ANIMALS BIOLOGY UBRA? ' The Natural History of Animals BUTTERFLIES (RHOPALOCERA) 1. Giant Blue. 2. Resplendent Ptolemy. 3. Purple Emperor. 4. Peacock Butterfly. 5. Common Swallow-tail. 6. Imperial Swallow-tail. BUTTERFLIES (Rhopalocerd) Butterflies and Moths together constitute the order of Scale- winged Insects (Lepidopterd) , in which the four wings are opaque and coloured, owing to the presence of minute dust-like scales. Typical Butterflies are diurnal in habit, their antennae are club- shaped, and they bring the wings together above the back when they settle. Those figured are among the most attractive of tropical and British species, belonging to the Fritillaries (1-4) and Swallow-tails (5, 6). 1. Giant Blue (Morpho cy-pris). \ } Tropical America. 2. Resplendent Ptolemy (M. neoptolemus). ) 3. Purple Emperor (Apatura Iris), oakwoods in the southern English counties. 4. Peacock Butterfly (Vanessa Io\ Europe (including Britain) and N. Asia to Japan. 5. Common Swallow-tail (Papilio machaori), ranges from Britain to the Himalayas. 6. Imperial Swallow-tail (Tinopalpus imperialis), male; in the female each hind- wing has two tails. Sikkim. The Natural History of Animals The Animal Life of the World in its various Aspects and Relations BY J. R. AINSWORTH DAVIS, M.A. TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE PROFESSOR IN THE UNIVERSITY OF WALES, AND PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY AND GEOLOGY IN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, ABERYSTWYTH HALF-VOL. II LONDON THE GRESHAM PUBLISHING COMPANY 34 SOUTHAMPTON STREET, STRAND 1903 BIOLOGY LIBRARY 3 CONTENTS HALF-VOL. II CHAPTER VI STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES (PISCES) AND PRIMITIVE VERTEBRATES (PROTOCHORDATA) FISHES (PISCES) Page Structure and Development of the Spotted Dog-Fish (Scyllium canicula), taken as a Type - 257 Sub-Class I. LUNG-FISHES (Dipnoi)— Ceratodus, Protopterus, Lepidosiren - - 264 Sub-Class II. BONY FISHES (Teleostomi) - - 266 Order i. — GANOIDS (Ganoidei) - - 266 (i) Fringe-finned Ganoids— (2) Ray-fmned Ganoids. Order 2.— BONY FISHES PROPER (Teleostei) - - 269 Structure of the Common Perch (Perca fluviatilis), taken as a Type - - 269 A, Teleosts in which the Swim-bladder (when present) has lost its con- nection with the Gullet. Sub-Order i.— SPINE-FINNED FISHES (Acanthopterygii) - 273 Sub-Order 2. — TUFT-GILLED FISHES (Lophobranchii) - 276 Sub-Order 3.— FIRM-JAWED FISHES (Plectognathi) - - 277 Sub-Order 4.— SOFT-FINNED FISHES (Anacanthini) 278 B, Teleosts in which the Swim-bladder retains its connection with the Gullet. Sub-Order 5.— TUBE-BLADDERED FISHES (Physostomi) - - - 280 Sub-Class III. SHARKS AND RAYS (Elasmobranchii) - - - 284 Order i.— SHARKS AND DOG-FISHES (Selachoidei) - - - 284 Order 2.— SKATES AND RAYS (Batoidei) - 287 Sub- Class IV. CHIMERAS (Holocephali) 290 Sub-Class V. ROUND-MOUTHS (Cyclostomata) - 291 (i) Lampreys — (2) Hag-Fishes. PRIMITIVE VERTEBRATES (PROTOCHORDATA) Essential Characters of the Chordata -- 292 Sub- Class I. LANCELETS (Cephalochorda) - - 293 Structure of the Common Lancelet (Amphioxus lanceolatus). Sub-Class II. SEA-SQUIRTS OR ASCIDIANS (Urochorda or Tunicata) - - - 297 Structure and Development of a simple Sea-Squirt (Ascidia mentula), taken as a Type — Fixed and Free-swimming Ascidians 297 Sub-Class III. WORM-LIKE PROTOCHORDATES (Hemichorda) - - 300 Structure of the Acorn-headed Worm (Balanoglossus). 5 vi CONTENTS CHAPTER VII BACKBONELESS ANIMALS (INVERTEBRATA). STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF NEMERTINES AND MOLLUSCS Page Distinctive Characters of Higher Invertebrates as compared with Vertebrates - 302 Main Groups or Phyla of the Invertebrates - 304 NEMERTINES (NEMERTEA) Structure of a Typical Nemertine 305 MOLLUSCS (MOLLUSCA) Structure of the Ormer or Sea-Ear (Haliotis tuberculata), taken as a Type 307 Essential Characters of Molluscs - 311 Class i.— HEAD-FOOTED MOLLUSCS (Cephalopoda) - - - 311 Structure of the Common Cuttle-Fish (Sepia officinalis), taken as a Type - 311 Sub-Class I. CUTTLE-FiSHES AND OCTOPI (Dibranchiata) 314 Sub-Class II. PEARLY NAUTILUS (Tetrabranchiata) - 316 Class 2.— SNAILS AND SLUGS (Gastropoda) • 317 Sub-Class i.— STREPTONEURA OR FORE-GILLED SNAILS (Prosobranchia) 318 Order i. — COMB-GILLED SNAILS (Ctenobranchia) - 318 Structure of the Periwinkle (Littorina littorea) and Purple-Shell (Purpura lapillus), taken as Types. Whelks, Mitre-Shells, Volutes, Olive-Shells, Harp-Shells, Cone-Shells, Turret-Shells, Wing-Shells, Helmet-Shells, and Cowries; Heteropods. Order 2.— SHIELD-GILLED SNAILS (Aspidobranchia) - 322 Trochidas, Ormers, Limpets. Sub-Class 2.— EUTHYNEURA - - 324 Order i. — HIND-GILLED SNAILS (Opisthobranchia) 324 (i) Tectibranchs (Bubble-Shells, Sea-Hares, Wing-footed Snails or Pteropods) — (2) Nudibranchs (Sea-Slugs). Order 2. — LUNG SNAILS (Pulmonata) 326 Structure of the Garden Snail (Helix aspersa), taken as a Type - 326 Land Slugs, Fresh-water Pulmonates. Class 3.— BIVALVE MOLLUSCS (Lamellibranchia or Pelecypoda) - 328 Structure of Fresh-water Mussels (Unio and Anodonta), taken as Types 328 (i) Cockles — (2) Gapers — (3) Razor-shells — (4) Rock-borers— (5) Sea Mussels — (6) Ark-Shells— (7) Scallops— (8) Oysters— (9) Nucula Family 333 Class 4.— TUSK-SHELLS (Scaphopoda) 338 Structure of the Common Tusk-Shell (Dentalium vulgare). Class 5.— PROTO-MOLLUSCS (Amphineura) 339 Mail-Shells (Chitons), Worm-like forms (Neomenia, Proneomenia, Chaeto- derma). CHAPTER VIII STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF JOINTED-LIMBED ANIMALS (ARTHROPODA) Essential Characters. Subdivisions - - 342 CONTENTS vii A, Air-breathing Arthropods (Tracheata). Page Class i.— INSECTS (Insecta) - - 343 Structure and Development of the Cockroach (Periplaneta orientalis), taken as a Type - 343 Order i.— BUGS (Hemiptera) - - 351 (1) Homoptera (Cicadas, Lantern-Flies, Frog-Hoppers, Plant-Lice). (2) Heteroptera (Land-Bugs, Water-Bugs). Order 2.— FRINGE-WINGED INSECTS (Thysanoptera) - - 355 Corn Thrips (Thrips cerealium). Order 3.— FLIES AND FLEAS (Diptera) - - - 355 Order 4.— MOTHS AND BUTTERFLIES (Lepidoptera) - - 358 Order 5.— BEETLES (Coleoptera) - - - 366 Order 6. — MEMBRANE-WINGED INSECTS (Hymenoptera) - 369 Order 7.— NET-WINGED INSECTS (Neuroptera) ... . 374 Order 8.— STRAIGHT-WINGED INSECTS (Orthoptera) - - 380 Order 9. — WINGLESS INSECTS (Aptera) - - 384 Class 2.— SPIDER-LIKE ANIMALS (Arachnida) 385 Structure of a Scorpion, taken as a Type - ... 385 Order i.— SCORPIONS (Scorpionidae) - 387 Order 2.— FALSE SPIDERS (Solpugidas) - - 387 Order 3.— FALSE SCORPIONS (Pseudoscorpionidae) - 388 Order 4.— WHIP-SCORPIONS (Pedipalpi) - 389 Order 5.— HARVESTMEN (Phalangidas) 390 Order 6. — SPIDERS (Araneidae) - 390 Order 7. — MITES (Acarina) - 393 Order 8.— TONGUE-WORMS (Linguatulidae) - 393 Order 9. — BEAR-ANIMALCULES (Tardigrada) - - 394 Class 3.— CENTIPEDES AND MILLIPEDES (Myriapoda) . . . 394 Class 4.— PRIMITIVE TRACHEATES (Prototracheata) 398 Structure and affinities of Peripatus. B, Aquatic Arthropods (Branchiata). Class 5.— CRUSTACEANS (Crustacea) 402 Structure of the Lobster (Homarus vulgaris), taken as a Type - 402 Sub-Class I. HIGHER CRUSTACEA (Malacostraca) - 410 Order i. — STALK-EYED CRUSTACEA (Thoracostraca) -.'••- - 410 (i) Ten-legged Crustacea (Decapoda) (Lobsters, Prawns, Shrimps, Cray- fishes, Hermit-Crabs, Crabs) — (2) Opossum-Shrimps (Schizopoda) — (3) Locust-Shrimps (Stomatopoda) — (4) Cumacea. Order 2. —SESSILE-EYED CRUSTACEA (Arthrostraca) - - - 414 (i) Amphipods (Sand-Hoppers, Whale-Lice, Skeleton Shrimps) — (2) Isopods (Slaters, Wood-Lice). Order 3. — INTERMEDIATE CRUSTACEA (Leptostraca) — Mud-Shrimps - - 416 Sub-Class II. LOWER CRUSTACEA (Entomostraca) ------ 416 viii CONTENTS Page Order i. — BARNACLES (Cirripedia) - - 417 Order 2.— BIVALVE CRUSTACEA (Ostracoda)— Mussel-Shrimps 419 Order 3. — FORK-FOOTED CRUSTACEA (Copepoda) - - - 420 Order 4.— LEAF-FOOTED CRUSTACEA (Phyllopoda) 421 Class 6.— KING-CRABS (Xiphosura) - - - 422 Structure of the King- Crab (Limulus). Class 7.— SEA-SPIDERS (Pycnogonida) - - - 424 CHAPTER IX STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF SEGMENTED WORMS, SIPHON -WORMS, WHEEL -ANIMALCULES, MOSS - POLYPES, AND LAMP-SHELLS SEGMENTED WORMS (ANNELIDA) Class i.— BRISTLE-WORMS (Chaetopoda) - - - 425 Structure of the Sea-Centipede (Nereis), taken as a Type 425 Order i. — MANY-BRISTLED WORMS (Polychasta) - 429 Order 2.— FEW-BRISTLED WORMS (Oligochaeta)— River- Worms, Earth- Worms 430 Order 3.— SIMPLE SEGMENTED WORMS (Archiannelida)— Dinophilus, Poly- gordius 43 1 Class 2.— LEECHES (Discophora) 432 SIPHON-WORMS (GEPHYREA) Bristle-Tail (Echiurus), Siphon-Worm (Sipunculus) - - 433 WHEEL-ANIMALCULES (ROTIFERA) Structure of the Rose-coloured Rotifer (Philodina roseola) 434 MOSS-POLYPES AND LAMP-SHELLS (MOLLUSCOIDA) Class i.— MOSS-POLYPES (Polyzoa or Bryozoa) 436 Sea-Mat (Flustra), Lace-Coralline (Membranipora), Plume Coralline (Pluma- tella), Lophopus. Class 2.— LAMP-SHELLS (Brachiopoda) 43$ Structure of a typical Lamp-Shell (Waldheimia). CHAPTER X STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF FLAT-WORMS (PLATYHELMIA) AND THREAD-WORMS (NEMATHELMIA) FLAT-WORMS (PLATYHELMIA) Class i.— TAPE- WORMS (Cestoda) - 44 1 Class 2.— FLUKES (Trematoda) 443 Class 3.— PLANARIAN WORMS (Turbellaria) - 445 CONTENTS ix THREAD -WO RMS (NEMATHELMIA) Page Structure of a Round- Worm (Ascaris). Vinegar-Eel (Anguillula), Gordian- Worm (Gordius), Thorn-headed Worm (Echinorhynchus) - - 447 CHAPTER XI STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF ECHINODERMS (ECHINODERMATA) Structure of the Common Star-Fish (Uraster rubens) - 450 Class i.— STAR-FISHES (Asteroidea) 454 Class 2.— BRITTLE-STARS (Ophiuroidea) 455 Class 3.— SEA-URCHINS (Echinoidea) - 456 Class 4.— SEA-LILIES AND FEATHER-STARS (Crinoidea) 459 Class 5.— SEA-CUCUMBERS (Holothuroidea) 462 CHAPTER XII STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF ZOOPHYTES (CCELENTERATA), SPONGES (PORIFERA), AND ANIMALCULES (PROTOZOA) ZOOPHYTES (CCELENTERATA) Structure and Development of the Fresh-water Polype (Hydra), taken as a Type. Comparison with higher forms. Cells and tissues - 465 Class i.— SEA-FLOWERS (Actinozoa or Anthozoa) 473 Structure of the Beadlet (Actinia mesembryanthemum), taken as a Type - 473 Order i.— SIX-RAYED SEA-FLOWERS (Hexactinia) - 474 (i) Sea-Anemones — (2) Corals. Order 2.— EIGHT-RAYED SEA-FLOWERS (Octactinia) 476 Structure of the Dead-Man's Fingers (Alcyonium digitatum), taken as a Type. Organ- Pipe Coral (Tubipora musica), Red Coral (Corallium rubrum), Sea-Pens and Sea-Mats. Class 2.— HYDROIDS (Hydrozoa) 4?8 Structure and Development of Obelia, taken as a Type- 478 Order i.— BUDDING HYDROIDS (Hydromedusae) 480 (i) Hydroid Zoophytes and "Naked-eyed" Medusas— (2) Compound Jelly- Fish (Siphonophora). Order 2. — SPLITTING HYDROIDS (Scyphomedusae) - - 481 Class 3.— COMB JELLY-FISH (Ctenophora) 483 Structure of Cydippe. Venus's Girdle, Beroe, Creeping Ctenophores. SPONGES (PORIFERA) Structure of a Simple Sponge - - - 484 (i) Calcareous Sponges — (2) Siliceous Sponges. ANIMALCULES (PROTOZOA) Protoplasm. Description of the Proteus Animalcule (Amoeba), taken as a Type. Comparison of Protozoa and higher forms (Metazoa) - 484 x CONTENTS Page Group I.— INFUSORIANS (Infusoria) 492 Structure of Slipper Animalcule (Paramcecium) and Bell Animalcule (Vorticella). (i) Ciliates— (2) Flagellates. Group 2. — AMCEBA-LIKE PROTOZOA (Rhizopoda) - . - - 495 (i) Shell-bearing Amoebae — (2) Foraminifera— (3) Sun Animalcules (Heliozoa) — (4) Ray Animalcules (Radiolaria) — (5) Mycetozoa. Group 3.— GREGARINES (Sporozoa) - 498 Structure and Development of the Cockroach Gregarine (Clepsidrina blattarum). LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS HALF-VOL. II COLOURED PLATES BUTTERFLIES (Rkopalocera). From a Drawing by A. Fairfax Muckley Frontispiece. WRASSES (Labrida). From a Drawing by A. Fairfax Muckley 276 ECHINODERMS (Echinodermata). From a Drawing by A. Fairfax Muckley 454 BLACK-AND-WHITE ILLUSTRATIONS Skeleton of Dog-Fish (Scyllium canicula) - Side-dissection of Dog-Fish (Scyllium) - Dipnoi (after Giinther and Miall) - - Ganoids (after Agassiz, Giinther, Goode, and Dean) - - Side-dissection of Perch (Perca fluviatilis) Sea- Horse (Hippocampus] - - Group of Fishes - - - - GROUP OF FRESH-WATER FISHES - - Dog-Fish and Sharks (after Couch) - - Monk-Fish and Rays (mostly after Couch) Chimaeroids (after Carman, Goode, and Bean) - - - Lampern (Petromyzon fluviatilis} - - T anrpW ( Am-hhinYu<;\ (zttet Boveri) - - Page 259 262 265 267 270 277 281 283 285 289 290 291 294 Olive (Oliva) - Strombus Cowry (Cyprcea} Bubble- Shell (Bulla) Diagram of a Tectibranch Snail (after Lang) Eolis Structure of a Garden Snail (Helix aspersa) Shells of Fresh-water Mussel ( Unio) Structure of Fresh-water Mussel (Anodonta) Inside of Right Valve of a Sinupalliate Shell Sand-Gaper (Mya arenaria) Razor-Shell (Solen) - Piddocks (Pholas dactylus) in their burrows Sea Mussel (Mytilus) (after Moebius) WING to the nature of the subject, the full-page piates, Coloured and Black -and -White, cannot be equally distributed throughout the Work. Thus, while the Second Divisional- Volume has Four Plates, there are Twelve in Divisional- Volume I ig and (Peri- I- >ta ori- Page 32I 322 322 324 325 326 327 329 329 334 335 335 336 337 337 339 340 344 347 352 352 353 355 356 Xll LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Page Common Gnat ( Culex pipiens) - - - 356 Larva of Common Gnat (Culex pipiens) - 357 Scales from Wings of various Butterflies - 359 Heads and Proboscides of Butterflies - 359 Great Tortoise-shell Butterfly ( Vanessa) - 361 Cabbage Moth (Mamestra) (from Curtis) - 364 Adult Stage of a Clothes-Moth - - 365 Larvae of a Clothes-Moth - 365 Lady-Birds (Coccinella) (from Curtis) - 366 Flea-Beetle (Haltica) (from Curtis) - 366 Green Tiger Beetle ( Cicindela campestris} - 367 Great Water Beetle (Dytiscus marginalis) - 368 Devil's Coach Horse (Ocypus) (from Curtis) 368 Rose Chafer ( Cetonia aurata) (from Curtis) 369 Corn- Weevil (from Curtis) - - - 369 Structure of Hymenoptera - - - 370 Turnip Saw-Fly (Athalia) (from Curtis) - 371 Wood Wasp (Sirexgigas) • 371 Ichneumon-Fly (Hemiteles) (from Curtis) - 373 Humble Bees (from Curtis) - - - 374 Net- Winged Insects (Neuroptera) - - 375 Golden-Eyed Fly (Chrysopd) (from Curtis) 378 Common Earwig (Forficula auricularia) - 380 " Locust " (Acridiiim peregri num ) - - 382 Mole-Cricket (Gryllotalpa) (from Curtis) - 383 Aptera, magnified ----- 384 Scorpion (after Blanchard and Milne - Edwards) - - 385 Common False Spider (Galeodes araneoides) 388 Book Scorpion ( Chelifer cancroides) - - 389 A Whip Scorpion (Phrynus) - - - 389 A Harvestman (Phalangium) (after Cuvier) 390 Garden Spider (Epeira diadema) and Web 391 Cheese-Mite ( Tyroglyphus siro) - - 393 Pentastomum (after Leuckart) - 393 A Bear- Animalcule (after Greeff) - 394 British Centipedes (from Curtis) 394 Structure of Centipede (after Vogt and Yung) --- - 395 British Millipedes (from Curtis) - - 396 Cape Peripatus (after Balfour) - - - 399 Structure of Peripatus (after Balfour) - 400 Appendages of Lobster (Homarus vulgaris} 405 Dissection of Lobster (Homarus vulgaris} - 407 Mediterranean Crustacea - - - - 411 Rock-Lobster (Palinurus vulgaris) - - 412 A Hermit-Crab (Pagurus) (after Bell) - 412 Opossum-Shrimp (My sis) (after Gerstaecker) 413 Cuma (after Sars) ----- 414 Amphipods (after Mayer and Llitken) • 415 Isopods (after Stebbing and Shipley) • 415 Nebalia (after Milne-Edwards) - - 416 Page A Nauplius Larva 417 Ship-Barnacles (Lepas) (after Schmarda) - 418 Small Fresh -water Crustacea (after Claus, R. Hertwig, and Zenker) - - - 419 Apus (after Leunis-Ludwig) - - - 421 King-Crab (Linmlus) (partly after Leuckart) 423 Shore Pycnogon (Pycnogomim littorale) (after Milne-Edwards) - 424 A Sea-Centipede (Nereis) (after Gosse) - 426 Structure of Sea-Centipede (Nereis) (after Ehlers and R. Leuckart) - - - 427 Lugworm (Arenicola piscatorum) • 430 Gephyrea (partly after Greeff) - - 433 Rotifer (Philgdina) (after Hudson and Gosse) 434 Polyzoa - - - ... 437 Polyzoa, enlarged (after Kraepelin and Boas) 437 Lamp-Shell (Waldheimia) (after Boas and Davidson) - - 439 Tape-Worm ( T&nia solium) (after Leuckart) 442 Liver-Fluke (Fasciola) (after Sommer) - 443 Planaria lactea (after O. Schmidt) - - 445 Leptoplana tremellaris .... 446 Round- Worm (Ascaris) (after Leuckart) - 448 Common Star- Pish (Ur aster rubens)- - 451 Common Star-Fish (Uraster rubens)- • 453 Brittle-Star (after Wyville Thomson) • 455 Edible Sea -Urchin (Echinus esculentus} (partly after Hamann) - ... 456 Three-jawed Pedicellarise of Sea-Urchins - 458 Sea-Lily (Pentacrinus) (after J. Miiller) - 460 Feather- Star (Comatula), climbing - - 460 Stages in Development of Feather - Star ( Comatula) (after Wyville Thomson) - 461 A Sea-Cucumber (Cucumaria) - • - 462 Green Hydra (Hydra viridis) - - - 465 Structure of Hydra (partly after Jickeli) - 468 Epithelium (after Hatschek) - - - 470 Development of Hydra (after Brauer) - 472 Sea-Anemone 474 Skeletons of Arabian Corals (after Haeckel) 475 Dead - Man's Fingers (Alcyonium) (after Cuvier and Hornell) - 477 A Hydroid Zoophyte (Obelia) (after Hornell) 479 A Compound Jelly-Fish (Sarsia) • 481 Development of Aurelia - - - 482 Lucernaria ... 482 Cydippe (after Chun) - 483 Sponge Spicules - 485 Bath -Sponge (Euspongia} • 486 Group of Calcareous Sponges - - -487 Protozoa (after various authors) - - 489 Protomyxa (after Haeckel) - - - 497 CHAPTER VI STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES AND PRIMITIVE VERTEBRATES The 7300 odd species of existing fishes known to science are divided into the following five sub-classes: — I. Lung-Fishes (Dipnoi). II. Bony Fishes (Teleostomi). III. Sharks and Rays (Elasmobranchii). IV. Chimaeras (Holocephali). V. Round-Mouths (Cyclostomata). Probably the best idea of the general structure of the group will be obtained by briefly describing such a common example of the Shark kind (Elasmobranchs) as the Spotted Dog-Fish (Scyllium canicula), abundant on our shores, especially during the herring season. It may to all intents and purposes be regarded as a small shark. External Characters (fig. 166). — The spindle-shaped body is well suited for progression through the water, and its outline is con- tinuous, there being no sharp boundary between head and trunk, or trunk and tail. We have seen that in tadpoles and some adult Amphibia (see p. 246) there is a membranous fringe bordering the tail above and below and running forwards on the upper side of the trunk. Such a longitudinal fringe running in the middle line is known as an unpaired fin, and is especially characteristic of Fishes, where, however, it is not a mere soft membrane as in Amphibia, but is supported by firm rod-like structures, the Jin- rays. We find that in the Dog-Fish, as in most fishes, this membrane is not continuous, but is represented by a number of separate pieces, each of which is named with reference to its position. Here, for example, there is a caudal fin bordering the tail, two dorsal fins in front of this above, and an anal or ventral fin in front of it on the under side. Special attention may be called VOL. I. 257 17 258 "XJrfAR'ACTfcitS'bF VERTEBRATE ANIMALS to the tail-fin, which is unsymmetrical, consisting of a large upper lobe into which the slender end of the body is continued, and a smaller lower lobe. Such unequal or heterocercal (Gk. heteros, diverse; kerkos, tail) tails are shown by reference to fossil forms to be of very ancient type. There is good reason to believe that remote fish-ancestors had a continuous unpaired fin, of which the existing ones are fragments which have been retained and enlarged to suit special purposes. The Dog- Fish, however, also possesses paired fins, consisting of two large pectorals in front and two smaller pelvics placed close together farther back. These are the equivalents of the fore- and hind-limbs of the terrestrial vertebrates so far described, but differ in important respects in accordance with differences in use. The limbs of a Salamander, for instance, have to support the weight of the body and are the means of progression. The presence of digits is of obvious advantage as regards the former, while locomotion would be difficult and awkward were the limbs not transversely divided into regions capable of being moved upon one another. But the limbs of an ordinary fish do not support the body, and their chief use seems to be that of steadying it in the water and directing its movements. For these purposes the undivided paddle-like shape which we associate with the paired fins of a fish appears best adapted. The large curved mouth is situated on the under side of the head, and not far in front of it are the rounded nostrils, each of which is connected by a groove with the corresponding corner of the mouth. Far back on the under surface of the body, and marking the junction of trunk and tail, is a rounded cloacal aperture situated between the pelvic fins. On each side of this opening is a small aperture known as an abdominal pore, of unknown use, but commonly found in more than one group of fishes. The oblique cat-like eyes are provided with imperfectly movable upper and lower eyelids. A tadpole, it will be remem- bered, has four gill-slits on each side of the throat, the cavity of which is thus placed in communication with the exterior. Here there are five gill-slits, and also a superseded gill-slit known as the spiracular cleft and opening behind the eye by a small round hole, the spiracle. The skin is of a brownish hue, much darker above than below, and marked with good-sized roundish spots. Projecting FISHES 259 from the surface are the sharp points of innumerable small hard structures, closely resembling teeth in structure and usually known as placoid scales. The presence of these causes a peculiar rough- ness suggestive of sand - paper. Numerous sense organs are present in the skin, some of which will be alluded to farther on. The first point of general interest to note with regard to the internal skeleton (fig. 159) is that it is entirely made up of HYOMANDIBULAR Fig. 159.— Skeleton of Dog-Fish (Scyllium canicula) A, Skull and part of vertebral column. B, End view of a caudal vertebra, and longitudinal section through centra of two vertebrae, c, Pectoral fin (from below). D, Pelvic fin (from below). cartilage and fibrous tissue, as generally in what are called " cartilaginous fishes", while in ordinary " bony fishes ", including all the common edible forms, a great deal of bone is present as well as more or less cartilage. The skull is extremely simple compared with that of the higher animals so far considered, and consists of a brain-case to which are attached protective capsules for nose and internal ear, the framework of the jaws, and what is known as the 26o CHARACTERS OF VERTEBRATE ANIMALS "visceral skeleton". Regarding the last two a little more may be said, as they have much to do with the visceral arches and clefts which are so characteristic of Vertebrates, and have been so often alluded to in the foregoing pages (see pp. 62 and 242). Examination of a young embryo of the Dog- Fish will show that on each side of the head there are seven oblique bar-like thickenings and six slits occupying the interspaces between them. These are respectively termed visceral arches and clefts, the hindermost five having the special name of gill arches and clefts because the gills are developed in connection with them. The first arch is the mandibular arch and the second the hyoid arch, while the slit between them is naturally called the hyo -mandibular cleft and is no other than the spiracular cleft of the adult. These various arches are traversed and supported by firm jointed rods forming part of the internal skeleton. The mandibular arch is so called because it becomes the mandible or lower jaw, while the upper jaw is a forward outgrowth from it. The skeleton of the rest of the arches constitutes the visceral skeleton, which stiffens the gill region and prevents the gill-slits from becoming closed, giving also firm points of attachment to many muscles. A special function is performed by the upper joint of the skeleton of the second or hyoid arch, this being a stout piece of cartilage (hyomandibular cartilage) which slings the jaws to the main skull. In Vertebrates higher than Fishes this cartilage loses its original function, for the jaws are directly attached to the skull, and most probably some or all of the little ear-bones, which help to conduct sound-waves across the drum of the ear in such higher Vertebrates, correspond to this cartilage. This is one of the best examples known of a change of function. The rest of the visceral skeleton, here so important in connection with the gill -clefts, dwindles in air-breathing Vertebrates to the "hyoid apparatus", which has been so often mentioned (see pp. 29, 193, and 239) as supporting the base of the tongue in these forms, and to the cartilages which support the voice-box or larynx. In the life-history of the frog the passage from a well-developed visceral skeleton in the gill-bearing tadpole to such remnants in the adult lung-possessing animal can be traced step by step. In the vertebral column it is only possible to distinguish between trunk-vertebrae and tail-vertebrae, and all these possess biconcave centra, which may be regarded as the most primitive FISHES 261 kind. Short ribs can be distinguished in the trunk, but there is no trace of any sternum. The skeleton of the paired fins exhibits many differences from the supporting parts of the limbs of terrestrial Vertebrates, and comparison between the two is extremely difficult. In the pectoral fin there is a very simple shoulder-girdle, consisting of a curved piece of cartilage running transversely and fusing with its fellow in the middle line below. At the base of the free part of the fin are three cartilages, followed by a number of others, and these again by jointed fin-rays. In the pelvic fins the two hip-girdles are represented by a simple transverse bar, while the free fin is supported by a stout rod bearing a large number of fin rays. Digestive Organs (fig. 160). — The jaws are bordered by numerous rows of small pointed teeth, all much alike, and replaced by fresh ones during life as often as necessitated by wear and tear. These teeth are not suited for chewing, but for seizing such prey as small fish, crustaceans, &c., and after- wards preventing their escape. Around the margins of the mouth we find all gradations between ordinary placoid scales and teeth, which is intelligible when we recollect that the cavity of the mouth is developed as a pit on the surface of the body. The lining of such a pit, or inpushing of the general surface, so to speak, is evidently equivalent to skin, and teeth here and elsewhere are simply more or less modified scales, developed within the margins of the mouth. The tongue is merely an immobile fold on the floor of the mouth. The nasal organs do not possess internal nostrils as in the lunged vertebrates. The cavity of the mouth passes behind into a wide pharynx, out of which the spiracular cleft and gill -clefts open; and then follow gullet, U-shaped stomach, and intestine opening into a cloaca. There is no clear distinction, as in forms so far considered, between small and large intestine. Within this intestinal part of the gut is a so-called spiral valve, which is simply a pro- jecting shelf winding round and round and presenting a large surface for the absorption of digested food. A large liver pours bile into the beginning of the intestine, and there is also a pancreas opening not far from it. Circulatory Organs (fig. 160). — Here we have the same conditions as in the Tadpole before the lungs begin to be of 262 CHARACTERS OF VERTEBRATE ANIMALS use, and the conditions are consequently comparatively simple, the problem of separating two kinds of blood not having yet arisen. The heart consists of a thin-walled venous sinus, which receives the impure blood of the body and passes it on to a single auricle, by which it is squeezed into a thick-walled ventricle, continued again into a muscular tube, the arterial cone. Valves to prevent the blood from running back the wrong way are placed at the points of junction between sinus, 1ST. DORSAL FIN MOUTH VENTRAL AORTA OONU8 ARTERIOSUS HEARTS AURICLE VENTRICLE SINUS VENOSUS Fig. 160.— Side-dissection of Dog- Fish (Scyllium canicula]. Left half of liver has been removed i, Internal opening of spiracular cleft. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Internal openings of gill-clefts. auricle, and ventricle, and several transverse rows of valves are present in the arterial cone. From the ventral aorta, which runs forward from the cone, five pairs of afferent gill-arteries run out and carry impure blood to the gills, from which five pairs of efferent gill-arteries conduct the purified blood, uniting above to form the dorsal aorta that runs back to the end of the tail, giving off numerous vessels by which the various organs and regions receive their pure blood -supply. Each afferent artery, with its corresponding efferent one, may be looked upon as constituting an aortic arch (see p. 242). Breathing- organs (fig. 160). — Upon the walls of the five pairs of gill-slits, or pouches, to speak more correctly, numerous closely-set gill-folds are placed, and in these folds there are very numerous capillary blood-vessels, with which the gill- arteries are in communication. Water is constantly taken in FISHES 263 at the mouth, and, passing back, streams outwards through the gill -pouches — thus passing over these folds, which collectively present a large surface over which the oxygen dissolved in the water can diffuse into the blood, while the waste carbon dioxide of the blood can diffuse outward into the water and be carried away to the exterior. In this connection great interest attaches to the spiracular cleft, which looks very much like a narrow gill-pouch, .and on close examination is seen to have a number of small folds on its front wall. These are so gill-like that they have been collectively called a false gill (pseudobranch), and when it is added that some few fishes possess a properly-developed set of gill-folds in this place, it will be clearly seen that the spiracular cleft is really a gill-cleft which is losing its function. There is every reason to believe that the cavity of the middle ear in higher Verte- brates, together with the Eustachian tube, is equivalent to the spiracular cleft. Here, then, is a structure which once had to do with breathing and is now concerned with sound-conduction — another excellent example of change of function. Nervous System and Sense Organs (fig. 160). — The brain is pretty well developed, a peculiar feature being that the two cerebral hemispheres are represented by an unpaired swelling, while the olfactory lobes are placed on stalks. The cerebellum is much larger than in Amphibia. The eyeball is flattened on the outside and its crystalline lens is approximately spherical, as in aquatic animals generally. Probably everyone has noticed, some time or other, the lens in the eye of a cooked bony fish, such as salmon or herring, looking, as it does, like a sugar-coated pill. Needless to say, the opacity is the result of cooking. Here, too, the lens is spheroidal. The organs of hearing consist simply of the internal ear or membranous labyrinth, contained in a gristly capsule on either side of the back end of the brain-case. In shape the labyrinth is somewhat simpler than in the Amphibia. The skin contains a large number of sense-organs, some of which are sunk in a tube which runs along each side of the body and opens to the exterior at intervals. An external streak, the lateral line, marks the position of either tube, but this is much better seen in a bony fish than in the Dog-Fish. There are also peculiar jelly-tubes which open by regularly arranged pores 264 CHARACTERS OF VERTEBRATE ANIMALS on the under side of the head, and undoubtedly have to do with sensation. Little is known of the use of these organs, but they no doubt respond to certain vibrations in the surrounding water. It is important to avoid the common error, made when dealing with the sense-organs and sensations of lower animals, of trying to explain them by reference to ourselves. Development. — The Dog- Fish is developed from an egg, which looks almost like the " yolk " of a fair-sized bird's egg were it not for its greenish tint. This egg is enclosed in a horny " purse ", the corners of which are drawn out into tendril-like threads which curl round sea- weeds and other firm objects. * We may now proceed to the consideration of the chief groups of Fishes. SUB-CLASS I.— LUNG-FISHES (DIPNOI) Of all known fishes these come nearest to the Amphibia, and some zoologists place them in a class of their own, distinct from that containing more ordinary fishes. They are a very ancient group, now represented by only three genera, all of which are found in fresh water. They are the Barramunda or Burnett Salmon (Ceratodus] from the Burnett and Mary rivers in Queensland; the African Mud- Fish {Protopterus\ native to some of the rivers of tropical Africa; and the South American Mud- Fish (Lepidosircn), found in the Amazon and upper part of the Paraguay rivers and their tributaries (fig. 161). There are certain characters common to all three forms. Taking first the external characters, the head is somewhat amphibian-like, and has been compared to that of a salamander, while the tail tapers considerably and is symmetrically margined by a fin which is not expanded into lobes (protocercal or diphy- cercal caudal fin). There is no spiracle, but gill-clefts are present, protected by a flap or gill-cover. The paired fins are much elongated, and the body is covered by thin overlapping scales. The most characteristic feature of the internal organs is the presence of one or two bag-like lungs opening on the under side of the pharynx, so that these animals possess, like some adult Amphibia, both gills and lungs at the same time, and it is from this circumstance that they derive the name of Dipnoi (Gk. (Us, twice; pnoe, breath). FISHES 265 Since the heart receives pure blood from the lung or lungs, as well as impure blood from the general body, the problem of separating the two kinds demands solution; but this is only effected in an imperfect manner, for there is not even, as in Amphibia (see p. 240), a complete separation of the two auricles which are here present. These are the only fishes in which there are internal nostrils as well as external ones. They open just within the margin of Fig. 161. — Dipnoi A, Australian Lung- Fish (Ceratodus], xf B, African Lung- Fish [Protopterus], Xj. the upper lip. The mouth is provided with large dental plates of peculiar form. Ceratodus is a large broad fish, attaining the length of 4 or 5 feet, and with its body covered by very large scales. The paired fins are broad and paddle-shaped, and each of them is supported by a central axis made up of numerous joints, and of a series of fin-rays attached to the axis in front and behind in a feather-like way. Protopterus is much more slender in form and its paired fins are extremely narrow, the fin-rays on the central axis being largely suppressed. Some specimens are said to reach a length of 6 feet. There are small external gills as well as the gill-folds on the walls of the gill-clefts. Lepidosiren is an eel-like form which may be as much as 6 feet long. Its 266 CHARACTERS OF VERTEBRATE ANIMALS paired fins are even narrower than those of Protopterus, and supported only by a central jointed axis. SUB-CLASS II.— BONY FISHES (TELEOSTOMI) This large group of fishes includes a vast number of recent and fossil forms which present such varying characters that it is difficult to give a satisfactory definition. There is, however, a good deal of bone in the skeleton, and the jaws, instead of being mere bars of gristle, as in a Dog- Fish, are ensheathed by tooth-bearing bones in the same way as in higher forms. The gill-clefts are very near together, and the gill-arches between them are comparatively narrow, so that the gill-folds as seen in a Dog- Fish are not supported along the whole of their length, but project more or less to the exterior as free gill filaments. The gill-clefts are covered over and protected by a flap, the gill-cover or operculum, which is supported by bones. Two orders may be distinguished: — i. Ganoids, and 2. Bony Fishes proper or Teleosts. Order i. — GANOIDS (Ganoidei) Under this name are included a number of recent genera, widely scattered over the globe, and for the most part limited to fresh water (fig. 162). They are the last surviving remnants of groups which were once of great importance, but which have been unable to compete with more highly -organized fishes, and have greatly declined in consequence. Of recent forms the two most primitive are the Bichir (Polypterus) of the Nile and some other African rivers, and the Reed- Fish (Calamoichthys) from the rivers of Old Calabar. The former is a remarkable- looking creature of respectable size, being as much as 4 feet long. Running along the back are a considerable number of little dorsal fins, each with a strong spine in front, while the last of them abuts against the rounded protocercal fin of the tail, close to which, on the under side, is an anal fin. The paired fins consist of a thickened basal part, supported by cartilages something like those described for Dog- Fish (see p. 261), and fringed by a thinner region supported by radiating fin-rays. The body is covered by thick lozenge-shaped bony plates (ganoid Fig. 162.— Ganoids A, Bichir (Pofypterus), xj. B, Reed-Fish (Calamoichthys], xf c, Gar-Pike (Lefiidosteus}, xf D, Common Sturgeon (Acipenser), X ^. E, Shovel-nose Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus), xf F, Slender-beaked Sturgeon (Psephurus), Xi G, Spoonbill Sturgeon (Spatularia or Polyodon], xf. H, Bow- Fin (^wi«), X A. 267 268 CHARACTERS OF VERTEBRATE ANIMALS scales), united firmly by their edges and having a very regular arrangement in oblique rows, while the head is covered by paired bony plates. The Reed-Fish is what a small Bichir might be imagined to become if it were pulled out into an eel-like form and lost its pelvic fins. Both these forms are distinguished as "Fringe-finned" Ganoids on account of the structure of the paired fins ; while the remaining recent Ganoids are " Ray-finned ", i.e. the paired fins have lost the thickened basal portion and consist of a fan-like expansion strengthened by the numerous diverging fin-rays, which may be compared to the sticks of the fan. These ray-finned forms include the Gar- Pikes, Sturgeons, and Bow- Fins of the present day. The Gar- Pike (Lepidosteus) is common in the fresh waters of North America, and may be as much as 6 feet long. Covered with firm armour like the Bichir, it differs not only in the structure of the paired fins, but also in the presence of a single dorsal only, while the head is drawn out into long but powerful jaws. Sturgeons are large fishes which have lost more or less of the dermal armour, have a much elongated snout, and an unsym- metrical tail like that of the Dog- Fish (see p. 258). The mouth is on the under side of the body, at the base of the snout. The Common Sturgeon (Acipenser) includes some twenty species, of which the largest, a Russian form, is as much as 30 feet in length. It is distinguished by its broad pointed snout, on the under side of which are four sensitive thread-like structures (barbels), and the presence of rows of broad keeled plates in the skin. Sturgeons of this kind are widely distributed through the fresh waters and along the coasts of the Northern Hemisphere. One species (Acipenser sturio] is British, and may occasionally be se -shaped sections. At first view the animal looks as if it were bilaterally symmetrical, but this is not the case, for the muscle -segments do not correspond on the two sides of the body; and further, the external opening of the intestine (there is no cloaca) is placed on the left side of the body near the base of the tail-fin. There is also a lack of symmetry in other respects which need not be mentioned here. A well-developed notochord is present, and like many of the other internal organs can be made out without dissection by examination of small specimens mounted whole as microscopic objects. There is, however, one peculiarity about it. Instead of stopping short about the middle of the brain, as it does in the higher Vertebrates, it runs to the extreme front, and the scientific name of the sub-class alludes to this (Gk. cephalon, head; chorde, string). No gill-slits are visible on the exterior, but dissection shows that a very large number are present as oblique openings in the wall of the large pharynx. They do not, however, open directly 296 CHARACTERS OF VERTEBRATE ANIMALS to the outside, but into a large atrial cavity which surrounds the pharynx, and which itself opens to the exterior by a rounded hole, the atriopore, on the under side of the body just in front of the anal fin. The state of things may be more clearly under- stood by reference to the development of the tadpole (p. 254), where the gill-slits at first open directly to the exterior but are Fig. 171.— Two Simple Ascidians. i, Ciona, intestinalis. 2, Phallusi'a mammillata later on covered over by the backward growth of a fold of the body-wall, the upshot of this being the formation of a branchial chamber into which the gill -slits open, and which opens to the exterior itself by a small hole on the left-hand side of the body. If this hole were in the middle line below, instead of on the left side, it might be compared to the Lancelet's atriopore, while the branchial cavity has much the same relations as the atrial cavity. It would probably be incorrect to consider the two cavities as closely equivalent, for they develop in very different manners. The Lancelet will also stand the third test of a Vertebrate, for it possesses a tubular nerve-cord, situated above the notochord, PRIMITIVE VERTEBRATES 297 but not extending so far forwards. There is, however, no distinct brain. It is usual to find this animal buried in the sand in a vertical position, with the head end projecting; but it can also swim, and is able to burrow in the sand with great rapidity. ENDOSTYLE SUB-CLASS II.— SEA-SQUIRTS (UROCHORDA) Among the objects cast up by the tide on the sea-shore, or found attached to rocks which are uncovered at low -water, are certain leathery-looking objects which when touched emit a jet of water, a habit which has earned for them the name of Sea- Squirts. On account of the firm cover or tunic with which they are invested the name of Tuni- cates has also been widely used. They are the first fixed or seden- tary animals with which we have had to deal, and this mode of life has had a profound influence upon their structure. A com- mon British species, Ascidia mentulay may be taken as an example. The plump rounded body is attached by one end to some foreign object, while at the other end may be Seen tWO OrificeS Fig. 172.— Diagram to explain structure of a simple / r\£-\ £\ T'TT^ h Ascidian. The animal is seen from right side with dorsal ^bCt p. 2LJO, ^£3' ^7 /> CclLll surface to left and front end above. The arrows indi- -nlarprl nn P nmiprtinn QO PQ tn cate course of water-currents which take food and oxygen a projection, s into mouth> pass through perforations in pharynx into give a distant resemblance to atrial cavity> and carry waste Products to exterior through atriopore. the skin bottles used in the East, and which is embodied in the name of Ascidians (Gk. askos, a wine-skin ; eidos, like) often applied to these forms. One of the openings is situated at the extreme end and the other somewhat on one side. The former is the mouth and the latter the atriopore, and observation of a living specimen placed under water will show that currents set into one and out of the other. The protective tunic or test, which is thick and gristly in texture, 298 CHARACTERS OF VERTEBRATE ANIMALS is interesting on account of its chemical composition, as it is largely made up of a substance, cellulose, which is almost entirely confined to plants. Dissection (fig. 172) fails to show the presence of a notochord, and the central nervous system merely consists of an elongated thickening or ganglion, placed about half-way between the two apertures, but the pharynx is perforated for breathing purposes as in ordinary Vertebrates. The mouth, in fact, leads into a large branchial sac or pharynxy perforated by innumerable small holes and suspended in an atrial cavity which opens by the atriopore already mentioned. There is therefore a general resemblance to the Lancelet in this respect, but in this case the intestine also opens into the atrial cavity. Were we to rely only upon the anatomy of the adult we should hesitate before placing the Sea- Squirt among the Verte- brates, seeing that it conforms to only one of the three chief tests; but the matter is set definitely at rest by a study of the development. The egg of Ascidia becomes a tadpole -shaped larva in which a notochord is present, though it is confined to the tail, and for that reason is often called a urochord (Gk. oura, tail; chorde, string), which gives the name Urochorda, adopted at the head of this section as the name for the group of Sea -Squirts generally. And further, the ascidian tadpole is possessed of a hollow brain and spinal cord situated on the dorsal side of the body, besides which it may be noted that the perforations in the pharynx are at first of simple character, consisting of paired openings suggestive of the gill -clefts of fishes, &c. After leading a free life for some time the tadpole attaches itself by means of adhesive projections situated at the head end, the tail with its urochord gets smaller and smaller and ultimately disappears, while the central nervous system is simplified into a single solid ganglion. We have, therefore, the remarkable phenomenon of an animal which, when young, possesses the distinctive vertebrate characters, but loses most of them in the adult condition, becoming, so to speak, of lower grade. This is a good example of biological degeneration. It is a singularly interesting fact that one or two small free- swimming Ascidians, of which the best known {Appendicularia) (fig. 173) occurs in British seas, retain throughout life the tadpole PRIMITIVE VERTEBRATES 299 form and the typical Vertebrate characters. It is possible that these are primitive forms which retain the features distinctive of the ancestral Ascidians, but it is also possible that we have a case of animals which have dropped the adult stage out of their life-history, just as the Mexican Axolotls appear to be doing (see p. 249). Ascidians may be divided into Fixed and Free-swimming forms, each of which groups can be again split up into Simple EAR BRAIN NOTOCHORD INTESTINE. GILL CLEFT HEART- NERVE CORD- STOMACH' Fig. 173. — Diagrammatic drawing of Appendicularia (much enlarged), as seen from left side, with dorsal surface to right. D T, Dorsal tubercle. and Colonial species. The last expression needs explanation, as it involves a phenomenon of which no instance is furnished by the animals previously considered. All these are propagated solely by means of eggs, but in Ascidians and many of the lower Invertebrates there may be increase by means of out- growth of buds (gemmation) or by the bodily splitting (fission) of individuals to form others. As this suggests similar processes among plants, it is commonly known as vegetative propagation. A collection of animals which have been formed in this way, and which remain united together, constitute a colony, or are said to be colonial. In Ascidians colonies may be formed by means of budding. 3oo CHARACTERS OF VERTEBRATE ANIMALS The individuals of Fixed Ascidians are of comparatively large size in the Simple forms (fig. 171), of which the example taken is a typical one. The Colonial forms are made up of smaller individuals, and the colonies produced may be of the most varying form and size, while the degree of union between the members of the colony is more or less complete. In such a native genus, for instance, as Clavellina, we find a creeping stalk-like structure from which a number of indi- viduals grow »up, each of them being Fig. ^-Botryihis essentially similar to Ascidia. A good To left, a small colony, showing groups 1 r • r i of individuals. TO right, two groups of example oi more intimate union is found in Botryllus (fig. 174), which can often mouths at outer ends. In centre is an J^ founc[ at Jow ^Q as a bluish £ela- atriopore common to all of them. tinous crust upon stones and brown sea- weed. Imbedded in this are star-shaped groups of small individuals. Among Free-swimming Ascidians the only Simple forms are Appendicularia (fig. 173) and its allies. The Colonial members include the remarkable phosphorescent Pyrosoma, which is shaped like a hollow cylinder closed at one end, and the Salps, of which more will be said elsewhere. Both are common in the Mediterranean. SUB-CLASS III.— WORM-LIKE PROTOCHORDATES (HEMICHORDA) Here are massed together a small number of forms about which there has been endless discussion, and of which the one with most certain tenure of Chordate rank is a worm-like creature which has no common name, but which may perhaps be called the Acorn-headed Worm (Balanoglossus] (fig. 175). It is found at low-tide mark in many parts of the world, living in mud or sand which it glues together into a sort of temporary tube by means of a slimy fluid poured out from the skin. One species is found in the Channel Islands. The front of the body is made up of a swollen proboscis, yellow or orange in colour, and capable of altering its shape to a very great degree. It is attached behind by a narrow stalk, and the general outline in PRIMITIVE VERTEBRATES 301 some species suggests the term " acorn-headed ". The mouth is situated on the under side, at the base of this proboscis. Next comes a comparatively short region, named from its appearance the collar, while the rest, and by far the longest part, of the animal may be termed the trunk. On the upper side of the trunk, behind the collar, are a con- siderable number of gill-slits ar- ranged in pairs, and forming the external apertures of gill-pouches which communicate internally with the digestive tube. They resemble in many respects the corresponding structures in the Lancelet. A small notochord has also been identified, but here we have the opposite extreme from what is found in an Ascidian tadpole, for the structure in question is a small rod which projects into and supports the base of the proboscis. It is in reality a thickened forward outgrowth from the digestive tube, and has a peculiar microscopic structure which is distinctive of notochords wherever they are found. The fact that it grows out of the gut is also a point in support of its notochordal nature, for in more typical cases, as, e.g., Lancelet or Frog, the notochord arises as a thickening in the wall of the digestive tube. The remaining test of a Vertebrate is also answered in a fairly satisfactory way, for what may be described as the central nervous system in this creature is a more or less hollow thickening running along the dorsal part of the body in the collar region. There are certain other more doubtful claimants to a place in the Hemichorda, but a discussion of their characters would be out of place in a preliminary sketch of the animal kingdom. Fig. 175. — Acorn-headed Worm (Balanoglossits) CHAPTER VII BACKBONELESS ANIMALS (INVERTEBRATA). STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF NEMERTINES AND MOLLUSCS A brief account of the Backboned or Vertebrate animals has now been given, and in accordance with the usual custom from the time of Aristotle downwards all the remaining forms, far more numerous than they, may be conveniently lumped together as Backboneless animals or Invertebrates, divisible into a number of great groups or phyla, each of which is on a footing with the phylum Vertebrata. The lower Invertebrates are so unlike the Vertebrates that close comparison is not possible, but there are certain features which broadly serve to mark off a higher In- vertebrate from a typical backboned animal. These are, to a large extent, implied in the summary given previously (pp. 60-63) of the chief Vertebrate characters, but it may be useful at this point to take such a form as a Cray- Fish or Lobster and point out the distinctive features in question (fig. 176). The body of a Lobster has the same two-sided or bilateral symmetry as that of a Vertebrate, and there is a clear distinction between front (anterior) and back (posterior) ends, upper (dorsal) and lower (ventral) surfaces, and right and left sides. The body, too, is segmented, or divided into a number of similar parts from before backwards, as in, say, a Lancelet. This is evident in the Lobster's tail. It must not, however, be hastily assumed that a segment of a Lobster is the exact equivalent either of a Verte- brate segment or a segment in an Invertebrate from another group. Now come a number of important differences. A large number of jointed limbs are present, arranged in pairs, while a Vertebrate has at most two pairs of limbs, though these may differ in nature in different animals, and in the simplest case, that of fishes, are unjointed fins. The limbs are modified for 302 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS 303 various purposes. The most obvious are those which end in the large pincers, behind which four large pairs of walking -legs are apparent. Under the head are a number of overlapping limbs, turned somewhat forwards, which guard the mouth and act as jaws. In a Vertebrate the jaws are part of the bony framework of the head, helping to bound the mouth-cavity, and the lower jaw works up and down. But the limb-jaws of the Lobster are outside the opening of the mouth, and from the nature of the case work against one another from side to side. To realize this, raise your hands to your mouth and "clap" them together, which will give an idea of the way in which one pair of the Lobster's jaws are worked. Six pairs, however, are present In all. By combining the knowledge obtained by dissecting one Lobster from the side and making a cross-section through another, the following distinctive characters of higher Invertebrates can be easily verified: — 1. There is a protective external skeleton (exoskeleton) but no internal skeleton (endoskeleton), i.e. nothing can be discovered equivalent to the skull, backbone, &c., of, say, a Perch, or to the notochord of a Lancelet. The absence of endoskeleton modifies the structure in many ways, as, e.g., in regard to the attachment of muscles. In such a limb as the human arm the numerous muscles are attached to the bones, but in a Lobster's leg they are attached to the firm exo-skeleton. 2. The body is not a double but a single tube in structure. 3. The side-walls of the digestive tube are not per- forated by gill-slits. 4. The heart is situated dor sally, the exact opposite of the Vertebrate condition. 5. The nervous system consists of a ring surrounding trie gullet, and continued backwards into a ventral nerve-cord. The dorsal side of the ring is thickened into a double brain or cerebral ganglion. A very large number of Invertebrates possess such a nerve-ring and ventral cord, while many more have the ring LOW NERVE TUBE NEURAL TUBE NOTOCHORD B NERVE-CORD Fig. 176. — Diagrammatic Cross-sections through, A, a Verte- brate; B, a higher Invertebrate 3o4 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS though not the cord. In no Invertebrate does the central nervous system consist, as in Vertebrates, of a hollow cord running along the dorsal side of the body. The contrasts between a Vertebrate and a higher Invertebrate are illustrated by the accompanying diagrams (fig. 176). The following groups or phyla of the Invertebrata are recog- nized. It must not be imagined, however, that they are anything like of equal size, for some are exceedingly large, while others are relatively small. I. Nemertines (NEMERTEA). — Worm-like, marine forms, which in some respects approach the Chordata in structure. II. Molluscs (MOLLUSCA), including such forms as Cuttle-Fishes, Snails,. Slugs, Oysters, and Mussels. III. Jointed-limbed Animals (ARTHROPODA), the largest group of the animal kingdom, comprising such creatures as Insects, Scorpions, Spiders,, and Mites; Centipedes and Millipedes; Shrimps, Lobsters, and Crabs. IV. Segmented Worms (ANNELIDA). — A large group of forms, in- cluding innumerable Marine Worms (free- living and tube- inhabiting),. Earth- Worms, Fresh-water Worms, and Leeches. V. Siphon-Worms (GEPHYREA). VI. Wheel Animalcules (ROTIFERA). VII. Moss-Polypes and Lamp-Shells (MOLLUSCOIDA). — The great bulk of these are fixed marine animals, and those belonging to the first group are nearly all colonial. VIII. Flat- Worms (PLATYHELMIA). — The most familiar of the forms grouped here are the Flukes and Tape-Worms, which are found as parasites within the bodies of other animals. IX. Thread-Worms (NEMATHELMIA). — The name of the group indi- cates the shape of these creatures, most of which are parasites, either in plants or else within the bodies of other animals. X. Echinoderms (ECHINODERMATA). — This phylum is constituted by such marine forms as Star-Fishes, Sea-Urchins, Sea-Lilies, and Sea- Cucumbers. XL Zoophytes (CCELENTERATA). — Mostly marine animals, which may be either simple or colonial, fixed or free-swimming. Familiar examples are Jelly-Fishes, Sea-Anemones, and Corals. XII. Sponges (PORIFERA). — Mostly marine, colonial, and fixed. XIII. Animalcules (PROTOZOA). — This lowest phylum includes an immense number of simply-constructed animals, which are nearly always very small or microscopic in size. They are found almost everywhere, but are unfamiliar to those who are not in the habit of using the compound microscope. NEMERTINES 305 A brief survey will now be made of these thirteen phyla, but many particulars regarding them will be found in other parts of this work. NEMERTINES (NEMERTEA) Although the worm-like forms which belong here have a wide distribution, and are particularly common between tide- marks on almost all coasts, they are nevertheless practically unknown except to the professed naturalist, and have received no common names. There are some forty British species. The vast majority are marine, and either shore or shallow- water forms, but they are also represented in fresh water and even on land. They have been given here the first place among Invertebrates, in deference to the views of many zoologists, in whose opinion they come near to the Protochordates. The body of a typical Nemertine (fig. 177) is cylindrical, and presents no trace of segmentation. It may be only a small fraction of an inch in length, or in other cases many yards long. A common British form (Linens marinus) is one of the species which are extremely elongated, and it may not infrequently be found under stones, with its slimy black body twisted up into a complicated coil. Other species may be more or less brightly coloured. The mouth is a small oval opening on the under side of the head end, while the aperture of the intestine is at the extreme tip of the tail. Close examination will show that above the mouth on the front end of the body there is a small pore, and in a living specimen a narrow thread may sometimes be seen to shoot out from this pore, through which it can again be drawn back into the body. This thread is known as the proboscis, and, as described elsewhere, it is used as a means of killing or paralysing the marine worms upon which a Nemertine chiefly feeds. When within the body it is enclosed in a special sheath which overlies the digestive tube. The proboscis is hollow, and the way in which it is protruded and again drawn back may be understood by taking the somewhat hackneyed illustration of a glove with one finger. If this finger be pulled back into the main glove by turning it outside inwards, we shall have a rough model of the proboscis when lying within the body. VOL. I. 20 306 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS If now the finger be pushed out, it will represent the extended proboscis. The pulling in is effected by means of a muscle band which runs along the interior of the thread and is attached to its tip, while the pushing out is the result of fluid being squeezed into the thread from its sheath. This kind of principle is utilized elsewhere in the animal kingdom, and a very familiar example A. PROBOSCIS PORE LATERALNERVE GUT Fig. 177. — Structure of a Nemertine (diagrammatic) A, Side view, internal organs seen by transparency. B, View from above of front end; position of mouth and beginning of gut indicated by the dotted line, c, Cross-section. is found in the " horns " of the common Snail, which can either be stretched out (as immortalized in the nursery rhyme wherein the adventures of certain snail-hunting tailors are set forth) or withdrawn into the body at will. Reasons have been adduced for thinking that the proboscis- sheath is comparable to a notochord, and the proboscis to a curious little structure attached to the under side of the brain in Vertebrates, and known as the pituitary body. The central nervous system of a Nemertine is interesting in many ways. It consists of a nerve-ring, which encircles the front end of the proboscis, and not the digestive tube as is usual among MOLLUSCS 307 Invertebrates. Each side of the ring is thickened into a ganglion, from which a lateral nerve-cord runs along the corresponding side of the body, while there is a much more slender nerve running back in the middle line above from the upper side of the ring. This dorsal nerve has attracted a great deal of attention, for it has been compared to the spinal cord of a Vertebrate, though, unlike this, it is solid. MOLLUSCS (MOLLUSCA) Molluscs include such familiar shell -fish as Periwinkles, Oysters, Cockles, and Mussels, as well as soft-bodied animals like Cuttle- Fishes, to which the term Mollusca (Lat. mo His, soft) was originally applied. Examination of such a typical form as the Ormer or Sea- Ear (Haliotis tuber culatd), which is common in the Channel Isles, will give some idea of the characters of Mollusca in general, and of the special subdivision to which this particular sea-snail belongs (fig. 178). External Characters. - - The most obvious feature is the presence of a large external shell covering the upper side of the body, from which it cannot be detached without cutting through a large rounded fleshy mass, the shell-muscle. The shell is not symmetrical, for a row of holes can be seen running along near its left margin, and on the right side at the back a spiral twist can be made out. Turning the animal over, a huge fleshy mass with a flattened surface is seen projecting from the under side of the body. By means of this foot the Ormer is able to adhere to rocks like a Limpet, and to crawl about like an ordinary Snail. A foot in some form or other is characteristic of all Mollusca, and it must be understood that the word is here employed with a special meaning of its own. Projecting in front from above the foot a short head can be seen bearing a blunt snout, at the end of which the mouth is placed, and a pair of pointed feelers or tentacles, which are solid, and cannot therefore, like those of a common Snail, be withdrawn into the body. Seen from below, the body of the Ormer is bilaterally symmetrical, and the twisted condition of its upper part is a special condition characteristic of snail-like forms in general. On removal of the shell by cutting through the shell- 308 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS muscle the soft upper part of the body in which a large part of the viscera are contained will be exposed, and it will be noticed that this visceral hump, as it has been called, is twisted behind in correspondence with the twist in the shell. Skirting the visceral hump is a flap, produced by a pulling out, so to speak, of the body wall, and known as the mantle. In the Ormer it is narrow for most of its extent, but is very well developed in the part underlying the row of holes in the shell, where it roofs in a large mantle -cavity, which has a long slit-like aperture above and a wide opening in front about the head. That this mantle- cavity should freely communicate with the exterior is very necessary, for not only does it contain the breathing organs, but the intestine and the kidneys open into it. A very small amount of dissection reveals the presence of the breathing organs in the form of two plume-like gills attached along their sides, and having their tips pointing forwards. The projecting end of the intestine will also be seen, and right at the back of the cavity two small holes by which the kidneys open. Just behind the mantle-cavity the heart is situated, consisting of a central ventricle, which pumps purified blood from the gills through arteries which come off from it fore and aft, and of a thin-walled auricle on either side. The ventricle is folded round the intestine, a noteworthy peculiarity, though one not known to have any physiological meaning. A heart like this, which contains pure blood only, is said to be systemic, and it should be noted how markedly it differs from the heart of an ordinary fish, which contains impure blood only. The complex heart of a Bird or Mammal is physiologically equivalent to both these varieties of heart, for its right half receives impure blood and pumps it to the breathing organs, while its left half is concerned with the reception of pure blood from those organs, and the distribution of the same to the general system. The digestive organs of the Ormer consist of a long digestive tube with large glands opening into it, and including pharynx, gullet, stomach, and intestine, the last, as already noted, ending in the mantle-cavity. Particular interest attaches to the pharynx, or buccal mass, which is partly modified into a complex rasping organ (odontophore), characteristic of two great groups of the Mollusca. It essentially consists of a rounded cushion rising from the floor of the pharynx, over which is stretched from front to A. TENTACLES MANTLE NERVE Fig. 178. — Structure of the Ormer (Haliotis] A, Shell from above. B, Semidiagrammatic view from above after removal of shell. The roof of the mantle-cavity has been cut away and the heart exposed. The small left kidney (unshaded) and hinder part of large right kidney (shaded) shown by transparency, c, Digestive organs. D, Diagram of nervous system. 3io CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS back a horny ribbon, the radula, beset with transverse rows of flinty teeth. This ribbon, often called the " tongue" or " palate", has often been compared to a finger-nail, and as worn away it constantly grows forwards from a projection (radula sac) at the back of the pharynx, just as the finger-nail does from its root. A fuller account of this organ will be given in another place. The kidneys of the Ormer are two irregular brown bodies,, opening as described. The left one is very small, and would seem not to act as a kidney at all. There are certain characteristic features of the nervous system which require notice. It consists of a mrve-ring surrounding the beginning of the digestive tube, and of other connected parts. The upper part of the ring consists of a transverse band con- necting two swellings, the brain (or cerebral) ganglia, and from each of these two cords run downwards to constitute one side of the ring. The outer cords end below in a pair of lateral (or pleural) ganglia, and the inner cords in a pair of Joot (or pedal) ganglia, which are united together in the middle line so as to complete the ring below, while each lateral ganglion is also connected with the adjoining foot ganglion. From the brain ganglia, nerves run off to the sensitive parts of the head including the tentacles, and strong nerves to the foot run back- wards through the substance of that organ from the foot ganglia. There still remains to be described a nerve-loop, which connects the two lateral ganglia and gives off nerves to some of the internal organs. It is a nerve -cord which, starting from one lateral ganglion, runs obliquely backwards, and, turning round in a curve at the level of the hinder end of the mantle - cavity, sweeps forwards again, and takes an oblique course to the other lateral ganglion, taking altogether a course which may be compared to the figure 8. Three ganglia are seen as swellings upon this loop, one close to each gill, and the third at the back end of the 8. The curious course of the loop is one result of the twisting of the body which has affected both the visceral hump and shell. The most important organs of sense are the tentacles, which have to do with touch, so-called organs of hearing, consisting of a pair of little rounded sacs attached to the foot ganglia, and two small cup-shaped eyes, one at the base of each tentacle. There is also a special sense-organ connected with each gill, HEAD-FOOTED MOLLUSCS 311 which is generally considered a kind of organ of smell, entrusted with the duty of testing the quality of the water which enters the pallial cavity. It is termed the osphradium. The preceding account of the Ormer illustrates the most prominent characters of Mollusca generally, which are: (i) the absence of segmentation, (2) the presence of a mantle, (3) the muscular foot, (4) the systemic heart, (5) plume-like gills, and (6) a nerve-ring surrounding the first part of the digestive tube. The vast majority of Molluscs either possess all these characters or else a sufficient number of them to leave no doubt as to how they should be classified. Other very common, though by no means universal, characters of the group are the presence of a shell and development of a rasping organ (odontophore). Large numbers of Molluscs are also distinguished by the bilateral symmetry of their bodies, and though the Ormer is not one of these, it is, as already pointed out, symmetrical so far as the lower half of the body is concerned. Five classes are recognized among Mollusca, as follows: — 1. Head -footed Molluscs (CEPHALOPODA), including the Pearly Nautilus, Cuttle-Fishes, Squids, and Octopi. 2. Snails and Slugs (GASTROPODA). 3. Bivalve Molluscs (LAMELLIBRANCHIA), including forms with the shell in two pieces, e.g. Oyster, Mussel, and Cockle. 4. Tusk-shells (SCAPHOPODA). 5. Proto- Molluscs (AMPHINEURA), a small group of which the only common member is Chiton, distinguished by the possession of eight over- lapping shelly plates on the upper surface of the body. CLASS i.— HEAD-FOOTED MOLLUSCS (CEPHALOPODA) As a good type for description we may select the Common Cuttle-Fish (Sepia officinalis], one of our native species, which preys upon fishes and Crustacea in shallow water, and is a free- swimming form (fig. 179). External Characters. — The body is bilaterally symmetrical, and at one end of it the mouth may be seen, provided with a pair of horny jaws resembling those of a parrot, and surrounded by ten arms or tentacles, of which two are very long and can be drawn back into special pouches. The inner sides of the eight short arms are studded with adhesive suckers, and each long arm swells at its end into an oval pad, one side of which is 312 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS similarly provided. Outside the circlet of arms a large eye can be seen on either side, covered by a circular eyelid perforated by a small hole. The presence of mouth and eyes shows that we are dealing with the head end of the animal. In comparing the body with that of the Ormer we must place this end down- wards and slant the rest of the animal, which is mostly visceral VISCERAL HUMP MANTLE CAVITY POSTERIOR ,ORTA .VENTRICLE AURICLE VENTRAL GANGLIA OUTH CAVITY RADULA SHORT Xi— - V XBEAKS Fig. 179.— The Cuttle-Fish (Sepia officinalis] reduced A, View from left side. B, Side-dissection. Arrows show course of water into and out of mantle cavity. hump, upwards and backwards as shown in the diagram (A). It will then be clear that the long axis of the body is pretty nearly at right angles to the direction corresponding to the long axis in the Ormer. The long visceral hump will possess two gently- curved sides facing respectively forwards and backwards, and two sharp edges placed right and left and margined by a fin-like expansion. The next point will be to find mantle and foot. The former is readily made out running round the edge of the large visceral hump at its lower end, just above a narrowed "neck" indicating the boundary of the head. Most of it is at the back, where it constitutes the hinder wall of a large mantle -cavity, into which a large slit-like opening leads. The foot has grown HEAD-FOOTED MOLLUSCS 313 round the head, and chiefly consists of the ten arms or tentacles. It is from this peculiarity the name of the class is derived (Gk. kephalon, a head; pous, a foot). Just above the back of the head, and projecting from the opening into the mantle-cavity, will be noticed a muscular conical tube, the funnel, by the ejection of water through which the Cuttle- Fish is able to swim rapidly backwards. It will be observed that the mantle-cavity is here at the back, while in the Ormer it is in front, one result of the twisting which the visceral hump of that animal has under- gone. In its natural position, whether resting on the sea-bottom or swimming, the front side of the head and visceral hump is directed upwards, and this side is much darker than the other. It may be taken as a general rule that the surface of an animal habitually facing in this direction is the darkest part of the body, though its actual nature varies in different animals. Here it is the front side, but in a Dog- Fish it is the true upper or dorsal side, and in a flat-fish either the right or left side according to the species (see p. 279). One peculiarity of the Cuttle- Fish's skin is especially noteworthy. If a living specimen is watched, it will be seen that beautiful purplish flushes of colour sweep over the body from time to time, leaving it comparatively pale in the interval. The cause of this is to be sought in the presence of innumerable little rounded colour-bodies (chromato- phores), which, under the control of the nervous system, vary in size. When reduced to their smallest dimensions the skin is pale, but when fully expanded it is dark. A similar pheno- menon has been described for the Frog (p. 251), where, however, the colour changes are comparatively slow. Cutting open the mantle-cavity, we shall find similar parts and openings to those described for the Ormer (p. 308). In the middle line there is the projecting end of the intestine, and on either side of this a kidney aperture, while a plume -like gill is to be seen on either side. As is well known, the Cuttle- Fish and many of its allies are able to eject an inky substance into the surrounding water as a means of protection. This ink is formed within a rounded ink-bag, and carried off through a slender tube which has a common external opening with the intestine. The front side of the visceral hump has imbedded in it a broad " cuttle-bone ", composed of overlapping layers of cal- 3i4 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS careous material. This is to be regarded as a shell, and is not internal in the same sense as the internal skeleton of a Verte- brate, for it is inclosed in a pouch of the skin which has lost the. opening to the exterior probably possessed by ancestral forms. Some Molluscs still exist in which the shell is almost but not quite covered by folds of the skin which have grown over it. As regards the internal structure of the Cuttle- Fish, it need only be remarked that there is a very large rasping organ- (odontophore) ; a systemic heart, consisting of a ventricle and two auricles; and a nerve-ring, swollen into very large ganglia and protected by a cartilaginous case. • The eggs are enclosed in oval cases which are united together into masses, that have been compared to bunches of grapes in appearance, and which are among the common objects cast up on the sea-shore. Cephalopods are divided into two sub-classes, named, accord- ing to the number of gills: i. Dibranchiata (Gk. dis, twice; branchia, gills), of which the Cuttle- Fish is an example; and 2. Tetrabranchiata (Gk. tetra, four; branchia), of which the only living representative is the Pearly Nautilus. Sub-class i.— CUTTLE-FISHES (Dibranchiata) This sub-class is again divided into two groups, Decapoda with ten arms, and Octopoda with eight. The former includes the Cuttle-Fishes, of which Sepia is a type, the Squids,, and Spirula. Squids, or, as they are sometimes termed, Calamaries, have an even wider distribution than Cuttle-Fishes, for they are not only found in coastal waters, but are also pelagic, i.e. living in the open sea, where shoals of them are met with. A common Atlantic and Mediterranean species which abounds on our shores is the Common Squid (Loligo vulgaris). This animal is of more slender build than the Cuttle- Fish, and a large triangular fin projects from each side. The shell or "pen " is a narrow horny structure, shaped like a lance-head. The old name Calamary for creatures of the kind was given in allusion to this "pen5* (L. calamus, a quill), its shape being compared to a short quill. Some of the Squid family attain gigantic dimensions, and there can be little doubt that specimens of the kind are largely responsible for the numerous tales and legends which HEAD-FOOTED MOLLUSCS 315 exist regarding a supposed marine monster, the Great Sea Serpent, or Kraken. Actual measurements which have been made from time to time of bodies or portions of the bodies of such creatures leave no doubt that a total length of over 50 feet may be attained, the greater part of this, however, being taken up by the long arms. Gigantic Squids of the kind are sometimes cast ashore on the western coasts of Britain among other localities. Spirula (Fig. 180) is a small animal in which the shell is spiral and divided into numerous chambers by transverse partitions. It is partly enclosed in folds of the skin. The animal itself is but rarely met with, though its shells are common on Pacific shores and may be seen in most museums. The Octopods, or 8-armed Cephalopods, differ from the Cuttle- Fishes and Squids in the absence of the two long arms, besides which they are entirely devoid of an internal shell. The visceral hump is short and rounded, and the suckers on the arms are unstalked. The group includes the Octopi and their allies, and the Paper Nautilus or Argonaut. The Common Octopus (Octopus vulgaris) is common on rocky shores on the margins of both Atlantic and Mediterranean, lurking in crevices, crawling by means of its sucker -studded arms, or swimming swiftly backwards like the Squids. Each arm is provided with two rows of suckers, while in an Octopod, common on British coasts, Eledone moschata, there is only one. The specific name of this particular species, which is eaten by the Italians, has reference to the strong musky odour of the animal. Some Octopods attain a very large size, though they are inferior to Squids in this respect. Large specimens are reputed to be common on the shores of the island of Sark in the Channel group, and a well-known description of an imaginary combat with one of these is given in Victor Hugo's Toilers of the Sea. The Argonaut or Paper Nautilus (Argonauta argd) is a pelagic form, common in the Mediterranean, in which the female is pro- vided with a thin cap-shaped shell, which is symmetrical, and 3i6 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS large enough to contain the entire body of the animal. It is mainly secreted by the inner surfaces of two of the arms, which are dilated at their ends into large lappets. By means of these the animal holds on to the shell, which is not attached to it by any muscular or fibrous tissue. Sub-class 2 — PEARLY NAUTILUS (Tetrabranchiata) The only living representative of this is the Pearly Nautilus, of which the best -known species ( Nautilus pompilius] (fig. 181) has a wide distribution in the Indian -and Pacific Oceans. The animal is enclosed in a large spiral shell, of which the coiled -up portion projects forwards towards the ani- mal's front end. The body does not occupy all the shell, for a considerable part of this is di- vided into a series of gas -containing chambers by means of curved parti- tions, concave to- wards the external aperture. The last and broadest part forms a body-chamber in which the animal is contained, the rounded end of its visceral hump resting against the concave surface of the last partition. The shell grows in size by successive additions to its aperture or mouth in accordance with the growth of the animal, and at the same time the older part of it is from time to time cut off by formation of a new partition, the body slipping forwards, as it were, so as to permit of this. The old chambered part of the shell is not, however, entirely devoid of soft parts, for each partition is perforated in the middle by a hole continuous with a short tube directed away from the body-chamber, and in this way a hollow structure know as the siphuncle is constituted, Fig. 181.— Pearly Nautilus (Nautilus pompilius}. The left half of its shell has been removed SNAILS AND SLUGS 317 which is traversed by a fleshy cord, continuous almost like a tail with the rounded end of the visceral hump. This is also connected with either side of the body-chamber by means of a broad shell-muscle. The shell consists of an external membrane exhibiting brown and white marking, a white porcelain-like layer, and an internal layer possessing a beautiful pearly lustre, the appearance of which has suggested the ordinary name of the animal. The foot is not constituted by long tentacles or arms as in the Cuttle- Fishes, &c., but consists of a number of lobes upon which are borne a large number of slender adhesive tentacles, the tips of which can be drawn back into sheaths. A funnel is present as before, but instead of being a complete tube it is made up of two halves which are rolled upon each other. Within the mantle-cavity, which occupies the same relative position as in a Cuttle- Fish, there are four instead of two plume-like gills, and in correspondence with this the heart has four auricles, one for receiving the purified blood from each gill, and there are four instead of two kidneys. The eye is of extremely simple structure, and has been compared to a pin-hole camera, consisting as it does of a deep cup, which would be closed externally were it not for the presence of an extremely small rounded aperture like a pin-hole. CLASS 2.— SNAILS AND SLUGS (GASTROPODA) The Ormer already described (pp. 307-3 1 1 ) belongs to this class, that includes a very large number of species, of which the vast majority are distinguished by the presence of a head bearing tentacles, a flattened creeping foot, and a shell which consists of only one valve or piece, and is therefore said to be univalve. The class is split up into smaller divisions as follows: — Sub-class i. — Streptoneura (Prosobranchia). Order (i). Comb-gilled Snails (Ctenobranchia). Order (2). Shield-gilled Snails (Aspidobranchia). Sub-class 2. — Euthyneura. Order (i). Hind-gilled Snails (Opisthobranchia). Order (2). Lung Snails and Slugs (Pulmonata). 3i8 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS Sub-class i.— STREPTONEURA (Prosobranchia) This subdivision of Gastropods is partly founded on the course taken by the nerve-loop which is attached to the nerve- ring. It is here twisted, as, e.g., in the Ormer (see p. 310), into a shape resembling the figure 8. Another important feature is afforded by the gill or gills which, when present, are in front of the heart, as again in the Ormer (see p. 308). These Molluscs may therefore be termed " fore-gilled " or prosobranch (Gk. pro, in front of; branchia, gills). They include most of the marine snails which are to be found on the »sea-shore. On the shape of the gills, among other characters, the two orders of the sub- class are marked off from one another, i.e. (i) Comb-gilled Snails, with a single gill consisting of an axis bearing a series of small flattened plates, comparable to the teeth of a comb; and (2) Shield- gilled Snails, in which there are two series of such plates, one on each side of the gill-axis. In some members of the second order two gills are present. Order (i). Comb-gilled Snails (Ctenobranchia). — This order is divided into no less than fifty-nine families, so that space will prevent more than a brief notice of a few common forms. Probably no sea-snail is more familiar than the Periwinkle (Littorina littored), common on the rocks between tide-marks, and illustrating a number of points in which the members of the order differ from the Ormer and related forms. The thick rounded shell is obviously spiral, and the visceral hump it covers is of the same shape. The spiral, as in most snails, is a right- handed one, i.e. with its turns running in the same direction as an ordinary screw or corkscrew, so that if the shell be placed on end with apex above, its turns or whorls will be seen to slope up from left to right. The most primitive Molluscs known are bilaterally symmetrical, devoid of a prominent visceral hump, and with a posterior mantle-cavity into which the intestine, &c., open. Such spirally-twisted forms as Periwinkle have apparently arisen from simple forms of the kind by development of a visceral hump, together with a strong shell to cover it, and also to serve as a shelter into which the animal might withdraw itself. At the same time twisting took place, perhaps as a result of the weight of the parts, and the result has been that mantle-cavity, end of intestine, gills, heart, and kidneys have been brought SNAILS AND SLUGS round to the front (fig. 182). It is at any rate pretty clear that a spiral hump and shell are more compact and convenient than a much elongated hump covered by an extinguisher-shaped shell. In most cases the twisting, as viewed from above, has taken place in a direction opposed to the hands of a watch, but in some few snails the opposite has been the case, so that the spiral shell is left-handed. A little observation at the sea-side will show that Peri- winkles are in the habit of •creeping about on the rocks, feeding on sea -weed, from which they are able to scrape small pieces by means of the rasping organ. The part of such an animal which protrudes from the shell will be seen to be bilaterally symmetrical, and to mainly consist of a foot much smaller than that of the Ormer (see p. 307), and a head pro- vided with a prominent snout and two tentacles, each of which bears a small eye at its base in the form of a black spot. The projecting hind-end of the foot bears upon its upper side a horny plate, the operculum, which when the animal is com- pletely withdrawn into the shell by means of the shell -muscle stops up the aperture, thus guarding the only weak point in the defences. The operculum corresponds in shape with the aperture or mouth of the shell, which here, as in vegetarian snails generally, possesses a continuous margin devoid of any notch. Examination of the mantle - cavity and the related organs will show several important points of difference from the Ormer (see p. 308). As before, the last part of the intestine can be Fig. 182. — Diagram of a Comb-gilled Snail, seen from above. The roof of mantle-cavity and overlying shell supposed transparent. i, Mouth; 2, brain-ganglion; zb, nerve-cord connecting side-ganglion (above) with foot-ganglion (below) ; 3, one of the three ganglia on the twisted nerve-loop; 4, gill; 46, os- phradium ; 5, opening of intestine ; 6, heart in pericardium ; 8, a gland (purple-gland in Purpura); 9, siphon; 10, 10, foot; u, operculum. 320 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS seen, lying, however, well over on the right side, while on the left there is a single gill with the comb-like shape characteristic of the order, and running alongside it a projecting ridge, the water-testing organ (osphradium). The heart is placed imme- diately behind the gill, and has but one auricle, placed in front of the ventricle, which is not folded round the intestine as in the Ormer. It is indeed exceptional for the intestine of a snail to run through the heart, though it is characteristic of bivalve molluscs. There is but one kidney in the Periwinkle, opening into the back of the mantle-cavity, on the left-hand side. The suppression of one gill, auricle, and kichiey is believed to be one result of the twisting of the body, though exactly why is uncertain. They have perhaps been subjected to pressure, and so to speak squeezed out of existence. The twisting of the visceral loop in the nervous system is another result of the coiling of the body, and this is easily understood. Two species closely related to the Periwinkle are common on British coasts. In one (Littorina rudis] the coiled apex or spire of the shell is very short. The other (L. obtusata) is a small form, varying in colour from greenish-brown to orange- yellow, and entirely devoid of a projecting spire, the apex of the shell being rounded off so as to make the general outline of the shell spheroidal. It is common on the brown sea- weed (Fucus) with which 'tween-tide rocks are often thickly covered. The River-Snail (Paludina), common in the streams of this country, is something like the Periwinkle in general shape, but it is a good deal larger and the shell is much thinner. Living side by side with the Periwinkle on our rocks will be found the Purple Snail (Purpura lapillus), with a dense angular white shell extremely unlike the rounded covering of the former species. It belongs to a different family, and is a good example of a carnivorous sea-snail. The mouth of the shell is notched at its front end, i.e. the end away from the spire, for the trans- mission of the siphon, a spout-like prolongation of the mantle by means of which water enters the mantle-cavity. The Purple is one of the forms in which the pharynx with its rasping organ is situated in the end of a long proboscis, that is retracted when not in use. The typical genus of this particular family is Murex, many of the tropical species of which possess extremely beautiful shells, covered with long spines and having the front angle of SNAILS AND SLUGS 321 the mouth drawn out into a long canal for the reception of the siphon. Tyrian purple was obtained from species of Murex and Purpura, the organ yielding it being a gland in the roof of Fig. 183. — Whelk (Buccinuni). a a, Tentacles; b, siphon; c, operculum the mantle-cavity, of which the juice turns purple on exposure to sunlight. The Common Whelk (Buccinum undatum) (fig. 183), inhabit- ing both shallow and deep water around our coasts, closely re- sembles the Purple in structure, but is very much larger. As examples of other families may be mentioned: — Mitre-Shells (Mitra), Volutes (Valuta), Olive- Shells (Olivd) (fig. 184), Harp- Shells (Harpa), Cone -Shells (Conus\ Turret-Shells (Turritella\ Wing-Shells (Strombus) (fig. 185), Helmet-Shells (Cassis), and Cowries (Cypraa) (fig. 186). In many of these the shells are extremely handsome, and occupy a prominent place in museums and private collections. Special mention must be made of the Heteropods, a group of comb-gilled snails which swim freely in the open sea. The body in these pelagic forms is transparent, and the foot is a laterally-flattened fin-like structure, by means of which the animal swims back downwards. The shell may be spiral (Atlanta) or cap-shaped (Carinaria), but in some cases (Pterotr ached) is entirely absent. Fig. 184.— Olive (OKva) VOL. I. 21 322 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS Order (2). Shield-gilled Snails (Aspidobranchia). — As already mentioned, these forms possess a gill or gills in which the axis has a series of plates on either side. The primitive bilateral Fig. 185. — Strombus a, Proboscis; 3, notch in shell-mouth; c, eye-bearing tentacles; d, foot; e, operculum. symmetry of the body has not been disturbed to the same extent, for both right and left gills, auricles, and kidneys may be present. There are fifteen families, of which one, the Trochidcz, repre- sented by twenty British species, may be taken as representing forms with well-coiled shell, the colours and markings of o which are often of extreme beauty. Two auricles and kidneys are present, but only one gill. The Ormer (Haliotis tuberculatd), already de- scribed (pp. 307-311), is the type of another family, and, as we have seen, it possesses two auricles, gills, and kidneys. There is good reason to believe that it is descended from forms possessing a well-coiled visceral hump, covered by a shell of corresponding shape, and large enough to serve as a retreat into which the animal could withdraw itself at the approach Fig. 186.— Cowry (Cypraa) SNAILS AND SLUGS 323 of danger. Although the hump and shell still retain a certain amount of twisting they have been flattened out to a large extent, and the shell no longer serves as a refuge. This, however, is made up for by the immense size of the foot, by which the animal can adhere firmly to the rock, at the same time pulling the shell down so as to cover the exposed parts. In the much smaller Key-hole Limpet (Fissure Ha Grceca) of the Mediterranean the visceral hump is completely flattened out, and the shell is conical, with a hole at the apex communicating with the mantle-cavity. It possesses two gills, &c., like the Ormer. In John Knox's Limpet (Acmcea testudinalis], not uncommon on certain parts of the British coast, still further changes have taken place, for there is only one auricle and a single gill. Nor does the intestine pass through the heart, as is the case in the shield - gilled forms so far mentioned. The Common Limpet (Patella vulgata) agrees with this species in most respects, but has lost both the gills, at least as functional breathing -organs. If the small mantle-cavity lying above the neck be cut open the end of the intestine will be seen projecting into it, and on each side of this the opening of a kidney. On the floor of the cavity are two little orange-coloured projections, examination of which as to structure and nerve-supply shows that each represents the vestige of a gill covered by its water-testing organ (osphradium). The Limpet, however, does possess gills, though of another kind, which are seen as a large number of flattened plates running right round the body well above the foot and overhung by the mantle skirt, which is a well- developed continuous flap. Since these gills are not the equivalents of the ordinary plume-like gills characteristic of Molluscs they are termed secondary gills. This use for the word secondary is a common one in zoology. At first sight a Limpet, with its simple conical shell, might be taken for a very primitive animal. If it were so, however, the mantle-cavity, with its related organs, would be at the hind end of the body instead of in front, and the nerve-loop of the nervous system would not be, as it is, 8-shaped. These con- siderations, and comparison with other forms, would lead to the conclusion that the apparent simplicity is secondary, and that the Limpet's ancestors were forms with spirally coiled visceral hump and shell. A very interesting confirmation of this con- 324 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS elusion is afforded by the life-history, for at an early period of its existence, when it is a free-swimming larva, it actually does possess spirally twisted visceral hump and shell. This is another example of the law of recapitulation previously exemplified (see p. 14). Sub-class 2. — EUTHYNEURA These are forms in which the nerve-loop of the nervous system is not twisted (except in one family), but it would appear that this is not, as might at first sight be supposed, a primitive feature, but the result of an untwisting process1. A further character is the possession of two pairs of tentacles by the head. There are two orders : i. Hind-gilled Snails (Opisthobranchia), with the auricle of the heart behind the ventricle, and the gill in a corresponding situation ; and 2. Lung Snails (Pulmonata), in which the gills are entirely absent and the mantle-cavity has been converted into a lung. Order I.— HlND-GILLED SNAILS (Opisthobranchia) A very great variety of marine forms are placed in this order, some snail-like in appearance, others slug-like, and others again of modified shape and adapted for swimming in the open sea. A distinction is drawn between species in which there is typically a gill sheltered in the mantle- cavity (Tectibranchs), and the Sea- Slugs (Nudi- branchs), devoid of mantle and shell. Among the Tectibranchs the Bubble- Shells possess a thin translucent spiral shell (fig. 187), overlapped by a body- fold (epipodium) each side. Another related family is exem- plified by a small white mollusc, Philine aperta, very common in shallow water round the British coast The shell is something like that of a bubble-shell, but is not visible externally, as folds of the mantle have grown completely over it. In the Sea- Hare (Aplysia) the shell is still further reduced, being a thin oval plate situated on the upper "-of Fig. 187.— Bubble-shell (Bulla] a, Head-lappets; b, right epipodium; c, shell; d, mantle-lobe; e, hind-end of foot;/", shell. SNAILS AND SLUGS 325 10 side of the body and almost entirely covered over. A large gill is present, protected in a mantle-cavity which opens on the right-hand side (see fig. 188). The external opening of the single kidney is at the root of the gill, and the intestine terminates still further back outside the mantle-cavity altogether. The Sea- Hare was at one time pointed to as a good example of a form in which the twisting process had begun, carrying the mantle- cavity with its organs on to the right side. If this were so, how- ever, we should expect to find two auricles to the heart, two gills, and two kidneys, which is not the case. A more adequate explanation is that the Sea- Hare is descended from forms in which coiled visceral hump and shell were present, and which had lost an auricle, a gill, and a kidney; forms, in fact, resembling such a species as the Periwinkle in struc- ture (see p. 318). We must sup- pose that in these the visceral hump gradually flattened out and the shell gradually became re- duced, while at the same time a certain amount of untwisting took place, bringing back the mantle- ravitv tn tVlP ricrVlt Vmnrl qiHe of intestine; 6, heart in pericardium ; io,io«, right epipo- cavity to tn< dium. io^ left epipodium foided over back, the body. In this way a secon- dary or spurious simplicity has been acquired. The non-twisted nerve-loop (fig. 188) is characteristic of Euthyneura generally. Eight out of the twenty families embraced by the Tecti- branchs are collectively known as the Wing-footed Snails or Pteropods (Gk. pteron, a wing; pous, a foot), formerly regarded as a distinct class of the Mollusca. They are small pelagic creatures, vast shoals of which are to be found swimming in the open sea. Some of them possess a mantle-cavity and a transparent shell either spiral or conical in shape. In these the foot is transformed into a pair of fin-like structures. Others again have .no mantle and shell, and though they possess fins, Fig. 188.— Diagram of aTectibranch Snail, seen from above i, Mouth ; 2, nerve-ring with ganglia; 3, one of the two ganglia on the untwisted nerve-loop; 4, gill, just in front of which is seen the osphradium ; 5, opening of 326 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS these are not formed from the foot, but from the region of the body immediately above it, and equivalent to flaps found in this position in the Sea- Hare (epipodia) or to the halves of the funnel in a Pearly Nautilus (see p. 317). Sea-Slugs (Nudibranchs). — These are beautifully coloured creatures with a large creeping foot. Their symmetrical form is not a primitive character, but due to the untwisting process just described for the Sea- Hare. Here, however, modification has gone a stage further, for not only is there no shell, but both mantle-cavity and the typical plume-like gill are absent. The intestine opens in the middle line* on the posterior part of the body. A common British genus is Doris, in which the absence of plume-gills is made up for by the presence of a circlet of branched secondary gills situated on the upper side of the body around the opening of the in- testine. If the ex- Fig. i89.-Eolis panded gills of a living specimen be touched they are immediately drawn in, being sheltered in a ring -like groove when so retracted. Another common genus is Eolis (fig. 189), in which the back is studded with numerous slender club-like processes. A very interesting little Nudibranch is the free-swimming Mediterranean form Phyllirhoe, which possess a transparent laterally-flattened body and is devoid of foot. There are numerous little phosphorescent bodies in the skin. Order 2. — LUNG SNAILS (Pulmonata) The seventeen families of this order are mostly inhabitants of the land or of fresh-water, and familiar examples are furnished by the land-snails and slugs. The common Garden Snail (Helix aspersa) may be taken as an illustrative type (fig. 190). The part of the body which is protruded from the shell when the animal crawls is symmetrical, and its under part is made up of the well-developed foot, which has a rounded front end and ends in a point behind. The head is fairly distinct, and bears SNAILS AND SLUGS 327 two pairs of tentacles, which are hollow and can be drawn back into the body. The front pair are short, while the others are long, and each of them bears an eye at its tip. There is a well- coiled visceral hump covered by a shell of corresponding shape, into which the animal can be withdrawn, though there is no operculum to guard the entrance. During the winter the snail TENTACLE BUCCAL GANGLIA LUNG VEIN AURICLE "J VENTRICLE j PERICARDIUM RTA Fig. 190. — Structure of Garden Snail (Helix aspersa) A, General dissection, from upper side; roof of lung spread out to right. B, Buccal mass, right half removed. c, Nerve-ring, from back. remains in a torpid condition within its shell, or in other words hibernates, under which condition the want of operculum is com- pensated for by the formation of a limy partition across the mouth of the shell, leaving, however, a small aperture for breathing purposes. As would be expected in a form so twisted, the mantle-cavity is in front, but no longer has a wide opening to the exterior, as this would lead to its delicate lining being dried up. There is, instead, a small aperture on the right-hand side, easily seen just within the margin of the shell. When the mantle-cavity is opened 328 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS no trace of a gill can be seen, but the thin mantle which forms its roof is raised up into a net-work of ridges traversed by blood- vessels and acting as a lung. The intestine runs down the right side of the mantle-cavity to its termination close by the lung- opening, and by its side runs the slender tube which carries off the waste matter from the single kidney, abutting against which is the pericardium containing a two-chambered heart. The nerve-ring encircles the beginning of the gullet just behind the pharynx, and the nerve-loop is exceedingly short, and fused with it in such a way as to be exceedingly difficult to re- cognize. About 6000 species are inducted in the Pulmonata, and of these some 3500 belong to the same genus (Helix] as the Garden Snail. A much larger species than this is the Roman Snail (Helix pomatia), common abroad, and on the chalk downs of Kent and Surrey. It is said to have been introduced in Roman times for culinary purposes. Land- Slugs may be regarded as derived from snail-like forms which have been more or less flattened out, and in which the shell is reduced or, it may be, absent altogether. Two common British species may be mentioned as examples, the small grey Field -Slug (Limax agrestis] with a reduced internal shell, and the much larger Black Slug (Arion ater] in which the shell is entirely absent. The Pulmonate forms so far mentioned all agree in the pos- session of four tentacles, with eyes situated on the tips of the larger posterior ones. But there are still other forms in which only one pair of tentacles is present, at the bases of which the eyes are placed. Among these may be mentioned the Pond- Snail (Limnaa stagnalis] with a thin, pointed shell, and the Trumpet -Shell (Planorbis corneus), also an inhabitant of fresh water, and possessing a flat spiral shell. CLASS 3.— BIVALVE MOLLUSCS (LAMELLIBRANCHIA) The shell of a Gastropod, when it possesses one, always consists of one piece or valve, i.e. is univalve p; but in the class now to be considered there is a bivalve shell consisting of a right and a left valve. The Fresh-water Mussels, abundant in many of our streams, canals, and ponds, furnish a convenient type. They belong to two genera, Anodon and Unio, which agree in BIVALVE MOLLUSCS 329 Fig. 191. — Shells of Fresh-water Mussel (Unto], seen from within ab, Impressions of anterior and posterior adductors; df, hinge- teeth; e, ligament; h, pallial line. their main features, though there are certain differences, especially as regards the shell. External Characters. — The animal is completely invested by the two elongated oval pieces which make up the shell, and are right and left respec- tively (fig. 191). They are united together above, along what is called the hinge -line, and can either be brought close together elsewhere so as entirely to cover the soft parts, or may be separated so as to "gape" more or less, which is always the case in dead specimens. A series of closely-set lines following the curve of the shell can be seen on the out- side, and it will be found that these "lines of growth", which mark successive additions of material, have as their centre a pointed projection near the straight upper edge of the valve, known as the beak or umbo. This clearly marks the oldest part, and, as in bivalves, usually projects forwards, and is nearer the front than the back end. When the shell is removed from the soft parts by cut- ting through cer- tain muscles, it will be found that each valve covers a soft flap which lines it during life, and is really half the mantle (fig. 192), here clearly divided into right and left halves, which may be compared to the flaps of a man's coat, if the further assumption be made that the coat is a part of the body and its flaps are big enough to entirely cover the occupant. fO.ST.ERTO.R- AORT.A AITRIEC0 ANTERIOR AORTA Kl ANTEfcJOTJ RETRACTOR Fig. 192. — Structure of Fresh-water Mussel (Anodonta} Gi-Gs, ganglia: Go, opening of oviduct; Ki and K.2, internal and external kidney-openings 330 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS Structure and Formation of the Shell. — The shell is a horny structure largely impregnated by salts of lime. It is produced by the underlying epidermis, from which a sticky substance exudes which afterwards becomes hard. In all classes of Mol- luscs the mantle has a great deal to do with the formation of the shell, but even here, where the mantle is very well de- veloped, it does not line the part of the shell near the hinge- line, and yet that part can be repaired if broken. In a Garden Snail the mantle is of comparatively small extent, the chief part of it being the roof of the lung, yet all parts of the snail's shell can be repaired. The shell of tfte Mussel, and the same thing is true for a land- or sea-snail, consists of three layers: (i) a greenish external skin, often called incorrectly the epidermis; (2) a middle prismatic layer in which the calcareous material consists of oblique prisms; and (3) an internal pearly layer, made up of numerous thin lamellae, the edges of which form a series of minute wavy ridges on the inner side of the shell, which are the agents to which the rainbow tints of the pearly layer are due. The edge of the mantle is thickened, and, both here and in most Mollusca, plays a very important part in the formation of the shell, the two outer layers originating from it alone. Repairs, therefore, except at the edge of the shell, are carried out in pearly material only, though further observations are wanted on the subject. The two valves are united together in the region behind the umbo by a horny elastic band known as the ligament, which is kept on the stretch when the shell is closed. In the shell of Unio (fig. 191) there are projecting teeth along the inner side of the hinge-line in each valve, which fit into corresponding sockets in the other valve. Such teeth and sockets are entirely absent in Anodon, whence its name (Gk. an, without; odous, a tooth). The inner side presents a number of markings due to the attachment of muscles, and therefore called muscular impressions. The two largest of these are oval, and situated respectively near the front and back ends. They correspond (see fig. 192) to a couple of large muscles, the fibres of which run transversely across from valve to valve, and which, since their contraction serves to adduct or pull the valves together, are termed the anterior and posterior adductor muscles (L. adduco, I lead to). When they cease to contract, the elasticity of the stretched ligament comes into play BIVALVE MOLLUSCS 331 and pulls the shell open. Running from one adductor scar to the other is a curved pallial line, marking the attachment of the pallium or mantle to the shell. In a case like this, where the line is unbroken by any indentation, it is integropalliate, a point which will be referred to later when other bivalves are considered. Both shell and contained animal are bilaterally symmetrical, a fact which is expressed as regarding the former by using the term equivalve. Each valve is in fact a mirror-image of the other, but in itself does not exhibit bilateral symmetry, i.e. is inequilateral. The Mussel is in the habit of remaining obliquely buried in the mud with its hinder end projecting, and examination of an aquarium specimen in this position will show two openings, one above the other, between the mantle lobes (fig. 192). Water- currents continually set into the lower or inhalent aperture, serving the double purpose of carrying food to the mouth and oxygen to the breathing-organs, while other currents as con- stantly flow out of the upper or exhalent aperture, taking with them the various forms of waste matter. The inhalent aperture is fringed with sensitive tentacles, and if these are touched the shell at once closes, an arrangement which is obviously protec- tive. The Mussel, therefore, is able to feed, breathe, and get rid of waste, with most of its body concealed from observation. After removal of the shell (fig. 192) it will be found that the mantle-lobes are not united together except between the two apertures just described. If one of them be turned back other parts come into view, and the first thing to determine is which is front and which back end. A distinct head will be looked for in vain, and its absence is one of the characters of this class, which sometimes receive the name of " headless " Molluscs (Acephala, from Gk. a, without ; kephalon, a head). This cannot be regarded as a primitive feature, and there is good reason to believe that the bivalves are descended from forms which possessed a distinct head, the dwindling of which has been brought about by a sluggish mode of life and dependence as regards food upon minute organisms brought to the mouth by water currents. The mouth will be seen in the Mussel as a wide slit just behind one of the adductor muscles, at the end further from the inhalent and exhalent apertures, which thus mark the hinder end of the animal. There is a complete absence of anything in the way of jaws, but a pair of soft leaf-shaped bodies, 332 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS the labial palps, may be seen on either side of the mouth. The body hangs down between the mantle-lobes, and its ventral part is modified into the orange-coloured foot, which, instead of pre- senting a creeping under surface, as in a snail, is flattened from side to side and projects forwards as a muscular body which has been variously compared, as regards its shape, to an axe or ploughshare. It can be protruded from between the valves of the shell, and serves as a pushing-organ, by which the animal can slowly plough its way through the mud with its front end first. Very conspicuous are the plate-like gills, which have suggested the scientific name of the class (Lat. lamella, a plate; Gk. branchia, gills), and which are not only breathing-organs but are also largely concerned with setting up the currents of water which play such an important part in the life of the animal, being largely aided, however, in both these duties by the lobes of the mantle. The water-currents are a result of ciliary action (see p. 49). Each gill consists of an outer and an inner plate, and, despite its special- ized form, has been produced by the modification of a gill-plume similar in kind to those found in the Ormer (see p. 308). The stem of the gill runs fairly parallel to the long axis of the body, and is attached to the body- wall above. The mantle -cavity is here the huge space between the mantle-lobes into which the gills and lower part of the body hang down, and, by the attach- ment of the former to adjacent parts, it is divided into a large lower section into which the inhalent aperture leads and a much narrower upper portion, above the gills, and communicating with the exterior by the exhalent aperture. This is most clearly seen behind the posterior adductor muscle, where the inner plate of one gill is seen to be fused along the middle line with the corre- sponding plate of the other gill, thus forming a partition between the upper and lower sections of the mantle-cavity. Digestive Organs (fig. 192). — The most striking feature is a negative one, consisting in the entire absence of the characteristic rasping organ (odontophore) possessed by the other molluscan classes. It is believed that bivalves are descended from ancestors which were provided with this structure, which has been lost as a result of the same conditions which led to the dwindling of the head, and which have already been alluded to. The mouth leads into a short gullet, which opens into a stomach, that again continues into a coiled intestine, the last part of which runs up BIVALVE MOLLUSCS 333 to the dorsal side, traverses the heart (see below), and runs back over the posterior adductor to its termination in the upper section of the mantle-cavity. Circulatory Organs (fig. 192). — The heart, situated in a pericardial cavity, has the dorsal situation characteristic of Inverte- brates, and is essentially similar to the heart of the Ormer (see p. 308), consisting as it does of a central ventricle to which a thin-walled auricle is attached on either side. Purified blood is received by the auricles from the mantle-lobes and gills, and then passes into the ventricle, which distributes it to the body. Respiratory and Excretory Organs (fig. 192). — As already mentioned, the function of breathing is carried out by mantle- lobes and gills. As to excretion of nitrogenous waste, this is effected by two elongated brown kidneys underlying the peri- cardium, with which they communicate on the one hand, while they open to the exterior on the other, Nervous System and Sense Organs (fig. 192). — The central nervous system consists, as in the Ormer (see p. 310), of a nerve- ring and a nerve-loop. The former presents a ganglion on each side of the mouth (equivalent to one of the brain ganglia of the Ormer with a lateral ganglion fused with it) connected with one another above and with a pair of foot-ganglia embedded in the body close to the muscular foot. The nerve-loop is connected in front with the upper ganglia of the ring, and its posterior end lies just below the posterior adductor, where it is thickened into a pair of visceral ganglia. The three pairs of ganglia send out nerves to the parts of the body in their neighbourhood. The Mussel undoubtedly possesses the sense of touch, espe- cially as regards the edge of the mantle. It is also probable, though not absolutely certain, that it is endowed with smell and taste, and water -testing organs (osphradia) can be recognized near the visceral ganglia, though there is some doubt about their function, for they lie in the upper section of the mantle- cavity in the course of the outgoing currents of water, which is not in accordance with their supposed function. So-called organs of hearing are present, as in the Ormer (see p. 310), in the form of two little vesicles connected with the foot-ganglia and containing particles of carbonate of lime. They are probably concerned with the sense of equilibrium. Eyes are altogether absent. Lamellibranchs are divided into five orders based on the 334 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS characters of the gills, and embrace between them some forty families. It will be enough for our present purpose to mention a few common species in illustration of the range of characters found within the class. The Cockle Family includes a large number of shallow-water forms found along coasts and estuaries in most parts of the world. They are especially characteristic of places where sand is abundant. The best-known British form is the Edible Cockle (Cardium edule) of the Atlantic and Mediterranean areas. The shell is rounded in outline, and marked by prominent ribs which radiate from the beak. The edges of the mantle - lobes are much more extensively united than is the case with the Fresh- water Mussel, but an orifice is left in front through which the foot can be protruded, and at the back inhalent and exhalent apertures are seen as before, a striking difference being that they are here placed at the ends of two short tubes or siphons, both fringed by tentacles. The narrow bent foot is able not only to push the animal through the sand, but also by its sudden con- traction to bring about springing movements in the water. The siphons can be drawn back within the shell by means of a special retractor muscle, and the attachment of this to the shell causes the pallial line to be indented at its posterior end, just as, to use a somewhat fanciful comparison that has been employed, a coast- line is broken by a bay or, to use the Latin word, sinus. By examination of the shell only we are therefore able to say in a given case (fig. 193) whether siphons of any size were present, the extent of the bay being roughly proportional to their development. This sinu- palliate condition is contrasted with the integro- palliate one described for the Mussel (p. 331), but it must not be forgotten that small siphons may be present devoid of muscles sufficiently powerful to indent the pallial line perceptibly. The Gaper Family presents a certain amount of resemblance to the preceding as regards habit, and a common British form, the Sand Gaper (My a arenaria) (fig. 194), is found both in mud and sand off many parts of our coast, and also on the opposite side of the North Atlantic. The thick oval shell is not ribbed like the Cockle, and the name " Gaper " has reference to the of 9f'Iinupadiiia°ef she' BIVALVE MOLLUSCS 335 fact that the valves cannot be brought together behind owing to the presence of enormous siphons that can only be drawn back into the shell to a limited extent. The two siphons are united into a single fleshy mass with two orifices at its tip, and pro- tected by a brown wrinkled layer con- rig. i94.— sand-Gaper (ji/y« tinuous with the outer horny layer of the shell. The protective arrangement suggested in the Mussel (see p. 331) is here carried to a much greater extent, for when the animal is buried in the mud, with only the tip of the siphon- tube projecting, it is singularly inconspicuous, though feed- ing and breathing can go on without interruption. The foot of the Gaper is small, and is of no use for Fig. 195. — Razor-Shell (Solen}. Foot seen on left, siphons on right springing. A closely-related family is that of the Razor-shells (fig. 195), of which two British species are very common, i.e. Solen siliqua and Solen ensis. In both cases the shell is very long and narrow, and gapes at both ends, but in the former species it is straight and in the latter curved. Some very interesting boring molluscs come fairly close in affinity to the Gapers. The Rock-borers (Saxicava) and Piddocks (Pkolas) (fig. 196), both of which can excavate burrows in hard rock, include a number of British species belonging to two families, while a third family is represented in the Atlantic and Mediter- ranean by the so-called " Ship-worm " (Teredo navalis] that often completely riddles timber with its burrows, which are lined by a smooth shelly layer secreted by the surface of the long siphonal tubes. All the preceding families belong to one, and that the largest, of the five orders of bivalves. We may take the Sea Mussel Family as representing another order, and of the forms included by far the most familiar, largely on account of its economic import- ance, is the Edible Mussel (Mytilus edulis] (fig. 197), of which vast numbers are found together attached to stones, wooden piles, or other firm objects, by means of strong blackish threads consti- tuting the byssus. The dark bluish shell is somewhat wedge- 336 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS shaped, and the sharp beaks are placed at the extreme front end. There are no siphons, but merely two apertures, as in the Fresh- water Mussel, the inhalent one being very large and fringed. The small dark foot, though capable of being used as a locomotor organ, is not in constant employment as in free bivalves, which probably accounts for its relatively small size. The byssus arises from a deep pit behind the foot, and though it is commonly found Fig. 196. — Piddocks (Pholas dactylus] in their Burrows mooring the animal, it can be cast off if necessary, enabling the animal to creep away to some more desirable spot. The anterior adductor muscle is much smaller than the other, and this point is of special interest, because it foreshadows cases where only the posterior adductor is present in the adult. This is a tendency to specialization, but the gills on the other hand are simpler in structure than those of a Fresh-water Mussel, for though they consist of two plates on each side, yet each of these can easily be broken up into distinct filaments. The gill is, in fact, a some- what modified plume-gill in which the separate side-branches of the plume have not yet firmly united into plates, as in the fresh- water mussel. The Ark-Shells constitute a family belonging to the same BIVALVE MOLLUSCS 337 order as the Marine Mussels, and agree with them in the character of the gills. The shell is somewhat rectangular in form, with a long hinge-line possessing many small similar teeth. The foot has a flattened under-surface, an exception to the general rule among bivalves. The group is represented by species in all parts of the world, and some of 1 It ifv JT^to the individual species have a very wide distribution, as in the case of the British species Area lactea. In the Scallop Family we have represented a third order of bivalves which pos- sess gills more complicated than those of Ark- Shells and Edible Mussels, but less so than in the Fresh -water Mussel and associated families. There are several Fig. 197.— Edible Mussel (Mytiltts edulis) Fig. 198.— Pilgrim Scallop (Pecten Jacobeeus) species of British Scallops belonging to the genus Pecten, in which the shells are fan-shaped. The Pilgrim Scallop (Pecten Jacob&us) (fig. 198) is interesting as the source of the " cockle-shell " which the mediaeval pilgrim to the Holy Land wore in his hat. Only one adductor muscle is present, the equivalent of the posterior one in the families so far mentioned. In some of the species the valves of the shell are equal according to the general rule, and in these the animal is able to swim by flapping them. In other cases, of which the edible Scallop commonly seen in fishmongers' shops furnishes an example, the animal is sedentary, and during life rests with its right valve below, this being well curved, while the upper or left valve forms a flat lid. A byssus is present, VOL. I. 22 338 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS serving to attach the creature to some firm object. There is in this genus an interesting variation on the mode of opening the shell described for the Fresh- water Mussel (see p. 330). There is no external ligament but what is called an internal ligament or cartilage, placed in a deep pit at the hinge and kept compressed when the shell is shut. When therefore the adductor muscle ceases to contract, the elasticity of this body will come into play, causing the shell to gape, just as a door might be made to fly open by the expansion of a piece of india-rubber shut into its hinge and thereby strongly compressed. The mantle - lobes of Pecten are quite free from one another, so that not only are siphons absent but also special inhalent and exhalent openings. The long plate-like gills follow the curve of the body, and water has ready access to them through the wide cleft between the mantle-lobes exposed when the animal opens its shell. The edge of the mantle is fringed by long tentacles, and bears quite a number of spherical eyes of a beautiful green colour. These have a very complicated structure, approaching in some respects to the eyes of Vertebrates. The Oyster Family is closely allied to the preceding, but its members are still more modified. The shell is very irregular, and the animal is attached by the substance of the left valve, which in the Common Oyster (Ostrea edulis] of British seas is hollowed out while the right valve is lid-like, just the opposite to what is the case in a Scallop. The foot is entirely absent, and though the mantle-edges bear short tentacles, they are devoid of eyes. Brief mention may be made of the Nucula Family as repre- senting a comparatively small order of bivalves in which the gills present primitive characters. In the type genus Nucula, for example, the gill on each side is small and obviously like one of the gill-plumes of the Ormer, and a further primitive character is found in the possession of a foot with flattened creeping surface. CLASS 4.— TUSK-SHELLS (SCAPHOPODA) This small class includes the typical genus Dentalium and its allies. A British form, the Common Tusk- Shell (Dentalium vulgare) (fig. 199), may be taken as a type. It is found burrowing in the sandy parts of the sea-floor. The curved body is bilaterally TUSK-SHELLS. PROTO-MOLLUSCS 339 symmetrical, with the upper side concave, and it is covered by a tubular shell shaped something like an elephant's tusk, whence its name. This shell has an aperture at each end, the larger one being in front, and its formation may be understood if we suppose the presence of two long mantle -flaps which have fused together in the middle line below, and that shelly matter has been secreted continuously all round. This view is justified by the develop- ment. So far there would appear to be affinity with the bivalve mol- luscs, and this is confirmed by the shape of the/00/ — which, however, has a lobe each side as well as a central portion — and by the charac- ter of the nervous system. In other respects there is an approach to Gastropods, for though the head is much reduced it is not entirely absent, the mouth being placed on the end of a short non- re tractile proboscis, behind which is a pharynx provided with the typical rasping- organ. Springing from the base of the proboscis are two bunches of long filaments dilated at their ends, and capable of protrusion for some distance from the mouth of the shell. These are sup- posed to be of use in capturing small organisms as food, and it is possible that they represent the gills of other forms, though this is by no means certain. Fig. 199.— Tusk-shell (Dentalium}. Shell partly removed CLASS 5.— PROTO-MOLLUSCS (AMPHINEURA) The different classes of Molluscs are all supposed to have sprung from bilaterally symmetrical forms with fairly distinct head, a rasping-organ, and a creeping foot. There was probably a continuous mantle-flap sheltering in the hinder-part of the body a pair of plume-like gills, near which would open the paired kidneys, one on each side of the intestinal aperture. The heart would be dorsal and posterior in position, and would most likely consist of a muscular ventricle with a thin-walled auricle on each 340 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS side. From creatures of this kind we can imagine Cephalopods, Gastropods, Lamellibranchs, and Scaphopods derived by special- ization along different lines, the nature of which has been already indicated in the description of these classes. The small number of forms which make up the present class have probably retained to a higher degree than any other living forms the characters B. Fig. 200. — Proto-molluscs A, Mail-Shell (Chiton], seen from above and below. B, Proneomenia, right side and under surface, c, Chaetoderma. of these hypothetical ancestors, though they also have undergone modifications of their own, and it is often a difficult problem to determine which of their characteristics are primitive and which not. The most abundant and familiar of these animals are the Mail-Shells or Chitons (fig. 200), most of which live under stones near low-water mark. A common British form is Chiton mar- ginatus. In the bilateral symmetry, the presence of a fairly well- marked head, a broad, creeping foot, and a continuous mantle-flap, the Chitons are probably primitive. The same thing may be said regarding the dorsal heart, which is placed posteriorly and possesses the three typical chambers, and the kidneys, which are paired and open far back. The rasping-organ, however, is highly complex, and the gills are arranged in a row on each side, instead of being two in number. Quite possibly, however, the many- PROTO-MOLLUSCS 341 gilled is more primitive than the two-gilled condition, and there are some Chitons which have a limited number of gills far back on each side. As to the shell, we find eight overlapping plates situated on the dorsal side. The remaining Proto-molluscs (fig. 200) are unfamiliar marine forms inhabiting moderately or very deep water. They possess no shell, but the skin is beset with calcareous spicules, and they are more or less worm-like in appearance. The foot is either a narrow ridge placed in a longitudinal groove (Neomenia, Pro- neomenia), or may be entirely absent (Chcetoderma). There is a small posterior mantle-cavity into which the intestine and paired kidneys open, while it may shelter a pair of plume-like gills (Chcetoderma}, or these may be represented by a tuft of filaments (Neomenia) or merely by folds (Proneomenia). Though at first sight the view is tempting that these genera are more primitive than Chiton, and give an indication of how Molluscs might arise from worm-like forms, it is more probable that they are simplified animals which have lost some of the typical molluscan characters, and are, so to speak, going downhill rather than uphill. CHAPTER VIII STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF JOINTED-LIMBED ANIMALS (ARTHROPODA) This is by far the largest of the great groups of the animal kingdom, including, as it does, Insects; Scorpions, Spiders, and Mites; Centipedes and Millipedes; Lobsters, Crabs, Shrimps, and a host of other Crustacea. The Lobster, a typical member of the phylum, has already been briefly described in illustration of the characters of the higher Invertebrates (see pp. 302-304). It may be convenient to point out the respects in which it is typical of the group Arthropoda. These are: bilateral symmetry , the division of the body into a series of segments grouped into regions and bearing a series of paired jointed limbs, and the presence of a central nervous system consisting of a nerve-ring and a ventral cord. It may also be noted that the so-called body -cavity consists of a set of blood - containing spaces situated between the internal organs and the wall of the body. They form, therefore, a part of the blood-system, while the body-cavity of a Vertebrate (see p. 42) belongs to the lymph - system. Molluscs agree with Arthropods in this respect, except that in them the pericardial cavity does not contain blood, but is comparable to the corre- sponding cavity in a Vertebrate so far as that particular feature is concerned. In Arthropods, however, the heart is situated in a blood-containing space from which blood passes into it. The phylum is divided into the following classes, which will be considered in the same order: — A. — Air-breathing Forms (Tracheata). Class I. Insects (INSECTA). Class 2. Spider-like Animals (ARACHNIDA). — Scorpions, Spiders, Mites Class 3. Centipedes and Millipedes (MYRIAPODA). Class 4. Peripatus (PROTOTRACHEATA). 342 INSECTS 343 B. — Aquatic Forms (Branchiata). Class 5. Crustaceans (CRUSTACEA). — Lobsters, Crabs, Shrimps, &c. Class 6. King-Crabs (XlPHOSURA). Class 7. Sea-Spiders (PYCNOGONIDA). A.— AIR-BREATHING ARTHROPODS (TRACHEATA) CLASS i.— INSECTS (INSECTA) This class embraces an astonishing number of species, more numerous, in fact, than those of all other groups of land animals put together. Yet, in spite of this, they do not exhibit so wide a range of characters as might be expected, so that the study of a carefully-chosen type forms an intelligible key to the entire class. The too -familiar Cockroach or Black ''Beetle" (Periplaneta orientalis^] furnishes just such a type, though the American species (P. Americana] obtainable in many seaports, is decidedly better on account of its larger size. External Characters (fig. 201). — The body is obviously divided into three regions — head, thorax, and abdomen — the dis- tinction between the first two being emphasized by the presence of a narrow neck. In such an insect as a wasp the demarcation between thorax and abdomen is equally sharp, while in many insects, on the other hand, the three regions are bounded by a continuous curved outline unbroken by constrictions. Each one of these three regions of the body is made up of rings or segments, which differ very much among themselves in char- acter, and in some places are so closely fused together that their exact number cannot be definitely made out. Arthropods, in fact, or any large group of them, furnish innumerable instances of the phenomena described elsewhere (see p. 195) in reference to the skeleton of the limbs, where all sorts of modification of a common plan may arise by unequal development of parts, fusion, and reduction. One of the lower Arthropods, for example, such as a Centipede or Peripatus, consists of a large number of similar segments which have only undergone great specialization at the head end, while in such highly specialized forms as Insects the segments have been much reduced in number, and are grouped into regions which, in correspondence with special uses, have acquired special characters. B ANTENN/C TROCHANTER 'TARSUS Fig. 201. — External Characters of Cockroach (Periplaneta orientalis] A, B, c, Side views of male and female, and top view of male; I, 11, in, segments of thorax; i-io, segments of abdomen. D, A leg (enlarged). E, Jaws (much enlarged). M^, First maxilla; Mx2, second maxilla. 344 INSECTS 345 Among Insects the Cockroach is a fairly central type, and the least modified part of it is the abdomen, in which ten seg- ments can clearly be distinguished. A pair of flattened jointed rods, the cerci, spring from the last segment, and are probably to be regarded as limbs, which are otherwise absent in this region, if certain doubtful structures be excepted. This practically limbless condition of the abdomen is characteristic of insects, and has been brought about by reduction. The thorax is commonly regarded as made up of three segments, and each of these bears a pair of jointed limbs or appendages in the shape of walking- legs. Each leg is composed of several pieces (10) movably jointed together, a character which is common to all Arthropod limbs, and has given the name to the phylum (Gk. arthros, jointed; pous, a foot). The parts of the leg differ much among themselves in respect of size and shape. The thorax also bears a pair of flattened expansions, forming the wings, attached to its second and third segments, which in the male of the common Cock- roach, and both sexes in the American species, extend far back- wards and overlap the abdomen. The fore-wings are horny structures, and may be termed the wing-covers, since they cover and protect the delicate membranous hind-wings, or wings proper. In the female of the ordinary Cockroach the fore- wings are very small and the hind-wings absent, reduction having taken place in both cases. The head consists of a number of segments which have fused so intimately together that the boundaries between them cannot be made out. As, however, in the higher Arthropods the presence of pairs of jointed limbs is taken to indicate the existence of a corresponding number of segments, a certain clue is afforded, though, as all segments do not bear limbs, such evidence is only partial. In this case, as in Insects generally, there are four pairs of appendages, so that the head possesses at least four segments. The first of these are two slender jointed feelers or antennce, serving as organs of touch, and probably also having to do with other senses. The remaining appendages are three pairs of jaws, named, from before backwards, mandibles, first maxillae, and second maxillae. As in all Invertebrates they are quite outside the opening of the mouth, and those of them which are used for biting work from side to side. Each mandible con- sists of a single broad horny piece, toothed on its inner edge, 346 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS where it bites against its fellow. The first maxilla on either side has a two-jointed stalk, upon the end of which are borne a slender outer and a shorter inner branch. The former is made up of a number of narrow joints, and is known as a palp, while the inner branch consists of two parts, a cutting blade next the middle line and a soft piece adjacent to the palp. The smaller second maxillce are built on the same lines, but are fused together to form what is commonly called the " under lip" or labium. It is the united stalks which have so fused, and though these par- ticular appendages are considered as jaws, the union has of course taken away any power of biting against ^ach other. Projecting from the front of the mouth is a broad horny plate, the "upper lip " or labrum, and in the narrow space between this and the labium the mandibles and cutting parts of the first maxillae work against one another. The Cockroach is clearly an example of Insects with biting mouth-parts, but in other cases we find the corresponding appendages adapted to very different uses, furnishing one of the best examples known of modifications of a common type. A large kidney-shaped eye will be seen on each side of the head, and a good lens will show that each of these possesses a large number of six-sided facets. An eye like this is generally known as a " compound eye ", each of the facets having been formerly regarded as equivalent to an independent simple eye. Some of the other external characters are mentioned elsewhere. Skin and Exoskeleton. — The body is invested in a strong horny covering secreted by the underlying epidermis. Move- ment is rendered possible by the presence of softer areas between the firmer tracts, so that the head is not immovably fixed, the segments of the abdomen can move one upon the other, and the joints of the limbs can be bent in various directions. In fact the same problem has had to be solved as that involved in the construction of a suit of armour, i.e. the combination of efficient protecting power without undue sacrifice of flexibility. It is of especial importance to notice that the narrow side of the body is for the most part provided with a softer investment than the broad upper and lower surfaces. Digestive Organs (fig. 202). — The head of the Cockroach is bent downwards at right angles to the long axis of the body, so that the mouth-opening at its end faces downwards. It leads SALIVARY GLANDS ABDOMINAL GANGLIA 6TIGMATA*', Fig. 202.— Structure of Cockroach (Periplaneta orientalis] (enlarged) A, Digestive organs and nervous system. B, Air-tubes (tracheae), c, Heart and muscles, i-in, Segments of thorax; i-io, segments of abdomen. 347 348 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS into a small mouth-cavity, from the back of which projects a pointed tongue, and which passes into a narrow gullet continuous with a large thin-walled crop, and that again with a smaller thick- walled gizzard, from which a fairly long intestine runs to its termination between the cerci. The gizzard is provided with an internal chewing arrangement, such as is not uncommon among Arthropods. It consists of a firm lining raised into horny teeth and bristly ridges. Digestive fluids are poured into the digestive tube by a pair of branching salivary glands which open into the mouth-cavity, and a number of club-shaped "liver' tubes (digestive caeca) which encirtle the beginning of the intestine. Circulatory Organs (fig. 202). — This is not very highly special- ized, for a reason to be mentioned later. The whole of the body is traversed by irregular blood-spaces of various sizes, but the only definite tubular structure is the heart, a long narrow blood- vessel running through the thorax and abdomen close to the upper surface. Along its sides are numerous pairs of valvular openings, through which blood passes in from the surrounding blood-space (pericardial sinus) to be pumped forwards. The heart is systemic, as it contains pure blood. Respiratory Organs (fig. 202). — These organs present a very interesting and remarkable arrangement, for instead of the impure blood being sent to a localized lung for purification, air is con- veyed to all parts of the body by means of branching tracheal tubes. These communicate with the exterior by means of ten pairs of small openings or stigmata on the sides of the body, all but the first two pairs being in the abdomen. Observation of a living Cockroach will show that the abdomen alternately dilates and contracts, the result being that air is drawn into and expelled from the stigmata. It is therefore possible to choke an insect by smearing the sides of the body with oil or some other substance which will block up these openings. The tracheal tubes appear silvery under the microscope, owing to the air which they contain, and they are lined by an elastic membrane thickened into a continuous spiral thread, so as to render them very flexible and non-collapsible. Just within each spiracle is a kind of valve, formed as a projection of the lining membrane and helping to prevent the intrusion of foreign particles. As a result of this very thorough system of aeration, the blood INSECTS 349 never has the opportunity of remaining impure, a fact which ac- counts to some extent for the imperfect condition of the circulatory organs. The restless activity of insects, and their great muscular powers, are also no doubt related to the unusually perfect state of the breathing apparatus. Excretory Organs. — These also are very unlike anything so far described in the animal groups reviewed. They consist of a large number of very slender Malpighian tubes, which open into the intestine not far from its commencement. Nervous System and Sense Organs (fig. 202). — The nervous system consists of a narrow and much- thickened nerve-ring closely encircling the gullet, and of a ventral double nerve-cord. The upper part of the ring is formed by a pair of large brain-ganglia, sending nerves to the eyes and antennae, while its lower part is made up of another pair of ganglia, supplying the upper lip and three pairs of jaws. The ventral cord dilates within the thorax into three pairs of ganglia which innervate the three thoracic segments, and within the abdomen into six smaller pairs of ganglia, of which the first five belong to the corresponding abdominal segments, while the last and largest pair provide for the nerve-supply of the last five segments. Segmentation of the body as exhibited by Vertebrates, Arthropods, and some other phyla of the animal kingdom, means the existence of a number of successive rings or segments, containing sections of the various internal organs. Where the segmentation is very well marked, many structures are affected by it, and the more primitive the animal the more closely do the segments resemble one another. As regards the nervous system of Arthropods, there can be no doubt that the simplest condition is found in the presence of a distinct pair of ganglia for each segment, but Insects especially present considerable modifications of this primitive arrangement. Where a segment is relatively large, its ganglia will be so too, as seen in the thorax of the Cockroach, while fusion of segments will be accompanied by fusion of ganglia, as in the case of the jaw-bearing segments. The ganglia, further, may be among the first parts to fuse together, as seen in the last pair of the abdominal chain in the Cockroach, which represent the ganglia for the last five segments all united together, though the segments themselves are still more or less distinct. The chief sense organs are those of touch — including the 350 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS antennae, maxillary palps, labial palps, and cerci — and those of vision, as represented by the large compound eyes. There is good reason to believe that the antennae are organs of smell as well as of touch, and it is probable that some of the mouth parts, perhaps the second maxillae, have to do with taste. It may be further remarked that great difficulty attaches to the interpretation of many of the sense organs possessed by animals (see p. 264), and Insects, among others, are undoubtedly endowed with special senses of which it is difficult, if not impossible, for us to form any idea, our only definite standards being our own sense organs, which are those of much specialized land animals. In a subsequent chapter this interesting subject will be more fully discussed. Life-history. — An insect such as a Butterfly or Moth goes through widely different stages in its life - history. Hatching from the egg as a caterpillar, it grows to a considerable size, and then becomes a motionless chrysalis, from which the adult insect later on escapes, its body having been formed by a series of revolutionary changes from the substance of the chrysalis body. This life-history, familiar to all who have kept silkworms, and furnishing a useful metaphor to moralists of all centuries, is one which exhibits complete change of form, or metamorphosis, to use the technical expression. The life-history of the Frog (see p. 254) is an example of the same kind of thing, the essence of which consists in considerable modification in form and structure after the animal has been hatched out and has started a free independent existence. Insects differ very much among themselves as to the amount of metamorphosis, and the Cockroach exemplifies an order in which it is so slight as to be practically absent. The eggs are laid in horny capsules, each containing sixteen, and the just-hatched Cockroach closely resembles the adult, from which it chiefly differs in its smaller size and the absence of wings. As growth proceeds, the firm exoskeleton is not increased in size to suit the enlarging body as in a Mollusc, but is bodily thrown off or "moulted", a very common phenomenon among Arthropods. After some seven moults the adult size is attained. Classification of Insects. — Considering that some 250,000 distinct species have been described, and that at least ten times this number are believed to exist, it will be realized that the classification of insects is likely to present some difficulties, espe- INSECTS 351 cially as there are not the same obvious distinctions as are found in some other groups, e.g. Molluscs. Various subdivisions have been proposed, some of the modern ones being complex, but it will be the simplest plan to adopt here the comparatively old- fashioned grouping into nine orders, primarily based upon the characters of the wings, and which is mainly due to Linnaeus. It will be enough for the present purpose if some of the commonest insects are mentioned, and sufficient detail given to enable the reader to refer an insect to its proper order. Order I. Bugs (HEMIPTERA). — Four wings, of which the front pair are often only membranous at the tips. Order 2. Fringe-winged Insects (THYSANOPTERA). — Four wings, all very narrow and fringed. Order 3. Flies (DlPTERA). — A single pair of membranous wings equiva- lent to the front pair of other insects. Order 4. Moths and Butterflies (LEPIDOPTERA). — Four wings present, covered with scales. Order 5. Beetles (COLEOPTERA). — Four wings, of which the front ones are converted into hard wing-cases, covering the membranous hind-wings, which during repose are folded transversely. Order 6. Membrane-winged Insects (HYMENOPTERA). — Four mem- branous wings possessing but few nervures, and which cannot be folded up. Fore-wing larger than the hind. Order 7. Net -winged Insects (NEUROPTERA). — Four membranous wings, with an elaborate net-work of nervures. Order 8. Straight- winged Insects (ORTHOPTERA). — Four wings, of which the front pair are horny wing-cases, while the others are membranous and fold up in a fan-like manner when at rest Order 9. Wingless Insects (APTERA). — Primitive wingless insects. Insects belonging to other orders may have lost their wings by a process of reduction affecting one or both sexes. Order i. — BUGS (Hemiptera) The English name given to the order is somewhat libellous, for though a number of repulsive forms are included here, others again are beautifully coloured and attractive objects. A typical species is outlined in fig. 203. There is considerable variation in the matter of wings, as both pairs may be much alike, or the fore-wings may be wing-cases, or again both pairs may be absent. In all cases the mouth-parts are converted into piercing and sucking organs, which, though much unlike the corresponding 352 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS parts of the Cockroach both in appearance and use, can be compared with them part for part. The narrow upper lip is pointed, and below it are the mandibles, but these, instead of being cutting-jaws, are long piercing stylets, grooved along their inner sides in such a way as, when applied together, to form a double tube down the lower half of which saliva can pass to the object pierced, while juices can travel along its upper half to the mouth. Outside, and close to the mandibles, are the first maxillce in the form of two more stylets devoid of palps. The four stylets to- Fig. 203.— A typical Bug (Capsus) a, b, First two segments of thorax ; c, d, horny part of wing-covers; e,/, membranous part of wing-covers; g, antennae; h,k,h, legs; i, eyes; sc h, top of head. Fig. 204. — Cicada, seen from below gether constitute an efficient piercing organ which can be pro- truded or drawn back at will by the action of special muscles, and it also forms a channel along which fluids can be conducted to the mouth, as just explained. The second maxillce, including their palps, are fused together into a sheath for the piercing mouth- parts. In most cases the adult condition is attained without any large amount of metamorphosis. The order is conveniently divided into two sub-orders; i.e. 1. Homoptera, in which the two pairs of wings are similar; and 2. Heteroptera, in which they are unlike. i. Homoptera. — These all live upon the juices of plants, and their fore-wings are of uniform texture. Cicadas (fig. 204) are large, broad insects writh membranous wings of considerable size, which may be opaque and brightly coloured. The antennae are very small, and the head not only bears large lateral eyes, but also three simple eyes or ocelli placed in front and often gem- INSECTS 353 like in appearance. The males are provided with musical organs on the under-side of the thorax, by which they are enabled to make a chirping sound, the well-known " song of the Cicada ". The eggs are deposited in the branches of trees by means of a piercing organ with which the tail of the female is provided, and from them are hatched wingless larvae, which dig into the ground by means of their fore-legs and subsist on the juices of roots, ultimately making their way up again and becoming adult. The larvae may remain as such for a long period, in one North American species for seventeen years. Cicadas, of which there are very numerous species, inhabit the warmer parts of the earth, some of them being natives of South Europe. Lantern- Flies and their allies make up a closely-related family, many members of which are beautifully coloured, but the species found in Europe (including Britain) are not highly endowed in this respect. The name " Ian tern-fly" has not been so far justified. Most persons have seen, during the summer months, those frothy masses on plants to which the name "cuckoo spit" is vulgarly given. These en- close the larvae of small insects belonging to this sub-order, and known as Frog-Hoppers on account of their leaping powers. Plant- Lice, or Green-Flies, furnish other examples (fig. 205). The best-known forms Fig. 2o5.-cabbage Aphis (Aphis *« are the little Preen aphideS I)2> Male (natural size and enlarged); 3,4, female (natural " size and enlarged) common on geraniums and other garden plants, and which, like their immediate allies, are distinguished by a complex life-history. The Vine -Louse (Phyl- loxera vastatrix] is a creature of the kind which does immense damage in vineyards. The Cochineal Insect (Coccus cacti], on the other hand, is of economic importance. It is a native of Mexico and Central America, where it feeds upon cacti. 2. Heteroptera. - - To the insects of this sub-order the name 11 bug " is properly applied. When wings are present, the front pair are transformed into wing-covers, the tips of which, however, remain membranous. Many of the species are distinguished by VOL. I. 23 354 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS a disagreeable odour, due to the secretion of certain glands which open on the under-side of the third segment of the thorax. Some are terrestrial and others aquatic. Many of the land bugs are not among the personal enemies of man, but feed on the juices of plants. These forms mostly escape the observation of those who are not entomologists, but the wingless blood-sucking bed- bug (Cimex lectularius) has an effective way of compelling attention that has rendered it the most widely known among its order. Even more odious are the small wingless forms known as lice which infest the bodies of human beings and many other animals, multiplying with astonishing rapidity. They are regarded as bugs which have become degenerate as a result of their parasitic habit. A typical example is the Head- Louse (Pediculus capitis], which feeds on the blood of the scalp, and lays its eggs on the hairs, to which they are firmly attached. The water-bugs comprise a number of forms familiar to the student of fresh-water life, and to some extent known even to the casual observer. The skaters, which are often seen gliding about on the surface of the water, are of this kind, or, to speak more accurately, constitute a family allied both to land- and water-bugs. The Needle-Bug (Limnobates stagnorum), with long attenuated body and deliberate movements, is conspicuous among them. The Pond- Skater (Gerris paludum) has a stouter body and moves very rapidly. One genus (Halobatcs) is especially interesting in being a marine form living upon the surface of the sea even at great distances from land. This is remarkable, for though insects are exceedingly dominant as terrestrial forms, and are far from uncommon in fresh water, they are almost unrepre- sented in the marine fauna. Water-bugs proper are inconspicuous insects distinguishable from their terrestrial allies by their extremely-reduced antennae, and by the fact that they actually live in the water and not merely on it like the skaters. The Water- Scorpions are rapacious narrow- headed forms, in which the fore-legs are used for seizing their prey. The narrow tail-like prolongation which has suggested the common name is an arrangement connected with breathing, as will elsewhere be described. In some species there is a broad flat body (e.g. Nepa cinerea), while in others it is long and narrow (Ranatra linearis\ Equally common are the broad - bodied Water-Boatmen (Notonecta), which, by means of their long hair- INSECTS 355 fringed hind-legs, row themselves along upon their backs. Like the forms already mentioned, they prey upon small flies and the like. Order 2.— FRINGE-WINGED INSECTS (Thysanoptera) This is a very restricted order, including minute insects with suctorial mouth, long narrow body, well-developed slender an- tennae, and four narrow wings with a fringe of hairs. The male is wingless. There s also a peculiarity about the feet, which end in bladder-like lobes. Some of the species infest flowers, e.g. those of Elder; and the Corn Thrips ( Thrips cerealiitm] (fig. 206) does / V o / tig. 200. — Lorn I hnps (Tnrtps cereahum); i, 2, female walk- deal of damaP~e tO *n£; 3' 4' fema^e flying- Potato Thrips (Thrips minutissima}; 5, 6, larva; 7, 8, female flying; 2, 3, 5, 7, natural size; i, 4, 6, 8, enlarged. Order 3. — FLIES (Diptera) This is one of the largest orders of Insects, and includes not only innumerable Flies, but also those modified forms which are known as Fleas. As the scientific name indicates (Gk. dis, twice; pteron, a wing), only two wings are present (fig. 207). These are membranous, with comparatively few nervures, most of which run longitudinally, and they correspond to the fore-wings of other Insects. The hind- wings, however, have not entirely disappeared, but are represented by two club-shaped vestiges, which from their function are known as balancers (halteres\ The mouth-parts (fig. 207) are adapted for sucking, and often for piercing as well, but there are considerable differences from the arrangements which serve similar purposes in the Hemiptera. These structures are best developed in the females of such forms as Gnats, Mosquitoes, and Gad- Flies, where mandibles, maxillae, and tongue are in the form of five piercing stylets, ensheathed in an imperfect tube formed by the labium and partly covered over by the long sharp labrum. Maxillary palps can be seen at the base of the proboscis. In the males of these forms, and both sexes of some members of the group, e.g. House- Fly (Musca 356 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS domestica), the piercing parts are much reduced and the mouth is purely suctorial. Diptera undergo a complete metamorphosis. From the egg a limbless larva (maggot) is hatched, which becomes a pupa, Fig. 207. — Structure of Flies (Diptera}, enlarged to various scales i, Parts of body: i, head; 0,0, eyes;/, f, antennae; II and in, thorax; c, c, wings; e, e, balancers ; d,d,d,\egs; iv, abdomen, with segments indicated. 2, Head (front view): a, antennae; b, b, eyes; c, forehead; d, d, upper lip; e, e, palps; f, body of proboscis; g,g, suctorial flaps of proboscis. 3, 4, Head (side view); a, antennas; b, eyes; d, lower part of face; e, palp; f, proboscis; gt suctorial flaps of proboscis; h, crown of head. 5, Pro- boscis (front view); a, a, palps; b,b, suctorial flaps; c, c, stalk. 6, Proboscis (side view): a, palps; b, suctorial flaps; c, stalk; d, mandibles. 7-10, Antennas of various flies. n, Foot: a, a, claws; b, b, adhesive lappets; c, bristles. that may or may not possess the power of movement, and from which the adult insect or imago is developed. As the adult does not grow in size, the various -sized Flies which are often to be seen on windows and elsewhere are different species, and not, as often supposed, different stages in the growth of the same species. The Common Gnat (Culex pipiens) (fig. 208) is a representative of a very large family in which the females are distinguished by their blood -sucking propensities, while the males are supposed to live upon the juices of plants. The body is slender, the legs long, and the antennae are well- developed, those of the male being beau- tiful plume-like objects. The eggs are laid on the surface of ponds, &c., a considerable number being agglutinated together Fig. 208.— Common Gnat (Culex ), much enlarged INSECTS 357 into a sort of raft. The larvte which hatch out from them (fig. 209) look something like little red worms with large heads, and they possess a special breathing arrangement in the form of two tubes, each with a stigma at its tip, projecting from the hinder end of the body. The favourite position of the larva is suspended head downwards close to the surface, with the ends of these tubes just projecting above water, and so enabling breathing to Fig. 209. — Larva of Common Gnat (Culex pipiens), greatly enlarged be carried on. After several moults, the larva becomes a pupa, at the front end of which the wings, legs, and antennae of the adult can be dimly made out under the skin. From each side of the thorax a breathing-tube projects, and these are used like those of the larva, except that owing to their position the animal is suspended tail downwards. The pupa is active, and swims by jerking its tail. Examination from time to time of almost any old rain-water butt will enable one to trace the successive stages of the life-history of the Gnat, the final one of which is reached by the splitting of the pupal skin down the middle of the back, making a rent from which the adult Gnat makes its exit, being floated up meanwhile by the buoyancy of its investments. Midges resemble Gnats in many particulars, and pass through a somewhat similar life-history; but they are much smaller, and it is only the females of some species which possess mouth-parts adapted for blood-sucking. The small black Midge (Ceratopogon) which is so troublesome in the summer months is one of these forms. The Plumed Midge (Chironomus plumosus\ of which hosts may be seen dancing together any summer evening, is a well-known species, distinguished by the great beauty of the antennae in the male. 358 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS The Crane-Flies are much larger insects, of which the Daddy- Long- Legs (Tipula oleracea and other species) is known to all. The peculiarly long legs are especially useful in enabling the animal to progress rapidly through grass. The eggs are laid in meadows, and the larvae feed upon the roots of grasses. All the preceding are distinguished by comparatively long antennae, but in numerous families these appendages are very short. Well-known examples are the Horse- Stinger or Cleg (Tabanus bovis\ a large speckled insect, the bite of whose female has been experienced by most of us in walking through woods; the notorious cattle pests called * Bot- Flies (Hypoderma bovis, ox-bot; CEstrus ovis, sheep-bot; Gastrophilus equi, horse- bot); and the Tsetse - Fly (Glossina morsitans). Here, too, belong the Blue- Bottle (Musca vomitoria), House-Fly (Musca domestica], and their allies, constituting a family in which the piercing mouth-parts, as found in many of the preceding, have been reduced to mere vestiges, while a complex sucking proboscis is present, formed chiefly by the labium. The Fly's tongue is one of the commonest, most beautiful, and at the same time most complicated, of microscopic objects. The Fleas are doubtfully associated with the Diptera as degraded forms living parasitically on the bodies of warm-blooded animals. The mouth-parts are modified for piercing and sucking, but pre- sent considerable differences from the arrangement described for the Gnats, &c. (p. 355). Wings are absent, and so are compound eyes, the organs of vision consisting only of a simple eye on each side. The long strong hind-legs are associated with great powers of leaping. The Common Flea (Pulex irritans] is not, as often imagined, the same species as those infesting cats, dogs, and other domestic animals. It appears, indeed, that there are very numerous sorts of Fleas associated with different Mammalia, even Bats being attended by their own peculiar species. Order 4. — MOTHS AND BUTTERFLIES (Lepidoptera) The insects of this order are, in the vast majority of cases, so characteristic-looking that they can be recognized at first sight mainly because they possess two large pairs of wings covered with minute variously-shaped scales (fig. 210), easily rubbed off as what is popularly called the " dust " of the wing. The presence of INSECTS 359 Fig. 210.— Scales from Wings of various Butterflies (greatly enlarged) these scales gives rises to all sorts and combinations of colours, often of extreme beauty. The male and female of the same species are often very different in appearance. The head, which is well-marked off from the thorax, bears long antennae and prominent compound eyes, while its mouth- parts are converted into a \ongproboscis, carried rolled up into a spiral when not in use (fig. 2 1 1 ). This organ is used to suck up the nectar of flowers or, in some cases, liquid matter of a less sa- voury kind, but differs en- tirely in structure from the corresponding organ of a Fly. The upper lip is incon- spicuous, and the mandibles have disappeared altogether, while the second maxilla are fused into a small plate bearing two conspicuous palps. The sucking part is formed entirely from the much -elongated first maxillcz, each of which is a long jointed structure grooved deeply on its inner side, so that when approxi- mated to its fellow a tube is formed, the firmness of which is often enhanced by a series of interlocking hooks. The thorax bears not only the wings, but three pairs of weak legs, and is fairly well marked off from the abdomen, which is generally elongated, but may either be very slender or else broad according to the species. The life-history of a Moth or Butterfly furnishes a good example of complete metamorphosis. The eggs are laid upon some special food-plant, and the larvae which hatch out from them are ravenous caterpillars which feed upon vegetable matter or, more rarely, other substances. The head is provided with Fig. an.— Heads and Proboscides of various Butterflies (enlarged) 360 CHARACTERS OF INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS an extremely short pair of antennae, a group of simple eyes on each side, and biting mouth -parts. The cylindrical trunk is composed of eleven segments, the first three of which bear jointed legs corresponding to those of the adult; and besides this, from one to five of the other segments possess stumpy pro- legs which have sucker-like ends. Those at the posterior end of the body are often modified in various ways. Caterpillars vary much in size, colour, and other characters, among which may be mentioned presence or absence of hairs, some being smooth and hairless, and others so hirsute as to have earned the popular name of " woolly bears ". After leading a life entirely devoted to continuous feeding for a period varying from weeks to years, during which time the skin is frequently moulted as the body increases in size, the caterpillar becomes lethargic and passes into the quiescent pupa stage, constituting what is generally called a chrysalis. A continuous horny covering invests body and limbs alike, beneath which the parts of the perfect insect can be dimly traced. Innumerable methods of concealment and protection ward off to some extent the attacks of enemies during this helpless period. In some cases the chrysalis is to be found above-ground suspended by a silken cord, or fastened to some object by a girdle of the same material, in which cases its colour commonly harmonizes with the surround- ings and renders it inconspicuous. Other chrysalides are sheltered underground, and others again are to be found within cocoons, of which the silkworm is the most familiar illustration. The last stage is reached when the perfect insect or imago issues from the chrysalis at a time dependent upon favourable conditions of temperature and various other factors, such, e.g., as a suitable state of the particular food-plant upon which the eggs are laid. The most convenient way of subdividing Lepidoptera is into the two groups of (i) Butterflies (Rhopalocera) and (2) Moths (Heterocera), of which the latter include a very much greater number of species, there being in Britain, for example, over 1900 sorts of Moths as against between sixty and seventy species of Butterflies. i. Butterflies (Rhopalocera). — Butterflies for the most part are active in the daytime, especially during sunny weather. They can readily be distinguished from Moths by the antennae, INSECTS 361 which are club-shaped, and in most cases by their habit of shutting the wings together over the back when they alight. As the wings are far less brilliantly coloured on their under sides, which are then the only surfaces visible, a very efficient means of protection is afforded. The body is comparatively slender, and the demarcation between thorax and abdomen well- marked. The eggs are often sculptured in a way which renders them extremely beautiful microscopic objects, and the caterpillars may be naked, slightly hairy, or covered with branching spines. They posses five pairs of pro-legs. The angular chrysalis is sometimes simply suspended by the tail, or it may be fixed head upwards both by the tail and by a silken girdle round the thoracic region. It is frequently marked with metallic patches, to which the name chrysalis is due (Gk. chrysos, gold). Butterflies are found in all parts of the world, and some common examples may here be mentioned. The Fritillary Family is at once the largest and most widely distributed group of Butterflies. They are distinguished by the remarkable fact that their fore-legs are so much reduced as to be useless for walking purposes. Among British species are the Great Tortoiseshell ( Vanessa polychloros] (fig. 212), the Small Tortoiseshell (V. urtic