ee ee see eae rt re PTW” ITY heir one te anne POO RAE AL ENCED O OPE gn =| > “ ato overran eS Se ae ana Oe palcanreone TOs LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Olé. 714 Cv74e no. |25H - 1268 44 PLANNTN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ta Or. a i Ae a 1%, ivy y _< wee " ‘ J [ , 7 ‘ he A ah a . : Mh irantaY | Ge sh ee : : ‘ ni Mii _ Wi et Council of Planning Librarians — Exchange Bibliography = April 1977 a: af NEW PUBLICATIONS FOR PLANNING LIBRARIANS (List No. 35) ' m ¢ Veronica Walker Documents Division and Mary Vance CP&LA Library University of Illinois Library, Champaign-Urbana a oS Om > a uta ; a a ee . The Library of the x Mrs. Mary Vance, Editor ee - . Post Office Box 229 an tirbana-Champaign Monticello, Illinois 61856 COUNCIL OF PLANNING LIBRARIANS Exchange Bibliography #1267 NEW PUBLICATIONS FOR PLANNING LIBRARIANS List No. 35 by Veronica Walker Documents Division University of Illinois ’ Urbana-Champaign, Illinois and Mary Vance Librarian CP&LA Library University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign, Illinois ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN Cooper, Clare C,. . The House as Symbol of Self. Berkeley, California: University of California, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, 17p. (Reprint no. 122) Reprinted from: Lang, Jon, ed., et al. Design for Human Behavior: Architecture and the Behavior Sciences. Stroudsburg, Pennsylyania: Dowden , Hutchinson and Ross, 197). Doblin, Jay. Perspective, a New System for Designers. New York: Whitney Publications, 1976, 66p., $8.50. "Perspective--A New System for Designers" is not just another text on the subject, It is a unique development--created by a practicing designer for his own use and expanded for use in the classroon. For designers: It is the first system developed to solve the kind of drawing problem encountered by product designers. It eliminates the complex mechanical drawing that an architect, for instance, normally employs in his traditional way of working with plans and elevations; it offers a simpler method of visualizing any three-dimensional object accurately and quickly. 25 “CPL Exchange Bibliography #1267 For students: It is a complete exposition of perspective drawing, a comprehensive basic. text for study of the field. For draftsmen: It helps develop the freehand skill that any good student of perspective must have. Judgment is incorporated into the use of this simplified system, with the result that drawing skill is encouraged as the system is mastered. Landmarks Preservation Council and Service. Chicago Landmarks Structures: An Inventory: Listing the Most Important Buildings in Chicago's Architectural Legacy and Describing their Architectural and Historical Values. 1st ed. Chicago: Landmarks Preservation Sérvice, 197l-. Mulloy, Elizabeth D. The History of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1963-1973. Washington, D.C.: Preservation Press, 30lp., 1976. . Ragon, Michel. Histoire Mondiale. de-1'Architecture et de 1'Urbanisme Modernes. Tournai: Casterman, 1972-75, Vol. 1 & 2, 2 vol. Vol. 1: Ideologies et Pionniers (1800-1910) Vol. 2: Pratiques et Methodes (911-1971) Dictionary of Geological Terms.‘ “Prepared under the Direction of the American Geological Institute, Rév. ed. Garden City, New York: Anchor Press, 1976, 72p:, 3.50 paper. Erley, Duncan... Audiovisual Materials on Planning: An Annotated Listing from 'Aesthetics' to."Zonirng'. Chicago: American Society. of Planning Officials, 1976, 2hp. -(Plamning Advisory Service, Report No. 323) Historic Preservation Law; an annotated bibliography. Compiled by Ellen L. Kettler and Bernard D. Reams, Jr. for the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Washington, D.C.: The Preservation Press, 1976, 115p., %h.00. Hudson, James F. and Elizabeth BE. Lake. A Planning Bibliography on Tire Reuse and Disposal. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Urban Systems Research and Engineering, 1976, 60p. Trzyna, Thaddeus. C, and Joan Dickson Simith. Population? An International Directory of Organizations’ and Information Sources. Claremont, California: Public Affairs Clearinghouse, 1976, L32De9; SLB. 75 pd: LaLa = ma This volume meets the need for an inexpensive and up-to-date central source of information about organizations throughout the world that are concerned with population and family planning. 3 CPL Exchange Bibliography #1267 , It describes over 600 organizations--governmental and non- governmental, nationai and jnternational-~in almost every country of the world. Part 1, the User's Guide to Who's Doing What, is a ‘unique feature of this series; it is designed to help readers identify organizations concerned with 22 major problems or areas of interest, such as abortion, migration, or Latin America. Included are a bibliography of other directories and similar sources; and indexes of organizations, subjects and acronyms and initialisms. Wasserman, Paul. Encyclopedia of Business Information Sources. 3rd ed. Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1976, 667p. "A detailed listing of primary subjects of interest to managerial personnel, with a record of sourcebook, periodicals, organizations, directories, handbooks, bibliographies and other sources of information on éach topic." Weber, R. David and Donna C. Belli. Dissertations in Urban Studies; ' the historical dimension. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms International, 1975, 5p. Has chronological listing and subject, author and university indexes... ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT | Archibald, Kathleen A. A Classification and Comparison of Evaluation Activities. Berkeley, California: University of California Institute of Urban and Regional Recah ae 1976, 38p. (Working Paper No. 262) "Directed to the issue of designing an evaluation system for federal manpower programs." Baer, Walter S., Leland L. Johnson and Edward W. Merrow. Analysis of Federally Funded Demonstration Projects: Executive Summary. ea Monica, California: Rand, 1976, 2hp., $1.50. (R+1925- Barlowe, Raleigh and Theodore R. Alter. Use-Value Assessment of Farm and Open Space Lands. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University Agricultural Experiment Station, 1976, 35p. (Research Report No. 308) Blair, John. Industrial Polarization and the Location of New Manu- facturing Firms: An Empirical Application. Philadelphia: Regional Science Research Institute, 1976, 39p., $3.00. (RSRI Discussion Paper Series No. 89 did CPL Exchange Bibliography #1267 Chicago, Illinois--Mayor's Council of Manpower and Economic Advisors. Unemployment-Labor Force Policy; A Special Report. Chicago, Tilinois: The Council, 1976, 19 pages of text and multiple tables, , Czamanski, Stan and Daniel Z. Czamanski. Study of Spatial Industrial Complexes. Halifax, Canada: Dalhousie University, Institute of Public Affairs, 1976, $7.50. (Spatial Organization of Industries No. 2) "This volume is the second in a sequence of four describing the results of an extensive set of studies dealing with ; 3 broad aspects of static and dynamic industrial location theories. Leibenstein, Harvey. Beyond Economic Man: A New Foundation for Microeconomics. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1976, 297p., $15.00. Harvey Leibenstein has written a major new book in microeconomic theory. It is a sophisticated reorientation of microtheory that breaks away from the conventional, highly refined neo- classical theory, which in turn is in the direct line of descent from Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations (1776). The author accomplishes this feat by introducting modern psychological concepts to microtheory, by using individuals instead of collections of individuals as his basic units of study, and by Suggesting that relating the theory to the concept of effort an X-efficiency factor) will provide the most significant results. National Symposium on Corporate Social Policy, 2d, Chicago, 197). Environmental Management: Economic and Social Dimensions: based on papers prepared for the Second National Symposium on Corporate Social Policy convened by the National Affiliation of Concerned Business Students (NACBS) in Chicago, Illinois, October 197); edited by George F. Rohrlich. . Cambridge, Massachusetts: Ballinger Pub. Co., cl976, 32kp. Includes bibliographical references and index. Peterson, Russell Keith. Development of Retail Facilities in Redevelopment Project Areas. . Los Angeles, California: Charles Kober Associates, 1975. Reprinted 1976, 69p. Phillips, Kenneth F. and Michael B. Teitz. Central City Housing Conservation: A Mortgage Insurance Approach. Berkeley, California: University of California Institute of Urban and Regional Development, 9p. (Reprint No. 138) Reprinted from: "California Management Review," 27, Spring 1976, pp. 86-95, 5. CPL Exchange Bibliography #1267 Shaffer, Ron, Rick Dunford and Phil Langrish. Changes in Wisconsin's Nonfarm Private Employment 1962-1972: A Shift and Share Analy- sis. Madison, Wiscensin: University of Wisconsin, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Research Division, 1976, 3lp., 50¢. Sobel, Lester A. The New York and the Urban Dilemma. New York: Facts on File, 1976, 193p., $9.95. The book covers the social, political, economic and financial crises of urban America, Included. are such topics as strikes, paycuts, massive layoffs, the welfare Aone a shrinking tax base and crime. : Special attention is given to a case study of New York-~America's ' largest city--with full details on "Big Mac" and President Ford's federal loan program. ‘Other cities dealt: with in the new volume include Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Houston, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, San Francisco and Meares VOR: D.C.» among others. New_York and the Urban Dilemma contains statistical tables on city services, expenditures, res, school integration, population and crime among the nation's major cities. ENERGY Bainbridge, David A. The Case for Solar Rights. Winters, California: Living Systems, 19767, lp. Bainbridge, David. Community Design for Energy Conservation. . Winters, California: Living System, 1976, $6.30. "A detailed program for Sacramento County." Bainbridge, David. Planning for Imergy Conservation in Davis. Winters, California: Living Systems, 1976, $6.30. "A detailed set of ordinances and resolutions to promote more energy efficient planning." Cheslow, Melvyn D. Industrial and Economic Impacts of Improving Automobile Fuel Efficiency; an Input/Output Analysis. Washington: The Urban Institute, 1976, 77p. Cook, Earl. Man, Energy, Society. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1976, 478p., $14.95 hardcover, $7.95 softcover. "A broad introduction to the technical, social, economic and 6. CPL Exchange Bibliography #1267 political aspects of man's use of energy.- Taking a geographic . point of view, the book traces the history of energy use, - describes the dimensions of contemporary energy problems, and discusses possible alternatives to energy future. Davis, California--City Council--An Ordinance Establishing Energy Conservation Performance Standards for Residential Construction within the City of Davis, 1975, 1ép. (Ordinance No. 78h) Hammond, Jonathan, Marshall Hunt, Richard Cramer and Loun Neubauer. A Strategy for Imergy Conservation; Proposed Energy Conservation and Solar Utilization Ordinance for the.City of Davis, California. Davis, California, 197h, 5lp. Kopper, B. Energy Conservation Advisory Program: Davis. Winters, California: Living Systems, 1976, $6.30. "A use study of several homes in Davis with programs and economics of retrofitting." ; Weidenbaum, Murray L., Reno Harnish and James McGowen. Government Credit Subsidies for Energy Development. Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1976, 55p., $3.00. . "Examines proposals for fostering energy independence in the U.S. through federal financial assistance to private energy farms. ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Cooper, Clare Marcus and Robin G; Moore.’ Children and Their Environments: A Review of Research 1955-1975 and a Discussion of Why the Findings Have Largely Been Ignored. Berkeley, California: University of California Institute of Urban and Regional Development, 1976, lp. (Reprint No. 132) Reprinted from: Journal of Architectural Education, April 1976, pp. 22=25. . Environmental Education Leadership Development Project; final report. A Guidebook to In-Service Environment Education Workshops for Teachets. Park.Forest South, Illinois, Governors State University, The College of Environmental and Applied Sciences, 1975, 76p- The Impact of Power Plant Siting on California's Water Resources. Prepared for the Association of California Water Agencies by John R, Turink. Sacramento, California: Association of California Water Agencies, 1976, Op. Te CPL Exchange Bibliography #1267 Mellander, Karl. Environmental Planning: Can Scale Models Help? Berkeley, California: University of Cajitornia, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, 7p. (Reprint No. 125) Reprinted from: American Engineering Model Society - Seminar '7Th, October 197k. Mikdashi, Zuhayr. The International Politics of. Natural Resources. Ithaca; Cornell University Press, 1976, 205p. Mr. Mikdashi deals with the evershifting pattern of cooperation and antagonism between transnational enterprises (companies owned by corporations in developed countries and active in more than one nation) and their host governments, especially those in the developing world. Comparing operations in various countries and in various industries, he describes how governments and transnationals work, bogpiher and-.separately, to exploit market opportunities. Petroleun, copper, iron, sulfur, uranium, bauxite, and tin— these are among the resources he examines. He illuminates the policies, strategies, and relationships of the protagonists under different market and environmental conditions, discussing the relations among the governments themselves and the alliances they heve formed (such as OPHC and CIPEC). Finally he offers suggestions for cooperative action that could both serve the needs of the less developed areas and promote international harmony, Practical in approach and original in concept, the book clarifies complex contemporary problems and points the way toward solving them. Mineral Development in the Eighties: Prospects and Problems, Based on a Document by Jan MacGregor with a Statistical Annex by Sperry Lea. Washington, D.C.: British-North American Committee, 1977, 5Slp., $3.00. The Report develops seven basic findings: - There is no general physical shortage cf nonfuel minerals - Fears that producing countries could succeed in organizing major OPEC-like cartels in nonfuel minerals seem unlikely to be realized - The system by which capital has hitherto been found for mineral development has broken down - Meanwhile, the industrialized world has begun developing minerals in areas that are considered more reliable sources of supply - A further problem is the- recent huge increase in the capital cost of new capacity - Mineral development is also beset by new threats to the security of investments - Some agreed basis, accepted by both producers and consumers, for attracting capital, ensuring markets and apportioning benefits, must be found if producer countries are to reap the benefits of effective development of their mineral resources for the years ahead. 8. CPL Exchange Bibliography #1267 National Symposium on Urban Hydrology and Sediment Control; Proceedings. July 28-31, 1975. . University of Kentucky, College of Engineering Office of Research and Engineering Services, 1975, reprinted 1976, 307p. Rochlin, Gene J. Irreversibility and Multiplicity: Two Criteria for Disposal of Nuclear Waste. Berkeley: University of California Institute of Governmental Studies, 1976, 3p. (Working Paper No. 18) Siciliano, A. Vincent. Entropy Considerations in Environmental Planning. Berkeley, California: University of California ‘Institute of Urban and Regional Development, 1976, 62p. (Monograph No. 25) Zube, Ervin H., David -G. Pitt and Thomas W. Anderson. Perception and Measurement of Scenic Resources in the Southern Connecticut River Valley. Amherst: University of Massachusetts, Institute for Man and His Environment, 197), 19lp. (Publication No. R-7-1) "A report on research supported by Northeast Utilities Service Company, Hartford, Connecticut." GEOGRAPHY Delta Advisory Planning Council. Delta Action Plan--Politics and Recommendations. Sacramento: Sacramento Regional Area Planning Commission, 1976, 127p. French Geographers Association. . International Geographical Bibliography, - Extrait. -Pt. A.IV — Human Geography and Pt. C. - Asia (General and Multiregional Studies). Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 197). Schneider, Stephen Henry.. The Genesis Strategy: Climate and Global Survival. With Lynne EH. Mesirow. New York: Plenum Press, 01976, h19p., $14.95. In this landmark book, The Genesis Strategy, the outspoken climatologist Stephen H. Schneider directly confronts the now dangerous prospect that human activities are drastically disturbing the delicate balance of the world climate system. Providing a wealth of information about the complex workings of climate and just how we are changing it, the author through- out offers a probing examination of the intricate network of relationships between climate,.food, population, technology, energy, pollution, and politics - all crucial elements of the "world predicament," , 9. CPL Exchange Bibliography #1267 The principle of action Schneider calls the Genesis Strategy is as old as recorded history. Today, despite the benefits of modern science and technology, the survival of nations is once again in question. Not only is climate itself at risk, but world grain reserves have fallen steadily to such dangerously low levels that they can no longer provide an adequate cushion against the prospect of unfavorable climatic change. As an antidote to this danger, Schneider urges the adoption of the proven wisdom of the Genesis Strategy and offers a concrete set of proposals to put it into practice. HOUSING Beck, Robert J., Robert Rowan and Pierre Teasdale. User Generated Program for Lowrise Multiple Dwelling Housing. Montreal: Centre de Recherche et d'Innovation Urbaines, Universite de Montreal, 1975, 2 vol. Vol. 1: Site Design Requirements, 193p. Vol. 2: Housing Design Requirements, ])53p. Frieden, Bernard J. ,.Housine. 11 America: 1976. Berkeley, California: University of California, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, 1976, 33p. (Working Paper No. 27) Rothenberg, Alan BE. The Impact of Real Estate Lending Biases on the Purchase and Rehabilitation of Older Urban Residences. Washington, D.C.: National Endowment for. the Arts, 1976, 51p. Urban Land Institute. New Opportunities for Residential Development in Central Cities: Case Studies of Private New Construction and Rehabilitation. Washington, D.C.: Urban Land Institute, 1976, 8p. (ULI Research Report No. 25) LAND USE Anderson, Robert Milford. American Law of Zoning. 2nd ed. Rochester, New York: The Lawyers Co-operation Publishing Co., 1976, 613p., Vol. 1. 10. CPL Exchange Bibliography #1267 Baskin, John. New Burlington; The Life and Death of an American Village. New York: Norton, 1976, 259p., $9.95. For almost. two hundred years, the farming village of New Burlington stood in southwestern Ohio, between Dayton and Cincinnati, where Caesar's Creek and Anderson's Fork came together to form a natural landscape for settlement. But in the early 1970s the United States Corps of Engineers began building a dam and, behind it, a lake to cover New Burlington. Now the village is deserted. Only its sidewalks remain, mutely waiting for the waters of Caesar's Creek ‘to rise for the last time, ; ' In the final year of New Burlington's life, John Baskin moved into an abandoned farmhouse and began recording the voices of the residents: farmer, teacher, blacksmith, carpenter, doctor, widow, Quaker, Methodist. The result is this beautiful, unique, eccentric history of two hundred years in rural America. Cail, Robert BE. Land, Man and the Law: The Disposal of Crown Lands in British Columbia, 1891-1913... Vancouver, British Columbia: University of British Columbia Press, 1976, 333p-, $6.50. A thorough and unrivalled study of the disposal of crown lands in early British Columbia, Land, Man, and the Law provides the background for such topics of current timber and mineral rights and Indian Land claims. During the Hudson Bay Company's years, when trapping and trading were the only concerns of the few white occupants of British Columbia, land tenure was of little interest and few provisions were made for it. With the arrival of settlers, the officers of the colony were forced to act. An analysis of Governor James Douglas's policies, many of them hurriedly established when he was faced with an influx of gold miners, precedes a survey of the situation that existed when British Columbia entered Confederation in 1871. Encouraging settlement, forestalling speculation and securing revenue were the three aims of Colonial and early Provincial legislatures. This book examines their success in the face of rapid exploitation of natural resources. Conflicts between the dominion and provincial governments and between well-known public personalities -were frequent. The successes’ and failures of the men in office determined the future of the province-—— for example, had early governments not retained rights to timber, forests would now be in private hands as most of them are in the United States and the government would not be able to plan changes in the forms of tenure as it is now doing. The three chapters in which the author treats aboriginal land claims are essential background for an understanding of the present debate. ik CPL Exchange Bibliography #1267 Land Use Element,- Napa County General Plam as Amended December 1975, Napa, California: Nepa County Conservation Development and Planning Commission, 1976, 32p. LANDSCAPE AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Cooper, Clare C.. Adventure Playgrounds. Berkeley, California: University of California Institute of Urban and Regional Development, 16p. (Reprint No. 120) Reprinted from: Landscape Architecture, Vol. 61, No. 1, October 1970. Cooper, Clare Marcus. Childrens' Play Behavior in a Low-Rise, Inner-City Housing Development. Berkeley, California: University of California, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, 15p. (Reprint No. 129) Reprinted from: Man-Environment Interactions: Evaluations and Applications. Edited by Daniel H. Carson, Milwaukee: Environmental Design Research Association, Inc., Vol. 6, No. 12, 1974. Childhood City, ed. by Robin C. Moore, 197k. The Land; Twentieth Century Landscape Photographs. Selected by Bill Brandt; edited by Mark Haworth-Booth. 1st America ed. rote Ee Da Capo Press, 1976, 32p., 2h leaves of plates, The photographers of modern times have informed us of the physical appearance of the ends of the earth, applied the unique scrutiny of the camera to places of mystery and awe, and within the last ten years have revolutionised our consciousness of the planet by showing it to us from the Gemini and Apollo spacecraft. Bill Brandt, the British photographer whose contribution has been amongst the most brilliant in twentieth century landscape photography, has chosen two hundred photographs for The Land exhibition to celebrate this achievement and from these he has selected forty-eight to be reproduced in this book. These photographs include some of -the most powerful images produced this century and are representative of the best work of the greatest landscape photographers from many parts of the world. Reproduced here ‘are photographs by the famous and the not-so- famous, the household name and the anonymous, each image selected for its unique power to show us different aspects of our planet. Hee CPL Exchange Bibliography #1267 The book includes essays by Dr. Aaron Scharf, Professor of Fine Art at the Open University and author of the ‘seminal Art and Photography, by Jonathan Williams, the peripatetic poet, publisher, photographer and writer on photography and by Keith Critchlow, senior lecturer in Environmental Sciences at the Architectural Association and author of Order in Space and Into the Hidden Environment. The essays explore three different aspects of a response to both landscape and images of landscape; thus not only enriching a personal response to the sensitivity of the photographers' vision, but also to the land itself. Marcus, Clare Cooper. Children in Residential Areas: Guidelines for Designers. Berkeley, California: University of California, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, 1976, 10p. (Reprint No. 133) Reprinted from: Landscape Architecture, October 197k, pp. 372-377, 415-519. PLANNING Bacon, Edmund N. Design of Cities. Rev. ed. New York: Penguin Books, 1976, 336p., $9.95 paper. "An illustrated account of the development of urban form, from ancient Athens to modern Brasilia." Berry, Brian J. L., ed. Urbanization and: Counterurbanization. Beverly Hills; Sage, 1976, 33hp. (Urban Affairs Annual Reviews, Vol. 11) As the title suggests, this is a book about contrasts. Counter- urbanization has emerged as a common response to the sprawling, problem-ridden cities created by the laissez-faire, industrial urbanization of the 19th century--but. the nature of that response has varied from culture to culture. The first half of the book focuses on the industrialized nations of the First and Second Worlds, where the opposing capitalist and Marxist ideologies are producing contrasting results: liberal capitalism, with its acceptance of big cities and growth as the inevitable byproducts of success, is witnessing the disinte- gration of its cities, while Marxist societies, despite a nominal commitment to the emergence of a new settlement pattern for mankind, are actually preserving cities and centrality in a traditional sense. The final chapters deal with urbanization and counterurbanization in the Third and Fourth Worlds, where decolonization is a major factor and ideological contrasts inherited from East and West are becoming increasingly sharp. 13. GPL Exchange Bibliography #1267 Together, these essays lay the groundwork for a restructuring of urban theory, providing a basis for new decision processes and planning strategies. Urbanization and Counterurbanization should be of great value and interest to all those concerned with the future of our cities, Centre de Recherche d'Urbanisme. Annales. Paris: le Centre, 1975, 301p. Centre de Recherche d'Urbanisme. Les Villes Francaises; Etude des Villes et Agglomera tions de Plus de 5000 Habitants: Atlas. Paris: Le Centre, 1976. The six new atlases are for Alsace, ae Centre, Limousin, Bourgogne and Lorraine. Dyckman, John W. International Professional Exchange: The Implications of the American-Yugoslav Project. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, Center for Metropolitan Planning and Research, 1977, 112p. ; "An account of the America-Yugoslav Project in Urban and Regional Planning Studies, which spanned the decade 1966-76. The avowed purpose of the Project was 'to contribute to the development of urban and regional planning as a professional field of international importance'." Finkler, Earl, William J. Toner and Frank J. Popper. Urban Nongrowth: City Planning for People. New York: Praeger, 1976, 227p. (Praeger Special Studies in U.S. Economic, Social, and Political Issues). Bibliography: p. 217-220. Includes index. Fischer, Claude S., Mark Baldassare and Richard.J. Ofshe. Crowding Studies and Urban Life: A Critical Review. Berkeley, California: University of California, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, lp. (Reprint No. 12h) Reprinted from: Bolan, Richard S., Siva American Institute of Planners Journal, November 1975. Foley, Donald L. Accessibility for Residents in the Metropolitan Environment, Berkeley, California: University of California, ' Institute of Urban and Regional Development, n.d., Ip. (Reprint No. 127) Gertler, Leonard 0. Making Man's Environment:. Urban Issues. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1976, 12hp. Making Man's Environment is a stimulating, introductory series surveying concepts, issues, problems, and information related to urban and regional planning in Canada. 1h. CPL Exchange Bibliography #1267 Urban Issues is a general introduction both to the series and to the key issues of urban and regional planning in Canada ‘today. The book begins with a brief historical survey of the development of Canadian cities, before providing a detailed examination of the most critical problems related to land, transportation, regional development, and the formulation of sound planning principles. Greater Omaha Community Action, Inc. and the Community Development Center, Inc. East Omaha. Omaha, Nebraska, 1975, 29p. This report and supporting materials were funded under agree- ment between the Community Development Center Inc., and Greater Omaha Community Action, Inc. and constitutes the summary report for the East Omaha Section of Contract No. 2538. Hamm, Michael F., ed. The City in Russian History. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1976, 3h9p., $15.00. This collection of essays examines the Russian city in the preindustrial period, the nineteenth century, and the Soviet period from the perspectives of history, geography, political science, architecture, and sociology. Consequently, it includes a variety of investigative approaches to urban development, while encompassing both comprehensive studies of historical trends and case studies of particular cities and regions. Lubbock, Texas--Department of Planning. Urban Image Analysis. Lubbock, Texas: The Department, 1975, 263p.. Meier, Richard L. Analysis of the Contemporary Urban Ecosystem: An Appraisal of Hong Kong's Future. Berkeley, California: University of California, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, 22p. (Reprint No. 13) Reprinted from: - Harry Swain and Ross D. MacKinnon, eds., Issues in the Management of Urban Systems. Conference pro- ceedings on National Séttlement Systems and Strategies. Schloss Laxenburg, Austria: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, December 197, pp. 348-370. Meier, Richard L. Exploring Development in Great Asian Cities: Seoul. Berkeley, California: University of. California, Cr Gee of Urban and Regional eee RTE t3n.% (Reprint No. 126 Reprinted from: Godschalk, David R., ed., American Institute of Planners Journal, November HA Qe i . Meier, Richard L. Half Way Through ape 11 in Indonesia. Berkeley, California: University of California, Institute of i and Regional Development, 1976, 22p. (Working Paper No. 2 15. CPL Exchange Bibliography #1267 Meier, Richard L. Metropolitan in Manila. Berkeley, California: University of California, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, 1976, 19p. (Working Paper No. 271) Meier, Richard L. Notes Upon the Future Development of Cairo. Berkeley, California: University of California, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, 1976, 3p. (Working Paper No. 270) Meier, Richard L. A Stable Urban Ecosystem. Berkeley, California: University of California, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, 1976, 7p. (Reprint No. 130) - Reprinted from: Science, June , 1976, Vol. 192, pp. 962-968. Meier, Richard L. Update on Tehran and its Environment. Berkeley, “California: University of California, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, 1976, 16p. (Working Paper No. 273) Teitz, Michael B. Towards a Responsive Planning Methodology. Berkeley, California: University of California, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, 2p. (Reprint No. 116) Reprinted from: Planning in America: Learning from Turbulence, David R. Godschalk, ed., Chapter IV, 197). _ The Use of Action Research in Developing Urban Planning Policy. Report of Residential Colloquium organized by the Department of Environment, under the sponsorship of the Group of Experts on Urban and Regional Research of the Economic Commission for Europe, at the School for Advanced Urban Studies, University of Bristol, Bristol, June 2-27, 1975, London: The Department of Environment, 1975, 127p. Vining, Daniel R., Jr. and Anne Strauss. = n c wi = =z > w oO ~ o = = = ~ o — o c001 PHY. URBANA, ILL BIBLIOGRAI EXCHANGE 1253-1268 1977 ! | | | uy tI mM |