UMASS/AMHERST 312066 0308 1411 0 VE COLL JEPOSITOR LIBRARY OF THE 3 MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE S0URCE--&P-E^XC3:1 p Gr I'RtS SPEOAL COLLECnONi li ARCHIVED THE NEW ENGLAND FAEMEE; DEVOTED TO AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, AND THEIR KINDRED AETS AND SOIEITOES. ILLUSTRATED WITH ENGRAVINGS OF COUNTRY RESIDENCES, FARM BUILDINGS, ANIMALS, FRUITS. IMPLEMENTS, &0. EDITED BY SIMON BEOWN AND STILMAN FLETCHEE. NEW SERIES. — ^VOLUME H. BOSTONj PUBLISHED BY R. P. EATON & CO, 1868. Per %(.% GENERAL INDEX. 1868. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. AGRICULTURE and Astron- omy 18 Local Reports on 303 Agricultural Address, Governor Chamberlain's 666 College, Illinois 80 Iowa 373 Kansas 208 Maine 436 Massachusetts . 220, 321, 478 Education 100 Fairs, Horse Racing at 194, 312 Bide Shows at 548 Vermont, an old 563 Industries, Varied 318 Labor 487 Papers, Influence of ... . 513 Premiums 493 Rhymes 486 Societies, Norfolk Co., Mass 208 Caledonia Co , Vt 183 Worcester Co., Mass. . . 571 Teachers and Editors ... 15 Alderney Herd Book 190 American Durhams in Punch . 32 Ancestors, Dainties of our . . . 483 Animals, Care of in Winter . . 167 Cooking Food for . \ . . . 19 to lead 140 Training for Work .... 495 Anonymous Communications . 439 Apple and Cherry Stocks ... 77 Crab 572 Crop 365 Fall Pippin 261 can be raised 532 four varieties in one .... 174 Pear shaped 511 Varieties 292 in Iowa 133 the Foundling 276 sweet and sour 86 Trees 276,292 Age for Planting .... 256 Banking 487 Borers 315 Culture, Manuring, &c., . 292 Grafting 268 Grafting and Soil for . 260, 268 Pruning, Time for . . 239, 543 Non-bearing 543 AprO, Thoughts suggested by . 157 has come 158 Aquariums 45 Architecture, Rural 407 Arsenic and Unguentum for Lice 90 Art and Science of Farming . . 552 Artichoke, Jerusalem 607 Ashes and Lime for Wheat . . 267 for Stock 341 Danger of Fire from .... 230 Asparagus 21^8 Astronomy and Agriculture . . 18 August, Garden in 354 Work for 349 Autumn, Preparation of Soil . 517 Ramble 28 Ayrshire Herd-book . ... 115, 190 Proportion of Sexes .... 244 BAG Holder and Tunnel . . 213 Baker, Thos., Farm Stock 232, 458 Bank, to grass a steep 343 Bark, Tanner's 22 Barn 38 Cellar, Sand in 159 Itch 93 Plan for 226 Tight and open . . 89, 174, 329 Warm 222 Bars and Gates 257 Barton, Vt., Farming in ... . 232 Bean, Castor 199 Culture of 266 Straw 77 for Sheep 160, 243 Onions, Carrots, Seed for . 260 mixing 193 Thousand to One 531 Beech for Hedges 42 Bees 365 and Fruit 115 and Honey Ill Bumble 327 Hiving 332, 376 in Cellar, wintering .... 229 on Thistle Stalks ..... 388 Removing Wild . . . 271, 316 Transferring 340 Ventilation in Cellar ... 286 Wings of 499 Wintered in Cellar and out . 286 Beet Sutar 310, 571 for Sugar 363 Belmont Eclipse 469 Berkshire Co. Premiums ... 35 Bermuda Grass 42 Biddy vs. Pork 293 Binders, Loading 140 Binding Machine 457 Bins and Boxes, to Measure . . 42 Bird Houses 193 Birds, Cruelty to 328 Blackberries 430, 435 Black-knot, Cause of 42 Bloody Water in Oxen .... 365 Blueberry 435 Blue-grass Land of Kentucky . 485 Blues, in the 74 Brahma Chickens for Market . 382 Boards vs. Hay 222 Bones, Dissolving 237 Book-shelves 574 Books, Agricultural, &c. . . . 415 American Stud Book . . . 465 Elements of Agriculture, Waring 372 Fish Culture, American . . 495 Devon Herd Book 44 Horse Portraiture 94 How Crops Grow 625 607 Mechanical Movements • 372 on Scientific Farming ... 75 Tim Bunker Papers .... 548 Borax, Virtues of 540 Borer, Tomatoes for 329 Bots, do they kill Horses . . . 374 and Worms in Horses . . 330 Box Hedges, trimming .... 437 Boys, a Word to 354 on the Farm 620 why hate Farming 260 Brown, Letter from Mr 357 Brussels Sprouts .... 39, 41, 2S4 Brains in Farming 545 Brush, Time to Cut 42 Buckwheat for Dyeing 571 Bugs, Hogs Destroy 554 Bumblebees, Wintering of . . . 390 Butter, see Dairy. Buttonwood Tree 353 CABBAGE 299 Keeping in Wintir .... 555 Louse 473 Cacti, Giant 352 Canada, Improved Stock in . . 178 Cattle and Feeding in ... . 563 Cancer inaCow'sEye . . . 435,511 Canning Fruit 16 Canker Worms 312 in Michigan.' 380 Capital and Labor 169 Carriage, Repairing a 241 Carrots 28 Onions, Beans, Seed for . . 260 Caterpillars, Fall 435 Cattle, American, Health of . . 369 Ayrshire 427 Breeding, efi"ects of First Cross 162 Calf, wild 258 Calves, fatal Disease .... 223 Deacons 474 Raising 147 Choked 670 Cooking Food for 19, 48, 160, 366 Cow, a Blind 512 Abortion in . . 124, 542, 556 a good 196 Amount of Milk per year 65 Bunch on 368 Cancer in Eye of. . 435, 611 Corn 313,328 Cough in 470, 558 Death of 449 Diarrhosa or Scours . 376, 385 doing well 365 Durham 392 Dutch 187 Feed for on little Land , . 224 Summer and Winter . • 174 Foot Rot in 378 Garget in 115,196, 286, 488, 510 or Caked Bag 666 Hereford for .... 664, 585 Holdfast on Jaw 225 Holding up Milk 474 Jersey 82 Milking before Calving . 244 See MilJc. Native, Product of a . . . 90 Product, of . . 65, 90, 386, 421 Profit in Winter Ie9 Rape for Fodder 367 Red Water in 243, 325, 328, 382 INDEX. CtxtUc—Contimted, Cows, Balling 341 Teals, Cure! for Sore ... 316 Training Vouni? 43 Tumor from Tliroat of . • 233 Uneasy in Stables ...» 370 Wheat Bran for 514 Devons 352. 505, 509 Herd Book I'JO, 463 Disease, Texan, .... 4S'2, 515 in Illinois 447, 46t5 Flax Seed for 518 Disease, Singular 331 Durliams, iimerican, in Puneb 32 Dutch or Holstein 147, 161, 175 187, 429 Mr. Baker's, Barton, Vt. 232 Eflects of First Uroi^s . . . 1G;2 Fatted on early cut Uay . . 3i9 Feeding in Iowa 279 Free Martins 76 Hereford 454, 556 Heifers, Calving in June . , 319 a good 225, 386 a good Native 420 an extra 176 Twin 76 Horn off 26i) Jamestown Breed . . . 171, 463 Jumping, Remedy for. . . 290 Kerry ... 467 Lice on 40, 55, 73 125, 128, 175 176,195,225,270,285, 421 onr Native 278 Ojc, a Sick . . 148, 161, 225, 245 Oxen, Dutch 187 Herefords for 565 Seleciion and Management of 236 Number in U. 8 307 Poisoned by o'.A Wall Paper 387 Red or Bloody Water 161, 223, 225 Soanish or Texan 500 Shows 417 Salt in Fattening 333 Warts on 55, 91, 558 Celery 30 Cement Water Pipes 553 Chamberlain, Address of Gov. 566 Chapin'sCbeesf.Mrs 145 Cheese, see Dairy. Chemical Terms 27.65 Cherries, Blighted, 418 Cherry and Apple Stocks ... 77 Leaf Poison . .419,470,487,529 Trees Blooming Early . . . 3-3 Chilblains, Linen for 78 Children, Training the 120 Troublesome 576 Cider, Sweet 515 to Keep Sweet 41, 45 Vinegar, to make 42 Clay Land, Drainage of .... 260 Superphosphate for .... 384 Clock Cleaning 125 Clover "23 andWhcat 265 and Summer Fallowing . . 415 ns Manure 454 Ploughing in 420 White, in Georgia- 84 Seed 333 Clubs, Farmers' 163 Cold, to Cure a 115, 3.^)5 Condition Powder 130 Contoocook, N. H 2S7 Corn 38 and Potatoes, Experimenu with 142 Barn 132 Cultivation of 234 Cobs 39, 129, 148, 194. 196, 196 269, 285, 386, 486 Cobs Ground and Unground 138 Toll for Grinding .... 227 Crib, to Build 184 Crop of 123 Culllvation of 334 Dryine Green 439 Good Variety 175 Corn, Growth of 472 Fodder for Soiling . . . 313, 323 Harvester 5.50 KerneLs on one Ear .... 79 Large Crop 230 Marker 206 Price of in Illinois 124 Co'toa Cloth, Softening .... 574 Cottaire, a Large 460 Machinery in U. 8 387 Seed Meal for Hogs .... 385 Cow-Corn vs. Squash Vines and Weeds i ... 368 Cranberry Culture 143, 629 in New Jersey 497 Meadow 416 Creeper, how to kill the .... 316 Crop Prospects 389 Cucumbers, Raising . . . . 299,326 Pickling 511 Culture, Improved 429 Curculio,GaKTar Water for. . 324 Offal on Trees for 313 Currant Worm. . 368,312,410,439 DAIRY, a Short-horn .... 177 House 479 In Virginia 178 Butter and Cheese . . . 230, 319 Loss of 399 St Albans, Vt 497 from Jersey Cow .... 82 in Ireland 78 Making 20, 557, S61 of Premium Ill Philadelphia 430 Statement of Premium . 522 that will Keep 335 White Specks in 384, 417, 420 449, 471 Striped and Speckled . . 512 Working 467 Cheese and Butter . . 230, 319 Cost of 168 Exportation of 191 Factories ... 73, 92, 123, 164 Hoop, Iron for ..'... 514 Our 145 Process of Making .... 122 Sailing 328 Sheep's Milk for 208 Stock for 561 Dahli:'s, Degeneration of . . ■ 164 Dainties of our Ancestors . . . 483 Dairying 143 Dairymen's American Ass. . . 137 December, G irden in . . . 34, 545 Devons, see Cattle, Dictionaries 282 Dogs, Belcian 102 Dog vs. Sheep 515 DoUar,Easy way of Earning , 324 Domestic Economy. Apples, Delicious Dish of . 639 Apple Snow 639 Beer, Corn 444 Bread 443 Emptyings 348 Bonnets, Paris Fashions . . 576 Buckwheats 491 C.ike, Citron .^ 444 Cocoa-nut 252 Fiuit 44t Lemon 4:1 Nut 2j2 Sponge Cup 444 Rye 491, 574 Candy, Sugar 252 Chocolate 252 Molasses 252 Chowder, Fish 492 Clothes Making and Mending 104 Children's 200 Men's 56 Corn, green. Preserving . . 472 Cucumbers 492 Dimples 252 Domestic Economy 56, 150, 195 200, 245, 294, 299, 344, 3'j3, 441 490, 574 Domestic Economy, Receipts . 251 Training . . 35, 40, 74, 90, 120 Doughnuts 492 Dre.-^s in Relation to Figure 539 Furniture, Chemistry of . . f39 Fish Hash 574 Flowers 344 Annuals 347 Bulbs, Dutch 412 Climbing Vines. Butter-Sweet 249 Canary Bird Flower . . 250 Cyprus Vine 250 Everlasting Pea .... 250 Climbing Fumitory . . 250 Hyacinth Bean .... 250 Maurandia . . . . • . 250 Morning Glory .... 2 .0 Nasturtium 250 Roses 250 Scypanthus 250 Sweet Pea 250 Scarlet Bean 250 Traveller's Joy or Vir- gin's Bower 249 Trumpet Flower ... 249 Wistaria Sinensis . . . 250 Woodbine 250 Woodbine American . . 249 Geraniums 41 Herbaceous Perennials . 347 Lilies 46 Shrubs 346 Verbenas . ,. 347 Food, Children's 441 Gardening, by Women . . 245 Hair Washes . 640 Jam, Apple 53S Kisses 252 Ladies' Horns 540 Marvels 251 Milk Toast 574 Pastry 491 Peaches, Sweet Spiced • . 53S Pie, Elderberry 472 Lemon 444 Tomato 472 Pickle, Chow chow .... 539 Sweet 575 Pitcher,^ce 492 Potatoes, Drying Sweet . . 370 Pudding, Apple . . . 439, 575 Cottage 538 Railroad 444 Rusks 492 Snowballs 2.51 Squashes, Summer .... 472 Starch, Cold 444 Tomato 251 Preserving 533 Trifles 251 Wall Paper, Preserving from Worms 343 Whims 251 Woman's Out-Door Work . 245 Wonders 251 Yeast 442, 638 Drainage of Clay Land 260 Draining, Theory of 80 Drain Pipes, Machines for Mak- ing 420 Mole 191 Obstruction of a 322 Drilling in Graiu 422 Dutch Cattle, see Cattle. EARTHQUAKES 53T East vs. West 368 Education, Aid to Special ... 220 English Farming on rented Land 218 Evergreens for Shelter 73 Experience, Items of 329 Suggestions from 241 Experiments should bo Exact . 282 Eye, to remove Dirt from . . . 191 FAIR, Agriculturnl, Indicted . 189 Fall Seeding of Land . ... 510 Family Economy 265 INDEX. Farm Cottage System 291 and Farming in Vt 518 in Middlesex Co., Mass. . 533 Help 23, 50, 52, 112 How to Pay for a 455 Laborers in Prussia .... 53 Large and' small at We-st . . 509 in France S'lT Life in New England . . . 306 Mechanics 282 Paid for, Lost, and Trying again 2S3 Paying for a . . 181, 198, 218, 243 Permanent Improvement . 302 Preserving Fertility of Up- land 559 Produce in Market 502 Products in Orleans, Vt. . 519 Running Down 559 Sorry he Sold his 30 Why young Meu leave . . 271 Farmer, a contented 885 a Young 385 of ye olden Time . . . 146, 176 the New England .... 328 Soldier 140 Farmers and Railroads .... 391 Clubs 168 in Goodhue, Minn. . . . 185 Randolph, Vt 119,281 condition of 325 Experience 32S Girls 342 old, Occupation for .... 520 Poverty and Ignorance of . 324 Shoe-grease 498 aons 100 and Daughters 569 story of Successful .... 128 what shall they sell ? . . . . 360 Wives 300, 326 and Mothers 268 Fairs, Immorality at 189 Fall PloughlDg . . 398, 438, 440, 518 Farming at Woods' Hole . . . 3S1 Art and Science of .... 552 Brains in bio Books on Scientific .... 75 by a Mechanic 244 Co-operntive 311 Dissdtisfaction of Boys ■with 270 does it Pay ? 410 Future of 414 high 488 in Shirley, Mass 46 in Tampa Bay, Fla 535 Intellect and (Skill in . ... 633 Plea for 379 Practical and Scientific . . 580 Specialties in 318 Scientific and Experimental 327 Western 478 why Boys hate 260 February, Life in 61 Feeding Steers in Ky. ..... 237 Fence, portable 228 Posts, 46 Fencing, 197,281,351 Farmers' Talk on 257 Fermentation 65 Fertilizer, cheap 238 Hayward's 557, 558 home-made 45 Fickle, Joe 354 Fish Culture 673 Salmon and Shad breeding 74, 174 Fleeces, scoured by N. Y. So- ciety 116 Florida, Farming in 635 Flowers in Winter 60 Flower Pots, Worms ui . . . . 252 Flowers, soil for 370, 527 Fodder, Cutting and Cooking . 195 Food 550 and its preparation . . . 441, 490 Preserving , , 370 Forest Trees, Planting .... 163 Preservation of . . 422, 424, 465 Value of 375 France, forests in 43 Frost, curious things about . . 86 Frost, Efi'ects of 541 Fruit, Assorting 53, 410 and VegetaDles, Patents on 558 at the S~outh 42 Canning 16 Failure of 4.54 Garden 317 House 35 Trees, Mulching .... 40, 43 Fungi or Smut 536 Furnaces, Check-valves for . . 78 GAMGEE, Prof. .... 370,387 Garden, a walk in 135 Drainage 132 Fruit 317 Flowers and Shrubs,— See Domestic Economy. for Farmers, &c 524 Hints 29, 379,458 in January 67 in February] 139 in July 304 in August 354 in September 402 in October 448 in November 497 in December 34, 545 List of Vegetables . . 139,298 Woman's, Plants for . . 294 Gardening, early 2.31 Gas Tar on Roofs 129 Gates and Bars 257 Educatiig Ladies for 570 Germany, Farming in 510 Geese 195, 243 Georgia, White Clover in . . . 84 Girls, Farmer's 342 Glacier of New Zealand .... 108 Gl.yctrine 547 Goat, Angora 97 Go.odrich, Chauncey B. . . 4' 9, 474 Goose Story 223 India 380 Gooseberries, Mildew 438 Grafting 269 Grain, how to Sow 287 Grapes, Cultivation of 248 Growing in New York-. . 266 Lands of Rhine, Price of . . 496 Prices in California .... 571 Rot 189 Soil of the Rhine 42 Vine, large 48, 128 Vines, uufruitful 30 Grapes falling too soon .... 280 in Georgia 35 Hazel-nuts on 471 when Ripe 496 Grass, Cutting in June .... 8-39 Land, Top-dressing .... 513 Time to Cut 38 Seed, new w.iy of Sowing . 266 per acre 129, 228 Grindstone, Care of 124 Grub or Dung Worm 487 Grumbling, Etfecta of 567 HAMS, Receipt for Curing . 41 Hands, Chapped 41, 78, 324, 431 Harvest, Time of, for Hay or Grain 381 of the Sea 573 Hay, Early Cut 382 Early Cut and Poorly Cured 373 for Cows - 474 for each Animal 178 Good Crops 472, 531 Loader Patents 127 Making Chemistry of . . . 411 Meadow for Stock .... ISO Salt and Lime for" .* 8o", 281, 366 Stack Struck by Lightning . 508 Stacking in tlie Field . . . 515 Tedders 4^9 Time and Mode of Making . 253 339, 842, 867 va.Corn 382 Hay ward. Dodge 217 Fertilizer 557, 558 Hedge, Beech for 79 Hens, Account with 125 and Hen yards 125 Fever loi Food for Sitting 816 How we keep our 184 Lard for Laying 286 Masa^ement of 129 Sitting 76 Herdssrass, Ripe 343 Herd Books 190 Book, Jersey 41 Highways, Construction and Re- pair of . 273 Hints, Various 192 Hired Man's Opinion 190 Hoeing » . . . 405 Hogs aad Bugs 551 Chester White 232 Cotton S^ed Meal for ... 385 Cuitivnnon by 412 Fatting 229 Ringing 412 Sick 127, 487 Home and its Surroundings . . 135 Employment for Wonien . . 561 Make Pleasant 104 Market, Need of 588 Honey in Virginia 42 Mouldy in winter ..... 129 Hoop-poles 364 Hop Aphis, Piaster for .... 387 Vine, an Old 23 Hops, Cost of Growing .... 513 in Maine 534 in Wisconsin 563 Horse, Anasarca, o*- Swc-liing . 271 Book, Dr. Mayhew's .... 385 Hoe, Excelsiar 326 Rakes 368 Shoe Cushions, Elastic . , . 244 Horseman, ihe 219 Horses, Ashes and Soot for . . 841 at A«rici!ltural Fairs . 429, 432 Blanketing 76 Bleeding at Nose 512 Bots and Worms in 330, 374, 536 Care of 327 Cribbirg 79, 173, 268 Consternation . . . 219, 314, 294 Colts and Mares 70 Rubbing their Tails . . . 469 Stifled 92 Weaning 427 Stunted 229 Wounded 384 Dise.iees in 242 End of 359 Figaro, by Consternation 308, .315 for General Utility .... 324 Galled Shoulder 515 in Illinois 123 in Vernoont 172 Knees, Sprung . . 224, 225, 228 Manger 383 Norman 31 Paralyzed 228 Percherou Norman .... 892 "Orleans" 413 Racing at Fairs . . 191, 194, 419 i^ccidentsat 571 at Illinois state Fair . . . 183 at New York St.ate Sbows 549 Rheumatism in the • . 364, 537 Roots for lis Rubbing, Cure for 343 Scratches on 54, 91, 129, 229, 383 Shoe Boil '. . 386. Pick Mare 529 Stifle, Cure for 176 Out 365 Shying 388 Trotting ia Michigan . . . 440 Teeth of 103 Warts oa 17, 129 White on 230 Worms in .... 173, 225, 229 Yellow Water in ..... 271 House, a Pleasant Country ... 21 INDEX. House — Continued. aSiilo Hill 117 Paper, Worms in 271 Hot Bed 281 ICE House "472 Under Milk Room 229 Incongruities, Seeming .... 433 Inilanimiition, Liveforever for . 84 Insects, Destroying by Hand . . 323 Illinois Ai,''l College . . 80, 230, 614 Old Times in 116 Racing at State Fair in. . . 183 Imported Stock for .... 431 Wool Growers' Associationj 498 Iowa Agricultural College ... 373 Apples in 133 Cattle Feeding in 279 Irish Moss 548 Irrigation and Flowage . . 144, 513 Ivy Poison 436 Bweet Fern for 451 JAMESTOWN Breed of Cattle 171 Japanese Maize 85 January, Garden in 67 Jerseys • 625 Alderney and Guernsey . . 93 Calf of an Imported Cow . . 94 Herd Book 41 Stock, Sales of . ...... 496 Young Heifer Calf 496 Jokes, Agricultural 537 June, Cutting Grass in 330 Haying in 253 Heifers Calving in 319 July, Garden in 304 Work for 301 KANSAS College 208 Kentucky Blue-grass Land 485 Feeding Steers in .... 237 Improved Sheep . . . . • 607 Kerosene and Oil 130 Economy of 555 Test of ExplosivenesB . . . 115 Kitchen Odors 461 LABOR, Agricultural .... 487 and Capital 134, 169 Question 190 Laborers wanted in Maine . . . 2^8 Lampblack 224 Land, Burning 195 Decrease in Value of South- ern 230 too Much 535 Renovating Worn 2'.il Sheltering 67 Lard, Candles, &c., in Cincinnati 549 Laurel Poisonine 90, 127, 148, 230, 245 Law of the Road 604 Lawton A., Farm of 46 Leaf, the 423 Leaves as Mulch 42 Letter from the Farm . . . 398, 204 Lice, see Cattle. Lightning Rods, &c 408 Lime for Potatoes 2S1 on Hay 115 Lobelia, b^id KlTecU of 365 Locust, Seventeen Year .... 262 Loom, Self-aeUng Hand, Men- denhall's 268 MANURE 29, 486 Application of 176, 188, 22S 254,242,255,269, 270 Bone, Flour of 272 Burnt 5S2 City, Waste of 3S I Clover for 454 Commercial, do they Pay ? . 2S0 Dcupor Shallow? 100 Dltferent Kinds 215 Dodge Hay irard'a Theory of 91 Manure, Dressing for Wheat . . 226 Kxperiments with . . . 214, 283 Feeding Sheep lor 674 Fertilizer, an Excellent . . 210 Fish for 2<)9 for Fruit Trees 124 Harrowing in 126 Heaps, Large and Small 119, 170 244 Importance of 183 Magnesia 215 Management of. . . . 259,424 Mineral 126,170, 211 Muck with 634 Muck and Mineral 179 Nichols, Dr. on ... . 210, 214 Nitrate of Soda for ... . 214 Organic and Inorganic . . . 216 Plaster, Ashes and Hen . . 283 Ploughing and Harrowing in 229 Ploughing in ... . 65, 92, 100 Salt and Lime for 69 Salt in 322 Saving and Application of . 234 Soda for 215 Surface, Vote on, 286 Weight of 232 Machine, a Rolling and Planting 175 an old Heaping 388 a Vermont 114 Maine Agricultural College . . 402 Letter from 28, 534 Wheat in 153 Mangel Wurzel, German Culti- vation of 227 Maple Sugar 159 Dark and Waxy IGl on Sanborn Hill 471 Sap Spouts 194 Tapping and Spouts . 161, 193 Trees, Decay of 190 Plugging Bit Holes in . . 266 White, for Sugar, 363, 316, 386 Market, Farm Produce in . . . 502 Massachusetts Ag'l College 321, 478 Ag'l Appropriations, 1867, . 267 Bristol Co., Officers . . . . lil Cheap Land in 235 Cheese Factories 164 Fruit House 35 Statistics 103 Steers 238 March, Thoughts for 109 May 206 Mayhew, Dr., Horse Book . . . 385 Meadows, Clearing 481 Meat, Curing 31 to Keep under Brine .... 118 Gamgee's Method of Pre- serving 370 Meal, Cob and Corn 227 Melons, &c 298 Meteorology 186 Mice kept from Trees 630 Michigan Wool Buyers' Ass'n . 359 Milk, Bloody 470 Cans, Frencli 79 Dairies of London 614 for Butter, for Cheese and the City 92 from Cows bitten by mad Dog 2''5 Orange Co., N. Y 99 Producers' Association , 16, 63 Questions about 631 Raiding, Price, &c 69 Room 430, 472 Ice for 229 Shelves 422 Steelyards iicreasing . . . 200 to keep Dust from 614 Weight of a Gallon .... lit Yield per Cow 65 Milkinif once a Diy 76 M.ichliii-H 36t) Milkmen's Profits 127 Monkey Wrench 241 Mt)on, Influ'-ncoof the 642 Moore, Col. J. H., Farm of. . 39S Mortgage on Farms .... 131, 198 Paid up the 2Vi Mineral Manures 126 Ministers and the Garden . . . 624 Minnesota, Farmers' Club in Goodhue 185 Mower, Clipper 283 Perry's 208 Wood's Gold Prize. ... 342 Muck hole, pumping Water from 420 Value of 633 Mules 130 Training of 31 Mutton, Leicester and Merino for 290 Sheep 309 Mysterious, Something .... 145. NAILS, Heating 335 New England Farmer, Compliments to 207 New England Poultry Club . . 68 New York, Attendiince of Fairs in 549 Cost of Cheese in 168 Dutchess Co., Fair .... 189 Orange Co., Milk 99 State Ag'l !Hociety, income . 185 New Hampshire, Crops in Cen- tral 130 Officers, Piscataqua River Society 267 Wheat in 43 Nicotiana Macrophylla, Var. Gi- gantea 45 North Carolina 352 Tea in 68 Western 71 Nortfi Easton Planting Co. . . 375 Nusc, Bleeding at the 575 November, Garden in 497 Nuts, time to plant 43 OATS, Catting Green .... 224 largo crop 80 Norway .... 73, 148, 531, 552 October, Garden in 448 Suggestions 445 Ohio, Peach raising iu 148 Stock in 513 Onions and Onion Seed .... 431 and Parsnips 38 as a Medicine 122 Carrots, Beans, seed for . . 26 > Maggot, protection against 229 toperel 130 Orchard, a profitable 114 best way to raise 269 Exposure of 223 Filling Vacancies in . . . 227 from Seeds 194 How to make one Bear . , 543 on Wet Land, Underdraining 243 Ploughing 320, 340 Treatment of . . . 193, 263, 371 Young 21)7 Orleans Co., Vt., Farm Products 519 Orts, Management of 125 Osage Orange Ht'dges 497 Oxen, see Cattle, Ox-bows, Iron 34S PALE Disease in Sheep . . .133 Patents on Vegetables and Fruits 668 Peach, Cultivation of 17 Curl, cure of 388 Trees, Pruning 270 Peacock, the 452, 478 Peanuts in North and South Car- olina 210 Pear, Nouveau Poiteau .... 197 Cracking . . 418 Culture of Dwarf 323 Lint of 355 shap -d Apples 511 Trees, Soil fur 213 Peas for Pork 78 Peat Analysis 427 Phosphate, Bradley's 283 Pickles, making 326, 438 INDEX. pickles, raising for Market . . Sf68 Pieces, lay up the 499 Pigs, see Swine. Piue Trees, i'lantiug 163 Trimming 82, 438 White 438 Yew 2S0 Pippin, London 115 Plant Protector 312 Planting Co., North Eastou , . 375 Plants, starting early 193 Plaster, Nature and Use .... 4:i9 Plough, Californ.a Hteam . . . 477 Btuam and 'raclion Engines 275 trial at Bratoleboro' .... 357 Ploughing deep 366 Experimeuts in 5ti2 Greeley on 286 Shallow 477 Ploughs, Holbrook's ciida-bili . 562 Plum, Bleecker's G-agc 3o6 Poetry, Agricultural Rhymes . . . 486 Autumn 571 Flowers, to the 574 Keigu of 566 Barefooted Boy 4-9 Bluebird, the 287 Butter, Working 467 Bob White 391 Little Children 5 Farm, tbe Old 2U7 Garden, in the 57.j> Grandfather's Pet 20 Grass, the ........ 336 Harvest Time 46- Hauling Wood 103 Hjw we Kepi our Tryst . . 52 i Indiau Suiumer 84 It's only a Little Glove ... 60 Joe Fickle 354 Katie 30i Lilac, the 348 Little tiosc Iii4 New Year Song 88 Nutting Time 29 Outcast, the 156 Out West 309 Reflecuon, a 140 School Children 245 Ship, the Kxpeoied .... 5^8 Sborl-Horns, The Golden . 32 Smoke iu Winter 20 Spring 190 Stoc&ing Knitter, the . . . 490 Sweet Laughing Child ... 76 Swine 497 Sword and Plough .... 99 Weeder, the 88 Winter 136 Poisoning, Laurel 90 Pork, ea'ing 81 raising, profit of 127 Potatoes, amount of Seed. . . 194 and Corn 142, 2S-1 Bug in Michigan 380 Cheap Iloeiiig 341 Crop 89, 451 Cusco 560 DiffarencelQ Seed. . . 210, 288 Digging Bee 498 with Shovel 514 don't Bruise 497 Early Dykemari 130 Early Goodrich . . . 13g 497 Potatoes Sprouting, to Prevent 280 Sweet 332 What causes the Rot . . , 256 Poultry Account 316 and Poultry Books 557 and Fork 293 Black Spanish 77, 53ii Brahmas . 77, 195, 235, 242, 531 Bokon Greys 531 Books 531 Cocks, Sierile 76 Cret-pers 53 1 Diarrbcea in 5il r'is''a8ed 48 Dorking 77 DurkH, Muscovy 196 F eding 571 H ns, unprofitable 264 Houses, pine wood for. . 42 tn Drive Lice from i'i Kuling 229 i, gnoriis 77, 281, 63 i Mai.agi ment of 482 New a id old Varieties . . . 5ii New Eueland Club .... 68 rai--ing Chickens 417 Koup in Fowls 148 Sick, cure for 285 Turkeys, Bronze, . . . 146, 225 Buyir.g 282 t (isea-'e in 451 Paralyzed 420 dick 529 W iter Fountain for .... 189 Powdtr, Condition 130 Practice t7S Pea-and-Ink . ... 38 and Science 568 Prairies, change of climate . . . 421 Premiums 493 Prices of Farm Produce .... 145 Produce, Marketing 455 What shall we Sell ? . . . . 369 Producer and Consumer .... 455 Purslane Seed 474 r\UINCES 319 RANDOLPH, Vt., Farmers' Club 281 Rakes, Sliding and Rolling . . 368 Railroads and Farmers .... 391 Rainfall in different States ... 496 Rain Water, Casks for 42 Raspberries 388 Canes, Growth of ..... 472 Rats, How to get rid of . . . 41, 91 Rod Water in Cows . 161, 129, 487 Rennets, European ...... 192 Reports on Ag Iculture .... 303 Custom House 362 Rhubarb 299 Riddle. John A., Pamphlet of . 406 Road, Law 6f the 504 Making 131 Sides, Foul 453 Roads and Horses 401 Management of 475 Narrow 176 Repairing 386 Sand and Wash of 30 Robin, the 126, 188, 258 Rock Lifter, Home-made . . . 283 Roots, Gas Tar for 129 Tile for 511 Roots and Corn, relative Value of -9 Rose Bushes, Grsen Worms on 316 Rutland, Mass., Prices at . . . 77 Rye, Saltfor 369 SANBORN Hill, N.H 471 Sand as an Absorbent . . . 15'J for Beddinsf Stock .... 446 St. Albans, Vt., Dairy Market . 497 Salt for Stock 333, 341 f )r Rye 369 in Compost 322 in Cattle 333 Salt and Lime as Manure . . . ' 69 for Hay 80 Sap, Circulation ( f . . . . 306, 377 Spout, Liver.norc's .... 53 Saw-dust as !i Litt^v Iii6 S ^boolf, onr C Mum ji 96 Sc Bi.c.-and Pr:ic.i.:e 568 rf ioi;«, F.iiluie of 435 jcotlaiid C .tile Show 489 ri -rdtMhes s.)i; Horses. H'jadOiiM, i^h tiige of 226 See I, D'-tribulion of 232 G Dd ,uid Bad 489 per :w;re Car.ots, ijuions Leans 260 Sow and Pla iiliiou . ... 209 Sower, Improve d D mvers 2^7 Seedi g Laud 336 iu li'all 510 Soptenibcr, Foreihoughts ... 397 G:.rdi.u iU 402 i-ewerage. Punned 497 Shade Tree.!', rrarii»pid.niing . . 510 Sheep and D gi 515, 569 Anglo Am riuan 495 Beau-^ for 243 i:;ell8f'r . 368 Best B 'eeds for Combing 512 Coarse Wool 342, 546 and Fii.e Wool 555 in Flocks Sil Quit^t Habits of 546 Couvvolis 130,6-5,547 Do -vns, Oxford, ...... 547 Farms in Texas 103 Fatieiiiug in England . . . 322 Feed for SuckUng 245 Feeding for Manure .... 574 Foot Rot . 123, 228, 267, 285, 343 Fuoiigator for Ticks .... 102 "Green Mountain" 115 Habits of Roving 546 Heavy 323 Husbandry 187 Improve Land 449 Keeping different breeds to- gether 341 Kentucky Improved .... 507 Lamb and Green Peas . . . 435 Care of 188 Crosses for Early .... 460 Weaning 489 Leicester . • 290, 546 Lincoln 506, 547 Maggots, Coal Tar for . . . 390 Merino 290 Ago for Fattening .... 388 Milk for Cheese 208 Mortality among 321 of Vermont • 304 Mu.ton 309, 426 Oxford Down 195 Salting 188 Saxon and Silesia 87 Shearing 188 in Chittenden Co., Vt. . . 310 Shropshire Down 381 Sick 228 Sniffles in 421 Sore Mouths 228 N.'Se 225, 271 South Down 188, 227 Slreichesin 239 Tape vormin 133 T:ir for Sick 328 Teeswater 547 Tfx^-l Ram 404 Ti -ks on 529 Top-dref sing by 413, 416, 451, 457 Yarding on Fields . . . 413, 416 Shingles, rreparation of ... . 267 Shoe-Boil 471 Grease, Farmers' 498 Silk in California 108, 6i7 Skill, Practical • . . 165 Slate, Plastic 241 Sleep, Rules for 108 Smut in Grain 286 ■ or Fungi 536 Social Influences 445 10 INDEX. 8o(la, Nitr-xto of 179 Sodu, Decomposing 4'.*9 tiuU for Klowors 307 I'reparation of, in Autumn . 517 Pulverization of 22 Soot for 8io k 341 Bpecialtii'B in Farming 318 Special Keriilizera 416 Pquaah Vines as Fodder .... 368 Stables, Light and Air in . . . 477 Stanchions, Combinut on . . . . 237 Stocli, are we Improving our . 147 Aslies, boot mid Salt for . . 341 Ayrshire and Jerney . .•. . 242 Best and raorit Profitable • . 262 Breeders' Association . . . 190 Bunch Oil Bteei's Jaw . . . 160 Cochraue's StocI? 52") Dairy 561 Exposure of 128 Improved 227 in Canada 178 too much 350 Improving 378, 417 In Winter • . . 91 Keep your Clean 32 Meadow Hay for 180 RoieiDg 14a Sales of 14, 99 Short-horns 525 Cavalier 309 Families of 116 for Dairy 177 in Vermont ... 50, 309, 471 Sales 255, 467 Steers Good 77 Large ....'. 36') Talk about 121 Strawberries 29, 297 Marketing 535 Winter Killiig 436 Stump and Sione Lifter .... 4)9 Stripe 1 Bug 474 Subscribir, our Youngest ... liO Subsoiling 40! Sugar, Beet .... 78, 286, 310, 363 Beet, in Germany 103 from WTiite Maple 216, 386, 368 in Bradford, Vt 387 Rock Maple 146, 159 Superphosphate of Lime 130, 214, 552 Home-made 275, 259 for Clay Land 384 Summer Fal'owiTig .... 403, 415 Sward Land, Treatment of 420, 470 Swine, Cooking Food for ... 160 Chester Pig 559 Committee 497 Pig, Lame 39,281,315 Itch in 224 Suffolk 185 TAiraiERS' Bark . . . Tar for Sick Sheep . . Tea, North Carolina . . . Teachers of Agriculture . Texan or SpaMiiih Cattle . Ilanoho, Building on . Texas, Cattle from . . . Disease ........ Thills for Cultivators, &c., Thorn, an Ugly ....', Tile for Covering Roofs . 32S OS 15 600 17 3S7 526 392 46 6U Timber, Time to Cut 280 Transplanting in the Night . . 277 TrichiniB ". . . . 102 Tomatoi s and Corn, Canning . 438 for the Borer 3i9 Preserving 472 Top-dressing by Sheep 413, 450, 457 416 Grass land .... 420, 513, 617 with Straw 383 Too much of a Good Thing . . 350 Trees, Apple 276 Bleeding or Weeping . . . 419 Butionwood 353 nherry 297 F owtirlng 331 Girdled by Mice 208 Maple, Plugging 343 Peach and Pear 207 Plantii!g Forest 163 Kaising from Seed 3^7 Sbade 293 Bhi nstone Society 472 to Pi'Oiect from Mice .... 530 Tran^plactiug 315, 510 Turf Gambling 215 Tumor from a Cow's Throat . . 238 Turnips 389 UNDERDRAINING Vine- yards 32 Unguentum Composition ... 136 and Arsenic for Lice 90, 176, 225 T7ERM0NT, Drought in ... 451 V Farms and Farming In . . . 518 Horses in * . 172 Letter from 87 Orange Co., Season in . . . 127 Washington Co 78 Ville, Prof., New System ... 406 Vinegar from Cider 42 from Rotten Apples .... 80 Vineyard, Uuderdraining ... 32 Virginia, Dairy in 178 West, New England Pion- eers in 367 Vise, a Good 226 WAGES at the West .... 526 Warts 55, 93, 123 Wall Paper, Worms In .... 316 Water Pipes, Cement 555 Weeds 289 Western Farms 509 Wheat and Clover 26o Ashes and Lime for . , • . 267 Crop, Chemistry Applied to 88 Culture 254 in M:iine 158 in Drills 279 Flour 557 in Hampton Co., Massachu- setts 176 in Hav.-rliili, Mass 229 Japanese 450 on Heavy Clay Soil .... 230 Preparation of Laud for 376, 517 Prices and Market for . . . 614 Report of Crops 447 Kuatin 294 Wheat, Rusty, When to Cut . . 467 Seed for an Acre 129 Smut in 286 Winter - 397, 469 "iieldofin Minnesota . . . 123 ill Wisconsin 496 Wliero We Are 274 Wilder Strawberry 516 Windmills for Pumping Water . 341 Sancho Panza 343 Winter, Profit of Cows in . . . 109 Care of Animals 167 Wire Worms 324 Witch Grass for Hay 421 Wives, Farmers' 326 Wood, to Prevent Decay of . . 47 Pile, as an Indication . , . 242 Woodi-hu'jk Bounty on ... . 40 Exploding 287 wiih Tusks 363 Woodpefker, the 476 Wood's Hole F.irmirg. • , . . 361 Woods, Lost in 79 Wool, American and its Im- provement 87 Best Breeds for Combing . 512 Buyers' Association of Michigan 359 Combination 3^37 Rules 2.30, 289, 250 and Sellers' Resolutions . 334 Buying and Selling .... 4'.;5 Comoiiig 521 Cotted or Felted 439 Custom House Report . . . 362 I ileinma 175 E.f ponition of 400 Growers' Meeting at Syra- cuse 102 A^'sociat'on, Illinois . . . 498 National Association . . 72 Growing 228 in Texas 528 Prospects 62S Importations of 36, 309 Improvement of Our . . 95, 263 Largi'St Fleece 453 Manufacture 44 Manufacturers' Convention 25 Merchants 390 Rules for Buying 289 of Manufacturers 230, 2.i0, 289 Shakspeare on Prices . . . 291 Silesian and Saxony .... 62 Tariff and Mr. Harris ... 206 V;.!ue of Different Kinds . . 116 "What Becomes of our ... 44 Woolen Waste 224 Women's Apparel 150 Home Employment 561 Woman's Work among Garden Flowers 344 Work, Men and Women's ... 388 Training Animals for . , . 495 Worms, Cut 229 in Flowerpots 252 in Horses 173 Kept from Corn 227 Tape 133 YEAR, the New 13 Closing 83 Yew Pine 280 INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. 16t, 329 . A. B. . 365, 384,419 A. B. B 407 Adjtns, Benjamiu . . 566 A. G (J 264 A Lady 195, 31H Allyy, H 316 A Lover of good But- ter, 420 A. L. W 243 AtidfT-on, W. F. . 91,93 . Andrews, C.N.... 409 Annie, 342 An Old fashioned Wo- man 326 Anoii 89 An old au^ar maker . 368 Ansfr 196 Arms, A. D 451 Arnold, G. H . . , . 471 A. H. ....... . 160 A. S. B 437, 4H8 A Siiffortr 41 Atheiton, James F. . 2^8 A. \V. i' 41, 420 B. . 17, 41, 130, 270. . B.B, B. B. 8. . . . . . 223, Bacheldur, George . . Baoon, A Bancr./ft, Lulh r 8 Baile*, C. f. . . Ballard, B. M. . . Barber, S Bard, the Peasant Barker, J. U. . . Baker, V Bartois Pierce . . Baylies, A. . . . Bell, Henry . . . Bennelt, J. G. . . Berry, H. T • , . B. U. B Bicknell,L.E. 125,1 28, 531 Billy Styx .... Blackmer, Charles Blake, G. W. . . Bliss, O. 8. . . . Boynton, Dr. . . Breed, Z ..... Bresee, Albert . . Broots, Eihan . . Brown, Geo. H. . Brown, H. H. . . Brown, Lorenzo . Brown, Himon . . 359 Brown, W. D. 23, il6. 263 Bryant, B Burleigh, H. C.' . Bullington, James B. W 387 420 285 563 67 38 455 365 5i4 2S7 173 160 348 225 193 126 92 558 2-i2 ,561 260 529 229 160 171 ,551) 628 177 249 65 471 ,399 241, 259 572 656 196 129 Call, Norman, .... 487 Carpenter, A. B. . . . 472 Carpenter, an old, and a. young Farmer . . 226 Carr, J. P 4(0 Caswell, 8. M 451 Catawba, 230 C B. K 123 C. E. K 199 ChamOerlin, John E. . 127 Cheever, A. W. 186,235, 241, 382, 523 c. n. w 29 Clarii, Josiah .... 4ia C. M. 8 2fl C. N. A 306 Coiji), John C 110 C'jiiverse, J. C. . . . 93 Copeland F 17, 53 Cross, T. 195 Cammi.ogs, H. T. . . 147 Currier, David .... 56 Cutter, B. F 83 (.!. W. H. ...'... 325 C. W. M 479 'rvAVI8,G.W. . U Day, Lorenzo 245, 328 . J. 6il Deaeon . . 176 D. F. A . . 285 D. M'. J 242, 2/1 D U. 8 . . 310 Dime J, John, . . 187, 219 Dooliitle Jonathan . . 75 D.Ave ...... ..35 Down Easter . . . . 242 Down in Maine . . . 271 D. P . . ^92 Orjw, 8. C. ... . . 130 D. W . . 160 ill, Eamesj'c. 175 92, 125 195,341 Eariy Cut .... 383, 513 E. B. 143, 148, 100, i75, 192 195, 328, 341, 366 E.C. M . . 575 E E. K . . 148 E. F 8 . . 436 K. H 40, 219,271 E. K . . 531 E. L.» Ellie 163, 320 . . 338 E. L. M . . 127 . . 444 Enquirer .... . . 127 EsscCker .... . . 275 c, . . 76,93,130,243,282 Canney, J. iSi. . . 225 F39, 196, 224, 229, 260 . 365, 3o9 Farmer, a 243 Farmer, a Common . 182 Farmer, a Milk, ... 92 Farmer, an Old ... 195 Farmer, Practical . . 225 | Farmer, Young 75, 125, Farnum, Jonas . . . Farrar, G. W . . . . Farrar, Mark .... Feiix Fen ton, Stephen A. . Field, Phinelias . 146, Fisk, H. C Fleming, John . . 120, ti^letcher, Aaron P. . . Folks, Old F (Ster, J. 8 Foster, O. 74, 198, 270, 386, 473, French, Hiram . 16 1, Fuller, A. 8 n E. n. . U". G. P. P. . . 147 , 451 • • • • 420 G. G. K. . . . • • • . 126 Gibbs, James W. . . 621 Goodwin, iiu;justus . 227 Gowell, A. E. 368 Graham, E. . 366 264 Greea'Mouutii in . . . 325 Griest, Charle s W. . . 146 GrifflQ, W. P. 3S6 Grow, W. 8. 3ri7 G. 8 147 Gunn, Elijah .... 41 i G. W. N. . . 529 H. . . 92, 280, 376: • Hadley, Orson . llagar, Orin Hale, Anne G. 56, 84, 150, 200, 245, 294 348, 393, 441 Hale, Osmer, Mrs, . . Hall, Chis. E UapgO'id, Joab . . . Hart, T. L. . . 513, Har.wfcll,I.B Harvey, M. J. 234, 379, Haskell, Thomas . . Hayden, Francis W. . Hayward,C. E. L. . . Uayward, Joseph . . Hebjrd, James H. . . H. F H. H. C. . . Hodge, D. M Hoimes, J. A Holt, Jonas . . Uoit. Luther J. H jwe, J. B. . . H. T. W. . . . Hunt, L. M. . . H. W. C. . . . H. W. M. . . . 414, 451, ,472 176 126 194 314, 490 348 101 385 5.j6 84 406 463 225 531 92 127 440 4.57 512 148 270 420 273 315 193 343 196 T C 528 1.4 Information . . . 269 Inquirer . . 41, 77, 78, 234 T 316 t) . Jack 435, 450, 511, 513 J. A. L. ...... 328 Jameson, Z. E. 143, 169, 234 257, 3i6, 342, 360, 383, 419, 425, 439, 459, 518 552, 659, k6i 315 J. B. B. J. C. C. J. D 227 Jennie 575 Jennison, Geo. R. . . 73 J. F 91 J. F.D 126 J. ri. R 341, 367 J. I. C 418 J. J. T 530 J. M. M 2i3 Jordan, J. ... 40, 76.417 J. P 40 J. K 67,90 J. 8 430, 558 J. V. A 130. 132 J. W 194, 271 KEYES, John 8. . . 70 Kezer, Charles . 368 Kidder, Amos .... 245 K. 0. 135, 170, 351, 362, 505 129 . Lactia 244 Lady, a 195,316 Lamprey, J. W. . . . 368 Landman, J. T. ... 316 Lang, T. 8 433 Lawrence, Jonathan . 280 Lectum 119 L. H. D 176 Lincoln, Theo. G. . . 530 Livermore B 555 L. K 229, 385 L. K. P 1.36 L. O. W 328 L W.B 161,225 M. Mattie 35, 90, 121, 472, U-.iry 365, U C McConnell, Ira A. . . Mentor 522, Meriam, H. C Metcalf, E. L. . . 90, MLlk Consumer, a . . Milk Farmer, a . , , Milkmaid Miller, J. C Mitchell, A. J. . . . Moore, E. A Morse, A. J M. P 329, 330, Mrs, L, F 223 307 561 575 253 143 547 245 238 128 92 558 285 73 366 343 528 417 12 INDEX. JN . Ned *. '. ! '. ! '. 224 Nembysee, C 285 Nona 252 N. F 174 Nichole., Dr. J. R. 214, 275 Nickerbocker .... 342 Nix Cobbs 2S5 N.I 228 Northrop, Harmon . 3i3S N. P 200 N. S. T. 19, 34, 52, 114, 222 314, 434, 457, 604 Nutting, Geo. L. . . . 276 Nye, J. VV. ... 125,130 OH 229,371 . Old Subscriber 3i!4, 531 One Interested .... 612 One of Them .... 73 O. P. K 472 Osgood, Samuel ... 16 O. T 91, 183, 208 PALMER, A. B. . . Palmer, Samuel . Parmenter, Caleb E. . Peasant Bard, the . . P. H Perry, H. C Philbrick, J. n. . . . Philip 234, Phillips, O. H Pierce, L. L Pierson, T. C Plough JogKcr . . . Poor^^H. . 53,192 195, ■ 342, PowerB, Eli Pratt, H.C. 318 220 417 287 176 65S 228 555 2:17 293 225 530 285 470 229 352 Pratt, Phineas .... 257 Progress 276 Pulcifer, Mrs. Reuben D 444 R. . 27, 41, 196, 243, 271 ■. Raymond, E. A. 384 Reader, a 100, 224, 281, 385 Ktader, a Constant 193, 258 Reader, an old .... 557 Reader of the Farm- er, a . . 77, 130, 228, 268 Reader of the Montb- ly. a 224 Retrograding .... 175 R. ir 449 Richard 436 R. M 176 R.N 222 Roach, Chester . . . 529 Robbins, Edgar A. . 558 Rockingham .... 267 Rubticus .... 194, 439 Q 127, 326, 471 O. Salmo 174 Sanborn, I. W. ... 90 tianborn, John S. . . 471 Saphena 444 Sarah 40 Savage, Hazen N. . . 129 Sawyer, E 420 S C F 39 8eoley,'Lyman J.' 227, 236 B F 469 S. G. B 41 cfiieldon, A.G.187,281, 374 Sheldofl, H. A. ... 384 Sherman, John . . . 173 Slmonds, "W. I. . . 78, 183 Smith, n. 0 76 Smith, L 375 Smith, L.M 311 S.N.J 148 Spencer, N., Jr. . . . 2S:J Stone, Livingtone . . 74 Stow, D. J 283 Styx, Billy ....... 200 Sub!