphosis, the young respiring by external branchia, and the adult by internal lungs. With the exception of the frogs, they have much of the form of lizards, with in general four feet, and a lengthened tail. (91.) Passing over the various artificial arrangements of this class, as unimportant to the paramount object of our volume, we rejoice in being able to avail ourselves, in this part of our undertaking, of the labours of one of the most eminent erpetologists in Europe; who, thoroughly impressed with the truth of that circular arrangement, which, if it pervades one class of animals, must necessarily pervade all, has distributed the Am- phibia in accordance with such a series ; and we deem his labours so successful, that we shail not venture to hazard the least alteration of our own. Ina valuable work not particularly devoted to Zoologyt, Professor Bell has arranged all the amphibians yet known under the following orders: —1. Amphipneurta contains the sirens and proteans; 2%. Anoura, comprehends the frogs and toads; 3. Urodela includes the salamanders ; * From the author’s beautiful History of British Reptiles, p. 72,73. + The Encyclopzdia of Anatomy and Physiology, part i. p. 91. a 3 86 CLASSIFICATION OF AMPHIBIANS. 4. Abranchia has the genera Menopoma and Am; hi- uma; while 5. contains the singular genus Cecilia. It is easy to perceive that this last passes into the first by means of the dipod sirens, and thus the whole form a circular group more or less perfect in its connecting links. (92.) If, we look to those groups of the amphibians in the foregoing arrangements which exhibit the most per- fect metamorphosis, or, in other words, the highest de- velopement of these characters which separate this class from the true reptiles, we find they are exemplified in the frogs and salamanders ; for, although the first of these never possess a tail in their adult state, while this member is permanently retained by the salamanders, yet these are the only amphibians yet discovered, whose respiration is totally different in their young and in their perfect state. As tadpoles, they live in water, and ‘breathe by external branchia ; but, when matured, they respire atmospheric air and breathe by cellular lungs. There can be no doubt therefore, that these two groups follow each other ; and we are strongly inclined te be- lieve, with Professor Bell, that they are the two typical groups of the whole class. In this case the three other orders of his arrangement, viz. the Abranchia, the Amphipneurta, and the Apoda, necessarily constitute the aberrant divisions. (93.) The order Barracta (Anoura B.) contains the whole of the frogs and toads. To describe the form of animals so familiar to every one will be unnecessary. One of their most striking peculiarities consists in their progressive motion upon land, being effected by leaping ; while the frogs, from the length and shape of their feet, are also able to swim with great alacrity. Their meta- morphoses are more perfect than that of the salaman- ders, because the change of their form is much greater: hence they may be considered the pre-eminent type of | the whole class. Their heart has but a single auricle and ventricle, and they have two equal lungs: to these THE BATRACIAN AMPHIBIA, OR’ FROGS. 87 are united, in their early age, branchia or gills, which are subsequently lost. The young are called tadpoles, and are to be seen in all ponds and still waters during summer: in this state they are provided with a tail, something similar to that of fishes; but this also is lost in the adult, since no vestige of this member has yet been discovered in any of the species of full-grown frogs. The bedy, as in all the amphibians, has neither scales nor plates, but is covered by a cold naked skin, and there are no traces of ribs. The vital principle in these reptiles is nearly as great as in the tortoises, and they are killed with much difficulty. The heart contracts and dilates a long time after the death of the animal, even after it has been extracted from the bedy. There is, however, such cold-blocded cruelty in the experiments which have been made upon these harmless beings, that we shall neither disgust our readers by further details, or perpetuate the shame of those whose philcsophic barbarity has furnished them. Much has been said about frogs and toads remaining enclosed in hollows of trees, and even in solid anes: ; but the vulgar are prone to believe the marvellous. That some of these animals remain in a torpid and death-like sleep during winter is well known ; and this lethargy is so profound, that Hearne, in his voyage to the Icy Sea, mentions his having found frozen frogs who exhibited no signs of life when their legs were broken, although they re- sumed their natural movements when exposed to a genial heat. During this lethargy it might possibly happen that the aperture, by which the antral crept into its winter retreat, would contract so much from natural or other causes, that the reptile could not force , itself out by the same passage at the return of spring : it would therefore remain enclosed; and as we know that all hybernating animals can remain without food for a considerable time, it is not at all surprising that frogs and toads should be found alive, so enclosed, without the power of deriving nourishment. But even a 4 88 CLASSIFICATION OF AMPHIBIANS. this faculty of abstinence is limited. Out of three toads shut up in sealed boxes by a French experi- mentalist, one was found dead at the end of eighteen months, and the two others were in a very languid con- dition—a clear proof that they would soon have shared the fate of their companion. Until, therefore, some of these marvellous stories are authenticated by the testi- mony of naturalists who have actually seen living toads cut out of solid trees and stone walls, we must with- hold our belief from the fact, viewing all these narra- tives as exaggerated representations of the possible case we have just instanced. (94.) The sub-divisions of this order are not many, originating in the comparatively few deviations from the typical forms observed in the existing species. The natural arrangement of all groups so situated is pecu- liarly difficult ; and, as their circular affinities have not yet been investigated, we shall merely notice them in the order in which they stand in the Réegne Animal of M. Cuvier. The two principal divisions are the frogs (Ranide) and the toads (Bufoide), both com- prehending several smaller groups ; while, of those which remain, the cell-backed toad (Pipide) is the most re- markable. (95.) The Frogs (Ranide) are chiefly distinguished from the toads by the unusual length of the hind feet, which are strong and well palmated: hence their great power both of jumping and of swimming: their skin also is smooth, and there is not only a row of small fine teeth round the upper jaw, but the palate also is fur- nished with another range, placed transversely. It is one of the many singularities attending these animals, that while in the young or tadpole state they are herbi- vorous, living only, according to Cuvier, upon aquatic plants, yet no sooner do they effect their metamorphosis than they become carnivorous, pursuing insects, slugs, and similar animals, and feeding upon them whether alive or dead. The eggs or spawn, as they are usually called, THE FROGS AND TOADS. 89 are deposited in lumps in marshy waters. The green frog (Rana esculenta) and the common frog (R. temporaria) are fa- miliar examples, while Cyst. pachipus (fig. 22.) isremarkable for its thick feet. The genus Cera- tophris, or horned-frogs, designates a very pecu- liar group, found only in tropical America ; whose appearance is rendered still more grotesque, if not hideous, by each eyelid having an elevated prominence like a horn ; the head is dispropor- tionably large, and the skin is frequently granulated. Africa also possesses a peculiar race of frogs, which, from having some of the toes enveloped at their tips by a conical horny claw or cap, have been aptly termed Dactylethre, or thimble-frogs. The Hy/le, or tree frogs, are not only a very singular group, but, from the elegance of their colouring, joined to a diminutive size, may be really termed beautiful. Although they lay their eggs in the water, and even hybernate in the mud during winter, they habitually live among trees, which they are enabled to climb with facility by the peculiar con- struction of their toes. We have a very pretty example of these little animals in the European tree frog (Hyla arborea) ; but those of tropical America are much more numerous, and are ornamented with the most pleasing mixture of colours. (96.) The Toads (Bufoide), although a perfectly harmless and inoffensive race, are certainly uninviting, not to say disgusting animals, to mankind in general ; having neither the beauty of snakes, the elegant move- ments of lizards,-or the sprightliness of frogs. Their body, of a dull cadaverous hue, is covered with granular warts, and even their movements are so slowand awkward, that they almost appear to be attended with painful effort. 90 CLASSIFICATION OF AMPHIBIANS. Yet, if with these prejudices to contend against, an ob- server of nature will have the courage to place one of these poor creatures in such a position as to examine its eye, his disgust or repugnance will be turned into pity and compassion ; and he will wonder how such an expression of mildness and patient endurance could beam from the eye of a being to which nature has given a form so repulsive, and which ignorance has invested with venomous malignance. There is not, in fact, the least shadow of truth in these fabulous accounts of the venom of the toad, notwithstanding the authority of Shakspeare, or the day dreams of the old naturalists. But to re- sume: toads are destitute of teeth ; their gait is slow; they leap badly ; and seldom frequent the water but to deposit their eggs: they are, essentially, nocturnal ani- mals, concealing themselves, for the most part, during the day, among sheltering herbage, and only issuing forth, at twilight, to feed upon slugs and similar things. Its hybernation is passed on land, either in holes of walls suited to its habits, or in little burrows, which it excavates beneath the surface. Considering its size, it is a long-lived animal, attaining to fifteen or sixteen years, and producing young the fourth year. We have not heard its cry, which has been likened to the feeble bark- ing of adog. Some of the European toads (G. Bom- binator Merr.) have the tympanum of the ear concealed under the skin ; and others, inhabiting tropical America, forming the genus Oxyrhynchus Spix (a name, by the way, previously used insOrnithology), have the muzzle of the mouth pointed. Two other genera appear inter- mediate between this last and the Pipa. One of these ( Otilophes Cuv.) has the muzzle of an angular shape, and one side of the head is ornamented with a crest, which extends over the parotid. The other genus (Breviceps Merr.) is remarkable for having no visible indication of the tympanum or parotid: the body is oval, the head and mouth very small, and the feet but slightly pal- mated. Lastly, the Bombinator obstetricus is remarkable THE SALAMANDERS. 91 for carrying itseggs upon if IAA its back (fig.23.). The nice \ Pipa, or Cell-bearing = ee toad of Surinam, is evi- om 7, dently allied in gene- ee ey 4 ral foun to the aie z Fb tr MY /; A ° 2 hs 0% Yp, last mentioned ; yet it ‘Zag differs in some very remarkable characters. The species best known is sometimes cailed the Surinam toad, and this is the type of the genus. It is a hideous, but a most singular animal, of a dark brown colour, covered with reddish tubercles, and grows to six or eight inches in length. Nature seems to have bestowed upon the female an extraordinary power of protecting its young. So soon as the eggs are deposited upon her back, by the assistance of the male, she hastens to the water, where her skin swells, and forms little round cells, into which the eggs sink: the young, at the time of their birth, have a little tail, which they retain so long as they remain in their cells, wherein they seem to perform their transformation. So soon as their feet become developed they aré left by their mother, as able to provide for their future suste- nance. (97.) In the brief notices to which we must confine ourselves regarding the remaining amphibians, it will be as well to follow the order in which they stand in the Reégne Animal, with the exception of adding thereto the singular genus Cecilia, which we agree with Mr. Bell in placing as the most aberrant type of the true amphibia.. They will therefore be enumerated as fol- lows:—1. The Salamanders, either terrestrial or aquatic; 2. The Protean reptiles, all of which, like the last, have four feet, excepting the sirens, in which the hinder pair are entirely wanting; and 3. the Cecilia, The Salamanders (fig. 24, 25.) have the general form of lizards, but without their scales. The head is greatly flattened, the ear concealed beneath the skin, and the two 92 CLASSIFICATION OF AMPHIBIANS. jaws furnished with numerous small teeth. Similar teeth are also in the palate, and the tongue resembles that of the frog. In the young state they are tadpoles, and the front feet are developed before the hinder pair make their appearance. These reptiles are divided into such as frequent the land, and such as live in fresh waters. The land salamanders (Salamandra, fig. 25.) are known in their adult state by having a cylindrical or rounded tail, although in their early state the tail of the common species (S. maculosa) is vertically compressed, and the respiration is by gills. It appears indeed that, not- withstanding their name, the land salamanders are all inhabitants of water before they acquire their perfect growth, and that they again frequent that element to deposit their young. During the day, these creatures may be found in damp and humid places, particularly at the edge of walls or other buildings, hid among the rank grass, for in such situations their food, which chiefly consists of slugs and worms, is more readily procured. To this division belongs the animal so ce- lebrated by the ancients for its fancied resistance of fire, a fable which probably had its origin in the cir- cumstance of the salamander being able to emit in time of danger an acrid milky fiuid, which oozes from a range of tubercles placed on the sides of the body. THE ABRANCHIAN AMPHIBIA. 93 This liquor is stated te emit a powerful odour and to be even poisonous to small animals. There are but few of these reptiles in Europe, but many have of late years been discovered in America, and have been ac- curately described by the naturalists of the New World. They seem to differ but little from those of Europe, except in wanting the glands on the occiput. The aquatic salamanders ( fig. 24.) form anatural division from the last, since they pass almost their entire life in the water, and consequently their tail, which in that element . is their chief organ of locomotion, is always vertically compressed or oar-shaped. The cruel experiments of the Italian naturalists on the extraordinary power of reproduction possessed by these harmless little creatures need not be detailed. The eggs are laid in the water, in the same manner as those of frogs, and the young come forth in about a fortnight. In the spring, which with all animals is the season of love, the male sala- manders have crests and other little ornamental ap- pendages, no doubt to attract the female, since they are not retained beyond that period. Several of these spe- cies, but all of a small size, inhabit the fresh and stagnant waters of Europe, and some are found in this country. The toes in this group vary both as to their number and connection, from which circumstance the different sub-genera have been formed. Many of this division inhabit North America, while M. Cuvier is of opinion that the famous fossil skeleton of Ciningen, supposed by Scheuzer to have belonged to the human species, is nothing more than the remains of a gigantic salamander measuring more than three feet in length. (98.) Immediately after the salamanders, M. Cuvier placed two remarkable genera of amphibians, agreeing with the former in possessing (as he conceived) gills only in an immature state. But subsequent discoveries sanc- tion the idea that they do not undergo metamorphosis, but respire all their life by lungs only. Mr. Bell has therefore formed them into a separate order, which he has named Aprancuia. ‘The genera alluded to are 94 CLASSIFICATION OF AMPHIBIANS. Menopoma and Amphiuma, both peculiar to North America. The first consists but of a single species, called the great American salamander, which attains the length of eighteen inches. In addition to the usual range of teeth in the jaws, it has another parallel row on the front of the palate. We owe to Dr. Harlan, the most eminent of all the American erpetologists, a highly valuable account of this singular animal. Dr. Garden, another observing naturalist of the Western World, discovered the genus Amphiuma, a peculiarly interesting group, as showing a strong relation between the salamanders to the sirens. There are two species (Amph. tridactylum (fig. 26.) and means), differing only ee S > <> SS ps SLR Yh Hi KS 29 in size and the number of their toes. Both have a very long body, giving them the appearance of eels, while their legs and feet are so very short and slightly developed, that they appear useless, (99.) The true Amphibia are those which breathe not cnly by lungs but by gills, the latter being always re- tained as permanent and essential members during the whole of life, and not cast off, as in the salamanders, so soon as the animal arrives at maturity. Of these animals M. Cuvier justly and truly observes that “‘ they alone must be regarded as the only vertebrated animals which are truly amphibious,’ and hence we have always had a strong suspicion that they constituted the typical perfection of this class. The leading genera are four.; — Phylhydrus (formerly denominated by Shaw, Siren pisciformis) ; 2. Menobranchus ; 3. Proteus ; and 4. Sixen. Asa mere technical description of the external characters of these remarkable animals would THE PROTEUS OF EUROPE. 5 GS give no adequate idea of them to the general reader, we shall here briefly notice their general structure and habits. These constitute Mr. Bell’s order Amphi- pneurta. } (100.) The Phylhydrus pisciformis of Brooks is sometimes designated by the barbarous and unutterable name of Awolotl, given to it by the Mexican Indians. We shall term it the Mexican siren, since it obviously belongs to the same group as that of America, or it may be called the axolot. This singular animal is abundant in the lakes close to the city of Mexico, but its habits, we believe, have never been detailed. In its general form it perfectly resembles the young or tadpole of the aquatic salamander. It has four feet, the first pair with five, the hinder with four, toes on each. Its colour is deep greyish black, which, with the three long gills on each side, divided into tufts cf filaments, gives it a most repulsive and forbidding aspect. It is, however, perfectly harmless, and seldom exceeds seven or eight inches in length. We believe Dr. Shaw was its first describer, but both Humboldt and Horne have given additional figures and descriptions of it. (101.) The Menobranchus of North America, if we mistake not, is another of the important discoveries of Dr. Harlan. It inhabits the lakes and large rivers of North America, growing to the length of two feet, and it is said to be carnivorous and gluttonous. It has four feet, and the same number of toes upon each, but is without claws. To this species (M. lateralis) Dr. Har- lan adds another, called by Lacepede Proteus tetradac- tylus: he also considers the Mexican siren as belong- ing to this genus*, viewing it as an aberrant example. The genus Proteus is represented by a single species, which is one of the most extraordinary animals of Ku- rope. Its general form is much like the American type last described ; but it has only three toes on the fore feet, and two behind: the feet are very small, and the * See Trans. of Am. Soc. v. 324. 96 CLASSIFICATION OF AMPHIBIANS. \ tail is natatorial, or vertically compressed. Besides the internal lungs, it has three gills on each side the head, of a coral-red colour, formed like tufts of filaments. . It has no teeth; and the eyes, which are excessively small, are concealed by teguments ; the ear, also, is covered, and the skin is smooth, cream-coloured, and viscid. It was supposed, for a long time, that this curious reptile was only found in a Se lake in Carniola; and that it was the larva or tadpole of some reptile, a in its adult state, had not yet been described. Repeated investigations, however, have proved the fallacy of both these opinions. The Proteus has been found in other. parts of Germany ; and the anatomical observations of various naturalists have established it as a perfect and adult animal, differing materially in its skull from the salamanders, and presenting an intermediate structure between them and the American sirens. It is a sin- gular corroboration, also, of this opinion, that in the district of Carniola, where it is mostly found, no sala- mander is known from which it could possibly proceed ; nor any with the true larva of which we are not per- fectly acquainted.* As the feet are very small and feeble, the Proteus, as may, be expected, walks badly ; but its natatorial tail enables it to swim extremely well. * Griff, Cuv. p. 476, SIREN —- CCCILIA. 97 Its size is small, and its thickness not equal to that of the little finger. The sirens of North America, on ac- count of the similarity of their respiration, are arranged by Mr. Bell in the same order as the last. These sin- gular creatures, which, with the former, were once sup- posed to be the tadpoles of some unknown reptiles, are now known to be perfect “ after their kind ;” and to be provided at all periods of their existence with ex- ternal branchia and internal lungs. They are, how- ever, readily separated from the amphibians already mentioned, by having only two fore feet, the hinder ones being altogether absent; neither is there any ves- tige of a pelvis. The body is so greatly lengthened, that the siren bears a strong resemblance to an eel : the head is also depressed, the eyes very small, and the ears covered by the external skin: the lower jaw is provided with small teeth, and several rows are in the palate; but the upper jaw has none. It was for a long time supposed that only one species existed, named by Linneus Siren lacertina; but very recently science has become in- debted to M. Leconte, a distinguished naturalist of North America, for the discovery and publication of two others ; both of which, like the former, inhabit the muddy swamps of South Carolina. They feed upon earth- worms, aquatic insects, &c., in search of which they mostly burrow in the mud. It is almost unnecessary to advert to the opinions, formerly entertained, respecting the sirens being imperfect salamanders. . M. Cuvier has fully confirmed the supposition of Linneus, and all the American naturalists; since he has demonstrated that these reptiles could never, from their particular organis- ation, have hind feet, nor could they lose their gills. The siren, then, is a true Amphibian, respiring, like a fish in water, by its gills; or, upon dry land, like a reptile, by its lungs. (102.) The Cecilia, or blind newt, has been ar- ranged by Cuvier at the end of the serpents, con- trary, however, to the opinions of most other naturalists, who consider it as more properly belonging to the am- VOL. II. H 98 - CLASSIFICATION OF AMPHIBIANS. phibians. Professor Bell, whose opinion we adopt, places it as the type of a distinct order, which he names Apoda.* They derive their name from the excessive smallness of the eyes, which are nearly concealed beneath the skin, while in one species (C. lumbricotdes Daud.) they are altogether wanting. The structure of these reptiles is so peculiar, and so important in reference to our opinicn on the station they held as an extreme aber- rant type, that we shall give them nearly in the words of the Régne Animai. ‘ The Cecilia,’ observes M. Cuvier, “ has the skin smooth, viscous, and furrowed with folds or annular wrinkles: it appears naked, but when dissected exhibits in its thickness some. scales, slender indeed, but perfectly formed, and regularly dis- posed in many transverse ranges between the wrinkles of the skin. The head is depressed, the anus round, and situated nearly at the extremity of the body: the ribs are much too short to surround the trunk: the ar- ticulations of the bodies of the vertebre are made by fa- cets, like a hollow cone filled with gelatinous cartilage, as in fishes and salamanders; and their cranium, like that of frogs, is united to the first vertebra by two tu- bercles, Among the ophidians, the Amphisbene alone approximate to this structure. The maxillary bones cover the crbit, which is only pierced with a very small hole, and those of the temples cover the temporal foss, sé that the head presents above nothing but a continued ossecus buckler. Their hyoid bone, composed of three pieces of arches, might lead to the belief that in their early age they had gills. Their maxillary and palate teeth are ranged on two concentric lines, as in the si- rens (or true Amphibia), but are often sharp and curved backwards, like those of true serpents. Their nostrils epen at the back part of the palate, and their lower jaw has no mobile pedicle, since the tympanic bone is en- chased with the other bones in the buckler of the cra- nium. The auricle of the heart is not divided sufficiently deep to be regarded as double ; but their second lung is * The learned professor will probably change this name, as it is too like that of the Linnzan order of fishes— opomus 1. Susram. PERCINZ. Dorsal fins two, distinct ; no canines. Perca Linn. Body oblong, fusiform; jaws nearly equal ; mouth large. Perca Linn. Gill covers more or less scaly; caudal fin sub-lunate, lobate, or slightly forked ; body oblong, sub-fusiform ; mouth opening beneath the eye. P. labrax Linn. Cuv. pl. 11. acuta. Cuv. pl. 10. macronatus. Ib. pl. 12. fluviatilis. Lates Cuv. General form of Perca, but the body is wider and the head narrower ; mouth large, extend- ing behind the eye ; caudal and pectoral fins rounded ; preoperculum with strong teeth. L. nobilis. Cuyv. pl. 13. Centropomus Cuy. (fig.42.d.) Head pointed, as in Lates; caudal fin large, forked; the second spine of the anal fin remarkably large. C. undecimalis. Cuv. pl. 14. Niphon Cuv. ( fig.42.e.) Body fusiform ; first dorsal fin much larger than the second; head lengthened, pointed ; very strong spines on the operculum, and a lengthened pointed one at the angle of the preoper- PERCIDZ.—PERCIN &. 199 cule, which is also toothed at its margin; mouth large, horizontal, lower jaw longest ; caudal lobed, the lobes rounded. Analogous to Holocanthus. N. spinosus. Cuy. pl. 19. Lucioperca Cuy. General form of Niphon, but with- out any lengthened spines on the sides of the head ; dorsal fins equal; caudal lobed or forked; strong incisors, mixed with smaller ones, in the jaws, vomer, and palate ; cheeks more or less naked ; preopercule serrated. L. Americana. Cuv. pl. 16. Enopiosus Cuv. Body short, broad, compressed, oval, resembling the Chetodons; mouth oblique ;. dorsal fins two, distinct, but approximating. Diplopteron Cuv. Head large, very high ; mouth oblique ; dorsal fins united at their base ; ventrals longer than the pectorals, and pointed; caudal round; scales small ; two series of dentations on the preoperculum. D. bifasciatum. Cuv. pl. 21. Griff. pl. 57. fig 2. Gramistes Cuy. Body more oval; head smaller ; scales very small, and covered with the common skin; mouth obligue ; ventral fin small; caudal fin rounded ; small spines on the preoperculum and operculum ; but the former is not crenated; base of the hind dorsal, the anal, and the caudal with scaly sheaths. G. orientalis. Cuv. pl. 27. Enoplosus Cuv. General aspect of a Chetodon ; body bread, much compressed, nearly as high as it is long ; head suddenly narrowed, very small; mouth small, oblique ; ventral as large as the pectoral; caudal fin lunated ; dorsal and anal fins falcate ; preoperculum strongly toothed. E. armatus. Cuv. pl. 20. Aspro Cuv. Body lengthened, sub-fusiform, as in Perca ; dorsal fins remote ; mouth small, placed beneath the muzzle, which is obtuse, and projects over the under o 4 . 200 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. jaw ; head depressed, broad ; caudal fin emarginate ; ventral rather larger than the pectoral. A. yulgaris. Bloch, pl.107. Cuv. pl. 26. Hvro Cuv. ( fig.42. 6.) Preoperculum entire ; body fu- siform, but broad in the middle; head large; mouth oblique, sub-vertical, large ; lower jaw longest ; chin projecting ; dorsal fins distinct, the first smallest ; caudal emarginate. H. nigricans. -Cuv. pl.17. Apocon. Eyes very large; dorsal fins generally dis- tinct ; mouth oblique ; caudal fin forked or lobed. Ambassus* Cuv. (fig.42.a.) Body ovate ; dorsal fins hardly united at their base, the first having a pro- cumbent spine; lower jaw longest; preoperculum doubly crenated ; caudal fin large, forked. A. Commersonii. Cuv. pl. 25. Apogon Cuv. Head large, obtuse; tail suddenly con- tracted and long; dorsal fins quite distinct; pre- operculum doubly crenated ; caudal lobed. A. trimaculatus. Cuv. pl. 22. Pomatomus Risso. General aspect of the last, but the body more lengthened, and the head larger ; mouth nearly vertical; eyes enormous; dorsal fins small ; caudal very large, and forked teeth; velvety scales large, deciduous ; preoperculum lobed, and only stri- ated sides of the head scaled. P. Telescopium. Risso. Cuv. pl. 24. Cheilodipterus Cuy. Uniting the characters and aspect of Apogon and Lucioperca, having the eyes and fins of the former, and the more fusiform shape, sub- horizontal mouth, and large teeth of the latter ; body ovate, fusiform; head rather pointed; dorsal fins short and high ; caudal large, slightly forked ; mouth large, nearly horizontal. C. Arabicus. Cuv. pl. 25. * If this type enters in the genus Apogon, it must be that which repre. sents Huro, or the chironectiform. PERCID ©.—SERRANINZE. 201 2. Susram. SERRANINZ. Dorsal fin single, sometimes emarginate; branchial membrane with seven rays “ ; jaws with strong canines. SerRanvs Cuv. Body ovate, fusiform ; preopercule cre- nated ; operculum with one or two isolated prickles ; dorsal fin single, slightly emarginate in the middle, naked, and without scaly sheaths at the base. Serranus Cuy. Caudal fin trunca.e or lunated ; head rather pointed; mouth large, o ening horizontally ; lower jaw longest, pectoral ovate; teeth few, re- curved, straggling, in two or more rows, those in the lower jaw longest; the vomer teeth smaller and crowded ; body usually crossed by bands. Represent- ing Perca. S. seriba. Cuv. pl. 28. eabrilla. Cuv. pl. 29. phenistomus Sw. Rup. pl. 26. f. 2. Cromileptes Sw. Caudal fin rounded or oval; hinder part of the dorsal fin broader than the anterior; a strong canine tooth on each side of the lower jaw ; body usually covered with spots. Representing Lates. C. altivelis. Sw. Cuv.pl.35. myriaster.° Rup. (nec. igas. Ib. pl. 33. Cuv.), 1. pl. 27. f. 1. miniatus. Rup. i. pl. 26. fuscoguttatus. Ib. f. 3. fee i hemistictos. Ib. f. 3. Plectropoma Cuv. General structure of Serranus; but the body is shorter and broader, and the anal’ spines very strong; caudal fin forked or lunate; the spines on the horizontal or lower edge of the pre- opercule are largest, and are directed forward ; body banded. Representing Centropomus. P. puella. Cuv. pl. 37.+ Cynichthys Sw. (fig. 42.c.) Body shorter and broader ; + This is Cuvier’s character ; but it seems to be a variable one, for I find, on reference to my Sicilian MSS., that in the first, or typical species, S. scriba, I counted only six rays, while in S. cabrilla there were seven. + P. leopardinus, Cuv. pl. 36., seems to connect this sub-genus with Cromileptes. ¢ This most beautiful fish is obviously the chironectiform type of the present group. 202 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. head large; mouth very wide and large, obliquely vertical ; lower jaw with numerous teeth, all of the same length. Representing Huro. (See fig. 42. 6, c.) C. flavo-purpuratus. Frey. Atl. pl. 57. £2. Bennet, Ceyl. Fishes, pl. 19. (fig. 42. ¢.) Variola Sw. Ovate, fusiform, the hinder part of the dorsal and anal fins considerably lengthened and pointed ; caudal, large, long, and deeply Iunate, the upper and under extremities forming long points ; ventrals pointed. Representing Cheilodipterus. V. longipinna Sw. Rip. i. pl 26. f. 2. (S. louti Riip.*) Ereixs. Caudal fin large, deeply forked ; pectoral fins pointed ; dorsal fin almost divided into two; eyes excessively large. Representing Apogon. Elastoma Sw. Body fusiform ; spinal division of the dorsal longer than the hinder portion; mouth and teeth as in Serranus ; eyes very large; caudal deeply forked. E. oculatus Sw. Cuv. pl. 32. Uripheton Sw. Ovate-fusiform; dorsal fin only slightly emarginate ; mouth large, sub-vertical, with strong incisors at the tip of each jaw; caudal forked, the two middle rays united into a filament as long as the body. U. microleptes Sw. (Serranus pheton. Cuv. pl. 34.) Eteles Cuv. General shape and habit of the last, and with similar dorsal fins; several large incurved teeth in the jaws, but none in the palate; caudal fin deeply forked, the upper extremity elongated into a filament. E. carbunculus, Cuv. pl. 18. Grystes Cuv. Dorsal fin almost divided into two, the anterior or spinous division shortest, the posterior lobed ; preoperculum smooth ; mouth large, sub-ver- tical ; lower jaw largest ; caudal emarginate; sides * Connected to Serranus, with which the circle of this genus began by Serranus phenisiomus, which unites the truncate caudal of Servanus with the broad fins of Varzola. PERCIDZ.—PERCOPHINZE. 203 of the head scaled ; pectoral and ventrals small ; anal fin shorter than the hind part of the dorsal. Repre- senting Huro in the circle of Percine. G. Salmoides. Cuy. pl. 45. Acerina Cuv. Dorsal fin emarginate towards the cau- dal; head naked ; preoperculum not crenated, but with obsolete spines, as in the operculum ; crown de- pressed, and marked with indentations ; mouth small, placed beneath the muzzle, which projects beyond the lower jaw ; ventral fin large; caudal emarginate. Representing Aspro. A. vulgaris. Cuv. pl. 41. Prentaceros. Body short, broad, compressed, resem- bling the Chetodons; mouth oblique; dorsal fin single, emarginate towards the caudal ; scales small ; orbits elevated over the eyes. Representing Enoplosus. Polyprion Cuv. Body oblong-oval; a ridged and spined process over the orbits and other short spines on the preoperculum and gill-covers ; ventral spine serrated, the fin rounded, and as large as the pectoral ; the hind part of the dorsal, the anal, and the caudal fins half covered with small scales ; caudal truncate. P. cernium. Cuv. pl. 42. Pentaceres Cuv. Body short, angular; the belly flattened ; the sides much compressed ; dorsal slightly emarginate ; the spiny ray and that of the ventral very strong and lengthened; caudal small, round ; mouth very small; preopercule crenated; over the eyes a horn-like protuberance. P. capensis. Cuv. pl. 43. 3. Susram. PERCOPHINZE. Ventral fins placed before the pectoral ; dorsal fin single, entire~; the spinal rays weaker and shorter than the others, and generally very few. Pineurrrs. Body lengthened ; dorsal fins single, long, and narrow, with nearly all the rays soft. * Except in Percophis. 204 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. WS SSSs Pinguipes Cuv. ( fig. 43. b.) Body very fusiform, resem- bling that of a Labrus; scales small; head naked in front; lips fleshy; anal fin long, narrow, resembling the hinder part of the dorsal; pectoral and caudal rounded ; ventral small, slender ; no spines on the head. P. Brazilianus. Gav: pl. 63. Percis Cuy. General form and fins of Pinguipes, but the head is thicker and more obtuse ; one or two prickles on the operculum ; the 304 spines on the dorsal are very short. P. semifasciata. Cuv. pl. 62. Rypricus * Cuv. ( fig. 43. a.) Scales minute, covered as well as the fins by the common skin of the body ; pectoral and caudal rounded ; ventral very small ; a few small prickles only on the gill-covers ; mouth small ; eyes very large; representing Gramistes. R. arenatus. Cuv. pl. 46. Prercopuis. (fig. 44.) Dorsal fins two ; body anguilli- _ form, cylindrical ; tail very long. Percophis Cuy. Body lengthened, slender ; aspect resem- 44 y, EWE bling Sphyrena ; head long, pointed ; mouth hori- * This is clearly a representation of the Gadide ; but I feel uncertain whether to consider it the type of a sub-genus, or of a genus. PERCID ©.—HOLOCENTRINE. 205 zontal, large ; lower jaw much the longest ; the chin advancing and pointed ; a packet of long curved teeth at the tip of the upper jaw, and others scattered in the lower ; dorsals wide apart, the first triangular, the second long ; anal fin longer than the second dor- sal; head and body with small scales; caudal rounded. P. Brazilianus. Cuv. pl. 64. Smaco Cur. (fig. 45.) Head lengthened ; mouth small ; ae ae eyés minute ; first dorsal fin on a line with the pec- toral and the ventral, having the first ray very long. S. domina. Cuv. pl. 69. CreNnTROPRIsTIs Cuv. Body ovate, compressed, sub-fu- siform, but rather broad ; dorsal fins emarginate ; head rather large ; preopercule dentated ; operculum spined ; caudal fin doubly lunate ; ventral fin smaller, and slightly before the pectoral. C. nigricans. Cuv. pl. 44. Priacantuus Cuv. Body ovate, compressed, obtuse ; head large ; mouth large, obliquely vertical; lower jaw longest ; the chin pointed and advanced ; eyes enor- mous ; ventral fins very large, the last ray attached to the belly by a membrane ; pectoral very small ; caudal truncate ; the whole head and body covered with small rough scales; angle of the preopercule with an obtuse spine, the margin crenated. Repre- senting Huro and the Holocentrine. P. Japonicus. Cuv. pl. 50. 4, Susram. HOLOCENTRINZ. - Body covered with hard, rough, or denticulated scales, or mailed plates; the head being very spiny, and the mouth often oblique ; dorsal emarginate. 206 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. Antatas Antiq. ( fig. 46.) Ventral fin exceeding long’; cau- dal very lunate, and ending in filaments ; body ovate ; head obtuse; eyes large; mouth wide, sub-ver- tical, the lower jaw long- est; each jaw with a single row of small and sharp teeth, those in the upper jaw being curved upwards ; these are in- termixed with larger ones in both jaws, curving different ways ; vomer with numerous others, small and curved ; lateral line ab- ruptly bent near both extremities ; jaws, head, and body covered with small rough scales ; gill membrane six-rayed. A. sacer. Bloch, pl. 315.* Hotocentrum. Dorsal fins; scales hard, imbricate, regular. Holocentrum Artedi. Anal spines exceedingly strong ; body ovate, fusiform ; head and back arched ; scales large, hard, and crenated ; spines on the operculum and preopercule very long and sharp, the edges of all these bones being strongly toothed ; sub-orbital plate crenated ; dorsal fin cleft almost into two, with the spines and those of the anal very strong ; caudal deeply lobed or forked; ventral fin of many rays ; lower jaw longest. H. hastatum. Cuvy. pl. 59. diadema. Rupp. i. pl. 22. 2. spinifer. Riipp.ii. pl. 25.1. | samara. Ib. i. pl. 22. fig. 3. ruber. Ib. i. pl. 22. fig.1. ruber. Benn. Cey. pl. 4.° Corniger Spix. Anal spines small, those of the sub- orbital bone excessively large ; pectoral fin rounded ; * If the figure at pl. 31. (where this fish is unaccountably placed with Serranus), in Cuvier and Valencienne’s work, is correct, it must bea differ- ent species to the 4. sacer of Sicily; it represents the lower part of the operculum and sub-operculum‘’as crenated similar to the edge of the pre- operculum, and the superior teeth as not bent upwards. In the Sicilian species (of which specimens ‘are fortunately in the Zoological Museum) there are no serratures on the.operculum or sub-operculum, and the ven- tral fin is pointed, not rounded. I can hardly think that these important differenees originate in error, because such carelessness would throw a doubt on the general correctness of those otherwise well-executed plates. PERCID2.—HOLOCENTRIN A. 207 caudal truncate; scales with their margins strongly toothed ; teeth rather strong, sharp, even. C. spinosus. Spix and Agass. pl. 75. Myripristis Cuv. No prominent spine on the preoper- cule, and only one or two small ones on the operculum ; eyes excessively large ; scales as in Corniger ; both profiles of the head and body equally curved ; mouth sub-vertical ; lower jaw longest ; caudal fin forked. M. Japonicus. Cuv. pl. 58. melanophrys Sw.* Rupp. i. plegs utc. 22: Beryx Cuv. Dorsal fin single, placed in the middle of the back, the rays of all the fins slender; caudal very large and forked; ventral fins nearly equal to the pectorals, and often of ten rays; operculum and preoperculum crenated, but the spines very small or wanting. B. lineatus. Cuv. pl. 60. Hoplostethus Cuv. General shape of Trachichthys, but the head is marked by numerous bony ridges instead of spines, and the scales are smaller and more regular, as in ordinary fishes; dorsal fin single, low, with six spinal rays, followed by others which are branched ; caudal fin divided to the base into two oval lobes ; pectoral large, oval; head without scales ; inter- operculum with a short spine ; belly serrated ; lateral line smooth ; mouth vertical; lower jaw longest ; eyes very large. H. Mediterraneus. Cuv. and Val. pl. 97. bis. Tracuicutuys. Body short, oval, covered with ex- cessively hard irregular plates instead of imbricate scales ; head large, obtuse ; mouth very wide, almost vertical ; the lower jaw longest. Trachichthys Shaw. Body mailed with large rough plates, which form a spined ridge ‘on the belly and lateral line ; operculum and nape of. the head with * M. Murdjan Riipp. 208 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. other large spines; eyes excessively large; mouth completely vertical ; teeth none. T. Australis Sh. Nat. Miss. pl. 378. Monocentrus Cuv. Body entirely mailed with large angular plates, which are rough and carinated ; dorsal fins two, the first of a few very thick spines; one large spine shows the ventrals, in the angle of which are the true fins, composed of soft and almost im- perceptible rays. ; M. Japonica. Sch. pl. 24. Cuv. pl. 97. Oriosoma, Cuv. Body short, thick, oval, armed with conical horny tubercles of different sizes, two of which represent the first dorsal; all the other fins with soft rays ; body granulated ; belly protuberant ; mouth small, vertical. O. coniferum. Cuv. pl. 99. 5. Susram. HELOTINE. Dorsal fin one, deeply cleft ; branchial membrane of six rays; jaw-teeth numerous, small, close set, and of equal size; head and muzzle naked; dorsal, and often the anal fins sheathed at their base with scales ; swimming bladder two-lobed, or contracted in the middle ; pectorals pointed ; strong spines in the middie of the operculum. Analogous to the Sparine. THERAPON Cuv. Spine on the opercule very strong ; preopercule with pectinated teeth; outer range of the teeth strongest; ventral behind the pectoral ; caudal forked ; lower jaw slightly longest (?). Con- necting this sub-family with the Holocentrine. T. Theraps. Cuv. Val. 53. Datnia Cuv. Body broad; head and muzzle con- tracted and rather pointed; dorsal and anal fins sheathed before, and scaled behind; lower jaw shortest ; dorsal and anal spines remarkably large ; head scaly ; preopercule toothed ; opercule with two small prickles. Representing Centropomus and Gerres. D. argentea. Cuy. pl. 54. PERCID #.—HELOTIN &. 209 Pelates Cuv. Somewhat resembling Datnia, but the body is more lengthened, and the base of the fins are not scaly; all the teeth even; opercule spines small; preopercule crenated ; caudal lunate ; dorsal and anal spines moderate ; fore part of the head and crown naked. P. quadrilineatus P. Cuv. 55. Helotes Cuv. (fig. 47.) Body fusiform ; snout obtuse; ¢4 mouth very small; outer teeth trilobate ; preopercule crenated ; opercule with small prickles; caudal lu- nate: representing Boops. Helotes sex-lineatus. Cuv. Val. 56. Dutes. Operculum spines small; all the teeth simple and equal; eyes very large ; pectoral small; ventral larger than the pectoral, and placed beneath it; caudal large, deeply forked ; branchial membrane six-rayed; dorsal fin deeply emarginate in the middle: representing Apogon? marginatus. Cuy. Val. 52. rupestris. Griff. Cuv. 7. 2. Crrruites Commerson. Body short, broad, resembling Pomotis in shape ; mouth small ; lower jaw shortest ; several canine teeth mixed with the others ; pectorals large, round ; the lower rays simple, thick, length- ened, and partly free ; ventrals behind the pectoral ; anal and dorsal spines very strong. C. fasciatus. Cuv. Val. pl. 47. Pomotis Cuv. Body broadly oval, compressed ; dorsal fin slightly emarginate, the hinder part and the anal with a sheath of scales at their base, the spines of these fins moderate ; an elongated membrane or flap at the angle of the operculum ; caudal fin lobed ; ventrals under the pectoral, with a pointed basal scale. P. vulgaris. Cuv. pl. 49. VOL. Il. Je 7 ea Cenrrarcuus Cuv. (fig. 48.) Dorsal fin undivided, and, with the anal, hav- ing a number of short but graduated spines before the soft rays ; mouth large, subverti- cal; the lower jaw longest; preopercule and gill covers smooth ; teeth in the jaws and tongue close and even ; caudal fin truncate: representing Huro, Priacanthus, &e. 210 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. = ——— —_- y ZZ =e C. sparoides. Cuv. pl. 46. Genera of uncertain affinities. * Diacope Cuv. Form and general aspect between a Serranus and a Sparus ; body fusiform ; head pointed ; mouth large, horizontal; the under jaw generally rather the longest ; pectoral fins invariably pointed ; dorsal fin single, but emarginate, the spiny and the soft rays about equal ; caudal fin more or less lunated or lobed ; ventrals beneath the pectoral ; teeth of the jaws as in Serranus ; preopercule crenated, and with a notch which receives a tubercle on the inter- operculum. reyulina. Cuv. pl. 38. coccinea. Rupp. ii. pl. 23. 2. lineolata. Rupp. i. pl.19. 3. erythrina. Ib. fig. 3. argentimaculata. Ib. fig.1. nigra. Ib ii. pl. 24. fig. 1. fulviflamma. Ib. fig. 2. annularis. Ib. fig. 2. melanura. Ib. u. pl. 23. 1. ceruleolineata. Ib. fig. 3. Mesoprion Cuv. General structure of Diacope, but the operculum terminates in a blunt angle, and is not spinous ; preopercule lobed and crenated. uninotatus. Cuv. pl. 39. chrysurus. Ib. pl. 40. * Some of these fishes I suspect are allied to Serranus, and others to the Holocentrine, while Mesoprion may possibly be referred to the Sparine. The whole, however, appear to require a perfect revision. Itis remarkable that they have, in their pointed pectorals, one of the great natural charac- ters of the Sparine. CHETODONIDZ. O14 Faminry 2. CHATODONIDE. Operculum without prickles; preopercule generally smooth ; the spinal rays of the dorsal fewer than the flexible rays; dorsal fins generally united into one; scales and mouth small. 1. Susram CHATODONINE. Body short, broad, much compressed; dorsal, anal, and caudal fins thickly covered with minute scales * ; teeth setaceous, very slender, rather long, crowded ; mouth remarkably small; dorsal fin generally single ; pectoral pointed, sometimes emarginate. Cuztopon Linn. Body oval, broad; mouth more or less pointed; no spine on the preoperculum, or prickles before the dorsal; caudal truncate ; pectoral fins small or moderate ; dorsal fin single. Rabdophorus Sw. Dorsal fin single, but with the first soft rays falcate, and lengthened into a filament ; mouth porrect, and the lower jaw longest: repre- senting Pomacanthus. Ephippium Sw. Cuv. pl. 174. Chetodon Linn. Dorsal single, emarginate, and rounded behind ; all the rays graduated: representing Holo- canthus. reticulatus. Cuv. pl. 171. Heniochus Cuy. An emarginate division between the spinal and the soft rays of the dorsal; the fourth ray more or less prolonged ; crown with horn-like appendages ; ventral fins very large, rounded, equal or longer than the pectorals. monoceros. Cuv. pl. 176. taurichthys Sw. Cuv. pl. 181. Chelmon Cuv. Mouth prolonged into a slender snout. or tube ; dorsal spines long, connected only at their * Except in Scatophagus, which seems to unite this genus with Gerres. pa 212 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. base ; pectorals long, pointed; ventrals moderate : representing Zanclus. C. longirostris. Cuy. pl. 175. Hotocantuus Cuv., Lac. General structure of Che- todon ; fins covered with scales ; preoperculum armed with a strong spine at its lower angle. Holocanthus Lac. Dorsal fin entire, emarginate ; caudal round ; pectoral and ventral pointed. H. trimaculatus. Cuv. pl. 182. Pomacanthus, Lac. Caudal fin rounded; margin of the preopercule without serratures; spine on the lower extremity smaller than in the last ; dorsal and anal fins emarginate, but with the two or three first soft rays prolonged into a filament in the typical species. P. cingulatus. Cuv. pl. 185. Genicanthus Sw. Body more elongated than in the two preceding ; caudal fin large, deeply lunated, the ends extended into filaments ; dorsal and anal fins entire ; ventral fin pointed, as large as the pectorals ; operculum spined as in Holocanthus. Lamarck. Cuy. pl. 184. tricolor. Bloch, pl. 426. Zanclus Cuy. Body higher than broad ; scales very mi- nute, and hardly discernible ; dorsal fin falcated, the anterior rays surmounted by excessively long 1, ments ; jaws produced into a short cylinder ; caudal fin lunate; before the eye a prominent spine ; pec- toral small; anal pointed, moderate: representing Chelmon. Z. cornutus. Cuyv. pl. 177. Monodactylus Lac. Body diamond-shaped, broader than long ; dorsal and anal equal, falcate ; ventrals of two spiny rays, the others obsolete ; pectoral small ; caudal slightly lunate. Mon. falciformis. Lacepede, il. p. 131. Cuy. pl. 18. rhombeus. Griff. Cuv. pl. 55. fig. 2. CHEZ TODONID ©.—EPHIPPUS. eA 175) Epuippus. General structure and form of Chetodon * ; but the single or double dorsal fin has scales only at the base of the rays, and there are several short spines in front, placed close together. Platax Cuv. General form of Monodactylus ; but the dorsal and anal are much more falcated, and the ventral fins often excessively long and pointed ; be- fore the setaceous teeth is a row of others, larger, and tricuspidate ; pectorals small ; caudal truncate. Gaimardi. Griff. Cuv. pl. 55. fig. 1. Ephippus Cuv. Teeth as in Chetodon ; superior profile much more arched than the inferior ; profile obtuse ; front of the head gibbous ; dorsal fins two, the first naked ; pectorals small, not larger than the ventrals ; caudal truncate ; obsolete spines, sometimes pointing forward, at the base of the first dorsal. gigas. Cuv. vii. 121. Spixii Sw. Spix pl. 61.+ orbis. Griff. Cuy. pl.42. 1. Goreensis. Cuv. pl. 178. Seatophagus Cuv. Dorsal fins two, united at their base, but without any concealed prickles in front, almost naked, or devoid of scales ; pectoral fins small, rounded ; ventral fins large, pointed ; caudal truncate. S. ornatus. Cuy. pl. 180. Drepane Cuv. Pectoral fins excessively long and fal- cate ; in other respects resembles Scatophagus ; but the dorsal fins have more scales ; caudal truncate. punctata. Cuv. pl. 179. Pimelepterus Lac. Body oval, more lengthened than in any of the preceding divisions ; head short, thick, obtuse, the muzzle truncate; forehead gibbous ; mouth small, with a row of strong cutting teeth in front ; dorsal fins two, united at their extremities, with generally a procumbent spine in front ; anterior * Excepting Pimelepterus, which leads to Toxctes. 7 As this is totally different from the Gigas of Cuvier, I propose naming it after its eminent discoverer. P 3 214 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. b dorsal naked, the hinder and anal very scaly ; caudal lunate. j P. Boscii. Cuv. pl. 187. P. capensis Sw. Cuv. pl. 188. Toxotes Cuv. Body oblong-ovate; mouth large, opening almost vertically ; the under jaw longest ; fins scaly: the chironectiform type. Brama Bloch. Form obovate, the anterior part of the head and body being broad, the hinder or tail much narrowed ; dorsal fin one, faleate, extending the whole length of the back; caudal large, forked; jaws and palate with slender curved teeth ; front gibbous. B. Raii. Griff. Cuv. pl.31. fig. 1. Pempheris Cuv. Wead naked; dorsal fin short, high, and placed over the pectoral ; eyes excessively large. P. Mexicana, Griff. Cuv. E 31. fig. 2. Toxotes Cuy. (fig. 49.) Dorsal fin single, close to the caudal,== with strong anterio: B spines; caudal trun- ° cate, ‘ey T. jaculator. Griff. Cuy. pl.31. fig. 3. Gerres. Body oblong, fusiform; habit that of Sparus; mouth small, very protractile ; jaws with small and crowded teeth ; dorsal fin single, with a scaly sheath at its base, or half covered with minute scales ; three anterior rays of the anal formed of strong spines ; pectorals pointed ; caudal deeply forked. Gerres Cuv. Back high and arched ; dorsal and anal spines very long and thick ; eyes large, close to the snout ; dorsal and anal with a scaly sheath at their base. G. Plumieri. Cuv. pl. 167. Cesio Cuv. Body fusiform; mouth rather larger ; dorsal and anal spines not much longer than the others, CHETODONIDZ.— SCENIN &. DAs, but the base of these fins are thickly covered with small scales. C. erythrogaster. Cuv. pl. 166. Microcanthus Sw. Body intermediate in form between Chetodon and Gerres : dorsal fin slightly emarginate ; the anterior or spinal half naked, but with a scaly sheath at the base ; anal spinal rays very strong, naked ; head very small, pointed ; teeth as in Chetodon ; preoper- cule serrated ; caudal lunate ; pectoral and ventral fins equal. G. strigatus. Cuv. pl. 170. Mena* Cuvy.(fig.50.) Body fusiform,resembling a Sparus, and without any scales on the 50 : fins ; mouth very protractile ; teeth of the vomer very small, short, and crowded, placed on a narrow longitudinal band ; those of the jaws extremely fine and also in a band; between the ventrals and on their sides are elongated scales. vomirina, Cuv. pl.164. M. vulgaris. Cuv. Smaris Cuv. Differs only from Mena in having no teeth in the vomer. S. chryselis. Cuv. pl. 165. alcedo, Griff. Cuv. pl. 49. fig. 1. 2. Susram. SCAXNINZE. Fins partially scaled at their base ; operculum armed with spines; the preoperculum serrated ; teeth strong, but none either on the vomer or on the palate ; snout more or less obtuse. GuiypuHisopon Cuv. General form of Chetodon, but the teeth are strong, cutting, emarginate or notched in the middle, and placed in a single row; gills quite smooth ; * Thave, for the present, followed MM. Cuvier and Valenciennes in placing this and the following genera near to that of Gerres ; but from the general want of scales on the fins, and other considerations, I have some suspicion that their natural situation will be among the true Sparz, which Gerres obviously represents. p 4 216 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. fins nearly covered with scales ; caudal large, forked ; mouth very small. Pimelepterus Cuv. Body oval-oblong ; dorsal fins two, united at their base; snout obtuse, short, truncate ; eyes large ; forehead rather gibbous; teeth strong, cutting. P. Boseii. Cuv. pl. 185. capensis. Ib. pl. 188. Glyphisodon Cuv. Anal fin short; vent medial ; body oval; dorsal fin emarginate behind; anal short, rounded; caudal large, forked ; mouth small. G. ceelestinus. Cuv. pl. 135. insolatus * Sw. Cuv. pl. 137. Microgaster Sw. Anal fin long ; vent under the pecto- ral fin ; caudal lunate; in other respects resembling Glyphisodon. maculata. Cuv. pl. 136. Chrysiptera Sw. Body ovate ; pectorals large, pointed ; eyes large, close to the muzzle, which is very short and obtuse ; dorsal fin long, emarginate at the end ; vent central ; anal short ; caudal fin round. azurea. Frey. Atl. pl. 64. fig. 3. Gamardii. Ib. fig. 4. Chetolabrus Sw.t General aspect of a Chetodon, but the lateral line is interrupted, as in Labrus, and there are numerous spines in the anal fin; body oval; pectoral and caudal fins rounded. Suratensis. Bloch, 217. maculatus. Ib. 427. Pristoroma. Dorsal fin single, emarginate behind ; the preoperculum strongly serrated. Ampuiprion. { (figs. 51. 52.) Sub-orbital plates ; operculum and preoperculum serrated, and often spined. * Heliases Cuv. + But, from the circumstance of M. Cuvier placing these fishes in the genus Glyphisodon, 1 should have concluded they were Helostome, and had labyrinthiform gills: the analogy is most complete. t Nothaving analysed this sub-family, I have thought it better to arrange the genera by characters easily distinguishable, as in the present instance, without venturing to determine their natural succession, or analogical re- presentations. Amphiprion in its typical sub-genus, as well as Lobotes, appear chironectiform types, from their vertical mouth; and perhaps the whole of these spine-cheeked genera correspond to the Triglide, &c. CHETODONID &.—-SCENINZE. Q17 Amphiprion Bloch. Obovate ; the head and fore parts being broader and thicker than the posterior half ; dor- sal more or less emarginate; ventral fin nearly as large as the pectoral; the preoperculum and the three plates of the operculum very strongly and re- markably ‘serrated at their edges, and grooved on their surface ; the sub-orbital SIE often spined ; mouth subvertical. * Caudal fin rounded. A. punicatus. Lesson. Atl. laticlavis. Cuv. pl.132. fig.1. press. te: 3. ** Caudal slightly lunated. chrysogaster. Lesson. Atl. pl. 28. fig. 3. Premnas Cuv. A very strong spine on the sub-orbital plate; in other respects resembling Amphiprion ; caudal fin rounded ; mouth small, horizontal. P semicinctus. Cuyv. pl. 133. Pomacentrus Wace. (fig. 53.) Body oval; the profile of the head and the throat equally cur- ved; mouth small; lips thick ; eyes ra- ther large, very near the snout; teeth cutting, emargin- ate In one or more rows ; anal mo- derate ; pectoral rounded ; caudal slightly forked ; the 218 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. lobes rounded ; ven- trals nearly as large as the pectorals. 5A -fasciatus. Cuv. pl.134. marginatus. Rupp. ( fig. 54.) emarginatus. Less. Atl. pl. 28. fig. 1. teniops. Ib. fig. 2. Scolopsides Cuv. Body oblong, fusiform ; sub-orbital plate turned backward, and finely serrated ; mouth small, retractile; teeth small, even, and slightly incurved ; dorsal fin emarginate; caudal forked ; eyes large ; operculum with an obtuse spine, but not crenated. S. lycogenis. Cuv. pl. 127. Cheilodactylus Cuy. Ovate, the upper profile more arched than the lower; eyes placed high up towards the crown ; mouth small ; dorsal fin slightly emarginate in the middle; the spines small; jaws retractile ; caudal forked ; pectoral fins angulated ; one of the lower rays much longer than the others ; analogous to Equula. C. zonatus. Cuy. pl. 129. carponemus. Cuv. pl. 128. Plectorynchus Lac. Body ovate-oblong ; head generally thick, obtuse ; dorsal fin emarginate, the hinder por- tion and the anal, which is short, covered with scales at their base; ventral fin about the size of the pectoral ; caudal either lengthened and greatly rounded, or lunated. * Caudal lengthened, rounded. * * Caudal slightly lunated. D. Orientale. Cuy. pl. 124. Lessonii. Less. Atl. pl. 24. Pristopoma Cuv.* Ovate-oblong ; fins as in the last, * M. Cuvier remarks, that this genus has “ no scales on the dorsal and anal fins ; *’ and yet, in the very species he figures as the type, these scales are as conspicuous as in Diagramma. Not having yet analysed these genera, I have for the present adopted most of these divisions of the Scenine ; but they all seem to require a complete revision, and their characters drawn out with greater accuracy and precision. CHETODONID&.— SCENINE. 219 but the ventral is smaller, the caudal forked, and the anal spines remarkably strong ; operculum with a “blunt angle” at its posterior edge. P. bilineatum. Cuy. pl. 122. Hemulion Cuy. Oblong, fusiform ; the mouth rather wide ; lower jaw compressed, having under its sym- physis two pores, and a little oval dimple ; dorsal emarginate towards the caudal ; anal short, with scales at its base; caudal forked. H. quadrilineatum. Cuv. pl. 120. Lobotes Cuv. Body ovate, thick, and broad, compressed ; eyes and head very small; mouth opening obliquely ; the lower jaw longest; pectoral and caudal fins rounded ; dorsal emarginate, with a sheath of scales ; the hinder portion, together with the anal and caudal, almost covered with minute scales ; preoperculum strongly serrated ; a chironectiform type. somnolentus. Cuv. pl. 126. Latilus Cuv. More lengthened ; head obtuse ; dorsal fin ‘long, with only six slender spinal rays in front, the rest branched, and of equal length ; caudal lunate. Ana- logous to Iulus. L. doleatus. Cuv. pl. 130. Scizwa. Spinal rays of the anal fin very slender. Sciena Linn. Caudal fin rather elevated, truncate or lunated ; spines at the anal slender ; no canine teeth. S. umbra. Auct. Otolithus Cuv. Resembling Sciena in its small anal spines ; but the head is more lengthened ; the mouth larger, the under jaw longest ; the foremost teeth long and hooked ; and the caudal considerably rounded. elongatus Sw. Cuv. 103. ruber. Cuv. pl. 102. Ancylodon Cuv. Dorsal fins very remote ; head large, without scales, lower jaw longest ; canine teeth large, curved, extending on the sides of the under jaw; caudal rounded. A. parvipinnis. Cuv. pl. 105. 220 CLASSIFICATION: OF FISHES, ETC. Nebris Cuy. Resembling Lepipterus, but the mouth is much larger ; eyes very small ; dorsal fins united, the second anal spine short and weak ; ventral fin smaller than the pectoral. N. microps. Cuy. pl. 112. Leiostomus Cuy. General form of Umbrina ; snout very truncate; caudal fin slightly lunate ; pectoral and ~ anal pointed ; ventral spine small ; head scaly ; no canines in front ; dorsals hardly united. L. humeralis. Cuy. pl. 110. Eques Bl. General form of Umbrina ; the caudal even more inclined upwards, but this fin is round ; dorsals two, separate, the first short, very high and falcate ; the second very long; ventral as large as the pectoral ; anal very short, oval ; fins scaly at the base. E. punctatus Bl. Cuv. pl. 116. Lepiptervs. Anal fin short ; the second spine exces- sively strong ; head scaly. Larimus Cuv. Body oval ; the under profile as much curved as the upper ; eyes large, placed close to the snout, which is not thick or truncated ; mouth large, opening obliquely ; and spine very strong ; caudal fin much rounded ; no canine teeth. L. breviceps. Curvy. pl. 111. Lepipterus Cuv. Body more slender and fusiform ; scales minute; no canine teeth ; caudal rounded ; anal spine excessively strong ; ventrals large. L. Francii. Cuv. pl. 103. Corvina Cuy. Anal spine very strong ; ventral large, pointed, as long as the pectoral ; caudal rounded ; no canine teeth in front. C. lobata. Cuv. pl. 107. Umbrina. Cuv. Ventral profile nearly stright ; snout thick, obtuse, truncate ; mouth horizontal ; lower jaw shortest, with a single’cirrus ; dorsals distinct ; caudal fin truncate or sub-lunate, and inclining upwards. U. coroides. Cuv. pl. 117. CHETODONID®.—SPARIANZE. 991 Pogonias Cuv. General form of Umbrina; but the caudal is rounded, and there are many cirri on the lower jaw ; anal spine very strong ; ventral large and rounded. P. fasciatus. Cuv. pl. 118. Micropogon Cuv. Resembles the last ; but the second anal ray is only half as long as the next, and the ven- tral is small and pointed. M. luniatus. Cuy. 119. 3. Susram. SPARIANZA. Pectorals always pointed ; caudal forked; fins naked ; no spines upon the operculum ; the preoperculum ge- nerally smooth ; teeth strong; canines in the anterior row, and grinders on the sides. Curysopurys. Muzzle rather obtuse; body broad ; ovate jaws, with conic or obtuse teeth in front, and strong grinders on the sides. Chrysophrys Cuy. Body broad, ovate, attenuated at each end; head moderate ; dorsal fin emarginate, naked. aurata. Cuv. pl. 145. -Chrysoblephus Sw. Head very large, broader than the body ; the front obtuse, truncate ; the profile almost vertical ; eyes near the crown, which is elevated and gibbous ; lateral line terminating at the lower side of the tail. C. gibbiceps. Cuv. pl. 147. Pagrus Cuv. General shape and structure of Chrysophrys ; pectoral fins long ; front high, not gibbous ; the an- terior teeth small and even, each jaw with two rows of molars on each side. P. vulgaris. Cuv. pl. 148. Argyrops Sw. Body shorter and broader ; anterior dorsal spines terminating in long filaments. spinifer Forsk. Russ. pl. 101. Calamus Sw. Form intermediate between Chrysophrys and Chrysoblepus ; head very large ; profile abruptly 222 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. oblique ; dorsal fin slightly emarginate in the middle ; the second anal spine hollow, and shaped as a pen; pectorals large. E. megacephalus Sw. Cuv. pl. 152. Sareus Cuv. (fig.55.a.) Body broad, but the extre- mities attenuated ; head small; fins as in Chrysophrys; in front of the jaws a row of cutting teeth of similar shape to those in man, which are sometimes slightly notched in the middle; sides with grinders. S. rhomboides. Cuy. pl. 143. Charax Cuv. ( fig.55.b.) General form and fins of Sargus ; but the jaws are a little produced ; the front teeth shaped like those of Sargus, are placed on the anterior extremities of the jaws, and point forwards ; those on the sides very minute. C. fasciata Sw. Cuv. pl. 144. Pacrtius Cuv. Body more lengthened and fusiform than in Pagrus; the head more pointed ; anterior canines crowded, conic, and slender ; pectorals rather lengthened. P. erythrinus. Bl. pl. 274. Lithognathus Sw. Body fusiform ; head lengthened ; mouth terminal, very small; the maxillaries thick, enlarged, and as hard as stone; caudal fin small, and slightly forked. L. capensis. Sw. Cuv. pl. 151. Boridia Cuv. Lengthened, fusiform; dorsal fin di- vided into two, the first triangular ; pectoral and ventral fins equal ; caudal large, deeply lunate ; jaws with several rows of obtuse teeth. B. grossidens. Cuy. pl. 114. Lethrinus Cuv. General form of Charax, but the greater part of the head is devoid of scales; the operculum and sub-operculum being alone scaly ; CH ETODONID Z.—SPARIAN&. 293 large conic canines in front, minute ones behind, and a-single row of grinders on the sides; dorsal fin emarginate ; head large ; muzzle rather produced ; gills smooth ; yventrals smaller than the pectorals. esculentus. Cuv. pl. 158. genivittatus. Ib. pl. 159. Sparvus. Head and gill-covers smooth; mouth small, slightly retractile ; body fusiform ; emarginate cut- ting or hooked teeth in each jaw, but no grinders. Sparus.* (fig. 50.) Body more / ; 56 or less, fusiform ; dorsal fin \ ii SA very slightly emarginate. 4 Ce) . Boops L. Cuv. pl.161.(fig.56.) aos" Salpa. Ib. pl. 162. cantharus Linn. Cuy. pl.160. Dentex. General aspect of Sparus, but the mouth is larger ; there are strong simply conic teeth in each jaw, the lower of which is the largest; dorsal fin slightly emarginate. D. vulgaris. Bloch, pl. 268. Nemipterus Sw. Jaws equal; dorsal fin broad, ex- tending the whole length of the back, of equal rays, excepting the first, which is prolonged into a fila- ment ; caudal forked ; another filament terminates the exterior upper ray ; ventral fin long and pointed. N. filamentosus. Cuv. pl. 155. Oblata Cuv. General aspect of Sparus, but the mouth opens rather obliquely, and the lower jaw is longest. O. melanura. Cuv. pl. 162. bis. Asphareus Cuv. General form of Sparus, but the mouth is very large ; the under jaw strong, and longer than the lower ; dorsal entire ; the last rays of the dorsal and of the anal prolonged into short filaments. A. eerulescens. Cuv. pl. 162. bis. * Including Crenidens, Scathurus, and Cantharus. Bie ee 224 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. 4. Suzsram. SCARINZ. Head and crown rather elevated ; jaws in the typical genera, performing the office of teeth ; scales at the base “ of the caudal very large. BS 57 Zyricutuys. Blenniform ; forehead much elevated ; teeth mostly as in the Labride; ventrals generally very long: representing the Dolphins and the Gymnetres, or ribbon-fish, Zyrichthys, proper, Cuv. (fig.57.a.) Head very large, high ; eyes almost vertical ; dorsal fin narrow, nearly of equal breadth, but pointed before ; caudal rounded. bimaculatus. Rupp. i. 10. fig. 2. altipinnis. Ib. 11. pl. 7. fig. 1. Thalassoma Nob. ( fig. 57. b.) General aspect of Zyrich- thys, but the muzzle becomes suddenly more ad- vanced, and the eyes are lower; ventrals longer than the pectorals. T. purpurea. Nob. Rupp. Atl. pl. 6. fig. 3. Urichthys Nob. (fig.57. ¢.) Muzzle still more pointed than in the last; dorsal and anal fins dilated and pointed behind as in Crenilabris ; pectorals rounded ; ventrals (typically) very long and pointed ; caudal enormous, truncate, the rays projecting beyond the membrane. U. lunulatus Nob. Rupp. Atl. 6. fig. 1 quingue-cinctus. Ib. ii. pl. 5. fig. 1. . ee CH ETODONID A. —SCARINA. 295 Malacanthus Cuv. Resembling in shape Zyrichthys, but the body is more elongated ; spiny rays of the dorsal very few ; tail lunate: the anguilliform a M. Phiierii Lacep. iv. pl. 8. fig. 1. Crassilabrus Sw. General form of Urichthys, but the mouth is cblique, and the lips excessively thick ; eyes very small; ventral fins short, and scarcely pointed ; dorsal and anal fins without any scales at their base; the simple rays slender and flexible ; caudal fin small, rounded, the margin entire ; fore- head abruptly gibbous: the chironectiform -type ; representing Lobates, Astronotus, &c. _ C. undulatus. Rupp. Atl. pl. 6. fig. 2. Scarus Linn. Dorsal fin continuous, entirely com- posed of soft rays ; body ovate, with the head gibbous or elevated; mouth small; jaws (fig. 57. f) large, bony, assuming the form and office of teeth, as in the Plectognathes, but the true teeth are very small, and arranged like scales or tubercles upon them ; lips thick, fleshy, but single. Scarus Antiq., Linn. ( fig. 58. ha Head large, gibbous ; _erown ele- : vated; cau- dal lunate; pectoralfins 2 pointed; la- 2A teral line — continuous; / scales with radiated grooves. (a.) “ European seas. S. Cretensis. Bl. pl. 220. Calliodon Cuyv. Mouth obliquely vertical; profile obtuse; eyes very large, near the crown; belly prominent ; mouth retractile, distinct, and separate ; lateral teeth in the upper jaw with an inner range of smaller ones ; pectoral and caudal rounded ; all the fin rays soft ; ventrals very small; lateral line branched: the chironectiform type. C. spinidens. Quoy and Gaim. p. 28 VOL. Il. Q 226 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. Leptoscarus Sw. Elongated, fusiform ; head length- ened ; muzzle obtuse ; scales sub-triangular; pectorals’ small, rounded ; caudal lunate. i L. Vargiensis. Quey and Gaim. p. 288. Hemistoma Sw. Ovate; muzzle obtusely pointed ; crown not elevated ; caudal very large, doubly lu- nated ; pectoral ( fig. 57.g) and ventrals pointed. H. reticulata Sw. (Scarus pepo. Benn. Ceylon. pl. 28.) Perronason Sw. Ovate; the dorsal fin with simple or spiny, and branched or soft rays ; head moderate. Petronason Sw. (fig. 59.) Proper; muzzle obtusely pointed (fig.57.e); crown not elevated; caudal fin more or less : lunate, the extremities SS forming a ==> lengthened Z point ; pec- torals point- ed ; lateral line interrupted ; the simple and branched dorsal rays nearly equal in number. P. psittacus. Riipp. pl. 20. 1. flammiceps. Bennett. Ceylon Ruppellu. Ib. pl. 21. 1. Fish. pl. 24. bicolor. Ib. pl. 21. 3. niger. Rupp. Atl.ii. pl. 8. 1. longicauda. Ib. pl. 21. 2. collana. Ib. fig. 2. viridis. Bl. pl. 222. pulchellus. Ib. fig. 3. Erychthys Sw. ( fig. 60. ) Nestrils cir- rated; cau- dal rounded or truncate: representing Calliodon ? E. croicensis. Bl. pl. 221. viridescens. Rupp. i. 7. quinque-fasciatus. Benn. ig: Cey. pl. 23. (fig. 60.) ceruleo-punctatus. Ib. 3. CHETODONIDZ. —SCARINA, Oo7 Chlorurus Sw. (fig. 61.) Head obtuse; forehead gib- bous; caudal fin lunate, with the two extremities at- tenuated; lateral line interrupted. C. gibbus. Rupp. Atl. pl. 20. fig. 2. Ss ELLE APE Sparisoma * Sw. General form of Petronason, but the scales are hexagonal, and (according to Bloch) the jaws are furnished with sharp incisive teeth and obtuse canines. S. Abildgardi. Bloch, pl. 259. Ostoryncuus Lacep. Mouth and jaws considerably elongated ; the under jaw longest ; teeth as in Sca- rus; eyes large ; head naked; dorsal fins two (?), which, with the anal, are very short; caudal large, lunated ; lateral line indistinct: analogous to Gom-. phosis, &c. O. rostratus. Lacep. iv. 24. Shaw, G. Zool. iv. 2. 401. Ampuiscarus tf Sw. Jaws as in Scarus, strong, bony, and entire, or without any tooth-like indentures on the edges; lips thick; in all other respects of outward structure resembling Siganus ; dorsal and anal fins with numerous spinous rays, but no visible incumbent spine in front; ventral fin with two spinous, and three soft rays; scales small; caudal forked ; lateral line indistinct ? A. fuseus. Griff. Cuv. pl. 35. * Cuvier terms this singular fish a Scasus, and Bloch, a Sparus. The genus Odaxz of Cuvier is too slightly defined for me to adopt, and no figure of the fish exists. . + Ihave ventured to characterise this fish as a distinct type among the Scaring on the authority of the above plate, where the jaws are more dis- tinctly represented in a separate figure ; a more extraordinary instance of aymibokiea representation [ hardly ever met with. Qa 2 228 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. 5. Susram. LABRINZ. Body oval, fusiform ; colours brilliant ; lips very thick and fieshy ; cutting teeth sharp, simple, distinct, those in front longest ; operculum always smooth ; preoper- cule sometimes serrated ; lateral line abruptly bent, or totally interrupted at the end of the dorsal fin. Lazsrvus Linn. Preoperculum always smooth ; lateral line continuous *, but abruptly bent ; head covered with scales, but rarely with any on the fins; pec- toral and caudal rounded ; ventral small. Labrus Linn. (fig. 62.) Dial fin of equal breadth throughout, or slightly emarginate between the spinaland soft rays, the simple rays being as numerous as_ the branched ones, and having short loose fila- ments on their inner sides ; caudal and pec- toral fins rounded ; ventrals small ; jaws lightly pro- tractile. L. -vetula. Bloch, pl. 293. Lachnolaimus Cuv. Anterior rays of the dorsal lengthened into flexible filaments. L. suillus Cuv. Catesby, u. pl. 15. Hemiulis Sw. Body slender, fusiform ; dorsal fin of equal breadth throughout, with all the rays branched and soft; caudal fin slightly lunate; lateral line variable: representing Ophicephalus and Chromi- labrus. H. vittatus. Griff Cuv. pl.6.1. auratus. Frey. Atl pl. 54. 2. guttatus. Bloch, pl. 357. 1. melapterus. Bloch, pl. 296. 2. Cychla Bloch. Mouth large, wide; the under jaw longest ; dorsal fin naked, slightly emarginate ; teeth very small: the chironectiform type. C. saxatilis. Bloch, pl. 309. labrina. Spix, pl. 62. fig. 2. triglioides Sw. Spix, pl. 63. fasciata Sw. Hamilt. fig. 23. * Except in Che#linus. $3 CHZTODONID Z.— LABRINZ. 2290 Cheilinus Cuy. General form and structure of Labrus proper, but the pectoral and ventral fins are pointed ; the dorsal and anal partly covered with scales ; lateral line interrupted ; caudal fin rounded. C. fasciatus. Bloch, pl. 290. CrenizaBrus.* Lateral line neither curved nor in- terrupted ; preoperculum (in the typical groups) finely crenated ; strong cutting teeth in front of each jaw ; ventrals moderate ; operculum scaly. Crenilabrus Cuv. Preopercule crenated ; caudal fin lu- nated ; dorsal and anal fins covered at their base with scales, dilated and pointed behind ; pectoral and ventral finse qual, and pointed ; mouth rather large, with sharp cutting teeth on the sides, and others much larger in front. C. verres. Bloch, 255. Chabrolii. Lesson, Atl. pl. 58. Cynedus Sw. (fig.63.) | Preopercule crenated ; caudal fin rounded ; dorsal and anal fins naked, without scales; pectoral and ven- tral fins rounded, the latter small; mouth small ; teeth as in Crenilabrus ; jaws capable of being much protruded. C. Tinea. Yarr. i. 293. rupestris. Bloch, pl. 250. fig. 1. cornubicus. Ib. 296. virens? Ib. 251. fig. 2. gibbus. Ib. 298. notatus. Ib. 251. fig. 2. luseus. Ib. 300. Astronotust Sw. Body oval, broad; head obtuse ; mouth large, opening obliquely, the lower jaw longest ; teeth strong in front, small on the sides ; dorsal, anal, * M. Cuvier having expressly stated that the type of his genus Crenzla- brus is the Lutianus Verres of B'oct « ..ave so retained it, placing all the others, which seem peculiar to Eurcpean seas, under the sub-genus Cyn@edus, derived from Cynedo, a name which the ancients gave to one of the species. 7 The strong analogical resemblance of this sub-genus to Lobotes de- ceived MM. Spix and Agassiz, in supposing it really belonged to that genus; hence I am led to suppose it may have the preopercule crenated. The lateral line, and many other characters, leave, however, little doubt. of its belonging to this sub-family. a 3 230 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. and caudal fins covered with scales ; the pectoral and caudal round the ventral pointed ; lateral line inter- rupted; representing Cichla; preoperculum crenated ? A. ocellatus. Spix, pl. 68. ThalliurusSw. General structure of Crenilabrus, but the fins have only a few scales at the base, and the pre- operculum is smooth ; mouth moderate ; long acute eutting teeth at the top of each jaw; those on the sides short, conic, separate, and obtuse ; dorsal spines furnished with short filaments, as in Labrus; caudal lunated ; pectoral and ventral pointed and equal ; lateral line interrupted. C. Blochi. Bloch, pl. 260. Puiesiops. Ventral fins excessively long; operculum scaled ; preoperculum smooth ; teeth setaceous, often minute, and very fine ; cutting teeth in front of the jaws either very small or none. Labristoma* Sw. Head obtuse ; only three of the anterior dorsal rays short and spinous ; the others, both simple" and branched, being flexible ; pectoral fin rounded ; ventral pointed and long; caudal lunated ; lateral line interrupted ; front teeth of the jaws as in Labrus; mouth small, not protractile. L. olivacea. Rupp. ii. pl. 2. fig.3. flavivertex. ii. pl. 2. fig. 4. Chromis Cuy. (pars.) Body oval, rather broad ; fore- head high ; dorsal fin with strong spines and _ fila- ments ; pectoral and ventral fins very large, and both of them pointed; caudal lunate ; mouth very small ; teeth setaceous, minute, and hardly perceptible ; without any larger cutting teeth in front. C. melanogaster Sw. BI. Surinamensis Cuv. Bl. pl. 296. fig. 1. 277. fig. 2. Cichlasoma Sw.t General structure of Chromis, but the caudal and the large pectoral fins are rounded ; * The name of Pseudo-chromis is so objectionable, that I hope the learned naturalist who proposed it will excuse me for offering another. This interesting type obviously represents the Blennides and Labristomus, which implies its resemblance to Labrus. + I have been induced to regard this fish as a distinct type; because, from Bloch’s figure, it seems a form which connects Crenilabrus with Cheilinus, as here restricted : the teeth are very peculiar, and separate it from Chromis, to which, however, it has a resemblance in its pointed and rather lengthened ventral. CHETODONIDA.——LABRIN&. 231 ventrals very long and pointed ; lateral line abruptly bent ; mouth small, oblique ; dorsal and anal fins very long, and attenuated behind; representing Cichla. Labrus punctata. Bloch, pl. 295. fig. 1. Plesiops Cuv. Head obtusely pointed; dorsal spines nearly naked, slightly connected at their base, and assuming the appearance of finlets; analogous to Polypterus ; caudal fin rounded ; the basal scales large, as in Scarus ; lateral line interrupted. P. nigricans. Rupp. Atl. i. pl. 4. fig. 2. Gomeuosis. Mouth excessively lengthened, either by being greatly protractile or by the head being elongated ; preoperculum smooth ; head scaled. Epibulus Cuv. Teeth as in Labrus; long cutting teeth at the tip of each jaw, and smaller ones on the sides ; scales large, covering the base of the anal and caudal fins; lateral line interrupted ; mouth excessively protractile, and tubular when protruded. E. insidiator. Pall. Sp. Zool. 7. pl. 5. fig. 1. Clepticus Cuv.* Snout: small, cylindrical, but net so long as the head when protruded ; body oblong ; head obtuse ; operculum, with the dorsal and anal fins, covered with scales; lateral line continuous ; teeth nearly obsolete. C. genizara Cuv. Parra. pl. 21. fig. 1. Gomphesis Lac. Snout not protractile, but lengthened into a permanent tube at the termination of which is the mouth, which opens horizontally, and extends half way towards the eye ; head without scales ; fins naked, like those of Icthycallus: caudal fin lunate. G. viridis. Benn. Cey. pl. 30. fuscus. Ib. pl. 3. * As I have not been able to consult the original description and figure of this type, I am obliged to rest it on the authority of M. Cuvier. Parra’s work on the Fishes of Cuba is rare, and I have been unsuccessful in pro- curing itsiean. Indeed the only copy I know of is in the possession of William Sharp MacLeay, Hsq., the author of Hore Entomologice. I take this opportunity of returning my public and grateful thanks to many kind friends and liberal strangers for the loan or gift of valuable works in this department. Among these I cannot but mention Chief-justice Field of Gibraltar ; Dr. Goodall, the provost of Eton; W. J. Broderip, Esq., F.2.S. &c.; W, Brewen, Esq. of Leicester; Mr. Gray of the British Museum; the Linnzan Society of London; Dr. Riippell, the African traveller; Mr, Warrell, &c. &c. Q 4 Zge CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ET€. Eupemis Sw. Head naked, much lengthened, but not tubular, as in Gomphosis ; body slender and narrow in the middle; mouth large, opening rather obliquely ; the jaws equal ; teeth as in Labrus ; dorsal fin naked, linear ; the spinal rays very slender, without fila- ments, and all of equal length ; lateral line nearly straight ; caudal round ; pectoral and ventral very small, slightly pointed ; analogous to Cichla. E. fusiformis Sw. Rupp. Atl. i. pi. 1. fig. 4. Juxtus Antiqg. Body fusiform; head and gill-covers entirely destitute of scales (fig. 57. d) ; teeth at the tip of the jaws longest ; and continuous. lateral line abruptly curved Chloricthys Sw. Teeth as Labrus, the two most anterior incisors in each jaw longest ; dorsal fin very narrow ; the anterior spinal rays rather the shortest, with the membrane cut into short filaments ; caudal fin more or less lunated, with the extremities pointed: con- necting this genus to Hemiulis. bifasciatus. Bl. pl. 283. ornatus. Ib. pl. 280. Braziliensis. Ib. pl. 280. lunaris. Ib. pl. 281. cxruleocephalus. Frey. Atl. pl. 56. fig. 2. Grayii. Sw. Ind. Zool. ii. pl. 92.1. Hardwicki. Benn. pl.12. quadricolor. Less. Atl. pl. 32. 1. semiceruleus. Rupp. Atl. u. pl. 3. fig. 1. aygula. Rupp. Atl. i. pl.6. 2. Icthycallus Sw. The first or spiny rays of the dorsal shorter than the posterior ; representing Labrus; ge- neral structure of the last, but the scales are smaller, and often concealed by the skin ; caudal fin truncate or rounded. dimidiatus. Spix, pl 53. chloropterus. Bl. pl.288. trimaculatus. Griff. pl. 45. fig. 2. decussatus. Benn. pl. 14. auromaculatus. Ib. 20. semidecorata. Less. Atl. pl. 35. fig. 2. Geoffroyii. Frey. Atl. pl. 56. fig. 3. umbrostygma. Rupp. Atl. 11. pl. 3. fig. 2. semipunctatus. Ib. pl. 3. fig.3. cyanocephalus. Ib. pl. 286. julis. Ib. pl. 287. fig. 1. bivittatus. Ib. pl. 284. fig. 1. macrolepidatus. Ib. fig. 2. ornatus. Linn. Tr. xii. pl. 27. CH ETODONIDZ. — LABRINZ. 233 Julis Antig., Cuv. (fig. 64.) The anterior rays of the dorsal elevated, and somewhat falcate ; caudal fin rounded ; ventral fin narrow and pointed ; repre- senting Lachnolaimus. Mediterranea* Risso, Gaymardii. Frey. pl. 54, Yarr. p. 291. formosus Sw. Benn. Cey. pl. 16. Halichores Riipp. General shape and structure of Icthycallus, but there is a conspicuous canine tooth, as large as those in front, at the hind part of the upper jaw on éach side, and which projects beyond the mouth ; ventral fins longer than the pectorals, and pointed ; caudal truncate or rounded ; repre- senting Chromis, Plesiops, &c. multicolor.t Rupp. Atl. melapterus ? Bloch, pl. 285. i. pl. 4. fig. 3. eximius. Rupp. Atl. i. pl. 5. variegatus. Ib. pl. 4. 2. fig ie ceruleovittatus. Ib. pl. bimaculatus. Ib. fig. 2. 4.1. sexfasciatus. Ib. fig. 3. Anampsis Cuv. General shape of the last, but the ventrals are small; the front incisors in each jaw are flat, obtuse, and sometimes curved outwards; no basal canines as in Halichores: representing Scarus. Cuvieri. Frey. Atl. pl. 55. fig. 1. czruleopunctatus. Ib. 1. diadematus. Rupp. ii. pl. 6. 3. pls 10.1; * I suspect that this is the true Julés of the ancients, and not the one standing under that name in our systems. Even the figure of Rondeletius, rude as it is, represents the anterior dorsal spines longer than the other, + This interesting species, by having the first dorsal ray a little longer than the others, connects this sub-genus with the last. 234 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. Faminy 3. MUGILLIDZE. Mullets. Body oblong, narrow, sub-cylindrical ; snout short, ob- tuse, generally projecting beyond the mouth, which is very small, transversely cleft, and pointed in front; dorsal fins two, remote, the first of strong spinal rays ; teeth very small ; eyes large, close to the snout; caudal fin forked or lunated. Mveu, Linn. Head cylindrical; the upper part with hard and bony plates, the sides covered with compact scales, which conceal the divisions of the gill-covers ; pectoral fin simple pointed. M. gymnocephalus Sw. squamipinnis Sw. See Appendix. Russ. pl. 180. Potynemus Linn. Head slightly compressed ; body and fins closely resembling Mugil, but the preoper- cule is serrated, and the muzzle is rather more advanced ; head and three hinder fins more or less covered with scales; pectoral fins as in Mugil, but having at its base several unconnected articulated rays, resembling filaments, which are often very long. P. tetradactylus. Russ. 183. enneadactylus. Griff. Cuv. Indicus. Russ. pl. 184. pl. 11. fig. 1. Famity 4. MULLIDZE. Surmullets. Shape obovate; the anterior part thicker than the posterior; head large, high; profile abrupt, sub-ver- tical; eyes placed laterally, but close to the crown ; mouth and teeth very small; the ventral profile of the fish nearly straight; opercula and body covered with large deciduous scales; the former without any denti- culations; dorsal fins two, remote; lower jaw with two fleshy cirri placed beneath ; caudal forked. Muuius Linn. Head large and truncate; the profile very abrupt; teeth in the jaws almost obsolete ; operculum smooth. M. barbatus. Bl. pl. 384. fig. 2. Cuv. pl. 70. MULLID®.—SPIROBRANCHIDZ, 935 Uprenseus Cuv. Head more lengthened, as in the generality of fishes; operculum furnished with a small spine; the teeth in the jaws conspicuous. luteus. Griff. Cuy. pl. 11. 4. Flamingii. Cuyv. pl. 71. Famity 5. SPIROBRANCHIDZ. Vent close to the pectoral fin; ventral fin generally extremely long, narrow, and ending in a filament; upper pharyngeals of the branchia divided into numerous lamine, or plates; dorsal fin single, not much longer than the anal, both furnished with numerous spiny rays. Macropopus Cuv. Caudal fin excessively large, and deeply lunated or forked; body ovate, fusiform ; dorsal and anal fin with numerous spiny rays; the terminal soft rays gradually lengthened, and ending in filaments ; ventral fins with all the rays developed, the second ending in a filament; anal longer than the dorsal. M. venustus. Cuv. pl. 197. Contsa. Caudal fin either very slightly emarginate, or entirely round; one of the ventral rays forming a long filament ; the others minute, or entirely obsolete. Trichopus Cuv. Dorsal fin very short, placed in the middle of the back ; anal very long, commencing near to the base of the pectoral, and terminating close to the caudal, which is slightly emarginate ; the bases of all these fins are covered with minute scales ; pectorals rounded ; ventral fins minute; but the first soft ray tefminating in a long filament. T, maculatus Sw. Cuv. pl. 199. Colisa Cuy. Caudal fin nearly round ; dorsal and anal fins very long, and of equal length; the base of all three covered with scales ; ventral of a single filiform ray, reaching to the end of the tail; pectoral rounded. C. vulgaris. Cuv. pl. 196. Osphromenus Cuy. (fig.65.) Caudal fin rounded ; 236 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. body broadly ovate, fusi- form; gene- ral shape of Colisa, but the hinder rays of the ventral fins are developed; snout rather pointed. O. olfax. Cuv. pl. 198. (fig. 65.) Polycanthus Kuhl. Body oval, compressed; the two profiles of the outline symmetrical ; lateral line inter- rupted as in Labrus; operculum smooth; ventral fins pointed, but not longer than the pectorals ; all the rays developed. P. Hassellii. Cuy. pl. 195. colisa. Griff. Cuy. pl. 52. 1. Hexostoma Kuhl. Body ovate; ventral fins rounded, perfect, smaller than the pectorals, and without any elongation ; dorsal and anal spines numerous. Helostoma Kuhl. Mouth very small, compressed, and very protractile ; lips thick, with small teeth attached to them ; head and hinder fins entirely covered with scales; dorsal and anal slightly emarginate, and broader behind ; all the fins rounded. H. Temminckii. Cuv. pl. 194. Sprroprancuus. Body sub-fusiform ; mouth larger than in any of the preceding, having internal tessel- lated teeth ; ventral fins rounded. Spirobranchus Cuv. (fig. 66.) Plates of the gill-covers smooth, except a few ‘points’ on the upper part of the opercula ; spines in the dorsal and anal fins few ; the base of the hin- der scaly, and all of them rounded. S. capensis. Cuv. pl. 200. _ MICROLEPTES.—SCOMBERID&. 237 Anabus Cuv. General form of the last ; head and body cylindrical, and covered with strong scales ; lateral line interrupted as in Labrus; hinder fins covered with small scales; spines of the dorsal and anal fins numerous, and both these fins emarginate, the soft rays forming a lobe ; outer margin of the operculum strongly serrated; preoperculum smooth; anal fin shorter than the dorsal. A. seandens. Cuv. pl. 193. OpuicepHatus.* The whole of the fins destitute of spinal rays ; lateral line nearly straight. Ophicephaius Bl. Body lengthened, nearly cylindrical, having the form of a blenny; snout short and ob- tuse; head broad, a little depressed, and covered with bony plates; eyes near the muzzle; mouth large, lower jaw rather longest; dorsal fin narrow, extending the whole length of the back; ventral shorter ; caudal, pectoral, and ventral rounded ; gills smooth, and covered with scales. O striatus Bl. Cuv. 202. limbatus. Cuv, 201. = Trise Il. MICROLEPTES. Seales small or none. Famity 1. SCOMBERIDZA. Mackerel. Body oblong, lengthened, smooth, covered with very small scales; caudal fin deeply forked, large, and powerful ; tail often bearing spurious fins or finlets ; no fleshy lips. * It is by this genus, intimately connected as it is with Anabus, that the two great tribes of Blennides and ,Macroleptes appear blended into each other. The Spirobranchide, as a whole, are analogous also to the eels, in their power of passing by land from one piece of water to another. 238 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. 1. Susram. SCOMBERINZ. Dorsal fins two, entire; tail with spurious fins both above and below ; ventral fins beneath the pectoral. Scomper Linn. Body lanceolate, uniformly covered with minute scales; sides of the tail, at the extre- mity, not carinated, but merely raised into two small crests on each side, one above, the other below. S. seombrus. Bloch, 54. gracilis Sw. Appendix. pneumatophorus Lac. undulatus Sw. Appendix. ° Auxis Antiq., Cuy. Dorsal fins distant; the first short, as in Scomber. A. vulgaris. Cuv. and Val. pl. 216. 2. Susram. THYNNINZ. Scales largest near the head ; dorsal fins close together. Tuynnus Cuv. First dorsal fin long, nearly reaching to the second ; fore part of the body with scales much larger than the others; tail with a single smooth angulated keel on each side between the elevated ridges peculiar to the last. T. vulgaris. C. and V. pl. 210. Ency. Brit. 302. fig. 3 Oreynus Cuy. Habit of Thynnus ; pectoral fins falcate, very long, and reaching beyond the vent. O. alalonga Duham. Pelamis Antiq., Cuy. General structure of Thynnus, but the mouth and teeth are like those of Cybium. Pelamis sarda. Cuv. and Val. pl. 217. Cybium Antiq., Cuv. Body rather elongated ; the scales small, and of equal size ; the teeth large, compressed, and sharp; the mouth large, opening beyond the eye ; fins and tail as in Thynnus. C. tritor. Cuv. and Val. pl. 218. Tuyrsites Ant., Cuv. Body elongated; jaws rather produced, the lower one longest; mouth wide, SCOMBERID&, — XIPH VIN. 239 opening beneath the eye; first dorsal fin very long ; tail not carinated ; anterior teeth longest. T. lepidopoides. Cuy. and Val. pl. 220. Gempylus Cuv. Body much elongated; head, jaws, and teeth as in Thyrsites, but without palatine teeth ; ventral fins very minute, placed before the pectorals ; lateral line curved, and marked with large scales ; pectorals falcate. G. Prometheus. Cuv. and Val. pl. 222. Zypuotuyca Sw. Body very long, linear, and greatly compressed ; lateral line straight, simple; mouth open- ing before the eye; the lower jaw much the longest, with the chin elongated and pointed ; ventral fin minute, of two little rays, placed behind the pectorals which are oval. Z. coluber Sw. Cuv. and Val. pl. 221. 3. Sunram. XIPHYINZ Linn. Sword-fish. Upper jaw excessively prolonged, considerably flattened above, the edges sharp; the mouth is placed beneath ; ventral fins either wanting, or of a single inflexible bone in each ; branchial arches two, not pectinated. Xipuias Linn. Ventral fins none ; tail singly carinated on each side. Z. gladius. Cuy. and Val. pl. 225, 296. Terraprerus Raf. Body nearly cylindrical; snout narrow; ventral fins with a single bony ray ; tail doubly carinated on each side ; dorsal fin very long, falcate near the head ; eyes large. H. belone. Raff. Caratt. p. 54. pl. 1. fig. 1. HistiopHorus Cuv. Ventral fins of two unequal rays, connected by a membrane ; mouth opening behind the eye, which is very large ; caudal fin small, lobed. H. pulchellus. Cuv. and Val. 230. Zanciturus Sw. Body with hard oblong scales ; ven- tral fins of two long equal rays; eyes very small ; Te ee Ow 240 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. pectorals rather lengthened, falcate ; caudal fin very large, divided into two sickle-like lobes; the base singly or doubly carinated. Z. Indicus Nob. Cuv. and Val. pl. 229. Bloch, 343. Macu#ra Lac. Snout short; habit of Tetrapterus, which it resembles in having the tail doubly carinated, and the point of the upper jaw not dilated; but resembles Xiphias in having no ventrals ; tail lunate, large, as in Zanclurus. M. niger. Lacep. iv. pl. 13. fig. S. 4. Susram. ALEPISAURINZE. Body lengthened, linear, much compressed; head lengthened, pointed ; teeth large, unequal, very acute ; mouth wide, two dorsal fins, the hinder adipose ; scales none. Auepisaurus Lowe. The first dorsal fin very high, and extending two-thirds the length of the back ; adipose fin small; ventral fin beneath the middle of the first dorsal ; anal fin short, narrow, falcated ; caudal large, deeply cleft; gape extending much behind the eye, which is verylarge ; pectorals rather large, close to the throat: intermediate between Gomphylus and Lepidopus, and representing Sphy- rena.* A. ferox Lowe. Zool. Trans. i. pl. 19. 5. Susram. FISTULARINZ, Body long, very slender, linear, naked, and without scales ; jaws prolonged into a tube, at the extremity of which is a small mouth, opening vertically ; no spines on the back. Fisrutaria Linn. Dorsal fin single ; snout very long and depressed ; caudal forked, between which is in- * The relations pointed cut by the excellent zoologist who first discovered and described this singular genus appear to me highly probable, and yet the possession of an adipose fin is without parallel in the whole of this order. =a ZEIDZ.—NOTOCANTHINE. QA serted a long filament: the plectognathiform type, representing Syngnathus, Centriscus, Mormyrus, Gomphosis, Aspidophorus, &c. F. tabacaria Linn. Bloch, 387. fig. 1. serrata. Ib. fig. 2. Faminy 2. ZEIDA.* Body, in the typical groups, ovate or short ; the back armed with spines or prickles, placed before the dorsal fins, which are generally single ; jaws capable of being protruded ; scales small or none; ventral fins present. ‘ 1. Susram. NOTOCANTHINZ. Body anguilliform, much compressed ; dorsal and anal fins, when present, very long, and close to the caudal ; a series of detached spines before the dorsal fin ; snout produced. The anguilliform or apodal type. Notocantuvs Bi. Body with small scales ; snout obtuse, projecting beyond the mouth ; jaws equal, with small close-set teeth ; ventral fins close to the vent; no dorsal fin ; anal long, and united to a very small cau- dal fin. N. nasus. Bl. 431. Cuv. and Val. pl. 241. MastrecemsBius Gronov. Snout projecting and flat- . tened, three-cleft, cartilaginous, and inclining upwards ; dorsal, caudal, and anal fins united. Mast. armatus. Cuv. and Val. 240. Macrognathus ac. Snout more pointed; the top three- cleft, and turned downwards ; caudal fin separated. Macrognathus ocellatus. Val. and Cuv. pl. 239. 2. Surram. AULOSTOMINZE. Prickle, or Sticklebacks. Back armed with a row of prickles ; the snout often prolonged into a tube. * Tam at a loss to determine the distinguishing character of this family, although I believe it to be, essentially, a most natural one: the gradation between the Zeine and the Centronotine is so perfect, that they cannot, I think, be-placed in separate families, although the latter has the strongest affinity to the Scomberide. VOL. Il. R 24.2 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETE. Avtostoma Lac. Snout greatly prolonged; the mouth small, and obliquely vertical ; body sub-cylindrical, covered with close-set scales; dorsal and anal fins close, but not united to the caudal ; back with a row of dorsal spines ; vent and anal fin central ; caudal and pectoral rounded ; teeth none. A. Unnawe Bl. pl. 388. Potycantuus Sw. Body very slender, linear, pentan- gular; jaws lengthened ; mouth small, terminal, obliquely vertical ; lateral line carinated ; dorsal and anal fins central; tail slender; ventral fins repre- sented by spines. P. spinachia. Sw. Yarrell, i. 87. Bloch, pl. 53. fig. 1. Gasterosteus Linn. Body oblong-ovate ; anterior dorsal, and ventral fins represented by acute spines ; second dorsal and anal placed near the caudal ; sides of the body armed with carinated or spined plates along the lateral line. G. trachurus. Yarrell, i. 76. semiarmatus. Ib. 1. 80. Leiurus Sw. Resembling the last, but the loricated plates are wanting, and the tail is smooth. aculeatus. Yarr. i. 81. brachycentrus. Yarr. 1. 82. spinulosus. Ib. i. 83. pungitius. Ib. i. 85. 2. Susram. SPH RINE. Body linear ; jaws produced, broader than high; mouth large; teeth strong, those in front much lengthened ; dorsal fins two, triangular, remote ; ventral fin under the first dorsal. Spoyra#na Cuv. Body much lengthened ; jaws pro- duced, equal, but the chin advanced and pointed as in Trichiurus ; dorsal fins placed at equal distances from the head and the caudal fin, S. Europea. Paraepis Cuv. Habit of the last, but the two dorsal fins and the ventral placed much nearer to the caudal than to the pectoral fins ; lateral teeth unequal, distant. P. corregonoides. Cuv. and Val. 66. ZEIDZ. — CENTRONOTINE. Q43 Currostoma Sw. (fig.67.) Snoutslightly ae teeth small ; body oblong ; 67 first eel fin small, placed over the vent. A. Humboldtiana. Cuv. _and Val. pl. 306.* ( fig. 67.) Atuerina Linn. (fig.68.) Snout very obtuse ; the mouth opening nearly vertically ; eyes very large, close to the snout ;_ first dorsal placed between the ~ ventraland the analfins. A. hepselus Linn. Cuv. pl. 302. (fig. 68.) A. Boieri. pl. 303. 4. Susramse CENTRONOTINE. Body lengthened or oblong ; spines in front of the dor- sal ; ventral fins perfect ; scales generally very small. Exacate Cuv. Body lengthened, slender; mouth wide; lower jaw the longest ; dorsal and anal fins opposite the former, preceded by a row of acute spines or prickles, representing the first dorsal; lateral line smooth, sinuated. Elacate Cuv. pee e nen scales very minute; dor- sal and anal fins long, with several detached spines in front of the former ; head lengthened, depressed ; mouth wide ; lower jaw longest; eyes behind the gape; pectoral and caudal large ; ventral small ; tail not carinated ; lateral line undulated ; three first rays of the anal spinous, but without any detached spines. EK. Atlantica. Cuv. pl. 233. Meladerma Sw. General structure of Elacate, but the under jaw is shorter than the upper. M. nigerrima. Russ. pl. 153. (Pedda. mottah. ) * This type seems to me to connect Sphyrena with Atherina, as it pos- sesses some of the characters of both. R 2 244: CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. Tetragonurus Risso. (fig.69.) General form of Elacate, but the dorsal and anal fins are much shorter, and there are two ridges on each side of the tail, at the base of the caudal (a) ; before the dorsal a series of detached spines ; scales small but hard, deeply stri- ated (6), and crenated on the edges; mouth nearly vertical ; lower jaw with a row of acute teeth, and others in the palate and vomer : the cheloniform type? T. Cuvieri Risso. Griff. Cuv. pl. 51. fig. 2. 69 = i os ea : = ASRS ; + % e, Chorinemus Cuy.* Body elongated as in the mackerel, but the general shape of the head and position of the dor- sal and anal fins as in Elacate ; mouth large, opening obliquely ; gape reaching in a line with the eye; detached spines before the dorsal and anal ; both fins long, faleate before and very narrow behind, where the rays are detached into finlets ; ‘caudal lunate, without any carinated ridges at its base ; pectoral small, equal to the ventral ; lateral line sinuated. Ch. maculatus Sw. Cuv. pl. 236. Porthmeus Cuv. Small, oblong-oval ; head pointed ; mouth very wide, opening beyond the eye; lower jaw much the longest; the chin rather pointed ; dorsal spines connected at their base by a slight mem- brane ; pectoral and ventral as in the last ; caudal forked ; preoperculum obsoletely spined.T P. argenteus Cuv. pl. 264. fig. 2. * This sub-genus bears a strong resemblance to that of Scomber proper, by the detached dorsal finlets, but in every other respect it has the closest possible affinity to Elacate. ; + This type seems to connect the Elacate with the Trachine by means of Zonichthys. ZEIDA. — CENTRONOTINE. ; 245 Centronotus Lac. Body oblong or oval ; mouth moderate or small ; the jaws equal, and not opening behind the eye ; dorsal fin one, preceded by small detached spines; lateral line curved and smooth ; jaws retractile ; anal fin small, but always present. Trachinotus Lac. Body oblong-oval, much compressed, and rather broad ; snout short, thick, obtuse, some- times nearly vertical ; eyes placed low down, and remote from the crown; mouth small; dorsal and anal fins falcate, the latter shortest ; dorsal spines small, remote, sometimes pointing forwards ; caudal without ridges at the base. T. pampanus. Cuv. pl. 237. Centronotus Lac. Body oblong-fusiform ; snout not obtuse ; head narrowed ; dorsal and anal fins of equal length, and falcated ; mouth small; jaws equal; a prickle pointing forward on the back ; tail not cari- nated ; caudal large, forked ; scales minute. quadripunctatus Sw. Riipp.i. 24. glayeos Sw. Cuv. pl. 234. Lichia Cuv. General shape of Centronotus, but the anal fin, as in Trachinotus, is shorter than the dorsal; mouth large, opening beyond the eyes, which are low down; ‘lower jaw longest ; tail not carinated. L. vandigo. Cuv. pl. 235. Naucrates Raf. Body thick, oblong, ovate; ventral fins as large as the pectoral ; anal shorter than the dorsal ; mouth small ; jaws equal ; tail with a fleshy carinated ridge ; dorsal and anal spines minute. ductor. Sw. App. serratus. App. cyanophrys. App.. niger. Bl. pl. 3. Scorpis* Cuv. Resembling in shape a Chetodon ; the dorsal spines being connected and graduated so as to join the dorsal fin; anal spines the same; and both fins with the caudal partly covered with minute scales ; teeth strong, acuminate; dorsal and anal fins * This singular fish seems to me a Centronotus in the disguise of a Che- zodon, just as is Enoplosus among the perches, R 3 246 _ CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. ~subfalcated ; caudal forked ; scales small, distinct ; ventral moderate, pointed. S. georgianus. Cuv. pl. 245. SerroLtA. Body oblong; dorsal fins two, distinct, the first spinous, and having an incumbent spine, pointing forwards at its base; pectoral fins small, pointed, but not falcated ; scales of the body small, but well-defined and obvious ; two spines close to the base of the anal fin ; tail not carinated. Nomeus* C. General shape and character of Naucrates, but the dorsal spines are united into a distinct fin by being connected with a membrane ; tail not cari- nated ; ventral fins very large, considerably exceeding the pectorals in the typical species; pectorals, and lobes of the caudal fin, rounded. Peronii. Griff. Cuv. pl. 26. 1. nigro-fasciatus. Rupp. i. argyromelas. Cuv. pl. 269. pl. 24. fig. 2. Temnodon Cuvy. First dorsal fin much smaller and lower than the second; mouth large, lower jaw longest, both armed with detached acute teeth in each jaw in the front row, and others much smaller, behind ; velvet-like teeth are also on the tongue, palate, and vomer ; second dorsal and anal covered with small scales: representing Scorpis. saltator. Cuy. pl. 260. Seriola Cuv. Body oblong, fusiform; first dorsal fin small, low, with an incumbent spine at its base, point- ing forward ; second dorsal long; the posterior rays short ; the rays sometimes divided into finlets ; pec- toral and ventral fins about equal. S. Dumerilii. Cuv. pl. 258. Psenes Cuy. Body broad, oval ; snout very short, ob- tuse, nearly truncate, having the general form and proportions of Trachinotus ; first dorsal fin as high as the second, and without an anterior spine directed * The discovery of the first species in our list connects Seriola and Cen- tronotus in the most perfect manner by the union of Naucrates with Noe meus. ZEIDE. — CENTRONOTIN&. . Q4A7 forwards; hinder dorsal, caudal, and anal covered with minute scales ;. ventral fins very small. P. cyanophrys. Cuv. pl. 265. Platylepes Sw. Body oblong, oval ; mouth large, ob- liquely vertical ; lower jaw longest; both jaws with numerous small teeth, and two much larger at their tips ; lateral line formed of a row of flat smooth scales, larger than the others; the hinder fins with minute scales at their base; ventral fin small. P. lactaria. Cuv. pl. 261. Sieanus* Forskill. Body oval ; a recumbent spine in front of the dorsal fin, which is single, long, deeply emarginate, with more spinal than soft rays ; ventral fins moderate, attached to the body by a membrane ; the two outermost rays simple and spinous, the three intermediate branched; mouth small, with com- pressed and emarginate teeth ; pectorals small, pointed ; colours bright: analogous to Labrus. Forskillii. Rupp. i. pl. 33. doliatus. Griff. pl. 33. 1. Argylepes Sw. Body oval, naked; dorsal fin single, high before, narrow behind ; the posterior rays short, and very remote; anal with two spines before the base ; lateral line central, slightly bent downwards T ; pectoral moderate, faleate; eyes large; mouth very small; “the teeth linear ;”’ tongue and palate smooth.{ A. Indica. Russ. pl. 156. (Mitta Parah.) Tracuinus Sw. Pectoral fins large and falcated ; lateral line almost always armed with a series of large, spined, imbricate scales, particularly towards the end of the tail §; body not much compressed, smooth, * The procumbent advanced spine before the dorsal induces me to place this genus between Seriola and Caran rather than with the Acanthurz. It seg to represent the Labring in this family, and to have an affinity with SEnes. ¢ istrongly suspect that Dr. Russell has mistaken the lateral impression along the vertebra for the real lateral line, which is probably obsolete. - = I have arranged this singular fish in the confines of this family, as hav- ing some relation to Szguwnus in its small mouth and single dorsal, and to Caranz in its general form; but Dr. Russell’s description is not sufficiently vee determine all its characters: it seems in some respects allied to quula. § Excepting only the three first or aberrant sub-genera. R 4 248 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. soft, with minute scales; head large; dorsal fins two, distinct, the hinder long, and with those of the anal having the rays wide apart and much branched ; caudal lunate ; no isolated spines on the back, except sometimes a recumbent one before the first dorsal. Micropteryx Agass. Lateral line arched before, straight behind, elevated, but smooth ; body broad, but the extremities narrowed ; pectoral fin very long and falcated ; jaws protractile ; head small; mouth open- ing rather vertically, lower jaw longest, both rough, but withcut visible teeth ; first dorsal grooved ; se- cond dorsal and anal with a transparent fleshy sheath at their base ; before the anal two short connected spines ; ventrals small, beneath the pectoral, vent close to the head ; scales very small. M. Cosmopolitana. Cuv. 250. Spin. and Agass. pl. 59. Alepes Sw. General form of the last in the head and body, but entirely destitute of scales, except those on the hinder part of the lateral line adjoining the caudal fin; teeth minute; dorsal fins two, the first higher than the second; and this latter has all the rays nearly equal; pectoral large and falcate. A. melanoptera. Sw. Russel. pl. 155. (Evori. Parah. ) Zonichthys Sw. General form of Alepes ; but the lower jaw is longest, the head thicker, and the whole fish more oval, and covered with small scales ; dorsal fins two, the first lower than the second; ventral fin larger than the pectoral; no incumbent spine on the back, but two spines behind the vent; pectoral small, sub-falcate ; lateral line arched before, but slightly, if at all, loricated at the tail; jaws and palate with prickly teeth ; branchial membrane six- rayed ; teeth minute. Z. fasciatus. Bloch, pl. 341.* subcarinata. Russ, pl. 149. * Cuvier refers this fish to the genus Serfola, but it has no incumbent spine in front of the dorsal, and it seems to me, judging from Bloch’s figure, to have more the characters of Caranz: the species here {referred to, and figured by Russell, appears to connect Bloch’s fish with the more typical examples of Caranx; and both may possibly be allied in affinity to Porth- meus, E ZEIDA. — ZEINE. 249 Caranx Lac. Body oval, or oblong-oval, broad, compress- ed; lateral line on the fore part arched, on the hinder part straight, carinated, and armed with loricated prickly scales, gradually becoming larger as they approach the caudal; dorsal fins two, the first small and low ; two detached spines before the anal ; pec- toral long, falcated ; scales minute. 1. Dorsal and anal more or less faleated ; body short. C. chrysophrys. Cuv. pl. 247. 2. Dorsal and anal rays prolonged into filaments. ( Olistus. Cuv.) . Ventral fins very long. Russell, pl. 152. . Forehead gibbous. C. Ascensionis. Cuv. pl. 249. .. Body lengthened, as in Trachinus ; pectoral very long ; ventrals small. ruber. Bloch, pl. 342. Trachinus Sw. Body fusiform, lengthened ; lateral line slightly curved near the head, and strongly loricated nearly its whole length ; first dorsal fin as high as the second, which sometimes has’ finlets. 1. Plates extending the whole length of the lateral line. T. spinulosus. Cuv. pl. 246. 2. Plates extending to one half of the lateral line; tail with finlets. T. punctatus. Spix and Agass. pl. 56. fig. 1. 3. Plates near the caudal fin only; no finlets. macrophthalmus. Spix and Ag. pl. 59. @ fig. 2. crumenophthalmus. Bloch, pl. 343 5. Susram. ZEINZE. Dories. Body short, oval, or rhomboid, very broad in the middle, and excessively thin; mouth very small, often very protractile ; dorsal fin generally single*, without any detached or recumbent spines placed in front; scales very minute, or none ; caudal forked. t Eeuvta Cuv. Body often diaphanous, short, oval ; mouth capable of being projected in the form of a tube, but when shut forming an angle on the throat ; scales either soft and smooth, or altogether wanting. Equula Cuy. Dorsal fin single, not emarginate, some- what falcate ; the first rays of the dorsal and ventral Gr pp OO * Except in Hamiltonia and PLATYSOMUS. + Except in Zeus. 250 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. strongly spinous, the latter with a scaly appendage at the base ; pectoral fins moderate, pointed ; a row of spines at the base of the dorsal and anal. Dussumierii. Cuv. pl. 283. filigera. Cuv. 284. Hamiltonia Sw. Dorsal fins two, united at their base ; body diaphanous, and always smooth; preopercule finely crenated. (Chanda, Ham.) H. ovata. Sw. Ham. fig.37. lata: Sw. Ib. fig.37. Piatysomus Sw. Body rhomboid, excessively thin ; head large, obtuse ; the profile abrupt, and sometimes nearly vertical ; body silvery, without scales ; dorsal, anal, and ventral fins often with the rays excessively elongated ; pectorals large, falcate ; caudal forked ; eyes large, placed near the crown, and very remote from the mouth, which is small, and but slightly re- tractile; lateral line smooth, arched before, and straight behind ; dorsal fins generally one. Blepharis Cuv. First rays of the ventral, dorsal, anid anal fins excessively prolonged, and ending in naked filaments ; hinder rays short; a few short prickles before the dorsal and fins; eyes often placed near the mouth. sutor. Cuv. pl. 253. gallichthys Sw. Cuv.pl. 254. Platysomus Sw. Ventral fins very minute, or nearly obsolete ; profile of the head almost vertical ; crown gibbous ; dorsaland anal fin long and low ; the raysnot prolonged ; eyes central between the crown and mouth, a few spines before the dorsal fin. (Vomer Cuv.) Brownii. Cuv. pl. 256. Micropteryx Sw. App. Spixii Sw. Spix. pl.57. Argyriosus Cuy. General form of the last, but the profile is oblique; ventral fins fragile and pointed ; dorsal fins two ; the first of three or four short spines connected by a membrane; second dorsal and anal long and narrow, but with the anterior rays excessively prolonged, as in Blepharis ; lateral line smooth. triacanthus Sw. Spix. pl. 58. filamentosus. Sw. Cuv. pl. 255. ScyrisCuv. General structure of Argyriosus, but with only one dorsal fin, as long as the anal, and both with ZEIDE.— ZEINE. 251 their anterior rays much lengthened ; ventrals small, pointed ; lateral line slightly carinated at the end of the tail, where there are two fleshy ridges at the base of the caudal. Ruppellii Sw. Rupp. i. pl. 33. Indicus. Cuv. pl. 252. Hynnis Cuv. Posterior part of the body, beyond the vent, rather lengthened; ventral fins moderate ; dorsal and anal fins falcate, but the rays not pro- longed ; lateral line and tail as in Scyris ; no prickles before either the dorsal or anal. H. Goreensis. Cuv. pl. 257. Lampris Retzius. Body oval, nearly rhomboid ; scales none; head and mouth small; belly protuberant ; dorsal fin one, excessively falcated ; ventral the same, and placed beneath the commencement of the dorsal ; anal fin long, narrow ; pectoral moderately large, falcate. L. guttatus Retz. Cuv. pl. 282. Griff. Cuv. pl. 58. f. 2. Mene. Cuvier. (fig.70.)Ge- neral shape __. of Lampris, § TQ = but even \\\) GG broader and (~_/ 4% thinner ; ventral fin A single, of only one : lengthened ray, the rest being obso- lete ; mouth very small, opening vertically. M. maculata. Cuv. pl. 285. (fig.70.) Apotectus Cuv. Body rhomboid ; scales soft, minute ; snout thick, obtuse, and truncate; mouth small; eyes large, placed close to the mouth; dorsal and anal falcate, with a few prickles at their base ; pecto- ral long, falcate ; ventrals small, attenuated, pointed, 352 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. as long as the pectoral, and placed immediately on the throat ; caudal small; representing Trachinotus, Psenes, and the Coryphene. A. stromateus. Cuyv. pl. 238. Zeus Linn. Body hispid, either with spines or rough and hard scales ; caudal fin rounded ; dorsal fins two. Zeus. Body oval, with small distinct scales, and a row of prickles at the base of the dorsal and anal fins, and on the ridge of the belly ; other spines on the gills; head very large; the eyes close to the crown ; mouth large, very protractile ; pectoral small, round ; ventral large ; dorsal rays often ending in long fila- ments. Zeus faber Linn. Yarr. i. 162. pungio. Cuy. pl. 280. Capros Lac. Scales hard, and strongly ciliated on their margins ; dorsal fins united; the rays of the first dorsal, and of the anal and ventral, are very strong ; eyes very large ; mouth as in Equula, and very pro- tractile ; preopercule finely serrated.* C. aper Lac. Cuy. pl. 281. Faminry 3. CORYPHZENIDE. Body greatly compressed, elongated; scales minute or none; dorsal fin long, single, with nearly all the rays soft ; snout obtuse, prominent; the jaws not protractile; mouth small, generally placed beneath the snout ; ventral fins always small, and sometimes wanting. ‘1. Sopram.s CORYPHANINE. Body oblong, slender, covered with small scales ; head large ; crown gibbous ; pectoral fins falcate ; eyes close to the angle of the mouth. Corypuzna Linn. Ventral fins larger than the pectorals. hippuris. Cuv. pl. 266. C.siculus Sw. Cuv. 268. Lampvueus Cuv. Ventral fins equal to the pectorals. L. equisetis. Cuv. 267. immaculata, Spix. pl. 56. * The affinity of this type to Eguuiais sufficiently obvious ; it might, in- deed, be placed under that genus, next to Hamiltonia, were it not for its stronger affinity, if possible, to Zeus. CORYPHENIDA. — STROMATINA. 253 2. Susram. STROMATIN. Body very thin, short, rhomboid, back with minute prickles; head obtuse ; ventral fins generally none. Seserinus Cuv. Body oval, broad ; vent and dorsal fin as in Centrolophus ; ventral fin very minute, placed before the pectoral ; caudal slightly Icbed. C. microchirus. Cuv. and Val. pl. 276. Stromateus Lin. Ventral fin none; body oblong- rhomboid ; with the head and part of the fins co- vered with small scales beneath the soft epidermis ; head obtuse, as in Coryphena; beily short ; caudal very large, lunulate. S. fiatola Linn. Cuv. and Val. pl. 272. Prpritus Cuv. Body rhomboid ; snout obtuse ; eyes very large ; the dorsal and anal fins of equal length with small, cutting, two-pointed spines placed before them ; caudal large, forked. P. longipinnis. Cuv. pl. 274. Securifer, Cuv. pl. 273. Kurtus Bloch. Body lengthened, rhomboid ; dorsal fin short, central; tail and anal fin very long; vent under the pectoral ; mouth large, obliquely vertical ; preopercule serrated ; dorsal spines variously shaped ; ventral fins perfect, placed ‘before the pectorals ; scales invisible. K. Blochiu Lac. Cuv. and Val. pl. 277. -Keris Cuv. (fig. 71.) Body rhomboid, with the -general shape of TZ Priodon ; pectoral and “£@ caudal fin rounded; Su first spinal ray of the % dorsal and anal fins rather lengthened and _ serrated externally ; the caudal truncate ; ventral fin anterior to the pectoral, 254 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. very small; the first ray serrated; the rest nearly obsolete. * 4 K. arginosus. Cuv. ( fig. 71.) 38. Susram. TRACHIURINZ. Ventral fins wanting, or merely rudimentary ; finlets none ; body narrow, linear; jaws lengthened, the under much the longest, and having the chin pointed ; teeth, in general, large, remote, unequal, and acute. Tricuivurus Vand. ( fig.72a.) Caudal fin none ; the tail being gradually narrowed and attenuated to a point ; anal fin none; dorsal fin commencing on the nape, and extending nearly the whole length of the body. haumela Sch. Cuy. pl. 224. (lepturus Auct.) Ce YY? AULLLLLLLLL LE EE ~ £7777 TIL. < oo 7 =z =O 532A SS _—Z ee ee We ae ee 7 ey > Fi - <—SS Z —= = SS Z Lepipopus Gouan. Caudal fin small and forked ( fig. 72. b.); pectoral falcated in the middle (c) ; head, body, and dorsal fin as in Trichiurus ; but there is a short and narrow anal fin. L. ensiformis Vandeli. Cuv. pl. 223.+ AmmopytTes Linn. (fig.73.) Pectoral fin simply pointed ; anal fin long and fully developed ; caudal forked ; lateral line close to the dorsal ; teeth small. Siculus. Zool. Ill. i. series 1. pl. 63. * This singular type appears to represent, in this sub-family, the Acan- thuring and the genus Pricdon : if this view is correct, its analogy to all ae serrated rayed fishes, as Trigla, Bulistes, Siluride, &c., becomes mani- est. + M. Cuvier has changed the specific names of these two fishes without any necessity. Ihave restored Schneider’s to one, and Vandelli’s to the other ; the references which follow are merely for the figures. It is quite obvious that Lepidopus is intimately allied to Ammodytes, though placed by Cuvier, without any assigned reason, in a different order. CORYPHANIDA. — ASTRODERMIN ZA. 255 aS SSS SSS SSS WOOO MMA 4, Susrams ASTRODERMINZ. Crown gibbous, obtuse ; mouth and eyes very small ; ventral fins nearly obsolete, placed before the pectorals ; rays of the dorsal and anal fins simple. AstropEerMEs Bonnelli. Body lengthened, oval; ven- tral fins nearly obsolete, the first ray serrated ; body with scattered, detached, starlike scales. A. coryphenoides Bon. Cuv. and Val. pl. 270. Crntrotopuus Lac. Body shorter; dorsal fin com- mencing even with the pectoral; ventral fin small ; anal fin half as long as the dorsal; vent central ; lateral line prominent. C. pompylus. Cuy. and Val. 269. 5. Susram. ACANTHURINA. Body ovate or oblong ; mouth very small. Acantuurvus. Body oval ; sides of the tail armed with one moveable spine. Acanthurus Forskahl. Body scaly ; the dorsal fin sub- divided, anterior rays remote ; caudal fin truncate. A. triostegos. Cuv. x. 199. Teuthys Linn. Body with a coriacious or granulated skin, often marked with vertical or longitudinal cari- nated lines ; dorsal entire ; caudal slightly forked. T. argenteus. Frey. Atlas, pl. 63. f. 3. Ctenodon Sw. ( fig.74.) Body scaly ; dorsal fin undi- vided ; the spines very slender; caudal fin very 256 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. large, great- 7 ly lunated ; head very ob- tuse ; teeth, in general, spatulose and crenated. C. Ruppelii Sw. Rtipp. 16. rubropunctatus. Rupp. 15.1. (jig. 74.) lineatus. Sw. Benn. pl. 2. Cuvierli. (CC. v. pl. 289. erythromelas. Less. Atl, 27.1. fuliginosus. Lesson. 27. 2. Harpurus Forster. Snout contracted and produced, somewhat tubular ; body granulated and marked lon- gitudinally with carinated lines; a brush-like tuft of hairs on the sides of the tail. H. scopas.. Cuy. pl. 280. Zebrasoma™ Sw. Snout rather pointed; dorsal and ventral fins excessively broad and rounded ; body without scales ; tail truncate. velifer. Sw. Rupp. Atlas, pl. 15. fig.2. Bl. pl. 427. Prionurus Lac. General aspect of Acanthurus ; but the caudal spines are many ; body coriaceous, without scales ; dorsal fin one. Callicanthus Sw. (fig.75.) Head sloping; caudal spines two on each side; ventral fins immediately under the pectoral, and with a connecting mem- brane ; caudal large, lunated, the point attenuated. C. elegans. ( Aspisurus elegans.) Rupp. Atl. 16. fig. 2. (fig.75.) _ * Thistype, uniting to Acanthurus proper, completes the circle of the genus. GYMNETRES. — PTERACLINE. PLATE Aspisurus Lac. Snout contracted, produced, and some- what tubular; dorsal spines strong and remote ; caudal fin staal: truncate, or slightly lunate. A. Lamarckii. Frey. Atlas, pl. 63. fig. 1. Prionurus proper. General aspect of Aspisurus, but the dorsal has an advancing spine ; the caudal spines fixed ; the tail small and slightly lunate. P. microlepidotus Lac. Cuv. v. pl. 292. Nasreus Cuv. (fig. 76.) General as- pect of Pri- onurus, but the at is SSS prolonged into a horizontal horn ; the caudal spines are fixed, and the teeth conical ; ventral fins with only a few soft rays. N. fronticornis Cuv. (fig. 76.) Priopon. General shape and teeth of Acanthurus : the skin coriaceous ; but the tail is unarmed, and the ventrals like Naseus. _ P. annularis. Cuv. and Val. pl. 294. Axinurus Cuv. Body ovate, coriaceous ; belly very short; tail with a single square, sharp, and fixed plate ; caudal fin lunate ; ventral fins very small. Axinurus thynnoides. Cuv. pl. 295. Trips II]. GYMNETRES. The Riband-fish. Body very long, excessively thin ; pectoral fin minute ; head large, truncate ; eyes very large; mouth nearly vertical. * 1. Susram. PTERACLINE. Dorsal and anal fins excessively broad. Preracites. General shape of Astrodermus, but the * The primary divisions are mostly representatives of families. VOL. Ii. s 258 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. dorsal and anal fins are enormously developed ; the former commences on the crown, and the latter just behind the eye; eyes and mouth very large. Pteracles ocellatus. Cuv. and Val. pl. 271. 2. Susram. GYMNETRINZE. Body excessively long and thin, the dorsals extending the whole length of the body; pectoral minute; ventral very large ; no anal fin. Areyetius Rafinesque. Dorsal fins generally two; the first very narrow at the base ; but greatly pro- longed, so as to form a sort of crest on the head. Argyctius proper, Rafinesque.* Dorsal fin one, narrow; ventral fins long, subulate, of three united rays, without a membrane, but with a short anterior spinous ray ; caudal forked (?), of six rays. quadrimaculatus. Raf. Car. p. 55. pl. 1. fig. 3. CrepHateres Raf. General habit of Argyctius; dorsal fins two; the first of three or four rays, one of which is excessively prolonged and spatulate at the tip, the others very short; anal large, angular, and pointed ; caudal of six simple rays, more or less con- nected by a membrane. C. octomaculatus. Raf. Swainsonii. Raf. Joura. Ind. See Appendix. 2. p. 36. See Appendix. Tracuyprerus Cuv. Dorsal fins two; the first of about seven very long equal rays; caudal fin as in Cephalepes, but vertical; anal represented by a few small obsolete processes or bristles at the base of the caudal. Spinola. Cuv. pl. 296. iris. Cuv. pl 297. GymnocasTER Brunich. General structure of Argyc- tius ; but the sides of the body armed with a se- ries of spines, pointing forwards ; dorsal fin single ; pectoral very small ; ventral and anal fins wanting ; caudal forked ? G. articus Brun. Yarrell, i. 191. * Science is much indebted to Dr. Fleming for 2 valuable paper on this rare fish in Loudon’s Magazine, iv. p. 215. . @YMNETRES. — OPHIDONIDZ. 259 Gvyunetrus Bloch. Body excessively long; riband- shaped ; ventral fins very long; the rays simply filiform or spatulate. Gymnetrus proper, Bloch. Front and mouth nearly vertical; crown with a distinct fin, resembling a crest; ventral fins filiform, ending in a spatulate plate. G. gladius. Cuv. and Val. pl. telum. Ib. pl. 299. 298. Xiphichthys Sw. Ventral fin of a single filiform ray, ending in a fine point ; caudal fin fusiform, of four rays connected at the base, and afterwards joined, where they all terminate in one slender filament. Z.- Russelii. Sw. Russ. i. p. 40. Lophotes Giorna. Crown of the head very high, ele- vated above the mouth and surmounted by a recurved horn-like process; dorsal fin as long as the body ; caudal distinct, small ; ventral very minute; anal close to the caudal, and just before the vent. L. Cepedianus Gior. Cuv. pl. 301. Siculus. Sw. App. 3. Suzram. OPHIDONIDZ. Body anguilliform, more robust and less compressed ; anal fin nearly as long as the dorsal, and united to the caudal ; all the fins thickened. Xieuasta Nob. Body excessively long and linear ; the ventral fins of a single filamentous ray. Z. setifer Sw. Russ. pl. 39. Cerota Linn. Body moderately long, gradually di- minishing from the vent ; head obtuse ; pectoral fin rounded ; ventral rather before the pectoral, smaller, pointed, attached by a membrane at the base ; dorsal and anal fins united to the caudal. C. tenia Linn. attenuata. Sw. Appendix. rubescens Linn. See App. gularis. Sw. Ib. longicauda Sw. App. variegata. Sw. Ib. novemradiata Sw. Ib. truncata. Sw. Ib. gigas Sw. Ib. sae 260 CLASSIFICATION -OF FISHES, ETC. Nemotuervus Raf. Pectoral fins filiform, placed very near each other towards the throat; ventrals and anal fins wanting ; caudal fin lunate, with a very long filiform ray in the middle. N. erythropterus. Raf., Specchio, i. p. 101.. 4, Susram. OPHIDINZA. Body much thicker, anguilliform ; fins more or less fleshy ; ventral fins none; dorsal and anal fins united ; caudal obsolete. Frerasrer Cuv. (fig. 77.) Body hyaline ; snout very . obtuse ; eyes small; no cirri. acus. Hisso, i. 82. pl. 4.11. maculatus. Sw. App. Opuiwium Linn. ( fig.78.) Body anguilliform, o- paque ; eyes very large; throat furnished with cirri. barbatum. Bl. 159.* (fig. 78.) Vassalli. Risso, Nice. i. p- 97- 5. Susram. STYLEPHORINE. Eyes pedunculated. SrytepHorus Shaw. Body anguilliform, “ very long, compressed ; eyes pedunculated, standing on a short, thick cylinder; snout lengthened ; directed upwards, retractile towards the head ; mouth without teeth ; pectoral fins small ; dorsal the length of the back f ;” ““ caudal vertical, as in Trachypterus, but shorter? ;” the extremity of the tail prolonged into a slender filament longer than the body. S. chordatus Shaw. Linn. Tr. i. 90. pl. 6. * Cuvier and all authors describe this species as having four distinct bar- bels, whereas there is in reality only one, divided at its base into four fila- ments: no good representation yet exists of this species. + Shaw = Cuvier. CANTHILEPTES. — LEPIDOLEPRIDA. TRIGLID. 261 Tripe IV. CANTHILEPTES. Mailed-checks. Head and cheeks mailed, or armed with detached spines ; scales rough or prickly ; branchial aperture contracted ; pectorals often very large ; operculum spinous ; lateral line generally prominent, and often spinous. Famity 1. LEPIDOLEPRIDZ. Riband Gurnards. Body anguilliform, sword-shaped, very thin, covered with osseous scales, rough, and beset with small acute spines; head depressed, mailed; dorsal fins two, the first small, the second long, and united with the anal and caudal, which forms a point ; ventral fins small. Lerinosoma Risso. Snout considerably prolonged, end- ing in a triangular point; mouth large, placed be- neath, as in Trigla; jaws with several rows of very fine curved sharp teeth; dorsal fins approximating, and of equal height; ventral fins very narrow and slender, the first ray prolonged into a filament. Lepidosoma trachyrynchus. Risso, Ichth. 197. pl. 7. fig. 21. Oxycepuas Raf. Muzzle not prolonged over the mouth ; the first dorsal fin high and triangular ; the second shorter than the anal; ventral fins small, short ; lower jaw with or without cirri. O. celorhinchus. Riss. Scabrus. Raff. Carat. p. 31. Ich. 200. pl. 7. fig. 22.* Baas 2. TRIGLIDA. Gurnards. Head covered with bony plates, resembling armour, and defended with large spinal processes ; scales rough or cuspidate, or prickly ; caudal fin generally lunate; dis- tinct finger-like processes generally placed at the base of the pectorals ; pectoral fins mostly very large. Tricia. The digitated processes free and detached ; * Differs from the O. Rupestris of Bloch, by having, according to Rafi- nesgue, the caudal fin emarginate. S35 262 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. generally three ; scales prickly ; suborbital bones very large, covering the cheeks ; the whole head hard and granulated ; dorsal fins two, the first composed of spiney rays, the anterior of which is sometimes serrated ; lateral line carimated ; teeth very small : Europe and India. Trigla Linn. Pectoral and ventral fins of nearly equal length ; body covered with small scales ; caudal fin truncate or lunate. gurnardus Linn. Capensis. Cuyv. iv. 55. euculus. Linn. Ib. 34. Blochii. Yarr. p. 50. hirundo. Bloch, pl. 60. papilto. Cuy. iv. 80. lineata. Ib. 354. phalena. pini. Ib. 355. papillionacea. Less. Atl. 19. pecilaptera. Cuv. iv. 47. lyra. Bloch, 350. Peroni. Ib. 53. &c. See Appendix. Prionotus Lac. Head very large ; pectoral fins nearly as long as the body ; caudal fin truncate or lunate. tribulus. Cuv. pl. 74. Ornichthys Sw. Pectoral fins very large ; spines on the head small ; caudal fin rounded ; lateral line smooth ; America ; ventral fins very small. Carolinensis. Bl. 352. punctatus. Ib. pl. 353. Peristidion Lac. Body angulated, lengthened, slender, entirely covered with large scale-like plates, which form carinated angles along the body ; mouth without teeth, placed beneath two projecting plates on the muzzle, and furnished with short branched cirri ; digitated processes two on each side. P. cataphracta. Bloch, pl. 349. DactyLtopHorus. Head very obtuse ; eyes very large, close to the tip of the muzzle; crown of the head and angle of the operculum extended into very long spines ; pectoral processes united together. Dactylophorus Lac. Pectoral fins nearly as long as the body ; the processes united, and forming a spurious fin. volitans. Cuv. trigloides. Sw. Appendix. occidentalis. Sw. Appendix. Orientalis. Cuv. pl. 76. Blochii. Ib. App. bispinosus. Russ. pl. 160. tentaculatus. Ib. App. Chinensis. Sw. App. fasciatus. Ib. App. SCORPANIDA. — SCORPENIN &. 263 Cephalocanthus Lac. Pectoral fins much smaller ; digi- tated processes wanting. C. spinarella. Lac. Cuv. pl. 73. 77. Opricruys Cuv. General form of Peristidion, but the head is much broader ; the body very slender, length- ened, and marked with large plates; a row of sharp spines form the lateral line; pectoral fin moderate, very broad at the base; and extended towards the throat, but without any digitated processes ; second dorsal and anal fins very long ; caudal ———— ? O. Langsdorfii. Cuv. pl. 81. Rayneuicutys Cuv. Body ovate-fusiform ; upper jaw projecting considerably beyond the lower ; the tip pointed, but the crown broad and sulcated; eyes - enormous ; scales regular, hard, and ciliated at their edges; operculum and interoperculum with strong spines, and deeply serrated edges ; dorsal fins two, united.* | R. pelamidis. Cuv. and Val. pl. 204. Famity 3. SCORPHNIDZ. No digitated processes; caudal fin rounded; scales smooth ; eyes prominent, placed near the crown, on an elevated ridge of the head ; pectorals often long ; always very broad at the base, and extended towards the throat ; head armed with obtuse tubercles and scattered spines. 1. Susram. SCORPENINE. Head compressed ; mouth opening horizontally ; body, in general, covered with smooth scales; eyes lateral ; pectoral fins with some of the lower rays detached, but destitute of digitated processes. Prenois Cuv. Dorsal and pectoral fins very large, -% The affinities of these two last genera are somewhat uncertain. Ripe chichtys obvicusly represents the sword-fish. s 4 264 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. with many of the rays but slightly connected by the membrane ; pectoral rays deeply cleft; no pectoral appendages, as in some of the Apisti; head with short spines and fleshy lobes or cirri; no teeth on _ the palate; dorsal fins two, equal, but united ; ventrals very large. Pierois Cuv. Dorsal fins very high ; pectoral fins as long as the body, or reaching to the base of the caudal fin ; the upper rays, as well as those of the first dorsal fin, deeply cleft ; caudal small, sub-lan- ceolate ; mouth opening horizontally. volitans. Bloch, 184. Cuy. cristatus. Benn. Cey. pl. 1. pl. 85. antennaria. Bloch, pl. 185. Macrochyrus Sw. Pectoral fins only one third as long as the body ; in other respects resembles the last, but the mouth is subvertical. miles. Benn. Cey. pl. 9. Pteroleptus Sw. Pectoral fins very long, reaching to the base of the caudal, but the rays are not cleft, as in the two last; first dorsal fin with the rays very high, and only connected by a membrane at their base ; mouth oblique. P. longicauda. Russ. ii. pl. 133. Pteropterus Sw. General structure of Pterois, but + the dorsal fin is very low*, a doubtful type. T. radiatus. Cuv. and Val. Brachyrus Sw. Pectoral fins short, only one third the length of the body ; the first eight branched, the re- mainder simple, and all united nearly to the tips by- the membrane. zebra. Cuv. iv. p. 367. brachypterus. Ib. iv. p. 368. Apistres. Pectoral fins moderately large ; the rays un- divided, and all of them branched, with a digitated * This type, if such it be, rests on the authority of a drawing by Parkin- son in the Banksian Library. I do not think it probable that the dorsal rays, as conjectured by Cuvier, had been broken off, for Parkinson was a zoological painter, and would have been aware of the circumstance. _SCORPANID ©. — SCORPENINE. 265 process, or detached ray at the base ; dorsal fin either entire or slightly cleft ; two strong spines on the gills, one on the suborbital, the other on the preopercule ; scales small or none ; palate furnished with teeth. Pterichthys Sw. Pectorals very long, reaching to the base of the caudal, with a detached ray at the base, and_a cirrus on the lower jaw. P. carinatus. Cuv. iv. p. 395. Israelitorum. Cuv. iv. p. 396. alatus. Russ. No. 160. B. Apistes Cuv. (Also Minous Cuv.) Pectoral fins mode- rately long,.with a lengthened, detached ray at the base ; scales very small or none ; spines on the oper- culum very strong, and with others elevated before the orbits ; ventral fin with the rays simple, the three first not thickened or lengthened ; dorsal fin either entire or cleft, the anterior division shortest. monodactylus. Cuv. pl.95. 2. Russellii. Russ. pl. 160. a. * Platypterus Sw. Dorsal fin very high or broad, undi- vided, commencing between the eyes, and uniting by a membrane to the caudal fin; pectoral fins pointed, moderate, and without any detached ray ; head very obtuse, truncate, the front almost vertical ; mouth opening obliquely or subvertical ; scales very minute ; caudal rounded. ¢ tenianotus. Cuv. Lac. iv. longispinis. Ib. iv. 408. plo Siig. 2, Bourgomvillii. Ib. iv. 411. fusco-virens ? Ib. iv. 409, Trichosomus Sw. Dorsal fins two, the first of three spi- nous rays, widely separated from the second ; mouth oblique or subvertical ; lower jaw longest ; pectorals as in the last ; anal with three strong spiny rays. trachinoides. Cuv. pl. 92.1. dracena. Cuv. iv. p. 403. Gymnapistes Sw. Body generally naked, shaped as m * This species, by its undivided dorsal, connects Apistes to Platypterus. ¢ Cuvier observes that the caudal, as represented by Lacepede, is incor- rect, having been injured in the original. When perfect it is rhomboid, or, in other words, rounded. 206 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. Scorpena ; dorsal more or less cleft towards the tail : its first or anterior division consisting of spinous rays, the hinder of soft branched rays ; pectoral fins moderate, but no detached ray; anal fin with t spines in front; no cirri on the head. ait marmoratus. Griff. Cuv. Belangerii. Cuv. iv. p. 412. pl. 22. fig. 3. : barbatus. Ib, 413. _ australis. White’s Voy. pl. niger. Ib. 415. 52. fig. 1. Scorpana Linn. Head large, armed with spines and ~ tubercles ; the sides compressed, destitute of scales, but furnished with fleshy cirri or lobes of different sizes; teeth minute, velvetty, placed on the jaws, vomer, and palate ; mouth obliquely horizontal ; body ovate, covered with scales ; pectorals moderate, the lower rays thick but not branched ; dorsal fin deeply emarginate near the tail. scrofa. Cuv. venosa Cuv. Russ. pl. 56. nesogallica. Griff. pl. 16. 2. grandicornis. Cuv. pl. 86. Sepastes Cuv. Head and body compressed, and covered in all their parts with distinct scales ; no fleshy lobes on the head, which is only of a moderate size ; mouth cleft almost vertically; the under jaw longest, and the chin pointed ; pectorals moderate, not very broad at the base, but the lower rays simple, as in Scor- pena; head without tubercles or frontal prickles, but with a strong suborbital spine; dorsal fin emar- ginate near the tail ; caudal truncate.* variabilis. Griff. Cuv. pl. 22. fig. 1. Tzn1anotus Cuv. Body ovate, broad, excessively com- pressed ; head obtuse ; front truncate; mouth ob- liquely horizontal; short obtuse spines above and before the eyes, and smaller ones on the gills; dorsal * For the reason assigned by Cuvier, 7. e. the simple rays at the lower part of the pectoral fin, I have followed him in retaining this genus near to that of Scorpena; but I am not quite satisfied this is its natural station. Its sub-vertical mouth shows a strong relation to Trichodon, which, from pos- sessing the same character in the pectoral fins, but with a completely naked body, I have placed as the corresponding type in the sub-family of Synan- china. SCORPENID A. — SYNANCHINA. 267 fin very high or broad, undivided, and extending from the crown to the caudal fin, to the outer edge of which it unites; body scaly ; the other fins as in Scorpena: representing Platypterus. T. triacanthus. Cuv. pl. 89. 2. Susram. SYNANCHINA. Afogfish. Body naked, without scales, thick, gross, often de- formed with fungus or spongy skin, with fleshy lobes or cirri on the sides; head directed upwards, spinous ; the eyes small and placed close to or upon the crown ; mouth large, completely vertical *; pectorals large, often very long; the -base broad and extended almost under the throat. Acriopus Cuv. General form and structure of Tenia- notus, but the muzzle is suddenly narrowed and rather produced ; the mouth very small and without teeth ; dorsal fin slightly emarginate, commencing just be- tween the eyes, and reaching, but not united, to the base of the caudal; pectoral fin rather small ; all the rays simple; body compressed, smooth, or warted. Peruvianus. Griff. pl. 8. 1. verrucosus. Cuv. pl. 91. Petor Cuv. Snout turned upwards; eyes small, vertical, pedunculated, or placed on a gibbous prominence of the crown; mouth large, vertical, the under jaw longest; pectoral fins very large; the rays often passing beyond the membrane, which leaves two or more of the lower rays almost free ; dorsal fin long, entire, very broad, the membrane only connecting the rays towards the base ; palate with small teeth ; ventral fin large; anal long. | maculatum. Griff. pl. 8.2. filamentosum. Cuv. pl. 94. Synaneuia Cuv. Hogfish. Aspect hideous ; head thick, cylindrical, covered with tubercles, and often - : * Except in Agriopus. 2608 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. deformed with fungous skin and fleshy lobes ; pec- toral fins very broad at the base, but the rays are united, not much lengthened, and all branched ; eyes small, placed on the crown ; mouth large, opening vertically ; ventral fin large ; dorsal long. Synanchia Cuy. Eyes large, lateral ; body and tail rather elongated, smooth ; dorsal fin narrow, united to the base of the caudal; ventral fin very small; anal ~ lengthened ; head covered with fungous skin ; mouth oblique ; caudal rounded ; representing Agriopus, &c. S. erosa. Cuy. pl. 96. Bufichthys Sw. Body very thick ; tail short; eyes very small, subpedunculated; mouth large, com- pletely vertical ; pectorals remarkably: broad at their base ; ventral and anal very small, the former placed rather before the pectorals. horrida. Lac. il. pl.17.2. grossa. Gray. In. Zool. 1. pl. 97. Trachicephalus Sw. Shape and general aspect of 'Tra- chinus; body lengthened; dorsal fin emarginate, nearly in the middle ; caudal truncate ; anal fin long ; eyes approximate on the crown; mouth large, ver- tical. elongatus. Griff. Cuv. pl. 8. fi 3. Tricnopon Cuv. General shape of Trachinus, but the body destitute of scales, and the suborbital spine, as in Agriopus, entirely wanting ; eyes large ; mouth wide, vertical ; dorsal fins two, low, of nearly equal length and breadth ; pectoral very broad ; the lower rays simple; ventral fin small, placed beneath the pectoral ; anal fin long, linear ; caudal sublunate ; preoperculum toothed, as in Agriopus: the Chiro- nectiform type. T. Stellerii. Cuy. pl. 57. 3. Susram. BLEPSIN. Ventral fins almost obsolete. Buepstas Cuv. Dorsal fin, as in Hemitripterus, di- vided into three portions, the two first of which are SCORPENIDH.— TRACHININZ. 269 short and triangular, but the hinder very long and high ; body ovate, naked ; head compressed, with several fleshy processes ; small spines on the preoper- culum, but none behind the eye or on the oper- culum ; pectorals large ; the rays simple, those nearest the throat rather cleft between ; palate furnished with teeth ; ventral fin minute, nearly obsolete.* B. trilobus. Cuv. iv. pl. 90. Griff. ed. pl. 22. f. 2. 4, Susram. TRACHININE. Mouth and eyes vertical ; body with compact scales ; ventral fin before the pectoral, Urnanoscopus. General form of Synanchia; body covered with hard, compact, and often rough scales ; head and body cylindrical ; head mailed with hard plates, but without spines or processes ; pectorals large, broad ; the rays undivided ; ventral fins small, placed before the pectorals ; dorsal and anal fins long. Uranoscopus Linn. (fig.79.) Dorsal fins two, the first triangular, and formed of three to five acute spines. U. seaber Linn. Bloch, p. 163. IchthyscopusSw. Dor- sal fin single, long, (@4's generally composed \#/’ of soft and simple. ( rays; mouth often ® furnished with cirri; scales minute, or none. U. inermis. Cuv. iii. pl. 65. — cirrhosus. “Cuv. Ib. $14. Forsteri. Ib. 318. levis. Ib. 319. Tracuinus Linn. (fig. 80.) General shape of the last, but the body and head are much compressed; oper- culum with a long acute spine on its upper angle ; dorsal fins two, the first triangular, with acute spines ; * As evidence of the affinity of Blepsis to Trachinus it is not a little re- markable that Pallas placed them together. j 270 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. the second, and the anal, long and linear ; caudal | truncate ; scales small, g% hard ; ventral fin hardly before the pectoral. _ T.-draeco Linn. Yarrell. ( fig 80.) 5. SuBFaM. PLATICEPHALINZE. Flatheads. Head and body broad and depressed ; ventral fins and eyes large, the latter vertical ; form slender ; dorsal fins two ; body scaly ; no tubercles or filanients on the head. PiatycerHaLus Cuv. Head large, long, very broad ; armed with acute spines; muzzle produced ; mouth opening horizontally, but the under jaw longest ; dorsal fins two, nearly equal; pectoral broad, and reaching to the sides of the throat; ventral fin very large, as long as the pectoral, and placed behind it; caudal rounded; gill membrane seven rayed ; palate with sharp teeth. asper. Cuy. and Val. pl. 82. grandispinis. Griff. pl. 16. f. 1. Bremeras Cuv. General form of Platycephalus, but the head is only as broad as it is high ; pectoral fins rather small, and not much longer than the ventrals ; which latter, as in Trachinus, are placed before the pectorals ; mouth horizontal ; both jaws equal ; dorsal fins two ; tail rather lengthened ; caudal fin truncate ; velvet-like teeth in the jaws, palatines, and vomer. B. Japonicus. Cuv. and Val. iv. 282. pl. 83. Famity 4. COTTIDZ. Bull-heads. Miller's Thumb. Ventral fins small, imperfect, generally of three, but never more than four, rays, and placed behind the pec- torals; body naked, or with patches only of minute scales ; head large, broad, depressed, armed with spines and tubercles ; mouth large ; smali teeth on the jaws and COTTID. ua vomer, but none on the palate ; pectoral fins broad ; the lower rays simple ; dorsal fins generally two, either se- parated or united at their base ; gill membrane six-rayed. Hemirriptervus Cuv. Habit of Synanchia, in the head, eyes, and pectoral fins ; but the mouth is ob- liquely horizontal, and the dorsal fin is divided into three portions; the first falcate, or triangular; the two others equal; head depressed, with numerous sharp tubercles and fleshy palmated cirri ; ventral fin very small, of only one spinal, and three soft, rays ; anal lengthened ; caudal truncate ; palate furnished with small teeth. H. Americanus. Cuy. pl. 84. Griff. Cuv. pl. 53. £ 3. Corrus Linn. Body entirely naked ; dorsal fins two, distinct ; preopercule armed with spines. gobio. Bl. pl.39. Yarr.i. 56. Scorpius. Bl. pl. 40. Klen. diceraus. Til. Mos. Tr. pl.13. Miss. iv. pl. 13.£ 2. Enopurys Sw. Nape of the head contracted ; spines few ; orbits much elevated, and surrounded with a bony lobe or plate, rendering the fore part of the head club-shaped ; dorsals distinct ; ventral fins short, of three rays; body naked ; caudal rounded. E. claviger. Cuv. and Val. pl. 79. fig. 2. Gymnocantuus Sw. Resembling in general aspect the last, but there are no upper orbits; spines of the head few, and naked ; ventral fins very long, and of three rays; dorsals distinct; the rays of the first naked on their terminal half (?) ; caudal fin truncate. G. ventralis. Cuv. and Val. iv. pl. 79. fig. 1. Heminepipotus Cuv. Body with a few longitudinal bands of small scales under the common skin, the interstices of which are naked; dorsal fins more or less united at their base; ventrals of three rays, nearly as long as the pectorals. H. Tilesii.* Cuv. and Val. iv. 276. pl. 87. * The species figured by Tilesius, which M. Cuvier quotes as the same as 22 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. Famiy 5. AGONIDA. Maid Biles. Body angulated, generally long and slender, resembling the Pipe-fish or Syngnathide, covered with mailed plates; jaws prolonged, somewhat tubular; vomer with- out teeth ; ventral fins very small, of two rays, Asphidophorus Lac. Body ovate, oblong; head thick, depressed, rather broad ; the tip of the muzzle some- what recurved, and armed with two spines ; mouth beneath, lower jaw shortest, with numerous slender cirri; dorsal fins two, united at the base; tail sud- denly attenuated. A. Europeus. Yarr. 1. 70. Bloch, pl. 39. Aconus Bi., Tilesius. Head narrower; body linear, very long; snout without spines; mouth terminal, opening vertically; dorsal fins united ; ventral of two rays. A. dodecaedrus. Til. Pe- levigatus. Til. Petersb. Tr. ii. tersb. Tr. iv. pl. 13. pl. 14. rostratus. Ib. iv. pl.14. | Senegalensis. Griff. pl. 53. fig. 1. Hiprocepuatus Sw. Body shorter, irregularly ovate ; head small; the nape much contracted ; dorsal fins two, remote, the first with strong spines ; caudal ovate, rounded; three rows of spinal processes on the sides. superciliosus. Pall. Sp. decagonus. Schn. pl. 27. Zool. vii. pl. 5. quadricornis. Cuv. pl. 80. CantTuiryncuus Sw. Body very long, linear ; dorsal fin single, small, placed in the middle of the back, above the anal fin; snout short, armed with two spines ; mouth terminal; plates on the body smooth ; ventral fins small, of three rays. C. monopterygius, Cuy. and Val. pl. 169, his H. Tilesii, appears to me different; the first has only three rays to the ventral, whereas the species figured by Cuvier is represented with five in his plate 89. BLENNID&.— BLENNINZ. . 273 Faminy 6. BLENNIDZ. Blennies. Ventral fins very slender, thick, of not more than two or three cylindrical rays *, enveloped in the common skin ; head thick, fat, obtuse ; lips thick, fleshy ; anterior dorsal rays slender, flexible. 1. Susram. BLENNINEE. Dorsal fin with a few spinous and many soft rays. Brienntus Linn. Mouth small, all the teeth long, conic, equal, and compact, placed in a single row, and generally with a canine tooth on each side. Blennius proper. ( fig. 81.) Dorsal fin generally emarginate, or cleft in the middle, having a palmated or fimbriated mem- branaceous crest over the eyes ; head thick, obtuse ; snout truncate ; mouth very small. B. ocellatus. Bloch, pl. 167. fig. 1. Pholis Artedi. Resembling the last, but the dorsal fin very slightly emar- ginate ; no crests. P. Smyrnensis. Cuyv. pl. 325. Chasmodes Cuv. (fig. 81.) Crested, re- sembling Blennius ; but the head is more prolonged ; the mouth large ; and the dorsal and * Excepting Opistognathus. VOL. II. T 274 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. anal fins united to the caudal; branchial aperture very small, spiraculated. C. Boscianus. Cuv. pl. 327. (fig. 82.) Blenitrachus Nob. Head large, prolonged, as in the last, but the lower jaw is longest, the mouth obliquely vertical ; the dorsal fin narrow and equal, and not united to the caudal; a strong canine in the lower jaw; branchial aperture spiraculated. Omobranchus Ehrenberg.* Head obtuse, mouth small, as in Blennius ; branchial orifice above the base of the pectoral; dorsal fin undivided ; crests generally wanting ; canine teeth very large. © filamentosus. Cuv. xi.280. punctatus. Cuy. xi. 286. Dussumeri. Ib. 282. fasciolatus: Ehrenb. Ib. 287. breviceps. Ib. 283. anolius. Ib, 288. grammistes. Ib. 284. biocellatus. Ib. 289. eyprinoides. Ib. 286. Sanartas Cuv. Numerous setaceous teeth, very fine, delicate, and flexible at their roots; with or without canine teeth ; head with crests. Petrosciries Rippell. (fig. 83.) Dorsal fin broad, nu- divided, _ ele- ofl yated in front; RRS EY 24 ; 2 BARRA AAAAAL SAAN \ branchial spi- S\\ \\ racle asinOmo- branchus ; a2 . “single series = of small seta- ceous teeth.’ — Riippell. P. mitratus. Rupp. Atl. 28. ancylodon. Ib. Neue W. ee pl. 1. £30 Salarias Cuv. Muzzle short, truncate ; dorsal fin high, deeply cleft ; canine teeth generally present. vermicularis. Cuy. xi. 296. pereophthalmus. Ib. pl. 328. + Subsequently ealled Blennechis Cuv. and Val., and made to inelude Pei; oscirtes. BLENNIDA:. — BLENNIN&#. Ors Erpicthys Nob. Dorsal fin slightly or not at all emar- _ gimate ; canine teeth generally wanting. Atlanticus. Cuv. xi.322. niger. Cuv. xi. quadripinnis. Rupp.28.2. frontalis. Ib. 328. Sebz. Ib. p. 323. ruficauda. Ib. 328. eastaneus. Ib. 324. quadricornis. Ib. 329. fasciatus. Ib. 324. variolatus? Ib. 346. cyclops. Ib. 32. freenatus. ‘Ib. 342. Rupiscartes Nob. Body anguilliform ; dorsal low, sub- divided ; caudal fin not attached to the dorsal; ventral fins perfect, of three soft rays, and one spinous, fully developed ; mouth oblique, directed downwards. R. Alticus. C. V. xi. 337.* Cirripectes Nob. Body short; profile vertical ; a semicircle of filaments round thenape; head crested ; dorsal high, and cleft in the middle ; representing Cirribarbus. C. variolosus. C. V. xi. 317. Currotoruist WVob. Body anguilliform, much com- pressed ; head crested, obtuse, profile rounded ; teeth as in Blennius, but smaller and shorter ; mouth oblique, rather wide ; dorsal and anal fins of equal breadth throughout ; the former attached to the cau- dal; ventrals very short, of three rays. C. Yarrellii. C. V. xi. 218. Cristicers Cuv. Profile nearly ovate; dorsal fins two, * More than one species appears to be placed under this name; this type evidently represents, or passes into, Op7stognathus ; not having seen it, I have followed M. Valenciennes in retaining it for the present in this genus : it is said to jump on the sea rocks like a lizard. : + L have but little doubt of this being a sub-generic type, representing the Gunnell Blennies, but its precise situation requires much investigation. op 2 276 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. the first placed on the occiput, like a crest, and of three rays ; the second remote and detached from the - tail. C. australis. C. V. xi. 403. pl. 336. (jig. 84.) Myxopes Cuvier. Head elongated ; muzzle pointed, projecting be- yond then Blen- teeth a3 1 no ca- nius, but nines. M. ocellatus. C. V. pl. 335. ( fig. 85.) 2. Susram. CLININ A. Dorsal fin with many spinous and few soft rays. Triprericion Risso. Dorsal fins three ; head some- what produced. T. nasus. C. V. xi. p. 409. pl. 338. Crinetracuus Nob. Chironectiform ; head somewhat pointed; mouth obliquely vertical, opening down- wards; dorsal fins two, low, the first triangular, of three rays. superciliosus. Bl. pl. 168. - perspicillatus. C. V.xi.372. Brennopuis JVob. Oviparous, anguilliform; body lengthened, sub-cylindrical ; dorsal and anal fins low and equal ; profile nearly rectilinear ; head crested ; teeth velvet-like, the exterior strongest ; dorsal fin attached to the caudal, which is rounded ; ventrals of three rays, nearly as long as the pectorals. anguillaris. (Clinus, do. C. V. xi. 390.) variabilis. Raff. (1810. ) ( Clinus. argentatus. C. V. x1.354. ) Cirnus Cuv. Teeth velvety, those in the front row scarcely, if at all, larger than the others ; body ovate, ; dorsal fin of nearly equal breadth throughout. acuminatus, Cuv. xi. cottoides. Ib. 368. BLENNID&.— CLININZ. QT Lasrisomus Nob. Front row of the teeth strong, conic, and pointed, the hinder velvetty ; body thicker than in Clinus; dorsal fin distinctly emarginate to- wards the caudal. : L. gobio. C, V.' xi. 395. Peruvianus C. V. xi. 383. pectinifer. Ib. 374. microcirrhis. Ib. 384. capillatus. Ib. 377. 2 geniguttatus. Ib. 86. Delalandii. Ib. 378. élegans. Ib. 388. linearis. Ib. 371. ? littoreus. Ib. 389. variolosus. Ib. 381. latipennis. Ib. 394. Opuisomus* Nob. Anguilliform, compressed, ventral fins excessively small, generally of one ray; dorsal fins entirely spinous.T - QO. gunnellus (Blenniusgunnellus. Lin.) Yarrell. i. 239. Cirruisarsus Cuv.( fig.86.) Head and mouth with nu- merous cirri; bo- AF f- dy sub-anguilli- form; muzzle pointed ; lower === jaw longer than ~~ *% the upper ; teeth velvety, the out- er range a little larger ; ventral fin of two rays ; dorsal fin single, narrow, of nearly equal breadth ; spinous, with a few soft rays behind. Cirr. capensis. C. V. xi. 406. pl. 337. (fig. 86. ) Opistoenatuus Cuv.} (fig, 87.) larias ; head < SS large, thick = : ree, 1c 5 a ee very obtuse ; © == —— eyes and ; poe maxillaries a a * Gunnellus Auct. ‘* Nomina generica que ex Greca vel Latina lingua radicem non habent, rejicienda sunt.” —Tiliger, Prod. xvii. + This and the two next genera appear to represent the three aberrant sub-families, Ophisomus passing into the Zoarchinide. _t The prolongation of the maxillaries renders this a beautiful representae tion of Thryssa, These three last genera seem to represent subfamilies. T 3 278 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. very large ; the latter prolonged behind into a sort of fiat moustache ; ventral fins with three external rays. Sonneratti. Cuy. and Val. nigromarginatus. Riupp. xi. 495. Atl. 28. 4.* (fig. 87.) Famity 7. GOBIDZE. Gobies. Ventral fins perfect, very close, and generally united, of several branched rays. 1. Susram. GOBIANZA, Body slimy; the head large and depressed; the sides fat and gibbous; ventral fins entirely united into a funnel ; dorsal rays setaceous and flexible; eyes ap- proximating ; size small. Gogius proper. Caudal fin rounded, rarely lanceolate ; ventral fins completely united into a concave disk ; dorsal fins two, distinct ; lower jaw longest ; Europe. G. niger Auct. Jozzo. Bl. pl. 107. fig. 3. Sieydium Val. Resembling Gobius, but the ventral fins adhere almost equally on all sides, so as to form a basin ; jaws with a range of flexible, equal, serrated teeth. ——— —- SSS S. eyanocephalum. Cuy. Val. xii. pl.352. (fig. 88.) Oenicuopes Sw. Habit of the last, but the dorsal * Distinguished from Sonneratti, according to Rtippeli, by having four instead of three external ravs to the ventrals ; a character which appears to me of the highest importance. M. Riippell also states the gill membrane to be of three rays only, whereas that of the former is stated to be six, . GOBID Z. — GOBIANZ. 279 fin is single, narrow, and extends the whole length of the body, which is much more lengthened. G. Broussonetii. Griff. Cuy. pl. 38. fig. 2. TrypavucHena Cuv. Body anguilliform ; dorsal finsingle, narrow, and united to the caudal, which is short and rounded ; branchial opening very narrow; under jaw longest ; eyes minute. T. vagina. Cuv. Val. xu. pl. 351. (jig. 89.) AmBiyopus Cuv.* Body anguilliform ; dorsal, anal, and caudal fins united, the latter very long and lan- .ceolate ; all the rays soft and branched ; mouth nearly vertical ; lower jaw lengest, with a few long, dis- tant, curved teeth; eyes very minute, and almost hid in the skin ; India. SSN i RSS rubicunda. Hamilt. pl. 5.9. Hermannianus. Cuv. ( fig. 90). Scartentaos Sw. Body long, eel-like, destitute of scales; dorsal fins two, the second and anal very long, but not united to the caudal, which is large and _ * Since the Synopsis was. printed, where this type is called Psilosoma the 12th vol. of Cuvier and Valenciennes’s work has appeared, where it is named Amblyopus. : By Tt 4 280 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. lanceolate ; pectorals with their base neither pas culated Ls scaled. Se. viridis. Ham. pl. 32. fig. 12. chrysophthalmus. Ib. - 37. ealliurus, Ib. pl. 5. fig. lo. fig. 10. PreriopHtHarmus Sch. General form of Scartelaos, but covered with scales; dorsal fins two, remote; the first high and very short; pectoral fins with a pe- dunculated base, covered with scales; eyes small, very close, with a lid at their inferior edge, and capable of being elevated ; gill aperture remarkably small; ventral fins sometimes slightly divided ; caudal obliquely oval, obtuse. Plinianus. Hamilt. pl.13.13. Freycinettii. Griff. pL 38. 9-radiatus. Ib. pl. 2. fig. 14. fig. 3. 7-radiatus. Ib. p. 46. Ichlosseri. Pall. Spec. pl. 1. 13-radiatus. Ib. p. 48. fig. 1—4. 2. Susram. CALLIONYMINZA. Head and body depressed ; ventrals distinct, very large. Caxtuionymus Linn. Branchial aperture very small, as in theeel ; gill-covers elongated and spined ; head very much depressed; eyes approximating; oper- culum armed with a prominent bony spine, often cuspidate; ventral fins very large, distinct, and placed before the pectorals, which are smaller; dorsal fins two, sometimes much elevated; mouth small, protractile ; jaws with small crowded teeth. C. lyra. Bloch, pl. 161. Platyptera K. and Van H. Habit of Callionymus; dorsal fins two, distinct; ventral fins broad and distinct; branchial aperture wide; mouth small; scales broad ; head short, depressed. India. P. melonacephala. K. H. trigonocephala. K. H. Trichonotus Sch. Resembling the last; but the dorsal fin is single, and corresponds to the anal, which is long ; the two first rays of the dorsal are extended into long bristles ; the branchial aperture large. | T. setigeris. Bl. Schneider, pl. 39... 1 su: GOBID =.—ELEOTRIN &. 981 3. Susram. ELEOTRINZA. General character of the last, but the ventrals are not united, and the shortest rays are in front. AsTEROPTERYX Riippell. Small, ovate, fusiform, com- pressed ; scales large, crenated; dorsal fins two, the first very high and falcate; ventral fins very long; the outer rays(?) the longest ; mouth hori- zontal, moderate, with a single row of conic teeth ; no lateral line or anal appendage ; head compressed, covered with scales. A. semipunctatus. Rupp. Atl. i. pl. 34. fig. 4. Exrotris Gronov. General structure of Gobius; but the ventral fins moderate ; dorsal fins two, the first with flexible spines ; eyes remote. Siculus. Sw. App. niger. Frey. Atl. pl. 60. fig. 2.* Rupretiia Sw. General habit of Gobius ; ventral fins united ; head thick, fat, obtuse, covered with fleshy cirri or filaments ; eyes vertical; lower jaw directed upwards, and longer than the upper; mouth vertical ; representing Uranoscopus, &c. R. echinocephala. Rupp. Atl. i. pl. 34. fig. 3. ComerHorus Lac. Dorsal fins two ; ventrals wanting ; muzzle oblong, broad, and depressed ; pectorals very long ; gill opening large, with seven rays. C. Baicalensis. Pall. Nov. Act. i. ix. fig. 1. (fig. 91.) * If the Sciena macrolepidota and maculata of Bloch, pl. 298, 299, fig. 2, “placed here by Cuvier, are correctly represented, they do not, I think, be- long to this genus ; because the ventral fins are drawn asin ordinary fishes, that is, with the longest rays in front, whereas, in Eleotris, those in front are the shortest. 282 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. Famity 8. BATRACHIDZA. Blenny Bullheads. Head broader than the body, obtuse, depressed, fleshy, with slender appendages or cirri, and a few concealed prickles on the gills, but without distinct spines or bony tubercles; scales small, regular, but sometimes embedded in the skin, and not visible externally ; pec- “torals broad, obtuse, not pedunculated ; branchial aper- ture narrow or spiraculated ; ventral fins very small, with two to three round rays; all the fins enveloped in the common skin of the body; operculum with a few small concealed prickles; mouth wide, but not vertical ; caudal rounded. * Barracuus Lac. Head broader than the body, which is covered with minute scales and short slender cirri ; dorsal fins two; the first short, triangular, and spinous ; ventral fins thick, two-rayed. Dussumieri. Cuv. pl. 367. Ampuicutuys Sw. Body without visible scales ; dorsal fin single ; ventral fin pointed, of two thick and short rays; in each jaw a single row of teeth, irregular . in size, straggling, and very obtuse, those at the tip of the lower jaw sharp and incurved. rubigenes. Sw. Appendix. Famity 9. CHIRIDZ. All the dorsal rays slender; body compressed, with ventrals distinct ; several lateral lines formed of series of pores on the sides. Currvus Steller. Body rather lengthened ; scales cili- ated ; head small, unarmed ; mouth slightly cleft ; teeth small, unequal, conical; dorsal fin single, ex- tending the whole length of the back; the spines very * This definition will separate this group from those which, from having the pectorals pedunculated, are arranged with the Lophide: there is, indeed, a strong resemblance between the two, but this is atonce explained by the analogous representation they give of each other. They all, however, re- quire a thorough revision. MALACOPTERIGES. 983 delicate ; sides of the body with several rows of pores; head crested, as in Blennius ; ventral fins distinct, of five soft rays. L. lagocephalus. Pall. Mem. Ac. Pet. xi. 1810. Famity 10. ZOARCHID A. Anguilliform ; dorsal, caudal, and anal fins united ; the rays soft. Zoarcuus Cuv. Ventral fins very small, nearly obsolete, of three rays ; jaws with asingle row of conical teeth, and several in front; but none on the palate. Z. viviparus. Bl. pl. 72. AnarruicHas* Linn. No ventral fins; palate and vomer with strong bony tubercles, and small enamelled teeth; the cutting teeth, however, are long and pointed ; mouth wide; body slimy. A. lupus. Bl. pl. 74. -A? leopardus. Spix. pl. 51. Orper IT. MALACOPTERIGES. Soft-rayed Fishes. The rays of the dorsal fin soft, articulated, and branched. Famity 1. SALMONID. Salmon. Body compressed, symmetrical, covered with scales ; fins naked ; the membrane sub-opaque ; the rays soft. 1. Susram. CYPRINE. The Carps. Dorsal fin single, generally in the centre of the back ; mouth small, without teeth, but strong ones are placed in the pharynx ; tongue smooth ; scales generally large.. Cyprinus Linn. Lips moderately thick, but neither plaited nor crenated ; the two first, or anterior dorsal rays spinous, and sometimes serrated. Cyprinus Linn. Jaws of equal length; the mouth 284 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. without barbels or cirri ; the dorsal fin lengthened ; the spines serrated. C. carpis. BL. pl. 16. Barbus. Dorsal fin short, nearly triangular ; the spine sometimes serrated ; the mouth with distinct barbels ; the jaws nearly equal. B. vulgaris. Bl. pl 18. intermedius. . Rupp. Nil. 3. piste 2: Salmophasia Sw. Body lengthened ; lips rather thin ; mouth wide ; the jaws equal; the lip of the upper recurved ; dorsal fins small, placed near the caudal, and just above the anal, which latter is lengthened ; ventral fin very small, central, with a lanceolate ap- pendage ; pectoral fin large, pointed. oblonga. Sw. Ham. fig. 76. elongata. Gray. Ind. Zool. ( Cyp. bacaila). ( Cyp. cora). Catastomus. Lips very thick, tuberculated, plaited, or crenated ; dorsal spines simple, without serratures. Labio Cuv. Lips crenated ; lower jaw shortest ; barbels or cirri either very short or wanting ; dorsal and ven- tral generally long. : L. filamentosus. Sw. Ham. fig. 84. (Nandina). Labiobarbus Riipp. Lips excessively thick, the under one short, fleshy, and hanging downward ; upper lip with barbels ; anal fin largest. L. nidgia. Rupp. Nil. 3. pl. 2. f. 3. Catastomus Le Sueur. Both lips very thick, and plaited, the lower hanging downwards ; mouth very small, placed beneath the snout; cirri or barbels entirely wanting ; anal fin without a lanceolate ap- pendage * at the base. C. communis Le Sueur. Am. Bostonienses. Ib. pl.24. Pr.) as-pls25. aureolus. Ib. pl. 23. gibbosus. Ib. i. pl. 29. Aberrant. macrolepidotus. Ib. pl. 30. cyprinus. Ib. pl. 26. Dusquesniil. Ib. 27. elongatus. Ib. 28. * This process, common to the Indian type, is neither mentioned nor delineated by Le Sueur as existing in any of those here quoted from his paper on this genus. SALMONID ©. — CYPRINZE. 285 Chedrus Sw. Jaws equal; lips tuberculated ; dorsal fin placed very near to the caudal. C. Grayii. Sw. Gray, Ind. Zool. pl. 2. f. 3. Levciséus Klein. Lips gerierally thin, never crenated ; dorsal and anal fins without spines. Chela Ham. Mouth small, opening vertically ; dorsal fin placed close to the caudal ; ventral fins with the first ray considerably lengthened ; anal fin very long. C. anastoma. Gray, Ind. Zool. Esomus Sw. Cirri considerably developed, longer than the head ; dorsal fin placed near the caudal, and op- posite to the anal; ventral fin central; lower jaw longest ; mouth obliquely vertical. E. vittatus. Sw. Ham. f. 88. (Daurua). Leuciscus Klein. Bleaks. Dorsal fin central, placed intermediate between the ventral and anal; mouth destitute of cirri ; caudal deeply forked. L. alburnus. Bl. pl. 8. f 4. ceruleus. Yarr. 1. 365. phoxinus. Ib. pl. 8. f. 5. laneastrensis. Ib. 1. 355. erythrophthalmus. Ib.pl.1. Tinca Willoughby. Tench. Mouth small ; lips rather fleshy ; dorsal fins central, placed just above the ven- tral ; cirri small, or wanting. T.leuciscus. Bl. pl. 97. qutiluss1 sbi. pleg: cephalus. Ib. pl. 6. dobula. Ib. pl. 5. communis. Ib. pl. 14. gobio Linn. Ib. pl. 8. f. 2. idus. Ib. 36. Abramis Cuv. Breams. Resembles the last, but the body is broader, and the anal fin is much lengthened ; caudal fin large, deeply forked. Brama. Bl. pl. 13. Gangeticus. Ham. f. 93. GonorHyncHus Gron. Body linear, elongated ; head rather lengthened, and both covered with scales ; mouth small, without teeth; placed beneath the muzzle, which is much advanced ; lower jaw con-- siderably shorter ; dorsal fin placed near the caudal, and just above the ventral. rat G. capensis. - Gron. Zoop. pl. 10. f. 2. 286 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. Eryturinus Gronovius. Body oblong, sub-cylindrical, or very slightly compressed; the scales large and strong, but deciduous ; head round, obtuse ; the bones of great hardness, but without scales, those on the cheeks rough ; mouth very large; jaws armed with a row of formidable conic teeth, alternately small and large, while others on the palate, &c. are numer- ous and small; dorsal fin single, central, quadrangular ; ventral placed beneath it; pectoral and anal of equal size, and ovate; caudal broad and rounded: rivers of Tropical America : representing Saurus among the freshwater fishes. E. salvus. Agass. Pis. Braz. microcephalus. Agass. Ib. p- 41. pl. 44. uniteniatus Spiz. Ib.pl.19. Braziliensis. Spix, pl. 20. macrodon. Agass. Ib. pl.18. Synodus* Gronoy. General form and structure of Laurida, but there is no second adepoise dorsal ; ventral fin moderate, placed beneath the dorsal. S. Grohovianus. Sw. Gro. Zoop. pl. 7.. f 1. 2. Suzsram. SALMONINZ. Salmon. Dorsal fins two 7, the second adipose ; body with com- pact scales ; jaws generally well furnished with teeth. Supis Cuv. Body lengthened, cylindrical, somewhat anguilliform, covered with very large osseous scales ; head depressed, naked ; the plates bony and corru- gated ; mouth large, transverse ; eyes placed near the crown ; teeth strong, acute; dorsal fin long, placed close to the caudal, and above the anal ; ventral very small, nearest the caudal; anal half the length of the dorsal ; caudal small, round. © S. gigas Cuv. Spix, pl. 16. Clupisudis Sw. Mouth and teeth small ; anal fin longer + M. Cuvier has rejected this genus altogether, because he believes that the specimen upon which Gronovius founded the genus, and from which his figure is taken, is but a Salmosaurus. + Except in Sudis, which, from the backward position of its dorsal fin, may possibly belong to the Zsocime, or pikes. SALMONID ©. — SALMONIN&. 287 than the dorsal ; ventral fin nearest the head ; vent central. C. niloticus. Rtipp. Fish of the Nile, i. pl. 3. f 2. Satmo Linn. All the internal parts of the mouth armed with small teeth ; gill-membrane of seven rays ; body lengthened, fusiform ; the belly never serrated ; mouth usually cleft beyond the eyes. Mallotus Cuv. Body linear, rather lengthened ; lower jaw longest ; teeth on the jaws, palate, and tongue ; pectoral fins rounded ; caudal forked; ventral fin nearly central, placed beneath the first dorsal ; anal fin lengthened. M. Grenlandicus. BI. 381. f. 1. Coregonus* Artedi. Body ovate, lanceolate ; head and mouth small, the latter not cleft to the eye; the aperture oblique ; teeth minute, sometimes wanting ; ventral fin beneath the dorsal. C. marena. Bl. 27. C. marenula. Jard. 1. 3. pl. 1. Argentina Linn. Body semi-transparent ; mouth small, transverse ; tongue and vomer furnished with teeth ; those on the former stronger, and hooked ; gills six- rayed. A. sphyrena Linn. Salmo Linn. Body ovate, lanceolate ; mouth horizon- tally cleft ; the lower jaw, in the males, curved up- wards ; jaws, and all the interior parts of the mouth, © armed with pointed teeth ; angle of the mouth ex- tending even to, or behind, the eye; ventral fin rather behind the anterior base of the first dorsal. Salmo solar. Bl. pl. 20. * eperlanus. Bl. 28. f. 2. Laurida Arist. Body rather linear, cylindrical, covered with hard and sometimes carinated scales; mouth enormous, cleft far behind the eyes, which are small, sub-vertical, and placed close to the tip of the snout ; * Will not several of the Brazilian saimen, as Anodus Spix, &c., belong to this group ? 288 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. teeth numerous, remote, slender, acute, and of unequal lengths ; ventral fins very large ; pectorals small. ~ L. Mediterranea Sw. (Vol. I. _ semifasciata. Bl. 384. f 1. p- 246. fig. 48.) - eonirostra. Spix, pl. 43. foctans. Bl. 384. fi 2. intermedia. Ib. 44. - tumbel. Ib. 430. minuta Le Sueur. (Vol. I. truncata. Spix, pl. 45. p- 247. fig. 50.). - Triurus Sw. General habit of Laurida; body semi- transparent ; eyes very small; head serpent-like ; pectorals large and falcate; caudal ending in three points. . T. microcephalus. Russell, pl. 171. Harpadon Le Sueur. Resembling Laurida and Triurus, but some of the teeth are barbed at their points ; the ventral fin is immediately under the pectoral, which latter is moderately large and pointed ; caudal lunate. H. microps Le Sueur (Vol. I. fig. 49.) Aulopus* Cuy.? Body somewhat lengthened ; eyes very large ; head, before the eyes, bony ; the sides‘and the body covered with large scales ; mouth wide, oblique ; lower jaw longest, margined by a row of very small equal acute teeth directed backwards ; first dorsal fin central, large, high, falcate, lowest in the middle’; the two first rays very long, and ending im filaments ; adipose dorsal above the anal; ventral fin large, commencing just behind the pectoral, and on a line with the dorsal ; tail deeply forked, the basal half covered with minute scales ; pectoral small. Aulopus filamentosus. + Cuaracints Artedi. Tongue smooth ; mouth small short, obtuse, cleft obliquely ; the upper jaw often sinuated in the middle; gill-membrane four, rarely five, rayed ; body generally short, broad ; the’ belly “ * J suspect that this, with the foregoing sub-genera Laurida, Triurus, and Harpadon, may constitute a natural group of higher value than what they now appear: if Sudis really belongs to the Zsocine, then the Laurine may occupy its station in the sub-family of Salmonina. + I think this fish, which I described from a fresh specimen in Sicily, is the Aulopus of Cuvier, but his description is not sufficiently explicit. It certainly has an analogy to, but has none of the true characters of, Gadus. . ‘ , SALMONIDZ, — SALMONINE. 289 mostly carinated, and sometimes serrated. Rivers of America. Cynodon Spix. Mouth enormously large, oblique ; both jaws armed with sharp, distinct, and unequal. teeth ; first dorsal fin placed more or less backward, and op- posite to the commencement of the anal, which is very long ; ventral fin minute ; eyes close to the top of the muzzle ; lower jaw longest. C. gibbus. Spix and Agass. pl. 27. vulpinus. Ib. 27, Cuaracinus Artedi.t Body oblong-ovate ; head ob- tuse ; upper jaw sinuated in the middle on each side ; the lower weaker, and ‘both with the palate armed, by pointed or tricuspidate teeth ; belly smooth ; first dorsal fin central ; scales large. C. gibbosus. Gronov. pl. 1. fig. 4. Amazonicus. Spix, pl. 35. Anodus Spix. Body more slender ; resembling the last, but the mouth is without teeth. A. elongatus. Sp. andAg. pl.40. macrophthalmus, Bl. 380. latior. Ib. pl. 41. (Salmo edentatus Bl.) * Lips fleshy. Prochilosus Agassiz. . P. argenteus. Spix, pl. 38. nigricans. Ib. 39. Curimatus Cuy. General aspect of Anodus ; but the upper jaw is not sinuated, and in both there is a single row of teeth, either simple or bifid. C. fasciatus. Bl. 379. leporinus. Spix, pl. 37. Spixii Sw. Spix, pl. 36. (Leporinus 9-fasciatus Spiz. ) Serrasalmo Lac. Body short, broad, thick, somewhat rhomboid ; head, mouth, and fins as in Characinus ; but the under jaw is much thicker, the teeth stronger, and the belly serrated, in front of which there is ge- nerally a short spine; first dorsal fin between the ventral and anal; the latter lengthened. S. aureus. Spix, pl. 29. ferox Sw. Spix, pl. 28. nigricans. Ib. 30. bidens. Ib. pl. 32. Tetragonopterus Artedi. Resembling Serrasalmo in all + Connected to Cynodon gibbus by Characinus gibbosus Sw. VOL. Il. U 2900 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. but having the first dorsal immediately above the ventrals, and the belly sometimes smooth. T. aureus. Spix,. pl. 31. chalceus. Ib. pl. 33. f. 1. Gasteropelicus Bl. Head and mouth directed upwards ; body compressed, very broad at the belly, which is sharp ; the first dorsal short, triangular, placed half- way between the pectoral and the caudal ; anal fin long ; ventral very small, close to the anal ; tail forked ; teeth strong: representing Pristogaster. G. sternicla. Bloch, pl. 97. f. 3. Chalceus Spix.* Body elongated from the pectoral fin, which is considerably lengthened and pointed; mouth, teeth, and the situation of the first dorsal as in Serra- salmo ; belly prominent, smooth. C. angulatus. Spix and Agass. pl. 34. Piabucus Cuy. Body oblong, lanceolate ; belly carinated ; mouth small ; teeth minute ; nostrils single ; pectoral fins rather lengthened, pointed ; first dorsal interme- diate between the ventral and anal; the latter very long. P. argentinus. Bl.382. f.1. bimaculatus. BI. 382. f. 2. unimaculatus. Ib.381. £3. melanurus. Ib. 381. f. 2. XipHostomus Spix. Body oblong, lanceolate ; jaws more or less lengthened ; the upper considerably an- gulated towards the gape, and both armed with sharp unequal teeth. Hydrocyon Cuv. Resembling Piabucus in its fins ; but the jaws are produced, the upper strongly angulated, and both furnished with acute unequal teeth ; the mouth is cleft in an horizontal direction, as in the true salmons ; anal fin very long. H. faleatus. Bl. 385. Xiphostoma Spix. Body nearly lear; scales hard, carinated ; jaws considerably prolonged and pointed, the upper one longest; anal fin short, triangular ; * IT introduce this supposed type from having previously mentioned it, but it appears to me to be no other than an aberrant species of Piabucus, connecting this latter with Gasteropelicus. SALMONID&. — CLUPINA. 201 ventral fin rather before the first dorsal ; jaws mar- gined by a row of small, equal, and acute teeth point- ing backwards ; caudal lunate. X. Cuvierli. Spix and Agass. pl. 42. Mormyryneuvs Sw.* Cuv. Body ovate ; the head and snout considerably produced and narrowed ; mouth terminal, very small, opening in a vertical direction, and remote from the eyes; chin protuberant and terminal ; first dorsal fin central, placed between the pectoral and ventral. .M. Gronoveii Sw. Gronov. Zooph. pl. 7. f. 2. Sternopryx Herm. Body short, broad, excessively thin and sub-pellucid ; head and eyes very large ; mouth deep, vertical ; ventral fins nearly obsolete, with a spine in front; dorsal single, in the middle of the back, with an osseous crest in front ; anal fin long. S. Hermanniana. Cuv. Rege An. pl. 13. f. 1. 38. Susram. CLUPINZ. ZHerrings. Dorsal fin single, central ; mouth small, oblique ; lips very thin; teeth minute, or none ; body compressed ; aperture of the gills very large; scales large, deciduous. OstEoctossum. Ventral fin long, united to the caudal. Osteoglossum Vaudel. Body oblong, linear, greatly compressed ; mouth excessively large, obliquely ver- tical, armed with numerous small, acute, and equal teeth ; chin with two cirri: eyes close to the snout ; dorsal fin slightly separated (?) from the caudal and anal, which are united; tongue osseous, covered with small, straight, and truncated teeth. O. bicirrhosum. Spix and Agass. pl. 25. Notopterus Lac. Ventral fins minute ; anal very long, united to the caudal, and occupying three-fourths of the length of the body ; dorsal fin small, nearly cen- * This is the Anastomus of Cuv. ; but that name had been previously be- stowed by Lamarck upon a well-known genus of land shells; the similarity © of the mouth to that of Mormyrus induces me to suggest the above name. ip 292 ' CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. tral, and placed beneath the anal ; gill-membrane of a single strong osseous ray. : i N. cynurus. Schn. pl. 426. Trichosoma Sw. Ventral fin large, placed beneath the dorsal; pectoral very small, placed immediately beneath a fascicle of six detached setiform processes, which are greatly lengthened ; tail considerably longer than the body, margined beneath by a long narrow anal fin, which unites to the base of the caudal ; belly serrated : head and mouth as in Engraulis. Tr. Hamiltonii. Gray, Ind. Zool. i. pl. 85. f. 3. Exors. Jaws and palate provided with distinct teeth, or with tooth-like processes on the edges of the maxillaries, Setipinna Sw. Pectoral fins large, the first ray extended into a very long naked filament; belly very short, serrated ; ventrals small; tail very long, bordered beneath by the ventral fin, which terminates just before the base of the caudal ; dorsal nearest the head ; caudal forked; mouth excessively wide, opening rather vertically as in Osteoglossum ; eyes close to the snout; jaws margined with small teeth. truncata Ham. p. 241. megalura Sw. Ib. p. 240. ee, ( Cl. phasa. ) Elops Linn. — Body oblong, lanceolate, but very little compressed ; belly rounded, smooth ; mouth large, opening horizontally ; jaws, tongue, and palate armed with numerous teeth, which are either sharp or rounded ; dorsal and anal fins short ; ventral placed under the dorsal. : * Palatine teeth sharp. Elops. E]. saurus. Bl. $98. f.1. | Indieus. Russ. pl. 179. * * Palatine teeth blunt. Butirinus. But. glossodontus. Rupp. Atl. ii. pl. 30. fig. 3. Megalops Lac. Mouth small, nearly sub-vertical, as in Clupea; body but slightly compressed ; belly rounded, smooth ; jaws and palate furnished with numerous close-set sharp teeth ; dorsal fin central, SALMONID&H. — CLUPIN A. 293 faleate, the last rays prolonged into filaments ; anal fin rather lengthened, falcate. M. cyprinoides. Bl. 403. — filamentosus. Russ. pl. 203. Engraulis C. Mouth very large, opening horizontally, and placed beneath the snout, which is rather pointed, and projects over the under jaw; maxillaries consi- derably prolonged, and armed with acute tooth-like processes at their edges, and often with numerous close-set teeth, both on the jaws and palate *; belly either smooth or serrated ; dorsal between the ventral and anal fins. encrasichlorus. Bl. 302. albus. Russ. pl. 187. (Nattoo. ) Ciurea Linn. Mouth small, the teeth almost imper- ceptible, or entirely wanting ; maxillaries short, their extremities broad, and the margin curved; belly always compressed, carinated, and generally ser- rated. Thryssa Cuy. General aspect of the anchovy (En- graulis), but the body is broader, the mouth enormous, and opening almost vertically ; jaws even; eyes placed close to the tip of the muzzle; ventral fin minute ; anal fin very long. Th. megastoma. Russ. ii. Hamiltonii. Gray. Ind. Zool. pl. 190. sub-spinosa. Ib. pl. 189. Cuvierii Sw. Ib. pl. 194. malabaricus. Bl. 432. Chatessus Cuv. Mouth small, without teeth; the upper jaw usually longer than the lower ; belly com- _ pressed, carinated, and serrated ; dorsal fin central ; the last ray prolonged into a lengthened filament. — C. nasus. Bl, 439. f. 1. Clupea Linn, Mouth very small, obliquely vertical ; teeth very minute or none ; jaws nearly equal, the upper sometimes notched ; belly always carinated, and ‘_sometimes serrated ; dorsal fin placed over the ventral, * See Russell, ii. pl. 187. wi 294 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. which latter is nearly as large as the pectoral ; anal fin moderate. | C. harengus Bl. pl. 29. f. 1. finta. Yarrell, ii. p. 131. Leachii. Yarrell,ii. p. 117. communis. Ib. ii. 136. auro-vittata. Sw. Ap. Platygaster Sw. General form of the herrings (Clupea), but the ventral fins are almost obsolete ; dorsal fin placed between the ventral and anal, which last is very long ; mouth sub-vertical ; belly serrated. Pl. Africanus. BI. 407. parva. Gray, Ind. Zool. ii. megalopterus. Russ. pl.191. pl Lis. affinis. Gray, Ind. Zool. Indicus. Russ. pl. 192. Pristogaster C. Mouth completely vertical ; ventral fin entirely wanting ; belly prominent, carinated, and ser- rated ; dorsal fin very small; anal considerably lengthened. Indicus. Russ. pl. 193. Martii. Spix and Agass. pl. 24. Corica Ham. Size very small ; general aspect of the herrings ; body diaphanous, brilliant silvery ; the ribs discernible through the integuments; the bones green ; mouth completely vertical, “‘ descending in a straight line from the extremity of the head ;” jaws without teeth, not protractile; lips scarcely percep- tible ; but two oblong flat bones, hanging perpendi- cularly, represent the upper: lip; vent behind the middle ; belly carinated and serrated ; anal fins two, the second small, and of about four rays; dorsal central, placed between the ventral and the first anal.* C. argentata Sw. Ham. p. 253. ( Soborna.) Cuirocentrus Cuv. Body compressed, elongated, and naked, or without scales; the belly sharp or carinated, and “serrated with small fibres;’t mouth * The above characters are taken from Dr. Hamilton (Gang. Fishes, p.253.): the diaphanous structure of this singular fish, its excessive thin- ness, its vertical mouth, &c., all show its analogy to Sternoptyx as a chiro- nectiform type ; but in which of the divisions of the Clupine it naturally enters, can only, at present. be conjectured. + The most extraordinary character of this remarkable fish is not noticed by Cuvier. It is the only one in its family that is entirely destitute of scales ; SALMONID&.— CLUPIN&. 295 large, oblique; jaws with a row of strong conic teeth, three on the under jaw, and four * on the upper, remarkably long; dorsal fin short, unequally triangular, placed near the caudal; anal fin long, commencing under the dorsal ; ventral fins remark- ably small, placed half-way between the pectoral and the anal ; pectoral fin large, strong, with a lanceolate process at the base. C. nudus Sw. Russell, pl. 199. Hyodon Le Sueur. Body herring-shaped, but broadest towards the tail; belly not carinated} ; snout very short, obtuse; mouth moderate; intermaxillaries short, articulated with the maxillaries, and both very narrow; all the inner parts of the mouth furnished with numerous close set unequal conic teeth ; dorsal fin near to the caudal ; anal fin commencing in a line with it, and long; ventral in the middle. —Le Sueur. (See Vol. I. fig: 61.) H. tergisus. Am. Tr. i. 366. codalis. Ib. 1. 367. pl. 14. Odontognathus Lac. No ventral fins; body herring- shaped, greatly compressed ; the belly sharply cari- nated, and dentated ; anal fin very long and low, more than one half the length of the whole body ; dorsal minute, placed near the caudal; maxillaries prolonged a little into a point, and armed with small teeth directed forwards ; mouth vertical ; affinities and rank uncertain. 7 O. aculeatus. Lae. ii. pl. 7. f. 2. and Dr. Russell, who made his description from life, says, that the cari- nated belly is ‘‘ serrated with small fibres,” probably broken off or over- looked in Cuvier’s specimen. [cannot possibly believe, also, that Lace- pede’s Esoce chirocentre is of the same species, or even the same sub-genus, as Russell’s. ; * Cuvier mentions two, Dr. Russell four. + Cuvier says that the belly is sharp or carinated (le ventre tranchant) ; whereas Le Sueur, the original definer of the genus, and whom he quotes as his authority, expressly remarks that ‘* they are easily distinguished from the Clupee by the absence of the carinated abdomen;”’’ and again: ‘‘Body asin the genus Clupea, but without carinated abdomen.” See Aég. Anim. tom. ij. p.326.; and Am. Trans. vol.i. 363—365. u 4 206 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. 4. Susram. ESOCINZE. The Pikes. Dorsal fin single, close to the end of the tail ; eeu large ; teeth numerous, large, acute.* 5. SusramM. EXOCETINZE. Flying Fish. Teeth few, minute; body herring-shaped, very broad on the back, but greatly compressed towards the belly ; mouth small, obliquely cleft ; teeth minute ; eyes large ; ventral fins lengthened. Exocetus Linn. Pectoral fins excessively long, often reaching to the end of the tail; ventral fins of vari- able length, but generally very long; scales large, deciduous ; sides of the belly with a carinated line on each side ; caudal fin forked ; the upper lobe smaller than the under. E. exiliens. Bl. 397. fasciatus. Am. Tr. ii. pl. 4. volitans. Bl. 398. fig. 2. Cypsilurus Sw. General structure of Exocetus, but the mouth is furnished with barbels or cirri, either sim- ple or forked. (fig. 92.) C. Nuttalii Ze Sueur. Am. Tr. ii. pl. 4. fig. 1. appendiculatus Wood. Ib. iv. p. 283. Rampuistoma Raf. Body linear, lengthened, subeylin- drical; jaws excessively long, generally pointed, and armed with acute teeth ; scales minute, sides of the belly carinated. Ramphistoma Raf. Both jaws nearly equal, straight, narrow, and ending in points; dorsal and anal fins * Except in Exocetus and Hemtramphus. SALMONIDZ.— EXOCETINE. 297 equal, placed close to the caudal, which is forked ; - ventral behind the middle. vulgaris Sw. Yarr. i. 391. Scombresov Lac. General structure of Ramphistoma, but the dorsal and anal fins are longer, and the hinder rays of both assume the character of detached finlets ; ventral fin nearly central. saurus. Yarrell, i. 396. equirostris. Am. Tr. i. 132. hians. Raff. Car. 9. 1. scutellatus. Ib. 132. Hemiramphus Cuyv. Upper jaw excessively short; the under one very long, and flattened horizontally ; scales large. longirostris. Russ. pl. 178. Commersonii. Lac. v.pl.7. brevirostris. Ib. 177. jf marginatus. Lae. v. pl. 7.f. 2. Braziliensis. Bl. 391. Lepisosteus Lac. Head and body mailed with plates and scales of great thickness, which are also extended to the exterior rays of all the fins ; dorsal and anal fins small, ovate, and situated close to the caudal ; ventral fin placed half-way between the pectoral and anal ; upper jaw longer than the lewer, broad, and armed with sharp unequal! teeth.* osseus. Bloch, pl. 390. oxyurus. Raf. Ohio,p.73. platystomus. Raf. Chie, p. 72. longirostris. Ib. 74. albus. Ib. ferox. Ib. 75. Litholepes Raf.t General characters of Lepisosteus ; body fusiform ; vent nearly central ;- head lengthened into a long snout, beneath which is the mouth; the jaws not lengthened ; teeth strong, unequal ; dorsal and anal fins equal and opposite ; caudal bilobed, not oblique ; ventral fin near the vent; scales stony, im- penetrable, diamond-shaped. Lith. adamantinus. Raff. Fishes of Ohio, p. 76. Esox Linn. Scales small, distinct ; muzzle oblong, ob- tuse, very broad, and considerably depressed ; mouth * Divided by Rafinesque into two sub-genera$ his Cylindrosteus has the dorsal fin beginning behind the anal, while in Lepésosteus it is opposite : he has given descriptions of several species. t+ Rafinesque says that for this remarkable fish he has principally ‘‘ relied on a description and figure given by Mr. Audubon.” It is the Diamond or Devil-fish, of the Americans, 208 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. very large, nearly every internal part covered with innumerable small teeth; with a series of others, long and pointed, on the sides of the lower jaw; scales small, distinct. Esox lucius Linn. Bloch, pl. 32. Galaxias Cuv. Scales obsolete; mouth small; tongue with strong hooked teeth; dorsal and anal fins op- posite. Esox truttacius Cuv. Alepocephalus Risso.* Body with large scales, but none on the head; mouth small, with fine and crowded teeth; eyes very large; gills with eight rays. A. rostratus Risso. Turin Trans. xxv. pl. 10. fig. 24. Lerropes Sw. Head large, obtuse, truncate; body linear, very slender. . Stomias Cuv. Body elongated, narrow, compressed, anguilliform ; head large, round; mouth enormous, cleft almost to the gills, and armed with very long, remote, curved teeth ; eyes exceedingly large ; lower jaw longest; dorsal falecate ; ventral fins very long and filiform; dorsal and anal placed close to the caudal which is rounded. * Stomias Rissoii. Riss. Ichthy. pl. 10. fig. 34. p, 331. Leptodes Sw. General structure of Stomia, but the teeth are more developed, and are so long that they project over the jaws when the mouth is closed ; dorsal fin placed close to the head, and with the first ray prolonged into a filamentt ; caudal forked. L. Sloanii. Sch. pl. 85. LL. Siculus. Sw. App. Diptoprerus Gray.{ Body herring-shaped ; head rather lengthened; jaws considerably retractile ; * Microstoma Cuy., described by Risso with two dorsal fins, and placed by Cuvier just before Stomias, seems to me more like an Atherina: Alepo- cephalus, also, is so slightly defined that I almost hesitate to introduce it. § + The genus Salanx Cuv. seems allied to Leptodes ; but as only one species is known, not yet described, and nothing is said of its form, fins, &c., it is here omitted. , t The situation of this type is very uncertain ; by its two anal fins it has an obvious relation to Corica. GADID. — GADINZ. 299 teeth small or none (?); dorsal fin small, triangular, placed close to the caudal, and immediately above the second anal ; pectoral and ventral fins small ; ventral fins beneath the pectoral; the first ray continued into a long filament; anal fins two, the first small, and triangular; the second larger, and like the dorsal ; caudal broad and rounded. Dip. pulcher. Gray, Ind. Zool. (Vol. I. p. 308. f 68.) Faminry 2. GADIDZ. Cod-fish. Body slimy ; scales very small; fins fleshy; all the rays soft, and covered with the common skin; head large, depressed ; body more or less lengthened, com- pressed ; ventral fins very small; the first and second ray often lengthened into filaments; the others small, obsolete, or entirely wanting. 1. Susram. GADIN. Dorsal fins three ; anal fins two. Ganus Linn. Dorsal fins three, the first triangular ; lower jaw with a barbel or cirrus ; caudal fin either truncate or slightly lunate ; ventral fins two, distinct, placed beneath the two hinder dorsals ; ventral fins lanceolate ; gills seven-rayed. (fig. 93.) morrhua. Bl. pl. 64. blennoides (fig. 93.) Sw. App. $00 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. Merianevs Willughby. Similar to the last, but with- out cirri. vulgaris Will. BL 65. Tines1a* Sw. Body slender, lengthened ; lower jaw cirrated ; dorsal fins three, equal; caudal fin trun- cate ; lateral line curved in the middle. T. gracilis. Til. Piscium. i. tab. 18. Lepipion Sw. Dorsal fins two, the first triangular, with the anterior ray prolonged into a filament ; anal fins united, the first triangular, the second long and broad ; ventral fins slender, with six rays, the first very lone ; mouth large ; lower jaw longest. L. rubescens. Risso, xi. fig. 40. p. 118. Crepuus Sw. General structure of Gadus; but the head is excessively large, depressed, and broad ; first anal ray ending in a filament. C. mgcrocephalus. Til. Pisce. i. tab. 19. 29. Susram. MERLUCCINE. Dorsal fins two, the first sometimes composed of fleshy filaments, and scarcely perceptible ; anal fin one ; ventral fins with five distinct rays. Meruvccrus Raf. First dorsal fin triangular; the second as long as the anal; caudal fin lunate; cirri none ; ventral fins ovate. M. borealis. Bl. 164. sinuatus. Sw. App. (Vol. I. p.319.) Lora Cuv. Body elongated, somewhat anguilliform ; first dorsal fin triangular ; ventral fins small, pointed ; hinder dorsal and anal as in the last; lower jaw cirrated. L. molya. Bl. 69. Motella Cuv. Resembling Lota; but the first dorsal fin is almost obsolete, being composed of slender connected fleshy filaments extending to the length * I feel very doubtful if this is a true type of form. Does not the Hexa- grammos Stelleri of Tilesius belong to this sub-family ? GADIDZ. — BROTULINE. 301 of the pectorals, and placed in a depression ; upper jaw with two or four cirri ; lower with one. M. tricirrata. Bl. 165. 3. Susram. PHYCINZ. Head broad, depressed ; ventral fins with the posterior rays obsolete, or altogether wanting ; dorsal fins two. Raniceps Cuv. Head greatly depressed and very large ; first dorsal fin minute, formed as in Motella; the last ray lengthened ; ventral fins very small, of six rays; the two first lengthened, and ending in short filaments ; the rest nearly obsolete; caudal wedge- shaped. R. trifurcatus Cuv. Yarrell, ii. p. 204. Prysis Artedi. Dorsal fins two, the first triangular, and higher than the second ; head moderately large, depressed ; caudal rounded ; ventral fins each com- posed of a single cirriform ray unequally forked. P. furcatus. Yarr. u. 201. Siculus. Sw. App. (jig. 94.) longipennis. Sw. App. (See Vol. I. p. 322.) 4, Susram. BROSMINZE. Dorsal fin one, long. | Brosmius Cuv. General structure of Lota, but with one dorsal fin commencing above the pectoral, and near double the length of the anal ; caudal rounded ; ventral very small, thick, and fleshy. B. Scotica. Penn. Brit. Zool. i. pl. 37. 5. Susram. BROTULINZE. Body anguilliform ; dorsal fin one, united to the caudal and the anal. 802 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. Broruta Cuv. Tail terminating in a point; mouth with six cirri. B. barbata Bl. Sch. pl. 31. fig. 2. Pteridium Scopoli. Body anguilliform ; dorsal, caudal, and anal fins united; ventral fin of a long, single, undivided ray ; no cirri; tail pointed. | O. ater. Risso, Ichth. 142. pl. 11. fig. 41. Famity 3. PLEURONECTIDA. Fiat Fish. Body very thin, oval; the dorsal and ventral fins ex- tending nearly the whole length of the fish; the rays being simple, and nearly spinous, but hid in the flesh ; both eyes placed on the same side of the head. Pleuronectes Linn. Body rhomboidal; both eyes placed on the right side ; the dorsal fin commences above the upper eye, and, as well as the anal, terminates before reaching the caudal ; each jaw with a range of cutting teeth, and others tessellated. P. platessa. Bloch, pl. 42, Hippoglossus Cuv. Body more elongated and thicker than any of this family ; eyes, fins, and teeth as in the last. H. gigas. Blech, pl. 47. Pserta Aristotle*, Cuv. Body rhomboidal; dorsal fin commencing at the edge of the upper jaw, and extending, as well as the anal, almost to the caudal ; eyes approximating, with a short crest-like cirrus. P. maximus. Bloch, pl. 49. Platophrys Sw. General form of Psetta, but the eyes are very remote from each other, and the ventral fins are confounded with the anal. P. ocellatus. Spix and Agassiz, pl. 46. * Isee no reason for substituting Rhombus Cuv. for the more ancient and classic name of Psetta, imposed by Aristotle upon this group; still Jess for transferring a nearly similar name, Psettus, to a group of Oriental fish which have no connection whatever with the Psefta of the ancients ; and of which, in fact, they seem to have had no knowledge. SILURID &. — LORICARINA. 303 Sorma Cuv. Body thicker and more lengthened ; mouth turned to the side opposite to the eyes, and haying on that side only numerous slender teeth, but none on the other; muzzle rounded, and projecting beyond the mouth ; the dorsal fin commences just at the tip, and, with the anal, almost joins the caudal ; two pectoral fins. S. vulgaris C. Yarrell, ii. p. 256. Brachirus Sw. General structure of Solea, but the caudal, dorsal, and anal fins are all united ; two pec- toral fins. plagiusa Linn. Commersoni. Russ. No. 70. orientalis. Sch. 157. jerreus. Russ. No. 71. zebra. Bloch, pl. 187. Pan. Hamil. pl. 14. fig. 42. Monochirus Cuv. The upper pectoral very small ; the under one obsolete. M. linguatula. Rond. 324. Achirus Lac. Both pectoral fins wanting ; the dorsal and ventral fins distinct. A. barbatus. Geoff. Ann. Mus. i. pl. 11. Plagusia Brown. Snout obtuse, and very much ad- vanced before the mouth ; pectoral fins none ; dorsal, caudal, and ventral fins united. P. bilineata. Bloch, 183. Famiry 4. SILURIDA. Silures, or Cat-fish. Body mailed or naked ; no true scales. 1. Susram. LORICARINE. | Head and body mailed, with large osseous plates ; head depressed ; eyes small ; mouth placed beneath. Loricaria Linn. Dorsal fin one. Acanthicus Spix. Plates of the body armed with short spines ; caudal large, very lunate, the points length- ened. A. hystrix. Spix and Agassiz, pl. 1. 304 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. Rhinelepes Spix. Plates smooth, but crenated at their edges ; caudal fin small, slightly lunate. R. aspera. Spix and Agassiz, pl. 2. Plecostomus Gron. Body lengthened; head short; cirri none; tail very long; caudal fin lunate, the upper point lengthened into a filament. P. maculatus. Gronovius, pl. 2. Bloch, 375. fig. 2. Hypostoma Zac. General structure of Loricaria, but with a small adipose dorsal ; cirri short ; caudal fin large, lunulate. H. flava. Bloch, pl. 374. etentaculum. Sp. and Ag. pl. 1. Hoprisoma Sw. Head and body compressed; the sides of the latter mailed with two series of crenated plates ; dorsal fins two; mouth terminal ; cirri mo- derate ; tail long; vent beneath the dorsal fin. H. punctata. Bloch, 377. fig. 2. CarapHractus Gron. Head short, excessively broad and depressed ; body mailed as in Hoplisoma ; dorsal fins two ; mouth rather beneath. C. depressus. Bloch, 377. Sturisoma Sw. Body very long and slender, mailed, with two series of smooth plates ; muzzle produceds depressed, narrowed; mouth beneath ; vent nearly central ; dorsal fin single, placed over the ventral. S. rostrata. Spix and Agassiz, pl. 3. 2. Susram. PIMELODINZE. Body compressed, more or less naked ; dorsal fins two, the hinder adipose ; muzzle not produced; anal fin short. SynoponTis Cuv. Body generally oval, compressed, the sides naked ; cirri of the lower jaw pectinated ; upper jaw longest ; lower teeth compressed, hooked, pedunculated and flexible at their base ; head and nape mailed. ovata. Rupp. Nil. Fish. pl. 3. 2. _ serratis. Ib. 2. f 1. ed SILURID ZH. — SILURIN &. 305 Mystus Artedi. Body ovately oblong, the sides armed with a row of spinous plates ; head and nape mailed ; adipose fin long; lower cirri sometimes pectinated, as in the last. Gronovii. Gron. pl. 5. 1,2. edentatus. Spix, pl. 5. carinatus. Lin. Sys. Nat. costatus. Bl. 376. 504. Pimetopus Lac. Body oblong, the sides naked ; head and nape generally more or less mailed ; cirri long, simple ; mouth terminal ; anal fin short. quadrimaculatus. Bl. 368. fig. 2. Sisor Hamilt. Caudal fin small, slightly lunate ; the superior ray excessively prolonged ; second dorsal fin minute, nearly obsolete ; teeth none. S. rabdophorus. Ham. p. 208. Gray, Ind. Zool. i. pl. 84. f. 1. Frenicutnys * Sw. Head short, very obtuse, depressed, anal fin lengthened ; vent central; caudal forked. F. filamentosus. Bl. pl. 365. nodosus. Bl. 368. fig. 1. Cyciopium Sw. Eyes very minute, vertical ; lower jaw longest ; anal fin short, placed below the second or adipose dorsal ; cirri two. C. Humboldtu Sw. (Pimelodus cyclopium Auct. ) 3. Suprim. SILURINE. Anal fin and tail very long; operculum moveable. Aceniosus Lac. Dorsal fins two; cirri small, or obsolete. Ageniosus Lac. Head broad, considerably depressed, as in Felichthys ; the maxillary bones sometimes as- suming the appearance of horns ; vent central ; anal fin moderately lengthened ; caudal forked. A. militaris. Bl. 362. inermis. Bl. 363. Silonia Sw. Body of equal thickness with the head, which is not dilated ; eyes very large ; cirri two, very minute ; adipose dorsal very small, oval ; gill-mem- * Substituted for Breviceps, a name already used in Erpetology. VOL. II. x 306 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. brane ten-rayed ; ventral fin beneath the first dorsal ; caudal fin slightly lunate. S. lurida. Ham. p.160. 7. fig. 50. diaphina. Ib. p. 162. Pacuyprerus Sw. Dorsal fins two, the hinder one small and adipose ; ventral fin very long ; vent close to the head ; cirri much developed ; caudal forked. Hypophthalmus Sp. and Agass. Body oval oblong ; muzzle very much depressed ; eyes very remote and lateral ; the first dorsal placed before the ventral fin. H. nuchalis, Spix, pl. 37. edentatus. Ib. pl. 9. Pachypterus Sw. Body oblong; muzzle slightly de- pressed ; eyes not remote; the first dorsal placed over the ventral ; eyes rather large. P. Atherinoides. Bl. 371.£1. punctatus. Ham. p. 196. £.64. luridus. Ham. p.163. £62. melanurus. Ib. (murius Ham.) trifasciatus. Ib. p.180. f.59. p. 195. Stturus Linn. Dorsal fin single, very short ; cirri long ; caudal either forked or rounded. Clupisoma Sw. Herring-shaped ; head and body com- pressed, of nearly equal breadth ; eyes very large ; teeth in both jaws and on the palate granulated and crowded ; caudal fin large, forked ; dorsal fin placed almost above the pectoral ; vent nearly central. C. argentata. Ham. 156. pl. 21. fig. 50. Callichrus Hamilton. Head large, depressed ; mouth large, not vertical ; dorsal fin close to the head ; anal fin excessively long ; vent close to the pectoral ; caudal fin forked. C. macrostomus. Ham. 154. vittatus. Ham. pl. 25. fig. 47. pl. 29. fig. 49. - immaculatus. Ib. 151. (eanio). bimaculatus. Bloch, 364. affinis. Ib. 152. (duda.) nebulosus. Ham. 152. erythrogaster. Ib. pl. 17. 48. ( Chechra. ) Silurus Linn. Body ovate lanceolate ; head broad, much depressed ; dorsal and anal fins as in Callichrus, but the caudal fin is rounded. S. glanis Linn., Bl. biserratus. Ham. pl. 37. f. 46. fossilis. Bl. 370. fig. 2. laticeps Sw. Appendix. _ SILURIDH.— SILURINZ. 507 Malapterurus Lac. Dorsal fin adipose, placed close to the caudal ; muzzle obtuse, turned upwards ; lower jaw shortest ; caudal fin forked ; anal fin very long. M. electricus. Geoff. Egypt. Bengalensis. Ind. Z. pl. 85. 2. pli oectic. “l Cuvieri. Ib. pl. 85. fig. 1. Pusichthys Sw. General shape and fins of Callichrus ; head broad and obtuse; mouth small, turned upwards, the aperture vertical ; cirri very short; tail forked. P. uranoscopus. Rupp. Egypt. pl. 1. fig. 1. a. 6. Prorosus Bl. Dorsal fin single or double, one of them very long, extending the whole length of the back ; caudal rounded ; cirri long. Clarias Gronoy. Dorsal fin single ; caudal fin rounded, distinct from the dorsal and anal ; vent almost central ; eyes small. C. anguillaris Linn. Russ. Hamiltonii Sw. Ham. 146. pl. 168. pl. 26. fig. 45. Plotosus Bl., Ham. VDorsal fins two ; caudal fin united with the second dorsal ‘and anal ; tail very long, eel- shaped. P. vittatus. Bl. 373. jig. 1. canius. Ham. 142. pl. 44. Platystacus Ham. (Bloch, pars.) Body short, de- pressed, thick, as long as the tail ; fins as in Plotosus ; the first dorsal with a serrated spine ; tail short ; head very broad, truncate ; mouth excessively large ; under jaw longest ; eyes minute, nearly vertical ; caudal fin extending beneath to the base of the anal; 5 jaws and palate with minute sharp crowded teeth. P. chaca. Ham. 140. pl. 28. fig. 43. Heterobranchus Geoff. Body anguilliform, resembling Clarias ; dorsal fins two, both long; the hinder adi- pose ; branchia with ramified appendages. H. bidorsalis. Geoff. Egypt. Poiss. pl. 16. fig.2. Cerorsis. Body oblong, round, thick; tail short ; dorsal fin single, placed near the head, between the x2 308 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. pectoral and ventral; anal fin rather lengthened ; vent nearest the caudal fin ; eyes vertical, very minute, placed close together on the crown ; cirri short. €. ceecutiens, Agass. and Sp. Spixii. Ib. pl. 10. fig. 1. pl. 10. fig. 2. 4, Susram. ASPREDINZ. Eyes very small, vertical ; operculum immoyeable, the aperture opening only by a narrow slit beneath the head ; under jaw transverse, and shorter than the upper ; first pectoral ray generally excessively developed ; dorsal fin single, placed close to the head. CotyLtepHorus Sw. Head and. body very broad, flat- tened, and short ; tail long, slender, compressed ; anal fin greatly lengthened, but not united to the caudal, which is forked ; dorsal short, triangular ; belly with cup-shaped suckers. C. Blochii Sw. (Platys. cotylephorus. Bl. 372.) Asprepo Artedi. Body and head broad and depressed ;_ tail moderate, slightly compressed, with soft tubercles or pores on the sides; head and crown with bony plates; eyes vertical, excessively minute; pectoral spine very large; anal fin short; caudal rounded ; cirri moderate. A. verrucosus. Bl. 373. £3. | Gronovii. Zoop. pl. 5. fig. 3. Astrosiepus Humb. Body smooth ; head broad ; eyes vertical, very minute; tail short, thick; caudal fin truncate ; anal fin short, placed close to the caudal ; dorsal single, near the head ; the first or outer ray of all the fins soft, and slightly lengthened ; cirri two. A. Grexalvii. Humb. Zool. (Vol. I. p.355.) Eremophilus Humb. Body smooth, oblong; eyes very small, lateral ; dorsal fin single, near the caudal, but before the anal, which is short ; caudal fin slightly rounded ; pectoral fin pedunculated, placed near the belly ; cirri six. E. Mutisii. Humb. Zool. (Vol. I. p. 358.) COBITIDA. 309 5. Susram. SORUBIN/. Head large, much lengthened, depressed, bony ; muzzle broad and obtuse, projecting beyond the lower jaw ; cirri long ; dorsal fins two, the hinder generally adipose ; caudal lobed or forked, rarely lunate. PHRACTOCEPHALUS Agassiz.* Head and body thick, the former covered with granulated bony plates, which extend to the first dorsal ; second dorsal fin small, the base adipose, the upper portion with slender soft rays ; eyes very small, nearly vertical ; pectoral spine, as in Aspredo, greatly developed; tail short; the caudal slightly lunate. P. bicolor. Spix and Agassiz, pl. 6. Preronotus Sw. Body and muzzle lengthened ; dorsal fins two, the second very long, low, and furnished with numerous soft and slender rays ; vent central ; anal fin short ; caudal forked ; the first dorsal ray slender, spinous, but not longer than the others. P. 5-tentaculatus. Sp. and Ag. pl. 11. Sorusium Spiv. (Platystomat Agassiz.) Body and head lengthened ; dorsal fins two, the second adipose and triangular ; vent nearest the caudal; anal fin short ; caudal forked or lobed; muzzle projecting beyond the lower jaw. S. infra-ocularis. Sp. Ag. pl.15. maculatum. Ib. pl. 13. truncatum. Ib. pl. 13. a. semipunctatum. Ib. pl. 14. Famity 4. COBITIDA. Generation viviparous ; body lengthened, slimy, covered with minute scales; mouth very small, placed beneath the snout, with thickened lips ; teeth often wanting ; the * This type, by its eyes and pectoral spines, appears to form a passage from the last to the present subfamily; while Pteronotus seems intermediate between Phractocephalus and Sorubium. + Platystoma having been used in ornithology, I retain the original name (although objectionable) of Spix ; but I perfectly agree with Agas- iz in his opinion on the impropriety of barbaric names, whether generic or specific. x 3 2 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. sides furnished with cirri; ventral fins nearly medial ; tail very broad and thick; gill-opening small; the branchia frequently of only three rays. AnaBLers”* Artedi. Eyes very prominent, apparently double ; body cylindric, oblong, the scales strong and compact ; head small, short, much depressed, but not widened ; the mouth transverse ; teeth, in both jaws, small and crowded ; pectoral fins large, broad and scaly at their base ; ventrals very small, placed close to the anus; tail nearly as long as the body, with a small dorsal fin in the middle, and behind the anal. A. tetrophthalmus. Gronov. Mus. pl. 1. £.1,2,3. Bl. pl. 361. 1. Susram. COBITINZE. Body lengthened ; head with cirri; mouth inferior ; teeth none; dorsal fin central, above the ventral. Copitres. Body lengthened, slender, slimy, cylindrical before the dorsal fin, and compressed on the tail ; caudal fin truncate, or rounded. Europe only? C. barbatula Linn. Bl. 31. fig. 3. Yarr. 1. 376. Acoura Sw. General structure of the last, but the body destitute of scales, and the caudal fin generally lobed. India. C. obscura. Hamilt. p. 357. argentata. Ib.358. No. 10. No. 9. (aberrant. ) cinerea. Ib. 359. No. 12. CantHuopurys Sw.ft Beneath the eye a moveable prickle reposing in a groove; mouth with cirri. Canthophrys proper. Body destitute of scales ; caudal fin rounded. C. albescens. Ham. Cob. No.3. olivaceus. Ib. No. 8. rubiginosus. Ib. No. 6. vittatus. Ib. No.4. (aberr.) Diacantha Sw. Body oval, destitute of scales; caudal fin forked. C. zebra. Hamilt, pl. 11. f. 96. flavicauda. pl. 29. f. 95. * It was Gronovius, and not Bloch, as Cuvier supposes, who first desig- nated this as a genus. ; - + Mr. J. E. Gray observes that his genus Botia “ includes all Hamilton’s Cobites belonging to this genus.” These I have here characterised as four subgenera. : COBITIDZ. —- POCILINZ. 311 Somileptes Sw. Body lanceolate, much compressed, co- vered with small but conspicuous scales; eyes very large, placed near the muzzle ; caudal fin rounded. S. bispinosa. Hamilt. p. 351. unispina. Ib. No. 1. p. 350. 2. Susram. PCECILINZ:. Body thick, oval, compressed ; scales large ; head small, flattened ‘above ; snout sharp; mouth small, transverse ; jaws protractile. Pactra Sch. Body ovate ; jaws flattened horizontally, the lower jaw longest ; mouth small, furnished with a row of small and very slender teeth ; dorsal fin one, central, and opposite to the anal; ventral half-way between the anal and pectoral fins ; caudal fin obtuse, sub-truncate ; the branchia three-rayed. P. multilineata. Le Sueur. Am. Tr. i. pl. 1. Fundulus Lac. Related to Poecilia; teeth as in the last, but there are others rather stronger and conic on the pharynx ; branchial rays four. F. heteroclita Val. Lesra Cuv. Body oval ; head small ; eyes large, placed towards the summit, and near the snout ; mouth small, with compressed and incurved teeth denticulated into three to four points ; ventral fin very small, central, placed beneath the dorsal, and half-way between the pectoral and anal; caudal truncate. L. elipsoides Le S. Am. Tr. ii, pl. 2. Morinesia Le Sueur. Dorsal fin very high, and nearly occupying the whole extent of the back; the anal fins placed between the ventrals; pectoral and caudal fins large, rounded ; head flattened above ; mouth remarkably small; teeth small and crowded, those in front hooked, the hinder ones velvetty ; branchial rays four or five. © M. latipinna Le Sueur. Am. Tr. ii. pl. 3. x 4 312 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. Orper III. CARTILAGINES. Cartilaginous Fishes. Bones cartilaginous ; branchia or gills concealed beneath the skin, upon which, however, there are as many small apertures as there are internal rays; fins in general perfect ; body either pisciform*, or suborbicular and greatly compressed. Faminy. 1. SQUALIDZ. Sharks. Body pisciform ; all the fins free and distinct ; snout or fore part of the head more or less broad and pro- truded beyond the mouth, which is placed beneath ; teeth acute.t 1. Susram. SQUALIN. Typical Sharks. Spiracles or air-holes behind the eyes either entirely wanting, or exceedingly minute, so as to become obso- lete ; dorsal fins two, without spines. Sevatus Linn. Spiracles entirely wanting; snout broad, depressed ; teeth compressed, cutting, and pointed, generally toothed or serrated on their sides ; first dorsal fin before the pectoral, the second nearly opposite to the anal ; nostrils placed under the mid- dle of the snout ; the posterior branchial apertures extending above the pectoral fins. S. Carcharias. Linn. Belon. glaucus. Bloch, pl. 86. Yarr. pl. 60. ii. 381. * By this term is meant that form seen in the generality of fishes. + Except in such types as form the passage to the rays, as Pristis and Mustelus. SQUALID. — SQUALINZ. Lae Alopias Raf. Spiracles none; dorsal fins two, the posterior adipose ; tail and caudal fin very long, un- equally and obliquely divided ; the former as long as the body; muzzle rounded ; teeth flat, minute, and acute. A. macrourus. Raf. Carat. vulpis Sw. Yarr. ii. 379. Cerictius Raf. <“ Spiracles wanting ; dorsal fins two, the posterior much the largest, and bilobed ; branchial apertures five on each side; head with two bony appendages in the form of horns.” C. macrourus. Raf. Carat. Dauatiss Raf. “ Spiracles none; dorsal fins two, _ furnished with anterior spines; anal fin wanting ; tail unequally and obliquely lobed ; teeth unequal, acute, disposed in different directions ; mouth small ; eyes round ; branchial apertures five, narrow ; ” head with numerous minute pores* scattered on both sides ; skin finely tuberculated. D. nocturnus. Raf. Carat.* pl. 11. SeLacuus. Caudal fin large, lunated, the lobes nearly or quite equal ; teeth conic, acute, entire. Isurus Raf. No spiracles; dorsal fins two, the pos- terior adipose ; anal fin one, adipose ; tail large, vertical, equally divided, and lunate; snout very acute ; base, or end, of the tail angulated, and nearly winged on each side ; branchial apertures very long and nar- row ; each jaw has three rows of teeth near the pa- late ; eyes small and round; hinder dorsal opposite the anal fin. : I. oxyrynchus Raf. Selachus Cuv. Teeth small; snout short, obtuse ; branchial apertures remarkably large ; extending * See also Vol. I. p. 129. The other species of Dalatias, described by Rafinesque, is his D. sparaphagus, differing in having no spines to the dor~ sals ; its teeth are flat, long, acute, the lower in one row, and the upper in two, these latter being the smallest. Tw» < To } i nearly half-way round the neck ; spiracles either ob- solete or very small. S. maximus. Auct. Pennant, iii. pl. 16. Yarr. i. 396. 314 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. Lamna Cuy. Spiracles either wanting or very minute ; snout pyramidical ; branchial apertures placed before the pectoral fins ; sides of the tail with a ae carinated ridge ; ‘teeth as in Squalus. L. cornubicus. Bloch, pl. 86. monensis Cuv. Yarr. ii. 387. Rureopon Smith. ‘ General characters of Selachus, but with the mouth placed at the tip of the snout ;” spiracles wanting; no type mentioned; rank and affinities uncertain. Tetroras Raf. ‘No spiracles; dorsal fins two; anal one ; branchial apertures rather large, four on each side ;” muzzle obtuse; teeth in the form of a rasp, without lateral lines ; a carinated appendage on each side the tail. T. Angiova. Raf. Carat. p. 11. Heptranchias Raf. “Dorsal fin one; anal one; bran- chial apertures seven on each side; tail unequal, oblique.” Taken from Lacepede. H. cinereus (Squalus cinereus Lac.) Scoliodon Mull., Hen. “ Differs from Squalus only by the teeth being of the same shape in the upper and lower jaw; viz. the points directed towards the corner of the mouth, with a smooth edge and a truncated protuberance, either smooth and indented, on the exterior side of the base. (5 species.)” Leptocharias Smith. ‘ Nasal valve elongated into a cirrus; caudal dimple wanting ; lower lobe of the caudal fin obsolete ; teeth numerous, with one or two lateral denticles on each side, as in Scyllium. (1 sp.)” 2. Susram. CENTRININZ. Head furnished with spiracles behind the eyes; dorsal fins in the typical genera generally armed with spines. Centrins. Anal fin wanting; dorsal fins two, each being generally armed with a strong spime. SQUALIDH.— CENTRININE. 315 Centrina Cuv. Form thick and heavy ; dorsal spines strong, and placed in the fleshy part of the fins; the hinder dorsal opposite to the ventral fin; cutting teeth in the lower jaw placed in two rows ; those on the upper narrow, pointed, and in several rows. C. oxynotus Sw. Bloch, pl. 115. Spinaw Cuv. General aspect of Mustelus; spines placed in front of the dorsal fins, which are two; jaws with several rows of small cutting teeth, either the same in both jaws, or those of the upper tricuspidate. S. acanthias. Bloch, pl. 85. Yarr. i. p. 400. Etmopterus Raf. Spiracles two, round ; muzzle pro- duced ; dorsal fins two, laciniated, and both armed with a spine in front, the second nearly opposite to the anal; anal fin none; tail unequal, oblique ; only three branchial apertures ; teeth small, acute.* E. aculeatus. Raf. Carat. p. 14. Scymnus Cuv. General structure of Centrina, but the dorsal fins are without spines (thus representing Scyllium); body smooth; upper teeth straight and narrow. S. borealis Scoresby. Yarrell, ii. 403. Centrophorus Muller and Henle. Resembling Spinax, but the body covered with hard carinated scales or prickles ; lower teeth indistinctly serrated; upper teeth equilateral, and not serrated. Sq. squamosus Lac. spinosus Lac. Gateus Antig. Raf. Dorsal fins two, destitute of spines; anal fin present ; general form of Scymnus; bran- chial apertures five; tail and caudal fin oblique ; divisions unequal ; teeth serrated only on one side. - G. vulgaris. Bloch. pl. 118. Yarrell, ii. 390. Scyviiium Cuv. (fig. 96.) General characters of Selachus, with which it agrees, also, in the presence of very small spiracles ; but the caudal fin is elongated, oblique, * See Vol. I. p. 131. 316 - CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. irregularly, — lobed, and- = SSP NS a ss 3 raed ar 4/$5 loyit 7 Nios truncate at SO eee i) Hee bi, EN he tip: th SS QS SB the tip ; the S \Ze3 teeth are tri- = cuspidate Fi : 3 K Sy ij having three < 5 —_~ Ss points ; s dorsal fins placed very near the caudal, the first being generally behind the ventrals ; head much depressed and rather broad. ; S. canicula. Bloch, pl. 114. (fig. 96.) Crstracion Cuv. Head not depressed, irregularly cylindrical ; eyes almost vertical, placed very near the crown, which is marked by two ridges ; dorsal fins two, each furnished with a spine placed in front ; ventral fin placed between the two dorsals ; caudal moderate, unequally forked ; mouth terminal ; ante- rior teeth small, pointed, and crowded; posterior teeth obtuse, tessellated. C. Phillipii. (Vol. I. p. 147. fig. 17.) MustetusRaf. General form of Galeus, but with all the teeth flat and tessellated, as in the Rays ; spiracles very large ; under lobe of the caudal very short. M. levis Cuv. Yarrell, . p. 393. Spiraculated sharks, whose natural affinities are uncer- tain, and whose rank as sub-genera or aberrant species has not been ascertained. | Hexanchus Raf. “ Spiracles two ; branchial apertures six on each side; dorsal and anal fin single ; tail un- equal, oblique.” S. griseus Lac. Galeocerdo M.and H. ‘Teeth strongly serrated on the exterior edge, finely on the interior ; spiracles small; SQUALID A.:— UNCERTAIN TYPES. 317 a dimple at the root of the tail; the upper lobe of the caudal elongated, with two incisions.”’* Oxyrhina Agass. ‘Teeth long and thick, lie nails, without lateral denticles, the anterior ones intro- verted ; third tooth in the upper jaw small and short; spiracles small.” Rhiniodon Smith. <“ Spiracles small; mouth on the top of the snout.”—-N. B. This, which is evidently a chironectiform type, is placed by MM. Miiller and Henle in their family Lamnoidea, which is stated to have the caudal fin in the form of a crescent, with a lateral keel and a distinct dimple ; the second dorsal and anal fins opposite. Pristiurus Bon. “ Differs from Scyllium only by its long snout, and by a series of larger scales, arranged like a saw, on the upper edge of the tail.” Chiloscyllium M. and H.* “ Anal fin placed further back than the second dorsal, and the last branchial opening approximating to the fourth. The characteristic mark of this genus is the broad membranaceous under lip, separated from the skin of the throat by a kind of furrow; the upper nasal valve bears a cirrus. (4 Sp.)” Loxodon M. and H. “ Spiracles very small; teeth flat, sharp, without serratures, as in Scoliodon ; a dimple at the root of the tail; caudal fin as in Galeocerdo, but the lower lobe has only one incision. (1 Sp.)” Triglochis M. andH. “ Spiracles small; branchial open- ings large, as in Lamna ; tail as in Carcharias, but without the dimple ; the first dorsal placed before the ventral, and the second between the ventral and the * No examples of MM. Miller and Henle’s genera have been given, which still further increases the difficulty of understanding them. + We have before expressed our opinion on the very artificial nature of the arrangement of the cartilaginous fishes by Miller and Henle, as ex- hibited in their paper already quoted ; nevertheless, we deem it advisable to insert most of their subdivisions, that they may be hereafter compared with those of Rafinesque, and the priority of nomenclature to such as are detained be equitably adjusted. p 318 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. anal; teeth long, pointed, with one lateral denticle or two on each side.” Alopecias M. and H. “ Head, dorsal, and anal fins, and _ spiracles as in Lamna, but the branchial openings are small ; upper lobe of the caudal extremely elongated ; a dimple on the tail, but no lateral keel ; teeth sharp, triangular, without serrature or protuberance. (1 Sp.)” 8. Suspram. ZYGANINZ. Spiracles wanting ; head excessively dilated on each side ; eyes very remote. Zyeana Antig. (fig. 97.) Head hammer-shaped ; the eyes placed at the two extremities. Z. laticeps Cantor.* (Vol. I. p. 134. fig. 11. y ye Platysqualus Sw. Head more or less heart-shaped ; anal fin placed opposite to the second dorsal. S. tiburo Linn. Russ. pl. 12. fig. 2 4. Susram. CROSSORHINE. Mouth terminal and almost vertical, surrounded with strap-like cirri or lobes ; eyes placed close to the crown; spiracles large. Crossonninus M. and H. Dorsal fins two, placed close to the caudal fin ; teeth acute. C. lobatus. (Vol. I. p. 143. fig. 15.) 5. Susram. PRISTINZ. Snout produced into an osseous, flat, sword-shaped plate, armed with spines on the sides ; mouth beneath. * Quarterly Medical Journal of Calcutta, No. 3., July, 1837. RAIDE. — TRYGONINZE. 319 Pristis Latham. ( fig. 98.) Teeth small, rounded, and extending over the tip. P. antiquorum Lath. semi-sagittatus. Russ. pi. 13. Famity 2. RAIDA. Rays, Skates, Thornbacks. Head generally surrounded by the pectoral fins, the margins of which form a continuous line with the snout. 1. Susram. TRYGONINZE. Sting Rays. Head surrounded by the pectorais; tail armed with spines or prickles ; eyes far removed from the circum- ference. Tryeon Antig. Body smooth ; tail attenuated, the tip acute, with narrow fins above or below, the base armed with a prolonged spine, serrated or smooth. T. Forskalii. Rupp. pl. 13. fig. 2. lymne. Ib. fig. 1. Pastinaca Antig. Resembling Trygon, but the tail is naked, having one or two spines, but without any perceptible fin either above or below. P. olivacea Sw. Yarrell, 1. 442. Bloch, pl. 82. brevicauda Sw. Russ.i. pl. 5. dorsalis Sw. Russ. 1. pl. 4. Preropratea M. and H. Breadth of the body and pectorals greater than the length ; tail very short, with or without spines, but always without fins. P. annulata Sw. Russ. i. pl. 6. Rata Linn. (fig. 99.) Body in general beset with 320 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. sharp prickles or spinous tubercles ; tail destitute of a serrated spine, but bearing two small dorsal fins close to the caudal fin, which is nearly obsolete. R. clavata. Yar. ii. 436. rubra? (fig. 99.) Awnacantaus Ehrenb. Ge- neral structure of Pas- tinaca, but there is neither spine nor fin upon the tail. A. orbicularis (?) Bl. Sch. 360. = 2. Susram. PTEROCEPHALINZE. Eagle Rays. Pectoral fins distinct from the head and snout, which they do not surround as in the last subfamily ; Lreadth of the body greater than its length ; caudal spine small or wanting ; a small dorsal at the base of the tail, which is long and always naked. Myuiopates Cuv. Head prominent, protruding beyond the pectorals ; tail excessively long. M. aquila. Duhamel, ii. pl. 10. RarnopreRA Kuhl. Muzzle deeply emarginate, or divided into two short lobes, beneath which are some- times two others; mouth placed beneath; teeth small, tuberculated and pointed ; tail short; basal spine. R. quadrilobata Le Sueur. Am. Tr. i. p. 44. pl. 30. CeratTorpTreRA M. and H. (fig. 100.) Re- sembling the last, but the two lobes assume the appearance and of- fice of fins; head trun- £ cate ; mouth terminal ; “+? Wa VR teeth resembling scales or leaves. C. Lesueurii Nob. Les. Am. Tr. i. p. 115. £. 6. RAID. — RHINOBATINE. 321 ZErowatTis Muller and Henle. General structure of Myliobates, but the lower jaw projects considerably beyond the upper. A. Indica. Russell, i. pl. 8. PrerocepHana Sw.* Resembling Ceratoptera and Rhi- noptera, but the mouth is placed on the under side, and the teeth are small, pointed, and tuberculated ; the lobes of the head are porrect, and do not appear to perform the office of fins. P. Giorna. Lac. v. pl. 20. 3. 3. Susram. TORPEDINZ. Torpedo Rays. Head excessively large, surrounded by the pectoral fins, so as to form a circular disk ; tail fleshy, not longer than the body, and bearing the ordinary fins ; mouth beneath. Torprepo Linn. With two dorsal fins. Torpedo electrica Auct. Temera Gray. General form of Torpedo, but desti- tute of dorsal fins. T. Hardwickii. Gray, Ind. Zool. 4. Susram. SQUATIN. Head moderate, obtuse; the mouth placed at the ex- tremity of the snout; pectoral fins large, cut out in front, so as to allow the free motion of the head. Sevatinaz Dum. Form somewhat shark-like; mouth furnished with short cirri ; margin of the pectorals, and sometimes the body, armed with small spines. S. Europea. Bl.116. Dumerilii Le Sueur. Vol. I. fig. 23. 5. Susram. RHINOBATINZ. Muzzle generally lengthened and pointed ; but not so long as the body. Rainopates Lac. Head and pectorals united, and as- * Cephaloptera Dum. See Vol. I. p. 174. VOL. II. 3G 322 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. suming a lengthened, heart-shaped form ; the snout -much prolonged ; tail thick, as in ordinary sharks ; teeth tesselated ; body smooth ; mouth beneath. R. levis. Russell. pl. 10. Rhina Schn. General structure of Rhinobates, but with a short, broad, and rounded muzzle; connected either to the Torpedine or to the Trigonine ? R. cyclostomus. Bl. Sch. 72. Famity 3. PRIONIDZE. Spoon Fish. Muzzle excessively prolonged into a flat, lanceolate plate ; operculum very large, with the branchial opening very wide, and formed as in ordinary fishes. Potyopon Lac. Teeth very small, sharp, curved, and serrated ; mouth beneath ; dorsal fin single; caudal regular, lunate. P. reticulatus Sw. vol. I. p. 122. fig. 7. Lac. i. pl. 12. f. 3. Faminy 4. STURIONIDA. Sturgeons. Body covered with large osseous plates or tubercles, which form carinated and spinous lateral lines * on the sides of the body, as well as on the back and belly; mouth placed beneath ; the bony jaws performing the office of teeth. AcrpENSER Linn. Muzzle prolonged and obtuse; mouth furnished with cirri; caudal fin lunate; the upper lobe longest. A. Sturio Linn. (Vol. I. p. 123. fig. 8.) Famiry 5. CHIMARIDZ. Snoutabruptly obtuse ; tail long, attenuated, and pointed. Cuima#ra Lin. Profile vertical ; muzzle conical, behind 1 * Hence we find that numerous genera, intended to represent this type, have the lateral line elevated or armed with spines: the Loricarine, the Balistide, the Triglide, all the horse mackerel, and others which will occur to the ichthyologist, are striking examples of this representation. RALISTID Z. — OSTRACIN &. 323 which is a crest-like prickly lobe ; tail end- ing in a long fila- ment. C. monstrosa. _—_ Bloch, pl. 124. ( fig. 101.) Callorhynchus Gronov. Snout terminating in a fleshy lobe, which curves over in front of the mouth ; caudal fin surrounding the sides of the pointed tail. C. antarctica. Gronov. pl. 4. f. 1,2. (Vol. I. p. 125. fig. 9. a.) Orver IV. PLECTOGNATHES. Cheloniform Fishes. Skeleton sub-cartilaginous ; ribs obsolete ; branchial spiracle single ; scales none ; eyes small, almost vertical. Famity 1. BALISTIDA. Body oval, either mailed with plates or covered by a hard coriaceous skin; mouth very small; jaws im- moveable. 1. Susram. OSTRACINE. Body smooth, quadrangular in the typical, and triangu- lar in the aberrant groups, covered by angulated bony plates, soldered at their sutures; dorsal fin one ; no ventral fin ; caudal rounded, Ostracion Linn. Body quadrangular ; destitute of spinal processes. O. cubicus. Bloch, pl. 137. nasus. Ib. pl. 138. Tetrosomus Sw. Body quadrangular ; armed with spines on the back and belly. T. turritus. Bl. pl. 136. w2 524 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. Lactophrys Sw. (fig. 102. > Body triangular, armed with strong = spines ; curved backwards just before the anal fin, and ge- nerally with two others, lathe horns. L. trigonus. Bl. pl. 35. cornutus. Bl. 133. bicaudalis. Ib. 132. quadricornis. Ib. 134. Rhinesomus Sw. Body triangular, entirely destitute of spines, and often scored or reticulated as in the Balistes. R. triqueter Bloch, pl. 130. €oncatinatus. Ib. pl. 131. Platycanthus* Sw. - Compressed, subtriangular,. with broad obtuse plates or spines scattered over the body and eyes. P. auratus. Shaw, Nat. Miss. pl. 338. 2, Supram. BALISTINZ. Body compressed, oval-fusiform, covered with a gra- nulated coriaceous skin, which is (typically ) reticulated ; muzzle conic, much prolonged, ending in a very small mouth, faruighed with a few sharp teeth in each jaw ; pelvis sometimes forming a single ventral fin; dorsal fins two, armed in front with spines. Bautstres Linn. Body scored, or divided into diamond- shaped granulated divisions ; the interstices smooth ; dorsal fins two, the first spinous; tail armed on each side by two or more series of acute prickles. Balistes Linn. Spines in the first dorsal fin smooth, acute, with three membranaceous rays; caudal fin generally rounded. Medinella. Freys. Atl. pl. Lamarouxu. Ib. fig. 1. 46. 2. (fig. 103.) aculeatus. Bloch, pl. 149. * Acarana Gray. BALISTIDH. — BALISTIN®. 325 Rhinecanthus Sw. First dorsal spine thick, obtuse, serrated or tuberculated ; caudal fin rounded ; pelvis with spines but no rays. ornatissimus. Lesson. Atl.10.1. conspicillum. Ib. pl. 9. i. lineatus. Benn. Cey. pl. 10. amboynensis. In. Z. 8.3. Melichthys Sw. Caudal fin doubly lunate ; tail with six or seven rows of spines; pelvis hardly pro- truding, and without rays. ringens. Bl. pl. 152. 2. marginatus. Ib. 2. pl.15.1. albicaudatus. Rupp. 2.16 1. Praslinensis. Frey. Atl. 46.1. Canthidermis Sw. Body entirely covered with minute spines or prickles, exclusive of those larger ones on the tail; pelvis forming a simple spine without rays ; caudal rounded ; first dorsal spine obtuse, serrated. angulosus. Frey. Zool. p. 210. Gaimardii Sw. Frey. Zool. oculatus. Ind. Zool. 90. fig. 1. p.209. * Capriscus. Body shaped and reticulated as in Balistes ; but the tail destitute of prickles, Zenodon Riippell. The two lateral front teeth in the. upper jaw lengthened and pointed ; dorsal and anal of nearly equal breadth throughout; caudal large, simply lunate ; pelvis small, without rays. Z. niger. Rupp. Atlas, 1. pl. 14. fig. 3. Chalisoma Sw. Caudal fin large, doubly lunate ; pelvis forming a ventral fin provided with rays; second dorsal and anal fins falcated ; dorsal spine obtuse and rough ; teeth P C. pulcherrima. Lesson. Atl. pl. 9. fig. 2. velata. Bl. 150. * PBalistes Jacksonianus, Frey Zool. wi3 320 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. Capriscus Antiq., Will. Caudal fin truncate or reunded ; pel- vis slightly pro- jecting, but Z destitute of rays; dorsal go. ae spine obtuse and tuberculated ; teeth entire. erythropterus. Less. Atl. rivulatus. Rupp. Atl. 1.16.2. 10. fig. 3. (fig. 104.) castaneus. Ind. Z.1. pl. 90. 2. Rondelettii. Yarrell, 11.357. niger Sw. Appendix. Leiurus Sw. Pelvis forming a large ventral fin pro- vided with distinct rays; dorsal spines acute and smooth ; caudal small, doubly lunate ; teeth longest in front, and sometimes notched in the middle. L. macrophthalmus. Russ. pl. 22. radiatus. Bowdich, Mad. Russellii. Ib. pl. 23. pl. 17. fig. 45. Pachynathus* Sw. Body short, broad, compressed ; the head very large, and nearly as long as the body ; eyes very remote from the mouth, placed high upon the crown, and immediately above the pectoral fins ; front teeth remarkably long ; first dorsal spine obtuse and rough ; pelvis with minute rays; caudal doubly lunate. P. triangularis. Russell, pl. 20. Triacantuus Cuv. Ventrals represented by two large spinous rays attached to the pelvis, which does not project beyond the skin; dorsal fins two, the first with spined rays ; body with minute prickles, shaped as in Balistes, but the tail much lengthened ; the caudal forked. T. biaculeatus. Bloch, pl. 148. fig. 2. * I have had much hesitation in characterising this as a subgeneric type ; but it differs so remarkably in its long, yet conic muzzle, that Iam tempted to think it may be the chironectiform type of this genus, corresponding to Psilocephalus : the eye is so remote from the tip of the snout as to be nearly half way between that and the base of the caudal fin. BALISTID Z. — BALISTIN A. 327 t PstnocepHaLus Sw. Body linear, narrow, very long ; head and jaws excessively lengthened ; terminated by a small vertical mouth; the chin prominent and bearded ; pelvis prominent and forming a dew-lap ; dorsal and anal single, of soft rays ; caudal fin very long and oval; analogous to Syngnathus, Mor- myrus, &c. P. barbatus. Gray, Ind. Zool. Monocantuus. Body short, broad, furnished with prickles ; the first dorsal fin represented by a single dentated spine; pelvis either prominent and spined, but destitute of rays, or altogether concealed ; belly and throat capable of distention. Monocanthus Cuy. Body covered with a granulated, coriaceous skin; the sides of the tail armed with recurved spines ; pelvis protruding beyond the skin, and generally armed with prickles. hippocrepis. Frey. Z. p.212. Freycinettii. Ib. 213. geographicus. Rég. An.12.2. Chinensis. Ib. 152. fig. 2. tomentosus. Bloch, 148. 1. filamentosus. Vol. I. 195.29. Cantherines Sw. Body smooth or granulated ; pelvis prominent ; no spines on the sides of the tail. C. nasutus.* Frey. Zool. p. 214. Chetodermis Sw. Body entirely covered with sharp prickles, intermixed with soft cilie or lobed ap- pendages ; pelvis prominent, but no spines on the sides of the tail. C. spinosissimus. Frey. Atl. _pennicilligerus. Cuv. Rég. pl. 45. fig. 3—8. An. pl. 12: fig. 3: Alutera Cuy. Body granulated, ovate, oblong ; pelvis concealed beneath the skin ; sides of the tail without spines. A. monoceros. Bloch, pl. 147. levis. Bloch, pl. 414. punctata. Spix, pl. 76. virida. Frey. Atl. 472. (fig. 105.) * Mon. Sandwichiensis, Quoy and Gaimard. y 4 328 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. Trichoderma Sw. Body scored, or divided into diamond- shaped compartments, as in Balistes; pelvis pro- jecting ; sides of the tail with spines, and sometimes furnished with a fascicle of rough bristles. T. scapus. Lac. i. pl.18. £3. -histrix. Sw. Gray, Ind. Zool. 3. Susram. TETRAODINE. Body. slightly scabrous, or defended only by short prickles, more conspicuous on the lower part; belly capable of being greatly inflated; jaws sharp, cutting, each divided into the appearance of two teeth. Trerraopon Linn. Head short ; the body being entirely covered with prickles. T. lineatus. Bloch, 141. maculatus, Hamilt. 18. fig. 2. testudineus. Ib. 139. fluviatilis. Ib. pl. 30. fig. 1. Letsomus Sw. Head short; the body entirely smooth. T. levissimus Sch. marmoratus. Hamilt. pl. 18. fig. 3. LacocrpHatus Sw. Head short; the upper parts of the body smooth; the belly armed with angulated spines, as in Diodon. L. stellatus. Bl. pl. 143. Pennantii. Yarrell, ii. 347. Crrruisomus Sw. Sides of the body furnished with cirriform processes. e. Sprengleri. Bloch, pl. 144. Pstronorus Sw. Fore part of the head and muzzle prolonged, narrow, as in Balistes; the back cari- nated ; belly furnished with prickles. P. rostratus. Bl. pl. 146. Electricus. Ph. Tr. 76. pl. 3. BALISTIDH. — CEPHALINE. 329 4. Susram. DIODONINE. Teeth none; cutting margins of one or both of the jaws entire; body more or less orbicular, and armed with ‘spines. Diopon Linn. Both jaws with the margins undivided ; body co- vered with spines. 3 D. histrix. Bloch, pl. 125. ( fig. 106. ) Triopon Cuv. Upper jaw divided at the margin into the appearance of teeth, lower entire ; belly forming an enormous bag; body rough, as in Tetraodon, particularly on the belly. T. bursarius. Reinw. Less. Atlas, pl. 4. (Vol. I. p. 197. jig. 32.) 5. Susrams. CEPHALINZE. Sun-fish. Body oval or orbicular ; the dorsal, caudal, and ven- tral fins united. PrpaLion Guilding MSS. Body rough, sub-ovate ; mouth very small; jaws acuminated ; a six-lob sa- cral appendage serving instead of a caudal fin, and disconnected to the dorsal and ventral fins ; pectoral fins short, rounded ; eyes versatile, as in Syngnathus. P. gigas. Guild. (Vol. I. p.199. fig. 33.) Jil Kx O Sch. (fig. Nas RTHAGORIScUS Sch. (fig : VA C7 107.) Body nearly or- bicular ; the skin rough, ¢ but without spines or compartments, O. mola. Bloch, pl. 128. \ asc Mouacantuvus Sw. Body armed with spines. M. Pallasii Sw. Pall. Spec. Zool. pl. 4. Crepuatus Shaw. Pectoral fin lengthened, pointed ; 330 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. body oblong, hard, divided into small angular com- partments ; connecting this group with the Ostracine. C. oblongus. Bl. Sch. pl. 97. Faminy 2. CHIRONECTIDZA. Frog-fish. Body naked, thick, heavy, generally compressed, some- times tuberculated, but always destitute of scales; eyes small, generally vertical, or placed near the crown; mouth vertical, the lower jaw longest; branchial spi- racle single, placed close to the pectoral ; head generally _ with detached rays, or horn-like processes; pectoral fins pedunculated, capable of being used as feet ; dorsal fin either divided or entire. Curronectus. Cuv. Body naked, compressed ; mouth vertical. C. Histrio. Bloch, 111. pictus. Shaw, Ichth. ii. pl. 165. Famiry 3. LOPHIDE. - Head enormous, nearly flattened, often spiny or tuber- culated ; body depressed, sometimes with pores, but never with scales ; tail small, compressed ; mouth often very wide, placed beneath the snout, and cleft horizon- tally ; pectorals pedunculated. Mattue Cuv. Head with a horn-like process on the snout, pointing forwards ; mouth small, slightly retractile ; hinder part of the head and the body very broad and depressed, studded with scattered tubercles. M. nasuta. Bloch, pl. 110. (Vol. I. p. 9. fig. 1.) Loputus Zinn. The whole of the head and body excessively broad, sometimes nearly orbicular ; head enormously large, more or less spinous, and furnished with cirri and long detached moveable rays ; dorsal fins two; mouth very large, transverse, with acute teeth ; eyes vertical ; tail short, compressed. L. piscatorius Linn. Bl. 87. SYNGNATHIDA. $31 Astrocantuus Sw.(fig.108.) Head and body orbicular, covered with spines; mouth beneath ; tail short, com- pressed ; ventrals pedunculated, placed half way be- tween the mouth and the pectorals ; dorsal fin single, placed at the base of the tail ; the general outline re sembling that of Torpedo.* A. stellatus Sw. Lac. i. pl. x1. figs. 2, 3. Famiry 4. SYNGNATHIDE. Pipe-fish. Body slender, mailed with angular scaly plates, united at their sutures; mouth more or less elongated into a tube, at the extremity of which is the mouth, the open- ing being vertical; gills not pectinated, but formed into fascicles, placed in pairs on the branchial arches; the aperture forming a single spiracle. Preassus Linn. Body depressed, broad ; snout suddenly contracted, narrow, more or less pointed ; the mouth terminal, but placed beneath; pectorals pedunculated, very large ; ventrals of a single vermiform ray ; tail * This family is very imperfectly understood ; those species of Cuvier’s which have scales appear to belong to the tribe Canthileptes. 1 exclude from this group all such as have not pedunculated pectorals or a spiracled aperture, SoZ CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. short, compressed, with a single dorsal fin at its base. and opposite the anal fin; caudal small. P. Draco Linn. Bloch, 109. Gron. pl. 12. figs. 2, 3.* natans. Bl. 121. Hippocampus Linn. Body and head compressed and broad ; muzzle narrow, tubular ; the mouth terminal ; profile of the head angular; dorsal fin single; pec- torals small ; caudal fin none; anal none in the male. H. brevirostris. Yarr. ii. 342. Phyllopterya Sw. Fuciform ; body broadest in the mid- dle, and furnished with leaf-like appendages. oo P. foliatus. Sw. (fig. 109.) Solenostoma Lac. Caudal fin large, pointed ; ventral fins ample, united both together and to the body, beneath which the eggs of the female are placed ; dorsal fins two, the first placed close to the head, the second at the base of the tail; snout tubular ; the mouth terminal. S. paradoxa. Pall. Spic. Zool. 8. fas. vii. pl. 4. f 6. Synenatuus Linn. Snout greatly elongated ; the mouth terminal, and opening vertically; teeth none; body very long, linear, angulated, and nearly of equal breadth, but attenuated on the tail. Syngnathus Linn. (fig. 110.) Dorsal fin one ; ventral fins none; caudal rounded ; males with an elongated pouch under the tail. * This species unites in itself part of the characters of Syngnathus and Astrocanthus in a most interesting manner; the figures of Gronovius seem to represent a different species to that of Bloch, pl. 109. MURAZENIDZE. 333 S. major.* Yarr. il. 325. fasciatus. Gray, Ind. Zool. typhle. Yarr. ii. 332. Lisepl.. SO: if) 2 Acus Will. General characters of the last, but the pectoral, ventral, anal, and caudal fins, as well as the sub-caudal pouch, are wanting. A. equoreus. Yarr. i. 335. lumbriciformis. Ib. 340. ophidion Ib. 338. Solegnathus Sw. Resembling the two last in general shape, but there is no caudal fin; tail shorter than the body ; the pectorals rather large ; anal fins small. S. Hardwickii. Gray, Ind. Zool. i. pl. 89. f. 3. Orper V. APODES. Eels, Lampreys, &c. Body eel-shaped, or anguilliform f ; ventral fins none ; branchial orifice of one or more spiracles ; operculum, when present, concealed and covered by the common skin. Faminy 1. MURZNIDA. Eels. Body serpentiform ; scales very small, enveloped in a mucous epidermis; ventral fins and cceca wanting ; branchial spiracles two, lateral, placed one on each side. Aneuitia Antig. Dorsal, anal, and caudal fins united into one ; pectoral fins oval ; the branchial opening transverse behind. Anguilla Linn. Spiracles placed just beneath the base of the pectoral; dorsal fin commencing behind the pectorals ; lower jaw often longest ; nostrils tubular. Murena anguilla Linn. M. conger. Bloch, pl. 155. * This is the S. Acus of most writers ; but, as I have thought it advisable to follow Willughby in applying this name to the next sub-genus, ii seems desirable, to prevent confusion, not to use it also ina specific sense in this. + Except the family of Cyclopterid@, which unites this order to that of Plectognathes. 334 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. Ophisoma Sw. (fig. 111. a.) Resembling the last, but the transverse spiracles are placed in front of the base of the pectorals ; nostrils not tubular. obtusa Sw. Appendix. acuta Sw. App. Ophisurus Lac. General structure of Anguilla; but the dorsal and anal fins terminate at the extreme tip of the tail, which is naked and pointed. O. pictus. Sw. App. immaculata. Gray, Ind. Zool. puncticulata. Ham. 1. pl. 91. fig. 1. fig. 5. acuminata. Ib. 91. fig. 2. Leptognathus Sw. Jaws greatly prolonged, attenuated, and pointed; the sides armed with large, scattered, acute teeth, pointing backwards, with others, much smaller, interspersed; nostrils simple; gape very wide ; spiracle placed transversely in front of the pectoral; dorsal and anal widening at their extre-. mities, and terminating before the end of the tail, which is naked and obtuse. L. oxyrhynchus Sw. app. (Vol. I. p. 221. fig. 42.) Pterurus Sw. (fig. 111.b.) Mouth small ; dorsal and anal fin rather short, placed near the caudal fin and the vent, which is very remote from the head ; caudal fin distinct, and encircling the end of the tail, which is obtuse. P. maculatus. Ham. p. 25.* triporosa. Russ. i. No. 34. Hardwickii. Gray, Ind. Zool. * Murena raitaborr a of Hamilton. MURAENIDE. 335 Mvurana Antiq. Pectoral fins very minute, or want- ing ; spiracles placed on the sides of the head. Nettastoma Raf. Jaws much lengthened, obtuse ; muzzle slightly depressed above ; branchial apertures tranverse, placed beneath the neck ; dorsal, anal, and caudal fins united ; gill-membrane without rays ; no operculum ; branchial arches two. N. melanura. Raf. Carat. p. 66. pl. 16. fig. 1. Pachyurus Sw. (fig.111.¢ ¢.) Body very slender ; pec- toral fins very minute; tail much shorter than the body, very obtuse, and rather thickened at the ex- tremity ; dorsal fin commencing behind the vent, and shorter than the ventral fin, and both uniting with the caudal. P. linearis. Gray, Ind. Zool. i. pl. 95. fig. 3. Murena Antiq. No pectoral fins ; dorsal generally com- © mencing at the back of the head, and uniting to the caudal and anal; tip of the tail pointed; nostrils tubular ; teeth various. M. helena. Bloch, pl. 152. rostratus. Spix, pl. 50 a. ocellatus. Spix, pl. 50 6. Dalophis Raf. No pectoral fins ; spiracles placed very low, towards the sides of the throat ; dorsal and anal fins terminating before they reach the end of the tail, which is naked; body cylindrical; mouth small, with minute sharp teeth; nostrils tubular; dorsal fin commencing a little behind the head ; vent nearly central ; upper jaw much longer than the under. D. serpa. Raf. Carat. p. 69. (Vol. I. p. 224. fig. 45.) Opuioenatuus Harwood. Pectoral fins and the bran- chial aperture very small, the latter placed beneath ; body capable of being inflated, like a thick tube ; tail very long and slender, surrounded by a narrow dorsal and anal fin, which unite; mouth very wide, armed with sharp teeth ; eyes placed close to the sharp point of the muzzle. O. ampullaceus. Harwood, Ph. Tr. 1827. 336 CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, ETC. Icutuyopuis Lesson. Body cylindrical ; spiracles la- teral, one on each side of the head; mouth rather large ; teeth acute ; eyes moderate ; no fins whatever. I. pantherinus. Less. Atl. pl. 13. tigrinus. Ib. pl. 12. Auzses Cuv. A single spiracle, as in the last, but the pectoral fins distinct, between which is a small con- cave disk; a small operculum and three rays are distinguishable through the skin by which they are enveloped. India. (One species, not described.) Famity 2. SYNBRANCHIDE. Body eel-shaped ; spiracles placed under the neck. - Sphagebranchus Bloch. Snout lengthened and pointed, projecting beyond the mouth; the dorsal and anal fins only apparent towards the tail; branchial spi- racles close together under the throat ; pectoral fins often obsolete or entirely wanting. S. rostratus. Bloch, pl. 419. fig. 2. Monopterus Comm. Dorsal and anal fins commencing on the middle of the tail, and united at its point; branchial orifices united under the throat in a trans- verse cleft, but divided in the middle. M. Javanensis Lac. Synprancuus Bloch. = So SP SS CrrastEes Antiq. Head broad, co- vered with scales SSS or small shields ; no depressions behind the nostrils. Cerastes, proper. Head _ covered with scales si- milar to those on the back; nostrils large, simple ; _ sub- caudal plates double. S. horridus. Sw. Shaw, Zool. pl. 103. (fig.117.) Berus. Head covered with granular scales ; nostrils moderate ; sub-caudal plates double. B. vulgaris. (Coluber berus Linn.) Echis Merr. Scales of the head small; sub-caudal plates single. E. bizonata. Daud. pl. 70. OPHIDES. — COLUBERIDZ. 363 Acanthopis. Tail terminated by a hook ; scales in front of the head ; sub-caudal plates simple and double. A. cerastinus. Daud. v. pl. 77. Nara. Hooded Snakes. Head moderate, without any depression, and covered with large regular plates. Naia Daud. Neck capable of being dilated ; head narrow ; dorsal scales linear ; tail conical ; sub-caudal plates arranged in two rows. tricuspidans. Daud. 4. pl. 60. a Sepidon Merr. Neck not capable of being dilated ; head broad ; sub-caudal plates double. S. porphyraceus. Shaw, Zool. iii. 423. Elaps. Head narrow ; dorsal scales equal ; tail conical ; sub-caudal plates double. furcatus. Russ. i. pl. 19. - Puatrurus Lat. Head indistinct; body cylindrical ; dorsal scales equal ; tail compressed, carinated ; sub- caudal plates double. P. laticaudatus. Shaw, Zool. 11.°233. Trimesurus Lat. Head distinct ; body fusiform ; tail conical ; caudal plates partly single, partly double. T. leptocephalus. Lac. Ann. Mus. iv. pl. 56. f. 1. Oplocephalus Cuv. Like the last, but the caudal plates all.simple. O. Cuvieri Gray. Faminy 3. COLUBERIDA. Lower jaw mobile ; upper jaw toothed; fangs either entirely wanting, or very small.* Cotuser. Ventral plates broad; anal spurs none ; - tail in general much lengthened, attenuated, and simple. * In a natural arrangement of this order, 1 am inclined to believe that the whole of the poisonous or fanged snakes will be transferred to the last family. 364 CLASSIFICATION OF REPTILES. Coluber Linn. ( g. 118.) Body sub-cylindrical ; scales equal; nose rounded ; head moderate, with plates on the crown, those beneath the tail either single or double. C. natrix Linn. Nasicornis. (jig. 118.) Heterodon. (fig. 119. ) General structure of the last, but the nose is acute and recurved. Sue H. platyrhinchus Lat. Constrictor. (fig. 119.) Spmetes Wag. Tail half the length of the body ; scales placed in longitudinal series, generally smooth ; abdominal plates recurved and angulated ; head dis- tinct ; mouth very small. S. punctatus. (Coluber punctatus Linn.) Xenopon Boie. Tail short, not half the length of the body, which is thick and fusiform ; head large, dis- tinct, depressed ; mouth very wide; nostrils large, open ; scales equal, placed in oblique transverse series. severus. Seba, i. pl. 85. fig. 1. OPHIDES. — COLUBERID&. 365 Oligodon Boie. Tail short ; heads hort, obtuse, narrow. atriventus. Seba, ii. pl. 86. fig. 5. Erpetopryas. ‘Tail very long ; head lengthened, and very distinct ; mouth very wide ; scales small, partly carinated, and placed in oblique series. carinatus. Seba, ii. pl. 56. fig. 3. Hurria Daud. Tail conical; anterior sub-caudal plates simple, posterior double ; dorsal scales uniform. nympha. Russ. pl. 36, 37. Lioruis Wag. ead scarcely distinct from the body ; scales imbricate, very smooth; mouth small or mo- derate ; hinder teeth largest. L. poicelogyrus Max. Griff. Cuv. Calamaria Boie. Body cylindrical, confounded with the head ; tail very short; scales smooth; caudal plates entire, in two rows. C. Linne Bote. (Coluber calamarius Linn. ) Brachyorrhos Kuhl. Head not distinct ; eyes small ; tail short, acute. albus. Linn. Mus. Adol. pl. 14. fig. 2. Lycodon Boie. Scales nearly square ; body long, sub- compressed ; abdominal plates convex. L. fasciolatus Linn. Shaw, Russell, Serp. i. pl. 21. Zenopeltis Boie. Nose rounded ; plates of the head triangular, larger than the dorsal scales ; tail conical. Z. concolor Bote. Scytale Merr. Head ovate, indistinct, plated ; body cylindrical ; scales equal ; sub-caudal plates single. S. coronata. Seba, i. pl. 41. fig. 1. Dryinus Merr. Head long, with regular plates ; muzzle acute ; scales slender, equal; tail very long; sub- caudal plates double. D. fulgidus. Daud. pl. 80. { Passerita Wag. (fig. 120. a.) Like the last, but the dorsal scales are triangular, and the lateral scales linear. P. nasutus. Russ. Serp. 1. pl. 12. 366 CLASSIFICATION OF REPTILES. Leptophis Wag.(b). Like Dryinus, but the snout is rounded and ob- tuse, with the ventral plates angularly cari-_ nated on the sides. L. ahetula. Lae. il. pl. 2. AmsBuicepHaLus Kuhl. Head very high, truncate, de- pressed above, plated before ; body compressed, with longer vertebral scales ; lateral scales imbricate. A. earinata Bote. Dirsas Laur. Head short and broad ; crown plated ; body long, compressed ; vertebral scales square ; la- teral scales linear ; sub-caudal plates double. bucephalus. Seba, 1. pl. 43. Cerebus Cuv. (fig. 121.) Head almost entirely covered with small scales, but there are plates between and 2 in front of the eyes. SS C. rhynchops. Russ. Serp. pl. 17. Boa Linn. Two curved spurs or hooks on the sides of the vent; body thick in the middle, the extremities narrowed; tail pre- hensile ; sub-caudal plates sim- ple: Tropical America. — ee Boa Linn. Muzzle covered with scales ; labial scales variable. B. constrictor, Seba, i. pl. 36. fig. 5. Aculeata (jig. 122. Eunectus Wag. Muzzle covered with plates instead of scales. | E. murina. Seba, ii. pl. 23. fig. 1. OPHIDES. — ANGUID&. 3607 Pytuon. General characters of Boa, but the head is more or less covered with small plates in front: Tro- pical India. Cenchrus Gray. Head obliquely cut behind; front truncate and covered with small plates, those beneath the tail simple. C. regia. (Boa regia Auct.) Python Daud. Characters as above ; but with the sub- caudal plates double. reticulata Sch. Peroni Cuv. Javanicus. Seba, pl. 62. punctatus Merr. Gongylophis Wag. Scales of the head and back simi- lar and carinated. B. ornata Daud. Russ. Serp. pl. 4. Eriz Daud. Tail very short and obtuse ; head-short, not distinct from the body, and covered only with small scales ; anal spines wanting. Faminy 4. ANGUIDZ. Slow-worms. The entire head and body covered with smooth imbri- cate scales; head osseous ; bones of the shoulder and of the pelvis generally existing in a rudimentary state under the skin. Pszeuporus Merr. A prominent tubercle on each side of the anus, in which is a small bone analogous to the femur, and representing the hind legs; scales square, thick, and semi-imbricate. P. Pallasii Cuv. Opuisaurus Daud. Resembling the last, but with no external representations of the hind legs ; a ridge, as in the last, shows the situation of the fore feet of Seps. O. ventralis. Catesby, ii. pl. 59. Anevis Linn. Body entirely smooth, and surrounded with imbricate scales ; tympanum concealed beneath the skin, as also the rudiments of the pelvis, sternum, clavicle, and omoplate. 368 CLASSIFICATION OF REPTILES. - Acontias Cuv. No rudiments of feet internally or ex- ternally; tail short; head masked; eyes very small, sometimes covered. A. meleagris Merr. czcus Cuv. Famity 5. AMPHISBHZNIDA. Blind-worms.* Body cylindrical, surrounded with scales arranged in circles ; eyes either very minute or entirely concealed ; anus almost at the end of the body. AmPHISBENA Linn. Scales quadrangular ; a range of pores in front of the anus; a few conic teeth in the jaws only ; generation oviparous. A. alba. Lace. ii. pl. 21. fig. 1. Leposternon Spix. General structure of the last ; head short ; the muzzle slightly advanced ; thoracie rings irregular. . L. microcephalus Spiz. Typuuiors Sch. Eyes hardly visible ; anus close to the extremity of the body, which is sub-cylindrical, and covered with small imbricate scales; front of the head with plates ; muzzle produced. Stenostoma Spix.' Muzzle depressed, obtuse, and co- vered in front with several plates. S. reticulata. Spix. Typhlops. Muzzle with a single frontal sharp-edged plate. T. lumbricalis. Seba, pl. 86. fig. 2. Rhinophis Wag. Muzzle pointed, conical; tip of the tail enveloped in an oval horny shield ; eyes hid. R. Philippinus Cuwv. Typhlina Wag. Muzzle with a single convex plate ; eyes none ; tail ending in a spine. T. septemstriatus Merr. Aniutus. Coral Snakes. Body and head cylindrical, * If these form part of the Angwide, and are not the most aberrant family, then I am unacquainted with the latter. - SAURES.—CHAMHELIONID &. 369 with small imbricate scales, which are but slightly larger on the belly, and under the tail ; the latter extremely short.* (Tortrix + Oppel.) Anilius Oken. Tail obtuse ; a single series of larger scales beneath. e: A. corallinus. Seba, ii. pl. 73. fig. 1—3. Urapeltis Cuv. Head very small; muzzle pointed ; tail obliquely truncated, with a double range of scales, U. Ceylonicus Cuv. OrpER V. SAURES. Lizards. Feet four {; mouth not capable of dilatation ; body covered with different-sized scales or granulations. Faminry 1. CHAMALIONIDZA. Chamelions. Feet scansorial ; toes syndactyle, two before and three behind ; tongue vermiform, capable of great extension ; tail prehensile. The scansorial type. Cuametion Linn. Scales granular; a series of spines on the chin and belly; body compressed, carinated, but without dorsal spines; eyes versatile; occiput elevated, pyramidical ; front smooth. C. carinatus. Shaw, Zool. Trioceros Sw. General structure of Chamelion ; but there are three long conical slightly curved horns, pointing forwards, before the eyes. T. Grayii Sw. Gray’s Zool. Miss. pl. 4. p. 7. Diceros Sw. General structure of the last, but with ® It remains to be determined whether this group enters among the Co- tuberide, connecting them with the Anguide, or forms a portion of the latter family. In placing them among the former, I have adopted-the views of Cuvier. Tothe Ambisbene, they seem related by analogy. + This name must be rejected, being long established in entomology. - t+ Becoming rudimentary, or partly obliterated, in the family of Scincoide, which connects the lizards to the serpents. VOL. II. BB STO CLASSIFICATION OF REPTILES. the front of the male produced into two compressed squamose horns. D. bifurcatus. Griff. Cuv. ix, pl. 29. Famiry 2. IGUANID/. _Spine-backed or Thick- tongued Lizards. Toes free ; palate furnished with teeth; tongue fleshy, thick, not extensible, and only emarginate or notched at the tip. Piatrypactytus. Geckos, or Flat-toed Lizards. Tongue large, flat, and almost entire at its tip ; head and body broad, much depressed ; toes nearly equal, generally dilated on their sides, and marked beneath with transverse folds: the natatorial type. b. Platydactylus munguis. sus, under side. c. Hemid. trihedrans. g. Ptyodactylus lobatus. d. Stenodacty. guttatus. h. Platydactylus theconyx. e. Hemidactylus tuberculo- Dum, sus, upper side. Platydactylus Cuv. (fig. 123.6.) Toes more or less en- larged along their whole length ; the mferior lamine imbricated, entire, or divided in the middle. P. ocellatus Cuv. theconyx. Dum. Erpet. Gen. pl. 33. fig. 2. Hemidactylus Cuy. (c.e. f-) Basal joint of four or five SAURES.—IGUANID &.' $71 _ of the toes on each foot forming an oval disk ; the next, or second joint, slender; five claws on each foot; beneath the tail with a series of broad scales. H. Peronii. Erpet. Gen. pl. 30. Sebx. Shaw, Gen. Zool. ffe. 1. iii, pl. 78. fig. 1. Ptyodactylus Cuyv. (g.) The extremities of the toes only dilated into a disk, which is either smooth or stri- ated, with imbricate lamine, like a fan; the disk cleft in the middle; claws five on each foot, and much curved. lobatus Rupp. Atl. i. pl. 4. porphyreus. Erpet. G. pl. 33. 3. Spheriodactylus Cuv. Toes sub-cylindrical, without claws, but terminating in a small, entire, circular disk. S. sputator. Lac. pl. 28. fig. 1, 2. Phytodactylus Gray. The extremities of the toes di- lated into a disk, which is flat and smooth beneath, but divided in the middle by a groove. P. porphyreus. Erpet. Gen. pl. 33. fig. 5. Awnouis. Head and body generally compressed ; gular pouch very large, and capable of great dilatation; ante- penultimate joint of the toes enlarged into an oval disk*; tail generally round, moderate, but never flat- tened or prehensile. Stenodactylus Cuv. (d.) General structure of Platydacty- lus, but the toes are all simple, without any disk ; the tail round, and generally covered with imbricate scales. marmoratus Sw. Erp. G.pl.34.1. flavipunctatus. Rupp. ii ee pulchellus. Gray, Ind. Zool. Go figsset Timorensis. Erp. G. iii. 411. | Dorbignii. Erp. Gen. 418. Gandichandu. Ib. 413. fasciatus. Ib. 420. Mauritanicus. Ib. 414. seaber. Rupp. Atl. 4. 2. albogularis Sw. Erp. G. 415. * Except in the first division, Stenodactylus, which connects Anolis with Bintidactyus, just as Phyllurus effects the same union with Stellio. + The compressed tail of this species opens a passage to Dactyloa; the head is also flattened. BeBe 372 CLASSIFICATION OF REPTILES. Anolis Dum. Tail simple, rounded, or nena com-= pressed; head short, not depressed. A. bullaris. Cuv. Catesby, Card. 1. pl. 66. Xiphosurus Fitz. An elevated crest on the tail, sup- ported by the spinous processes of the vertebre ; the declap very large, and extending to the belly. X. Cuvieri Fitz. Rég. Anim. pl. 5. fig. 1. Cristatellus. Ib. iii. p.143. (Anolis velifer. Erp. G. ui. p- 164.) Dactyloa Wieg. Head greatly elongated and flattened, triangular ; nostrils vertical, considerably removed from the tip of the snout; tail nearly round; the crest obsolete. D. Carolinensis Sw. Catesby, Car. pl. 26. Potycurus Cuv. Toes slender, free, without any di- lated disk ; tail long, slender, smooth, more or less prehensile ; palate sometimes destitute of teeth; body smooth or not crested ; throat pouched. Norops Wag. General structure of Anolis, but the toes have no disk, and the gular pouch is but small ; palate without teeth, and no pores on the thighs ; tail long, but not prehensile; scales carinated, but without a dorsal crest. A. auratus. Daud. iv. 89. Urostrophus Dum. and Bib. Tail long, curled, and prehensile; teeth in the palate; femoral pores none. - *U. Vanturi. Erpet. Gen. iv. 79. Lemanotus Wieg. Tail not prehensile; a transverse fold or ridge under the neck; no femoral pores: L. longipes. Weig. Mex. pl. 4. acutirostris. Spix, pl. 14. a. Polychrus Cuv. The fourth toe on each foot not longer than the third; gular pouch small; tail not obviously prehensile. marmoratus, Seba, pl. 76. 4. anomalus. Erp. G. iv. 69. SAURES.—IGUANIDE, 373 Brachylophus Cuv. Gular pouch small ; general cha- racters of Iguana; but the tail is very long and slender, almost entirely rounded, and covered with small equal imbricate scales* ; back with a low spinal crest ; palate toothed: 3 sp. fasciatus Cuv. Erp. Gen. iv.226. rhombifer. Spix, pl. 11. Ievana. Toes free, unequal, and simple, without ap- pendages ; palate furnished with two ranges of teeth, and a single row of compressed triangular teeth with in- dented edges in each jaw ; body and tail more or less compressed, covered with small imbricate scales. f Ophryessa Boie. General form of Brachylophus and Iguana, but the back and tail is strongly crested. O. superciliosa. Spix, pl. 10. Iguana Laur. Gular pouch very large; dorsal and caudal crest spinous; tail long, compressed ; palate with two rows of teeth; caudal scales equal, im- bricate, and carinated. I. tubereulata Laur. Seba, i. pl. 95. fig. 1. Basiliscus Laurenti. Occiput prolonged into a large, obtuse, cap-like crest; dorsal and caudal crests, in the males, very large, and with bony excrescences ; toes long, the sides fringed; tail sometimes not crested. B. mitratus. Seba,i.pl.101.1. cristatus. Seba, i. pl. 94. 1. Amblyrhynchus Bell. Toes thick, short, and nearly equal ; throat loose, but without a gular pouch; a dorsal crest on the back and tail. A. cristatus Bell. Zool. Journ. 204. pl. 12. Aloponotus Dum., Bibron. The upper part of the body destitute of scales, but the back and tail cari- * This character, but for the palatine teeth, would place this sub-genus among the Agamide; at present, I consider it the passage between Poly- chrus and Iguana. + The teeth in the palate separate these lizards from the Agamide, but both groups require a more perfect analysis than they have yet received, especially in reference to the sub-genera. BB 3 374 CLASSIFICATION OF REPTILES. nated with a low crest of pointed spines; tail com- pressed ; the scales verticillated, and carinated, femoral pores in two ranges ; palate with two rows of teeth. -A. Ricordii. Erp. Gen. iv. 190. pl. 37. Stettio. Toes free, unequal, simple, without appen- dages ; palatine teeth wanting; tail in general long, thick, and surrounded by rings of large and often spinous scales ; body slender. Cyclura Cuv. General form of Iguana; gular pouch small ; neck and back with a crest of strong spines ; tail thick, covered with verticillated scales, alternating with rings of spines; scales, palatine teeth, and femoral pores as in Iguana. C. Harlanii. Amer. Trans. iv. pl. 15. Stellio Daud. Head heart-shaped, greatly compressed, and enlarged behind ; no gular pouch; the third and fourth toes of the anterior feet equal ; femoral pores none ; tail very thick, nearly round, attenuated and pointed, encircled with verticillated spiny scales. S. vulgaris. Rupp. Atlas,i. pl. 2. cyanogaster. Ib. ii. pl. 5. Uromastiz Merram. Head small, triangular ; muzzle short, obtuse ; tail flattened, very large, and obtuse, surrounded with rings of spinous scales. U. acanthinurus Bell. Zool. Hardwickii. Gray, Ind. Journ. i. pl. 17. Zool. Phyllurus Cuv.* (fig. 123. a.) Head, body, and eyes as in Platydactylus ; toes simple; tail very broad, leaf- shaped, dilated at the base, pointed towards the tip, and armed with semi-verticillate spines. P. Cuvierii Miliusii Erp. Gen. iii. 431. White’s Voy. pl. 3. fig. 2. Famity 3. LACERTIDA. Long-tongued or True Lizards. ‘ Body long, slender, smooth, elegant, without spines on the head and back, and very rarely on the ridge of the * This interesting form at once connects Stellio with the Gecko lizards, SAURES.—LACERTID &. 375 tail; toes free; tongue lengthened, slender, deeply forked, and capable of great extension ; scales of the tail and belly placed in smooth transverse parallel bands ; tail, typically, very long, attenuated, and generally round. Hyprosaurus Sw. Scales separated from each other by annular series of minute tubercles, and imbedded in the skin ; ridge of the tail rounded or carinated ; size large: analogous to the Emidosauri, or crocodiles. Hydrosaurus Wagler.* Tail compressed, with a cari- inated ridge ; habits aquatic ; the fourth hind toe long. H. Niloticus. Wag. Seba, = chlorostigmus Gray. Griff. pl. 100. fig. 3. variegatus. White’s Voy.3. 1. Indicus. pl. 85. Ib. 2, 3.. Bellii Sw. Erpet. Gen. 35. 1. bivittatus. Shaw, Z. pl. 66. albogularis. Daud. 111. pl. 32. capensis Lac. Empagusia Gray. Body thicker; tail shorter, nearly round, with a dorsal keel; feet short, strong; the fourth hind toe not longer than the third. E. flavescens. Ind. Zool. ocellata Gray. Rupp. Atl. albogularis. Daud. iii.pl. 32. 1. pl. 6. Odatria Gray. Tail lengthened, round, with rings of keeled sub-spinous scales, and without any dorsal keel ; toes rather strong and moderate: Australia. O. punctata Gray. Ann. Nat. Hist. No. 5. p. 394. Varanus Fitz. Tail round or cylindrical, without a dorsal ridge ; habits terrestrial ; feet moderate. V. arenarius. Erp. Gen. iv. 471. Timoriensis. Ib. 473. Hetoperma Weig. Scales of the body resembling tu- bercles, and not surrounded with smaller granules ; tail round ; all the toes of the posterior feet inserted in the same direction as the others. H. horridum. Wag. fas. ii. pl. 18. Lacerta Linn. General form long, slender, smooth ; tail long, rounded, without any dorsal crests f ; head small, covered on the crown with large shields ; throat scaly. See Including Polydedalus of the same nomenclator. 7 Except in Dracena, which unites this group to that of Hydrosaurus. BB 4 376 CLASSIFICATION OF REPTILES. Lacerta. Toes simple, without any fringe, the hinder ones very long; in general there is a collar of broad scales round the neck; palate with two rows of teeth ; dorsal and caudal scales smooth, rarely ca- rinated : the Old World. L, viridis Linn. nigra Wolf. longicauda Riipp. saxicola Evers. Dugesii. Miles, Ed. quadrilineata Gray. Lalandii. Jb. velox Pallas. No collar.* ocellata Daud. punctata Gray. Senegalensis Gray? Cuvieri Jb. levis Gray. Hispanicus Fitz. Vivipera Jacq. Ameiva Cuyv. No collar round the neck ; all the scales of the throat being small ; molar teeth none ; scales of the belly broader than long: the New World. A. punctata. Spix, pl. 23. undulata. Seba, ui. pl. 88. 2. Scapteira Fitz. Toes fringed on the external margin ; the claws very long and acute: the Old World. . inequalis. Sav. Egyp. pl. 1.10. Knoxii. Miles, Ed.pl. 6. 8. Acranthus Wag. Only four toes on the hinder feet ; tail round. A. viridis Wag. (Lacerta Teyou Daud.) Dracenat Daud. Tail compressed, surmounted by a double serrated crest; throat with a collar of large shields. Guinensis Daud. Amazonicus. Spix, pl. 21. Zonurus (?). “ Lizard-like ; ears exposed ; legs four ; femoral pores distinct; head depressed, broad be- hind ; supra-orbital plate expanded ; tail depressed, with whorls of large square-keeled spinous scales ; back with keeled sub-spinose, belly with smooth scales ; five toes on each foot: Old World.”—Gray.} Z. Nove Guinez. Schlegel, pl. 7. fig. 2. * Aberrant species apparently leading to Ameiva. + Is not this the same as the Hydrosaurus of Wagler? 5 t Mr. Gray’s definition of this group makes me conclude it is to be the exact representation of Stellio among the thick-tongued lizards ; but, as he brings within it several genera which do not agree with the above defini- tion, I am fearful of inserting the minor divisions. SAURES. — AGAMIDZ. 377 Cicigna Gray. Tail rather compressed ; the scales, as well as those of the back, unarmed ; scales of the belly smooth. C. semiformis. G. Letoteres Cuv. Lizard-like ; tongue but slightly ex- tensible ; the anterior portion scaly, and triangularly bifid ; the posterior half papillose, with the hinder angles prolonged, as in birds ; head with very small polygonal plates ; ears naked ; belly with smooth and imbricated scales ; tail excessively long, smooth, and round: connecting the Lacertide with the Iguanide. L. guttatus Cuv. Erp. Gen. iv. 465. Famity 4. AGAMIDA Sw. Frog or Great-bellied Lizards. No palatine teeth; body thick, depressed (typically), gibbous ; tail and belly always covered with small im- bricated scales ; head large, often inflated, armed with long spines on the nape, ears, or neck; throat often furnished with a dewlap, capable of inflation; tongue short, thick ; toes simple, free, without any discoid en- largement. Purynosoma. Tail flattened, short, or moderate ; head and body greatly depressed ; no palatine teeth or anal pores. Phrynosoma Wiegman. Body nearly orbicular ; scales on the belly, limbs, and tail small and imbricate ; those on the upper surface rather larger, and inter- spersed with longitudinal rows of spines ; tail shorter than the body ; hind head with large spines. P. Douglassii Bell. Linn. orbiculare. Wagl. Icones. fas. ‘Tr xvis pl.10. ii. pl. 23. bufonium Wieg. Tropidolepis Cuv. Head and body short, depressed, the former rounded in front ; scales imbricate, cari- nated above, and smooth beneath ; tail thick, mode- 378 CLASSIFICATION OF REPTILES. rate, rounded, but depressed at the base; no dorsal crests or anal pores. T. undulatus Cuv. Erp. Gen. iv. p. 198. Callisaurus De Blainv.* General structure of Phry- nosoma, but the body is slender and lengthened, the neck narrowed, and the limbs particularly long and slender ; tail long and broad, depressed at the base, rounded and attenuated beyond ; body enlarged on each side by a development of the skin. C. draconoides Bl. Nov. Ann. Mus. iv. pl. 24. Phrynocephalus Kaup. Tail more or less depressed towards the base, and conic or round beyond, gene- rally prehensile; head nearly circular, and much flattened ; no external opening of the ears; tongue entire, triangular; body depressed, wide; toes slender, and fringed on the sides; scales very small: repre- senting the chameleons. P. caudivolvulus. Lepech. pl. 22. figs. 2, 3 Megalochilus Eichwald. Tail greatly depressed along its whole length ; the margin of the toes strongly dentated ; sides of the head with a large ear-shaped membrane; head flat, nearly circular: representing the genus Draco. M. auritus. Daud. pl. 45. fig. 2. Acama. Tail very long, slender, rounded, rarely de- pressed, covered with imbricate scales ; nape spined, but no crest or spines on the back or tail. Agama Daud. Head depressed; tympanum large, open; neck, and frequently the ears, armed with different-sized spines ; tail very long, slender, with- out any crest, generally cylindrical; tongue emar- ginate; anal, but no femoral pores; throat with a fold; the third and fourth hind toes equal. colonorum. Rupp. ii. pl. 4. sinaita. Ib, i.-pl. 3. * This learned anatomist arranges this form near the dragons, and it is ot at all unlikely that this may be its natural situation, SAURES. — AGAMID A. 379 Trapalus Cuy., Riippell. Head compressed on the sides ; ears nearly concealed; throat forming a conic de- pendent pouch ; the fourth hind toe longer than the third; eyebrows with a carinated ridge, but no spines on the neck, back, or tail. T. agilis. Rupp. Atlas, ii. pl. 6. fig. 1. Grammatophora Kaup. Head triangular, fiattened, the tip rather pointed; tympanum large, exposed ; tail very long, slender, cylindrical ; no gular pouch ; the toes slender, the fourth longer than the third ; pores on the thighs; scales small, carinated, often prickly: Australia: 4 species. G. muricata. White’s Voyage, pl. 38. fig. 1. Ceratophorus Gray. Ear or tympanum concealed ; tail long, very slender ; snout forming a short fleshy ae covered with scales; the third and fourth toes equal C. Stodartii Gray, Ind. Zool. Lopuyura Gray. Head, body, and tail surmounted with a spiny crest, more or less developed in the dif- ferent sub-genera ; caudal scales always imbricate ; tail always long, carinated and greatly compressed : the scansorial type. Physignathus Cuv. Head obtuse ; a crest of spines ex- tending from the nape to the end of the tail, which is compressed and gradually attenuated ; hinder fourth toe much the longest, the sides of all the toes fringed ; thighs with femoral pores. P. Le Sueurii. Erp. Gen. iv. Cocincinus Cuv. Ib. Reg. pl. 40. Anim. pl. 6. fig. 1. Lophyura Gray. General characters of the last, but the third and fourth toes are of nearly equal length and the sides of all broadly fringed ; the basal half of the tail is furnished with a very elevated, broad, fin- like crest, carinated with small spines. amboynensis Gray. Phil. Mag. il. p. 54. Shaw, G. Z. iii. pl. 62. CalotesCuy. Limbs remarkably long and thin; muz- zle produced; gular pouch obsolete; no femoral 380 CLASSIFICATION OF REPTILES. pores ; scales of the body oblique ; a crest of small spines (highest on the nape) extends along the back - and tail; hinder fourth toe very long; tail very slender, aieueiede: ; scales small, pointed, sometimes directed forwards. * C. gutturosa. Lesson, Atl. 1.1. versicolor. Am. Tr. iy. 19. Lophyrus Dum.t Gular pouch very large ; toes as in Calotes ; nape elevated into a very spinous crest covered with scales at the base ; ridge of the body and tail with a crest of spines more or less developed ; in the species ; femoral pores none.{ L. dilophus. Erp. Gen. pl. 46. (typical. ) tigrinus. Ib. pl. 41. (aberrant) with the frontal crest of Lyriocephalus. Lyriocephalus Merr. Head short; an elevated ridge or crest on the eyebrows unites in front, in the shape of a lyre, and forms two horn-like projections behind ; ears concealed ; gular pouch small; tail rather short, obtuse, much compressed ; eyelids covered with scales, as in the Chameleons, but the aperture rather larger ; back and tail serrated with small, conic, acute, com- pressed scales ; snout gibbous ; the fourth hind toe very long. L. scutatus Gray. Griff ; ix.p.54. Grayii. Sw. Ind. Zool. Draco. With an enormous development of the gular skin, or expansive membranes on the sides of the body.§ Sitana Cuv. Four unequal toes only on the hinder feet; gular pouch of the males enormous, extending to the middle of the belly. S. Pondicerianus. Rég. Anim. pl. 6. fig. 2. * I do not believe the ©. ophkiomachus belongs to this group. ; + Lophirus cannot be retained in this division of Zoology, as that name designates a remarkable genus of birds. t I consider this group, by its large gular pouch, to connect this genus to Sitana, and the dragons; and that Lyriocephalus, of all others among the Agami, shows the greatest resemblance to the chameleons ; although one ot two forms are necessary to fill up this latter series, which thus com- pleres the circle of the whole order. { Corresponding to the Vespertilionide among quadrupeds, and the Plec- tognathes among fishes. SAURES. — AGAMID&#. 381 Clamydosaurus Gray. An enormously dilated skin, co- vered with scales, forms a collar round the neck ; tail very long. C. Kingii Gray. Griff. Cuv. ix. pl. at p. 90. Draco. Sides of the body with expansive membranes resembling wings; tail very doe et slender; gular pouch large, pointed. abbreviatus. Gray, Ind. Zool. | Dussumierii. Erp. iv. 456. viridis Shaw, G. Z. pl. 24. hematopogon Bote. Timoriensis Kuhl. lineatus Less. Il. Z.38. 5-fasciatus Gray. spilopterus Wieg. Troriwurus Wiegman.* Palate furnished with teeth ; head pyramidical, of four sides, but not depressed as in Phrynosoma and Agama. Tropidurus Wieg. No crest on the back or tail; head slightly obtuse, and rather thicker than the neck; no gular pouch ; tail very long, cylindrical, attenuated ; scales equal, imbricate, and not forming a dorsal or caudal crest ; toes long. Chilensis. Lesson, Atl.pl.1.f.2. nigromaculatus Wieg. Ib. cyanogaster Sw. Erp. Gen. 281. 273. Fitzingerii. Ib. 286. pictus. Ib. 276. signifer. Ib. 288. tenuis. Ib. 279. maculatus. Ib. 290. Wiegmanii. Ib. 284. pectinatus. Ib. 292. Leiocephalus Gray.f Head pyramidical, short; body depressed ; a low-pointed crest of short spines extends the whole length of the back and tail, the latter com- pressed on the sides; neck smooth, with irregular folds on the sides, and an oblique fold in front of the shoulders ; borders of the tympanum toothed. L. carinatus Gray. Griff. microlophus Sw. Ib. iv. ix.42, Erp.Gen. p. 44. 264. * I see no reason for changing this well-established name to Proctotretus. + Mr. Gray’s designation has the unquestionable right of priority over that of Holotropus. It would really seem as if erpetologists thought it best to call every species by their own name, and set aside those of their predecessors. _ 382 CLASSIFICATION OF REPTILES. Famity 5, SCINCIDA. Feet and toes very short, the latter simple and free ; limbs sometimes rudimentary, or one pair disappearing externally ; tongue slightly, or not at all retractile; all. the scales on the body and tail smooth, shining, equal, and imbricated ; no crests of spines or gular pouch. Scincus Linn., Daud. Possessing four feet ; tongue short, yan ote bifid. ’ Scincus Linn. The five toes of each foot margined ; muzzle acute. S. officinalis Linn. Trachydosaurus Gray. Tail broad, depressed ; muzzle rounded ; scales hard, bony. T. rugosa Gray. Tiliqua* Gray. Muzzle rounded; scales thin; tail rounded, conical ; no palatine teeth. T. Whiteil Gr. White’s Voy. pl. 90. Gymnothalmus Merr. anterior feet with only four toes. G. quadrilineatus. Sreps Daud. Body very long, serpentiform ; scales as in the last ; feet very small, and wide asunder ; number of the toes variable. Lygosoma Gray. Toes five on each foot; body very long and slender ; feet small, wide apart ; the hinder toes unequal, generally long ; ears distinct. L. capistrata. Geoff. Rep. Egypt. pl. 9. fig. 10. Seps Daud., Gray. Either three or four toes upon all the feet ; the ears distinct. Seps Peronii. Cuatciwes Daud. General structure of Seps, but the scales, instead of being imbricate, are rectangular, and are disposed on the tail in transverse bands ; legs four, * It appears that this is the true type of the group; if so, it wouid be de- sirable for Mr. Gray to distinguish it by the sub-generic name of Scincus. SAURES. — SCINCID&. 383 distinct, and divided ; but the number of toes vary in the species. C. imbricatus. Spix, pl.27. _— flavescens Gray. Lac. pl. 32. Oputopes* Wag. The feet, either two or four, are ru- -dimentary, and generally undivided. Monodactylus Merr. Feet four, oblong, scaly ; scales of the body and tail carinated, pointed, and verticil- late. M. anguinus (Lacerta anguinus Linn.) Ophiodes Wag. Feet two, undivided, the posterior pair obsolete ; scales uniform, imbricate ; tongue short, bifid. Bipes Merr. ( fig. 124. e.) Feet with two unequal toes. B. anguinus Merr. Seba,i. pl. 85. f. 3. Currotes Cuv. Two short fore-feet, divided into four toes ; scales verticillated ; head obtuse; “ head, ver- tebre, and skeleton resembling Amphisbene.” — (Cuvier.) Eyes very small ; tympanum covered. C. canaliculatus Cuv. ( fig. 124. a. b.) dy) yyy } yy) a. b. a. Chaleis tetradactyla. e. Bipes lepidopodus. d. Chirotes canaliculatus. * It remains uncertain whether this group is the last of the lizards, or the first of the serpents ; my impression is, that, by the relation pointed out by Cuvier, of Chzrotes to Amphisbene, the latter arrangement will be the most natural. See Griff. Cuv. p. 163. Sushew se: ANE 8 a tan) q i ' ar (ie SB age eed 385 APPENDIX. THE CHARACTERS AND DESCRIPTIONS OF SIXTY-TWO NEW O# LITTLE KNOWN FISHES ALLUDED TO JN THIS WORK. CLUPEA auro-vittata. Gold-banded Herring. Above blue, beneath silvery ; body with a stripe of golden yellow on each side ; belly serrated ; ventral fin of nine rays, the two last rays very much branched. Dorsal 18 ; ventral 9; anal 17; pectoral —; caudal —. Inhabits Sicily. Palermo, 1815. General shape of ordinary herrings, z. e. oblong fusiform, being broadest in the middle, and narrowed towards the head and tail; the dorsal profile as much curved as that of the belly ; dorsal fin nearer to the head than to the caudal ; it terminates exactly half-way between the tip of the snout and the fork, or central rays, of the caudal; it is high in front, and low behind ; and its height is equal toits length, if the two last rays are not reckoned. The head is rather less than one fifth the length of the body, excluding the caudal fin. The centre of the fish, from the snout to the base of the caudal, is exactly marked by the eleventh dorsal ray. The ventral fin is very small, and is placed exactly under the dorsal, its commencement being on a per- pendicular line with the ninth dorsal ray; the anal is narrowed behind, and is not longer than the dorsal, if the last dorsal ray isnot reckoned ; it commences just between the base of the caudal and the end of the dorsal : the pectoral, as usual, is pointed, and is just as long as the horizontal length of the dorsal. Total length about 10§ inches ; greatest breadth 12 inch. Belly carinated and serrated; gill membrane 6-rayed, the three lower ones broad and hard ; teeth none ; jaws equal, the upper not emarginate ; tongue thick and pointed, possessing, with the palate, aslight degree of roughness ; dorsal-fin grooved ; scales large, close set, and firm ; pectoral fins with a scaly appendage at the base, and reposing in a depression of the body ; ven- tral fins also with an appendage nearly as long as the fin itself ; the two last rays are doubly forked, and resemble the finlets of the Scomberide@ ; the other rays are but slightly forked; vent near the caudal fin; this latter is deeply forked, and has at the base of the central rays two large oblong scales on each side; lateral line imperceptible. CoLour.—Back and upper parts vich dark blue; blending into an crange or golden coloured stripe near the back, which commences behind the operculum and extends to the base of the caudal ; the rest of the lower parts pure white ; dorsal and pectoral fins yellow, with dusky edges; caudal olive yellow ; ; ventral and anals white. ‘This fish is never met with in any quantity in the markets; from which I infer thatit is not gregarious, like most of its allies. CLUPEA Sicula. Sicilian Sprat. Ventral of eight rays, the last rather longer, with two VOL. II. ec ee, ey “a? ah eRe ee 386 APPENDIX. scaly appendages between them, but none to the pectorals ; caudal with two large scales in the middle; belly serrated. Dorsal 18 rays; pectoral 17; ventral 8; anal 19. Inhabits Sicily. General length from 7 to llinches. In comparison with the common sprat, the body is more slender, 'the head longer, and the eyes proportion- ably more distant from the snout; the dorsal fin is placed more forward, so that, in a specimen seven inches long, the exact centres between the tip of the snout and the end of the caudal is two tenths of an inch behind the dorsal fin, the height of which is precisely equal to its length; the length of the head is exactly one-fifth of that between the tip of the snout and the fork of the caudal, and is precisely the same as the breadth of the body between the dorsal and anal fins; the pectoral is shorter than the height of the dorsal, but as long as the anal, excluding the last ray of the latter ; the ventral is immediately under the-centre of the dorsal; jaws and palate perfectly smooth: lower jaw rather longer than the upper; scales large, deciduous ; two first rays of the dorsal fin short; ventral with two scaly appendages between them ; pectoral reposing in a groove, but no appendage is mentioned in the original description, or expressed in the drawing ; ven- tral fin very narrrow, with the last ray rather longer and thicker; both this fin and the dorsal have the base slightly grooved ; caudal deepty forked, with two scaly appendages in the middle of the fork. CoLour on the back dark blue, reflecting tints of rich ultramarine; the sides of the head yel- lowish green, but those of the body silvery ; dorsal and caudal yellowish; the rest white. The back is thick; the belly sharp and distinctly serrated, as in the common sprat. This is called by the Sicilians Sardi, a name they give to all the small herrings, and even to the anchovies; it congre- gates and is captured in vast shoals on the coasts during the winter and early spring, when it is sold in baskets by weight, and is hawked about the streets of Palermo like our sprat is in London. In the year 1814-15, it was in the greatest profv- sion at Palermo from December to March. But for the testimony of Cuvier, that the Sardine “is so similar to the pilchard, that no difference can be found except in its smaller size *,” I should have imagined that this was the true Clupea Sardini ; but this cannot be, for the pilchard has the belly smooth, while that of our C. Sicula is as much serrated as in the common sprat. Lacepede makes the Sardine to be the same as the sprat; but his description is too loose for determining either one or the other. Duhamel, whose work I have not seen, appears the only author who has figured the Sardine of Brittany, which is in all probability different from that of the Mediterranean. CLUPEA argentina. Silver-striped Sprat. Body with a broad silver stripe on each side ; belly ser- rated ; pectoral fin reaching to the base of the dorsal ; * Griff Cuv. x. p. 437. APPENDIX. 387 ventral of eight rays, with four lengthened scales at their base; dorsal nearest the head. Dorsal 16; pectoral 16; ventral8; anal 17; caudal 20. Inhabits Pernambuco, Brazil, where it was common. (January, 1817.) The length of this species rather exceeds that of the full-grown of the common sprat, the average being from four to six inches, but it is a much broader fish, with the head larger in proportion and more obtuse; the dor- sal fin is placed much nearer the head, so that the last ray is exactly central between the tip of thesnout and the fork of the caudal ; its height is also ra- ther more than its length ; the ventral has its commencement rather behind the centre of the dorsal, and the latter fin and the anal are exactly of the same length ; the pectoral is rather lengthened, so that it reaches as far as to come immediately under the commencement of the dorsal; caudal, asusual, deeply forked; deliy protuberant, sharp, and serrated; body semitrans- parent ; jaws and palate rough ; tongue rather long, narrow, cylindrical, incurved, rough behind ; vent near the tail; nostrils single, oval, near the tip of the snout; gill membrane 6-rayed; pectoral fin with lengthened © scales both above and below the base, and similar scales are at the base of the ventral fins ; anal and dorsal fins with the last rays slightly lengthened, CoLour.—Above pale blue; the sides silvered; along the middle of the body a bright band of silver (similar to that of the Argentina) from the gill-covers to the caudal fin; fins pale, dusky, a blackish line at the base of the caudal ; the transparency of the body is sufficient to show the rich silvery colour of the air-bladder, or intestines ; irides bright yellow, green towards the crown ; lower jaw longest ; dorsal and anal sheathed by a row of scales at their base. CLUPEA macrocephala. Great-headed Sprat. Inhabits, in certain seasons, the Mersey, near Liverpool. It is now near twenty-three vears since the Clupea, now to be described, was found by me, in some abundance, in the river Mersey, during the spring of 1817, at a time when Ii had contemplated a general work on Bri- tish Ichthyology ; an undertaking that was laid aside on embarking, the same year, for Tropical America. The following description, with an accurate drawing, was then made, and their correctness verified by the examination of numerous individuals. It seems to me a species totally different from any yet recorded, whether of Britain or of the Mediterra- nean, I shall first call the reader’s attention to its general characters, and then to such as separate it from its allies. The largest-sized individual met with, did not exceed four inches three tenths. On comparing its general form with that of the common sprat, the head is considerably larger, the eyes further removed from the snout, the lower jaw longer, and the belly much narrower. The length of the head, when measured trom the tip of the upper jaw, is just one-fourth the length of the body exclusive of the caudal fin; the under jaw is much the longest, and there are a few recurved teeth in the palate ; nostrils simple, placed centrally between the eye and tip of the muzzle; tongue narrow, thick, pointed ; dorsal fin exactly central between the two extreme points of the whole length of the fish, rather higher than it is long; ventral correspond- ing to the centre of the dorsal ; pectoral rather longer than the length both of the dorsal and ventral, which latter is shorter in its extent than the dorsal; ventral small, without any appendages; caudal deeply forked ; belly carinated, and sharply serrated; number of the vertebre fifty-five. Cotour. — Crown and back changeable blue, with iridescent reflections : sides bright silvery ; scales very deciduous, smaller in proportion than those of the cemmon sprat. ce 2 388 APPENDIX. _ The perfectly central position of the ventral fin, and the number of ver- tebre, which are fifty-five instead of forty-eight, together with the large size of the head, &c., separates this from C. sprattus ; the more baekward position of the dorsal distinguishes it both from the white-bait and Twaite shad of Mr. Yarrell, although both have nearly the same number of ver- tebre; age the other British Clupzade, its differences are too obvious to be notice: ENGRAULIS clupeotdes. Sprat-like Anchovy. Belly carinated, but not serrated ; mouth and jaws en- tirely smooth, and without teeth; anal fin of thirty rays. Dorsal 14; pectoral 16; ventral 7; anal $0; caudal 18. Inhabits the coasts of Pernambuco. (January, 1817.) Total length about seven inches: muzzle rather pointed; eyes placed as near as possible to the tip; irides silvery yellow; nostrils round, and placed nearest the eyes: gill-membranes 12-rayed, the apertures remark- ably large, extending all round from behind the eye to near the tip of the lower jaw; scales large, deciduous; dorsal fin in the middle of the back ; pectoral fins close to the belly, having at their base, both above and below, a large single lengthened pointed scale; ventrals very small, not half the size of the pectorals, placed close together, and nearly united at their base ; vent central, immediately under the first dorsal ray ; anal commencing close behind the vent, long, and gradually becoming narrower, the base with athin scaly sheath extending the whole length ; caudal deenly forked; tongue not visible; the pectinations of the gills very !ong, slender, and rigid. CoLour.—Crown and back pale blue; sides silvery; fins dusky. Tt is impossible to determine from the rude figure of Sloane and his imper- fect description, whether this is the En. edentatus of Cuvier, who merely cites Sloane as his authority; the probability being that more than one species is without teeth. LEPTODES Sieulus. Seales hexagonal, unequal, placed in longitudinal rows, of which three are on each side; the middle row small, the upper and under transversely lengthened ; caudal fin deeply forked. Viper-mouthed pike? Shaw, Gen. Zool. vi. p. 120. pl 111.* The loss, or the neglect and subsequent destruction, that has attended my Mediterranean collection of fishes, sent to the British Museum in 1817, must plead my excuse for the imper- * This figure, which seems to have been copied from Catesby, represents the scales all of the samesize; that is, similar to those of the middle lateral row of mine. I, of course, only describe this as a distinct species provision= ally ; for, without seeing both, it is impossible to say whether Catesby’s figure is correct. But so many errors have arisen from the plan of gene- ralising species, that I prefer to point out real or apparent distinctions, and leave the rest for time to determine. See Vol. I. p. 304 APPENDIX. 389 fection of several of the descriptions in this volume, more es- pecially of this most extraordinary fish, of which either one or two very perfect specimens were in spirits. I can hear of no example in any of the collections of this country, and not having taken any notes after executing a coloured drawing from the fresh fish, a reduced copy of which has been already givent, I can only add such particulars as that furnishes. The scales of the body are very peculiar ; they do not lay upon each other, asin ordinary fishes, but are joined together at their margins ; their form is hexagonal, and they are arranged in longitudinal rows of different sizes; three of these rows are on each side; the upper and the under ones are twice as long asthey are broad, and are placed transversely ; those in the middle row are less than half the size, and their sides are nearly equal; towards the end of the body, however, these inequalities are lost, and they all become of the same size. The dorsal fin, as well as the anal, have the rays, as it were, upon fleshy peduncles; the first ray of the former is near five times the length of the others, and is terminated by a narrow spatulate membrane ; the total number of rays appears to be about seven, while those of the anal are eight ; both seem to be much branched ; the ventral fins are placed ex- actly half-way between the tip of the under jaw, when opened, and the end of the anal fin; they are as long and as pointed, although not so broad, as the pectoral ; the caudal fin is forked, and deeply cleft to its base, the divi- sions much pointed. The colour is very peculiar; the back is blackish, or very dark grey; the belly of the deepest black; and the sides light purple strongly silvered; the fins are buff-colour; the sides of the head silvery, and the eye yellow. ‘The total length is about eight inches. GADUS furcatus (fig. 71. Vol. 1.) Fork-tailed Cod. Body compressed ; head rather small, rounded, and ob- tuse ; lateral line curved; dorsal fins three; vent under the commencement of the second ; caudal fin deeply forked ; ventral long, pointed, of three rays. Dorsal 12, 22,12; ventral 3; anal 29, 14; caudal 22. Inhabits the western coast of Sicily; rare. (January, 1815. ) Length of the specimens examined about six to eight inches : upper jaw rather the longest ; the single cirrus on the lower jaw is about half as long as the head; eyes large; lips thin; teeth in the jaws and palate minute, and very sharp; gill-membrane 5-rayed ; irides above dark blue; body compressed, broadest between the anal and second dorsal fin; the scales so minute as to be imperceptible to the eye; the first dorsal fin triangular, much higher than long ; ventral fins pointed, almost cylindrical, as long as the pectoral, of three rays only, the last of which is very small ; last dorsal fin only one-third as long as the second, and equal with the second anal; caudal forked to the base. CoLour.— Above pale drab or isabella; sides silvery ; lower fins paler; lateral line with the anterior half curved, the hinder straight ; the greatest breadth of the body is one-fourth the total length from tip to tip. GADUS ODdlennoides. Blenniform Cod. Ventral fin lengthened, cylindrical, of two strong rays, ce 3 ve ae r rin | 390 APPENDIX. the others obsolete; caudal fin slightly lunate; vent beneath the middle of the first dorsal fin ; anterior portion of the lateral line abruptly curved, the hinder straight. Dorsal 12, 21,17; anal 30,18; pectoral 14; ventral 5. Inhabits Sicily. The general form and appearance of this fish closely resembles the Gadus Zusca of our own coasts, but the first anal fin is not advanced so much to- wards the head, and it commences immediately behind the vent, so that both may be said to be on a line with the middle of the first dorsal fin; there is no spot whatever at the base of the pectoral; the two anal fins are very little in advance of the two hinder dorsals; the three hinder ventral rays of these fins are almost imperceptible, and indeed, in some specimens, they seem altogether obsolete; the first dorsal fin commences rather before the base of the pectoral — not a little dekind it, as in G. dusca ; on the upper jaw, which is very slightly longer than the under, are six minute punc- tures; and beneath the lower jaw are nine others ; teeth* small, sharp, and distinct, placed in a single row; gill-membrane 7-rayed; the ven- tral fins are so thick that I found it impossible to make out whether the two first rays were united towards their base, or distinct. CoLour. — Irides silvery, upper parts light drab or isabella, lower silvery white; the fins are all very thick and fleshy, particularly the caudal and ventrals ; the cirrus beneath the lower jaw is only half the length of the pectorals. The specimens examined did not exceed seven inches. The lateral line, after it ascends abruptly, takes an undulated direction to the nape; the ventrals are considerably in advance of the pectorals, and are rather longer. MERLUCIUS sinuatus ( fig. 73. Vol. 1.) The second dorsal and the anal long, of equal length, and sinuated or narrowed in the middle. Dorsal 10, 38; pectoral 12; ventral 7; anal 38; caudal 20. Common on the Sicilian coast in the spring. This is a most voracious fish, and, I suspect, grows to a much larger size than the small ones that came under my observation. In the stomach of one only six inches long, were two entire blennies, each measuring an inch and ahalf. This is probably the species known to Rondeletius, and the older writers, which the moderns have supposed to be the common hake of our north- ern seas; at least I never saw this latter in the Mediterranean. Head bony, the sides compressed, the crown depressed, exactly one fifth the entire length of the fish ; gill-membrane 7-rayed ; mouth large ; lips not fleshy ; each jaw with two rows of sharp, long, incurved, and distinct teeth ; the first row short, while those in the palate are small and ina single row ; tongue%short, obtuse, and smooth ; lateral line commencing at the nape with four small tubercles, gradually curving downwards until it reaches the middle of the body, where it becomes straight towards the half of the length ; eyes large; caudal fin slightly lunated ; ventral fin rounded, * The G. lusca, according to Mr. Yarrell, has several rows of teeth in the upper jaw, but only one in the lower. Brit. Fishes, vol. ii. p. 160. APPENDIX. _ 39 1 as large as the pectoral: first dorsal triangular, rather higher than the se- eond. Corour.—Upper parts ash-colour; sides.and under parts of the head and body silvery ; irides silvery and golden; scales very small. Ons. — Be- sides the difference in the shape of the dorsal and anal fins, this species differsfrom the British hake in having the head shorter, and the teeth in two rows instead of one, and the scales, instead of being “ large,” are very small. The first ray of the anal is very small ; the second dorsal and the anal com- mence and terminate on a line with each other. MOTELLA. fusca. Chestnut Rockling. Entirely dark blackish chestnut; belly white; cirri three, two above and one below; lateral line marked with round whitish spots. . Dorsal 1, 2,57; pectoral 12; ventral 6; anal 47; caudal about 20. Very common round the rocky shores of Palermo, where it appears solitary : it is very voracious, feeding not only on shell- fish and crabs, but on fusci: the former I have often found en- tire in the stomach, and of a large size for that of the fish, which never exceeds seven or eight inches in length, and is usually much smaller. Length 6 to 8 inches; head depressed, and marked with punctures be- tween the eyes, before the nostrils, and round the cheeks and nape ; lower jaw shortest; teeth small, incurved, sharp, distinct ; two rows in the upper and one in the lower jaw; those in the palate placed in an angular space ; nostrils double, the hinder pair somewhat tubular, the anterior having a pair of cirri immediately behind them; another single cirrus is at the tip of the lower jaw ; the first or false dorsal is in a deep groove, with a longer filamentous ray in front, and followed by numerous others, connected only at theirbase by amembrane. The ventral fins are of five rays, the two first subulate and thick, and partially disconnected; the other three united to their tips, and very smaljl: the second much the longest. Body much compressed beyond the vent, and covered with very small scales ; these ex- tend to the base of the fins, which are very thick. Thesecond dorsal is broader than the anal; caudal rounded,ventral almost terminating in a line with the pectoral, which is also rounded; anal commencing in a line op- posite the eighth dorsal ray, terminates with it, close to, but not united to the base of, the caudal. Lateral line beginning at the hind head, curved at the vent, from whence it becomes straight, and marked by white dots, which become more distant and nearly extinct near the caudal fin: a few other white dots are sometimes scattered on each side. The length of the whole fish, compared to the breadth, is as1 to 7. CoLour uniform, chestnut brown, nearly black, the fins being darkest ; sides of the head lighter, with a yellow cast; belly nearly white ; irides dark ‘brown, but soon after death they change to yellow. PHYSIS longipennis. (Vol. I. p. 322. fig.'75.) Ventral fins very long, unequally forked, the longest filament reaching to half the length of the body; a single cirrus on the lower jaw. Dorsal 9,62; pectoral 12; ventral 1; anal 53. Inhabits Sicily. cc 4 302 APPENDIX. Having already given a correct outline of this species, Voi. I. p.. 322. fee is:; ‘it will be unnecessary to describe its form. The lower jaw is shortest, having ten or eleven punctures on the under part, and six others on the upper jaw ; gill-membrane 5-rayed. Body above fulvous brown, the sides and belly silvery white; the second dorsals and hind part of the anal edged with a line of black ; caudai fin blackish ; a black spot in the middle of the second dorsal; the RUBRER half of the first. dorsal is also black. PHYSIS Siculus. (Vol. II. p. 301. fig. 95.) Cirrus on the nostrils, small on the lower jaw, con- spicuous ; ventral fin only reaching as far the vent. Dorsal 8, 60; pectorall15; ventral 2; anal 56; caudal 25. Inhabits Sicily. A correct outiine of this second Sicilian species is given at page 306., which will at once show how much it differs from thelast. The longest di vision of the ventrals only reaches as far as the vent, and there is no black upon the fins. The colour is a very dark and rich chocolate or rufous brown ; the fins being nearly black, and the sides of the head and the dorsal and anal tipt with white, and body havinga yellow gloss. After the fish has been dead some time, the colours fade, and the fins then appear edged with black ; the anterior nostril has behind it a very short skin ereebNs a cirrus. Totallength generally about three-quarters of a foot. FELICHTHYS filamentosus. Sickle-finned Silure. Cirri four; dorsal and pectoral fins with the spines serrated, and surmounted by cartilaginous and articu= lated filaments ; pectoral much larger than the ventral fin, which has only six rays ; lower fins white. Dorsal 1-8 ; pectoral 1-14 ; ventral 6 ; anal 20 ; caudal about 20. Estuaries of rivers near Pernambuco, Brazil. Average length about two feet ; body thick, sub-cylindrical ; head sud- jenly descending, and flattened, bony, but cov ered with the common skin ; muzzle broad and rounded ; mouth large, opening horizontally, and rather beneath the upper jaw, which has, at each angle of the gape, a long com- pressed sinewy cirrus, which extends as far as the termination of the first dorsal fin ; lower jaw with another pair of cirri, not one-fourth the length of the upper, round, fleshy, and placed beneath the tip of the jaw; teeth numerous, sharp, and very small, placed in two broad rows en the upper jaw, and in one on the under; tongue very large, thick, cartilaginous, and rounded ; branchial membrane 5- rayed, the aperture ‘small ; eyes small, apparently covered with a skin ; pectoral fin close to the branchial opening and to the belly; the first ray composed of a strong compressed spine, with barbed serratures on each side: to this is united, near the end, and on the inner side, a compressed, hard, but pliable and articulated filament, which is as long as the spine itself, and extends to beyond the vent ; the other rays are not lengthened, but rapidly diminish. The first dorsal is APPENDIX. 393 placed almost exactiy between the pectoral and the ventral; it is smaller than the pectoral, and more falcate, but constructed in the same manner ; the spine, however, is much smaller, and not more than one-third the length of its filament; it is serrated only on the outer or front side: this filament extends to the second or adipose dorsal, which is small, some- what hatchet-shaped, and placed so as to terminate in a line with the anal fin; the vent seems much nearer to the caudal than to the head, but it is exactly central between the two extremities of the fish ; that is, the tip of the snout and that of the tail fin : close before the vent is the ventral, which is small and triangular ; behind the vent, and situated half-way between that and the base of the caudal, is the anal fin, which is longer than the dorsal, and the margin considerably talcated or lunated ; the caudal is deeply forked, the upper lobe always being manifestly longest ; lateral line straight nearest the back, and commencing only beneath the first dorsal. CoLour. — The upper parts cinereous blue, the lower silvery white; fins dusky cinereous ; ventral and anal white ; pectoral nearly pale; the upper cirri are silvered. In general shape this has a considerable resemblance to the Szlurus Bagne, of Bloch (pl. 365.); but the ventral fins are considerably shorter than the pectorals, even on omitting the first ray of the latter ; whereas in Bloch’s fish the very reverse of this is delineated: in his the lower fins are red; in ours white: the dorsal filament, also, is shorter, but this is not of much consequence. Dr. Shaw, who describes the S. bagne from Bloch’s figure only, has made a singular mistake in saying, of Bloch’s fish, that it has a single in- sulated filament rising from the back, this being nothing more than the end of the other pectoral,which is thus represented in the back ground, or other side of the figure. The formula of the rays, also, are different in almost every instance. Bloch’s fish has the following rays; Dorsal 1-8; pectoral 1-12; ventral 8 ; anal 24; caudal 18. SILURUS Jaticeps. Cirri eight ; one pair at the angle of the mouth, one on the upper, and two on the lower jaw, the two first pair of equal length; spine of the pectoral fin smooth; anal fin joining the base of the caudal; head very broad. Inhabits India. This species so closely resembles the Silurus fossilis of Bloch, that I do not feel confident it is really distinct. Such doubts will always attend de- scriptions too loose for the accuracy now necessary in science. In the figure of Bloch’s, however, there is a considerable interval between the end of the anal and the base of the caudal ; but in our fish there is none. The upper pair of cirri are also represented as much shorter than those at the gape; but in this both pair are of equal length: the head is remarkably broad, exceeding, in this respect, our Stlurus biserratus, figured in Hamilton’s Gangetic Fishes, pl. 36. f. 46. BLENNIUS ornatus. (fig. 125.) A simply pointed cirrus over each eye, and a minute palmate membrane at the nostrils ; head with lines 304 APPENDIX. and dots of bright blue ; tips of the anal rays pure white. Dorsal 12,16; pectoral 14; ventral 2; anal 19; caudal12. Inhabits Sicily. This most beautiful little fish is closely allied to Blennius Sphynx (Hist. Nat. des Poiss. xi. 226. ‘pl. 321.); but it is jonger in proportion. The bands on the body are not mar- gined by a line of silver, but of bright blue; there are no silvery spots on the dorsal or caudal, and the general ground- colour of the whole fish is not yellowish green, but olive brown. There is no “large ocellated spot, bordered with red, on the temples,” as in B. Sphynx, nor any “silvery lines, bordered with black, on the sides of the head and operculum; ” these lines being simply bright blue in the present species, which is here figured of the natural size. DescrIpTion. — Teeth sharp, long, close together ; a long, sharp, and incurved canine tooth in each jaw near the gape or angle of the rictus ; nostril single, with a very small palmate, four-cleft membrane ; another, over each eye, is simple, rounded, and pointed at thetip. The above figure, taken from a fresh specimen caught on the coast of Palermo, renders a more lengthened description of the fins, &c. unnecessary. CoLour. — Body and fins, except the ventrals, which are yellow, variegated with different shades of rich olivaceous brown; the six dark waved bands on the body are edged with a bright line of blue; head, throat, and base of the pectorals with dark irregular bands, the cheeks having several lines, and the lips and front speckled with bright blue. The bands and spots on the dorsal and caudal fins are dark purpled brown; anal pale rufous brown, with a series of white spots, the margins being black, and the tips of the rays white ; all these rays are simple; those of the pectoral,. nearest the throat, are much the strongest ; and all these, as well as the anal rays, extend beyond the membrane which connects them ; ventral fins orange yellow, divided at the end ; belly whitish; lower part of the sides, between the bands, yellow ; caudal margined with yellow. Palermo, 10th Feb. 1815. ELEOTRIS Siculus. Pale rufous, spotted with darker; dorsal fins whitish, APPENDIX. 395 with reddish bands and spots; three first dorsal spines equal. Dorsal 6, 14, the last ray double; anal 12, the last double. Inhabits Sicily. DESCRIPTION.—Habit and sizeof G. cruentatus. Scales rather large and very rough, which seems to be caused by their not laying close upon each other ; those on the crown small. On each side of the head, behind the cheeks, are two punctures. First dorsal commencing just behind the base of the pectoral; the three first rays equal, and rather higher than those of the second dorsal; the three next graduated ; the membrane of the sixth reaching to the base of the first ray of the next fin; second dorsal com- mencing just before the vent, and of equal breadth throughout ; pectoral fin as long as the first dorsal ; second dorsal almost twice as long asthe first, commencing rather before, but terminating even with the anal, and both of the same breadth ; caudal fin ovate; ventral fin rather longer than the pectoral, but not reaching the ventral aperture, which is immediately under the second ray of the second dorsal; ventrals united at the base by a slight membrane. CoLour.—Entirely pale rufous, with irregular darker spots on the middle of the sides placed longitudinally ; sides of the head spotted, and the body clouded with whitish ; dorsal fins, with the membrane, very deli- cate ; the first is dark red, with four transverse undulated lines of whitish, which lines are sometimes a little confluent ; the second dorsal has merely four rows of darker reddish spots on a whitish ground; ventral and anal fins immaculate, and covered with a milk-white skin, which easily comes off ; pectoral and caudal fins with small, faint, red spots; irides yellowish, with four brown spots; mouthlow; jaws equal. Palermo, 1817. OPHISURUS pictus. Light fulvous brown, with white spots scattered on the nape, before the dorsal fin, and white irregular bands on the head and muzzle ; hinder portion of the dor- sal and anal fins margined with black ; belly white. Inhabits Sicily. The general form is like that of the conger eel, and the branchial aper- ture is similarly placed, but the nostrils are much more tubular; and although the dorsal and anal fins reach to the tip of the tail, they do not pass round it, so as to unite. All the bands on the head are transverse before the eye, but two or three of those behind are longitudinal, yet broken and irregular: the round white spots are scattered in front of the dorsal fin, which commences immediately above the end of the pectoral; and there are three or four above the latter fin on the lateral line: the anal fin is about two-thirds the total length of the fish, which measured 1 foot 9 inches: the ground tint is fawn colour, the pectoral fin and the snout tinged with pink. OPHISOMA obtusa. Snout rounded, obtuse ; dorsal fin commencing much behind the end of the pectoral ; fins white, margined by a black line. Inhabits Sicily. In the specimen here described, which measured 70 inches, the dorsal fin commenced 103 inches from the tip of the snout, while that of the anal was four inches from the same part: the branchial aperture is exactly half-way between the first dorsal ray and the anterior margin of the eye: the pectoral is about half as long as the head. The general colour is of a cinereous brown. ; 396 APPENDIX. OPHISOMA acuta. Snout pointed ; nostrils tumid, forming an elevated tu- bercle ; dorsal fin commencing with the pectoral ; body pale olive brown, the sides richly silvered ; the pectoral fin blood red. Inhabits Sicily. Total length 10 inches. The dorsal fin commences a little more than an inch and a half from the tip of the snout, and even with the base of the pectoral: the vent is nearest the head, and is four inches anda half from the snout: dorsal and anal fins uniting round the tail, whitish and trans- parent, with an orange-brown margin: the sides of the operculum are richly silvered, and the tip of the muzzle is suddenly pointed. LEPTOGNATHUS oxyrynchus. Dorsal fin commencing considerably behind the end of the pectoral ; lateral line, on the anterior part, marked by black dots. Inhabits Sicily. Total length 3 feet 9inches. The head has already been figured (Vol. I. p. 221.) a little more than half of the natural size, and will thus render its detailed description unnecessary. Thc distance from the tip of the snout to the base of the pecotral is three inches and a half, and to the commence- ment of the dorsal five and a half: the vent is fourteen inches from the snout, and the first dorsal-ray is an inch and three-quarters from the base of the pectoral; the anal and dorsal fins terminate half an inch from the tip of the tail, and are there enlarged: the colour is dark fulvous brown, paler towards the belly : the lateral line begins on the top of the crewn, arenes downwards to the pectoral fin, where it reaches the middle of the sides. CAPRISCUS niger. Entirely black ; caudal fin even. Second dorsal 33 ; anal 29 or 30; caudal 9. Lower jaw with eight teeth, the two middle largest, and with even edges; those on the sides with an cbtuse point, curved inwards; pelvis very short, reposing in a groove; first dorsal spine obtuse, mucronate, the other rays hid in the groove; belly, between the pelvis and the vent, prickly: anal fin commencing behind the dorsal, but terminating even with it; total length 44, and from the snout to the base of the pectoral 12. From a dried skin, formerly in the Leverian Museum. LOPHOTES Siculus. Dorsal fin narrow, of about 120 rays; caudal fin oblique, of seven rays. (fig. 126.) APPENDIX. 3907 During my residence in Sicily, a single example of a fish closely allied to, if not the same as, the Cepedianus of Cuvier, was captured off Monte Pelegrino, in 1815, by some fisher- men, who considered it such a curiosity, that it was presented to the king. His majesty caused a painting to be made of it, a copy of which, in water colours, executed by the same artist, is now in my possession. My friend Rafinesque, who saw the fish itself, and through whom this drawing was procured, assured me of its accuracy. A greatly reduced outline is here annexed, The first dorsal ray, or, rather, horn-like process, is, like that of Cepedianus, somewhat three-sided, but the tip is not truncated, but pointed’; the dorsal fin is narrower, and the rays much more distant from each other; so much so, indeed, that the drawing expresses not more than 120, whereas those in L. Cepedianus are stated to be 230. The caudal fin, in the Sicilian fish, is oblique b*, with only seven rays ; in the other this fin is ovately rounded a, and the rays are seventeen. The colour of both seems to be much the same, and therefore, under these circumstances, although I venture to distinguish the Sicilian fish by a different name, it is merely until further observations determine the point at issue. It was entirely unknown to all the Palermitan fishermen, and measured 5i palms in length, by 12 in breadth ; the weight was 14 rotola, and the length of the horn 13 palm, Sicilian measure. There is an old stuffed specimen of a Lophotes in the British Museum, but too much injured to be of any service in throwing light upon this question. CEPOLA vrubescens. Caudal fin lanceolate, of equal length with the head, and of eleven rays ; first and second dorsal ray not approximating ; ventral fin immediately under the pectoral. In the British IMGSeune It is not surprising that the descriptions left us by Lin- * This form, as well as the truncated end of the horn in Cuvier’s figure, - ray probably have originated from accident. 398. APPENDIX. neus and Bloch, of the only two species of Cepola then sup- posed to exist, should be so vague as to render their differences very questionable; for in those days slight modifications of form were not attended to. But we must confess our surprise that MM. Cuvier and Valenciennes, in their chapter upon this genus, should commence with assuring us that they know of but one species found on the coasts of Europe, namely, the Cepola, which they have figured as the Linnean rubescens. This name, as originating in the great Swedish naturalist, we shall retain, using it to designate that species which seems to be the most common on the more northern coasts of Europe. But it will subsequently appear, that this name cannot be given to the figure in the general ichthyological work of Cuvier, inasmuch as it not only differs from the British fish, but from all others we have yet met with. It seems, in fact, either to be an entirely new Cepola, or to have been drawn from a dried and injured specimen. The species of the interesting group we shall now briefly describe, are all natives of the Sici- lian or British coasts; most of them were examined in a recent state, and specimens, in spirits, were sent to the British Museum for subsequent examination. The fate of this inter- esting and to us invaluable collection, has been more than once adverted to, Out of near 200 specimens, then in beau- tiful preservation, not more than a dozen can now be found ; so that, but for our notes and drawings, these discoveries would have been lost to science. A general uniformity, not only of shape, but of colours, appears to run through the whole of this group; the specific characters resting for the most part on the form and rays of the caudal fin (jfig.127.), which, on at- tentive examination, will be found to vary in a most remarkable manner. These characters, so difficult to determine in preserved specimens, either wet or dry, may in some measure account for the universal belief of there being but one species. APPENDIX. 399 The Cepola rubescens of Linnzus was probably a northern fish, and we accordingly retain that name to the one figured and descri- bed by Montague.* Itis at once known from the follow- ing, by the specific charac- ters above mentioned. We may observe, in addition, that the dorsal fin commences be- fore the ventral, the base of the latter beingin a line with - the second ray of the former. Specimens dried, and in spi- rits, are in the British Mu- seum, from whence these re- marks were made ; but not oa having seen this species in afresh state, I cannot describe its colours. The annexed cut will show the relative positions of the above mentioned fins, while that at fig. 6 represents the caudal iin. CEPOLA longicauda. Caudal fin distinct, lanceolate, more than double the length of the head, and composed of thirteen rays. Inhabits Britain. Zool. Museum. Several specimens of this fish, captured on the British coast, are in the Zoological Society’s collection; and another, said to be from the Bay of Naples, in that of the British Museum. The correctness of this latter locality, however, I am inclined to doubt. The ventral fin is of the same length as the pectoral ; the chief charac- ters rest on the remarkable length of the caudal fin, which is more than double that of the head ; the close proximity of the two first rays of the dorsal is very remarkable, both in the Zoological and British Museum specimens; the vent was on a line with the ninth dorsal ray. I did not observe this species in the Mediterranean. CEPOLA novemradiata. Caudal fin lanceolate, rather longer than the head, of nine distinct rays ; ventral fins commencing on a line with the dorsal. Very common in the Sicilian seas. (jig. 127. c.) Having seen numerous fresh individuals of this species, it can be de- scribed more fully than the two preceding. It is particularly common in the spring on the coasts of Palermo, and is there sold in the fish-market. * Montague’s account, however, is not sufficient for me to say that it unequivocally belongs to this species ; he says, for instance, that the ventral fin is a little before the base of the pectorals, but in the British Museum specimens it is immediately under. 400 APPENDIX. The general colour of the body is a beautiful vermilion pink, or flesh colour; the sides with silvery blue, transverse stripes, but not defined, and changing with the position ; belly the same; the dorsal, anal, and caudal fins are fine orange-yellow in the middle, the base light pink, and the margin edged with a line of darker red; pectoral fin nearly white ; ventral entirely so; at about the sixth dorsal ray, in the middle of the fin, is a bright red spot, sometimes almost broken into two, and always with the margins undefined. The lateral lines, as in all the species of this genus we have yet seen, commences at the upper extremity of the operculum ; and then, by a short sudden curve, reaches close to the base of the dorsal, and runs parallel to it the whole length of the fish. In regard to the situ- ation of the fins, the ventral begins directly under the dorsal, and very slightly in front of the pectoral: it is pointed, the second ray having a short filament, but even this does not reach as far as the vent; the caudal fin (jig.127. c ) has a central ray, and only four others on each side, making the total number nine. By this it is further distinguished from our ruées- cens, which has eleven such rays, while the comparative shortness of the caudal fin distinguishes this from ongicauda. CEPOLA attenuata. Caudal fin obsolete, not separated or distinguishable from the pointed extremities of the dorsal and anal. Inhabits the coasts of Sicily. (jig. 127. d.) Among my Sicilian drawings I find the finished outline of a Cepola, having the tail terminating in a point ( jig. 127.d), as in the genus Ophidium, without any appearance of a distinct dorsal fin. Its general shape and colour was that of the last, except that the dors:] has two spots, one on the seventh, which is the largest, and the other on the ninth ray; the pectoral fin terminates in a line with the vent, and is placed a little be- hind the ventral, this latter being directly under the com- mencement of the dorsal. The specimen was preserved in spirits, and no further notes taken, so that further information will be wanted to complete this description. It may be re- marked, however, that in my drawing the anal fin is much narrower than the dorsal, and the vent is immediately under the seventh ray of that fin. The figure of Mr. Yarrell’s Cepola rubescens agrees with this in the deficiency of a distinct caudal fin ; but it may still be a question, whether both instances may not have arisen from inaccuracy; since the fuciform shape of this fin in the other species only becomes apparent when the tail is very carefully spread out in the fresh specimen. I may possibly, though not probably, have omitted to do this in my Sicilian Cepola. - CEPOLA truncata. Caudal fin truncate, and slightly lunated ; of six rays only, not longer than those of the dorsal and ventral. Inhabits Sicily (jig. 127-) APPENDIX. 40} Of this most singular species I never procured more than one specimen, caught on the coast of Palermo. — Its size, colour, and general appearance, was that of the last, even to the red spot on the dorsal, but the tail was much thicker, and the caudal fin, as here represented. (fig.127.f). Had the rays of this fin been the same in number as that of C. novemradiata, a suspicion might have been entertained that this had been a mutilated specimen, but the rays were actually only sia, and the margin of the membrane quite en- tire. Added to this, the base of the ventral is under the second, and not, as in that, under the first dorsal ray; while the pectoral fin, insteaa of not reaching to the vent, terminates exactly in a line with it. CEPOLA Gigas. Ventral fin exactly beneath the pectoral, but longer, and reaching to the anus ; anal fin commencing on a line between the eighth and ninth dorsal ray ; caudal ' fin P ) In the British Museum. The only specimen existing in our national collection is, unfortunately, deprived of its caudal fin. The unusual length, however, of the ventrals, which reach to the aperture of the anus, seems to be a positive mark of distinction, particularly as this fin is longer than the pectorals, a dispropor- tion which I have not observed in any other. The colours are completely gone, and the specimen, apparentiy, is very old. It is the largest of any ‘Cepola in that collection ; but I omitted, unluckily, to take the measure- ments. CEPOLA jugularis. Pectoral fin reaching to the anus, and placed con- siderably behind the ventral fin, which commences in a line with the first dorsal ray. (fig. 127. a.) In Mr. Yarrell’s colleetion (the Cepola rubescens* of Risso. ) A finely grown and well dried specimen of this Cepola was obligingly commu- nicated to me by Mr. Yarrell. Itshows a great peculiari- ty in the situation of the ventral fin, which is placed so much in advance, __ * At fig. 127. e, is an exact copy of the tail of Cuvier’s C. rubescens, which it is easy to perceive does not agree with any one of the Species here de- scribed ; not only in the number of the rays, but also in their being repre- sented as extending beyond the membrane. VOL. i. DD 402 APPENDIX. that the last of its rays is barely on a line with the base of the pectoral : it is, of course, shorter than the belly, and therefore does not reach, as in Gigas, to the aperture of the vent: the first of its rays is also immediately under the first dorsal ; hence it differs from rubescens, where the ventral is under the second dorsal ray. The caudal fin has thirteen rays; and is not quite double the length of the head. Mr. Yarrell received this from near Nice, under the name of rubescens ; but it cannot be either our rubescens or novem radiata. CEPOLA variegata. Body with waved, transverse, clouded spots ; pectoral fin reaching beyond the vent ; ventral fin shorter and pointed ; scales conspicuous. Inhabits China. Zoological Society’s Museum. A wet specimen of this fish, not in the best condition, is in the collection of the Zoological Society. Although the tail is injured, it appears to me readily distinguishable from all the foregoing by the spotted and clouded surface of the body, and by the relative position and proportion of the lateral fins. The ventral fins are shorter than the pectoral, having the first (or second?) ray ending in a filamentous point, which exactly reaches to the vent. ‘The pectoral fin is placed just under the interval between the second and third dorsal rays; it measures seven-eighths of an inch, and reaches beyond the vent. The caudal fin is partly injured, so that the num- ber of its rays cannot be correctly ascertained ; but sufficient is left to show that it was rather short and lanceolate. The total length of the specimen is one foot; and the shape of the head, body, &c. presented no obvious difference from the C. rubescens, except that the scales appeared, both te Mr. Waterhouse and myself, proportionately much larger. FIERASFER acus (fig. 130. a.) Body sub-hyaline, pale red with numerous waved trans- verse lines ; throat and lower jaw without spots. Ophidium imberbe ? Auctorum. Fierasfer imberbe ? Cuv. acus. Risso. Of this remarkable and rare fish, hitherto so little understood, and so imperfectly described, I was enabled to make a coloured drawing and de- scription at Palermo, soon after the specimen was caught. An outline of the former has been already in- troduced at page 260. Shape large, attenuated, beginning gradually to diminish from just behind the pectoral fin, and to narrow toa fine point. The body is nearly trans- APPENDIX. 4.03 parent, so that the vertebre and the articulations are distinctly seen ; the head is rounded, obtuse, and broader than the body ; nostrils small, oval, seated on a prominence before the eyes ; mouth large, bony ; lips thin ; teeth minute, much incurved, ard in about two rows—in front of the palate there is a short row of others ; tongue pointed, but the tip rounded ; eyes large, irides richly silvered, the upper part blackish : when the fish is alive, the pupil is scarcely seen, being turned downward, so that the upper or black part of the irides occupies one-half of the eye: when just dead, I observed it, in the middle, appearing as a small black speck ; but after the fish had been dead some time, to my great surprise the pupil became much larger, that is, as big as the head of a large pin: cheeks fleshy, gill-covers of three pieces, richly silvered, and margined by a thin skin ; the aperture large; the vent is close to the throat, on a line with the hinder margin of the gill-covers, and considerably in advance of the pectorals ; so also is the commencement of the anal fin, which begins close to the aperture, and extends to the tip of the tail: this fin gradually becomes broader until it reaches beyond half its total length, it then rapidly narrows. The dorsal fin commences at one-fourth the distance from the tip of the snout to the tip of the tail; it is so remarkably narrow, especially at its two extremities, that it can only be detected at these parts by very close examination. The anal fin is very fleshy, or rather gelatinous at its base, where it is of equal thickness with the body, it then graduates to a fine edge. Pectorals small and rounded. There is no apparent lateral line, but an external indentation follows the course of the back-bone on each side. The body, towards the head, is compressed, but less than in the Cepole ; and the gill membrane has seven rays. The cotour of this fish, when just caught and alive, is as follows :—The general tint is light red, marked with waved, zigzag, transverse lines, of a darker or brick red; these are deepest on the back, where they are separated into spots; the head is dark above, with a few reddish spots on the sides. On the under part of the indented line already spoken of, and commencing at the pectoral fin, is a row of from nine to ten oblong square spots placed transversely, and gradually diminishing in size: when the fish is alive, they are of a most beautiful golden hue, but after death their splendour fades, and they then become pale and silvery. My drawing also expresses a series of very small spots, placed in the same line, but only for about 2 inches at the end of the tail, and not larger than a pin’s head; but as no mention is made of them in the original description, of which the above is a transcript, I can only conclude they were shining spots of the same description. The total length of two specimens captured, was from 61 to7 inches. The fins are entirely white; the anal rays by far too nume- rous and too delicate to admit of being counted. . _ FIERASFER maculata (fig. 130. 6.). Head and forepart of the body with numerous blackish spots, gill-covers golden. ' I know not whether to record this as a remarkable variety of the above, or asa distinct species. I only met with a single specimen; and having drawn its head, already copied in this work, and made the following notes, it was put into spirits for the British Museum, and is now lost. “ Since writing the above, I have found another specimen, in which the colours were very different : it was much darker, being dusky purple, with the reddish lines marked by“round blackish spots. There were also numerous ones on the cheeks and sides, as well as a few beneath the under jaw. The gill-covers, no less than the.spots on the forepart of the body, were richly gilt. Palermo, February 12th, 1835.” DD 2 404 APPENDIX. “CEPHALEPIS octomaculatus. Anterior dorsal fin with threerays, the hinder one greatly prolonged and spatulate; caudal fin very long, of six rays, with the membrane extending almost to their tips. This extraordinary fish, named by Professor Rafinesque from the specimen I discovered in Sicily in 1810, requires a more detailed account than what he has given of it.* Its general form and proportions are very similar to that of Trachypterus Spinole (Cuv. pl. 296.); but the tail or caudal fin is not in the least vertical, nor are there any spines at its base. The first dorsal fin is of three rays; the first not being half so long as the second, and the third double the length of the intermediate ray. They are all connected by a slight membrane ; but the third ray is prolonged into a filament half as long as the body, and terminates in a spatulate appendage. The ventral fins are remarkably long and pointed, the rays rapidly diminishing in length beyond the first, and extending beyond the membrane ; those of the caudal fin are the same, and very little longer than the ventral rays; the pectoral is very small and rounded. There are three black spots at equal distances along the back, as in Tr. spinole, and also a fourth near the belly, between the two first of the upper spots. The second dorsal fin extends the whole length of the back, and is ofa paler red than the caudal and ventral fins. The whole of the head and body are richly silvered, without scales, but with a central straight line of small raised tubercles, extending from the eye to the base of the tail. Two or three specimens cast up on the shores of Messina in 1810, after a violent storm, are the only examples I have either seen or heard of; nor has the species, so far as Iam aware, been described by any more modern writer. CEPHALEPIS Swainsonii. Raf. Anterior dorsal fin of a single long spatulate ray ; caudal fin of seyen long rays, connected only by a basal membrane. An accurate pencil drawing, made from a fresh specimen, is the only authority I can now produce for this singular fish, which was communicated to my friend Rafinesque, and de- scribed by him in one of the Sicilian periodicals not now in my possession. Its shape, spots, colour, and whole aspect, was so much like the last, that if it had not been, as the drawing evinces, in an uninjured. state, I should have taken it©for the same species, injured by having the two first dorsal rays broken off. The additional ray, however, to the caudal fin which this possesses, militates so much against such a supposition, that it is here inserted as distinct. The ventral fins in both have seven rays; but in this the anterior dorsal ray is unaccompanied by any smaller ones before it, and the membrane of the caudal extends only to one-fifth the length of the rays. One or two specimens were found cast upon the Messina coast in 1511. Total length 8 inches. : * Indice d’Ittiologia Siciliana, p. 55. APPENDIX. 405 PLATYSOMUS, Sw. (Vomer, Cuv.) It will appear from the descriptions we shall now lay before the ichthyologist, that at least three species have been overlooked by Cuvier and other authors, under the general name of Vomer Brownii. ‘The name of this sub-genus having been already changed for that of Platysomus in the body of the work, and its distinctions defined, the species in question will be now enumerated. PLATYSOMUS Brownii (fig.131.) First dorsal fin minute, of five short connected spines and three detached ones behind; anal fin with two detached spines before, and one connected to the fin. Vomer Brown. Cuv. et Valen. pl. 256. This is the species described in some detail, in the general work above quoted, the authors of which merely observe that it “‘is subject to some variation in its proportional breadth, but without affording either well marked or constant characters, by which specific distinctions might be drawn.” All this may be true, and yet there can be no question that, deceived by a general or superficial resemblance, our learned authors have overlooked several others, differing not merely in these par- ticulars, but in those very characters which they themselves have proposed for the species. The simple fact, indeed, of this species being alleged to inhabit the whole range of the varied temperature of America, from New York to Brazil, as well as other localities in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, might well have excited suspicion that they were not, in all probability, the same. The annexed outlines of the first dorsal fin, and the corres- ponding portion of the ventral profile (brought near together merely to save space, and to show the relative positions of the spines, &c.), will mate- rially assist our description of these parts. The first dorsal is minute, and composed of five © spines connected by a mem- ~_ brane, the second and third of A \ ee which are the longest, while NN the first and the last are short- NS est: behind these, there are three other spines without any membrane; and a fourth, about twice as long, forms the anterior ray of the second dorsal. Between the ventral fin and the anal are two short detached spines; and a third, of nearly DD 3 406 APPENDIX. equal size, forms the first ray of the anal fin, and is connected by 2 membrane to the second ray. The ventral fin in all the three species is very small ; but in this it is, comparatively, the largest. MM. Cuvier ane Valenciennes do not mention the particular locality from whence the specimen here described from their figure was received. Equally im- possible is it to determine, whether this is really thespecies figured by Brown, the natural historian of Jamaica, after whom it has been named. PLATYSOMUS Spizii. First dorsal fin minute, triangular, of three connected rays, the two first considerably longest; four de- tached spines behind, but none in front of the anal. Vomer Brownii. Spix and Agass. Braz. Fishes, pl. 57- The second species I know only from the figure and de- scription of Spix. The first dorsal fin (fig. 132 a.) is re- presented of a triangular shape and ofthree or perhaps four rays, followingwhich are four strong spines, but with- out any membrane. The first ray of theseconddorsal finis ~~~ not, as in our Browni?, pre- ceded by a spine, but is long- er than any of the others; = while there are no spines either detached from, or connected to, the anal fin. _Theshape ofthe body altogether is shorter and broader; the ven- tral fin (4) ismuch smaller, and placed behind, not beneath, the first dorsal fin. The annexed outlines ofboth contours will also show that the com- mencement of the anal fin is considerably behind that of the second dorsal ; whereas, in Brownz, it is a little in advance. PLATYSOMUS Micropteryx ( fig. 133.) First dorsal fin entirely wanting, but the back armed with four isolated spines ; ventral fin hardly percep- tible ; anal spines entirely wanting. This third species, which I have named from the extreme smallness of the ventral fin, which nevertheless seemed to have been injured, is not uncommon at Pernambuco, where the fol- lowing description, and also a drawing, was executed from fresh specimens. Body remarkably thin, destitute of visible scales, and entirely silvered 5 but the back has a bluish tinge, and the sides reflect pale shades of golden and pink ; all the fins are pale dusky, except the anal, which is yellowish. Irides yel- low ; margin of the head, back, and belly sharp ; the latter seems formed by a strong bone, but there are no external spines or internal tubercles ; tongue thin, moderate, and truncated at the tip ; eyes moderate; jaws capa- ble of extension, rough with munute and imperceptible teeth, B® APPENDIX. 407 incurved to the touch; gill aperture large, the membrane of seven rays; vent nearest the head, and placed beneath the base of the pectoral fins ; back with four long tubercles beneath the skin, commencing above the eye, and followed by four movable recumbent, short spines, all placed before the dorsal fin; dorsal fin commencing nearest the tail, between the ventral and anal fins, pointed or slightly falcate at the forepart, and very narrow behind—it reaches to the base of the tail—the first ray short and spinous, the rest forked, the third ray the longest ; pectoral fin long, greatly falcated, and reaching much beyond the vent ; ventral fin rather before the pectoral, very minute, having six branched crisped rays, placed immediately before the vent; anal commencing rather before the dorsal, of the same shape, and terminating in a line with it: the first ray spinous, the rest branched; caudal deepiy forked. Lateral line as in P. Brownzz; length from one to two feet. ARGYRIOSUS Setifer. The first dorsal fin with four connected rays, the first and fourth very short, the second and third the iong- est ; and two free spines placed before the anal fin. Argyreiosus Vomer. Cuy. et Valence. pl. 255. We are again obliged to advert to the partial and often the superficial examination with which nearly allied species have too often been regarded by the authors of the Hist. Nat. des Poissons ; an imperfection which we can only account for by nearly all their descriptions having been made from preserved specimens ; and by supposing that these eminent writers, not unfrequently, have been absolutely overwhelmed with their materials. However this may be, we have no doubt that the opinion they express, of there being but one species of their sub-genus Argyriosus, is equally erroneous with that which regards the genus Cepola and the Platysomus Brownii. J ean only describe one of the present group from personal knowledge; but if the figure given in Spix’s Brazilian Fishes is correct, it is, notwithstanding it has been called the A. vomer, a third species. The fragile nature of the filaments on the first dorsal, and of the articulated rays to the ‘ventral fins, renders any distinctions drawn from these parts very objec- tionable; but the sharp spiny prickles and hard rays of the dorsal fin and back are always permanent, and J believe re- markably constant in their relative size and number. Not having seen the species, which I shall now distinguish by the specific name of Setifer rather than that of vomer (a term altogether objectionable), it will be useless to repeat Cuvier’s description, except in reference to the first dorsal fin and the detached spines. Of the first he observes, that it has eight rays, four of which are free, and assume the appearance of spines. Of the four others which are in front, and connected by a membrane, the first and the last are very short; the second remarkably long and terminated in a filament, while the third is about three times the length (according to his figure), of the very short spines which follow it. He also says that there are, between the anal aperture and the anal fin, two fine and slender spines. We leave out some minor distinctions, such as the Dp 4 408 APPENDIX. great length of the ventral fins, the shortness of the second dorsal, when compared with thenext; all which, however, collectively show, how truly distinct this species is from the following. ‘ ARGYRIOSUS Mauriceii. First dorsal fin of three short rays, the third being @ minute spine, the first and setond the longest. No free spines before the anal fin. Dorsal, 3, 2, 24; pectoral 20; ventral ab. 12; anal. 1, 19; caudal ab. 25. Inhabits the coast of Brazil. The foregoing outline ( fig. 134.), reduced from a drawing made from the fish just dead, may be compared with the figure of Cuvier referred to in the preceding description: the outlme at the bottom (a) is of the back and first dorsal fin upon a larger scale. The ventral fin as is almost always the case, from its extreme fragibility, was broken. Independent of the leading peculiarity of this new species, the great elongation of the second dorsal fin in front is not the least remarkable. I have named it in honor of the peerless Prince Maurice of Nassau, the patron and friend of Marcgrayve, and himself one of the most distinguished naturalists of the age which he adorned. In the body, jaws, tongue, teeth, gills and nostrils, this species perfectly resembles Platysomus: the pectoral fins are longerin proportion; very much falcated, and reach to within a short distance of the end of the body. Dorsal fins two, the first very small, triangular, and placed rather behind the pectoral; it is of three rays, the two first bony, simple, and ending in a short filament; the connecting membrane extends to the last ray, which ina short spine; beyond this are four minute unconnected spines, the last terminates at the base of the second dorsal : on the hind part ef the head are three covered tubercles. Second dorsal fin with the first ray soremarkably long as to reach far beyond the tips of APPENDIX. 409. the caudal ; towards its base it is broad, compressed, long and articulated : the three following rays are considerably shorter, anal fin is not quite half as long (in its front rays) as the second dorsal, and commencing beneath the fourth dorsal'spine; ventral fin rather before the pectoral, the rays about twelve, very fragile, and all broken. The number of rays were as follows :— ARGYRIOSUS triacanthus. First dorsal fin small, triangular, of three connected rays behind which are three naked spines ; anterior rays of the second dorsal, and of the anal fins of equal length, the latter commencing opposite the first dorsal. Argyriosus Vomer. Spix and Agass. Fishes of Brazil, pl. 58. Under the above provisional name I shall here designate what is certainly a third species of this little group, if the figure given in the beautiful work of MM. Spix and Agassez is not most glaringly inaccurate, a supposition and a censure which there is no ground for entertaining. J omit, however, all mention of the ventral fin, for the reasons already stated, in the specified character, although it may be as well to mention in this place, that it is represented as very short and faleate; the first, or lowest ray, being a little more than one third the length of the pectoral fin. The first dorsal fin has three rays, but possesses this great peculiarity, that the first ray is the longest, the two others rapidly decreasing, so as to - render the fin perfectly triangular: then follow three other naked spines before the second dorsal ; thus making the total number of rays, anterior to this iatter fin, six, instead of eight, as in the fish described by Cuvier. The long anterior rays of the second dorsal and of the anal fins are of equal length; but from the very forward position of the latter, they do not terminate equally, that of the dorsal comes almost in aline with the end of the taudal, but the long ray of the anal fin only reaches to just beyond the base of the tail : the anal finis so near the head as to commence on a line with the first ray of the anterior dorsal ; a structure alone which will distinguish this from the two preceding species. Finally, it may be observed, that the general outline of the body is more angulated; the broadest part is just above the eye, from whence the contour makes a gra- dual slope. The profile also of the belly is more angular; sloping down- wards from the mouth to the base of the anal fin, and then upwards to the base of the tail: there is a short spine connected to the base of the anal fin, but none is mentioned at the corresponding dorsal. SCOMBER undulatus. Sides of the back marked by undulated angulated bands, with shorter lines in the interstices; sides of the body unspotted; dorsal finlets six, the two last longest, and approximating ; first dorsal of nine rays, the last 410 APPENDIX. minute ; a short spine before the anal fin, which is placed immediately beneath the second dorsal. Scombro. Rondel. p. 235.? Inhabits the coasts of Sicily. ~ First dorsal 9 ; second dorsal 12; finlets 6; length of the specimen examined nearly 1 foot. Differs from the Scomber maculatus of Couch* in having an obtuse rounded plate above the operculum and pectoral fin, and in being entirely unspotted on the sides of the body and belly. On the other hand, it differs from the Scomber colias of Cuvier + in having six instead of five spurious fins t, while the ventral fin is exactly under the second dorsal, not, as in Coléas, half-way behind it. The two last rays of the an- terior dorsal are partly hid in a groove; the lower jaw is very slightly longer than the upper; and all the scales are very minute. SCOMBER gracilis. Body not much broader than the head ; anal fin placed half-way behind the second dorsal ; finlets six above and below, the two last approximating, and with two others on each side the base of the caudal fin. Inhabits the coasts of Sicily. First dorsal 9; the last remote and minute and nearly hid; the three first approximating; second dorsal 12; anal 12; the first minute; vent opposite the middle of the second dorsal. On each side of the termination of the tail are two finlets, one under the other, placed horizontally in the same situation as the carinated processes occupy in certain other fish ; sides of the back marked with simply angular bands pointing towards the tail; the sides silvery and unspotted; all the scales minute; the bony plate above the operculum is obtuse, and is nearer to the top of the head than to the pectoral fin. The S. macropthalmus of Rafinesque is closely allied to this, which has the eyes also very large, but it differs in wanting the supplementary finlets on the sides of the tail, and in not having the same number of finlets on the upper and under margin. The three first rays in the dorsal and anal fins are close together, and the space between the others is gradually widened as they recede from the head. * Loudon’s Magazineof N. H. pl. 22. fig. 8. “ Spurious fins six above and below ;”’ but the figure only represents five. : + This is clearly not the Colia of Rondeletius. See his description and figure, p. 235. t re mention is made of these fins by Cuvier, but the figure represents only five. APPENDIX. 411 In speaking of his S. colias, M. Cuvier observes, “ there is no doubt that it is the same as the Scomber ‘macrophthalmus of Rafinesque ; all the cha- racters accord, excepting that the author finds six false fins above, an error which he might have easily fallen into by the separation of the last ray of the second dorsal, or by counting the last ray as two.”” I can see no ground for this supposition, which would not, perhaps, have been enter- tained if M. Cuvier had seen any Scombri with six false fins: two of these we now characterise ; Rafinesque’s is probably a third, Mr. Couch’s macu- Zatus a fourth, and there are sufficient grounds for believing that others exist, that have been erroneously placed by M. Cuvier under his S. colias, which latter species, moreover, we do not agree with him in considers the same as the Colia of Rondeletius. NAUCRATES ductor Cuv. Dorsal spines three ; anal two; lower jaw longer than the upper ; body and posterior fins with transverse blackish bands ; “‘ irides golden.” Naucrates Fanfarus. Raff. Caratt. p. 41. Naucratis ductor. Cuv. et Val. H. N. des Poissons, viii. 312. pl7232. Inhabits the coasts of Sicily and the Mediterranean. ** This,” observes professor Rafinesque, “like the N. ductor of authors, has the body transversely banded with blackish, but this latter is very distinct from having four distinct spined rays, the jaws of equal length, and the lateral line straighter: both have the same habits; but N. fanfarus, instead of inhabit- ing the Ocean, is found in the Mediterranean, where it is com- mon. Nor is it restricted to the shores of Sicily, for I have reason to believe it is found from the coasts of Spain to those of the Levant. In Sicily it is called the fanfaro; it is abundant in autumn, and usually measures about a foot in length ; the irides are golden.” Upon the above description, a close translation of the original Italian, M. Cuvier makes the following remark. The Naucrates ductor Cuv. “is also the Naucrate fanfaro of M. Rafinesque. If that naturalist thought that his fanfaro differed from. the common pilot, it was because he only judged of the latter from bad figures.’’ It will be seen, however, from the following description, that M. Rafi- nesque was perfectly aware of the existence of a second species of Nazcrates in the Mediterranean, which M. Cuvier was not, and has consequently confounded with the above. On the part of M. Rafinesque there does not appear any errcer; he retained the original name of ductor to one species, and to the other he gave that of fanfarus. Had this latter name not been a provincial one, we should have felt bound to have adopted it, not merely on the score of priority, but because it would be only rendering common although tardy justice to the accuracy of his discrimination,— at least in this instance. But as the case now stands, and M. Cuvier’s name has been generally adopted, we think it had better, perhaps, be retained ; although it may probably lead to error if the distinctions here pointed out between these two species are not kept in view. 412 APPENDIX. NAUCRATES cyanophrys. Dorsal spines four, the first and the last very small ; anal spines two ; jaws equal ; body, but not the fins, with blackish bands ; irides blue; tongue without teeth. N. ductor? Cuy. et Val. Centronotus conductor. Risso, p. 193. Dorsal 4, 26.; pectoral 18; ventral 1, 5; anal 1,17; caudal 24; gill Het ers 6. Inhabits the coasts of Sicily, particularly Palermo (Nob.), mad of Nice (Risso). “ The usual length of N. cyanophrys is above 1 foot; its form, in comparison to M. Cuvier’s figure (plate 232.) of N. ductor, is nearly the same; but the eyes are much smaller, the mouth less wide, and the two jaws are of equal length; the first dorsal spine commences in a line with the tip of the pectoral fin, and not, as in ductor, with the third part of its termination. The first and the last spines are minute, and only half as long as the two middle, which are equal; and the distance between each is the same. The bands on the body do not extend, as in ductor, to the dorsal, caudal, and anal fins, the first and last of which are entirely blackish; the anal is lighter. The scales are very minute, not larger than the circumference of the head of a good-sized pin. The skin is tough; teeth in the jaws rather small, sharp, and much crowded; those in the upper jaw longest. The pre-oper- culum is scaled only round the eyes; the sides and belly white ; pectoral fin nearly black, darkest inside; ventral fins reposing in a groove, and larger than the pectoral; their outer surface white, but black between the two outer rays inside; vent rather nearest to the caudal fin, at the base of which, above and below, in a conspicuous depression. — Palermo, February 15, 1815.” N.B. This latter character is not mentioned by Cuvier as belonging to his ductor. It is obvious from what M. Rafinesque has said on the last_species, that he considered this as the true ductor of authors, and it is more than pro- bable that Cuvier possessed this species (either dryed or in spirits), since he framed his description of his ductor from specimens sent to him from Marseilles, Genoa, and Naples ; and those which he alludes to as having, although rarely, four spines, instead of the ordinary number of three, were probably specimens of our N. cyanophrys. On the other hand, M. Cuvier assigns to all those he examined two other characters, not found in this; = namely, that of having the under jaw longest, and the irides golden ; whereas, in this, the jaws are equal, and the irides blue. Having so drawn up the specific characters of these two species as to place their peculiarities APPENDIX. 413 in immediate contrast,I have merely stated such others, mostly of a com- parative nature, as will still further distinguish them. NAUCRATES serratus. Dorsal spines four, the two first shortest; sides of the tail carinated and serrated ; irides yellow; tongue armed with teeth. Secomber ductor. Bloch, Ichth. pl. 338. Described by Bloch, who expressly mentions that the carinated process on each side the tail is serrated *, and that the tongue is toothed its whole length ; that the jaws are equal, and that the dorsal spines are four; the figure represents the two first as smaller than the two last; the body has four bands only, the first of which is just before the dorsal spines, and the last at the tip of the tail ; the caudal fin has a black band in the middle of each of its lobes. Bloch does not specify the locality from which his speci- men was procured ; the rays are stated as follows : Dorsal 4,24; pectoral 15 ; ventral J, 6; anal 1, 16 ; caudal 18. TRACHURUS siculus. Lateral line passing through the middle of the abdomi- nal plates ; anal fin shorter than the second dorsal, and preceded by two approximating unconnected spines ; first dorsal of nine rays, the last very minute, and close to the second dorsal. Dorsal 8, 34; pectoral 20; ventral 1; anal 28; caudal 18; br. mem. 7. Shores of Palermo. (January 20. 1815.) Length not quite nine inches; the colour above dark blue; the sides and belly silvery, with shades of yellow, orange, pink, and blue, and a black spot on the operculum ; eyes large; irides silvery gold, with shades of red ; nostrils vertical ; lower jaw longest ; the first dorsal placed in a groove, and terminated by a minute ray, close to, but not connected with the second dorsal ; pectoral long, pointed, ending in a line with the commencement of the second dorsal; vent central, followed by two spines close together but without a membrane; hinder portion of the abdominal plates carinated into spines, which increase towards the caudal fin; scales not discernible. To this sub-genus, proposed in 1810 by professor Rafinesque, must be added three other species inhabiting the Sicilian seas, described in his Nuové Generi, &c. p. 43. MUGIL squamopennis. Snout projecting beyond the mouth, the three posterior * “ Wn forme de Scie,’’ tom, vi. p. 32. 4.1 4 APPENDIX. fins entirely covered with small scales; ventral fin with a basal scale ; pectoral as long as the head. Dorsal 4, 1, 9; anal 2,9; pectoral 18; ventral 6. Inhabits the Ganges. The descriptions of the Indian mullets in the His¢. Nat. des Poissons, are not sufficiently precise to enable me to determine whether this is amongthem. Ihave therefore considered it a new species, remarkable for the second dorsal, the anal, and the caudal fins being thickly, and almost entirely, covered with very{small scales. The shape is fuciform, and very like that of Hamilton’s M. corsula, from which it differs, at first sight, by possessing a long lance-shaped scale at the base of the ventral fins : the pec- toral fins are quite as long as the head, but in co7swla they are shorter ; and nothing is said regarding the latter having the posterior fins covered with scales. In ours; again, the ventral fin is so much in advance of the second dorsal, that the hinder base of the former is in a line with the middle of the latter. There are differences likewise in the number of the finrays. In the present species I counted ten rays in the sccond dorsal, of which one was spinous, two simple, and seven branched: the anal fin had © eleven ; viz. two spinous, two simple, and seven branched. Thespecimen measured about 7 inches long, and was brought from the Ganges by my friend E. Cotton, surgeon of the 14th regiment of foot. BATRACHUS rubigenis. Yellowish brown, marbled with blackish brown on the head, body, and fins ; a reddish spot on the cheeks ; two palmated cirri over the eyes, and numerous others on the head and lateral line; operculum with three prickles on each side. Inhabits the shores of Pernambuco, Brazil. Length 43 inches, Body destitute of visible scales, compressed; head depressed ; eyes small, approximate, and near the snout ; over each is a moderate-sized pal- mated cirrus, finely ciliated at the margin; and numerous others, much smaller, are scattered over the head, edges of the operculum, and margin of the lips, these latter being rather larger; those on the crown are very short, generally in pairs, and arranged longitudinally ; teeth, in both jaws, in a single row, small, irregular, unequal, very obtuse, and almost rounded, except at the tip of the lower jaw, where they are sharp and incurved ; tongue and palate quite smooth ; the former is short, bony, and connected as far as the tip ; mzowth wide ; lips and cheeks fleshy ; lower jaw longest ; nostrils very small, nearest the eyes; head, operculum, and all the fins enveloped by the common skin of the body, and this renders the fins so thick, that it is impossible to count their rays. The hinder plate of the gill-covers is small, being armed with three sharp and rather strong spines, which are in a manner concealed, being almost covered with the common skin ; lateral line commencing at the hind part of the crown, and continued, - in a waved line, near the back, to the caudal: it is composed of white dots, which are each furnished with minutecirri ; dorsal fin single, ofnearly equal breadth throughout, commencing behind the pectoral, and ending close to the caudal; ventrals thick, short, pointed, of two rays ; aval behind the dorsal, but ending with it, and of nearly equal breadth ; caudal small, rounded ; pectora/s rounded, reaching to the vent, which is central. In colour, the whole fish is marbled with brownish black, in transverse clouds, APPENDIX. ALS on a yellowish brown ground ; head and fins the same, the latter with yel- lowish lines ; belly dirty white, having on each side a row of white dots, corresponding with the lateral line; head beneath white, freckled with brown. —11 Feb., 1817, DACTYLOPTERUS occidentalis. Dorsal fins two, approximate ; the first of four con- nected rays; the second of eight, of which the seventh is alone forked ; anal fin of six simple rays. Inhabits the West Indian seas, St. Vincent. L. Guilding. Total length of the specimen, 6 inches. The general characters of this species are much the same as that found in the Mediterranean, and described by Cuvier and Valenciennes; it differs, however, in the structure of the dorsal rays, having one less in the first dorsal fin, and only the seventh (instead of the sixth and seventh) ray of the second fin forked. All the anal rays are simple, whereas, in the Mediterranean species (according to Cuvier), the fifth is forked. Cuvier has reckoned the two detached rays placed before the commencement of the first dorsal fin as part of that fin; but this seems to be an improper view of the subject, for these rays are totally distinct from the true dorsal fin, to which they are not united, even at their base, by any vestige of a membrane ; they are, in fact, filiform appendages, perfectly analogous to those before the pectoral fin ; they are soft, very flexible, and fringed with a delicate narrow membrane, which unites them only at their base; the tip of the pectoral fin, which just reaches the base of the lateral caudal rays, is exactly three fifths the length of the entire fish ; but in the D. volitans, Cuvier says, the proportion of this fin is that of two thirds the entire length. I regret not having a specimen of the Mediterra. nean species to compare with this; for however common it may be in cer- tain localities, I never met with it on the Sicilian or Maltese coasts. The ventis not, as in D. volitans, ‘“‘precisément un milieu’de tout le poisson,”’ but is half an inch nearer to the snout than to the tip of the tail. There is a peculiarity in the pectoral fins in this fish which deserves notice: instead of being inserted in such a way as to be open vertically, and parallel with the sides of the body, as in ordinary fishes, they are so placed as to open horizontally, sothat the upper surface corresponds with that which would be the znner in ordinary fishes, and neither of the surfaces can be brought into contact with the sides of the body. Now this remarkable structure, which seems to have been hitherto overlooked, is doubtless intended to pre- vent the delicate membrane which unites the pectoral rays from coming into contact with the rough scales of the body; for these scales are so prickly that they would very soon tear and destroy the pectoral membrane, if the fin was placed in the ordinary direction. Having only seen a preserved specimen of this species, it will be impos. sible to describe the natural colours. The back appears dark olive, marbled transversely with darker shades; these shades are more distinct, and assume the form of bands across the head; the broadest band is between the eyes ; and, behind this, there are five others, gradually diminishing in size, the last being just before the tip of the surscapular spines. DACTYLOPTERUS Blochii. First dorsal fin of six connected rays; anal fin of eleven rays; dorsal fins very wide apart. Trigla volitans. Bloch, pl. 351. Bloch, when describing his 7, volitans, observes that the ioe 416 APPENDIX. trays of ail the fins, except those of the caudal, are simple. How- ever this may be, the species he describes is at once distin- guished from the last, as well as from the volitans of Cuvier, by the above strong specific differences. Tn other respects, it seems to have all the genuine characters of form, &c., belonging to both, as well as, in a less degree, to the Indian species. If Bloch’s figure is correct, the back, adjoining the base of the dorsal fins, is marked by a row of prickles, similar to those usually seen in the gen Trigia ; but this, and the structure of the rays above alluded to, is of min importance. Bloch does not mention the precise locality from whence he received the specimen he has figured; but in its colouring, there is no ap- pearance of those bands on the head of D. occidentalis, or of those marbled markings mentioned by Cuvier as being on the volitans. It is somewhat singular that MM. Cuvier and Valenciennes have taken no notice of Bloch’s volitans, although they allude to two others of Klein (Miss. 4. pl. 14. figs. 1. and 2.}, the first of which they consider as drawn from ‘* un individu ramolli de l’espéce commune*;” and the second as “ qui ne re- présentait qu’un jeune dactylopttre commun desseché.’”? To neither of these opinions can I subscribe; for although the figures and descriptions are very imperfect, there seems to me sufficiently strong indications, given in both, to justify us in considering them distinct from the two preceding, as well as from the two known to M. Cuvier. I shall, therefore, now state what appears to be their specific characters. DACTYLOPTERUS ¢entaculatus. Pectoral fins reaching only to the end of the dorsal ; head with three membranaceous appendages, two be- hind the eye, and one on the throat.f Cataphractus, No.10. Klein, Miss. p. 44. pl.14. f1. Scales on the sides of the belly and tail prominent and serrated ; hinder (?) dorsal fin with eight strong rays. In the figure the anal fin is placed much nearer the caudal than is the second dorsal; and it is clear that the pecto- ral fin is naturally short, because the artist has very accurately represented the peculiar curled appearance which the tips of this fin exhibit when in a dried state. DACTYLOPTERUS fasciatus. Pectoral fins short, about half the total length of the fish ; scales granulated. Corystion,1. Klein, Miss. 4. p.45. pl. 14. £2. Of this fish Klein merely says, that it is like the last, but the body is gra- nulated, and both that and the tail variegated with oblique bands: the * Klein’s words are these: —‘* Appendices tres habet, membranaceas, quarum binz pone oculos, tertia agula dependet.” t+ It is probable that Klein has overlooked the first dorsal fin, which, in as genus, is sunk in a groove; this latter, however, is expressed in the gure, APPENDIX. ALT figure represents three of these on the body, and three transverse ones on the tail. DACTYLOPTERUS Trigioides. Pectoral fin short, reaching only to the end of the second dorsal, with three unconnected digitated pro- cesses at the base, as in Trigla. Trigla corvus, Raf. Carat. pl. 6. f. 1. p. 32. The very slight notice of this most interesting species by Rafinesque prevents me from giving further details than what may be learned from his work. He expressly says that there are three free rays at the base of the pectoral; while, in every other respect, his figure portrays a genu- ine Dactylopterus. The first dorsal fin is represented with four rays, the second with nine; the anal fin is immediately under the second dorsal, and neither is surpassed in its length by the pectoral. Rafinesque observes that the back and pectoral fins are black with blue marks, the sides red- ish ; and the belly white Imperfect as are the notices of the three last fish, I have no doubt that future discoveries will establish their authenticity, and even increase the present list. Another, indeed, which differs from all these, is incidentally noticed by Bloch, who says that a second specimen of his Trigla volitans had only a single free ray before the first dorsal; that thisray was much lengthened, and placed considerably nearer the head. This is probably a new species between Blochzi and orientalis (Cuv. pl.76.), this latter being distinguished by an intermediate spiny ray between the long filament and the firstdorsal. Enough, however, has now been said to show that there is every probability that the D. volitans of all preceding authors includes Many species, and that the majority of the specific characters they have assigned to it are more properly generic ; the species themselves being de- termined by the number and construction of the rays, the relative length and position of the fins, &c. By these characters, also, we may readily dis- tinguish the two following, which have been also overlooked as one by MM Cuvier and Valenciennes, under the common name of D. orientalis. I shall, therefore, first state the true characters of their species, and then describe the others. DACTYLOPTERUS orientalis. Cuv. Val. Suborbital bone without spines ; pectorals nearly reach- ing to the end of the caudal fin ; two soft detached rays, wide apart, before the anterior dorsal fin, the first very long, the second short, and both furnished with a membrane at the base ; anal rays Is D. orientalis Cuv. et Val. N. H. Poissons, iv. p. 134. pl. 76. DACTYLOPTERUS bispinosus. A slender ray, and an oval spine, wide apart, placed be- fore the anterior dorsal, and another oval spine be- fore the second dorsal ; anal rays branched. Trigla volitans. Russell, ii. p. 45. pl. 161. Dorsal 5, 8; anal 6. Coasts of Coromandel; but rare. Dr. Russell. VOL. Il. EE Al§ APPENDIX. The second isolated process, which in the last is a short ray provided with a basai membrane, assumes in this species the form of an “ oval prickle pointing backwards ;*” while “ another similar prickle* is placed between the two dorsal fins. This spine or prickle exists also in D. Chinensis, but does not appear either in the figure or description of M. Cuvier’s orientalis. Dy. Russell observes, that the anal fin is opposite to the second dorsal, and has six *‘ ramose”’ rays ; but whether these rays are also branched in the orientalis does uct appear from the description ; the first, or soft dorsal ray, which in the last is very long, is in this only about an inch in length. The colour is dark red, with some round spots of dusky green ; the sides lighter red, and the belly white; the dorsal, pectoral, and caudal fins have also dark green spots. The usual length is about 11 inches. DACTYLOPTERUS Chinensis. Pectoral fins shorter than the base of the caudal 3 sub- orbital bone with the inferior margin crenated, with six stronger spines at the end; sides of the tail with two crenated ridges more prominent than the others ; anal rays simple.* I ground my belief that this is a distinct species from the orientalzs of Cuvier, on account of his having expressly stated that his fish has “ Le bord inférior de son sous-orbitaire n’a pas de dents en scie;” and that *- there is only one series of carinated scales, more elevated than the others, on the sides of the tail.” Neither of these peculiarities, as will be seen by the above specific character, belong to a specimen now befere me, which was in a box of Chinese dried fishes and crabs. Ido not lay so much stress upon the much shorter length of the first detached ray of the dorsal and of the pectoral fins in this, than in the orienzalis of Cuvier, be- cause, although I believe the latter, in my specimen, is quite perfect, and the first is but very slightly broken, yet these minor differences will require further verification ; but, on the structure of the sub-orbital bone, and of the two carinated ridges on each side the tail, there can be no mistake ; for it is impossible to suppose MM. Cuvier and Valenciennes to be in error on two such plain matters of fact. The inter-dorsal spine, or that between the two dorsal fins, which seems common to the greater number of this genus, is very strong in this, but is neither seen in their figure (pl. 76.), or men- tioned in the description of orientalis. In the number of the rays in the dorsal and anal fins the two species agree; those of the ventral, caudal, and pectoral, are always liable to be miscounted in dried specimens. The situation of the dorsal fins and of the two detached rays before them, are the same in this and in orientalis, but there are some minor differences in the relative distances of the rays (presuming that M. Cuvier’s figure of orientalis is correct), which it may be as well to notice. A groove extends from the top of the head to the inter-dorsal spine, which groove is margined on each side by a line of prickles more developed than those on the sides beneath. The first detached dorsal ray, when depressed, reaches only to the base of the first dorsal fin; and the second detached ray isso short, that the spinous part does not reach so far as the last : but it is clear that both these rays endin soft laments, besides being furnished with a short mem- brane, which connects each to the back. The first ray of the first dorsal fin is the longest, the two next being nearly of the same length, but the two last are much shorter and considerably wider apart: the last of these appear to be forked, and it reaches just to the base of the inter-dorsal spine : the three last rays of the second dorsal are also forked; but whether the five first are equally so cannot be determined, as they are injured. The * The penultimate ray, in my specimen, is broken ; the rest are simple. fc r APPENDIX. 419 carinated ridges on the sides of the tail are exactly the same as those of D. occidentalis. The points of the pectoral fins are perfect, and they only reach to within half an inch of the base of the caudal fin, whereas, in orzentalis, the tips of these rays extend almost, if not quite, to the end of the caudal rays. The colours of the skin of course had faded, but there was no ap- pearance on the head or body either of bonds or spots; the sides and belly were silvery ; the fins blackish, with pale spots ; andthe back brown. That this species is not that figured and minutely described by Russell, may be be inferred from three circumstances, first, that the bony crown is not, as in that, “ divided by engraved lines into compartments of divers forms, but chiefly lozenge,’ for there are no perceptible divisions at all; secondly, because it has, like orientalis, a distinct ray, instead of an “ oval formed prickle pointing backwards *,’’ just before the first dorsal fin ; and thirdly, because the anai fin has not ramose rays but simple ones. With Dr. Rus- sell’s species, however, it agrees in the length of the pectorals, and in the sub-orbital bone having, as in that, ‘‘ the margin serrated ;” a part which, as we have already observed, Cuvier says is smooth in his orientalis. T RIGLA Swainsonii. Leach. Swainsonian Gurnard. Pectorals considerably beyond the base of the anal fin ; first dorsal spine smooth ; orbits with two spines before and one behind the eye; lower ray of the pectoral partly detached ; caudal unequally lunate. Dorsal 9,15; pectoral 10; anal 15; vent —? caudal —? Inhabits the western coasts of Sicily. Upon sending specimens of this new species to my late re- gretted friend Dr. Leach, and pointing out its distinctions, he did me the honour of giving it the above name, under which it is still preserved in the British Museum. So far as I can discover, it has been overlooked, both before and since, under the designation of Trigla Hirundo of Linneus, a name hitherto given to all those European Gurnards having very large pectorals. As it is my intention to enter more into the details of this genus on a future occasion, I shall merely at present state such particulars as I can furnish of the Mediterranean species, together with the distinctions of others, by which, as I con- ceive, their respective differences may be determined. Of the true Hirundo of Linnzus, I know nothing at present: it has been distinctly and repeatedly described as having a spinous lateral line; it therefore seems to me altogether objectionable, to apply this name to other species having this part smooth, under the gratuitous supposition that Artedi, Linnzus, &c. are in error. The T’rigla Hirund) of Cuvier obviously includes two species at least +, one, that of Bloch’s, having short pec- * See Russell, ii. p. 240. + There are also incidental notices which refer to others. BE 2 ~ 420 APPENDIX. torals, the other with these fins much longer; two of which we shall now describe, are on the coasts of Sicily, while aBritish species, also confounded under the specific name of Hirundo,was long ago defined by our celebrated naturalist Montagu, as the T. levis. This latter is the species which makes the nearest approach to T. Swainsonii ; and having examined several fresh specimens of both, I shall here intimate the specific characters by which our British species may be known.* This will at once distinguish it from its representative in Sicily, which I shall now describe. The largest sized individual of this species I ever saw in the Sicilian markets, where it is common in the winter, was 1 foot 9 inches long. In its broad and depressed head, and in its general structure, it resembles Zevis ; the snout is slightly two-lobed, the extremities having short serra- tures; the spines which arm the head are generally small, considering the size of the fish, there are two before the eye, and a smaller one behind ; the occipital spines are much smaller than the scapular or pectoral ones ; of the two others on the gill-covers, the upper is rather less than that of the scapular, while the lower is minute. The pectoral fin exceeds one-half the length of thetrunk, but is exactly one-third the entire length of the fish, from tip to tip; its rays are ten, and doubly forked, the first division being nearly at the base. All these are connected to their extremities, but the last or shortest ray is detached half-way from the others, so that it is partly free, as in severalof the Scorpenidz ; a peculiarity J have not observed in any other Gurnard. Ventral fins little more than half the length of the pectoral, and terminating in a line with the commencement of the second dorsal, the first ray spinous. Caudal fin slightly and unequally lunate, the upper angle being longer than the under, the rays simple, but showing the forked termination of the lateral line, which is perfectly smooth throughout its entire length; scales very small, scft, and round ; the anal row of spines are small and simple. The anal rays are all simple, excepting the last, which is forked at its base, so as to appear double; those of the second dorsal are forked ; the first being rather shorter ; the first and the fourth dorsal spines equa’ ; the second rather longer than the third, but not equal to the length of the dorsal. Cotour. — The colour of the head and body seems subject to much varia- tion’; it is generally pale reddish, with clouded waved lines of bluish grey, but sometimes of as bright a red as the T. Lyra+,the sides silvery, and the belly white ; all the fins (except the pectorals) were pale reddish ; the ventral and anal white, the caudal with a blackish cloud or spot .in the middle The pectoral fins have the last or detached ray perfectly white on both surfaces; the other rays are also whitish outside, which relieves the blackish grey that spreads all over their outer surface, it is more or less deep in different individuals, but has never any tinge of red, as in the levis; the ground colour of their inner surface is dull or cinerious blue, with waved transverse, darker bands, between which there is a tinge of yellowish green; but the whole fin, on this side only, has a narrow well- defined margin of vivid blue, which loses its brilliancy after the fish has been some little time out of water ; between the first and third ray there is a tinge of pale reddish yellow. * Tricia /evis, Mont. Pectorals reaching to the base of the anal fin ; orbits with two spines before the eye, but none behind; lowest ray of the pectoral fin not cleft between the membranes, lateral linesmooth ; caudal equally lunate. Montagu is the only writer who has not confounded this with the Hirundo of Britain. + At least, specimens in the fish-market, which appeared to be of this species (but not examined), were of this colour. APPENDIX. 421 TRIGLA bracanthus. Smooth-eyed Gurnard. Scales of the lateral line large, smooth, and entire, orbits entirely smooth, and no spine on the preopercule. Nineteen rays on the second dorsal, the last short and simple ; lower lobe of the caudal longest. Dorsal 8, 19; pectoral10; anal17; ventral 6; caudal 12. Inhabits Sicily. Palermo. (19 January, 1815.) General form of the 7. Jucerna as figured by Cuvier and Valenciennes, but the anal fin is broadest, not narrowest, at its commencement, and the lower lobe of the tail is longest, not equal to the other: the fourth ray is equal to the first, not shorter ; head small, the snout hardly divided, and armed with one acute spine at each of the two angles ; the orbits above and before the eye are quite smooth, but there is a small prickle between the hinder part of the eyeand the occipital spine; the upper angle of the preoperculum has a small spine, rather larger than that behind the eye, and almost equal to that at the base of the pectoral, but there is no spine whatever on the preoperculum ; ventral fins reaching to the vent, and shorter than the pectoral, which reaches to the third ray of the second dorsal ; the first dorsal, as in Cuvier’s lucerna, but the th77d is much longer than the /irst ray ; all the rays of the second dorsal are forked, excepting the first and last, which are simple; while the last ray is close to the one preceding, and not more than two thirds its length. The vent is immediately below the first ray of the second anal; and the commencement of the anal is under the second ray; the anal rays are all forked the last so deeply as to appear double; dorsal spines small and simple ; the latteral line is marked ‘by a series of large, smooth, imbricate scales not emarginated at their edges, or with any radiated strie ; the first dorsal ray not serrated. CoLour. —From life; irides silvery; inside of the gills orange red; upper parts of the body reddish, clouded with grey; pectoral appendages, with the dorsal and caudal fins, pale reddish, with darker clouds ; ventral and anal fins white; sides of the body with a silvery stripe; belly and under parts white ; pectoral fins externally pale red, but brown at the base between the rays, which are themselves pale; inner surface, or that next the body, brownish black; the rays the same, the margin of the membrane edged with blue, but the tips of the rays white. Whether this is the filarzs of Otto, considered by Cuvier as identical with his Zucerna, I have no means of judging. His words I have here quoted*; but with regard to the Orghe of Risso, I am totally at aloss to comprehend, for the following reasons, how it could be confounded with the lucerna. Risso expressly says that his Orghe has the “‘ lateral line formed of little prickles :” in Cuvier’s lucina this line is smooth. Risso’s species have the pectorals short, while Cuvier’s have them so long as to equal (as in ours) one third the total length of the body. Risso further states that the oper- culum is terminated par un long aiguillon, whereas all the spines in Cuvier’s /ucerna are stated to be very small. Risso’s fish has the pectorals dark red, with scattered spots of yellow and blue; but M. Cuvier having only seen a specimen in spirits, of his /wczna, quotes Risso’s description. * “M. Risso décrit celui dont nous allons parler sous la nom @’Orghe, et Briinnch, qui le décrit aussi trés-bien, se demande si ce n’est pas la bri- gotte ou la cabotte de Marseillais. Peut-etre est ce en effet Ja cabotte de Du Hamel ; mais qu’éclaircira jamais les confuscons sans nombre de la nomenclature populaire ? A tous ces noms M. Otto vient encore d’en ajouter un. Son Trigla filaris n’est bien certainement pas autre chose que V’Orghe de M, Risso.” Cuv. et Val. iv. p. 74. Bees 4.29 . APPENDIX. Finally, we may state the essential differences between our dracanthus and Cuvier’s /ucerna, in the following manner :— T. lucerna Cuv. iv. p. 72. _ T. bracanthus. L’angle antérieur supérieurdelor- No dentations whatever above or bite sont trois dentelures. before the orbits, and only one behind. Le pointes du basdeson préopercule No prickle whatever on the pre- celles ce son opercule, ef de son opercule. épaule sont moins aigues et moins sallantes guana.—Rouget. 8 scales at the lateral lme; “ont The scales not sinuated, and only au milieu sur leger sinus ventrant one sixth height of the bedy. —leur hauteur fait prés de quart de celle du corps. Dorsal 10, 18.; anal not mentioned. Dorsal 8, 19; anal 17. Considering how very constant are the number and proportion of the spines in this genus, paticularly those of the head, and looking to the above differences, we entertain the belief that they are distinct species, more particularly as the number of the dorsal rays likewise differs. It still re- mains to be asceriained what are the colours of the pectoral fin in Cuvier’s lucerna ? what the number of its anal rays? and whether these rays, and those of the second dorsal, are simple or branched ? Ogs. Regarding this, and one or two other Gurnards here characterised as new, we have to choose one of three opinions: —1. Either that they are subject to a much greater variation than naturalists are accustomed to attach to the idea of species; or 2, that the existing descriptions we have quoted are inaccurate in an unusual degree; or thirdly, that they are really distinct. Every one, of course, will form his own conclusions on the superior degree of probability which he may attach to one or other of these suppositions. With respect, however, tc the Trigla bracanthus, I may observe that I attach, with Cuvier, a primary importance to the armature, or spines and prickles, upon the head, &c ; andin proof that these do not in the least vary in individuals from different localities, ] must remark that the existing descriptions of northern, or British specimens of T- dyra, apply most accurately to those of Sicily ; and that the same may be said of Cuvier’s description of the T. aspira of Viviani. We cannot, therefore, reasonably adapt the first supposition, because, the very reverse is applicable to others of the same group. TRIGLA leucoptera. White-finned Gurnard. The first dorsal spine serrated in front ; pectorals ex- ternally white, half as long as the trunk ; ventral rays forked, lateral line smooth ; orbits with 2 prickles before and one behind. Dorsal 8 or 9; the second 16; anal 15; ventral 6; pectoral 10; caudal —? Inhabits the western coasts of Sicily, but very rare. Length 3—5 inches, The above specific character will at once distinguish this most elegant little species from all its allies. Its form is not so thick, and the head is more lengthened than in the last. The muzzle is cleft, each lobe being ser- rated with five or six small spines; before the eye there are two, and behind is one spine; behind this latter, and placed on the upper part of the as, APPENDIX. 493 gill-covers, are three others, placed in a triangle ; two more are lower down on the gills, and a larger one just above the base of the pectorals ; lateral line prominent, but auite smooth ; pectorals reaching to half the length of the trunk ; scales remarkably small, even minute; ventral rays all forked ; the first dorsal spine serrated, as in Pinz; the dorsal row of spines small and simple ; caudal so slightly lunated as almost tobe even. CoLour. — Head, back, and sides olivaceous green, variegated throughout with dark spots and freckles; the lower half of the sides reddish silvery ; dorsal and caudal fins pale, with a few brown spois; the three digitated processes freckled with brown ; ventral fins brown; pectoral fins with the outer surface, when perfect, covered with a dusky white skin; this skin is easily rubbed off, and then the colour of the membrane is seen to be blackish, with darker spots of rich brown; the under surface is the same, except on the lower half, dark blue, or more properly black, with spots of a bright celestial or azure hue, afew of which are also scattered on the upper half. The foregoing description is not so complete as | could have wished, although it seems quite sufficient to separate this elegant species from the others ; but I neglected to make a finished drawing, and the specimens in spirits sent to the British and Zoological museums cannot now be found. TRIGLA Adriatica. Auct. Snout short ; profile obtuse ; transverse ridges of the body extending to the kelly ; the dorsal spines, and those on the lateral line, simple ; anal fin of 16 rays ; caudal lunate ; the lower lobe longest ; no spines on the snout. Dorsal 10, 16; pectoral —? ventral —? anal 16; length 1 foot. Inhabits Sicily. Head small, the profile short and abrupt; orbital or superciliary plate with from three to four minute spines before the eye; nuchal-spines rather longer than those above the pectoral, with a small one at their base behind the eye; angle of the preoperculum pointed, with a very minute spine, scarcely perceptible; upper part of the suboperculum forming two spines, one directed upwards, the other pointing backwards, and covering the base of the large pectoral spine ; margin of the snozt or upper jaw nearly round, and without any distinct prickles; lower jaw hardly shorter than the upper; first dorsal fin commencing exactly even with the pectoral, the first ray externally serrated and equal to the third, the second rather longer: second dorsal as high as the fifth spinal ray, slightly narrowing to its extremity: the last ray, like that of the anal, is thickened, but not dowbled ; pectoral fin long, extending as far as the seventh ray of the se- cond dorsal; ventral much shorter, and only reaching to the commence- ment of that fin; cawdal distinctly lunated obliquely, so that the under lobe is always longer than the upper; ventral fin as long as the second dorsal, but placed a little behind it, soas to bring it nearer the tail: the three digitated processes are thicker and longer than in any other species found in the Mediterranean ; scales small, round: the transverse ridges, verticellated, extend from the back to the suture of the belly ; lateral line marked by a row of small simple spines or prickles. CoLour.— Body bright crimson red; darker on the head; the sides pale red and clouded; the belly white; the appendages and base of the pectorals are marked with irregular spots or blotches of black ; pectoral fins pale reddish white, elegantly marked with freckled irregular bands of brown ; the inner surface.is cinereous blue, the rays brighter, and having close to them spots ofa cerulean blue; similar spots are round the margin of the fin; while the lower part is pale clouded red. In some specimens EE 4 { > 494, APPENDIX. the tips of the ventral fins are dark red, and the digitated appendages are banded with white; the points of the anal rays are white; and the tail is dark, with white cloudy spots ; at the base of the first dorsal ray is a black spot. Ors.—Not being able, at this moment, to consult the original description by Brunnick, of his Trigla Adriatica, 1 must leave it to others to determine whether modern ichthyologists are correct in considering it the same as the lineata of Bloch, and of Linnzus. In the mean time, however, the species above described is clearly distinct from the Jineata of Bloch and of Cuvier, who both agree in assigning to their species a double series of spines on the lateral line, and of tricusp¢date spines on the dorsal series, or that which margins the base of the dorsal fins. Now, both of these series, in the present species, are always composed of simple spines, without any serrature or division whatever. In their species, also, the ventral fin has but 13 distinct rays, whereas, in this, there are invariably 16. This number agrees with what Gmelin (who, no doubt, copies his account from Brunnich) has assigned to the Adriatica, which he further designates as having the snout retuse, hardly lobed, and not spinous ; all which cha- racters are so applicable to our fish that we have very little doubt of its being the true Adriatica of Brunnich, and consequently distinct from the lineata of Bloch, Cuvier, and Yarrell, who have considered them the same. It may here be remarked that Bloch’s figure of his /ineata represents the vertical lines or ridges on the abdomen as only extending half-way down the sides, as in T. pin7 ; so that, if this is correct, it is clearly a different species from the Zéneata of Cuvier and Yarrell, where these ridges extend from the back to the belly, as in our Adrzatica. TRIGLA Pini. Bloch. Transverse ridges of the body extending half-way down the sides; dorsal spines simple, the first serrated ; a row of smaller spines on the lateral line; ventral fin shorter than the pectoral; snout lunated, the angles with six minute prickles; orbits with two anterior spines. Trigla Pini. Bloch, pl. 355. Cuculus. Auct. Dorsal 9, 18, the last double; pectoral 10; ventral 6; anal 17. Inhabits Sicily. M. Cuvier and all our modern ichthyologists assuredly have fallen into error by supposing that the Trigla Pini of Bloch was identical with the Trigla Cuculus, Linn., of our northern seas. A more attentive comparison of Bloch’s figure with the Mediter- ranean fish I shall now describe, has convinced me they are certainly the same. It will also show that the verticillated ridges across the lateral line are not confined, as is generally supposed, to the 7. Cuculus of authors. DescripTion. — General size and structure much the same as the Cu- culus, but the ventral fins, instead of being longer than the pectoral, as represented by Mr. Yarrell (i. p. 34.), are manifestly shorter.* The lateral * M. Cuvier observes of his Cuculus, that the ventrals commence immedi- ately beneath the pectoral, and are of the same lengths ; a proportion which erie a? an APPENDIX. 425 line, which in Cuculus ‘‘ is not armed” with spines,’is in this indicated bya row of distinct prickles, small and simple. Minor points of variation occur in the structure. In this, for instance, there are seventeen rays in the anal fin instead of sixteen, and I find no notice taken in my original description of the lateral line being furcated at the caudal end. The peculiar cha- racters of the shortness of the ventral, and the spines on the lateral line, are quite apparent in Bloch’s figure, which is thus proved to belong to our present species. The muzzle or snout is lunated, with six small unequal spines, directed forwards on each of the two angles. Mr. Yarrell mentions only one small spine on the operculum of his Cuculus, whereas this has two, one above the other below, besides the very strong one on the sca- pular region, just above the pectoral fin: the occipital spines are short, * with serrated ridges ; caudal slightly lunated, the angles sharp. Cotours, taken from the fresh specimens.—Body rich vermilion red, and the sides silvery yellow, the belly white, fins red, but the ventral fin is pmk and the anal white ; pectoral fin dark brown or blackish, inclining to red in the lower parts; the rays white, the colour inside, or next the body, is the same, but darker; all the rest of the fins are red,irides red, the pupil saphire, the colour of the pectoral fin in the Cuculus of France and Britain so very important in this group, is neither noticed by Cuvier or Yarrell. The first anal ray is immediately beneath the second ray of the hinder dorsal, andin my drawing all the rays of these two fins are represented as simple, a peculiarity which is also expressed in Bloch’s figure. The Cuculus of Cuvier, however, is stated to have all the rays of the second dorsal, except the two first, branched ; the anal rays, except the first, are also branched.* Oxss.—M. Cuvier seems to think that there is some variation hetween the sexes of certain Trzg/@ in the lateral line, for he observes of his Trigla lineata, that the lateral spines are stronger, and more deeply dentated in the males than in the females.+ On the other hand, it does not appear that these fishes alter their appearance when growing, for Mr. Yarrell remarks of his Cuculus, or red gurnard, that he has found the characters well marked in young individuals only an inchanda half long ; andthis fact, of all their distinguish- ing characters being deve- loped at that early age, is fully confirmed by my own observ- ations on the Mediterranean species.{ Thereseems no good reason, therefore, to suppose that the Cuculus of these au- thors, and the Pzni of Bloch, are merely sexes of the same ; the difference, indeed, in their other characters makes this supposition still more im- probable. The annexed cut (fig. 135.) of the head of the true Pinz, showing the spines, may be compared with the Cuculus of the British coast. § mother accords with our 7. Pini, nor the Cuculus of Mr. Yarrell and Dr. arnell. : * Hist. des Poiss., iv. 430. — + Hist. des Poiss. iv. 35. + It has been stated recently, that the lateral line varies from rough to smooth, and the pectoral fin is either shorter or longer in individuals of the same species, but of different ages.. But until these alleged facts are veri- fied by repeated observations, I may be excused for doubting their accuracy. § Since the above was written, I have had-the pleasure of receiving from Dr. Parnell his admirable ‘‘ Essay on the Fishes of the Forth;” a more valuable and important-work in this branch of zoology has never appeared in this or any other country. Dr. Parnell’s Cuculus differs from the Pina 4.96 APPENDIX. TRIGLA aspera. Viviani, Cuy. iv. Ciliated Gurnard. At certain seasons this interesting species, very correctly de- scribed by MM. Cuvier and Valenciennes, is common in Sicily. The largest individual I ever met with, only measured five and a half inches. As the colours have not been as yet described from the life, I subjoin the following :— The head and upper parts are light cinereous red, variegated or mottled with darker and brighter red ; the pectoral fins, externally, are quite white, with a few red spots near the base; internally, they are light cinereous blue, with transverse bands of reddish brown; the sides of the body are silvery, with a tinge of yel- low ; the under parts pure white. The snout is shaped some- thing like that of T. Lyra, being formed of two broad project- ing toothed plates, TRIGLA Sieula. Sicilian Gurnard. Lateral line smooth; pectoral and ventral -of equal length, and reaching only to the vent ; body banded with raised lines on the upper half of the sides ; about twelve raised tubercles, disposed longitudinally from the pectoral spine to the vent. Inhabits Sicily. This species (for such I must now consider it), being merely noticed in my MSS. as a probable variety of Pn, is not fully described in all the par- ticulars of its structure, so that the number of the fin rays are unfortu- nately omitted. From a sketch, however, which was made at the time from a fresh specimen, it appears that the first dorsal fin is rather higher than in T. Pini ; the vent is immediately under the commencement of the second dorsal, while the pectoral is not longer than the ventral fin; the upper caudal lobe seems to be the longest ; the elevated transverse lines on the body are simple, and the furcation of the lateral line on the caudal is very distinct ; and this fin is quite as long as the pectoral, whereas in Pinz it is scarcely half the length. The colour of the pectorals, in these two speeies, are also very different. In Pinz, as before described, both the outer and the inner surface are the same at their upper half; viz.of auniform dark blackish brown, the rays pale; while their lower or basal half is red- ish. In Sicula,on the contrary, the two surfaces materially differ; the outer has a greyish ground, with reddish transv erse bands ; while the i inner surface is brown, with the rays and margin red. All the scales are small and rough to the touch, but the lateral line, although elevated, has no prickles. A comparison of-the specific characters here assigned to each, will render any further observations, in this piace, unnecessary. It is by no Means rare on the coast of Palermo in January, and many specimens were examined, none of which exceeded 6 inches. Its general colour and structure, in all other respects, seems to have been similar to that of Pint, as no further differences were noted at the time. in several particulars ; it has, for instance, four spines, instead of two, in front of each orbit ; the second dorsal fin ends, in Pin, over the Jast ray but one of the anal, and the first dorsal spine is not serrated externally in Cucu- dus,, aS in the true Pini. a INDEX. Ae ABERRANT divisions, an independ- ent circle formed by, i. 10. Acanthicus, characters of, i. 336. Acanthopteryges, general charac- ters of, i. 100. ii. 1. Geographical distribution of, 6. Primary divi- sions of, 6.. Achrochordus, ii. 144. Adhesive fishes, singular form and use of the ventrals in, i. 21. ZEtobates described, i. 176. Agassiz, character of his work on the fishes of Brazil, i. 67. Agamidz, general characters of, ii. 160. Ageniosus, characters of, i. 545. Agonidz, general characters of, ii. 3 Agriopus, characters of, ii. 57. Air bladder, situation and use, i. 13. Alligator tortoise figured and de- scribed, li. 116. Amphibia, general description of, ii. 83, Primary divisions of, 85. True, 94. Amphisbenide, general characters of, ii. 140. Amphisile scutatus figured, ii. 43. Anableps, characters of, i. 363. Anal fin described, i. 29. Analogies, observations on the na- ture of, in general, i. 111. Analogies of the : — Locomotive organs of Birds with the fins of Fishes, i. 37. Primary divisions of Fishes with warm-blooded vertebrata, i. 109. Primary divisions of Fishes and those of the Annulosa, i. 113. And of the Reptiles, 115. Fishes and the other classes of the animal world, i. 117. Families of Cartilagines and the orders of Fishes, i. 149. Andthe Vertebrata, 154. And Birds,157. Analogies — continued. Sub-families of the Squalidx, and the families of Cartilagines, i. 159. Squaline and Centrine, i. 162. Rays and the Cartilaginous fami- lies, i. 187. Trygonine and Raidea, i, 188. Cheloniform fishes and the pri- mary orders, i. 200. And the primary orders of Quadrupeds and Birds, 201. Syngnathida, i. 207. Plectognathes and the orders of fishes, i. 210. Plectognathes and the Cartila- gines, 1. 211. Plectognathes and the Malacop- teryges, i. 212. Apcedal order, i. 216. Malacopteryges and the orders of Fishes, i. 232. Malacopteryges and the Carti- lagines, 1. 234. Malacopteryges and the Cheloni- form fishes, i. 235. Sub-genera of Salmo and the or- ders of Fishes, i. 249. Sub-genera of Salmo and the sub- families of Salmonida, i. 251. Salmon, i. 256. European and American salmon, 1. 259. Primary divisions of the Salmo- nidz with the genera of Salmo and Characinus, i. 263. Genera of the salmon with the sub-families of the Salmonide, 1. 263. Sub-genera of Clupea to the ge- nera of Clupeing, i. 279. Sub-genera of Clupea to those of Elops, i. 285. Clupeinz and the Salmonida, i. 292. Sub-families of the Salmonidz and the types of the Scombe- ride, 1. 306. 428 Analogies — continued. si Circle of the Malacopteryges and the types of the Esocing, i. 307. Genera of Pikes and the genera of Herrings, i. 307. Genera of Gadus and divisions of the Gadida, i. 324. Sub-families of Siluride and the orders of Fishes, i. 333. > Genera of the Loricarine and the sub-families of the Silu- ride, i. 338. Genera of_the Silurine and the sub-families of the Silurida, i 351. Sub-genera of Silurus and the genera of Silurina, i. 353. Tribes of Acanthopteryges and the tribes of Malacopteryges, ii. 8. Acanthopteryges and the orders of Fishes, ii. 11. Genera of Percinz and families of the Macroleptes, il. 19. Percine and Serranina, ii. 20. Sub-genera of Perca and the sub- genera of Serranus, ii. 20. Tribe Microleptes and the orders of Fishes, ii. 30. Families of Microleptes and the tribes of Acanthopteryges, ii. 32. Genera of the Zeinz and Centro- noting and the sub-families of the Zeida, ii. 40. Sub-genera of Seriola, Centrono- tus, and Elacate, ii 40. Sub-families of the Zeidz and the Scomberida, ii. 42. Different groups in the tribe of Microleptes, ii. 44. Sub-families of the Coryphenidz and the families of the Gymne- tres, il. 49. Genera of the Gymnetride and the families of the Gymnetres and sub-families of Coryphe- nida, ii. 50. Genera of Gymnetride and Tra- chypterida, ii. 51. Trigiidz and Scorpenide, ii. 58. Genera of the Scorpenine and the types of the Scorpznide and Triglida, ii. 61. Genera of the Scorpenine and Synanchina, ii. 61. Sub-genera of the Apistes and the divisions of the Scorpenide, ii. 63. Sub-genera of Apistes, ii. 64. Blennina, ii. 74. Genera of Clining and Blennine, li. 76. Sub-genera of Salarias and Blen- Nius, ii. 80, INDEX. Analogies — continued. Families of Tortoises and the orders of Reptiles, ii. 119. Chelonian Reptiles to the Verte- brated classes, ii. 120. Pterodactyli, ii. 130. Ophides and Vertebrata, ii. 139, ' Saurian Lizards, ii. 162. Chameleons, ii. 165. estou figured and described, i. ; Anatomy, comparative value of ex- ternal and internal, in zoological definitions, i.5. Internal of Fishes, 12. Ancients paid more attention to the class of fishes than to any other, i. 54. Angel fish, described, 1.137. Ame- rican, figured and described, 137. Anguilla acutirostris figured i. 213. Anguilliform cat-fish described, 1. 331. Anguilliform fishes, general cha- racters of, i. 212. Anguilliform type, i. 198. Anguilline, general characters of, i. 220. Anguinide, general characters of, il. 141. Angular-headed serpents, ii. 147. Apistes, characters of, ii. 67. Apodes, general characters of, i.101. 212. Families of, 215. Apogon, characters of, ii. 18. Aquatic type of nature, characters of, i. 104. Argentina described, i. 241. Arrangement, natural, of Fishes, L 99. Systematic, see Systematic Arrangement. Artedi the true founder of system- atic ichthyology, 1.56. His ar- rangement, i. 75. Aspredinz, general characters of, i. 332. 354. Aspredo Gronovii figured, i, 332. Aspro, characters of, ii 18. Astroblepus figured, i. 355. B. Balista ornatissimus figured i. 190. Balistes described, i. 194. Balistes erythropterus figured, i. 193. Balistide, characters of, i. 191. Sub-families of, 192. Balistine, general characters of, i 191. Balitora Bricei figured, i. 367. Barbel, i. 239. Barbels, use and description of, i.45. INDEX. Batracia, general characters of, ii. 86. Principal divisions of, 88. Babaciye, general characters of, Bibliography of Ichthyology, i. 54. Belona reviver of the study of Ich- thyology, i. 54 Bipes described, ii. 157. Birds, analogies of the locomotive organs of, with the fins of fishes, i. 37. And Reptiles connected by the flying lizards, i.9. Relations of, to Fishes, i. 8. Wings of, re- presented by the pectorals of fishes, 15. Legs, by the veutrals, 19. Blade Fish of India figured and de- scribed, -11. 46. Bleak, i. 239, Blennide, general characters of, ii. (EX Blennides, general characters of, STE Blennies, ii. 7. Described, 72, Eaten by the poor in Italy, 5. Blennies, true, described, ii. 75. Blennine, general characters of, ii. 73. Blennitrachus, characters of, ii. 78. Blepsias, characters of, li. 57. Blind newt, ii. 98. Bloch, character of the ichthyolo- gical works of, i. 58 Boa constrictor, ii. 143. Bombinator obstetricus figured, ii. Ole 2 Bonaparte’s arrangement, 1. 85. Bottles, best kind for the preserv- ation of specimens, 1. 69. Branchia, structure of, i. 12 Breviceps, characters of, i. 543. Broad-tailed lizard of New Hol- land, ii. 153. Brosminz, general characters of, i. 322. Brotula, characters of, i. 325. Brotuling, general characters of, i. 322. Bufoidz, general characters of, ii. 83. Bullheads described, ii. 53. Burbot, i. 320. C. Callichrus, characters of, i. 347. Callionymus, characters of, ii. 81. Canthileptes, general ch aracters of, ii. 7. 52. Leading divisions of, 53. Canthophrys, characters of, i. 364. Capriscus described, 1. 194, 429 Capriscus velata figured, i. 194. fap figured, i. 237. Great age of, Carps described, i. 237. Cartilagines, general characters of, i. 102. 118. Cartilaginous Ashes general — cha- racters of, i. 102. 1 Cataphractus, Bieler of, i. 337. Catastomus, characters of, i. 239, Catesby, character of the ichthyolo- gical works of, i. 57. Cat-fish, habits of, ii. 82. Cat-fish described, i. 231. 325. Fins of, figured and described, 328. Mode of fishing by the, 46. Cat-fish, anguilliform, described, i. Cat-fish mailed, described, i. 330: 002. Caudal fin described, i. 30. Its im- portance in the determination of natural groups, 30. Forked, characteristic of swiftness, 31. Shape, 32. Extraordinary posi- tion Pari in Trachypterus, 37. Caudal fin, extraordinary modifi- cation of, in Serranuspheton, i. 37. Caymans, ii, 110. Timivity of, 112. Centrina, characters of, i. 144. Centrine, general characters of, i. GeNirceus Scolopax figured, ii. 43. Centriscida, ii. 42. Centronotidz, general characters of, ii. 37. Centronotine, general, characters of, 1i. 38. Centronotus, characters of, ii. 39. Cephaline, general characters of, i. 199. Cephalocanthus figured, ii. 56. Cepola figured, ii. 44. Cephus, characters of, i, 319. Cerastes described, 11. 146. Ceratoptera figured and described, i. 176. Cestracion Philippii figured and described, i. 147. Cetopsis figured, i. 350. Chzetodonide, general characters of, ii. 14. 23. Chetodonine, general characters of, ii. 25. Chalceus, characters of, i. 255. _ Chalcides, general characters of, ii. 158. Chameleonide, general characters of, ii. 151 Chameleons described, ii. 151. Char, i. 241. Characine, general characters of, i. 254, Sub-genera of, 254. 430 Characinus, characters of, i. 252. 955 Characters, peculiar of fishes, i. 11. Chatoessus, characters of, i. 276. Chelidridz, general characters of, ii 116. Chelonians, general characters of, ii. 100. Chelonides, general characters of, ii. 107. Chelonidz, general characters of, ii. 114. Cheloniform fishes, general cha- racters of, i 102. 189. Arrange- ment of, 191. Cheloniform type, i. 106. Chimera australis figured, i. 125. Chimera borealis figured and de. scribed, i. 125. Chimeridz, general characters of, 1 195. Chinese summon gold fishes to feed by a whistle, 1. 48. Chirida, ii. 83. Chirocentrus, characters of, i. 266. 288. Chironectes histrio figured, i. 202. Chironectide, characters of, i. 191. 201. Chirotes. general characters of, i. 158. Circle, distinct, formed by aberrant divisions, i. 10. Cirri, use and description of, i. 45. Clarias figured, i. 349. Clininz, general character of, ii. 74. Characters of the genera of the sub-family of, 75. Clupea, characters of, i. 268. Sub- genera, 275. Clupea aurovittata figured, i. 265. Clupea harengus figured, i. 271. Clupeine, general characters of, i. 265. Arrangement of, 266. Cobites, characters of, i. 364. Cobitidz, general characters of, i. 231. S60. Cobra de capella, ii. 145. Cod, common, described, i 317. Cod-fish described, i. 230. 314. Most abundant on the shores of the Arctic Seas, 53. Cod fisheries, i. 315. Cod, speckled, i. 31 Cods, eel, des erg i. 323. Cecilia, description and habits of, ii. 97. Coluber natrix, ii. 143. Coluberidz, general characters of, li. 142. Coregonus described, i.,249. Coriaceous turtle, ii 115. Coryphznidz, ii 42. Cottide,general characters of, 11.53. Cotylephorus Blochii figured, i. 355, INDEX. | | | ‘ i Crocodile lizards, ii. er Crocodiles described, i ll. Crossorhinus lobatus yin: and described, i. 142. - Crotalide, general characters of, i iL 144. Primary groups of, 145. Cuvier, character of his influence on ichthyology, i 1. 64. Cuvier and | Valenciennes’ 's arrange- ment, i. 77. Cyclopium | Humboldtii® figured, i. SH. Cyclopteride, general characters of, i, 224. Cynodon, characters of, i. 255. Cupane general characters of, 1. 37 Cyprinus, characters of, i. 238. Cypsilurus appendiculatus figured 1, 299. D. : Dactylophorus, ‘characters of, ii. 54. Dalophis, figured, i. 29). Datnia, head - figured, ii. 25. Deal-fish. ii. Definitions, eae comparative value of external and internal anotomy in, i. 5. Desmarest, ichth yological work of, 1. 63. Diodinz,general characters of,i.198. Diodon histrix, habits of, i. 198. Diplopterus puicher figured, i. 308. Divisions, aberrant, form an inde- pendent circle, i. 10. Dog-fish, 20,000 captured at once in a Cornish net, i. 127. Dog-fish, picked, its singular mode of defence, i. 147. Dolphins, true, ii. 42. Dorsal fin, coincidences in forma + tion of, in widely distinct genera, i. 39. Described, 22. Dorsal spines used as instruments of defence by fishes, i. 27. Dorse, i. 317. Double- eyed loach described, i363. Double-headed snakes, ii. 140. Dragonets described, ii. 81. Dum eril, character of the ichthyo- logical tables by, i 60. E Eagle rays described, i. 174. Echeneide, ii. 43. Eel cods described, i. 323, Eels, sea, described, i. 219. Eels, serpent, described, i. 219. 2292. Eels, true, described, i. 220. Eggs of Fishes remain unhatched . , } i INDEX. * in the East Indian tanks from one rainy season to another, i. 49. Elocate, character of, ii. 33. Electric organs of the torpedo de- scribed, i. 178. Electric silure, i. 348. Elops, characters of, i. 266. 28%. Subgenera, 281. Emydosaures, general characters of, ii. 109. Enalosaures, general characters of, ii. 107. 120. Engraulis, characters of, i. 281. Engraulis Hamiltonii, figured, i. 284 Enoplosus, characters of, ii. 17. Eremophilus figured and described, 1. 358. Erpetology, present state of, ii. 350. Useless multiplication of genera in, 352. Confusion introduced into, by the enormous quantity of synonymes, 354. Erythrinus teeniatus 239. Esocinez, general characters of, i. 995. Arrangement of the genera of, 294. Esox belone, habits of, i. 300. Exocetus, characters of, i. 295. Exocetus evolans, figured and de- scribed, i. 297. Eyes of Fishes described, i. 14. 46. “£e ine figured, i. Fecundity of Fishes, i. 51. Feet represented by fins, i.8. Fore, of quadrupeds, represented by the pectorals of fishes, 15. Hinder, by the ventrals, 19. Fierce tortoise, ii. 1165. File-fish described, i. 193. Fimbriated tortoise figured and described, ii. 117. Finlets described, i. 24. Fins, representatives of feet, i. 8. Described, 15. Pectorals, 15. Ventrals, 19. Dorsal, 22. Spu- rious, 24. Anal, 29. Caudal, 30. Analogies of, with the locomo- tive organs of birds, 37. Coinci- dences in formation of, in widely distinct genera, 39. Terms ap- plied to, 40. Number of rays in, one of the best characters for specific distinction, 41. Of the catfish figured and described, 328. Fishes: Organs of motion, i. 13. Majority oviparous, i. 14. External Anatomy, i. 15. Sucking or adhesive, singular form of the ventrals in, i. 21., 431 Fishes. — continued. Use dorsal spines as a means of defence, i. 27. Form of the caudal fin important in determining natural groups in, i. 30. Swift sw imming, have forked tails, i. 31. Number of rays composing the several fins, one of the best characters for specific distinc- tion, i. 41. With highly developed gills, and the aperture very large, die very soon out of water, i. 42. Which breathe by spiracles, live for a considerable time out of water, i. 42. Teéth of, most uncertain charac- ters for designating natural groups, i. 44. Cirrated, are all ground feeders, 1. 45. Senses of, i. 47. Vitality of, i, 49. Cartilaginous, continue to grow all their lives, i. 48. Tenacity of life in several genera, 1. 49, Thrown up alive from the bottom of an expioding volcano, i. 49. Eggs of in the East Indian tanks remain unhatched from one rainy season te another, i. 49. Have preserved their vitality in a frozen state, i. 50. Fecundity of, i. 50. Habits and economy of, involved in great obscurity, i. 51. Geographic distribution of, i. 51. More attention paid by the an- tients to the class of, than to any other, i. 54. History and bibliography of, i. 54. Method of preserving for mu- seums, i. 68. Best mode of heating 5 a/lh Localities of, i 71. Systematic arrangement of, i. 72. Natural arrangement of, i. 99. Analogies of the primary divi- sions of, with warm-blooded vertebrata, 1.102. With the an- nulosa, 112. With the reptiles, 115. Of the class with the other classes of animated na- ture, 117. Cartilaginous, general characters of, i. 118. Analogies of, 149. Cheloniform, general characters of, 1.159. Analogies of, 200. Anguill iferm, general characters of, re PE “Analogies of, 216. Soft-rayed, general characters of, i. 225. Analozies of, 232. 432 Fishes. — Coniinued. Teeth of, an insufficient zoologi- cal character, i. 243. Exempli- tied, 339. Fiat, general characters of, i. 310. Analogies of, 311. Cod, general “characters of, i, 314. Analogies of, 324. Loaches, general characters of, ¥ 360. Spine-rayed, general character of, ii.1.; geographic distribu- tion of, 6. Analogies of, 8. Riband, general characters of, ii. 44. Analogies of, 49. External characters of, i. 7. - In- ternal anatomy of, 12. Pecu- liar characters of, 11. Rank of, among the Vertebrata, 7. Relationsof to Quadrupeds aid Birds, 8. Cat, general characters of, i. 325° Analogies of, 333. Sixty-two new or little known species described, il. 385. Fish frogs, pectorals of the, i. 18. Fishing-frog, singular mode of at- tracting its prey pursued by, 1.46. Fishing-frogs described, i. 203. Fish lizards, ii. 102, 107, 120. Sup- posed affinities of, ii.125. Fistularia, notice of, ii. 35. Flat-fish described, i. 230. 310. Geo- graphic distribution of, 312. Pec- torals, male, 18. Fiat-tailed water serpents. ii. 147. Flying-fish described, i. 295. Its volatile powers due to its enor- mous pectorals, 18. Flying gurnards, ii. 55. Flying lizards connect the Birds and Reptiles, i. 9. Flying lizards, ii. 102. 161. Flying lizards described, ii. 124, Forked hakes described, i. 321. Form, primary types of, i. 103. Four-striped serpent, ii. 143. Freshwater tortoises, ii. 114. Frog, green, horned, tree, thimble, ii. 89. Frog-fish, habits and appearence of,i. 8. Characters of, 191. 201. Singular mode of attracting its prey, pursued by, 46. Pectorals of the, 18. Eaten by the negroes of Pernambuco, ii. 4. Frog-lizards described, ii. 160. Frogs, rank of among the Ver- tebrata, i. 7. Described, ii. 86. 88. General characters of, 100. and G. Gading, general characters of,i.317. INDEX. Gadide, general characters of, i. 230. 314. 316. Divisions of, siz. Gadus, characters of, i. 317. Gadus furcatus figured, i, 318. Gadus macrocephalus figured and described, i. 319. Galeus, characters of, i. 143. Galley-wasps described, ii. 156. Gar-fish described, i. 300. Gasteropelicus, characters of, i. 255. Geckoes, ii. 159. Gempylus Prometheus figured and described, ii. 35. Geoffroy St. Hilaire, mythologi- cal works of, characterised, i. 65. Gerris, head of, figured, ii. 93. Gill-cover, structure of, i. 12. Use and composition of, 9. 41, Gills, structure of, i. 12. External covering of, of great importance, 41, Gmelin, character of his work on- Ichthyology, i. 60. Gin, English, from its adulteration unfitfor preserving specimens,i.70. Globe-fish described, i. .1°8. Gobidea, general characters of, ii. 80. Gobies, singular form of the ven- trals in, i. 21. Eaten by the poor in Italy, ii. 5. Described, 80. Goitred lizards, ii. 154, Gold fish come to feed in China when whistled for, i. 48. Gouan, character of the ichthyo- logical works of, i, 57. Grayling, i. 249. Great American salamander, li. 94. Green frog, ii. 89. Green turtle, ii. 115. Gronovius, character of the ich- thyological works of, i. 57. Gudgeon, i, 239. Gurnards described, ii. 53. Gurnards, flying, ii. 55. Gurnards, sword, described, ii, 53. Gwyniad, i. 251. Gymnetres, general characters of, li. 7. 44. Cirele of, 47. Gymnetrida, ii. 47, Gymnothorax Zebra figured, i. 220. x H. Haddock, i. 317. Hare-fish, figured and described. i. 197. Hake, common, i. 319. Mediter- ranean, 319. Hakes, forked, described, i. 321. Hamilton, Buchanan, work of, on Indian fishes noticed, 1. bp. Hammer-headed sharks described, sas Haan sense of, in fishes, i. 48. Heloderma horridum figured, 11.155 INDEX. : 433 Helotine, general characters of, ii. 99 Hemiramphus characters of, i. 301. Hemiramphus braziliensis, figured and described, i._301. Herrings described, i. 265. Herrings, toothless, i. 275. Herrings, true, described, i. 266. Natural his:ory of, 267. Heterobranchus bidorsalis figured, 1. 349. Heterobranchus 5-tentaculatus, fi- gured and described, i. 35¢. Hippocampus, its extraordinary mode of capturing its prey, 1. 206. History of Ichthyology, i..54. Holibut, i. 312. Holocentrine, general characters of, ii. 21. Hoplisoma, characters of, i. 336. Hoplisoma punctata, figured, i. 337. Horned frog, ii. 89. Horned silure, i. 339. Horned viper, ii. 146. Horse-mackarel, ii. 39. Huro, characters of, ii. 18.” Hydrophidz, general characters of, li. 140. Hydrosaurus described, ii. 155. Hyodon, characters of, i. 289. Hyodon clodalis figured, i. 289. Hyodons, description and habits of, 7 2 1. 289. Hypophthalmus figured and de- scribed, i. 346. Hypostoma, characters of, i. 336. I. Ichthyology :— Difficulties in the investigation of, 13: Method pursued in the present work, i. 4. History and bibliography of, i. 54. Attention paid to by the An- cients, 1. 54. Revived in the 16th century by Belon, Salviani, and Rondele- tius, 1. 54. Artedi, the true founder of syste- matic, i. 56. Klein opens a new field in, i. 56. Gronoyius, Gouan, and Catesby, works of on, i. 57. Bloch and Schneider, works of on, i. 58 i. 58. Munro, the founder of ichthyo- logical anatomy, i. 58. Lacepede’s great work on, cha- racterised, i. 58. Gmelin, Duméril, Russell, and Risso, works of on, i. 60. Rafinesque Schmaltz, valuable la- bours of in, i, 60. VOL. il. Ichthyology — continued. Sicily, a rich field of, i. 63. Viviani, Spinola, Valenciennes, Leach, Montagu, Geoffroy St. Hilaire, Isidore, Geoffroy, Redouté, and Desmarest, la- bours of in, characterised, i. 63. American, illustrated by Le Sueur, Harwood, and Rafinesque, i. 64. Cuvier’s works advance the study of, i. 64. Character of his con- tributions to, 65. Indian, illustrated by Hamilton, i, 65. Expensive modes of publication, an obstacle to progress of, i. 66. 357, note. Of the Red Sea, illustrated by Ruippell, i. 66. Of Brazil, by Spix and Agassiz, i. 67 i. 67. Of Britain, illustrated by Yarrell, i. 68. Ichthyosauri, general characters of, ii. 121. Iguana lizards, ii. 152. Iguana, proper, described, ii. 153. Iguanide, primary divisions of, ii. 152. Indian jugglers, snakes tamed by, ii. 146. Inter-operculum described, i. 42. Intestines of fishes described, i. 14. Isidore Geoffroy, ichthyological la- bours of, characterised, i. 63. J. Julis Mediterranea figured, ii. 25. m K. Klein, value of the ichthyclogical works of, i. 56. L. Labrine, general characters of, ii. 24, ° Lacepede, value of his ichthyologi- cal labours, i. 58. Lacertide, general characters of, ii. L540: Lampreys described, i. 223. Land salamanders figured and de- scribed, ii. 92. Land tortoises, ii. 113. Lateral line described, i. 45. Lath fish, ii. 44. Lauride, characters of, i. 241. Laurida Mediterranea figured and described, i. 246. Laurida microps, figured and de. scribed, i. 246. Laurida minuta figured, i. 247. FF ASA Leach, labours of, in ichthyology, i. 63 Lebia ellipsoides figured and de- scribed, i. 366. Lepidion, characters of, i. 318. Legs of birds represented by the ventrals of fishes, i. 19. Lepidolepres, general characters of, ii. 53. Lepisosteus figured and described, i. 305. Leptodes, characters of, i. 303. Leptodes siculus, figured and de- scribed, i. 504. Leptognathus oxyrhynchus figured and described, i. 221. Le Sueur, beauty of the ichthyo- logical drawings by, i. 64. Life, tenacity of, in many fishes, i. 49. Ling, i. 320. Linnzus’s arrangement, i. 76. Si- tuation of the ventrals employed by in the construction of some of his primary classes, 70. Little sea-devil described, i. 147. Note. Lizard, broad.tailed, of New Hol- and, ii. 153. Lizard, serpent, ii. 122 Lizards, general characters of, ii. 160. 107. General description of, 148 Lizards, crocodile, ii. 155. Lizards, fish, ii. 102, 107, 120. Lizards, flying, connect the birds and reptiles i. 9.; described ii 102. 124. 161. Lizards, frog, ii. 160. Singular shapes found amongst, 161. Lizards goitred, ii. 154. Lizards, iguana, ii. 152. Lizards, nocturnal, ii. 152. Lizards, serpent, ii. 156. Lizards, slender-tongued, ii. 154. Loach, common, figured and de- scribed, i, 561.; ; peculiar osteology Loach, ates eved, described, i. 63. Loach, pond, habits of, i. 362. Loaches described, i. 231. 360. Localities of fish, i. 71. Loggerhead turtle, ii. 115 Longneckedsnake- lizard described, Lophide, characters of, i. 191. Loricaria, characters of, i, 335. Loricaria plecostomus, figured, 1 331. Loricarina, characters of, 1.330.335. Lota, characters of, i. 320. Lumpsuckers described, i. 224. A Sicilian species figure 5 INDEX. M. Mackarel, ii. 33. Mackarel, horse, ii. 39. Macrochirus, characters of, ii. 70. ~ Macroleptes, general characters of, li. 6. Families of, 14. Mailed cat-fish described, i. 330, 338. Mailed cheeks, ii. 7. Mailed fish described, ii. 53. Mailed perches described. ii. 21. Malacopteryges, general characters of, i. 100., 225. Primary divisions of, 226. Malapturus, characters of, i. 348. Mallotus described, i. 248. Malthe nasuta, pectorals of, i1.19., head of, figured, 202. Marine turtles, ii. 114 Mastecemblis, characters of, ii. 37. Megalops, characters of, i. 983. Merlangus, characters of, i. 318. Menobranchus described, ii. 95. Menusite; general characters of, 1 319. Merlucius sinuatus, figured, i. 319, Mexican siren, ii. 95. ° Microleptes, general characters of, ii. 6. Families of, Military silure, i. 339. Molinisea latipinna, figured and described, i. 365. Monacanthus bifilamentosus, fi- gured, i. 195. Monee general characters of, i. 308 Mormyrinus i. 308. Montagu, labours of, in ichthyo- logy, 1. 63. Motella, characters of, i. 320. Motella fusca figured, i. 320. Mouth of fishes described, i. 13. Mugillidz, general characters of, li. 14, 27. Mullet, grey, ii. 27. Mullets, ii. 14, 27. Mullidz, generai characters of, ii. 14, 28, Munro, characters of his work on the anotemy of fish. Mureznidz, general characters of, i. 219. Murenineg, general characters of, i, 223. Myletes, characters of, i, 254. Myliobates, described, i. 175. Mystus, characters of, i. 340. Myxene glutinosa, figured, i. 214. elongatus, figured, N. Natural arrangement of fishes, i. 99. Naucrates, characters of, ii. 28. Newt, blind, ii. 28, A ee) ee INDEX. Nocturnal lizards, ii. 152. North American sirens, ii. 97.— Nostrils of fishes described, i. 14. Notocanthine, characters of, ii. 37. Notopterus, characters of, i. 283. O. Odontognathus, characters of, i. 258. Oken’s arrangement, i. 92. Omobranchus: filamentosus, figurec, ii. 79. Gat eieasus structure of, 1.12. Use and structure, 41. Ophides, general characters of, ii. 107. 135. Arrangements of, 136. Primary groups of, 138. Ophidians, general characters of, ii. 100. Ophidonide, general characters of, 11. 48. ’ Osteoglossum, characters of, i. 266. Osteoglossum bicirrhosum, figured and described, i. 287. : Ostracine, general characters of, i. 195. Lee Pachypterus, characters of, 1. 346. Paradise fish, ii. 27. Parr, i. 251. Parrot fish, ii. 26. Pectoral fins described, i.15. Re- present the fore-feet of quadru- péds and wings of birds, 15. Pro- Hae ofin the genus Polynemus, 9 Pedalion gigas, figured and des- cribed, i. 199. Pelor, figured, ii. 56. Perca, characters of, ii. 17. Perches described, ii. 14, 15. Perches, mailed, ii. 21. Perches, true, described, ii. 15. Percidz, general characters of, ii. 14, 15. Percine, general characters of, ii, 16. Divisions of, 17. Petromyzon, its natural situation considered, i. 217. Petromyzonide, general characters of, i 223. Phycine, general characters of, ii. 321. Phycis longepennis, figured, i. 322. Physis of the ancients, supposed to be the goby, ii. 81. Piabucus, characters of, 1.255. Picked dog- fish, its singular mode of defence, i. 147. Pikes, described, i. 293. 435 Pikes, fluviatile, habits and yora- city of, 1.302. Doubtful story of a huge one caught at Heilbrun, 302. “Large one caught in Scot- land, 303. Pilchard, natural histories of, i. 971. Fishery, 273. Pilot-fish, ii. 38. Pimelodine, general characters of, 1. 331. 338. Pimelodus, characters of, i. 340, Pipe-fish, described, i. 05. Plaice, i. 313. Platycephalus, characters of, ii. 57. Platydactyli, general characters of, 1 152: Platygaster, characters of, i. 278. Plecostomus, characters of, 1. 336. Plectognathes, general characters of, i. 102. 189, Arrangement of, 191. Plesiosaurus, general characters of, ii. 122. Pleuronectide, general characters of, i. 230. 310. Plotosus, figured, i. 331. ters of, 349. Pecilina multilineata, figured and described, i. 365. Peciline, general characters of, 1. 365. Polynemus, processes of the pecto- ral fips in, 1,19. Polyodon reticulatus, figured and described, i. 123. Polypterus niloticus, figured and described, i, 203. Pond loach, habits of, i. 362. Poor, i. 317. Potemkin, instance of the extra- vagance of, i. 125, Pout, i. 317. Pre-operculum described, i. 41. Brescuation of fish for museums, i Pristis, figured and described, i. 135. Pristogaster, figured and described, 1. 266. Characters of, 277. Proteus described and figured, ii, Charac- 95. Pteraclida, i ii. 47. Pteridium, characters of, i. 323. Pterocephaline, general characters of, i. 174. Pterodactyli, connection of birds and reptiles by the, i.9. Gene- rai characters of, ii. 124. Station of, 128. Analogies of, ii. 130. Pusichthys, characters of, i. 348. Q. Quadrupeds, relations of to fishes, i$. Fore-feet of, represented by FF Q2 436 * the pectorals of fishes, Hinder, by the ventrals, 19. Quinary system, progressive adop- tion of the, i. 2. 15. R. Rafinesque Schmaltz, valour of his labours in iehthyology, i i. 60 Raia batis, immense, caught in the British seas, i. 170. Raia rubra, figured and described, i. 173. Raide, general character of, i. 168. Ramphistoma, characters of, i. 300. Ranida, general characters of, ii. 88 Rattlesnakes, ii. 147. Ray, angel, described, i. 184. Rays, pectoral fins of, i. 18. Gene- ral characters of, 1€8, Natural arrangement of, 171. Rays, eagle, described, i. 174. Rays, snout, i. 184. Rays, sting, described, i. 172. Rays, true, described, i. 172. Rays, number of, in fins, one of the best characters for specific dis« tinctions, i. 40. Redoute, ichthyological drawings by, i. 63. Relations borne to each other by quadrupeds, birds, and fishes, i. 8. Remora fish, ii. 43. Reptiles, rank of, among the ver- tebrata, 1. 7. Birds connected by the flying lizards, i.9. De- scribed, ii. 100. Reptilia, general characters of, ii. 100. Arrangement of, 103. 105. Primary orders of, 107. Rhinelepis, characters of, i. 336. Rhinobates Ruppellii figured, i. 185. Rhinobatine, general characters of, 1. 185. Rhinoptera quadrilobata figured and described, i. 175. Riband fish, extraordinary shape of the ventrals in some, i. 22. Place of, ii. 7. Described, 44. Roach, i. 239. Rocklings, described, i. 320. Pecu- liarity in the dorsal fin of, i. 24. Rondeletius, a reviver of the study of ichthyology, i. 54. Character of his figures, 1. 55. Ruippell’s work on the fishes of the Red Sea characterized, i. 66. Russell, character of the ‘ichthyolo- gical works of, i. 60. S. Salamander, great American, ii. 94, Salamanders, general characters of, ii. 91. 100. Salamanders, land, ii. 92. Salamanders, water, ii. 93. Salarias, characters of, ii. 78. Sub- genera of, 79. Salmo, general characters of, i. 244. Salmon described, i. 244. Salmon, common, i. 244. Salmon “herrings described, i. 266. Salmon, tropical, described, i. 25% Sl Rr general characters of, i. 29. Salmoninz, general characters of, i. 40 Salmons described, i. 229. ee European, described, i. 44 Salmons, true, described, i. 240. Salviani, a reviver of the studies of ichthyology, i. 54. Samlet, i. 251. Sandlances, considered délicious by the Sicilians, ii. 5. Saures, arrangements of, ii. 150. Primary divisions of, 150. Gene- ral characters of, 107. 148. Saurians, general characters of, ii. Saw-fish, figured and described, i. 135. Scaly tortoise, ii. 117. note. Scarine, general character of, il. 26 Schneider, character of the ichthy- ological works of, i. 58. : Sciznine, general characters of, ii. 26. Scincoide, general characters of, li. 156. Scomberesox, characters of, i. 300. Scomberide, ’ general characters of" li. 33. Scomberine, general characters of, ii. 34. Scorpena, characters of, ii. 57. Scorpenide, general characters of, li. 53. 56. Scorpeninz, general characters of, ji. 59. Serophicephalesist uae ot seyiliura canicula, Geared and de- scribed, i. 143. Scymnus ‘borealis, habits of, 1. 145. rt devil, little, ‘described, i. 147. note. Sea eels described, i. 219. Sea monsters, general characters of, i. 125. Sea parrots, ii. 26, INDEX. Sea purses, i. 169. Sea serpents described, ii. 140. Selachus, characters of, i. 141. Senses of fishes, i. 46. Seps described, ii. 157. Serpent eels described, i. 219. 229. Serpent, four-striped, ii. 143. Serpent-lizard, described, ii. 122. Serpent- lizards, i li. 156. Serpents, general characters of, ii. 100. 107. Serpents, angular-headed, ii. 147. Serpents, sea, ii. 140. Serpents, true, general characters of, ii. 135. Serpents, venomous, poison fangs of, described, ii. 144 Serranine, general characters of, li. 19. Serrasalmo, characters and habits, 1 241. 254, Shark, hammer-headed, figured, and ‘described, 1.133: Shark rays, i. 168. Shark, fox-tailed, noticed, i. 140. Shark, white, described, 1. 139. Shark, general characters of, i. 126. Pectoral fins of, 18. Young, eaten by the Sicilians, ii. 4. Shark, spiracled, general charac- ters of, i. 145. Sicilians, young sharks eaten by, ii. 4.; and sandlances, 5. Sicily, a rich field of ichthyology, i. 63. Siluride, general characters of, i. 230. 325. Divisions of, 330. Silonia, characters of, i. 345. Silonia lurida, figured, i. 345. Silure, electric, 1. 348. Silure, horned or military, i. 339. Silures, eel, i. 344. Silures, spines of, i. 328. Silurine, general characters of, i. 331. 344. Silurus, characters of, i. 347. Silurus Glanis, figured, i. 326. e Silurus laticeps, figured, 1, 345. Siren, Mexican, ii 95. ce Sirens, North American, li. 97, Sirens, remarks on, ii. 99. Sisor, characters of, i. 342. Skate, immense, caught in the West Indian seas, i. 172. Skates, i. 168. 172. Skeleton of fishes, described, i. 12. Skinks, described, ii, 156. Slender-tongued lizards, ii, 154. Slow-worms, described, ‘ii 141. Smell, sense of, in fishes, i. 47. Smelt, i. 239. Snake- lizard, long-necked, ii. 123. Snake, spectacle, ii. 145. Snakes, double-headed, ii. 140. Snakes, true, described, li. 142, i _ Sudis, characters of, i. 240. 437 Snout rays, described, i. 185. Soft-raved fishes, characters of, i. 100. Described, 295, Their uti- lity as food, 996. Soft tortoises, i ii. 115. Sorubine, general characters of, i. 332, Species figured, 357. Sparing, general characters of, ii. 26, Specimens, how to preserve, i. 68. Best mode of procuring, 71. Speckled cod, i. 317. Spectacle snake, ii. 145, Sphyrenine, ii. 41. Spine-backs, described, ii. 36. 38. Spineheads, described, ii. 53. 56. 59. Spines, dorsal, used by fishes as in- struments of defence, i. 27. Spine-rayed fishes, characters of, i. 100. General description of, ii. 1. Natural history of, 5. Spinola, ichthyological works of, characterised, i. 63. Spiracled sharks, general characters of, i. 143. Spirits of wine the best liquor for preserving fish, i. 70. Spirobranchide, general characters of, ii. 14, 28. Spotted Indian torpedo, figured, i. 178. Squalide, general characters of, i. 126. Rafinesque’s genera, 199. Squaline, general characters of, i. 137. Squalus, characters of, i. 139. Squalus centrina described, i. 146. Squalus Dumerilli figured, i. 184. Squatina angelorum, figured and described, i. 184. Stellio, characters of, ii. 153 Sterlet, notion of the, i. 125. Sternarchide, general characters of, 15222: Sternoptyx, figured and described, i. 260 Sting rays, huge, caught near Nice, 1.170. Supposed to be destructive to mankind, 170. Sting described, 171. Stockfish, i. 315. Stomach and intestines of fishes de- scribed, 1. 14. Stomias, characters of, i. 305. Sturgeon, common, figured and de- scribed, i. 123. Sturgeons, characters of, i. 123. Sturionide, general characters of, Pole: Sturisoma, characters of, i. 337. Stylephorida, ii. 47. Sub-operculum described, i. 41, Sucking-fishes, singular form and use of the ventrals in, i. 21. “ FES ASS Sudis gigas, figured and described, i, 262. Sun-fish described, i. 199. Surinam toad, ii. ol. Surmullets, if. 14. 28. Sword-fish, delicious flavour of, ii. Sword gurnards described, ii. 53. Synachia, characters of, ii. 57. Synanchina, general characters of, 11. 59. Synbranchide, general characters of, i. 219, 299. Syngnathide, characters of, i. 191. 204. Synodontes, characters of, i. 339. Synodontes Ruppelli, figured, i. 339. Systematic arran gement of fishes, i. 72. Artedi’s, 75. Linnzus’s, i. 76. Cuvier and Valenciennes’ 8, 77. Bonaparte’s, 85. Oken’s, 92. Remarks on, 96. Tabular view of the analogies of — The genera of Percine and the fa- milies of the Macroleptes, i ii. 18, Percine and Serranina, ii. 20. Sub-genera of Perca, and the sub. genera of Serranus, i. 20. Tribes of Microleptes, and the or- ders of fishes, ii. 31. Families of Microleptes, and the tribes of Acanthopteryges, ii. 32. Genera of the Zeinz and Centro- noting, and the sub-families of the Ze ide, il. 40. Sub-genera of Seriola, Centrono- tus, and Elacate, ii. 40. Sub-families of the Zeide and the Scomberida, ii. 42. Different groups in the tribe of Microleptes, ii. 44. Sub-families of the Coryphenidz, and the families of the Gymne- tres, ii. 49. Genera of the Gymnetride and the families of the Gy mnetres, and the sub-families of Cory- phenida, ii. 50. Genera of Gy mnetride and Tra- chypterida, ii. 5). Triglidz and Scorpenide, ii. 58, Genera of the Scorpenine, and the types of the Scorpenidz and Triglida, ii. 61. Genera of the Scorpenine and Synanchina, ii. 61. Sub-genera of Apistes, and the di- visions of the Scorpenida, ii. 63. Sub-genera of Apistes, ii. 64. Blennina, ii. 74. Genera of Clinine and Blennine, ii. 76. Sub-genera of Salurias and Blen- nius, ii. 80. INDEX. Tabular view, continued. Primary divisions of fishes and those of warm-blooded Verte- brata, i. 110. Primary divisions of fishes and those of the Annulosa, i. 113. - Primary divisions of fishes and those of the reptiles, i. 115. Primary classes of the animal *kingdom, i. 117. Families of the Cartilagines and the orders of fishes, i. 149. Vertebrata and the Cartilagincus fishes, i. 154. Cartilagines and birds, i. 157. Sub-families of the Squalide and the families of the Cartilagines, i, 159. Squaline and Centrine, i. 162. Rays and the cartilaginous fami- lies, i. 187. Trygonine and Raida, i. 188. Cheloniform fishes and the pri- mary orders, i. 200. The Syngnathide, i. 207. Plectognathes, and the orders of fishes, i. 210. Plectognathes and the Cartila- gines, i. 211. Families of the Plectognathes and the families of the Malacopte- ryges, 1. 212. Apodal order, i. 216. Malacopteryges and the orders of fishes, i. 232. Malacopteryges and the Cartila- gines, i. 233. Malacopteryges and Cheloniform fishes, i. 235. Sub-genera of Salmo and the orders of fishes, i. 249. Sub-genera of Salmo, and the sub-families of the Salmonide, 1. Sat European and American salmon, i. 259. Primary divisions of the Sal- monide and the genera of Salmo and Characinus, i. 263. Genera of salmon, and sub-fa- milies of the Salmonida, i. 263. Sub-genera of Clupea, and the genera of Clupeine, i. 279. Sub-genera of Clupea, and those of Elops, i. 285. Clupeine and Salménida, i. 292. Circle of the Malacopteryges and the types of the Esocine, i. 397. Genera of the pikes, and the genera of the herrings, i. 307. Sub-families of the Salmonide, and the types of the Scrom- berida, i. 306. Genera of Gadus, and the di- visions ef Gadide, i i, 324, INDEX. 4309 ‘Tabular view — continued. Sub-families of Siluride, and the orders of fishes, i. 333. Genera of the Loricarine and the sub-families of the Silurida, i. 338. Genera of the Silurine and the sub-families of the Siluride, i. 351. Sub-genera of Silurus and the genera of Siluring, i. 353, Tribes of Acanthopteryges and ue tribes of Malacopteryges, ii. 8. Acanthopteryges and the orders of fishes, ii. 11. Families of tortoises and the or- ders of reptiles, ii. 119. Chelonian reptiles and the ver- tebrated classes, ii. 120, Saurian lizards, ii. 162. Chameleons, ii. 165. ane Tails, forked, characteristic of swift- ness, i. 31. Extraordinary deve- lopement of in Macropodus ve- nustus, 35. Taste, sense of, in fishes, i. 48. Teeth of fishes described, i. 43. Uncertainty of, as-a zoological character, 1. 44. 243. Tench, i. 239., found dead ina pond after the first of 1837-8, 50. Be Cedille, general characters of, ii. 11 sy coped ia characters of, i. Tetroodine, general characters of, i. 196. Thimble-frog, ii. 89. Thornbacks, i. 168. 172. Thryssa, characters of, i. 276. Thynnineg, general characters of, il. 34 Tilesia, characters of, i. 318. Toad, Surinam, ii. 91. Toads described, ii. 86. 89. Toad-fish described, ii. 59. Tongue of fishes described, i. 14. Sometimes armed with teeth, 43. Torpedo, electric, habits of, i. 178. Description of its electric organs, 179. Torpedo rays, i. 177. Torpedo skates, i. 168. Torpedo, spotted Indian, figured, i. 178. Tarpedoess 168. 177. Habits of, 183. Tortoise, alligator, ii. 116 Tortoise, fierce, 116. Tortoise, fimbriated, 117. Tortoise, scaly, 117. note. Tortoise-fish figured, i. 190. Figur- ed and described, i. 195. Tortoises, general characters of, ii. 100. 107. 112. Tortoises, land, ii. 113. Tortoises, freshwater, 114, Tortoises, soft, ii. 115. Trachinus, characters of, ii. 39. Trachypterida, ii. 47. Tree frog, ii. 89. Trichodon, figured and described, ii. 60. Trichosoma, characters of, i. 284. Trigla, characters of, ii. 54 Triglide, general characters of. il. 53), Trionicide, general characters of, WAS, Trout, i. 241. Trunk.fish figured and described, 1195: Trygons described, i. 172. Tunnies, astonishing swiftness of, i. 38. Tunnies described, ii. 34. Tunny, fleshy flavour of, ii. 5. Turbot, i. 312. Turtle, coriaceous, green, and log- gerhead, ii. 115. Turtles described, i112. Turtles, marine, ii. 114, Triodon bursarius, figured, 1. 198. V. Valenciennes, ichthyological works of, characterised, 1. 63. Ventral fin, coincidences in forra- ation of, in widely distinct genera, i. 59. Ventral fins described, i.19. Re- present the hind- feet of quadru- peds and legs of birds, i. 19. Sit- uation of, employed by Linneeus as the construction of some of his primary classes, 20. Viper, common, li. 146. Viper, horned, ii. 146. Vipers, true, i. 146. Vitality of fishes, i. 48. Viviani, ichithyological works of, characterised, i 63. Volcano, fish thrown upalive from an exploding, i. 49. W:. Walla, description of, i. 289., note. Water-salamanders, figured, ii. 92. Described, 93. Water-serpents, flat-tailed, ii. 147. FF 4 ‘ _Amphioxus, L 68. 222, 293. Watson, sir Brook, his leg ampu- tated by a shark at a single bite, rea Meee Whales, said ta be attacked by the saw-fish, 1. 136. White shark described, i. 139. Willughby, character of theichthy- ological works of, i. 55. Wolf-fish, ii. 82. Wrasses, li. 24. X. Xiphostoma, figured and described, ie 259- INDEX. Yarrell, character of Bat work on Ni British fishes, i. 68. Rest Z. Zeine, general characters of, i. 37. Zoarchide, characters of, ii. 82. Zygana malleus, figured and de- scribed, i. 133. ; Zygana iaticeps, figured, i. iar Zyganinae, general “characters of, i. re 153. SYSTEMATIC NAMES. PISCES. A. ABRAMIS, ii. 185. 985. Acanthicus, i. 336. ii. 303. Acanthonotus, i. 28. Acanthurine, ii. 177. 255. Acanthurus, i. 34. ii. 49. 178. 255. Acerina, ii. 168. 203. Achirus, ii. 187. 303. Acipenser, 1. 46. 122, 193, 194. 154. 212. ii 193, 392. Acourus, ii. 190. 310. Acus, ii. 195. 333. ZEtobates, i. 178. ‘ii. 192. 321. Agenieosus, 1. 599. 345.551. 352. ii. 189. 305. Agonide, ii. 53. 181. 272. Agonus, ii. 181. 272. Agriopus, ii. 57. 180. 267. Alabes, i, 216. 220, 225. ii. 196. 356. Alepes, ii. 176, 248. Alepisaures, ii. 175. 240. Alepisauring, ii. 175. 240. Alepisaurus, ii. 34. Alepocephalus, ii. 187. 298. Alopecias, ii. 191. 38. Alopias, i 130, 140. 165. ii. 191. 31S. Alutera, i. 1956. ii. 194. 327, Ambassus, ii. 18. 168. 200. Amblyopus, ii. 279. Amia, i. 244. 961. Ammocetes, ii. 197. 338. Aminodytes, i. 29, 85. 109. 214 ii 5. 9. 177. 254. Amphicanthus, ii. 38. Amphichthys, ii. 184. 282. li. 196. dat. Amphiprion, ii. 171. 216. Amphiscarus, ii. 172. 2:7. Anabas, i. 262. Anablepida, ii. 190. Anableps, i. 231. 365. ii. 190. 310, Anahus, ii. 174. 237. Anacanthus, i. 174. 189. ii. 192. 320. Anampsis, ii. 173. 233. Anarrhichas, i. 29. 109. ii. 10. 82. 184. 283. Anastomus, i. 245. 247. 251. 266, Ancylodon, ii. 171. 219. Anguilla, i. 221. ii. 195. 333. Anguilling, 1. 220. Anodus, i. 241. 252. ii. 185. 289, 252. Anthias, ii. 21. 169. 206. Apistes, ii. 59, 60. 62, 63. 65. 70. 180. 264. Apodes, i. 19. Apogon, ii. 18. 21. 168. 200. Apolectis, ii. 37. 176. 251. Argentina, i, 241. 346. ii. 185. 287. Argycthis, i. 37. Argycthius, ii. 178. 258. Argylepes, li. 247. Argyriosus, ii 176. 250. Argyrops, ii. 171. 221. Ariosoma, i. 220. ii. 195. Asphareus, ii. 172. 223. Asphedophorus, ii. 181. 272. Aspisurus, ii. 178. 257. Aspredine, i. 332. 334. 337. S44. 3A. il. 189. 308. Aspredo, i. 332. 338. 352. 355, 356. il. 189. 308. Aspro, ii. 18. 168. 199. Asteropteryx, ii 183. 281. Astroblepas, i. 332. 344. 350. 352. 355, 356. il. 189. 9. 308. Astrocanthus, ii, 331. Astroderming, i ii. 177. 255. Astrodermis, ii. 47. 177. 25. INDEX. 444 Astronotus, ii. 173. 229. Atherina, ii. 41. 175. 243. Aulopis, i. 246. ii. 185. 288. Aulostoma, ii. 35. 175. 242. Aulostominag, ii. 175. 241. Auxinurus, ii. 177. 257. Auxis, ii. 174. 238. B. Bagrus, i. 45. 339, 540. 344. Balistes, i. 21. 193, 194. 233. 264. 280. il. 194. O24. Balistide, i. 32. 44. 107. 190—192. 197. 200. 202. 205. 217. 235. 334, ii. 193. 323. Balistine, +. 192, 193. 196. ii. 194. 324. Balitora, i. 366, ii. 190. Balitorine, ii. 190. Barbus, i. 239. ii. 184. 284. Batrachida, ii. 82. 184. 289. Batrachus, i. 204. ii. 184. 282. Bembras, ii. 181, 270. Beryx, ii. 21. 169.207. Blennichis, ii. 74. 78, 79 Blennidz, i. 21. 29, 30. 109. ii. 10. Gael S252(3- Blenning, ii. 73. 79. 182. 273. Blennitrachus, ii. 78. 182. 274. Blennius, i. 29. 109. ii. 73, 74. 78. 79, 80. 182. 273. Blennophis, ii. 75. 77. 182. 276. Blepharis, ii. 176. 250. Blepsias, 1. 26. 28. 34. ii. 57, 58, 181. 268. Blepsing, ii. 181. 268. Boridea, ii. 172. 229. Brachirus, ii. 71. 187. 264. 303. Brama, ii. 170. 214. Breviceps, i. 328. 343. 345. ii, 189. 305. Brosma, i. 323. Brosmia, ii. 188. 301. Brosmine, i 1. 317. 322. ii. 188. 301. Brosmius, i. 324. Brotula, i. 228. 323,324. ii. 188. 302. Brotulina, 1. 317. 323. ii. 188. 301. Bufichthys, ii. 181. 268. Butirinus, i. 267. 281, 282. C. Ceesio, ii. 170. 214. Calamus, ii. 171. 221. Callicanthus, ii. 256. Callichrus, i. 547. 353. ii. 189. 306. Callichthys, i. 337. Cailidermes, ii. 178. Calliodon, ii. 172. 225. Callionymine, ii. 183. 280. Callionymus, ii. 81. 183. 280. Callorhynchus, ii. 193. 323, Calyonymus, i. 367. Cantherhines, ii. 194. 327. Canthidermes, ii. 194. 325. Canthigaster, i. 194. Canthileptes, i. 17. 28. ii. 5. Canthophrys, i. 364. ii. 190. 310, Canthyrynchus, ii. 181. 272. Capriscus, i. 194. ii. 194. 325. Capros, ii. 36, 37. 177. 252. Caranx, ii. 38. 56. Carapus, 1. 229. ii. 196. 337. Carcharias, i. 129. Cataphractus, i. 336. 338. 355. ii. 188. 304. Catastomus, i. 238. 253. ii. 185. 284, Centrarchus, i ii. 169. 210. Centrina, i. 141. 144, 145. 148. 165, 166. ii. 191. 314 Centrine, i. 132. 143. 159, 160, 161. 163. 165, 166. Centrinine, ii. 191. 314. Centriscide, ii. 30. 33. 41, 42. Centriscus, i. 264. 510. Centrolophus, 1i. 177. 255. Centronotide, ii. 30. 36. Centronotina, ii. 38. 176. 243. Centronotus, li. 38. 176, 245. Centrophorus, i. 146. ii. 191. 315. Centropomus, ii. 167. 198. Centropristis, ii. 21. 168. 205. Cephalepes, ii. 178. 258. Cephaline, i, 192. 196. 198. 201. ii. 195. 329. Gepnaleranth us, i. 16. ii. 55. 179, 263. Cephaloptera, 1. 176. Cephalus, i. 199. ii. 195. 329. Cephus, i. 319. ii 188. 300. Cepola, 1.29, 30. 32, 33. 108, 109. 353, ii. 5.7. 9. 43. 47, 48. 50. 179. 259. Ceratoptera, 1.175. ii, 192. 320. Cericteus, i. 140. Cerictius, i. 130, 131. 165. Cestracion, i. 136. 147, 148. 166, 167. 186. ii. 192. 316. Cetopsis, i. 350. 352. 355. ii. 189. 307. Chzeetoderma, ii. 194 327. Cheetodon, 11. 15. 170. 211. Chetodonide, i. 20. 38. 196. 311. ii. 4, 14, 15. 170. 211. Chetodonine, ii. 25. 170. 211. Chetolabrus, ii. 170. 216. Chalceus, i. 253, 254. ii. 186. 290. Chalisomus, ii, 194, 325. Characina, i. 254. 256. 258. Characinus, i. 241. 244. 252. 257. ii. 22. 185. 288. Charanx, ii. 176. 249. Charax, ii. 172. 222. Chasmodes, i ii. 78. 182. 273. Chatoessus, i. 276. 280. 283. ii. 188, 293. Chauliodes, i. 295. Chedrus, ii. 185. 285. 442 Cheilinus, ii. 173. 229. Cheilodactylus, i. 16, 17. ii. 171. 218. Cheilodipterus, ii. 18. 168. 200. Chela, i. 239. ii. 185. 285. Chelmon, ii. 170. 211. Chiloscyllium, i. 166. ii. 191, 317. Chimera, i.°29, 30. 36. 125, 126. 133. 153. 157, 158. 160. 188. 15. 193. 322. Chimeride, i. 195.155, 156. 233. ii. 193. 322. Chimerine, i. 118. Chirida, ii. 82, 83. 184. 282. Chirocentrus, i. 266, 267. 288, £89. ii. 186. 294. Chiroleptus, ii. 71. Chirolophis, ii. 73. 182. 275. Chironectes, i. 8. 10. 106. 201, 202. 964. 280. ii. 73. 195. 329. Chironectida, i. 32. 109. 190, 191. 197. 201. 203. 217. 235. 334. ii. 195. 329. Chirostoma, ii. 175. 245. Chirus, ii. 83. 184. 282. Chloricthys, ii. 173. 232. Chlorurus, 1i. 173. 227. Chorinemus, ii. 176. 244. Chromileptes, ii. 168. 201. Chromis, ii. 173. 230. Chrysiptera, ii. 171. 216. Chrysoblepus, ii. 171. 221, Chrysophrys, ii. 171. 221. Cichlasoma, ii. 250. Cirrhisomus, ii. 194. 328. Cirrhites, i. 17. ii. 169. 209. Cirribarbine, ii. 185. Cirribarbus, ii. 73. 78, 79. 183. 277. Cirripectes, ii. 182. 275. Cirripectus, ii. 79. Citharinus, i. 256. Clarias, i. 349. 369. ii. 189. 307. Clepticus, ii. 15. 178. 231. Clinina, ii. 73. 79. 182. 276. Clinitrachus, ii. 75. 78. 182. 276. Clinus, ii. 75, 76. 182. 276. Clupea, i. 266. 275. 279. 231. ii. 186. 293. Clupeida, i. 16. Clupeinz, i. 239. 250. 265. 279. 289. ii. 186. 29]. Clupisoma, i. 347. 351. 354. ii. 189. 306 Clupisudis, ii. 185. 286. Cobites, i. 361. 364. ii. 190. 310: Cobitida, i. 227. 231. 233. 235, 236. $30. 360. ii. 10. 190. 309. Cobiting, ii. 190. 310. Colisa, ii. 174. 235. Comephorus, ii. 81, 82. 184. 281. Coregonus, i. 241. 245. 249, 251, 252. 957. ii. 185. 287. Corica, ii. 186. 294. Corniger, ii. 169. 206. Corvina, ii. 171. 220. Coryphena, ii. 177. 252. | | | INDEX. Conpiea ii. 30. 33. 41, 42. 177. Coryphenina, ii. 259. — Cottida, ii. 53. 181. 270. Cottus, i. 204. ii. 181. 271. Cotylephorus, i. 354. ii, 189. 308. Crassilabris, ii. 172. 225. Crenilabrus, ii. 173. 229. Cristiceps, ii. 73.78. 182. 279. Crossorhina, il. 192. 318. Crossorhinus, i. 46. 136. 148. 159. 161. 167. ii. 192. 318. Curimata, i. 252. Curimatus, ii. 185. 289. Ctenodon, ii. 178. 255. Cybium, ii. 174. 238. Cychla, ii. 173. 228. Cyclopium, i. 350. 355. ii. 189. 305. Cyclopteride, i. 32. 215. 220. 224. 314. ii. 197. 338. Cyclopterina, i. 21. Cyclopterus, i. 22. 120. 189. ii. 147. 338, Cyclostomi, i. 121. Cynzdus, ii. 229. Cynichthys, ii. 168.201. Cynodon, i. 253, 255, 256. 258, 11. 185. 989 Cypring, i. 229. 231. 237.250. 264, ii. 184. 283 Cyprinus, ii. 22. 184. 283. Cypsilurus, i. 289, ii, 187. 296. D. Dactylophorus, ii. 55. 179. 262. Dactylopterus, i. 17. 27. Dalatias, i. 129. 151. 140, 141. 160. 165. 167, ii. 191. 313. Dalophis, i. 221. ii. 196. 335. Datnia, ii. 15. 22. 169. 208. Datnine, ii. 169. Dendrochirus, ii. 180. Dentex, ii. 172. 223. Diacanthus, ii. 190. 310. Diacope, ii. 169. 210. Diodon, i. 198. 201. ii. 194. 329. Diodonida, i, 201. 192. 196. 198. Diodonina, ii. 194. $29. Diplerodon, ii. 15. Diplopteron, ii. 17. 168.199. _ Diplopterus, i. 295. 308. 310. ii. 187. 297. Drepane, ii. 170. 213. Dules, ii. 169. 209. E. Echeneidea, ii. 30. 41, 42. Elacate, ii. 39. 176. 243. Elaniosauri, i. 119. Elastoma, ii. 202. Eleotring, ii. 183. 281. Eleotris, ii, 81. 183. 281. INDEX. 443 Bileps3 1. 266. 281, 282.292. ii. 186. Engraulls i. 267. 278. 281.284. 1. 186. 2 Maischesst ii. 181. 271. Enoplosus, ii. 17. 168. 199. Ephippus, ii. 15. 170. 213. Epibulus, ii. 173. 251. Eques, ii. 171. 220. Equula, ii. 38. 176. 249. Eremophilus, i. 357. ii. 308. Erpichthys, ii. 79. 182. 2795. Erychthys, ii. 172. 226. Erythrinus, i. 239. 240. 261. ii. 185. 286 Esocine, i. 250. 252. 293. 289.306. ii. 86 . 296. Esomus, ii. 185. 285. Esox, i. 295. 302. ii. 187. 298. Eteles, ii. 168. 202. Etmopterus, i. 131. 166. ii. 191. 315. Eupemis, ii. 173. 232. Exoeeting, ii. 296. Exocetus, i. 294, 295. 296. ii. 186. 299. F. Fierasfer, i. 214. ii. 179. 260. Fistularia, i. 264. 306. 310. ii. 35. 175. 240. Fistularine, ii. 175. 240. Fundulus, ii. 190. 311. G. Gadiadz, i, 16. 21. 93. 109. 41. 53. Gadidee, i. 227, 228, 229, 230. 233. 247. 314. 316. 324. 327. 330. ii.3. 9. 28. 188. 299. Gadine, i. 317. ii. 188. 298. Gadus, i. 26. 227. 232. 317. 322. 324. li. 188. 299. Galaxias, ii. 187. 298. Galeocerdo, i. 144. ii. 19i. 316. Galeus, i. 130. 167. 144. 148. 166. ii. 191. 315. Gasteropelicus, i. 248. 253. 255. 258. 266. ii. 186. 290. Gasterosteus, i. 27. 34, ii. 175. 242. Gasterostide, ii. 38. Gastrobranchus, i. 219. Gempylus, ii. 34. 174. 239. Genicanthus, ii. 170. 212. Gerres, ii. 15. 170. 214. Gerris, ii. 23. Glyphisodon, ii. 170. 215. Gobiada, i. 21. 29. 33. Gobiane, ii. 183. 278. Gobida, ii. 80. 183. 178. Gobiesox, i. 215. ii. 147. 338. Gobileptes, ii. 183. Gobinz, ii. 81. Gobius, i. 33. ii. 183. 278. Gomphosis, i. 264. ii. 173. 231. Gonorynchus, i. 239. 264. ii. 185. 285. Gramistes, ii. 168. 199. Grystes, ii. 21. 168. 202. Gymnapistes, il. 65. 180. 265. Gymnarchide, i. 215. 218. Gymnarchus, 1. 217. ii. 196. 337.7 Gymmetes, i. 22. 25. 28, 29. 338 354. Gymunetres, ii. 5. 9. 11. 42. Gymnetrida, ii. 47. Gymnetrinag, ii. 178. 255. : Gymnetrus, i. 19. 22. 304. ii. 7. 46 178. 259. Gymnocanthus, ii. 181. 271. Gymnocephalus, i. 108. Gymnogaster, ii. 51. 178. 258. Gymnothorax, i. 220. Gymnotus, i. 23, 30. 36. 218. 222. il. 196. 337. H. Hemulion, ti. 171.219. Halichores, ii. 233. Hamiltonia, ii. 176. 250. Harpadon, ii. 185. 258. Harpurus, ii. 178. 256. Helostoma, ii. 174. 236. Helotes, ii. 15. 22. 169. 209. Helotine, ii. 22. 207. Hemilepidotus, ii. 181. 271. Hemiramphus, i. 296. 301. ii. 187. 297. Hemistoma, ii. 172. 226. Hemitripterus, i. 54. ii. 181, 272. | Hemiulis, ii. 173. 228. Heniochus, ii. 170. 211. Hepsetus, i. 259. Heptatremus, ii. 197. 338. Heptranchias, i. 130. 148. ii. 316. Heterobranchi, i. 204. Heterobranebus, i. 236. 332. 342 357. ii. 189. 307 Hexanchus, i, 131. 148. ii. 316. Hippocampus, i, 206. ii. 195. 332 Hippocephalus, ii. 181. 272. Hippoglossus, i. 312. ii. 187. 302. Histiophorus, i. 21. ii. 175.239, Histrio, i. 202. Holocanthus, ii. 15. 170. 212. Holocentrine, ii. 21. 169, 205. Holocentrum, ii. 56. 169. 206. Holocentrus, ii. 15. Hoplisoma, i. 336. ii. 188. 304. Hoplostethus, i. 35. . 21. 169. 207. Huro, ii. 18. 21. 168. 200. Hydrocyon, i. 243. 255. ii. 186. 290. Hynnis, ii. i76. 251. Hyodon, i, 267. 288, 289. ii.,186. dhe | Hypophthalmus, i, 346. ii. 189. 306. Hypostoma, i. 336. ii. 188. 304. 1 Icthycallus, ii. 173. 932, Ichthyophis, ii. 196. 336. Ichthyscopus, li. 181. 268. Isurus, i. 129. 131. 141. 144. 163. 165. 167. ii. 191. 313. sh Julis, ii. 24. 173. 239. : K. Keris, ii. 177. 253. Kurtus, ii it . 253. x. Labio, ii. 185. 284. Labiobarbus, ii. 184. 284. Labri, i. 25. Labrida, ii. 15. Labring, i. 20. ii. 23. 24. 172. 938. Labrisomus, ii. 75, 76. 182. 277. Labristoma, ii. 230. Labrus, i. 95. ii. 173. 298. Lacertes, i. 115, 116. Lachnolaimis, i li. 173. 228. Lactophrys, ii. 194. 324. Lagocephalus, i ii. 194. 328. Lamna, i. 141. 148. 165. ii, 191. 314. Lampris, i ii, 176. 251. Lampugus, ii. 177. 252. Larimus, ii 171. 220. Lates, ii. 17. 167. 198. Latilus, ii. 171. 219. Laurida, i, 43, 291. 949. 945, 946. 950. 959. 258. ii. 165. 287. Lebia, i. 366. ii. 190. 311. Lebias, ey Leiodon, ii. 194. Leiostomus, ii. 171. 220. Leiurus, ii. 175. 194. 242. 326 Lepadogaster, i. 224, 295, 338 Lepidion, i. 318. ii. 188. 300. Lepidogaster, i 216. Lepidolepridz, ii. 179. 261. Lepidolepris, ii. 47. 53. 179. Lepidopus, i. 16. ii. 177. 254. Lepidosoma, ii. 261. Lepidotus, i. 29. ii. 35. Lepipterus, ii. 171. 220. Lepisosteus, i. 210. 295. 305. 307. ii. 187. 297. Leporinus, i. 241. 252. Leptocephalus, i. 108. 120. 222. ii. 196. 337. Leptocharias, i. 139. ii. 314 Leptodes, i. 303. ii. 187. 298. Leptognathus, i. 221. ii. 196. 334. Leptoscarus, ii. 172. 226. ii 197. INDEX. — t ; alist a Lethrinus, i ii. 172. 909, oe te Leuciscus, i. 239. ii. 185. 285. Lichia, ii. 176. 245. _ Liparis, i. 216. 224, he ii. 147. “ate Lithognathus, ii. 172. 229. Litholepes, ii. 187. 297. Lobotes, ii. 171. 219. ; Lophidz, i. 18. 32. 191. 203: 207. 215. ii. 82. 195. 329. Lophius, i. 46. 109. 120. 189. 204. 214. 236. i. 195. 329. v Lophotes, ii. 48. 50. 178. 259. Loricaria, i. 233. 335. 337. 340. ii. 188. 313. Loricarine, i. 53. 236. 327. 330. 333. 335. 338. 343. 352. ii. 188. 303. | Lota, i. 319. 322. ii. 188. 3500. r Loxodon, i. 144, ii. 317. Lucioperca, ii. 17. 167. 199. a if M. Machara, ii. 175. 240. Macrochirus, ii. 65. 70, 71. 180. 264. Macrograthus, ii. 241. Macroleptes, i. 29. 31. 35. Macropodus, i. 35. ii. 29. 174, 235. Macropteromus, i. 359. Macrourus, i. 323. Malacanthus, ii. 172. 225. Malapterurus, ii. 189. 307. Malapturus, i. 348. 553. Mallotus, i. 245. 248. 251. 258. 185. 287. Malthe, i. 202. ii. 195. 329. Mastecemblis, ii. 36. 175. 241. ‘ Meslay i. 275. 280. 283. ii. 186. Meladerma, ii. 176. 243. Melichthys, ii. 194. 325. Mena, ii. 170. 215. Merlangus, i. 109. 318. ii. 188. 360. Merluccine, i. 311. 319. ii. 188. 300. Merluccius, i. 319. ii. 188. 300. Mesoprion, ii. 169. 210. Microcanthus, ii. 170. 215. Microgaster, ii. 171. 216. Microleptes, 1. 35. Micropogon, ii. 171. 221. Micropteryx, ii. 176. 248. Mene, ij. 176. 251. Molacanthus, ii. 195. 329. Molinisea, i. 365. ii. 190. 311. Monacanthus, i i. 195. ii, 194. 327. Monocentris, ii. 56. Monocentrus, ii. 21, 169. 208. Monochirus, ii. 187. 303. Monodactylus, ii. 170. 212. ; Monopterus, i. 218. ii. 196,336. ~ Mormorynchus, ii. 186. 291. c Mormyring, i. 250. 308. ii. 187. Mormyrius, ii. 187. Mormyrus, i. 251. 264. 306, 308. 310. INDEX. 445 Motella, i. 16. 24. 33. 233. 320, 321. li. 188. 300. Mugil, ii. 15. 173. 234. Mugillide, ii. 14. 27. 173. 254. Mullide, ii. 14. 28. 173. 234. . Mullus, ii. 15. 19. 173. 234. Murena, i, 11, 217, 218. 292, ii. 196. Writes i. 29. 32. 120. 215, 216. 219, 990. ii. 195, 333. Murenina, i. Q01. Mustelus, i. 196. 160. 166. 148. 167. li. 192. 316. Myletes, i. 241, 243. 244. 257. Myliobates, i. 174. 176. ii. 192. 320. Myliobatinz, i. 171. Myripristis, ii. 22. 169. 207. Mystus, i. 340, 356. ii. 189. 305. Myxene, i. 214. 217, 219. 293. Myxine, i il. 197. 338. Myxodes, ii. 73, 74. 182. 276. N. Naseus, i. 34. ii. 178. 257. Naucrates, i. 27. ii. 38. 176. 245. Nebris, ii. 171. 220. Nemipterus, ii. 172. 223. Nemotherus, i 1, 57. ii. 178. 260. Nettastoma, i. 221. ii. 196. 335. Niphon, ii. 167. 198. Nomeus, i, 35. ii. 38. 246. Notidanus, i 1. 148. 166. Notocanthine, i ii. 37. 241. Notocanthus, ii. 37. 175. 241. Notopterus, i, 281. 283. ii. 186. 291, O. Oblata, ii. 172. 293, Odontognathus, i. 286. 288. 293. ii. 186. 295. Ognichodes, ii. 183. 278. Oligopus, i. 228, 323. Omobranchus, ii. 79. 182. 274. Ophicephali, i 49. Ophicephalus, i ii. 174. 237. Ophicthys, ii. 196. 336. Ophidine, ii. 260. Ophidium, i. 29, 30. 36. 108, 109. 214. 393. ii. 9. 43. 47. 179. 260. Ophidonide, ii. 48. _ Ophidoninz, i li. 179. 259. Ophiocephalus, i. 29. 262. ii. 15, 29. Ophiognathus, ii. 196. 335. Ophisoma, ii. 334. Ophisomine, ii. 73. 182. Gphisomus, ii. 73. 83. 183. 277. Ophisurus, i. 11. 221. ii. 195, 334. Opistognathine, i i, 183. Opistognathus, ii 73.79, 183, O71. Oplichthys, ii. 180. 263, Orcynus, ii. 174. 238. Oriosoma, ii. 21. 169. 208. Ornichthys, ii. 55. 179. 262. Orthagoriscus, i. 192. ii, 195, 329, Osmerus, i. 241. 245. Osphromenus, ii. 174. 235. Osteoglossum, i. 244. 266 280. 287. 295. ii. 186. 291. Ostorynchus, ii. 172. 227. Ostracine, i, 192. 195. ii. 193. 323. Ostracion, i. 233. ii. 193. 323. Otolithus, ii. 171. 219, Oxycephus, ii. 179. 261. Oxyrhina, ii. 317. 1 Pachiurus, ii. 196. 335. Pachynathus, ii. 194. $26. Pachypterus, 1. 346. ,348. 351. 353. ii. 185. 306. Pagellus, ii. 172. 229, Pagrus, ii. 171. 221. Paralepis, ii. 242. Pastinaca, i. 172. ii. 192. 319. Pedalion, i. 199. ii. 195. 329, Pegasus, i. 236. ii. 195. 331. Pelamis, ii. 174. 238. Pelates, ii. 15. 22. 169. 209. Pelor, ii. 56. 62. 64. 180. 267. Pentaceros, ii. 17. 168. 203. Pernpheris, ii. 170. 214. Peprilus, ii. 177. 253. Perca, i. 25. 108. ii. 17. 20. 167. 198. Percida, i i. 38. il. 8. 14, 15. 167. 197, Percina, ii. 16. 167. 198. Percis, ii. 15. 168. 204. Percophina, ii. 21. 168. 203, Percophis, il. 168. 204. Periophthalmus, i ii. 81. 183. 279, Peristedion, ii. 54. 179. 269, Petromyzon, i. 36. 120, 121. 217. 219, 223. i1. 197. 338. Petromyzonide, i. 215, 216. 293, ii, 196. 331. Petronason, ii. 172. 226, Petroscirtes, ii. 74. 79. 182. 274. Pholis, ii. 74. 78. 182. 273 Phractocephotus, il. 190. 309. Phycina, 1. 317. 321. Phycis, i. 232. 321. 324. ii. 9. 47, Phyllopteryx, ii. 332. Physine, ii. 188. 301. Physis, i. 21. 109. ii. 81. 188. 301. Piabucus, i. 255. 258. ii. 186, 290, Piecephalus, ii. 197. 338. Piescephaus, i. 225. Pimelepterus, ii. 170. 216. Pimelodes, i. 233. 329. Pimelodinz, i. 53. 327. 330. 333. 338. 340. 343. 352. 356. ii. 189, 306. Pimelodus, i, 45. 339, 340, 343, 344. li. 189, 305. — 446 Pinguipes, ii. 168. 203. Plagusia, 11.187. 303. Platax, ii, 170. 213. Platessa, i. 313. Platophrys, ii. 187. 302. Platycanthus, ii. 194. 324. Platycephalina, ii. 181. 270. * Platycephalus, ii. 57. 181. 270. Platygaster, i. 278. 280. ii. 186. 294. Platylepes, ii. 176. 247. Platypterus, ii. 65. 180. 265. 183. 280. Platyrhina, i. 185. Platysomus, ii. 176. 250. Platysqualus, ii. 192. 518. Platystacus, 1. 332. 355. ii. 189. 307. Plecostomus, i. 338. iL 304. Plectognathes, i. 109. 112. 114. 116. 153, 154. 201. 207. 208. Plectorynchus, ii. 171. 218. Plectropoma, ii. 168. 201. Pleriehthys, ii. 65. Plesiops, i. 24. ii. 173. 230. Plesiosaurus, i. 119. Pleuronectes, ii. 187. 302. Pleurenectida, i. 18. 25. 56. 33. 168, 169. 184. 226. 299, 250. 235. 235. $10. ii. 9. 187. 302. Pleuronectina, ii 187. Plotosus, i. 109. 531. 349. 352, 353. ii. 189. 307. Peecilia, i. 231. ii. 190. 311. Peeciline, i. 365. ii. 190. 311. Pogonias, ii. 171. 221. Polycanthus, i ii. 174. 236. 175. 242. Polynemus, i. 19. 285. ii. 15. 27.173. 934. Polyodon, i. 122. 133. 152. 157, 158. 187. 367. Polyodonidz, i. 156. 158. 161. Polyprion, ii. 168. 203. ey i. 20. 24. 109. 207. 211. 236. 295 Pomacanthus, i ii. 170. 212. Pomacentrus, ii. 171. 217. Pomatomus, ii. 14 168. 290. Pomotis, ii. 169. 209. Porthmeus, ii. 39. 176. 244. Premnas, ii. 171. 217. Priacanthus, i. 34. 21. 169. 205. Priodon, ii. 178. 257. Prionida, i 193. 933. 329. Prionodon, i. 233. ii.193. 322. Prionotus, ii. 55. 179. 262. Prionurus, ii. 178. 256. Pristina, ii. 192. 318. Pristis, i. 126. 132,135, 134. 148. 159, 160. 167, 168. 228. ii 192. 319. Pristiurus, i. 163. 166. 167. ii. 191. 317. Pristogaster, 1. 266, 277. 280. 286. 258. ii. 186. 294. Pristopoma, ii. ami. 216. 218. Prochilodus, i. 252 Psenes, ii. $8. 176. 246, Psetta, i il. 187. 302. INDEX. Psilocephalus, ii. 194. 327. Psilosomus, ii. 183. ; Pteracles, i. 20. 41. ii. 178. 257. Pteraclide, i ii. 47. Pteracline, ii. 178. 257. ak Pteracles. ii. 47. ‘ ; Pterichthys, ii. 265. Pteridium, i. 323, 394. ii. 188. 302. Pterocephala, i ii. 192. 391. Pterocephali, i. 176. Pterocephaline, i. 174 ii. 192. 320. Pterocephalus, i. 170. Se ii. 60. 62. 64, 65. 70. 180. Pteroleptus, ii. 180. 264. Pteronotus, ii. 1£0. 309. Pteroplatea, i. 172. 174. ii. 192. 319. Pteropterus, ii. 180. 254. : Pterurus, ii. 196. 334. Pusichthys, i. 348. 354. ii. 189. 307. & R. Rabdophorus, ii. 170. 211. Raia, 1.118. 168. 170. 173. ii. 192. 319. Raide, i. 36. 133. 154. 157. 159. 168. 184. 186. 229. 298. 953. 311. ii. 192. 319. Raina, i. 171. Ramphistoma, i. 295. 300. ii. 187. 295. Raniceps, 1 i, 236. 321, 324. il. 9. 47. 188. 30 Rhina, i. 186. ii. 193. 329. Rhinecanthus, ii. 194. 325. Rhinelepis, 1. 336. ii. 304. Rhineodon, ii. 191. 314 ii. 317. Rhinesomus, ii. 194. 324. Rhinobates, i. 137. 168. 184,185, 186. 998. ii. 193. 321. Rhinobatinz, i. 171. 189. ii, 193. 321. Rhinoptera, i. 175. ii. 192.990. Rhynchichthys, ii. 180. 263. Rhyncobdella, ii. 175. Rineodon, i. 142. 165. 167. Rupiscartes, ii. 79. 182. 275. Rupisuga, i. 216. 224. ii, 147. 338. Ruppelia, ii. 184. 281. Rynchytys, ii. 54. 58. Rypticus, ii. 168. 204. S. Salarias, ii. 75, 74. 78, 79, 80. Salaris, ii 182. 274. Salmo, i. 240. 244, 245. 299. ii. 185. 987. Salmonide, i. 297. 229, 230. 233. 235. 237. 250. 306. ii. 8. 10. 184. 283.~ Salmonina, i. 240. 256. ii. 185. 286. Salmophasia, ii 284 Salmostoma, ii, 184. Sardi, i, 274. fue st ee ; 4AT Sargus, ii. 172. 222. Scaring, ii. 26. 172. 224. Scarus, ti. 172. 225. Scartelaos, ii. 183. 279. Scatophagus, ii. 170. 213. Sciena, i. 33, 34. ii. 171. 219, Scienine, i. 34, ii. 15. 26. 170. 215. Scoliodon, i. 138, 139. 166, 167. ii 314. Scolopsides, ii. 171. 218. Scomber, ii. 174. 238. Scomberesox, i. 300. Scomberida, i. 306. ii. 4. 7. 30. 33. 64. 174. 237. Scomberine, ii. 34. 174. 238. Scombresox, ii. 187. 297. Scorpeena, ii. 57. 60. 64, 65. 180. 266. Scorpenide, i.17. 11. 53. 56. 58. 180. 263 Scorpznine, li. 59. 180. 263. Scorpis, ii. 59. 176. 245. Scrophicephalus, i. 309. ii. 187. eum, i. 143. 163. 166. ii. 191. 315 Scymnus, i, 145. 166. ii. 315, Scyris, ii. 176. 250. Sebastes, ii. 60. 65. 71. 180. 266. Selache, i. 119. 163. 165, 166. Selachus, i. 141. ii. 191. 313. Serictius, ii. 191. 313. Seridermis, ii. 37. Seriola, ii. 58. 176. 246. Serranine, ii. 19. 168. 201 Serramus, i. 25. 33. 37. ii. 20. 168. 201. Serrasalmo, i. 241, 243. 253, 254. 256. ii. 185. 289. Sesarinus, ii. 177. 253. Setifinna, ii. 186. 299, Sicydium, ii. 278. Siganus, ii. 38. 176. 247. Silago, ii. 205. Silonia, i. 345. 347. 352. 354. Siluride, i. 23. 36. 41. 43—45. 53. 109. 212. 217. 222. 226—229, 931. 233. 236. 325. 330. 351. ii. 11. 188. 303. Silurine, i. 30. 331. 340. 344. 359, 303. ii. 189. 305. Silurus, i. 325. 329. 334. 343. 345. 347. 352, 553. ii. 189. 806. Sisor, i. 342. ii. 305. Smaris, ii. 170. 215. Solea, ii. 187. 303. Soleanez, ii. 187. Solegnathus, ii. 195. 333. Solenostoma, li. 195. 332, Somileptus, ii. 190. 311. Somniosus, i i. 166. Somnolentus, i. 146. Sorubine, i. 332. 335. 352. 356. ii. 190. 309. Sorubium, i. 332. 357. ii. 190. 309. Spariana, ii. 171. 221, Spari, i. 16. 25. 47. Sparide, i. 25. ii. 15. 23, Sparing, i, 20. 35. ii. 26. Sparisoma, ii. 172. 227. Sparus, ii. 83. 172. 293, Spatularia, i. 118. Spheerina, ii. 175. 242. Sphering, ii. 175. 242. Sphagebranchida, i. 215. Sphagebranchus, 1. 218. ii. 33 196. Sphyreena, i. 221. 247. ii. 39. 41. Sphyrenina, ii. 41. Spinachia, ii. 36. Spina i. 126. 140. 146. 166. ii. 192. J1O0. Spirobranchide, ii. 14, 28. 173. 235. Spirobranchus, ii. 174. 236. Squalide, i. 126. 133. 149. 151. 159. 165. 186. 228. ii. 191. $12. Squaline, i. 132. 137, 138. 159—161. 163. 165, 166. ii. 191. 312. Squalus, i. 132. 137. 139. 151. 165. ii. 191. 312. Squatina, i. 46. 132. 135—137. 148. 159. 161. 184. 186, 187. ii. 193. 321. Squatine, i. 171. 186. ii. 193. 321. Sternarchida, i. 216. 222. ii. 196. 336. Sternarchus, i. 217. ii. 196. 337. Sternoptyx, i. 244. 259, 260. 266. 280. 304. ii. 186. 291. Stomia, i. 295. 305. ii. 187. 298. S.romateus, ii. 177. 253. Stromatina, ii. 177. 253. Sturionide, i. 153. 155. 156. 158. PGI 2 sit 19353923 Sturisoma, i. 333. 335. 337. 337. ii. 189. 504. Stylephoride, ii. 47. -Stylophoring, ii. 179. 260. Stylephorus, ii. 47. 49. Stylophorus, ii. 179. 260. Sudis, i. 210. 239. 244. 259. 261. 264. 287. 293. ii. 185. 286. Synachia, ii. 57. 62. Synanchia, ii. 180. 267. Synanchine, ii. 59. 180. 267. Synbranchida, i, 216. 219. 229. ii. 196. 336. Synbranchus, i. 36. 218. ii. 196. 236. Syngnathida, i. 191. 200. 201. 204, 205. 207. 236. ii. 195. 331. Syngnathus, 1.33. 36. 236. 11.195. 332. Synodontes, i. 339. 3435. ii. 189. 304. Synodus, ii. 286. Alis Tenionotus, ii. 60. 65. 71. 180. 266. Tznisoma, ii. 81. Temera, ii. 192. 321. Temnodon, ii. 246. Tetradoning, i iB 192. 196. 201. pe auare so te 241, 254, ii. 186. 289, Tetragonurus, 1. 176. 244. 448 Tetraodinine, ii. 194. 328. Tetraodon, i. 153. ii. 194. 328. Tetrapterus, ii. 175. 259. Tetroras, i. 129. 139. ii. 314, Tetrosomus, ii. 194. 323. Teuthys, ii. 178. 255. Tilesia, i. 318. i. 188. 300. Tinca, il. 185. 285. Torpedina, 1. 171. 185. ii. 192. 321. Torpedo, i. 137. 176. 186. ii. 192. 321. Toxotes, ii. 170. 214. Thalassoma, ii, 172. 294. Thalliurus, ii. 230. Therapon, ii. 22. 169. 208. Thryssa, i. 275. 277. 280. 282. ii. 186. 293. Thynnine, ii. 34. 174. 258. Thynnus, ii. 174. 238. Thyrsites, ii. 174. 238. Trachicephalus, ii. 181. 268. Trachichthys, ii 21. 56. 169. 207. Trachinina, ii. 181. 268. Trachinotus, ii. 176. 245. Trachinus, i. 28. 34.°40. 204. 340. ii. 39. 176. 247. 181. 268. Trachypterida, ii. 47. Trachypterina, ii. 178. Trachypterus, i. 22. 37, ii. 71. 179. 258. Triacanthus, i. 196. ii. 194. $26. Triachis, i. 144. Triznodon, i. 139. Trichiurine, ii. 177. 254. ‘Trichiurus, i. 36. ii. 35. 177. 254. Trichoderma, ii. 194. 328. Trichodon, ii. 57. 60. 71. 181. 268. Trichonotus, ii, 183. 280. Trichopus, ii. 174. 235. Trichosoma, i. 281. 284. 286. ii. 65. 71. 186. 292. Trichosomus, ii. 180. 265. Trigla, i. 17. ii. 54. 179. 261. Triglida, i. 16. 19. 25. 34. ii 5. 28. 53. 59. 64. 81. 179. 261. Triglochis, ii. 317. Trigon, ii. 192. 319. Trigoning, ii. 192, 319. Triodon, i. 198. ii, 194. 329, Tripterygion, ii. 75. 77. 182. 276. Triurus, ii. 185. 288. Tryglina, i. 36. INDEX. Trygon, i. 172. 189. Trygonina, i. 189. Trypauchena, ii. 279. U. Umbrina, ii. 171. 290. oo Upeneus, ii. 173. 235. Uranoscopus, i. 20. 30. 34. 106. 204. ii. 181. 268. Urichthys, ii. 172. 224. Uripheton, ii. 168. 202. Vv. Variola, ii. 168. 202. X. Xiphasia, ii. 179. 259, Xiphiane, ii. 175. 239. Xiphias, i. 21. 259. ii, 175. 239. Xiphichthys, ii. 178. 259. Xiphida, ii. 4 Xiphostoma, i. 244. 259, 264. 280. ii. 186. 290. Xirichthys, ii. 27. 2 Z. Zanclurus, ii. 175. 239. Zanclus, ii. 170. 212. Zebrasoma, li. 178. 256. Zeidz, i. 25 5 99. 32. 35. 58. il. 4 7, 9. 33. G4. 175. 241. Zeinew, ii. 37. 176. 249. Zenodon, ii. 194. 325. Zeus, i. 19. 34. ii, 37. 176. 252. Zoarchide, ii. 82. 184. 283. Zoarchus, ii. 82. 184. 283. Zonichthys, ii. 39. ii. 176. 248. Zygena, 1. 132, 133. Zygana, i. 139. ii. 192. 318. Zyganide, i. 161. Zyganine, i. 133. 137. 158. ii. 192. 318. Zyphothyca, ii. 174. 239. Zyrichthys, ii. 172. 224. AMPHIBIA ET REPTILIA. A. ACANTHOPES, ii. 345. 363. Acanthophis, ii. 147. Acontias, ii. 346. 368. Acranthos, ii. 348. 376. Acrochordus, ii. aa 345. 360. Agama, ii. 39. 3 Agamide, ii. 151. - 160. 163, 549. 377. INDEX. 449 Aloponotus, ii. 347. 373. Amblyrhynchus, ii. 152. 347. 373. Amblicephalus, ii. 346. 366. Ameiva, ii. 348. 376. Amphisbena, ii. 347. 368. Amphisbena, ii. 137. 140. Amphisbenide, ii. 140. 346. 368. Amphiuma, ii. 94, 342. Anguide, ii. 157. 346. 366. Anguinide, ii. 141. Anguis, ii. 137. ae 366- Anilius, ii. 347. 3 Anolis, ii. iss 348. 371. B. Basiliscus, ii. 152, 153. 347. 373. Berus, li: 345. 362. Bipes, ii. 157. 349. 383. Boa, ii. 143. 346. 366.! Bombinator, ii. 90. 341. Brachycephalus, ii. 160. 341. Brachylophus, ii. 152. 347. 373. Brachyorrhos, ii. 346. 365. Breviceps, ii. 90. 341. Bufo, ii. 341. Bufoida, ii. 89. C. Calamaria, ii. 346. 365. Callisaurus, ii. 349. 378. Calotes, ii. 349. 379. Caudisoma, ii. 345. 361. Cenchrus, ii. 346. 366. Cerastes, ii. 146. 345. 362. Ceratophorus, ii. 349. 379. Ceratophrys, ii. 89. 341. Cerebus, ii. 346. 366. Chalcides, ii. 158. 349. 382. Chamzleon, ii. 347. 369 Chamezleonida, ii. ree 051 047. 369. 355. Champsa, ii. 110. 34 Chelidra, i. 116. Chelidridz, ii. 116, 118. Chelodina, ii. 344, 356. Chelonia, ii. 115. 344. 358. Chelonidea, ii. 114. 119, 344, 358, Chelydra, ii. 344. 359. Chelydridz, ii. 343. 358. Chelys, ii. 117. 344. 358. Chersina, ii. 344. 356. Chersydrus, ii. 140. 345. 360, Chirotes, ii. 159. 349, 383. Chirsina, ii. 114. Cicigna, ii. 377. Cistuda, ii. 344. 356. Clamydosaurus, ii. 161. 165.349.381. Ceccilia, ii. 91, 97. 137. 342. Coluber, ii. 143. 346. 364. Coluberida, ii. 137. 140. 142. 148. 165. 346. 363. Cophias, ii. 345. 362. VOL Il. Cordylus, ii. 158. Craspidocephalus, ii. 107. 345, 362. Crocodilus, ii. 110. 343, 355. Cromlidg ii. 144. 147, 148. 165. 345. 6 Crotalophorus, ii. 147. Crotalus, ii. 345. 361. Cyclura, ii. 152, 153. 348. 374. D. Dactylethra, ii. 341. Dactylethra, ii. 89. Dactyloa, ii. 348. 372. Diceros, 11, 347. 369. Dipsas, ii. 346. 366. Dracena, ii. 348, 376. Draco, ii. 161. 165. 349. 3380. Dryinus, i 1i. 346. 365. E Echis, ii. 345. 362. Elaps, ii. 345. 363. Elapsina, ii. 148. Empagusia, ii. 348. 375. Emyda, ii. 344. 358. Emydz, ii. 114. 118. 344. 356. -Emys, ii. 344. 356. Erpetodryas, ii. 346. 365. Eryx, ii. 346. 366. Eunectes, ii. 346. 366. G. Gonylophis, ii. 346. 366. Grammatophora, ii. 349. 379. Gymnothalmus, ii. 349. 382. H. Heloderma, ii. 155. 348. 375. Hemidactylus, ii. 348. 370. Herpeton, ii. 345. 360. Heterodon, ii. 346. 364. Homopus, ii. 344. 336. Hurria, ii. 346. ae Hydraspis, ii. 344. 3 Hy croynide, ii. is “40. 147, 148. 345. 360. Hydrophis, ii. 140. Hydrosaurus, ii. 348. 375. Hydrus, ii. 140. 345. 360. Hyla, ii. 341. Hyle, ii. 89. I, Ichthyosauri, ii. 121. 127. GG 450 . INDEX. chthyosaurus, i. 119, 120. ii. 345. 359. Iguana, ii. 153. 347. 370. 373. Tstiurus, ii. 349. K. Kinixys, ii. 344. 356. Kinosternon, ii. 344. 356. _ Kynixis, ii. 114. L. Lacerta, ii. 348. 375. Lacertide, li. 150. 154. 162. 165 348. 374. Lzmanetus, ii. 347. 372. Leiocephalus, ii. 381. Leiolemus, ii. 349. Leiolepis, ii. 155. 348. 377. Leiophis, ii. 346. 365. Leptophis, ii. 346. 366. Leposternon, ii. 347. 368. Lophyrus,’ii. 349. 380. Lophyura, \ii 160. 349. 379. Lycodon, ii. 346, 365. Lygosoma, ii. 157. 349. 382. Lyriocephalus, ii. 160. 349. 380. M. Megalochilus, ii. 161. 549. 378. Menobranchus, ii. 95. 314. Menopoma, ii. 94. 342. Molge, ii. 42. Monodactyius, ii. 157. 383. N. Naia, ii. 145. 345. 363. Norops, ii. 152. 154. 347.°372. O. Odatria, ii. 375. Oligodon, ii. 346. 365. Ophicephalus, ii. 147. Ophida, ii. 157. 140. Ophidosauri, ii. 141. Ophiodes, ii. 549. 383 Ophis, ii. 146. Ophisaurus, ii. 546. 366. Ophryeessa, ii. 152. 347. 3753. Oplocephalus, ii. 345. 363. Otilopha, i 341. Otilophes, ii. 90. Oxyrhynchus, ii. 90. P Passerita, ii. 346. 365, Pelamides, ii. 140. Pelamys, ti. 345. 360. Philhydrus, ii. 95. ~ Phrynocephalus, ii. 349. 378. : Phrynosoma, ii. 160. 161, 162. 349. 377. i Phyllodactylus, ii. 348. 371. Phyllurus, ii. 152. 348. 374. Physignathus, ii. 379. Pipa, ii. 90. 341. Platurine, ii. 147. Platurus, ii. 345. 363. Soe li. 152, 153, 154. 348. Platysternon, ii. 117. 344. 359. Plesiosaurus, ii. 122. 127. 345. 359. Polychrus, ii. 152. 154. 347. 372. Proteus, ii. 95. 340. Pseudo-boa, ii. 140. 345. 361. Pseudobranchus, ii. 314. Pseudopus, ii. 141. 546. 366." Pterodactyli, ii. 124. 128. Pterodactylus, ii. 345. Ptilodactylus, ii. 348. 371. Pygopus, ii. 157. Python, ii. 346. 366. Pyxis, ii. 114. 344. 356. R. Ramphastoma, ii. 110.’ Rana, ii. 89. 340. Ranida, ii. 88. Rhinella, ii. 341. Rhinophis, ii. 347. 368. Ss. Salamandra, ii. 92. $12. Salamandrina, ii. 342. Sauricephalus, ii. 345. 359. Saurophis, ii, 158. Scapteira, ii. 348. 376. Scincoida, ii. 15). 156. 349, 382. Scincus, ii. 156. 349. 382., Scytale, ii. 346. 365. « Sepidon, ii. 145. 345. 363. Seps, ii. 157. 549. 382 Siredon, ii. 340. Siren, il. 3145 Sitana, i ii. 161, 162. 165. 349. 380 Spherodactylus, ii. 348. 371. Sphargis, ii. 115. 544. 358. Spiletes, ii. 346. 364. Stellio, ii. 152, 153. 347. 374. Stenodactylus, ii. 152. 154. 348. 371. Stenosaurus, li. 343. 355. Stenostoma, ii. 347. 368. Sternotherus, ii. 344. 356 fs Testudinida, ii. 113. 118. 344. 356. Testudo, ii. 344. 356. Tetradactylus, ii. 157. Tiliqua, ii. 157. 349. 382. Tisiphone, ii. 147. Tisiphonus, ii..345. 361. Tortrix, ii. 143. Trachydosaurus, ii. 349. 382. Trapelus, ii. 349. 379, Triceros, ii. 347. 369. Tridactylus, ii. 157. Trigonocephali, ii. 147. Trigonocephalus, ii. 545. 362, Trimesurus, ii. 147. 345. 363. Trionicida, ii. 115. 119. Trionycida, ii. 344. 358. Trionyx, ii. 116. 344. 358. Tritonella, ii. 342. Tropidolepis, ii. 349. 377. Tropidurus, ii. 160. 349. 381. Typhlina, ii. 347. 368. Typhlops, ii. 142. 347. 368. U. Uramastrix, ii. 153. Uronomastrix, ii. 348. 374. INDEX. 451 Uropeltis, ii. 143. 347. 369. Urostrephus, ii, 347. 372. Ve Veranus, ii. 348. 375, X. Xiphosurus, ii. 348. 372. Z. Zenodon, i. 346. 364. Zenopeltis, ii. 346. 365. Zonurus, ii. 348, 376. Zygnis, ii. 157. APPENDIX. A. Argyriosus Mauricei, ii. 408. setifer, ii. 407. triacanthus, ii. 409. B. Batrachus bilineatus, ii. 414. Blennius ornatus, ii. 394. Breviceps filamentosus, ii. 392. C. Capriscus niger, ii. 397. Cephalepis octomaculatus, ii. 404. Swainsonii, ii. 405. Cepola attenuata, ii. 400. gigas, ii. 401. gugularis, ii. 402. longicauda, ii. 399. novemradiata, ii. 400. rubescens, ii. 398. truncata, ii. 401. variegata, ii. 402. Clupea argentina, ii. 386. aurovittata, ii. 385. macrocephala, ii. 387. sicula, ii. 385. D. _Dactylopterus bispinosus, ii. 418, Blochii, ii. 416. chinensis, li. 418. fasciatus, ii. 417. occidentalis, ii. 415. orientalis, ii. 417. tentaculatus, ii. 416. trigloides, ii. 417. E. Eleotris rubiginosus, ii. 395, Engraulis clupeoides, ii. 388. F. Fierasfer acus, ii. 405. maculata, ii. 404. 452 INDEX. a. Gadus blennoides, ii. 390. furcatus, ii. S89. L. Leptodes siculus, ii. 388. Leptognathus oxyrynchus, ii. 396. Lophotes siculus, ii. 397. M. Merlucius sinuatus, ii. 390. Motella, fusca, ii. 391. Mugil squamopennis, ii. 413. N. Naucrates cyanophrys, ii. 413. ductor, ii. 411. serratus, ii. 413. oO. Ophisoma acuta, ii. 396. obtusa, i li. 396. Ophisurus pictus, ii. 395. P. Physis longipennis, ii. 392. siculus, ii. 392. Platysomus Brownii, ii. 405. micropteryx, i li. 407. Spixi, ii. 408. vomer, ii. 405. Ss. Silurus laticeps, ii. 393. Scomber gracilis, ii. 410. undulatus, i ii. 410. Zhe Trachurus siculus, ii. 413. Trigla adriatica, ii. 423. aspera, li. 426. bracanthus, ii. 421. ‘leucoptera, ii. 493. pini, li. 424. sicula, ii. 426. Swainsonii, ii. 419. THE END. LonpDon: a Printed by A. SporriswoopE, 4 New-Street-Square. EX — on i pet eS eee > = Wd ~~ ye ~~ ¥ << ey won alo A CHS A. CMe ‘ rac Mis & aiiacn © a) pe LO - ws ; “ . J bd WK ODE rs Qi wy oy a9 f Cc 3G c e +4 An Pie Way Wis Nar kdv garni aie nad vty) wy en \ A Nye WEAN WENYy vy aE EN, Wy c : OT Ie ed Ke CYS ma Nia) ble SD Nu Sac, oe Se Cee D CD GS Cee Sd Co's. 2S J ned J