WHOLE NO. 8869.


Arrival of the Star of the West at Charleston,

The Steamer Fired Upon from the Batteries of Morris Island and Fort Moultrie.

The Steamer Put to Sea to Avoid an Encounter.

The Prosident’sSpecial Message to Congress on the Crisis,

Keeession of Mississippi from the Union.

The Report of the House Special Committee.

Tho Now Commercial Project of the Cotton and Tobacco States,

Military Movement in New York in Snpport of the Union, &e.y be. &e.


‘Tho Far of tho Weat, in exdeavoring to enter our bar- Der about daytigdt this morning, was opened cpon iy tho garricon on Morris Yeland, and ateo by Fort Moallrlo. ‘Tho cleamor put about and went to fea.

J hayo not been ablo to learn whether tho rteamor or ‘any person on board was injured. Tho bellef is that no Anjory was buatalned by elther the boat or thoes on board. Fort Sumtor did not respond,

eut. Haus of Fort Sumter, camo over to tho city about gloyen o'clock with n fag of truce. Ho repaired to tho quartora of (bo Governor, followed by a crowd of citl-

“sens, To waa In eocrot comimunicaticn with tho Goyer- Bor and Counct for two hours. At two o'clock bo was Rent in a carrisgy with the Governcr’s aids to the wharl, and returoes to Fort Sumter, Tho object ef bis mission fe nol known. It ls eupposed that jt relates to tho Gring


ting tbe varioun properiticcs to the ecnsideration ef the Boxe. =

Quito anember of leading Baltimoreane are hero, and Bayo called open the Secretary of War to-day for tho porpow of dlercading blm from sending reinforcements toFort McHenry, They assert that it will certainly load to trouble, and may Inézco the people ora mob to seize the fort ard prevent fia remaining a the banda ef tho Ueited Staten Tho leller of Secretary Thompecn to ihe President, tendering bin reelgnation, an4 tho reply of the letter ac, cepting it, willbe publicbed tomorrow. Tt will appear from tbls correepondenes that his resignation was based pen the {dea that bis honer waa compromised by the order for relnforcing Major Anderson at Fert Sumter, cortrary to what bo alloges was in distinct understanding in tho Cabinet, and without his knowledge or astect. Bat It sppeara from the President's reply that tho sub- Jecl of reinforcing Major Andereon at Fort Bumter was thoroughly discursed at a mectingof the Cabinet, inthe presence of Mr. Thorpean, after tho reesipt of the ob Jectionablo letter frem tho South Carolina Commiseloners. That loltor produced great indignation among tho mombera of tho Cablcet. Tho President remarked that “rol. forcements must now be eent.”” Jadge (Black ald that after much letter the Cabinet should bo unanimous: The President, in bis letter, cays that ho heard no dis- tentlog voles. So onmistakesble waa his declalon, that the Secretaries of War and the Navy prooscded to ore- culest wilbout apother word from tbe Proskiont, who thenght it highly probablo that Major Andomon would be altacked after the Commimloners returned home. Tho wltapprebension of Mr. Thompson appears to be shown by tho recollection of tho four oldeet of hia col- leagues tn the Cabinet In rogard to what occurred at that mmoeling. Tho Presidont regrets tho mistake of the Se- rotary, and, nol doubting that {t was an honest mis- ako, maintain that ho was mistaken notwithstanding,

‘Thero scems to boa mistake or mlsappreheusfon como. whore. It la denied by gentlamon vory Intimataly ro- lated to the administration that tho recralta to Fort Sam- ter were ordered without the provious sanction of the President; and further, that the sabject waa discusced in tho Cabinet, and that acting Secretary of War Holt, as Well as gems otber members of tho Cabinet, clearly un- derstood that it was the wish of tho President that tbe Tecralls ehoold at onco’o went.

Tho War Department 1s {a possession of lnformation that tbo Governor of Gouth Carolina has forbidden tbo United States Sub-Tressurer at Charleston paying tho Grafts of tho paymaster in fayor of Major Anleraca ‘end hls command, and the Sub-Treasurer has refused ao cordingly.

Wasmxcroy, Jan. 9, 1861. ‘The greatoat anxicty {a manifested hora to hear from Charleston, upon tho supposition that the Star of tho ‘Woet has gous thero and boen atincked. ‘Tho fear 19 ox- proseod by somo tbat the Star of tho West, ebould sho attempt to enter tho harbor of Charleston, either under ‘bogus oF real ordere, would be eunk by tho guns from tho outer polat of Morris Island, planted there sinca Ma- Jor Anderson removed to Fort Sumter; tat the coast survey map of Charleston harbor will show another channel, by which yeesels of light draft of water, as (bo Slar of the West, can cntor thero harmlcts ef the Morris Island guns. But sho would bavo toca- counter tho battery of Fort Moultrie, should tho com- mander of |t dare open aire. It ts doubted if he would hazard bis own position by doing it, aa the moment bo

Energetic meararen aro belcg ade for tbo protection of poblic property in and about the city.

Tho following ban been obtained from an official ecaror. ‘The excess of Post Offes Department expexditures over Abe iceemo is thes given-—

COTE 16T 218 78 Alabama) .//.0is53351 46

merit Incounin..y--.> 44.240 OL Upnisiana. «(9 1287,083 14

7671 $40 20 a a3 fol- New Ham i E: Habachevcin' 120009 13 Doles toto af Rhodo Island... 26,119 60 Dist Columba. 1,2 Connecticut 5743 65

few York... CO4,008 78 Total....-.-+. $320,169 40 Imay bo remarked that the larger amount of foreign Postage is collected in these States.

Thalf'a million of dollars aro daily expected from Now York by the Treasury Departmeat.

Commander Maury eaya that tho long passaco of tho Levant dote not, in his judgment, justify tho euppesition Of ber Joes, To gives tio reasons for bis vellof.

Senator Crittenden gaye a dianer party at the National Whid evening to about thirty of his personal frionds, among whow were Loutenant Genorn} Scott, Judgea No!- ron, Campbell, Clifford and Catro, of the Sapromo Bench, and eovoral Senators and represontatives of all parties anid promincut citizens of Washington. ‘Tho brother of Major Anderson, Who bas just rotarned from, ‘a visit to Fort Sumter, was also among tho guests. Mr, Anderton oxpreéo tho opinion that tho Star of tho ‘Wert vill nd considerable difficulty im entering tho bar- bor of Charleaton. Gen, Scott manifested conaldcradle anxiety to bear If the Star of the Weat had arrived, and If the sectesionists had fred toto her.

Senator Seward has bad a late dinner psrty at bis reai- denco to-night, at which many conservative men of all parties wero present, and net o fow that were at Scnator Crittenden's dinner. There was considerablo axcitament among the extremists, North and Seath, consequent apoa tho belief that tho two Senatorial dinner parties given by Crittenden and Seward ‘ure Intended to sell them out. Tho subject has been discussed to-night by tho etrict Chicago platform republicans, and the result will bo a stern realstance in the Senate and Houso against any ‘compromise,

Seoator Soward has tbe floor for Saturday to speak on tho Stato of the Vaton.

Owing toa typographical error in the Ust of yous on the adoption of Mr, Adrain’s recolation laudatory of Major Andoreon, &e,, the name of Mr, Jenkins, of Virginia, was printed Instead of that of Mr. Jenkio, of Poonsylvaula, ‘Tho former wns not then in the city.



war, Tha rational fag has fated in glory over every tea, and cater (le abadow American citirens Bayo found protecticn whl respect in all lands beneath the sun. If Wo deccesd Yo tonsideratioes of porely Riaterial (aterest, whco, ip tha history of alltime, has @ confederacy bach deund terelber by euch strong tles of matzal Interesty Each portion of lt le dependent upoa all, and all upoa cach portion, for prosperity and domesiie sscurity. Pros trade Uroogbout the whole supplies tho wants of on0 portioa from the productions of another, and scatters wealth evoryubere. Tho great planting and farming Slates ro. gqoiro tho ald ef tho commercia) and navigating Slates to tend thelr predvetions to domestic and forelga markole, acd furnish the caval power to render thelr transports. ‘ion Fecaro agairst all hostilo attacks,

Should tho Untou perish {a the mnilst of tho present ex cllemeat, wo bayo already had a sxA foretasts of th uplyerso) euoring which would) result from ita destruc Ulou,, The calamity would bezevero ta every portion of {ho Ualan, and would bo quite as great, to say the toast {In tho Southern aa in the Northern States.

Tho greatent aggravation of tho evil and that which ‘roald plero us ln tho most unfavorable light, bath before ho worlé and pesterity, 1s, 08 1 am firmly coavinond nat the éeenssion movement has been chJolly based upon misapprehension at the Soath of tho sentiments of tho majerity Insqferal of the NorthernStatos. Let the quostiou bo asgmered from tho polltical azsemblics to tho ballot box, and tbe people themeolves auld speedily redross the serious grlovances which tho South Bayo mulered. Tot, tn Heaven's namo, let tho tral bs mado before wo plapgo {oto an armed conflict upon tho mero azsump- ton that there ia no other alternative, Tino Is 0 freat conservative power. Lat us pauto at the mo- montous polat, and alford tho people, both of tho North ond gouth, an opportunity for reflection Would that South Carolina had boon canvincod of this uth boforo her preoipltate action, I theroforo ‘appeal through you to the people of the country to do: claro in thelr might that tho Union must and shall bo preserved by all constitational meaza. Iimost caruestly recommend that you devote yourselves to tho question, how this can be accomplishod im peace. All other ques Mone; when compared with this, sink Into insigniGcance. The prevent {a no time for palllatives. Prompt actlou Is roqulred. Adelay in Congress to preseribo or recom mend a distinct and practical propoaltion for conciliation may drivo us toa point from which it will bo almon! {mpocsible to recede. A common ground on which copelllation and harmoay may be produced ts surely ot unattainable, Tae proposition to compromiso by letting tho North haya exclasivo coatrol of tho territery abore a certain line, and to giro Southorn Jnalivutions protection below that Iino, ought to rooolve uunlyercal approbation. In iself, indeod, It may not bo entirely satisfactory, but when tho alternativo (8 between rearouablo concession on both aldes and deatruction of tho Union, it is an imputation on tho patriotism of Cou: gréea to ascert that {ts membere will hesitate a moment yen now tho danger is upon us, In several Statoa which ‘avo not yet scceded the forts, arzenals and magazioes of tho United States have boen golzed. This {a by far tho moet serious step which has been talon sinco the com. mencement of tho troubles. Tala public property has Jong been left without garrisons and troops for Its protee- Hon, becatse no porsom donbted lx security under tho fag of the country in any Stato of the Union. Besides, our email army as acarcely born suflclent to guard our romote frontiers against Indlant incuralons. Tho aolzure

Dero frem Secth Carolina, with en edie lo maka per neroliation, and to tbo diticalttes between 8 Gurolins and the United Etatca Tho Bigh eharacter there Commissioners, whieh was well known —er ‘eno of them was Enown to thors who hava serve! tn UW» Sensto for many years for bir urbaaity and Chrutholty (2 all relathcs of Ufesgavo ue Forances “that this “regotlation might be peso able, and gare risen to topa they mighl De fon crerful They were, however, suddenly terminate), ead the or went forth that nothwithatanding the high eluracter of Uceo gentlemen, thoy bad jotted all tba amenities of life, and bad trsulted tho President, 24 tho fact was known everywicro that {ho Commlsrnns Rad retired from Waabington, and tho negowaticas were abruplly terminated. The President, 1a bls 3 tage here, does not eyed allcde to tho caso of failuro of these negotiations, and does not oven tlt that the Commisloners Rare ono home Ho Mops With tho letter wich ho get to them, ant whieh 1 must gay, with all rospect to tho high ‘lice whlch ho holds, was wanting in fairnces, and wan a porverwion of tho arguments which thoy bail presente. They roplied lo him, and exposed the unfalrnom of hin treatment of tho facts whled thoy stated, cerlalaly ta a mance most unccmfertable’ to bim,antho returned their letter ae ‘9n0 which ho could not recelye,and {n hixenmmman{ation to ta bo doca not even permit. ua to know that Ubeso Qu Inlssloners had attempted to reply to tho prroponitjoaa bo Dad taken. Bet, with this great mielatoment of hie Paper to them, ho pends that paper to tho worl with out even a refereroo to tho fact Unit bo waa aEruresl T have an anthentle copy of their answer, and I send it to tho deak that it may bo read

Mr. Kiso, (rep.) of N. Y., sald the Senator talk of the high character of tho Ccuamissionirs. Bened)ct Ar old und Aaron Burr onco nlsa had high charseters.

ar. Dav (interruptleg)—Tha keoator from Now York ones oceupied q higher Fesition than ho does tow.” I call the Senator to order.

Mr. Kiso—Theso men wero ero with a treasoaable varpons,

Mr. Dive—T call tho Senator to onter. I tent a papor to bo read, alr.

Mr. Keve-I call tho Senator to order, reading of (ho paper.

Mr. Davm—It the Bonator haa the meannera to object Jet iteome back.

Mr. Kove tall he objected to tho rowing. Ho did nok want to hear the papera read.

‘Along discussion ensued on a polnt of order, and tbo yea nil oes wore called on tho decision of thi Chair that tho paper was underatcod to ko part of the Senate

3 MYir. Kava eald bo objoeted to tho reception of tho pa- Per, a8 bo supposed [t was fo eupply a defoot In tho Preai dent's Meseage.

Mr. Daves explained that ho sont the paper elmply to to bo read as part of his remarks, consequently a was moch surprised to bear tho objection; bat if the Senate hota to take tho paper a a paper of his own he hail no objection. As tho Senate had taken chargo of It he ‘wanted them to dispose of it.

Mr, Kevo zald bo simply objected to tho reception. As ho suppoced it was Intended. to supply a dofect In. the Moraage, anil thought {t would be a robuko to tho Proel- dent, bo'rras willing. ‘Tho Senator read tho paper, but hho was not willing to dicapprove tho action of the Pro- sident in saying nothing of that letter.

The decision of tho Chalr was sustained —ayes 31, oes 19. .

‘Tho nyca nnd noes wore callod on resling the paper, Ayes 86, noca 19.

‘The last letter of tho Commissionors vas thon read, It-has already becn published.

Mr. Dava—A very long epleody hax boon Introduced {nto tho remarks which I proposed to mako, and it bas changed tho conclusions to which I would havo arrived. I feel now, oven moro than beforo, pity for tho Chlof Fx- ‘ecutive of tho United States. Tho proposition was mado ero to read a poper a5 a part of my remarks, whon tho Sonator {rom New York took opon bimaself the daty of pro- lectiog tho Executive. Fallen Indeed is that Pxocutivo, ‘who fo lately was borne tato the high olfice which ho holds upon the shoulders of thodemocracy of the land, whon bo comes down to depend upon tho Senator from Now York for protection. I wall know that now coaverta aro zral ous, and to that excass of zeal Tam willing to altribate tual discourtesy to which I mado reply this morning. Bol Lask, while the peace of tho country was at alako, when all men who loved tho government which we in: herited (ron our fathers looked anxiously: for peaco, why

T object ta the

Mr. Hisoaas, (opp.) of Ark. called on the chairman to stoke number of member atten diag tho s3cekung; Whother thors was any probabliity of making A Tepatt bo calculated to abed

r Thi tate evel pmrticularm as would como light eo tho object,

Air easy (PD) OC Ry. raid bo undernond tremy tho member froma Arkaneas that there was no probability: of ngreeing. A number of tho members representing thovure States Bad withdrawn from it Was {t, there: fore, (polio or whe to continge the committe whem thero wat n9 prurpect tbat thoy ever would repotk Ie ranted to discharge them.

en on tbe resolution.

Tho Tloare weat inks Gomaalites of io Whole en tba Slate of the Union oa the Civ) and Mlssellancous Appro Driation Bw. pin gemmltten rose witbont coming 10 a conetuaion ca ° [TUE OOV UNMET ARAEEALA.

On motion of Mr. Lxaxe, (ofp.) of Va., tho Select Com mittoo on the Presidents Special Mommgo was tnstructed to loquiro Whether any arms have recently been Te mooyed from verry to Pitaburg, ad AF v9, by wheeo athority and for what reasons?

‘Tho reeolution was amended fo an Lo extend the (nquiry 4a to Uho removal of arma from all tho araonale,

Mr. Mowaexs, (rob) OPA. prozanted ‘memorial from ‘ellizous of Phibdelphla (algnod by mon of all parties) ta favor of Mr, Crittenden’s compromise, Roferrod to

Committeo of Thirty-three. ‘Adjourced. SECESSION OF MISSISSIPPI FROM THB UNION. Jaceson, Mise, Ja. 9, 1661.

‘The Convention has been in secret comion nearly all tho morning.

‘The ordinance for tho immediate eccossion of ib Stato bas passed the Convention by a volo of 64 to 16.

Tho prominent places in tho city aro illuminated toe vight, guns aro being dred, and Sroworks let off Bono of the event,

THE ALABAMA CONVENTION. Mosrvoxnory, Jan. 0, 1661,

‘Tho Convention mot at cloyen A, M, and Gonttnaod fmt ecorot scealon tll twelve M., when tbo doorn wero throw open.

Mr. Yancey moved the appointment of ntanding comy mitteo of ceyen cach, on printing, enrolment, and credéne tals. Adopted,

‘Mr. Bulger offered a preamble and resolations, to tha Parport that, as tho antialavery agitation pereleted ist for years, and tho late olection of a Prealdent by tha anti-slavery party, had rendered slavo proporty ined core, that this Conrention assembled conalder and da- torming what tho foteresta and bonor of Alabama demand,

Resolved, That to State nection would bo unwiag and fmpolition the partof this Convento.

‘Rasoleed, That Alabama sboold inv}to_all tho Bont States {0 a conyeation, 10 bo bold ns early as prackt

en tho Star of tho Weat,

‘Tho people aro tnteneely excited. ‘Thoro Woro no demonstrations agains! Lieut, Hall. ‘Thero fa a great curlealty to kuow what Liowt. Hall como Tor.

Our cilizens woro drawn ip crowd 40 our wharves 7 only (bia morning, in courequenco of frequent roparla

Sg aN ae ~ Fates MA any ae bethe ‘works on Morris Ialand. i LATEST nEroR?. Lieutenant Hall closed bis {otervlew with the Governor

OF this property, rom oll appearances, has been Purely aggreesive, and not in realstanos to any Attempt (0 coerce & State or States to remain in the Union. At tho beginning of theso unhappy troublos 1 dotermined that no act of mine ehould increase tho ex:

Ww r ‘roo pea. n ntaterpent ob

ruvaotes, asthe panuor ot obliuing, redrady NBO:

jer ip tho Union or by ladependenco out of It.

‘Mr. Bulger axked tholr reforonca to tho committoo of Abirtcen raleed yenterday, which was dono. oe

Mr, Taker offered a resolution, requosting tho Governor to fornieh tho Convention infarmation an to tho number an prepares,

jounk af Fonds oC) a et

id nok thia paper, harah in come of ‘ta torma { ndmit, change tho purposes of the President? Why did ho uot ‘then call upoo them for the means by which peace could bo restored? Taus bo wonld have initiated a meaaure ‘whlch might havo Jed to auspiclous rosulta, and might aye turned clvil war away. ‘Thon we uhould robhaye ‘lood walling hourly, as wo do tovday, for what to Lole- Graph ay Dring. ws to decide ‘whothor wo ara to have corwar, {a thetime which I hayo oeovplad bora

day Thay verltied the proverb that ur cursos some

‘blessings. What 1 intendad to havo r

assailed (ho Star of the Wost be would bo destroyed by shell from Fort Bumtor. Besides, gueb action on tho part of tho commander of Fort Moultrie would open tho war, ‘and result tn tho total destruction of Charlesten. This ts, ‘tho prosent appearanco of things, tho whole fuco of which, ‘tho ffrat fsb of {ntel}izenco from Charleston may ehangy. ne SENG eee te A priyato derpateh recolved hero states that tho steam urpote not to commen sloop-of-vwar Brooklyn was ordored from Norfolk to ove a Wis any_act of the goy tho Star of the West, and provent hartandiny the} thi u ear aar, oth of B Vs vast yd Ye Sser secur Buy piles OL . F a Re rao eet Emr inc cease ee Jescb between tho North and the South. Entertalolog to-day resigned, and will, It ts sald, embark bis fortunes tls conyiction I refrained even from cending reinforce ‘with the people of the Palmetto State, meuls lo Major Anderzon, who commanded tho forts of Captain Kearnay, of New Jersey, has written a letter Cuarlestom harbor, until an absolute hecessity for doing recalling bls leller of resignation, bot it oppoars this

Mr. Sewaxn, (rop.) of N. ¥., preeonted tho memorial of thg New York Ohamber of Commerce, asking the stab- Nshment of steam postal service between San Francisco ond China, Referrod to tho Committes on Post Oflces ‘and Post Road


0. > Gurrexpey, (opp.) of Ky.,movod that hia reanla- tions to submit emendiments af’

tho constitution to the people be taken

up. Sire Cuins: esd Ho wished to aren by rabatitatiog the recolution be bad offered.

Mr. Jugalson moved to amend by requesting tho Goy ‘ernor {o communicate how many easier or wollers i havo been offered and acceptod by him, and for whab

At tho opening of your present eessisn Tealled your at- teatlon to the dangers which threatened the oxistonce of the Union. expressed my opinion freely conccraing tho

! | '


tnd Courell about two o'clock. The facts have not trans. pired. Wolearn from bigh authority tkat thoy aro of a most threatening character, °


No oficial intelligenco bas been received from Charles. ton up fo tho hour of eleven o'clock P. ¥L. Thayo reason to bellovo, howoyer, from all that T bave seen and learned from high secession autborities, that tho telegraph wires havo breathed n confidential despatch that tho Star of tho West ollempted to enter Charleston and reach, Fort Sumter this afternooa, and that Fort Soultrla opens her batteries upon tho reste), and Fort Sumter was pour- tng het shot into Fort Mowlirloand would probably de Btroy it,

T cannot youch for the truth of tbe report, bat zivo it for what ibis worth.

Tho anxiety of Gensral Scolt to-nigbt to bear from tho ‘Star of tho West loads mo to suppoee that he fears whet in reported to have taken place,

Wassexctox, Jan. 9, 1861.

Up to a lato hour this oreniog tho government bad received uo inteligenes from Charleston. No despatches haya been received by any of tho Southern Senators or members who are 1s communication with the peopla of Charleston, and it way be, af Ls assorted, that the wires aro down. Such, however, {8 not the general belief, A gentleman who haa Just arrived bere states that the sutborities havo entire control of the telegraph, and rill ot permit despatebes to bo recelyed or rent until they havo been examined by an agent, who Is designated as Nergeantat-Arme, Ho etates that thero = o perfect eepolem existing tn Charleston.

Great anxiety 19 manifested on all sides to Tourn eome- thitg respecting tho steamer Star of the Weel. Tho Southern delegations who are in tho ecereta of the plane and purpores of the Charleston people hayo no doubt ‘that the moment the vessel eltempls to cross tho bar and enter tho channel abo will bo fired into, and If poesiblo unk.

There 1a Uitte doubt that tho Stato authoritios of Mis- tlsaipp), Alabama and other States aro controlling go- vernment despatches; and this being tho case, a govern- ment inepector ebould be placed over tho wires in this city to intercept treasonablo despatches from this city to

‘those who aro hatching treason in Soathern States.

Too Navy Department wero notified to-day that a des- fateh, which thoy had gost to Pensacola, was stopped {a Mobile. ‘The people refused to let it go any further Sooth. Tk was simply giving coma Lestructions to the commander at that port, Tho goyerament canco! get their deqpatchou through any of the Southern Stites with ‘any certainty.

‘The House to-day received tho President's Message,

_ probably the mort important Slate paper ever presented Yo any Gaagress of the United States, and then promptly ‘Aizpoted of it to a eclect committey, the chalrman of which will be Mr. Howard, of Michigaa, who was chalr "man of thocelebrated Kansas Investigating Ommmitteo, “to the Thirty-fourth Ooxgrees.

The House then, without any undignified dluster, pro

‘eroded to the conaideration of the C\yil Appropristion Dill, and made considerable progreas. | The Senate offered an Insult to to Prosideat by inoor-

Ling with tho correrpendence accompanying Wo Moe

an insulting paper. Tbls business accomplished,

‘the Secate proceeded to kill Ube Pacitc Railroad ll, and early completed tho work’ when that body adjoarned. or Baker pot the attempted slaughter upon record.

be Howse Select Crisis Oommittes of Thirty-three have

committee, and the ce deemed atest (mpertance, i that exbalted by Mr, sda, “Of Massachusetts, tn favor of the {mmediate admission of Merico a5 a Btate, with a constitation admitting or ding slavery, a8 tho people may, by a falr vou, Geclde. This report of Mr. Corwin’s Is tret to be sub. LIMA to tho committes before It oer 10 ibe Hosse, Ww a question whetber tho committes will endorse do which Mr. Corwio will reccurmerd in subtle

was never rocolved at the Navy Department.

‘Mr. Chy, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Com- merco, be vot yet called the committee togéther, and has eignided no Intention of doing 60, Ho can prerent action on the confirmation of the Charleston Collector as Jeng as ho ploases by refusing to convene the committee Seyeral of the members nrc anxlous to dispaso of it, and to have a decision ono way or tho other. Tho Southern Senators aro detormined to stave itofl a3 long ns pos sible.

The Senate Finance Cpmmittea bave had several moot- Joga, and are making very ltWlo headway with the appro- Friation bls now before them, There la a genoral dispo- rit{on among the Southern Senators to delay action opon all/the appropriation bills antil como settiement is ar- ranged. Whether thoy will bo able to elfect this remains Yo bo coen,

TLoppears from an olficla! report that since April Last the government has fold to various parties twenty: four thourand muskets, allered from ilnt to percussion lecka, at a coat of twenty-two cents apiece. Tho amount realized was $00,000, They aro almost worthless, and were provionaly condemned by the ordinance offers.

Wasmscroy, Jan. 9, 1861,

T learn from a respousiblo egcssslon cource that tho Georgia mnisslcn to Europe was to-day tho gubject of coa- Yersatlon and consultation among the loading men from tho tobacco States, and como Importaat results wero arrived at. Tho colton movement was accopted ns a dasle of co-operation on tho part of the border slays Sta(ca, to strengthen tho foreign pollay of the South, Whether Virginls, Maryland and Kentucky will Acclaro for freo trado and direct taxation, gor Beeedo, or remaln neutral, {9 a question for tho future. But the promicent men from theso Slates eclzo with avidity this fayorable opportunity of toducing foreign governments (o relax tho polley eo long malatala- ed In regard to tobscoo. Eo far a3 England {a concerned, her present dutfea upon Wbacco block the way in tbs great free trade alllance with the eatlre South, embodied fo Mr. Baylor's plan, Virginia expsctsliy has always been the friend of thoeo principles of commercial frecdom which bave alded 60 materially in supporting England in ber ofrts to break down Wo obsoicte Ideas of Europe, The radical free trado reform which tbo South now brings forward, af tho ait- fagmnizm of Northera anti-elayers, if sustained by Virginia, must produco an immengo excitement at Manchester und Liverpco}; and it ts belloved that, for eo great a triumpd as this, Mr. Cobden and bis frleuds will go for relieylog the tobacco jotercst from the prescat neroas duties levied by Great Britain.

It 1a reported here, upon what oppeara to be good ait. thority, that a distinguished ececsslon Senator is pro- Farlag the outlines of a roport or address on this subject, tobe submitted for the approval of the Soatherd States.

The despatch In to-day’s Hox of this eubject created 4 tremendous excitement among Soathern mea, and a certain setsaticn in diplomatic clrclcs. This movement of tho direct trade party of Georgla eolyes the reycnue question, to far ax tho Sootn Is concerned; and, sup- Ported as {tia by a eolld majority in tho Georgia, Florida and Alabama Qonveotions, the matter will be pressed on with firmncsa and doliberation. It spears that thls Important matter bas boea guletly organized af the South under cover of the Political excitement, and is rupported by a central aszo- clation fa Georgia, Jo concert with a gub-committce in each county {n South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Alabama and Mimisiipp!, The leading editors in thao States aro m the league, and a special organ of tho movement haa ‘been established at Macon.

The position of Exglind, under this presrare of coo ficting views, Is believed by tbe eeoamioalsta to be po- eallar. They believe he must hayecotton, she must pay forthe colton, abo must pay in money oF goods. To do withost tbe colton, the secesslonista amert, would produce a famine in Lancashire, To pay for ber supply in specie would probably drain the Bank of Engiand of every ebilling In Ita yanita To pay for the cotton in manufactared goods, free of duty, onder a system of di- rect exchanges and reciprocal direct trade, presents a sotation of the peril now Banging over Locdon and Man- ebester, which tbe British Minister bere must of nece:- Ally rocognise.

‘This Georgia movement is admitted to be ths most Practical mearure prodtced by the South. Some of tbe leading repaDlicapa cotfeea that it 2 a shot between Wind and water, aud fo calculated to complicato thelr Pollcy materially,

inal causes of thoze dangers, and recommended such s [believed would have the effect of tranquil zing the coutitry—saving it from tho deca neodleealy oni most unfortunately thrown.

Thoeo opinions aud recommendations I do nol propote no} to repeal. My own convictions upon tho wholo sub- Jeot remain unchanged, The fact thata groat calamity was impending oyer the nation was, eyen at that timo, acknowledged by every tntclligent citizen. 11 had atroaty made Itzelf felt throughout tho teagth and breadth of tho land, Tho noceceary consequences. of the alarm thus pro- duced wero moet doplorable. Imports fell off witha rapidity pover known boforo, except in time of war, in (ho bik tory of our foreign commerce. Tho Treasury was unex- peetedly left without means, which It had reasonably counted upon, to meet the pablic engogemeate, Trade was paralyzed, manufactures were stopped, the best pub- Ue aceurities guddenly cunk in the market, every species of property depreciated more or 1es3, and thousands of poor mon, Who depended upon their dally labor for thelr dally Dread, were turned out of employment.

T deeply rogret that Iam aot able to give you any In formation upoo the state of the Union which 13 more satisfactory than what I was thea obliged to commu: nicate. On tho contrary, matters aro till woreo at present than they then were, Whea Gopgrees met, a strong hope. peryated tho wholo publio mind that some amicablo ad Jastment of tho subject would bo speodily mado by tbo representatives of the States, which might restore peaco between tio condlcting ecctions of tho country, That hope has been diminished by every hour Of delay, and ns tbo prospect of a bloodless cettlement fades away tho public distress becomes more and moro aggravated. AB an eyidenco of this it is caly necessary toxsy the Treasury notes authorized by the act of the 11th of December Last were advertised according to law, and that no responsible biddor olfered to take any coa- siderable sum ot par at a lower rate of interest than twelve per cent.

From theee facta {t appeara that, ia a goyerameat or- ‘ganized liko ourg, domestic etrife, or even a well grounded feat of clyil hostilities, 1s more destructive of our public and private interests than the most formidable forelga war:

To my anpuul Messago I expressed the coprlction, which I have long deliberately held, and which recent ro- fection has only tended to deopen ond contirm, that 00 State has tho rightby Sl owa act to secedo from tho Union, or throw olf Its federal obligations at pleasure, tlso declare my opinlon to be that, even if that right ex- {sted, and ebouli bo exercised DF any Slato of the con- federacy, the Exccotivo department of this govorament had no authority under the constitution to recogniso Its yalldity by acknowledging the independence of such Stato, This left mo noalternative, as tho chlefexceutire ofieer under the constitutlea of the United States, dot to collect the public revenues and protect tho public property, to far ns this might bo Practicablo under existing awe. This is til my purpore. My provinco is to executo, not to make tho laws, It belongs to Qoogrees exclusively (0 re- peal, modify, or enlarge thelr provisions to moet exl- gencles us Wey may occur. I possces no dispensing power. Icertalnly had norigbt to make aggressive war upon aby Stato, and I am perfectly satiated that tho ooa- stitution has wisely withbold that power even from Cou- gress, But tho right and the duty to uso military, force Uefonslyely, agninat thoeo who realst tho federal oficera in the execution of thelr legal functions and against these Who assail the property of the federal goverament, is ‘lear and undeniable. But the dangerous and hostile att\- tado of the States towards cach otber bas already fir transocnded and cast Iolo the shate the ordinary execu- Aive dutles already provided for by law, and has assumed ‘such vast and alarming proportions aa ta place tha mub- dect entirely above and bayond executive control. The fact cannot be diegulsed that we aro in tho midet of a great revolution. Therefore, I commend the question to Congress, az the only buman tribunal,ender Providence posecesing the power to meet the existing emergency. To them exclusively belongs the power to declarefwar, cor tcfautharize the employment of military force in all cases contemplated by tbe constitution, and thay alone possess the power {o remove all the griavances which might lead to war, and to secure peace and union to this distracted coantry. On them, andon them alone, rests tho responsibility. The Union is a sacred trast, left by our Revoletlonary fathers for their descendanta, and never did any other peoplo inberit £0 richa legacy. Th pee rendered ca propprrons (9 peace and tricmphams io

20 should make \Weelf apparent, lest it might be regarded a2 2 menseo of military coeroion, and thus furnish o Provocation, or, at ISst, n pretext for an outbreak on th Part of South Carolina. No necessity for thoso rein forcements eccmed to cxist. T was assured by distin- gulshed uprigbt gentlemen of South Carolina that no at- tack on Major Anderson was lotended, but that, on the contrary, \t was tho desire of tho Stato authorities, a9 inuch ag it was my own, to nvold tho fatal consequences whic must eventually follow a military collisioa, And hero Tdeom {t proper to submit for your Information copies of a communication dated Decombor 23, 1860, ad dressed to mo by I, W. Bsrawell, J. H. Adams and Jame L. Orr, Commissioners of South Carolina, with the aocoin panying documents, and coplea of my answer thoroto, ated Decomber D1. In further explanation of Major An- dertou’s removal from Fort Moultrioto Fort Sumter, it Je proper to stato that after my answer to the South Carolina Commissiocers tho War Department roosived o Jettor from that gallant offer dated December 21, 1560, the day after hls movement, from which tho folloming Ir an extract-—

I willed as my opinion that many thiags convinced mo thst the authorities of the Stato designed to procesd to a hostile ack (evidently referring to tbe ordera dated December 11, of the late Secretary of War), Under this impression 1 could not hesitate that It was my eolomn duly to move my command from a fort, which wo could not probably have beld looger than forty-eight or sixty ours, to this one, where my power of resistance 19 creased to a very great degree.

It will bo recollected that the concluding part of the order was In tho following words:—

The stnallaess of your force will not parmit you, per haps, to occupy moro than one of the three forts, But an Aitlack on, or attcmpt to tako.possession of, elther ono of them, will bo regarded as am act of boalility, and yoo may then put your comand lolo eltbor of thera which you ray deem most proper to Increasa Its power of re- ‘istance. You are al authorized to take similar do- feasiveteys whenover Fon Baro tangible evldeaco of a design to proceed to an hostile act

Jt 1s afd that serious apprebensions aro to como ex- tent entertained, in which Ido not share, that tho peace of this District may be disturbed before the 4th of March pext, In any cyent it will bemy duty to preserve it, and this duty shall be performed.

In conclusion, | may be permitted to mo toretwark that T hayo offen warned my countrymen of the dadgers ‘Which now eurround ws, This may bo tho last timo 1 ehall refer to the subject oflelally. T feel that my duty fhas been faithfully, though it may be imperfectly, per- formed, and whatoyer the result may be shall carry to my grayo tho consciousness that I at least meant well for my country. ‘JAMES BUCHANAN, Wastmyorox Crrr, Jan. 8, 1661,

Mr. Szwanp got the floor to express his ylews on the President's, Mezaage.

Mr. Hoste, (opp.) of Va., azked that tho rezolotious offered by him bo made the speclal order for Friday. Agreed to.

Mr. Yous, (opp.) of Fla., presented a bill to adjast tho present difficulties betwreen the States, which walordered to be priated. ae

Mr. Supt, (opp.) of La., prestoléd alrtsolatlon of la- quiry; That tho Presideat inform tho Senate whether John 'B. Floyd at present Alls tbo office of Secretary of War, if not who fills the oflles; and if tho uppolot- moat of acting oF provisional Secrotary has been mado, and wheu and by what authority it was mado; and why the fact of uch oppolotment was not communicated (o the Scuate? Laid over.

Mr. Cxasux (rop.) of N. H., prosented resolutions, which ho ald ho should offer as anamendment to tho resolu Mons of tho Senator from Kentucky (Mr. Crittenden) when lk eame up, as follows:— Geena ee

ty eyed loa from our pre- 10 pre

ted. of Pa, prosent sixty-five memo- abla, saking thst be Criltes: eo ection be fabraliiod ihe (a "Swap called SAA awee 9 reading ‘tho President's called for the reading of the

veil tho Sooth Carolina Oommis- Jot ak, aida tao wicks usury was lokibgsaaoualy to

of Caarirten, thee

Lipa, the cteioent ioe weuaided By arrival of (rmumienicners

‘Mr. Witsow, (rep.) of Mass, moved Lo postpone it till tomorrow.

Mr. Foou, (opp) of Obio, thoaght it boiler to docile the question at once.

Mr. Biour spoke in favor of voting on the reeolation now. Hoe thought thoy had neglected the question too Jovg. Ho thought thero was political power enough here tozavethe country. Tt was nover too lato to atrogulo for tho Union.

Hr. Suvwaniyy, (opp.) of Del, mado an appeal fora voto now, that tho country might know If thor was {riotism enongh here to save the country, by’ thoodoptlus of the reeotutions.

‘Tho resolutions were then postponed till to-morrow.

Mr. Brown, (opp.) of Misa,, preeonted tho petition of W. C, Jowitt, of Pike's Peak, praying that Congreea au- tborizo the election of delegates by tho propio to a con- ‘Yention to forma new constitution, and providing for a new President and Congressmen, tho assumption of ux Monal aud Stato debts, acknowledging tho righta of pro- perty of the South, and acknowledging our reliance as a natlon In the Almighty Power for tho perpotulty of the unleed and tho prosperity, peaco and bappinces asa people.

Tm: FACIO RANROAD ELL Was taken up. Mr.

~ Witxiszox, (rep.) of Minn., moved that the bill bo referred to a select cotamitten.

Lr. Gwen, (opp.) of Cal.» sald) bo thought it would destroy the bill f {t were referred to a commlitoe.

Mr. Linux, (opp.), of Oal., entered bis protest against uy referencn of tho bil

Hace, (opp.) of Ann. ald that It was ovideat that tho friends of the bl Intended to pass it without giving tho Northwest a fair show Ho moved ita indellnato pestponement,

Mr. WakxR, (rop.) of Oregon, seconded tho motion.

Mr. xruibt demanded the! ayea nd not on’ tho motion.

Mr. Linu, (opp.) of Oregon, thooght that thia wan not the timo to'pass cuch a bill. ite thonght It was botter to cay to tho South that their rights should bo protoctod. Ho (Afr, Lane) did not believe that this railroad would restore peace,


House of Representatives, Wasurxotoy, Jan. 9, 1961, (NEW TERS AND TUE ca,

Mr. Srmrrox, (rep.) of N. J., asked loava to present a memorial of tho citizens of Princeton on tbo subject of ‘ational affsirs, containing practical guggestions.

Mr, Bursar, (opp.) of Ky., objectod.

The Srrsucer laid before the House a Messago from tho President.

Mr, Howaxp, (rep.) of Mich., moved that tho Moxsago bo roferred to a special commities of yo, with instruc Mons to inquiro whether any cxecativo officers of tho United States have been or aro now treating or holding communication with any person oF parrons for tho trans for of forts and other property; whether any demand for heir surrender bas been made, and by whom, and what answer bas been given; whether any offcer or ofllosra have entered (nto any pledge not to send reinforcementa of troops to the barborof Charleston, and if eo, when, where, by whom and cu What considerations; whether the Custom.

Eo, Post Ofico and Arsenal at Charleston bayo been elzed, by whom beld in possession; whether any revenus cotter’ has been seized. and wheiher any efforia hays been raae to recelyo it. The commlttes have. pamer to fend for persons and papers, and report from timo to Mimo wuch facts a= may bo required by tbe national


Mr. Hoterox, (opp.) of Ala., raised the polnt that such Instrecticus were against the rales.

Mr. Howasp replied, and moved the previous question.

ir, GurroE, (opp") of Ga. sald there was Do cade


for excitemen passed beyond that point. Voica—There sno axcitement; wore calm Mr. Guawronp continued—Men shoald bo cool and underaland the linu on which they are going. Ho \nef- Fectually cought to ofr a subatitate for tho resotution. Mr. Gaxserr, (opp.) of Va, desired to havo tba Presl- dene Meceage considered a the Oommlttes of tho Whole ‘on the Stato of tho Union. Mtr. Puxurs, (opp.) of Mo. deat informs them’ they wero tn the midat of a reyolu- lon, Inviting tho adoption of such measures as may civil war. Tho President appeals to ‘an eort to restore tho fraterzal relations wi

porpores accepted.

Mr, Morgan thought tho (nformation was of a natura that requires to be communicated In socrot gestion.

Mr, Coleman moved still further to amend so that tba {nformation be given only In excrot eseslon. Aceoptod,

Mr. Yancey moved aleo to amend by making toforma. ton in regard to the amount of ordnance and ammunf- Hen owned by tho Stato, what proporty bolonging to tha United States was within the Stato of ‘Alabama, and wha Property was found at Mount Vornon and Fort Morgane Acespted.

Mr. Jam\son’s resolation waa thus adopted.

Mr. Bakor offered a resolution that tho Stato Troasores be requested to Furnish information {a regard to tha omount of monoy and otber ayailablo nasota in tho treasas ry not other wis appropriated, Adopted.

Mr, Coleman etfered tho following revolution:

Resolved, By tho peoplo of Alabama, that all powers of Ibis Stato ro erchy pledged. to realt-any altemnpt ot tho part of tho general government to coorco aby of \bq contng Slates.

Mr. Davis, of Madison, moved a reference to tho come mittee of thirtoen ralzed yesterday. Mr, Watta moved to refer It to tho commlttes of va raleed in cecret reesion yesterday.

Without any decision tho Comvemtion adjourned tll) toe morrow morning at eloven o'clock.

THE FLORIDA STATE CONVENTION. ‘Tastanaaren, Jan. 3, 1807. ‘Tho Conyeation met to-day lo the Ospitol at twelve o'clock.

00 motion, Colonel Johm O. Folote, of Alachua county, was selected as temporary chalrman, and Mr, B, Ok Pringle, of Gadeden, wes appoluted temporary coord. tary.

The delegates then cama forward, presented thelr €rO dentlals, and enrolled thelr namea, aa follows:—


J.B. Darklos.


0.7. Ward,

Joba Beard,

W. GM. Davis, ©, W. Parkbil,

Wo. Pinckney.

Samuel H. Wright. W. Spencer, | aw. a MeQueen Mcintosh. ‘OMTErES,

‘Taria 0. Galnes was the member elected, bat be 440 since bis lection, and Clay bas to delegate st preeeah = ‘Tha total of delegates is 67. . ‘Some of the old comics, now embraced 13 new comm (es, cond delegates withvat respect to the sem terrieriad organization, and bence tha ambiguity which my ype

»\ a



Governor Leteher of Virginia ‘on the Ortal Rsrimvg Deemer, } Racivan, Jan. 7) 1¥0L. Geren or re Serre ase Hames or esate My provlamation, land a Yh Nath of November Lay «platen eucclnctly the eonmiderations which Indaced wns to Goavens you i axtraocdinary Remon: | Tuserad coaniry At this timp exciton the int erioun fears for tas porpmtaaion of thy al “Corsi oer cloads, are weaving oot bouss ao ‘evil woof, a (carta) cauopy."" The coantey tx torn by Glasasion; Cerce sod angry excitement exhioite itself Lo ‘al textices: passion and prejadice have takon absolute ‘of the minds of tha psopla throaghoat the "Tho vile spilt of faction, "whlch polluter tha Yoantaln of tatloual booor, and digs the grave of patciol- Jem,!*ebown iuscif ou all siden Conddence ts deatroyod; | Fralercal (eoling haa bea supp anted by lolaase soo Laat baka; tha eplrit of coaelllation Bisa boea amothared nd crvabed, aod the alfectioni of the poupio, Nort and Boat, Fast and Wost, appear a havo bon eallcoly: with Arawa froc tier guverniment. Thn tes of brotherhood Baya brea sorored; ant, though: living vader ths eamo corstttallon, the Reetiou teem to bs am hostile cach bo tho other, anf thelr ciltevam béloaged to unfriendly g> Distrust haa marred ths plosaure (riand- bitternias and unkindnoss Unity. of feeling, It ly bardiy poeal: ‘and Moarish unior

Biewage of

out ually of action i now Kou Die far n government to li Buch jadverne clesmatancen, “Wo must nt, how. ‘ever, look mournfully io the past."” That ta boyond the hope of recall. Wo mast wusoly Improve the pro- Soat;Jcurroet Its errors; roform its abuses); reunite tbo overt flow of affection, nnd enklbile anew tha fires of

Krlokia, If wo would recover all that has bean Lost. Pibeatalt te con, Drighe nd loriouy future le yok boforo ax. Wo nbould be bleed with powor, lauonca, Wealth and prosperity—auch a co natlon has avor on Joyed ia the bistory of tho world. Grosh 4 bas besa or ‘aucceas, as compared with ths natloas of (be oarth hore Loferp, greater Tar would it bo hereafter.

Ht fe interesting to traca our progress, from thy formation of tho constitution up to tho pressat time, The resul will be found in tho bishost d rcobrallfyiny to nr prido as a poople, and merece Jmportant, so ine a4 our powar and InJucnes ana pation {5 coowortiod. Wit wan tho area of our country In equrp tile, cmbraced by tho original tbirteon States ¥ ‘Only, 689,015. What ts It now? Thirty-throo Stites, ‘covering hn sre of 1,602,000, ale organized. Torritorlon ‘exclaaive of the District of Colombia, eoveriog an area ol 1,401,009; aud jn addition, wo have ‘tbe. Mallia Valloy, cembfactny 74,000, and thd Indian ‘Territory, embractoyt 187,900 mallen bqnare. Our territory baw been enlarged neady bayen Umea in extent; oor navy has bosa In- creased uitit ta canvasa whitent overy ooean, and oar na- Llonal tay assures protection to tho Amorican cittesn wiiroser ho may be, Oar power, ur Inilconc, our

rcaperity, oar agricultural, mockaoical and manufac- Eiriag wealth hava taereasod far boyond all expsotaton Test banner which la borve up, and which has bo. carried forward by tho unsevo, y0t Bloady hand of pro-

, bas attaived a position far in sdvanca of the

Opes And antielyations of iis founders of our overamrat Surely no paople hare oon blasso aa wo havo Geen, apd its melancholy to thiak that atl Ly Sowabout to bo ascrificos upon the altar of passion. If ths fudgingols of mon were consulted, if tho aimoaltions ‘Of thotr cousdicners wore respected, tuo Union woald yot Do saved fromoverthrow. Every calm, coaallerats aad Fedleoting mind ss led With apprebecntioas of tho most Painful charsctor, overy patriotia boart throbs with Barloty, and all coaservativa mon Uhroughoat our ox- fonint ‘country aro, secking to Yovisy pone oan. of

from tio byila that vow throatea our poac “and ho coplltiued.axtstere0 of the overninent. AU eo nad Feotasi know that te danger if Inu inent, and. all true aids aroexur (lig henciyia loqave uo tom to porta ‘how tmpendlox over us! THO dark floon\ of npprohea- loo tat quthoriog around us and if caved ot all tbo ‘isto, privienco aud patriotism of tho country ean mlooo ied Ry Divine Provence) he Feld ups eolong Ea Mh thls boar of our extrownity,

My Inavgural mossagu, proveated to you just ono year Agotoriay, was propared In» anticlpation of tho occur- Feajes of the paat two muntls, which baye cast thelr Shadow like a pall over tho busltiesy, fusncial and com- Morcial; thocouutry. Ttbought J raw thea a ator bead, that threatened (9 bo doatructive In. Its conss quencés; ald anxious to avort (ts fury if possible, 1 mado Awdrecomiendations, whlch, UC adopted, would (la cay Judgment) hava raved us from tho eodaequeacss now upon ts. Ia this opinion, hawerer, you did not concur, fang po action wan on la ogard tate

ing no otlice hops of averting tho threatened dan- tga coral endaree tue proposition prosentad by Cal.

Him|ager, of South Colina, and Me. Starko, of Mist Bippl Lem contercnes with those States. i that props ition lind boon accoptos. Fam ontirely catlaflod that (be relia would Eava been most happy; that It would Lave Londed to'n groat degroo to the xottlomont aad satlifac- Lory aijastment of tho painful coatroversy whlch bal 50 Tong oxisted, aud which roomed to bo Incroaned by tte ‘und untoward clreumstances, botwoon tho two uections of tho Union, Tho questions would hayo boou fronted fa 9 form and shipo, and la amanner 60 Imporlns, int ao op must havo followed. ‘That action could not. bavo SUR RSEGHE cee c “again 03! renow the reoommenda- wiap: breed In my tna sural moeaage, La tho following

re af 8S Wi Hae

r Jo, thorefore, of romedyins the ovil, that oceurrs. Wo a0, undoe tho cokstitatioa, Is provided in ths Grid article thereof, Summoa a convoatloa of all ths Gistes, that 3 full and fro conferenice may be had be. {we0a tho ropresoutativos of tbs people, elected for this and thus ascertxin whather the questions in

Conlroversy cannot bo eettled upon rome basia mutually allstsctory 10 botb sections. If much a commotion 2A t Cuacalis, and oft-r free anh full consultation and compari fons tacy shall find that the differences baven

ding ind nom sbateholtnig States are irenconita-

Ue let tien consider the question of 0 peteaalte eparaiion, and tha cljucimnl of all queicns relating (0 the disponition

‘he comrura property teticesn the fay wctions, If thoy can

Feeaneled, 1et then adjust tho terms, and give the: Buch sanctions as will rondse them eifeetl ro.

Leogeart, thoruforg, (hat you adopt rewolations ia fo~ ‘yor of tho él of ich a conveatioa, aad appeal to tha Coglalatures of tho Kovoral SLites to unite Lo tbo applica. ‘lon propoied to bo mado to Congreay, Io parcuance of tho provisions of the article nforoatld, If the mon-siae- Aadiing Slater skal fail or ref vs lo unite in tha apphication, buch farture or refusal will Jurwih eynclurice envdence of a Eaemntion on Ur par lo Len Up he and fo continue their opzresriond pon wh If tho enavoatloa hall moet, and the qoatlon cannot bo satisfactory ad- Justed, It will Furalsh ovidenos equally eonolasiye of tboir Gelorabinatton.. To either arent, tba proplo of tbs Booth wel clearly undorsland what tUey aro to expect ia ths fu- tare, :

‘Tue articlo of tho constitution to whieh refercoca ls bere mado Li In tho following worda, and T quate It, jnaemcch ag willbe referred 10 heroalter in this commuaics- tioa-—

Jie Grestees.whenorer two-thinizof both hous eal eden IU necessary, eball propoes amoniimeals ta this oo: litution, or on thio applications of. tho Togislatares 0 Awosthird tof tho eaveral States, shall call a coayeation or proposing amendments, whlch, in oltbor caso, eball Bo valid to all totonta and purposes, a8 part of thls, ova. Blitetion, when ratiged by sho legislatures of threw. ‘ourihs ofthe rovoral Sates, oF by Gonvontluas ln threo. ort thorvof, a3 tho ous of tho othor modo of raider. ‘oa may,bo proposed by tho Cuagress.!"

rider this article the ooastitution Of tho United States fas boos sncnied on three several ocesslons ta our bis. Corgj‘and those amendments ara. all been oxccodiogly ‘Yaluxblo and important, ‘The rei tao amondmeata were ratiBed by como of tho Siatos in 1789, by otbere Ju 1300, end by tho residae (9 TOL. ‘Anothér amot dmcat was (proposal fo 1774, whlch tho President of the Ualid Sitoe

message to both Louse, dated Janiary 8, 1795, a8 Lisving boon adopted ‘by the. coustitationsl Dumber of States. The last amcudmeat way proposed 1a 1305, and adopted by tho cosstitutioaal ngmbar of Staios in 1804. Taso amendiments were proposed and’ adopind ‘at periods loss alarming, perapy, (haa at the proven day. SAU thalr afoption was neonisary 19 cnsaro. pasco fend quiot (o our country, and wero demanted by a proper pablic oplala.

1b the preaat couditiog of pablio naira, why can- fot guchadditigaal “amoniineots as tho “sires. Puinees now urisiing require bo Usa and. adaplioat’ Thw_ necewalh

A quote from the massage of January 25, 1833. Ho waa'| roliablo of the Stata righsa Thoogh bo bss bea takea from Brongat us, Bo has left Poblud him aroconl ag eaduring 03 Ue f

“But tho call of «|

een of Vi

is rrommmenAtion was; mado ata ‘alike (hs prageat. It was raotica

Erp adey: “sae fire, as she did tm 1833, iohen ade can Gualcoar bok = parties, Nor onl Srey ani te kad ee Yor

: oe

Formed, te erate have Ot Neat | ar Sia oar of So

fl Whe Soathorn States, sboold cecumect, s Yo me enaoovuala

Dia. The resolations of the Saath Carctina Legtclatary, wukiog the canforcees, were transmitted {0 all tho Soath: ern States, and none Of Uhre Rtaxs respoaded, exeops Muraleippl and Alabama. Why no complaint of the other Elites who declined 9 acceda’ to tho proposal “After carefal examination of your rerolations piace the peruml 0 tho Gayercor's Message, Thee nothing thal coal! har entitled them to the special notion that bas been bostowed pen them. They declare-—!'That the General Arsombly "Virginia, recognizing Io oor protent rilatlons With tho poo-alavebollng States an imperative ascessity for decisive menzares, dows not yot diatinst ths eapscity of tho Soathern Stale, by a wieo and firm extrelsa of thelr roserved powers, to protect the rights and liberties of tha people, aad. to! preserve tho feleral Uaioa For {his porpowe wo earnestly detire ths eoocarreat action of the Scathera Sialea."” The aatboritles of Virginia acted with Kindom and courtony Lowarda tho Eta.o of South Gorolina spd ber eatimablo commissionor, and in de eliniog 10 go Lolo a Southern Ouoforenes at that tims they [cteaded ao disrespect to that State.

‘South Carolina having determited upoa Ler future ‘cours, without eooxaltation with auy one of her alavo. holding alster Slates, bor lao Execotive announces io bis tmemage, It a too lato to rective propaaitions for conferences; and the Stato would ba wanting. Imaal respect, aflor having dallberately. dasided on hee coaras, to entortaln any proposition looking to coatlnuancs of Whe present Unlou. Wa can got no gafer or bitter qua ranteo than the preagnt constitution, and that bas proved lunpotent to protect us against tho fauaticm. of tho North.”” I may bo too lata now Uo confer with hoe. alse Ur Ftites, bol there war a timo whoa sho could hare ‘conferred’ with them with great proprloty, nod perhaps advaplago to Lorself sod them. ‘Tho Governor. alates ‘hat Gol. Memmingor was nob ment to Virglala “to plana dusoluticn of tho Union, Dut to save It If poeaiblo,” Before tho determined to precipitate a ilienlation, woald, Wenot have beea wiso tg lot us know what waa bar de termination, and to hiro roxio an effort to scary th ‘concusront Sctlua of the Southern States!” As it i, bo takes ber Soathorn aiatora by surpriso.

Tho firsnelal add commercial polley of tho fodoral go- vernwent io pust years has, Thave no doubt, Ia a great degree detormived ber acilon, Thr only apbeite allega- Mig In rojard to the lavo=y” questa,’ Taras L nar ‘obtorved ls, the tonduct of tho Nortbera States ia passin Fersocal Literty bUle, designed to obstruct tho executlo Of tbo Fogitive Slava law. The action of te Norham ‘States in repand to this low £5, beyond oll ction, 0 just and reper subject of camtaind and. econ denunciation on tae part of all sarchetilliy Slates, and expecially We border Sales,

The fall\fu, promyeand jus! execution of all tha provi- sions of the presend constitution wil wok prove satisfactory to ‘Salk Carolina. Belloving sho ex got nothing moro thaa tho constitution accords to hor, withrut oven making an effort Warough alcoavention of all tha States, bor Exeot iyo rolemnly announcas—it fs. too ‘lata to re cojvo propositions fur a conforenco:" thst “haciog do- Mticrataly decided on ber course, soli-respeet forbiis. her from entertaining any propreliion looking to a coa- Nipuanes In the Union.

‘Ths late Exccative of Socth Carsliaa Is not conteat to snnoancs thls determination, but Ate) recommendations Look to the emtarrasiment of ecery elarehalding Sale an the tordor which ws nat dispoted 10 fellow her lead. Hence

find In his nicesgo an open aad undseguleod proclamna- tian of war upon tho interests of all thd border slave- bolding States, unlons thoy unito with South Osrolina:—

‘Tho Jatrduction of ‘aver. from other Stites which may uot become inombera of tha Southoma confederacy, and particularly tho border Skites, sould he probibiled by fogwtstive enactment, and by hls means they will bo Urought to Koo that their safety depends apon a withdrawal from tholronemies, and a. union with thelr friends and natural allie: If thoy ebould coptinue tholr union with tho nou-elaveboldiog States, lot them keop thoir #lave proporty In thelr own, borders, and tho only altaroative eft them will bo eman- cipation by thelr own act, or By ths nction af tholr con fedorates. Wo cannot consent to rollove thou front tile empbarragsiog sItuatlon, by permi(ting (ham to roallzs the mpney value for tholr slaves, by selling tbom to us, and thus prepare thom, without Any lost of proporty, to ac- commodats thomselves ta tho Northera treo poll idea. Bat should they unite! tholr destiny. with us, aud become stars In tho Southord galaxs—membsra of 1B) great Southern copfedcration—we will recolvo thet with open arms and an. onthuslastic greeting. ‘Should, then, danger approach their bordore, of an cne- my, open or disguised, meko war poo them, thery is not doubt bnta liviog rampart of freemen, from the At- antic to the Gulf of Moxieo, would lino’ thelr bordera ‘uid Ueat back the Invaders.”

oro wo have tho exhibition of adetermiued purpose ta coerce Virgiola and tho otbar border States to. follow: her cxample; and IC they fo to do #0, then thoy aro to be placed in'such a position as will drive Lum to tho emanelpation of thelr elaved Thu montevit, tapun os. tenndy for Uhe protect of slace property, for th: diffusion ond the Prestreaion of the institution of acery, ts be 49 manapal and directed no as lo force States Kolding: wase property to free Uesclet from itty enacipation. This is tho avowed policy of tho lato Exccatlve of a Ststo interested “In ant “institution asetloued achlogy and, precepin of Christianity, and pro- toltvo of a higher degrco’ of civilization’ and. rotne- tment—an Institation that oipht to bo difidsed and ox tended, and) the pormancnoy nnd prospority of whieh ought fo bo insured. Gn it bo possible that such ka sestlons can exty( an {ounce upon tho future acto of olther of the border Biates—thut thay can bo ooaro>d, Jeo m won with those gb th

poco io rule oF. Fula, thom? ‘Taateuch n polley Exanot coutrol the netion of fa

Shs has the indepouiteuco and tho abjlity to. thine. Car

Hai ae bar eto ator tay Bo ll ts Wot er cobviclicas of daly” obs ro

Shlous of her honor as Sovuh Csrolloa or any ollbe Si


Shuth Carolma, In hia recont mesaago, show that much boon the reaull?’ No obsorver of events for como jonths past can fail to havo been atruck witit tho ‘uumerous ovidonces of heatility. and prejndico bleh ave bec oxhiviind lomarde Virginia by” very many of tho Jéading und most iniiuontial pablic tara of that State." Wo have seen nothiog going to suow tho existonco of thesa Ulea_ of sympathy and fellowship” wbieb bind +Hogether the hearts of our peopl

pute (a result really te ered Uae ies of npmpathy

at Sfates, with 9 common donnestio InsUitutlon that can be best defended and maintained by unltod evunsets aud ac- Hou. Such allusions to Virginia ehould inaver have been, jado by the Fxceutive of a Stato wi fecls ler “obliga- (on for the largo contribution of mind and. eifare whlch Virginia has mito (0 tho common casio," and who. 13 ro. largely indebted to her for tmAsifestations of par: Hiculdr copeorn in ber 'elfaro.)?

Tn this addroea It was also doclated “phat when. wo South Carolina) proposs n coaterencs, we fo e0 vith Whe ful understanding that wo aro but ‘oko of th States in Wat eonferonce—onlitied, ko All tho otbera, to express obropinions, but willing to respect aud abide dy tho uublted Jadgment of the whole. Lf our pace Ja too fast for rome, wo aro content to walk lower; on earucst wish fs tbat a) may keep togother.” ‘Thess are noble exntiments, abd’ declares sound and-\/ropsr “po. eftion. In a moyemrat 2 important, aud’ involving ‘ebarequeness eo sorious Uo all tho slaveholiling Stale, nd ono Elate should bave’ ventured to move without Dyst haying given timely bolle» to the others of her Porpenoy oven Mf sho dki not Jatead ‘to, reepoct and bide by tho united Judamout oC tho, whale Sch ‘na- {pn on tho part of South Ostolins wold at this moment, 1g all probability, have enabled “ato Koop. to! gether.” What elfoct bor movemeat may havo apon ybo ature, time alos can disclose.

Teouth Osclloa, a sovereign State, bad a right to ‘adap! the lino of policy sho bas parsaéd; and T woul! have

‘no special reference to her coarse i [bid not boom: directly tuvited 0.0.80. by her Live Bxccntiya, Jn. his

Upealied for reforence to Virginia. Tas been my ale

tho Executive of Virginia, to exhibit, in tay ollietal Intercourse with tho Staves ofthe cnxfodorasy, a eplrit of comity, and to, manifest, oll What respect, which is duo, from ono Stato to mother. Whenoyer tho motives or the actions of Virginis aro arraigned, Till feo) It to bo my duty to remonstrato;and in doing so. wil observo tbat fmoderation, courtosy and -kind spirit whlch become tha character of a Stata Whoso “largo catribu- ions to the Volo!" bavotisecared to ber the reepoct and affection of every State of this eaafoderscy."”

(In Ube recent mmage of the Governor of Mississippi I Lod a reveresce to the border States of tha same charac {grand manifesting the samo spirit which baa been cx.

ited by the inte Executive of South Cxrolina-—

“As \ts te more than probable that many of the citizens of the boner States unay' geek o market for Wieie wlaves Jn the colton States, I recommend tho page of an act probibiting the introduction of slaves into this Stato, un logs their owners come with thom and boonme citizens,

‘and. prohibiting the tntroducticn of slaves Car sale by all Pérsoas whomscover.’! ef

(Tho rofernnoss to the border Statosare pregnant with ing, ono oan be at & lack to undorwtand- what meaning ia.) While dissvow ing


Ser Stra



: so et

sot Did wn not Gnd numeroca apologia'a for ths coa- vet of Jobo Brown and bis fagitiogs associates throagh- ‘ont many of tho Northera, but more especially ta the New England fuates? The (oantain or New Eas. land sympathy was broken op to it depths, and gushed | forth, whoa Jcho Brown and bis folmwers wort con:

emabd, alter h fair trial, and expisted thelr erimss pon | the gallown. Though Ubey are dead, New Engsana sya. | batty for them atil survives. Dut 's tew wecks azo a | Jobs Urown aympathiacr wan elected 19 the Guderuato.

Tal ebalr of tho Suto of Mamachusatts, ont of (he ortat-

ual thirteen. The Execotive chairs of the States of Onio

tnd town. are abo filet with tha same descrtpiva of | tien, bolding. the sama general, vlews, ndvocatisy thy

Zam principles and taeadures, aad exhibiting deep ajas- | palby tnd strocg partiality for tbeis herrtlese crusts Mare Both electod, Low over, prior to Ws Heper's Foy. raid, i

The people of the Northern tates, as yhelr stataces sew, a0 it conlrmed by thelr tpocetice sad a 4relacs, theje resolations tn pablic mecUven aad, deed, {a almest every coucvivable rode, hava b: endeavoring wo confiae slayery withia Mts 1 Vieni, Uy oxcladitay it from all the Yerritocion Beboogiue tothe gusernment Thoy fre: been savesrorlog “to cawm line nroand the soutbira. Statey,” sith the purposs of then deotaring that elavery oball oot go bey nil the faite thus determined by them. The Wtatutes aad’ resolatious of many of the Doalavaholding tates, Trom the tsns Toas sought adilsion toto the Ualod up wo this day, coniirma thin view of the dealgus aod purposes of tha fros Sintea

Who can bavo forgotten tho attempt mado by tha Northern poopie ta nan Ue malls for the kesaamniss\ia. of the vileat papers, lilustrated by pictorial represcatatioa calculate! nnd tolended “to produce dissatisfaction aod Fovolt amongnt tho alavea, an to Ineo thir will. put- sicae to vengrance” against thoir maaters and otuers 19 flaycholling cuter’ Toe objects tbey then bad la vias, fand towards tho accompllahnacat of whieh theie etfs ‘oto diecetod, were theaballtioa of slavery 1a tbe Dis: Tri¢t of Colombis, and (ho exclusion of slave States frum sémteion Ina the Union,

Since he formation of tho goreramcat,cSmpoed of tba origifal ihirtewa States, twenty vow states bave Dem added 10 the Union, making paw tho uumber af ebirty- thece, Of the pumber-ey added, eloven have bac. treo Sidlet, and plge wlave States... Fre way yeart Ko polley

UWadialt States pari pasru, so as to proserya thacy Tipfium in the Sonate batween tho North and tho Seu Injearying out this volicy, Vermont ant Kentucky, Tebocesco hod Oblo, Tadiuia wad slslssipp!, Minols and Alavnnxs, Mino nod Miswourl, Arkansas i 3Mleulgcs, Figelda tnd Town, eamo iy together, or car ths: sams thine. |, Whyn tho aiate of Musiourl’ was atmittal the Stito of Milne Wai cnt off from. tho then Stato of Masaa- ‘ehysotta, for Wo purpose of predarvlug ths equilibetam Delwween' tha North and Sons, in the Senate, A Nurthern Stato was, divided, with a viow ot Keoplog up. tho. equle pulse, nod that divislou gayu an aulditionsl free. tata to the Valou, Toat euipolee i now dtstroyidy ant wo Sind Uftcta Blave e eightcca treo Slates. Evoa In thie


fome extent from the complications with which we are bow embarranse

Seat oy hcees men reer Sa Tinh ate RE ee gD ‘ditional repeal. In sopport of the saggrsstiou of tha {ound tn the bistery of or ‘own State, ie The ap Eesti Sclmeb timate AERC Eo epee at pamper ce eel Sr

seen biel ene cent ea eg te Cop ANC

To reeewiog the ferwntocmaauien at this wna) T Abbax 2 micdibeattru, and (hal us, at omminencrs Ail wk be sali el a ie raceme ae iipnerd os he ed arate eet seg eae ie coat re

eee EB rt reg th ropicy fur exevediog, ib extent ant severity, any’ thit ‘od misery saust be tho portion of thu and thir depea- Seana ee thoy most be deliv ored up; af aband déprdyed And’

Bul oninmuere al

ats of the cote tho Goeth West been ea forkearie tot tacltal Liat sho baa nove wiked Yor tho dinsineg? har States, that the equlpolse wigbt be reetored,

Astidyantage uss boon gated oyerver,taanokher re: POpATy sapaliny inporiantan The eae Gere Guid he option oc New Beales) ase seetiet (omerrve tia ead ilasdy bertiot erga a Tar tory wil'be oF ite charaster “AN of tues Teriverlon ei eobtalato tus Uubon moat shost Usuaee vec eaotte {ip NCrin hus oudvastage oer Ba nowor ni sialon taku idpanupe ast baltie Gedtanry cota or crease tha Ualea nasil survive, bo: greatly: Increased,“ Bestdon, Liblteriurrietinetiats Brie Bineete ae territory of the free States’ generally small. ode skint pa equal Us Susour! Tn thn enstoy Gaaaren Ext iba counterpotge ta Virptay Versaanty wit Ia wld fabaticlam, 8 an oot to Goorgia, tho Empliee State of, the South,

‘Can {tbs aurprialng that tbo peoplo of the Sduth should 1 ral tong ean unas noes Mo eatansogeat ate {ivons a gaadnia Ban just eeu eleated tpg Preside cy Who gave atlerance to tho following 'ntrasious, sentle ma eating Hebe a Code Soh aad Br fobtidicnn ots any opinion se (tbe smtvenr aetationy dt Hod cesry uallas eras sis dete ee eel Bid sed oA hung “divided agaist Nasi? oament ntsnd! “7 weléva' thu borcramieot Steno @adbreie-rnee ently half elavobnd belt freo. Ddo not éxpect the Union 1d bs, dlselyeaa tice bun epee, ocean rao but I do oxpect it {will ceaso to be divided. It will bécome oll one thing, or all the other. Bither the op- Panents of slavery: will arrest tho further sptcad of-it, Eid piace ic more Wo prblie mlud ahallest fa tha bole ‘Ubat it in the courte of wtimate oxtinetion, or ita advo- cates will push it forward voli! whall beconin alike w= fil in all the states, old ks well aa new, Worth na wel aa [S trier prone tele nen res {tis opportupits of declaring my disapprobation of that clause of the constitutfou which dealcs to a portion of the Sdlored pes tori af mtedge :

When a Prawentu ected entertaining and boldly aono- ig such, centiments—vdien fo this momerit, they haze never Din parse er qualified, hare ice not reason for alarm and


_ihe Union is mono Uisruyted; Ich the North bear the lame They have brought there sad and depluralde reaulle upm the

intry, abd Oye candid dnd honest men of the world will nat om He forthe destriiction of a | gaermment has ‘the admiration and commanded the re-)

St ee ioe Ges anes Se Peer ap reader tig eo Se nates

Tt Tawalt tholr reeporsa, but not wlthoat hppreusut elon. Timo, however, will soon furnith tho answor. Tbe Pyesent etat of things canuot continuo Jong. A change for tbo better or tho worse must soon come.

oat a

nolenly What tchen desuntin

four orpinizations, inlepenilent and’ dicinct. The ‘Slates anu Territories on the Pacific, ty reawon of User loca 1 axa colt fl form one, he Nee Bogland Sale, tour New York, tn coniequene of their entity of opin Oh Use wubjec of African tlavery, and. Uhsir other fanatical fens of like Kind, will comtile the tool. The tener slare States, with Penmayteania, New Jericy, Missours and We Nerthiestern Suites ond Terrilriee wi forme Je “third. ‘The OKI. river, a great hightoay, ckned by Virginia, furnishes a comoum tend 0 union between tererol of thern—the Missouri river, andlor great highway, {80 bend of union leween others and ai these make up the Mizswsiy’, thal yrent Walley wilt der oF Water form a union uith Wise Uh whom they trade and these indencts are therdure examen... For thisorganleatlon Now Orleans would bo ita eblet eily. It would bp” the exporting and Importing. city “for” the Siatea im exstensy,. and hate which may bs heveaftor formed. Out of the tmturnc> unsettled


torritory, which I would presen. Besides, tuo an- £9id public lands would livite popalatioa, sud thelr sales woul furalsh the meant to vetray. goverumnt Tnsea, in part, al leaate Kentucky avd tue Nortliy ‘Threltory originally formed a pari of the domatn of Vir- gio. THY organization will keop hor unitet witb what fermerly botooged 0 or, and ‘eAastltatad a pact of her torrltory. ie oovon Suites would form the fourth. “Al Ohese confederacies tring thus format, “although Low: apa, Arkarsad, ssh rid Msiiipps might al ct tach Uertlecs to the ckten Slate ompandeation, a very skort time seqnuld chaps Uefore they soould finid st tobe heir interest to ‘cennnert therseies ith the order. ant! Nortsoestern States, Thole tredu, thelr interests, their boainess, relations, aro With thoso ‘States, nad all dpon the watora of tho Messis- sip! and Is tributaries must, pycsaarily bo united. Uf Toulslana remined In Alunés With to Colton Stxtes, Ler great elty of Now Orleans woold''haes to compete With Moblle aud Charleston (or tho export and Import feude, aud tho must abo evuld hope for would bo a third Car

Such an arrcangement would te follzend by @ strupzle for Oe hy of the a, ( Perens aad the Wee caper swyuld have il, cut what it might in. treavure end bleed. Jt cyl beeen Vinpor’ an an. aozutatiin fo give up (a the extlan State confederacy seithont a. desperate siruagle. Thess aye my speculations as to tho resulta thacaro ¢9 follow a dla- solution of the Union, This» results arq bad caough, bat maybe much worse. It Is vot given to ust read ths future. -Wamay, bowever, speculate about it.

When) the nlea was formed it was oot expected oF

aved that the domcetle tos{itutloo uf all the Stator ehoald beallke.” The ustititions of Sale and Tals a wero nover intended to Us tho game. Tho peopls of ‘each were lavested with full powor to dotarming wether slavery should oxiet, and the forior decided ngulst Ui Institution? the latter decided ip (ts fayor—ae each Had the undoub Ut right to da. e uu {be lsh of grievances ngaiust tho North Tt ty soma- What remarkably that ln our own Stata, fo {tela has ben. ald i ropa to tho oduct of the Gowaenira of ora aad Oifo Io refusing to aurrender: fugitives from Justices who ,partloipated. nto Harper'a Ferry raid. Teoy oro roqubu}y, indicted; tho Govervora of thor States ‘wero applied to in duo fori to deliver them up. Tho ep. plication waa refused, nnd our peopl, instead af takin sand and maktop ag {ssve upoa. this ractcal question sem Inclived to igcore It and unite to. the caniplainta Ue cotton States, Tho complaints of ‘those States are rather atyatest thd fiaan¢is} aod .commerclal policy af ths fédoral garwrnmenh, than apy action or want of, ac. Moa oa ‘bo subject of slavery: Tun elaze owners of Virpints avo guterod seriously; the wrongs ladicted upon us" by Ube ‘conduct ‘of these Rxocu- {ve ayo Peep werent, _ Still wo: have heard but lit complaint id car prea Stato. Tho grievances coraplsiaed of mainly aro bf eich the caton, Sas Dian Justineation for thelr detlan. | Would {tno} ba well far us 16 redresa tho wranga.onr own. peoplo have mufered be Gre me undertake to redrees, the wrongs of olbers, who tire Wiered wuch lees, £0 far: my slavery is woncdrned, than we have done? Oar-actlag @Bould be bared oper the wrongy dora to our ov [The proposition for tho. call of (a Stats Gon- yenticn, to detorming tho powition which Virginia shall iio; in view of pwalng events, appears to have keen Tecelved With, very geberal favor. As tho subject bat Been much discumed hy tho people io them primary meetings, (Lx Dot oxly proper, but it ls docttlens ox- ted that 1 aball refer to it ip.this communiesticn. 14 Po kent teat

Ings, nn eeeope Into Freo Statos,- thoy mist bo given up

for trlal and punishment when’ Inwfolly domn ted(by the constituted authorities of those Slates. whuce laws aye beoo violate

‘Srond—Wo raubt have proper and effective gusrantees for the protecthip of slavory in thi District of Columbia Wo can never consent to ths abolltiou of alivery in the District uoti! Marytond xhall emuncipato ber slaves; aud. of then, unless IC shall be demanded by the citizeas of the bietelet

‘Third-—Onr equality in tho Statesinnd Torritorics must ba fully reengolzed, und nur rights of person and propor- ty adequately protect and scouro}. Wo. must havo guarantors that avery sbiall not bi fotordteted ta Auy ‘Toriltory now Belonging Us, “oe which may hereafter 0 aoquired by thy! gencral-koveroment, otuer: by: the Gra gréss.of tho Coiled. States or x Torfltorlal Lagtiatura, (hat oro abil bus pormttfed to paca through tho reve Stated wid Torritories without! riolbatattod, ant If aalnve ablll bonbivicted, that tho State In which hoor, she shall be Jeg shall pay the full ynluo uf Buch slave to tho ownce.

Fuumh—Like gunzantera meat bo glyen that elie Urals: mégelou of slay’x betWwom the rLiveholding stiles, either byjland or water, nball not bo joterferedswhQhs ©")

Ffth-—The navaaie and eotoreement of rigid Inv for We puowbment of euch porous ta tho frep Stes who ebbll organize or alt And abot tn orgaslzing, #llhor by {he contribution of money, arma, tanoltions of war, UF 1M any other modo whatsos¥er, cowpaules of ren, with a Vigw to asiall the slaveholding States, and (0 excite Blayee to lorurrvetion

Sizih—That tho general government adall bo deprived of Khe power of appalotiag to for offiors Ja th alavehold- {og States porecns who ofe hastlle to. their iaatitutions or

r righte—the object being to praveat tho

lotlog power from Using patronage to sow tho ascis

Of otrifennt dissension BeAwrauAtho slaveholding and on-rlareholdlog claaees i he southern States,

‘These quacaptecs oon Do given without projudicn to tbo buhior or righ'#, and Wikbbot a taerifiea ‘of the ntoreats of! either: of the 'coswlaveholdiug ‘Sates. Wo. ask nothing, thojofure, which 4s nobeloarly right aod neco* Baty. to nur protictiva, Aud, suroly, when 6 mien {Mt fake, 1t yell bes freoly, checrtully acd prompUy uasanted | fo, Tk ta thi Interest the North and the South to pro: fetvo tho goveroment frum destruction; and thoy abould “omit Iho uso of 10 proper or bonorable ineans to ayart 50 great ucalnuilly. The public safety and welfare demand Ingtant acting.

‘Many of tho fanatios in the Northern States are con-

syabing attention tothe fact that thy numbor of ays Chtsrared with tho wehite nalts tn

iio ooo fer W66l inyal ve tho not willirgiy defond tho institotion. This Wa maat mo rious mistako, and fs well calonlated to. make ag erro. ‘neous impression upou Lhe Northern miad. Such a repr Splation doca xerious Injustice ta that toyal aud patriots Cliss of our ellizens. It Iya roficet(on upon thom not ‘warranted by thoir conltct, now oF heretofore.

‘Thi number of porsans Io this Stata in tho year 1860 charged with taxes 00 élaves was 63,874. Tho mimber of persons charged wit taxog on lands fa tha same ‘your: Was 169,088 Most of the persons charged with taxes on slaves aro the owners of lands also, and others whonvn lands own no slaves. Tho number of persons charged with taxes, other than owacrs of lands and Slaves, fy 201000, Ail theso parties havemcommou. (a. tereat'In tho protection of persona and, property, and sel fools that tu protecting thy rights and property of tho ‘others, ‘Uo. Is etcuring abd. protecting his ows, Whether of little or great valuo. Aa tho chlet magistrate, id a2 a citizen of Virginia, WIS @ eoures of pleasuro to no to know that thero is no Jealouuy or distrust, nod {tat harmony nnd confidence axist between chess clissas I tho Northern people entertain. the opinloa that tbo non ilaveboldors of the South. aro not relfsble anid trust worthy in all reapcets they are most grossly mistaken aud decclved,

Thayo toca It stated that ia tho Fatpiro City of Now York the owners of real estate membered Ices than 16,000, Do thoag who are not owners of real estat fecl ‘bd interest ln the property of the 15,000? Would thoy be bawilling to defend or proteet it iit wore fa dangurof di elructiouF It might be charged with the same propriety, a with aa much teat, i this instance, that feeling ne Interest tn ecmmoa with tha owner, thoy would cot Fisk thelr lives for the protection of bis real cstito, Worth millions of dollsra.. Thoy nro Intacested—dceply folerested jo nll that rolates to the public. prosparity. ‘Tuclr prosperity, thelr comfort and the comfort of thelr faanflicr aro depéacenit upon the protection of the righta it property of every Indiridual lx the community Ju MebDL be lvoe.

,d have always roverencod tho State righta doctrines of Virginia, ax fdeulcatet fa the resolntions of 1a8iand thy report of 09, -Tboliove tho doctrines -theroin asserted fand tho prigelplea therein affirmed, to bo worthy uf all seneplation, 1 evrdially endorse thom, and Inco doing, endoree: the doetritw of Recesston, Tao uot’ proposa to 0 In aus urgutheat In soppart of my oplalon epoa: thls AUestion The hubject bas Deon ably discussed for yearn, of both sides, anid those arguments aro familiar to all Feadlng and woil irformed'mes... Tam content to rest the Question upon the ulzeusrioos which Luvs taken place, ‘and leave tho people, ta form their. own. opinions aud drow thelr own conclusions. Trefer t) it, in thls connoc- lion, to declaro my uzqaalitied hoatlllty to the doctrine of edercion by tho fetoral porurnmont.

In my canvass for tho olica Tnow bold, I declared wy opinion fraukly and fearicesty on thls quistlon, eal ove wan In tho State had the araptest oppartanity’ to by la. formed of my posltics. Toa writtes address. ‘to. the Voters of Virginia,’ Irsuod co tho Lith \of Stay, 1859, T Bata, “Should sto to pleasure of tho poopla to vlavlts me to tho office of Governor, I will endeavor in’ my ad- ministration ta carryout tid Ume: honored State rigs ppibepley of Nlegioln, Ic at anytime duriog my ann.

tration the federal government shall altetnpt to Inlorforo with Abo rights and institutions of Vir- pinias If Mt obsIl at apy: emo Intorfere svith tb rights of ulawory or, tho: righta, of. slavelolders in “our Suto, Twill be prepared, wilh tba ald of tho poopld, to rent any elloris to cores us into submission. J will resutt any-attem pt of fedaral troops ta cross oar I to exccalo mek vujont, Jalquitous and unosastitational Ihws, elther Ja Virginia or Io. any ptbie Sruthura Stato My position nowt on this question is what it was then, Tt hhas tot: boon ehingod or modided. Tart rojak an at: | (emyh ts pass foeral rps aera the Urrlory of Vitgtets, Sor de purrs f coring @ Sather seceding Stale, as an ‘ak of taretiom, whieh Wrald be met ‘ond The alle | *

Ed, re

eqomise, dvi from aed

ampe wheatand oar cap

Wertern Slalew Bait ia Bomber aad suspected (a 0, control the interests of ihe whold.”? Kx-

1g difdculties Marni: ther best

Mhiebs ay car i i t terrae ae tht the Union la a

‘@oald. aval oorwiived of this favorable

Wo commence’ Lhe work OF reocastruction-

nelbg abd proseculing this important work, wa or of te plat Fim © Noyes ans Wm. Alen Baller,

rasrat, | |

Bose koko ocr acearity, tn Justita-


cbatructing the approach nu | bulldiges: erected on (heir nds tho etecat 50,


illiion of bud “tat tho, pialtiiny ‘Sted as thcpiyern, In proveating tho grant of «uch Yabo tranches aloogtay tothe. olty ef Now York, | frithout compeosation; what the railroad will canstltato 3 ulenneo as 10 tho publilc and ns to the plaintiffs, who ars

Arp bout laylog down the ra track 9. authorized, wUbout making any compensation

Prbewe Lands abut upaa the atrects an to bo wed, oF $3 tho elty. Corporayion, tn What tho plmtlty fcr that the Mayor, Alderman, Ac, Will prooéed to iva tholr azecnt bo the axld act, anit 13 thn grant therein, to their great! datsare a8 Owners of, Property. cu the sttonta, ad 03 -clsicans aod tax- Payer

im “queetica” was’ “sitopted” “b: thirds of ot ve Latorn, Jo violation of tba. nrtielo Ja) tho ovastitation requirlo

Prlated fir Toca

erent, the lastitatlons and honor of all ita mem. Teele Slufcurlly ecard. Wo can form sich Toverscy as will draw (0 ithe alfetions aad aympa- Qhicr ot tw eittzras, thereby securing for It @ formation ret eae IReue ce ge i mn ciel perpltxities and’ the ovroplicatioas which now eavirou PeiKha I prescot Mt for the cuuslderation of my cou trymen. comsideration of duly to oursciees and thoe scletareje pucte us, demands Cat fhe cntromery Mal b ally. Thum be mo j i iy a ee a, onion charmoay. and eapelliailoo. Every maa

FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL, es Weostapay, Jan, 96 P.M Tho custom tables of the trade of the port of New York for the year 1860 wero completed ta: day, and wo subjoin then in fall:—

Poudin Narpim Esmmus at New Yous Dons 1837, 1588, 1559 ann 16a. EXdivell Sir Contention

“i nr to risk himself and Dis folare ART. ISS 1Ss0. Ney eters mien poner ne | Seesers ars aslo oT trea ae Taligt form aa it ke bow by Guscnsion, aud Fobruney, testes 00 BIAS eet akarebye teusting (0, tne. psopls to do Jutien to ha | March, igaso.tsy a iatcotlons, eveo ir they ebould think his fodgmeot ia | April... 1s.

fp the presect porture of aTaira. It beoomes us to cask abla scene way Ui ater Weta

Can be prowived ami advauead. Tt ls nelthor politie nor isaesr Wied to Degiéet Our to atérial prosperity, and pormit it to | September. §)41,967 12, Siiceecreaeenreacocemrine | Rue they ie ‘This objigation upon “us ia imperative, whether the | November. 2.7¢3,1 Ta, 978,720 Union ball continue "ta exist or bo destroyed. In | December. 2990 9'775,011 1/015 /310

elt’ event, "our material prospority abiold. ba

With es ab! iohjocl of the. first Importanca, ant

tolup advanroment oor eforuxshoald boatadlly directa io

‘Total. $122,655 015 103,962,797 176,765,309 154,000,400 erat for Warrhovse.

ERC EN oh Sa eee a | ern : cane nae tae te eae eNO RN | Jantar $1,000 Vania anuie folk uid, Burepe, If would. givo Increased prospority (9 | March), Gist'kas asain 3 902ue ovety interest {0 the, commonvealth. I would vcore | Apri... Stent ‘Siease) ations for} uis a commercial Independence hat would | Majy..... 1W'tos 421 Stale atisa'see Provo of Immouse valuo In ony coatingeacy that might | juné....11 P4015, 104289 4 ANT!LO8 Gccilrs ‘The prosntand prospective system of railroads | Jaly ...... 0.700 403.476 In the Stato alreaily point {0 tho creat Northwest,and | August... sbi0os0 :

meen Oo eee tt eee amet ane | AcaRAL BHCC 31M

work of rosds which now reach Kansas, auil aro fast pro- | October... 700/824 2.187 018

Kreenig towards tho-Pacie; and the syatem, whoo com: pleto, will bo entirely, or almost so, withla’ the Geatral elt from tho Adantie to thn Pacitlc. Virginia then, whethir in or oot of the Ualoa’ a4 IL stands at puesoat,

hae itsin ber power to placo keracif tu tho paling, tn

Feferonce to this great interior and exterior trudo, whlch

really beiovgs to bre

With bis ealllng Wirestly to Europe at rezutar inter vals, from uh pork of Norfolk, an Import trade could bo Galabjibhed, and Importers in tho. latorior cichos

Norougtout tho’ West, and some portions of the Eoatt, West, would recolve thelr sapplics Larough tbls chanoel,

November, 6,821{683 December. 9,208 464

Toual...$73 42 2


25,006,519 Pree Got,

Theto Importatious would all pass over our: raliroada ta | AU Ay tholr tntergcction with tho rallroads of other Goa Pao Ree Recalls thiso of Teonssos, Kentucky and some of tha | (hover st ‘ortbwostorts States. The expart and import busloost eal

Noypmber, 1776084 December, 2)77)


wellld Vo conevalrated upon the Virginia roads, and wold tive inauro to thom. controlling power ta tho ar. rangement, securing great Donedta to the Stato, and good profits to Cho stwckboldorss’ Tk may bo aided that this Cominoree ls already In existence, and only awalts tho taricet, chexpest and mast oxpeditioca means of reaching tue Adantio, to be conveyed thonce to all poluts of dest: nat{on, botb outward and inward

Tou) entirely salistiod, that 1f dircot trado wero estab ished Vetwoon Norfolk and Buropo, it would result In tho

January... $886,600 Febjuary,. 1,021,718 21601 53

eblargement of cur eltios, the Increase of ir agricaltral 102,132 products, tho dovelopemént or our resblurces, thnernation - ers Of mabut'stores, the enhancement of the valuo of Innda, | ADMust. HGS tbo oprnicg of tho coal aud minoral bods, make the etuck | Septembor. 135 5 wibich tho Rao cwne ig er rllrosts productive sad | Geibber.-- 2goatns puede Ga0iokg Ueend would bee sliwlnation of the State dobt, anda | Nevomber. 3, , 3) Fedbetog fa the rato of tazaten. If auch woald'be the | Decetber GaAs 14 04 Teeulls, the subject bs omincotly deacrying of tho most == ES am gvrluca consideration. ‘Tho attention of the people tins | Total...$1,598) 2264120 2 slo dat een discoted to the question, and the time ts tharafora Tol. favorable for deelve agtion, poo It, Lisayo ikto your | Janusry..$19,006,732 8,105,719 19,447,002 21,780,778 wisdom to digest a plan that. will the greatend. | Febery. 26/62/4028 wlOkI 18/Ss8,070 10 'b0'NTO VW Lave thua presonte\t may ‘roflections ea federal rela’ | March.;.. 2196,Ao4. 11 2),890450. 49,660,126 Hota, frankly and with that fndependenes which La be- | April, BL 278,018 T1100, 22495, 610 1,0 OE coming tho peaition T occupy at this toter@ating and r 1,703, 23,652,640 : pooh |p our biavory.- It ts only by a free TOS 24060 821

forieoneropidionn; sad asusnly examiaavion of, tho 18605 (747 a7 350,180 ‘Aucetiens fu astig, that we cay hops to -svalyo the tra 1 10\us6/403. 10,64 178 24,640,001 #lato of (lets, and’ pravidd w rémody for ex\stivg troubles | Feptombor 10\817/160 15)173.205° 10,045 /685 nid thréatuned dangers. Having performed! my duty, || Octovor... 14,0807 13,512,084 93,617,010 tha whole imattor {4 with you,for euch action an tho wit: | Nuyeubor 18,417,000 10,591}600 14/95/02

m and patsiotivm of tho Jegisiature may adopt, December 9/106/811 13)544,625 18/90808 4

oor eubclulous what thoy may, Fast eallatod they wAl Xe'rrvulti of your couvictions ks" Co what" Ia best to. Da ‘Joon An thisemergency; for ths bouor and tnterceta of our

‘Total. .§230 618,129 162,687,007 245,165,510 208,200,400 Wakdmen {rime Warehone

Voloved Commonwealth and our country. $201,100 4604001 3083,210 2,061,006 Sin caneliiion, T have but tn add tbat the wil ot Vie- | Peay eT a ae anes plate will furuidb an fadexibt6 rate for ‘tho direction of | Sascn 2: a'ecvee, ATMs Laies7 QODALE By ownaction. «Alp destlay Is, lakod Indissolably with | Apres... Searots Genes Leaysel | eeokae here Ta tho expressive language Toth, Whltuer tho 3 Tersiasi g4r0 06Y Rowe T will o, and where thou lodgest Iwi lodgn, Thy 2 sanz 2268 ATT Deoplé eball bs my proplo, abd thy God, my God. bos §9,099,.A8 ae ts 370,054 9.2108 ‘The Gridiron Railroad. aang Apurrre THE AQT OF (TUE LEGILATURE DECLARED UNCON eae, aioe Sie STJTUTIONAL—TUE |XJUNCTION CONTINUED. i 21 vO aalee December, 3684 905 1,760/050 1,si0,T641/210;208 Before Hon. Wm. IL Jeonard. Total. ..242,477,000 27,100,542 26,857,089 1,103,024 INT. 9—The People of the Siale of Noa York, Ihe Irvs- Cah Dati fees of the Sailor's Snuy Harter, in the city of Naw York, LOA aAaTbaths 4a Jone Brawn 4 at ra, John Kerr et ol.—Tho Legislature , otsit63\ 3I168/011 SAT hs AC their las( session enacted & law authorizing John Kerr 116,510 3}213,060 244K ‘and others, dofenuents, in this action, to construct a ead ee Hane} sasha 7 allroad tn, tho elty of New York, running through Greone ggitoly aims 4astinto 4/01 eS sieest, Univeraty place, Broadway and other otroots, nag 420 Bolsa gente pica

0.082 20 Sess Tut ae Ott 708,

Deceuber., 112302 Sosonos at

050,074 20,476,741 38,808.959 OS aT aL Exrorns mou New Yous 10 Forany Porm Dowxu rm ‘Yeas 1857, 1853, 1850 asm 1660.

Domestic Produce

wo coastiictb 6m my ralircads, and run ma often as tho convealeace of paren. Bers may require, apd tobe subject to such reatonablo Fegulaticoa aa the Common may prescriba, and to tbe sate feo for license fer each car as) ly pow m4 Dy, other ity rallroads io the «ily of New York, and authorized the sald grantoos

thelr ansigns to ehargo tho camé rate of {ute as Iv now ebarged by suell other elty rallroada. The


rn 20,e Branies are quthoriacd to run upye the track of otuer Fallroads in tho prescribed routa, and in caso thoy cannot sonar gree with the ownors of such route respecting the cutn~ sso Penstion, then IU ls to bo ascsetalned according to. tho 5,512,100 Provisions of tho Gonoral Railroad set passed In 1430, Sortie ‘uo act then coatalus the following provision In regard 1/625,718 (-compousation for such real estate aa may bo takon, | ‘Aupuat.,. #9 Solana Viz:—Should any roal estate, or Intercat thereln, bs ro- | September 4/218 004 0,253,051 quired for the purpose of coustructing ead rallroal on | October... OFUL bE) 80 fold tonto or route, ay abore epecitnt and auth Novombor, 65246,609 A a2'tor which tho persias above named, or tho Deou 2 rf ‘elall Be unable Co agren with the prlvato owuor or onal praecta) plead

ern for tho uso or parchaso thorcot, thoy may acqilra tho right lo use, or title to, tho gumo In tho mance, o., spceited In tho rald’ Genoral Rallroad act of 4880. The act further provides Wat “In all canes, tho uso of auld streets and avenuos for he parpoin, of sald rallresil as heroin au rhod, hall ve considered a pablle uso, consistent With tho ures for which tho Mayur, Aldermen aad Qoen. muonally of sald city hold sald streets and ayeoues."" Tho Mayor, Aldermou, é&c., aro, probibited from allowing any ‘other company, (Urmcd ninder tho Geaoral Rallroad act of 1810, to constrict a rallrosd 05 the eald routo, and from ‘oink any otber uct to hindcr; delay or obstruct the con- steuchion or operation of tho railroecl anthorlzad by. this ct; ‘end Wt makes ILtho daty of tho Stayor, Common Goxincl and other offcsrs of tho city, to promote the Gonstevetiou aud protect tho aperation of tho Fall-oud; lund declares tat any nct’ or (Mog done to violation. of ‘st act shall La inoperative and yold; and directs that | January..-..$161,020 aif actions relating to, affecting or ariting tinder this act, | February... 176,706 ‘ortho authority tsereby given, chall be commonest 1k Cleescree 483,90 tho Supremo Ovurt of (he First Jnaleial district; cepoala

‘all awa Incouslstont Lherowith, and directa. that 1 sball

Lik effect immediately, A temporary Injunction wa

granted. by tis Court in July last, restenlaing

Jehu Kerr and thors, the grautecs named ia the

ald ost,and/tho, Mayor, AMermen, éo., frown laylog

# Japuary... $184,408 February. “D4s)578 March.

1s 07

down the rallroad, ond from doing any act or thlag undor Phi tho ald net of tho'T*glelsturo, and restraining the stuyor, | Noverbir ee Aldornien, &0.,from detng aby act in furtherance of, or | Dueeinber . LH SIG AL

{0 premota the coustructlon of, the railroad sa authorized E

or tp ald-of tho sald grout, The platatifs nom mova the | Total. /. $4,229,770 Court to mako the lujusetion’ permarent pending tho Il}.

gatlon. Tus pialctiaa, other thas th porple, allego that | Jabuary...$1 207 946 Shey aro tho owners of land along ths Jize of oie of the | February., 1,831,726 Strcoia wbere tha route of the proposl railroad 1s wit. | March..>

{uortzed to be laid; and that they are the owners of the | April.

{co of the wtreets in: froct of tholr lands, subject to the | May...

Publlo uso thereof ae ptroets, and that tho laylog of a

railroad track would be spcolally injurious to lo

TAM Lona Sperve Bullion 4786011 ERIE) ‘ss5,195 0735, 700,

la | duly. to and use of thoir factories | Augwil fronting on | Beptember 1960 478-239 fal tho. rallronu; 241/259, 9,028)405 deteriorated in | Navumber. 3,209,201 "477.970 Yaluo, and that the geacral object and public | Dacembee- 1/589,002 © 1,809/205 Gre lof «tho serocts will) bo obatrurtod ; that the petrtlogos granted byithigactaro worth moro than a | Total... $44,260,174 24,001,431 lollars, aud mould, If fold, produce that sum; ‘Tal Japnary...06192/616 9,135 260 ra MA te

‘otbor than” tho people, aro In Marob...--11;100.866 | O'0171054 fico Baas, Sebel aa erenas soln 1: July 2.19801 ko. Tua 20, Adgast,.. 11816 7,189,156 September, OGG 100 73135 Riwembarlooos7i?) 401 as 10ssaew. ALS Prcomben YM AB. OVA IAAT AM 11TH Ge Tote) 2117S 6 OER Tmo 16 ea eL e year 1800 began with pretty active money ‘ket, @ large import movement, and an average exportof produce. .The cotton crop of 1850 had. deen unusually large, and the price abroad led to latge shipments; but, on the other hand, the West- em grain crop had been short, and the price abroad did not leavo a margin for profit on the ox-— Port of wheat or flour. Aa the wintsr drow Wward a close money grew easier, and the miportations fell»

1, bo occupied that“ tholr lands will) bo

09,716,400 42,101 1TL

0,419,690 6.476, ores a ars

he ewners of land aloog thé raid roate; that thn grantees | 31.7

for tha usa of tho tecets to ba cecupled tbereby, elthsr 19 the plalatiqs,

Skoltion of the. comstitatioa;

‘tho plintics’ aly alloga tbat the oct

lea than tw:

the wemberay elected to the Legis.

tho public monsya_ or property to be appro-

‘or private purposes aly by the axirot f (wosth ira of all

ércial world. The importations of foreign goods were so light that exchange was fully one percent jow the ordinary average. Money was a drug; scecess@ ourgrais crop, combined with the jure of he'erops in Enrope, Justified the expec jon that wo Abould ste an active movement in j the export movemeat of Specte wax joaiHon both of merchants and of fzong. In September o reaction bej take placo. It commenced with the ket, oa which pricea fell heavily with any scoming cacse. ‘Then, a pensin the fall months, the demand for , ond the market became more stringent jon the heels of thia-change, the reault of ‘Penmsylvanis election Introduced’ @ new ele into the financial movement; a’ political panic, the first time in gor bistory, began to affect all.

forbid tberm ot

and Wm 3c Byars

al —e rns * ---—- - = =


ete. Singular coincidences assisted it. A SECOND BOARD, dard and request, with miles of 299 bois. BOARDING ABD LODGING. BUARDING AND LODOINS. = f ents ‘wero thrown onthe mar- | #0US6%,’68couly 10dsue Bar RR. ab 1ONc a 10e- ‘uachan co. ee PERSONAL. quantity of State 2M 200, Face Palen of 40 tierora were made mateal $157.9 | f\ GENTLEMAN AND WITH CAN BR ACGOMMODA, | BOARD IN NROORLIN STNG O8 THREE GENTLE. LADY, HAVING NO PAMIL et aru time when buyers were wearce” and umid. 0" “S00 Road, 7 RCGIMC The Muskel was sieady, wilh axles ‘of anoo TEA Tis Wart cee scafcrur a bommay te | Dy. ninan we aroengcaaia iis Beard were oy ak FE ore Ho one knew whence they came. It i now Jor Sellar Hr Gis hide: Onbs, ineloding 90 New Orieans and 200 boxer, Sukeiycaurd Seca 2 AMA areson senod meee a Rewee, ba spytvtag of Ne, G3] Congrem | years of nen, ‘Adress BC. tenures 2 Cloning steady St: z eek

shrewdly mixpected that these were the bo 10 een eae ts gil expert demand, whl ca | A FRIVATR PAMTLY, Av RO. mp arr roUmTRENTA | (BOARD I WOOELTS TIVE MONTTRS WALK OF Fee stome Oy wine

: Winigs Be. CAlestts Lionned was talon aut, eppeattetheAeu en te cr in A RE DSP TOW LADY, BEDNO, hia pera een oe eee a aes 19 On ER erp. Bade i Benton were at $1475. Hough Saszeod waa sol ge el Teenie ee! ber danas natn aeery eee eee i Fag me ae | Peseray vanced fas, wth salen of 300 DD'a. st 0c. | “Pain abd Preneh epson i the fam OARD IN BROOKLYN —4 GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, | S20. EAhh =

as money—by the parties who sold them. How- ever this may be, they affected the market very waterially at the time, as the impression Wad pro- pe peie a satan Go oced that the pablio were selling thelr stocks. | 260 x ¥ Central KR, ‘Then the United States loan of $10,000,000, which iat is 7 would ayo commanded o premium of 3 8 5 PEF | to totsen River RA. rh ea tey CR ORT: bi eentin July, waa sold ata mero fractional pre- } 000 Harlem Tit...90 15 norsae

miom on the 224 of October, These, and other aimilar events, prepared tho public mind for tho

‘ora coopla of single gecuemen ean Be acemumat ot With Plewast ecms aed Gourd tae cml fa : otisg at 6 Clinton sureee SSaee

OARD TX RROORLYN—16 CLINTON STREET A fultof Hoon atugeSed; also tingle Rooms Us talc ci | J? MRS gh to wal. 1,


£ z Hf eH

DAY GuUDS, 60. A ECL axsorncewest, tg. A cloaks, CLOAK, CLOAK, = —— - GC, AERO (Al SEXILEMAN, AND 1s WIFE, OR (A FAMILY, | BOARD IN BRO RL A REMAN NO =

SWE, OX A FAMILY, |, ROsRD IN ROO page AS —— \ coo ceard, Ine private Freoed family, West | Kooms and Board. at 18 Nasma street, convenient to Fulton FP THE GENTLEMAN WO LEET ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JAN. 7, Diegerenh vce Fa gad Syaraniyfortine ares | #24 Wad netfee qT ro TERA TARCEL IN OUB BSTIKE STOCK —— OARD WANTED IN BROOKLYN—RIVATE FAMILY

000 | 0... 100 Cl & RET 10 do,

Zomaancen Table


SS fo =F ROE, PLEASANT PROS : Welertel for gcoleman, wife and Wide grt at THB SOUTHERN GraTLEMAN EPO Srermhelming panic which followed tho election |. Wroseapay, 40.9, 1 oF ovER Ru RE ee een ee een ery Marke ive after tat Um aasees | A” dhe New York pall Meee eRe ha EO OF TR pai pee Sagas ee A tile Greater autgries cit aay ioa | ern on Wa aL eta | ae Wan eden aca ete 2

of Lincoln. Early In Noyember last tho exU00"” | the buoyancy which has characterized ths market for ES Eesuemen. Apply at 34) Bast Brosdway. fire and gan teeta. sea who wil scerps Bs Ofer tac wae

nary rpectacle was presented of @ ae Oa, | beef calllo durlog the preceding four or Gro weeks tas | wrun wn oyrEneD °L0AKS 7 oy EAST TWENTY. vINST STREET. GRAMERCY | RACK PARLOL—A FINE RACK PARLOR, Wrrit | uae om

{ng in wealth, and with overy element Of POAC | Aticoxth been superseded by a feeling of deprérion, arcor Alen tery Birwast farnibed Hoven, wie tune | DO ean regacr ney, fara: may Be Set wo | [STORMATION , WANTED C2, JOM, SERRENLON J the fallest play, yet utterly paralyzed and a reaction bas taken place In tho tendency of priose. forreal Pass Ppt, Thin chashdane! sind Matt “nsieteeSeechasgnd | stiry af small Room, “Apply at iat East Fairytre weet | Ure of Rasa coamly Kent gus.” Walt or any threatened with imminent ruin from political | tho tmmediats cauro of this change to ths axprct \of af im Oru pacatine naan wr Oe


ea riba | fairest Boll's Head ta to be Moor, contalog grate aod partie many vo ts, ih Na causes. ‘The yery riches of the country con| ° tobe attributed toa considerable | FUns, FURS, FERS. goatalalng pale and ain to lah sam See cranes the ater, Nothing created | ire te meekly eens st tba Wamlagton drove | Be reer re ph tBIO NOTE. x cring cule, | Ronectaeaiede Ne i Premiere temeea Fink SPREE oF nOARD TIM CoNerEIA. 1. tomporary. Inconvenienco } Yard, in Ferty-fourth etreat.,-Asitho market gom at this | sad presuoing Wat New York willbe afresclty, bo” | Sid Second avenues. Sot Myae nna hea slaves were ales moro fright or moro temporary Rom aL New Fork wil tan froo cluy, LROANTLY FURMISUED ROOMS, WITH REDROOMS | Thomas. Braynard a Wales ee SS T ‘chango, Which was pro: | great ertral rales market ¢o It goe al tho emaller marta ~ GENTLEMAN AND WIFE OR TWO SINGLE GENTLE- ‘Auached, wilh all tho convenieaces for bousekwping Ahan the fall in forolan ex are ave rceired Jnsiructons a ell at any mcriice thee stock | A GENTLEMAN AND RACEONTS Oud and. hse, | fuppiria inefodiog gar and Groton water, lo Pw repcax | 10 & 0. X—XOUR NAME AND uced, na cvé nowsecs) Py 1ho,gxcoms df onx} | (ilbes Sama lawn, ; Xho iaferlar, ayarags quailty beXBS | eC mate vp, See ETnGe cane Fe ee Te ia neat iis | ie actin cr ainle geatiemeny ofthe Wt Clair Atosen, 128 | "Tcsaee in petgeds ae te RS I. Hee na ed Decemy | SBOE wasn ca fr ho esis th | wie spy SAREE MAGEE am edn | Foes anes outst Ponies x TSPAr ana exports 0 porta. o good Trem former préses fer a abcet rms oly, 7 ¥ ee EA MAS PAREER 1: RES A NOTE Ber mero both months of great anxiety and fuer: | ont eve weeasy and good calla nance | AU BROADIELS, 7 no, jguametur ace, ryan arma, | Wasnt aon ia aurmoR Loe ear | Wels Wiis tae Hoteaet Inge Treachery Jn the Cabinot at Washington, fi) ring a fair’ remuneration, some, of . = ILKING. | hog im and iedroam atebtdy Nous hreiaas pra | jputenen eniysaijary uffelends cid vo welaaiiel. AG- | Qen SrueEeT PLEASE SAY WILEN, WHERE AND fnefartons and well nigh successful attémpta by Mr. | tho offerings on” rain today wera Ty at | GPRPAT Sane OF DRY cops Ana comfortable. Breakfast ifrequlred. ade Hh, WR heed Post Ofioe, } at what wise Lan we yea Howell Cobb to break down tho credit of tho | for market; and when the fact iw taken tnta considera. | 1a quldatten of the catate of 4 IRENE ee ET nh SS DLEGANTLY PURNISUED PARTON AND reer mus | S1QQ REWARD ROR A CERTIFICATE OF inh Dalted States, an enormons full in alt Kinds of { ton that corm way aver #0 plenty all troughoat tho | gy xq est Boeguags SY LOIDEST & OO iit nea Wide ogiter cr weary Gas ant | miedr hue, i NCL ia, Machu Ascot. | Heat acgpesed Uo fave been Martel choein Flint vad wah Dover che ian ag amet MEBs He oeeiner or eeDaralcly Gus and Di | merer clinton place Elgats eure ahd near SUcy avenue: | Neweete tetrecei : thane an! roperty tho seul of Yaa eine Bet ap! Ute Sduitsoma woxpar, 143.7 (plc aer nach gen agar tt WeaMiumath | Berens pin gh rey ie een aeta ra ey a nquontly a total stoppage of | thelr way'(o roarket an. wo ‘raw tn thoyards today. | Thocnlire sock wil be soi. at real at an 5 = = - - tlreet Philadephia oF tac Pela Tate Cit laapetae confidence, and consequontly a or Ng ea dare dear ord eters Meart oe a f x wil be sold at eG ay an YEW GENTLEMEN AND LADIES OAN IME AGCOM. | PAMILIRA AND SINGLE GENTLEMEN wretttNa | thn elective elise" Wevereat ‘weart Teanply Lostoo, private negotiations In mercantile paper, tho come from the eamo Staten whera’ corn ia raid| to bo | TBE stork consists in part of modated with Board ab 121 ass Twenty-elghit atrent, | JY Brat class accommodations oun Ged thea af 40 Gatambla | Private Loqul y omen. > rombllity ofmaking collections in tho South, and | buraed in pace of coal, Delog much cheaper Tue)” All| yy ne gAtttesiabeseT sone eT ENING SILER, Revwroun feeds ae Meta eecat concur ood ineezahmelanen ean the fears that disunion mast snvolvo repudiation | tHe prime cattlo ware placed before’ the” butchers FORLINS, FRENCH MRRINOBS, [A PRONT, ROOM OM THE THIRD FLOOR, AND TUNE E References qiven and required. Terms moderate. _ LOST AND FOUND, (i nvallan ioehtoritin ie ion eae Aaa me Sota Wt deatceds faranbed of aafrnshed ae =r ner or later, tho failure of banks in neatly all | rales of this kind could bo enected only ata material #2 CLOAK crus, aa, as | deird Kaiutast tomy tat be foued by marl parties | FURNISHED nooMs.—A TARoK rancon anp nED: | TOFP GS BENARG LOST. ON MONDAY MORNINO, poe : ¢ | reduction In prices, ranging from so. to Kei per ip. At | ACES and EMNEGIDERTES, Dinserat Go'ciock. 13 Aabiaud plac, curoerut Waverloy. Fovm attached ou sccond ders to balet ele wgetber | adage he Tetaly of Broadway, DetWwean Tenth and Ten tho Southern States, o generat derangemant of | feceeuea a cy ranges ram, Meta Mere At ih LNeAaed unas uereso nooner rtacecca ano cneucan | SMe sa ear abeay daaromteremctoons | Sevcretrafetmiags ure 4 Ol Re aeao evrrency In tho Wost, complete stagnation in | Alferton’s ou Tuesday tho demand was ight, ad4) with | , TABLE GLOTIIG NAPKIN Aste ae NAM Eand ‘Gail at 200 West Toiny-eocond wren 7 Soar, SY Wallacrests Business here, ‘Such were the featnres of tha com- | Hirge sddivions hourly expeeted, Ik wan axooodinely hard BUAKG SaxoN) Aol VELSM PLANN BLA Sn snail, | RORNIRUED ROOMS TO, LET_WITM HOARD, FO A crc. a obtain hI ko remnunerative m. 0: uy 1% a NEATLY INISUED Re Nlerpao and bis fe or two gentlemen mercial prospect at the close of last year. the range trem Got U6 0e-n O30." / The Romber on pala ab MOURNING GOODS OF RLL KINDS, A eA eon ln'e privata fa Hf, a Gatge HEE be | trometer wth tal dr pra Bead ious dru eae ‘kot continnes to. work easily— | Allerton’s for the week was 3.900 bend, andat Al! tho ie Tacen Blereker and Houston aurecin Address 2 AL B., Diogeras sane’sleckiy Atma) Mark's place, pear Beound Tho monoy market coatin ert oF the een 2a pcm ak the | a tc FRENCH, DELAISE St ae per or Tesidaben at ere tho rates for tho very best short paper being 8 a | indicaticns wero that somo would’ba Jeft over ansold. jal Wool PLAID, at 250 Wide “) HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOM 70 LET—ro A | PURNISMED ROOMS TO LET_SINGLE OR WITH PAR. D per cent, aul good paper going at 10 a 12, On f Tho lal recipte at altho yore ortho week aad ut | [YE piesa Wout Frnt YauNOM WBAtvoRe, at me | A Tetaueman, win eros para Board Call | gt aed tra, spec gouemen miata eal! monoy {a moderately active at @ 07 por cent. | en eee a rexening'e. Chanberlin’s..O'Brien's 3, dresees C4 DRITISH CALICOBS, a $100 por drean_ | sb Ble, labios, ———_ ee 7 : Des eckeak arar the cornet et al Thi nothing done in oxchango to-doy. | Tolawcek.,..3000 "MNT aL 46 | roam deven frst quality of Liles’ NICE PLEASANT ROOM, SUITABLE FOR A GEN. | JTURNIAUED ROOMS ELEOANTLY FURNTSMED AND | ‘candy street sk bls an fan Tee jero was nothing qele meee traits abs ase a Hy eS ‘quality of Ladies’ KID GLOVES, at 70s Ulmne acd wife: alen, Hosea fora single geatica Sealrably loosted.—Tha second wary. Locether oF sepa | collar, with BLuck abd whivosinipe Uhrowah Woe ceDkry; anew Bates aro protty firm. gh, Nea pers ie aeegbepalt ho tte mpyremenia ietercscencrcang: | ING, Jest un tg Aferaoen ats Wadllaguapiacs afew | GS i thea A Tegaay a rare wld Tho stock market showod somo strength at one | rho curreot prices for tho wreck at tbo various markets | AMPS ltof SILKS, atts, ico and 7te. per yard Sr es ————______— ive eT Y d, and | wore as follows:— ‘The whole mur be sold 1, HANDSOMELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM ON URNISHED ROOMS TO LET—WITHOUT BOARD, AT ‘OST—ON TUESDAY EVENINO, STIt_ INSTANT, It moment to-day, but prices fell off afterward, and | were Dy Feb, 1, nest anthe wierenas | AQ HANDSOMELY FURNISHED FRONT, ROOM, ON | PUD Urge strony note clloton plusy Ina suey pre | JOSS agS SURSDAY, RYENING,, Stil, 7 IN a Sree ‘been keh and tbo Dusiness mast be clowad. a seanod toor, and aultuf rama of tho tbint Hor, | rain family, Second aod third Gora apd Varlors will bo Moe pies Gan - at the closo of the day tho market was steady at | octuy, Prica.” Qualily. DW. fej mith Moura a6 108 ond 1H Bert caen wilh ‘or pineal, | arate eee ccaing then Ge Wa tweny-cgits the decline. In th presont wiato of politcal af- J rit per ewt.a3eGa9% Orlnay......8% a4 | U7 eR Goons, wer Goo: Stew a0) young i | Fair te goods... 8008 eters sess 0008 q ee 2 fairs, with civil wor fmminent, it needs some bold he mum cows i pene omer ne PRIVATE FAMILY, HAVING MORE ROOM THAN Giitetitan indy and young siece. ta ‘x kina Germaa (a: | 7 OST—IN THE SIXTH AVENUE OARS, IN QOING. To pleces Ons Tah Linen at BS cla per yaa, worth Wc t THAN | inliyswisrethe lanpuagals gpoken’ Vielolty of Pulloa ara ness to purchase stocks at avy price, The follow- | First, por bd.860 00 a 6000) Ordinary. Gbereymecnmaceprmaemt ges | A Lorie Anuomnaie gelenas eatin | Rua icrae food wel asd sis | LiPvrig Tartan vet ta orar ea’ Daminles hod Vac

nash: fecun 29 eie per Ll dee. tneasow drop hephion at Sl'pccase, rrorth $1 75, | Helerences required. Apply at Li7,Weat Slatcenth aire 100 dor large fringed ‘Lino Towels ‘a $1 oper dor, wort | De.weenSlath apd Nerentn avenues

irgett a bandiscontaoiag a mall wblteembradered

fend ecine white seving

{ng were tho last quotations of tho day:-United | Falr io goed.. 4000.0. L0 00 | tnlerlor Mice ‘sat Btates 5's, 1874, 03 0 04; Virginia 6" iced Onda Hodros tect wil eerewarded Yor tie aaa.

family preferred, Good reference, 75% (8 76; | Firet, perib... Te. a Tie Ordinary.

Tennossces, 74% 0 75; Missouri 6's, 67.0 145 Can- | Felt lo gred.. be. 9 84 Inferior. Now is the Umé for bousekecpers to replenish. Tadjos that Freee ee ENT EAR LOR AND |] Otek XOVNU MAN, RAMED SAOGH REX MYEs 4on, 14% 0 15; Cumberland Coal preferred, 8 9 | primo, perb'd..$5 207 00, Ordinal Eaten ery cu noe ine ooonrenieneg ef tng rand ebevd ian end'wife,ornglo gentiemeh. AppUy at OT Amy Boyer Ro 30 bit ret a 58 ear ens atieen at 30; Pacific Mail, 87 a 34; New York Contral, 76% | Falr 6 goad... 4 0986.80 Inferlor.. Off A, JAMES, 162 Stath arene, near Bighld street. MasOx RUBLE 24ND 7 Was URTY ETOrr Sor uoa’ dota get rae Sales "Any loormaiioa

A 6 a4 Har. z | Mareet briween lab avenue As fray. Tolst, | of bis whereatouta wil befiterally renarde ‘rewbert 974} Eul0,90)m 745 Hudson River, 4574 eel ae Fret, se sso5-16466. a 5is¢, Other grades ANTED 32 FONOUARE HOD ONT ORDA bed Rootnn rant is | Simon Levy, 607 Eighth aves. N.M—t" paper Jem, 15 024; do. preferred, 3734 a ¥%j Reading, aircon cows. | rod real eatte: Wiles warrantee dese ‘Apgly at So Bish please copy. 2 :

30% 024; Michigan Central, 63% 054; Mighigan | Tho demand contloues moderato for all aeecriptions, } fcc, x Addresn dO» ‘HAY, box 155 Merald o1

Southern and Northern Indiana, 148 %4; dol gua- | both. from the mitkmen and fer private family se} Ther y 5 wore Fone bicoded ‘cows cm ealo. this] week, rantecd, 33% 0 %j Panama, 114 n 115; Mlinois | which wero readliy booght at, very. full prices; byt ordi-


Stree Brackiyn, hlady'e Jekabd gall reap, tbo Topon oF m eras. The Onder’ will be soltably rowanied Py [caving ltat 1ot Port Greco piser, Brookly.



| 740g 0 $4; Galona and Chiéngo, 6334 u 54; | Bary Hlock were kcarcély £0: fri. \Tnferior cowp wero det Des 5 Ue tue house, wil dlipssa of thelr #pare Hoosen tno ; * a Conkrst/ 0075 8.747 Galade endl Chidagori), ery hardof mle a8 cévaly tho cate at tia ertson of | uradGegenis Hoineesan ame ima, eenw'nia | pemmaass ind Seraomarrctor age aaetes Ott | Nf Obie arayruraibeedioema daca or doubieaie: | APSEATD OU or Okman a bavi odire Oleveland and Toledo, 32:4 9 347 Chicago and }.tho year, and very low prices wero accepted fof thom. | evel, $180; unfuralshed, 10 rent thr aie Ba Nin | gudrequircd. Apply ais teramond aurcet, z bie for families ut slogle geoulemen tho Tocation ix uasur- | Py anci Gated’aix: months from December 4 160% for S27 Rock Island, 63. 34; Chicago, Burlington and | The total receipts for tho week and Iast-week ycro az | Tirilcth surek BLU: Wasarley plugs, $80; Brasdway, = [ean AS the bullding, second | Ai persons arn bereby caatloned gaint purebasing or Deger - followe— | S11Ga aad rserb ltrs lo varigatfosauran at ouderala | A No. 20 RAST, TwuxTiETM srumpr, A row | Boor, gavand walerio Bonoue Se er ee eater aareer Rha bola sloped, Quincy, 66 340 67. . “AUerton's. Broteping's. Chamtertin't: O'Brien's, | #08 DINGER & HOLDEN, 8 rino st and L3H Broadway | AT qcora trom Hroadway, ageatioman may ublalo'm foot | 1 orop —wELL, FURNISUIED FRONT PARLOR, SE- - ; ‘The businces of the Sub-Treasury was as followa as am 2 Ee } a PURNTSURD Bouse ToluET No: us RAseTBIATY. hall Bedroom, with Board. Dlnner at alx o°¢ 490d oor tole, TND Hoard, toa genllgmac at fSzer None on SORTS MIG SAMURI, -day:— os ' decondslftoety four sory Bugis. ases i wevks two gentlemen at $10 per werk. k praileman. je alate waka io ea VRAD CALVES: | qorsemant Tea tetlnt Mme ince bee oA: | AA PLEASANT NOME, WITH SUMITUGUS TADLE AND | gti per eee; locuding ao aod ax Appiy at tot Ean | paying cbarion wilbe delvoed tte ‘wack four at Recalpus “sooneat os , The demand continace woderate, Bad price eratnan io jj Alter (bgt of CREAMER & CO., 1hGold street, iptnenparoy loan ald ue anda ‘Thirty Tourth sireet, between second apd Tuird arenues. Wiat'e, No. 6k BoKb wtreet shore x lo low for all kinds except for’ strictly primo] w pees street, ponventent to Breadway aud oui ba, ete: . Pee a aps oa ae Payments asst 04 | brought te perio.” tur Kings are without materal | {USE Waker satae ey olf Ses Qe rake mimy | Fecereateee OTT | Paina bck Rta ett Yat Roar ta eaonan REWARDSA isdasectaved Ne 638 altoratiou, bot scarcely, 90 ‘Arm, and, lst week's rates | arenon with all the tudern Improvemonta, new lant Nay, FEW DESIRADEE nOOMS WITH HOARD, ror | and.ifes alto, a Noor for a genclemen (or $4: Bodeo first TEWARDCATRAYED AWAY, A SMAGL BDAC Tho exchanges at the Banke Clearing Honko-thia | re barely tupported. ‘Tho bulk of tbo offerings were | aodfotenall famyavery dearabio raidcacs Carpe | A TEN Dush uuemen’ car’ and sagen pase’ fore: | cams diaver aisle click, at tea West Twenty slay street 5) Teed ino Slots beds etcingof bells roond hoe eck. Any i 1B Ordinary, and the averogo pico’ was low... TUp feneral | Rosslare, 40 wil be esld \Meatnboot $a0h AddreswW: | Apu._somlllen and, Feuucticny ae eos Hroduon and | MCF biebth avenue, Ope Gnding and retoraing her to No. 33) FULD wyenve wil ro~ morning were $16,053,445 68, and th balances | fel ice, for good Heck was Be, fo Oigc, Tp total} Fons Vests a Venk atrecte RIVATE TABLE, WITH FULL OR PARTIAL Hoanp, | Surew@esvere reward a i cep a ‘and fast we _ a , 91,054,370 58. sntalows fe’ | GTORES TO LE IN BROADWAY NOB, 82h 910 AND. A SRIVATE, FAMILY, WAVING MORE ROOM THAN Dierfiyptyd toda wont Hoard A wider ely Uvlog | REWARD-HOST,, ON, MONDAY, 7 INET ‘The following dividends have beon declared: Allerton’'s. Browning's. Chamberlin’s. O'Brien's. | ton streets and aiden apo; ale> several nove, elegaotand | LA. Wed rear wip ce fecha PERT roy) (een frit bath, Bot nod cold water, grates jn ear room every att | ‘210, ogerttad on the thank, "Apply to UONNEIL & HON,

‘Tho Fulton Firo Insurance Company, 6 eorm!-annual divl- “a0 a \ 3 dend of coven per cent, payable on tho 10th instant; tho S . 3 20 Market Fire Losarance Company, 0 senn}-annual dividend SieRY AND LAOS.

pact Warehouses fa Eradiay TOR MENA, the eomorte of a Rotbss, goed 1atlon: 1) | ype Founders, wi Centre treet 7

Flours of/709 Bréaéway aod 137 Eighth street, toilet, for any | APPIy ac68 Weet Seronieenin street REWARD —LOST, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FROM: Dasiuess; sito Leace of n four tory brick House la Pri OMS TO LET, WITHOTT BOARD —A 8 Dea Don antwern to SaPiOuingn rhrle "Arh WbINGSEe Hole | FEW NORE GENTLEMEN OAN BF APCOMMODA: Rows 79, LET ET Bo, nmmyoniid 5 Noes first re a om

on raid to nestnesa and ‘comfort. lease apply Tulny-tourth strect, 1

ef throc and a half pee ceut, payable on demabil; tho | Tue light recepls uring ue past, two! or thrca woeks'| Bees,» ucmm, In 6 Hrs class house, oxcupied by mamall private rain ‘tho sald dog (3 108 Knickerbocker Insurance Company, a eeintannual divi- | haye oveasioned au ncivp dosand from tho greater, part |. DEN, No.A Pine slreck and 3.24 Broadway, feo in tbe large inodern housh No. A) WWBIte atrook, ono | 7yu URN aE en yw eal pet wenama of Dash. Avy perm in yt toa 0 Sa eat at da iO enn ts | a inet cls vahecy sod the eal phcjtog af | >Re. Aneates ane Jet Deetras._____ yea ada yrs ee inmiye mb aes oratory aaerduod | Mangas et of len Ian wil een sora

Noy World Fire Insuring Conigany RyeirHea Leto vod to pmo on flo dutiog [tho recoding (ow maarket | PO LETT ATBIUATR PAMILY ONL, FURNISHED ENIOAN HOTEL, JERSEY CITY =TO LET, wir | *ueeh near Broadway, Meterence given and required, ERS ER a nT NERD LOE per cept, pasablo on tho 16th instant? tho Arctlo Fira In- | ayn prohibited them from precuriog n sullleat pupply. | Lor Uuntaralebed, class fou oe TN an atte mia Bede ausched, on frat REWARD —LO8T, ON THE, a rane Ghana anbudtailicat ot yererenty | Tb view of thet rportaut aoe here preva ale | AAGAIRANG otis utah Msn ere Wana Bench | Keg.oaalef aetna atte; algo throgorfour | TO aMUAr iia and teceiva Medak Aticndsnce Sol $10 rama eatin. aterm artatS Eitiaysdlvideed ot four per eats ayablo.on demand. | unfer whlch tuo market ated nates thy haa nt | car are oe oe | ea wba a SEDE BESS 28 ae = és id a Loner i rr J 120. ty ¢ a FURNISHED ROOM AND BOARD WANTED—FOR A | pro Ry eT HOTELS. { ‘Tho Boston Traveller of last: ovening thus: no:! | Belvers wero coabled tovobtaln Frum / $5 80 10.85 0 for’ } ost ogee. "| fr itist9 6.2 ta ee a eT Ae rona | PO LET-PARLONS AND BEDROOMS, _ WIT OF 7 d D : ordinary to good grades, aud fror iz = as ~ a tleTua an ur {ihout Hoard, at No, SI 8L Mark’a place, Bightb strech, At

tices tho monoy market of that city:— | Pa wolee eakraa sd i seers Seats 43 few coudinea | ‘PO LET-ONEAP |APATITMENTS, (CONSISTING OF Hal tect? Nedra {6r'tmodaya i's, era Chics, Dewi ve ares pine Rnibeinech | Cie HOTmL, NEWARK, 4. Y—NOARDSEVBEAT |

‘There was to-lay a furthor gain of 823,100 In tho specio | Tho demand was good Agar dome. on ina xeenpd. oor of hours, 20] Gane. Asis Je aN pad TPO LET-T0, ORNTLEMPN ONLY. A LAMOR ¥ ONT OO ye wana rem \ Doldinge of the ety banka, hee Inereaalon To agerseato | #iferable advance, ow. lave work Creer teat Bits “eeeton ous adeno teak? HANDSOMELY. KURNISUED ROOM, ON SECOND | sy ow “hioges ehh modarn inprovetens, Dinner al Pee st Ren wei tania ant Ta a to €4y1 13,800, Loans and’ dlscoupias aro freely. Aaa ‘coipts nt the vaflous yards wero as followe— neapy, Inqulreof ARS, BASKON, 648 Madson atreel "YA AAP Nth gan ane. grate, to iat toa aoaia geateman, | {hutch rgciion vs Bast Faeatyasis savahy beiweed Sa

saci DyiHtg Jastitulons, aly als poy cont Tha GE, ehdoraad aaah once aM OEE ee ee AND entation cee Patt ee mai pacutergines Testes 0%. | Rourthand Lesingion arena el EMRE zoe - rer cel en ey Siesta see 5 a ion en eA peed MTP, SAP ESP ETCH ‘ANTED—FULL BOARD FOR A LADY IN A SMALU | eae maatiritica, are boing owotiated, T=. er ao 1 nt gues treaty oO a IED OOM TO LETT A. Itai epee ani creed 3 per ee nee eeert,

Fy per cent, Toner rates anid Yona OF wR ct | Sombie ar eat eeaipsarih aired, © SPT | AL reine ON aries | lua Hra as UUNrull ia pr asignat wots Te Tee ee Us Wer aro to eumit 1 bigbor rates! of intorest,ac- | The receipt during tho week havo been enorm« and | oan a ——— |] Covalns ait the modera improvements, Apply at 105 Mac- S agen na tel F- rege RSIS | HSE A PPE TORRID. ‘cording tothe circumstances of argo dates Teacarltica | peices may bo written a shado; lower onthe, modium MPO LRt—stoRE 79 BROADWAY, FIRST LOFT, dovgal streets “Oe é ~ |__| Q NELSON PLACE, WITHIN ONE BLOOK.OB BROAD. Boctten ta priced

) Ab fs large amnirroy NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM, OR A SECOND Way acd the New York Hotel.—Ploasant farnished 400

teen, wituout rnow be ‘obaioed fo nhave ininouse’ “afsora dine Hoovy with ciety fora pee

ad id), Bonrd Yor dy a arial Bosra for | = gentleinam. sire ba

Tasvoxp aTnEer, sean waventey rtacr— | Bianianos 4

nites ia! very Hullo new | grades, but for all otbera full prices bayo bec z ty weit four dio! chandeliers, and orn.

an aE raat, Setagot Iho Iago banks Haro al | Tho range was from 17(6. to S40.) ‘ielodng all Ge: poatillStow bunts, i pottet fermaneaty, mike ek A ee le by nemall peirace (ally, witaout eulidren, | 12% faper iboing nds. Seng of Ith Fe Penctojauaarb | serptions jan Se) ithe day ne i A fear tale hyo priya vital gue,

The purples capital pot rejuleed bY thelr regular cus- | WEOAPITULATION. 1


ve _ | Walenta slagaor cars’ Apply et t@ Fifth etreet, near Bo tomers. ‘Tho total receipts of all stock Cor tho ~wook hrid Lt | 0 LET_PART OF A MOUSE TO ASMALL GENTEEL | Sond Sten work wero ay follows F faiolly, Grst, Floor avd Bascmens, part uf third Fioor, .

a fe Seer Tat eg eine | deat; Sosa aes, Essemens part ed Flor. || apy aND GENTLEMAN, OAN HAVE A, NRWLY OND STREET, SEAR TAVEAL mEnaEn : pare ead olen nes fst OMe Ta Mma, | Sanat ares Seat actor | A KER Sy as Mah nah | hey arte ge ieee ete | tn er mr arin oe ‘The Cincinnati Gazelle of Monday says:— remnin Big Bb 17M { fairer eee —— r icin firevemene MAapig tet Thectpoou ets Beat ious. | Kesler coy hous occupied by "mail rivate Yenuly: rele: | Pee Lema BROOME, aes cern esnae axD i . yen 10 LET URNISHED, ON SB- r. = SS yareda i] ‘Tho market for Now York cxcBango opebed at lower | O'Brien! 1B 6 lem | | 1 cond tleor, suitable for g elab roam or for two single gen. sae ‘NTH STREET, BETWEEN AND 5) ‘Commencing on Thereday; 10th inst. / On) théer ocrasions Ma ares an hs bape oy ny far gems Ua | Bera. BS ARR TE | eesti athe CURSE He sucecattaar | mR, uimanans, onpauen noows, jo.ttt | AL Rteu “Agutiman ung nie cagamatayery pee | BE THIN rreay oxnos TAME) tunder a good country ani a fair Jocal demacid, rates he Mice | Lee TE TT aN 2 | Laight streets: a pleasant location and very copyenjeat to pr. | SaB\Rooms with, oard: afew sage peatemen cap ales bo with tioned towards tho claso, and In tho afternoon thero | Tutal . 77 396 ©, 6,004), | 10,069.) oy ise brace FLOOR, KITOHEN) RANGE, THREE | sons dvlog buslvess dwn town, Mealsea the Buropeanplan | dinner ai 6 o'clock. provements; ore Fiera i wera, buyers at preaitiar. (FO Avolo para 8: mre} Tash werk. ut 6,703.) | 12,010 | PO cena ned, Varia reRarate paar very enor: | avail Boure, <a ee | Abd iter prmlnen prayers.) Ticket Ocenia, Gorameneng Toluin as tho whole range. re “A re a ——- | —— |} ‘sient; 9'm respeeutble family ouly. Apply 0 KR. BOYD, 5 Aa Sa er zi WEST TWENTY-FOURTH STREET—FURNISHED Ebene EY - ie form at ¥f premiura. TolalrincoJan.1 7109 189, TAL, 12,067, | 91,070,| Bresdwas corner Nolrsy hun stecet OARD—TO LET. 7wO HANDSOME FuRsIstED | 4A Riou, mis Board, for pullewencaly, ocar Wo Pik Samu sA pe TTORILL oF Boe ivayof Obigptabla kaudaipl sass emetiers wx rae po mene PS rate Masao ses|| le operiee nsec pe cioe eam aeTON| (ee Cee nico nuise abeitack ive Oot ar ‘Avene Siow). CB ea Ha esting eter tekiee Piste ives the following: btatistics of the financial | Cattle-..------+--5 =1,530 | PO oFarike sy called Peucman Hous, Bast Pourtocih su, Maken, and wbers home cumferecan becnjuyed {ours bag YOFTH STREET, BETWEEN BOWERY AND SE- Ma baasK ter NMOS APNT EE MABOweE) | eee ai naetar MaEIGEE Nrovain bE t6A IE: Woassaid. sins “1042 | eppeatie Union square, Bret Gour coupled’ by Mooghwoal £ | Kinase eer Pig Seards th inbed Kooms Wael, with fal ac | PLAN'S BILLIARD TAGLES AND COMMINATION condition of the State, Novembor 16, 1860;— Sbeepsgeceeee eK: "These Rooms are suitable for almost apy Kind of busi 1 Heard; tke roma are neat and pleasant, eultable for |" PC tons, Now Improvements, pavcotod September 35 Furign Da ofthe Sige : STREREOT Bee ARES Bea meet enenenen™ | oan a ARGH, GECORD STOR, ADK ROOM | Hntemen snl il wie orbnoe eames Ha Fth ceed sper aes meme 9 er-conte tue indgroisiiae®Sieeqe20t3 OFTN COMMER C iateian-dea/e. at | (PO, LET-EeT aN SECOND BLOORS OF Mouse | sate Cy Wmaweniucn Sn and tld nay 4g Wied he Welas i Sait ieated pede eine) en Gray ret Bhat oe sot ris mst ee 1 Desai teas ocean et Om pene | rama ch eee enn Some snaed a sty oe oer eenta duo 10 1 5s. 1 he Tho market was steady and prlosa wero un- eri octagon Var raesaaa eae Fa ren ced Lights and Kisii avenues, Wins all Ue modern improvement Hofcreneos excbanged. SS ents dio in. 15s Shasecee baoged. R eee SAL very bocderalee’: ADRIY (cOABE, - . Dono Percents duo In 1661 (temporary: loan). Thuarercn.—Flour—Tho miatket was steady and | Bi Wasniogion ettect, or on the premises, OARD—SEVERAL PLEASANT AND WELL vor. | $5() A MONT WILL BRPAID BY A GENTLEMAN SSS 7 Te SESLo te ta oot war ies, fer rst hb erga etl es Bean wiemetiathiadeN athaae iano | BOO Hae aie ant pearance | AMEE Mi Re mie ike! pao

no Stato aud Weetern Lrunds, whllo prices werojwithout | (PO, LET OB LEASE-THE WELL RNOWN DRY GOODS | Fin avenua. Vivoer at six velock Jerrad, Locuiion ketwora Tweniycain(h and Thirty fourth | Aching teeth

stare; winnie aad rlesant Ostures al So. Suyenus Dy Plunge of Importance. Tho tales feted up aboye 11,000 |! 2, Suara, wiih pw aad slezant danares: at 0-9 ; 5 rests, ava'Pourth and sia arensen rest referent Sirerer, Tolad foretga debt. eee este ssss1O OOO | buteecoclog within tho folowing rango ot priced,” | Sassen pieeeeee oe OARD—A SUIT OF ROOM! TO LET, WITH BOARD. | SuGveyaired Audseas¥. Oy S08 Na 402! NewYork Feat | Pay, bese Seventeesth strook Domestic Bort. Superline States... 2) 06 35 | myo LET OR LEASP—THE LAROE MALL as BY 70 separalely or together, innings peaticinen, “Ulcvse wie | ofice es oaiaee Issucd under act of February 23,1843, Palth 500 | Extt8 State) good to cho ab feet) oa the corner of Forts. frst atrest and Sixth aren SU STiae eosllfmly, whevo \bere are few bvardere.. In GPRING ETREAT WITARN DOORS PaOW BIOL | CACTA as Coe ee a xp Super AR a or cents ss $04 SuperOue Wertera yess ee ct cecupled by the Moudt Oliset Bapuat Church. For oars elt ALY 8 STRERT, wre atlver only $8; on Gna ‘nd rei, 6 par exats Suverive Western 6:39 9 6. 35\| former qulegst Sor mak 19 Sa Nyoi naveral bandesmoy Faraisted Tomato | $5; angle tein’ gL Testy iid abd extmcied witwot tb

cer cai: {SIR CSR BP HEN RISKSON enero tye an Sites to tealght soutbera. LW bead, a Rraight ta pd extra de

Ethotce evi fly and ba

Ryo ilo

[Rect iteon ee Wes Ape ansuas FRM yciageeral taro | PaARe iced aie hs az iota pore SNA hee ites ra

Po tEe OR STAR BARE ee | pass a Saheg eh Ba Re Mtoe Ree | ewan 9 Be Leper el 3°; dep) of, apd. several ofices ne BOW. ie; renner leaueee ae bt ~ Lea BAST POURTBENTH STREET, NEAR BROADWAY TIPICIAL TEETH—PANIC PRICES —SILYER SHTB Heol OMS tote eh a8) Jobe uy acy | rar Lipuib arena, bor 79 SS NOUETRENTY SARE SHU AOADTENY | TAGE en rsch ggaar SO sere

Bonds, 0 per cals. 6 Issued under uct of i a credit (bot bearing intoreat) ssuod noder act of March 7, 1542. (nol bearing Interest)...

Coru sical, Jereoy and

HANCIS BYBNE, U2 Neneap atrosk =

x: y APPLY. v7 Jog gar Lot and cote ter, eli hc., tole rth Bo or \ i 1. Gusranterd work: National read bonds (not Dearing Interest) —Canailan Nove was Ip» moderate de ‘and prices |) APPLY Ie FRANCIS SY zB ARD, WITH ROOMS.—UANDSOM. AccOMMODA. | !4Agar Lotaud.coid water, covets Ac. lel with Hoar ea | Uyper, $3 a i re £ wire, without. alteration of “moweot,,, Tap vsalea)] MPO, BOARDING MOUSE KEEPERS —A| MODERN ee Sea aA S OME Aneomtenie, | Wydrrats tm: ale, one ogle oom; dinaér ata cick; | vine awarded. Eetractng ein rubeot al, Nrutal Tota! domestic Woods ssp st-eyyoennnts) RATTAIO | Gmbraced, 20 ULE AL RS OO 87.78 fon] extra | ine sexta cceteks Caley furnished, won cura Al | tefoty fol ant sourtesio set nppoute bo Acltety ot eT = DI MANSON, Dest. Urreducible State debt, O percvots...S--.+-s 9,07T/600 | Southern door was Tras wotive, while pricgs. werd | WE} moa ae G60 ist Pouriaen| Oppout emg Of SKCOND A’ —DESIRABI = = a Property and Dae aa Heme Tho ealea embraced about 1)000. Bb. en | Se Markusduner a6 o'clock, 80 Worn for ue, eee te fatigmen au Wile ARTFICIAY TEPT. 75 CENTS 7053 BAOI_WLOLE, 1850. 1800. within’ the range of tho above’ quotations. Rye oT ROADWAY, BETWEBN TWELFTI AND | Wivch with Jullar paral Board; hours coptalne modern La ne Pegaaied pat ie ach valuo of all property -$204,728,000 488§,002/001 | flour yeas quiet at uaF qhotatlous, vith ralar of 120 DDI. POLITICAL. Bee eee ee ee aaa in iaveliys Myase | Provements and a convenlent to Broadway. Saar Wariee eataMllsbet elghtera yautn removed ba Buato debt... 16,030,763 19,027,854 | Cory inval was quick butctady, with modcratomates at Til WARDONOTIOR =A MEETING OF OTHE: | fritcluss, passeasce all maveru hinprovemeuts;, an pxeatlent Troratsonca ttrece ‘Dr Lurie, br, beotst, Aue ogerogaic debt of to state moolcpalit,Uank- | eur Ngures.” Wheat vas Grn: fr tho eller quali, 1 uRtats Ward tlmoeato teatuon wil bo peat | ave, Dinner ataix cine Apply at Ba Q3 QREESE, STHERT. AnovE srnrmg—ALaTON i a ari aa ers, merchant and Indfyiddabe was estimated by. tho. | \hite inforior grades and Chicago spring Kero dull. ‘Tho |. Majer’s, 20 Third street, on this, (Thursday) oFaolan, Janu- [ ed louse —Eleganuy fural Loom X- anne ree atatieoy inchs. Fopurt of] 180; at | Nemyad was fai aed sake Jor the day Tooued ypubout | ary fa.si7H o'eluck. Functoal auendanee o routed. By | POARD WANTED—TWO BEDROOMA ON Finst on | Contos ands rey oleoe for bowteeeiagecrermlg: DPS DUBAR AND ROUMSEAD CONTINUE TO 2X, Stavlv2 4g, ckclasive of ralzeas, wien Ws delta | Co Qn). Toooo beanwsyax $tst tor prina whive ana, | EE ce aoe) ech ee | acta mnga acre ave eilrey op boariera rk at | Fealemen West ew io permsueat nase argiual process." to charge or temporary, 21a oy extracting Pletgo cn tho roads. Debt duo out of tho Siato, $25,000, | Stat, for tania club in storo, $1 bw ELadforred | Mates mignon | Secretary. SEN ET ee re te aris | Adie Were ariidell Teelh ara ‘Ai “oparatlcan war SOO cee Sit ROR AUE ACES DY? Ue BLAU nunlspalites | enter $12 u'$1 33 for red ate, $1:295¢4 $f for Jey, Dox 100 Herald oiler, for two daya. QQ FRINGE stnEeT, west or BROADWAY ELE: | Faalad ‘Ko. 375 Canal street, oppadie Wett Broadway and werebants ander Wisconsin abl Iowa, and. Chicago. spring Ak p. & 9 aouy 0 dom for geBtlezven;, al the modern xia Teerenco in bo aluy ef property... thpotexal, | Ci wy mute atl; ty males Tusbrsci. abopt 70,000 WATCHES AXED JEWELRY. BOARP, WANTED —A Roow, wrinl ouEAKeAGr Ann | Inproveeta Sm) OLE FT OF TRETH INBERTED, WITH ion of debt. to tbe vans ty, 3 pumhelsy Including Western mixed at 643. 4 60c., And 709. ; 5 7 fia, by b geotlizaan, in 8 yluiy private 1 han A out extrsetio abbr, Frtertn of deb tothe value ee property #8) do. | tents ocho ing Werkera mlaod ut 43: a te. An | TF “aDiis" GOLD HUNTING WATODES |) 4, | imreatoav aver bardery eliveria new Voreuedronniyny |'13() MADISON | AVENUE A GENTLEMAN, AND | Stidaiha th lind arcane to sty ine Gest and a inte value ot eperty.csrecsseseecasese 8) Wo. | qutalyalow at toc, iyo was qulok ne Toes a 70o, Tar: | Ladle’ Ootd Open Face Waichen earrantel $15] Bi et thgleck at hase oot patcey ar eseea gaa | actond arorcina Oye ass prival fer ancoains eatenalng as cgay AL DRP PASCO CER, Tho traffic of tho Wiinols Central Railrodd the | loy lire and nominal av 7se. ase. \Barleyimult we sien | W. EVERTSON SMITH, 16 dlaiden me | Yiced wba nelghbockood Is uotobjecoabia Address Wan. ‘S76 Grand screol, New Yorks 257 alten etrosh ronkyn- , fo, Uabs were in fulr Wesnasd, ab 25340, 0 3p. For W TARP WARMANTED SOLD GOLD AND CO: | tier, box 13k Lerald ofbes, tutiog where toapply, fveniund required. a uit Canadian, ood at 384sc% for Sate 7 Tal) $1 each; gold aad allege Thistia Shawl and Scart = : a TT pe TR ASBTHLULUGY, Cosye—Tho pales embraced 1,009 toate Jaya) os patil tian Watches, Jemelry, ba, Fite Walchen, French, (locks CARD WANTED AT $8. YHR WEBE, BY A YOUNG | 34. ESE EN Yet Yarnliinds for geatenes. ered, toidu: Jomatea at Lice, aud shout 3000 bagb to all | Musteat Boren Avcordesaw bent for, repaleed by exparienond | 1D lady, american familly preferred, itureresces wsesoup. Partoraa Bedroom, 2895 per meek? "Parlor and Ded

workmen, abd delivered (p any pari of the eit VW. 1. MORRISON, Watchmaker, 305

Me nize Corus. tho market was firm, thoogh Jest active,

p i "addrera Yh Wor 1s) Herald OSS wo; STL, with pas, fre’ and walAr cloaer—breat tat Wad L eos most) | Nob SIE Jy box 15} Meraid onion, >| 1 jlred=oo moderate terms Safereace “given ai

"The rales footed Easton 100 bal j, Clowink wuiff'on the ARRANTED GOLD AND SILVER WATORES, CARD WANTED —A ESTEGTABLE, YOUNG LADY required. TAS OF Ses pot I aR RAPED GOLD aD SEY ER Coie rp elon ngeag ed SOF TENCE OE | sttres eueheapeas Sale ead | gies hae ae whlo eee Bea hea e1ouTH ETRERT. TUNER DOORS RAST OD Btcede Exe Seas) oh Teais | RRT ee ae oo Ea Bad eet te es Meee Le er ogee Autios O, | LB, Bradway eleaolly Curae aparimeni fr

5 iF oud eeroced about 60,009 busdetn | SUES)

ma ee 89. corn rate atd 3 spol no ahip's barry o 4. each Wate! veut etree but ied Diowerstalx Befercnou

B a Tih. 1,000 Ov, Gour atta, 444200 pox OHI COR, Sel Bowery, ear Four sre OAR WANTED—A. YOUNO MAN DESTRES \ BIN:

oop 10d Wee lard! nt Sta, 84% 100” pavkaghs Dali, Wi poral Baan Be Ea a Ten ee ee ane eee Dy; aleauuer, ab ia fo, hdd tally Re 3 FURNITURE. Seat, Lean to by tetcay leeair apd Fetty wos | arcued Bach elegantly Turslane, wullabie for gealleace ot. |

nt GO WL. nde at. To remo }OO}Wb1s. pater wna agd Fount and eveolh avenues, estat cierenos | eoiteman dadiwifc, or w phyncizn wil be et rascataa

thes were taken i 30s, Two vexca weresugaaed (or | Ay RERROOM SOIT OF RM AELLED FORNTTURS | Kuanard iriure qh tytn hig otc eg | Se h—aus ergs treat Het, ella oreo tet,

Cork apd orders of the exacts of about Sy pouches, | Ab, fores inal slory oe marraial mene t ni | {ektve ct roms and uray wilh lst below.

AL 124d. la" Dok. A vessel "wes engaged’ Ud load wit | Pua Cuan Chan Coat eee opponita, Wooaler street =

colton at Savanpah for Liverpool of Layee, ‘Bsiablabed to 143 BOAR WANTED nY A LADY, WTI HoOM, FLnE

9207 Suadison square Vast othe dlewen apd thelr familles, or single wenuiaben, wilt or

'$2000 Tenn 6's, "00... 1069 Georgia 6'a 1000 Mirsoar) G's... ee AGO Ween 100 California F 10 Bikiyn Cay WL. 10015 1000 N ¥ Gootral e's OL 2000 Frie 2m ex!79 97 ‘4000 fiud Riv mV. 86x 0.

b warranted one year.

183 MLBECKER STREET —A. PARLOR AND, BED-| om adjo ning: alsa tna. Uee singin Rona, te

4000 tiarlem Tim b.. 9044 216 Panama RR. | ‘Hay —The market was ctoady, with sales of 500 “bates See and Very moderate teria, or a Koum, with Hoard, | #h with Hoard. Denner at 6 Geicek. Terms maderata: 2c Harlem 21 b.. Mtg 200 II} Gea RR ser 866. 9 Me. forebipplog Luts, andat $1 a$1 25 for cty-ase, | A UCTIO eae oe eee erin | (ir sagy Unling Gry pu light lefereoces exchamgnd. AS: | 11 0 iy ater, ARAL SF KING—MARION HOUSE. 20a Onn baa 0216 Tiox=Tho: market quicl. Sales of Scotch: tavabeen | sured between filth and seaib oreaues ee oe 210) icy Teralated aterizorac arma pe for ene STD Beene made for February and March, ot $19 cah d $21 six:|/ ture bored and ebfipped (a alt parts of tine worl: Pianofortee OARD WANTED-FOR A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, | fulcal botsekie plug, wth all ie ona fading eook- Pept Peed EN Lode —The market was qalet dnd held above the views |. Palalings Opin nod Glassware packed aad moved, Coren d ae a Chamecr wih ire aad gam Inwamall faci. | Moe aueeata, bert fedding ea water, da Ren low lore 4 abs Melrop'a Ik. 103 of buy prs, zd henon uo pal of rodent transpired. ea aE TE Tre ont. Fr ee eee et duress USO, Henud | epectab'e tcuanta Paes, a ios & Vaal BE 100 Work —iiere. war a fair demand from tho trago, white | SOE 5 veces SIGH SLOSS OG ipa os tales of em irre, moderate af én. 8 =, abledy (or. | FYRAMELLED CHANDER, SUITS OF ECBSTIURE, 1% | 1,0, 4c5 wanraD—FOR ALITTLE GIRL, IN A PLAT RSE Mann rare aha ceeet ee end 30 ddeeceageee BEM Drewitig. Tho export demagd was Teh. ites and rile, ae holes or etal alee (Peay; bere sue would. te kindly treated, aod re: boise Seg Sage NAAT Stofim—Sulee of 700 Ubl aplritx:tarpeatina | © At $29 amd upwante Also Maliressesand ValbeSeS | OC tars aud allenuca; mardiog Boake kocyers peed | 240 NY Central RE _ | Mero made ot dm o.25){6. for Hiralght, lols, In shipplag ee We cot iritray. | Samucr. Neferuscea reqcired: Adinew muting eras, a Pepe Wid Og | Tae octal Cult acto wise mmederaig Fm, Braap eat 548, BLOADWAV-—ELEGANTLY FURNEED PAR! aes wertedee GON oi Orude w! WL jo “D 00) r Sans, 10 do. io 6355 | whi motrate mica My Ste ees peitord SPORTING. ROONLYNA BEAUTIFUL ECOND stony pow, | O4S tore ues Nesroums ou tru sod weooh Gear: abe, | 25 10° Wo. Tatcalca. The movements ah Néw Bedford | Dye see eee eee Ucmas ted pire: | Houmas for Hoge peatlemed: all wild full Ueard and good tr MO or the werk ening the 7th let. are thas eotleél bythe | “TpaNots BOTEER, 3 PECK SLfe, HAS ALU TUE | ain, two dugie heome at “9 Mic Homan sod wifes | ies bouve Grn chor, Urtas feasroable; ramen baarcars, | ares meas Whalomenis Slipprog Laat:—Sperm= Sines on last 3,000 | BUSAN ers cf neck for ales aues's Hallibie tangs | Sly (SO SDElS et sine Tr lock rerun mode. | $260 per ay. ey DDbIs vin parcels, kuve Leva woLl tor export (0 buropeat | cure aed Flos Evictmfoctor,a) cents per boule Ballers | rays" elereaces cachacget EEE See Ee et $140" for vation, god The park closes with an upward | "Breedin=. tralsing, Disasth Ac. of Docs" #1 Dig = T67 BROADWAY 10 LET APARpMEnta, BUR.) fetare site cr 1 do, tuuilcocy. “Whales dip the ouly (ramsactions ace rales | CMe, tralsel, B=" stedisin for all diseanct BOARD IN BROOKLYN —A GENTLEMAN, AND THT (GE cisied or cniarnished, for 1 Ales sino be trails Bn RO k. C20 Vole Sced and 76 lo, Luferloe, at prices wat ans: | TVOR SALE-A MANDSOME SLACK, ASD WHITE File ur Focilemen cao be wctiiaamadalnd | Meats forgentleen. Ucese opt oa the Baropea BIA pra: street 3. res. pS ES le with Beard faibe uewiy eruisoad gues il Lawreove steve, | Tevtus ricer ai 2 uo 05.022, 8D. Don wse—lurk—Th demand was acliro bat sup- | }2poubda; well Dred and watcaral | teace TERE | ee ey SH | a 2 Hoa Tuy i BGs srotactte: Slee of 300 a coo bbe” wirn msde at | POSBELCRUNUSET Nts 30 Es Heaton street, eiguburtiovd very picséaiil ie goed and jerns mode. THR BALL GEASON. 74 for old prime 816 15 4 $17 for now . $1175 for UH A! FANCY GAZETTE, - 7%. UN. 72 e. ANNU. p WS Marte FL! SU primey ant at E13 for ce. Beet was techs aed re | Dope Su Sites: | pooanp tx sour mmooxtrs—a mesrecrance | CALHRRN RUB YALUCMDL Unreal ons | Yoo saa ay Goh Het the Antes eeubracet176 Dole) as $4 73 a $9 60 | Hunting ne Pagilem, Petra aca, eeopy og a vt tase bose x soon Ge: | pame ate | foe dase ae pe aa ae pope ke ool a Fs pd er ee go eg prem rete ae CITY ARSE BOOS, 2 cde stls 18 aero) Mina were volerahly attive, wilt sr 500 tle cbeica|| BASES YR ad eipal prs | aren why Ary rang (2 re owe, wil rardad | On eHUmenan RyAMixu, Jaguary loa, Denes 4 Hi yrer ot | some Mine yE. OF} LS1L Brow was ecarcw abd woated ab 83{4 agXe- rT Hy nassah dire | Uudsga surest, New Jor BT nr a of ie


—- ~—



a Tae Dans tant Iinorinblicana wemiable for NEW: YORK~ HERALD: |i sien porte shuns ore wisle others



Volume XXVI..»


NINLO'H GARDEN, Broadwey.—Cecreae oF! Htonee Taino.

WINTEI GARDEN, Broadway, oppoutie Band ¢icoe Lane Me Vive KusLusncy—SMazerram tick SFrErIA’


WALLACK'A TUBATRE, Dromiway.—Pavcer—Tox Nopoy's Hecart.

LAURA KRENE'S THEATIU, No, 64 Brov event Burnt.

OWRRY THEATIN, Bawtry Dir pitiMona Wataua hau

TIEATRE, FRANCAIS, £35 Brosdway,—Lt Jocr ox £8 MaBoR—Le Lait DAmeaie 18 AMBRIOAN MUBIUM, Broa: Rea o7 Ice—Anred Onto:

ay.= Tay

DARKUM Brening—T! ‘onienus, AC.

DRYANTA! MINBTRE! way —ceLssaues, BONS,

Mechanies’ Fall, 472 Tiroad ances, &e,—Uacs Ur,

OoLnY & OAMPBELUA MINTER fimeiway —Mavoriax Boao, Dasces, fiseer

CANTERDURY MUSIC HALL, O63 lrosivay.—Sorm, Dances Honuessves, Ac

New York, Thursday, Jonaary 10, 1601.


New York Merald—California Edition

‘The svoamoblp Northern Light, Capt. Ieavo this port Lo-roorrow, at noon, for Ay

‘Tho matla fur California nd. other ports of tho Paste ‘wll clos at ton o'clock to-morrow raorbing.

Tuo New Yor Wrexry Wamas+—Caiiforoia cilitlon— containing tho latest {ntolligonce from’ all parts of the world, with a Large quantity of focal aad miscellancous matter, will bo published at nig o'clock (0 the mozalog.

‘Singlo coptea ia wrappers, ready for walling, nix coal, ‘Agonts wil plosso cond tn thelr Grdore as cas)y a8 pax sible.

The News: ‘Tho Star of tho West arrived at Churleston yes- terday forenoon, and the South Carolina troops ‘at Mortis Island and Fort Moultrie opened Ory pon her, The steamer {mmodistely put to sea, ‘An officer from Fort Sumter, under a flag of truce, Bad an interylow with tho Governor and Counell of Bouth Carolina during tho day, but the subjeot of tho nicoting hud not transpired.

‘The Mississippi State Convention yesterday adopted the secession ordiuance. Misslssippt is ‘therefore now out of the Union.

In Congress yesterday the special Messaze of

tho Proaident on the erlsla was recolyod and read, ‘Tho document {s given in our report of the pro- ceodings, andos it fa the most important doou- mont over transmitted by any Executive to the national Legislature, it will bo attentively pe rased by our readors. A debato on the topics om- braced in tho Mossage will probably be opencd to-day. Several propositions relnting to tho affairs of the nation wore briclly roferred to, ‘Tho Paoific Railroad bill was taken up, and pending a motion to postpone the subject iudofinitely, the Scnate adjourned. In the House tho President's Message was referred to @ special committee of five, with. instructions to in- quire’ whether any excontive officers of the United States haye been or aro now treating or holding commanfcation with any person or pereons for the transfer of forts and other property; whe- thor upy demand for thelr surrender has boen mado, and by whom, and what answer bas been given; whother any officer or officers hayo entored into any pledgo not to sond reluforcemonts of troops to the harhgr of Charleston, and ifso, when, ‘where, by whom and on what considerations ; whother tho Custom House, Post Office and Arge- nal at Chnrloaton have been seized, by whom held in posseasion; whether any rovenuo cutter has boon ecized, and whether any efforts haye been made to receive it. The committee have power to send for persons and papers, and report from time to timo such facts as may be required by the na- tional honor, «co,

Our Washington despatches state that the opinion is provalent at the capital that the secessioniats had assumed control of the telegraph, in order to pre- yent the transmission of government communicn- tions. Sach, howover, isnot the fact, so far as Charleston is concerned, as a communscation from the Superintendent of the Telegraph at that point, which wo publish in another column, clearly proves. He says the authorities of South Carolina havo made no attempt whatever to exorelso any con- trol over tho wires. There is a roport, howaver, that @ govornmentdespatch, addressed to an officer at Pensacola, was intercepted at Mobile.

‘The House Select Committee on ths Crisis havo adjourned until called together by. the chairman, Tho chairman, Mr. Corwin, of Ohio, has been ou- thorized to draw up the committee's report to the House, embracing the various propositions that havo been adopted, the principal one of which is tho resolution offered by 3fr. Adams, of Massachn- setts, in fayor of the admission of Now Mexico a3 0 State, with or without slavery, as bor people may elect.

Certain parties belonging to our city military Just ovening held a meeting at the Mercer House, ‘and took tho iniiatory stops for the formation of a regiment, (o be called tho “Unlon Volunteers,” Pledged to defead tho Union, and if necessary volunteer their services in its support. A report of the proceedings is given in another column.

Ex-Governor Morrill has been chosen by the Maine Legislataro to the United States Senate in place of Mr, Hamlin, Vice President clect. Mr. ‘Trumbull has beou re-elected to tho United States Senate by tho Milinols Legislature,

Quite a number of interesting local mattera wore brought up in tho Legislature yesterday, but wo have only space to refer to our reports for dotails.

Tho pony express, with San Francisco dates to December 26, passed Fort Kearny on Tuesday night last. Tho news brought by this arrival is Bnimportant. For ten days provious to the 26th there bad been almost incessant rains in parts of California. Business in San Francisco was ut a etand still, owing to the holidays and the rains,

‘The steamers Nashville and Star of the South, bound respectively for Charleston and Savannah, did not proceed to sea yesterday on account of the storm. They will sail this morning at niue

o'clock. ( Tho acceptance of tho post of Socrotary of

State by Mr. Soward in Mr. Lincoln's Cabinct is announced.

‘Tho steamship Quaker City, from Havana on the Sth inst., arrived at this port yesterday after- boon, having $245,147 in Spanlsh doubloons on board. The health of Havana was good, but business still continued doll, A slaver—supposed to be tho ship Montauk, of New York—had been ‘captured, with nine hundred negroes on board.

‘Tho Board of Education organized last evening by the re-election of William E. Curtis for Presi- ent, and Thomas Boese for Clerk. Tho election ‘of committees was then proceeded with.

‘The Board of Counciimen met yesterday at four o'clock; bat after twelve democrats had waited

half on hour for the arrival of the republican sum: bers and tho obstinate Mozart domoorat, Mr. ley por, the temporary President, declared the Board adjourned till Thursday, at four o’elock, there not belog a quorum prysent, It was rumored early ig

publicane [to sufficient indication of their ua- willlagnees to wopport U:o democratic candidate,

‘Tho Commieioners of Emigration met yesterdsy raoon, but withost s quormm, probably on a¢- of tho nnow storm. The weekly atatoment ¢ number of emigrants arrivod st tho Igat week waa 64, which Ja ‘The

coun sowed that the port dor Ale the niaober landed rlaco January 1. Nalanee in’ bank at preagnt {4 $3,101 42,

In the Court of (encral Sessions yeatorday nm vray convicted of forgery in the {on pasilny a counterfeit $5 bill on Yionk of Masaachaset oa for fire yeara. pesitentiary, I

ecord degree

| prisoner were tent to the | pleaded guilty to tue charged preferred ogalast thers. City Judge MeCunn ordered a. largor calendar of coson to Ue prepared In fature, be tarloy disposed of oll the casca prepared at on

ely inoreaned recolpts, combined with | {nouspiclous weather, rendered tho market for | beef cate yesterday one of the hordeat for bro- kere and drovera which they have exporienecd for time. The demaod was light, and prices ieeMined fully half a cent per pound. -Afilcl oown fond veal eulyes wero without easontial change Sicop ond Iembs © scarce and ative, full prices $9 to 86 a $7 per head. Swine wero full prices. The total rece

pta were:—4,398 beoves, 64 sheop and Inmbs, and

iotett vot 1,600 bales, el middlleg upland rally at tho clsoe bot whthout a moro activ, clea J ywas firmer and in good 0 bb's. at $10 76 a $17 for primo, and nt $13 for cow i eales of 618 bbs. Cabs with more doing. Tho s Java at p, (., and aboot 9,009 toga MMe at 11340. 0 193Z0,, with a smal portion prime at Ue. Frelghts to Livorpeol wore rather easter for grata, with moro dolop at the conebssion, whlls otbor articles \werowpithout chon,

ie of 1K. for request, Whoat waa

and priecn

(orn 9 of yosterday. P of wbout

ro wteady’, w

of moment.

Phe Presiiont's Meusage om the Crisli— Bho Immcdinte Juan a Comprominc or a Southern Confederncy.

‘The President's Message on the crisis, com- munieatod 10 Congress yesterday, is beforo our readers, Mr. Buchanan, in a solemn, earnest and patriotic view of the dangers and difleul- ties to he overeome in behalf of tho Union, sub. mits the whole subject to the immediate con- sideration of the two houses, and upon the basis of General Jackson’s immortal ultimatans, that “the Union must be preserved.”

Pleading tho exigoncies of a positive slate of reyolution in the South, Mr. Buchsnan rendera (hla gloomy pioturo still darker with tho de- cluration that tho hope of a blopdless sattle- nwwut is fast diminishing. Civil war, he aga, is impending, and wo all must confess the fear that the beginning of a efvil war between the federal government and the Southern States would be, not only the end of this Union, but the end of law, and order and social scourity, and the jnauguration in both cections of anareby and petty belligerent military despot- ioms, The President’s Message throws the

issue pon Congress of peace or war, Union or disunion; ond this revolutionary oxcltoment Which ig spreading over the Southern States Uke o raging opidemio calls for the instant ap- plication of the needful remedies,

Tmmedinte action on the part of Congress, striking at the very roots of these Sonthera. revolutionary movements, is imperatively de- inonded. There must be a brosd and satls- factory compromise initlated within tho next ten days, or we must choose betweén the recognition of an independent Southern con- federacy and the suicidal folly of a civil war. ‘The responeibility for either alternative rests upon the republican party. Tho election of Mr. Lincoln to the Presidency by an over- whelming cectional majority, and as the repre- sentative of the Northern “irrepressivle con~ flict” with the “slave power,” has preolpitatud this gencral Southern revolt upon us. The im- pression is almost universal throughout the Sonth that submission to an administration thas elected will be the downfall of Southera institutions, unless the amplest securities shall bo interposed to arrest the onward hostile march of this Northern anti-slavery alliance.

It is an important question, meantime, to dotermine whether, undor this preseatSouthern royolutionary condition of things, there is or ia not such a thing as the government of the United Stat Mr. Buolanan holds fast to tho doctrine that the laws of the Union are still paratnount even in South Carolina; that a State hes no constitutional right to eecede, but that seccszion ia a revolutionary act, for which Congress must provide tla remody, Mr. Buchanan will exeoute the federal lay and protect the federal property in the seced- ing Stajes to the extont of his power; but he implores Congress to act without further delay in bebalf of peace, and for the restoration of tho Union through the agencies of peace.

To this end ho recommends the Missouri live as the basis of 3 compru but we appre- hend that something mor ‘tial to create a timely Southern reaction. It is possible that


amendineats, ond let cack heme pee vyom them by th vote of twro-thi

their eubmisslon to the several Sta thore will be a. Southern reaction (Ast will ave the Union.

This comprehensive course, sink the Chieago plaif give the new administ ter platform of the Union. ‘To: makejany im- pression now upon the seceding colton Stans, the concessions indicated must be propped as paris of the Fupreme law of tho Ls clear and complete as to put sn ¢ against tho ngitation of slavery by re political domagogues for the future, whether in or out of Gongress. Mere aots of Congress will not avail, Such compromlics, passed to- ay, may be repealed to-morrow; but) amend- mecote to the constitution may bold good fora hundred soars.

Fetween the alternative thus indicated and aSonthern confederacy there {2 no loager a resting ploce. Nothing short of equality and safely to the South in the Unloa will appeasa the South. Nor is there anything unreqjonablo iu these demands. They should be conceded. If offered now thoy may come (oo lata; but tho offering, in good faith, will at least relive the republican party of the burden of responsi- We do not recognise, however, the ty, the certainty, or the probability, of a ping civil war with Whe inauguration of a Southora confedera A war involving the destruction of both

to reetore the Union upon their own terms, they will be sufiiclently powerful to command f peacoable coparation. ‘They will, in thls last resort, bo competent to secure the recogbition

of Souther rights, under nn independent go- vernment, for the sake of peace, which they will bay. the sake of the Union

The iilea of cocecing Gftcen, ten, or evan Gve seceding States into submission to the Union, is simply preposterous. Brought to /this test, the incoming administration Will at once appr ciate the orlminal folly of coercioa,! 7! Union, establisbed upon concessions and coom- promises, can only by. them be souiateined,

tho door on that side of the house way even now be closed against all compromises. The responsibility, however, of the most liboral overtures rests upon tho Prekident elect; upon Mr. Seward, his chosen Secretary of Slate; upon every other mau siugled out for n Cabl- net appointment by cola, and upon the republican party in Congress. Let Mr. Lin- coln, through Mr. Seward aud bis Cabinet ys- eoclates, urge thls policy at once upon the re- publican members of the two houses a3 the fnitiative measure of peace and union in be- half of the incoming administration, and these dreadful sounds of war may be silenced in a general movement for a reconciliation.

Tho demands of the Southern States as the terms of their odkesion to the Union embrace the recognition of tho property right In slaves in the Territories daring their territorial ‘con- dition; o more eficient Fugitive Slare law; the Privileges of transit and a temporary sojourn to the Southern master with bis slave or slaves in every State of the Union; federal non-interrention in the faterState slave trade;

additional securities against future John Brown forays; non-intervention in the matter of sla- very in the District of Columbia and federal dockyards, &e. These securities our Southern Drothren believe are indispensable to their sofuly in the Union, in view of this oyer- shadowing antielayery power of the North about (o step into the occupation of the general government, Lot the republican party in Oon- gress, then, bo advised at once from their Pre- sident clect to pnt all these Soathern condl- Poked of Unica in the form of constitutional

ana ‘the choice now to the republican pacty is between concessions to preserve the Unton’and conecsstons to a Southern confederaoy. The issue is upon them, and within ten days, if not decided hy the republicans for the Union, will be settled by n Southern confederacy!

Wenn ox Pisry, Pearmaxuy axp 4 ony Wan—In the midst of a revolution which threatens to shatter the government into atoms, Cheyalier Webb bas nothing better to offer as a remedy than praying and bellowing. He is like a mun just awakened from a confused vision of Biddle’s bank, a mahogany stocked pistol aud a fool's paradise. By » wonderfal conglomeration of ides he identile: God and the Puritan Pilgrims with the horrors of the French Revolution. Webb was ouce famous as ‘amon of profune war; now that be hay jolned ‘the church militant,” and taken to piéty, he buckles on his armor us “a coldier of the Gross,” and goes in for nholy war. Ina leading arti- cle two yards long, opening with the ominons words, “Treason, rebellion, civil war, mum derer, mansloyer,” he déscants npon “the mysterious workings of Providence,’ “the dis- covery of the New World andthe Reformation.” Ho'assures us that “God in his providence pro-’ vided for our fathers an asylum from religious perseoution.”” History tells us the Porila iran eo es ye

land for cloven years, when thoy left in disgqet because the people there were too strong for them to persecute, o reatriction for which they took ample reprisals in the New World by re- ligiously perzecuting all who differed from them in religion. “Protestantism, Aeding from religions persecutions in the Old World, planted itself In tho wilds and solitudes of a savage wilderness.” We ought “to recognise the hand of God in their preservation from destruction,” “different people from all the rest of God's creation.”’ “God planted onr fathers in a wil- derncss to grow up different from the people of the Old World; “they wera from the beginning bnt instruments in His hand to accomplish his work.” He prepared (hem for his: work.” “Our triumph in 1783 was the couse of the Freach Revolu- tion in 1787, aud all the great events which fol- lowed” (including the indiscriminate slaughter of men and women, guilty of no offence against God or man; the abolition of Christiunity, and the etting up a barlot for public worship as “the Goddess of Reeson”), “South Carolina, rising in rebellion against Him (God) and the work of His hands, and impiously declaring their intention to destroy that which He has lablished.” “Most emphatically God’s own work” (we hud always supposed it was tho work of slayebolders), “the religious obliga- tion of mun not to encourage the extension of human slavery.” “Can any Christian doubt what is his duty under the circumstancest”? ‘ve thonk God that He has blessed us with government Worth even the strife of civil war, and most earnestly do We pray,” &c.

Such is the farrago of Puritan piety, strange history and bellicose logic, with which the readers of the Courier are treated at this event- ful time. Henry Ward Beechor, in u lecture a fow evenings ago, aid he wished we had Cromwell for President now. If Lincola don’t come up tothe mark, by all means let Webb come fine morning stalk into the halls of Congress with the Wide Awakes at bis baok, armed with torches, disperse tho Asiembly, then proceed to the White House and cut off the President’s head, and proclaim himself “Protector,” “in the name of the Lord.’ Surely the piety of Webb will eave the Com- wonyealth.

Toers Mus7 se 4 Covrnomise—There must bea compromise of the precent diffcnlty be- tween the two contending sections of the ro- public, and speedily, too, or the conatry will gotoruin. Some people regard the South us precipitate and foolish, because, a= they say, they are fighting for an idea, and not for any- thing practical. Oertainly they ore fighting for an idea. All highly civilized communities feht for an idea. France fought for an ides Italy is Gghting foranidea now; and the horoes of our own Revolution fought for an idea, which was, that the thirheon colonies were entitled to their rights, oud—falling to obtain them—to abso- lute independence of the British crown. So, too, the South to-day is contending for eqaal rights under tho constitation; and unless that idea is settled in some practical way there will be no confederacy, no constitulion, nor say gov- croment clther, to protect or to assail six months hence.

foiled to secure from thy North forg) Members ~ of

any Eton.

Fleconstrnction of Partieaby Mr. Lincoln's Administration.

Notwithstanding tho gravity of the present Fovolutionary crisi#, and the imminent danger of utter destruction with which the confederacy Is threalened, it is manifeetly ia the power of the adsisers of Mr. Lincoln to uso the oppor {onity for the benefit of the repablicaa party, ond, by taking the initiative in the settlement of the differences that divide the South from tho North, to place themsslvea permanently at ‘ie bead of the country for the next thirty years, The Cabinetsolections which Mr. Lim coln baa made, including Senator Soward, and perhaps Mr.Cameron, from the two greatest States of the Union, would eeem to indicate Uat ho may take n more broad and compre hensive view of public matters than the plat- form upon which he was elected would have led to anticipate, and that, under the inflaence of inexorable necessity, he may yet como to the tardy conclusion that forbearance, con- ciliation aud. concession are indispensable for the settlement of the affalrs of tho country. Whatever motives, howover, may in fluence him, t is certain thst he has entrusted bis cards to

Le bunds of able men, who, if they play them with the sagacity which may be looked for from thelr experienco, may yotsave tho Union, catablish their own supremacy on solid foun- dations, and open a new era of prospority to the nation.

Whilo the people of the United States have been waiting in vain for somo intimation of the course which Mr. Lincoln would pursue, the welfare of the republic bas been in tho worst of hands. The wiso recommendations of Mr, Buchangn, the decided stand taken by him in bis correspondence with the South Catolina Commissionors, and his defence of | fode- ral. property, are the only gleams of light in the midst of Cimmerian darkness. the Onbinet, ' liko’ Floyd, Cobb and Thompson, baye becn conniving with treason and rebellion, while our natlonal physicians in the Senate and House of Nepre- eentativea, although continually proposing new modes of saving the Unlon, bave failed to mako one substantial step in advance towards the end which they professed to have in view. It has become daily more evident, in this most oritical poriod of our bistory, that no remedy can be expected to existing evils from tho incapacity, stupidity, gross ignorance, and habitual selfishness, weakness and cowardice of members of Congress. Southern frenzy, under the bannersbip of South Carolina, bas been ad- vancing from threats to secession, secession to open rebellion, seizing upon forts, arsenals, custom houses and post offices, with a view of regaining by violence the supremacy in our national councils of which they havo been robbed by fanaticism ond the anti-constitu- tional encroachments of 4 sectional fuction, Meanwhile Mfr, Lincoln bas been pausing, un- resolved what line of policy to adopt, but watebing the throbs of the national pulso until delay is no longer possible,

Tho Legislature of Virginia has just con- vened; in Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia and Louisiana State Conventions are either deciding or nbout to decide the actions of those States ; Florida is virtually ont of the Union; the northern slave States are beoming daily more violent; yet the wiser portion of leading men at the Sonth look to a Southern Constituent Convention to take the initiative in adopting measares which may at the same time save the Union and secure the preponderance of elaye- Holding conneel in our national administra-

be DRaD0e fA Bt

aCe the cofstitution, such as tho Gentril and Weat-

ern States can honorably accept, which shall cover the reasonable grounds of difference be- tween themselyes and the South, inslst- ing upon the recognition of the pro- perty rights of their citizens everywhere; upon other needful stipulations which hava been heretofore denied; upon full liberty to carry slaves into the common territory, and, above ull, upon tho recognition of universal toleration of opinion respecting slavery os a cocial institution in the different States of the Union. They feel certain that if these different amendments are submitted to the Northern States, earnestly advising und in- viting their acceptance of them, and assigning a period similar to that which was appointed for the ratification of the constitution of 1787, when all States agreeing to thelr propositions should thenceforth be considered as forming the future United States of America, they may rely upon New York, Pennsylvania, Now Jersey and the majority of the Western and Northwestorn States to accept them without cavil. It is not improbable that the Now Eng- and States would demur; but what then? Tho people of Massachusetts were recently warned by one of her greatest statesmen that “Yan- Kees are not popular anywhere;” and if Ver- mont, New Hampshire, Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut and Massachusetts should yolun- torily cut themselves off from the Union, every one would regard it as a blessing, and, the ex- cision thus accomplished, as a guarantee of the fature prosperity and peace of the country. At any rate, Southern supremacy would be seoured by the submission of reasonable pro- pozals to the North; and, ont of the fury of the pregcat tempest, this intention stands promi- nent as a beacon which may yet guide the na- Uon into still waters, sod reaffirm politicians routh of the Botomac in the hold upon powor which the events of the last few months have nearly riven from their hands.

The choice by Mr. Lincoln of Mr. Seward as his Secretary of State, and, not improbably, of Mr. Cameron as Secretary of the Treasury, open a prospect of a more auspicious settlo- ment of difficulties, These two statesmen, if bothare decided upon, will, boyond sll doubt, form the intellect and working activity of his Cabinet. They ought, with their past experience, to thoroughly comprehend the necessities of the country. They haye to ayoid the error of Dr. Sangrado—who could oot change bis practice because he “had written a book”—to forget that they baye hitherto labored fora section of the Union, and to act promptly from the con- vition that they are now called on to isso mandates for all of the members of the col federation alike, and they may speedily dis- persé as asummer cloud the mists that now obscure the political horizon. There is not a man in the length and breadth of the Union who can better afford to come forward boldly with olive branch offersto the South than Mr, Seward. His personal popularity is greal; past issues are swallowed up by exigencies which threaten to strike a fatal blow at the very root of our financial, commercial, manufacturing and agricultural interests; and he is peculiarly cal- culated to appreciate the dangers into which we are hurrying, aod the remedies that can

ert them. Let him advise Mr, Lincoln, 7d the name of the State of New York, and let Cameron support him with the wishes: of Pennsylvania, to recommend such compromises: now as will rntisfy the South. Delay may be dangerous; but if Mr, Lincoln, ander the auspices of the republican leaders of Pennsylya- nia and New York, will comprehend bis poai- tion, soar above the moannesses and rend the shnekles of a wordy plaform, he may make for himself a name which will be equal to that. of Madison or Jefferson in the history of the United Statea, and eccure the supremacy of the repub- lican party for the next thirty years.

Affairs In Mexico.

Tho “surpriso” by which Mlramon made more than a thousand of the liberal army pri- soners on tho 10th of December has shown us how far bribery will influenco tho minds of even soldiers. A more disgraceful act than that by which the oaptain of the section of the troops captured virtually sold his men tothe enemy for five thousand dollars bas nover been recorded.

Such petty bribery bas, however, availed Miramon but little, for we now learn that he was completely routed by the liberals on tho 22d, and that after returning alone to the capital he flod on the 24th, so that ou Obrist- mas day the liberals were in actual possession of the capital, Whether this Is the end of the war is too uncertain for us to venture on opinion upon. Itis more thna probable that the Miramon party will again concontrate their forces to drive tho constitutionalists out of the metropolis, and that bloodshed and desolation will onco more be the inglorious sequel of this factional warfare, We now turn our attention to a matter in which England is intimately interested, and which will bo a source of fresh trouble in that distracted country, to which already a British ficet has been des- patched for the enforcement of national rights. It appears that the British poople hove lent the Mexicans dfty-one millions of dollars on bonds. The security being Small, the rato of interest was to be proportion- ately high. But about ten years ago an arrange- ment was effected by which the bondholders ‘agreed to take'three per cont, in consideration that the paoymont of the half yearly dividends should bo guaranteed by a mortgage on tho customs.

For threo yeara this small intereat was punctually paid. But in the year 1854 the payments stopped, Mexican stock became worthless as a source of income, and thero are now fourteen half-yearly dividends in orrear, With a view to the protection of British inte- rests an English sloop-of-war visited, in 1857, the ports of Vera Cruz ond Tampico. At this time the Stato was in such on extraordinary condition that the concessions of the Mexican authorities to the requisitions of the British were of no practical utility.

In Mexico there are two factions. The one wo may call constitutional, the other coclesi- astical. The former capouses the doctrines of liberalism, and nominally adheres toa repub- lican charter which was declared daring one of those intervals of quiet by which the anarchy of the country has so seldom been relieved: It is under this charter that Juarez claims to he President of the State. ‘The ecclesiastical party Jays claim, also, to a republican constitution as that of the Mexican State, but one founded onan earlier charter, which favors the maxims of absolutism in practical administration, to which qe Tactiom nowrwesty inglines. ay While the constitutlonalists are for secularizing Ghuroty property and turning the revenues of the old Spanish establishment to national uses, the ec- clesiastical party, a8 supporters of the hierar- chy, study to protect church property from any such encroachments and appropriation. This distinctive principle has preserved the yi- tality of the party by securing them the aid and influence of the priesthood and military, and the sympathies of Spain. Moreover, it in- duced cohesion among themselves, which, in a country where all political society had been broken up, gave them a decided superiority.

When the British sloop-of-war alluded to made her appearance in. the waters of Vera Cruz, the obief Moxioan seaports wore in the hands of the constitutionalists, headed by Ju- arez, while the capital and the neighboring provinces ere under the control of the opposite faction, under General Mira- mon, who, by bis priority of appointment to office and the fact of his holding the capital, was considered the actual ruler of Mexico by the European States, who accredited their diplomats to him, and not to Juarez, But ag the sloop could ‘hot reach Miramon, she di- rected her guns towards Juarez, who, having charge of the customs revenues, could adopt measures for reducing the debt to the British. Juarez, however, when appealed to, very can- didly told his interrogators that in all Vera Craz there was not hard cash enough to pay the amonnt in arrear to tho bondholders, There was an ample supply of specie in Mexico, and all that he could do was to give billa upon the capital, This was agreed to, and the bills so given were converted into cash.

Another difficulty now arose. How could this money be brought from Mexico to Vera Cruzt This wos necessary for its shipment to England; yet transit between tho two places was co unsafe that the proba- bility was greatly in favor of its being stolen, and the rate of insurance was so enormously high as to render the alternative ruinous. Un- der such circumstances there was only one course to be adopted—that of allowing the mo- ney to remain under the care of tho British Minister at Mexico, and he accordingly placed it in his strong room, sealed with his seal of office. The money remained in the same care- ful custody upto arecent date, when affairs had become so bad, oven for Mexico, that the British Minister deemed it prudent to retire to Jalapa. Before doing so, however, he consign- ed the dollars in his strong room to the charge of. the British Consnl. Butno sooner had he gone than the officers of the government, armed with caws and crowbars, proceeded to the place where the coin was stored, and un- ceremoniously hacked away with their bur- glorious implements till the strong room was broken open, when they stole the money, amounting to about a million of dollars, and marched away with the booty. All the diplomatists who remained, we are told, joined the British Consul ins protest against so glaring an outrage. But protests appeared to be thrown away upon the Mexicans.

Now we know why British fleet has been kent to Mexico, where, it is to be hoped, such an act of downright robbery will be promptly

resented by a demand for omple redress and ' than to put down and pusich eny one who «

Ammediato restitution, Refaral to pay, or oven Fepudlation of dobt, ls one thing; but actual Stealing ts another, and stamps the gorernmont at whose instigation it was comunitied with laat- ing disgrace.

‘The Sublime of Polltical ingratitude,

If this wore an opoch which justifled people in Indulging in moral refeotions and philo- sophloal deductlans, we might enter upot}a ro- view of tho whole subject of the ingratitade of politicians, who ore, like corporations, utterly soulless. Bul we live (a tronblous times, aad, Uke Mr.Gradgrind, must’ bo contented with hard facts, And of thls spoctal flict, fo wit: tho ingratitude of succossful polltielans, wo haye a noteblo cxamplo tn tho rosult of tho cava of the illuaizions Fornoy, who, it {9 claimed, carrlod Pennsylvania for Mr. Bughanay, ani theroby elected him Rorney’s editors and frionds generally declarcd that Mr. Buohanaa had promised bis protogo that ho should hare the free run of the kitehon and a fut eharo of tho fedora! spoils, but that tho President was perauaded by certain mombors of ils Cablaot to put Forney out {n tho cold, with only a consulate crust to comfort him, ‘Thereupon the President Was accused of black ingratitude, and. Forney bocamo his bitterest opponont. Now bis editors point to the rocent derclopemonts in the departments to show thot there was olill greater depth of polition! ingratitade than had beon proviously ronched by anybody. They soy that one Mialster dosertéd Lis post, leaving the treasory in a hopolesaly ombar- rassed condition; another ran away ia order to ayold investigution inla certata gigantic fraudy in his departnout, und a thirdleaves the Cabinet almost direotly after the dlsooyery that bis confidential olork Lins embezaled poatly million dollers worth of government property. So Forney says that after all tho Presidont has done for these mon, aflet parting for their sake with ono whom he loved as David loved Abaa- Tom, they turn about and leave bbw, like Wol- sey, “nsked to bls enemico,”

If we may belleve Fornoy—and of course no one will doubt for mouient the accuracy of his statements—the President and himself pre- sent two of the most remarkable examples of the effects of political ingratitude that tha world has everscen. Through thick apd thin Mr. Buchanan adhered to his choren Minleters, and the moment that they find the ship of Stato in trouble they, or tholr subordinates, roalizo on the cargo and take to the boats.

But theso illustrious cxamples ere not alone, ‘There is still another in the person of our friewd, Hon, Massa Greeley, who seems likely to realiza the proverb that a ian who plants a vineyard does not always enjoy the prodace thereof. A long time ogo, when the business was new, the capital small and the returns precarions, the colebrated political Grm of Weed, Grecloy, Seward & Co. wos set up. Greeley wos un} doubtedly the hardest working man in the con- cern, After a while thera was a quarrel about the division of the profits, and Grooley wont out of the firm, The coparation was not an amicable one, and the philosopher of Spruce street went Into it wilh all his might, battored hat, old white coat and sll, o build up the ro- publican party and throw obstacles in the way of his old partners, Greoley planted tho treo, watered it with his tears and digged about ita roots, until it flourished os the cedars of Loba~ non, and nearly two millfous of voters sought {ts shade.

At Chicago Greeley Isbored with all his might to floor Seward; and he did it. He even went #0 far_os to work himself! Conven-

nas nvuclegate from Gregon—a Slate which he never saw. The grand reyult of all Groo- ley’s lubors was the nominilion of old Abo Lincoln, the Spruce street candidate, and pro- sumed to bea sort of rail splitting Aristides, the identical honest man for whom Dioge- nes searched with his lantern. It would appear, a5 a matter of course, that the rever- sion of the federal spoils belonged to Grevley; but the facts show that tho Seward cliquo will Tule the roast, that Greeley's old partners will reign in the parlor and kitchon of tho Whit House, and that Honest Old Abe bas offred op the Tribune editor, even 03 Abraham of old proposed to slay the youthful Issac, whom Greoley, in the tenderness, innocence and pa toral simplicity of bis character, very much resembles. Of course the Zribune cliquo lift up their yolcea in lamentation, and Old Abo is in as hot a fire as that in which Shadrach, Mesbach and Abednego were obliged to stand.

Whether ho will come out of it as well as thoy did remains to be seen. Hon. Massa Greeley bears his woes with a cort of sorrowful grandeur,

which reminds us of the old Greeks, who nevor made a fuss about anything practical, but

raved terribly concerning abstractions which

were of no possible consequence. We tender our sincere condolence to tho Hon. Masia Greeley. We know somvthing about politi-

cians, and therefore keep aloof from any con-

nection with them; but we consider that Gree

ley’s case is the very hardest on record. It in

the realization, the sum, the inflaite of the

topmost polnt of the sublime of political in-


Fonrios Istenrevesce my Oon Navtoxan Potties —A report as obtained oredonce that sundry ministers, plenipotentiarivs, charges affairs, or others, at Wasbington, have de- manded information from the Secretary of State what security foreiga vessels will possess from clearances of vessels granted to them by would- be de facto secessionist sovereigntics at th South. It is also said that foreign consals at Charlestobave presented crodentials and ac- cepted exequators from the ds facto Common- wealth of Sonth Carolina. It is to be hoped there is no trath in these rumors. Their verifi- cation would indicate a degree of impertineuce on the part of the representatives of nations with which we are at peace for which we ara not quite prepared. There are doubtless troubles existing between the sections of the country, but they are mere family quarrels. They concern no one bat ourvelyes. To mod- dle in the domestic relations of the separate States would be both preposterous and intole- rable on the part of any forelgn country, Mini tere and consuls from Europe and elsewhere are accrediled to the United States. From the administration alone can they derive «ny official information, and to if only can they present any communications. Let them car fally observe the precept, Atende tibi—in ols English, “Mind your own businest” ff my be as dangerous for them to do otherw'+ a: 5 proved for Fatima to open tho fortia!l «s ber. Itatained her fingers with blow people of the United States will brov!: uv terference with thelr affairs. Thoy will a upon no subject more epewlil> ant prom

Ary to take part in their difeseacer point we believe that both North greed.

‘Tm: Grsmow Raunoan x Covrt—Tux, Dans, Droranen Uncrserroriosat-—As we predioed ‘when tho Mazor'a messsge was mato publio, the world, the fie and the devil (tho World, ihe Trilune aod. tho izes) bave attscked ft forlously. | Neverihole=s, Mayor Wood has told 8 good many truths about our municipal con- ailtion, nnd is perfectly right in ell bls allegae flonn ny to the gross wrong and injurtice which,

tho Legislatare at Albany bas imposed upo the metropollt. Dor of cores, seriatim, ta which that corcapt fund naecropolons body has interfered wilh tho sights, property and franchises of the city, to It {rent damage, constituting a sum of aggressions Srithout pnrallcl. ‘These nofarlous measures compriee the avizore of the auction duties; as- tuning control of the Almshouse ond other public charities; the Metropolitan Police aot; the appointment of Commizatonors of Recotds; the Central Park Commission; tho appolatment of Harbor Commissionsrs and Pilot Commls- filoners; the unfair apportionment of the taxce, whereby the property of other counties 4s nxeormod very low and thatof New York very Ligh; and taking from the bands of the Corpo- ration all control of the common schools, for tho support of which they ero compelled to nppropriate a very large amount.

fo all theao may Ve added the maliiforions pronts for city railronds made by tho Loglsin- «nro ton few individuals, tho franchizes of tho Fumo helng worth millions of dollars, which of right belong to the people. Ono of theso rail- yond chartere—the famous gridiron, or Broal- Svay parallel roal—has recently been adjudl- ated upon by the Supreme Court, and declared ‘unconstilutlonal by Judge Leonard, mainly Hpon the grounds that the act granting the Fight to construct the road contains « provision prohibiting the Corporation from doing anything which may prove an obstacle to constrnolion, ‘This provision, the Court holds, Would prevent tho Corporation from domand- fing an adequate compensation for the fran- chises, which are valued at o million of dol- Inrs—n fm which, of course, the grantecs ‘would refuse to pay, and thua un obstacle to the constriction of the rond would be created In tho opivion of Judge Leonard the strects nd highways moy bo regarded in the light of the private property of the Corporation, and na such cannot bo taken forspublic use without compensation, excopt in violation of tho con- piltulion; and the Judge remarks that there ever bas been any grant of authority by the Togislaturo of this State to construct 9 railroad Sn New York or any other city, without the ‘Donsent of tho municipal government, prior to dhe ceasion of 1860,

Itromained for that infamous body of legisla- tora to consummate this outrage upon the dig- nily and rights of this great metropolis. ‘The Judgment of the Supreme Court in the gridiron xnilrond case, howover, may have come moral effect upon the present Legislature. It will show thei that they cnnuot praotiso the int- quitios of their prodecessors with the sito ex- peotation of spoils, nor rido roughshod over tho privilogos of this city, over the constitution of tho State and overything else, without being ‘ohecked by the interference of the courts.

‘Tho truth ja that thero is a ect of specu- Intors and swindlers going aroand who are al- ways on the lookout to eco what property nnd franchises belonging to the olty they can Rojz0 upon aul conyert to their own personal


Advantage. MUhey aretewie eee, buytra- paolous fu greed, and utterly devold of honesty ‘or conscience; and into the hands ot theee indl- widuals haye. fallen our ferries, our rail- yonds, and everything valuable or profita- Dio which the city possesses. They own the Brooklyn ferries, the Hoboken and Staten Island forrica and the city railreads, ond they are gotting immensely rich upon their illegal en- ferprises, which smount to little less than lnr- weny or highway robbery.

‘Thoy seize upon the public water fronts, oc- cupy plers without paying for them, disregard the city ordinances, and pay no attention what- yer to the safety or comfort of the public. ‘And to uccomplish all this they have only to Duy up the Legislature, and be Liberal with the lobby, in promisea if not in cash, Suob is the condition into which this vast metropolis hha fallen through the corruption of former Logislotures, and we ball see now how much Lotter yve chall fare under the present one.

Ij Mz. Casrenos ro pe Excucpeo Prom Mit Euncois’s Canrser?—Tho republican journals ‘of the West and Bast have been busily ocou- pied within tho past two days in giving publi- elty to the story thot Mr, Cameron, after having been offered a placo in Br. Lincoln’s Cabinet, Ss finally to be ousted thorefrom. We are not propared to credit any such rumor, because it hos ovidently grown out of the reputation which the Senator from Pennsylvania has ao- quired ns 0 conservative compromise man. In ‘order to beliove that be is to be deprived of « position which had been co universally attri- puted to him, it would be requisite to euppose dhat the abolition star was once more in tho ascendant at Springfeld. Under the puspices of two, such statesmen os Cameron und Seward, peace may yet dawn upon the country, ‘The opposition to both has been

pétonslbly founded upon peouniary propenst-

Lios, which they must have long since outgrown; tho more 60, as they neither of them need na- ‘Alonal afd to make good any private deficiency. Tho true secret of hostility to Mr. Cameron can De looked for nowhere else thon in bis invincible xeluctance to see the Union dissevered, and in the inextinguichable love—buried under thick Tayers of ashes, perbaps, but unmistakeably Mhore—which burns in his heart for the nud which gaye bim birth, Itis to be devoutly

oped that the underground influence of fom-

dicizm ond Northern disunionism may not bare Fucceeded in inducing Mr. Lincoln to reveree

‘the deelsion of bis firet better judgmont, and to exclude 6o valuable and shrowd an adviser It will be regarded as an

from bis counsels. Gril sign, and Loding misfortune to his adainis. tration, If be has done £0,

Tue Great Lovry Scneve oy tz Aak— We priot in onother column a letter from a Washington correspondent which exposes the moat scandalous Job that even Jobbymen ever Ttis no less than Lof ninety millions of Collars of the public money, besides Fast tracts pretence of of

had the nndacit fe sobeme for sotiine he

to atrempt

jee thy

of tho gorwruient land, and constructing © Packie railroad, without, ‘course, the promoters of the seteme having the Temotest intention oF cxreying out any sued

qwork, It isn mers eouspiruey to cob the pnb-

end South ore

For instance, be cites a num-


“JANUARY 10, 186L°

On thls | lic, and, a3 its only strength lies in secresy, we

cannot do better than make it known. That men of all parties, and from all sections, should unite in rach 8 deep Jald plot to plunder the peopl on nscale go gigantio, only shors what our politicians can stoop to, and that nothing Je loo mean or dirty for them to touch. We inust have a reorganization of parties, to sweep ‘way the corruption that at present underlies hole framework of our legislation.


The Interview Between the President Elect and Gov. Chase,

Senator Seward’s Acceptance of the Position of Premier.


Our Springfcld Correspondence. ‘Srusumcap, Jan. 6, 1861, Gor. Chase's Virit—Seward, the Sccrdary of Slal—The

Creeley Faction Disearded_-Viner of the President Elect

on the Proposed Admission of New Mexise—Hotel Arri-

vals, de., de,

‘Tho object of Gov. Chase's visit ty no longer a myatory. Thave ft from tho moat direct and rellabld® sourco, that ho wau eummoned hither by tho Prosldont olcet for the more purposo of consultation on national politica, and tho policy to be recommended to the North Westorn Stato, a represepled by the republican majoritics In thalr rogeral Lagisiatures. It 4s troo tho Governor's relations to Mr. Liscotn hase been of tho most tatimate character doriog bis present slay In Springdeld. The Attention shown to lim by the President elect wore of (Lo most marked character, Bata tender of a scat (n tho Cabicct was, nevertheless, not Included ta the klad things extended to him. An to tho rvsult of his dotibera- Ulonn with the President elect it ta etated that dross great to urge upon the lepidlative bodies of Ohio, Indiana, Minois, Mickigan, Wisconsin, Minnessla and Tosca, (0 take Foosimon crolind 1H Kel shape’ ef the ipasmge of rong ‘and expliclt Union rexclubions; and, should the couree of excnis in the Sinith require tl, prepare for the necrally of muaintaining De republican edmintstration and the foleral tas vi et armis, ty pating thelr militia syttem tno werrking order. An to notjonal politica, a perfect coincideuca of opinion wag Grrived aL Compromise propitious aro locked yon unfavorably, not from any feolinga of hostility towards the South, Dut from tho conviction that the cot ton States nro determined to go out of the Union, no mat- ter what peace offerings in the form of Northern conces- ‘slona may be offered Lo them,

‘Tho certainty that Oblo was not to be represented in tho Cabinet, in the peraon of Mr. Chase, n8 Socretary of Stato, bas agaln placed Sevrard al the bead of the names connected with that position by tho friends of Sr. Lin- coln. Anumber cf theso bayo Inaisted, from tho very beginning of spsculationa as to the composition of the

Cobinct, that he was to Lo the man. Caso’ gudden ar- rival sbock their confideuco a Ittlo, but at this moment tia not only fully reetorcd, at imparted Lo many others that horetofore doubted tho probability of bis appoiat- ment to the position in question, in ylow of the threaten- ing attitude of tho Southern States, I feol warranted, indecd, in stating most positively, on the samo unquestionable authorliy that disclosed the jmport of Governor Chase's visit, that influential post under tho federal ndmipistration has beea actoaily tendered to him. ‘But nothing deOnite has as yet transpired as to his own predilections in the premises, It la only known hero that ‘a Gaal reply to the Mattering proposition of tho President olect bas not been mado by him up to this time. The _gcnoral Impression appeara to bo that his acteptanca will bo made to depend on the developement of the socession movement, It fs belloved that In caso tho cotton States ebould all follow tn tho wako of South Carolina in the course of the next four wocks, #0 ns to preclude the possl- bility ef on amicable adjustment, bo will yiold to the eolicitations of bis friends ond nocept the offered porte fesflle; bot that, on the other hand, the manifesta- Ucn of moro conciliatory disposition om tho part of tho restive States will Indace bim to decline, in order not to obstruct the attempts at pacification likely to ba mado by the incoming administration.

Jt enow ovlent that the Greoley faction {8 altogether ofl the track hore, ‘Thurlow Weed seems to have payet ‘his game so well during bis iato visit to Springfield, that be mannged to produce impressions unfavorable to tho claims of his antagonists within the ranks of his own party. Itecems that Ii(tle was really wanted to recall ibe Douglas preferences of the Tribune in 1868 to the memory of tho Prealdent elect, That fauz pas has not been ond never Will be forgotten. Open hostility, a3 in {he instance of Seward’s supporters In tbe Chicago Con- vention, oppears to bo overlooked, whilo the desertion of eupposed friends in tho very hour of need ts still vividly rememberod.

‘Tho President elcet does not approve of the advocacy, by certain republican Congressmen, of tho echemo of ad- mitting Now Moxico asa Stato, with ita torritorial slave ‘code unimpaired. His faith in the Chicago dogma of the right of Congressional probibition of slayory in the Ter- ritories is as firm a over,

‘Any amonnt of button boling and wire pulling is ow going on in the hotel parlora and Stato House offices, among tho members of tho Loglslaturo and a countless swarm of lobbyists, The hard times haye brought bere ‘an immense number of aspirants to tho few ofilces with- {n tho gift of tho Legislature, Tuo scramble ls, of ‘coures, confined to the republican majority. The demo- crats are sald to be browing Olibusterism, to provent any Jeglslation Likely to Injaro the prospect of recovering their lost political fortunes in this State.

Among the recent hole! arrivals are:—

G. A Dunlap, J.D. Moxley, B. O. Webster, Charles H- Weller, EV, MeMaken, J. Heary Bulger, all of New York city; L. W. Sharpe, of Philadelpbis, and Benjamio Ward Dix, of Becton.

Sracvorna, Tl., JAX. 0, 1851,

Eplatolary remonstrances agalort Canieron’s appotat- anent continue to pour fu from all parts of the country ‘Ther tenor shows that jt ls looked upon o3 discrediting the Lncoming administration Jn tho eyes of tho republl- can party.

‘Tho Proaident chet bas given out that be will pay no attention to petitions and recommendations for inferior appointments previous to his Iasugaration.

Mr. Lincoln's Secretary of State. {from the Albany Evening Journal, Jan. 9.)

Wo arvat liberty to may that on or before tho 4th of March Gov. Soward will resign his seat to the Senate, Preparatory to bis entrance upon other public duties.

Enrly in Docember Mr. Liocoln addressed Mr. Soward, at Washington, a letter kindly oxprossivo of tis conf: denes and regard, and cordially oftriog him the Dupart: ment of Stato; to which Mr. & immediately replica, 6x- Pressing lils grateful conse both of the honar conferred, bod of the gratifying mannor in which the olfer was mado, naking cuch tIme for reticctlon as was dua to both, aad to the importance of tho question.

"Thoro were many Teazoos why Sr. Seward did not de- sire the peaition ho if to take, eome of which aro of a Public andsome of o personal character, But thoy wero Brorrolod bya ccrso of duty. He bad contributed to tho flection of Sr. Lincoln, in whose qualities of bead and Deart, and io whoso (utes for the high oflcc of President ho bes full confidence and reliance. He bad been large Ig instrumental in bringing aboat that condition of public Stairs which adds to the responsibilitica of the incoming aimlatstration; and be did not feel at liberty to shrink from ang Post or ebare of duly or didficalty that ths crt- sis impoce:, And after visiting homo and consult those oo whose affection and judgment he {s accustom torely, Mr. Seward ecceplol a trust for which, by bis Knowlcago, ability, industry and Integrity he ts happily well qualilied—a trust whic, however honored and. Fesced by, te emzentatatormen who have prasad

im, will lose nothing of ita Tostre under bis ausplees. ‘Ana'with the remark that on no former cccasion has 6 President offered or a Secrotary accepted that depart- ent, [na manner more delicate and respectful to each, or more Independent and honorable to both, we dismiss - ] the aubject—ool, however, withoat putting dn reoora the

Prestton hat Fresideat ad Premfcr wii! so dlcharse fbeir deties, am{d all the dificulties that surround them. a2 to preserve tbe blewlasa of Ualon and to deserve and reovive the homage of the!

<I Waunsoros, Jan. 9, 1861. A private despatch received hero (o-nlght from Spring- Geld, DL, snnounses that Jobn Wentworth’s programm= did. cot werk to keep the democrats ost of the Ilinols Lgiilature eo as to prevent a qooram, with the hops of comjelling the repablicans to elect como other man to the Seante than Trumball. To-day the demcerata took

Uiolr seats, organleed, wc reelected Mr. Tramball, who received as str, Lineotn's organ ta the Sonate.

ral Cameron bss decited that be will not mcoxpt a

Mr. Lincoln's (diet Mr. Cameron hrew his

0 wi

hy ce pss


tefsence for Mc. Wilmot for the Tcited States Secale, and was beaten, and Mr, Wilmot’s election belng a part of the programms upon which Oxmersa was ta hare a feat Ia the Cabinet, ba gracefully surrenders tho port. folio placed tn bis bands, and it isnot at all uolikeiy if, after this brea, a Cablact minister is selectat from Pecnsylrania that Wilmot will te the maa. It ts péssl- blo that Pennsylvania may ba passed over altogether, a result much to be desired by many leading republicans, In that event Mr. Lincoln may be induced to extend tho ‘Treszuryahip to Mr, Chase, of Ohio.

jexurs. MeClare and Cameron, of Pean- sylvania. TMLaacoroac, Pa., Jan 9, 1861 is eald on high authority that Mr. McCiare received a letter from Mr. Lincoln to-day, tho exact contents of which have not transpired. Enough, howerer, ls known to warrant the bolle that Mr. McCtare’s oplaloa, ex: preswed stoce bis rotarn from Spring(eld, that Mr. Seward’s inflaonce would alons rotala Mr. Camoron fo the Cabinet of Mr. Lincoln, are correct. Mr, McClure has herctofore been allent. There is considerable curiosity In publlo circles to know what action tho antl-Cameronites will Lake in opposition ta Mr. Cammo- ron's appolatmont, Slnca tbo receipt of Mr. Tiacoln's Totter Mr. MeClaro confidently- expresses his belief that Mr. Cameron will decline an appolotment. Mr. McClure scoms to bo well advised, Messrs, Sanderson and Casey, Jeading Cameron mep, left thts elty for Wasblagton last ight ia great bssto, and {t is belloved their departure has some connection with Mr. Cameron's declination. ‘The friends of Mr. Cameron hero are to'erably condent that he will receive aa appointment to the Cablact and accept It.

Election of a Untted States Senator in Maine. Avawins, Me., Jan. 9, 1351. Ex-Governor Morrill was to-day elected ‘to the United States Senato, to fll tho yacancy occasioned by tho re: signation of Mr. Hamlin, ‘The voto in tho Senate was

unanimous. In the Houso the yote etood:— For Mr. Morrill.....2<0y erecrccae -For G. F. Shoploy cctv pore

New Mampshire Congressional Nomina- tions, Bostos, Jan. 0, 1851. In the Third district of Now Hampsbire the repabli-

cans havo nominated T.M. Edwards for re-election to ‘Congress.

News from tho National Capital. Wasuxoroy, Jan. 0, 1361, ‘Tho President has prepared o spcolal message (0 tho

Sonato on ur difllcultios with Paragaay. The Prosident rovlowa the wholo ground from tho beginning, and an- als thoaward mado by Mr, Cayo Johnson In favor of Proaldent Lopez, of Paraguay, in condemnation of Mr. Jolinson's argument and partial quotation of oficial documents tn tho oase. In conclaston,

Mo uses strong languago

ho asks the concurrencs of tho Sensto tn his detormina- tion to collect from Paraguay the amount of damages formally allowed to tho United States and Paraguay Na-

‘vigation Company by tho Stato Department threo years ago. ‘Tho message will be submitted withloa fow days,

AYTARS OF YARD. ‘Tho President will also communicate with Gongrosa

‘soon in regard to our rupture with Peru, asking the sop-

Port of the Legislative Board of the government for ths

position taken by Mr, Minister Ciay.

‘The United States Agricultural Society commencod thoir annual cession at the Siithsonian Inst{tutlon to-day,

Colonel Ware, of Virginin, was olected President pro tem- pore. ‘The act of corporation given by Congress was te

cepted, und varjous committees weroappolnted.

Wm. IL Russell was bailed out to-day. His bail was qaaliiea to oxer ono malllion of dollars, ut at the Instanco of the United States District Attoraoy It wus reduced to a hundred thourand.

‘The Great Lobby Schome of the Age.

‘Wasmoros, Jan. 8, 1361. Roowiog tho coustant war you make upoa corrupt lobby cchemes at Washington, pormalt me to call your at- tontfon to ona of tho grandest and most dangerous that has over been planned in this of apy other country. I refer to tho Paolc Rallroad echeme. I havo bot lately roturned to Washington, but havo hero Jong cnough to learn that thero hover was such a conspiracy to rob tho peoplo

‘and government of this country, and to create a power In

the republic ton tImes moro dangerous than tho United

States Bank was, Tho silence of the Washington cor-

respondents, and of tho press generally, as to this fact,

and of thelr almost universal advocacy of the scheme, ‘openly or insinvatingly, word the ominous signs of its corrupt charactor which attracted my attention. Why, ‘air, thoro {5 scarcely a correspondent or nowspaper maa ‘here who is not largely Interested, and Tunderatand th jro=—hronhout fhe country Baa clan fobrldized. AIL Fe rasioal Wty erdat-oe™

eavers for jt. Men of all parties democrats, repabli- cansand Amoricans—mest harmontously on this plt-

form of opolls. Capitalists and monoyle=s adveaturera

duly mixed, from tho Fast, West, North and South, com. poso the edlid phalanx whieh it is expected can’ over. power Con; and tho President. Tho very fact of

Pressing this gigantlo scheme, requiring ninoty rmillions Of government money, besides tho public Innda, at a. {inbe when the Treasury 1s bankrupt and tho couutry in stato of royolution and fast disiutograting, and when many of tho Scnators and mambers abd ono ‘entire State Toprecentation aro absent, {s sullclent to show bow rock: Teas and corrupt tho advocates of this measure aro.

“And, sir, 60 desperate are this formidable lobby com- bination that many of them aro contemplating with pleasure tho tlme when. sevoral other States may recede, {and the delegations in Congress opposed to thosclememay Frithdraw and leavo tho way open for the passage of tbo DIU. Tho more the country becomes disintegrated tho more theee men calculate to mako by corrupt legislation. ‘And T may say this not ooly with regard ‘to the Pacisic Raliroad, but also Os (o othér measures. T havo beard ropublican tmombers éay to thelr lobby friends, “Wait ‘while tl ome of theso Southern etrict coustructiogists fare out of tho way, and then we can carry what wo


Tneed vot niake any comment upon this fearful tate ef things, oF of the consoqucnces (9 tho country. You ill understand it all ntaghoce. ‘To tho Hloutn wo Took, fa. there troublooa and corrupt times, for boing mainly instrumental In eaving the country,

The Now Jersey Legislatare. ‘Duextoy, Jan, 9, 1861.

Tho House met, and, after somo confusion, alected F. 1B, Teese, of Exsex, Speaker, and Jacob Sharp, of Warren, Clerk. Those persons werd not the regular nominees, though both are democrats. ‘Tho contest turned betweon, Brockineidgo and Douglas—tbe republicans supporting the latter, who tuecceded. Tho Amoricans and domo- rats, who havo a majority, were not able to make an ‘ment. Fiya democrats voled with tho republicans

‘and produced this result. Me. John H. Meeker, of Exscx,

vray choann Fogrossog Gry ir. Alexandor MJohnslog oC Mercer, Avaistant Clerk, and Mfr, Thomas Dynans, of Passalo, Doorkceper. Tho oflcers aro all Douglas deo.

rats, Dut woro volo for by the republicans, who Joined thoso democeats who were opposed. to the exorbitant do- mands of the Americans.

Fire in Buffalo. ‘Berra, Jan. 9, 1861.

Tho extensive tobacco manufactory of James Adams & Oo., on Washington ctroat, was almost enitrely consumed by Gre thix morning. Lass on the stock about $30,000, ‘uyen which there Ia an insurance of $13,000 In the follow- ing companiea:—City of Hartford, $1,000; Hartford, of Hartford, $1,000, North American, of ‘Hartford, $200; Bion, of Hartford, 100; North, American, of New Yorke; $2,000; Homo, of New York, $5,000; Hampden, of

‘ingteld, 83,000. ‘The building Was valucd at aboot $15 O60, whioh tw not a toa los Tels insured for $3,000, tn tho following ofilces:—Bulfalo Mutual, $2,000; Hartford, $3,000; Liverpool and London, $2,000; ‘Charter Oak, of Hartford, $1

The Canada Outward Bound. ‘Bosroy, Jan. 9, 1961. The steamship Canada ealled at eleven o'clock this morning, with nine parsengors for Halifax and fifty-olne for Liverpool, Sho takes aut no specie.

Southern Ocean Steamer Movements. Savanvaw, Jan. 8, 1681, ‘The steamship Florida, from New York, arrived at ‘bce ca Friday morning, and at the wharf Here at three ‘o'clock in the afternoon.

City Intelligence.

‘Tum Ssow.—New York bad its first good snow storm of the scason yeelerday, The suburbs have been snowed under boforo, but yesterday the city propor was mantled fn whito, and all hands scomed to enjoy the novelty. Oa the avenues swift cutters lashed along with jingling tells. Qn Brosdway tbo pura snow was motamorpboset lato Diack mud, but the stages rolled on more smoothly fo the wiater'a carpet. Tuo poor earned needfal quarter Py chance jobs at shoveling. Even at the Five Points Shere {ho now was goon eoutam(nated by tho surround- Jog dlth, tho residenta sosmed to cajoy It, and enowballed ike nad. All welcomed the snow—some for the plex sures, como for tbe employment, some for the fon It brought.

Fore oy Sicru Avercr—Between nino and ten o'clock last night a fire broke out In the wooden ware and stovo store of George O'Neil, No. 27 Sixtharenve. The dro originated in the basement, euppased through the care Testmess of a man {a lighting the gas. The firemen were promptly at work, and extingulahed the ire before it ex- Tenet to tho sseood Moor.” Tho Asan to the ‘Stock. will armount to about £500 or $600. Insured for $5,000 In the Merchants! Tasurance Company. The bulld- Tog @ owned By tho Sixth Avenue Unloa Reformed Dutch chureb. It ls damaged to the extent of about $500. Insured for $1,200 ia the Stuyvesant Insurance Company.


Arrival of the Pomy Express. Foxr Becesrr, Jaz. 9, 1841.

Ths poor express passed bere aboat elsrea cfclack last nigbt, bringing the following exmmary of nawa)—

Sax Pxasceson, Dec. 233.40 P.M

Arrived 424, whaler Vesper, £3 days from Ocholak aaa, with 1,009 barrels whats ol ard 40 barrels aperfa; 241h, Meqmier Goidea Age from Panama, with pasengere—all we

Sailed 224, bark Armand Rose, Andre, Caliyai 4th ship Osborn! Homer, McKean's tend; Birk Druid, for Melbourne, brig Mey baw, for Sydney.

‘Ths Gotten Fitece bas cleared with m foll awortos dre fo, toelodiss 10,00 racks of wheat, 10.090 Darees barigy, Geb bates of woot, 0,090 hides and 20 Masce of quice: aulver.

“The pons exprers, with St Tops dater (‘elerrapbed to Fort Kearney) of the 10th iust.. arrived at Bacr mete 0 Sanday the 2h icil., Wore I waa detalaod St hoses Galline foe the riesmer U late (t toga Prascin) There being no Sunday beat, the poay exprem t dpiayed RShcrameat ruts 2s lo Ura dubs Waarvor fe wrnies there on saturday a 0 olcvick FM. The cxptest timo table ought (0 bo changed so thatthe ‘poay will Always arrive at Sxcrameato betwenn Monday euoralny. nd Friday eveniog

“The Slate redeeuied $18 60 o matured boada on the “Ath at 2

Tt has rained wlesost tncer California for tho past tea dayp. Tho Avorm’ bas Seen the most severe kaown for yeark, causing Cha Macrable damage in the Interior districts, and covurlug Mmovnlains with an immense aecumulation'of toow. Sip reat enerey en the part of Lh Caltisratsitage Company

the eayen par esnt un G2460. on, tho Gnilsr autly Unroaghout

ffovesd orce the mountains from Vlaceryilis (3 Cara, Valley ts Kept op ho passage of trains, mn that Stages are obiy delayed a ahort time in making tripe.

Th Sau Francisco all by as besa Auspenitnd an

account et the bolidars aed weather. No come feos ews is airring water

The bath Franess Paltate arrived on the wichsava diteset the sth of December Tlonolai yas deeidedie dot, and whiter Trae a

‘The Folyn-rion of tho 8th 358, si Fonda

Dd welthy Sani. Taatnow wore fat

our lant tea other ‘ued Emily” Morgan —bave

A. Le Praato

was in wiolor quartera in th

‘one, tho Markarct Scott, had gone to Now Zaal the’ Jubior, ad govlo South; three, tho Vindy James Maury ond Joba “Howlaud

of Inet In tho Arctle; ano, (4e Gen.

the Georgo and Mary, hil boon wreaked tu tho Oshiotak;

and the Florida, Jeannette Milo, Vlulip., Superlor, Coa:

Sianline and Vesper were ta the Ochotek’Sea at It ro

Porte—19 In al), nd total of the wbolo ticet, 161. We nnderstacd that a s

is ponding in. on against a abipmaster, which, it (2 held, tndt_ tho

courts, of this kingdom have no jurlulletoo over. We further Tera thst the American Gnmn- missiover and tho Unite States Consul, both

protested pgalnst (his extra fudfelal power, assumed by the authorities of this goreramont, and il'tho facts aro fan roportest, the cxz0 [s Ilely to créato gome trouble bo- fore ended.

The New Mexican Mall. Lnmnrespevee, Jao. 9, 1861 ‘Tho Neve Moxtean mall, from Parnes Fork, arrived thls evening. It brings no ness from tue incomlog through mall, duo bero two weeks ago. No Indiana worv doen ou the Foule, There Is no bows of any Importasce,

Expceted News from Durope. Saxor Hook, Jan, 8—SUdolght. Nowigns of the steaniehipa Bremoa or Glugow. Its Mlorming bad; can't eee anf distance. Wind blowing a gale from # SE

Re-election of Mr, Trombnil to the United States Senate. (

Seuyortey, Dl. Jau. 9, 1501.

Hon. Lyman Trumbull was to-day re‘olectod allied

States Senator, by a-voto of 64 to 45, the democrats votlog for Sir, 8, S Marehall,

Conventions at Louisville, Ky, Loose, Jan, 9, 1801 Poth the Unlon and Douglas Teinocratic Conghntiona unanimously recomica dod theatoption of the Critteudea rosolutlens.

Markets. PHILADELPHIA STOCK BOARD. Pruapeurms, Jan. 0, 1661 Stocks hea

P Iyanla State 6%s, 8834; Resin allnad, 1947 Morris Gaual, ¢5; Lang Uland allrosd, 10; Pennsylvnnia Railroad, $3%;. “Sight exchango on ‘New York, 1-6 0 34 per cent’ premium, New Osueiss, Jan. 0, 1801 Cotton—Sales to-day 21,608 bales 11340. @ 10. for mid- ling. Sogar quiet at 4%c. 0 6340, for tuir {0 fally fale. Molise at 2c. a 246. Whiskoy at 1%c. Frols Catton to Liverpool 11-161, Fxchango on Loniton 215 a 4per cent premium. Sight exchange on Now Yorke ‘70 1 per cent discount, Barrons, Jan 9, 1861

Flour steady: Howard strcotfrapertino, $5 60; Odio cit mollls held at $5 60, Wheat Stesdy: red, $1.20 a $1 Willo, $1400 $1.60, Corn declined 9 conta: wbito, Ole. 2 62c." yollowr, 620. a G30. Provisions trmier: rocsis pork, $17 60. Lard; 100, ‘Codeo activo: ilo, 120. 0 136, While: key stoady at'183Z0. a 18e.

Punvapenrma, Jan. 9, 1801 Floor advanced 2 uw at $5 60 $0.25." Wea slosdy: white, $1 46 0 $1 0; red, $1209 8135. Cory firm: old yellow, 005, bow 626. eC, frm: ales Land steady at 9c. 0 Te Whiakey arm std8o. a 10. { ‘Goxconn, N. H., Jaa. 9, 1861. bieans of the Second dsiret, Im Gravention nest pamiaated Mr. E!FTARollina,_ 0 f Cmicaco, Jan. Flour active. Wheat firm and 1c. Higher: Tage, w 72%c. for No. 3, Instore. Cora Gata firm, ~Recaipte—3)800 bbLs. flour, 25,000. bushels Wheat, 21,000 bashela corn. Sight exchange on New York 6 a 6'per cent premium. {

News from Havana.


Tho etoamship Quaker City, Capt. Shafelit, arrived hero yesterday afternoon from Havana, after o yory pleasant voynge, having left that port Last Satarday, tho ‘6th Inst,, at cue P. 3.

‘Tho Quaker Cty bas on board $213,147 Io Spania doublons to Now York houses. Tho following aro tho conslgnees:—

Chas, Moyce,. Strout & Bro


J, M. Coballos. ©, Mart & Co.

Duncan & Go... ‘Jon'n. Thompson. Schuchard & Gebbar Brett, Son & 09-002... ALM. R08... eeesere KE. Goulard...... 000.

3. Kobnstann. 3.250200. Spotturd, Tiestoo ie Go... Rivera & Hall,

Duncan, Sherman & Oo. Beehel fires... Harmony & Herques....- JOM. eb. de Exvoriaza. I. Vou Hoffman & Co... Antonio Ros...

‘Too health of Havana was good anil tho srexhor ex- tromoly favorable to tbe coming crops.

Tho ship Teabla, under French colors, supposed (o be tho ship Montauls, of New York, was taken off tho port by ‘a Spanish tamer-of-war, and brought Into Havana, with nine hundred negroes on beard.

Basinces in Havans still continues paralyzed, In cons quence of {the recent bolidays aud tho late commercial dificolties in tho United States. Stroog hopes are cator- tained that before the month of January has elapsed, bu: sloe=s will reeumo {ts former activity, and montod alfuirs ‘Will become easier.

Sagare aro quoted in Havana as follows:—Now crop No. 12, a fow lots at 834 rlals por arrobe; In muscoradocs nothing doing. Stock’ on hand hero aod in Malaoru, 28,000 boxes, of which 3,00 boxes aro new crop. Inssce—$0 hibds. havo been recelved, bat no exportations:

Exebanges on London, sixty days" sight, aro quotes at 194 01434 per cent promlom; Parls, olxty dayo, 4 01 per cent promlum; New York and otbor Norther cities, 408 per cent premiam; three and ten days’ elzbt, 10.0 1S per cent; New Orleans, alzty days, 6 a8 per ceat’ pre- mlum; sight, 10 a 15 per cent.

Potot & Sazerao. Reynes Bros.

AI. Morgna & Sons. Renaoll & Franeots Carrington &

Wells, Fargo te © Robert & Willllamd.....+ Chas. Mayer «.

Ds ea et ts no pg a

The Telegraph Wirca in South Carolina. TO THE EDITOR OP THE NEW YORK UEKALN. CuuruzsTos, Jan. 8, 1861.

In your issue of December 29, 1800, there oppoxe a letter from your correspondent, dated Colambla, SC. December 14,1860. The statements concerning ths tele graph wires are somewhat incorrect. Tquote bie re- marks, ns follows:—

‘The telegraph wires within tho State aro as follow From Marlon Court Hons= to Kingsrills, oe wire. From Kingeville to Colamb!s one wire.” From Klogsville to Charleston two wires. There ts ta civarse of cvcetion a telegraph line along tho Northeastern falirond from Charleston to Savannah. It will be complotal to aboot three months.

‘Tho Northeastern Railroad bar no ennnection with thy Charleston and Sa Railroad. Tho Americas Tele graph Company have two wires from Wilmlogto:, N.C, fo this city, and two wires from this polut to Augusta, Ga. Thero is also one wire (rom Klugzvillo, & C., to Oi lambia, 8 C., and one from Kingssillo to Camdco, & O which wires nro at all times capablo of performing the Vualness offered, oxen the heavy reaien of these, exit lng times. Tn addition (o the fecilities alforded by the aboro lines, Adams’ Express Oompany bare a sire from Gerembia th Gaarionta N.C, waleh coniesss weit, th American Telegraph Grmpaby at Colombla, BC mubslaptal line fz Dow being ereciod between Charleston abd Serannah alco tho Charlestea an read, snd tot ths Northeastern Railroad, Tortbeast, while the course of tho former is oath. Az ths: Superbtendent ‘ef the American Telegraph Gump ay through the State of Sooth Caroliny end a portion ¢ North Carolina and Georgia, T hare doomed 1 my sin correct these mistakes. Tbeg 2:0 bo wate 1h)t tof cern of tbe American ‘Telegraph Company lu tis “at fisre never been under any restrictions ftom Ss C1 ment of South Carolina, and the repsirts tat tha = tas boos ander the esploraze of the deren (Cognell are utterly withont feantat!

W. TL HEISS, supericra eet

Willlamabarg City News.

Ta Grasp Sremr Amon Ca. —The amcalmtica of Lewis Stanteld, Frank Abrams an4 Solomoa Newman, who are charged with pollicg Cre to tbe belbting SM Grazd alreet, was comttncel yertertay befire Jastle Cutahan, Aff; Freeman, Beertary of the Martowe trvaraaes

este A ft that inthe patiey Lerwet Dy tbacs was. the stipalstiea isk there was we b= bat H1,(co tn other Iasuranen (Sanh toad $1449) ovens Wino tentified that bo wad en. (he oppoalte’ alde or ts fereot whee tho fre broke oil, and that he attempted tn Open the dears, but Uboy were securely lacknd.” Jobs Chitaghor testified that ho Hived over the stare, and wax feteap when the alarm wns pres. The tertlmony of Captain Weelomn corroborated tbat of the Ate Marah ys! Detnetive Slowey, (rom New York, row prewant, ant Bey entrance considerably discoocectel Abrams KB1 Khan fold, an talloged they are well Known (0 th® poem ‘Ths examination will probably eos to-tay.

Court Calendar—Tite Daye Teraacr Oorer.—Samo es beer, rr.—Fam as before,

} TEI, 126,197," 12 182, 133.

Cctatmmed the Untrty doftars apd slaty.fve ceols remalMing at Uheie ereiit with tho trea. a ‘letter 10

Katonah Wort a Pine street ha Norte

0.0 West Twenty Oral etrvet 3 Tagh Welle

ober a Tel)

ri Dare mlacarind or be end thn tras (oon hiensocunta, res fartirs toereate fe efice 43 end 47 Rxchanrs [uw een w bosd of Indemnity vo him wed receive. te Enovnt OY Naw You, Jan. 0, 126,

Drawings of the Delawnre State Lot- teriee WOOD, EDDY & CO,, Managers of tho DRCAWARE, RESTCCEN Ln WISROURI SYATS LETERTEA , Detawane—Bevas Oued 63, Jaa. 0 13h 21, 60, 2 10, 69.

AL 67, 8, cen 3, 49, 63, 37, 65, ave Guss o dan 6, Wh 16, 3, 14, 9, 34, 69, G9, 47, 23, 72, SL, 39, 33, 41. Chishid pea trene’chatga by abineagelibr hob, HUY # Oo! Witmagiane Delwara, Oe WOOD EDDY k GONE ule Meade.

Drawings of Rt. France 4 Co.'a Dolawnro

Tolteriea— Searex Cowsry, Otass Fionn, Jan. 9, 1951. 58, 17, 49, 76, G1, Gh, 67, 8. Liskenn Lorre, Ceue 6, 3 , 10, 12, 3 7 30,0 feat freact charge by Mdtresi fs «co,

Pitan Wilmington, Delaware,

Alfred Bann, anil other dtatingulshea deady (nay ba aren in MEADE. NROTHERS! Galleries, 23 roadway, near llarnum’a Mtuscura.

Seccsston Principles.—Where Ignorance ta biies gos money or your life Slavery oF death puolo raphe oy HOLMER, 428 Hrvatway. Ys

Steinway & Son's Oversteang Grand ppd foiars Pianos am now considered the best manta. tured; arn warranted fer ve Feark WarcroomeS2 aad Bf Walker etrect.

‘igh casa will be ed Sajna ten toon Weavuy Gaara et Lerawron.—la Bratton a a ey fang, tare). Locan bie Sree,

Becklyo)¥ D Les. —Om Moo tay evenioy, Janoary T, Sku Law, youngest daughter of an "Puretta Leek, aged bY ears, t eet re CAT, relatives asd (rivals o€ Ubs family are Layla te tired tbe (wearal from Ube restienew of ber pureaia Net 160 Fast Kiroadwas, this ) aferneoa, at hair:

PAR ope O'okoek: sae

Hlart(ord Baers lesa

Mar. —tia Wadnesiay,

“The friends of tho farmlly are reeppetfully tavited ta at- tan bee fecal, from tbe Feahinaes of BEF PURO Ne, 1 Hoot Tuarly:4lath vtreet, oa Friday afteraoes, al cas @'cleck,

MccaSy.—O5 Tapatay, Janay 8, Pacem 1. MeCary, gy cae Triet and Mary. MeCaso, nged pews oon

‘The relatives and frlends of the family are Sovited (o o\tend the fuberal, from the reyid Tarealy, No, O1 Past Thirly second street, Ula Wlerbacn, at Gas, o'clock, without. farther: Fes als Will be akan to Ontyary Unmelery.

(Aikmaas—Om Toraday, Jancary 8) of eam. too, Tima linktectax, of county Dow, freland) aged 45 respectfully {acon nt (wo o'clock from bis tate 16 fret Tealdeaoy, AY6 CaCery

Dies. —Seddealy, at Wert Parma, on i 17.8, rows Mew, 'Haqy tn the Ol year ora

‘Tue relatives and friends of tho family, togolier with tho members of Marla Lodre No. 218 F. ands. 3, aad all Masons in good standlug, are respectfully larliad. Ue Attead tho funeral, Unis (thursday) afternoog, at twe orclock, from bi lal rsidcas,

embers of Marlon Ladge aro requested Lo mack ta Whelr rooms at West Farms, at one o'eloek in the after. jeder of JOAN CORNELL, W. M. Ani widow of dhe Tate James Moniyhaa, aga 40 yeara, a rallye of county Tyrone, Ireland,

The fricoda and acyaalntances of tho family, and those of her 200, Diwan au her brother taslaw, Wm McKeon fa, aro respectful avited to attend. tho Pineral on FY day afterngen, at half-post ono o'eloek, from her bats e- fidence, 804 Waablogtan nlrovt.

{Mbasiy papers pleaas copy,

Yrusr—O0 Welocalay, January 0, Reus Paser, (a the 420 year of hia

Tis relatives Abd Trlonds aro fully Invited to tend thin Tuboral, op Friday aftareson, at Gro nla, from tho Pst eferiaod Dated church, Joratémon street,

® 8, of conmumptioa,, Dow We BULL yoar of hor nea

1 cine frends std nequntntance of the family are laviuad 6 altoad tho funcral, from No, 272 East Wrroedway, (bia (Miiraday) aftoroond, wt Uhres oelock. 4 ‘Suaw.—dn this ells, on Weluoadsy moraing, Jan 9, of consumption, Sila Sune Ae Beam, tate 4 Year of ber age. ‘The frieads aro lovlted to attond the funeral, from bor Lat 1c, No. C24 fndson atrect, on Friday mora. ‘AL eight o'clock. ‘Albay’ Ropers please copy Eimatm —On Miceday moral wie of Robert ehtcllsy ago 71 veare. ‘Tho retativen ond frlontn of the farnfly aro toeitod te attend tho mera}, without furtbor notice, from her Lata, reajdetes, No, 246 Fast Broadway’, on Friday afteravoa,

Siu. —In Brooklyn, on Wednuslay, January 0, Camu. same SimeF, youngest daughter of Charles and /Catharing


police. The

ee yoann ena

—4m Tuerday, Jani Sloot ate Se Jou, i

January 8, Bucinrra,

Tho Ladd & Webster Sowing Machines may now be bad for 940, at £40 Broadway.

Wheeler & Wilson's Soming Mazhinca, vith Important (mprovements, at re duced prices Oden 408 Broadway, New York

Moldavia Cream, for Preserving and beautifying the Hale. Sold only at W. A. BATOHSLOR'S, newly Invented Wig Factory, 10 Bad atreet,

BDatchelor’a Hair Dye—Relable, Harm~ Joss ani Inetantactous, black of brown, Factory's) Marcia Hirect Foland applied ot BATONELOR'S Wig Puctory, 1 ood strvel,

Oristadoro's Hair Dyo, Wigs and Toa. poes—The best In the world. Wholoealn nnd retall, and (bs ye private applied, nt No. G Asiar Moura.

Biroy, ngeb} year, 2 montha nnd 18 dayw.

‘The friends and Felatives of the family are respecttuliy Invited taattend the funeral, from the reeldence of hae parents, No. 141 Water alreot, Brooklyn, this (Tharsday) afterncen, at two o'olock,

Smax—On Tuesday Sroxes, ngol 18 years, 0 months and 27 dasa,

Tho Felativea and feleods of the family are {nvitod to attend her funcral, frem tho residence of ber parents, No. O'Vanduwator seit, his (Tharsday) afternoon, at’ one o'clock.

Weavi.—On Test ary 8, Manica D, WeAvER, Now Yorleand Sady Honk pilot, aged 49 years,

The relatives and feldads of tho famnlly and pilots of the yort, aro. rempoctfully Invited to attend his {uneral, from tho ‘resldencn of Captain Hobert Tamit, No, 03 Suolks ‘treet, tli (Thuroday) afternoon, at one o'clock, without further ingitation.

January 8, Misa ANN Misa

arents keop in your Cophonrds Burd= rail'nAralca Lintment, Theares Dury, Sealds, Soretbrost pd Taternal Falaa ed Aches

,Barry’s Tricopherona in he Best aud cheapest article fer dreaing, beawifylog, curling, cleanslag, Sreelecioe aud atoning tho liars aden tryih. ald by BIT druggists.

Conghs, Colds and Catarrhs, 40 Prova- Jentat Uils ccason, aro quickly curee by HOLLOWAY'S incs- Hable Pills and’ Olnunent” Teraone troubled yrith bara’ Coughs, bearseness, Ac, wil nd Immediate relict by using hese invaluable remedlen,

Marsh & Co.'s Radical Cure ‘rass— Ofice No. TyVesey atreet (Axtor House), opposite tho charch.


Crnexo—1oo4x—On Wesneaday, January 0, at the realdenco of tho brido’s parents, by 'the Roy. Str. Vad- dock, Capt, Groumm Cosas to Misr MARY J, Tacas, daughter of Wm, Logan, of Brooklyn.

‘Towusswan—TAcoakt —On Tuosday, Janoary 8, by the Roy. A. Carden, at the residencs of tho bride's ‘father, Mr Rowan 1. Howepsaman to Misa Bou Jae Tccarr, daoghter of Mr. Willlam Tarenel, all of Philadelphia.

‘Mousa —Fansuxorex,—At Darien, Gonn., on Wednes- day, January 0, by tho Rov. Dr. Raroes, Mr. Jomx Mou, ‘of Now York, Lo Misa Lac, cleat daughter of John D: Farrington, cf the former placo.

Mourrr—Lase—In this city, on Wednesday, January 9, by tho Rov. Bilwio R. 7. Cook, Quan W. Maun, of Newburg, to Maxr F. Lun:, of this city.

eueecartesan Se

Au.sox.—In Brooklyn, E. D., 01 Tuceday, Jamary 8, of fover op tho brain, Tussuax K., aon of Wm. A. and Bivaboth Allieon, need 9 years nod’ mouths.

‘Tho friends und rolativen of tho family nro respectfully {inyitod to attend tho funoral, this (Thoraday) afternoon, BU wa o'clock, from the reslienos of hia parents, No. 88 Mescrole etroal, Brooklyn, E D., without further tavita- Mien.

‘Arnance—On Wodnesday evening, January 9, Mra. Mas Jaxe Armee, aged 27 years, relict of James D. Attridgo.

Nolico of funoral in Friday's paper.

Hrxox,—At Dobba' Ferry, oa Monday night, January 7, Frarces Tavion, wite of John Berson, of this city, la the Std sear of het ago.

‘Tho rclativea and frienda of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, thie (ThursJay) wornlug, at halt-past ten o'eleck, from tho realdence of her father, 8. Taylor, at Dobbs’ Forry. The remaina will bo taken’ to Whits Palos for Interment. Hudeon Riser Railroad ears Teavo Cuambers atrest depot at halt-past sovea o'clock AVM, Carrlscea will bo {a sralting at tho depot.

Boin=—0n Wednesday, January 0, Kare Kurc, only daughlerof Abrabam and Jenole A. Durtly, aged 2’yeara anda ruonth.

The eotatteerand friends of tho family ara respzcttolly lnyited to ottond tho funeral, from tho residence of ber parenis, 215 Stato stroot, Brooklyn, oa Friday afternocn, EU baif-past bro o'clock, without further fovitation,

(crnis.—Op Wednesday, January 9, after a long fl. ness, Mane RAGHELLE, aged 77 years and 4 months.

Hex (rine and relatives ard reepectCully invited to at- tend the funeral, on Friday afternoon, at ens o'clock, ‘rlthout farther sbtico, from tho realdenco of ber brotbe=~ Ibstaw, Datel Mastin, No. 160 Fl4rl ign strect.

Puna —On Wednealay, January 9, Josura Buismr, ged 5 years.

‘Tho rélatires and friovda of the family, also the mom- era of the Bedford etrext Mf. E. church, are respoctfully Invited to attenil the feneral, oa Friday morning, at tea ofelock, from bin late resldenco, No. 119 Leroy treet, twithoat further Invitation.

Busrvrsst—Tn Philadelphia, on Taoreday, Janaary 3,

Gronce S. Beriersatt, fo tho 343b year of his age- ‘om Wednenday, January 2,at tho plantatios of bis node, N. R. Jennings, Romar Oaey Ccance, ooly 200 of the Inte Thomas Clatke, of Norfolk, Va., {a the 3th scar of his age.

effolk and Chicago mapors please copy. :

Gissaccurox.—Snddenly oo Tuslay, January 8, of Aleraen af tho beart, Axia Cosrvatcurox, aged 29 nnd 25 days

135 Centre etreet, this (Thuredsy) “afternoon, at’ one

C'okcek. Decv.—On Wednesday, Jancary 9, Boramn Jaxr, young et danehter of the late Wm. G. Drow.

Tbs friends of the farally are requested to attood the funeral, this (Thureday) efterocon, at ozo o'cleck, froma 277 Weat Thlrty-third street

Trxs—On Weducslay, Jancary 0, aftor a ehort tlness, Coun Lora, Fon of Charles Geogore Darr, agel 3 yeara, Sronaths and 16 dasa

‘The foncral will tako place this (Thurelay) afteraon, at bro o'clonk, from the realdenca of tilt parcots, No. 113 Clinton street! withoot further Invitation.

Frrz.—0o Wednesday, Janney 0, Wrtax Fev, aged oyerrs

ils friends and ncquaintancos aro rvited to attend the foneral, op Friday -afternwoa, at two o'clock, from hit Tato residenen, 266% Willlara sbreot

Gris —0o Wedneslay, Jannary 9, Ausenr, son and cooly child of Jecab and Nathalio Geismar, aged 2 sears and 3 mouths.

‘Ton frnceal will tazn place this (Thuraday) afternoog, from the parents? rarldence, No, 234 West Teenty-fovelby Finest, hetrcea Ninth and ‘Trath avennes, at balf-pact ex viele precliely, witboot further note,

Tier, On Monday, December 31, of diphtheria, at the residexee of Jeet G Hort, tn Wynntra, ner Cotombas, th. Eexnocs Kise Hirer, nged 21 yours upd 3 months

Green bs the turf abore thee,

Friend of my better days,

Sige know thee Uat Lo Live thee, Not pamied thee but to pralse. Fr AL Jersey City, oa Wednesday, Januszy 9 of jafimomation of the longa; Maxy Lotier Somes, Jooncest danphtr of Leicester 0, and Aune Sf. Johnson, Sent 1 year and 7 moothe. -

The friends and noquaistancss of the family are re- sqeciniily invited Ls attepd ber faneral, on Friday after pom, ub two yclek, from Na 7 Fachange place, Jersey City

Heiy.—Os Turtday mornin, Jsnoary B, Jase AUC danpiiter of Owes J. 5% Saraby Kelly, aptd 7 years, | menus end £1 aye.

The fricads and relatives of the familly ar ead the faneral, this (Thurkdsy) aftereron alors ce from ber father's reriiepee, on Peuty-third greet | tee Feartb ap Tie remalss +0


9. a8 for OG Loosfecd.



From the January editlon of the Guide, 70 SOUTHERN MERCHANTS, ANTISOUTHERN MERCHANTS IN NEW YORK cena for pobidittng tho nates of thone Naw YorX mexebanta wbo ay

hee cry ei. Wo are cing band

letters eee kiy trun Southern mem, dreading 4 bul ty tun at Nortbern ecorales who depend 00, ty Bobherg ferchaois s

ft guilt faformaton roan”

the past two months to col

Fy tb gulde Qoothern mre’ vate when waking thelr purchases Bouse

Bee a rat ny rents Fach ates ane kt Sh bee Peistcety aa

i fubty) wo skal bave perfeeted cur stot New, York ‘can Rouben who have been ealling to Ube Bout

Tevee, Jet, to "every invtace rot

Ecoth.” We bare ‘bora rary careful thislst, hat wa do, Bol Ret the mames of tothe South mized op yrith, the, pares

‘This bua cestalaned the ‘bitter compa


the rate of “ONE DOL! TY THOUSAND

ready for mallng. RereAL 00s

Udi FBR THOUEAND oF THHN foe “TRI DOLLARS,” already en eloped

‘Tee OIRCULARS wn are CUTTING AT Sead om your orders at uBce.




Ensélopes ct Ube latest stylee 104

Se neta een Yoltoa atrect, Now T EVERDELUS OLD STORE, NO. Bn BR =

A fredatey Cards te ee Mia ner hibboa aot fas

Weddlny Car

OLEON TAP ROOTS, ANEW ATYLE, eh iDand ty Agu reek. Ne BEC and


aides iris alee Rati ah case Cats Br lace Gaiters, $8; ready made oF to ord i

BOOTA AND SHOES, AT HUNTA, Shaya new aiyle qulled bottom water:


‘careful chenucal research, “t, Le Ulght, more digestible vi patoral

In thepresall 0 Hie,

tony Bas

reas Cake—Ladles ao

Cake Webster (ake Grabas

pEO H. BATES, Wholewle Agent, CHOROE YH ear arcet, New Vor 101 DUNIONS, INVERTED Bz 5 ‘Ko (SEES Cit LO eee Gi ders Rhea) Re way, cere to phyicans sod war

TRERA CELEURATED BEWINO NES. oan ha der Beara ‘(Daring he ccials aod marcy of moe PHODUGE, MERCUANDISE, a willbe received {a pay- Brot PETES STOG SELLING OFF. WATCHES, JEWELBY AND DIAMONDS. D. 0, FEACOO#, Inaden, 224 #06 Broadway. English and Swisa Chrcnometer Watches, by elevated makers, al warranted, ochinge toca ay alice, BevoWw dost.

Grovann, rraKeg

Too yun ot


RE AND PICCOLO, Teapocectured, ‘Vrarerooeaa 006 Broad ray.

Fan corr

vit be ree shane ot MATION eM VIEW 01

enon S deadyay.



+ YOUNG WO! s J 4_COOK, JOEAA MOU AST fy aaah fant gaol re fenin (aih t 206 War ws, batons Octd nae Hekige ei,

nITvATION . Lise dnd eumarem Cae De fro cage at


AMT eS eAtra pel te Wag a tue grastry te Pu iicamelended ap boneny ana nied ise |

eu Call ive LU 970 ALIBI Oreo at

TAUY WINNES 70 RECOMMERD & NCTSE AND Ties lined with bes (or two yearn ad fs wilhog ad UDR,

Uareauas Apply for fb od


A pa

"ayer Med wo children and io a i age a 74 Manatield placn, West Gla, al, betwee we


Jono woman, ket aime: can da pina em inebimberacre Apply ecz3aab a0, Dewees Dyk tor ine gaye

0% ny A STEADY, MIDDLE A MITUATION Warrte: willy eapaule or Ckiog mares set wlth te chamber oF

bey spate bag tes

iF cra Salta he chamber oy A ger Tot mag ta Sibi poten gfe green har fan aoli Cu) foriradentn aac

GERMAN PROTESTANT CIRL WANTA A BITU, oh oro ee aay hripenrk tee private facly. Ape frp ih ne craven, No. 328 West sab nt.

A, REGVECTAT OVE WLeILES & RITUATION 48 4 ped con; Inun excellent masher and irones: bas givnl hy helrienee, ‘Can ba neon for !ma Gaye, ati East Warren sakimet Hear, bck room second roc frm Hoyt Sey



A SITUA. rivaus farily, and

YOUNG Orne Wrst (odo the nw siaimayork of a small [plelgverion: is miling vy mato Wervelt peocrallyatefat; Ptmcea'reterence trou ber last calfar ian Coan a, panes? Place.



‘baal Gly hua four yarn retere i eoga ytd at 363 Io sty A SENUHCTADLY: WOMAN wASTH A SITUATION AR fevoby Us filly: servanplishen tm all fis Branches: oF ws ‘cook; as two Jeary ety reference Can bo stem at Mis ay.ytelween teat und tah mia, eneved Boor, front ret. nexerer Frat wilion gift, (cau re seen at fi Weat 13h ek, bet weed dian Vib wed, to tha rar

| A HEAPROTABLIS ia wrk Bure ‘refcre

YOUNG GIRL LATELY ATL bastion tea pried caralys ee cook

MAWHED, WOMAN WANTS A having bat ber own baby; sha ‘Call a tad rant atet ay nt


Joung Frowrian' wornan, ay walineas and eearnstreen:

jeans e ail Kinds of lamly rowing Caa be scen for two ‘oy Mulberry aL, 1 tho baw-nscnt,

Fy tea oy si = A ORRMAN WOMAN WASTS A BITUATION—IN AN. Ooerican fartly, ba at dyaeeraaaireser a Beier Brestiya: [A RKOFRS=ED COOK, ov sonEN, AND ErEADY iin widen a tail ta erm god atte Canty tay it Bavot chy rfcrenen canta givens Calla Na ower es trern in ac an Warerby place; Gras doar back tose, far irodayn Pamberraaid ana waitress of wraltrensalooe; kas Coot iy ievence. Can ba fren Oil togased, at a2 Weds cous Paecen Un bee 40d Brosdeay me een irate family, sachambermald and. wanens s UnvcA Host hire washing abd raning No, Section to ky care Seenhdren, cel ety reterenee Gall ACE wit Kuh ate WYAPEGTANLE QI WANTS A SITUATION Aa Mbamterinudiaad walltsn ro PousgwOE. raed Hao yecitone, heorklyo.

& aa saat le Rice sta eclepeepe ectacte re hacasers Sie eat NpUATION WATEBCAY A YOUN TOMER AR RESVECTABLE ORL WANT A ITUATION, Ty A irr tara LURAY, COOK WIRES _A ATION


in a respectable private Caroily; Vioronghly underetant er busiveds, and te willing Lo asalsi In washlar und fronts AL required! Oun tos highly recommen ded by ema of tue Ur

‘Gass fariiliea tn thie chy. Call for twa days at Lid West 250, AC, between 7th aud sib ava,

CORE A GOOD SIFOATION corapetent aad faperteoerd Mursa. ai seater Bs ny capable ring ip acl frm iby

‘een at her prea nt empoyern from 9 ta Zorelaek, ak Pendent, Gramercy pe eS re Baier

A RARECTADUE PROTESTANT “WOMAN, WHO Hiab ber tabs aziteButn, would like to gets child 19 aren st ber oma buss ener it will bare ths Lovo ant cary ete muAhts. "None need eppy But a Tesprctabls persed, Call at 50 Weet 350 6t. cL hes i peerage

N—AS CITAY. wurea, Gon ely rlercacea Call

RUSPECTADLE GIRL WISHES A sITO ATION. private funily toda general hoascnork, Call at


iabeth as, Spont room,

RITOATION WANTED—BY A. RESPECTANLE PRO. Vealant gir, a8 cok fo a private family’, In a god bak

Bp bar the yor ety refarenes ta produ: trom her last | Hare Can tn cen UH) West smb ety for tira days, woo Hare, Cat for tivo days, nocond

YQUNH NOUNS, WHO LOST HER DAME, Wists nhy to ect hur weer ow bs Sadat rat oor, becsecn py and sus ara AU Wet


vyeclab i" Wwomug, Can bo read for tivo pith gi gbeti a 0 Prag Fart


ay Ae. Sry tek oko, aPJa ietere teva HOt Sy lock


Reta aR, 2apFeL Nowy ic

AE a ie etucs sete Av MAN, ANT

Cosh bres neuen apply bat respectable pursaas. Can

Lber owe fe see Tor (wo daya at Sa) 70h ayenus,

ITUATION WANTED BY A: COMPETENT 01 A dite cnertber eta, SF ACOsEE TENT OLB Uy an tale ih waolng ned lvolug;hotsiot were: aa Wea brs) nd der, boek room 7 "SIA Col

A SITUATION WANTRD—BY A YOUNG WworAs, Tyewing and ell Unde ot emtrotdeiys bas tha best of cy Herenee ist ier a

Peferenct Call for wo daye ok atweba ith ad Ab at is Lie RRL s a


eens ot 8 gall family hoe the best ce ty ro. Fereace. Callas dul AusnUsat, DeAr Most st, Brovtiya.


‘A Fill private family 008 Wbo bas bad good exparlence To tho bot faroilies In itarellyy > sebcen sky cau refer. Can Ye soon for Awe daya at 13 Bast sith st,, between Ist and whavn

SITUATION WANTED-BY & RESPECTAGLE 2 Wuinany lean excellent eock, would dy the wad ANI ramilly, had good ehty eeery sos. Gall MULL Vbetween'tat oud saves, scoad Oooe, fraBt

WANTED—UY ONB FULLY COM. ¢ush a9 oirats and. pasteteas would, tSecen alher preseat eapioyee sat near iuih ay, i



100K: womad,, wha thoruvgbly understands bs

‘willing 10 osila\ th tho waahfop and ironing, and ean elvo eo al Gyyreterence. Apply at No. Vas wah at, eprosts tho Wibla

Uae =

Higeaee abd reGexee Ineooypeteat na hoverk Griesier and amagosnalsy Gu ubjection Raulatec ory refereuora exchaoged Address for treo 436, ML Wehincad, brooklyn

tea Proteunt muwie, alo

fas tho beat of ety refene

tla otber work If Tequlres ‘at, between 7th dod Sth ate,

dan be vceo at Li Fest 27th econ Graf, BALK AOL

SEAMSTRESS' SITUATION WANTED—BY A COMPE: 3 tent person, om Aunerican: evn do all xinds of family wnt Kop. ena‘nivo cjerate a Mleeler & Wilson machines or UEorare of eran ehlidren, ‘Can ba seen at 23 Gh Ape, hoe ‘64d Gove, Front roouy, between 15th and 16th ats.

ITUATION WANTED-AY A RESPECTARLE OC 35 Woutan, toca, wash aod iroa to asta privateramily | Bra produit aud biker and wilhing io mnie Servet urntut Coefeiy roterecos Callat is West Ab et socvad Boor, het rom

A YOUNG LADY, IN A vf ealldrea, Ichcire at

LH the ston

WANTED—BY A RESPECTADLE YOUNG German girl, In a wnuall family, to do gooaral beaten or Aeekiyn preferred. “Appif at 12! Ualon Se, South Hrookiga: |

ITUATIONS WANTED-IY TWO | RESPECTABLE (frotes abt irk stern: Wh sith 9 live ta coe buen:

Siete ironer.. The

Bil te eno

Root Tu st, up aalre, wear Cats w


i -


ITUATION W. Iwlatded, chainbormatd asd wallrese. Weot Sih at) out engaged

QITUATION WANTED-IY A RRSPECTABLE O18L, seco or chamberniald aod waitress: pod elly rove” ence. Callat 96 Maclie Ht Bootlya, ter two days


00, fo di chainberwork of Uke care of cullen’ has no, ‘ebjection to do housework Ina emall fazally. Call af 35 ay) belwoct 30h and STU ata, Lu Ube grocery xtra,


a etcaira' at vislinc gorermcets et tearaer ins pollloce privalnechol, or us fagsraccas of fab Se Nearest for ond week; Denny Wena se

ee Se ere aa a WAXED Sh STATION, BY 4 BESTE TTANLE wo. mad, a8 cok; Uaderstanils her business in all braoches: Bredsiusten ane? WASESEA SITUATION, BY A GERWAN Wow, to do general bowewors or pin'a malas er to Uns ew WANTEPIA, SITUATION, AY A RESPROTARLE Mie Fuapan, ax housrkeepry for an cl evatleman er to siieod « bakery wore or to stiend toa ack lady, ea


‘Call st 205

chy fetereook Apply for lwo Gayu at Ss Weat 2d ay shares o€ Childwa Apply at ber preseat employee 31


at dl Yori at, rearvuuling



We err tate eure af exe ee tet eters acd 3 Peat

+ bee

ET WORSE. A LADY (8 DEATHOUS OF HECURING ferion pancetta Any pure Gouge safant for oe tancsit crntan ‘Any pure outa a we tant othe Semen ean bn wadacied thal wee la abuso Gienatie. Address FC, Herat aon WAGER 8y 4 proresrasr Touxa wowey, wings srwitg raschinn, nvitoation Su tonnasirean aresperiabia femily; ean farsith uaraeepucaabe refrac Cai ere week at's Prices nt, Hck.


Ny ebeity Prlsatanl erman woman: cea gre wok Pefereners (ret be? bast a to Mr. Townannd, Telerenare Flastemployer, Apply


chainbermald apd aslst In waatlog 2nd traning. oF diambermaid aed atv-od edt dren in (rata faaatl best of ity reference. Apply at 212 Rant 3d ut, betwen Lik


‘ook Ina pod washer and Irincr. Ca bo worn at Ler Im piace, No.9 West Sutb at,

WAUTEOTA SITUATION, BY A YOCNG GIR, AS ‘cost OF laandrvea lo a god Faxally;, Bas \Be Dest of tox ferrnon frum her lasl place. Can Br ea for twa days at) Bergen st, Broo yo.

ANTED—A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE it, ascook, wuaber and Ugan-r, 10.8 mi. pri Yala fesily Shes ine oat of reference from’ Ber last plac, Wed thre jrarslaberlass places Wallat J4D West 20a ee, second oor, back Ne. . WANED S ITUATION, At SEAMSTRESS: WOULD Sulit witachamberncrk of taxe care of <bilirea: can embniter, Gon aly icrenesn. Cag be som for two day3 stat Ktoc at SDA SITUATION AS PASTRY COOK AND Weiter! perincdy wedersiangs eocclag ap fapey

Tillie far parties} the having had 12 gears experte nisersinoon the Brat eae Bouacata ta vai, so tivo every ratafocdoa tw Me eropljer,

ty SA Noor, front nom.

tha guaranus upigat Nec 212 Beate


Hogan wl ‘ivatlonas hideekesper, or to Lake eplire charge of an (ulant, of ta do aug igie work abot the Louse and fy. Address t 8, Herald outer,

WANTBR-A |RITUATION, (BY 4 KESPECTADLE fereoce froin ber Ian pla firs tabee la tha rouulty. 70 lstb ave, Milrd Moor, Back ronta, ons tour from Waverley place,


WASHING WaNtED—py sega

av tzT Weak rit ob, ANTED—A SITUATION, DY A PROP! cook; onderstauda all Kita of konpa, preservas, cine

fetlosery, pas daynat i24 Ludiow

WASTER A SITUATION, By_A YOUNG LADY, To ‘itecd alore, speaking Freceb and English duentiy, Address Ee Wh bv. D.


‘a baby to wel nors= at her own residence. The beat ob reference. Call atl West ak, rst Guar, back room, for wo dase


itnation as ¢ook, wader nod Imarr, or a4 Lava:

Yas the best of city "reference. Ua be sora for two

Sayedt ber preseut emploger's, 60 1608 at, between Jet and ore


‘te; mod Folerencn prea Call vor two aL, secvad Boor. a

RSE—A SITUATION WANTED, BY A RE- bis wornan, who baa lately lost ber infaat; oss referents given Call for two days at olf Wiaks at, Brooklyn.

WANED BY A MST CLASS COOK PARTY DIS Dera to dress by tbr-day, vo reassnable terms; also woul gouut tule feasoos tJ S0uDR ouoks, Call at oF nde Urcns Mra Whyte, 87 Weal tb ek, wear 6 av., frie Door, fvat wenn,

ANTED—A SITUATION) BY A RESPECTABLE GI trook, wast and Iron {y « auall private family. gy reference “Call ab 135 Amiiy nt, to tho reir, for two


ANTRO—A SITUATION AS COOK IN A PRIVATE, tawlly, ly, Yung woman, who Uasrouguly un. Unb Salsas Rood washer and Ievuceand

evlou toeny orcaunley. Net city as gr adeeas 80 West 22h St, between

0 day,

Binand uh ave, WANTBUS SITUATION, BY AN EXPERIENCED, ued cok, who undersuuits herbusiaess and all klads of eoupe od gaine: oanosperionast bakie, Goal ety re- fereorn given. Call at 123 West loro st, frugt Bascincaly for


Siiuation ae chamber naldaud to do dan wassuag ond runing. nrantiundrees. -Nervoc aly rovercboe, Tlauss call ae 4, beincen 24 woddtars, ascond door, froat




TANTED—A SITUATION, BY TWO GIRLS, IN THE ‘Fans Hous, one ax 2vak, washer and irvuce, tb: ober Voad. Hest uf recommendatl ug froes thelr pre:

Motenployer, Callat log South Uarord ay Bwalya.


TANTLD—A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE oung roman, Udo geabral housework fo a small famnl-

27 Fob And thing ald hind. t dren! Tow geod Mer, Iruncraad. bakers, Was the bet of cliy rerereusce (no tenure at Weat 6th aty bein een Tib and eli ova, for

two dayn

"HELP WaNTED—EHMALES. LI PASULIES AND GOOD SERVANTS GAN FIND the fazyret aod beat odica 10 the elty at the Tuxtato and Tone. wehcry the besb uf aocrania. ard alwaye ready. Alaa fiat ntuaiiion Tor good help Nu. "iN aby coract of


wing thela dy, tobor, b ceab capable aad obligtng, Shut Hocupply Tor alwaulona at 294 Us we, ar this agency Supplies pune vut gvod families wiih belp, aod Gree class ear vans with altoptionn.


AL ingitive between 9 ands =

TP9,00 10, MORRISANTATA PROTESTANT SEAM. huest, Why cin Wore gu Singer's tschise APpIy Al

i) rodway, rovma}2 and 1.


ASTRD-ISMEDIAYEL, SERRA, coaD RES er sade ana nen nee ate Manwtdelee ee -ANTED—A GIRL TO 00 THE COOKING, WASHING ‘pd Ironing of wamals private family. Ono wha can

Dring god recomuieadsUvoe ua un rapucsty aod charset ovlafure yertoauvat buaie U9 applging atk Frat


‘ants heed apply -ANTED—A COMPETENT LADY'S MAID, WMO CAL Uren Balrand sow.” Apply at 166 S15 a

AL aud LF. M., durtog the wot three days.

WASTED—A NEAT, TIDY PROTESTANT QIRT FOR ieuiers) housaork toiutt woderstand eo king aud bread rmakiiig; gould feferculy required, Call at 183 Heat Sith oh.

WOXTER-AN Active sspusrRIOS Gry ty 4 Dritato fundy, wieork. washarid ua: ‘was usta derstabl her busines thoroughiys ua be se commended; nwethrnm nerd apowd, inquire, hia day between 9 ond Medeek ak SF Welt

at Dene rth as. EP XUISE WANTED—A STRONG, HEALTING Wo- ‘Dan, with a bhowto¢ wile not ess hua. two -monthor old, may upply between the hogewof Ik aad'3 a: 40) Wes. Forurtecott atte ek WALERIA OIL FOR GPNERAL, WoUSaRORE Tout baa good washer: abd. tronce aod bare good eley efereioe. apni at 191 Hodson st aWASzE D—AN AMERICAN OR GERMAN GIRL, 15TO NS Mea Ne aca ts Wo pomeral sick: only & aun and ister West lib nese tout 12


ENTEEL DRY NURSE, TO TAKE id ni monthe old Sho must be cleav, ca: J, ork over Zi years old, aad bling 19

facreeatir: Toa ped ano $9 will be paid. Ap. Big beteren Wind 12 Mi atoe West Sh ate TED—A S@iAT, TIDY AND TS SUSTRIOUS GIRL,

gnileermald and 10 walat io tba sareof children Wagen $3 Apply at lay Henry ot,, Brooklyn. WAXTED=A, HASPROTAGLE OMAN, TO, NONSE ‘an iniunt tures montbe’ old, at her own residénce. note ddreded Wo at IN, BOX 178 Herald oles, will be ot- terded

WANTED=A O1RL Fo GOTO THE, cow Waller, chambernald, and > wke care of Wages 250 month, Wall wes75 West 3 at at.

TRY AS f children,

J WAXTED—A GOOD GEIDIAN OUGL, AS Co OMBEL: ‘laid, one who Ie Gut atrald of work, with guod refer. ecee. For auch tale wasra will be given” Ulels fevin tntel-

Uigense ofvec need polvall Apply AL GO Broome st, from aol



@ BNGLISU, FRENCH AND. Cermmo, wil Wve bie sorvlars we Urck dry xoets a

nent) Clerk, or as bookkeeper, (gr his toatl and eiotklog

fers tg lan'empiuyer, Addro 2, ¥- 2, Ueraidndion


| Avowchman and Krosm Can give the very Restor reserenos frum bie tast place Any cae iu want of 3. Srat rate mas (0 all respects ay make appicaon t9 Drom ter & Valdytn, 735 Urealway,

(A. JOUNG GIOIA, MANMIED, woo SRE UK Freuchand |ougiled, wlabes erapiogment fn any klod of Uutlners Address by 1, bus 150 Herald otuse

A. ESOUISTANT MAN WANTS A. SITUATION 83 walter in m private Jamnily: be porfcelly understands his hustnegs: bertaceiy reference: Inquire at 233 71b av. ween Seth abd 200 eu


asber and froner, with @uod cliy referenoes want af” (Salone. Hleve ioudire at kuployment socte\s's oflon, Nec SClintoy Hall, Avior place, @ (ew doors east of Bruad: way, Formerly Iibie Howe,


Na dey goods noses,

gout the Busarsa.” Beat

‘Addr Giere, cation

OF city refere soe at na

Bee. Sal a

pod peama “Apply at Sa

Agirvartos as lige ta taney count Aiea ae pats Wises eto ing Went we eeferesors by aystsing at NA Tos Wes ae we

FAN TSGUERMAS AN - revthers bave bt fester assy eS

snpandinvare: ged ce fence apjly at Sai Pease, faint tor, Dace

RA) FUR A SITEATION—A ToUNe AN, 2 Sh Oi ai teeecn noes errs SP sae eealan ioe ator ee ae tia rela Sho wipers veh amas ere ward fantaeran Bale wkerys Astrea 30°F BAe BG Herald acu” am



‘1 ay

Y, JANUARY 10, 1331.



Ceeraaea roe Mtge SAT ar | ADA, Sea ee eee =e j eae Pep oe legen jk palenied, by applying at Wid Broadway, room No 6 REOt LAR FALE = Ion... 6 qi CiGores Lon, $20 joe. aoa com feat ree Ca a ea ee eee eae meee Sateen Cioriaende eee eRe OY WANTED-IN A BROKER'S OFEL WALL 1S 2. Bs ee ee eS a 8 ee oa: ae

ARVER WASTED—A YOUNG MAN THAT THO. Tougtly understands carving and oasa oy


fed prndoept sicauon end good wager ty Sppiying this | $0" i RR, rene sera een | ANES Laren Bea fir gb A iat aad coder eaten |S Hence nares “wou cubs 1SVa) ¥ingiiia Rate G jer een bonte | EN THOUSAND MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN i ster 4 EE FTOUE AND WY reer at oes Bias Sup tag cae oa sid ine oat for the Big Sigh “Apply ta JOA 'S, | 20 Mout Vernon Ki Ia worace bonds

icLOUTS, 143 Bowery.

ANTE, WANTED, WANTED—ig0 AGENTS AND Wea trara trons Woah yrary iainct female te nome } paying basis elie capitol fuma fl ins hare eeicas Bering vanes Gaia Ch par day ealog wartate oes |S Sewing int cubby ater, Rates and wECor | Jers PRA Taig etploy meal calreera ok Beeshoage ‘corner of Fulton atrest, op zoom Xa te

“A FARM MAND AND IS WH 7 ike man take care of sock sea Soeeoe. atari ark wash” Nasg seed ape ano ty Doeaty, coped, Toquire at 25 Bs Pato

Waiee! : sachs oat Ha ae

ay, Orv

ATED—AO) to $5, to nell a paw patent article, used In ereey met: canibe Bouse and oder. Agrate make from $2ty $5.0 day



Siave'peche Yur paruicalars apply’ to or uadsecs Senre'S Co, @ Malien lane” PU 1 OF Sdreaa¥. IL OF ¥ ANTED—A FEW RESPECTABLE YOUNG MEN, OF

dred address, W canvass (a and ojos Cate on Seeley toi iumman Galas Bes EcAle 27 Heckmanec, word for, Jehan, Fry

W2STEDIA YOUNG MAN, AS VALET, To, G0 To Eorope; adlere for a country site, Ua eerks, fot Blocery Mutry. a eleRe for aa’ Toaiirance th ‘o'taen to dxite, tren boya to lear trades te fh Apply at No. 7 Chathan equates

ANTED.—VINTUE £00. MUNETSHERS, 0. cho ni, ara in wank of tw respeeiable youn oblain nubteri¥ers for their illustrated works. 2s

ANTED—A BOOKKEEPER; ALSO A YOUNG MAN; 4s general clerk Ih anodic. Apply at tbe Moreh Clerks” heglhiry villee, 78 Hradieay Situations procared: No ormmlslig In adeanen, “Teevoregen to lest class bonen Esublbed 186” GEOKUE KAWLINS, Supsriauindent

WASTED-AT BALDWIN'3 TEA WAREMOUSE, 4 Wun Ceamie aa Call botore IA ME, ot 241 Grand’ at, mmabure

$500 GRANTED. A PBREON WITIT THIS AMOUNT, Te fg for nbicl cccurty willbe Fiver, and salary ‘of Bia week. Apply at HOTSPUR & C0.'S, G) White sieves L

FRENCH ADVENTISHMENTS. ON BEMA, DEDUNE PILL PANCATSE Poon sot eaters teteee ace cee ee Gresior bA. B., box 1 Herald otice

neadressa, destx culsiniSrea fraaicabe: deus tersmado cbamies, chant pariaitemcat lifer» faire lea collfaves; un tres bon Javdiaer, ot un valet da pled, ayant eervia en eclte quallls dasis do graiiea matsons en Eo!


USE DAME SWANGAISH, PARISIENNE, TARLANT correclement na languy etun pealanzlala, desireralt cotter dans uno familia amédeatag on expagnals, (pour, prendre salu da Jeune rnfans ee sur iller leur education, «ait Comme Femme do 6:8: gu dares aoe malsac, prize de preealdere clanae.” a’adecuser pour lee riftrensea et ia direction au BSS, Broadwa’.chez stra. Daraont


rralitment xx" langun ctun pou Vanglala desire e>

reiable Fewullla Four tolguer Tea enfaas:

ce bien enudro ot peut (ourulr lea gurilleyra reasel gpemerta Radreaer aa 8) Crosby atreck,

USF Sbisiiene re axcaige DESIRE se PL acer ‘ons dno peuin famalle: elle conmnalt sou dtat et pant don verde bina reselgucment. S/adreseer au $7 Mercer atrcet, 3 1oa3 beures,

60, AUCTIONEERS | Puralture and « Hotsebotd

Gaines shies PSS Se AST Tae


Sbsiton, Cor Dolasets Villowe: Blankets,

oval Mirrure.Diolok mom Wilenen’ Uirnaly, Ae ‘Salo perc, withous regard 6 weather, j

AY ruary Oy pg of

D Henasia te ph aed Waisteads ramet devel hovaay deong not pia; Havesue maaan ap aed aa Lr ange wot haruad sata iedsinie Leone Eenkcah uabopang fregeh au cota Unaien ced Bair iolrewen, Teulaer Beda Usitors aud Pliny back walnat Slorboards, Wardrobes, e-atre, pler aod fancy Tables, Higa! cweckery aba Giusuwrarss Cutlery Aes trols fot heels alerand worthy the tienlou ot bons

Meta SENMIAGS Ue, attorney Tor Mo

Fo porary ay adracees, three ply and Ingraln Carpetlog, Boslles vl Gah, oll Palnungs, Eograviogs, Ladlen eart Mink, uenct Sha Plich; Jewelry, superior elerrplatea Table ware, in tures Fariety; shades of soled winte, Uallery, Fancy Trarana Pegara meerschiaumn Pi

‘st ealeon Satarday, J



SSHUStALAT mictionech 3 Rowery, sal sila Prttay, Ap cock. i largo asrortmat of Glaghams, Ha

in Detalney Pivauele Alpaca. Param sin

Hiarcnles fowteling, “shining Fak Nagking Cal

doen, Hose, Stockiugns eoollen Nhirts aad Drawers,

Geriea, key de, Uy ender of auulgnco.

broke BUONEs, MouOTS, averroNwnns —Tys, Dax (Tharaday), January 1A at thelz satearoms % Naveaa reel abide oiock arg asd akractive mun ot mae up Fore sleigh tap nad carrlago Hobes, roanufactared express forthe ely trade aod pul up Atducilon om aonvant oF tho b on Tho cansigninrateronlste ot. separ Atudsoo May and ink Fablo Capen dude, Cutt wad VIertaes: Mo tab ‘805 Squirrel, Ermine an

Chinchilla Al “ebildren's Pi Inyreat variely—Vietorioes Sus and Cuma. Also, Ge: Cope, Mullers Glover bod Pur Chate Alt, a splen:


Ing. 1, WLIO oF

did tao or hijab, Liphod earvtage Robes. In Woit, com, ‘Gonely Po Sha “Mafate “also unieinmed Mutiato' Skiox. fbg Sb y¥6

Jes SE LIES TE FAIRS Ds oF woe nINDLY Sra Reales a lonry Gat cht steward or a Onset See Sauleeasti, om aia preg

neck co Meoday oat

ETROFOLICAS LODGE ¥ AND Aw Mabe cv atetvve Merepite tates = guauipere suntea rerabr ecm

NAST SH ron, Beret err Tt ina oes Sinan ee




Abirly aye after such ay them, No reduction

rh of any me easineot on real sander this act,tunless It abatl Uoo, what tha farty aggrieved erica presen


tin at Wale

Kes Be sald at publie suctto Fray the exprases againat it

r OM Ecce Drewte rect Fhe aaa

nurotlog 01th

1861, for

Stoars reas Dro lho

‘opeo fren!

election, ‘New Yous, Dee 29, 1800,


‘web atreet, bas removed Where ahe willbe happy ur ace be foe KHALI

Tarop aay sant ine wll be referred in acuntnoes

JANUARY 19, 1550 ‘are gn the Yin hs ato


ete Uirhetieeha atid bass ing ee a

wea forrtve correct of nts

Helpest or absenos from te cle (tana of Ith chapter id, | ecclon 9) A.J, WILLIAMSON, ) Comiavenlaners, JW. ALLEN, ‘or Taxes and TW. BRON, Acpesamnta,

thy Smb of January, 1s ROBEBT WALKER, Propetotor.

ICE OF TIE MASTERTON, SMITIC & SINCLATR Compans, foot of Fast Twonty.nath

company willbe teld at Wocotapany a ciliog, on Wedaoada & Wreleetion of retro Trumeen Tuo pu

Fao By order, AUBx Mitt

‘The transfer books will bo elosed frum date Uh aster tho

Arg hereby eodiad icsulon of the Leos the WE whieh tims te Chink


We year


iy will ba,

ox pt, ‘April mash toch voted eat abd ex:

carp are is Lt loa fre redoctinn dt pea ‘Tbe Glowing scolouot he nt ot Rood. 1, 190, efellowing veers of te act of 8 S uabed fer he tsformation ot targayers > Mt MSA 6 Vntcuy "seca 0 Varig the time the bonks ahall be open for MER uy be taide, By. -ang, pecwenr eased chnge Kasra Ae apices | Belered by to asiedeed|raloation or bis real ur pemonal vais Stain to bara ihe samo commetcd “If such ‘apflcauon Wank be avin a ny

jileation shall hava be'g cate 10 bo made by the Wain of supe

Or peFwinal taistt Impoext | "af, Wor Qa OF a ranae wwabla to attend within too

Dy rowsog af


yea ckholdara vf the ab.ira


OF NO. ink REE to No. 6 Euzabeth streu! F friend

JL, No. G Elizabeth street,

EPLEOT—AuL PERSONS D FR thet ens bills and at ch ea should /at ‘once prcoro Wybanv Lghetedecrora; they aro tho os bie and the rbeap tan’ room street, ear fron eras. Hiewara of worthlek f

0 be. had ans al

ESIROUS OF IEEDUCING Mimo itaprove thelr tah ‘a Vateot Bay and Nia tuminows, thy most dura. In evory waristy at 485 Teo, Kollecting Laps and fmitations.


PAIR OP MANDSOME Wh geolleman, for bleown sa; ander If; anda Blah and ty also, @ very fast ulaglo lore, Terrace will be given to thices real esjave near Tor one week

Goods Will bo warraaled perfect In every respec BOWE, # NMOL, AUCTIONEERS —THIS DAY

{Thrsday), Jaavey 1 ac o'ionk at theleaalearanas, 35 Nassua siren, Wozdnn, Harness, Robes, Whips, Halters, Ee Pup top tro eeal depot Wagsan very Bandsoms: 3.05 top Read Wapiaa, 2 wernd bi Wacone la good onde, anda vatfety of second hand vehicles in dn order. Atwo,a lars ‘assoriment of Marmex, double and slagie, uzctber with Whips, alters, Blankets, sielgh Hella, Robes, Ac.

9 RIBWERA WANTED, A SITUATION DEA, MAY Pere ea er sna abe | Se he



amined Wi

Pike for mcesity patent fico keys if forer ert) Joun A: Kxsnkon, Sopetavendnt

QOUTERS DovnLE couNTeRs. wimu sieves;

iter ai Re tor wale “apply SLUES' PELE

285 Broadway.

Bepae fete ‘rela Ea bo: JPIREWONRs_EDOB'S vinstPRENTIN FIREWORKS, Tbe catecribare bayo.on hand nd are constantly ana: eciarg eabinition Firewnrkss of weeny devrlyttons alo, HdgeliMeptored rongrese or Warvocualn onal ete Japa oF een series sta ghia potent taeuesy AML ore tery dheested 1) JOSHI We ISAAC EDUE,Upiiod Staley atboratar, eray City NJ will most th prop Alene FF ANY PERSON: WANTS ANT THING) AGCOMPULSIE- goer wauts aayiMing maser dona. day, Was, haps ‘ae matmen, aol don't Kugye iw to go tb. Wore 10 as ited dress A. L., box 156 Herald olliee, . aS AT

Donets oustens-aneat aaoane an OLS GCA Le CREAT A ANCATIS DY NA Perera reset Ngee eneire sc ea araa monte cal na oy ERE EMR pee rea elt


Stecel Nrooma—¥. J. MACAMOND. & CO., a8 Peart

AMreot, New York. manufacturers of these celebra‘ed Mita

Wroumg Tovp made copsacrable reduction to wholeste sere


ET siete oy a Cte eget erg Ss

Due dori uzpraced feer'In the United States, by CBEAMER EGUUGL, Drogsioun 1 wold street non YS UREA

(DUE ORMAT ENOLIAM nemDY FoR GOUT AND hettnadain Al sullerers rom the more oun suegatrecter cng ued nrendract ioe HERI SOETARS RHEL MRT TERS ieee eee ‘Uld moet nate and effectual retedy ever otlered Whe paths re inen anltrrsally ined in Earope onsen ees te atora compisiola. Vries $0 and 76 eeals porboe pored Gf Frou ilorant Lodo, Eagan aol ld yoke Beran STAN ARASE Pity nied eet ed paeaeeae Sra e GN ELLE cos Ts Rracnhertn Sree Hier Mojeaiy'a Caineiouehy hae autbureed tig ated EStreat ot Proms trout fas wtraate ede ane frond upon Wogoveeniieat glampuadiced asec box oe Peubemelene

JANTED—A SMALL STEAM ENGINE, SUITAULE a a ait bas cab alee yor

reatlng a eof, Ploaun addre z

nil wherw ean Bo eaeo, eS Heratdodicg. eS P


F[wbSON RIVER ALLUOAD—FOR ALBANY AND FUR oobsectg with ney North aaa Wes Trae ro


ene STREET, Tangi A M., aod

or Truy god Albany mally ot 3

Fos ture - PENNE MY ess


Jig, Eo ML G@undage ts. SA. 361259008 425 F, EPaaats Srfie= Susp 035 Pat Feria

HORM, Suvertatendenk,

© NP Feralas Geotra flr

Bae cia ietohestattn Fie Sie asap aie Gaeta panty eet ay

= AM, da Res ie Aaya White Viains 3: AL, sopping at all Seah dee hati teat a tino e re Ti Si Figha ferrahs



‘olker adeetions of imporuvire Us Ibe setes. By CD. Hismavnd Seitpfurmenly sree irut Auaiseay. Bo, Ta t30 Syncs ace, Xow Vore. “Dr. Uaranand's 30

Tank wry lect arning Prom Cann fore ares Secret aCicegeent hat Sven fo he bs Beco US aptclaay, wed perteciiy frluiey joe papeect bao Frat gn *UQpyaat, uosticte, Sot Hostway.

y DANIEL A, MATHEWS C0., AUOTIONRERS, B "solesroum Gi Cedar stroct, dirty opjoaia tho Bost OOS IMIS DAY

Brow Cha:


UTION NOTICE. ~JONX E. VAN ANT- aMnerburaday fons

aGsorted park GL

Pat 10 Bite aermsa

Pocket Kulves and ‘Bbear, ec, dc Te




arcaa Denial, S73 Canal street

Wario, {tnrness, ae

LIGHT WAGON, WITH POLE AND BHAI ‘sat of double Unrnem, clly mato, for ralo

OnseS WANTED—BY A iu tba sound, Kiba and a teas than four raloutes;



Bareay erect

a ey shore tounUres mem bare pad ‘ever tye er three malice

Te head ence

RE ‘cn Mery and

erate price morgage ‘Soruer st Water in

OR SALE_THR DESIRADLE PROPERTY, Mowry, 5 frum wad wear Uy 1a 0 easy tea

F NS Lee


ombaoui city. Adi

and oj


Wick & WOOD,

AEM FOR PROPEATY NEAR FEB id Peicate Wonoece tod work ary sara tee eellnge and stare In rage Inquire

TR ORAKOR On DOTCHPSE Sr Oa treme | freee Cet "|Site Faces bor

ARMS TOR SALEOVERY CRAP. OF Fi goat tatSins wilte gree. alo sume fer eesoage Siy or Breokire dps

roeike Ue


BR EALE—IN MROOKLYS. A TPKE Mouse, So. 14! Called

Lila errant site trame Hosta

‘ae ta Uauhsu: KEtbbi

tre 8,

ie Tatra



al Bi

with MU} aod bern ‘and with cand, dress, with part


SeiGre witersta ste Tene

Sal howers



Sper tak Hrd oi




Esiace, in the cliy, for #4 faxes, $20.0 can roman, au New Lok, worth from,

Loree ME

brown stane Dwelling, ono Bhek from Krudway,



100 to Bs

Varieubsty Ol Ut



fast Fourteenth strev, Uuton auar. ALUABLE REAG ESTATE ATA DAROAIN=MODI

‘nei, ALG

for MOLY plan

atu vetntNs

Mocat; 2) fers Front by 44 fert. Lat a1 by 1) feet Of the purchase mosey ears Fano morgage for flee Foal m.

fam deterimiped to sell it; It iss valuable am 204 increasing Im value. Apply




wT inure

ahs WOU


prea: ty Ra rR a ra Eh vent inge monty, N. ¥., aver, i 'ANTED—TO DIRE, FOR A TERM OF. foal Farm atabvui 3) wey, trier qiieaar sit dwell bouts aod tart In fod onder. in tba rear of New Verk, acceanble (n/ateainboat sr allroad, px tba tieman mista be ubieto strut ty ualnem If Siw ere every day. Address A. B,, bos 4701 Fou oiler, N.Y.





Perret erie oP rear

cent and cach. Addrou box Gil) mt oflon yA


Teal estate. AWdri


‘salatea full frou (raine, graid and ayuare MaBUTOr tN Breeme strech. Pianos bo sige stot

nN ig (0 tral Cor desea

iscity. Address ¥, box 161 Mlerald oie,

oxE Sea. Ae


the elty offers for sala very to

om cigs, Be a ferdre table Wil

i alsa’ at selisbio for commer or winter, Wishlog a


roa fn tbe ative Pearl etrect, N.Y,

Ethecwatered. Appiy (a

7 & pale of oo Mares, with 2 allthy ‘tico-eary wrUctes fair price, a cloan Careiase,

‘Coachman, oo

iy an’ erealed

fated Talander, No TE

OF, SALP.—TROTTING M0 8SE PVTTIAR POR BALE, cheap, bas trpltod In 8 stngla nod to 240 to the pola ig publi, Tao ooen at tho nldiog Neha stable, La Rea of

the Manion House, Brooklyn,


Tauthe ty, 1 banda sountey; would aio. tne Bf Wl pe eld ac halfprion on Di Tallman


joo) octane mint or tha tinea. Taquira ab abies, 63 nmi 70 Hank ntrcot,


pd Kind; = ford roadater agit fast Soll for want of use. “Togulre of B°N. CUNNINUILAM, 115 Barrow struct, Wherg eho ean ‘be réem! te


Tammer Cloth eon: cont $1400, wi

oe BWSU Nini ntset nea

“old ior


yR_SALE—A a Petuiattsvar's Neve Worses and two

well ‘saltat


01 Pe Cicapy at HAMAS 4 1L0N Sas

(or Mr. Morrison's

Street, near PK.

Piet aresun

OF LARGE inlet (Gi Wasblogton street, near King i

Po ere


Jey; Nnlabed In. Crimn= house No,

“OmAY nlorses, ain! tw neo cart


ig, 7 Hank


(G'S Coach Puctory, Brom’

AWHBROKER'S SALP.—R. LEVY, AUCTIONEER, 2 Matharinn nines, will well, tbls day, at aie o'clock a lend aa-arimiat of slikand other Drexsay, Guilin, Shively, Mbeques, shasrls 10) accond band Overcoaty, Vans, Veata, hey to poy ndeanecs,

&J, BOGART, AUCTIONEERS —THIS DAY, AT 1035 SS. “o'clock, ab the'nuctlon roons No, 1 North WIM tro Hoteotold Fara\ture, rosewood Parlor Sult, in rain bro=ude} rosewood G ortaro

oforta, tatopany Sofas, Tange Tablen Chale carposs Exteavn Dialag table Washstasi Bedsicads, Beds nad Bixiding, Kitchen Purnlture, Is Staves, fats of Bibgle Maraeny 8

LIAM ABBOTT, AUOTIONEER, OFFIOE NO, + East Mroadway.— Adjourned. alg of Tuexay on thls day Thusaday), at 100 clock, at 10) Goerck sirert, near Stan: ton, two SUL Corers, one’ Tank, one Lada fron and other articles, LLOYD MRYANT, Constable.

Witt Apuorn, AvcTIONEER, oFPice No.4 ast Mrondveny,willnelh the ay, at td tock hs Stor, Matures aad Lasse of thnliqunetions No Su Dtiston

cet corner of Suffolk; Ginx Brundleg, Beer’ Pusupy 4 joe Hotties anid nil oluce Pisvaires. ay


LADY, WHO HAS GOOD PORNITURE FoR A Large tiree avrg hous, would ko to Onda reap ratio [ay gabe ul sttods the management of 9 reaps.abte ‘tiga Rous to Joia bet tn onota Now York, Address

ese earn nut he aoe I Se Sid Sas LEAR He oa zo fue een TCep ee ates ByiaPitaana ones ene r

Tap ui GaR Ra ATG

To sn a slaw osteo ireavay) Row party fr Dishing geet refervuc rent Yaducviaeave will gwen: Ad: Ges Eb zB


ia-and one

igocery, At The abavo will bo

jerday, Jana

9, st ‘ftablo 95 West Tien! y)

(bree seta one cl

‘he roperty now ready

PORTAND SLEION AxD s for ‘tale. ches

ever been uss. The owner Ie an be scen at the stable, 24 Weat

double seated inquire at >: LEIGHS.

Lee sre oe nag HoRsee, WAGONS AND TIARNESS AT AUCTIO! ne

gih atreoty posh frail ores all warranted every forest

ane Sheet alee dee Ae be seca At the wesley wert ull pare

Mculara given. Sale witbout reserva, and atablo ta let.

rloo for both $ib—enat 39), and has



Sleigh af erery ail, ill bo aiid low to claws out ode

Bock. Alo a number of larre Uhre teat

Horsisie “SHIVERS & Siri, 69 Mldezo atoct ao 6 roadway

She FOR BALE.—A VERY LIGHT AND TASTEPUL Ferdand Sleigh, for gan areas rice ais no Dever having iceu Wied No. bi Bockavan stil, op stalear”


mula td chaps

bio ror vxpeessy

VI o'elock, at tho p: Ws of lx tiga Lad Chews He



ng South nd sua ‘otroenth suet


nade ta

ebm cedior resents, tel




Fon Aarne cone 130 Heratd one


So vechango for goxt Wealern


| OLIUHTE & BEADAUKY, Mnoafsctrer fe now scale of nratrui bay pall in

Flanos Wy reat

ly eared

order for tho presebt 0:

ibe ld for Drawing Kovm sult, cont go roty lait atrectj Oe

32), toe

Meenng tye ay at ee a ae Soak anc foe sti i

MAGNIFICENT SEVEN O:TAVE ROSEWOOD. Viancfore (or sala, plate, Inlaid with sauntecs

fall Joa. ny we fr


iatlber ree

afenue sesr-eteotecnth trot, Oan be ll ¢ o'cicek. Verma and staucen to

A Bride “ASIONONA ELIZA FALENTIN( PARAV ALLS, PRIMA Leto tary echo sug df denes, No, Tinie teen er from rotule tien.


thcrees hom | erate) a Soyn end aurdaye,


tig of Sunt at State Maya bell




cat Rat

‘9 lejeonk at ber ann rvsldenos of \uopariog s rapid and

fhe, Foe terans (tn

Pupils at her own bouea, Slugine In faaa very moderate.


a NLS f ETE vat 08 Bradway EAT HALAINH —A SRW a EON ant PEAS AI = aR WRTRE Nom sO atihd Boor.

Of Narr, Hasna Bop! manufacture, the Jo, ror jratcersd, will Dad weash pure

cbaser by addressing E, T. Le,

vg» ab Vi


where i. r


sURbL ds Teasone,




0 93 Gold abreek.

hg of m xapoe

eet, Up stairs,

Sifers fow to eas parchuncrs, a inth eireck otrmer OF Hroadinay.

SLEIONS, SLEIGHS—D. SCHOONMAKER Unoutacturer, hana dine assrtternt oF Stine whic Bs

8 wad 197 Weak KdIcly~

| GEEIGHS, WAGONS AND ny and culter Sie!

Tovest prices fo the elty® alsa ear

10 Nevins ctreet, Drooklyn. BF ARABIAN Tlonses

Honorable Willia farm of Charies W.

thea Ce

forte season ot Jest.

OF all kinds tha largest Minds and 6 Horses, for tata cheap. ist Fullwa aveous and

ULBaword have arrie ter county. teu milea frum New York, whera they Will eval



riage. and ‘oF ull

rres! 79 THe ‘at tho. etort fat Purdham, Weslence:



Inks bande “Address box 1162 Price and fall particulare

vaay troiting hore, that cal

ND, OLEAN ATREVIN Pabow di) not ta than "Post other, "with lowest

Herald oftice. DSOuoTION THE COPATITYENSUTE TERT PORE bereby inutanlly disaat

‘esiaiiog under the rm name of Doaoelly & Sturcz le

‘and the Dusiness will bs eon towed

by James Donnelly, at thelrold xiand, who Ix matworized to

setile (be business of the drm, to wbod all atoounts will be Paid. JOLES DONNELLY, New Yors, Jas 9, 1601. Fate ORICH sTARok


‘rmiall capital, In the manufacturing Jewriry basiaomal-

Fesdy well established. addvess, with rosl aatue, J.T. Hy Herald oer.

ARTNER WANTED—A CAPITALIST, TO BUY AN Intirest in abe of tko mca valuable faventions of tho |


three cents; shat Teaa!t keep

No. 2 Cortandt atreet, north

‘OME FOLKS SAY THAT I CANE APEO GD ALE POR Toop to oss Lone, bring la jour

Can brpes thee shal Call See Mae,

east onrnet of Broadway.


rom five to six Koome, well fog, is wanted by aemall farnlly of Bood, west of Broadway, betexco, sirecin,


Kent not wo exceed $a month. Address box 358)

WANTED.—A SUIT OF Fornubed, for boweke"p- Yost, 1a & good, Getzhbor ‘Bencer and TaLAy-fourtn

it in the production of a maser mechasicot higurepu: | ain, Addsela Ad. Herald ee MASee | Pest oftce.

PARTNER WANTED.—TUE ADVEHTISER TAS AN ‘OUSE WANTED—A CO) PORTABLE THREE STORY 12 alitlsbed, nrStable and cure buulneak, wocnrodt by et nd alley igh sloop aaa, wlth rondeeg ip cee ters “ot jo bas oves 2 Dasiness be Lom i. for jeeesest ie ha acer Bigg ages a The Daan | ee a ee init avenue Het tor

Head gegutes aa staat pcr; lag nom cash, an arrangemoat can fo made fur poaltive good. "No wd era anaveer Oot na Bovese npeight businers aaa, ant ashaael te sign Ulsowa name an residence. Addnow Ualon, bor 177 Herald pulse

"ANTED—AS. PAR: AN- ACTIVE. BUSINESS | mam, with B10" fo lnveat In ag raiabliscd, | Get claxs Wegltimatd eas business in tale city. Tatsopportu: pity, deol afforded by tboreulrement of ha nenlor wriaur 1 ane seldom 0 the highest re

aeceptablo. party.

ASTED.—A PARTY HAVING PROM $5) TO 8100 18 Suih eas. become manclaved ta want ans aeseriay

boiness Daat willyay well aad Ho maby oa application Gyteteresookalsabar. HE °° 99h ea

WASR2h SOUg9 MAS Ap PARTNER onan tate eet A SARITA A Hesdiegin ancien sana Stefi ee

erceea $1,00); the hous

10 PRINTERS AND OTHERS B. D,, box 2699 Fost olen

V cece bona yer

and dugg at

| Rojan, Sania ‘oa oon i



y tataing Que f ‘reels oar Hroad Terma D., Bax 3, WAStED=10 GET A woop erred) to ssih aoe Ww Bxcbsage place; Im the bawemas

sens Te rt

re Gisstidad Adie i W, bor Tos Hlerail se

FAMINER WANTED —A_ GITLEMAS $3.000 reaetiranondt cre ait e Caan Hosp bolas ia aire open testa at Udtines yor paracctan addres ic fic @, bos tet eral

$10.000 TA ZARTSBE | ANTHD, Werrin Tes D1U.! |. tiommand doltars ja cash, for four meathe ia pure snd san" spenatyoe In Dion fev tea be UmeRS, Nhousapd dillars can Ie winds in Yat ime witoot ch

ISSAC A. BIGGS, 73 Nausea sires


of pear Fait or Wall sireet ferry, Bederste

raid oe


well cared for; the fauily. Address \ B., box 33 Fost odlce.

Fireproof Vault to stow wereotyps plata Addrew 1


ole ranma rant of Homery, aod below HMPA airet Address L. Fb. feral oaien 7" a jie -ANTED—ON LEASE, FOR A NUMBER OF YEAR family withour elias eich sos Wades. wea? revs Rightwat and Tairticta

brand of

ASTED—PART OF A PURNISHED HOUSE. FOR three adalts, ascond Bor prefer ‘basemen either in New York or Brovklyn: pet abo e



lacs, Mrovklyo, by a tay ib! in advance. Address irving placa wad Prtaeat


crete en

Arihreu tent to enter



TEACTER—A LADY, WiO HAS TA, whe ean ple

jn rar nae

nee hn bexebog Heato the ely. wi! ean Fre'ive beard in re

Frenelymusle and drawing tim 0. ly box

PAINE’§. —ROOKKEUPIS =, withoat ebich Uhlan Fag ter Lailles wrillag.

guna rag

PEMIOAN SOMO: L INSIITUTE 105 0 ioola aed famites supnited svith competent tered KeferencerFaculilre wf ther an utgery, Collegoa,

‘native Frenck leseunre if tas


usges, and make tranrlatios br corraponduncs, A’.


Jessa. So. 79 Frankfort steer.


Wine Uhtokerime. mea Wratd omen.


225) Fultoa ntreat, Brooklyn.




woo re OH

nn ae

PESMANSUTP, iwenvar ters ara Nessa, 22, ote

DW AY Ulgery', College, fen,

& C0.

ical Lae


poly o We

Smell furalsbed Kova sed ait Heard ta prvwia

Taal, wher

Be: i

a Aes

‘Lemons lu Pronch Wlatd Uo taken {2 ° cmt." Fiesse address We cs bert fib Herald nen,


ly, «eli rdurated. The purest Languare taught io conserlou never sbort lias fur pennoutratadling pu Uo'Pracee: “Apply thm t gic al Igy Nath ever meat Brosdway. ARSH'S COUNTING 00WS, , ur pirsesica and tn BOOKKEEFING AND AUSINES= APP Moe Mrvadiway, Irene aiding” Circalary with terme, Rey ud apruleauoa HONETIC BORA HAND. AND KUOKKERINO ARE PPadperalorbuene wpe fone Gal meden Seca parptnelbing acto thamd rg ha SW Get cdvantagen OF “hacntainge corre tan Pe Gre Sime wortnonshonibaad willie for wala


a |

fearh the a Apis


No, 763 Broadway.

TPO QREPK SCHOLARS —A GENTLEMAN DEAINES To DO REN eons fai Gert tn sson fr ts ann Piease addres with pardiovlary toe Isat Bon olikey We Vee


twelte leseons for £2 hogy ton saqatrm Booties OE. Grasnmaits a foal Ty ror. LONG. (from th Ulsan

Boe, pear Slatcemtl strece


WV asTED slog To giaayeo Wo


cule, East or West, will Prosar

Gootiten buy

eyabieo| Fodimenn

Rev. O. Gariieh, 117 Schermeraora sires, Unwklya.


“Xo. 85 radeng,, Row York Boz 157 Mon agus tree Jrookhym.

Wedarednys and fatardays in Nore York. Mi undgy, Tordays and doy th Swell. rear terms, 2, may be bid ot iber Lowtews.

ADAME FEBRERO JACKSON'S my, 29 Went Thlriy-al:


‘Other Goals wales. for wBleh cubs aod Oy opal, Wereiante

Sa Nate ea

of the tices, esjk in on ely opoaic. wesere! a Prierald ofies

Wteechiag thr Loca bance, wot Preneh aod muse AM


and mimes, weraince ad aficim con, ec, 28



if Fran

te ort oF

r ‘Delre Bleecter sireet. std Metwewn hin and slaw arequey |

r ieoklyD, Hea east he Vocation, Otibert, He

‘Addreey, suitleg tere Sant

‘Boor. with gating utenuilt, waler and ex Addr Jarry toe Tad Merald Oe, stating vermin which meat B3 | mecerate

Tee cand 3

way fd mu

et i, ae ac ob a = | ly to assist Ip Iooperuing e257 and grocesal carriage to Ber pee



Motvarsty), rajesh ee


Suan orate

ACADEMTRA WHE cont cdemmdiys nod Bata Moodays 254 Ture:

wantin, Tutt scene ee Ueestiya. ED oodase E aieniad “Call for

Cm 10M,

ING TACONT IN Ag, rarely oe

es ‘fosting tbo,

TION Aa ar ake Aa



flee at





Sree hee iia ataten sts | A atenc Ssianaa Sle eater | coreplay, RAE anergy JAS ME NIXON.

a aay intend epaicting Weir fall porrered AJOLN OMMIEN, No. 29 Wall alreok, POSTPONED, JOUN EAREY'S lows: La couseqacnes of the e ~e THIRD LECTURE

(opt BAYINOS pene DUMEXBE, SUCCESS Thi areslag <n 10,1881,

Retwrea Vir aod Seated areas PACLINR. HCBSD AT. EBs aby of ee ‘THIS THRILLING DRAMA Lm

Ianvary invren, WOl—Divideod nollor —The Hoard of Thuuen bare directed (nizrest 10 be pald at tha rate of alr Percent asmom.on all same of S80 and moder What may

‘lied Uberet, aod no allwoma over $k that may

ola a ea

Tha tank open dally from A/a to LP, Mand from &

Besar a OEOROE FOLSOM, Prd fieyaoen J, Boxce, Caalsvand becearg Tenet

“a (Gabi, #7 $44 an 6108. Deurwrn BAL 1

Tearmecn They Are

rg Anothliaiare on IVIDEXD OPFTOR, PARK FIRE 8!

TaD aE aT, rendirdy, crane of Ean satire Nye inatat a 8 3, Jeoader Teer ke Was of Dlesctors aw D ABPMOUR ACO; have declared @ semiannual dividend of ten (ld) per en WER ARE MOURB COs at tena | yayeiicoa Caunad’ Hig vn da a Bot a Gompaay'e | —— WILLIAM JAPPRAY, Secretary. OL 'G. DALE, Agent MIGRANT INDU! RIAL. VINGA BAN. - HS ts petsaremY._ | Evo Wee Minsk tnicend Wisin —Deponors are

= ierevy wilted Lnst a teat annonlaltdvod) at ts eaea ge Serecot peranuunn on all sumyot $20 and unger, aad Or For ecat foal suuns over Sat witch aba nave bern dsponie {2 claire orem day ot Janeary nate wl fairs. andafter sesday,dasusey Fest nat called oe wil ts carted ta the epedlt of poaliora aa

OTHAMPTON AND NAVE, ON BATORDAY, FT Mata fuses al tanner AAU, La at to daturday, Fe Peas Suave. Tab ss estat sy omee has double et

A ananryasned fur eafety

ex(unaarase Cet Saar ign compartment | principal Hosk oren dally from 10 A. oto M-, and va ck, ler eT yer of oon oe | Bren to 6 FM, at No, BL Chambery tee aa! of iva ee Mies took aod pcureae | JUSEPLL STUART, President

‘3 Reg toe ee rnp a wd Spode Sereecabho F a ations

| i Areata, No T Brosdwaz. preter rovz0x en sit

SeeTH ORAM LUOYD'S STRANSIIP BER, wie Treen Cormanter, carrflag ths nila SS Meat aa trots pat Nobo Mora river, Foot of

Gee ATUIDAY, San. 19,4412 o'clock Ny


Teren Oneaan, Accountant

OR SALE-A TURCHASE MONEY MORTOAGE OF nove promerty in Leslopton “APP LLLUbLoW Sco, Ko't tloerinee nt AEPU fe

ig geal aaa dtioe and alter deus Why ofciannary nett By crane



nnBsnN © x nd “inlaratinecd a the ralaot leper rant ea ; ching pameneere - frum $1 9 $31), and ve per ceat_on Same over that Monon, HATRE CUURITAT TOM AND BRENES, | Stonant "pen daly fon 10 a0 a to Fa Atego ao

PIMs AL alee )— d from #to7 0, M. oa

tho foUlyetnn aN, eect cabo, BO,

iPReurany &

doy, spursdny and Saturday erent He ious ta tian on tend and Ail mura depeaited.nn vr before th araw Jotereat frm the Lot,

origage. Tous Of January, wil.

JOMN CASTREE, Preaiont Vanpeeit L. Buxton, Secretary. Was

RVING SAVINGS INSTITUTION, NO. 95 WARREN Meret —Tho Lrualans of Uhis (ustliutlon bavo dirceted tbat inure ac poe aln ot eit (@) per eval por anaua 95 all namie OF Re) nud vader, 60 (9) parent on sams to 81.0%) and fur (Oper centorer that amount, by pald to all depodtors eo- AMPs" Menta, payab'e ua wad wher Monday, tho Jlat of January tastaat, All (uterrat not withdrawn will draw Lo. Yercit ho wamo ay prinely

(jest seat st

360 OLAROON, LIVERPOOL HELFAST, LOW. EAM TO Ora Danis for tot—Toe AA pumercat Clty Site," red STATHB, Capt Meikiarcl, axl Mareen’ lang twelva dupe and righ boars tte) a neti river ou Tuesday, annary 16 a2 12 M. BEN Y is ited ‘ap tn tbs wat” approved aly ota Hse ecu pafety cr pasorngere: Raton of Paaaase— Me dios inermediainy BSS; wicorezs, 34 loriodiog 30

ee opeasksk qrovisione Appiy to FItAOts Piao Aue NOTRE ied areal, enence of oath Wil

ARON BUT, 0, 8 Broad

5 JONN CASTREE, P Ieee ae iseby axcaain JOS Wh, wi all Fuse} Varpenater U Bosror, fore fro ANY_MACON Piel CON & WESTREN RAUROAD COMPANY—MACON,


Ga, Jaouarg 1, ISO. —Olvidend so. St. A. aivideod of three

artery Per centon Une exoital slack of


be Se STEAM TO LOSDONDRRRY, GLASOOW AND TVR: The Montreal teacnahlp, oman’ fat

BT al She ee aa sata i eet aaa ae Gato 5p, taeran one Gian yk aia ate fk at ih Sa ieee reel tb hae Pans


“Toe Roard of Dircetory of toe. Oomy ctared e seal aagual diiead of ten (0 the Eh ina ouput

jor crak, fay able oo. LABS, Secretary PFICE OF THE NRW YORK GAS TMONT COMPANY. ‘Dacawame 26, 182), “Fhe panial election for thirteen directors of thin company wilbabeldon Monday, the Mi dsy of Jenary next, from Tito iPovclek 4M, ai the office, No. 174 Uantre stregt. The Ursnsfer book will ts’ Goved. from the 27e3 tnt. ual after Weeleton. Dy order. G, Le EVERIZT, Secretary.

NOME TYE NNO OLAY, UaMiklun, oan wf raure kecond anil bird ¢ coh raten. RIT. pa

CO, pler No.


To Rawnge from or ty Liarpool or Landon ox

cngapel by Ile well knowallon, salling weekly, at feat rates abd. deatts sued aa usual for a

y part of Great Wntaln or

fon adidreastag TACSUJTE

poe saan apily ea board, oro 2. rah river

Prick OF Tiffp COLUMBIA FIRE INSURANCE Goarpany, JW street New Your, Jan. 8 13al. ine Soar of Direct nay th dey daa Sve per enat vin th capitat tack, paratle oo (rhe (ransfoc books WUl Le closad wou (bo Mth inst JOIN O.WBIEON, Sea,

inyavio on demand tu

TE, eT L. EIN Sy Sep TAS ROT ot Pa ree i SHA tamale Edward Gsodyrin, wil mall Cor he. niga Cal at Ds wi al ae reed tery PUREE vooti, agin Moo Dat use Ol CALIPORSTA VIA PANAMA s Ridianarnan uaa weg Zeg hh hl aak eal acre ast aoe

°K For resent or apply at tba only omen, 117 sere Pilar PPT AS DASE, Agen

lowe: ‘On sums of Ove hacdred dotiars and under, at tke rate of

Gyer erat per annur, nod Ou numa exceediog O¥o hundred dollars, nt the rate of & per

P{AVANA AND SEW ORLEANS en a ual ater Motdny Hak oat H RVERYTeN pars, | “rbeinerst wilt be pisced to the credit st depoutore ee one Sanna: sake” Tye VeIRCh, ere

‘TO SAIL ON SATURDAY, JAN. AT 2 0'OL00K. wba atar ron alegmshy . Mc WKS


bat Withiaxe NRLSON, So

HIRD A¥ENUK SAVINGS HANK, ‘Comer of Third svenue nat Twenty-Ofth street.

Ta now rcetring frelght apd willl as ebove, from pla Cuanresen 1st ad or May att, No ‘ix per cent inert allowed oa al dnpoaiia “omea Laken Uo Vela goe olla io ene tuousaod dnlara



10 ta 3; aleo, oo Mouday, Wedsieeday


Pee SS LIVINGBTUES EMY EM e ma indore ck. “ed Murray alreot Sr o" GPENCEM Me GIUEAD, Fomece (eamsnip DE BOTO will nall Joa. 2k 6. 8, Cumus, Secretary, Bop noe B TAVANA. FPHE NEW ORLEANS OANAL AND BANKING COM ‘Dolled States all hit te sembannual dividend of four (4)

ders Teziared at the Now Morgan & Sone No ST William five Monday, Fel 4

oar A hor os aes AEA ORT sonra arei ight eon one eeettt oom atest

Ficor) pis treads f=»

(Me! Géburn | Garcon. Wantames, Guoala de,


Nisvo's cAupex-spperar, GREAT TRIUMPIL


Thete being bat ons opinion. expressed by the fall aod {oublopaio nudience in lteodanne last ereulag, tbat Mt Wax

the grat gucvess of The wana. ‘D PYTHIAS

t DAMON” AN Wolterepated ‘OX PRIDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 1, 1961.


STED—oR A CONCERT ROOM IN THIS cITY, Tied fae Saker Gatton try Parone,

at fey vei gouag ual ai o8 Gidea. "Apa ee Rea rit AEs wand ace Honees athe Pantene


WASH MANUPACTONING DUSINESS FOR SALE. Busines pay larme proots: aay pervoa may bo familiar ‘with It at ner! 8200 to Pauw eaplial required; priacipally doa

Thwhglesale trade. Apply at zy roadvray, room 12, ‘0-1, LOWES & CO.

aes Eourpipte for tbe Dibinese? en ties OP ahd STeTINNE ISAAC A. BIGGS, 73 Nassaustreet

ROG STORE IN WROORLYN Fi POSAL—A Dts Siow bia euabisned, businean ibe owner Delag com pale ta iret ele conse nanee UW bealth, Irlen Hee bie ppageloe wren om span WW.

Ht SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAT LIQUOR Atore, with Stock and Fixtures, for ra’ 1839 roo pict May beat; cw of tho Berl corners ta he

Neo ‘Sloat good Bosineas: wil wh cold. cheap, na thn ow tar te sierspa fr ostuntet aitond to {tall 1p tho storm north

‘Reet corner of Thirty. drat atrvet yen TeRtgereet of TRAY tral aroet and Tenth avenue, ofa 28


PH rour tora to Corky horse. porrer, new and xccodd Band. For sale cheap at W. COLWELL & GO.’'S, 316 West Twenty: elghtbyotrect


Sainck Will bo open for {ny Termdeash ROBERT otreely New York.

Ol SALE—TIE ENTIRE STOCK, FISTURES AND Piviectran eMlsumiined inner Store Bas Homey jrenion for siting the owner Tearing the ely”) Por far: te pbricolre pis uu beyeemben Sn ro SALE Sip BURUELS CARROTS AT 25 ORNTS f basbal ie $L2 0 per fo, ot ples 32 Nov " Pith tiahgiir $2 por fa, ot pee ge North river, fot


mad well known Luerren' Woct(yiog Disutery, Outed up

to we be aac ready fo ‘eae eenpaig and a ‘ng pi the, Vusinera, Would exebango (or real

Faris [Apply SANDS BROS 16h Ureadway, abe

FTE OR Sane Ta LEASE, FURNITURE AND FAO Fi it the ioe graer ot Jay ana tree its pear the landing 0

SoAuadoe iver eUrond and with two blocks a toe Dew New Vark and Erin

oa, rat iesaate ae AEN BEA PDTiO Sasa

‘OTEL FOR SALE—CANNOT,BE_SURPASSR Hi fue Rete arn resaurants for

Feber BAPE FOR SALE—COST $10 ONE YEAR EL ery for 51 cash “Apply (0S. T. JONES, No 4 New

7B RATAN: Toa irst el

ar Kearney Eat a ————— Bisinmry, 5} Eiomiae sat; al | BO OU cmaetrn aie Basy, 85; Aton Nasbrilio, $2773; ASTNA FIBE INSURANCE COMPANY, Sieie gas, Wen Meus $t7 90; saoin, bp EW ta asartntany $8 oi detpucancy priya Node RN eer Bi Santon: Soe ALAWAWIR, Cape Usa enc, ee Tone, Jao. & 180. ragoeneay wd male Gotan Ry a The Baan nf Diewctora haves day desl secant annual iT Sanaa at Ecard | ata cro Die SERUM ATER AGb Dara | Aerie | Amteebe Oe “aor nwAxkaIranD OTmnn FOINTS. ASOREOW— | OQ q aq eK Rohan cee Sasi anieaat Ghose | $20 000. steset: ky wi iaroon Taureny,Jeouary ti at," Ms tom | Ray and-eaunte hinted landy all uoeacombercd. Any

N, 16 Spruce treet.

msg Nori ire per 90 NOE Fe Oiheeany $0) Ta, MoBIle #39; Moat: ; ee Alas ik Galasnous, Bak Albany,

wr SE gl Caatituacen 8S: Noun SZ: Raat” $5 Mgat uy Meraphis, @ 78, Aurura 317

ule. Perramut at rosdatag oa ae gaseage Nop a co Rerun Sle, jourat cage he ook wil ued,

Pare erat it bod AM UEL te METUMILE & SON

Par we] $30,000 new sasourogurian basioos;.» lon tpya Br ciSey ater Enterpis, box Sd

Pyne. ‘Of BASY OHATR FOR SALE—COMMER- TRHan ih nega teeter pas Eiphfy econ street, stcea Secood abd Third avenues

TT OUMIARAS AUG REFINERY FOR SALE OR Lasan—That very doalradle stablebmoent, sitaated 00 Ua left bank of tha Sualssippt river, balow the gurerament Sharf, and withip the limits of tho Gity of Now Oricong how olfered ns.o ood [oveaunent to capltallate who may'ba Geainvus of elding {a tho progress of Southora manufacture, It ts now in somplote repair, and well found, baviag steam gaploesbollcry vacuum fans, centrfagal machi bone bleck furnace, Allers, moulds, auapleatorea and yard room, Coc perage, 3004 10 fact, all he requisites for carrylOg on 8 Sugar relltecy, OF molsesea retiolling, on a large acalo. | Wits Sltud additinnal expenss, I mighy be easily couverted into colin or clber manufactory Vt bas a wharf aitached to {Lon Weleves, gt water sitelent Cor the accoma

of vessels delteriagor aklag carpe.» Pac further ln forms, Won abd. for terms npply to LEI £ CO, GL Common street, New Orleans


Male Gonceded the wery beat for redueln} nt. Sen to fenpalpable pow dae, with abifting grinding wursees ReLUy changed, SOUTHINK & WOOD BS Nassau atreet.

{Now York, } SOUS TE WibDER @ GALLIS, Havana, jAS 0 _


SSoumaieauvay ntsclty conndential


Breen An interview wil shore tbe Buslgeay, aod roferench i) Yost vite.

Toroae ve morn years 4a-surgs 1 rule appit

Dheeanblidbment and went por gint por Sonam sriilbe $97. 000s TaEeat cox nore AND MORTGAGE, Fe

Seow fgcanmaiy, Juba Font rama Eee ries ofits keaple'a icp. usuranca Co., Wil leare ion 1a Non river, on ranreda) Jenn Wal pi tare Rah eas cour Nat et ae tare Garpaaic® in clorasiny eomfort ASCely An: LEND-ON BOND AND MORT- Babies Grhaa aie Mea 100,000 re ream ar aie she soats Bk 5 er pele, H a yt, om Brat estate 7 3. Saar. 5 Man Pees bea gan Aang | GROMD, Wad surest owen woeges

Fume tian. eaten Eisai

VOR CHARLESTON, iba Southland




ANAM kas eeset| | A? Be

Broker, makes liberal ndvagces 1B Dinmnunds,

Bisa pout wost Uae SULUMITA, M. Darey, | Jeneify. del or borevbem ot full value. at his privave olen Eifianaedcy, wil leavo OMUMBIA. Me bray’ | SN eRaasia see, room Nog up etre Bustwess eof Stouney Wat ree a a

Treg skews as follow => ———— fon, 8 O.. tbs Neve ‘Ori pln ESTABLISHED OFPICE.—Diamond:

Be pes: Namie, Tem eee TAD banght eainelr highest value

ops permits Jabcth made hin ieee roa

si Sw ot EMIS 37) Brosdeay, up stars

Nortech te aco, Bigtrey- TpHiguor PRROTE ARENT OOS

AT ea moapway, cou hom No & up Atala Money advanced from, eobae wlasadh Watches, rove Sasa ont ecrpice ot Mercinedic” Alt (rgsnaclions wit bo eoad Genus. Open frm 9. M. to I. ot,


TAT BR GEDAR StMUbT HENRY TAN, DIAMOND Broker, Coad edvansed oo Diamonds, set oF unsat, Wotchea, Walch Moremeuts, Slver Ware, lanrolry, 8¢¢ Mey or boagbe for cath, Oppowte the Mat office, rom. ‘up Riaira, O8 Cedar strock,



iy Faint sod Rivamosd, oonncling

yao alae na Rona, Halrss (OF Bere Daetol, Memphis and tateraucalate peo

= Rs ‘vbrough receipts Curniehy



laby aniotot on Diamonds, wt oruunest: Watches Jewel: Fyekg or (bo qama bought for the Ligbest cash bythe Feu Risen TRAC ‘Whambers excel. N-B—No bus Seat Gunsacted on Saturday.

AXDS_E, THOMPEON, AUCTIONEER, AND COM, AAC Sntsois merchabt, No. 102 Nasa atreet roe No. 2 Geroull Foor ~ Advatccs made (rom 3 to $0 oa Waist Dispide Jewelry, Segars Fianoferte, Furniture, and ind of epeprbapdlse” Tranlona Coonseata

sales bilended 1o fa ail par of"

7 SEGANS AND TOBACCO. ARS AT PANIO PRICES —PLEASE CALL AND SS ezarie he a of oer milion of Haran, Donen 3nd (ermal ow

4 0. CHEBES, 17 Brosdovay


TEAM ENGINE FOK SALE —A NEW ENGINE, 49 Fan Zinder, 13 feet stroke, built by Quaningham & Bel-

K ‘hf Was city, forsale by K’ MINTURN, No. 120 Water



0 FOR SALE LOW, TO MAKE ROOM, A. irre Adems Preas fo good order; also a wrnall Mugales,

‘all at bur odlos, 109 Nustau sirvet 3 CHNISTORMER, MORSE & SRIPPON.


sory, dolora goed paying Businras peas Sited up, fo

any one Fanting tage lolo the businesa thts ls an opportuntty eich rary cose: Apply Bt 195 Froat atrect

WINES AND LIQUORS. TP REVENTH AVENUE DISTILLERY YOU O8Y THB ‘ohn Ligucrs io be Bad tn tbe city for the least manay, Than} qosnuuce NA. Liguors for sate in bond {WS Wat, HUGHES & BON, 019 and S21 Savenib av. IFIFENTM STREET DISTILLERY, ESTABLISHED Tt Tue cheapest place lo buy nh Mrandlos, logy Hut, Wbieneye Curainnk da for wpoteaae ond fame teket a Bo West Firieenta aioe "No tvquor cold by tha pire OUARLES WHITE, Proprietor.


a Grama cae Lo baal ets Teuparted and Domest Wines a ac a eienti eke Sa aa ee ee oe td prc i aL ena porter 5 ESSRRSTS, heer. 2

i eae Siieepersticen seit :

SEN Ta gate pie maa fea Meee tana Marae ste a

ip Noort at lean QS er Rureanh ‘A. SEAMAN, INDIAN DOCTRESS, AND INDE- Tea ee GUbererent Bes TOEAT peconvalled ea unre am tear ct Zaha RS Mts Pepe ar paaliegerie

ot alapesug the rllat whieh ts called Cor ae thelr odiees Sax Sty sad Drvekiye os eae Soosrerand ot iby rotenia im We Vark. Blaskaare | sccatle tore, S. se Soran oie applcana by tbe odor a hares wheal eet bar dain walle | A 7/38 DROADWAY, CORNER OF FULTON STREETS i labor oa the Taina Sonay agtanshl toagy amoaat on Dlansonde WARS tg sraliregon in teaunona fo | Ga ewes, Mi Ta nuestra for Da recscaion cf Boos . tee uskete ay 33! Shoe an euisieot Umo wil) be taken bj roms No 8 # ETON.


New Fors, Dea 31 1a,

| The folowing a We form ot the spplicailoe peoresar fala feicy at ube afte of the onus Gan ion aad ‘No. Road street, vear Brosdway, and Cones will be

the natura mae Fark (eee

ep orders roca tha Weel Mra rae and cab pala to. oe NY, A Pear need, wont texto

"i rads cea week Ia advancn, to enable os ‘Punie Cosine und Cerreuca. ‘sun ror ee pring. Vise c il aprucalicns to bava te fadawing ert ep, tagind by gsme Euan readuoe cf tks egabora cod

Eeacatiaet =, aw {Paro FOR LADIES-AND, OBNTS i AR AE aed ae ee e = ee earn Aalosomey oh Whe Tee oa es eer NNT ocean dors pense Drea ASiieceress os oe GESTLEMEN: boa Ne Gear ar so re ts fae Bas cane He eats mi ey E ae Sa Pie ar Vasdtauioes ca the fdasd. and be required to Labor AND GENTLEMEN, TP aareine SEES earyey Latics etien”

i COBNETT HAS REMOVED FROM 19 DUANE D ‘sgh near Cb waare beens Le IN Rates De Gk pe per the New Tork Cewteraly

a eae ‘ale polraes At Sx 6 CRY

Sea WAN FOR THIRTY VRARS CONFINED i, BONTAN MAG FOR THIRTY Sue was he Dee et ect cnet tlbout a a See ay eee toners set Dom tear al es Oona pares ap aE Conte ge waits

or eect cad elena 2

sera tbe pear at gina aed can Ree eee

Seep empath ears, Mbetaaer sa SD

Bapmalorare ook for poUlng, Wak Urals of thee ik eects ‘of early au 2

TS BROADWAY, UP STATRS CHARGES BRODIE: AS BROAN wacary Ble rasan, Fee ring, are taken witout deireden,

is aus REMEDIES AND TREATCEN! DS EAPRS PGES is caw wttoat eee era Stra Gicn am Drosdmey


Leu's OFFICES, 8 _ChOSEY STRERT Dee? i staed free tts Sasdapee

AXE 4 77 , MAT BE CONGULT TE Siaee Trany sgseyeare Vicee ecentsaint enstie bu toon


REATEST CrRES MS) Bsdidwar up balre. Ws Uafortanaie’s Priced and oe cn/aling F ce

Tee gaia Fellanse Price $L

PASTS a eae erieess

BROADWAY EMINENT FORBION PITYSI. 704 ROE ty coocew rreack mobo 8 era cat Genres io Wen otic


nOUsE WIE ACCOMMODATE, noe th geo Ae to Scare mee

Securrd seats in Dress Cigeie and Faraaette, 91,

FouiFcthee patent tho ous 2 PMOUOW EVESING (PRIDA TO MOEN wis FOREST

ft enarater of WoL repoat bis great charasicy of

SATURDAY, at So'cleek Mi ‘Will deliver bis Fourth Lecture.

ne inter ‘Mona BLONDIN,

{Benzared for ono might

ly, and wlll make bis rst appearanco om Satorday evealag,

















NFRERRREUAIRE. 0. ggo w aan PeeprTHURSVAT, 145. 10, 1861, Tho Oriental 9

tase of YPMALE CURIOSITY, with Sands, Nathana & Co,

ERFORMING ELEPHANTS. ‘Tho nauileal melodrama of



ANUASHENTS. AURA BEESES THEATRE. 7a nae LACES Reese Toeatce: A aT PRIDAT court. 2 LaCie KEES ©) THRATEE. Winmrieor sta. Sonn, TAUEA REESE s THEATRE wae


Ee a PSEEUTEER RUSUESS pou iea gr avmeeseaates MORE THAN Last appearance oes Geter

oe Sir. CARE FOR Wh: bas mast Rindly offered A rataste service! foe (ha



THOLGAND cal Fe nt Fiuoyssharag Open

Thovsaxe Poa ral as eh Oe ga ee Tuousand Mone, BERTHA JOHANNUES.


{ioe Ube frst Uta in New York, as Lesnorm

te STURLL PEOPLE to Als celedrated chaructar of Sirsdella PHOrLA Bee QUINT Urs .csessscsercs@Sconcesnesecs ecco Bart PROPLE Sop SULLER eecrecetos J


Sixt THOUSAND role of Malriaio

too ee SMELT tarelucy during the aereande Bc % whiriphuest Byea Pe Eras which the Amerioan National Song,





THEO. THOMAS se dollar

Steno ata) Meee cis cons Amgbioate 1m ome

Histeaxh = tear Hioneaxp EAE may rai iow enous on Thitiny ned are a il bo sil 0 the pening of th pace


Ton sale of \lekela commences wl Tharaday) toget dhe Acadamy of Susie; . firecatng a TU bd BUNIDelL a Maonery atore, 12 Wall street

OWRMY THEATRE. pes igo Spalding & Regwre



SPAN IE. Fin appearanto of at an ir. 0 Ba YRANK BARRY,

IN DIS GREAT BAREBAOK ACT. THURSDAY EVERINO, January 1, 11, Wil be acted an entire new:

Oe, TIE MO: Manfredode, Pippo vsceeenccccn Rowelvtal. ae

‘Tic performawes wil es 5 SCENES IN THLE KANG,




SUMS AMERICAN MOBROM TANISDAY, JANUALY 10, 1801, Tho fellowiog beliiagl aitractlons. ure! on eabsb{iion wt al house Oye wild Africad. Kavages, reprosentattves: of tee aeree tefiro sero ia. Atuctiea, Vidya RAuie, a Fing™ z fe Woleout and a Bushman. “Abo tho'wo trig utr, the mwa angelar huciaa igs wre se wiv! oraieo, Monkeys Ho, ting Uapoy Fatally Hee eet tt eceniten Aligatcee al mnmater Sate LUgRe neg Clestater, ad war emailing en ares LMSW its ibe DOUNEE COLD SINUE eee MAuTC WE bts ibis atterncgp, at 3 o'clock. SER OPTOR, OU othe Ea at eed antsy sbiudcen unser ten yrarm 15 ove Agouslon as conlay fae dren uoder tow eens ext

mora ATs






ten te ncn men Ae toh ete no ee

BAS MOT REL i durtog the tiny, Annuay T, ani er0 iriog the week, AE Ser Re ae pS Be bene Ma UENRY tI


tf s

ERS, Bavival of the laughable burleaquo aketet a SN eae EEE oe DAN BRYANT in his popularcharsuler of BE DIPRO pain al sree Suit ain cuenta hr oe Prine rae at mes ASMEAy Rida sud bases

H i: sig MONDAY HIGH © ra iene untsrinrsroeniBn Fat bora open ut 6; curtain cn at Te Ticket om

Ghia ov roe Mats A uae To ITE ATT a st re ES ETS GATETIES, ‘OALBTLBS,


rare or AERIS Las OLISFEN red ata sunrace, iS"Uharmsnixa. oarapirs QUEBN, CROWNED WITH OMOTOBST SURLLS, var Bt Hx


ed THN MINUTES AT TRE ACADEMY OF MUSTO, ‘By Unsworth and Korean,

Slee men aei eon a lng SNOW, > IWATTIGAN’S ZOUAYR DRILL aaa cae teatarmanscs zonarm Danis. |,

NyInLA'S GARDENS. NOME SAEDESS: Sole tense and Manage, THE HERO OF NIAGARA. ‘The mabagement bos much tee Yo announcing an eoragement for oxE Nant. ONLY Whi tho weed recone LONDEN o SAiay resleg danny 12 a ea bel sppeae a WIS EXTRAORDINARY ZiOHT ROPE, BNTERTAIN- GRAND. CATARACT ASCENSI/ Introducing maby ef the, marvellous feats peti VEN THE. PALES. OF NIAGAI Parlicnlars in fajure odverdsemente


SAR piv ee

ia a oe ad cai a eat i ‘nes He south ae Syne He si a tne ie seit Hs a ie uate is ae He tie te ofc ue mroragitiinormms pute HON as SELGRIST, PHATS. path Re ae HA portion Fe Bees: Fae = BRS waite BAR iy aR ne ohitte wositirc: BRAG peer attin, HAR ine aie. BR Hine EBS OBGASRED DANOBS

ANTONIO GROSSE. ononesres, owtiatia, gpomparna SHORESTR SEER



FOX & CURRAN, Proprietors, Games Tenet $1. _Poaluvedy uo Cree lst.






z am onan =

Late Foisitegs Bunlerat; Sohal in ime wen ALLEN

B. Interspersed with Negro Senumenaal Singisg, Bariexioo

ADMISSION. oo orevs ge SO xa | Gallery...

0B RIDLEY, snc Hath beso ates





vb Sake place st Degr ee cea me La id Tiras batid

Sener aera


venibiton of tia bexearaupictare wil clove at Scbsas! allery, 5 Broadway, on Sasus7y SL |ATRE_ 31-09 BOWERY,



‘THIS SCENE 19 A TRIUMPH POR LAURA KEBNE. (heim tue: express







Fe SRESCEs HOURS Eye eee an ARERR TGUASD ene ar ner HEE URGES Anon BRENT HUIS Hiatee TO THE PALL OF THE CURTAIN, -TWO THOUSAND PEOULE: brn masons) 1 oaneries cata I TAD SEEN TOO LITTLE, ALT! mt ai LV BNEZO RE _ OVER AGAIN NEXT NIGHT. GALETIES ‘teen mgs gt ae at THE DANCING, THK DIXIE GAIRTIBS: 2SUAG naar ane emer, phe JT MAKES PEOPLE LAUGH, To bear him, bution accountof {he building ook blag Large FonUE SE0ESsI0 (acer 3 my THAT NUMAER Mass pHgnRsene THE MONEY MARKET. HAT NUMBEE ones a Price PROTEAN CHANGES. wo wate


IN ‘The manager respectfully gives nouce to the pabllc that tha





ro afanggape ens ta ei eI Cae

upihenst ony eae Taery PenFOKMEIO,





AND AND DRUM COWS acd Sader Crefallay wll sppeme tm prarisy oC now wo) chee baa Tarte Sewrd,

To bappiaiead es Rowse wars of Pinh, Pood & Ca, GA THE SONG VENDERS, | Broadwey, 8. ¥- A Wouh GP FON. GF sonnns CHAPEL FRDURTRLAL. ScyOOR, po Eat 7 SCENE, GRAND CONCERT. PAUL 10 SEE THE LAST OREAT SCEN! ORCERRS


‘Winbout extra chs TIT BERT! TEN DATS LL ADVANCE, sels gga anaes eget ot Dee reo pat rmteaies Re ee ee TEN O'CLOCK. who ban Winély velusuenresd bis valastie, =o? =o En sn camera tae ne Has OO = eo G fete Se ES Bae! w, waa,


TRYING. Cerner of Futecnth week acd Levies place)



ee Teta Fr ate al he povnpal boar ao ae are

‘THIRD ANNU; EXHIBITION OP PHOTURES: D . Y ys ‘OP. ThE PREACH, -8CHOOL, pRIvVsTe SOIREE ‘DANSASTE, i REE ; ABIDE OT cA wae ro Mee Ait 0) aie sha aS eye oe enact ens ba Ferree Nesey Wo 1 OS 5 2 Oe NB_OTVING, PF) ATE Ee A | eens SO ete er ST) oa ae rican Les Drow, Bi SUAS Z Perea : Wy ease a Vereen pepe | SaEnORMERs IN EVERY pass ine ana ints ATES pected cama | \fST een iene cond ee orn SO SRL octet tor Eee | Eauaerie st Soueoa we tery low, CHAS, B, REYNOLDS, Uarnich, Cops Cov, Hass Seed widross box 479 Ht. Nicules Ut




[OONTDTUED FROM FIRST PAGE.) ‘yerponaiblit7—and wo ato expected to meet the graro (ertioas tedoro ea with exltpeen ad deliboration. Pree Spration and rashn-w may provo dusaircue Dat, goa emen, while prodence and proper diseretion abould c? Factaris all ar: dalioeravices, wo murs wot forget at Winiinporant rials demance prea rtnces trust ono Sally prepared Co moet the grave Leeoes before on a8 true Jara.” Our Lopalatare,Abrough, parely patriotic mo tives, haa vast ‘cs in.@ conspicuous pesition. Tho ef ino world.are open ta, and var ection will afc. for Seal c@ for pos, uot caly ou ew $4at9, Dal pa Rater Bouitera states aso, ‘Kod nove ponder Taica word of naramition, “Oar interes arn co Meal daire i egeet tho oxo, great end.” YoU th WF peceslly orl ecaticr ef oplaion as tera Mat mnency to Bo e=1 for lun eecomplchmest Ttraat that etriee courtesy mill etaruateri your Belin We may boccrably Gitey in gation, at wt aro expaged io acommon cause. Woare brotbrea, aod anal stand shoulder to shoulder sasha gral nuk balord Zod tasy tho God of mercy and moniccsn uireet on o3F Gthborsticnn, that wo many errivn at tbo bert means to a somplih th Geetred wa Eee

Jodgo McQerxy Melrwer, of Praaklin county, theo

7010 ned sald— Mie Onanquse=t iy bot ealdom that men aro called (Oram tt Un and palemn doties abot (0 spent oleh en tee fnatioas on wilh yaea, Were ta a Sere aon oe taebfons (bee dentinies. Tele shobelpiog Freee iiecco that we thoald. nove imploro to dlecet ws to oor fotare debiverations. When the night of storm BP Llutlea bat ovcrtaxen him, Buryalos cxelalsed, Briio langunge. of tuppicatle ‘py ere eolara Inoperayct evecurz0 relslae.””

M-tho Iicathen could thas implore the god of his mythology, wo maynypeal to tbo Christlaa’a God to Loach yn ophty cor hesfivgato wisiom, that wo may learn Bae eee ae cate Chat wbeh ts best for OU ae Sry countrys T therefore] tora that tho Right BonT7 eraaNy aucige bo tevited (0 (aKo n acattoy Ferree, and that this Gnoventioa bo opened. with prayer.

‘Tho poctlon was sdopted unanlmoxsly, and Bishop Tut- Jedgo was condected (0 tho chair, Ho inycked tbo ‘Phreve of Graco to cend is bleesings upon tho delibora- fous of tne Ornrcaiten) and te enlighten the minds of Ita members, purify thelr hearts and conduct thotr pro- endings Ia Ube woy best calculated to promoto the houor Sea inteenta cf boStato and tho glory of God

7A motion was mado that o commitice of dye bo op. yeinted by tho Chair, whose daty |ifeball bo Lo eclect a paltable place for tho sittings of tho Convention. Tho mover elated that tho Legislataro will assemble bero on Mondsy next, nnd it was necwaary that @ gudablo plico should bo obtained for tho Con- vention {0 meet tp, Tho Baptist church was mamed aa o placo which could bo obtained. Tho ro- sclutlon algo provided that tho committeo should roport tomorrow (Friday). Amomber stated that to-morrow was Thanksgiving Day, and ho proposed that tho com- mittco should reporton Eaturday,and moved that tho Genyention now adjourn until Saturday, twelyo o'clock, Fo queetion was decided by tho mombera rising—ayea 20,nayo 24. So tho Convention adjourned until Saturday noen.

Fupay Monstso, Jan. 4, 1861.

sone) E. Bullock, the Commissloner from tho Stato of Alabama, and tho Hon. Edmond Rafa, from Virginla, arrived bere yceterday, Tt {a roported that a consultation Jo now going on In regard to tho policy of taking immedl- ‘ato peezcesion of the forts and other federal property In this Stato,

Jadga McQueen Melntoeb, of the federal court, ani ol. ES Bleckbura, tho United States Marshal in Florida, Rayo resigned.

14a probable that an ordinance of secession will ba of- fered and pasted about the milddlo of tho ensuing week.

Yer tho {nformation of your commerelal readers, I state Wat tho quantity of cotton sbipped from this polnt an- rally In from 18,000 to 20,000 bales, Tho frolght fram, hero to Jackzonvillo 1s $1 65 per bale, To Fernandina, ‘8183, and to St. Marks 623;0.per bale. Cotten Is traus- yerted from Tallahassco to Now York (via Fernandina) Sor $4.60 por bale, nuil when cot stored at Fernandina, $4 88 por bale,

About 12,000 bales of cotton Mayo been recelved here ainco tho Ist of September,


‘Tho Touro of Delegates had under consideration to-day tho bill providing for 9 call of a Convention. It was ‘amended £0 as to fix tho election of delegates on tho th Of February instead of th 7th, Tho day for the acsera- ling of tho Conyontion will bo changed from the 18th to ho 1th, Tho dill will bo perfected tomorrow and passed,

AJolot resolution was {ntroduced in tho Senato to-day {appoint a committes to represent to tho Presldont of tho United States that, in tho Judgment of tho General Aszomblyof tho Stato of Virginla, any additional display of military power on tho South will Jeopardizo the tran- aullity of tho ropublio, aad (hat (ho eyacuation of Fort ‘Wamier ts tho first etop that should be iaken lowrardet the restoration of peace and Larmony. Ialdoyer.

‘Tho resolutions relating to w national courentiou, with ‘be amendment for,a conyentton of thé alayeholding Stato ‘to produce concert of action, were referred to tho jolat

‘Committcs cn Federal Relations.

Recolutlons havo been Inld before tho Senate for a call fer o national coayontion, to propose amendments to tho constitution.


‘At Mosie Hall to-night Mr, Everett sali:—"'T hope and frost tbat tho cleso of tho year may Gnd us et{ll to unia- Jalred possesion of this glorious heritage, tho Union und tho constitution, tho legacy of our fathers, ctill free, Prceperous and united. WORKINGMEN'S aes MEETING AT NBW-

rN. J.

Newans, N, J., Jan. 0, 1851

Arather intemperate call for a masa meeting this evon- lng, of working men out of employment, caused come approbensions of a disturbanco, but the allerlor designs, Many, woro frustrated by the good eenso of tho meetlog under. tho instructions of temperate epeakere. Uniog epecehes wero delivered by Judges Piereou, Waugh and ethers, A majority of a committee of Bye presented reso- Je\jons endorsing and recommending tho Crittenden com- premlgo, and commending the action of the President in Bupporting tho act of Major Anderson, which wero parked.

GOVERNMENT TROOPS AT FORT McHENRY_ Bumwons, Jan, 9, 1861. A company of marlues, numbering forty muskets, un: der Lieatessnt Howell, camo in‘a special train from Washington this morning, and took poszcasion of Fort Mcletry and raised tho etara and stripes.


K Cusco, Jan, 9, 1561. ‘Troops from Fort Leavenworth, numbering two bun-

red mex, twenty-olght officera and twenty-aeren horess,

en reue for Fort McHenry, arrived hero this eyeaing, and

eave to-night via Pittsbar

SAILING OF THE BROOKLYN, Nomsour, Va., Jan. 0, 1861. ‘Teo Brooklyn has pat toca, Sho pasred the Capa at two o'clock this afternoen.


The present precarious state of the country haa called sat the sympathy of the various military organtzations ef this city, who are desirous, from a true love of tho Union as established by tho constitutlon of tho United States, to sland by tho Mold ship)" and pliot her safely ever the shoals which Impede her progrces. In obsdlence to this feeling (he folowing private circalar was {asued, convening a meting for the purpose of establiching a “Unie voluntcer corpa!’ to sorye when cccasisa might reqolre:—

comPIDESTIAL. ae Ninw Yous, Jan. 6, 1351. Dein Sie You aru nesuiatel ta sitead a meting of ctl Ft

Ure of party, (o Be Reld at the Mere House, feratr of Senor ond Buome busca see Bart ees

» of Frome uals roomy, co Wedautay cresing Jaanary 9 at Borclcek, for tbe se of organizing fc . fon’ we'Valca and the ecloreemeal of Un awa. Ver perpectte cs OTHEASORD, i J. WHITE,

EMiOEE TS HUGHES Jr. Agrecably to the above a meeting of some Afty geatle- wep belonging to yarioas military organizations of tho clty was held at eight o'clock Lust oreaing, at tho Mercer House, corzer of Meroer and Broome strevt2, for ‘Abe furtherance of tbe object already named. Several military organizations of the city were ropresented,

i jfere the Seventh, Twonty.third and

‘J. White, Beq., con of Hoo icq waa called to r by Gaplain Alb utbesrora of thy Gea he Baalaate

‘with a view of establishing tbe Te ecustitutca an io Uabe. (beeen is ir, Huser ‘thea oflered he Talowing ‘reestuvons ‘whieh waa accepted nemine exniraduet © 3

Whereas, is ioestieg recognises Leliber Nori or Booth

mara ices omen i= peeieas eerts ear hl rte eso r aed pet taiohies iy sence tape cate iatho ona

7, cherie ecelizg abbiors and denounces fanail. Fe rset sed cach and every sacar of

jzt0 Sissel to maintain tbo cocaUtaiing ad

Tho Cnume theo read tho rubjoined docament, which he sald had been propared for thosy who wiabed Toocips thelr names as membera of the oranfeation-:

We, the anersigned, believing that a ertele has arrin ap fatiet nstoty which calls Yor the totapenare ot 8 tbo cesiro the perp-tulty of our free insulsdona end Go foaled exlstebenof the natlon, have associated cerseltes tbeeiirrocer the Game of "Tbe Calne Voluatora. fer th jurpese of defen 10 Union, and, If necessary, rol a fog our services to ts eupport. 7 11 DeS#sary, Volunteer

The reading of thia document was recolred with loud applaure, aud all thoso In the reom stepped 0 I rery willingly, tee le

‘On motion of Mr. Hireven, a cormmittos of Ayo waa ap- pointed to procure a room and invite all tuceo who wished fo become particlpanta Lo tho movement, A committes of Gro wna alzo appointed to frame n constitution and

After a few conversational remarks from eomo of thceo yrezent, it was, on motict, resolved to. adjourn to Satur

night, at olebt o'clock, when a ballot for captain e bad and the organization placed on a frm footlog,


‘Tho attention of ono of our reportorn was attracted yes- terday morning toa large crowd of persona assembled oo tho aldo walk on tho Broadway side of tho Park, all of whom were eagerly devouring tho contents of 9 largo Poster which waa pasted ogalnat one of tho plilara of tbo gate, An podestrlans passed that way they almost Loya-

rlably halted to read tho bill, until the crowd assumed very largo dimensions. ‘Tho following is a verbatim copy of the placard:—

mati mK Union an Dissocyep row rire Neguot—To ru Hetuarxp Crrtzexs of Nw YOuL ‘Tho Philistines aro upon us, ani the vilo parly that bas

Op tho ples of preserving, the Union, th ing Soe eat ne MED Gn a

joJobh Brown's , tbo Olddlags, tho Garrisons and the Britis torles aro moving to erumm tbo white toa, under he Pretence of benefiting tbo negro,

Tes elmply the Brith government hat try to destroy thia aloo, or fotmakn white men aud negroes equal, which lea

AWhito men of tho ‘Nort, are you willing to allow your Ubertics {obo overthrown’ by abolion demugugues and

Brille antes and secret agents aro now, no dovbl, [o thls country etlating these troubles aisenuler Wade, of Obfo, bas deslared that England will bare

Kings onco more aro to be eet up on American soll

Fellow elilzonm are thcea who havo Ged from tyranny (n (ho Old Worid—the sons of Montgomery, Lafayette aod Sau ban—golag to sland alll and seo traltora to Ubseriy, under tho Jead of British Tories, drivo tho Kouth Iota diranloa, oF Aguonilny or disgrace?

Bons of the Revolution | Rona of Schasler, of Clinton and ‘Liviogston, Will you rand et Ul and ceo tbe glorious temple oF ‘white men's liberty palled down by abolition fanatter.

Tat fusties be dane to tho South.

FGiveber thoceastitution, with tbe Supreme Court construc- emu na ese wks wis ny

inal! boa 16ro are, tho ona of }ibarty, who fo tho dayu of the Rayolution slood up, manfully for Justices toallt AVSON OF LIBERTY.

‘Tho above placard waa distributed throughout the city protty extensively, and was read by eager and cu- rious thousands throughout the day. Somo exciting dis- cussions took placo on (uo pubject between thoes of op- Pesite polkical views. - VOLUNTEERS 70 FROTEOT THE oITY OF WASH-


We sco by the Buffalo. papors that tho commissioned cfficers of the Thirty-firet Urigade Now York Stato Mi- litla eld a. meeting on Saturday cveuing, with referoneo to tendering thelr eervices to the Executive for tho do- fence of Washington, so that they can be called upon If necessary, This 1s timely and patriotie.


‘Hinton Rowan Helper, tho outhor of tho “Impending Crisis,’ was aunoanced to deliver a locture upon the “Tyo Systems of Labor,” at Clinton Hall, last evening, Tho audience proceeded to the lecture room down an in- ellned planc—facilis descendus averni—and found a largo room, distinguished only by an Immenso stove, built upon {ho mode! of the Ezyptian pyramida, and, unlikco tho Iccturer, unsupplied with incendisry material. The audi- ence came Ia very slowly, and seated themselyea very quielly, Attho time Mr. Helper arrived forty-two per- eons and a large dog were present—

Fit audience, though few.)

Soyen ladies, mostly of tho strong minded caste—speo- tacled, black-cotton-gloved, faded-pla{d-shawled—occu- pled prominent positions, aud passed the timo in reading the Tritune, Strong minded men, epcotacled and long- bearded, also read tho Tribune. Incipient republican. belonging to Wide Awnke associations, looked ax if thay T|guL havo boon In Detter company, abd road tho Trine

io whole audience locked as though they word dolag something snd belong somewhere ont of the common, ni as if they bnd rather Dot bo seem by pulsldera and reporters.

Just before eight o'clock a He ree command of Sergeant Dilks, of tho Fiftcenth procincl, march! in and took seats at the back of the ball. The | fandlence eyed tho pollcomen aakance, and didn’t Appear to feel any safer from thelr pregonco, n3 it Is woll known that polleomen elyaya capture the Innocent partic, and Toca ‘nO obo present scemed disposed for a disturb. fioec. Hopes word audibly expressed that the Motro- politans would do tho State some corvico, and orroet cach olher.

Pyeelzely at clght o'clock Hinton Rowan Helpor on- tered, uarded by-a wild looking attendant, who latra- duced him to the audience. Mr. Helper ta tall, slim, peculiar looking person, with short black hair, whiskers and mustaches, a yory bronzed complexion, ood ‘o force, military expreasion, Ho eald that It would bo left to the audience to voto whother ho should lecture or wbother they ehould reocivo back tho twonty-ve centa—ho belleved that wns tho prico—which thoy bad pald at tbe door. For himself, be would much rather post- pono tho lecture.

An individual moved the Iceture be leat ‘Tho motion waa seoouded. Mr. Helper briely returned his Uusaks for the motion. The questlon was put, and tho ‘udfence degided In fayor of tho twenty-Gvo ocbis, by a largo majority. Somo one: inquired when the lecturo would be delivered? Mr, Holper replied, "That would do- pead upon circumstances—porhapa weyer.” Tho ou- dicaco then quietly left the hall, a wag saking, ‘Which was the greater Grzlo, the lecturo or tho now storm!” tnd anather observing tbat "Hfelper's criss had ot last artived."


Immediately on the adjournment a number of influen- Hal citizens, attracted by the novelty:of tho call, orga nized tho meeting by calling to tho chalr Dr. Louls A. Sayer.

Dr. Cleveland was unanimouely elected as Secrotary, fnd road tho following resolations, which were unani- moasly adopted:—

Whereas, Jd mlsgulded people a tho Nonuern Suatca bare for number of fears atfompted io Ine ctleale doctrines mubveruira of tho best Lateresua of Our coxs: ‘atl country. ond have draw atter them humbery of goo. unl and thuightles persous, who were not aware that sich ‘doctrines wero tn violation of the constitution; and

Wheres, partirs entertaining thes heretical notions have frown lo euch polltcal power tn somo of the Northern Slates 4s to have passed Law which aro in violation of the conatitu-

Won of oUF commog confederacy ards {a6 Ear ae err 5 fea a large portion of the pulpit and the public ERM bts feo perkeriad from ils iagtiaate objeto bo ducteminallon of blander, falsehood ond detrsction ogals ube Southern people, ‘and treasonable against the gov- eFament, therefare Héscleid, That we oympathize with our Southern broth- renin tied Jest complaints apuast theso conaltaioual en- ‘solved, ‘That the misguided fanatics who have spread hel trainable doctriges tbe dlesond that naw imperieg uF conillien naa galted peopl, are traitors to the country, {elf doctrines and teacblogs heretical and unesnstltationa nd thelr Influence fatal tothe preservation of the Union Hesolved, That itis the duty of the Proadeat of the United Staten, bodea ty le oeatcatby to use crery constational Beans to eet the Ioumaediats repeal of all’ Gocenalltutlonal lsembich kare been aise Uy any of tho Nonhern Sate, evolved, That tho ‘deetrioes of {horace Gresloy, Wiliam B. Seward, Henry Ward hecater, Charles Sumatny Wend FbUllps anid others of that ranatleal stamp ara Weasoonbl irnature, distarbiag the general ywace calculated (9 salen theoiorant and cbrola be ld wp Lo tbe Juste allon, evadetanatlon ard wo 2 of every commun! ipa wate tis eodeavored ta taprcs aon Te) Cam Aflor tho unanimous adoption of th the following resolution, offered by MF. 1, Tale aa Sgeoued by W. L- Wiley, was alo uoaalmoualy adopt

Besar, That thls meeting row adjara to mect agua the ocearioh of the nest lecture of HUME HS Heraeus oo Tmppenlog cri gad that wo tari to pastas cltlrens of New York to beoreseal on Ike aera!

Dr. Soyer delivered an ablo addres, gustalning resolutions, followed by Captain Wildy, exposige the reasonable and revolutionary doctrines ‘al Heats book.


Ono of the points in dispute between the domocrataand tho repoblicans 1s a to whether slaves are (roatod as property by the constitution. Upon this question str, Soward and the Senators from Masmchasotts recently yoted In tho urgative. send yoo a decision on the precize potnt, made by the court of Last resort in Mase, Chusettsatatimo when political decisions were not In favor. If the caso bas ever been overrulod it must hayo been by somo expounder of tho “higher Iw.”

PREME COURT OP THE STATE OP MAS3\CRUSETTS, a Parker, Thatcher and Wilde, Justices

Tre Consumes re 0. Griftdh—Decided 18 October, ‘1833, reported in 2 y page 11.

‘Tels as aa Indictment an administrator for ‘eolzing o Virginia fugitivo elavo in Massachasetts without warrant. The case was argued by the All Geno. pe Morton. The latter in the course of bis ar- jected that tho act of Congress. is un-

Tt has been on the siatute book for thirty , snd the coustitatlonality of it, £0 far as my know! ‘extends, has never before been called ia quien, ‘The coustitutfon was made for the citizens of

6 Unlied States. It begins, ‘We the people.”” This ‘does not include slaves. The constitution aS re} tho pest aba: slaves, and it does not secure: rights cS 7

Ghief Justice Parker delivered tne opinion of tho mas


Jerlty of tke Court. After sbowing that tbe adminietrs tor Tisd ux good right to relge aa tbe orjgisal owner, bo ayo

TRIS britge the cats to a single point, whether the latoto of Ss United States giving power to'ealza a slavo without a warrant ls constitutional. It ia dificult lo a cate like this for persona who aro not icbabliants of tlaveholding States to preveat. prejudice from having too strong ap eect on their mints. We most rollcct, bowover, that tho constitution waa msds with some Slated in'wbich It would cob cccar to ibe mind to Loqulro

er elavea wero property. It aaa very eerioas quot.

You when they came tomate tho comtitctlcn, what ehould bo dono with thelr elavea. Thry might have kept aloot from the constitallon. That inetroment was a compro lee) It was acompact by which all aro bound. We aro

copalder, then, what waa tho letantlon ef the conto. lon. Tho "words ef it wero need out of delicacy, #0 a8 Dol iged-nd come in tho coaveation whoeo feelings wera nbbofént fo slavery; but wor Uv-re enteral incoan apres. ment What sare would sti made Tho constitution d preseribo tbe mode of reclaiming a clave, but leaves It (9 be dotermined by Congevce,” Tete very clear that it sas not Intended. that application should Be mado to tha Fxceative authority of the State. Tela sald that the act whic passed ca this subject ln contrary to the smacnitment of the corstitation, sccuring the peoplo la thelr yeraaos and Property npainst eolzures, &o., without a complaint apon ath, duvall tho parte of tho! (netrament arto be taken together. Teta very obvious tha to tho constitutiou, and the ameadment haa relat ‘he parttea.””

“JMdgo Thatcher dlsscated ca tbo right of tho edmio! (rater to aoiz9, but cnlaclded on the ether polats.

Judge Parker then rerarkel (hat tho & ton bai been given to tho elatata ever #laco tho adeption of the federal constitatlon by Judges Toyoll and Davis, of tho District Court of the United Statin for tbo district of Mavsarbucatts

Public Opening of the Soventh Ie Azmory.

‘Tho Seventh Regiment's now Armory, over Tompkins? market, was thrown open to the public yesterday daring the day and evening. Daring the day the admatenjou was, to all claseca that chose to vinit the Dullling; but In the evening the ndinlzsion was by tickots furnished by mem- bere of tho regiment, In tho evening tho building was Aled to {ta utmost capacity, thero betng at ono timo within its walls opwards of two thousand persona, malea and females, embraciog como of tho beauty and fasblon of tho motropolla, Tho battallon drill room yas bril- Vantly Wumibated by olght hundred gas Jets The regl- mental band occopled a prominent position at ono end of the room, from which thoy discoursod como of thelr choleest morceau, Including tha Non-Coot-Stafl"” quick- step,arlafrom “Sonnambula;” selections from the opera of “Nebuchaduezzar," Vailance Polka,"” “Henrlotta’” quickstep, finale to “EI Furioso,"' and finale to "“Lacrotia Borgia.” We do not proporo to epeak of tho palytlal appearance of tbe armory, aa a fall description Was published in tho Haman on December, 29, Sat co {t to cay the opening was a very uccessfal affalr, and refieets credit cn the regiment and theso charged with conducting tho Inaugural ceromoniee. It is eati- mated that ten thousand persons vialted the Armory yeeterday.

Tho Rogimental Gymnashum, under tho dircction of Sergeant Abner S. Brady, ln Soveath street, {n proximity to the Armory, was also thrown open to vleitere yecte day, In tho evening nearly thirty atblotes and gymnasts, rosmbors of the regiment, gave a very croditablo exhl- bition In feats of strength, daring and agility, under the direction of thelr accomplished teacher,

‘To Armory and Gymmuslam will continue open throughout to-day and thia evening, when thceo who can, sparo the time will bo amply repaid for thelr visit te both placea.

Police Intelligence. A Cosnprxce Woxay rv Thoune—A rather respecta- blo looking woman, about thirty years of ago, who gavo her name as Mra, Parker,'was orrested at the St.Nicho- Jas Hotel cn Tuesday;by detective King, on surplclon of swindling and ehop lifting. Tho prisoncr, It nppoare, called at the residenco of ono of our down town mer- chante a day or tyro ago, and by moans of a forged lotter of introduction, soon ingratlatod herself Into tho affeo- tions of the family. Becoming emboldened with euccacs, abe tried to borrovrn large amount of monoy from thd merchant, but eho made a bungle of tho Job, was ms- pected and finally thrown Joto, prison. Tuo polles havo ‘8 yery poor opinion of Mra, Rarker’a charactor for hone: ty ond veracity, and some of them—the astute cnes af course—hint that sho 1s a celebrated shop Ifler from Boston. Mrs, B. halls from Now Grieans, but saya bho hus recently arrived in this city from Sayannah, Ga. Sho waa locked up for examinatfon at police headquarters,

Bxcoxp DEArreAnaNcoormm Traveuuvo Axrat.—Pro- fescor Downing, of oll palating notorloty, baa again dis- sypearcd from bis studio in the most unaccountable manner, A number of his puplls (soung Indies) called at Abo office of tho Genoral Snperintendoat yestey lay mgra- Ing and ropresented tbat they had bess eyualed by an orlist named Haynau, who promised (o (ach them the art of tranemuting photographs to oll painting for tho small sum of ye dollars, and oa recolving thelr monoy Bed from tho elty withodt performing bis promize. Upon Ddolng aaked to dezerlbo Frofyseor Haynnu’s personal ap- pearaned, thoy gave on exact dezeription of our oli friend, Professor Downing, and tho Impression left on tho nds of the polico was, that Haynay and Downing ts oca and dhe camo porseo. Hiaynaula studio was located nt No. L Monroe street, whero ho dida thrivlog business for a couple of weeks,'and then Jeft, probably on n visit down Fast, lke bo did. before, when ho was known by the uaime of Downing.

Jovewe TicewArey.—Thres young men, about coven- teon yeara of ago, named John Smith, John Collins and Charles O'Conner, were taken Into custody by datectivo Farloy on charge of having, about fly woeka ago, na- enulted and robbed Robort R. Gallitz, of No. 12) Macdou- gal strect, of a gold watch and 8120'in money. ‘Tho ac: cused, It Ls alleged, stopped complainant in tho atroat, ‘and demanding his money or bis life, 69 frightened hint tat bo handed over all hia money and Jewelry. EUN- Requenlly Me. Gallitz govo o full description of tho rab. vera to the police, which resulted In thelr belong arrestod on Tuesday ‘night by officer Farley, aa already olated. ‘Tho prisoners woro locked up for examinatica.

‘The Circulation of New York Dalitcs. (From tho Now York Son, Jan. 8.

‘The Immenso and unparaltcled slo of the principal dally papers of thls olty Is one of tho most wendortul Mlustratlons of (he progress of Intelligencs in our great ‘and free republic. Thero are (wo nowspapera in this clly wbicb havo reached a daily eale such a3 In any other city In the world Is wholly uiheard of, and would bo ulterly Wacredible. There 1s n0 parallel’ or approach to their Ogures, hero orfelsowhoro in tho world. Theo two popers the Hiacp and Sun—had thelr annoal trial of strength yesterday, In tho competition for thondvertlstag of ths Post Olce List of Unclalmed Lattera, whlch ts by law required to be awarded lo tho dally paper having tho largest circulation within tho rango of dolivery of tho city Post Office. The circulation of tho dailies ta a matter of much publio curlosity and incredulity withal, co wo iyo tho result:—

‘There ia a certain eatisfactfon—1f ono must be basteo— tn Being besten falrly and thoroughly, And whoro, in addition to this, tho defeat Is due not to aby doclind of vigor and rity oh uF own part, but solaly to tho ‘Uncxampled prosperity of our rival, wo éan afford to own It, ap we do frankly abd cheerfully.

‘A year ago the ayerago aalo of each of tho two papera, {n tho district Iylog below Fity-fourth atrect, fell a Nita ehort of 48,000 coples per day, and varied ‘bat tyro or throc bandrods from each other for the month af Decau- bor—that porlod belng tho test proscribed. by the Post Odes regulations. This year tho down tovva circulation of the Sun for the camo period averaged nearly fifty thousand—but in yalo! Tho Hema bad ron op tn tho excitement of tho times to tho enormous Ogure of almost 60,000, necording to their sworn statement, which wo hayo reasca to bellove was not malerlally inaccurato,

is circulation (00,000) 13 within the City Post Oilice Amita, below Fifty-fourth street. The total circulation of the Essa 1s 64,000.)

The averago entire dally olrcalation of the Sun for the ‘year Just past was 61,605.

‘The Lalter List 1s uot a benedt at tho price pald for ad- vyertising It to any paper, unless It may possibly be 20 tom paper like tho Sun, which circulates extensively among thodo so bava most occasion to refer to tha list TW hardly paya the cost of pul to typo, and, the iar rare i cok pang ne pe ae foliara batter off by transferring Mt to another paper, if that were practicable,

Personal Intelligence. Roverend F. D. Huntington, Georgo A. Gardner and T. F. Cushing, of Boston, and F. B. Bico, of Worcester, aro stoping a he Brie Hone . Corning, of Albany: Willlam Kelley, o Rlrisebeck, Mr, Roazia, o€ Toronto; Captain Sisoa20a, of Poston; Judge Collin, ‘of Oblo, and W. B. Whithend, of Virginia, are stopping at the &t! Nicholas Hotel, lH, D, Stover, of Albany; Professor Anderson ae oUpradman, oC New York; H.W. Coreia, of Golambja,& G; T.T/Smith and family, and Mics Robin- fon, of Georg, ar sopping at tbo LaChrgo Hoss. , of Hartiord; Ira Bliss and wifo, 0 stud, Me leg, of New Haven; J. A Thompn, St Srringdcld; EN, Stelton and wife, of Derby, and E ‘Twonlye of Danbury, aro stopping at tho Albemarle


wed of Troy; Hon. William Barnes, of atbanyy Gol 1 Siekou, of wow York; ex-Gov. Ni. P. Hi Maes inter ot Povccey ae aden and wif, of Pollndelpaia are stopping ai the Fifih Ayenuo Hotel.


of Rhode Island; J. ¥. Whole, of Tecan F bowers, of Boston, are stopplag at the

of Now York; S

Mr. Morgan, fathor of Hon. ED. Morgas, was thrown from his etter, while passing through (loa 2S ¥., mday or two since, and serlocsly injured. “His wag attacked by a largo dog, which celzed the boreo by the nase and bung on furayer eixty rods, The cutter wae broken into splinters,


The Senate Committees Remodelled—Dils and Notkes tirodaced Affecting Rew York—Amendment (o the Charter of the Hudson River Ballroad—Explanation of Messrs, Prendegrast and Pleree—The Ca- nal Commksioner Contest—Howse Commit- (ee Amendment to the City Charter,

&e, &o, &.

Auuxr, Jan. 0, 1861. Lieutenant Governor Campbell, presiding oWlcer in tho Fenate, has made several Lmporlant changes in remod- cling tho committees. Senator Seeslons, who was last year chairman of the Finange Committes, now turna up a the chalresan of tho Committes on Literature and a subordinate on tho Cotamitteo on [Expiring Laws, both vnlmpertant committece. Tho Commiltoo oa Oitiea and Villages, who havo the railroada to conalder, has also been changed. Mr. Manlerro ts etl chairman, and Law- rronce, the democratic member, bringing up tbe rear; Dut Richmond, who was found favoring the gridiron schemes, Das Peon ect ono side, and Sonator P. P. Murphy, of Wayne, eubstitated for him. ‘Thia makes that committco lrongly ant\-city railroad, and sottlea tho qucation of new grants in the Senate, except by a two-thirds voto, ‘which can force a committeo to report opon any bill:

Tha ogoal bills that periodically mako thelr appoar- ‘nce ip the Lrglslatoro to attack companies and corpora- tious aro boing noticed; such aa protection to the gascon- rumuere, which means, in fact, an act Lo asalat the Jodby men (o ralze tho wind. Two or threo of these bills havo already been noticed, and no doubt tho managers and ‘lockholdera in the present companies will Goon recolya ‘6 call from somo dlsinterceted patriot anxious to ald them In defeating tho bill, who, If matters were traced to thelr true eouree, would, no doubt, bo found tho originater of tho bills, Sucti Albany.

Mr. Arcularlus gayo uolleo to-day of a bilo appoint commlsslonera, residents of tho city of Now York, to pro- pare amendments of the charter of the city of Now York, tho charlereo prepared to be submaitted to tho citizens of New York.

Mr, Townsend gavo notice of billa to ropeatall tho city rallrcad grants passed last winter. This ls tho third n0- {ico of that kind which bas bea prosented. Theo grid. rons gcom to be a target for the big and little guns of the Legislature (o firo at, and promise to farnish considora- ‘jo life in the legislativo balls this wintor, tho lobby not. excepted. Thorecent decision of Judgo Leonard that tho Soventh avenue bill war unconstitutional haa given tha mopreseion that tho Legislature bas a right to handle tho Dill without gloves.

Ar, Odell haa given notico of tho Introduction of a bilt to omond tho charter of tho Hudson River Rallroad, so as (omake tho rates of faro the samo in tho winter aa ‘in the summer; or, nother words, placo the charter back on Wa original basle—tho same rates for passcngera and frolght tho year round. As It now stands tho ratesare ralsod as soon as tho river closce, and lowered on the opening of avigation in the spring:

A motion bas boca wado to purchaso coples of the ciyil Lista for the inembars. This move would, no doubt, boa g004 ono, os tho book would bo yaluablofor any member, wero thoy rellablo; but tho parson who has arranged them bas proved himsolf wholly Incomps- tent for tho task. Several persona who haya deca members of tho Legisisture oro omilted from tho tables, ond even tho Mayors of tho clly of New York—so important a city as thal—are not all named. A book of that natara {a only valnablo whon corrcet in Its complation, and tho Legislature should not be found endoraing it year after year until it 's mado por- fect, especially as there 18 no excuse for tho omissions and errors in tho work.

Mr, Ramsay, of tho Scunto, bas given notica of a bill to reduce tho fare on tbo city ral in Now York to threo ceats; and, thoso who aro not provided with seats to bo carried at half price. His bill contemplates tho ro- duction of the fare to a Sguro that will allow thera to ebargo no mero than a rato that will secure an annual iyldend of ten per cent on the actual casta of construct ing to roads, nnd not to excced that and places the power of dotermining the actual from the nominal cost {n tho hands of the Oomptroller of tho city. Tho proesura for a dill of that nature ia becoming quite etrong from

our city.

*Tho arrival of tho Hiceayp this morning created quito ‘stir amonget a portion of the republicans. Mr. Pron- dgrast raze to a question of Privilege upon the report ‘of bis spooch, and denounced tho Hina, notwithstand- {ng other paplrs hod almost preesely tho) amo, version of his flourish of words. He seemed to bo laboring under tho delusion that because a reporter was admitted to 0 eat on tho oor be had no right to critisisa tho action of ny member, but-to give the publlo what tho mombar intended to ray. Ho eald If his romarks yoaterday could bo interproted as an lorult to any member on tho floor, bo ‘Wished to rotract \tand apologize for it.

Mr. Plereo, of Uliter, also ros jogo, and dente tiat Hor over

‘ne|ples. He represcted one of counitea of the State.

Ho was proceeding tomake a lengthy speoch when, bo ‘sau called to order by MeDormott, of Weatehoater, asking. ifn stump specch was tn order.

On motion of Mr. Darcy he was allowed to procosd, and continued bls remarks for nearly a half hour, id ‘which ho reviewed tho origin and riso of tho slavery ex. ellement, and charged tho Flin os being tho causa of tho excitement tn the South, “He coupled the Atlas art Arpus with It, and ecemed to think thoso two papera the Eoureo of all the troable to tho uation. Ho did not ‘appear to placo apy responsibility on the cratora of the party who hail mado tho speeches that tho HsraLo has clreulated yerbatim. He waa willing to bo called nuything bot o Garrigonian abolitionist. » Ho was edu- cajed s democrat, nnd belloved that bo nov entortalnod tho eamo principles that was advocated by Waablnogton ‘and Jedferéon, and ho was classed as a Garrisonlan bo wanted (0 boplaced in good company, aloug alle of Danio £.Diekinson and bis carly teach irmly held tho tame doctrines that bo did at presint, His wag quite lengthy, and on tho whole wall received.

The comolices wore, announced this ‘morning, in tho House. There appeara to ba como grumbling in regard to tholr arrapgement, but It Is Impossible to eas) everybody. ‘Tho Committca on Cities and Vil-

eb as thres members from Now York on it, namely, Meszre, Sherwood, Hardy and and Woodrull, and one from Brooklyn. Mr, Prendergast, from Chautauqua, 13 tho chairman, ta T predicted ho would be in last Satar- day’ Hexarp, Tho arrangement of Unis committoo may bo considered moro favorablo to the interests of New York than tho committoo of last ecesion.

‘Tho reeolutlons to present Mr. Anderéoo with a sword were token up in tho Assembly, whereupon Mr. Benedict moved to lay them on 'tho table, for the purpozo of taking up tho Sonate resolutions passed that body yesterday This. motion was carried, but it needed unanimous consent to take tiie Sonate resolutions from the lable. Thero belog an objection, wo were do- prived of any buncomba oa that subject lo-day, except fo far as tho mombers wore allowed (o explain thelr po- eltions under the question of privilege.

Tut littio wus dono In the Senate 10-day of Importance. Senator Naanlera introduced a blll repealing Ube seventh Eection of tho art passed in 1867 In regard to encum- branco op plers and bulleads In tho ety of Now York Several bills wero noticed, bul of no particwar impor-

tance. ‘Tho contest for Canal Commissioner ts dally waxing

yurst fan of ye ertalned Garrisoulan }@ most conseryatiyo

warmer. From present appoarances tho battle is bo--

tween B. F. Bruco and A. H. Hovey, with tho chances in favor of the former. The friends of Mr. Hovey, however, consider that bis chances are good, whilst Mr. Edwards, formerly contractor, la industriously pushing bis claims jn hopes of securing the vacant scat in tho Board. Tho strength of Bruco lies to tho fact of hia being activo {n stumping tho Stato Iaat fall, and forming the acqualat- ance ofa largo portion of the members at that time, who come here fecling under personal obligation. How far this will override tho claims of Hovey—an expo rienced canal man—in the contest before tho membera, ‘time alono can tell.

Mr, Arculariua jutroduced o Dill to-day amending tho lave for the enrolment of the militia of the State—It pro= idea as foowa—

Sec. 1. Sectlon 15 of tlle %, article two, and sections 2 and dof Ue 10, artico1. of an oct, allded "An Act {0 Fred for Wecarvineat of tao ila Sud th orpanic foal form corps pd the dlfpan of the atary Pores of

Paseed Ap ‘are hereby repea

Sec "No person all be imprlaoned for er aospsyment Siege Alvact aid partes oetalconsteaa\ wilh Tistona of this Ree eee m Hts

Mr. Sherwood, ropublican, of New York, introduced o bill for the amendment of tho charter of the city of Now York. It providea that tho bureau for the collection of aszesementain the Streot Department, a3 provided for {n section 23 of the act heroby amended, is hereby trans- ferred to and madoa bureau to tho Department of Fi- panco, created by sectioa 22 of the sald act hereby amended, and tho powers and dutlea of the Street Com. mlsslover relative to raid barean ara. heroby transferred and conferred upon the Comptroller of tho city of New York The laws of the State and tho ordinance of tho Mayor, Aldermen ond Commonalty of the city of Now ‘York, relative to the sald baroau, are hereby amended so as to substitute tho word “Comptroller for the words “Street Commissioner,’’ whenever in eald laws and or- dinance the latter sro mused or ehall appear, and ag 50 amended the mald laws and ordinances aro hercby made alld, and sball continue in force, and shall hereaftor apy to the said bureau in the Department of Finance. The Street Commissioner and tho present (ocumbenta of paicibareet a Melirer eyo be. Comptroller all peas

, Fouchera pers appertaining ax relating to the businesa of sald bares:

Governor Morgan held his Orst levyoo to-night. One- balfof the Legisistare, the Judges of tho Court of Ap- Peal, the lawyers engaged on both sides of the Pariah wil case, and a large number of prominent politicians of the Slate were prescat

e officlal announcement by tho Journal of Mr. So ward's acceptance of Premiers under Mr. Lincoln waa the general subject of convergatlon, and seemed to give

yeneral sallsfaction. Who is to Like his place in the is bow asked on all sides. An Imprompta cagcus was beld at the Delavan House this afternoon, composed of Jeading Senators and Tend for ths purpose of Ingagurating a movement to place Heary J. Raymond ia ‘tat positicn. About fifteen parsons were present, and after cecsulag togetbez for coms time It wan decided to press his claims for Senator, You need not be. 508 Baymond a formidable candjdate before the 2d of Febra- ary. He will be pressed on the ground of hia being tha Tied Ditles pe it can be offered for Greeley lo ewal- om.

‘The Senate Comm)ttoo on Federal Relations beld another roeelisg to-night, and spent threo boxrs tho national dificulties, but adjourned without a Fo oe Sr roveation The sie sre ia ey wl ‘agree open propesition that will receive tbo meat of the coppervative men of the State,



ALacey, Jan. 9, 1801. cpustrm pest cvi?ts one at cee recente of Girance in the city of New York. Se Taseed nck ale a ea = Sreteten {len of certain public officers in the city of New. York . Srisoit—To facilitate the collection of debts

forelga municipal tion. ‘of the New York Stato Ine-

By Mr. Gass—For the relle Driste Asylum.

By Mr. P. P. Mcxrm—To creato the oflce of Cuminle- sioner of Lapacy and Inspector of Almsbouses, &c., throughout tho Siate.

By Sir. Masause—To limit the timo of officers ia the Stato militia.

Mr. Winuiws called up his consurre: Journ on tho Ist of March rine die.

Mr. Hioioxp gayo tolico of a Dill for arming and equipping the militia of tho State.

Mr. Basu introduced a concurrent resolution to Inguira Into the number of offlcera of the Senats aad Assembly and fx thelr compensation,

Assembly. ‘Ainusr, Jan. 9, 1861.

Mr. Doty, private séerolary of tho Governor, presented tho annual report of tho Commissary Gaocral, with message from tho Governor, calling attention to tho faat that thero exist a dedcléocy in tho mailitary stores, whlch tho Legislature should tako early measurca to sup” ply. In addition to this ho récommands that tn order to meet any emergency which may arlen, tho Legislataro mako 0 guitable appropriation from the Treasury, to bo ‘uscd, under tho ordinary reatrictlons, at tho discretion of tho Hiulitary Department,

‘Among the notices of bills were tho following

Mr, Romessox—Concemning tho public health of Now York, Kings and Richmond counties.

By Mr. Tuwxsexo—OF Villy repealing all tho elty rail. oad Dilla of last ecatlon

Tly Mr. }Lanpx—To grant tho cousont of tho Stato to purchaso land in tho city of New York by tho United States.

By Mr. ARCULARICS—OF a bill to creat a commaleaion of tho Fealdents of tho clty of Now York to framo a city charter, to bo rubmitted to tho people for approval at tho general election.

The following bills wero introduced

By Mr. Simmwoov—For transferring tbo collection of agaccsmenta of Now York from tho Strcst to the Financo Department,

By Mr. Dancr—To authorize Brooklyn to build a new market in the Westarn district.

Mr: Baui—For tho collcetion of agricaltaral sta- stlea, Mr. AncoLanirs—To amend the general militis lawa, © questlon pending at tho aujouroment yosterday, of Mr. Benedict's reeolations for a sword for Major Andor- Fen, came up, and the resolutions word lal om tho tablo without dovate.

Mr. Pusic: moved the reference of various portions of the Govorner’n mestage to appropriate standing commlt- teea, with Instractions to report on tho eam.

MP. “Kasevase moved for a report [trom tho}Mfotropolltan Police Commlsalonera of Whe fines collected, and Low dis-

ed of. Pet half past ono to committees waro announced.

The Committees on Finance ary Mosare. Robertzon, Angel Tevry, Klernan, Plorco, Gell ana Woodra,


t reeolatioa to ad-

wueatién pending on tho adjournment yesterday, on tho resolutions awarding a sword to Major Andercon camo up, and the resolutions wore laid on tho tablo.

ir, Rescict asked unanimous content to take up tho ‘Senate concurrent rekolutiona ou the samo subject, but Mr. Dancy objected.

‘Mr: Kexsy morod for information from tho Metropoll- tap Polico Commissioner as to the amount of fines cal- Teeted and thoir disposition, Adopted.

‘The recolatjons to make tho foo of witaoésea tn criml- nal cages tho game as thoso In clyll eases wero callod up, fund opposed by Mossre. Kuwwvan and Brscitan, aml word laid on the tablo.

‘Tho resolution to mako the Committes on Federal Ro- lations o Joint Committe, soas to ensure harmony and unity of actlon between the two houses, wa, ou motion OFM, Mure called up anit adopted,

‘Mr. Prrynenast, ona question of privilego, Justified bimeolf fFom an atlack Io tho Hiewun, amd declared bian- elf conservative Lo his viows and policy.

‘Mr. Pumsor, on the camo qaestion, entered into a long specch In justification of tho principles of the republican

ty, and eaid that it represented the principles of Fhowis Jefferson. Ho then defended himaplf and bis ty from the chargo of boing Garrisonian abolitionists, Ho reviowot tho career of Mr. Dickinson in tho Sonate (0 abow that bo was the advocate of freo goll, and had, In 1847, declarcd his opposition to the spread of slavery over free territory. Honlso held that the Albany Angus was in 1847 in favor of the samo principles, and demanded, if hho waa to bo denounced as an abolitionist, that thoes who tanght bim his creed ehould not bo guffurdd to escape. 0 SraAKKR announced tho standing committees, tho Principal of which aro as follows:—

Ways and Mcans—Mesars. Robinson, Angel, Ferry, Plerce, Benedict, Keroan and Odell.

Gmamerce ani Navigation—Mesere. Moore, Shaw, Ferris, Mekel and Jonn800,

Ganal:—Mesare. “Watson, Myers, Sandford, Shull, Bar ber, Fulton and Johnson,

Hasirade— Messrs. Moy, Dateber, Rice, W. Andrus and Kenyon. *

‘Bara Merre. Camp, H. P. Smith, Field, Varian aud ‘Lanalog.

Insurance Compania—Sessrs. Benedict, 1. 0. Andris,

(Craft, Birdsall and Saxo. Erection and Dicirion of Towns ark Counties —Mocsra

Ree a mney BLOWEUAR, arcy nnd Youn in gaine ices. Fish, Merrlck, Lord, J. Smith and. as é

Internal Affairs of Tens and Countics—Mezere. Dwight,

Oe ts cues, ent a a (esra. Prondor-

gost, Fisher, Rall, Sherwood, Angel, Woodruff and Hardy.

‘Stale Prisons—Meesrs. Furnbam) Anthony, ScFaddan, Cezzeps and MeDermott,

Judiciary—Messra. Bingham, Finch, Corning, Water- bury, Comstock, Kernan and Hatcbings,



ALMANAO FOR IIrW rOME—ruID DAT. ce 7 24 | moos mera, S400) inom waren:

CLEARED. Stegmabip Mount Vernos, Layilelo, Savanoal—H B Crom wall é co. Steamahip Star of (be Soutb, Kearney, Savannah—Samue Laliebitt & Son, Steamship Noabrile, Murray, Chargston—Spotford, Tiles. "

ieee He Nera is ali al tae Fe Ag sete eer ee Rec are ee

Scbr Virginla Price, Eldridge, Demarars—S W Lava & Co, at Wie Bagle Tousen Kinoios: Jo—Metcale & Dan:

‘Sabine Pass—Noreross & Prince. sien Soo

oa Passer Wika

iaeuerne ke one Saenbent Rervichait a markt. Silaeer Daya Casbao Pana

PM, with mise an ‘te targus & Co, SAA len from Hsvacny gual scan Bien, Tevet for Havana.

“ase 3 Milset (Pros), Unrieb, Sunderland, 13 days, wit

irk Zufriedenbelt (Pron, Dine, Ardross, ©

coal ard irom, to A Wendt & Ca. Experienced beary

thers "Deed hada vitest gale from Bn RA aang ay, Into Tou 124, spoke Bir ecir Willa the Wisp, Renee,


ork Wilard (of Yarmouth, Mo), Mitehel, Tri vlib mdse, (0 Duh & Ua. ‘Dee 16142935, lon 1D Tirk Fora, Lamell hence for Blo Janeiro.

Work Montectma, Unamond, St Sarda, Deo 2, sith cat to TT Drighc 24 lsh iat 247, lon 7130, spoke Bark Louis, ston, hence for Galveston, wame day,'a aan

yttoring ows Fasior @Co'euimat

jniua (Pras) Uagzo, Nes mguperleaced heary’ W gales; siariod head, spilt jrevoor, Aux Cayes, Deo2l, with coffee ac,

0, 2 dora, with,




(Br, of Antigua), Ward, Antiqua, 16

eib nweet polars, Sal,

By with scar Means Cor New

fer go" the coast, reeved but once

Hin, wt Stan spk brig A Biavehars of aad) Cor ston from Bosalre.

Hig Beeresa (ir, Doe, Bermuda, 7 dayn,ta bast, to Mer

call Fri

ie Brig Mystic (of Myatle) Fish, Matagorda Bay, Doo 13, with coligd Aorn aecreaiy, dove eo qeaht ta Sumner ( Nemparypi, Taylor, Gomes, Doo ‘kur Enchantress. Luca, Savannah, 16 days, with cotton ready, Molt Co. Experienced iy NE ples rime, NO, 18 tay Bx. Tale bootn; been 6 daya Ni

toy Peappoeed ber (a bo ths

tears ky, Sbufeldt, Havana, Jan 9, at 1 3 ater Olly, jarana, Jan 6, al Psd and 3 pactengers to tases ch foal

Oct 7, spoke

ff he Tghinads caw coke astern: Howard, from Newbera. ‘Sehr Mary E.

sea my Cues

‘Whipple; ‘Lamia, New

Riser Dawa, Perry, New Bedford.

per pelcek Alin. Providence.

aeEEe s 2 SST

BELOW. Bi General Bailey, 14 days from St Marka —By plot Boat woe

tar of the South, and Moant Ver ‘Sayan. se Sar ot basen td Nome Verson, ‘Wiad durkeg the day NNE to NE, with cow.


Tbe wind commenced yestentay morning from NNE, aad finally settled into NE, with a moderate breeze, accompanied bya hick mxow storm, wich, op to 10 o'loek last night, coa- Unned unabated, with but little prospect of a speedy lermina- oo, which will probably cacsa remels now on our coast 2- ‘ward bound toatl off aniil the weather clears Tha sieam- lp Nashville, for Charleston, bas boen detained anil this (Tucraday) moring, at 9 orelcbk. The steamship Star of the ‘Bouth, for Savannah, left ber wharf at ber csual boar, but

} apdoutedly will anchor en the bar uni] morning. The Sound

a Deals pared up at eir recalar ima No accitent comalonad: Gere Leen nae Samet ene rire ee ‘Pei Rthm Company, will Be Iawmebed from the yand of hg brulldem, 1 Greenpetat, Brooklyn, Gls (Thareiay) morning, 2qn 10, Betweendand Yeiclock. The dimensions of the City of Brocklya are as fellows —Langih on deck, 313 feet; readin mpl of Baki, 12 Feet 6 Machen ye eroualy pein at aving pat Mek ae = SRG anseaeeten e

Sar Qavayes, Wendelk tn Mampicn Teed. frog Call wth runner ogee oe ane eae fra

Reopen be noriward of Patnan’ (leads a a CHersou fel ros woala Forni saed

Aelenel royal yard oe Uae


6 tated; resel evndesa

Sue Moning Lior Jonnstoo, from Waker’ Talands wi funny for mpton ean pal aes Apu Solana ta i in Ueber, aad would bara to digo and fee

Bice Muay Ntowrxoate, tones. rota New York rk pictafocka i inn Satag ba Deeg ea

pina ty econ as na, Teh Starbonna Wala apd enc eat ah same exit, wan alrvee by A eens (nrumas om hes beta and Lifted cargo again when aie righted found 6 feet watel imine belay nad Rave besa pocaay sat ener slaon.” (By Ce Sau Soreroe Tbe brig Casio arrived al flava sium Vero hari jaed pom ser rata Thiele es SEN AME Cones mhoveeie ier a finewcns tho aervedar race ended tensed and bap" trom ath’ Bound to Moston, twasietUlnn woking adios

Be Econ Pauicw Oust Lane, (rom Angulla for XiPk. pt nto orf thot i Atre having ast ibveoms sally rtettags ae. She Wil hang ef orcjale

Geogr Cons, Tlowanl/ owaed Now Vern, west saben git af bin It on Long a TOM oral Marine fhe Hivodk anibortiar iced Sita trees of slioy abd wird Lape et a

rit ores 70 bands under Command ot ee Cassese

of Marine, succeeded In gelling her off, with both aldea b. settee

Buistou (Fill), Deo 22—On tho 10th (nal, to Lat 48 lon a1 2G a Bearyes'orekove the Gharien Mtlor “asec Bee Toond, Ve, which, enused her (o mako a beaey lurch, pang Ticeboard David Vackard, eMie mate ay aalleeny Gree Srestean nek recovered: Tee Chat Maembtsdamagg, he espiala ving

Messrs Wood & Grant, o

Nothee to Mariners, YROGCE ROCK, OTF THN KAREN LAND OF THE LIEARD < ney Hote: Laxoow, Dea i Isai olle a horehy ven a forthe porpoe Of star fala ‘caling tho position of {ha Vrogue Hoek, two beacons hare been placed on tho Neast Head, n aadilon to tbat ant Hai gered lato advertseint from tals ous, dae ‘The tal tro beacons are eaeh 8 {e0t high and colored rety ‘aud are dltant 297 feet from cach ‘other frm NWeand GE ae Toil. HUTHON, Secretary.

recllon. Dy order.

Ship Sarah E Petre Say ote Mob = eg Hh at lon Shdos pEtip Donat, Weed, Benco for London, Jan 4, of Bootie

eghgit Joba Brophy, benco for Martinique, Deo 1 lat 3, loot A Foreign Porta.

n, No pchegan, BDL about De cr Fy far NYOrK 1A. Arrives, Def sld tobe MT Means, NYark, Hoxaos ‘Avuxs, Nov (Arr Mandy King, Brown, Osdle sid th, Joby Hugyan, Walla or Carver), Taudon unavpa, Deo 31—Arr echr Exselaon, Talbot, NYork. Cano’, Decwy—Arr barks OB Harallion, Paroura, Phbe ladeiphin: Saran Tinie, Crawther, Portnoy briqu Chaatae dy, do; Prentiss Hobbs,’ Park: Young. Wey i, Hae sud arn Washing, Auer, da ‘an, Geyer; Hath, Me; ab, Ocean Traveller, Rargeoty lallimare; eehra tM Troustoo, Russel, Portland: HY Ol Bhole Dantens Ast, barks David O Wilson, Peacock, 1 delphia; Recbabite (Br), Kean, Portland; br(x Protas, Oba an, do; ache Lamont Dupont, Herring, Pausdelphias an, Dark’ Staiinay Genner, Nvork; bry Now Era, Walker, lavana| Carolina, Padelvord,' aud D'B Dosve, Berry, ralladelphia fine Eeaman, VBUpa Mallon: 83, bane Cen Green, Ate will, NYork. ' Bld Mat) brig Mariel, Ticom, NYork. ‘Gluxrexcos, Dec 37—Arr bark Benjamin’ Burgess, Boow! Bostont Jan I, eee Pred Howell Carter, Balmer. Doxcrxes OMT, Bello Creole, Crowell, from Calls via Cork for Ante 5G

‘andi. ‘Aird, NYork.

i Hayne, Deo 2—Old Bamber Tiner; Maj Lenox, gpd Keslutiag, erry, NOseatsy Mande reat rane Me Havaxs, Deo 2—Arr ship Mediator, Futner, Li ag Wenoety Merrily, woaton; briew Umplrey Ml Hi, Wecttnt fn Pues, Atdesans nd kein OS if cna ers ~wos paicd, Whaley, Wilaifnala: ian, 3. Feary SM rR EA hms, dae" "Adami Carter, NVorCs fant bark t Jer, Math: brig: Thomas Lawls, Portland: 34, bate WP B Anderson, Reed, Peoascola; brigs &'M Burong, Birdog, Wike eauset JM Sawyer, Bradley, dat schra A Geimne Rontare and sal Yasha Wording, ta ars Aan ‘Bld eth" fare ‘dy ems Ke York 20th St, eh Adele, Williams, Vbiladelphia: dan 1, bark Gan Eden, ‘Aul Carden: hilg Mesolute, Th, Brownsville; 40s, chr Flos BP Swett, Jay Pensacola; aaa its dane Er Pap tae) ob, Hall, rath Gare Wopba aeareye k, Portland; Jaa Croabye

Dovwar, and Columblay Dawar,and Colomblag

Boston; Veale,

Petrea, Ent for ‘ds, Harman, Motealf, Ste! Brewer, and Caractacus £ Jo1 "NYork: Nova Seollan (5),

Snes, S80

an Milnes, Nordea, tad Tempert! Cobb, Philadal= hla; "Carlisle," Payton, Norfolk; Sst, barks Geargo Lealley Bele, nny, Bork: Sa; Bdagy herr, Poriand’ Maye Dumont Giga, Porana.' S14 ahr Golden hod, Clay va Warkt, Brasil Nov 26—In port brig A M Roberta, Colao fon Musptoa Reads lag 4 ‘Reoviras, Deeal—Arr brig Angusta, Cole, Jacksonville, Gut, Deo i=ald Oeraae Olsen, NOFlosaa. Heron! 1W, Deo 2-04" tho Nocales, Pren Filmore, Nellsnty ‘rom Londo for Sore, aad neded plot pe Rlakrats, Deo 25"Ta port weir Rrado Wind, Baxter, foe Br ducer Deo 2— Arr prin olferio, Patterson, Ballencrog

24th, Wappen, Po ‘Soumuro, fork tebe Oban Readlelon, of Newt

fumuneo, "Deo Ta ‘London, for svannah 7

Selgin, Ny Jan 261d rig Nathaniel Sterens, Eater, American Ports.

oi aoe BOSTON, Jan B-Arr snip John & Albert, Gotham, New Ore ean banka Rrealar ones Baal “Won saad Iman, Homphrey, ‘NOrleans; Urigr Hamucl ‘(B00

scence, aan ready aus kare tees nmeay bee aa lear ts ae

rebra Fe FoROEy, eeearnahlp Canad, ata 0&


pe ona

Mazeppa, Davis, ndlea; A’ Tirrell,

Kong America Fear, Newburyport an ‘Holler, Dimarare.

Bari, fin S814 ap Caledon eevee Ship ty 5 Mobile!

5 ls © Fiero, Era, eM dat "partes Balls, Puke, sa) NYRCRSONVILLE, Doo@0—Arr brig Kosta, Smith, Remon

ion ‘MOBILE, Deo 31—O14_ shi Jan 2—Arr ship New Hi sllp outside, bond ta. Old Bet Ggerme, Farner, sey, Tilda, Barre. MATAGORDA BAY, for NYork;