473 r it 3 H3Z - 13 ‘Hj tx, HAWAIIAN BOTANICAL SOCIETY Vol. I,_ No,. 4 May 1962 N E X T M E E T I N. G May 10, 1962 - Thursday* PLACE: Agee Hall, Experiment Station of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association, 1527 Keeaumoku Street, Honolulu 14, SUBJECT: "The gonophyll theory: a new interpretation of the angiospcrm flower," SPEAKER: , Dr,. S, Melville, Botanist, The Herbarium and Library, Royal Botanic Gardens ,~TCow,~ Richmond, Surrey, Great Britain, ■ .This special 1 e c t u re7 *wh i c h is being sponsored jointly by the Hawaiian Botanical Society, Hawaiian Academy of Science, and Sigma XI,. begins at 8 p, m. Botanies! Society members are asked to come early to attend a 7:30 business meeting, * Please note deviation from the usual meeting time. The meeting in June will be held on the first Monday (June 4), Jtf JE M ME M BE AS : Hie following were elected to Society membership on April 2, Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum: Dr, Roland W, Force (director). Plant Quarantine Division, Agricultural Research Service, U, S, Department of Agriculture: Robert JIM F raker and Charles D. Nigro. Department of Horticulture, University of Hawaii : Dr, Beyoung H. Kwack and PA _R_._ JhgadejOs_ j? iwis ad , Nominations for membership ("Any person , , , interested in plant life") should be sent, to the Membership Committee Chairman, Dr, Constance Hartt (K.S.P.A, Experiment Station, Honolulu 14) , M _E M BLR SHIP A H Z £ H M A A L 0 H * Please return the index form which was distributed to Society members on or before the May 10 meeting. It may be mailed to the Secretary or given to him at the mooting. The information will be used for a catalog, and portions will bo utilized for the membership directory. Since some may have lost or misplaced the questionnaire, an additional copy is attached to this- issue of the newsletter, H A H A I I AN AC A D E M Y OF SCIENCE: The final (Spring) session of the 37th annual meeting of the Academy will be held on April 25 &. 26 (i/ednosday and Thursday), 7:30 p„m., at Agee Hall, Hie banquet will begin at 7 p.m. on Saturday, April 28. Society member Dr. Alexandci Spoehr (Academy President) will be the speaker. The subject: "The f utur e' of' anthropology in the Pacific," It will bo held at Queen's Surf, 2709 Kalakaua Ave, 2 Hawaii sin Botanical Society Newsletter . - Kay 1962 HAWAIIAN BOTANICAL SOCIETY NEWSLETTER, Honolulu, Hawaii, Published monthly except during the summer months of July, August, and September , Leadline -2 2nd of each month, EDITOR . , „ , , , Alvin K, Chock (Plant Quarantine Div«, U.S.D.A. & Bishop Museum) REPORTERS « . . . Charles H, Lamoureux (University of Hawaii) Constance Hartt (Haw'n Sugar Planters'1 Ass'n Experiment Station) 1 Donald P, Cowing (Pineapple Research Institute) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE": President, Charles H. Lamoureux (Univ, Hawaii) ; Vice-President, Maxwell S, Doty (Univ. Hawaii); Secretary, Alvin K« Chock (U.S.D.A, c: B.P, Bishop Museum); Treasurer, Wil liaiU M. Bush (Castle '& Cooke’, Inc,); Donald P. Gowing (P.R.I.) and Firs. J. II « Beaumont, MEMBERSHIP COMMIT'TSE : Constance Hartt (H.S..P.A, Expt, Sta., 1527 Keeaumolcu St,, Honolulu 14)/ chairman; Iichi Yahagihara (P.R.I.) and Haruyuki Kamemoto (U. H, ) , DUES: $2.00 per year (Remit to Tresurer, W.M. Bush, P.0, Box 2990, Honolulu 2), ; R E C S N T ' P U 3 L I C A T I, 0 N S : Cooil, Bruce J., Yoshio Watanabe, Edward T. Fukunaga, and Shigeru Nakata. (Oct,) 1961, Responses to Phosphate in Coffee. H.A.E.S. Tech, Prog. Rpt, 133, Nishiyama, Ichizo, Kazuma Fujise, Tei Teramura, and Tsukasa Miyazaki* 1961,, Studies of sweet potato and its related species. I, Comparative investigations on the chromosome numbers and the main characters of Ipomoea species in section Batatas, Jap. Jour. Breed, 11(11 :37-43. II,. Physiological and ecological characters of IC123 (Ipomoea trifida (II.B.K.) G.Don.). Jap,. Jour, - Breed, 11(4) : 251-268* Yen, Douglas E, (July 1) 1961, Evolution of the sx^eet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L«) Lain, ) . Nature 191 (4785 j : 93-94. W CACTUS AND SUCCULENT' SHC'I ' . . \ , / -J . y'h 'trA .a Tne Friends of Foster Garden are .sponsoring , a cactus and ; Cjf y Ad succulent show which xd.ll be held on May 1 and 2 (Tuesday y and Wednesday) at the Japanese Chamber of Commerce, / / ( • t> A 2454 South Beretania Street, Anyone may enter and A ^ 1 */" j register exhibits on April 30 (7-9 p.m.) and May 1 (7:30-9:00 a.m.). < u Entries must be. removed on May 2 (5-7 p.m.), The divisions (there are several categories for each, according to kind and type) are horticultural (potted plants; no cans accepted), decorative' (cut plant materials), junior (exhibitors 14 years old or under), arid, professional decorative (not competitive). Judging will begin at 10:31 a.m. , May 1. For furtucr information, call Foster Garden (59-373), 'Elis organisation will hold its annual meeting and dinner on June 18' at the Ala Mo an a' Bouquet Hall. B I. S H O P M U S E U M ASSOC I A T I 0 N tenth , annual meeting mil be hold on Tuesday, May 8, at 8 p.m, in Bishop Hall, Bishop Museum Grounds, On the agenda will be the report on Association progress, election of officers, and a talk entitled ''Stone Age Entomologists" by Dr, Laurence W. Quote, Entomologist, DOCTOR OF SCIENCE degrees Were awarded to five Honolulu residents by the University of Hawaii on April 12 dufing the celebration of the University's 55th anniversary and the 100th anniversary of the Morrill Act (establishing the land grant college program). Included were three Society members: Joseph F. C, Rock, , Professor of Botany at the College, of Hawaii' from 1911 to 1919, author of numerous botanical monographs and revisions, and lobplia specialist; Leonard _D< Ba_yer, director of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association Experiment Station since 1948; and Robert L,’ Cushing, director of the Pineapple Research Institute since 1953, and Vice-President of the Pineapple Growers' Association of Hawaii . -DA \ ktiaiian botanical society NAME : i':_ -• Date 196_ (pTease print or typo) HOME ADDRESS ; BUSINESS ADDRESS „ I (Include firm/ institution name) TELEPHONE: (Residence) (Business) _____ OCCUPATION / P03I IT ON TITLE _ _ _ ... ... PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT: Position Firm/Institution Years (date) EDUCATION : School and Address Degree Years (date) FIELDS OF INTEREST: CURRENT 8ESEM PROJECT(S) : MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANISATIONS: DATE JOINED SOCIETY: REMARKS : 1 Month}" (Year) SIGNATURE Please return completed, fotra to the Society Secretary. ; i 1 , . Vi Vi . >■ -. . . . • , j ' > I . : v . i »*» -i» <■ . ’! . f \ - j - « ’ j, !-i ; 3 Hawaiian Botanical Society Newsletter - May 1962 H 0 R T I C U L TURK £ E P A R T M _E M T SEMINARS: Henke Hall 224 (Conference Room), University of Hawaii on Thursdays at 11:10 a.m, April 26 -"factors influencing flower bud initiation and fruit setting in fruit trees", by Hr P_qiro j Pholprasid, AID student from Thailand; May 3 - "Major fruit crops of the Philippines," by Mr. Nestor V. Magalona, East-West Center Student from the P.I.; May 10 - "Mosaic diseases of corn," by nr. Flaviono A. Aguillzan, East-West Center student from the P.I.; May 17 - "Chemical, basis of plank* 'antagonisms by M£\ Joly.'T. ICunisaki, Research Assistant; May 24 - "Carbohydrate composition of papaya 'fruit,"' by MrYTousif Abuzeid, AID student from Sudan; and May 31 - "Coffee research in Hawaii', by Dr. R« A« Hamilton, Professor of Horticulture, WAND E R 1 N G B O' T A N I S T S & P L A N. T COLLECTING Our treasurer. Bill Bush., is now taking a breather from- his duties at Castle C: Cooke, Inc. He's been on the South Pacific cruise, with a month in Australia, and returns the middle of May, Mrs. J«_K« Beaumont is spending several weeks in the Bahamas - - to look at orchids and other tropical plants. The University's Botany Department took advantage of the Easter vacation - - Dr. Gladys Baker (Visiting Professor) continued her population studies of aquatic fungi at Montana State University's Flathead Lake Biological Station, at the foot of the Rockies, Dr. & Mrs. Vladimir Kraj in a, and Vladimir^ Jr. botanized on the island, of Maui, including Puu Kulcui and. the northeast slopes of Haleakala. A five-some went to the island of Hawaii - - Dr. Max (and Mrs. Meng) Doty made 24 hour observations of temperature variations and incident sunlight energy at different elevations, distances from the ocean, and depths within lava flows at the 1955 Kohena lava flows in Puna, while Dr, Charlie Lamoureux, wife Flo, and Mr. Didin Sastrapradja (from Bogor, Indonesia) collected Metrosideros ('ohi'a- lehua) woods from different ecological habitats, including different dated lava flows to study the wood structure. Collections made for botanists to study: _D_r, J3ubcrt_F rings (Zoology Dept., Univ. Hawaii) collected vascular plants, mosses, and algae from Sand and Eastern Islands, Midway, for Dr. Cho.rles Lamoureux. Dean C. Hamilton (Plant Quarantine Div., A.R.S. , U.S.D.A.j collected vascular plants for Alvin _K. Chock during his entomological survey of Christmas Island. Dr. JVladimir J. Krajina, Visiting Professor of Botany at the University, will be the speaker at the June meeting. He will presented an illustrated discussion on the bio -geo -climatic zones in the Hawaiian Islands. He presented a discussion on the throe species of the genus Mas c arena,. the last meeting. All three species, planted on the .University campus about 1920 by Dr Jos_eph F« C« Rock, arc found hero - - - These bottle shaped palms, natives of the Masca.rene Islands, are M.I angoni caul is, M». v^rschaf foldtii, on d M « r ev an ghani i . Two of them were described as now species in 1942 by Bailey. P L A N T S D 0 N A T E D T 0 U N I V E R S I T Y Dr ■ J oseph F . C . Rock, former Professor of Botany, College of Hawaii (1911-19), donated 30 different kinds of plants to the University of Hawaii, These plants — both native Hawaiian and exotic -- have boon grown by Dr, Rock in the gardens and greehouses at the A. Lester Marks residence in Nuuanu valley. They include the following species: Hibiscus Brnckenridgei , H. woimeac, H. Rockii, Tetraplan sandra hawaiionsis, Pittosporum Hosmori, Markhaitiia Hi iTcbrandt i i , Sapindus" saporina var. Thurs tonii, and Gardenia Brighamaii . A committee will be appointed to’ ensure proper location and care of the plants on the campus. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIES 111 | 1 !! HI 111 III 3 (D O 00 77 715 } Hawaiian Botanical Society Newsletter - May 1952 __ F- I F T IJ H,A U.1.I.I A H S C I k N' G E F A I R W I H NEES The following won the Hawaiian Botanical Soci oty ■ awards at the Fifth Hawaiian Science Fair: Senior Division - "Hormones in Plants", by Karon Mao da, 16, a tenth grader at Jaianao High School. Intermediate Division - "Euglonoid color preferences", by Arthur Yon omo to, 14, student at I'ao School (Maui), F .0 S T E R G A R D E N The Society has received a copy of a letter from the Friends of Foster Garden to the May»r and members of the City Council. The letter indicates that a two acre parcel of land at the mauka-ewa corner of Nuuanu Avenue and Vineyard Thor of are is available for purchase from the Hotftliulu RedeveLtpment Agency, The Friends tf Foster Garden are urging the City to acquire this parcel for the expansion *f Foster Garden* It is pointed out that this is the last parcel *f land contiguous t* the Garden which will he available. Members of the Botanical Society are urged t* write the Mayor or the City Council expressing their views on this matter. ; "'r ... • . - Alvin IC. Choclc, Secretary H aw ai i an . Bo t an i c a 1 So ci o t y 2312-4. Loialoha Avenue Honolulu 16, Hawaii •.A A ' - '* - • P.1 ease Post Pr,. Joseph F. hock P. 0. Box 437 Honolulu S, Hawaii * X * ft A ft x >( * ft fs