31 mint fchT IHithm fiilromi jSrtnmt llntBcrstttj Jfi-ttKHTTU /kit. ?/• fdradWtL -fa m .^v^fo>V\ X- \^ v ANEW, VOYAGE T O CAROLINA! Containing the ExaEl Defcription and Natural Hifiary OF THAT COUN - Together with the Prefent State thereof. AND A JOUR N A L Of a Thoufand Miles, TraveFd thro' feveral Nations <£ INDIANS* Giving a particular Account of their Cuftoms, - - Manners, &c. By John Law son, Gent. Surveyor- Ceneral of North-Carolina. LO N D ON.- Printed in the Year 1709. ; ■ . : t ■ <0b'-~ > ■ —a- JL iJL A*.*/ 0 v. . T ""H O 1 r L w t i|' ^TJ ;Q -T> %j To His Excellency William Lord Graven, Palatine ; The moil Noble, Henry Duke of Beaufort ; The Right Honble John Lord Carteret ; The HonbIe Maurice Ashley, Efq; Sir John Colleton, Baronet, John Dans on, Efq; And the reft of the True and Abfolute LORDS- PROPRIETORS OF THE Province of Carolina in America, My Lords, S Debts of Gratitude ought molt pun- dually to be paid, fo, where the Deb- tor is uncapable of Payment, Acknow- ledgments ought, atleaft, to be made. I can- not, in the leaft, pretend to retaliate four Lord* /hips Favours to me, but muft farther intrude on that Goodnefs of which 1 have already had fo good Experience, by laying thefe Sheets at Your Lord/hips Feet, where they beg Proteai- on, as having nothing to recommend them, but Truth ; a Gift which every Author may t>e Matter of, if he will. " Aa I - ' / E D I CAT I 0 I here prefent Tour Lordjhips with a De- fer! ption of your own Country, for the molt part, in her Natural Drefs,and therefore lefs vi- tiated with Fraud and Luxury. A Country, whofe Inhabitants may enjoy a Life of the greatelt Eafe and Satisfaction, and -pafs away their Hours in folid Contentment. Thole Charms of Liberty and Right, the Darlings of an Englijh Nature, which Tour Lordjhips grant and maintain, make you appear Noble Patrons in the Eyes of all Men, and we a happy People in a Foreign Country • which nothing lefs than Ingratitude and Bale- nefs can make us difown. As Heaven has been liberal in its Gifts, fo are Tour Lordjhips favourable Promoters of whatever may make us an eafy People ; which, I hope, Tour Lordjhips will continue to us and our Pofterity ; and that we and they may al- ways acknowledge fuch Favours, by banifhing from among us every Principle which ren- ders Men factious and lartjnft, which is the hearty Prayer of. My Lords, "T the Country abounds with Ciiriofties worthy a nice Obfervation. In this Point, I think, the Frerich out- Jirip us. Firft, By their Numerous Clergy, their Mijjionaries. being obedient to their Superiors in the highefl pegfee, and that Obedience being one great Article of their Vow\ and firi&ly ebfervd amongjl all their Orders. - Secondly-, They always fend abroad fome of their Gentlemen in Company of' the Mijfionaries, who, upon their Arrival, are order 'd out into the Wildemefs, to make Difcoveries, and to acquaint themf elves -with the Savages of America \ and are oblig'd to keep a firi& Journal of all the Pajfages they -meet withal jn order to pre- fent the fame not only to their Governors and Fathers, but likewife to their Friends and Relations in France ; which is induflrioufly Jpread about that Kingdom, to their Advantage. For their Monarch being a very good Judge of Mens Deferts, doe,s not often let Money or Inte- refi make Men of Parts give Place to others of lefs Worth. This breeds an Honourable Emulation amongft them*, E R E F A C E. them, to outdo one mother, even ivSatigws, and Dm* gerp whereby they gain a good Correspondence with the Indians, and acquaint themfehes with their Speech and Ufjloms hondfo make considerable Difcoveries in a ibort *fifiL ?■""$> m/\ Journals from Canada, to the Mliiidpi, and Us Jeveral Branches, where they have effe- cted great Matters, in a few Tears. J Having fpent mofl of my Time, during my eight Tears Abode.m Czrohm in traveling b I not only furvey d the Lrfif thf ?«*ts which are already inhabited by the Lhrijhans , but lihewife view d a fpatious TraB of Land, lying betwixt the Inhabitants and the Ledaes of Mountains, from whence our nobleft Rivers have their Ktje running towards the Ocean, where they water as pleafant a Country as any in Europe; the Difcovery of which being never yet made publick, I have, in the fol- lowing Sheets, given you a faithful Account thereof woerein I have laid down every thing with Impartiality wd Irutto, which is indeed, the Duty of every 4uthor and preferable to a fmooth Stile, accompany d with Fal- fities and Hyperboles. Great V art of this pleafant and healthful Country is inhabited by none but Savages, who a>vet a Chri/iian- Neighbourhood, for the Advantage of Trade, and enjoy 4iU the Comforts of Life, free from Care and Want. But not to amufe my Readers any longer with the En- comium of Carolina,, / refer "em to my Journal , and o- thcr more particular Defer iption of that Country and jts inhabitants, which they will find after the Natural Hifto- ry thereof in which I have been very exaff, and for Me- thod's fake, rangd each Species under its diftindt and proper Head, ~. INTRO- ( I ) : INTRODUCTION. N the Y'ear 1.700, when People flock'd from all Parts. of the Chriftian World, to fee the Solemnity of the Grand Jubilee at Rome, my Intention, at that Time,. being to travel,! ac- cidentally met with a Gentleman,whohad been Abroad, and was very well acquainted with the Ways of Living in both Indies ; of whom,having made Enqui- ry concerning them, he aflur'd me, that Carolina was the bell Country I could go to 1 and,that there then lay a Ship in the Thames, in which I might have my PafTage. I laid hold on this Opportunity, and was not long on Board, before we fell down the River, and fail'd to Corns \ where, having taken in fome Paffengers, we proceeded on our Voyage, 'till we fprung a-leak, and 'were forc'd into the Iflands of Sdlly. Here we fpent about 10. Days in refitting ; in which Time we had a great ■ dial " of Diverfion in Fifliing and Shooting on thofe rocky Iflands. The Inhabitants were very courteous and civil, efpecially the Governor, to whofegood Company and Favour we were very much oblig'd.- There is a Town on one of 'thefe Iflands, where is good Entertainment for thofe that happen to come in, though the Land is but mean, and Fleilv-meat not Plenty. They have good Store of Rabbits, Quails, and Fim V and you fee at the poor Peoples Doors great Heaps of Perriwinkle-fhelis, thofe Fifh being a great Part of their Food. On ^the ift Day of May, having a fair Wind at Baft, we put to Sea, and were on the Ocean (with- out fpeaking to any VefTel, except a Ketch bound itomNew England to tarbaloes, laden with Horfes, Fifh, and Provifions) "till the latter End of July, when the Winds hung fo much Southerly, that we could not get to our Port, but put into Sandyhool-bay, and went up to NewTork, -after a pinching Voyage, caus'd by our long Paffage. We found at the Wa- B tering- CO tering-Place, a French Man of War, who had on Board Men and NecefTaries to make a Colony, and was intended for the Mejiajippi River, thereto fettle. -The Country of iW- lork is very pleafant in Summer, but in the Winter very cold, as all the Northern Plantations are. Their chief Com- modities are Provisions, Bread, Beer, Lumber, and Fiih in abundance ■; all which are very good, and fome Skins and Furrs are hence exported. The City is -govern'd by a May-' or, (as in England) is feated on an Ifland, and lies very con- venient for Trade and Defence, having a regular Fort, and well mounted with Guns. The Buildings are generally of a fmaller Sort of Flenjip Brick, and of the Dutch Fafhion," (ex- cepting fome few Houfes : ) They are all very firm and good Work, and conveniently plac'd, as is likewife the Town, which gives a very pleafant Prdfpedf of the neighbouring' Iflands and Rivers. A good Part of the Inhabitants are Dutch, in whofe Hands this Colony once was. After a Fort- night's Stay here, we put out from Sandyhook, and in 14 Days after, arriv'd at Charles -Town, the Metropolis of South Caro- lina, which is fcituate in 32, 45 North Latitude, and admits of large Ships to come over their Bar up to the Town, where is a" very commodious Harbour, about 5 Miles diftant from the Inlet, and ftands on a Point very convenient for Tra,de, being feated between two pleafant and navigable 1. Rivers, The Town has very regular and fair Streets, in which are good Buildings of Brick and Wood, and fince my coining thence, has had great Additions of beautiful, large Brick- buildings, befides-'a ftrong Fort, and regular Fortifications made to defend the Town. The Inhabitants, by their wife Management and Induftry, have much improv'd the Country, which is in as thriving Circumftances at this Time, as any Colony on the Continent of Englifl) J:merzca^ndis of more Ad- vantage to the Crown of Great Britain, than any of the other more Northerly Plantations, (Virginia and Maryland excepted.) This Colony was at firft planted by a genteefSort of People that were well acquainted with Trade, and. had either Mo- ney or Parts, to make good Ufe of the Advantages that cf- fer'd, as moft of them have done, by raifing themfelves to ,greaf Fitates, and confiderable Places of Truft, and Polls of ' - < Honour, (3 ) Honour, in this thriving Settlement. Since the firft Plan- ters, abundance of French and others have gone over,: and rais'd themfelves to considerable Fortunes. They are veij neat and exaci in Packing and Shipping, of their Commodi- ties •, which Method has got them fo great a Chara&er A- broad, that they generally come to a good Market with their Commodities ; when oftentimes the Product of other Plantations, are forc'd to be fold at lower Prizes. They have a confiderable Trade both" to Europe, and the Weft Indies, whereby they become rich, and are iupply'd with all Things neceflary for Trade, and genteel Living, which feveral other Places fall fhort of. Their co-habiting in a Town, has drawn to them ingenious People of molt Sci- ences, whereby they have Tutors amongft them that edu- cate their Youth a-la-mode. Their Roads, with great Industry, are made very good and pleafant. Near the Town is built, a fair Parfonage- houfe, with neceflary Offices, and the Minifter has a very confiderable Allowance from his Pariih. There is likewife a French Church in Town, of the Refer m'd Religion, and fe- veral Meet ing-houfes for difTenting Congregations, who all enjoy at this Day an entire Liberty of their Worfhip -, the Conftirotion- of this Government, allowing all Parties of well-meaning Chriftians to' enjoy a free Toleration, and pof- fefs the fame Priviledges, fo long as they appear fo behave themfelves peaceably and well : It being the Lords Propri- etors Intent, that the- Inhabitants of Carolina Ihould be as free from Oppreflion, as any in the Univerfe •, which doubt- lefs they will, if their own Differences amongft themfelves do not occafion the contrary. They have a well-difciplin'd Militia; their Horfe aremoft Gentlemen, and well mounted, and the beft in America, and may equalize any in other Parts: Their Officers, both In- fantry and Cavalry, generally appear in fcarlet Mountings, and as rich as in molt Regiments belonging to the Crown, which Ihews the, Richnefs and Grandeur of this Colony. They are a Fronteer, and prove fuch troublefome Neigh- bours to the Spaniards, that they have once laid their Town of St. Avgnfiine in A{he§>and drove away their Cattle ; befides B 2 many (4) .many Encounters and Engagements, in which they have de- feated them, too tedious to relate here. What the French got by their Attempt aga'mft South Carolina, will hardly ever be rauk'd amongit their Victories h their Admiral Mouville be- ing glad to leave the Enterprize,- and run away, after he had fufferd all the Lofs and Difgrace he was capable of re- ceiving. They are abfolute Matters over the Indians and carry io ftnet a Hand over i'uch as are within the Circle of tnerr Trade, -that none does the leaf* Injury to any of the EvgliJlK but he is pre fen fly fent for, and punifh^ci with Death or otherwiie, according to the Nature of the Fault. They have an entire Friendfhip. with the neighbouring Indians of feveral Nations, which are a very warlike People, ever faithful to the Englifl], and have prov'd themfelves brave and true on all Occafjons •, and are a great Help and Strength to this Colo- ny. The Chief of the favage Nations have heretofore groan?d under the Spanijb Yoke, and having experienc d their Cruel- ty, are become fuch mortal Enemies to that People, that they never give a Spaniard Quarter 5 but generally, 'when they take any Prifoners, (if the EngliJ/j be not near to prevent it) iculpthem, that is, to take their Hair and Skin of their Heads, which they often flea away, whilft the Wretch is a- Iive. Notwithftanding the Engtifi have us'd all thlflr En- deavours, yet they could never bring them to leave this Bar- barity to the Spaniards; who, as they alledge, ufe to mur- der them and their Relations, and make Slaves of them to build their Forts and Towns. This Place is more plentiful in Money, than moft, or in- deed any of the Plantations on the Continent h befide's they build a confiderable Number of VefTels of Cedar, and other Wood, with which they trade to Cuirajfau, and the Wtfi Indies ■ from one they bring Money, and from the other the Produce of their Jflands,which yields a neceffary Supply of both to the Colony. Their Stocks of Cattle are incredible, being from one to two thoufand Head in one Man's PofTeffion : Thefe feed in the Savannas, and other Grounds, and need no Fodder in the Winter, l: Their Mutton and Teal is good, and their Pork is not inferior to any in America. As for Pitch and Tar, none of the Plantations are comparable for affording the (5) the vaft Quantities of Naval Stor«,asthis Placed jes. There have been heretofore fome Difcovenes of rich Mines m the mountanous Part of this Country ; but being remote from the prefent Settlement, and the Inhabitants not well vers d in- ordering Minerals, they have been laid alide till a more fit . Opportunity happens. There are feveral noble Rivers, and fpacious Trafls of rich Land in their Lordfhips Dominions, lying to the Southward, which are yet uninhabited befides PertRovaL a rare Harbour and Inlet, having many Inhaoi- tants thereon, which their Lordihips have now made a Port for Trade. This will be a mod advantageous Settlement, ly- ing fo commodioufly for Ships coming from the Gulph, and the Richnefs of the Land,which is. reported to be there. Theie more Soutbtrly Parts will afford Oranges, Limons, Limes, and many other Fruits, which the Northerly Plantations yield 10 The Merchants of Carolina, are fair, frank Traders. .The Gentlemen feated in the Country, are very courteous, live very nobly in their Houfes, and give very genteel Entertain- ment to all Strangers and others that come toyifit them. And fince the Produce of South and North Car ohm is the lame, .un- lets Silk, which this Place produces great Quantities of and vervicSd, North Carolina having never made any Tryal thereof as yet, therefore I (hall refer the natural Produce of this Country, to that Part which treats of North Urolina, whofe Productions are much the fame. The Chriltian In- habitants of both Colonies pretty equal, but the Slaves of South CarolinaatefM more in Number than thofe in the North. I fhall now proceed to relate my Journey thro the Country,- from this Settlement to the other, and then treat of the na- tural Hiftory of Carolina, with other remarkable Circum- ftances which Ihave met with, during my eight Years Abode in that Country. . M- CO mill -\ Saturday. ■ ■ I . .., ■ A J. OF 1 thoufand Miles. Travel among the Indians, from South to North' Carolina. N December the 28th, 1700, I began my Tor- age (for North Carolina) from Charles-Town be- ing, llx EngUfi-menin Company, with three IndiM-men, and one Woman. Wife to our In- dian-Gmde, having five Miles from the Town to the Breach we went down in a large Canoe M %e_hadpKmded tor our Toy age thither, ha^ug the Tide of Ebb along with us 3 which was fo far fpent by that Time we got down that we had not Water enough for our Craft to go over, although we drew but two Foot' or there- abouts. This Breach is a PafTage through a Marfh lying to the Norrtwardoi Sullmamm^vA^ the- Pilots having a Look- out thereon, lying very commodious for Marines, (on that Coal!) making a good Land-Mark info level a Country, ri£ Bar being difficult to hit, where an Obfervation hath been wanting for a Day or two, North Eafi Winds bringing great ■?*fcM ' *?a Rains' which> towards the cool Months of USober, November, and until the latter End of March often appear m thefe Parts. There are three Pilots to at' *?% ^? condu6*Ships over the Bar. The Harbour where- the VelTels generally ride, is againft the Town on Cooper's Ri- ver, lying within a Point which parts- that and ^fcy-River tnev beine Land-lock'd almnft nn di and other trOublefomelnfefe., tormenting both Man and Beaft inhabiting thefe IOands. The Pahneto- trees, whofe Leaves growing only on the' Top of Palmeto- the Tree, in the Shape of a Fan, and in a Clufter, like a Cab- trees° - b&ge -y this Tree in Carolina, when at its utmoft Growth, isf • about forty or fifty Foot in Height, and two Foot through : It's worth mentioning, that the Growth of the Tree is not .perceiveable in the Age of any Man, the Experiment having been often try'd in Bmmlas, and elfewhere, which fhews the flow Growth of this Vegitable, the Wood of it being porous and ftringy, like feme Canes^ the Leaves thereof the Bermu- 'Oatis make Womens HatSjBokeets, Bafkets, and pretty Dref- iing-bofes, a great deal being ti-anfported to Penfihania^ and other Northern Parts G$ America, (Where they do not grow) for the fame Manufacture . The People of Carolina make of the Fans ofthisTree, Brooms very ferviceable, to fweep their Hou- fes withal. We took up our Lodging this Night with the Ber mudian 5 our Entertainment was very indifferent, there being nofrefe Water to be had on the Ma nd. The next Morning we fet away thro' theMarfhes jj about Noon we revxh'd anothet Ifland, call'd D ix's Ifland, much like to the former, tho' larger ; there liv'd an honeit Scot, who gave us the belt Reception his Dwelling afforded, being well provi- ded of Oat-meal, and feveral other Effects he had found on that Coaft 5 which Goods belonged to that unfortunate VeiTel, the Rijing Sun, a Scotch Man of War, lately arrived from the v Ijlnms oi'Darkn, and call away near the Bar of AfbUy River,the Ssptembsr before, Qwgt.Gibfon oEGlafco then-commanding her, (8) Septem. 5 noo. who, with above an hundred Men then on Board her, were e- very Soul ckown'd in that terrible.: Guftwhich then happen 'd* naoft.of the Corps being taken up,; -were carefully- interred by Mr. Grabam-y their Lieu tenant, who happily was on Shore du- ring the Tempeit. After Dinner, we Mt. ant Scotch. Landlord, and went that Night to'the North Eafl Point of the Ifland : It being dark ere we got there, our Canoe [truck on a Sand near the Break- ers, and were in great Danger, of our Lives, but :(by God's' Blefhng), got off fafetfo the Shore, -where we lay all Night. Monday, jgg $jf. Morning -we fet. forwards on our intended Voyage. About two a Clock we got to Bulls Ifland, which is about thirty Miles long, and hath a great Number of both Cattel and Hogs upon it •. the Cartel being very wild, and the Hogs yery lean. Thefe two laft Iflands. belong to one Colonel Ca- ry, an Inhabitant of South Carolina. Although: it were Win- ter, yet we found fuch Swarms -of. Mufketoes, and other tro- blefome Infecls, that we got but little Reft that Night. luefday. ; The next Day we intended for a fmall Ifland on the otfur Side of £W-Bay, which joining to thefe Iflands, Shipping might come to victual or careen ; but there being fuch a Bur- den of thofe Flies, that few or none cares to fettle there-, To the Stock thereon are run wild. , We were gotten about hl!f Way to &?eco?z-Ifland, when there fprungup a tart Gale at N.W, which put us in fome Danger of being call away, the Bay being rough, and there running great Seas between the two Iflands, which are better than tour Leagues afunder, a ftrong Current of a Tide fetting in and out, which made us turn Tail to it, and got our Cahoe right before the Wind, and came fafe into a Creek that is joining to -the North End of Bulk Ifland. We fent our Indiaw'to hunt, who brought us two Deers, which were very poor, and their Maws full of large Grubs. Wednefdny CN frie Morrow we went and viiited the Eajlermofi Side of this Ifland, it joining to the Ocean, having very fair fandy Eeechee, pav'd with innumerable Sorts of curious pretty Shells, verv p! ifant to the Eye. Amongft the reft, we found the , S$&T}iJk ->/fter-Shell, whence come the Pearls. They are very large, and of a different Form from other Oy Iters ;. their Colour IL_ (9) Colour much refembles the Tortoife-Shell, when it is drefs'd. There was left by the Tide feveral ftrange Species of a imi* ciligmous flimy Subftance, though living, and very aptly mov^d at their firft Appearance \ yet, being left on the dry Sand,, (by the Beams of the Sun) foon exhale and vamih. At our Return to our Quarters, the Indians had kill'd two more Deer, two wild Hogs, and three Racoons, all very lean, except the Racoons. We had great Store of Oyfters, Conks, and Clanns, a large Sort of Cockles. Thefe Parts being very well furnifh'd with Shell-Filh, Turtle of feveral Sorts, but few or none of the green, with other Sorts of Salt-water Fifh, and intheSeafon, good Plenty of Fowl, asCurleus, Gulls, Gail- nets, and Pellicans, befides Duck and Mallard, Geefe, Swans, Teal, Widgeon, ■ &c. n - - i} Oh Tbitrfday Morning we left Bulls Iiland, and went thro rimr/da^ the Creeks, which lie between the Bay and the main Land At Noon we went on Shore, and got our Dinner near a Planta- tion^! a Creek h aving the full Profpeft of Setpee-Biy : ' W e fent up to the Houfe, but found none at Home, but a Negro, of whom our MefTenger purchas'd fome fmall Quantity of To- bacco and Rice, We came to a deferred Indian _ Residence, talVd Abendaugb-bovgh, where we refted that Night. The next Day we enter'd &wta?-River's Mouth, where is Friday* freih Water, occafion'd by the extraordinary Current that comes down continually. With hard Rowing, we got two Leagues up the River, lying all.Night in a fwampy Pieceof Ground, the Weather being fo cold all that Time, we were almoft frozen ere Morning, leaving the Impreflions of our Bo- dies on the wet Ground. We- fet forward very early in the Morning, to feck fome better Quarters. As we row'd up the River, we found the Land towards t he Saturday. Mouth, and for about ITxteen Miles up it, fcarce any Thing but Swamp and Percoarfon,, affording vaft Ciprus-Trees of rP"eo£ which the French make Canoes, that will carry fifty or iixty Jof ^ Barrels. After the Tree is moulded and dug, they lav/ them Land. in two Pieces, and fo put a Plank between, and a fmall Keel, to prefervethenxfrom the Oyfter-Banks, which are innume- - rable in the Creeks and Bays betwixt the French Settlement and CWfa-Town. They carry two Malts, and Bermudas C Sails, •fevree Hans, C io ) Sails, which makes, them very handy and fit fpr their Pur- pofe-, for although their River fetches its fi'rft Rife from the Mountains, and continues a Current fome hundreds of Mjjes ere it difgorges it felf, having no found Bay or Sand-Banks betwixt the Mouth thereof, and the Ocean. No^withftand- . ing all this, with the vaft Stream it affords at all Seafons, and the repeated Fremes it fo often aliarms the Inhabitants with, by laying under Water _ great Part of their Country, yet the Mouth is barr'd, affording not above four or five Foot Water at the Entrance. As we went up the River, we heard a great Noife, as-jf two Parties were engag'd againft each o- ther, feeming exacHy like final! Shot, When we approach'd /„_ nearer the Place, we found it to be fome Seyee Indians firing the Canes Swamps, which drives out the Game/ then taking their particular Standstill great Quantities of both Bear,Deer, Turkies, and what wild Creatures the Parts afford. Thefe Sewees have been formerly a large Nation, though now very much decreas'd, iince tfie Englifi hath feated their Land, and all other Nations of Indians are obferv'd to par- take of the fame Fate, where the Europeans, come, the Indians being a People very apt to catch any Diftemper they are affli- cted withal \ the Small-Pox has deftroy 5d many thousands of thefe Natives, who no fooner than they are attacked with the violent Fevers, and the Burning which attends that Diftem- per, fling themfelves over Head in the Water, in the very Extremity of the Djfeafej which (hutting up the Pores, hin- ders a kindly Evacuation of the peftilential Matter, and drives it back J by which Means Death mod commonly enfues - not but in other Diftemper s, which are epidemical, you may find a- mong 'em Practitioners that have extraordinary Skill and Suc- cefs in removing thofe morbifick Qualities which afflicl 'em,not often going above loo Yards from their Abode for their Reme- dies, fome of their chiefeft Phyficians commonly carrying their Compliment of Drugs continually about them, which are Roots, Barks, Berries, Nuts, &c. that are ftrung upon a Thread. So like a Pomander, the Phyfician wears them a- bout his Neck. An Indian hath been often found to heal an Mngli ffi-man of a Malady, for the Talue of a Match-Coat -, t Which the ableft. of our Erglifi Pretenders in Jmerica, after repeated -rf-ri fkmm 1-1-- »to. C ii ) repeated Applications, have tleferted the Patient as incurable'} God having furnifli'd every Country with fpecifick Remedies for their peculiar Difeafes: Rum, a Liquor nowfo much in Ufe with them, that they Rum. will part with the deateft Thing they have, topurcliafe it j and when they have got a little in their Heads, are the irh1 patients Creatures living, 'till they "have enough to make 'erri quite drunk ; and the moft miferable Spectacles wheri they are fb, fome' falling into the Fires, burn their Legs or Arms, contracting the Sinews- and become Cripples all ther Life-time j others from Precipices break their Bones and joints, with a- bundanceof Ihftances,yet none are fogreatto deter them from that accurs?d Practice of Drunkennefs, though fennble how many of them (are by it) hurry'd into the other World be- fore their Time, as themfelves oftentimes will confefs. The Indians, I was now fpealcing of, Were not content with the com- moii Enemies that leffen and dellroy ttieir Country-men, but invented an infallible Stratagem to purge their Tribe, and~re« duee their Multitude into far lefs Numbers. Their Contri- vance was thus, as a Trader amongft them inform'd me. They feeing fe.veral Ships coming in, to bring the BvgJiJff Supplies from Old England? one* chief Part of their Cargo be- ing for aTrade with the Indians; Tome of the craftieft ofthem had obferv'd, t|vat the Ships came always in at one Place, which made them very confident that Way was the exa£fc Road to' England ; anil feeing fo many Ships come thence, they b*e- liev'd it could not be far thither, elfeemingthe EngliJI) that were among them, no better than Cheats, and thought, if- they could carry the Skins and Furs they got, them- felves to Enilatii; which were inhabited with a Better Sort of People than thofe fenf amongft them, that then they mould purchafe twenty times the Value for every Pelt they fold A- broad, in Confideration of what 'Rates they fold for' at Home. The intended Barter wis exceeding well approved of, and af- ter a general Confutation of the ablelt Heads amongft them, it was,- Nemitte Contradicente, agreed upon, immediately to make an Addition of their Fleet, by building more Canoes, and thofe to be of the beft Soff, and biggeft Size, as fit for their intended Difcovery. Some Indians were employ 'd about ma- C 2 ^ . king ■ I ! (12 ) They ne- ver hear- ing more of their king the Canoes, others to hunting, everyone to thePoft he was molt fit for, all Endeavours tending towards an able Fleet and Cargo for Europe. The Affair was carry 'd on with a great deal of Secrecy, and Expedition, fo as in a final! Time they had gotten a Navy, Loading, Provifions, and Hands rea- dy to. let Sail, leaving only the Old, Impotent, and Minors at Home, 'till their fuccefsful Return. The Wind prefenting they fet up their Mat-Sails, and were fcarce out of Sight' when there rofe a Temperr, which it> fuppos'd carry'd ' one Part of thefe Indian Merchants, by Way of the other World whilfi: the others were taken up at Sea by an Englijl) Ship* and fold for Slaves to the Tflands. The Remainder are bet- ter fatisfy'd with their Imbecilities in fuch an Undertaking, nothing affronting them more, than to rehearfetheir Voy-' age to England. There being a ftrong Current in 5We^River, caus'd us to make fmall Way with our Oars. With hard Rowing, we got that Night to Monf. Eugee's Houfe, which liands about fif- teen Miles up the River, being the firft Chriftia'n dwelling we met withal in that Settlement, ,-and were very courter oufly received by him and his Wife. Many of the French follow a Trade with the Indians, living very conveniently for that InrerefL . There: is about feventy Families feated on this.River, who live as decently and hap-i pily^ as any Planters. in thefe Southward, Parts of America. The ; French being a temperate induftrioUs" People, fome of them bringing very little of Effects^ yet by theirEndeavours and mutual Affifianceamongit themfelves, (which is highly to be commended) have out-ftript our Englijl^ who brought with 'em larger Fortanes, though (as it Teems) lefs endeavour to ma- nage their Talent to the beft Advantage. Tis admirable to fee what Time and Induftry will (wkh God's Bleffing) effecl. Carolina affording many ftrange Revolutions in the Age of a Man, daily Inflances prefenting themfelves to our View, of fo many, from defpicable Beginnings, which in amort Time arrive to very iplended Conditions. Here Propriety hath a large Scope, there being no ftri& Laws to bind our Privileges* AQueft after Game, being as freely and peremptorily en* joy'd by the meaneft Planter, as he that is the higheft in Dig- nity, ( 13 ) nity or wealthier! in the Province. Deer, and other Game that are naturally wild, being not immur'd, or preferv'd withm Boundaries, to fatisfy the Apppetite of the Rich alone, A poor Labourer, that is Matter of his Gun, &c. hath as good a Claim to have continu'd Coarfes of Delicacies crouded upon his Table, as he that is Mailer of a greater Purfe. We lay all that 'Night at Monf. Engee\znc\ the next Morn- ing fet out farther, to go the Remainder of our Voyage by I and • At ten a Clock we pafi'd over a narrow, deep Swamp, having left t&e three Indian, Men and one Woman* that' hadpilotted the Canoe from ^/Mj-River, having hir d a Sewee-Indlan, a tall, lufty Fellow, who carry'd a Pack of our Cloaths, of great Weight-, notwithstanding his Burden,. we had much a-do to keep pace with him. At Noon w* came up with feveral French Plantations, meeting with feveral Creeks by the Way, the French were very officious in ai- fiftme with their fmall Dories to pafs over thefe Waters, (whom we met coming from their Church) being all of them very clean and decent in their Apparel h their Houfesand Plantations fuitable in Neatnefs and Contrivance. They are all of the fame Opinion with the Church of Geneva, there being no Difference amongft them concerning the PimBthos of their Chriftian Faith j which Union hath propagated a happy and delightful Concord in all other Matters through- out the whole Neighbourhood ; living amongft themfelves as one Trible, or Kindred, every one making it his Bufinefs to be afllftant to the Wants of his Country-man, prefervmg his Eftate and Reputation with the fame Ex actnefs and Concern as he does his own ; all feeming to lhafr'e in the Misfortunes, andrejoyceat the Advance, and Rife, of theirBreth'ren. : Towards the Afternoon, we came, to Monf. VJandro, where we got our Dinner ;- there coming fomeFrewcfc Ladies whilft we were there, who were lately come from England, andMonl. & Grand, a worthy Korman, who hath been a great Sufferer in his Eftate, by the Perfecution m France, againft thofeof the Protectant Religion : This Gentleman very kindly invited us to make our Stay with him all Night, but we being intended farther that Day, took] our Leaves, returning Acknowledgr ments of their Favours. About !■ ( 14 ) S- About 4 in the Afternoon, wepafs'd over a large Gpmsmn 211a fmal Canoe > the French Doctor fent his Nelrotoguide MnTf% ir 'afl 0fu'largtSTaffl^' f° ^gotthlt Night to Moni. M^-3 theelder, who lives- in a very curious contriv'd Houfe, built of Brick and Stone, which ft gotten near that Place Near here comes in the Road fromCharks-Ton>n, and the reft of the tnghfi Settlement, it being a very good Way by Land, and riot above 36 Miles, -althp' more than 100 by Water, and I thinly :the moft difficult Way I ever faw ocS- iiond by ReaTon of the multitude of Creeks lying along the Main, keeping thar Courfe tlW the Marfhesf turnmg and 7i&r^ a ^Sf W^ the Tide °f Eub and Flood - twenty Times in lefs than three Leagues going Monday. The next Morning very early, we ferry 5d over a Creek that runs^near the Houfe , and, after an Hour's Travel in the Woods,- we came to the River,fide,where we ftay'd for the -I* itan who was our Guide, and was gone rourM-by Water in a fmall Canoe, to meet us at that Place wereftedat, HecameaP Mr a fmall Time and ferry 'd us in that little Veifel bver Santec River4.Miles and 84 Miles in the Woods, which the over-W ingof the Fremes, which then came down, had mad* a perfect ^.°», there running an incredible Current in the River which had ca^nr fmall Craft, and us, away, had we n* Had this bewee Indian with us \ who are excellent Artifts in managing thefe fmall Canoes. Santee River, atthisTime, (from the ufual Depth of Water} was rifen perpendicular 36 Foot, always making a Breach from her Banks, about this Seafon of the Year : The general Opinion of the Caufe thereof, is fuPPos'd to proceed from the • werfiowing^offrefli Water-Lakes that lie near the Head of this River, and others, upon the Bine Continent : But my Opinion is, that thefe v~aft Inundations proceed from the great and repeated Quantities of Snow that falls upon the Moun- tains which lie at fo great a Diflance from the Sea therefore they have no Help of being diiibW'd bf thofe faline, piercins Particles as other adjacent Parts near the Ocean receive and therefore lies and iiicreafes to a vail Bulk, until fome mild Southerly Breezes coming on a fudden, continue to unlock thefe frozen Bodies, congeal'd by the North-Weft Wind, dilfipa- -. n ting C *5 ) ting them in Liquids ; and coming down with Impetuofity, fills thofe Branches that feed thefe Rivers, and caufes tMs ftrauge Deluge, which oft-times lays under Water the adjacent Parts on. both Sides this Current, for feveral Miles diftant from her Banks j tho>the French and Indians afhYnfdto me, they never knew fuch an extraordinary Flood there before. We all, by God's Bltiling, and the Endeavours of our In- ^aw-Pilot, pafsYl fafe over the River, but was loft in the Woods., which feemfa like fome great Lake, except here and there a Knowl of .high Land, which appeared above Water. We intended for Monf. When we got to theHoufe, we found our Comrades in the fame Trim the Indian was in, and feveral of the French Inha- bitants with them,whotfeated us very courteoufly,wondering. at pur undertaking fuch a Voyage, thro' a Country inhabi- ted by none but Savages, and them of fo different Nations and Tongues. ^ Afaer we had refrefh'd our fejvss, we parted from a very kind,, C t6 ) h ■Tuefday. kind, loving and affable People, who wifh'd us a fafeand profperous Voyage. . ' . .3 Hearing of a Camp of &wto /»<&»« not far of, we fet out intending to take up our Quarters with them that Nieht. -There being a deep Run of Water in the Way, oaeof our Com- pany being top-heavy, and there being nothing but a fmall Pole for a Bridge over a Creek, fell into the Water up to the Chin j my felf laughing at the Accident, and not taking good Heedtomy Steps, came to the fame Misfortune: All our Beddingwaswet The Wind being at N. W. it froze very hard which prepardfuch a Night's Lodging forme, that I never deure to have the like again % the wet Bedding and freezing Air had fo qualify'd our. Bodies, that in the Morning when we awak d we were nigh frozen to Death, until we had re- cruited cur felves before a large Fire of the Indians. _ Tuefday Morning we fet towards the Congerees, leaving the Indian : Guide Scipia drunk amongft the Santee-hdians We went ten Miles out of our Way, to head a great Swamp, the Freflies having fill'd them all with fuch great Quantifies of Water, that the ufual Paths were render'd unpayable. We met in our Way with an Mian Hut,where we were enrertain'd with a fat boil'dGoofe, Veriifon, Racoon, and ground Nats We made but little Stay; about Noon, we pafs'd by feverai large Savannah's, wherein is curious Ranges for Cattel be- ing green all the Year; they were plentifully ftor'd with H™™; pem&e- and the adjacent W6ods with great Flocks 11 i"rJieS* Thls Day we traveU'd .'about 30 Miles, and lav 1 »irg« at a Houfe wrhich was built for the &&& Trade the Matter thereof we had parted with at the French Town who gave us Leave to make ufe of his Manfion. Such Houfes ■are common m thefe Parts, and efpecially where there is In- dian 1 owns, and Plantations near at hand, which this4%ce is well furnihYd withal. The&Satitee-Indians are awell-humour'd and affable Peo- ple } and living near the Ettglifc are become very tradable iiieymake themfelves Cribs after a very curious Manner ' wherein they fecure their Corn from Vermin: which are more frequent in thefe warm Climates, than Countries more diltant from the Sun. Thefe pretty Fabricks are commonly fup- ( 17 ) T fupported with eight Feet or Polls, about feven Foot high from the Ground, well daub'd within and without upon Laths, with Loom or Clay, which makes them tight, and fit to keep out the fmalleft Infeft, there being a fmall Door at the gable End, which is made of the fame Compofition, and to be remov'd at Pleafure, being no bigger, than that a (len- der Man may creep in at, cementing the Door up with the fame Earth, when they take Com out of the Crib, and are going from Home, always finding their Granaries in the fame Pofture they left them h Theft to each other being altogether tmpradtis'd, never receiving Spoils but from Foreigners. _■ Hereabouts the Ground is fomething higher than about ■Owrfei-Town, there being found fome Quarries of brown free Stone, which I have feen made Ufe of ior Building, and hath prov'd very durable and gpod. The Earth here is mix d with white Gravel, which is rare, there being nothing like a Stone to be found, of the natural Produce, near to ^f^River. The next Day about Noon we came to the Side of a great #rejnefdQ Swamp, where we were forc'd to ftrip our felves to get over it, sqtem. 5. which, with much Difficulty, we effected. Hereabouts the 1700. late Guft of Wind, which happen'd in Smtmbtr hit, had torn the large Ciprus-Trees and Timbers urF6y the Roots, they lying confufedly in their Branches, did block up the Way, making the PafTage very difficult. _ This Night we got to one Sc'tpio's Hutt, a famous Hunter : There was no Body at Home-, but we having (in our Company) one that had us'd to trade amongft them, we made our lelves welcome to what his Cabin afforded, (which is a Thing com- mon) the Indians allowing it prafticable to the Enghfi Tra- ders, to takeout of their Houfes what they peed in their Ab- feiace in Lieu whereof they moft commonly leave fome lmall Gratuity of Tobacco, Paint, Beads, Vc. We found great Store of Indian Peas, (a very good Pulfe) Beans, Oyl, Think- apin Nuts, Com. barbacu'd Peaches, and Peach-Bread j which Peaches being made into a Quiddony, and fo made up into Loves like Barley-Cakes, thefe cut into thin Slices, and dit- folv'd in Water, makes a very grateful Acid, and extraordi- nary beneficial in Fevers, as hath often been try'd, and ap- prov'd on by our pvglijb Praditioners. The Wind, being at ( 18 ) N. W. with cold Weather, made us make a large Fire in the Indian's Cabin ; being very intent upon our Cookery, we fet the Dwelling on Fire, and with mueh ado, put it out, tho' with the Lofs of Part of the Roof. Thurfday. The next Day we travelFd on our Way, and about Noon came up with a Settlement of Satttee Indians, there being Plan- tations lying (battering here and there, for a great many Miles. They came out to meet us, being acquainted with one of our Company, and made us very welcome with fat barbacu'd Venifon, which the Woman of the Cabin took and tore in Pieces with her Teeth, fo put it into a Mortar, beating it to Rags, afterwards ftews it with Water, and other Ingredients, which makes a very favoury Dilh. At thefe Cabins came to vifit us the King of the Santee ^ Na- tion. He brought with him their chief Doctor or Phyfician wh° was warmly and neatly clad with a Match-Coat, made of Turkies Feathers, which makes a pretty Shew, feemins as if it was a ; Garment of the.deepeft fflk Shag. This Doctor had the Misfortune to lofe his Nofe by the Pox, which Di- feafe the Indians often get by the Englijh Traders that ufe a- uiongft them; not but the Natives of" America have for many Ages (by their own Confeffion) been afflicled with a Di« Kemper much like the Lues. Venerea , which hath all the Symptoms of the Pox, being different in this only- for I never could learn, that this Country-Diftemper, or Yawes is begun or continu'd with a Gonorrhoea; yet is attendee! with noaurnal Pains in the Limbs, and commonly makes iuclra Progrefs, as to vent Part of the Matter by Botches and feveral Ulcers in the Body, and other Parts ; oftentimes Death enfuing. I have known mercurial Ungiients and Re- medies work a Cure, following the fame Methods as in the Toxh feveral white People, but chiefly the Criolo\ lofmg their Palates and Nofes- by this devouring Vulture. It is epidemical, vifiting thefe Parts of America, which is often occaiion'd thro' the immoderate drinking of Rum by thofe that commonly drink Water at other Times, cold Nights Lodging, and bad open Houfes, and more chiefly by often wet- ting the Feet, and eating fuch Quantities of Pork as they do, which is agrofsFood, and a great Propagator of fuch Juices - ( I ) Juices as it often meets withal in human Bodies, once tainted with this Malady; which may differently (in forne Refpecls) act its Tragedy •, the Change being occaflonM by the Diffe- rence of Climates and Bodies, as in Europe. We being well, enough afford that the Pox had its flrft Rife (known to us) in this new World, it being caught of the Indian Women, by the Spam/} Soldiers that/ollow'd Columbus in one of his Expeditions to -America^ who after t^heir Arrival in Old Spain, werehslWd to the Relief of Naples, at that Time befieg'd by the French. Provifions growing fcarce, the ufelefs Peo«. pie were turn'd out of the City, to lefTen the Mouths -, a- mongftthefe, the Curtefans'wefe bne;Part, who had frequent- ly embraced the Spaniards, being well fraught with Riches b}r their new Difcovery. The Leager Ladies had no fooher loft their Spanijl) Dons, but found themfelves as well entertain'd by the French, whofe Camp, they traded in, giving the Moun- fieurs as large a Share of the pocky Spoils within their own Lines, as the Spaniards had, who took the Pains to bring it in their Breeches as far as from America •, the large Supplies of Swmes Flefh, which that Army was chiefly victuall'd withal," made it rage. The Siege was rais'd ; the French and Spani- ards retreating to Flanders, which was s Parrade of all Nations^ by which Means , tfois filthy Diftemper crowded it felf into moftNatious of the known World.^ Notv to return to our Doctor, who in the Time of his Afflicti- on withdrew himfelf (with one that labourd under the fame Diftemper) into the Woods. Thefe two perfected their Cures by proper Vegitables; &c. of which they have Plenty, and are well acquainted with their fpecifick Virtue. I have feen inch admirable Cures perform'd by thefe Sava- ges, which would puzzle a great many graduate Practitioners to trace their Steps in Healing, with the fame Expedition, Eafe, and Succefs $ ufing no racking Inftruments in their Chi- rargery, nor nice Rules of Diet and Phyfick, to verify the Saying, qui Medice vivit, mifere vivit. In Wounds which pe- netrate deep, and feem mortal, they order afpare Diet, with drinking Fountain-water ; if they perceive a white Matter,or Pus to arife, they let the Patient more at large, and prefently cur«him. D i After ( 3ol After thefe two bad perform'd their Cures at no eafier Rate than the-Expence of both their Nofes, coming again amongft their old Acquaintance fodisfigur'd, the Indians zdmir'd to fee them metamorphosd after that manner : enquir'd of them, where they had been all that Time, and what were become of their Nofes? They made. Anfwer, That they had been converting with the white Man above, (meaning God Al- mighty; how they were very kindly entertain'd by that Great 15eing 5 he being much plea&'d with their Ways, and had Promis d to make their Capacities equal with the white People in niakingGuns Ammunition,^, in Retaliation of which they had given him their Nofes, The Verity of which, they yet hold, the Mutts being an eafy, credulous People, and moft notonoufly cheated by their Priefts and Conjurers/both fradesmeeting ever in onePerfon, and moft commonly a Spice of Quackfliip added to the other two Ingredients which renders that cunning Knave the Impoftor to be more rely'd upon ^ thence a fitter Inftrument to cheat thefe ignorant 12 ple^thePneft and Conjurers being never admitted to their Practice, till Years and the Experience of repeated Services- h*| wrought then Efteem amongft :the Nations they belong ^ favtee King who was in Company. with thisNqr- nosd Dote , is the moft abfblute Man Ruler in thefe Parts, although he is Head but of a fmall People in Re- lpecl: tofome other Nations of Indians, that' I have feen • Hecanput any of his People to Death that fflh committed any Fault which he judges worthy of fo great a Punimment This Authority & rarely found amongl thefe Savages for' they adt not (commonly) by a determinative Voice BSS Laws, towardsany one that hath committed Murder, or fuch other great Crime, but take thisMethodj him to whom the Injury was done, or if dead, the neareft of nis Kindred profecutes by Way ofanadtual Revenge, being himfflftf Opportunity ferves his Intent, both Judge andlrecSer performing fo much Mifchief on the Cinder, or his neareft Relation, until fuch Time that he is fully fa tisfy'd Ye* Shis Revenge is not fo infallible/but it may be bought 'off- with Beads, Tobacco, and ftich like Commodities that are ufefui (21 ) ufeful amongft them, though it were the moft fable Villany that could be acted by Mankind. Some that attended the King, prefented me with an odorife- jous,balfamiekRoot, of afragrant Smell and Tafte,the Name I know not j they chew it in the Mouth, and by that fimple Application, heal' defperate Wounds, both green and oldv that fmall Quantity I had, was, given inwardly to thofe troubl'd with the Belly-ach, which Remedy foil'd not to give prefent Help, the Pain leaving the Patient foon after they had taken the Root. Near to thefe Cabins are feveral Tombs made after the manner of thefe Indians h the largeft and the chiefeft of them was the Sepulchre oi the late Indian King of the Santeesv a Man of great Power, not only amongft his own Subjects, but dreaded by the neighbouring Nations for his great Valour and Conduct, having aslarge a Prerogative in his Way of Ruling,, as the prefent King I now fpoke of The manner of their Interment, is thus: A Mole or Pyramid of Earth is rais'd,the Mould thereof being work'd very fmooth and even, fometimes higher or lower, according to the Digni- ty of the Perfon whofe Monument it is. On the Top there- of is an Umbrella, made Ridge-ways, like the Roof of an Houfe -, this is fupported by nine Stakes, or fmall Pofts,. the Qrave being about fix or eight Foot in Length, and four Foot in Breadth j about it is hung Gourds Feathers, and other fuch like Trophies, plac'd there by the dead Man's Relations, in Refpect to him in the Grave. The other Part of the Funeral- Rites are thus, As Toon as the Party is dead, they lay the Corpsiupon a Piece of Bark in the Sun, feafoningor embalm- ing it with a fmall Root beaten to Powder,which looks as red as Vermilion j the fame is mix'd with Bear's Oil, to beautify the Hair, and preferve their Heads from being loufy, it growing: plentifully in thefe Parts of America. After the Carcafs-hafi laid a Day or two in the Sun, they remove and lay it upon Crotches cut on purpofefor the Support thereof from the Earthy then they anoint it all over with the fore-mention'd Ingredi- ents of the Powder of this Root, and Bear's Oil. When it is fo done, they cover it very exactly over with Bark, of the Pine or Cyprus Tree, to prevent any Rain to, fall upon it, fweeping. ( 22 ) fweeping the Ground very clean all about it. Some of his neareft of Kin brings all the temporal Eftate he was pof* fefsd of at his Death, as Guns, Bows, and Arrows, Beads, Feathers, Match-coat, Mm This Relationis the chief JVfourn-- er, being clad in Mofs, and a Stick. in his Hand, keeping a mournful Ditty for three or four Days, his Face being black with the Smoak of Pitch, Pine, mingl'd with Bear's Oil. All the whilehe tells the dead Mans Relations, and the reft of the Spectators, who that dead Perfon was, and of the great Feats perform'd in his Life-time h all what he fpeaks, tending to the Praifeof the Defunfi:. As foon as the Flefh grows mellow, and will cleave from ^the Bone, they get it off, and burn its making all the Bones veryxlean, then anoint them with the Ingredients aforefaid, wrapping up the Skull (very carefully) in a Cloath artificially woven of Poffums Hair. (Thefe Mi- am make Girdles, Sallies, Garters, &c. after the fame Manner.) The Bones they carefully preferve in a wooden Box, every Year oiling and cleaning them *. By thefe Means preferve them for many Ages, that you may fee an Indian in Poffeffion of the Bones of his Grand-father, or fome of his Relations of a larger Antiquity. They have other Sorts of Tombs-, as where an Indian is flain, in that very Place they make a Heap of Stones, (or Sticks, where Stones are not to be found h) to this Memorial, every Indian that paffes by, adds a Stone, to aug- ment the Heap, in Refpe& to the decease Hero. We had a very large Swamp to pafs over near the Houfe and would have hir'd our Landlord to have been our Guide' but he feem'd unwilling; fo we prefs'd him no farther about it. He was the talleft Indian I ever faw, being feven Foot high and a very ftrait compleat Perfon, efteem'd on by the King for his great Art in Hunting, always carrying with him an artificial Head to hunt withal : They are made of the Head of a Buck, the back Part of the Horns being fcraptand hol- low, for Lightnefs of Carriage. The Skin is left to the fet- ting on of the Shoulders, which islin'dall round with fmall Hoops, and flat Sort of Laths, to hold it open for the Arm to go in. They have a Way to preferve the Eyes, as if living. The Hunter puts on a Match-coat made of Deer's Skin, with the Hair on, and a Piece of ^he white Part of a Deer's Skin, that 03) that grows on theBreaft, which is faften'd to the Neck-End of this (talking. Head, fo hangs down. In thefe Habiliments- an Indian will go as near a Deer- as he pleafes, the exadr Mo- tions and Behaviour of a Deer being fo well counterfeited by 'em,that feveral Times it hath been known for two Hunters to come up with a (talking Head together, and unknown to each other, fo that they have kill'd an Indian inftead of a Deer, which hath happen'd fometimes to be a Brother, or fome dear Friend ; for which Reafon they allow not of that Sort of Practice, where the Nation is populous. Within half a Mile of the Houfe, we pafs'd over a prodi- gious wide and deep Swamp, being forc'd to ftrip ftark-naked , and much a-do to fave our felves from drowning in this Fa- tiegue. We, with much a-do, got thro', going that Day about five Miles farther, and came to three more Indian Cabins,, call'd in the Indian Tongue, Hickerau, by the EngliJI) Traders, the Hack Houfe, being pleafantly feated on a high Bank, by a .. Branch of Santee-River. One of our Company1, that had traded a mongft thefe Indian j, told us, That one of the Cabins was his FatherVin-Law •, he call'd him fo, by Reafon the old Man had given him a young IndianGivl, that was his Daugh- ter, to lie with him, make Bread, and to be necefTary in what fhe was capable to afTift him in, during his Abode amongft them. When we came thither firft, there was no Body at Homev fo the Son made bold to fearch his Father's Granary for Corn, and other Provifions. He brought us fome Indian Maiz and Peas, which are of a reddifh Colour, and eat well, yet colour the Liquor they are boil'd in, as if it were a Lixivium of red Tartar. After we had been about an Hour in the Houfe, where was Millions of Fleas, the Indian Cabins being often fuller of fuch Vermin, than any Dog-Kennel, the old Man came in to us, and feem-'d very glad to fee his Son-in-Law. This Indian is a great Conjurer j as appears by the Sequel. The Seretee or Santse Indians were gone to War againft the Hooks and Backhooh Nations, living near the Mouth o£Winy- tfM*Rnrer. Thofe that were left at Home, (which are com- monly old People and Children) had heard no News a long Time of their Men at Arms. This Man, at the Entreaty of t hef® C 24 ) Friday. thefe -People, (being held to be a great Sorcerer amongft'ern) went to know what Pollute their fighting Men were in. His Exorcifm was carry 'd on thus : He drefs'd himfelf in a clean white drefs'd Deer- Skin ; a great Fire being made in the Mid- dle of the Plantation, the Indians fitting all round it, the Conjurer was blind-folded, then he furrounded the Fire feve- ral Times, I think thrice h leaving the Company, he went into the Woods, where he ftay'd about half an Hour, returning to them, furrounded the Fire as before j leaving them, went the fecond Time into the Woods s at which Time there came a huge Swarm of Flies, very large, they flying about the Fire feveral Times, at laft fell all into it, and were vifibly confum'd. Immediately after the IWwH-Conjurer made a huge Lilleloo, and howling very frightfully, prefently an Indian went and taught hold of him, leading him to the Fire. The old Wizard was fo feeble and weak, being not able to Hand alone, and all over in a Sweat, and as wet as if he had fallen into the River. After fome Time he recover'd his Strength, aiTuring them, that their Men were near a River, and could not pafs over it 'till fo many Days, but would, in fuch a Time, return all in Safety, to their Nation. All which prov'd true at the Indians Return, which was not long after. This Story the Mnglijb- man, his Son-in-Law, affirmed to me. The old Man flay d with us about two Hours, and told us we were welcome to flay there all Night, and take what his Cabin afforded ; then leaving us, went into the Woods, to fome Hunting-Quarter not far off. The next Morning early we purfu'd our Voyage, finding the Land to improve it felf in Pleafantnefs and Richnefs of Soih1 When we had gone about ten Miles; one of our Compa- ny tir'd, being not able to travel any farther ; fo we went for- ward, leaving the poor dejecled Traveller with Tears in his Eyes, taretum to Charles-Town, and travel back again over fo much bad Way, we having pafsYl thro' the worft of our Jour- ney, the Land here being high and dry, very few Swamps and thofe dry, and a little Wray through. Wre travell'd about twenty Mile6, lying near a Savanna that was over-flown with Water ; where we were very fhort ofVicluals,but finding the Woods newly burnt, andonfirein many Places, which gave us great Hopes that Indians were not far of. Next ( fjj ) Next Morning very early, we waded thro' the Savanna, ($»»> ■<% "the Path lying-there •, and about ten a Clock came to a hunt- *° mics- ing Quarter, of a great many Salens -, they made us all Wel- come 5 ihewing a great deal of Joy at our coming, giving us barbacu'd Turkeys, Kear's Oil, and Vemfon. Here we hir'd Santeejack (a good Hunter, and a well-hu- -mour'd Fellow) to be our Pilot to the Conger et Indians ; we gave him a Stroud-water-Blew, to make his Wife an Indian Petticoat, who went with her Hufband. After two Hours Re- frefhment, we went on, and got that Day about twenty Miles ; we lay by a finall fwift Run of Water, which was pav'dat the Bottom with a Sort of Stone much like to Tripoli, and fo light, that I fancy'd it would precipitate in no Stream, but where it naturally grew. The Weather was very cold, the Winds holding Northerly. We made our Selves as merry as we could, having a good Supper with the Scraps of the Veni- fonwehad gj.ven us by the Indians, havingkilFd 3 Teal and a Pofliim-, which Medly ail together made a curious Ragoo._ This Day all of us had a Mind to have refted, but the Indian Sunday 15 was much againtt it, alledging, That the Place we lay at, was &>!'*• not good to hunt in % telling us, if we would goon, by Noon, he would bring us to a more convenient Place ; fo we mov'cl forwards-, ancl&bout twelve a Clock came to the moft amazing Profpeft I had feen iince I had been in Carolina •, we travelled by a Swamp'fide, which Swamp I believe to be no lefs than twenty Miles over, the other Side being as far as I could well difcern. there appearing great Ridges of Mountains, bearing from us W. N. V/. One Alp with a Top like a Sugar-loaf, ad- vanc'd its Head above all the reft very considerably 5 the Day was very ferene, which gave us the Advantage of feeing along Way jthefe Mountains werecloth'd all over with Trees,which feem'd tq us to be very large Timbers. At the Sight of this fair Profpect, we ftay'd all Night ^ our Indian going about half an Hour before us,had provided three fat Turkeys e:er we got up to him. The Swamp I now fpoke of, is not a miry Bog, as others generally are, but you go down to it thro' a fteep Bank, at the Foot of which, begins this Valley, where you may go dry . for perhaps 200 Yards, then you meet with a fmall Broob E or. Monday. ( g ) or Run of Water, about i or 3 Foot deep, then-dry Land for fuch another Space, fo another Brook, thus continuing. The Land in this Percoaribn, or Valley, being extraordinary rich^ and the Runs of Water well ftor'd withTowl. It is the Head of one of the Branches of Santee-Kiver -r but a farther Difcovery Time Would not permit ; only one Thing is very remarka- ble, there growing all over this Swamp, a tall, lofty Bay- tree, :but is not the fame as in England, thefe being in their Verdure all the Winter long ; which appears here, when you Hand on the Ridge, (where our Path lay ) as if it were one pleafant, green Field, and as even as a Bowling-green to the Eye of the Beholder -, being heinm'd in on one Side with thefe Ledges of vaft high Mountains. Viewing the Land here, we found an extraordinary richy black Mould, and Tome of a Copper-colour, both Sorts very good ; the Land in fome Places is much burthen'dwith Iron, Stone, here being great Store of it, feemingly very good : The. ©viling Springs, which are many in thefe Parts, ifTuing out ■of the Rocks, which Water we drank of, it colouring therEx- crements of Travellers (by its chalybid Quality) as black as a Coal. When ive were all afleep, in the Beginningof the Night, we were awaken '4 with the difmall ft and moft hideous Noife that ever pierc'd my Earsc This fudden Surprizal inca- pacitated us of gueffing what this threatning Noife might pro- ceed from ^ but our Indian Pilot (who knew thefe Parts very iwell) acquainted us, that it was euftomary to hear fuch Mu- 4*ck along that Swamp-fide, there being endlefs Numbers of Panthers, Tigers, Wolves, and other Beafts of Prey, which take this Swarrip for their Abode in the Day, coming in whole Droves to hunt the Deer in the Night, making this frightful Ditty 'till Day appears, the!n all is ftill as in other Places. The next Day it proy'd a fmall drifly Rain, which is rare, there happening not the tenth Part of Foggy -falling Weather towards thefe Mountains, as vifits thofe Parts. Near the Sea-board,the IndianYiU'd 15 Turkeys this Day 5 there com- ing-out of the Swamp,, (about Sun-riiing) Flocks of thefe Fowl, containing feveral hundreds in a Gang, who feed up- ■^nthe Acrons, it being mofl: Oak that grow in thefe Woods,. -"If here are but veryfewPinesin thofe Quarters. Early ,, j ... ... ."._,__. -'.! " ( g ) < in ... ■ ■'! - - ' " '": ' ' Larly the nest Morning, wefet forward for the Congeree-In- diam, parting with that delicious Profpeft. By the Way, our Guide kill'd more Turkeys, and two Polcats, which he ear, efteeming them before fat Turkeys Some .of the Turkeys which we eat, whillt we ftay'd there, I believe, weighed no lefs than 40 Pounds. # ' The Land we pafs'dover this Day, was moft of it good, and the worft paflable. At Night we kill'd a Poflum, being cloyd with Turkey s,madie arDilh ol that, which t aft ed much between young Pork and Veal* their Fat being as white as any I ever law. Our Indian having this Day kill'd good Store of Proviittm with his Gun, he always {hot with a fingle.Ball ,, miffing but two Shoot's in above forty-, they being curious Artifts in mai^afirfgijarGun, to make it carry either Ball, or Shot, true. Whe^they have bought a Piece,and find it to fhoot any Ways erooked,the}r take, the Barrel out of the Stock, cutting a Notch in a Tree, wherein they fet it ftreight, fometimes mooting a- way above loo Loads of Ammunition, before they ;bring the Gun to fhoot according to their Mind. Wetook up our Quar- , tersby aFifh-pond-iide,i the Pits in the Woods that Hand full of Water, naturally breed Fifh in them, in great Quantities. We.cook'd our Supper ,but havingneither Bread,or Salt,our fat Turkeys began to be loathfome to us, altho^ we were never wanting of a good Appetite, yet a Continuance of one Diet, made us weary. The next Morning, Smitee Jack told us, we fhould reach the &ej*$&& Ivdi an Settlement betimes that Day * about Noon, we pafs'd by -feveral fair Savanna's, very rich and dry -, feeing great Copfes of many Acres that bore nothing but Bufiies, about the Bignefs of Box-trees ^ which (in theSeafon) afford great Quantifies.of fmall Black-berries, very pleafant Fruit, and much like to our Blues, or Huckle- berries, that -grow on Heaths in England. Hard by the Savanna s we found the Town, where we halted •, there was not above one Man left with the Women, the reft being gone a Hunting for a Feaft, The Women were very bufily engag'din Gaming : The Name or Grounds of it, I could not learn, tho'L look 'd on, above two Hours. Their Arithmetick was kept with a Heap of Indian E 2 Grain. (a8.) Grain. When their Play was ended, the King, or Caffettas Wife, invited us into her Cabin. The Indian Kings always en- tertaining Travellers, either Englifi, or Indian ; taking it as a great -Affront, it- they pafs by their Cabins, and take up their Quarters at any other Indian's Houfe. The Queen fet Victu- als before us,- which good Compliment they ufe generally ras foon as you come under their Roof. The Town confifts not of above a dozen Houfes, they having other ftragling Plantations up and down the Country, and are Tested upon a-, final! Branch of Santee-Rw$r. ■ Their Place hath curious dry Marines, and Savanna's adjoining to it, and would prove an exceeding thriving Range for Cattb, and' Hogs, provided tlie Englijb were feated thereon. Befides, the Landvis good for Plantations. orf2 bu/3 Thefe Indians are afmall People* '.having loft mufch of their former Numbers, by inteftine Broils • but rnoft bf the Smallpox, which hath often vifited them , (weeping away whole Towns; occafion'd by the immoderate Government of themfelves in their Sicknefs ; as I have mention 'd before treating of the Sewees. Neither do I know any Savages that have traded with the Englijf), but what have been great Lofefs by this Diftemper. We found here good; Store of Chinkapin-Nuts, which they gather in Winter great Quantities of, drying them 1} fo keep thefe Nuts in great Baikets for their Ufe } likewife Hickerie- Nuts, which they beat betwixt two great Stones, thenfift them, fo thicken their Yenifon-Broath therewith g the fmall Shells precipitating to the Bottom of the Pot, whilft the Ker- nel in Form of Flower, mixes it with the Liquor. Both thefe Nuts made into Meal, makes a curious Soop, either with clear Water, or in any Meat-Broth. From the Nation of Indians, until fuch Time as you come to the Tnrkeiruros in North Carolina, you will fee no long *Mofs upon the Trees j which Space of Ground contains above live hundred Miles. This feeming Miracle in Nature, is oc- cafion'd by the Highnefs of the Land, it being dry and healthful •; for tho' this moil bears a Seed in a Sort of a fmall Cod, yet it is generated in or near low fwampy Grounds. The (, ?-9 ^ The Cow^m* are kind and affable to the Evghjb, the^ueeja being very land, giving us what Rarities herCabmattorued, as Loblolly made with Indian Corn, and dry a Peaches. Thefe Convenes have abundance of Storks and Cranes in their Sa- vannas They take them before they can fly, and breed em as tame and familiar as a Dung-hill Fowl. They had a tame Crane at one of thefe Cabins, that was fcarce lets than hx Foot in Height, his Head b«ing round, with a .{tuning natu- ral Criinfon Hue, which they all have. Thefe are a very comely Sort of Indians, there being a ftrange Difference in the. Proportion and Beauty of thefe Heathens. Altho their Tribes er N*tions'border one upon another, yet you may dilcern as great an Alteration in their Features and Difpohtions , as you can in their Speech, which generally proves quite different from each other, though their Nations be not above 10 or 20 Miles in Diftance. The Women here being as hand- Tome as moft I have met withal, being feveral fine-finger d Brounetto's amongft them." Thefe Laffes ftick not upon Hand long, for they marry when very young, as at 12 or 14 Years of Age The Evglip Traders are feldom without an Indian Female for his Bed-fellow, alledging thefe Reafons as fuffici- ent to allow of fuch a Familiarity. Firft, They being re- mote from any white People, that it preferves their .Friend ihip with the Heathens, they etteeming a white Man s Child much above one of their getting, the Indian Miftrefs ever fecuring her white Friend Provifions whilft he ftays amonglt them. And laftly, This Correfpondence makes them learn the In- dian Tongue much the fooner, they being of the French- mans Opinion, how that an Englifi Wife teaches her Hul- band more Englijb in one Night, than, a School-matter can in- a Week. rrr.ni r * We faw at the Cafettas Cabin the ftrangelt Spectacle of An- tiquity I ever knew, it being an old Indian Squah, that, had I been to have guefs'd at her Age by her Aipect,old .-Parr's Head (the Welch Methnfalem) was a Face in Swadling-Clouts to hers. Her Skin hung in Reaves like a Bagof Tripe. By a fair Com- putation, one might have juftly thought it would have con- tain'd three fuch Carcafles as hers then was. She had one of her Hands contracted by fome Accident in the Fire, they fleeping ( 3© ) flecping always by it, and often fall into fad Difafters, efpeci- aliy in their drunken Moods. I made the ftricleft Enquiry that was poffible, and oy what I could gather, (lie was confiderably above iqo Years old, notwithftanding ihe fmoak'd Tobacco, and eat her Victuals,, to all Appearance, as-heartily as one of 1 8. One of our Company fpoke fome of their Language, and having not quite forgotten his former Intrigues with the Indi- awLafies, would fain have been dealing with fome of the young Female Fry .h but theyrefus'd him, he having nothing that thefe Girls efteemU At Night we were laid in the King's Ca- bin, where the Queen and the old Squah pig'd in with us: The former was very much disfigur'd with Tettars, and very referv'd, which drfappointed our fellow Traveller in his In- trigues, .The Women fmoafc much tobacco, .'(as raoft Indians do.) They have Pipes, whofe Heads are cut out of Stone, an. - „ ,Aswe were;on our Road this Morning, our Indi an liiot at a •Tyger,> that erofsM the Way, he being a great Diftance from us. I believe he did him no Harm, becaufe he fat on his Breech afterwards, ancMook'd upon us. I fuppofe he ex- pected to have bad a .Spaniel Bitch, that I had with me, for Jbis Breaftfaft, who run towards him, but in the Midway it opt her Career, and came fneaking bade to, us with her Tail betwixt her Legs. We faw in the Path a great many Trees blown up by the Roots., at the Bottom .whereof ftuck great Quantities of fine red Bole ; I believe nothing inferior to that of Venice or Lem- ma. We found fome Holes in the Earth, which were full of a -Water asf black, as Ink. I thought that Tincture might proceed from fome Mineral,: but >. had- not Time to make a_ farther Difcovery. About Noon' we pafs'd over a pleafant Safur$fy, C m ) m\ in 1 1 flony Brook, whofe Water was of a bluifh Caft, as it is for < ieveral hundreds of Miles towards the Heads of the Rivers ■I fuppofe occaiion'd by the vait Quantities of Marble ly- ing m the Bowels of the Earth. The Springs that feed thefe Rivulets, lick up fome Potions of the Stones in the Brooks - a r!11013 gives this Tin£lure> as appears in all or molt of the Rivers and Brooks of this Country whofe'ra- pid Streams are like thofe in Torklnre, and other Northern Counties of England. The Indians talk of many Sorts of Fiih which they afford, but we had not Time to difcover their Species. , I faw here had been fome Indian Plantations formerly there being feveral pleafant Fields of clear'd Ground and excellent Soil, now well fpread with fine bladed Grafs' and Strawberry-Vines. ' . The Mould here is exceffive rich, and a Country very plea- ling to the Eye, had it the Convenience of a navigable Ri- ver as all new Colonies (of Neceffity) require. It would make a delightful Settlement. We went eight Miles farther, and came to the .Jfateree Ltockanee Indians. The Land holds good, there being not a Spot of bad Land to be feen in feveral Days going The People of this Nation are likely tall Perfons, and great Pilferers, ftealing from us any Thing they could lay their Hands on, though very refpectful in giving us what Victuals we wanted. We lay in their Cabins all Night, be- ing dark fmoaky Holes, as ever I faw any Indians d'well in. This Nation is much more populous than the Come- " reesx and their Neighbours, yet underftand not one ano- ther Speech. They are very poor m Englifl, EfFec'ts, feve- ral ol them having no Guns, making Ufe of Bows and Ar- rows, being a lazy idle People, a Quality incident to motf Indians, but none to that Degree as thefe, as I ever met Withal. Their Country is wholly free from Swamps and Quag- mires, being high dry Land, and confequently healthful producing large Corn-Stalks, and fair Grain. Next Next Morning, we took off our Beards with a Razor, -the ^w^'' Indians looking on with a great deaf of Admiration. They told 4is, they had never feen the like before, and that our Knives cut far better than thofe that came amonglt the In- dians. They would fain have borrow'd our Razors, as they had our Knives, Sciflbrs, and Tobacco-Tongs, the day be- fore, being as ingenious at picking of Pocket?, as any, I be- lieve, the World affords \ for they will Ileal with their Feet. Yefterday, one of our Company, not walking fo fait as the _ reft, was left behind. He being out of Sight before we mifs'd him,and not coming up to us,tho' we ftaid a confiderable time . on the Road for him, we ftuck up Sticks in the Ground, and left other Tokens to diredl; him which way we were gone: But he came not to us that Night, which gave us Occafion to fear fome of the Heathens had kill'd him, for his Cloaths, or the favage Beaffs had devoured him in the Wildernefs, he having nothing about him to ftrike Fire withal. As we were debating which way we fhould fend to know what was become of him, he overtook us, having a V/axfaw Indian for his Guide. He told us, he had mifs'd the Path , and got to another Nation of Indians, but 3 Miles off, who at that time held great Feafting. They had entertain'd him very refpeftfully, and fent that Indian to invite us amongft them, wondring that we would not take up our Quarters with them, but make our Abode with fuch a poOr Sort of Indimsr that were not capable of entertaining us according to our Deferts: We receiv'd the Meffenger with a great many Ce- remoniei, acceptable to thofe fort of Creatures. Bidding our Waterree King adieu , we fet forth towards the Waxfaxos, going along clear'd Ground all the Way. Upon our Arrival, we were led into a very large and lightfome Cabin, the like I have not met withal. They laid Furs' and Deer-Skins upon Cane Benches for us to fit or lie upon, bringing (Immediately) ftewed Peaches and green Corn, that is preferv'd in their Ca- bins before it is ripe, and fodden and boil'd when they ufe it, which is a pretty fort of Food, and a great Increafer of the Blood. Thefe Indians are of an extraordinary Stature, and call'd by their Neighbours fiat Heads, which feems a very fuitable Name for them. In their Infancy , their Nurfes lay ther Back-part of their Children's Heads on a Bag of Sand, (fuch F as (34) as Engravers ufe to reft their Plates upon.; They ufe a Roll, which is placed upon the Babe's Forehead, it being laid with its Back on a flat Board, and Twaddled hard down thereon, from one End of this Engine, to the other. This Method makes the Child's Body and Limbs as ftraight as an Arrow. There being fome young Indians that are perhaps crookedly inclin'd, at their firft coming into the World,, who are made perfectly ftraight by this Method. I never faw-an Indian of a mature Age,that was any ways crooked, except by Acci- dent, and that way feldom ;, for they cure and prevent De- formities of the Limbs, and Body, very exa&ly. The In- ftrument I fpoke of before, being a fort of a Prefs, that is let out and in,- more or lefs, according to the Difcretion of the Nurfe, in which they make the Child's Head flat, it makes the Eyes ftand a prodigious Way afunder, and the Hair hang over the Forehead like the Eves of a Houfe, which feems very frightful : They being ask'd the Reafon why they pra- clis'd this Method, reply'd, the Indians Sight was much ftrengthened and quicker, thereby, to difcern the Game in hunting at larger Diftance, and fo never mifs'd of becoming expert Hunters, the Perfection of which they all aim at, as we do to become experienced Soldiers, Jearned School-Men or Artifts in Mechanicks : He that is a good Hunter never miffesof being a Favourite amongft the Women •, thepret- tieft Girls being always beftow'd upon the chiefeft Sports- Men, and thofeof a grofler Mould, upon the ufelefs Lvbbers. Thus they have a Graduation amongft them, as well as o- ther Nations. As for the Solemnity of Marriages amongft: them, kept with fo much Ceremony as divers Authors af- firm, it never appear'd amongft thofe many Nations I have been withal, any otherwife than in the Manner I have men- tion'd' hereafter. The Girls at \x or 13 Years of Age^ as foon as Nature prompts them, freely beftow their Maidenheads on fome Youth about the fame Age, continuing her Favours on whom She mo ft affe&s, changing her Mate very often, few or none of them being conftant to one, till a greater Number of Years has made her capable of managing domeftick Affairs., and me hath try'd the Vigour of moft of the Nation fhe belongs to •, Multiplicity of Gallants never being a Stain to a Female's Reputation, or the leaft Hindrance of her Ad- vancement, ; ( 35 ) vancement, but the more Wkorijh, the more Honourable, and they of all moll coveted, by thofe of the firft Rank, to make a" Wife of. The Bos Virginia for much coveted by t\\Q Europeans, is never valued by thefe Savages. When a Man and Wo- man have gone through their Degrees," (there being a certain Graduation amongft them J and are allow'd to be Hoiife- Keepers, which is not till they arrive at fuch an Age, and have pall the Ceremonies pra&is'd by their Nation, aim oft all Kingdoms differing in the Progrefs thereof, then it is that the Man makes his Addreffes to fome one of thefe thorough- paced Girls, or other, whonrhe likes belt. Whenfhe is won, the Parents of both Parties, (with Advice of the King) a- gree about the Matter,4 making a PrOrnife of their Daughter, to the Man, that requires her, it often happening that- they converfe and travel together, for feveral Moons before the Marriage is publifh'd openly ; After this, at the lead Diflike the Man may turn her away, and take another •, or if fhe difapproves of his Company, a Price is fet upon her, and if the Man, that feeks to get her, will pay the Fine to her Husband, me becomes free from Him: Like wife fome of their War Captains, and great Men, very often will retain 3 or 4 Girls at a time for their own "Life, when at the fame time, he is fo impotent and old, as to be incapable of making Ufe of one of them \ fo that he feldom mifles of wearing greater Horns than the Game he kills. The Husband' is never fo enrag'd as to put his Adulterefs to Death ; if fhe is caught in the Fad, the Rival becomes Debtor to thecornuted Husband, in a certain Quantity of Trifles valuable amongft them,which he pays as foon as difcharg"d,and then all Animofi- ty is laid afide bewitft theHusband,and hisWife'sGallant. The Man proves often fo good humour'd as to pleafe hisNeighbour and gratify hisWife's!nclinations,by letting her out for aNight or two, to the Embraces of fome other, which perhaps fhe has a greater Liking to, tho' this is not commonly practjs'd. They fet apart the youngefl and prettieft Faces ,ibr trading Girls j thefe are remarkable by their Hair, having a particu- lar Tonfure by which they are known, and diftinguifh'd from thofe engag'd to Husbands. They are mercenary, and who- ever makes Ufe of them, firft hires them, the greateft Share of the Gain going to the King's Purfe, who is fhe chief Bawd, «xerci!ing his Perogative over all the Stews of his Nation,and • • . F 2 his ;;: ( 3* ) . his own Cabin ( very often) being the chiefeft Brothel-Houfe. As they grow in Years, the hot Afiaultsof Lovegrowcooier ; and then they commonly are fo ftaid, as to engage them- felves with more Conftancy to each other. I have feen feve- ral Gouples amongft them, that have been fo referv'd, as to live together for many Years, faithful to each other^ admits ting none to their Beds but fuch as they own'd for their Wife or Husband : "So continuing to their Life's end. At our Wax/aw Landlord's Cabin, was a Woman employ'd in no other Bufinefs than Cookery y it being a Houfe of great Refort. The Fire was furrounded with Roaft-meat, or Barbakues, and the Pots continually boiling full of Meat, from Morning till Night. This She-Cook was the cleanlieftj ever Jaw amongft the Heathens of America, warning her Hands before fhe undertook to do any Cookery ; and repeated this unufual Decency very often in a day. She made us as White-Bread as any Englijh could have done, and was full as neat, and expeditious, in her Affairs. It happen'd to be one of their great Feafts, when we were there : The firft day that we came amongft them, arriv'd an Ambaflador from the King ofSapona, to treat with thefe Indians about fome impor- tant Affairs. He was painted with Vermillion all over his Face, having a very large Cutlafs ftuck in his Girdle, and a Fufee in his Hand. At Night, the Revels began where this Foreign Indian was admitted , the King, and War Captain, Inviting us to fee their Mafquerade: This Feaft was held -in Commemoration, of the plentiful Harveft of Corn they had reap'd the Summer before, with an united Supplication " for the like plentiful Produce the Yearenfuing. Thefe Re- vels are carried on in a Houfe made for that purpofe, it be- ing done round with white Benches of fine Canes, joining along the Wall y and a place for the Door being"left, which, is fo low, that a Man muft ftoop very much to enter therein* This Edifice refemblesa large Hay- Rick; its Top being Pyra- midal, and much bigger than their other Dwellings,and at the Building whereof, every one affifts till it is finifh'd. AH their DweHing-Houfes are cover'd with Bark, but this differs very much-, for, it is very artificially thatch'd with Sedge and Rulhes : As foon a's finifh'd, they place fome one of their chiefeft Men to dwell therein, charging him with the dili- gent Prefervation thereof , as a Prince commits the Charge and I (37 ) and Government of a Fort or Cattle, to fome Subjed lie thinks worthy of that Trait. In thefe State-Houfes is tranf- afted all Publick and Private Bufinefs, relating to the Af- fairs of the Government, as the Audience of Foreign AmbaG. fadors from other Indian Rulers, Confutation of waging and making War, Propofals of their Trade with neighbouring Indians, or the Englijlh who happen to come amongft them. In this Theater, the moll Aged and Wifeft meet, determi- ning what to Aft, and what may be molt convenient to Omit, Old Age being held in as great Veneration amongft thefe Heathens, as amongft any People you' fhall meet withal in any Part of the World. Whenfoever an Aged Man is fpeakmg, none ever inter- rupts him, (The contrary Pradice the EngHfa and other Eu- ropeans, too much ufej the Company yielding a great deal of Attention to his Tale, with a continued Silence, and an ex- ad Demeanour, during the Oration. Indeed, the Indians are a People that never interrupt one another in their Difcourfe-, no Man fo much as offering to open his Mouth, till the Speak- er has utter'd his Intent ; When an Enghfr~Mm comes a- mongft them, perhaps every one is acquainted with him, vet firft the King bids him Welcome, after him the War- Captain, fo on gradually from High to Low ; not one of all thefe fpeaking to the White Gueft, till his Supenour has ended his Salutation. Amongft Women, it feems impoffible. to find a Scold-, if they are provok'd, or affronted, by their Husbands, or fome other, they refent the Indignity offer d- them in filent Tears, or by refufing their Meat. Would fome of our European Daughters of Thunder fet thefe Indians for a Pattern, there might be more quiet Families tound ■ amongft them, occafiorfd by that unruly Member, the Tongue. Fefiination proceeds from the Devil, (fays, a Learned&oaor) a PaiTion the Indians feem wholly free from-, they determi- ning no Bufinefs of Moment, without a great deal of Delibe- ration and Warinefs. None of their Affairs appear to- be at- tended with Impetuofity, or Hafte, being more content with the common Accidents incident to humane Nature, (as Lor-- fes, contrary Winds, bad Weather, and Poverty; than thefe of more civilized Countries. _ _ Now, to return to our State-Houfe,w hither we were invi- ted by the Grandees : As foon as we came into it^they plac'd- 1 '- "- OUT- In in 1 (38) our Englijhmen near the King ; h being my Fortune to lit next him, having his great General, or War-Captaiii.-on my other Hand. The Houfe is as dark as a Dungeon and as hot as one of the Dutch-Stoves in Holland. They had made a circular Fire of fplit Canes in the middle of the Houfe It was one Man's Employment to add more fplit Reeds to the one end as it confum'd at the other, there being a fmall Vacancy left to fupply it with Fewel. They brought in great ftore of Loblolly, and other Medleys, made of Indian Grain ftewed Peaches, Bear-Venifon, &c. every one bringing fome Offering to enlarge the Banquet, according to his Degree and Quality. When all the Viands, were brought in, the firft Fi- gure began with kicking out the Dogs, which are feemingly Wolves, made tame with flarvirtg and beating 5 they being the worft Dog-Mafters in the World ; fo that it is an infalli- ble Cure for Sore-Eyes, ever to fee an Indian's Dog fat. They are of a quite contrary Difpofition to Horfes; fome of their Kings having gotten, by great chance, a Jade, ftolen by fome neighbouring Indian, and tranfported farther into the Coun- try, and fold \ or bought fometimes of a Chriftian, that trades fmJag ?2S The? Crratures they continually cram, and teed with Maiz , and what the Horfe will eat, till he is as fat as a Hog 5 never making any farther ufe of him than to fetch a Deer home, that is killed fomewhere near the India*'*- Plantation. After the Dogs had fled the Room, the Company was fum- mon d by Beat of Drum ; the Muflck being made of a drefs'd Deer s Skin, tied hard upon an Earthen Porridge-Pot Pre- fentlyin came fine Men drefs'd up with Feathers, their Fa- ces being covered with Vizards made of Gourds: round their Ancles and Knees, were hung Bells of feveral forts, ha- ving Wooden Falchions in their Hands, (fuch as Stage-Fen- ' cers commonly ufe- ) m this Drefs they danced about an Hour , mewing many ftrange Geftures, and brandifhing their Wooden Weapons, as if they were going to fight each other; oitentimes walking very nimbly round the Room, without making the leaft Noife with their Bells, (a thing I much ad- mired at ;■) again, turning their Bodies, Arms and Legs, into inch frightful Poftures., that you would have guefs'd they had been quite raving mad : At laft, they cut two or three high Capers, and left the Room. In their Head, came in. a par- cel ■ 1 ( 39 l eel of Women and Girls, to the Number of Thirty odd j every one taking place according to her Degree of Stature, the tallelt leading the Dance, and the leaft of all being plac'd laft j with thefe they made a circular Dance, like a Ring, reprefenting the Shape of the Fire they danced about f Ma- ny of thefe had great Horfe-Bells about their Legs, and fmall Hawk's Bells about their Necks. They had Muikians, who were two Old Men, one of whom.beat a Drum, while theother rattled with a Gourd* that had Corn in it, to make a Noife withal: To thefe Inftruments, they >both fang a mournful Ditty , the Burthen of their Song was, in Remembrance of their former Greatnefs, and Numbers of their Nation', the famous Exploits of their Renowned Anceftors, and all Acti- ons of Moment that had* (in former Days) been perform'd by their Forefathers. At thefe Feftivals it is , that they give a Traditional Relation of what hath pafs'd amongft them, to the younger Fry. Thefe verbal Deliveries being always publiflfd in their moft Publick AfTe.mblies, ferve in- fl.ead of our Traditional Notes, by the ufe of Letters. Some Indians, that I have met withal, have given me a very curious Defcription of the great Deluge, the Immortality of the Soul, with a pithy Account of the Reward of good and wic- ked Deeds in the Life to come , having found, amongft fome of -them, great Obfervers of Moral Rules, and the Law of Na- ture j indeed, a worthy Foundation to build Christianity upon, were a true Method found ou£, and practis'd, for the Performance thereof. Their way of Dancing, is nothing but a fort of {tamping Motion , much like the treading upon Foanders Bellows. This Female-Gang held their Dance for above fix Hours, be- ing all of them of a white Lather, like a Running Horfe that has juft come in from his Race. My Landlady was the Ring- leader-of the Amazons, who, when in her ownHpufe, be- bav'd herfelf very difcreetly, and warily, in her Domeftick: Affairs '-, yet, Cuftom had fo infatuated her, asto almoft break her Heart with Dancing amongft fuch a confufed Rabble. During this Dancing, the Spectators do not neglect their Bu- finefs, in working the Loblolly- Pots, and the other ,MeaE that was brought thither ; more or lefs of them being con- tinually Eating, whilft the others were Dancing. When the Dancing was-eflded, every Youth that was fo dilpofsd, catch'd ' -" - ' ' hold; Tuefday. ( 40 ) hold of the Girl he liked belt, and took her that Night for his Bed-Fellow, making as fhort Courtfhip and expeditious Weddings, as the Foot-Guards us'd to do with the Trulls ia Salisbury-Court. I Next we fhail treat of the Land hereabouts, which is a Marl as red as Blood, and will lather like Soap. The Town Hands on this Land, which holds considerably farther in the Country, and is in my Opinion, fo durable that no La- bour of Man, in one or two Ages, could make it poor. I have formerly feen the like in Leicefierjhire, bordering upon Rutland. Here were Corn-Stalks in their Fields as thick as the Small of a Man's Leg, and they are ordinarily to be feen. We lay with thefe Indians one Night, there being by my Bed-fide one of the largeft Iron Pots I had ever feenjn Ame- rica, which I much wondred at, beeaufe I thought there might be no navigable Stream near that Place. I ask'd them, wher® they got that Pot? They laugh'd at my Demand, and would give me no Anfwer, which makes me guefs it came from fome Wreck, and that we were nearer the Ocean, or fome great River, than I thought. The next day aboutNoon,we accidentally met with a South- ward Indian, amongft thofe that us'd to trade backwards and forwards, and fpoke a little Englijh,whom we hirM to go with tistothe Efaw Indians, a very large Nation containing many thoufand People. In the Afternoon we fet forward, taking our Leaves of the Wifack Indians, and leaving them fome Tri- fles. On our Way, we met with feveral Towns of Indians, each Town having its Theater or State Houfe, fuch Houfes being found all along theRoad,till you come toSapona^nd then no more of thofe Buildings, it being about 170 Miles. We reach'd 10 Miles this day, lying at another Town of the Wi- fach. The Man of the Houfe offer'd us Skins to fell, but they were too heavy Burdens for our long Voyage. Next Morning we fet out early, breaking the Ice we met withal, in the ftony Runs, which were many. We pafs'd by feveral Cottages, and about 8 of the Clock came to a pret- ty big Town, where we took up our Quarters, in one of their State Houfes,- the Men being all out, hunting in the Woods, and none but Women at home. Our Fellow Tra- veller of whom I fpoke before at the Congerees, having a great Mind for an Indian Lafs, for his Bed-Fellow that Night, fpoke (4i ) fpoke to our Guide, who foon got a Couple, referving one for himfelf. That which fell to our Companion's Share, was a pretty young Girl. Tho' they could net underftand 'one Word of what each other fpoke, yet the Female Indian, being no Novice at her Game, but underftanding what file came thither for, a&ed her Part dexteroufly enough with her Culiy, to make him fenfibleof what (he wanted >, which was to pay the Hire, before he rode the Hackney. He fhew'd her all the Treafure he was pofTefs'd of, as Beads, Red Ca- dis, &c. which me lik'd very well, and permitted him to put them into his Pocket again, endearing him with all the Charms, which one of a better Education than Dame Na- ture had beftow'd upon her,could have made ufe of,to render her Confort a furer Captive. After they had us'dthis Sort of Courtfhip a fmall time, the Match was confirm'd by both Parties, with the Approbation of as many Indian Women, as came to the Houfe , to celebrate our WincbeJler-'Wed- ding. Every one of the Bride-Maids were as great Whores, as Mrs. Bride, tho' not quite fo handfome. Our happy Cou- ple went to Bed together before us all,and with as little BluftV mg, as if they had been Man and Wife^fcr 7 Years. The reft of the Company being weary with travelling, had more Mind to take their Reft, than add more Weddings to that hopeful one already confummated ; fo that tho' the o- ther Virgins ofFer'd their Service to us, we gave them their Anfwer, and went to fleep. About an Hour before day, I awak'd, and faw fomebody walking up and down the- Room in a feemingly deep. Melancholy. I call'd out to know who it was, and it prov'd to be Mr. Bridegroom, who in lefs than 1 2 Hours, was Batchelor, Husband, and Widdower, his dear Spoufe having pick'd his Pocket of the Beads, Cadis, and what elfe mould have gratified the Indians for the Victuals we receiv'd of them. Howevervthat did not ferveher turn,but me had alfo got his Shooes away, which he had made the Night before, of a dreft Buck-Skin. Thus dearly did our Spark al- ready repent his newBargain, walking bare-foot, in his Peni- tentials, like fome poor Pilgrim to Lor et to. After the Indians had laugh'd their Sides fore at the Fi- gure Mr. Bridegroom made, with much ado, we mufter'd up another Pair of Shooes, or Meggifom, and fet forward on our intended Voyage, the Company (all the way) lifting up their F 1 Pray- (42 ) Prayers for the newt married Couple, whofe Wedding had made away with that, which mould have purchas'd our Food. ' Weinef- Relying wholly on Providence, we march'd on, now and **■?• then payingc>ur Refpedts to the new-married Man. The Land * held rich and good •, in many Places there were great Quanti- ties of Marble. The Water was ftill of a wheyifh Colour. About io of the Clock, we waded thro' a River, fabout the Bignefs of Dervpent, in Torkjhire) which I take to be one of the Branches of Winjavp River. We faw feveral Flocks of Pi- geons, Field-Fares-, and Thrufhes, much like thofe of Eu- rope. The Indians of thefe Parts ufe Sweating very much. If any Pain feize their Limbs, or Body, immediately they take Reeds, or fmall Wands, and bend them Umbrella-Faftii- on, covering them with Skins and Matchcoats : They have a large Fire not far off,wherein they heat Stones,or (where they are wanting,) Bark, putting it into this Stove, which calls an extraordinary Heat : There is a Pot of Water in the Bagnio^m which is put a Bunch of an Herb, bearing a "Silver TafTel, not much unlike the Aurea Virga. With this Vegetable they ru'» the Head, Temples, and other Parts, which is reckon'd a Preferver of the Sight and Strengthener of the Brain. We went, this day, abou-t 12 Miles, one of our Company being lame of his Knee. Wepafs'd over an exceeding rich Traci of Land, affording Plenty of great free Stones, and marble Rocks, and abounding in many pleafant and delightfome Rivulets. At Noon, we Itay'd and refrefh'd ourfelves at a Cabin, where we met with one of their War- Captains, a Man of great Efteem among them. At his Departure from the Cabin, the Man of the Houfe fcratch'd this War-Cap- tain on the Shoulder, which is look'd upon as a very great Compliment among them. The Captain went two or three Miles on our way, with us, to direct, us in our Path. One ©f our Company gave him a Belt, which he took Very kindly, bidding us call at hisHoufe, (which was in our Road) and flay till the lame Traveller was well, and fpeaking to the In- dian-, to order his Servant to make us welcome. Thus we parted, he being on his Journey to the ■ Congerees, and Savem~ nsis, a famous , warlike, friendly Nation of Indians^ living to the South-ErA of Aftly River. Me had a Man-Slave with him, who was loaded with, European Goods, bis Wife and • Daughter being in Company. He told us, at his Departure, that James had fent Knots to all the Indiar.i thereabouts, for every (43_) every Town to fend ia 10 Skins, meaning Captain Moar, thenGovernour of Ssuth-CaroLna. The Towns being very thick hereabouts, at Night we took up our Quarters at one of the chief Mens Houfes, which was one of the Theaters I fpoke of before. There ran, hard-by this Town, a pleafant River, not very large, but, as the Indians told us, wellftor'd ' withFiih. We being now among the powerful Nation of £faws, our Landlord entertain'd us very courteoufly, fliew- ingus, that Night, a pair of Leather-Gloves, which he had made ; and comparing them with ours, they prov'd to be • very ingenioufiy done, confidering it was the firft Tryal. In the Morning, he defired to fee the lame Man's afFe&ed Tburflay. Part, to the end he might do fomething, which (he believ'd) would give him Eafe. After he had viewed it accordingly, he pull'd out an Inftrument, fomewhat like a Comb, which was made of a fplit Reed, with 15 Teeth of Rattle-Snakes fet at much the fame diftance, as in a large Horn-Comb: With thefe he fcratch'd the place where the Lamenefs chief- ly lay, till the Blood came, bathing it, both before and after Incifion , with warm Water , fpurted out of his Mouth. This done , he ran into his Plantation , and got fome Sajfafras Root, (which grows here in great plenty) dry*d it in the Embers, fcrap'd off the outward Rind, and having beat it betwixt two Stones, apply'd it to the Part affiifted, binding it up well. Thus, in a day or two, the Patient be-' came found. This day, we pafs'd through a 'great many Towns, and Settlements, that belong to the Sugeree-Indians, no barreh.Land being found amongft them, but great plen- ty of Free-Stone, and good Timber. About three in the Afternoon, we reach'd the Kadapau King's Houfe, where we met' with one John Stewart, a Scot, then an Inhabitant of James-Rivec in Virginia, who had traded there for many Years. Being alone, and hearing that the Sinnagers (Indians from Canada) were abroad in that Country, he durft not venture homewards, till he faw us, having heard that we were coming, above 20 days before. It is very odd, that News mould fly fo fwiftly among thefe People. Mr. Stewart had left Virginia ever fince the Ottober before, and had loft a day of the^Week, of which we inform'd him. He had brought feven Horfes along with him, loaded with Englifo Goods for the Indians', and having fold moft of his Cargo, G 2 told - ( 44 ) vij III' ill Saturday told us, if we would flay two Nights, he would go along with us. Company being very acceptable, we accepted the Propofal. Friday. The next day, we were preparing for our Voyage, and baked fome Bread to take along with us. Our Landlord v/as King of the Kadapau Indians, and always kept two or three trading Girls in his Cabin. Offering one of thefe to fome of our Company, who refus'd his Kindnefs, his Majefty flew into a violent Paflion, to be thus flighted, telling the Englishmen, they were good for nothing. Our old Game- iter, particularly, hung his Ears at the Propofal, havin* too lately been a Lofer by that fort of Merchandize. It was obfervable, that we did not fee one Partridge from tbeWa- terrees to this place, tho' my Spaniel-Bitch, which I had with me in this Voyage, had put up a great many before. On Saturday Morning, we all fet out for Sapona, killing in thefe Creeks, feveral Ducks of a Arrange Kind, having a red Circle about their Eyes, like fome Pigeons that I have feen a Top-knot reaching from the Crown of their Heads al- moft to the middle of their Backs, and abundance of Fea- thers of pretty Shades and Colours. They prov'd excellent Meat. Likewife, here is good ftore of Woodcocks, not fo bigasthofein England, the Feathers of the Breaft being of a Carnation-Colour, exceeding ours for Delicacy of Food The Marble here is of different Colours, fome or other of the Rocks reprefenting moft Mixtures, but chiefly the white having black and blue Veins in it, and fome that are red. This day, we met with feven heaps of Stones, being the Mo- numents of feven Indians, that were flain in that place by the- S.nnagers, or Troquois. Our Indian Guide added a Stone ta each heap. We took up our Lodgings near a Brook-fide where the Virginia Man's Horfes got away. % and went back to the Kadapau %. Sunday-. This day, one of our Company, with a Sapona Indian, who attended Stsxoart, went back for the Horfes, In the mean time, we went to (hoot Pigeons, which were fo numerous in thefe Parts, that you might fee many Millions in a Flock- they fometimes fplit off the Limbs of ftout Oaks, and other Trees, upon which they rooft o' Nights. You may find fe- veral Indian Towns,of not above 17 Routes, that have more than 100 Gallons of Pigeons Oil, or Fat \ they niing.it with: Polfe, (45 ) Pulfe, or Bread, as we do Butter, and making the Ground as white as a Sheet with their Dung. The Indians take a Light, and go among them in the Night, a^id bring away fome thoufands, killing them with long Poles, as they roolt in the Trees. At this time of the Year, the Flocks, as they pafs by, in great meafure, obftrua the Light of the day. On Monday, we went about 25- Miles, travelling through Mtw%. a pleafant, dry Country, and took up our Lodgings by a Hill- fide, that was one entire Rock, out of which guuYd out plea>- fant Fountains of well- tailed Water. The next day, ftill palling along fuch Land as we had done TuefcUjc for many days before, which was, Hills and Vallies, about 10 a Clock we reach'd the Top of one of thefe Mountains, which yielded us a fine ProfpecT: of a very level Country, holding fo, on all fides, farther than- we could difcern. When we came to travel through it, we found it very ftiff and rich, being a fort of Marl. This Valley afforded as large Timber as any I ever met withal, efpecially of Chefnut-Oaks, which render it an excellent Country for railing great Herds of Swine. Indeed, were it cultivated, we might have good hopes of as pleafant and fertile a Valley, as any our Englifr m America can afford. At Night, we lay by a fwift Cur- rent, where we faw plenty of Turkies, but pearch'd upon fuch lofty Oaks, that our Guns would not kill them, tho* we fliot very often, and our Guns were very good. Some of our Company mot feveral times, at one Turkey, before he would fly away, the Pieces being loaded with large.Goofe-fhot. Next Morning, we got our Breakfafts •, roafted Acorns be-WedneJ- ing one of the Difhes. The Indians beat them into Meal, and <* _ Toteros, Saponas, and the Keyamvees, 3 fmall Nations, were going to live together, by which they thought they mould itrengthen therafelves, and become formidable to their Bne* rnies. The Reafons oiFer'd by the Totsros being heard, the Sapona King, with the Confent of his Counfellors, deliver'd the Sinnagers up to the Toteros, to conduit them home. &ri&0* Friday Morning, the old King having ftiew'd us 2 of his Horfes, that were as fat,as if they had belong'd to the Dutch Troopers, left us, and went to look after his Beyer-Traps there being abundance of thofe amphibious Animals in this River, and the Creeks adjoining. Taken with the Pleafant- nefs of the Place, we walk'd along the River-fide, where we found a very delightful Ifland, made by the River, and a Branch ; there being feveral fuch Plots of Ground environ'd with this Silver Stream, which are fit Pafbres for Sheep, and free from any offenfive Vermin. Nor can any thing •be defired by a contented Mind, as to a pleafant Situation but what may here be found ; Every Step prefenting fome new Objed, which ftill adds Invitation to the Traveller in thefe Parts. Our Indian King and his Wife entertain'd us very fefpeftfufly. Situt-day. On Saturday, the Indians brought in fome Swans, and =§an. 51. Geefe, which we had our Share of. One of their Do&ors took me to his Cabin, and fhew'd me a great Quantity of medicinal Drugs, the Produce of thofe Parts ; Relating their Qualities-as to theEmun&ories they work'd by,and what great Maladies he had heal'd by them. This Evening, came to us the Horfes, with the Remainder of our Company, their In- dian Guide (who was a Youth of this Nation) having kill'd, in their Way, a very fat Doe, Part of which they brought to us. 4Mlny. ' This day, the King fent out all his able Hunters, to kill Game for a great Feaft, that was to be kept at their Depar- ture, from the Town, which they ofFer'd to fell me for a fmall matter. That Piece of Ground, with a little Trouble, would make an Englijhman a molt curious Settlement, con- taining above a Mile fquare of rich Land. This Evening, came down fome Totems^ tall, likely Men, having great Plenty of Buffelbs, Elks, and Bears, with other fort of Deer amongft them, which ftrong Food makes large, robuit Bo- dies. Enquiring of them, if theyjiever got any of the Be- z,oar -<:. (49 ) tjoar Stone, and giving them a Defcription how it was found, the Indians told me, they had great plenty of it } and ask'd me, What ufe 1 could make of it ? I anfwer'd them, That the white Men us'd it in Phyfick, and that I would buy Tome of them, if they would get it againft I came that way again. Thereupon, one of them pull'd out a Leather-Pouch, where- in wasfomeof it in Powder , he was a notable Hunter, and affirm'd to me, That that Powder, blown into the Eyes, ilrengthen'd the Sight and Brain exceedingly, that being the molt common Ufe they made of it. I bought, for 2 or 3 Flints, a large Peach-Loaf, made up with a pleafant fort of Seed ; and this did us a Angular Kindnefs, in our Journey. Near the Town, within their clear'd Land, are feveral Bag* nios^ or Sweating-Houfes, made of Stone, in Shape like a large Oven. Thefe they make much Ufe of \ efpecially, for any Pains in the Joints, got by Cold, or Travelling. At Night, as we lay in our Beds, there arofe the moll violent N..W. Wind 1 ever knew. The firft Puff blew down all the Talifadoes that fortify'd the Town •, and I thought it would have blown us all into the River, together with the Houfes. Our one-ey'd King, who pretends much to the Art of Con- juration, ran out in the moft violent Hurry, and in the Middle of the Town , fell to his Necromantick Pra&ice -7 tho' I thought he would have been blown away or kill'd, be- fore the Devil and he could have exchang'd half a dozen Words ; but in two Minutes, the Wind was ceas'd, and it be- came as great a Calm, as ever I knew in my Life. As I much admir'd at that fudden Alteration, the old Man told me, the . Devil was very angry, and had done thus, -becaufe they had not put the Sinnagers to Death. On Monday Morning, our whole Company, with the Hor-Moniy, fes, fet out from the Sapona-In'dian Town, after having ken fome of the Locuft, which is gotten thereabouts, the fame Sort that bears Honey. Going over feveral Creeks, -very convenient for Water-Mills, about 8 Miles from the Town, we pafs'd over a very pretty River, call'd Rocky River, a fit Name, having a Ridge of high Mountains running from its Banks, to the Eaftward; and difgorging itfelf into Sapo- »^-River', fo that there is a moll pleafant and convenient Neck of Land, betwixt both Rivers, lying upon a Point, where many thoufand Acres may be fenced in, without H much C 50) f iM '. . 1 •! much Coft or Labour. You. can fcarcego a Mile, without meeting with one of thefe fmall fwift Currents, here being no Swamps to be found, but pleafant, dry Roads all over the Country. The Way that we went this day, was as full of Stones, as any which Craven, in the Weft of TorkJhirer could afford, and having nothing but Moggifons on my Feet, I was fo lanfd by this ftony Way, that I thought I mull have taken up fome Stay in thofe Parts. We went, this day, not above 1 5 or 20 Miles. After toe had fupp'd, and all lay down to fteep, there came a Wolf clofeto the Fire-fide, where we lay. My Spaniel foon difcoVer'd him, at which, one of Our Company fir'd a Gun at the Beaft } but, I believe, there was a Miftake in the loading of it, for it did him no Harm. The Wolf ftay'd till he had almoft loaded again, but the Bitch making a great Noife, at la ft left us and went afide. We had nofooner laid down, but he approach'd us again, yet was more fhy, fo that we could not get a Shot at him. Tu-'fday. Next day, we had 1 5 Miles farther to the Keyauwees. The Land is more mountainous,but extremely pleafant, and an ex- cellent Place for the breeding Sheep, Goats, and Horfes \ or Mules, if the Englijh were once brought to the Experience of the TJfefulnefs of thofe Creatures. The Valleys are here very rich. At Noon, we pafs'd over fuch another ftony River, as that eight Miles from Sapona. This is call'd Helghwaree, and affords as good blue Stone for Mill-Stones, as that from CoJogn, good Rags, fome Hones, and large Pebbles, in great abundance, befides Free-Stone of feveral Sorts, all very ufe- ful. I knew one of thefe Hones made ufe of by an Acquain- tance of mine, and it prov'd rather better than any from Old Spain, or elfe where. The Veins of Marble are very large and curious on this River, and the Banks thereof. <.~ . Five Miles from this River, to the N. W- ftands the Key- auwecs Town. They are fortify'd in, with wooden Punch- eons, like Sapona, being a People much of the fame Number.. 1 Nature hath fo fortify'd this Town, with Mountains, that to ere it a Seat of War, it might eafily be made impregnable ; -having large Corn-Fields joining to their Cabins, and a Sa- vanna near the Town, at the Foot of thefe Mountains, that is capable of keeping fome hundred Heads of Cattle. And. all this environed round with very high Mountains, fo that no hard Wind ever troubles thefe Inhabitants. Thofe high Gifts ( 5i ) Clifts have no Grafs growing on them, and very few Trees, which are very fhort, and ftand at a great Diftance one from another. The Earth is of a red Colour, and feems to me to be wholly defign'd by Nature for the Produftion of Minerals, being of too hot a Quality, to fuffer any Verdure upon its Surface Thefe Indians make jife of Lead-Ore, to paint then- Faces withal, which they get in tho neighbouring Mountains. As for the refining of Metals, the Indians are wholly igno- rant of it, being content with the Realgar. But if it be my Chance, once more to vifit thefe Hilly Parts, I fell make a longer Stay amongft them i For were a good Vein of Lead found out, and work'd by an ingenious Hand, it might be of no fmall Advantage to the Undertaker, there being great Convenience for fmelting, either by Bellows or Reverberati- on S and the Working of thefe Mines might difcover fome that are much richer. . - ■ At the Top of one of thefe Mountains, is a Cave that iop Men may fit very conveniently to dine in * whether natural, or artificial, I could not learn. There is a fine Bole between this Place, and the Saps. Thefe Valleys thus hemm'd in with Mountains, would (doubtlefs) prove a good place for pro- pagating fome fort of Fruits, that our Eafterly Winds com- monly blaft. The Vine could not mifs of thriving well here ; but we of the Northern Climate are neither Artifts, nor curi- ous, in propagating that pleafant and profitable Vegetable. Near the Town, is fuch another Current, as Heighwaree. We being fix in Company, divided ourfelves into Two Parties-; artd it was my Lot to be at theHoufe of Keyauwees Jack, who is King of that People. He is a Conger ee- Indian, and ran a- way when he was a Boy. He got this Government by Mar- riage with the Queen ; the Female IfTue carrying the Heri- tage, for fear of Impoftors ; the Savages well knowing, how much Frailty poffeffes the Indian Women, betwixt the Gar- . ters and the Girdle. - The next day, having fome occafion to write, the Indian Wekefi King who faw me, believ'd that he could write as welU i , '! own Invention, which would have been a good Piece for an Antiquary to have puzzled his Brains withal, in tracing out the Characters ofall the Oriental Tongues.- He fent for fe- veral Indians to his Cabin, to look at his Handy-work, and ' both he and they thought, I could read his Writing as well as I could my own. 1 had a Manual in my Pocket, that had King ZWW'sPifture inn, in one of his private Retirements. The Indian ask'd me, Who that Figure reprefented ? I told him, It was the Pi&ure of a good King, that liv'd according to the Rules of Morality, doing to all as he would be done by, ordering all his Life to the Service of the Creator of all things ; and being now above us all, in Heaven, with God Almighty, who had rewarded him with all the delightful Pleasures imaginable in the other World, for his Obedience to him in this ; I concluded, with telling them, that we re- ceived nothing here below, as Food, Raiment, &c. but what came from that Omnipotent Being. They liftned to my Dif- courfe with a profound Silence^ alluring me, that they be- - liev'd what I faid to be true. No Man living will ever be able to make thefe Heathens fenfible of the Happinefs of a future State, except he now and then mentions fome lively carnal Reprefentation, which may quicken their Apprehen- lions, and make them thirft after fuch a gainful Exchange • for, were the belt Lecture that ever was preach'd by Man' given to an ignorant fort of People, in a more learned Style' than their mean Capacities are able to underftand, the In- tent would prove ineffectual, and the Hearers would be left in a greater Labyrinth thanjheir Teacher found them in. But difpenfe the Precepts of our Faith according to the Pu- pil's Capacity, and thefe is nothing in our Religion, but what an indifferent Reafon is, in fome meafure, able to com- prehend 5 tho' a New-England Minifter blames the French Je- fuits for this way of Proceeding, as being quite contrary to a true Chriftian Pra&ice, and affirms it to be no ready, or true Method , to eftablifh a lively Reprefentation of our Chriftian Belief amongft thefe Infidels. All the Indians hereabouts carefully preferve the Bones of the Flefh they eat, and barn them, as being of Opinion, that if they omitted that Cuftom, the Game would leave their Country, and they mould not be able ^maintain themfelves by their Hunting. Molt of thefe Indians wear Muftacboes, or Whiskers, which is rare ; by reafon the Indians are a Peo- ple .'**» _ — -! ' ( 53 ) _: pie that commonly pull the Hair of their Faces, and other Parts, up by the Roots, and fuffer none to grow. Here is plenty of Chefnuts, which are rarely found in Carolina, and never near the Sea, or Salt-Water j tho' they are frequently in fuch Places in Virginia. ' At the other Houfe, where our Fellow- Travellers lay, they had provided a Dilh, in great Falhion amongft the In- dians, which was Two young Fawns, taken out of the Doe's Bellies, and boil'd in theiameflimy Bags Nature had plac'd them in, and one of Ihe Country-Hares, ftew'd with the Guts in her Belly, and her Skin with the Hair on, This new-fafhion'd Cookery wrought Abftinence in our Fellow- Travellers, which I fomewhat wonder'd at, becaufe one of them made nothing of eating AUegators, as heartily as if it had been Pork and Turneps. The Indians drefs molt things after the Wood-cock Falhion, never taking the Guts out. At the Houfe we lay at, there was very good Entertainment of Venifon, Turkies, and Bears-, and which iscuftomarya- mongftthe/W^/w, the Queen had a Daughter by a former Husband, who was the beautifulleft Indian I ever faw, and had an Air of Majefty with her, quite contrary to the gene- ral Carriage of the Indians. She was very kind to the Eng- lish, during our Abode, as well as her Father and Mother. -■ . This Morning, moft of our Company having fome Inclina. 7*«W> tion to go ftraight away for Virginia, when they left this Place; I and one more took our leaves of them, refolving (with God's Leave) to fee North-Carotiriai one of the Indians fetting us in our way. The reft being indifferent which way they went, defired usj by all means,. to leave a Letter for them,.atthe^dWec&y-Town. The Indian that put us m our Path, had been a Prifoner amongft the Sinnagers; but had out-run. them, although they had cut his Toes, and half his Feet away, which is a Practice common amongft them. They firft raife the Skin, then cut away half the Feet, and fo wrap the Skin over the Stumps, and make a prefent Cure of the Wounds. This commonly difables them from making their Efcape^ they being not fo good Travellers as before, and the Impreffion of their. Half-Feet making it eafy to trace: them. However, this Fellow was got clear of them, but had little Heart to go far from home, and carry'd always a Cafe of Piftols in his Girdle, befides a Cutlafs, and a Fuzee. Leaving ( 54 ) Leaving the reft of our Company at the Indian-Town, we travell'd, that day, about 20 Miles, in very cold, frofty Wea- ther'; and pafs'd over two pretty Rivers, foraething bigger than Heighwaree, but not quite fo ftony. We took thefe two Rivers to make one of the Northward Branches of 'Cafe-Fair River, but afterwards found our Miftake. ■Indiiy. The next day, we travell'd over very good Land, but full of -Free-Stone, arid Marble, which pinch'd our Feet fevere- ly. We took up our Quarters in a fort of Savanna-G round, that had very few Treesin it. The Land was good, and had feveral Quarries of Stone, but not loofe, as the others us'd to be. ■Saturday. Next Morning, we got our Breakfaftsof Parch'd Corn, having nothing but that to fubfift on for above 100 Miles. All the Pine-Trees were vanifh'd, for we had feen none for two days. We pafs'd through a delicate rich Soil this day ; no great Hills, but pretty Rifings, and Levels, which made a beautiful Country. We likewife pafs'd over three Rivers this day ; the firft about the bignefs of Rocky River, the o- ther not much differing in Size. Then we made not the leaft Queftion, but we had pafs'd over the North-Weft Branch of Cafe-Fair-, travelling that day above 30 Miles. We were much taken with the Fertility and Pleafantnefs of the Neck of Land betvveen thefe two Branches, and" no lefspleas'd, that we had pafs'd the River, which us'd to frighten Paflengers from fording it. At laft, determining to reft: on the other fide ■ of a Hill, which we iaw before us ; when we were on the Top thereof, there appear'd to us fuch another delicious, rapid Stream, as that of Safona, ha- iring large Stones, about the bignefs of an ordinary Houfe, lying up and flown the River. As the Wind blew very cold at N. W. and we were very weary, and hungry, the Swift- aiefs of the Current gave us fome caufe to fear ; but, at la ft, We concluded to venture over that Night. Accordingly, we ftripp'd, and with great Difficulty, (by God's Affiftance) got fafe to the North-fide of the famous /&a-River, by fome called Reatfan ; the Indians differing in the Names of Places, according to their feveral Nations. It is call'd Hau- River, from the Sijfifahau Indians? who dwell upon this .Stream, which is one of the main Branches of Cafe-Fair, - I . ty c mi H i' > ty of Provifions than thefe. The Savages do, indeed ftill poffefs the Flower of Carolina , the Englifi enjoying 'only the Fag- end of that ..fine Country. We had not been in the Town 2 Hours, w hen jEwc-W^/7 came into the King's Ca- bin ; which was our Quarters. We ask?d him, if he would conduft us to the Englijh, and what he would have for his Pains , he anfwer'd, he would go along with us, and for what lie was to have, he left that to our Difcretion. Mtndw. The next Morning, we fetout, with Enoc-Will, towards Adjlmfoeer, leaving the Virginia Path, and ftriking more to the Eaftward, for Ronoack. Several Indians were in our Com- pany belonging to Will's Nation, who are the Shoccories, mixt with the Enoe-Indians, and thofe of the Nation of Adjliu- fiieer. Enoe-WMis their chief Man, and rules as far as the Banks of Reatkin. It was a fad ftony Way to Adjhujheer. We went over a fmall River by Achonechy, and in this 14 Miles , through feveral other Streams , which empty themfelves into the Branches of Cape-Fair. The ftony Way made me quite lame , fo that I was an Hour or two behind the reft \ but honeft Will would not leave me, but bid me welcome when we. came to his Houfe,' lifting us with hot Bread, and Bears^Oil ; which is wholfomeFood for Travel- lers. There runs a pretty Rivulet by this Town. Near the Plantation, I faw a prodigious overgrown Pine-Tree, having not feen any of that Sort of Timber for above 125 Miles : They brought us 2 Cocks, and pull'd their larger Feathers off, never plucking the letter, but iingeing them off*. I took one of thefe Fowls in my Hand, to make it cleaner than the Indian had, pulling out his Guts and Liver, which I laid in a Bafon; notwithftanding which, he keptfuch a Struggling for a confiderable time,tbat I had much ado to hold him in my Hands. The Indians laugh'd at me, and told me, that Ense-Will had taken a Cock of an Indian that was not at home, and the Fowl was defign'd for another Ufe. I con- jedur'd, that he was defign'd for an Offering to their God, who,they fay, hurts thcm,(which is the Devil.;) In this Strug- gling, he bled afrefh, and there ifiued out of his Body more Blood than. commonly fuch Creatures afford. Notwithftand- ; ing all this, we coak'd him, and eat him \ and if he was de- fign'd for him, cheated the Devil. The Indians keep many Cocks., but feldom above one Hen, ufing very often fuch wicked Sacrifices, as I miftrufted this Fowl was defign'd for. Our _ C 57 ) Our Guide and Landlord Etioe-WM was of the belt and molt agreeable Temper that ever I met with in an Indian, being al- ways ready to fervethe Englijh, not out of Gain, but real AfFe&ion :, which makes him apprehenfive of being poifon'd by fome wicked Indians, and was therefore very earnefl: with me, \ to promife him to revenge his Death, if it mould fo happen. He brought fome of his chief Men into his Cabin, and 2 of them having a Drum, and a Rattle, fung by us, as we lay in Bed, and ftruck up their Mufick to ferenade and welcome us to their Town. And tho'at laft, we fell afleep, yet they continu'd their Confort till Morning. Thefe Indians are for- tify'd in, as the former, and are much addi&ed to a Sport they call Chenco, which is carry'd on with a Staff and a Bowl made of Stone, which they trundle upon a fmooth Place, like a Bowling-Green, made for that Purpofe* as I have mention'd before. Next Morning, we fet out, with our Guide, and feveral7«e/%. other Indians, who intended to go to thtEnglifh, and buy Rum. Wedefign'dfor -a Nation about 40 Miles from Adfi>i$iee?\ call'd the Lower Quarter : The firft Night, we lay in a rich " Terkofon, or low Ground, that was hard-by a Creek, and good dry Land. The next day, we went over feveral Tf a&s of rich Land,^^/- but fnixM with Pines and other indifferent Soil. In our way,^> .there flood a great Stone about the Size of a large Oven, and hollow j this the Indians took great Notice cf, putting fome Tobacco into the Concavity, and fpitting after it. I ask'd them the Reafon of their fo doing, but they made me - no Anfwer. In the Evening, we pafs'd over a pleafant Rivu- let, with a fine gravelly Bottom, having come over fuGh ano- ther that Morning. On the other fide of this River, we found the Indian Town, which was a Parcel of nafty fmoaky Holes, much like the Waterrees ; their Town having a great Swamp running dire&ly through the Middle thereof. The Land here begins to abate of its Height, and has Fome few Swamps. Moil of thefe Indians have but one Eye •, but what Mifchance or Quarrel has bereav'd them of the other I could not learn. They were not fo free to us, as molt of the other Indians' had been :, Victuals being fomewha't fcarce among them. However, we got enough to fatisfy our Appetites, i law, among- thefe Men, very long Arrows, headed with Pieces of I " Glafs, 'T Thar [day. Friday,. 1 1 ! iili (58) Giafs, which they had broken from Bottles. They had ihap'd them neatly, like tire Head of a Dart ,• but which way they did it, I can't tell. , We had not been at this Town above an Hour, when two of our Company, that had bought a Mare of John Stewart, came up to us,, having receiv'd a Letter by one of Will's Indians, who was very cautious, and asked a great many Queftions, to certifie him of the Perfon, e'er he would deliver the Letter. They had left the Trader, and one that came from South- Carolina with us, to go to Virginia • thefe Two be- ing refolved to go to Carolina with us. This Day fell much Rain, fo we feid at the Indian Town. This Morning, we fet Out early, being four, Englifo- Men, befides ieveral Indians. We went 10 Miles, and were then ftopp'djsy the Freihes of 22/w-River, which had rais'd it fo high, that we could not pafs over, till it was fallen. I enquir'd of my Guide, Where this Ri- ver difgorg'd it felf ? He faid, It was £«op- River, and run into a. Place^caU'd -Ewe-Bay, near liis Country, which he left when he was a Boy ; by which I perceiv'd,he was one of the Cores by Birth : This - being a Branch of ATf«j-River. Saturday. This Day, our Fellow-Traveller's Mare ran away from him; where- fore, V¥ill went back as far as the lower Quarter, and brought her back. Sunday, The next Day, early, came two Tushmro Indians to the other fide of the River, but could not get over. They talk'd much to us, but we uhderflood them not. In the Afternoon, Will came with the Mare, and had Tome Difcourfe with them t, they told him, The Englijh, to whom he was going, were very wicked People ; and, That they , fhjea.tned the Indians for Hunting near their Plantations. Thefe Two FelieAvs were going among the Schoccores and Achoncchy Indians, to fell their Wooden Bowls and Ladles for Raw-Skins, which they make great Advantage of, hating that any of thefe Weftward Indians ihould have any Commerce with the Englifb, which would prove a Hinde- rance to their Gains. Their Stories deterr'd anOldlndian and his Son, from going any farther ; but Will told us, Nothing they had faid ihould . frighten him, he believing them to be a couple of Hog-ftealers ; • and that the Englifb only fought Reflitution of their Lofies, by them ; and that this was the only ground for their Report. Will had a Slave, a - Si/jlpahan- Indian by Nation, who killed us fevcral Turiues, and other Game, on which we feaired. Monday.-, This River is near as large as Reatlin • the South-fide having curious . ;•' Tracts of good Land, the Banfehigh, and Stone-Quarries. TheTuf- ftemros being come to us, we vJeittur d over the River, which we found to be a itrong Current, and thas^ater about Breafl-high. . However,, ) we all got fafe to the North-Shore, which is but poor, white, fandy Land, and bears no Timber, but fmall lh-rubby Oaks. We went about 10 Miles, and fat down at the Falls of a krge Creek, where lay migh- ' ' ty Rocks., the Water making a firange Noiie, as if a great many Wa- ter- ( 59 ) ter-Mills were going at once. I take this to be the Falls of Neut-Cictk, called by the Indians, Wee quo Whom. We lay here all Wight. ' My Guide Witt deliring to fee the Book that 1 had a- bout pie, 1 lent it him ; and as he foon found the Piflure of King David he asked me feveral Questions concerning the Book^and 1 1- aure, which I refolv'd him, and- invited him to become a Chriftiaii. ._ Ke made me a very fharp Reply, alluring me, That he lov'd the Ea«~ /;//? extraordinary well, and did believe their Ways to be very good for thofe that had already pra&is'd them, and had been brought. up; therein ; But as for himfelf, he was too much in Years to think of a Chang'e, efteeming it not proper for OldPeople to admit of fuch an Alteration. - However, he told me, If 1 would take hisSon gdci, who was then about 14 Years of Age, and teach him to talk in that Book,, and make Paper fpeak, which they call our Way of Writing, he would wholly refign him K> my Tuition 5 telling me, he was of Opinion, I Was very well affefted to the Indians. ■ The next Morning, we fet out early, and I perceiv d that thefe In-Tuefhj. dims were in fome fear of Enemies ; for they had an Old Man with them, who was very cunning and circumfpeft, wherefoever he faw any Marks of Footing, or of any Fire that had been made ; going out of his Way, very often, to look for thefe Marks. We went, this day,, above 30 Miles, over a very level Country, and moft Pine Land, yet intermix d with fome Quantities of Marble ; a good Range for Cttel, though very indifferent for Swine. We had now loft our ra- pid Streams, and were come to How, dead Waters, of a brown Co- ; lour, proceeding from the Swamps, much like the Sluices in Holland, where the Track- Scoots go along. In the Afternoon, we mettio v Tmhruros, who told us, That there was a Company of Hunters not far of, and if we -walk'd ftoutly, we might reach them that Night. . But Will and He that own'd the Mare, being gone before, and the Old Indian tired, we refted, that Night, in the Woods, making a: • good light Fire, Wood being very plentiful in thefe Parts. < '..< - . 3 Next Day, about 10 a Clock, we fbruck ,out of -the Way, by. the Weim\- Advice of our Old Indian. We had not gone pafl two Miles, e'er vieday. . met with about 500. Ttuhruros in one Hunting-Quarter. ' They had made themfelves Streets of Houfes, built with Pine- Bark, not with round- Tops, as they commonly ufe, but B.idge-Fafhion, after the manner of" moft othci Indians. We' got nothing amongft them but Corn, Flefii being not plentiful, by reafon of the great Number, of their People. For tho'they are expert Hunters, yet they are too po- paloifs for one Range ; which makes Venifon veiy-fcarce to what it is "irougft other Indians, that are fewer ; no Savages, living fo'. well fniTii^ty, as- thofe near -die Sea. I faw, amongft thefe, a "Hump- back1 d Indian, which was the only crooked one I ever met withal. . About two a Clock, we reach'd one of their Towns, in which there was no body left, but an Old Woman or two ; the reft being gone to _. theix . fmrfday. ■;:f ii . ; ( fo > , __ their Hunting- Quarters. We could find no Provifion at that Place. We had a Tushruro that came in company with us, from the lower Quarter, who took us to his Cabin, and gave us what it afforded, which was Corn- meat. This Day, we pafs'd through feveral Swamps, and going not above a dozen Miles, came to a Cabin, the Mafter whereof us'd to trade a- mongft the Englijh. He told us, If we would flay Two Nights, he would conduct us fafe to them, himfelf designing, at that time, to go and fetch fome Rum ; fo we refolvedto tarry for his Company. During our Stay, there happen'd to be a Young Woman troubled with Fits. The Doctor who was fent for to affift her, laid her on her Belly, and made a fmall Incifion withRattle-Snake-Teeth ; then laying his Mouth to the Place, he fuck'd out near a Quart of black conglutinated Blood, and Serum. Our Landlord gave us the Tail of a Eever, which was a choice Food. There happen'd alfo to be a Burial of one of their Dead, which Ceremony is much the fame with that of the Santees, who make a great Feaft at the Interment of their Corps. The fmall Runs of Water hereabout, afford great Plenty of Craw-Fifh, full as large as thofe in England, and nothing inferior in Goodnefs. Saturday. Saturday Morning, our Patron, with Enoe Will, and his Servant, fet out with us, for the Englijh. In the Afternoon, we ferried over a River, (in a Canoe) called by the Indians, Chstwhu, which is the N. W. Branch of Nens-Rxvef. We lay in the Swamp, where fome In- dians invited us to go/to their Quarters, which fome of our Company accepted, but got nothing extraordinary, except a dozen Miles March out of their Way : The Country here is very thick of Indian Towns and Plantations. ^ We were forced to march, this day, for Want of Provisions. About 10 a Clock, we met an Indian that had got a parcel of Shad-Fifh rea- dy barbaku'd. We bought 24 of them, for a drefs'd Doe-Skin, and fo went on, through many Swamps, finding, this day, the long ragged Mofs on the Trees, which we had not feen for above 600 Miles. In libel Afternoon, we came upon the Banks of Pampticough, about 20 Miles above the En^lifi Plantations by Water, though not fo far by Land. The Indian found a Canae, which he had hidden, in which we all got over, and went about fee Miles farther. We lay, that Night, under two or three Pieces of Barkj at the Foot of a large Oak. There fell abundance of Snow and Rain in the Night, with much Thunder and Lightning. - Next Day, it: clear'dup, and it being about 12 Miles to theEnglifo, about half-way we paned overa deep Lreek, and came fafe to Mr. Ri- cloard Smith's, of Pamptkough-Wivzr, in North- Carolina ; where be- ing well receiv'd by the Inhabitants, and pleas'd with the Goodneis ©f the Country, we all refolv'd to continue, f i n i sr Sunday: 6i A DESCRIPTION O F -CAROLINA. H £ Province of Carolina is feparated Cam- from Virginia by a due Weft-Line , H?a:f" which begins at Curritu d-lnlet, in %6^mm^ Degrees , 30 Minutes, of Northern- Latitude, and extends indefinitely to the Weftward , and thence to the Southward, as far as 29 Degrees; which is a vaft Traft of Sea-Coaft. But having already treated, as far as is neceflary,. concerning South- Carolina, I fhall confine my- lelf, in the enfuing Sheets, to give my Reader a Defcription of that Part of the Country only, which lies betwixt Cvrrituch and Cape-Fair, and is almoft 34 Deg. North. * And this is commonly call'd North Carolina. This Part of Carolina is faced with a Chain of Sand-Banks, which defends it from the Violence and Infults of the Atlan- tick Ocean ♦, by which Barrier, a- vaft Sound is hemm'd in, . which fronts the Mouths of the Navigable and Pleafant Ri- vers of this Fertile Country, and into which they difgorge themfelves. Thro' the fame are Inlets of feveral Depths of inlets, Water. Some of their Channels admit only of Sloops, Bri- gantines, fmall Barks, and Ketches % and fuch are Currituck, Ronoak-, and up the Sound above Hatteras : Whilft others can receive Ships of Burden, as Ocacocly Toffail-lnlQt, and -Cape-Fair j as appears by my Chart. K The 62 A Description ■iJAtitrai Indians. 11 II I Fhft Colo- The firft Difcovery and Settlement of this Country was tiyof Ca-foy the procurement of SirN Walter Raleigh, in Conjunction rolna. wlth fome publick-fpirited Gentlemen of that Age, under the Protection of Queen Elizabeth ; for which Reafon it was then named Virginia, being begun on that Part called Ro- w^-Ifiand,, where the Ruins of a Fort are to be feen at this day, ' as well as fome old English Coins which have been lately found ; and a Brafs-Gun, a Powder-Horn, and one fmall Quarter deck-Gun, made of Iron Staves, and hoop'd with the fame Metal ; which Method of making Guns might very probably be made ufe of in thofe Days3 for the Convenience of Infant-Colonies. A farther Confirmation of this we have from the Hat- teras Indians, who either then lived on Ronoak-lftand, or much frequented it. Thefe tell us, that feveral of their Anceftors were white People, and could talk in a Book, as we do , the Truth of which is confirm'd by gray Eyes be- , ing found frequently amongft thefe Indians, and no others* They value themfelves extremely for their Affinity to the Englijh, and are ready* to do them all friendly Offices. It is probable, that this Settlement mifcarry'd for want of timely Supplies from England , or thro' the Treachery of the Natives, for we may reafonably fuppofe that the Englijh were forced to cohabit with them, for Relief and Conven- tion -, and that in procefs of Time, they conform'd themfelves to the Manners of their Indian Relations. And thus we fee, how apt Humane Nature is to degenerate. I cannot forbear inferting here, a pleafant Story that paf- fes for an uncontefted Truth amongft the Inhabitants of this Place , which is, that the Ship which brought the firft Colonies, does often appear amongft them, under Sail, in a gallant Pofture, which they call Sir Walter Raleigh's Ship ^ And the truth of this has been affirm'd to me, by Men of jhe belt Credit in the Country. A fecond Settlement of this Country was made about Secernent fifty Years ago, in that part we now call Albemarl- County, of North- aIK} chiefly in Chuxvon Precinft, by feveral fubftantial Plan- Ca:olina- ters, from Virginia, and other Plantations-, Who finding mild Winters, and a fertile Soil, beyond Expectation, pro- ■ dacing every thing that was planted, to a prodigious In- creafe j their Cattle, Horfes, Sheep, and Swine, breeding , very Sir Wal- ter Ra- leigh'i Ship, Second of North-Carolina. 6? very faft, and pafling the Winter, without any Aflifrance from the Planter \ fo that every thing feenVd to come by Nature, the Husbandman living alrnoft void of Care, and free from thofe Fatigues which are abfolutely req'iifite in Winter-Countries, for providing Fodder and other Necefla- ries j thefe Encouragements indued them to Hand their Ground, altho' but a handful of People, feated at great Diftances one from another, and amidft a vaft nunfber of Indians of different Nations, who were then in Car din a. Neverthelefs, I fay, the Fame of this new-difcover'd Sum- mer-Country fpread thro' the neighbouring Colonies, and, in a few Years, drew a confiderable Number of Families thereto, who all found Land enough to fettle themfelves in, - (had they been many Thoufands more) and that which was very good and commodioufly ieated, both for Profit and ^ Pleafure. And indeed, molt of the Plantations in Carolina piearm. naturally enjoy a noble Prolpect of large and fpacious Ri- nefrnf vers, pleafant Savanna's, and fine Meadows, with their Carolina. green Liveries, interwoven with beautiful Flowers, of molt glorious Colours, which the feveral Seafons afford -, hedg'd in with pleafant Groves of the ever-famous Tulip-tree, the ftately Laurel, and Bays, equalizing the Oak in Bignefs and Growth ^ Myrtles, Jeflamines, Wood-bines, Honyfuckles, and feveral other fragrant Vines and Ever-greens, whofe afpiring Branches fhadow and interweave themfelves with the loftieft Timbers, yielding a pleafant Profpedt, Shade and Smell, proper Habitations for the Sweet-finging^irds, that melodioufly entertain fuch as travel thro'theWoods of Carolina. The Planters poffefTing all thefe Bleflings, and the Pro- duce of great Quantities of Wheat and Indian Com, in which this Country is very fruitful, as likewife in Beef, Pork, Tallow, Hides, Defr-Skins, and Furs % for thefe Commodities the New-England-Men and Bermudians vifited Carolina in their Barks and Sloops, and carry'd out what they made, bringing them, in Exchange, Rum, Sugar, Salt, MolofTes, and fome wearing Apparel, tho' the laft at very extravagant Prices. , As the Land is very fruitful, foare the ; Planters kind and hofpitable to all that come to vifit them ; there being very few Houfekeepers, but what live very nobly, and -give away more Provifions to Coafters and Guefts who . K -2 come 64. ^— — M— — a»— MMWh^MI ITT1 llll 111 J M, ^4 Description come to fee them, thaa they expend amongft their own Families. Of the Inlets and Havens of this Country. Curri- The Bar of Currituck being the Northermoft of this. tuck Met. Country, prefents itfelf firft to be treated of. It lies in 36 deg. 30 min. and the Courfe over is S. W. by W. having not above feven or, eight Foot on the Bar, trio' a good Harbour, when you are over, where you may ride fafe, and deep enough •, but this Part of the Sound is fo full of Shoals, as not to fuffer any thing to trade thro' it, that draws a- ., bove three Foot Water, which renders it very incommodi- ous. However, this affects but fome part of the Country, and may be eafily remedied, by carrying their Produce, in, finall Craft, down to the Vefiels, which ride near the Inlet. Ronoak Ronoak Inlet has Ten Foot Water r the Courfe over the inlet... Bar is almolt W. which leads you thro' the belt of the Chan- nel. This Bar, as well as Currituck^ often Mfts by the Vio- lence of the N. E. Storms, both lying expos'd to thofe Winds. Notwithstanding which, a confiderable Trade might be carry'd on, provided there was a Pilot to bring them in ; for it lies convenient for a large Part of this Co- lony, wliofe Product would very eafily allow of that Charge y Lat. 35 deg. 5a min. Hatteras The Inlet of Hatter as lies to the Weftward of the Cape,\ Met. round which is an excellent Harbour. When the Wind blows liard at N. or N. E. if you keep a fmall League from the Cape-Point, you will have 3, 4, and-5; Fathom, the outer- moft Shoals lying about 7 or 8 Leagues from Shoar. As you come into the Inlet, keep clofe to the South Breakers^ till you are over the Bar, whe§p you will have two Fathom at Low- Water. You may come to an Anchor in two Fa- shorn and a Half when you are over, thenfteer over clofe aboard the North Shoar, where is four Fathom, clofe to a Point of Marfh; then fteer up the Sound a long League, till you bring the North Cape of the Inlet to bear S.S.Ei half E. then fleer W. N. W- the Eaft-point of Bluff- Land at Hamras bearing E. N. E. the Southermoft large Ham- mock towards Ocacock, bearing S. S. W. half S. then you are _ iji the Sound, over the Bar of Sand, whereon, is but 6 Foot Water 1 of North-Carolina. Water •, then your Courfe to Pampticough is almoft Weft. It flows on thefe three Bars §. E. by E>i E. about Eight of the Clock, unlefs there is a hard Gale of Wind at N. E. which will make it flow two hours longer ; but as foon as the Wind is down, the Tides will have their natural Courfe : A hard Gale at N. or N. W. will make the Water ebb fometimes 24 hours, but ftill the Tide will ebb and flow, tho' not feen by the turning thereof, but may be feen by the Rifing of the Water, and Falling of the fame, Lat. 350 20". , . Ocaeock is the beft Inlet and Harbour yet in this Country ; ocacock and has 1.3 Foot at Low-water upon the Bar. There are Ma. two Channels •, one is but narrow, and lies dole aboard the South Gape ; the other in the Middle, viz.. between the Middle Ground, and the South Shoar, and is above half a Mile wide. The Bar itfelf is but half a Cable's Length over, and then you are in 7 or 8 Fathom Water ; a good Harbour. The Courfe into the Sound is N. N. W. At High-water, and Neap-tides, here is 18 Foot Water. It lies S. W. from Hatter as Inlet. Lat. 35Q 8"- Top/ail Inlet is above two Leagues to the Weftward of Topfail Cape Look-out. . You have a fair Channel over the Bar, aiKU»/«. • two Fathom thereon, and a good Harbour in five or fix Fa- thom to come to an Anchor. Your Courfe over this Bar is almoft N.W. Lat. 34° 44"- As for the Inlet and River of Cape Fair, I cannot give youcape abetter Information thereof, than has been already deli- Fair Met- ver'd by the Gentlemen, who were fent on purpofe, from mi River,. JBarhados,to make aDifcovery of thatRiver,in the Year \66$. which is thus. From Tuefday the 29th of September, to Friday- the id of OBober, we rang'd along the Shoar from Lat. 32 deg. 20 min. to Lat. 33 deg. 11 min. but could difcern no Entrance for our Ship? after we had pafs'd to the Northward of 32 deg. 40 min. On Saturday, Ottob. 3. a violent Storm overtook as, the Wind between North and Eaft ^ which Eafterly. Winds and Foul Weather continu'd till Monday the 12th % , byfeafon of which Storms and Foul Weather, we were forced to get off to Sea, to fecure Our&lves and Ship, and. were driven by the Rapidity of a ftrong Current to Cape Matteras ia Lat.. 3 < deg, 30 min* OR-Monday the. 1 2th afore- jj- -'■"' faidr. ^Description I ■ ! i i !:::: I r'. ■ fa id, we came to an Anchor in Teven Fathom at Cape-Fair Road, and took the Meridian Altitude of the Sun, and were in Latitude 33 deg. 43 min. the Wind continuing Hill eafter- ly, and foul Weather, till Thurfday the 15th 5 and on Friday the 1 6th, the Wind being at N. W. we weigh'd and fail'd up Cape -Fair-River , fome 4 or 5 Leagues, and came to an Anchor in 6 or 7 Fathom , at which time feveral Indians came on board, and brought us great Store of frefh Fifh, large Mullets, young Bafs, S,hads, and feveral other Sorts of very good well-tailed Filh. On Saturday the 1 7th, we went down to the Cape, to fee the Englijh Cattle, but could not find 'em, tho' we rounded the Cape : And having an Indian Guide with us, here we rode till Oft. 24. The Wind being againlt us, we could not go up the River with our Ship ; but went on fhoar, and view'd the Land of thofe Quarters. On Saturday , we weigh'd, and fail'd up the River fome 4 Leagues, or thereabouts. Sunday the 25th, we weigh'd again, and row 'd up the River, it being calm, and got up fome 14 Leagues from the Harbour's Mouth, where we mor'd our Ship. On Monday OB. the 26th, we went down with the Yawl, to Ne*- coes, an Indian Plantation, and view'd the Land there. On Tuefday the 27th, we row'd up the main River, with our Long-Boat, and 12 Men, fome 10 Leagues, or thereabouts. On Wednefday the 28th, we row'd up about 8 or to Leagues more. Thurfday the 29th, was foul Weather, with much Rain and Wind," which forc'd us to make Huts, and lie ftill. Friday the 30th, we proceeded up the main River, 7 or % Leagues. Saturday the .3 1 ft, we got up 3 or 4 Leagues more, and came to a Tree that lay crofs the River ; butbecaufe our Provifions were almoft fpent, we proceeded no farther^ but return'd downward before Night, and on Monday the id of November, we came aboard our Ship. Tuefday the 3d, we lay flill, to refrefh ourfelves. On Wednefday the 4th, we went 5 or 6 Leagues up the River, to fearch a Branch that run out of the main River towards the N. W. In which Branch we went up 5 or € Leagues \ but notliking the Land, return'd on board that Night about Midnight, I and call'd that Place Swampy-Branch. Thurfday, November the 5th, we ftay'd aboard. On Friday the 6th, we went -up Greens-River, the Mouth of it being againft the Place at which rode our Ship. On Saturday the 7th, we proceeded up the faid River, fome of North-Carolina. 67 fome 14 or 15 Leagues in all, and found it ended. in feveral finall Blanches ; The Land, for. the moft part, being marfhy and Swamps, we returned towards our Ship, and got aboard it in the Night. Sunday November the 8th, we lay Hill, and on Monday the 9th, went again up the main River, being well ftock'd with Provifions, and all things necefTary, and pro- ceeded upwards till Thurfday noon, the 12th, at which time we came to a Place, where were two Wands in the Middle of the Rivera and by reafon af the Crookednefs of the River at that Place, feveral Trees lay crofi both Bran- ches, which ftop'd the PaiTage of each Branch fo that we could proceed no farther with our Boat * but went up the River fide by Land, fome 3 or 4 Miles, and found the; River wider and wider. So we return'd, leaving it, as far as we could fee up along Reach, running N.E. we judging ourfelvesnear fifty Leagues North from the River s Mouth. In our Return, we view'd the Land on both Sides the River, and found as good Trafts of dry, - well-wooded, pleafant, and delightfol Ground, as we have feen any where 111 the World, with abundance of long thick Grafs on it, the Land beine very level, with fteep Banks on both Sides the River, ,and in fome Places very high, the Woods ftor'd every where, 'with great Numbers of Deer and Turkies, we never going on Shoar, but wefawof each Sort-, as alfo great Store of Partridges, Cranes, and Conies, in feveral Places y we like- wife heard feveral Wolves howling in the Woods, andfaw where they had torn a Deer in Pieces. Alfo in the River we faw ereat Store of Ducks, Teal, Widgeon-, and m the Woods, great Flocks of Parrakeeto's. The Timber that the Woods afford, for the moft part, confifts of Oaks of four or five Sorts, all differing in Leaves, but each bearing very good Acorns. We meafur'd many of the Oaks m feveral Places, which we found to be, in Bignefs, fome Two, fome Three, and others almoft Four Fathom in Height, before you come to Boughs or Limbs-, forty, fifty, fixty Foot, and fome more 5.. andthofe Oaks very common in the upper Parts ot both Ri- vers; alfo a very tall large Tree of great Bignefs, which fome call Cyprus, the right Name we know not, growing in Swamps. Likewife Walnut, Birch, Beech, Maple, Afh, Bay, Willow, Alder, and Holly; and in the lowermoft Parts innumerable Pines, tall and good for Boards or Malts, - ■■■■':■ 68 A Description -... >: i!:' i growing, for the moft part, in barren and fandy, but in fome Places up the River, in good Ground, being mixt amongft Oaks and other Timbers* We faw Mulberry-Trees, Multi- tudes of Grape* Vines, and fome Grapes which we eat of. We found a very large and good Trad of Land, on the N. W. Side of the River, thin of Timber, except here and there a very great Oak, and full of Grafs, commonly as high as a Man's Middle, and jn many Places to his Shoulders, where we faw many Deer, and Turkies; one Deer having very large Horns, and great Body, therefore calPd.it Stag-Park. It be* ing a very pleafant and delightful Place, we travell'd in it feveral Miles, but faw no End thereof. So we return'd to our Boat, and proceeded down the River, and came to ano- ther Place, fome twenty five Leagues from the River's Mouth on the fame Side, where we found a Place, no lefs delightful than the former \ and as far as we could judge, both Trafts came into one. This lower Place we call'd Bj>cly Trim, be* caufe we found many Rocks and Stones, of feveral Sizes, up- on the Land, which is not common. . We fent our Boat down, the River before us •, ourfelves travelling by Land, many Miles. Indeed we were fo much taken with the Pleafantneft of the Country, that we travell'd into the Woods too far to recover our Boat and Company that Night. Thenext day- being Sunday, we got to our Boat \ and on Monday the i5th of November, proceeded down to a Place on the Eaft-Side of the River, fome 23 Leagues from the Harbour's Mouth, which we call'd Turky-Ouarterj , becaufe we kill'd feveral Turkies thereabouts *, we view'd the Land there, and found fome Ti'a&s of good Ground, and high, facing upon the Ri- ver about one Mile inward, but backwards fome two Miles, all Pine Land, but good Pafture Ground: We return'd to -our Boat, and proceeded down fome 2 or 3 Leagues, where we had formerly view'd, and found it a Trad of as good 'Land, as any we have feQa, and had as good Timber on it. The Banks on the River being high, therefore we call'd it High- Land- Point. Having view'd that, we proceeded down the River, going onShoar in feveral Places oa both Sides, it being generally large Marfhes, and many Of them dry, that they may more fitly be calld Meadows. The Wood- Land againft them is, for the moll; part, Pine, and in fome Places as barren, as ever we faw Land, but in other Places good of North-Carolina. good Pafture-Ground. On Tuefday, November the 17th, we pot aboard our Ship, riding againft the Mouth of Greens, River, where our Men were providing Wood, and 'fitting the Ship for the Sea: In the interim, we took a View of the Country on both (ides of the River there, finding fome good Land, but more bad, and the belt not comparable to that above. - Friday the 20th was foul Weather , yet in the Afternoon we weigh'd, went down the River about two Leagues, and came to an Anchor againft the Mouth of Hil- ton's River, and' took a View of the Land there on both fides, which appear'd to us much like that at Green's River. Monday the 23d, we went, with our Long-Boat well vidhi- all'd and mann'd, up Hilton's River •, and when we came three Leagues, or thereabouts, up the fame, we found this and Green's River to come into one, and fo continu'd for four or five Leagues, which makes a great Ifknd betwixt them. We proceeded ftill up the River, till they parted a- eain, keeping up Hilton's River on the Larboard lide, and followed the faid River five or fix Leagues farther, where we found another large Branch of Greens River to come into H'lton's, which makes another great Ifland. On the Star- board fide going up, we proceeded ftill up the River fome four Leagues, and return'd,. taking a View of the Land on both fides, and then judg'd ourfelves to be from our Ship fome 18 Leagues W. and by N. One League below this Place, came four Indians in a Canoe to us, and fold us feve- •ral Baskets of Acorns,which we fatisfy'd them for,and fo left them \ bat one of them follow'd us on the Shoar fome two or three Miles, till he came on the Top of a high Bank, facing on the River \ and as we row'd underneath it, the Fellow fhot an Arrow at us, which very narrowly mifs^d one of our Men, and ftuck in the upper edge of the Boat} but broke in pieces, leaving the Head behind. Hereuppn, we prefently made to the Shoar, and went all up the Bank (except Four to guide the Boat) to look for the Indian^ but could not find him: At la ft, we heard fome ling, farther in the Woods, which we look'd upon as a Challenge to us, to come and fight them. We went towards them with all Speed \ but before we came in Sight of them, heard two Guns go off from our Boat -, whereupon we retreated, as fait as we could, to fecure our Boat and Men. When we L came - • • • • 7 o A Description m i '' : came to them, we found all well, and demanded the P^ea- fon of. their firing the Guns: They told us, that an Indian came creeping along the Bank, as they fuppos'd, to fhooc at them y and therefore they fhot at him at a great diftance, with fmall Shot, but thought they did him no Hurt } for they faw him runaway. Prefently after our Return to the Boat, and while we were thus talking, came two Indians to us, with their Bows and Arrows, crying Bonny, Bonny. We took their Bows and Arrows from them, and gave them Beads, to their Content-, then we led them, by the Hand, to the Boat, and fhew'd them the Arrow-head flicking in her Side, and related to them the whole Paflage ; which when theyunderftood, both of them fhew'd a great Con- cern, and fignifyd to us, by Signs, that they knew nothing of it •, fo we let them go, and mark'd a Tree- on the Top of the Bank, calling the Place Mount-Skerry. We look'd up the River, as far as we could difcern, and faw that it widen'd, and came running dire&ly down the Country : So we return'd, viewing the Land on both fides the River, and finding the Banks fteep in fome places, but very high in others. The Bank-fides are generally Clay, and as fome of our Company did affirm, fome Marl. The Land and Timber up this River is no way inferiour to the belt in the other, which we call the main River. So far as we could difcern, this feem'd as fair, if not fairer, than the former, and we think runs farther into the Country, becaufe a ftrong Current comes down, and a great deal more Drift- Wood. But, to return to the Bufinefs of the Land" arid Timber: We faw feveral Plots of Ground clear'd by the Indians, after their weak manner, cbmpafs'd round with great Timber Tree?, which they are no-wife able to fell, and fo keep the Sun from Corn-Fields very much.} yet neverthelefs, we faw as large Corn-ftalks, or larger, than we have feen any where elfe : So we proceeded down the River, till we found the Canoe the Indian was in, who fhotNat us. In the Morning, we went on Shoar, and cut the fame in pieces. The Indians perceiving us coming to- wards them, ran away. Going to his Hutt, we pull'd' it down, broke his Pots, Platters, and Spoons, tore the Deer- Skins and Matts in pieces, and took away a Basket of A- corns •, and afterwards proceeded down the River 2 Leagues, of North-Carolina. 71 or thereabouts, and came to another Place of Indians, bought Acorns and feme Corn of them, and went downwards 2 Leagues more. At laft, efpying an Indian peeping oyer a high Bank, we held up a Gun at him *, and calling to him, Sherry y prefently feveral Indians came in Sight of us, and made great Signs of Friendfhip, faying Bonny, Bonny. Then running before us, they endeavour'd to perfuade us to come on fhoar } but we anfwer'd them with ftern Countenances, andcall'd out, Sherry, taking up our Guns, and threatning to fhoot at them, but they ftill cry'd Bonny, Bonny. And when they faw they could not prevail , nor perfuade us to come on Ihoar, two of them came off to us in a Canoe, one paddling with a great Cane, the other with his Hand. As foon as they overtook us, they laid hold of our Boat, fweat- ingand blowing, and told us, it was Bonny on fhoar,andat lail perfuaded us to go on fhoar with them. As foonas we landed, feveral Indians, to the Number of near 40 lufty Men, came to us, all in a great Sweat, and told us Bonny : We fhew'd 'em the Arrow-Head in theBoat-Side,and a Piece of the Canoe we had cut in Pieces : Whereupon, the chief Man amongft them made a long Speech, threw Beads into our Boat, which is a Signof great Love and Friendfhip, and gave us to under- ftand, that when he heard of the Affront which we had re- ceiv'd, itcaus'd him to cry, and that he and his Men were come to make Peace with us, alluring us,' by Signs, that they would tye the Arms, and cut off the Head, of the Fellow who had done us that Wrong*, And for a farther Teftimony of their Love and Good-Will towards us, they prefented us with two very handfome, proper, young IndianWomen, the tailed that ever we faw in this Country *, which we fup- pos'd to be the King's Daughters, or Perfons of Diftin&ion amongft them. Thofe young Women were fo ready to come into our Boat *, that one of them crowded in, and would hardly be perfuaded to go out again. We prefented the King with a Hatchet and feveral Beads, and made Prefents of Beads alfo to the young Women, the, chief Men, and the reft of the Indians, as far as our Beads would go. They promis'd us, in four Days, to come on board our Ship, and fo departed from us. When we left the Place, which was foon after, we call'd it Mount- Bonny, becaufe we had there concluded a firm Peace. Proceeding down the River 2 or 3 Leagues farther, we came to a Place where were 9 or 1-0 Ca- L 2 noes 7^ A D ESC RI PtlON noes all together. We went alhoar there, and found feveral Indians; but molt of them were the fame which had made Peace with us before. We ftaid very little at that Place, but went directly down the River, and came to our Ship, before day. Thurfday the 26th of November, the Wind being at South, we could not go down to the River's Mouth ; but on Friday the 27th, we weigh'd at the Mouth of H:dton\ Ri- ver, and got down a League towards the Harbour's Mouth. On Sunday the 29th, we got down to Crane-IJland, which is 4 Leagues or thereabouts, above the Entrance of the Har- bour's Mouth. On. Tuefday the ift of December, we made a Purchafeof the River and Land of Cape-Fair, of Wat^Coofa^ and fach other Indians, as appear'd to us to be the chief of tbofe Parts. They brought us Store of frefh Fifh aboard, as Mullets, Shads,, and other forts very good. This River is all .frefh Water, fit to drink. Some 8 Leagues within the Mouth, the Tide runs up about 35 Leagues, hutftops and rifes a great deal farther up. It flows at the Harbour's Mouth, S. E. and N. W. 6 Foot at Neap-Tides, and 8 Foot at Springs Tides. The Channel on the Ea ft fide, by the C^e-Shoar, is the belt, and lies clofe aboard the Cape-Land, being 3 Fa-* thorns at high Water, in the fhalloweft Place in the Channel, juft at the Entrance •, But as foon as you are palt that Place, half a Cables Length inward, you have 6 or 7 Fathoms, a fair turning Channel into the River, and fo continuing 5 or 5 Leagues upwards. Afterwards the Channel is more difficult, in fome Places 6 or 7 Fathoms, in others 4 or 5, and in others but 9 or 10 Foot, efpecially where theRiver is broad. When the River comes to part, and grows narrow, there it is all Channel from fide to fide, in molt Places •,, tho' in fome you ihall have 5, 6, or g Fathoms, but generally 2 or 3, Sand and 03ze. We vievv'd the G*/w-Land,and judg'd it to be little worth, the Woods of it being fhrubby and low, and the Land iandy and barren •, in fome Places Grafs and Rufhes, in others nothing but clear Sand: A Place fitter to ltarve -Cattle, in our Judgment, than to keep 'em alive ; yet the In- dians, as we underltand, keep the EngUJh Cattle down there, and fuffer them not to go off of the faid Caps, ('as we fuppofe) becaufe the Country Indians fhall have no Part with them ; and therefore 'tis likely,theyhave fallen out about them,which Jhall have the greateft Share. They brought on board our Ship of North-Carolina. 73 Ship very good and fat Beef feveral times, which they fold us at a very reafonable Price ; alfo fat and very large Swine, good and cheap ; but they may thank their Friends of Nexv- England, who brought their Hogs to fo fair a Market. Some oflhe Indians brought very good Salt aboard us, and made- Signs, pointing to both fides of the River's Mouth* thatthere was great Store thereabouts. We faw up the River, feveral good Places for the fetting up of Corn or Saw-Mills. la that time, as our Bufinefs cati'd us up and down the River and Branches, we kilt'd of wild Fowl, 4 Swans, 10 Geek, 29 Cranes, 10 Turkies, 40 Ducks and Mallards, 3 dozen of Parrakeeto's, and .6 dozen of other fmall Fowls, as Curlues and Plover, &c. Whereas there was a Writing left in a Poll, at the Point ©f Cape-Fair River, by thofe New- England-Men, that left- Cattle, with the Indians there, the Contents whereof tended 1 not only, to the Difparagement of the Land about the faid Ri- ver, but alfo to the great Difcouragement of.all fuch as mould hereafter come into thofe Parts to fettle : In anfwer to that fcandalous Writing, We,, whofe Names are underwritten, do affirm, That we have feen, facing both fides the River and Branches of Cape-Fair aforefaid, as good Land, and as well timbered, as any we have feen in any-other Part of the World, fufficient to accommodate Thoufands of our En* glijh Nation, and lying commodioufly by. the faid River's Side. On Friday the 4th of December, the Wind being fair, we put out to Sea, bound for Barbados ; and, on the 6th of February, \66\, came to an Anchor in Carlijle-Bay -, it ha- ving pleas'd God, after feveral apparent Dangers both by Sea and Land, to bring us all in Safety to our long-wiftYdr for and much-defir'd Port, to render an Account of our, Difcovery ; the Verity of which we do auert. Anthony Long* ., William Hilton, . Feter Fabian. Thus you have an Account of the Latitude, Soil, and Ad- vantages of Cape-Fair, or Clarendon-River, which was fettled in the Year 1661, or thereabouts ; and had it not been for the irregular Pra&ices of fome of that Colony againft the * Indians^ 74- A Description :i Indians, by fending away fome of their Children, (ast have been told ) under Pretence of inftru&ing 'em in Learn- ing, and the Principles of the Chriftian Religion , Which fo difgufted the Indians, that tho' they had then no Guns, yet they never gave over, till they had entirely rid them- selves of the Englifh, by their Bows and Arrows \ with which they did not only take off themfelves, but alfo their Stocks of Cattle \ And this was fo much the more ruinous to them, in that they could have no Afliftance from South- Carolina, which was not then planted , and the other Plan- tations were but in their Infancy. Were it not for fuch ill Practices, I fay, it might, in all Probability, have been, at this day, the belt Settlement in their Lordlhips great Pro- • vince of Carolina. Albemarl The Sound of Albemarl, with the Rivers and Creeks of sound and that Country, afford a very rich and durable Soil. The *ivers' Land, in molt Places, lies indifferent low, (except in Chu- won, and high up the Rivers) but bears an incredible Burden :of Timber \ the Low-Grounds being cover'd with Beech ; and the High-Land yielding lofty Oaks, Walnut-Trees, and other ufeful Timber. The Country, in fome Plantations, s has yearly produc'd Indian Corn, or fome other Grain, ever fince this Country was firft feated, without the Trouble of Manuring or Dreffing , and yet (to all appearance; it feems not to be, in the leaft, impoverifiYd, neither do the Plan- ters ever mifs of a good Crop, unlefs a very unnatural Sea- fon vifits them, which feldom happens. Of the Corn of Carolina. What HPHE Wheat of this Place is very good, feMom yielding lefs 1 than thirty fold, provided the Land is good where it is fown ; Not but that there has been Sixty- fix Increafe for one meafure fown in Piny-Land, which we account the mean- eft Sort. And I have been inform'd, by People "of Credit, that Wheat which was planted in a very rich Piece of Land, brought a hundred and odd Pecks, for one. If our Planters, when they found fuch great Increafe, would be fo curious as to make nice Observations of the Soil, and -other remarkable . Accidents, they would foon be acquainted with f!he Nature of the Earth and Climate, and be better qualified to ma- / nage I. .-. ■ I '■ "-■"■■ — of North-Carolina. 75 nage their Agriculture to more Certainty, and greater An- Vantage ; whereby they might arrive to the Crops and Har- ve(>s .of Rabylon, and thofe other fruitful Countries fo much talk'd of. For I mull confefs, 1 never faw one Acre of Land manag'd as it ought to be in Carolina, fince I knew it •, and were they as negligent in their Husbandry in Europe, as they are in Carolina, their Land would produce nothing but , Weeds and Straw. . ..:■„. . ' , n They have try'd Rye, and it thrives very well ; but hi-fye. ving fuch Plenty of Maiz, they -do not regard it, becaufe it makes black Bread, unlefs very conoufly handled. Barley has been fowed in fmall quantities, arid does better Barky. than can be expeded ; becaufe that Grain requires the Ground to be very well work'd with repeated Ploughings, which our general Way of breaking the Earth with Hoesr can, by no means, perform, tho' in feveral Places we have a light, rich, deep, black Mould, which is the particular Soil in which Barley belt thrives. .-. • The naked Oats thrive extraordinary well •, and the others would prove a very bold Grain ; but the Plenty of other Grains makes them not much coveted. » Vr4^ The Indian Com, ov Maiz,, proves the moftufeful Grain in m& the World : and had it not been for the Fruitfulnefs of this Species, it would have proved very difficult to have fettled fome of the Plantations in America. It is very nouriming, whether in Bread, fodden, or otherwife i And thofe poor Christian Servants in Virginia, Maryland, and the other northerly Plantations, that have been forced to live wholly upon it, do manifeftly prove, that it is^he molt nouriming Grain, for a Man to fubfift on, without any other Victuals. And this AfiertVm is made good by the i\^n>-31aves, who, in many Places, eat nothing but this Indian Corn arid Salt. Pigs and Poultry fed with this Grain, eat the fweeteft of ail others. It refutes no Grounds, unlefs the barren Sands, and when planted in good Ground, will repay the Planter feven or eight hundred fold ; befides the Stalks bruis d ,and> boil'd, make very pleafant Beer, being fweet like the Sugar- X There are feveral forts of Rice, fome bearded, others fe* not, befides the red and white ; But the white Rice is the belt. Yet there is a fori; of perfum'd Rice in the Eajt- Iff(UeJ9 , WbttLU Guinea- WksAU Pulfe. Bitlhel- Bun, Of the Corn Indies, which gives a curious Flavour, in the Dreffing. And with this fort America is not yet acquainted ; neither can I learn, that any of it has been brought over to Europe; the Rice of Carolina being efteenfd the beft that comes to that Quarter of the World. It is of great Increafe, yielding from eight hundred to a thoufand-fold, and thrives belt in wild Land, that has never been broken up before. Buck- Wheat is of great Increafe in Carolina ; but we make no other ufe of it, than inftead of Maiz, to feed Hogs and Poultry-: And Guinea Corn, which thrives well here, fcrves for the fame ufe. Of the Pulfe-kind, we have many forts. The firft is the Bufhel-Bean, which is a fpontaneous Produft. They are fo called, becaufe they bring a Bufhel of Beans for one that is planted. They are fet in the Spring, round Arbours, or at the Feet of Poles, up which they will climb, and cover the Wattling, making a very pretty Shade to fit under. They continue flowering, budding, and ripening all the Summer long, till the Frolt approaches, when they forbear their Fruit, and die. The Stalks they grow on, come to the Thicknefs of a Man's Thumb-, and the Bean is white and mottled, with a purple Figure on each ilde it, like an Ear. They are very flat, and are eaten as the Windfor-Bean. is, be- ing an extraordinary well-relilh'd Pulfe, either by themielves, or with Meat. We have the Indian Rounceval, or Miraculous Peafe, fo call'd from their long Pods, and great Increafe. Thefe are latter Peafe, and require a pretty long Summer to ripen in. They -are very good ; and fo are the Bonavis, Calavancies, Nanti- cokes, and abundance of other Pulfe, too tedious here to name, which we found the Indians poilefs'd of, when firft we fettled in America •, fome of which forts afford us two Crops in one Year } as the Bonavis and Calavancies, befides (everal others of that kind. Now I am launch'd into a Difcourfe of the Pulfe, I muft Eng.BM». acquaint you, that the European Bean planted here, will, in time, degenerate into a dwlrfifh fort, if not prevented by a yearly Supply of foreign Seed, and an extravagant rich Soil ; yet thefe Pigmy-Beans are the fweeteft of that kind I ever met withal. Indian jounce- ■Vdls. Peafe and Beans, As ^CAROLINA. 11 As for all the forts of Englrjh Peafe that we have yet made p«/e. tryal of, they thrive very well in Carolina. Particularly, the white and gray Rovncival, the common Field-Peafe, and Sickle-Peafe yield very well, and are of a good Reliih. As for the other forts, I have not feen any made tryal of as yet , but queftion not their coming to great Perfection with us. The Kidney-Beans were here before the Englift came, Qdncj- being very plentiful in the Indian Corn-Fields. Bean. The Garden-Roots that thrive well in Carolina, zxz Roots. Carrots, Leeks, Parfnips, Turneps, Potatoes, of feveral de- licate forts, Ground Artichokes, Radilhes, Horfe-Radifh, Beet, both forts, Onions, Shallot, Garlick, Cives, and the Wild-Onions. The Sallads are the Lettice, CurlM, Red, Cabbage, and Sa-Saua(lu voy. The Spinage round and prickly, Fennel, fweet and the common Sort, Samphire in the Marines excellent, fo is the Dock or Wild-Rhubarb, Rocket, Sorrel, French and Englifiy CrefTes of feveral Sorts, Purflain wild, and that of ^ Pur^ a larger Size which grows in the Gardens •, for this Plant teflon in never met withal in the Indian Plantations, and is, therefore, Indian fuppos'd to proceed from Cow-Dung, which Beafb they keep fields* not. Parfley two Sorts-, Afparagus thrives to a Miracle, without hot Beds or dunging the Land, White-Cabbage from European or New-England Seed, for the People are negligent and unskilful , and don't take care to provide Seed of their own. The Colly-Flower we have not yet had an Opportu- nity to make Tryal of, nor has the Artichoke ever appear'd x amongft us, that I can learn. Coleworts plain and curl'd, Savoys -\ befides the Water-Melons of feveral Sorts, very good, which ihouki have gone amongft the Fruits. Of Musk- Melons we have v«ry large and good, and feveral Sorts, as the Golden, Green, Guinea, and Orange. Cucumbers long, ihort, and prickly, all thefe from the Natural Ground, and great Increafef without any Helps of Dung or Refle&ion. Pompions yellow and very large, Burmillions, Calhaws, an excellent Fruit boil'd \ Squaflies, Simnals ,. Horns, and Gourds i befides many other Species, of lefs Value, too tedi- ous to name. Our Pot-herbs and others of ufe, which we already poflefs, poulerfo, are Angelica wild and tame, Balm, Buglofs, Borage, Burnet, and other] M Clary,/0'' *&/W» Of the Herbs Kittle- S?iahs. James- Town Clary, Marigold, Pot-Marjoram, and other Marjorams, Sum- mer and Winter Savory, Columbines, Taniey, Wormwood, Nep, Mallows feveral Sorts, Drage red and white," Lambs Quarters, Thyme, Hyfibp of a very large Growth, fweet Bazil, Rofemary, Lavender : The more Phyfical, are Car- dims Bemdittus, the Scurvy-grafs of America, I nerer here met any of the European fort ; Tobacco of many forts, Dill, Carawa, Cummin, Anife, Coriander, all forts of Plantain of England, and two forts fpontaneous, good Vulneraries ; E- lecampane, Comfrey, Nettle, the Seed from England, none Native •, Monks Rhubarb, Burdock, Afarum wild in the Woods, reckon'd one of the Snake-Roots ; Poppies in the Garden, none wild yet difcover'd -, Wormfeed, Feverfew, Rue, Ground-Ivy fpontaneous, but very fmall and fcarce, Aurea virga, four forts of Snake-Roots, befides the common Species, which are great Antidotes againft that Serpent's Bite, and are eafily rais'd in the Garden ; Mint; James-Town- Weed, fo called from Virginia, the Seed it bears is very like Weed, the that of an Onion , it is excellent for curing Burns, and af- seediike fwaging Inflammations, but taken inwardly brings on a fort omonseed.0f drunken Madnefs. One of our Marfli- Weeds, like a Dock, has the fame Effeft, and pofTefles the Party with Fear and Watchings. The Red-Root whofe Leaf is like Spear- Mint, is good for Thrufhes and fore Mouths ; Camomil, but it mult be kept in the Shade, otherwife it will not thrive \ Houfleek firft from England \ Vervin ; Night-Shade, feveral kinds •, Harts-Tongue'-, Yarrow abundance, Mullein the fame, both of the Country \ Sarfaparilla, and abundance more I could name, yet not the hundredth part of what re- mains, a Catalogue of which is a Work of many Years, and, without any other Subject, would fwell to a large Volume, and requires the Abilities of a skilful Botanift : Had not the ingenious Mr. Banifter (the greateft Virtuofo we ever had on the Continent) been unfortunately taken out of this World, he would have given the bell Account of the Plants of America, of any that ever yet made fuch an Attempt in thefe Parts. Not but we are fatisfy'd, the Species of Vege- tables in Carolina, are fo numerous, that it requires more than one Man's Age to bring the chiefelt Part of them into regular ">■ GMTes *, the Country being fo different in its Situation and Soil, that what one place plentifully affords, another is ab- folutely */ CAROLINA. 19 folutely a ftrangerto; yet we generally obferve, that the greateft Variety is found in the Low Grounds, and Savanna's. The Flower-Garden in Carolina is as yet arriv'd but to aF/onw« very poor and jejune Perfection. We have only two forts of Rofes ; the Clove- July-Flowers, Violets, Princes Feather, and Tres Colore s. There has been nothing more cultivated in the Flower-Garden, which, at prefent, occurs to my Me- mory -, but as for the wild fpontaneous Flowers of this Coun- try, Nature has been fo liberal, that I cannot name one tenth part of the valuable ones; And fince, to give Speci- mens, would only fwell the Volume, and give little Satisfa- ction to the Reader, I (hall therefore proceed to the Trefent State of Carolina, and refer the Shrubs and other Vegetables of larger Growth, till hereafter, and then mail deliver them and the other Species in their Order. the Trefent State of Carolina. WHen we confider the Latitude and convenient Situation of Carolina, had we no farther Confirmation thereof, our Reafon would inform us, that fuch a Place lay fairly to be a delicious Country, being placed in that Girdle of the World which affords Wine, Oil, Fruit, Grain, and Silk, with o- ther rich Commodities, befides a fweet Air, moderate Cli- mate, and fertile Soil •, thefe are the Blefiings (under Hea- ven's Protection) that fpin out the Thread of Life to its ut- moft Extent, and crown our Days with the Sweets of Health and Plenty, which, when join'd with Content, renders the PofTeflors the happieft Race of Men upon Earth. The Inhabitants of Carolina, thro' the Richnefs of the Soi\,The Prcfefit live an eafy and pleafant Life. The Land being of feveral-^ °f forts of Compoft, fomeftifF, others light, fome marl, others Carolina* rich black Mould ; here barren of Pine, but affording Pitch, Tar, and Mafts •, there vaftly rich, efpecially on the Frefhes . of the Rivers, one part bearing great Timbers, others being Savanna's or natural Meads, where no Trees grow for feveral Miles, adorn'd by Nature with a pleafant Verdure, and beau- tiful Flowers, frequent in no other Places, yielding abun- dance of Herbage for Cattle, Sheep, and Horfe. The Coun- try in general affords pleafant Seats, the Land (except in fome few Places) being dry and high Banks, parcelfd out into moft convenient Necks, (by the Creeks) eafy to be fen-j^b of ced in for fecuring their Stocks to more ftrid Boundaries,!^. M 2 whereby, 8o The Prefent State Purchafe of Land. Land in Virginia end Mary land Starts. bxreafe. Beef. Heifers, whereby, with a fmall trouble of fencing, almoft every Man may enjoy, to himfelf, an entire Plantation, or rather Park. Thefe, with the other Benefits of Plenty of Fifh, Wild-Fowl, Venifon, and the other Convenie(ncies which this Summer- Country naturally furnifhes, has indue'd a great many Fami- lies to leave the more Northerly Platations, and fit down un- der one of the mildeft Governments in the World; in a Country that, with moderate Induftry, will afford all the NecefTaries of Life. We have "yearly abundance of Strangers come among us, who chiefly ftrive to go Southerly to fettle, becaufe there is a vaft TradT: of rich Land betwixt the Place we are feated in, and Cape-Fair, and upon that River, and more Southerly, which is inhabited by none but a few Indians, who are at this time well affe&ed to the English, and very de* firous of their coming to live among them. The more Southerly, the milder Winters, with the Advantages of pur- chafing the Lords Land at the molt eafy and moderate Rate of any Lands in America, nay (allowing all Advantages there- to annex'd) I may fay, the Univerfe does not afford fuch an- other •, Befides, Men have a great Advantage of choofing good and commodious Trads of Land at the firft Seating of a Country or River, whereas the later Settlers are forced to purchafe fmaller Dividends of the old Standers, and fometimes at very confiderable Rates; as now in Virginia and Maryland, where a thoufand Acres of good Land cannot -be bought under twenty Shillings an Acre, beiides two- Shil- lings yearly Acknowledgment for every hundred Acres; which Sum, be it more or lefs, will lerve to put the Mer- chant or Planter here into a good pofture of Buildings, Slaves, and other Neceflaries, when the Purchafe of his Land comes to him on fuch eafy Terms. And as our Grain and Pulfe thrives with us to admiration, no lefs do our Stocks of Cattle, Horfes, Sheep, and Swine multiply. The Beef of Carolina equalizes the bell that our neighbour- ing Colonies afford ; the Oxen are of a great fize when they are fuffer'd to live to a fit Age. I have feen fat and good Beef at alL times of the Year, but Olhber and the cool Months are the Sealbns we kill our Beeves in, when we intend them for Salting or Exportation •, for then they are in their prime of Flefb,all coming from Grafs,we never ufing any other Food for our Cattle. The Heifers bring, Calves at eighteen os twenty i . ^/CAROLINA. twenty Months old, which makes fuch a wonderful Increafe, that many of our Planters, from very mean Beginnings, have rais'd themfelves, and are now Matters of hundreds of fat Beeves, and other Cattle. The Veal is very, good and white, fo is the Milk very plea- Veal* fant and rich, there being, at prefent, confiderable Quanti- ties of Butter and Gheefe made, that is very good, not only, ferving our own Neceffities,, but we fend out a great deal ar mong our Neighbours. The Sheep thrive very well at prefent, having molt com- sheep. monly two Lambs at one yeaning : As the Country comes to be open'd, they prove ftill better, Change of Pafture being agreeable to that ufeful Creature. Mutton is (generally) ex- ceeding Fat, and of a good Relilh ; their Wool, is very fine;, and proves a good Staple* The Horfes are well-fhap'd and fwift ; the belt of them Horfes^ would fell for ten or twelve Pounds in England. They prove excellent Drudges, and will travel incredible Journeys. They are troubled with very few Diftempers, neither do the cloudy-fac'd grey Horfes go blind here, as in Europe. As for Spavins, Splints, and Ring-Bones, they are here never met withal, as I can learn. Were we to have our Stallions- and choice of Mares from England, or any other of a good Sort, and careful to keep them on the Highlands* we could not fail of a good Breed , but having been fupply'd with our firft Horfes from the neighbouring Plantations, which were but mean, they do not as yet come up to the Excellency of the Englijb Horfes •, tho3 we generally find, that the Colt exceeds, in Beauty and Strength, its Sire and Dam. The Pork exceeds any in Europe -, the great Diverfity and ■y™W!> ■ Goodnefs of the Acorns and Nuts which the Woods afford, " making that Flefh of an excellent Tafte, and produces great- Quantities ; fo that Carolina (if not the chief) is not inferior^ in this one Commodity, to any Colony in the hands of the. Englijh. As for Goats, they have been found to thrive and increafe Geats. well, but being mifchievous to Orchards and other TreeSj makes People decline keeping them. Our Produce for Exportation to Europe? and -the. -Wands in-Vttineu- America, are Beef, Pork, Tallow, Hides, Deer-Skins, Furs* Pitch, Tar, Wheat, lndian-Cata* Peafe,, Malts, Staves, Headings The Trefent State Heading, Boards, and all forts of Timber and Lumber for Madera and the Weft-Indies ; Rozin^ Turpentine, and feve- ral forts of Gums and Tears, with fome medicinal Drugs, are here produc'd •, Befldes Rice, and feveral other foreign Grains, which thrive very well. Good Bricksand Tiles are made, and feveral forts of ufeful Earths, as Bole, Fullers- Earth, Oaker, and Tobacco-pipe-Clay, in great plenty ; Earths for the Potters Trade, and fine Sand for the Glafs- makers. In building with Bricks , we make our Lime of Oyfter-Shells, tho' we have great Store of Lime-ftone, to- wards the Heads of our Rivers, where are Stones of all forts that are ufeful, befldes vaft Quantities of excellent Marble. Iron-Stone we have plenty of, both in the Low- Grounds and on the Hills; Lead and Copper has been found, fo has Antimony heretofore •, But no Endeavours have been us'd to difcover thofe Subteraneous Species ; otherwife we might, in all probability, find out the beft of Minerals, which are not wanting in Carolina. Hot Baths we have an account of from the Indians that frequent the Hill-Country, where a great likelihood appears of making Salt-peter, be- SaJt-peter. caufe tjje Earth, in many places, is ftrongly mix'd with a nitrous Salt, which is much coveted by the Beafts, who come at fome Seafons in great Droves and Herds, and by their much licking of this Earth, make great Holes in thofe Banks, which fometimes lie at the heads of great Precipices, where their Eagernefe after this Salt haftens their End, by falling down the high Banks, fo that they are dafh/d in Pieces. It malt be confefs'd, that the moll noble and fweeteft Part of this Country, is not inhabited by any but the Savages ^ and a great deal of the richeft Part thereof, has no Inhabi- tants but the Beafts of the Wildernefs : For, the Indians are not inclinable to fettle in the richeft Land,, becaufe the Tim- bers are too large for them to cut down, and too much bur- then'd with Wood for their Labourers to make Plantations of; befldes, the Healthfulnefs of thofe Hills is apparent, by the Gigantick Stature, and Gray-Heads, fo common amongft the Savages that dwell near the Mountains. The great Creator of all things, having molt wifely diffused his Blef- lings, by parcelling out the Vintages of the World, into fiich Lots, as his wonderful Forefight faw molt proper, requifite, and convenient for the Habitations of his Creatures. To- wards ofC AROL.iN A. 8? wards the Sea, we have the Convenient-/ ©f Trade, 1-racfpor- tation and other Helps the Water affords ; but oftentimes, thofe Advantages are attended with indifferent Land, a thick Air and other Inconveniences ; when backwards, near the Mountains, you meet with the richeft Soil, a fweet, thin Air dry Roads, pleafant ffnall murmuring Streams, and feveral beneficial Productions and Species, which are un- known in the European -World. One Part of this Country affords what the other is wholly a Stranger to. We have Chalybeate Waters of feveral Taftes and different Chaly- Qualities j fome purge, others work by the other Emundo- beate ries. We have, amongft the Inhabitants, a Water, that is,"**"- inwardly, a great Aperfive, and, outwardly, cures Ulcers, Tettars, and Sores, by wafbing therewith. There has been a Coal-Mine lately found near the Manna- Coal-Mm kin Town, above the Falls of 7^-River in Krglnia, which in Virgi- proves very good, and is us'd by the Smiths, for their Forges i ma- and we need not doubt of the fame amongft us, towards the Heads of our Rivers ;, but the Plenty of Wood, (which is much the better Fuel) makes us not inquifitive after Coal- Mines. Moft of the French, who lived at that Town on French James-River, areremov'd to Trent-KvJZV, in North-Carolina, XtfugKS- where the reft were expected daily to come to them, when I came away, which was in Augufi, 1708. They are much ta- ken with the Pleafantnefs of that Country, and, indeed, are a very induftrious People. At prefent, they make very good Linnen-Cloath and Thread, and are very well vers'd in cul- tivating Hemp and Flax, of both which they raife very con- fiderable Quantities-, and defign to try an EfTay of the Grape, for making of Wine. ;-r': As for tbofe of our own Country in Carolina, iome or the Planters*. Men are very laborious, and make great Improvements in their Way ; but I dare hardly give 'em that Character in ge- neral. The eafy Way of living in that plentiful Country, makes a great many Planters very negligent, which, were they otherwife, that Colony might now have been in a far better Condition than it is, (as to Trade, and other Advan- tages) which an uniyerfal Induftry would have led them in*- to. _, . 84 The Prefent State Women The Women are the raoft induftrious Sex in that Place goodifouf-ahWi by their good Houfwifry, make a great deal of Cloath mves- of their own Cotton, Wool and Flax •, fome of them keep- ing their Families (though large) very decently apparel'd, both with Linnens and Woollens, fo that they have not>c- cafion to run into the Merchant's Debt, or lay their Money out on Stores for Cloathing. . Wtives of The Chriftian Natives of Carolina are a ftraigh t,clea n-limb'd Carolina. People ; the Children being feldom or never troubled with Rickets, or thofe other Diftempers, that the Europeans are vifited withal. 5Tis next to a Miracle, to fee one of them deform'd in" Body. The Vicinity of the Sun makes Impref- fion on the Men, who labour out of doors, or ufe the Wa- Semifuh ter. As for thofe Women, that do notexpofe themfelves to the Weather, they are often very fair, and generally as well featur d, as you (hall fee any where, and have very brisk charming Eyes, which fets them off to Advantage. They marry very young jjj fome at Thirteen or Fourteen £ and She thatftays till Twenty, is reckon'd a flale Maid; which is a very indifferent Charader in that warm Country. The Wo- -men are very fruitful ; molt Houfes being fall of Little Ones. It has been obfervM, that Women long marry'd, and with- out Children, in other Places, have remov'd to Carolina, and become joyful Mothers. They liave very eafy Travail ia their Child-bearing, in which they are fo happy, as feldom to mifcarry. Both Sexes are generally fpare. of Body, and not Cholerick, nor eafily call down at Difappointments and LolTes, feldom immoderately grieving at Misfortunes, unlefs for the Lofs of their nearelt Relations and Friends, which feems to make a more than ordinary ImprefFion upon them. Many of the Women are very handy in Canoes, and will ma- nage them with great Dexterity and Skill, which they be- come accuftomed to in this watry Country. They are ready to help their Husbands in any fervile Work, as Planting, when the Seafon of the Weather requires Expedition \ Pride feldom banifhing good Houfwifry. The Girls are not bred up to the Wheel, and Sewing only \, but the Dairy and Af- v fairs of theHoule they are very well acquainted withal -, fb that you mail fee them, whilft very young, manage their Bu- nxtives linefs with a great deal of Conduct and Alacrity. The Chil- docfc. dren of both Sexes are very docile, and learn any thing with a great Wot Paf- fionxte. Good. ' Wives, .£re mm of C A R. O L I N A. 85 a great deal of Eafe and Method •, and thofe that have the Advantages of Education, write good Hands, and prove good Accountants, which is moft coveted, and indeed molt neceflary in thefe Parts. The young Men are commonly of a bafhful, fober Behaviour } few proving Prodigals, to con-^ Prodi- fume what the Induftry of their Parents has left them, but&aIs' commonly improve it. The marrying fo young, carries a double Advantage with it ; and that is, that the Parents fee their Children provided for in Marriage, and the young married People are taught by their Parents, how to get their Living-, for their Admonitions make great Impreffions on their Children. 1 had heard (before I knew this new World) that the Natives of America were a (hort-liv'd People, which, by all the Obfervations I could ever make, proves quite con- trary j for thofe who are born here, and in other Colonies, live to as great Ages as any of the Europeans,z\\Q Climate being Great Agt free from Confumptions, which Diftemper, fatal to England^. Ame* they are Strangers to. And as the Country becomes more ncans° clear'd of Wood, it ftill becomes more healthful to the In- habitants, and lefs addicted to the Ague ; which is incident to moft new Comers into America from Europe, yet not mor- tal. A gentle Emetick feldom milles of driving it away, but if it is not too troublefome, 'tis better to let the Seafoning have its own Courfe, in which cafe, the Party is commonly free from it ever after, and very healthful. - And now, as to the other Advantages the Country af- fords, we cannot guefs at thematprefent, becaufe, as I faid before, the belt Part of this Country" is not inhabited by the Englifl}) from whence probably will hereafter fpring Producti- ons that this Age does not dream of, and of much more Ad- vantage to the Inhabitants than any things we are yet ac- quainted withal: And as for feverai Productions of other Countries, much in the fame Latitude, we may expect, with good Management, they will become familiar to us, as Wine, Oil, Fruit, Silk, and other profitable Commodities, fuch as Drugs, Dyes, &c. And at prefent the Curious may have a large Field to fatisfy and divert thernfelves in, as Collections collem- of ftrange Beafts, Birds, Infects, Reptiles, Shells, Fi(hes,cw. Minerals, Herbs, Flowers, Plants, Shrubs, intricate Roots, Gums, Tears, Roiins, Dyes, and Stones, with feverai other that yield Satisfaction and Profit to thole, whofe Inclinations £J tend 86 The Prefent State very fkeap Indians Hunters. sil tend that Way. And as for what may be hop'd for, to- wards-a happy Life and Being, by fuchasdefign to remove thither, I (hall add this ; That with prudent Management, I can affirm, by Experience, not by Hear-fay, That any Per- fon, with a fir all Beginning, may live very ccmfortably, Prorvifiovs and not only provide for the NecefTaries of Life, but like- wife for thofe that are to fucceed him :; Provifions-being very, plentiful, and of good Variety, to accommodate genteel Houfe-keeping i andthe neighbouring Indians are friendly,and in many Cafes ferviceable to us, inmaking us Wares to catch Fimin, for a fmall matter, which proves of great Advantage to large Families, becaufe thofe Engines take great Quanti- ties of many Sorts of Fifh, that are very good and nourinV ing : Some of them hunt and fowl for usut reafonable Rates,, the Country being as plentifully provided with all Sorts of Game, as any Part of America •, the poorer Sort of Planters often get them to plant for them, by hiring.thern for that Seafon, or for fo much Work, which commonly cbmes very reafonable. Moreover, it is remarkable, That no Place on the Continent of America, has feated an Englifh Colony fo free from Blood-fhed, as Carolina y but all the others have been moredamag'd and difturb'd by the Indians, than they have-i which is worthy Notice, when we confider how oddly it was firft planted with Inhabitants. TheFifhing-Trade in Carolina might be carried on to great Advantage, confidering how many Sorts of excellent Fifh our Sound and Rivers afford, which cure very well with Salt, as has beenexperienced by fome fmall Quantities, which have been fent abroad, and yielded a good Price. As for the Whale- fi(hing,it is no otherwife regarded than by a few People who live on the Sand-Banks j and thofe only work on dead Fifh caff, on fhoar, none being ftruek on our Coaft, as they are to the Northward} altho' we have Plenty of Whales there. Great Plenty is generally the Ruin of Induftry. Thus our Merchants are not many, nor have thofe few there be, apply'd themfelves to the European Trade. The Planter fits con- tented at home, whilft his Oxen thrive and grow fat, and his Stocks daily increafe \ The fatted Porkets and Poultry are eafily rais'd to his Table, and his Orchard affords him Li- quor, fo that he eats, and drinks away the Cares of the World, and defires no greater Happinefs, than that which he lijhin^ Trade. iVbale- iifning ^CAROLINA. he daily enjoys. Whereas, not only the Enropean,but alfo the fndian-Tiade, might be carried on to a great Profit, becaufe we lie as fairly for the Body of Indians, as any Settlement in Englijh- America 5 And for the fmall Trade that has been car- Indian- ried on in that Way, the Dealers therein have throve as fall Irate* as any Men, and thefooneft rais'd themfelves of any People I have known in Carolina. Laftly, As to the Climate, it is very healthful ; onr Sum- climate. meTiS not fo hot as in other places to the Eaftward in the summer. lame Latitude •, neither are we ever vifited by Earthquakes, jv0 Earth- as many places in Italy and other Summer-Countries are. quakes. Our Northerly Winds, in Summer, cool the Air, and free os from peftilential Fevers, which Spain, Barbary, and tjie neighbouring Countries in Europe, &c. are vifited withal. Our Sky is generally ferene and clear, and the Air verySergKCe thin,, in comparifon of many Parts of Europe, where Con- lumptions and Catarrhs reign amongft the Inhabitants. The Winter has feveral Fittsof (harp Weather, efpecially when the Wind is at N. W, which always clears the Sky, though never fo thick before. However, fuch Weather is very a- greeable to European Bodies, and makes them healthy. The N. E. Winds blowing in Winter, bring with them thick Weather, and, in the Spring, fometimes, blight the Fruits , "but they very feldom endure long, being blown away by AVefterly Winds* and then all becomes fair and clear again. Oar Spring, in Carolina, is very beautiful, and the molt plea- spring. fant Weather a Country can enjoy. The Fall is accompa-F4#„ nied with cool Mornings, which come in towards the latter end of Augufi, and fo continue (moft commonly) very mo- derate Weather till about Chriflmas; then Winter comes on apace. Tho* thefe Seafons are very piercing , yet the Cold is of no continuance. Perhaps, you will have cold Weather for three or four days at a timej then pleafant warm Weather follows, fuch as you have in England, about the latter end of April or beginning of May. In the Year 1707. we had the fevereft Winter in Carolina, that ever was known fmce the Englijh came to fettle there ; for our Rivers, that were not above half a Mile wide, and frefh Water, were frozen over ; and fome of them, in the North-part of this Country, were paffable for People to walk over. N 2 One 88 The Frefent State Man- land. One great Advantage of North-Carolina is, That we are not No iron- a Frontier, and near the Enemy • which proves very charge- UiU able and troublefome, in time of War, to thofe Colonies that are fo feated. Another great Advantage comes from its be- WMrVir-ing near Virginia, where we come often to a good Market ginia. at the Return of ,the <7«/«^- Ships for Negro's, and the Rem- nant of their Stores, which is very commodious for the /»- , d.'an-Trade ; beiides, in War-time, we lie near at hand to go under their Convoy, and to fell our Provifions to the To- bacco-fleets j for the Planting of Tobacco generally. in thofe Colonies, prevents their being fupplyed with Stores, fuffi- cient for victualling their Ships. Nuejfmes As for the Commodities , which are neceflary to carry for Caro- over to this Plantation, for Ufe and Merchandize, and are, llfla. therefore, requillte for thofe to have along with them, that intend to transport themfelves thither •, they are Guns, Pow- der and Shot, Flints, Linnensof.all forts, but chiefly ordi- nary Blues, Ofnabrugs, Scotch and Irijh Linnen, and fome fine : Mens and Womens Cloaths ready made up , fome few Broad-Cloaths, Kerfeys and Druggets'; to which you muft add Haberdajhers- Wares , Hats about Five or Six Shil- lings apiece, and a few finer; a few Wiggs, not long, and pretty thin of Hair; thin Stuffs for Women ; Iron- Work, as Mails, Spades, Axes, broad and narrow Hoes, Frows Wedges, and Saws of all forts, with other Todls for Carpen- ters, Joiners, Coopers, Shoemakers, Shave-locks, &c. all which, and others which are neceflary for the Plantations, you may be inform'd of, and buy at very reafonable Rates* of Mr. James Gilbert, Ironmonger, in Mitre-Tavern-Yard* near Aldgate. You may alfo be ufed very kindly, for your Cuttlery-Ware, and other advantageous Merchandizes, and your Cargo's well forted, by Capt. Sharp, at the Blue-gate in- Cannon- fireet. ; and for Ear then- Ware, Window-Glafs, Grind- Stones, Mill-Stones, Paper, fnk- Powder, Saddles, Bridles, and what other things ycu are minded to take with you, for Pleafure or Ornament. And now, I mail proceed to the reft of the Vegetables, that are common in Carolina, in reference to the Place where I left off, which is the Natural Hijlory of that Country. of CAROLINA. Of the Vegetables of Carolina. ■. - - TH E fpontaneous Shrubs of this Country, are, the Lark- heel-Tree; three forts of Hony-Suckle-Tree, the firft of which grows in Branches, as our Piemento-Tree does, that is, always in low, moift Ground; the other grows in clear, dry Land, the Flower more cut and lacerated \ the third, which is the moll beautiful, and, I think, the moft charming Flower of its Colour, 1 ever faw, grows betwixt two and three Foot high, and for the moft part, by the fide of a fwampy Wood, or on the Banks of our Rivers, but ne- ver near the Salt-Water. All the Sorts are white -y the laft grows in a great Bunch of thefe fmall Hony-Suekles fet up- on~T>ne chief Stem, and is commonly the Bignefs of a large Turnep. Nothing can appear more beautiful than thefe Bufhes, wlren in their Splendour, which is in April and Mayt The next is the Honey-Suckle of the Forefl ; it grows about a Foot high, bearing its Flowers on fmall Pedeftals, feverafc of them ftanding on the main Stock, which is the Thicknefs of a Wheat-Straw. We have alfo the Wood-bind, much. the fame as in England, Princes-feather, very large and beautiful in the Garden ; Tres-Colores, branch'd Sun-flower „ Double Poppies, Lupines, of feveral pretty forts, fpontane- ous ; and the SenfibU Plant is faid to be near the Mountains3. which I have not yet feen. Saf-Flower; (and I believe, the Saffron of England would thrive here, if planted) the yellow Jeflamirt is wild in our Woods, of a plealant Smelk Ever-Greens are here plentifully found, of a very quick. Growth, and pleafant Shade -, Cyprefs, or white Cedar, the Pitch Pine, the yellow Pine, the white Pine with long Leaves •, and the fmaller Almond-Pine, which laft bears Ker- nels in the Apple* tailing much like an Almond ; and in. fome years there falls fuch plenty, as to make the Hogs fat, Horn-Beam ; Cedar, two forts •, Holly, two forts ; Bay- Tree, two forts; one the Dwarf- Bay, about twelve Foot high , the other the Bignefs of a middling Pine-Tree, a- bout two Foot and half Diameter y Laurel-Trees, in Height equalizing the lofty Oaks \ the Berries and Leaves of this Tree dyes a Yellow ;;the Bay-Berries yield a Was, which foeildes, its Ufe in Chirurgery, makes Candles that, in burn-- The Natural Hiftory fiupcn. ;ing, give a fragrant Srriell. The Cedar-Berries are infufed, and made Beer of, by the Bermudians, they are Carminative, and much.of theQuality of Juniper-Berries ; Yew and Box I never faw or heard of in this Country : There are two forts of Myrtles, different in Leaf and Berry •, the Berry yields. Wax that makes Candles, the moft lafting, and of the fweet- eft Smell imaginable. Some mix half Tallow with this Wax, others ufe it without Mixture ; and thefe are fit for a Lady's Chamber, and incomparable to pafs the Line withal, and other hot Countries, becaufe they will ftand, when, others will melt, by the exceffive Heat, 4own in the Binacles. fi- ver-green Oak, two forts } Gall-Berry-Tree, bearing a black Berry, with which the Women dye their Cloaths and Yara black-, 'tis a pretty Ever-green, and very plentiful, grow- ing always in low fwampy Grounds, and amongfl Ponds. We have a Prim or Privet, which grows on the dry, barreri, ftndy Hills, by the Sound fide •, it bears a fmaller fort than that in England, and grows into a round Bufh, very beauti- ful. Laft of Bufhes, (except Savine, which grows every where wild) is the famous Yaupon, of which I find two forts, if not three. I fhall fpeak firft of the Nature of this Plant, and afterwards account for the different Sorts. This Tau* pan, call'd by the South- Carolina Indians, Cajfena, is a Bufh, that grows chiefly on the Sand-Banks and Iflands, bordering oh the Sea of Carolina \ on this Coaft it is plentifully found, and in no other Place that I know of. It grows the moft like Box, of any Vegetable that I know, being very like it in Leaf; only dented exactly like Tea, but the Leaf fome- ' what fatter. I cannot fay, whether it bears any Flower, but a Berry it does, about the Bignefs of _ a Grain of Pep- per, being firft red, then brown when ripe, which is in December \ Some of thefe Bufhes grow to be twelve Foot high, others are three or four. The Wood thereof is brittle as Myrtle, and affords a light afh-colour'd Bark. There is fometimes found of it in Swamps and rich low Grounds, which has the fame figured Leaf, only it is larger, and of a deeper Green j This may be occaflon'd by the Rich- nefs that attends the low Grounds thus fituated. The third1' Sort has the fame kind of Leaf, but never grows a Foot high, and is found both in rich, low Land, and on the Sand-Hills. I don't know that ever 1 found any Seed, or Berries on the dwarfifh */ CAROLINA 91 " ilon is made : Cattle and Sheep delight in this mnt very much ™nd fo do the Deer, all which crop it very fliort and "rowie?hc eoii! wherefoever they meet with it. I. have tSlanted the Sand-Bank and ^^^MM that the firft Year,the ^^^Mi^^^iKS Year thev throve as well as in their native Sml. Jjap nan. year tney uiruvc ■* aDDrov'd by a the Savages on is the Indian Tea, usd ana appiuv u u/ . weffward thetloaftof *rtti* and from them lent tc » fhc Wcttwaid Indians, and fold at a confutable ^^M^^Mcuring^ cure after the fame way, as they do for themielves , wiucn s^ h thus • They take this Plant (not only the Leaves, but the fma ^er* Twigs along with them; and bruife it in a Mortar, [m it blcZes blaclim, the Leaf ^W*' Th-=n thev rake it out, put it into one or tlieir eartnen rots SSviSSMbSv&i itfmoaks-, ftirringitaU the time Jill it is cur'd. Others take it, after it is bruis d, and put ft into a Bowl to which they put live Coals, and cover them ith ^ the r«A till they ha've done fmoaking j often ^urmng them over. After all, they fpread it upon then Mats, and dryTt in the Sun. to 'keep 'for Ufe. ^SmWflL fRT . SPL have this Plant very V^^Hoat^^\?A ?nd hold it in great Efteem. Sometimes they cure itas he MUm do i or elfe beat it to a Powder, fo mix it, as Coffee vet before they drink it, they' filter the fame. They pretei [t above all Liquids, to drink with Phyfick, to carry the fame fifc^ndfpSlily Ihrtf tbe Palfages, for which it is admi. ^ctmutoak1: is* fv^' lofty Tree, clear of Boughs and ^, Foot through all clear Timber v and are the largelt Oaks we have, yielding the faireft Plank. They grow c uefly : « Am Land, that if ftiff ' and rich. I have ftta of them Jo high, that a good Gun could not reach a Turkey, tho loaded with Swan-Shot: They are call'd Chefnut, becaufe of the Large- •nefs and Sweetnefs of the Acorns. i \ White Scaly-bark Oak^ This is ufed, as the former, u****, buying Sloops and Ships. Tho' it bears a large Acorn ye i rfever gmws to the Bulk and Height of the Chefnut 92 The Natural Hifiory $gi Oah B&ftard Spanifh. Oak. It is fo call'd, becaufe of a fcaly, broken, white Bark that covers this Tree, growing on dry Land. We have Red Oak, fometimes, in good Land, very large and lofty. 'Tis a porous Wood, and ufed to rive into Rails for Fences. 'Tis not very durable ; yet forae ufe this, as well as the two former, forPipe and~ Barrel-Staves. It makes good Clap boards. Spanilh . Spanijh Oak is free to rive, bears a whitifh, fmooth Bark i *«*. and rives very well into Clap-boards. It is accounted dura- ble, therefore fome ufe to build Veflels with it for the Sea • it proving well and durable. Thefe all bear good Maft for the Swine. Baftard-S/> tent, The.' 93 The Natural Hifiory Pine. sovorlVooi The Sorrel, or Sowr- Wood-Tree, is fo call'd, becaufe the Leaves taft'e like Sorrel. Some are about a Foot or ten Inches Diameter. I am unacquainted with its Vertues at prefent. , Of Pines, there are, in Carolina, at leaft, four forts. The Pitch-Pine, growing to a great Bignefs, molt commonly has but a fhort Leaf. Its Wood (being replete with abundance of Bitumen) is fo durable, that it ieems to fuffer no Decay, tho' expofed to all Weathers,, fortnany Ages-, and is ufed in feveral Domeftick and Plantation Ufes. This Tree affords the four great NecefTaries, Pitch, Tar, Rozin, and Turpen- tine •, which two lalt are extrafted by tapping, and the Heat of the Sun, the other two by the Heat of the Fire. The white and yellow Pines are faw'd into Planks for feve- ral Ufes. They make Malts, Yards, and a great many o- ther Neceflaries therewith, the Pine being the moll ufeful Tree in the Woods. The Almond-Pine ferves for Malts very well. As tor the Dwarf-Pine, it is for Shew alone, being an Ever-green, as they all are. ' . , The Hiccory is of the Walnut-kind, and bears a Nut as thev do of which there are found three forts. The firft is J ' . i. . i .., u:.-„ "CJ7>y-«^Tr Tf- Jo not1 ct Hiccory the befi r i tire-mod. JJJ which we call the common white Hiccory. It is not a durable Wood ; for if cut down, and expofed to the Wea- ther, it will be quite rotten, and fpoil'din three Years; as will HkeWife the Beech of this Country. Hiccory Nuts have verv hard Shells, but excellent fweet Kernels, with which, 'in a plentiful Year, the old Hogs, that can crack them, fatten themfelves, and make excellent Pork. Thefe Nuts are eotten in great Quantities, by the savages, and laid ^pforstores, of which they make feveral Dimes and Ban- quets One of thefe I cannot forbear mentioning j it .is this • They take thefe Nuts, and break them very frnall be- . twixt two Stones, till the Shells aad Kernels are indifferent fms'll • And this Powder you are prefeuted withal in tneir Sb^ in little wooden Dimes-, the Kernel diflblves in ■your Mouth, and the Shell is fpit out This taltes as well as any Almond. Another Difli is the Soup which they make of thefe Nuts, beaten, and put «f? Vemfon-Broth, which difTolves the Nut, and thickens, whillt the Shell pre- cipitates, and remains at the bottom. This Broth taltes c/CAROLl NL &T 99 ™ the Heart thereof being very red, firm and durable , of <> Sh'fchW.1 king-Sticks, Moltar. Peftils and toote fine Turnery-wares are made .T^-thud is ca » a tnc *£ ;nfr barkM Hiccory, from its brittle and icaly Bark. It beais a £ut with bitler Kernel and a/oft Shell, liKe . W Walnut Of this Wood, Coggs for Mills are made, m fuppofe, that Name was, at firft, to diftinguifh u trom the Hkcories, it having a blacker Bark. This Tree grows, m Sod S to a prodigious Bignefs. The Wood is very firm and durable, of which Tables and Chefts of Drawers aremade, and prove very welk Some of this is very knotty which would make the belt Returns for England tho the Mafters of Veffels refufe it, not undemanding its Goodnefs. 'Tis a very good and durable Wood, to bottom Veffels for the Sea withal 5 and they fay, that it is never eaten by the Worm. The Nuts have a large Kernel, which is very oily, except lain by, a long time, to mellow. The Shell is very thick, as all the native Nuts of America are. When it has its yellow outward Coat on, it looks and fmells much like a ^he Maple, of which we have two forts, isufed to makeM^. Trenchers, Spinning-wheels, &c. withal. Chinkapin is a fort of Chefnut, whofe Nuts are 1110ft com-Cbuila. monly very plentiful ; infomuch that the Hogs get fat with Piru them. They are rounder and fmaller than a Chefnut, but , much fweeter. The Wood is much of the Nature of Chef- nut, having a Leaf and Grain almoft like it. It is ufed to timber Boats, Shallops, &c. and makes any thing that is to- endure the Weather. This and the Hiccory are very tough Rods ufed to whip Horfes withal ; yet their Wood, m Sub- fiance is very brittle. This Tree the Vine much delights to twift about. It's good Fire-Wood, but very fparkling,, as well as Saffafras. ,. ■ ., The Birch grows all on the Banks of our Rivers, very high *trt*. up. I never faw a Tree on the Salts. It. differs fpme thing, in Bark, from the European Birch Its Buds in April are eaten by' the Parrakeetos, which refort, from all Parts,, at that Seafon-, to feed thereon. Where this Wood grows, we are, not iOO The Natural Hiftory Willow. Sycamore. A/pin*. -HoUj. J{ed-Bud. VcUitorj. JirroyO' ■ ll'OOi. not yet feated •, and as to the Wine, or other Profits it would yield, we are, at prefent, Strangers to. The Willow, here, likewife differs both in Bark and Leaf. It is frequently found on the Banks of frefh Water, as the Birch is. The Sycamore, in thefe Parts, grows in a low, fwampy Land, by River-fides. Its Bark is quite different from the Englijh, and the molt beautiful I ever faw, being mottled and clowded with feveral Colours, as white, blue, &c. It bears no Keys but a Bur like the fweet Gum. Its Ufes I am ignorant of. I never faw any Afpin, but in Rapahannock-River, from whence I brought one, (that was prefented me there as a great Prefent) but it died by the way. Of Holly we have two forts •, one having a large Leaf, the other a fmaller. They grow very thick in our. low Woods. Many of them are very ftrait, and two Foot Diameter. They make good Trenchers, and other Turnery- Ware. The Red-Bud-Tree bears a purple Lark-Heel, and is the belt Sallad, of any Flower I ever faw. It is ripe in April and May. They grow in Trees, generally final], but fome are a Foot Diameter. Pelletory grows on the Sand-Banks and Iilands. It is ufed to cure the Tooth-ach, by putting a Piece of the Bark in the Mouth, which being very hot, draws a Rhume from the Mouth, and caufes much Spittle. The Indians ufe it to make their Compofition, which they give to their young Men and Boys, when they are hufquenaw'd, of which you fhall hear farther, when I come to treat of the Cuftorns, &c. of that People. Arrow- Wood, growing on the Banks, is ufed, by the In- r, for Aitows and Gun-Sticks. It grows as ftrait, as if itans. plain'd, and rs of all Sizes. 'Tis as tough and pliable, as the fmalleft Canes. ■Ckfriut. The Chefnut-Tree of Carolina, grows up towards the hilly Part thereof, is a very large and durable Wood, and fit for Houfe-Frames, Palifado's, Sills, and many other Ufes. The Nut is fmaller than thofe from Portugal, but fweeter. 4/ik-Vine. This is no Tree, but call'd the Oak- Vine, by reafon it bears a fort of Bur as the Oak does, aad generally runs up thofe Trees. It's fo porous, that you fuck Liquors thro' a Length of two Foot. Prickly,- Ji-';i ■1 of CAROLINA. IOI Prickly-Alh grows up like a Pole •, of which the Indians and Ewlijb make Poles to fet their Canoes along in Shoal- Water. It's very light, and fall of Thorns or Prickles, bear- ing Berries in large Clatters-, of a purple Colour, not much unlike the Alder. The Root of this Tree is Catbartick and Emetick, ufed in Cachexies. The Poifon Vine is fo called, becaufe it colours the Hands W* of thofe who handle it. What the Effcds of it may be, 1 cannot relate \ neither do I believe, that any has made an Experiment thereof. The Juice of this will ftain Linnen, never to waft out. It marks a blackifh blue Colour, which is done only by breaking a bit of the Vine off, and writing what you pleafe therewith. I have thought, that the Eaft- Jndia Natives fet their Colours, by fome fuch Means, into their fineft Callicoes. It runs up any Tree it meets withal, and clafps round about it. The Leaves are like Hemlock, and fall off in Winter. Of Canes and Reeds we have many forts. The hollow Reed, cme% mi or Cane, fuch as Angling-Rods are made of, and Weavers Heeds. ufe, we have great Plenty of, though none to the Northward of fames-River in Virginia. They always grow in Branches and low Ground. Their Leaves endure the Winter, in which Seafon our Cattle eat them greedily. We have them (towards the Heads of our divers) fo large, that one Joint will hold above a pint of Liquor. The fmall Bamboo is next, which is a certain Vine, like Bamboo, the reft of thefe Species, growing in low Land. They fel- dom, with us, grow thicker than a Man's little Finger, and are very tough. Their Root is a round Ball, which ' the Indians boil as we do Garden-Roots, and eat them. When thefe Roots have been fome time out of the Ground, they become hard, and make good Heads to the Canes, on which feveral pretty Figures may be cut. There are feveral o- thers of this kind, not thoroughly difcover'd. fin,Paifflete Tliat Talmeto grows with us, which we call the dwarfifli **"*>*»• fort; but the Palmeto-Tree I have not yet met withal in North-Carolina, of which you have a Defcnption elfewhere. We mail next treat of the Spontaneous Fruits of this Country •, and then proceed to thofe that have been tranf- planted from Europe, and other Parts. The Natural Hifiory Per fm- Among the natural Fruits, the Vine firft takes place, of which I find fix forts, very well known. The firft is the black Bunch-Grapes, which yield a Crimfoa Juice. Thefe grow common, and bear plentifully. They arc of a good Relifh, though not large, yet well knit in the Clutters. They have a thickifh Skin, and large Stone, which makes them not yield much Juice. There is another fort of Black- Grapes like the former, inallrefpe&s, fave that their Juice is of a light Fie fh- Col our, inclining to a White. I once faw a Spontaneous white Bunch-Grape in Carolina; but the Cattle browzing on the Sprouts thereof in the Spring, it died. Of thofe which we call Fox-Grapes, we have four forts } two whereof are called Summer-Grapes, becaufe ripe in July •, the other two Winter-Fruit, becaufe not ripe till September or OBoher. The Summer Fox-Grapes grow not in Clutters, or great Bunches, but are about live or fix in a Bunch, about the Bignefs of a Damfon, or larger. The black fort are frequent, the white not fo common- ly found. They always grow in Swamps, and low moiffc Lands, running fometimes very high, and being fhady, and therefore proper for Arbours. They afford the largeft Leaf I ever faw, to my remembrance, the Back of which is of a white Horfe-flefh Colour. This Fruit always ripens in the Shade. I have tranfplanted them into my Orchard, and find they thrive well, if manured : A Neighbour of mine has done the fame •, mine Were by Slips, his from the Roots, which thrive to Admiration, and bear Fruit, tho' not fo juicy as the European Grape, but of a glutinous Nature* However, it is pleafant enough to eat. The other Winter Fox-Grapes, are much of the fame Big- nefs. Thefe refufe no Ground, fwampy or dry, but grow- plentifully on the Sand-Hills along the Sea-Coaft, and elfewhere, and are great Bearers. I have feen near twelve Bufhels upon one Vine of the black fort. Some of thefe, when- thoroughly ripe, have a very pretty vinous Tafte, and eat very well, yet are glutinous. The white fort are clear and tranfparent, and indifferent fmall Stones. Being removed by the Slip or Root, they thrive well in, our Gardens, and make pleafant Shades. Terfimmon is a Tree, that agrees with all Lands and Soils. Their Fruit, when ripe, is nearefl: our Medlar \ if eatea before. *f CAROLINA. 103 before, draws your Mouth up like a Purfe, being the greateft Aftringent I ever met withal, therefore very ufeful in fome Cafes. The Fruit, if ripe, will prefently cleanfe a foul Wound, but caufes Pain. The Fruit is rotten, when ripe, and commonly contains four flat Kernels, calPd Stones, which is the Seed. 'Tis faid, the Cortex Peruvianm comes from a Perjimmon-Tree, that grows in New-Spain. I have try'd the Drying of this Bark, to imitate it, which it does tolerably- well, and agrees therewith. It is binding enough to work the fame Effect. The Tree, in extraordinary Land, comes fometimes to two Foot Diameter, though not often. There are two forts of this Fruit ; one ripe in Summer, the other when the Froft vifitsus. We have three forts of Mulberries, befides the different Multity: Bignefs of fome Tmees Fruit. The firfl is the common red Mulberry, whofe Fr#k is the earlieft we "have, (except the Strawberries^ and "very fweet. Thefe Trees make a very fine Shade, to lit under in Summer-time. They are found wild in great Quantities, wherever the Land is light and rich-, yet their Fruit is much better when they ftandopen. " They are ufed inftead of Raifins and Currants, and make feveral pretty Kickfhaws. They yield a tranfparent Crim- foil Liquor, which would make good Wine \ but few Peo- ples Inclinations in this Country tend that way. The others are a fmooth-leav'd Mulberry, fit for the Silk- Worm. One bears a White Fruit, which is common ^ the other bears a fmall black Berry, very fweet. They would perfuade me. there, that the black Mulberry with the Silk- Worm fmooth Leaf, was a white Mulberry, and changed its Fruit. The Wood hereof is very durable, and where the Indians cannot get Locuft, they make ufe of this to make their Bows, This Tree grows extraordinary round and pleafant to the Eye. -. The Hiccory, Walnut, Chinkapin and Chefnut, with their Fruits, we have mention'd before. The Hazle-Nut grows plentifully in fome places of this^R^. Country ^ efpecially, towards the Mountains , but owx%mu are not fo good as the Englifh Nuts, having a much thic- ker Shell (like all the Fruits of America^ that I ever met withal) which in Hardnefs exceeds thofe of Europe. P 2 - The 104. The Natural Hifiory Bhrt- Ckerriss. Hurls. The Cherries of the Woods grow to be very large Trees. One fort, which is rarely found, is red? and not much un- like the Cornel-Berry. But the common Cherry grows high, and in Bunches, like Englijh Currants, but mnch larger. They are of a bitterifh fweet Relifh, and are equally valua- ble with our fmall Black-Cherries, for anlnfufion inspi- rits. They yield a crimfon Liquor, and are great Bearers. lasbernes. Our Rasberries are of a purple Colour, and agreeable Re- lifh, almoft like the Englijh -7 but I reckon them not quite fo rich. When once planted, 'tis hard to root them out. They run wild all over the Country, and will bear the fame Year you tranfplant them, as I have found by Ex- perience. The Hurts, Huckle-Berries, or Blues of this Country^ are four forts, which we are well acquainted withal; but more Species of this fort, and all others,- Time and Enquiry mull difcover. The firit fort is the fame Blue or Bilberry, that grows plentifully in the North of England; and in other Places, commonly on your Heaths, Commons, and Woods, where Brakes or Fern grows. The fecond fort grows on a fmall Bufh in our Savannas and Meads, and in. -the Woods. They are larger than the com- mon Fruit, and have larger Seed. The third grows on the fmgle Stem of a Stick thatrgrows in low good Land, and on the Banks of Rivers. They grow three or four Foot high, and are very -pleafant like the firfb iort, but larger. The fourth fort grows upon Trees, fome ten and twelve Foot high, and the Thicknefs of a Man's Arm , thefe are iound in the Runs and low Grounds, and are very plea- fant, .and bear wonderfully. The Enghjh fometimes dry them: in the Sun, and keep them to ufe in the Winter, inftead of Currants. The Indians get many Buihels, and dry them on Mats* whereof they make Plum-Bread, and many other Eatables. They are good in Tarts, or infufed in Liquors. In the fame Ground, commonly grows the Piemento, or All -Spice- Tree, whofe Berries differ in ihape from thofe in t\e Weft* Indies, being Taper or Conick, yet- not mfenour to any of that fort.. This Tree grows much like the Hurts, and is- of the fame Biguefs. I. have known it tranfplant'ed to high Land,, where it thrives. Our Piemen to. - \ o/CAROLIN A. 105 Oar Dew-Berries are very good. But the Black-Berries^- are bitterilh, and not fo palatable, as in England. _ v£ ' The Sugar-Tree ought to have taken place before. It isSugarTreet found in no other parts of Carolina or America, that 1 ever learnt but in Places that are near the Mountains. It s molt like one fort of Maple, of any Tree, and may be rank'd amongft that kind. This Tree, which, I am told, is of a very tedious Growth, is found very plentifully towards the Heads of fome of our Rivers. The Indians tap it, and make Gourds to receive the Liquor, which Operation is done at diftind and proper times, when it belt yields its Juice, of which, when the Indians have gotten enough, they carry it home, and boil it to a juit Cbnfiitence of Sugar, which- grains of itfelf, and ferves for the, fame Ufes, as other Su- gar does. .... r The Pa-pau is not a large Tree. Lthink, I never faw one a Papail,_ Foot through •, but has the broadeft Leaf of any Tree in the Woods, and bears an Apple abouttheBignefsofa Hen s Eeg yellow, foft, and as fweet, as any thing can well -be, Thiy make rare Puddings -of this Fruit. The Apple con- tains a large Stone. ■ s'rl-I . uruv ■ The wild Fig grows in Virginia, up in the Mountains, zsWMBg, I am inform'd by a Gentleman of my acquaintance, who is a Perfon of Credit, and a great Traveller in America. I fhall be glad to have an Opportunity to makeTryal what Improvement might be made of this wild Frnit, ; ■ ■ ' ■ The wild Plums of America are of feveral forts. Thofe^™^ which I can give an account of from my own Knowledge, I will, and leave the others till a farther Difcovery. The moft frequent ts that which we call the common Indian Plumf of which there are two forts^ if not more. One of thefe is ripe much fooner than the other, and differs in the Bark \ one of the Barks being, very fcaly, like our American Birch, Thefe Trees, when in Bloffom, fmell as fweet as any Jeffamine, and look as white as a Sheet, be- ing fomething prickly. You may make it grow to what Shape you pleafe } they -are very ornamental about a Houfe, and make a wonderful fine Shew at a Diftance, in the Spring, becaufe of t-hfeir white Livery. Their Fruit is red, and very, palatable to the lick. They are of a quick Growth, and will bear -from the Stone in five Years, on their Stock. The 9iiT Mnglijfj io6 The Natural Hifiory DamfoKs of Ame- rica, Winter yCurram. ■ Bermu- .•das Cur- grants. | April Currants. $ti Haws. Engiifli large black Plum thrives well, as does the Cherry, being grafted thereon. The American Damfons are both black and white^ and a- bout the Bignefs of an European Damfon. They grow any where, if planted from the Stone or Slip \ bear a white Bloffom, and are a good Fruit. They are found on the Sand-Banks all along the Coaft of America, i have planted feveral in my Orchard, that came from the Stone, which thrive well araongfl: the reftof my Trees. But they never grow to the Bignefs of the other Trees now fpoken of. Thefe are plentiful Bearers. There is a third fort of Plum about the Bignefs of the Damfon. The Tree is taller, ieidom exceeding ten Inches in Thicknefs. The Plum feems to tafte phyfically, yet I never found any Operation it had, except to make their Lips fore, that eat them. The Wood is fomething porous, but exceeds any Box, for a beautiful Yellow. There is a very pretty, bufhy Tree, about feven or eight Foot high, very fpreadiug, which bears a Winter-Fruit, that is ripe in O&cber. They call 'em Currants, but they are nearer a Hurt. I have eaten very pretty Tarts made there- of. They dry them inftead of Currants. This Bum is very beautiful. » ■ ■ \ . . The Bermudas Currants grow in the Woods on a Bum, much like the European Currant. Some People eat them very much-, but for my part, I can fee nothing inviting in them, and reckon them a very indifferent Ft uit. We have another Currant, which grows on the Banks of Rivers, or where only Clay hath been thrown up. This Fruit is red, and gone almoft as foon as come. They are a pretty Fruit whilft they Jail, and the Tree (for 'tis not a Bufh) they grow upon, is a very pleafant Ve- getable. *. The Haw-thorn grows plentifully in fome parts of this Country. The Haws are quite different from thofe in Eng- land, being four times as big, and of a very pleafant agree- able Tafte. We make no ufe of this Plant, nor any other, for Hedges, becaufe Timber is- fo plentiful' at prefent. In my Judgment, the Honey-Locuft would be the fitteft for Hedges-, becaufe it is very apt to Ihoot forth many Sprouts and Succours from the Roots j befides, it is of a guickGrowth, and very prickly- ( > Til€ of C A R O L 1 N A. 107 The Black Haw grows on a (lender Tree, about the-He §ht £<£ of a Quince-Tree, or fomething higher, and bears thablack Haw which People eat, and the Birds covet alio. What Vertues the Fruit or Wood is of, I cannot refolveyou, at PITnus have I given an Account of all the Spontaneous Fruits of Carolina, that have come to my Knowledge, ex- cepting Services, which I have feen in the Indians Hands, ^^/^ and eat of them, but never faw, how nor where they grew. There may very well be expected a great many more Fruits* which are the natural Product of this Country, when we confider the Fruitfulnefs of the Soil and Climate, and account for the vaft Trad of Land, (great part of which is- not vet found out) according to the Produdt of that which is already difcover'd, which (as I once hinted before) is not as vet arriv'd to our Knowledge, we having very little or no Correfpondence amongft the mountainous Parts of this Province, and towards the Country of Mejfiajippi, all which; we have ftrange Accounts of, and fome very large ones, with refped to the different and noble Fruits, and feveral other Ornaments and Bleffings of Nature which Mefliafippi poffefles £ more to be coveted, than any of thofe we enjoy, to the . Eaftward of the Mountains: Yet when I came to difcourfe fome of the Idolizers of that Country, I found it to be rather Novelty, than Truth and Reality, that induced thofe Per- fons to allow it fiich Excellencies above others. It may be a brave and fertile Country, as I believe it is -y but I cannot be perfuaded , that it can be near fo advantageous as ours, which is much better fituated for Trade, being faced all along with the Ocean, as the Englifi America is; when the other is only a direct River, in the midft of a wild unknown Land, greateft part of whofe Product muft be fetch'd, or brought a great way, before it can come to a Market. More- over, fuch great Rivers commonly allow of more Princes Ter- ritories than one-, and thus nothing but War and Contention accompanies the Inhabitants thereof. . But not to trouble our Readers with any more of this, we will proceed, in the next place, to fhew, what Exatkk Fruit* we have, that thrive well in Carolina; and what others, it may reafonably befappos'-d, would do there, were they brought thither and planted* In purfuance of which, I will io8 The Natural Hifiory jppks,.'. i: Tet down a Catalogue of what Fruits we have; I mean Spe- cies : For fliould I pretend to give a regular Name to every one ; it's neither poffible for me to do it, nor for any one to underftand it, when done ; if weconfider, that the chiefeft part of our Fruit came from the Kernel, and fome others from the Succours, or Sprouts' of the Tree, Firft, we will begin with Apples; which are the Golden Rufet. , I Summer. ■Harwy-jippie, I cannot tell, whether the lame as in %tim land. s Winter Queening. Leather Coat. Junking. Codlin. Redflreak. Long-fialh Lady-Finger* The Golden Ruflet thrives well. The Pearmains, of both forts, are apt to fpeck, and rot on the Trees ; and the Trees are damaged and cut off by the Worm, which breeds in the Forks, and other parts thereof; and often makes a Circumpofition, by deftroying the Bark round the Branches, till it dies. Harvey-Apple; that which we call fo, is efteem'd very good to make Cider of. Winter Queening is a durable Apple, and makes good Cider. ' ■ Leather-Coat ; both Appleand Tree ftand well. The Juniting is early ripe, and foon gone, in thefewarm Countries. Codlin; no better, and fairer Fruit in. the World; yet the Tree fufFers the fame Diftemper, as the Pearmains, or rather worfe; the Trees always dying before they come to their Growth. The Redftreak thrives very well. Long-ftalk is a large Apple, with a long Stalk, and makes good Summer Cider. We of C A R O L I N A. 109 Webeatthefirft of our Codlin Cider, againft reaping our Wheat, which is from the tenth of June, to the five and twentieth. Lady-Finger, the long Apple, the fame as in England, and full as good. We have innumerable forts ; fome call'd Rope- Apples which are fmall Apples, hanging like Ropes of Oni- ons-, Flattings, Grigfons, Cheefe- Apples, and a great num- ber of Names, given according to every ones Difcretion. The Warden-Pear here proves a good eating Pear; andpotherwife. Moreover', the French in North Carolina, allure me, that if we fhould trim our Apple and o- ther Fruit-'Trees, as they do in Europe, we fhould. fpoil them. As* for; Apples and -Plums, i have found by Expe- rience, what they affirm to be true. The- French, from the- Mannakin. Town, oa the Freftes of Jamet Eiver in Virginia^ had! The Natural Hiftory, had, for themoft part, removed themfelves to Carolina, to live there, before I came away ; and the reft were follow- ing, as, their Minifter, (Monfieur Philip de Rixbourg) told me, who was at Bath-Town, when I was taking my leave of my Friends. He affur'd me, that their Intent was to propagate Vines, as far as their prefent Circumftances would permit •, provided, they could get any Slips of Vines, that would do. At the fame time, I had gotten fome Grape-Seed* which was of the Jefuits white Grape from Madera. The Seed came up very plentifully, and, I hope, will not degenerate, which if it happens not to do, the Seed may prove the belt way to raife a Vineyard, as cer- tainly it is molt eafy for Tranfportation. Yet I -reckon we mould have our Seed from a Country, where the Grape arrives to the utmoft Perfection of Ripenefs. Thefe French Refugees have had fmall Encouragement in Virginia, becaufe, at their firft coming over, they took their Mea- fures of Living, from, Europe ; which was all wrong ; for the fmall Quantities of ten, fifteen, and twenty Acres to a Family did not hold out according to their way of Reckon- ing, by Reafon they made very little or no Fodder j and the "Winter there being much harder than with us, their Cattle fail'd -, chiefly, becaufe the Englijh took up and fur- vey'd all the Land round about them •, fo that they were hemm'd in on all Hands from providing more Land for them- felves or their Children, all which is highly prejudicial in America, where the generality are bred up to Planting. One of thefe French Men being a Fowling, foot a Fowl in the River, upon which his Dog went down the Bank- to bring it to his Matter > but the Bank was fo high and fteep, that he could not get up again. Thereupon, the French Man went down, to help his Dog up, and.breaking the Mould away, accidentally, with his Feet, he difcover'd a very rich Goal- Mine. This Adventure he gave an Accouut of amdngft the Neighbourhood, and prefently one of the Gentlemen of that Part furvey'd the Land, and the poor French Man jgot no- thing by his Difcovery. The French axe ^goodi Neighbours amongft us, and give Examples of Induftry,: which is much wanted in this Country. They make good Flax, Hemp, Linnen-Cloth and Thread ; which they exchange amongft the Neighbourhood for other Commodities, for which they hav-e occafion. We gf CAROLINA? i*5 ~T^ have hitherto made no Tryal ot foreign Herbage • but, a Sniff i would thrhre well; efpeciaTly, Mf^ and I &m t* ajSJJ p fertf afford 800d LWef°wraSreat of the Beafts which you U *« aaTccountof, as they have been difcoverd.- Btffilo, or wild Beef. Bear. Panther. Cat-a-mount* WddCat^ . Wotf. Tyger. Tplcatr. Otter. JBever. The Beafts of Carolina are the - Water -Rat: Rabbet^ two forts, Elks. Stags. ■ Fallow-Deer. Squirrel, four forts* ■ Fox. : ' ' • ■ Lion, and.Jachall on m &&& Rats, two forts. Mice, wo forts, i \>u, ti' ■*'wr* .-, : 'Motes. 'icm^r _ Musk-Rat. Weafel, Dormouft, i°Vum- Bearmoufe, liW on his Back, as the Cattle MM W£ h|schief He feldom appears amongft $e j^£ »gg^ for the Haunt being in the Land ^ot ^^J^jjj^g kiil'd moftpart, * -plain Country y yet i naj & „ffi } Led 3 on'the Hilly Fart ^f*^S?S^2^SS they can 7™ ifti Qfvaft Mountains f^^^iffi^^!^^?"^: ^nmp npqr us. 1 have eaten or tneir Meat, uai. wk w Virg.i» 1 16 The Natural Hiftory ' Beat: of their Tranfportation, and make Beds to lie on. They fpin the Hair into Garters, Girdles, Safhes, and the like, it being long and curled, and often of a chefhut or red "Colour. Thefe Monfters are found to weigh (as I am informed by a Traveller of Credit) from 1600 to 2400 Weight. The Bears here are very common, though not fo large as in Groenland, and the more Northern Countries oi'Ruflia. The Flefh of this Beafb is very good, and nburifhing, and not inferiour to the belt Pork in Tafte. It ftands betwixt Beef and Pork, and the young Cubs are a Difh for the great- eft Epicure living. I prefer their Flelh before any Beef, Veal, Pork, or Mutton ; and they look as well as they eat, fheir fat being as white as Snow, and the fweeteft of any Creature's in the World. If a Man drink a Quart thereof melted, it never, will rife in his Stomach. We prefer it a- bove all things, to fry Fifh and other things in. Thofe that are Strangers to it, may judge otherwife-, But I who have eaten a great deal of Bears Flelh in my Life-time (fince my being an Inhabitant in America) do think it equalizes, if not excels, any Meat I ever eat in Europe. The Bacon made thereof is extraordinary Meat ; but it mult be well faved, otherwife it will ruft. This Creature feeds upon all forts of wild Fruits. When Herrings run, which is in March, the Flefh of fuch of thofe Bears as eat thereof, is nought, all thatSeafon, and eats filthily. Neither is it good, when he feeds on Gum-berries, as I intimated before* They are great Devourers of Acorns, and oftentimes meet the Swine in the Woods, which they kill and eat, efpecially when they are hungry, and can find no other Food. Now and then they get into the Fields of Indian Corn, or Maiz,, where they make a fad Havock, fpoiling ten times as much as they eat. The Potatos of this Country are fo agreeable to them, that they never fail to fweep 'em all clean, if they chance to come in their way. They are feemingly a very clumfy Crea- ture, yet are very nimble in running up Trees, and traversing every Limb thereof. When they come down, they run Tail foremoft. At catching of Herrings, they are molt expert Fifhers. They lit by the Creek-fides, (which are very narrow) where the Fifh run in; and there they take them up, as fait as it's poflible they can dip their Paws into the Water. There is one thing more to be conjlder'd of this ,of CAROLINA. 1 17 this Creature, which is, that no Man, either Chriftian or /*-■ dian, lias ever kill'd a .She-bear with Young. It is fuppofed, that the She-Bears, after Conception, hide themfelve-s in fome fecret and undifcoverable Place, till they bring forth their Young, which, in all Probability, can- not belong ; otherwise, the Indians^ who hunt the Woods like Dogs, would, at fome time or other, have found them out. Bear-Hunting is a great Sport m America, both with the Ettglifi and Indian. Some Years ago, there were kill'd five hundred Bears, in' two Counties of Virginia, in one Winter -0 and but two She-Bears amongft them all, which were not with Young, as I told you of the reft. The Eng- lish have a breed of Dogs fit for this fport, about the fize of Farmers Curs, and, by Praftice, come to know the Scent of a Bear, whiph as foon as they have found, they run him, by the Nofe, till they come up with him, and then bark and fnap at him," till he trees, when the . Huntfmaa moots him out of the Trees, there being, for the moft part, two or three with Guns, left the firft mould mifs, or not quite kill him. Though they are not naturally voracious, ; yet they are very fierce when wounded. The Dogs often bring him to a Bay, when wounded, and then the Huntf- men make other Shots, perhaps with the Piftols that are ftuck in their Girdles. If a Dog is apt to fallen, and run. into a Bear," he is not good, for the belt Dog in Europe is nothing in their Paws •, but if ever they get liim in their Clutches, they blow his Skin from his Fleih, like a Bladder, and often kill him ; or if he recovers it, he is never good for any thing after; As the Paws of this Creature, are held for the beft bit about him, lb is the Head efteem'd the worft, and always thrown away, for what reafon I know- not. I believe, none ever made Trial thereof, to know how it eats. The OiJ of the Bear is very Sovereign for Strains, Aches, and old Pains. The fine Fur at the bottom of the Belly, is ufed for making Hats, in fome places. The Fur - itfelf is fit for feveral Ufes § as for making Muffs, facing Caps, &c but the black Cub-skin is preferable to all forts of that kind, for Muffs. Its Grain is like Hog-Skin. The Panther is of the Cat's kind ; about the height of a VmUr. very large Greyhound of a reddiih . Colour, the fame as a Lion. He climbs. Trees with the greateft Agility imaginable, - — ~ R ■ 1 1 The Natural Hifiory Mount.- is very ftrong-limb'd, catching a piece of Meat from any Creature he ftrikes at. His Tail is exceeding long ; his Eyes look very fierce and lively, are large, and of a grayifti Colour ', his Prey is, Swines-flelh, Deer, or any thing he can take } no Creature is fo nice and clean, as this, in his Food,, . When he has got his Prey, he fills his Belly with the Slaughter, and carefully lays up the Remainder, covering it very neatly with Leaves, which if any thing touches, he never eats any more of it. He purrs as Cats do -7 if taken when Young, is never to be reclaim'd from his wild Na- ture. He hollows like a Man in the Woods, when kill'd, which is by making him take a Tree, as the leaftCur will prefently do; then the Huntfmen fhoot him ; if they do not lillhim outright, he is a dangerous Enemy; when wounded, efpecially to the Dogs that approach him. This Beaft is the greataft Enemy to the Planter, of any Vermine in Carolina. His Flefh looks as well as any Shambles-Meat whatfoever -r •a great many People eat him, as choice Food \ but I never tailed of a Panther, fo cannot commend the' Meat, by my own Experience. His Skin is a warm Covering for the /»- dians- in Winter, though not efteem'd amongft the choice: Furs. This -Skin drefs'd, makes fine' Womens Shooes, of Mens Gloves. - - / ~ , The Mountain-Cat, fo calfd, becaufe he lives in the Mountainous Parts of America. He is a Beaft of Prey, as the Panther is, and neareft to him in Bignefi and Nature. This Cat is quite different from thofe in Europe ; being more nimble and fierce, and larger; his Tail does not exceed four Inches. He makes a very odd fort of Cry in the Woods, In the Night. He is fpotted as the Leopard is, tho' fomeof them are not, (which may happen, when their Furs are out of Seafon) he climbs a Tree very dexteroufly, and preys as- the Panther does. He is a great Deftroyer of young Swine. I Iknew an Ifland, which was pqjfefs'd by -thefe Vermine, un- known to the Planter, who put thereon a confiderable Stock of Swine ; but never took one back -, for the wild Cats de~ i£roy'd them all. He takes moft of his Prey by Surprize, get- ting up the Trees, which they pafs by or under, and thence leaping, direclly upon them; Thus he takes Deer (which he: sannot catch by running}, and fattens his Teeth into their Statldsrs aad fiieks tfara They run with him, till they of CAROLINA. 119 falldorfn for want of ftrength, and become a Prey to the Enemy. Hares, Birds, and all he meets, that he can con- quer, he deftroys. The Fur is approv'd to wear as a Sto- macher, for weak and cold Stomachs. They are likewife -ufed to line Muffs, and Coats withal, in cold Climates. The Wolf of Carolina, is the Dog of the Woods. The« Indians had no other Curs, before the Chriftians came a- mongft them. They are made domefhck. WThen wild, they are neither fo large, nor fierce, as the European Wolf. They are not'Mair-flayers •, neither is any Creature in Caro- lina, unlefs wounded. They go in great Droves in the Night, to hunt Deer, which they do as well as the belt Pack of Hounds. Nay, oneofthefe will hunt down a Deer. They are often fo poor, that they, can hardly run. When they catch no Prey, they go to a Swamp, and fill their Belly full of Mud ; if afterwards they chance to get any thing of Flefh, they will difgorge the Mud, and eat the other. When they hunt in the Night, that there is a great many together, they make the molt hideous "and frightful Noife, that ever - 'was heard. The Fur makes gopd Muffs. The Skin drefs d taa Parchment makes the beft Drum-Heads, and if tanu'd makes the beft fort of Shooes for the Summer-Countries. Tygers are never met withal in the Settlement \ but are 7^ more to the Weftward, and are not numerous on this Side the Chain of Mountains. I once faw one, that was larger ■ that a Panther,, and feem'd to be a very bold Creature. The Indians that hunt in thofe Quarters, fay v they are feldom met withal. It feems to differ from the Tyger of Afia and Africa. ' . Polcatsor Skunks in America, are different from thofe mpohau Europe. They are thicker, and of a great many Colours-, not all alike, but each differing from another in the parti- cular Colour. They fmell like a Fox, but ten times ftronger. When a Dog encounters them, they pifs upon him, and he will not be fweet again in a Fortnight or more. The /«* dians love to eat their Flefh, which has no manner of ill Smell, when the Bladder is out. I know no-ufe their Furs are put to. They are eafily brought up tame. There have been feen fome Otters from the Weftward of otter:* . Carolina, which were of a white Colour, a little inclining to a yellow. They live on the fame Prey here, as in Europe, and are the fame in all other Refpeftsj fo I ftiall lnjift no aj" farther The Natural Hiftory farther on that Creature. Their Furs, if black, artr valu- able. Severs are very numerous in Carolina, their being abun- dance of, their Dams in all Parts of thb Country, where -I have travel'cu They are the moft induftrious and greatelfc Artificers (in building their Dams and Houfes) of any four- footed Creatures in the World. Their Food is chiefly the Barks of Trees and Shrubs, i)lz.. Saflafras, Afh, Sweet-Gum, and feveral others. If you take them young, they become very tame and domeftick, but are very mifchievous in. fpoil- ing Orchards , by breaking the Trees, and blocking up> your Doors in the Night, with the Sticks and Wood, they bring thither. If they eat any thing that is fait, it kills; them. Their Flefli is a fweet Food ; efpecially, their Tail,. which is held very dainty. There Fore-Feet are open, like - a Dog's; their Hind-Feet webb'd like a Water-Fowl's. The Skins are' good Fu*s for feveral Ufes, which every one knows- . The Leather is very thick \ I have known Shooed made thereof in Carolina, which lafted well. It mafces the befr Hedgers Mittens that can be.ufed. Musk Rats frequent frefh Streams and no other ; as the Bever does. He has a Cod of Musk, which is valuable* as islikewife his Fur. The Pojfum is found no where but in America. He is the Wonder of all the Land-Animals, being the fize of a Badger, . and near that Colour. The Male's Pizzle is placed retro- grade y and in time of Coition, they differ from all other Animals, turning Tail to Tail, as Dog and Bitch when ty'd* The Female, doubtlefs, breeds her Young at her Teats ;for I have feen them ftick fall thereto* when they have been no bigger than a fmall Rasberry, and feemingly inanimate. Shs has a Paunch, or falfe Belly, wherein fhe carries her Young, after they are from thofe Teats, till they can fhift fop themfelves. Their Food is Roots, Poultry, or wild Fruits.' They have no Hair on their Tails, but a, fort of a Scale, of hard Cruft, as the Bevers have. If a Cat has nine Lives* this Creature furely has nineteen \ for if you break every Bone in their Skin, and malh their Skull, leaving them for Dead* you may come an hour after, and they will begone quite away, or perhaps you meet them creeping away. They are ^wy.ltupid Creature, utterly .neglecting their Safety. They. are.. ofC AR0L1NA. 121 I ¥r\ ^,fa nf anv thin? I have, for Necefllty in Z WiuWsf enVAem.^Their Flelh is very white, the Wi aerneii, c me out of Con. M> Sfirt&e TheytS Trees, as the Raccoons do. The'" FurhaisFn0; S nor ufed, fave that tbc<**» fpiThe Khrf a'tk'grf/'colour; if taken young, {M S^or^S^|^f«; s7tVWat rVLfmucLn Oyfterl which they love, They „^h the Ovfcr when it opens, and nimbly pu .in their C and pluck onfthe Eilh. Sometimes the Oytter fonts, £d lioUstfo their Paw till the Wconres g«g are drown'd, tho' they fwim very well. The way that Mis Animal catches Crabs/which he great y admires, ancUhich „e plenty ia C«B«, U worthy -f Rema Wh»h intends to make a Prey ot the ie t-im,. & where Handing on the Land, he lets his Tarl W&^*£ Wfli-rr This the Grab takes tor a Bait, ana raiipab ius n,ws therein which as foon as the.***™ perceives, he of Sudde ^Xings forward, a confutable way, on the , a n\ kC the Crab along with him. As foon as the Sing The Chief of his other Food is all fortsof w Id Fruits ereen Corn, and fuch as the Bear delights in, Thi»- Sd helSarenrachofaBignefs. The Fur makes good; Hats andSngs. The Skin dtefs'd makes fine Womeaa.. SbThl'Mmx is an Animal much' like the .j/g^Filliniartt^. or PolcM He is long, (lender, and every way foap'd like 122 The Natural Hiftory i from you in the Night, when afleep, as I can tell by Expe- rience; for one Winter, by Misfortune, I ran my VelTel a-ground, and went often to the Banks, to lull wild Fowl, which we did a great many. One Night, weTiad a mind to fleep on the Banks (the Weather being fair) and -wrapt up the Geefe which we had kill'd, and not eaten, very care- fully, in the" Sail of a Canoe, and folded it feveral Doubles, and for their better Security, laid 7em all Night under my Head. In the Morning when I wak'd, a Minx had eaten thro' every Fold of the Canoe's Sail, and thro' one of the - Geefe, molt part of which was gone. Thefe are likewife found high up in the Rivers, in whofe iides they live •, which is known by the abundance of Frelh-Water Mufcle-Shells (fiich as you have in England) that lie at the Mouth of their Holes. This is an Enemy to the Tortois, whofe Holes in the Sand, where they hide their Eggs,' the Minx finds out, and fcratches up and eats. The Raccoons and Crows do the fame. The Minx may be made domeftick,' and were it not for his paying a Vifit now and then to the Poultry they are the greateft Deftroyers of Rats and Mice, that are in the World. Their Skins, if good of that kind, are valuable, provided they are kill'd in Seafon. Water' The Water-Rat is found here the fame as in England. The %#• Water-Snakes are often found to have of thefe Rats in their Bellies. fmeys. That which the People of Carolina call a Hare, is nothing but a Hedge-Coney. They never borough in the Ground, but much frequent Marines and Meadow-Land. They hide their Young in fome Place feeure from the Difcovery of the Buck, as the European Rabbets do, and are of the fame Co- lour •, but if you ftart one of them, and purfue her, flie takes into a hollow Tree, and there runs up as far as ihe can, in which Cafe the Hunter makes a Ere, and fmoaks the Tree, which brings her down, and fmothers her. At one time of the Year, great Bots or Maggots breed betwixt the Skin and the Flefh of thefe Creatures. They eat juft as the EngLJh ones do } but I never faw one of them fat. We lire the Marines,- and then kill abundance. Rabbet The ^n&^-> or Ettropean Coneys are here found, tho' but Ecglilh. in one place that I ever knew of, which was in Trent- River, where they borough'd among the Rocks. I cannot believe, »_ of CAROLINA. 123 Elks, believefthefe are Natives of the Country, any otherwife than that they might come from aboard fome Wreck ; the Sea not being far off. " I was told of feveral that were upon Bodies lfand by Rowah, which came from that Ship of Bodies -0 but I never faw any. However the Banks are no proper Abode of Safety, beeaufe of the many Minxes in thofe Quarters. I carried over fome of the tame fort from England to South Caro- lina, which bred three times going over, we having a long Paflage. I turn'd them loofe in a Plantation, and the young ones, and fome of the old ones bred great Maggots in their Tefticles. At laft, tha great Gull in September, 1700. brought a great deal of Rain, and drown'd them all in their Holes. I intend to make a fecond Tryal of them in North Carolina^ and doubt not but to fecure them. The Elk is a Monlter of the Venifon fort. His Skin is nfed almoft in the fame Nature as thejtejfe/b's. Some take him for the red Deer of America \ but he is not : For, if brought and kept in Company with one of that fort, of the contrary Sex, . he will never couple. His Flefh is not fo fweet as the leffer Deers. His Horns exceed (in Weight) all Crea- tures which the new World affords. They will often refort and feed with the Buffelo, delighting in the fame Range as they do. The Stags of Carolina are lodg'd in the Mountains. They^ are not fo large as in Europe, but much larger than any Fal- low-Deer. They are always fat, I believe, with fome deli- cate Herbage that grows on the Hills •, for we find all Crea- tures that graze much fatter and better Meat on the Hills, than thofe in the Valleys: I mean towards and near the ~ Sea. Some Deer on thefe -Mountains afford the occidental. Bewar, not coming from a Goat, as fome report. What fort of Beaft affords the oriental Beu>ar, I know not. The Tal- low of the Harts make incomparable Candies. Their Horns- and Hides are of the fame Value, as others of their kind; Fallow-Deer in Carolina, are taller and longer-legg'd, thani^ow. in Europe j but neither run To fait,- nor are fo well haunch'd. ^"^ Their Singles are much longer, and their Horns ftand for- ward, as the others incline backward \ neither do they beam, or bear their Antlers, as the Englifb Deer do. Towards the . Salts, they are not generally fo fat and good Meat, as on the: Hills. I have' known fome kilLU o&- the Salts in January^ * til "■'.' tfea-r- .t?'h •*H The Natural Hifiory Wox Squirt rel. Small gray. Squirrel. Flying- Squirrel. Ground. Squirrel* that have had abundance of-Bots in their Throat, which keep them very poor. As the Summer, approaches, thefe Bots come out, and turn into the fineft Butterfly imaginable, be- ing very large, and having black, white, and yellow Stripes. Deer-Skins are one of the belt Commodities Carolina affords, to Ihip off for England, provided they be large. , Of Squirrels we have four Sorts. The frrft is the Fox- Squirrel, fo call'd, becaufe of his large Size, which is the Bignefsof a Rabbet of two or three Months old. His Co- lour is commonly gray} yet I have feen feveral pied ones, and fome reddifh, and black •, his chiefeft Haunts are in the Piny Land, where the Almond-Pine grows. There he pro- vides his Winter-Store •, they being a Nut that never fails of bearing. He may be made tame, and is very good Meat, when killed. The next fort of Squirrel is much of the Nature of the Englifiy only differing in Colour. Their Food is Nuts (of all forts the Country affords) and Acorns. They eat well -7 and, like the Bear, are never found with youngi This Squirrel is gray, as well as the others. He is the leaft of the Three. His Food is much the fame with the fmall gray Squirrels. He has not Wings, as Birds or Bats have, there being a fine thin Skin cover'd with Hair, as the reft of the parts are. This is from the Fore-Feet to the Hinder-Feet, which is extended and holds fo much Air, as buoys him up, from one Tree to another, that are greater diftances afundcr, than other Squirrels can reach by jumping or fpringing. He is made very tame, is an Enemy to a Corn- field, (as all Squirrels are) and eats only the germinating Eye of that Grain, which is very fweet. Ground Squirrels are fo call'd, becaufe they never delight in running upTrees,, and leaping from Tree to Tree. They are the fmalleft of all Squirrels. Their Tail is neither fo long not bufhy \ but -flattim. They are of a reddifh Co- lour, and fcriped down each Side with black Rows, which make them very beautifuL They may be kept tame, in a little Box with Cotton. They and the Flying-Squirrels ield^m fiir out ia Cold Wea .her, being tender Animals. The of C A R O L I N A. 125 The Fox of Carolina is gray, but fmells not as the Foxes in Fox. Great-Britain, and elfewhere. They have reddifh Hair about their Ears, and are generally very fat-, yet I never fa w any one eat them. When hunted, they make a forry Chace, be- caufe they run up Trees, when purfued. They are never to be made familiar and tame, as the Raccoon is. Their Furs, if in Seafon, are ufed for Muffs and other Ornaments. They live chiefly on- Birds and Fowls, and fuch fmall Prey. _ I have been inform'd by the Indians,-, tthat oh a Lake of ii^lni Water towards the Head of Neus River, there haunts afakaii. Creature, which frightens them all from Hunting there- abouts. They fay, he is the Colour of a Panther, but cannbt run up Trees-, and that there abides with him a Creature like an Endifhman\ Dog, which runs falter than he can, and gets his ptey for him. They add, that there is no other of that Kind that ever they met withal ; and that they have no other way to avoid him, but by running up a Tree. The Certainty of this I cannot affirm by my own Knowledge, yet they all agree in this Story. As for Lions, I never faw any in America ; neither can I imagine, how they fhould come there. Of Rats we have two forts •, the Houfe-Rat, as in Europe ;^j. and the Marfh-Rat, which differs very much from the other, being morefrairy, and has feveral other Diftin&ions, too long here to name. Mice are the fame here, as thofe in England, that belong ^ve. to the Houfe. There is one fort that poifons a Cat, as foon as fhe eats of them, which has fometimes happen'd. Thefe Mice refort not to Houfes. TheDormoufe is the fame, as in England; andfois the Domoufe. Weafel, which is very fcarce. The Bat or Rearmoufe, the fame as in England. The pearmufg, Indian Children are much addicted to eat Dirt, and fo are , fome of the Chriftians. But roafl a Bat on a Skewer, then pull the Skin off, and make the Child that eats Dirt, eat the roafl ed Rearmoufe; and he will never eat Dirt again. This is held as an infallible Remedy. I have put this a- mongft the Beafts^ as partaking of both Natures \ of the Bird, and Moufe-Kind. Having mention'd all the forts of terreftrial or Land- Ani- mals, which Carolina affords and are yet known to us, except S the I ■ ia6 The Natural Htftory the Tame and Domeftick Creatures (of whichlfhall givean Account hereafter, when I come to treat of the Ways and Manners of Agriculture in that Province J I mall now pro- ceed to the known Infeits of that Place. Not that I pretend to give an ample Account of the whole Tribe, which is too numerous, and contains too great a Diverfity of Species, many not yet difcovered, and others that have flipt my Me- mory at prefent-, But thofe which lean remember, I here prefent my Readers withal. Infe&S of Carolina. "Allegators. Rattle-Snakes. Ground Rattle-Snakes. Horn-Snakes. Water-Snakes, four forts. Swamp Snakes three forts. Red-be/lied Land-Snakes. Red-backed Snake. Black Truncheon Snake* Scorpion-Lizard* Green Lizard. Frogs, many forts. Strange Genitors. Long black Snake. Kim-Snake. Green Snake. Corn Snake. Vipers black and gray. Tortois. Terebin Land and Water, Brimfione-Snake. £gg, °r Chicken-Snake* Mel-Snake, or great Loach. Brown Lizard. Rotten-wood Worm, &c. The Allegator is the fame, as the Crocodile, and differs only in Name. They frequent the fides of Rivers, in the Banks of which they make their Dwellings a great way un- der Ground •, the Hole or Mouth of their Dens lying com- monly two Foot under Water, after which it rifes till it be confiderably above the Surface thereof. Here it is, that this amphibious Monfter dwells all the Winter, fleeping away his time till the Spring appears, when he comes from his Cave, and daily fwims up and down the Streams. He al- ways breeds in fome frefh Stream, or clear Fountain of Wa- ter, yet feeks his Prey in the broad Salt Waters, that are brackifh, not on the Sea-fide, where I never met with any. He never devours Men in Carolina, butufes all ways to a= void them, yet he kills Swine and Dogs, the former as they come to feed in the Marines, the others as they fwim over she Cresks and Waters. They are very miichievous to the Wares ^/CAROLINA. 127 Wares made for taking Fifh, into Which they come to prey on the Fifh that arecaughtin the Ware, from whence they cannot readily extricate themfelves, and fo break the Ware in Pieces, being a very ftrong Creature. This Animal, ia thefe Parts, fometimes exceeds feventeen Foot long. It is impoffibleto kill them with a Gun, unlefsyOu chance to hie them about the Eyes, which is a much fofter Place, than the reft of their impenetrable Armour. They roar, and make a hideous Noife againft bad Weather, and before they come out of their Dens in the Spring. I was pretty muchfright- ned with one of thefe once; which happened thus: I had. built a Houfe about half a Mile from an Indian Town, on the Fork of iVezw-River , where I dwelt by my felf, ex- cepting a young Indian Fellow, and a Bull-Dog, that I had along with me. I had not then been fo long a Sojourner in America^ as to be throughly acquainted with this Creature. One of them had got his Neft direttly under my Houfe, which ftood on pretty high Land, and by a Creek-fide, in whofe Banks his Entring-place was, his Den reaching the Ground directly on which my Houfe ftood. I was fitting a- lone by the Fire-fide (about nine a Clock at Night, fome time in March) the Indian Fellow being gone to the Town, to fee his Relations ; fo that there was no body in the Houfe but my felf and my Dog ; when, all of a fudden, this ill-fa- vour'd Neighbour of mine, fet up fuch a Roaring, that he made the Houfe fhake about my Ears, and fo continued, like a Bittern, (but a hundred times louder, if poffible) for four or five times. The Dog ftared, as if he was frightned out of his Senfes } nor indeed, could I imagine what it was, ha- ving never heard one of them before. Immediately again I had another Leflbn ; and fo a third. Being at that time a- mongft none but Savages, I began to fufped, they were working fome Piece of Conjuration under my Houfe, to get away my Goods-, not but that, at another time, I have as little Faith in their, or any others working Miracles, by dia- bolical Means, as any Perfon living. At laft, my Man came in, to whom when I had told the Story, he laugh'd at me, and prefently undeceiv'd me, by telling me what it was that made that Noife. Thefe Allegators lay Eggs, as the Ducks do j only they are longer fhap'd, larger, and a thicker Shell, than they have. How long they are in hatching, I cannot S 2 tell. 28 The Natural Hiftory Snake. tell^ but, as the Indians fay, it Is molt part of the Summer they always lay by a Spring-Side, the young living in and a- bout the fame, as foon ashatch'd. Their Eggs are laid in Neils made in the Marines, and contain twenty or thirty Eggs. Some of thefe Creatures afford a great deal of Musk. Their Tail, when cut of, looks very fair and white, feemingly- like the belt of Veal. Some People have eaten thereof and fay, it is delicate Meat, when they happen not to be musky,. Their Fleih is accounted proper for fuch as are troubled with the lame Diftemper, (a fort of Rhumatifm) fo is the Fat very prevailing to remove Aches and Pains, by Unclion. The Teeth of this Creature, when dead, are taken out to make Chargers for Guns/ being of feveral Sizes, fit for all- Loads. They are white, and would make pretty Snuff Boxes if wrought by an Artifr. After the Tail of the Aliegator is feparated from the Body, it will move very freely for four days-. ' The Rattle-Snakes are found on alt the Main of America, that 1 ever had any Account of} being fo calfd from the Rattle at the end of their Tails, which is a Connexion of jointed Coverings, of an excrCmentitious Matter, betwixt die Subitance of a Nail, and- a Horn, though each Teg-men is very thin. Nature feems to have defign'd thefe, on pur- pofe to give Warning of fuch an approaching Danger, as the venomous Bite of thefe Snakes is. Some of them grow fco a very great Bignefs, as fix Foot in Length, their Middle being the Thicknefs of the Small of a lufty Man's Leg. We have an Account of much larger Serpents of this Kind } but I never met them yet, although I have ften and kill'd abun- dance in my time. They are of an Orange, tawny, and blackifll Colour, on the Back} differing (as all Snakes do) in Colour, on the Belly} being of an Afh-Colour, inclining to Lead.. The Male is eafily diftinguifh'd from the Female oy a black Velvet-Spot on his Head } and befides, his Head is fmaller fhaped, and long. Their Bite is venomous, if not fpeedily remedied} efpecially, if the Wound be in a Vein Nerve, Tendon,, or Sinew} when it is- very difficult to cure. The Indians are the heft Phyficians for the Bite of thefe and all other venomous Creatures, of this Country. There are four forts of Snake-Roots already difcovet'd, which Know- ledge came from: the Indians ,w.ho have performed feveral great Cures,. of C A R Q L 1 N A. 129 Cares The Rattle-Snakes are accounted the peaceableft in the' World-, for they never attack any one, or injure them, unlefs they are trod upon, or molefted. icTfae : molt Danger of being bit by thefe Snakes, is for thofe that furvey Land in Carolina, yet I never heard of any Surveyor that was kill'd, or hurt by them. I have ^f*™0™*?* ral of this Sort, and others ; yet it pleafed God, I never came to any harm. They have the Power, or Art (I know not which to call it) to charm Squirrels, Hares, Partridges, or any fuch thing, in fuch a manner, that they run direftly into their Mouths. This I have feen by a Squirrel and one of thefe Rattle-Snakes •, and other Snakes have, in fome meafure, the fame Power, The Rattte-Snakes have many fmall Teeth, of which I cannot fee they make any ufe; for they fwallow everything wholes but the Teeth which poifon, are only four- two on each fide of their Upper-jaws. Thefeare bent- like isickle, and hang loofe as if by a Joint. 1 o wards the fetting on of thefe, there is, in each Tooth, a little Hcue, wherein you may j aft get in the Point of a fmall Needle* And here it is, that the Poifon comes out, (which is- as green as Grafs) and follows the Wound, made by the Point ■ of their Teeth. They are much more venomous in the Months of June and July, than they are hi March, Afrtl or September. "The hotter the Weather, the more poifonou* Neither may we fuppofe, that they can renew their Poifon as oft as they will S f°r we have had a Perfon blt b>? one ot thefe who never rightly recover'd it, and very hardly efcaped with Life-, a fecond Perfon bit in the fame Place bv the fame Snake, and received no more Harm, that it bit- ten with a Rat. They call their Skins every Year, and com- monly abide near the Place where the old Skin lies. Thefe caftSkinsareufedinPhyfick, and the Rattles are reckoned good to expedite the Birth. The Gall is made up into Pills,- with Clay, and kept for Ufej being given in-Peltilential Fevers and the Small-Pox. It is accounted a noble Remedy, . known to few, and held as a great Arcanum, Tins Snake has two Noftrils on each fide of his Nofe. Their Venom, I have Reafon to believe, effefts no Harm^ any otherwife man- when darted into the Wound by the Serpents Teetjn _ The Ground Rattle-Snake, wrong namU becaufe &«J&S<™* nothing like Rattles. It refembles the Rattle-Snake a little Sml 0 m I go The Natural Hiftory Horn. Snake. Water- Snakes. Swamp- Snakes. in Colour, but is darker, and never grows to any conflderable Bignefs, not exceeding a Foot, or fixteen Inches. He is reckon'd amongft the worft of Snakes ; and ftays out the longeft of any Snake I know, before he returns rin the Fall of the Leaf) to his Hole. , v Of the Horn-Snakes I never faw but two, that I remember They are like the Rattle-Snake in Colour, but rather lighter! They hifs exa&ly like a Goofe, when any thing approaches them. They ftrike at their Enemy with their Tail, and kill whatfoever they wound with it, which is arm'd at the End with a horny Subftance, like a Cock's Spur. This is their Weapon. I have heard it credibly reported, by thofe who faid they were Eye-Witneffes, that a fmall Locuft-Tree about theThicknefs of a Man's Arm, being tfruck by one of thefe Snakes, at Ten a Clock in the Morning, then verdant and flourifhing, at four in the Afternoon was dead, and the Leaves red and wither'd. Doubtlefs, be it how it will they are very venomous. I think, the Indians do not pretend to cure their Wound. Of Water-Snakes there are four forts. Thefirft is of the Horn-Snakes Colour, though lefs. The next is a very long Snake, differing in Colour, and will make nothing to fwim over a River a League wide. They hang upon Birches and other Trees by the Water-Side. I had the Fortune once to have one of them leap into my Boat, as I was going up a narrow River ; the Boat was full of Mats, which I was glad to take out, to get rid of him. They are reckon'd poifo- nous. A third is much of an Englijh Adder's Colour, but always frequents the Salts, and lies under the Drift'sea- weed, where they are in abundance, and are accounted mif- chievous, when they bite. The lalt is of a footy black Co- lour, and frequents Ponds and Ditches. What his Qualities are, I cannot tell. Of the Swamp-Snakes there are three forts, which are very near akin to the Water-Snakes, and may be rank'd amongft them. The Belly of the firft is of a Carnation or Pink Colour •- his Back a dirty brown ; they are large, but have not much Venom in them, as ever I learnt. The next is a large Snake of a brown. Dirt Colour, and always abides in. the Mar/hes. The of CARD LIN A. »3 The laft is mottled, and very poifonous. They dwell in Swamps Sides, and Ponds, and have prodigious wide Mouths, and (though not long) arrive to the Thicknefs of the Calf of a Man's Leg. Thefe frequent the Land altogether, and are fo ca\Yd,xed-Mj becaufe of their red Bellies, which incline to an Ora'ngef Lani- Colour. Some have been bitten with thefe fort of Snakes, Snakes- and not hurt} when others have fuffer'd very much by them. Whether there be two forts of thefe Snakes, which we make no Difference of, I cannot at prefent determine. I never faw but one of thefe, which I ftept over, and %ed-Bart did not fee him ; till he that brought the Chain after me^nakes. fpy'd him. He has a red Back, as the laft has a red Belly. They are a long, flender Snake, and very rare to be met withal. I enquired of the Jnd.ia.rt that was along with me, whether they were very venomous , who made Anfwer, that if he had bitten me, even the Indians could not have cured it. This fort of Snake might very well have been rank'd ftim&ack the Water-Snakes. They lie under Roots of Trees, and on?rm™em° the Banks of Rivers. When any thing difturbs them, they m s' dart into the Water (which is Salt) like an Arrow out of a Bow. They are thick, and the fhorteft Snake I ever faw. What Good, or Harm, there is in them, I know not. Some of thefe Water-Snakes will fwallow a black Land-Snake, half as long again as themfelves. The Scorpion Lizard, is no more like a Scorpion, than a scorpion Hedge-Hog-, but they very commonly call him a Scorpion. Li\ari» He-is of the Lizard Kind, but much bigger:, his Back is of a dark Copper- Colour ; his Belly an Orange j he is very nimble in running up Trees, or on the Land, and is accounted very poifonous. He has the moft Sets of Teeth in his Mouth and Throat, that ever I faw. Green Lizards are very harmlefs and beautiful, having a Green . little Bladder under their Throat, which they fill with Wind,L/^n£> and evacuate the fame at Pleafure. They are of a moft glo- rious Green, and very tame. * They refort to the Wails of Houfes in the Summer Seafon, and ftand- gazing on a Man, without any Concern otFear. There are feveral other Go- lours, of thefe Lizards \ but none fo beautiful as the green ones are. _ . J Off The i Natural Hlftory Traps, Snake. Of Frogs we have 'feveral forts :, the molt famous is the Bull-Frog, fo call'd, becaufe he lows exadHy like that Beaft, which makes Strangers wonder (when by the fide of a Marfh) what's the matter, for they hear the Frogs low, and can fee no Cattle j he is very large. I believe, I have feen one with as much Meat on him, as a Pullet, if he had been drefs'cT. The fmall green Frogs get upon Trees, would be no eafie Undertaking to any Author that writes truly and conipendioufly, as he ought to do. It is fufficient at prefent, to write an honeft and fair Account of any of • the Settlements, in this, new World, without wandring out of the Path of Truth, or befpattering any Man's Reputation any wife concern'd in the Government of the Colony y he that mixes Inve&ives with Relations of this Nature ren- dering himfelf fufpecled of Partiality in whatever he writes. For my part, I wifh all well, and he that has received any fevere Dealings from the Magiftrate or his Superiours, had beft examine himfelf well, if he was not firft in the Fault ; if fo, then he can juftly blame none but himfelf for what has happen'd to him. Having thus gone thro' the hfi&s, as in the Table, ex- cept the Eel-Snake, (fo call'd, though very improperly, be- caufe he is nothing but a Loach, that fucks, and cannot bite, as the Snakes do.) He is very large, commonly fixteen Inches, or a Foot and half long \ having all the Properties that other Loaches have, and dwells in Pools and Waters, as they do. Notwithftanding, we have the fame Loach as vou have, in Bignefs. This is all that at prefent I ihall mention, touching the jfe- fim, and fo go on to give an Account of the Fowls and Birds, that are properly found in Caroling which are thefe. Birds of Carolina. Eagle bald. Eagle gray. Fijhing Hawk. Turkey Buzzard, or Vulture, Hernng-taiPd Hawk. Cojhawk. Falcon. Merlin. Sparrow-hawk, Hobby, Ring-tail. Raven. Crow. Black Birds, two forts. Buntings two forts, Theafant. Woodcock. Snipe. Tartridge, Moorhen. T % Birds in America more beau; tiful than in Eu- rope. Jty Natural Hiftory Red Bird. Eafl- India Bat. Martins, two forts.. Diveling, or Swift. Swallow. Humming Bird. The Tom-Tit, or Ox-Eye. Owls, two forts. Switch Owl. Baltimore bird. Throflle, no Singer. , Whippeo Will. - Reed Sparrow.. Weet bird. Rice bird. Cranes and Storks, Snow-birds-. Yellow-wings. Water Fowl are, Swans, called Trompeters* Swans, called Hoopers, Gtefe, three forts. Brant gray. Brant white. Sea-pies or pied- CwlneSc WtllWillets. Great Gray Gulls. Old Wives, Sea Cock. Car lues, three fort?,* Coots. Kings- fijher. Loons, two forts. Bitterns, three forts* Hern gray. Hern white. Water TheafanU Little gray Gull. Link Fijher-, or D*ft&* Duels, as in England. Ducks black, all Summer. Ducks pied, build on Trees. Ducks whifiling, at Sapona^ Ducks fcarlet-eye at Efaw. Blue-wings. Widgeon. Teal, two forts. Shovelers. Whifflers. Black FluftererS) or bald Cwt. Turkeys wild*. Fijher men. Divers. Raft Fowl. Bull-necks. Redheads. Tropick-birdso 'Fellican: €Qrmo(smtl of CAROLINA. J37 Tutcoch Swaddle- bills. Men. Sheldrakes. Bald Faces. Water Witeb^ or Ware 'Coot. Gannet. Shear-water. Great bla k pied Gull. Afarjh-hens. Blue Peter s. Sand-birds. Runners. \ As the Eagle is reekon'd the King of Birds I have begun BM-2& With him. The firft I fhall fpeak of, is the bald Eagle ] fogfc. call'd, becaufe his Head, to the middle of his Neck, and his Tail, is as white as Snow. Thefe Birds continually breed the Year round y for when the young Eagles are juft down'd^ with a fort of white woolly Feathers,- the Hen-Eagle lays again, which Eggs are hatch'd by the Warmth of the young ones in the Neft, fo that the Flight of one Brood makes Room for the next, that are but juft hatch'd. They prey on. any living thing they can catch. They are heavy of Flight,, and cannot get their Food by Swiftnefs, to help which there ia-a Fifhawk that catches Fiftes, and fuffers the Eagle to take them from her , although fhe is long-wing'd and a fwifc Flyer, andean make far better way in her Flight than the; 'Eagle can. Thebald Eagle attends the Gunners in Winter, with all the Qbfequioufnefs imaginable, and when he moots and kills any Fowl, the Eagle furely comes in for his Bird; and befides, thofe that are wounded,, and efcape the Fowler, fall to the Eagle's fhare. He is an excellent Artift at ilealing . young Pigs, which Prey he carries alive to his ISJeli, at which time the poor Pig makes fuch a Noife over Head, that Stran- gers that have heard them cry, and not feen the Bird and his Prey, have thought there were Flying S<5ws and Pigs in that Country. The Eagle's Nejt. is made of Twigs, Sticks and Rubbifh. It is big enough to fill a handfome Carts Bod y^, and commonly fo full of nafty Bones and CarcafTes that it ftinks moft ofFenfively. This Eagle is not bald, till heis one OK two years old. The gray Eagle is altogether the fame fort of Bird, as the Gny.£c> Eagle in Europe \ therefore, we fhall. treat no farther of£^- him. The Fiihing-Hawk is the Eagle's jackal* which- rnofi: com- sQT monly (though not always) takes his Prey for him. He is a m " large. The Natural Hiftory. Merlin. Sparrow- Hawk. large Bird, being above two thirds as big as the Eagle. He builds his Neil as the. Eagles do; that is, in a dead Gypr els- Tree, either (landing in, or hard by, the. Water. The Ea- gle and this Bird feldom lit on a living Tree. He is of a gray pied Colour , and the mofb dexterous Fowl in Nature at Catching of Fifh, which he wholly lives on, never eating any Flefh. The Turkey-Buzzard of Carolina is a fmall Vulture, which lives on any dead Carcafles.. They are about the Bignefs of the Fifhing-Hawk, and have a nafty Smell with them. They are of the Kites Colour, and are reported to be an Enemy to Snakes, by killing all they meet withal of that Kind. The Herring, or Swallow-taiPd Hawk, is about the Big- nefs of a Falcon, but a much longer Bird. He is of a deli- cate Aurora- Colour ; the Pinions of his Wings, and End of his Tail are black. He is a very beautiful Fowl, and never appears abroad but in the Summer. His Prey is chiefly on Snakes, and will kill the biggeft we have, with a great deal of Dexterity and Eafe. Gofhawks are very plentiful in Carolina. They are not feemingly fo large as thofe from Mufcovy \ but appear to be a very brisk Bird. The Falcon is much the fame as in Europe, and promifes to be a brave Bird, tho' I never had any of them in my Hand; neither did I ever fee any of them in any other Pofture than . on the Wing, which always happen'd to be in an Evening, and flying to the Weftward •, therefore, I believe, they have their Abode and Neft among the Mountains, where we may expect to find them, and feveral other Species that we are at prefent Strangers to. The Merlin is a fmall Bird in Europe, but much fmaller here; yet he very nimbly kills the fmaller forts of Birds, and fometimes the Partridge ; if caught alive, he would be a great Rarity, becaufeof his Beauty and Smalnefs. - The Sparrow-Haw k in Carolina is no bigger than a Field- fare in England. He flies at the Bulb, and fometimes kills a fmall Bird , but his chiefeft Food is P.eptiles, as Beetles, Grafhoppers, , and fuch fmall things. He is exactly of the fame Colour, as the Sparrow-Hawk in England, only has a blackilh Hood by his Eyes. Hob- --*■ of C A R O L 1 N A. ,:?9 Hobbies are the fame here as in England, and are not often Hobby. unec withal. The Ring-tail is a fhort- winged Hawk, preying on Mice, Ringtail. ,and fuch Vermine in the Mji fhes, as in England. Ravens, the fame as in England, though very few. J have ^w^*. not feen above fix in eight Years time. Crows are here lefs than in England. They are as good Crow. Meat as a Pigeon \ and never feed on any Carrion. They are great Enemies to the Corn-Fields^ and cry and build -almoft like Rooks. Of thefe we have two forts, which are the worft Vermine BUcU in America. They fly fometimes in fuch Flocks, that they Sirds. deftroy every thing before them. They (both forts; build in hollow Trees, as Starlings do. The firft fort is near as big as a Dove, and is very white and delicate Food. The other fort is very beautiful, and about the Bignefs of the Owfel. Part of their Head, next to the Bill, and the Pini-' ons of their Wings, are of an Orange, and glorious Crimfon Colour. They are as good Meat as the former, tho' very few here (where large Fowl are fb plenty) ever trouble themfelves to kill or drefs them. ' Of the Bunting-Larks we have two forts, though the HeelB/if/g of this Bird is not fb long as in Europe. The firft of thefe °r ** often accompany the Black-birds, and fing as the Bunting- Larks in England do, differing very little. The firft fort has an Orange-Colour on the Tops of their Wings, and are as-good Meat as thofe in Europe. The other fort is fomething lefs, of a lighter Colour -, nothing differing therein from thofe in England, as to Feathers, Bignefs, and Meat. The Pheafant of Carolina differs fome fmall matter fVompkafm* the Englijh Pheafant, being not fo big, and having fome dif- ference in Feather ; yet he is not any wife inferiour in Deli- cacy, but is as good Meat, or rather finer. He haunts the back Woods, and is feidom found near the Inhabitants. The Woodcocks live and breed here, though they are not^oico;^ in great plenty , as I have feen t.hem in fome Parts of England, and other Places. They want one third of the Englijh Woodcock in Bignefs •, but differ not in Shape, or Feather, fave that their Breaft is of a Carnation' Colour; and they make a Noife fwhen they are on the WingJ like the Bells about a Hawk's Legs, They are certainly as dainty Meat, The Natural Hiffory , Swamps, and as any in. the World. Their Abode is in all Parts of this Country, in low, boggy Ground , Springs Percoarfons. ':?%». The Snipes here frequent the fame Places, as they do in England, and differ nothing from them. They are the only- wild- Bird that is nothing different from the Species of Eu- rope, and keeps with us all the Year, la fome Places, there are a great many of thefe Snipes. Tmriige. Our Partridges in Carolina, very often take upon Trees, and have a fort of Whittle and Call , quite different from thofe in England. They are a very beautiful Bird, and great Deftroyers of the Peafe in Plantations ; wherefore, they fet Traps, and catch many of them. They, have the fame Fea- ther, as in Europe -r only the Cock wants the Horfe-Shooe, in lieu of which he has a fair Half-Circle over each Eye. Thefe fas well as the Woodcock; are le'fs than the European • Bird, but far finer Meat. They might be eafily tranfportedl to any Place, becaufe they take to eating, after caught. Sloorhew. The Moorhens are of the black Game. I am inform'd,' that the gray Game haunts the Hills. They never come into the Settlement, but keep in the hilly Parts. 3*/' Jays are here common, and very mifchievous, in devour- ing our Fruit, and fpoiling more than they eat. They are abundantly more beautiful, and finer feather'd than thofe in Europe, and not above half fo big. The Lap-wing or Green-Plover are here very common. They cry pretty much, as the English Plovers doj and dif- fer not. much in Feather, but want a third of their Big- nefs. The gray or whittling Plover, are very fcarce amongft us. I never faw any but three times, that fell and fettled on the Ground. They differ very little from thofe in Europe, as far as I could difcern. I have feen feveral great Flocks of them fly over head ', therefore, believe, they inhabit the Valleys near the Mountains. Tigeons. Our wild Pigeons, are like the Wood-Queefe or Stock- Doves, only have a longer Tail. They leave us in the Sum- mer. This fort of Pigeon fas I faid before) is the molt like our Stock-Doves, or Wood-Pigeons that we have in Eng- land ; only thefe differ in their Tails, which are very long, much like aParrakeeto's? You muft undtrftand, that thefe. Birds Green- Tlover. Gray- Tlover. ^/CAROLINA. 141 Birds do not breed amongft us, (who are fettled at, and near the Mouths of the Rivers, as I have intimated to you before^ but come down (efpecially in hard Winters) amongil the In- habitants, in great Flocks, as they were feen to do in the Year 1707, which was the hardeft Winter that ever was known, fince Carolina has been feated by the Chriflians. And if that Country had fuch hard Weather, what muff, be ex- pected of the fevere Winters in Penfylvania, New-Tor^ and New-England^ where Winters are ten times (if poffible) colder than with us. Although the Flocks are, in fuch Ex- tremities, very numerous •, yet they are not to be raention'd in Comparifon with the great and infinite Numbers of thefe Fowl, that are met withal about a hundred, or a hundred and fifty, JN^iles to the Weftward of the Places where we at prefent live; and where thefe Pigeons comedown, in queft of a fmall fort of Acorns, which in thofe Parts are plenti- fully found. They are the fame we call Turky- Acorns, be- caufe the wild Turkies feed very much thereon-, And for the fame Reafon, thofe Trees that bear them, are call'd Turky- Oaks. I faw fuch prodigious Flocks of thefe Pigeons, in January or February, i70i-2,(which were in the hilly Country, between the great Nation of the Efaw Indians, and the plea-, fant Stream of Sapona, which is the Weft-Branch of Clarendon,, or Cape-Fair River) that they had broke down the Limbs of a great many large.Trees all over thofe Woods, whereon they chanced to lit and rooft; efpecialfy the great Pines, which are a more brittle Wood, than our forts of Oak are. Thefe Pigeons, about Sun-Rife, when we were preparing to march on our Journey, would fly by us in fuch vaft Flocks, that they would be near a-Quarter of an Hour, before they were all pafs'd by ; and as foon as that Flock was gone, a- nother would come , and fo fucceffively one after another, for great part of the Morning. It is obfervable, that when- ever thefe Fowl come in fuch Numbers, as I faw them then, they clear all before them, fcarce leaving one Acorn upon the Ground, which would, doubtlefs, be a great Prejudice to the Planters that mould feat there, becaufe their Swine would be thereby depriv'd of their Malt. When I faw fuch Flocks of the Pigeons I now fpeak of, none of our Company had any other fort of Shot, than that which is 'caft in Moulds* and was fo very large, that we could not -put above ten or a \* The Natural Hifiory funk Doves. Panaiee MS. 'fbrufnes. Wood- feckers, doien of them into our largeft Pieces^ Wherefore, we made but an indifferent Hand of mooting them ; although we commonly kilfd a Pigeon for every Shot. They were very fat, and as good Pigeons, as, ever I eat. I enquired of the Indians that dwell'd in thofe Parts, where it was that thole Pigeons bred, and they pointed towards the vaft Ridge of Mountains, and faid, they bred there. Now, whether they make their Nefts in the Holes in the Rocks of thofe Mountains, or build in Trees, 1 could not learn , but they feem to me to be a Wood-Pigeon, that build in Trees, be-^. caufe of their frequent fitting thereon, and their Roofting on Trees always at Might, under which their Dung com- monly lies half a Foot thick, and kills every thing that grows where it falls. Turtle Doves are here very plentiful -, they devour the Peafe; for which Reafon, People make Traps and catch them. The Parrakeetos are of a green Colour, and Orange-Co- lour'd half way their Head. Of thefe and the Allegators, there is none found to the Northward of this Province. They vifit us firft, when Mulberries are ripe, which Fruit they love extremely. They peck the Apples, to eat the Kernels, fo that the Fruit rots and perifhes. They are mif- chievous to Orchards. They are often taken alive, and will become familiar and tame in two days: They have their Nells in hollow Trees, in low, fwampy Ground. Theyde^- vour the Birch-Buds in April*, and lie hidden when the Wea- ther is frofty and hard. The Thrufhes in America-, are the fame as in England, and red under the Wings. They never appear amongft us but in hard Weather, and prefendy leave us again. Of Wrood-peckers, we have four forts. The firft is as big as a Pigeon, being of a dark brown Colour, with a white Crofs on his Back, his Eyes circled with white, and on his Head ftands a Tuft of beautiful Scarlet Feathers. His Cry is heard a long way ; and he Hies from one rotten Tree to another, to get Grubs, which is the Food he lives on. The fecond fort are of an Olive-Colour , ftriped with yellow. They eat Worms as well as Grubs, and are about the Bignefs of thofe in Europe. The . — */ CAROLINA. H3 The third is the fame Bignefs as the laft *, he is pied withTTj/r.i black and white, has a Crimfon Head, without a Topping, and is a Plague to the Corn and Fruit •, efpecially the Apples. He opens the Covering of the young Corn, fo that the Rain gets in, and rots it. The fourth fort of thefe Wood-peckers, is a black and Fourth. white fpeckled, or mottled; the fineft I ever faw. The Cock has a red Crown ; he is not near fo big as the others ; his Food is Grubs, Corn, and other creeping Infe&s. He is »not very wild, but will let one come up to him, then fliifts on the other lide the Tree, from your fight ; and fa dodges you for a long time together. He is about the fize of an Eng- iijh Lark. The Mocking-Bird is about as big as a Throilie in England^mcckir.^ but longer-, they are of a white, and gray Colour, and are 5,-rJ/. " held to be the Chorifters of America, as indeed they are. They fing'with the greateft Diverfity of Notes, that is pofli- ble for a Bird to change to. They may be bred up, and will fing with us tame in Cages; yet I never take any of their Nefts, altho' they build yearly in my Fruit-Trees, becaule I have their Company, as much as if tame, as to the flnging Part. They often fit upon our Chimneys la Summer, there being then no Fire in them, and fing the whole Evening and molt part of the Night. They are always attending our Dwellings; and feed upon Mulberries and other Berries and Fruits; efpecially the Mechoacan-berry, wtych grows here very plentifully. " There is another fort call'd the Ground-Mockirig-Bird.2<*-.M She is the fame bignefs, and of a Cinnamon Colour. This Bird fings excellently well, but is not fo common amongfl; us as the former. The Cat-Bird, fo nam'd, becaufe ft makes a Noife ex-Cat'Bird' adtly like young Cats. They have a blackifh Head, and an Afli-coloured Body, and have no other Note that I know of. They are no bigger than a Lark, yet will fight a Crow or any other great Bird. The Cuckoo of Carolina may not properly be fo call'd, be-cuch*. caufe fhe never ufes that Cry ; yet Ihe is of the fame Bignefs and Feather, and fucks the Small-Birds Eggs, as the Englijii Cuckoo does. U 2 A 144 The Natural Hiftory Blue- Bird Bulfincb. Nigbtin gale. I Hedge- . Sparrow. 1 |) ' Wren. Sparrow, i*&rt. Zed-Birds, •£aft-In- dia Bats. Martins. A Blue-Bird is the exafr Bignefs of a Robin-red-breaft. The Cock has the fame colour'd Breaft as the Robin has, and his Back, and all the other Part,sof him, are of as fine a Blue as can poffibly be feen. in any thing in the World. He has a Cry, and a Whittle. They hide themfelves all the Win- ter. Bulfinches, in America , differ fomething from thofe in Europe, in their Feathers, tho' not in their Bignefs. I never knew any one tame, therefore know not, what they might be brought to. The Nightingales are different in Plumes from thofe in, Europe. They always frequent the low Groves, where they ling very prettily all Night. Hedge-Sparrows are here, though few Hedges. They differ fcarce.any thing in Plume or Bignefs, only I never heard this Whittle, as. the Engltjh one does ; efpecially after Rain. The Wren is the fame as in Europe, yet I never heard any Note fhe has in Carolina. Sparrows here differ in Feather from the English. We have feveral Species of Birds call'd Sparrows, one of them much re- fembling the Bird call'd a Corinthian Sparrow. The Lark with us reforts to the Savannas, or natural Meads, and green Marines. He is colour'd and heefd as the Lark is-, but his Breaft is of a glittering fair Lemon- Colour, and he is as big as a Fieldfare, and very fine Food. The Red-Birds (whofeCock is all over of a rich Scarlet Feather, with a tufted Crown on his Head, of the fame Co- lour) are the Bignefs of a Bunting-Lark, and very hardy, having a ftrong thick Bill. They will ling very prettily^ when^takeri old, and put in a Cage. They are good Birds to turn a-Cage with Bells j or if taught, as tlae Bulfinch is, I believe, would prove very docible. Eaft-Jndia Bats or Mufqueto Hawks, are the Bignefs of a Cuckoo, and much of the fame Colour. They are fo call'd, becaufe the fame fort is found in the Eaft-Indies. They ap- pear only in the Summer, and live on Flies, which they catch in the Air, as Gnats, Mufquetos, &c. Martins are here of two forts. The firft is the fame as in, England \ the other as big as a Black-Bird. They have white Throats and Breafts, with black Backs. The Planters put Gourds of CAROL IN 45 > Gourds on Handing Poles, on purpofe for thefe Fowl to build in, becaufe they are a very Warlike Bird, and beat the Crows from, the Plantations. The Swift, or Diveling, the fame as in England. Swifi' Swallows, the fame as in England. Sn-aUow. The Hummiog-Bird is the Miracle of all our wing'd Am-^mw&' mate} He is feather'd as a Bird, and gets his Living as the Bees, by fucking the Honey from each Flower. In fome of the larger fort of Flowers, he will bury himfelf, by diving to fuck the bottom of it, To that he is quite cover'd, and of- tentimes Children catch them in thole Flowers, and keep them alive for five or fix days. They are of different Colours, the Cock differing from the Hen. The Cock is of a green, red, Aurora, and other Colours mixt. He is much lefs than a Wren, and very nimble. His Neft is one of the g'reateft Pieces of Workmanfbip the whole Tribe of wing'd Animals can ftiew, it commonly hanging on a fingle Bryar, molt ar- tificially woven, a fmall Hole being left to go in and out at. ; The Eggs are the Bignefs of Peafe. The Tom-TitT or Ox-Eyes, as in England. Tom-Tit,- Of Owls we have two forts 5 the fmaller fort is like ours in 0wjSm England; the other fort is as big as a middling Goofe, and has. a prodigious Head. They make, a- fearful Hollowing in the Night-time, like a Man, whereby they Often make Stran- gers lofe their .way in the Woods. Scritch Owls, much the fame as in Europe. Scrhch The Baltimore-Bird , fo call'd from the Lord Baltimore, 0wls: Proprietor of z\\ Maryland, in which Province .many of them BBdtIr'' are found. They are the Bignefs of a Linnet, with yellow Wings, and beautiful in other Colours. Throttle, the fame Size and Feather as in Europe, but Wroflk. never could hear, any of them ling. TheWeet, fo call'd becaufe he cries always before Rain ; Wen Bird, he refembles nearett the Fire-tail. Cranes ufe the Savannas, Low Ground, and Frogs \ they Cranes ami are above five Foot-high, when extended ^ are of a Cream Storl's' Colour , and have a Crimfon Spot on the Crown of their Heads. Their Quills are excellent for Pens • their Flefh makes the belt Broth, yet is very, hard to digeft. Among them often frequent Storks, which are here fee a, and no where bef/des in America, that I have yet heard of. The Cranes are eafi'ly bred, ? Baltimore- 146 The Natutal Hifiory tSt!OW- BmlLi Tallow Wings, u luppoo- WiU. Zed Spar- row. Water Fowl. ■Swam. Hooper. Wild Geefe. bred up tame, and are excellent in a Garden to deitroy Frogs, Worms, and other Vermine. The Snow-Birds are molt numerous in the North Parts of America, where there are great -'Snows, . They vifit us fome- times in Carolina, when the -Weather is harder than ordinary. They are like the Stones Smach, or Wheat-Ears, and arede- licate Meat. Thefe Yellow- Wings area very -fmall Bird, of a Linnet's Colour, but Wings as yello.w as Gold. They frequent high up in our Rivers, and Greeks, and keep themfelves in the* thick Bufhes, very difficult to befeen in the Spring.: They fing very prettily, Whippoo-Willy fonam'd, becaufe it makes thofe Words ex- actly. They are the Bignefs of a Thrulh, and call their Note under a Bufh, on the Ground, hard to befeen, though yoa hear them never fo plain. They are more plentiful in Virgi- nia, than with. us in Carolina', for I never heard but one that was near the Settlement, and that" was hard-by an In- dian Town. Thisneareft refembles a Sparrow, and is the molt com-, mon Small-Bird we have, therefore we call them fo. They are brown, and red, cinnamon Colour, ftriped. Of the Swans we have two forts , the one we call Trom-; peters; becaufe of a fort of trompeting Noife they make. Thefe are the largeft fort we have, which come in great Flocks in the Winter, and ftay, commonly, in the frefh Ri- vers till February, that the Spring comes on, when they go to the Lakes to breed. A Cygnet, that is, a Jaft Year's Swan, is accounted a delicate Dim, as indeed it is. They are known by their Head and Feathersy which are not fo white as Old ones. The fort of Swans call'd Hoopers, aretheleaft. Theya- bide more in the Salt- Water, and are equally valuable, for Food, with the former. It is obfervable, that neither of thefe have a black piece of horny Fleih down the Head, and Bill, as they have in England. Of Geefe we have three forts, differing from each other only in fize, Ours are not the common GeeCe that are in the Fens in England? but the other forts, with black Heads and Necks. The ^/CAROLINA. J47 The gray BrantT^Ba^cle, h here very plentiful, as all <*£ other Water-Fowl are, in the Wintet-Seafon. They are the fame which they call Barnicles in Great-Britain, and are a very good Fowl, and eat well. ■ . T^. There is alfo a white Brant, very plentiful m Amenca.^^ This Bird is all over as white as Snow, except the T_ ips 01 his Wings, and thofe are black. They eat the Roots of Sedge and Grafs in the Marfhes and Savannas, which they tear up like Hogs. The belt way to" kill thefe Fowl is, to burn a Piece of Marlh, or Savanna, andasfoon as it is burnt, they will come in great Flocks to get the Roots, where you kill what you pleafe of them. They are as good Meat as the o- ther, only their Feathers are flubbed, and good for xittle. The Sea-Pie, or gray Curiae, is about the Bignefs of a very ****, or large Pigeon, but longer. He has a long Bill as other Cor««* lues have, which is the Colour of an Englijh Owfel s, that is, yellowy as are his Legs. He frequents the Sand-beaches on the Sea-fide, and when kill'd, is inferiour to no Fowl I ever eat ot. " WM mikt is fo called from his Cry, which he very exactly «^ calls Will WJkt , as he flies.'. His Bill is like a ■Curlue s, or'"- Woodcock's, and has much fuch a. Body as the other, yet not fo tall. He is good Meat. r,£J** The great gray Gulls are good Meat, and as large as a<^«»W Pullet. They lay large Eggs, which are found in very great ' Quantities, on the Mandlrirf our Sound, in the -Months of June, and July. The young Squabs are Very good Victuals, and often prove a Relief to Travellers by Water, that have fpent their Provifions. , „ Old Wives are a black and white pied Gull with extraor- old Wiver. dinary long Wings, and a golden' colour'd Bill and Feet. He makes a difmal JSfoife, as he flies, and ever -and anon dips his Bill in the Salt-Water. I never knew him eaten. The Sea-Cock is 'a Gull that crows at Break of Day, and^Cwfc m the Morning, exaftly like a Dunghil Cock, which Cry feems very pleafant in thofe uninhabited Places. He is -never eaten r ■ Of'curlues there are three frrts, and vafl Numbers of™«» each. They have ail long Bills, and differ neither m^ggpr, Colour, nor Shape, only in Size. The largeft is as big as a Loons, tw* • good/em*. . Her vs. White- Hems. Water- The Natural Htftory goad Hen, the fmaller the Bignefs of .a.Snipe, or fome thing -bigger, - Bitterns, We have three forts of Bitterns in Carolina. The fir ft is tkee forts, the fame as in. England; the fecond of a deep brown, with a great Topping, and yellowifh white Throat and Breaft, and is leifer than the former j the laft is no bigger than a Wood- cock, and near the Colour of the fecond* We have the fame Herns, as in England. White Herns are here very plentiful. I have feen above thirty fit on one Tree, at a time. They are as white as Milk, and fly very flowly. . The Water-Pheafant (very improperly call'd fo ) are a Pheafam. Water-Fowl of the Duck-Kind, having a Topping, of pretty ' Feathers, which fets them out. They are very good Meat. Link gray ~r/he little Gray-Gull is of a curious , gray Colour, and abides near the Sea. He is about the Bignefs of a Whiftling- Plover, and delicate Food. We have the little Dipper or Fifher, that catches Fifh fo dexteroufly, the fame as you have in the Iflands of Stilly. We have of the fame Ducks, and Mallards with green Heads, in great Flocks. They are accounted the coarfeft fort of our Water-Fowl. The black Duck is full as large as the other, and good Meat. She frays with us all the Summer, and breeds. Thefe are made tame by fome, and prove good Domefticks. We have another Duck that flays with us all the Summer. She has a great Topping, is pied, and very beautiful. She builds her Neft in a Wood-pecker's Hole, very often tfxty or feventy Foot high. Towards the Mountains in the hilly Country, on the ^Weft-Branch of Calp-Fair Inlet, we faw great Flocks of pretty pied Ducks, that whittled as they flew, or as they fed. I did not kill any of them. We kill'd a curious fort of Ducks, in the Country of the Efavo- Indians ■, which were of many beautiful Colours. Their Eyes were red, having a red Circle of Flefti for their Eye- lids } and were very good to eat. The Blue- Wings are lefs than a Duck, but fine Meat. Thefe are the firft Fowls that appear to us in the Fall of the Leaf, coming then in great Flocks, as we fuppofe, from Canada, and the Lakes that lie behind us. Wid- £>uck and Mallard. Black Duck "of CAROLINA. 4-9 Widgeons, the fame as in Europe, are here in great Plenty. Widgeon. We have the fame Teal, as in England, and another fort.rw/twr that frequents the Frefh-Water, and are always nodding^, their Heads, they are fmaller than the common Teal, and dainty Meat. . , , , TT . , , Shovellers (a fort of Duck) are gray, with a black Head. sfovtlkn They are a very good Fowl. Thefe are called Whiftlers, from the whittling Noife they wtgjfy. make, as they .fly. Black Flufterers ; fome call thefe Old Wives- They are Black- as black as Ink. The Cocks have white Faces. They aiways#«iW< remain in the midft of Rivers , and feed upon drift Grafs, £***- Camels or Sea-Nettles. They are the fatteft Fowl I ever ' faw, and fometimes fo heavy with Fleft, that they cannot rife out of the Water. They make an odd fort of Noife when they fly. What Meat they are, I could never iearn. Some call thefe the great bald Coot. The wild Turkeys I mould have fpoken of, when I treatea w&jf of tJie Land-Fowl. There are great Flocks of thefe in Caro-^ Una. I have feen about five hundred in a Flock , fome of them are very large. I never weigh'd any myfelf, but have been inform'd of one that weigh'd near fixty Found Weight. I have feen half a Turkey feed eight hungry- Men two Meals. Sometimes the wild breed with the tame ones, which, they reckon, makes them very hardy, as 1 believe it muft. I fee no manner of Difference betwixt the wild Turkeys and the tame ones-, only the wild are ever of one Colour, (viz..) a dark gray, or brown, and are excellent Food. . They feed on Acorns, Huckle-Berries, and many other forts of Berries1 that Carolina affords. The Eggs taken from the Neil:, and hatch'd' under a Hen, will yet retain a wild Nature, and commonly leave you, and run wild atlaft, and will never be got into a Houfe to rooft, but always pearch on fome high Tree, hard-by the Houft, and feparate themfelvesfrom the tame fort, although (at the fame time) they tread .and breed together. I have been inform'd, that if you take thefe wild Eggs, when juft on the point of being hatch'd, and dip them (for fome fmall time) in a Bowl of Milk-warm Water, it will take off their wild Nature, and make them as tame and domeftick as the others. Some Indians have brought thefe wild Breed hatch'd at home, to be a Decoy to bring X v others 150 The Natural Hifiory which they have fhot. FiJl.'ermeiJ. Vivers. Haft-Fowl Bull- N^cks. tfd- Jhfeads. 1'rcpiek- Birds. JeJlican. Cormorant, $atmet, others to rooft near their Cabins , But to return to the Water-Fowl. Fiihermen are like a Duck, but have a narrow Bill, with Setts of Teeth. They live on very fmall Fifh, which they catch as they fwim along. They tafte Fiihy. The bell way to order t-hem, is, upon occafion, to pull out the Oil-Box from the Rump, and then bury them five or fix Hours under Ground. Then they become tolerable. Of Divers there are two forts ; the one pied, the other gray ; both good Meat. Raft- Fowl includes all the forts of fmall Ducks a nd Teal, that go in Rafts along the Shoar, and are of feveral forts, that we know no Name for. , Thefe are a whitifh Fowl, about the Bignefs of a Brant; they come to us after Chrijlmas^ in very great Flocks," in all our Rivers. They are a very good Meat, but hard to kill, becaufe hard to come near. They will dive and endure a great deal of Shot. Red-Heads, a lefTer Fowl than Bull-Necks, are very fweet Food, and plentiful in our Rivers and Creeks. Tropick-Birds are a white Mew, with a forked Tail. They are ib call'd, becaufe they are plentifully met withal under the Tropicks, and thereabouts. The Pellican of the Wildernefs cannot be the fame as ours;, this being a Water-Fowl, with a great natural Wen or Pouch under his Throat, in which he keeps his Prey of Fifh, which is what he lives on. He is Web-footed, like a Goofe, and fhap'd like a Duck, but is a very large Fowl, big- ger than a Goofe. He is never eaten as. Food ; They make Tobacco-pouches of his Maw. • Cormorants are very well known in fome Parts otEngland\ we have great Flocks of them with us, efpecially againfl the Herrings run, which is in March and April; then they lit upon Logs of dry Wood in the Water, and catch the Fifh.. . TheGannet ha large white Fowl, having one Part of his Wings black ; he lives on Fifh, as the Pellican. His Fat or Greafe, is as yellow as Saffron, and the bell thing known, to preferve Fire-Arms, from Ruft. Shear-Waters are a longer Fowl than a Duck -r fome of them lie on the Goafl* whilflf others range the Seas all over. Some- of CAROLINA. 5 Sometimes they are met five hundred Leagues from Land. Tli£y< live without drinking any frefh Water. We have a great pied Gull^ black and white, which feems Pied-Gtiil, to have a black Hood on his'Head:, thefe lay very fair Eggs which are good j as are the young ones in the.Seafon. Marfh-Hen, much the fame as in Europe, only fhe makes Marfi). another fort of Noife, and much mriller. ■ Hen^~~ The fame as you- call Water-Hens in England, are here verys/ae-p?. numerous, and not regarded for eating. ten- The Sand-Birds are about the Bignefs of a Lark, and fre-s Water- Witch, or Ware-Coots, are a Fowl with Down tyfer- and no Feathers ; they dive incomparably, fo that naFowler^^* can hit them. They can neither fly, nor go j but get into the Fifh-wares, and cannot fly over the Rods, and fo are taken. Thus have we given an Account of what Fowl hascometo our Knowledge, lince our Abode in Carolina , except iome that, perhaps, have flipt our Memory, and fo are left. out of • our Catalogue. Proceed we now to treat of the Inhabitants of the Watry Element, which tho' we can as yet do but very imperfectly *, yet we are willing, to oblige the Curious with the belt Account that is in our Power to prefent them withal. Xi The *5 The Natural Hifiory • The Fifh in the fait, and frefh Waters of Carolina, are, Whales^ fever al forts-, Thrafiers . Divel-Fifh. Sword-Fift. Crampois. Bottle-Nofes. Porpoifes. Sharks, two forts. Dog-Fijh. SpaniSh-MackareL Cavallies. Boneto's. Blue-Fijh. Drum, red. Drum- Fiji}, black. Jlngel-Fifli. Bafs, or Rock-Fijb. Sheep-Heads. Plaice. fflofrnder* Mullets. Shad. Fat-Bach. Gnard% white. Guards green. Scate or Stingray. Thornba:h Congar-Eels. Lamprey-Eels. Feb. Sun-Fijh, Toad-Fif). Sea-Tench. Trouts of the Salt Water* Crocus. Herring* Smelts. Shads. Breams.. Taylors. _ Frefh- Water Fifh are, Sturgeon* Pike. Trouts. Gudgeon. Pearch Englifh. Pearch, white. Pearch, brown, or Welch-men. Pearch, flat, and mottled, or Jrifhmen. Pearch fmall and fiat, with red Spts, cdVd round Robins,. Carp. Roach. Dace.. Loaches*- Sucking- Fifh Cat'FiJh. Crindals. Old-Wives, Fount aw- Fifh; White'FiJh; The. ^/CAROL IN A. The Shell-Fifh are. Large Crabs^caWd Stone-Crabs. Smalle, flat Crabs. . Oyfters great andfmalU Cockles. Clams. Mvfcles. Conks. Skellop. Man ofNofes. Periwinkles, or Wilks. Sea-Snail- Horns. Fidlars. Runners. Spanijh or Pearl-Oyflers. Flattings. Tortois and Terebin, accounted for among the Infetts. Finger- Fijh. Shrimps. Frefh Water Craw-Fijh. Mufdes* Whales are very numerous, on the Coaft of North Caro-Wluh Una, from which they make Oil, Bone, &c. to the great Ad- vantage of thofe inhabiting the Sand-Banks, along the Ocean, where thefe Whales come afhore, none being ftruck orkill'dwith a Harpoon in. this Place, as they are to the Northward, and elfewhere ; all thofe Fifh beingfound dead on the Shoar,' moft commonly by thofe that inhabit the Banks, and Sea-fide , where they dwell, for that Intent, and for the Benefit of Wrecks, which fometiraes fall in upon that Of thefe Monfters there are four forts \ the firft, which is moft choice and rich, is the. Spenna Get*. Whale, from which the Sperma C*ti is taken. Thefe aTe rich Prizes ; but; I never heard but of one found on this Coaft, which was near Currituck-laltt. The other forts are of a prodigious -Bignefs. Or tnele the Bone and Oil is made-, the Oil being the Blubber, or oily Flefh, or Fat of that Fifli.boil'd. Thefe differ not only in Colour, fome being pied, others not, but very much la fhape, one being call'd a Bottle-Nofed Whale, the other a Shovel-Nofe, which is as different as a Salmon from a. Sturgeon. Thefe Fifhfeldom come afhoar with their Tongues in their Heads, the Thrafher (which is the Whale's mortal Enemy, wherefoever he meets him) eating that out of his Head, asfoonasheandthe.Sward-Eiflihavekiird him. For '• — — - wh'enu gjgttflfi i HV 54 The Natural Hiftory Jbrajbers Divel-FiJI) Srvord' fijb. . Crampois, Bottle- Nofes. Torpoifes. when the Whale-catchers (in other Parts) kill any of thefe Fifh, they eat the Tongue , and esteem it an excellent Difh. There is another fort of tbefe Whales, or great Fi fh though not common. I never knew of above one- of that fort, found on theGoaft of North Carolina-, and he was con- trary, in Shape, to all others ever found before him ■■, beino- fixty Foot in Length, and not above three or four Fool Diameter. Some Indians in America will go out to Sea, and get upon a Whales Back, and peg or plug up his Spouts, and ib kill him. The Thrafhers are large Fifh, and mortal Enemies- to the Whale, as I faid before. They make good Oil-, butarefel- dom found. The Divel- Fifh lies at fome of our Inlets, and, as near as I can defcribe him, is fhap'd like a Scate, or Stingray •, only he has on his Head a Pair of very thick ftrong Horns, and is of a monftrous Size, and Strength ; for this Fifh has been known to weigh a Sloop's Anchor, and run with the VefTel a League or two, and bring her back, againft Tide, to almoft the fame Place. Doubtlefs, they may afford good Oil ; but I have no Experience of any Profits which arife from them. The Sword-Fim is the other of the Whale's Enemies, and joins with the Thrafher to deftroy that Monfter. After they have overcome him, they eat his Tongue, as I faid be- fore, and the Whale drives afnoar. Crampois is a large Fifh, and by fome accounted a young Whale j but it is not fo \ neither is it more than twenty five or thirty Foot long. They fpout as the Whale does, and when taken yield good Oil. Bottle-Nofes are between the Crampois and Porpois, and lie near the Soundings. They are never feen to fwim leifure- ly, as fometimes all other Fifh do, but are continually run- ning after their Prey in Great Shoals, like wild Horfes, leaping now and then above the Water. The French e- fteem them good Food, and eat them both frefh and fait. Porpoifes are frequent, all over the Ocean and Rivers that are fait; nay, we have a Frefh-Water Lake in the great Sound of North Carolina that has Porpoifes in it. And fe- veral forts of other unknown Fifh, as the Indians fay, that we are -wholly Strangers to. As to the Porpoifes, they make good Oil j ^/CAROLINA. Oil ; they prey upon other Fifh as Drums, yet never are known to take a Bait, fo as to be catcb/d with a Hook. Of thefe there are two forts; one call'd Paracooda-No&s; Sharks. the other ShoveLNofes ; they cannot take their Prey before they turn themfelves on their Backs ; wherefore fome Ne- gro's, and others, that can fwim and dive well, go naked ■into the Water, with a Knife in their Hand, and fight the Shark, and very commonly kill him, or wound him fo, that he turns Tail, and runs away. Their Livors .make good Oil to drefs Leather withal ; the Bones found in their Head are fa id to haften the Birth, and eafe the Stone, by bringing it away. Their Meat is eaten in fcarce times; but I°never could away with it, though a great Lover of Fifh. Their Back-Bone is of one entire Thicknefs. Of the Bones, or Joints, I have known Buttons made, which fei ve well e- nough in fcarce Times, and remote Places. The Dog-Fifh are a fmall fort of the Shark Kind ; and avQDog-Fifi. caught with Hook and Line, fifhing for Drums. They fay, they are good Meat; but we have ib many other forts of delicate Fifh, that I fhall hardly ever make Tryal what they are. Spanfi Mackarel are, in Colour and Shape, like the com- Span iilv mon Mackarel-, only much thicker. They are caught -with MuUrd. Hook and Line at the Inlets, andfometimes out a little way at Sea. They are a very fine hard Fifh, and of good Tafte. They are about two Foot long, or better. Cavallies are taken in the fame Places. They are of aCaoaB!es brownifh Colour, have exceeding fmall Scales, and a very thick Skin \ they are as firm a Fifh as ever I faw ; therefore will keep fweet (in the hot Weather) two days, when o- thers will ft ink in half a day, unlefs falted. They ought to be fcaled as foon as taken; otherwife you muft pull off the Skin anti Scales, when boiled; the Skin being the choiceft of the Fifh. The Meat, which is white and large, is drefs'd with this Fifh. Boneto's are a very palatable Fifh, and near a Yard long. 5«/efc?j.< They haunt the Inlets and Water near the Ocean ; and are killed with the Harpoon, and Fifhgig. The Blue Fifh is one of our bed Fifties, and always very Blue-Eifk fat. They are as long as a Salmon, and indeed, I think, full as good Meat, Thefe Fifh come fin the Fall of the Year) generally i$6 The Natural Hiftory generally after there has been one black Froft, when there appear great Shoals of them. The Hatteras Indians, and o- thers, run into the Sands of the Sea, and ftrike them, though fome of thefe Fifh have caufed Sicknefs and violent Burnings after eating of them, which is found to proceed from the Gall that is broken in forne of them, and is hurtful. Some- times, many Cart-loads of thefe are thrown and left dry on the Sea lide, which comes by their eager Purfuitof thefmall Fifh, in which they run themfelves alhoar, and the Tide leaving them, they cannot recover the Water again. They are called Blue-Fifth, becaufe they are of that Colour, and have a forked Tail, and are fhaped like a Dolphin. Rei- The Red Drum is a large Filh much bigger than the Blue- Drum pifh. The Body of this is good firm Meat, but the Head is beyond all the Filh I ever met withal for an excellent Dim. , We have greater Numbers of thefe Filh, than of any other fort. People go down and catch as many Barrels full as they pleafe, with Hook and Line, efpecially every young Flood, when they bite. Thefe are faked up, and tranfported to other Colonies, that are bare of Provilions. Black Drums are a thicker-made Fifh than the Red Drum, being fhap'd like a fat Pig } they are a very good Filh, but not fo common with us as to the Northward: The Angel-Filh is fhaped like an Engli{l> Bream. He is fo calFd, from his golden Colour, which fhines all about his Head and Belly. This is accounted a very good Fifh, as are moft in thefe Parts. The Bermudians have the fame fort of Fifh, and efleem them very much. Bafs or Rock is both in Salt and Frefh- Water; when young, he much refembles a Grayling, but grows to the lize of the large Cod-Fifh. They are a very good firm Fifh. Their Heads are fouced, and make a noble Difh, if large. Sheeps-Head has the general Vogue -of being the choicefl Fifh in this Place. Indeed, it is a very delicate Fifh, and well relifh'd ; yet I think, there are feveral others full as good as the Sheeps-Head. He is much of the Bignefs of the An- gel-Fifh, and flat as he is •, they fometimes weigh two or three Pound Weight. This Fifh hath Teeth like a Sheep, and is therefore fo^all'd. riaicc. Plaice are here very large, and plentiful, being the fame as in England. Flounders Blati- Drura, Angej-Fijb EochFiJb. Sheeps- Head. o/ CAROLINA. 57 flounders fhould have gone amongfr. the Frem- Water Flounder. Fifh, becaufe they are caught there, in great Plenty. Soles are a Fifn we have but lately difcover'd j they are asSo!es' good, as in any other Part. Mullets, the fame as in England, and great Plenty in all^'^* Places where the Water is fait of brackifh. Shads are a fweet Fifh, but very bony , they are very plen- sbatis-. tiful at fome Seafons. ' ( Fat-Backs are. a fmall Fifh, like Mullets, but the fatteft^^--8^^ ever known. They put nothing into the Pan, to fry thefe. They are excellent fweet Food. The white Guard-Fifh is fhaped almoft like a Pike, hutWhhs flenderer \ his Mouth has a long fmall Bill fet with Teeth, in S-**" which he catches fmall Fifh} his Scales are knit together like Armour. When they drefs him, they ftrip him, taking off Scales and Skin together. His Meat is very white, and rather looks like Flelh than Fifh. The English account them no good Fifh} but the Indians do. The Gall of this Fifh is green, and a violent Cathartick, if taken inwardly. The green Guard is fhaped; in all refpe&s, like the other, £W7J fave that his Scales are very fmall and fine. He is indifferent r ' good Meat } his Bones, when boil'd or fry.'d, remain as green as Grafs. The fame fort of Fifh come before the Mackarel in England- Scate, or Stingray, the fame as in£»j/W,andverycom-.fr«ff. mon; but the great Plenty of other Fifh makes thefe' not re- garded*, for few or none eat them in Carolina., though they are almoft at every ones Door. Thornbacks are the fame as in England. . They are not {Qtharnb^k- common as the Scate and Whip-Rays. Congaf-Eels always remain in the Salt-Water-, they areO^r- much more known in the Northward Parts of America, thanEels' with us. • Lampreys are not common \ I never faw but one, which 'lanprej. was large, and caught by the Indians, in a Ware. They would not eat him, but gave him to me. Eels are no where in the World better, or more plentiful, Eels, than in Carolina. Sun-Fifh are flat and rounder than a Bream , and aveSun'Fi^' reckon'd a fine-tailed Fifh, and not without Reafon. They are much the flze of Angel-Fifh. Y Toad- y The Natural Hifiory Sea-Tench. Salt-Water Trouts crocus. Bmmg, Tcad-Fijk. Toad-Fifh are nothing but a Skin full of Prickles, an'd a few Bones \ they are as ugly as a-Toad, and preferv'd to look upon, and good for nothing elfe. They are taken by a Bait, near the Inlet, or out at Sea a little way. They are blackifh, and exactly like a Tench, ex- cept in the Back-fins, which have Prickles like a Pearci. They are as good, if not better than any Tench. Trouts of the Salt-Water are exa&ly fhaped like the Trouts in Europe, having blackifh, not red Spots. They are in the Salts, and are not red within, but white, yet a very good Fifh. They are fo tender, that if they are in or near frefh Water, and a fudden Froft come, they are benumm'd, and float on the Surface of the Water, as if dead \ and then they take up Canoe-Loads of them. If you put them into warm Water, they prefently recover. The Crocus is a Fifh, in Shape likeaPearch, and in Tafte like a Whiting. They croke and make a Noife in your Hand, when taken with Hook or Net., They are very good. The Herrings in Carolina are not fo large as in Europe. They fpawn there in March and April, running up the frefh Rivers and fmall frefh Runs of Water in great Shoals, where they are taken. They become red;if faked \ and, drelt.with Vine- gar and Oil, refemble an Anchovy very much ; for they are far beyond an Englijh Herring, when pickled. The fame as in England; they lie down a great way in the Sound, towards the Ocean, where (at feme certain Seaions) are a great many very fine ones. The frefh Water affords no fuch Bream as in England, that I have as yet difcover'd \ yet there is a Sea-Bream, which is a flat and thin Fifh, as the European Breams are. The Taylor is a Fifh about the Bignefs of a Trout, but of a bluifh and green Colour, with a forked Tail, as a Mackarel has. They are a delicate Fifh, and plentiful in our Salt- Wa- ters.- Infinite numbers of other Species will be hereafter difcover'd as yet unknown to us •, although I have feen and eaten of feveral other forts of Fifh, which are not here men- tioned,, becaufe, as yet, they have no certain Names affign'd them. Therefore, I fhall treat no farther of our Salt- Water Fifh, but proceed to the Frefh. The firft of thefe is the Sturgeon, of which we have Plenty, all the frefh Parts of our Rivers being well Jtor'd therewith. The Smelts- Breams Taylors* Frefo W& ter Stv.r* Toet. to make thefe Songs. Others are made for Feaftsof another Nature; as, when feveral Towns, or fometimes, different Nations have made Dame of Peace with one another; then the Song fuits both Nations, ff« and relates, how the bad Spirit made them go to War, and deftroy one 'another; but it fhall never be fo again; but that their Sons and Daughters fhall marry together, and the two. Nations love one another, and become as one People. They have a third fort of Feafts and Dances, which are always when theHarveft of Corn is ended, and in the Spring, The one, to return Thanks to the good Spirit, for the Fruits of the Earth ; the other, to beg -the fame Bleffings for the fucceeding Year. Ani , to encourage the young Men to labour ftoutly, in planting their Maiz and Pulfe, they fet. a fort of an Idol in the Field, which is drefs'd up exactly like an Indian-, having all the Indian* Habit, befldes abundance of North-Carolina. *75 of Wampum, and their Money, made of Shells, that hangs about his Meek. The Image none of the young Men dare approach j for the old ones will not fuffer them to come near him, but tell them, that he is fome famous Indian War- rUntunon riour, that died a great while ago, and how iscomeamongft/gwamsy or Cabins built of Bark which are made round like an Oven, to prevent any Da- mage by hard Gales of Wind. They make the Fire in the piddle of the Koufe, and haye a Hole at the Top of the Roof right of North-Carolina. 77 right above the Fire, to let out the Smoke. Thefe Dwel- lings are as hot as Stoves , . where the Indians fleep and fweat all Night. The Floors thereof are never paved nor fwept, fo that they have always a loofe Earth on them. They are often troubled with a multitude of Fleas, efpecially near j^ the Places where they drefs their Deer-Skins, becaufe that Hair harbours them •, yet I never felt any ill, unfavory Smell in their Cabins, whereas, fhould we live in our Houfes, as they do, we fhould be poifon'd with our own Naftinefs j which confirms thefe Indians to be, as they really are3 fome Indians of the fweeteft People in the World. a 'wset The Bark they make their Cabins withal, is generally Cy-P?fl^8' prefs, or red or white Cedar ; and fometimes, when they area great way from any of thefe Woods, they make ufe of Pine-Bark, which is the worfer fort. In building thefe Fa- bricks, they get very long Poles, of Pine, Cedar, Hiccory, or any Wood that will bend , thefe are theThicknefs of the Small of a Man's Leg, at the thickeft end, which they ge- nerally ftrip of the Bark, and warm them well in the Fire, which makes them tough and fit to bend \ afterwards, they flick the thickeft ends of them in the Ground, about two Yards afunder, in a Circular Form, the diftance theydefign the Cabin to be, (which is not always round, but fometimes Making oval) then they bend the Tops and bring them together, Cabins. and bind their ends with Bark of Trees, that is proper for that ufe, as Elm is, or fometimes the Mbfs that grows on the Trees, and is a Yard or two long, and never rots; then Black Mefi. they brace them with other Poles, to make them ftrong ^Indians afterwards, cover them all over with Bark, fo that they are Store: very warm and tight, and will keep firm agamftall the Wea-^0^* thers that blow. They have other forts of Cabins without Windows, which are for their Granaries, Skins, and Mer- ' chandizes ; and others thai: are cover'd over head -, the reft left open for the Air- Thefe have Reed-Hurdles, like Ta- Indians- bles, to lie and fit on, in Summer, and ferve for pleafant&*»g[««- Banqueting-Houfes in the hot Seafon of the Year. The Ca- in£ ' bins they dwell in have Benches all round, except where the^0"/"4 Doorftands-, on thefe they lay Beafts-Skins, and Mats made of Rufhes, whereon they fleep and loll. In one of thefe, fe- veral Families commonly live3 though all related to one ano- ther. I '178" An Account of the Indians Indian looi. m As to the Indians Food, It is of feveral forts, which are as follows, Venifon, and Fawns in the Bags, cut out of the Doe's Belly ; Fifh of all forts, the Lamprey-Eel excepted, a i-id the Sturgeon cur, Salt-Water Indians will not touch ; .Bear and Bever; Panther; Pole-cat; Wild-cat* Poffuin ; Raccoon •* Hares, and Squirrels, roalted with their Guts in; Snakes' all Indians will not eat them, thoJ fome do ; All wild Fruits that arepaiatable, fome of which they dry and keep againft Winter, as all fort of Fruits, and Peaches, which they dry, and make Quiddonies, and Cakes, that are very pleafant* and a little tartifh ; young Wafps, when they are white in the Combs, before they can fly, this is efteemed a Dainty • All forts of Tortoisand Terebins; Shell-Filh, and Stingray' or Scate, dry'd; Gourds; Melons; Cucumbers; Squares' Ptflfe /of all forts ; Roctwhctn'me Meal, which is their Maiz parch'dand pounded into. Powder ; Fowl of all forts,that are eatable ; Ground-Nuts, or wild Potato's ; Acorns and Acorn Oil; Wild-Bulls, Beef, Mutton, Pork, &c. from the Ewlijh; Indian Corn, or Maiz, made into feveral forts of Bread ^fiars of Corn roalted in the Summer, or preferv'd againft Winter. The Victuals is common, throughout the whole Kindred' Relations, and often to the whole Town 5 efpecially when they are in Hunting-Quarters , then they all fare alike whichsoever of them kills the Game. They are very kind' and charitable to one another, but more efpecially to thole of their own Nation ; for if any one of them has fuffer'd any Lofs, by Fire or otherwife, thejTOrder the griev'd Per- fon to makeaFeaft, and invite them al] thereto, which, on the day appointed, they come to, and after every Man's Mefs of Vicf uals is dealt to him, one of their Speakers or grave old Men, makes an Harangue, and acquaints the Com- pany, That that Man's Houfe has been burnt, where- Indians in all his Goods were deltroy'd ; That he, and his Family, difcem not very narrowly efcaped ;That he is every Man's Friend in that between Company; and, That it is all their Duties to help him, as km men he woulddo t0 anJr of them> had the like Misfortune -befallen 'them. After this Oration is over, every Man, according to his Quality, throws him down upon the Ground fome Pre^ fent, which is commonly Beads, Ronoak, Peak, Skins or Furs and which very often amounts to treble the Lofs he has fuf'- fer'd. Feafli of Chin of North-Carolina. 179 fer'd. The fame Affiftance they give to any Man that wants to build a Cabin, or make a Canoe. They fay, it is our Duty thus to do \ for there are feveral Works that one Man cannot effed, therefore we mult give him our Help, otherwife our Society will fall, and we mall be depriv'd of thofe urgent Ne- ceffities which Life requires. They have no Fence to partindians -one anothers Lots in their Corn-Fields •, but every Man knows no Fences. his own, and it Icarce ever happens, that they rob one ano- ther of fo much as an Ear of Corn, which if any is found to do, he is fentenced by the Elders to work, and plant for him that was robb'd, till he is recompenfed for all the Damage he has fuffer'd in his Corn-Field •, and this is punctually per- form'd, and the Thief held in Difgrace, that Iteals from any of his Country-Folks. It often happens, that a Woman is deftituteof her Husband, and has a great many Children to Indians maintain \ fuch a Perfon they always help, and make their chmtyto young men plant, reap, and do every thing that ihe is i\otWlBurixi of". is, to place the neareit Relations near the Corps, who mourn Ui'lrI)^" and weep very much, having their Hair hanging down their Shoulders;. Mil M 150 Indian Fmieral Sermon. An Account of the Indians Shoulders, in a very forlorn manner. After the dead Per- .fon has Jain a Day and a Night, in one of their Hurdles of Canes, commonly infome Out-Houfe made for that puroofe thofe that officiate about the Funeral, go into the Town1 and the firit young Men they meetwithal, that have Blankets or Match Coats on, whom they think fit for ■ their Turn*- they ,ftrip them from their Backs, who fuffer them fo to do, 'with- out any Refinance. In thefe they wrap the dead Bodies, and cover them with two or three Mats, which the Indians make of Ruihes or Cane -? and laft of all, they have a long Web of woven Reeds, or hollow Canes, which -is the Coffin of the Indians, and is brought round feveral times , and tied faft at both ends, which indeed, looks very decent and well. Then the Corps is brought out of the Houfe, into the Orchard of Peach-Trees* where another Hurdle is made to receive it, about which comes all the Relations and Na- tipn that the dead Perfon belong'd to, belides feveral from other Nations in Alliance with them * all which fit down on the Ground, upon Mats fpread there, for that purpofe; where the Do&or or Conjurer appears * and , after fome time, makes a Sort of 0-yesy at which all are very iilent- then he begins to give an Account, who the dead Perforl was, and how ftout a Man heapprov'd himfelf* how many Enemies and Captives he had kill'd and taken* how ftrong tall, and nimble he was * that he was a great Hunter, a Lover of his Country, and poflefs'd of a great many beautiful Wives and Children, efteem'd the greateft of Bleffings among thefe Savages, in which they have a true Notion. Thus this Ora- tor runs on, highly extolling the dead Man, for his Valour Conduct, Strength , Riches, and Good-Humour- and enu- merating his Guns, Slaves and almoft every thing he was pof- fefs'd of, when living. After which, he addrefles himfelf to the People of that Town or Nation, and bids them fupply the dead Man's Place, by following his fteps, who, he aflures them, is gone into the Country of Seuls, (which they think lies a great way off, in this World, which the Sun vi- fits, in his ordinary Courfe) and that he will have the Enjoy- ment of handfome young Women, great Store of Deer to hunt, never meet with Hunger, Cold or Fatigue, but every •thing to anfwer his Expectation and Defire. This is the Heaven they propofe to themftlves * but, on the contrary, for of North-Carolina. 181 for thofe Indians that are lazy, thievifh amongft themfelves, bad Hunters, and no Warriours, nor of much Ufe to the Na- tion, to fuch they allot, in the next World, Hunger, Cold, Troubles , old ugly Women for their Companions, with Snakes, and all forts of nafty Viduals to feed on. Thus is mark'd out their Heaven and Hell. After all this Harangue, he diverts the People with fome of their Traditions, as when there was a violent hot Summer, or very hard Winter -, when any notable Diftempers rag'd amongft them •, when they were at War with fuch and fuch Nations ; how victorious Indian they were; and what were the Names of their War-Cap- rraditions. tains. To prove the times more exaftly, he produces the Records of the Country, which are a Parcel of Reeds, of different Lengths , with feveral diftindt Marks, known to none but themfelves ; by which they feem to guefs, very ex- actly, at Accidents that happen'd many Years ago ; nay two or three Ages or more. The Reafon I have to believe what they tell me, on this Account, is, becaufe I have been at the Meetings of feveral Indian Nations ; and they agreed, in re- lating the fame Circumftances, as to Time, very exactly •, as, for Example, they fay, there was fo hard a Winter in Caro- lina, 105 years ago, that the great Sound was frozen over, and the Wild Geefe came into the Woods to eat Acorns, and Abvl that they were fo tame, (I fuppdfe, through Want) that they WmtT' kill'd abundance in the Woods, by knocking them on the Head with Sticks. But, to return to the dead Man. When this long Tale is ended, by him that fpoke firft ; perhaps, a fecond begins another long Story 5 fo a third, and fourth, if there be fo many Dodlors prefent \ which all tell one and the fame thing. At laft, the Corps is brought away from that Hurdle to the Grave, by four young Men, attended by the Relations, the King, old Men, and all the Nation. When they come to the Sepulcre, which is about fix Foot deep, and eight Foot long, having at each end (that is, at the Head and Foot) a Light-Wood, or Fitch-Pine Fork driven clofe down the fides of the Grave, firmly into the Ground \ (thefe two imement Forks are to contain a Ridge-Pole, as you mail underftand in the prefently) before they lay the Corps into the Grave, they which is, to appear every Night, at theSepulcre, and howl and weep in a very difmal manner, having their Faces dawb'd: 2on Idols at the Bids. '.Dead. of North'Carolina. dawb'd over with Light-wood Soot, (which is the fame as Lamp-black) and Bears Oil. This renders them as black as it is poflible to make themfelves, fo that theirs very much refemble the Faces of Executed Men boil'd in. Tar. If the dead Perfon was a Grandee, to carry on the Funeral Cere- monies, they hire People to cry and lament over the dead Man. Of this fort there are feveral, that pra&ife it for a Livelihood, and are very expert at Shedding abundance of Tears, and howling like Wolves, and fo difcharging their Indians Office with abundance of Hypocrify and Art. The Women hirei w are never accompanied with thefe Ceremonies after Death •, murv° and to what World they allot that Sex, I never underftood, unlefs, to wait on their dead Husbands ; but they have more Wit, than fome of the Eaftern Nations, who facrifice them- felves to accompany their Husbands into the next World. It is the dead Man's Relations, by Blood, as his Uncles, Bro- thers, Sifters, Couflns, Sons, and Daughters, that mourn in good earneft, the Wives thinking their Duty js difcharg'd, and that they are become free, when their Husband is dead ; fo, as faft as they can, look out for another, to fupply his Place. As for the Indian Women, which now happen in my Way ; when young, and at Maturity, they are as fine-fhap'd Crea- tures (take them generally) as any in the Univerfe. They are of a tawny Complexion •, their Eyes very brisk and amorous 5 ^dian their Smiles afford the fineft, Compofure a Face can poffefs ; hm&fomc. their Hands are of the finefl Make, with fmall long Fingers, and as foft as their Cheeks 5 and their whole Bodies of a fmooth Nature. They are not fo uncouth or unlikely, as we fuppofe them 5 nor are they Strangers or not Proficients in the foft Paffion. They are moft of them mercenary, ex- cept the married Women, who fometimes beftow their Fa- vours alfo to fome or other, in their Husbands Abfence. For which they never ask any Reward. As for the Report, that they are never found unconftant, like the Europeans, it i^MmM wholly falfe ; for were the old World and the new one put into Women tm» a Pair of Scales fin point of Conftancy) it would be a hard«>«faw*« Matter to difcern which was the heavier. A; for the Trading ^l"S Girls, which are thofe defign'd to get Money by their ^ Natural Parts, thefe are difcernable, by the Cut of their Hair j their Tonfure differing from all others, of that Nati- "."•'- B b 2 on, 84- An Account of the Indians Indian Traders Indian^ Wives, on, who are not of their Profeflion } which Method is in- tended to prevent Miftakes ^ for the Savages of America are defirous (if poflible) to keep their Wives to themfelves, as well as thofe in other Parts of the World. When any Ad- dreiTes are made to one of thefe Girls, ihe immediately ac- quaints her Parents therewith, and they tell the King of it, (provided he that courts her be a Stranger) his Majefty com- monly being the principal Bawd of the Nation he rules over, and there feldom being any of thefe Winchefter- Weddings a- greed on, without his Royal Confent. He likewife advifes her what Bargain to make, and if it happens to be an Indian Trader that wants a Bed-fellow, and has got Rum to fell, be fure, the King mull: have a large Dram for a Fee, to con- firm the Match. Thefe Indians, that are of the elder fort, when any fuch Queftion is put to them, will debate the Mat- ter amongft themfelves with all the Sobriety and Serioufnefs imaginable, every one of the Girl's Relations arguing the Advantage or Detriment that may enfue fuch a Night's En- counter -7 all which is done with as much Steadinefs and Rea- lity, as if it was the greateft Concern in the World,, and no* fo much as one Perfon ihall be feen to fmile, fo long as the Debate holds, making no Difference betwixt an Agreement of this Nature, and a Bargain of any other. If they com- ply with the Men's Defire, then a particular Bed is provided for them, either in a Cabin by themfelves, or elfe all the young people turn out, to another Lodging, that they may not fpoil Sport ; and if the old People are in the fame Cabin along with them all Night, they lie as unconcern'd, as if they were fo many Logs of Wood. If it be an Indian of their own Town or Neighbourhood, that wants a Miftrefs, he comes to none but the Girl, who receives what Ihe thinks fit to ask him, and fo lies all Night with him, without the Confent of her Parents. The Indian Traders are thofe which travel and abide a- mongft the Indians for a long fpace of time ; fometimes for a Year, two, or three. Thefe Men have commonly their In* dian Wives, whereby they foon learn the Indian Tongue, keep a Friendfhip with the Savages^ and, befides: the Satisfadioii of a She-Bed-Fellow, they find thefe Indian Girls very fer- vieeable to them, on Account of dreffing their Visuals, and intruding 'em in the Affairs and Cuftoms of the Country- More- of North-Carolina. Moreover, fuch a Man gets a great Trade with the Savages ; for when a Perfbn that lives amongft them, is referv'd from the Converfation of their Women, 'tis impoflible for him ever to accomplifh his Defigns amongft that People. But one great Misfortune which oftentimes attends thole that converfe with thefe Savage Women, is, that they get Children by them, which are feldom educated any otherwife than in a State of Infidelity ; for it is a certain Rule and Cu- ftom, amongft all the Savages of America, that I was ever acquainted withal, to let the Children always fall to the Wo- man's Lot-, for it often happens, that two Indians that have children - liv'd together, as Man and Wife, in which Time they have^0 w;th had feveral Children ; if they part, and another Man poffef- the Wo~ fes her, all the Children go along with the Mother, and none men. with the Father. And therefore, on this Score, it ever feems impoflible for the Chriftians to get their Children (which they have by thefe Indian Women) away from them \ whereby they might bring them up in the Knowledge of the Chri- ftian Principles. Neverthelefs, we often find, that Englijk Men, and other Europeans that have been accuftom'd to the Converfation of thefe favage Women, and their Way of Living, have been foallur'd with that earelefs fort of Life, as to be conftant to their Indian Wife, and her Relations, fo long as they liv'd, without ever defiring to return again a- mongft the EngUJh, although they had very fair Opportuni- ties of Advantages amongft their Countrymen ; of which fort I have known feveral. As for the Indian Marriages, I have read and heard of a great deal of Form and Ceremony ufed, which I never faw, nor yet could learn in the Time I have been amongft them, a- ny otherwife than I fhall here give you an Account of y which is as follows.. When any young Indian has a Mind for fuch a Girl' to his Wife, he, or fome one for him* goes to the young Woman's Parents , if living*, if not, to her neareft Relations •, where they; make Offers of the Match betwixt the Couple. The Relations reply, they willconfider of it, which ferves for a fufficient Anfwer, till there be a fecond Meeting about the Marriage, which is generally brought into Debate before all the Relations (that are old People) on both Sides •, and fome- Jjdiari times the King, with all his great Men, give their Opinions Mmw&*>- there- Indians buy their Wives. Indian Men not vigorous. An Account of the Indians therein. If it be agreed on, and the young Woman approve thereof, ( for thefe Savages never give their Children in. Marriage, without their own Gonfent) the Man pays fo much for his Wife \ and the handfomer (he is, the greater Price me bears. Now, it often happens, that the Man has not fo much of their Money ready, as he is to pay for his Wife *, but if they know him to be a good Hunter, and that he can raife the Sum agreed for, in fome few Moons, or any little time, they agree,* fhe fhall go along with him, as be- troth'd, but he is not to have any Knowledge of her, till the utmoft Payment is difcharg'd} all which is punctually obferv'd. Thus, they lie together under one Covering for feveral Months, and the Woman remains the fame as Ihe was when fhefirftcame to him. I doubt, our Europeans would be apt to break this Cuftom, but the Indian Men are not fo vi- gorous and impatient in their Love as we are. Yet the Wo- men are quite contrary, and thofe Indian Girls that have con- vers'd * with the EngUJhand other Europeans, never care for the Converfation of their own Countrymen afterwards. They never marry fo near as a firft Coufin ; and although there is nothing more coveted amongft them, than to marry a Woman of their own Nation, yet when the Nation confifts of a very few People (as now adays it often happens) fo -that they are all of them related to one another, then they look out for Husbands and Wives amongft Strangers. For if an Indian lies with his Sifter, or any very near Relation, his Body is burnt, and his Ames thrown into the River, as un- worthy to remain on Earth •, yet an Indian is allow'd to marry two Sifters, or his Brothers Wife. Although thefe People are calPd Savages, yet Sodomy is never heard of a- mongftthem, and they are- fo far from the Practice of that beaftly and loathfome Sin, that they have no Name for it in all their Language. The Marriages of thefe Indians are no farther binding, than the Man and Woman' agree together. Either of them has Liberty to leave the other, upon any frivolous Excufe they can make*, yet whofoever takes the Woman that was ano- ther Man's before, and bought by Mm, as they all are, muft certainly pay to her former Husband, whatfoever he gave for her. Nay, if fhe be a Widow, and her Husband died in Debt, whofoever takes her to Wife, pays all her Husband's Obliga- tions. ■ nfTiT ■' - -i ii of North-Carolina.' 187 tions, though never fo many ; yet the Woman is not required to pay any thing (unlefs me is willing) that was owing from her Husband, fo long as {he keeps Single. But if a Man courts her for a Nights Lodging, and obtains it, the Creditors will •make him pay her Husband's Debts, and he may, if hewillv take her for his Money, or fell her to another for his Wife. I havefeen feveral of thefe Bargains driven in a day, for you may fee Men felling their Wives as Men do Horfes in a Fair,^- . a Man being allow'd not only to change as often as he pleafes, ^vgjt but likewife to have as many Wives as he is able to maintain. I have oftenfeen, that very old Jndlkn Men (that have been Indian Grandees in their own Nation^ have had three or foutr very 'MnJ Wi* likely young Indian Wives, which I have much wondered at,w* becaufe to me they feern d incapacitated to make good Ufe of one of them. The young Men will go in the Night from one Houfe to another, to vifltthe young Women, in which fort of Ram- bles they will fpend the whole Night. In their AddrefTes N;ght they find no "Delays, for if fhe is willing to entertain the Hambks>~ Man, ihe gives him Encouragement and grants him Admit- tance \ otherwife Ihe withdraws her Face from him, and fays, I cannot fee you, either you or I muft leave this Cabin^ and deep fomewhere elfe this Night. They are never to boaft of their Intrigues with the Wo- men. If they do, none of the Girls value them everaften, or admit of their Company in their Beds. This proceeds not on the fcore of Reputation, for there is no fuch thing (on that account; known amongft them ; and although we may reckon them the greateft Libertines and moft extrava- gant in their Embraces, yet they retain and poflefs a Mo~ defty that requires thofe Paflions never to be divulged. The Trading Girls, after they have led that Courfe of Life, for feveral Years, in which time they fcarce ever have a Child-, (for they have an Art to deftroy the Conception, and fhe thatbrings a Child in this Station,is accounted a Fool, and her Reputation is lefTen'd thereby)at laft they grow weary of fo many, and betake themfelves to a married State, or to#"% the Company of one Man -? neither does their having beea.Girh common to fo many any wife lefTen their Fortunes, butl rather JX^ augment tli^m ' ,BiJ* I augment them, The i8g An Account of the Indians Womatm The Woman is not punifli'd for Adultery, but 'tis the Man purijh'd for Adul terj* Niver that makes the injur'd Perfon Satisfaction, which is the Law of Marions pradis'd amongft them all ; and he that ftrives to evade fuch Satisfaction as the Husband demands lives daily in Danger of his Life; yet when difcharg'd, all Ani- mofity islaidafide,and the Cuckold is very well pleafed with liis Bargain , whilft the Rival is laugh'd at by the whole Nation, for carrying on his Intrigue with no better Condud, than to be difcover'd and pay fo dear for his Pieafure. The Indians fay, that the Woman is a weak Creature and eafily drawn away by the Man's Perfuafioni for which Rea- fon, they lay no Blame upon her, but the Man (that ought to be Matter of his Paflion) for perfuading her to it. They are of a very hale Conftitution; their Breaths are as zevff-wii.fweetasthe Air they breathe in, and the Woman feems to be of that tender Compofition, as if they were delign'd rather for the Bed then Bondage. Yet their Love is never of that Force and Continuance, that any of them ever runs Mad or makes away with themfelves on that fcore. They never love beyond Retrieving their firft IndifFerency, and when flighted .are as ready to untie the Knot at one end, as you are at the other. Yet I knew an European Man that had a Child or two by one of thefe Indian Women, and afterwards married a Chri- stian, after which he came to pafs away a Night with his Indian Miftrefs ; but (he made Anfwer that ftie then had for- got fhe ever knew him, and that lhe never lay with another Woman's Husband, fo fell a crying, and took up the Child ftiehadbyhim, and went out of the Cabin (away from him") In great Difordei*. f Indian The Indian Womens Work is to cook the Vi&uals for the Zlmhey whole Family, and to make Mats, Baskets, Girdles of Pof- io. fum-Hair, and fuch-hke. They never plant the Corn a- Iroquois mongft us, as they do amongft the Iroquois, who are always greaWafi&t War and Hunting ; therefore, the Plantation Work is left noun, for the Women a nd Slaves to perform, and look after • whilft they arewandring all over the Continent betwixt the two Bays of Mexico and St. Laurence. Mats haw The Mats the Indian Women make, are of Rufhes and a- madc. bout five Foot high, and two Fathom long, and few'd' double" that is, two together ; whereby they become very commo- dious of North-Carolina. ■ *- nt-- ■■-*■■ -"- 189 dious to lay under our Beds,Nor to fleep on in the Summer Seafoii in the Day-time, and for our Slaves ia the Night. There are other Mats made of Flags, which the Tushruro Indians make, and fell to the Inhabitants. The Baskets our Neighbouring Indians make, are all made Bjstetf. of a very fine fort of Bulrufhes, and fometimes of - Silk-grafS", which they work with Figures of Bealts, Birds, Fifties, &c. A great way up in the Country, both Baskets and Mats are made of the fplit Reeds, which are only the outward {hining Part of the Cane. Of thefe I have feen Mats, Baskets, and Dreffing-Boxes, very artificially done. The Savage Women of America, have very eafy Travail with their Children } fometimes they, bring Twins, and are brought to bed by themfelves, when took at a Difad vantage ; not but that they have Midwives amongfb them, as well as Doctors, who make it their Profeifion (for Gain) to aflift and deliver Women, and fome of thefe Midwives are very know- ing in feveral Medicines that Carolina affords, which certainly expedite, and make eafy Births. Befides, they are unac- quainted with thofe fevere Pains which follow the Birth in our European Women. Their Remedies area great Caufeof . . tliis Eaiinefs in that State ; for the Indian Women will run j .. up and down the Plantation, the fame day, very briskly, and y^ves. without any fign of Pain or Sicknefs -, yet they look very meager and thin. Not but that we mult allow a great deal owing to the Climate, and the natural Conftitution of thefe Women, whofe Courfe of Nature never viflts them in fuch - Quantities, as the European Women have. And tho' they never want Plenty of Milk, yet I never faw an Indian Wo- man with very large Breafts ; neither does the youngeft Wife ever fail of proving fogood a Nurfe, as to bring her Child up free from the Rackets and Difafters that proceed from the Teeth, with many other Diftempers which attack our Infants in England, and other Parts of Europe. They let their Chil- dren fuck till they are well grown, unlefs they prove big with Child fooner. They always nurfe their own Children them- r r felves, unlefs Sicknefs or Death prevents. I once faw SLrunf Nurfe hired to give Suck to an Indian Woman's Child, whi^h y^ you have in my Journal. After Delivery, they abfent the Company of a Man for forty days. As foon as the Child is born, they wafh it ia cold Water at the next Stream, and C c then An Account of the Indians Indian Wsmsns Habit, then bedawb it, as I have mention'd before. After which, the Husband takes care to provide a Cradle, which is foon made, confifting of a Piece of flat Wood, which they hew with their Hatchets to the Likenefs of a Board \ it is about two Foot long, and a Foot broad ; to this they brace and tie the Child down very clofe, having, near the middle, a Stick faften'd about two Inches from the Board, which is for the Child's Breech to reft on, under which they put a Wad of Mofs , that receives the Child's Excrements, by which means they can fhift the Mofs, and keep all clean and fweet. Some Nations have very flat Heads, as you have heard in my Journal, which is made whilft tied on this Cradle, as that Relation informs you. Thefe Cradles are apt to make the Body flat \ yet they are the molt portable things that can be invented} for there is a String which goes from one Corner of the Board to the other, whereby the Mother flings her Child on her Back-, fo the Infant's Back is towards hers, and its Face looks up towards the Sky. If it rains, fhe throws her Leather or Woollen Match-coat, over her Head, which' covers the Child all over, and fecufes her and it from the injuries of rainy Weather. The Savage Women quit all Com- pany, anddrefsnot their own Vi&uals, during their -Purga- tions. ' „ After they have had feveral Children, they grow itrange- ly out of Shape in their Bodies -, As for Barrennefs, I never 3uiew any of their Women , that have not Children when marry'd. , , . _, \ . . TheWomensDrefsis, in fevere Weather, a hairy Match- coat in the Nature of a Plad, which keeps out the Cold, and (as I faid before) defends their Children from the Prejudices of the Weather. At other times, they have only a fort of Flap or Apron containing two Yards in Length, and better than half a Yard deep. Sometimes, it is a Deer-Skin drefs'd white, and pointed or flit at the bottom, like Fringe. When this is clean, it becomes them very well. Others wear blue or red Flaps made of Bays and Plains, which they buy or the Zwlifc of both which they tuck in the Corners, to fatten the Garment, and fometimes make it fait with a Belt. All of them, when ripe, have a fmall String round the Wafte, to which another is tied and comes between their Legs, where always is a Wad of ■ Mofs againft the OipSis \ but never any of North-Girolina. *9 Hair is there to be found: Sometimes, they wear Indian Shooes, or Moggizons, which are made after the fame man- ner, as-the Mens are. The Hair of their Heads is made into a long Roll like a Horfes Tail, and bound round with Ronoak or TorceUn, which is a fort of Beads they make of the Conk-Shells. Others that have not this, make a Leather-String ferve. The Indian Men have a Match-Coat of Hair, Furs, Fea-Indian thers, or Cloth, as the Women have. Their Hair is roll'd Jv& up, on each Ear, as the Womens, only much Ihorter, and .• oftentimes a Roll on the~Crown of the Head, or Temples, which is juft as they fancy i there being no Stri&nefs in their Drefs. Betwixt their Legs comes a Piece of Cloth, that is tuck'd in by a Belt both before and behind. This is to hide their Nakednefs, of which Decency they are very ftrict Ob- fervers, although never pradtifed before the Chriftians came amongir. them. They wear Shooes, of Bucks, and fometimes Bears Skin , which they tan in an Hour or two ; with the Bark of Trees boil'd, wherein theypuvthe Leather whilft hot, and let it remain a little while, whereby it becomes fo qualify'd, as to endure Water and Dirt, without growing ' hard. Thefe have no Heels, and are made as fit for the Feet, as a Glove is for the Hand, and are very eafie to travel mi, when one is a little us'd to them. When thefe Savages live near the Water, they frequent the Rivers in Summer- Indians time very much, where both Men and Women very often in majbing- a day go in naked to warn themfelves, though not both Sexes in.tbe together. *lver- Their Feather Match-Coats are very pretty, efpecially fomeofthem, which are made extraordinary charming, con- taining feveral pretty Figures wrought in Feathers, making them feem like a fine Flower Silk-Shag; and when new andMatrt- frefh, they become a Bed very well, inftead of a Quilt. Somec»^ bote of another fort are made of Hare, Raccoon j Bever, or Squir-^^' rel-Skins, which are very warm. Others again are made of the green Part of the Skin of a Mallard's Head, which they few perfectly well together, their Thread being either the Sinews of a Deer divided very fmall, or Silk-Grafs. When thefe are finifh'd, they look very finely, though they mult needs be very tsoublefome to make. Some of their great Men¥ as Rulers and fuch, that have Plenty of Deer Skins _ Cc 2 by s92 An Account of the Indians Chiliii Indians. Hatteras Indians. Tainting jar War. by them, will often buy the Englijh-m3.de Goats, which they wear on Feftivals and other Days of Viiiting, Yet none eveF buy any Breeches, faying, that they are too much confin'd in them, which prevents their Speed in running, &c. We have fome Indians, that are more civilized than the reffc, which wear Hats, Shooes, Stockings, and Breeches, with very tolerable Linnen Shirts, which is not common amongfb thefe Heathens. The Pafpitank Indians did formerly keep Cattle, and make Butter. Thefe are them that wear the Englijh Drefs. Whether, they have Cattle now or no, I am not certain-, but I am of the Opinion, that fuch Inclinations in the Savages mould meet with Encouragement, and every Englijhman ought to do them Juftice, and not defraud them of their Land, which, has been allotted them formerly by the Government ; for if we do not Ihew them Examples of Juftice and Vertue, ws can never bring them to believe us to be a.wor.thier Race, of Men than themfelves. The Drefles of thefe People are fo different, according to? the Nation that they belong to, that it is impoffible to re- count all the whimfical Figure's that they fometimes make by. their Antick Drefles. Befides, Carolina is a warm Country, and very mild in its Winters, to what Virginia, Maryland, Ten* fylvania, Neve-York, the Jerfeys7.and New- England are \ where- fore, our Indians Habit very much differs from the. Drefles that appear amongft the Savages wlio inhabit thofe cold Countries ; in regard their chiefeft Cloathing for the Winter- Seafon is made of the Furs of Bever, Raccoon, and other Northern Furs, that our Climate is not acquainted withal, they producing fome Furs, as the Monad, Moor, Marten* Black Fox, and others to us unknown. Their Drefs in Peace and War, is quite different Befides, when they go to. War, their Hair is comb'd out by the Wo*- men, and done over very much with Bears Greafe, and red. Root; with Feathers, Wings, Rings, Copper, and Peak, or Wampum in their Ears. Moreover, they buy Vermillion of the Indian Traders , wherewith they paint their Faces all. over red, and commonly make a Circle of Black about one. Eye, and another Circle of White about the. other, whilft. others bedawb their Faces with Tobacco-Pipe Clay, Lamp- Mack, black Lead, and divers other Golours, which they, jfiake. of North-Carolina. make with the feveral forts of Minerals and Earths that they get in different Parts of the Country, where they hunt and travel. When thefe Creatures are thus painted, they make the moft frightful Figures that can be imitated by Men, and feem more like Devils than Humane Creatures. You may befure, that they areabout fome Mifchief, when you fee them' thus painted •, for in all the Hoftilities which have ever been a&ed againft the Englifl) at any time, in feveral of the Planta- , tions of America, the Savages always appear'd in this Dif-. guize , whereby they might never after be difcover'd, or known by any of the Chriftians that mould happen to fee- them after they had made their Efcape ^ for it is impoffible,. ever to know an Indian under thefe Colours, although he has been at your Houfe a thoufand times, and you know him, af other times, as well, as you do any Perfon living. As for their Women, they never ufe any Paint on their Faces ; nei- ther do they ever carry them along with them into the Field, when they intend any Expedition, leaving-them at home with' the old Men and Children. Sorrie of the Indians wear great Bobs in their Ears, dmmasMh fometimes in. the Holes thereof they put Eagles and other- Birds, Feathers, for a Trophy. When they kill any .Fowl, they commonly pluck off the downy Feathers, and ftick them - all over their Heads. Some (both Men and Women; wear great Necklaces of their Money made of Shells. They of- ten wear Bracelets made of. Brafs, and fometimes of Iron Wire. ' -" - . Their Money is of different forts, but all made of Shells, Indian. which are found on the Coaft of Carolina, which are very *&»*>- large and hard, fo that they are very difficult to cut: Some EngUfr Smiths have try'd to drill this fort' of Shell-Money, and ^hereby thought to get an Advantage-, but itprov'd fo hard, that nothing could be gain'd. They oftentimes make, of this Shell, a fort of Gorge, which they wear about their Neck in a ftring \ fo it hangs on their Collar, whereon fame- times is engraven a Crofs, or fome odd fort of Figure, which comes next in their Fancy" There are other forts valued at a Doe-Skin, yet the Gorges will fometimes fell for three or four Buck-Skins ready dreft. There be others, that eight of them go readily for a Doe Skin , but the general a-nd current Species of all the Indians in Carolina^ arid, I believe, all over the. i I 194- An Account of the Indians the Continent, as far as the Bay of Mexico, is that which we call Teak, and Ronoak ; but Peal more efpecially. This is that which at Nerv-Tork, they call Wampum, and have ufed it as current Money araongffc the Inhabitants for a great many Years. This is what many Writers call Porcelan, and is made at New-Tork in great Quantities, and with us in fome meafure. Five Cubits of this purchafe a drefs'd Doe-Skin, and feven or eight purchafe a drefs'd Buck-Skin. An English* man could not_ afford to make fo much of this Wampum for five or ten times the Value.} for it is made out of a vaft great Shell, of which that Country affords Plenty ; where it is ground fmaller than the final! End of a tobacco-Pipe, or a large Wheat-Straw. Four or five of thefe make an Inch, and every one is to be drill'd through, and made as fmooth as Glafs, andfo ftrung, as Beds are, and a Cubit of the Indian Meafure contains as much in Length, as will reach from the Elbow to the End of the little Finger. They never Hand to queftion, whether it is a tall Man, or a fhort one, that mea- fures it ; but if this Wampum Teak be black or purple, as fome Part of that Shell is, then it is twice the Value. This the Indians grind on Stones and other things, till they make it current, but the Drilling is the moll difficult to the English- men, which the Indians manage with a Nail ftuck in a Cane or Reed. Thus they roll it continually on their Thighs, with their Right-hand, holding the Bit of Shell with their Left, fo in time they drill a Hole quite through it, which is a very tedious Work ; but efpecially in making their Ronoak, four of which will fcarce make one Length of Wampum. The Indi- ans are a People that never value their time, fo that they can afford to make them, and never need to fear the Englljh will take the Trade out of their Hands. This is the Money with which you may buy Skins, Furs, Slaves, or any thing, the Indiahs have; it being the Mammon (as our Money is to us) that entices and perfuades them to do any thing, and part with every thing they poffefs, except their Children for Slaves. As for their Wives, they are often fold, and their Daughters violated for it. With this they buy off Murders ; and what- foever a Man can do that is ill, this Wampum will quit him of, -and make him, in their Opinion, good and vertuous, though never fo black before. All of North-Carolina. i All the Indians give a Name to their Children, which is Indians not the fame as the Father or Mother, but what they fancy. how This Name they keep, (if Boys) till they arrive to the Age "*"'**• of a Warriour, which is fixteen or feventeen Years •, then they take a Name to themfelves, fometimes, Eagle, Panther, Allegator, or fome fuch wild Creature ; efteeming nothing on Earth worthy to give them a Name, but thefe Wild-Fowl, and Beafts. Some again take the Name of a Fifh, which they keep as long as they live. The King is the Ruler of the Nation, and has others under Indian him, to affift him, as his War-Captains, and Counfellors, ^inf *?*' who are pick'd out and chofen from among the ancientefl ^ Men of the Nation he is King of. Thefe meet him in all general Councils: and Debates, concerning War, Peace, E^ry Trade, Hunting, and all the Adventures and Accidents oP™?1 a Humane Affairs, which appear within their Verge; where ^"^efeJ all Affairs are difcourfed of and argued fro and con, very de-*# the m- Hberately (without making any manner of Parties or Divili- tion, onsj for the Good of the Publick ; for, as they meet there to treat, they difcharge their Duty with all the Integrity imagi- nable, never looking towards their Own Intereft, before the Publick Good. After every Man has given his Opinion, that which has moft Voices, or,in Summing up, is found the molt reafonable, that they make ufe of without any Jars and Wrangling, and put it in Execution, the firft Opportunity that offers. The Succelfion falls not to the King's Son , but to his succejfim Sifter's Son, which is a fureway to prevent Impoftofs in thehsm- Succeflion. Sometimes they poifbn the Heir to make way for another, which is not feldomdone, when they do not ap- prove of -the Youth that is to fucceed them. The King hina- felf is commonly chief Do&or in that Cure. They are fo well verfed in Poifon, that they are often found to poifon whole Families ; nay, moft of a Town , and which is moft to be admired, they will poifon a running Spring , or Fountain of Water, fo that whofoever drinks thereof, fhall infallible die. When the Offender is difcover'd, his very Relations urge for Death, whom nothing will ap= peafe, but the moft cruel Torment imaginable, which is executed in the moft publick Manner that it's poffibleto ztX fuch a Tragedy in. For all the whole Nation, and all the 196 An Account of the Indians Poifoning Indians hoxx> pu- mjb'ed'. Indians within a hundred Mile (if it is poffible to fend for themj are fummon'd to come and appear at fuch a Place and Time, tqfee and rejoyce at the Torments and Death offuch a Perfon, who is the common and profefs'd Enemy to all the friendly Indians thereabouts,. who now lies under the Con- demnation of the whole Nation, and accordingly is to be put to Death. Then all appear (young and old) from all the adjacent Parts, and meet, with all the Expreffions of joy, to confummate this horrid and barbarous Fea ft , which is carried on after this difmal Manner. Firft, they bring the Prifoner to the Place appointed for the Execution, where he is fet down on his Breech on the Ground. Then they all get about him, and you fhall not fee one forrowful or dejeded Countenance amongfl them, but all very merrily difpos'd, as if fome Comedy was to be acted, inftead of a Tragedy. He that is appointed to be the chief Executioner, takes a Knife, and bids him hold out his Hands, which he does, and then cuts round theWrift through the Skin, which is drawn off like a Glove, and flead quite off at the Fingers Ends ; then they break his Joints and Bones, and buffet and torment hjm after a very inhumane Manner, till fome violent Blow per- haps ends his Days •, then they burn him to Ames, and throw them down the River. Afterwards they eat, drink and are merry, repeating all the Adions of the Tormentors and the Prifoner, with a great deal of Mirth and Satif- fadion. This Accufation is laid againft an Indian Heroe fometimes wrongfully, or when they have a mind to get rid of a Man that has more. Courage and Condud than his neigh- bouring Kings or great Men ; then they alledge the Pradice of polfoning Indians againft him, and make a Rehearfal of e- very Indian that died for a year or two, and fay, that they were poifon'd by fuch an Indian; which Reports ftir up all the Pvelations of the deceafed againft the faid Perfon, and by fuch means make him away prefently. In fome Affairs, theie Savagesare very refervM and politick, and will attend a long time with a great deal of Patience, to bring about their De- figns •, they being never impatient or hafty in executing any of their Defignsof Revenge. Now I am gone fo far in giving an Account of the Indians Temper, I will proceed ; and cangive you no other Gbara- der of them, but that they are a very wary People, and are never w Jorth-Girolina. 197 nevei* irjfry or impatient. Tho'y will endure a great many MiSfetft-tinV^, ' Loiles, and Difapointmerits without mewing th*rtftWfe«,-iii theieaft, vex'd or'u'tieafy. When they g6',by Water, it there proves a Head-Wirid; they.' 'never1 vex and fret, as the Europeans do, and let what Misfortune tome td them, as will or can happen, they never 'relent. Befides, there is one Vice very common every where, which I neve'r found amongft them, which is Envying other Mens Hippinefs, be- £aufe their Station is not equal to, or above, theifNeigh'bbu'rs. Of this Sin I cannot fay 1 ever faw'an Exam'ple,"ttibugh 'they are a People that fet as great a Value upon themfelves, as any fort of Men in the Worlds upon which Account they find fomething Valuable in themfelves above Riches,, Thus, he that is" a good Wafriour, Is the proudeft Creature living .\ %. and he that is an expert' Hunter, is efteerii'd By the People arid himfelf-, yet all thefe are natural Vertues and Gifts, and not Riches, which are as often in the PoOefTiOri of a Fool as a Wife-man. Several of the Indians are pofTefVd of a great many Skins, Wampum,- Ammunition, and what other things are efteem'd Riches amongft themj yet fuch an Indian 'is no more efteem'd amongft them, than arijf other ordinary Fellow, provided he has no' perfbnal Endowments, which are the Ornaments, that muft gain hi'rh an Efteem among them \ for a great Dealer, amongft the Indians, is no other- wife refpedted and efteemed, than as a Man that ftrains his Wits, and fatigues himfelf, to furriiih others with NeceT- faries of Life, that live much eafier and enjoy more of the World, than he himfelf does, with all his Pelf. If they are taken Captives, and expect a miferable Exit, they fing ; if Indians Death approach them in Sicknefs, they are not afraid of, fftinot sfrtai nor are ever heard to fay, Grant me fome time. They know t0 ile* by Inftinct, and daily Example, that they muft die ; where- fore, they have that great and noble Gift, to fubrait to every thing that happens, and value nothing that attacks them. Their Cruelty to their Prifoners of War is what they are feemingly guilty of an Error in, (I mean as to a natural Fail- ing) becaufe they ftrive to invent the moit inhumane Butch- eries for them, that the Devils themfelves could invent, or hammer out of Hell ^ they efteeming Death no Punilhment, but rather an Advantage to him, that is exported out of this into another World. D d There- 98 An Account of the Indians vfWar. Therefore, they inflift on them Torments, wherein they prolong Life in that miferable ftate as long as they can, and never mifs Skulping of them, as they call it, which is, to cu£ off the Skin from the Temples, and taking the whole Head of Hair along with it, as if it was a Night-cap. Sometimes, they take the Top of the Skull along with it ; all which theyr preferve, and carefully keep by them, for a Trophy of theii? Conqueft over their Enemies. Others keep their Enemies Teeth r which are taken in War, whilil others Iplit the Pitch-Pine into Splinters, and Hick them into the Prisoners Body yet alive. Thus they light them, which bum like, fa Indians many Torches ; and in this manner, they make him dance Cruelty to round a great Fire, everyone buffeting and deriding him, Trifomrs tju he expires, when every one ftrives to get a Bone or ibme Relick of this unfortunate Captive. One of the young Fel- lows, that has been at the Wars, and has. had the Fortune to take a Captive, returns the proudeft Creature on Earth, and fets fuch a Value on himfelf, that he knows not how to contain himfelf in his Senfes. The Iroquois, or Sinnagars, are the molt Warlike Indians that we know of, being always at War,, and not to be perfuaded from that Way of Living, D7 any Argument that can be ufed.. If you go to perfiiade them to live peaceably with the Tushruros,, and let them be one. People* and in cafe thofe Indians defire it, and will fubmit to them, they will anfwer you, that they cannot live without War, which they have ever been ufed to ; and that if Peace "be made with the Indians they now war withal, they mult, find out fome others to wage War againft -r for, for them to live in Peace, is to live out of their Element,, War, Con- cuieft, and Murder, being what they delight in, and value t hemfelves for. When they take a Slave, and intend to keep, him to Work in their Fields, they flea the Skin from the Setting on of his Toes to the middle of his Foot, fo cut off one half of his Feet, wrapping the Skin over the Wounds, Indians and healing them. By this cruel Method, the Indian Captive pa and is hinder d from making his Efcape^ for he can neither, rum tut off ^r*faft or go any where, hut his Feet are more eafily traced. JkJ* and difcoverd. Yet I know one Man who made his Efcape fromthem, tho' they had thus difabled him, as you may fee in any Journal; of North-Carolina. 199 The Indians ground their Wars on Enmity, not on Interefl, as the Europeans generally do ; for the Lofs of the meanelt Perfon in the Nation, they will go to War and lay all at Stake , and profecute their Defign to the utmoft •, till the Nation they were injur'd by, be wholly deftroy'd, or make them that Satisfaction which they demand. They are very politick, in waging, and carrying on their War, firft by ad- vifing with all the ancient Men of Conduct, and Reafon, that belong to their Nation-, fuch as fuperannuated War-Cap- tains, and thofe that have been Counfellors for many Years, and whofe Advice has commonly fucceeded very well. They have likewife their Field Counfellors, who are accuftomed to Ambufcades, and Surprizes, which Methods are common- ly ufed by the Savages ; for I fcarce ever heard of a Field- Battle fought amongft them. One of their Expeditions afforded an Inftance, worthy mention, which was thus ; Two Nations of Indians here in Carolina were at War together, and a Party of each were in the Forelfc ranging to fee what Enemies they "could take. The leflfer Number found they were difcover'd, and could not well get over a River ( that lay betwixt them and their home) without engaging the other Party, whofe Numbers were much the greater •, fo they calfd a Council, which met, and having weigh'd their prefent Circumftances with a great deal of Argument and Debate, for a confiderable time, and found their Enemies Advantage, and that they could expecl: noSuccefs in Engaging fuch an unequal Number -, they, at Iaft, concluded on this Stratagem, which, in my Opinion, carried a great deal of Policy along with it. It was, That the fame Night, they lhould make a great Fire, which they were certain would be difcover'd by the adverfe Party, and there drefs up Logs of Wood in their Cloaths, and make them exactly feem like Indians, that were afleep by the Fire- iide ; (which is their Way, when in the Woods) To, [aid they, ( our Enemies will fire upon thefe Images, fuppofing them to be us, who will lie inAmbufcade, and, after their Guns are India unloaded, fhall deal well enough with them. This Refult mthL was immediately put in Execution, and the Fire was made by the fide of a Valley, where they lay perdu very advanta- geoufly. Thus, a little before Break of Day, (which com- monly is the Hour they furprize their Enemies in) the Indi- D d 2 aws. 200 An Account of the Indians Macha' punga King Charles. ans came down to their Fire, and at once fired in upon taofe Logs in the Indians Cioaths, and rua up to them; expecting they had kih°d every Man dead; but they found themfelves miftaken, for then the other Indians^ who had lain all 'the Night ftark-naked in the Bottom, attaek'd them with their loaded Pieces, which fo furprized them , that every Man was taken Prifoner, and brought in bound to their Town: Another; Inftance was betwixt the Maehapunga Indi'axjj and the Coralline's, on- the Sand-Banks; which' was as follows. The Macbapungas wexe invited to a.Feaft, by the Coranines% (which two Nations had been a long time at War together, and had lately concluded a Peace.) Thereupon, the . MaohJe- punga Indians took the Advantage of coming to the Cdranina Feaft, which, was to avoid all Sufpicion, and their King, 'wild, of a Sav3ge, is a great Politician and very jftouE; order'd all his, Men to carry'their Tamabauh along with them, hidden under their Match-Goats, which they did; arid being ac- quainted when to fall on, by. the Word given, they all (upon - this Delign) fet forward for the Feaft, and came to the Car a- nm Town, wherethey had gotten Victuals, Fruit, and fuch thjngs.as make an. Indian Entertainment, all ready to make thefe new Friends welGome,avhich they did \ and, after Din- ner, towards the Evening, fasitiscuftomary amongft them*) they. went. to. Dancing, all- together^ fo when the Macha- pxnga King faw.the beft Opportunity offer, he gave the Word, . and his Men pull'd their Tamabauh or Hatchets from under their MatchrCoats, and kidl'd feveral, and tbolfiith'e reft Pri- foners, except Tome few that were notprefent, and about four or five that efcap'd. The Prifoners they fold Slaves' to the Englijh- At the time this was done, thofe Indians had nothing but Bows and Arrows, neither tide having Guns. The Indians me "very-revengeful,1 and never: forget an In- jury done, till they have reeeiv'd Satisfaction. Yet they are . thefreeft People from Heats and ; Famous (which pofiefs the1* pefift ~ Europeans) of anyl ever heard of. They never- call any Man ladians. to account for what he did, when he was drunk ; but fay^ it ^was the Drink that caufedt his Misbehaviour, therefore he "ought to be 'forgiven*. -They never- fre(as Imention'd before) but to Ileal from theEnglijh they reckon no Harm. Not but that I have known fome few Savages that have been as free from Theft as any oftheChriftians. When they have a Defign^to lie with a Woman, which they cannot obtain any other-wife than by a larger Reward than they ape able tQ give, they then ftrive to make, her drunk, which a great many of them will be \ then they take the Advantage, to do with them what they pleafe, and fometimes in their Drunkennefs, cut off their Hair and fell it to the. Englljhy which is the greatefl: Affront can be- offer'd them. They never value Time*, for if they be going' out to hunt , fifh , or any other indifferent Builnefs, you> may keep them in talk as long as you pleafe, fo you but keep them in Diicourfe, and feem pleafed with their Company 5! yet none are more expeditious and fafer Meflengers than they,, when any, extraordinary Bulinefs that they, are fent ahout re* quires it. . When they. are. upon travelling the Woods, they keep- a^of *,& conftant Pace, neither will they ftride over a Tree that lies que/1 '. crofs the Path, but always go round it, which is quite con- pea. trary to the Cuftam of the Englijh , and other Europeans.- When they cut with a Knife, the Edge is towards them,^*"'^ whereas we always, cut and whittle from, us. ; Nor did 1 f?'fc ever lee one of them left-handed. Before the Chriftians came Tr«/f amongft them, not knowing the Ufe of Steel and Flints,,they 0f fe£~ got their Fire with Sticks, which by vehement Colliflon, otNot lefts. Rubbing together^ take Fire. This Method they will fcme-^^- toffls&i Git Sir.^::- -^***^8S8«£ ■~"T— — — ' — " 204 Ath^'imfitbfitbeJthdiMis Indian Comal's. times praftife now, when it has happen'*! thro' rainy Wea- ther, or Tanie oiiher. Accident^ that they have wiit their Get The- S§fflfels£ whiclv is 'a -fok :©f -fofe corky Subftance, generailyof a Cinnamon Col6urV and grows in the toncavc part ./of an Oak, Hiccory, and feveral other Wood?^ being dug out with an Ax, .and always kept by the Indians, infte'ad of Tinder or Touch-wood, both which it exceeds. You are to undcr- ftand, that the two Sticks they ufe- to ftrikeFire witha), are never of one fort of Wood, but always differ from each 0- ther. They are expert Travellers , arid ; tbough they have nottheUfe of our artificial Coinpafs, yet they underftand the North-point exaclly, let them be in never fo great a Wildernefs. One Guide is a fhort Mofs, that, grows upon fome Trees," exaclly!on the North-Side thereof. Befides, they have:Names for eight of the thirty two Points, and call the Winds' by their feveral Names, as we do ; but; indeed more properly", for the North- Weft' Wind is called the cold Wind \ the North-Eaft the wet Wind ; the South the warm Wind; and To agreeably of the reft. Sometimes it happens, that they have a large River or Lake to pafsover, and the Weather is! very foggy, as it often happens in the Spring and Fall of the 'Leaf; fo that they cannot fee which Courfe tofteer: In fuch a Cafe, they being on one fide of the River, or Lake, they know well enough what Courfe fuch a Place (which they intend for) bears from them. There- fore, they get a great many Sticks arid Chunks of Wood in their Canoe, and then fet offdire&ly for their Port, and now and then throw over a Piece of Wood, which diredts them, by feeing how the Stick bears from the Canoes Stern, which they always obferve to keep right aft ; and this is the In- d';an Compafs by which they will go over a broad Water of ten or twenty Leagues wide. They will find the Head of any River, though it is five, fix or kven hundred miles off, and they never were there, in their Lives before; as is often prov'd, by their appointing to meet on the Head of fuch a River, where perhaps, none of them ever was before, but where they fhall rendezvous exadtly at the prefixt tirne*, and if they meet with any Obftruction, they ^eave certain Marks in the Way, where they that come after will understand how many have pafs'd by already, and which way they are gone. Be- of North-Carolina: Befides, ill their War Expeditions, they have very certain Hieroglyphicks , whereby each Party informs the other of the Succefs or Lofles they have met withal •, all which is fo exadly perform'd by their Sylvian Marks and Characters, that they are never at a Lofs to under ftand one another. Yet there was never found any Letters amongft the Savages of Carolina-, nor, I believe, among any other Natives in .Ame- rica, that were poffefs'd with any manner of Writing or Learning throughout' all the Difcoveries of the New-World. They will draw Maps, very exadtly, of all the Rivers, To wns, Jjgm* Mountains, and Roads, or what you mail enquire of them, which you may draw by their Diredions, and come to a imall matter of Latitude, reckoning by their Days Journeys. Thefe Maps they will draw in the Ames of the Fire, and fometames upon a Mat or Piece of Bark. I have put a Pen and Ink into a Savage's Hand,, and he has drawn me the Rivers, Bays, and other Parts of a Country, which afterwards I have found to agree with a great deal of Nicety: But you mull be very much in their Favour, otherwife they will never make thefe Difcoveries to you ; efpecially, if it be in their own-Quar- ters. And as for Mines of Silver and other Metals, we are at© Difco- fatisfied we have enow, and thofe very rich, in Carolina and ™v °1 its adjacent Parts ; fome of which the Indians are acquainted mm° withal, although no Enquirers thereafter, but what came, and were difcover'd, by Chance ; yet they fay, it is this Metal that the Englifi covet, as they do their Peak and Ronoak; and that we have gain d Ground of them wherever we have come. Now, fay they, if we mould difcover thefe Minerals to the Englijh, they would fettle at or near thefe Mountains, and bereave us of the belt Hunting-Quarters we have, as they have already done wherever they have inhabited •, fo by that means, we (hall be driven to fome unknown Country, to live, hunt, and get our Bread in. Thefe are the Reafons that the Savages give, for not making known what they are acquainted withal, of that Nature. And indeed, all Men that have ever gone upon thofe Difcoveries, allow them to be good •, more efpecially, my ingenious Friend Mr. Francis- Louis Mitchell, of Bern in Switzerland, who has been, for fe-Mr. veral Years, very indefatigable and ftri& in his Difcoveries MitcheiS, amongft thofe vaft Ledges of Mountains, and fpacious Trads of Land, lying towards the Heads of the great Bays and Ee ■ Rivers ao6 An Account of the Indians Rivers of Virginia, Maryland, and Penfylvania, where he has difcover'd a fpacious Country inhabited by none but the Sa- vages, and not many of them ; who yet are of a very friendly Nature to the Chriftians. This Gentleman has been employ'd by the Canton of Bemtto find out a Trad of Land in the Eng- lish America, where that Re publick might fettle fome of their People -, which Propofal, 1 believe, is now in a fairway to- wards, a Conclufion, between her Majefty of Great-Britain and that Canton. Which muft needs be of great Advantage to both , and as for ourfelves, I believe, no Man that is in his Wits, and underftands the Situation and Affairs of America, but will allow, nothing can be of more Security and Advan- tage to the Crown and Subjects of Great- Britain, than to have Switzers our Frontiers fecured by a warlike People, and our Friends, settlement as the Switz.ers are \ efpecially when we have more Indians in Ame- than we can civilize, and fo many Chriftian Enemies lying rica* on the back of us, that we do not know how long or fliort a time it may be, before they viilt us. Add to thefe, the Effects and Produft that may be expected from thofe Moun- tains-, which may hereafter prove of great Advantage to the Britijh Monarchy, and none more fit than an induftrious Peo- ple, bred in a mountainous Country, and inur'd to all the Fatigues of War and Travel, to improve a Country. Thus we have no room to doubt, but as foon as any of thofe Parts are feated by the Switz,ers, a great many Britains will . ftrive to live amongft them, for the Benefit of the fweet Air and fiealthful Climate, which that Country affords, were it only for the Cultivating of Hemp, Flax, Wine, and other valua- ble Staples, which thofe People are fully acquainted withal i Not to mention the Advantages already difcover'd by that worthy Gentleman I )uft now fpoke of, who is highly de- ferving of the Conduct and Management of fuch an Affair, as that wife Canton has entrufted him withal. „ " ._ ■ ■ When thefe Savages go a hunting, they commonly go out ifthh.™ great Numbers, and oftentimes a great many Days Journey vages. from home, beginning at the coming in of the Winter; that is, when the Leaves are fallen from the Trees, and are be- come dry. 'Tis then they burn the Woods, by fetting Fire to the Leaves, and wither'd Bent and Grafs, which they do with a Match made of the black Mofs that hangs on the Trees in CW«w,andis fometimes above fix Foot long. This, when dead of North-Carolina, 207 dead, becomes black, (the/ of an Afh-Colour before) and will then hold Fire as well as the belt Match we have in Europe. Mofs In Places , where this Mofs is not found, fas towards theM"w** Mountains) they make Lintels of the Bark of Cyprefs beaten, which ferve as well. Thus they go and fire the Woods for many Miles, and drive the Deer and other Game into fmall Necks of Land and Ifthmus's, where they kill and deftroy what they pleafe. In thefe Hunting-Quarters, they have their Wives and Ladies of the Camp, where they eat all the Fruits and Dainties of that Country, and live in all the Mirth and Jollity, which it is poffible for fuch People to entertain themfelves withal. Here it is, that they get their Comple- ■ ment of Deer-Skins and Furs to trade with the Englifi, (the Deer-Skins being in Seafon in Winter, which is contrary to England.) All fmall Game, as Turkeys, Ducks, and fmall Vermine, they commonly kill with Bow and Arrow, think- ing it not worth throwing Powder and Shot after them. Of Turkeys they have abundance.^ efpecially, in Oak-Land, as molt of it is, that lies any difiance backwards. I have been often in their Hunting-Quarters, where a roafted or barba- kued Turkey, eaten, with Bears Fat, is held a goodDiftr, and indeed, I approve of it very well •, for the Bears Greafe is the fweeteft and leaft offenfive to the Stomach (as I faid be- fore) of any Fat of Animals I ever tailed. The Savage Men never beat their. Corn to make Bread-, but that is the Wo- mens Work, efpecially the Girls; of whom you mall fee four beating with long great Peftils in a narrow wooden Mortar J_ ^ and every one keeps her Stroke fo exactly, that 'tis worthy , ao8 An Account of the Indians ■ ■ ! : Servile Indians. Dryi Fruits. ?igsons Fat. Bowls and. Tobacco- Pipes to make. Drefs Skins. IH ii their fetting out, they have Indians to attend their Hunting- Camp, that are not good and expertHunters ; therefore a re era- ploy'd to carry Burdens, to get Bark for the Cabins,and other Servile Work ; alfo to go backward and forward) to their Towns, to carry News to the old People, whom they leave behind them. The Women are forced to carry their Loads of Grain and other Provisions, and get Fire- Wood; for a good Hunter, or Warriour in thefe Expeditions, is employ'd in no other Bufinefs, than the Affairs of Game and Battle. The- wild Fruits which are dry'd in the Summer, over Fires, on Hurdles and in the Sun, are now brought into the Field ; as are likewife the Cakes and Quiddonies of Peaches, and that Fruit and Bilberries dry'd, of which they ftew and make Fruit-Bread and Cakes. In fome parts, where Pigeons are plentiful, they get of their Fat enough to fupply their Win- ter Stores. Thus they abide in thefe Quarters, all the Win- ter long, till the Time approach for planting their Maiz and other Fruits. In thefe quarters, at Spare-hours, the Women make Baskets and Mats to lie upon, and thofe that are not extraordinary Hunters, make Bowls, Difhes, and Spoons, of Gum-wood, and the Tulip-Tree-; others (where they find a Vein of white Clay, fit for their purpofe,make Tobac- co-pipes, all which are often tranfported to other Indians, that perhaps have greater Plenty of Deer and other Game ; fo they buy fwith thefe Manufactures) their raw Skins, with the Hair on, which our neighbouring Indiani bring 't©' their Towns, and, in the Summer-time, make the Slaves and forry Hunters drefs them, the Winter-Sun being not ftrong enough to dry them ; and thofe that are dj?y'd in the Cabins are black and nalty with the Lightwood Smoke, which they- commonly burn. Their Way of dreffing their Skins is by foaking them in Water.,, fo they get the Hair off, wkh an Inftrument made of the Bone of a Deer's Foot ; yet fome ufe a fort of Iron Drawing-Knife, jwhich they purchafeof the Englijb, and after the Hair is off, they diffolve Deers Brains, (whichr-beforehand are made in a Cake and baked in the Em- bers) in a Bow4-of Water, fo fbak the Skins therein, till the- Brains have fuck'd up the Water ; then they dry it gently, and. keep working it with an Oyfter-Shell, or ibrne fuclt thing,, to fcrape withal, till it is dry ; whereby it becomes foft and pliable.. Yet thefe fo drefs'd will not endure wet*. ■:•■" I-" but - of North-Carolina. 209 but become hard thereby, which to prevent, they either cure them in the Smoke, or tan them with Bark, as before ob- ferv'd •, not but that young Indian Corn, beaten to a Pulp, will efFed the fame as the Brains. They are not only good Hunters of the wild Beafts and Game of the Foreft, but very expert in taking the Fifh of the Rivers and Waters near which they, inhabit, and are acquainted withal. Thus they that live a great way up the Rivers pradUfe Striking Sturgeon and: Rock- fifh, or Bafs, when they come up the Rivers to fpawn ^ befides the vaft Shoals of Sturgeon which they kill and take with Snares,as we do Pike in Europe. The Herrings in March and April run a, great way up the Rivers and frefh Streams to fpawn, where the Savages make great Wares, 1 with Hedges that hinder their PafTage, only in the Middle, where an artificial Pound is made to take them m, fo that j^ t0 they cannot return. This Method is in ufe all over the fce&tftrike. Streams, to catch Trout and the other Species of Fifh which thofe Parts afford. Their taking of Craw-fiih is fo pleafant, Cw.-pjh that! cannot pafs it by without mention -, When they have a M uki* mind to get thefe Shell-fifh, they take a Piece of Venifon, and half-barbakue or roaft it ; then they cut it into thin Slices, which Slices they ftick through with Reeds abflut fix Inches a* funder, betwixt Piece and Piece j then the Reeds are made fharp at one end.} and fo they ftick a great many of them down in the bottom of the Water (thus baited) in the fmall Brooks. . and Runs, which the Craw-fifh . frequent. Thus the Indians- fie by, and tend thofe baited Sticks, every now: and "then taking them up, to fee how many are at the Bait ? where they ge- nerally find abundance j fo take them off, and put them in- a. Basket for thepurpofe, and ftick.the Reeds down again. By, this Method, they will, in a little time, catch feveral Bufhels$1 which areas good, as any I ever eat. Thofe Indians that. frequent the Salt- Waters, take abundance of Fifh., %®f#Jtter.a®i very large* and of feveral forts, which to preferve, they -firrb*ruiians<> barbakue, then pull, the. Fifh to Pieces, fo dry it in the Sun,, whereby it keeps for Tranfportation •, as for Scate, Oyfters^. Cockles, and feveral forts of Shell-fifh, they .open- and-dry them upon Hurdles, having a conftant Fire under them. The£ Hurdles are made of Reeds or Canes in the fhape of a Gridi-- ron. Thus they dry feveral Bufhels of thefe Fifh, and. keep. Shem for their Keceffities. .At the time. when they are,on-tha . ~ "" , SaltSj, 2 10 ' i !■! ; An Account of the Indians Salts-, and SeaCoafts, they. have another Fifhery, that is BUchmoor for a little Shell-fifh, which thofe in England call Blackmoors Teeth. Teeth. Thefe they. catch by tying Bits of Oyfters to a long String, which they lay in fuch places, as, they know^ thofe Shell-Fifh haunt. Thefe Fifh gee hold of the Oyfters, and fuck them in, fo that they pull up thofe long Strings, and take great Quantities of them, which they carry a great way into the main Land, to trade with the remote Indians, where they are of great Value ; but never near the Sea, by reafon they are common, therefore not efteem'd. Befides, the Youth and Indian Boys go in the Night, and one holding a Lightwood Torch, the other has a Bow and Arrows, and the Fire directing him to fee the Fifh, he {hoots them with the Arrows^ and thus thgy kill a great many of the fmaller Fry, and fometimes pretty large ones. It is an eftablifh'd Cuftom noteatlf amongft a11 triefe Natives, that the young Hunter never the firfl he eats of that Buck, Bear, Fifh, or any other Game, which tills. happens to be the firft they kill of that fort^ becaufe they believe, if he fhould eat thereof, he would never after be fortunate in Hunting. The like foolifh Ceremony they *• bold, when they have made a Ware to take Fifh withal •, if a big-belly'd Woman eat of the firft Difh that is caught in it, . .. .they fay, that Ware will never take much Fifh-, and as for Woman killing of Snakes, they avoid it, if they lie in their way, be- nevereat caufe their Opinion is, that fome of the Serpents Kindred of the firfl would kill fome of the Savages Relations, that mould deftroy Fifh caught him : They have thoufands of thefe foolifh Ceremonies and Tn*;!mf e' Beliefs, which they are ftrid Obfervers oft Moreover^ fe- veral Cuftoms are found in fome Families, which others keep Indians not kiU Snakes vohy. Circumel- fton. not j as for Example, two Families of the Machapunga In- dians, ufe the Jewijh Cuftom of Gircumcifion, and the reft do not j neither did I ever know any others amongft the Indians^ that practis'd any fuch thing} and perhaps, ifyou ask them, what is the Reafon they do fo, they will make you no Man- ner of Anfwer} which is as much as to fay, I will not tell you. Many other Cuftoms they have, for which they will render no Reafon or Account , and to pretend to give a true Defcription of their Religion, it is impoffible , for there are a great many of their Abfurdities, which, for fome Rea- fon, they referve as a Secret amongft themfelves ; or other- wife, they are jealous of their Weaknefs in the pra&ifing them ; of North-Carolina. 11 1 them j Co that they never acquaint any Chriftian with the Knowledge thereof, let Writers pretend what they will ; for I have known them amongft their Idols and dead Kings in their Ouiogoz.on for feveral Days, where I could never get Admittance, to fee what they were doing, though I was at great Friendship with the King and great Men , but all my Indian Perfuafions avaii'd me nothing. Neither were any but the idols give King, with the Conjurer, and fome few old Men, in that m ^count Houfe , as for the young Men, and c hie felt Numbers of the °J' Indians, they were kept as ignorant of what the Elders were doing, as myfelf. They all believe, that this World is round, and that thereto Woril are two Spirits ; the one good, the other bad : The good one « rouril- they reckon to be the Author and Maker of every thing, and fay, that it is he, that gives them the Fruits of -the Earth, and has taught them to hunt, filh, and be wife enough to over- power theBeaftsof the Wildernefs, and all other Creatures* wfe they that they maybe affiftant, and beneficial to Man, to which bsheveof they add, that the Ouera-, or good Spirit, has been very kind ^v. r to the Englifl) Men, to teach them to make Guns, and Am-yen>^ munition, befides a great many other Neceflaries, that are idols, helpful to Man, all which, they fay, will be delivered to them, when that good Spirit fees fit. They do not believe, that God punilhes any Man either in this Life, or that to come, but that he delights in doing good, and in giving the Fruits of the Earth, and inftructing us in making feveral ufe- ful and ornamental things'. They fay, it is a bad Spirit (who „? lives leparate from the good one) that torments us with Sick- jj^ Defies, Difappointments , Lofles, Hunger, Travel, and all the Misfortunes, that Humane Life is incident to. How they are treated in the next World, I have already mention'd, and, as I faid before, they are very refolute in dying, when in the Hands of Savage Enemies , yet I faw one of their young Men, a very likely Perfon, condemn'd, on a Sunday, for Killing a Negro, and burning the Houfe. I took good Notice J^S^, of his Behaviour, when he was brought out of the Houfe to ' die , which was the next Morning after Sentence, but he chang'd his Countenance with Trembling, and was in the ■greatefl Fear and Agony. I never faw any Perfon under his Circumftances, which, perhaps, might be occafion'd by his being deliver'd up by his own Nation (which was the Tush- ruro's) 1\1 An Account of the Indians . Turd's) and executed by us, that are not their common Ene- mies, though he met with more Favour than he would have rec.eiv'd at. the Hands of Savages ; for he was only han^'d on ' a Tree, near the Place where the Murder was committed • and the three Kings, that but the day before fhew'd fuch a Reludtancy to deliver him up, (but would have given another ■in his Room) when he was hang'd, pull'd him by the Hand and faid, Thou wilt never flay any more Rogues Tricks in this World •, -whither art thou gone to flew thy Trtch now ? Which fhevvs thefe Savages to be what they really are, (viz.) a Peo- ple that will fave their own Men if they can, but if the Safety of all the People lies at Stake, they will deliver up the moft innoeeiit Perfon living, and be fo far from Concern, when they have made themfelves eafy thereby, that they will laugh at their Misfortunes, and never pity or think of them more. Their Priefts are the Conjurers and Dodrors of the Nation* cfn^ers l fhal1 mention forae of their Methods, and Practices ; and fo J ' 'leave them to the Judgment of the Reader. As I told you before, the Priefts make their Orations at every Feaft, or o- ther great Meeting of the Indians. I happen'd to be at one of thefe great Meetings, which was at the Funeral of a Tuf- Indian keruro Indian, that was flain with Lightning at a Feaft the L!chat8,d:iy before' where I was amongft the reft • it was in July, tooka,** and a very fairday> where, in the Afternoon, about fix or a Feaft for^ven a Clock, as they were dealing out their Victuals, there rebuilding appear'd a little black Cloud to the North Weft, which fpread a Ki"g's and brought with it Rain, Wind and Lightning; fo we went out from the Place where we were all at Victuals, and went down to the Cabins where I left the Indians, and went to lie in my Canoe, which was convenient enough to keep me dry. The Lightning came fo terrible, and down in long Streams, that I was afraid it would have taken hold of a Barrel of Powder I had in my VefTel, and fo blown me up-, but it pleas'd God, that it did me no Harm ; yet the Violence of the Wind had blown all the Water away, where I rid at An- chor, fo that my Canoe lay dry, and fome Indian Women came with Torches in their Hands to the fide of the Canoe, and told me, an Indian was kill'd with Lightning. The next day, (I think) he was buried, and I ftay'd to fee the Cere- mony, and was very tractable to help the Indians to trim their Reeds, and make the Coffin, which pleafed them very much, bein Bonjs burnt. o of North-Carolina. i-i becaufe I had a mind to fee the Interment. Before he was In- terr'd according to their Cultom, they dealt every one fome hot Viftuals, which he took and did what he would with : Then the Do&or began to talk, and told the People what •Lightning was, and that it kill'd every thing that dwelt upon the Earth j nayv the very Fifties did not efcape •, for it often reach'd the Porpoifes and other Fifh, and deftroy'd them ; that every thing ftrove to fhun it, except the Mice, who, he faid, were the bufieft in eating their Corn in the Fields, when it lightned the moft. He added, that no Wood or Tree could withftand it, except the black Gum, and that it would run round that Tree a great many times, to enter therein, but could not effect it. Now you muffc underftand, that fort of Gum will not fplit or rive ; therefore, I fuppofe, the Story might arife from thence. At laft, he began to tell the molt ridiculous abfurd Parcel of Lyes about Lightning, that could be j as that an Indian of that Nation had once got Lightning in the Likenefs of a Partridge \ That no o- ther Lightning could harm him, whilft he had that about him •, and that after he had kept it for feveral Years, it got away from him \ fo that he then became as liable to be ftruck with Lightning, as any other Perfon. There was prefent at the fame time, an Indian that had liv'd from his Youth, chiefly in an Englijh Houfe ^ fo I call'd to him, and told him, what a Parcel of Lyes the Conjurer told, not doubting but he thought fb, as well as I, but I found to the contrary ^ for he reply'd, that I was much miftaken, for that old Man f who, I believe was upwards of an hundred Years old) did never tell Lyes ^ and as for what he faid, it was very true, for he knew it himfelf to be fo. Thereupon, feeing the Fellow's Ignorance, ■f/owhilrd I talk'd no more about it. Then the Dodor proceeded to^i^e tell a long Tale of a great Rattle-Snake, which, a great Indians while ago, liv'd by a Creek in that River ( which was New) from their and that it kill'd abundance of Indians \ but at laft, a bald^i^*" Eagle kill'd it, and they were rid of a Serpent, thatus'd to^f*) devour whole Canoes full of Indians, at a time. I have been snakekiB fomething tedious upon this Subject, on purpofe to fhew what Indians ot ftrange ridiculous Stories thefe Wretches are inclinable to canoes. believe. I fuppofe, thefe Doctors underftand a little better Ea&ksm- themfelves, than to give Credit to any fuch Fooleries ; for IU I reckon them the cunningeft Knaves in all the Pack. I will Ff there- 314 An Account of the Indians therefore begin with their Phyfick and Surgery, which is next: You mufl know, that the Do&ors or Conjurers, to Indian gain a greater Credit amongft thefe People, tell them, that Fbyfick and all Diftempers are the Effects of evil Spirits, or the bad Spi- Smgery, rjtj which has ftruck them with this or that Malady ^there- fore, none of thefe Phyficians undertakes any Diftemper, but that he comes to an Exorcifm, to effect the Cure;, and acquaints the lick Party's Friends, that he mull converfe with the good Spirit, to know whether the Patient will recover or not •, if fo, then he will drive out the bad Spirit, and the Patient will become well. Now, the general way of their Behaviour in curing the Sick, (a great deal of which 1 have feen, and fliall give fome Account thereof, in as brief a man- ner as poffible) is, when an Indian is lick, if they think there Is much Danger of Life, and that he is a great Man or hath good Frieds., the Doctor is fent for. As foon as the Doctor comes into the Cabin, the fick Perfon is fat on a Mat or Skin, ftark-naked, lying on his Back, and all uncover'd, except fome fmail Trifle that covers their Nakednefs when ripe, otherwife In very young Children, there is nothing about them. In this manner, the Patient lies, when the Conjurer appears ; and the King of that Nation comes to attend him with a Rattle made of a Gourd with Peafe in it. This the King delivers into the Do&or's Hand, whilft another brings a Bowl of Water, and fets it down: Then the Doctor, begins, and ut- ters fome few Words very foftly \ afterwards he fmellsof the Patient's Navel and Belly, and fometimes fcarifies him a lit- tle with a Flint, or an Inftrument made of Rattle-Snakes Teeth for that purpofe -,sthen he fucks the Patient, and gets out a Mouthful of Blood and Serum, but Serum chiefly :, which, perhaps, may be abetter Method in many Cafes, than to take away great Quantities of Blood, as is commonly pradtis'd :, which he fpits in the Bowl of Water. Then he begins to .mut- ter, and talk apace, and, atlaft, to cut Capers, and clap his Hands on his Breech and Sides, till he gets into a Sweat, fo that a Stranger would think he was running mad •, now and t-hen fucking the Patient, and fo, at times, keeps fucking* till he has got a great Quaatity of very ill-coloured Mat- ter out of the Belly, Arms, Breaft, Forehead, Temples, Neck, and moll Parts, ftiil continuing his Grimaces, and antick Poftures, which are not to be match'd in Bedlam : At Iair3 you will fee tfee Doctor sail over of a dropping Sweat, and fcarce Conyurmg svsr the of North-Carolina. 015 fcarce able to utter one Word, having quite fpent himfelf j then he will ceafe for .a while, and fo begin again, till he comes in the fame Pitch, of Raying and feemin'g Madnefs, as before, fall this time the fick Body never fo much as moves, although, doubtlefs, the Lancing and Sucking mult be a great Punilhment to them \ but they, certainly, are the pa- tienteit and moft fteady People under any Burden, that I ever faw in my Life.) Atlaft, the Conjurer makes an end, and tells the Patient's Friends, whether the Peribn will whether live or die ^ and then one that waits at this Ceremony, takes livs sr die- the Blood away, (which remains in a Lump, in the mid- dle of the Water) and buries it in the Ground, in a Place unknown to any one, but he that inters it. Now, iBury.th?. believe a great deal of Impofture in thefe Fellows ; yet I ne-Serum- ver knew their Judgment fail, though! have feen them give their Opinion after this Manner, feveral times : Some affirm, that there is a fmell of Brimftone in the Cabins, when they are Conjuring, which I cannot contradift. Which way it may come, I will not argue, but proceed to a Relation or two, which I have from a great many Perfons, and fome of them worthy of Credit. The firll is, of a certain Indian, that one rainy Night, Indian ^ undermin'd a Houfe made of Logs, (fuch as the Swedes in Rgbbey,, America very often make, and are- very ftrong) which J>e- long'd to Seth Southwell, Efqi Governor of North-Carolina* and one of the Proprietors. There was but one place the Indian could get in at, which was very narrow •, the reft wasfecur'd, by having Barrels of Pork and other Proviflons. fet againft the fide of the Houfe, fo that if this Indian had not exa&ly hit the very Place heundermin'd, it had been impoffi- ble for him to have got therein, becaufe of the full Barrels that ftood round the Houfe, and barricadoed it within. The Indian ftole fixty or eighty drefs'd Deer-Skins, befides Blan- kets, Powder, Shot and Rum, (this being the Indian Store- Houfe, where the Trading Goods were kept.) Now, the In- dian had made his Efcape, but dropt fome of the Skins by the way, and they track'd his Foot-fteps, and found him to be an- Indian ; then they guefs'd who it was,- becaufe none but that Indian had lately been near the Houfe. Thereupon, the Governor fent to the Indian Town that he belong'd to, which was the Tuskerwo% and acquainted them that if they did not deliver up the Indian, who had committed the F f 2 Rob- 2l6 An Account of the Indians for ftoln Robbery, he would take a Courfe with them, that would not be very agreeable. Upon this, the Indians of the Town he belong'd to, brought him in bound, and deliverd him up to the Governor, who laid him in Irons. At the fame time, it happen'd, that a Robbery was committed a mongft therafelyes, at the IndianTowa, and this Prifoner was one of their Con- jurers \ fo the Indians came down to the Governor's Houfe, and acquainted him with what had happen'd amongit them, and that a great Quantity of leak, was ftoln away out of one of their Cabins, and no one could find out the Thief, unlefs he would let the Prifoner conjure for it, who was the only- Man they had at making fuch Difcoveries. The Governor was content he mould try his Skill for them, but not to have the Prifoners Irons taken off, which was very well approved' of. The Indian was brought out in his Fetters, where were the Governor's Family, and feveral others of the Neigh- bourhood, now living, to fee this Experiment 5 which he perform'd thus : The Conjurer order'd three Fjres to be made in a trian- gular Form, which was accordingly done ; then he was hood- wink'd very fecurely, with a drefs'd Deer-Skin, two or three doubles, over his Face. After he had made fome Motions, as they always do, he went directly out of one of the three Gaps, as exactly as if he had not been blindfolded* and kept muttering to himfelf, having a Stick in his Hand, with which, after fome time, he ftruck two Strokes very hard apon the Ground, and made thereon a Crofs, after which he told the Indians Name that had ftoln the Goods, and faid, that he would have a Crofs on his Back •, which prov'd true 5 for when they took and fearch'd him, there appear'd two great Wheals on his Back, one crofs the other ; for the Thief was at Governor Southwell's Houfe, and was under no Apprehenfion of being difcover'd. The Indians profFer'd to fell him as a Slave to the Governor, but he refufed to buy him i fo they took him bound away. Another Inftance, of the like Nature, happen'd at the fame Houfe. One of the Tvshruro Kings had brought in a Slave to the fame Governor, to whom he had fold him -, and before he return'd, fell fick at the Governor's Houfe ; upon which, the Do&or that belong'd to this King's Nation, was fent for, being a Man that was held to be the greateft Conju- re? of North- Carolina. 217 rer amongfl: them. It- was three Days, before he could ar- rive, and he appear'd (when he came) to be a very little Man, and To old, that his Hair was as white as ever was feen. When he approach'd the fickKing, he order'd a Bowl of Wa- ter to be brought him, and three Chunks of Wood, which was immediately do;ie.. Then he took the Water, and let ic by him, and fpurted a little on him, and with the three Pieces of Wood, he made a Place to Hand on, whereby he was rais'd higher ; (he being a very low ftatur'd Man) then he took a String of Ronoak, which is the fame as a String of fmall Beads ; this he held by one End, between his Fingers;, the other End touch'd the King's Stomach, as he ftood on the Logs. Then he began to talk, and at lengthj the By-ftanders thought really, that they heard fomebody talk to him, but faw no more than, what firft came in. At laft, this String of Beads, which hung thus perpendicular, turn'd up as an Eel would do, and without any Motion of his, they came all up (in a lump) un- der his Hand, and hung fo for a confiderable time, he never clofing his Hand, and at length return'd to their priftine Length and Shape, at which the Spectators were much fright- ned. Then he told the Company, that he would recover, and that his Diftemper would remove into his Leg, all which. happen'd to be exactly as the IndianDodior had told. Thefe are Matters of Fadt, and I can, at this day, prove the Truth, thereof by feveral fubftantial Evidences, that are Men of Re* putation, there being more than a dozen People prefent, when this was perform'd j moll of whom are now alive. There are a great many other Stories, of this Nature, which are feemingly true, being told by Perfons that affirm they were Eye-Witnefles thereof ; as, that they have feen one RoncommecJi (a Chutvou Indian, and a great Conjurer) take a Reed about two Foot long in his Mouth, and Hand by a Salmon Creek- fide, where he call'd twice or. thrice with the Reed in Creek. his Mouth j and, at laft, has open'd his Arms, and fled over the Creek, which might be near a quarter of a Mile wide or more } but I mall urge no Man's Belief, but tell my own; which is, that I believe the two firft Accounts, which were acted at Mr. Southwell's Plantation, as firmly as any Man can' believe any thing of that which is told him by honeft Men, and " he has not feen y not at all doubting the Credit of my Au- thor. The. 2*8 An Account of the Indians ScaldHead cured. Noulcera- ted Wounds. Vox to cure. Indian cure an VJcer. Cure in Mary- land. in The Cures I have feen perform'd by the Indians, are too many to repeat here; fo I ihall only mention Tome few, and their Method. They cure Scald-heads infallibly, and- never mifs. Their chief Remedy as I have feen them make ufe of, is, the Oil of Acorns, but from which fort of Oak I am not certain. They cure Burns beyond Credit. 1 have feen a Man burnt in fuch a manner, (when drunk) by falling into a Fire, that I did not think he could recover ; yet they cnrM him in ten Days, fo that he went about. I knew another blown up with Powder, that was cured to Admiration. I never faw art Indian have an Ulcer, or foul Wound in my Life •, neither is there any fuch thing to be found amongft them. They cure the Pox, by a Berry that falivates, as Mercury does ; yet they ufe Sweating and Deco&ions very much with it ; as they do, almofton every Oecafion ; and when they are thoroughly heated, they leap into the River. The Pox is frequent in fome of thefe Nations •, amongft which I knew one Woman die of it ; and they could not, or would not, cure her. Be- fore fhe died, fhe was worn away to a Skeleton, yet walk'd up and down to the laft. We had a Planter in Carolina, who had got an Ulcer in his Leg, which had troubled him a great many Years •, at laft, he apply'd himfelf to one of thefe In- dian Conjurers, who was a Pampticougb Indian, and was not to give the Value of fifteen Shillings for the Cure. Now, I am not pofitive, whether he wafh'd the Ulcer with any thing, before he ufed what I am now going to fpeak of, which was nothing but the rotten doated Grains of Indian Corn, beaten to Powder, and the foft Down growing on a Turkey's Rump. This dry^d the Ulcer up immediately, and no other Fontanel was made todifcharge the Matter, he remaining a healthful Man, till the time he had the Misfortune to be drown'd, which was many Years after. Another Inftance (not of my own Knowledge, but I had it confirm'd by feve- ral Dwellers m Maryland, where it was done) was, of an honeft Planter that had been, poflefs'd with a ftrange Lingring Di- ftemper, not ufual amongft them, under which he_ emacia- ted, and grew every Month worfe than another, it having held him feveral Years, in which time he had made Tryal of feveral Do&ors, as they call them, which, I fuppofe, were Ship-Surgeons. In the beginning of this Diftemper, the Patient was very well to pafs, and was poflefs'd of feveral Slaves, of North-Girolina. 219 Slaves, which the Do&ors purged all away, and the poor Man was fo far from mending, that he grew worfe and worfe every day. But it happen'd, that, one day, as his Wife and he were commiferating his miferable Condition, and that he could not expefr to recover , but look'd for Death very fpeedily, and condoling the Mifery he mould leave his Wife and Family in, fince all his Negro's were gone. At that time, I fay, it happen'd, that an Indian was in the fame Room, who had frequented the Houfe |for many Years, and fo was become as one of the Family, and would fometimes be at this Planter's Houfe, and at other times amongft the In- dians. This Savage, hearing what they talk'd of, and having a" great Love for the Sick Man, made this Reply to what he had heard. Brother •, you have been a long time Sick j and, I know, you have (riven away your Slaves to your 'English Doctors: What made you do fo, and now become poor ? They do not know how to cure you ; for it is an Indian Diftemper, which your People know not the Nature of. If it had been an Engliih Difsafe, probably they could have cured you ; and had you come to me at fir ft '; I would have cured you for a frnall matter-, without taking away your Ser- vants that made Corn' for you and your Family to eat , and yet.; if you will give me a Blanket to keep me warm., and fome Powder and Shot to kilt Deer withal, 1 will do my be ft to make you well ftilL The Man was low in Courage and Pocket too, and made the Indian this Reply. Jack-, my Diftemper is paft Cure^ and if our Engliih Doclors cannot cure it, I am fare-, the Indians cannot. But his Wife accolted her Husband in very mild term?, and told him, he did not know, but God might be pleafed to give a Bleffing to that Indian's Undertaking more than *he had done to the Englifh; and farther added ; if you die, I cannot be much more referable, by giving this fm all matter to the Indian :, fo I pray you, my Dear, take my Advice, and try him ', to which, by :her Peffuafions, he confented. After the Bargain was con- cluded, the Indian went into the Woods, and brought in both Herbs and Roots, of which he made a Decodion, and gave it the Man to drink, and bad him go to bed, faying,, k mould not be long, before became, again, which the Patient per- form'd as he had ordered }.and the Potion he had adminiftred made him fweat after the molt violent manner that could be, whereby he fmell'd very offenfively both to himfelf, and they , 120 An Account of the Indians they that were about him ; but in the Evening, towards . Night , Jack came, with a great Rattle-Snake in his Hand alive, which frightned the People almolt out of their Senfes"; and he told his Patient, that he muft take that to Bed to him; at which the Man was in a great Gonfternation, and Cure by a told the Indian^ he was refolv'd, to let no Snake come into snake- fcs gecj^ for he might as well die of the DiTtemper he had, as be kill'd with the Bite of that Serpent. To which the Indian reply'd, he could not bite him now, nor do him any Harm \ for he had taken out his Poifon-teeth, and ihew'd him, that they were gone. At laft, with much Perfuafion, he admitted the Snake's Company , which the Indian put about his Middle, and order'd nobody to take him away upon any account, which was ftridtly obferv'd , although the Snake girded him as bard for a great while) as if he had been drawn in by a Belt, which one pull'd at, with all his ftrength. At laft, the Snake's Twitches grew weaker and weaker, till, by degrees, he felt him not -0 and opening the Bed, he was found dead, and the Man thought himfelf bet- ter. The Indian came in the Morning, and feeing the Snake dead, told the Man, that his Diftemper was dead along with that Snake, which prov'd fo as he faid •, for the Man fpeedily recover'd his Health, and became perfe&ly well. • They cure the Spleen (which they are much addi&ed to ) spleen how^Y burning with a Reed. They lay the Patient on his Back, aire. fo put a hollow Cane into the Fire, where they burn the End thereof, till it is very hot, and on Fire at the end. Then they lay a -Piece of thin Leather on the Patient's Belly, be- tween the Pit of the Stomach and the Navel, fo prefs the hot Reed on the Leather, which burns the Patient fo that you may ever after fee the ImprefTion of the Reed where it Colouring was laid on, which Mark never goes off fo long as he lives. of the Thisisufed for theBelly-Ach fometimes. They can colour their Hair Mack, though fometimes it is reddifh, which they do with the Seed of a Flower that grows commonly in their Plantations. I believe this would change the reddeft Hair into perfect black. They make ufe of no Minerals in their Phyfick, and not much of Animals \ but chiefly rely on Ve- getables. They have feveral Remedies for the Tooth-ach, which often drive away the Pain , but if they fail, they have Recourfe to punching out the Tooth, with a fmall Cane fet againffc Hrir. Not many Tears, Ro\ins, of North-Carolina. aa againft the fame, on a Bit of Leather. Then they ftrike the Reed, and To drive out the Tooth ; and howfoever it may feem to the Europeans, I prefer it before the com mon way of drawing Teeth by thofe Instruments than endanger the jaw, and. a Flux of Blood often follows, which this Method of a Punch never is attended withal ; neither is it half the Pain. The Spontaneous Plants of America the Savages are well acquainted withal; and a Flux of Blood never follows any of their Operations. They are wholly Strangers to Amputa- tion, and for what natural KTues of Blood happen immode- rately, they are not to feek for a certain and fpeedy Cure. Tears, Rozins, and Gums, I have not difcover'd that they make much ufe of ; And as for Purging and Emeticks, fo much in fafhion with us, they never apply themfelves to, un- lefs in drinking vaft Quantities of their Yaupon. or Tea, amdrMP0}f< vomiting it up again, as clear as they drink it. This is a Cuftom amongfl: all thofe that can procure that Plant, in which manner they take it every other Morning, or oftner ; by which Method they keep their Stomachs clean, without pricking the Coats, and ftraining Nature, as every Purge is anEnemy to. Betides, the great Diuretick Quality of their Tea carries off a great deal, that perhaps might prejudice their Health, by Agues, and Fevers, which all watry Coun- tries areaddi&ed to , for which reafon, I believe, it is, that the Indians are not fo much addifted to that Diltemper, as we are, they preventing its feizing upon them, by this Plant alone. Moreover, I have remark'd, that it is only thofe Places bordering on the Ocean and great Rivers, that this Diltemper is frequent in, and only on and near the fame Places this Evergreen is to be founds and none up towards the Mountains, where thefe Agues feldom or never appear ; Nature having provided fuitable Remedies, in all Coun- tries, proper for the Maladies that are common thereto. The Savages of Carolina have this Tea in Veneration, above all the Plants they are acquainted withal, and tell you, the Difcovery thereof was by an infirm Indian, that labour'd un- der the Burden of many rugged Diftempers, and could not be cured by all their Do&ors •, fo, one day, he fell afleep, and dreamt, that if he took a Deco&ion of the Tree that grew at his Head, he would certainly be cured -, upon which he awoke, and faw the Tanpon or Cajfena-Tre^ which was no€ G s there i ,1 aaa An Account of the Indians there when he fell afleep. He follow'd the Direction of his Dream, and became perfectly well in a Ihort time. Now, I fuppofe, no M3n has fo little Senfe as to believe this Fable ; yet it lets us fee what they intend thereby, and that it has, doubtlefs, work'd Feats enough, to gain it fuch an Efteem a- mongft thefe Savages, who are too well verfed in Vegetables, to be brought to a continual ufe of any one of them, upon a meer Conceit or Fancy, without fome apparent Benefit they found thereby \ efpecially, when we are fenfible, they drink the Juices of Plants, to free Nature of her Burdens, and not out of Foppery and Fafhion, as other Nations are oftentimes found to do. Amongfl all the Difcoveries of America, by the Miflionaries of the French and Spaniards, I wonder none of them was fo kind to the World, as to have kept a Catalogue of the Diftempers they found the Savages capable of curing, and their Method of Cure; which might have been of fome Advantage to our Materia Medica at home, when de- liver'd by Men of Learning, and other Qualifications, asmoft of them are. Authors generally tell us, that the Savages are well enough acquainted with thofe Plants which their Cli- mate affords, and that fome of them effect great Cures, but by what Means, and in what Form, we are left in the dark. The Bark of the Root of the Saffafras-Tree, I have obfery'd, is much ufed by them. They generally torrefy it in the Em- bers, fo ftrip off the Bark from the Root, beating it to a Confiftence fit to fpread, fo lay it on the griev'd Fart ; which bothcleanfes a fowl Ulcer; and after Scarrification, being apply'd to a Contufion, or Swelling, draws forth the Pain, and reduces the Part to its priftine State of Health, as I have often feen effected. Fats and Unguents never ap- pear in their Chirurgery, when the Skin is once broke. The Fats of Animals are ufed by them, to render their Limbs pliable, and when wearied, to relieve the Joints, and this not often, becaufe they approve of the Sweating-Houfe (in fuch cafes) above all things. The Salts they mix with their Bread and Soupe, to give them a Relifh, are Alkalis, (viz.) Afhes, and calcined Bones of Deer, and other Animals. Sallads, they never eat any ■, as for Pepper and Muftard, Nosdhds^w] reckon us little better than Madmen, to make ufe of Fepper, orit amongft our Victuals. They are never troubled with the Mitftard* Scurvy, Dropfy, nor Stone. The Phthiiick, Afthma, and Diabetes, Sujfafras. Make Bread-,. bow Alkali Salts. of North-Carolina. 11 3 Diabetes, they are wholly Strangers to \ neither do I remem- ber I ever faw one Paralytick amongft them. The Gout, I cannot be certain whether they know what it is, or not. Indeed, I never faw any Nodes or Swellings, which attend the Gout in Europe ; yet they have a fort of Rhumatifm or phumi. Burning of the Limbs, which tortures them grievoufly, atx-^Vlir,%, which time their Legs are {o hot, that they employ the young People continually to pour Water down them. I ne- ver faw but one or two thus afflicted. The Struma is not uncommon amongft thefe Savages, and another Diftem- per, which is, in fome refpects, like the Pox, but is attended with no Gonorrhoea. This hot feldom bereaves them of their Nofe. I have feen three or four of them render'd molt miferable Spectacles by this Diftemper. Yet, when they have been fo negligent, as to let it run on fo far without curbing of it ; at laft, they make fhift to patch themfelves up, and live for many years after ; and fuch Men commonly turn Doctors. I have known two or three of thefe no-nofe Doctors in great Efteem amongft thefe Savages. The Juice of the Tulip-Tree is ufed as a proper Remedy for this Di- ftemper. What Knowledge they have in Anatomy, I cannot tril, neither did I ever fee them employ themfelves therein, unlefs, as I told you before, when they make the Skeletons of their Kings and great Mens Bones. The Indians are very carelefs and negligent of their Health; as, by Drunkennefs, Wading in the Water, irregular Diet and Lodging, and a thoufand other Diforders, (that would kill an European) which they daily ufe. They boil and roaft their Meat extraordinary much, and eat abundance of Broth, except the Savages whom we call the naked Indians, who/fefci never eat any Soupe. They travel from the Banks of the Indians* Mejfiafippi, to war againft the Sinnagars or Iroquois, and are (it equal Numbers; commonly too" hard for them. They will lie and fleep in the Woods without Fire, being inur'd thereto. They are the hardieft of all Indians, and run fo fait, that they are never taken, neither do any Indians outrun them, if they are purfifd. Their Savage- Enemies fay, their Nimblenefs and Wind proceeds from their never eating any Broth. The Small-Pox has been fatal to them; they Snult-rox. do not often elcape, when they are feiz'd with that Diftem- per, which is a contrary Fever to what they ever knew. r ] - G g 2 Moft • n An Account of the Indians ■Fi l„ii Moll certain, it had never vifited America, before the Difco- very thereof by the Chriftians. Their running into the Wa- ter, in the Extremity. of this Difeafe, itrik.es it in, and kills all that ufe it. Now they are become a little wifer ■■> but for- merly it deftroyM whole Towns, without leaving one Indian alive in the Village. The Plague was never known amongft them, that I could learn by what Enquiry I have made : Thefe Savages ufe Scarrification almoft in all Diftempers. Their chief Inftru merits for that Operation is the Teeth of Rattle-Snakes, which they poiibn withal. They take them out of the Snake's Head, and fuck out the Poifon with their Mouths, (and fo keep them for ufe) and fpit out the Venom, which is green, and are never damag'd thereby. The Small- Pox and Rum have made fuch a "Deftruction amongft them, that, on good grounds, I do believe, there is not the iixth Savage living within two hundred Miles of all our Settle- ments, as there were fifty Years ago. Thefe poor Crea- tures have fo many Enemies to deftroy them, that it's a wonder one of them is left alive near us. The Small-pox I have acquainted you withal above, and fb I have of Rum, and fhall only add, that they have got a way to carry it back to the Weftward Indians, who never knew what it was, till within very few Years. Now they have it brought them by the Tvskeruro"s, and other Neighbour- Indians, but the Tvsh- r uro^s chiefly, who carry it in Rundlets feveral hundred Miles, amongft other Indians. Sometimes they cannot for- bear breaking their Cargo, but fit down in the Woods, and drink it all up, and then hollow and fhout like fo many Bed- lamites. I accidentally once met with one of thefe drunken Crews, and was amaz'd to fee a Parcel of drunken Savages fb far from any Englishman's Houfe; but the Indians 1 had in Company inform'd me, that they were Merchants, and had drunk all their Stock", as is very common for them to do. But when they happen to carry it fafe, (which is feldom, without drinking fome part of it, and filling it up with Water) and come to an Indian Town, thofe that buy Rum of them have fo many Mouthfuls for a Buck-Skin, they never uling any other Meafure ; and for this purpofe^ the Buyer al- ways makes Choice of his Man, which is one that has the greateft Mouth, whom he brings to the Market with a Bowl to pat it in. The Seller looks narrowly to the Man's Mouth • that of Nortli'CaroIina; aa that meafures it, and if he happens to (Wallow any down, ei- ther through Wilfulnefs or otherwife, the Merchant or fome of his Party, does not fcraple to knock the Fellow down, exclaiming againft him for falfe Meafure. Thereupon, the Buyer finds another Mouthpiece to meafure the Rum by; fb that this Trading is very agreeable to the Spectators, to fee fuch a deal of Quarrelling and Controverfy, as often hap- pens, about it, and is very diverting. Another Deftroyer of them, is, the Art they have, and of- Toi fining ten practife, of poifoning one another; which is done by a offylor* large, white, fpungy Root, that grows in the Frefli-Marfhes, which is one of their Poifons ; not but that they have many other Drugs, which they poifon one another withal. Laftly, the continual Wars thefe Savages maintain, one How the Nation againft another, which fometimes hold for fome A- Indians ges, killing and making Captives, till they become fo weak***7-* thereby, that they are forced to make Peace for want of Re- eruits, to fupply their Wars; and the Difference of Lan- guages, that is found amongft thefe Heathens, feems alto- gether ftrange. For it often appears, that every dozen Miles, you meet with an. Indian Town, that is quite different from the others you laft parted withal ; and what a little fupplies thir Defect is, that the moft powerful Nation of thefe Savages fcorns to treat or trade with any others (of fewer Num- bers and Jefs Power) in any other Tongue but their own, which ferves for the Lingua of the Country, with which we travel and deal ; as for Example, we fee that the Tushrw are moft numerous in North-Carolina, therefore their Tongue is underftood by fome in every Town of all the Indians near us. And here I fhall infert a fmall Dictionary of every Tongue, though not Alphabetically digefted. Englifi). One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight TusTceruro. Vnche Ohf-fah Vntoc Ouch-Tohe- Houeyoc Chavb-mc Nes-hara Pamptkough, Weembot Nefbinnauh Mijh-wonner Tau-Ooner Vmperren Who-yeoc Top-po-ojh Nait-haufh'ftjoo Woccon. Tonne Num-perre Nam-mee JM,mnum°punns- Web'tau Iffto Nomrms'fau Nuppiu '■' 126 An Account of the Indians EngUJb. Tuskeruro. Pampticough. Woccon. ^}>A Nine Wearab Tach-ic-cotik We there Ten Wartfauh Cojh Soone noponne 'Ml Eleven "Vnche fcauwbau 'Tonne h auk pea Twelve NetJec fcaukhau Soone nomme ■ Twenty Wartfau fcauhait Winnop Thirty Ofla te wartfau , ■ Hundred Touch fe Thoufand Kiyoufe Rum Oonaquod Weefaccon Ynp-fi |ii :' " ; Blankets Oorewa Mattofi Roo-iune White Ware-occa Wbp-pojhaumojl) Waurraup* 'V'l Red Cotcoo-rea Mtjh-cosk Tauta lr> Black or Blue, idem Caro-hunflje Mow-cottorooJI) Tab-tefiea ■ Gunpow- der Ou-kn Pungue Rooeyam Shot Catwa Ar'rovnfer Week Axe Au-nuka Tomma-bick Tau-unta roinnik Knife Oefocke nauh Rig-cofi Wee Tobacco Charho Hooh-pau ZJu- cootie Shirt Ough-tre*s Tacca pitteneer Shoes Oo-rofs-foo Wee~keffoo Hat Trojfa Mottau-quahan Intome-pojjwa Fire Vtchar Tinda Tau Water Atom Vmpe Ejau Coat Oufxcox Kawbitcbra Taus-toon Rummijfuu ' Awl or Needle Oofe-waure Moc-cofe Wonfr-JIiee ' A Hoe Wauche-wocnoc Rojh-Jliocquon Rooe-pau Salt Cheek- ha • Paint Quaunt Cbuxvon Whooyeonne Ronoak Nauh-hou,eot Mif-kipfu Rummaer Peak Chu-teche Ronoak Erroco Gun Auk-.noc Gau hooptop Wit tape Gun-Loci* 1 Oo-tefie Gun tock Seike Noonkoffo Flints Ou'tiegh-ra Hinds Matt-teer A Flap Oiikbaure Rappatoc Rhooeyau ! Belt iQona-tejle Maachone Wee-kau Efigtijl: ttftftaflu^fllflll 1 i" I 2l8 An Account of the Indians Englifl]. Turkerum Waccoa. A Mortar Ootic caugh-m r#* Stockings Way haujke .'•"'-- i A Creek 'Wackena ■ A River 'Ahum wacHkna A Man Entequos Old Man Occooabawa Young Man Qvottis Woman Con-noowa ■ Old Woman , Cufquerre T'icau. * Wife Kateocca Tecaaau A Child Woccanoohne A Boy Wariavgh ; Infant Vtferofta \ Ears Ooethnat Fifhgig Ootofne Weetipfd A Comb Oonaquitchra Sacketoome pajj wa A Cake bak'£ Ooneck A Head Ootaure * Foppe • Hair Oowaara Tumrne Brother Cannot ka Tenrauhe I Ee Thou Eets There Ka Homine Cotquerre Roocauwa Bread Ootocnarc Iksttau Broath Ook-hoo Corn I j ,■-. | Oopaha Oonavs Go/are Oojha Cofe Peafe Sangb-he Co of auk • A Bag Vttaqua Ekoocromon . .Fifh Cunflie Tacunne A Loufe Cheecq'j Eppefyau A Flea Nauoctp, . . Potato's Vntone Wauk A Stick Chinqva Wood Ouyunkguit Tome Houfe Oitioufe Ouks A Cow (hs-farwt Noppinjure i Engllfh, of North-Carolina. Ertglijli. A Snake A Rat A Goofe A Swan Allegator A Crab A Canoe A Box A Bowl A Spoon A Path Sun or Moon Wind A Star Rain * Night A Rundlet An Eel A T— d AF-t A Cable Small Ropes A Button Breeches Stockings Day Mad Angry Afraid Smoak Tuskeruro. ZJS'CjuAuh-ne Rufquiane Au-hoohaha O or haft , Vtfererauh Rouare con Ooftmnuawa, Ooanoo* Ortfe Chfghijuere Wauhrbauhnt Heita Hoonoch Vttewiraratfc Vntuch Auhuntwood Oofottoo Oohwaroa Cuhn~na ZJtquera ZSttena Vtquichra Vtfira utquichra Tic-hab Wabunjhe Ooxvijfera Wduwvc-hook Gofferunte Cotcheroore Werricauna Oo-teiabns AThief or Rogue Katicbhei A Dog A Reed Lightwood To morrow Now Today A little while ago Cheeth Cauna Kakoo Jureha Kahunk Kawtt Kakogwa Woccon. Yau-hauk IVittau Aubaun Atter Monwittetau. Wunneau Wan Yopoomtfa Cotfoo ' Cotfau Yaith Wittapare Yuncor Wattapi tmtahev Yawowa Yantoha Ynpyupfetmm Fulawa Fautyau Rttmmijfauwomi Raoeyaukitte Rooefoo pojfoa Waukhtttpay Rockcumtie Rsocheha Rehefhiwau Too-Jhe Tauh'he Weehvonm Kittaps 230 An Account of the Indians Englijh. . ■ Yefterday How many How far Will you go a- long with me Go you Give it me That's all A Cubit length Dead A Gourd or Bottle A lazy Fellow Englifhman is thirfty I will fell you Goods very cheap All the Indians are drunk Have you got any thing to eat I am lick AFifh-Hook Don't lofe it A Tobacco-pipe I remember it Let it alone Peaches Walnuts Hickery Nuts A^ews-Harp I forget it a 3&orthweft- Wind Saow» •Tuskeruro; Woccoa* Qonfoito a«r Tottoha < xTotimrinte- Vtrtemots IJntateAwa VtJfa hah '■ . Its wdrh Catjhau Vt chat Kihoofecca Whaharia. Vtchdawa Watidttoo wat/e Tontaunete Oukwockaninniwock v J -. ..:.7. atsxVS1 Wavfthanocha ' -'/'Mdtt^kau hoore ■ ' r ■■' --T A 'DA i 1 Wawaw* 3fo of North-Garolina. 31 'To repeat more of this Indian Jargon, would be to trou-Ind'an ble the Reader j and as an Account how imperfed they are^^* fin. their Moods and Tenfes, has been given by feveral alrea- dy, I ihall only add, that their Languages or Tongues are fo .deficient, that you cannot fuppofe the Indians ever could ex- prefs themfelves in fuch a Flight of Stile, as Authors would Jiave yoirbelieveV They are fo far from it, that they are but juft able to make one another uriderftand readily what they talk about. As for the two Gonfonants L and F, I never knew them in any Indian Speech I have met withal \ yet I muft tell you, that they have fuch a Way of abbreviating •.their Speech, when in their great Councils and Debates, that .the young Men do not underftand what they treat about, when they hear them argue* It is wonderful, what has oc~ cafion'd fo many different Speeches as the Savages have. . The three Nations I now; mentioned, do not live above ten Leagues diftant, and two of them, viz.. the Tushruro's and Tartaric the Woe con-, are not two Leagues afunder ; yet their Speech an Kurds* differs in every Word thereof, except one, which is rtfaure% Cockles, which is in both Tongues the fame, and nothing elfe. Now this Difference of Speech caufes Jealoufies and Fears a- rnongft them, which bring Wars, wherein they deftroy one another •, otherwife the Chriftians had not (in all Probabi- lity) fettled America fo eafily, at they have done, had thefe Tribe9 of Savages united themfelves into one People or ge- neral Intercity or were they fo but every hundred Miles. In fhort, they are an odd fort of People under the Circum- stances they are at prefent, and have Tome fuch uncouth Ways in their Management and Courfe of Living, that it feems a Miracle to us, how they bring about their Defigns, as they do, when their Ways are commonly quite contrary to ours. I believe, they are (as to this Life) a very happy People •, and were it not for the Feuds amongft themfelves* they would enjoy the happieft State (in this World) of all Mankind. They met with Enemies when we came amongft them j for they are no nearer Chriftianity now, than they were at the firlbDifcovery, to all Appearance. They have learnt feveral Vices of the Europe ans, but not one Vertue, as Indians I know of. Drunkennefs was a Stranger, when we found horn of them out, and Swearing their Speech cannot exprefs ; yetJ^ £ur©* thofe that fpeak £»£/»/&, learn to fwear the iirft thing they5eans° H 2 talk. I 1^0. An Account of the Indians talk of. _It's true, they have fame Vertues. and fome Vices -y but how the Chriftiaas can bring thefe People into; the fld- fom of the Church, is a Propofal that ought to be forra'd and follow'd by the wifeft Heads and belt Cbriftians. After I have given one Remark or two farther, of. fome of their ftrange Practices and Notions, I will give ray Opinion, bow I think, in probability, it may be (if poflible,) effeffcedy andfo fhall conclude this Treatife of Carolina. ^. They are a very craving People, and if a Man give; tbiem any thing of a Prefent, they think it obliges him to give them another ; and fo on, till, he has given them all, he has 5 for they have no Bounds of Satisfaction in that way ; and if they give you any thing, it is to receive twice the Value of it. They have no Confederation that you will wajat -what you give them } for their way of Living. j§ fo contrary to ours, that neither we nor they can fathom one anothers Deiigns and Methods. They call Rum and Phyfick by one Name, which implies that Rum make People lick-, as when they have taken any poifonous Plant :, yetthey cannot forbeanRum. They make Offerings of their Firft-Fruits, and the mare feriousJfort of them throw into the Afhes, near the Fire, thefirftBit or Spoonful of every Meal they fit down to, wbicb, they fay, is the fame to them, as the pulling off our Hats, and talking, when we go to Victuals, js to us. They name the Mpnths very agreeably, as one is the; Herring-Month, ano- ther the Strawberry-Month, another the MulberryTMontb:» Others name them by the Trees that biofTom ; efpeciauyv the Dogwood-Tree- j or they, fay, we, will return when Tur- iey-Cocks gobble, that is in March afl^ ApriL The Age of the Moon they underftand, -but know no -diffeeat [Name for Sun, ancj Moon. They, can guefs well at the timfe nmi mii ii '• ' "" of North-Carolina. 'made am? Mention of as yet, fo will give you an Account of it here. You muft know, that moft commonly, once a Year, or, at fartheft, once in two Years, thefe People take up fo many of their young Men, as they think are able to undergo it, and hufqievangh them, which is to make them obedient and refpeftive to their Superiors, and (as they fay) is the fame to them, as it is to us to fend our Children to School:, to be taught good Breeding and Letters. This Houfe ©f Correction is a large ftrong Cabin, made on purpofe for the Reception of the young Men and Boys, that have not pafTed this Graduation already •, and it is always at Chriftmas that they hufquenaugh their Youth , which is by bringing them into this Houfe, and keeping thern dark all the time, ■where they more than half-ftarve them. Befides, they give them Pellitory-Bark, and feveral intoxicating Plants, that make them go raving mad as ever were any People in the World ; and you may hear them make the moft difmal and helliih Cries, and How lings, that ever humane Creatures ex- prefs'd ; all which continues about five or fix Weeks, and the little Meat they eat, is the naftieft, loathfome ftuff, and mkt'Witri all manner of Filth it's poffible to get. After the Time is expired, they are brought out of the Cabin, which, never is in the Town, but always a diftance off, and guarded by a Jaylor or two. who watch by Turns. Now, when they rfirft come but, they are as poor as ever any Cretftfres werej for you mull know feveral die under this diabolical Purga- 't-ion.; Moreover, they either really are, or pretend to Tie -durhB, and do notfpeak for feveral Days •, I think^ twenty or thirty ; and look fo gaftly, and are fo changd^that it's oiext to an Impoffibility to know them again^lthotigh you was never fo well acquainted with them beforev.T.wbuld faia 'have gone into the mad Houfe, and have feen them in their f ime'-of Purgatory, but the King would .not fuffer it, becaufe, lie told me, they would do me, or aiity-other white Man, an. injury, -that ventured in amongft th^hfv fo I defifted. They play this Prank with Girls as wellasrfioys, and I believe it a mifera^le Life they endure, becaufe I have known feveral of them run away, at that time, to avoid it. Now, the Savages fay, if it was not for this, they could never keep them Youth in Subjection, befides that it hardens them ever after to the Fatigues of War, Hunting, and all manner of Hard- ihip r :34- An Account of the indians fhip, which their way of Jiving expofes them to, Befides, they add,that it carries offthp'fe infirm weakBodies, that would have been only a Burden and Difgfcace tp. their Nation, and faves the Victuals and Cloathing for better People, that Would r.bave been expended on fuchufelefs Creatures.. Thefe Sava- ges are defcribed in, their proper Colours, but by a very few ■ for . thofe- that generally write Hiftories of this new WorldJ are fucli as Intereft, Preferment* and Merchandize, drew thither, arid know no more of that People than I do of the Laplanders, which is only by Hear- fay. "And if we will make juft Remarks, how near fuch Relations generally ap- proach Truth and Nicety, we fhall find very few of them worthy of Entertainment ; and as for the other part of the Volume, it is generally ftufft with Invectives againft! the Go- vernment they lived under, on which Stage is commonly acted greater Barbarities, in Murdering worthy Mens Repu- tations, than all the Savages in the new World are. capable of equalizing, or fo much as imitating. And fince 1 hinted at a Regulation of the Savages, and to propofe a way to convert them to Chriltianity, I will firlt particularize the feveral Nations of Indians that are our Neighbours, and then proceed to what I promis'd. Tusker uro Indians are fifteenTowns, viz,.Haruta,Waqui, Con- tah-nah,^4nna Ooka, Conauh-Kare Harooka^Vna Nauhan, Kenta* nuska, Ckyfffneets, Kent a, Eno?Naur-hegh-ne,Oonoj[oora,Tofneoc, Nonaroharitfe, Nvrfoorooka, Fighting Men 1 200. Waccon. Towns 2; Jvpwauremau, Tooptatmeer, Fighting Men 120. Machapunga, Town i^Maramiskeet, Fighting Men 30. Bear River, Town i, Raufiafflga-quank, Fighting Men 50. Maherring Indians, Towa.!}<3i$g\errillg River, Fighting Men 50. Chuwon Indians, Town 'i^'fynhets Creek, Fighting Men 15. Pafpatank Indians, Town 1, Pafpatank River, Fighting Men 10. Poteskeit, Town 1, North River, Fighting Men 30. Nottaway Indians, Town 1, Winoack Creek, Fating Men 30. Hatter as Town i,Sand Banks, Fighting Men^. Connamo* Indians, Towns 2, Cora- nine, Raruta, Fighting Men 25. Neus Indians, Towns 2, Chat- tooka, Rouconk, Fighting Men 15. Pampticough Indians, Town i,Ijland, Fighting Men 15. Jaupim Indians, 6 People. Thefe five Nations of the Totero's, Sapona's, Keiauwee's, Aconechos, and Schoccories, are lately comeamongft us, and may contain' in all, about 750 Men, Women and Children. Total 4780. ' Now of North- Carolina. ns Now, there appears to be one thoufand fix hundred arid- twelve Fighting Men, of our Neighbouring Indians; and pro- bably., there are three Fifths of Women and Children, not in- cluding Old Men, which amounts to four thoufand and thirty- Savages, befides the five Nations lately come. Now, as I before hinted, we will 'fee what grounds there are tomake. thefe People ferviceable to us, and better themfelves there- -, ^(Xafair Scheme, we mult fiiil allow thefe Savages what, really belongs to them, that is, what good Qualities, .and natural Endowments,, they poffefs, whereby they being in their proper Colours, the Event may.be better guefs'd at, and. fathom'd. ; Firlc, they are as apt to learn any Handicraft, as any Peo- ple that the World affords; I will except none; as is feen by their Canoes and Stauking Heads, which they make of, themfelves; but to my purppfe, the Indian Slaves in South- Carolina, and elfew here, -make my Argument good. Secondly, we have no difciplin'd Men in Europe, but what have, at one time or other, been branded with Mutining, and. Murmuring againft their Chiefs. Thefe Savages are never found guilty of that great Crime in aSoldier ; I challenge all Mankind to tell me of one Inita.nce of it ; befides, they never prove Traitors to their "Native Country, but rather chufe. Death than partake and fide with- the Enemy. They naturally poffefs the Righteous Man s Gift ; they are- Patient under all Afflictions , and have a great many other. Natural Vertues? which I have High tlytoueh'd throughout the Account of thefe Savages. They are really better to us, than we are to them ; they always give us Viduals. at their Quarters, and take care we. are arm'd againft Hunger and Thirft : We do not fo by; them ( generally fpeaking ) but let them walk by our Doors. Hungry, and do not often relieve them.. We. look upon, them with Scorn and Difdain, and think them little better:, than Beafts in Humane Shape, though if well examined, we. fhall find that, for all our. Religion and Education, we poffefs; more Moral Deformities, and Evils than thefe Savages do*. or are acquainted withal. We reckon them Slaves in Comparifon to us, and Intru- ders, as. oft as they enter our Houfes, or hunt near our. An Accotmt of the Indians Dwellings. But if we will admit Reafon to be our Guide, Ihe will inform us, that thefe Indians are the freeft People in the World, and fo far from being Intruders upon us, that we have abandon'd our own Native Soil, to drive them out, and. poflefs theirs ; neither have we any true Balance, in Judging of thefe poor Heathens, becaufe we neither give Allowance for their Natural Difpofition, nor the Sylvian Education, and ftrange Cuftoms, (uncouth to us) they lie under and have ever been train'd uptb-, thefe are falfe Meafuresfjbr Cliri- ftians to take, and indeed no Man can be reckon'd aMo- ralift only, who will not make choice and ufe, of bet- ter Rules to walk and ad by : We trade with them, it's true, but to what End? Not to Ihew them the Steps of Vertue,and the Golden Rule, to do as we would be done by. No, we have furniihed them with theViceof Drunkennefs, which is the open Road to all others, and daily cheat them in every thing we fell, and efteem it a Gift of CKriftianity, not to fell to them fo cheap as we do to the Chriftians, as we call our felves. Pray let me know where is there to be found one Sacred Command or Precept of our Matter, that counfels us to fuch Behaviour ? Befides, I believe it will not appear, but that all the Wars, which we have had with the Savages, were occafion'd by the unjuft Dealings of the Chriftians towards them. I can name more than a few, which my own Enquiry has given me a right Underftanding of, and I am afraid the remainder (if they come to the teft) will prove themfelves Birds of the fame Feather. Indians As we are in Chriftian Duty bound, fo we muft adt and be- jiverfion have ourfelves to thefe Savages, if we either intend to be to chrifti- ferviceable in converting them to the Knowledge of the mm- Gofpel, or difcharge the Duty which every Man, within the Pale of the Chriftian Church, is bound to do. Upon this Score, we ought to lhew a Tendernefs for thefe Heathens under the weight of Infidelity; let us cherifh their good Deeds, and, with Mildnefs and Clemency,mak£ them fenfjble and for- warn them of their ill ones-, let our Dealings be juft to them In every Refpeft, and fhew no ill Example, whereby they oiay think we advife them to praftife that which we will not be conformable to ourfelves : Let them have cheap Pen- niworths (without Guile in our Trading with them) and learn them the Myfteries of our Handicrafts, as well as our Re- of NorMvGapolinaA •' Religion; Dtherwife we deal -unjtiitly by them. But it is highT. lyneceilary to be brought in Practice,/ which is, to give En- couragement to the' ordinary People, and .thofe of a lower Ranky that cthey might 'marry with thefe Indians.,, and. come' into Plantations, and Monies, where To, many Acres of Land and ibme Gratuity of Money, (out of a publick Stock) are given to the new-married. Couple; and that the Indidns might have Encouragement to fend their Children Apprentices to proper Matters, that would be kind to them, and mi ke them Mailers of a Trade^ whereby they would be drawn to livea- mongft us, and become Members of the. fame Ecciefiaftical and Civil Government we are under •, then we mould have- great Advantages to make daily Conversions amongft them, when they faW that we were kind and juft to them in all our Dealings. Moreover, by the Indians Marrying with the Chri- ftians, and coming' into Plantations with their English Huf- bands^!6r Wives, they would become Chri'fiians, and their Idolatry would be quite forgotten, and, in all probability, a better Worfhip come in its Stead •, for were theT^ engrafted thus, and alienated from the Worfhip and Converfation of Jews, their Abominations would vanifh, and be no more. - Thus iwe mould be let into a better "Underftanding of the Indian Tongue, bybur hew Converts ; and the whole Body of thefe People would arrive to the'Knowledge of our 'Reli- gion and Cuftoms, and become as one People with us. By this ' Method alfo, we mould have a true Knowledge of all thelndians Skill in Medicine and Surgery, they would inform us of the Situation of our Rivers, Lakes, and Tracts "of Land in; the Lords Dominions, where by their Affiftance, greater DifcQve- riesmay be made than has been hitherto found out, and" by their Accompanying us in our Expeditions, we might civi- lize a great many other Nations of the Savages, and daily add to bur Strength in Trade, and Intereft •, To that we might be fuffioiently enabled to conquer, or maintain our ' Ground, againft all the Enemies to the Crown of- England in America^ both Chriltian and Savage. -■ What Children we have of theirs, to learn Trades, e£r. ought to be put into thofe Hands that are Men of the beft Lives and Chara&ers, and that are not only ftridt Obfervers of their Religion, but alfo of a mild, winning and fweet Dif- pofition, that thefe Indian Parents may often go and fee how Ii well m An Account of the Indian^ &c. well their Children are dealt with, which would much win them to our Ways of Living, Mildnefs being a Vertue the Indians are in love withal, for they do not practife beatine and correcting their Children, as we do. A general Com- plaint is, thatitfeemsimpoffible to convert theft PeopLe to Chriftianity, as, at firft fight, it does ; and as for thofe in New Spain, they have the Prayer of that Church in Latin by Rote, and know the external Behaviour at Mafs and Ser- mons ', yetfcarce any of them are fteady and abide with con- ftancy in good Works, and the Duties of the Chriftian Church. We find that the Fuentes and feveral other of the noted Indian Families about Mexico^ and in other parts of New Spain, had given feveral large Gifts to the Altar, and outwardly feem'd fond of their new Religion ; yet-thofe that were thegreateffc Zealots outwards, on a ftrid Enquiry, were found guilty of Idolatry and Witchcraft ; and this feems to proceed from their Cohabiting, which, as I have noted before, gives Oppor- tunities of Cabals to recal their ancient priftine Infidelity and Superftitions. They never argae againft our Religion, but with all imaginable Indifference own, that it is moft pro- per for us that have been brought up in it. In my opinion, it's better for Chriftjans of a mean Fortune to marry with the Civiliz'd Indians, than to fuffer the HarcK Ihips of four or five years Servitude,, in which they meet with Sicknefsand Seafonings aniidft a Crowd of other Afflictions, which the Tyranny of a bad Matter lays upon fuch poor Souls, all which thofe acquainted with our Tobacco Plantations are not Strangers to. This feems to be a more reafonable Method of converting the Indians, than to fet up our Chriftian Banner in a Field of Blood, as the Spaniards have done in New Spain, and baptize ©ne hundred with the Sword for one at the Font. Whjlft we make way for a Chriftian Colony through a Field of Blood and defraud, and make away with thofe that one day may be wanted in this World, and in the next appear againft us, we make way for a more potent Chriftian Enemy to invade us" iiereafter, ©f which we may repent* when too late. JHE . 339 ■ THE SECOND CHARTER Granted by King CHARLES 11 T O T H E PROPRIETORS O F * CAROLINA (1 lereas CHARLES II. by the Grace of God, &c. Whc Our Letters Patents, bearing Date the Four and Twentieth Day of March , in the Fifteenth Year of Our Reign, We were Gracioufly Pleas'd to Grant unto Our right Trufty, and right Well-beloved Coufin and Coun- fellor Edward Earl of Clarendon, our High Chancellor of Eng- land, Our right Trufty, and right entirely Beloved Coufin and Counfellor, George Duke of Albemarle , Matter of our Horfe, Our right Trufty and Well Beloved William, now Earl ox Craven, our right Trufty and well-beloved Counfellor, ; 3Mw'Lord Berkley, our right Trufty, and well-beloved Counfellor, Anthony .hord Afhley, Chancellor of our Exche- quer, our right Trufty and Well-beloved' -Counfellor Sir George Carter -m Knight and Baronet, Vice-Chamberlain of lis oar 240 The Second Charter our Houfhold, Our right Trudy and well-beloved, Sir John Colleton Knight and Baronet, and Sir William Berkeley Knieht all that Province, Territory, or Tract of Ground, called' CareLna, fituate, lying and being within our Dominions of America, Extending from the North End of the Ifland called Lvhljland, which lyeth in. the Southern Virginians, and ]Vlt um£X*and thcirty DeSrees of the Northe™ Latitude and to the Weft, as far as the South Seas; and fo refpeaively as far as the River of Mathios, which bordereth upon the Coaft ot Florida, and within One and Thirty Degrees of the Vw- *W» Latitude,' and fo ^/ in a dired Line, as far as' the iez/fbaeas aforefaid. Now, know Ye, that We, at the Humble Reqneft of the faid -Grandees i in the aforefaid Letters Patents named, and as a farther Mark of Onr-efpecial Favour towards them, We are Gracioufly Pleafcd to Enlarge Our faid Grant unto them according to the Bounds and Limits hereafter Specifyed, and in Favour to the Pious and Noble Purpofe of the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Alhemark, William Earl of Craven, John JLord Berkeley, Anthony Lord Ajhley, Sir Georr* ITS' Sir ??*? Colletcn-> and ^ir William Berkeley, their Heirs and Ate all that Province, Territory, or Traft of Ground fituate, lying, and being within Our Dominions of America aforefaid extending North and Weft^ard, as far as the North 1 • ° %f* , Rlver> ov Gulet, upon a ftreight Wcfttrh Line, to Wyonoake Creek, which lies within, or about the De- gVTr rJalVty Si?' and Thirty Minutes Northern Latitude f /°KVn a/ire? Lille' aS far as the Smhsilf^ South and ^Masfar as the Degrees of Twenty Niie 1*3 clufive Aorthern Latitude, and fo Weft, in a dired; Line, Ts far as the South Seas- together with all and Angular Ports Harbours Bays, Rivers and Iflets, belonging SSSgft* 58&S A^ afbrefaM- «i%*nSs^nfe Fields Woods, Mountains, Ferms. Lakes, Rivers, Bays and Iflets, fituate, or being within the Bounds, or Limits! If? before mentioned v with the Fiihing of all forts of ¥^,WhaL Sturgeons, and all other Royal Fifhes in the Sea, Bays, Iflets and Rivers, within the Premifes, and the Fifh therein taken together with the Royalty of the Sea, upon the Coaft with! an the Limits aforefaid. And moreover, all Veins, Mines and */ CAROLINA. H a ad Quarries, as welldifcoveredasnot difeover'd, of Gold, Silver, Gems and Precious Stories, and all other whatfoever ; be it of Stones, Metal, or any other thing found, or to be found within the Province, Territory, Ifletf and Limits aforefaid. And furthermore, the Patronage and Advowfons of all the Churches and Chappels, which as the Chriftian Religion fhall encreafe within the Province,, Territory, Iiles, and Limits a- forefaid, fhall happen hereafter to be ere&ed ; together, with Licence and Power to buiiiiand found Churches, Ch^ppeis and Oratories in convenient and fit places, within the faid Bounds and Limits -, and to caufe them to be Dedicated and Confecrated, according to theEcclefiaflicalLawsof Our King- dom Qi. Engl and:, together with all and; lingular, the like, and as ample, '.Rights , Jurifdi&ions ^Privileges j, . Prerogative S\ Royalties, Liberties, Immunities a.ad.Franchifes, of what Kind foever, within .the Territory* Hies,, Ifletsand Limits-^ forefaid. To have, hold, ufe, exercife and enjoy the fame, as amply, fully, and in as ample Manneiyas any Bifhop oi Durham. in Our Kingdom of England,w§r heretofore had, held, ufed, or enjoyed, or of right oughtv or could have, ufe, or enjoy^ and them the Laid Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Cramn, John Lor&Berkeleyl Anthony Lord Ajhley, Sir George. Carterett, Sir 'John Colleton, and Sir William Berkeley, their Heirs and Affigns y We do by thefe Prefents, for Us, Our Heirs and Succeflbrs, make, create and conftitute the true and.abfolute Lojjdsahd Proprietors of the faid Province, or Territory, and of all other the Premifes, faving always the Faith, Allegiance and Sovereign Dominion due to Us , our Heirs and . Succeflbrs , for the' fame i to have, hold, poflefs and enjoy the faid Province, Territory, Iflets, and all and Angular, other the Premifes, to them the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, Wil- liam Earl ;of Craven, John Lord Berkeley, Anthony Lord Afh- ley , Sir George Carterett, Sir John Colleton and Sir William Berkeley, their Heirs and Affigns, for Ever, to be holdeu of Us, Our Heirs and Succeflbrs, as of Our Mannor of Eafl Green- wich, in Kent, in free and common Soccage, and not in Capite, or by Kmghts Service, yielding and paying yearly to Us, Our Heirs and Succeflbrs, for the fame,the fourth Part of all Goods and Silver Oar, which within the Limits hereby Granted, fhall i a. a The Second Charter ihall from Time to Time, happen to be found, over and be- fides the Yearly Rent of Twenty Marks and the fourth part of the Gold and Silver Oar, in and by the faid recited Let- ters Patents teferved and payable. And that the Province, or Territory hereby granted and defcribed, may be dignifyed with as large Titles and Privi- leges, as any other Parts of our Dominions and Territories in that Region ; Know ye, That We, of our farther Grace, cer- tain Knowledge and meer Motion, have thought fit to annex the fame Trad of Ground and Territory, unto the fame Pro- vince of Carolina, and out of the Fulnefs of our Royal Power and Prerogative, We do for Us, our Heirs and Succeflbrs, annex and unite the fame to the faid Province of Carolina. And forafmuch as We have made and ordained the aforefaid Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Craven, John Lord Berkeley, Anthony Lord Ajhley^ Sir George Carter ett, Sir John Colleton, and Sir William Berkeley, their Heirs and Affigns, the true Lords and Proprietors of all the Province or Territory aforefaid ; Know ye therefore moreover, that We repofing efpecial Truft and Confidence in their Fidelity, Wifdom, Juftice and provident Circumfpecrion for Us, our Heirs and SuccefTors, do grant full and abfolute Power, by virtue of thefe Prefents, to them the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle ^William Earl of Craven, John Lord Berkeley, Anthony Lord Ajhley, Sir George Catterett, Sir John Colleton, and Sir William Berkeley, and their Heirs and Affigns, for the good and happy Government of the faid whole Province or Territory, full Power and Autho* rity to erect, conftitute, and make feveral Counties, Baronies^ and Colonies, of and within the faid Provinces, Territories^ Lands and Hereditaments, in and by the faid recited Letters Patents , and thefe Prefents, granted, or mentioned to be granted, as aforefaid, with feveral and diftindt Jurifdidtions, Powers, Liberties and Privileges. And alfo, to ordain, make and enadr, and under their Seals, topublifh any Laws and Constitutions whatfoever, either appertaining to the publick State of the laid whole Province or Territory, or of any diftindt or particular County, Barony or Colony, of or within the fame, or to the private Utility of particular Per- fons, according to their beft Discretion, by and with the Ad- vice, AfTentand Approbation of the Freemen of the faid Pro- vince of CAROLINA. m ~-n,, or Territory, or of the Freemen of the County, Barony 6 • cXnlft ^ wh chrfach Law or Constitution ftall be made, or?h^TreateftPart of them, or of their Delegates or Depu- t 'es Xm for enading of the faid Laws, when and as oftea as ne^d fhall require, We will that the faid Edward Ezvl of cZnlTGeorgemie of Albemarle, William Earl of Craven, ?fkn Lord Berkeley, Anthony Lord AjUey, Sir George Carterett, S ^l£c5^» and Sir WVto M^<£ «d .their Heirs or St S5l from Time to Time, affcmble in fuch Manner rndForm isto them mall feem belt: And the fame Laws duly to execuTe upon all People within the faid Province or ler- ntorv CoS Barony or Colony, and the Limits thereof, for [he T?me being, which fhall be confuted under the Power a^ Government of them, or any of them either fail- inTtowards the faid Province or Territory of Carohna ,ot re?uS from thence towards England, or any other of our, or forebn Dominions, by Impofition of.Penakies, Impn- Lmen for any other Punifliment: Yea,ifit fhall be need-- ful and the auklity of the Offence require it by taking a- ' M.mW^d Life, either by them, the faid Edward Earl W/^ £ ctm\ Duk of Albemarle, WMam Earl of CM. I^lSW, ^thony Lord tfk Sir— Sem r, Sir3W» C,//efi,andSir^T.^^, and their Hers or by them or their Deputies, Lieutenants judges, Tdtices MaftiftrateV, or Officers whatfoever, as well within xne fcfd Province^ at Sea, in fuch Manner and Form as una the iSd Edvard Earl of GUM**** Ge^e Duke of f^rh miUam Earl of £tf»A jM« ^rd JfcrMgr, ^ ** Lord Se7sfrW» C.r^, Sir John Colleton, and Sir «fc ^&f and their Heirs, fhall feem moit convenient; Alio, foreS releafe, pardon and abolifh, whether before Judg- ment or after, ail Crimes and Offences whatfoever agamft SI ftS Laws-- and to do all and every other Thing and SSS&JS the compleatEftablimmentofJuftice M ^Courts, Seflion, and Forms of Judicature, and Manners It ^rnreedines therein, do belong, altho' in thefe Prefents, «iS Sm i&onl not made thereof, and by Judges, to hin, S them delegated to award, procefs, hold Pleafe, and detei - mine in all the faid Courts and Places of Judicature, all ■ Afti- Tns Suit and Caufes whatfoever, as well criminal as civil, r3,S, perfonal, or of any other Kind or tttarewha*. 344 1 ; Tbe'Sgcond Chsrtei? foever : Which'JLaws fa as; aforefaid, -to .be-publifhed, , Our Pleafure. island-. We .da cojoyn, require and commang, iljall be ahfolutely, -fitnl«and'av:ail:able4ft 'Law,-,, and'that .all. the Leige People of Usv out jKeirs; and'. -Succe#pr.s:j fw'ith£n the. faid .Province, or Territory,, do^.ohfe/ve andVjkeejj tkeilme inviolably in thofe Paft5,"Jo far as.tbey: concern them, under the Pains and Penalties- therein exprejfed • or to be excelled * provided: nevertheifCs^ thatuhe ;faiG .Laws be confonant .to. Reafon, and as'; near asr may- jbe .cpriyen^tiyj 'agreeab^ft» the Laws and Cuftoms of this our: Realm of ' ErgUwd. ' And becaufe fuchAffemblies of Fref-h;oldcrs cannot be fo' fuddenly called, as there may be Occafi^n to require the fame ; We do therefore by thefe Prefents, give and grant unto the faid Edward Ezv\ of Clarendon, Gep-rge Duke of ' Alhe marie ,W'd~ Ham Earl of Craven, John Lord Berkeley , Anthony, Lord ~AJJi- ley , Sir George Carterett , Sir John Colleton, and Sir William. Berkeley, their Heirs and Afligns, by themfelves or their Ma- giftrates in that Behalf, lawfully authorized, full Power and Authority from Time to Time, to make. arid ordain fit and wholfome Orders and Ordinances, within the Province or, Territory aforefaid, or any County, Barony or Province, of or within the fame, to be kept and obferved, as well for the keeping of the Peace, as for the better Government of the People there abiding, and to publifh the fame to all to whom it may concern : Which Ordinances we do, by thefe Prefents, ftreightly charge and command to be inviolably obferved within the fame- Province, Counties, Territories, Baronies, and Provinces, under the Penalties therein exprefled ; fo as fuch Ordinances be reafonable and not repugnant or contra- ry, but as near as, may be agreeable to the Laws and Statutes of this our Kingdom of England; and fo as the fame Ordi- nances do not extend to the binding, charging or taking a- way of the Right or Intereft of anyPeribn. or Perfons,in their freehold Goods, or Chattels, whatfoeyer. And to the end the faid Province or Territory, may be the more happily encreafed by the Multitude of People reforting thither , and may likewife be the more ftrongly defended from the Incurfioas of Savages and other Enemies, Pirates; and Robbers. '-.Vc E ' bl ■ • • '■ There: of CAROLINA. 45 Therefore, We for Us, Our Heirs and Succeflbrs, do give and grant by thefe Prefents, Power, Licenfe and Liberty unto all the Leige People of Us, our Heirs and Succeflbrs in our Kingdom of England, or elfewhere, within any other our Dominions, lflands, Colonies or Plantations ; /excepting thofe. who (hall be efpecially forbidden) to tranfport them- felves and Families into the faid Province or Territory, with convenient Shipping, and fitting Proviiions ;and there to fet- tle themfelves, dwell and inhabit, any Law, Ad, Statute, Or- dinance, or other Thing to the contrary in any wife, not- withftanding. And we will alfo, and ofOurefpecial Grace, for Us, our Heirs and Succeflbrs, do flreightly enjoyn, ordain, conftitute and demand, That the faid Province or Territory, fhall be of our Allegiance \ and that all and Angular, the Subjeds and Leige People of Us, our Heirs and Succeflbrs, tranfpor- ted, or to be tranfported into .the faid Province, and the Children of them, and fuch as (hall defcend from them, there born, or hereafter to be born, be, and fhall be Denizens and Lieges of Us, our Heirs and Succeflbrs of this our Kingdom of England^ and be in all Things, held, treated and reputed as the Liege faithful People of Us, our Heirs and Succeflbrs, born within this our faid Kingdom, or any other of our Do- minions •, and may inherit, or otherwife purchafe and re- ceive, take, hold, buy and pofl'efs any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, within the faid Places, and them may occu* py, and enjoy, fell, alien and bequeath \ as likewife, all Li- berties, Frartcbifes and Privileges of this our Kingdom, and of other our Dominions aforefaid , may freely and quietly have, poflefs and enjoy, as our Liege People born within the fame, without the Moleftation, Vexation, Trouble or Grie- vance of Us, Our Heirs and Succeflbrs, any Ad, Statute, Ordinance, or Provifion to the contrary, notwithftanding. . And furthermore, That Our Subjeds of this Our faid King- dom of England^ and other our Dominions, may be the rather encouraged to undertake this Expedition, with ready and chearfalMinds -0 Know Ye, That We, of Our efpecial Grace, certain Knowledge and meer Motion, <\o give and grant, by virtue of thefe Prefents, as well to the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Craven, John Lord Berkeley, Anthony Lord Ajbley, Sir George Cmerett9 K k wir 54.6 The Second Charter Sir John Colleton, arid Sir William Berkeley, and their Heirs, as unto all others as fhali,.froni time to time, repair unto the faid Province or Territory., with a JPurpofe to inhabit there, or to trade with the Natives thereof v Full Liberty and Licenfe to lade and freight in every Port whatfoever, of Us, our Heirs and Succeilbrs \ and into the faid Province of Carol .na ;hy them, their Servants -and A ffigns, to tranfport all and lingular, their Goods, Wares and Merchandises : as likewife^ ;all i fort of Grain whatfoevei;, and any other Thing whatfoever, necef- iary for their Food and Gloathi-ag, not prohibited by the Laws and Statutes of our Kingdom and Dominions, to be car- ried out of the fame, without any Letf or Moleftation of Us, our Heirs and SuccefTors, or of any other our Officers or Mi- Bifters iW;hatfoever \ faving alfoito l§kj otirilileirsand Succd* fors, the Cuftoms,and other' Duties and Payment's due for the- laid Wares and Merchandizes, according to the ft vera! Rates-' of the Place from whence the fame lhal'i be tranfported. We will alfo, and by thefe Prefents, for Usrou'r- Heirs and SuccefFors, do give and grant Licenfe by this ourGharter-, un- to the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon, Geo'jWCjUke of AlbeA marle, William EarLof Graven,^ John Lord Berhleys-Jinihohy- ' Lord \Ajhley, Sir George Carterett, Sk'john Coilefy%,lan<& Sir William Berkeley, their Heirs and Affigns, and to all' the Inha- bitants and Dwellers in the Province or Territory aforefaid,: both prefent and to come, full Power and Authority to im- port or unlade by themfelves, -or their Servants, Factors or Affigns, all Merchandizes and Goods whatfoever, that mail arife of the Fruits and Commodities of the faid Province or Territory, either by Land or Sea, into any the Ports of Us, our Heirs and Suc'ceffors, in our Kingdom of Engl, Seal, or Ireland, or otherwife, to difpofe of the faid Goods, in the faid Ports. And if need .be, within one year next after the unlading, to' lade the faid Merchandizes and Goods again in the fame, or other Ships; and to export the fame into any other Coun- tries, either of our Dominins or foreign, being in Amity with Us,, our Heirs and Succeffors, fo as they pay fuch Cuftoms, Subsidies and other Duties for the fame to Us, our Heirsand Succeffors*, as the reft x>f our Subjects of this- our Kingdom, for the Time being, {hall be bound to pay. Beyond which We will not that the Inhabitants of the faid Province^ or Territory, fhall beany ways charged.. Provided, never- ¥erthelefs? and our Will and Pfeafure is, and we have fur- ther* Y CAROLINA. 47 tiler, for the Conllderations aforefaid, of our fpecial Grace, certain Knowledge and meer Motion, given and granted, and by thefe Prefents, for Us, our Heirs and Succeflbrs, do give and grant unto the laid Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Eari of Craven; John Lord Berke- ley, Anthony Lord Ajhley, Sir George Carterett, Sir John Colle- ton, a.w\S'\K William Berkeley, their Heirs and AfTigns, full and free Licenfe, Liberty, Power and Authority, at any Time or Times, from and after the Feaft of.St. Michael the Arch- Angel, which, (hall be in the Year of our Lord Chrift, One Thoufand, Six Hundred, Sixty and Seven ; as well to im- port and bring into any our Dominions from the faid Pro- vince of Carolina, or any Part thereof, the feveral Goods and. Commodities herein after mentioned •, That is to fay, Silks, Wines, Currants, Raifons, Capers, Wax, Almonds, Oil and Olives, without paying or( anfwering to Us, our Heirs and Succeflbrs, any Cuftom,- Impoft, or other Duty, for, or in. refpect thereof, for and during the Time and Space of Seven Years to commence and be accompted from and after the firft Importation of Four Tons of any the faid Goods, in any one Bottom Ship or VelTer, from thefaid Province or Territory, into any of our Dominions ; as alfo, to export and carry out of any of our Dominions into the faid Province or Terri- tory, Cuftom-free, all forts of Tools, which fhall be ufeful or necefTary for the Planters there, in the Accommodation and Improvement of the Premifes, any thing before in thefe Pre- sents contained, or any Law, Act, Statute, Prohibition, or other Matter or Thing, heretofore had, made, enacted or provided, or hereafter to be had, made, ena&ed or provided, in any wife notwithstanding. And furthermore, of our more ample and efpecial Grace, certain Knowledge and.meer Motion, We do for Us, our Heirs and Succeflbrs, grant unto the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon, Geor?e Duke of Albemarle, WiltiamEivl of Craven, John Lord Berkeley, Anthony Lord Ajhley, Sir George Carterett, Sir John Colleton, and Sir Will. Berkeley, their Heirs and AfTigns, full and abfolute Power and Authority to make, ere<2t and conftitute within the. faid Province or Territory, aud the Ifles and Iflets aforefaid , fuch and fo many Sea-Forts, Harbours, Creeks and other Places for difcharge and unlading of Goods and Merchan- dizes out of Ships, Boats, and other VefTels, and for lading of them in fuch and fo many Places, as with fach Jurifdittions, Kk2 Pri- H8 The Second Charter Privileges and Franchifes, unto the faid Ports belonging, as to them fhall feem moft expedient ; And that all and lingular the Ships, Boats and other VefTels, which fhall come for Mer- chandizes, and trade into the faid Province or Territory or fhall depart out of the fame, fhall be laden and unladen at fuch Ports only, as fhall be ere&ed and conftitued by the faid Edward E^r\ of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William ILaxl of Craven, John Lord Berkeley, Anthony Lord Ajhley, Sir George Carterett, Sir John Colleton, and Sir William Berkeley their Heirs and Affigns, and not elfew here, anyUfe^ Cu- ftom, or any thing to the contrary in any wife notwithftand- And we do furthermore will, appoint and ordain, and by thefe Prefents, for Us, our Heirs and Succeflbrs, do grant unto the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Craven, John Lord Berkeley An- thony Lord Ajhley, Sir George Carterett, Sir John Colleton and Sir William Berkeley , their Heirs and Affigns, That they, the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle William Earl of Craven, John Lord Berkeley, Anthony Lord Ajliley, Sir George Carterett, Sir John Colleton, and Sit William Berkeley, their Heirs and Affigns, may from Time to Time for ever, have and enjoy the Cuftoms and Subfidies in the Ports Harbours,Creeks and other Places, within the Province afore- faid, payable for the Goods, Merchandizes and Wares there laded, or to be laded or unladed, the faid Cuftoms to be reafo- aably affeffed upon any Occafion by themfelves, and by and with the Confent of the free People, or the greater Part of them, as aforefaid; to whom We give Power by thefe Prfe- fents, for Us, our Heirs and Succeffors, upon juft Caufeand in a due Proportion to afTefs and impofe the fame. And further, of our efpecial Grace , certain Knowledge and meer Motion, we have given, granted and confirmed and by thefe Prefents, for Us, our Heirs and Succeffors do give, grant and confirm unto the faid Edward Earl of Claren- don, George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Craven, John- Lord Berkeley, Anthony Lord Ajhley, Sir George Carterett, Sir John Colleton, and ShWilliam Berkeley, their Heirs and Affigns* foil and abfolute Power, Licenfe and Authority, that they the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle William Earl of Craven, John Lord Berkeley^ Anthony Lord Ajhley, */ Carolina! H9 Mley, Sir George Carterett, Sir John Colleton, ancL Sir WBum ilhley, their Heirs and Affigns, from Time to Time, here- after for ever, afc his and their Will and Pleafure, may affign, alien/grant, demife or enfeoff the Premifes or any Part or PaVel thereof to him or them, that lhall be willing to pur- chafe the fame ; and to fuch Perfon and Perfons, as they fliatt think fit, to have, and to hold to them the iaid Perfon or Perfons, their HeHaad Affigns,in-Fee fimple or in Fee Tay le or for the Term of Life or Lives, or Years to be heldof them, the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon, Gentle puke or £fr bemarle, WdlUm Earl of Craven, -John Lord Berkeley, Ant bony- Lord Alhley, Sir George Carterett, Sir John Colleton, and >ir Wtlliam Berkeley, their Heirs and Affigns, by MiMfe Ser- vices andCuftoms, as fhall feem fit to them the faid |^W Earl of Clarendon, Georgemte &f Albmarf,rWfam^vl m Craven, John Lord Berkeley, Anthony Lord Ajhley^ Sit Georg* Carterltt, Sir John Colleton, and WtBam Berkeley, their Heirs and Affigns, and not of Us, our Heirs and Succeffors i And to the fame Perfon and Perfons, and to all and every of them, We do give and grant by thefe Prefents, for Us, our Heirs and Succefibrs, Licenfe, Authority and Power, that fuch Per- fon or Perfons, may have and take the Premifes, or any Par- cel thereof, of the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon, Gtorgepxxks of Albemarle , William Earl of Craven, John Lord Berkeley,, Anthony Lord Ajklcy, Sir George Carterett, SfJohn Colleton* and Sir William Berkeley, their Heirs and Affigns, and the fame to hold to themfelves, their Heirs or Affigns, in_what Eftate of Inheritance foever, in Fee fimple, or inFeeTayle, or otherwife, as to them the faid Edward Earl of Clarendon* George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of Craven-, John Lord Berkeley, Anthony Lord Ajhley, Sir George Cartentt, Sir John Colleton, and Sir William Berkeley, their Heirs and Affigns, malt feem expedient ; The Statute in the Parliament of Edward* Son of King Henry, heretofore King of England, ourPrede- ceflbr, commonly called, The Statuteof^^ Emptores Terror',, or any other Statute, Ad, Ordinance* Ufe,. Law, Cuftom, any other Matter, Caufe or Thing heretofore publiined or provided to the contrary, in any wife notwithstanding* And becaufe many Perfons born and inhabiting m WftifrW Province for their Deferts and Services miry exped, and be capable of tyarks of Honour and Favour, which, in refpea 5o l-he Second Charter - -of the great Diftance cannot conveniently be conferred by Uiyout Will aad Pleafur-e therefore is, and We'd 5 by, trie'fe- Prefects,- give and grant tin to the- laid Edward mn®f-€UL re$W$ ' ®fcgfmm%PMlUMrt&WMm Lord "&&>&$ John L^dWmeliyj'^mmyMrd Idfiley, $&®mti Carterett+Sk John CelletohiGtid. Sir William Berkeley,- their Heirs and Alliens, full Power and Authority to give and-confer ufito, and upon fach'of thelnbabitants' of- the- faid1 Province, or Territory as they- ll' thihkvdoVwaal'ljiierit the fame,- -fach Marks Wf aUdTilksW HMour,-as •" they^M think fit, fo as tbeir Titles of Honours be not the fameas are enjoyed'by, or * kiri'Tj ' vivcry-vticic; rreiencs, *ror us, uur> Hetfs -and SuccelTdrs,rgive and Grte, Licenfe to them' the" M^rd'-EavlomareMon., 'Getfgfbuke Of Albemarle, William EarloFCmw??: .«0W» Lord Berkeley; 'Anthony Lord j?p%| Sir GW^e Carter^ -Sir y^» -(7*//^ and Sir »?/&»» Berkeley < their Heirs and- Affigns, full Power, Liberty and Licenfe, to W§&k R-aife and Build within- the laid- Province and -Places afcrefaM .- or ahyPart -or ^art%^thefe many Mannors with fch Series as to thenVmall ieem meet and convenient, fnd in Serv-ofthe fame Manners to-have an d * -hold a .Court- Baron, with ail Things whatever wn.ch to a ^rt-Baion do belong and to have and to hold Views orFiahk WWgej a^dSrt'Leet, for the GonferVationof th^ Peaee,"and^cL- SS^ thbfeParts, with >m® yg® |»8*&* Sou s to be- MMfe hy ^^M^.b^e^e^a.^^h^ X*v Lord 3*fe S^^{C^?4 ^