Colorado UfativePlant l^ociety N E W SLETTER VoIuHte 6 Nui^er 2 April-June 1982 "Dedicated to t>€ /'wreciation and Conservation of itc Colorado Flora" COMIIMO EVeriMTS •MEIaJI i__ook 23-27 JUNE. PicMnc:« Basin Trip. For infOTMa- tion call Scott Ellis (493-5578, work; 493-6069, horns} or Ann Nil stead, The Nature Ckmservancy C 837 -0505 ) . lO Florissant Fossil Beds Plant Inven- ti^y. For inforeation call Mary Edwards and look elsewhere in this newsletter. Late AUeUST-Early SEPTEMBER. Subal pine-alpine field trip. cmff»S Joining The Natuure Con- servancy- For inforeation call fein Hi I steMi at The Nature Conservancy, (837-0505} . 18 ^»TEM^ft. Fall Annual Meeting. Look else- *diere in this newsletter for prel lei nary information iritout this meeting, ^k^re in the ne>tt newel etter- This newsletter has been prepared directly from the output from an Epson MX-80 FT dot aatriK printer connected to a Radio Shark, TRS-SO Model I microcomputer using Radio Shack's word pro- cessing program Scripsit and Apparat's mcxii fl- oat ion to Scripsit, FLEXTEXT/80. Another Apparmt program CMEXTEXT was used to check spelling on the text after it was entered computer and before it was printed, if the EDITtlR didn't forget to do it before he printed the text. Any ccMmsents, favoraiile or not, suggestions, constructive criticise, guestions, etc. should be sent to the EDITOR at the Cffljps mailing address- <=»C“riaiMS -the; eO#=lRO OE DXREETaES Here are some of the actions taken at the March llth meeting* t ft two handred dollar donation was made to help finance color plates for Dr. Mil Ham A. Weber’s new book 'Plors^gf _Western_CoJ[or§do, * Publicity objectives for 19Q2 were develc^edt 1. Seek publicity by an established outdoor colonist. 2. ^ek "Sunday Supplement" newspaper coverage* 3. Assure full reports for the newsletter of all field trips and meetings. 4. Pre-publ lei ze field trips and meetings as needed. 5. Envelope a permanent mailing list for pub- licity offaNTings. At this writing, first efforts chi objectives 1 and 2 have not been productive, crtjjectives 3 and 4 are cjpcrational , number S has been completed. t Decided we were not able at this time to ac- cept an invltaticKi from the Denver Audubon Soci- ety to submit a proposal for the design and e^^e— cut ion of a survey of plant ecosystems and plant species in the area of the proposed Platte River Greenbel t* $ Voted to retain full meiMsership c»i Colorado Open ^ace Council (CDSCl, but concluded we were unable at this time to help finance the Clean Air Coalition being organized by COSC, tlite have co-sponsored testimony to the federal House and Senate committees in support of the Endangered Species Act. Me will keep members informed of Board actions, and of actions that members might take individually, regarding the Act. * Arrangements were made for the Itemver Botanic Sarden Library to become the r^ository for the newsletters we have collected, and future news- letters that we will receive through our ex- change program with related organ izati 13 ns, — Lloyd Hayes F='1:EI_0 "TFtlE FtEF»OF£TTS 1 3 MWaiH — Native & R ock Sarden Plant Propagation A group of 15 met in the greenhouses at the Denver Botanic Garden (DBS) to hear Panayoti Dallas, Rock Sarden Curator at the Sarden, dis- cuss propagation technigues and show a variety of unusual species destined for display in the Rock Sarden. Panayoti first described the his- tory of rock gardening, and provided a list of sources of native seeds and other unusual plant matrarials. He explained the essentials of pre- paring a good sterile medium for germinating seeds (the secret formula is approximately 1/2 perlite, 1/2 peat mass, with a pinch of Qsmocote and bone meal), proper temperature and moisture conditions for germinating various types of seeds, and the techniques fcM- transplanting seedlings into larger containers (each of us was given the opportunity to extract a tiny seedling from a matrix of Soil and fellow seedling plant roots, grasp the seedling between clumsy thumb and forefinger, and then place the seedling in a hole formed in the potting soil with a dibble, an essential horticultural tool). Me then toured the greenhouses where a variety of native plants are being grown from seed and cuttings. Firially, participants toured the Rock Garden while Panayoti outlined its design. The Rock Barden contains a range of soil types and slope exposures that can accommodate plants requiring acid soils and cool growing sites, as well as cold desert species tolerant of alkaline soils and hot temperatures. We also viewed the alpine house, a research facility where the temperature and humidity are carefully controlled to provide optinuim growing conditions for rock garden plants. Many thanks to Panayoti Cal las for providing an excellent overview of propagation methods, and sharing his extensive knowledge and enthusiasm for native and rock garden plants. Thanks also to the DBG for letting COMPS members prowl "behind the scenes." The Colorado Native Plant Society’s Spring meet- ing attracted approx imatel y 70 people to the Denver Botanic Garden (DBG) to hear discussions about applications of native plants in home landscapes. The focus of the program was on the practical problems of developing commercial sup- plies of native plants, and research on the pro- per uses of native woody and herbaceous species. Larry Schl ickenmayer of Schl ickenmayer Nursery opened the meeting by tracing the history of the Colorado nursery trade’s interest in propagating and selling native plants. He pointed out that' the pioneer propagators, such as Harry Swift of Western Evergreen, and George Kelly, raised na- tive plants as a sideline to their main stock In trade. Only recently has there been sufficient public interest in native plants to justify im- provements in commercial scale propagation meth- ods and further research into appropriate spe- cies. Larry anticipates a strex^g future demand for native species, and that the nursery trade will respond quickly to fulfill this need. dim Borland, of Weddle Native Gardens in Palisade, discussed the uses of native species in the context of local horticultural problems in the Grand Junction area-very saline and alka- line soils, low rainfall, and scarce irrigation water. Weddle Native Gardens, founded by Charles Weddle, a well-known plant breeder, is currently working with nearly 300 species of na- tive and other drought tolerant plants to select attractive species that are well-adapted to the rigors of a cold desert climate. Jim described several species that they are now selling that show excellent promise for this large arid region- Dorothy Falkenberg Borland, who recfsntly com- pleted her Masters thesis on the management of buff alogr ass, focussed on the practical aspects of establishing and maintaining buffalograss and blue gramma 1 awns. Her excellent slide show doc- umented the appearance of these native lawns through the seasons. Considerable discussion ensued among meeting participants on appropriate buffalograss seeding rates, seed quality, weed control, and watering regimes. Dorothy then lead a tour of the DBG turf plots to provide partici- pants with a firsthand look at drought-tolerant grasses. Velma Richards, who is serving on the Plains Garden Committee at the DBG, presented a compre- hensive slide show depicting representative prairie habitats and plants on the eastern plains Q-f Colorado. The Plains Qarden Cofliailt— tee is integrating components o-f these varicxiS habitats into a new Plains Carden at the Dl^. Velma then lead a tour of the Plains Garden site on the DBG grounds to explain how the Plains Garden concepts will be realii^ed when this area is constructed. Gayle Weinstein, a DBG staff aiember *4io spe- cializes in woody plant materials, outlined re- cent efforts by the DBG to test more native plant species in hcM^ti cultural settings. She lead a tour of- the DBG grounds to ^ow partici- pants native species plantings^ and to describe the problems and successes with these plants. Some of the biggest problems are with adjusting watering regimes to avoid overwatering drought-adapted species. Many thanks to I he speake» s, some of idiom came from long distances to make presentations, and to meeting participants, whose enthusiasm and questions made the a^eting a success. Special thanks to Gayle Weinstein, idio organized the lasting and arranged for the facilities. Piceance Basin. Call Karen Wiley Eberle in Craig (824-82611 few more inf cwmat ioNn. 10 J uly * Florissant Plant Inventory. Mark this date on your calendar now! — the day CONPS will continue the plant inventory and collection which was started last summer for an herbarium at Florissant Fossil Beds Natienns Monument. The Florissant herbarium committee is working on plans for the trip. (For a more con^slete de- scription of the project, see the last news- letter under “Scheduled Trips"? - Everyone interested is urged to come and help with collecting that day. The Monument covers approximately 9 1/2 sq. miles; we have divided the area into 6 units, and so far have collected in only two! FlcMTlssant Fossil Beds Naticsnal ^kHiument is 35 miles northwest of Colorado Springs on U.S. Hwy. 24, and just south of the tewin of Florissant. We plan to meet at the Monument Headquarters at 9s OO A.M. on Saturday, July 10th, Call Mary Edwards at 233-8133 (2580 Parfet St., Lakewood, CO 80302? or Miriam D<^ham at 422-1020 <2945 3rd, BtHjlder, CO 80302) before July 7 to reg- ister and for additional information. There are motels in the Divi de-Florissant -St. George area and several campgrounds nearby in the Pike National Forest few those who would like to stay Friday or Saturday night and col- lect Sunday also. Florissant collectors are needed at other times during the summer and fall. Call Mary or Miriam to plan a trip so that arrangements can be made with the Park Service, Subalpine-Alplne Trip (Joint with The Nature Conservancy) 8:00 A.M.-4:(X) P.M. Trip Leaders: Jim and Audrey Benedict. Registration: Lydia Toll 333—1^^55 Mr. and Mrs, Silverling 238-9112. Sizes 35. Costs 45.00/person. Location: Bunker Hill Preserve, West of Ned- erland, Bmilder County, An excellent time to see the alpine tundra in its autumn colors. Outstanding views Of the Indian Peaks juxijerness nearby. The car pool meeting place will be in Boulder, east end of khe parking lot directly west of ttie Municipal Building (SE cewner of Broadway Si Canyon). The trip will involve some travel where a 4 iWieel drive will be required, so bring a sturdy 4WD if you have one. A one hmir hike from the subal- pine to the alpine zone will be required. An increase of 500 feet in altitude will be ex- perienced during the hike to a final altitude of 11,700 ft. Bring warm clothing, water, and a sack lunch. f=S|-rTEMTIOIM f=>l-IOTai3R:ftF>IHie:i^^ As you are out in the field this summer with your cam«^a, *Mould yixi consider taking an extra picture few the Society's col lection of pictures of Colorado plants, their habits and their habitats. These extra slides wmild be most helpful. If they were of a quality suitable for duplication. Your very best slide with that sparkle that's so delightful and you are so proud of will make a disappointing duplicate. The best slides for duplication are those with little contrast. If the sun is bright, the con- trast will be too great. You can diffuse the direct sunlight with several layers of cheese- cloth stretched over a frame or fill in the shadows with a reflector made of a sheet of aluminum foil that has been crumpled and then flattened out again. A slightly overcast day will give you the best pictures for duplicatcMi. Exposure is critical. A v«-y slightly under — exposed slide will make a much better duplicate. Fleas® make a record of where the slide was taken, it was taken, and record any details about the habitat etc. that are not obvious in the picture. If you have any questions call Miriam Denham in Boulder at 442-1020. F«E#3|IJ"rHOR: I ZiPkTT i: oi\i Both the Senate and the House should vote on the Endangered Species Act reauthor iz at exi in the very near future. Plea se ,,, w ri te your Senators a nd Con qr essmen now. Urge them to b e p resent when the bills are debated and to ggggse any weakening amendments. Ask them to '^te for the bills as , report ed out fay the , c omm ittee. Weakening amendements that we fear may be raised on the flcsor include an exeRWition for Western water projects (Senate) and general attacks on Secton 7 by water and agricultural interests (House? . j. X ROCKV MOMlsi r«IIM I^E:G I OIMl=li_ Ft#=^FeE F>i_iPiiNi-r c::oisii=-Ei=i:EtMc:::E: Th» Demver Botanic Barden COBG> was the site of this successful conference. Organized by the Colorado Native Plant Society and cosponsored by the Denver Botanic Bardens; National Park Ser- vice? U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; the Native Plant Societies of Utah, Wyoming and New HexicD; and the Association -of Western Native Plant So- cieties, the conference was held on the fifth and slKth of November, Approximately two hund- red persons from ten of the western states at- tended, representing a wide range of Interests, frcwn industry to the interested layperson. The theme, "Energy Development and Rare Plants* Planning for the Future," was addressed in six sessions* Federal Programs, State Programs, In- fcMrmation Sources, Industry Programs, Field In- ventory and Plant Haterials, and hkirk Groups to Seek Solutions. For many, se^e of the high points of the confei — ence occurred during the long breaks and the social hour. These times permitted everyone to meet with old acquaintances and discuss problems on an individual basis between agency and indus- try or university and industry representati ves. Below is a brief review of several of the pres- entations at the conference. Ms, Carolyn Johnson, representing the Natural Resources De- fense Cewncil (NRDGl, spoke on the status of plants under the Endangered Species Act . This included a review of the piaNrf ormance of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, as the lead agency under the ESA, and coiiMiientB on the re- authorization of the ESA that will come before Congress this year, pointed out that it was particularly discouraging that the new require- ment that agencies confer regarding the likely impact of projects on proposed species has not been fully implemented. Ms. Johnson also indicated that numerous amend- ments intended to weaken the protective provi- sions of the ESA are under consider at I cm. Sev- eral would weaken the regulation of interstate and foreign commerce in Listed taxa, or compli- cate prosecution of such offenses. The impact on certain plants, especially horticul turaily valuable cacti, which are threatened fay overcol— lecting, might be severe. The fact that the reauthorization of the ESA in a form that would offer protect* cm to plants will be a major struggle was emphasized. The NRIC and several conservation organ! zations have formed a loose coalition to wc»-k for a strong bill. Some of fheir rommoii goals are to work for continued eligibility for protection for all taxa, a continuation of Federal-State coopera- tive prc^rams, and prompt Listing of taxa on the basis of their biological status and commercial exploitation. One presentation during the State Policies sec- tion was by Mr- Larry Thompson of Montana. Mister Thompson stated that Montana contained a high floristic diversity, but has been the sub- ject of relatively little botanical study. He indicated that one of the major problems in his state was the lack of a recent, comprehensive flora or a state list of rare and endangered plants, although an effort to compile a state list was underway. Though Montana, like Colorado, has no state reg- ulations specifically offering protection for rare plants, it does have statutes that imply protection. The acts are the Montana Environ- mental Policy Act of 1971, the Montana Major Fa- cility Siting Act Of 1973, and the Montana Strip and Undergr cjtind Mine Reclamation Act of 1973. An environmental factor that must be considered under the Siting Act is the "effects on plant and animal life" and “effects on unique or otherwise significant ecosystems,” If a feder- ally classified or otherwise recognized rare or unique plant were to be discovered in a project area, the Siting Board would have these options: Dgrant the siting certificate and damage the population, 2)deny the certificate, or 31 grant a conditional certificate requiring modifica- tions to the proposed facility, impact mitiga- tion, or restoration or reestabl i shiwent of plant communities. To date, rare plants have not been an issue. The Reclamation Act specifies "that certain lands, because of their unique or unusual char- acteristics may not be strip-mined or under- ground mined under any circumstances," and that a permit shall not be issued for "land having special, exceptional, critical, or unique char- acter! sties. " This section has been invoked only four times in the history of the Act, though none of the cases involved rare plants. Dr- William A. Weber of the University of Colo- rado Museum gave a presen t at iewn entitled "The Real Data Base, and the Flora Manual . " He ex- pressed concern about the vegetation surveys that are occurring today in conjunction with de- velopment. Particular problems include uncoord- inated surveys resulting in a duplication of effort, surveys resulting in only sight reports, poor quality specimens, and most itnportantl y , surveys that are conducted with none of the specimens being deposited in a recognized, sci- entific herbarium (the real data base). Dcjcter Weber pointed out that whole collections are not always submitted for veri f icat i on, and the ecol- ogist may choose not to submit specimens about which he or she is not confident of a correct identification. He stated that Hiis was not wise. For instance. Dr, Dieter Wilken had showed him a plant from the Piceance Basin which has consistently been passed over as Agciilegia fcaroebyi, and had not been examined for flowers and fruit. This plant, in fact, was an unde- scribed endemic specie* of Jhsl ictr-tim*, In order to Change these practices. Dr. Weber urged impact ecologist* to request at least one full season for surveys, to collect at least one excellent specimen of each species encountered, and that the first set of specimens be deposited at a recognized herbarium for review by a pro- fessional taxonomist. Doctor Weber then made a few comments regarding his in-progress writing of two complimentary handbooks to provide coverage of the Ckilorado flora. He is committed to generating manuals that are affordable and easily handled in the field. Thanks to a bequest by Mrs. Crisp of Denver, Dr. Weber has been able to purchase a word processor, which has enabled him to produce a basic manuscript. He is now approaching in- dustry, foundations, and individuals for contri- butions to Subsidize the art work (*200 per plate) and the final publication. If you would like to contribute to this needed and worthwhile project, please contact Dr, Weber, Join the COLORADO NATIVE PLANT SOCIETY on a field trip to the PICEANCE BASIN June 25-26 SEE RAKE Plants , LEAR^J about Plant Coiaarunities , and More . . . To register, or for more information, call KAEEH EBERLE in Craig at 824-8261. The paper presented by Dr. Patricia Rand ot the Atlantic Richfield Company, ®ititled "Business and the Botanist^" caused everyone to sit up and take notice. Her remarks were based upcni the following Tc»ir premises i i) change is the uni- versal order of life; 2) despite natural comings and goings of species, people have an ethical obligation as well as the absolute necessity of sharing living space on earth with the multitu- dinous forms of life, which have evolved through time and upon which our survival dependsi 3> in- dustry, as a part of society, must share the burden of caring for earth's inhabitantsi and 41 if we are losing the tight to save endangered plant species, we are doing so befcause we have failed in the marketplace and the halls of the money changers, to convey the importance of plants. Doctcir Rand stated that the major difficulty in bringing about consideration for rare plants is the fundamental lack of adequate education, and the communication between botanists and the world at large, including industry. To commun- icate, individuals mist speak the same language. If the wcw"ld won't learn ours, then we will have to learn the world's. The botanical message, indicatt^ Rand, is more powerful than any that other biologists tell. Without plants, neither birds, nor fish, nor bear, nc»- human beings themselves can sur — Vive, So what language must t«e speak to be understood? According to Dr, Rand, one must speak a Jargon recognizable by engineers, for it Is they who cQhtrol the company fortunes, abet- ted by the business administration majors and a smattering of geologists. How many engineers take biology? She stated that there is no biology department at the Colo- rado School of Hines. In Dr. Rand's words, why would we be surprised that engineers and miners don't understand our language? We don't teach them the grammar, but we expect them to trans- late at complicated levels. The understanding of principles and their applicaticm in the liv- ing world is the ingredient that professional biologists must supply the world. Siaply, though effectively put. Dr. Rand suggested that we each take an engineer to lunch today. The proceedings are currently being produced with the assistance of the Naticnial Park Service and the U. S, Fish and Wildlife Service. If you were not a registered attendant at the confer- ence and wish to acquire a copy, please write to PROCEEDINGS, COMPS, P. O. Box 200, Fort Collins Ca S0S22. There is a possibility that there will be a charge for the proceedings. - d, Scott Peterson iF.I' c? » Ki-tc=iear*i Ocal. C3r~&dc3i Via Anemones are a showy compimnSNit of forests and meadows over much of the North<^n Hemisphere. Spring travelers marvel at the many, confusing species of Poppy Anemones that abound throughcxit the Mediterranean basin, such as A. coronarim, A. tulgens and A. hmldraichii. The Woodland An(^K3ne n^ parvi flora is adapted to such special - ized conditions that it cannot be expected to grow under garden ccmditions. Attempting to grow it along the Front Range Urban Corridor is tantjUNsunt to cruel and unusual punishment, if not cmtright murder. There are dozens of other l^emc^es in cultivation which approximate ft. pmrififlors in effect, but which are commercially available from bulb houses and mail order nurseries. A few of these include ft. ft. ^ppeninsi ft. neaorosa, ft. flaccida, ft. hai FtiJCE; Ocr» 1 C3r^ cj Tr"^ When the school childr^ of Colorado chose the blue spruce as their state tree, they could not have chos^ a more appropriate species. Blue spruce was discovered in Colorado, most of the natural blue spruce grows there, and the largest and best-formmd trees of the species have been fcHind in Colorado. ft i story — In 1939, through a resolution of the General Assembly (Joint House Resolution No. 7J , blue spruce became the official state tree of Colorado. This action was prompted by a voting among elementary school children 47 years earlier on Arbor Day (Wixson, 19121 in 1892 and part of the preamble of the resolution accurate- ly recognizes this fact. Another part of the preamble, however, is inaccurate. It espouses the oft-held belief that blue spruce was discov- ered by Dr. C. C. Parry on the slopes of Pikes Peak in 1862. This is not surprising, because some £«:ientists (Sargent, 1897| Sudworth, 19161 had rep«»rted it that way. In reality, p^rry discovered our state tree a year ewrlier on Clear Creek , about 35 miles west of Denver, Colorado TerritCM'y, Dr. C. C. Parry, called ColtH^ado^s foremost bo- tanical explorer by Joseph Ewan (1950), made several trips to the Rocky Hountains, but his 1(961 and 1862 trips are most important here. British-born, Parry was educated in the United States, taking his N.D. at ColuM^ia College in lB46, .»4iere he studied medical botany under the eminent Dr. John Torrey, Shortly, after grad- uation, Parry began his practice of medicine in Davenport, Iowa, also his later base of opera- tions for botanical exploraticm. Having served as surgeon-naturalist on Owen's geological sur- vey in 1848 (Ewan, 1950}, and as a botanist on the Next can Boundary Survey in 1849, he turned his sights to the Rocky Hountains. In 1861, Parry came alone to Colorado. Accord- ing to hi* “Physiographical sketch" (18621 he came to this region "with the especial object of studying Its alpine vegetation and making col— lert. ioiis nf ils iiaLive plauts*" He established an observation station near the headwaters of (Continued on page 71 THE BLUE SPRUCE , who enumerated the flowering plants and fay Dr, George Engelmann of St, Louis, Mo. who listed the conifers in a joint article with paf-ry aa6z>. Included in the list of ccsnifers collected by Parry in 1861 is Abies Jfenziesii Lindl. This was undoubtedly blue spruce. In his notes. Parry referred to a finely shaped tree, which had a rather stiff outline and exhibited rapid growth. The wood was considered to be very compact but coarse-grained and pitchy. Parry also indicated in his notes that the logs of blue spruce tapered too rapidly to be useful as sawtimber (blue spruce is seldcw# logged even today 1. To Parry’s notes, Englemann added that the leaves were stouter than any other allied spwcies, and very acute, an observation with i#iich you wcHild agree, if you've handled blue spruce^ branches and needles. Usa Bray (1863) also used the naims Abi^s^ Hewariesii Lindl. for blue spruce, in his enumeration of the plants collected by Parry, accompanied by Elihu Hall and J, P. Harbour, in ColcNracIci in 1862. The fact that both Engelmann and Gray were referring to blue spruce with this name is clear from Parry's (1863> use of it, too, in his description of his ascent of Pikes Peak on July l, 1862, In a letter to Torrey, he wrote that the trees present in- cluded Abi«s grant/ij: (probably white flrl wtiich was remarkable for the unusual length and breadth of its leaves; Abivs (Dcwglas— fir, by an old name) and Pinus pon Arvada Scott Ellis (82) Fort Collins Lloyd Hayes (82) Fort Collins Bob Heapes (83) Par ker Sue Martin (82) Fort Collins Beth Painter (83) Fort Collins Myrna Steinkamp (83) Fort Collins Eleanor V>on Bargen (82) Denver 440-3812 491-6524 442-1020 776-2609 824-8261 233-8133 493-6069 2Z6-S365 841-3978 226-3371 482-2283 226-3371 756-1400 COMMITTEES CONSERVATIC»* EDITORIAL EDUCATION FIBLD TRIPS 0OVER»#IENTAL AFFAIRS HORTICULTURE S. REHABILITATION MEMBERSHIP PUBLICITY FLORISSANT Barry Johnston 234-4011 Les Shader 484-0107 Virginia Dionigi 776-2609 Scott Ellis 493-6069 J, Scott Peterson 886-5887 Gayle Weinstein 575-2548 Myrna Steinkamp 226-3371 Bob Bowitan 221-3714 Mary Edwards 233-8133 COLORADO NATIVE PLANT SOCIETY P. O. BOX 200 FORT COLLINS CO 80322 SCHEDULE OF MEMBERSHIP FEES LIFE *250.00 SUPPORTIhMS 50,00 ORGANIZATION 25,00 FAMILY OR DUAL 12.00 INDIVIDUAL 8,00 STUDENT OR SENIOR 4.00 NEWSLETTER ARTICLES Please direct all contributions and articles to the EDITOR in care of the Society's mailing address. Deadlines for the quarterly NEWSLETTER are the first day of February, May, August and November with publicaticwi the last day of the month. MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS AND I^TORMATION Please direct all membership appl icatons, renew- als and address changes to the MEMBERSHIP Chait — person in care of the Society's mailing address. other inquiries regarding the Society to the SECRETARY in care of the Society's mailing address. Colorado Native Plant Society P. O. Won 2164 Fort Collins CO 80522 Non-Profit Org. U. S. Postage PAID Permit #7 Ft. Collins, CO DR. DEXTER W. HESS 2202 SANTA FE AVE. LA JUNTA CO 81050 la