WHOLE NO. 10,477.


[AY 6, 1865.



{isnal Particulars of the Arrest

of Governor Aiken.



A Patitteal Preacher Sent Gat of the Depart- ment aud [ils Property Confiseated,


Simeon Draper and tho Dolored Population.


cia ae Naval Squadron’s at Hale Mast.

The Colors



Our Charleston Correspondence. Cuancearas; BC, April 20, 1835. {OM ABMLEST OF 1-NOVEUNOR WM. AIKES TMhe people of this elty haye been greatly and astonished at tho

atified radilon nrcest of the ex:Governor.

No beller Union man, they claim, exists, oven at the North, than Governor Alken. Ho hax ahyays maln- talucd that ho was citizen of the United States, oven before Jem Mavis, when the recipient of Ue Govercor's Aospiiality on bis recent vicit to Charleston. Hy was Euown as tho “good man, tho frlowd of the poor snl a

wd counsellor in diflenlty,” always orp about doing good. some bave snppoesd that it Waa The mom form Of an arrest, for (ho purpoan of scouring, Mx atcondance

at Washinton, it hotng stated that the Goyernor 4g. the Warn and intimate friond of President Audroyr Jobuson.

Io conversation with on oilleial ho formed mo that charges nd been made azalnst Governor Aiken, but they were regarded as 80 ubsurd that ho bad no doubt of the ‘ox-Gorernor's early releazo on reaching Weshiugton.

The Governor was alte upon at his residence in Aiken square, at about elght o'clock on Wednevday oyening, by the Provost Marshal, with a small squad of soldier: On tho eppearance of the Governor the offlcer Informod him of the unpleasant duty ho was ealled upon to perform {a plsclng him under arrest, Ho was allowed half an hour to make preparations aul take bis valleo with him, In reply to tho question by whose ondsra the arrest waa made, the Provost Marsbal stated that Wey cuonated ducetly from Washington. After taking leave of bis family, tho members of which wens clingiag to him Weeping, he was coulusted to tho Provost Morals ‘oe. where he remained darirs the night, and ievt at five o'clock on tho next moraing ou a spocial steamer for ‘Washington, "

‘Tho arrest hus caueed thtonse excitement amony all classes, and the most profound sympathy for bis family. is etated that the Governor has not takea (he oath of allegiance, regarding {t as nnoecessaxy on Lis part, never baying renounced bis eltizonship in the United States,

A report is ia cirenlation tbat ono of the actors in ths Jato murder of President Lincola bas msde a confession implicating a number of Southern moa, and among thom Mr. Aiken. It is not generally bellovod tbat he lind apy- ting to do with it, Atall events, the people, one nnd all, civil and military, of this city, Iffeel assured, will Join fa tho prayer that the distinguished gcntloraun may coins out with character unimpeached.

A roDTIcAL Sana

Anothor rensation has beon caused hy the oxpulston from our lines of the Rey. A W, Mervhall, an axed clergyman of the Episcopal persuasion, The reasons ro given in tho fellowiny correspondaucs and accompany tay ‘ordor:—

Hnargrarrens, Cv OF CHARLESTON, = Casmeeerds, 8. O., April 24, 1205. 5 Gipt LM, Penwy, ALA. Gow, N. D.’D. 8. ‘Cavrats—T Lave the honor to subinit the following caso for your consideration

‘On the 13th inztant! Tyas foformed tat the Rov. Dr. Alor. Marshall, of St. John’s chapel, had, sineo the ovcu- patton of the elty by tho Unlted States’ forves, omitted the prayer for the President whieh is prescribed in the church servleo; whcrespon T cansed the fallowlog letter tobe addressed to iim

Hespevatraes, rey or

Rev. Dr. Marsm S—Ii hss besa reparted to thes

00 officlating at, tbo leak ia 8. Jc Bive rot talsin the oath of all: gis prigera Yor the Wresident of the

fF zer bal yh p. You avo respectt Noor theso Headguurtors whellicr thesw uilogatios tucar false.

ay order: of WILLIAM OURKEY, Coloneh AZ70h N.Y. V,, Conunending Sot MI. Jaues Westot,, Captain lh N.Y. und ALA, D.C. Tho next day (Saturday) Twas visited by Mr, Marshall ‘and Inforrard by lim that he bad «ubstkuted the prayer for the Feeaideut of tho Coufedento States by authority of the Coures, but that shes the evucuatlon, be, nat wisblug 10 KVeeny offence, had omitted Hat peiyer sMogoihor 1

Auld Nim that no tle Ve allow ed to official Abe Bin for Tie be mermilted to Lol his Seberso—a2d tit ho wonlil inform hls coogresation of Wy order in the cass 1 juforwed bli that while Leavht nol ordar bls church to be closed, vot I would not allow say clergyman to efllciato. who omiticl from his sorviecs Ako privers for the Pre-Went prescribed by the Church ©: Ssobath anerning he az0'n viited mo and mado tho Suaae request, nnd substinUally the samo ouswor was

Leu, Ce Sunday morning Captain TL Somes Weston, oa my wail, bul sore of tha visit paid to my by Sir, Maz shill, called on iim, by a provious direction frooi wey and wis informed thal bo had explawwell to bls vongreyation my orden inthe matter ond diswissed them without huldiog eny tory,

On iveadsy, Apr 18, tho following Iettor wes ro- evived:

yman who ozaitted What prayer would lathe city, He then askew, duco “uing service Was £0 war, that

ize—it bolng communion

Yous, -cepeetfnllr, AL. aAtsioNsry of St. Joi

Vory nepectfolly,

‘Your nbodicnt servant, ULLEAM GURNEY,

Colonel 221th N.Y. Vir Cousmoeiing Post On tho recvipt of the co:respoudancs Botn gen Colonel Gucuy sn Rey. A.W. scarilell, General Hatch issued the “oulowlag onde

Goveral Orin—No. 29,

Hurequserins Nomex Dnerhucr,

TxesNatSST OF UE SoCH), Shytaraute Toy, Ayal 2, fd at thes

MAMSHTAI.L. ‘pel, Luampsteni.

Ut bes been reps Riv, Alor. We Mar Tenet ashy bat tte fi The nerasisloa of ie ety by the Unive | Staled ta omittal the precerd fee Us Mrosideny of tho Unite Fonte Tu a written enmimuinieation efdressed. 9) thio com auntor of bv porvor(marlestan, he sivies tha payor for hie {eoaitont ot so United Stevo p.witical p i Ty hy stirs tose hatred jhaw Nobu) monk Dayton Ue! tines OF ces ayiny, ort Bo furblelio Lo eave te oly of Chaviecwadueng tea useopation by tho Clea Staten treops wtaunlite goruisna ef de counmadar of the @iatrick oF depart.

ta surtuer-ordcesd thot ie nerves “five ed to La neo of tbe Untied stain fe bad chapel thy BAgviicr Uoneral aA woe cunsidcred wm wseiny to

y bo can: vOrAT Ol

the svegsecabion Soran |yplag paneer is whe


Ly ot tormforaa the mnilibary & UF Iie alts sreaho we rsa


Hion of his disloyalty, will subject them toa Niko pentah- mak Hy command of Brigadier Geeoral JOON P HATCH. Linxseu 8. Peruy, Avsdstank Adjutant General,

MILITARY ROP Sinco my last the expoiillon of Goneret Potter bas ro- tumed. A very lance autount of proparty wos destroyed, Inclaiing thirty locomotives bolouying to tho South Carolina Hallroad. Since tho rveunptlon of hoalitities tho qucrillas have agin Weenie troublewnme, Day Be- fore yesterday (bey woro reported a4 toaring up the rafl- road track six miles from the ety, asd a couipany of Infantry Wers Heat out to alton to them. Botihey had made good Uielr eoape When our mon ardyed Tho party was mali 10 number ol Another expedition ts on foot, of ¥ able to tell you Ja my Yiu OF HM me DRAM

4r, Simeon Drjwr, who arrived ho Hyer an adi chioroh yes

LT hops to bo 7

on Wodnostay, do: eforo tio coloxed popatition at Zion's Thery way, ado, a largo attendance


hited The adres wow coucdived in a Kind aad

ory epitit, anid hus won colton opinions for the speaker from the citinoas xenorally, Me alsa visited tho Public fehoots and nid eiiork atdremses to tho bite

dren Last eveniny the poot baud corhplimonted him With aserenade Today ho aesompuinted Goncral Mates and stali, Colonel Gumoy and etait and m Inrgo party of the officers, Jaties and elviliauxon an eycurion around tho harbor andon a visit to the fortifigitions. He. ro- turox home on tho Arago tomorrow,


Air. D.S. Codaington, Senator from Now York, will deliveran oration before the eltfzon of Cuarteston daring tho coming woek, on the death of President Abrabam Lircoln.

couuno 1OMK ovAuD, ¥

A great war meeling of the colored population for tho PorFosa of forinlag a new colored regiment for home dofeuce, Is to be bel at Zion church, on, Tuonlay, 2a prox. Colonel Hutebins, Hundred and Fith United States colored troops, anil Mnjor M. R_ Delaney (eblored) One Hundred and Fourth United States colored troopa, ‘and others are ounounend to addross the micoting.


Quite a Jango number of parolled robel officers and pri- yates from Loo\sariny hayo arrived hore. ‘hoy are all unanimous in desliring tho war at an end, and that they are opposed to anyibiog like gucrilla warfare,

Cusnustox, & C., May 1, 1805. R470 TATE HAD,


By an onler of Roar Adusral Dalilgron, leued on the yt of tho news of tho monlor of Pr alt the yossola of tix equMdrON NOW Wear thle eolors at

Laalf-inast, AML the off

cil will continuo to Ho eo until further onlere. rs nleo Wear cmpe Tue REM Rasy Katee,

Tho rebel ram Columbia, whieh wa erogls uear this elty, nd tbe bac

05% ov monk Iu Magnolia, Of which wan Ext to.

Tayo been brokon, has, Uhraysh the exertion: of 1 {enant Commaudor Fi. O, Matthews and those asso WIG him, eon got afloat Abous tWentyeflvo foot of the Umbors below the water Jive on tho ptarboord #te ace.

broken Ip, cuttin’ Aho | Injuries ary not rent, of all tho rebel ran } North fo thre

Kea b he }4 valuable ¥

Hy; Wnt othermius bor jel—the bast —and will be realy to proceed


Tron. Gi} Seerolary of tho Navy, i hourly expected hero in the Santiago de Gaba. Auymlnte of so¢- eutcen guns vill bo fired on bis nrrival Dy the Tascarors, Pawnee, Eaatskill, Passaic, Jolin Adams, and other payal vessels in the harbor.


The Aret round irip from Charleston to Havana and, retorn, made by any legitinato vessel cinco the occupa- tion of Fort Sumter by tho rebel forces, was completed by tho steamer Mary Sanford, which reached this port on Sqturday Ins, after an unusnally rough passage, She brought us passengars Finet Judge Advocate Charles Condy, of fe state or tie Cokes Autom ‘JH. Culver, of the flag steamer Vhiladelpli'x, “Her oficers are as follows:

Acting Master—2. Kemplon, comioanding.

Executive Opficr—Heary Pease, Jf. p.fating Ensigns—George W. Tebic, Jou Owens and D.

“eting Ausletont Payinacter—Coorgo K. Mscell

Engisvers—Acting Second Awsistant, Charles 0. Davila; J A.A. Odoll, 7, Stinson and


‘Surgeon's Stocart in Chargs—Nbrain 7. Suirtusr.

Poynater's Stecort—Williass J. Clarke,


Nothing could exceed the transports of Joy wah which many of the rebels sill hers reculved the Intolligeace of the sssussiration of our patriot-murtyr-Preaidwat. Wo- wen soluslly foll on thetr Eases and fuanked (od for It a0 “crowning mercy.’ But the sudden arrest of ex- Governor Aiken and others, sho, though lately loud ia their professions of Unionin:n, are foand to Dave beon Very decply Interosted to blockade rauning, aud otber movements of stmilar oten, lave cansod thes blatant applauders of asassina to resuine a Loss offunsive as poet.

A bau feeling has thus hse erated arnong the olficer of the army and novy, many of whom would now ho glad to ruze Charleston to thd ground.

News from San Francisca. MILITARY PROTHOTION "fO TEAVERLES—ani OF DISLOYAL VLESONS—MONUMPNT 20 Wt. LIN- UOLN—RECEUPTS OF WOLD AT TH: MLvT, ETO. Ax Frascreco, May 3, 1635. & Genes! McDowell js moving several companies of troops for the protoction of the land routes to,Iéaho, slong which the Indians nro troublesome. Statlons will stablisMed at ccntra) points of Northern California aud Nevade. ¢ Cavalry will patrol protecting the roade A large emfcratlon tofidaho fx zotlcipated.

Beveral more airesis Lave beon miailo of persons tu anil Nevada for rejoicing at tho death of Prest- dont Lintoly. A consideniblo auinber of these fonds raz.

Amovement has Leon étnrtod iy tllacity for dollar subscriptions to a fad fora teylimonial to Sra Lincoln Itis also proposed to bulld s monumer® to Sie. Lincola’e memory.

The rorcipte of trenruire at the tnint for the Inet ten dys were abou! thirty-two (housind ooncrs of gold aud twelye thousand ounces of silvor.

The Hoard.or Supervisors As consideriug the rezohation for asking adthority from the Lyjielntury (o ve tho gov- ernment one of the city squares for a wow taint Uoilding.

Salled, steamer Constitution for Panama, with f large uomber of parsengers for New York an] $264,000 In koh, of which £267,000 goes to New York.

}Arrivea, oblyy Pazauna, fun New York Marine Asutca. DADOLL'S Too THUMIEE FOR NANWAGARHET—


Wo learn that arrongemunts lave boon mals fo phiee (up of Dabol’s fog trumpety, 24 worked by an ehgliteun- nelealoric engine, at Leaver Tail Ligmhours, Roeds Tstand.

The goverament at one tinwe Wan a pleam whistle there; Dut, as fate esto at most lguthoase sinttons, eva is not a practical Taotor.

From tho scocere which haa altended Daboll’s fog trumpet, az Workell by tho cilorio enjine, we have reazon to antieipate The mote Lenediclal result frora lus wes to commoner end paviga\iou for all fyture time,

Foreica governments, however, hare dae much more fo develop this Inveation thou our oF government; and | his fact evcuns a very etranzo one, since We iavénion i | purely American, Even the Fronch government haro

| Ioturmed 2fr. Daboll recently, tal, trom coral ex | periments mado by tho’ - functor General of | iknthowsesy tiey are smataGel that the srdtpee

Shperice sdvaniagva ovr any oUier form of


fignala (or (og alarins) ent his 6 fast boning te pop Ube oigion among eelectite 1. vt haw ston

Early Hook iu appropitation wea tear by the Con. reso 1'00 fora ton tonal st sendy Hooke Eo/ soxaral iio Aecautles which gan be arHiod OE Row

to Wart ell abel med, wlll nod tbe goes

Se ths tabs wise mie ay of

WECe aus ailite uwwaty four jack estar fog tm Pela tctoas reomiuly ordered hy Abo Nove ss ate auihorts bo Hiatitex, Wo ddproce incacalably peachela! to tho: cccimeme of the whole world, ard a probention to life AMT Sroperts At eta The cena ts auspiclobe for sow Sxrying forsert tia tniportn eploryias Will not tbe Peyer authorities Lake unmediate wchion ta als matter?

Eric Canal Navigation, Auaanr, Maz 6, 1865, Yothics of moment deing Two boalo aro yo fram Fort Vain and Poltonvillo by the Erie canal, wih 6 car- kp of eersatea Uiocsand buviiels of oats and ttre thoa- tapd Oye hundred of mall, bot nomad to New York

not “Tne peopl


Prosident Johnson’s Proolama- tion in Canada.

Letters from William , Cleary, Bey- erly Tucker and George N. Sanders,


The Acsacsin Booth’s Canudian Conversation, &.

&o., &a,

The Tetal of tho Conupirators. Wanttarron, May 6, 185.

The trial oF jthe ferrin» will commence hero voxt week, ani, it {* generally understood, on Monday, a- though cireumstancoe may compels peaponomicat catit the middle of the week, The court will be well relected, of gentlomen of superior ability, and the (rinks wil bo rapidly pushed forward. Extensive orrangements bare been made by tho government fer tho reportof the Proceedings, six stenographers being engaged, Its eup- posed that tho trial will take place at tho Arsenal, at the foot of Four-and-a-Talf street, whore the assassing aro now In custody closely gaamlod by a rogiment,

Manifesto from George N. Sanders and Boverly Tucker.

APoTHEAL, May 5, 1805, Geono N. Saniterwand Beverly Tucker aro out with another manifesto to-ulay ailiiressed to Androw Jobnron, In which they acenso him of “a hellish plot 1 marter tholr Christian President,"” but give no particulars. They agro? to go to Rouxo’s Point, or Romo ator phice, aad bo tried on tho ebargo mado in the Pronident’® rorent pro- elamation, if the Unitod Staten government will pay for Tholr deena and yuarantee their eat Letter from W. ©, Cleary.


Tonoxn, OW, May G, 1805. W. C, Cleary, ono of tho parties for whom Mrorltant Johnson eMfura a ronund, publisbes n loltor that there Ii

not pattiold of truth fn {lio s/atainent thnk he concerted and Incitod theawarinition ef Vrosiiont Lneoks, and To asserts thst he know wotbing whatever of fc LN AC bad heen comnro\tted.

‘proek rust Ho olAli

Tohuyon has yai0d ¢

vil) tha whole coutthent evidonce tint the wameitation of Mr, Llucoln, pint the attempted Allon uf Mr, Sawar, wr? platted deren Jeterom Davie Veveltont of the Southern eon: fee Clemente Clay, Jacob Thompson, George N. Sanders, Baveny Tookoe and William €! Cleary, bow ur recently Confederate refuges In Canada, and offen Jaro rowanlé for the apurehensiod of those porsons within tho. torriorg at dhe United State Ths Met inclider the imoet Relive and wotorioas

» wDl to have

Ne, but oF (wo united 6 this ‘country, will awalt with ihtense the ubreloptient™ OC the uvidence upon whleE, ie United States government liv acteil. OF the nix pereons for whom We rexards are offered the principalone, at all events prety cerlally within tho tervtory of ihe Vnion. ‘The Tatest. report respecting ira is that, on the famhullina, he was at*Yorkville, South Carolia, with, General Stonemon's cavalry in eloso pursuit. Clay—he o resided ab St. Cothariies for atime, and who ga ‘Young his tnstraciions—was, we beliove, at Ist acon! reported to bo in Richmond, 'whlls bic colleague Thor, 00 Was aid to havo started {ar Europe. George N. San- ders, the gentleman who boasted to Mr. Sala that tho confederates wonld comunit atrocities which woukl make Eoropean elvilization shudder. was yorg recentt in Montreal sending a charactoristle letter Lo a Now Yor! papor. Mr. Uoverly Tacker was in the same city aa Intely aatho 25th cit. Tho Jast of th six, ir. W, C. Cleary, said to have been clerk to Mr, Clay, was indicted hero a'short tho ago, long with Clay and Thompson, for ‘8 violation of our neutrality laws A fow days since bo surrendsred biranIf to the authoriiles, amd ball was ne- copted for bis appearance. whon reqstind. Clay, Uleary und Sanden are, therefore, probably In this couniry ab the prevent Utne.

None So Blind us ‘Those Who Won't See, [Ervin tho Torouto Teasor, Say 4.1

0u the protext ty ont Davi and i nome Soothern 20 lng in Canada Inelted rot ander of Me, Kincoln, his meceseor—the

Proildent Jotnien—today rer a heavy those heads, duit by tbe Joenotlye of biood capuare of

That Presflont David or auyvof thore mentioned proclamation pabltahod fu our telegeyphie columnd y had any vullty keowledgo of the rmurder, no samo side OF ti States belleven; and 1¢Uh re is jexeo to aupy charge, tt 18 doubtless of no.

Jeo up

money hounds bls creatures to the ebavs a1 thou,

ler valuo What Hat pou whieh the Giend dary

this elty y itor case—the stato Tachla of creatures imho Ay to eneor fo anytuing for which they may be yald Atany rata the Waahiag:

ton Suthorities bave not pabliahed the evidence they they possess, and anil it female kuown no one will be Viove that Ls UNG tostiinouy of credible wilwonsee Ehoald the effect of "Andy’! Johnson's yyroclaination bs fo inloreapt tho parsago wi Mr. Davis from thy countey, and should be on a faluo proteuco bo treated with Indig- nity by tho federal gorcrnment, @ feeling sould bo. Tralgeil against ft ywhlel If 1% 18 wise It selll not oudoavor to selte. To perscoite a dsfvatd coo 1s tow cowardly an fact to yin muci appcobalion in this age of ety liza dad would be mors linpolitic than any extravagance rulers at Washington could Tus into.

Convicted Out of Théfr Own Mouths. {From the Montreat Herald, May 4.) SUR:ATY.

The follomicg paragrap)» respocting tbls persia appear- ed yesterday In the Montrcal Gisele—

sia ta theauly of (be Canadiia roopi b tse

jana to anor the fade Mt In Coding out ths tact a tas eat folly whieh the bow oe re Hes ar the cust of wnunm taxs teyuiin ob chit hai. Toten polos vo plete tor Miacecun. ‘there can be 00 Heond oinelon venoeve lc “Hvaaet bee aged cu spien. Gilerenmang Me suihi rn. veiasen we eReIh reyule ork Gore bofore we belersit. Wr nitach Wwelght 10 tke ste dient wleh Tria ber entra Lara (o ut as to bie Teuee ofany aurh cousplea sy; otal had Wiuce been ais OF Ue Batuge allrend, le wonkd Lely Larusuanl of ie Th aiicer, Ma Bowburn ernie ryt alahaynigathy with sae Tavon aa tanignaniy ma soutd any waa Who [Wes Yaa Ts Uncsiry iene wey werueatloie agaloas a clase oF yeadiones without apradeauon.

When @ few dys azo we datos, on jufurrnaifon whieh

now here.

was of publi cherscier, wapportul however by. Knowledgo of some Tuts which wo dil notand bare

nos made public, tbat ihe wseusin, of supposed wxauslD, aut mude tits way to Cabal, It Was oad by dr content perary, We think, (st wo were conjuring up fietuns for: tho: puspoee of Creating Ul feellny between Wis coun! ard tbe United sates Having, (ortupataly: fe ou peixes, ho Sriemds who ere Uxely ty be ceqouinted with the wherehouts of A mardarer without Unuging him Inaiuntly (0 junto, Wo could nol pretend to teat toll mato kngaiowga of Whe truth wiled wo readliy imagined Mas open 19 the Glued’, provided only that there war uo object in decniving ite condcelors. Hot we ust ey Mal the yorsistency with whic ma foutliern organs ere havo every frst connected witht tho plas! Gentrired within our territory ‘until tbo trutl wpe ton glaring. to mske it Inpossbls Jonzerito refusn to.belicye, allorda great room (0 doudt olther their parmplearity of their (ruihfeinces Thack treme anxiety mapiteriod by our eputerapamay 10 tayo ‘bis Sonthern friends enw (oun 1, 10 dow, Taxdable unough Tn its wiy’s Dut thy constant xeturu to. Uroramb object, when bo Individuals havo been ye la- dleated 23 special nutyccts uf suspicion, looker Wika m norvousne”)as(o tia tril, Whidll ike other kinw of eotlscliricur ss, TAKE Fepone 10 Ite AG rralser ul weasan Ie te fort as likely this plank sbyatd Lo concocted Suropa glsco ay im ahulbvethek Were #igstd Lo Yin Fuloes sacpg a) cortain’ number af peceuun

Guais om ehowheré Why, they, ibs. fro qaea: rollersilon Of conviction tat oa wt a poly of man, moit of whom cro wal kuowa

to Leve been plotting for two oF thigoe s ears OAK t per form exploits comlsnsed dy all reunwable porous,

sihere cam bave been nous whe have dabbled fu iuis lact

and grialét crime? Wo irpea the extreme naxiel Aus exhibited mat precced tgpra’ someting mua agl. tating than a steady talth i 1% eatetenta walch :he yeriler woald bare Believed. Now, wasn the provabllity Trtha the secteod has conllivad Ls axe hie eco pn tar yend the cbatca of purni:, the Guee an\nowielges thatho bss Son bore. In iiero any doubt thet, if oo, bg cung 0 friceds, receiyece wulcome Thyra (cera om

Nis arrival std a Gon spordl at Nia parting? Wora. ui Tennis j, OF IC nok then of what other nation: ality Were they ot wenoqeorles, at Teast fo aewmritd of a Kini! whan. or 0 nilty with tho. principal, and abject to tio iat ment? What aye Hinemnect hon ‘wh itover given 0 a telon, to: | hinder purohended, tried Or wumoeiny punts By u Aho praletor an a sory. We tmazine Hat ho ongweo Nel eves tho Gu-vte well Inforsaedt am bo The fre Burratt wax foro will doubt that ho must

Rave gE JEL sueT nccewaries as these—men who, If Key Wi DOE Radi of and tnetisare the intirder and ot terapted Manler at Washington, wero Goteo horrfert ab

thowe eff) OF lo bo prey uted by thelr foathing

Um HORT RTERI MIG any AM}oy sho eeliMiat. Seon Unio tab Ob eelMoye ie ie nok yea that which incat. bee Wing lo DY) Aseemory b fore tho fact: and when wo have ote msc Dalar of an eccurreoee hich @ peer cv hlahty yest Ure

ONT EE i UAW EON Le extn caher

ches (OpTOMALly atest 10 t0 vive no opis fu to INDY MFO NE Wa atten option. =e yoay bo that Ho ono FRETS F vow anyIM IU OF Wo Wanlorbatore It

(OOK PHOTOG Wo Kr DO NOY Gare tO know, ot aii. hava by wios0 Tnleeven' ion aan all Wt peed teow Uniy ells Int

ee UO Botte way tho Tue Hoon Here, “wiles: ho mMeroly Prevail un. with throupie ticket, madeloge tiwwell Kaos Mb one In Whilel easy tho ono wONTH RAM uf

hie Ajore co Ne he dont thie here are among vn part Tn this grat OH} tLe Para AWNLEN (hole OP no» exo be eachen wo have ol enibladied mMelentty: to onabl6 ve tn peonuanen An

OPINIOT HUM AP Tho xtiiihion treaty appl

Ato Pee

onw euilly Of eflinies Wen tive eriory nf Gio United Sinton Ahi ErinInGL courts GANGarily: enh outs deab wits offene GAIBILEM Wit tholr Jrmuatictions but it

eons Hardly porwibls, 1 tt bet Thay aecorrariés among 0% tha ‘Called tates witt reek pti) they elfort Le eerare Coir punieament. ; A Proper Thotnkes

roin the Toronto Globo, May 4.)

Wo think the Mon! Ouceke la ubuccerarily tndig- ant owwrtle rport recently telographed from Wash. ington Lo Harlington, to the effyct that another raid, to ovfetoge gt carla alt Had Bean planged. Tae tlory

true or hot Arie—of that we know

Totbing: Dut Coat the putt condcet ot Southern versoeen ‘oulapfavantellier them or (uel Dorom fends inthe pres om king ombrage at he Inslnoetion common nso det Nay poaitbly, ba au tho Galle kaye, “dat tho Confederates felt tn Canada aro Nying here ‘vory quietly,’ that they havo no Intention of violating our Lay fe

hat Mie femesu lun 0 gOveRIMenL of tho. HAVO exhauinted every

Wwklbg ah Ungenorour advantage of our Liespltallty, Wo hope this ts the case most soc rvly. None will be better plesied with tethag we. Gladly wouid Wo feo thor Southerners who aro Among. ws vetting sown abibgooa\ing good and loyal rubjeta of or Quepa, Bot really we do not naierstan i hove ii, pobor orlousiers Wee crn be WeKGHL Lo take Ab for. grantert that they seilk do f, Witholibona Vite of ovidence, and fi the fare of the Teconl WOM Wikiesto# 10 eroDply gxolust thon. A AE Atating Mumm out ttiak thy oblate contained tn tho Nhclieg ton eee) Is TALS, Wo Rall ba quite Ineapablo OF CoH MOM VEAL udignation oywe fk Let us tool Tee nUIhe TUE The LiL Hot Neyorit thu rvcoltees oC mag Whew.the Hop. Jolin. Macdooald was rule DY AD Gaxeke an Kivdeed webs for believing In tho pPOUUMIY of koni. Tho say) AUViiy MAPSIDS, absurd; "ho tavonth Ketone npy IL GHiMLs, who, fiuine noting Nise fay HNMR Ao plory. fo prove himeelf at I Huy MDE Hus Alo won” Rut Wy-audby, fe all that, ra ihe qulUl wod law abi lcponltlon oF tho Confiatunite refiners, malin eine. “Cuda peopta ou Wh Vola ttia Gage? e Weed Up AYE voleo Fo foudly when Ci WO act, UL, MATOrKNAL Ty, Hot hoforw the WOH MANHecn ‘sons wisioh a Ne tees Toit Hn not HeVINKAMADLANE avo averted. AW Inoy eppaart Vat Rig Oo uri reatoe ynce a thot uo OFODOINLS In thin unovinte were ple Falls G Mo Talwwcence or refuges Weslgar, these Fofiiyeea Mion oaively bat Lobe agalutit the Unltod: Slates THAy hid a decrodlted uvont hare Inthe Forvon 6 VIS ADIL Movar. Jaco Lioapaon and George Ne Saliders enneanytliIng botlar Or sors, tho eommicn to Hof ta te pinyince i vor” tar from tho truth. Yeti, befrira Mie ngowal wis made thas My. Clay Had issred in

As any sationa of 1! Past fovr months of lis conver, mut be of

Mio SL Albans mil, a eipyestion Lo that Uliored, What w 'lowjet of Indigostion hi, to bo « gal, When the Alien

BM, (ho Zel-grvy oyonlg edition of

[Gace lo—urced thal }t was nancceszary, bo SMAiny en among tho Ffugees hero’ had Ashugosel¥en that uo worm oxpeditions against the athe atiould bo ploited ou Canadian poll. ‘Tho ayo personal knowledge of this od Ik meq roliable acsuranco to (ho Iw of Canada. Strange, then, 1s it ast fow days fants wower quo rk ae

Wsveloped jn the Goorglan care


our Ditton (i ‘ormation regarding tho action je murdoror of President Lincoln, during the

pesto} ler. ‘est to the poblic, Lbave thonght proper to furnish you ‘with a fow reviluiscences of an evening I spent tn his conpany same fury nontbsago, Bince the occurence of the Vragleevent T ave foreborne any alluwon to the facts here stated, eltier io public or confidentially, although tho ounouncemant of the rounler, associated ‘With the name of Booth, recalled vividly an interview ‘well nigh memor nl almost every word ullered the cecaslon recurred to mini as fresh a8 « rocollec- jou of yesterday; but now that the mlzgalded ant wretched man has'mot Bis doom, a rtatemcnt of tho clr. cumstances can affect moshing nor misdIrect the purrult oftjuntice. On an evel ng during last fall, Tbolleve in the early part of October, Lwas introduced ta J. Wilkes Booth at tho St, Lawrenes Hall, in Montreal, and in dulged in o frienMy contest ot billiards with Nit, in the saloon of that establishment, which was continued tow Jate Hour in tho ovening. My apponent seomed to havo Deon Indulging frealy i aitmulantn not appearing vo be Intoxicated at all, Sat Cremetnber that the wandering ebaractor of hls bonversation, and tho wild \eaa he expresed, trick me at cho timu ns indicating rather Im- modemain Wistipation and a slight menial derangesnont or. excileimenk In tho course of the recroation 6 peculiar nl! Upery fromm him a rsunurke tonching my” partially for tw "pockats,!” and the ipon a mudden thought sweimed wo tath’ upon bis mind, and, falsiog hin eae, fr continued In a maungr somewhat excited he Yon know J have got tho shurpost play tald ont drer dono fa Amorien? L-can tag tho -bigzost wand thle ride of ——; Just romwmt-r my” aires Foul) hear of double ‘earoin ono of theso daya” 1 Wile regard (o bla rewurks atthe Uno, supposiag indo pros od feats tiv ordinary fallacy of a person In bis condition. 10th) of the evening sume allusion occurred ta the Pres musa then prugreniug i the ulled Stave Booth evemed to Lo tuipleed wil reat feollog on tho eulyect, and, atnong other observa. tiouseeld, “It mul damped tuo dijerouce, head oF tall—Abe's contract was nearly, up, and y/hether Glecudor vot be wanld got bie gouse cooked.” At one Howe my opponent, Iu a Jocular turn, clapped me upon dhe shoulder, with’ this remark:—“By —, Like your Catadiaa stylo; Liust post mysolf In Canuck alra; for syne of us evils zoay have to wottie there ahortly."* Those renarks fornied bo small portion of tho conversation Of the nvening: Dasa recall them porticularly ss prova- bly loflcating desiynx Men entertained by Booth, and the ae Wich In thelr execution has eo rece nily startled the world. My impress! of Booth were that he waa a Young men of means, given too ga ing He, wud iiiat ds maldes was nob calculated to ‘Chettn zaleh Mlb yore {he xphore of a feastonnblo blage in sockety. ‘The Plutifraphs comjaonly elreulate et presont are ol. Eoeilp very correct, us Woy serve to replace bin nppear- co? ou that ovonl very vividly in tay wisd We jatted nt the hotel at the conclusi¢n of our reerenttoa, Tuld not inzo! hiv al ; but I wall remember darens, a8 he suggested, and boliovo that ua L can cotaundhend tha character of the “doable carom” «oa. terplafod by my friendly opponeat om that evening, Fondered werucrable in iy experiaace ot billianie

Subseriptions to the Governsacnt Lonn, Privsonuiess, May 6, 1846.

‘Thi wouteeriptions to-day to the coroo Uiirty Loon, as telerrapied (o day Cooke, the sutveripticn oxent, were $7,497,150, including $200,000 from tho Third National Bank of Cineiauatl; $180,009 from Chicago; £200,000 from thie First National Uank of Syracus, $100,/0 trom the Firat Nations) Bank of New York; 097,700 frow the Ninth NaUoual Bauk of New Yoris; $109,000 from rows. er, Street & Co, of Boston. Tho amber of Individual subscriptions for anounts of $60 aud $100 was five thou- nd imo hondred and ten.

Coroners’ Inquests.

‘(Dre Para Rarxoan Ciavarry—Corener Gamble yee- terday held an Inquest over the remolon of the unknown wonan who was run over at the corner of Futy-Aith qrect and Fourth avense, on Thoreday evening, by a Inu of cars Dylongirg to Kho New York and Now Maven Keilroad Company, and almost jostuntly killed, as pre ‘visesly reyorted. It appearing that the ooccrrence waz tcHlental, © verdict to Uakeltecs was rendered by the Jury. Detceird vas about fifty-five ycaraof age, Ovo feck lp Welgut, slim bat!d, witht gray hair pud blcu eyes. ‘Soo had on 0 callou draw, v oollun feck and plid ebawl, (oareo Wableached cuder clothing, Woollen sjocklngs and {hjek ieatber euces

Dearn or Woernit Arracies Yesterday morpinz Witines Fotker, who for mony years past hed bea io charge 6, My dead house attached to. the New Yorke Hcc- phil, Al Jerite Geoghegan, gaiekeoper at the Doauo eek evpence of thot instttution, djed ia the beep! VW. Walker Inde loog beew evsiering from pelmouary diva, cot My, Gomhopan's death # ax tie rquil of ol Ry end fpeuersl broakdung up of ths epstemy. otis tha drcmaed partis bal been employed: the heeyila! for (eve oF ifleon years peak, Both nvin bed the res peek snl confidouce of Superiolendoat Roberts and cll the cher boej Mal of lab

Pronsixg Gk Ix 4 Tnewun—Conimer Gover yex- temlay Dold an i:queet on Use betty of Soloman Cohen, a°| vativn of Germany, eixty yearn of age, who wea drowned by accidentally filling into a vat of water In the brewery of Mr. donee L63 FIN sarvot. After falling Jnto tho

frat dep, decesoed mrcamed (ey valoiee ubssaue::

lL. Dp ; a e





The Necessity of a Resumption of rade with the South,

Tho Country Impoverished and tho People Starving.

Trude Kestelotions on Wancrossary Expense fo the Voverniment,


ko, kon &e.

Nr. Thomwae My Cools Dospate?

Timaoxn, May 3, 1935, spun 10 THAD


The opinion commonly cntortahied, boul hers mnt at tho North, i that the onder of General Halleck, po! Mahod “hy outhority of tho Proadent,!? removing all Festrietlon pon domoitie trado, virteally rales tho Blockade of tho port of Hiclimozil and all other ports in Virginin, and that henceforth all manner of goods, wares and merclionilise nov clearly contrabend of var maybe brought here for sale, Buch wes avowediy the Intention of tho ordor, but unfortunately the best {ntentlons a oftentimes defeated by unlocked for fhiterferen


Tho purpore of tho onder roferrod to was to Invite a Kovera! sl Ipmout to this latitude of all the commodities

FO. geuvrally moeded hore, Including provialons, clothlig, farm tmplowents, ees, machinery, ko. All Uhioso Uhinge are neodeM ore, AST have.

thown 10 foriudr communtentions, the polley of the gore ering Power In respect (0 tho conquered territory’ In to realoro It tomediately to producliyenoes aud prooplrity, ‘The government cannot underlake to food for any con. shlerable levgili of time the poyntation, for Kiehmond of Petorrhang, inveli lems the seattered yond ation fn the rural dlsteree back of hoa eitlon Nor te Mewecetrary that nhould, This region fs slandantly A016 to oustain Mteolf. SW bnt be noquires te that (ie faedlte Hoe ball ba given far tte eolfou

nee, of


THN PLCOVARUIIIMISS HF THE COE HOUND 2A Tho citles mentioned and rountyy aijacont to ox huustod of overything wearable or eatabte The tw nico? drafts ronitered tircnmary pon ean veglony for To nuppOre Of Tene army hos entirely exinustor (ho cnnntey, and Quorn 4 nothing Left elttior ¢ plant or weir At present the Uultel States comynbeary do: portent te aupplytog all te wants of all hie people. Te

HAL Continue so to vupple Uiele ownbe or doy ny

# tho palles

foro coodk comly fa tho region occupleat tn fanales of Uio Unite Stats hava Loan Ueonait hy ei fenil ollier anthiorived trailors, upon perale dsty poived by to inmediate edmiaaciter and th partment, upon Which tke Treasury Depart eve gated clearances Under this onler these permite anv not required and coorequentiy ore Bot given. Latin hele alwohon tho Treasury Dopart- ment declines to. Kivs clenranons, and herice the onan ba Worse than weer, Whereas formerly a limited émouot of foods, voll for wrmy and civilian consumption, have n Drought down, now nothin: comes. Tlie foull mnat Ne ina Jealousy of pomr or coulit of Jansiletion. ‘Aa Tupdermtand the care, the miliinry aushorities Base {hole ordor onthe: qrvunlly of a niilitary necessty, r=

quiring tho, Patents an ae ened ati anomie or ood 8a r im an¢ Tey tal

to give. & yoseisl: permit

7 fa tonaliie WHO ont wo bas iso ralsiy of tho blockade, 10 accormpllsh which the onk tho Presidents ‘and theretoro wilt

wuthority ty veatod in not permit tho shipment of gooda other than on epecal onters approved aa formorly.

Tt is exceedingly unfortunate that eueh @ confer should arlio at thie particular juncture, This community Js to-day livrally on'the verge of starvation. As General Ord remarked, 10 conversation on this sntject, unler the question {a pottled speedily we will be compelled to pay ten dollars per day for boanl. The hotels and Teetanrant keepors aro alrvady perploxed on this question Of supplies, while private fauuilles are reduced to the ‘most stringent emorgencien.


This Ison featoro of the case, Another feature fy ven ore aubarrussog, The fanning population can- not plmt unless they have seeds The planting searon Teopon us Tho aecda whould bo bers now, anJ the lin- plemonts necessary to prepare tho ell for theso soeds. 1f theve aro not obtainable speedily the State must be ieft ‘willioul a crop for the presont season, entailing endlvss distrers and privation In (he Immediate future.


Tullroad companies and other enterprises requiring tho ‘ewploy went of largo nuiabert of hupds ara compelled to KOspendoperations, bocaues of thelr tnabillty to furnish: knpplies to (hele eraployos. ‘Chis ie n ovr extloue mattor iit View of (i@alctrmination of the zovcrument, reconuy fanionteed, to these works, and Jeave them fo Uhovha tive companies. The vil resilun al ining ensue FFow ho eoagay vent I Lerruplion of these grvat channels of cormmucleston enn rearvaty: he natlinated

Tink that thi (tm subject callin for tho Immediate Inlweveullon of the authorities at Washington, Why not at ‘open delans formally hablockaie roiseit What xoald bo thoovil eC I Thera are no rebel arrolea in Virginla, or in fet anywhere das of tho Muskesippl river, that could be Henoltied by a free Introduction of sapplies Ow tho contmry, mich afreo Introduction woul Mustrate the Mberallty aad Lenovolones of the quvernment, and tond greatly to win ine aeotlons of the penple. The only re« Bult thas cau follow a poralstence I nt policy a starvation 10 Ue mass, OF ‘Treasury for thelr muppork

If Wo arguo that tho present distrers l4 the leyitinote result of rebellion, anil that it servia these people ngbl, how much better offare we? Surety no one will advocate tho polloy of warying a conqierod peuple oat of rereuge, for froin any otior 1iollve

Tfuiey, howarer, Wat itty only necorsnry to ventilate this muhject (0 prodnen the proper retoesly. ut it eboald bo borna (x mind that the remedy rou wot ealely bo de layed. {tk honld be yromyt ond [msaedia!

De. WiiMues If. Mervinin’s Deypatohes New Yong Hern Roo, |

Tusmpsp, Va, Mayd—A MY


Major. Genoral BO. © Ord, eccompsnied by Coptain Fred Sertla and others of Ls ata, loft Riebriond in the special ateamer Monobansott, nf Laglight this moraing, ostensibly for Forirees Monroe. The General would bare

Teft last eveulng, Vat for tho obstMetiols in the James

A despaich from the Scerotary of War, recolved here Jast eveulng, directs Genoral ILS Foster and General Harris, of the Twenty-fourth army corps, to report innme Ajately at Washington; and they will Ieave. swith th respective staify, fu tho course ofan Hoar, ou theutesmer Pierce, “Adialral"’ Ainsworth, fur Ha\upton Roads and the national capital.

Mijor Geuera! Jolin GibLon, commanding the Twenty- fourth army corm, proceeded to Washington Mejor General J, W. Turner, General Dov: General N. ME Custis are expoctod to Teave tecity to-day for Washington. Stlrring ovents oro at aii.


A Large aursbor of the fricuds of Geueral Charles Der- tos, assembled yeotersy at the Headquarters of Acting (er Gencral MF. Donohoe, commanding Second Think Wiesel Retin farm, oa the Rick pay thelr respects to thie distinguished off those present were Major General Turner. Gen Tal Garuig Colonel Edward W. snvlth, AL AL Ut U_ 5 ¥.; Caplan Fred Martin, eoluuel W. farmizly chief clerk of tho War De tn, Colonel Hf. T. Houohive, Teut bnvens, cominanding brigade; Tweltd Now Mavpsbire Vou Adjutant Geaeral: Captain J. H. Hecapytaro Voluatecrs,


on, Twenty-fourth aroy cory, at tie md and Peterburg pike, to Among uM.

T hivtu Verwcat Voluaiers, avain e

Kio Capi fuuitopal AMl-de-Camp, on duty {n anclster; Capua S011 Kelly, Ninth Vermonk Volbteers, Acany LesistaXt Jasyecior Genera\, Surgeon JL N. Sinall, Tout New Hampeliro Voluotvers turgeon-inchiat; Liediaaaak J- Wineb, Belth Sow Hampenire Volunteers, Actiog sono Quartermsacer, =

Ths reception wna a splendid allay, ard the erilences of tho respect and alfect onata regan entertained for tbe scostnpllshed General Wo was the chject of the Uber hospitality subenitted was alike gratifying to Bian end won eithor witnessed OF pariiespaterisa Me

ber of olileors wore prseat la 69 pamed rey\tuente:— With Barstand ae Vulismabure, Yau iL Goaneakicss Ys

i Leaeaire Ver

Staten Navy, wore jcuoain yeaterda Mili(ary Coxntnandant of RchinouL>

New York Wrmann Roose, Tuenwoxn, Vs Hay 5, 1624. "oC TW: ARMY Ov Tine sA\ren.

Tt tn now unilerstood upon anthority that sho Army of thy Jamo {4 to remain in Virginla for such mile (ary Purposes a may uve Hereafter to be eorapasscd.

Ok TRRETY-rIyTT comre tnt tho TWenty-anh army corps, Major General Codty Write emnmaniing, is to rendexvons permanontly at Qty Polat; and go into acamp of In. wtructon,

Teh eta


fu oxpectod to jus throngh Richmond today or to. moreow, Sovoral of Ur prominent generals, witl thele tye aay in tank real even th anes hy Mor Goneml Ord sas antiotpauad, and will yet pro. Uy ko pla whould the Gecrat rebara to tue eity tn

AYRE MILITARY ANmteat. ‘The Fourth rplinent Untied States Infantey—Goneval Geanva ol rogiment—arrived herw Last evenloy, under

onions (o ryport ta Helgadlor Goncral P. T. DeBh, woilitary counmaiter of Kicumond. 2 ( MOVUENTS OP GENERAL CURT.

‘Tho report vas current Jas night that General N, M. Ourtls of ort Flor fame, wos to be akslzned 40 the anil of Lynchibarg ond sneronnding country:

Lo Grand Ronedied formecty of the Army of iG ANY Of tho War Tpartment Kail, Waves Richmouid ile morning, after a twenty-four hour? visit

Goneral Jorsph B. Carr, commanting the devences of the James rivor, was in Petersburg yestertay,

Newnpaper Accounts.

Tho Richmond Waly of tho 4th statex that Robert O14, foto robot commissioner of exchange, and Wiliam HL Htehy, hiv nastatnat, and voveral other attaches of tho Bureiu, Nad been arrested on an order from Washington, Upon ® eliaryo connected with tho xdmintttration of } alfair dayoleingy upon thet. onwwe Plerjont 14 experted tn Richmond in the Hoxt Le daym Sovoral othior governs are expected to sorompauy him,

TH emanelpated wogroos, Ik ls wala, each taken Lorse

or frou tholr formor mastors, carry theta to Rieh- month aud eall thei. An onlor {rom General Halleck allows all persons, without regard to rink of employment In tho evil or IAS aHKiee OF he 1b Teb:l government to take {ho ninnoghy oath, and will recaive the corerpoading cortiGcate ‘Those oxeluded from the benelt ef such

oath qin mike application for pardon and restoratlan to

civ righ, whieh

wariled to 1 hw

plications Will be reeked aud for: ingle for he action af the ¥r ‘Nplox tho face (hat each pry

Of sto Unto

VoNinuily poms forward and txgca tho on Rance Will lx evidonor oF thelr lav ation to HlvLwa of loyal citizons, and eonstitnto nelala for Exech tye ch lb had arrived In Richmond.

0 of Tho AFAY of tha Votoms reacted \tnn olioator un tho dd, froin Uily Polat enroute cor Washing (ou, Tho heavy’ equipinonte aad paraphienatis yo by wal,

AL War dhought thar both Wragé and Hampton accom: Jue sTel), Davia for parce unknowa, the latter 10 ¢ow Haan oF (i wecort PAO ITNT OVYLULLL (eon


Iivond Whig, May 2 Most of tho proninynt vfticialk wad ctivens df Richmond hove ciken the oath of allegianioy to tho United Staten RorHrMMeBH, Ao hers kw Very acral dispenition omong Hho tite of citizens to follow thelr example. Among thosa who havo salecribel to the cath aro Joseph Mayo, Mayor.of Niehmoud; Judge Willam H. Lyons,

ge of the Mustings Court; Ditleton Tazowell, Prose” outing Attorney inthe xamo'court; Thomas U, Dadley, City Sergeant; Jadge Merolith, of tho Chrealt Court Hicbroond; 2. T Aylott, late’ Vrosecating Attorney of tho Confedorato Stater District Coxrt; Joseph R Ander. kon, propriotor of the Tredegar iro Works; William Bi. ‘Macfarland, President of tho Farmers’ Bank, and others Jon promivent. Physiclans, lawyers, and ‘professtonol inen generally, with somo ‘few exceptions, have taken the oath and resumed tho pructice of their professions. We have no date ujon which to calculate the number of nth adimln\stor


ru Me

The Sixth Corps Occuptes Dan- ville, Capturing a Large Amount of Stores.

General Sheridan Ordered Back to Petersburg.

Ropairing the Railroads Diverging from Burkesville, Key

key he.

Mr. 5. T. Bulkloy’s Despatchos. Hrapacancins, Auer oF sue/OrONAG } Humuovies Jusenox, April 28, 1568,

ite GIXTU OMEN OCCUPMES DANIEL m win received [ast ulght from General Wright, cormansling tho Sixth eorps of the Army of the mic, fran Danville. His advance reached Danville at G45 yorlenLay moming, making a march of mere than ono Hundred miles in four days. He went Into ‘caunp one mile beyond the town.

CAYTORE OF A LAWX QUANTITY OF rRormsTY. Ho captured m largo omount of property at Danville gad on (he route, including thirteon locomotises, one hundred aud oeventoca box ears, ikon work for ten thoa- tad sun¢kets, all (he ronchinory captured by the rebela 1 Harpor'e Perry, and five hundred prieoners,

“GRSEMAL MEADE OFETH NB ECHIEUOR OFFERS. Two telegrams had bocn recelved by Genoral Meado, from Danvillo, before the arrival of General Wright. Ono was from the rebel Colonel Withers, and tha othor from General Lomax, requesting General Meade to etop the Sixth corps ag the arraistico botween Generals Sher- yonn ond Jobnaton had been resumed. General Mento replied that bo would stop the Ststh corpa when ho received orders to that eect from his superior officer. Selther of there olflorrs were fourd, bor thelr comma ese ibn pra ef Gensral Wily eo el prency (toy wished to dolay car troupe to Tactitate the cecape of Jobaston. i


Gevbral Sherldan with tho cavalry Ie at Abbeville, west the fonetion of the Stavotou aod Dan rivera He wes anble to cross the river for want of pontoon b

awaltlig thelr arrival at that potot A. pont eae Wile ara prefoviy_ nose RU to-day, Tio Will reqamo his march towards Danville.

Tmmidiate rteps will bs taken to open the read from Here ta Danville nnd isn to Lynchbarg. There aro two Drldgen destroyed on the Dauville read ond aboat the mazyn nurabor betwoen hero cud Lynebturg. Colona Duan, Chief of Kogineers (or the Army of the Pofoma: With ah cscort of forty men of tho First Messucbusoit eiyairy, started thly morving for Lynehborg to ascertain tho amount of repairs necesswry to pat the road tn run- ning onder.

‘ux: KILLUST OF Boor. The nows of tho killing of Hoot tn tho attempt to caplure Lita reacted hero yesterday. Disappobtment felt thn! the hangman Ws tire deprived of dolng tho last oifiogs fo the inurderer of tho Presideat Hnanrarrers, ADIT op Te Péroxac, Mennsrran Jescrex, April 29, 1565. sire wpars‘or wanLs0ADe he Rictimond and Lyovbbang read! is rapldly bolng plated to ranning ontor, eod, 1 2 expected, will bo in Fouimess for use tn tho course oF awock: "The South- ido raaltwhich was malo Barrowor t Ot tho caugo of our carr, lefo lo placed Yack to tho ald'gnuge. As goon cectatren dasa’ eanplios €aa D8 procurnd im'idvance the nbe commenced, This will givo us the uso of

aoe erie ok receulls eaphured from tho enerns. Muu runoif cruaoirs. in shor time from Danyillo aud Tychbong to Washfngson, Wa Riclpowd Lymn pUiAN CH KWD TO RETURN. To PETRRTT.

Tian Tue news of Who suracder of Johnston's ary Goda Shundan, who. was with his command wt ABbe- Vilivon bis way to Danville, was ordered to return to Peurburg. 5

Tie eTSTIE COMTS xo ERNE AT RANVIER, Gonsral Wrgu, With tho Sisth corps is 10 relbaln at Danville. ? National Past Day iu. Massachusetts. Hostos, May 5, 1568

Te accortance with tho pzvelarantion of Pregidcat Jeto- eon, Thuroihay, the fst day. of Jung Das, Den ayptuted by Governor Auda fora day’ of KigniUakiow aad prays In Mumnchwtis, onevoant of the drazh oF Abrabaa Linccla. 2

85, 00678

FI. 2009

Now Yr


Y, MAY 6, 1354,

A ov —--— _—S=- =. se INANCIAL Al JMMERCIAL. Taietipeituz trade with Ponthom porta, acvniding Wy tt: corpmiins {Camome Hark Fate (07 ¥aterzt9. so Prine, Aarua, 26 tory ec ORR, Ape sm rary ote or Fae . SFINANCIAL., fl F + | aye recont onder OF Progen: Sotinzon a Free, he amgises ova inte ne tae ¥, pms Sew Ortecng 2 day with | Noor fe ‘Bark Whar asd Load gunk. | Bay OFPICERS WILL GE LIWRRALLY TREATEO ' “Oo paKoRY Deanery, May 1, 1agy. [OP Fs on pH im Forays ie oir, Us Wales Barca Keyitt NYore nogomeer De) teu, da ene AP tether require osslstanes Im cinsing ihete ond Friar, May 66 P.M. Ta onder Wo carry INU) titel the Exoraen nage | treat larennT, (9. Hh. potushan ant DA libea, totsera, | tare Union fal Hertewick) Ulners New Orica, 1Siboye | HCH 2 ts Reals, do for Windsor, NB; | Rapow and qzariernaner acoanla, Cartiteales of on to soe nock market has Deon vory dulllto-day, the aneer- | tases Apri 29, 1306, deting tke ramaval af rwen, | ON ativale tenn ant syne meanirenn goals 216; | Mintel PSSM hrpualfcanacf Rumore:eehre Jolin Yarths, | Avoumeclccatauscwed. - to nGOW yA d vat onsateelen iran | pe pw. 0,200; va e rel “0 og Fe ere ra 1 Reed x ‘ark place ‘alnke atucating tho operations of the bull and boar | Weds nhon interns immpsiicaal Cowal arn | Hank on wiwats sone in rvarion amos A Thremen | Boog a Wii Merton St Dantay: Delos Wa BS TiS Woaders ia Eno haviag the effect of soml-paralyzing epe- | Zyyth Carviioa, 9d with ap'h parts of the Soe oF ciaar Fie ta RTO Sts Ra Ae a | ford, eapanred by Werebel || May Arr eeire RT Ate Ale Pollaceiokiy focPonion: | RANK OF TNS REPODLIC_NEW YORK. AFAIL 2 ‘ovisiipa, Thor’ are sundry conjoctares with regard 10 ian, Ylots Alabama Simieieny and Zam sian as § of DJ, wenn ta Seeligy on prteaio erm, 0 Micrenety Behe TNS Baifon, olgnteegye 19 asm | Toe rita .darary Gigs for ha: Geylon, Katier. Nem ¥n (peer pate and deroslars are ered wind Ust'u ADGEAB share Of Tho wtock wold in a single | he Minti ipl ens STpine Win, Une | gptiEE, RAGA woes qult Wut Crm with amall maton at | myn smear te DCT ENO scum, clanturmas 29 ere, Tota RL veh Ariadne: Ral Tae abLe ot New tone Te HO TANGGY. hmsudent Eryn: 0a by the promincnt boar on Wednentay, Tho | fips af national military oeoupation, the following Ine | 2. nad. i “eSdoAmliffe. Atel 3H IAC 3 10, Hlfaat (or Poriress Man. iB bi J. 3 ORANE, Vico Pree Alok was eiiverol yesterday, (0 certain parties pupposed | stractions a1 cee Giotr omstnnre qilet bavBips, beng qubted st ma Hastan,, Toul Mereik ovfelk: Tamra Jan, | a, W. Foro, Paahier. olle-tors of estore at ports on the AUan- fa Teatro 230 ero nn "anagram Ralene, Trane iy fo L —— ® tnbsactiag Ia eoofenetion wita the protalaent boll ope- | ,7¥¢4—AU, coliform of eualome af torte on the AUlen. | Truy-otemite te Lage avn. prbis have avancal qorougst tery | Tateipeia, Reh ie Nvork: Wieser bie: | T)IvIDRNDS—TuE POLTAWING. <I-Kie MiNING fauv, whslaa drossor of the Ente company, abd ramon! ports win state heretofore declared in insurrection, | ayrnthat. ant a fle demand prorated, false at Le | (ONO Lory tn ay sara es che nog alee, A f Maa atey, Hayat Ont, FB tase, fee rae oe tac (LCT OSL Of tp stork wehe Dorroire elirery. | ax nation of the Vrwl len Hy tale apd BOs: LOr ailing teas oiized to abandon Ler, Ain va na ee Has Ct moHt OF Go stock Yes borrowed Tor delivery. | maaamatlon of dio Vrstlents | ° Horgescolen pualies enyunney enreant drm with | piney ienileamen | pees TeAlbetier En lia, NOrtea ne te Baan : aati ats tna Qo ie ONE hand, IE fe ourmived what the Joading bear hes July 2, 1844,s6ith potenr to anthorizatha | falesaa bigh ax tbe. Inferior qualjtige are plenty ant tn Gramp (of Purl Avdorson, Bagua, 12 | Teeshare, Mike, Dhilaselphts, for Rater: NC Paine awe, WALLER, 3 Mie alent hailtho yk on Land, and tiat ho bought part of tt ia | faarparatin ot Kootk otber than those epesinod an | Limited reeneat. © The salon weg 10) bales, wholly for Rew York for Ungans a maniac. Achorn, mossland i ae = tio Tosti markets. ‘The quttnvoes are somowhal | contraninil wf wae in the abive clied Executlvn prder, co | ComDmpLiaR, at So. n B3e. for 186N'sand 24a. a dbo, for Hee yore (ateewih lane! malith. Udine, | TYIMMMED xoTICR—ORFETR oF TE nENYONNT : 1 ports Willitn Gie tales ond parte of iqtow nhaye wen. om esata L) Vetrotsnm Dy, 138 Maidens Lyne, Neve York, Ma Teetol Ps va toreint the garao, bat the contestants aro ei ig mith visuals only as aenantburlsed by tae to | 22xn—Tho oman was fairly active afd tho morkot PORD, May (—Arrachr Fe M Welles Koleny, Blisa- | 3 The Hoar ut ervsieee hiaee this” x eriogily exh other very clomly, fur whea 00: In the cow ng trado of the Teltad Stator Mas frm. | The salen comprined 2,600 85,000 bales on | aye, with curar, to Metcale-& Dancan oop. Mary, Atwaler. Waratr, York. Bld #23 Wend af Oye (3) per erntam they tat 1 » a ‘kr oad—Theed colloctOre, and all other permit oMoare | “tM* we were nnable to learn. Virie d Sherwood, Smith, Zota, 10 days with sugar, to | Crrve Clambertain Porter tee oe peteraan, | Sua bitinsnbte on Wer and wis prea, panel in sald ction are authorised: ant requtat fo |p, Lr&—A far domand tins prevailed since onrtaxt, and | Marcy & Nenkew. ATAGHTIAS, tape brig Rai 5 || (books will be closed tre A> Uh thet aed Now Yor Central cloved 1 yer cant | amet I anid contin. are Multartsed ni ratird {0 | full pricox have beon roallzod, the msrket eloving firm. | , UU arbe Maciel Beaman, uri. Penessole, IS dace 38 | Ue RY PORT. May 2—Sld sehr Raw Lamoser, Bosley, loser Ur at Lh mond Doyed gostoniy, Rilo Mi | jor fn the mannerand fon reqolred by tho nforonn a | Bate yO Onno aT. golds &.omCalforns at EATEN 03 Per nts Martone ache Baatunent,arxer, | NES AYRE ANDAUATURSE RAILROAD CoMPgny, at Ngan Bouthei ole Conti gulolious, charging and colle, 1 | ol; 1,000 © merican gold; 1en 0 ir Maney (BF), Halifax, 8 da} 08, 10. { HEDPORD, Mayl—Are ache Fat Munsell, Parker, Now York. Ayet s: Movtue #6 stehiea Homer 23, Hans Cri i | rue cuareeK and electing INoparmiL fee tBere- | Ayre a tiga ends BOD dna ica, molds 10m | Dar Serna nner cae | Srgireutcr neers cmualzall, 6143s, bork Orv Teen onc na otuad anil Utsburs 24, Northwestern K, Ro Jhind—Whon any vesso}, dol Clty slaughter (steor) at Oe, and 600 Montovideo and | she Glen Rose (fir), Thompson, Cornwallis, 10 days, w Fewer. SR rE annual oleetlon \ of thla company. Tein eLié, Obio ant Meriaippl eid: | qheesaving Wade, arivleg from nny of the port ts in, | 10% fiuenoe Ayres im prvata torma. eye uiaoey cen Th Fringe wward Lalaod, wth | GGMae Rovanaes and Mepubier Chase New Yar meacret Fours atenus: apa Tweaks wuts nest en vss HK, Q lille eH. Government seeurities wero jonacy slates shall enter auy of the porta referred | , A*BGa—The market continces qui but prices bare | ota nk Dowoll) tn % SPOR eae Rlissbeth- | pycedey Ihe 16th day At Rosman cay MEU ieeel, om ide Bert ena (in iie lira eretiod hereole with carer dhly pariited | Bobvaried. Wo notice sales of 10 chogs Madras at 62ic. | “E>, on Vint Toward, Now Orleana, <3 days, with four, ‘Tho jlle will opened Tron IB ofclocs at aa0n wat ® doll Ny asnigpring In cho atock Hat yesterday morning | ty. tne permit oflcer of apy port allented by tbo maid | Bld EW Robinesn. é ovelock FP 3. of that di ron Tom Torti seers reported to have «old Ol 07/7 8 | Kecounve order, such vessel and cargo shall bo treatod Trox,—The market far Scotch pig continues quiet, and hr Maaleon Holmes, Irstand, eaufort, NC 6 aya, Th com A otetoet FM. at OTN, inscouit of 1m DONG. aha netual pris thona Inwful voyage, and shall be enuitted to all the | Wehave no sales to report. Of Amerkan wo notica pales | Sehr Loulia A Johnson, Clover, Reaniork, Ni, 5 dura, the tat lay RM the AT ay mS ware ated Hehe und privileges Of vessels aud eargocs In tho coary. | 0f 78 fons on private terms. English and American re. | SeMC Wim Walon Qlames Aleanndra, Bue ee = ae AL tho opin toast, nt one o'clock, prices wore gene: | Te ie I Anod bar was dull, but prices ware without essonilal | S2t}Mmin Watson, Cramer. Alcrandels O daya TL STOOK IN EXCHANGE FOR 2 MLy Mn yor ert bighor, AL tha gecoad regnlar H. McCULLOOH, Secretary of tho Troanury. | Change Schr John G Ferris; Hunt, Virglata, 3 days, orner company lie mivaleg Dearie mnroes wou vorr di. Mew York Gratal was | sho ection of the act Aesriblag'who may grant par-| 10s scarey contaase dal the mieeBolng confined to || Soke Maver, erin Virgie and sittesn golng dawn. APR A143 Nasane atzeck da re ra ‘4 ns foreign al ‘o ir Hase, Corsct nl = = == ~ F Uian at tho clon of the Mest board, Hire 34) | mite roads thas— Teasmin.—Yrime nuallties continue {9 good demand | SbF 8T Waker, Izlea, BalUlmore, 3 da utouens | arcu NE RICIMIOND VASP AND UTED. rege Réhr Mary Pics ilisyard, Philaielphla for Norwieb. New | [ee coupany, tax forming, Tan watrat ant beet in rn 4, Clovolant and Pittrhary %, | TL Tho officers of the Treasury Deparment to be | Mi firm, the market closing active atprovious rato, Sele City Point. Malthowk, Elzabelhport for, New Jiaren, Yeatmant wero oeapitilista. Apply to HOUS Morastea —Thore was bit Witte actilty in tho market, | SPT Hy Royut Matthows, llsabe tuners Mo igencs, og, Matangaa: Ta Tlaunna, Now: sealment ver fern fata. Apply to HOUSE, Gl

Rock Taland 2)5, ¥ort Wayno 2\,

sathoritad under faateuclons from the Boorotary to per.

bot good and prime qualities, which eniiaue searce and

‘Schr Romeo, Pitcher, Belfast for Fortress Moaros,

achex B Magee. Mages. do: Wt



; alt supplies to be transported to loyal persons = aiding was 2 lower, Qaicksllvet Ss. | fh inyarrectionaty States or parta of Staten, of lu restricted Yanted, commanded full, rricok, Tie sales were, 300 | chr Jouph, McCarty, Calais 10 dagy jis dienienter: | GUSQUETLAS Govecneal sssarklos wero dull noi a shade Jone | districts ef Joyal Statew with wich commercial Inter- Foe A The Sten ay BIN Ap OOO hee, Se emma es panera e a ov, Fait Rivers Toa ghd Cog) Cote raTenly Dud gga Se, Lore Al Ibe ojy9n Dont, ab halfepast three, there waa a general | come nor may be lconsed by the President, | Cubae’ 1,600 da. Porto Rico and 60 Nola New Orleans. Schr Evelyo, Marshall Stamford. MONTHLY STATEMENT SOR MARCH, 1558. 5 Cont soldat the eollinrdeg, MAGGS LID .cocccesssae> BLM 3

onder mgnlationr of the Sccrotary of the Treasury, are

‘Scbr Anna Shepard, Bowdlich, Greenport,

Imgrurement. Now York Coptrat sold at 9744, Brie 79%) | tne sureoyors, of Customa al Pitas i Nana —Cut wero sioady at7c., ynllow metal 9934¢. a 5 ove Michigan Sovthorn. OOK, Reading (<3) 100%, linole | cinnath, Madieon, ‘oulevillo, Now aifeny, Bvosvilin, 40g, inch on Bay and capper . pata sh MUR Ge Lge Gilde York Som tones, Fa gy Gwoteal (9) 114, Hork land 101, Norhiveston '4, | Paducah Caio, Gtary, "st. Late) Sasi, Memonly |, ATAN gatiME ey, Picts larmezie thers, wan obonane Norihern Light Mystic; ectre TanbollayJ © Curtin cat tn pple es BUTS Tene Michigan Contest 111, Cumberland 47/4, QuieXallver, 624. | York, Pailadtiphla, Goorgelawn, Alexandria, Desefortin. | Ck at $210.82 18. Rosine wore ealet.” with xmall | Windat eaaeet s, Tne EOC Gold has been on the Whole firm toulay, The opening | North Carolina, Port Royal in roles of common at $1 Tar was dull, and wero Income for the month of Morch. $19.00 oF yal InSonth Carolina, Browns. Miscell: Balance of surphis on haul, March 1 22 8 OF quitailonsras1hitg, from which tadvanced to 149%, | wile and New Orleans Other officers will be designated | “POUY nominally cnchanged, i eianco as Drwss,. Del. Mt MTerryman, froin 9 Sonthorn pce of surplus on hans, March 1. \ from while 1 | Tolgrant permite should Whe'potilc aur ae wenugDated |" Gun —No rales of crude Gab have trnsrired sicos our | _Sresxanir Foxa Sncay, Caplala J B Hildreth, wil sail for | port inaas man ta harbor Wnaroneutng aud Ie(LACMIO AL | otal wurpton, April 1, 185 aa afer who', at five P.M, it stood at 142%. TO | pnd the oficers’ above ‘named wilt Tespectively prank | tj bat rales having been made in Nev Bedford at $125 | Now Orleans to-day, at 3PM, from pler 9 North River. Ex. Ship Tareriane, from PdNadelphia for Fort Barrau- rete J) x Volume of bainoet in the room was laneor Han yeater | permitato much ports, ieee oe Ueto AE | a 84 for whale andnperm. Of Iuiced we hear of 0 | Sreaeesiy ReevaLio—Thla Boe steamer bea been thorough: | “Y@NTLAND, May 1—Arr schra Augusta, Golehell, Rall MSGi, sramstes. arnt 1 ay, avd wipro aly pomition was shown to buy. eelgnated in the Wetter of Instructions from the Secre- | Mati Hut the market vas firin nk $)21 Lard wae Uri) | 4y orexbanled and ber passruger socommodaUlonsareenUrely | wore sla Hockland: WC alk Syren ie eke Hang: 1,400 acres of land containing Ofty inion, in Forolga oxchaage [sfirm, Commercial bills at siny | Monet Mle Tresmary: os nea sn the claupe “7% On Care —We neilee rakes of 100 (ons Westera Wis, on | mew end Gretcaas. She wit commence loading today for | Yon ye eiiaeby Myre sla bree Mado Tis Aplin; oan ee daca ars qotad at 1083; a 109; baokers, 100% 2110, ad | for permit to t Meet cihee | Ptivate terma * New Orloana direct, at pler ll North River. in Wm H Bob- | Roger; schra Starlight, George Woahington, RH Huntley, mas a i mm stipe raueport to or from such dlatrict other | Pyne tt ‘ad bla pork 10) 45 | ton'sline, and whl tall on Thuralay oar!) May 1), at 32 M | Te b. SLB a Hossa Xatvaort ngot The supply of protuce bile | Breduet, xoods wares or merchandise, three per centum | go Nonny, Regu aaeny «Prem nner gen | Brecmely, under the command ef Caplin Dollard late of | 242 CH ebip El Dorado (new, of Kennedonk. 1167 tons), -_ 8 IMaitod, se they ora In e-ure demand The sicamer | 0% tb6 sworn tavcice valve thereof at khe place of whip | eect Plt Soe ad padntlvat Oa ebay | ShiP Guy Mancering. Wilton, Portteas Monrma: schra, CP Yours, liar, Arroyo: breverr i at el for " ‘U8 Sreawam Beraw, bound to New York, was spoken by | Reeur, Kells, Pniladetohia; Viailanl, White, NYork. Sl) xtoricagn bonds, Interest paid to Des. 1.. 807.00) eee Ee ae Eee ee call Toe question may bo naked “Why nob throw open the | §37° 3) show rican $3i,0, $20 for | Pi bank au Hoa of aie Bee Marbor” Ang. and | PASE Men LW fiver, Susunertangor for Phibatetphia, | 22710 Mare cxtel ses ty 000 12,488 000 ‘Tho auprily of money shows no dlimninathoo. oanail! oct to’ trade withou freslrictlcie eal Fefvured to take a pilot. | Kenduskrag, Mitchell, Harriugtan for NYorx: Rea Dirt Wal a ow ¢ except an Lo goody Closes at ‘Hana Swaizow, Hattel4, at San Prancisco from Malaga | Ince atiliprilen far do. Returned, brig Tinothy Field. Chi | Surplus to progtand faro male frecly at 4.09 per cent, and owing to the tem: | contraband of wart!’ The restrictions of the past can teen F Be ea Ren rate; naimores, Sit ship Et bored

porary dulinices op tho Stork Exchange (ho demand Js not

hardly be considered necessary Dow,

and Tie Janeiro. ieporis April, encoupicred m Very gevere

B15°3 AN; shipped a remendolls body of waler over

18 bow, nfterfebed tee

Col Jones, Mill, NYork. immans, Patuxent River.

PORTSMOUTH, Apen std & New Seaer acur frot Sheerer

OUPONS (NO, 2) OF THE Of San Francisco Shon) Bonk

heavy, Ther baa, however, been a little more ac re ba gem on iieck:, soon a a. * beef marke me re bead and gemmon Enes to starboard PROVIDENCE, May I—Arr sebra Haze, Spencer, Trenton, - Uivity to-day than usaa) of late The provalling etagnation Stock Exchange. Stor Vinee! and gion $20 for extn da, | brawery welent Blow: foat ne mle oe ‘ale continued | Me: Gyathin Jane, Nenuett, Ellasbethpark, sid rchr Aino: | XOrx May 2, Yee will Lo paid at ill tall prossbilty eomtlnao for eorne mmoatby WL YAK | 4 r669 1) 9 4, Fupay, May 6—10:00 A.M. 1 fair ‘Gomiand: paca’ 700 | NEsbated wolll the morciag of the) $4, when jaall; was znade,| rice Reynolds, NYO. sce, Nyork. Sid schra Hen Kng- TERS & WALLER, Ago fornia. Tao dlesount lino Ie uncbanged. Tha enormous wob- | Soy UR BiaI con TOM BO eee Ih | Pattaine Bserhamsewrere modernity activeand fis: | BAPE Jets Con frou, Puget Sound for Ausra, was | Mit Woon Ed acuian Voie ane, Werth gE K raped es ae in Steamers Oneatiun, Young, and Wes mrriptions to the eeven-tbirty noton rerult in drawing | 2000 USO's 6-20; rop 105° 100 os...6D. 40-4 | talon 600 barrels at $22 0 £25. Bacon waa a henited re- | Fein etteasesr ates" ab ee at Dooce, ses to | Rox, Nvork.lnlow yebr Zw from Gore. Std echss capital from te Interior ote eeakceniren To guid | 7500 USOREM|con 10h 709 x; | quiet and we bare no rales of couseqnence to report. | Tei wan bt loud regar, ried AX and wav cured 10 | SPR RL Th: gman Avs ore * Moh BET, Dearing socaritics fall into comparative poglect by the | eo oeca.s inc nie 100 1% Sania fair Gtcand, (and theizaaris was very frm; Bockspark) barr steamer Blectra Nye, Now York: achra ITP Ely. '4,6-20,0,n18 105° 400 Ty | ralps 1,500 barrels af 16 018440. Butler was jn ood R Capt Searles, of and from Boston Jan | si int Sisckiog? % Stratton, nay =—3/,00) ORIGINAL SUR. popularity of tho currency Joan, but the former will pro- | 1000US B'%'Tée.cnd 00}; 400 Tar | requesl at previous rates Cheese was eteady ot Iie. 0 Ree Ce RETR Bliper eee Nene Troon and Sena] | ea eee en ere NTs " pany that wll ably prove to bo tho best recarity, and after the Jattor see 0, cou 33 B00) 7 a for penuaue prime. pe at CeCe she ean cute er, Thomapron New York tall do. Sid sehr Oren: ue eared ely 10000 reer 09% zt | ee asters The Ttace Liorve wie 83 ton: Ertan Phibsanphta via Seaton roeay. Inwithirae, tbo wx por ceat bonds wil bo ata higher | 22099 US6'S Lrr-cer 9% 100 Fac | _ Perna The marke forall indonaa tite fem | SU: T hii aA acd was owe Uy Meni’ | MEAN'SEARRET MGC SR” Ra Sean le prom\um than they aro at prosoot, 1000 Missourt 6x... GX 1500 Reading Hi... 100 | ted to 1,600 bble crude on the spot atte. 0 U8; 700 | Cotten of whle iy re TE MIP te Pee aE eri Government securities wero steady on the street late ip | 100000hI0 K Miss cor 30, 700 do.. 100 | Dole refined Donded at fa ; small loustae Tune delivery | Mle Gettre reyes pu into St Thome Lu ditteas was | (ir), Sparky. 1ve rT ievidad;. Maria ; thoaft-rnosn, Tho news from Kurope by the noxt and | 10000 do..-...... 29% 60 Stonington RN. 115” | At $50 a86a,and 200 bbls froe al 7h, the markel | condemned and sold at auton at that port prerious to ibe | ES Ashney, Ashbay. 3 stating losatlon of proper: beicstiae pice me $0000 do. 20202. 20% 600 Mich Bok NIRR 70 | closing quiet at the aboro quotations, . th ult bac, SA dare et Sa = a fubseyoat scams 18 ansloualy avaed, in view of | 20000 dg t-<°° BN Zon Toor —Market active and firm; sales since our Mast in | goun Rocket (Br), from Anaapolis, NS, for Hoston, put | Phy irk “Tyutipins hak shi S35 OOO Mae Neue mvriemetvevesra os ho linportant and feyorable Influenoe recent events in | 2000 Erle Sd meo.. 100° £00 clade 2,900 bags Raygoon on terins ww didnot learn, and | into Fordland Sd (nat, having sprunga Teak on tho ‘pas. | My sip Marinton (iit), Tay eR AE Cet ERM ALU Ec ioRE MET w uct Reo i 2 Scoin—Undor the advance In non, Wi ‘al Foriland, Fearel res | TaHl2F, ee ASRS Z Mecurilies belt they 6000 Clove &T#fbds 100 600 rather firmer, and a fair basiness was consummated, the | Paiged: May 8—Arr ehip Panther, Lathrop. TO LOAN VER GENT. ON thn an be Jeet Ikelihood of sarlous | 5000 ToIRWistméx 03 500 da. Gee | salen comprising 1.700 bhd« att1ye a1atze. for Cuba | _ Semx res: Bruix, otherwiso called the Bine Billow, abont | SALIM, Stay t—Ace brig Burma LO .O00 Stee COC sak al SON Lae a eeetlots | 2000 PIS FW&C 1st 104 100 Tino’ Cent RR. 114% | muscovado, and 1iize. for choloe Porto Riga. Reined | § lous burihen, xaz cold ak auction thls morning by Potors | ellad-intle: vie tact eding? 85.094 wes Gaal ary ney MH | 10000 P, FWACI4m 25 SO0Cloveland&PURR 7415 | Was doll and lower at 15Xc w16Ke, for soft yellow, ST A eee ca TAS pare | Henk, Foster, Millbriaze. for No: = = a reat Hirtala, eonwauent apon the termination ef the | 600 Cloved& PAthin 75 100 do..-..W10 741g | 17Ko ae. for eoft white, and Ie a 1H%c. for pow= | Wyo of Providency ee Mae ae ah | (3100s $300,000 preys war than sasoriginally anpposod, In the irk plooo, | 20000 Amer yold.s10 263 300 ilo vesvnses TE | nrod, crusted nd jranlated.. Stock, May 5, 1805:— | Sn siias ymaneann, Burl, from Portland, 0 fae oa | Reanoes We y Lestat babel faltdangt tin war Mover, trade with the Kouth Imm not | 20%. UC. <0 14} B00 WO sseenres 65) Ubds., 19,018 boxes, 72,072 bags and 1,697 hhds | yon, and Rocbester, Percy, froin Warren for Bath, [oti drag | geuneecceaeersre eres | a mas M pyr SaheCnniNalitank 100° 1000 do2222 milado. Anhoxell iy Messe RL. & A. Stuart's re: | gor'ashore at Hotsiest Hole oa tie morning of thes fons, | Ona 7 nd \t © stilt uncerta{n as to Low far it | 200 Cumb Coal pref.. 4015 200 ChioENWRR. coy | porl:—Bot cruthed sugar, grevulatel sugar, groynd Haring the northeast blow, but were cot off aa the afternoon - Mill be poodlag tho formal atctoration of peace and | 200 Canton Company 303 100° doc... 20% | RUZAF, 1940, cath; white sugar, 186, ; sellow sugar, 1 of thesats day withoal revelting pny damage. ANTRO—49 | WILDA rromsiéctlin I ly alo equally unconata how largo | 203 US {100 doses. HOM | can. 2 Sreanvt Bsoca Dzax, Ualletl from Savannah 198% ult wha wich ; ‘Sreamee—Wr notice rales of 15,000 fos. at 17350. forthe ial sying Sof Sovannod, with fresdmn’ amt Helk : zt Use qusrotiti-s produco In the Sonth may be, white Mt | 100 Shar.—We notice «alos of 100 boxer csstilo at 18%5e. none: Fanlgg viens A while as) Crrongh a e7§ The pale of tho Aret series My Ay oorevl ha thio wood ima for Mile year's erop of cotton | 100 Srxurmn wits. In moderate demand. Sales 15 tons Le- | CMntylug into St Calbarino’s sound. struck @ snag and an : a0 ? year's cot = THEW Pique ybout lt years old, foreny runuiie between | 8s curmpleted en The Met Nor AtCow tin forse, ud that cottan tp, thervfore, Nkely to bo | 405 00 dovssscsss, 60 | Nigh at Se We quote silesian at 8c. Peck Sipacd Pushing J, aud was owood Ly te govern: a Sin ent oe Bet aa Ue a clea ET coral ying | | Sstces—the narict bed ruled exceedingly quiet au | tent secoud series of threp buudrmd millions, paywbteshres years | snot tee nares nest Year ahd probanly ths year after than 100 Cloy & Tol RR., Wate | we have only to rnjrort sales of 100, bags pinientoand 25 | s:noamrowy, Mar The ‘ead very bavere festerdiy. 151 _ : thanktn Ue tene ‘Tost nota tn Saglond, on the | 18 So Nona om gaat temas sahpegtorry, Mas the ptorm ase scree xed. | from the 1th das of Jone, HER wae texan on the Mot | Miu fof Ava Wat, was 703,000 Dates, bala eqnat 10 tho | 103 pati, cre havn only te renott tho lesa Tauai io harmo cog arbor. and roma In tee tin | Aid Ya theabort mace of tits days oxrr ove Dawteed | Tx 4 Se RL BL Mg HAL St SARRNET) Blin altos (200 remem lover wae aut, wlth snll sles at ane, | EEHelon Acura, naneor tor. Belageport, alno | mills of this series Lave. Sei aokt—Yeaving Way teem | igyyhah bleh Hest juay bean exaparatyyely Hist and yarlable, 7 oly was tn fulr demand at $60 $0.. Rovikh WX wN4| gnehucedl nae Capea Pope ut say Ball thas Sd Wan irealpaless (ois tines Tho Intorset | aREYe Wer tho aupy Tv et Lid bnslnvalug Of 182 Niaving beoo 434,000 | ton wee vel Goal Go sibel tts hol dere generally ae Hare iaig Super Owa De crniing ty aucsoner felon ace. | feat tise busitred millions to bo clsposelt of, Tho Interest yy ‘la athens, Datos a2 to wane Hind tn 186%, 333,900 Yelea, wd ak the | 1000. essence’ at "rater, Sales 126 bhde. Rent She Patel teat ter ce cia tracsarssae aieiiccere (ee UTA ONY ORBAN GF an are . am Ln) {1 154, 033,00) baton. sho London Boum, erosms St. Dom) beth aA Sepa cea caupedor Ue got 2a ioue named iil: | ber sui 12th of Juno. by coupoox.attacdea toreach note, | TP JON, MES Pn ey (Use Timembestaghitiaio alg dL Oe prewntate ae was eee em neater, MS NANG OT | casas scerhaiycasiedensehet. Wamount to spall nese ifn : gh ht oat RD an dstadaree “12),000 Ibe at 10ue'n10Ke rt Myille + an Tato ca hve wiventagree any informtlineveh? ba tnenaraiy AT x Y i = See rans annie) iat ny liforrmin wht ba thanataty “TI Tailpmoats amon their way, arsOe that conviderably | 309, 5 eres-niee GO SHA SL SosephRR #0 TX.—Therw was rathor more inquiry for pig at provi | At hy ulamal sud ny BCR A oon loxe Cpa cant pep ds s.cnias@ NOs, | rernfva ty dude, Quel, rr: riopea San hone fue wuts at ie ne | MAPA sc 18 SUUIES untae AES tees aad Vode | Benatar Aor eR Suet Siti SL Saisie aE 7 ; Pneliah nt 23140, esti mile dorks, Bachan becn wold sane aa Tye Of Uie Hits cotton trate ore already! creating CER) Coser ser (ro 3k gold. Miates were! in flr Jobbing, deniand Captain Ponlastd : Ton cents per diy 9B $90) note. RAR ESTA RAY ROAR ELIS ee PME T OOK ET much finpasivess jn all who look for aboad. It 4s app £20000 US6 45-20 reg 10275 G00 ehs Pirie RR... 8! provious gold peices. Whatemen, aye TI petarne REeHNY thet Pont bee yeneee conthing re. | #20000 186 hs Brie RR. a‘ / \ ene Taenty cents perday ona : will retnen thorny te Post e8US The waperyemtuing ~—« Hieuld Wit Hhoremay Ue e great tearcly of otter tq | £0000 U SO, 60 Gon 10S}e 800 Recdlog iC Woon The market lina been que} after the! Scamense | Bark Young Poectx, Ripley, of Nb, was dt Table Bayi aly oepks EEA. Or apt ON hole BA iMener bo. will prors aituselt a polite grptionan, of D000) UO TOR, BOO MEN Conteat Hie Honig | DUslneee ot test week, bot price'are uot quotably lower, | Starch 16, arr 3 ‘One uollar per day on a $5000 note: Bik proreigion, cai ray Keon the Nidress J J. 169 ani! 1867, a8 tho fall which has wlresdy taken place | “sooo Veer OSOCNiGE TON, EO TIN ELT Ce ata | Hough st weald bo dimtoalt 16 Jopiicate the, sats then | Hark Georse, Stanten, of NH, arr at St Catharines. Fob 4, vos Conner, ts, Wihirton & Co., 33 H=oadleay. ee In prieos has born alllelont, If mot materially to check | 5000 do..c..-... 108% 100 et Mh Clon Some Lioldens WH" 3rq/noslons 10 et SP a a na er para Tae cealery Crown MORE AND MORE DESTRABLE. aan ror RIDSTISAR, HO action, to i cS Bie, r weeks prices canind sales com: | ctr yirent a Ce is Alt a E B Ist. vi orate font Yeast “greatly alarm pro. | S009 US B's 1040c00 95% 100 3.000" Tbe Sato and Westorufecces at Sc m | Cots Aarcs 18 weithdcn budvs. 260 dolwh oil. wid 4000 Tek | Tho rebellion fa supprewed, ond tho gurernment haa | ©) emigr Fe Te Ria HALT adres PETES FOC Th RAE CL wen BeoeHeagy a iy Tc $8,000 he. lid nt Rests Kethieen, Hobbing Lwhs ship Saman, Haravlen, Joy | already adopted mengures tareduce vhe expendltazca aa rap: | Hwopeety let chvisin Mnvlants et neones ha Moar Or have bers made o grow colton wherer 10000 Missouri G's... 100 ee e Bie Hgaoe Bt ATC O LLP: I. GLADDING, Providence, R. I. Kh canbe grown ele belloved that Chinnand Jajan, | 3000 Ohio k Mise cer 500 : 2 Ws, Robert at 23e., gold; 6) Bales California pulled, 3 monthe oat, three | idiy ax possible (on peice Toons, (hue withilrawing from | ee . Oy | S000 aa By ae F Contors, and 30,000 Ibs. Valparaleo—the latter Heron = CTOURE 14. AWAIT “OMING ON THURS which Hot year ent te Bogland fifty-two million pour 4 L col . SOONERS wu 0 bble wh oll | market as borrower and purchaser. day ir ta Init J cubist pounds, | “S000 American 20 reg Ts RRC 78 | second band, on private terme, this sPawuues ony 22) why ail old, was spoken Jun. Ie ot us ppeinrer ag 7 WH Fon pasa toner gs OE ANE U AL ME will cour o send apy atall, Dengol and Madras, which | 4b00 "do. 200 Chie & Te | Wnaveront was tn moderate request. Wo notice les | Tessin Gsrvond, LS bens ? Thisis the ONLY LOAN TN MARKET now offered by | TRO Wey HE but foray” sky 1 font ttiroe hundrod and fifty thousand bales, will eblp to 700 by 50K 6f 4,000 Tha Areile and 6,000 do, Ochotsk on privato | | ars Fnieno, Manders, NB, 400 wh thle season, was spoken en eee ne eu is | 2 QUST I. ' chica jeribs jon Tristan Ground. tue goreroment, and cinsiijiies the GREAT POPUL RIOK_CONNOLY, ; ; China “ws beforn, and) stop unusual cultivation. The pao f OEE ‘WilaLeroors —Wo nolico sales of 25,000 Ibs. on privato Forelan Ports. RS eee eee OLE ERIS AATEC LN HORNE INGOOUNT EE EEE TuAkh supply will again become precarioas abd nim = terms Atcoa Nay, CGH, March I7—In port bark Genre T Kemp | LOAN OF THE PEOPLE, | the aime, will eatl at SI Ieast Eleventh seek, o6 Mis. Dowsee Portank, aod Beypt aol Brasil will fall back to the old qotmaner-—Recelys 240 Ue Themmaiet enatinned | tn Lipa presto, let ne Metiana (BP, L78de™ | aye Seneq Tiny Noles aeonetle 09 tbeirmatany, | 2! Puree mtb wheat nas . PPLE a SOA haa tale cx TaaESh lactone E gpl, Bat Prisca were without material changes ealea | Rr Nery ts arr bark Banshce (BH), Henry, Baecon ]]XORAJUALITEARD OF YOUR TRONADES! HAVE to and elx nd, a ; eh Chapman, NYor) MVC aG senelsixt renter AVUNOULUS. the Wostera and) Northwestern provinces of India will Ed eee pamper | UNITED STATES FIVESTWENTY SIX PER CENT NOULUS. 3 Braioaliy relspso 1at9 w supply of three-quarters of a CITY COMMERCIAL REPORT. ¢ SHIPPING NEWS GOLD-BI iG BONDS, Fi et NE A ie XL “MEXICAN illo of Bales The argument farther purrscd 10 | saree Myceipts, 8 bbl Teemetkct women a “Auassc FOX SEW yoRE—T#s DA. Sa Avil foo Toaldads: Apry, SM Gaston, Parme: | which are alwasa worth a premium. Ares Heginse Herakd ee) 0 ns EEE ly wine res. —Fxcelpts, 2 © market continued dull, "SBt] MOOS perso. -tHOD for Paria Itico):sehr Al ce, Crooker, dovand eld $1 fe ¥ < = ‘According to tho most trustworthy’ information we | S24 Drices were nominally unchanged. 700] sou wareg...cccmera BOL i E rapa) PREE PROM TAXATION. Roy TUREE MONTHS OLD, Dave bien able to cnllect no whe mah will base Nie eat, | B&KANSTCHA—Recelpila, 7,147 bbls. Rour, 35 Dbl re Rete aes 7.30 Notes canno! ced by Towan, Cities, Co tase ulations on miargsr- estimate. of iia availabe avs ef | 090 aga corn meal, 1,019 Labels corn, 14,038 CRS OETA RAC DALE, "be Bartlett, Chinchy Se ae ret Bete = ve cation now in the United State than ope million of . ee Hap Chartotte W. | OF States, ond tho Interest Is not taxed unless on a surplus of D. W.-I WANT TO SEE YOU IMMEDIATELY. Pare OL Ue Mile has bese ctor ome tulllon of | The rise fm gold imparted a firmer tone to the roarket for Woile, Grifia.dotandeld Gin for Amtwerpiey Tf you can't, come Jet nis hear fram ¥. Teer deetroyeds ture base eee nite, much 138 | siatoand Western four, and priece advanced fully 5. | ,SiteHsbip Bremen (rem), Meyer, Sowbampton and Bre | | In yort Apnl 12 sbips Star. Yor, trom Contim, arr tat, | Me owner's Income exceeding six hundred Jollirs a year. TtJwlinportant, GEORGE W. 1 goal ‘dhol bas “Wen esd kven after peace | per bl, with a fair bu Sil | ean isg; Baily Farauvo, Sines from Panam are ful: Mins: 5 == Fortdiett aeh Re otene auhSehce het tenet | Fer DOL wih m fr busorn done, the market closing | , RonmutipDanll Webvier Rois, Bawlon-X T Mecventy | Roba Horcy fv sen fvanciga, de, tay Nansy Beck This fact tocreases thelr volun froma ono to three per ceut por WATCHES JFWELRY SEO. i Ce ate pl Ge salea were qoite larse, amounting | “park Gotenburg (firem), Taschen, Bremen—H Koop & Co. | frets Valfaralia vi Ariane, Se UCR Walker | gopum, according to the rato lied on otber property. T.@ WILLIAM STREET, ROOM 7, DIAMONDS, Tatts to ecolctthn watered patent ear. | nt ssroate 4.00 Ubi State and Weer, 000 | BRrbsiiny icy Hen sarcalto vin Bt Tamas A Beyn por shine Torment, Philips for peat nai gooey ENO ralclieasdawslryi Furaliamsceiaaie dees barcee ak Port We el sete nfa ent say pars | tone fe tenn aut with aunt al aeae | meeeputene (BP Febon 8 em CobsJonanan | CHpan it Sih eS Cee rs | um san e800 of te an a Eifion sould ros oath ear all te raldual uesre ore oeal Was moderately a: Tark Peiermo, MeCarty, Cow Bay—E D Hurlbut £ Co. aa a Ate Ste sakes ares oc 47 13a | lee hee opie oe a a hee | ea —TIBERAL PRICKS PAID FOR. Frat allison eter ‘der ‘ompution vig: | anu100puscheazs sean. We avo Be er Ce eS Ante lea all eat ae Be A De | ae ina area ES we eR RT eg Glucerna} of woule™ kied Wo will admit all the | Beperdoe State and Western Dour.........$6 200 663 boy (Be), inicey Ceara and FareL Amy: | © Srwrotm B. Agri Sictn port eblp RM Sloman, Linebur- | WHcbI te beng absorbed, willl besubserbed for witha |" Yataatana Tpereent Latin mepeles ee + suppreitons mm avorablo o Extra State. 6 &c rer, for Kio Jeueiro, Idg. = - = = Prowpl aapply. ELM, In any cas, x0 trek cotton | (holon State Hiri Grice, Worthington (Br)f Mouilon, Matamoros | Mycwrue April 2 Ih ror bigs Alex two months, wheo the notes will undoubtedly commaud n | 7 on gauROEADIFS’ NBAUTIVUL BNANRULED for Grea, i sountry, ewe | Cemman 1 meson ediGEGP Peuteon (Br), MoCullough, SUTbomas—G F Pen- | /-Fasasdy April 3e—In yo premitim, 5 haw uniformly, beon (Qe eneo on closing tbe | 2H, damon, nisin, bunting and open fuee Gold Watching, at tothe r ‘oan order. The aced imo ot | Western trade Urands.. if Relo (Br), Brown. StJoonr, MR—MiMler & Houghton. | wiz” sld Wel (heiore Feported in subscriptions to otber Jaana Tt now scems probable that | $26 One Gauucmenta Watches, far about ball Uielr pries thisycar |) pase he war ip over Indulge | Extra St Louie... DME Alice Lesuard Ulin), Mus, Clenfuegos—Brety Son | Farzersburg Douglans, Central Atiee Strait” Once boars um tO A Mato dF MT ys that ploouiions are resterd to tholr 0 4 | Common Soother i ee Reni ar nine insurances Bo condderable amount beyond the present series will be JALRINGER, 212 Broadwoy, room 13, np etatre. ES thelr owners, that the a ther. Brig Ceotsnr, Johnson. Neuvitar—Thompsoa & Hunter. Ceoiral Amer ian ports = = calling 224 roonganlsing proomars are ot ono entered | EALcY and extra do.. Vrig Menrictia (Er), Hodson, Bermude=McCoH & Frith. | Pott ao Puuncy, April 77—In port brige B Torin ‘offereg to tbo public. oe 5 Spon the tarvelloue rane nua igor aah J Covton eseadlgs cscs que Magus Chine (UO otions CoM map EDT DewiCd | wise Ug Beaver Wares Tae Saoece Baga hares | ogee _.._ BILLIARDS. Z t iHanue brethren—sti) {twill bo aid extrarses ee i : , ae : + | im order that citizens of every town ond eection of the DECKER, BILLIARD TABLE MAKER, REMOVED. Uo new crop can be sawn, apd | ROOHOUE (prrtne)..cxccceccee sti Ditnsteh (Br), Geoaer Glace Bay—Baheett& Nicker- | “HEiacowy, March 2—sia bare Ovica Terry HongKong. | countey may bo alforded Tol Than, the { petty Mgegamee Canal tnd Centra, strats, oposite Berle od In on! orm Incol, Jéneey BMcvever’ my ‘A, March 2—, ark Sarepts, Hand Pat antes may be alfol facilities for tal Joan, jote ‘ables made ‘onder, aud on hand reat yr abhip~ Hand 8 B9Y" | Cora meal and pe, WiTAN Greenough (Hi), Campbell, Pletou,| NS—D R De- Tah ee pr uf Cee ee Rain aitgoune co Huet ae ealeslat fey FAY | Com meal! Branilywlne, ji Schr Velina, Moore, Logen—Thompson & Hunter. mip cus ADH at In vor bug Sen) Dunnlog: er) New York] | Weegee ipeetggt aee ce pasa Fra ce ————— { ure —The wheat marker w SnrE erat é Soy : 5 a of the tnst Shr Ep Wallan “Aisa io port April, bark abet for FI throughout tbe country have gencrally agreed (o receive PROPOSALS Fear ad ecb even Foot we iikerbe | IGE Feros ier price” Sates 40.000 Vusbels at | phi inibg. Amherst, NSH J & © A | pila dsyn; tebe Morin, a Se el hee ese Henne ae DoviGe 79, CONTRACTORS —PHOVOSATS mar OMADMTinge ox. three and shat nite cee fae y BL sata $1 ee for amber | Devel 2 as Risimeny AveilI7—1n port bark Chas Edwin, for Nyork | MbCHpllons at yor. Bubscrlbere will eelect thelr own | NY OTH PONTRACTORS —PROVOSAL Dot (HORE Lah tro milous at tho ouusderconeder, | Mlcblgan, and « yo Sl fete a $1 82 for amber | SUtr uo, stitched, Siulee, NE—Snow & Richardaon, soon; Unit Zephyr, for do 60 i NN rccived firoad Hotel, at TTightstaven, Trae rE alla at Wun eaksdecone dor | Ohara we hace ae eae Ge brvcate ten: Ryo was | fir Queen of Chipera fir), Davideon, Sommerade, PET | "Vatranaten March i6-Areahip Woosley, Jeoking, Zier. | SS*0h !9 whom thoy have confdence, and who only oreo TH, for grading end. mit tag "tha how lorgy a propardon of the nwa fair demand, and previous rates wor iy mnadaisied: | NeheWbike Boas Fre Tae aaa aa ana ae eae acon hi Sen ht | heel a nogto populetton has | BT previous rates wero fairly mafbiaiued. | Sehr White Foam, Howes, town—L Kenny. Fon Maurie: 26h, aap allan. Hos erae. ak eon Jen: | be responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they tun atid prolites may ba ae been dip motor died. Aeeoudly, that of thin moderate | Sales 6,000 bushols Canaita Wert at about $1 50. Barley hr Oakes Ames, Edwardn Washiogton—Van Brunt & | —In'yort April , steamer Emily B Souder, Buclinphasy Intormatan obtalod by applsiu to Mir. WS: sicnaad crop tho Americans Wheruselves Wil what provable: voce | all wax dll ond oulnally unchanged. Tho cory | Sete : from/Caliag, ade ahip Suman L Fitseeral, Gunuy, | Fee order, since, tantaainson, Huaiagton cgany Mir atease ad hinly, tas the ectlon wit cai | MaPeet Was Tow atlve, and karly ay ra with sal Bene ees Geribete Ashlee WeTalbot & Co. from, Baitinore, go; tark Mariposa, (Gbillau), Popo, trom —— Bars 4 a RIA eae Oo ML | ea ALMA RUE ae Beli Cal a eaieaesd Masao Row neato errs. : JAY COOKE, And beforw Jt reaches us will be bardeved. Uy aa eayort | Munlted request, and Ie. a 2c, at bic wdoe for | Rhrien Kagints Meter Resoues Penguin sens bart Hurmadosdendérpue, ron Bseg oe rms Bangor Suiveription Agent, Pbilade PENA ote Conttertoreccttuporate uneacd ia & - ty Of Uafee penco oF four pence In the patind; so that | CAAada, Ose, for Jere We. A OOe. for | Sw Concordia, sietea ones Mrorn & Lo, | "Zara, April Sin port urig Ida, tor NYork 9 dase, Tiaion Ageot, Phlladeiphie- cated envelope eauermed forty wars, ant wits Tastcad of Bing lid down tn Liverpool at six pence a | PHynee dans Haan. 4 Er Cash Chapman Prouinceiowni—u Nickerson ALserieaa ee ocian May 1, 1685. th SE a a arc me LORE D25G VWL l ereand ae e ae |[Ro puickley, sy. Rew Landou-It8 Hackett £} postox, aay searr banka tlanight Wesnolde, Palermo; | TyRDEMPTI Uile olen Unlll Thesis, bably coat frum teb pence lo one abilling yrbo | 286 Sperm and patent we and prices; wera, |. Poop Lesingloa: Young see nner son | Bogenle (Hr), Rathbun, Louder on peat EDEMPTION OF Bo, Uhon there in n> reason why Sanat atch ea ee | nominally wachanged. u Hoop Lesinston, Young, New Haven—IL8 Rackelt & on | Boeie He), Haikus, Leudens WA Jentina (ar) Com: | REDE s1es,cc0 Ung OF ner Na. BEESON Bas re i not Bold He grou and the premeat | CUTTOS Under Ap yecressed planing demand rice erent br Mahal, Mabsball, Bing.” Teegrasmc. ‘Ayres, SOLDIERS’ BOUSTS'PORD BONDS NO. 2,/ For rebuildlog vier Ro. 22 a0 river, outer end, Tree a en OT oo edfully Te peri. tho market dosing ncuve wit | _ sueamnip otangow (wet REVEL: cnsan | egbietie, Chiba Wm Ssuon, Se earner ach pemaes For ang a Near Mee ] Brat evi itnow ard dutant cunts are aiscoursgen | Pcs tending upytarda Siloe 300 tales stne follow, | 7-Vansa aoe BO eManalog, Mirermaat Apel shat | Flees Uy, Seangea: pt Domlngh C16 counry OF Naw, yORK, 1a HDR pee NO Nene from growiny ard forwarding cotton earlier or more de- | 8 qotations:— TMavengers, toJosn G Dale. Api 21, util28 AM, 23 miles | © 4Ub—Arr ehip Swallow, Small, Shick Notice ts hereby given that the’ ''Soldiera’ Bounty Fund 1 Gidsdly than is necounry.. Sooner or Islen po Goabhs na | Uplante, Florida: aebile vor. | Retet UNO ae OL a eee See Bonds No.) of the county of New York, vecomlag iue unt = Wehave always scald, the Waited States ‘will beat all eu 3 ‘3 Ja | bound ing wcdits Aat, poreed steamship Clty of Manchester, we q Payable Juno 1, 1664 with thn Intsrest (hereon, Wilk, be patd be cotton growing oltre oot ot Wie market it 5} 33 | Sepia oi Mini faasca sp Talavers found Wi ia ‘ou that day, on'the preentation of ald Houde at (his oflce, exception of roderate aupplies of sprelal qualliles 61 52 53 Ba | BA mbe Wor Vastnod eteamet ry , Sea Flower, 5 3 ; from Hombay, Egypt and ore Le RT ieee = at 47 87, Jon 23 <8, Br slip -Arrair, bound W. 2 ‘pares Ano; PROPOSALS FOR A LOAN Ei sy ol sont: eid we need Dot nughient iho calestrophe ty bunds tauracted, “We ave onl ipalsopnet fallen at tea Sep au paced wecBhlp etna ote or $1,641,0 and agrermentn cal Deelah ee isch Wate E 7 aticipating mats Java wate urms. We quote:—Rlo, ordi- | Lirerpco! BALTIEORE. May 2—Arr Hr bark Sa Lorenza, P ‘or Deparinent New Yo pot thls ctce Mate a a 4 Slenmalilp Costa Rica, Ul, April 26, avai CI 5 za, Peneath. | . é mparitnent Nev York, May 4, 1865. All this gues to show considerable farsightedness in | MP2 {Ah Lae. # toe; rood fale to prime, 166.0 Tc, } at nat with specoand pauenpera ta Ballons “2” | \v-Holn liar NYork fia Wop tana, ee ates Hebe © pian yi e EL CHARLES: COUNET, treet Comaistoes Judging of the fature of the cotton trate, which Taber Sect) re for gold, cash, ‘Stoainship tort au Prioee, Curtis Poriaa Prince, S4CM bark Selab, Gould Horton, havin ; OF THE COUNTY OF NEW YORK. = = =) Iscaleu- | 1p bond Stock, May 6, 1805, 23,054 bags Rio and | April, at ‘ord, colton, e, to Robt Surrey! | brose Tight, Stahl do: aehrs 8 Il Jackson, Feecye ye a A EEC RESTAUR. lated to avers panic asd maintain a higher range of | Santee rr A lonk Jat 37 lun7h apoke yacat Hebecoa) from New | Gladding: Meovigence; Trenton, Maroy Hartford. S™* | 4 Sealed propanale will bo recchyed ot thle ombeo unl Tacs, pee ALS eee Brice for the saplethan wosld be likely torte cnder a | qulet and Frew ns Tilly ie 1OWeE tale Gata | aeaeesebe Trung frogs New Beaford fot Mavnna; ih | minds. Contos, Baur: Went Braale Sing Sac y EE SAMO a ot a ee Teen arte wap stone | L properen Sree hacker oe oe ae eae Te tom ihoaghifal view of tbe prompts of the sarket | Bete t doe. 0,600 It. ‘Yalimore et S2Ne SRE | HSC Wen gaa, ot New Yorn, dies of Uyeeatery, abi was } ang War Bae, Smalley, BUsion; Wikes Queen, Hoy New | MloD ME hundred, and forty-one sbodaand Ore Mudra | Eoeauent 10) Nessa erect, Famlles oUppited with Sera intish catimate fe not far from correct, and the more | 24 60 tons Chile on private terms of hey er 3 3 of s'Boldlers\” Boun! a i lon or quart, 8 bw fa Steams] n Webster (0 8 tranny Rots, Cli HATH, 2Sid of the: thorbred by chopler 1 correct I ithe lees will the price of exiton be wablected | wallet but reser ware ithe crag ema Daw pre. hut So bunt ia ballast 10 U8 Quarirtnater | acocvoe” C1t Bde brig Jou Riso eeae nee a eres awa ie Abd na esos Mora 6 i to mischlorous fociaions in tho Tatar. Waar ue | Leys Hogs wae rll scl change, “Were. | .araginmangman caier colrehs Wanbiance, Bhoum, | BARUGR: AURIS Ary cha in arton ava: som, | Pete Eitan aibene waren at the otaeen.per | coe ew aT United States will, immediately on the reory ml «04a al 34¢c,, 6 Go coumtie ot: & $2.60, 2 tons | snip Adelaide, Cutting, Liverpool, 24 days, with mdse and | Porvau' Vriver: Latol, Carl Cavalr, ‘Cunninghame, | cent pur annus payatie bait yearly, om the iat day of May URNITURE WANTED —AN ARMOIRE A QLAQE, 0% rmanization of , 6 Go caumle foda at 6%c., 200’ kegs bi ‘Danae Tall well to Willams & Gh Lancaster, Bt see atl Arroyo: rig Gen Marshall, | and ter In rach nd the principal will be a Wardrobe with Joking giaax door. Any oue bavi Mesystem of labor in the Seath, resume lus old place i | CHE Me, 10cAin Hutch Mmadder, a3d°10 tons eauaio | MARpPaeTeutrel Bestony werbame Tondon and Grare- | EtpronsGamuot maneerc; Mastin Rarkony Aleravdria; | Seemed as folowe:— a. Te | second hand gue in good order may address BG, W., eri. ‘the colon markets of tbe world sdmile of po douit precosd contiane qui CO panne Wee sy Sid brig Windward, Pariniace Torks Tannese, Yama besides Gasuied |eotere Wi) ae 2a ay Be Neves | See SE Ne. Bat esa on wil me wom, 8 tne. | Ben sue qulet, sud we have oo ealca of mo rime ot Tiere Mor eae: ‘Spal Ary uchr Unieg, Bi Wve indrea Woneand dolars on the lt day of Novem. | AWRNITURE FOR @ALPSPAT AND COMPLETE jency towards higher prices KCTS. —The market continues quiet, and wo have | A/KequsUllty of loebergs: was ol Tun ours NANDINA, Fla, April 4—I R H sor housekeeping fora very small family: $200. The a , ra | tories x s in port, sebre & J War- vo hundred thousand dollars oo tho Yet J fed If deairead; 3 a 5 7 ca of leet to gta boxer was decieatn ne | Ste” "geht i ance Fa ey 0 Tat ee Ses varmba np Phang, Anta Jon, pga, Slik der Rider, Juuso sei ae | pd tnebanan 7 ou day of Novem. | Floarcan be rented if a Gis. Top door 76 Sith ar, Bapreme Court yesterday. Peyton Land: su for bunch; 100 cases quarter box | via Cork March 22 with rallroad’iron, to Pamieton Uros. 3 MOs ; undred and for URNITURE WANTED—TO IRE, FOR 61 = jon, a broker, Vise, gold r Hataay of Nove RE, FOR SIX MON <TR rae bees ude | peoey ag yAT i: KO; 60 frills dates at 19%;c., cur. | . Sbip Jaren Thomas (Fort), Campos, Labon, 28 uays, with on the Ist day oF Berea Lt vonds PEE EI AP pt ot SLO bea sued HLT. Moore, s eniiomer, for ls on a short sale of | Lor ghar ls Grable at Oc, gold; 100 eases halt | Uh slusmaer ae Bruny |) Ne eee wunaned aster ee desired and | sea ‘with Re grestest care, Address Furaitore, Herald

Earache igor son ts

twenty thousand dollars, gold, mae at 1: ] aro accepled 169 aod 15 rat rcs sven 64 aes | ea toler Ta feotetie

end covered at 173. The action was brought to recorer | BY =sction, 4,000 Loren Tark Elza Young (of Yarmouth, NS), Tatleld. Havre, ay FUR: ny Ha oranges ab $5 66a $$ GO, and | Fob 3% with mass and 100 pasaengert, to Hi Minekei iver ner 7 on Tharsday, the frat day of June, TORAGE FOR FURNITURE, AC., BY THE ROOM, 0 tie cltreimard inert. Tow eeatat moneda | “Hest gee sontiOw, SO int Key in baka Cae Tonto | yea ae clear ead Rar canter | SEAS ec RgUnmoemam aera : Ca

contract without noties, and also that the legal-tender | M85 769 #4. ays, wills ridee nod 130 paxsangers, 1 Lout Windruulier. | sloop Neptanes 1

Thad beary westarly yates lost and tpt sails and recived crane, Match, Eltzabathpart. Dearing jntereat from June 1, 1845,

Get recognized no price for gold. The Jary retarned a other Gumaage. March 12, 1A049 5%, lon 193n, wis boanted by pAlba A icin dn ag Rhaw, Philadelphia; Westbronk, ‘ecaled apd Sndorsed "Proposale

Verdict for the plaintiff for the amount claimed. Sirphfome be Maines, tom moras for Cver | GUE CHerniy Ap ab hve sche Gea. Flower, Chase, ‘Tho Becretary of tho Treasury lias leswed the folloxlng Ia

ited NYork for salem.’ C @roular, containing instructions Ww collectors of cus

tchr Sualth Tate, ed, Pua”

OLERNS LANDING, Aj ford," Madison Cor Naw Yok tor do,

aber of prarisioas: supe

jabn, NB, Towee, Matam La With cotton “Ae, bo ore | ter

aes yes wg ely ndscuae Aleaandra (Ds0) Wetdoo, Pouce, 12 dayy, } wilh wusar, 46, leche Dros & Collee, aaa

every dull,

| steamers vo Liverpool commpelle’ bo baa eri eorings and

to bay wheat for bal-

25—Cid sehr Protection, Pay Vandalia, Murch, Ellawor

he : = aor Beye cei pats ee oe Bonsll othe gro atthe aint ad clan the | marke cus edwin eaerog nya eats aad the | TARA vamouth Catone Antvory ot | NSE"ier war Chasen coenan, aon foram: as, | eeeteatet ued ects ieee ie etoed —— | Bac MATRIMONIAL, YOUNO LADY OF TREN &U) } ; i




TOME OF Wc a ACRE of meer sso

‘housework, Ac. 8 German Institute,

17 Stanton al, wear

RESVECTAULE YouNG mnt WWISUES_A SITUA. AA re anche trad Ge go Slab Sw walllag; base objection w poli rs Call tor tw Spat Arent So bop daar ne ComBUTes OA TOE hwo

YOUNG WIDOW, WITHOUT INCUMBRANCE AL routs kas altuslan ay husceuceper fur bachelet

Ge widower. AG % on G, appintin; HMidower. “Address Mex A B., station G, appaotog an



Out aa wet nurse; haya fresh breast of milk: no ob- ffstion to tha countrys good city roterence. Cx! at 63 Gry- at, near Myrtlaay., Brookipa, Ke

RES TO TAKE CHARGE OF A eho intends (0 feavo town for ihe rn allusion ss housekeeper. Good refers



AA ax notisekeoperin & llel v


FANTED—A FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKER. AT 279 | (1GAGIIVAN WANTED UrreTAN, OP GENTE WATE aks Peas a | CGS ae cen gare war Mente! horses: Bravk curse weil recoun eniel; bane wee

Aced apply, Gall trom 3 to 5 PLM. at $9 Hrond at.

ANTED IMMEDIATE LY—A GOOD SEAMSTRESS, MipRiie etre pcrtter aera Ct Ung fo nasist in the nursery. Apply at No. 67 Eaat 19th at,

WASTEDZA GOOD COOK, WASHER AND TRONER; Sty refercoce required. “Apply at £6 West Sth st, on ‘urday morning.

WANTED —MIRST CLASS MILLUNE! aud tring Lonneta at Nadamo Bel’ I

COAgIAAS SWAeTE:D—90 00 TO WessoIeSTER: A (0. iogaman ho mast mlantind ho ent as fo Win. Watson, 2) Park places eeey


TO MAKE —_— wee Rata MEE | DRG SG, ANITA et sere “WANTHDSA CAPABLE SRAMSTRRSR, WHO Ta wit. | OS eee Avot ned Tone be. betecen a and GAN Gun sure Ano oa: CED CLERKS WANTRD—POR OPENINGS

ANTED—A RESTAURANT COOK: A TIDY LOOK- XPERIE: Witcamn ink who speaks Kuglaty oraccloren ict, | [Ota dry poate enieary Gate eee ea tercery Utolaces” Relerencen Teruitril, Mereseeta

ieee RAT

NA \WOESALE AN) =20 Pont oles. P|

Tully compere? to take fail charge, Laving been brought up | Tehtke Proper person. __ W. R. ROBERTS, SS Bowery. JUSTE, CLERK WANTED—IN A ATHOLESATE CAR

Ina hotel; sould not objet ws tha countzy= best rel trodes i i Pethause, Adsross, with rejerences, b. Lalgerton, 7 rete Calon Sains ioe treo Ww Hosen A FEW, GOOD, CLOAK MAKERS ALSO | ani 7B orth ik


A SITUATION | “TyrAwTa—FINE SEIPANS, WILKOK i GTUns ove. | Notte nnbueters aa glore aeartmnni not at ta

ationume. | YY ATS d gompetent lice fork given ont. | junior kant waved, “4 Meet eden tek

ii be prot

ein ¥



BD Naps epithets tui eee ater

vreatifaounnu tenbweuesar tke rely oa a soi Mert ot

RUSE SISHES A SITUATION AS AL goat vis fx willing quid obli gine, Ty referees at, be fwoen Tih andstle %

ViMSe ChASS CHAMEHESAID AND WAITRESS wants a aitvation: tx \illigg 10 go. lato (No rouuiry Bao give theLest ut city reference. lesen all at 0 Gb Beestoetwocn shot mid But ste

WOMAN-WHO 18 DESIKOUS TO. il ike t6 glvo her sorvicek ou tard A respectutis family. Moa tho be

LATS Went 23th sh, mear #1h



Abip tor her esssogn

Or eliy returdnee. “Call second story:

Be Apply to Jobn Hanis, 208 i roe dvr

W2STED=a WONAN 70.60 A SHORT DISTANCE | GranuEWAN Want Tol & Caillat se West TIOA, AL, and oring | atthe ®pcea stables, 43 aad 00 Ea. aes Touspee | PWO Goon RanretEs MT stands roaki) loa? anit ohidren'y dresses ies =r

Apply | cornor of

ys Wind TOLD vA

at ET

we | VVASTED CA DEY Goons sanesiien. owe mitt

-WWaxreocirics ware wing ao gona, meow | WY aetegn ami vous uu reuseyuanrl Wes. Only those who ty M0 Peart at. Dir Feeds i AES Cle ee

apjly at Al, PoztaneXl & Bro’,


WASTEDSON MONDAY, 1 COMUSTENT GL, WHO {aa food cook and baker, Wy do. Uio peneral batsework, ofa family of four grown pergins.

Texday, from 10 to 3, at 60 Bast Bist at.


en patedgysawaut psieen, years of cs Who readonly In parenta. Seat ay : 2,049 Post ollie, handarriURgias RpMcanty 0%

ANTED—A FIRST OLASS GERMAN DRY silegman. Apply to Wile

Libecal wagea Apply




WANTED=WY ARES poug wollans fan ond ony washer Ba Irv, or two dayeit go kant uainnty wear ih a


SITUATION WANTED—LY A RES Best city, €an be rc

TABLE IRD, Hue Wo nec ho washing ant ing! eae No bjeelion, Wo go 1 (Ue COUNTS for uo dagw at io Went Ath et =


‘No objectins to tbe cout Rat, for two dayn,

A. RESPECTABLE, ~ hourework or plato woking, Call at 141 Bark

rrovUN, 100 g fond lronivg; West ety relerecce.

WISHES A SITUATION FOR walling No cose x. Cull at at

WILD'S NURSE—A RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL J wishes waiiation to Like air of chlluceny bas goo%

ely roferoucey Call lier present eumploger" heivice Street Pe


WD eeninglives- fo voting to avel with Fereniors an Wa hon sty avd capac fancy nlure, Ete

SITUATION WANTED-LY A GOOD GIRb, AB CHAM. D Verma nod walters evn plea gs ental ions her present enupleses suet, Broadly ey

Wastes § FIRST CLASS COOK LN a ben Grxt rate bauer: bo abjecti 10 Wiko charge ol tunking hier country protested: pool referen uk BGM we, Fear, third fear *



rates WE Aavectabie Medea wey i ugatoney Ie ult lism geen oram ex tua beet o yaldets Browwam s

“ttle girl te do the errands. A)

ARTED—BURNISHERS; QULLS PREFERRED, TO Durnish plated ware. Call at 42 Uroadway, up salen,

fon at, Wiviamabune.

WAXTHDTA YOUNG MAN OP ABOUT 18 TO 17 Sears Of apo, in tho olficd of a wlieleanto. bavines

“WAXTEDSA PROTESTANT GIRL, WITH GOOD RE- | nna bring goo refernces, Address | on Terence, to do general housework ani take care of two saa, 10. own handwctdng A. ehildcen, Apply at) D'visiou st, in the Jewelry store, Bivona era otice


four hours every day. Callat 27 Bond et,


Undernlands her busines in'all Its branches; sho murt be willing ta do a/smuall partet the washing aud go for Wo furmer to Staten Jaland. Call ot 147 Madieen ay, Letwoen Tacd 12 o'clock.


ede of en eat the foreman, 221 Went Stth #1, wear ath avs Win Goer

"ANTED—TRAVBLLING AGENTS TO SELL STATE ‘and county rights of Fowbvr'a Patant Com Harvester, the only machine for the purpore ever Invenued. Agents oust pay thelr ows expenses, and will recelvea large per eontige, B, M. FOWLER, 70 Naraau at, room,


GOOD CITY REFR- once, an chanmbermaid and lanndress. Call before 12

ans Agency, 206 Rroalway, oxsietant bookkeeper, Gnlry, orcloek today at No. 6 East Sih at sping: delivery, ug. gece cert porter eapices a ‘ers, costtman; room 4, up atalen,

7 ANTED—A PROTESTANT GIRL, TO DO GENERAL housework. 152 Madison et.

WARTHOTA YOUNG aren, AuoUT IT YEARS OLD, fu Wwaltrean and to mako hersclt generally useful! Aupisg wu ecfetences, at ea Bact if et, between Sd 12

ANTED-AN, EXCERIENCED | #ALUSMAN AKD Wo Siicarine a trecea iu « ere sceurity roquited. Address D., box 184 iteraid otfce. ANTED-FIRET CEASS SALESMAN INA WIOLE- We" sis clothing Rousar peed Ace oes ed te nnd ablo ty fnilucnce denimabie trade, can axe ibeea Re

Fongementa by addressiog, with real’ name, Jonen box 199 Herald office. Communication treated ax atric tly contidantint.

WASTEDIAT 386 WEST SiTH 81, A FIRST CLARB cook, washer nn Ironer; murt come well recom: mended, be wiling and obliging

=; "ANTED—A BOY IN A WHOLESALE BUSINESS, EST OMe CO, Aim oGttaae | NORM year cea; must ede Bis eee

Apply from 10 2, M. (12 o'clock P.M

WA XTED-A 00D, STRONG GIRL, TO DO GENEEAL Louscwork Jn astnall family) waditleaged person pro- |




= Worrit oe 80) PINST CLASS HOUSEHOLD YURMITURE AT | Knowa an Sq a PHU ACER. enndener's cities nnd ares

Uh ROSIAVOOD SEVEN O8TAVE PEAR ORORTT, OM PALWTUNas Ue RuENE Riera NOON SUITS I 8, NENT AI reeriaite eR OMAM Tbs VELVET CARPETS rs BY. CUASEIAND DINING ROOM PURNITURE OTINA, SIASS AND STRVERWAR Aiba cegse SSR GEE Tn cl es m ietgreen FIA an ath a ADE COMMENCING ATILOULOUS, DRAWING ROOMS, Movalfcont rome Ftuceress plite gbiee and marbto Crpag {we ful sulle lvribr Muirniiire, covered with erent Deoentel OF tha viehrat deseaption. Vies=Teto toto sto faa, Arm, Oval Tecenton iain sreretany, Wookar, canint ables, ipvures Caninevy og nt Lae Corkiian Comics and Moun’; Freud Piste Mer-and staniel Mlerare Vetvel ety Pants apd emia Chand ora, votn ail Cart Sc Reeliaing haley, eipord seven octave rove ood Phe Tnomnein Muse Saat Gover: aise. Mook, atte fo "ulimegs liailet, Mhawepore, Maxeppe, Dla Sovre hina Fiea, Oi" Paintings Holy Family. , thetthing, ty Lanier Bruit Piece, ake ty Nogting, Wlavar Sednaon, Yh a


ervburgs Penne Bing Bearaviors, reso fo’ imate, Tall Lexiension


% Aninaire patace, Counc

‘atslo Laie XUV Sult

PAt in remy Hale sh Spring att Kruerals f Welding. he Ato Uascme Puraitire. fea fee ihg ta attend {MWe alo taka PATU avenua,

[sth ofenua'ear, leaving at Sixlecath aurect, near Bain peremptory. m sees

AUOTION ROMOH vostrivE AND PEREMPTORY AL Flo of eee st0,000 worn of at end Mand HOUSENOLD PURNITURE,

et par


u hk FURNITURE, ARVETS PAINTINGS, WORKS OF ART, VASIES, AO. F. XOTM, Avellovecr, Vill sell thie (Saturday maeainig, Mir @at Hf oloek prcisly Whe contvnte of the prvuts aliouon 19 vIintoa place (\Vese Bighih ateved), between HUAN Biadh avenue coe eiatipg Of ARLOE AND NiAWING ROOM BURNITURE.

_Mhreo tositiful sold rove woo and: black, walnut Parlor Kuidy, covered tx: French eatin brocateL nod ropa, TUeKish

Fasy'Chhiry and Lovnpes Wo thatch: rosewood Cone and Vine Tuhlen “Ehygores, Corner nail Roakstanda, (wentyone, day rouse He) biog and Merian: Vanes, Warton Orns. mente elyeant broatel anal Lace Cartaine, «Gna coliestion

SCO sindues Bipenrines large Mh elle MAGNIVIVESE. MOSEMOOD™ PEANOPURTE, STOOL. AND COVER, COST $6305 arved fogs abd caie MHUN all maleen {yreementas sve carved ep a r Cimenitt Over Airing totem TIL eyo’ phate, Presiel action, Full eayon Sebtve, rorowood and mabogany Bedstoaite, Huthwue Wastauinds, Rorie, "Chars Wosaete, Mirure Clu. Tably lind trang Wenge fade ves hi an ger Ware, Table Ces,


TARDWARE TRADE SALES AND. AUCTION ROOMS, %@ DERKNAN STLEET, FIRST MARDWARE TRADE BALE y pita ie ish | WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 180 * (ogues resdy early Toralog of eater Auctioneers, 65 Berkinan sirtet

cat ; B. TALSRY & 00,

UCTION NOTICE. AY GN arrneon ov novens

To OUR ‘THI DAY) SATURDAY), MAY Senay ‘Cataloguca of which are Bow ready,



terea.“Apoly int WATEMC NL Toe iron ine, | PYrANTED—A. YouNa MAN WHO HNDERSTANDS ; = tho manufacturingof perturoery, aod can take Blan

50 MANTLA wakers s6if generally usoCal Apmis. tod. Sehiywul), 37 Maldeu lane

50 te a


to goad w NT_NOOKKEEYER APVLY = —= ~ a 10. 70 Reade street. OQ CLOAK, MANDS, WANTED —TuE Holes | -WTANTED—A GOOD BOY, ANOUT 19 ORM YEATS

U price pald for frst class workers. “Apply hnmie (2, whoean come well recommended and. Lives with Atately w Lord’ Taylor, corner LCheyationts. | pls pareita. Apply aturug atore, 189 Sd ay.

'ANTED—A HOY AHOUT 16 YEARS OP AGE, IN A Gry goods cominieulan Louee, Apply (a M’Cune, Meakt & Cooper. JG Murruy st


BiToF boy to clean boots, kalves, work io, garde aud Ko himeclf generally wetol Apply at & John sty up. tates.



AX BSVERIEXU yD, olin WANTED Zon StonR AP cid euaioay work, im aaree cluot velit boot wad ahve Srapllenmente none otter tee apie.

USE & WAITE, 261 und 23 Polton st, Brooklyn,


ANTEDAIY A RESVECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, Who hos Hotels Tost an need raether, whom abe was abscess "a lai a al pasta tam anak uy’ in the fainily; good. Foference given: x th for Uva dae i

ANTEDA, SITUATION, AB COOK, WASHER AND omer, fod fice. Caltat” Mg Bast ah rey Between TU und Save? Thue years recerenee :

W2MTED IY 4 RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, A jwotlon we coo, washer atnd Irouer. Best . ‘Call nI4s EAN 28th we eens W2AXTED=A SITUATION, DY A YOUNG WOMAN, TO

Bly ats


ae. Wi. J, HOLBORON.

8 AYPEENTICE WANTED—T0 LEARN TIE BLACK. fimith's trude, co, Staten Taland. “Apply te Jobe 2. Perine, 211 Division st, between thu hours of Zand 6,

A. PARTY WASTED 10 BORE DIIEDIATELY YOR Ieiroleum, wear the ely, Terras not to exceed three Gollars per foot! Address G. ¥., Herald office.


EWELLERS —THREB OR FOUR GOOD WORKMEN ¢] wanted on imitation diamond work. MORTON, REN- WICK & ILOFFING, 71 Nassau #L, corner of Joka,

WAXZED-A SMART RESPECTABLE HOY £OR AN ‘oda: ove Who residea sith hla parents Address, own handwriting, D. P., Herald office. :

WAN PD FOR THE COUNTRY, NEAR NEW YORK, & valler with unquallded reference from, bin lost phice: fered. Apply between M1 and 12

Aingle than prei (SE CUC nt,

WANTERSA, YOUNG MAN WHO HAS 1AD.couR Practica to fecaco panto, aiid a boy te 2 shop. "Apply to Aahe & C8, 1s0aud 161 Mescer su?

VRS SATOGMMLTR a SvaRaE Op 8 Catherite =

‘Broadway and do general I orks tl vette ABONS WANTED.—I5 OK 30 GOOD WonKMEN CAI - ition reom Nee SY AP | ME aetegeae apaiina Sanat One | “WAT ar a AGEN SOBRE MANO DRTC 4 z ria pees Sen EUICea ecu Wirral MANO


= ee


abd French, wants Wo sell goods eo counminsivy, Ad- _A RETURNED VOLUNTEER—A MIDDLE AGED MAN,

% Meraid office.

‘Wishes a xtiation as ligt porter, messen; atch oer pent cs get EY referepurn given. Addrrés F. 8. ©, Herald otter.

SITUATION WANTED—BY A RESPECTABLE MAR- A Arleitiau, witieat chudren, one fama, wea uaa ans farming, care of horses ‘nd carpenter work. Call for Twodayn at Slat ay., near Zntet

RESPECTABLE NOY, 17 YEARS OP AGE, WHO _suidea wit us parcoie‘wnataa staaton in uber m Ein . are ruse. Kovirens x. 57 ox 03 Pt olen. (A BTOAMION, WANTED—ay AN EXPRIUENCED German, who ean, speak wad write Bogilsh, In any ktod Sf wtolexnie manufacttring bisiness; would. mame Ricasele Seger unet uty poor references. Adreay 3.8, Herabd cy

N ACTIVE ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN, TWENTY. four yearn of age, desiren n wituatlon an slemaan, 1b a Wholesale or retail Kenca’ furnisblog Louse; haw bad’ «ome ‘Saportence.. can give good rofereuer, Ac. Address O. W. Hy ‘Sao of EJ. Tanort C2, 90) Broadway.

BOOKKEEPES.—A STEADY MAN WANTS A non bis business; locallly no object Ne


TRAVELLIN' 1; Woroughly edu WLiugueges. Can furaleb unex lo bonesty, sobriety anal eliaricter. te

tlonabla ldress Comjasto




' ooee “hadrenss VB enia alice



‘© OR THREE ENGRAVERS WHO CAN WORK BY soot, wil bud steady ttaatioos at Heig: & Greener, Ho. 5 Grean ay,, Newark, N. J.

et al ae bb io eitraton it] 0 GOOD PLUMBERS AND TWO GAS FITTERS. | manent and ralary Nbere)) ving a knowledge MELEE Avoly immediately to Reyeer & Co, 168 hat | Spanien or Bronch preferred. Addreas, with roferepots, box



Toted & Co., 1M Brogdway, Trinity Building. liards, Apply for twu days lo Coplain Tom Reever,

21d Bressday, WASIEDSTAILORS, 70 MANUFACTURE INPANTRY wey conte) large manufacturers proferred; beat prices Paid. "ANTED—IN A MERCHANT TAILORING ESTAB- Tugulre of Kobner Bros, 17 and 41 Thornss 6k Ushmenton Bt saleaman, oF 8 Get tom ouitar, wbo baa onan ‘ietiuenor a ANTED-EXPERIENCED JOURNEYNEN INSTRU- | fight yervon. su opportunity will ba offered ao faversble ment makers, at shop of American Tolegraph Cow | terme cobain, if derited, au interest Ip tbo busioes Ad,

pany, 85 lat wt, Willlamaburg. dress U. 4 B., Herald office. Ny HO THOROUGHLY UNDER- "ANTED—A YOUNG MAW, ABOUT 18 YBARB OF Mids dissing Walt whaKey.” aarens AM Don ioa |W "asc! ot good babii, touct sa general clerk jum cargo

manvfaciory; must write o good hand and be apt at Ogares; fn Areca preferred Apply at Flowers & Smuttn 2 Cost eater Oelork.


Library 474 Broodway, of good address n Good peninany god well acquloted with books “Apply beiween 1 and AM

Herald oie.


RANCAIS, JARDINIEW DIE ico Janlinler gt servile: ‘Subieesor’ par vertu 6 Mereer


Fores lon, dosiro nn sine Weeds iniuals A. P.


dre, desire a0 placer dite due bepue

pprruilre to francaly aux en(nute

rie 10 boureya midi ees

TED—AT THE MAT MANUPACTORY, CORNER AC Hayinond nnd Willoughby streets, rceklyn, 1. 1 ony Independent fur bat wakers, end pity Loe wld young worn Under (hley. t@ leern fur et making

Waster i



Apply at the Unioo Print

ina Uw unyploger SU OF 4X1 on weed security: NL Ca Rath M. Bug Chabetd, No. GL attrray rt coraer College place. Tzodir'ne to what tunisene. "Attoss Ne ths Hern nthe RUAN ORTHO! === ——— = Y YOu an ae Fit =< otker MUSICAL, SYED YOUNG MAN FROM TH COUR : = —— Ay mritvetion an yeemy unidratante the care oF ts CUeEN D2 av oChy 1 ae HAIST CLASS ROSEWOOD TIANO, COST STs Morwes Uvrougbis, nrivate stable preferred. ho uijerlion to TED=PIVE OR SIX GOOD BASH_AND. WLIND Nile ees, for mle cheap, ly wakar, carved Tepe au i cred tr Janes enn 30 AD Ecbkery tu gute White Valu, Wesshesicr conmiy: | perlor tone Nt. § West Frartl stree), neat Brosdw Nelafy sev e> mich ot ats ob: | ulsheat wacrsaudrecauy wos. Apple tu J.C. (arnt ae a Hupetauntla nk from i2 taf ovdeek Wis day NAG. EE OOD, TTAXOFOKTE yoR et < 2 ae: eaionnmud, coraert, nade eden, sity -reakerm, folly ANT BD-ASEAT CAD) COMPETENT AND STEADY MAN, ararterd, 20 7100, for Ska. Al+6, par: ALLO TORT Ap kip buh tiluatlon as compusttor on a dally newspaper: wound | for sotte pa Fut ining faruitire ata dcr ‘Address 7, box 143 Herald wiles. prefer no: worBlogebmght. Adve Privicr, Herold lice, | Doe 118 West Tt r sh Aven acre TE wes THOMUSON'S CHAPEL AND PARLOR ORGAN "ANTED—A SITUATION, AS GROOM, COACHMAN a ite tt

Aafia tartenvrs ant fiuptsuoaac. wits peod eee

seusot me ableton tacit uxicouniy: willing es eekalooeas

Ehertraly etl Gan beyecu Virdee tapout Ned if

shall AL, from 9 10 4 0'eloe


. Syatend with special refereed to tbo cuapel aod

rosousen tho bost reed fuatraioont made. “ee Gas irendweuy, between Priveg God Huutori nireet A

WARTED—A COOPLE, 70 GD TO NEWARK. N. J ‘Gorman pevferred, who te forniliar with the twatmend of Vinegar, and has worked In a m. ibs ely can come Well recommended. Al PEL ik Ni rk, on Monday.




Wark, between


NUMBER OF FIRST CLASS GIRLS WANTED—TO Walton tables. Apply at the Ievilte, G7 Hroadwas, up Blairs, from 2 lo 40. a

TRUSTY AND EXPERIENCED wanted; ano who nnderstacda trimming, Marcdintely ot 440 61

MILLINER, Apply imi

({LOAKC AND MANTILUA MAKERS WANTED, APPLY Cet E Pastor in AT oud 4 Catharlvo st

ANOY HAT TIUMMERS WANTED uslediced bavus need opply, 0 Blglon ah, Brooklyn. may

GOOD srRT ANDS WANTED CNONE NERD AD Fpl ieee kool button hole maker, at Noviliels M7 Broadway.

GORD, SLAIN SEAMETRESS WANTED—ONE ABLE to work ou Grover & Baker'a wachiow preferned. Aqs ply ot 136 910 A

FAHEY, EVR eainies “eNoviNo 70 rie Auppiled with eampetest and. Fellanle Beip at Men WittTEss! Eotetilgencs:oilce, Teint wy tind Hovinaet 3h av Mislemi Nfl Wermcnfor bose Jeac-

WoMEDAWENIETVE Young Tavis, TO Wat on ube, tn tno new on 4 SY rabenaabin ine ne nse sala, ros.

Wie tte eA ConA: TRAE Weak seit aiaala hector noah apply. Call ut 166 Bax 18th ak amen


Thuvdrese Also a stiart gic! oa walttran annie, smald; tho best of referoucea reused ap 1. nlitractor. gud Sapuily. Apply eto. Went 2010 wt, Getwoon id anda pester

NONE BUT EX. “oy 16g Felton.


highest price pal Uy experienced Lande. No plucing,

Apply at the: Duplex Eilipllo Skirt Manufuetory, Westa, Srravley & Cary; entrance Hl Meudo et.

VANTED—A HEALTHY WET NURSE. APPLY TO i ig, Guides, No. © Runt 1th wh Oulee hours herecn

AW WANTED—AN WATTEESS AND CHASER only mushvad orn scgealated with tbolr bust. Besa and come well resamindniled need apply. Call at @ West Suh at, after 9 A.

ANTED—A PIRGT OLARS OPERATOR AT A. BER ‘gu'o photograph gallery, 220 Vulion 3h, BrooklyD,

Ker, 1a Good order, for sala al 4 dw price; an old Pago


A. SOURNEAY, AUCTIONRER, OPFICK NO. 0 TINE ,gtreck—Thakelny May M1, ab 1 o'ehock Mat Bx: Chatige ealesroorn, IM Hreadveny. Perompiory wale of Coun- Any Beatin Slaten Island Toca abont dni Frony Bil ville Rofimaad ataton, and M4 mile trem Tosaville; two sary nd a(Ue TROHRE, with nxtenslon, containing 10 roctim Iu er fect onler. fice outbulldingg,; about 12 acrea of land; aban 0 of cholee fruit and. Neighborhood Orsi

a euay face wth cy by at, oF fall. Worm ce Commodeliog Further particulars at tbe" offre uf the auctloncern, No. 6 lino cee


ho SAL,

{anashn' watch ara rat ihn ina fmiprot ine leakunder. lonret al enmuutanes %

Durchawa money may remain on Mortgage peat ele nt an salty

Aboeata ono nt tho.

An tho Vicinity of VL! CuRe awe, OF VLbaerghla, tarmery

Pot nouson aes Ninea an Sa Tate,

hou oura lied

Ail pes 7 He or

seoatica fat manner wing eaten Nast righ

Sn Forest urcaand anronvery Mowery aulterabvseantany

suot ls gates ef walling b ano forge.

AuFroundinie melo ofthe!

FOrM, itn Aruinedl attr at plan snd view of tye plas toy

pa M. THOM ABS KON a ret Pintacxtrara, Anche

#3 OOALY, AUCTIONERRS Nook, nt the MNCUan Me ARS Hold Purntturey ena n pla Si rfar yaa ‘eat Weouch Wedel ther haan nat Heit tiles Rien

at tbe on)

Te vt oR mia nian

now at tie! at arc large stone isla ape rie hl

1, RUPE: JOR eToen HOMES, Banvonern colle.

in tO Abo Guctioneerm. A


is Taree ply nid The


Tey i

ftho fit

red Dunya roslience nt

Tho fu


The nuction roams,

DAY, AT 1015 1 North Witham,

Huriniiie Tan Chin


Ne Nery Wit celine O€ euperter Vee

Vets Hrwendla Thrceyply and Lngrain: Oavrpela. Erliste OU)

loth, eo. Casts deposits wil ba required Eriotedt pytslogue ready.

Varun HY ORDER OF THE SURVIVING QEG.8, FOX, DECRABED, TO OL Poniystwo koren of Cand, mlduato i

on tho road eating from Wes

Pojnk About ning miles frojp the City T

from thn Central Park, Now York,

row iil purebavers


1d BRECWTORS OF. SE THE. ESTATE, the town of West at Parma i 10

ah, anil Ure an)

‘hla ropecty hans fino fronton Ude water, anf in bourse ig ettates of BF, Whitlock, E.G, Palle, P. Spotford, Bakitben t is Ui character af tho wir

mise loupe, and all nocesaan fan be'sera and all MULLER, WILEIN!

ILLIAMSBURG AUCTION NOTIOE.—VETBR A. Wore tar tathand House Neri, Nee Ma Git

troet Will, kell at pablic sale on Th

9 at 12

SKIotk toons on tho. premisen No, ¥ colorasto rawr SMaltn

iin tw tory anal baer tin‘louse cuntaley ‘ino roo


frame Tours and Tots

Antehed and newly

palntod. Torma gn tho day of Hale, or of P, A, BE!

WILL SELL, IIS day, at 2o'clock, at 454 Canal slrect, @ largo nnd

Why witiens. AvoTioN EER

able nis/Hment ef Household Furnita re breaking |

ean olor,


ke, Froro famiien

Movnnber, With Urwes collar tna peutic: Wr AMdrenn W.

Ti Mornis, station Uy corner Ronrth wii Twnil it sttet


TW Hronuway, (0 nlage OF on a WiiTiaedrie Care boat, Tawar Wallat, ccotaiounx Government Mond! No. 0 TH ir $1,048 ud 3 10. rawvilt he y deal on Foturnl two, BAF


gle Ani trot, will te

A GUSNEAY, AUCTIONEER—OFVIOE NO. 4 DINE + “ntrvot—will five parsons) attention, aay hnretoforo to julen of Household Furniture, at residences” of faraiile “lining bousekeopington the moat favorable rmx,


O9T=A NANK 116 Li Basin Kank 10) ae rowan wilt boyd by. torneyal-Law, No. bryan cow


NO. 9901, ON TNE ATLANTIO nt with “John Vat fiving@ Teli Bitwaet Hh

id, a publig aueu * Conniaittee, bil

fret, Watne Washatands, pino cn Other Owico Desks, Uhreo Trou Safes, abdut sive husidred ofice aud o\ber Chasre, wundries, ke Byorder of MATHEW 7. BRENNAN, Comptroller.


relat Creeks Glass, ke., removed fr 1s Biochem street er eonreslancatst as: ain: st privata bale, ‘(wo Bildard Tables (completa), Balls, Cae, &c.

way, oer Sohertcatrtren Mind Pursiuire, t

apa uy Yamin, el inely i erery eooelna: deseriprion Furniiurn, anllabls (0 Ging fovea tnd "Bedrooms; ea Were’ lnplstor in ts to foe Od Ws we forthe ade and all others Ig want; to euumerate srould


fou Motilay, May 2 Teo i) o'dcek A. My all wold at public atction, ta the highest bidder, with ‘ade inte tecarily, fore arin of ina year trom tbe iit "dy of June,

15, Yoawe Uo eatahitels sunt tonlneain ntorry Crom tho baat ALthe footor pring strect. Mk We lly of New York. to Hobor Kens New Senay. at Uunyoipt where the oli furry wean tabllebed, or within 1.000 yarda north or south of thal paint. ‘the landing place at Hoboken, New Joreey, 10 be frvishea by the purchaser,


The conditonnand cgateusats of the tease to be in the

Thurrdlay, May 11, 000)

Perkugen Morte do. Prench do

1 ARE EICAN 10, 1

unier. Bute Bevieliens fant


FER BEDS AuETION TEE, IL LEEDS £ MINBE will cell bg aueton on Sat Unlays Hey 6, ut 12 o'clock, In front Of Wielr salesam, Liberty etree,

Als ubifal snow while Pony, about 1414 bande hig), ware

ed perteelly mound, kind nnd gentle, “An

Pilker eadle oF phantons ex omar of Forty neeond street

ore, of Reed sie, about @ yeare old, fine ices on Under tbe aadOle: Tart (rave

tellon, Sedof eat onduraum: been Used bye. pri

TED AT FLNBER NT Simwwmn, | Chnsttermieriy foreiaat tim presen uae | araor gear nioran by

WA dinitwwen conmeret tine ted inars Titoriscwey, between Place and Ieugion atest ald fer wnat ot msnand Lo dove an hstate

WaNTat—1 -LooKIxo Glass ANB acvoné | 7p 5 AT far | Tren ioe WILT, SELL, AT AD Traine ornmmeutor; ole used to tocklig Up ornament slontorcaxh, or roldon wuuthis paymenuc Viabow | EL = tinecu Monday: May, et kiovclock, at s0d roadway,

prefer. Ajply at Ze? Went Sth ec, vetreet Oth and | og Mlodcdne w let, and unk opel oe fut iac iN Counbes

{ite TS. ASIUCY, £20 Nreadway. Mun M12 o'eloek. ALOT Liberny stzcet, 17 barrele Miceral

Between Urine



Custotned to vefolding nol vacking dry goods. Apply G FURCH ABBR PRIOR $220 aUT7 Murray at, or nt 307 Weal Soh st ple enced seen cctate Mauotaru, origioal mo eee zoet $03, nearly new, Uratclass imaRer, ull anccern improv

AS GARDENER; WAG uf nt Coll at 2B Third street aie

WASTEDEA siTuATIC ian object ae pleads exopll

toP, Carroll, SIA Ist av. < A CLOTHING STORE Addreas, with roi

S | juruis, splendid Uv



RGANIST WANTED—ON quainted with chureb muri, aod who playa with taste. Tio lostramwe ut bs cum of the best for ie wlan fu the cits. AW Grea iminedlavel), staliog Where Laat eauployed, CLartater,


10) Meraido


Dut good bands need Sore tho year Tound; » few-apprentices taken: Psealtior Hownek Praine Mauuracuory, SSI Capal st

§ FUNERAL MARCGR—WITs trait, 404; Pavers! March, pla, kA Navon in with viguelie of the taariyr Pre GiersMeppy Returu,”” Marvirea, Se | Be Republic, ie: Jenep Loverr, euale,

Molhera Vere, Se. 3 * = 3 FYREDERIOK BLUME, 38 Bowery.



toe few lemon ou

Gujlar, ee Pavon Paige of 6 634 and

for ale OF lo lel cheapy


Slo per day sillog Our valhble miter. that sell for gt | © ft 18 Grerad nurect

fo #ocuch. Satoples nd calalogucs went for 2°. oreain: Miners C. Po Bridger’ & Co eau HE HORACE WATERS GRAND, SQUARE AND UP lorue, free Address CP. Bridges & Uo, 66 Breadwas, | TD ii Pluie Retewevoe. Hermociurad aoa Camel OF

in, Fhpleeale gud retail” To Jelyund. reat allawed if pos: Eateg Moathls payments resslved Tur Uo eater “Besood WeedTignes et tutesn™ cto 40) w 2 Shertansin a

jeaoled, ntlbye par Fet=., Pianist to attencancs Wo toy sec A cig ola feutcaoenly ies ah Boor gO {Cala pala for sor bana Uist



Mozery store, whe bag a Keowledge, of tookeeping Gna ta willling to take bimself penerally useful. Salary trem, Sua) to SKN Nest year, Address H., bor 16) Henuli offce, Bivlog revorences, fe.

HOY WANTED<IN A PLUMBING ASD GAS FIT- TED ENGR WOR A aio AL Ung bro tt eie stb ov; must come veel eenimmended, veackroupe canals of ringing Dolly also Woes with


‘one Who wHieK a gow! and onl} Answer; sate lowest price ned age, froa 16 to 20. Incurance, box 167 Herald otbice.


need cireas


RTESDER WANTED: MOT BEA | at it i UPEDS a MINERS ( ALTBRIFS, RU. 20 115" a Ca putter Grat cans oy re : ‘tome doves weatof Broadway. Fer Dar ares tnduameten Ach; amarried man prterred. APBIY | Ueulare aud pees Inquire at thetr ode J

Halte nenilon ext Broadway, fren 2 ¥o4 Ps S. K ) DAUGGIST WANTED.



PEPER ANI Jot the Arcbbl Tor sale. Laryo profit can be made.

ee aaa ceuer it, toe drag bunivead | Appts arATeupuneD tO te FO co

na bookkeepier, ana van eve rnuksfacters reference Ad: | thet a few dire west of Broadway, ae ct hash, Merald otice. 2 (EDA WRY


erin, Liken at the White Hous. March G18 Also Fhotegrephs of Lieut. eu. Grant, ken tp the fell at Cy Point, Mareb 16. Copies rot vignetia to Bile size {or calc, Acdriss MP. Warren, Waltham, Mare. ¥:—A Uberal scount to the trade


NUNTS IMPROVED SECTIONAL MaP OF WARREN chute JUST READY, Teia Map iagotten up on Ue ma plat, oa ants Ta ‘of Venango County Oil Hogionk,

Pe ante od ta Agen wanin? ‘adcerurtonint. Ut, Pubusber, D FIND abeet, Moeonle Mal, Pittsburg, Pa


Fours aidy yhocan ive with bf perents aud frat FCN

avondetfatei? “apply Wo aswell, Mack & 02, under #0 Avenue toe

OF WANT willing

ef WRITE WELL AND BE ff qeuerally whotul; woges $4 per ly to Murray de Elnton, }e# Pear) wt \GACUMAN WANTED —MUST NE SOBER, ATH ATIFE Cie aden MT tee bern ea ‘Bosd driver. “Apply ut 187 Broadway, room 7, from tl tos OLERC WASTED-IN’ PERLEY'S ROOK STORE. 19 44 ay.; doe Bequainted with the business preferred. Noup need apply witkou} We best roferences.

Paluty stv u fob of Cults Vercha Belting: YD. MIs Nusa sires PIATELE wil veil autho, 4 \orreatience 23 Ke

une eine Hdsebald Pur are

iy Nunn a Cloth, Key evan

and Tograiu ety erred

R, AUCTIONEER, SALESROOM 37 rome tke Vast ‘ofice SHINER tna,

tad Baie, nina [ieors to brothel: must uod Ceatre Mes Rie ates "Lua Curtain, Mierard, Betension Tabbe wid Case beck wast au mabey Bextra : tie ale Matters estbne Hedy Belsiere wed tow MTropauy, eulta to! hair cots diiging “uid Sedroom Cay: ies ikeettas Bune Carpeur aud Node

Rawoat ures tj SOMBRVILLE will se!

iis eiaeh Tak ke mero SF Nacaaid stron ted mepait esscriment of Hocsebeld Pornitore co alo Ip jan tewood Bod" black walunt carved Varlor

fe Urs oe

ite iHlashs Weisel, Tepestiy, Thr ply iid 1 Mabopany and DOK wid Warlor Suites ‘erred rime mood Elaceres ad Hookeate; Tose iokaud mabogans corner Rusceres; fare aad ahora Ber wade, oak Diving Sitlens Chie Meck walnut and mabogsoy Mxtebilon Tables. elegu: Shred toney 2 aed Ligek walnut roarle top Centre Tables Gabvecny Rates, Tera bikck walnat and mahogacs Rock” tre, Varied Ha Nottrossen, Hast 20d, Straw Mattresses, Wiotew. Feather Bedh aud Bedding, Ke., cleech Frooeb piste, Tle an Mautel jicrers; rosewood. Hisck watnat ard Miebel> cy Halletanla; rummvwood, black walnut add thalors by uprele Wp Licegeirae Boreana agi Waahstands, Oleloths fie tereney and Guxaware, Kitehen Ulenels acd Fyruwire, de. ‘Kien « isp Piro root Bate, made by RM. Patrick

Msek a

ORE RINDYKE, AUOTIONERR --HOUSE- ro Thus dag, Gb 034 vel, atthe stare. Dquaiuty of Phenkure, cesmreisee Nareans,

OED We oF yoo Peren Bisth ven

het ost. Metiresser, de Cows ta be re

tn ibe wale JOVARD WALTERS, AUCTIONBER, WILL HELD, TU Gittay tdranyy tto doce, 4czt Pant Broadway! ioe teataneut ne Honvehola Fue tare tne Hewett et oer Garp Seay Shell, ures. nay 6.9 He eealliee Reem, stlerore” Cin Divoee wud Ten Hets, thoy Ware, hichcu Furaiture, ac. Aicow je



(ie end bf Rooks.

HOKWAN £60 MAS 6, ah 10h Enveal

2h TU DA:

isees ta frantod tbe store 14

ray, by iniss oe a weak orkeepyy me Uso Marouches Gus Teach” ip teres. nud Car coe einizin and two coubse Fete Waren ne fp swan


149 Ludtow ntreek in the rear, recond fi

OST—ON THURSDAY, A CANARY BIIED, ALL Ly dove. The Hodor will be Wberally rowstaed Ly Te


OST—IN WALDAUR!S THLE ATI A erealog, a Flaws A Nlervt Few Wiha street, root 16, between } aid

folding cover, conus ‘no nee to nny ono but thi for # bores candies und please returo ICU 129 Foot atroet ar 202


OBT=<MAY 8, A SSIAGT CARTAQR Mingeartagen ut oll wiv) excl

‘Aivo eontastrl

ford by reel oll



he Flpt "Five hiner WA Hovis wre


OST=MAY 3. BETWEEN MAID Blowart’s, Ue on Canal «treet, nei


U4 tan Terrier, answering to the nan

rl be pulably rewarded by leaving eel

Lire WORKED rn

sine! watt

log aboot the city, a Lady's


Fark pikes, will be literally rewarded,

Paka Ae Aa tA aah Prrensing sald warren an ther | iceceseer rata aie iti ineanih anitiaine

4) Stniei Torrien we entiar A lioernl remand will paid Te Shik avon nareed

LOST) Won St, SUEEAVAN, 371 4

Hr ekorUlGg her

wenrd wilt begven tec ber reine

Gm KEWARD.—LOST, WONT Per sonic apeiter lath bel whl Dosnet Ports tnotb nurcet Lat Vir avy


DU tho $4 100k, 4 liver und rolzed Unrest of Ts



Bini alavost write, bas

Chister Diamond Brooch. ‘The oder will be rewardos Jeaving the kano at 252 Broadway, up etaire vith

3: De BLU ROM, 3) Weak trees,


OST—YESTERDAY, A'P 12 '0'CLOCK, Ling wbevt 12 poundias. b.



EN LANB AND i of Broadway,

1 by Mot Poe 4, A BLACK AND. Ronny. The fuller

at 62 Fast Twou lieth


MPs cx

‘gold Geneva haritng

‘Watsh, marked Mother; case fretwark. "Any one returnlny St 0 J.B. Ralston &'Co., No. 4 College ‘place, corner

od Teturned wid Wen

iWatlane asked,


inal hock and tar MDL A «GIIAbIG Few MAL Wl bo

NEW AKD— POR fire TURN TO THR TRADES neni lusneane: company, es Nomtry. emer Hrroroe

fiends of pickagey cantalnlif. a rash lok und w hilalh

Fdpotsut odie exept wo tht omar

Sina Anu a Weer Hnuty

$5 ettitistree, Fun Hats aur rw Us lo

Tinie Gyry win teller murkeu Weeves Tin nbuve

DAN. ADRID Dog. fray Wie wind



net SHIPPING: AV tee! NiiThg EaEUONT OF peat b a WILL Inu ech con Wetec ae WW, Cablo pana, iy Stern ° Far lla cnet, Me™ #9, Pao JOIN G. DALE, Agent. Uy

eae I and Uhiladelphia Steir ‘Cterman line), carry ingthe Volied Buster malts fired decratantog we tae

sivered Clyde Walt i olloiee= BR as age eae i

GUTY OP omton ts tu ovBry nucereding Bala, river.

STEAM WEEK] Qienttoien (CAE. anon

WC nid, frum pier st

RATES OF Pasead Paynbfo lo ot uc its evaiennet th rateable genes : to Landon. aia ! De fo lawbiare: : Fastngrm also atari to Ts Nwerpe ke eeequsliy Ww ran fro Esterpesk ee Quecnilows= Vins enti, Sleerage; $81" Then iho wlah to sate for uate ees oe Dug tbs hoc at tan aes


hese simmers Nive woFerinn accommodations for passe ere aroxtennily Wilt In water-Ught tron kecllona ana eaeey, Patent iro cinlhilotors. Bayerienced wurrvons are attach

to each ston

i, Wo TY to JUL © da ta Walnut’ at

(eiptiasts JOHN G, DAUES 1 company's ater sf JO


AT North rver., lay, May 99, voaiuni garuer ne RARE

Wor [cians = WILLIAMS & OUION, 29 Broadway.


WAVE Fe eee re TAU May 3h Res sitieariys Wednesdy, May 34; TAPAVETTE, scsvcsvenge Weal sigue 3) IRS Firovran {tnelud tab ila a!

+70 or 0

Recon eat (intloatog tain wha Vayable {h gold or lur equivn evi in’ Weited ‘States cure

macy Weiteataitendann free of eharre.

For tretght ur my Us qe MACKENATE, Arent runalray atrenk Nowe 12 AtParie 12 Moutecarh en Capuclace rah Havre WILTLAM ISELIN ALGO, ve (Oat Motel) af

LE NORTH GERMAN LLOYDS BTEAMSHIP BRE Fateh a tal rs A Tiovalle, on Havicuepmamiaiis

HATURDAY, May @. at 12 o'clock M.


eB paeaengemmn


atthe following rater payatie gold or Tue equlvabent to Fon Tirat cabin, #106; eecond cabin, 822 60; steerage followed by the HANSA, May 20,

Yor frelght or passage anni ta

OULRICHS & CO, 68 road etree.


etearnalp BAVAIIA, CAPT. TAUB. oti passengers to HAMAURG. HAVRE, SOUTHAMETON AND LONDON, willloave Saturday, May 1. nu 12 o'clock M-” EiretenbiD, $105; nebo cabin, Sc C0; slenrape, B87 Fs meable In at or iWiequlvalent. For (right ayply to KUNSIARDT & 00. @ESAav GD place, Vaserge ofl te, RICHARD & NOAS, No, 6 Rarelas street.


Natoxanen 10 Qu

Teint Coys

May Wo Tinklepay a (Conneotlng at Panaros: h Gongtitution), ree Juve OCEAN UREN Slocum (dianneeitig au Nannie with Soaisint nia, the OUGAN QUES wil Yoeoce of tne tatduue borne tern apy uonat Pa Day by

the Mresidentnt the United st Pictrtht or paterge nnply 03 Pall, ALLEN, ofea of the AUaMUs Ma Soiaaliy Connpany, Nec Uostag errs.


QC) finctthdre note Yow yin Tum Pentel ene eae Weilsiespatchson the

North rivers st noeng

Heniare MPAA te

et corner ot Warr

Tranalu tion frm plee Xe

ni avery th0nthy


| Wotan aitecwhee! semship GUIDING STAR, Captain ell wil Iago ple 4@Nortn river on, Sotanday, Moy Gab 3

mo For froleut or, Hons), apply (0.

FT United Staten al iar ied States ta


Hnarcib, wileave per No, 9 North river, on

PMT Paanage $5. Vreight FrdiicedFalea! Vor (eight oF Kaman, ‘faving ungurpaseed Cremowmodations,

TiN ENO NLWRIL_& CO. AKert ree Thell, & A

twill olla on Batony, May 13. A Oymemany tae

Capiain 3.1 Kafarday, May at three

NEW ORLEANA DIRKOT. The Ora lane Sider! wtesins lp HEN UILAG 8 smn), F Es attend. WIN teore. pier 4 North river on Thuredy, May (1,0 1%



ce Been eer OA

Meares Bede ied ary ot we ata ribet hale ;

enti rene RR Ort SN RTTERAEE


a) rt pallet MONRO ARTE. apeipeste Manns

erent ea

peel le erg oh

Ss Seen Gs APTORe ison a co

ArT a. tet RENO pa Gur Soran, fiery ABA TO prodded le akin nivwetoe at pert) North rm Tele Intend to esta OE Bret lias vosmely ort Pas reich nr jwesnce spy iy WL RWAS Le


; ee teh Sivek nyo ai

Ta Willan abeek



(TEC nor OMEN 4.


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ony for threo months

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Volume XXX.........


No. 123

ACADEMY OF SIAIO, Irving plsoe—Guexay Ormma— Matineo at Ono o'Clock—Varsr. gee

OLYMVIO TIRATRE, Toadway—Porriva rox Ques ox—Sixnring Meavry. Matinee at One a'cloek.

BOWERY THEATRY, Bowery.—Uxcte Tox’s Canim,

NIDLO'S CARDEN, Broadway —Pancnox.

BROADWAY THEATAY, Broadway.—Kino Joum.

WINTER GARDEN, Mroadway,—Juaxre Deaxs—Lapres Dewace,

NRW NOWERY THEATRE, Bowery—Sreevie—Era- umr—New Yous Vourwrecss,

WALLAOR’S TIEATMU:, Drosd ray Diack Sexy,

TeRNUMS MUSEUM, Hroadway—two Maweore Par We 2 —lavia sixxueroy—Dwaue—Gias? Hoy—Onasae Gis Open Day and Brveaing

BRYANTA" MINSTRELS, spice’ Mall, «72, Dros. jplinmorax soxcs, Dances, byarsaces, to Tine RANGER.

WOOD'S MINSTREL HALL. SU Nrostway.—Rrmioriae Bomcs, Daxcns, £0.—I'2Tn0LMUMANIA, OM OIL ON THN DUALS

HOOLEY'S MINSTRELS, 19) and 21 Bowery.—Sonay, Dasa, DUM GUIs Bo. Aut YEMEN

IRVING MALL Dr Karoo axp W

ring place —Matlnce at Ono o'Clock— ia :

2 DIABOLIQUE. £89 Dioadwar.—Ropxer Henven’s Tkirsiows ano Gosne SoLor—Lriki Back. Alatloee al Two

Poorteenth street —Raverraisy, qeaakcic Esrearaieicurrs—O'DOSOUSIUE

AMERIQAN THEATRE, No. 4U Nrostway.—Darten, ARTOGIMEN. IUDLAGQUES, RO —SuITHS AND HROWRX Mall: nes al Two o'Vloek. NRW F ANATOMY, 618 Broadway,

Open f

onk MSR JOA M. iD

New York, Saturday, May 6, 1803, THE SITUATION.

On yesterday and tho day beforo there wero lonz eas ions of the Cabinrt at Wealiington, tn whlch * of throwing upon the entire Soutiato nrestrictod trade was under conslderatlon, andit is understood that Pre dent Johnson and all bis Seerotaries excepting one aro \n favor of this proceeding. The matter, however, ro- tains yot undecided.

The trial of tho persons charged’ with implication in tho great asmssination conspiracy will bo commenced in ‘Washington somo tme next weok.

Our Richmond despatches show tho terriblo stato of tmpoverishiment In which the people of Virginia are now Tonnd (o be, and to which they haye been reduced by tho drafle of the rebel military establishment on thoir Kinds. Thousands of tho Richmond, Petersburg and tho scrrounding country aro presorred from starvation only by the rupplies of food which the United States commisssricsfornish them. Strong desires are expressed for the removal by government of all restrictions on trade not contraband of war, #o that facilities inay be af. forded for a resescitation of Industry both in the towns ditricla At present the far. mors geversily are withost the Imploments or seeds uccemary to do thelr planting, end unless those can br epeedily procured thory will be no crops forth- coming in the Stato tn the fommer and fall

Ik bs understood that the Army of the James, com: manded by General Ont, and couslsting of the Twenty-

resourves of all Iohabltanta of

and rural

fourth and Twenty-Ofth corps, will remain In Virginia for the present It ls ald that the

cly-ffth corps, con- Usting of colored troops, will go into camp ut City Point A portion of tho Army of the Pot

Was expected to pase throug’ Richmond on Thurmlay or yesterday, on

Me way to Washington,

cipal citizens and Jocal o oh


are rapidly ©

furwant to the Pro

eGice and Laking the oath of al

at Marshal's garce to the govern: to It Littleton the


Amoug others who have sub Judge Prowecting Alamey In Ould, formes of Wl CommMaioner of luas, Ib Ls reported, been arrested, by order of the ¢: meat. Mr Merpont, tho to; expected to arrive in Richm


Mayo, Lyons and

1 Governor of Virginia, ts 4 nbortly, when, it is sup- Posed, the mat of the Htate gorcrnment will be trans: ferred to that city from Alexandria,

Our Charleston depatches ere to the Ist inst. General Potter's force hed returned {rom it expedition into tho interior of Baath Carclina, having destroyed an (mmense amount of rebel property. The gueritss hare agsin be. come trooblesome in the goulhern part of tus State On the 27th alt a party of them made thelr appearance within six miles of Charleston and tore up eome raliread track Another strong force of national {roopa 's toon to be vers

Goncral Sherman's bosdquartors aro being estadllahed at Alosandrla, Va, for which place bis army la now on the march from Raleigh ocrvst North Carclina and Vir

winla, by way of Richmond.

‘There was slill an abwonce yevtorday of the necessary witpeses to proceed with tho tral of Bonjamin , Tare ria, of Maryland, charged with troasonable conduct, and tho eayo wes further adjourned over till to-day.

Another of tho rebelogenta In Canada, William 0. Cleary, for whose arrest President Jolnvon bas offered 8 reward of ten Woupand dollar, bax pobilahed communication agerling that ho had no connec: tion with tho Wosblngton asaraination plok Do. vorly Tucker and George N, Eanders yosterday Imued tholr second manifesto on tho assmeination, in which Moy charge Prosident Johnson with conspiring to moter JofE Davis, and oxert thelr willlognera to stand thelr trial for tho erimo with which they are charged.


Later and Interesting news from tho Spanish-American Tepublics on the Pacific const, is furnished in the dos. Patches of our Panama and Lima correspondents, brought by the stoamship Costa Rica whieh arrived hero yester- day, from Aspinwall on the 21h of Aprii, Tho Costa Rica brought to this port over six hundred and sixty thousand dollars jn sprele.

A now contract between the government of Colombia ‘and the Panama Ratroad Company bad been drasrn ap, by which tho perpetual propristonihip of thelr Ino 1a ‘conceded Lo the company, and no other railroad nor any canal {9 allowed to be built wihout thelr consent within ninoty miles on elther aide. Thia contract had not you ‘boon seted upon by the Colombian Congress, but the bo- Hef wa that It would be ratified by that body.

‘Tho news of the surrender of Bee's ormy been re- colved in Panama, and the rojoicing over H by the loyal Americans was great, The pimic Shenandoah, from ‘Austrailia, was being looked for on the Paci8o coast,

Tho republio of Pera wax again ina state of revola- Hon, anarchy and confusion, which was expected to con- tiove till Castilla, who wns abeont, returned, whon ft was considered be would a8 a matter of course once more be come Prevent There were rumors that Spain bad mado a formal demand on Chile for indemnity for the in- convenienco and losses sustotned in consequence of the government of the Jatior republic refusing to allow the Spanish sqaadron to obtain coal and supplies in its ports during the dificulty with Pern regarding the Cbincha Islands In the department of Chiriqa!, State of Pana- ma, there had boon threo different revolutions im abont as many doyn A forced Joan of oighteen thoveand dol- Jara whieh the government bad made in the city of Panaina hod caused considernblo excitement; but it wan Ronerally paid without much hesttation. In Dotria General Nolza had been abot while endeavoring to get up ‘anew revolution.

In auother portion of this morning's Hexaxp will be found some {mportant and oxecedingly Interesting official correspondence regarding Mexican affairs between the Minister of the republic of Mexico in Washington, Mr. Romero, and Secretary Soward. Mr. Romero enters a strong pretest againat the transfer to Louls Napoleon by

Maximilian of certalo Northern States of Mexico, We also Publish a communication sont to ua by Mr, Romero, ‘onclosing a noto from Rresident Joarex, in both of which tho statements that thi latter had offered to eoll cortain Moxloan territory to tho government of the United States fro poullively donied.

Mech excitement was croated in Washington yestorday by tho mppoarance In ono of the papors of that city of an advertisomont calling for voluntoors to go to Mexico, in- forming all desirous ot embracing the opportunity whore they can call to register tholt names, and also stating that similar agencies will bo opened in this city, Phils- dolphia, Baltimore and other places

‘Woe have rocolved Capo Town, Cape of Good Hopo, pa- pers to the 22d of February; but they contain no newa of foterest.

Tho steamship City of Port nu Prince, from Port aa Princo on tho 27th ult, arrived hero yeaterday, Sho brought no nows of importance Tho health of Hayth gonerally was good.

A formal demand on behalf of the now Fire Commis alonors of this clly was yosterday made on the troller and Stroet Commisilonar farene UeYcry of all tho Fire Department property. Groat secroay Ls wllil Preserved by the Commistiopers tn all their movements: anc proceedings, and ercn the place wher thoy hold thoir movtings {s yet known to but a very few porzona, The marshals charged with the doty of serving the in- Junction granted by Judgo Sutherland restraining the Commissioners from agsuining tho dutica of thotr posi- Mon had invch diMoulty fn finding these officials, who Kept thomvelves well out of the way; bat yeetontay afernoon vome of thein wore discovered in Wall street, and tho Injavction was served. What coarse the Com- malsloners will now pursue has not been mado manifoet.

Tho Grund Jury of the Court of General Sessions brought in a large number of indictments yestenlay, to Which tho prisoners, on belng arraigned, pleaded not guilty, Thelr trinls were sot down for next week. Mar. garet McKean was chasged with stealing a ehawl from Mra RM Hardy, No. 22 East Fourteenth street. The testimony being of a doubtful character, the caro was Abandoped and {he Jury acquitted the accused. In the aflernoen counsel for Mr. Peter R Strong (who is in- dicted for an alloged abortion upon bis wife, Mary Strong, against whom he has brooght a sult for divorce), made a motjon bofore Judge Russel to hava the case speedily Iried or tho indictment quashed Ho alleged that the

Indictment was found without am prehminary examisation, and that oppressive acts had been resorled {0 tp finding the bilL Counsel for

tho prosscution replied; but In consequence of tho Judge having mn ongagement tho argument was ad Joarned till this morning, at eleven o'clock John Ravel ploaded guilty to picking the pocket of William Redfield, ofa gold watch on the day of the furcral of President Lincolp. Ho wns ono of a gang of thirty plékpockets who were arrested “on that occasion. The City Judge sent Ravel to the Stato prison for threo years and six

monthe Tho North American and Italfan Steamship Company,

chartored at tho Jato session of the Legislature of this Stata, was organized at a meetng of the corporatora heli at tho Astor House yesterday. The vessels of this lino, ich are expected to commence thelr trips Ina very short Umo, will mn between Now York and Getoa, touching Euprrintendeat élrections for a

al Madeira and Cadfz Kennedy has terued an onter glying jew Summer uniform to be worn by the

police. The principal change, and ono which will no dozbt conduce much to the comfort of the members of the force, will be io the coat, which, Instead of belng

LUsht walsted, asin the wintor suit, will bea loose rac The material for both coat and yants will be bluo flannob The steamahlp City of Washington, Capiain & @. Brooks, of the Intan line, will sall to-day at noon for Quvenstown and Liverpool, from pler 44 North river. Tho mails will close ut the Port Office at half past ton A. Af.

Two entire blocks in the business portion of Ironton, Ohio, wore destroyed bysfire on the 234 ult. Seventeen ‘Arms Wore burned oot, and the joss 1s estimated at one hundred thousand doflare

The stock market was very doll yestentay. meats were rather heary, Gold opezed at closed nt 14255

‘There wes bul little change in commercial affairs yes- terday. A fair business wae done, and ax a general thing fall prices obtained for both domestlo snd foreign pro- dace, whiko many kinds wero even higher. Cotton was Jc perTh higher. On 'Change flour was moro active and Ge higher. Wheat was frmer, while corn was doll and lower. Oats declined 1c a2s., with a Ilmited de- Mand. The pork minrket opened dall and heagy, but

out thrvagh the State, The rebel ram Columbia, cunk in Magnolia crock, has been raltod, and is foand to be nob greally injured. She will be broaght to the North. Tho secessionists of Charleston were wild with Joy on leaning Of the exesseinatlon of President Lin- cola, and it Js eld thst women were actually #0 profmme and scrilogiows as to fall on their knees abd exproes thelr thanks to God for this en- ormous crime Bot the sudden arrest of ex-Governor Alken sppaared lo bring thers to their eeuzes, and they temediatoly became tcor discreet In their conduct Mr Alkén's arrest and the expalsion of the cmtamacias Epleopalian clergyman, Mr, Mar- wail, who orofused to wilatitots the prayer for the Preddent of the United States for that

Walch bo Hal Yee offering for Jel Davia, bat caused |

loved active and firm. Beef was steady, whllo Jard was ‘rm, with a fair inquiry. Frejghts were dull and heavy, and whlikey was unchanged.

Tue Biockanz.—The Cabinet, we nnderstand, have been considering the question of declaring the Vlockade st an end. It is probuble that the fime depends only upon the capture of Jel Davis or information of his escape from the country. In eny event the blockade will goon be terminated, and then, with « market for their cotton, in exchange at their own doors for salt and sugar, coflce ond tea, bread and bacon, shoes and eiockings, and the Jalet fashions,


Tho Negro Question—A Settlement With the Factious Agitators, North and South.

In closing np this tornblo civil war, the most eavgninary in tho history of mankind, wo natnrally reenr to the causes and tho inillga- tora of this unbappy stuggle. Wo seu thst tho canaes underlying and cropping out oa all sides wofo slavery and the political ogitition of tho elayéry question, North and Sonth ; that tho trouble commenced in the convestion whioh adopted the constitution of the United States, ond that the framers of that instrusent, for the sake of the Union, bad to transmit that troublo to their posterity, in being compelled to entor into u compromisa on slayary, which inoludod, among otbor concessions, evan tho ndoption of tho African slavo trade for a torm of twonty yoars,

Under this compromize tho country yros- pered, passed triumphantly through another war with England, and had rest from any vio- Jont agitation of slavery for thirty yara But then the question of tho admialon of Missouri a8 a slave State conynsed tho nation, and threatened very serous consoquonces, till Henry Clay calmod tho troubled wators with tho oil of his famous Mis-

sourl compromise. But twenty years Inter the sluvory question again stalked fn like the ghost of Banquo to frighton us at onr feast ovor the torritorial spoils conquered from Mexico, when agaln a new compromise from Henry Clay, in- cluding the Missouri compact, gave us another torm of peace. This adjustment would, pe haps, havo lasted for twenty or thirty yeara hid not poor Pierce, in 1854, four years after its adoption, under tho infinence of Jeff. Davis, Mason, Slidell, and their associato Sonthern emocratic leaders, brought abont, as a Presi- ential party ménsuro, the repeal of the Missoari compromise, This was the opening of Pandora’ ‘box; this act, which tore the demooratio party to pleces, cast it out of power and rapidly, under their disunion loaders, burried the bulk. of the Sonthern States headlong into the fath- | omless nbyss of the rebellion, That Kanass- Nobraska bill lifted the curtain, and the open- ing scones of the eanguinary drama of civil war which has followed wore played in Kansas.

Tn oll this business a heavy responsibility at- tnobes to tho democratic party; and it bas been feartully punished for its treachery to itself and the country. Bnt behind the old democratic party, and controlling it to its destruction, ¥e | find the real elements of this mischief in tho | Southom slavery propaganda; just as wo find the elements which destroyed the old whig party In the Northern radical abolition faction, Tho whig party courted the Northern aboli- tionists for their support, and it was destroyed by a Southern reaction; the democratic party truckled go basely to tho Southern pro-slavery fire-entora that it was literally torn to pieces by a Northern convulsion. Theso discrganizlig aboli- tion and pro-slavery sectional factions wore | started into life with the establishment of tho first Northern abolition journals, over thirty years ago, But what with the ‘ariff, nullification, tho national bank, internal improvemonts, the financial revulsion fof 1837 and other leading questions, the power of the abolitionists as a political faction was not made manifest until tho year 1844, on the Texas question, when, by a strange inconsistency, fiteen thousand aboli- tion whigs, in voting for Birney, tho first regular

ebolition Prosidential Sandhiale Ah ‘leo! ‘olk. We may now |

trace to those fifteen thousand stupid abolition Votes all the troubles that have followed tome country.

From tbat day commenced the nctive demo- alization of the two grest national parties then in the foreground—the whig party from its jag- gling affiiations with the Northern abolitionists, and the democratic party from Its servile con ceasions to the Southern pro-lavery fire-cators, Disunion was the political wor cry of both these disturbing factions “No union with slayeholders” shouted the Northern abolition. isis, “Our rights under the constitution, or dis- union,” shouted the Southern fire-eaters, Abo- litionists and fire-eaters played into ench other's hands. On tho one side fugitive slaves, in vio- Iation of the constitution and the laws, were systematically spirited away, and their recovery

other slde abolitionists, by mob law, wera gys- tematically tarred and feathered when caught south of Mason and Dixon’s line, and were not at all times exempt from Inching by the ronghs | of the Northern democracy. These acts of law- lessness and violence on both sides, by aboli« tionists and Southern disunionists, in due time widened the bitterness of fecling North and South into a sectional organization of parties, no slevery and pro-slavery, and we need not repeat the consequences.

What wo want now is final settlement with these disorganizing sectional factions on tho slavery question and the negro question. Tho war bas killed Southorn slavery. Let it be buried and put out of the way as coon na possi- ble. Itends the slavery agitation. But there fs zat | something let for abolition capital in the negro | ogitation. Against this demand thatas slavery is abolished, and that as the African race have | powerfully assisted na in putting down the rebellion and in saving the life of the nation, | they should have a share in the politi ht | of the bullot box, what valid objection can he | made? We cannot long resist this demand in | view of the extinction of slavery and the se vices of the Sonthorn blacks daring this war, With cyery opportunity ond in every way they have been our faithful allies We have bad two bnndred and fifty thousand of thom in the service of the urmy end navy, Their battle of emancipation, inyolving four millions of their race, has turned | the scale in our favor, and we must yield to the sagacity of President Lincoln's emancipation edicts. It is tolly to argne ngainat established facts. We adhere to the lights of experience | and common sense. Hence we would say again to President Johnson that he bas nothing to fear in Inboring to give the Southern blacks the right of enfrage in the reconstruction of the rebellious States, Political negro exclusions, looking tothe safety of negro slavery, are no longer necessary, slayery being dead. Above all, we want to see not only the’lavery ques-

hobby, permanently settled, so that Northera and Southern negro agitators may be silenced, in being deprived of the last parcel of their stock in trade—negro suffrage in the recon- quered States.

Moxzy Avoxpast.—It may be observed from

even the rebellions beautiful women of the | South will rejoice that the war ts over, and be

ready, “for Dotter or for worse,” for a union ‘those detestable Yankees,”

the quotations of the government loans taken up for sevoral days past that they average ho- tween five and six millions a day, varying from

foar to sean millions per diem Thus it ls evi-

tion, but the negro question, as a political |

ent that the,government can be supplicd with money almost without limit, #0 complete is the confidence in its solvency, and so abundant aro tho financial means to meet all {ts requirements, ‘Tho resources of this country are not half do- voloped. As (he demands upon them increase, so do they yield out of thelr abundance tho wherowithal to eupply these demands, and the timo is now coming when this fact will be more fully reolized than ever before.

Mexico and Brance—The Mextonn Mints- ter and the Reported Cessions of Terr! tory.

We publish in onr colnmns to-day two or tbroe intoresting documents relative to Mexico. Ono is a reply of tho Mexican Minlator at Wash- ington to the statements recently made by M.

Costa in tho French Legislature, Another is

4 translation of the timely, patriotic and able protest which Sefior Romero addressed to our

government on the 6th of February last, with reference to the reported sale or bypotheeation by tho ox-Archduke Ferdinand Maximilion of Austria of certain portions of the territory of the republic of Mexico to Lonis Napolcon, Emperor of the French. This protest is natu- rally and properly addreased by the represun- tative of Mexico to the United States, not only os itis the country to which ho is accredited, but bocause of the vital interest which tho United States and all of the republics on this continent hay in o transaotion so directly affecting their security as independent soy- ereignties. a

If France has the right to come to thls conti-

nent and partition ont Moxico at ber will, what safeguard haa any other Power against a simi- lor attempt ot some convenient time when it may please France or soma European Power to attack them? It ia idle for Louis Napoleon ‘to assert that Maximilion is a responsible sove- reign. As the representative of Mexico very justly says, he is for Mexico only the agent of tho Emperor of tho French. He was carried to Mexico by French arms, and he is sustained there today only by French power. specious arguments or assumptions can gloss over this fact, which is patent to all the world, and ita bearings clearly understood. Conse- quently any transaction between Maximilian and Louis Napoleon is precisoly of the same nature, and has no other, of a transaction be- tweon General Bazaine and Lonis Napoleon. It can haze no binding force whatever cither in law or in eqnity upon the Mexican nation. provisions may be enforced so long as there are French arms present to enforce them, but they ean be no longer. For Freach arms to remain in Mexico, however, to keep down the repablic, is for Louis Napoleon to assume that French arms ore to be stronger on this continent than the will of the American people, There are not many who will agree with him in this opin- fon after the verdict that has just been rondored in the United States that republican inatitutions shall live.



We regrot, for the sake of tloze sanguine but

MLinformed financiers of {lie speculative porsus- sion in Paris who haye just made a preaont to tho unfortunate Maximilian of instalment of the loan which will come quite convenient for bim to retire upon, that we could not have commnnicated to them this intoresting correspondence at an earlier date. We know thoy would have been pleased to

have seen it before they signed thei reed, DI n the case, or had

their first

ey been hetter informed ng to the course of

affuirs, em this continent, they would at least have saved the cost of the paper npon which their worthless scrip, like the robel scrip in its every featnre, is written. It may be possibie also for them to draw some conclusions {rom the nature of Mr. Seward’s reply to Seiior Ro- ‘Mero’s protest quite at variance, perhaps, with the assurances so confidently communicated by M.Ronber in the speech to which so much credit has unwisely been given.

We commend these documents to the thought-

ful consideration of the subseribors to Maxi- milinn’s loan, and particnlarly to the public, whom they have eouzht tg dupe.

Tuk TrrBone on THE Ledisi wv)

—Has thore

| been a popular error in rolution to the Legisla- ture of this year? Every one sufposed it to resisted in all gorts of petty annoyances; on the be a tolerably fair body—at les est as such bodies says it was a very corrupt one. known that the Legislature was republican, and that the Tritune is the organ of the party that elected the Legislature. pose, therefore, that the Tribune bas special sources of knowledge on this subject, ond knows more about the matter than the public does?

t quite as hon- sually are; but the Trilame Now, it is well

fast we not sup-

There was the Iealth bill, for instance. It was ncknowledged by all that tbo passage of that bill would greatly benefit this city. It was recognized as measure full of public good. The clergy spoke in its favor from the pulpit even, and the medical profession and the whole intelligent community were in its fayor. But it

was lost. Has the Tribune any special knowl edge of the secret history of that bill, and is

that the knowledge tbat induces it to denounce the cormption of the Legislature? ‘There was @ Warohouse and Pier bill, too—not so neces-

sery to the public a3 the other—in which the

Trikune concern was interested, and in which the members of the rihune concerh were named as corporators. Perhaps the Trilune knows how it happened that the Warehouse and Pier bill passed, while the Health bill was lost. Does it?

The Tribune dwells upon the fact that the Tax lovy was kept back, and cries out corrup- tion! Why, then, perhaps it knows all about that, too. Has the Tribune been informed that the levy was kept back in order that there might be attached to it the Tax Commissioners’ bill, by which the Tribune was to be made com- fortable and happy?

R.S. V.P.—whieb, being rendered into the vernacular, signifies please answer and let us Know all about it,

Ewronants Yor Mexioo—Agonis of the Mexi- cam republic at Washington ure calling upon our discharged Union soldiors to volunteer as emigrants to Mexico under very fiyorablo in- ducements. Donbiless considerable numbers of our enterprising young men will £0, and go, too,ns believers in the Monroo doctrine, and the government cannot interfere with their right to go. How they will be received by the Emperor Maximilian is another quostion; but wo euspeet that if the Monroe dootrine getsinto Mexico, the Emperor will find it expedient to get out. In the bare mention of this proposi- Mion of o liberally compensated emigration from the United States we reach a solution of

tronble to our government Union and rebel soldiors will mect on tho same platform in Mexico.

Oon Prvancian, Starcs—We haye nccom. plished extrordinary things In this country within the past four years, causing no litte nstonissment in Europe. The way we doalt with the stupendons rebellion and put it down, the vast military resources which we developed, the strength manifested by our government when, under circumstances unparalleled in this country, its elected boadl was assassinated, ond yot the stream of government flowed on, with- outa ripple disturbing its surface, save the shadow of grief which foll upon tho Innd—all these events are beyond tho comprehension of the people of Ewope. Put they bave yet to witness the most remarkable and novel of all tho ovents arising ont of this war, and that is the capacity of the country to pay the debt which the war has created.

It is a notorious fact that no country in Europe has ever paid its war debts. From England, with its fonr thousand mil- lions of dollars of national det, down to the smallest Powers ot Gormany, they have never been able to do more than psy the interest, and that by heavy taxation on the people. They have, on the contrary, been increasing, but never paying off, their debt But how is it with us? The debt accumulated by the war of the Reyolulon and that of 1812 was not only paid off in o few years, but, in the time of Jackson, we had a sur plns of forty or fifty millions, which was dise tributed among the States for the purposes of education, and it was not until twenty years had elapsed that the last Stato accepted its quota. The money bd, in fact, almost to be forced upon them. The debt incurred by this wor, now just concluded, immenso as it may be, will be paid off im a few years. Tho genora- tion now living will see it liquidated, and with- ont oppressing the peeple with taxation to a greater extent than they feel the taxation of to day. We have borrowed nothing of forcign Powers, bat bayo carried on the wor entirly with our own resources—have supplicd our own fighting material and onr own monoy, while foreign nations were supplying the ene- my with all that was needed in the way of loaws and munitions of war, to be used against us,

This is something in the history of great wars which the world bas never before axhib- ited, and it is only a conntry with such bound- less resources and such a froo and firm govera- ment that could accomplish it Despite the severe strnggle through which we baye passed our finaneiai status to-day is without example.

Presmexr Lrycory’s Reruns. 10. Inui When Abrabam Lincoln, as President elect, in 1861, left Springfield, Ninois, for Washington, be was comperatively an unknown | man, obarged with the heaviest bilities that ever foll upon mortal alo After sub-

stantially finishing his great work, to the admiration of the country and the proval of all bones! and impartial mon

of tho world, his mortal remning are bome back to Tlinois with such honora na were never bestowed upon mortal man before. His -faneral procession, atarting from Washing- -eowon Wednonday, we 19h of April, reached fie tomb-at Springfield on Thursday, the 4th of May, thus extending: throngh fifteon days, voyer a line. of thousands of miles, along which the precious body of the nation’s martyred leader wes honored with overy possible mani- festation of grief and veneration by millions of people. ‘Truly bas ha returned to Minois a mighty congneror, lifted to the side of Wnsh- ington from hia glorions work, and monrned in every house, from the Atlantic to the Paciflo, as the head of the family cruolly taken ava: Mount Vernon and Springfleld are widely sepa- rated, but henceforth the visitor to oither will pay his tribute to both,

Tuanksorvinc AND Fasr Dayvs.—The Prosi- dent of the United States and the Gover- nors of the several States should be supplied with an almanae of cach of our religions de- nominations go that in the appointment of thanksgiving and fast days they may not come into collision with some important festival or saint’s day of this church, that or the other. Gov. Fenton made aserions mistake in appoint ing Good Friday as a day of thanksgiving; but this was negligence. President Johnson, how- ever, with a Christian almanac before bim, would not bave named Ascension day for a day of mourning. The Episcopalians appealed for ‘a change, and the day was changed accordingly to the Ist of June; but bore the Jews come in with the plea that this arrangement will inter- fere with their great festival of Sheryuous, and oll for the want of o Jewish almanac. If our religious socicties wish the President or the Governor to respect their church callendors they must send in their almanacs.

Tozrro Expropep Uspex rar Coat Moxoro- ty.—The government purchases of coal in this city have been reduced from ten thouzand tons a day to nine thousand tons a weok.

Graway Orena.—Ax tho season of German Opora ad vances, the houses ary moro Jargoly attended, Last night tho Academy wns protty (arly Olled, preasnting one of the best appearances of the seuson, Halovy' grand opera Za Jufve was givon, with Mine, Johanson, Mme. Rottor and Mesira Woinlich, Hirnmé and Hado- manu tho cast, The fatter goutloman wos remarkably food as Leopold. Carl Formos, {t appoars, was suddenly attacked with the favorite diseaso of artlots known as ‘tndisposition,”' and, theroforo, the part of the Cardinal Was assumed by Welnlich, who sang It well, and was very warmly reosived. Faust will te given to-day at a grand ratings

Hamter at me Broapway Turirse—Shaksporo’s grat tragedy of Hamlet was last night produced at this theatre. The attendanco #f the public was yory large, fund, we mead scarcely say, It conslated of tho most fashionable and cri({cal of our citizens ‘Tho drama was Fopresented by some leading actors well known to famo, and the bench and bar wores not without thelr ropro- rontatives. Considoring the Iimilod advantages and re- ‘sourced of this smal theatro for bringing out spectacular pieces, wo must say tlint Hamlet way very successfully played. Of Mr. and Mra Kean thero can be but eno opinion—thoy ara always favoritos, because they are always great Yet we must say that wo profer Mr, Kean in almost any of his other rdles to tho ono be sustained last night, With a larger stago and moro effective sup- port ths pleee would have boeu Letter rendered; yet all that could be done under tho circumstancea was dono, and well done Tho Ophelia of Miss Chapman was in every way commendable, and mt lady descrves a word of praiss and encouragement, as does Mr. Cathcart for the chorgy and spirit wit which ho playod the part of Laortes.

‘To-night we will havo a repetition of King John; and fon Monday next, tho Inst of tho brief season, Mr.

tho Moxican question withont giving any ground of complaint to Louis Napoleon, or any

Charles Kean takes his benefit, when Henry the Eighth ‘and tho Jealous Wifo will bo rupresentod. Lot there be fe full houae on both (eee ocomilous by all moans,

Immense Revival In the Bus! of the Cessation of the War on tho Travel to the Old World. é&c.

There ts arash to Europe, Our packet stosmory are crowded with passensera America, in a fog for four years, is in sunshine again.

Tn tho peacafal and happy times that prevailed just before the breaking out of tho rebellion no peopts were more colobrated for their lore of travel thar e natives of republican Amoria. ‘Thotr footstepx wer? to be found (n overy part of the zlobo. Whorover a railroad wos laid, ora ship edald navizaty, or u beltoon mall on Its airy vor ages, thore the familiar fac of Brother Jonathan was to beacon inall ta elory. Obstactes, large or small, worn ‘More trifles in his way, to bo orer’ome as Reon ay moh It mailo Litto diiferoace to him e

whothor he hail to py

pou! Franexis with Sohaay Grapow! hi sunny France, of Jadver In high Dateh with the Germans, or kis Ue Papal to In Roms, or talk politics with Jou Bull, ov {nyestizate tho humanity of Farbo in Africa, or drink

strong tea and siuily commoros In China or Jap=a, or Art with tho maids, army erlootéye, of the Sandwich Islands, or waniler In tho anclont roijoya of Tad Faypt or Palestino—tho cabrprising and over-ready Yankeo was oqually nt hoine. ‘Tho cot of tho peaciat ortho lovco of the Emp:ror was opea ty him, and he walked In with trco Amorican atylo, Drililant and Dracing. Acommores as nnbounied as the resonreet of his oountry carried tho Stars nud Strijies to every elyl- ized, and many of tho unely'lizod, ports of the universe. To short, Jonathan wag averswhoro, ard always chuck - full of bis nataral sp'rit of Indep ndenco and of patriot pride for hoino ani its ineltntions

Tho redeilion mado asad chango in all thia Jonathan fonnd 9 much to o-cupy lim sorlously at home that ho cessod to Waniler more, From boing, Ia th) opinion of aniatocratic serwbbldrs, tho Paul Pry of nations, alwaya poking his naso into strange placiss, fin became kuddenly great stay-aLtiomo, and davnted bi neal’ to drilling and Aghting, instead of wanderiag nnd Fporting. Yor four long and yoary years—years of sufforing and trial suck a3 no othor nation over cadurod bofore—tals stat of fairs continued»

Atlas( a reaction haa como. Tha trlumphant s1ccestos of oar army and navy, and tho prosp cl of tho speedy dawn of the day of peaca, tozethor with the hoayy fall fo gold, have ravived tho Amorican penchant for wan- doring. With confirmed faith [a thoir national’ inst Hons anit restored conlliones im tho recarity of thelr property and efforts, thoy foal onca mary tho ol psstion Impolling thom to faunch npon tho wares and dirost thoke course to distant cosntrios in search of recreation, plea sary aud busine

‘Tho rosalt fs that tho travel tothy Old World bas boon amazingly Increased within tho last flyo or six weeks. Evory voxel for England, Franco, Germany anit the othor countries of Buropo Is crovited to Its fullest capa city. Tha Conard steamor Porais, which loft this port Weinesday, iwas unably to accommodate all tho appticanta for passage, and carried out an unusually Inrze com- pany of American travellort Tho Br:mon, of the North German Llosils Company, which 1 announced

to sall on Saturday, will dopart with att hor accomntoda- tions for passengers completely exha Oar re porter waa informot at the ofe of tha compony yes terday that thore wero applicants enough to fil thres

Fowels of the capacity of the romen, and th before, sinca tho establishmont of the {lus, wore the com- pany obliged to rafues payeaze ta psopla for want ot auf ficient accommoiations The samo with Dale!s eplandia


Vino cf steamer, Thus tb waa at nearly nll tho othor steamshiv offices, Sr, Riohnrdy, of he Hamburg Amerk can Parke! Company, has observed a tnrrelloys tuereass th the namber of o! pasiengira bound on short trips to theie native Iaad. They aro threo to one as

cohpared Among the cabin pastouger:

1 the correoniing scorn Inet year. ity the per contazo

Tho Fench ling alse

yy tha of Americans is aleo yory largo. goss full an‘l is a puccess

0: crursa, at this scan ava:

car tha steanors a: feneraly pretty Well Ciel with tourist boamt for the Pashionybie watoring places of Europe: But the Incrdaso this yrar is go ontirely boyond anythivg of tho kind that bas ocourred “or years, dhnt itcan only bo esplainod aa dao to the {nevitablo restoration of pe quent sass of sectirity and confidsnco experioncall by ail classes of our poople, Revie, the Amorican can ga abroad ouwsekth more asuriice and pride, Doing na Tongor the citizon of o divided and slstrastod country, batof a rounited and mor firmly han. evar extabllahind ropublfe of States, forndod on tho wuroat and wisest psla- ciples of fre government, Th reappearance of Brother Jonathan abroad ones mors, {a all His pr da and all hia glory, sill toch the world a Ieason which waa sadly needed. Tf will show that the republic Is not an institu. tion to bs tumbled ownat the drst rede shock, anv th StLsas well coasthuted to rida through the horrors. of war (rlumphantly as it Is to flourish and expand amid tho blessings of praco.

Another effect of the oxplosion of tho rebatiton bubble fs tho preparation fora speedy emigration from Europa to this country azoin, on tho largest scale. All the ship- pig olllces aro now lsposing of moro certifteates of pas- gage ina wesk than used to bo dispoied of Ina month formerly, Thes9 cortldeates are for psrsons proparing ta Teave Europe for free Amorica Thy agents of the Amori- can steain lines In Enrope write that tho emigration will bo chormous during tho noxt three months, from Eng- Inod, Ireland und fho Intorlor of Germany, Lot thom come—thero (s room for all, and more too.

tho conse

Indian Vroubios in the Northwest. Sr. Paot, Minn., Mny 6, 1855.

A patty of six Indians murJorod four persons, nomod Jowett, in Blac Earth county. A hatf-breed, named Camp~ doll, was Ipnchod as ono of the murdorort In his con- fesston he stated that nine bands of Indians, numbering ons hundred, were in tho vicinity of Mankato. Plenty of troops are in the vielnlty, and they will probably eap- ture the mudorors and provent farther mischief.

Opituary. DEATH OF REY. SDWARD LYNOT. Yosrmns, N. ¥., May 5, 1265. Roy. Edward Lynch, of Yonkors, died at ten o'clock to-day. DEATH OF A DOSTON DANK PRESIDENT. Bostox, May 6, 1885. J. Amory Davia, Provident of the Suvlk Bank, died (his morning, aftor a briof UWInoca.

Vuttaxova's Coycurr.—Mr. Villanova, the ominont Planist gives hla grad concert at Dodworth Hall thia evening. Ta the estimation of many Mr, Villanova ls

not excalicd by Gotteebalk as a planist,

Masur ar Larix Haut. —Aflor a considerable tater- val, in which thoarthie have beon dolighting ths dent: ens of other cities, Mile de Katow ond) Mr. Webilt will porform ata final matinée in Iryiog Hall this aflernoon. No doubt their reapycarance w)it bo welcomed by those who lave learned to appreciate the talents of both artista.

Tox Stxsrxa Beavry—Geaso Martxez.—Tho falzy spectacle of the "Slooping Beauty,” whlch bas had suck fu successful Tun at tho Olymplo, will be produced, with all {ts brilliant attractions, at a grand malingy to-day. This will be a Quo opportunity for those ladua and ebildrea who have not yet coon It

Tom Nonra Axonicax axp Ira1san Srmasinrtr Company, Anew company, bearing tho above title, recently char- terod by the Legitlaturo of this State, was organized yo. terday, ata mcetiog of tho dircetors held at tho Astor House. The corporatora are Charles 3f. Wilkins, Georse Mackay, Hiram Dixon and William E. Hagan, of New York; N. B. Bryant, of Boston, and James Pollock and J. Walton, of Philadelphia HL D. Foster, of Ponnsyl- yanls, and Hiram Barney, Osborn Macdantel, G, P, Soc~ chi da Casall and E. B. Kendrick, of Now York, havo been constituted assoclate directors, under tho provisions of the charter.

Wo understand that this lino of steamships bas been sstabllshed under a special concossion of the Itallan gov= ernment, Who aro desirous of forming closer and mora oxtended relations with tho United States, and that it haa grantod to tho company the most favorable terma for tho transmission of the malls botweon the two countries, with ‘a gunrantes of four per cent upon the capital of four mnil= Hons of dollare. Tho lino will be started Immediately, to run between Now York and Gonos, touching at Msdeira ond Cadiz, thus affording direct communication between New York and those places, which has long born dosira- ble for the convenience and economy of passangers, who are now compelled to go, via England, and other indirect Toutes, as well as for our large and growing commerce.

Lavson o7 A Prot Boar.—The now pilot bost Wit iam Bell will bo launched at five o'clock this afternoon, from tho yard of Edwin F. Willams, at Greenpoint Sho fs to tako tho place of tho Willlam Boll which waa destroyed by tho pinto Tullahassoo off Sandy Hook last Awgust ‘Tho now pilot bovt ls expected ta be w vor fast pallor


Proposed Unrestricted Trade with the South. -

Our Veterans Called Upon to Uphold the Monroe Doctrine in Mexico.

The Treasury Preparing fora Term of Peace.

Public Creditors Tardy in Calling for Their Gold,


Sen &o.

Wasmxorox, May 5, 1865, TUE OALL FOR VOLUNTEERS TO MEXICO, Tho following advertisement appears in a Washington paper this mornin,


Now that our war is over, all who wish to emigrate to Mexico, In atcordance with ‘the Mexican decree, will call at 58 Voonsylyania avenge, and rogistor tholr namos and address, on address by note Colonel A. J. M., 880 EB street, ‘Washington, D. c.

Ofticos will also bo opened In Now York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other cities.

Gillen hours at 238 Pennsylvania avenue, botween nino and four.

Much Axcitomont has boon creatod in military circles ‘by the above advertisoment, calling upon volunteors for Mexico to enroll thomselves Such a proceeding bas not Deon authorized by this government, and has hardly the eaaction of that of the ropublic of Mexico; but there is ‘Unquestionably a scheme on foot by which all vetcran ‘oMcors and soldiers who desire to sustain the Moproo doctrine will bo enabled to draw thelr swords In defenco of republican principles, without involving elthor them- selves or the government In any troublo whatever, CABINET COUNCILS ON THB QUNSTION OF UNM


For two days thoro have been Jong sosslous of the Cabinet, engaged chiefly in the consideration of the question of throwing open the whole South to com- mercial ontorprise, without restrictions of any kind. It (a understood that elnco the removal of the objections of the military authorities tho Presidcot and ali the members of the Cabinet, except -one, aro strongly In favor of an unrestrictod trade, Tho opinions of tho objecting member are at all times er tlod to respect, and the decision of the question has deen deferred until after the next rogular mocoting of the Cabinet THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT PRPPARING FOR THB


‘Tho Troasury Department js rapidly gathering strength to pay off, without delay, the officers and soldiers to be soon mustered out of service, and also to clear the Sec- rotary's tablo of all suspended requisitions, 60 that tho government will onco again start fair with private com- petitors, and pay promptly as it goca.


There does not seem to have been any hasto mani- ested in regard to the gold Intercat duc on tho publio debt on Moy 1, Thera are still Ofteen millions of this intorcet to be paid out, although the cola has bern ready for (he holders of coupons since tho 27th day of Apri THE CUANGES AGAINST GOVERNOR AIKEN, OF.


It is pot chargod that Governor Alken, of South Caro- Moa, who is now bere at tho Avenue Houso on parolo, ia fn any Way counectod with (ho assassination plots, but that Le has furnished capital for tho maintovance of tho Dlockade runners


The Harris court murtial met this morning, and In tho absenco of wilnoases from Maryland adjourned uplll to- morrow GENERAL SUBRMAN'S MPADQUARTERS AT ALEXA:


Bricadlar GunorlJ. De W-teter; CuleTor eee ca wUnerAl | Sberinay, bad arrived hore, and is establishing General \Aberman's hewdquartors at Aloxandrla. Gonoral Shor- mans expected here In nbout ten daya He will praba- Diy rst vislt tho cities along tho Southern Atlantic coast. which (bo approach of his army bas driven out of tho ro- Dellion Into the Union ranks.


Johu W. Chandler, of New Hampshire, has been ap- Polated Solleitorf the Navy Departmout.


Mr. M. B. Plold Js still Second Asalstant Secretary of tho Treasury. It is understood that upon bis retire. ment Joho Wilson, of Chicago, at present Thint Aud- {tor, will take tho placa


‘The sick and Wounded troops from City Polat ure belng rapidly shipped to Wasblugton. The hospitals at City Point wiil be abandoned as soon as possible.


‘A largo oumber of resignations of army and navy ‘officers are now daily being reoolved at the War and Navy Departments, which aro being acceptod aa fast as Fecolved, the government having decided to reduce tho land and naval forces as epecdily us possible, In order ‘to assist In reducing the oxpenses of the Quarmermaster’s Department, it bas beon decided to discharge all watch- wen, and dotail enlisted men to guard the property of the department.

Many of tho volunteer ofllcers of Admiral Porter's lato flagship, tho Malvern, have resigoed. Large numbors of naval ollicors aro rapidly sending In thelr resignations, seolng that tho war Js over, nud desirous to engago at ence In civil pursuits.


Steamors aro dally arriving here, towing chartered ves- els, which aro brought up to bo dischared from the gor- ‘eraomont services, The work of retrenchment gocs on io call quarters

THE DISPOSITION OF HEBRL PRISONERS. In pursuance of tho recent order, arrangoments are | being malo for the prompt despatch of all rovol prison-

ers who may (ake tho oath of allegiance, K hax not been decided what ehall be done with those who aro un- willing ta take the oath. ‘They will, of course, bo ro- talved in custody for a time, oF until the detlulto closo of armod resistance to the government, and those who thon reinala contwajaoloud may, perlisys, be released or pax roled or sont out of the country. NO MOK TRANSVORTATION FOR KEGRE DES

By onder of Genoral Augur no transportation will her Aftor bo furnished to rebel deserters or rofugocs

PXOMANGE OP PRISONENS OF WA. Te {s oMimated that tho oxchanges now Iu progress Fill oxliaust tho whole numbor of Union prisoners held fn tho South, Joaviug four bands and on parole an ‘of abgut devouty thousand rebol prisouers o bo disposed of,

MDs FOR FLOUR. Tho blits wore opeued bere on Wednesday for furolshlog the Subsisieaco Department with flour, and 24,500 bar- Fols wero offered at prices ranging from 38 60 to $9 50 por barrol All the flour offered was of grade No. 2, ‘$xc:pt 3,000 Larrels of No. 3, at $8 G5 0 $8 67 por burrel, FUBLIO LANDS WITHDRAWN PROS MARKET.

By ofdor of tho Secrotary of tho Tutorior tho altornate 24d numbered sections of tho public lands whibin twenty. five miles on eaoh aldo of the Union Pacio Raliroad Line, from Great Salt Lake City to tho western boundary ‘of Novada, have beea withdrawn from the market,

Condition of Secretary Seward and Mr. F, W. Seward. THE MORNING KEFORT. Wasurscroy, May $—0 A. M, Hon. E. M. Srantox, Seerotary of War,

Sim—I have tho honor to report that the Secretary of Blalo ond Mr. F, W, Seward are dolog well.

Very respectfully, your obedfent servant,

J. K. BARNES, Surgeon General, THE EVENING BEPORT. Wasnmorox, May 5—9 P.M, Hop. B. M. Sraxruy, Secrotary of War.

Sim—I hava the honor to report that tho Secretary of Stato has euffored a good deal from the fractured Jaw (0- day. Mr, F. W. Soward ia decidedly better to-night,

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

K_ BARNES, Surgeon Gonoral,

Baxy Caearevini.—Tho prices at tho cattlo markats in “Bripbton and Cambridge, thls wook, decliood from to $0 thros conta por pound! and a largo number of cattle Were laf over ab both markets —Zyton L'vsi, May 9,

- City Intelligence. Tr New Fire Coxmsnosens—Timxy Diwxp mx Prorartr ov num Dxpanrasr axp REcuVvE Tue Issuxc- ‘Toy.—The new Fire Commissioners continued to obeeryo tho samp provoking secresy yesterday which has marked thelr movements ever alnco the day of their appolnt- Ment, No ono cquid discorer their place of mootiog, ‘and all persons in soarch of them found thelr efforts to ferret out the hiding hole uttorly fruities Even the marshals of constabloa charged with the duty of serving the Infunctlon experienced the greatest dliMcully in per forming thelr dutiea. These indefatigablo executors of the court mandates got up at cock-cruw and surrounded the houses aud offices of the Commissioners, with tho de- torminatfon not (o be folled in discharsing the {inportant trust with which they wero charged. The Commissioner howover, managed to got oat, Unknown to the marihale And ropaired down town, bak not to thelr offices. Thoy- were recognized in Wall ‘street. Dy one of the marshals, who mado tho logal servico to tho usual manner. ‘The Fervios occurred about two o'clock in the afternoon, ‘The Injonction had already boen served upon tho Mayor and. Clerk of tho Common Council carly in tho morning. Provious to recelylng tho Injunction the Commlaloncra hid delivered tho following nottca to the Comptroller and. Street Commissioner:

Sin=Dy authority of the act passed by tho Legislature of the Sut, eniltied® an act to create m Metropolitan Fite Distcice end eauiiuha Fire Department tere then requgah an tonal of Ube Commoners arpeiotAd by al et, thal you deliver tosald Commissioners such pro Eiay’ be In sour charge belonging to the elly of New Yorks Forine purpive ot extinguishing dre,

(especttully yours, 00. PINORNEY, President

‘Tho commissioners are roquired to answer tho com: plaint of tho poople within twenty days from tho dato of servico. The meotings of the now board occur, some. whore in Wall atrcot, but the exact epot Is still kept secrot.

Ton Viocavioxs or Grrr Onorsaxces axp mm Atpan xerx.—The action of tho Board of Aldermen in ontering tho Corporation Attorney to discontinue until further notico the prosecution of sil sulte for violations of ety ordinances, has, naturully enough givén rise to some talk

and oxcitoment In political circles. . Tho resolutior passed at the moating of the board held/lus atonday, bee tho Counc}imen have not yot concurred, aud until thoy do Mr. O'Shea will bly pay no attention the Aldermen. The sui ore day, tho samo as corer, by assistants Tho police of the 60 continue Lo act in concert with: by arresting all partics guilty of breshes of Hoances. Since Monday, nomeroas areas on made, followed by convietions and lacs, which enforced very promptly by the Cor] ration Attor- Dey’s assistanta About one thousand Collars io Ones havo been thus enforced since the adoption of the Alder, manic revolation, The opinions on the Propriety of the setlon of the Aldermen Are generaHy favorable, ‘Course Bome people take tho oj con RP. pporile view and ‘critteize rogarding thesa On

to tho request of

prosecuted avery

bo Corporation Atto enty-sixth preclact


the city


thoroughly by an Investigating committee.

A New Sowarx Unvonu ron 7m PoLice Derarrunse.— The following general order in relation to a now som mer uniform for tho members of tho Metropolitan Police Rasyesterday Issued by General Superintendent Ken- nedy

General Order—No, 407.


No. 300 Meuoranr sinner, New Yonx, May 6, 1503, Captain ——, —_ Preeinel

Tho Board bis mado a change in the summer uniform of the force, and notico {8 given thus early to enablo each momber to provide himself prior to the Issue of orders to assome tho summer drest. ‘The utmost diligence, 13 Tequirod to bo need Iu making the necessary proparation,

Materials for the uniform to be procured at tho Central Department, anit the garmonts to be made in conformity Bith pattern sults {0 be seen at the ofice of the chist clerk. JOHN A. KENNEDY, Suporintendent,

Dasnex Canresten, Inspector

Tho summer unlfotta of blue Banncl, to bo worn ftom and after Juno 15, eball consiat of a sack coat and pate The cap and plovos o bo tbo same as required by oxlst-

ule, ,

Coats for captalns to bo double-breasted, to bation close up to thorehig, with short rolling collar, with two rows of buttons, of vo each, on the front of thn cart, to reach toa polnt half way between the articulation of the hip Joint and the knee

For corgcants—same As captains, excopt that there hall be two rows of buttous, of four ead

For patrolmon—to bo single.breasted, to button close up to the ebin, with short rolling collar, sith ono row of four biittons ja front; length sams as captalns,

Coats to havo no pockets ou tha outside, ind to bo worp buttoned,

Pintaloons.of patrolmen to baye a white welt sowed Into the outor koam of tho leg

Tax Wouxprp Saston, Riowaxo Doxeny.—This worthy Young sallor, Who had the misfortune to love both of his arms in tho battle before Mobile last August, desires, through the medium of tho Hewat, to expresa hts grath. tude to the Indies of tho Visiting Committoo at tho Sol lore’ Depot, 60 and $2 Howard sireot, vr $800 ralsed and Invested by them In. government funds for hia. benoit. ‘Alsa to Miss Coopor and Miss Fox, kind enorts in bis behale

Jane street, for their

to dwelling house No. 83 West Sixteenth strect, owned and occupfod by Thomas W. 3farahal. Tho occupants of the house belny aroused by tho emoke at'an carly staro of tho Ore, succeeded in extinguishing the flames with pails of water, ond withont giving an alarm In the street. ‘On cxatninatlon of the promises there appearnd to haye been two Grea kindled, ono Ju the front and ono fn the back parlor. The damage to the furniture and building ‘will be about $1,600. The furniture Is insured for $1,600. ip the Washington Insorance Company, anil the bullding for $2,000 In the Importers’ & Traders? Insurance Come pany. Firo Marshal Baker was uotuled, and bas tho Tatler now under Investigation.

Tuk Fain For oe Statens oF Mency,—Tho great foir for tho benefit of tho Sistera of Mercy, is now opon at the Palace Garden, $n Fourteenth street. The woblo charity for which this foir bas been undertaken, chould alone Sufiice to secure for It numerous and benovolent patrons among all classes of our citizens, But tho varied altrae- tons of tho fal be sven to bo properly ap-

reclated, moro than repay nisit to It Soet of tho

tholle Churches of the Ely aro represented by tables which fairly groau beneath Tho Toad of useful und orune mental articles, with which they aro eupplied, Hard Jndeed must bo the heart of bim who can resist tho ap. peals of tho ladies to “take n chance” In eomo of thera articles, supplying simost ovory want and sitstying ovory taste, There are chairs cosily enough for tho President of the United States, dinner eéts and tea sets of China and silver, books of instruction and of devotlon, —portnuts of tho most distinguished men of our times, jowolry for the lates, tova for the childrea, &e., &e, mnlogled. together tm beautiful confusion, and all wo be railed at a ory mod. (rate price. AL St.'Jamos? tablo thero ls a splendid Gil palating of Archbishop McCloskey, amt at. St Peter's, a beautiful set of vestments, cach of which aro to bo miffed at (85 a chan Among tho splendid array of tables with which the larco hall {3 lined, Is Impossibie to say which eclipsos the others. SiMco it to say thab, thoy nro all magnificent

and beantifully decorated with ‘atfoual onsigus. Ta ade dition te tho articles with which tho tables ary firnished, thero oro exhibitions of “Donnybrook Fain" truo to

Wf; a morlel church, stereoscopic views and othor curl.

caltles. Tue rofresiimeut ealoon Js fitted up fa clegalit atyle, aud will furnish to all visitors all the dolkeacics of the scuson. Thoso who havo Dgured in the ficrco battles

of our olvil war can exhibit their skill In tho uss of tho ride, whilo others less exparienced can take lessons In

this! ort at tho shooting gallery, which {s located In tho. large refreshment saloon. When we add to all this that delizbiful musio Is supplied e¥ery evening by Helms

IL who viele the id Faro treat, and a ino opportunity for Ising tholr charity, The price of admission ts but twenty-five conta, and ono dollar for the fortaigivt Placing tlils most Weserving charity witbla tho reach of all. ‘Tun Lixootx Capsts op Texrenaxce.—A number of @ and twenty-one |

boys and young mon, between two years of age, formed themselves last Wednesday oven- | Ing into a temperauce club, under the name of tho “in. | coin Section, No. 4, Cadols of Temiperanto,"" with the worthy object of imftating the truth, virtuo and tompe- rance of our lato Preaidvat

Wii Carexir Cen Broortyx.—Tho opening match of thls club will take place to-day, on their ground at Bedford, wiekets to be pliched at cleven A. M.A. fare \tendatice of mmbors and thelr frlonds Iv looked for.

‘Tae Prdrin's TeLxoRArH Lise bas removed jis recely Ing offlce from he basement to the first Noor of No. #1 Wall atree Ich Was some years ago that of tt is nlcely fitted up, and Ja ono of the most eligible places for the reception of talographle despatches in the cts.

Tor Ivrenxan Revesve Tax yon 1864—Persous who ave not yet made their incomo returns for 1864 should do so without delay If thoy wish to avoid the twonty-lve per ceat additional assessments for delinquepis provided for by Inw. Tho time for making returns oxpired on tho 1st Instant, but ton days grace are allowed for notifying. delinquents.

Comruuet To AN OLD SoHtoot Tracnen.—A pleaaont Uittle anniversary to#k place Wednesday morblog at Gram- mar School No. 18, of the Seventeenth Ward, situated in Houston street, near Grd Mr, Leonard Hazeltine,

Principal of tho {nstitution, had reached the thirtieth Year of hls service In that capacity, and was complt- mented by a special oxbibition, on the part of bis pupils, In honor of tho ovent, The children of the echool gave @ splendid entertainment, consisting of declamatlon, touslo, Voral and instrumontal, and other interesting ex- erolsea. Master MuArdio delivered a copgratilatory. ad~ Gress (o Mr, Hazoltino, and tho.latter respouded Ina. fit

ting manner, Spoochos wore also mae by Menint ©. Ga Cornell H. L Sloat, J. A. Lucas, Captain Wagoer aud Henry Millor. | Profeaior Dartlett and Mles Flowery por formed a select variety of music.

PREESTANIONS TO Cisaarury.—On Monday ovening. the Rey. Dr. McClintock, for'a number of years past pastor of St Paul's Methodist Eplscopal church, cornor of Fourth avenue and Twonty-zccond strest, was walted upon by n committeo of member’ of the chur sented With @ piurso of ole try 0

purscuf $600 from tho mneinbers of tho samo clutch Dr. Otbemau hay accevted a cell from Wo falerior of tuo Etate,

| —Arceyoiany Fine 1x West Smet. —About | five o'clock ou Thay Hest ee Was dlecovered in


Arrival of the Steamship Costa Rica.



The Pirate Shenandoah Bx- pected at Valparaiso,



The stexmnahtp Costa Rica, Captain Tineklepangh, from Aspinwall on tho 23th ultimo, arrived at this port yea terday.

Tho following {a the specie list of tha Costa Rica: H. Cohn.

Bug Keily & Co.) Wells, Fargo & Co. Lees & Waller Ta. 3004, 251

By this arrival we havo Tate and intoresting caws from the Pacifo, which will be found tm the letters of our cor- respondenta at Panama aod Bima

We are under obligattons to Purvar Railay, of the Costa Rioa, for prompt delivery of our correspondence,

Our Panama Correspondence, Pawama, April 26, 1885. OTH AMERICA.

The Paciflc Steam Navigation Company’s steamabtp Peru, Captain Btoomisld, from Valparaiso and {nterme- diate porta, arrived at bor anchorage at Tabdoga on tho morning of the 20th Inst. Her dates sro Valparaiso, April 2; Coquimbo, 34; Caldera, 4th; Coblla, ¢th; Tquique, 6th; Arica, 7th; Islay, #1; Pleco and Chinehas, Oth; Callao, 13th, and Payta, 16th.

1am indebted to Purser Nairn, of the Porn, for favora.

Tho pows by tho Poru (a highly {nteresting, In Chilo tho old subject has boom rovived of ademand by Spain for an indemnidcation of some hundreds of thoasanda of dollars, for tho inconyonienco sustained by her squadron, in belng refused coal at Lota bocanso tho goveramont of Chilo saw Ait to declaro tt contraband of war. The report Isstoatly dented by the presa; but whoro thoro Ls 20 much smoko there must bo some re, and the opinion hero Is that a demand has beon mado, and that (t will to rofusod,

In Perm all is anarchy and. confusion, and your Lima correspondent details tho prozress of tho revolution in the Souther provinces, and whon the Peru arrived at Poyta, it was found that the Northera one also had do- clared against Pozot. Tuts will donbtless decide

| tho fate of the Iatter persan, and Castilla, whon

ho returns from his cruiso, will, as a mattor of courss, become ones more President of Pory. Some nay, and tot without good reason, that tho suo- eoss.of tho revolutionsty party will ba equal to a new troublo with Spain, Uocause the revolution was cacsed by tho unpopilarity of the late settlemont of tho Spanigh-Perivian question, and that a yew govornmont Will rofuea, to carryout tho troaty. What would Pora gala by such an operation? Tho Chinchaa will bo again taken possession of, ani hold uati tha money is forth- comifng, and tho probabilities are thata bombardment of ons or moro of tho seaports of the republic would take

pleco. that Genors

ABRRUGF wii gevora omoens ocbis command,


Later dater from. Bogota give us tho now contract bo- tween tho Panama, Railroad. Company and. tho govern. ment of Colombla, an outline of which will bo found at the end of thi communication. Th present cbances aro that {t will be ratified by Congress


Tt Is.rymored that the Spanish Admiral, (ae will make ademand opon Chile fr indemnification for the Inconvontoncy sustained by his squadron, by Chile du, claring opal contrabaud of war, and tho Mercurio det Vopr, of Aprill, has an articlo in which {t says, ro. are authorized from oMelat documents to axsert that the Tumor iafalse” | “Tho Spanish Minister has mado no reclamation, nelther have tho relations between the two goverumonts sulferat any change whatevor.)?

Notywithistaniting thia direct contradiction’ there are many who bollevo the domand hax bean at loast hinted at, Ifnot formally inate IfSpain has had tho offronter tol make such 0 clafro, abe Nas *put her foot fm it)! for Te Wil rot be allowed, and sha will Mad aifferent governs mentand people to deal with from those of Por.

Tho following extracts from tho same Journal will not bounjaterestinz to those concerned In the woll’belog of the ropnblio of Chile.

A.cenaia has beon ordored to bo Tavied throughout tho repnblic, and the 10th of the evrrent month tins boon ape Pointed ‘for thiy purpose, every province nad distr Fossessing alrondy Its commfasfon for the oflclont roallza- tion of thisnsefal object,

An Important roport hag rocontly omanated from’ the enginder entrysted wlth the tracing out of tho rallway Iino throvgh the Ando, proposed to ho carried out by Seflor Charpentier. Thik report shows that tho longth of the actual road through the Cordillerss 1s thirty-nino Jeagues ono thousand thres hundred and eoventy varaa, and that tho road traced out by the sald oncincer for tho Vine thirty-ono leagues on bnndred and difty-five yarae. The cost of tho work will bo four hondred and Atty thou- Eand dollars nnd the term of excention ono

All the dificalties in tho way of the: worklug of the quicksllver mines recently dixcovored. In this port havo deen levelled by tho government. Conssquontly, tho onis thing rompaloing to b9 done, 1 to tuck up oursleeyen and fall to work, Tho workers and spcoulators furajalied. with dud authorization by thedecroo of tho govornmont. alrendy published, ars in tho best humor possible for alforiing overs class of guarantees to tho authorities, and accepting every Jind of condition. A trial {i {a be mails, aud Tell of thie kind claims all tho tac Aloe possible. Wo hope ft may not turn out a mers will- o'-the-isp, a ming of hope, to fade away amidst tho Dittorvess of ersel disappointment on tho part of the fow and nnfeeling Iaughtor the many

Tho aarket of Valparaiso for tha products of Chilo remslagd dull, Ineapper, howover, there had. been a good demand.” Hoforo the arrival of the atenmigr tho sales reached 7,760 q\iinials, at $10 25, ond after, 1,000

| quintals in Valpartiso at $16 60, and 4,600 quinints in

Ghiayncan at tho fame price, all free on board, and tho market remalued firm at the last naméd prico!($16 50) when tho stoamer ealled,

Atthe thue tho steamer salled from Valparaiso nothing hil been heard of the pirate Shenandoah being in the Vicinity, allhougl It as expected that hor arrival on tha const ould shortly bo maite known. Tho coast (a clear for her, thore Welue r of war In the South Paciflo except the old St. Sfurye, now on her way to Callao.


When the nova of the ravolutfon Nero reacbed the de- partment of Chiriyul, tho City of David at occe pro noanted ogainat Calancha ond in favor of the naw i ernment, and the now Prefect was unwle enough to place arms in the Londn of many of thoso who professed fricnuship but who yore tle avemles In reallty of tho new order of thinxe. Tucss fellows, with power tn their hands, royolted in their turn ond, turned out the nowly nyado oilicons of the depart was tho stato of aifalrs when the forco sent fron this place arrived In the Vicinity of David. On entering the city the troopa: wero Dred upoo from an ambush, ond an officer nnd two or Usreo men Killed; the fir was returued at once, and tho attacking party Wax goon routed, with tho loss ‘of soma killed aud wounded and eeveral prisoners. This ended he matter.

In the city of Panama mo aro having a lililo oxcite- ment. Tha government bas mado a forced loon of ‘cighteen thousand dollars from tho natives of the place, Which I bellove was promptly mot exopt in two casea, and Wyo ‘two cases! Wer compelled to romain ob tho police station, under arrest, until the amount demanded Was forlucoming. Ono of the 'two cases’ way Senor Don Jos: Sancel Arzo Mata, a money loving aud money posseating old gentleman who 1s extremely {ond of Nis comfort. Ho would not bs arrested lua respectable man- nor; nothing would ratisfy him bat being marched 19 the police station betwoen (wo soldiers with drawn bayo- nets; and when there—in as vile a bole ax tho “black hole” of Calentia—ho still flatly rafused to ‘fork oye tho thousand dollara, tho amount be was required fo loan he government. | (no nizbt in that place, howover, cured bim of hia ktubbornnces, and he ylelved, paying tho amount Withan exceeding bad grace, although {t waa Dut a loan, as {he aultioritlos graciously’ choose to tori 1G


Tho United Sites ateainor Slate of Géorgia, which ar- rived at Aspinwall on tho 15th inst, comes, 1 under- Mand, to romain ag guardahip in that Barbor. ‘During all the mo that the Alabama and Florida wore In the Gulf cf Mexico uo veeseloGwar of the Vaited Slates, excapt ing tho old Bo'nbridge, was at Aspinwall to guard ogalast

raid by those bold privateers. Possibly, however, noo0 could be epared for that duty. Fak tho rebel Shepagdeah is known to have been at

Melbourne, Australia, in Janvary last with a fair pros

paying vue commorce fn the Bacifio Ocean an ox. fel visit; yet, Wit this knowledzo, no lato of Geor- gle haa arrived hore of on the couth coast, and. the only Fount wo know of belng om the way ts "tho: Muecoota,

‘ud the Cyaus American inlercatsim (ie bay of Waaaue ; $a glove of coal mints suo could nos


[ j Tay Doith old sailing ahipas this, (do, when the Skedamloah, Sieatmeceaaul facto estat ot er clam ns aver eth netonil, tha¥ be oxyocted at ARF MOMeUL LO COTIME!

ies work of destruction, ny “2 ia

camnot 6e why the Gansul of Who United States at Aspinwall should make a requiciion for a ian.of War, to be stationed in that harbor to rs fost’ Amori¢an fnterosta’ there, hon ho -consilers those interests of fo Hille moment as scarcely ovar to ho there Niasolf, excepton steamer days, to give thom his Personal aiteoloy. Tho commander’ of tho Bite of Georsla, If Tho xamostate of ataira continue as Lay for tho post olghteen montlia, will, 1n ease of an emersoncy, have tg boldoMelal {ncorsoursh wille thie faithifal, actives And corrgeti¢ Consul, by means of the telegraph to Pang: ma; for at ths biter place, twenty days out of the month, esa tbe Consul of aepinwall bo (wut, instecd of boing, as the Koverament expects and requiras, at hie Dlaco bf bine, guarding thosn Interests Which fie enn sliders tho preenes of 9 man-of-war necessary to ald 1n watching over

Tho steamship Gata Ria, Capatn Hnktopaey from Now York on tho 13th tush, arrived at Aypinivall on tho: ovening of the 2st Hor passengers and mails crossed the next morning, and were embarked on board tho «tcam- ship Golden Ag®, Kod wailed the samo afernoon for San Francisco.

‘Tho most newa wo Jooked for by this arrival wero the dotails of tho eaptore of Richmond; bat when It was an- nounced that with bis whole army, had sur. rendered, theexcitement knew no bounda ‘The United ‘States oP. Cyane fired a salute at noon on the 22. On

9 day pormission was obtained frown the govorn- ment, and salutes wore Ored on shore by loyal cliizena, residing in Panama, and in the ovening tho Plaza was Drilllantly tNowinated by bonfires, reckots, oman

candles, ko. bo considered as ended, I fear

Although tho war may the nows will Botroach the Shenandoah in timo to pre. feat the mlscbef ako will be dong cur eomncrex, | So

jeaxo hurry up your fast atcamors, Mr. Welles, for tho

io, Ocean Waala thom badly, war oF pesos. THE FAYAMA RAILHOAD CONTRACT.

Tho following [& a translation from the Mereantils Chronicle of 24th (oat, Gye the main points of the now contract between tbe Panama Railroad Company and. tho governmontof Colorabla. Some porsons here find ffoult with it, a thoy say, ft docs ovory thing for tho republic’ and nothing for tho. Stato; others on tho round that it dow too much for thé company; and otbors do not Iike it because thoy hope fo soo it \indor tho control of some. Kuro)

ping of Colombia, promis not to lifwithout the consent of ihe Panama toy bier railroad or canal betwen (09 fos, within, ively tallep of ibe Panaisn "Auer & Tn compensation, the Panama Rall

Fir to yay ccd ‘Ta favor of he

oro Pe tera

IA gh ta rm f tS ighizen thousand shares of $100 ivided. Thi

{9 Ofty ound tm wBieh the, stool ls sow i

Peried and Flomeaco, or other deep anchorage ln this bay.

‘Ast. 4 Ths Panama Raltroad Company cannot oppose bo pening of ‘an tnlsrocenoic canal etmacn the bayiie Cale. Gola (Atlantic) and the Gulf of Sam Miguel (Vacide) al: (Bough canal tua “puss witbin “the tei lots mea maontloned in aritelo two; nor a road of aby kind by the Fouts called Cbiriqat

‘Aur G Tue Panama Railroad Company will hare the wilege—Fira, us arrange and direct tha uke of the ports, be, according to lke lawa of the rspablic. Tha rules for this pur: pace sbafl ta mubmitted to the National Executive for hele fapeiioa and validity, Second, lo uss tha places af embark. Won, de, fo.evid poria. Third, to take uso uf tho abUOne, Ee, nd to torn fren of duties all good An tranalt across tho road; to collect trvfgy de

‘An. 7. Tuo Excoullve powor will determine the formalition to'bo observed! in the latding of qoods, and the intarventh whieh naddonal oflosrs muy txerdon ia prevenung the nond- {og af gage denined abruad toh’ Interor ot th Stat, by which det tbo gaverntnoat io defrauded of a rovenitn.

‘Av. & The Panama Raliroat Gompaay” may” aller the dt Tprdauot Wotine of road, as may be found convonfent’ for

e trail,

‘Ant. 9. Too government of Colombla cades to the Panama Rallroad Company nt Tha govepsiment late rend company for lus tibe Of road 3 ¢ guverament

eed f

for ports, A.

ot. 10. Pérpetoal right granted to sixty-four hectares waeant lands In tho State of Panama, excepuog cert Lalands describe.

Act. 11, Specldes tho gronta to landa,

‘Agr. L210 20. Somowhat vimllar W Uho off contract.

‘Aur, #1. Coniston tlause whorey produce of thle ropub- Mo (Colombia) aball ba conroyed across the toad at leu Lor ‘cont leas tliat slinitar produce from forvign countries

Aur. 54 Tho Pahama Railroad Company abandons and ronounces the claltua mado aad ponding for the occurreaces Of 16th April, 1584,

Our Lima Correspondence. Low, April 19, 1805, Alarming Progren of Ae Revclution—Bifn ts of the Giv- emment b Quell It—Ohange of Ministry—Prompec of

ers, ‘Veaco or war isundoubtodiy tho vital question which bullds up, eltbier the wellbslog of natfon, ns tho caso may be, or consijtutos (te and when my country fs alffctod with tho cares of war, and that of the worst Kiod—a civil ont neceaarily forms the chief toplo of conversation {n tho locality and the most Important Item of a news lett ‘because commerce and clvilized: communication naturally shrink tnto diminutive linlts, no mattor where the spot, when peaoo mantles her bo- neflcent countenancs;, of necessity, therefore, must ba coutinned the relation of some of the particulars of tho ‘royolation at prosent spreading like a pestilence over tho falr portions of this country, and which may now bo justly attributed to that mover suflctently condemned question with Spain, which, commencing with violence, was carried pn With injustice, and has ended with hatred. ‘And this sentiment Is apparently so Intenso and uniyer- fal, as to ronder St notable even to the most indkforont spectator; thus wherover # Spaniard from bis fleot makes his appearance, he fs usually totally avoldcd, or treated with supreme lndiiference, oxcopt, perhaps, for an oc:a- sional scowl; no ono salutes him, no one speaks or holds ‘any Intercourse with him; bo is never {nvited to pnblic entertainments, and much lesa to private houses, whore, {ndced his person and lect aro complotely ignored, ‘Tia ald that family quarrols aro generally the most bitter, ‘and perhoyes thls has xomething to do with tho chango that bas como ovor tho spirit of the dream, to which may ‘be added tho seitied conviction of great injnstice, as con-

trastod with oll othor foreign questions with this country, which havo all had a shadow of justice on tho othor side. Ag yel there |# no nowsof the ratification by the Span- ish goverment of the proliminary treaty of peace be- tween Peru and Spain,

Te is of course useless to talk about the folly of war, ax wo are all fully convinced of that, and. yot such Ix ‘tho condition of ovr poor humanity, that wo ard. constantly dolng thoze thlaga wbIsh we ought not to do,

To the pronuyciarirlor in favor of tho rovolntion of the departinents of Areq:Ips, Tucns, Cazeo and Mano, a advieod por last mall, we have now 'to add the depart. ment of Ayacucho, the historic name of the last battle of tho war of independence in South America; but although tha sentiment Ie adding Urritory to the maven ousy and ambition are dimoiting tho oblofs. I Palpable want of a name to head tho revolailon t# ovory day becoming moro apparvat, and it f@ evon thought that the ample rotora of Generil Castilfa wpold at once finish the outbreak of overturn the government. In the mean: funo Impeiennicats and banisiments are the ordap of the day, aid many porous of note havo. bycn arr within (lio Inst few days, and aévoral otlior from


Tocallly haya boon alloret ta leavo the county. This reported that Geueral Lopws Lavallo, ex-Prefest of Cutz is ituprigoned Io Tama aaa hostage for Don Sanu Costa, nx-Miaieter of Blale, Impriscaed In Lima. The ayiborities Nore evidently eausldor tho groand they at Tretent mand on ax auythiog butarerk, it'we may Like the stat: of military vigilance as a eulde to opinign, 1a. deod. they may" well be wary of the danyere aroand, wlien there dyno sympathy to ceruent the unton of the With the people Noverthclons, It doos nok fol Roecthat the revolution will match “tlumphonc to the oblef seat of the land, for it hax to combat avery goncral dexire for peace, and Its abort of the Curia F

co of great cblorprse, Beve-

quislte for the furthera

ral decreaa fay arcd from tho chiofe of the Sonth, with the f procuring cash; but itis very doubtful whether wavy will succeed, ovou for the momen- tary necessities, and corlalnly not to tho extent reqalred.

In spite of this, however, they aro orzanizing new bat lullons to amnst In tccurlog the partion, or perhaps of marching on tho capital The government hax, how- ever, antickpated thia movement by sending overland, on tho dst Instant, an expedition to the South of about irce thor 1 meno of all arme, under tho command of Gono- ral Frisancho, an officer of some oxpericnoe, but oot much of prestige; ana, as thore are many peanliar rm quirementa necesrary for the Succexa of this foreo, few of whictr it poxsceses, It will bo as mach a matter of good lock as anything elsa whether Ormot it obtains the ob- Jock of its mnarch, Another small body of troopy wero font (o the port of Pleco in the steam transport Chalaco, andiwere landed, after a short resistanca from thy oppo: sition in that locality. Should tho government, how- over, prove upablo to quell the revolution, twill be unfortunate fn 90 far & will probanly prolong the disastrous state of affhire to an {niiodnite poriod, ax it will bo still tess likely that tho opposition willsba alors rapid in fts disposition to upset the goveroment, and thus the country will be thrown all shapk, and have (o «uffer all the evils cons:quent upon such an unstable position, without oven the consolation of being ablo to ray, "it may 0€ all for tho best." And ozajn, ahould the revolotion nltimataly anecsed tn tts prajecta, It may prove aven still worse for the country, as in oll probability anarchy will take Ite place, for Poru Ls ameutably wanting in mon capable of rightly conduct- Ing atfaIra : ‘Avother fatal reanlt, arining out of the Spankali-Peru- vin question, ia the complication with Chilo, for tim now very well known thet toaepanlih Minister’ In &: ago baa been making inperative demands on tbe C ment, In consequence of the offensive ro 412 a ceriain Gewraper against Spalo, and z wlth the eympatties In favor of Pern, and


‘also On Meendnt af the decree, classifying coal ws coptra- Vand of war, and the conaquent refural of supplies to to Spanisl Warabipm Tuc Mouple adawer to all this ts undetsiood 10 bs that Chile as a soveroign Stato, haa a

right to siame tho articios ale considers contnabanit of

rendy hee unsuccessful attempts 10 FS aay Se Cul ateempia ta Urry wien Teed, aro tafe tm doubt. by toternaional THO EL Mar yagu ands our guans whaling Mee Taw, and thatox oligo powcascs no wational property io

Tho St Marys guar guano and whaling’ Neots, Ms foros lad

Gl ‘Hoals to eet the artist a

sa ell the article werinst thele wil. Ani) for aipent


to oll comers. feolings taprarl Peew

pits yard noe ni Aanbts*bot thts tx pparveetly nated, sat boomin. Dat Headstrong party cot way renunt it, beeanso tho

{wo connie aro fore and eommereo, aiid marily bo danker to thy al

“tho Temarks tho tribals of the counLry are opus xt Chute baw ahonyy Der bert


{nlimntely coonceted: he pasion, his. Aner Ae Cie one roust M-oes.

sand, 1f Syst Is wise,

ne Cheapest Mewtapaperand Best Family * Literary Jowrnnl in the Country, Tio Wesker Tensty, for the proxont work. now ready, contains; Etartlipg, dovclopmonts taregnrd to the Shooting of


Willororlook the demonstration, with this cerdalnty that We former good wAl_ will noe reuatn, hon theavil ja | Peerident Tneolo, ond the. Cozsplracy for the Munter of Hyshnd gone. Bueshoutd Spon persist inher inreasons | Vico President Yohuson and Seerowry Sewer’, with the

Abto Womans, ale veitt

Aho whote nation

of Pora, wiping that

, ‘nd a differant people to deal withy although Wilt fore resourons, and. besion a covernment who wlaly acted neanformity with the desir oft Tintyhote RO, cuammoualy ad Nearly recon ded ty

Hit should Thoatilitiea unfortunately. Arlee OnE of tHe potty claims what will bo tho position

Proclamation of tho Preaident offering Ono Hundred ‘THotlEd04 Dollars for Nhe Arrest of Jot. Davis, onl Twop- ty-flve Thonsard Nollars eoch for Chinwnt © Clay, Jucnd> ‘Thompson, Geo, N, Sanilers and Horerly Taeker, and Tew ‘Thourani for the Arrest of Willlim © Geary: Further

anak Hand Lonnie rsputatts eslinn antes | DArTCUArsot Whe ily of Hesh a8 sates ot une Coe rule sora ler ally, ican olmipaTtiog Arsteains; Fol dojally of the Surronderot Jo: Jolinston'a thn SRN Ania th ar relly Have the ol | RUM Amy. fo Gono Shornm, InN Hens oyer with a divided country In | Caroling, and Wighly gratifying intelligenco from ich JO ro aro still oxpoasd | the Union Forces in all portions of tho cosutry; Imprrt- Tlosldea this LO MET ere ns maLbeR COUNTY. | ane Orderaifrom President JoHuwon removing the restrle.

for Chile lins two ships ot

established; Pera ty two frigates [and two: ‘and transports, aud two

expected, and! two moro on tho stocks with

this her men aro not soamon, but hant knocks would

\ Erow into Rerfou proportions Sar, and tro more of rst elaee expected, whilo her eredit ant pond faith. arn well comparatively rich, and has now

Womclata besides vassals

Mrat class corvotten daily

Hons on Tras and Winding up tho Rebotion; The clos}ng scenes In the Obsequlox to the lato Vrealdont Lin coin; Late and Important News from Europe and all other parts of tho World; Pootry; Thy Jnterssting story of

oll | “Caught at Last," Literary, Artistio and Scientific read-

Foon creat thom. | Swnposing withal that Spain atiltcons | (HK; Musical amd Thoatrieal Rovlov for the weok; Inter uerm she cannot do it wit Chito without the toxs of hor | esting reading for Farmors aud Gantcners; Tho latest. own a Hom ora \C load baat their yer hertoun ng WY. | Sporting Intelligence; Varlctles; Facctisy; Carront Nown gainer? the | of the day; Valuable roports of tho Money, Commoreial,

‘Tho Internal affairs of these republica are tikoly, how.

Dry Goods, Boot and Shoo, Cattle, Hore and Family

fever, to wipo away all foreign rympathy, for tortor thom aro osually either at varisnco with ‘thor Powers, or quarreling among themselves, or, giviag Och other clyil remembrances with the tomahawk. All the predictions with regard to the probable anarchy in Bolivia. resulting In the lata ravolution, are Vkely ty tore correst. and indeed has already commenced It th last advices may bo rollod on, for it appears that the now inclal President of that ‘republic had oxecuted Dan, ED "Meaton, his own’ Bocretory Gontral. of Stats for allodgod gaditious complications with Gracral Holz, ox-Prealdoot of olivia, who was march. bn ono of tho fronticr towns with tho object of overturning tho now government, pro- suming 1t may bo supposed, that In'a freo country, ono man has quits aa much right to upeot a government ns Another, and that in this respect both parties Were on a par. Marching thorefore from the frontier to Ta Paz, tho Priocipal elty in wealth and population. af the head of somo throo hundred meralts, General Bolzu found him- solf well recelvod, expecially Dy tho lower classes but on hearing this tho actual President, who was marching aouth on a tour politique, Immoulatoly returned with a considerable body of troops, and obliged Bolan to lave for tho interior, whore he was overtaken and abot, alaog with four colonela; nbd £0 cuds the drama nutit tho noxt ‘mail advises ux of bomo other disaster to the unfortunate country, Goneral Belzu was not 8 man of much political or social tmportanea; he bad novor dono much good for hls country, nor was be any way such superior to his heighbora; yet the rank he bold, and tho powor ho for-

morly wiel |, moat Mvohuntaruy cause a sigh over tho downfall of departed wreatnesa, Novertheloes it may bo for tho aod will certainly teach @ lesson to Indlvid-

‘nla, and it'may prove a blessing to tho country by re. Mtorlag pesen, abd thor gaving the lives and property of thourmnds by tho sacrifice of half @dozon of ita snost torbulont citivent

Pesco, It wonld appear, agaia smiles on the republic of Unighay, In virluo of a treaty botwoon the now Kov= ornment of Montaxideo of the ono sido, and tha rvo- Jutlonary forces with Hrazfl on the other. Tho ropublic of Paraguay, the ally of Uragnay, had, however, provi: ously losta hover battle with tho Brazillian forces at Mata Gromo; ono of the interior pravinors.

ty in Valparaiso In trying to organize concossfons foriho eMabilainont « liue of tAegraph from that port to Panama, with tha knowledgo tha west coast,

Tuo ministry partially changed hands on the 4th {nst Goneral Vavnoco, ox-Proaldent, coming In as Miniitor of War and Don Pedro Cariiio ax Minister of Finnncn; tt bs thought that tho former nomination may produce somo good In quoting tho country.

On tho id instant the frigate Apormine mado hor trial trip with good resol; ahe had been, throo years undor Walor,and has beon thoroughly cleaned and rotted and ior sides fronolad.

the Powers on


Tho monster Monitor Metator, Commodon Jobn Rodgers, whlch arrived at this port a fow ook» aincs, has beon nodorgolng soins alterations and repairs at tho Dolaraator Works, foot of Thirteenth atroot, North rivor. Thoy aro now no far complatod that aho. will by ablo to get steam up and procood down to tho lower bay to pro- tect tho entrance to the harbor as long ax tho whoro- abouts of tho robo! pirate Stonewall romains in doubt. Thus far the AiMealty with hor enyines, resulting from

tho braringa becoming Wieated, hax not boon obviated. We are assared, however, that aftor a little. thin: trooble will bo removed, and the yeasol can then ba pushed to her maximum speed, whlch was to bo eomethi

n. rot

HORTON MANOR DEFENCES. ‘Tho Monitor Squando, bullt'at East Boston, by

okay & Aldery, is now Otting out at thoCharlostown Navy Yard

for the defence of Boston harbor. Shs will soon bo com: pleted and go on hor station. Ono or {vo othor iron- €lads Will bo ayailablo for tho eamo parpose.


Ontora were recolved at the Brooklyn Yard a dayortwo ‘ines to put the sloop-of-war Savannah out of commis- sion. She has boon employed for some months as tho Instruction eb{p for ofloors, who were there given an elo- monlary courte a yunnory, ke,, preparatory to thelr boing assignod to duty on tho vesels of tho navy, Thid Echiool ve)ll now bo broken up, as tho necessity for iw axtat- ence has passed, as tho navy is to be reduced anda num- bor of officora ‘mustered out. Licutenant Commandor ‘Won. D. Whiting, the commander of tho Savannall, had boon detached and ordered to Portsmoath to assume com: mond of tho Tioga. Captain Whiting has been an odml. rablo offlcer to (ake eharso of nn Instruction ship, ax ho Tas bad experience, In 8 man of talent and perfoctly pro- fAclent {a overy\blog connected with tha naval service, Tn active servico In the Tioga ho will maintain tho high reputation for ofllclency, valor and zeal that has charac- terized his past careor In tho sorvico during the war.


Tho ganboat Unadilla was placed ont of commission on Thursday at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Sho bas seen a great deal of service during the war, baviog participated in the naval conflicts {a the South Atlantic squadron, and more rcerntly in the two altacks on Fort Flsber, wher she received several shots. She has been a valuable ves tol and has well paid for herself. The following 9 a Hist of hor olficory:—

Dieitnant Commander—Francis M. Ramsay.

Acting Austtant Surgeon—Daniel 6. Burlelzh

‘Acting Avsistant Payma:tr—J. Goodwin Hobbs, Acting Master—Wm. A. Grozler,

Pikt—Jobo B, Edwarde.

‘Acting Ensign'—Jolin Collaton, Charles Weldenblem, Osear F, Wixon and J, P. Gallaghor.

‘Moie—Charlos H, Smith

Engincer—Actine Firs Benjamiu . we0; Acting Second, Lowls M. HL Ryfenbaryh and James’ Curran; Acting Third, Wm. D, Koy and Jobn S Larkios

Whe Retronchment of Government Ex- penser. Tur ArRiNOHELT AnaCORy: rom tho Spriageld Ropablican, May a

Ta'acdrrdanoe mike iesitactiona from’ Gouersl Dyer, Oller af Onipance, Major Laldloy yratorday Issued am ordor apnornielig that the dally product of the armory would, within Un days or tivo vroeks, bo sdocreased. U0 (yo bdedred and Ofty yuna, thos necessitating the dlae fatout nluo hundred mora men. This vill on nino aud ton hundred, oF only one-third the suaiter einploy.d when tho armory was burtont uraing oct pearly or quite ono thousand guns por’ day

rmaciitalsts wilt bo dlicharged, ax they welll ron bo

needed on the preparations for the new breech. loader, The fortnight’s notice 8 given the men, no that they can have an epportuulty to obtain work elsewhere, and all who ean are odvieed by Major Laldicy to do wo, No fariher diminution of the working fores is apprehended for the pre The exact uumber of muskets

Yo the arsovial TI WATERTOWN ARSENAL. (Frou tho Poston Advertiter, ny 8.)

Tho work of relrinchaout goes om rapidly ai this post, and each deparimon! 1a belog reduced toa pace footing fr speedily as possible. Work om ammunition, accoutre- Meuls and fleld gau carriages (except to nla those ia

ogress) has beon stopped, aud several Lundred porsous Hinve beea dlebanged




infer nt rasinga and Inform CLAYTON, 10 Wall treet N.Y.

ttery—Gold Paid for Fee eee e ursianed. > iighest rates pal for

jade of gold and airer. oubloons and all Kiods of a TEE. rail aurea,

A Capital Lot of New Books, SL PbMips—Now noval, by ihe author of “Bulledge"'...8173,


Mary Brandegee—A splendid naw “woman's novel!'....81 78 The Martyr Presideat—A poems by B. HL Newell... 808 Lorers and Thiaker-—A new norel, by Hewes Gordon, $120 Ballads—By the anthor of SDarbars’s Mstory,” Wlast’d.$1 20


Nothing bot Money—A new novel, by 7, S. Artbur.

The Mabits of Good Eocloly—An excellent book.

The! Art of Conversation and SACcalture. ..

Cruise of tho Alovama and Sumwler—By Capt. Semmes..$1.00

All handsomely bound (n elotl, and sent by mail free, om re Tocelnt of orige, by CARLETON. Kublisher, Now York

Markets, and reports of all jutoresting ovents of the work.

‘Terms—Single subscription, $2; Thres coples, $5; Five copies, $8; Ton copies, ¢10. Single rapier 7ive nl eacd. A Imited umber of advertlen fertod la tho Wenger Hewat,

. - . . . . : : =A milan Jan geral many, Dube

ibe It me Yur sel ‘over te

of othe OW NITTHRA'R pear This le nearly ane Naum


and moveoty Uivusanit Jogea, cehich ab ning ullare woul! be over a million anda bait “Wollara sucely. ra Terit must allch wan article of such a sil= Oo where wo wlll, from one end of she

ght of the wvldeins

A Bit of Logle.—Heads Su; And yotwhen a hatter sviaup anew nt fete insists that all heat abiutcvatoran toil Ths le nbsird, flfotie, So nine ils asso prodnces 100 spring aigies, uit Roo janvtbriog his teat vo BEB ireadway, im

every vans} ‘cover it {9 sult A White's Patont Loyor Trips! ts Per

fech—Cures rupture. gn the bee’ (9 Broadway.

S18; Boys? AIL 18,34 Fourth avenue,

A.—Gent’ All Wool S: ‘Wool Salts £9, at, ¥. BROKAW

A.—Use the Heat—Bowden’a Moth De= STHOYING PACKET, For salo by ull druggist. Vries Se

B. 0. T.

For Throat Dissasna and “BROWN'S BRONOMIAL TROCHE: sea, are of great valun. Ini Goughs Irritation of the Toroat coured by cold, oF Unusual Bxertion of the vocal organs tm peaklog In public, or slnging, they produce tho dost bevefl- lal resulta

the Chee

or Cough Toara-

Millings’ Moth Powder.—The Sureat avtldots to the raviges of motha: olieayy and delightiully fra rant, 3 ounce boxer, Ze; L pound oso, BL. .Apatuvea lea well ie

Batehelor's Hatr Dye—Tho Hest in the world, Harmieas, reliable, instantaneous. ‘Tho only porteet. ye. Pactory Wl Harvlay siront

Chevnller’s Life for the Hair Restores ray hale to It original cotor, wtp ite falling nat oad cleats tans alsive on

dremltig. Sold at tho dug auires alt wt ra iroadnay. SARAIC A. CHEV ALLE

Corns, Bunions, Enlarged Joints ana All diseased of the fect, cused by Hy BACHIARLE, 72 tos ys

Crlitadoro’s Presorvaulve

Mair Dye, and Wig Devoe wholes and rel Tho dys applied by wkiral artists

Diamond Rings, stetkdeer pane i SHRNT PINTS, SEER: Fete ea Tu oulumans, a

EN seared mening


6 Avior Howe

Gentlemen's Spring Huts.—The sen= tonen must {nstanily auagent the nama of KNOX (0 every Tuder Ite lh known bey manufaclurer of tue rom eae Aylalee tabrics, and his wsloeroom, No. 12 Drowlivay. cirnee OL Balto street, ls ax farmer 0 the public my ths Ciky fh Wt tn placa ts, procure « becoming and attractive Bprin


Italian Medicated Soap Feckies, eruptions, tan and all Ueralshen Broad. and druggisty

Gourand’ enres pirnpl At bis depot,


Way, 008 door below Canal slrcet

Highost Premium Lock Stitch Sowing

Machiae acd Hotion Hole Machi WHEELER & WALSOS, G25 Broadway, N, Ye

Health and Happineys.—A Cirewlor, highly Important 10 young mon, sent frea on addresaing Dr. Fowera, 195 Lin sive’

No More Gray Hair or Baldness.—Forty= Ove years practice Advice {roo by Dr. GRANDJEAN, Astor place.

Notice to Harbers.—Razors Finely Con

caved at 30 cents cach, at R. MEINISCHE!S, 67 Nasam Siteck Razors sant by oxpraus promply attended to.

Removal. THE GREAT DEMAND FOR THE WEBER PIANOFORTE 4 made It weceasary to remore to the spacioay marble:

1 bua

H 429 Broome street, near rosdway,. where the manufacturer resyecwully invites bia old rasa

the public. A. WEBER.

Silver Watohe: dercriptions, (rom twenty to one bundred dollars each.


ots Hor uals oy GEG.C. ALLEW 11s roadway, 0b0 J2oF blow thal wires, formerly I

Spring Ovorconts, $13 to $20. Stylish Goodsifor crder work, Walking Coats $18 10 325. Pants nnd Vests $10 (0 83). CLARK, 112 and 114 William streot.

The Grent German Hellmittel TRI, CATARAI, PROM THE Nose, the Throat, Hawking, Impure tb, de, Be Lis. BRONCHITIS, DIETHERIA, sampHon.

SUF Wire row, and

ries pre RUNGE ise Pieala ts babi axles HEOBMAN # 08, New ¥0% pox gones 2 00

No. 10 Stato street, Boston, anse., Prupristore

The Original Sowing Machinca for tale at No, G29 Broadway. Tnvevted and made by mage

itw, Cu finer mberAn Essny of arshag and Turrucion fur Tovnp sen. Poulin by tbe Rae eed mut treevor charge la saaled ene ee Ting, Sulla Hovgatoay Howard Asso chien, Polusdsigale. Pa

he Polar Refrigerator ani Water Colt uetee LEsiit s ELLIOT, Oh Brsiwer. The Finest Quality of Lezhorn Hats, shaed and Gclahed 10 Tialy, with all the softaoss, Instr dhd'clearacss pectiiar (o the, Ttallan pressing, anit mou fron tue mace fashionable. Patluloo. shapes, are for aslo. ok HB YNOLDS! 3B Catal strvet, near Broadway. Glory of Man in Strength,—There= for the perros and detlitatad shoud wo. Dr, POWERS? Extract of Bucbu. Ofloe 195 Blea street.

Vs Patent French Printed Mart & COLLARS, 1 OOLUARS,


ariel Certain partion are Infringing oa my rights by selling

Prizes Cashed in all Legalized Lotteries, | common, worthless prided ape collar a {nformation given. Drawings sot Bo aot be lmpowd on by thes ay, All lare and information $I OT yi Brokers vee, 176 Broadwa py me have my na ani BOK AI A—Lottery Prizes Cashed. Circulars, | lots rags, which makes ther Nrong (a the batioa~



Kueers NEW YORK, B. 5, JAP HAY #00, oie. Tid TYLER BLocs, A SALLE STREET, AUTIMGRE AD ISAAC COALE, JE, & BROTHER wong 00 done #00. \ ogaviir &



uraelure SST. WH. WARD, No. 897 Hroudway, New York.

991 Pearl Street, Harper s Malhiing, gables a ne carte devlolts of Preeicat EBroie Reading the Hiblo to bison Tad. Sent by mal, (ree

‘Or postage, for $5 craks,

W. I. Pooley

onquera dozen {Io June=that ix you Kilt torn.


chrsaalls. jaumvhor, Byery drvicgiat malta ih


ee ONE BLO ET —WITIt RD, TO LLGRY NORTHWESTERN TAR Fe RRA TpORT MoUs oye, aLooK ier FRNIRITED ROOMS 70 EET A a Math vireee. | Lie A yA OF TIT ay enmtiouis Worcs

colleen, i agprivae farsi, 4, Wet

aoe yeaa evorsubed. One room to ous par. required.

120 to $3 por week. louse opon

foreshibiuon at the aterve Pair. to op

st Uhueago 60 Hireeis, £0 Roos veal 0

SOU Inet will Lik Howe that Mire Foule Monger

fon, st to We per day; ROOMS TO LETOIO GENTLEMEN | wrest iniue antncrtsod npany in New Sock amd wlehulty v4 Bruin RNISTED i Gfirodwa. | recaeey tne TAT Thy tae woeke Wied VTLS only. 37 Bac Nine een Sireoh COCUSE OL ETOSIESZ__ | Dibtstonatngtin tans mrracont, brick, Sullding, now bel ag

T 18 AND 30 NINTH STREET, BETWEEN PIFTI aod Birth arcnues, (wo elegant Floors abd rome fine Goglo Reems to let, with fret clus Board, in Prenat and German eigls The Bouse ls German, References required.


furolabed Aparunents, Ureakfast if required, en be Suited mai Delmontco's, West Foureonth streek “Best of Folerovce Peyuired. Address A. T, X., Herald ofce.

71s WASHINGTON PLAGE, NEAR, ROADWAY, 1 sthrat'el ti Boer aevenal fery ohely turmiazed feat

Fartors un Wedron Ga, tie Hrs and wend, Hors; eo

lisitintrooian foe eeultemen 10 fet, Wi Vien

ie SOR is eo Wedel at eae

Rg A re

hheoeweary precaition will bo Laken by the eornralites tr toe

eon premio wl ba ane 7 a a

Bedi tect aot Suns hoteles a ane

ED LET—IN BIE NOUSR ist FOV AOS Tr, Ma Oa Re permeah certo tice ti Se fanor Coor, witb piazza attached, to one er imo genLernen, Pt (OND FLOOR ROOMS—FOR GEN. FRORIND AECONP TOO NEHER Ss

2, ARCHITECT AND NUPERINTRNDENT, Min juutesdon nb HL Hrolway, Triniy four yearstabrener Inthe enh.

coe eeob0mDy nid


Meld ith farmiated or unfurnisnad Roath. Wi See aes ganaat ADU fot

PEL Tety nah se ne rd oe TAIDOMELY, LURITEITE ROHR noveERiNG

Fi Aitiioters eooventeneen: wb

actu ti hase Rue #8 West Pitt


‘Ail peceiin wiia deelne 2a Joli & Company kro RtartOR

Lo make wucrike!" for fare and fortano\o tbe taud oF golia

res nol luscious Fruita, sided and provected. ty the ypalricd

Vrealdent oF a ‘address Benito J. Kuares, boy 2,011

NG AT NO. 96 RAST {af Broadway, Wiel to a Board.

VARLOR AND DED: bout Board; ales two Apply at 174


eel, = few Meare Wr wily oom to's geoWesnan,


DEOMELY YURNISNED KOOMM—KINOLE OR oniecting. sith oF ssithoot Boatd, for famninen of gee ‘emanent; reierences; dint

FELY YURNISHE 10 leh, wi oF

AGENTS OP TEE nlrauon Company will be eld Vite aver

ear Bighth #trek

SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1865.



Suillen Cre wie, tag. opporite Vie pramtens Wosseasion immediate.

(A SUEENPID RESIDESCH, NEARLY NEW O8 TUB Wonk OF We Rat riser, appouts Now Urmaawiek, Ne Seve minoien wale froma depo near good enol and Sharehen, hrenstorienuad casement thireon rootaa. laree Sintra, kitehen and siiung r20m in tasement, Horry, Parlof end largo tule room nel cho, al ae iret teow, fe sheening rooms, with water, on second floor, tivo Gnish= Froomeand hail on" Uited Woe, AU. Uished: tn. mere Hiyloanegnventenra,” ptendil lon (tora. obsarvatorys frail paintat snd Mode: good stabline for tour herpes ea Mousa} ¢.cxtugo ronm tere aren green, avd era bery ‘ularhed wich eontalued, betore Of fawers of Unest

iiog, ros hundsed pots ety; teoneren of cool land covered

With fralt) ond shade tres; the whole makisig one of the moat desicablo homes to ts feuad in tho couniry. oly For


‘OR TO LET—AT EASTCHESTER, A Cow. Toruible Cottage, with lange enrden apd Iavvh, klstean ‘ehort from woveral staUionn Fig Mew Maven aud Uo Marler Halleead Tuolre of Craters COUDERT al Pethain. near the premises, or oF COUDERT BROTHERS, 49 Wall sizee!, New York.

RST CLASS COUNTRY SEAT POR SALE—GEADTI- fal Iecatlon on the Sound; fine hougsand outbuildings, sery acormitle; abundance of fine frail; boating and Gablog; ‘m eplocilld order. 'B.P. IRELAND, 184 Kroadya; MPROVED STATEN ISLAND PROPERTY YOR SALE chesp—Vowition Nigh and Realthy: elemint hone, ont oave iL in good oper: 20) frail trees, TaN vizn? fest

veceubla canten on the Island (Sscres of land). fnquire DEVAN OAUN, MARTIN/A FARLEY, 123 und 157 Mude fon aires ANDS.—TO ALD WANTING FARE. LARGE AND DM ievincomilemeator Vicetanids malt elintes 20 milten south of Paildelphta by ratteaady sich soll, rodudag large ropa: 3D nem ets ab $25 por aere, peyalln within four fr go0.L Duunets openioge good kounty, standewte arn Avot putiogioprovement. Apply to CHART TS Vouunavier, Vizeland, Landurtowyihlt Ned. Let

wvered. Popare containiog ful! tofer= ation will bo

Beaton ws nue os vat tay bie Call ot 389 Winthrop place, mf Gener 9a2 0, et at po ak yo a SRE | Fai inoneny roRNTaNED room wren Mrettly,‘Tepurivot agenusin Roliaiphiay Cihcionah wd eee ee a ETON FRONT noow 70 | ELAS AG ORLY, FORME HD OgMR, war ace meats ioe maa ena FREE CO ea meray TE a Wek __| portingemmental. KrANKIY, FUCKIN, FMB. These ia ine at ss Wont Twell(u street. DMELY FORMISHED ROOMH 10.1 Fe iO Wsiaon, ML = ———— xenllemon onty, tn the inal class house 66 Fast yi | AmetIBAtH Buatsitin, 7) MT O, 1 STAEET), NEAR | (eonth street Privals family,

ME MANAOBES OP THE VATRIOT ORPIAN TIOXE dvatatully achwowledeo the receipt of $905 17 from %0 by Ward Drate Qonpnitine, Uhrouggn: itn eicore—C hates


lady and gentleman. Apply atts Third ayeau


= ay i iy adr bay Tear Wing ay AY aS UBciiae | DLEAkART. ROowR OW aconn vLnoN. 70 Lime | Heraes._MHS WAL J HADDOCK regurc iO. A ier oie sen wad Twenunn sure |, DMein permnncae Bones seat oc lores ete |



(thelr wives AUTH Bart Seve


Ai a elugle Meum 10m pao DAKLOR AND REDROOM—YDRNINIED, ON ERCOND: eeroinmaodalinns, Ik DOW At Si Res BASRA alt | PAMLOR, AND HEDROONaORNIED Oh MECOMD Se er Te es ine mea T OMS TO LRT—WITH, HOARD, AT TH THIRD RELIGIOUS NOTICES, oe eae : NOTICES. a. 4 Win Aone ea mr >= —— T THE CENTRAL PRESAYTRRIAN CHURCI— ti ROM, WITH HOARD, AT tc ween TWELPTIL Broome atreck, (wo blocks eaut of Hroadway; {be pacer, rua 8 weap tidects private fasnlys Hefereca reir ev. tanen he Dante will preach to eacrrew ah 10)e AM

and 67, PM. Rob ject—" The Clock of Dealing.”

Ira iroptowdrwenL all Necessary. OUbUILIIngS, with fevou nore’ af flee land Malcone in pardn wal laity Brapery, Fruit tren» pd wirubbary Ia aUunuavee, nll hlpnly Impoor ‘had beautibed; magniseent views of Use idea. onhy thirly

minntarby Woden Mires Teatirowa, trem ‘Teirelh mre No pleco on tho banks of the Undaon cat pase this for Satz Noy Hanan fee wear chon

nd priviiowe uf dockage at hg atpot. Furihurpert Wiig) EMURRSON, a Bialth avenue. Be

TNO. 3 PINE STREET—BY W. H. MIGHEE, OITY and ebuntry Property forealo let.

N EXTENSIVE PLOT OF GROUND=WITH OR WITH: {ut improvements in New York or.vieinlly, wanted, for tie Gurdon of Art; owners or brokers may apply.

DAY & PALMEM, 319 Fourth avenue. (AT xoNEns—1e ‘YOU WANT A FURNISHED TOUS, Either addnse or


nerof Dewning siseet. Rev, A, O, Thomas, of Hinége=

Bois, pall mypply Whe Geek to merrew. Rervices ut 1044 b Me pr i

ROMs 70 LETWIT POARD. RUWWTED On Furnished, atid St Marks pane, Eich


ry be ad, with geod In pelvele fomlly on

Murray Hin. Address A. 1, box 140 Meraid calc

JAST SUIT OP VATLORS, TANDSOME- {Mp tel: alias havdanmnely furaiabed single TO gentiesaety ah ie Eigul street, between soe Fourth avenue


Sa aR Tan Bena RATA | ee SvTTATION om GOTaR NOR PRERON, ENE, A, Rene mes Tangs, OMMnre,raucgas, AND | Pea Rariars See ad at shad Shi" vor ancl nym fous itech | ROASTS ue ereenedteey, ese Meee | MOMWAD OOS ALN VOL Bh, Boranatendet a ae f : Se "7 JURON OF THE PURITANS —TIE ANNIVE! iY ra aan ray ating ry won, | DR. YaRK pumananeey asain ncoei ce | OME ah

ih fret clan

ieee eens Feeney LIMA T BO SVE SE

‘THRE STORY HOUSE TO LET—\ “ONS-FIX- AL ties tae remlaae. 198 Thiiy: sah eA tel cormer of Forty4irst atrect and Fourth avenue. Also Lower.

Part of a House at $40 permontb, anian Upper Partat $9) per month.

cote Lou geutleZie ri ey | a 7 ah sinter eens et | SO gealemes Avr at Chain re Wma op ern GENTLEM DS: Co AT je Went eee = 7 . | aentative Gorernment, With Todiyene- me SRT TMikted'wiuh Hoard in arauit piste fi nbere tere | alto the Salvaon of be iq finplementa adi Tooke. “rain property wurreunaed by N ELEGANTLY, FURNISHED VARLOM AND BRD. | gr, vot piaard In, aemall private family ners there Abe real ences of some of ours fest abd) moaL-emallient. oom to leL with Koard, In a frst ciaka Neuse, pear the | Bry Snelner Doardars at fy Chartes aire QMORCH OF THR OLY TRINITY, MADIBON AVE, |'men, frouia coe ofthe handsomcst drives In Ube county. Ny Fu Avenue ilowL Kelerences ekebanged. Apply ab 47 ueand Vorty-sccopd mrvel —Servicés ab 10% A and | can ‘Dought to greatndvantare, Se 0A PRIVATE CLUN OP OBNTLEMAN—TREE | 744 VM. The Rev, Stephen U Tyg, Jt, will 2 bob OSEPH NN, Fo. 34 Pine atreet. PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LET BONE HANDSOMELY | gy ,,WARuemely Furulabed Tartors, wnequaliod in the efty, | Seane FIRST CLASS BROWN STONE HOUSE, POUR ineihies jane miuoutticnricr with wraklarn | Hilekye- GMMert Teealyunh aires nertiwen eorset of | “A oncy oy gue mpsuanmorion, wpiscoral, | A. ory, beh Moons dlxaghetven MWh and Bit are Pam y op test Fr aes atten | pm SD NODUN WIRE OR | SL TRIMy:Oftb street, fory doors eaxt of ‘@inth avesne— | pose Marray, HULL Tor Geet i wi es Sa pe nt comnts ‘iy = ; ; Teer, Heke Eavard O Ploeg, randy or perards, rliastecn sr Floater BPO | (DO TT REATLE AU MUtED ROOM, LT | Iovate nig ‘toa rte aC WAX, ane LE ee PAREN OUIE ren

heir wives, aU No. 141 Grand rtreet, near Broadway.

TARGH ROOM TO LET-WITI NOARD, IN A ann fe OE AL Freclisminacdiscondyreute.scurtuity-ophth | my xerto oe o two cEnrimtnn, « maw. | D)'\ee therapeutic caege tua" Mme 0.3 lle, whe ain J a = achemey feriated eeund Vinor; yuslor abd bedroom jlalmy so important discovery eonecraing vital fore, il : mista te ere mnie near Py Seah lg Ka “A YEM PHEASANT nooMs wiTil GOOD HOARD, | Barun iit Dal ae Meats emia oes | steathg kaya Sein tan lk Rar areDae” Beats fulablo for a genuleman and wife, or single genemen | fiw Bint avenue Hotel. Ayply hi 109 Bart Tevenity-eevenus | free

ae peasant ball place

the—may be fond at No. 4 Ashland Taterenices exchanged,


a SO en a

EAP MUTES AND ALL INTERESTED IN THEIR. ‘welfare ore Invited to attend nervice at SL John's ‘choreh, Brooklyn, corner Washington aod Jobneen sreets, BU7A crelock’ The Rev, Thomas Gal:

Iaudet will Interpret in 7 Inngusge.



THE ENTIRP. SECOND un elegant Frown stone Bout. fronting Btuyve- 16) Bast Piflecnth eireet Highest references a required.


joe penitrman end wife or slogio gectieruan. Inquire sect, between FIL nnd Sixth avenues —Divige Ker Aus Jarmo all with al imyrove; | gy Hast Fhisueu treet eb Ban Yice Sunday morning, 1034; afterucon, 34, by Ree, Dr. 3S Four © Urosdway and Fifth’ evenoe. - Ubu Uneurparant For Lhe nummer. —A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED BRDROO) et = Sivas ston for Wenuminer Tote WANDA PUNTER, UEONGOM | SVyATINEK'S TEAREI, CORVER op OnIVEN AND AT (4) Noer sixrReNTHL swieien—rum sucowp | Want Niesenes creaaad eauled Appy atSlaVourh | sp, aoa AT stag eth melden reer ete ca aoe pec penan seam RE Re EE CAM BE GENTEELLY ac. | yo treet A laree eae NOTICE SREY SB, CO. DD. WIDL PREACH ab Ci Clinton place, near Fifth at 104 A.M. aod Si PL M., in Pires

‘i enable relerasone YOR A ORNTLEMAN AWD INS l respectable private Yemily. Tersoa bod reqalfed. Ad:

t Ripolernth st

De eb, Huda areet, Hoboken, OR MATTISON, | FORTY-FIRST | STREET,

b avetiue, at 10% A Mandy's P.M, Sabbath TOM. Evenig sobject "Thc axsacdn and Bis Im ip abother life" A cordial welcome to wll wtrangers,



W' ire

noderate ress, Heredia\als,

ML STREET, N od wife anid'tw IU Lure ela


fs Yo 1. Johneton, 161 2

©) RAST SIXTRENTH STREET, BETWEEN UNION A squamand Fifth arenue—To let, on third floor, a Parlor mrad Iwo edrocme, eleganily furuisved, (0 gentleison only,


AL somely furabshed, 10 We, i'n private twally, withue | PDE pArculare madaie'on We preralses ana Third’ uvemen Servicer at TO A: Me ana Tie a hoes axehalged’ apply A1354 ieee 1G WERT, EVENT EIGHTH etieEE To tap, | ev. famen H_Morgsn wil oficial oo unday, May 1 rhe + J with Hoard. two pleamot Room, to nlvgle geriemen ——

orpenilemel aod tour wires Ne cbidzen.” Kercenses- | JQEV.WUGM DUNN WILL GIVE A DISCOURSE UPON


Sd ter epe ep RTS Ebay ise SaaS RTT 38 RUN AQUARE SAL EUEAC Unnae | eure a ere = etlamgencsok | ie ae Ni a nem opanoniteadee | REC IAM TE MATE Ra EEA PGR Biase Citrlie challange | Meese rwetbe Parent Bere | ghaRsste AGeScey at a Ka T Mp M76, Ta uLERCREE sraxer, mix Boos | A ET TtP LAN Ty of Titinn Rae ey | iar ius sbi rumito tural abo toe | Peppa sara innencea vee se Siehiiypisr ease Seay e daneehe gh A ORTHDUN WHER A SINGLE HOM ae | 5B NEST CNEAT UMAR ATMEE RS OnaURAD Wry pe tad

Hoard; Will provide faraitare; ‘atiyoerw ecu Hlerexer and Hgoth streets “Address wit | ©2cbanged,

6. 6NOW, INTERPREIER OF FROPHECY, WILL sehuritcee che ny He Sa ee ae ee Y OB MiNGlasthte cad amps Recue to geclcmen, wih | clock Ps “Beata frees fi SED FOR SAIS, 204,09 STE WEE | Hage State stnc ote ‘De SEVEN FEESUNTERLAN CHORCT, SORTER 5 a eat) | ese Dn = ACE te cea Pr Se an ae ae | TR ‘4 NINTH STRERT, RETWEEN FIFTH AND SEXTH 1 we poly beaiast if sorriber or meparne: | Morrow (Pucday) mOraiOp. at TO}. tock” (AT Suen beedsome Novum te fn, wita Baarey maatie | RUieDea At Remakaa AT Pee eae :

Ger tlliee "Abe Rostan oo fourth Boor tor guatlesrec.

KO 5 TWELFTH STREBY. NEAR SECOND AVENUE ‘Alrect, eart of Second steane, the 3 ST. MARK'S PLACE—A LARGE FUR- oO Fector, being now nearly comp! raat Me Lin, Cok: | LAD tamaiaae decane | %

COUNTRY BOARD. AT (Lier wooD MOTEL—ON THE REA SHORE, ON fnpienid'eeabstking, Wablog, walling: Ac Apply st eh, apie Fietinetermrest eaten

(A. EAMOE AND SMALL: ROOM—WELL PURNISII- ed, Wo Jel, with Board, at 173 asl Tairteenth street; Botse has modern lipprovements; Dub Tew boarder. Ite! ‘reaces exchanged.

CARD.—PARTIES DESIRING FIRST OLASS AC- commodatlonx parmaneatly or transiently, may procure


ereoue, coroct of Eleventh stroet—The Rey. G. L De- ‘marest will commence his pastoral charge of this kociety to- morrow. Services morning sand ereaing

M ilonaux wilt or wiinowy, Board (ead Siggy | JAOARD WANTED.—A LADY, NURSE AND THREE | (PHE CHRISTIAN UNION ASSOCIATION. REY. SUB Liigene plaee “cteseees oteaa eee Bete wtleny | Roe dn weld ite Bouhd for Uke somuac. Vrs inet Isaac Perris, La D., President, will bold Raat) a a, aunty farm bauae wih goal csanry Meer, | (p akeChuret of (Re Anctaden coratrof Tend atest an PURKISHED MACK PATLOR. WITH EXTENSION. ileal oF ely, -AGarean elaingtermn Med. | Filtbareoum on Monday creniog: at Thy Vax. Reporte

tole, Herald otice.

jout Board, at 29 Clinton place, Eight

milyes will make tbe opeoing address, followed br Rev. Dr, ice nod represeclativen from Ieadog devemfeatfant.


DDITIONAL PRIZE MONEY NOW READY —“AU- aiinia Diowtnore' for "ohn," "ndons f

OARD IN PATERSON, N. J.—A SMALL FAMILY, Tt WEST TWENTY-PIRST STREBT—A VERY PINE | 13. witout edlldres and wiih co olher boarders, baviog

suit of Parlors on the Drat-door, for ooe or Wwo graile. | more house room than Wey require, x pes; alan, w recon oor front Movin, and bathroom SAjots: | nate im


n Whey require, woulé take m eouple of "Touch


= PAOM 470 @UTER WERESooOn accomNy: - Sek raters SON Cor A ROM m0 ay mEU WEE 00 TACOO ND: BOARD TLEASANT AcrOM Geka aa Mtoe Api m i Clarion vine Fan ie all Gee =a

SS Saas : Ly THB, ORES, OF THE SOMERSET, OBTIYS, SDE a a Te atin \OUNTRY HOARD-AT RANWAY, NEW opnemy, | SUSIAARNIOE (2 ORO. 3. HALDY 8,0." Army aed ab 71 West Fourteenth ereet ( fe boars ride from the elly by rafl: gentlemen and | Not Claim Aprota SO Boulh street, New Work

FRONT AND BACK PARLOK TO LET, YURNISH- | fshiog end rowing aod stabling” Every enjoyment the coun oN eS

he roug’ | A Mord or lost tan nein uation inaey Yor

Shor anfurabbes, wits oF wiout Bard wo ceaue. | try ean eucrd ras be found Ux appiging co mre Oc Muse, | sok ,f0md OF 1c. can receive ign mocey for Ben sail ete wives; Sis Hocus Uralogle genuleaees Cal | Mili avenne, Rabwos, New Jersey, or by uddressiog Rane | Wag MWwlGK, at Géce, US, appIsing 1s 0) ee as be 3 © GO., Arms nnd Navy Claim Aponte, 300 Soni wires N.Y

LADY) OF 4 LADY AND GENTLEMAN, CAN ou: | (JOUNTRY BOARD WANTED-FOR A GENTLENA Wetatns for pay. bounty, citing end Taven, Sone,

Ai errtiattsty vented witb hanaonedy tu write twoctildren ang (wo cerrante within ane hoor | greutte utarataY ated iue ited inte Ansty Reeser nen, with or witout Board Or lady, at 301 Wea iTrasaltor tide from New York eitnauon on | shyly sole and caved ai the United roy Ast

ure ; ; erred” Adireas Bor 405 Sew Vora Fant | S04 Betking Oliczaf Le MROWN & CO. No.2 Park pisre.

ixth pireet


an = Your here eteber L. BROWN &@ CO, sant Boom, with Iara; also © few vlog OR A GENTLEMAN ary and Nara Hackers, N lace, avedoy Rint uae Wittegietyeune® | (inte, natiorueenaieside segnatioas eae HUiary ded Naval Bankers, Nova Park place, sa 2 ES Usrmls plenty of dhade and fruit: w Rocntened mira


Proteus cau bare their logtoM 3. WtGGr

erred. Adsresg with particulary Hall he reasoasbie, W. We bor 130 Iiersid tice, Tornine week,” Good refereaers gen ad trustee

CAN OBTAIN FURNISIED ball the modern imprvreincnts. ciy-Misth street

Rates sucamers Hnnteville apd ize money callected st ooce By ap> 370 York street, Brooklyn.



‘Apply at West Tv

OARD—25 FOURTH STREET, ONE BLOCK WEST of Brusdway; Rooms, geed Heard, (permanen\ on tres:

NOUNTRY BOARD WANTED—FOR A GENTLEMAN, J owife. (ofant ool nurse, in w farmer's Lamils, where.


ent, for peatienian and wife on dug’ penilemen. tloure Blouty of muUk fruit, good tehing bunune and | guq Orn Bounty. pensious, back be ne aes Brice.” Dinuerate ee dpake Ws Sn Sectane Meare P| Sita” Apis eid eratieemte a : roadway, root ABPRED: KEESIIA OARD, NTLEMEN AND THEIR WIVES OR SLY mozoen lain Agen gle gralleren can br aceommedated with Ort clase BD WANTED— ee So

Board a the Marler Kullroad,

Id Grand street, Jersey City, one i iy id, between two ani

CIGARS AND TOBA: ie 300.000 rien i muttactcrestaa erauiaaroa Tractwiied. 0. CHEEKS. agent tor ive Kew York Cigar Nanuractariug Compacy, 4 Warren tirvet

ENTLEMAN AND WIFE ca can be accommatated Reais aid goed Board in a xuall hovtal


er table for then Aalst wiveel, rear Fl " ‘geatleinen. Apply Se me

reek nea? Eroadway

MEDICAL. Rion Fo wan A Ors

py tose



ABD—\ GENTLEMAN AND WIFE OR TWO SIN. fanilly of four adults aud two eBid ‘a farm ch are four degrees a ehaae a IL wilh aoe saa || a ee ee noe Le cearey om Tar PRE SSL ie on lala ite Ber cia. wenth sires. House har gas, bath, dc Dip Aweentytve minut ly, for the nummer. Ad. Liberty wtroet, or sent by mail, =o tres Meta Ui. deena Ree Gals (0 cantlon

Beek =7o oer, were ox wiriour nos

ealre Seaued. Foon ane



FARM OF 1% ACRES, 2% MILES FROM NEW for) railroad dey op Long Inland, for ral ASB era at areata


seb atct Beale forsale orto cxehane, from 11 30

Petes prees 0, 70H BON; hee IO to males f

from New Yorks anti ncar (CPRERGEANT, 16 Wall street,

YINE (SUBURBAN RESIDENCE, WITA TEN LOTS, filled with froit, &., in Brooklyn, for wale or x: Phange for Jots or farm. on’ Long Island; ‘bouee large, ball Through centre, all Muproversents; free nnd clear. $25,000. E.G. LOORE, 20 Pine wirect. PARM FOR SALE—140 ACRES, RICH LAND, 12 TO A. Micrerlear, creat ce Ginbary with house’ boro, Dest spring water, Jish pond near tha hourey situated near the Erie the low

iGairoad, fo Sullivan county, N.Y. Will be rola at low pic of $4001 rd iia week Bh wo aleve sold within 8 few aye

corer twice the amount Tile good. Has to be Inquire at Mr. A. KOOPMANN’S,

% Barclay erect, corner of Chureb. REDUCED PRICE IN JERSEY CITY—A TWO story and basement frame Touse, ten mloutes? walk from the ferry. Price $2000. Also an English barement brick House; Water and gee” Price Possession. ins

mediately. Apyly oA. F BORLEW, 120 Newark sveoue, Bear Grove strc, Jersey Cis.


Country Residence, with clghtaeres of ground, hand: dome burn aid ben heage, fruit evergreens and shrubbery. Ayply A'T. BROWN, 74 Wall atroct.

OUNTRY VILLA AT A SACRIFICE TWELVE ACRES, or Passe river Sal salle from Newark Cemetery: sa: ots, oF ie oro aud ga

fin. Sale linperative. ly traine THOMAR 5. BTEIWART, 116 Wert Twenty-Srat street

M OF 8% ACRES FOR SALE—IN THE ENGLISH Nelghborhood, about nine miles from Hoboken, two from Fort Lee; the cars on the Northern Hallroad will’ stop Af required. For terma inquire of ROBERT ANNETT, Fort Tec, NJ. Also the Pasilion Hotel to let Inquire as stave.

OR SALE—THE THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING Ms West Thrisenth steel, It a in, perfect order com.


; ie Bros Wil Wass! oe Se ee

SALE—A COUBTRY RESIDENCE AND SEVBR eee Te etn Eloi hk Fecha. We CODURE, PityrsevesiS treet, Delween Third ad Lexingion avenocn

| FOR SALR—ao. A‘ ‘OF LAND, IN BHAMOKOQ, county, . three miles from Re phere para fori ooh rel are arse 2 ue Yo. 7 Bh areoue (> i 4 H OR BALE—A HOU! UOT IN TENTH STREET, Risisha pera inreregani eraser Pirlo MERRITT, enue fh FF ‘SALE—IN BROOKLYN, POUR LOTS, OX THE

soutbwert-corner of Fulien and Franklin avenues. Terms cary. Apply to J. & 3. GEMMEL, 3) Broads rogm No.7


OR SALE—A BIGHLY IMPROVED FARM OF acres, ailuiated in New Jersey, oue bours' ride. elty. Inqpire at 44 Canal sirect.

‘sm te

PPOR, SALE_ POSSESSION IMMEDIATELY). 4 FIRST lars ew-four story aud basement brown stone Tous Ip @ detirable locaton, near Fifth avenue: will be colil cheap; terme easy, Tuguire of JOUN PETTRETCH 418 Third avenue, or of CROMPTE & SILLIMAN, lamber dealers, Bighty-sixth street, near avenue A.

OR. SALE—$8,Q0-NO. 1 MORNIS PLAOG, WEST Voriy-eocond sireel, near Tenth avence; three stories, Rasemipot cod erllar, bewe rone, Abr 80: et 1 posnersion immediately JAMES ¥. CHAMBERLAIN, corner Foriyeecond street and Highth avenve,

OR SALP—A FARM OF ABOUT 10 ACKER, IN THE town of Noweastle, Wostchester county, (veo miles from aqua sation, on the Neriem Railrasd, the rarus from de) Meeting house, and five miles from Slug Sing; jonble (wo story and basement Lonsa, tn goed con ition, with extensive outhourer; foar good urban all Elude of fralt; Ie now used for o datry farm. for fewellabiled. | Heriber particulars by apniviog ie Sao. MON WASHBWRN, on the premises, or to JAMES W. ROBINSON, Iival Batste Agedu Sing Slog.

POE SALES SEVERAL GOOD FARMS: | SITUATR near theelty, aud at moderate price. Alro laree and samall Country Seats, beautltelly located. For pariicclare bppig to WHARTON BROTHERS, 182 Broadway.

(OR SALE—A FINE COUNTRY SEAT AT. FLATRUSH Wiiiaye, Lang teend, wituin ve minutes! walk Of ey Taulroad Uejot, caratun Gvery ifieen minuter; houve new, Tulle in mous sabelauual magner by day'u work, copmeiont fd with alliuodecn conveniences and Ya. drat rate onsc yun ae ell id oat with yonbe shade and froth coils tocomrespond, Hera neat apnly OHAGNER & ENITH, Attorneys abLiw, No. 0 Willauguy Sireet Brooklyn.


West Thirlyststh seeh near, Yroadway, three story nd baxement brown stone front, 90180, modern improve- mente Apply on the premises.

OM. SALE—IN BROOKLYN, THE ELEGANT DOUDLE, Flours, 210 Clermont avenue, near DeKalb; bros

Sone front, three stories, basement and eub-cellar, (ust Bull, with All (le modern improvements and in corsples Orders house, Sxs0. Also the Mouse adjoiniug, Na. 22, Polit io the’ same wiaauer: houre, BIO Apply og te remisce or wo BURTIS, FRENCH & WOODWAHD, Barely since

Cees arpets, 10.5 re sowomunedated for 0b With Hoare 1a tke = 5 = De eels oma for gextlemen. | cousity: thuse with borsse prefere peruicaire appl DVICE TO LADTES.—THNE WOMAN'S TRUE PRIEND & “ai U2 Miah street by beh sed Nas red, Dr. POWERS, 195 Bim eireet His French ~ ————— | Drop rewiore (rom whatever cause. OO LET—AT RA MILIES, a



DR VOWRIR 80. 15 ELM ‘Sfom all olealtles. “Try Lis French crop Web afe warr@hind ax represchied. > TTENTION, YOUNG WEN. —VBRY GOOD NEWS Dr WARD, 16 Eiat erect, the ready Urctor, cares Without mereary: Ward's Lavigarcure eure eure’ where mapbood tr a

CARD TO LADT Pireck, warrants re

with excellent Jioard. Bousn Giutated,on earner uf Pyle and Ella streets

ira apply at li? East Niceteenth st, New TASTED—BOAKD POR THE BUMMER i 4 fe farmn ifm lesen healthy belgbbyrhod, with(o one

Patliy, ‘genteran, wite. two «mall bi Mhdreae laup vrins, Loallen, ™Y

Jeter ‘mstieg erm,



a PR BOO $.—DR LARMONT PERMANENTLY CURES Copstiiguonal Dissares etrietiiros end. all

Gong, at 173 Brusdway, seooes Govr, from. 9

by Feros: peat the sescuesttheferred. Ad-

ra WoM. de, DAS Browowny. 7 E

Bos red -— ear: EWM | IN TIME REMEMBER THE | SURE is TANTP.D—COUMTEY BO, FOR A GENTLEMAN, place for # epeedy cure without mercury. Dr. WARD’

sare ina Were red tae piace cunaren, farni house prefers) | ofles, 10 Elm wirect A eure guarugteed “Comaliation ul


TASS pentelly,

SF wer 12 chy.

ales ‘Address, wok fall parucularm rab ober.


J member of tbe N. Y.l- Medial College acd 2-0. Sur- fone, Londen, can be conculied, wa ustial, on private dle wanes’ Office A) Centre street, neir Charters. §. B.—No Fen unless eared.


BROADWAY AND E Sp tho Buropecn pra, Ki



Méesired, ia op by arpl

atirart Mk lyiy stout Wve tela rem | SON er aitcz'y night H, WATEON, AN OLD AXD EXPERIENCED PRAC. ezencon eataaged ee en omer, ie eubted 10: guat "

© LAWGE PoMNIeTIED: OF vayun | DE AARPAYMOUSBR2 WEiM voRNiIETH TRH |. soeoc'hy mg remedies andritigttuange of det Fhe z ep Ob avn | Di sremug Reservoir Jerky one af tho, moat Geaicas | arstefrem boaveas > Call at Bestway, hex be

wtilah eile Ragrs. | kai Scor ate eauunen "Miegant sulle ef roouse Tatie | love Miofullah Motel “e oe

ae SE | ee —— ——— | J) R. css, FEMATE ¥RYSICLAN AXD ac

Beers nosey Tact jab wm | HOMARD Nove, “mew son Ate APE ‘aster Roce auily pias) etwesu Bleetier Ao,

SORLYS BOARD IY A FA 301, tom reve of Boar wll be $8 G8 por cay. Tea pO | “Aaailg virerta goskes it Lis Ypeal pratuce to West al teases

Winer, cup loree teat rem rant role, Nave pot ee bricket Naar ot ibe vy ow true, Trebeuke tas Bean Telus SaGRaNS Ranevenly Peper! ttrougeo, sc0 10


Conipalnts from wisinver Cause prwdocé blegantreccia Tor tulica requir

R. COOPER, MM DUANE STREET, CAN BF CON. vate Giseaaey. Thirty years” expericzenen.

anta siren wiqsace The vieurw of mle:

ar call sith a certainty of Leieg cored.




(et a at har as appl feos iit at New Voki oy

1” rouany, ¥

TPUOURANDS ARE RUINED BEYONM ROM MITION Te Ua ite by cot ealling qr MUNIER scence or Meat wire Be were cate gf private dear a 9 Gian any elker piyriclah, OF wo Fay Uke od doobtete aril please se and. s€=0 1oL-of re Eraton of cures made within thie law thirry yew pepelons exaee, hak Ba Last the beneGt of wtse ALewainest phyextiaa and eurgedye Mos Divas Bigs 1804 Teoma ned Envele eoWaLen,

ai 43 CEOKOR 3.37)

aL; Zeypore a Vz Sreormws



minutes’ walk of both ferrice, a ules Colfage, twerty- two feet front, forty-six feet deep, und four lots fenced fa With pleke; fence: to be nold together or keparately; tera easy. Apply WB. NCELROY, No W Grand atrecl, Wie Komebure

))OR BALE—SEVERAL PARMS AND COUNTRY SEA’ Jn good igcablles; possession Irmedutely, ‘Inquire EVAN JONES, 19 Mobigomery street, Jersey City.

}OR SALE—NEAR SALTERVILLE, HOTEL AND SA- Toon: a new (ro alory house avd (ies lote of groand:

| Morte, foundriesystores and the like.


AA plied for so0n, aa other beary bualness requires: Gfoad, Over $100 00 can be cleared by IL Dice’ i ray oveeraal

BALE—NO. ountien att



Land fiiall the alt ky


ION IMMEDIATEL oevillo pearly

DUNG bad berenent ike douna, ut, Yove la bea ORUANTRATISaSsra ar DAR PAL Iara ts QFE AS

inal aad eae

I A MILD of Phiblel. of uyide return


Ba Tal Caulornje varying. froin clay Wy & sandy Tonto, Gras, Corn. Tobacco Kruite and Vecotable feuit Contry. Five hundred Vineyards and Orch Bonn’ planted aul by.

Peactlen, Pear &e., aiready pan av the mor

‘Tho cali lerritory, con Fi. sno anes of Land, feta out upea «gen OC unprovemente, The land tn obly veld wo acted nelttors wich pravision for pate

Uoadornment.. The place on ceconnt of Ity great beauty ax

‘wellog Glheradvantages hax become thn resort of peon.c of

Bastar Ithas locroused ave ticurand peopic, within the past Fe

eues Of Art and

finement ‘and

FRore, Charchea, "Stores, Schtola, Acailemnlos, Sock 9 ling, and other elemontn of re- jculutre have:

Introduced. Heveral

been Tan:

mated tho summiner. Prico, of farm lank. twenty nero Jota aid sipwanly $25 ‘ordre. Five aud ten acre apd Villac Los for mato. Bruits

Aud ypretauies ripen carer in thie disci Gian ih uy other Hoealllynorth of Norfolk, Va. Improved Winces for rate. Openings for alt kinds of business. (anber yures, nwolir Por parsons wo deo dire mild wintery a healthful elimate ane. t good ll, a country beautifully improved, aboanding tn fruits and ‘rersing all other social privileges, In tho hicart cf civilization, tia worthy of a viet, "Letters answered, nad. the Vineland Trad paper giving Collinfermalion and centaling reports of Solon Rabfuson, feat to applicants Address CHAS. K. LANDI®, Vineland Post oficc, Landia township, New Jer sey, Prom Report of Solow Feobluson, agricultural editor of the Tribuno:—ltte one of tho most extevaive fertile tracts, 1 ‘an altuost level poniuen.and. suitable condition for plearkst farming that we know of this ido o€ the Westar prairien

“VAUUABLE PROPERTY ATHIGHBRIDGEVILLE FOR ‘nale—A plot of tand, containing aoout HY aerea, eligibly situated op ig’ Fordham road, near MeComb's Daim, quar ter of a mila fromthe Central bridge, farlem, presentin

most deairable locations for country residetces. "Wil be ml

togetier @r tn. parceln. Tho, roperty ean te rachel by Sifamboat or malted in about Oue bour from tha City Halt For term ot further particlers apply, to WILETAM VEN IEE 2 Joho street, or THEODORE HINSDALE, 19 Nas: sau


for a Orel class funlly; voted for health; accerulble hourly by rulroad; furnialied OF not, and. poxs ct muted, forsale or reo Juquire of W. BALL, 84 Malden jane

TESTERN LAND MAVING WESTERN Lande ean live the dseda records, learn the valuo of thelr land, nud have (he eame #old for a resonable coumls~ soo. Addrent J. Hennett, Hox 31M Post ollico, N. ¥. 180 AQRES 01% LAND ON PITHOLE. | NONE, CAN bbe bad equul to it: will be xold low and productive property put with ICLf desired.

GW. WESTRROOK, $4 Pine street $6,600 - 298, SALE A TANDSOME NEW TWO mary, allie tacement aod snb-cellar Cot. 2, necond house West of Central Pale, on Norib side of Efgtig Tourtu nurcee™ Arply on tbo premlica $10,000 -PRE a RESRERGE: 28 ROOMS. NEAT P |. oulbuitaloge cbgbt artes enol lai frully hade, ee, 1m abundance, 14D ground dhiernt Filter; bargain. W. P. SEYMOUN, 171 Broadway. FOR SALE.

‘A MQUOR STORE WILL BE sO CHRAP FOR AL cab Appiy on the premises, 211 Fast Thirty four x


«, argain: also Residuranws Supper Roms, Bakeries, Drog Stores, Billiard Saloons. Wolels, Meat Markets, Lunes and ms, ke. MITCHELL'S Ktore Agency, 77 Cedar st.

a OES eos , compic We Peace case y ‘WHITE MOUNTAIN HOTEL—A‘ VE LOCA- STE ROUTAN ora TR Oe smeambeted lands fo Jersey or on Long Ialand aecepied as Citas: BRADFORD S:RENICK, 1 Broadway, roam Wa


or Biate right

OILERS POR SALE—TWO SECOND HAND LOW pressure Mollers 3 fect Jong, 816 fect shell, 946 feet Trom, with eleam chimneyn 8 feet They aro fit Bret rate ofder, baviog Just been 1 ‘repaired. Inquire of foln Diléo, Rondout MY, or of Bavid Yacluon, enginesr ‘sloamer J. W. Roldrrin, jay treet, on’ Mondays, ‘Wedoerdoye ond Fridays. ¥

CROCRERY STAND |AGRIFICE—EBTABLISH- fb of contury, jeoeuatul trade alwaye doue.

Coruer store. W. PF. ROWLAND, G0 Hudson atreot, corner Cheraber


well located and doing a die busincas; ovner golng into ‘nother business. Apply to J.P. WILLTANS, 42 Pighth enue.

RNG STORE FOR SALE—IN BROOKLYN: ONE OF Abe best locations for businen In the city; a rare Sbance; price $40. Hamilion uyenue, corner President, 2.


Shafuing, Pulleys and Tanke of al) wives. Will bo gol

cheap by applying to P. CASSIDY, Now 4 (0 10 Bridge street, rooklyo, bear New Chambers puree furry.


of the ing House No. 243, West pire! and. Troy steamboat Isndizg: tbo lodging. more than doubly paye the rent. To: guire of S. MUDGBT, on the premises

OF SALESPENONING MACHINE, CIROULAR SAWS, Belling, Sbafding. andillanger.. Apply to or ud arose GEOL, CUMMINGS, 140, 143 and 145}5 Centre street,

POE SALE yPICES, REDUCEDCTUL CELEBRATED Wood & Minn Portable Steain Knglues; also all kinds of

Wood Worklogand O Well Tools by HAMPSON LAND, generat agents fof Wood £ Maun, $ Malden

Iron ay


Toise power, with pump and beater complete; been run bat irre moaths; price $60. Apply to JAS. 1. JACKSON & BRO., Twents-cighth,sireet, near Secapd aveni

P—IN CONSEQUENCE OP DPATH IN THE fomily, an old establiaued MMllivery of fourteen year

standing, Ouw doing o Grat rate busluexy (0 0 etsh customer; Will bo sold cbrep, as itmast Do cold within & few days, AD”

COND MAND Dra Tequire ut 66 Liberty street,


ht Stands

‘CE HOUKR AND BUTCHER'S FIXTURES Kogether or teparate. 179 Fulton avenue, Brooklyn. KING —A 1, P WESTERN SKINS FOR ALE. BY

Sibi cA eo co. No avo oer


man going. back to Europe sells cheap x fine cllebars of Hunting requisites, some Desotlfal and rare specimens fox tho adoroment of" a hunter's room. afer tho Eurepean fashlon, and with the appronrisie hucting plcinres Can De sceu from 12 to§ o'clork at 41 Rivington street, wear Nowery—

10 PRINTERS NEWSPAPER AND ob ee ns partirulane apply to a addroas HENRY TA 1D Spruce street, New Vork.

ALUADLE VATENT POR SALE.—AN TMU'O\ED Harness Saddlo which wilt not chet wor lnjure whe Morse's back. ADOLEIC KOEI Fit, Holy Make

F JORSE ANDREW >, WOODWARD STEAM Pomp, 2 Bogarde large te} ring KOU, fro lard Cooler, 2 barge srooten Vat Dehare Seinen abate Ing. Pillles Melting, old Laat

place, West Tuikis-o)nth Jo A

2()() WILL BUY THEASros pncriiar 300 foot'wvit ce too ott tebe org. Call te day 36370 G1 t RFQ) Wiew BUY 2 @ALOUN WEFT $500 iar mel, near Broun ies tape am DREsR AND CLOAK arAne : MANAME PANIATS, D tr fom Marte ADIES' AND. C)ILD THOS Re TAR peraat: Cron Rettel Criesaly 3S tine PES do aati ders Release, Sf Dusrern ett ee. Bhd tha Tey ofa Kins, ck TWh © oEND'S, §S Hroad way, bi


OW 1 T) Tl

ar B

7 OE Carp. Whe Inte tier


To rive ueweall tuluce pure cane. j2oquemiey . BUPE ROwiER, 130 a ates CLOTHIN §STION-—LADIS AND G yun, we aie the Mighers prices for. vir Care OF eth Caepetes be by Sting! om or addressing’ Mr or Nw CORN, 200 Nereus aveaues TENTION. “DADIES AND OFNTHEMEN ARE Aripseramtentineccire sa tiahest ant Oar ouhfan, Werpets, kes by eaitog SrLTulel vader beter ge Trees on Nirerus Halen attended by Sima Ln


AL ain spec faaie and geiuamess wll reel, the high ora ifr Carpeuy, &e,, Uy callag on or

Sdaressiog sir. or Mre, LATA? vee” 461 UY CMNPE

AT M@ EAST TWELFTH STREBT, NEAR BROADWAY L. CASIBERG page the wsusl Trondway prices for- Tales and gentlemeni« Cost Off Cloiing Uhice 0) Last Tyyeltih street. Ladies waited upon by Mex. Caahbere.

{$8 Audrran Seventh, avenue, botween Teenty-xeco Ftrouts, Wher all orders will bo duly au thealty.


uc, will pay Gfty per cent more for Cast Of Clothing, Purallure, Carpet, by calling or uddressing as abive. Ladies attended by Mew. A.

MIE HIGHEST PRICES MAID IN GASH FOR 1,ADIES ‘aud kentleinen'a Cat OW Clothing, Purniturr, Carpets, Hing vn oF addressicg "H. RUSBNTHAL, 885 Howe

ded to by Mr.

ITE MIGHEST CASI PRICE PAID FOR LADIES? ‘und Gent’ Cast ¢ Oarpets. Purnilre, key Dy call 2% Thjed ave=

me, = WORTH OF GASTORP OLOTIING, $50,000 crete Omanted by SiR ADeS No. beh Scvent arenuc, beaveen ieireuind aud Thirty-four Etrects! Ladies tended tn


THE A. ‘Vest Panoramas and Dioramas ever exhibited In this country or Europe. for sale. » Cash preferred, Gall en er ade

drens 6, Hl LAWTO) r.


4 Jolin street, vecond


mall nim ahd eicage with another on eqilal terms ina linht, establimnied aud successful business. may apply 10 Mr. HOWARD, XU Fultoy strost, room 8 (op flo


tocatend manufacturing business nnd servicet or nok

A few hoursn Week, for Which eccunty ant Ofly dollara ®

eek ocmre i , Adarchs Win. Be ing, care I

YOUNG MAN MAYING $1,000 WANTED.—OVER- seeing manufacturing business. on elther Interest or good Guay, Nestimcurity, Apple to Geo. D. Orer 0.8 East Houston atroct, near Broadway.

PARTNER WANTED—WITH $5,000, IN THE MANU- Fasuare of mane artsie fadafauats ln oer false Hesdy cate ncd ree press. x ! PIS) Broadway, Gest Moor, rear olce.

HO eee SU ca bart IN boule & On = Block Aucuanvers und Drokers, No Sem Vout, Moy d, 8.

Toe hrm of Albert H, Rvslay Go esa Caeioy hy maittal coossat. AMtert H. Nitoly roles (rom active, Hos Hess souanquenee of 1M Leal wil dart hy atten oa to the tuterest of the New-York and Philaseiphla Petre Iain Gpopanyy eles Bos President, th fur of Ne fie‘tre 2

Liled by Albert Hl. Nicolay, wbu will igh rea Datwe in liquidation. ALBERT fi. NICOLAY. 7 © CHARLES B. CLAIR, Jr.

To bt or lease, the elegao} Oibees Me. fe Wil ste e Xo, ace aft aus the emesis MUR MORGAR, ‘ram |J)ISSOLUTION—THE COPARTNERSTUP MERETO- ore xing under tue Bem of Plucis Sirooe & Co, ‘this day distoked by mutual consent =k. FINCH, WN. STRONG, HL P PINCH,” New Youk, May 2, 1856 E. 1. PINCH NOTICE.

‘The buxdness will be continued the saine place, 14 Front street.

Nrw Youx, May 1, 1868. EW YORK, MAY

Mr. Jamer Robb abd Mi, Jobn S, Sauzade lave this: Gay beets aduitted x parinecn in our firm. W, LANIER & CO.

WINSLON firm of Window, Lapler

LR. Finch & Sons. PAR Pier BINGE, IL F FINCH,


‘The wndernicned, entmprisiug th

deen, Will contioae the banking business at tho varie plac

‘G2 Wail eirect. u a J.P D.DANIER, JANES OUD!

CHATLYS LATER. JOHN §, ¥AUZADED NN Op1g, WILLIAM STREET, SEW YORK VAY 5, 1665 The firra of Millar, Dominy & Co. ts hereby diesoleed hy Tuto ueonseot. My. Mtiler alone Ie guthurlzed tos") 6 dhe bu de ond Wigan liquidadou, LESLIE MILI. \t;, TRY i AUEDING. Tho undersigned vill contipne tie wholude ud read

Duvinees at 107 Williaa etrect on heresnty SLE MIC Lf

) PRO- Dtable business; capital required, alour $120) Inquire at the facwury, Hudson avenue, uppasite Park aveviie, Brook- yo,



intorest fn on entirely wchsiiey Lak fan be roan, for cuLtug corn, syigiiscane, Ae; Hin only ma chine for the purpase ever live ted

«FOWLER, 79 Nassau otrect, voorn Me


Evore gil Weet Thirteenth strert."Tho present propric: dor te doings good business. bat le com} ailed to. leave the Glyn conseaience Uf Ill heals. Apply before Weunesdas Sect inaatt.

OR FALE—AN INTEREST INA VALUABLE 44 Je Fatent. An opporiusills is olfered to build up a large siieansadarese X73 Ln, 400 Droadwaye Pee

OR SALE—A CHILLED IRON BURGLAR AND FIRE: Droof Safe, LAlie’s patent, with rombinalfon look, as food Br uew. Apply JAMES DAVIS, dr., 66 Cedar atseck,

OF SALE—A FIRST OLASS DRY GOODR AND PAN- ‘ey Store in Brooklyn; well slocked and dolng a eptondid Dunlocrs; established thirteen yeare, Addross Dry Goods


Gre store. 20jacent to and havicg Jirect commufication With Now York, of wany scary’ slatlling, und commandlog large fret class trace. “Address, with Teal name, S. 8. T., Trerald oftce,



ery, 515 Fulton strvet, Brooklyn; itt the only one in the Clty; dota n good Dusiness Good reanons ynven for selling. ‘Apply in the evening.

food atand for bariuem; near (wo ralrond stations; wile | BIOR SALE—A WELL ESTABLISHED AND PAYING fold cheap: a good tovestment Call exriy” nd seoare the dationery basiness Ioeated on ove of the best coruers Property. Unatire of EVAN JONES, 19 Mobigomery etree, | down town. "e rare opporiuaile: capluu) required Kteat sereey City $4,00._‘Adiress Paper, Box $651 Par! oftce.

POR SALE, WITH IMMEDIATR POSSESSION—AN elegant Country Beat, bandeoaiely furniubed, Ineladio| sd carriages, delightfolly located vear the’ Danks

the VPassale, New Jersey, and wiihin foriy minules.of New ‘York; fret class, commediour double dwelling, fn splenslid rdcr, and repleie with modern improreoentar ovttouses io kood Order; between tiro and Ihre acres Of prod, studded pile oles troit and shade trees, wurrovdingx ret elasa; We Ungurtoased. Price $3 Fermi of A. JOUR: NWAY, NoW Pine anne, = ie

Pr vioue Houre, wiih al tuprorametfochrere oe, ft” ove toute with at huprovemran ie CUeves luce, Hrooklya. Yor pardenlary aphiy eta Malden lane, N. ¥.

HANDSOME BROWN'STONE, House, situated oo Fifwy-irst street, nearSerond arene, Apply 2 SOSBPH McGUIRE, 12 Third erenue. N. B—

POR ALE OF 10 LET—Is WEST PLUSHING, LT, A Nandcme baw two sory briek hours, with piazza 'oa. two rides, House Uneiy situated, ooataluiog xeeen rome and. Large cellar. Lot t0 by 100 (eet, ur toure It required. Tmeethy taliates thde by milread from itinuene Vala Terme any.

Vy ko Sc We WHITE, Ne. 109 Weal Thirteenth strech, FOF


Ha, neo of Thowas Kell, Bellport L. 1. plesaan ily ther w priveie or gbile Houke, withia One UF aiileof the Sock Nay, woern Kuod Unblog OF nay De Bod AB acres of greed Ina Dlably cultivated;

Neti evsneecias Sue, wel) furnisken, Rood sled, rarary, worktop, carrag hones, len hese, it) Lone snk Hodae, suooke Lous axd over ouboid

three welll of rater, goss’ retard of Sy4:¢ . facies, pias. quihocm eb rng, groper. and. OUer Fane rat ut beuse, faraated, $1.00. voturniben,

Apply e WM. KEVAN, 10) Water etreet, or on the ne

OR SALE—ONE TWELVE WORSE POWER PORT. Rete etion sims ah vee: tvery elure complete Tonvauning. BAYLEY & HI, 08 Sova abreri


Tbitshinent, dolega tariving busine) a copd chanon

Ter a man wilh a'rmall capital, the owner golng ovetB. ~ Ad- reas. Enterprise, box Le ieriid ofica.

ROR SALE OUEAR TWO KON, STARTING $c Y, ry inches in du platen, Bast atten 36 By BH Loe

4 fnquire wb TOWNSEN)

Bae on sa ie Pt at enjoin ies Fai pete ra

AOR MALE ON T) PENT—A Bl Tlveeseoataininy

ak Stamford, Coun

Blam Flin

Rear, Arply (ad. Wee ORE:

Enis Tiles, vn ts



eal DUFAS-Ladrt atreek At



ARTNERS WANTED—WITH CAVITAL OF FROM 84) Lo $20,000; xoveral partlea with expital A, POMARTLN, 20) Siroadway, rooms Nv.

ARTNER WANTED ADVERTISE Uptstiter aud Recutyer (20 pees ax a Pholeualeiquor,rwerchanty ar Meeilingsh ediitional capital of S1N00 ar aS ee bang sallsded, could a Veit the) feat part sbulues, ter ARISEN WANTED-IN A MOST RESI:CTANER, Ttraakite NAS nenacsss paren pariutt.ihnat donee aeibetwent at und Manuel ri

5, prea toa capital va

aie gsi 1g $0, | Rater

& CO., 544 Tirosdway, nom No. 6.

ERIE & CO, Maitig, Jn partner


Be or ART by ltmilation, Air. RW

ST reign dey ates a Tussred a aha

New Yoru, Aprils, 163 RU


ger hrm UE Revue A Tnkea,tghy day gehen ai consent A. HONE

PAW Yoni, May 1, 1863. TD. TIMER.


WASTER=$14000 70, $1500) TO EXTEND A MANU. factoring busiuess of KLplo foods Jayibg well. Busi- neas two Sears eatablished, in. poner.

fad ehapie wuld 1 Tif Thvrald uaiea.


continue the cloibing endfieniabing busines in!one of the best locations ou Fulton. rene Clothing, Mezald olice.

Enattel Hinnint to Qa fer pmetirag: fewxts ve Fiaitog when well where au latervtow eam take tice, JV. Rey

SZ.000mceaiathine iqeor resins

iaae Adveriices pote laan MOaL ANNUpE ABA 3 US diad Weert hap frence mist Ratucaca™ Penta Nnadway, trot

compos ATIOT

ii Peesiwe naviNg OLAtwe avAIsS AeshiPite cios er treaticae ; ee

Tinth, wetern New Youn, alas



oa ae : > HOUSES, ROOMS, &C., TO LET. HE TURE. t a - Say cece aah tartan | aS x ands . penenn KORSESs CARGIN GES SEC. AMUSEMENTS. AN USEMENTS. TET-IN FOURT! 1. NEA ‘TT. NON COURSE, L. T—TROTTING —ON SATURDAY, | HIO2 S\LE—\ PAIR OF TRAINED GOATA | APR nO SRT Seo ol Oe ae Dipti, a Faint Sor.giaiy tunis roriion rt Mor ais oan FA, wun ioesam totes | BU aeaatsaeeonamtaterogs cimgiae kine toae | NESRAGRMEE A HEATER STATIN an WAR” ("A CADENY OF MUSTO, eixecia and bedrooue beuk osc and Gate Vodivost, | Dest INS lo Ose ta Rares Mlle Melton cates [kIT oreo eee : CBYERBON: NEI YORK VOLUNTIOE Sed Ns Gand bedtmom insite: Lous ia gl omer) mas, dei | Wee Warnes de Latley namin gg, lnmeliaeyy ate b Ate Walter irindaty Bree V0; Jimny, Geo, howakos Maes | GRAND GERMAN OPERA, 2 “A ESCIORY 70 1227 OF OR EATE—Go0p ATER nodbindren. “ub torpnces ri APA STE “Phan | Au mh, pe peti ran tte to JOR.) A Stel way HONS 7 ving opp, Hai, daammeN GHetord, O, Lingaed, Mrs Bonifay Mra en poner. 20 buildings store. Se. iweaty miles from the - - ¢ SHAW & WHITE, Propriators | i Na are Re eOaigs tp mgood ine eR r —- TURDAY, é “Gig. Toud'te of TOWNSEND & SEARS, 15 Fulton street, | PO LET TO A FAMILY, WITHOUT CHILDREN, A ee erase nol under ihe mddies tem Good trareter. aud a | | NFTHEO GARDEN, DEOING AT EASE OkAND MATLNE! 4 Wine me ~ ape or fantly uaa Ca ARDEN, Na AT. Ohakb tanNEB, ee Tiss oad at tanta bor t | Tysps commme srraormna ge, mana | HAG ute avin wel mayan | NSA relies ‘A BEADTIFEL COUNTRY SEAT 70 LET-SITUATED = | beat three ia fives in harness. ll La ae ‘iret Tirooalyn. DRILLIANT TRIUMPH PAURT, = A nr NetiShat partial ia ea wea 0 LET-AT FORT LEE, N.4., a Nick coTrAns, | Sn Brennan, Dan. Poleraamea Mf GH Abe FOL .eawo HEDTUAL Sta wants, SOUND Oren patent apveating young artiste, OnTTH A SUNOR CAST Ba ctel Subnet; Food, diss aad omtbuldlogs | tho Varia Hatet, Angulre op the Thoxans fine font Se Par | a ere ge Gtk Ato vat Ee aT Wad Aahereny sities snot vega wil appear upon A ange) MEESCEALIEE, ake ta UR STERts To Wall niroete ‘Annet of on tho premise of ROBERT ANNETTE. [ng a cae en Oa a Hoeioyemart sim 409 Tight Wagoo, 61) at aid teensa went AERA, TE ORES SRYESTIE'REDOI SY BAND, wie = lone Louse, Broadway, Seeslags Bay &at nine or Wahtaierss pattie, eomsing tae Sra ry ea 0; EEE PPURNISUED, A QHCOND PLOOR, ODN. | Bit Aikwho are lctrous of arcmin fa eval | HOW axoR—A Frome ROAD WAGON, OM MADR | EXHESSLY TRANALATED VOR mB LOM. THE ealaed i enteeae at fig OF A ange carlo, thtee bedroouih abd Mlehen, four | toalai are lavlied ts be prowent rye Fe AGT NAAN ED 5 0 URRAT Sey prumoers of beget re lh sany ore hinge for tosses | GHOROE WILKES, Chalrasa, PNT G MONSON, 18 Varlek etree OREMON Adintion Wo Ail tas OC Ue tee eT Ne r MS—T0 Les : = a (ore eda Ot 101 TINS WEEK antvel soils Tickels ean be hat at the Reticay, Bese ' 1 Oe z js: Womnme, Secretary: OK SALR—A TWO SRATED WAGON, TOP ON TACK ATE io Schirmorta, 701 Urusiftray, and at Mot & Aatiany' No. 2: vis vie nhl Ss foes | Tle aero cit sat Wt; peucin me | oe ne Sn SS FOR ena antieumtceeran ie | inca cryin Memes aN guts | RA caw an = dite. Apply at 816 'Sizth aveaue, Between Forty-0fh and Chnay at Rous a by Gate avioas | J. Te . RURKE, and Mr. 3.) DURNETT, ONDAY, i = i ry in the J al nd’s carriage factory, Over Urory stable 8 | J. W. COLLIER, GKORGK KOK, Boi. i For the second, and most pr'itively the lant time ON VARLOR ProoR, SUITARDE FoR | enn oe More fand'Qis Wont twenty-sevenie nest. 7 MARRY, Th DANVHRS RENDIMy kerk, NOM ES tse Tigard. ume ease me also Gran Hoe auerftiealanes BT=A FURKIS ; = cs an par 2 15, Siraor OF Twolii stresh aaopporite ibs | Lo theday farm, Bedford: Westchester coun ero. Biles FRCS REAL A. TAN DONS ARC AD 2 RANE) | UNA RY AL ov 6ct ANDOU waren aoifBEb Nia? Bis tin success d Ratowab, 0m Harley iro BOUra {Yom tawny Wo hore alll to-tag, ak a tne ISTIVAL OF St, ANDOOHE. | On its drat representation, - = Mie sinerehine with nes aed tre hour fom nn) | AWRANGIS BUTLER, XO. S PECK ALIP. waa onoron | Rue, at Lavrence'' lable, a8 Wet Piteoath alrect, near | OMOKET IN DANOKIE ss am FAMILY Wout. RT A HANDSOMELY | ts tatdy Gilad fora small fang: atallng for Three ae, AF rvelsot Dope for mie ‘or slonk. haters tamale | St arene TUR rEEDOR TUE REVELATION. | (PBATRE VRANCATS —SIDLO 8 ee yartor men onts, without meals, | garden (planted), fruit and firewood: three (o twelveacres ot | 283 Stace pew * < atureday evening. May 6 at Bo" welith eae Re eee Tar it thin Riltion, OR KALESA VAN, AY HORS RIOR Bstrnoniney portoraiace, By speclal cng: ventensy ae ama | Race oe sci | Sune aad ESSE a | EO S eeaa | Loar SRR ANE Segrtent | PS Se Suan marane ena SIELY EURNISIED ELONT PARLOR, WITH | Walker street, ir J a lable, GO West Piiteenth strest, near Sixth arene, ADMIRATLR AW ON ee We atin eee tha 20% 16 let, to ona oF two fi jentlernon OR SALE—TWO SPLENDID MODEL YACHTS; ON] SECO RE STMENTR, MROHANISMS, will appear in con Fronch faneusgey Blarse tit Redrvom con be ete, Hagel | ono ET IN A PRIVATE PAMILY/THFFTRAT FEooR | Eyiefertloun. tne oer et tong he est one foe POE SALE, CHBAP—VOR WANT OF USE, A YOUN, SEAT SHCURED Bix NIGHTS EY ADVANCE L-Sosneand ari DOSING NOIE LA Sa tom Maar Apply = ‘Etghih avenue, between an Baplsh baseaeat Usssa’ Rie FRSC RAO | tulding: Ranke seen at AM. WITTMAN'S yachtctoband | 0 _emark alund, bay Horses excellent under ‘saddle oF 18 ROADWAY THBATRE.—SATUI WIEU LANURY—Gperstte music by Jalen Twrenigrvtund Fwentyereeoad eet Yaleh cos andfuniron “Apply at TAY Haat Tweatyaists | Heambeaybulder, Think aredue and Thlrjfourih atrel, | Bivay, Aoibe seed athe wale in Tarynn ate), near SG Ruut Rot VOlUebrawalntwoxeien 7 Grom = = street - - LAST NIGHT NUT Oo! ‘Theatre ottien (reserved wrath) 07 Broadway, proond flow. VACANT LoT—3.@, ON THIRD AVENUE, TO NE ak Lt a SU Pe = ne ne stane Whih the preilege ia’ pur | (MO. EETOTO A FAMILY. WITHOUT ONIEDREN, OR SALE—A 2% FEET SATL BOAT, CHEAP. IN. | FOR SALE CHEAP—TWO OR THER WORK MR. AND ARS. OAKES. A LAST MATINER 0} GiWillidenwirdeh, toon No. T uamer Pan of itagn tt Wat ‘Thi gna Ree eer TA oil eneae Norn rte, Hones. Inquire at oflca of D. JONBS' Brewery, 188 | Taunt poeformaioa Bee KRAN, af Tete EAS MAESEE oF att 5 5 ee aa LEW DASE MATINER OF TE Se \ WELL LocATED “eC. 7 nat ; AT Otel \ Dare tie eck oe ycaat tI irae =U MOORE ORES TORE | ee MILY SSRATEDROCEAWAYOARAIAGHNORSALE | yfonday-DENBPIT OF MIL KEAN EAD TNR LL AGERE ta Wa bireterr, soa New |."T" gents tursiauchcenaisting of two parlors api cxtea, | AQT, THR UNITED, STATES MORSE AND OAR. | winant reeund tnea nny and tent tn della me end ane Gallien “Oy “atiosrs son rooms, wilh larga closets; also large Wurnisbed Toor, riago Repoal ta 1 eFoellent condition! LAST APPRATANCE OF MR. AND MRS_KEAS, THK OAWINET OF GIlOe Sie on Hee —__ | sir rn eu ean fo cca Anois te FOUN 6. SACKSOR co Baba viet UUUTOY | YATES VI AND rine SALOON WIPE og, the, Davennirt Rae )50ME 5 ; ma, ee, wsatatnee att oreioees ny AL inteLincentemen anita 0 arate nebo ee GoTAT Hanes aranan es FLORES AND, TUABTON, TOR SALE-A PAIR OF THE COMEDY SEASON | Last BVINISU "WEHEGRMARGE Ar & Sithont honed: house healt ihe odor mmerovernen : AGE, WITH 334 AU cs a a1 3 rrocommenors om Tusaday HIgh, Say, RG PhirouM axel \ SMUG py winhartlaalawsteg” = | TAR, SARE ORGR, Marae | Saraet ett titel ent itat e | Baeasens ey el fara ds Sih SOHN a” Oy | arta ees one A SECOND PLOOK 70 3 LET_or A PRIVATE MOUSE, | brallty Jellon her ores ranculac hated and tery | Casriages cold by private tales 2 es $00, wil Bevo for $0. “Apply at 310 Wet Tur: wren nSOHON SUINGLE'n0d « COMEDY, AuBrooklya Aeatemy on Monday. : BO Kasi Te iltnireet.Reat $W per menthy - ae nue (AT THE, UNITED states uionae AND, oan. | Tyannnas FOR SAGE A INR AER Naw Liour | VACA A MOMSLO ADMIRSION NULL, RE RESUMED. | PRANNUWS ANHIICAN MRE SEAT corTAoH, HLGuT rooms, wernt vive | TOMER APUBURS, ON THE HEDSON, AN BED. | or eevals stem aiff bac Slats, Tong ae, 15 aes nina Htarncam and ea veo and igh daubte | —enensor con terns NS CUETERITANGS ronan THe eaaNt cunt. 8 DAS REAE See ep gE ENE | See eee aie CTR ar er atx | Tee Gand? grarscld, warranted cond wad Kind, aga tg | Harness Can be een at Cedar streak from 9 10 40'clock LYMPIC THEATRE. BXTRAYAOANZA DAME. TONY DENTERR Aoeslad MIKI SO MisEeaTerale of thavacpot bie lnwee ||| Hovsavionsen ia tieriberneora feat, | trot ka Uhree mninutss Uo the pele Sele Lenace aiid Managerean..........Mra John Wood. MOWING AF 41 Tabby Hook. Prnce Suc * | Sineyard of Catawba snd isabella grapes; hornen farriages {OUT WAGON POR SALE D. DUSENDURY, MAKER: BATURDAY, SAY @, ca TH ROONE FAMILY Cost ATION. SODMERSON, WLEIgdth aveoa | Swe prulky,veaclablen garden, d'or further partie: | AQ COUFB ROCKAWAY FOR SALE IN GOOD OR. | restuclol wibicn ruins sesced’ etree bewreen Lenin UASE WEEK AND OSEY One HOTS at COUNTRY WOMESTRAD aro weT—inme. | Yon eo PAMGOND'E'WARD, at Golan arech Now | fit, Sie halt by Miner A Stern ighaiot 9802 Alm AMER | Soa Thinuacenuca Trica isis nS MPEP | ay open ans UaAa ie punetially aL2 o'clock, MEVOUUTIONAIY IE. ce ae OM sion; within two millon of Tarrytown, on a Ia, 0 Basa Thirteenth strect Alon be OR. SAMURL DOWSING, AGED 1k YEARS


; garden, fruitand shade (1 at ff wate 10 LEF—THR SECON] Tost the’ dgors iceshiae Sed: satis, carrags | CO re om wnn sare place oo third


id ; . ~0 Sra WIT 9 8 aaOrEMeRL Wilk bo presented | tba largest In to word, welehing, warn alle

ea ae vata cdles able, carriage | three Root Role aesmle natn eraceisonront ini IN a Ree hs, sew and second band, Al | THR GRAND FAIRY SPECTACLE, IN THREE PARTS, ae weed 8) EMSERSON, 421 Bighth avenue | family withon a


‘Rockal r

top and no top wagcns Derot | for sata cheap at Tooker’ couch Tustory aod repostory, 187 ned the A Norse, AND I Caihiren "Apply io ie riore I eltabetirat | {YAsreR, Coudben Slagle and Doahle Naroess, ke Wbeeld | Faiionavenan, Hreoatyy. Q SLEEPING BEAUTY IN THE WOOD, REUVENT.

eR, at cusiorner'a mn prices, 10 Prof, WUTONINGS, Lightning Calealater;

(OTTAGE ON THE NUDSON TO LET OB FOR RALE— LET-WITHOUT BOARD, PLEASANT ROOMS ON | LOR'S 08 Cedar sircet, ‘REA’ vo erpdnesd Bitee months of - WOoDKURYEN, Bohorntan Glass Mower

Har AStiartan Poh ders ee AS ret ROSA ie i dake iH one! Be A etre titi raea| [eo no se EYEE ean eerie mente) Jade Aven }enginea 1 Soda. contains koven reoma: nbundauce of frak. Bent $190. In- | Fourth and Lesington ‘avenues. Addrese 5. V., Herald of SPLENDID NEW TORNOUT TO BE LET—PONTHE | Miner Aelerens Depot wagon hax ‘and what allt ei ti rN Pat Woman, i Living Ouecs, Graede Quire OF G. F. DILLON, 03 Exobange place. Koes summer. 9 fami oe moderate (be ten petrenpe a ear Pen sngae at sb mechan al reson Anqunriag sa Maving Wax Vigarex |X Mili {hirtudilen

SE AE re ee dion a) ecnus childrennnder ten, 19


Pivadht copied aah iguer storey a goed nad foraey | Loout boar, a neatly Furniebed Roots, enable for bog oF teak Rockavenys fare Phastane Crp Reta pony Car rok Nit a fae aa Dusdnoon. “Apply toroee of Forty-ihindaireetaud Tuird ay.” | dwo gentlemen, Noutecoutaton modern lisprovemenia. apr | A SELUNDID FAIR OF DARK BROWN, NORSES 7 | Koa Virncan. inv fond erver. Wil) to aald My.” son SrrcTAcUDAR Treropreyn) °0% Prevent ina! Hall, 472 Broadway, nbore (rand sheet. Td Henry riresh, yearn old, gent torn and Kind; cam bo driven double | tum ters Risen Fe ceiret uity Petree price ans, New Scenery ad grand Transformation Secon by feentain ispry (0 angouce an enpageTmem

(COUNTRY RESIDENCE TO LET—FOR THE SUMMER nico saddle beadt: can (rot inside of 4:20; | Bast Fourth stroel, corner Broadway, SEAT TSS Se

re, well matsbed wad prowpA drivers. Ap!

Bioniis, a short distance from the depot at Sing Sing; | ‘['0 LBT-FUIMISNED ROOMS AT 6 BAST TWELFTH

TAYE. NEW AND ORIGINAL MUSIC BY THOMAS BAKER, Mie PIANK MORAN. fUrnlsied complete, except thy parlor: bas nice grou gireet near Hrosdway, to single genUemen or a married te

Rood Ply at 10 Nevins street, Brooklyn. And Mr. MM. WARREN,

"ANTED—A SPAN OF BLACK SORSES, OR BLACK | O48 Fowerfal cart Includiny 1 ‘ruil and shade tech; gan Lrougnout Rent 138 per month, } CouPIe without children; references e LABOE ASSORTSENT OF TOP AND NO TOP } hoe suink Ve nmedt oN pond Motel nak ten hea ‘si An Ne brestpal members of th re IETS MINS La : : SEU SISN reuse | PG, LETCA FINE UAROR OPVICE IN THE BIBLE | qe,Wngpon from fen (0, $90; Depot, Jagger, oro, tel | over? gear Hea AS ean Tairysaoth rire be: |g, UNAPEROACITARE® MURUESOUE COMPANY, | Ja \Nelr laughable Hurlesque snd Flssiation Berne, ORNISHED COTTAGE, TO RENT ron oun gu. | Hogs ffoing gn Mhrdareoge wal ighvd and a pet, ouble Haroeas, Saddien and Hridlen, Blankets, tet jase LE ATP. Mi or adress Fa Le Sailer Tn So Sag Feryuen es Sater eee Commence te er monlls, on Slaten Island: threamloutes’ walk from | fcctorder, Rent & otto tonal eiceannd : UE ; MOMURU ESP Ret Bere apeky te ROMER | ee oe IY ea Stacaweptoome verframticests oT Soe ANTRD—A LIQHE SINGLE HORSE COUPE ROOK: | qitaalinyahion tiki yen ae tigasas | Wi lkOSTINUR SGC CESS ono ED HOUKIR NN, No or sy ry : i . jon frank, with or withoot | Sain tee sre tn he a CONTINU SoC E: ROWDE the landing. LETTE WHOLE OR PARTOP A BRAUTIFULLY | "4 wre Tor WAGON, DUSENBURY & vaxpusnx | Heritad iarnens Nadrew, nlauog price and pardculary, | Ref sam taisttn tnt ah nisiperd cm eee Sone | OUTED A oy ViteRe ows ATE EAS = Turniabed Howse; Yeaton tp, Ney areth pear Filth (AGON, DUSENBU RY a J, tation Tq New York clty. Sed Leg Risth Teer Ste Re Cree ee a ecn buds Of Charles Gayiorn Bighly auccesste JRURRISUED ROOM 70 VERA PRIVATE rasniuy | AYpnve; basal Improvements and good order Wrooghout. | syuy, per Ganicpscnd Pade tesoe apna aeee inaeat RPRCIAL NOTICE The wadtenen a ul Our hURLReQue, in Weat Thirty-fourth street would Jet a large and pless- BORAGE Aral Ste Dew Wagonm doubioand tingle Harneés, Sadie aud iris; | WV ANEED—TO, PUBCHASE, A GOOD HORSE ANOUT | aveated to cep litt ats to witnran tho grand Tranaterm ENDORSED WYTHE PRESS AND PUBLIC. Sapbtront team to ong or taro gentlemen, wlihoot board. TPO EETHOOMS FOR STORAGE, ALSO DY THE She pair‘Vp Wlankoin. Call AtZ7 Woowtor stron. Fy Miastfigeen bande high, Rind and sound, he, guveriiser figp Bosna sonetading thodutravnganea BEN 2 PETHOLIAMANTA, jt, station G. Bae ee erirS hey (9 Bay In Good ll wlck. Apply At Piao nreet, | TAN tbo oreniog pertirmancy init PETROLIAMANIA, WETROLIAMANTES URNISIIRD NOOMS TO UBToTO oENTLRwey, | [86 Bubthavenoe, Toiny ined und Talry-sounttreeta | (JARRIAGES.—THE IMMENSE @TOOK NOW TX TR GevING THI QUESTION OnVOM, ON TTR BIALY, TENE Eli ear aes es PER Liovitanoene | O/tare tangs wareroous, corcrng se ara, ot JAG | Ura etapa PAT OP YOUNG CARRIAGE TORAH, | oorsopen a7; ommeslnienee ne NT eae | sy outta Geto ip Ty” KEASON. ) No. 3) Sou Pouriy atreety Williamsburg ORRIN OMEN COMIN TTTTE EET panase: (ng an ances en ates ay Dp LLL oa naa AboUL Atocn anda bigb, Jor yebkeh Oiridend payin ea as NEW AND SELUNIPIGENT BCE TERY eS RETA TAROE ROOM IN, Te Ties, purup. | Beings 8 | ollatocn wil be piven, “Adaresa XR, boraoottenid Olle | rvupie THEATRE, een ein stro Mebane ang ds. ED HOUSE TO LET—IMY CIN really reduced prices Se i 5 nedicbeta's Ante hatber, "A Cave." Petpet itamery, ey co parks un: | SACL AMALIE OR Erey $230 A BARGAINA SULENDID SULTING TOP BACURDAY, SAY 6, Nes t-Rwainp An! Oreice fh completa verior: poveedaton Mil Oeisber. se aia ; LRP |. Wagon, coal bot style: pore ae teslererratia Sr eA Na oer possesalon Jit (Gelober| or (0 LET_0¥ BROOKLYN MEIONTS, A COMPLETELY 420 Brokway-_ {Alia splandid Giuarm Hox Top Wagoo, at 44) Bevonth ar: CLAS DEM ATINEE, Beene Hash FevPrerions to the burtoaque, D MOUSE 70 LET-ON WHST Tanmy. | SRA Wallstreet Cerries! three story and Uatement and tas | (JARRIAGES “BROOKLYN CUSTOMERS WHY G0 70 Aunty cighIh Sireels THE SLREVING BEAUTY. A grand Micatral Performanes by, ED, Hol ETON. WES: til themolera improremenis; Inextlon uasurpaased by an New York when youcan elect any style of Carriago = exe nue betes igh and Ninth areuved: Cor: | fn ihe diz; teres modcratey callurea objectionable, Adres | ested, 3 per cent evs at King's Coualy Catriage Factory, HOUSES, ROOMS, &C., WANTED. Doors open at Hy ata o'clock, 3 MINSTRELS, on Y, SOR aT ieee stg Per Blonts. | James Bryan, box 63 Now York Mast aflice. OMes 10 Nevioa street, Brooklyn. Se) VAT’ BATT BD, AP OUALLENGL PROGRADE THIS WEE


10 4), Furolebed and Untay ed ALLACK!S. Novella nD eENOeENY

‘Guldons, Fort Fisher, Be.


UNSISHED HOUSE TO LET—IMMEDIATE POSSES. to a peivalo Com; ta good order: furniturn sold At & ‘rot airect, for boarillug barecs, t/now 0

£ Tbirty.trst strech) between Elghiand | pargain: sxvslient nelghcochood and, house very desirable, Ttkierenne. | “rs SATURDAY. PPIDITYE WAY rmlahed couplets Meith frat cus Teroithre; | Raraulns excelent nelpprgrnond and Rowss ery. deriratlc, TAS OXRURNISHED OOM OR SMALT, OOM AND THIRD TIME HERE, esate rR RONRGARN AY STE oneAr YF fevscoet| nud In fine order through: | AR toch; OUBLE UARNESS WANTED-MUST NE PInsT Redrooin aijolniug wanted (trout room prererred). by | SUrllng Coyne's poplar otal ED SihtOXs reithoscpericos ext eakle Vier month, Peruits trom S. EMDERSUN, make, In good order, and comupieta for a ofee (ura: j @IAdy, Detwoon Canatand Aroity, stieain, near Nrowtway LACK SHEEP, Views and Blatien of ail enunirice ever exhibited. with m Biguiivatpau cee § 10 LET—THE LOWER PART OP A COTTAGE HOUSE | OBL. Alidresa J. Kueh, #8 Weal 21st at Runt nol {0 exceod Bld oF 819 por. mnonth, payed monthly In 71H elopant Seonory, by Téherwood, Vallignen oe ight never hoforn atainoil, Uda xnrface of ate = = (iis rons) in Wariem, teanufoliacation, with moder [oo : tgs new ot rterence, "adress ASW Byatt Ay SE A TTT aa Wnenty for aunty, wilh snd nude aesonspatineaty MURNISHED MOUSES TO LET-IN NEW YORK AND | improvements; would reut due while (2 rooms) i required. | TINE MARE FOR SALF.—A GENTLEMAN, LEAVING | Bering street itt Pret dulee'sh Lan: “resorted seats, GO eantec cllldran, 1 i lyn: alsa, Hudson Cliy aud Orange, No J.; also | Apply stad Nascau street, room 9), caturday amd Monday, for Europe, wants to dlipose of very [rully aadilo Bua’ ; @otn Doors open al 7, Wo eM. Geko rr A ant a eer macnn Lenees ae with Bod Rapea a ap lady rots fast, rr TOURER Re nicht sr008. Rg WANTED S Tnifour mopihe aaa AVTEARANCE Tetines Weine A y and Ratu Mt. r jel on Stiteu Island, Apply 10 4 NEAY, No. ©} mo LET PSIRABLI ~ | an elegaut action; about IS banda l inch, tay, 8 years old. willy Immediate posession, for $000. Apply to of oi = = efea ae ORD HPO RAST AR aU tei nte pect. | bse Sun. Canbo seen at RYERSON A BROWNS, 7d | eend particulars inwriding Day & tater, s10 Wonrth ar, ON TORSDAY STAT MAY 9, SAN PHAN GN MEIRINTCOCTREIETOT BL, €. 7) DURNHAM, coo Hndson street. | Univeral place. 8 FAT MALY bs TELLERS Broadway,

FOE, SFANTHD— our oF own, WITH AuouT

a \ Fee Keres Of house must be n balan: DON PELIX, In Mra. Contlivro's Comedy of 19 Metropolitan Hotel. hy f land; b niiat be good and substan: THE NDEI, x

in OF lougor, Hf « NM nooth or longor 1 a ‘Tha qrost origloaL BLOM, WasluOLD:

the Hudson; furniabod cotnpleto,

Ire, at Tarrytown, on niles grounds, trult



‘GF two horses; nearly new: manufactured by Wood | Hal near railroad devas, and within half aa hour to an Lour 4 MERNARD ond BACKU! land abade trtoas gard i plantes! mney chelee | pena.” Euuirg of A: UNDERUILD, 70 Wallstreet. Ofthally. Address oun, box 3620 Post oflce, with ult | Which will ba revived wl uoviaval cara as regarde Scenery, HAN PRANUIECO MIRSTHELS ek He eh avenue, Pusey parila gales ana etre, Tk Sonat TE RUE RONS OM AMASTRELSY, HNISHED HOUSES T0 LET—ONE FoR Five AND | (3 zh oa ia dn taye Apply | VOR SALES HAY MARE, 14s HANDS HOH. WAR’ | Fr ovsn WANTED—vORNISIIAD OR UNFUNNISITND, | <n ann =e Ree a ie hvamcerectae > r r eT—03 : ni a Mie Tanted cound and genes (o be cota Yor Wal NTED—FURNISIH F * on (hoy ill presen An apuirn reve BRI IDRD HOUSES ROL TPN POR pave AND! | Es) Soatgtaey rectory Cay P07 | raed soui ang gro ¢ figeaeaae Ps Capea al CE HEED camden HSIN iBone Te SEAR SN aco ; HARHIES CO, Hroaleas, corner Fortyifth ie | qo LETCA WEEE FURNISHED PARLOM, ON FrneT | 55, S TRANGHAT Ona LA —_ | poticaatFmmediatel). “Anois to Adana ge rvaday HUIS BVESINENG PIE ' ving URUENOUES ab orsuMLivc MUSTO, SD RGU : = floor of the Engllsh house Zl Second arnoue Also our AN TRON Git. rT r = = se OF ‘eomblolog all tho pathetlo aid Wudletous an URNISILED COUNTRY. SEATS TO RENT—ONE FOR | jtooms, aul 0 3 aie eaten) acer se OR ATONE <WANTED TO WITH 2) TRAITS IN DARKEY LIE, PeSy nner gan ane forgo, yan for 130. Aus, | geaithea: “aaa ke May MABEHMEHAR es FEEAEONDIOOE T Nppiy atu No.7 Ran Bighlerhin eee Te | dF mHiCML tick and Pisa, 9 enod Corner Mawr | ou which ccaion wil bo peered for te Mat imo ata | korrazed hy, maser hats a pron onnce By all, where oral Wuttrpiabed, wiibln ont Rove of the ci eb th ral eon Ads csented, cea Aue SUFTIRGEAND, fof troutesy. | ro tat, 7o_DANKERS, MROKENS ow nsURANCE | POR SALESTWPO HORBES ToopTHER on eINGuy, | 1Airy tos IL Teall oes Aoueleanwabeaalfal Drama meric MEADE AND UNAEEHOASHALLE, % Chiupanies—The elegant offers. No. ME Win a formes Blankets Mug Ugh rosd Boggy, with polo 0 5 : i aruicniaen in posters papers and Uila of shits PRUE EED HousT To TET To A wRTVATS vAME | nied up panes ane tkegnnt omens Noe ag Winuam atrect: | shasta: the wuolowill be alaponed of cheapy | Apply te Nt. Gomaor, ROOM, WANTED—HOR A. SMALE HKG | ig woicn TUE aS OAS Yrloes of admlsnfon, Farquelceserssararsveyrs 6 eats. Ty.” House roost deslraily Wocoted, oo Thirty-faurth | extenaive banklog, stock brokeenge. or taeurance busineas, | JARVIS, Brodvray, corner of Thinly-ninth eireety 19 tho Nate school, 11 bagemeutof a howe betwweon Pret wid NNIE DBANS. Rosrevert Neala, Parque z Senta extes, Reshiusw Hin aceaie. Stodernte ren adirea H.33, | hal nove oompled by Alger Siolay Ca” none! | ery Se x 1 | ali crate tnd peter Glew ond Enid arenuch, Ade wiw. nm aurrm, 100 ber fa Wamily Chreli ss scersese SD cents. aba Mintle Goence Of iil health Mrs Nicslay fa compelled (6 relinquish | ———_——— ——__—___.——______ rag To ale, 0 LAbwshy set, _W. ; wa aie bo had immediately. OR SALE—A MORGAN STALLION, SIX YEAYS OLD, | = OE ibe Bosion Mi h RVING THALL—ORAND MATL i JPURNSHED ROOMS TOILET 7 GENTLEMEN ONT, re had Ammesiaely:Saply || IOS SALE As MORGAN STALIN peare Ot 10 OWNERS OP REAL FSTATE—A RESroNsIanE | MO celebrated ariel of yoo Howton Musca, (hat of MULE, HELENE DE RATOW AND at ISb West Twonty-frat atreet Roferences exchauized ALBERT H. NICOLAY. | driven any way. Inguiro at Hovey’s livery stable, Sevens Wipe ssa baa supported by @ powerfal cast. MRJAMBS Ms WEELT (URNISUED ROOMS —ONE FLOOR THOU. 5 7 5 ji Cae Hinata of tie but, misc avout 1eosTzs, yd Tecate be PRAT ana is) Piaaebo' WH give thet MMtndurday, Stay 0, at one o'ALock. - Raiy Turtiahed® eultablorfor Rotaskerping cove nteatLil al contacn bronco none hoeses] Need West Rosie arth ate FOR, SALE—A SEALE, GouPAcr coUrE, AND 4 | dann lnm, Delmon arand, and Ohamtir terns Marlies ssl ba Dra taiea ora ie iAnese' a MADAM UENIGETTE BEIRENS ent famuly. Homa gal vormoatly with gxsanie water, ADMY | near Pith avers Rent esi. Fractan, with plaand shaft Ko bean atCheay's | Basing eich pling or homey bowing res 02 | and beer haan TICKETS OSE MENS ut anata, AUNos6S Haat fhisy-drae street, wear Poured veae ‘A! TREADWELL, No, 108 Ctambora sire ie Biguasenth a Aire Sway nod | auswer pote, will pleaso address M. 0 BOL . a “At + TBE Ly No. 103 Ctambara street | Hirt cenue! Will bo sold cheap, the owner leaving the cliy- | Carvers streot. In both of which ploves Mir Placide will oppear. All ileketstemued for ths previous mes wil be recetredt Mo LET on For S\ne—ie yEMMOR FOUR = = = ; = | eos aa DIN PL acncasles. store brown. sto} urteanth atreet OB SALE—A TOP WAGON, COAL BOX, CIT! "ANTED—BY A RESPONSINLE PARTY, A THREE | ]{OX'R OLD HOWERY THEATRE. 7 7 " Wi 5 earth ee, wet sk | mua abr dar oars SSAoghMtcogues | WWacergianey iy ream, comaeny nay | AU dean Dieter a afi nn 8 o POX. | TO ORT HALGON OR RGAE AGH SE the elty. Apply on tite 1 dia 10 {052 O'clock A.M | stables, Chatles strect, near Hlcecker. aventing Address, stung termeand location, Tenant, OX UNOLH TOM CALIN. sp bean troadiray, i ebare Bleecker Z PEASE, WET oT STE ; 3 reat onto’ Xie NUIT 0 auilful Wien cod ingyresus Turki costume, never O oer, nite ean RrsnREOre TSS oe | a ee oe ee ee a ee MBB. U, C MOWALD'S efor som neon Mut heaeea eroaand URNISNED ROOMS TO RENT—AT/122 EAST SIX. | DP Peoting buldiay with aieam trea of cor.” Apply covor | SMS Conauy Purposes ale a ge, Double Matas wes tut Wartrate aie ain groan an thea, | Mr G.1. FOX NICHE and DEACON PERRY. Fperoe gra «MATINEE TO-DAY, REEL sy | MER epi Eee Aa RRaL MOM Buena | Comauee bg tealvuiee | U Setting Heh aula Den Ma AO ARN SDSOME FURNISHED ROONS TO. LET—IN : is : yy] eee ee eee noo ct | Gearge liars. it Open. <oMtre Me Uanman: | VN INTELLECTUAL ENTERTAINMENT —LOVERS ulls or single, for gentleman and Wives or slugle gen- R HED HOUSE COMPLETE, NO. 413 : 2 fee. ‘naney ssc Men, 8. Whikien, | A ; NXBRTAINNE NT. Lt Error ing or tel meant wivehorsigiogins | PO ENESAUANISUED MOUSE, CONSUEDE Gow! | tom sace—awo.vauvantn mironnep,srastan | WAXTED—A oon, ATLEAST 8 VEEr,RY au vor | Lariin cma ur. omer. ian, | ASIN Hl AR wilt ore Cate 7 tient Wears cid stages Apply at Ie Mast Tenth viteet. | AND, 71 Brocd vrect entity) saddio Porter Sppiy at suble, Not West | VY business purrosas! Untween Mond ant Twenty-third | MANE is arranged by A. Tyte, from @. 6, Moward ay Weday at BP ARDPISESE TAN ISIIED ROOWETONENTC WITTE eT MAPAND ROSE | foe seems tatcoeh near Hatin arenas tema te 8 AS Narrow ole : Melodies OW OFEN—LOUVRE, 197, 190, 161, 103 and 163 PLETE XDSON SHED ROOMS TO RENT_WITH- ate 3 are Sms mi 57 and 4) Broadway” (eatrancen ak ul boned. 10 gentlemen only, of So7 Fourth avenue, next ean very destzablo | TOR SALI 5 TRSGHEDTD ; 7 "i EOIN epueand 035 257 and $20 Broad may (e oor lo the cormeror Twuoty-Uith street, uear Fifth Aveous | Lovatlon. Boarding house keepers need notreply. Address Double Frock...... $173 | Povg Triek...s.-...0- WANTEDIATEAIN PURNISHED COTTAGR, Winit | FTTTOTHIEATION. vous ornous SATB. | Broadway nnd Tweniy-sccond atrert), N ite Le, aon’ Hoi ene Fane ave Bro Weerbiepecly tea cake CAME, | marty eirhaM oN ax, | Frvevoriearnon mate no 04y mpwo F NT FURNISHE! MS TO LET :. ‘Herald onic ¢ : AM BE ON 841 Tah MATCHLESS PERFORMANCE. OFTS OF STORE #9 PARK PLACE TOLET.—APPLY | [ingle geaiiemen, witout Neat, on with reaxtactand | WOR SALE aust DONTINUOUS COMPLETE SUUCERS Ae to WM. WATSON i CO., next door. ‘Tea edesieed. Taquire at £9 Bast Thiety-ssconl ebreak. as earay iaaeatican WANTED=A comTAGE warn nf he Now and rand Reri'Comie spectcilat Farlomine | ppg ANNIVERSARY BXIMMITION, O7 THR NEW

York Sualtatioa fer tho Blind sill take.

at be genteel, proity, and contain wight or 8 v Mi, Tueady,

Rent not torexoced $400. Addresa J. M., box


Mylish; buggy welghs 19 ponnde Can OR ATHO- | Chimbsrlalits slables, Tetuty-tourth. street, neat Think




ny 9 The oxercioes—cilinh

oamph Galler ia am sire L , rh Pout oflee, Fyvio commenen mt 3 UM. "Doors open a2 ‘Tickela 0.45. NOWHTAY, 90 Grand otreat loprupls Gallery WA RpIy at 249.5¥ Maus aizeel Avenues Inquire for Wn, Peltic Eau fl nis grat Spactacke Peniomime wil bo preceded at eve | (Zeit chilien indeed yeara IBeehias T <T—10 LET, TWO STORY, HOUSE: ; ; ED—BY. A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, A sUtr | TF Periormann ty og é sa PAB OF Houses ro, LeT—uNruRNTsuED, axp | S300) cur sand eeu goneT my nase Tl | Pee ee eee oe Sat rials ANT ints handeornly Taralabed. tethont boa teria EON? RQUESTRIAN’ AND OFHNARTIC Agr Tivo NIGHTS OF CHARLES KEAN THR HEGRE furajshiod, $20 (0 $70.9 mouth; wlso xeveral well located | Hourea aud Lala for sale, on Pifty-aest Filly-eecoud and lane it ee ia Peta es 7 yond betwesa' Fourth and Risin | @Mlertainments tn WBICRIG Oyj pppe Prive Box and by far the Lest Orchsira Cbalrs can urolabed liousee, $180 Wo $3) oeated | Pir thing aiseata endian. Niniby Teal and Mlorenth are. | Sble, 00 Bast Twonty-tcoved etree sae ae Terran not Us etesed $2) por month,” Unes MATCHLESS STAR COMPANY APPRAT bat al now price uf PIRTH, SON COy Musle Publi ADAMS & €0., $68 Broadway. } nuek ty Gencial STRIKER or Ul agent, Piya (OR SALP—ONE SPAN WAY MIORGES, 16 WANns, | {oustle references ven. Addressd.U°6.,room 10 Latargs | Cappuy oF MUSIC rm 0 Urvadway, = sow Eleventh arene. cee ee es ant yotarolanlal x 8 | Hoo D. = ‘OOMS TO LET—AT NO. 718 HROADWAY, viz:—two | Me™ Fleventh avenue = Fe eofanearand cient yoare old long, tale Very stzlab Ape }| TOE A FL ROTEATION MATINEE TODAY: ae ir IR BE i a ah pero MISCELLANEOUS, Harstad, aiegears oth. Ai tes bay adie Tforees: (Ox | WWASTED—TWO Ok THREE MOOMS FOR 1OaE. THE BEAUTEOUS F RINE 0 DONOUGHUE. loom and Front Bedroom on third’ floo coms . Rot EL iG 7 0: keeping. in a private family, for two adalta. Hour —— ee Ge : ive and. cereu years wld; both well brvkcn pb 1 5 2 and two Hedrooms on fourth Uoor. Apply to LlOME! ~ 5 : ee _ . must have modern Improvements, and good locaton. Best -ATINER OP THE GREAT AMERICAN STEREO- two Bedrooms an fo OOTS SHOES AND GAITPHS ATREDUC fora hag orehilirens sil sound aud Xu. Cah bs e20n eres “4 ims BCL Yeni a re oe Ne MORGANS A EOC MUJDNBS & RENWARD'S, 10 aud 12 Aun atreet ew stutiew 153 wad 139 Went Twentyestath sree Ofreterence. Address Hoine, Herald o Mirrcpiicon, thie a 12 o'clock, st Hope Chapel,

labore Fourth wireet,


ed no a carriage mauwlaclury, 10 3 ae fm Tots to rule pi pra = WALKEIE, 48 Ve

Ticker (0 conis | Reserved seats...

2 ease z boxes from. ies... crevese coven 10 $10 BROADWAY. ri

HOR 70 LTTE SECOND, FLOOR OF 72. TMUND | Ty. KiXo, SFANISIE LAWYER, 29 RRoADWAY.= | POR SAUH« a00D OPEN ARETE CAURIAGE AW A | WANTED AN UNMUINIRIND COED LQOI OE | A ora dad cnorta in Sa as From both rides; suite for uy muvuracturing bueloess, | X,» Hocuinents Yegally prepared in Spsatst, Notary and | JY wvnvlenmin seiing oat Apoly at stable 3 aud 1s9 West | ¢,/mmoerata. Adiirraa). B., box S44 Fort oc, N, ¥ ITH ON ALL GONSERVATORT theatre (or the suiomcr mouths, with privilege of we Tnquira at ihe liquor atre velave conimlssloner for all States. wenty-alath street. si: x = wil bo given a iagasnectu mous adnan Appt tba KATIE


‘occu lon between Mond aad Twen ay lan between Mond aad Twent

pale ill be Bald: I

Yel “Apply to W. avers, utdow prices, by Wat. F | 183and 135 West Fwenty-ainth ate

Meese Fiery and Pourth aod Sixth avenues. Address Mouse, sta- | I'riv QS PERFORMANCE TO-DAY, Sa Ser os, | iten D j COOPER IXSTITUTE, BES selene (0, the great Busincaseeniecut Brosdeny once: | J Wish TO PURGUASE A STRAM TUG—GOOD SIZE = = ms nae ee il nin 00 Moray, Say 29 MATINEE, ae Thal street, J.{a20 horae.-Hutea moderates a one ina in goat onfer. Address E, B., Herald ollice, «the property of Crate INGPRUCTION Stibecriptlonn. $8 per term of un weeks: aboul'be paid hie SEM rs lee Me Walker atre = om al Cicaryia alablen, = Fe ee tre racenctes for instruction on Mano, Violla "e : SRE Oo NE Walker sesh _|_yqwiet) 70 PURCHASE & MEDIOM SIZED STEAMER, a A re ROL LG SA HOME WITH AN Fee AMnLe sta thorougn Hoc All misie wil bo | for the spectal arcommedatlon of Ope, (0 LETT WESTHIELD, 8.3, 7wO_MtLes Pao | A Nite Ib. Moraldolfor ————————————_— pent hus family. two. how a iorslale oe ceee a aa es EAT COMBINATION TROUPE he Unpol arouse and Bata wiih even and fete | = ERE F 28 OLD, SOUND AND | cuBpunlia SLES el ‘rirabslon concerto THE GREAT COMBINATION For tnether particulars apply to A, SCALES, 46s Wot | PMU NY A LANGE STOCK ALWAYS ON | WO Fiod® can trot indo. Neo top Wagin and arsoes log. paling ond music, for hor Board. “Adidread A. | | vupits are ited to fee aimleson to all WeeoneeFi8F | 4 aye giorioue cole acl Thygdggenming Farce ented streot, New York: ons: AU SROUEP HE ean ee io Bat std NP Wend Ewenty-itlnd ntvent 1 aslees Jonathan Stalth, stallion, Mage 7 f en avenue, N. Cut thts out FS ~ (NTL) UATE! ERMAN L. c MUSIC. ir 6 artholome” 0 LET-OR FOR BALE, A FURNISHED CbUNTIty ay eee TOR SALESA SELENDID COAL BOX ROAD WAGON, | \ MOLY, [EDUCATED GERMAN LADY, ACADEMY Oo ND Tineuy Brown, bro “Wi Barwon Terigure usted bla aerig hott, 32 vr TAEROOKAND | /Mlemcaat Pat NEU Dre ant taco rea nro ant en : ie as sea Seiten from the ity; adjoining 3 na iS mitsratye easoaante | for wadcut room, Can bene ngcH augerate wanton Hity-) iter won TIS AFTERNOON At ONE O'CLOCK, Moai soxapriane ae Aiba Nelvite D Ch u : Mpnda’cath customer by tian Broadway. Wri: 0 = als Mees Sit Wweelpe : i ait OS aauplyll 256: Hroomie at, Ne : A = IDUCATIOS c arold the crow It wuull be alrleable 9 buy Uekets ms ahLAN gilt FRONT. HUALDIN aap a eee ALP—A BLACK HAWK MARE, SOUND ASD See eee ee eee ee eee ee ed peer x euicmtr's 701 srosdray, end |) MISS) AGNES. AUTLEUUARY) (02 isos Whewlore, ee fF Aro. Ceitry ay GUANO, WARRANTED OF tn oi burness, high 9 ele evel, te Ladies” Wriulng Lowons 2. PATNE'S. ipa dd Nasean atreek, barley White, Clas E Collis, Wambold, Whitney, Quimm, aa 4 s lute, delivered from Peruvian government nt of use, Apply ww DM. RNALY, corner o lege (established 119), 62 Bowery Open day eniOnTt = Sunpen, Master 7

(use Yue sale Ly t BM. CRICHTON, 1S





ail == . aa FAUST, OK SALE-THE BROWN YPALO, I DESIRES A_ SITUATIO) g NOON AT 6 cate Amigo Ma hi, at eet yora e,o g oed ut DESIG Gal POR Tals AFTERNOON AT Mes fron ply 10 Me uw sbiftioy (op Wagon, Marnexs, ote Whip, te glint presen "O-DAY. Niet: i. ai baon farthest fags at tue ala rt Pa Po ak A MATINED TU-D AY


watallon 1,

ND FLOOR OF FIRST CLASS BROWN and Fourteenth street

Dita Eat i Yi a < TADEMY OF MURIC. THIN (SATUERAYY AETEEROOS, Arico Se penn =waTE 75 FU OW, SALES CLOSE _TANNBL. COACIL.TEDIYED | OOKKESIING AND HUSISESS APFAIHS, y; CASO GERAS “f WATE vi etm suitable for making viows, | Hyrorus. Union atrcet, near Hicks, south Brovklya. P1 nO! mec LASt MATINE: 0 LET—THP SECOND FLOOR OP A NIGH STOOP, TH Siatorlowest prices Address | Union L leks, iy PRIVATE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, VAUBT ENTINE,

616 roadway Pitsblished apd conducted by C.

brown Aue Eront House, Ia West Foris-second with ITs 80!

to aemall family of ndulias ail moder Improresae

woe B, PeokokilhyN.

Nok SALE—A HANDSOME. MARSH, author of the


= rn iised and gray perfectly sound and young, sald | Salar workh on wookKeeplag. Clreulars tse = at washtabs. Call at Sugar Howse, $68 Wasuington stroct, BR 1S THE BEST ADVERTISING only tone the omaee iy anu Tearing for Buropes” Alay | BeBSIE MOEN Keeping. Circulars t Sam = United States for reaching telerrapners | 9 fast Blare Hawk alred Mare. iy at private table DNWERCTAL - 001 P ~~ eee s b ¥ Tie 0 LEI-POR THE SUMMER MONTHS, A VERY ‘Address the Edllory Cox Noid Fost oalee, | Syren ace HN ieee from 9 ML A Be | ee iancn aad cpaniste te DERFUL DISCOVERY THAT BX THE VAMIETY TROUPE. IN A GRAND 3

TA er restr la er eo args. Beauutul 1

mage Addroas care of

reutlly furzishes Coltases at Lreingion on tbe Hud

‘operatlone Ww JAY VIL Os R sort Ucn sania Les ora LaL d.aepot. oquire of OF SALE—VERY LIGHT TOP WAGON, WITH POLAL | Yous hullding, Exchange plac fried at 1 sacl, AN oreratlons Stra Broadway. THE DUMB SAN OF MANCHESTE!

SENG es With aie New or TIE NEW PATENT ELASTIO AND BAGY aLnixa | [0% SALE_VERE Lior Tor WAGON, WITT FOr send Ura : MPO ART WaTHOUT BOARD, HME, SIOELY, UR: | cranes Kom Shu ER Ylaliatsand es cabana | iterate © Oe a eT EY RoC MEA: | Cyourox DRTAL ARSCATION OMCNATEO AR | We af Saag Stee A Oar, nisbed Rooms, for alngie gentlemen; hot and cold betb- | sec. icceXer eirces, near Broadway- late of the Normal Scbool of Parla (Tearbers’ 8: Tui now use ty Ur. Gollan every day, ‘The beat JAD WAY. Jug rooms of) same door, fi shi sueet, cear | = CHE, Ls iA NUE, jo three roonit sire! in, Gas made fresh, by tir. Con thes 1B a ipesias Mure scene Lee FASTEDTy ay. A JEWELRY voROR aN. | WORMALE SA MAROMIUE, MADE YTAWRENUE | ton wuraniediothreronit. #1 Bend irs Ta anata a pel —— quis of G@hONGE WYEMAN, 17 Jobn street, Grst foor, | Driyaty stable 63 West Treaty ninth street. SRNESS WANTED, BY A PAMILY ON LONG = "ATURE UNVEILED |, anighbbinvon, tomtavely torres msi saat pre | Y\ANTED-ABOUT 30 FEET SECOND HAND TRON | W'ORSALESA STE Sty atnud wilboutuetector | &! eal and ve sonra} the una! branches || vo comige THB, READ ais BROADWAY. Fate family obs. Suc @ family red of bourding will wud Railing. Address Railing, Herald ollice. vice; & Waupe, built by’ Lawrence, Ia very Rood condition, Wy ra, sialing age, lerms, address ius ‘Aineries, reveals astoniahiog secr BROADWAY—FREE AND RAST. Mhisa pleasanthome. Agents will not be treated will. Ad- Anda set of Double Maraces, made by Tralnor; together, in Mra. Heid, Uraveseod, Long Toland. | Eaaw before; g:0d luck, on sea ue Land; wealth, bealth, long LODEON 28 Fy. BRILLIANT NOVELTIES, panes [oe RR OR eva ca aS UE LEGAL NOTICES. $1,700. Toquire wt 26 Lafayette place = fe Ukenenh pamme alld Tory Cos 20m eee NN aT STRELS. LE WAL MASQUE es AR ———— 1B SPANISH LANGUAGE 18 TAUGHT AS HERRTO- polt him; & written. oY, itor, Call at leecker <3 OPERAS. BROWN'S QUAR’ eS. 10 LET—IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, WILL BE PUT HEREBY GIVEN—THAT) THE REV. JOR SALE—A BAY HORSE, CASSIUS CLAY STOOK, mn aby CIPRIANO GOKRIN, either et his oer, room | at ‘hear Wooster, Ladies 5) ovals; grotie meu 9). SOLOMON) OF! GEO. MEYDON. PRS DONEDUAT TORPETON WML BE AUT | a orior ie, MEREDY. OTVES-THATL TUR SEY. | FOR Bat ck me DOREE, Caaslog GUA TOO: | fer carnuan Gui ne ay Naa ease = Nasi water =

Fen I ae Se EMER, 319 Fourth avenue, | SenUandy Willian Renton, sik morcer, Frinceso strech | 2:00, combining ou excellant family hors wt

Sahbhrg and olherm, trustees of the late William Renton, , Palovure orchant, busvarg, latterly residing In Buccleach | at eae cit WO rearra aad, Litchea: ebetiens | Place there, nominated i the traat deposilen ard getilement

in Taal trokver. NISUING.—MADAME MORROW, | SEVENTH = nvulreat sabe ge Hast Yourlecufh avec Vaion eiuare, or } = STOMLUs, Wil your thougnte; magic' 1k | FR, LEANN on HUSICAL WHE oa a

iss. {9 Hroadway adie atrectinearHovrtonairest Gents uot adealited. yD ae BROADWAY.


‘ie. Soe 10 rare e i ? awe =ayieeuo | RURBU Hemi bounties ty we folloniog tle Jere St ned, Wi tara apd obtoaUGoge: all ite ot fray eee a eae ea ee | Pea Avian ure cnversulttle for faally ut coupe: CLMRSOYART ions. ce Went Trento evsetu ater | «Mies, Alice dlarrisan, © RGostrable aliustion. well shaded, about 10 minutes walk | Bave instituted. to bythe eration as trastecs fore- | old ad tof ‘Can be seen at Pelion atlen Tweae Ge ue. Shows You the lkences af tuture Buse | Teed: ‘Mesara. G. Weeks Fo ie For terme apply to H, ONDERDONK: at | eee of mulliple-potnding aud exoncraliog ss, friate=s tor 1 Mirai between Seventh and Bighih avenia, mean fonyy avanut-, Shows yoo the: Ukaness of {uta Fea pritespalisusts stores aba at the door. Bombe iutinNa'e DROLICIC chamber sweet <'*" | efor ber cee 0 antiga oF GGL Ne anaEE | rent tee beeen Seveniband Eanarmnoes, | "AEE a ee men som |G FOTMATON SATIONE TO DAY ro Ler—Ix THE CQUNTRS, AT TAY RIRGE, 1, | tori ulteitet fe sad AR Me NiIEGTICG. | Jhon, SALE—A BAY TRORTING MARE, Five yRARG | AD LORITIE GO. MERCHANS TAILORS FLAG OL CMS OV aILS TUE MYETE I DELAY ANTE DNGTHE RS = io tvcrvoad, a two story and tasement House, Ove ign io the trust esta : Mave Henton, tls 800, Old. Long tall ta the without B inquire | Abs 739 j Uhint door abare N me = Err

Feomion ers Heat $0 aguireot J, BENET, om | ep mai NGE Tho tos Ameren: and aaa | ACLSM Brodway, corner Tiny Het eee Hou. UAE WALTLL, 16e DisTINoUISUED CrATE Me eNO rr C eT bo argod DAyOr afr me Wopeemisen EichegeMenrd of tees thegear i o,f We ft | Ton saLE_a LAROE TRUCK HORSE. 1Oe MANOR | RURKM MATTER KENOvED rnom si To | Mvp. tts que © vis for wetonin PIE © | goricoaneet Hk pO nsoN « BNO, 18 Bradway. ©

O LEr-1s THE VILLAGE OF NAW ROCHELLE, ud mich process ik fy nae every arr a hae a Brovdway nsjotaing Lord & taylor ite pal OHAS :

Weatchester county, & choice Residence, with about [Seer Wvandence | DEAN'S Livery stable, corner of East Broadway and Gou-


SaaS ESATO a 13 of garden, well supplied with fruit aud OTIC. —ADAMS' EXE RESS COMPANY HAVE 2 oreo acres Of La earrings house, Mables Be; mear the | ia obedience 1nlake ——_______ —— Bored thelr brauci oaice trom 4s Wroadway wo | LN « Buroce, ty Simtantut. Mees Gerstand souud “fequire of TIMOTUY CASUBIAN, New meee le, Bb OR SALE—A OALGUITA MARE PONY, 10 Maxs | tare balling cvner of rand ad Cron sree ne PPature. ie, aig and ao ercaiphly broken Uy haracas and saddioy perfec! ax | Be ay kis wok . pan Fghcnat i uer eatin The ncunanat | EO ed, Doran Pree are a tec mm RE a Seat

THREE STORY HOUSE (FURNISHED), IN | persia Atria 0} jut may donm propery in order teat | West Thies ih See Bar, Threat anit Seal

cainter, | Yeroeur atreet.

rome Hint irs Bes ponsos,


lace, remel aa Dora N treet (0 51 Bond stresty ‘itaations in a saloon of a watering placa, for violilny: is SP Pee es Mloicanih suet | lawl watt any, tny” tw eerirated’ of tne dependence | FOR SALE ONE, FATE OF BAX HORSES, 6 YEARS.) So nt An aliusns ad Rod or were cornot ani yan oF unr Airs box itera oe of sald proses, and may appear (herein and elaim the fand colt, 16 bas inh, atyllab and g: sieges. mound sani ee SS es EAC eS HE. N MATINGE TO-DAY. = 7 nis or eee at Ca | ea ave rant dt ac. “Can thse al he ; a - IPPOTHEATRON MATINER. 70) : (PO LET TWO ENTIRE, FLOORS; WILE RE LET SE | Aye tRsom furtho trstees af ihofate Me Nentone Edi: | peatoutate No. 10 Went Tuiny.thnd street, betweaadina | REMOVAL MANES 4 Co; HAVE REMOVED FROM ) yi gh FOU RaE MARS, “TH URWAT EQUESTRIAN, ' _ atta) Broadway, opposlio New York Hotal Dung, 1 St Andrew evuace 17th April 1Si5, Ped Seventh ayeuucs (rou 8 (0 12 A. Me 3 Willan etree} to 22 Broad a >


Interment of Abrahain Lincoln at Oak Rillge Cemetery, Springfield, Mlinois. Address of Bishop Simpson on

the Occgsion, Ae,


Hennortao, IN, May 6, 1869, Tho following by tho ailde 9 in fo!l of Top Stapron

At tho grave of tho ate Hrexhient Lincola -—


Teovtectt nor lO pay A 0 Unstu of anger! aroand tho A 1ikdie inoew than four yours

Tepraiwana quiet homn in yonuer elty, No i riing storda of tio concours wf Teenie sho sant him, And i thn rnidet of Wis Crop vag ut thoerntin ALUMGE hy Lol of Lio palo of perduve rosa baa place whom HW chiltitran, Dad been Portas bis howe hd boon mate eo ploasnt By eary reconeetiiiie A0d ar ho 10K LONGO aa encnosl FAVES he bearing of woue wtin Bree frensny, Hak AN ho was » about & Guar upon nation Wien Ne be Moved tba. grou shy Whioh bud Tatlse upoe aay me the dea of Warninigton, pepie soni Uheie prnyore tnt Dok would le Sad! rors thee Ln given Nia to da th yore quieeliy, Mabaa ih yout anAre wre in We tho Chis Maristrata, ho cicspe tho Wantere of tho Way rcsiaae he neared Wah eapelonty throaglt thy vigilancn of che oMcers anit tio pesene of tho peoplos wa hWe NO Wow wan Fuspenited Tor toro than four yours, salt wat at last priate, tho providensn of God to fall, How diferent

anion Wivlch witnoseod hin doparinry and that juomed ile roturnt Dosbllew you nxpected ta fool thy yarns grep which You

fell In othar days and 0 seo tho Lill form walking among Fou which you Lad delighted to boner ko yware jouk

which Aako hin by she hand, «

Wat lio was never perwitt a lo return unl! he caine with Lys mute and dion, his trite enconinod, and & weeplig natlen follwing 2s Ia monroere Such a meno as Lis rtirn (a sou WR never wilowial among the events of ibiory, Tere bave been great Procesons of mouruers Ther was one for tho patriarct Jacob, which cane up from Kgyph, And the Exyplians wondornd at tho syidencns of rovor. oo-63nd filial alfugtion whiuh camo frum the hearts of Abo tsrasUios Thero was mourning whol Mawos fell

upon Uo hoights of Plogah and wai Kid from batman ez. Thera have leon solrulage ia tho kngtanm of Rho cork when kings and warriors havy fallen; Wit Hever

was Whore in tho history of h mourning av that hich bay a Pal JiroceAl of him w mong we I

od Nin 66 oe how tho

Allon stocd ngliask Toone AUed of waiy ev. | mown which tnvoWwe In themselves elernition Buroed foes Sirong tovb, ad (hey chore tho banda of | There azo instants which Reem to contain germs which Abeir frends, wero anabla to Oat went for thelrgrief in | shall dovelop and bloom forever, Such uw momcnt worde Woingi add Itty chilis caugubnp the tidings | comestn tho tlde of tae to our land when a question they (an hiraueh the lind and were melol Into terre | mune bo sottled, Tho contest way nob for tho repnb: Tho nstiaa mood stl, Aon Lore ite plow iu the Aeldy | Ho merely, not foe the Union eimyly, wnt to docldo and attho add would be The humor maniac | whetioe (he poople, asm poopie, in tolrentire maseety, ire cess) aad Hho ADU Os Alo haiogy Way WoLNeaNL | wero, ddestincd. to Lo. tho. povoruMont, OF whotoe aey Vary theevliaita closed Hiekt doors, awd i ae ax Were to bo nuliool Wo tyrants, or nutocrts, orto class ralo gall ore from Nand to of any Kit THIN WY ths jroal questiou for which wo ss fon hae scarcely br havo bona fighting, sind It deowion. iq at hand, sal aticond uyene Uh nd tho reenlt of Lio cauteat will affect the ages to ooava: Nor | any «thew or ty any die | 1 guceratth, rapublios will spread, in aplte of monarch tito Tall poliealyariee ante | ia, ail over this earth, (Bxekluations of “Arwen! all rellgi alted jn jylug thie moontol | srtank: tod.) 1 tura from the anny to tho navy trib ty tho Heiman Wathole church | What was (Cwhen the war commouced t Now we havo in New ¥ Zaluieene valkrd do bY | our ANijM-ofwar BE Homo and Abroad —to gael privaleere Aide in tho rad piocosion, ail a Joan Rabbi performed | im Corwen ssmpalble ang porta aa well we to uke tate oF ayarsof tun wl ma service. The fathered eronod | erory port ofo.r on comst. They bad lake forte Wak ie Load rej lredotitall yeu oF Wo array and hayy nilllaney 2 ould mot bo tok in brava ou m neerooge ani ihrem OF AM Ce |. for the first time tn Ae hletory, lator hive alo of all tho ctvlo n. all toiho mast, thorn to romain a long an ho had a pare von froin thy Tuvpithed a Aiclo of s#kiiL or’ ecrongth to wubih over bly abip shite It Tro and tory, to enpaged th the perilous contest of takeing ha slrone forth anil SOM ak ALY that dep suo from | o- Lio onomy, Fturate theYroavury Doparimant. Where Cuma jriose Kiudnwd nd whos raga have | should the money come from? Wise inen prticted ruin, fruit thelr cliaiat by Nim whoo they mourn | but our paslonal credit has boen mainialwel, and our cur:

livorer. ar moro Dave gatad. au Ui fuse of ed thai over Jookral Upon tho face of any other ated aay Mors oath Toke upon the pe emien for sixtooa Hundred suites or esurs by night nad by day, by raulight, dain, wwilieht and. by” foruhlleht eter be‘ara walched the jinogress of a procession, Week why tila wonderful mourning, thle ‘praat pros cesicut Tangwor: First a sart of the jotcrest ‘han aren (rom the Uimos in which we live, and in ylvieh ho Ast hae fallen wav principal nelor. Te Ww priveie & our satire at feelinzee chee excluded from the oljeot which hey are excited tir rosdily to komo ohor ret which may for tho tite belns ako poxscerlon of Bho mind. Anotticrprinciplo ts that tho doops nifectlons

of cor bearts gather around some tituan fori fm wilich are Incaruatd tho loving thoughts and ideas of tho fuming age If wo. luk,

Aen, atthe Umer Wy ree an age of oxcilemsnt. For four yours the popialar heart has been stirred to Ita ut- most depibs. Wat bad como spon us, dividiag families, nearest and dearest friends—a war tho extout anu magnitude of which no one could estitnaio—a war Jn which the blood of Urethren was shed by a brother's Band Acill for soldiers wai mate by th! rolec, now Dashed, avd all ver this land, from bill (4 woudtaln, from plain to valley, thoy sprung up, hundreds of thoat sands of bold hearts, realy to po forth and save our na- Wore) Union This fooling of excitemont was trans formed next into a fooling of deep grief, Eacaten of tho dangers in which our country Was pliced. Many Said, is it posible 10 savo Gar natn? Sono in our country, and nearly all tho leading ion In ether omuiriog decaral It tobe” tinposatibio tw maiotain the Uuiou; oud many an honcat Beart was desply palned with! approbensioa of common ‘ruin, abd many in griof, aud alinust in despair, anxious: Uy inquired “what shall lo end of these things bi?" In addiLou, iho wives had given thelr husbands, and moth: fri theit sone In the pride ani Joy of thotr hearts they ow them pit on thelr uniform, they saw theo take Gree martial sinp, and they tried to hido thelr doop Feelings of adn se Savy’ dear now slop: on tho battle Held, Hover, never to return agala, and ther aa mourn. ing io overy mansion nd (a every cabin in land Toed camo e fooling to doopon raul Wlsoucra lirtured to death, or ‘starved atom oF thes WhO aro call’ Lh npre ivalry, or who elalm to bo the honor of tin earthy; And awe road the Blatida of

Konuated anit 'redhiced {0 mere skeiowny, Our kref turaod partly into horror, and partly 1.0 9 cry fo, Neogrance. Thou Lhe fooling was chanced (0 on. of Joy. There cane slgnsof the end of the rebellivmw We fol fore! iho career af aut gorious gems, We saw our amy, ctder th nau of luo Lace oiler who is elitab up the heights or Le

» rebels from tel: naral swept throayth Genrgla. Se North Carolina, and drove tho combined. armies rxboir berore blip, while the honored Lienwuant Gi eid Loo apd bis hosts in a death grasp. Thee thn tid! zany tia Richmond wae evacnaped end that ton had


prrendored Tho bells rang merrily all over tho land, Tho coming of cauuon was heard Tlndlustions and Morchiligh: procomfows maniferted the gencral Joy’, and Salles were looking for io apesdy return of thelr loved

sc from the feld of beitla Just In Ca mldst of tho % Joy, ta oun hour—pay, in ‘one “numeat—tho Fang throughout Wo tnod that Aurahain Jincoln,

ad perished by the Sud (hen BIL tha: feeling ‘iad! eeu gaibering for Supe yours [a Torry Cxelte

hanitit Moh

ste, hore Joy, Wuromd into ono wall of Woe—a Zogustl Uhotteraobe. “Jat {tia not

a this moorings the

into aecosay Wad ke

Use, veoh kind frends arjuct hl dest beea wiped from his bro

¢ was yot conscious; guid hy Lavo

nection to his stricken.

fe thoee whieh we herd

oglo, In bia Iesagoral, whieh

w be lamorts!—how it would have wftened or somcibing of the grief! ‘There aizbi at leat Lave teen preparation for Ge event But no myvout

af waning we

ven tobim ortocs He wat atricew

fows mea h s for Ws ead of the redd))on Woo kata tbo propecia of a Joyous llin were before

Bin There bret mesting that day, ald

Rave bern the mat ches?

ad happy of any 2h alr Wo Secnniag of the re. set aL

‘= cekvog. Atler thle hn de patket sith lie (reads and epoke of thy four yeers 2 Lipa, of the rior Being over, end of the {uit ye-18 SL TICMSTE ADE Joy Dow ewBiling hima, ath weit of ter 62d anes woul be taken {roca his raitd, wl Le

, y Gaye with his family agala” lo the

se dst of these anticlpaitous h lett bi (eiloushs leit bis lines never to Rigmalive. Thoagh we evering wa: Geod Friday, iho det doy Ju the howe ealecdar for tho CUFAIAR pee ~b—beneaiors Li (his eoeutry to ne ausitlo tatdor, if pan ie, by the IBeWGory Of ORF natlocy Lue Aad’ us ¢ with grief WAN every Curistlen's Yeart bal een all Soyons thoaghts of Eta sunis~ faled to Taore Be crushing eorrow aaser why, a0"

‘Tie popular hewt elcnz


aha uaa 0p mena. that feet owasa atoady ont waitorin Teigni of NUTBADILy, aud waa proparing, for tho conillct of later years IC you hex on hat mcatal charaotorivties bin grealgent reatod, Tanswer on n quick nd resdy pironption of facts, ad momory unusually taoncioun and rotentive, and en a Jogical taro of mind which followed’ wer Mealy end onwaveringly overy link in tho ehain of Uiought oa any muhjeot which ho was called op to Investiznia 1 K there have tean mids moro fceled In thale ebaractor, mare comprehsosivo. 1a Uicie soope, bat 1 doubt if thoro has boon a man Who eoald follow aUp by slop wilh logical powor. Aho potnta whist ni dovi@l te ilastnita, He gained the pestor by tho clom stfiy of gromolry aud Dy a dolorminacon por. rojo trath, It is mid ol nh that in childhood, who ha say diMoully in Tistentogs tom epnvensaton TEIN LAL POOgTO Mae retinol Uy ost hy

and the pricy

ato convay Ae In Hetened with lim ged falla Wo. peranve M0

ton could not sleep HI Lie. vied polousictended, abd ston uw

clearor manner’ Ly Wows who Who that tiaw road hia mo

dircotuoss and Lo Kimplicity of hia stylo; and Ula very trvt, whioh was acollod ak and’. dorkied Uy Rin 'opposice, In num Tweognipal at ago am) My firong points of that mighty mio wuneh Nas "vo powerfully infinenced tho destiny of

Ho nation, anil WOICh ARAN TOF ages Us egTop Inilueoce Khosleating of Lamanity, This not, howprer, eliehy DY his meatal footer shad ha guined such R-qnollol over mankind When: nrmminanee, Toe

an wed

an eal ser oF Collen, bun ho greatly noepoctd, ho rilulo all fs Ta ceo ne of ino, ed oi individually, a xolt-relylog power, | ‘hoy wavy a Than svhoin thoy bettered would do thst bled wma richly Togurditagnf all conmnqued-on Twas (is rior feollng which pare bim tha grovert bold on to! people, nnd Tate Bin utterances almont arachtar. Whoa tha wation ‘ran angered by ths pergdy of fren vations 10 ailawy

ours wo bo fltad oa}, he ntecred tho ignisicant tu, "ae warad m Ue," no Wt atilled. ano na art When hivown (rionibesear diyidod af to What atop should tw Wikeu ax to sayery, UAL erate ut Cimnee, "Tevil eava tho Valon if 1 cao with warerys Ian i not, stavery mast perldh, for tho Colon Tus bon preserved,” becaie the rallyiug word. Hon felt that the wirugglo wat for tho Union, and all thee quostioas must bo aubaldiary, But after all the fety of man shall his foil bo perjoluatede What aro inure? afoed paleo ts do to tha meu who aided hin, Ho called ablo counssiiors around Kita, ahd able generals {utd the Neld--mon wha havo burns the sword wy bray ely



Lidge ANOY Wau



who proferr a tho ermaeit to Beanmutinyt Las any riva) propoten hls elaicbO In an aciny of heatty a millon ef mon, No oflene ceveollier hex llared aco eond of dient, ard iG an hove or wo after Me Lincointe death another Jeniker. wlth, oststioatiooal pore ceanpied, fin cbalr, an thin poyanyiont evn forward widurit one rnelo jar. The worst ill. Jonen that roqablles are tho strongest gavarament:| Om earth Anh mene any feleruls, in tho WOR er Lib parte, ‘yruh malicg towards fone, {roo from all (eelirr Of per writ vongenes, yek balocing tha nvonh pivt not Ue drawa of borne in vai, lot ws co forward in 9 falulk ty." Dok overy nin who sras a fount Agnes an taliva in Congress aod «ho aded sin berta\sity, tii FenellkG nd shia led’ to the ala ethser faut cons

sol ughtars, be brought Lo Yyeedy and tocortate

Lhntal Let every. officer éitueated at ypolle expeinn and “ho, haying bean adeancod 40 porian, law persired Diawolf And bay tornsd hee word ‘tho SHtats Of be eountrg, be-Goorned: to thie Ebola tn the

fall of tho Aimorkan photos Man may Atermyt: Lo ung ‘otra, Kt 10 rrtoro teen teallore ued tanicrens to socletyagnin; But tho América poonte wlll azio In mir inpfealy anit xyeop all. wuuh, conpraines and com: Dione olay, andedall Mocksro (hab tere elall bo ne Pence to rebola} Dot to Cio deluded tiusee Rom oF fond tho arow of forgiveness: Wecellt tabs Henn wioue DeAtUs anid atk WIth Crojn Kee Dy pido ay wo gy foreAn W work fol plorions detiny, Tho tinn will come Whi, Jo the beautiful tanguage of tim hose Hipm. aro forever cleat, “Tha mystic conde +f mevory, which Mreish frow every bathe Hold and from overs patrio'e krave, shall yield a eweoter muaio whan. wend ty. t Angott of on Dotter natura.” ‘To the ambitious there Ja the feartal lesson of Che four candidates (or Presidentlat Honors in 18cO. Two of them, Douglas aad Lincoln, anca somipelitors bait now alceping patric mest trom Abele labors; Hell perlahon tn poreriy asl’ reer, ox ® trallor might perish, and Hrvekioridgo ta frightened fgitive, with tho brant of traitor on bis brow, ‘That will bo! vouched by tho angels of our tollér mature. (Gries of Good, good.” :

heany boman arn has borne i. Ho had the ad of prajorfuland thoughtful moo everywhers Bot andor [ie oten xovting aude tho movements of our land havo

Koen conducted, Turn towanlé te didvrent depart. tornia. "We had an guorgantsod mlila=-a inero aketoton urmy, yet under his caro that arroy has been enlarged into y and

fores which for #kilh intelligence, eificie bravery surpanes ang which tho World’ bss evor econ. Joture lis voterans tho renowned vetorans of Napoleon whall pale—(applause}—aod the mothers and. sisters. om thow hillsides and all over the land. hall take to thoir prnsogala braver men than over fought 19 Baropoan Nare Tho reason Ix obvious Money or a deslra for ao collected thelr armie i favarite ghicorien oF no bays ought for bor, ight of selfegoveramunt; ond taany batiles thay won were (oF humanity everywhere, and all Unie; ford bellove that God Max wot suMlored this Urriblo rebellion to come upon our land mercly fora ehaitheraot to us or a lenod to onrage There are

Toney lv efer to-day ian ILover was befor Not ouly {y thin so, bot through our national bonds, if properly Ton we shall haye a permanent vars for obr ourrsnas; ‘nd they aro sls an Inveatinent so desirable for capital sus of other nations thatundor Ufe Iara of trade I bellowe {ho eontre of oxchango will bo transferrd from Kngland to the United States Hut tho great fact of tho mighty chicfain, on which his tame whall reat Jong afier his framo aball monlder away, MW that of giving freedom to race. Wo have all boon Wight to rovers the sacred CUarabler ef ‘Moses, of ks

ver, aud the prominenco ho gave to the moral Lae. fow it Insts, and Low his namo tower among the names in Heayea, and how ho delivered thros millians of lls kindred’ out of bondage; and yet we may asert that Abrakam Lincoln, “by hia Proclamation, berated wore enslaved people than ‘over Mosra ret free, and thore not of hls kindred or of his Tace, Such a power, or such an opportunity, God bas fcldom given to toan. When other events shall have been forgolten, when this world shal hare becomo a net- ‘work of republics, when throne shall have been Swept from the {aco of the earth, when Jiteralare shall enlighten all mninds, when the claitns of bawanity shall ‘bo recognized everswhero, Wis act shall still bo conspien- ous on the Tages of bistory, aod we ar thankful that God gave to Abraam Liucoln ‘the decision, wisdom and Fraco to (save that proclamation whieh sands bigh above All other papers which bare bec peuned by uninspired men, (Applause.) Abraham Lineal was 8 good ina, Wo wax kuown as an honest, (eroporate, forglvibg mag, @ Just man, a oan of noble heart in every way. AS to is relighous experiewee, 1 cannot speak dednitaly, Wecauss 1 was mot privileged to koow mach of Le private senUmenis My acquaintance with him id ‘not givo me the opportunity to boar bim Speak on this topic. 1 know, however, ho read tho Bibjo frequently; loved tt for [ts great truths aud for Nu profoand teachinge und he tril to be gated Uy its precepts He beloved In Christ, the Saviour of singers, and I think be was sincerely tryfag to bring his tfo into Wo priccipies of revealed rellgion. Cenainly if ever There was a man who illustrated 2ome of the principled Of pare relicton, hat man a4 our deparied President, Look over all hkiapevohes; Mrton to hiq utterances. Ho. hoverepoko unkindly of any mag; oven the robels ro-

ceived no words of anger from Mim; and tho Mit day Mlostrated in a ryinarknblo manner te fon:iving deyauition A despoldh” was received (Wat altemoon that ‘Thomjwon nnd ‘Pueker sero Uryhig 10 hake their eeaps through Moluo, ani It yeas propos! to arremt ihom, Mr. incall, how

onezings £35,000

omits a alders MUR. shelters of bi Apeaeeinalfon, #0 thal Th Bit. Ospiaog. nets Tis eas maylg. « Vadior’ forgive ‘thems ther Kus aot Sha they dol” “AS a moby out Wr. any ves Woot han ever shown euch (ros in God wtp fuvbllo documenta sy frequently Folerged to Divioe’ alt Snow diane mniark to trieodx nad Wo stotoeat/one (Lat his hope for our auccert FORO In MA. cantiuon, tnt Gud sald Bese our ofrts bcontimy We Mors teste to do Tight To the addrved Of a lange religinun Beapebe nee lal, “Tanner bo unto God, who, tu our aatioral tea

iveth uy tho chueehen"= Ty a 'mluirtr velo sat Roped tho Yami ice on oar aides he rvplicl thas 1 eavat

ho addsd,

thor the bond wae on our say oF

ST Awow bs always on. of the ripbt,’” xnd, with. ny, sided, jel Is roy witness UNL Wie kay consul aasle:

anil praser tat bot any salf and this nation shoal be

on th» Lord's ais?" Th ila domertic iif heya exces

ingly Klod spd aifeetion: Darky

Alo wan duyuted Rusband Vreaideutlal tera li cor of Abe army bi suit nok long 4 yourvolf talking with tise deat” o WIL death I eaten miyeelt ov ory Gay Anvelhwtadtiy talking will: Win, as lf be were With me? Op bila svidor, who Ip wisiblo to be here, 1 need only tavoke iL» Wosiny of Altaighty God tat abe may Vo cetifortod cud stain Wor Mit ect, who Lan Wite howe tae exereizes of thie hur, all tist Tean tusire is that the nisatle of bie father sy fall ypon him. (Ex clmations of “Amea.”) Lot us pate a nivweot in uo Jes-cn of the bour befure wo pare. Tais man, Lough Tell by tho Land of Ue asadsia, vllll be fell’ under acre hant of God. He Bat arpore In wing hit 29 to GIL What mors avid he bate tedred_of life for busi Were not his houors fut Tuore Was uo ollics o which Bo coul* spire. erond Bich as aiosed

ko other man. Tho notions of the world have learned to hoaor Lim If rutcurs of a desrod allisnca with Ragaud be true, Napoleon (recibied when be leant of the fall of Webmond, aud accod what nation would Jolt Din to provest him’ againutoor yovernmenk Reader ta gocdnene of sarh.e man Nis fare wae Tull, bis worn ieee done, apd bo sealed bis ulory by Deeorlny the ne- Uon's great meriyr for liberty. ie apprara to have had

and fathe vt

Mrlraneo presentment carly ia political Ife that some fay lie would be President Of tho race power he raid

You see It, ludeed, in 155) Broken by if 1, too,

the ima wread} muy be wked to bow to it I never will The prob: duwed ta tee boars of God. "Baas Pe vy be

fram Shes Caner of this | Ditity shat we may fail in tho struggle ouch? not to deter Sas no Oeinary ee ae haan tlie. “Xr, Uncen | us fxm tho aappare Of w causo whieu 1 decmy to bo jase

was bo ordiary maz, abd 1 Vileve te bone Y mova wrowing. eu te retica's hand, or \f eek Ba deen 03 mj Own, capeciaily in the lexi seam Ue ty “ae preecration thai, by the hand of Got, hz waa ty Races Gut Wo. geide our governiett i ms tssee;

Texball vot deter me. Af Lever feel the eoul within me elevate and expand to those dimepslons not wiolly un:

Yorthy of its Almishty arehilcet, ft is when 1 contem-

[is the cauco of ray country, cesariod hy all th world jesides, aud I standing up boldly aud alono ond barting Gelance xt her vicotious oppressns. Here, wiinoat cone Vaapiating consequences, before high Heaven and

tho prvat yeobls—vp¢reand) 510 Le as one of Les, 2 Ce Bec ether mgremecte and Wife. "Mis etication the retool house yare Nation. He read few looky he rel “Bapyaa'a Tig G% “Wisslorioa" were “Aix Tayer- We rocarlo We wesia WE

Me Wise to bis character and which partly

Fi Oo bis weyle, Ube exrly ifs with ite varied alrcg- Tuiimstubiy Co the ave; ng assem, aad

a remy Guslouted Ne respect [or the

He TESS A wes to tell the tall breow

Se forest wud 10 tec dhe current of (he waist HIs- Aesieh. Ho home was m thn growiag Weal, tno beart

sky Trynlnds; God, lnvigwaled by ke tind whieh Pevpe ores es craves, bei LesrPAL the bemoh of wiLarelh, men babs sicined bio in mension ot ateerty. Mla GIR Mee ge ragsert a4 yrne gains secon

Cok FU Tabi ors of la,

cauilere Of pase Inierent,


Voted Sig Woyoghies ba

In the “isco of the’ world, I. mvcar clernal Faelity to tho just caus, ms 2 deom it, of whe land, of my life, my liberty and my love.!? And

secretly be ead to inoro than ona, “1 never shall ve oat tho four years of my term, Wea the hbellion Weruhed my work is dona! SO Mak. He lies to (eer las battle fougbt and to dictate a d&patch from taku Of det een Davis Lived ul the powcr of mas broken; aut thea, havieg dene ihe wor TN Go aa oerd ims, angels 1 trot, were eeut 10 ene’ hin frora one tarmous of palo ‘cr sufer'ng, Bib acrgeae gw fom wis world to Wak chal ee ees Kalin where Wie patrick und tbs good there patting tE | Wis exaroplo teaches young men that To rae aition of eminence bn open belora tho diligeot Pee omy 16 te active men of tho country. His Sample ora ibe count to trust in God apd do. right 16% Bw Go to-day by hin cothn we ratcbre ia ice cae tn a fey nobly end Woolly tepun Lat cs dae, us yow ia tbe sight of Uenven uy Of hums slavery, to giro every be peustloa before God and Bellon, and to wad by

tow men Tet

as ENF6a oS

« 33pFah ae cht tb lonted Over paris of 16ky before acolh's careor was coded How sloguhur tho fact Whak Lag asesaln'y Kucy aa eau 19,

@ho Lincoln Nonaments TO THE RDITOR OF THE HERALD,

Permit a mgeestion, through your colanus, regarding tho Livéoln monpmont in Union square. The location kolectod for It—directly opposite Wasbingoo—ia a bad ‘one, {n this respect: that {tis at the Junetica, Ro to epcak, of threo much travelled thoroughfars—Broadway, Foartecath piroot and University place—and must neods take up much requisite spaca, Washington stands in a tort of bay formed by the curving away of Faurth ave- nino. I propors, then, tho opportte or Soyentoonth ‘treet edo of tho square, early Io front of tho Leaguo Club House, whoro tho trae 18 far lon, and towards wile tho “Patner” ba fooklog and polauig—a wero indicating tho “Preseryer.” Were the Union Learuy a Permanent institntion there might also sem a peculiar ‘Ntnees in the contiguity; bat as K will probably dio out ‘with the war noceasity that fulls to te ground.


TENDED TO THB FUDLIO LIST IN THE WERALD ovetex. Thorann W. Borger. Wiliams Abbott.

& Wilhor Jr Chat G. Thipin

T 0. Giltnan, Charles Orr Goorgo L. Cuminings, J. ¥. Bohafer J.B, Henry. Qeorge A. Kowo,

Tames G, MoAdarms. De, & A. Sigosmond Henry $ Wallace, An Adinirer,


nrwlcle King, Staxwalh

Nathantel Nite Punnig Noteon, Ballemnn Solowon, M. Van Guroy Witcoxson. Janis Donohue. SM Bookloy

J. A. Van Riper. Tamea D. Oliver,

AD. B David Mol allan, William Hayarth, OR Brick, Jr,

John Owen, ‘Thomas W. R Rayner.

‘Anna T. Owen. Chaslotte Owen, vin Hotlor, Georgy Minch. J.T. Benedict

A Homestead for Mr. Lincoln, Pumaveruia, May &, 1655.

A sobecripton has been started bero for rujsing a fund

to bo applied to the purchase of a farm homretead, with

au appropriato mansion, near Spriogteli, TL, for the

family of President Lincoln It is intemied to be a

Courgo W. Jones, JH Molox

‘Alox, MeDonald, Charles M. O\Reilly,

‘martyr President, by which bis faaily: may Ds ten] lored indepemlent, and bis momory perpetuated in a practical and useful manner, ‘The individual wubserip- tions are not to exeeod five hundred dodars. The money: 1s 10 bo enclosed to Jay Cooke & Co,, or ans of their Ioan, agents, aud will bo publicly reported. The fund is 40 be dixpastd of by Senator Hurfan, Secretary of the Intbri ‘and Joseph H. Barrett, Commissioner uf Peuslona Tis Tropered that sabseriptions for this object ba taken up in ebureles and cleowhere throughout the country, with the name of the donorona alip of paper to accompany the ammount subscribed.

The Turf, UNION COURSE, L. I—TROTTING. Tnvrspay, May, 4—Match $2,000, mile beats, bast throe In five, in harness.

D, Maco nomaed & m. Ella Sheryrood , D. Piifer nated g. g. James Watson. .

ir from a grateful peoplo to the merita of their bo

Firat heat......

Seconil eal, .,... Thind beat Fourth heat, Fin heat.

Firat Heat. —The botting was at thet $200 to $40 on she gray, but behaving badly in scoring, $100 to $80 was offered agsinst bim, and In ome iusfances evsu money: Yas wagerd. Alor soveral attempt at securing aho Word was at last given, the marv quickly shooting abead anil taking the polo from the.zray as Moy went around tho tur, AC the quarter pole she waa two lengths abea, fh 9 seconds, and at tho half-milo pole, whieh was pasced {0 1:20, whe had aelear fongth the advantage On the threo.quarter stretch Piifer reducod tho gap a littl, a the mace breaking at tho dlstanco hor, he. collared and

passed hor, and yin the hest by o length, in 220734. Secoad Tent —Belting $100 to $50 om the gray. They Went aronod the torn bead ond Lad tozother, and thoy

tinged so to the quarter and half mille poles, {> 40 soronula apd 1:10%, without eltuer galning on the afer, A fuer contest wax never witnessed, a* the horees wero Joyyed. all the way ronnl oud up thd homeatrotch to te Aistouco Wand. Within fify rants of the stant it looked

Seif tho mare wero goiue Up; but Mace, Uy vdnilrabie driving, kept hor steady, an, coring wilh a rush in tua) ast fow saivis, ehe crocsed tho scoro bead aad Licad with

army in 2-28, tho jadees desiuriug fa dead heat”? td Mest —beitiug £100 to $40 on the mare. Sho took aeleag length lead around the urn, ope nee a gap oF

fa Wogén tonrths at the halfanile pols,-end Guall wou cosily by ten lensthe fa 242%; Pilfer saving Nie horse iow be foaud be ind no chadce ef stoning the

Fuirh Het —Botticg $ $90 en the mare. The gray broke ot thro turn, and (bus gave Mace a lead of Uirow lengths, which he maintained. throughout, and foaliy wun evally by to lonseiie $a 24034.

Ui Hock. —No betting, although ay Olay would baye heot bet on Che mare ‘Sie parted company svith the gray at thouppor tera, aud ied twa lengths at the qvar- er, tiie tammy at the Lalf, aad fogged Lome au casy Wlu- nef of the heat and race lu 2.20.

FASHION COURSE, L. L—THOFTIXG. Frunay, May 6—Pures $100, milo heats, be Ove, 10 wagons, Osnce colored br. ¢ Sugar, Dr. Delo enterd cht g. ibe Mr. Lrowning extered gg Hr. Brownlag entered T, MoPatchen. au entered Dun Mare Borst optorel b. ma. Grace Woodall eatored b. g. Bip

ree in

Fotexesting Oficial Conres- ylondence. -

Tho Cesston of Mexican Territory to the United Siates.



Important Protest of iho Mexican Minister Saainst the Reported Sate or Hypotheeation of Hexlean Territory to France, Reply of the feeretary of State of the Wuited States, Res,

bey be

Senor Romero to the American People.

1), Walton entored r. ¢ Bay Boston... ¥. Carpenter entered Lisutonant General

ctored g. 2. Jamea Waleon ....

sa eDLOTEL EZ. oan

Lovett entered Kentucky Maid...

P Mets extered br. mo. Black Olinda, .<6222.0.72 A. Little entered Lady McClelland... J. Mout entered & mo. cses J. Vengony entered g. x Alexandur.« DME ter, Hal Mit Mae beat... 0.2 BOK We 2b

OF the abore siztecn entries but twe caus to the post, vin, Super and Gibo, all the others beicg fearfal of a: feat from tho first nanied, report having reristered him fs belng cupablo of going in 2:20, or better. Gibo, how- ever, made © rery sorry show; for mo rooner was tho wont given than he broke all ta pleecs, and before ho wras pat together again ho wins ton lougihe in the rear, Sagar pared the quartcr pale in thirty nine coconds, ea Deeg Act Looe, domh the taskshvled, bp trotted the kext quarter In ihiriy-seven seconds, *ioaking the ualt- mila {01:30. Bis driver then foroo! ita to © break,

id from there to the cad of the mile ho was driven yer gonily, Joneiog home In 2.41%, Teaving Cibo at tho fink far on ike outside of tho ¢itanse fag ‘ike bitline, be fore it was Known which would clart, was o¥btly tn favor of Rogar cpainst the Geld; ubwhep i wes ascar- Iajued thas nolthee Crezan’s gray nor Silptirader wuld be to the taxe,glotlars to eonts could not Gnd laxers

“Fo-dsy, ab Ute Unio Couree, amatch for $200 comes off bolweom wo reséstens U forluve und to tame un- koown,

Persouul Intelligence.

Maron Ostermckes, Rumizn Consul Genoral at win

fort, kes Ioft for Europa, where bo will rema!n form

Whort period. During absence tho reeponsible duties

ofthat ofiee will bo discharged by tbe Vice Comal of

Camis, th Eebeltse, Bra., whose Jon expen once al his celles fey qualify lm for pe yoportant « brush

70 TUE KPITOR OF THR HEKALD, Mero. Leuinon, Wamprros Cry, D. C., May 6, 1805, Sex—My atleution has been called to m etatersont mado by M. Corta, ainomber of the Franch Corps Legtslstit, in tho =itting of that chamber of the 11th ultimo, whilo discussing the Masican question, In whlch be, in confor nuity with tho policy of his government, (whoie agent ho hay beon tn Mexico), trios to Impeach tho patriotiem of tho constitatonal President of Mexico, sing tho most slanderous means, and averring that President Juarce has twice offered tho Stato of Sonora to Prosident Lincoln for seventy-QVo millions of francs, r ML. Porta eal (Le Moniteur Unicersel of April 12, 1868, page 435,) as follows:-—

After these words of Gen. Smith—(he has just quoted fomo wonls which ho moans to aitribute to General Scott, calling him Grneral Smith, ax bo paroes Preeidont Jnekson whore hie means President Polk)—Sonora anit the Property conilgcated from tho eleray have been offored to the United States, to President. Lincoln, for a sum of

seventy-Ove millions Well, the Amorican’ governmcn! tho aotual President of tho’ United Blatea, has rofuae: this concession proposed by Juaroz two different timer.

T havo boon tho only representative in Washington of Provident Jnarea’s government during the wholo timo of President Lincolu’s adininistration, and I do uot know of any Pich offor having ever been made to tho United States throogh mo or anybody elec. Mr. Corvin, Jats Unllod States Minister, negotiated, It is true in the city of Mexico, a treaty by which the United States wer to Toan to Mexico sloyen millions of dollars ; but no sale of Mexican territory way over olfered to this governmont, and only the quarantee of tho product of some of tho reventid of Moxico—to wit: tho product of tho silo, of the uational proparty: Jately in tho hands of tho clergy, and of thy public imoccupted or vacant Ixnds in ihe country, which aro tu Moxieo a soures of rovonuo aswell asin tho United States

Ag for any provlous offer of this kind by President Juarez, we have his statnment denying flatly that he aver Tnwondad woy euch thing. I send you a copy of bis Statement makluy sich deaial,

It fs my duty, as n Mexican and the rprosentative of w

romont sirialing for the fadopesdasiea of eelf, tron

Topular governtornt mud republican institutions, against forelzn conspiracies and encroachments, to expare the Intrigues of tho enomlos of my country, ty which thoy ‘expect to prejudice public opinion against us Ouly:thix doty makes me intrude upon you, beegiug you to have (hia totter ami 1us aunoxed pablistied..

T would thank you for this favor, and remain, sir, your moat obediont servant, AM. ROMER!


Narioxat PaL.acs, Mexico, Feb. 22, 1863. Mr Dean axp Most Estemacp Si:—

Thave fost read in tho Montor R-purlieano of to-day {ue specah which M, O'Danuell, President of the Council of Ministers of tho Spanish government, has mado in ‘the discussion whlch took place with a view to answer tho speech of tho crown, and I havo son with gurprier, among several inaccurato assertions which M. O'Donnell hus mate about Mexican aifilrs, the followiog axpresz- fons—* § % “Ae for myself, Juarez, aa a Mexican, ‘Basa stain which can never be washed away—that of Bavina Penn milling to cell tyro provinces of that country

i Sates" = © This accurallon, com {ng from a high funclfonary of a nation, and while au

ly goriows and solemn act was aking places when the statesiuau must be careful that hie words are smpressed with those) of truth, justico and good faith, eer ‘utmost importanos, for onc may be Jed to think that ob account of the position which ho oconples ho is in mm of documenta which support his assortion— Ing whieh isnot trae. A O'Dooudl is authorized fo we ‘the proofs he may possess concerning this affair. fcanwhile, my bonor compels me to show that M. O'Donnell has mado a mistake in the judgment which ho has formed of my oficial conduct, and yon are au- Worized, Mr. Editor, to contradict the imputation which has becn mado with so much Injustice to the first Magis- ‘fmate of fhe nation, Tam, Mr. Editor, your humble servant,

BENITO JUAREZ To run Enron oF ame Dianto.

The Cession of Territory to France, SENOR NOMHO TOK. SEWARD, Mexrcaw Leoanios ov mie Usrrep Stare or Anrnica, ‘Wasarotos, Feb. 6, 1505.

The noilersigned, Buoy Extraordinary and’ Minister Plen|polentiary of the Mexican republic, has the honor of addressing humsclf to the Honorablo Wm. H. Seward, Secrvtary of State of the United States, for the purposs ‘of- protesting, in tho most explicit anil fonial matupor, Sgalnst the cesion that the ex-Archiuke of Austria, Fonlinaud Muxiiolilar, bas raale or fs ehuut to make £0 the French government, of various of the States of tho Mesiean ropubile.

The under wl will bo permitted to recall to tho Tronorable Willian H. Seward, that in tho Jnterviow Which ho had the honor to have’ with him on the 19 of Jaueary laet, ho sat to bliss Jetter wri Bfoxico on tlle 28th of December Jas, tt Teoolve1 tu this count m1 thst city, in which the Snformalion wns dya_well Jatormed ant

permon, that the Pronchngeuts in that vuided Mexicans who eure

elt had propos

Tho wsueper aw arrangement that tuo Eiperur of the French ad eout to Mesico, by sfrtua of which thors should te ceded to” Krueo the Mexi-

con Stites of Tamanlipae, Nuevo T4on y Coalinl Jat of those of San Lule Fotos}, Zaatocas, During ‘Cuipuadua cod nearly all of Sonor, with tho. penne of Tower Calltoruia, the dividing Hao bolag furmed by: tho river ik the Paraiso on the Gulf, up to and by a etraleht Jine thenso from ono polnt to the pther. Thst to render Roceptably Uin ccasion of <0 considerate a part of the No\iean terrilory. the acsarance wis given Mat Frauen would efabliey, to territory, military colony, hick would be under her itnyuedlate protection, aiid Which woold peo the rest of tite countey under. cover from the filibuster atlacks of the United Blates Thal It would be the rocant of Uqnideting tho x0 call which France clalms agstnst Mosieo, and srould f the raising of tLve liundred miitiong for (he treasiry of the usurper. Twas ako added, in onter to render Tees {ble 89 considembia a loss of territory, tat thn Stares to bad uover belonged to Mesico, mora than. Ip rama, having altaya been dominated by: chiefa who have havor respected tho orters of the contml cov went of Moxion, and that, as tacy were destined to by lost, wittor by faliag into tho hands of the French, er of the United States, in such alternative Ik was not to. be onuted for s mokeut wlicl extreme would be profer- able.

Ia the snioc Jetter it was stated. that this errangement lndnot yet boon submitted to the rsurper, aud Ih ws Jolkinated that sLwas probable Lat he saigtt beailate und even manifest sare eppasition to it, befare acooplin: Ie Tut, ttvas added, this would, however, be of a0 In. portanco; ‘or either the usurper had no will of Ike cz be wan ebiiged to yield itschen ia opposition to that of bis protector. Mesides, it res not to be presuuied that the was apeclally fatcrested In tha fate of a connliy: Which wax uot ble own, where lose than four yoars ago he was unkwinvn even by maze to tii finin jority of tho sation, which he Nitmself only knnw ly bau, to Which Ue lod boon carried and whore ho Lt sustained by. forelgn bayonvts, and where the bisa of the Mexican Patclota who lefeud thelr indepsndence 19 still being Shod torailsty hiv blind acbitlen for power, which, for Dis own pantshinenty ho exercises only Ln name.

The undvraigued always bas Delieved that tho Kmperor of tho Frencl would terminate in thie tanucr bis Juter- Yenllon in Mexico, when he should becume convinced Wat it would Lo be possible to held tbe whole republia asa French colony, and he so hat the honor of express ing hitaself to tio Hon. Willlam H. Sowand {n the eon. Bionication which ke addressed Uy itn on tho 2th of December, 1802, ard which the President tent to he Houre of Reprsealatives among the docummen's relative W the sllcirs of Mexico, communicated with bis mesago, Of tho 4th of February, 1383,

What Was then, howover, merely conjecture, altuongh, Woll founded, hes dow, through tho passage of time and. tho develepnicnt of events, come to be n fuck.

Fho uews rocelved from Mesteo from an eoulrely rolls Ble fource hax been coptrmed by news recelyed elmul- tancvusly from Bn Praucisco, 1a Culforais, and from Pars, ull thin coincidence, together with ober ante- celefte which tho vodersigaed has of this affalr, haves ot tho slightest doubt that if the propaved arraugoment has rot taken place it ls on the eve of being veriSod.

‘This certzinty oblises tho undersigned, fa compliance ‘sith bis duty ax tho repressatative of tho Mexican nallom, to pritest enerzcticslly against all arreuperacntit unde by tho ex-Archéake of Acatris, to tho tame of Mexico, with the Eroperur of the French, or with ony ciher goveroment hy which tke Mexiex territory is BovgbE to be alionuted or bypothecaied, or hy whicl: the Teepousibiiity of the country of the ardersignod Ia 1b aby way compromiecd.

It cadressiny himself to tho payemmont of tho United Etats, (ho undersigned Woes Tot bolisre st necessary (0 Selalal Bimsolf tn manifesting that to ox-Archduko of Acsiris only repre als in Hexizo tho Ranperor of (We

Tene, by Whose army he wes ecarred to that repobilc Sod Iesostained init, and hot for tbls reneon apy. oF Fangement wido hetireen Wie ed-Arehcuke and the Em- Tetur at ho Fropeh neathe camo oiligatory fore, oui ho otter, for the Mexican tation, Wax ogo conctoued Dsineceiku sald Kwporcr of te French and General

Resaine, the commander in-ehlef of the French forces wn laderniunel bas not believed It necessary dl

10 indore! ‘not belie to await the neta! down of the eonelusion of fuel, arrangemaat Jo order to protest against It <

Its of a gravity and Umnscendence, not only for the Jnlerest# of Mexico, but for all the Ame continent, Wat he has belle: would be lacking in Lis most treed énty vs allow a singlo moment to past without Waxing seh step.

710 anidors}gned Jedges {t conrenient, in Jasti(catlon of his coareo in Cue aifalr, to recall to the Honorable Secro- Lary of Stato of tho United States an occarrence some- ‘Ghat nmilar to the pretent, in which tho represen’stives of the Fronch goveroment in Mexico protested against a Mats oslebrated botwern Mexico and tho Caited & of much Iw tranteendinos than the present, open ovly lowe well founded, that they re uch treaty had been concluded, and before {al [nvorniation of Its eilebratlon.

Alter tho raptato of the European allies at Grizaba, 4nd whon Fraies alouo remained maklog war. upon Moaicoy tho Miuliler of tho United States tn that republio Jacrosly stl tho Mesican government, by virtue tho Unied Slates wore to foan ta: Mustoo cloven milliana of Woliirs, Moxien hypothierating for tho pevy-

Teoh of the ei the public lands of tho republic, the chold Property, bovors calleil omcles!aatical pro. nde and notes outstanding for euch pro

treaty wold, iif treaty waa rigned in the city of Meriso, Gi of Apel), 1862, and as it failed to ne the ratifention of "tho roxnrnmv! of ti ted Stata: of coliren, Hover ofllctelly pablicliod, ‘fad onty mn LL reapers Wits olijet otitis svautingy Uh ation of tho Me added Uo tho Hexean overunent, anor

rondy cited a ote, tiewhled thoy on incormed that sald paveraiient qu yayernment, {0 h thoro Was wuld, coded, ransomed. 0 hypoilie MW tho latter a partor the lands and public reve- Hiles of Mesien, to the whole of shied. tows and ror ve

of (He LOU ADE ‘tated Unk (hoy teal

Wuleuaclidet a treaty welt a tors whl

renew to the le most digsiugalshed conutderation.

M. ROMERO, To the Hon, Wiuuan H Skwann, ke, Koa, &e

MK. SRIVARD TO. SEXON ROSEN. Devarnasr or Sram} Wasmxarox, February 25, 1605,

Bm—I havo tho honor to acknowledge the receipt of JouE communication of the Oth tnt, In whlch, In your Character of Envoy Extraordinary and Manister Pical- potentiary of the United Mexican St Accredited to tho government of the United States of America, you uler sour provest, Inthe most formal, encrgolle Aad ‘solemn manner, against any setilonient of ces-iop, either fate or tobe made, by tho ex Archduke Ferdinand 3a31- nillfsu, of Austria) in tho name of Mexico, with (io Enuperor of the French, or with any other government, by which ho allenates or hypothecates Mexican territory, or {i aby manner compromises the responsibility of ths Mexican ropabiie.

This measure you ore led to take, vodor tho ciroum- stances moro filly dotalled in your note, bolloving He to ‘be in consonance with your most sacred duties as tho Topmiscntative of Mexico,

In roply, itaffords mo pleasure to state that tho protest referred to will bo plo npon Ale in the archtvos of this. ojarimont, thers to rumatn a teslimouy. to. your course In the promixes, and a4 an additional evideuce of tho zealous and patriotic discharge of your fanctions as the Minister of Mexico in tho United States, and for such other uses and purposes as fuluire events may render ft necomary to ally i

T avail mycit of this accason to ofr to yor, a reneimal of my very high ani dicUugakshed consideration,



Sonor Maruas Row

‘ne Dreaccimey a mane Cononnciat Bank ov Paura- panrms—Eut few additionnt particulars bave aw yet coine to Tight ax Lo list Tas bocoue of tho Iarge amount Of money mieing; Wat it is uow known that fulbo eutries Wore unde by thy aleovuding teller, #omue of tivo dating Dack for inoro than a year; and it JS eupposed.that mult Of tho money missivg hns boon Jost in etook-oporm\ons of one kind or other, nebo was known to be very Poti- piato with ona or Uy, brokers who aro Invgo dealers

Mr. Clark Lay heon iu tho bank for abont ffteon years, anil, shorily before ‘a position there, he yins 1 tho cloth bnstocss on Chestnut street below

Think. Ho ball won tho eateem of the officers aswell ax tho ctistomorn of the Hanks, nnd bis sudden (ijt ptartled sonit astonished all who know him. Ho lived in good style in Wallico street, and was ano of the Ieading mom-

Doni In St Matthias church, at Nmsteouth and Wallace slrools Philadelphia Ledger, May 3.



Cesp—Meaurrs.— Ou Thurelay yening, May 4, by the Ror. Franche Mason, Wiiuit Cas: to Micon McAuris, eldest daughter of L. McAlpiu, Esq., both of this city.

Coeix=—Hawe At Allony, on Thursday, Nay 4, at the residence of the brido, by Rey. Mr. Ludlow, Lone PF, Gauuxs, of New York city, to Axa Sroanr, daughtor of Mathew Haws, Esq, No'cards.

yorry—Pexsy,—On Tharnlay, May 4, by the Rey. J. Ailton Holmes, at tho resiienos of the ‘bride's parcats, Tases G, oak to Miss Gana A. Poxvy,€ daughter of William Penny, all of Jersoy City.

Wilmington (Del.) papera please copy.

Honnurr—Smioseos.—AUTownkinsviile, Staten Island, on Thursday, May 4, by the Rev. J. W. Punnett, Anouraus

Bewwuavry 6 Many Fores, daughter of Abram Simon-

Fon, all of Sialon Island. No caiis. - Larsox—Siuxeari.—On Wednesday, April 20, at tho

residence of the bride, No. 971 Wost Thir:y-5fN strset,

Wau B. Lanoy, M.D, to Gertaope L. Smresu, eldest daughter of Ule Tey. R. C. Sbimeall. Nrsrm—Bosewick,—On Thursday, April 27, Twowas B,

Newsy to Miss Kars’ ML, only dsugliter of te late Hon. Charles Bostwick, of Georgia.

‘Osnocx—Warnkecny.—On Thorsday, May 4, vy the Rov. & Bonrne, Jr. (WAM H. Oseoux to Amriia Watnn- nuny, all of this city. No cards.

Paay—Tuoxsox.—On Thursday, April 27, in Chicago, by tho Rov. Mr. Tattle, Mr, EH Pray, Jn, of New York, to Misa Paxxix M. Torso, of Peoria, DL

‘Sissox—ox. —On Thursday, May 4, at the Think Ro. formed Dutch chureh, Hamilton eqaare, Jersey City, by Rov. J. Romeyn Berry, Husa H. Sisson to Aprua ©, youngest daughter of James G. Cox, Esq. all of Jereey Gry.

‘Starurs—Krvan.—On Wed esday, May 3 at St Mary's church, Brooklyn, by the Rev. D. V. 4. Johnson, © Sraviss, United 5 z street, by hat ux Woon,


May 4, Jeane Aus, in the 27th year of hiss

Sof the counly Leitrin, parehi of

Lives and friomils of tho funily are re-yee:fully Invited to oxtent tbo Cuneral, from his Inte residence, 124 West Bightoonth rtrses, IntweenSiventh and Eighth ave Ailes, on Snag aflarivgn, ue tivo o'clock.

Rumert—Tu Chicago, un Welloealay, May 3, Mrs Many FL, wit oftue Dy, Beckett.

Tr rematos will bo Drought to Tarrytown for 4 Tewt. -Funcral sarylocg at the rysidence of her moth


Mra Beaver, on Monday afturnoon, at nie o'clock ‘The friends of the Omily are Muvited to attend wita- out farther notice.

Braves —Co

‘uduoiday night, Nay 2, a8 12 o'clock, at his rectdence, P

mont, Rock lant county, Jars Bynes, aged 45 years, of the paiteh of Castle Delubit, county KH: dare, Ireland, furtacriy of 190 West street

The friends of the farnily aro respectfully Invited t. tenil the funcral from: tho Cortlandt st. ferry, thls ( daz) morntng,, at halhpast eleven o'clock, on the arrw al of tho (ria, without frtlier notice. ‘The remains will be taku Lo Calvary Cotelery.

Coons. —In Broaklyn, on Thorsday, Yay 4, of the maljguant searlot fover, Hurmext B., sop of Thos 2. and Sollesa Coaper, nye 2 Yours, VM moilths and 10 daya

‘ho frends Of the foinily and those of his grandfather are Invited to ntten tho funeral, from the residence of Als parents, 70 Jouuson etrect,’ W. D., this (Saturday)

at ten o'elocks. Se —AtWwiarsburg, Va, on Friday, Aprit 21, of recelved in balile on Gist of Murch, Major Rute Vitleeath New York heavy sriillery. erties wil take, place on Sots from cl Atlan

dence of George Chilton, Esq. 2 Atlantic treet, Brovkiyn. The friends of the deceaasd, together with {he olficere and mambors of the De Kalb regiinont,

of which Lo yas formerly Liewwuant Colonel, all other Yetoran olficers and roliliers, and members of Anglo

Saxon Logs, 17, P. api A. M., ara Invited to atiend,

‘Tuoauom} nw of Auslo Saxon! Lp ge, 197, F- aud A.M, are hereby notified to appear at their rooina, cornur of Montague place oud Court streets, Brooklya, on Sunday

faftoracon, at two o'clock, for the jurposs of paving tho Lut tribute of cvepoct fo the reniuins of our deccased brother, Fmil Duysing. 3ewbers of sister todzes aro condially invited to bo procul, _N. GLADDING, 2.

Diyss—0o Thoralsy, May 4, of congestion Of the Uniin, Mia Diver, aged 6 years and 3 months

Tas frionils aud reistives of the fazntly srv havited 10 attend the funeral, frou No. aa Malberry! wircet, this (Cetusday) afleruoin, at two o'elos

Fuayer—At Yorkville, N. ¥_, on) Thursday, ay 4 MicrAi. Fatviy, age 42 yoars, 2 raontks and 16 dayr at

A requiem maa will bo offinal for the repose of bis soul, in St Lawrence's churob, Elghty:four(h street, bo- tioen Fourth and Fifth ava,’ this (Gatordas) moraing, ft ten o'elcok ; from thence Bis ramalns wil! bo taken to Guvary Conitety Tur lolertout. ‘Tho relalives and friends of Uo fanilly oro Suyited to bo pres:al, z

Fren.—Oa Thursday, May 4 alter a; eliort Mugs, Fioea, daughter of Praites Elizabeth and Jobn B. Fifth, ged {yn weary four mbvlhs abd feurteon Cay

‘rie Relatives aud. frlends of to family are invited to alfend the fancral thls (Salarday) morning, at tea o'clock, from. tho residonce of her graadfather, Superiniend: ent of Workhoaze, Mackwoll's Island. Boats willbe i Sttendance at the foot of Soventy-ninth erect aad Fast

Sr. 7 Stim —Om Friday, May 6, thous Gaiicry, a native of Janstorvcgh, couuly Roscowmou, Intact, iu he Both year of his nye.

His friends, ai those of hia brother Patrick; also hin Drother-n-Jay Jobo Cunlyn, are requested to alten in {hmaral, on Suaiay oftornodn, st balfpast one o'clock, from hfs lato residonce, No, 297 Rare Thirceon!h blrect,

Gusso¥.—On Friar, May 6, afters aug od palnrul filuees, Taroron F, Giuxow, only elild of Samuel aud Margufe! Orlsom, nget 20 yrara

‘Tee ralatives dad frionds are tavited to atterd tho fancral, froin the residence of his parants, 201 Fylion

renee, Brooklyn. on Suniiay afternoon, at two o'clock

x York Hcepitaly an Frtds: Loy, Ball re of Bally gahore, COwy

Invited to atten’ the faneral, sooinJaw, Wiliam 2s Sunday afternoon, at two olciccs. His remains will! be taken to the Cemetery of the Holy Cross, Flatbush, for Grins a (fectand) r ford (Ire! ra please copy.

Garmm “On Tireday evening, May 4 at hali-pust

stabtevetock, of conrumption, Rixzs Carrere, aged 40 TK

A requicta mars will be offered for the reposo of ber foul at St. Bridget’s church, corner of avenue Band Elghth sireot, this (Saturday) toorning, at Ball-port nine clock; from tbenco to Calvary Cuiaetery, et clovea O'clock; for interment. Tho roloitves aa friends of tke frmily, and thoso of her brother, James J. Mo Witllamsbarg, L. 1. aro respe: Invited to s

Kents. —0a Won ras, 1 Many C. Kier, wife of J.B. Kirtland, in tue 2tth year of her ese, fur: niorly of Bart Haddam, Conn,

Ar ronsina wero Jaterred at that place.

Now Maven yapors pleans copy. Tivox —At Harlesa, on Tharsday, May 4, We. W- 1xos, ‘ged 68 year

‘Tho fiarral wilt tko plhoo thls (Baturday} nom, ab tivnlyo o'clock, from Ila ate reeidoncs, No st Ei sircel Hactony tral will leavo ‘Twenty-2cs\t dopot at Walepast Lon A. Mi etapplug at W2sili slink and Foarth ave Fridtita ait relative of the rarutly ars rerpctfolly surited Uo okxoud.

Leac , 4, Joie J. Les, fafunt pou of BS Hie lagn Captains. Lyuch, Gio Lu zntred and Seventictl meimnent, aired Blu 28 sy

Tho friendg of the QM mre invited te ated tho funeral, frou So. 1b St Bark's plies, Eighth streve, tile Ssviaksy) nleeeusoe Bo olor,

Lraycrars—On Wray morning, May 5, Wicruae Lravouys, £4.10 year of [ils ase.

Fanentl froin his rondene, Now 72 §

rireot, Willlamabnre, on Most? afternoon, at Glelocls. Relatives anit frioads wll attend wisthout fir notice, TV. On Felday, May 8, of consumption, Axor

tu she 20th year of Hin ag Tho frends anit acquaintances of the furaliy. aro re- spoctfully tneitod to attend the faueral, from his Lilo Tosience, Na 12 Ridge treet, on Sunday afternoon, at tivo o'elork,

Mascrx.—Oa Wolnestay nigbl, May 3, of irich’s kllney diveass, Exzauery, wif of Hoary W. Bisugain, ogo 43. years ¢

‘Tho funeral will take plac’ from her Lata ms 1297 East Forty.atth street, on Seaday: afternoon, at two lolock, The friends au rolatiyos are lusited wo aitead Without furthor nati

Musox.—On Tytrday, daughter of John N. aud Goi inoUtbs and 24 dass.

Tho friends and rolativos are respeetCully tnvited to af- fend tho funeral, from the residence of her father, in ‘Third avenue, one doorabove 129th street, this (Saturday) morning, at ten o'clock.

Nevis.—In this city, on Tuursdag, May 4, of consump Hou, Mazx A. Puromesa Neves, yuunsost’ danghter of a late P. Nevin, of Bailinkeel, county Wexford, Ire-


4, AwnnzA AUsOsTA, lia Jane SMunson, aged F

Requleseat in pen.

Tho faiwsral, to Calvary Ceinctecy, will take place from hor late resideuce, No, 412 West Thlrty-fonrth street, this (Saturday) morning, at halC-past ten o'clock

O'HAnA.—On Friday, May 6, after a tong and paintod filnows, Cera A., daughter of Mary and tho kite Fotor O'Mara, aged 20 years.

Duo notice of the funeral will be given hervatter.

PAon—Joux Pane.

His remains will be conveyed to the Evorereens Come- tory for Interment

Ross—Ou Thursday, May 4, Axzre, wife of Janes Ross, aged 26 years

The friends Of the family are respectfully Invites to at- tond the funeral, from or lat> residenes, 290 Madison sirect, this (Satunlay) aft-rnvon, at two o'cloc!

Rogicn& In Brooklyn, ou Felaay, May 5, at tho resi- dence of his pasuts, 44 Si. Felix’ atecet, Cra Roser, in tho 20th year of lils nse, "

Tho friends of the family anil inembers of Co. G, N YY. SM, aro rvspecttully iavited (0 atieud the ive=al at the First Reformed Dutely elitirely, Jontlernou (Rav. AL AL blelock, without further noue:

Ou. Briay morals


Willott’s), on Sunday ‘atterncan, at two

|. May 5, of puo-nionla, id the Jato Androws =

funeral will take place on Sunday alternoon, at mothers, 222’ Pa 1A and a@quaintances

Uiree o'clock, from ti nesllence of le Tue

cide etrurt, irvokisn. fre invited (o attend. Sintru.—Ou Tin ‘Years and 8 :nont The faneral will take place from the resideuco of her 7 Of Shoro raul aud


BeOSEA SssrTU; ged 16

family aio respoctmully Invited to attontl. Boat leave: foot of Cortlandt strect at clevon A. M., returning, leave Port Richmond at Ovo minites befure three o'clock P.M.

Siva —On Friday, Moy 6, Mrs. Auce Siwy, in the 90th year of her age.

‘Her friends aro rezpectfally {nviled to attend the fune- ral, from her late residence, 125 East Twenty-tirst stroct, thfs (Saturday) a€ternoon, al two o'clock.

‘TaYtoa—On Friday moroing, May 6, CHaRLes TsyLox, Jn thw 75th year of his age.

The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral services, at Calvary church, corner of Fourth avenue and Twenty-firet etrect, on Sunday after- noon, at three o'clock, without further notice. Her rp- mind will bo taken 10 Woodbridge, N. J., for ipsernont.

‘Wniaur,—On Friday, May %, Dr. L. By Waicus, aged 49. yea 4 montha und 3 dave.

‘he relatives und friends of the family are respec@ully Jnvited to attend the funemal, at his lato residence, 258 West pai roa streol, OG Monday afternoon at two o'clock.

SpringGald (Masa) papers please eopy.

ius os Thurslay, slay 4. Ditayenaxce, widow of Sainuel L. Waldo, in the Pine of ber age,

Relatives and friends ef the family are invited to at fend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at three o'clock, from the residence of her on, Howard Waldo, 11 London terrace, West Twenty-third etrcet

Watker,—On Friday, May 6, Wruuaw Watker, ayed 42 years a

‘The relatives and friends of the family, Enterprise Lodge, No. 228, Fo A Mand Phoenix Lodgo No. 16 A P. A., ore respectfully invited to ntend the funcral, on ‘Sunday afternoon, at tyro o'clock, (rom bls late residency, GAO Pearl sirect, without further notien


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