AaH 3nlm Carter #n*m. The Natural HISTORY O F North - Carolina. WITH AN ACCOUNT O F T H E Trade, Manners, and Cuftom* of the Christian and Indian Inhabitants. II- luftrated with Copper -Plates, whereon are curioufly Engraved the Map of the Country, feveral ft range Mwjts, Birds, Ftjbes^ Snakes^ Infetts, Trees, and TlanPs, &c. 3jl J O H N B R I C K E L L, ML D. Ni^rtf wo j /n &rfe peregrinamur* Cic. Printed by J a m e s Carson, in Coghill's-Court, Dame^ fireet, oppofit* to the Caftle-M*rk$t* For the Auth o r.,' if!* :\ T O The Right Honourable AND TRULY NOBLE RICHARD EARLof zANG LESET, Vifcount VOLENTI A, Lord Baron ALTHAM, Lord Baron MOUNT N ORRIS, Lord Baron of NEWPORT PAGNEL; and Cuftos Rotulorua of the County c\f W £ X F O R D. May it pleafe Tonr Lordship, TH O U G H I know how prefump- tuous it is, to affix (o great a Name to thefc inconiklerabie Papers, yet the Neceflity Dedication. Neceflity of a Patron, both to Men and Booksj againit the unavoidable Cenfures of bulie Aden3 may perhaps, help to ex- otic my Ambition> tho5 exceeding its due Meafure* I muft confefs, tho' there may be no- thing worthy in this Undertaking, yet at kaft, it may have the Splendour and Warmth .of a Burning-GIa(s5 which bor- rowing a Flame from the Eye of Heaven, Ibines and bums by the Rays of the Sun its- Patron*. Be pleafed5 my Lord, to caft yourEye on thefe my Endeavours,, which, thro' lour benignity, cannot go without their hoped for Effedts ; for under Your I&rdjhifs- Protedion^ they will not only live, Ekdicatioa live now in Eftimation and Rcfpcft, but: (land as afignal to future Times of your, Lord/hifs unlimited Goodnefs, fruftiat— ine the Defigris of malicious Men. . May the great GoD'itiil preferve Your Healthy and infpire you with ail Wifc - dom and Honour* fo peculiar to Your Noble Anceftors, whofe Virtuous and Heroick Adtions, are lading Monuments to future, Ages., To give any farther' Encomiums, . on Your Lordjhifs Perfe&ionsr I muft ac- knowledge would' be far-furpaffing my weak Abilities, when I confider,- that You are the Head of that great and illuf- trious Family, whole many fliining Vir- tues^ have diftinguiftied them (elves ms the greateft Courts in Eur of e^. I ' Dedication. I fliall only add, chat God raifes up arcatand virtuous Men5 to make prin- ces and Nations happy, by the Influence of their Wifdom and good Examples. The deep Senfe of thefe Your great Merits, has even infpired me with this Ambition, to teftifie with what Refpe<& I am, My mofl Honoured Lord, Tour Lord/hip moft oblige^ md meft humble Servant^ John Brickell, Ill THE PREFACE T will not be to my purpofe to. enquire whether America was known to the JnttentSj there being various, Opinions about it, yet with more Curiofity than certainty, whence this New World was Peopled \ fome aligning that the Hefpe rides (Jo called from Hesperus King of Spain) and the Continent of America zvere T copied by the Spaniards. Others affirm that the Ameri- cans are the Race of Jews carried into captivity by Salamanazer and placed in Country s till then not In- habited^ after a progrefs of 18 Months. Many believe they were People carried by Storm, being Chineffes failing on the Pacifick South Sea, or other Nothern People (allowing the poffibility of each Opinion), s iv PREFACE. Opinion) I will nop pretend to take upon me to decide the Controversy, bein% altogether a fix anger to the certainty of the Fa&. The Writi gs of many Learned Men may befeen on this Heady who after having fearcVd all the Records of Antiquity, Jbew much Eruditlion, but nothing of certainty, concerning the Antient Affairs of America. I know the Memory of a 'Deluge is hreferved amongft thefe Teoplc, but whether it k to be underjlood'ofthe univerfal Flood, or the Inun- dation offome particular Provinces, I leave it to ethers to difcourfe upon, for 1 am willing to lay afide all manner of Conjectures of thk Nature, having enough of Truth to treat of Thefeveral Climates of the World have influenc- ed the' People with Natures very different from each other, and even their different Speeches bear fome proportion of Analogie with their Natures, as is to befeen among/} the Whites,lndiani, and Blacks, that are to be met with in this part of the World. But waveing thefe T>ifcourfes7we here prefent the World with a NaiuraLHiftory V/North-Carolina, it being a compendious CoUe$ion% ofmofl things yet known in that part of the World) wherein I have laid down every thing with Impartiality andTruth, in the mofl plain and safe Terms, which indeed is the 'Duty of every Writer, and preferable to a more eloquent Stile, accompanied with many Falfities.^ I have therefore endeavoured in the following Sheets to give as. faithful and ex all Account qfCz- rolina3 PREFACE. v rolinz, as difcoveties jet made 'will Authorize, and ifanj take offence at what is f aid about the Indians and their wanton and lascivious manner of livings I hope the j will Judge of ever j Faff age with due deference to good Authoritj of the moft knowing and fubftantial Planters in thofe Tarts. And confider that the nature of the Work required mybemgjome- what particular^ in order to fbezv the good and bad Qualities of thefe poor Creatures, w ho at frefent have no light or benefit of the Gofpel. And had we been as careful as the Spaniards and French, in fending over proper Miflionaries to In- ftruft thefe miferabie People, we jhou'd never have had occafton to give this Relation of them. Be/idet if thefe Methods had been put in pra$icey we un- doubtedij had been better informed and acquainted