GIFT or Horace White. President Kayiiiond A. IVarsou <'liarlcs A. Wiollnf? De Forest Settle, Vice-President Ira Sharp Abraham K. I'.rnn William IMtkin Stanton (.'. Shaver, Secretary Alb.rt K. Hrown. Treasurer New York State Fair Commission. Department of Agriculture Bulletin Published monthly by the Department of Agriculture of the State of New York Entered as second-class matter March 2, 191 1, at the post office at Albany, N. Y., under the Act of June 6, 1900 > — ^ — - ALBANY, N. Y. JULY, 191 1 Bulletin 25 Report of the New York State Fair ALBANY J. B. LYON COMPANY. STATE PRINTERS 1911 CONTENTS PAGE Introductory Statement 497 New York State Fair Commission 501 Conmiissioners in Charge of Departments 501 History of the New York State Fair 502 Financial Statement 614 Department A — Farm, Breeding and Draft Horses 577 Horse Show Department 583 Department of Races 597 Department B — Cattle 601 Department C — Sheep 622 Department D — Swine 639 Department E — Poultry 655 Department F — Implements and Machines 724 Department G — Dairy Products 728 Department H — Fruits ; . . . . 741 Department I — Flowers 762 Department J — Farm Produce 767 Department K — Domestic 788 Manufacturers and Liberal Arts Building 828 State Institutions Building 829 Grange Building 830 Woman's Building and Hospital 831 Transportation Department 831 Privileges 832 Forage Department 832 Midway 832 Police Department 832 Passenger Rates 833 [495] ILLUSTRATIONS New York State Fair Commission Frontispiece PAGE Plan for Xew York State Fair grounds 506 Parade of prize horses 578 The Harvester 578 First-prize six-horse team 578 Coach of Alfred G. Vanderbilt 58(5 Aeroplane in front of grand stand 586 Class of jumpers 586 Champion Perchevon stallion 602 Grand champion Holstein-Friesian cow 602 Champion Shropshire ewe 622 Champion Berkshire boar 622 Governor Hughes making address on Governor's Day 650 Dairy and State Institutions and Grange buildings 650 Water fowl exhibit 706 Exhibit of flowers 706 Farm machinery 726 Parking space for automobiles 726 Am.phitheatre. Dairy Building 730 Educational booth, Dairy Building 730 Orleans County fruit exhibit 742 Exhibit of plums 742 Exhibits in the State Institutions Building 800 Maniifacturers and Liberal Arts Building 828 [496] INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT The New York State i'air of 1910 is generally acknowledged to have been superior iu all respects to any fair previously held. Improvements of many kinds were evident. Departments showed a growth in numbers of exhibits and in amounts awarded for premiums. A better quality of exhibits was noticeable. As a result the reputation of the fair for its splendid educational value extends not only throughout this state, but into many other states. It is worthy of particular mention that this fair was conducted on a high standard, so that objectionable exhibits and displays were conspicuous for their absence. The conuiiission has received favorable comment because of the fact that fakirs, gambling and liquor selling, and degrading side shows were rigidly excluded. Some amuseauent features were provided, care being takeu to limit them to exhibits and entertainments of a harmless charac- ter. The principal of the special attractions at the 1910 fair was an ^aeroplane, operated daily. Prominent among the educational features of the fair were the following : An extensive exhibit of fruits by the jSTew York Agricultural Experiment Station. This included hundreds of plates of apples, grapes, plums and other fruits, all raised on the station grounds, arranged and labeled so that visitors could make comparisons with fruits which they might bring for this purpose and thus learn the correct names of varieties grown on their farms. The ex- hibit contained illustrations of numerous fimgous and fruit pests of the farm, indicating the appearance at different stages with best methods of treatment. The Xew York State College of Agriculture, the state veteri- nar}' college, and the schools of agriculture were well represented in the State Institutions Building. The principal kinds of agri- cultural instruction were shown in separate booths, with experts in charge to explain them. These exhibits comprised live animals and poultry, plants, preparation of animal and plant tissues, tile draining, farm machinery, preparation of foods, plant breeding and plant diseases, insect pests, horticulture, and other subjects. [497] 498 New York State Faik In the new Dairy Building instruction was given constantly throughout the week in a large amphitheatre where butter- making demonstrations were carried on morning and afternoon. It is proposed to allow exhibitors to use the amphitheatre at hours to be announced, so that they may give instructive talks upon their machinery and supplies. This is a development of fair work along educational lines which is not known to have been definitely provided for elsewhere. In the Horticultural Building visitors found thousands of specimens of fruits from this state and other states, so arranged' and classified as to be of the greatest value to small and large fruit growers. The farm machinery exhibit, including an enormous collection which crowded the capacity of the grounds, was an interesting feature of the fair and proved to be highly valuable to many farmers who had postponed making purchases until they could see for themselves the various kinds of machines in which they were interested. Exhibitors retported many sales. In the live stock exhibit were a collection of f ai-m, breeding and draft horses said to have been the best ever seen east of Chicago ; hundreds of the finest specimens of dairy animals, with some individuals from this state and other states having values in the thousands of dollars ; exhibits of sheep, swine, and poultry which taxed the accommodations. All these helped to establish a new record not only in total numbers of several different breeds of ani- mals and birds, but in respect to the educational value of these exhibits. The new State Institutions Building, which has now been in use two years, is serving to give the people of the state an idea of the work of state departments and institutions such as many of them have never before had. This building was crowded by ^^sitor3 aU the time. Liberal space was filled by exhibits from the Dopartment of Health which showed charts, diagrams and objects representing the spread of diseases and methods of control and cure. The Prisons Department exhibited specimens of carpets, furniture and other articles made in the state prisons, as well as photographs of interiors and modern methods of care and dis- cipline. Products of the farm and handiwork produced by the New York State Fair 499 insane were shown by the Commission in Lunacy. Institutions reporting to the Fiscal Supervisor showed articles made by in- mates, and their exhibit included also a group of blind at work in iLseful ways, as taught in an institution maintained by the state. The Department of Agriculture showed high-class agricultural products that are being raised on some of our farm lands popularly supposed to be unproductive or even abandoned. The Barge Canal office, with working models of locks, the Water Supply Commis- sion, with devices for utilizing water power on farms, the Excise Department, office of Sealer of Weights and Measures, the State Education Department, with pictures such as are loaned to schools, also contributed toward the educational value of the fair in a manner comparable with the great government exhibits at the national expositions which have attracted attention through- out the world. That the fair is meeting the expectations of the people of the state and is increasing in popularity is shown by the reputation it bears, but more exactly by the treasurer's report of numbers of visitors, and his statement showing the large balance turned into the state treasury. Kaymond a. Pearsois^, Commissioner of Agriculture. NEW YORK STATE FAIR COMMISSION President Lieutenant-Governor Horace White, Syracuse Vice-President De Forest Settle, Syracuse Superintendent Abraham E^ Perren, Buffalo Commissioner of Agriculture Raymond A. Pearson, Albany Charles A. Wieting, Cobleskill Ira Sharp, Lowville William Pitkin, Eochester Secretary Stanton C. Shaver, Syracuse Treasurer Albert E. Brown, Svracuse COMMISSIONERS IN CHARGE OF DEPARTMENTS Horse Department A, Dairy and State Institutions Eatmond a. Pearson Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry and Attractions Charles A. Wilting Paces, Gates, Tichets, Press, Printing and Advertising De Forest Settle Farin Produce, Fruit, Flowers and Police William Pitkin Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building, Domestic, Machinery, Transportation, Forage and Privileges Ira Sharp Passenger and Freight Rates, Grounds and Buildings, ^Vomans Building, Hospital, Fire Buildings and Horse Show A. E. Perren [501] HISTORY OF THE NEW YORK STATE FAIR The New York State Fair was established by the New York State Agri- cultural Society, which was organized as a result of a convention held in Albany, February, 1832. The object of this society was to distribute informa- tion among the farmers of the state and to promote and encourage enlightened agriculture. The first officers were: James LeRay De Chaumont, of Jefferson County, president; E. P. Livingston, Ambrose Spencer, Jacob Morris, Robert S. Rose, vice-presidents; P. S. Van Rensselaer, recording secretary; Jesse Buell, cor- responding secretary; and Charles R. Webster, treasurer. A committee was appointed for each county, according to the number of assemblymen thereof. Resolutions were adopted favoring an agricultural school and an annual fair. The society contemplated a periodical publication devoted to the improvement of the rural arts. A law incorporating the society was passed April 2G, 1832, authorizing its existence for twenty years and permitting it to hold real estate to the extent of $25,000, the object, as stated in- the act, being to improve the condition of agriculture, horticulture and the household arts. Meetings were held annually but, through want of legislative patronage and encouragement, the result was not what hoped for. There was insufficient public interest to justify the holding of a fair, but much informa- tion of value to the farmers was distributed and in 1834 the societj'- estab- lished a periodical, The Cultivator. In 1841, public opinion seemed to favor a fair, and February 10 of that year at Albany it was decided to hold an annual exposition. Each member was assessed $1 per year. The officers then elected Avere: Joel B. Nott, Albany, president; Jeremiah Johnson, Kings, Robert Denniston, Orange, Caleb N. Bennett, Albany, Edward C. Delavan, Saratoga, Benjamin P. Johnson, Oneida, Lewis A. Morrell, Tompkins, Willis Gaylord, Onondaga, Ti C. Peters, Genesee, vice-presidents. The legislature was asked to help and. May 5, appropriated $8,000 a year for five years, to be distributed among the counties, $700 of which was to go annually to the agricultural society. The law required that each Avinner of a premium should furnish a written description of the process of preparing the soil, etc., to accomplish the result he had obtained. The first fair was held in Syracuse, September 29 and 30 of that year. The premiums were small. There were nine classes of cattle, the prizes in each running from $23 to $40; two classes of horses, with $40 in prizes in each; two of swine, with $23 in prizes in each; eight classes of implements; one of butter, prizes $G0; one of cheese, etc. Later three special premiums were offered by individuals. The fair was held in and near the old court house, which used to stand in North Salina Street between Clinton Square and the present West Shore Station. The grounds were not enclosed. The pens were in a grove and the implements and produce were exhibited in the court house, which was inadequate for the purpose. The fair was attended by from 10,000 to 15,000 people, from nearly every county and from several states. Twenty-five cars of exhibits, etc. came from Albanj' and the Hudson River counties. There were some women exhibitors. The fair was considered a success in spite of unfavorable weather. The balance sheet showed $2,056.87 [502] New York State Eair 503 receipts and $1,087.51 expenses. One of the features of the show was three yoke of oxen, weighing 18,000 pounds, from Onondaga and Ontario counties, Mr. Rust, who exhibited one yoke, slaughtered one of the oxen, weighing 2,750 pounds, and presented a quarter to tlie socioty. Another feature, as of succeeding shows, was a plowing contest. The second fair was held September 27-29, 1842, at Albany. The society this time devoted $2,000 to premiums, which was considered a large sum. Tlie largest amount, $827, was allotted to live stock, but there was $200 for essays and for artists for portraits of animals. Governor William H. Seward was substituted for Daniel Webster, who was unable to speak as expected. This fair was considered a huge success. More than 600 domestic animals were entered. In tlie implements department there were more tluin 40 plows. The receipts, after paying expenses, were $345.74. Tlie president was now James S. Wadsworth, of CJeneseo. As a result of the 1843 fair, wliich was held in September at Rochester, the society was able to invest $3,000' in seven per cent, stock. For the first time the grounds, which now covered ten acres, were enclosed. The admission fee was 12^4 cents. It is stated of this fair that there was an unprecedented rush, canal boats and trains pouring in thousands. The attendance was 20,000. Among the many distinguished guests were Ex-President Van Buren, Governor Bouck, Ex-Governor Seward and Daniel Webster. With John P. Beekman, of Rhinebeck, as president, a fair was held at Poughkeepsie, September 18-19, 1844. At this fair, which was held in build- ings, tliere were many novel features and, as a result, the society decided to establish an agricultural museum. George Bancroft, the celebrated his- torian, was the speaker. The 1845 fair was held in Utica, with B. P. .John- son, of Oneida, as president of the society. Four exhibition buildings, 100 by 30 feet, housed the principal exhibits. The feature of the fair was tlie exliil)i- tion of the magnetic telegraph and the famous Josiah Quincy, of Massa- chusetts, was the orator. The exliibit included 683 animals. Forty thousand persons attended this fair, which left the society with $5,000. In Auburn, September 21-22, 1846, the next fair was held, with excellent success. Samuel Stevens, of Albany, was the speaker. As a result of the society's efforts farmers' clubs had begun to be established, and the society was also able to take a prominent position in movements for commercial legis- lation. At the Saratoga fair, 1847, sixteen acres were occupied. Silas Wright who had been invited to speak at this fair died just before it, but his speech was read by United States Senator John A. Dix. Among the visitors were Ex-Presidents Van Buren and Tyler, Governor Young and Ex-Governor Hill, of New Hampshire. The society this year started an agricultural survey of the state, employing Asa Fitch for the purpose. The Buflfalo exposition of the following year was said to be the greatest fair ever held on the continent. Many notable people from this and other states attended, including some of the Mexican War generals and a repre- sentative of the Governor-General, Lord Elgin, of Canada. John C. Spencer was the orator. This time sales of stock were inaugurated, amounting during the fair to $20,000. The expenses, however, were greater than tlic receipts and the society decided that tliereafter the local interests must insure a financial profit. At Buffalo there were 1,452 live stock and nearly 5,000 implement exhibits. 504 New Yokk State Fair Syra<'use entertaiiierl the 18-49 fair. Although President Taylor was unable to attend, Vice-President Fillmore, Henry Clay, Governor Fish and other pr.Mic cliaracters wxiv present. J'rofessor J. F. Johnston came from Eng- land to deliver an address on scientific farming. Amos Dean was the speaker at the 1850 fair which was held at Albany, September 3-6. Dele- gates from 22 states and several parts of British America were present, one of tlic most (listiniTuislicd visitors being Lafayette's grandson. The next year the fair was held at Rochester, where there was a record attendance esti- mated at 100,000. Two thousand and fourteen live stock and 1,000 other exhibits were shown. Governor Hunt, Lord Elgin, Ex-President Tyler and Governor Wright, of Indiana, were present. The orator of the occasion was Stephen A. Douglas, then a senator from Illinois. At the next year's fair at Utica, the society was giving $7,500 in premiums. Horatio Seymour spoke here. On account of bad weather the 1853 fair at Saratoga was not so successful and the receipts paid only the premiums. William C. Rives, of Virginia, was the orator. The society added to its work by offering prizes for experimental farming. In 1854 the experi- ment was tried of holding the fair in New York but, although the city sub- scribed $8,000 to the event, it was not a financial success. An immense crowd attended the 1855 fair at Elmira where Governor Joseph A. Wright, of Indiana, delivered an address. At this time, owing to the efforts of the society, an agricultural hall containing a museum was opened by the state at Albany, and here winter exhibits were held. One of the features of the 1856 fair at Watertown was the giving by Horace Greeley of premiums for the best farming efforts of young men under eighteen. William Jessup, of Monroe, was the orator of this fair. The exhibits showed notable improvements in farm machinery. In 1857, when the fair was held at Buffalo, experiments were being made with the steam engine for farming purposes. Tliis was a remarkable fair for, although there was a great business depression, the exhibition was successful and October 8 there was the largest crowd ever convened in the state on such an occasion. Ex- President Fillmore, Governor John A. King and Ex-Governor Washington Hunt were among the guests and the orator was the famous Edward Everett. The fair returned to Syracuse in 1858, October 4-8. All exhibits were crowded and there was a particularly excellent display of machinery. Martin Van Buren was a guest. The next year the fair went to Albany, where the exhibits reached record figures. John A. Dix spoke here. The years 1860 to 1865, inclusive, were war time. Nevertheless, the fair was successfiil, a fact which was then commented on by historians as showing the remarkable resources of the state. The fairs were held as follows: 1860, Elmira; 1861, Watertown; 1862, Rochester; 1863, Utica; 1864, Rochester; 1865, Utica. Distinguished men were infrequently at these fairs because they were occupied elsewhere. The Rochester fairs showed splendid receipts and the cereals were unusually prolific in these war-time years. At the 1862 fair Ezra Cornell, who was the president of the society, made his offer of a large sum to establish a college, which later resulted in Cornell University. At the 1865 fair. Governor Fenton, Generals Hooker, Butterfield, Patrick and Dennison and Ex-Governors King and Seymour were present. Tn 1866 the society pursued investigations abroad. The state appropriated $5,000 to make trials of implements. The fair was held that year at Saratoga, with Governor Fenton present, and the next fair was at Buffalo. The report JSTew York State Fair 505 of the society shows that tlie average yearly expense for ten years liad been $13,018.08 and the average income, $14,511.57, the average yearly premiums had been $4,572.45, and the assets had grown from .$3,771.59 to $12,910.51. The 1S68 fair held at Rochester was profitable. In connection witli the fairs, the society had evening agricultural discussions. It held similar dis- cussions at its winter meetings and collected statistics of benefit to the farmers. At Elniira the next year the attendance in one day waa estimated at 25,000. The fair in 1870 was held at Utica where a sum exceeding its assets, at this time $20,000, was received. The premiums had grown to $8,007.12. The next year, when the society went to Albany, it had several e.xperts in its employ collecting material of benefit to the farmers, to say nothing of its numerous voluntary essays and other contributions to agri- cultural science. The next few years the fair was held as follows: 1872, Elmira; 1873, Albany; 1874, Rochester; 1875, Elmira; 1876, Albany; 1877, Rochester. In 1872 a new system was adopted whereby the fair was held at certain fixed points, upon permanent grounds. By authority of the legislature, Chemung County bonded itself for $50,000 in 1872, with the provision that the fair be held there once every three years for twelve years and as often thereafter as at any other place. Of this svim, $20,500 was spent for fifty acres of land and the rest given to the society for permanent buildings, upon which $38,417.78 was spent that year. In 1873 the experiment of a seven days' fair was tried at Albany. There was a deficit at Rochester in 1874. The society had arranged with local societies in these two cities for permanent grounds. The fair was then held as follows: 1878, Elmira; 1879, Utica; 1880, Albany; 1881, Elmira; 1882, Utica; 1883, Rochester. In 1877 the legislature appropriated $10,000 to help the fair, but the governor vetoed the bill. The state, however, furnished the premiums and an annual appropriation there- after. In 1884, the fair was at Elmira; 1885, Albany; 1886, Utica. The experiment of having a seven days' fair beginning in one week and ending in another was tried successfully. In 1887 the place was Rochester; 18SS, Elmira; 1889, Albany. After long consideration, February 25, 1889, the executive committee voted to accept the oflTer of Syracuse citizens, giving the society the perpetual use of one hundred acres of land (the present site). Subsequently the society bought three and a half acres at $300 an acre and fifteen acres at $600 an acre Here the fair was held permanently for the first time in 1890. The live stock buildings were considered the most complete in the country. It was the largest exhibit ever made in the state, there being 5,096 entries in the catalog. Senator Chauncey M. DepeAv was the orator on this occasion. The total expenditures that year were $112,620.61, of which $6,966.82 was for construction, $51,865 for buildings and $10,372.38 for land and surveys. The society now had 660 annual members and 123 life members. The fair continued to he held annually in August or September under the auspices of the society, with large attendance and a huge exhibition list, numbering 8,171 entries, for instance, in 1895, until 1899, when the state took over the institution which it has since conducted through a commis- sion. This step taken because the society had encountered adversities which it could not overcome. The state had made appropriations to help the fair, but under its own control these have increased. 506 IN'ew York State Fair PKESIDE.NTS OF THE SOCIETY — STATISTICS OF THE STATE FAIRS TEAR PRESIDENT PL.\CE OF FAIB ORATOR ADMISSIONS 1 ! DISBURSE- MEN'TS 1841 Joel B. Nott Syracuse Albany 1 Rochester. . . . Poughkeepsie . Utica Auburn Saratoga Buffalo Syracuse Albany Rochester .... Utica Saratoga New York. . . . Elmira Watertown . . . Buffalo ■Syracuse Albany Elmira WatertowTi. . . Rochestei . . . Elip. Nott, D.D William H. Seward . . John P. Beekman. . . . George Bancroft .... Josiah Qaincy, Jr. . . . Samuel Stevens Silas Wright John C. Spencer James F. Johnston. . . S349 00 876 70 1,576 78 1 3,723 80 [ 4,370 18 4,333 17 4,034 22 , 6,272 80 i 8,144 55 10,065 61 11,954 25 8,115 41 ' 5,885 00 9,248 70 Not rep'd 8,010 00 15,073 89 9,259 31 18,111 33 9,042 95 7,794 40 10,817 45 11,111 78 15,487 94 11,471 76 11,226 45 22,238 43 20,740 77 16,083 37 20,309 72 29,438 24 13,958 15 30,611 84 11,008 07 14,108 64 6,013 48 11,326 82 12,023 82 11,089 74 15,812 00 13,543 27 15,540 51 13,249 16 15,824 12 24,411 99 13,532 96 14,553 89 15,258 25 19,203 81 16,626 25 27,700 66 23,816 63 34,275 52 44,117 50 54,116 14 45,168 33 67.254 98 76.156 84 20.610 25 $1,087 5 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 James S. Wadsworth . . . James S. Wadsworth. . . John P. Beekman Benj. P. Johnson John M. Sherwood Oeoree Vail 1.475 36 2.956 57 3,933 91 2,776 06 3,646 96 4,650 63 1848 7,778 06 1849 10,573 14 1850 1851 Ezra D. Prentice John Delafield 12,121 15 Stephen A. Douglas. . Horatio Seymour William C. Rives John P. Hale Joseph A. Wright. . . . William Je.s.sup Edward Everett Joseph R. WilUams. . John A. Dix Josiah Qu ncy, Jr. . . William M. Evarts. . . 12,545 28 1852 Henrv Waeer 15,072 90 1853 1854 Lewis G. Morris William Kelly 10,782 09 19,982 35 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 186'' Samuel Cheever Theodore S. Faxton. . . . Alonzo Upham William G. McCoun. . . . Abraham B. Conger. . . . Benj. N. Huntington. . . George Geddes Ezra Oornell 14,301 86 15,933 06 15,930 21 14.906 94 18,724 19 16,771 11 12,179 54 13,354 90 1863 1864 1865 1866 Edward G. Faile James O. .Sheldon Theodore C. Peters .... John S. Gould Utica Rochester .... Utica Saratoga Buffalo Rochester .... S. W. Fisher, D.D . . Lewis F. Allen Glenn W. Scofield. . . Anson S. Miller John S. Gould 14,724 26 16,268 69 15,709 23 18,305 63 1867 1868 1869 1870 Marsena R. Patrick. . . . Thomas Hall Faile Samuel Campbell Solon D. Hungerford. . . Richard Church 27,687 48 29,663 39 Elmira Utica George Buckland. . . . 21,827 66 22,133 48 1871 25,922 73 1872 Elmira 64,170 36 1873 Benjamin F. Angel Harris Lewis Alexander S. Diven. . . . Edwin Thorne Patrick Barrv . .... Albany 38,762 10 1874 Rochester. . . . 28,987 10 1875 Elmira 22,230 45 1876 Albany 15,141 97 1877 Rochester .... 18,969 74 1878 George W. Hoffman. . . . Horatio Seymour Newton M. Curtis Robert S. Swan John D. Wing Elmira 22,036 84 1879 Utica 24,293 34 1880 Albany Elmira Utica Rochester. . . . Elmira 26,259 22 1 881 22.120 58 882 25,533 70 883 George F. Mills 27,229 84 884 William M. White James W. Wadsworth . . James McCann James Geddes W. A. Wadsworth. . .. . James Wood James Wood 0. B. Potter 29,396 95 885 Albany 33,131 71 886 Utica 29.918 79 1887 Rochester. . . . 33.479 48 1888 Elmira 35.289 98 1889 Albany 28,258 34 1890 Syracuse 112,620 61 1891 20,012 75 1892 0. B. Potter Svracuse 15,728 33 1893 J B Dutcher Syracuse 33,325 92 1894 J. B. Dutcher SjTacuse 16,749 39 1895 I. P. Roberts Syracuse 20.521 70 1896 I. P. Roberts Svracuse 19.872 75 1897 Benjamin F. Tracy. . . . Benjamin F. Tracy. . . . Timothy L. Woodruff. . Syracuse 66.808 44 1898 Syracuse 73.105 76 1899 Syracuse 66,725 SO During the time it has been located at Syracuse, the fair has <;rown yearly in size, importance and amount of money involved. A half-mile race track has grown to a mile track with Grand Cdrcuit meetings; there are magnificent grand stands, numerous new buildings and constantly increasing exhibits. For several years the commission had felt that the success of the fair would justify the construction of permanent brick and. concrete buildings, laid out in accord with a definite, harmonious plan, with landscape features. New York State Fair 507 Lieutenant-Governor Bruce and later Lieutenant-Governor Chanler were earnestly in favor of the adoption of such a phm. When, to meet the needs of the fair, it became necessary to build a new and larger Liberal Arts Building, it was generally felt that only after such a general plan had been adopted should the state be asked to spend a large sum in this way. Governor Hughes, who, like his predecessors since Governor Flower's day, was a guest at the fair, felt this so strongly that he vetoed the appropria- tion for this much needed building in 1907 and asked the special session of the legislature of that year to make an appropriation for a commission to call for plans in competition. An appropriation of $10,000 was made, of which $6,000 was turned back into the state treasury; a competition was held and the plans of Green & Wicks, architects of Buffalo, were accepted, and later received the approval of the legislature. The legislature at its next session made an appropriation of $22o,000 for the new Liberal Arts Building, the first to be constructed in accordance with this general plan, and this building was dedicated at the fair of 1908', a great one-story structure with two wings, 160 by 500 feet, having 90,000 square feet of floor space, constructed wholly of steel, brack and concrete and of a design which will make it fit in harmoniously with the other buildings. This build- ing was dedicated by Governor Hughes during the fair. The commission erected in 1909 race horse stables, State Institutions, Grange and Dairy buildings at a cost of $210,000, under chapter 160, Laws of 1909. The total cost of the new state fair, to be constructed in ac- cordance with this plan, as shown in the diagram facing page 506, is $1,- 800,000. This will provide for improvements and these principal buildings: Administration Building, 5,000 square feet, $40,000; Manufactures Build- ing, 90,000 square feet, $225,000; live stock pavilion, 184,000 square feet, $180,000; show horse pavilions, 75,000 square feet, $150,000; race horse pavilions, 75,000 square feet, $75,000; covered judging ring, 63,000 square feet, $157,000; Dairy Building, 24,000 square feet, $61,000; Horticultural Building, 62,000 square feet, $156,000; Poultry Building, 20,000 square feet, $24,000; Art Building, 10,000 square feet, $34,000; Woman's Building, 10,000 square feet, $34,000; State Grange Building, 9,000 square feet, $25,000; restaurant, 10,000 square feet, $40,000; model farm barn, 5,000 square feet, $10,000; open air theater with peristyle, 20,000 square feet, $41,600; sani- tary buildings, $10,000; Police Building, 4,000 square feet, $10,000; railroad stations, $25,000; State Institutions Building, 21,000 square feet, $64,000; Domestic Arts Building, 21,000 square feet, $64,000; band stands, 10,000 square feet, $12,000; main entrance, $"25,000; fountains, pools, canals, etc., $25,000; grounds, grading and planting, $125,000; roads and walks, $50,000. Under an act of 1908 the fair is now controlled by la commission composed of seven members, five of whom are appointed by the governor for three years, the lieutenant-governor and commissioner of agriculture being members e.K- olRcio. The members of the commission are: Lieutenant-Governor Horace WTiite, Commissioner of Agriculture Raymond A. Pearson, Charles A. Wieting, Ira Sharp, Abraham E. Perren, DeForest Settle and William Pitkin. Stanton C. Shaver is secretarv and Albert E. Brown treasurer. 608 'Nbw York State Fair # P5 < n m « M o o «: cs tc _ id c^ IC 0 c 0> c^ ■^ CO .-. 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CTt tC h- wi CO CO «:> c^ CO 00 <=:> CO M ^ ^ o M C 1-H ■* C4 C^l o o 00 C5 m CO (M o oo ^' -T ^ t-^ o ^ *—■ o: 1- ■« CO o _^ ■* lO QO O »o S2 o «o o to Tf oo CO os CO iC C") -* t- CO CO c« »« 00 C5 to IM *-t CI ■^ ^ (m" (O r^ r- CI -f< iC iC »o 1 CO :o »o U5 Oi CO «5 CO o CO CO rr t>- o CM u^ r}< IC o 00 CO Oi CO o »o CO " Cl ci OS o CT) lO (N § o cr CO ^ CO t* CO 00 io lO oo C?> lO Cs CO us CO c^ CO IM WH *-( ^H c-l r* C3 CO S ^ ■^ CI o —1 ^' c^ - 00 o lO •^ Oi oc oc o t-- o oc CO CO »o OS 00 CI t- OS CO t^ trs CO "^ cs C^ o T-H 1— ( CI Oi •—1 (m" ^* ■^ oo o o oo CO oo o ■<*♦ o lO o eq c CO CB CO o « c^ Ci >Q CI c< CO lO (M LO r^ cs « CO C-1 OS s ro oc o M CI CI ^ 00 o ■^ OS CO t^ (M »-l 52 OS M cs C-1 CO CO c CO ^ cc »-« -* CI to ■♦ o: o t^ OO aO ■^ c>l CS CI t-H e^ r- c o lO ■^ CI a- »C '* o »« CO o: ^ CO »c t-- c »^ c CO c^ Ci CI C£l -^ CD CO CJ «- CJ CI CO CO o r^ o '^ OS 2 00 *c C4 CI oo o 1 c- o KC uo 1^ ic c^ I-- , CO CO ^ CO CI lO 00 o W5 -- OS c» oc ^ o t^ cr o to ■^ CO >Q ■^ i^ r- C5 CC CO t^ 00 t^ in CI \1^ crs Ji. I a c -J 2 1 a CO > c c 1 > I 2 ft er c 'a J . 1 a 1 PQ -g 3 > a I ■5 1 i ' 1 ^ 1 1 o "3 ) c < s X " ff P Q c c tc V. p tH n 00 H H M o o CO 510 New York State Fair NEW YORK STATE FAIR COMMISSION 1900 Chaps. 346. 419, Laws of 1900 *Lieut.-Gov. Timothy L. Woodruff, President *Com. of Agriculture Charles A. Wieting, Vice-President ADMISSIONS f'rank D. Ward, Batavia CJeorge A. Smith, Frankfort James II. Durkee, Sandy Hill Elliot B. Norris, Sodus George I S. C. Shaver, Secretary Commissioners Samuel D. Willard, Geneva C. H. Halcomb, Syracuse Harry Hamlin, Buffalo Frederick C. Stevens, Attica Wilber, Oneonta A. E. Brown, Treasurer ENTRY FEES, RENTALS, ETC. $27,661 00 S23,043 67 1901 Chap. 356, Laws of 1901 *Lieut.-Gov. Timothy L. Woodruff, President *Com. of Agriculture Charles A. Wieting, Vice-President Commissioners Elliot B. Norris, Sodus C. H. Halcomb, Syracuse George I. Wilber, Oneonta George A. Smith, Frankfort Samuel D. Willard, Geneva Milo H. Olin, Perry Frederick C. Stevens, Attica James H. Durkee, Sandy Hill A. Denniston, Washingtonville S. C. Shaver, Secretary A. E. Brown, Treasurer 1902 Chap. 430, Laws of 1902 ♦Lieut. -Gov. Timothy L. Woodruff, President *Com. of Agriculture Charles A. Wieting, Vice-President Commissioners Abraham E. Perren, Buffalo James H. Durkee, Sandy Hill A. Denniston, Washingtonville Elliot B. Norris, Sodus DeForest Settle, Syracuse George I. Wilber, Oneonta George A. Smith, Frankfort Samuel D. Willard, Geneva Milo H. Olin, Perry S. C. Shaver, Secretarj' A. E. Brown, Treasurer 1903 Chap. 593, Laws of 1903 *Lieut.-Gov. Frank W. Higgins, President *Com. of Agriculture Charles A. Wieting, Vice-President $18,394 00 tS50,010 45 $33,102 75 $33,614 21 George A. Smith, Frankfort Milo H. Olin, Perry James H. Durkee, Sandy Hill Elliot B. Norris, Sodus George I. S. C. Shaver, Secretary Commissioners Samuel D. Willard, Geneva DeForest Settle, Syracuse A. Denniston, Washingtonville A. E. Perren, Buffalo Wilber, Oneonta A. E. Brown, Treasurer $42,839 00 $27 905 70 1904 Chap. 638. Laws of 1904 *Lieut.-Gov. Frank W. Higgins, President *Com. of Agriculture Charles A. Wieting, Vice-President Commissioners Elliot B. Norris, Sodus A. E. Perren, Buffalo Oeorge I. Wilber, Oneonta George A. Smith, Frankfort Samuel D. Willard, Geneva Milo H. Olin, Perry DeForest Settle, Syracuse James H. Durkee, Sandy Hill A. Denniston, Washingtonville S. C. Shaver, Secretary A. E. Brown, Treasurer 1905 Chap. 720, Laws of 1905 *Lieut.-Gov. M. Linn Bruce, President ♦Com. of Agriculture Charles A. Wieting, Vice-President Commissioners $34,244 88 DeForest Settle, Syracuse A. Denniston, Washingtonville A. E. Perren, Buffalo George A. Smith, Frankfort Milo H S. C. Shaver, Secretary James H. Durkee, Sandy Hill Ira Sharp, Lowville George I. Wilber, Oneonta Samuel D. Willard, Geneva Olin, Perry A. E. Brown, Treasurer $44,579 25 $26,548 99 $50,515 83 * Members ex-oflficio. t This includes loan of $25,000 00. New York State Fair 511 REAL ESTATE AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS MAINTENANCE, SALARIES, ADVERTISING, REPAIRS AND EXPENSES OP DEPARTMENTS PREMIUMS PAID SURPLUS PAID STATE TREASURER Grounds, buildings and debts of N. Y. State Agricultural Society. . . $71 , 307 47 Other improvements. .. . 41,562 00 $40,505 72 $23,363 04 Grand stand $27, 256 00 $95,300 16 $27,544 90 Live stock, carriage and cooling out buildings. . 29,813 30 Club house 6 , 979 1 1 $69,767 03 $25,112 90 Water system $14 , 890 00 Toilets 4 , 000 00 Greenhouse 1 , 500 00 Barn 1 , 000 00 Horses and wagons . : . . . 1 , 000 00 $91,550 52 $29,571 93 $10,005 30 Poultrj' coops $3, 500 GO Fifty horse stables 5,000 00 Roofing grand stand 2 , 500 00 Painting 4,000 00 $79,446 18 $30,925 42 Cattle building 2,000 00 Electric hght 1 , 500 00 S9,260 93 Sewers $500 00 Docks 1,000 00 Dining hall 3 , 500 00 $101,218 34 $30,145 32 Fence 500 00 Horse stables 2,000 00 Fire dept. building 1 , 200 00 $28,357 8( 512 New Yokk State Fair NEW YORK STATE FAIR COMMISSION 190G Chap. 82, Laws of 190C *Lieut.-Gov. M. Linn Bruce, President ♦Com. of Agriculture Charles A. Wieting, Vice-Pre.sident Commissioners George A. Smith, Frankfort Samuel D. Willard, Geneva Milo H. Olin, Perry DeForest Settle, Syracuse James H. Durkee, Sandy Hill Clarence H. Mackay, Roslyn Ira Sharp, Lowville A. E. Perren, Buffalo George I. Wilber, Oneonta S. C. Shaver, Secretary A. E. Brown, Treasurer 1907 Chap. 797, Laws of 1907 *Lieut.-Gov. Lewis S. Chanler, President *Com. of Agriculture Charles A. Wieting, ^'ice-P^esident Commissioners Ira Sharp, Lowville A. E. Perren, Buffalo George I. Wilber, Oneonta George A. Smith, Frankfort Samuel D. Willard, Geneva Nathan S. Beardslee, Warsaw DeForest Settle, Syracuse James H. Durkee, Sandy Hill James M. Graeff, Westport S. C. Shaver, Secretary A. E. Brown, Treasurer 1908 Chaps. 18, 31, 465, 460, Laws of 1908 *Lieut.-Gov. Lewis S. Chanler, President Charles A. Wieting, Vice-President Commissioners *Com. of .Agriculture R. A. Pearson, .\lbany A. E. Perren, Buffalo DeForest Settle, Syracuse Ira Sharp, Lowville William Pitkin, Rochester S. C. Shaver, Secretary A. E. Brown, Treasurer 1909 Chaps. 106, 143, 432, 433, Laws of 1909 *Lieut.-Gov. Horace White, President . DeForest Settle, Vice-President Commissioners *Com. of Agriculture R. A. Pearson, Albany Charles A. Wieting, Cobleskill A. E. Perren, BufTalo Ira Sharp, Lowville Wm. Pitkin, Rochester S. C. Shaver, Secretary A. E. Brown, Treasurer 1910 Chaps. 178, 366, 512, 513, Laws of 1910 *Lieut.-Gov. Horace White, President DeForest Settle, Vice-President Commissioners *Com. of .\griculture R. A. Pearson, Albany Charles A. Wieting, Cobleskill A. E. Perren, Buffalo Ira Sharp, Lowville W'm. Pitkin, Rochester S. C. Shaver, Secretary A. E. Brown, Treasurer ADMISSIONS ENTRY FEES, KENTALS, ETC. $52,531 75 $38,643 39 $46,748 50 $34,000 33 $57,201 75 $41,795 93 $68,654 75 $37,129 06 $105,431 35 $42,776 14 * Mem'iers ex-jffieio. New York State Fair 513 REAL ESTATE AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS MAINTEXANCE, ' SALARIES, ADVERTISING, REPAIRS AND EXPENSES OF DEPARTMENTS PREMIUMS PAID SURPLUS PAID STATE TREASURER Toilet building $5,000 00 $73,492 40 831,. 574 49 New grand stand . 51 , 000 00 Purchase of twenty-six acres of land 20,000 00 $34,273 93 Repairs, stables S2, 500 00 Repairs, Dairv Building . 1 , 000 00 Repairs, Police Building.. 1,500 00 Grand stand toilets 1 ,000 00 Painting 5.000 00 $115,453 56 $34,132 05 $20,007 73 Manufactures and Lib- eral Arts Building.... 8220,000 00 Fencing 2,500 00 8114,670 14 $36,809 47 $25,860 81 State Institutions, Dairy and Grange buildings and horse stables $278,000 00 Sewers 10,000 00 Docks and retaining walls 13,000 00 Survey 1,650 00 Water mains 1 , 650 00 $90,151 29 1 $39,291 96 Electric lighting 1,250 00 Grading 14,450 00 $41,501 55 $47,890 OV 1 $153,963 61 $40,862 69 $70,759 49 17 FINANCIAL STATEMENT BECAPITULATION OF BECEIPTS AND DISBUBSEMENTS AND OF APPBOPEIATIONS MADE BY THE LEGISLATURE Receipts Disbursements Balances Receipts and expenditures outside of state appropriations $148,207 49 $77,448 00 •$70,759 49 Salaries of commission and balance, Janu- arj' 1, 1910 28,750 00 15,624 99 13,125 01 Expenses of commission and balance, Janu- ary 1, 1910 9,481 86 2,526 03 6,955 83 Special appropriation — A. E. Perren 1,875 00 1,875 00 Salaries of officers and balance, January 1, 1910 22,025 05 15,500 07 6,524 98 Insurance and balance, January 1, 1910.. 4,210 17 3,591 7.3 CIS 44 Fences 2,500 00 2,500 00 Balance appropriation, State Inst. Building 23,996 95 22,160 2.3 1,836 70 Balance appropriation, trunk sewers 1,628 00 1,628 00 Balance appropriation, docks 5,814 04 2,837 64 2,976 40 Balance appropriation, survey lines 348 99 75 00 273 99 Balance appropriation, electric lighting. . . 28 42 28 42 Balance appropriation, water mains 42 12 42 12 Balance appropriation, highway retaining wall 1,047 05 985 28 61 77 Appropriation, maintenance and balance, January 1, 1910 23,683 46 22,645 53 1 ,037 93 Appropriation, grading 20,000 00 17,490 61 2,^09 39 Appropriation, printing and advertising and balance, January 1, 1910 12,341 76 11,816 15 .".25 61 Appropriation, state exhibits 4,000 00 2,936 11 1,063 89' Appropriation, premiums and balance, Janu- ary 1, 1910 42,708 04 40,862 69 1,845 35 Appropriation, greenhouse 3,000 00 142 75 2,857 25 $855,688 40 $242,716 37 $112,972 03 RECEIPTS AND DISBUBSEMENTS OTHER THAN STATE APPROPRIATIONS SUM.MAr.T OP RECEIPTS Railroad admissions $64,931 60 Cash gate admissions 21,232 25 Grand stand admissions and reserved seats 16,716 00 Private boxes 2,551 50 Entry fees In race department 11,284 00 Suspensions from National Trotting Association 413 50 Special prizes to horse show department 500 00 Entry fees, horse show department 2,656 49 Special prizes to cattle department 395 69 Entry fees, cattle department 1,138 00 Entry fees, sheep department 259 50 Entry fees, swine department 152 00 Entry fees, poultry department 1,826 10 Entry fees, domestic department 347 55 Entry fees, machinery department 394 00 Entry fees, fruit department 253 45 Entry fees, flower department 130 08 * Balance of fair receipts of 1910 as shown, turned over to the state of New York Dfci'mber 30, 1910. 'Ihe other balances shown are In approprlattions. [514] New York State Fair 515 Rntry fees, farm produce $2-IG CO Entry fees, dairy department 479 28 Space rental, Dairy Bldg ()7;j 39 Space rental, M. & L. A. H'.dg 4,407 20 Cartage, transportation department 768 50 Sale of concessions 9,051 80 Receipts from midway 2,557 47 Airship tent receipts 758 97 Advertisements in prize lists 673 00 Rent from houses, grounds and stables 1,145 83 Sale of horses 675 00 Sale of old iron, etc 17 50 Police fines 8 75 Entry fees, horse department A 892 00 Special p.ri/.o. horse department A 100 00 Post-Standard Co 60 00 Miscellaneous Ill 73 Total Interest from banks ITEMIZED January 20 Wm. Blickley, house rent. January 26 J. G. Fell, horse show entry fee A. Ferari, fruits and nuts privilege F. P. Nevin, privilege (pens) February 5 Fred Klein, house rent. . . . February 17 Wm. Blickley, house rent. February 18 C. M. Gibbs, advertising in 1909 prize list February 22 A. Ferari, privilege February 23 Syracuse Ice Cream Co., ice cream privilege February 25 Barry & Flynn, frankfurter privilege Edward Bloomer, pop corn privilege Harry Ayllng, soft drinks privilege H. P. Murphy, score card privilege A. Pistelli, baloon privi- lege March 12 Wm. Blickley, house rent. C Frederick, tintype privilege $147,810 88 396 61 - $148,207 49 STVTnMENT OF RECEIPTS March 14 $8 33 Cicero Methodist Church lunch privilege $62 50 April 1 126 00 Fred Klein, house rent. . . . April 7 5 00 175 00 Wm. Blickley, house rent. 8 33 Seth Fancher, house rent. 3 00 50 00 Fred Klein, house rent. . . . April 13 5 00 5 00 Seth Fancher, house rent. 3 00 Fred Klein, house rent. . . . 5 00 8 33 April 22 Seth Fancher, house rent. 3 00 Fred Klein, house rent. . . . 5 00 15 00 Cecil Frederick, tintype privilege 25 00 100 00 April 23 Jacob Myers, ivory privi- lege 12 50 400 00 April 28 Seth Fancher, house rent. 3 00 Fred Klein, house rent. . . . 3 00 668 50 May 3 Mrs. Fannie McClure, lunch 201 00 privilege May 7 50 00 960 00 Seth Fancher, house rent. 3 00 Fred Klein, house rent. . . . 5 00 450 50 Wm. Blickley, house rent. May 9 8 33 25 00 Randall Grape Juice Co., grape juice privilege. . . . 60 00 8 33 May 10 Charles McDermott, race 25 ao entry fees 115 00 516 New Yobk State Fair ITEMIZED May 10 M. Murphy, race entry fees Richard Baird, race entry fees D. Lockhart, race entry fees A. B. Commlngs, race entry fees J. M. Winder, race entry fees William Ilodson, race entry fees Woody Hill Stock Farm, race entry fees David Shaw, race entry foes Geo. H. Smith, race entry fees G. H. Estabrook, race entry fees Charles Opdyke, race entry fees E. T. Hall, race entry fees H. M. Jones, race entry fees J. M. Simpson, race entry fees A. B. Cox, race entry fees W. R. Huttenlock, race entry fees H. K. Rowland, race entry fees George C. Eno, race entry fees D. J. Crimmius, race entry fees W. A. Blodgett, race entry fees Arden Farms, race entry fees W. H. Gifford, race entry fees E. & J. Madden, race entry fees A. C. Pennock, race entry fees J. M. Cavanaugh, race entry foes C. C. Hendrickson, race entry fees Leamy & Clynes, race entry fees T. W. Kinser, race entry fees Edward Wren, race entry fees W. W. Hixson, race entry fees Bascom Parker, race entry fees STATEMENT OF $10 00 25 00 25 00 90 00 15 00 15 00 105 00 75 00 25 00 SO 00 25 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 65 00 15 00 15 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 RDCBIPTS — Continued J. J. Shaw, race entry fees W. A. Mathews, race entry fees A. B. Scott, race entry fees W. O. Southwick, race entry fees C. W. Laselle. race entry fees May 11 Jordan Baptist Church, lunch privilege Seth Fancher, house rent. Fred Klein, house rent. . . . May 14 Thomas S. Morton, race entry fees May 18 Seth Fancher, house rent. Fred Klein, house rent. . . . Cicero Reformed Church, lunch privilege May 21 George Alexander, novelty privilege May 25 Seth Fancher, house rent. C. F. Hunt, rent of grounds for cattle sale Sale of pair of horses May 31 Charles Opdyke, race entry fees W. O. Southwick, race entry fees J. M. Winder, race entry fees A. B. Commings, race entry fees Edward Wren, race entry fees E. & J. Madden, race enti-y fees June 1 J. M. Cavanaugh, race entry fees Seth Fancher, house rent. Fred Klein, house rent. . . . June 2 n. K. Rowland, race entry fees Geo. E. Eno, race entry fees Win. Hodson, race entry fees W. R. Huttenlock, race entry fees W. H. Gifford, race entry fees $50 00 50 00 100 00 50 00 100 00 G2 50 3 00 5 00 25 00 3 00 5 00 62 50 15 00 3 00 150 00 325 00 50 00 100 00 20 00 170 00 100 00 20 00 100 00 3 00 5 00 10 00 10 00 20 00 10 00 120 00 New York State Fair 517 ITBMIZED STATEMENT OF HECEIPTS Continued June 2 W. A. l?lo(igctt, race entry fees June 4 Geo. H. Smith, race entry fees M. Murphy, race entry fees T. W. Kinser, race entry fees J. M. Simpson, race entry fees June 6 South Presbyterian church, lunch privilege D. Lockhart, race entry fees June 7 C. W. Laselle, race entry fees George H. Estabrook, race entry fees June 9 Central Business School, rental M. & L. A. Bldg. . DuPont Powder Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg Seth Fancher, house rent. Fred Klein, house rent. . . . Wm. Blickley, house rent. A. B. Cox, race entry fee. June 13 1900 Washer Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg Mrs. Brilbreck, lunch privi- lege June 17 A. B. Scott, for payment on protested check S. Rosenbloom & Son, rental M. & L. A. Bldg. Carton-Cooper Seed Co., rontal M. & L. A. Bldg. Seth Fancher, house rent . June 18 Bacon, Chappell Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg Ayrshire Club, rent of grounds June 21 Mrs. Goodrich, novelty privilege Seth Fancher, house rent. Charles Opdyke, race entry fees Reckitfs Blue, rental M. & L. A. Bldg Breeder's Consignment Co., rent of grounds $10 00 50 00 10 00 100 00 10 00 62 50 50 00 200 00 160 00 14 40 51 20 3 00 2 00 8 33 10 00 24 00 62 50 100 00 121 10 25 00 3 00 69 90 100 00 20 00 3 00 75 00 19 20 100 00 June 24 Woman's Aux. Hospital of Good Shepherd, lunch privilege $62 50 June 29 Thomas S. Morton, race entry fees 50 00 J M. Winder, race entry fees 25 00 Fred Klein, house rent. ... 8 33 Seth Fancher, house rent. . 3 00 July 5 C. L. Gruman, pair horses, sold 225 00 Seth Fancher, house rent . . 5 00 July 6 Moller & Schuman Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg. 33 60 Larkin & Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg 102 40 Allendale Stock Farm, race entry fee 15 00 Geo. H. Estabrook, race entry fee 240 00 C. W. Laselle, race entry fee 300 00 W. H. Gifford, race entry fee 175 00 W. Hodson, race entry fee. 25 00 J. M. Cavanaugh, race entry fee 150 00 W. A. Blodgett, race entry •fee 15 00 H. K. Rowland, race entry fee 15 00 George C. Eno, race entry fee 15 00 H. M. Jones, race entry fee 10 00 George H. Smith. race entry fee 75 00 T. W. Kinser, race entry fee 150 00 D. Lockhart, race entry fee 75 00 C. L. Gruman, bay horse sold 125 00 July 7 National Trotting Assn., suspension 137 50 University Avenue ^I. E. Church, lunch privilege. 62 50 Cooperative Foundry Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg. 76 80 July 11 Southern Railway, rental M. & L. A. Bldg 24 00 Singer Sewing Machine Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg. 64 00 New York Anti-Vivisection Co., privilege 25 00 518 !N'ew Toek State Fair ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS — Continued July 11 Edward Wren, race entry fee George H. Greenfield, entry fee S. W. Wood & Son, entry fee Domestic Engine & Tump Co., entry fee Humane Horse Collar Co., entry fee Durham Peck Mfg. Co., entry fee Warsaw Wilkinson Co., en- try fee Austin Western Co., entry fee Dain Mfg. Co., entry fee. . The Christensen Engine Co., entry fee Birdsall Engine Co., entry fee W. D. Dunning, entry fee. . F. H. Ebeling, entry fee. . . Bateman Mfg. Co., entry fee J. A. & W. Bird Co., entry fee Cyphers Incubator Co., en- try fee Rawling Imp. Co., entry fee Champion Potato Machine Co., entry fee Intel-national Harvester Co., entry fee International Harvester Co., Osborn Div., entry fee. Drew Elevated Carrier Co., entry fee Atlas Portland Cement Co., entry fee Buffalo Pitts Co., entry fee American Seeding Machine Co., entry fee Studfbaker Bros. Mfg. Co., entry fee The E. W. Ross Co., entry fee The Newark Wagon Co., entry fee Michigan Steel Boat Co.. entry fee Cement Tile Machine Co., entry fee G. J. Emery Co., entry fee The Coe-Mortimer Co., entry fee $150 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 July 12 J P. Ilier, stall rent. . . . J. M. Simpson, race en- tries July 13 J. H. Knoll, entry fee. . . . Chase Motor Truck Co., entry fee Wonder Mfg. Co., entry fee T. F. Rutherford, dairy entry fee Morris J. Beswick, dairy entry fee John McGraw, dairy entry fee M. L. Speer, dairy entry fee S. H. Northrop, dairy entry fee July 14 James Cahill, stall rent. . . William Cahill, stall rent. William Blickley, house rent Seth Fancher, house rent. Syracuse Heater Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg July 15 L. A. Witherill, rental M. & L. A. Bldg Keystone Mfg. Co., entry fee Fred E. Hyde, race entry fee Bingham Harness Co., en- try fee A. B. Olmstead, machinery fee July 16 Woody Hill Farm, stall rent Nuggett Polish Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg Fuller & Warren Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg Sprout Waldron Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg The Keeley Stove Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg. July 18 Sandwich Mfg. Co., ma- chinery fee Waterloo Gas Engine Co., machinery fee Ernest I. White, stall rent. 12 00 15 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 50 50 3 50 3 50 8 34 5 00 21 60 69 90 2 00 5 00 2 00 •■> 00 12 50 48 00 67 20 41 60 52 80 2 00 2 00 0 75 New York State Fai R 519 ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS Continued July 19 Muunsville i'low Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg Pierce, Butler & Pierce, renUl M. & L. A. Bldg. Fisher Bros., dairy entry fee G. Van B. Roberts, entry fee July 21 Cayuga Motor Boat Co., machinery fee Everts Mfg. Co., machinery fee The Fairbanks Co., ma- chinery fee Columbia Wagon Co., ma- chinery fee J. I. Case Threshing Ma- chine Co., machinery fee G. C. Fuller, dairy entry fee E. D. Thompson, dairy en- try fee John Cooper, dairy entry fee E. B. Adams, dairy entry fee E. B. Adams, dairy entry fee Oliver Chilled Plow Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg. Eagle Wagon Works, ma- chinery fee Climax Road Roller Co., machinery fee Monarch Steam Roller Co, machinery fee July 22 Morris Sprayer & Co., ma- chinery fee James A. Wright, dairy fee Wm. J. Green, dairy fee. . C. H. Dawley, dairy fee.. Edward Haines, stall rent. July 23 C. H. Canfleld, machinery fee Walter A. Wood M. & R. M. Co., machinery fee Deyo-Macey Engine Co., machinery fee Charles H. Childs & Co., machinery fee Adriance & Piatt Co., ma- chinery fee Papec Machine Co., ma- chinery fee $64 00 48 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 50 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 50 128 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 7 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 If. A. Gllmore, dairy fee. John L. Knlps, dairy fee. . Oscar Knlps, dairy fee. . . . Ralph Finney, postal card privilege Valley Presbyterian Church, lunch privilege July 25 Elmlra Storage & Supply Co., machinery fee The Dunham Co., machin- ery fee H. E. Boshart, dairy fee. . Frank Middlcmiiler, dairy fee R. M. Mills, dairy fee. . . . Charles Besha, dairy fee.. Oral Searl, dairy fee George W. Alger, dairy fee John Yonsey, dairy fee . . . H. S. Kna-pp, dairy fee... Thomas H. Dewan, dairy fee James H. Searl, dairy fee. Gary Bradish, dairy fee. . Fred M. Burns, dairy fee. Rathbone, Sard & Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg. Horace White, stall rent. . John Alyward, stall rent. . Seth Fancher, house rent.. July 26 C. Lester Merry, dairy fee. Dalp Shall, dairy fee. . . B. K. Brown & Son, daii-y fee A. Delos Klbbe, dairy fee. . C. J. Williams, dairy fee. . Andrew Kirk, dairy f ee . . . J. N. Goodman, dairy fee. A. D. Frawley, dairy fee . . Leon C. Todd, dairy fee . . Mindon Woodward, dairy fee D. E. Gllson, dairy fee W. J. Townsend, dairy fee. Stanley A. Beach, dairy fee. C. A. Hazelton, dairy fee. M. C. Johnson, dairy fee . . George H. Charter, dairy fee The Johnston Harvester Co., machinery fee Ideal Carriage Washer & A. W. Co., machinery fee $0 50 1 00 1 00 25 00 G2 50 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 o 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 9.3 CO 19 00 11 25 5 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 50 50 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 520 !N'ew York State Fair ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF EECEiPTS — Continued July 26 Everett Mfg. Co., machin- ery fee Collett Mfg. Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg Kemp & Burpee, rental M. & L. A. Bldg N. Y. Telephone Co., rental M. & A. L. Bldg L. J. Palmeri, novelty privilege Champion Wagon Co., ma- chinery fee D. D. Eilenberger, rental M. & L. A. Bldg George W. Fortune, candy privilege July 27 The Hall Mammoth Inc. Co., machinery fee Standard Typewriter Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg. Summit Foundry Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg. Kelsey Furnace Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg Seth Fancher, house rent. July 28 The Heffron Co., rental M. & L A. Bldg Field Force Pump Co., ma- chinery fee July 29 Evansward Farm, poultry fee W. S. Martin, dairy fee. . . American Seeding Machine Co., machinery fee The Philip Cary Co., ma- chinery fee Wasson Stanchion Co., dairy rental J. B. Colt Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg H. A. Bennett, leather goods privilege W. C. McLean, rental M. & L. A. Bldg Central Shoe & Rubber Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg. A. J. Rider, advertisement in prize list July 30 G. H. Grimm, rental M. &. L. A. Bldg D. S. Brown Co., machin- ery fee American Seeding Machine Co., machinery fee $2 00 28 80 288 00 147 20 60 00 2 00 28 80 50 00 2 00 14 40 38 40 24 00 5 00 64 00 2 00 16 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 12 00 19 20 46 00 23 00 64 00 15 00 15 60 2 00 2 00 August 1 Kemp & Burpee, advertise- ment in prize list Akron Cultivator Co., ma- chinery fee Quinlan & Snow, rental iM. & L. A. Bldg Ohio Varnish Co, rental M. & L. A. Bldg. ....... Stoughton Wagon Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg. A. K. Carter, rental M. & L. A. Bldg The Children's Shop, rental M. & L. A. Bldg Newman Bros., rental M. & L. A. Bldg The Collins Paint Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg. The Collins Paint Co., ad- vertisement in prize list. The Henchy Dromgold Co., machinery fee ■F. M. Brown, rental M. & L. A. Bldg ^V. C. T. U., ground rent. Barry & Flynn, frankfurter privilege August 2 Dakin Business School, rental M. & L. A. Bldg. D. Palmeri, rental M. & L. A. Bldg A. R. Gillis, advertisement in prize list United States Gypsum Co., machinery fee Ontario Drill Co., machin- ery fee Solvay Process Co. Sewing School, domestic fee... A. C. Guernsey, poultry fee Syracuse Rendering Co., advertisement in prize list William Dixon, dairy fee. . Mai-y Elizabeth, rental M. & L. A. Bldg Huber Mfg. Co., machinery fee Valley Presbyterian Church, lunch privilege Genesee Valley Mfg. Co., machinery fee August 3 Jane M. Bartels, advertise- ment in prize list J. M. Dodds, dairy fee... $30 00 2 00 72 00 20 40 31 20 16 80 51 20 80 00 64 00 5 00 2 00 24 00 10 00 550 00 14 40 28 80 5 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 50 8 00 1 00 48 00 O 00 62 50 O 00 5 00 1 00 New York State Fair 521 ITEMIZED suvTEMENT OP RECEIPTS — Continued August 3 Wiard now Co., machinery foe $2 00 John M. rcrry, swine fee. 6 00 H. F. Grover, rental M. & L. A. Bids 32 00 Stewart Vehicle Co., rental M. & r.. A. Kldg 102 40 George M. White, cattle fee. 14 00 Thomas Faulder, poultry fee 2 00 R. L. King, Jr., machinery fee C. P. DcWitt. dairy fee. . . Manson Campbell Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg Trust & Deposit Co., adver- tisement in prize list. . August 4 Claude Sanders, poultry fee W. W. Babcock Co., ma- chinery fee Heart's Delight Farm, swine fee Seth rancher, house rent. Fred Klein, house rent. . . Heart's Delight Farm, sheep fee Wright Bros., machinery fee Durant Dort Carriage Co., machinery fee Heart's Delight Farm, farm horse fee Frick & Co., machinery fee. G. Clay Cox, rental M. & L. A. Bldg Winchester Hotel, adver- tisement in prize list. . . . Augusit 0 N. Peters & Co., ground rental F. D. Adams & Son, cattle fee J. H. & L. A. Godard, rental M. & L. A. Bldg. A. E. Dunbar, rental M. & L. A. Bldg G«orge D. Pohl Mfg. Co., machinery fee ■Van Slyke & Co., machin- ery foe Dodge & Zuill, rental M. & & L. A. Bldg August G Barry & Flynn, frankfurter privilege John P. Hier, stall rent.. J. Stanley Moore, adver- tisement in prize list... 30 00 2 00 50 51 20 15 00 1 50 2 00 25 00 5 00 8 33 9 50 2 00 2 00 78 00 2 00 51 20 8 00 10 00 16 00 43 20 10 00 2 00 2 00 25 00 75 00 6 00 Phillips & Clark Stove Co., ground rental German Kali Works, ground rental Dr. H. W. SUerritt & Son, poultry fee A. E. Robst, poultry fee. . . Sheffield Farms-Slawson Decker Co., farm horse fee A. R. Gillis, farm horse fee Stephen T. Windsor, dairy fee M. D. Heath, dairy fee... C. I. Hudson, cattle fee. . Charles L. Moore, cattle fee O'Connor & Wittner, adver- tisement in prize list. . . W. J. Shibley, rental M. & L. A. Bldg Clark Music Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg Garrett & Snell, dairy fee. J. M. Bartlett, dairy fee. . E. J. Buckley, dairy fee. . F. J. Carmomtry. dairy fee. August 8 Charles T. Klem, poultry fee Safety Valve Fruit Jar Co., advertisement in prize list American Seeding Machine Co., ground rental S. L. Allen & Co., machin- ery fee O. J. Childs, rental M. & L. A. Bldg C. Morris, rental M. & L. A. Bldg Frank Palmeri, rental M. & L. A. Bldg M. B. Fellows & Co., dairy fee William McKerrow, dairy fee Rolx-rt H. Wood, dairy fee David Gordon, dairy fee.. Samuel Gordon, dairy fee. Albert Jones, dairy fee. . . . A. D. Ames, dairy fee. . . . Truman Belden, dairy fee. W. O. Robertson, dairy fee, Norman Smith, dairy fee. . Geo. Hagadom, dairy fee. Palmer C. Mills, dairy fee. C. A. Phillips, poultry fee. $10 00 10 00 8 00 9 00 28 00 60 00 2 00 50 35 00 2 00 15 00 41 60 64 00 1 00 50 50 50 5 00 30 00 10 00 2 00 14 40 43 20 57 60 1 50 1 00 2 00 2 50 1 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 2 50 522 x^EW York State Fair ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS Continued August 8 Burt Giddings, machinery fee A. H. Crawford, rental M. & L. A. Bldg Skaneateles Boat & Canoe Co., machinery fee. . . . David Harner, dairy fee. . F. X. Baumert & Co., dairy fee D. W. Rourlie, dairy fee.. G. F. Graham, dairy fee.. Thomas Chatterton, dairy fee W. C. Kelsey, dairy fee. . . Ii. J. Allen, dairy fee. . . . S. N. Gould, dairy fee. . . . Ferd. Carls, dairy fee .... Oneida Co. Creamery Co. dairy fee Alva Klock, dairy fee Levi Snell, dairy fee Solon H. Gillette, dairy fee Sherman Hall, dairy fee. . . James Haggert, dairy fee. . Andrew S. White, poultry fee August 9 S. K. Breese, stall rent. . . Syracuse Chilled Plow Co., machinery fee F. E. Conley Stone Co., machinery fee Henry Ives Cobb, cattle fee Stevens Bros. Co., cattle fee The Penbroke Horse Breed- ers' Assn., farm horse fee E. L. Titus, cattle fee. . . . State Bank of Syracuse, advertisement in prize list Stephens & Durston, adver- tisement In prize list. . Harry Stephens, dairy fee. C. D. Stcherbakoff, dairy fee H. E. Huntley, dairy fee.. W. W. Burtes, dairy fee. . D. S. White, dairy fee James I. Sheldon, dairy fee. Irving Andrews, dairy fee. A. E. Helmer, dairy fee. . . K. F. Vrooman, dairy fee. W. "W. Collins, dairy fee.. John Zellweger, Jr., dairy fee $2 00 14 40 2 00 1 00 6 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 4 00 8 00 6 00 20 00 15 00 5 00 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 Letter Bros., rental M. & L. A. Bldg E. E. Ellis & Co., adver- tisement in prize list. . . R. T. Story, cattle fee. . . D. P. Jennings, machinery fee If. H. Foster, machinery fee Lunt Moss Co., machinery fee Adam G. Kinczinatl, poul- try fee August 10 Syracuse Chilled Plow Co., ground rental W. D. Ortell, rental M. & L. A. Bldg W. y. Foote, rental M. & L. A. Bldg Kelsey Heating Co., adver- tisement in prize list. , . Bacon, Chappell Co., adver- tisement in prize list. . . Turtle Point Farm, poultry fee G. J. Campbell, sheep and swine fee John A. Curry, sheep fee. H. L. Wardwell, sheep fee. Haslett Bros., sheep fee. . Lyman Foster, dairy fee . . R. W. Harris, dairy fee.. Bowen & Quick, machinery fee Earl T. Harter, dairy fee. W. A. Heath Machine Co., machinery fee James Frantz & Son., cat- tle fee Wm. Blickley, house rent. . H. Conway, house rent. . . S. Fancher, house rent. . L. J. Strail, stall rent. . . . Ed. Hines, stall rent B. R. Andrews, dairy fee. . A. B. Farquhar, machinery fee The Engelberg Huller Co., machinery fee Syracuse Burial Vault Co., machinery fee J. A. McGrath, dairy fee.. F. H. Loucks, dairy fee. . . R. C. Mcrkley, dairy fee. . R. K. Button, dairy fee... P. J. Ulrich, dairy fee L. R. Cramer, dairy fee.. D. A. Goodrich, dairy fee.. .$83 20 5 00 14 00 2 Ou 2 00 2 00 20 50 10 00 8 40 31 20 15 00 15 00 13 00 .0 00 7 00 9 00 7 00 50 50 2 00 1 50 2 00 5 00 8 33 8 33 5 00 9 00 12 00 50 2 00 2 00 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 ©0 00 [N'ew York State Fair 523 ITEMIZED STATEMENT OP BECDiPTS — Continued August 10 .1. O. Walrath. dairy fee. . $1 00 Mrs. B. H. Hlgby, dairy fee J. E. Goodrich, dairy fee. . J. H. Carpenter, dairy fee. F.. Boast, poultry fee W. D. Dunning, advertise- ment in prize list Chester T. Saunders, poul- try foe August 11 L. B. Merlhew, poultry fee Herman Pracking, poultry fee Jenkins & Park, poultry fee Hillside Bantam Yards, poultry fee Thomas Haslett, sheep fee. W. W. Cook & Co., sheep fee r.l. D. Beckley, sheep fee.. David K. Bell, sheep fee. . C. W. Barker, sheep fee. . Kenotin Farm, swine fee. . Charles Lafferty, swine fee. G. W. Tailby, Jr., swine fee S. P. Smith & Son, adver- tisement in prize list. . Singer Sewing Machine Co., advertisement In prize list Crown Mfg. Co., machinery fee Meadow Edge Farm, dairy fee Claude Cheney, dairy fee. . Herb. Randalls, dairy fee. John Wagner, dairy fee.. Everett C. Clifford, dairy fee D. H. Gowlng, advertise- ment in prize list Reliance Iron & Engine Co., machinery fee George F. Vldler, poultry fee H. M. Terwilllger, swine fee R. H. C. Powers, privilege. Burhans & Black Co., ad- vertisement la prize list. 8 00 Wm. H. Webber, machinery fee 2 00 F. E. Moore, dairy fee. . . . 50 E. F. Wallace, machinery fee 2 00 50 50 1 00 7 00 8 00 1 00 6 00 3 00 3 00 18 00 6 00 2 00 5 00 7 00 3 00 3 00 5 00 2 00 8 00 30 00 2 00 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 00 10 00 2 00 8 00 5 00 10 00 August 12 II. W. Avery, cattle fee. . Geo.. A. Gue, cattle fee. . . . A. Myers & Son, cattle fee. S. G. Otis, swine fee W. Warren Morton, swine fee Niagara Stock Farm, sheep fee Robson Bros., sheep fee. . . Donald McLure, sheep fee. Sylvester Esslg, swine fee. Wm. F. Walker, poultry fee Ralph E. Owen, poultry fee A. F. Bronson, poultry fee. Marlon Lewis, poultry fee. J. Reepmeyer, Jr., poultry fee J. H. Vandervort & Sons, poultry fee Mrs. S. W. Hill, domestic fee Rome Gasoline Engine Co., machinery fee Freeman Boat Co., machin- ery fee Cicero M. B. Church, lunch privilege Economy Rug Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg Standard Oil Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg E. J. Whalen, machinery fee Nelson Brusie, poultry fee. J. B. Spare, poultry fee . . L. C. Townsend, poultry fee J. M. Secord, sheep fee . . . A. H. Cooley, swine fee . . Darwin Rumsey, farm horse fee Auburn Ignition Mfg. Co., machinery fee O. A. Weatherly & Co. dairy fee Mrs. Sidney Schell, dairy fee William Roscup, dairy fee. Lewis Collier, dairy fee.. Ellsworth Stevenson, dairy fee B. E. Hunt, dairy fee W. H. Mills, dairy fee W. O. Goodison, dairy fee. . Levi J. Slpher, dairy fee. . F. D. Cramer, dairy fee . . S. W. Brown, dairy fee.. .$20 00 8 00 14 00 14 00 12 00 13 00 8 00 5 00 2 00 4 00 13 00 2 00 8 00 1 50 8 50 4 38 2 00 2 00 42 21 24 00 57 60 2 00 3 00 1 00 50 7 00 4 00 24 00 2 00 1 00 60 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 524 New York State Fair ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF BBCBiPTS — Continued August 12 C. E. Western, dairy fee. Howard Gould, cattle and poultry fee Floyd A. Sweet, dairy fee. F. M. Strickland, dairy fee. E. E. Laird, poultry fee., .lolin (Jrecnwood, poultry fee R. .T. Jordan, faiin horse fee Weeks & Kenyon, cattle fee Edith Rockwell, domestic fee Mrs. Charlotte Rockwell, domestic fee Dey Bros., rental 51. & L. A. BIdg M. S. Nye, cattle fee August 13 George Ineichen, cattle fee. W. S. Hinchey, cattle fee. J. S. Pratt, sheep fee. . . . H. Augustus Eiler, poulti-y fee M. H. Lindsey, poultry fee. Thomas II. Snell, ponlti-y fee F. J. Eysaman, poultry fee. B. W. Allen, poultry fee. . A. G. Tilden, poultry fee.. James Crawford, poultry fee IT. S. Loft, poultry fee... B. H. Arthur, poulti-y fee. Mr. &Mrs. R. H. Bowden, poultry fee W. J. SutlifC, poultry fee.. Marshall Smith & Son, poultry fee LeRoy W. Seigfrled, poul- try fee H. W. Polgreen, poultry fee Dr. B. E. Decker, poultry fee Pollock & Wooster, poultry fee J. J. Plowman, machinery fee L. S. Gelsor & Son, ma- eliinory fee Alexander Grant's Son, ad- vertisement in prize Hat. The Bllckensderfer Type- writer Co., rental M. & L. A. Bldg Joseph G. Krenn, poultry fee $1 00 48 00 2 50 50 4 00 5 00 6 00 2 00 19 2 00 69 no 46 00 5 00 26 00 4 00 2 00 5 00 3 50 2 50 2 00 4 50 3 00 17 50 3 50 9 00 3 00 2 50 9 00 2 00 4 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 8 00 25 60 6 00 P. F. Newman, poultry fee. $3 00 Jacob Glass, poultry fee.. 4 00 Carl Lang, poultry fee. . . . 2 00 Ezra C. Carter, poultry fee. 4 00 Schell & Young, poultry fee 8 00 N. Y. State College of Agr'l, swine fee 8 00 Charles B. Avery, cattle fee 12 00 Charles M. Grouse, farm horse fee 30 00 Simon Stahley, farm horse fee Green & Kaple, poultry fee. John E. Rivenhardt, poul- try fee The Shelter, domestic fee. E. K. Buell, poultry fee. . R. Watson, poultry fee. . . E. C. Gilbert, poultry fee. F. M. Dodge, poultry fee.. August 15 The Wheeler Homestead, cattle and swine fee. . . . Ryanogue Farm, cattle fee. Charles J. Brown, cattle and fruit fee H. W. Ayres, cattle fee.. A. S. Davis, sheep and poultry fee I-'. L. Postle & Son, sheep fee J. A. Brace & Son, sheep fee E. N. Bissell, sheep fee . . . C. C. Jones, sheep fee. . . . Robert Robinson & Son, sheep and swine fee. . . . C. V. Wellman, sheep fee. J. W. Lee & Sons, sheep fee Poter Arkell & Sons, sheep fee Edson McLaughlin, sheep fee George W. Lake, poultry fee C. A. Balrd, poultry fee. . Sterling Orpington Yards, poultry fee S 50 Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Trow- bridge, poultry fee Ira Sittcrly, poultry fee. . . G. D. Elmes & Son, poultry fee T. F. Knox, poultry fee. . Howard J. Fisk, poultry fee 6 00 12 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 8 00 3 00 45 00 50 00 15 00 36 00 5 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 '7 00 4 00 10 00 4 00 16 00 2 00 24 00 7 50 6 00 18 50 1 00 9 50 iSEW \ ORK Statk Fair 5L> :> rn;.MizKi> st\tkmi:nt of hkckivvs -Cuittinued August 1") William E. Crevolseriit, poultry fee T. A. Martin, Jr., poultry fee Tioga Poultry Farm, poul- try fee M. D. Mlckle, poultry fee. J. W. Gilll», poultry fee. . George Burn, poultry fev. . Alexander Meyer, poultry fee Trank WriirlU & Sous, poultry foo Martin Slioop & Son, poul 1 ry fee Ira N. Gaymonds, pouUry fee H. M. Bedford, poultry fee S. M. Breed, poultry fee.. L. H. Perry, poultry fee. . W. V. Young, poultry fee. 'I'homas Madden, .Jr., poul- try fee A. L. Jenks, poultry fci'. . Kolaneka Farm, pouliry fee D. E. Gray, poultry fci'. . Fred Armer, poulti'y U-v . . \V. W. Williur. poultry le ■. L. A. Parker, poultry fo«>. . B. F. Jones, poultry fee . . I'nlversal Portland Cement Co., machinory fee Champion Mfg. Co.. ma- cliinery fee John P. I'orteons. dairy fee Howard H. Woodward, dairy fee Charles T. Logan, dairy fee Hyatt Wieley, dairy fee.. J. S. Burns, dairy fee.... C. O. York, dairy fee Phetteplace Bros., dairy fee Shattuck & IlayoR, dairy fee William Pasey, dairy fee. . Clark Salisbury, dairy fee. Henry Eil)ert. dairy fee... Charles G. Baker, dairy fee i:. Elliott, dairy fee C. O. Smith, dairy foe W. E. Greenman, dairy fee. F. S Wright, dairy fee George Cayer, dairy fee. . B. J. Boyd, dairy fee .54 00 4 00 .-. 00 ■J 00 4 .-.0 .".u no 4 110 l.s 00 11 (Mt :; 00 .-. 00 :; ,"i(i 1°, oil 4 00 n 00 ."> 00 2(> 50 10 00 .") .")0 :', (H) r, On ■2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 I 0(1 50 50 50 50 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 .")0 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 50 !i. K. Street, dairy fee. . . William Marshall, farm horse fee a. C. Blanchard, poultry fee C. A. Davis, poultry fee. . . Anthony Kline, poultry fee. A. M. Grabosky, poultry fee John Grabosky, poultry fee I'reston & Hammerstrom, poultry fee I"'. E. Stallard, poultry fee. W. V. Justi, poultry fee. . 1;. A. Parks, poultry fee.. (lutrles W. Stanch, poultry fee A. S. Lane, poultry fee.. Mrs. J. G. Osborne, poultry I'ee Armbrust Bros., poultry fee II. W. Ayres, cattle fee... Charlotte E. Ward, farm horse fee Loudon Machine Co., rental M. vSc L. A. UklK (;eori;e C. Cary Co., cat- tle fee TlioniMs SKahcn & DeFor- est Settle, farm horse fee Cicero Church, lunch privi- lege H. S. Harrington, machin- ery fee Constant Mariotte, poultry fee Ideal Motor Co., machinery fee Ernest I. White, farm horse fee Economy Culvert Co., ma- chinery fee Frank Coulton, poultry fee. Little Bros., cattle fee. . . J. F. Dis, poultry fee. . . . J. H. Jackson, poultry fee. I'ilsinger & Schilly, poul- try fee Ixjuis T. C. Loring, poultry fee Shelter V^alley Farm, cat- tle fee I'. I'. Erkenbeck, poultry fee Maple Lane Stock Farm, cattle fee Henry Shearing, dairy fee. H. J. Klews, dairy fee. . . . •i;i 00 6 00 3 50 •> 50 2 50 2 50 2 r,o 1 00 3 50 •» 00 4 00 2 00 :^ 50 S 50 75 50 20 00 12 00 ■SO 00 4 00 2 00 20 29 2 00 ]:? 00 •> 00 6 00 2 00 1 00 6 00 2 00 6 00 3 00 3 00 10 00 3 50 32 00 50 50 52G New York State Fair iTioMizKi) stati;mi;xt of isbcbipts — Oonthnied August 1") U. B. llause, dairy li'i'.... $0 50 Victor G. Armstrong, dairy fee Carl Wehust, dairy f eo . . . Earl R. Smith, dairy fee.. Thomas Yost, dairy fee. . . Edward Will 00 3 00 O 50 3 00 4 00 3 50 20 00 1 00 2 00 3 50 6 GO 8 GO !Ni;\v \ Okmv Statk Faiu 52" ITi:.\ll/.i:i> STATKMKNT uK liKCKIl'TS Ciill tiiiucd August Hi W. \V. llazelton, poullrv tVe H. E. lluiuijliroy. poultry fee Provost & Co., poultiy IVi'. O. K. Domineo. poultry foe. WilUiiui J. Louir. pinilliy fee Thendara farm, poiiliry fee C. C. Del'uy, poultry fee. . II. F. BeckiT. poultry fee. . yi. S. Goodiug, poultry fee. S. D. Furminger, poultry fee F. M. & II. L. i'ahuer, poultry fe« I>. H. Stewart, poultry fee. F. W. I>aux, poultry fee. . B. li. While, poultry fee.. J. F. Whitbeck, poultry fee. A. Warren Smith, poultry fee .\. Warreu Suiith. .-iliecp fee George W. lleskett, Jr., sheep fee Telfor Bros., sheep foe. . . . Rosenberg & Edwards, cat- tle fee F. N. Terpening, cattle. sheep and swine foe .... Mark W. Potter, cattle fee A. F. Pierce, cattle fee. . . W. I'. Sclienek, cattle te«'. . William Balie, swine fee. . L. C. Dorr, farm horse fee. James McNamara, farm horse fee W. L. Bowes, machinery fee L. R. Lewis, machinery fee Spramotor Co., machinery fee Mrs. R. Goodrich, noveliy privilege C. M. Gibbs, advertisement in prize list Continental Can Co., adver- tisement in prize list... Phillip Jacobson, leather goods privilege Eichelberger & Miller, poultry fee Cicero Reformed Church, lunch privilege Frank Broughton. poultry fee S-1 00 4 r.o 00 .'lO (M) 00 ■1 00 1 :m 0 00 2 00 • > 00 1 00 *) 20 1 00 1 00 4 00 »> 00 2 00 l.j 00 »> 00 • It) 00 IS 00 2.S 00 :!.s 00 1 00 • > 00 (; 00 o 00 o 00 • > 00 10 00 ].-> 00 30 00 2." 00 3 50 02 .">0 4 00 I'heuix Cheese Co., dairy fee H. 1*. EUithorpe, dairy fee. W. C. Mosher dairy fee. . . John C. Mi.x, dairy fee... C. D. Thornton, dairy fee. U. II. Babcock, dairy fee.. 1>. F. Babcock, dairy fee.. (Jeorge Petrie, dairy fee... Wm. Braiuerd, dairy fee. . Edward Wheeler, dairy fee George Vorce, dairy fee... Mrs. M. L. Petrie, dairy fee F. J. Bishop, dairy fee. . . . Thomas Murphy, dairy fee. II. D. Whitney, dairy fee. . C. W. Roll, dairy fee L. G. Lane, dairy fee II. A. Gilmore, dairy fee. . M. Murphy, race fee Milton B. Sisson, sheep and swine fee Ilavermeyer Bros., poultry fee L. S. Peer, farm horse fee. Traniiuillity I'arms. sheep fee Wm. H. Gould, cattle fee.. I). P. North, poultry fee., llartman Stock Farm, farm horse fee M. A. DeWitt. farm fee I' led B. I'arker, farm horse fee llanmer & Hodgson, sheep fee Smith Premier Co., adver- lisemeut in ))rize list.. Leader Iron Works ('o., machinery fee John Farrell, machinery fee J. If. :\rcMullan. sheep fee. Auirust 17 Mis. G. E. Congdon. poul- t ry fee Mosher Bros., poultry fee. T. (;. Stanton, poultry fee. John T. Bird, poultry Yee. Wm. 11. Carr, poultry fee. II. L. Green, poultry fee. . Milo M. Smith, poultry fee IC. Brooks Uobbins v 00 IS 0(1 IS 01) IS 00 10 00 ?,0 00 2 00 2 00 4 00 3 00 6 50 2 00 12 00 7 00 50 3 00 5 00 10 00 50 50 50 f>2S Xew York State Faiu ITEMIZED STVT1:M1:NT <(I August 17 W. J. Hoberg, dairy fee. . $i) '>'» Ed. G. Wallace, dairy fee. "i"* Raymond Scofield, dairy fee "'*' Walter Torry, dairy fee... •'>" ('. 1". >>harkoy. dairy fee. . •"" C. E. Lawrence, dairy fee. 1 •«' Ketchum & Hapgood, dairy fee 1 "*' George W. Holmes, dairy fee 1 "f G. W. Tailby. .Jr.. dairy fee -''i E. A. Powell, cattle fee... :'■■- "i" W. A. Wadswortb, farm horse fee c, (in L. W. Shaw, sheep fee. . . . •> "" Charles A. Owler, novelty privilege .">() 00 lliglilawn Farm, cattle foe -'J 0 Kelly Bros., dairy fee 50 E. R. Clute, dairy fee 1 00 F. II. Gillett, dairy fee... 1 00 Orsa Stevenson, dairy fee. 1 oO G. A. Fitzgerald, dairy fee 50 August 18 G. Howard Davison, sheep fee lf> 'W John L. Axline, swine fee. 2 00 John Cahill, rent of stall. . 2 00 William Cahill, rent of stall 2 00 S. II. Peck, machinery fee. 2 00 Frank B. Sutliff, poultry fee 1 00 J. W. Loe & Sons, sheep fee 1 00 Mrs. Lulu Human, domestic fee 2 00 Charles A. Teeter, farm horse fee 24 00 Arthur J. Teejer, farm horse fee 6 00 G. A. Sutphen, farm horse and horse show fee 37 00 B. W. WMlcox, dairy fee. . . 1 00 Nicholas Conrad, dairy fee. 50 Geo. Van Slike, dairy fee. . 50 Alvin Walrath, dairy fee.. 50 E. M. F. Co., machinery fee 2 00 B. C. riawley, poultry fee. 2 00 IfKCKll'TS — Coiitiiiiird Dulya Farm, poultry fee. riic lluber Mfg. Co., ma- I liinery fee .\ugust 19 ■|!ii' .Mherta Stock Fruit I'ariiis. farm horse fee. . I'iuil A. Sorg, special prize liorse show liiirt Olney Canning Co., r.'mal M. & L. A. Bldg. Sill Stove Works, rental M. .V: I.. A. Bldg ICaiilo Wagon Works, adver- ii-i'iiicnt in prize list . . . .Mrs. A. S. Hewes, poultry fee .1 -M. .Moore, poultry fee. . \. A. Baum, poultry fee. . .'\. II. Loop, dairy fee v.. Fred Saunders, dairy fee Lawrence Kellogg, dairy fee r. F. Killough. dairy fee. .1. E. Japhet, dairy fee. . . . K. M. Mathews, dairy fee. S. .1. Ryan, dairy fee II. C. Watson, dairy fee. . . .Mrs. Jennie B. Turner, do- mestic fee Ohio Cultivator Co.. ma- chinery fee W. A. Shafer, poultry fee. <;. A. llodgkins. advertise- ment in ijrize list The 11. L. Hurst Mfg. Co., machinery fee W. A. Wadsworth, farm horse fee I^oomis & Morrow, dairy fee II. ('. Fames, dairy fee. . . K. II. Evans, dairy fee. . . . r. F. Backman, dairy fee. W. (!. Finn, dairy fee J. W. Keod, dairy fee II. E. Gordon, dairy fee. . . Seth Fancher, house rent. . Heart's Delight Farm, dairy and farm produce fee. . . U. F. Park, machinery fee. August 22 G. Lohman, poultry fee... t'harles X. Winter, poultry fee M. B. Bickel, poultry fee.. Gere Coal Co., machinery fee Knox Fence Co., machinery fee $4 50 2 00 18 00 175 00 4S OO 00 0<) 8 00 4 00 1 00 2 00 50 50 50 f.O .".0 50 50 .')(! 2 00 2 06 25 00 10 IHt 2 00 C 00 1 50 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 2 00 5 00 o 05 2 00 6.25 5 00 7 00 2 00 2 00 Xi:\v ^'oKK Statk Faiu 529 iti:mi/.i:ii August 22 Oxford Basket & Mfj;. Co., fruit fee Mrs. Win. C. Durst, domes- tic fee MeLauglilin Bros., I'luin horse fee Tliomas, rental M. & I-. A. Bld^' Fl.vnn & Rarry, franltfurtcr privilege Markham & Puffer, cattle fee Andrew Riddell, poultry fee J. S. Martin, poultry fee.. Wm. Eiupie, sheep fee. . . . Hartman Stock Farm, poul- try fee F. G. Bean, poult ly fee. . . Ilartman Stock Farm, cattle fee A. B. Burtis, farm horse fee C. A. Sutphen, farm horse fee General Chemical Co.. ma- chinery fee Orleans Co. l-'ruit Growers" Assn.. fruit fee Andrew Riddell, poultry fee Myron G. Bronner, dairy fee John Baird, dairy fee. . . . Cornelius Keeler, dairy fee A. E. Degerman. dairy fee. Felix Richart, dairy fee. . .T. M. O'Connor, dairy fee Brayton & Lewis, dairy fee Walter Walker, dairy fee. . O. W. Graves, dairy fee. . G. Davis, dairy fee .Tames Chandler, dairy fee. II. B. Spicer, dairy fee. . . . C. A. Tarble. dairy fee H. C. Fancher, dairy fee. . II. E. Austin, dairy fee. . . r. O. Smith, dairy fee. . . . Xj. G. Conrad, dairy fee. . . Charles W.aterbury. dairy fee August 2.3 .T. S. Martin, poultry foe.. G. F. Caster, cattle fee. . . . Hugo Freese, poultry ffo. . Mrs. D. G. Gates, poultry foo <'lark Machine Co.. ma- chinery foe .1. A. Cross, machinery fee. Ontral Esg Carrier Co.. niachinor\ for. . . . '. srVTKMKNT or IIBCEIPTS C (Ht !)0 00 ;!() 00 ■i;>, .-)0 0 00 4 00 10 00 4 00 45 00 SS 50 44 00 2 00 .30 00 2 00 5 00 4 00 50 1 00 50 50 3 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 50 1 00 1 00 50 50 1 00 50 4 00 2 00 7 50 8 00 2 00 •J 00 2 00 'l'h<> Wi'stingliouse Co., ma- chiuer.v fee ^^'^a Cole Grey, domestic f.>e <". W. Skiff, farm produce fee >[rs. C. W. SkitT, dairy fee Mrs. C. W. Skiff, domestic fee .John M. Zellman, dairy fee. Haruuiu Af. BMsh. d.'iiry fee I{. Redmond, dairy fee. . . . Tlieo. Stcadnian, dairy fee D. O. Ditcher, dairy fee . . (;. r. Wulff. dairy fee. . . . II. \V. Riddell, dairy fee. . (Jeorge Kittle, dairy fee... Charles E. Smith, dairy fee A. B. Briggs, dairy fee. . . . <;. E. CurTiss. dairy fee. . . (!(>orge Howie, dairy fee. . . (ri'orge E. Orvis. dairy fee. Mrs. A. V. Kingman, daii'y fee I^. H. Young, dairy fee. . . Peter Mason, dairy fee. . . . oster L. Ostrander, dairy fee E. B. Tucker & Co.. daii\v fee McLeod & Ormsbee, dairy fee •. Edward Miller, dairy fee. . W. E. Keyes, dairy fee. . . . W. 11. Xeal. cattle fee. . . . F. W. Bird & Son, ma- chinery fee The Chapin C!o., dairy rental Wells & Richardson Co.. dairy rental Champion Milk Cooler Co.. dairy rental Worcester Salt Co.. dairy rental .1. Frank Daly, dairy fee. . .\lbert Curtis, dairy fee. . . Standard Butter Co., dairy fee Standard Butter Co.. dairy fee C. D. Eldred, dairy fee. . . . 'a. Ti. Meeker, dairy fee. . . D. E. Nichols, farm pro- duce fee E. E. Nichols, farm pro- duce fee Milburn Wagon Co., ma- chinery fee .$2 00 5 .10 11 4.- 1 00 3 7.-) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 50 2 00 1 50 1 00 2 00 2,8 00 2 00 20 00 10 211 2.S 80 15 80 50 50 50 50 50 50 5 75 0 00 2 00 ^-10 'o6{ New York State Fair I IKMIZKD August 2.". K. .7. Clark, poultry foo. . The E. C. Brown Co.. ni:x- chinerj- fee Aujrust 24 Jennie T-. Harris, donic'stic fee Mrs.. Fannio B. Sclufr. do- mestic fee Daniel Johnson, farm pru- duce fi'f L. J. Wurtz, dairy fci'. . . . W. H. Stoney. .Ir.. dairy f (-e A. M. Beclvor, daiiy f<'i>... C. R. Owens, dairy fee. . . . Leon E. Murphy, dairy fee Fred Hadler, dairy fee. . . . O. N. I lea til. dairy foe... W. P. Muzzy, dairy fee. . . . fJeo. .1. Fuller, dairy fee. . D. W. Hodges, dairy fee. . . Olen Harter, dairy fee .... Hamilton Lynn, dairy fee. . International Harvester Co., dairy rental E. Q. Williams, machin(M-y fee Dodse & Zuill, rental M. & L. A. Bldg A. C. Salenski, pi'inunit privilege \V. J. Emerson, dairy f",.. August 2.") F. B. Reiner, dairy fi-o... Edgar T. Bouck, dairy fi'p. F. D. Fox, dairy foe A. J. Boyce. dairy fee. . . . .National Mixer Co., nia- cliincry fee I'^Iizaheth A. Hi'jjpi', candy IM'ivilcge 1.. A. (ireen. dairy rmlal. Cliris. Hansen's Lnboraf nry, dairy rental Clapp Revolving Sign t'o., machinery fi-e Mrs. F. M. Holnirs, dairy fee Mr.s. F. (i. Tabi'r. dairy fee T.. E. Story, dairy fro Tliomas Cain on, dairy fee. C o op 0 r a t i v o Croaniory Assn.. dairy foe W. F. Soluielke, farm pro- dur(> fee .Vugusi 211 lOllio lloso KliiiT. domoslic fe,. Ann Arbor Machlno Co., machinery foe • > no • 1 on i; i:; .'id .".0 .".(i 50 1 00 ."lO o 00 .->o 00 (M) 00 00 .STATK.MKNT OF KECEipTS — Continued $2 no Ireland Machine & Foundry ('(».. niaohiner.v fee 2 00 -Mrs. .M. H. I'ilknv, fruit and domestic fee New York State Fruit (Jrowors' .\ssn.. fruit foe (Juy Van Antwerp, dairy fee Ralpli C. H. Fowler, dairy tVo • AllirrL Ryan, dairy fee. . . John O'Neil, dairy fee.... Charles Nelson, dairy fee.. L. A. Perce, dairy fee Young & Young, dairy fee. . W. 1>. Benedict, dairy fee. E. E. Widmeyer, dairy fee Frank Barbour, dairy fee. F. H. Steward, dairy fee. . W. J. Lovett, dairy fee... B. D. Foord. dairy fee. . . . Wyndhani Andrews, dairy fee Smith Mfg. Co.. dairy fee. Torsion Balance Co.. dairy rental The Ohio Cultivator Co., machinery fee M. J. Souie, dairy fee A. M. .Tones, dairy fee.... D. S. Mawson, dairy rental G. A. Hodgkins. privilege. Glor Bros. & Willis, ma- chinery fee August 27 •lolui II. Berry, dairy fee. . .1. A. Lathrop, dairy fee... 11. 1>. I.acy, dairy fee.... .Mrs. F. S. Delano, dairy fee V. B. Walker, dairy fee... W. E. Tuttle. dairy fee i;. \. l''.irliuger. dairy fee. 1' ('. Salisliury. dairy fee. i;. .\. Hurst, dairy fee.... .Icihn A. I.anib. dairy fee.. Clyde St. John, dairy fee. I'Mward Spry, dairy fee... W. .1, Burko, dairy' foe < •. K. Cross & Son. dairy loo C. |{. (Juornsi'y. dairy foo. 2 0(C (J. Vciicli. dairy foo t'lara .V. Salisliury. dairy 2 HO r,.," .\1. .\. SlacUcl. dairy f o.> . . .Mrs. C. N. Sii.xilor. d.iiry 4 s:! fee E. C. Wagoner, dairy U'l' . 2 00 .Mabel Fuller, dairy fee. . . . 1 .'i 0 0 .':; on ,'."i 00 50 .'ft 1 .-() ."lO ."o 2 00 2."; 00 12 (10 14 40 "> 00 .-0 .-.0 .",o 1 00 .$2 00 9 07 17 ."lO 1 00 o 00 1 50 50 50 1 00 •"> 50 o 00 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 26 40 15 00 2 00 50 50 24 60 10 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 2 00 50 50 1 00 1 00 1 50 • > (10 1 00 1 (10 1 5(1 1 00 New York State Fair 531 iTKMi/ED STATKMKNT OF RKCKiPTS ^ — Continued August 27 O. S. Cole, dairy fee Crloans Co. Fruit OrowtM-s" Assn.. fruit fee Arthur Arseman, fruit fee. John R. Youngr, dairy and domestic fee Mrs. .Tas. Carver, fruit fee. Barrett Mfg. Co., ma- chinery fee >[rs. II. II. Fonda, domestic fee Mrs. S. V. and Miss N. raullne Stewart, domes- tic fee .T. II. Downs, domestic fee. Allen L. Wood, domestic fee Mrs. John Carroll, dairy fee E. D. Howe, dairy rental . . Watson Wagon Co., ground rental S. C. Taylor, dairy and do- mestic fee Syracuse Coal Wagon Co., machinery fee E. T. Hawkins & Son, dairy fee M. A. DeWitt. horse show fee August 29 Charles Brown, dairy fee. . Xew Century Factory, dairy fee W. C. Porter, dairy fee . . E. L. Jones, dairy fee W. D. Wilmot, dairy fee.. W. N. Richardson, dairy fee liamb, dairy fee Whitmore, dairy fee. Sweet, dairy fee. . . . M. E. Bush, dairy $1 00 Weatherup, dairy O. B. H. E. E. C. Mrs. fee . T. W. fee J. F. Bower, dairy fee. . . . Kny Merriam, dairy fee, . . Markham & Puffer, dairy fee John Cooper, dairy fee. . . . S. A. Webber & Son, dairy fee E. B. Ilobart, dairy fee... P. B. Donelson, dairy fee. B. D. Casson. dairy fee... Henry I>eaton. dairy fee... A. M. King, dairy fee F. C. Wilcox, dairy fee... 5 00 50 O 00 ] ."0 2 00 o 00 17 ?A\ O 00 3 5Q 1 00 12 00 10 00 o 00 o 00 1 00 10 00 1 00 3 00 50 50 50 50 50 1 00 1 00 50 Hubbard & Waite, dairy fee Henry O. Johnson, dairy fee W. P. Schenck, dairy fee. L. S. Teeter, dairy fee. . . . I). S. Vanderveer, dairy fee W. W. Barnum, dairy fee. M. J. Murray, dairy foe. . . .lames Forsyth, dairy fee.. H. W. Edgett, dairy fee. . W. & I. MeKecl. dairy foe. J. R. Updike, dairy fee... Mrs. Wallace Wood, dairy fee Wallace L. Fitts, dairy fee J. Halbert, dairy fee C. F. Hotchkiss, dairy fee. Geo. A. Davis, dairy fee. . Tom. J. Zoller, dairy fee . . C. J. Hinds, dairy fee.... Lynn Van Auken, dairy fee Tj. a. Chase, dairy fee Charles Millard, dairy fee. Adelbert Mofifat, dairy fee. Lester Culver, dairy f ee . . . Charles Barney, dairy fee. . Clarence Lull, dairy fee. . . Home Vacuum Cleaner Co., machinery fee D. H. Vresdyne, machinery fee The J. B. Ford Co., dairy rental John W. Hooker, dairy fee Wm. Lang, dairy fee C. A. Hadden, dairy fee. . . C. A. Hadden, farm pro- duce fee E. A. Parks, domestic fee. AI. F. Dunlop. domestic fee Tlie J. J. Cowei; Mch. Co.. machinery fee ;\[. Rosenthal, novelty privi- lege John H. Low, dairy fee. . . $1 00 50 50 50 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 2 00 50 50 50 50 50 1 00 50 50 2 00 2 00 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 50 2 00 3 23 2 00 25 00 1 00 50 n. W. White, candy privi- 1 00 00 lege 25 00 1 Solvay Process Co., ma- chinery fee 2 00 1 00 I'owell Bros., dairy fee. . . . 50 o Oi) August 30 r.. Iv. Cramer, dairy fee... 1 00 1 00 L. L. Dollinger, dairy fee. . 1 00 50 A. F. Miller, dairy fee 50 50 O. B. Morse, dairy fee. . . . 30 50 Charles S. Munger, dairy 50 00 fi>e 50 1 dgdensburg Creamery Co., 50 dairy fee 1 00 :,:]2 Xi:\v ^'oiJK Statk Faiij IlKMIZKli SIWTKMKNT OK ItlXTl I'TS — Ct(»l f I'dl/frf August ^'.0 A. G. norm, dairy f<>f... Charles W. Riddrll. dairy fre . . . : F. E. Brown, dairy fi<'. . . . Loran IsUpII, dairy fee. . . . H. W. Ilnpr, dairy foe. . . . W. O. Duncan, dairy foe. . Adrianco Wire Fence Co., macliincry foe Kugene T(>ri'y. macliincry fee Mrs. S. A. Smitli. domestic fee Roy Clarlf. domestic foe. . . Myrtle S. Roolce. domestic fee Niagara Co. r^armors' Club, fruit fee Webster Granso, fruit fi-e. White & Rico, frnit foo... Mrs. C. F. McKoe, domestic fee Daniel .Tohnson, farm pro- duce foe ( ntlieb Fingor. flowoi- fco. Cliar'es G. Schaiiim, fniiii produce f(><^ I'nadilla Silo Co., dairy rental II. .T. .Tenks. dairy fee. . . . F. E. Ablwtt. dairy foo. . . Michigan BuKgy Co.. ma- chinery foe August .'',1 P.. A. & F. T.. Place, ma- chinory foo I". B. Canfleld. macliinory fee Wm. Dansman. farm i)r()- duce fee John McCaun. farm jiro duco fee Mrs. H. C. Bray. dom(>stic foe Mrs. W. B. Torry. domestic fee Mrs. Geo. W. Sidi'S, domes- tic fee The Misses Fidlor, domestic fee l/ouise M. Terry, domoslic fee I.eah K. Rotors, domestic fee Clark .Mlis ^ Smi. fruit f,.,. KuowlosAlllo (Jran^o. fruit foe Leslie Tauiior. fruit foe. . . .$1 00 ."0 1 00 50 50 50 ■■) 00 - 00 4 40 2 1.- 2 I'l 5 00 3 7.'. 4 •_'.-. ■2 00 6 10 2 uo 8 05 0 r,o .50 .-0 •J no 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 4:? •> 0.1 • > .s.-) :•' 4:? 1 so •> .-,0 :i 76 o 50 I'^ C. Iliue.s. fruit foe. . . . \'. H. Peck, dairy fee .iolin Degon, dairy fee.... H. .T. Allen, dairy fee M. O. Berry, dairy fee.... Ilonry Ericsson, dairy fee. H. T. Tappan. dairy fee. . . A. S. I'^roeman, dairy fee. . Diamond Creamery Co.. dairy foe The Quaker Oats Co., rental .M. & L. A. Bldy: Setli rancher, house rent. . Seth Fancher, house rent. . September 1 <". M. Scott, dairy fee ?I. H. Williams, dairy fee. !!(irdi'n's Condensed Milk Co., dairy fee <;oo. \. Vary, dairy fee... !•-. S. Moses, dairy fee.... Giirrett N. Tol)ey, dairy foo .Tacob Vogt. dairy fee W. N. Britton. machinery fee International Ilarvostor Co., Osborn division, ma- chinery fee F. G. Hills, farm produce fee K. S. Reddont. farm pro- duce fee Lower Oswego Falls Grange, farm produce fee Ironderiuolt Grange, farm l)rodiice fee T. L. Brooks, farm produce fee .1. V. Salisbury & Son. fruit fee Mont Worden. fruit foe. . . .\. E. .Tansen. fruit fee. . . . Ellwanger & Barry, fruit foo Xora Cole Grey, doniostic foo E. E. Deake, domestic fee. Mrs. Schuyler Briggs. do- mestic fee. . . .* Mrs. Velnia Wood, domestic fee Mrs. Anson L. Whoolor. do- mestic fee Mrs. .\. D. Moyors. doinoe Rachel B. Carvor. domestic fe.> Oneida Community Co.. mn- chlnorv fp(- .<0 25 2 00 50 50 1 00 50 1 50 1 00 2 00 A4 .so 5 00 .5 00 1 00 1 50 2 00 1 00 O 00 .^ 50 o 00 2 00 2 00 •> r.o 4 2.'. .1 00 5 00 o 00 n 25 75 • > 50 1 1 T.-. 74 o .•?5 4 10 4 70 O 00 •"» 00 .-lo ._. 00 New Vokk Srvriv hWu 53;i iTKMizion STAiK\r K\'i' cir iti:iKii'Ts Cuntiii util ScpUliiln'l' 1 Mrs. Kannic Mct'luii'. luiicli privilege [•"lorciu'f M. I>atter. douifs- tlc fee Mrs. May 11. I)i)novaii. d" uiesfie fee KlizalM'th 1). Li'pgato. (Id lut'slic fee Mrs. ('has. L. Crothers. do- mestic fee Mrs. A. 1.. I'ercy, domestic fee .Matty B. Nutting, doraestle fee .\. K. -MacUratli, domebtic fee Mrs. (See. Fitts. domestic fee I>. E. (lallovvay, domesti<' fee \. I). Van Antwerp, faiiii produce fee Fred Ooe, farm produce fee R. F. Seeli'v. farm produce fee • Jrant Hood. Mower fee... .1. P.. Norton, machinery fee Syracuse Stove Works. .srround rental A. R. Scott, race entry ffe. Ilinman Milking Machine • 'o.. dairy rental Stevens Brothers Co., dairy fee IJ. F. Martiny. dairy fee. . >[. Belle l.arkin. domestic fee Mrs. K. S. Moore, domestic fee Mrs. Alice S. Wick, domes- tic fee Amanda Hanks, domestic fee Mrs. M. B. .Johnson, domes- tic fee .Mrs. .7. H. liudd. domestic fee A. M. Ilalph. domestic fee. Mr.s. .1. F. Wickhani. do- mestic ffi' Mrs. M. J. Wyman. domes- tic fee E. L. I^ennox. domestic fee M. I. Llddell, domestic fee. Mrs. .\. Norton, domestic fee Mary C. Sherwood, domes- tic fee ■_' (III •_' '.M l; I II I ■J 71 :; !iT 1' (Ml ',', .' > ."l •_' it.-, 4 .-..' i:; tin •_' L'.". 1(1 IK) '>(l(l (Id U'j so ■2 (to r>(» 7 n-j •_• 71 L' <):'. i\ 10 i; (III :{ 55 o 50 •> 01 • I oti 2 00 r? 5S '.t .H5 3 15 r.iTtli;) 1.. I'.lilir. (liuilcsl ic (i'r Mrs. i;ninia I'ope. duniestic (>',• .Mrs. (;. 11. Hyde, doiiieslic fee Frank 1'. Studlcy. fruit fee. W. ^. Teatcr. fr\ut fee. . . I'liltonliani (Jrange. fniii fee W. I.. Mai key. fniil fee. . I,i\i 'I'iiiinieriii;iii. I'niil fee. llelos Teuney. fruil fee... ^'. 1-.". Crowell vV: Son. Iriiil fee Win. .1. Mai'tin. fruit fee. . Havid K. Hell, fruit fee. . . 1 'lyd S. Tenuey. fruit fee. ('. H. Crawford, farm pro- duce fee I II. Wilco.v, fruil fee. . . . Iteilly Bros., fruit fee M. Frances Shattuck. rtowei fee .loseph HuK'hes. flower fee. Wallaee Wiidd. farm pro- duce fee Mis. .1. F. Woods, domestic fee Mrs. .Xnstin Cray, domestic fr|. .Mrs. c. 1,. Tucker, domestic fee II. Thorp. dom<'stic fee... Mrs. G. Thomas, domestic fee C. Thorp, domestic fee. . . . Zenith Foundry Co., rental M. ver 2 I'. I.. Reed, machinery fee. 70 4 33 3 25 «> 00 90 •) 15 4 40 50 2 00 80 o 02 o 65 2 25 • ► <;o 3 45 ,") 22 2 10 3 50 • t 55 2 00 1 00 50 •) 25 '» 25 30 45 2 34 2 00 2 00 2 08 2 00 2 05 88 2 00 KKc'KirTS — Continued Mrs. If. E. Walzer, domes- tic fee i;ila C. Doyger, domestic fee Mrs. G. B. DaBolt, domes- tic fee lOrncst Emans, fruit fee.. I.. J. Farmer, fruit fee... I. 10. liupcrt, fruit fee.... W. II. .Met 'lew. fruit fee. . Ivarl II. Knuth, flower fee. C. Bcchstedt, flower fee. . David Meneilly, flower fee. Hugh Meneilly, flower fee. E. E. Stebbins, flower fee. (). M. Wixon, farm produce fee E. C. Van Nouhous, ma- chinery fee Henry Burns, dairy fee.. -A. R. Flower Estate, dairy fee F. B. Groff, dairy rental . . .\lbany Foundry Co., rental -M. & L. A. Bldg Enterprise Foundry Co., machinery fee Sharpless Separator Co., dairy rental .[(xeph Hullar, flower fee. .Tames Meneilly, flower fee. Mrs. C. P. Rhoades, domes- tic fee II. X. Faulder, domestic fee Emma Smith, domes- tic fee N. H. Temple, domestic fee. Mrs. T. Otto, domestic fee. Mrs. A, G. Borden, domes- tic fee Mrs. Elizabeth Dolan, do- mestic fee Mrs. Iv. B. Purdy, domestic fee .Mary C. I'arrish, domestic fee Fruit Growers Saw Co., machinery fee W. F. Vrooman & Son, ma- chinery fee C. A. Lowe, farm produce fee Edna Ordway, dairy fee. . . Mrs. Thomas Coles, flower fee Dora M. Wcyer, domestic fee Townley Produce Farm, farm produce fee $5 18 2 00 •> 00 75 3 10 50 1 50 4 28 11 SO 9 45 16 90 2 90 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 14 40 31 20 O 00 44 00 5 00 14 65 o 00 2 12 2 00 2 00 3 40 3 40 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 6 71 6 so .\i;\v \'(>i;k S •|'\ii- I'Aii; rri:MT/i:i> Soplcmln'r ."> Mrs. M. K. Ilorll/cl. (inm( Mrs. ('. ('. r;iliin'r. iIowit i'i'c James K. Cole, ranu pni- duce fco Mrs. M. ("ii vaiiiui.nli. d.i- mostic fcf Mrs. M. ('. Mead, domrslic fee II. E. A. C'av.-niaii.'li. d >- mestlc fee Noreene Cavanati.i;li. ddiiies- tic fee Olive A. Brown, domestic fee Ixiralne (I. Wood, domestic fee Maria E. Hoys, domestic fee Mrs. A. (J. Tripp. dome.stic fee Hilton Grange, fruit fr... K. E. & (J. U. roMaiiirr. fruit fee W. H. Saxe, fruit fee K. II. Anderson, fruit fee. S. J. Wells & Son, fruit fee E. E. Caiman, fruit fee... Luther Colianicr. fruit fie. A. A. Clark & Son. machin- ery fee S. D. Furminger, farm pro duce fee Sara A. Little, flower fii-. Ralph L. Vo.s^eljjsang. flower fee .Tames E. Murpli.v, faini produce fee Mrs. Mae Dolliear. flower fee W. IL IlarlH'r. farm pro- duce fee F. G. Vogelgsang, farm produce fee Mrs. II. R. Gent.sch. do mestlc fee A. Buch's Sons Co.. rental M. & L. A. Bids: P. H. Van Schaick. dairy fee J. J. Shaw, race fee Armstrong & Graham, ma- chinery fee 7 :!2 ■2 (M :'.( I .-.4 •_' 00 •_> oil ■2 liO ST \'rKM i:nt or i;i:<'i:ii"i's Cnn tin iial Scpicnil)cr ."i .lolm T. Coudiiii, r.-icc fee. .^I TO \V. II. Uilt'ord, rac(> fi-e... I'. W. L.-lselje. race fee. . . . S to luternalloiial Harvester ■_' (HI Co.. advei liseiuiiit lu pii/e list {'< lis II. I., (iraut. dairy fee. . . . I". II. .Ir.. fru t fee, •2 00 i''all Brook Farm, fruit i'rr. .'II S;IUIUel l'"raser, flllil lee.. Sepleinlier t! Ue(ld"ii r.ros,, uiacliinery fe(> lilanclie I,. Slilluiau, do- u.estic fee I.. U. Loomls, machlueiy fee A. I!. Sloer, domestic fee.. Miss Goldstein, domestic fee F. Cozzens. fruit fee I.. .\. .Tenks. fruit fee .lohu .1. Yeltoii, farm ])ro- duce fee 11. X. Cornwith, dairy fe(>. I". P.. Sliattuck & (•(].. rental M. ^ I.. .V. I!lorgo E. Slohler, fruit fee Setli Fancher, house rent. II. Conway, house rent. . . . Wm. Blickley, house rent . . I''red Klein, house rent. . . . Uiii'lians & Black, rental M. & I.. A. Bldj? Henry I'eiuel. rental M. & 1.. A. Rids; Ilulihs & Hastings, machin- ery fee Kieffer Brothers, ground 2 00 rental .'fl'iO 00 (10 00 l.'tO 00 »> 00 7.~> 4 00 4 00 I ."0 .. 00 7 7.~i •J 00 0 7.") '.10 1 1 .-o 1 '2i) 24 VU 1 or, ■>l L'O 50 -)0 00 o oil 1 00 .) 00 .~t ,"|0 • } .»- 2 00 2 00 :! 40 2 00 ^> 75 2 OC 2 00 50 2."0 00 2 00 .",00 00 >S 0<) 00 1 20 50 50 17 r,0 50 5 75 ."> 00 8 3.-^ ,S a.-i 8 34 r.4 00 42 20 o 00 10 00 536 Xkw ^^ll;K Si\ri: Faik iti:m i/.i:ri s r \ri:\i i:\'r m- i:i:(i:i i i s Cuiitiinicil September 7 Meyer Itoseiil lull, llovelly privik'jjc Mrs. Brilbock, lunch iirivi- Ipert' K. Ij. Cory, cutlery pihi lege September 8 Corn I'rodncts Co., dniry rental 'llic Korden's I'oiulensed Milk Co.. (biiry rentjil . . Richard Bairii, race fee. . . Mrs. E. S. Nowatteiiy. do- mestic fee \'aii \'Z\)]}si & Sanfoi-d. I'lnii foe W. C. Ganschow, dairy fee. T, L. Brooks, machinery fee Rates & Swift Mfg. Co.. dairy rental September !) I'luidilja Silo Co.. mncbin- ery fee Whitney Mfg. Co.. macliin- ery fee Cluimpion Mfg. <"o.. ma- chinery fee I-. C. Wallace, dairy fee. . . C. M. Henry, dairy fee. . . . Tile Harmon Machine Co.. machinery fee IMward BJooniei-, pojj cciii Iirivilege 'J'iie Solvay Process Co., ad vertisement in prize list. The Haywood Wagon Co. rental ^I. & I.. .V. Rldg. N. Peters «& Co., nuichinerv f (>e '. A. A. Parker, maohinei-y fee h. Ilifkin, novelty ijiivilege H. Albei-o-. field privi- lege Wliite & Wolford, poultry fee M. B. Fellows & Co., fruit fee Century Cement Machine Co., machinery fee .... I.eKoy Plow Co., machinery fee J. N. Herbert, pennant pri- lege ^\'illiams & Co., machinery fee H. E. Hessler Co,, machln- er.v fee Phillips & Clark Stove Co., machinery fee .*•_'."! III! (',■_' ."ill III (Ml U."i nil : ' 1 1 -J 1 1 1 :.'."> (Ill L' nil .". (Id ."lU ■J nil :Jri Uii 2 (to li:) nil (III (11 on .■;n (in 70 -in •> 00 o 00 ."0 00 2;' 00 o r.o .S ."iO 2 00 2 Go L>.-. 00 • ) 00 2 00 2 00 'l'!ie W'liites, candy privi- I'-ffe Tiiina uiinit Churn Co., tlairy rental I'.rown. Curtis & Brown, ■vnlal M. & L. A. Bldg.. \erniont Machinery Co., dairy rental .Mrs. It. I". Young, domestic fee I'.oumer & Boschert Press Co., machinery fee .... A. X. Dellinger, machinery fee American Saw Mill Co.. ma- chinery fee A. .J. Braun, Jr., poulti-y fee Iverr Doane Motor Co., ma- chinery fee Clor Bros. & Willis, dairy rental .lerome D. Barnum, check- ing privilege Syracuse Stove Works, ma- chinery fee i:. R. Nichols, farm produce fee Sbarpless Separator Co., machinery fee H. !■'. (irover, rental M. iV: r,. A. Bldg Shafer & Parks, privilege (specialties) A. K. Basconi, engraving privilege Becker & Greenbaum, privi- lege (initial ringi SeiitiMuber 11 Safety Valve Fruit .lar Co., rental M. & 1.. A. Bldg. '1\ .T. Kyan. poultry fee. . . Samuel Pollock, privilege ( whistles) Cood IJoads Machine Co., nun hiiiery fee .1. H. Tester, machinery fee William Balie. swine fee. . •I. l'o!ep, novelly privilege. .\. Pislelli, lialloon privi- leg,. i:. .\ .McCinnis. privilege I llMlcil I .Morris Saiy.on. novelly p|-i\ ilege Wilson B. Chisliolm. i-ace fee Kaiidall (Jrape .Iiiice Co.. privilege .1. Messe, privilege .S:2.'. OO TJ no ()A 01) :!1 20 2 itl 2 00 2 00 2 00 20 00 2 0(> 12 00 ST oO 2 00 1 .-,0 2 00 .■',_' on 25 00 2.'! 00 2.5 00 10 00 1 00 2 00 o 00 1 00 .'.0 00 25 00 12r. 00 50 0(> .110 no 00 00 50 00 New York Statk Fair 537 ITEMIZKH Seplpmhcr 11 Ferguson Rros.. fniit ffi'. li. Ki(1i>linan. novelty pri\i le«e Mrs. li. Kidclman, iiovolty privilege The I>. S. H. I'.'il *'.>.. mn- chinory ft <• F. 1*. Nevin, pi-ivilege (pens) H. I». TliatduT ('.>.. dairy rental German Kali Woiks. ma- chinery fee Harry Merenstrin. privi- lege (pens^ F. G. Bean, poultry fee... N. Y. Raciv jraehine Co.. maeliinery fee Septeml)er 12 Jacob Meyer. privileye (ivory) J. II. Osbui-n. machintM-y fee D. Bradfiite & Son. cattle fee Carpentrr & Ross. \TEME\T <>r itKrKirTs - . Cnnlhuied ■J.", (to U.-. ISO 1.' (10 •_'."■ no ■JO 00 •1 oo 1'.". oo .") 1 1( I L* 00 •) 00 L'O 00 •_'0 00 *> 00 •> 00 17 Oo »> 00 2 00 100 00 2.-. no l.S 00 o 00 IT 00 2 00 ^0 no .-.8 00 10 00 1 "•► ■10 00 •> 00 •2. 00 10 00 18 30 Advance sale of boxes. .. . A. E. Brown, sale of box . . S. C. Sliaver, sale of box. . Mr. .Miller, sale of box. . . . ('. \. Wieting. box seals. . . Advance sale of seats .\. v.. Brown, pi-ivate box. r. W. Everett, private box Mr. Iliscock, privat(> box seats Sale of tickets September 1."} !'. W. Artz & Son. slieep fee Rallih Finney, postal card fee W. T. I>ever. swine Tim- . . . Acme Ro;ul Macliine Co.. machinery fee .\. r. Ilicks. machinery fei'. I>, 11. Gowing. dairy rental. W. (). South wi. M. Barton, cattle fee. . . .Mrs. Goodrich. novelty 1'. Jacobson. leather goods privilege George W. Heskelt. .Ir,. sheep fee J. C. ^fcCoy, race fee.... $S40 00 1.- Oo 1,-. no 12 00 .-.0 00 2r>2 00 .->o 00 40 00 24 00 1 .«7fi 00 7 00 !!•"► 00 7 00 •> 00 •> Oft S2 20 100 Ofv 10 00 "l 00 ."i 00 n 00 00 00 1.-.0 00 00 00 2 00 62 50 2.-. 00 14 on GO 00 G2 .-.0 12.-. 00 2.- Oft .-)0 00 3o 00 345 00 400 00 75 00 28 00 20 00 2.-> no 4 00 60 00 Sew YoitK Statk Faii; ITKMlZKli S-| S( ptcmber 13 IicLav.-tl Si-i)ai'ator Co.. dair.v rental I-oamj- & Clyucs, race fee. \V. A. Mathews, race fee.. .T. Tcitten. race fee J. McGuire, race fee S. T. Hyde, race fee M. Hillslnger, race fee. . . . J. Lyman, race fee Hingham Stock Farm, race fee South Presbyterian Cliurcli, lunch privilege Mr. Kilraei-, private box. . Ceneral Ciiemic'il ("n., pri- vate box Mr. Cowie, private box. . . . Sale of tickets Sale of tickets Sejif ember 1.") Mr. Minahan. private box seats Mr. Cann. private box seats Sale of tickets Single box tickets ^riss McClary, midway. . . . September 10 Watson I^ovett, sheep, swine fees A. C. Fielder, sheep, swine fees W. Horriman. race fee. . . . Mrs. Williams, race fee. . . . ('. M. Trainor. race fee. . . . 'f'honias Skahen. ra.ce fee. yi. T. Sayles, race fee. . . . M. DeWitt. race fee A. Rathlmn. race fee W. B. Ostrander, race fee. RoIxTt Grady, race fee. . . . 11. n. Teck. race fee ■W. .1. -Vndrews, race fee. . . W. .r. .Andrews, race fee. . .\. ('. (;rlev(> & Sons, swine fee T>. Tx-ary. race fee A. Rathbun, race fee f}. A. Palmer, race fee. . . . J. H. Wingate, race fee. . . ir. Titer, race fee F. McCall, race fee M. Rosber, race fee John II. Topp, race fee. . II. Titer, race fee .1. McOiiii'e. race fee .1. Totd'ii. race fee .1. Williams. ract> fee Iv F. Ceers. j-ace fee Kent Harney, cattle fee... A. C. Pennock, race fee.. . . A'n:.Mi:.\T ni $20 00 250 00 250 00 5 00 5 00 GO 00 60 00 60 00 12U 00 62 50 50 00 50 00 50 00 1,003 50 0,097 00 1 2 00 12 on 10.152 50 95 00 75 S 00 r, 00 3 00 ;> 00 10 00 t> 00 00 Ofi CO 00 10 (M» 10 00 10 00 60 00 60 on 25 00 00 00 7 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 GO 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 10 00 10 00 5 00 .1 00 .-, on :!o 00 24 00 165 00 i;i;\'hile. race fee 1'. I. \\'hile. horse show fee ^Mfes Hotel, special prize. horse show 11. K. Deveroux, raee fee. . White & P.runs, advertise- ment in prize list Woody Hill Slock Farm. i'a<'e fee I). Rhind. fruit fee Mrs. P.rowninir Prentice. horse show fee 1,-ini-a Stanley, horse show fee II. S. Ilollis, horse show fee I'.. T, Stotesbury, borse show fee Pelfon Farms, horse show fee Pleinlieim Farms, borse show fee W, A. Salladin. horse show fee 'I'linnias I.. MeKa.x. horse show fei' Hon. cnn'onl SIfton, horse show fee S. K. Preese, lu)rso show fee $170 00 1,059 00 6,434 25 9 00 394 72 20 00 9 00 75S 07 8 75 345 75 0,325 50 6 00 55 00 ri;s 50 250 00 60 00 52 00 60 00 200 00 100 00 65 00 45 00 75 00 60 00 S 00 -165 00 1 50 24 00 .•:4 OO 63 00 55 00 68 00 123 00 9 00 10 00 156 00 13 00 Nkw ^'()^•K Statk Fair 5.'}'.) ITE.MIZKI) September 20 Malloy Farm, horse show STATIv.ME.NT lU'" HHlliU-TS Vontiuucil fee J. G. Ilnnmcr, horse show fee Gen. William Verbeck, horse show fee Mrs. John McLennan, horse show fee Charlotte E. Ward, horse show fee Whitmore Kros., horse show fee T. F. Coj'ne, liorse show fee Julia F. Aldrieh, horse show fee E. C. Bardln, horse show fee Horace White, horse show fee Mrs. K. Croiise, horse show fee Chloe P. Gillis, liorse show fee A. R. Gillls, horse show fee Sunset Lodge Farms, horse show fee J. Y. Pendergast, horse show fee T.iithor IT. Warner, horse show fee Fred B. Parker, horse show fee George Zett, horse show fee F. S. Delano, horse show fee J. P. Miller, Jr., horse show fee Mrs. E. F. Hawley, horse show fee Mrs. W. K. Pierce, horse show fee Francis B. Mitchell, horse show fee J. Sumner Draper, horse show fee Bert Ware, horse show fee. Dominion Cheese Co., dalr.v rental I.aRose Stables, race fee. . dhv. Hansen's T^aboratory, dairy n-ntal T. F. Norton, race fee. . . . J. S. Murra.v. race fee. . . . L. C. Smith P.ros. Co.. ad- vertisement in prize list A. G. Vanderbilt, special prize, horse show Oakland l'"anii. iKirse slunv fee George C. Clausen, special priz(\, horse .show C. Arthur Benjamin, badges, posters October 1 G. A. I'almer, race fee... C. McDermott, race fee. . . October 4 i'.dwcu & I'crry, advertise- ment in prize list 1'. H. Ebt^ilng, advertise- ment in prize list II. W. I Id we, advertise- ment in prize list \V. .\. I>avi.s, advertisement in prize list Xeal & Hyde, advertise- ment in prize list Leonard, Turnbull & John- son, advertisement in prize list J. H. Loomis & Son, adver- tisement in prize list . . . H. Conway, house rent. . . . October 11 Syracuse, Lakeside & North- ern R. R., tickets Rochester, Syracuse & Eastern R. R., tickets. Auburn & Syracuse R. R. Co., tickets Seth Fancher, house rent. . Fred Klein, house rent. . . . Sale of old wood National Trotting Assn.. suspension of R. Beattie E. S. Guthrie, overpaid Dopt. G C. A. Benjamin, refund Auto Day Wm. Blickley, house rent. . J. N. Myers, stall rent .... Old junk October 14 Julian Morris, horse show fee v.. H. Weatherbee, horse show fee Geo. Burn, poultry fee. . . . Mea.Lrer I'.ros.. advertise- ment in prize list Robert I'roctor, race fee.. Frank B. Barrett, race fee. Geo. McGarth, race fee... 30 00 C. C. Hondrlckson, race foo .?19 no 27 00 117 00 19 00 15 00 3.1 00 5 00 ^ 00 6 00 20 00 19 00 12 00 66 00 23 00 10 00 5 00 13 00 5 00 59 00 48 00 94 00 9 00 96 00 57 00 7 00 5 53 5 00 63 26 75 00 25 00 .$150 IM) 391 00 100 00 48 95 125 00 140 00 8 00 III DO 8 00 S (Ifl 15 00 8 00 10 00 8 33 9,404 50 2.072 .-,0 1 .60S 00 20 80 8 33 12 00 00 00 3 00 29 41 8 33 1 00 3 00 130 00 126 00 90 00 15 00 120 00 24 00 150 00 250 00 540 i!s^EW York State Faii ITKMiy.KP October 17 National Trotting Assn.. suspension of Gayton's Host National Trotting; Assn., suspcn.siou of Arlinjrton. National Trottiujj Assn.. suspension of Walter I. ill October 18 IUv<'r Mi'ailow Karm, cattle fi-p John I.. Axlino, cattle fee. I'ljikcr & Knapp. iichcrtisc- iiii'iit in prizo list October If) i:. ']'. DpGraff. poultry fee, protested check Octoljer 20 ndiiiiiiion (leaner ("o.. ad \ iMtiseiiient In pii/e list . October 2L' v.. L. Tallman, fruit fee, protested check • ;. I! ■rallni.-tn. r-atlb' fee. Nichols & Nichols, adver- tisement in jirize list . . irnlste'n-Frlesian .\ssn.. special prizes October 24 y>. n. & V. n. n.. tickets sold I>. L. & W. U. R.. tickets sold Horace White, private box O. A. Wilbur, stall rent... N. Y. C. R. R. tickets sold. October 31 Seth Fancher. house rent . . Fred Klein, house rent .... r.reedins lUireau. .Toe key Club, special prize n. K. Knapp. special prize National Trotting Assn.. suspension of V.. F. ITall November 1 IT. Conway. hi)usi> icnt .... W. A. Smith, ponlliy I'cc.. Florhani Swu] ["arrii, linrse slU)\V fee Sale Imrse shew catali)};. . -NovemliHi- 0 M. II. Noithnip Co.. adver- tisement in prize list. . Oneida Railway Co.. tickets sold .STATKMENT OF 60 00 0(1 00 8 00 -, 00 ."> 00 ir. ;?."i ."i 00 19 51 0<") 00 \r, 11(1 :■,!•.} CO -40 00 16, ,728 60 ."».'» 00 •> 00 :ii. O.-i!) ."lO 6 86 8 3:? .-.0 00 .-.0 00 7.5 00 8 33 2:!3 r.o 41.") 00 .-:; 4 0 .-| 00 2.636 2.') KKCKii'Ts — Continued L. S. & M. S. R. R. Co., tickets sold .$4 r.o Novcml>er l.'i Enterprise Foundry & Fence Co., cement and freight. 33 37 Wm. Blickley. house rent . . 8 33 W. F. Saunders, advertise- ment In prize list 5 00 Wm. Dopffel, advertise- nii-nt in prize list o OO 11. W. Greenland & Son, advertisement in prize list 8 00 .Jones & I?each. advertise- ment in pii'/.c list -S 00 (liarli's Smith, advertise- ment in ))rize l:st ."> on W. N. Wynkoop. advert isi-- ment in prize list .'i oi» li. S. Bonert. unclaimed premium 1000 6 .«5.5 .7. F. Bauer, unclaiminl premium 1909 7 58 C. Kapjien. unclaimed pre- iriimi 1!MI<.| 6 2.'i IVist-Standard Co., ^A> on ventilators 60 00 November 19 II. F. Murphy Pub. Co.. score card privilege 270 .SO (Onondaga T.itholite Co.. ad- vei-tisemr'nt in prize list in mi N. Y.. A. & L. R. R.. liclcets sod .".4." 00 December 1 T.. V. R. R.. tickets sold.. 922 7.". W. A. Sliafer, poultry entry fee 9 .">0 December 8 M. & O. R. R.. tickets sold 97 oo D. & IT. R. R.. tickets sold l.s 00 F. Conway, bouse rent.. 8 35 Decembei- 1 2 \\n\. Blickley. house rent . . 8 33 Si-ili Faucber. house rent.. 8 33 Fi'eil Klein, house rent. ... .S 33 1.. M. Weslcott, house rent 114 71 Cleveland & Co.. rent of grounds i oo oo Stale Bank of Syracuse. interest on deposits. . . . :!71 61 Commercial Bank. Interest im deposits 25 00 Total $148,207 49 New York State Faik 541 ITK.MI/.KP STA TKMKNT n]' I U SHI ' USKM ENTS T o«(/i(7' .\amf Amount 1 K. A. Fitch, sti'uogiinilirr .'i;:,() on li Fair I'uldisliiug Co., iuii<'.\ Ixiok :j tJJ 3 Syracuse Llgliting Co., liglits ."):.' (»;! 4 New York Tclfi)liouc Co., .service Lis o.i r> rCmpirc State Clem Towel Co.. .service T 00 (J Wesferu I'liion Telcgrai)li Co., service 4 lo 7 I'oslal Telegraph (able Co., ser\ ice SI N Americau Express Co., ( xpress 11 1(! !> S. C. Shaver, expenses .•5;} 04 10 .\ i:. Urowil, expenses .■J2 0!) 11 \\ . 1 1, limwii, e.xpi'iises S 7li V2 Francis licudricks vV Co.. bo.xing picUirc 50 l.X Troy iS; Keitii, uegalives and pii?ils 9 0(1 14 Ch.irlis .\I. (;ihlis, tent rental and lalior 4!) Or. I."> K. .\. !■ lull, services .">0 (»0 1<> W. 1!. liiilh r, si-rvices T:.' '< 15 S. C. Shaver, expenses -7 14 1!) ]•:. A. rilch, services . .'iO (Ml I'll l{r L'l' Lyman Brothers, pads and report :! ."iii S.i -Naiional Trotting Association, ineuib rsliii) lee 100 o(» 24 Syraeiist' District Messenger Co.. services ."i."! L'.'i Westi-rn Iniou Telegraph Co., services •"> *>'■'• "JO I". 1>. Saigcnt, cards and pencil sharpener .'> ."o 1:7 Syracuse Lighting Co., lights S 0 1 2-S .Vnierican l%xpress Co., express ."> 04 !.'!• A. K. i'.rown. .'xpeuses 21 .")."> ;!0 The Wyckiiff Cy., i)aper. string, etc '>'< 17 :n K. \. Fitch, services .">o 00 :!2 S. C. Shaver, fees for notary public 10 00 .■5."> Legislative Index Tub. Co., subscription ."0 Oo ;{4 C. K. Ames, inm railing in Dairy and State lust. BIdg S.")2 60 :ir> Syracuse Steel I'late l"^ng. Co.. leiler bcMd-; 47 .")(» 36 K. A. Fitch, services ."lO 00 '■'>' C. .\. I'ublow. expenses 4 :;4 ;!.S ])r. Harris Moak, expenses 11 '■'' 39 Smith & Holmes, prints 11 lo 40 Wni. Cowie, 1'. M.. stamps 7."i 00 41 Wni. Cowie. I'. M., stamps 20 00 42 Win. C(.\\ ie. r. M.. stamps '> 00 4.'i Syracuse Lighting Co., lights 7 4S 44 C. \V. Harrison, expenses 20 :!4 4r> Frank I>. Ward, exixnses and s.-ilary 117 7."'> 4G Central I'rinting iV; I-higraving < 'o.. half tones 37 32 47 Blue & Black rrint Co., prints 7 20 45 1*( stal Telegraiili (.'.ilile ('()., servi( e i"|-'> 49 Western Cnion Telegraph Co.. service II 9.", .".o C. .\. Smith, cartage 3."> ."il .\mei-ican Express ("o., service 7 114 .">2 .Natii)nal Express Co., service .".3 20 .■.:■. L. ( '. Smith & Bros. Co.. ribbons 3 oO .">4 S. C. Sliaver, 14 85 55 A. E. Brown, expenses 17 57 50 The Grand Circuit, presiding judge and expenses 200 00 57 Lyman Bros , printed supplies 33 50 5S Lyman Bros., i)rize lists 7 75 50 Lyman Bros., envelopes and prize lists 98 75 542 N'ew York State Fair ITLMIZKD STATLMKNT OV DISBLRSKMKXTS — ConM/U/f »? Voucher yame iH> Lyman Bros., report sheets 61 Lyman Bros., cards, sheets, etc 62 Smith & Holmes, photographs, prints, etc 63 Wra. Cowie, 1'. M., stamps f;4 Wm. Cowie, P. M., stamps 05 Fair rublishing Co., indexes 66 Smith & Holmes, prints 67 A. E. Brown, expenses 6S E. A. Fitch, services (!!> Florence E. Anderson, services 70 Frank D. Ward, expenses and salary 71 I >. W. McLaury, expenses and salary ~- Empire State Clean Towel Co., service 7.'I lirown. Curtis & Brown, desk 74 Wi'stcrn Union Telegraph Co., service 7.1 I'ostal Telegraph Cable Co., service 76 I'ostal Telegraph Cable Co.. service 77 W. C. Parker, check book 7S! N. Y. C. & IL R. R. Co., freight 7!> National Express Co., service 50 Onondaga Taxicab Co., service 51 Miller Electric Co., supplies and labor 82 Syracuse Lighting Co., lights S8 l.yman Bros., forms and prize lists .S4 Lyman Bros., envelopes, blanks, etc H7> T-yman Bros., booklets 86 Lyman Bros., envelopes and prize lists 87 I/ym!in Bros., blanks, etc 88 The McDonnell Co.. tags 89 The McDonnell Co., cards 00 The McDonnell Co., receipts, etc '.n Lyman Bros., envelopes and letter heads 02 T'nited States Express Co., service OS E. A. Fitch, service 04 <;. W. Harrison, services 0.') B. \V. McCupn. services 00 Florence E. Amlerson, services 07 Mastin & Co.. horse 05 Frank !>. "Ward, expenses and services 00 .T. K. West & Co., badges, etc loii Tolman .Tob Print, pof-ters mi Ansell Ticket Co.. tickets 102 American Surety Co., premium 103 Woman's Aux. Hospital Good Sbci)lu'ri) s.s oo 0 flO s oo 4 00 1 4n 50 (III so !Ml 66 Oil 45 0(1 210 00 267 58 611 03 33 05 120 60 150 00 62 50 78 50 15 00 n 52 25 52 33 02 1 30 30 54 7 40 5 50 n 42 4 50 20 03 35 50 367 00 Xew Yokk State Fair 54:j iTK.Miz::i) .stati;.mi;nt of r)i.sitrusi..MicNTs roxtiiinrd Voucher Xamr Amount 110 C. F. Saul, bnislH's |0 T.O 120 Syracuse Lighting Co.. lij;liis 4 48 rjl V. V. Collins r;iint Co.. paints, etc 20 2.5 IL'li l/.vnian ISrus.. printed supplies 734 80 ll2;j The McDonnell Co., programs 55 00 124 Geo. \V. llarrisou, services 100 00 12r> K. A. Fitch, services 50 00 IL'G 1!. \V. McOien, services 81 00 IL'T Henry 11. Sliaver, services 14 00 128 Florence IC. Anderson, services 4."> im) 12!> Frank I>. Ward, salary and expenses 24."i 4.s i:>0 (ilenn Curtiss, by McCuidy, aitracticjiis l.iMto n(» l."l I.. F. 8teere, services .'.7 20 1X2 (Jeo. F. I'cer, services 11 I ,s l."{.'! 1 >an Warner, services 12 '<<) i;54 I'. K. Ilnnn, services :'. t .".() 1^0 Ilcnry II. Shaver, services I'.i ixi i:!r> A. .T. Rider, tent rental 145 00 i:!7 .Nil-hols iV: Nichols, rent of deconitions soo (to i;5S Nichols & -Nichols, trimminj; booth .~jO 00 I'M C. A. lienjamiu, services .'iMo (»o 140 Ci. W. Harrison, services Kio 00 141 F. A. Fitch, services CO 00 142 American Express Co., services 20 13 14.3 National Express Co., services s .'i.''. 144 I'nitod States Express Co., sej-vices 2 o."i 14."> Theodore (lunsels Son & Co., cards 7 .'o ]4(; ISranihall, l>eane Co.. water hack and brick 1(» rii 147 The Charles M. Robbins Co.. letters, ba(liu;es. eic C.;; (id 148 I'ostal Telegraph Cable Co.. service ;!.■> 149 C. r. lirate, printed supplies !14 (U 150 F. n. Sargent, printed supplies .",4 '.10 151 Syracuse Stiel I'late Engraving Co.. Ictti-r ln'.uls '.) 50 152 .\. E. Brown, additional salary .375 00 153 S. C. Shaver, additional salary 250 00 154 I>. ( •. Klein, additional salary 225 00 155 Kuhnreich I'.ros.. dinners, etc 110 73 150 Clenn II. Curtiss, airship attraction 2,o(io 00 150.^ (Jlenn II. Curtiss, airship attraction 2, 0110 oo 157 II. S. Xealley, expenses '.'.'s 75 15,S I'. A. Linster. printing placards 7 00 159 .1. .\. Scheninger & Bros., brooms, etc :',:; s.s ]»>0 F. I'. Collins I'aint Co... brushes 7 20 liil .Iosej)h Ihivis. exiM-nses 11 (.17 162 Maher Bros., uniforms 042 50 lOS Samuel Cozzens, services 150 00 164 Koyal (Jilkey, expenses :'.7 12 105 I,. B. Cook, expenses 22 ^4 Hit; Itojal (lilkey, expense dairy department 70 0.3 107 -Myron H. Bent, return fee ;; 0(1 lO.s Cltas. 0|)dyke. race winnings 150 00 l(i9 W. Ilodson, race winnings 260 00 170 Myron Ilillsinger, race winnings 120 00 171 .1. M. Cavanaugh. race winnings l.SOO 00 172 C. R. Bentley. race winnings 922 50 17.'{ 1:. I'. Ceers, race winnings .3.060 00 174 .Ino. H. Hickerson. race winnings 450 00 175 Thos. Crady, race winnings ISO 00 176 a. T. Hoag. race winnings 480 00 544 New Yokk State Fair iTEMizKi) sTATEjrEXT fiF Disnt itsEMENTS — Continued Toucher \ame Amount 177 J. llealy, race winuings .■JIKO 00 178 Samuel Ilydc, race winnings 540 GO 179 Ilingham Stock Farm, race winnings lUO 00 180 John E. Madden, race winnings 3C0 00 ISOi J. AVillian)s, race winnings 50 00 181 ilcMalion Bros., race winnings 60 00 182 Joe Gahagan, i-ace winnings 655 00 1!SS Stony Ford l<'arm, race winnings 4.000 00 184 Wilson B. Chisholm, race winnings 400 00 IS."! 1 >avid Shaw, race winnings COO 00 18(5 .\! mzo ilcltonald, race winning.s 060 00 187 t . W. Laselle, race winnings 540 00 188 S. 11. Knox, race winnings 800 00 180 Lotta Crabtree, race winnings UO 00 ino ir. Uoss, race winnings 240 00 101 W. W. Wogan, race winnings 120 00 102 1'. I •. M. Krnst, race winnings C.".') oo 194 .7. Totten, race winnings 50 00 195 W. II. -Moffott. race winnings 720 dO ]9C .7. McGuire, race winnings 125 00 197 W. Ilerriman, race winnings 25 00 198 S. <:. Camp, race winnings ISO oO 199 W. n. Cox, race winnings 1,165 00 200 II. D. Ernst, race winnings 30 00 201 David Shaw, race winnings 480 00 202 New York Telephone Co., toll calls 15 20 203 (Jriswold & McWain. priiiti'd .snppiies 67 50 204 Western I'nion Telegraph Co., service 33 63 205 .lames .7. Ryan, tent rental 150 00 20C George F. Wilson, services KaNooNo Band 53 00 207 W. A. Smith, special display, waterfowl, etc 250 00 208 The Rider and Driver, horse show advertising 25 00 200 I'nit;-d Stales Express Co., express 1 96 210 M. I. Ferguson, signs 2 25 211 Burns Brothers, cartage 4 50 212 Bunker & Plum, medical supplies for hospital 8 35 213 Hospital Good Sheperd, supplies for hospital 12 40 214 Oscar W. Kapps. services of ofTicer in Woman's Building 109 00 215 F. Humbert's Sons, bcddiJig, etc.. in Woman's Building. . 7 00 216 Clark Music Co.. piano rental in Woman's Building 10 00 217 M. & N. Schwartz, supplies in Woman's Building 4 01 218 Louis B. Judd, livery 29 50 219 Pinzer Union I'ublishing Co., programs 13 50 220 E. W. Edwards & Son. supplies 20 73 221 William F. Saunders, livery 155 35 222 Syracuse Lighting Co., lighting 4 86 223 .7. P. Quigley, Chief, S. F. D.. services of firemen 120 00 224 Meager Bros., feed, shavings for cattle department 17 50 225 Meager Bros., feed, shavings for fire department 2ti 80 226 Meager Bros., feed, shavings for horse show deparJment 44 10 227 Meager Bros., feed, shavings for poultry department 29 06 228 Empire Steam Laundry, laundry, horse .show 4 97 229 .7. E. West & Co., ribbons 168 84 230 Ansell Ticket Co., tickets 23 60 230i H. .7. Howe, special prizes 1.000 00 231 ' R. A. Stowell & Co., flower jars 75 92 232 .Tas. .7. Ryan, tent rental 2 00 233 W. E. Banning Stamp and Stencil Works, police badges 7 50 \i\v ^'ouK Srvri: l'\ii; r>4r» ITRMIziMi s-i'.\ii:\i i:ni' m- lUsr.iKsi: m i:\rs - <■«»/////(( lOdward Joy, fan 24(> The (». M. Edwards Co., lockers 247 Keed Sign Works, signs and numbers 245 I'eople's Ice Co., ice for fruit and dairy dopartnicnts 249 F. D. Sargent, pins 250 \V. C. I'arkor, tickets and coupons 2")! The Taxicab Co., service 252 G. W. Bennett, service 253 Empire Cooping Co., coops 254 . D. H. Gowing, dairy supplies 255 James J. Ryan, tent rental 25G Dey Bros., & Co., pins and cloth 257 Dey Bros., & Co., cloth 25S Dey Bros., & Co., pillows and mattresses 259 Dey Bros., & Co., blankets, etc 200 Dey Bros., & Co., cloth 2U1 Dey Bros., & Co., towels 2G2 Lyman Bros., printed supplies 2tio Lyman Bros., printed supplies 264 Lyman Bros., printed supplies 205 Lyman Bros., printed supplies 200 I.,yman Bros., primed supplies 267 Lyman Bros., printed supplies ; 208 Lyman Bros., printed sui)plies 20!t Lyuiau Bros., printed supplies 270 Lymau Bros., printed supplies i:71 Lyman Bros., printed supplies 272 Lyman Bros., printed supplies 273 Lyman Bros., printed supplies 274 The McDonnell Co., printed supplies 275 The McDonnell Co., printed supplies 276 The McDonnell Co., printed cards 277 The McDonnell Co., printed cards 278 The McDonnell Co., printed cards 279 The McDonnell Co., printed cards 280 The McDonnell Co., printed cards 281 The McDonnell Co., printed cards 282 The McDonnell Co., printed cards 283 The McI>onnell Co., printed cards 284 The McDonnell Co., printed cards 285 The IMcDonnell Co., printed cards 286 The McDonnell Co.. printed cards 287 The McDonnell Co., printed cards 288 The McDonnell Co., printed cards. 289 Cronin Coach and Transfer Co., carriage hire 290 Cronin Coacli and Transfi-r Co., auto service 291 C. Arthur Benjamin, exjx'nses .Vuto Day 292 Dr. Harris Moak, services, dairy department .1 inn u 11 1 .•<781 6I> 1(1 Of) • , 4n 2 00 ::o 00 ti 0(1 12 18 0 25 40 50 15 25 20 00 9 00 :;s 25 12 10 ::i5 75 •> 80 155 50 45 00 45 00 431 00 27 94 30 00 10 48 91 75 27 50 18 20 50 30 ',\ 00 •> .-() 4 50 14 7.5 53 50 17 50 04 00 *> 00 05 50 46 25 1 25 8 00 292 12 300 84 17 00 24 64 9 94 0 63 12 00 7 50 8 25 8 25 8 25 7 31 2 25 6 19 4 56 2 00 40 00 353 88 64 65 1 III oil II r ;^5G 08 10 •20 1.' SO 11 :'.r. 41 77 1(5 70 :'.4l 55 !i;j 01 !•'. 1>. Ward, expenses and compensation .■102 (". K. r>en,jamiu, labor and material ;!0:5 Stanford-Crowell Co., clotli charts ;!04 Orrin Bent, services, dairy department i;{9 00 ;J05 .lohn Greaves, lock and key 1 10 .'iUO .T. IT. Stoddard, expenses 10 90 307 Troop D, National Guard, services 308 G. W. Harrison, services 309 R. A. Fitch, services 310 C. M. Gibbs, tent, chair, etc 311 Brown, Curtis & Brown, desk 312 Troop D, National Guard, services 313 N. Y. C. & II. R. R. R. Co., special Roosevelt train 314 S. W. Taylor, expenses horse show secretary 315 Michigan Buggy Co., rebate on freight 31R Empire State Clean Towel Co., towel service 317 Uey Bros., & Co., cambric 318 U. C. Adams, storage and repairs on uniforms 319 II. .T. Howe, shipping prize cup ;{20 American Express Co., exi.ress 321 Central City Koof Co.. sand .'122 .Tohn Jacobson, clerical services .■;23 Frank D. Ward, expeusi s, supe; iiitendent of horses 324 Edw. .Toy Co., i)huubing supplies 325 Empire State Clean Towel Co., towel service 32G Reed Sign Works, signs .■{27 II. .T. Howe, engraving medals 328 Albert (J. T.-iaffe, services .■i29 Albert G. Taaffe, supplies .'!30 Wm. Cowie, P. M., office postage 331 Win. Cowie, 1*. M. special dairy postage 332 The Cronin Auto Co., outo service 333 Frederic S. Bailey, engraved invitations 334 Syracuse Rul>ber Co., rubber boots 335 Schillinger Stove Co., rental of stoves 336 Miekel & Peck, labor, paint and varnish 337 Brown, Curtis & Brown, rug .'{38 Syracuse Eigliting Co., lights 339 New York Teleplione Co., service 340 The Schoeneck Co., curtains and awnings 341 Brown, Curtis cS: Brown, tal)les 342 The Wyckoff Co., office supplies 343 A. E. Brown, expenses 344 National Express Co., service .345 I'ostal Telegraph Cable Co., service .■!40 Syracuse Pistriet Messenger Co., service 347 Chas. A. Smith, freight and cartage 348 Syracuse Lighting Co., service 349 Empire State CbMn Towel Co., service 350 The Williams Print Co., prize lists and entry blanks 351 The Williams Print Co., horse show catalogs 115 00 100 00 60 00 202 25 55 00 70 00 518 19 5, SO 40 3 50 .5 90 3 42 ti7 00 2 00 73 SO 7 00 ,1 00 70 52 47 27 fi IS no .5 20 00 0 79 210 00 127 24 30 50 16 50 15 00 12 00 15 00 10 25 4 00 75 92 70 00 15 00 176 SI 35 43 9 84 85 45 G 62 452 87 4 00 144 30 243 SO A'i;\v \'()i;k Staii: V.wu HIT ITK.MlZi:i> STATK.MiO.NT dl' DISIU itSKMIINTS Ctllt t ill tltd \ oiirhrr \iiiiit '.\'\'2 I'alli'rsdii ISms., iiu'tal miiiiliiM-s ;{.■>;{ .loliii 11. Wilson, sti'iiogniithor's t'eus ;{."i4 Kiiipiri' State ('li'aii Towel Co., towel siTvicc ;{.">."( Siniili rrciiii.'r Tyiicw riicr Co.. i.v|ii'\vrili'r siipplii s ."t.'iti liurrouslis AtUliiii; .Machine Co., pajx r .■{."i7 Am. Ass'n l'''alrs and Expositions, annual diu's ."r>S National Kxpross Co., servire .■!.">!> 1M-. v.. K. Itoiilinf:, veterinarian in lioisc di'pariiiunl :'.(>(• C. M. Mosonian & Uro., arm numbers .'Kil Western Cnion Telegrapli Co., service :Ui2 W. E. Gillioit. expenses, superintendent poultry ;'.»i;j Edward .Toy Co., plumbing suiiplies and labor ;i04 Syracuse Pottery Co., flower pots :;•>.■> r.rown, Curtis & I'.niwn. l.'.O cliairs 3U0 W. S. Steele, secretary I'ittsburgli Driving Club, transportation of horse ;{G7 K. <;. Hinds, secretary N. Y. nriv. Club, transpor ation of horse. . .■;GS II. K. Devereux, president Cleveland Driv. Club, transportation of horse oOn .Tohn H. Wilson, stenographer's fees 370 Royal Gilkey, clerk, dairy department ;{71 .Tames .T. Ryan, tent rental :>72 S. C. Shaver, expenses M7;« Fred A. I'pton, services as starter ;{74 E. .T. Toole, clerk of course 'MTi Johnson Southard, assistant to secretary of races .■!7(> W. C. Wright, secretary, running races :i77 C. A\'. Tutlle, timer of races .■57s .\. M. Turck, timer of rsices .■{7'J I'ercy Dickinson^, timer of races 3.S0 .lohn L. IJarnet. timer of races ."iSl .\. Stevens, distance .judge .'tSli .lames Kernan. patrol Judge 'AS^ .Tohn Greaves, marshal 384 A. J. Kelley, gatenian 38o ("has. Dence. gatiinan 3Sr, F. C. Newton, labor 3S7 (i. A. Watei'uian, labur 3JSS .los. Chillin.gswortb, lalior 389 C. W. Dakin. labor 300 .r. .M. Sweeney, labor 301 .lohn Spaulding, labor 30:2 .T. A. Noxou, Labor .■;03 (). S. I'erkins, labor 304 (ieo. Wright, labor 39."i .Tas. (Jraham. labor .■>0(t Herman Fairchild, labor .■',07 .lohn Ci.'Stigan, labor .308 .T. K. Potter, labor 390 K. E. Nichols, labor 400 Nicholas I'ollman, labf)r 401 Harry Williams, labor 40:i W. A. Noble, labor 403 .Ffdin Shaughnessey, labor 404 Frank .T. Kehoe, labor 40.5 M. .1. Auringer, labor 40»; Arthur Deas, labor 407 Edgar Carothers. labor 408 H. W. r.aker. l.-ilior 1 IIIHIIII t !p20 00 21 00 ''3 71 14 (IM 2.'i 00 4 IMI ."lU (lit 3.-. 7."> 80 94 2.S .':ii 17S 30 :!.s .'»(> l.-.u no 320 00 110 00 390 00 10 00 22 .'.1 20 no :!7 12 1 .-.0 (M) 100 00 4.". On 1 1 1.-, .".() L'.i (1(1 1.-. (Ml 2." 00 2.". 00 1.1 00 i-> 00 3(1 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 IS 00 IS 00 IS 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 IS 00 IS 00 18 00 IS 00 18 00 18 00 10 00 10 00 IS 00 .Ma N'lw ^'oK'K Si'A'iK Fau: ITK.\ll/i;i) STA'IKMKNT OK DISIU T.SKMENTS CnntilHICd Voucher Same 401) Cronin Coaih and 'rrsuisfi'r Co., livery 410 D. B. Ca^'anaiigli. livery 411 Ernest Moori'. siipeiinli'iidi iit. hnrsr sliow 4rj .T. H. Allen, ring master 413 K. J. Goohan, ring clerk 414 Harry Seager. class caller 415 Albert Seager, assistant caller 41G K. M. liowry, judge 417 N. T. Uel'auw, judge 41 S Harriet Wadsworth, judge 4 1 11 Jay ( oogan, judge 4l'() Major K. (iulick. judge 4L'l Major (". A. Benton, judgi' 422 Hon. G. C. Clausen, judge 42;5 John Wyllie, judge 424 Earl Beckwith, show ring attendant 42.'> George Freer, gate and show ring attendant 420 Roy Buchanan, show ring attendant 427 W. W. Rogers, show ring attendant 428 Peter J. Doyle, show ring attendant 429 Martin Rawler, gate attendant 430 II. Clark, show ring attendant 431 Edw. T. Long, show ring atti>ndant 432 Michael Leyden, show ring attendant 433 H. S. Eemon. show ring attendant 434 J. C. O'Brien, gate and show ring attendant 43."> Chester Clark, attendant 430 John Becker, laborer 437 Lester B. Adams, show ring helper 438 American Express Co., express 43!) Wolcott Van Debogart, assistant helper, horse show ring 440 C. B, Walradt, assistant in liorse deparlnieni 441 Jos, liavis. clerk, horse department 442 Orson Moulton, judge 443 O. B. Sheppard, judge 444 C, D. Taylor, announcer 445 John Battelle, driver 446 Harold Moyer, assistant in horse department 447 I>. W. AIcLaury. superinti'inh'nt 44S C. E. Warner, clerk 440 Delos Jones, assistant 4r>0 Ueulien Wolfsen. assistant 451 Kent Barney, .assistant 452 John Calkins, assistant 453 G. A. Bell, judge 454 T. A. Mitchell, judge 455 M. S. Meyers, judge 450 Ilarl-y Ilayward. judge 457 G, W. Sisson. Jr.. judge 45S W. J. Wadsworth, veterinarian 45!» C. .\, Wieting, services 400 li. A, I'age, superiiilend( nt. sheep 461 Harry Chandler, clerk in sheep and swine department 402 Wm. Vrooman, assistant in sheep department 463 M. B. Fellows, assistant in sheep department 404 M. B. Fellows, assistant in sheep department 465 E. Prell. assistant in sheep department 466 E. Ia Shaw, judge 467 J. C. Duncan, judge 1 III Oil lit .'i;i2 00 15 00 • 15 o 00 21 OO JS 00 .».) 45 14 00 41 (|'> loo 0 1 100 00 9 50 •> 00 10 .'>() .".(lO 00 33 88 3.5 02 53 00 .30 20 .!!) .«iS 77 42 50 00 10 00 51 95 .30 25 50 00 130 (»0 52 30 36 00 .35 00 3 00 35 32 .35 32 90 94 31 .50 .4 mount .«:jr. on 74 :i2 42 no .SO 88 .•?6 88 fi4 50 42 00 2:'.5 34 24 00 48 00 38 72 27 00 22 25 Nkw York State F.\ii; 549 ITKMI/.KH STATEMKXr <>F DISHl'nsEMKNTS — Cuiltiliuril Vnuchrr Same 4t'iS r. W. Lewis, judge 4t>!> K. r. nardcn. superintendent, swine 470 Frank Gardiner, clerk 471 Ira Slater, assistant 472 Chns. Wright, assistant 47.S .T. N. lyinson, Judge 474 W. J. Tharp, judge 47."> \V. E. Gilbert, superintendent, poultry 470 I'aul Adams, assistant 477 W. A. Smith, assistant 475 William Ackley, assistant 470 Morris Twining, assistant 480 S. A. Degan, assistant 481 Frank Sutliff. assistant 35 70 482 Gus Hraun. Jr., assistant 28 50 483 W. A. Parker, assistant 35 00 484 E. N. Morgan, assistant 4.S5 C. E. Wilty, assistant 486 M. S. Johnson, assistant 4.S7 J. II. judge 4.^^ John C. Kreimer. judge 4SU n. W. :Mosher, judge 400 Wm. J. Stanton, judge 401 W. B. Atcherton. judge 402 W. C. Dennv. judge 403 William Minnieh, judge 404 G. A. Hodgklus, feed 405 D. T.. & W. R. R. Co., freight 40r> (;. A. Smith, superintendent, dairy department 407 G. A. Smith, superintendent, dairy department 40S W. E. Grithth. assistant, .dairy department 400 W. E. Griffith, assistant, dairy department 500 Horace A. Rees. assistant 501 C. A. Puhlow, assistant and judge 502 W. L. Markham. assistant 503 William Grimses, assistant 504 Howard Delany, assistant 505 Charles B. Walradt, assistant .".06 Clayton Button, assistant 507 E. G. Graves, assistant 50S R(.l)t. u. Kirkland. assistant 500 Error 510 Robt. R. Kirkland. assistant 51 1 r. W. Fryhofer, judge 512 E. S. Guthrie, judge 513 Frank Miller, laborer 514 Allle Oliver, Janitor 515 R. D. Mclver, janitor 516 J. G. Armstrong, janitor 517 R. D. Mclver, janitor 518 J. Armstrong, janitor 510 C. R. Wilson, superintendent and for supplies, fruit department.. 520 C. M. Day, assistant 521 John A. Mani-y, assistant 522 E. C. Aucliter, assistant 523 E. H. Anderson, assistant 524 O. M. Lincoln, assistant 525 R. D. Anthony, assistant 526 Albert Wood, judge 41 35 42 65 32 70 31 20 45 00 35 00 30 00 35 00 40 00 30 00 40 00 240 30 14 22 72 28 8 30 02 07 5 00 1.39 53 57 96 42 46 26 00 16 00 1 00 36 16 54 11 51 Rr, 00 00 2 oo 73 05 i:n ;io (i 00 45 40 12 00 16 00 27 00 6 00 06 82 32 15 54 33 36 76 18 04 62 10 46 00 55 a New York Statk Fair ITEMIZKD STATKMENT OF DISBtTRSEMEXTS Continued Vourhrr Xamc o'2~ II. I'. 'Wyllie, judge 528 AV. T. Macoiim, Jiid^i^ r>2i) Department of I'omology. supplies 530 C. S. Wilson, supplies 5;U C. S. AVilson, labor and stenographer, services 532 David Williams, night watch nlV.i 1). Campbell, superintendent, flowers 534 .John Dunn, assistant 535 Alec Campbell, assistant 53tj William lluson, judge 537 F. W. Vick, judge 538 Error 530 .lohn McCann. superintendent, farm produce 540 W. A. Neisch. •is>;istant 541 Harry J- McCann, assistant 542 C. B. Howard, judge 543 GTeorge C. Peck, judge 544 Error 545 Howard Moore, superintendent, domestic department 540 Ivan Milford, assistant 547 Alfred E. Emerson, assistant 548 A. F. Presley, assistant 54!) Stella Murgittroyd, assistant 550 Edith M. Gregg, assistant 551 Mrs. H. Moore, assistant 552 Mary Curtis, assistant 553 Mrs. C. S. Keed, judge 554 Martha Hicksman, judge 555 Mrs. A. K. Settle, judge 556 Mrs. J. A. Howe, Jr.. judge 557 William II. Birdsall, chief police 558 H. <;. Boyd, assistant chief police 550 William .1. Bourke, police clerk 560 Tliomas Smith, police justice 561 William H. Birdsall, constable fees 562 Judson II. lUley, policeman 563 David S. Moore, policeman 504 A. E. Disfjue, policeman 505 H. E. Gardner, jiolicema.i 500 George W. Hughes. polici>man 5(>7 Jerry ^McMahon. policeman 568 J. F. Smith, policeman 50!) William Cadier, policeman 570 Fred I'ond, policeman 571 E. McCrane, policeman 572 G. W. Bonhurst, policen)an 573 F. Ilaidacher, policeman 574 F. J. Steplieus, ])()liccinaii 575 D. M. Helms, i)ollcemau 570 J. F. Colan, i)r)lici'man 577 W. B. Waite, i)oliceman 578 Mall Swan, ijolicenian 57!> Heni'.v Smith. ])()lic(-man 580 J. H. Rogers, policeman 551 M. McfJinnis, i>oliceniaii 582 .Fose])h Lulz. policeman 583 \\". H. (Jlovci-, policeman 584 (te<)rge 'I'owne, jxiliceman 5.S5 E. J. Barker, puiiceman Amount •1:33 00 82 69 17 45 •>*> 05 40 00 30 22 56 00 30 00 30 00 36 00 33 24 00 00 02 05 36 00 36 00 18 50 26 98 00 00 04 88 24 55 27 70 27 TO 33 55 34 24 25 00 34 28 20 97 20 15 40 20 49 20 100 00 50 00 36 00 70 00 O 70 •>0 05 31 00 IS 00 20 «)4 30 00 21 00 30 00 18 OO 22 84 18 00 23 90 29 50 27 80 27 86 25 64 30 90 22 39 26 54 23 13 17 24 18 00 27 86 OO 50 25 20 New Yokk Statio Ywii 551 ITEMIZKP STATiniKNT OV niSBUUSKJIKXTS CoillillKCtl Voucher yamc r>.S6 Robt. IlaiptM-, policcuian 587 Smith Soule, policeman 588 C. A. Newell, policeman 5S0 W. B. Scliaumhersi^r, polici'iiuni 500 B. ITuinplnoy, policeman 591 Leo Adaiiiskl, policeman 502 David Jewett, policeman 503 .Tohn Smith, policeman 594 J. Eastabroolis, policeman 595 Burt Lee, policeman oOG George P. Case, policeman 597 Oeorge Maitland, policeman 508 Julius Komlss, policeman 500 David Vandy, policeman aOO Clarence Ellis, policeman 601 George I'arker, policeman 002 C. Christman, policeman (iO;> Wendell llornor, policeman 604 A. B. Liddle, policeman 605 Frank McGinley, policeman 606 E. L. Dwight, policeman 607 Fred Putnam, policeman 60S A. Helmstetter, policeman . . . 600 Frank Bohner, policeman 610 George Smith, policom.m 611 Guy Shaw, policeman 612 Iv. Oltman, policeman 613 D. Oltman, policeman 614 William Deals. policema:i 615 P. Hickox, policeman 616 G. M. Scott, policeman 617 J. McGibbon, policeman 618 S. DeWitt, policeman 619 G. Ludlngton, policeman 620 F. Hermann, policeman 621 J. Houck, policeman 622 E. Weinhold, policeman 623 W. A. Bauer, policeman 624 Geo. Becker, policeman 625 A. B. Ryer, policeman 626 0. C. Shafer, policeman 627 T. Keeler, policeman 628 Rhoda Ilogan, policeman 620 Rhoda Hogan, policeman 630 Perry Hlckox, policeman 631 Jacob Houck, policeman 632 J. F. Kinney, policeman 6.">3 Ernest AN'einhokl, policeman 6:'.4 M. Foley, policeman 6:!5 J. Fort Kimmey, policeman 636 L. Frink, policeman 637 L. FrInk, policeman 63.S B. Jennings, policeman 630 Barney Jennings, pollc<'man 640 M. B. Birdseye, policeman 641 S. S. DeWitt. policeman 642 Frank T. Mc43 Mrs. Max H. Schwarlz. superintendent. A\'oiiiau's Buildint 644 Mrs. .Fi'iiiile L. Korb, assistant, Woman's Building .•1 Dinuut .f27 30 22 20 25 30 20 50 26 65 24 24 25 00 21 no 28 00 27 80 24 24 27 24 37 02 28 64 24 31 21 00 18 00 36 40 33 00 28 90 29 30 27 00 33 00 10 50 32 40 34 60 40 60 30 24 33 00 31 00 31 6S 33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 22 50 36 24 16 50 I'S 24 3(» 00 0 80 15 00 33 00 18 00 9 00 33 00 9 00 16 50 6 00 15 00 33 00 33 00 6 00 33 00 6 00 IS 00 1 00 00 30 00 '\ ^ •> S \:w VoivK ►Statk h'Aiii ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF DISBUIISIMEN TS — Continued ]oui.-lirr Xante Amount 645 Mrs. Abble Jordan, attendant $9 00 646 Grace Kemp, attendant 8 25 647 Mrs. Catharine Lunney, attendant 18 00 648 Mrs. Mary Edwards, attendant 12 00 649 J. S. Hackett, watchman 37 90 650 H. I'ettitt, cartage 1 50 651 Ruby Barns, nurse at hospital 25 00 652 Helen Lyon, nurse at hospital 25 00 653 W. P. Hart, rent of ambulance 30 oo 654 A. D. Babcock, supplies and services 45 06 655 Dr. Jameson, services at hospital 25 00 656 Mrs. Catharine Lunney, washinj? hospital bedding 5 !);! 657 R. C. Otis, superintendent, transportation 145 00 658 R. C. Otis, superintendent, transportation 10 00 659 R. C. Otis, supplies 5 88 660 L. S. Pitkiu, superintendent, express dock 43 25 661 Alva Zoller, assistant superintendent, express dock 94 fid 6G2 1'. B. Fowler, assistant superintendent, express dock 109 16 663 F. J. Farsons, clerk, transportation 122 85 664 Ray Smiley, assistant clerk, transportation 65 16 665 H. Klase, laborer, transportation department 43 72 666 A. Newing. laborer 43 72 667 Walter Hart, laborer 41 82 668 Robert Rancier, laborer ' 43 72 669 Thomas Ryan, laborer ;?:? 37 670 John Shayler, laborer 31 87 671 Charles Stevens, laborer 29 97 672 Bert Gilbraith, laborer 15 35 673 James D. Roe, laborer 21 85 674 J. Colyer, laborer 32 72 675 John Manley. laborer 36 72 676 M. C. Mulvahlll, laborer 27 72 677 George Gilbert, laborer 35 On 678 Eymer Riebennaehl, laborer 1 00 679 Fay Riebennachl, laborer 1 00 680 Arthur Murphy, laborer 1 2 87 681 Isaac Steves, laborer 12 87 682 Daniel Sullivan, laborer 1 3 00 683 Thomas Dwyer, freight handler 1 00 684 Edward Grannis, laborer 21 37 685 Charles Castleman, laborer S 00 686 C. S. Ferguson, laborer 3 75 687 C. W. Gardiner, laborer 6 75 688 William White, laborer 10 8.". 689 P. Keenarley, laborer 6 .in 690 Tony Smith, laborer 0 50 691 n. Cronln, laborer 3 75 692 J. II. Randall, lal)orer 6 75 693 J. Winchell, laborer 3 no 694 Joseph Mackley, laborer 11 S."> 695 John .AIcGrat h, laborer 1 3 S7 696 Edward Winchell, laborer 10 87 697 John Burke, laborer 7 87 098 William Cleary, laborer 4 oO 699 Edward Rice, laborer 46 72 700 James Rowe, laborer 38 T2 701 Charles Courtwright, laborer 43 72 702 E. Glvena, laborer 25 62 708 H. D. Kleenan, lal)orer 38 72 Xkw \ n\n< Srvii; l'\\ii; 55;^ ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF OISnrRSSIMENTS Contilllltd ]'ouvhcr Same 704 Thomas Dempsey. liiboror 705 Hugh Mallory, laborei- 706 M. E. Colvln, laborer 707 R. Klase, laboror 708 Albert Newinp, laborer 709 William White, laborer 710 Freight uncollected 711 George D. Pohl Mfg. Co., repairs to broken engine 712 A. M. f^eyinour, superintendent. M. & L. .V. lildg 713 George Van Etta, assistant, M. & L. A. I'.ldg 714 George Van f^tta. assistant, M & L. .\. Bldg 715 George Conly, laborer 710 John W. Kelley, laborer 717 G. P. Holmes, night watch 718 B. S. Green, night watch . . 719 A- M. Seymour, for laborers 720 W. A. Snyder, ticket seller 721 Melvin .T. Taylor, ticket seller 722 W. H. Jones, ticket seller 723 Robt. Kramer, ticket seller 724 C. W. Buckholtz, ticket seller 725 Frank G. Bell, ticket seller 726 W. H. Simmons, ticket seller 727 Charles Seeley, ticket seller 728 W. S. Carter, ticket sellei- 729 Fred D. Yost, ticket seller 730 John D. Crimmins, ticket seller 731 Edward Green, ticket seller 732 W. H. Hoonk, ticket seller 733 Wiltsie Knapp, ticket seller 734 Neil Haitz, ticket seller 735 H. M. Fancher, ticket seller 736 George B. Rice, ticket seller 737 Albert Webb, ticket seller 738 E. H. Mackey, ticket seller 739 Henry Schoeneck, ticket seller 740 C. W. Blodgett, ticket seller 741 Charles Allen, gateman 742 E. Wenberger, gateman 743 Alec Fowler, gateman 744 Error 745 A. W. Haight, gateman 746 Clarence Hadden, gateman 747 L. J. Edgett, gateman 748 Ernest Bentley, gateman 749 Jefferson Fox, gateman 750 F. R. Mlxter, gateman 751 Charles Simpson, gateman 752 Virgil C. JIcLagan, gateman 753 Wallace Thompson, gateman 754 Jacob Metzger, gateman 755 Mark Stanton, gateman 756 M. H. Porter, gateman 757 John F. Wheeler, gateman 758 Frank S. Dains, gateman 759 James Spaulding, gateman 760 George W. Wilson, gateman 761 Fred Brosmer. gateman 762 Hiram Johnson, gateman Amount .$39 72 42 47 47 07 39 72 43 72 9 00 S 44 20 00 59 42 25 00 3 00 27 00 27 00 43 32 43 36 14 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 22 52 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 21 85 21 88 18 00 31 52 18 00 22 40 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 22 46 30 62 21 00 00 00 18 00 19 00 22 46 23 25 23 80 26 85 23 10 23 00 23 48 18 00 20 00 19 10 18 20 23 50 18 00 19 30 23 00 21 48 554 Xi:\v York State Faiu ITEMIZED STATKMK.N T oK DI.SIUItSlO.ME.NTS CoiltillUCll Voucher iN'o»ie Amount 763 W. S. Carpenter, gatenian $29 20 704 Jesse Ponfleld, gateman 19 40 765 James M. Dunn, gatemau 25 80 766 W. A. Leventhall, gatemau 22 70 767 Pliilip Eidelmanu, gatemau 22 70 768 John Benjamin, gatemau 18 00 769 David Brummer, gatemau 22 70 770 W. E. Elmer, gateman 18 00 771 Charles Baker, gateman 27 25 772 William J. Forbes, gateman 22 56 773 Tliomas B. Frawley, gateman 18 25 774 W. B. Ilallock, gateman 15 00 775 J. E. SufEerin, gateman ' 22 55 776 George Emory, gateman 20 66 777 Stacy W. Cole, gateman 23 48 778 A. B. Davis, gateman 20 40 779 J. N. Mills, gateman 19 48 780 A. B. Holden, gateman 15 00 781 T. D. Sweeting, gateman 18 00 782 J. E. Minster, gateman 15 00 783 Edward Doll, gateman 18 00 784 W. T. Hunt, gateman 21 50 785 James Flynn, gateman 21 50 786 F. L. Brown, gateman 31 52 787 I>. J. S^uKivan. superintendent, box ushers 18 00 788 Harold Deas, usher 14 00 789 Charles Nicholson, usher 10 00 790 George Deas, usher 18 00 701 R. Molyneux, usher 12 00 792 C. C. Smith, usher 18 00 793 Jacob Gehn, usher 18 00 794 William Pabst, usher 18 00 795 D. E. Van Orda, usher IS 00 796 T. W. (iriffith, usher 18 00 797 D. A. Tucker, usher 18 00 798 M. V. White, chief of ticket counters 35 00 799 Mark Fitch, ticket counter 28 00 .SOO Fred DeWolf, ticket counter 18 00 801 Munroe Gere, ticket counter 18 00 802 Walter Steuber, ticket counter 23 00 803 Eugene Sullivan, ticket counter IS 00 804 Alanson Reynolds, ticket counter 18 00 805 Kenneth Mooney, ticket counter IS 00 806 H. Ti. Ames, head office assistant 100 00 807 (ieorge Heindorf. office assistant 40 (Ml 808 W. Leslie Coryell, office assistant 30 52 809 Huson Clough, office assistant 22 52 810 W. R. Rutan, assistant foreman, grand stand 25 55 811 H. E. Stevens, turnstile man 31 52 812 p. H. Kelley, charge of uniforms 27 (.Kt 813 P. n. Kelley, charge of uniforms 3 00 814 Harold West, runner 12 00 815 E. A. Ebbits. detective and inspector service 210 00 816 Arthur L. Pryor, band 3,100 00 817 Arthur Dowd, band attendant 12 00 818 Zue McClary, special free attractions 025 00 819 Ellas Babcock. midway 18 14 820 Frank Ingalsliee. ticket man 17 50 821 David Roe, ticket man 29 62 New Yortc State Fair 5r).'> ITKM iy.i:i) .STA'l'KMKNT nK lUSIir ItSlOMIJ.NTS CdlllilllKd \ouflitr .\(iiin A)nouiU S22 i:ili.ii (ilailstoiic, lickt't innn .$24 40 82;{ A. .MoKinut-y, licU.'t man 22 70 S24 \V. \V. Hawlcy, .Ir.. lick.l mau 23 00 S2o Tim Ucf^aii. tukd man 22 00 SLM; t'liarlcs Miiir. ticket man 27 40 N2T 1 ». K. Saiit'oiil, lii'Ui't man 'SO 02 M2.S William I'. Mix, ticket nian 20 58 82!) Irviu;^ Ueyuoliis, ticket man 30 62 S.'U) .1. \V. llolmos, ticket man 30 62 s:;i i{. «'. 'I't'iiieiiiiij;'. ticket man 26 92 832 William WormiUli. Jr., ticket man 27 40 833 Austin Becker, ticket man 26 02 834 Fred Faircliild, ticket man 3 00 .S3."> Norman Freeman, ticker man 25 24 830 Ueaa llatt, ticket man 15 50 837 S. II. (^'handler, ticket man 23 24 838 Milton Whitbeck, ticket man 15 00 83!l ^^■illiam Tompkins, ticker man 21 82 840 K. A. I'arks, ticket man 24 0(» S41 <;. IJ. Saft'ord, ticket superintendent 3!) 52 842 II. K. Stevens, midway 18 00 843 John Wallace, midway assistant ^.'i .'ii' 844 K. J. Uolierts, assistant 2.") !)2 845 Cram Wilber, assistant 32 50 840 I.uther Foland. assislani 28 18 847 Albert Waterman, ticket; seller 22 40 H48 »". Arlliuf r.enjamin. manager, pi'izes for Aulemobilc l>ay ."'..."lUtl 00 84U .\rthur lalxirer 2 00 850 Edgar ( ami hers, lalwrer 2 OO 851 W. N. (jiles, assistant to Commissioner Sliaip 55 00 852 K. W. Faii-cliiid. locator, niacliiuery exhibits 150 00 853 H. S. Edwards, assistant locator, machinery exhibits 100 00 854 James Heed, assistant locator, machinery exhibits GO 00 855 F. II. Fairchild. assistant lociitor. machinery exhibits 60 00 8."i0 M. Smith, attendant 18 00 857 Mrs. M. Kobinson, attendant 9 00 858 M. Owens, attendant 9 00 .859 .Mrs. E. A. Owens, attendant 9 00 800 Mrs. E. Cobb, attendant 9 00 801 Mrs. I'onds, attendant 9 00 802 Mrs. Smith, attendant 9 00 863 Mrs. Taylor, attendant '•> 90 804 John Cartwrlght. attendant 14 oo 8(i5 Allen Titus, attendant 14 Oo 800 Mrs. (jray, attendant 9 00 807 John Gray, attendant 14 00 868 William Crocker, attendant 14 00 869 James Molten, attendant 14 00 870 Ben Moore, attendant 14 00 871 J. II. Warren, attendant 12 00 872 Mrs. Van Dusen, attendant 9 00 873 Mrs. Mc.vers, attendant 9 00 874 Horace Crown, attendant 18 00 875 J. II. Kaggs, attendant 14 00 870 C. J. Kubinson. expenses, I»airy I'.uilding 40 37 877 Earl Walters, assistant. State Institutions Building 20 00 878 .\rthiir Shackford. assistant, State Institutions Building 10 00 879 Stewart J. Saks, assistant. State Institutions Building 16 00 880 Arthur E. Shackford, assistant. State Institutions Building 12 00 ^•"j^ JS'ew Yoek State Fair ITEMIZED STATKMENT OF DISItURSEMEXTS — Conlillutd Vouvhfr >,ame 881 ililton Whitbeck, Jaiiiior 882 Jas. B. Mcintosh, clerk 883 Duncan MacDougal, clerk 884 F. II. Curry, office attendant 885 Florence E. Anderson, stenographer 886 B. W. McCuen. clerk, secretary's office 887 Grace D. Potter, clerk, secretary's office 888 M. L. Ryan, clerk, secretary's olHce 889 W. A. Rogers, attendant at press office 890 D. B. Cavanaugh, livery 891 C. F. Miller, teller, exchange on checks 892 Mr. Hyde, refund 893 Refund to life members 894 Refund to life members 895 Eddy Valve Co., valve 896 G. N. Tobey, return entry fees 897 Spratts Patent, Limited, rental, display coops 898 Louis Degan. assistant, poultry department 899 Robson Bros., return entry fee 900 L. C. Klein, freight 901 F. P. Collins Paint Co., paint 902 H. E. Nichols, blacksmithing and repairing 903 Syracuse Lighting Co., lights 904 A. E. Brown, expenses 905 J. J. Ryan, tent rental 906 I'ullman Automatic Ventilator Co.. ventilators 907 J. E. West & Co., poultry ribbons 908 J. E. West & Co., gold medal 909 H. P. Murphy Publishing Co., soliciting advertising 910 E. A. Fitch, stenographer services 911 P. L. Putnam, stenographer services 912 Lyman Bros., list of prize winners 913 Robert R. Kirkland. balance expenses, dairy department 914 H. P. Murphy Publishing Co., half tone of Warner machine . . . 915 Warner Instrument Co., timing machine 916 Empire State Motorist Publishing Co., advertising 917 L. M. Westcott, signs, etc 918 L. M. Westcott, signs, etc 919 Onondaga Taxicab Co., automobile service 920 Western Union Telegraph Co., service 921 American Express Co., service 922 P. R. Quinlan, rental of flowers 923 The Onondaga Hotel, governor and staff 924 The Empire House, hot-^1, mounted police 925 C A. Smith, freight and cartage 926 J. R. Banks, services and expenses 927 A. J. Rider, tent rental 928 Miller Electric Co.. lamps and fan 929 P. R. Quinlan, flowers, etc 930 Syracuse Lighting Co., labor 931 Lyman Bros., printed supplies 932 Lyman Bros., printed supplies 933 Charles T. Hookway, labor on sewers 934 S. C Shaver, expenses 935 A. E. Brown, expenses 936 Syracuse Lighting Co.. liglils 937 James J. Ryan, tent rental 938 F. O. Alsop, freight 939 Wm. Pilkin, auto. cTpcnses i mount $26 66 35 00 28 50 28 IS 6 OU 6!* 00 50 UtJ 36 00 40 00 15 00 10 5(1 • 1 00 1 50 118 00 7 57 •> 00 36 00 3 00 o 00 o 31 1 50 23 00 5 00 35 97 10 00 117 50 25 25 14 00 169 50 60 00 38 50 41 75 1 00 1 50 136 00 30 00 87 57 27 20 55 00 1 79 1 20 20 00 48 20 75 00 2 05 51 10 40 GO 48 65 17 25 11 17 ■ 3 50 7 25 51 28 90 00 18 97 4 32 110 00 10 62 23 60 New York Statk Faii; 5o7 ITES'IZED STATBMENT OF DISDURSEMBNTS Coll t ill lli(l Voucher A'omc Amount 940 F. II. I'iK'liuj?, chamois and broom $0 (>6 941 Grceu & Wicks, expenses 117 92 942 Green & Wicks, plans, etc., of sewers and water mains 75 99 943 Green & Wicks, plans, etc., of new stables 100 00 944 R. C. McClure Co., closet and cartage 16 50 945 Smith & Holmes, photos, and prints 81 95 946 U. S. Radiator Co., door frames, lugs and keys, etc 3 00 947 II. K. Ilessler Co., hardware supplies 370 H 948 John K. McDowell, lumber 133 12 949 U. C. McClure Co., plumbing supplies 217 06 950 The Post-Standard Co., 3 months rent 300 00 951 W. II. Gocher, Sec, Wallace Year Book 4 00 952 G. W. Harrison, clerical work 74 63 953 F. L. Putnam, clerk 45 50 954 E. A. Fitch, stenographer, services 60 00 955 State Bank of Syracuse, protested check 100 00 956 State Bank of Syracuse, protested check 88 18 957 State Bank of Syracuse, protested check 15 35 958 State Bank of Syracuse, protested check 19 51 959 Collection and exchange on checks, 1910 54 39 Total $77,448 00 Surplus 70,759 49 $148,207 49 The above surplus of receipts of the state fair of 1910, $70,759.49 in excess of disbursements, was paid to the state of New York, December 30, 1910, as per resolution of the 'Sew York State Fair Commission, and in accordance with the law. SALARIES OF COMMISSION J9J0 RECEIPTS Jan. 1 Balance on hand $11,250 00 Appropriations per chap. 512, Laws of 1910. 17,500 00 — . $28,750 00 DISBURSEMENTS JANUARY TO DECEMBER Ira Shai-p $3,000 00 DeForest Settle $3,000 00 C. A. Wieting 3,000 00 Balance in appropriation 13,125 01 A. E. Perren 3,624 99 Wm. Pitkin 3,000 00 • $28,750 00 EXPENSES OF COMMISSION RECEIPTS Jan. 1 Balance in appropriation from 1909 $5,481 86 Oct. 1 State appropriation for expenses of commission from October 1, 1910, to October 1, 1911, per chapter 512, Laws of 1910 4,000 00 $9,481 86 558 New York State Fair DISBURSEMENTS JANUAKY TO DECEMBEU C. A. Wieting $505 41 K. A. Pearson DeForest Settle 99 64 H. White William Pitkin 225 88 Balance in appropriation. A. E. Perron 1,089 91 Ira Sharp 237 35 $149 T4 158 10 6,955 83 $9,481 86 1910 June 20 Oct. MAINTENANCE liECETPT.S Balance in appropriation from 1909 State appropriation for maintenance, im- provement of grounds and buildings, and general repairs, per chapter 513, Laws of 1910 State appropriation for maintenance, etc., per chapter 512, Laws of 1910 $683 46 20,000 00 3,000 00 $23,683 40 DISBURSEMENTS .Tan. 24 Paj--roll, laborers, 1, January 2-8 Pay-roll, laborers, 2, January 9-15 Feb. 5 Pay-roll, laborers, 3, January 16-22 Pay-roll, laborers, 4, January 23-29 Pay-roll, laborers, 4i Ju'y 7 Pay-roll, laborers, 5, January 29-February 5 Pay-roll, laborers. 22, May 29-Juae 4 Pay-roll, laborers, 23, June 5-11 Pay-roll, laborers, 24, June 12-18 Post-Standard Co., rent to November 1, 1910 New York Telephon? Co., rental and tolls Onondaga Independent Telephone Co., rental and tolls W. B. Whitnall Co., harness supplies Eddy Valve Co., hydrant Smith Premier Typewriter Co., tjiJewriter Porter Bros., oats and feed Miller Electric Co., electrical supplies H. E. Nichols, blacksmithing and repairs Syracuse Rubber Co., hose and couplings R. C. McClure Co., plumbing supplies R. &. J. Farquhar Co., flower seeds Ernest Miller, repairing chimneys 18 Pay-roll, laborers, 25, Juno 19-25 Pay-roll, laborers, 26, Juno 26-Ju;y 2 Pay-roll, laborers, 27, July 3-9 Pay-roll, laborers. 28, July 10-10 Pay-roll, lal)orors. 29. July 17-2.". 27 W. B. Whitnall Co., harness and supplies Syracuse Rubber Co., rubber hose Syracuse Rubber Co., rubber hose Fichter & Gablor, sharpening lawn mowers Gruman Bros., 1 pair horses G. E. Lattimer, wagon Aug. 4 I'ay-roll, l.iborors. .".2. July 24-30 11 Piiy-roll, laborers. 34. July 31-August 0 $61 75 87 42 223 50 108 79 202 00 157 25 95 42 97 08 109 25 075 00 100 10 48 70 12 50 19 09 35 00 148 40 49 00 40 95 14 SO 13 45 7 20 7 25 241 35 452 00 274 58 195 36 209 65 60 75 41 50 40 50 5 00 600 00 150 00 410 46 648 36 New York Static pAiit 559 DISBURSEMENTS Aiiii. l'"« I'ay-ioll, laborers, 30, August S-lo $869 89 lm; U. Kicliaids & Son, piers under poultry 1! 130 00 AniUews IJios., siilt 1 50 John K. McDowell, lumber 341 gi G. \V. I'ack & Sons, cement 20 50 A. M. Strong, seeds 19 lo J. A. IVndergast, veterinarian, services 1 50 II. E. Hessler & Co., hardware 141 75 C. F. Saul, harnesis supplies 5 00 Burhans & Black Co., hardware 44 63 William Wall, sprinklers 6 50 Ernest Miller, cattle sheds 150 00 Smith & CafTrey Co., 2 gate boxes 10 00 Crousc Grocery Co., cleaning supplies 38 10 G. G. Kenyon Lumber Co., lumber 143 o7 G. (i. Kenyon Lumber Co., lumber 9 84 Miller Electric Co., electrical supplies 18 13 F. P. Collins Paint Co., paints 466 26 The Whitnail Co., harness supplies 27 25 The Whitnail Co., harness supplies 28 50 It. C. McClure Co., plumbing supplies 109 10 Enterprise Foundry & Fence Co., iron fence 1,901 60 Pay-roll, laborers, 39, August 14-20 1,226 89 Syracuse Rubber Co., rubber hose 75 00 Syracuse Rubber Co., rubber hose 28 00 Syracuse Rubber Co., rubber hose 27 00 31 Pay-roll, laborers, 40, August 21-27 1,090 08 Sept. 2 Pay-roll, laborers, 43, August 28-September 3 1,197 37 30 Pay-roll, laborers, 45, September 4-10 944 03 I'ay-roll, laborers, 46, September 11-17 712 65 Pay-roll, laborers, 48, September 18-24 712 65 Oct. 10 Burhans & Black Co., hardware 89 74 J. A. Pendergast, veterinarian, services 3 50 Miller Electric Co., electrical supplies 109 18 Porter Bros., oats and feed 441 47 John K. McDowell, lumber 1,100 22 Ernest Miller, boxes 50 41 Markert Mfg. Co., labor and stakes 45 00 Markert Mfg. Co., labor, hardware, etc 20 26 James Clark, blacksmithing and repairing 122 70 McLaughlin & Burchill Co., new floors in stables 3,178 00 Enterprise Foundry & Fence Co., iron fencing 361 50 F. P. Collins Paint Co., paints 423 60 F. P. Collins Paint Co., paints 39 25 R. C. McClure Co., plumbing supplies 176 27 H. E. Buell, repairs to locks 15 80 A. M. Strong, paris green 1 25 Nov. 10 S. B. Hodge, trustee for ^Tiitnall Co., supplies 6 50 Austin-Western Co., sprinkler 320 60 Dec. 14 Fred R. Peck, coal for greenhouse 279 00 Pay-roll, laborers, 60, December 4-10 68 75 31 Balance in appropriation 1,037 93 $23,683 46 • CO Kew Yokk State Fair GRADING KECEIl'TS Juue 20 state appropriatioD for grading and tilling, per chapter 513, Laws of 1910 $20,000 00 DISBCnSEMENTS July 7 Pay-roll of laborers, 5, January 29-February 5 $74 00 I'ay-roU of laborers, 0, February G-12 158 25 ray-roll of laborers, 7, February 13-19 I'ay-roll of laborers, 8, February 19-2G Pay-roll of laborers, 9, February 26-Marcli 5 Pay-roll of laborers, 9 J. February 26-March 5 Pay-roll of laborers, 10," March 6-12 I'ay-roll of laborers, 10^, March e-12 Pay-roll of laborers, 11, March 13-19 Pay-roll of laborers, 11 J, March 13-19 Pay-roll of laborers, 12, March 20-26 Pay-roll of laborers, 12J, March 20-26 Pay-roll of laborers, 13, March 27-April 2 Pay-roll of laborers, 14, April 3-9 Pay-roll of laborers, 15, April 10-16 Pay-roll of laborers, 16, April 17-23 Pay-roll of laborers, 17, April 24-30 Pay-roll of laborers, 18, May 1-7 Pay-roll of laborers, 19, May 8-14 Pay-roll of laborers, 20, May 15-21 Pay-roll of laborers, 21, May 22-28 18 Pay-roll of laborers, 27, July 3-9 Pay-roll of laborers. 29, July 10-16 Pay-roll of laborers, 31, July 17-23 Solray Process Co., calcium chloride Aug. 4 Pay-roll of laborers. 33, July 24-30 Pay-roll of laborers, 35, July 31-August 6 1.". Pay-roll of laborers, 37, August 8-13 26 Pay-roll of laborers, 38, August 14-20 Solvay Process Co., calcium chloride Thomas Halloran, sodding George Laul/s Sons, 3 cars, tan bark Standard Oil Co. of New York, road oil Standard Oil Co. of New York, road oil .".1 Pay-roll of laborers, 41, August 21-27 Sept. T Pay-roll of laborers, 42, August 28-Septeniber ."> ;!n Payroll ^of laborers, 44, September 4-10 Pay-roll of laborers, 47, September 11-17 Pay-roll of laborers, 49, September 18-24 Oct. 10 Solvay I'rocess Co., calcium chloride Solvay Process Co., calcium chloride D. L. & W. U. R. Co., freight on tan bark J. J. Harper, supervisor, rental of road roller Nov. 10 Pay-roll of laborers, 50, September 25-October 1 Pay-roll of laborers, 51, October 2-8 Pay-roll of laborers, 52, October 9-16 Pay-roll of laborers, 53, October 17-22 I'ay-roll of laborers, 54. October 23-29 Syracuse Chilled Plow Co., 7 harrow attachments Syracuse Chilled Plow Co., 3-horse plow 30 Pay-roll of laborers. 55. Octol)er 3ll-Noveniber 5 Pay-roll of laborers, 50, November 6-12 Pay-roll of laborers, 57, November 13-19 Dec. 14 Pay-roll of laborers, 58, November 20-26 Pay-roll of laborers, 59, November 27-December 3 162 25 236 00 192 00 101 75 119 00 138 00 114 50 122 00 101 00 112 00 115 25 159 25 171 57 116 42 114 75 83 75 88 25 89 00 94 83 276 95 810 26 978 00 132 10 1,108 53 1,181 92 1,155 68 975 33 134 30 334 50 150 00 401 08 400 10 975 71 403 64 664 14 536 75 536 13 141 93 224 83 145 01 60 (»0 387 04 227 25 218 13 249 92 353 63 31 80 37 50 378 90 324 68 432 25 145 25 154 00 iSIi.w \'oi;k Si'Ai'K b\viu 561 I »(■(•. M )';i.\ roll of lalioriMs, (IJ, 1 ircrinlici- I lu. Solvny Process Co., labor Bnlanco in approi)riatioii $74 75 84 80 2,509 39 .fliO.OOO 00 PKlNTINCi AM) ADVEK'llSI.NCi 1910 RECEIl'TS Jan. 1 Balauco in npproiiriation from !!)()!) $.'541 7(5 State ai)pn>i>riau(>i\ for printing and advertis- ing, i)cr r Chatham Republican .... Chittenango, Madison Co. Times Cleveland, T^akeside Press Clifton Advertiser Clifton Springs Press .... Clyde Herald ?4 00 5 00 2 00 4 00 4 00 8 00 3 00 <> 00 O 50 4 00 2 00 2 00 3 50 2 50 5 00 3 00 3 00 4 00 3 00 4 00 3 00 8 00 2 00 5 00 5 00 3 00 4 00 2 50 2 00 4 00 4 70 4 50 5 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 80 00 4 00 3 00 4 00 2 50 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 10 00 0 05 :? 20 1 (-.0 2 50 2 00 4 00 r~ New Yokk Stati; Faii: 5 on ^^rckl!l I'liinrs Clyrli' Timos t'lililoskill Index <'<)l)li'skill TiiiK's t'ohocton Timrs -Index .. Cooporstown, Otsego Re- publican Corinth, TIio Corinthian.. Corning .loiinial Cortland Democrat Cortland Standard i'liha Patriot I»aIton Knterprise ])ansville Advertiser .... Delhi Republican Depew Herald I)('Ru.vti'r Gleaner Dolgeville Republican . . . Dundee Observer Dunkirk Evening Observer Earlville Standard East Aurora Advertiser . . East Buffalo Daily Live Stock Record East Sjracuse News .... Ellenville Press Fairport Herald Fairport Mail Fayetteville Bulletin .... Filmore Observer Fishkill-on-Hudson Herald Fishkill-on-Hudson Stand- ard Fort Edward Advertiser Fort Plain Free Press . . . Fort Plain Register .... Fort Plain Standard .... Franklin, The Dairyman. Franklinville, The Chron- icle Fulton Observer Fulton Patriot Fulton Times Gainesville Press Geneseo, Livingston Demo- crat Geneseo Republican Geneva Advertiser-Gazette Genoa Tribune Gilbertsville, Otsego Jour- nal Gilboa Monitor Goshen Democrat Greenport Republican Watchman Greenwich Journal (irotnn Journal Hamilton Republican .... Hancock Herald Hannibal News r.i (Ml 3 00 5 00 3 00 4 00 o 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 o 00 1 25 3 50 4 00 O 00 •) 00 2 00 2 50 3 00 2 50 5 00 4 00 5 00 3 00 2 50 3 50 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 6 00 5 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 2 50 2 00 2 00 3 00 3 50 5 00 1 40 4 00 2 00 5 00 5 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 3 50 00 I iMriiersville r.iuigel Ilaverstraw, Uocklaml Co. News llobart Independent Holly Standard Homer Repulilii an Honeoye Falls Times . . . Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer Co. Standard Horseheads, Chemung Val- ley Reporter Hudson Gazette Hudson Republican Hudson Falls Herald .... Ilion Citizen Ilion News Ithaca Chronicle Kingston Argus Kingston Daily Express. . Kingston Daily Leader . . LeRoy Gazette LeRoy. Genesee Courier... IvPstershire, Lestershirc- Endicott Record Liverpool Telegraph .... Ijivonia Gazette Locke Courier T/Owvillo Democrat Lowville Journal and Re- publican Lyons, Wayne Democrat Press Madrid Herald Malone Farmer Marathon Independent . . Marcellus Observer Marion Enterprise Massena Observer Mechanicsville, Hudson Valley Times Medina Journal Medina Tribune Mexico Independent Middleburg News Middleport Herald Middletown Times-Press. Mil ford, Otsego Tidings. . Montgomery Standard Re- porter Montlcello, Sullivan County Reporter Moravia Republican Reg- ister Morris Chronicle Morrisville Leader Mt. Morris Enterprise . . . Mt. Morris Union Naples News Naples Record ....,..., .$2 00 00 00 00 00 50 4 80 2 00 4 00 5 00 3 00 5 00 3 00 5 50 4 50 4 00 6 00 5 00 2 00 2 50 5 00 4 00 2 00 7 00 00 2 00 3 00 5 00 2 50 3 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 5 00 3 00 2 50 2 50 00 00 60 40 00 00 50 504 Nkw York State "Fair ^yc€l■lJf Papers Newark Courier .$:; 50 New Paltz Independent.. 3 00 Newport Journal 3 50 Niagara Falls Cataract Jmirnal 7 00 North Touawanda Even- ing News 6 00 Norwich, Chenango Union 2 00 Norwich Sun 4 00 Norwood News 2 40 Nunda News 3 no Nyack Evening Star .... 4 00 Oneida Democratic Union 7 00 Oneida Dispatch 4 00 Oneida Post 4 00 Oneonta Herald 5 00 Oneonta Press r, 00 Oswego Daily Times .... 7 50 Oswego Palladium 10 00 Ovid Gazette & Inde- pendent 4 00 Oxford Times 3 00 Palmyra Courier 4 00 Palmyra. Wayne <"o. .Jour- nal 5 00 Pawling Chronicle 3 00 Peekskill Highland Demo- crat 3 00 Penn Yan Express 2 00 Penn Yan, Yales Co. Chronicle 3 75 Perry Herald 2 00 Phelps Citizen 2 00 Phoenix Register 2 10 Port Byron Chronicle . . . 2 50 Port .Tervis Gazette G 00 Potsdam Courier & Free- man 2 50 Poughkeepsie Enterprise. . 3 50 Prattsburg News 2 00 Pulaski Democrat 3 00 Ravena News Herald .... 3 00 Red Creek Herald 2 00 Richmondville, The Phoe- nix 2 00 Rome Republican 3 00 Rushford, The Spectator. . 2 00 Salamanca Republican . . 3 75 Sandy Creek News Saratoga Eagle Savannah Times Schenevus Monitor Schoharie Co. Republic & Democrat Scholia rie Standard Sherburne News Shortsville Enterprise . . . Sidney Record Silver Creek News Skanealeles Democrat . . . Smyrna Press Sodus Record Solvay Express South New Berlin Bee. . . South Otselic News Springville Journal & Herald Tarry town Argus Ticonderoga Sentinel .... Tully Times Union Springs Advertiser Valatia Rough Notes .... Vernon News Victor Herald AYalton Chronicle-Times. . Warsaw. Western New Yorker Washingtonville Record . . Waterloo Observer Waterloo, Seneca Co. News Watertown Herald Watertown Semi-Weekly Standard Watcrville Times Wat kins Express Weedsport, Cayuga Chief Wellsville, Daily Reporter Westfield Republican .... West Winfield, The Star. Whitehall Times White I'lains News .... Whitneys Point Reporter Willinrason Sentinel .... Windsor Standard Worcester Times Wyoming Reporter $2 00 3 no 4 00 4 00 4 00 5 00 5 00 2 50 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 5 00 1 50 2 00 o 00 5 00 3 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 o 00 3 00 7 00 3 0(1 3 00 5 00 6 00 10 00 3 00 4 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 50 2 00 5 00 4 00 1 25 2 00 2 00 2 00 .$3,070 IS Xi:\v VouK >>rA'n; Faiij 565 IXSrUANCK 1910 KECEIPTS .Ian. 1 Halatue in n|)|iio|>ri:ilitin fron» I'JOit .');JHI IT Oct. 1 Siatt' a|i|>i:,()On 00 Dec. 10 Green & Wicks, architects, fees 10 00 31 Balance in appropriation 1,836 70 $23,990 95 TRUNK SEWERS 1910 RECEIPTS Jan. 1 Balance In appropriation from 1909 $1,628 00 HGO New York Statio Fair DISBL'RSK.MKNTS Jan. 3 Greeu & Wicks, architects, fees $150 -iO Dec. 7 Charles T. Hooliwa}-, on contract 1.477 60 $1,628 00 WATER MAINS 1910 RECEIPTS Jan. 1 Balanci^ in appropriation from iy(ii:» .S42 12 DISBURSEMENTS Dec. 7 Charles T. Ilookway .$42 12 HIGHWAY RETAINIXG WALL 1010 RECEIPTS Jan. 1 Balance in appropriation from 1909 $1,047 0." DISBURSEMENTS Jan. 3 Green & Wicks, architects, fees .$11.^. 11 Aug. 20 R. Richards & Son, balance contract 872 17 Dec. 31 Balance in appropriation 61 77 $1,047 05 DOCKS 1910 RECEIPTS Jan. 1 Balance in appropriation from 1909 $5,814 04 DISBURSEMENTS Jan. 3 Green & Wicks, architects, fees $76 64 6 McLaughlin & Burchill Co., on contract 2,761 00 Dec. 31 Balance in appropriation 2,976 40 $5,814 04 FENCE."; 1910 RECEIPTS Jan. 1 Balance in appropriation from 1909 $2,500 00 1910 DISBURSEMENTS Jan. 3 Enterprise Foundry & Fence Co., iron fence $2,499 00 Balance of appropriation expired May 12, 1910 1 00 $2,500 00 ELECTRIC LIOHTIXr, 1910 RECEIPTS Jan. 1 I'.alance in appropriation from 1909 $28 42 1910 DISBURSEMENTS Aug. 2G Miller Electric Co., electrical supplies $28 42 GREENHOUSE 1910 BBK-EIPTS June 1 Slate appropriation for the erection of a new greenhouse on state fair grounds, per chapter 512, Laws of 1910... $3,000 00 New York State Fair " /I •• DISBURSEMENTS Ueo. 10 Gieeu & WIrks, architects, fees 31 Balance lu appropriation 1910 PREMIUMS HEOEIPTS lia'.iuni' in apprnpriatlon from 1909 Appropriation for the payment of premiums awarded at the Nevs- York State Fair of 1910, per chapter 513, Laws of 1910 ^14-2 75 2,857 25 $3,000 00 $708 04 42,(»(M| 00 $42,708 04 DISBURSEMENTS Premiums paid at fair of 1910 on : Horse show $7,727 00 Horse department , 2,632 00 Cattle 7,570 22 Sheep 4,812 00 Swine . . . 2,804 00 I'oultry 3,838 50 Dairy 2,690 47 Fruit 3,450 00 Flowers 1,616 00 Farm produce 1,924 25 Domestic 1,798 25 Total premiums paid 1910 $40,862 69 Balance in 1909 appropriation $708 04 Balance in 1910 appropriation 1,137 31 1,845 35 $42,708 04 LIST OF EXHIBITORS WHO OBTAINED PREMIUSIS AT THE NEW YORK STATE FAII! OF 1910, WITH THE AMOUNTS OF THE PREMIUMS Voucher Xa me 1 Armbrust Brothers. . 2 Julia F. Aldrich 3 ri. W. Avery 4 J. L. Axline 5 B. n. Arthur 6 E. II. Anderson. . . . 7 Mrs. Theron An- drews 8 F. D. Adams & Son 9 Alfred University... 10 C. B. Avery H E. C. Austin 12 E. B. Adams 13 H. J. Allen 14 Wyndhani Andrews. . 15 Arthur Arseman . . . 16 F. E. Abbott 17 G. W. Alger .1 mount Voui ^her Name Atnnunt $436 50 18 Irving Andrews. . . . $8 37 30 00 19 Fred Armer 15 00 170 00 20 Alberta Stock Fruit 218 00 21 Farms 112 00 3 00 V. G. Armstrong. . . 2 42 88 50 22 H. E. Austin 47 23 James R. Anderson . 15 00 12 00 24 C. L. Amos Coal Co 310 00 14 00 25 Peter Arkell & Sons 193 00 30 00 26 II. W. Ay res 281 00 104 00 27 H. W. Ayres 47 00 2 00 28 George Allen 44 00 34 44 29 P. W. Artz & Son. . 128 00 2 98 30 Lt. Frank B. Barrett 135 00 9 09 31 J. A. Brace & Son. . 54 00 3 98 32 Mr. & Mrs. R. H. 3 83 Bowden 22 50 7 10 33 H. M. Bedford 9 00 ;68 Kew York Stati-: Fair LIST OF EXHIBITORS Voucher Name Amount Vouc 34 Myron H. Bent $24 00 93 35 E. Boast 14 00 94 36 Guiard Brown 4 00 95 37 W. A. Bassett 21 50 96 38 C. Bechstedt 1 18 00 97 39 Frank Boob 8 34 98 40 David K. Bell 256 75 99 41 Theo. L. Brooks 50 lOu 42 Bertha L. Blair 12 00 43 Frank Barbour 1 39 101 44 W. W. Barnum 14 90 102 45 A. M. Becker 4 58 103 46 M. J. Beswick 15 85 104 47 Edgar T. Bouek 17 22 105 48 Nelson Brusie 2 00 106 49 A. F. Bronson 8 00 107 50 Olive A. Brown 6 75 51 D. Bradfute & Son.. 2.57 50 108 52 John T. Bird 2100 109 53 William C. Buell... 5 50 110 54 Mrs. H. C. Bray... 17 00 111 55 E. J. Boyd 3 58 112 56 F. E. Brown 1 99 113 57 Henry Burns 5 54 114 58 John Balrd 7 50 115 59 C. G. Baker 6 00 110 60 E. J. Barney 3 00 117 61 E. M. Barton 204 00 118 62 A. J. Braun, Jr 59 00 119 63 F. G. Broadwell 2 50 120 64 B. T. Bohannon 13 00 121 65 Mrs. A. G. Borden.. 29 50 122 66 R. D. Brown 26 00 123 67 Kent Barney 187 00 68 C R. Briggs 10 00 124 69 G. C. Blanchard. . . . 7 00 125 70 E. L. G. Blessing. . 1 50 120 71 Mrs. Schuyler Briggs 9 50 127 72 Mrs. M. E. Bush 1 50 128 73 F. M. Burns 6 07 129 74 S. W. Brown 4 40 1 .^0 75 William E. Brainerd 8 24 l.*!! 76 M. D. Bcckley 47 00 132 77 C. A. Baird 8 00 ].".3 78 M. B. Bickel 18 00 134 70 J. E. Britton 10 00 ]:'.5 80 F. X. Baumert & Co 110 15 l.-.O 81 F. J. Bishop 5 09 137 82 P. F. Backman 8 71 138 83 Brayton & Lewis... 3 72 i:!9 84 John II. Berry 0 59 140 85 William Baho 5 00 141 86 Frank Broughlon... 4 00 142 87 E. N. Bissell 58 00 143 88 F. D. Bumpns 50 144 89 J. F. Bower 5 47 145 90 J. M. Bartlett 1 88 140 91 E. J. Buckley 2 14 147 92 F. J. Bishop 6 47 14S Continued her j\ame W. J. Boberg A. W. Black A. E. Briggs Clarence W. Barker. S. M. Breed E. K. Buell Brown Brothers.... Bordeu'.s Condensed Milk Co T. W. Briggs George Burn F. G. Bean C. M. Crousc Josephine Cool S. E. Crowell & Son William E. Crevoi- serat E. E. Caiman Mrs. Thomas Coles. Mrs. M. Cavanaugli. J. F. Converse & Co. E. C. Carter C. C. Corby Jas. E. Cole Mrs. C. L. Crothers G. J. Campbell William H. Carr. . . C. H. Crawford Mrs. James Carver.. Noreene Cavauaugh. George Cayer E. C. Clififord Cooperative Cream- ery Assn Lester Culver L. G. Conrad John A. Curry H. 11. Clark Jas. Crawford F. W. Clark & Son Fred Coe H. E. A. Cavanaugh. W. N. Cook & Son. Jesse E. Connell .... Luther Collamer. . . . Roy Clark S. B. Cooksley 0. E. Cross & Son . . Lewis A. Chase. . . . Thos. Chatterton . . . Ferd. Cnris W. W. Collins •. . Carpenter & Ross. . . 1. J. Chipperfiold . . . Wm. A. Crandall... Rachel B. Carver.. L. R. Cramer C. V. Cheney F. I). Cramer Amount .$1 41 •> 50 •» 81 50 00 6 00 •> 00 5 00 18 26 5 00 281 50 261 00 110 00 2 00 50 00 1 00 104 ~~> 11 50 43 75 204 00 14 00 17 50 80 25 14 00 202 00 8 00 7 00 36 00 1 00 12 47 4 38 7 76 18 53 2 13 235 00 3 00 14 00 20 50 44 75 4 50 124 00 5 00 1 50 6 00 6 TO 11 50 3 50 3 76 20 00 18 56 212 00 3 00 4 00 22 00 14 40 11 18 0 37 New York Static Fair 5G9 MST ^olH•^>cl• yiiiiic 140 Lewis ColliiT !."() A. II. Cooloy ir>l A. K. Curtis l.">2 C. K. T'lirtiss l.">3 Tlioiiias Caliiou. . . . l,->4 (}. S. ("olo !.■>.■> John Coopor l."i(.i F. .T. Cnrmomtry . . . . 1.")" II. K. Chosoliroiigh. . l.-.S W. II. (lark & Sons l.'.O Alico Crifler li;() William ("asoy l»;i E. K. Cluto 1(>2 N. Conrad 1G3 A. Curtis 1(54 B. D. Casson Ki.") Roy Cornell ir.G Ray Cross 167 Margaret L. Carriclv 168 Nettie Carriciv 169 F. S. Delano 170 J. Sumner Draper.. 171 J. F. Dis 172 J. II. Deneo & Sou. . 17:; Mrs. G. B. DaHoIt. . 174 Mrs. F. S. Delano.. 17."i Thos. IT. Dewan. . . . 176 J. M. Dodds 177 R. K. Button 178 L. L. Doliingor 170 M. A. DeWitt IPO Duiya Farm LSI Mrs. Mae Dollicar. . . 1V2 Kmnia H. Dultlin. . . is:{ c. II. Dawley 1"^4 William Dixon lS."i D. O. Ditcher ISO I>. C. L'orr 18T W. T. Dcver 1 ^s (". E. Demeree isi» Mrs. E. Dolan r.tO C. A. Davis 101 G. W. Dunn r.t2 E. E'. Deako lO:; Diamond Creamery Co 104 F. K. Dnnelson. . . . 105 II. M. Dunham.... 106 F. M. Dodge 1!t7 William Dausmnn.. 108 Klla C. Doyper. . . . 100 Walter C. Duuean. . 2(»o r;. 11. Davison 2 7(! 2(i(; 06 00 207 no 208 (■ 20 r> .-.» 200 1 :!2 210 IS -ts 211 2 71 212 i;{ 00 213 1 00 214 5 75 215 5 74 2i(:- 17 50 217 26 21.S 21 210 2 02 220 37 52 221 42 95 '*•»•» 27 06 26 07 223 55 00 224 25 00 225 4 00 226 8 00 227 S 75 228 9 Od 220 15 22 230 8 15 231 7 09 232 8 15 233 80 00 234 15 00 235 10 00 236 14 75 237 3 58 23S 4 58 230 1 51 240 12 00 241 235 00 242 4 00 243 1 75 244 0 00 245 1 00 24 6 U 50 247 24.S 41 31 240 2 08 250 125 00 251 .'{ 50 252 4 00 253 2 50 254 15 00 .•>. t 136 00 256 5 00 2. "(7 258 0 00 250 12 50 260 16 75 201 12 00 262 Continued hrr \iniir Dr. P.. 1 1. !•:. liciUiT. M. K. Hiiulop De(;ratl' I'oullry Farm Mrs. C. J. E. Davis \A'illiam Empie II. V. FUUliorpe II. C. Krtmes lOdgewood Farm .... Oorge D. Edgerton Henry Eibert W. J. Emerson .... C. D. Eldred II. Augustus Eiier. . Iv I'.'mans 10. II. Evans 11. W. Edgott Eiehelherger & Mil- ler R. Ia'C Edmunds. . . F. J. Eysaraan Evansward Farm... G. D. Elmes & Son. Ellwanger & Barry Florham Stud Farm. William I>. Flad. . . . Ferguson Bros Gotlieb Finger R. N. Farlinger. . . . Hugh Eraser W. A. Fuller Fall Brook Farm. . . . Tlie Jlisses Fidler. . . Fisher Brothers. . . . a. A. Fitzgerald... W. D. Fitts Barbara D. Foord.. A. D. Frawley Willard Fralick II. J. Fisk Samuel Eraser H. H. Fonda F. D. Fox F. II. Fitch A. X. Freeman Lyman Foster James Frantz & Sons Fairfield Farms. . . . I.. J. Farmer H. N. Faulder H. C. Fancher Filmoro Farms Ji>o Fitzgerald A. Fisher Mrs. G. W. Fitts.. A. r. Flower Est. . . A. C. Fielder M. B. Fellows it Co.. R. C. II. Fowler i mount $7 00 21 75 28 (to '> no 20 00 7 35 5 91 16 00 0 00 10 08 2 39 3 02 1 00 12 50 3 23 O 14 11 no 10 tiO 1 00 60 00 3 t)0 247 50 2,055 00 1 00 35 «•:(> 10 CO 6 31 18 53 0 00 70 00 37 00 10 58 4 38 13 50 53 50 8 30 209 04 25 00 3:; 30 8 00 1 00 €> 23 7 66 3 09 216 00 8 00 6 no 28 00 .•'.1 5o 72 no 5 no • » no 28 75 20 .>.! 137 00 36 .50 38 57 570 New York State Fair LIST Voucher Xante 263 Hugo Freese 264 S. D. Furminger 265 A. N. V&y 266 Error 267 A. B. Gillls 268 John Greenwood.... 269 E. C. Gilbert 270 A. M. Grabosky 271 F. N. Giddings 272 Mrs. Austin Gray.. 273 William J. Green.. 274 C. R. Guernsey . . ; . 275 Chioe 1\ Gillis 276 Ira N. Gaymonds. . . 277 M. S. Gooding 278 William H. Gould.. 279 A. C. Guernsey 280 James W. Gillis 281 John Grabosky 282 Guile & Windnagle. 283 Vera C. Grey 284 D. E. Gilson 285 David Gordon 286 Howard Gould 287 William Gersbacker. . 288 Mrs. H. It. Gentsch.. 289 Samuel Gordon 290 Glen F. Graham 291 S. X. Gould 292 J. E. Goodrich 293 George A. Gue 294 Jacob Glass 295 D. D. Gordon 296 Miss Goldstein 297 W. O. Goodison 298 O. W. Graves 299 H. L. Grant , 300 D. A. Goodrich 301 H. A. Gilmore 302 W. C. Ganschow. .. . 303 A. C. Grieve & Sons 304 George Grandy 305 R. H. Gardier 306 Josephine Godfrey . . 307 D. E. Gray 308 J. C. Godfrey 309 Mary L. Green 310 C. S. Greene 311 Mrs. D. G. Gates.. 312 Green & Kaple 313 Fay Giddings 314 H. L. Green 315 D. E. Galloway 316 Mrs. E. F. Haw ley. 317 G. W. Il.'skett, Jr. . . 318 Havermeyer Bros. . . . 319 J. G. Hanmer 320 John Hatch 321 W. W. Hazelton OF EXiimiTOHS — Continued Amount Voucher Name $1100 322 Hilton Grange 108 r.O 323 E. C. Hines 13 00 324 Mrs. J. L. Harris.. 00 00 32.5 J. Halbert 242 00 326 H. S. Hollis 1»; 00 327 Highlawn Farm 15 00 328 William Hewitt & 6 50 Son 2 00 329 Grant G. Hitchings 18 50 330 Jos. Hullar 4 26 331 Mrs. C. E. Harris. . 1 50 332 Mrs. F. M. Holmes 15 00 333 Hartman Stock Farm 1 00 334 Joseph Hughes .... 10 00 33.5 Wihnot H. Harber. . 295 00 336 Amanda Hanks .... 5 00 337 R. W. Harris 9 00 338 E. T. Harter 3 50 339 Glen Harter 10 00 340 D. W. Hodges 43 25 341 H. E. Huntley 8 67 342 S. D. Hou-se 10 40 343 W. S. Hinchey 224 00 344 H. E. Humphrey... 14 75 345 F. L. Hale 6 25 •■■.4(5 F. H. Hale 2 TG 347 Mrs. M. K. Horltzel. 7 30 348 John W. Hooker... 5 26 349 G. A. Hazelton 5 86 350 Pavid Harner 75 00 351 Sherman Hall 5 00 352 Heart's Delight Farm 15 00 353 Ida F. House 8 50 334 Mrs. G. H. Hyde... 5 85 355 James Haggert 7 17 356 C. I. Hudson 2 62 357 E. C. Hawlpy 7 55 358 Herbert Howland... 2 71 .".5!» S. L. Headley 1 41 ."f.O Mrs. Charlotte Hey- 249 00 wood 7 00 361 A. F>. Helmer 50 362 B. E. Hunt 12 0(1 363 (Jeorge Howie 27 00 364 O. N. He^ath 10 50 365 Hanmer & Hodgson 22 "!» 366 Mrs. A. S. llewes. . 15 00 367 C. A. Hadden 13 50 :'.68 Mrs. S. W. Hill 14 00 369 E. A. Hurst 2 50 370 C. M. Ilenvy 1 00 371 Randolph Hibbard... 29 50 372 G. B. Hause 285 00 373 Thomas Haslett 53 00 .■'.74 Hillside Bantam 167 00 Yards 55 00 375 Robert Hall 4 00 376 John Harper 9 00 37T E. G. Hills Amount $75 00 3 50 14 50 6 CO 60 00 1 J2 00 16 00 106 50 38 00 0 75 1 oO 270 00 0 00 7 50 24 50 4 97 10 16 10 44 3 b2 6 78 100 00 25 00 40 00 1 00 3 00 8 00 28 50 7 15 7 88 11 65 617 00 86 50 10 00 4 31 384 00 1 00 1 00 28 50 3 00 16 19 6 23 8 34 15 90 86 00 2 00 18 00 25 75 11 65 16 24 68 1 56 83 OO 18 00 2 50 1 no 30 00 New York Statk Faiu 571 LIST OF EXiiiiilTORS — Continued a78 Mrs. Lulu lluiuau... 379 F. S. Iladlei- 380 i:. T. Hawkins & Son .•'.SI llaslcit HrotluMs. . . . ."tSli George Ineichen .... o83 Frank Ingalsbce .... 384 I.oran Isbell 385 Iroudequoit Graufti-. 386 Austin Jackson 387 A. K. Jansen 388 H. L. Jenks 389 M. C Johnson .... 390 J. H. Jackson 391 O. V. Jolley 392 Mrs. M. B. Johnson 393 II. O. Johnson 394 Albert Jones 395 J. E. Japhet 396 W. F. Justi 397 E. L. Jones .nsts Jenkins & Park 399 B. F. Jones 400 William L. Joslyn.. ■Mil Daniel Johnson 4(i2 Kenotin Farm 403 Knowlesville Grange 404 Mrs. W. J. King... 405 J. L. Knips 406 Oscar Knips 407 W. C. Kelsey 408 Alva Klock 409 W. E. Keyes 410 Joseph G. Krenn... 411 F. H. King, Jr 412 Lawrence Kellogg . . 413 Kelly Bros 414 Ketchum & Hapgood 415 B. F. Killough 416 C. L. Kinderberger . . 417 A. E. King 418 Charles T. Klem 419 Mrs. R. G. King 420 H. S. Knapp 421 H. J. Klews 422 George Kittle 423 Cornelius Keeler.... 424 J. F. Knox 425 Effle R. King 426 L. M. Kobe! 427 A. G. Kinczinati . . . . 428 C. Louise Kellogg. . 429 Anthony Kline 4.S0 Karl H. Knuth 431 Little Brothers 432 Marion Lewis 433 H. D. Lewis 434 E. L. Lennox 435 F. H. Loucka...... .1 mount Wi 00 3 23 24 .M 13 01) 380 50 25 00 8 56 1(10 (»0 48 no 99 50 4 50 •7 C3 5 00 15 00 7 25 5 37 2 71 2 TO 2 00 2 Tl 8 00 10 00 3 50 137 50 3 00 40 00 6 75 7 54 7 27 20 43 12 10 15 91 19 00 115 25 1 59 3 38 2 59 40 24 69 60 5 50 44 25 3 02 2 45 2 45 2 08 18 5(1 21 75 2 14 17 50 6 00 5 00 33 00 3 00 7 00 1 00 23 50 5 84 Voucher Aiinir 4."!(i ]/<)()iiiis & .Morrow.. II. 1». Lacy .(. W. Lee & .Sons. . G. L. LohniiUi C. A. Lowe L. G. Lane J. II. Low Clarence Lull Watson Lovetl F. W. I/juix Marie A. Loouiis. . . A. ir. Loop G. \y. Lake (). M. Lincoln M. 1. Liddcll I>. 'J . (". Luring Dr. S. Loft Sara A. Little Carl Lang E. E. Laird Lower Oswego Falls Grange M. Belle Larkin M. H. Lindsey Elizabeth D. Leggate A. S. Lane F. M. I>attcr 463 F. B. Mitchell 463 W. L. Mackey Mrs. J. D. Moore . . W. & I. :MoKecl W. S. Martin M. J. Murray Malloy Farm J. S. Martin 470 Julian Morris 471 Markham & Puffer. L. E. Merihew Alexander Meyer. . . . Montgomery Bros. & Co Mrs. M. r. Mead. . . . George E. Morse. . . W. C. Mosher J. W. Mutter K. M. Mills A. Morrison J. M. Moore R. J. Manchester. . I'. D. Maine Mrs. F. W. Melvin. R. C. Merkley 486 McLaughlin Bros. . . 487 Mosher Bros C. R. Manrow W. H. Mills Thomas Murphy. . . . Edward Miller 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 44.-> 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 4.j4 4." 5 456 457 459 ■±iH> 461 464 465 466 467 468 469 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 4 S3 484 485 4 88 489 490 491 A mount ife 94 5 27 152 00 3 50 20 00 7 45 16 29 1 56 153 00 3 00 11 00 1 39 41 00 48 50 12 00 8 00 41 00 11 25 4 00 5 00 50 00 25 50 12 00 13 00 6 00 8 75 164 00 50 50 7 00 3 16 17 31 3 53 50 00 54 no 342 no 25 00 20 00 R Of» 5 00 L5 75 7 96 Si: 97 53 492 Fay Merrlam. 7 4 6 120 00 2 00 9 00 73 50 27 25 7 54 267 00 14 00 8 00 8 75 6 85 8 54 8 05 572 Xew YoicK Statk Fair LIST Tuiicher yame 493 E. S. Moses 404 C. Lostcr Moiry 4!).-) A. Myers & Son. . . . 40G M. D. Mickle 497 Mrs. E. S. Moore.. 498 E. M. Mathews.... 499 Peter Ma.«on 500 A. Ij. Meeker 501 A. F. Miller 502 Maple Lane Stock Farm 503 T. A. Martin, Jr 504 Mrs. A. D. Meyers. . 505 F. E. Moore 506 Minnie T. Maner. . . 507 Charles L. Moore.. 508 Constant Mariotte. . 509 William J. Martin.. 510 W. P. Muzzy 511 Mahan Bros. & Co. . 512 E. II. Morey 513 J. E. Muriihy 514 J. Mencilly 515 Hugh Meneilly .... 516 David Meneilly 517 J. H. McMullan. . . . 518 Mrs. Grace A Mc- Cullock 519 John P. McGraw... 520 McLeod & Ormsbee. . 521 Donald McLure . . . 522 A. K. MacGrath 523 Charles B. McEwan . 524 W. H. McClew 525 John McCann 526 H. L. McCullock... 527 Mrs. C. F. McKee. . . 528 Alex. Nicholson . . . 529 New York State Fruit Growers' Ass"n 530 James W. Norris.... 531 New York State Training School for Girls .".32 S. H. Northrop 533 Charles Nelson 534 Robert Norton 535 >A'. 11. Neal 536 Niagara Co. Farmers' Club 537 New Century Fac- tory 538 Niagara Stock Farm 539 Newfane Grange . . . 540 M. S. Nye 541 E. E. Nichols 542 Mrs. E. S Nowat- teny ijF K.KiiiBiTORS — Continued Amount Voucher Kame .«15 79 543 New York College of 2 97 Agriculture .... Kt.S 00 544 Matty B. Nutting... 7 00 545 1). E. Nichols 22 50 546 Mrs. A. E. Norton... 1 n4 547 Oakland Fanii 1 00 548 Ontario d*. Fruit 63 (Jrowers' Ass'n... ;! 00 540 Mrs. T. Otto .".50 Oneida Co. Creamery 171 00 Co 3 00 551 J. E. O'Neil 8 00 552 Edna Ordway 24 00 553 S. G. Otis IS 14 554 Orleans Co. Fruit 20 00 Growers' Ass'n... 37 50 555 G. E. Orvis 4 50 556 J. M. O'Connor. . . . 2 78 557 Kalpli E. Owen 221 00 558 .1. H. Oake :^ ;!0 559 K. 1,. Ostrandcr . . . . 85 25 5ti0 C. IJ. Owens 150 00 561 Mrs. .1. (;. Osborne.. 244 25 562 Oxford Basket and 127 no Mfg. Co 5(; (III 563 E. 8. 01dti«-ld 564 Ogdensburg Cream- 15 50 ery Co 31 02 565 C. G. & R. I.. Oakes. 10 87 566 Norman L. Onder- 147 00 donk .",.•; 50 567 J. Y. Peudergast. . . 14 50 568 F. L. Postle & Son.. 3 75 569 E. A. Parks 17 Oo 570 Mrs. Emma Pope. . . 203 00 571 John P. Porteons. . . 2 00 572 W. C. Porter 3 00 573 I. M. Pierce 574 Fred B. Parker 575 E. A. Powell 350 on 576 Preston & Ilammer- 85 t»0 strfim 577 I'olbxk & Woosfer. . 578 Mrs. M. II. Pillow. . l(j III) ."70 CJeorge I'etrio 15 32 5.S0 L. A. Perce 1 50 581 V. II. Peck 8 50 582 A. F. Pierce 100 00 583 Mrs. E. A. Parks... 5X4 F. A. Perry 50 00 585 M. W. Potter 586 L. A. Parker 12 63 587 William Palmer . . . 186 00 588 Mrs. A. L. Percy... 25 00 589 M. W. Palmer 515 00 590 John Perry 87 50 591 Provost & Co 592 Mary C. Parrlsh 0 75 593 II. W. Polgreen Amount !|:64 00 25 50 73 50 1 .S.S4 00 25 on 15 00 1 .•{0 7 56 1 50 MUG 00 100 00 7 87 .5 47 28 00 4 t)0 3 2.i 1 67 28 00 7 50 34 00 tt 42 15 50 12 25 15 00 85 00 20 00 17 50 25 34 3 98 9 ni 90 00 145 00 •> 00 1 00 144 2.5 ," 81 ~) 42 10 55 67 00 O 00 O 92 110 00 6 no 14 nil 35 ***! 5 00 47 on 1 on 8 on 8 00 N"i:\v York Statk Faiu LIST Vutivhcr Xavic o!t4 Cioorge T. I'owoll. . .■.<);-> Mrs. K. B. riinly.. r>!Mi I'liro SI r.iin l''nriii . . .".!>7 Ira IViise r.llS I,. II. Vovry r>!Mi r. K. (Juiiihin tiOO Artluir Hubiiisim . . . 601 Andnw Kiddell (;02 I». Hhind OO."! I.cah K. Rogers.... H04 Ileibfit Randalls .. CiOr> F. 15. Ri'iner COG T. F. Rutherford 007 Albert Ryan (iOS K. I. Riee & (". L. Amos f.0!> F. K. Rupert 610 E. S. Reddont (ill Maria E. Roys (•.12 1). W. Rourko 61.1 J. W. Reed 614 Felix Riihart 615 E. I. Rice (-.16 J. i:. Roberts (;17 A. M. Ralph 618 Edith Rockwell . . . 619 W. (). Robertson... 620 S. J. Ryan 621 H. W. Riddell (.22 W. X. Richardson. . . ()2;? Ryanoffue Farm . . . 624 Red Star Lofts (!2.'> Philip Rupert (!26 Mrs. J. II. Rudd. . . . 627 r. W. Riddell (•28 Ri\er Meadow Farms 620 John E. Rivenhardt. 630 J. F. Rose 6:51 Myrtle S. Rooke 632 William Roscup. . . . 633 Robson Bros 634 A. E. Robst (.3." Reilly Bros (i36 Mrs. S. M. Runger. . 637 Robert Robinson & Son 638 W. N. Reddont 639 Mrs. C. F. Rhoades. 040 R. Brooks Robbins & Sons 641 Jean E. Roberts. . . . 642 o 65:; s r>o 654 599 00 (!55 8 33 65 1; 23 00 657 o'l (to (i5.S 43 2.-. ( 5!> 5 r>7 C.CO 3 38 (■.61 20 72 6()2 4 84 cc,:! (;(;4 75 00 (i('.5 16 00 (>(>(> 48 00 6(i7 16 2.-, (■>(!S S 91 cr.o 7 11 (•>70 28 90 671 30 00 672 2 00 673 13 50 674 3 23 1 88 675 2 03 670 52 677 1 93 678 205 00 (i79 27 00 11 00 680 9 50 681 1 25 682 275 00 683 2 00 684 3 00 685 10 25 686 2 ij6 687 69 no 688 21 00 689 12 50 690 19 25 691 692 51 no 693 50 694 4 00 695 696 8 00 6 00 697 20 00 698 170 (»0 113 00 699 29 00 700 51 50 701 21 50 702 5 n»» 703 23 00 Voiitiintcd h er A'n m c lU-rl T. Swan .Iiilia A. Sniitli v.. T. Sloleshury .... A. W'aiii'ii Sinilli . . (i. ^^'. Sp(Mic(> W. A, Sliar.T i;. ('. Smith ('has. Schamm .M. 1'. Sir. Hid ('has. 1". Slinrk.'y . . . C. (). Smith F. E. Stallard F. 1*. Studley Hon. Clifford Sifton. R. T. Story Schell & Young. . . . M. M. Smith Seneca Sharp Eyes . X. I'auline Stewart. \V. A. Salladin Ira Sitt.Tly . l-'raiik (". Smith .... W. 11. Saxe I". W. Skiff Sterling Orpington Yards E. E. Stehbins Sunset Lodge Farms Stevens Bros. Co. . . F. W. Seward, Jr. . . J. V. Salisbury & Son M. F. Shattuck Mary ('. Sher\A-ood . ^Villard Snyder .... M. L. Speer Standard Butter Co. Homer Scranton . . . L. W. Shaw J. M. Seymour R. R. Street Elmer Stearns .... Sebastian Schmid . . 'P. C. Stanton A. B. Sloer C. D. Sfcherbakofif. . F. H. Steward F. M. Strickland... Thomas Skahen & De- Forest Settle M. B. Sisson Dr. H. W. Skerritt & Son T. H. Snell (J. R. Schauber R. F. Seeley Mrs. S. V. Stewart. Shellleld Farms-SIaw- son Decker Co. . . . 1 III 'IK II t ri 50 6 25 150 00 21 00 6 00 53 50 O 50 23 OO 10 25 4 58 56 21 r» 00 7 00 850 00 16 00 10 00 2 00 32 00 88 00 50 00 43 00 10 00 30 75 67 00 JO 00 16 00 70 00 318 00 5 00 79 50 5 00 11 00 3 58 15 85 14 46 50 00 198 00 13 00 o 00 2 OO 10 50 6 00 10 50 1 39 5 31 60 20 00 173 00 23 00 2 00 2 75 11 00 58 25 500 00 574 New York State Fair LIST OF EXHIBITOBS — - Continued Voucher yanie .1 lit omit I'OI.'i vlier Same .1 mount 704 E. S. Smith .$240 00 760 (}. N. Tobey !?45 87 705 D. B. Stewart :! 00 701 1'. N. 'I'crpening. . . . 750 00 706 W. W. SPvorn 4 5(1 702 I Jelos Tcnney 77 50 707 W. E. Scluiolke 21 25 763 .Mrs. W. B. Terry.. 7 00 708 Mrs. G. W. Stetson. 25 50 T(;4 <;. p. 'laUinaii 319 00 709 Mrs. Jennie T,. Sthan 705 A. G. Tilden 13 00 l)pr -4 50 7f,t; 1/esIie Tanner 26 00 710 F. A. Sweet J 3 ur, TtiT H. Thorp 10 25 711 Mrs. Sidney Schcll . 10 »)() TON W. K. Tuttle 20 00 712 E. C. Sweet 15 00 709 Telfer Bros 438 00 713 Shelter ^■all('y Farm. 5 00 77(1 L. S. Tenney 10 00 714 Claude Sanders 1 00 771 Mrs. C L. Tucker. . 20 75 715 Steuben Farm 206 00 772 Tranquillity Farms. . 108 00 716 Blanche L. Stillman. 56 25 77:-! Tioga Poultry Farm. 21 00 717 Mrs. C. N. Snyder. . 1 50 774 Allen Timmerman . . 1 GO 718 E. R. Smith 1 40 77.5 Jennie B. Turner. . . 5 50 719 The Shelter 11 50 770 <;;. AV. Tailby, Jr... 42 GO 720 Oral Searl 5 38 777 Towuley Produce 721 J. II. Searl 15 73 Farm 17 50 722 E. Stevenson 8 34 778 Airs. L. S. Taylor. . 12 25 723 Orsa Stevenson .... 8 77 779 N. II. Temple 0 25 724 M. A. Stackel 6 16 780 1'. J. T'hich 4 48 725 Dalp Shall 2 45 781 Gen. Wm. Verbeck. . 252 00 726 Henry Shearing . . . 73 .782 A'an Epps & Sanford 74 00 727 Theodore Steadman . 2 03 783 Guy Van Antwerp.. 6 96 728 W. A. Smitli 550 50 784 D. S. Vanderveer. . 40 729 Mr.s. C. W. Skiff... 24 25 785 P. H. Van Schaick. . 9 01 730 C. E. Smith 2 87 786 E. A. Vandervort. . . 96 00 731 W. H. Stoney, Jr. . . 2 97 787 R. F. Vrooman 5 13 732 R. W. Shaw 1 09 788 George Vorce 6 53 733 L. E. Story 36 789 G. Veitch 5 68 734 Ed. Spry ^ 1 OS 7!)0 G. N. Vary 5 36 735 Solvay Process Co. 701 Jacob Vogt 12 92 Sewing School. . . . 2 00 702 J. II. Vandervort & 736 Clara A. Salisbury. 22 96 Sons 32 00 737 Mrs. Emma Smith.. 2 50 7:-3 George Van Slike. . . 2 19 738 Mrs. George W. Sides 7 50 7f'4 <;. F. Vidler 2 00 739 C. A. Teeter 145 00 705 A. I». Van Antwerp. 37 50 740 Turtle Point Farm. 32 00 :;i6 R. L. Vogelgsang. . . 8 50 741 W. S. Teater 178 00 707 F. (i. Vogelgsang. . . 132 75 742 Mrs. A. G. Tripp. . . 1 50 798 E. I. White 110 00 743 S. C. Ta.ylor 2 00 799 George M. White. . . 22 00 744 Ethel L. Terry 11 00 800 Austin G. Warner. . 11 00 745 H. T. Tappen 7 75 Sdl W. W. Wilbur 6 00 746 C. A. larble 11 66 V(»2 Western N. Y. Horti- 747 A. J. Teeter 30 00 cultural Soc 250 00 748 H. M. Terwilliger. . 41 00 803 I. 11. Wilcox 11 50 749 R. L. Tallman 75 00 804 Mrs. Velma Wood.. 14 00 750 Louise M. Terry .... 16 50 805 Mrs. H. B. Walzer. . 19 25 751 E. B. Tucker viic Amount Votic 815 Mrs. J. F. \ViK)ds. . . ^-, 00 850 81Q Hyatt Wiol.w 5 01 817 B. W. Wilcox 8 41 857 818 J. H. Williams 9 06 S5S 811) Frauk S. AViiglil . . . 46 87 859 820 James A. Wriglil . . . 4 tm 860 821 E. D. Wanon 11(» 00 801 822 II. li. Waidwell 110 00 «62 823 W. N. Willotts 3 00 863 824 Whit.> & Hire (it; 50 864 825 Mrs. Cary Wiftiiiiin. 75 5(1 865 S2G Mrs. L. G. Wood. . . 11 75 860 827 .lamos 11. Whalpy.. 8 5;? 867 828 S. T. Windsor 4 00 L 868 820 Whitmoro Kros. . . . 25 00 869 8:4( 1 N. W. Wagner 152 00 ^870 *871 831 Elmer E. Wert 6 00 832 B. R. White 4 00 B72 833 S. J. Wells & Son. .. 63 23 834 Doia M. Weyer 7 00 87.J 835 Charles Waterlnuy . 10 00 874 836 Fred Wyllie 5 00 875 837 C. V. Wellman 239 00 876 838 F. G. Webber 6 GO 877 839 F. A. Willis 1 00 878 840 Mrs. .J. K. Wicldiam. 6 00 879 841 Mindon Woodward . 8 00 880 842 Robert H. Wood 5 81 SSI 843 J. O. WalratU 9 46 882 844 C. E. Western 3 06 883 845 Charlotte E. Ward. . 20 00 884 846 Willis D. Witter. . . 6 66 885 847 Frank Wright & Sons 30 00 886 848 John G. Wells 1 00 887 849 Mrs. Alice S. Wick. 20 50 888 850 H. D. Whitney 5 97 889 851 Walter Walker .... 8 82 890 852 E. E. Widmeyer. . . , 7 72 853 E. C. Wagoner 12 23 854 Leslie R. Wells 3 70 855 T. W. Weatherup. . . 3 18 i'liiitiiiiiril her .\(imc Tlie Wheeler IIoiiu-- Btead I". .1. Wclibei- William Wickham . . (t. M. Wixon Mrs. M. J. Wyraan. E. (J. Wallace S. A. Wilson Ia J. Wiirtz II. li. Witter C. X. Winter J. IJ. Worden Wallace Wood .... Mrs. Anson Wheeler. W. D. Wilmot A. L. Wood Fred J. Webber. . . . 0. A. Weatherly & Co II. E. Whitinore Mi-s. A. 1'. Wright . . Geo. Zett J. R. Young Young & Y'oung W. V. Young L. II. Young John J. Yeltou John Zellweger. Jr. . Mrs. R. F. Young. . . Mrs. W. X. Cridcr. . W. P. Schcnck Mrs. F. B. Scheff . . . C. Thorp Heart's Delight Farm Darwin Rumsey .... 1. N. Gaymonds. . . . Carrie Wittman.... . 1 III 9 00 3 00 270 00 18 75 12 00 2.5 00 12 00 3 00 25 00 Total $40,862 69 576 J^EW York Statk Fair ADMISSIONS SUMMARY OF TOTAL ATTENDANCE Kinds of Tickets Single aflniis.^ion Child's admission. . . . Single complimentary Book complimentary. Helpers T.ife members Exhibitors Press Horse ow !:er Horse driver Horse groom Horse exhibitor Horse attendant Ijady's Box Season Passes (automobile) . . Total . Tickets sold bv railroads*: N. Y. C. & W. S D., L. & W . L. V. B., R. & P.... R.. S. & E.... A. &S L S. & N Oneida O . & M N. Y., A. & L. D. &H L. S. & M. S. Total by railroads . Total by days Grand Stand General admission. Reserved Box seats Total. Mon- day 2.033 111 120 94 1,427 45 616 78 67 34 114 46 44 14 107 ■2 4,952 1,074 1,023 7 3 40 32 032 51 6 4 2,878 7,830 739 181 310 1,230 Tues- day Wednes- day^ 2,297 119 30 95 1,726 49 623 72 73 37 135 51 55 18 54 9,234 688 85 271 1,9.54 171 748 188 137 43 176 68 72 45 127 3 5,434 14,010 3,400 1,481 42 13 310 159 960 549 33 67 7 7,021 12,455 Rain Rain Rain 10,139 8,465 682 27 1,143 781 4,327 1,415 73 301 17 4 33,374 47,384 6,6.57 687 432 7,776 Thurs- day Fri- day 10,993 487 139 310 2,090 202 726 216 138 38 142 87 72 44 157 o 15,849 6,619 355 113 266 1,908 1.59 639 184 132 34 162 75 67 42 154 3 10,912 20,502 9,742 926 16 1,393 1,212 5,060 1,879 51 234 8 2 41,031 56,880 7.076 538 432 8.046 9,193 4,619 101 14 042 487 2,903 645 14 54 18,673 29,585 ,981 439 390 5,810 Satur- day 1. 10,295 650 257 315 ,268 237 709 202 7 1 19 1 2 'i87 3 125 14,338 12,375 8,589 95 6 610 545 4,921 756 15 20 4 27,856 42,276 9,744 432 504 Total 41,471 12,410 744 1 , 357 10.373 863 4,061 1,000 554 187 748 328 312 163 786 13 125 65,495 62,683 33,919 1,853 79 4,144 3,216 18,809 5,295 192 680 36 9 130,915 196,410 29,197 2,277 2,068 10,680 ! 33,542 DAILT ADMISSIONS General admis- sions Monday. . . Tuesday. . . Wednesday Thursday. . Friday Saturday. . . Total.. 7,830 12,455 47.384 56.880 29,585 42,276 196.410 Receipts at gates $2,292 00 4,519 00 21,361 85 26,039 50 12,637 25 19,314125 886,163 85 Admis- sions, grand stand , reserved seats and boxes 1,230 Rain 7,776 8,040 5,810 10.680 Sale of reserved seats $433 00 Hain 687 50 538 00 4.-)9 00 Sold out Sale of private boxes for week Receipts, admission grand stand $369 50 Rain ,328 ,50 ,538 00 ,490 rM .872 00 33,542 $2,117 50 $2,551 50 $14,598 50 ♦These numbers represent admissions on tickets purclias'i'd iu connection with railroad tickets as indicated. Ni:w York State Fair 577 KKCAIMTUI.ATION (ii'Miid staiul roi'iMpIs : Toial rescrvcHl scats '1 otal sale of scats . TdIuI admissions . . I'.r.rji .">•» I4,r)y8 50 Total ifrand staud ivrclpts. Total reieipts at gates ?;i'.),::OT '>o St>,llJa 85 'Iiital receipts fiKin gates and grand stand $103,431 35 Total nnmlier of admissions for the week 19tj,410 Departmint Horse Show. A. Horses B. Cattle C. Sheep... D. Swine E. Poultry G. Dairy . AMOUNTS OF PREMIl^MS AWAKDKD Amount Dcixutmfnt $7,727 00 2,632 00 7,570 22 4.812 00 2,804 00 3,838 50 2,690 47 II. Fruit i . Flower J. Farm Products K. Domestic Grand total. Amount $3,450 (10 1,616 00 1,924 25 1.798 25 $40,862 69 NUMBER OF ENTRIES FOR PREMIUMS, 1901-1910 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 Horses 398 352 477 463 479 354 408 5.57 496 *666 Cattle 1,180 492 821 827 797 683 745 1,316 1,119 936 Sheep 785 431 418 655 548 583 591 1,119 1,035 1.027 Swine 632 151 561 407 565 729 583 819 1,111 777 Poultry 1,701 1.043 2,056 1,727 2,208 2,496 2,162 2,162 3,396 3,596 Dairy 367 t423 538 446 508 405 455 632 728 886 Farm products 1,560 930 1,216 1,560 1,229 1,183 1,558 1,313 1,370 1,541 Fruits 2,631 865 1.397 1,137 1,266 1,264 972 1,646 1,167 2,286 Flowers 334 194 208 198 225 253 212 141 123 232 Domestic 1,149 559 1,184 1,968 1,972 2,243 2,032 3.035 2,928 3,830 DEPARTMENT A — FARM, BREEDING AND DRAFT HORSES Commissioner in Charge, Raymond A. Pearson, Albany. Superintendent, F. D. Ward, Batavia. Clerk, JosE3?H Davis, Albany. Although it always has seemed difficult to get out a good exhibit of farm horses at the state fair, in 1910 a vigorous effort made along this line met ■with marked success. Heretofore all horses have been shown in the horse show, but this year the farm, breeding and draft classes were put into a separate department and they were shown in a newly constructed ring in front of the grand stand, adjoining the ring used by the horse show. Valu- able exhibits came from the West, as well as from points in the East and it was stated by many that these horses formed the best collection of farm, breeding and draft classes ever shown in the East. The horses were stalled in the new racing stables at the rear of the fair grounds, this arrangement being necessary temporarily because of the changes of buihlings and plan of ♦ 171, Dept. A. t Special, 130. 578 Kew York Statk IaiU the grounds. The location was the only drawback suffered by this exhibit. Another year accommodations for the horses, even though they must be some- what poorer, should be provided near tlie center of the grounds. Eventually this department will become one of the most useful in the state fair. The farm value of horses on farms in New York State is estimated at nearly $90,000,000. There are about 200 owners of pure-bred horses within New York .State. These and large breeders in the West, who have been favorably impressed by the start we have made, are sufficient guarantee for the exhibits of the future, providing satisfactory classes and prizes are offered. The amount for premiums should be doubled. PREMIUMS AWARDED Entries, 171. Amount awarded, $2,G32. SECTION 1 PEKCHEROX Entries, 78. Amount awarded, $554. 1st 2(1 3d 4th 5th Prem. I'rem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Class 1 — Stallion and three of his get : E. I. Rice & C. L. Amos, Syracuse, N. Y. $75 00 Class 2 — Stallion, four years or ovor : McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. . 50 00 neart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y $25 00 McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio.... Ribbon The Hartman Stocls Farm, Columbus, Ohio Ribbon G. A. Sutphen, Shortsville, N. Y Ribbon Class 3 — Stallion, three years and under four : McLaughlin Bros.. Columbus, Ohio. ... 35 00 The Hartman Stocli Farm, Columbus, Ohio 20 00 G A. Sutphen. Shortsville, N. Y Ribbon McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio.... Ribbon McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio.... Ribbon Class 4 — Stalliou, two years and under three : McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio 30 00 The Hartman Stock Farm, Columbus, Ohio 15 00 Charlotte F. Ward, Rome, N. Y Ribbon McLaughlin Bros., Columl)Us, Ohio. . . . Ribbon The Hartman Stock Farm, Columl)Us, Ohio Ribbon Class 5 — Stallion, one year and under two ; Heart's Dcliglit Farm, Chazy, N. Y 25 00 Darwin, Newfleld, N. Y 12 00 Class 6 — Champion stallion : McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio.... Ribbon Class 7 — Mare with foal at foot : Charles M. Crouse, Syracuse, N. Y. . . . 50 00 Charles M. Crouse, Syracuse, N. Y.... 25 00 Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y Ribbon Darwin Rnmsey, Newfleld, N. Y Ribbon Parade of Prize Horses. The Harvester — Record. -I-J'ilV^. 1 4 o FtS^ First-Prize Six-Horse Team. Nkw \'')i;k Statk Fair 571) 1st 2(1 ?,tli Pri'iii. 4th Prem. 5th Prem. Ribbon .Yiav ^'oiv-K Stai-i'. Vwk 581 1st I'd :!fl tth nth rii-iii. I'rriii. I'li'iii. I'fc'iii. rrc'iii. Class 43 — Champion maio: The llartnian Stock Farm. Colnmlms. •• Ohio IJiMxm SECTION .") FRENCH toACIl Entries, (>. Amount awardcHl. $135. Class 44 — Stallion, and thivo of liis 1st I'd 3d 4th 5th get: I'rem. I'rom. I'rem. rrem. I'rem. Homer Scranton, Fernwood. N. Y.... ?50 00 Class 45 — Stallion, four yonrs or over : 5IcLauf;hlin Rros., Coluniluis. Ohio. . . . '.\'t 00 McLaughlin Bros.. Coliunl>u.s, Ohio.... $20 00 McLaughlin Bros., Columtnis, Ohio. . . . Ribbon Homer Scranton, Fernwood. N. Y Ribbon Class 46 — Stallion, three years and under four : McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio.... 30 00 Class 40 — Champion stallion : McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. . . . Ribbon SECTION 7 TROTTERS (FOR HUKKDI .VO TURPOSES ONLY), TlIOltOUiillHREDS AND MORG.\NS Entries, 2G. Amount awarded, .?:jOn. Class CO — Stallion and throe of his 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th get : Prem. I'rem. I'rem. Prem. Prem. A. R. Gillis, Syracuse, N. Y $50 00 Class 61 — Stallion, four years or over : M. .\. DeWitt. Binghamton, X. Y 35 00 Fred B. Parker, Batavia, N. Y' $20 00 A. R. Gillis, Syracuse, N. Y Ribbon A. R. Gillis, Syracuse, N. Y Ribbon Class 62 — Stallion, three years and under four : Alfred University, Alfred. N. Y 30 00 Charlotte E. Ward, Rome, N. Y 20 00 Class 63 — Stallion, two years and under three : Alberta Stock Fruit Farms, Oaks Cor- ners, N. Y 25 00 L. C. Dorr. Syracuse, X. Y 12 00 A. R. (Jillis, Syracuse, X. Y Ribbon Class 64 — Stallion, one year and under two : Thomas Skahen & DeForest Settle. Syracuse, X. Y 20 00 A. R. Gillis,, X. Y 10 00 A. R. Gillis, Syracuse, X. Y' Ribbon Class 65 — Champion stallion : >r. A. De^Vitt. Bingham' on. X Y Ribbon Class 66 — Maro. wilb fo:iI :it foot: A. R. Gillis, Syracuse. X. Y 50 00 Ernest I. White. Syracuse, N. Y 25 00 583 New Yokk Statk Fair tst -Jd .".a Uh r.lh I'rera. rrptn. J'reni. rroni. I'rcm. Class 67 — Mare, four years or over : A. R. Gillis, Syracuse, N. Y $.?.■'. 00 Ernest I. White, Syracuse, N. Y $Jii (to Class 69 — Mare, two years and under three : M. A. DeWitt, Binghamton, N. Y 25 00 A. R. Gillis, Syracuse, N. Y 12 00 A. R. Gillis, Syracuse, N. Y Ribbon Class 70 — Mare, one year and under two : M. A. DeWitt, Binghamton, N. Y 20 00 Class 71 — Champion mare : A. R. Gillis, Syracuse, N. Y Ribbon Special Prizes Offered by tlic Jovkey Club Class 72 — Best foal of 1910, sired l)y stallion placed by the Breeding Bureau of the Jockey Club : Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y $50 00 Class 73 — Best pure-bred yearling 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th colt or filly of any breed : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y. . . $25 00 A. R. Gillis, Syracuse, N. Y $15 00 Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y... $10 00 SECTION 8 GRADED DRAFT lIOIiSES (COMPETITION LIMITED TO FAUM IIOK.SES OWNED BY FARMERS IN NEW YORK STATE) Entries, 7. Amount awarded, $85. Class 74 — Mare, with foal at foot, sired by a registered draft 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th stallion : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. C. L. Amos Coal Co., Syracuse, N. Y. . $25 00 Class 75 — Gelding or mare, four years or over : Fred B. Parker, Batavia, N. Y 20 00 C. L. Amos Coal Co., Syracuse, N. Y. . $10 00 Ei-ncst I. White, Syracuse, N. Y Ribbon Edward I. Rice, Syracuse, N. Y Ribbon Class 78 — Gelding or mare;, one year and under two : Edward I. Rice, Syracuse, N. Y 20 00 Edward I. Rice, Syracuse, N. Y 10 00 SECTION 9 PURE-UUKU OK GRADED DRAFT TEAMS, ANY BREED CO.MPETING Entries, 0. Amount awarded, $825. Class 79 — Draft team, 3,000 pounds 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th or over : Prem. I'rem. Prem. I'rem. Prem. Fred B. I'arker, Batavia, N. Y $50 00 C. L. Amos Coal Co., Syracuse, N. Y. . $25 00 Class 81 — Six-liorse team, not less than 9,000 pounds : Sheffield Farms-Slawson Decker Co., New York City 300 00 C. L. Amos Coal Co., Syracuse, N. Y. . 150 00 J^KNV ^'()l;K SlAlh: I'Ali; r>8'> isi: '^fl :!d nil .Mil I'rrm. rroni. rrciii. I'riin I'lcin. » 'lass S- " Fmir horse Iram, udI loss than 6,000 pounds : Shi'tflpld Karms-Slawsoii DccUor ('<>., New York City •'Fliiin '"• C. L. Amos Coal To., Syiacuso, N. Y.. $10«I 00 SJHTION 10 I'll{i;-ItKEI> OK (;UAl>Kl> nUlVlNO TEAMS. ANY BUEKIi iii.M pilll M! Entries, 3. Amount awarded, $87. Class s:; Team, liftccn liauds, two 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th inches or over : rrcm. I'rein. Trcm. I'rcin. I'rcm. Alberta Stock Fniit Kaims, Oaks Cor- ners, N. Y .?r>0 <>(» Class 84 — Single gelding or mare, fifteen hands, two inches or over : Alberta Stock Fruit Farms, Oaks Cor- ners, N. Y 25 GO Alberta Stock Fruit Farms, Oaks Cor- ners, N. Y $12 00 HORSE SHOW DEPARTMENT Oommissioner in Charge, Abraham E. Pebren, Buffalo. Secretary, Samuel W. Taylor, New York City. The horse show upheld its reputation as an attraction for those who are interested in the finest specimens of harness horses. There were 48 exhibitors with 480 entries in this department and each day, except one when there was rain, judging was in progress constantly from 11 a. m. until al)Out G p. m. Most of the exhibits came from Xew York City and vicinity and more would have been secured but for the large expense entailed in transporting the horses of this class and the costly outfits. It is suggested that the horse show could be materially improved by increasing the premiums, so that these will more nearly equal the expense of exhibitors who are successful in making winnings. PREMIUMS AWARDED Entries, 495. Amount awarded, $7,727. HACKNEYS Entries, 4.3. Amount awarded, $275. Class 2 — Stallion, four years or over : Florhani Stud Farm, New Y'ork City.. Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. G. A. Sutphen, Shortsville. N. Y Class 3 — Brood mare in foal or to have had a foal in 1910 : Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. Class 4 — Mare, four years or over: Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. Oakland Farm, Newport, R. I Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem $35 00 $20 00 Ribbon 35 00 35 00 20 00 20 (H) Ribbon 584 New Yokk State Faik Class r> St.Tllion, throo ypars and undth Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem $50 00 $25 00 25 00 SnETI,.\Nn .\ND OTIIKU PONIES FOR BUKEDIXG rTUrOSBS Entries, 21. Amount awarded, $260. Class 11 — Herd of Shetland ponies (must be registered) consisting of one stallion and three mares in foal or with foal at foot : Mrs. E. F. Hawley, Pittsford, N. Y Mrs. E. F. Hawley, Pittsford, N. Y Class 12 — Shetland stallion (must be registered), three years or over, not exceeding 4(> inches : Mrs. E. F. Hawley, Pittsford. N. Y... Mrs. E. F. Hawley, Pittsford, N. Y. . . F. S. Delano, Ensenore, N. Y' Class 13 — Shetland mare (must be registered), three years or over, not exceeding 40 inches : Mrs. E. F. Hawley, Pittsford, N. Y... Mrs. E. F. Hawley, Pittsford, N. Y. . . S. K. Bresee, Syracuse, N. Y Class 14 — Pony stallion, other than Shetland, not exceeding 13.1 hands, three years or over : Mrs. 10. F. Hawley, Pitttsford, N.Y... F. S. Delano, Ensenore, N. Y 15 00 15 00 Ribbon 25 00 15 00 Ribbon 00 * English Hackney Horse Society's Medal. t American Hackney Horse Society's Medal. Nkw Yokk State Fair 58: 1st 2(1 :!(i 4tii r.tii rrt'iu. rrciii. I'niii. rrcm. I'lcm. Class 16 — Pony inaro, kIIum- IIimii Shetland, not exieodiii;; l.l.l hands, throe years or over : Florham Stud Farm. New York Cily.. ij;:.'.'. no (."hloo P. Oillls. Syracuse, N. Y $15 00 Florham Stud Farm. New York City.. Ribbon Class 17 — Pony mare, exceeding 13.1 hands and not exceeding 14.1 hands : J. G. Hanmer, Brantford, Ontario.... 2o 00 I.lGII'r-H.VKXESS HORSES Entries, 21. Amount awarded, $145. Case 18 — Trotting stallion, mare or gelding, to bo shown to bicycle 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th sulkies or racing wagons : Prom. I'rem. I'rem. Prom. Prem. Ernest I. White, Syracuse, N. Y $25 00 E. T. Stotesbury, Chestnut Hill, I'a.. $15 00 Horace White, Syracuse, N. Y Ribbon Class 10 — Pacing stallion, mare or gelding : Horace White, Syracuse, N. Y 25 00 A. R. Gillis, Syracuse, N. Y 15 00 Class 20 — Speedway class. Trot- ters to be shown to bicycle wagons, and to be driven by ama- teurs. Speed, gait and confirma- tion to count 70 per cent. ; ap- pointments, 30 per cent. : Ernest I. White, Syracuse, N. Y 25 00 Horace White, Syracuse, N. Y 15 00 Class 21 — Speedway class. Pacers to be shown to bicycle wagons, and to be driven by amateurs. Speed, gait and couformatiDn to to count 70 per cent. ; appoint- ments, 30 per cent. : Horace White, Syracuse. N. Y 25 00 EO-VDSTERS Entries, IS. Amount awarded, $150. The horses entered in llie^e classes judged as road horses that are driven regularly on the road. Their manners, style of going and conformation considered, not their pedigrees or records. Class 22 — Stallion, mare or geld- ing, three years or over, not under 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 15 hands : Prem. Prem. I'rem. Prem. Prem. E. T. Stotesbury, Chestnut Hill, Pa... $25 00 Ernest I. White, Syracuse, N. Y $15 00 E. T. Stotesbury, Chestnut Hill, Pa... Ribbon Class 23 — Pair of roadsters, three years or over : E. T. Stotesbury, Chestnut Hill, Pa... 35 00 E. T. Stotesbury, Chestnut Hill, Pa... 20 00 586 New York State Fair Ist 2d 3d 4tli Prem. Prem. Piem. I'lum. rnin Class 24 — Best roadster and best appoluted turnout. Appointments to be judged separatelj' in Class 25: E. T. StotusbuiT, Chestnut Hill, Po. . . |2j 00 E. T. Stotesbury, Chestnut Hill, I'a... $15 00 Class 25 — ■ Best appointments : E. T. Stotesbui-y, Chestnut Hill, Pa. . . 15 00 E. T. Stotesbury, Chestnut Hill, Pa... Ribbon HEAVY HARNESS HORSES Entries, 97. Amount awarded, $2,065. Horses entered in these classes must be practically sound and have good manners. To be judged for their conformation, style, pace and all around action and as best suited for the park or the road. To be shown before appropriate vehicles. Class 26 — Mare or gelding over 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 14.1 and not exceeding 15 hands : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. I'rem. Florham Stud Farm, New York City . . $50 00 Oakland Farm, Newport, R. I $35 00 Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. Ribbon Class 27^ — Pair of horses (mares or geldings) over 14.1 and not ex- ceeding 15 hands : Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. 75 00 Oakland Farm, Newport, R. 1 50 00 Class 28 — Mare or gelding over 15 hands and not exceeding 15.3 : Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. 50 00 Oakland Farm, Newport, R. 1 30 00 Oakland Farm, Newport, R. I Ribbon Class 29 — Pair of horses (mares or geldings) over 15 hands and not exceeding 15.3 : Oakland Farm, Newport, R. 1 75 00 Oakland Farm, Newport, R. 1 50 00 Florham Stud Farm, New Y'ork City.. Ribbon Class 30 — Mare or gelding over 15.3 hands : Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. Ho 00 Oakland Farm, Newport, R. 1 35 00 J. Sumner Draper, Boston, Mass Ribbon Class 31 — Pair of horses (mares or geldings) over 15.3 hands : Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. 75 00 Oakland Farm, Newport, R. 1 50 00 Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. Ribbon Class 32 — Mare or gelding not ex- ceeding 15.2, to be shown to a vehicle appropriate for a lady, the lady to drive. Appointments to be judged separately in Class 33 : Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. 50 00 Oakland Farm, Newport, R. 1 25 00 Coach of Alfred G. VAXUERBii/r Leading the Prize Stock Parade. Aeroplane in Front of Grand Stand. Class of Jumpers. New York State Fair 5S1 Class 33 — Best c.-irriajj;!' mid np- poinMiieuts : Oaklaiul Farm, Nowport, U. I FlorhaiB Stud Farm, iNew York City.. Class 34 — I'air of horses (marcs or gt'ldings) not exceeding IT). 2 bauds, to be sbown to a carriage appropriate for a hidy, the lady to drive. Appointments lo Iw judged separately iu Class ;;.">: Oakland Farm, Newport, R. I Florbani Stud Farm, New York City. . Class 35 — Best carriage and ap- pointments : Oakland Farm, Newport, R. I Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. Class 36 — High stepper, hock ac- tion also to be considered, not ex- ceeding 15.1 hands : Florham Stud Farm, New York City. . Oakland Farm, Newport, R. I Oakland Farm, Newport, R. I Class 37 — I'air of high steppers, hock action also to be considered, not exceeding 15.1 hands : Florham Stud Farm, New I'ork City.. Oakland Farm, Newport, R. I Francis B. Mitchell, Pittsford, N. Y. . Class 38 — High stepper, hock ac- tion also to be considered, over 15.1 hands : Oakland Farm, Newport, R. I Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. Oakland Farm, Newport, R. I Class 39 — (Offered by Mr. Alfred G. Vanderbilt.) Horses (stallions, mares or geldings) not under 15.1 bauds high, and not over si.x years old. Suitable for heavy harness (carriage) purposes. To be shown to appropriate vehicles, and to be judged on their couformatiou, quality and action. May be long or short tails. The horses must have been bred in New York State and their breeding and the name of their breeder must be given on the entry blank, .?25 to be given lo the breeder of the winner: Francis 15. .Mitchell, Pittsford, N. Y. . Malloy Farm, R.D. 1, E. Syracuse, N. Y. Francis B. Mitchell, Pittsford, N. Y. . Class 40 — For the best pair of high steppers, hock action also to be considered, over 15.1 hands: Oakland Farm, Newport, R. I Oakland Farm, Newport, R. I 1st Prem. .$25 00 Preni. Ribbon I'riMii. ■nil Pruiii. .-.til I'n'in. 00 35 00 .$35 00 Ribbon 50 00 75 00 50 00 KtO 0(1 75 00 35 00 Ribbon 50 00 Ribbon 35 00 Ribbon .-.0 00 Ribbon 50 00 588 New York State Fair 1st 2cl I'rem. rrcin. Class 41 — Mare or geldiug to run- about. Horse should have confor- mation, style, all around aclion, pace and good manners, and must stand without being held. The horse must not be under 14.3 or exceed 15.2 hands : Oal^land Farm, Newport, R. I -liuO 00 l-'rancis K. Mitchell, Pittsford, N. Y... $25 00 Class 42 — • Best runabout and ap- pointments : Oakland Farm, Newport. R.I 25 00 Class 44 — Novice class for mares or geldings exceeding 15.1 hands that have never taken first prize at any recognized horse show : Oakland Farm, Newport, R. 1 50 00 J. Sumner Draper, Boston, Mass 25 00 Oakland Farm, Newport, R. I Class 45 — Cliampion prize for sin- gle horses. Horses to be Judged both in harness and on the halter. Open only to horses exceeding 15.1 hands, having taken a first prize in single harness at any recognized horse show, and to the horses ex- ceeding 15.1 hands taking first and second prizes at this show : Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. $75 00 Florham Stud Farm, New York City . . . 3d I'ri'in. 4th I'rcni. 5th rri-ni. Ribbon Reserve ribbon Class 46- — Champion prize for sin- gle horses. Open only to horses exceeding 15.1 hands, having taken a first prize in single harness at any recognized horse show, and to the horses not exceeding 15.1 hands taking first and second prizes at this show : Florham Stud Farm, New York City. . . 75 00 Oakland Farm, Newport, R. I Reserve ribbon Class 47 — ■ Champion prize for pairs. Horses to be judged both In har- ness and on the halter. Open only to horses not exc(H>ding 15.1 hands, having taken a first prize as pairs in harness at any recog- nized horse show, and (o the horses not exceeding 15.1 hands taking first and second prizes at this show : Oakland Farm, Newport, R. 1 150 00 Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. Reserve ribbon Class 48 — Champion prize for pairs. Open only to horses ex- ceeding 15.1 hands, having taken a Nkw \'()i;k Stati.: Iv\ii: 58'.) Ist •M .•!<1 4th .-.(ii 'rem. I'retn. riciii. rifiii. I'll '111. first prize ns pairs in liarnoss at any recognized liorse show, and to the horses exceeding 15.1 hands IniJing tlrst and second prizes at til is show : rioiluiin StNl rarni, New Yoik City.. $ir.O 00 Oakland Faini, Newport, R. I Uesorve rihhon TAKDEMS Entries, Ifi. Amount awarded, ^:','.)T,. Class 4!) — Harness tan(h'in, neither 1st 2d I'.d ^ili .''itli horse to exceed 15.1 hands: I'reni. I'roin. I'lnn. I'niii. I'reiii. Oakland Farm, Newport, K. I -ST.'. (to I'lorham S.ud Farm, New York City. . . $:'.;") 00 Francis H. Mitchell, Pittsford, N. Y.. Ril.hon <'lass .50 — Harness tandom. liofh horses to exceed 15.1 hands: Florhani Stud Farm, New York City. . . 75 00 Oakland Farm, Newport, R. I ,^.5 00 Oakland Farm, Newport, R. I Rilihon Class 51 — Post entry harness tan- dem, horses to be owned by one or more exhibitors : Oakland Farm, Newport, R. 1 25 00 Fh.rham Stud Farm, New York City. . . 1.". 00 (Oakland Farm, Newport, R. I Ribbon Class 52 — Sporting tandem, both horses to exceed 15.1 hands, leader to he unharnessed and shown over the regulation jumps: F. H. Weatherbee, New York City 75 00 Hon. (MitTord Sifton, Ottawa, Can 35 00 Class 53 — Riders in the preceding class, appearing in pink, and carls and appointments to compete for additional prize : E. H. Wi-atherbee, New York City 25 00 Hon. Clifford Sifton, Ottawa, Can.... Rilibmi FOfU-lX-IIANDS Entries, 1.3. Amount awarded, $500. Class 54 — - Road team, not under 15.1 hands. To be shown before a coach or body break. The horses should have substance, pace and the attributes of endurance, with good manners. Exhibitors need not describe their teams when making their entries, but all horses exhib- ited must be owned by the exhib- itor at the time of the closing of entries : Florham Stud Farm, New York City. . . Oakland Farm, Newport, R. I $75 00 Francis B. Mitchell, Pittsford, N. Y... Uiblion 1st 2d rid 41h 5th I'rom. Prcm. I 'rem. Prom. Prem Sl.-.O 00 590 New YoiMc State FAiJi 1st 2cl 3d I'rem. I'rem. I'rem. Class 55 — Best appointments of road teams shown in Class 54 : Oakland Farm, Newport, U. I $25 00 Florham Stud Farm, New York City. . . Ribbon Class 5G — Park team, not under 15.1 hands. To be shown before a drag, coach or body break. The horses should have quality, action and good manners. Exhibitors need not describe their teams when making their entries, but all horses exhibited must be owned by the exhibitor at the time of the closing of entries : Oakland Farm, Newport, R. I... 150 00 Oakland Farm, Newport, R. 1 75 00 Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. Riblwn Class 57 — Best appointments of park teams shown in Class 5G : Oakland Farm, Newport, R.I 25 00 Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. Ribbon PONIES IN HARNESS Entries. 27. Amount awarded $330. Class 60 — Shetland pony (must be registered) not exceeding 4G 1st 2d 3d Inches: ri'om. Prem. Prein. Mrs. E. F. Hawley, Pittsford, N. Y... $30 00 F. S. Delano, Ensenore, N. Y $15 00 Mrs. E. F. Hawley, Pittsford, N. Y. . . Ribbon Class CI — Stallion, mare or geldini;- not under 11 and not exceeding 13.1 hands : Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. 30 Oo Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. 15 00 Chloe P. Gillis, Syracuse, N. Y Ribbon Class 62 — Pair of ponies not under 11 hands and not excei dim; 13.1 bands : W. A. Salladin, Canandaigua, N. Y. . 50 oO P. S. Delano, Ensenore, N. Y 25 00 Class 63 — Stallion, mare or gelding exceeding 13.1 and not exceeding 14.1 hands : Oakland Farm, Newport, R. 1 30 00 Oakland Farm, Newport, R. 1 15 00 Florham Stud Farm, New York Cily. . Riblion Class 64 — Pair of ponies exceeding 13.1 and not exceeding 14.1 hands: Oakland Farm, Newport K. 1 50 00 Oakland Farm, Newport R. 1 25 00 J. G. Hanmer, Brantford, Ontario Ribbon Class 65 — Pony of any breed not exceeding 13.1 hands, to be driven by child not over 12 years of age, and to be unharnessed and harnessed in the ring by the child driver. Pony, cart and harness to 4th Prem. 5th Prem. 4 th Prem. 5th Prem. Nkw ^^»l;l■: Statk I^'aiu 591 Tst I'd .•'.(1 4Hi nth I'reui. I'leiii. I'lOUl. i'leiu. I'reiii couut 50 per ccut. ; actiirai'y and speed in uuharuessing aud har- nessing to couut 50 per cent. Julia F. Aldriili, Syracuse, N. Y !i;:!0 00 Mrs. E. F. Hnw'.oy, rittsfoid. N. Y $15 (lO F. S. Delano, Eusenore N. Y Ribbon SADDI.K IIOUSMS Entries, SO. Ainouut awarded, $1,004. Judged on conformation, quality, manners aud paces at walk, trot and canter. Must back aud change leads, Iml not " liijure eight." Class GO — Stallion, mare or geldlnj;, over 15.2 hands, up to I'oo 1st -'d 3d 4th 5th pounds, suitable for the pnik : I*rem. I'rcni. I'reui. Prem. I'reiii. Julian Morris, Keswick, Va .f.'fO 00 Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. $35 00 H. Stuart Ilollis, New York City $17 00 Class 07 — Stallion, mare or gelding, over 15.2 bands, up to 200 pounds, suitable for the road : Florham Stud Farm, New York City. 50 00 Lt. Frank B. Barrett, New York City 35 00 Oakland Farm, Newport, R. 1 17 00 Class 68 — Stallion, mare or gelding, not exceeding 15.2 hands, up to 160 pounds, suitable for the road : riorham Stud Farm, New York City. . . 50 00 A. Morrison, Xew York City 35 00 Julian Morris, Keswick, Va 17 00 Class 69 — Lady's saddle horse, over 15.2 hands, up to 175 pounds, to be ridden side saddle by lady ; suitable for the park (flrst prize of $75 offered by Yates Hotel) : Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. 75 00 II. Stuart Hollis, New York City 35 00 Oakland Farm, Newport, R. 1 1 7 00 Class 70 — Lady's saddle horse, not exceeding 15.2 hands, up to 150 pounds, to be ridden side saddle by lady ; suitable for the park : Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. 75 00 A. Morrison, New York City 35 00 E. II. Weatherbee, New York City 17 00 Class 71 — Lady's saddle horse, over 12.2 hands, up to 175 pounds, to be ridden by lady ; suitable for the road : E. H. Weatherbee, New York City 50 00 Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. 35 00 H. Stuart Ilollis, New York City 17 00 Class 72 — Lady's saddle horse, not exceeding 15.2 hands, up to 150 pounds, to be ridden side saddle by lady ; suitable for the road : Oakland Farm. Newport, R. 1 50 00 Florham Siud Farm, New York City.. 35 00 Gen. Wm. Verbeck, Manlius, N. Y 17 00 99 U ^ Nkw \*>\:k Stati: Fair 1st 2(1 .•id 4 th 5tb 'rem. I'reiu. I'll'tU. rrein. I'rcm Class 73 — Tliree-gaited saddle horses ; stallion, mare or gelding, any age ; registered in the American Saddle Horse Register, and up to carrying at least 160 pounds. All horses required to show three distinct gaits — walk, trot and canter. Any previous winner of a prize offered by the American Saddle Horse Breeders' Association barred. Conformation and finish to count 40 per cent. ; manners, 20 per cent. ; performance, 40 per cent. Long or short tails : Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. A. Morrison, New York City Mrs. John McLennan, Fayetteville, N. Y. Class 74 — Open only to horses hav- ing taken a first prize under sad- dle at any recognized horse show, and to the saddle horses taking first and second prizes at this show, and as best suited for the park or the road : Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. Laura Stanley, New York City .$100 in plate* Ribbon 75 00 Reserve Ribbon Class 75 — Offered by Hon. George C. Clausen. Trotting hacks, under saddle, half mile on track, to carry not less than 13.5 pounds, and ridden by owners. Track horses barred and appointments must be appropriate : General William Verbeck, Manlius, N. Y. ?,r, 00 Florham Stud Farm, New York Cily. . General William Verbeck, Manlius, N. Y. Class 76 — Offered by Ma.lor Ernestus Gulick. Amateur cup or .$150 for saddle horses, 15 hands or over, to be ridden by owner. Cup must be won twice to become win- ner's property : Laura Stanley. New York City Cup H. Stuart Hollis, New York City General William Verbeck, Manlius, N. Y. Class 77 — "The Rider and Driver" challenge cup, value, .$1,000, for the best two horses, representing a park and a road type of saddle horse, to be won three times by the same owner before becoming his property outright ; horses to be suitable for man or woman and .I'udged according to (ho following conditions : 00 $15 00 Ribbon Ribbon ♦ This was offered by the American Horse Breeders' Associallon. Nkw Youk Statk Kaifi 593 Soction A — rark hack, stal- 1st -M ".il -Itli nth lion, uuu-c or gelding, abovi' '''■'''>'• ''""'■ '■'■^■"'- '''■''"• ^''■'-'"'• 14. li hands; hreeding, color, (HiMlity, act 'on and conforiiia- tiou to count 50 per cent. ; uunith, manners and gait at walk, trot or canter to count 50 per cent. Must be able to show canter on either lead In small circles ; knee and hock action (not harnessj', but stylish and well bal- anced) ; ability to side step, rotate croupe around fore-hand and fore-haad around croupe, back in a straight line and at angles in any direction, stand quietly to mount and carry head in position indica- tive of supple neck and jaw flexions. Section B — Road hack, stal- lion, mare or gelding, aliove 14.2 hands; breeding, con- formation, bone, substance and quality to count 50 per cent. ; mouth, manners and gaits at walk, trot and cantor. 50 per cent. Must be able to show canter on either lead in small circles ; ability to trot fast in balance and gallop unitedly, and also clear hurdles not over three feet six inches in height, and the general ap- pearance of being able to do a journey of forty miles in a day without distress : Iv II. Weatherbee, New York City $100 Plate and $50 A. Morrison, New York City $25 00 General William Vcrbeck, Manlius, N. Y. $15 00 rO.Vin.S tJ.NDKR S.\nDLE Entries, 10. Amount awarded, $145. Judged on their manners, conformation and riding qualities. SIiowii (o a walk, trot or canter. Class 78 — Shetland pony (must be registered), not exceeding 4G inches : Mrs. E. F. Hawley, Pitlsford, N. Y.. Mrs. E. F. Hawley, Tittsford, N. Y.. $15 00 Class 79 — StalHon. mare or geld- ing, not undor 1 1 bands and not oxcooding i:?.l bands: Klorham Stud Farm, New York City.. .'!0 00 Mrs. E. F. Ilawlpy, I'itfsford, N. Y^ 15 00 Florham Stud Farm, Now Ydrk City.. $5 00 1st 2d 3d 4tb 5 th rrem. Prcm. Prem. Prem. Prcm. $30 00 594 New York State Fair Class SO — Stallion, uuaie or geld- j^t 2d ^d 4th 5th ing. exceeding 13.1 and not ex- I'rem. I'lem. I'lcm. I'rem. Prem. ceeding 14.1 hands : J. G. Manimer, Brautford, Ontario $30 00 J. Y. Pendergast, Phoenix, N. Y $15 00 George Zett, Syracuse, N. Y $5 00 HUNTERS AND JCJIPEUS Entries, 65 Total amount awarded, $1,340. Class 81 — Uunters or jumpers, up 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th to carrying between 150 to 175 Prem. Prom. Prem. Prem. Prem. pounds to hounds, to be shown over the regular jrmps. Confor- mation to count 40 per cent. ; per- formance, 60 per cent. : Hon. Clifford Sifton, Ottawa. Canada. $100 00 E. H. Weatherbee, New York City $50 00 Hon. Clifford Sifton, Ottawa, Canada. $35 00 Class 82 — Hunters or jumpers, up to carrying over 175 pounds to hounds, to be shown over the reg- ular jumps. Conformation to count 40 per cent. ; performance, 60 per cent. : E. H. Weatherbee, New York City 100 00 E. H. Weatherbee, New York City 50 00 E. D. Warren, Toronto, Canada 35 00 Class 83 — Handicap jump — Green hunters to jump 4 feet ; horses that have won blue ribbons in a recognized show, 4 1^^ feet ; horses that have won a championship, 5 feet, and horses that have won a high jump, 5 feet 2 inches. Per- formance only to count : Hon. Clifford Sifton, Ottawa, Canada 100 00 Hon. Clifford Sifton, Ottawa, Canada.. . 50 00 Julian Morris, Keswick. Va 35 00 Class 84 — Ladies' qualified hunters, up to carrying 150 pounds, to be ridden by ladies on side saddles over the jumps : E. H. Weatherbee, New York City 100 00 B. H. Weatherbee, New York City 50 00 Hon. Clifford Sifton, Ottawa, Canada.. 25 00 Class 85 — High jump, open to all. For the first trial the bars were placed at a height of 5 feet ; they were then raised to 5 feet 6 inches, to 6 feet, to 6 feet 8 inches, and fl feet 6 inches, after which they wore raised 3 inches at a time : Hon. Clifford Sifton, Ottawa, Canada.. 150 00 K. D. Warren, Toronto, Canada 75 00 Hon. ClilTord Sil"t(jii, Ottawa, Canada.. .'55 00 New Yokr State Fai R 50o 1st lid ;!d 4 th olh I'reui. ricm. Prem. Prem. Prem .fioo 00 Class 86 — Novice lioiscs, uot having taken a prize In the hunter or jumoing classes at auy show : llou. ('lifTord Siftoii. Ottawa, t'aiiada.. Hon. OlilTord Siftou, Ottawa, Oiinada.. .?50 00 Whitmore Bros.. Mt. Morris, N. Y !l!2.'j 00 Class 87 — OfTcrod by Paul A. Sorg. Por the best three luiutors from Olio hunt. To be ridden by nu-in- l)crs or sub.scribers of tlie ro- speotive hunts in the hunt uni- form : Julian Morris, Keswick, Va 175 00 Hon. Clifford Sifton, Ottawa, Can Ribbon Mii.rrAUY iion.SES Entries, 10. Amount awarded, ?22."). Class 88 — Stallions, maros or avld- Ings from 15.1 to 10.1 hands hlj^h, horses to be ridden by a member of the Army, Navy, M.'irine Corps or National Guard, or recognized of the army service pattern, and militarj- school. Equipments to Ix- riders to be in dress uniform and equipped with sabre. Require- ments maj- be any movements or exercises as described and author- ized in the school of the trooper, TTniiPd St.ntes Cavalry: T-t. Frank B. Barrett, New York City Oen. Wm. Verbeck, Manlius. N. Y $25 00 Gen. Wm. Verlieck, Manlius. N. Y Ribbon Class Rf> — Horses suitable for chargers or officer's' mounts. Stal- lions, mares or geldin^rs not under four years old, frcn l,"i.2 to 16.1 bands high : Lt. Frank B. Barrett, New York City. . 50 00 E. H. Weatherbee, New York City 25 00 Gen. Wm. Verbeck, Manlius, X. Y Ribbon Class 90 — Horses suitable for cav- alry service. Geldings, not under four years old, from 15.1 to IG hands high : £. H. Weatherbee, New Y'ork City 50 00 Gen. Wm. Verbeck, Manlius, N. Y 25 00 Gen. Wm. Verbeck, Manlius, N. Y Ribbon 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem .$50 00 POLICE HOKSBS Entries, 14. Amount awarded, $188. Class ni — Horses suitable for police work in the management of street traffic. Stallions, mares or geld- ings not under four years old, from 15.2 to l«.l hands high : Sunset T.odge Farms, Memphis, N. Y.. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th I'rem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prom $35 00 nOO New York Statp: Fair ('l;i>^s '.»1' — llur.scs siiilalilr for |)()licc IkI LM :M 1(1i ruli work on speedways. Stallions, I'reui. Tri'iii. Vmi\. rroiu. rniii. luares or geldings not under four years old, from ir..2 to IG.l hands high : Sunsot I.odgo Fai-nis. Memphis, N. Y.. .$:!.") Of) Class 04 — Combination saddle and harness horse, to be shown firsi in liarnoss and then under saddle: Florham Stud Farm, New York City.. ■^."iO 00 A. Morrison. New York City '2o no E. H. Weatherbee, New I'ork City.... Uibhon Class 05 — Runner (man or boy) to show backnoy or any other bned of horses on lead line : Hugh Eraser, New York City 10 00 Fred Wyllie, Attica, N. Y T, 00 Alex Nicholson, Newport, R. I JS." 00 Class 96 — Best professional coach- man, to be judged on driving abil- ity, appearance, manners, knowl- edge of whip signals, and " rules of the road " : Arthur Robinson, New York City 8 So Hugh Eraser, New York City 8 33 Frank Boob, New York City 8 34 Class 98 — Rest driver of one horse ; ladies, only: professionals barred: Mrs. Douglas Warren, Toronto, Can... Ribbon Laura Stanley, New Y'ork City Ribbon Miss Parker, Batavia, N. Y Rib1)ou liACING PRIZES Entries, 0. Amount awarded, $105. Class 99 — Ponies not exceeding 14.2 hands, three furlongs on the track, to be ridden by amateurs 1st 2d :ui 4th 5th in colors : Prem. Preni. Pri'in. I'rem. Preni. (ien. Wm. Verbeck, Manlius. N. Y .?35 00 J. Y. Pendergast, IMioenix, N. Y Ribbon Class 100 • — ■ Hacks or hunters, half a mile on the track, to carry not less than 145 pounds, to be ridden by amateurs in colors : Gen. Wm. Verbeck, Manlius, N. Y 35 00 Whitmore Bros., Mt. Morris, N. Y Ribbon Mrs. Douglas Warren, Toronto, Can... Riblion Class 101 — Trotting hacks, under saddle, half mile on track, to carry not less than 165 pounds, and rid- den by owners ; track horses barred and appointments must be appro- priate : Cen. Wm. Verbeck, Manlius, N. Y 35 00 SI'i;CIAI, CLAS.'dOS Entries, 30. Amount awardid, .'i;2.")0. Class 102 — Pairs of hunters, same ownership, to be shown over tlic 1st 2d .3d 4lli 5tli jumps together: Prem. Prem. I'rem. Prem. Prem. E. H. Weaiherbep. New York City .1:50 00 Hon. ClifToid Sllloii. Ottawa. Can .1:3.". Ot) E. 11. Wealhei-bee, New York t'ily.... ifl.'i 00 Nkw Yi)i:k SivTK I''.\iK' r»97 Class 103 — Corinthian class — Opon 1st 2d 'M mii r>lli to all huiitiMs. Horse to be rid- I'ltiu. I'lcni. I'lcm. I'rciii. I'loui. dt'U by tu embers of some recos- nized hunt club in the respective hunt's colors. Conformation to count '2~> per cent. ; performance over fences. 75 per cent. : Hon. Clifford Siftou, Ottawa Can .$.".0 00 Class 104 — ^ Best green hunter, ijual ity, conformation and soundness to count 50 pcM- cent., manners 25 per rent., and performance 25 per cent. : Julian Morris. Kcswiclc. Va 50 (U) lion. Clifl'oid Siftou. Ottawa, Can .f.^5 00 .Tulian Morris. Keswick, \'a $15 00 nUAND UIBnON I'RIZES Anioiinl awarded. $; ;!00. 1st 2d r.d -Illi 51 li I'rem. I'rem. I'rem. I'rein. rreiii U Ciiy. . .?125 00 $75 00 Florham Stud Farm. New York ('i(y Oakland Farm. Newport, 1{. I Hon. Clifford Sifton. Ottawa. Can .^50 00 K. II. Weatherhee. New York Cily.... $35 00 fieii. Wm. Verliock, Manliiis. N. Y $15 oO DEPARTMENT OF RACES CntUDii/isloiicr In ('luvcic. 1)i;1m)I{i;.st Settm:, Syraousf ' Sccrctanj, TTenky S. Xi;.\T.r.i:Y, A rnop nieetinor attractinor the larfjest stal)li's of liolit liarnoss race horses in tl(c Ignited States and Canada, and ])rodneinj^ liighly interesting contests between tlie kings and qneens of the turf, has for several years furnished a very strong feature of the New York State Fair. Crowds daily filling the immense grand stand and paddock, overflowing into the infield and scattering along the track fences for a distance of over a quarter of a mile, tell of the ])upular interest in this department. At few places in the country is the interest in racing as keen and few state fairs can boast of as big a revenue pioducing attraction. The state fair track, pronounced one of the fastest mile circular courses, is regarded in the horse world as a powerful link of the Grand Circuit — the connecting link between the tracks of the East and those controlled by the larger racFng associations of the West and South. To the state fair meet- ing come annually practically all of the leading campaigners and famous drivers handling the sensational performers of tlie light harness horse turf. From the half-mile track circuits in adjoining states are attracted the best of the smaller stables. New world's records are established, drawing the attention of liorse lovers and representatives of breeding interests througli- out the countrj'. The meeting, of an unusually high standard from the open- ing to the close and filled with features brilliant and spectacular, furnishes pleasing entertainment for thousands, many from beyond the borders of the state, and produces a large portion of the fair receipts. Within the borders of New York State are horse breeding establishments, representing investments aggregating hundreds of thousands of dollars, 598 New Vokk Statk Fair which depend for success — some for their very life — on the market for the light harness horse. The fair, in aiding in the promotion of all that makes the Empire State great, enconrages an interest in the race horse ami the roadster and helps the breeder. Incidentally, it strengthens a market fi>r the farmer who raises hay, straw or grain. In keeping with the perfect mile track is the remainder of the state fair racing plant. Fireproof, sanitary stalls, built under the " permanent grounds " plan, form an important part. An abundant supply of pure water and other facilities make the course ideal for trainers and campaigners of racing stables. The present high standard of perfection in the racing department of the fair was only reached after a struggle extending over a long period, and through a study of racing and breeding interests, and a knowledge of its needs gained by those who have been in charge of the department for the past six years. Twelve years ago the racing course at the fair grounds consisted of a half-mile track and the races were regarded for a time as inferior to those provided at some country agricultural fairs. So little interest did the meet- ings attract that it was questioned by the management whether they were necessary to the success of the institution. One year — 1895 — racing was suspended and tlie management was brouglit to a realization that, while no great crowds had up to tliat time been attracted to the fair, the races fin- nished one of tlie most popular features. When the state t(X)k over the ])lant from the New York State Agricultural Society in 1900 there developed a determination to improve the racing, the belief being that it would add to the popularity of the exposition and work an increase in receipts. The year the state secured control of tlie fair plant the half-mile track was abandoned, and the first step toward making the state fair grounds an im]:ortant racing center Avas taken in the laying out of a mile track. In 1905 there had been some improvement in the racing and increased interest on tlie part of the public, but the meeting was not regarded as important wlien compared with other mile-track meetings of the country. It was realized that membership in the Grand Circuit was necessary and a campaign for recognition was started. The stewards of the Grand Circuit were not iiielin<'d to look with favor upon our track but, by persistent effort and an awakening upon the part of the racing authorities of the influence of the state of New York, circuit dates were secured. With this advantage and by winning and holding the support of campaigners of race horses, the racing department of the fair developed until the meeting of 1010 was pronounced one of the most successful in manj' respects, if not the banner meeting of the year. The program included many unusual features. Among the early closing events were. the " Empire State," with a purse of $10,000, and the fair's first futurity, the Horse World Representative Stallion Purse, an event of great interest to the breeders and of a guaranteed value of $10,000. The meet- ing also added to turf history. A new Avorld's record for trotting stallions was established by the Harvester, which, driven by Edward F. G^ers, trotted in 2:01^/4, and new world's records for the fastest fifth heat, the fastest sixth heat and tlie fastest seventh heat in a trotting race were made by the gelding, Demarest, the time of the heats being 2:06V4, 2:07%, Nkw Yonic Statk I'\\ii;, HOO and ■2:00. 'I'lic M:\io fair track nlsn liolds tlir woilil's recunl for tlie fastest iitilo liy a troltci- iiiulcr saddle, made in IDO'.t. w licii Country Jay trotted in •2:08V4, and for the faslest two lieats in a race by a paciiij;- mare, made at (lie same mertinir, wlien Darkey Hal won in 2:():5|| and ^lO'i'/i. I'ROCiRAM OF HACKS MOXPAY, SEi'TKMBKU 12 Qrand Circuit 2:18 Class Trot. Value. .$1,200. 1. Ilenrj- Winters (McDonald). 4. Orlena (Bonyon). 2. Watasia (llatlibuu). 5. .Miss Winters (Peimocli). a. Peter Dorsey (Shaw). G. Better One (Blanchard). 2 :25 Trot. 'I'lie Ka-Noo-No. Value, $1,000. 1. Liouelio (Dickersou). 2 and 3. Dlv. Euara (Muriihyi; Oraco (Shaw). 2 :12 Class Pace. The Syracuse. Value, $5,000. 1. The Abbe (Geers). 4. Mike Wilcox (Opdyke). 2. Lady Isle (Cox). 5. St. Patrick (Rhodes). 3. Evelyn W. TUE.SDAY. SEPTEMBER 1!! Rain. WEDNESDAY, SEI'TEMBEIi 14 2:14 Class Trot. Empire State. Valu.', .flo.OOO. 1. Billy Burke. 4. Bisa (Cox). 2. Uailworthy (Cavanangh). 5. Captain Cute (Skalien). 3. Joan (Shaw). G. Ario Leyburn (Mathews). 2:1S Class Pace. Value, $1,200. 1. Dirl (Hyde). 4. Marjory Wilkes (Rhodes). 2. Jingo (Ernest). .^. John FuUerton (Lyman). 3. Dan S. (Ilillsinger). 2 :0G Class Pace. The Onondaga. Value, $2,000. 1. Ess n. Kay (White). 2 and 3. Div. Ella Ambulator (Mur- phy) ; Major Brino (II(jds()n). 4. The Friend (McDermott). TIIUliSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Races commencing 11 A. M. Intercity Meeting 2 :24 Class Trot. Value, Cup. 1. Fort Orange Lad (White). .!. Star Alcone (Conway). 2. Princess Floy (Jones). r>ady Alcone (Ackerman) dis. 2 :0S Class Pace. Value, Cup. 1. Helen Tell (McClune). 3 and 4. Div. Borolli (Hinds); Power 2. Korrect Shape (Glesencamp). Lot (C'allery). .">. Capitola (Haas). 2 :13 Class Trot. Value, Cup. 1. Willow Belle (White). :j. Martha C. (McCluno). 2. Paul Steele (Alvord). 4. Heiress Baron (Tuitle). 2 :09 Class Trot. Value, Cup. 1. DeWltt (Burke)! 3. Charlie Belden (Denny). 2. Tolling Chimes (Deveraux). 4. Lady Agile (Callery). 2 :12 Class Trot. Value, Cup. 1. Newzell (Pickering). 5. Baron Alcone (Willow). 2. Wickliff Girl (Burke). Red Lac. Jr. (McClune) dls. 3. Lady Willow (Jones). Ricky Lawsou (Callery) dis. 4. Mattie Allerton (Bennett). tiOO New York Statk Fair 2:17 Class Trot. Value, Cup. 1. Wiitaj^a (Wliite). 5. Hiif,'I(> McKerron (Burke). 1*. Diamond .lim (Devereaux). G. .fuss McKinney (I'lcUering). ;!. Ismaliau (Hinds). Mavy J. (Conway) dis. 4. Dr. Jones (Callery). 2 :2() Class Tiof. Value, Cup. 1. I'rincess Floy (Jones). 4. Lucy (Leamy). 2. Susie Burns (Wilbording). 5. Mabelle E. (Callery). 3. Patsy Ilendrick (Alvord). McGregor Wilkes (reterson). Free for All Pace. Value, Cup. 1. Baron Gratton (Jones). 3. I'.orclli (Hinds). 2. Korrect Shape (Glesencanip). Free (or All Trot. Value, Cup. 1. W. J. Lewis (Dovereaux). 3. Charlie Hdden (Denny). 2. Uncle William (McClune). 2:15 Class Trot. Value, Cup. 1. Dr. Jones (Callery). 5. Annette (Leslie). 2. Martha C. (McClune). G. Carrie Mack (While). 3. Mattie Allorton (Bennett). 7. Prudy Baron (DeWitt). 4. Diamond Jim (Devereaux). Orand Circuit 2:21 Class Trot. Value, ?1,200. 1. Crayton (Laselle). 4. Henry Winters (^r(•Donald). 2. Betsy G. (Cox). ;">. Captain Culo (Skahen). 3. Border Guard (Miller). 2 :0,S Class Trot. Value, ?1,200. 1. General H. (lloag). 4. Leonardo (Dickerson). 2. Tjady Stately (McDonald). 5. Baron May (Sayles). 3. Willy (Pennock). 2:09 Class Trot. Cliamlier of Commerce. Value, $2,000. 1. Demarost (Oeers). 4. Alice Roosevelt (Murphy). 2. Soprano (Andrews). 5. Gray Gem (Skahen). 3. Oro Bellini (Dickerson). 6. Binvola (Snedeker). 2 :04 Class Trot. Value, .$1,200. 1. Bob Douglas (McDonald). 2 and 3. Div. Jack Ix^yburn (Grady) Salome Girl (Andrews). 2 :04 Class Pace. Value, $1,200. 1. May Day (Murphy). 3. Ethan Roberts (Ilealy). 2. Earl Junior (Cox). FRIDAY, SEPTEMDER IG 2:15 Class Pace. Value, $1,200. 1. Sarah Ann Patch (Cox). 3. Oakland Son (Ernst). 2. Direct Adair (Camp). 4. Charles S. (McCabe). 2:11 Class Trot. Value, $1,200. 1. Startle (Gahagan). 5. Tearoline (Barnes). 2. Justo (McDonald). G. Bronson (Titer). 3. Melva J. (Cox). 7. Sable Maid (Benyon). 4. Bervaldo (Murphy). 2:11 Class Pace. Value. $1,200. 1. Locust Boy (Ernst). 4. Nancy Allen (Ralhbun). 2. Dr. Fox (Gahagan). 5. Gently (Aylward). 3. Joe Boy (Leary). 2:15 Class Trot. Value, $1,200. 1. Peter Dorsey (Shaw). 5. Miss Winters (Pennock). 2. Major Wellington (McDonald). G. Orlean (Benyon). 3 and 4. Dlv. Baron .Meyone (Hath- 7. Husky Harry (Skahen). bun) ; lAizz Johnson (G(>ers) ; 8. Oxford Boy (Cox). Nanco (Ernst). Nkw YoiiK StatI': Fair 001 DEPARTMENT B — CATTLE Vomniissioncr in Charge, (. iiaui.ks A. Wxeting, Cobleskill. Supcnntcndent, Dorr McLai ky, Portlandville. Jlie exhibition of cattle in 1910 was larger than that in 1909 and in (luality it was far superior to any ever shown, except in 1908, when wc liail tlic hxrgest show of high-grade llolsleins ever made in this country. The cattle department is growing so fast that the present facilities are entirely inade- ijiiate for proper display. I would suggest to the commission that it use every endeavor to have tlie legislature appropriate sufficient money for the erection of tlie barns according to the new plan. I'KKMIU.MS AWAKDKD Entries, 930. Amount awarded, $7,570.22. SECTION 1 SHOKTHORXS ^Ijcciul rrizc Offered bj/ the American Shorthorn Breeders' Astsociatioii Amount awarded, $402.50. Awarded to : .\. W. Wagner, Fremont, Ohio $7G 00 Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio 106 00 II. W. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y *1S6 00 C. B. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y 134 50 $402 50 RcijuUtr Shorthorn Classes Entries, 112. Amount awarded, $038. 1st 2d :'.d 4th 5th Class 1 — Bull, three years and over : Prem. Prem. I'rom. Prem. Prem. N. W. Wagner, Freemont, Ohio $25 00 Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. . . . $15 00 H. W. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y $10 00 Class 2 — Bull, two years and under three : N. W. Wagner, Freemont, Ohio 20 00 Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield. Ohio 10 00 II. W. Avery. Ledyard, N. Y .s (lu Class 3 — Bull, senior yearling: Carpener & Ross, Mansfield. Ohio. ... 13 00 II. W. Avery. I.odyard. N. Y S 00 C. B. Avery. Ledyard, N. Y 6 00 Class 4 — • Bull, junior yearling : N. W. Wagner, Freemont, Ohio 12 00 C. B. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y 7 (m» C. B. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y 4 00 Class 5 — Bull, senior calf : Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio.... 10 00 II. W. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y 0 00 H. W. Avery. Ledyard, N. Y 4 00 C. B. Avery. Ledyard. N. Y $2 00 C. n. Avery, Ledyard. N. Y $1 00 ♦Of which amount .^^O.-'iO were state awards, t Of which amount $20.50 were state awards. G02 Nkw York State Fair isi lM ::i1 -iili •'•til Class G — Bull, junior calf : I'lem. I'lem. i'lcui. i'reiii. I'lcuj. Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio $8 00 C. B. Avery, Ledyard. N. Y $4 00 C. B. Avery. Lodyard, N. Y $3 00 C. B. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y $2 00 C. B. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y $1 00 Class 7 — Cow, three years or over : Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio 25 00 N. W. Wagner, Freemont, Ohio, 15 00 H. W. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y 10 00 U. W. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y 5 00 Class 8 — Heifer, two years and under three : Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio.... 20 00 N. W. Wagner, Freemont, Ohio 10 00 IT. B. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y « 00 n. W. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y 4 00 Class 0 — Heifer, senior yearling : Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio.... 15 00 N. W. Wagner, Freemont, Ohio 8 00 U. W. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y G 00 C. B. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y "> 00 Class 10 — Heifer, junior yearling: N. W. Wagner, Freemont, Ohio 12 00 Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio.... 7 00 II. W. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y 4 00 C. B. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y 2 00 Class 11 — Heifer, senior calf : Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. ... 10 no N. W. Wagner, Freemont, Ohio G 00 Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio 4 00 H. W. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y 2 00 H. W. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y 1 "0 Class 12 — Heifer, junior calf: Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield. Ohio.... 8 00 N. W. Wagner, Freemont, Ohio 4 00 Carpenter & Ross. Mansfield, Ohio.... 3 00 H. W. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y 2 00 H. W. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y 1 00 Class 13- — Senior champion l)ull : N. W. Wagner, Freemont, Ohio Ribbon Class 14 — Junior champion bull: N. W. Wagner, Freemont, Ohio Ribbon Class 15 — Senior champion cow : , Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio.... Ribbon Class 16 — Junior champion heifer: Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio Ribbon Class 17 — Grand champion bull: N. W. Wagner, Freemont, Ohio Ribbon Class 18 — Grand champion female: Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio Ribbon Class 19 — Aged herd : Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio.... 14 00 N. W. Waguor, Freemont. Ohio 8 00 H. W. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y 4 00 Class 20 — Young herd : N. W. Wagner, Freemont, Ohio 12 00 Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio.... 8 00 H. W. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y 4 00 Galba — Champion Fercherox Stallion. Highland L'ornucopia Johanna — Grand Champion Holstein-Fkiesian Cow. Ni:\v York State Fair 603 1st 2d 3d 4111 5tli Class 21 — Calf Lerd : I'lem. Prem. Prem. Prem. i'rem. Carpenter & Koss, Maustield, Ohio.... i?12 00 H. W. Averj-, Ledyard, N. Y $8 00 C. B. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y $4 00 Class 22 — Four animals, either sex, got of one sire : Carpenter & Uoss, Mausfleld, Ohio. ... 112 OO N. W. Wagner, Freemont, Ohio 8 00 Carpenter &. Ross, Mansfield, Ohio.... 4 00 Class 23 — Two animals, either sex, produce of one cow : N. \y. Wagner, Freemont, Ohio 12 00 Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio.... 8 00 Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio 4 00 Milking Shorthorns Class 24 — - Cow, three years or over, in milk : II. W. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y 3.". 00 C. P. Avory, Ledyard, N. Y 30 00 11. AV. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y 10 00 Class 2.") — Cow, under three years, in milk : C. B. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y I'.o 00 II. W. Avery, Ledyard, N. Y 30 00 SKCTION 3 DEVON Kn tries, 70. Amount awarded, .$400. Class 42 — Pull, three years and 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th over: I'rem. Prein. Piiin. Prem. Prem The Wheeler Homestead. Kanona. X. Y. 1?25 00 E. L. Titus, Sidney Center, N. Y ?15 00 Class 43 — Bull, two years and under three : W. H. Xeal, Meredith, N. H l.j 00 The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y'. 10 00 Class 44 — Bull, one year and under two : W. II. Neal, Meredith, N. H 14 00 The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. 1'. 7 50 Class 45 — Bull, two months and under one year : W. II. Neal, Meredith. X. IT 10 00 W. II. Xeal, Meredith, X. II 5 00 Class 40 — Cow, five years and over : W. H. Neal, Meredith, N. H 2.". 00 The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y. 15 00 Class 47 — Cow, three years and under five : W. H. Neal, Meredith, N. II 15 00 The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y. 10 00 Class 48 — Cow, two years and under three : E. L. Titus, Sidney Center, N. Y 14 00 The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y. 8 00 Class 40 — Cow, one year and under two : The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, X. Y. 14 00 ' The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y. 7 50 . ^i . ^ ., Got A'kw ^'iii;k SiATK Faiu C'Uss ."»0 — Heifer, two nioiUlis mid Ist 2(1 :;cl uudcr oue year : Prom. I'lem. Prcm. W. II. Ncal. Mcieditli, N. II ijilO 00 W. II. Neal, Mcredilh, X. II $5 GO Class 51 — Exhibitor's herd: W. II. Neal, Mereditli, N. II 20 00 The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y. 15 00 Class 52 — Breeder's young herd : W. H. Neal, Meredith, N. II 20 00 The Wheeler Homestead, Kauona, N. Y. 1.5 t»0 Class 53 — Best three cows over four year.';, bred by exhiliilor: W. II. Neal, Meredith, N. II 20 00 E. L. Titus, Sidney Center, X. Y 1.") (K) Class 54 — Get of one sire : W. II. Neal. Meredith, N. II 20 00 K. L. Titus, Sidney Center, N. Y 15 on Class 55 — I'roduce of one cow : W. H. Neal, Meredith, N. H 20 00 E. L. Titus, Sidney Ceuter, N. Y.... 15 00 Class 56 — Champion bull, over two years : The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y. Uibbcin Class 57 — Champion bull, under two years : W. 11. Neal, Meredith, N. II Uibbou Class 58 — Champion cow. over two years : W. II. Neal, Meredith. X. II Ribbon Class 59 — Champion heifer, under two years : 'I'lic^ Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. \'. IJibbon Class 60 — Grand champion, male: The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y Ribbon Class Gl — Grand champion, female : W. H. Neal, Merediih, N. II Ribbon SIOCTIO.X 4 — ABERDKEN-A.NGIJ.S Entries, 17. Amount awarded, $257.50. 1st 2d :{d ( lass 1)2 — null, ilii-ce years or over : I'rem. I'reni. I'rem. 1>. Hradfute & Son, Xenla, Ohio ?25 00 Class 64 — Bull, one year and under two : 1). Bradfute & Son, Xrnia, Ohio... 1! 00 Class 65 — Bull, two nmuihs and under one year : I). Bradfute & Son, X^nia, Ohio 10 oo Class 66 — Cow, five yc^ars and over: I>. Bradfute & Son, Xenia. Ohio 25 00 Class 67 — Cow, three years aiul under tivo : > l>. Itradfute & Son. Xenin. Ohio 15 OO Class 68 — Cow, two years ami under three : It. Bradfute & Son, Xenia, Ohio... 11 00 I). Bradfute & Sou, Xenia, olii>> ?S oo 41b 5th I'rem. I'rem. 4th I'reui. 51 h I'rem. New Yokk Statk Vwn GOr» t'lass 00 — Cow, oue year aiitl uiuU-r 1st 2(\ otl -Itli Tttli two: rrcin. I'lciii. I'nui. I'nni). I'reui. I>. liradfute & Son. Xonin. Ohio ^\ I OU I>. Uradfuto & Son. Xonia, Ohio !i;7 50 Class 70 — llelfor, two mouths and under one year: 1). Bradfuto & Son, Xenin, Ohio 10 00 1). HradfiKo & Son. Xcnia, Oliio 5 dO Class 71 — Exhihitor's herd : 1). Hradfute & Son, Xonia, Oliio 1^0 00 Class 72 — Breeder's jounj; herd : 1). BradfiKe & Son, Xonia, Ohio 120 00 Class 74 — (;et of one siro : I). Rradfiite & Son, Xenla, Ohio 120 00 1). Bradfuto & Son. Xonia, Ohio 1." 00 Class 7r> — I'roducc of one cow : n. Bradfuto & Son, Xcnia, Ohio 20 00 I). Bradfuto & Son, Xonia, Ohio 15 00 Class 7G — Champion bull, ovor two years : D. Bradfuto & Son, Xonia. Ohio Uihhon (lass 77 — Champion bull, under two years : n. Bradfuto & Son, Xonia, Ohio Kibhon (-'lass 78 — Champion cow', over two years : P. Bradfute & Son, Xonia, Ohio Uil)1ion Class 79 — Ch.ampion heifer, under two years : D. Bradfute & Son, Xenia, Ohio Ril)bon Class 80 — Grand champion, male: D. Bradfute & Son, Xonia, Ohio Ribbon Class 81 — Grand channion. female: I>. Bradfute & Son, Xenia, Ohio Ribbon SECTION 5 RED PUlI EI) Entries, 29. Amount awarded, .$002.50. Class 82 — Bull, three years and 1st 2d :id 4th 5th over : Prem. I'rcm. Prem. Prem. Prem. A. Meyers & Son, Barnerville, N. Y.. !?25 00 Class 83 — Bull, two years and under three : fJeorge Ineichen, Geneva, Ind I.'i oo (^lass 84 — Bull, one year and under two : George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind 14 oo 00 A. Meyers & Son, Barnerville, X. Y... .f15 oo Class 87 — Cow, throe years and tinder five : .\. .Meyers & Son. Barnerville. N. V. . . . l.'i Oo K. N. Terpening, West Ouennta. N. Y. lo (to Class 88 — Cow, (wo years and nndor three: ^ G06 Nkw ^'ork State Fair 1st 2(1 :jd 4th 5th I'rem. rrem. I'rcm. Prcm. Prem. George IniMchen, (Jcneva, lud $14 00 A. Meyers & Son, Barnerville, N. Y... $8 00 Class 89 — Cow, one year and under two: George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind 14 00 George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind 7 50 Class 90 — Heifer, two months and under one year : George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind 10 00 George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind 5 00 Class 91 — Exhibitor's herd: George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind 20 00 A. Meyers & Son, Barnerville, N. Y.. lo OO Class 92 — Breeder's j'oung herd : George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind 20 00 Class 93 — Best three cows, over four years, bred by exhiliifor: A. Meyers & Son, BariiiTville, N. Y'. . . . 20 00 Class 94 — Get of one sue : George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind 20 00 A. Meyers & Son, Barnerville, N. Y.. 1.") oo Class 95 — Produce of one cfiw : George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind 20 00 A. Meyers & Son, Barnerville, N. Y'.. 15 oO Class 96 — Champion bull, over two years : George Ineichen. Geneva, Ind Rilibon Class 97 — Champion hull, under two years : A. Meyers & Son, Barnerville, N. Y.. Ribbon Class 98 — Champion cow, over two years : George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind Ribbon Class 99 — Champion heifer, under two years : George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind Rilibon Class 100 — Grand champion, male: George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind Ril)b()n ("lass 101 — Grand champion, female: George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind Ribbon SECTION G BKOWN SWISS Entries, 45. Anu)unt awarded, $485. 1st 2d :?d 4th 5th Class 102 — Bull, five years or over: I'rem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. E. M. Barton, Hinsdale, 111 $25 00 II. W. Ay res. Honey Creek, Wis $12 00 Class 103 — Bull, two years and under three : U. W. Ayres, Honey Creek, Wis 15 00 Class 104 — Bull, one year and under two : E. M. Barton, Hinsdale, 111 15 00 H. W. Ayres, Honey Creek, Wis lo oo •J(l .-.(I •llli 5 til Picm. I'rem. I'rem. I'rein NkW ^'iiU-K SlAlK F.\li; CO Class 105 — Bull, Uvo mouths and Ist under one year : I'rem. ir. W. Ayres, Honey Creek, Wis $10 00 E. M. Barton. Hinsdale, 111 $5 00 Class 106 — Cow, five years or over : H. W. Ayros, Honey Creek, Wis 25 00 H. W. Ayros, Honey Creek, Wis.... 12 00 E. M. Barton, Hinsdale, 111 $10 00 Class 107 — Cow, three years and under five : E. M. Barton, Hinsdale, 111 15 00 II. W. Ayres, Honey Creek, Wis 10 00 E. M. Barton, Ilinsd lie, III G 00 Class 108 — Heifer, two years and under three : E. M. Barton, Hinsdale, III 15 00 II. W. Ayres, Honey Creek, Wis 10 00 E. M. Barton, Hinsdale, 111 5 Oo Class 109 — Heifer, one year and under two : II. W. Ayros, Honey Creek, Wis 15 00 E. M. Barton, Hinsdale, 111 8 00 Class 110 — Heifer, two months and under one year : K. M. Barton, Hinsdale, HI 10 00 II. W. Ayres, Honey Creek, Wis 7 00 Class 111 — Exhibitor's herd: E. M. Barton, Hinsdale, 111 1'5 00 II. W. Ayres, Honey Creek, Wis 15 oO Class 112 — -Breeder's young herd: i:. M. Barton, HInsdalo, 111 25 00 H. W. Ayres, Honey Creek, Wis 15 00 Class 113 — Best three ccws, over four years, bred by the exhibitor : II. W. Ayres, Honey Creek, Wis 25 00 Class 114 — Produce of one cow: II. W. Ayres, Honey Creek, Wis 25 00 E. M. Barton, Hinsdale, 111 15 oO Class 115 — Get of one sire: E. M. Barton, Ilinsd.xle, 111 25 00 H. W. Ayres, Honey Creek, Wis 15 00 Class 116 — Four iKjst dairy cows, five years or over : II. W. Ayres, Honey Creek, Wis Co oo Class 117 — Champion bull, over two years : E. M. Barton, Hinsdale, 111 Ribbon Class 118 — Champion bull, under two years : H. W. Ayres, Honey Creek, Wis Ribbon Class 119 — Champion cow, over two years : E. M. Barton, ninsdale. 111 Ribbon Class 120 — Champion heifer, under two years : H. W. Ayres, Honey Creek, Wis Ribbon nos ]S'i:\v VoKK State Fair 1st 2d 3d Uli .-,11) Class ll!l - — (Jiand chaiiii)iini, nialo : rrom. rrcin. I'rt'iu. I'rem. I'reru. E. M. Barton, Ilinsda)-^, III Kihbon Class 122 — Grand champion, female: E. M. Barton, Hinsdale, 111 Uibbon SECTION 7 UOLSTKIX-FJillCSlAX Entries, 1S6. Amount awarded, ?1,285 ($39.5.09 of this amount was given l>y Hie IIolstein-Friesian Association of America). Class 123 — Bull, three years or 1st 2d :!d 4(li r.tli over: I'reni. i'rem. I'rem. I'reui. I'rem. M. S. Nye, Preble, X. Y $40 00 E. A. Vandervort, Sidney, N. V $25 00 lIlghbiwH Farm, Auburn, Mass $12 00 Stevens Bros. Co., Liverpool, X. Y $5 00 Class 124 — ^ Bull, (wo years and under three : E. A. Powell, Syj-acu.w, N. Y 40 00 Marltham & Puffer, Avon, X. Y 2.100 M. S. Nye, Preble, N. Y 12 (to E. A. Powell, Syracuse, N. Y ." 00 Class 12.5 — Bull, one year and under two : Stevens Bros. Co., Liverpool, X. Y.... ;;0 OO E. A. Powell, Syracuse. N. Y 20 00 E. A. Vandervort, Sidney, X. Y V2 oo Stevens Bros. Co., Liverpool. X. Y.... .5 00 Class 126 — Bull calf, two mouths and under one year: M. S. Xye. Preble. X. Y ].5 oo W. S. Hinchey, Rochester, X. Y 12 oO Shelter Valley Farm, Marcellus, X. Y. 5 00 Stevens Bros. Co., Liverpool, N. Y... 4 00 Class 127 — Cow, live years and over : M. S. Nye, Preble. X. Y 40 00 Stevens Bros. Co.. Liverpool. X. Y.... 25 00 Ilishlawn I''arm. Aulinrn. Mass 11 00 E. A. Powell, Syracuse, N. Y' 0 oO Class 12S — Cow, three years and under five : M. S. Nye, Preble, N. Y 40 00 Stevens Bros. Co.. Liverpool. X. Y.... 25 00 F. D. Adams & Son, Munnsville, X. Y. II oO Stevens Bros. Co.. Liverpool, N. Y.... .5 00 Class 129- — Heifer, two years and under three : Hiiihlawn Farm. Auburn. Mass ;?0 00 Stevens Bros. Co., Liverpool. X. Y. . . . 20 00 • Stevens Bros. Co., Liverpool, \. Y.... 14 00 E. A. Powell, Syracuse, N. Y 5 00 Class 130 — Heifer, eighteen nionlhs and under two years: M. S. Nye, Proble, N. Y 30 00 Ilijjlilawn Farm, Auburn, Mass 20 oO Highlawn I'arm, Auburn, Afass 14 00 W. S. lliueluy, K.K-hester, N. Y .^ 00 Ni;\v ^'| s- ATI'; All (Ull) Class 131 — Heifer, twelve innnilis Isr 2(1 :\a and un'dor eighteen uionllia: I'reiii. rroui. I'lnn. ]•:. A. Vanilervorl, Siiliu-.v, N. Y $:!0 00 M. S. Nye, Preble, N. Y .1!20 00 K. A. Powell. Syracnso. N. Y $14 00 i:. A. Vandervort. Sidiioy, N. Y Class 132 — Ileifer, two iiiotitlis ami under one year : Ilislilawn Farm, Auburn, Mass 15 00 M. S. Nye. Preble, N. Y V2 no M. S. Nye, I'reble, N. Y • O 00 10. A. Vandervort, Sidney, N. Y Class 133 — KxliibKor's lierd : M. S. Nyo. Preble, N. Y 4.". 00 llliiblawn Parni, Auburn. Mass 25 (M) Slevens Bros. Co.. Liverpool, N. Y.,.. 20 0(t K. A, Powell, Syracuse, N. Y Class 134 — P>reeder's young lierd : M. S. Nyo, Preble, N. Y 45 00 Stevens Bros. Co., Liverpool, N. Y'.... 25 OO )•:. A. Vandervort, Sidney. N. Y -'0 oO W. S. Ilincbcy. Ilochester. N. Y Class 135 — Best three cows, over four years, bred by exhibitor: M. S. Nye, I'reble, N. Y 50 00 M. S. Nye, Preble, N. Y 30 GO 10. A. Powell, Syracuse, N. Y 20 oo Class 13G — Get of one sire: Stevens Bros. Co., Liverpool, N. Y.... 35 00 M, S. Nye, Preble, N. Y 15 00 10. A. Powell, Syracuse, N. Y 12 ou M. S. Nye, Preble, N. Y Class 137 — Produce of one cow : M. S. Nyo, Preble, N. Y 35 00 10. A. Powell, Syracuse, N. Y 15 00 llisblawn Farm, Auburn, Mass 12 00 Stevens Bros. Co., Liverpool, N. Y'.... Class 13S — Best four dairy cows, five years and over : Stevens Bros. Co., Liverpool, N. Y'. . . . 100 nO M. S. Nye, Preble, N. Y 75 00 Class 139 — Champion bull, over two years : 10. A. Powell, Syracuse, N. Y Uibbon Class 140 — Champion bull, under two years : Stevens Bros. Co., Liverpool, N. Y. . . . Itiblion Class 141 — Champion cow, over two years : M. S. Nye, Preble. N. Y Iliblmn Class 142 — Champion heifer, under two years : E. A. Vandervort, Sidney, N. Y Uibbon 143 — Grand champion, male: K. A. Powell, Syracuse, N. Y Ribbon Class 144 — Grand champion, frninle : M. S. Nye, I'reble, N. Y Ribbon 20 4(li I'll'lU. !i;5 00 5tli Prom. 4 (M.I ,S 00 S 00 00 0(? (jiu New York State 1'air SECTION 8 AYltSHIRES Entries, 100. Amount awarded, $8C0. Class 145 — Bull, three years and 1st 2d 3d 4th 5tli over : Prem. Trem. Prem. Prem. I'rem. Uyanogue Farm, Brewster, N. Y $2;") 00 Kent Barney, Mllford, N. Y ?12 GO J. F. Converse & Co., Woodville, N.Y.. ?S 00 Kent Barney, Mllford, N. Y $3 00 Class 146 — Bull, two years and under three : Kent Barney, Mllford, N. Y. . .' 25 00 W. P. Schenck, Avon, N. Y 12 00 J. F. Converse & Co., Woodville, N. Y. S (Mt Ryanogue Farm, Brewster, N. i' "00 Class 147 — Bull, one year and under two ; Ryanogue Farm, Brews' er. N. 1' 20 00 J. F. Converse & Co., Woodville, N. Y. . 10 00 Ryanogue Farm, Brewster, N. Y 8 00 Kent Barney, Milford, N. Y 3 00 Class 148 — Bull calf, tw^o months and under one year : J. F. Converse & Co., Woodville, N. Y. 10 00 W. P. Schenck, Avon, N. Y 5 00 .T. F. Converse & Co., Woodville, X. Y. . 3 00 Class 140 — Cow, five years and over : Kent Barney, Milford, N. Y 25 00 W. P. Schenck, Avon, N. Y 12 00 Ryanogue Farm, Brewster, N. 1' 8 00 W. P. Schenck, Avon, N. Y 3 00 Class 150 — Cow, three years and under live : J. F. Converse & Co., Woodville, N. Y. 25 00 Kent Barney, Mllford, N. Y 12 00 Ryanogue B'arm, Brewster, N. 1' 8 00 Ryanogue Farm, Brewster, N. Y 3 00 Class 151 — Heifer, two years and under three : J. F. Converse & Co., Woodville, N. Y. 20 00 Ryanogue Farm, Brewster, N. Y 12 00 W. P. Schenck, Avon, N. Y 8 00 Kent Barney, Milford, N. Y 3 00 Class 152 — Heifer, eighteen months and under two years : W. P. Schenck, Avon, N. Y 20 00 J. F. Converse & Co., Woodville, N. Y. 12 00 Kent Barney, Milford, N. Y 8 00 W. P. Schenck, Avon, N. Y 3 00 Class 153 — Heifer, twelve months and under eighteen months : 1 Ryanogue B^arm, Brewster, N. Y 20 00 Kent Barney, Milford, N. Y 12 00 .T. F. Converse & Co., Woodville, N. T. . 8 00 W. P. Schenck, Avon, N. Y 3 00 Class 154 — Heifer, two months and under one year : Kent Barney, Milford, N. Y 10 00 Ryanogue Farm, Brewster, N. Y 5 00 W. P. Schenck, Avon, N. Y 3 00 Nk\w '^''oijk Statk Vwn (III 1st 2d 3(1 4Ui r.di Class ir>r> — KxlilliKoi's herd : I'rom. I'lciii. I'lom. Prein. rnni. Kent Kiuiio.v, Milfoid, N. Y $:<0 00 J. F. Couvorse & Co., Woodvillo, N. V. $i;0 00 Uyniuiirin' Farm, Brewster. N. V .flO 00 W. 1'. Sclu'iuk, Avon, N. Y $5 00 Class 156 — Breeder's young herd : J. F. Convorse & Co., Woodville, N. Y. . 30 00 W. V. Schenck, Avon. N. Y 20 00 Kfnt Harney, Milford, N. Y 10 00 Class 157 — Best three cows, over four years, bred by exliibilor: W. I*. Scbenck, Avon, N. Y .",0 00 J. F. Converse & Co., Woodville, N. Y. . no 00 Class 158 — Get of one sire: J. F. Converse & Co., Woodville, N. Y. 20 00 W. P. Schenck. Avon, N. Y 10 00 Kent Barney, Milford, N. Y 8 00 W. r. Schenck, Avon, N. Y 3 00 Class 150 — Produce of one row : Kent Barney, ISIUford, N. Y L'o (lO W. I'. Schenck, Avon, N. Y In (to Kyanosue Farm, Brewster, N. Y 8 00 W. 1*. Schenck, Avon. N. Y 3 00 Class ICO — Best four dairy cows, five years and over : W. P. Schenck, Avon, N. Y KiO 00 K.vanogue Farm, Brewster, N. Y 75 oo Class 161 — Champion bull, over two years : Kent Barney, Milford, X. Y Uililxin Class 162 — Champion Imll, under two years : Ryanogue Farm, Brewster, X. Y Kiblion Class 163 — Champion cow, over two years : J. F. Converse & Co., Woodville, N. Y. . Ribbon Class 164 — Champion heifer, under two years : W. P. Schenck, Avon, \. Y Ribbon Class 165 — Grand champion, male : Kent Barney, Milford, N. Y Ribbon Class 16G — Grand champion, female : J. F. Converse & Co., Woodville, N. Y. . Ribbon SECTION 9 QUEKNSEY Entries, 91. Amount awarded, |846. Class 167 — Bull, three years and 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th over: Prem. Prom. Prem. Prein. Prem. G. B. Tallman, Fayetteville, N. Y $25 00 Wm. H. Gould. Beverly, Mass $12 00 Maple Lane Stock Farm, Whitehall, N. Y $8 00 II. B. Witter, Frederick, Md $3 00 (J13 New VuiiK Sta'ii: Fatr. Class 168 — Bull, two years and 1st under three : I'lein. Maple Lane Stock Farm, Whi.ehall, N. Y i);iir. (10 G. B. Talliuan, Fn.vetteville, N. Y.... Maple Lane Stock Farm, Whiiehall, N. Y H. B. Witter, Frederick, Md Class 169 — Bull, one year and iiuder two : Charles L. Moore, Oxford. N. Y' 20 00 II. B. Witter, Frederick, Md (Jcorge M. Wliitc, Freehold, N. Y C. B. Tallman, Fayetteville, N. Y Class 170 — Bull calf, two mouths and under one year : <;. B. Tallman, Fayetteville, N. Y JO 00 G. B. Tallman, Fayetteville, N. Y Ceo. M. White, Freeliold, N. Y Class 171 — Cow, five years and over : O. B. Tallman, Fayetteville, N. Y 25 00 Wm. II. Gould, Beverly, Mass raple Lane Stock Farm, Whitehall, N. T 20 00 ('.. B. Tallman. Fa.vetteville. N. Y.... 10 00 Wm. 11. Could. Beverly. ALiss S 00 Will. II. Could, Beverly, Mass 3 00 Class 1S2 — Best four dairy cows, five years and over : C. B. Tallman, Fayetteville, N. Y loo no Wra. II. Could. Beverly, :Mass 7.". 00 Class 1S3 — Champion bull, over two years : G. B. Tallman, Fayetteville, N. Y Uilibon Class 184 — Champion bull, under two years : Charles L. Moore, Oxford, N. Y' Kibbon Class 185 — Champion cow, over two years : Wm. IL Gould, Beverly, Mass Ribbon Class 186 — Champion heifer, under two years : G. B. Tallman. Fayetteville, N. Y. . . . Ribbon Class 187 — Grand champion, male: Charles L. Moore, Oxford, N. Y Ribbon Class 188 — Grand champion, female: Wm. II. Gould, Beverly, Mass Ribbon Special Prize The American Guernsey Cattle Club offered a silver cup for the best Guernsey cow with her produce, consisting of two animals of cither sex or age that were bred by the exhibitor. This cup to be civcn to the winner, who shall hold It until the middle of the following August, when it shall be returned to the office of the American Guernsey Cattle Club, to be re-offered at the following New York State Fair und'-r similar conditions. To every person winning the cup a special ribbon and dlpbinia are given, showing that he is entitled to said cup for the year. This cup to be the permanent property of the exhibitor who wins it twice. G14 New Yokk State Fair George B. Tallnian, of Fayeiteville, N. Y., was tlic winner of the cup in 1907. 11. A. C. Taylor, Melville Station, Newport, K. I., was the winner of the cup in 1908. Wni. H. Gould, Beverly, Mass., was the winner of the cup in 11)09. Wni. II. Gould, Beverly, Mass., was the winner of the cup in 1910. SECTION 10 JEKSEY Entries, 161. Amount awarded, $885 (of which $100 was paid by the American Jersey Cattle Club of America). Class 189 — Bull, three years and 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th over: Prem. I'rem. I'rcm. I'rem. I'rem. C. I. Hudson, E. Norwich, L. I., N. Y. .?2.^ 00 A. F. Pierce, Winchester, N. H .$12 00 R. T. Story, Freehold, N. Y $8 00 Kenotin Farm. Washington Mills, N. \'. $;} 00 Class 190 — Bull, two years and under three : r. I. Hudson, E Norwich. L. I. N, Y. 23 00 A. G. Vanderbilt, Newport, R. 1 12 00 H. W. Ay'res, Jamestown, N. Y 8 00 H. B. Witter, Fredericlv, Md 3 00 Class 191 — Bull, one year and under two : Mark W. Potter, Charlemont, Mass... 20 00 H. W. Ayres, Jamestown, N. Y 10 00 A. F. Pierce, Winchester, N. II 8 00 R. T. Story, Freehold, N. Y 3 00 Class 192 — Bull calf, two months and under one year : C. I. Hudson, E. Norwich, L. I., N. Y. 10 00 A. F. Pierce, Winchaster, N. H 5 00 C. I. Hudson, E. Norwich, L. I., N. Y. 3 00 Class 193 — Cow, five years and over : C. I. Hudson, E. Norwich. T,. I., N. Y. 2-3 00 C. I. Hudson, E. Norwich, L. I., N. Y. 12 00 Mark W. Potter, Charlemont, Mass. 8 00 A. F. Pierce, Winchester. N H 3 00 Class 194 — Cow, three years and under five : A. G. Vanderbilt, Newport, R. I 2.j 00 C. I. Hudson, E. Norwich, L. I., N. Y. 12 00 C. I. Hudson, E. Norwich, L. I., N. Y. 8 00 A. F. Pierce, Winchester, N. II 3 00 Class 195 — Heifer, two years and under three : C. I. Hudson, E. Norwich, I,. I., N. Y. 20 00 A. G. Vanderbilt. Newport, R. 1 12 00 C. I. Hudson, E. Norwich, L. I., N. Y. S 00 C. I. Hudson, E. Norwich, L. I., N. Y. 3 00 Class 196 — Heifer, eighteen months and under two years : Mark W. Potter, Charlemont, Mass. ... 20 00 Mark W. Potter, Charlemont, Mass. . . 12 oo A. G. Vanderbilt, Newport, R. I S 00 C. I. Hudson, E. Norwich, L. I., N. Y. 3 00 rinss 197 — Iloifcr, twelve months and under eighteen n^ouths: C. I. HiJdsi.n, E. Norwich, I,. I., N. Y. 20 00 O. I. Hudson, E. Norwich, L. I., N. Y. 12 (»o H. W. Ayres, Jamestown, N. Y S 00 A. G. Vanderbilt, Newport, R. 1 3 00 Nk w ()i;k S' r.\'i' A I u Class 10S -- llcifor, two mouths aud Isl LM .'Ul Kli 5tli undor one j-ear : rroui. I'rem. Piem. I'rcm. Trem. C. I. Hudson, K. Norwich. I,. I., N. Y. $10 00 C. 1. Hudson. K. Norwu'h. I.. 1., N. Y. i?.") 00 C. I. Hudson, E. Norwith, li. I., N. Y. .f:'. 00 Class 199 — Exhibitor's herd : C. I. Hudson, E. Norwich, Ta I.. N. Y. ;!0 (lO A. G. Vandorhilt, Newport. li. I i;o Od A. R Pierce, Winchester, N. H 10 00 II. \V. Ayres. .Tauicstown. N. Y $.'. 00 Class 200 — Breeder's youns herd : C. I. Hudson. E. Norwich, I,. I.. N. Y. 30 00 Mark W. Potter, Charicmont, Mass 20 fio A. F. Pierce, Winchester. N. H !•> im) R. T. Story, Freehold, NY 0 00 Class 202 — Get of one sire: C. I. Hudson, E. Norwich, L. I., N. Y. 20 (tO Mark W. Potter, Charlemont, Mass 10 oo A. F. Pierce, Winchester, N. II 8 00 II. W. Ayres, Jamestown, X. Y 3 00 Class 203 -^ Produce of one cow : Mark W.Potter, Charlemont. Mass. .. . 20 00 II. W. Ayres, Jamestown, N. Y 10 00 A. F. Pierce, Wlncliost-r, N. H 8 00 II. W. Ayres, Jamestown, N. Y 3 00 Class 204 — Best four dairy cows, five years or over : C. I. Hudson. E. Norwich. L. I., N. Y. 100 00 Kiver Meadow Farms, I'orllandville. N. Y TH 00 Class 205 — Cliampion bull, over two years : C. I. Hudson. E. Norwich. L. I., N. Y. Uilihon Class 206 — Champion bull, under two years : Mark W. Potter, Charlemont, Mass... Ril)bon Class 207 — Champion cow, over two years : C. I. Hudson, E. Norwich, L I., N. Y. nilil)on Class 208 — Champion heifer, under two years : Mark W. Potter, Charlemont, Mass... Kibbon Class 209 — Grand champion, nuile : C. I. Hudson, E. Norwich, L. I., N. Y. IJibbon Class 210 — Grand champion, female : C. I. Hudson, E. Norwich, L. I., N. Y. Pvibbon Special Prize Offered hi/ the American Jersey Cattle Chth Class 211 — Grand champion 1)Ull, 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th exhibited by Its breeder : I'rem. Prem. Prem. Prera. Prem. C. I. Hudson, E. Norwich, L. I., N. Y. Medal Class 212 — Grand champion female, exhibited by her breeder : C. I. Hudson, E. Norwich, I,. I., N. Y. .M(diil 010 iS'EW YdRK Statk Faiii Class iilu — Cow liiiviii'i au accepted 1st 2(1 ',',<1 4lh 5tli record in autlienti'^aiod test for one I'reiu. rreni. rrem. I'reiii. I'rem. year, made according to the rules of the club, which is awarded the highest number of counts on the basis of 100 for perfect by the official judge at the show : A. F. I'ierce, Winchester, N. II .?:J0 00 A. F. Pierce. Wincheslor, N. li ^'20 00 New York State College of Agriculture, Ithaca, N. Y $10 00 Class 214 — Four females over one year, the get of cue sire, three of which must be in millj. exhibited by breeder : II. W. Ayrcs, Jamestown, N. Y 40 00 SECTION 11 FEE.NCH CANADIA.V liatrles, 43. Amount awarded, ?393.22. Class 215 — Bull, three years and 1st 2d 3d 4th .".lb over : Trem. Trem. Prem. Prera. I'rem. II. B. Witter, Frederick, Md $20 00 Willard Fralick, Marathon, N. Y $13 33 Class 216 — Bull, two years and under three : Willard Fralick, Marathon, N. Y $13 33 Class 217 — Bull, one year and under two : Willard Fralick, Marathon, N. Y 13 33 II. B. Witter. Frederick, Md $6 06 Class 21S — Bull calf, two mouths and under one year : Willard Fralick, Marathon, N. Y 13 3:! Willis D. Witter, Frederick, Md C 66 Class 219 — Cow, five years and over : Willard Fralick, Marathon, N. Y 20 00 Willard Fralick, Marathon, N. Y 13 33 ("lass 220 — Cow, three years and under five : Willard Fralick. Marathon, N. Y 20 00 II. B. Witter, Frederick, Md 13 33 Class 221 — Heifer, two years and under three : Willard Fralick. Maralhon, X. Y 13 3:'. II. B. Witter, Frederick, Md 0 00 Class 222 — Ileifer, one year and under two : Willard Fralick. Maralhon, N. Y 13 33 Willard Fralick, Marathon, N. Y 6 66 Class 223 — Ileifer calf, two months and under one year : Willard Fralick. Maralhon, N. Y 13 33 II. n. Witter, Frederick, Md 6 66 ("lass 224 — Kxhlbitor's herd: Willard Fralick. Marathon, N. Y 20 OO II. B. Witter, Frederick, Md 13 .•',3 Class 22r> — Breeder's young liord : Willard Fralick. Maralhon, N. Y l.-. 3.3 II. B. WItler, Frederick, Md 6 60 Xi;\v Vouiv Statk F.Mii (117 Class 2L'G — nest two females bred 1st 2(1 ."xl -Itli Titli by exhibitor : rrcm. I'rem. I'ltin. I'rem. Prom. Willard Fraliik, Marathon, N. Y .^KJ :!:! II. H. Witter, Frederick, Md $0 OG Class 227 — Get of one sire: Willard Fralick, Maralhon, N. Y in ;{:{ ir. B. Witter, Frederick. iMd 0 00 Class 228 — Produce of one cow : Willard Fralick, Marathon, N. Y 13 ;V.\ Willard Fralick. Marathon. N. Y C CO Class 229 — Best four dairy cows, five years or over : Willard Fralick, Marathon. N. Y 00 00 Class 230 — Champion bull, over two years : II. B. Witter, Frederick, Md Uil.lmn Class 231 — Champion iMill. under two years : Willard Fralick. Mnrathon. N. Y niblxm Class 232 — Champion cow, over two years : Willard Fralick. Marathon. N. Y Ril)bon Class 233 — Champion heifer, under two years : Willard Fralick. Marathon. N. Y Ribbon Class 234 — Grand champion, male : IT. B. WKter, Frederick, Aid Itililion Class 23.") — Grand champion, female : Willard Fralick, Marathon, N. Y Ribbon SECTION 12 DUTCH BEI.TKn Entries, 20. Amount awarded, $240. Class 236 — Bull, three years and 1st 2d 3d 4(h nth over: Prem. Prem. Prem. Prcin. I'rem. K. S. Smith. Marathon, N. Y $15 00 Class 238 — Bull, one year and under two : E. S. Smith. Marathon. N. Y 10 00 Class 230 — Bull calf, two months and under one year : E. S. Smith. Marathon, N. Y 10 00 E. S. Smith. Marathon, N. Y .f.-, 00 Class 240 — Cow, five years and over : E. S. Smith. Marathon, N. Y . . . l.T 00 E. S. Smith, Marathon, N. Y 10 00 Class 241 — Cow, three years and under five : E. S. Smith. Marathon. N. Y 1.^ 00 E. S. Smith. Marathon. N. Y 10 00 Class 242 — Ileifor. two years and under three : E. S. Smith. Marathon. N. Y 10 00 E. S. Smith, Marathon, N. Y .T 00 Class 243 — Ilelfer, one year and under two : E. S. Smith. Marathon. X. Y 10 00 E. S. Smith, Marathon. N. Y 5 00 (ilS New Yok-k Statk Faih Class 244 — Heifer calf, two months 1st 2d 3d 4th 5lh and under one year : Prcm. Prem. rnm. Prem. Prem. E. S. Smith, Marathon, N. Y if 10 00 E. S. Smith, Marathon, N. Y .•?.") 00 Class 245 — Exhibitor's herd : E. S. Smith, Marathon, N. Y IT. 00 Class 246 — Breeder's young herd : E. S. Smith, Marathon, N. Y 10 00 Class 247 — Best two females bred by exhibitor : E. S. Smith, Marathon, N. Y 10 00 Class 248 — Get of one sire: E. S. Smith, Marathon, N. Y 10 00 Class 249 • — • Produce of oiif cow : E. S. Smith, Marathon, N. Y 10 00 Class 250 — Best four dairy cows, five years or over : E. S. Smith, Marathon. N. Y 50 00 Class 251 — Champion bull, over two years : E. S. Smith, Marathon, N. Y Ri1)bon Class 252 — Champion bull, under two years : E. S. Smith, Marathon, N. Y Ribbon Class 253 — Champion cow, over two years : E. S. Smith, Marathon, N. Y Ribbon Class 254 — Champion heifer, under two years : E. S. Smith, Marathon, N. Y Ribbon Class 255 — Grand champion, male : E. S. Smith, Marathon, N. Y Ribbon Class 250 — - Grand champion, fe- male : E. S. Smith, Marathon, N. Y Ribbon .SECTION 13 r.AIJ.OWAV Entries, 21. Amount awarded, .'?210. Class 257 — Bull, llu-ce years and 1st 2d 3d 4tli 5tli over: Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. James Frantz & Sons, Bluffton, Ohio. .flS 00 Class 258 — Bull, two years and under three : James Frantz & Sons, Bluffton, Ohio. 15 00 Class i'.'i!) — - Bull, one year and under two : James Frantz & Rons, Bluffton, Ohio. 12 00 James Frantz & Sons, Bluffton, Ohio. $G 00 Class 2G0 — Bull, two months and under one year : James Frantz & Sons, Bluffton, Ohio. 7 00 Class 2C1 — Cow, five years and over : James Frantz & Sons, Bluffton, Ohio. 18 GO James Frantz & Sons, Bluffton, Ohio. 9 00 Class 2G2 — Cow, tliree years and under five : James Frantz & Sons. Bluffton, Ohio. 15 00 Nkw ^'(>l;K Stai'io Faiu {] 1 0 Class 2G3 — Ilelfer, two years aiul under three : James Frantz & Sons, Bluffton, Ohio.. Jaiues Frantz & Sons, Bluffton, Ohio. . .fU 00 Class 264 — Heifer, one year auil under two : James Frantz & Sons, Buffton, Ohio.. 12 00 James Frantz & Sous, Bluffton, Ohio.. G 00 Class 265 — Heifer, two montlis and under one year : James Frantz & Sons, Bluffton, Ohio. . 7 OO James Frantz & Sons, BliitVlon, Ohio.. U 00 Class 266 — Exhibitors herd: James Frantz & Sons, Bluffton, Ohio.. 20 (to James Frantz & Sons, Bluffton, Ohio. 10 00 Class 267 — Breeder's young herd : James Frantz & Sons, Bluffton, Ohio.. 10 00 Class 268 — Get of one sire : James Frantz & Sons, Bluft"ton, Oiiio. 10 00 James Frantz & Sons, Bluffton, Ohio. 5 00 Class 269 ■ — I'roJuoe of one cow : James Frantz & Sons, Bluffton, Ohio. 10 00 James Frantz & Sons, Bluffton, Ohio. 5 00 Class 270 — Champion male, over two years : James Frantz & Sous, Bluffton, Ohio. Ribbon Class 271 — Champion male, under two years : James Frantz & Sons. Bluffton, Ohio.. Ribbon Class 272 — Champion female, over two years : James Frantz & Sons, Bluft'lon. Ohio.. Ribbon Class 273 — Champion female, uudi-r two years : James Frantz & Sons, Bluffton, Ohio. Itilibmi Class 274 — Grand champion, male : James Frantz & Sous, Bluffton, Ohio. Ribbon Class 27o — Grand champion, fe- male : James Frantz & Sons, Bluffton, Ohio Ribbon SECTION 14 KERllV Entries, 16. Amount awarded, $183. Class 276^ — ^ Bull, three years and over : F. N. Tei-pening, W. Onoonta, N. Y. . Class 277 — Bull, two years and under three : F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y. . Class 278 — Bull, one year and under two: F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y.. Class 279 — Bull, two months and under one year : F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y.. 2d :!d 4lh 5tli rrem. I'rcm. I'rem. I'lCIll. rrem $12 00 1st 2d :'.d 4 th 5th I'rem. I'rem. I'rem. I'rem. I'rom $18 00 15 00 12 00 7 00 <■'-<' Nkw V()i;k Siatk I'^Aiii Class 280 — Cow, five years aiul Isl ijd lid -Itli 5ih over : I'lem. I'le in. I'retn. I'rem. I'reni. F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y. . $18 UO h\ N. TeipeniDg, W. Oueouta, N. Y.. $9 00 Class 281 — Cow, three years anil under five : I<\ N. Terpening, \V. Oncoula, N. Y.. 1.', 0(t F. N. Terpening, \V. Omenta, N. Y. . 8 00 Class 2S2 — Heifer, two years and under three : F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y.. 12 Oil Class 283- — Heifer, one yeai' and under two : F. N. Terpening, W. OiiKinfa, N. V.. 12 00 Class 284 — Heifer, l\\i> iiioiillis and under one year : F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y. . 7 00 Class 285 — Exhibitor's herd : F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y.. 20 00 Class 28G — Brooder's young herd: F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y.. 10 (lo Class 287 — Get of one sire: F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y. . 10 00 Class 288 — • rroduce of one cow : F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y. . li) oo Class 289 — ChanipiDn male, over two years : F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y.. Itililioii Class 290 — Champion male, undoi- two years : V. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y.. Ikililinn Class 291 — Champion female, over two years : F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. 1'.. Rilihon Class 292 — Champion female, under two years : F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y.. nilihon Class 293 — Grand champion, male : F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y.. ItililMin Class 294 — Grand champion, fe- male : F. N. Tei-pening, W. Oneonta, N. Y.. Itilibon SECTION in DEXTKU Entries, 21. Amount awarded, $218. Class 295 — Bull, three years and 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th over : I'rem. I'rem. I'rem. I'rem. I'reni. Howard Gould, Port Washington, L. I.. N. Y $18 00 Class 29G — Bull, two years and under three : Howard Gould, Tort Washington. L. I., N. Y 1 5 00 Class 297 — Bull, one year and under two : Howard Gould, Port Washington. li. I., N. Y 1 2 00 New York State Fair Class 29S — Bull, two mouths aud . 1st 2(1 under ouo year : i'rem. I'reiu. Howard Gould, I'ort Washington, L. I., N. Y $7 00 Class 299 — Cow, five years and over : Howard Gould, Tort Washington, L. I., N. Y 18 00 Howard Gould, Tort Washington. L. I., N. Y $0 00 Class 300 — Cow, three years and under live : Howard Gould, Port Washington, L. I., N. Y 15 00 Floward Gould, Port Washington, L. I., N. Y S 00 Class 301 — Heifer, two years and under three : Howard Gould, Port Washington. L. I., N. Y 12 00 Howard Gould. I'ort Washington, L. I., N. Y G 00 Class 302 — Heifer, one year and under two : Howard Gould, Port Washington, L. I., N. Y 12 00 Howard Gould, Port Washington, L. I., N. Y 6 00 Class 303 — Heifer, two months and under one year : Howard Gould. Port Washington, L. I., N. Y 7 00 Howard Gould, Port Washington, L. I., N. Y 3 00 Class 304 — Exhibitor's herd : Howard Gould, Port Washington, L. I., N. Y 20 00 Howard Gould, Port Washington, L. I., N. Y 10 00 Class 305 — Breeder's young herd : Howard Gould, Port Washington, L. I., N. Y 10 00 Class 30G — Get of one sire : Howard Gould. Port Washington, L. I., X. Y 10 00 Howard Gould, Port Washington, L. I., N. Y 5 00 Class 307 — Produce of one cow : Howard Gould, Port Washington, L. I., N. Y 10 00 Howard Gould, Port Washington. L. I., N. Y 5 00 Class 308 — Champion male, over two years : Howard Gould, Port Washington, L. I., N. Y Ribbon Class 309 — Champion male, under two years : Howard Gould, Port Washington, L. I., N. Y Ribbon 5 3d I'rem. 4th I'rem. 621 5th Prem. 622 !Xew Yoek State Fair Class 310 — Champion female, over 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th two years : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. l*»em. Howard Gould, Port Washington, L. I., N. y Ribbon Class 311 — Champion female, under two years : Howard Gould, Port Washington, L. I., N. Y Ribbon Class 312 — Grand champion, male: Howard Gould, Port Washington, L. I., N. Y Ribbon Class 313 — Grand champion, fe- male : Howard Gould, Port Washington, L. I., N. Y Ribbon SECTION 16 GRADE DAIRY COWS Entries, 4. Amount awarded, §425. Exhibitors of registered cows not allowed to compete in this class. Class 314 — Four best grade dairy 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th cows : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. River Meadow Farms, Portlandville. N. Y $200 00 H. M. Dunham, Liverpool, N. Y $125 GO George A. Gue, Baldwinsville. X. Y. . $75 00 Frank Ingalsbee, South Hartwick, N. Y. $25 00 DEPARTMENT C — SHEEP Commissioner in Charge, Charles A. Wietixg, Cobleskill. Superintendent, Levi A. Page, Seneca Castle. The addition of a fourth division, and consequent increase of prizes made this year the largest show of sheep ever held at the state fair. Every class was well filled, the exhibitors were exceedingly well pleased with their treat- ment and all were satisfied that the judging Avas honorably done. Tlio con- ditions of the sheep buildings are similar to those of the cattle buildings. There is not sufficient space to properly show such valuable flocks as were exhibited this year. The breeders of this state are worthy of better treatment. PREMIUMS awarded Number of entries, 1,027. Amount awarded, $4,812. SECTION 1 COTSWOLD Entries, 97. Amount awarded, $343. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th Class 1 — Ram, two years or over : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y. $15 00 George Allen, Burford, Ont $10 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ont $8 00 Class 2 — Ram, one year and under two : F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y. 15 00 M. D. Beckley, Hartwick, N. Y 10 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ont 8 00 Chasipiox Shropshire Ewe. Champion Berkshire Boar. New York State Fair 623 1st Class 3 — Ram under one year : Prem. P. N. Terpcnlng, W. Oneonta, N. Y. $10 00 3. W. liCO & Sons, Simcoe, Oat J. W. Loo v"t Sous, Simcoe, Out George Allen, Burford, Ont Telfer Bros.. Paris, Ont Telfer Bros., I'aris, Ont Class 4 — Ewe, two years or over : F. N. Terpenlug, W. Oueonta, N. Y. 15 00 P. N. Terpenlng, W. Oneonta, N. Y. Telfer Bros., Paris, Ont George Allen, Burford, Ont M. D. Beckley, Hartwlck, N. Y Telfer Bros., Paris, Ont Class 5 — Ewe, one year and under two : F. N. Terpenlng, W. Oneonta, N. Y. 15 00 P. N. Terpenlng, W. Oneonta, N. Y. Telfer Bros., Paris, Ont George Allen, Burford, Out M. D. Beckley, Hartwick, N. Y Telfer Bros., Paris, Ont Class 6 — Ewe, under one year : M. D. Beckley, Hartwick, N. Y 10 00 F. N. Terpenlng, W. Oneonta, N. Y. F. N. Terpenlng, W. Oueonta, N. Y. George Allen, Burford, Out George Allen, Burford, Ont J. W. Lee & Sons, Simcoe, Ont Class 7 — Four lambs of either sex : F. N. Terpenlng, W. Oneonta, N. Y. 15 00 J. W. Lee & Sons, Simcoe, Ont George Allen, Burford, Ont Telfer Bros., Paris, Ont Class 8 — Flock : F. N. Terpenlng, W. Oneonta, N. Y. 15 00 P. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y. Telfer Bros., Paris, Ont George Allen, Burford, Ont M. D. Beckley, Hartwick, N. Y Class 9 — Champion ram : F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y. 10 00 Cass 10 — Champion ewe : F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y. 10 00 Class 11 — Flock bred and owned by exhibitor who must be a resident of New York State : F. N. Terpenlng, W. Oneonta, N. Y. 25 00 2d 3d 4 th 5th 6th I'rem. Prem. Prem. Prem. I'rem, .$8 00 $6 00 $3 00 $2 00 n 09 10 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 2 00 10 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 2 00 8 00 6 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 10 00 8 00 « 00 10 00 00 6 00 4 00 Q'24: New Yoek State Fair SECTION 2 SODTHDOWN Entries, 93. Amount awarded, $353. Class 12 — Ram, two years or 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th over : Trem. Trem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Telfer Bros., Paris, Out ^15 00 Niagara Stocls Farm, Lewiston, N. Y $10 GO J. M. Secord, Trumansburg, N. Y. . . $8 00 Niagara Stocli • Farm, Lewiston, N. Y .?6 00 G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio $4 OO Class 13 — Kam, one year and under two : Niagara Stocli Farm, Lewiston, N. Y. 15 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ont 10 00 Niagara Stock Farm, Lewiston, N. Y. S 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ont 6 00 G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 4 00 Class 14 — Ram, under one year : Telfer Bros., Paris, Out 10 00 Niagara Stock Farm, Lewiston, N. Y. 8 00 G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 6 00 G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 3 00 Niagara Stock Farm, Lewiston, N. Y. 2 00 Class 15 — Ewe, two years or over : Telfer Bros., Paris, Ont 15 00 Niagara Stock Farm, Lewiston, N. Y. 10 00 Niagara Stock Farm, Lewiston, N. Y. 8 00 J. M. Secord, Trumansburg, N. Y.. 6 00 J. M. Secord, Trumansburg, N. 1'. . 4 00 Class 16 — Ewe, one year and under two : Niagara Stock Farm, Lewiston, N. Y. 15 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ont 10 00 G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 8 00 G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 6 00 Niagara Stock Farm, Lewis:on, N. Y. 4 00 Class 17 — Ewe, under one year : Niagara Stock Farm, Lewiston, N. Y. 10 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ont 8 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ont 6 00 J. M. Secord, Trumansburg, N. Y . . 3 00 G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 2 00 Class 18 — Four lambs of either sex : Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario 15 00 Niagara Stock Farm, Lewiston, N. Y. 10 00 G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 8 00 J. M. Secord, Trumansburg, N. Y. . . 6 00 Class 19 — Flock : Niagara Stock Farm, Lewiston, N. Y. 15 00 Telfer Bros.. Paris, Ontario 10 00 J. M. Secord, Trumansburg, N. Y. . . 8 00 G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio C 00 Class 20 — Champion ram : Niagara Stock Farm, Lewiston, N. Y. 10 00 Class 21 — Champion ewe : Niagara Stock Farm, Lewiston, N. Y. 10 00 New York State Fair 635 Class 22 — Flock bietl and owned Ist 2(1 ?,a 4(h nth 6th by exhibitor who must be a resi- I'rpm. I'rom. I'reni. Prcm. rrriu. I'rem. dent of New Yorl£ Stale : Niagara f^tock Farm, Lewlston, N. Y. ?25 00 Special I'rizc Offered by the American Southdown Breeders' Assoeiation Class 23 — For the best four lambs, bred and exhibited by owner, a resident of New York 1st 2d 3d 4th .'Jth Gth State : ' Prem. Prem. Prcm. Prcm. Prcm. I'rem. Niagara Stock Farm, Lewiston, N. Y. $12 00 J. M. Secord, Trumansburg, N. Y. . . $8 00 SECTION 3 SHKOPSIlIliE Entries, 39. Amount awarded, $373. Class 24 — Uam, rwo years or 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th over: Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Pi'em. G. Howard Davison, Millbrook, N. Y. $15 00 Hanmer & Hodgson, Biantford, Ont. $10 00 Niagara Stock Farm, I.ewislou, N. Y. $8 00 G. Howard Davison, Millbrook, N. Y. $6 00 Hanmer & Hodgson, Brantford, Ont. $4 00 M. D. Beckley, Hartwick, N. Y. ... $2 00 Class 25 — Ram, one year and under two : G. Howard Davison, Millbrook, N. Y. 13 00 Henry L. Wardwell, Soringfleld Cen- ter, N. Y 10 00 G. Howard Davison, Millbrook, N. Y. 8 00 Henry L. Wardwell, Springfield Cen- ter, N. Y 6 00 Hanmer & Hodgson, Brantford, Ont. 4 00 Arthur S. Davis, Chili Slation, N. Y. 2 00 Class 26 — Ram, under one year : G. Howard Davison, Millbrook, N. Y. 10 00 Henry L. Wardwell, Springfield Cen- ter, N. Y 8 00 Henry L. Wardwell, Springfield Cen- ter, N. Y 6 00 G. Howard Davison, Millbrook, N. Y. 3 00 M. D. Beckley, Hartwick, N. Y 2 00 Hanmer & Hodgson, Brantford, Ont. 1 00 Class 27 — Ewe, two years or over : Hanmer & Hodgson, Brantford, Ont. 15 00 Henry Ij. Wardwell, Springfield Cen- ter, N. Y 10 00 G. Howard Davison, Millbrook, N. Y. 8 00 Hanmer & Hodgson, Brantford, Ont. 6 00 Niagara Stock Farm, I.ewiston, N. Y. 4 00 G. Howard Davison, Millbrook, N. Y. 2 00 Class 28 — Ewe, one year and un- der two : Henry L. Wardwell, Springfield Cen- ter, X. Y 15 00 Hanmer & Hodgson, Brantford, Ont. 10 00 Hanmer ifc Hodgson, Brantford, Ont. 8 00 G. Howard Davison, Millbrook, N. Y. G 00 Hanmer & Hodgson, Brantford, Ont. 4 00 Henry L. Wardwell, Springfield Cen- ter. X. Y 2 00 696 New York State Fair Class 29 — Ewe, under one year : 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th Henry L. Wardwell, Springfield Cen- Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. ter, N. Y .$10 00 Henry L. Wardwell, Springfield Cen- ter, N. Y $8 00 Hanmer & Hodgson, Brantford, Ont. $0 00 G. Howard Davison, Millbrook, N. Y. $3 00 Hanmer & Hodgson, Brantford, Ont. $2 00 M. D. Beckley, Hartwick, N. Y $1 00 Class 30 — Four lambs of either sex : Henry L. Wardwell, Springfield Cen- ter, N. Y 15 00 G. Howard Davison, Millbrook, N. Y. 10 00 Hanmer & Hodgson, Brantford, Ont. 8 00 M. D. Beckley, Hartwick, N. Y 6 00 Arthur S. Davis, Chili Station, N. Y. 4 00 Niagara Stock Farm, Lewiston, N. Y. 2 00 Class 31 — Flock : G. Howard Davison, MJllt)rook, N. Y. 15 00 Henry L. Wardwell, Springfield Cen- ter, N. Y 10 00 Hanmer & Hodgson, Brantford, Ont. 8 00 Niagara Stock Farm, Lewiston, N. Y. 6 00 M. D. Beckley, Hartwick, N. Y 4 00 Class 32 — Champion ram : G. Howard Davison, Millbrook, N. Y. 10 00 Class 33 — Champion ewe : Henry L. Wardwell, Springfield Cen- ter, N. Y 10 00 Class 34 — Flock bred and owned by exhibitor who must be a resi- dent of New York State : G. Howard Davison, Millbrook, N. Y. 25 00 Special Prize Offered hy the American Shropshire Sheep Association Oass 35 — Best flock : ram, one year or over, two yearling ewes, 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th two ewe lambs : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. G. Howard Davison, Millbrook, N. Y. $15 00 Henry L. Wardwell, Springfield Cen- ter, N. Y $10 00 Class 36 — Best flock : two ram lambs and two ewe lambs : Henry L. Wardwell, Springfield Cen- ter, N. Y 15 00 G. Howard Davison, Millbrook, N. Y. 10 00 SECTION 4 HAMrSIlIRE Entries, 115. Amount awarded, $375. Class 37 — Ram, two years or 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th over : I»rem. rrein. I'reni. I'rem. I'rem. Prem. P. W. Artz & Son, Osborn, Ohio. . . . $15 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario $10 00 Robson Bros., Hall, N. Y $S 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario $G 00 Robson Bros., H.all, N. Y $4 00 P. W. Artz & Son, Osborn, Ohio $2 00 New Yoek State Fair 637 1st lid 3d 4th 5th 6th ri-em. I'rt'ui. I'ri'in. I'lt'in. rrem. Prem. $15 00 $10 00 $8 00 $6 00 $4 00 $2 00 Class 38 — Uam, one year aud under two : Robsou Bros., Hall, N. Y r. W. Artz & Son. Osborn, Ohio Ihomas Haslett, Seneca, N. Y. . Thomas Haslett, Seneca, N. Y. . Robson Bros, Hall, X. Y P. W. Artz & Son, Osborn, Ohio. Class 39 — Ram, under one yea P. W. Artz & Son, Osborn, Ohio... 10 00 P. W. Artz & Son, Osborn, Ohio... 8 00 Haslett Bros., Seneca, X. Y 6 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario 3 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario 2 00 Thomas Haslett, Seneca. N. Y 1 00 Class 40 — Ewe, iwo years and over : Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario 15 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario 10 00 Thomas Haslett, Senoca, X. Y 8 00 Robson Bros., Hall, X. Y 6 00 Thomas Haslett, Seneca, N. Y 4 00 P. W. Artz & Son, Osborn, Ohio . . 2 0» Class 41 — Ewe, one year and under two : P. W. Artz & Son, Osborn, Ohio... 15 00 Thomas Haslett, Seneca, X. Y 10 00 Robson Bros., Hall, X. Y 8 00 Thomas Haslett, Seneca. X. Y ' 6 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario 4 00 Robson Bros., Hall, X. Y 2 00 Class 42 — Ewe, under one year : P. W. Artz & Son, Osborn, Ohio. ... 10 00 P. W. Artz & Son, Osborn, Ohio 8 00 Robson Bros., Hall, N. Y 6 00 Haslett Bros., Seneca, X. Y 3 00 Telfer Bros., Paris. Ontario 2 00 Thomas Haslett, Seneca, X. Y 1 00 Class 43 — Four lambs of either sex : P. W. Artz & Son, Osborn, Ohio 15 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario 10 00 Robson Bros., Hall. X. Y 8 00 Thomas Haslett. Seneca. X. Y' 6 00 Haslett Bros., Seneca, X. Y 4 00 Thomas Haslett, Seneca, X. Y 2 00 Class 44 — Flock : P. W. Artz & Son, Osborn, Ohio 15 00 Telfer Bros., Pari.s, Ontario 10 08 Robson Bros., Hall, N. Y 8 0« P. W. Artz & Son. Osborn, Ohio 6 00 Thomas Haslett, Seneca, X. Y. . . . 4 00 Thomas Haslett, Seneca, X. Y 2 00 Class 45 — Cliamoion ram: P. W. Artz & Son, Osborn, Ohio.... 10 00 Class 46 — Champion ewe : Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario 10 00 Class 47 — Flock bred and ow^ned by exhibitor who must be a resident of Xew York State : Thomas Haslett, Seneca, N. Y' 25 00 628 Kew York State Fair Special Prize Offered by the American Hampshire Sheep Association Class 48 — Flock, cci'sisting of 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th rem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem one ram, one year or more, two yearlinff ewes and two ewe lambs : Thomas Haslett, Seneca, N. Y $10 00 Robson Bros., Hall, N. Y $7 00 Thomas Haslett, Seneca, N. Y. ... |4 00 Class 49 — Four lambs, two of each sex : Thomas Haslett. Seneca, N. Y 8 00 Thomas Haslett, Seneca, N. Y 5 00 Haslett Bros., Seneca, N. Y 3 00 SECTION 5 OXFORD-DOWN Entries, 114. Amount awarded, $375. Class 50 — Ram, two years or 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th over : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. J. W. Lee & Sons, Simcoe, Ontario.. $15 00 Peter Arkell & Sons, Teeswater, Ont. $10 00 Peter Arkell & Sons, Teeswater, Ont. $8 00 G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio $6 00 George W. Heskett, Jr., Fulton, Ohio $4 00 William Empie, Amsterdam, N. Y. . . $2 00 Class 51 — Ram, one year and under two : Peter Arkell & Sons, Teeswater, Ont. 15 00 George W. Heskett, Jr., Fulton, Ohio 10 00 J. W. I/ee & Sons, Simcoe, Ontario. 8 00 Peter Arkell & Sons, Teeswater, Ont. G 00 George W. Heskett, Jr., Fulton, Ohio 4 on G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 2 00 Class 52 — Ram, under one year : Peter Arkell & Sons, Teeswater, Ont. 10 00 Peter Arkell & Sons, Teeswater, Ont. 8 00 G. W. Heskett, Jr., Fulton, Ohio. . 6 00 J. W. Lee & Son3, Simcoe, Ontario 3 00 J. W. Lee & Sons, Simcoe, Ontario 2 00 ee & Sons, Simcoe. Ontario.. G 00 George W. Heskett, Jr., Fulton, Ohio 4 00 6. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 2 00 Class 55 — Ewe, under one year : Peter Arkell & Sons, Teeswater, Ont. 10 00 Peter Arkell & Sons, Teeswater, Ont. 8 00 J. W. T>ee & Sons, Simcne. Ontario 6 00 George W. Heskett, Jr., Fulton, Ohio 3 00 J. W. Lee & Sons, Simcoe, Ontario 2 00 G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 1 00 New York State Fair 629 Class 56 — Four lainbs of either 1st 2d 3d 4th nth Gth sex : Prcm. Prem. Prem. Prem. I'rcui. I'rcm. Peti-r Arkell & Sons Toeswater, Out. $15 00 Peter Arkell & Sous, Teeswatcr, Out. $10 00 J. W. Lee & Sons. Slmcoe, Ontario $8 00 George W. Ileskett. Jr., Fulton. Ohio $G 00 G. J. C:inipl)oll. Oborliu, Ohio .$4 00 Win. Knipie. Amstordani, N. Y $2 00 Class 57 — Flock : Peter Arkell & Sons, Teeswater, Ont. 15 00 Peter Arkell & Sons, Teeawator. Ont. 10 00 J. W. Leo & Sons. Simcoe, Ontario 8 00 George W. Ileskett, Jr., Fulton, Ohio . 6 00 G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 4 00 George W. Ileskett. Jr., Fulton, Ohio 2 00 Class 58 — Champion ram: Peter Arkell & Sons, Teeswatcr, Ont. 10 00 Class 59 — Champion ewe : Peter Arkell & Sons, Teeswater, Ont. 10 00 Class 60 — Flock bred and owned by exhibitor who must be a resi- dent of New York State : William Empie, Amsterdam, N. Y'. 25 00 Special Prize Offered hy the American Oxford-Down Record Association 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem $10 00 Class 61 — Best yearling ram : William Empie, Amsterdam. N. Y William Empie, Amsterdam, N. Y'. . $5 00 Class 62 — Best yearling ewe : William Empie, Amsterdam, N. Y.. 10 00 Class 63 — Best pen of four lambs, either sex : William Empie, Amsterdam, N. Y. . 10 00 SECTION 6 — CHEVIOT Entries. 101. Amount awarded, $333. " 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Class 64 — Ram, two years or over: Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. John A. Curry, Martwick, N. Y $15 00 J. A. Brace & Son, AUjion, N. Y $10 00 J. A. Brace & Son, Albion, N. Y $8 00 F. L. Postle & Son, Camp Chase, Ohio. . $6 00 Class 65 — Ram, one year and under two: John A. Curry, Ilartwick, N. Y 15 00 J. A. Brace & Son, Albion, N. Y 10 00 F. L. Postle & Son. Camp Chase, Ohio. 8 00 John A. Curry, Ilartwick, N. Y 6 00 Class 66 — Ram, under one year : John A. Curry, Ilartwick, N. Y 10 00 F. L. Postle & Son. Camp Chase, Ohio. 8 00 John A. Curry, Ilartwick, N. T 6 00 F. L. Postle & Son, Camp Chase, Ohio. 3 00 630 New York State Fair Class 67 — Ewe, two jeais or over: F. L. Postlc & Sou, C'aiiip Chase, Ohio. John A. Curry, Hartwick, X. Y F. L. Postle & Son, Camp Chaso, Ohio. J. A. Brace & Son. Albion, N. Y Class 68 — Ewe, one year and under two : John A. Curry, Hartwick, N. Y John A. Curry, Hartwick, N. Y F. L. Postle & Son, Camp Chase, Ohio. J. A. Brace & Son, Albion, N. Y Class 69 — Ewe, under one year : John A. Curry, Hartwick, N. Y •John A. Curry, Hartwick, N. Y F. L. Postle & Son, Camp Chase, Ohio. F. L. Postle & Son, Camp Cbasc, Ohio. Class 70 — Four lamlis of either sex : John A. Curry, Hartwick, N. Y' F. L. Postle & Son, Camp Chase, Ohio. J. A. Brace & Son, Albion, N. Y Kent Barney, Milford, N. Y Class 71 — Flock : John A. Curry, Hartwick, N. Y F. L. Postle & Son, Camp Chase, Ohio. John A. Curry, Hartwick, N. Y J. A. Brace & Son, Albion, N. Y Class 72 — Champion ram : John A. Curry, Hartwick, N Y Class 73 — Champion ewe : John A. Curry, Hartwick, N. Y Class 74 — Flock brod and owned by exhibitor, who must be a resident of New York State : John A. Curry, Hartwick, N. Y 1st 2d 3d 4 th 5th Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. $15 UO .$10 00 $8 00 $G 00 15 00 10 00 8 00 6 oe 10 00 8 00 0 00 3 00 15 00 10 00 8 00 6 00 15 00 10 00 8 00 6 0» 10 00 10 00 25 00 SECTION 7 — DORSET-HORN Entries, 51. Amount awarded, $321. Class 75 — Ram, two years or over : Tranquillity Farms, Allamuchy, N. J.. Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y . . . Fillmore Farms, Bennington, Vt Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y.. Class 76 — Bam, one year and under two : Tranquillity Farms, Allamuchy, N. J. . Fillmore Farms, Bennington, Vt Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y. . . Fillmore Farms, Bennington, Vt Class 77 — Ram, under one year : Tranquillity Farms, Allamuchy, N. J.. Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y. . Tranquillity Farms, Allamuchy. N. J. Fillmore Farms, Bennington, Vt Class 78 — Ewe, two years or over Fillmore Farms, Bennington, Vt Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy. N. Y. . Tranquillity Farms, Allamuchy. N. J. TranquiUily Farms, Allamuchy, N. J. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Prem. Prem. Prem. I'rem. Prem $15 00 $10 00 $8 00 ."?(> 00 15 00 10 00 8 00 6 00 10 00 S 00 6 00 3 00 15 00 10 00 8 00 6 00 New York State Fair 631 Class 79 — Ewe, one year and under 1st '2d ."Ul 4th "(th two : Prem. I'rem. Prem. Proiu. Prem. Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y... $15 00 ■liiiniiuillity Farms, Allamuchy, N. J.. $10 00 Fillmore Farms, Bennington, Vt $8 00 Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, X. Y... $6 00 Class 80 — Ewe, under one year : Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y. . . 10 00 Tranquillity Farms, Allamuchy, N. .T. . 8 00 Fillmore Farms, Bennington, Vt ' 6 00 Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y... 3 00 Class 81 — Four lambs of either sex : Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y... 15 00 Tranquillity Farms, Allr.muohy, N. J.. 10 00 Fillmore Farms, Bennington, Vt 8 00 . Class 82 — Flock : Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y... 15 00 Tranquillity Farms, Allamuchy, N. J. . 10 00 Fillmore Farms, Bennington, Vt 8 00 Class S3 — Champion rum: Tranquillity Farms, AUanuichy, N. .T.. 10 00 Class 84 — Champion ewe : Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy. N. Y. . . 10 00 Class 85 — Flock bred and owned by exhibitor, who must be a resident of New York State : Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y... 25 00 SECTION 8 — LINCOLN Entries, 58. Amount awarded, $321. 1st 2d 3d 4th rAh Class S6 ■ — Ram, two years or over : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. A. C. Fielder, De Graff, Ohio $15 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario $10 00 A. C. Fielder, De Graff, Ohio $8 00 Class 87 — Ram, one year and under two : Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario 15 00 A. C. Fielder, De Graff. Ohio 10 00 A. C. Fielder, De Graff, Ohio 8 00 Class 88 — Ram, under one year : J. W. Lee & Sons, Simcoc, Ontario. ... 10 00 J. W. Lee & Sons, Simcoe, Ontario. ... 8 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario 6 00 A. C. Fielder, De Graff, Ohio $3 00 Class 89 — Ewe, two years and over : A. C. Fielder, De Graff, Ohio 15 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario 10 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario 8 00 A. C. Fielder, De Graff, Ohio G 00 Class 90 — Ewe, one year and under two : Telfer Bros., Paris. Ontario 15 00 Telfer Bros., Paris. Ontario 10 00 A. C. Fielder, De Graff, Ohio 8 00 A. C. Fielder, De Graff, Ohio 6 00 Class 91 — Ewe. under one year: J. W. Lee & Sons, Simcoe, Ontario. ... 10 00 .T. W. Lee & Sons, Siraroe, Ontario. ... 8 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario 6 00 A. C. Fielder, De Graff, Ohio 3 00 632 New York State Fair 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Class 92 — Four lambs of either sex : Prem. Trem. I'rem. Prem. Prem. J. W. Lee & Sons. Simcoe, Ontario.... $15 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario $10 00 A. C. Fielder. De Gaff, Ohio $8 00 A. C. Fielder, De Graff, Ohio ?6 00 Class 93 — Flock : A. C. Fielder, De Graff, Ohio 15 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario 10 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario " 8 00 A. C. Fielder, De Graff, Ohio 6 00 Class 94 — Champion ram : A. C. Fielder, De Graff, Ohio 10 00 Class 95 — Champion ewe : A. C. Fielder, De Graff, Ohio 10 00 Class 96 — Flock bred and owned by exhibitor, who mast be a resident of New York State : F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta. N. Y.... 25 00 SECTION 9 ■ — LEICESTER Entries, 73. Amount awarded, $302. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Class 97 — Ram, two- .years or over : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Robert Robinson & Son, Bath, N. Y. . . $15 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario $10 00 John A. Curry, Hartwick, N. Y $8 00 F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y $6 00 Class 98 — Ram, one year and under two : F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y 15 00 John A. Curry, Hartwick, N. Y 10 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario 8 00 Robert Robinson & Son, Bath, N. Y... 6 00 Class 99 — Ram, under one year : Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario 10 00 John A. Curry, Hariwick. N. Y 8 00 F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y 6 00 F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y 3 00 Class 100 — Ewe, two years or over : John A. Curry, Hartwick, N. Y 15 00 F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y. . . . 10 00 Telfer Brcs., Paris, Ontario 8 00 F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y G 00 Class 101 — Ewe, one year and under two : F. N. Terpening. W. Oneonta. N. Y 15 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario 10 00 F. N. Terpening, \V. Oneonta, N. Y. . . . 8 00 Telfer Bros., I'aris, Ontario 6 00 ("lass 102 — Ewe, und(>r one year : Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario 10 00 F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y 8 00 Robert Kobinson & Son, Bath, N. Y... G Ou Telfer Bros., I'arls, Ontario 3 00 New Yokk State Fair 633 4th Prem. $6 00 5th Prem. $4 00 Class 103 — Four lambs of either 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th sex : Prem. I'reni. Prem. I'rem. Prem. Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario $15 00 F. N. Terpeniug, W. Oneonta, N. Y $10 00 Robert Kobinsou & Son. Bath, N. Y... $S 00 Class 104 — KIoclv : F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y 15 00 Telfer Bros., Paris, Ontario 10 00 Robert Kobinson & Son, Bath, N. Y... 8 00 John A. Curry, Ilartwiclc, N. Y $6 00 Class 105 — Champion ram : F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y 10 00 Class 106 — Champion ewe : F. N. Terpening, W. Oneonta, N. Y 10 00 SBCTION 10 AMERICAN MERINOS (DELAINE TYPE) Entries, 58. Amount awarded, $357. Class 108 — Ram, two years or 1st 2d 3d over : Prem. Prem. Prem. C. V. Wellmau, Perry, N. Y $15 00 W. N. Cook & Son, Jsew London, Ohio. $10 00 Watson Lovett, Sidney, Ohio $8 00 C. V. Wellman, Perry, N. Y W. N. Cooli & Son, New London, Ohio. Class 109 — Ram, one year and under two : C. V. Wellman, Perry, N. Y 15 00 W. N. Cook & Son, New London, Ohio. 10 00 W. N. Cook & Son, New London, Ohio. 8 00 C. V. Wellman, Perry, N. Y 6 00 Watson Lovett, Sidney, Ohio • 4 00 Class 110 — - Ram, under one year : W. N. Cook & Son, New London, Ohio. 10 00 W. N. Cook & Son, New London, Ohio. 8 00 Watson Lovett, Sidney, Ohio 6 00 C. V. Wellman, Perry, N. Y 3 00 Watson Lovett, Sidney, Ohio 2 00 Class 111 — Ewe, two years or over : Watson Lovett, Sidney, Ohio 15 00 W. N. Cook & Son, New London, Ohio. 10 00 Watson Lovett, Sidney, Ohio 8 00 C. V. Wellman, Perry, N. Y 6 00 C. V. Wellman, Perry, N. Y 4 00 Class 112 — Ewe, one year and under two : Watson Lovett, Sidney, Ohio 15 00 W. N. Cook & Son, New London, Ohio. 10 00 C. V. Wellman, Perry, N. Y 8 00 W. N. Cook cS: Son, New London, Ohio. 6 00 C. V. Wellman, Perry, N. Y 4 00 Class 113 — Ewe, under one year : W. N. Cook & Son, New London, Ohio. 10 00 W. N. Cook & Son, New London, Ohio. 8 00 Watson Lovett, Sidney, Ohio 6 00 C. V. Wellman, Perry, N. Y 3 00 C. V. Wellman, Perry, N. Y 2 00 634 New Yokk State Fair Class 114 — Four lambs of either 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th sex : Prem. Prem. I'rem. Prem. Prem. W. N. Cook & Son, New London, Ohio. $15 00 Watson Lovett, Sidney, Ohio $10 00 C. V. Wellman, Perry, N. Y $8 00 David K. Bell, R. D. 6, Rochester, N. Y. .fG 00 Class 115 — Flock : W. N. Cook & Son, New London, Ohio. 15 00 C. V. Wellman, Perry, N. Y 10 00 Watson Lovett, Sidney, Ohio 8 00 David K. Bell, R. D. 6, Rochester, N. Y. 6 00 David K. Bell, R. D. 6, Rochester, N. Y. $4 00 Class 116 — Champion ram : C. V. Wellman, Perry, N. Y 10 00 Class 117 — Champion ewe: Watson Lovett, Sidney, Ohio 10 00 Class 118 — Flock bred and owned by exhibitor, who must be a resi- dent of New York State: C. V. Wellman, Perry, N. Y 25 00 SECTION 11 MERINOS Entries, 81. Amount awarded $381. Class 119 — Ram, two years or 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th over : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. David K. Bell, R. D. 6, Rochester, N. Y. $15 00 David K. Bell, R. D. 6, Rochester, N. Y. .$10 00 E. N. Bissell, East Shoreham, Vermont. $8 00 Watson Lovett, Sidney, Ohio $6 00 E. N. Bissell, East Shoreham, Vermont $4 00 Class 120 — Ram, one year and under two : David K. Bell, R. D. 6, Rochester, N. Y. 15 00 David K. Bell, R. D. 6, Rochester, N. Y. 10 00 Clarence W. Barker, R. D. 6, Rochester, N. Y 8 00 Watson Lovett, Sidney, Ohio 6 00 Clarence W. Barker, R. D. 6. Rochester, N. Y 4 00 Class 121 — Ram, under one year : E. N. Bissell, East Shoreham, Vermont. 10 00 Watson Lovett, Sidney, Ohio 8 00 David K. Bell, R. D. 6, Rochester, N. Y. 6 00 David K. Bell, R. D. 6. Rochester, N. Y. 3 00 C. V. Wellman, Perry, N. Y 2 00 Class 122 — Ewe, two years or over : David K. Bell, R. D. (>, Rochester, N. Y. 15 00 Clarence W. Barker, R. D. 6, Rochester, N. Y 10 00 David K. Boll, R. D. 6, Rochester, N. Y. 8 00 Clarence W. Barker, R. D. 6. Rochester, N. Y 6 00 E. N. Bissell, East Shoreham, Vermont. 4 00 New Yokk State Fair 635 Class 123 — Ewe, one year and 1st 2d 3d 4tb 5th under two : Prem. rrem. rrem. Prem. Prem. David K. Bell. U. I). 0, Rochester, N. Y. $!."> 00 David K. Rcll. R. D. 0, Rochester, N. Y. .$10 00 Clarence W. Barker, R. D. 6, Rochester, N. 1' .$8 00 Watson Lovett Sidney. Ohio $6 00 Chirence W. Barker, R. D. 6, Rochester, X. Y $4 00 Class 124 — Ewe, under one year : Watson Lovett, Sidney, Ohio 10 GO Clarence W. Barker, R. D. 6, Rochester, N. Y 8 00 David K. Bell. R. D. 6, Rochester, N. Y. 6 00 E. N. Bissell, ICast Shoreham, Vermont. 3 00 David K. Bell. R. D. 6, Rochester, N. Y. 2 00 Class 125 — Four lanihs of either sex : E. N. Bissell, East Shoreham, Vermont. 15 00 Watson Lovett. Sidney, Ohio 10 00 David K. Bell, R. D. 6, Rochester, N. Y. 8 00 David K. Bell. R. D. 6. Rochester, N. Y. 6 00 C. V. Wellman, Perry, N. Y 4 00 Class 126 — Flock : David K. Bell, R. D. 6. Rochester, N. Y. 15 00 David K. Bell. R. D. 6. Rochester, X. Y. 10 00 Clarence W. Barker. R. D. 6, Rochester. X. 1' 8 00 E. X. Bissell, East Shoreham, Vermont. 6 00 Watson Lovett, Sidney. Ohio 4 OO Class 127 — Champion ram : Dav:d K. Bell. R. D. G. Rochester, X. Y. 10 00 Class 128 — Champion ewe : David K. Boll. R. D. 0. Rochester, X. Y. 10 00 Class 129 — Flock bred and owned by exhibitor, who must be a rest- . dent of Xew York State : D. K. Bell. R. D. 6. Rochester, X. Y. 25 00 Special Prize Offered by the American and Delaine Merino Record Association Class 130 — Best flock of merinos shown by members of the -Ameri- can and . Delaine Merino Record 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Association : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. W. X. Cook & Son. Xew London, Ohio. Silver Cup C. V. Wellman. Perry. X. Y .$12 00 E. N. Bi.ssell, East Shoreham, Vermont.- $8 00 .SECTIOX 12 RA.MBOUILLET Entries, 61. Amount awarded, $361. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Class 131 — Ram. two years or over : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. L. W. Shaw, Pottersburg, Ohio $15 00 C. V. Wellman, Perry. X. Y $10 00 L. W. Shaw, Pottersburg, Ohio $8 00 C. V. Wellman. Perry, X. Y $6 00 J. H. McMullan. Woodstock, Ohio $4 00 G36 New York State Fair Class 132 — Ram, one year and under two : L. W. Shaw, I'ottersburg, Ohio... J. II. McMullan. Woodstock, Ohio L. W. Shaw, Tottersburg, Ohio. . C. V. Wellmau, Perry, N. Y J. H. McMuUau, Woodstock, Ohio Class 1.33 — Ram, under one year L. W. Shaw, Pottersburg, Ohio.. L. W. Shaw, Pottersburg, Ohio.. J. H. McMullan, Woodstock, Ohio C. V. Wcllman, Perry, N. Y C. V. Wellman, Perry, N. Y Class 134 ■ — Ewe, two years or over : L. W. Shaw, Pottersburg, Ohio C. V. Wellman, Perry, N. Y L. W. Shaw, Pottersburg, Ohio J. H. McMullan, Woodstock, Ohio C. V. Wellman, Perry, N. Y Class 135 — Ewe, one year and under two : L. W. Shaw, Pottersburg, Ohio C. V. Wcllman, Perry, N. Y L. W. Shaw, Pottersburg, Ohio J. H. McMullan, Woodstock, Ohio.... C. V. Wellman, Perry, N. Y Class 136 — Ewe, under one year : L. W. Shaw, Pottersburg, Ohio L. W. Shaw, Pottersburg, Ohio J. H. McMullan, Woodstock, Ohio Watson Lovett, Sidney, Ohio C. V. Wellman, Perry, N. Y Class 137 — Four lambs of either sex : L. W. Shaw, Pottersburg, Ohio L. W. Shaw, Pottersburg, Ohio J. H. McMullan, Woodstock, Ohio.... C. V. Wellman, Perry, N. Y Watson Lovett, Sidney, Ohio Glass 138 — Flock : L. W. Shaw, Pottersburg, Ohio L. W. Shaw, Pottersburg, Ohio C. V. Wellman, Perry, N. Y J. H. McMullan, Woodstock, Ohio.... Watson Lovett, Sidney, Ohio Class 130 — Champion ram : L. W. Shaw, Pottersburg, Ohio Class 140 — Champion ewe : L. W. Shaw, Pottersburg, Ohio Class 141 — Flock bred and owned by exhibitor, who must be a resi- dent of New York State : C. V. Wellman, Perry, N. Y 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. $15 00 $10 00 $8 00 $6 00 $4 00 10 00 8 00 6 00 3 00 2 00 15 00 10 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 15 00 10 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 10 00 8 00 6 00 3 00 2 00 15 00 10 00 8 00 G 00 4 00 15 00 10 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 10 00 10 00 25 00 !N'ew York State Fair 637 SECTION 13 SUFFOLK Entries, 45. Amount awarded, ^343. Class 142 — Kaiu, two years or 1st lid 3d 4th 5th over : I'rem. I'rem. I'rem. Prem. Prem. Milton B. Sisson, Almond, N. Y $15 00 Austin Jackson, Mineral Springs, N. Y. $10 00 F. N. Terpeuing, West Oneonta, N. Y. $8 00 F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. $G 00 Class 143 — Kam, one jear and under two : F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. 15 00 Austin .Tackson, Mineral Springs, N. Y. 10 00 Milton B. Sisson, Almond, N. Y S 00 F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. 6 00 Class 144 — Ram, under one year : Mil;on B. Sisson, Almond, N. Y 10 00 Milton B. Sisson, Almond, N. Y' 8 00 F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. 6 00 F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. 3 00 Austin Jackson, Mineral Springs, N. Y. $2 OO Class 145 — Ewe, two years or over : F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. 15 00 F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. 10 00 Milton B. Sisson, Almond, N. Y 8 00 Milton B. Sisson, Almond, N. Y 6 00 Austin Jackson, Mineral Springs, N. Y. 4 OO Class 146 — Ewe, one year and under two : Milton B. Sisson, Almond, N. Y 15 00 Milton B. Sisson, Almond, N. Y 10 00 F. N. Terpening. West Oneonta, N. Y. 8 00 Austin Jackson. Mineral Springs, N. Y. 6 00 F. N. Terpening. West Oneonta, \. Y. 4 00 Class 147 — Ewe, under one year : F. N. Terpening. West Oneonta. N. Y. 10 00 Milton B. Sisson, Almond, N. Y 8 00 F. X. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. 6 00 Milton B. Sisson, Almond, N. Y' 3 00 Austin Jackson, Mineral Springs, N. Y. 2 00 Class 148 — Four lambs of either sex : Milton B. Sisson, Almond, N. Y 15 00 F. N. Terpening. West Oneonta, N. Y. 10 00 Aus'.in Jackson, Mineral Springs, N. Y. 8 00 Class 149 — Flock: Milton B. Sisson, Almond, N. Y 15 00 F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. 10 00 Milton B. Sisson, Almond. N. 1' 8 00 Austin Jackson, Mineral Springs, N. Y. 6 00 F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. 4 OO Class 150 — Champion ram: Milton B. Sisson, Almond, N. Y 10 00 Class 151 — Champion ewe : F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. 10 00 Class 152 — Flock bred and owned by exhibitor, who must be a resident of New Y'ork State : F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. 25 00 638 New York State Fair SECTION 15 BLACK-FACED HIGHLAND Entries, 18. Amount awarded, ?147. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Class 153 — Ram, two years or over : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Donald McC'lure, Corning, X. Y .?S UO Donald McClure, Corning, N. Y .$6 00 Class 154 — Ram, one year and under two : Donald McClure, Corning, N. Y S 00 Donald McClure, Corning, N. Y 6 00 Class 155 — Ram, under one year : Donald McClure, Corning, N. Y 8 00 Donald McClure, Coraing, N. Y 6 00 Class 156 — Ewe, two years or over: Donald McClure, Corning, N. Y 8 00 Donald McClure, Corning, N. Y 6 00 Class 157 — Ewe, one jear and under two : Bonald McClure, Corning, N. Y S 00 Donald McClure, Corning, N. Y 6 00 Class 158 — Ewe, under one year: Donald McClure, Corning, N. Y 8 00 Donald McClure, Corning, N. Y 6 00 Class 159 — Four lambs of either sex : Donald McClure, Corning, N. Y 8 00 Class 160 — Flock: Donald McClure, Corning, N. Y 8 00 Donald McClure, Corning, N. Y 6 00 Class 161 — Champion ram : Donald McClure, Corning, N. Y S 00 Class 162 — Champion ewe: Donald McClure, Corning, N. Y 8 00 Class 163 — Flock bred and owned by exhibitor, who must be a resident of New York State : Donald McClure, Corning. X. Y 25 00 SECTION 16 ANGORA GOATS Entries, 23. Amount awarded, $130. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Class 164 - — Buck, two years or over : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. H. B. Witter, Frederick, Md $10 00 H. B. Witter, Frederick, Md $5 00 Class 165 — Buck, one year and under two : A. Warren Smith, Rome, N. Y 10 00 II. B. Witter, Frederick, Md 5 00 Class 166 — Buck, under one year: H. B. Witter, Fredori<;k, Md 8 00 A. Warren Smith, Rome, NY 4 00 Class 167 — Doe, two years or over : II. B. Witter, Frederick, Md 10 00 11. B. Witter, Frederick, Md 5 00 Class 168 — Doe, one year and under two : H. B. Witter, Frederick, Md 10 00 n. B. Witter, Frederick, Md 5 00 New York State Fair 639 1st 2d 3d 4tli nth Class 169 — Doe, under one year: IMom. riLiii. Prem. Prem. I'rem. H. B. Witter, Krodoriik, Md ^8 00 H. B. Witter, Frodeikk, Md $4 00 Class 170 — Flock : H. B. Witter, Fredoriclv. Md 18 00 H. B. Witter, Frederick, Md 8 Oo Class 171 — Champion buck: H. B. Witter, Frederick, Md 10 00 Class 172 — Champion doe : H. B. Witter, Frederick, Md 10 00 DEPARTMENT D — SWINE Co))imissioner in Charge, Charles A. Wietixg, Cobleskill. In 1009 \A'e had the largest exhibit of swine that was ever shown in the East, temporary yards being placed about the grounds to care for the overflow which was equal to that which was housed. Tlie treatment caused a great deal of criticism amoung the exhibitors and, consequently, the show in 1910 was much lighter. The quality, however, was kept to the top and great interest was manifested at the time of the judging, both among the exhibitors and the prospective purchasers. As there is no class of animals more valuable to the farmer and none so hard to exhibit as a hog, provision should be made for sanitary and sufficient buildings. PBEMIUMS AWARDED Entries, 777. Amount awarded, $2,804, SKCTION 1 CHESTER WHITE Entries, 105. Amount awarded, $313. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prein. ?10 00 Class 1 — P.oar, two years or over William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio. . Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y. . . $5 00 William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio... .?3 00 Class 2 — Boar, eighteen and under twenty-four months : Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y... 10 00 William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio... 5 00 William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio... 3 00 Class 3 — Boar, twelve and under eighteen months : William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio... 10 00 William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio... 5 00 William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio. . . 3 00 Class 4 — Boar, six and under twelve month.s : William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio... 8 00 Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y. . . 4 00 William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio... 3 00 Class 5 — Boar, under six months : William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio... 8 00 William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio... 4 00 Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y... 3_ 00 Class 6 — Sow, two years or over : William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio... 10 00 Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y... 5 00 Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y... 3 00 1st 2d 3d 4 th 5th Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. $10 00 640 !N"ew York State Fair Class 7 — Sow, eighteen and under twenty-four months : William 1'. Pever, Lucasville, Ohio. . . William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio... $5 00 William T. Devcr, Lucasville, Ohio... $3 00 Class 8 — Sow, twelve and under eighteen months : William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio... 10 00 William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio... 5 00 Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy. N. Y 3 00 Class 9 — Sow, six and under twelve months : Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y S 00 Heart's Delight Farm. Chazy. N. Y 4 00 William T. Dever, Lucasville. Ohio... 2 00 Class 10 — Sow, under six months : William T. Dever, Lucasville. Ohio.... 8 00 Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y... 4 00 Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, X. Y. . . 2 00 Class 11 — Champion boar, one year or over : William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio... 10 00 Class 12 — Champion boar, under twelve months : William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio... 10 00 Class 13 — Champion sow, one year or over : William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio... 10 00 Class 14 — Sow, under twelve months : Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, X. Y... 10 00 Class 15 — Grand champion boar, any age : William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio... 10 00 Class 16 — Grand champion sow, any age : William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio... 10 00 Class 17 — Four animals of either sex, any ago, get of one sire, bred by exhibitor : William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio... 10 00 William T. Dever, Lucasville. Ohio. . . 5 00 Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, X. Y . . . 3 00 Class 18 — Four animals of either sex, any age, produce of one sow, bred by exhibitor : William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio... 10 00 William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio... 5 00 Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y. . . 3 00 Class 10 — Boar and three sows, over one year : William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio... 10 00 Heart's Delight Farm, (hazy, N. Y... 5 00 William T. Dever, Lucasville. Ohio... 3 00 New York State Fair 641 Class 20 — Hosir nnd three sows, 1st 2rl 3(1 4th f>th iindor one year : rroin. I'roiii. I'reiu. Preni. I'l-oin. William T. Dever, Luoasvillo, Ohio... $10 00 Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y... .•?." 00 William T. Dever. Lucasville, Ohio... ^r? 00 Class 21 — Boar and three sows, one year or over, bred by exhib- itor: William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio... 10 00 William T. Dever, Lucasville, Ohio... 5 00 SECTIOX 2 CHESHIRE Entries, 47. Amount awarded, $264. Class 23 — Boar, eighteen and under 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th twenty-four months : I'rem. Prem. I'rem. Prem. Prcm. S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y $10 00 Class 24 — - Boar, twelve and under eighteen months : New Y'ork State College of Agricul- ture. Ithaca, N. Y 10 00 S. G. 01 is, Sherwood, N. 1' $5 00 Class 25 — Boar, six and under twelve months : S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y S 00 Class 26 — Boar, under six months : New Y'ork State College of Agricul- ture, Ithaca. N. Y 8 00 S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 4 00 S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y $2 00 Class 27 — Sow, two years or over : G. W. Taill)y, Jr., Ithaca, N. Y 10 00 S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 5 00 S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 3 00 Class 28 — Sow, eigliteen and under twenty-four months : S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 10 00 New York State College of Agriculture, Ithaca, N. Y 5 00 Class 29 — Sow, twelve and under eighteen months : S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 10 00 S. G., Sherwood, N. Y 5 00 New Y'ork State College of Agriculture, Ithaca, X. Y 3 00 Class 30 — Sow. six and under twelve months : S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 8 00 S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 4 00 S. G. Otis. Sherwood, N. Y 2 00 Class 31 — Sow, under six months : G. W. Tallby, .Jr., Ithaca, N. Y' 8 00 G. W. Tailby, .Jr., Ithaca, N. Y 4 00 S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 2 00 Class 32 — Champion boar, one year or over : S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 10 00 New York State College of Agriculture, Ithaca, N. Y Ribbon 642 New York State Fair Class 33 — Champion boar, under 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th twelve months : I'rem. Trem. Prem. Trem. Prem. New York State College of Agriculture, Ithaca. N. Y $10 00 S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y Ribbon Class 34 — Champion sow, one year or over : G. W. Tailby, Jr., Ithaca, N. Y 10 00 S. G. Otis. Sherwood, N. Y Ribbon Class 35 — Champion sow, under twelve months : S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 10 00 G. W. Tailby, Jr., Ithaca, N. Y Ribbon Class 36 — Grand champion boar, * any age : S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 10 00 New York State College of Agriculture, Ithaca, N. Y Ribbon Class 37 — Grand jhampion sow, any age : G. W. Tailby, Jr., Ithaca, N. Y 10 00 Class 38 — Four animals of either sex, any age, get of one sire, bred by exhibitor : S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N .Y 10 00 New Y'ork State College of Agriculture, Ithaca, N, Y .$5 00 New York State College of Agriculture, Ithaca. N. Y ••?3 00 Class 39 — Four animals of either sex, any age, produce of one sow, bred by exhibitor : S. G. Otis, Sherwood, M. Y 10 00 New York State College of Agriculture, Ithaca, N. Y 5 00 Class 40 — Boar aud three sows, over one year : S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 10 00 New York State College of Agriculture, Ithaca, N. Y 5 00 Class 41 — Boar and three sows, under one year : S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 10 00 New Y'ork State College of Agriculture, Ithaca, N. Y 5 00 Class 42 — Boar and three sows, one year or over, bred by ex- hibitor : S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 10 00 New York State College of Agriculture, Ithaca, N. Y 5 00 SECTION 3 POLAND CIII.XA Kntries. 100. Amount awarded, $257. Class 44 — Boar, eighteen and un- 1st 2d 3d 4th ."ith der twenty-four months: I'rem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Ohio .$10 00 Class 45 — Boar, twelve and under eighteen months : A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia. Ohio... $5 00 New York State Fair (548 Class 40 — Boar, six and iindor 1st lid Sd 4tli ."itli twelve months : rroiu. I'ri'iii. I'roiu. I'rem. I'rem. A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Ohio $8 00 Class 47 — Boar, undm* six months : A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Ohio S 00 A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Oliio $4 00 Shorb Bros., Utiea .Mills, Md .i;2 00 Class 48 — Sow, two years or over : A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Ohio 10 00 A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia. Ohio.... 5 00 Class 49 — Sow, eighteen and under twenty-four mouths : A. C. Grieve & Sons, .Kenia, Ohio 10 00 A. C Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Ohio 5 00 Class 50 — Sow, twelve and under eighteen months : A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Ohio 10 00 A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Ohio 5 00 A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Ohio 3 00 Class 51 — Sow, six and under twelve months : A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia. Ohio 8 00 A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Ohio 4 00 A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Ohio 2 00 Class 52 — Sow, under six months : A. C Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Ohio 8 00 A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Ohio 4 00 A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Ohio 2 00 Class 53 — Champion boar, one year or over : A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Ohio 10 00 Class 54 — Champion boar, under twelve months : A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Ohio 10 00 Class 55 — Champion sow, one year or over : A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Ohio 10 00 Class 56 — Champion sow, under twelve months : A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Ohio 10 00 Class 57 — Grand champion boar, any age : A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xfnia, Ohio 10 00 Class 58 — Grand champion sow, any age : A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Ohio 10 00 • Class 59 — Four animals of either sex, any age, get of one sire, bred by exhibitor : A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Ohio 10 00 ' A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Shio 5 00 A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Ohio 3 00 Class 60 — Four animals of either sex. any age, produce of one sow, bred by exhibitor : A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Ohio 10 00 A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Ohio 5 00 Shorb Bros., Utica MiHs. Md 3 00 644 New York State Fair Class 61 — Boar and three sows, 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th over one year : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xcnia, Ohio $10 00 A. C. Grieve & Sons. Xcnia, Ohio $5 00 Class 62 — Boar and tliree sows, under one year : A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Ohio 10 00 A. C. Grieve & Sons, Xenia, Ohio 5 00 Shorb Bros., Utica Mills. Md $3 00 Class 63 — Boar and three sows, one year or over, bred by ex- hibitor : A. C. Grieve & Sons, X^nia, Ohio 10 00 A. C Grieve & Sons, >i:enia, Ohio 5 00 SECTION 4 — DtJROC-JERSEY Entries, 81. Amount awarded, $300. 1st 2d 3d 4tb 5th Class 64 — Boar, two years or over : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Mahan Bros. & Co., Osborn, Ohio.... $10 00 Shorb Bros., Utica Mills, Md $5 00 Class 65 — Boar, eighteen and un- der twenty-four months : Shorb Bros., Utica Mills, Md 10 00 Class 66 — Boar, twelve and under eighteen months : Mahan Bros. & Co., Osborn, Ohio.... 10 00 John Perry, R. D. 4, Wellington, Ohio 5 00 Class 67 — ■ Boar, sis and under twelve months : Mahan Bros. & Co., Osborn, Ohio 8 00 John Perry, R. D. 4, Wellington, Ohio 4 00 John Perry, R. D. 4, Wellington, Ohio $2 00 Class 68 — Boar, under six months : Mahan Bros. & Co., Osborn, Ohio.... 8 00 John Perry, R. D. 4, Wellington, Ohio 4 00 Mahan Bros. & Co., Osborn, Ohio. ... 2 00 Class 69 — • Sow, two years or over : Mahan Bros. & Co., Osborn, Ohio 10 00 Shorb Bros., Utica Mills, Md 5 00 John Perry, R. D. 4, Wellington, Ohio' 3 00 Class 70 — Sow, eighteen and under twenty-four months : Mahan Bros. & Co., Osborn, Ohio.... 10 00 John Perry, R. D. 4, Wellington, Ohio 5*00 Shorb Bros., Utica Mills, Md 3 00 Class 71 — Sow, twelve and under eighteen months : Mahan Bros. & Co., Osborn, Ohio 10 00 John Perry, R. D. 4, Wellington, Ohio 5 00 Shorb Bros., Utica Mills, Md 3 00 New York State Fair 645 Class 72 — Sow, six nnd under 1st twelve months : Prem. Miihau I?ros. & Co., Osorn, Ohio $8 00 Malum Bros. & Co., Osorn, Ohio Mahan Bros. & Co., Osliorn, Ohio Class 73 — Sow, under six months : Mahan Bros. & Co., Osborn, Ohio 8 00 Mahan Bros. & Co., Osborn, Ohio Mahan Bros. & Co., Osborn, Ohio Class 74 — Champion boar, one year or over : Mahan Bros. & Co., Osborn, Ohio 10 00 Shorb Bros., Utlca Mills, Md Class 75 — Champion boar, under twelve months : Mahan Bros. & Co., Osborn, Ohio 10 00 Class 76 — Champion sow, one year or over : Mahan Bros. & Co., Osborn, Ohio. ... 10 00 Class 77 — Champion sow, under twelve months : Mahan Bros. & Co., Osborn, Ohio. ... 10 00 Class 78 — Grand champion boar, any age : • Mahan Bros. & Co., Osborn, Ohio. ... 10 00 Class 79 — Grand champion sow, any age : Mahan Bros. & Co., Osborn, Ohio. ... 10 00 Class 80 — Four animals of either sex, any age, get of one sire, bred by exhibitor : Mahan Bros. & Co., Osborn, Ohio.... 10 00 Mahan Bros. & Co., Osborn, Ohio . . . John Perry, R. D. 4, Wellington, Ohio Class 81 — Four animals of either sex, any age, produce of one sow, bred by exhibitor : Mahan Bros. & Co., Osborn, Ohio 10 00 Mahan Bros. & Co., Osborn, Ohio. . . . John Perry, R. D. 4, Wellington, Ohio Class 82 — Boar and three sows, over one year : Mahan Bros. & Co.. Osborn, Ohio.... 10 00 John Perry, R. D. 4, Wellington, Ohio Shorb Bros., Utlca Mills, Md Class 83 — Boar and three sows, under one year : Mahan Bros. & Co., Osborn. Ohio. ... 10 00 Mahan Bros. & Co., Osborn, Ohio. . . . John Perry, R. D. 4, Wellington, Ohio Class 84 — Boar and three sows, one year or over, bred by exhibitor : Mahan Bros. & Co., Osborn, Ohio.... 10 00 John Perry. R. D. 4. Wellington, Ohio Shorb Bros., Utlca Mills. Md 2d I'rom. .?4 00 4 00 Ribbon 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 3d Prem. .$2 00 2 00 4th Prem. 5th Prem. 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 5 00 3 00 646 New York State Fair SECTION 5 SMALL YOEKSHIHE Entries, 77. Amount awarded, $300. 1st Class 86 — Boar, two years or over : Prem. A. H. Cooley, Little Britain, N. Y $10 00 J. M. Secord, Trumansburg, N. Y.... Class 87 — Boar, eighteen and un- der twenty-four months : J. M. Secord, Trumansburg, N. Y 10 00 F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. Class 88 — Boar, twelve and un- der eighteen months : J. M. Secord, Trumansburg, N. Y. . . . 10 00 A. II. Cooley, Little Britain, N. Y. Robert Robinson & Son, Bath, N. Y. . Class 89 — Boar, six and under twelve months : Shorb Bros., Utica Mills, Md 8 00 A. H. Cooley, Little Britain, N. Y. . . Class 90 — • Boar, under six months : A. H. Cooley, Little Britain, N. Y 8 00 Shorb Bros., Utica Mills, Md Shorb Bros., Utica Mills, Md Class 91 — Sow, two years or over : J. M. Secord, Trumansburg, N. Y. . . . 10 00 A. H. Cooley, Little Britain, N. Y Shorb Bros., Utica Mills, Md Class 92 — bow, eighteen and under twenty-four months : J. M. Secord, Trumansburg, N. Y 10 00 A. H. Cooley, Little Britain, N. Y F. N, Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. Class 93 — Sow, twelve and under eighteen months : J. M. Secord, Trumausburg, N. Y. . . . 10 00 Robert Robinson & Son, Bath, N. Y. . . A. H. Cooley, Little Britain, N. Y Class 94 — Sow, six and under twelve moflths : Shorb Bros.. Utica Mills, Md 8 00 A. H. Cooley, Little Brilain, N. Y Shorb Bros., Utica Mills, Md Class 9.5 — Sow, under six months : A. H. Cooley, Little Britain, N. Y 8 00 A. H. Cooley, Little Britain, N. Y Shorb Bros., Utiea Mills, Md Class 96 — Champion boar, one year or over : J. M. Secord, Trumansburg, N. Y 10 00 A. H. Cooley, Little Britain, N. Y... Class 97^ — -Champion boar, under twelve months : A. H. Cooley, Little Britain, N. Y. . 10 00 Shorb Bros., Utica Mills, Md Class 98 — Champion sow, one year or over : J. M. Secord, Trumansburg, N. Y.... 10 00 F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. 2d Prem. $5 00 5 00 5 00 4 00 4 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 4 00 4 00 Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon 3d Prem. 4th Prem. 5th Prem. $3 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 New York State Fair 647 Class 99 — Champion sow, under 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th twelve months : Prem. Trem. Piem. Prem. Prem. Shorb Bros., Utica Mills. N. Y $10 00 A. H. Cooley, Little Britain, N. Y... Ribbon Class 100 — Grand champion boar, any age : J. M. Secord, TnimaQ«>luirg, \. Y.... 10 00 Class- 101 — Grand champion sow, any age : J. M. Secord, Trumaasburg, N. Y 10 00 Class 102 — Four animals of either sex, any age, get of one sire, bred by exhibitor : J. M. Secord, Trumansburg, N. Y 10 00 A. H. Cooley. Little Britain, X. Y $5 00 Shorb Bros., T'tiea Mills. Md $3 00 Class 103 — Four animals of either sex, any age, produce of one sow, bred by exhibitor : J. M. Secord, Trumansburg, N. Y. . . . 10 00 A. H. Cooley, Little Britain, N. Y 5 00 Shorb Bros., Utica Mills, Md 8 00 Class 104 — Boar and three sows, over one year : J. M. Secord, Trumansburg, N. Y 10 00 A. H. Cooley, Little Britain, N. Y. . . 5 00 Class 10.5 — Boar and three sows, under one year : A. H. Cooley, Little Britain, N. Y. . . 10 00 Shorb Bros., Utica Mills, Md 5 00 Class 106 — Boar and three sows, one year or over, bred by ex- hibitor : J. M. Secord, Trumansburg, N. Y 10 00 A. H. Cooley, Little Britain, N. Y 5 00 Shorb Bros., Utica Mills, Md 3 00 SECTION 6 LARGE YORKSHIRB Entries, 83. Amount awarded, $306. Class 107 — Boar, two years or over : The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y. William Bahe, Onondaga Hill, N. Y... $5 00 The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y. $3 00 Class 108 — Boar, eighteen and un- der twenty-four mouths : Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y.. 10 00 The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y. 5 00 Class 109 — Boar, twelve and under eighteen months : The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y. 10 00 Shorb Bros., Utica Mills, Md 5 00 Class 110 — Boar, six and under twelve months : The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y. 8 00 Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y... 4 00 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem, $10 00 648 New York State Fair Class 111 — Boar, under six months: Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y. .. . Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y. . . . The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y. Class 112 — Sow, two years or over: The Wheeler Homestead, Kauona, N. Y. Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y... The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y. Class 113 — Sow, eighteen and under twenty-four months : The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y. Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y... The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y. Class 114 — Sow, twelve and under eighteen mouths : Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y. . . The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. 1'. Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. 1'... Class 115 — Sow, six and under twelve months : Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y'. . . The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y. Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y. . . Class 116 — Sow, under six months: Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y . . . The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y'. Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y'. . . Class 117 — Champion boar, one year or over : The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y. William Bahe, Onondaga Hill, N. Y... Class 118 — Champion boar, under twelve months : The Wheeler Homestead, Kanoua, N. Y. Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y... Class 119 — Champion sow, one year or over : The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y'. Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y. . . Class 120 — Champion sow, under twelve months : Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y. . . The Wheeler Homestead, Kanoua, N. Y''. Class 121 — Grand champion boar, any age : The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y. Class 122 — Grand champion sow, any age : The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y. Class 123 — Four auimals of cither sex, any age, get of one sire, bred by exhibitor : Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y'^... The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona. N. Y. Shorb Bros., Utlca Mills, Md 1st 2d Sd 4th Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. $8 00 $4 00 $2 00 5th Prem. 10 00 10 00 10 00 8 00 8 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 4 00 4 00 Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribljoa 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 T) 00 3 00 New York State Fair 649 Class 124 — Four animals of either 1st 2d 3d 4th 5tli sex, any age, produce of one sow, Prem. Prem. Prom. Pnui. Prem. bred by exhibitor : The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y. $10 00 Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y $5 00 Shorb Bros., Utica Mills. Md $3 00 Class 125 — Boar and three sows, over one year : The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y. 10 00 Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y. . . 5 00 Shorb Bros., Utlca Mills, Md 3 00 Class 126 — Boar and three sows, under one year : Heait's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y... 10 00 The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y. 5 00 Shorb Bros., Utica Mills, Md 3 00 Class 127 — Boar and three sows, one year or over, bred by exhibitor : The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y 10 00 Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y . . . 5 00 Shorb Bros., Utica Mills, Md 3 00 Special Prize Offered hy the American Yorkshire Cluh Class 128 — Best young herd, bred by exhibitor, winner to be mem- 1st 2d 3d 4tb 5th ber of the Yorkshire Club : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Heart's Delight Farm, Chazy, N. Y... $15 00 The Wheeler Homestead, Kanona, N. Y. 10 00 SECTION 7 BERKSHIRE Entries, 58. Amount awarded, $259. Class 129 — Boar, two years or 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th over : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. John L. Axllne, Pataskala, Ohio $10 00 Class 130 — Boar, eighteen and under twenty-four months : John L. Axline, Pataskala, Ohio 10 00 Class 131 — Boar, twelve and under eighteen months : H. M. Terwllliger. Kirkville, N. Y 10 00 John L. Axllne, Pataskala, Ohio $5 00 Class 132 — Boar, six and under twelve months : John L. Axllne, Pataskala, Ohio 8 00 John L. Axllne, Pataskala, Ohio 4 00 Class 133 — Boar, under six months: H. M. Terwllliger, Kirkville, N. Y 8 00 John L. Axline, Pataskala, Ohio 4 00 John L. AxMne, Pataskala, Ohio $2 00 Class 134 — Sow, two years or over : John L. Axllne, Pataskala, Ohio 10 00 Class 135 — Sow, eighteen and under twenty-four months : John L. Axllne, Pataskala, Ohio 10 00 Class 136 — Sow, twelve and under eighteen months : John L. Axllne, Pataskala, Ohio 10 00 H. M. Terwllliger, Kirkville, N. Y 6 00 H. M. Terwllliger, Kirkville, N. Y 3 00 650 New York State Fair Class 137 — Sow, six and under 1st 2d 3d 4tli 5th twelve months : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. John L. Axline, Pataskala, Ohio $8 00 John L. Axline. Patasliala, Ohio $4 00 Class 138 — Sow, under six months : John L. Axline, Pataskala, Ohio 8 00 H. M. Terwilliger, Kirkville, N. Y. . . . 4 00 H. M. lerwilllger, Kirkville, N. Y $2 00 Class 139 — Boar, one year or over : John L. Axline, Pataskala, Ohio 10 00 Class 140 — Boar, under twelve months : John L. Axline, Pataskala, Ohio 10 00 Class 141 — Sow, one year or over : John L. Axline, Pataskala, Ohio 10 00 Class 142 — Sow, under twelve months : John L. Axline, Pataskala, Ohio 10 00 Class 143 — Grand champion boar, any age : John L. Axline, Pataskala, Ohio 10 00 Class 144 — Sow, any age : John L. Axline, Pataskala, Ohio 10 00 Class 145 — Four animals of either sex, any age, get of one sire, bred by exhibitor : John L. Axline, Pataskala, Ohio 10 00 John L. Axline, Pataskala, Ohio 5 00 H. M. Terwilliger, Kirkville, N. Y 3 00 Class 146 • — • Four animals of either sex, any age, produce of one sow, bred by exhibitor : John L. Axline, Pataskala, Ohio 10 00 John L. Axline, Pataskala, Ohio 5 00 H. M. Terwilliger, Kirkville, N. Y 3 00 Class 147 — Boar and three sows, over one year : John L. Axline, Pataskala, Ohio 10 00 Class 148 — Boar and three sows, under one year : John L. Axline, Pataskala, Ohio 10 00 John L. Axline, Pataskala, Ohio 5 00 H. M. Terwilliger, Kirkville, N. Y 3 00 Class 149 — Boar and three sows, one year or over, bred by ex- hibitor : John Ti. Axline, Pataskala, Ohio 10 00 SECTION 8 ESSEX Entries, 45. Amount awarded, $186. Class 150 — Boar, two years or over : G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio $10 00 Class 152 — Boar, twelve and under eighteen months : G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 10 00 (tOveknor Hughes }»Iaking Address ox Governor's Day. Dairy and State Institutions and Grange Buildings. New York State Fair 651 Class 153 — Boar, six aud uuder 1st 2d 3d 4th ;"itli twelve months : Prem. I'rem. i'rem. I'rem. I'rem. G. J. Campbell, Obcrllu. Ohio $10 00 Class 155 — Sow, two years or over : G. J. Campbell, Oberliu, Ohio 10 00 Class 156 — Sow, eighteen and under twenty-four months : G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 10 00 Class 157 — Sow, twelve and under eighteen mouths : G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 10 00 Class 158 — Sow, six and under twelve months : G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 8 00 Class 159 — Sow, under six mouths : G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 8 00 Class 160 — Champion boar, one year or over : G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 10 00 Class 1,61 — Champion boar, under twelve months : G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 10 00 Class 162 — Champion sow, one year or over : G. J. Campbell, Oberlin. Ohio 10 00 Class 163 — Champion sow, under twelve months : G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 10 00 Class 164 — Grand champion boar, any age : G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 10 00 Class 165 — Grand champion sow, any age : G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 10 00 Class 166 — Four animals of either sex, any age, get of one sire, bred by exhibitor : G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 10 00 Class 167 — Four animals of either sex, any age, produce of one sow, bred by exhibitor : G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 10 00 Class 168 — Boar and three sows, over one year : G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 10 00 Class 169 — Boar and three sows, under one year : G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 10 00 Class 170 — Boar and three sows, one year or over, bred by exhib- itor: G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio 10 00 652 New York State Fair SECTION 9 VICTORIA Entries, 39. Amount awarded, $287 1st 2d Class 171 — Boar, two years or over : I'rem. I'rem. George Inelchen, Geneva, Ind $10 00 G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio $5 00 F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. Class 172 — Boar, eighteen and un- der twenty-four months : George Inelchen, Geneva, Ind 10 00 F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. 5 00 Class 173 — Boar, twelve and under eighteen months : George Inelchen, Geneva, Ind 10 00 F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. 5 00 Class 174 — Boar, six and under twelve months : Milton B. Sisson, Almond, N. Y 8 00 F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. 4 00 George Inelchen, Geneva, Ind Class 175 — Boar, under six months : George Ineicheii, Geneva, Ind 8 00 George Inelchen, Geneva, Ind 4 00 F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. Class 176 — Sow, two years or over : George Inelchen, Geneva, Ind 10 00 F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. 5 00 Class 177 — Sow, eighteen and under twenty-four months : George Inelchen, Geneva, Ind 10 00 Milton B. Sisson, Almond, N. Y 5 00 F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. Class 178 — Sow, twelve and under eighteen months : George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind 10 00 F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. 5 00 Class 179 — Sow, six and under twelve months ; George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind 8 00 F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. 4 00 George Inelchen, Geneva, Ind Class 180 — Sow, under six months: George Inelchen, Geneva, Ind 8 00 George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind 4 00 F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. Class 181 — riiampion Iwnr, one year and over ; George Ineichen, Genex-a, Ind 10 00 G. J. Campbell, Oberlin, Ohio Ribbon Class 182 — Champion boar, under twelve months : M. B. Sisson, Almond, N. Y 10 00 George Inelchen, Geneva, Ind Ribbon Class 183 — Champion sow, one year or over : George Inelchen, Geneva, Ind 10 00 George Inelchen, Geneva, Ind Ribbon 3d Prem. $3 00 4th Prem. 5th Prem. 2 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 00 Nkw V(.i;k Statk Faii.- CH.^ ("lass 1.S4 — ('liiimpiciii sow, imtlcr Isl liil .'M 4tli r>tli twelve inoulhs: rrcm. rinii. rnMii. I'roin. riciii. (Jeoige Ineichen, Goncvn, Ind $10 00 George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind Kililion Class 185 — Graiiil clinmplou boar, any age : George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind 10 00 M. B. Slsson, Almond, N. Y Uibhon Class ISG — Grand cliamijion sow, any age: George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind 10 00 Class 187 — Four animals of either sex, any age, get of one sire, bred by exhibitor : George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind li) 00 K. N. Terpeuing, West Oneonta, X. Y. $5 00 Class 188 — Four animals of either sex, any age, produce of one sow, bred by exhibitor : George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind 10 00 F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. \'. 5 00 Class 189 — Boar and three sows, over one year : George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind 10 00 F. N. Terpening, West Oneonta, N. Y. 5 00 Class 190 — Boar nnd three sows, under one year : George Ineichen, Genevn, Ind 10 00 F. N. Terpening. West Oneonta, N. Y. T) 00 Class 191 — Boar and three sows, one year or over, bred by ex- hibitor : (Jeorge Ineichen, Geneva, Ind 10 (lO F. X. Terpening. West Oneonta. X. Y. 5 00 SECTION 10 TAMWOIiTII Entries, 95. Amount awarded, .^21 8. Class 192 — Boar, two years or 1st 2d .Id 4lh .^i(h over: Preni. Preni. rrem. Preiii, I'lein. S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y .$10 00 Class 194 — Boar, twelve and un- der eighteen months : II. B. Witter, Frederick, Md 10 00 Class 195 — Boar, six and under twelve months : S. O. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 8 00 Class 196 — Boar, under six months : S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 8 00 S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y $4 00 Class 197 — Sow, two years or over: S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 10 0(1 Class 198 — Sow, eighteen and under twenty-four months : S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 10 00 Cla^s 199 — Sow, twelve and under eighteen months : H. B. Witter, Frederick, Md 10 00 S. G. Otis, Sherwood. N. Y 5 00 ft (554 Kew Yokk State Fair Class 200 — Sow, six and under 1st 2d 3d 4tb 5th twelve months : Prem. Preiu. Prem. Prem. Prem. S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y $8 00 S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y $4 00 S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y ?2 00 Class 201 — Sow, under six months : S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y S 00 S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 4 00 S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 2 00 Class 202 — Champion boar, one year or over : I[. B. Witter, Frederick, Md 10 00 ( lass 203 — Champion boar, under twelve months : S. i;. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 10 00 Class 204 — ("hampion sow, one year or over : II. B. Witter, Frederick, Md 10 00 S. G. Otis, Sherwood, X. Y Ribbon Class 205 — Champion sow, under twelve months : S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 10 00 Class 20G — Grand champion boar, any age : II. B. Witter, Frederick, Md 10 00 S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y Ribbon Class 207 — Grand champion sow, any age : S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 10 00 H. B. Witter, Frederick, Md Ribbon Class 208 — Four animals of either sex, any age, get of one sire, bred by exhibitor : S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y ■... 10 00 Class 209 — Four animals of either sex, any age, produce of one sow, bred by exhibitor : S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 10 00 Class 210 — Boar and three sows, over one year : S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 10 00 Class 211 — Boar and three sows, under one year : S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 10 00 S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y -"00 Class 212 — Boar md three sows, one year or over, bred by ex- hibitor : S. G. Otis, Sherwood, N. Y 10 00 SECTION 11 — n.\MrsiiiuE Entries, 47. Amount awarded, $114. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Class 217 — Boar, under six months : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prom. Prem. H. B. Witter, Frederick, Md $8 00 H. B. Witter, Frederick, Md I? 4 00 Class 220 — Sow, twelve and under eighteen months : H. B. Witter, Frederick, Md 10 00 New York State Fair 1st Class 222 — Sow, uuilor six mouths: I'rem. II. B. Wittor, Fivdoriik, Mil |8 00 H. B. Wittor, Frederick, Md (.'lass 224 — Champiou hoar, under twelve months : 11. B. Witter, Frederick, Md 10 00 Class 225 — Champion sow, one year or over : 11. B. Witter, Frederi.-k, Md 10 00 Class 226 — Champion sow, utider twelve months : II. B. Witter, Frederick, Md 10 00 Class 227 — Grand champion lionr, any age : II. B. Witter, Frederick, Md 10 00 Class 228 — Grand champion sow, any agv : II. B. Witter, Frederiik, Md 10 00 Class 229 — Four animals of either sex, any age, :;et of one sire, bred by exhibitor : H. B. Witter, Frederi-ik, Md 10 00 Class 230 — Four animals of either sex, any age, produce of one sow, bred by exhibitor : H. B. Witter, Frederick, Md 10 00 Class 232 — Boar and three sows, under one year : II. B. Witter, Frederick, Md 10 00 2d I'rem. $4 00 Ml I'rem. 4th I'rem. 5th Prem. DEPARTMENT E — POULTRY Commissioner in Clianje, Charles A. \Yieting, Cobleskill. Superintendent, \V. Iv Gilbert, Syracuse. As will he noticed by tlie prize money distributed, the poultry department is increasing every year. Some years ago this building was filled by poultiv from a few single exhibitors. This year there was a very large increase of exliibits from individuals making a specialty of one kind. The competition was extremely strong and a ribbon won at the Xew York State Fair is now {•rized far above the money. The artificial pond in the center of the poultry iiouse, filled with 200 specimens of wild fowl, attracted great attention and was commended by all. The new poultry hou>!e should be so erected that t'licre will be room for jioultry, pet stock and dogs; also, a room for the killing, picking and packing of poultry, thus showing the farmer how to prepare this important product for markets giving the highest possible price. In addition, it should include a lecture room with a seating capacity for at leaot 1,OCO people, in order that the educational value of such a display may not be lost. PREMIUMS A\VAEDED Entries. .3..i96. Amount awarded, $3,838.50. SPECIAL PRIZES .Vmnunt awarded, $75. Class 2 — T>argest and best display 1st 2d 3d of White Wyandottes: Prem. Prem. Prem. John S. Martin, Port Dover, Ontario.. .$25 00 4th Prem. 5th Prem. (;:.('. Xew ^'()i;k State Fair Class o — Largest and besi display of Orpingtous, any variety : Evansward Farm, Fayetteville, N. Y.. Class 4 — Largest and best display of single comb White Leghorns : H. E. Humphrey, Greenwich, N Y. . . . Class 5 — Best display of water fowls : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y.. 1st 2(1 M 4 th Prem. Prem. Prem. I'rem. Prem !?25 00 00 Silvt-r Cup (Offered by Hodgkins Poultry Supply House, Syracuse, N. Y.). SECTION 1 .^.MERICAX Entries, 752. Amount awarded, $733. Class 8 — Pen of Barred Plymouth 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Rocks, old : I'rem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Steingrebe Bros., No. Syracuse, N. Y. $2 00 Class 9 — Pen of Barred Plymouth Rocks, young : The Hartman Stock Farm. Columbus, Ohio 3 00 Steingrebe Bros., No. Syracuse, N. Y . . $2 00 C. A. Phillips,, N. Y Ribbon Class 10 — Barred Plymouth Rock cock : Dulya Farm, Morrlstown, N. J 5 00 F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 3 00 White & Wolford, Howes Cave, N. Y. . $2 00 Class 11 — Barred Plymouth Rock hen : Steingrebe Bros., No. Syracuse, N. Y. . 1 00 Class 12 — Barred Plymouth Rock cockerel : Dulya Farm, Morrlstown, N. J 3 00 Dulya Farm, Morristowu, N. J 2 00 Ira N. Gaymonds, Marcy, N. Y 1 00 White & Wolford, Howes Cave, N. Y.. Ribbon Class 13 — Barred Plymouth Rock pullet : F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 3 00 F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 2 00 White & Wolford, Howes Cave, N. Y. . 1 00 Class 14 — Pen of Buff Plymouth Rocks, old : Edgewood Farm, Ballston Lake, N. Y. 5 00 Fred Armer, Ballston Spa. N. Y 3 00 Nelson Brusie, Salisbury Mills, N. Y.. 2 00 John H. Hatch, Auburn, N. Y Ribbon Bernlce Farms, E. Syracuse, N. Y., R. D. 1 Ribbon Class 15 — Pen of Buff Plymouth Rocks, young : Fred Armor, Ballston Spa, X. Y 5 00 Edgewood Farm, Ballston Lake, N. Y. 3 00 John H. Hatch, Auburn, N. Y 2 00 Bernlce Farms, E. Syracuse, N. Y., R. D. 1 Ribbon D. P. North, Wavorly, N. Y Ribbon New York State Fair G57 1st 2d :U1 4th 5tb Classic — Buff I'lyinoulb Uiick c'Dck : I'rcm. Trem. rii-iii. rrciii. I'l-cin. Kdgowood Farm, nallsloii I.ak.'. N. V.. .'«:{ 00 Eilgowood Farm, Hallsiou Lake. N. V.. .$2 00 F. G. Bean, CoUogovlll.-, V:i $1 00 Fred Armer, Ballston Spa, N. V Itil)l)uii Johu H. Hatch, Auburn, N. Y Ribbon Class 17 — Buff I'lymoutb Rock hen: F. G. Bean, CoUegeville, Pa 3 00 Edgcwood Farm, Ballston Lake. N. Y. . 2 00 Frod Armer, Ballston Spa, N. Y 1 00 Edgewood Farm, Ballston Lake, N. Y.. Ribbon J. F. Know, Buffalo, N. Y Ribbon Class 18 — Buff Plymouth Rock cockerel : Fred Armer, Ballston Spa, N. Y 3 00 F. G. Bean, Collewville, Pa 2 00 H. Augustus Filer, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Fred Armer, Ballston Spa, N. Y Ribbon Edwin D. Besley, Rome, N. Y Ribbon Class 19 — Buff Plymouth Rock pullet : Fred Armer, Ballston Spa, N. Y 3 00 Johu H. Hatch, Auburn, N. Y 2 00 Edgewood Farm, Ballstoa Lake. N. Y . . 1 00 Fred Armor. Ballston Spa, N. Y'^ Ribbon Edwin D. Besley, Rome, N. Y Ribbou Oass 20 — Pen of ^Vhite Plymouth Rocks, old : n. E. Gray, Groveland, Sta.. N. Y 5 00 D. E. Gray, Groveland Sta., N. Y 3 00 .Jacob Damm, R. D. 2, Vernon Center, N. Y 2 00 .lesse F. Whitbeck, Ballston Lake, N. Y. Ribbon Class 21 — Pen of White Plymouth Rocks, young : D. B. Gray, Groveland Sta., N. Y 5 00 D. E. Gray. Groveland Sta.. N. Y 3 00 Josephine Cool, Camillus, N. Y 2 00 Wm. H. Carr, Round Lake, N. Y Ribbon K. E. Laird, Marathon, N. Y Ril^bon Class 22— White I'lymouth Rock cock : Wm. H. Carr, Round Lake, N. Y 3 00 D. E. Gray, Groveland Sta., N. Y 2 00 D. E. Gray, Groveland Sta.. N. Y 1 00 D. E. Gray, Groveland Sta., N. Y Ribbon .Jacob Damm, R. D. 2, Vernon Center, >f- Y Ribbon Class 23 — White Plymouth Rock hen : .Jacob J)amm, R. D. 2, Vernon Center, N. Y 3 00 .1. M. Moore, Unadilla. X. Y 2 00 I). K. (Jray. Groveland Sta., N. Y 1 OO .Jacob Daniin, R. I). 2, ^'e^non Center, N. T Riliholl P. K. Gray. Groveland Sta., \. Y. . . . Rilibon 658 New Youk State Fatu Class 24 — White Plymouth Rock 1st 26 cockerel : I'rcm. rrem. Wm. H. Can-, Rouud Lake, N. Y $3 00 D. E. Gray, Grovelaud Sta.. N. Y $2 00 D. E. Gray, Groveland Sta., N. Y F. M. Dodge, R. D. 7, Frankfort, N. Y. Jacob Dainm, U. D. 2, Vernon Center, N. Y Class 25 — White Plymouth Rock pullet : D. E. Gray, Groveland Sta., N. Y 3 00 Jacob Damm, R. D. 2, Vernon Center, N. Y 2 00 D. E. Gray, Groveland Sta., N. Y D. E. Gray, Groveland Sta., N. Y F. M. Dodge. R. D. 7, Frankfort. N. Y. Class 26 — Pen of Silver Penciled Plymouth Rocks, old : F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 5 00 William Hewitt & Son, Akin. N. Y 3 00 Class 27 — Pen of Silver Penciled Plymouth Rocks, young : F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 5 00 William Hewitt & Son, Akin, N. Y 3 00 Class 28 — Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock cock : F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 3 00 William Hewitt & Son, Akin, N. Y. . . . 2 00 Class 29 — Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock hen : F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 3 00 Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y 2 00 William Hewitt & Son, Akin, N. Y Class 30 — Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock cockerel : F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 3 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y 2 00 William Hewitt & Son, Akin, N. Y. . . . Class 31 — Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock pullet : F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 3 00 William Hewitt & Son, Akin. N. Y 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y' Class 32 — Pen Columbian Plymouth Rocks, old : F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 5 00 Green & Kaple, Elbridge, N. Y 3 00 Edwin J. Barney, Syracuse, N. Y Francis B. Mitchell, Pittsford, N. Y. . . Class 33 — I*en Columbian Plymouth Rocks, young : F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 5 00 J. F. Dix, Onondaq:a Valley. N. Y 3 00 Class 34 — Columbian Plymouth Rock cock : Green & Kaple, Klbridjre, N. Y 3 00 F. G. Roan, Colleg-'ville, N. Y 2 00 Edwin J. Barney, Syracuse, N. Y 3d Prcm. .$1 00 4th Prem. Ribbon otii Prem. Ribbon 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 1 00 1 GO 2 00 Ribbon 1 00 New Vokk StxVte Fair fi59 Class 35 — Columbian I'lymoulh Uock hen : F. G. Bean, CoUogcville, Pa Green & Kiiplo, ElbridKi\ N. V. . . . Green & Kaple. Elbridge, N. Y Edwin J. Barney, Syracuse, N. Y. . Francis P. Mitchell, Pittsford, N. Y Class 36 — Columbian Plymouth Rock cockerel : F. G. Bean, Collegeville, I'a Green & Kaple, Elbridge, N. Y George P.urn, Tilsonburg, Ontario. Edwin J. Barney, Syracusi>. N. Y. . William Hewitt & Son, Akin, N. Y Class 37 — Columbian Plymouth Rock pullet : Green & Kaple, Elbridge, N. Y F. G. Bean, CoUegeville. Pa J. F. Dix, Onondaga Valley, N. Y' George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario Edwin J. Barney, Syracuse, N. Y Class 38 — Pen of Silver Wyandottes, old: LeRoy W. Seigfried. Waterloo, N. Y. . George W. Spence, TuIIy, N. Y Steuben Farm, Ilornell, K. Y Class 39 — Pen of Silver Wyan- dottes, young : LeRoy W. Seigfried, Waterloo. N. Y . . George W. Spence, Tully, N. Y Class 40 — Silver Wyandotte cock : Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y R. D. Brown. Syracuse, N. Y LeRoy W. Seigfried, Waterloo, N. Y. . LeRoy W. Seigfried. Waterloo, N. Y.. Francis B. Mitchell, Pittsford, N. Y. . Class 41 — Silver Wyandotte hen : Francis B. Mitchell, Pittsford. N. Y Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa LeRoy W. Seigfried. Waterloo, N. Y. LeRoy W. Seigfried. Waterloo. N. Y. George W. Spence, Tully. N. Y Class 42 — Silver Wyandotte cockerel : LeRoy W. Seigfried, Waterloo, N. T LeRoy W. Seigfried, Waterloo, N. Y Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa.. .T. Reepmeyer, Craig. N. Y Class 43 — Silver Wyandotte pullet : LeRoy W. Seigfried, Waterloo, N. Y'. . LeRoy W. Seigfried, Waterloo. N. Y . . F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa .T. Reei)meyer, Craig, N. Y Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa Class 44 — Pen of Columbian Wyan- dottes, old : R. D. Brown, Syracuse, N. Y Austin G. Warner, Whitesboro, N. Y.. Schell & I'oung, Clay, N. Y 1st 2d 3d 4tli 5th Prem. Prem. Prom, Prem. Prem. ?3 00 $2 00 n 00 Ribbon Ribbon 00 00 00 5 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 5 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 00 ] 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 00 (JOO A'ew "i'oKK State Fair Class 45 — Ten of Columbiau Wyau- 1st lid dottes, young : I'reui. I'rem. rirnry W. Polgreen, Albany, M. Y .$5 00 Austin G. Warner, Whitosboro, N. 1'.. $a 00 r. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa Schell & Young, Clay, N. Y Class 46 — Columbian Wyandotte cock : Henry W. Tolgieen, Albany, N. Y 3 00 R. D. Brown, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 J. H. Vandervort & Sons, Sidney Center, N. Y R. D. Brown, Syracuse, N. Y Frank B. Sutliff, Johnstown, N. Y Class 47 — Columbian Wyandotte hen: J. H. Vandervort & Sons, Sidney Center, N. Y 3 00 Austin G. Warner, Whitesboro, N. Y . . 2 00 Francis B. Mitchell, Pittsford, N. Y.. R. D. Brown, Syracuse, N. Y R. D. Brown, Syracuse, N. Y Class 48 — Columbian Wyandotte cockerel : Austin G. Warner, Whitesboro, N. Y. . 3 00 R. D. Brown, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa Schell & Young, Clay, N. Y Class 40 — Columbian Wyandotte pullet : F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 3 00 F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 2 00 Schell & Young, Clay, N. Y Austin G. Warner, Whitesboro, N. Y. . R. D. Brown, Syracuse, N. 1"^ Class 50 — Pen of Golden Wyan- dottes, old : Ira Sitterly, Gloversville, N. Y 5 00 Ira Sitterly, Gloversville, N. Y 3 00 Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y Class 51 — Pen of Golden Wyan- dottes, young : Ira Sitterly, Gloversville, N. Y 5 00 Ira Sitterly, Gloversville, N. Y 3 00 E. C. Austin, Kirkland, N. Y Class 52 — Golden Wyandotte cock : F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 3 00 Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 Ira Sitterly, Gloversville, N. Y E. C. Austin, Kirkland, N. Y B. C. Austin, Kirkland, N. Y Class 53 — Golden Wyandotte hen: F. G. Bean, Collcgevillo, Pa 3 00 Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 R. I>. Brown, Syracuse, N. Y R. D. Brown, Syracuse, N. Y R. C. Ausdii. Kirkland, N. Y ;5d I'rem. $:i 00 4tli I'rcni. RibJMin 'Ah I'rciu. 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 Riljbou Ribbon 1 00 Uililxiu 1 00 Ribbon Riblio!! 2 00 2 00 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 Kilibi.ii Kllihon Nkw \o]:k St \ii; 1''\ii; )'><; I riass ."i4 — Ciildi^ii Wy.UKliil li' iiick- erel : Ariuln'ust Hros.. Aiinhnisl. I'a Steuben Farm, Ilornoll. X. Y F. G. Bean, Co!legevllle, Pa R. D. Brown, Syracuse. N. Y Ira Sitterly, Gloversville, N. Y Class 55 — Golden Wyandotle i>ullit : Armbrusi Bros., Armbrust, I'a F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa Ira Sitterly, Gloversville, N. Y ("lass 56 — Pen of WliKo W'yaii- dottes, old : John S. Martin, Port Dover, Ontario. . Howard Gould, Port Washington, N. Y. .Tohn S. Martin, Port Dover, Ontario, . John S. Martin, Port Dover, Ontario.. John S. Martin, Port Dover, Ontario. . Class 57 — Pen of White Wyau- dottes, young : Dulya Farm, Morristown, N. J John S. Martin, Port Dover, Ontario.. Howard Gould, Port Washington, N. Y. J. H. Jackson, Hudson, Mass John S. Martin, Port Dover, Ontario. . Class 58 — White Wyandotte cock : John S. Martin, Port Dover, Ontario.. John S. Martin. Port Dover, Ontario.. Howard Gould, Port Washiuglon, N. Y. John S. Martin, Port Dover, Ontario. . J. H. Jackson, Hudson, Mass Class 59 — White Wyandotte hen: John S. Martin, Port Dover, Ontario.. Wm. II. Carr, Round Lake, N. Y John S. Martin, Port Dover, Ontario.. John S. Martin, Port Dover, Outario. . Howard Gould, Port Washington, N. Y. Class 60 — White Wyandotte cockerel : John S. Martin, Port Dover, Ontario. . J. H. Jackson, Hudson, Mass John S. Martin, Port Dover. Ontario.. John S. Martin. Port Dover, Ontario. . Wm. H. Carr, Round Lake, N. Y Class 61 — White Wyandotte inillet : John S. Martin, I'ort Dover, Outario. . John S. Martin, Port Dover, Ontario. . John S. Martin, Port Dover, Outario. . Howard Gould, Port Washington, N. Y. John S. Martin, Port Dover, Ontario.. Class 62 — Pen of Buff Wyandottes, old: Andrew Riddel!, B. D. 6, Greenwich, N. Y R. Brooks Robbins & Sons, Burnt Hills, N. Y W. A. Smith. Whitneys Point. N. Y... 1st 2d ;;ii Ill) .Mh rrrin. Prem. Prem. I'rcm. Prem .1;:! no 00 (M) 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 5 00 ?2 00 2 00 00 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 .i;i 00 1 00 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Kilibiin Uibltiiii Ribbon Ribl)nn Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 2 GO 062 New \'u];k State Faiii Class 63 — Pen of liuff Wyandottes, 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th young : I'l-f lu. Preiu. I'rem. Prem. Prem. Andrew Riddoll, li. D. 6, Greenwich, N. Y ?o 00 Mr. and Mrs. li. II. Dowden, Clifton Spa, N. Y ifo 00 11. Brooks Robbins & Sons, Burnt Hills, N. Y $2 00 W. A. Fuller, Fultonvillo, N. Y Ribbon \V. A. Smith. Whitneys Point, X. Y... Ribbon Class 64 — Buff Wyandotte cock: Andrew liiddell, R. D. 6, Greenwich. N. Y :: 00 Preston & Ilaiumorst'om, .himestowu. JN. Y 2 00 K. Brooks Robbius & Sons, Burnt Hills, X. Y 1 (»0 Preston & llammerstroui, Jamestown, N. Y Ril)l)on Andrew Riddell, 11. D. G, Greenwich, X. Y Ribbon Class 65 — Buff Wyar.dotle hen: Andrew Riddell, I{. D. 6, Greenwich. X. Y .T 00 Armbrust Bros., Armbiust, I'a 2 00 Andrew Riddell, U. I). 0, Greenwich. X. Y 1 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys I'oint, X. Y... Ribbon Andrew Riddoll, K. 1). (>, Greenwich, X. Y Ribbon Class 66 — Buff Wyandot! e cockerel : Andrew Riddell, K. D. 0, Greenwich, X. Y :; 00 R. Brooks Robbins & Sons, Burnt Hills, N. Y 2 GO C. E. Demeree, Binghamton, X. Y 1 00 Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bowden, Clifton Spa, N. Y Ribbon Andrew Riddell, R. D. 6, Greenwich. X. Y Ribbon Class 67 — Buff Wyandotte pullet : Andrew Riddell, U. D. 0, Greenwich, X. Y .",00 C. E. Demeree, Binghamton, X. Y' 2 00 C. E. Demeree, Binghamton, X. Y 1 00 R. Brooks Robbins & Sons, Burnt Hills, X. Y Itil.bon Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Bowden, Clifton Spa, X. Y • Ribbon Class 68 — Pen of Black Wyandottes, old: R. D. Brown, Syracuse, N. Y 5 00 F. G. Bean, Collegeville. P;i 3 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 2 00 Class 09 — Pen of Black Wyandottes, young : F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 5 00 Nkw YoJ{K Si'Ai'i'; V.xwi GGH Class 70 — Black W.vaniloltc cock: Steuben Furni, lloruell, N. Y Arnibrust Bros., Arnibrust, l*a (Jeorge W. Lake. Akin, N. Y F. G. Bean, Colloj?ovllle, Pa R. D. Brown. Syracuse, N. Y Class 71 — Black Wyandotte lion : H. 1>. lirown. Syracuse, N. Y Francis B. Mitchell, Tittsford, N. Y... R. D. Brown, Syracuse, N. Y Geo. Burn, Tilsonburg. Ontario F. G. Bean, Collegevillo, I'li Class 72 — Black Wyandotte cockerel : Arnibrust Bros.. Armbrust, Pa F. (J. Bean, Collegeville, Pa Class 73 — Black NVyandotte pullet: Armbrust Bros.., Pa F. G. Bean, Culleij.'ville, I'a Class 74 — I'en of Partridge Wyan- dottes, old : Charles B. McKwan, Iioudonville, N. Y. Class 75 — -Pen of Partridge Wyan- dottes, young : R. A. Parks, Aliiany, N. Y Charles B. McKvvan, Loudon ville, N. Y. Class 7G — Partridge Wyandotte cock : George W. Lake, Akin, N. Y Dr. F. W. Seward, .Jr., Goshen, N. Y.. .1. IL Vandervort & Sons, Sidney Center, N. Y Charles B. McEwan, Loudouvillo. N. Y. Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y Class 77 -- Partridge Wyandotte hen : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa Dr. F. W. Seward, Jr., Goshen, N. Y.. .T. II. Vandervort & Sons, Sidney Center, N. Y Charles B. McEwan, LoudonvlUe, N. Y. Steuben Farm, Ilomell, N. Y Class 78 — ^I'artridge Wyandotte cock- erel : K. A. Parks, Albany, N. Y Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y Charles B. Mcl-^wan, Loudonville, N. Y'. Arnibrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa \V. A, Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... Class 79 — Partridge Wyandotte pullet : W. A. Parks, Albany, N. Y Charles B. McEwan, Loudonville, N. Y. Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... Class 80 — Pen of Silver Penciled Wyandottes. old : .1. IL Vandervort & Sons, Sidney Center, N. Y William Hewitt & Son, Akin, N. Y W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... Isl I'reiii. 3 00 00 00 00 5 00 5 00 3 00 3 00 00 00 2(1 :i(l 4lh nth I'niii. I "rem. Prem. Prem. .12 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 ?. 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 $1 00 Ribbon Rltibon 1 00 Ribbon Rilihon 2 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 op Ribbon Ribbon 2 00 CCA New Voiuc Statk F\n; Class 81 — I'eu of Silver I'euciled 1st Wjandottes, young: I'rein. J. II. Vandeivoit & Sons. Sidney Center, N. Y Vo 00 \\. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y . . . Class 82 — Silver iMiciUd Wyan- dotte cock : J. II. Vandervort & Sons, Sidney Center, N. Y 3 00 R. D. Brown, Syracuse, X. Y Ueorge Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario. . . . Aruibrust Bros., ArnibniSt, Pa F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa Class 83 - — Silver I'encileil Wyan- dotte hen : J. H. Vandervort & Sons, Sidney Center, N. Y 3 00 11. D. Brown, Syracuse, N. Y J. H. Vandervort & Sons, Sidnej Center, N. Y R. D. Brown, Syracuse, N. Y R. D. Brown, Syracuse, N. Y Class 84 — Silver Penciled Wynii dotte cockerel : J. H. Vandervort & Sons, Sidney Center, N. Y 3 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario Armbrust Bros., ArmOL'iist, Pa R. D. Brown, Syracuse, N. Y W. A, Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... Class 85 — Silver Penciled Wyan- dotte pullet : J. n. Vandervort & Sons, Sidnej Center, N. Y 3 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario Armbrust Bros., ArmbiUst, Pa R. D. Brown, Syracuse, N. Y' W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... Class 86 — Pen of Black Javas, old : F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 3 00 Class 87 — Pen of Black Javas, young : F. G. .Bean, Collegeville, Pa ."> 00 Class 88 — Black Java cock : Armbrvist Bros., Armbnist, I'a 3 00 Jay M. Seymour, Clinton, N. Y., R. D. . George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario F. G. Bean. Collegeville, Pa A. J. Braun, Jr., Syracuse, N. Y Class 89 — Black Java hen ; Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, I'a 3 00 Jay M. Seymour, Clinton, N. Y., R. D. . Jay M. Seymour, Clinton. N. Y., R. D. . A. J. Braun, Jr., Syracuse, N. Y'. . . . F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa Class 00 — Black Java cockerel: Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa .'{00 F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa Class 91 — Black Java pullet: Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, I'a 3 00 F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa Preiil. $3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 3a I'rem. 4th I'reiu. 5th Prem. $1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 Riblwn Ribbon 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon New Yokk State Fair CAu) Class 92 — Vvn of Mottled Jiivas, old ; John T. Bird, I^)pkiiort, N. Y I", (i. Bean, I'ollogevllle, Pa Class on — Ton of Mottled .Tavas. young : George W. Lake, Akin, N. Y K. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa Class 94^ — Mottled Java cock: Armbrust Bros., Armbinst, I'a Class 95 — Mottled Java hen : A". inlirust Bros.. Armbnir;t, I';i Cioorgo Burn. Tilsonlmrg, Ontario Class or, — Mottled .Tava cockerel : .Vrmhnist Bros.. .\rml)ru.^t, Pa K. (;. P.ean, Collegeville, Pa Class 07 — Mottled Java pullet: Armlinist Bros., Armbrust. Pa Class 08 — Pen of Douiiniques. old : .>r. IT. W. Skerritt & Son. TJtica, N. Y. F. O. Bean, Collegeville, Pa W. A. Smith. Whitneys Point. N. Y.. . George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario. . . . Class 99 — Pen of Dnminiques, young : \V. A. Smith, Wliitneys Point. N. Y... Dr. IT. W. Skerritt & Son, T-fica. N. Y. F. G. Bean, Collegeville. Pa Class 100 — Dominique cock: Dr. n. W. Skerritt & Son, Utiea. N. Y Dr. H. W. Skerritt & Son. Ftica, N. Y Dr. IT. W. Skerritt & Son, Utiea, N. Y Armbrust Bros., Armbrust. Pa W. A. Smith. Whitneys Point. X. Y. Class 101 — Dominioue hen : F. G. Bean, Coll»gevillv?, Pa Dr. H. W. Skerritt & Son, Utiea, N. Y. Dr. H. W. Skerritt & Son, Utiea. N. Y. George Burn. Tilsonburg. Ontario.... Dr. H. W. Skerritt & Son. Utiea. N. Y. Class 102 — Dominique cockerel : Dr. H. W. Skerritt & Son, Utiea, N. Y. Armbrust Bros., Armbrust. Pa W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point. N. Y... Dr. n. W. Skerritt & Son. T'tica, X. Y. W. A. Shafer, Oneonta. N. Y Class 103 — Dominique pullet: Dr. H. W. Skerritt & Son. Utiea, N. Y. W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point. N. Y... F. G. Bean, Collegeville. Pa Dr. IT. W. Ski-rrift & Son. T'tiea. N. Y. Dr. II. W. Skenitl & Son, Utiea, X. Y. 1st 2d 3d Prem. Prem. Prem. .$■) 00 $3 00 5 00 .T 00 .3 00 ?, 00 :? 00 5 no 5 00 ?, 00 .3 00 n 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 ;j 00 :j 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 4th .")lh I'rem. I'rein. ^•2 00 Ribbon 2 00 1 00 Rilibon Ribbon 1 00 i;iI)lion Ribbon 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon GOO ]Sk\v \'okk Statk Fait; Class 104 — Pen of Khode Islaud 1st I'd Reds, old : ricni. I'reiu. De Graff I'oultry Farm, Amsterdam, N. Y $o 00 I'ure Strain Farm, Scottsville, X. Y . . |.> 00 W. M. WiUetts, Sberburue, N. Y De Graff Poultry Farm, Amsterdam, N. Y I'urc Strain Farm, Scottsville. N. Y... Class 105 — Pen of lihode Islaud Reds, young : De Graff I'oullry Farm, Anislerdani, js;. y 5 00 B. H. Arthur, Gloversville, N. Y 3 00 De Graff i'oultry Farm, Amsterdam, N. Y \V. M. Willetts, Sherburne, N. Y Pure Strain Farm, Seottsville, N. Y... Clas.s 106 — Rhode Island Red cock : Pure Strain Farm, Scottsville, X. Y... o 00 Pure Strain Farm, Scottsville. N. Y . . . 2 00 De Graff Poultry Farm, Amsterdam, N. Y De Graff I'oultry Farm, Amsterdam, N. Y De Graff Poultry Farm, Amsterdam, N. Y Class 107 — Rhode Island Red lieu : De Graff Poultry Farm, Amsterdam,' N. Y o 00 Pure Strain Farm, Scottsville, N. Y... 2 00 Hugo Frecso, Rochester, N. Y Ernest G. Jones. Rochester, N. Y. . . . Filsinger & Schilly, Syracuse, N. Y. . Class 108 — Rhode Island Red cock- erel : He Graff I'oultry Farm, Amsterdam, N. Y 3 00 De Graff Poultry Farm, Amsterdam, N. Y 2 00 W. M. Willetts, Sherhurne, N. Y De Graff Poultry Farm, Amsterdam, N. Y Pure Strain Farm, Scottsville, N. Y... Class 109 — Rhode Island Red pul- let: Hugo Freese, Rochester, N. Y .1 00 W. P. .Tustl, Pocahontas, 111 2 00 De Graff Poultry Farm, Amsterdam. N. Y De Graff Poultry Farm, Amsterdam, N. Y Arkinson & Patterson, Hudson, N. Y'. . Class no — Pen of Rose P'oml) RlicHle Island Reds, old : De fjraff Poultry Farm. A iiisli'idam. X. Y .'i 0(1 Pun' Slraiu I'.-inii. Scottsville. N. Y... '■'< no Pure Strain Farm, Scottsvilli'. N. Y... Pure Strain Farm, Scottsville, N. Y... 3d Prem. s;2 00 2 no 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 on IN'f.w Yoijk Statk Fa IK 007 Class 111 — Ton of Ros<- Comb Rhode 1st 2d 'Ml Island Reds, young: rrom. I'rora. Prem. Henry E. Chesolnonjili. (;ioonwich, N. Y. .$."> 00 .Tonkins & I'ark, ('liatliinn, X. Y ?:! 00 I'uro Strain Faim, Scot tsvillc. N. Y... $2 00 Dc Graff I'oullrv Fann. Amsterdam, N. Y Ture Strain Farm, Scottsville, N. Y. . . Class 112 — Rose Comb Rhode Island Red cock : Jenkins & Park, Chatham, N. Y :j 00 Henry E. Chesobro;ish, Greenwich. N. Y. 2 00 De Graft Poultry Farm, Amsterdam, N. Y 1 00 Pure Strain Farm, Seottsvillc, N. Y... Pure Strain Farm. Scottsville. X. Y... Class 113 — Rose Comb Rhode Island Red hen : Hugo Freese, Rochester. X. Y o 00 Pure Strain Farm. Scottsville, X. Y... 2 00 Hugo Freese, RochestM-, X. Y 1 00 Henry E. Chesebrough, Greenwich, N. Y. Pure Strain Farm, Scottsville, X. \'.. . Class 114 — Rose Comb Rhode Island Red cockerel : Henry E. Chesebrough, Greenwich, N. Y. 3 00 Jenkins & Park, Chatham, N. Y 2 00 Hugo Freese, Rochester, X. Y 1 00 Hugo Freese, Rochester, X. 1' Pure Strain Farm, Scottsville. X. Y.. . Class 115 — Rose Comb Rhode Island Red pullet : Henry E. Chesebrough, Greeuwich, X. Y. 3 00 Hugo Freese, Rochester, N. Y 2 00 H. L. Greene, Sherburne, N. Y' 1 00 Pure Strain Farm, Scottsville, X. Y'... Pure Strain Farm, Scottsville. X. Y.. SECTION 2 — -.\SIATIC Entries, 178. Amount awarded, .$269. Class 116 — Pen of Light Brahmas. 1st 2d 3d old : Prem. Prem. Prem. W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y... $5 00 Dr. S. Loft, Bellon.i, X. Y $3 00 Class 117 — Pen of Light Brahmas, young: B. E. Laird, Marathon. N. Y' ."> 00 E. K. Buell. Syracuse, X. Y 3 00 W. A. Smith. Whitneys Point. X. Y. . $2 00 Class 118 — Light Brahma cock: Armbrust Bros.. Armbrust. Pa 3 00 Dr. S. Loft. Bellona. N. Y 2 00 Dr. S. Loft. Bellona, X. Y 1 00 A. J. Braun. Jr. Syracuse. X. Y Steuben Farm. Hornell, X. Y Class lit) — Light Brahma hen: Dr. S. Loft, Bellona, X. Y' 3 00 Dr. S. Loft, Bellona. NY 2 no Armhrnst Brop., Armbrust. Pa '.. 1 00 A. J. Braun, Jr., Syracuse, N. Y W. A. Smith, Whitneyg Point. N. Y. . . 4tli I'rem. Ribbon .'.th I'rem. Ribbon Ribbciu Ribbon Ribbon Riblion Rilihon Ribbon Ribbon 4tli I'rem. Riblion .otii Prem. Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Rilibon GG8 ^*'k\v York State Fafh Class 1-0 — Light Rraliina cockerel: Ariiiln'ust Hros., Annhrust, I'm Class 121 — JAght Brahma pullet : F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa Annhrust Bros.. Arnihrust, I'a Class 122 — Pen of Dark Brahmas, old: George Burn, Tilsonburgr, Ontario.... Dr. S. Loft, Bellona, N. Y Class 123 — Pen of Dark Brahmas, young : Dr. S. Loft, Bellona, N. Y \V. A. Fuller, Fultonville, N. Y Class 124 — Dark Brahma cock : George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario Dr. S. Loft, Bellona, N. Y I'r. S. Loft. Bellona, N. Y W. A. Shafer. Oneonta, N. Y Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa Class 125 — -Dark Rr;riinia hi ti : David B. Stewart, Glove rsvillr. N. V. Dr. S. Loft, Bellona, N. Y Geo. Burn, Tilson1)urg, Ontario Dr. S. Loft, Bellona, N. Y Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y Class 126 — Dark Brahma cock- erel : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa W. A. Fuller, Fultonville. N. Y Dr. S. Loft, Bellona, N. Y Class 127 — Dark Brahma pullet: \V. A. Fuller, Fultonville, N. Y Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa W. A. Fuller, Fultonville, N. Y Dr. S. Loft, Bellona, N. Y Joe Fitzgerald, Rome, N. Y Class 128 — Pen of Buff Cochins, old: W. A. Shafer, Oneonta, N. Y Class 129 — Pen of Buff Cochins, young : W. A. Smith, Whitueys Point, N. Y. . Class 130 — Buff Cochin cock: George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ont Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa A. J. Braun. .Tr., Syracuse. N. Y Class 131 — Buff Cochin hen : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa A. .T. Braun, .Tr., Syracuse, N. Y W. A. Shafer, Oneonta, X. Y Class i:!2 — Buff Cocliin cockerel: Armbrust Bros.. Armbrust. Pa W. A. Shafer, Oneonta, N. Y CImss 133 — Buff Cochin pullel : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, I'a ^V. A. Shafer, Oneonta. N. Y \V. A. Smith. Whilneys Point. \. Y.. V. A. Baur, Uochest.T, N. Y V. A. Baur. Rochester, N. Y 1st 2d 3d 4tli I'ri'lii. rri'iii. I'rcni. Prciii. Prem. if-V, 00 3 00 00 5 00 00 3 00 3 00 r. 00 00 3 GO 3 00 3 00 3 00 $2 00 3 00 00 2 00 (»0 2 00 2 00 00 2 00 2 GO 00 .$1 (III Ribbon Ribtiou 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 on 1 00 Riblioll Ribbon 1 00 1 00 1 00 Kilibon Ribbon New York Statk Fair (iG'.t Class l.'i4 - I'lMi of l';uliicl|::o Cocli- ins, old : (.'porpo num. 1 ilsonlnn-fr, Otit Mo.shor Bros., .Tolinstowu. N. Y Class 135 — rcu of Partridj,'e Coch- ins, young : Dr. S. Loft, Bellona, N. Y Class 13G — Partridge Cochin cock: Aruibrust Bros., Arnil)nist. I'a Pr. S. Loft, Bellona, N. Y (ieorge Burn, Tilsouhurg. (»nt Steuben Farm, Ilornell, N. Y Dr. S. Loft, Bellona, N. Y Class l."7 — Partridge Cochin ln'n : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa Dr. S. Loft, Bellona, N. Y ?.•! 00 00 3 00 .'{ 00 :; 00 ."> 00 ;i 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 ■$1 (Ml 1 00 1 (III 1 (HI 1 00 ■1 00 riciii. I'rciii. Kililiiiii Uililion Kilihuli Kililioii Rlbljon Kililiiiii Kililion Ribbon 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 Uibltuu Rilil^on 3 00 r.To !Xew York State Fair 1st 26 M 4th 5th Class 151 — Black Cochin pullet: Piem. Prcm. Prem. Prf-m. Prom. Armbiust Bros., Armbiust, Pa $3 00 Class 152 — Pen of Black Lang- shans, old : John Greenwood, Fonda, N. Y 5 00 Steuben Farm, HornoU. N. Y .$o 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario $- oo Class 153 — Pen of Black Langshans, young : F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 5 00 C. R. Briggs, Apulia Station. N. Y 3 00 Steuben Farm, Hornell, X. Y 2 00 Class 154 — Black Langshan cock : C. K. Brlggs, Apulia Station, N. Y 3 00 f Jeorge W. Lake, Akin. N. Y 2 00 John (Jreenwood, Fonda, N. Y 1 00 Steuben Farm. Hornell, N. Y Ribli.jn Class 155 — Black Langshan hen : George Burn, Tilsonburg. Ontario.... 3 Oo George W. Lake. Akin, N. Y 2 oo John Greenwood. Fonda, N. Y 1 00 F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa Ribbon W. W. Wilbur, Union Springs, N. Y. . . Ribbon Class 156 — Black Langshan cock- erel : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 3 00 C. R. Briggs. Apulia Station, N. Y 2 00 F. G. Bean. Collegeville, Pa 1 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario lJil)bon George W. Lake, Akin, N. Y Ribbon Class 157 — Black Langshan pullet: George W. Lake, Akin, N. Y 3 00 Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 John Greenwood, Fonda, N. Y 1 00 F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa Ribbon George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario Ribbon Class 158 — Pen of White Lang- shans, old : John Greenwood, Fonda, N. Y 5 00 Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y' 3 00 F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . . Ribbon Class 159 — Pen of White Lang- shans, young : F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 5 00 Class 160 — White Langshan cock: i\rmbrust Bros., Armbrust. Pa 3 00 r. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 2 00 Geo. W. Lake, Akin, N. Y 1 00 Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y Ribbon Class 161 — White Langshan hen: John Greenwood, Fonda, N. Y 3 00 Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa - "" Steuben Farm. Hornell. N. Y 1 00 P. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa Ribbon Xi;\v V()1;k Sta'I'k 1'\\ii{ on SKCTIOX 3 MIUilTnilliANKA.V Entries, o.^S. Amount awarded, ifC/.'.rK Cl.iss lt;4 — Pen of Brown Leghorns, 1st 2d '.\(\ old : Prom. Prem. I'rem. Albert G. TiUlen, Fulton, X. Y $5 00 Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y !?3 00 Carl Lang. Syracuse, X. Y i?2 00 W. A. Smith. Whitneys Point, X. Y. . . Class 165 — I'en of Brown Leghorns, young : Turtle Point Farm, Saratoga Spa, X. Y. o 00 Steuben Farm, Ilornell, N. Y 3 00 Carl Lang. Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 Class 16G — Brown Leghorn cock : iTIeorge Burn. Tllsonburg, Ontario.... 3 00 Albert G. Tilden, Fulton, X. Y 2 00 Alb-rt G. Tilden, Fulton, X. Y 1 00 Albert G. Tilden, Fulton, X. Y George W. Lake, Akin, N. Y Class 167 — Brown Leghorn hen : A. C. Guernsey, Schenectady, X. Y ^00 Steuben Farm. Hornell, X. Y 2 00 J. H. Vandervort & Sons, Sidney Cen- ter, X. Y 1 00 Marshall Smith & Son, Xaples. X. Y. . . Turtle Point Farm, Saratoga Spa, N. Y. Class 168 — Brown Leghorn cock- erel : Albert G. Tilden. Fulton, N. Y 3 00 fioorge Burn, Tilsonburg. Ontario.... 2 00 Albert G. Tilden. Fulton. N. Y 1 00 A. C. Guernsey, Schenectady, N. Y. . . . Class 160 — Brown Leghorn pullet: Turtle Point Farm, Saratoga Spa. N. Y. 3 00 A. C. Guernsey. Schenectady, N. Y. . . . 2 00 Albert G. Tilden. Fulton, N. Y 1 00 Marshall Smith & Son, Xaples, X. Y. . Steuben Farm, Hornell. N. Y Class 170 — Pen of Rose Comb Brown Leghorns, old : Turtle Point Farm. Saratoga Spa. X. Y. r, 00 W. A. Smith. Whitneys Point. X. Y... 3 00 B. J. Dodge. Veroua. X. Y 2 00 W. A. Sbafor. Oneonta. X. Y 4th I'rom. Uibliou Riblion Ribbon 5th Prom. Ribbon Rihbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon 672 New Yokk State Faik Class 171 — I'uii of Uose Comb Brown Legliorus, young : James Crawford, Cameron Mills, X. Y. B. J. l>odge, Verona, N. Y W. A. Sbafer, Oneoiita, N. Y \V. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. Class 172 — Hose Comb Brown Leg- horn cock : W. A. Smith, Whitneys I'oint, X. Y... James Crawford, Cameron Mills, N. Y . George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario.... Class 173 — Rose Comb, Brown Leg- liorn ben : Turtle 1 iiint Farm, Sarato,i.;a Spa, X. V. George Bum, Tilsonburg, Ontario.... W. A. Smith, Whitneys Toint, N. Y Class 174 — Rose Comb Brown Leg- horn cockerel : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, l*a James Crawford, Cameron Mills, X. Y. W. A. Smith, Whitneys I'oint, N. Y'. . . Class 175 — Rose Comb Brown Leg- born pullet : James Crawford, Cameron Mills, X. Y. James Crawford, Cameron Mills, X. Y. Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, I'a W. A. Smith, Whitneys Toint, N. Y... Class 17G — Pen of White Leghorns, old: Ezra C. Carter, Marathon, X. Y C. A. P.aird, Rocliester, N. Y C. A. Baird, Rochester, N. Y Class 177 — Pen of White Leghorns, young : Kzra C. Carter, Marathon, N. Y' C. A. Baird, Rochester, N. Y H. E. Humphrey, Greenwich, N. Y'.... Jacob Glass, Syracuse, X. Y F. P. Erkenbeck, Fayetteville, N. Y. . . . Class 178 — White Leghorn cock : n. E. Humphrey, Greenwich, N. Y'.... Ezra C. Carter, Marathon, N. Y Marion Lewis, Cameron Mills, N. Y... Ralph K. Owen. R. 1). G. Fulton, X. Y. Joe Fitzgerald, Rome, X. Y Class 170 — White Leghorn hen; II. E. lluni|)hrey, (Jreenwieh, \. Y.... Ezra C. Carter, Marathon, X. Y II. E. Humphrey, Greenwich, X. Y.... .Marion Lewis, Cameron Mills, N. Y.. Marion I^ewis, Cameron Mills, X. Y.. Class 180 — -White Leghorn cockerel : H. E. Humphrey, Greenwich, N. Y'. . . . Afarion Lewis, Cameron Mills, N. Y... Claude Sanders, I'ort Plain. N. Y Marion Lewis, Cameron Mills, X. Y... Claude Sanders, Fort Plain, N. Y 1st 2d :id -nil .J 111 I'rem. I'rcm. I'rem. I'rem. I'rem .-f.j 00 00 00 3 00 3 OU 5 00 5 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 $3 00 00 2 00 2 00 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 $2 00 Ribbon 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 liibbon 2 00 2 ()0 Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 Rililion Ribbon 1 00 Kililmn Ribl>on Ni:\v ^'<)I;K S'i'ATK l'\\ii.' I) I r> Class ISl — White Leghorn [.ullet II. Iv lluiuphi-fy. Greenwich. X. V.. Marion I>e\vis, (."anioron Mills, N. Y. Marion Lewis. Cameron Wills, N. Y. T. J. Ag:er. Fayetteville. N. Y Jacob Glass, Syracuse, N. Y Class 182 — Pen of Rose Corah \Vhi to Loshorns. old : Turtle Poini Farm, Saralojra Spa. N. Y. Steuhen Farm, Ilornell. X. Y L. II. Perry, (May, X, Y W. A. Sml'h, Whltneys Point, X. Y... F. O. Bean, Collegeville. Pa Class 183 — Pen of Rose Comb Whit.' Leghorns, young : Turtle Point Farm. Saratoga Spa, N. Y. I-. 11. Perry, (lay, N. Y Turtle Point Faim. Saratojra Spa, X. Y. \V. A. Smith, NYhitneys Point, N. Y. , . Class 184 — Rose Comb White Leg- horn cock : W. A. Smith, Whltneys Point, X. Y.,, Dr. B. E. Decker. Bradford, X. Y L. H. Perry, Clay, N. Y Turtle Point Farm, Saratoga Spa. X. Y. Dr, B. E. Decker, Bradford, N. Y Class 185 — Rose Comb White Leg- horn hen : Turtle Point Farm, Saratoga Spa, X. Y, Dr. B. E. Decker. Bradford. X, Y F. O. Bean. Collegeville. Pa Armbrust Bros.. Armbrust, Pa W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point. X. Y... Class 186 — Rose Comb White Leg- horn cockerel : Steuben Farm. Ilornell. X, Y T>r. P.. E. Dfcker, Bradford, X. Y Turtle Point Farm. Saratoga Spa. X. Y. Dr. B. E. Decker, Bradford. N. Y L, H, Perry. Clay, N. Y Class 187 — Rose Comb White Leg- horn pullet : Steuben Farm. ITornell. N. Y Armbrust Bros.. Armbrust, Pa Dr. B. E. Decker. Bradford. N. Y Turtle Point Farm. Saratoga Spa, X. Y. L. H. Perry, Clay, N. Y Class 188 — Pen of Black Leghorns, old: George Burn, Tilsonbiirg, Ontario. . W. A. Smith. Whitneys Point, N, Y. Mrs. A. S. ITewes. Xew Berlin, N. Y, Steuben Farm. Ilornell, X. Y Mosher Bros., .Johnstown, N. Y. . , . Class 189 — Pen of Black Leghorns, young : Jacob Glass, Syracuse, N. Y W. A. Shafer, Oneonta. X. Y 1st 2d r?d 411i I'rem. Prem. Prem. Pnin. .$:: (to .$2 00 $1 00 niiiiMiii -J 00 5 00 :i 00 ?, 00 3 00 .•? 00 o 00 o 00 .•? 00 3 00 2 00 00 2 00 00 3 00 2 00 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 .Mb I'rcin. KililKiii Rilibnu Ribbon Ribbon Kilibon KIbbon Rilibon Rilibon ItibI)on Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon 2 00 Riblion Ribbon 3 00 (i74- Aj;\\ \'()KK Si'Aii; 1""ai 1st 2(1 Class 190 — Black Leglioiu cock : I'rein. I'lf in. George Grandy, Johnstown, >.'. Y $:> 00 S. M. Breed, Cincinnatus, N. Y .$2 Buff Isl l.'d Leghorns, old : Prem. 1'ri.iii. Howard J. risk, lalsoner. N. Y ^5 00 K. G. Bean, Colkgoville, Pa $:i 00 W. A. Smith, Whitmys I'oint, N. Y Class 201 — Pen Rose Comb Buff Leghorns, young : Howard J. Fisk, Falconer, N. Y' 5 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point. N. Y 3 00 Class 202 — Rose Comb Buff Leg- horn cock : Armbrust Bros, Armbrust, Pa 3 00 Howard J. Fisk, Falconer, N. Y' 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. Howard J. Fisk, Falconer, N. Y George W. Lake, Akin, N. Y Class 203 — Rose Comb Buff Leg- born hen : Howard J. Fisk, Falconer, N. Y 3 00 F. G. Bean, Collegoville, Pa 2 00 Howard J. Fisk, Falconer, X. Y' George ^V. Lake, Akin, N. Y' George W. Lake, Akin, N. Y Class 204 — Rose Comb Buff Leghorn cockerel : Howard J. Fisk, Falconer, N. Y 3 00 Howard J. Fisk, Falconer, N. Y 2 00 George W. Lake, Akin, N. Y' George W. Lake, Akin, N. Y' Armbrust Bros., Armbrust Pa Class 205 — Rose Comb Buff Leghorn pullet : Howard J. Fisk, Falconer, N. Y 3 00 George W. Lake, Akin, N. Y 2 00 Howard J. Fisk, Falconer. X. Y' Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa George W. Lake, Akin, N. Y Class 206 — Pen of Silver Duckwing Leghorns, old : F. G. Bean, CoUegeville, Pa 5 00 W. A. Shafer, Oneonta, N. Y 3 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... Class 207 — Pen of Silver Duckwing Leghorns, old : Ralph E. Owen. Fulton, N. Y., R. D. 6. 5 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... 3 00 Class 208 — Silver Duckwing Leg- horn cock : Armbrust Bros.. Armbrust. Pa 3 00 F. G. Bean. CoUegeville. Pa 2 00 W. A. Smith. Whitneys Point. N. Y. . . Ralph E. Owen, Fulton, N. Y., R. D. 6. W. A. Shafer, Oneonta, N. Y Class 209 — Silver Duckwing Leg- horn ben : Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y 3 00 Ralph R. Owen. Fulton, X. Y., R. D. 6. 2 00 Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, I'a W. A. Shafer, Oneonta, N. Y F. G. Bean, CoUegeville, Pa 3d Prom. .$2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 00 1 00 1 00 4th I'rom. 5th Prem. Riljboii Uilil)i)ii Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon (;;<; Xkw ^^ll;K Statk FaII Class 210 — Silver Diukwiug Log- 1st 2(1 horn cockorol : I'rcm. rnin, F. G. Bean, Collegeville, I'a .f:} (to Ralph E. Owen, Fulton, >:. Y., H. 1). (i. $-J (to W. A. Smith, Whitnpys I'oint. N. V... Annbrust Bros., Armbrust, I'a Class 211 — Silver Duckwing Leg- horn pullet : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, I'a :'> (m» Ralph E. Owen, Fulton, N. Y., R. D. G. 2 (i(J W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa Class 212 — I'on of Moltird Aiiconas, old: , II. M. Bedford, Srrongsville, Ohio... 5 Oo W. A. Smith, AVhimeys I'oint, N. Y... 3 00 F. G. Bean, Collegoville, Pa Class 213 — Pen of Mottled Anconas, young : F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 5 00 Steuben Farm, Horuell, N. Y 3 00 H. M. Bedford, Slroagsville, Ohio \V. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. William Hewitt & Son, Akin, N. Y... Class 214 — Mottled Ancona coek : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 3 (tO F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 2 00 \V. A. Smith, Whitneys Pcint, N. Y. . Rdward W. Allen, North Hoosick, X. Y. H. M. Bedford, Strongsville, Ohio.... Class 215 — Mottled Aucoua hen : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust. Pa 3 00 H. M. Bedford, Strongsville, Ohio. ... 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . . F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa Edward W. Allen, North Hoosick, N. Y. Class 216 — Mottled Ancona cock- erel : P. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 3 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. 2 00 William L. Flad, Rochester, N. Y. . . . Edward W. Allen, North Hoosick, N. Y. J. H. Vandervort & Sons, Sidney Cen- ter, N. Y Class 217 — Mottled Ancona pullet : W. A. Smith, Whitneys I'oint, N. Y... 3 00 Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y 2 00 J. H. Vandervort & Son, Sidney Cen- ter, N. Y William L. Flad, Roches-ter, N. Y II. M. Bedford, Strongsville, Ohio.... Class 218 — Pen of Black Minorcas. old: Joseph G. Krenn, Syracuse, N. Y.... o 00 W. A. Smith. Whitneys Point, N. Y 3 00 Elchelberger & Miller, Syracuse, N. Y. I. J. Chlpperfield, Syracuse, N. Y.... :!.1 4tl) .-.ih I'li-ni. I'rriu. Preiu. .'<:i on 1 Oo 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 Ribbiill Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribhon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon New \'oi;k Statk Fai Cm i Cliibs -It) — I'lMi of l!l;Hk Minorcas, youug: Joseph G Kiouii, Syracuse, N. Y 1. .7. CUliipcrHohl, Syracuse, N. Y AV. A. Siiiitli, Wliitueys Point, N. Y.. Class 2li0 — Black Minorca cock: Joseph G. Kronn, Syracuse, N. Y.... Steuben Farm, Ilornell, N. Y V. J. Eysaman, ileuvelton, N. Y' Joseph G. Krenn, Syracuse, N. Y Eichelberger & Miller, Syracuse. N. Y. Class 221 — Black Minorca hen : Joseph (t. Krenn, Syracuse, N. Y . . . . lOichelberfrer & Miller, Syracuse, N. Y. Eichelberger & Miller, Syracuse, N. Y. Joseph (J. Krenn, Syracuse, N. Y'.... >rarion l>e\vis, Cameron Mills, N. Y'... Class 222 — Black Minorca cockerel : Eichelberger & Miller, Syracuse. N. Y. Joseph (;. Krenn, Syracuse, N. Y. . . . Joseph (i. Krenn, Syracuse, N. Y Marion l/ewis, Cameron Mills. N. Y. . . Hichard Watson, Syracuse, N. Y' Class 223 — Black Minorca pullet : Eichelberger & Miller. Syracuse. N. Y. Niles M. Smith, Chathara. N. Y Marion Lewis, Cameron Mills, N. Y. . . Joseph G. Krenn, Syracuse. N. Y.... E. J. Eysaman, Heuvolton, N. Y Class 224 — Pen of White Minorcas, old: Tioga Poultry Farm, Apalaohin, N. Y. Mrs. J. G. Osborne, Fabius. N. Y W. A. Smith, Whitneys Po'nt, N. Y. . Class 225 — Pen of White Minorcas, young : Tioga Poultry Farm, Apalachin, N. Y. Mrs. J. G. Osborne, Fabius, N. Y.... W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point. N. Y. . Class 226 — White Minorca cock : Tioga Poultry Farm, Apalachin, N. Y'. Armbrust Bros., Armhrusr, Pa Tioga Poultry Farm. Apalachin. N. Y". George Burn. Tilsonburg. Ontario. . . . Mrs. J. G. Osborne, Fabius, N. Y' Class 227 — White Minorca hen : Tioga Poultry Farm, Apalachin, N. Y. Mrs. J. G. Osborne, Fal)ius. N. Y . . . . 'lioga Poultry Farm, Apalachin. N. Y. Armbrust Bros.. Armbrust. Pa W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . . Class 228 — White Minoica cock- erel : Tioga Poultry Farm. .Vpalarbiii. N. Y.. SlMubcn ]''ai-m. lli>rn<'ll. N. Y Armbrust Bros.. .\rmi>rust. I'n Mrs. J. O. Osborne, Fabius, .\. Y.... George Burn, 'I'ilsonburg. Oi'larlo. . . . 1st 2(1 :!(l ■I til 5tli Preiu. I'reni. I'rem. I'rem. I'rem .•<."• 00 3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 •t;:! 00 00 2 00 00 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 00 .112 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 00 2 on 1 00 1 00 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Gibbon Ribbon Uii^bou Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon l\llil)i>ii Ribbon 678 New York State Fair Class 229 — White Miuoica pullet: (ieorge Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario.... Mrs. J. G. Osborne, Fabius. K. Y. . . . Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y Tioga Poultry Farm, Apalachin, N. Y. Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Ta Class 230 — Pen of Rose Comb White Minorcas, old : Mrs. .T. G. Osborne, Fabius, N. Y.... Class 231 — Pen of Rose Comb White Minorcas, young : Mrs. J. G. Osborne, Fabius, N. Y W. W. Hazelton, Hudson, N. Y Class 232 — Rose Comb White Mi- norca cock : Mrs. J. G. Osborne, Fabius, N. Y''. . . . W. A. Smith, Whitners I'oint, N. Y. . W. A. Shafer, Oneonla, N. Y Class 233 — Ro.3e Comb White Mi- norca hen : Mrs. J. G. Osborne, Fabius, N. Y W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y. . George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario W. A. Shafer, Oneonta. N. Y Class 234 — Rose Comb White Mi- norca cockerel : W. W. Hazelton, Hudson, N. Y Mrs. J. G. Osborne, Fabius. N. Y . . . . W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y'. . Class 235 — Rose Comb White Mi- norca pullet : W. W. Hazelton, nuds;>u, N. Y Class 236 — Pen of Rose Comb Black Minorcas, old : Myron H. Bent, .\ntwerp, N. Y Class 237 — Pen of Rose Comb Black Minorcas. youag : >ryron H. Bent, Antwerp, N. Y Myron H. Bent, Antwerp, X. Y Class 288 — Rose Comb Black Mi- norca cock : Moyer D. Mickle. Hartwick, N. Y. . . . George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario.... W. A. Smith, Wliitneys Point, N. Y. . Myron H. Bent, Antwerp, X. Y' Class 239 — Rose Comb Black Mi- norca hen : Myron D. Bent, Antwerp, X. Y George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario .... Myron H. Bent, Antwerp, N. Y Moyer D. Mickle. Hartwick, N. Y. . . . W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. Class 240 — Rose Comb Black Mi- norca cockerel : Myron H. Bent, .\nt\vf'ip. N. Y Moyor D. Mickle, Hartwick. N. Y. . . . George Burn. Tilsonbuig, Ontario. . . . Myron M. Bent, Antwerp, X. Y 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. .«3 00 5 00 5 00 00 00 3 00 00 r. 00 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 ?2 00 3 00 2 00 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 00 00 .?! 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 1 00 Ribbon 1 00 1 00 Ribbon 1 00 Ribbon Hlbbon 1 on Ribbon Nkw ^'oi;k Statk V.wn fiTO Class J41--U0S0 Coml) Blaok Mi- 1st norca pullet : Preni. Myron 11. Bout, Anlwiiii, N. V ^o UU J[oyer D. Mickle, Ilartwick, N. Y . . . . jrVron II. Bent, Antwerp, N. Y George Burn, Tilsonbur^, ODtarlo. . . . Class 242 — Ten of Andalusians. old: Steuben Farm, Ilorn.'ll, N. Y 5 00 Jacob Damm, U. D. 2, Vernon Center, N. Y Jacob Damm, R. D. 2, Vernon Center, N. Y Ira Sitterly, Gloversville, N. Y W. V. Young, Clay, N. Y Class 243 — Pen of Andalusians, young : Schcll & Y'oung, Clay, N. Y 5 00 Ira Sitterly, Gloversville, N. Y W. V. Young, Clay, N. Y Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y Class 244 — Andalusiau cock: Jesse E. Connell, Syracuse, N. Y 3 00 Robert R. Street, Falconer. N. Y William Hewitt & Son, Akin, N. Y Schell & Young, Clay. N. Y Armbrust Bros., Armbiust, Pa Class 245 — Audalusian b(>n : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 3 00 Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y Schell & Young, Clay, N. Y Jacob Damm, R. D. 2, Vernon Center, N. Y William Hewitt & Son, Akin, N. Y. Class 246 — Andalusi;in cockerel: Armbrust Bros.,, Pa 3 00 W. V. Young, Clay, N. Y Ira Sitterly, Gloversville, N. Y Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y Jesse C. Connell, Syracuse, N. Y' Class 247 — Andalusian pullet: Armbrust Bros., Arml)rust, Pa 3 00 Richard Watson, Syracuse, N. Y.... Schell & Young, Clay, N. Y W. V. Y'oung, Clay, N. Y Jesse C. Connell, Syracuse, N. Y' „ Class 248 — Pen of Black Spanish, old: George Burn, Tilsonburjr, Ontario. ... 5 00 Mosher Bros., Johnst.own, N. Y M. II. Lindsey, Northville, N. Y Class 249 — Pen of Black Spanish, young : M. II. Lindsey, Northville, N. Y r. 00 Mosher Bros., Johnstown, N. Y Class 250 — Black Spanish cock: Armbrust Bros., Armbrust. Pa 3 00 George Burn. TUsonbnrg, Ontario. . . . F. E. Stallard, Pocahontas, 111 M. H. Lindsey, Northville, N. Y 2(1 :;-m. A. .1. Braun, Jr., Syracuse, N. Y $2 00 Ariiibrust Bros., Arnibrust, Pa $1 00 Class 325 — Silver Penciled Ham- burgh pullet : Arinbrust Bros., Arnibrust, Pa 2 00 Class 328 — White Hamburgh cock: Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 A. J. Braun, .Jr., Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 329 — White Hamburgh hen : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 A. J. Braun, Jr., Syracuse, N. Y 1 (lu Class 330 — White Hamburgh cock- erel : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 Class 331 — White Hamburgh pullet : Armbrust Bros., .4.rmbrust, Pa 2 00 Class 332 — Pen of Black Hamburghs, old: George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 4 00 Ira Sitterly, Gloversville, N. Y 2 00 Class 334 — Black Hamburgh cock : George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario .... 2 00 A. J. Braun, Jr., Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 335 — Black Hamburgh hen : A. J. Braun, Jr., Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 1 00 Class 336 — Black Hamburgh cockerel : George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario.... 2 00 Class 337 — Black Hamburgh pullet : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 (lO George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 1 00 Class 338 — Pen of Red Caps, old : W. A. Shafer, Oneonta, N. Y 4 00 Class 340 — Red Cap cock : George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario. ... 2 00 Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, I'a 1 00 Class 341 — Red Cap hen : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 1 00 Class 342 — Red Cap cockerel : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 GO Class 343 — Red Cap pullet : George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario.... 2 00 Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, I'a 1 00 SECTION 6 — FRENCH Entries, 07. Amount awarded, $55. Class 344 — I'en of Houdans, old: 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Trowbridge, Bald- I'rem. Prem. Prem. I'rem. Prem. winsvllle, N. Y $4 00 Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Bowden, Cliflon Springs, N. Y ?2 00 New York State Fair 085 Clnss 340 — Pen of Iloudans, young : Ist 2d 3d 4th 5th Jlr. and Mrs. U. H. Bowden, Clifton I'lem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Springs, N. Y !{;4 00 -Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Trowbridge, Bald- winsville, N. Y $2 00 Class 340 — Iloudan cock ; Arnibrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 Cieorjio W. Lake, Akin, N. Y 1 00 Class 347 — Iloudan hen : Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Bowden, Clifton Springs, X. Y 2 00 Mr. and Mrs. U. II. Bowden, Clifton Springs, N. Y 1 00 Class 34S — Houdan cockerel : Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bowden, Clifton Springs, X. Y 2 00 Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bowden, Clifton Springs, X. Y 1 00 Class 349 — Houdan pullet : Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bowden, Clifton Springs. X. Y 2 00 Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Bowden, Clifton Springs, X. Y 1 00 Class 353 — Creve Coeur hen : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 1 00 Class 354 — Creve Coeur cockerel : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 1 00 Class 355 — Creve Coeur pullet : <;eorge Burn. Tilsonburg. Ontario 2 00 Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 1 00 Class 356 — Pen of LaFIeche, old : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point. X. Y... 4 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 2 00 Class 357 — Pen of LaFIeche. young : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point. X. Y... 4 00 Class 358 — LaFIeche cock : .lay M. Seymour, R. D., Clinton, X. Y. 2 00 A. .1. Braun, Jr., Syracuse, X. Y 1 00 Class 35'J — LaFIeche hen: A. .7. Braun, .Jr., Syracuse, X. Y 2 00 F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 1 00 Class :',(\() — LaFIeche cockerel: A. J. Braun, .Jr., Syracuse. X. Y 2 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 1 00 Class 301 — LaFIeche pullet : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust. Pa 2 00 A. .1. Braun, .Jr., Syracuse, X. Y 1 00 SECTIOX 7 EXGMSH Entries, 17G. Amount awarded, .$186. Class 362 — Pen of White Dorkings, 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th old : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. George Burn. Tilsonburg. Ontario $4 00 W. A. Smith. Whitneys Point. N. Y $2 00 Class 363 — Pen of White Dorkings, young : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... 4 00 r 686 Xew Yoek State Faih iBt 2d 3d 4 111 Class 3G4 — White Dorking cock Prem. Prem. Prom. I'li ni. I'm m. Armbrust Bros., Ariubrust, I'a $2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . . H 00 Class 3C5 — White Dorking hen : George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 2 00 Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 1 OO Class 36G — White Dorking cockerel : George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... 1 00 Class 367 — White Dorking pullet : George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . . 1 00 Class 368 — Pen of Silver Grey Dorkings, old : George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 4 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . . 2 00 Class 370 — Silver Grey Dorking cock : George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 2 00 Armbrust Bros., Ambrust, Pa 1 00 Class 371 — Silver Grey Dorking hen : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . . 2 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 1 00 (_'lass 372 — Silver Grey Dorking cockerel : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 George W. Lake, Akin, N. Y 1 00 Class 373 — Silver Grey Dorking pullet : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 1 00 Class 374 — I'en of Colored Dork- ings, old : George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 4 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . . 2 00 Class 376 — Colored Dorking cock : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, I'a 2 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 1 00 Class 377 — Colored Dorking hen : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 1 00 Class 378 — Colored Dorking cockerel : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 Class 370 — • Colored Dorking pullet : Armbrust Bros., .\rmbrust, I'a 2 00 Class 380 — Pen of Black Orping- tons, old : J. II. Dence & Son, Gloversville, N. Y. 5 00 Francis B. Mitchell, Pittsford. N. Y.. 3 00 Mrs. E. A. I'ai'ks, All any. N. Y ?2 00 Class 381 — Pen ..f I'.ImcU Orping- tons, young : Francis B. Mitchell, Piltsford, X. V . . 5 00 Francis B. Mi chell, Pittsford, N. Y.. 3 00 Nkw Yokk Statk Fair 087 Class SS2 — Rlack Orpington cock : (.ieorge Hiirn, 'lilsonluirj;, Ontario Frnniis 1$. Mitihell, rittsford, N. Y.. .StiHiben Farm, llornell, N. Y Francis B. Mitchell, rittsford, N. Y.. •T. II. Dence & Son, Glovorsville, N. Y. . Class 383 — Blacli Orpington ben : Francis B. Mitcliell, rittsford, N. Y.. Steuben Farm, llornell, N. Y Mr. and Mrs. \V. B. Trowbridge, Bald- winsvlile, N. Y .T. II. Dence & Son, Gloversville, N. Y. . (ieorge Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario Class 3S4 — Black Orpington cockerel : Francis B. Mitcliell, I'itlsford, N. Y.. Francis B. Mitchell, I'itlsford, N. Y.. i:. C. Ilawley, Auburn, N. Y' .\Ir. and Mrs. W. B. Trowbridge, Bald- winsville, N. Y !•:. C. Ilawley, Auburn, N. Y" Class 385 — Black Orpington pullet : Francis B. Mitchell, Pittsford, X. Y.. Francis B. Mitchell, Pittsford, N. Y. . V. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa Richard Watson. Syracuse, N. Y' Itichard ^Vatson, Syracuse, N. Y Class 386 — Pen of White Orping- tons, old : Sterling Orpington Y'ards, Rochester, N. Y M. S. Goodin^j;, Bruckport. N. Y M. S. Gooding, Brockport, X. Y -M. S. Gooding. Brockport, X. Y' Mrs. .T. G. Osborne, Fabius, X. Y'. . . . Class 387 — Pen of White Orping- tons, young : Archie S. Lane. Rochester, X. Y K. Boast, Ea on, X. Y Sterling Orpington Y'ards, Rochester. X. Y ('. A. I'hillip.s. Syracuse, X. Y Thomas Faulder, Syracuse, N. Y •. Class 388 — White Orpington cock : E. Boast. Eaton. X. Y M. S. Gooding, Broclqjort. X. Y Ralph E. Oweu. R. D. 6, Fulton, X. Y. M. S. Gooding, Brockport, X. Y Sterling Orpington Yards, Rochester, X Y Class 389 — White Orpington hen : .T. II. Dence & Sons. Gloversville, N. Y'. M. S. Gooding. Brockport, N. Y Archie S. Lane. Rochester, X. Y M. S. Gooding, Brockport, N. Y M. S. Gooding, Brockport. X. Y Class 390 — White Orping on cockerel : E. Boast. Eaton. X. Y E. Boast. Eaton. X. Y M. S. Gooding. Brockport. X. Y M. S. Gooding. Brockport, X. Y E. Boast, Ealon. X. Y Ist 2d 3d 4th 5th Prem. Prem. Prcm. Prem. I' $3 00 $2 00 $1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 3 00 00 3 00 00 3 00 2 00 5 00 3 00 5 00 3 00 3 00 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 Ribl)on Ribltou 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 Riblion Ribbon 2 00 Ribbon Ribbon 2 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 688 j^EW York State Fair 1st 2d 3d Class 301 — White Orpington pullet : Prem. Prem. Pi\ m. J. II. Jaiksou, Hudson, Mass $3 00 E. Boast, Eaton. X. Y $2 00 E. Boast. Eaton, N. Y $1 00 E. Boast, Eaton, N. Y , M. S. Gooding, Brockpoit, N. Y Class 392 — Pen of BufiE Orping- tons, old : Fairfield Farms, Fayetteville, N. Y... 5 00 James W. Gillis, Pittsford, N. Y 3 00 Sterling Orpington Yards, Rochester, N. Y. 2 00 Evansward Farm, Fayetteville, N. Y.. Evansward Farm, Fayetteville, N. Y. . Class 393 — Pen of Buff Orping- tons, young : Evansward Farm, Fayetteville, N. Y. . 5 00 Fairfield Farms, Fayetteville, N. Y. . . 3 00 Evansward Farm, Fayetteville, N. Y. . 2 00 Evansward Farm, Fayetteville, N. Y. . Class 394 — Buff Orpington cock : James W. Gillis, Pittsford, N. Y 3 00 Evansward Farm, Fayetteville, N. Y.. 2 00 Sterling Orpington Yards, Rochester, N. Y 1 00 Evansward Farm, Fayetteville, N. Y.. Evansward Farm, Fayetteville, N. Y. . Class 395 ■ — Buffi Orpington hen : James W. Gillis, Pittsford, N. Y 3 00 Evansward Farm, Fayet'eville, N. Y. . 2 00 Francis B. Mitchell, Pittsford, N. Y.. 1 00 Sterling Orpington Yards, Rochester, N. Y Evansward Farm, Fayetteville, N. Y. , Class 39G — Buff Orpington cockerel : Evansward Farm, Fayetteville, N. Y". . 3 00 Evansward Farm, Fayetteville, N. Y. . 2 00 Evansward Farm, Fayetteville, N. Y. . 1 00 Steuhen Farm, Hornell, N. Y James W. Gillis, Pittsford, N. Y Class 397 — Buff Orpington pullet : Evansward Farm, Fayetteville, N. Y.. 3 00 Evansward Farm, Fayetteville, N. 1'^. . ■ 2 00 Evansward Farm, Fayetteville, N. Y. . 1 00 Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y James W. Gillis, Pittsford, N. Y SECTIO.V 8 GAMES Entries. 111. Amount awarded, $130. Class 398 — Pen of Black Games, 1st 2d 3d old : Prem. Prem. Prem. Steuben Farm. Hornell, N. Y $4 00 Class 399 — Pen of Black Games, young : Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y 4 00 Class 400 — Black Game cock : Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y 2 00 Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa $1 00 4th 5th I'rem. Prem. Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon 4th 5th Prem. Prem. New York State Fair 680 Class 401 — Black Game hen : Stoubon I'^arm, Ilornell. N. Y Arinbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa Class 402 — Black Game cockerel : Steuben Farm, Ilornoll, N. Y W. A. Smitb. Wbitueys Point. N. Y. . . Class 40:i — Black Game pullet : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa Steuben Farm, Ilornell, N. Y Class 404 — Pen of White Games, old : Steul)eu I'ariii. Ilornell, N. Y Frank Wright & Sons. Walden, N. Y. . Class 405 — Pen of White Games, young : Frank Wright & Sons, Walden, N. Y. . Class 406 — White Game cock : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa Class 407 — White Game hen : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa Frank Wright & Sons, Walden, N. Y. . Class 408 — White Game cockerel : John T. Bird, Lockport, N. Y Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Fa Class 40n — White Game pullet : Ai'mbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa Frank Wright & Sons, Walden, N. Y. . Class 410 — Pen of Black Breasted Red Games, old : Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y Class 412 — Black Breasted Red Game cock : A. J. Braun, Jr., Syracuse, N. Y Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa Class 413 — Black Breas'^ed Red Game hen : George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario.... Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa Class 414 — Black Breasted Red Game cockerel : Steuben Farm, Ilornell, N. Y Armbrust Bros., Armhrust, Pa Class 415 — Black Breasted Red Game pullet : George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario. . . . S'euben Farm. Ilornell, N. Y Class 410 — Pen of Brown Red Games, old : Steuben Farm, Ilornell, N. Y Class 41.S — Brown Red Game cock : Steuben Farm, Ilornell, N. Y Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa Class 410 — Brown Red Game hen : Armbrust Bros.. Armbrust, Pa A. J. Braun, Jr., Syracuse, N. 1' Class 420 — Brown Red Game cockerel : Steuben Farm, Ilornell, N. Y 1st 2d 3d 4th nth Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. .$2 00 .$1 00 2 00 2 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 690 New York State Fair 1st 2d 3d Class 421 — Brown Red Uauif liulk't : I'lem. I'rem. Piem. Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa $2 00 SlPubon Farm, Hornell, N. Y )fl 00 Class 424 — Silver Duckwing Game cock : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 Class 425 — Silver Duckwing Game hen : Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y 2 00 Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 1 00 Class 426 — Silver Duckwing Game cockerel : Fred. J. Webber, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 1 00 Class 427 — Silver Duckwing Game pullet : Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y 2 00 Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 1 00 Class 430 — Golden Duckwing Game cock : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 A. J. Braun, Jr., Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 431 — Golden Duckwing Game hen : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 A. J. Braun, Jr., Syracuse, N. 1' 1 00 Class 432 — Golden Duckwing Game cockerel : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 Class 433 — Golden Duckwing Game pullet : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 Class 434 — Pen of Red Pile Games, old: George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario. ... 4 00 Class 436 — Red Pile Game cock : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 A. J. Braun, Jr., Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 437 — Red Pile Game hen : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa....... 2 00 A. J. Braun, Jr., Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 438 — Red Pile Game cockerel : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario. ... 1 00 Class 439 — Red Pile Game pullet: Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario.... 1 00 Class 442 — Birchen Game cock : George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario. ... 2 00 A. J. Braun, Jr., Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 443 — Birchen Game hen : A. J. Braun, Jr., Syracuse, N. Y. . . . . . 2 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario. ... 1 00 Class 446 — Pen of Pit Games, old : W. A. Smith. Whitneys Point, N. Y. . . 4 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg. Oiitnrlo. ... 2 00 4th Prem. 5th Prem. New Yokk State Fair 691 I'lass 447 — ivn of I'it C.ames, Ist 2d 3<1 4th 5th youuR : Prem. rrem. I'lcui. I'rem. Prem. A. N. hay, Syracuso, N. Y $4 00 W. A. Smith, Whitnoys Point. N. Y... .T2 00 Class 448 — ■ I'it Uame cock : A. N. Fay, Syracuse. N. Y 2 00 Oeorge Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario.... 1 00 Class 449 — Pit Game hen : A. N. Fay, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario. ... 1 00 Class 450 — Pit Game cockerel : A. N. Fay, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 W. A. Smith. Whitneys Point, N. Y... 1 00 Class 451 — I'it Game pullet : A. N. Fay, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario.... 1 00 SKCTION 9 ORIENTAL GAME.S Entries, 72. Amount awarded, |70. Class 452 — Pen of White Indian 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Games, old : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Steuben Farm, Ilornell, N. Y $4 00 C. R. Briggs, Apulia Station, N. Y $2 00 Class 4.")3 — Pen of Wliite, Indian Games, young : Frank Wright & Sons, Walden, N. Y. . 4 00 Class 454 — White Indian Game cock : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 Steuben Farm, Ilornell, N. Y 1 00 Class 455 — White Indian Game hen : Armbrust Bros.. Armbrust, Pa 2 00 Frank Wright & Sons, Maiden, N. Y.. 1 00 Class 456 — White Indian Game cockerel : Frank Wright & S!)ns, Walden, X. Y. . 2 00 Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 1 00 Class 457 — White Indian Game pullet : Steuben Farm. Ilornell, N. Y 2 00 Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Vn 1 00 Class 458 — Pen of Cornish Indian Games, old : Frank Wright & Sons, Walden, N. Y. . 4 00 W. A. Shafer, Oneouta, N. Y' 2 00 Class 459 — Fen of Cornish Indian Games, young : < Frank Wright & Sons, Walden, N. Y. . 4 00 Cla^s 460 — Cornish Indian Game cock : Armbrust Bros.. Armbrust, Pa 2 00 G. W. Lake, Akin, N. Y 1 00 Class 461 — Cornish Indian Game hen : W. A. Shafer. Oneonta, N. Y 2 00 George W. Lake, Akin, N. Y 1 00 61)2 iSTew YoitK State Faik Class 462 — Coraisli Incilau Game 1st 2(1 3d 4th 5th cockerel : Preni. Preiu. Prein. I'v.m. I'rem. John T. Bird, Lockport, N. Y $2 00 Frank Wriglil iV iSous, Waldcii, N. Y.. $1 00 Class 4G3 — Cornish Indian Game pullot : (ieorge Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 2 00 Frank Wright & Sons, Walden. N. Y.. 1 00 Class 466 — Malay Gamp cock: Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 1 00 Class 4G7 — Malay Game hen : Armbrust Bros., .Armbrust, Pa 2 00 Steuben Farm, Ilornell, N. Y 1 00 Class 408 — Malay Game cockerel : Armbrust Bros., Armbjust, Pa 2 00 Class 469 — Malay Game pullet: Armbrust Bros., Armoiust, Pa 2 00 Class 470 — Pen of Black Sumatra Games, old : George Burn, Tilsonburs;. Ontario 4 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys I'oint, N. Y.. 2 00 Class 471 — Pen .of Black Sumatra Games, young : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . 4 00 Class 472 — Black Sumatra Game cock : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 1 00 Class 473 — Black Sumatra Game hen : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 1 00 Class 474 — Black Sumatra Game cockerel : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . . 1 00 Class 475 — Black Sumatra Game pullet : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust. Pa 2 00 ^ ■ W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . 1 00 SECTION 10 G.VME BAXT.-\MS Entries, 240. Amount awarded. ^2-\?>. Class 476 — Pen of Black Breasted 1st 2d 3d 4lh 5th Red Game Bantams, old: Prem. Prem. I'rem. Vvvm. Prcra Ilavermeyer Bros., Mahawh, N. J .i!5 00 F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa $3 00 Alexander Meyer, Rochester, N. Y. . . . ?2 00 Class 477 — Pen of Black Breasted Red Game Bantams, young: Ilavermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J. . . . $5 00 Class 478 — Black Breasted Red Game Bantam cock : Havermeyer Bros., Mahwnh, N. J.... 3 00 Ilavermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J.... 2 00 Frank Wright & Sons. Walden. N. Y.. ■• 1 00 Alexander Meyer, Rochester, N. Y.... Ribbon Alexander Meyer, Rochester, N. Y Ribbon jS'iiW York State Faik 6{)-} Class 47!) — Hluk Brciisted Red Game BantaBD hou : Ilavci inc.vcr Hros.. Maliwali. N. .T . . I'avfrmcycr Mros.. Maliwah. N. J.. .V U'xaiKhT Mi'viM-. Uoflioster, N. Y.. Aloxandcr Meyer, Uochoster, N. Y. . Armbru-st IJros., Armbrust, Pa •^"'ass 4yo — niack Breasted Red Wainc Hantam cockiMcl : llavcrmcyiT Bros., Mahwah, N. J.... Alexander Meyer, Rochester, N. Y.... Armbnist Bros., Armbrust. I'a William rickott, Howes Cave, N. Y... Class 481 — Black Breasted Red Came lianlain pullet : Havermeyer Bros., Maliwah, N. J.... Armbrust Bros., Armbrust. Pa Alexander Meyer, Rochester, N. Y.... William rickett, 'lowos Cave, N. Y... Class 484 — Black Breasted Red Maylay Game Bantam cock : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa A. J. Braun, Jr., Syracuse, N. Y.... Class 485 — Black Breasted Red Malay Game Bantam hen : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa Steuben Farm, Ilornell, N. Y Class 486 — Black Breasted Red Malay Game Bantam cockerel : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa Class 487 — Black Breasted Red Malay Game Bantam pnllet : Arnil)rust Bros.. Armbrust, Pa Class 488 — Pen of Brown Red Game Bantams, old : Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J. . . . F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa Class 489 — Pen of Brown Red Game Bantams, young : Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J. . . . Class 400 — Brown Red Game Ban- tam cock : Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J W. A. Smith, Whltneys Point, N. Y. . Class 491 — Brown Red Game Ban- tam hen : Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J F. G. Bean. Collpgeville, Pa Class 492 — Brown Red Game Ban- tam cockerel : George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario. . • . Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J.... Class 493 — Brown Red Game Ban- tam pullet : • George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario. . . . Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J.... 1st 2d 3d 4 th 5th Prem. I'rem. Prem. Prem. Prem. $3 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 00 2 00 2 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 00 2 00 2 00 $2 00 2 00 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 $1 00 Ribbon Riblxm 1 00 Ribbon 1 00 RiblMin 004 Xew York State Fair Clns-i V.:-i — Ten of Silv.T Diickwing 1st 2d 3(1 4th 5tb Game Baniams, old : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Preni. Ilavermeyei- Bros., Maluvah, N. J.... $4 00 F. ;s .")(»;) — While I'ile Oauie Uati- tam hen : Ilavoniu'.vor Bros., Malnvah. N. J F. (i. Itcau, CollcKi'villc, I'a $1 00 Class 510 — White I'ilo Game Ban- tam cockerel : Ilaveniioyer Bros., Mahwah, N. .1 2 00 F. G. Bean, Collegoviile, Pa 1 00 Class r>H — White Pile Game Ban- tam pullet : Frank Wright & Sous. Walden, NY.. 2 00 F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 1 00 Class 512 — Pen of Bed Pile Game Bantams, old : Haveruieyer Bros., Mahwah, N. .T.... 4 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . 2 00 Class 5i:? — Pen of Red Pile Game Bantams, young : Ilavermeyor Bros.. Mahwah, N. J.... 4 00 Thomas H. Snell, Schenectady, N. Y. . 2 00 Class 514 — Red Pile Game Bantam cock : IlaviMiiieycr Bros.. Mahwah, N. .!.... 2 00 Ilaveruiiyer Br(;s.. Mahwah. N. .T.... 1 00 Class 515 — Red Pile Game Bantam hen : Ilavoruieyer Bros., Mahwah, X. J 2 00 Ilavermryer Bros., Mahwah, N. J.... 1 00 Class 51C — Red Pile Game Bantam cockerel : Havermcyer Bros., Mahwah, N. .T 2 00 Ilavermryer Bros.. Mahwah, N. J.... 1 00 Class 517 — Red Pile Game Bantam pullet : Ilaveruieyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J.... 2 00 Ilavermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J.... 1 00 Class 518 — Pen of Red Pile Malay Game Bantams, old : F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 4 00 Class 519 — Pen of Red Pile Malay Game Bantams, young : F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 4 00 Class 520 — Red Pile Malay Game Bantam cock : F. G. Bean, Collegeville, J'a 2 00 Steuben Farm, Ilornell, N. Y 1 00 Class 521 — Red Pile Malay Game Bantam hen : F. G. Bean. Collegeville, Pa 2 00 Steuben Farm, Hornell. N. Y. . 1 00 Class 522 — Red Pile Malay Game Bantam cockerel : F. G. Bean, Collegeville. Pa 2 00 Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y • 1 00 Class 52.3 — Red Pile Malay Game Bantam pullet : F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 2 00 Steuben Farm. Hornell, X. Y 1 00 1st 2d 3d ■1th 5 th L'rem. Prem. l'rem. l'rem. l'rem .112 00 696 New York State Fair Class 524 — Pen of Birchen Game Bantams, old : Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J F. G. Bean, Collegeville, I'a ^2 00 Class 525 — Pen of Birchen Game Bantams, young : Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J.... 4 00 Class 526 — Birchen Gamo Bantam cock : Havermeyer Bros., !Mahwali, X. J . . . . 2 00 P. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 1 00 Class 527 — Birchen Game Bantam hen : Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J.... 2 00 Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y 1 00 Class 528 — Birchen Game Bantam cockerel : F. G. Boan, Collegeville, Pa 2 00 Arrabrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 1 00 Class 529 — Birchen Game Bantam pullet : Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J.... 2 00 F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 1 00 Class 530 — Pen of White Game Bantams, old : liavetnieyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J.... 4 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y 2 00 Class 531 — Pen of White Game Bantams, young : Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J.... 4 00 AV. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y 2 00 Class 532 — White Game Bantam cock : Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J.... 2 00 Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J.... 1 00 Class 533 — ■ White Game Bantam hen : Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J.... 2 00 Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J.... 1 00 Class 534 ^ While Game Bantam cockerel : Havermeyer Bros., ISIahwah, N. J.... 2 00 Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J. . . . 1 00 Class 535 — White Game Bantam pullet : Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J.... 2 00 Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J.... 1 00 Class 536 — Pen of Black Game Bantams, old : F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 4 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . 2 00 Class 538 — Black Game Bantam cock : Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah. N. .T.... 2 00 F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa 1 00 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Pi\m $4 00 Xew Yokk State i\uR 697 Class 539 — niack Cnino I'.aiilam 1st ben : I'reiii. Iluvennoyor Hros., Malnvnli, X. .1.... >i'2 00 F. (J. lieiiu, Collcgi'vilk', I'li Class 540 — Black Game Bantam cockerel : Ilavermoyer Bros., Maluvah, N. J.... 2 00 R G. Bean, CollegevUle, I'a Class 541 — Black Game Bantam pullet : V. G. Bean, CollegevUle, Ta 2 00 Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2d Prom. $1 00 1 00 1 00 3(1 I'rum. 4th I'roni. 5th I'ri'm. SECTION H BANTAMS (OTHER THAN GAME) Entries. 371. Amount awarded, ?394. Sea- Class 542 — Pen of Golden bright Bantams, old : F. G. Bean, CoUegeville, Pa \V. A. Fraith, Whilneys Point, N. Y Frod J. Webber, Syracuse, N. Y Class 543 — Pen of Golden Sea- bright Bantams, young : Fred J. Webber. Syracuse. N. Y W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y Class 544 — Golden Seabright Ban- tam cock : F. G. Bean, CoUegeville, Pa Fred J. Webber, Syracuse, N. Y' . . A. J. Braun, Jr., Syracuse N. Y. .. Mrs. Geo. Dence, Gloversville, N. Y George W. Vldler, Syracuse, N. Y. Class 545 — Golden Seabright Ban tam hen : M. B. Bickle, Allentown, Pa Fred J. Webber, Syracuse, N. Y . . . A. J. Braun, Jr.. Syracuse. N. Y. . Mrs. Geo. Dence, Gloversville, N. Y F. G. Bean, CollegevUle, Pa Class 546 — Golden Seabright Ban tam cockerel : F. G. Bean. CoUegeville. Pa Armbrust Bros., Armbrust. Pa George F. Vidler. Syracuse, N. Y... W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . . George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario. . . . Class 547 — Golden Seabright Ban tam pullet : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa F. G. Bean, CoUegeville, Pa W. A. Smith. Whitneys Point. N. Y. . George F. Vidler. Syracuse. N. Y George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario.... Class 548 — Pen of Silver Sea- bright Bantams, old : F. G. Bean. CollegevUle, Pa W. A. Smith. Whitneys Point. N. Y. . Fred .T. Webber, Syracuse. N. Y Frank W. Laux, Rochester. N. Y 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 'rem. Prem. Prom. I'rem. Prem. $5 00 5 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 5 00 .?3 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 ?2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 00 Ribbon liibbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Kibbon Ribbon Ribbon G9S Xew York Statk Faiu Class 549 — Pen of Silver Sea- Isr. bright Bantams, joung : Prem. W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... $5 00 Class 550 — Silver Seabright Ban- tam cock : F. W. Bean, Collegevill?, Pa 3 00 M. B. Bickle, Allcntown, Pa Armbrust Bros., Arrabrust, Pa A. J. Braun, Jr., Syracuse, N. Y W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... Class 551 — Silver Seabright Ban- tam hen : F. G. Bean, Collegevllle, Pa 3 00 A. J. Braun, Jr., Syracuse, N. 1' M. B. Bickle, Allentown, Pa Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa Frank W. Laux, Rochester, N. Y Class 552 ^ Silver Seabright Ban- tam cockerel : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 3 00 F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y . . . fJeorge Burn, Tillsonburg, Ontario John T. Bird, Lockport, N. Y Class 553 — Silver Seabright Ban- tam pullet : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 3 00 F. G. Bean, Collegeville, Pa <;eorgo Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y Class 555 — Pen of Rose Comb Black Bantams, young : George W. Lake, Akin, N. Y 4 00 Class 556 — Rose Comb Black Ban- lam cock : M. B. Bickle. Allentown, Pa 2 00 A. J. Braun, Jr., Syracuse, N. Y Class 557 — Rose Comb Black Ban- tam hen : Charles T. Klem, Herkimer, N. Y 2 00 George F. Vidler, Syracuse, N. Y CTass 558 — Rose Comb Black Ban- tam cockerel : Armbrust Bros.. Armbrust, Pa 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . . Class 559 — Rose Comb Black Ban- tam pullet : .M. B. Bickle, Allentown, Pa 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point. N. Y. . . Class 5G0 — Pen of Rose Comb White Bantams, old : George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 4 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... Class 501 — Pen of Rose Comb White Bantams, young: Hillside Bantam Yards, Shirley, Mass. 4 00 George Burn. Tilsonburg, Ontario 2d Prem. 3d Prem. 4th I'rrm. 5th I'nm. .$2 00 .$1 00 2 00 00 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 no Ribbon Ribl.on 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 Ribbon Ril)boa 1 00 Ribbon New Vouk Statk Fair GOO (lass 5G2 — Rose Comb While Ban- 1st 2d [Ul 4th nth tarn cock : rrem. rroin. I'loiu. I'rein. rrom. A. J. Uraun, .Ir., Synuusi', N. Y $2 00 Annbiust Bros., Aimbrust, Pa $1 00 Class 563 — Rose Comb White Ban- tam hen : <;por};e Burn, Tilsoiilmrj;, (Intario 2 00 A. .T. Braiiu, .Tr., Syracuse, N. Y. . . . 1 00 Class 504 — Rose Comb White Ban- tam coclierel : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... 2 00 Hillside Bantam Yards, Shirley, Mass. 1 00 Class 505 — Rose Comb White Ban- tam pullet : "W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y. . . 2 00 iii'orge Burn, Tilsouburg, Ontario 1 00 Class 566 — Pen of Booted White " Bantams, old : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . . 4 00 Class 567 — Pen of Booted White Bantams, young : George W. Lal^e, Akin, N. Y 4 00 Class 568 — Booted White Bantam cock : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 W. B. Bickle, AUentowTi, Pa 1 00 Class ri()9 — Booted White P.ant.nm hen : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 Crorge Burn. Tilsonburg. Ontario 1 00 Class 570 — Booted White Bantam cockerel : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 AY. A. Smith, Whitneys Point. N. Y... 1 00 Class .">71 — Booted White Bantam pullet : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... 1 00 Class 575 — Booted Black Bantam lien : Fred J. Webber, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 l-'red J. Webber, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 576 — Boofed Black Bantam cockerel : Fred .T. Webber, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 Fred J. Webber, Syracuse, N. \' 1 00 Class 577 — Booted Black Bantam i pullet : Fred .T. W.>I)I)er, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 Fred J. Webber, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 579 — Pen of Black Tailed .Tapanese Bantams, young : Mosber Bros.. .lohnstown, X. Y 4 OU W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y... 2 00 Class 580 — B'ack Taib-rt .Japanese Bantam rock : M. B. Bickle. Allentown, Pa 2 00 Mosher Bros.. .lohnstown, N. Y 1 <^'^ TOO New York State Fair Class 581 — Black Tailed Japanese Ist 2d 3d 4th Bantam hen : Prem. Prem. Piem. Prem. Piem. M. B. Bickle, Allentown, Pa $2 00 Red Star Lofts, Rochester, N. Y $1 00 Class 582 — Black Tailed Japanese Bantam cockerel : George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 2 00 Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. T 1 00 Class 583 — Black Tailed Japanese Bantam pullet : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 Steuben Farm, Plornell, N. Y 1 00 Class 584 — Pen of White Japanese Bantams, old : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... 4 00 Class 586 — White Japanese Ban- tam cock : Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y 2 00 Provost & Co., Howes Cave, N. Y 1 00 Class 587 — White .Japanese Ban- tam hen : W. A. Smiih, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . . 2 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 1 00 Class 588 — White Japanese Ban- tam cockerel : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . . 1 00 Class 589 — White Japanese Ban- tam pullet : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . . 1 00 Class 592 — Grey Japanese Bantam cock : George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 2 00 Class 593 — Grey Japanese Bantam hen : George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 2 00 Class 594 — Grey Japanese Bantam cockerel : Milton B. Sisson, Almond, N. Y 2 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 1 00 Class 595 — Grey Japanese Bantam pullet : (!eorgc Burn, Ti'sonburg, Ontario 2 00 Milton B. Sisson, Almond, N. Y 1 00 Class 596 — Pen of Black Japanese Bantams, old : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... 4 00 Class 598 — Black Japanese Bantam cock : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... 2 00 Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 1 00 Class 599 — Black Japanese Bantam hen : M. B. Bickle, Allentown, Pa 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... 1 00 Xew York State Faie 701 Class C02 — Pen of buff Cochin Bantams, old : W. A. Smith, AVhitncys roint, N. Y... Hillside Bautaui Yards. Shirley, Mass. Class G03 — I'en of Buff Cochin Bautaius, young : Hillside Bantam Yards, Shirley, Mass. W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... Class 604 — Buff Cochin Bantam cock : Joe Fitzgerald, Rome, N. Y' Hillside Bantam Yards, Shirley, Mass. W. A. Smith, ^Yhitneys Point, N. Y... Hillside Bantam Y'ards, Shirley, Mass. F. Lucien Hale, Fayotteville. N. Y Class 605 — Buff Cochin Bantam hen : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, M. Y... .Toe Fitzgerald. Rome, N'. Y Hillside Bantam Yards, Shirley, Mass. Hillside Bantam Y'ards, Shirley, Mass. F. Lucien Hale, Fayettcville, N. Y'. . . . Class 606 — Buff Cochin Bantam cockerel : J. F. Knox, Buffalo, X. Y , Armbrust Bros.. Armbrust, Pa Hillside Bantam Y'ards, Shirley, Mass. Hillside Bantam Yards, Shirley, Mass. W, A, Smith, Whitneys Point, N, Y. . . Class 607 — Buff Cochin Bantam pullet : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... J. F. Knox. Buffalo. N. Y Armbrust Bros.. Armbrust, Pa Dr. S. Loft, Bellona, N. Y Hillside Bantam Yards, Shirley, Mass. Class 608 — Pen of Partridge Cochin Bantams, old : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . . Class 609 — Pen of Partridge Cochin Bamams, young : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point. N. Y... Class 610 — Partridge Cochin Ban- tam cock : George Rum. Ti:sonburg. Ontario Steuben Farm, Hornell. N. Y Class 611 — Partridge Cochin Ban- tam hen : Steuben Farm, Hornell. N. Y Armbrust Bros., Arm', Pa Class 612 — Partridge Cochin Ban- tam cockerel : Armbrust Bros.. Armbrust. Pa rjporg" Burn. Tilsonburg. Ontario Class 613 — Partridge Cochin Ban- tam pullet : rjeorge Burn. Ti'sonbnrg. Ontario Hillside Bantam Yards, Shirley, Mass. 1st Prem. .$-. 00 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 4 00 4 00 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2d Prem. $.3 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 00 00 1 no 1 00 1 00 1 00 3d Prom. 4 th I'reni. I'reai. $1 00 Riblwn Ribbon 1 00 Ribbon Ribbfin 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 1 00 Ribbon Ribbon 702 Xew York State Faik Class 614 — Pen of White Cochin Bantams, old : L. A. Parker, R. D. 5, South Onon- daga, N. Y 94 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys I'oint, N. Y. . . $2 00 Class 615 — Pen of White Cochin Bantams, young : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... 4 00 Dr. S. Loft, Bellona, N. Y 2 00 Class 616 — White Cochin Bantam cock : George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . . 1 00 Class 617 — White Cochin Bantam hen : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust Pa 2 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 1 00 Class 618 — White Cochin Bantam cockerel : George Burn. Tisonburg, Ontario 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... 1 00 Class 619 — White Cochin Bantam pullet : L. A. Parker, R. D. 5, South Onon- daga, N. Y 2 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 1 00 Class 620 — Pen of Black Cochin Bantams, old : George Burn, Tilsonburg. Ontario 4 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... 2 00 Class 621 — Pen of Black Cochin Bantams, young : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... 4 00 Class 622 — Black Cochin Bantam cock : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, I*a 2 00 (ieorge Burn. Tilsonburg, Ontario 1 00 Class 623 — Black Cochin Bantam hen : A. J. Braun, .Jr.. Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 M. B. Bickle, Allentown, Pa 1 00 Cias.s 624 — Black Cochin Bantam coikorcl : W. A. Smith, Wliitnevs I'oint, N. Y.. 2 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 1 00 Class 625 — Black Cochin Bantam pullet : (ieorge Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . . 1 00 Class 626 — Pen of White Crested White I'ollsh Bantams, old : Martin Shoop & Son. Gloversville, X. Y. 4 00 (Ieorge Burn. Tilsonburg, Ontarii) 2 00 Class 627 — Pe.n of Wliiti' Crested Wliile Polisb Bantams, young: W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... 4 00 1st 2d .Sd 4 th 5 th .'rem. I'rem. lU'cm. Prem. Prem Nkw \n\iK Statk Faii; 703 Class 628 — White ("rested White Ist 2(1 ;!d 4th nth Polish Bantam cock : Pretn. Prem. I'n m. I'rem. Piem. Armbnist Bios., Armlirust, Pa .$2 00 Martin Shoop & Sun, Gloversvillo, N. Y. $1 00 Class G29 — White Crested White Polish Bantam hfU : Armlirust Bros., Arml)nist, I'a 2 00 Frank W. Laux, Rochester, N. Y 1 00 Class G30 — White Crested White Polish Bantam cockerel : Geor^re Burn, Tilsonlnirp;, Ontario 2 00 Armlirust Bros., Armbrust, I'a 1 00 Class 631 — White Crested White I'olish Bantam pullet : fJeorge Burn, Tilsonburg. Ontario 2 00 Armbrust Bros., Arml)rust, Pa 1 00 Class 634 — Buff Polish Bantam cock : E. G. Webber, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 John T. Bird, Lockport, N. Y 1 00 Class G35 — Buff Polish Bantam hen : John T. Bird, Lockport, N. Y 2 00 Class 036 — Buff Polish Bantam cockerel : E. G. Webber, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 John T. Bird, Lockport, N. Y 1 00 Class 637 — Buff Polish Bantam pullet : E. G. Webber, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 Class 638 — Pen of Buffi Laced I'ol- ish Bantams, old : Martin Shoop & Son, Gloversvilie, N. Y. 4 00 Class 640 — Buffi Laced Polish Ban- tam cock : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 John T. Bird, Lockport, N. Y 1 00 Class 641 — Buff Laced Polish Ban- tam hen : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 John T. Bird, Lockport, N. Y 1' 00 Class 642 — Buff Laced Polish Ban- tam cockerel : John T. Bird, Lockport, N. \' 2 00 Martin Shoop & Son, Gloversvilie, N. Y. 1 00 Class 643 — Buff Laced Polish Ban- tam pullet : John T. Bird. I/)ckport, N. Y 2 00 Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 1 00 Class 644 — Pen of Light Brahma Bantams, old : W. A. Smith. Wliitneys Point, N. Y... 4 00 Class 645 — Pen of Light Brahma Bantams, young : Louis T. C. Loring, Shrewsbury, Mass. 4 00 704 Xew Yoek State Fair Class G4G — Light Brahma Bantam 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th cock : I'lem. I'reni. I'lem. Prera. Prcm. Steuben Farm, Ilorncll. X. Y .'?2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y . . . $1 00 Class 647 — Light Brahma Bantam hen : Louis T. C. Loring, Shrewsbur.v, Mass. 2 00 W. A. Smith, AYhitneys Point, X. Y. . . 1 00 Class G4S — Light Brahma Bantam cockerel : W. A. Smith, ^Yhitneys Point, X. Y... 2 00 Louis T. C. Loring, Shrewsbury, Mass. 1 00 Class G49 — Light Brahma Bantam pullet : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y... 2 00 Louis T. C. Loring, Shrewsbury, Mass. 1 00 Class 650 — Pen of Dark Brahma Bantams, old : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . . 4 00 Class 652 — Dark Brahma Bantam cock : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point X. Y... 1 00 Class 653 — Dark Brahma Bantam hen : ] Armbrust Bros., Armbrust. Pa 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys I'oint, X. Y. . . 1 00 Class 654 — Dark Brahma Bantam cockerel : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust. Pa 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitnfvs I'oiiit, X. Y... 1 00 Class 655 — Dark Brahma Bantam pullet : Armbrust Bros.. Armbrust. Pa 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y. . . 1 00 .SECTIOX 12 MISCEI.T-iXEOrS ( ST.\XD.\I!D) * Entries. 27. Amount awarded. !?31. 1st 2d :sd 4th 5th Class 656 — P(^n of Silkies, old: Prem. Prem. I'rem. Prem. Prem. W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point-, X. Y. . . .$4 00 Class 658 — Silkie cock : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point. X. Y. . . 2 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario •$! 00 Class 6.">n — Silkie hen : W. A. Smith. Whitneys Point. X. Y. .. 2 00 George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 1 00 Class 660 — Silkie cockerel: W. A. Smith, Whitney's Point. X. Y. . . 2 00 Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 1 00 Class 001 — Silkio pulU-t : W. A. Smith. Whitney's Point, X. Y... 2 00 Armbrust Bros.. Armbrust, Pa 1 00 Class 003 — Pen of Sultans, youns : W. A. Smith. Whitneys Point, X. Y. . . 4 00 New York State Faii; 705 1st 2d .'id 4tli 5th Class G64 — Sultan cock : Prem. Pretn. Prim. Prcni. Pn ui. Arinhnist Bros., Armbnisl, Pa .fS 00 Class 665 — Sultan hen: Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitnoys Point, N. Y... $1 00 Class 666 — Sultan cockorel : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust. Pa 2 00 W. A. Smith. Wbitneys Point, N. Y... 1 00 Class 667 — Sultan pullet : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . . 1 00 SECTION 13 OnXAMENTAr. FOWLS Entries, 7. Amount awarded, .$15. 1st 2d Rd 4(h 5th Class 668 — I'air guinea fowls, Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Pre u. pearl : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . . $3 00 A. Warren Smith, Rome, N. Y $1 50 Class 669 — Pair guinea fowls, white : A. Warren Smith, Rome. N. Y 3 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . . 1 50 Class 670 — Pair pea fowls : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. 3 00 Class 671 — Pair lavender pea fowls : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. 3 00 SECTION 14 TURKEYS Entries, 17. Amount awarded, $29.50. 1st 2d 3d 4 th 5th Class 672 — Bronze turkey cock : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. SI. B. Fellows & Co., Howes Cave, N. Y. §2 50 Class 676 — White Holland cock : A. Warren Smith, Rome, N. Y 2 50 Arthur S. Davis, Chill Station, N. Y. . $1 00 Class 677 — White Holland hen : Arthur S. Davis, Chili Station, N. Y. . 2 50 Class 6S0 — Narragaiisett turkey cock : Milton B. Sisson, Almond, N. Y 2 50 Class 681 — Narragausett turkey hen : Milton B. Sisson, Almond. N. Y 2 50 Class 682 — Narragausett turkey cockerel : Milton B. Sisson, Almond, N. Y 2 50 Class 683 — Xarragansott turkey pullet : Milton B. Sisson, Almond, N. Y 2 50 Class 684 — Any other variety cock : B. F. .Tones, So. Montro.'^e. Pa 2 50 W. A. Shafer, Oneonta, N. Y 1 00 Class 685 — Any other variety hen : B. F. Jones, So. Montrose, Pa 2 50 23 "06 Xew Yokk State Faik Class CS6 — Any other variety cock- erel : B. F. Jones, So. Montrose, Pa Class 087 — Any othor variety pullet : B. F. Jones, So. Montrose, Pa 2 50 1st 2d :?(i •4 III r>tt) Prem. Prem. I'rcm. Prem. I'rim $2 50 SECTION 15 DUCKS Entries, 178. Amount awarded, $178. Class 688 — Pekin drake, old: Mrs. D. G. Gates, Chittenango, N. Y. . LeRoy W. Seigfricd, Waterloo, N. Y.. CTass 689 — Pekin dack, old : LeRoy W. Seigfried, Waterloo, N. Y. . I'ollock & Wooster, R. D. 1, Cohoes, N. Y Class 690 — Pekin drake, young : I^eRoy W. Seigfried, Waterloo, N. Y. F. M. Dodge, R. D. 1, Frankfort, N. Y. Class 691 — Pekin duck, young : F. M. Dodge. R. D. 1, Frankfort. N. Y. LeRoy W. Seigfried, Wi'terloo, N. Y. . Class 692 — Indian Runner drake, old: G. D. Elmes & Son, Adams Basin, N. Y W. A. Smith, \Miitneys Point, N. Y.. Class 693 — Indian Runner duck, old: S. D. Furniinger, St. Catharines, On- tario G. D. Elmes & Son, Adams Easin, N. Y. Class 694 ■ — Indian Ruunei drake, young : W. W. Wilbur, Union Springs, N. Y. Ralph E. Owen, R. D. 6, Fiilton. X. Y. Class 695 — Indian Runner duck, young : W. W. Wilbur, Union Springs, N. Y. . S. D. Furminger, St. Catharines, On- tario Class 696 — Rouen drake, old : Steuljen Farm, Hornell, N. Y Ralph E. Owen, R. D. 6, Fulton, N. Y. Class 697 — ■ Roupn duck, old : Rjilph E. Owen, R. D. 0, Fulton, N. Y. Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y Class 698 — Rouen drake, young : Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y . . Class 699 — Rouen dr.ek, yourg : Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y W. A. Smith. Whitneys Point. N. Y. . Class 700 — Cayuga drake, old : Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y W. A. Smith, Whitneys I'oint, N. Y. . 1st 2d 3d 4th Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. I'rem $2 50 2 50 2 50 50 2 50 50 50 2 50 2 50 50 2 50 n 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Water Fowl Exhibit. Exhibit of Flowers. ^Kw VouK Statk Fair TOT t'lass 701 — ('a.viigii dink, old : \V. A. Sniilli, Wliilnrys Toint, X. Y.. Stouben Farm, lloriifll, N. Y Class 702 — Cayuga drake, young : W. A. Smith, Whitnoys Point, N. Y. Class 703 — Cayuga duck, young : Stouben Farm, llornell, N. Y W. A. Shafer, Oneonta, N. Y Class 704 — Aylesbury drake, old : W. A. Smith, Whitniys I'oiut, N. Y. George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario. . . . Class 705 — Aylesbury duck, old George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario.... W. A. Smith, Whitneys I'oint, N. Y. Class 708 — Grey Call drake, old W. A. Smith, Whitneys ro'nt, N. Y. Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 1st i;d 3d 4th 5 th Pro HI. Prem. Pri'iu. Prem. Prem .$2 no .$1 00 (Mass 709 — Grey Call duck, old \V. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa Class 710 — Grey Call drake, young Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa Francis B. Mitchell, Pittsford, N. Y. Class 711 — Groy Call duck, young W. A. Smith, Whitneys I'oint, N. Y. Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa Class 712 — White Call drake, old W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point. N. Y. Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y Class 713 — White Call duck, old W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y Class 714— White. Call drake, young : George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario Armbrust Bros., Armbiust, Pa Class 715 — White Call duck, young : George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario Armbrust Bros., Armb/ust, Pa Class 716 — East Indian drake, old : W. A. Smith, Whitneys I'oint, N. Y.. Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa Class 717 — East Indian duck, old: Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa Steuben Farm, Hornell. X. Y Class 718 — : East Rdian drake, young : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust. Pa W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y.. Class 719 — East Indian duck, young : Armbrust Bros., Arml)nist, Pa W. A. Smith, Whitn ns Po;nt. X. Y. . 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 708 Xew York Statk Fair Class 720 — Crested cirake, old: Steuben Farm, Hornell. X. Y George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario $1 00 Class 721 — Crested duck, old : W. A. Smith, Whltneys I'oint, X. Y. . 2 50 Class 722 — Crested drake, young: W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y. . 2 50 George Burn, Tilsonburg. Ontario 1 00 Class 723 — Crested duck, young : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . 2 50 Class 724 — Colored Muscovy drake, old: W. A. Shafer, Oneonta, N. Y 2 50 Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y' 1 00 Class 725 — Colored Muscovy duck, old: George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 2 50 W. A. Shafer, Oneonta, N. Y 1 00 Class 726 — Colored Muscovy drake, young : W. A. Smith, Wliitneys Point, X. Y. . 2 50 Class 727 — Colored Muscovy duck, young : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y'. . 2 50 Class 728 — White Muscovy drake, old: Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y 2 50 W. A. Shafer, Oneonta, X. Y 1 00 Class 729 — White Muscovy duck, old: W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point. N. Y. . 2 50 George Burn, Tilsonburg. Ontario 1 00 Class 730 — White Muscovy drake, young : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y. . 2 50 George Burn, Tilsonburg. Ontario 1 00 Class 731 — White Muscovy duck, young : George Burn, Tilsonburg, Ontario 2 50 W. A. Smith, Whitneys 1-cint, N. Y... 1 00 Class 732 — Blue Swtdish drake, old: Ralph E. Owen, R. D. C, Fulton, X. Y. 2 50 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . 1 00 Class 733 — Blue Swedish duck, old: W'. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y. . 2 50 Class 734 — Blue Swedish drake, young : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . 2 50 Ralph E. Owen, R. D. G, Fulton. X. Y. 1 00 Class 735 — Blue Swedish duck, young: W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . 2 50 Class 736 — Decoy drake, old : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . 2 50 Evansward Farm, Fpyiflevillc, X'. Y'. . 1 00 1st 2d ."'.d 4th 5th Prem. Prem. I' rem. Prem. Prem .$2 50 ]S'i-:\v YouK State Fair 700 1st 2d 3d 4tli 5tli Claris 737 — Decoy duck, old: I'lem. I'rcui. I'lLin. I'leiii. I'lvra. W. A. Suiitli. Whitue.vs I'olnt, N. Y. . !f2 50 Evauswaid Farm. Fayotteville, N. Y.. $1 00 Class 738 — Docoy drake, young : Evansward Farm, Fayetteville, N. Y. 2 50 Evausward Farm, Fayillevillc, N. Y. . 1 00 Class 739 — Decoy duck, young : Evansward Farm, Fayetteville, N. Y. . 2 50 Evausward Farm, Fayetteville, N. Y. . 1 00 Class 740 — Swedish Blue drake, old : \V. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . 2 50 Class 741 — Swedish Blue duck, old: W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. 2 50 Class 742 — Swedish Blue drake, young : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . 2 50 Class 743 — Swedish Blue; duck, young : W. A. Smith, Whitneys I'oJnt, N. Y. . 2 50 SECTION IG GEESE • Entries 61. Amount .awarded, $84. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Class 744 — Tou1ou:jO gauder, old: I'rem. Prem. I'rem. Prem. Prem. Mrs. D. G. Gates, Chitlenai:go, N. Y. .$2 50 George Burn, Tiisonburg, Ontario ifil 00 Class 745 — Toulouse goose, old : Mrs. D. G. Gates, Chitteuapgo, N. Y . . 2 50 Mrs. D. G. Gates, Chittenango, N. Y. 1 00 Class 746 — Toulouse gauder, young : Mrs. D. G. Gates, Chittenango, N. Y . . 2 50 Class 747 — Toulouse go(>?e, young : Mrs. D. G. Gates, Chittenango, N. Y. . 2 50 Class 748 — Embdea gauder, old: George Burn, Tiisonburg, Ontario 2 50 W. A. Smith, Whitnoys Point, N. Y. 1 00 Class 749 — Embden goose, old : L. H. Perry, Clay, N. Y 2 50 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . 1 00 Class 750 — Embden gander, young : Francis B. Mitchell, Pittsford, N. Y.. 2 50 W. A. Smith, Whitne/s Point, N. Y. . 1 00 Class 751 — Embden goose, young : Francis B. Mitchell, Pittsford, N. Y.. 2 50 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. 1 00 Class 752 — African giinder, old: George Burn, Tiisonburg. Ontario 2 50 W. A. Shafer, Onoonta, X. Y' 1 00 Class 753 — African goose, old : George Burn, Tiisonburg. Ontario 2 50 W. A. Shafer, Oneonta, N. Y 1 00 Class 756 — Brown China gander, old: W. A. Smith, Whitnevs P.iint. X. Y. . 2 .".O George Biirn. Tiisonburg. Ontario 1 •'(> 10 New York State ¥x\n Class 757 — Blown Cliiiia goose, 1st 2d ."d 4th 5th old : Prem. I'l-em. I'rcin. Prem. Prom. Steuben l-anii, Ilorne'.I, N. Y $2 50 \V. A. Smith. Whitneys Point, N. Y.. $1 00 (.'lass 758 — Brown China gander, young : Steuben Farm, Ilornell, N. Y 2 50 Class 759 — Brown China goose, young : Steuben Farm, Hornell, NY 2 50 Class 7G0 — Wliite China gander, old: Steuben Farm, Ilornell, N. Y 2 50 W. A. Shafer, Oneonta, N. Y 1 00 Clas? 761 — White China goose, old: Steuben Farm, Ilornell, N. Y 2 50 A. N. Fay, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 764 — Wild gander, old : (Jrorae Burn. Tilsonburg. Ontario 2 50 Steuben Farm, Hornell, ]S. Y 1 00 Class 765 — Wild goose, old : Steuben Farm, Ilornell, N. Y 2 50 (irorge Bum. Tilsonburg, Ontario 1 00 Class 766 — Wild gander, young: Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y 2 50 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. 1 00 Class 767 — Wild 500.-30, young : Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y 2 50 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . 1 00 Class 768 — Egyptian gander, old : Steuben Farm, Hornell, N. Y 2 50 Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 1 00 Class 769 — • Egyptian goose, old : Armbrust Bros., Armbrust, Pa 2 50 Class 770 — Egyptian gander, young : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. 2 50 Class 771 — Egyptian goose, young: W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . 2 50 Class 772 — S^bastopol goose, old : W. A. Smith, Whitneys I'oint, N. Y. . 2 50 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. 1 00 Class 77:{ — Sebastonnl goose, young: W. A. Smith, -wniitneys Point, N. Y. . 2 50 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . 1 00 SECTION 17- — CAViE.s ((ifixEA rir;s) Entries, 50. AuKuint awarded. $57. 1st 2d M 4lh 5th Class 774 — White Peruvian : Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. W. A. Shafer, Oneonta, N. Y $2 00 W. A. Shafer, Oneonta, N. Y' .1:1 00 Class 775 — Self, any other color Peruvian : W. A. Smith, WhiJnoys Point, N. Y.. 2 00 W. A. Smith. Whitneys Point. N. Y.. 1 Oo Nkw ^'ol{K Statk Fa IK 11 Y. . N. Y. Y. .. N. N. color Y. . Y. . or Y. . Y. . or Class 776 — Broken, any color Peru- vian W. A. Smith. Wlutnoys I'oiut, N. \V. A. Smirli. Whitneys I'ltint. X. Class 777 — White Abyssinian : W. A. Smith, Whitnoys I'oint, N. Y. W. A. Smith. Whitnoys I'oint, N. Class 778 — Self, any other color Abyssinian : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Toint. T. A. Martin, .Jr., Frcoiwrt, N, Class 779 — Broken, any Abyssinian : W. A. Smith, Whitnoys Toint. W. A. Smith, Whitnoys Point, Class 780 — White English smooth coated : W. A. Smith, Whitnoys I'oint. N. W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Class 781 — Black Kuglish smooth coated : .Tohn T. Bird, Tytickport, N. Y W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point. N. Y. . Class 782 — Red English or smooth coated : W. A. Smith, Whitnoys Point. X. Y.. "W. A. Smith. Whitneys Point, X. Y.. Class 783 — Cream English or smooth coated : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point. N. Y.. Class 784 — • Tortoise shell : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. W. A. Smith, Whitneys I'oint, N. Y. . Class 785 — Tortoise shell and white : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y.. W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. Class 786 — Dutch marked : W. A. Smith, Whitneys I'oint, N. Y.. W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y.. Class 787 — Any other, bioken color : W. A. Smith, Whitnejs Point, N. Y.. W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. Class 788 — Agouti, any color: W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y.. Class 789 — Peruvian, under six months : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y.. Class 790 — Abyssiairin, under four months : W. A. Smith. Whitneys Point. N. Y.. T. A. Martin. .Tr., Frcport, X. Y.... Class 701 — - Any color smooth self, undor four months : W. A. Smith, Whitnoys Point, X. Y. . T A. Martin. .Tr., Fr.->eport, X. Y 'eru- 1st 2d 3d 4th 5 th Prom. Prom. - Prom. Prom. Prem, Y. . .$2 00 Y. . .fl 00 2 00 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 00 00 2 00 00 2 00 2 00 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 (10 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1st 2d rs.i 4 th Sth Prem. rrcm. I'rem. Picm. Prem !?2 00 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem ?2 00 2 00 2 00 712 New York State Fair Class 792 — Any hriykeii color smooth, under four mouths : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. W. A. Smith. AVhitneys Point, N. Y. . .SI 00 SECTION IS riIEA.SANTS Entries, 19. Amount awarded, ?34. Class 793 — Pair English : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. Class 794 — Pair Impeyan : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. Class 796 — Pair Reeves : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. Class 797 — Pair Golden: W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . 2 00 Herbert Howland, Sherwood, N. Y.. $1 00 Class 798 — Pair Manchurian Eared : AY. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. 2 00 Class SOO — Pair Versi-Color : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. 2 00 Class 801 — Pair Silver : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. 2 00 Class 802 — Pair Swinhoe : ' W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . 2 00 Class 803 — Pair Elliott: W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. 2 00 Class 805 — Pair Mongolian : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . 2 00 Class 807 — Pair English Ring- Neck : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . 2 00 F. Lucien Hale, Fayetteville, N. Y 1 00 Class 808 — Pair Chinese Ring- N'eck : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . 2 00 Class 801) — Pair Melnnotte : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. 2 00 Class 810 — Pair Bohemian : W. A. Smith, 'UTiitneys Point, N. Y.. 2 00 Class 813 — Pair Amherst : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. 2 00 Class 815 — Pair Argus : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . 2 00 SECTIOX 19 GAME BIItDS Entries, 1. Amount awarded, $2 Class 834 — Pair riungnrian par tridge : W. A. Sniilh, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. SECTION 20 ORXAMEXTAL WATER FOWLS Entries, 52. Amount awarded. .$72. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Class 854 — Pair Bliek duck : I'rem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. W. A. Smith, Whitneys I'oint, N. Y. . ?2 00 W. A. Smith. Whitneys Point, N. Y. . $1 00 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prom. !?2 00 New York State Fair ■13 Class 855 — Tair Bhi.vBill duck : W. A. Smith, Wliituoys I'oint, N. Y.. Class S57 — I'air Call duck : W. A. Smith, Whltneys I'clnl, N. Y . . Steuben Farm, Ilornell, N. Y Class 851) — Pair Carolina duck: W. A. Smith, Whltneys I'oinl, N. Y.. W. A. Smith, Whltneys Toint, N. Y.. Class 860 — Pair CLllian Whist- ling duck : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. Class 861 — Pair Dwarf White duck : W. A. Smith, Whitneys I'oint, N. Y. . W. A. Smith, \NTiitneys Point, N. Y.. Class 862 — Pair Florida duck : W. A. Smith, Whltneys Point, N. Y.. W. A. Smith, ^Tiitneys Point, N. Y.. Class 864 — I'air Gadwall duck: W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . Class 865 — Pair Golden-Eye duck : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . Class 867 — Pair Mallard duck : Evansward Farm, Fayetteville, N. Y. . Evansward Farm, Fayetteville, N. Y. . Class 868 — Pair Mandarin duck: W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y. . W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y . . Class 870 — Pair Mottled duck: W. A. Smith. Whitneys Point, X. Y. . W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point. X. Y. . Class 871 — Pair Pinliiil duck: W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y. . W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y. . Class 872 — Pair Red-Meadcd duck: W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y. . W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . Class 873 — I'air Uing-Xecked duck: W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y. . W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y. . Class 876 — Pair Shoveller duck : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y. . W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . Class 878 — Pair Widjrc>on duck : W. A. Smith, Whitneys loint, X. Y.. W. A. Smith, ^^^litneys Point, X. Y. . Class 870 — Pair Wood duck : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y. . W. A. Smith, ^^^litneys Point, X. Y. . Class 880 — Pair ^'heldrakes (any variety) : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point. N. Y.. W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, X. Y.. Ist 2d 3d 4th 5th Prem. Prem. Prem. I'rem. Prem. $2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 $1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 CO 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 714 JSTew York State' Fair Class 881 — Pail- Scoter (any vail- 1st 2d ;jd 4tli 5tlj *^'ty) : I'leni. I'rem. Prem. Prem. Prem. \V. A. tMiiitli, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. .•<2 00 NV. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. $1 00 Class 882 — Pair Blue- Wing Teal : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y... 3 00 Class 883 — Pair Cinnamon Teal : W. A. Smith, Whitneys I'oinl, N. Y. . 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y. . 1 00 Class 884 — Pair European Teal : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y . . 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. 1 00 Class 885 — Pair Gargancy Teal: W. A. Smith, Whitneys I'oinl, N. Y. . 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. 1 00 Class 886 — Pair Green-Wing Teal : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y.. 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys I'oinl, N. Y. . 1 00 SECTION 21 PIGEONS Entries, 480. Amount awarded, ?243.50. Pouters 1st 2d Class 800 — Black pied cock : Prem. I'rera. August M. Grabosky, Syracuse, N. Y $1 00 John Grabosky, Syracuse, N. Y $0 50 Class 891 — Yellow cock : Charles T. Klem, Herkimer, N. Y 1 00 Red Star Lofts, Rochester, N. Y' 50 Class 892 — Red cock : Red Star Lofts, Rochester, N. Y 1 00 August M. Grabosky,, N. Y 50 Class 893 — Blue cock : August M. Grabosky, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Red Star Lofts, Rochester, N. Y 50 Class 894 — White cock : Charles T. Klem, Herkimer, N. Y 1 00 Class 895 — Any other cock : Red Star Lofts, Rochester, N. Y 1 00 Class 806 — Black pled hen : John Grabosky, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Constant Mariotte, Syracuse, N. Y 50 Class 897 — Y'ellow hen : August M. Grabosky, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Red Star Lofts, Syracuse, N. Y 50 Class 898 — Red hen : Adam G. Kinczinati. Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Charles T. Klem, Herkimer, N. Y 50 Class 899 — Blue heu : August M. Grabosky, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Red Star Lofts, Syracuse, N. Y 50 Class 900 — White hen , Charles T. Klem, Herkimer, N. Y 1 00 Class 901 — Any other hen : August M. Grabosky, Syiacuse, N. Y 1 00 Red Star Lofts, Rochester, N. Y 50 Xew Yokk State Fair 715 Pigmy Pouters 1st 2d Class 902 — Black lock : rrcni. I'roni. Constant Mariotto. Syraouso, N. Y ."i;! 00 .^. F. Kuox, Buffalo. N. Y $0 ."0 Class l>0;> — Bluo cock : J. F. Knox, Buffalo, X. Y 1 no Constant Mariotte, Syracuse, N. Y 50 Class 904 — Silver cock : Constant Mariotte, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Adam G. Kinczinati, Syracuse, X. Y 50 Class 905 — White cock : Adam G. Kinczinati, Syracuse, N. Y. 1 00 Constant Mariotte, Syracuse, X. Y 50 Class 906 — Red cock : Consiant Mariotte, Syracuse, X. Y 1 00 J. F. Knox, Buffalo, X. Y 50 Class 907 — Yellow cock : Constant Mariotte, Syracuse, X. Y 1 02 — Red Saddle hen: Prcm. llavermeyer Bros., Maliwali, N. J $1 00 Cbarles B. McEwan, Loudonvlllo, N. Y Class 1053 — Any other color hen : llavermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J 1 00 Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J Oriental Frill a Class 1063 — Bluette or Silverette hen : Cons! ant Mariotte, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Dragoons Class 1074 — Grizzled cock : Constant Mariotto, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Red Star Lofts, Rochester, N. Y Class 1075 — Bhie cock : Anthony Kline, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Red Star Lofts, Rochester, N. Y Class 1076 — Red cock : Constant Mariotte, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Anthony Kline, Syracuse, N. Y Class 1078 — White cock: Constant Mariotte, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 1079 — Black cock : Anthony Kline, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Anthony Kline, Syracuse, N. Y Class lOSl — Black check cock : Red Star Lofts, Rochester, N. Y 1 00 John Grabosky, Syracuse, N. Y Class 1082 — Any other cock : Constant Mariotte, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Constant Mariotte, Syracuse, N. Y Class 1083 — Grizzled hen : Constant Mariotte, Syracuse, N. Y' 1 00 Red Star Lofts, Rochester, N. Y Class 1084 — Blue hen ; Constant Mariotte, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Red Star Lofts, Rochester, N. Y Class 1085 — Red hen : Constant Mariotte, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Red Star Lofts, Rochester, N. Y Class 1086 — Yellow hen : Anthony Kline, Syracuse, N. 1' 1 00 John Grabosky, Syracuse, N. Y Oass 1087 — White hen: Constant Mariotte, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 1088 — Black hen: Anthony Kline, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Constant Mariotte, Syracuse. N. Y Class 1090 — Black check hen : John Grabosky, Syracuse, N. Y' 1 00 Class 1091 — Any other hen : Constant Mariotte, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Constant Mariotte,, N. Y 2d I'rem. ?0 50 50 50 50 SO 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 722 ISiEW York State Fair Swallows 1st 2d Class 1092 — I Mack or blue cock : Prem. Prem. Haveriiu\ver Bros.. Mahwah, N. J $1 00 Class 1093 — Red or yellow cock : Havermeyer Bros., Maliw ali, X. J 1 00 Class 1094 — Black or hluo with white bars cock : Havermeyer Bros., Mahw ah, N. .T 1 00 Class 1095 — Red or yellow with white bars cock : Havermeyer Bros., Mahwab, N. .1 1 00 Class 1096 — Any other barred cock : Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J 1 00 Class 1097 — Black or blue hen : Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J 1 00 Class 1098 — Red or yellow hen : Havermeyer Bros., Maliwah, N. .1 1 00 Class 1099 — Black or blue with white bars hen : Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J 1 00 Class 1100 — Red or yellow with white bars hen : Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah. N. J 1 00 Class 1101 — Any other barred hen : Havermeyer Bros.. Maliwah, N. J 1 00 Trumpeters Class 1102 — Any color cock : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y 1 00 Class 1103 — Any color hen: W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y 1 00 Archangels Class 1104 — Dark bronze cock: Constant Mariotte, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 1105 — Dark bronze hen : Constant Mariotte, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Hen Pigeons Class 1114 — Any color cock: Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J 1 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y $0 ."0 Class 1115 — Any color hen: Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J 1 00 W. A. Smith. Whitneys Point, N. Y •''0 Runts Class lllfi — Bine cock: Constant Mariotte, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 1118 — Any other color cock: Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah. N. .T 1 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y •. "•'^* Class 1120 — Silver hen: Constant Mariotte, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 1121 — Any other color hen : Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. .T 1 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y 50 Plain Helmets Class 1122 — Black cock: A. E. Robst, Box 126, Closf or, N. .7 1 00 A. E. Robst, Box 126. Closter. N. J 50 New York State Fair 723 1st 2d Class 1123 — Black hen: I'lcm. Prem. A. E. Kobst. Box ]2('., Closter. N. J $1 00 A. E. Robst. Box 120, (.'lostcr, N. J $0 50 Class 1124 — Red or yellow cock: A. E. Robst, Box 120, Clostor, N. J 1 00 A. E. Robst, Box 126, Clostcr, N.J 50 Class 1125 — Red or yellow hen : A. E. Robst, Box 12C, Closlcr, N. J 1 00 A. E. Robst, Box 126, Closter, N. J 50 Class 1126 — Blue cock: A. E. Robst, Box 126, Closter, N. J 1 00 A. E. Robst, Box 126, Closter, N. J 50 Class 1127 — Blue hen: A. E. Robst, Box 126, Clostcr, N. J 1 00 A. E. Robst, Box 126, Closter, N. J 50 Crested Helmets Class 1130 — Black cock: A. E. Robst, Box 126, Closter, N. J 1 00 A. B. Robst, Box 126, Closter, N. J 50 Class 1131 — Black hen: A. E. Robst, Box 126, Closter, N. J 1 00 A. E. Robst, Box 126, Closter, N. J 50 Class 1132 — Blue cock: A. E. Robst, Box 126, Closter, N. J 1 00 A. E. Robst, Box 126, Closter, N. J 50 Class 1133 — Blue hen: A. E. Robst, Box 126, Clostcr, N. J 1 00 A. E. Robst, Box 126, Closter, N. J 50 Qass 1134 — Red cock : A. E. Robst, Box 120, Ooster, N. J 1 00 A. E. Robst, Box 126, Closter, N. J 50 Class 1135 — Red hen : A. E. Robst, Box 126, Closter, N. J 1 00 A. E. Robst, Box 126, Closter, N. J 50 Class 1136 — Yellow ccck : A. E. Robst, Box 126, Closter, N. J 1 00 A. E. Robst, Box 126, Closter, N. J 50 Class 1137 — Yellow hen: A. E. Robst, Box 126, Closlei, N. J 1 00 A. E. Robst, Box 126. Closter, N. J 50 Ice Pigeons Class 1140 — Any color cock: Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J 1 00 Class 1141 — Any color hen: Havermeyer Bros., Mahwah, N. J 1 00 SECTION 22 R.KBBITS Eutrie.'-, 16. Amount awarded, $29 , x o^ Class 1142 — Pair Ix)p-Eared : Prem. Prem. W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y $2 00 Class 1143 — Pair Angora: W. A. Shafer, Oneonta, X. Y 2 00 Class 1144 — Pair Himalayan: W. A. Shafer, Oneonta, N. Y 2 00 W. A. Smith. Whitneys Point, N. Y |1 00 724 ]^EW York State Fair 1st 2d Class 1145 — rail- Dutch: I'lem. rieiu. W. A. Smith, Whitneys I'oint, N. Y .f 2 UO Class 114G — rail- Japanese: W. A. Smith, Whitneys Foiut, N. Y 2 00 Class 1147 — Pair English : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y 2 00 Class 1148 — Pair Flemish Giant : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Foiut, N. Y 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y $1 00 Class 1149 — Pall- Black and Tan: W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y 2 00 Class 1150 — Pair Jack: W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y 2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y 1 00 Class 1151 — Pair Silver Grey : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y • 2 00 Class 1152 — Pair Silver Cream : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y 2 00 Class 1153 — Pair Polish: W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point, N. Y 2 00 Class 1154 — Pair Patagouian : W. A. Smith, Whitneys Point N. Y 2 00 SECTION 23 BELGIAN HARES (DOMESTIC) Entries, 16. Amount awarded, $18 1st 2d Class 1155 -Adult buck: P'^^'^- P^em. Benjamin R. White, Honeoyc Falls, N. Y .$2 00 R. J. Manchester, Camillus, N. Y $1 00 Class 1156 — Adult doe : Benjamin R. White, Honeoye Falls, N. Y 2 00 W. W. Wilbur, Union Springs, N. Y 1 00 Class 1157 — Buck, under six months: R. J. Manchester, Camillus, N. Y 2 00 Jesse E. Connell, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 1158 — Doe, under six months: R. J. Manchester, Camillus, N. Y 2 00 Jesse E. Connell, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 1159 — Doe, with litter, not less than four or more than ten weeks old, litters kindled in this country eligible : R. J. Manchester, Camillus, N. Y 4 00 John E. Rivenhardt, Syracuse, N. Y' 2 00 DEPARTMENT F — IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINES Commissiotirr in Charffc, lu.v Sharp, Lowville. Huperintendent, A. M. Seymour, Copenhagen. The fair of 1010 showed the largest imiuber of individual exhibits of farm implements and machinery ever shown at this state fair. Nearly every exhibit was a working one, propelled by electricity, gas or steam. Eacli day the spaces were filled with prospective purchasers until the closing hours. No portion of the fair seemed so valuable to the visiting farmer in need of improved, up-to-date methods of handling his crops. We need, at once, a building or buildings large enough to care for all tliese classes of exhibits, except traction engines and threshers. In a few years the present New York State Fair 725 method of showiiijj: in tents should be a tiling of the past. It is an impossi- bility at the present time to get an exliibit of high-priced carriages, or automobiles because of the danger of their injury by wind or rain. An electricity building should be erected. EXHIBITIONS IN MACHINERY DEPARTMENT* Adrian Wire Fence Co., Adrian, Mich Wire fences. Adriance, Piatt & Co., Weedsport, N. Y Mowing machines. Akron Cultivator Co., Akron, O Cultivators, etc. Allen & Co., S. L., Philadelphia, Pa Cultivators, etc. American Seeding Machine Co., Springflold, O.... Agricultural implements. Ann Arbor Machine Co., Ann Arbor, Mich Hay balers. Armstrong Homo Vadium Cleaner Co., Syracuse, N. Y Vacuum cleaners. Armstrong & Graham, Detroit, Mich Horse collars. Atlas Portland Cement Co., New . York City.... Cement. Auburn Ignition Alfg. Co., Auburn, N. Y Engines. Austin Western Co., Syracuse, N. Y Good roads machinery. Babcock Co., W. W., Bath, N. Y Ladders. Barrett Mfg. Co., New I'ork City Roofing. Bateman Mfg. Co., Greenlock, N. J Implements. Bingham Harness Co., Rome, N. Y Harness. Bird Co., J. A. & W., Boston, Mass Roofing. Bird & Son, F. W., New York City Roofing paper. Blrdsall Engine Co., Auburn, N. 1' Gasoline engines. Bowen & Quick, Auburn, N. Y Threshing machines. Bowes, W. L., Syracuse, N. 1' Machinery. Brown Co., D. S., Watertown, N. Y Harness, etc. Brown Co., The E. C, Rochester, N. Y Spraying machinery. Buffalo Pitts Co., Buffalo, N. Y Traction engines, road machinery. Canfield, C. H., Syracuse, N. Y Gasoline engines, agr'l imp. Canfleld, P. B., Binghamfon, N. Y" Gasoline engines. Carey, Philip, Co., The, Syracuse, N. Y' Roofing. Case Thresher Machine Co., J. I., Syracuse, N. Y. Threshers. Cayuga Motor Boat Co., Cayuga, N. Y Motor boats, etc. Cement Tile Machinery Co., Waterloo, Iowa Tile machinery. Central Egg Carrier Co., McGraw, N. Y Safety egg carriers. Champion Mfg. Co., Pontiac, Mich Sprayers. Champion Potato Machinery Co., Hammond, Ind. Potato machinery. Champion Wagon Co., Owego, N. Y" Wagons. Chase Motor Truck Co., Syracuse. N. Y Motor trucks. Childs & Co., Charles H., Utica, N. Y Agricultural implements. Christensen Engineering Co., The, Oneonta, N. Y. Gasoline engines. Clapp Revolving Sign Co., Ithaca, N. Y Signs. Clark Machine Co., St. Johnsville. N. Y Threshing machines, etc. Clark & Son, A. A., Marion, N. Y Ladders. Climax Road ^lachine Co., The, Marathon, N. Y'.. Road machinery. Coe-Mortimer Co., The, New Y'ork City Fertilizers. Coleman & Bros., C. A., Savannah, N. Y' Hay presses. Columbia Wagon Co., Columbia, Pa Wagons. Conley Stove Co., Utica, N. Y' Ground lime rock. Cowell. J. .1., Machine Works, Weedsport, N. Y'... Machinery. Cross, J. A., Hinged Extension Co., Fultonville, N. Y.... Gate. Crown Mfg. Co.. Phelps, N. Y' Drillers and seeders. Cyphers Incubator Co., Buffalo, N. Y Incubators. Dain Mfg. Co.. Syracuse, N. Y' Implements. Detroit Engine Co., Detroit, Mich Oil and gasoline engines. ♦ Two dollars per location. 720 Xp:\v York Statk Fair Deyo-Macey Engine Co., Binghamton, N. Y Gasoline engines. r>oniestic Engine & Pump Co., Shippensbuig, Pa. . Gasoline engines. Downs, J. H., New Yorlj City Fences, posts and gates. Drew Elevated Carrier Co., Rome, N. Y Conveyors. Dunham Co., The, Berea, Ohio Rollers and -diggers. Dunham Peek Mfg. Co., Gloversville, N. Y Harvester machinery. Dunning, W. D., Syracuse, N. Y Gasoline engines. Durant Dort Carriage Co., Flint, Mich Carriages. E. M. F. Co., Syracuse, N. Y Automobiles. Eagle Wagon Works, Auburn, N. Y Wagons. Ebeling, F. H., Syracuse, >J. Y Seeds, hardware and implements. Economy Culvert Co., Auburn, N. Y Road culverts and machinery. Elmira Storage & Supply Co., Elmira, N. Y IMows and cutters. Emery, G. J.. Co., The, Fulton, N. Y Furnaces, engines and presses. Engelburg Iluller Co., Syracuse, N. Y Mill.s. Enterprise Foundry & Fence Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Iron and wire fences. Everett Mfg. Co., Newark, N. Y Lawn swings and dump wagons. Everts Mfg. Co., Meridian, N. Y Agricultural implements. Fairbanks Co., Syracuse, N. Y (Jasoline engines, etc. Farquhar, A. B., York, Pa Diggers, drills and planters. Farrell, John, Newton, N. J Hay forks and carriers. Field & Force Pump Co., Elmira, N. Y I'umps, sprayers, etc. Foster, H. H., Pulaski, N. Y Clohes washer. Freeman Boat Co., Fulton, N. Y Motor boats. Frick & Co., Rochester, N. Y Saw mills, etc. Fruit Growers' Saw Co., ScottsvlUe, N. Y Fruit saws. Gelser, L. S., & Son, Fillmore, N. Y Concrete pipes. Genesee Valley Mfg. Co., Mt. Morris, N. Y Drills. Gere Coal Co., Syracuse, N. Y Coal wagons. Giddings, Burt, Baldwinsville, N. Y Wagons. Glor Bros. & Willis :Mfg. Co., Attica, N. Y Carriers. Greenfield, George H., Moravia, N. Y Silos. Hall Mammoth Incubator Co., Utica, N. Y Incubators, brooders, etc. Harrington, R. S., Syracuse, N. Y Washers. Heath, W. A., Machine Co., Binghamton, N. Y. . . Gasoline engines. Ilenchy & Dromgold Co., The, York, Pa Farm implements. Hodgkins. George A., Syracuse, N. Y Poultry supplies. Hoover Mfg. Co.. Avery, Ohio Diggers and sorters. Hul)bs & Hastings Paper Co., Syracuse, N. Y. . . . Rooting supplies. Huber Mfg. Co., Ilarrisburg, Pa Traction engines and rollers. Huber Mfg. Co., Jamestown, N. Y Engines, etc. Humane Horse Collar Co., Chicago Heights, 111 . . Horse collars. Huist. II. L., Mf James St., Syracuse, N. Y. Invention. Leaders Iron Works, Owego, N. Y..... Pneumatic water .system. Ivewis, L. R.. Cortland, N. Y Plow trucks. Loomis, L. R., Claverack, N. Y Corn buskers. Luut .Moss Co., Boston, Mass Gasoline engines. Farm Machinery. R^ ^ ^ ,>i!!!*^ Jp"'!''"' -^m^'- "V"/ -i^i- ■-j_^ '^*C^ ■■■■■ ' ' - - !• . ^s^-., f?f^S >»^j z'. Space for Automobiles. New York State Fair 727 Michigan Buggy Co., V. II. Chase, Agt., Sherman, N. Y lUigKies. Mllburn Wagon Co., Albany, N. Y Wagons, Monarch Si earn Roller Co., Groton, N. Y lioad rollers and ouglnes. Morris Sprayer Co., Rochester, N. Y Sprayers. National Mixer Co., Rochester, N. Y Concrete machinery. Newark Wagon Co., Mexico, N. Y Wagons. Norton. J. R, Utica, N. Y lOusilage cutters, etc. Ohio Cultivator Co., Bellevue, Ohio Cultivators. Ohio Rake Co., Dayton, Ohio Hay loaders. Oliver Chilled I'low Co., Rochester, N. Y Plows. Olmstead. A. E., Pulaski, N. Y Engines. Oneida Community, Ltd., Oneida, N. Y Hardware. Ontario Drill Co., East Rochester, N. Y Grain drills, etc. I'apec Machine Co., ShortsviUe, N. Y Ensilage cutters. Parks, R. F., Trappe, Pa Incubator. Peck, S. II., East Aurora, N. Y Potato diggers, plows, shovels. Place, B. A. & P. L., Oswego, N. Y., R. D. 8 Invention. Plowman, J. J., Waterport, N. Y Farm gates. Pohl, George D., Mfg. Co., Vernon, N. Y (iasoline engines. Reddon Bros., Norwich, N. Y Hoisting machinery. Reed, F. L., Syracuse, N. Y Motor cycles. Reliance Iron & Engine Co., Racine, Wis Gasoline engines. Rome Gasoline Engine Co., Rome, N. Y IJngines, saws, grinders. Ross & Co., E. W., Springfield, Ohio Silos, etc. Rowlings Implement Co., Moline, 111 Hay loaders. Sandwich Mfg. Co., Sandwich, 111 Agricultural implements. Skaneateles Boat & Canoe Co., Skanea teles, N. Y. Motor boats. Solvay Process Co., Syracuse, N. Y Calcium chloride, etc. Spramotor Co., The, Buffalo, N. Y Spray motors. Studebaker Bros. Mfg. Co., South Bend, Ind Carriages and wagons. Syracuse Burial Vault Co., Syracuse, N. Y Cement vault. Syracuse Chilled Plow Co., Syracuse, N. Y Agricultural implements. Syracuse Coal Wagon Co., Syracuse, N. Y Coal wagons. Terry, Eugene, Ithaca, N. Y Road makers. Thomson Chemical Co., Baltimore, Md Spraying chemicals. United States Gypsum Co., New York City Sackett plaster boards. Universal Portland Cement Co., Chicago, 111.... Concrete block manufacturing. Van Nouhuys Machine '^'orks, Albany, N. Y.... Gasoline engines. Van Slyke & Co.. North Tonawanda, N. Y Silos. Vresdyne. Darwin H., East Syracuse, N. Y Farming mills. Vrooman & Son, W. F.. Painesville, Ohio Sorting machines. Wallace, E. F., Syracuse, N. Y Stoves, fences, etc. Warsaw-Wilkinson Co., Warsaw, N. 1' Cutters and threshers. Waterloo Gas Engine Co., Waterloo, Iowa Gas engines. Webber, Wm. II., Sodus Center, N. Y Convertible racks. Wcstinghouse Co.. The. Schenectady, N. Y Steam and gas engines. Wheeler, E. J., New York City Cider mills and gasoline engines. Wiard Plow Co., Batavia, N. Y Agricultural implements. Williams, E. Q., Syracuse, N. \' Electric specialties. Wonder Mfg. Co., Syracuse, N. Y Gasoline engines. Wood, S. W., & Son, Clyde, N. Y Traction engines. Wood, W. A., M. & R. M. Co., Utica, N. Y Harvesting machinery. Wright Bros., Syracuse, N. Y Carriages. 728 jSTew York State Faib department g — dairy products Commissioner in Charge, Raymond A. Pearson, Albany. Superinicndeni, George A. Smith, Geneva. Assistant Superintendent, W. E. Griffith, Madrid. Clerk, Royal Gilkey, Albany. The ma^^nificcnt new dairy building which was first used in 1909 was overcrowded by exhibits and visitors in 1910. Formerly this department was housed in a small wooden structure poorly adapted for exhibits represent- ing the greatest branch of agriculture in New York State. The small quarters were not well filled chiefly because of the poor facilities provided. Last year more exhibits were offered than could be accommodated. The main room of the building, with large glass-front refrigerators around the outside walls, with an amphitheatre where working demonstrations were in progress most of the day, and with attractive exhibits of machinery and dairy supplies in adjoining rooms, constituted a popular part of the fair. The permanent booths erected at great expense by some of the machinery exhibitors, together with the power necessary to keep their apparatus in motion, presented a picture Avorthy of the great industrj- and of high educa- tional value to the many visitors. Exhibitors reported good business results for the fair week. Charge for exhibit space outside of refrigerators was ten cents per square foot. For the first time, dairy exhibits were judged before the fair opened, and throughout the entire week the prize products with names :and addresses of exhibitors were shown in the refrigerators. The numbers of exhibits of dairy products during the last four years were ;a8 follows; 1901 190S 1909 1910 Butter, all classes 165 21S 230 276 Cheese, all classes 280 309 321 360 Bottled milk and cream, all classes. . . ... 15 17 40 An interesting feature of this department was the educational booth. Here demonstrations were given by experts; bacteria were plated, grown and counted; the new moisture test for butter and the salt test were shown; and charts containing important suggestions to dairymen Avere displayed. EXHIBITORS OF APPARATUS AND SUPPLIES Bates & Swift, Cuba, N. Y Stancbious. Borden's Condensed Milk Co., New York City Milk products. Champion Milk Cooler Co., Cortl.and, N. Y Milk coolers. Chapin Co., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y Feeds. Colouial Salt Co Sail. Corn I'roducts Itefining Co., Buffalo, N. Y Feeds. DeLaval Separator Co., The Separators. Dominion Chemical Co., Syracuse, N. Y ("leausers. F'ord, J. B., Co., Wyandotte, Mich Cleansers. Glor Bros. & Willis, Attica, N. Y Stanchions. Gowin},', D. II., Syracuse, N. Y Dairy .sui)plies. Green, L. A., Ogdenf3l)urg, N. Y Stanchions. Groff, F. B., St. Johnsville, N. Y Stanchions. Hansen's. < 'hr.. Laboratory, Little Palls, N. Y.... lUiKermilk tablets. lllnman Milking Macliine Co., Oneida, N. Y Milk niacliiiies. New York State Fair 729 Howe, E. D., Weedsport, N. Y Stanchions. International IIarvos;er Co., Auburn, N. Y Separators. Mawson. D. S., Manllus, N. Y Stanchions. Sharploss Separator Co., Westchester, Pa Separators. Smith Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111 Separators. Thatcher, H. D., & Co., Potsdam, N. Y Butter color. Torsion Balance Co., New York City Scales. Turn-a-minit Churn Co., New Y'ork City Churns. Unadilla Silo Co., Unadilla. N. Y Silos. Vermont Farm Machinery Co., Bellows Falls, Vt. Separators. Wasson Stanchion Co., Cuba, N. Y Stanchions. Wells & Richardson Co., Sidney Center, N. Y.... Butter color. Worcester Salt Co., New York City Salt. PEEMIUMS AWARDED Entries, 886. Amount awarded, $2,690.47. .SECTION 1 BCTTEK Entries, 320. Amount awarded, $916. W. E. Griffith, Madrid, Assistant Suinrintendent. Three judges scored the butter classes. Each judge scored independently and the official score was determined by averaging the scores given on all exhibits by the three judges. Judges: Orrix Bent, Boston, Mass. C. W. Frthofer, New York City. E. S. Guthrie, Ithaca. Class 1 — Best butter exhibited in all classes: Score Prem. S. H. Northrop, Richville 97.66 Gold Medal John W. Hooker, Sinclairville 95.66 Silver Medal Pro rata prize money in the butter classes was distributed to the following exhibitors who obtained scores above 90 : Class 2 — One package not less than twenty pounds, solid packed, made at any time in a creamery, from the milk of not less than five individual dairymen (pro rata prize, $350) : Pro rata Score prize E. B. Adams, Potsdam (Potsdam Factory) 94.00 $T 96 H. J. Allen. Loraine 91 . 49 2 98 Wyndham Andrews, Moravia 93 . 49 6 96 Arthur Arseman, Carlylc 92 . 07 3 98 Frank Barbour, West Bangor 90.66 1 39 W. W. Barnum, Frews.burg 93 . 16 6 3T A. M. Becker, Atlanta 92.33 4 58 M. J. Beswlck, Madrid Springs 94 . 00 T 96 Edgar T. Bouck, .Ta?per 91 .32 2 59 Ernest .7. Boyd, Sloansvllle 91 . S3 3 58 F. E. Brown, Union Valley 90.99 1 99 Henry Burns, Lisbon 91 . 49 2 98 George Cayer. Saint Hjacinth, Quebec 92.32 4 58 E. C. Clifford, Lisbon 92 . 16 4 38 Cooperative Creamery Association, Camillus 90.32 60 Lester Culver, Laurens 94 . 66 9 35 C. H. Dawley, Lisbon 91 . 83 3 58 Diamond Crenme-y Co., Massena 93 .66 T 36 William Dixon. Waddington 92 . 33 4 58 F. E. Donelson. Akeley. Pa 91 . 49 2 98 Henry Eibert, Skantateles 92 . 32 4 58 W. .7. Emerson, Poplar Ridge 91 . 24 2 39 Fisher Brothers, Madrid 93.49 6 9G 730 New York State Fair Pro rata Class 2 — Continued Score prize G. A. Fitzgerald. Munnsville 92 . 16 $4 38 R. W. Harris, Mocers 92 . 49 4 97 Earl T. Harter, Olisco 92 . 00 3 98 Glen Harter, SpafEord 94.49 8 95 David W. Hodges, Delau&on 90 . 72 1 39 H. E. Huntley, Kirl? 91 . 82 3 58 Loran Isbell, Oswego 94 . 33 8 56 Henry O. Johnson, Cowlesville 92.66 5 37 Lawrence Kellogg, Otsolic Center 90.81 1 59 Kelly Brotliers, Lysander 91.73 3 38 W. C. Kclsey, Copenhagen 94 . 33 8 56 Ketchum & Hapgood, Malone 91 . 32 2 59 B. F. Killough, Cir.cinnalus 90 . 16 40 Charles L. Kinderberger, Ithaca.* 94.16 8 36 A. E. King, Canisteo •. . . 90 . 33 60 L. G. Lane, Otsalic 92 . 83 5 57 A. H. Loop, Cincinnatus 90 . 66 1 39 J. H. Low, Westport 93 . 91 7 76 John P. McGraw, Madrid Springs 93.83 7 56 McLeod & Ormsby, Bocnville 91.16 2 39 W. S. Martin, Dickinson Center 92.66 5 37 W. & I. MeKeel, Jacksonville 90 . 32 60 George E. Morse, Burko 94 . 00 7 96 Wright C. Mosher, Interlaken 92 . 82 5 57 J. W. Mutter, Munnsville 92.49 4 97 S. H. Northrop, Richville 97 . 66 15 32 Oneida County Creamery Co., Utica 90 . 66 1 39 J. E. O'Neil, Moira 93 . 83 7 56 John P. Porteons, Geneva 93.66 7 36 W. C. Porter, Sharon, Vt 92.00 3 98 Herbert Randalls, Lisbon 92 . 82 5 57 F. B. Reiner, Kuoxboro 91 . 65 3 38 T. F. Rutherford, Madrid 93 . 16 6 37 Albert Ryan, New Hope 91 . 33 2 59 Charles F. Sharkey, Helena 92 . 32 4 58 C. O. Smith, Upper Lisle 92 . 33 4 58 Wlllard Snyder, Jordan 91 . 83 3 58 M. L. Speer, Madrid Springs 93.99 7 96 Standard Butter Conipany, Owego 93.33 6 57 C. D. Stcherbakoff , I,incklaen 90 . 66 1 39 P. H. Steward, Kirk 91 . 66 3 38 F. M. Strickland, Champlain 90 . 33 GO Floyd A. Sweet, Cato 91 . 00 1 99 H. T. Tappen, Frewsburg 01 .00 1 09 C. A. Tarble, Smithville Flats 02 . 00 3 98 E. B. Tucker & Co., Hannibal 90 . 32 60 Guy Van Antwerp, Port Byron 93 .49 6 96 D. S. Vandervoer, Plamsville 90.21 40 John Wagner, Lisbon 91 . 99 3 98 D. S. White, Cincinnatus 91.99 3 98 Hyatt Wieley, Union Center 90.66 1 39 B. W. Wilcox, SuiTar Grove, Pa 02 . 32 4 58 J. H. Williams, Hailosboro 91.00 199 Frank S. Wright, Etna 94 .33 8 50 James A. Wright, Madrid 91 . 49 2 98 ClasB 3 — One package of not less than ten pounds, In prints, made at any time in a creamery, from milk of not less than five individual dairymen (pro rata prize, $250) : E. B. Adams, Pot.^dam (Potsdam Factory) 93.66 7 89 R. B. Adams. Potsdam (W. Stockholm Factory) 90.49 1 07 Amphitheatre, Dairy Building. EuucATioxAL Booth. Daikv Bih.ding. New York Statk Faiu ( •> Ci^Ass o — coiiiiituid Score Wyudliain Aiulrows, Moraviii 91 .07 W. W. Barumu, I-'iowsburg 94 . 00 M. J. Bcswiok, Madrid Springs 93 . G6 Edgar T. Boiick, Jasper 91 .00 Henry lUirns. Llshon 91 16 George Cayer, Sainc Hyacinth, Quebec 93.66 L. G. Conrad, Ciormau 91 .00 Cooperative Creamery Association, Caraillus 92.33 Lester Culver, Laurens 94 . 33 Diamond Creamery Co., Massena 94 . 16 Henry Eibert, Sl7 . 05 Thomas Murphy, Copenhagen 90.82 New Century Factory, Ogdensburg 96.82 J. M. O'Connor, Adams 95 . 75 George E. Orvis, Black River 97.49 V. H. Peck, Watertown 96 . 50 Lawrence A. Perce, Gainesville 95 . 48 George E. Petrie, Hammond 95 . 91 J. W. Reed, Gouverneur 97 . 07 Felix Richart, Redwood 98 . 00 D. W. Rourke, Carthage 98 . 07 J. H. Searl, West Martinshurg 98 . 24 Oral Searl, Carthage *.;2 . 23 M. A. Stackel, Barneveld 07 . 24 Ellsworth Stevenson, DeKalb Junction 97 . 53 Orsa Stevenson, DeKalb Junction 97.09 C. D. Thornton, Ogdensburg 98 . 20 G. N. Tobey, College of Agriculture, Ithaca, complimentary • score 99 . 16 Leon C. Todd, Canton 97 . 57 W. J. Townsend, Heuvelton 94 . 99 P. J. Ulrich, Croghan 04 . 32 George N. Vary, Copenhagen 00 . 07 G. Veitch, Mohawk 04 . 91 George Vorce, Copenhagen 05 . 98 R. F. Vrooman, Theresa 95 . 91 E. C. Wagoner, St. Lawrence 07 . 98 Walter Walker, Brownvllle 98.28 E. G. Wallace, LowviUe 08.41 J. O. Walrath, Harrisville 98 . 83 C. E. Western, Hermon 93 . 82 H. D. Whitney, Copruhagen 96. 16 E. E. Widmoyer, Castorland 96.91 Robert H. Wood, Herkimer 93 . 32 Mindon W^oodward, Talcville 97 . 74 L. H. Young, Canton 93 . 24 John Zellweger, Jr., Watertown 96 . 15 Class 11 — One Home Trade, cheddar style, white or colored (pro rata prize, $400) : E. B. Adams, Potsdam 93 . 24 George W. Alger, Martinsburg 96.90 Irving Andrew, Perch River 08.32 H. E. Austin, Whitesville 02.90 P. P. Backman, Castorland 97 . 75 J. M. Bartlett, Kirkwood 95 . 58 P. X. Baumert & Co., Antwerp 05.24 John 11. Berry, Spragueville 97 . 66 F. J. Bishop, South Champion 90 . 99 Albro W. Black, Cuba 96 . 82 W. J. Boberg, Ellington 94 . 72 J. F. Bower, Constableville 95.74 Pro rata prize $3 19 4 49 2 70 4 31 4 40 26 3 19 5 52 4 92 4 14 4 14 3 28 4 74 3 88 3 02 3 36 4 40 5 17 5 26 5 35 17 4 49 4 74 5 17 5 35 6 21 4 83 O 59 1 98 3 54 2 50 3 45 3 36 5 17 5 43 5 52 5 80 1 55 3 62 4 23 1 12 4 92 1 04 3 62 63 2 61 3 28 47 3 02 1 88 1 67 2 97 2 61 2 50 1 41 1 93 New York State Fair 735 Pro rata Class 11 — Continued Score prize W. E. Braiuerd, Copenhagen 97.65 $2 97 Brayton & Lewis, Adams 92 . 73 36 A. E. Briggs, West 97.41 2 81 S. W. Brown, North Russell 95 . 75 1 98 E. J. Buckley, Cicero 96 . 07 2 14 P. M. Burns, Copenhagen 95 . 73 1 93 Thomas Calnon, DePeyster 95.32 1 72 Ferd. Carls, Omar 98 . 57 3 44 F. J. Carmoratry, Brewerton 97 . 15 2 71 William Casey, Sherburne 94 . 90 1 51 B. D. Casson, Addison 97.58 2 92 Thomas Chatlerton, Rosiere 95.91 2 03 Claude V. Clieney, E. Rodman 97 . 83 3 02 E. R. Clute, Belgium 94 . 74 141 G. S. Cole, Oswego 93 . 16 63 Lewis Collier, Ilermon 96 . 58 2 40 W. W. Collins, Orleans Corners 98.57 3 44 Nicholas Conrad, Mohawk 92 . 49 26 John Cooper, Ogdonsburg 99 . 03 3 65 F. D. Cramer, Eddy 96 . 57 2 40 L. R. Cramer, Harrisville 97 . 98 3 13 Albert Curtiss, Truxton 92 . 40 21 G. E. Curtiss, Arcade 95 . 33 172 Thomas H. Dewan, Houseville 97.75 3 02 D. O. Ditcher, Great Valley 94 . 91 1 51 J. M. Dodds, Gouverneur 98 . 16 3 23 L. L. Dollinger, LaFargeville 97.69 2 97 R. K. Dutton, Croghan 96 . 50 2 35 H. C. Eames, Watertown 93 . 41 73 H. W. Edgett, Candor 96.07 2 14 H. P. Ellithorpe, Harkness 97 . 00 2 61 E. H. Evans, Turin 98 . 16 3 23 F. H. Fitch, North Hammond 98.24 3 23 F. D. Fox, Cold Brook 94 . 08 1 09 A. D. Frawley, Richville 97 . 50 2 87 A. N. Freeman, Gouvernuer 95.99 2 08 W. C. Ganschow, Bonduel, Wis 94 . 60 141 H. A. Gilmore, Burlington Flats 97 . 10 2 71 D. E. Gilson, Heuvelton 98 . 66 3 49 W. O. Goodison, DeKalb Junction 95.58 1 88 D. A. Goodrich. South Rutland 98.65 3 49 David Gordon, Herkimer 95 . 98 2 08 S. N. Gould, Evans Mills . 96 . 83 2 50 Glenn F. Graham, Cliaumont 97.41 2 81 H. L. Grant, Copenhagen 96 . 24 2 19 O. W. Graves, Henderson 98 . 16 3 23 Fred S. Hadler, Greenleaf, Wis 98.24 3 23 Sherman Hall, Watertown 98 . 15 3 23 David Harner, Richville 97 . 24 2 71 G. B. Hause, Machias 95 . 00 1 56 G. A. Hazleton, Heuvelton 97.57 2 92 O. N. Heath, Rodman 99 . 04 3 65 A. E. Helmer, Evans Mills 98 . 07 3 18 C. M. Henry, Lowvillc 97.99 3 13 Randolph Hibbard, E. Homer 93.32 68 George Howlo, Limerick 98 . 41 3 34 B. E. Hunt, DeKalb Junction 97 . 00 2 61 E. A. Hurst, Gouverneur 98 . 75 3 54 J. E. Japhet, Pharsalia Hook 97 . 32 2 76 736 New York State Fair Pro rata Class 11 — Continued Score prize M. C. Johnson, Pope Mills 98 . 24 $3 23 Albert Jones, Little Falls 97.15 2 71 E. L. Jones, Delevan 97 . 24 2 71 Cornelius Keeler, Little Falls 95.99 2 08 W. C. Kelsey, Copenhagen 97 . 74 2 97 W. E. Keyes, Gouvernuer 99.00 3 65 George Kittle, West Valley 9G . 06 2 45 H. J. Klews, Litile Valley 96.65 2 45 Alva Klock, Theresa 98.73 3 49 H. S. Knapp, Castorland 97 . 78 3 02 J. L. Knips, Lowville 97 . 15 2 71 Oscar Knips, Lowville 97.49 2 87 L. M. Kohel, North Java 96.07 2 14 Howard D. Lacy, South Hammond 96.00 2 08 L. G. Lane, Otselic : . . 95 . 57 1 88 Loomis & Morrow, Carthage 96 . 66 2 45 F. H. Loucks, Lowville 97.91 3 08 Clarence Lull, Morris 94 . 98 1 56 Peter Mason, Dayton 94 . 08 1 09 E. M. Mathews, Marathon 93 . 99 1 04 A. L. Meeker, West Windsor 93 . 24 63 R. E. Merkley, Gardners Corners 98. 16 3 23 Fay Merriam, Constableville 99.00 3 65 C. Lester Merry, Verona 97 . 74 2 97 Edw. Miller, Constableville 98 . 32 3 28 R. M. Mills, Constableville 98.41 3 34 W. H. Mills, Heuvelton 98 . 24 3 23 E. S. Moses, Cuba 97.62 2 92 Thomas Murphy, Copenhagen 97.24 2 71 New Century Factory, Ogdensburg 98.70 3 49 J. M. O'Connor, Adams 96 . 24 2 19 Ogdensburg Creamery Co., Ogdensburg 98.99 3 j65 George B. Orvis, Black River 97.99 3 13 Foster L. Ostrander, Gerry 98.24 3 23 C. R. Owens, Freedom 95 . 24 1 67 V. H. Peck, Watertown 98.10 3 18 Lawrence A. Perce, Gainsville 96.58 2 40 Forrest A. Perry, Rathbone 97.57 2 92 George Petrie, Hammond 96 . 74 2 45 J. W. Reed, Gouverneur 97 . 24 2 71 W. N. Richardson, Delevan 95 . 65 1 93 Felix Richart, Redwood 97 . 91 3 08 Charles W. Riddell, Machias 94 . 40 1 25 Harold W. Riddell, West 92 . 99 52 W. O. Robertson, Fairfield 95 . 57 1 88 D. W. Rourko, Carthage 9.-> . 01 3 65 Steven J. Ryan, Marathan 95 . 91 2 03 J. H. Searl, West Martir.sburg 97.91 3 08 Oral Searl, Carthage 93 . 07 57 Dalp. Shall, Vanhornesville 96.74 2 45 R. W. Shaw, Conewango Valley 94.07 1 09 Henry Sherlng, Sardinia 93 . 41 73 rharles E. Smith, West Valley 97.49 2 87 Earle R. Smith, Sardinia 04 . 82 1 46 Edw. Spry, Falconer 95.82 1 98 M. A. Stackel, Barneveld 95 . 16 1 67 Theo. Steadman, Delevan 95 . 90 2 03 Ellsworth Stevenson, DeKalb Junction 98.91 3 60 Orsa R. Stevenson, DeKalb Junction 98.91 3 60 New York State Fair 737 Pro rata Class 11 — Continued Score prize F. II. Steward, Kirk 95 . 06 W. H. Stoncy, Jr., Albion 97 . 0(5 L. E. Story, Steamburg 92.74 C. D. Thornton, Ogdensburg 98 . 78 G. M. Tobey, College of Agriculture, Ithaca, complimentary score 99 . 60 Leon C. Todd, Canton 98.41 W. J. Townsend, Ileuvcllon 96 . 16 P. J. Ulrich, Croghan 96.75 Geo. Van Slike, Mohawk 96. 15 Geo. N. Vary, Copenhagen 95 .49 George Vorce, Copenhagen 97 . 90 R. F. Vrooman, Theresa 95.40 E. C. Wagoner, St. Lawrence 98 . 52 Walter Walker, Browuville 98.53 E. G. Wallace, Lowville 98 . 57 J. O. Walrath, Harrisville 98.86 T. W. Weatherup, Rensselaer Falls 98 . 07 Leslie R. Wells, Hannibal 99 . 07 C. E. Western, Hermon 94 . 91 H. D. Whitney, Copenhagen 96 . 49 E. E. Widmeyer, Castorland 98.65 J. H. Williams, ITailesboro 97 . 41 W. D. Wilmot, Delevau 97.24 S. A. Wilson, Wellsville 93.73 Robert H. Wood, Herkimer 95.98 Mindon Woodward, Talcville 97 . 90 L. J. Wurtz, Bemus Point 97.66 L. H. Young, Canton 97 . 07 Young c& Young, Fillmore (Centerville Factory) 98.24 Young & Young, Fillmore (Fillmore Factory) , 97.66 Young & Young, Fillmore (Rush Creek Factory) 94.57 Young & Y'oung, Fillmore (Stone Spring Factory) 94.41 John Zellweger, Jr., Watertown 97 . 73 Class 12 — One case Young America style (pro rata prize $100) : F. X. Baumert & Co., Antwerp 96.91 F. J. Bishop. So. Champion 98 . 16 Wm. E. Bralnerd, Copenhagen 92 . 66 Ferd. Caris, Omar 99.07 Claude V. Cheney, E. Rodman 97 .91 E. R. Clute, Belgium 95 . 24 W. W. Collins, Orleans Corners 98.57 John Cooper, Ogdcnsburg 97 . 87 L. R. Cramer, Harrisville 96 . 82 Thomas H. Dewan, Housevllle 98.49 H. C. Eames, Watertown 90 . 33 D. A. Goodrich, So. Rutland 98.49 David Gordon, Herkimer 94 . 75 Sherman Hall, Watertown 98 . 57 O. N. Heath, Rodman 96 . 82 A. E. Helmer, jJvans Mills 98 . 00 C M. Henry, Lowville 98.33 E. A. Hurst, Gouverncur 90 . 98 W. C. Kelsey, Copenhagen 97 . 32 W. E. Keyes, Gouverneur 97 . 74 Alva Klock, Theresa 97.82 E. S. Moses, Cul)a 90 . 91 V. H. Peck, Watertown 97 . 57 Felix Richart, Redwood 96.03 24 $1 93 <7 97 30 3 54 4 01 3 34 2 19 2 50 2 19 1 82 3 08 1 77 3 39 3 39 3 44 3 00 3 18 3 70 1 51 2 35 3 49 2 81 2 71 89 2 08 3 08 2 97 2 66 3 23 2 97 1 30 1 25 2 97 3 05 3 80 44 4 42 3 07 1 99 4 11 3 67 2 99 4 00 2 08 4 06 1 74 4 11 2 99 4 17 3 92 3 11 3 30 3 55 3 61 3 05 3 49 2 49 738 New York State Fair Class 12 — Continued J. H. Searl, W. Martinsburg Oral Searl, Carthage C. D. Thornlou, Ogdeu.sburg G. N. Tobcy, Ithaca G. Veitch, Alohawk E. C. Wagoner, St. Lawrence Robert H. Wood, Herkimer Class 13 — One Sage (pro rata prize, $100) •: F. X. Baumcrt & Co., Antwerp Ford. Caris, Omar William Casey, Sherburne W. W. Collins, Orleans Corners John Cooper, Ogdeusbnrg Thomas FF. Dewan, Housevillo A. N. Freeman, Gouverneur David Gordon, Herkimer O. N. Heath, Rodman A. E. Helmer, Evans Mills C. M. Henry, Ijowville W. B. Keyes, Gouverneur : E. S. Moses, Cuba New Century Factory, Ogdensburg Ogdensburg Croamei*y Co., Ogdensburg Felix Richart, Redwood .7. H. Searl, W. Martinsburg Oral Searl. Carthage C. D. Thornton, Ogdensburg G. N. Tobey, Ithaca Class 14 — One case Club (pro rata prize, $1.3) : McLeod & Ormsbee, Boonville G. N. Tobey, Ithaca Class 15 — One case Pineapple (pro rata prize, $25) : Robert Norton, Attica O. A. Weatherly & Co., Milford Class 16 — One case Neufchatel (pro rata prize, $25) : F. X. Baumert & Co., Antwerp Clara A. Salisbury, Biookton G. N. Tobey, Ithaca Class 17 — One case Cream (pro rata prize, $25) : P. X. Baumert & Co., Antwerp Borden's Condens^^d Milk Co., New York City Clara A. Salisbury, Brookton G. N. Tobey, Ithaca Class 18 — (Jne case Munster (pro rata prize, $25) : F. X. Baumert & Co., Antwerp Felix Uichart, Kedwood Jacob Vogt, WaterlowD Class 19 — One case Brick (pro rata prize, $25) : F. X. Baumert & Co., Antwerp Class 20 — One case Camcmbert (pro rata prize, $20) : F. X. Baumert & Co., Antwerp Class 21 — One case Limliurger (pro rata prize, $25) : F. X. Baumert & (Jo., Antwerp Lyman Foster, Theresa Albert F. Miller, W. Leyden Felix Richart, Redwood Wm. Roscup, Remsen .^ Jacob Vogt, Watertown (Buckminster Factory) . . . Jacob Vogt, Watertown (Vogt Factory) Pro rata Score prize 97.99 $3 74 92.16 12 97.91 3 67 99.24 4 48 97.12 3 18 97.91 3 67 96.16 2 61 98.49 6 25 98.78 6 54 96.41 4 23 98.57 6 35 98.25 6 06 94.99 2 88 97.82 5 58 95.74 3 56 97.58 5 38 95.91 3 75 97.74 5 48 96.32 4 14 97.08 4 90 97.15 5 00 97.99 5 77 97.58 5 38 95.74 3 56 96.74 4 52 97.58 5 38 97.50 5 29 98.50 S 48 97.00 6 52 93.66 8 50 92.07 50 99.00 11 29 95.00 4 84 97.50 8 87 98.00 8 33 96.00 5 56 95.00 4 17 97.00 6 94 95.50 10 93 95.50 9 38 93.50 4 69 97.00 no 95.50 17 50 96.50 4 63 95.00 3 09 95.00 3 09 95.25 3 40 94 . 50 2 56 96.50 4 63 95.50 3 60 New York State Fair ^ 739 I'ro rata Class 23 — One case Brio or D'Isigny (pro rata prize, $15) : Score prize R X. Baumert & Co.. Antwerp !tH.O(» $]:, oo Class 25 — For the cher scmckor who has the highest average of scores in tlie four classes, 10. 11. 12 and 13 (prize, .flO) : I'Vrd. Caris. Omar 98.62 10 00 SECTION 3 SIir.K AND CHKAM Entries, 59. Amount awarded, $138. KOBEKT K. KiKKr.AND, rhliadclphia, Assiatunt Superintendent. The judging of the milk and cream classes was done by three judges, two being bacteriologists and one a chemist. The phitings were made independently l)y the two bacteriologists and the average count used. Judges: PnoF. W. A. Stocking, Jr., Ithaca. Dr. Harris Moak, Brooklyn. H. C. Troy, Ithaca. Class 26 — Best milk : Score Premium II. C. Fancher, Tuljy 97 . 50 Gold Medal Anson P. Flower Est, Watertown 97.00 Silver Medal Class 27 — Best cream : E. T. Hawkins & Son, Syracuse 93.00 Gold Medal H. C. Fancher, Tully 92.80 Silver Medal Pro rata prize money in the milk and cream classes was distributed to the fol- lowing exhibitors who obtained scores above 92 : Class 28 — Bottled milk from dairies certified or similarly super- Pro rata vised (pro rata prize, $150) : Score prize H. C Fancher, Tully 97 .50 .$27 50 F. E. Moore, Alford, Pa 96 . 75 24 00 M. W. Palmer, KJngsIe y. Pa 93 . 00 5 00 W. E. Tuttle, Xuuda 96 . 00 20 00 Class 29 — Bottled milk, from dairies not of the above grade (pro rata prize, .?50) : Borden's Condensed Milk Co., New York City 94.50 10 16 Anson P. Flower Est., Watertown 97.00 20 33 • E. T. Hawkins & Son, Syracuse 96.75 19 51 Class 30 — Bottled cream (pro rata prize, $50) : H. C. Fancher, Tully 92 . 80 4 00 E. T. Hawkins & Son, Syracuse 93 . 00 5 00 H. E. Whitmore, Avon 92 . 50 2 50 SECTION 4 dairy SPECIALTIES Entries, 55. Amount awarded, $445. Prof. C. A. Publow, Itliaca, Assistant Superintendent. Butter Making Competition Juitge: Prof. C. A. Publow, Ithaca. Pro rata prize money was distributed to the following competitors who obtained scores above 90 : Pro ^^ta Class 31 — Open to mea (pro rata prize, .?120) : Score prize Roy Cornell. Delhi 97.75 $17 11 Ray Cross, Niobe 98 . 50 18 65 Ralph C. H. Fowler, Auburn 98 . 50 18 65 John P. Portoons, Geneva 96 . 50 14 26 C. O. Smith, Upper Lisle 97.50 16 45 Frank S. Wright, Etna 98 . 50 18 65 John R. Young, Kirkville 97.37 16 23 Class 32 — Open to women (pro rata prize, $100) : Margaret L. Carrick, Rosevllle, Ont 100.00 23 26 Nettle Carrick, Rosevllle, Ont 99.37 21 86 Mary L. Green, r»yal, Ont 99.75 22 79 740 New York State Faib Pro rata Class 32 — Continued Score prize Minnie T. Mauer, Waterloo 9". 75 $18 14 Clara A. Salisbui-y, Brockton 96.00 13 95 Judging Competitions Each competitor scored and criticised five samples which had been judged by the expert judges. The competitors whose scores and criticisms most closely compared with those of the judges were awarded the highest number of points by the fol- lowing assistants : H. L. Ayres, Ithaca (Butter Judging Competition). C. E. DCTTON, So. Otselic (Cheese Judging Competition). Pro rata prize money was distributed to the following competitors who obtained scores above 85 : ' Pro rata Class '.i'.i — Butter Judiring Competition (pro rata prize, $75) : Score prize Edgar T. Bouck, Ja&per 94 . 25 $8 90 Margaret L. Carri.:k, Roseville, Ont 89.62 4 40 Nettie Carrick, Ro.scville, Ont 89.36 4 21 Roy Cornell, Delhi 91 . 31 6 03 Ray ^-ross, Niobe 93 . 89 8 51 Ralph C. H. Fowlor, Auburn 91 . 14 5 84 Chas. L. Kinderberg-^r, Ithaca 94 . 28 8 90 C. O. Smith, Upper Lisle 95.92 10 42 Frank S. Wright, Etna 96 . 16 10 71 John R. Young, Kirkville 92.39 7 08 Class 34 — Cheese Judging Competition (pro rata prize, $75) : E. R. Clute, Belgium 95.00 14 10 Roy Cornell, Delhi 95 . 15 14 38 Ray Cross, Niooe 96 . 19 15 79 Ralph C. H. Fowler, Auburn 95 . 15 14 38 C. O. Smith, Upper Lisle 96 . 57 16 35 Starters Judge: M. J. Pkucha, Geneva. Pro rata prize money w'as distributed to the following exhibitors who obtained scores above 90 : Photographs^ Plans, Essays, Etc Class 35 — For the best prepared lactic acid culture (pro rata / Prorata prize, $25) : Score prize F. X. Baumert & Co.. Antwerp 95.75 $2 45 Borden's Condensed Milk Co., New York City 96.00 2 54 Edgar T. Bouck, Jasper 98 . 50 3 60 L. R. Cramer, Harrisville 98.50 3 60 Martin J. Murray, Geneva 94 . 75 2 03 John P. Porreons, Geneva 98.75 3 72 C. O. Smith, Upper Lisle 98.25 3 51 G. N. Tobey, Ithaca 98.37 3 55 Judge: — H. A. Harding. Geneva. Class 38 — Best original description, with photographs or draw- ings, showing how an unsanitary cow stable has been re- modeled for the production of clean milk : Award First Prize, C. S. Greene, Sailors Snug Harbor, New Brighton, Staten Island $15 00 Second Prize, James R. Anderson, Mountain View, Ontario 5 00 Class 42 — To the patron with not less than five cows who furnished the greatest number of pounds of milk per cow, to a cheese factory, creamery, or milk station, during the months of May, June, July and August of the present year : First Prize, Walter C. Duncan, Otsolio Center 15 00 Second Prize, James R. Anderson, Mountain View, Ontario 10 00 Third Prize, P. W. Briggs, Delanson 5 00 New York State Faiu 741 DEPARTMENT H — FRUITS Comviissioner in Charge, Wii.liam Pitkin, Rochester. Superintendent, C. S. Wilson, Ithaca. That our annual exposition has come to be of great value in tlio promo- tion of the large fruit growing interests of the state is no longer a matter of doubt. The orchard men, tlie large state fruit societies, tlie comity societies, the local granges, have become thoroughly interested, and are sending us exhibits large and small, which combined to make the fruit show at the 1010 fair the greatest ever known in this state, and one of the best ever exhibited in the country, if we may be guided by the many compli- mentary expressions of visitors, whose expert knowledge and experience make them competent judges. The department was seriously handicapped by lack of room and proper modern facilities for displaying the enormous quantities of fruit sent in, and it is safe to say that when the new Horticultural Building is completed a fruit show second to none in^ the world can be put up. Many changes have been made in the premium list since 1907, and in the methods of interesting exhibitors and the public. These changes have been carefully considered, and results show that they have met the approval of the exhibitors and patrons of the fair. Under the old method the full premium list was sent out during the summer to previous exhibitors and a few others, reaching them generally too late to secure their interest and exhibits. \Ve are now sending out during March or April an ad- vance premium list which covers only the fruit department, thus enabling the possible exhibitor to arrange his plans in advance. A large increase has been made in the mailing list, and circular letters are also sent to orchard- ists, farmers, county societies, and local granges, urging them to make some kind of an exhibit. The premium list was formerly carried, along from year to year with but few, if any, changes, and premiums were offered for many varieties of fruit which were either obsolete or so rarely found in orchards that no competi- tive interest could be aroused. These items have now been eliminated and the prize money so saved has been added to the Avell-known commercial varieties grown in every orchard, making it possible to arouse a keen spirit of competition and interest. It has also been made possible for the exhibitor to send his fruit to the fair by express or otherwise, and have it properly installed and displayed, if he cannot make it convenient to come and arrange it himself. The small entry fee on single plates of fruit has also been eliminated. These changes have added largely to the number of small indi- vidual exhibits, and every prize winner is a first-class advertising medium for the fair in his own neighborhood. In 1907 it cost $2 to enter a plate of Baldwin apples, and the first premium was $1.50. In 1910 there was no entrance fee for a single plate of Baldwin apples, and the first premium was $25. The advantage of this change, considered from an educational view point, will be appreciated when it is seen that the number of plates exhibited in 1907 was only four, and in 1910 the number was sixty-seven, an increase of over 1500 per cent. A like increase is shown in other commercial varieties like Mcintosh, King and 742 ISTew York State Fair Northern Spy apples, Bartlett pears, Elberta peaches, etc. Additional entries mean a greater number of exhibitors, more interest, and better advertising and attendance. Several new classes have been added to the premium list. The classes for fruit packed in boxes were of the greatest importance in teaching the orchardist and farmer of New York State how he can best meet the competi- tion from Oregon and Washington, whose fruit we now see so beautifully packed and displayed on all of our fruitstands. We had thirty exhibits in this class at our last fair, and none in 1907. Further efforts will be made to largely increase the exhibits and interest in this class. Another new and popular feature, which was not seen in 1907, was the collection of fruit exhibited by the boys and girls of the state under six- teen years of age. They are the farmers and fruit growers of the future, and must be interested and instructed. With the exception of a few special cli'.sses, the competition is now confined to New York State fruit growers. It was found that we should not admit any competitive fruit from localities south of us, as by reason of the season and climatic conditions they would have an advantage Avhich it was impossible for the orchardists of New York State to overcome, and it was felt that the premium benefits of the fair should go to our own state people. This change has added greatly to the popularity of the fruit department. The exhibits of nursery stock formed anotlier new feature of the last fair, and aroused great interest and at- tention among the patrons. Both orchardists and farmers are always anxious to learn all they can in regard to the trees which they propose to plant, and the nursery exhibits were always surrounded hx crowds of interested people. Special attention has been paid to interesting county societies and local granges and securing their attendance and exhibits, for it means an interest on the part of every member of such a society. The number of these exhibits has increased from three in 1907 to eight in 1910, an increase of 166 per cent. Through the cooperation of the two large fruit societies of the state, the Western New York Horticultural Society and the New York State Asso- ciation of Fruit Growers, we have been able to secure magnificent exhibits of the best products of the orchards of the state. The membership of these societies runs into the thousands, and the fruit for exhibition is donated by the individual members, evidencing not only an enthusiastic support of the societies, but a keen interest in the success of the state fair. These exhibits have been in charge of committees headed by Secretary John Hall and F. E. Rupert, of the Western New York Horticultiiral Society, and Secretary E. C. Gillett and Mr. Schauber, of the New York Fruit Growers' Association. The state fair offers these societies for the first and second premiums $350 and $250, and there is a generous spirit of rivalry between these two large organizations, not so much for the money value of tlie ])rize, but for the honor of winning the highest premium offered by the state fair. The honors have been quite evenly divided during recent years, being usually decided by a few points in the scale. The following comparative statement shows the number of exhibitors and exhibits of (1) the county and grange societies, (2) the leading commercial varieties of fruit, (3) commercial packages, (4) nursery stock, in the years 1907 and 1910 and the percentage of increase. Obleans County Fruit Exhibit. Exhibit of Plums. New York State Fair 74'} Per cenl 1907 1010 Inc. Number of exhibitors 25 142 468 Premiums oflfered .ti^.GOo $3,599 35 I'reniiuras paid .•?2.03?. ii!3,450 G9 County and grange exhlbils 3 8 166 Baldwin apples, single plates 4 67 1575 Mcintosh apples, single plates 2 29 1350 King apples, single plalcs 2 5G 2700 Rhode Island Greening apples, single plates 4 62 1450 Northern Spy apples, single plates 5 47 840 Fifteen leading commoivial apples 59 533 804 Twenty-eight leading connnercial varieties of apples, pears, peaches, plums and grapes 117 761 650 Fruit packed in boxes 0 30 Nursery stock 0 12 Collections of fruits exhibited by boys and girls 0 24 One of the best evidences of the increased interest in the fruit department is shown by two items in the above table. In 1907 premiums offered were .$2,6(5.1. and premiums paid .$2,03.3, showing that $632, or 24 per cent, of the premiums offered, were not paid. This means that a large number of classes were not attractive and were not filled, and no display made. In 1910 the premiums offered were $3,599, and the premiums paid $3,450, showing that the amount unpaid was only $149, or 4 per cent, of the amount offered, indicating that nearly every class was attractive, and was filled with desira- ble entries. The large annual exhibits of the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station at Geneva have been of the greatest educational value, in that they have covered a very wide range of varieties, affording the orchardisit an opportunity of informing himself in regard to any fruits with which he was not familiar. The experiment station, as well as the college of agricul- ture at Cornell Universit}% has placed at our disposal its experts in fruits, vegetables, soils, entomology' and other lines, and these scientists have been in attendance each day of the fair, prepared to answer questions and in- struct the people of the state on the many problems arising daily in their agricultural and horticultural operations. When the development of the state fair grounds reaches a point where available land can be definitely located, and if sufficient funds are otbtainable, it is proposed to plant an experimental orchard, assign plots for the planting of small fruits, and agricultural products, and thus teach the beginner and others some practical lessons in agriculture and horticulture. Many changes in the premium list and methods are under consideration. which it is expected will still further tend to increase the interest in and the educational value of the horticultural department. PREMIUMS AWARDED Entries 2,286. Amount awarded, $3,4-30. SECTION 1 .SOCIETY COLLECTION Entries, 10. Amount awarded, .?915. Class 1 — Largest and best collection of all fruits grown in the state of New York, collected and ex- 1st 2d 3d hibited by any society or organization In the state : Prem. Prem. Prem. N. y. State Fruit Growers' Assn., Pcnn Yan, N. Y $350 00 W. New York Horticultural Society, Rochester, N. Y . . $250 00 744 New York State Fair Class 2 — Countj- Society Collection. For the largest 1st 2d 3d and best collectiou of fruits, grown in any county Prem. Prem. Prem. in the state of New York, collected and exhibited by any county organization : Orleans Co. Fruit Growers' Assn., Albion, X. Y .$100 00 Niagara Co. Farmers' Club, Burt, N. Y $50 00 Ontario Co. Fruit Growers' Assn., Macedon, N. Y $25 00 Class 3 — Subordinate grange and local organization collection. For the largest and best collection of fruits, grown in the state of New York, collected and exhibited liy nny subordinate grange or local organi- zation in the state : Hilton Grange No. 328. Hilton, N. Y 75 00 Knowlesville Grange No. 1124, Knowlesville, N. Y 40 00 Newfane Grange No. 1159, Appleton, N. Y 25 00 SECTION 2 ■ — COLLECTIONS Entries, 80. Amount awarded, $556.25. Apples Class 4 — Largest and best collection of 5 specimens 1st 2d 3d of each variety (no duplicate) : Prem. Prem. Prem. W. S. Teater, Upper Red Hook, N. Y $50 00 E. E. Caiman, Canandaiuua, N. Y $25 00 Ferguson Bros., Voorhcesvillc. N. Y $12 50 Class 5 — Collection of 10 varieties, 5 specimens of each : Grant G. Hitchings, R. D. 5. Syracuse, N. Y 30 00 W. S. Teater, Upper Red Hook. N. Y 15 00 Poster H. White, R. D. 1, Seneca Falls, N. Y 7 50 Class 6 — Collection of 5 varieties, 5 specimens each : Grant G. Hitchings, R. D. 5, Syracuse, N. Y 15 00 W. S. Teater, Upper Red Hook, N. Y 7 50 Foster H. White, Seneca Falls, N. Y 3 75 Class 7 — Largest and best collection of 5 specimens of each variety (no duplicates) : Ellwanger & Barry, Rochoslei, N. Y 30 00 Mrs. W. H. I'iUow, Canandaigiia, N. Y 15 00 D. I-:. Bell, Rochester, N. Y 7 50 Class 8 — Collection of 10 varieties, 5 specimens of each : D. K. Bell, Rochester, N. Y 15 00 Ellwanger and Barry, Rocliester, N. Y' 7 50 Mrs. W. n. Pillow, R. D. 1, Canandaigua, N. Y 3 75 Class 9 — Collection of 5 varieties, 5 specimens of each : Mrs. W. H. Pillow, Canandaigua, N. Y 10 00 White & Rice, Yorktown, N. Y 5 00 D. K. Bell, Rochester, N. Y 2 50 Peaches Class 10 — Collection of 10 varieties, 5 specimens of each : F. H. King, Jr., Trumaushurg, N. Y 30 00 W. H. Saxe, Paleuvillo, N. Y 15 00 E. E. Caiman, Canandaigua, N. \' 7 50 Class 11 — ColIi'Ction of 5 varieties, 5 specimens each: F. H. King, Jr., Trumansburg, N. Y 20 00 E. L. Tallman, Blajvolt, N. Y 10 00 W. H. Saxc, Palenville, N. Y 5 00 New Yokk State F^viii 745 Plums Class 12 — Largest and Lost collection, a G-iucli plato 1st 2d 3d filled (uo duplicates) : I'rem. I'rem. I'rcm. Mrs. W. 11. IMll.iw, Cnnandaigua. N. Y $:J0 00 Ellwangei- & Harry, Uoclioster. N. Y $15 00 Van Kpps & Sauford. (Jcncva, N. Y $7 50 Class 13 — Collection of 10 varieties, a G-inch plate filled : Mrs. W. H. rillow, Canandaigua, N. Y 15 00 Van Epps & Sanford, Geneva, N. Y 7 50 Class 14 — -Collection of 5 varieties, a 6-inch plate filled : Mrs. W. II. Pillow, Canandaigua, N. Y 10 00 Van Epps & Sanford, Geneva, N. Y 5 00 EUwanger & Barry, Rochester, N. Y 2 50 Nuiivc Orapes, Orotcn in Open Air Class 15 — Largest and best collection of each : EUwanger & Barry, Itochester, N. Y 30 00 Delos Tenney, Hilton, N. Y 15 00 S. I. Wells & Son, Fayetteville, N. Y 7 50 Class 16 — Collection of 10 varieties, 3 bunches of each : Delos Tenney, Hilton, N. Y 20 00 EUwanger & Barry, Rochester, N. Y 10 00 S. J. Wells & Son, Fayetteville, N. Y 5 00 Class 17 — Collection of 5 varieties, 3 bunches of each : E. H. Anderson, Hilton. N. Y 15 00 Delos Tenney, Hilton, N. Y 7 50 S. J. Wells Si Son, Fayetteville, N. Y 3 75 SECTION 3 COLLECTIOKS Entries, 58. Amount awarded, $260. Apples Class 19 — Collection of 10 varieties. 5 specimens of 1st 2d 3d each : Prem. Prem. Prem. A. E. Jansen, New Paltz, N. Y $20 00 G. E. Stohler, Newfane, N. Y $10 00 E. L. Tallman, Blauvelt, N. Y $5 00 Class 20 — Collection cf 5 varieties, 5 specimens of each : W. S. Teater, Upper Red Hook, N. Y 15 00 A. E. Jansen, New Paltz, N. Y 7 50 E. L. Tallman, Blauvelt, N. Y 3 75 Peaches Class 21 — Collection of 10 varieties, 5 specimens of each : S. D. Furminger, St. Cntharines, Ontario 20 00 F. H. King, Jr., Trumansburg, N. Y' 10 00 E. E. Caiman, Canandaigua, N. Y 5 00 Class 22 — Collection of 5 varieties, 5 specimens of each : F. H. King, Jr., Trumansburg. N. Y 15 00 S. D. Furminger, St. Catharines, Ontario 7 50 G. E. Stohler, Newfane, N. Y 3 75 746 New York State Fair Native QrapeSj Orown in Open Air Class 23 — Collection of 10 varieties, 3 bunches of 1st eacli : Prem. S. D. Furminger, St. Catharines, Ontario $20 00 C. C. Corby, Montclair, N. J S. J. Wells & Son, Fayetteville, N. Y Class 24 — Collection of 5 varieties, 3 bunches of each : S. D. Furminger, St. Catharines, Ontario 15 00 C. C. Corby, Montclair, N. J S. J. Wells & Son, Fayetteville, N. Y Quinces Class 26 — 5 specimens Orange : White & Rice, Yorktown, N. Y 5 00 Van Epps & Sanford, Geneva, N. Y Ernest C. Hinds, Phelps, N. Y Class 27 — 5 specimens Meech : White & Rice, Yorktown, N. Y 5 00 Class 28 — -5 specimens Rea : Ellwanger & Barry, Rochester, N. Y 5 00 D. K. Bell, Rochester, N. Y Class 29 — 5 specimens Champion : White & Rice, Yorktown, N. Y 5 00 Class 31 — Special amateur collection. For the best arranged and most extensive, perfect and varied exhibit of orchard products (fresh fruits) grown by exhibitor : Mrs. James Carver, Clifton Springs, N. Y 30 00 Levi Timmerman, R. D. 4, Canastota, N. Y SECTION 4 SINGLE PLATES Entries, 1126. Amount awarded, $578.50. Apples 1st Class 32 — Alexander : Prem. W. S. Teater, Upper Red Hook, N. Y.' $10 00 W. A. Bassett, Interlaken, N. Y Edward C. Smith, Gasport, N. Y Class 33 — Bailey : F. N. Giddings, Baldwinsville, N. Y 2 00 Class 34 — Baldwin : W. S. Tealer, Upper Red Hook, N. Y 25 00 G. E. Stohler, Newfane, N. Y W. L. Mackey, Marlboro, N. Y Class 35 — Ben Davis : A. E. Jansen, New Paltz, N. Y 2 00 J. V. Salisbury & Sons, Phelps, N. Y W. S. Teater, Upper Red Hook, N. Y C^ass 36 — Bismarck : D. Rhind, Canandaigua, N. Y 2 00 Grant O. Hitchlngs, R. D. 5, Syracuse, N. Y William C. Buell, Halcomb, N. Y Class 37 — Black Gilliflower : George D. Edgerton, Rock Stream, N. Y 2 00 Foster H. White, Seneca Falls, N. Y W. Palmer, Rexford Flats, N. Y 2d Prem. $10 00 7 50 2 50 2 50 20 00 2d Prem. $5 00 10 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 3d Prem. $5 00 3 75 1 25 3d Prem. $2 50 5 00 60 50 50 New York State Fair 74:'i 1st Class 38 — Boiken : Prem. George D. Edgerton, Rock Stream, N. Y :^2 (jO W. A. Bassott, mtcrlaken, N. Y Grant G. llitdiings, K. D. 5, Syracuse, N. Y Class 39 — Beitigheimer : E. L. Tallmau, Blauvelt, N. Y li uo Fergusou Bros., Voorheesville, N. \' G. E. Stohler, Newfane, N. Y Class 40 — Chenango : Grant G. Hitchings. R. D. 5. Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 E. L. Tallman, Blauvelt, N. Y Class 41 — Cooper Market : W. W. Severn, Interlaken, N. Y 2 00 G. E. Stohler, Newfane, N. Y F. W. Clark & Son, Wyoming, N. Y Class 43 — Cranberry Pippin : William J. Martin, Selkirk, N. Y 2 00 G. E. Stohler, Newfane, N. Y Luther Collamer, Hilton, N. Y Class 45 — Detroit Red: A. E. Jansen, New Paltz, N. Y 2 00 F. H. Willis, Pulaski, N. Y F. N. Giddings, Baldwinsville, N. Y Class 46 — Early Harvest : Grant G. Hitchings, R. D. 5, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 Class 47 — Early Strawberry : Grant G. Hitchings, R. D. 5, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 White & Rice, Yorktown, N. Y Class 48 — Esopus Spitzenburg : J. V. Salisbury & Sons, Phelps, N. Y 10 00 W. S. Teater, Upper Red Hook, N. Y Ferguson Bros., Voorheesville, N. Y Class 49 — Fallawater : White & Rice, Yorktown, N. Y 2 00 W. S. Teater, Upper Red Hook, N. Y G. E. Stohler, Newfane, N. Y Class 50 — Fall Jenneting : Fall Brook Farm, Genoseo, N. Y 2 00 John G. Wells, Shortsville, N. Y E. H. Anderson, Hilton, N. Y Class 51 — Fall Pippin : J. V. Salisbury & Sons, Phelps, N. Y 2 00 A. E. Jansen, New Paltz, N. Y Henry D. Lewis, Annandale, N. Y Class 52 — Fameuse : Grant G. Hitchings. R. D. 5, Syracuse, N. Y 10 00 Ferguson Bros., Voorheesville, N. Y William J. Martin, Selkirk, N. Y Class 53 — Gano : A. E. Jansen, Now Paltz, N. Y 2 00 William Palmer, Rexford Flats, N. Y Grant G. Hitchings, R. D. 5, Syracuse, N. Y Class 54 — Gideon : Grant G. Hitchings, R. D. 5, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 D. D. Gordon, Rushford, N. Y Rnymond H. Gardior, Barker, N. Y -'d 3d I'rem. Prem. n 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 $0 50 50 50 50 50 2 50 50 50 50 2 50 50 50 748 New York State Faik 1st Class 56 — Golden Russett : Prem. William A. Ciandall. Kendall, N. Y $2 00 C. G. & U. L. Oakes, North llose, N. Y F. W. Clark & &on, Wyoming, N. Y Class 57 — Golden Sweet : White & Rice, Yorktown, N. Y 2 00 J. V. Salisbury & Sons, Phelps, N. Y Leslie Tanner, R. D. 12, Medina, N. Y Class 58 — Gravenstein : W. S. Teater, Upper Red Hook, N. Y 2 00 E. L. Tallman, Blauvelt, N. Y Grant G. Hitchings, R. D. 5, Syracuse, N. Y Class 59 — Grimes : W. S. Teater, Upper Red Hook, N. Y 2 00 A. E. Jensen, New Paltz, N. Y J. V. Salisbury & Sons, Phelps, N. Y Class 60 — Hendrick : W. A. Bassett, Interlaken, N. Y 2 00 Foster H. White, Seneca Falls, N. Y C. G. & R. L. Oakes, North Rose, N. Y Class 61 — Hubbardston : E. E. Caiman, Canandaigua, N. Y 10 00 William C. Buell, Halsom, N. Y Foster H. White, Seneca Falls, N. Y Class 62 — Jonathan : W. S. Teater, Upper Red Hook, N. Y 10 00 W. L. Mackey, Marlboro, N. Y A. E. Jansen, New Paltz, N. Y Class 63 — King: F. W. Clark & Son, Wyoming, N. Y 15 00 E. Emans, LaGrangeville, N. Y Grant G. Hitchings, R. D. 5, Syracuse, N. Y Class 64 — Lady: G. E. Stohler, Newfane, N. Y 2 00 E. E. Caiman, Canandaigua, N. Y A. E. Curtis, Sterling Station, N. Y Class 05 — Lady Sweet : J. V. Salisbury & Sons, Phelps, N. Y 2 00 George W. Dunn, Webster, N. Y Class 66 — Longfield : Grant G. Hitchings, R. D. 5, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 W. A. Bassett, Interlaken, N. Y E. Emans, LaGrangeville, N. Y Class 68 — Late Autumn Strawberry: Leslie Tanner, R. D. 12, Medina, N. Y 2 00 J. V. Salisbury & Sons, Phelps, N. Y E. E. Caiman, Canandaigua, N. Y Class 69 — Mcintosh : A. E. Jansen, New Paltz, N. Y 10 00 W. S. Teater, Upper Red Hook, N. Y W. L. Mackey, Marlboro, N. Y Class 70 — Maiden Blush: W. S. Teater, Upper Red Hook, N. Y 2 00 W. L. Mackey, Marllioro, N. Y E. L. Tallman, Blauvelt, N. Y 2d Prem. $1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 3d Prem. $0 50 50 50 50 50 2 50 2 50 5 00 50 50 50 50 50 Xi:\v YouK Statk Fair 749 1st •_'(! r.a Class 72 — Manu : I'rcin. I'lviu. I'r. m A. K. .Taiiscn, Xcw I'lilt/.. N. Y .fli i»u K. L. 'ralliii:iii. l!|.iiivi>lt. N. Y ,f 1 (ii) \Y. S. Tfairr. TppiT UimI IIooU, \, V .fu r.d Class ~:i — Nortliwfsioru (Jroi-ninfj : \V. I'nliner, Koxford Flats, N. Y li 00 \V. S. Toafcr, rppiT Itcd HdoU. \. Y 1 (mi Class 74 — Nortlu'iii Spy : A. E. .Tanson, New rail/., .\. Y ir. (id It. Loe Ednuiiuls, It. 1». !i. rcnn Yaii, X. Y lo (id Grant G. llitchinffs, It. 1). T),, N. Y .'i dd Class I't — Oklonbiirs (Duchpss) : F. \V. Clark & Son. Wyouiinj;, X. Y -J. d(i W. S. Tenter, Upper Rod Hook, X. Y 1 (id l.. 12. Medina, X. Y 2 00 Class 80 — Pound Sweet: i:. 1,. Tallman, Blauveli, X. Y 2 00 \V. S. Teater, Upper Red Hook. X. Y 1 Od W. ri. Clark & Son, ^Varsaw, X. Y TiO Class 81 — I'rimate : C. a. &. R. L. Oakcs, Xorlh Rose, X. Y 2 00 .T. V. Salisbury & Sons. Phelps. X. Y' 1 00 \V. A. Bassett, Interlaken. X. Y ."0 Class 82 — • Rambo : \V. S. Teater, Upper K-\ Hook. X. Y 2 00 Van Epps & Sanfn-d. Ceneva. X. Y 1 00 E. L. Tallman, Blanvelt, X. Y .-.0 Class 83 — Red As: radian: Crant C. Ilitcbinas, R. 1). .".. Syracnse. X. Y 2 dd Elmer Sloarns. UaFayett-'. X. Y 1 00 .T. V. Salisbury iV, Sons. Phelps. X. Y 5d Class .84 — Red Canada: Crant <}. HitehinRs. R. H. .".. Syracnse. X. Y Hi 00 Eerjriison Bros., Voorheesville. N. Y' ." 00 W. Palmer. Rexford Flals. X. Y 2 ."0 Class 85 — Rhode Island ((Jreeninj;! : .T. V. Salisbury & Sons. Pholps. N. Y" 2.'. 00 Fall Brook Farm, fn^ncseo. X. Y 10 00 Foster H. White. Seneca Falls. X. V r, 00 Class 86 — Rlbston : E. E. Caiman. Canandai^ina. X. V 2 00 I.nther Collamer. Hilton. X. Y' 1 00 '750 Xi:w VoK'i-: Stati-: Fair 1st -M ■■:<] Class «7 — Kome : Prem. I'lein. rrciii. A. K. .lansen. Nt'w I'altz, N. Y $1« 0(i \V. !S. Toater. rppcr Kcur.v & Sons. I'hclps. X. Y .f2 nO ('las.s 88 — Uoxbury : (;. H. StohkT, Newfane, .\. Y 10 on White & Ulce, Yorktown, N. Y 5 00 I'all Hrook Farm, (it'iipsco. N. Y i; .">(! Class 8y — Salome : Krank E. Uupert, Seneca. N. Y 2 00 Grant G. llitchings. R. D. .j, S.vracusc. X. Y 1 00 U. -M. Lincoln, Xowark. X. Y r>0 (.'lass 91 — Smokehouse ; E. L. Tallman, Blauvclt, X. Y 1' 00 A. E. Jansen. Xew Paltz, X. Y 1 00 Ferguson Bros., Voorheesvillo. .\. Y 50 Class 92 — Stark : E. E. Caiman, Canandaigua, X. Y - oo Foster H. \Vhite, Seneca Falls, X. Y 1 mi A. E. Jansen, Xew Paltz, X. Y 50 Class 93 — Stayman \Vinesai) : \V. A. Bassett, Interhiken, X. Y 2 (in \V. S. Teater. Uppir Ked Hook. X. Y 1 tio Class 94 — St. Lawrence : Ferguson Bros., Voorheesville, X. Y - no AV. Palmer, Itexford Flats, X. Y 1 00 Frank E. Kiipert, Seneca, X. Y 50 Class 95 — Sutton : A. E. Jansen, Xew I'altz, X. Y 2 Oo Grant G. Hitchings. R. I). 5, Syracuse. X. Y 1 oi» \V. S. Teater. Upper Red Hook. X. Y • 50 (lass 9G — Swaar : \au Epps & Sanford, (Jeneva, X. Y 2 00 Ferguson Bros.. Voorheesville. X. Y 1 00 Jay B. (Jakes, Medina, X. Y 50 Class 97 — Sweet Bough : J. V. Salislnu-y & Sons, Phelps. X. Y 2 00 Leslie Tanner, R. I). 12. Medina. X. Y 1 00 Gram (.'. Uilcliings. It. 1 1. ."j, SyiMciisi', X. V 50 Class us - Tolman : J. A'. Salishury & Sons. I'lnliis. X. Y 2 on .lay B. OaUis. .Medina. .\. V 1 nn !•:. I.. Tallman, Blauvell, X. Y 50 Class 9!) — Twi'nty Oinue : J. \'. S;\lisl)ury & Sons. PlicMps. N. A' In nn Foster H. Wlii e. Seneca Falls. .\". V 5 on (i. E. Stohler, Xewfaiie, .\, V 2 50 Class 100 — Vandcvere . A. 10. Jaiis<'n. .New I'alt/,. .V. Y •_' on W. L. .Mackey, .Marlboro. .\. V 1 on W. II. Saxe, Palenville. .\. V 50 Class 101 Wagenei- : • Jeorge 'i'. Powell. Ghenl. .\. Y 10 00 !•;. \.. Tallman. Blanvell. X. Y .-,00 W. S. Tealtf. I'liiiei- Kiil Hook, .\. V 2 50 ^ i;\v ^'()liK Statk 1'\\ii.' TjI isi jd ;:ii t 'Inss lOi: W'lallli.N : rinii, I'li-in. I'r«iii. Grant C. llitihiiigs. U. D. .'». Synuvisc. N. Y Mn nil \V. S. IVater, rpin-r lU-d Hook. N. Y ^o <•«' \Ym. II. McCIow, Newfane. N. Y ■!}2 'i) riass 10:{ — Westtti'ld (Seek No Ftirllicri : 10. Kinaus. LaGrnnjjrevillc. N. Y - 0() .1. V. Salislmi-y & Sons, I'li.lps. N. V 1 •>(» I'V'Tfjuson Hios.. \'oi)rlii'i'svill»\ N. Y ."><• Class lOG — Wolf Kivcr ; \V. S. Teatcr. Vptior U.d Hook. X. Y L' (•<> K. L. Talliuaii. Hlaiiv.-li. N. Y 1 (mi (irant •;. IIitclilu{;s. K. D. .'■. S.vracusc. .\. Y 50 Class 107 — Yellow Hcllllowi'r : \V. S. 'IVater. l'i)per Kod Hook. N. Y -J (»o J. V. Salisbury & Sons. rh<-lps, N. Y 1 00 A. E. .TansPD. New I'al'z. \. Y 50 Class lOS — Yellow Transparent : Delos lennt'y, Jlilton. N. Y' _' >'<> K. L. Tallman. 151aiiv»'lt. N. Y 1 00 W. I.. Mafk.'v. Marlboio. N. Y 50 Class lo!» — York Iniix-rial : \V. S. Ti-ator, I'ppcr Rod Hook. N. Y li 00 White & Rice. Yorktown. N. \' 1 00 10. E. Caiman. Caiiandaifrvia. .N. Y 50 llO^Y'fllow Newtown: W. S. Teater, Upper Red Hook. N. Y •_• 00 A. E. .Tanseu. New I'altz. N. Y ] ltd Henry D. Lewis, Anandale. N. Y .let Class 111— Best new liybrid. not before e.\liiliite. .'.. Syrarii.-..".n. 1 St 2d .",(1 Class 118 — Anjou : Prom. rrern. I'rem. W. H. Saxe. ralenvllle. NY .$." on i:ilwangir A: Barry. Rochester. .\. Y .$2 ."ifl I>. K. I'.oll, Rochester. NY $12.". ( o 2 JS'kw York Statk Kaii; 1st -•il .".(l I'rem. 1' re 111. I'rt'in. S.") ou Class Hi) — ■ Angouleinc ( I HkIk'ssi') : Saiiuu'l Kiiiscr. Ct^ncst'o. N. V >ris. W. II. Pillow, (•anandaijtuii, N. V if 2 7,0 C It. Scliaulxr. Ballston Lake, N. Y .SI -J."! Class 120 — Kartl.u : Oiin V. .Tollcy. Sodus. N. Y 15 00 C. G. & K. L. Oakes. Xortli Kose. X. Y ]i) oo Van Epps & Sanford, Uciipva, N. Y 5 00 Class 121 — Boso : A. E. Jansen, New Taltz, N. Y lu (tO E. E. Caiman, Canindaigii;'. N. Y 5 0(» 1). K. Bell, Rochester, .\. Y 2 .'><) Class 122 — Boussock : D. K. Bell. Rochester, X. Y 2 00 D. D. Gordon, Rusliford. .\. Y , 1 oo F. W. Clark & Son, ^YyoIuiIlg. X. Y 50 Class 12."> — Clapp Favorite : EUwanger & Barry, Rochii^ter, X. Y 2 00 W. L. Mackey, Marlboro, N. Y 1 oo Delos Tenney, Hilton, X. Y 50 Class 124 — Clalrgeau : I). Rbind. Canandaigua. X. Y 2 oo F. W. Clark & Son, Wyoming. X. Y 1 oo Mrs. \V. H. I'illow, Canandai.!.iiia, X. Y 50 Class 125 — Columbia : D. K. Bell, Rochester, X. 1 2 00 EUwanger & Barry, Rochester, X. Y 1 oo Class 126 ^ — Congress : Mrs. W. H. Pillow, Canandaigua, X. Y 2 00 Ira Pease, Oswego, X. Y' 1 oo D. D. Gordon, Rushford, X. Y 5o aass 127 — Diel : EUwanger & Barry, Rochester, X. Y 2 oo Mrs. W. II. Pillow. Canandaigua, X. Y 1 oo Ira I'ease, Oswego, X. Y' SO Class 12.S — Dorset : EUwanger & Barry, Rochester. X. Y 2 00 .T. F. Roberts, Syracuse. X. Y 1 oo Class 129 — Flemish : EUwanger & Barry. Rochester. X. Y 2 00 F. W. Clark & Son. Wyoming. X. Y 1 00 Elmer C. Stearns, LaFayette. X. Y 50 Class 130 — Ilowell : Mrs. W. H. Pillow, Canandaigua. X. Y 2 00 EUwanger &. Barry. Rochester. X. Y 1 oo Frank E. Rupert, Seneca. X. Y 5o Class 1.">1 — .Iospi)hini' de .Malines : Mrs. W. II. I'illow, Canandaigua, X. Y 2 00 t:ilwanger & Barry, Rochester. X. ^ 1 00 r>. K. Bell, Rochester. X. Y 50 (lass 132 — Kleffer: W. Palmer, Re.Tford Flats. X. Y 5 00 A. E. .Tansen, Xpw I'altz. X. Y 2 f.O Ernest C. Hinds, I "helps. .X. Y 1 25 Nkw Youk Stati: Faiu 753 1st lid :u\ (lass lli'o — Lawrence: Prem. I'rera. I'rem. KIlwiiUK.T & ISnny, Uocliostor, N. Y ff-2 00 .1. F. Kol.orts, Synu'uso. N. Y $1 00 1 1. K. r.cll, Itodiester. N. Y .f(i :>() (.'hiss l.'!4 — • TaxiIsc : Mis. \V. II. IMlIow, ("iiiiaiulaUiui. .\. Y 2 00 Kllwiiiifrer & IJnriy, Uochestof. .N. V 1 00 !•'. 1). Buiiipus, Virtor, X. Y r>0 ( 'hiss 13o — Lucrative : J. F. Rose. South n.Muii, X. V 12 00 Class 1;h; — Uceder : K. K. Caiman. Cananilai.i;iin, N. Y 2 00 Klhvangor & I'.arry. Kocliesti-r, N. Y : 1 00 1). D. Gordon, Uushford, N. Y OO Class 137 — Seckel : Foster II. \Vliit<>, Semca Falls. X. Y 10 00 Mrs. ^Y. n. i'illow, Caiuuukiigua. X. Y 5 00 Van Epps & Sanford. Geneva, X. Y 2 50 Class 138 — Sheldon : D. K. IJell, Rochester, X. Y 5 00 Mrs. W. II. Pillow, Canandaigiia. X. Y 2 50 K. K. Caiman, Cauandaiijiia. X. Y 1 2.3 ("lass 13y — Tyson : Mrs. \V. H. Pillow, Canaudaigiia. X. Y 2 00 .T. F. Rose, South Byron. X. Y 1 00 I >. K. Bell, Rochester, X. Y 50 Class 140 — Vermont Beauty : Mrs. W. 11. Pillow. Canandaisun, X. Y 2 00 Ira Pease, O.swego, X. Y 1 00 D. Rhind, Canandaigua. X. Y 50 Class 141 — Washiuutou : Kllwanger v — Champion: F. n. Kill},', Jr.. Truuiausburir. X. Y 2 00 Vj. E. Caiman. Canaii(lai.i;iia, X. Y 1 (Ml (!eo. R. Sthaulior. r.allsloii Lake, X. Y .">0 Class 150 — Crosby : \V. A. Bassott. luttM-lakeii. X. Y ."> (»0 F. (i. Broartwoll. Wateiport. X. Y 2 .'O W. L. Saxe, Palc^nvillo, X. Y 1 •_>.", (lass 151 — Earl.v Crawford : C. 11. Crawford, Memphis, X. \' .". (hi Mr. & Mrs. R. II. Bowdon. Clifton Sprinj^s. X. Y 2 50 O. E. Stohler, Xewfane, X. Y \ 2T, Class 152 — Early Rivers : E. E. Caiman, Canandaigiia. X. Y 2 (lO Class 15."5 — Ellierta : ^Vm. Wickham, Hector. X. Y 15 00 White & Rice, Y'orktown. X. Y Ki (Hi F. IT. King, .Tr., Trunianshurg, X. Y' 5 00 Class 154 — Engle's Mammoth: IC. E. Caiman, Canandaiyua. X. Y 2 oO O. M. Lincoln, Xcwark. X. Y 1 (in Class 155 — Fitzgerald : AV. A. Bassett, Intorlaken, X. Y 2 00 :Mr. & :Mrs. R. II. Bowdi-n, Clifton Springs. X. Y 1 00 F. II. King, Jr.. Trumansburg, X. Y 50 Class 15(j — Foster: (). M. Lincoln. Xewark. X. Y 2 00 E. E. Caiman. Canandaigua. X. Y 1 00 F. II. King. Jr., 'rnimansliurg, X. Y 50 Class 157 — (ilobe : E. E. Caiman, Canandaigua, .\. Y 2 oo F. II. King, Jr., Trumanshnrg. X. Y 1 (lO (;. E. Stohler, Xewfano, X. Y 50 Class 15S — Oold Drop: E. E. Caiman, Canandaigua. X. Y 2 oo F. II. King, Jr.. Trunianshurg. X. Y 1 00 Class 15!i — (Ireenslioro : \V. II. Saxe. I'aleuville. X. Y 2 00 E. E. Caiman, Canandaigua. X. Y 1 oo Class 100 — Iliirs (liile: V. H. King. Jr.. Trumanshurg, X. Y 2 oo (). M. Lincoln. Xewark, X. Y 1 (in (J. R. Schaulier, Ballston Lake. X. Y 50 Clas.s IC.l — Ilortoii's River: E. K. Caiman. Canandaigua. .\", Y 2 oo F. II. King. ,Ir.. Trumanshurg. .\. Y 1 0(i Xi;\v ^'«)|;k Si-ATK Faii; 75.") is( ■_'.! :;,i Class 102 — Kiiliiinn/oo : Preiu. ri-ciii. I'li-ni. 10. v.. Ciilinan. ("anaiidaigun. N. Y if 2 00 (;. K. StoliliM-. Ncwfnno. N. Y $1 iiit < >. M. Lincoln. Xowaik. \. Y .fd .'.(» Class li5:j — Latt' Ciawfonl : ^Vllito & IMce, Y()rkti>\vn. X. Y 5 OU Jay n. (Dalies. .Medina. N. Y 2 .■")(» 1'. II. Kins, -'r., ■riniiiansl)iir;i;. N. Y ] 2.'> Class l(i4 - - Mavllowfi- : i;. K. Caiman. Canandaiicna. \. Y 2 — Wheal land : F. F. Caiman. C.inandaigna. .X. Y 2 00 (). .M. I.,incoln. Xewark. X. Y 1 00 177 — Willeil : F. F. Caiman, Canandaigna. .X. Y 2 00 F. C. Hinds. I'lKvps. X. Y 1 00 < >. M. Lincoln, Xewark, X. Y ,-,0 Class 17.S — Yell.iw St. Jchn : F. F. Caiman, Canandaigna, .X. Y 2 iM» (). .M. Lincoln, Xi-wark. X. Y 1 tiy 756 N'ew York State Fair SECTIOX 8 PLUMS A six-inch plate filled. lOntrics. 147. Aninnut awarded, $158. 1st 2d 3d Class 179 — Abundance: rreui. I'rem. I'rem. White &-. Kiee. Yoiktown, N. Y $5 00 Mrs. W. II. Pillow, Canandaigua, N. Y ?2 50 Class 180 — Arch Duke : Van Kpps & Sanford. (ieneva. N. Y 2 OO Class 181 — Beauty of Naples: O. M. Lincoln, Newark, N. Y 2 00 Class 182 — Blue Damson : White & Rice, Yorktown, NY 2 00 Mrs. W. H. Pillow, Canandaigua, N. Y 1 00 O. M. Lincoln, Newark, N. Y iSO 50 Class 183 — Bradshaw : D. D. Gordon, Rushford, N, Y 10 00 ^'an Epps & Sanford, (jeneva. N. Y o 00 Mrs. W. H. Pillow, Canandaigua, N. Y' 2 50 Class 184 — Buvl)auk : L. S. Teuney, Hilton. N. Y 10 00 Mrs. M. II. Pillow, Canandaigua, N. Y 5 00 White & Rice, Yorktown. N. Y 2 50 Class 185 — ( liabot : O. M. Lincoln, Newaik. X. Y. . 2 00 Class 18G — Coc's (Joldeu Drop: Mrs. M. II. Pillow, Canandaigua. N. Y 2 00 Class 187 — Diamond : Van Epps & .Sanford. fJemva. N. Y 2 00 Mrs. W. II. I'illow. Canandaigua. N. Y' 1 00 D. Khind, Canandaigua. N. Y' 50 Class 188 — Fellenhurg : Dclos Tenner. Hilton, N. Y 2 00 Frank II. Halo. Fayetteville. N. Y 1 on White & Rice. Yorktow:i, N. Y 50 Class 180 — French Damson: F. II. King, .Tr., Trumauslmrg. N. Y 2 00 Van Epps & Sanford. (Jeneva. N. Y 1 00 Mrs. W. II. Pillow, Canandaigua. N. Y 50 Class 190 — Cerni-iu Piure: A. E. .lansen, New I'altz. N. Y 5 0(» Ferguson Bros., A'oorheesville. .V. Y 2 5(i Olive A. Brown, Syracuse, N. Y 1 25 Class 191 — Grand Duke: Ellwanger & Barry. Rochester, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. W. II. Pillow. Canandaigua. N. V 1 00 A'an Epps & Sanfor(» Van Kpi)s & Sanford. Gem-va. X. Y 1 (Ki Class 200 — Iteine Claude: Van Ei)ps & Sanford. Geneva, X. Y Ki (lo V. II. Kins. .Tr.. Trunianslmri;-. X. Y .". (lu Kobert Hall. Hilton. X. Y 2. Mi Class 201 — Safsunia : White & Rice, Yorktowii. .X. Y 2 oo Class 202 — Shipper's Pride: \'an Kpps & Sanford. G(iii'\.i. .X. Y 2 on O. M. Lincoln, Newark. N. Y 1 oo Mrs. W. 11. Pillow. Canandaiiiiia. .X. Y .',(1 Class 203 — Shropshire Damson: Van Kpps & Sanford. (ieneva. N. Y Ki oo Georsre D. Edgorton. Rock Stream. X. Y ."i oo ^Y. W. Severn, Interlaki'ii. X. Y 2 50 Class 204 — Wasliint;ton : Van Epps & Sanford. Geneva. X. Y 2 oo E. E. Caiman, Canandaiiiiia. X. Y I no Delos 'lenney. Hilton, X, Y 50 Class 205 — Wickson : White & Kice, Y'orklown. X. Y 2 oO E. E. Caiman, Canandaigiin. X. Y 1 oo W. L. .Mackey. Marlboro. N. Y -50 Class 206 — Yellow Egyr : Frank IT. Hale. Fayetteville. X. Y 2 oo Mrs. W. H. Pillow, Canandaigua. X. Y 1 oo Mrs. IJ. G. King. LaFayctte. N. Y 50 sKi -rioN- 9 — oi!.\im:s Tliree cliis'crs each. Entrie-;. ISO. .\iiiininl awarcbd. .■< 1 '.i:',.T5. 1st 2d .".d Class 207 — Agawam : Pi-eni. I'ri'in. Prcm. Ellwanger & Barry, Rochester. X. Y .'^2 oo S. J. Wells & Son. Fayetteville. X. V .>fl on Frank P. Studley, Matteawan. N. Y (( Class 212 — Caniplx'll Early: I. II. ^Vil(■ox. Tort land, N. Y :.■ on EUwanjrer & I'arry. Uocliester. N. Y 1 nu Moiil Wordi'n, FayctliMillc. .\'. Y 5(1 Class 2i:! — Clinton : Delos Tenncy. Hilton. X. Y 2 00 EUwangcr & Barry. UoclKstcr. X. Y 1 (in < " 214 — ■ ( 'oncord : Elhvanger & Barry. Bochester. N. Y in mi I. II. \Vilcox. Portland. X. Y .-. (in E. 11. Ander.son, Ilil on. X. Y L' .".o Class 21.") — ( 'atawlia : Ik'los Tcnne'y. Hilton. X. Y l(i (mi EUwangcr & Barry. Uoclii'srer, X. V ."i (i(i I. II. Wilcox. I'ortlaud, X. Y i^ ."(i Class 21(i — Delawaie: Mont Wordcn. Fayettevillc X. Y Id (mi S. J. Wells & Son. Eayetteville. .X. Y .", (in ^\■. L. Mackey. Marll.oro, X. Y 2 ".0 Class 217 — I liana : Delos Tenney. Hilton. X. Y 2 00 EUwanger & Barry, Boclicstcr. .\. Y 1 (in S. .1. Wells vV: Son, Fayettevillc, .\. Y .-,n Class 218 — Diamond : EUwanger & Barry. Rocbester. X. Y 2 00 Mrs. .las. Carver. I'lifton Springs. X. Y 1 no (ieorge R. Schaulxn-. r.;illsion. .X. Y 50 Class 219 — Eaton : Mrs. Jas. Carver. Clifton Sjirings. X. Y 2 no lielos Tenney. Hilton. X. Y 1 On Elhvangec & Barr.v. Rochester. X. Y .'.n 220 — Elvira : EUwanger & Barry. Rochester. X. V 2 (Ml E. E. ( aliuan. Caiiandaigii!!. X. V 1 nn W. L. Mackey. Maillioio. .X. Y 50 Class 221 — ICrniiire Slate: S. .T. Wells & Son. Fayet tevilli'. X. V L' (in EUwanger & P.arry. Rochester. .X. Y 1 nn W. L. Mackey. .Marllmro. X. Y 5(t Class 222 — Coelhe : EUwanger & Barry. Rochester. X. Y L' nn S. .T. Wells & Son. FayetleviUe. X. Y 1 nn Frank I'. Stiidley, Malteawaii, X. ^■ .",n Class 22."! - - (!a"rlner : S. J. Wells & Son, Fayetteville. X, V L' no EUwanger & Barry. Rochester. X. V 1 nn Class 224 — <;re(>n Moniit.iiii : I'elos Tenney. Hilton. X. Y J nO Mrs. .Tas. Carver. Clifton ^jiriiigs. .X. Y 1 (in S. .1. Wells & Son, Fayetteville. X. Y 5(» t ■>• 1st '2(\ .•!(1 I'ri-m. I'l fill. I'li'iii S2 IM> X K\v ^ ()i;k S ia I I, V \\ u ri;iss i'lTi llartl'onl : Iiclos Tctilioy. Hilton, N. Y I'llwiiiifrcr A: Uany. Korlu-sior. N. V SI <"' I'. K. ealnian. ranandaifrna. N. Y ifn .'lU Class L'l'C. — • Isaliolla : iniwaiiKi'i- & Harry. IJ.u-hosler. N. Y '2 00 S. .1. Wells & Son. Fayi'll.'villc .\. Y 1 Oil K. L. (1. Itlessinji-. Slinir.Tlands. N. Y T'O (lass 227 — Ives : n.'los Teuney. Hilton, N. Y 2 oo Class L'l.'8 — .lelTersou : KIlwanjriT & Harry. Uocliesler. N. Y 2 00 S. .1. \Yells it Son. Kayel h\ ille, .\". Y 1 00 Class 22ii — Lady : S. .1. Wells & S.)n. Fayeitevillr. N. Y 2 00 I'rank 1'. Studli-y. Mai tea wan, N. Y t oo Class 2:!o — I.indley : S. ,1. Wells & Son, F.iy.'tt.vlllc .\. Y 2 OO I lelos Tciniey. Hilton. .\. Y 1 oii l':ilv\-anger & Harry. Kocliesier. .\. Y , , , .">o ("lass 2;a — Lucile : lOllwanRer & Itany. Uocliesiei-, N. Y 2 oo I'ranU 1'. Stndley. Mat te.iwan, .\. Y 1 0(i Class 2;?2 — Martha : S. .T. Wells & Son. Faycttcvillc N. Y 2 oo i;il\vanjrer & Barry, Uochcster, N. 'H' 1 uii Clas.s 2."!.'. — Massasoit : KllwanjicT & Hany, Koeliesler. N. Y 2 00 S. J. Wells & Son, Fayelteville, .\. Y 1 00 Frank V. Stndley, Matteawan. X. Y 50 Class 2.'!4 — Mcrriuiac : Fllwanger & Harry, Uoehester. N. Y 2 00 i:, E. Caiman, Canaiidai.u;na. N. Y T 00 S. .T. Wells & Son, Fayetteville, \. Y no Class 'S.'i't — -Moore Harly : F. H. Anderson, Hilton, \. Y .". 00 i;il\vanj;er & Hari-y, Itix'licster. N. Y 2 ."0 S. .T. Wells & Son, F.iyel leville. X. Y 12.% (lass 2;it! — Niagara : K. H. Anderson, Hilton, X. Y 1 1 1 'elos 'icnney, Hilton, .\. Y ."i oo S. .7. Wells & Son. Fayet .'vlllr. X. Y 2 .".0 Class 2:'." — rocklington : lOllwangcr & Harry. Uoehester. X. Y 2 oo i:. I,. C. Hlessin;;. Sliiigerlands. X. Y 1 oil W. L. Maekey. Marlboro, X. Y .".O Class 2."i.S — Salem : S. ,1. Wells & Son. Fayetteville. X. Y L' on I'lauk r. Sludley. Matteawan. .\. Y 1 iiii Class 2.";!» — Vergennes : S. .r. Wells vV: Son. Fayetteville. X. Y 2 00 -Mont Woiden. Fayetteville. X. Y 1 00 1-lhvanger & Barry. Uoehester. X. Y .''lO 2-JO — Wilder : lOllwanger & Harry. Uoehesier. .\. Y •_' oo Frank 1'. Stiidley. Matteawan. .\. Y 1 oo S. .1. Wells & Son. Fayel levil le. X. Y .".o r- (>0 Nkw York State Faiu 1st lid :iil Class 1241 — AVorilen : Prem. From. I'roin. Mont Woitlon, Fayettevillo. N. Y $10 oO S. J. Wulls & Son. Kajettevillc. N, Y .<;o 00 i:ihv;mKcr &, Uochostor. X. V .-iS .".o Class 2412 — Wyomin;,' : E. ir. Anderson, Hilton, N. Y 12 00 Dclos Tenney, Hilton. X. Y 1 00 S. .7. Woll.. j^j o^ ^j C' 245 — Best plate cherries, any variety: I'rem. I'reni. I'rein. Mrs. II. O. Kinj,'. LaFayelte. X. Y .f2 no I. H. \Vilcox, Portland, X. Y -i^l 00 E. C. Stearns, LaFayette. N. Y ifO 50 Class 246 — Best plate berries, any variety: E. H. Anderson, Hilton, X. Y 2 00 L. J. Farmer, Pulaski, X. Y 1 00 E. E. Caiman. Canandaii^ua. N. Y 50 Class 247 — Best plate currants, any variety: 0. M. Lincoln, Xewark. X. Y 2 00 1. II. AVilcox, Portland. X. Y 1 00 Levi Timmerman, U. 1». 4. Canastota. X. Y 50 .SKCTIOX 11 — xrTs Entries, 2. Amount awarded, .'<1T.5(I Class 248 — Best display of Xew Y'ork urown nuts 1st 2d ."M (at least one quart of eacli variely) : I'rem. I'rem. I'rem. Frank E. Rupert, Seneca. N. Y .fio (xi Levi 'J'immei-man. R. I). 4. Canastota. X. Y $7 50 SF.CTio.x 12 — roiiMi:r;i"i-M. i:xhibits Entries. 27. Amount .iwarded. .1:220. Api>]cn Class 24!> — Best display of 3 boxes, not les^ than :'. 1st 2d .•'.d varieties: Prem. Prem. Prim. S. E. Crowell & Son, Kent, X. Y if50 uii Fall Brook Farm. (ienesi'O, X. Y .*oO 00 Leslie Tanner, It. D. 12. Medina. X. Y ■''^20 (»n Class 250 — Best packed box Baldwin: .T. V. Salisbury & Sons, I'hclps, X. Y 15 00 Samuel Eraser, (ieneseo, X\ Y 7 50 I'all Brook I'arm. (leiieseo. X. Y 5 on Class 251 — Best paclicd box Kin.i; : I>. Rliind. Canandaigua. X. Y 15 oo I'all Brook I''arni. Ceiieseo. X. Y 7 50 Class 252 — Besi packed box S|)il zeiifxMi,' : I'all Brook I-'arm, (b'Ueseo, .X. ^■ 15 (til Pears Class 25:') - I '.est jiaekivl Ihix of any \ariety: It. Rliind. CanandaiRua. X. Y. . .' 15 00 I'.crl T. Swan. l?arker, .X. Y 7 50 Samuel Eraser, Oeneseo. .\. \' 5 uii l'< Ill-lux Class 254- Itest packed crale of any \;niely : Sannud Eraser. t;(>neseo. .X. \' 15 iMt F. II. Kinf,', .Tr.. Trumansburs. N. Y . 7 5(t Fall P.rook Farm. (!eni-se<.. N. Y 5 00 Xi:\v \'oKK State Faik 7G1 Sr.CTlO.N 1.'! llillT I'ALKA(;E.S Kiitrlos, 3. Aiiioiiiu awnrdod, .$22..">(t. is( -d ::,i (.'lass l.'.'io - Bessl ai)ple box : I'l-cin. ricin. I'lriii. .Montgomery Bros. & Co., Buffalo, .\. Y .f.'. (id Class ITiO — Ik'st (olleclioii of i)acka^'os I'oi- ix^aclu-s and small I'niii : (_;uilo & Wiiuluaglo, reiiii Yau, X. Y lo (in Oxford Basket & .Mfi;. Co., O.xfonl. X. Y if7 .')0 SKCTUIN 14 Nl ItSEliY I'l.ANTS lOntries, 11'. .\m()unt awarded, .floll.jt). Class U.>7 — Largest and best collection of fruit trees l'^'- -'" ^" ready to plant (leaves stripped Imt trees not pruned i. l'i'<'Ui' Prem. Prem. not more than (> trees of any fruit (standard aiiiile, standard i)ear. dwarf pear, (jnincc. pe.-icli, phini. cherry, apricot) : KUwanger & Barry, Kochester. X. Y ifr,{) (Ml -Vlleu L. \Yood. Kochester. X Y !?L'.") "id Keilly Bros., Hansville, X. Y ^JJIU .".d Class 258 — Largest and best disiilay of grape vines and bush fruit plants, not more than iL' plants of any fruit : Ellwanger & Barry, Kochester, .\. Y 10 (JO Allen L. ^Vood, Rochester, X. Y 7 .'n Brown Bros., Rochester, X. Y r, mi Class 259 — -Largest and best dis[)lay of strawberry plants, not more than 2dO plants: Ellwanger & Barry, Rochester. .X. Y Id nn Allen L. Wood, Rochester. X. Y 7 .".d Lawrence J. Farmer. Pulaski, X. Y .'> (id SECTION' 10 — hoys' .\ND C.If.i.S' ' i iLI,t:(Tld\ Entries. 24. .Viiiouni awarded. .S.">4.."'>0. Class 264 — For the best arranged and most extensive. Isl ud ."id perfect and varied display of orchard products i fresh Pieiii. "itin. I'roni. fruits) collected and exliil)ited bj' any boys' and girls' club or rui-al school : Seneca Sharp Eyes, Seneca. X. Y -SJd od Class 2(i5 — For the best display of fruit collected and exhiltited by any boy or girl : Xornian L. Onderdonk. Seneca. .\. Y Id dd Philip Rupert, Seneca, X. Y^ .v.", iki Mrs. Aelma AVood, W'ost (iroton. X. Y .«:.' ."d Class 20G — Best plate of apples: Philip Rupert. Seneca, X. Y i' dd W. H. Clark-, Warsaw. X. Y 1 r.d Seneca Sharp Eyes, Seneca, X. Y' I dd Class 207 — ^ Best plate of pears: Seneca Sharp Eyes, Seneca. X. Y ij dd W. H. Clark. Warsaw. X. Y 1 .-.o .Mien Timmornian, R. D. 4. Canastota. X. Y 1 (in Class 208 — - Best plate of peaches : Philip Rupert, Seneca. X. Y i' dii Seneca Sharp Eyes, Seneca, X. Y 1 .-,0 Class 2G0 — Best plate of grapes : Philip Rupert. Seneca. X. Y 2 mi Seneca Sharp I^ye-^. Seneca. X. Y 1 ."d Mrs. Velma Wood, \\esl (iroton, .\. Y 1 00 Y02 A'eav Yoijk Statk Faiu DEPARTMENT I — FLOWERS ('()iiiiiiis,siv)tii in Cluinjc. W'liiiAM I'liKlN. Ilorliester. Siiperinlf ii'ii III . Damd ( a.mi'uki.i.. Syracuse. 'Ill is ili'parliiient has hccu oiie oi tin- pleasaiitest sliow places and attrac- tions of the fair, always thronged w itli visitors, who have been delighted with the of the beauties of the lloral world. 'J'ho present building is so unsuitable for the purpose, that it has been impossible to develop this department as rapidly as we could wish. In the new Horticultural Building, however, special arrangements will be provided for the flower departnieni, and it is ])lanned to offer a flower show second to none, which will be oni; of the greatest attractions of the fair. Hearty cooperation is already promised l)y prominent florists of the stiite, who are ready to take hold energetically and enthusiastically when the new building is completed, liut whose aid it has not been possible to secure in the present inadequate and unsuitable building. 'J'he flower show in the new Horticultural Building will l)e the beauty spot of the fair grounds. PREMIUM.S AWAKDKO Entries, 232. Amount awarded. .*l.lj1li. SKCTIUX 1 I-ROFESSIO.\AI. ICntries, 40. Amount awarded, .*j;7-rt..'iO. 1st 2d :;rt (lass 1 — (lonenil collection of cut Iloweis : I'mn. I'rein. I'reni. P. U. (Jiiiulan, Syracuse, X. Y •'?40 iMi C, Bechstodt, Oswego, N. Y ,>i;2(i 0 Class 3 — Uoses. largest and best collection: P. K. Quinlan, Syracuse, X. Y In uo C. Bechstedt. Oswejio. X. Y 3 00 Class 4 — Phlox, annual, best collection: C. Bechstedt. Oswego, X. Y .^ o<» P. R. Quinlan, Syracuse. X. Y 2 50 Class 5 — Phlox, perennial, best collection: ]■. It. (iululan, Syracuse. X. Y .■> u(i C. Bechstedt, Oswego, X. Y 2 .".0 Class 6 — Verbenas, largest and best colleciioii : 1'. K. Quinhiu. Syracuse. X. Y t! uo ('. Bechstedt. o Class S — Celosias, lies! colleetiou : C. Bechstedt. Oswego. N. ^ .'i OO 1". It. tjiiinlan. Syracuse. .\. V 2 .">0 Class !) Lilies, best <'(>l'ec ion : I", It. swego. .N. Y 2 .".0 XkW YiUiK SlATl'. I<'aiij T. X. Y J ."lU I'ot r la 111 a Class l;! -— <(>lleetii)U of slove and ^;iein- house plants : r. K. Quinlan. Syracusi'. X. Y ?."> i»i Class 14- — Oro'ip of palms : r. K. <.)Minl!in. Syrai-nsc. X. Y r,(i (M? t'ljiss ir> - - (Ji-uup of feius: 1". K. Quiidan. Syracuse. X. Y .Mt on Class 1(! • — Kneluas. larjiesl and ln'sl eoil.elion : 1'. U. llecrii)n : r. H. Quinlan. Syracuse. .\. Y lj(t (ki Class 18 — Zouile p — Largest ;md best eolleetion colciis : r. R. Quinlan. Syracuse. X. Y I .', iiii Class 2G - Rest jiair lian^jing liasl> 1st 2d ."'.d iu the best condition on l-'riday of fair weeU and lo I'reiu. I'reiu. I'lrni. be awarded on that day : I'. K. ^Hiinlan. Syracuse, N. V s-^:, imj SKCTION 2 (JI'K.V CLASS Entries, Gl. Amount awarded, .$528. Class 31 — General collection of cut llowers : .lames W. Xorris, Minetto. X. Y .•?•!(» UU .1. Meneilly, Skaneateles, X. Y i?2(J 00 Cotlieb Finger, U. D. 1, Syracuse, X. Y ^10 OU Class 32 — I'hlox, annual, best collection: .1. ileneilly, Skaneateles, X. Y 5 00 Hugh Meneilly, Syracuse, X. Y' 2 .jO William Uersbackcr, Xo. Syracuse, X. Y' 1 2."i Class 33 — I'hlox, perennial, best eollecliou : William Gersbacker, Xo. Syracuse, X. Y' o ()U .1. Meneilly, Skaneateles, X. Y 2 50 Sara A. Little, Clyde, X. Y 1 25 Class 34 — Verbenas, largest and liest idlleelion : .1. .Meneilly, Skaneateles, X. Y 0 00 Hugh Meneilly, Syracuse, X. Y 3 00 Class 35 — Asters, largest and besl collection, not less than 12 varieties, 10 blooms each : J. AV. Xon-is. Miuetio, N. Y 25 (in A. D. A'an Antwerp, K. D. 1, Syracuse, X. Y 12 50 J. Meneilly, Skaneateles, X. Y C 25 Class 30 — Celosias, best colli'ction : J. Meneilly, Skaneateles, X. Y 5 00 Hugh Meneilly, Syracuse, X. Y 2 50 William (Jersbacker, Xo. Syracuse, X. Y' 1 25 Class 37 — Lilies, best collection : .r. W. Xorris, Minetto, X. Y' 5 00 Hugh Meneilly, Syracuse, X. Y' 2 50 .1. Meneilly, Skaneateles, X. Y ^ 1 25 Class 38 — -Stocks, ten-week, best colleclion : Hugh ileneilly, Syracuse, X. Y 3 00 Class 39 — Gladiolus, largest and best collectinn, not less than 12 varieties, 5 of each : .1. W. Xorris, Minetto, X. Y 15 00 Mrs. Tliomas Coles, Fulton, X. Y 7 50 Hugh Meneilly, Syracuse, X. Y ;; T.' Class 40 — Largest and best display uf stove and greenhouse plants : Hugh Meneilly, Syracuse, X. Y cn oo .1. Meneilly, Skaneateles, X. Y 3<) no Class 41 — (Jrouj) of [lalms : Hugh Meneilly, Syracuse. X. Y .".n On Class 42 — Croup of ferns: Hugh .Menrilly. Syracuse, X. Y :'.ii mi .1. Meneilly, Ska n.^aleles, X. V 15 00 Class 43 -- I.argcsl jind brsi ((illecl inu ui' fucbias : Mrs. C.iri-ie Wiltiuuii. .\ii. S,\raiusc. N. Y 7 Oil Hugh Meneilly, Syracuse. X, Y 5 00 Class 44-- Catnias, larj-'csl and besl colleclion: Hugh Meneilly, Syracuse. -V. Y 15 ii(» .1. .Meiieillv. Skaneal.les. N. Y ID 00 A'kw \'()1{k SiAi'K Faik 7(1,") I'liiss -i't Itost ilisspliiy iind cdIIccI ion of fiuiiy Isl ■_' ito .1. MciiiMlly, Skaili'iilolos. N. V ij;i(j o(j ("lass 40 — ll! zonalo pi-lnruniiinnis, in li' varii 1 rs : 1 luirh Menoilly, Syracuse, X. V S 00 .1. Meneilly. Skanealelcs, X. Y .-. 0(t William (Jershaclcer, No. Syracuse. N. Y .>j;:; on Class 47 — Tuberous-rootctl begonias, largest and Ijost collection : Hugh Meneilly. Syracuse, N. Y :.'() no .1. Meneilly, Skaneatele.s, N. Y lo no (.'lass 4S — 1 tuhei'ous-rooted begcnia, specimen : llufrh Meneilly, Syracuse, X. Y .-, oo J. Meneilly. Skaneateles, X. \' .", oo 40 — Collection of begonias, oilier Ibau class 48: Hugh Meneilly. Syracuse, X. Y li' oo J. Meneilly, Skaneateles, X. Y ,S oo Class .")() — 1 specimen stove or greenliouse plant: Hugh Meneilly, Syracuse, X. Y 10 oo .1. Meneilly, Skaneateles, X. \' .-,00 Class 31 — Colens. largest and best collect i(m : Hugh ^[eneilly. Syracuse, X. \' 12 00 J. Meneilly, Skaneateles, X. \' s oo Class .">2 — I'air hanging baskets: Hugh Meneilly, Syracuse. X. \" ,"> 00 SIICTIOX o A M ATKfJtS I':ntri<'S, 125. Anioniil awarded, $333.50. 1st 2d 3d Class 53 — Ceneral collection oi; eni llowers : I'rem. I'rem. I'rem. I >avid Meneilly, Syracuse, X. Y' .$30 00 Karl ll. Knuth. Oswego. X. Y ^ir, oo Mrs. Carrie ^Vit man, .\o. Syracuse, X. Y .^7 50 Class 54 - ■ Dahlia.s. I)esi collection : Sara A. Little, Clyde, X. Y ]o 00 David Meneilly, Syracuse, X. Y 5 00 Mrs. Carrie Wiltnian. Xo. Syracuse. X. Y 2 50 Class 55 — Carnations, largest .nnd best colliciion: David Meneilly, Syracuse, X. Y 5 0() Josepli Hullar, .Syracuse. X. Y 2 50 Class 5t; — IJoses. largest and best cnlleii i ('lass (ii' — Celosia, hcst collection: .Iosei)li MukIics. Syracuse, X. V - •'" Karl II. Knulli. Oswciio. N. Y 1 "" Class (>:^ — Stocks, ten-week. Iiest collection : Mrs. Carrie Wittnian, No. Syracuse. N. Y :'. 0(i David Meneilly. Syracuse, N. Y 1 .')0 Class (!4 — atid Meneilly. Syracuse. X. Y .'> 00 Karl II. Knuth, Osweuo. X. Y 2 .'.o Class 6ifj — Zinnias, largf!--t and licst collection: A. 1). ^'an Antwerp. It. I). 1, Syracuse, X. Y ." oo .Tosei)li Iluglies. Syracuse. X. Y - T>n B. T. Uohannon, Minetto, X. Y 1 -u Class (i7 — (ieraniunis. larjies; and liest display: Kavid Meneilly. Syracuse, X. Y :.' ."iii Class <>8 — I'oppies, best collection: Mrs. Carrii' Wittman. Xo. Syracuse, X. Y ."i on l)avid Meneilly, Syracuse, X. 1' 2 .".o H. T. Hohannon. Minetto. X. Y 1 2r> ( lass (iO — Zinnias, best specimens : H. T. Bobanuon, Minetto, X. Y' ;; t>o .T08ei)h llugbes, Syracuse, \. Y 1 .'.d I»avid Meneilly. Syracuse. .\. Y 7o I'ot PhntiK Class 70 — Group of ferns : David Meneilly, Syracuse, X. Y 20 00 Joseph HuUar, Syracuse, X. Y 10 on Mrs. Carrie Wittnian, Xo. Syracuse, X. Y ,"> 00 Class 71 — Canuas, laryesl and best collection: .losei)h Ilullar, Syracuse, X. Y ."> oo l)avid Meni'illy, Syracuse, X. Y L' .")0 .Mrs. Carrie \Yittnian, X(j. Syracuse, X. Y I i:."i Class 72 — (ieraniuuis, (i specimens, li varieties: Joseph Ilullar, Syracuse, X. Y ."> u(» .Mrs. Carrie Witlinan, Xo. Syracuse. X, Y 2 ' l''uclii!is. (! specinniis. (1 xarietii's: Mrs. Carrie Wiltiiiaii. Xo. Syracuse. N. Y ." oo David .Meneilly. Syracuse. X. Y 2 .".o Class 70 I"U(bi:is. 2 si)eciniens. 2 varieties: Mrs. Carrie Wiltinan. Xorth S.\i-acuse. .N. ^' 2 oo David Meneilly, Syracuse, X. i' I oo !Xew \'()KK Staii; Fair 7(> I <> t isi i;avl(l McMicilly, Syracuse, N. Y .•avl(t .Mcncilly. Syracuse. .\. Y ."> Oil .lose))h Ilullar, Syracuse. .\. Y !S'.^ ."lU Class 7!l — Tuberons-rmited l>e!;<>iiias. 1 six-cliuen : .Mrs. Carrie Wittruau. .\ii. Syracuse. N. Y - oii David Mout'illy, Syracuse. .\. Y 1 ii(» Class 80 — I'l'tunias, hiigcti aud liesi colleciicm ; David .Meiu'illy. Syriciise. N. ' 1 o oo Joseph Ilullar. Syracuse, .\'. Y ."> ixt Mrs. Carrie Wittinau. No. Syracuse. .\. Y \1 ."ill Class SI I'ahus, liest collecliou: J)avid Meiieilly, Syracuse. N. Y 5 (Kl Joseph Ilullar, Syracuse. .N. Y li .",() Class S2 — 1" ig tree, hi'st spechueu : Mrs. Carrie ^Vi(tnlau, Xo. Syracuse. N. Y 5 iH) William (jersliacker. Xo. Syracuse. X. Y l! ."lO Class 8:5 — Oranye iiee. iu I'ruii : Mrs. Carrie \Yittiuan, Xo. Syracuse. X. Y 5 ()(j Kai-1 II. Kuulli. Oswego. .\. Y 'J on \\. K. Sehuelke. Clay. X. Y 1 ij.-, Class S4 -- Asparagus s[)reUKeri. specinieu : David Menellly, Syracuse. X. Y ."» 0(1 Joseph llidlar, Syracuse, X. Y 2 r>u Mrs. Carrie Witiuian, Xi>. Syracuse. .\. Y 1 li.") I'aid •*-.> lo .Miss Carrie \Vittnian for Dtoii jireniiuuis. DEPARTMENT J — FARM PRODUCE ('oi)iniissioncr in Chargr. W ii.i.i.\.\i I'itkin. Uoclicster. l>up€ri)ifcii(J(nt. .JOHX M(Ca.\.\, Kliiiira. A special and successful effort lias liecii iiiade iu tlie deijartuicnt tn increase tlie interest and exliibits from tlu- ci)Miit> societies and inca! L;rall^e-^. and many beautiful displays liave been maile by such orfjanizitions. 'I'liis depart- inoiit receives great attention from tiic farmer and tiie iiiaii will be made by the societies and granges, as well as by tlie iiidixidiial e.xbibitor. I'KK.MH WIS AW.MiDKI) Knlries. I.r)41. Ainijimt iwarded. si .'.l-i t.2") SKCTION 1 -(il:.M.\ A.Nl) SKICD Kntries. .■{7.".. .\iuount awarded. S44."i. evi Timmorman, U. D. 4. Canastota. X. Y >>■', oo M. B. Fellows & ('«».. Ilowis ( ave. X. Y S- on O. M. Lincoln. XewarU, X. Y .^1 no 08 A'kw Vokk State i'Aiit l^t ■2i\ .'id rriMii. r re 111. l*iem. •I^o uu Class 2 — 1/^ bushel new \ariel.v while wiuter wlieat : 1). K. Xiehols, It. I>. 2. .Maieellus, X. V K. K. Nichols. K. D. 2, .Maieellus, N. Y !j;2 00 (». M. LiiKolii, Newark, N. Y ?1 00 Class u — 14 bushel slaudard red winter wheat : O. M. Liucoln, Newark, N. Y o 00 Mrs. K. G. King, LaFayetle, N. Y :: 00 E. E. Nichols, K. D. 2, Maicellus, N. Y 1 00 Class 4 — ■ l<2 bushel new variety red wiiiti'r wlieat: O. M. Lincoln, Newark, N. Y ;; OO Townley I'roduce Farm, Townley, N. J 2 00 S. L. lleadley, Inion, N. J 1 00 Class o — V2 buslu'l white siiriu.^: wheal : C. \V. Skiff, E. Meredith, N. Y :> 00 M. B. Fellows & Co., Howes Cave, N. Y 2 nO Class 0 — 1/2 bushel red sprinj;- wlieat : .M. B. Fellows, Howes Cave. N. Y :'. 00 O. M. Lincoln, Newark, N. Y J 00 It. F. Seeley, Waterloo, N. Y 1 00 Class 8 — I/-! bushel rye, dark: S. L. lleadley. Union, N. .1 :'. 00 O. M. Lincoln, Newark, N. Y 2 OO E. E. Nichols, n. D. 2. Mareelhis, N. Y 1 00 Class 0 — Yj bushel rye, white : O. M. Lincoln. Newark, N. Y 3 00 John McCaiui, U. D. 1, Elmira, N. Y 1' 00 Class 10 — Vl' bushel six-row eil barley: S. L. lleadley. Union. N. J :i 00 Townley Produce Farm. 'I'owiib'.N , N. .1 2 00 O. M. Lincoln. N'ew.uU. X. V 1 0(i Class 11-- \-j bushel iwo-rowid liarley : K. E. Nichols, .\Iarcellus. N. Y .S 00 11. L. McCullocU. Cicero. N. Y 2 00 M. 1!. Fellows & Co., liowrs Ca\i'. N. Y 1 (in Class i;: — 1,0 liusliel liulless liarb'v : II. L. Mce ullock. ( iceio, N. Y :5 00 M. B. Fellows iV: Co.. How. s Cave. N. Y 2 00 C. W. Skill". E. .Meredith. X. Y 1 00 (.'lass 14 — Vj bushel heavy weight while oats: S. L. lleadley. Union, N. .1 ;j 00 Townley Produce Farm. Townley. N. .J 2 nO C. \V. Skiff, E. Meredith. N. Y ] 00 Class 15 — I/., bushel light wei.ulii while oa s : yi. B. Fellows & Co.. Howes Cave, N. V :'> (>() E. E. Nichols, Marcellus, N. Y 2 oO O. M. Lincoln. .\(,'wark. N. Y 1 (iij ('lass Hi 'j biisbcl black or ,i;ra\ oals: S. L. lleadley. I'nion. N. .1 :: 00 C. \V. Skiff, E. M'M-.HliUi, X. Y J uo .M. I!. Fellows iV: Co., Howes Cave. X. Y 1 OO Class 17 ',•! liushel Ceriiiaii inillel : E. E. .Nichols. It. I). 2, .Marc'lliis. X. V :; 00 II. L. .\Ir( ulliK-k. Cicero. X. Y L' 00 Townley I'rodiice Fiuni. Towiiby. .\. .1 1 00 Class IS - \U bushel ijcmiI iiiillil : I). E. Nichols. It. II. 2. .Marcellus. N. Y :; On E. E. XiclKils. 1:. li. ■_-. .Mar(cllus. X. Y 2 00 ^■|-.\v ^■..I;K SiAiK Kaii; 769 Isl •_•(! .■!(! I'liiss 10 - 'L- l>iislu"l Iluii;;ariiiii .uniss ; I'icm, J'rciii. I'li'iii. S. L. Il.'Mflif.v. riiion, N. .1 -"f-"' [!irc.lliis, N. Y .fliOO ("lass 20 — Vj bushel spelt : .lohn J. Yolton, Onoidn, N. Y ■'> <""^ .Tolin J. Y.-lloii, Onoidn. N. Y 12 00 II. I.. Mc'.'nllock. Cic.Mu, X. Y $1 00 I 'lass 21 — 10 stalks cdrii. willi cars for cusilaso : Hoarfs Deliirht Farm. Cliaz.v. N V :'. oo H. L. McCull.xk. (Mcero. N. Y 2 00 Towulcy I'rodiio Farm, 'I'owiilcy. \. .1 1 iiu (Iroiiii ill IVOl) t'lass 22 — y^ biislul iari;i' inarrdwi'at lieans : Mrs. R. (J. Kins, La Fayette, X. Y :'. 00 K. E. N'ichols. Mareellus. N. Y 2 00 1». K. Xieliols, n. 1). 2, Mareellus, X. Y 1 nil t'lass 2:> — Vi biisliel pea marrowfat lieaiis : 1). H. Xichols. It. It. 2, Mar. clliis, X. Y ."5 00 K. F. Xiehols. .Marrdlus. X. Y 2 (KP t'las.s 24 — i/i> bushel reil Ueaiis : .lohn MeCann. It. I ». 1, Flmira. X. Y ;'. 00 Class 2."> — i^. bushel white kidney Leans: M. li. Ftllows & t"o., Howes Cave. N. Y :! nu F. F. Xiehols. Marcellns. X. Y 2 t)0 i;. F. Seeley. AYaterloo, X. Y 1 no Class 20 — Vi bushel red kidney lic.ans : .Tohn MeCann. U. 1). 1. Flmira. X. Y :; 00 K. F. Seeley. \Yaterloo, X. Y 2 00 M. 15. Fellows A,-, ( o.. Howes Cave. X. Y 1 . K. Xiehols, K. 1). 2. .Man-ell us. X. Y :'. 00 E. E. Xiehols. .Mareellus. X. Y 2 00 John MeCann. II. O. 1. Flmira. .X. Y 1 on Class 28 — '•_• bushel xcllow pea beans: II. F. Xiehols, K. 1). 2. Mareellus. X. Y :? 00 F. F. Xiehols. Mareellus. X. Y 2 00 Class 20 — i/2 busin 1 black brans : .Tohn Me< nnn. K, 1). 1, Flmira. X. Y :\ 00 E. F. .M.-ircellus. X. Y 2 00 Class 30 — Vi l)UslieI bush be.-ins : ]'. It. Maine. Canaslola. X. Y .". no n. F. .Xiehols. K. It. 2. .Mareellus. X Y 2 00 Class .'II — '{. bushel l.inia Iieans : I). E. NMehols. K. 1 1. 2. .Martellus, X. Y :: nn F. E. Xiehols. .Mareellus. X. Y 2 f)0 ("lass .".2 — ',j bushel la;-.i;i' lield : E. E. N'ichols, Mareellus. X. ^ .",00 I). F. Xi. M. Lincdlii. Ncwiuk. N. .1 Mrs. K. C. Kinu.'M.vctli'. N. Y Class .■{."i -- Uj l)Usliel jrni.v or silver Ijuckwlioat : (). M. Lincoln. Newark. X. .1 C. W. Skiir, i:. Mcrertitli. N. Y S. 1.. lli'Mdlc.v. Cnion. N, .1 <'lass .'1(1 - '-J liiislicl red cloxer : 1). K. Niehols. K. I >. 2. Mn rcellus. N. V I':. K. .Xicho's. .Marcel his. .\. Y .M. r.. l'"ell(>\\s iV Co.. Howes Cave. N. Y Class '.'>! — Vj litishel alsike clover: II. K. Nichols. 1{. 1>. -2. Marcellus. X. Y K. K. Xicho:s. .Marcellus. X. Y Class oS — '/_. liiishel crimson clox'er : U. F. .Seele.v, ^Vaterld : Mrs. U. (J. King, Lal'a.veile. X. Y K. K. Xichols. .Marcel his, N. Y M. r>. Fellows & Co.. Howes Cave. X. Y Class 42 — i/> hushel anilier cane seed : C. A. Madden. I'orl R.vron. .X. V 11. 1,. .Mc< ullock. Cicero. X. Y 11. I.. .McCullock. Cicero. X. Y 4."! — i/j buslirl while Hint coi'ii, shelled, I'inlit- rowert : I>. v.. Xichols. IC II. •_'. .Manellus, X. Y M. )!, Fellows i!c ((>.. Howes Cave. .X. Y i:. i:. Xichols. Marcellus. X. Y <'lass 44 v.. bushel wliile llini rorii. shelleil. Iwelve- rowed : S. I,. lleadle\ . Ciiion. X. .1 1>. 1-:. Xidiols. U. 1). -J. .Maicelliis. X. Y !•;. F. Xichols. .Marcellus. X. Y Class 4." '._. bushel yellow lliul coi-n. ei.L;h( -rowed, shelled : M. r.. Fellows iV Co.. llov.e-; Cave, X. Y 1". li. .Maine. Cauaslola. .X. Y 11. F. .Me( 'ullock. Cicero. .\. V Class 4ii i._, bushel xellow lliul corn. I wi-l ve-rowed. shelled : F. F. Xichols. .Marcellus. X. Y H. F. Xichols. K. I». •_'. .Mar.ellus, X. Y S. F. lle.idlev. Iiiioii. X. .1 Isl l^d :;d I'rein. I'reiii. I'lem. *:{ o(( •SL' 0(1 .f 1 01 ) :; 00 :; oo :; oo :; oo :; oo :t 00 .'! 00 00 ;', 00 :i 00 :! 00 00 oo •_• oo 00 ■J. oo 2 00 oo •J 00 •_' oo L' OO 1 0( I 1 00 1 00 1 on 1 oo 1 0(1 1 oo 1 00 1 (III 1 oo 2 0(1 1 01) N I- w \(ii;k S iaik I'Aii; 771 Isl ■_•=:'■ "" Levi TimmtTinan. U. I». I. Canasiota. N. Y ^- <•<» Tnwnlpy rrodncc laiin. 'rowiili'v. N. .1 •$' *'" Class 4.S '- '-.. laishcl white doiit cnvn. sIioIIimI : II. L. McCiilloc-k. ricoro. N. Y ■'■ «'(> II. I.. McCulUxk. Ch-cro. N. Y - "'"' S. I,. lloaUl.w. Inion. N. .1 I <"» t lass 4'.t — Vj liiisln-l yellow dent corn. slioUed : l>. K. Nieliols. K. |i. J. .Maic.Ilns. NY :: Hd K. K. N'ichols. Marcel His. N. Y li <••> Townley I'rodnce l-'ai'm. Townley. N. .1 1 "" Class 50 — M> bushel red dent corn, shelled : Townley I*rodiice Farm. Townley. N". .1 '■> nu S. L. Ilcadley. Tnion. N. .1 - ••() II. L. McCullock. Cicero. N. Y 1 »>(» Class r>l — M; htishel lilaci; sweet corn, sliilled : 1». K. NMchols. K. 1). -2. .Mar0 Class r>2 — Vo bushel white ri(e pop coin, shelled: ^V. A. Shafcr, Oneonta. N. Y ."! Od 1 1. K. NMchols, K. I). 2, MarceMus. N. Y 1' 0(1 M. i:. Kellows & Co., Howes Cave. NY 1 <»0 Class ">:? — % bushi'l red rice po]) (orn. shelled : Mrs. K. <:. Kinjr. LaFaye to. N. Y .'.on M. n. Fellows & Co.. Howes Cav.. N. Y :: 00 E. E. Xichols. Marcelliis. N. Y 1 no Class 54 — 1/4 bushel blue rici' pcj) c^irii. shelled : Mr.s. R. G. Kins. LaFaye' te. N. Y :i oo 1). E. Nichols, n. I). 2. Marcellns, N. Y 2 no E. E. Nichols. Marcellus. N. Y 1 on Class o."* — 1/. bushel Queens yrolden pop corn, slu'lled : ir. L. McCullock. Cicero. N. Y' :: oo M. B. Fellows & Co.. Howes Cave. N. Y 2 oO .John MeCann. It. I>. 1. Elmira. N. Y 1 on Class "•<> — Vj bushel white cap yrllow d(>nt corn, shelled : H. F. Seeley. Waterloo. N. Y .".nil i». M. Lincoln. Newark. N. .T 2 00 H. L. McCullock. Cicero. N. Y 1 . 1. Elmira. N. Y 1 oo Class 5.^ — V-j bushel early sweet corn: C. A. Hadden. Port Byron. NY :\ it^t 1>. E. Nichols. It. D. 2. Marcellus. NY 2 00 E. E. Nichols. Marcellus. N. Y 1 nn Class 50 — Vj bushel late sweet corn : IT. L. McCullock. Cicero. N. Y :! on l». K. Nichols. It. I). 2. Marcellns. N. Y 2 Oo E. E. Nichols. Marcellus. N. Y 1 On Groirii ill lOln ("lass Oo 12 ears yellow Hint corn, elirht-rowed : \V. I,. Mackey. M.-irlboro. N. Y :'. 00 K. E. Nichols. Marcellus. N. Y 2 tio HearCs Iielifrbt Farm. Chazv. .\. Y 1 00 1st 2(1 :!d I'lcm. Prem. I'rem SM 00 772 Xkw Yokk State Faih Class 61 — 12 pars yellow tlint corn, twolvc-rowod : K. E. NMohols. Miircollus. N. Y I>. E. Nichols. R. D. 2. Mai-folliis. X. Y .«2 00 II. L. McCullock. Cicero, N. Y .$1 00 Class 62 — 12 ears red fiin! corn: P. D. Maine, Canastota. X. Y :? 00 E. E. Nichols, Marcpllus. X. Y 2 00 Class 63 — 12 cars red lila/cd yellow corn: r. D. Maine, Canastota. X. Y :'. 00 II. L. McCullock, Cicero. X. Y 2 0gated dent corn : IT. r.,. McCullock. Cicero. N. Y :; on .lohn McCann. K. D. 1. Elmira. N. Y 2 oO Class 72 — 12 e.-ns lar.ire ensila.yc di'Ut ct)rn : C. A. Iladden. Port P.yron. X. Y :■, 00 D. E. Xichols, R. I). 2. Marcellus. N. Y ■_' no E. E. Nichols, Marcellus, N. Y 1 (to Class 73 — 12 ears white rice pop corn : E. E. Xichols. Marcellus. N. Y .-. oo .•\. 1). \'an Antwerj). R. D. 2. Syracuse. X. Y 1' no 1). E. Xichols. R. n. 2. Marcellus. X. Y 1 on Class 74 — 12 e.ars red rice po]) corn ; W. T>. Mackey, Marlboro. N. Y :; oo E. E. Nichols. Marcellus. X. Y 2 00 n. E. Nichols. R. D. 2. Marcellns. X. Y 1 oo Class 75 • — 12 ears (^ueeii ; sf>!. 1. i;i?nha. X. V 1 on Class 76 — 12 ears whili' pe.ul po|i corn: W. Tj. Mackey, Marlboro, X. V :>. no 11. L. McCullock. Cicero, X, Y 2 00 Townley Produce Farm. To\\nley. N. .1 ] oo New Yokk Si'ati', Faik TT'I 1st 2(1 :!«i Class 77 — 12 ears bliu- pop foni : Prom. rroin, ricm A. n. Van Antwerp, K. 1>. 1. Synuusc. X. V S.:', (lo c. II. I'rawloril. Mompliis. N. Y $2 00 II. L. MiCuUoik. Cicoio. N. Y $1 00 (."lass 7.S • — 12 oars Tom Tliuiiil) poj) roin : II. L. McCuUock, Cu-ero. N. Y :" (»o P. D. Maine, Cauastota, X. Y 2 00 W. L. Mat-key, Maiihoio. X. Y 1 no Class 70 — 12 ears yellow rieo pop corn: , ^Y. L. Maokey. M-ii-ll)oro, X. Y :? 00 Class NO — 12 heads anilicr siijjar cane: C. A. Iladden. Port Byron. X. Y :? 00 P. D. Maine. Canastota. X. Y 2 00 .T. K. Mnrpliy. ( anastota. X. Y 1 00 Class SI — I'.est exliiliil ion of ears of corn, ."i cars of each : E. E. Nichols. .Marcellns. X. Y :! 00 I). K. Xicliols. K. D. 2. M.trcclliis, X. Y 2 00 si;»"n()x 2 — -.socikty collection of vkukt-vulks Entries. 2. Amount awarded. $1.")0. Class 82 — Largest and best collection of vegetables srown in any connty in (lie slate of New York, col- lected and oxhibitcd !>.v any society or organization 1st 2(1 :'.d In that connty : Prem. PrrnL I'rcnL Irondetjuoit Orange. IvoTu1e()iioit. X. Y !?100 00 l/ower Oswego Falls Crange. Enlton, X\ Y .'<;.jO oo SKCTiox :? ■ — vi:<;i:t.\i:li:s Entries, S2.">. Amount awarded. .*t;7<).T."i. Isl 2d :'.d Class 83 — r> varieties celery. 2 roots each: Prem. Pn-nu Prem. .las. E. Cole, K. D. 2, Fulton. X. Y . .f4 00 II. r,. McCnllock, Cicero, X. Y .^2 00 AV. I.. Mackcy, Marlboro. X. Y .«! (K) Class 84 — 5 varieties cabbage. 1 head cich : II. L. McCuUock. Cicero, X. Y 4 00 Fred Coe. K. D. G, Fulton. X. Y 2 oo .las. E. Cole, R. D. 2. Fulton. X. Y' 1 On Class 8."> — .T varieties lettuce, 2 heads each: .Tas. E. Cole, IJ. D. 2. Fulton, X. Y 4 00 P. D. Maine. Canastota, X. Y 2 on II. L. McCnllock. Cicero, X. Y J oo Class 86 — ."> varieties turnips. ?, each: F. C. Yogelgsang. Fulton. X. Y 4 00 .Tas. E. Cole. It. D. 2. Fulton. X. Y 2 oo Class 87 — .") varieties b(-ets, ." each: S. T). Fnrminger. St. Caibai iiies. Ontario 4 (H^ W. T.. Mackey. Marllnro. X. Y" 2 0(i F. G. Yogelgsang. Fulton. X. Y 1 00 Class 88 — ~> varieties mangolds, 1 each : P. I>. Maine, Cana.stoia. .V Y 4 00 .7. E. Murphy. Canastor.i. X. Y 2 00 S. I). Furmlngcr, St. CalUnrines. Ontario 1 00 Class 89 — 5 varieties carrots. :? each : P. D. Maine, Canastota. X. Y 4 00 F. G. Vogelgsang. Fulton, X\ Y 2 00 .lames E. Cole, U. I). 2. Kiilton. X. Y 1 oO Isl 2(1 :!d rrcm. I "rem. I'l-pin. S4 iHi 74 Xkw Yoiik Statk Fair (Tass 0() — ■ .") varieties nidishos (smninor). '.', racli : II. L. .McCnllock. (Mcpi-n. X. Y .1. i:. Muii)h.v. ('anastotJi. X. V sij (in .1. K. Murphy. I'anastotii, X. Y ^l W ( 91- — r> varieties raciishoH (winter) :5 cacli : James E. Cole. U. D. 2. I'\iiton. X. V 4 u(i II. L. McCiiIlo.-k, Cicero, X. Y 2 OD (^lass 1)2 — .") varieties onions. ."> each : S. I). Furmingcr, St. Catharines, (tntario 4 (mi K. G. Vogelffsans. Fulton, X. Y 2 ""» James E. Cole, K. I >. 2. Fulton, X. Y 1 no Class '.l."i — ."i v;\ricti<'s imisk incldiis, 2 r;i( li : II. L. McCulloek, Cieei'o, X. Y 4 fio Fred Coe, Fulton, X. V 2 on Class 05 — 5 varieties s(,uashes (winter). 1 t-acli : E. L. Tallman, Blaiivelt. X. Y 4 (i(t F. Cj. Voselgsang-, Fulton, X. ^^ 2 (Ml il. I,. MeCullock, Cicero, X. ^ 1 (10 Class Vlfi — .5 varieii.'s s(|Ui'shes (sumnu-r), ] eaih : II. L. McCulloek. Cicero, X. Y 4 0(1 Jami's E. Cole. K. 1>. 2, I'^nlton, X. Y 2 (lO F. <;. Yogelgsang, Fulton, X Y 1 00 Class 07 — o red tomatoes: II. 1.. McCulloek, Cicero. X. Y 2 (id .lanics K. Cole, R. D. 2, Fulton, X. Y 1 (lO S. 1». l''urniinger, St. Catharines. Ontario 50 Class OS — 5 teri-a-i( tta tcmatoes : J. E. Murphy, Cauastota. X. Y 2 (mi James E. ( ole, R. D. 2, Fulton. X. Y 1 on Class 00 — .J yellow tomatoes : J. E. Murphy, Canastota, X. Y 2 00 Fred Coe, Fulton. X. Y. . 1 (i(i James E. Co].\ R. I). 2. FnHun. \ Y ."0 Class 1(10 — 5 purple toniatod Class Id.'! — fi garden heel.-, long: S. 1 1. Fmininger. St. Cath.uincs. (intario 2 do W. A. Sliafer. Oneonl.i, X. Y 1 00 J. E. .Murphy, C.-inastoia. X. Y .">(> Class 104 — 0 ganl'ii I.ecls. Hat: S. I>. Funninger, St. ("atharines, Ontario 2 dd J. E. Murphy. Canaslota, X. Y 1 00 E. 1.. Tallman, lilauvelt, X. Y ,".0 Class Id.') — (! sugar IkmIs : II. E. McCulloek, CUoro, X. Y 2(iO 1'. \t. Maine. Can.istoia, X. Y 1 dO J. E. Murphy, Canasi ila. X. Y ."•> Xi:w ^'oK'K Statm I'\\ii{ I 1 •> 1st 2cl :!ci ri-cin. rrclll. rri'in. .si2 0(1 Class lOti— 2 •.luarts ^inldcn cliisirr \\;i.\ luaiis. pod; t'liarli's SwaffiT. Kasi ( »ii()n(la,ua, N. V ( K. Maiirciw. Aiilniiii. N. V !j;i (M» Soliasliaii > t Imiiil. Syraiusc, N. V .'Sd ."(» Class 1(17 L' (iiiarl-; .i;nl(li ii (ariniiic hcans. jiod : II. I,. .\l<(Ml|.K-U. Ci.-.:.!. N. V :_• (Ml .1. K. Murpliy. Caiiasioi i. N. y 1 00 1'. 1). Maiiio, Canastoii. N. ^^ 50 Class lOS - L* ijuaris lima luaiis. pad: S. I., llcadli-y. rnitin, N. .1 1' 00 .lamt's K. ( Oil'. IJ. I>. 2, Kiilloii. N. V I no 'I'owiilc.v I'lMduco l-'ariii. 'I'l'w nliy. .\. .1 50 Class 10!»- •(•> stalUs celery, while plume: .lames K. Cole. U. 1 >. No. :.'. Kultoii, N. Y L' on S. I>. I'urmiii!?er. St. ( athurines, Ontario 1 (Ui Class 110 — G stalks leleiy. iiink : .[allies E. t ole, U. I). •_'. Fulfil. X. V i: oo E. L. Tallman, Hl.invi'li. N. Y 1 00 Class 111 — (> sialk-; ciliry. .afohleii lnail : James E. ( ole. U. 1>. J. Fulton. N. Y 2 oo E. I.. Tallma.i, IJIaiiv.'lr. X. Y 1 no Class 112 — 0 stalks celery, turnip rooted : .1. E. :Murpliy. <'anas(o,a. X. Y 2 00 I'. 1>. Maine. Canastoia. X. Y 1 oo Class 11.'! — .'! whit'' e;!lil(;;ses. eonieal : 1'. it. Maine, Canastota. X. \ 2 00 Fred Coo. nilton. X. ^^ 1 no II. L. McCulloek. Cic'r.>, X. Y :<0 Class 114 — :i whito cahltages. round: II. L. McCullock. Cicero. X. Y 2 0O .1. F. Murphy. Canast.'ta. X. Y' 1 nn .lames E. Cole. It. 1>. 2. Fulton. X Y 50 Class 115 — ."! white eahhaiies. Hat: II. L. McCullock, Ci.?e!o. X. Y 2 no Fred Coe, Fulton, X. "i' 1 oo F. (!. Vogelgsan^, Fulton. X. Y .">o Class 110 — .3 white caWiases. Savoy: II. L. MeCull.K'k. Cie'To. N. Y 2 oo .1. E. Murphy, Canastota. X. Y 1 oo F. (J. Vogelgsan?, Fultcui. X. Y 5o Class 117 — :i red ct'libages : ir. T-. ^IcCullock, Cicero. X. \ 2 (lo S. II. I-'urmiuKor. St. Cathsrines, Ontario ] no .lames K. Cole. It. 1). 2, Fulton. X. Y 50 Class 1 1,S — 0 cauliflowers . C. It. Manrow, Aidiurn, X. Y 2 oo Class 119 — G oraniiro carrots, lonfr: J. E. Murphy. Canastota, X. Y" 2 oo S. D. Furminger, St. Catharines, oniario 1 00 Mrs. II. King, LaFay.?tte, X. Y 50 Class 120 — 6 orangf> carrots. Iiiilf Ioiik: r. R Maine. Canastotn, X. Y' U oo Mrs. It. (J. Kinir. haFayetle. X. Y 1 00 James K. Cole. It. ji. -J, Fiilioii. NY 50 77G Xkw Yokk ►Statk Faiii 1st 2d -M Class 121 — G orange carrots, short : Prem. I'rcm. I'rem. S. D. FurmintrfM-. St. Catharines, Ontario .1=2 00 Mrs. Grace A. McCiillock, licero. N. Y .1:1 00 F. C. A'ogelgsang. Fulton, X. Y $0 50 Class 122 — 0 wliite carrots, long: .T. E. Mnrpliy. Canasioia, X. Y 2 (to Mrs. It. G. King. LaFayctti. X. Y 1 00 .Tames E. Cole, K. 1>. 2, Fullon, X. Y 50 Class 12.'} — (> white carrc>ts. half long: P. D. Maine. Ca.i.istota, X. Y 2 00 S. 1). Furminger, St. Catharines. Onlariu 1 00 Mrs. R. G. King. LaFayette, X Y •",() Class 124 — 6 ".vhite seed eiienmbers : J. E. Murphy, Canasiota. X. Y 2 00 Class 125 — 6 white seed cucumbers, short : .Mrs. U. G. King. LaFayette. X. Y 2 00 Wallace Wood, Groton, X. Y 1 00 J. E. Murphy, Canastota, X, Y 50 Class 126 — G yellow seed cucumbers : Mrs. R. G. King. LaFayette, X. Y 2 00 Mrs. Grace A. McCulloek, Cicero. X. Y 1 00 F. G. Vogelgsang, Fulton, X, Y 50 Class 127 — G yellow seed cucumbers, short : Mrs. Grace A. McCulloek, Cicero, X. Y 2 f»ft F. G. Yogi-Igsang, Fulton X. Y 1 00 Wallace Wood, Groton, X. Y 50 Class 128 — G green cueuinbcrs, long: Sebastian Sciiniid. Syiaeuse. X. Y 2 on c. R. Manrow, Auburn, X. Y 1 no .lames E. ("ole. R. 1 ). 2, Fulton. X. V 50 Class 129 — 6 gre.?n ciH-umbers. short : F. G. Vogelgsang. Fulton. X. Y 2 00 E. L. Tallman, Blauvlt, X. Y 1 no Mrs. Grace A. McCulloelc, Cicero, X. Y 50 (Tass 1.30 — 6 lemon cucumbers: .T. F. Murphy, Canastota. X. Y 2 lio F. (;. Vogelscsang. Fulton. X. Y 1 oo .Mrs. R. G. King, LaFayette, X. Y 5(» Class 1.S2 — 6 purple egg plants: S. D. Furminger, St. Catharines, Ontario 2 00 .lames E. Cole. R. ]>. 2, Fulton, X. Y 1 oo Class IS.-} — G heads er.dive : .lames E. Cole. R. D. 2. Fulton. X. Y 2 oo V. r>. Maini>, Canastota, N. Y 1 on Wallace E. Wood, (Irotm. X. Y nO Class l."!4 — 0 eardoon : .1. E. .Murphy, fanastoia. N. V 2 00 .Tames ( ole. R. I). 2. Fulton. N. Y 1 00 W. A. Shafer, Onconta. X. Y 50 Class 135 — G feun-d : .Mrs. GracN- A. MoCulb.ek, X. Y 2 00 .lames E. «'()lc. R. r>. 2. Fulton. N. Y 1 00 .1. E. Mui-pli), Canastota, X. Y 50 Class i:!G— -G Scolymus : .1. E. Murphy, CanaslrUa. X. Y 2 oO ]'. D. Maine, Canastota. N. V 1 00 .lames E. role. R. I). 2, Fulton. X. Y 50 ls( IM ::(1 rroiii. }'n'm. I'lTlll $2 (K) Xkav V(ii;k Siatk I'\\ i i; 777 Class i;{7 — IJrakl of :J5 gailio hiilhs : I', n. Mniiu'. raimstota, X. Y Mally I!. Xiitting, S.vracus(<. N. Y .$1 00 .1. 10. Murphy. I'auastota. N. Y .td ."o (Mass t;>S — G kohl ial)i, rod; r. 1). Maino, ("ana^iota, N. Y li oo .Tnmps E. CoU>. K. 1). _'. Kiilton, N. Y 1 00 Fred Coe, FuKou, N. Y nO Chiss 1.39 — 0 kohl rahi, white: 1'. 11. Maino, Cnnastifa, N. Y 2 00 \V. li. Mackoy, Marlboro, N. Y 1 00 Fred Coe, Fulton, N. Y .50 Class 140 — (5 heads cos Ictliiir: J. E. Murphy. Cauaslotn, X. Y' 2 00 Mrs. Grace A. ^^IcCuIiock, Cicero, X. Y' 1 00 P. D. Maine, Canastota, X. Y' DO Class 141 — 6 heads curled leaf lettuce : E. L. Tallman, IJlauvclt. X. Y 2 00 P. D. Maine, Canastota, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. Grace A. McCulloek, Cicero, X. Y 50 Class 142 — 6 heads brown lettuce : .T. E. Murphy, Canastota. X. Y' 2 00 E. L. Tallman, Blauvelt, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. Grace A. McCuIlock, Cicero, X. Y HO Class 14;i — 6 heads calibage lettuce : R. L. Vosels.sane:, R. D. fi, Fulton. X. Y 2 00 J. E. Murphy. Canastot.i, X. Y 1 00 E. L. Tallman, ''.lauvelt, X. Y 50 Class 144 — 0 nutnies- miisUnielons, yellow flesh: Charles Swaflfer, E. Onondaga, X. Y 2 00 Class 146 — G cantaloupe nmskniolons, yellow flesh: C. R. Manrow. Auburn. X Y 2 00 Wallace Wood, Orotou, X. Y 1 00 Class 147 — G eantnlouiio nniskmclous. green flesh: Charles Swaffer, E. Onondaga. X. Y 2 00 Wallace Wood, Groton, X. Y 1 00 Class 140 — ^ watermelcns : Mrs. Grace A. McCulloek, Cicero. X. Y 2 00 E. L. Tallman, Blauvelt, N. Y' 1 00 Class 150 — 3 red p.}n\)o mcDgolds : Mrs. Grace A. McCullock. Cicero, X. Y' 2 00 Fred Coe, Fulton, X. Y 1 on Class 151 — n yellow j^IoIh^ nianjiolds : F. G. Vogelgsanjr, Fulton. X. Y 2 (m) P. D. Maine, Canastota. X. Y 1 Oo Fred Coe, Fulton, X. Y .".(i Class 152- — ■ .'! loufi ri'd ui:,ngolds : J. E. Murphy, Canastota, X. Y 2 00 S. D. Furminser, St. Catharines, Ontario 1 oo F. G. Vogelpsany-. Fulton. X. Y 50 Class 1.").". — 12 red f^nions, .round : U. I.. Vogelg.sang. R. D. G. Fulton. X. Y 2 00 Mrs. Grace A. McCulloek. Cicero. X. Y 1 iiii James E. Cole, R. D. 2, Fulton, X. Y 50 N.i:\v \'(ii;k Statk b.\in 1st lid :J(I I'lem. IMim. I'l-.'m. .><•_> 11(1 t'lass ir>4 — lii ri'd Ki.ioii:-. fl.-it: .(allies K. «ol<'. U. I). 2. Kultoil. N. Y S I>. KurminjrPr. St. ("atliarint's. Oiiiarin si :i(i S. I.. Ili'adlcy. riiioii. X. .1 .Sd ."o ("lass ITi.") — 11' yi'lliiw onidns, roiiud : Mrs. il Class iri7--12 whit.' diiions. round: .lauics K. Coll'. It. 1>. 2. Fulton. X. Y 2 Oi» S. II. FiirminiTrr. Si. ( ';,i liarir.cs. Ontario 1 uo S. I.. Iliadley. mi >'i. X. .1 r.ii (lass ir).S — 12 wliit- onion.'-, fiat: S. 1>. I- iiriiiingcr. St. Catliarincs. oniaiio 2 n, X. Y 1 imi .lames F. Cole. K. II. 2. Fulton. X. Y ."id Class ITtU - — (i lieails j.jirsley: .7. K. MurpliN. Caiiasloi.i, X. Y 2 no ]'. II. Maine, Canastol.i. X. Y 1 nd S. 1 1, l-'urniins''!'. i^^t- Catiiarines. ('ntario ."id Class Ifid — t^ i'ri)ol< ne( k inmijikins : F. (I. Voselfjsan.s:. Fulton. X. Y' 2 fid IJ. I,. Vos:elfrsan!,^ FuUoi;. X. Y 1 dd II. L. MrCnllock, Cicern. X. Y .'0 Class Itil — ;• sweet |tie iiiinipkins : H. L. McCullo-k. Cic-'vo, X. Y 2 ihi Fred Coe, Fulton, X. Y 1 mi F. (;. Vogel.^:sani;-. Fulton. X. >' ."lO Class lf;2 — ;; lieUI pr.nuikins. red; F. G. VogelgsanK, Fulton, X. Y 2 nii James I-:. Cole, IJ. I). 2. Fulton. X. Y 1 dii II. Iv. McCullock, Cioer.i. X. Y .10 Class 163 — (■> piii-snijis. long: Charles SwaltVr, F. Onondaga. X. Y 2 dd .1. K. Muriiliy, Canastota. X. Y 1 dd F. I.. Talliiiaii. I'.l.iuvelt, X. Y' 50 Class 1G4 — 11 uarsniijs. hall long; r. I). .Maine, Canastoia, N'. Y 2 dd .1. F. .Murphv. Canaslota, X. Y 1 dd Class lfi."» — <> parsnips, short ; r. I). Maine, Canasliia, X. Y 2 dd K. I.. Tallinan, lilauvelt, X Y 1 . 2. Fulton. .X. Y .'>d Class 11)7 d wliii.' ruiahiigas; * .laiiips i;. C,,|... It. II. 2. Fulton. X. Y 2 dd V. I). Maine. Canastoi.i. X. Y 1 00 I'". (',. Vogolgsang, l'"uli'iii. \. ^■ 50 Xi:\v ^'(ll;l< St. \i'h: I'"aii; 77'.* 1st 2«1 :!fl rrcm. I'l-rm. I'rcm ^•2 0(1 f'lass Kis (i ptir|ilf iiip nitMlui'iJts : I . (J. Voj;c'frs;niK. Fulton, X. V .iMiiics E. ('(lie. K. W •_'. I'lilton, N. V $1 (HI r. U. Main(\ I'auasiDta. .\. V .fii .">(» Class l(!!t — it t\Mut"r radishes, whit.'; II. I.. >[i( nlldck. Ciioi-o. N. V U oi) Class 170 (» wiut -i- radislics, l)!a<-k : I". I). .Maluf. Canasioia, N. Y L' 00 U. I.. .McCuUock. Cioo'-o, N. Y 1 on Mrs. K. (i. Klnji. I.aFii.vctd-, X. Y 50 Class 171 — (i A>intor rndishos, nul : .1. K. -Miirph.v. Cinastota, X. Y L' oo 11. I,. McCiiIUxk. Cicoro, X. Y 1 no 1". tJ. Vogclgsaiifr. Fulton, X. Y ' ^o I'lass 172- — 3 suinuicr crook-ni'ck siniaslics : .lames E. Cole, R. I). 2. l-\ilton. N. Y 2 oo F. G. Vogelgsan^, Fulton, X. Y 1 no .1. E. Murphy, Canastota, N. Y 50 Class 17;J — 3 wintor crock-neck sduashes : F. G. Vogolgsang. Fulton. X. Y 2 00 Class 174 — 3 falon s(|i:nshes : F. G. Vogclgsang. Fulton. X. Y 2 00 Class 17r> — .3 Tikes I'^ s. 2. Fulton. X. Y 50 Class 182 — '.'. hnhhard s(Miashes : Wallace Wood, Groton, X. Y 2 oo II. E. McCullock, Cicero. X. Y 1 00 W. X. Keddont, R-ild\vins\ ille, X. Y 50 t'lass 183 — 3 golden hel.liard s(juashes : F. G. Vogclgsang. Fulton. X. Y 2 no I'red ( -oe. Fulton. X. Y 1 OO II. I,. .McCullock, Cicero. X. Y 50 780 New York Statk Fau; 1st L'd ::tl Class 184 — 3 uianow sciiasliis: Prem. rniu. I'n in. 1". (;. Vogolgsang. Fulton, X. Y $2 0(1 Walhu (' Wood, (Jroton, N. Y .^1 (lO Class 185^ — -3 Jfarblolioad squashes: Fred Coo, Fulton, N. Y 2 00 F. (J. Volgolssaug, Fulton, N. Y ) (in Class ISO — 6 white Ifililr turnips: J. E. Murphy, Canastota, N. Y 2 00 Class 187 — 6 red table turnips : F. G. Vogelgsang, Fulton, X. Y 2 no C. W. Skiflf, East Meredith. X. Y 1 (lO Class 188 — G golden glolj.> turnijys : James E. Cole, It. I>. 2. Fulton, X. Y 2 oo Mrs. R. G. King, LaFayelte. X. Y 1 00 F. G. Vogelgsnng, Fulton. X. Y .$0 50 Class 189 — 12 stalks rhubarl) : James E. Cole, H. 1». 2. Fulton, X. Y 2 00 S. D. Furminger, St. Catharines, Ontario 1 00 Charles Swaffer, E. Onoi daga, X. Y .~>0 Class 190 — 12 rampions : James E. Cole, K. D. 2. Fulton, X. Y 2 00 H. L. McCullock, Ci-ero, X. Y 1 of> J. E. Murpliy, Canastota, X. Y SO Class 191 — 12 roo;s of salsify, white: S. D. Furrain,j:i>r, St., Ontario 2 00 W. I.. Mackey, Marlbovo, X. Y 1 (»() P. D. Maine, Canastota, X. Y 50 Class 192 — 12 roots of salsify, black: P. I). Maine. Canastota, X^ Y 2 00 Mrs. R. G. King. LaFayette, X. Y 1 00 J. E. Murphy, Canaslota, X. Y .".0 (^'lass lO.T — 12 oki'a pods, while: II. L. McCullock, Cicevo, X. Y 2 00 W. L. Mackey, Marlboro, X. Y 1 00 Class 194 — 12 okra jiorts. green : J. E. Murphy. Canast.)ta. X. Y 2 00 H. T.. :\IcCullock, Cicero, X. Y 1 00 W. L. Mackey, Marlboro, X. Y .^0 Class 195 — 12 martynia : ir. L. McCullock, Cicoro. X. Y 2 00 J. E. ISIurphy, Canastota, X. Y 1 0(» P. D. Maine, Canastota, X'. Y 50 Class 196 — 12 lerks : P. G. Vogclgsang. Fult ni. X. Y' 2 00 J. E. Mnrpl\y. Canastota. X. Y 1 00 S. I). Furminger. St. Catharines. Ontario 50 Class 197 — 12 roots chicery : 1'. r>. Maine. Cauastola. X. Y 2 0(t .1. K. Murphy. Canastota. X. Y 1 OO ^V. L. Mackey, Marlboro, X. Y' .'.0 Class 198- -12 ears swe(>t corn, early: I). E. Xichols. K. 1". 2. Marcellus. X. Y 2 oO Charles SwalTer. E. Onondaga. X. Y 1 00 Theodore L. Brooks, Port Ryron. X. Y 50 Class 199 — '12 ears sweet corn, medium: C. A. Iladden. Port Byron. X. Y 2 00 IF. I/. McCullock. Cicero. N. Y 1 00 D. E. Nichols, R. D. 2, Mnrcollus, N. Y 50 Nkw Vok'K Statk Fair 781 1st 2cl .•id I'rciii. rrciii. I 'rem $2 (M» Class 200 — 12 cars sweet coin, late: I). E. Nichols. R. I*. 2. Marcellus, N. Y S. n. FurminKor, St. Catharines. Ontario .$1 00 P. D. Maine, Canastola, K. Y $0 .".0 Class 201 — 12 ears sweet corn, zigzag: W. L. Mackey, Marlboro, N. \' 2 00 Mrs. R. G. King, I.aFtiyotte, N. Y 1 00 Class 202 — 12 ears sweet corn, black : C. A. Hadden, Port Byron, X. Y 2 00 D. E. Nichols. R. D. 2. Marcelliis, N. Y '. 1 00 Fred Coe, Fulton, N. Y io Class 203 — 12 ears bantam sweet corn, yellow : C. A. Hadden, Port Byron, N. Y 2 00 H. L. McCullock, Cicero, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. R. G. King, LaFayettc, N. Y 50 Class 204 — 5 black Nubian peppers : James E. Cole, R. D. 2. Fulton, N. Y • 2 0<) F. G. Vogelgsang, Fulton, N. Y 1 00 R. L. Vogelgsang, R. D. 6, Fulton. N. Y 50 Class 205 — 5 red poppers : E. L. Tallman, Blauvelr, N Y ' 2 00 H. L. McCullock, Cicero, N. Y 1 00 S. D. Furmlngor, St. Catharines, Ontario r>0 Class 206 — 5 yellow peppers : J. E. Murphy, Canastota, N. Y 2 00 S. D. Furminger, St. Catharines, Ontario 1 00 Class 207 — 5 green peppers : C. R. Manrow, Auburn, N. Y 2 00 J. E. Murphy, Canastota, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. R. G. King, LaFayette, N. Y 50 Class 208 — 3 Swiss chard : P. D. Maine, Canastota, N. Y' 2 00 • Fred Coe, Fulton, N. Y 1 00 J. E. Murphy, Canastota, N. Y 50 Class 209 — 3 plants kale, green curled : H. L. McCullock, Cicero, N. Y 2 00 James E. Cole, R. D. 2, Fulton. N. Y 1 00 < F. G. Vogelgsang, Fulton, K. Y 50 Class 210 — 3 plants kale, purple : P. D. Maine, Canastota, N. Y 2 00 J. E. Murphy, Canastota, N. Y 1 00 F. G. Vogelgsang, Fulton, N. Y 50 Class 211 — 1 largest pumpkin : Mrs. R. G. King, LaFayettc, N. Y 5 00 F. G. Vogelgsang, Fulton, N. Y 2 50 Class 212 — 1 largest squash : Fred Coe, Fulton, N. Y 5 00 II. L. McCullock, Cicero, N. Y 2 50 Class 213 — 1 largest muskmelon : Charles SwaBfer, E. Onondaga, N. Y' 1 00 S. D. Furminger, St. Catharines, Ontario 50 Fred Coe, Fulton, N. Y 25 Class 216 — 1 largest mangold : E. L. Tallman, Blauvolt, N. Y 1 00 F. G. Vogelgsang, Fulton, N. Y 50 S. D. Furminger, St. Catharines, Ontario 2i 10 1st 2d ;m I'lem. I'rcm. Prom •1:1 00 '82 New York State Fair Class 217 — 1 largest ca1)bage, while: II. L. McCullofk, Cicero, N. Y Fred Coe, Fulton, N. Y .f 0 oO S. I). F\irminger, St. Catharines, Ontario $(• 25 Class 21S — 1 larg.?st cabbage, red : F. G. Vogelgsang, Fulton, N. Y 100 H. L. McCulloclf, Cicoro, N. Y 50 James E. Cole, R. D. 2, Fulton. N. Y 25 Class 219 — 3 largest poppers : E. L. Tallman, Blauvelt, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. R. G. King, LaFayette, N. Y SO S. D. Furminger, St. Catharines, Ontario i;i Class 220 — 3 largest potatoes : H. L. McCuUock, Cicero, N. Y 1 00 C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, N. Y 50 Class 221 — 3 largest tuniips : F. G. Vogelgsang, Fulton, N. Y 100 Class 222 — 3 largest rutabagas : F. G. Vogelgsang, Fulton, N. Y 1 00 Class 223 — 3 largest carrots, white : S. D. Furminger, St. Catharines, Ontario 1 00 E. L. Tallman, Blauvelt, N. Y 50 J. E. Murphy, Canastota, N. Y 25 Class 224 — 3 largest carrots, yellow : W. A. Shafer, Oneonta, N. Y 1 00 J. E. Murphy, Canastota, N. Y 50 S. D. Furminger, St. Catharines, Ontario 25 Class 225 — 3 largest parsnips : Charles Swaffer, E. Onondaga, N. Y 1 00 S. D. Furminger, St. Catharines, Ontario 50 E. L. Tallman, Blauvelt, N. Y 23 Class 226 — 3 largest garden beets : Charles Swaffer, E. Onondaga, N. Y 1 00 W. A. Shafer, Oneonta, N. Y 50 F. G. Vogelgsang, Fulton. N. Y 25 Class 227 — 3 largest sugar beets : P. D. Maine, Canastota, N. Y 100 II. L. McCuUock, Cicero, N. Y 50 Class 228 — 3 largest tomatoes : .John Harper. 3G Division St., Baldwinsville, N. Y.... 1 00 S. I). Furminger, St. Catharines, Ontario 50 E. L. Tallman, Blauvelt, N. Y 25 Class 229 — 3 largest kohl rabi : .7. E. Murphy, Canastota. N. Y 1 00 Fred Coe, Fulton, N. Y 50 James E. Cole, R. D. 2, Fulton, X. Y 25 Class 230 — 3 largest cucumbers, wliito : II. L. McC\illoek, Cicero, N. Y 1 00 Class 231 — 3 largest encumbers, yellow : F. (i. Vogelgsang, Fulton, N. Y 1 00 Class 232 — 3 largest celery : S. I). Furminger, St. Catharines, Ontario 1 00 James E. Cole, R. D. 2, Fulton, X. Y 50 10. L. Tallman, Blauvelt, X. Y 25 Class 233 — 3 largest n.dishes : P. D. Maine, Canastota, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. R. G. King, Lafayette, X. Y 50 New ^'ouk Stati': Vwn 783 1st: Class 'S.',4 — .'! liir^ onions: I'rcin. b. 1). Furmingcr, St. Cnflinrincs, Ontario ij.\ oo E. L. Tiillniuu, Itlanvolt. N. Y James E. Colo, K. D. 2. Fultou, N. Y Class 235 — V^ bushel rod tomatoes : Sebastian Schmid, Sj rncnse, N. Y 4 0<) James E. Cole, U. I). 2, Fulton, N. Y E. L. Tallman, Blau.-elt. X. Y Class 2'M — y, bushel ytllow tomatoes: James E. Cole, I{. I), i:. Fulton. N. Y 4 00 E. L. Tallman, lilauveit, N. Y II. L. McCullock, Cice.o, N. Y Class 237 — % bushel green peppers : Sebastian Schmid. Syracuse, N. Y' 4 00 E. L. Tallman, Blauvelt, N. Y F. G. Vogelgsans, Fulton, N. Y Class 230 — y, bushel red peppers : II. L. McCullock, Cicero, N. Y 4 00 S. D. Furmingcr, St. Catharines, Ontario Class 240 — Best disi)lay of melons : Charles Swaflfer, East Onondaga, N. Y 4 00 ' Class 241 — Best display of squashes : F. G. Vogelgsang, Fulton, N. Y 4 no Class 242 — Best collection of vegetables, covering 10 feet of space : F. G. Vogelgsang, Fultcm, N. Y 50 00 H. L. McCullock, Cicero, N. Y A. D. Van Antwerp, R. D. 1, Syracuse, N. Y Class 243 — Best collection of vegetables, 30 varieties, • 5 specimens of each : James E. Cole, R. D. 2, Fulton. X. Y 15 00 H. L. McCullock, Cicero, X. Y F. G. Vogelgsang, Fulton, N. Y Class 244 — Best collection of vegetables, 20 varie- ties, 5 specimens of each : F. G. Vogelgsang, Fulton, N. Y' 10 00 James E. Cole, R. D. 2, Fulton, X. Y P. D. Maine, Canastota, N. Y SECTION 4 POTATOES Entries, 295. Amount awarded, $315. 1st Class 245 — 5 varieties, late, 5 each : Preiu. J. C. Godfrey, Pennelville, X. Y' .1:4 00 Fred Coe. Fulton, N. Y H. L. McCullock, Cicero, Xew Y'ork Class 246 — 5 varieties, early, 5 each : H. L. McCullock, Cicaro, N. Y 4 00 C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, N. Y John J. Y'elton, Oneida, N. Y Class 247 — Be;?t 10. June eating : E. G. Hills, R. D. 4, Fulton. X, Y' 2 oo Daniel Johnson, R. D. 2, Cazenovia, X. Y' C. W. Skiff. East Meredith, N. Y Class 248 — Best 10, quick crop : E. E. Stebblns, East Meredith, N. Y 2 00 C. W. Skiff, East Meredith. N. Y H. L. McCullock, Cicero, X. Y' 2(1 .'id rriMii. rrcrn. .fo 50 2 00 00 2 OO 00 00 10 00 G 00 ^■2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 ifO 25 1 00 1 00 1 00 15 00 5 00 4 00 2d 3d I'rcm. I'riMi!. .$1 00 1 00 50 1st 2d 3d I'rcm. I'l'i'in. I'n-iii. ?2 ()(» T84 New York Statk Fair Class 249 — Best 10 Vowc : K. (;. Hills. U. 1). 4, Fulton, X. Y K. E. Stebbins, East Mcrodith, N. Y I(,l 00 Fred Coc, Fulton, X. Y $0 50 Class 250 — Best 10 Sir Walter Raleigh : Daniel Johnson, R. D. 2, Cazenovia, X. Y 2 00 E. G. Hills, R. D. 4, Fulton, N. Y 1 00 E. E. Nichols, R. D. 2, Marcellus, N. Y 90 Class 251 — Best 10 White Beauty : C. W. SkifE, East Meredith, X. Y 2 00 E. L. Tallman, Blauvalt, X. Y 1 00 Class 252 — Best 10 While Beauty: E. G. Hills, R. D. 4, Fulton. N. Y 2 00 Daniel Johnson, 11. D. 2, Cazenovia, X. Y 1 00 C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, N. Y 50 Clasi! 253 — Best 10 Bhic Victor: Daniel Johnson, R. D. 2, Cazenovia, X. Y 2 00 E. G. Hills, R. D. 4. Pulton, N. Y 1 00 C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, X. Y 50 Class 254 — Biost 10 Early Harvest : Daniel Johnson, R. D. 2. Cazenovia, X. Y 2 00 H. L. McCullock, Cicero, N. Y 1 00 E. E. Stebbins, East Meredith, X. Y 50 Class 255 — Best 10 Early Sunrise: Daniel Johnson, R. D. 2. Cazenovia, X. Y 2 00 C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, N. Y 1 00 H. L. McCullock, Cicero, N. Y 50 Class 256 — Best 10 Carmen Xo. 1 : E. G. Hills, R. D. 4, Fulton, X. Y 2 00 E. E. Stebbins, East Meredith, X. Y 1 00 C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, X. Y 50 Class 257 — Best 10 Worlds Fair : Wm. Dansman, East Syracuse, X. Y 2 00 C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, X. Y 1 00 Fred Coe, Fulton, N. Y 50 Class 25S — Best 10 Great Divide : C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, X. Y 2 00 B. G. Hills, R. D. 4, Fulton, X. Y 1 00 Fred Coe, Fulton, X. Y 50 Class 259 — Ber^t 10 American Wonder : Daniel Johnson, R. D. 2, Cazenovia, X. Y' 2 00 C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, X. Y 1 00 H. L. McCullock, Cicero, X. Y 50 CTass 260 — Best 10 Freeman : C. W. Skiff, East IMoredith, X. Y 2 00 P. D. Maine, Cannstota, X. Y 1 00 Daniel Johnson, R. D. 2, Cazenovia, X. Y 50 Class 261 — Best 10 Early Maine : C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, X. Y 2 00 Class 262 — Best 10 Enrplre State : E. G. Hills, R. D. 4, Fulton, N. Y 2 00 Daniel Johnson, R. D. 2, Cazenovia, X. Y 1 00 C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, X. Y 50 Class 203 — Best 10 Quick Lunch : E. G. Hills, R. I). 4, Fulton, X, Y 2 00 C. W. Skiff, East Meredilli, X. Y 1 00 Daniel Johnson, R. D. 2, Cazenovia, X. Y. 50 Nkw Yuiiii State Fair 785 1st 2(1 rid rrcm. I'rom. I'rem $2 00 Class 264 — Best 10 Irish Cobbler : William Dausnian, East Syracuse, N. Y I>aniol Johnson. K. D. 2, Cazenovla, N. Y $.1 00 C. \V. Skiff, East Meredith, N. Y $0 50 Class 265 — Best 10 Gold Coin: E. G. Hills. R. I>. 4, Eulton, N. Y 2 00 Daniel Johnson, R. D. 2, Cazenovla, N. Y 1 00 C. W. Skiff, East Meredith.. N. Y 50 Class 266 — Best 10 Eureka: E. G. Hills, R. D. 4, Eulton, N. Y 2 00 C. W. Slviff, East Meredith. N. Y 1 00 Fred Coe, Fulton, N. Y . 50 Class 26" — Best 10 Beauty Hebron : E. G. Hills, R. P. 4, Fulton, N. Y 2 00 I>aniel Johnson, R. 1). 2, Cazenovla, N. Y 1 00 C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, N. Y. 50 Class 268 — Best 10 New Queen : E. E. Stebbins, East Meredith, N. Y 2 00 E. G. Hills, R. D. 4, Fulton, N. Y . 1 00 Daniel Johuson. R. D. 2, Cazenovla, X. Y 50 Class 269 — Best 10 Thorburn : C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, N. Y 2 00 Class 270 — Best 10 Rural New Yorker : Daniel Johnson, R. D. 2, Cazenovla, N. Y 2 00 E. E. Nichols, Marcellus, N. Y 1 00 E. G. Hills, R. I). 4. Fulton, N. Y 50 Class 271 — Best 10 Jlunioo seedlings: Daniel Johnson, R. D. 2, Cazenovla, N, Y 2 00 C. W. Skiff, East Mei'cdith, N. Y . . • 1 00 Class 272 — Best 10 White Star: Daniel Johnson. R. D. 2, Cazenovla, N. Y 2 00 C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, N. Y 1 00 Fred Coe, Fulton, N. Y 50 Class 273 — Best 10 Strange Beauty : C. W. Skiff, East Meredith. N. Y 2 00 E. G. Hills, R. D. 4, Fultou, N. Y 1 00 Daniel Johnson, R. D. 2. Cazenovla, N. Y 50 Class 274 — Best 10 Early Northern : E. G. Hills. R. D. 4, Fulton. N. Y 2 00 C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, N. Y 1 00 Fred Coe, Fulton, N. Y 50 ' Class 275 — Best 10 Early Albino : Charles Swaffer, East Onondaga. N. Y 2 00 E. E. Stebbins, East Meredith, N. Y 1 00 C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, N. Y SO Class 276 — Best 10 Dai-dy : C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, N. Y 2 00 Class 277 — Best 10 Everett: S. C. Taylor, Kanona, N. Y 2 00 C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, N. Y 1 00 Daniel Johnson, R. D. 2, Cazenovla, N. Y 50 Class 278 — Best 10 Maggie Murphy : C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, N. Y 2 00 Daniel Johnson, R. D. 2, Cazenovia, N. Y 1 00 E. E. Stebbins, East Meredith, N. Y 50 786 New York State Fair 1st 2d 3d Class 279 — Best 10 Early Market : rrem. Prcm. Prem. C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, N. Y $2 00 Daniel Johnson, R. D. 2, Cazenovia, X. Y $1 00 E. G. Hills, R. D. 4. Fulton, X. Y $0 50 Class 280 — Best 10 Pat's Choice : C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, N. Y 2 00 Fred Coe, Fulton, X. Y 1 00 Daniel Johnson, R. D. 2, Cazenovia, X. Y 50 Class 281 — Best 10 Mayflower : C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, N. Y 2 00 Class 282 — Best 10 Potentate : E. G. Hills, R. D. 4, Fulton, X. Y 2 00 C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, N. Y ■ 1 GO Fred Coe, Fulton, X. Y 50 Class 283 — Best 10 Victor : E. E. Stebbins, East Meredith, X. Y 2 00 C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, X. Y 1 00 Class 284 — Best 10 Early Ohio : Daniel Johnson, R. D. 2, Cazenovia, X. Y 2 00 C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, X. Y 1 00 E. E. Stebbins, East Meredith, X. Y 50 Class 285 — Best 10 Pingree : C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, X. Y 2 00 Fred Coe, Fulton, X. Y 1 00 Daniel Johnson, R. D. 2, Cazenovia, X. Y 50 Class 286 — Best 10 Rochester Rose : Fred Coe, Fulton, X. Y 2 00 Daniel Johnson, R. D. 2, Cazenovia, N. Y 1 00 C. W. Skiff, East Merodith, X. Y 50 Class 287 — Best 10 White Giant : E. G. Hills, R. D. 4, Fulton, X. Y 2 00 E. E. Stebbins, East Meredith, X. Y 1 00 C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, X. Y 50 Class 288 — Best 10 Early Puritan : Fred Coe, Fulton, X. Y 2 00 C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, X. Y 1 00 E. E. Stebbins, East Meredith, X. Y 50 aass 289 — Best 10 White Peachblow : H. L. McCullock, Cicero, N. Y 2 00 CTass 290 — Best 10 State of Maine: H. L. McCullock, Cicero, N. Y 2 00 C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, X. Y 1 00 Daniel Johnson, R. D. 2, Cazenovia, X. Y 50 aass 291 — Best 10 Sweet, red : J. E. Murphy, Canastota, N. Y 50 Class 292 — Best 10 Sweet, yellow : J. E. Murphy, Canastota, X. Y 50 Class 203 — Best display of largest potatoes, 20 varieties, 5 specimens each : l>;uii(l Johnson, R. D. 2, Cazenovia. X. V 15 00 H. 1,. McCullock, Cicero, N. Y 10 00 C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, X. Y o 00 Class 294 — Best collection of potatoes, 30 varieties. 5 specimens of ?ach : Daniel .lolinson, R. D. 2, Cazenovia, N. Y l.'i oo H. I,. McCullock, Cicero, X. Y 10 00 Fred Co<\ Fullon, N. Y 5 00 New York State Fair 787 1st -Jd ;!(! Class 295 — Best collection of potatoes, 20 varieties, Prem. Trem. I'lciii. 5 specimens each : Taniel Johnson, R. D. 2, Cazcnovia, N. Y $10 00 E. L. Tallman, Klauvelt, N. Y $6 00 E. E. Stobbius, East Meredith, N. Y $4 00 Class 296 — Best collection of potatoes, 10 varieties, 5 specimens of each : E. L. Tallman, Blauvolt, N. Y 5 00 H. L. McCullock, Cicero, N. Y' 3 00 C. W. Skifif, East Meredith, N. Y 2 00 Class 297 — Best display of leaf tobacco grown by exhibitor in 1009, 3 plants each : J. E. Murphy, Canastota, N. Y 20 00 W. E. Schuelke, Clay, N. Y 10 00 Class 298 — Best display of leaf tobacco, grown by exhibitor, cured : C. A. Lowe, Big Flats, N. Y 20 00 W. E. Schuelke, Clay, N. Y 10 00 O. M. Wixon, Elmira, N. Y . 5 00 Special Prizes \y. Atlee Burpee & Co., of I'hiladelphia, Pa., offered a special prize of .?20 as follows : Class 300 — For best collection of vegetables grown from Burpees seeds : F. G. Yogelgsang, FuMon, N. Y 20 00 I'eter Henderson & Co., of New York City, offer a special prize of $10 worth of seeds, plants, bulbs or books to the first prize winner, and $5 worth of seeds, plants, bulbs or books to the second prize winner, to be selected from their catalog in force at time selection is made, not later than a year from date of award. Class 301 — For besv collection of vegetables grown from seeds supplied by their firm : r. D. Maine, Canastota, N. Y 10 00 F. O. Vogelgsang, Fulton, N. Y' 8 00 -SECTIOX 5 BEES AND HONEY * Entries, 46. Amount awarded, $237.50. Class 302 — Best Italian bees, with queen, in single 1st 2d 3d comb observatory hive : Prem. Prem. Prem. Cliarles G. Schamm, Liverpool, N. Y $6 00 Wilmot II. Harber, Rochester, N. Y $3 00 Ida F. House, Camillus, N. Y' $1 60 Class 303 — Best Caruiolau bcos, with queon, in sin- gle comb observatory hive : T. C. Stanton, Rochester, N. Y 6 00 Daniel Johnson, R. D. 2. Cazcnovia. N. Y 3 00 Ida F. House, Camillus, N. Y' 1 50 Class 304 — Best Black bees, with queen, in single comb observatory hive : Ida F. House, Camillus, N. Y G 00 Wilmot II. Ilarljer, Rochester, N. Y 3 00 Wilmot II. Harber, Rochester, N. Y' 1 ,"50 * One hundred dollars was paid to S. House, Camillus. X. Y., for display of bees in this department. TS8 New York State Fair 1st 2d :\d Class 305 — Any other distinct variety of bee : Prem. Prem. Prcm. Ida F. House, Camillus, N. Y $6 00 Daniel Johnson, U. D. 2, Cazenovia, X. Y $3 00 Edward S. Reddont, Baldwinsville, N. Y $1 50 Class 306 — Best and most attractive display of comb honey, basswood or clover, 250, no more or less : Ida F. House, Camillus, N. Y 30 00 Daniel Johnson, R. D. 2, Cat^enovia, N. Y' 15 00 Class 307 — Best case, 24 sections of comb honey, basswood or clover : Ida F. House, Camillus, N. Y 6 00 Edward S. Reddont, Baldwinsville, N. Y 3 00 Charles G. Schamm, Liverpool, N. Y 1 50 Class 308 — Best and most attractive display of comb honey, buckwheat, 250 lbs. : Edward S. Reddont, Baldwinsville, N. Y 30 00 Class 309 — Best case, 24 sections of comb honey, buckwheat : Daniel Johnson, Cazenovia, N. Y 9 00 Edward S. Reddont, Baldwinsville, N. Y 4 50 Charles G. Schamm, Liverpool, N. Y 2 SO Class 310 — Best liquid extracted honey, basswood or clover. 50 lbs. in glass : ■ Edward S. Reddont, Baldwinsville, N. Y G 00 Ida F. House, Camillus, N. Y 3 00 Daniel Johnson, Cazenovia, N. Y' 1 50 Class 311 — • Best and most attractive display of basswood or clover, extracted honey, both liquid and candied, 250 lbs., no more or less, in glass : Ida F. House, Camillus, N. Y 25 00 Daniel Johnson, Cazenovia, N. Y 10 00 Charles G. Schamm, Liveipool, N. Y' 5 00 Class 312 — Best liquid extracted honey, buckwheat, 25 lbs. in glass : Daniel Johnson, Cazanovia, N. Y 6 00 Edward S. Reddont, Baldwinsville, N. Y 3 00 Class 313 — Best and most attractive display of buckwheat extracted honey, both liquid and can- died, 125 lbs., no more or less, in glass : Daniel Johnson, Cazenovia, N. Y 15 00 Charles G. Schamm, Liverpool, N. Y 8 00 Class 314 — Most attractive display of beeswax, 25 lbs. or over : Ida F. House, Camillus, N. Y 7 50 Daniel Johnson, Cazenovia, N. Y 4 00 DEPARTMENT K — DOMESTIC Commissio7ier in Charge. Ira Siiaep, Lowville. Superintendent, ITowaud Moore, Cobleskill. This department is located temporarily in a wing of the INIanufacturers and Liberal Arts Building, until the new Domestic and Arts Building is completed. While the numher of exl!il)its were many in excess of any before received and the quality far superior, yet the commissioner in charge feels it would be unwise to increase the number of exhibits or prizes in either the domestic Kew York State Fair 789 or art departiiu'iit. until tlio new buildiiifis arc coniplolod. \Ve will certainly be at a standstill for a few jears because exhibitors of the finest goods in domestic art hesitate to send tliem wlicrc moths and dust may damage or destroy them. It would swm wise tlmt the commission give tliis department its immediate attention. rUKMll'MS AWAUDEU Entries, 3,830. Amount awarded, $1,708.25. SECTION 1 rnOFKSSIOXAL CHINA rAINTINQ Entries, 100. Amount awarded, $110.75. 1st 2d Class 1 — Collection of 10 odd pieces: Prem. Prem. D. E. Galloway, Lowville. N. Y ipiO 00 Mrs. May II. Donovan, Syracuse. X. Y .$."> 00 Class 2 — ■ Flowers : Mrs. William C. Durst, Syracuse, X. Y 1 00 Class 3 — Fruit : M. P. Stroud, Syracuse, X. Y 2 00 Mrs. May H. Donovan, Syracuse, X. Y 1 oo Class 4 — Figure painliug : Malty B. Xutting, Syracuse, X. Y 2 00 Mrs. E. S. Xowatteny, Auburn, N. Y 1 ()() Class 5 — Plaque, fruit : Matty B. Xutting, Syracuse, X. Y 2 00 Mrs. May H. Donovan, Syracuse, N. Y 1 on Class 6 — Plaque, floviers : Mrs. Alice S. Wick, Xorwich, X. Y 2 00 D. E. Galloway, Lowviil?, N. Y 1 00 Class 7 — Plaque, any design : M. P. Stroud, Syracuse, X. Y' 2 00 Mrs. May H. Donovan, Syracuse, X. Y 1 00 Class 8 — Punch b.-nvl : Mrs. Alice S. Wick, Xorwich, X. Y. . . 3 00 D. E. Galloway, "Lowville, X. Y' 1 .50 Class 9 — .Jardiniere : D. E. Galloway, f/owville, X. Y 2 00 Mrs. S. H. Hill, R. D., Oneida. X. Y 1 00 Class 10 — Tankard : Mrs. Alice S. Wick, Xorwich, X. Y 2 00 Mrs. May H. Donovan, Sj racuse, X. Y 1 00 Class 11 — Chocolate pot and V^ dozen cups and saucers : D. E. Galloway, Lowville, X. Y H 00 Matty B. Xutting, Syracuse, N. Y. . 1 50 Class 12- — Ice cream set. tray and 0 plates: Matty B. Xutting, Syracuse. X. Y 1 .50 Class 13— Salad dish: Mrs. Alice S. Wick, Xorwich, X. Y 2 00 Mrs. May H. Donovan, Syracuse, X. Y 1 oo Class 14 — Vase, figures : Matty B. Nutting, Syracuse. N. Y 2 00 Mrs. May H. Donovan, Syracuse, X. Y 1 00 Class 15 — Vase, flewers : Mrs. William C. Durst, Syracuse, X. Y 2 00 D. E. Galloway, lowville, N. Y 1 00 790 ]S[p:w York State Fair 1st 2d Class 16 — Sugar and creamer : Prem. Prern. Effie Rose Kiug, Hobart, N. Y $2 00 W. A. Smith, Whitueys Point, N. Y $1 00 Class 17 — liy dozen cups and saucers : Matty B. Nutting, Syracuse, N. Y 2 r,0 Mrs. May H. Donovan, Syracuse, N. Y 1 25 Class 18 — 14 dozen plates, fruit : Mrs. Alice S. Wick, Norwich, N. Y 2 00 D. n. Galloway, Lowville, N. Y 1 00 Class 19 — 14 dozen plates, any design : Matty B. Nutting, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 M. P. Stroud, Syracuse, N. Y ■ 1 00 Class 20 — Tobacco jar : D. E. Galloway, Lowville, N. Y 1 00 Class 21 — Bon-bon : Mrs. Alice S. Wick, Norwich, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. May H. Donovan, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 22 — Bureau set, 3 or more pieces : Matty B. Nutting, Syracuse, N. Y 2 .->0 M. P. Stroud, Syracuse, N. Y 1 2-> Class 23 — Hair receiver : Mrs. May II. Donovan, Syracuse. X. Y 1 00 Mrs. Alice S. Wick, Norwich, N. Y ."jO Class 24 — Specimen lustre : Mrs. May H. Donovan, Syracuse, N. Y 1 50 Effie Rose King, Hobart, N. Y' 75 Class 25 — Specimen jewelry: Matty B. Nutting, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. May H. Donovan, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 2G — Specimen raised paste : Matty B. Nutting, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 D. E. Galloway, Lowville, N. Y 1 00 Class 27 — Stein: M. P. Stroud, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 Effie Rose King, Hobart, N. Y 1 00 Class 28 — Single specimen, not listed : D. E. Galloway, Lowville, N. Y 2 00 Effie Rose King, Hobart, N. Y' 1 00 Class 29 — Cup and saucer : Mrs. Alice S. Wide, Norwich, N. Y 1 00 D. E. Galloway, Lowville, NY 50 Class 30 — Marmalade jar: D. E. Galloway, Lowville, N. Y 1 00 Effie Rose King, Hobart, N. Y 50 Class 31 — Candlestick : Matty B. Nutting, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 D. E. Galloway, Lowville, N. Y 50 Class 32 — Comb and brush tray : D. E. Galloway, Lowville, N. Y 2 00 Effie Rose King, Hobart, N. Y 1 00 Class 33 — Chop plate : Mrs. Alice S. Wick, Norwich, N. Y 2 00 M. P. Stroud, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Nkw Yokk Statk Faik 791 1 St •_'(! Class 34 — Fish set, pJalter and G plates: I'rem. I'lcra. Mrs. William C. Durst. Syracuse, N. V ;f.-i 00 Matty B. Nutting, Syracuse, N. Y .1:2 .".0 Class 35 — Salad set, disU and G plates : Mrs. Alice S. Wick, Norwich, N. Y 4 GO D. E. Galloway, Lo\s-\ilIe, N. Y 2 00 SECTION 2^ — .■VM.M'r.UR CIIIX,\ r.VIXTI.NG Entries, 90. Amount awarded, .'i;47.r)0. 1st 2d Class 3G — Collection of 10 odd pieces : Prem. I'rera. Elizabeth D. Lesgaie, Syracuse, N. Y .fO 00 Florence M. Latter, Syracuse, N. Y ?.T 00 Class 37 — Flowers : Florence M. Latter, Syracuse, N. 1' 50 Class 38 — Fruit : Elizabeth D. Leggale, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. M. B. Johnson, Rochester, N. Y 50 Class 39 — Figure painting : Mrs. M. B. .Johnson, Roclitf.ter, X. Y 1 00 Maria E. Roys, Lyons, N. Y 50 Class 40 — Plaque, fruit and flowers : Mrs. M, B. Johnson, Rc.chester, N. Y 1 00 Elizabeth D. Leggate, Syiacuse, N. Y 50 Class 41 • — • Plaque, any design : Elizabeth D. Leggate, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 43 — Jardiniere : Maria E. Roys, Lyons, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. Grace Thomas, Laurens, N. Y 50 Class 45 — Coffee pot and y-2 dozen cups and saucers : Florence M. Latter, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. Grace Thomas, Iiiuirens, N. Y 1 00 Class 46 — Ice cream set, tray and 0 plates : Mrs. Grace Thomas, Laurens, N. Y 2 00 Florence M. Lattev, Syracuse, X. Y 1 oo Class 47 — Salad dish: Mrs. H. C. Bray, Clyde, N. Y 1 00 Elizabeth D. Leggate, Syracuse, X. Y 50 Class 48 — Vase, figui'es : Mrs. Grace Thomas, Laurens, N. 1' 1 00 Class 49 — Vase, ilowers : Mrs. M. B. Johnson, Rochester, X. Y 1 00 Elizabeth D. Leggate, Syracuse, X. Y' 50 Class 50 — Sugar and creamer : Mrs. H. C. Bray, Clyde, X. Y 1 00 Maria E. Roys, Lyon.^, X. Y 50 Class 52 — • 1/4 dozen plates, fruit : Elizabeth D. Leggate, Syi'acuse, X. Y 1 00 Class 53 — 1/^ dozeti plates, any design : Mrs. R. F. Young. Auburn, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. H. C. Bray. Clyde, X. Y 50 Class 54 — Tobacco jar : Mrs. M. B. Johnson. Rochester, X. Y 1 00 Elizabeth D. Leggate, Syracuse, X. Y 50 Class 55 — Bon-bon : Mrs. Grace Thomas, Laurens, X. Y 1 00 Florence M. Latter, Syracuse, N. Y 50 702 Np:w York State Fair 1st 12(1 Class 56 — Bureau set, 3 or more pieces: I'rem. I'rom. Mrs. F. W. Molvin. Watcrtown. N. Y $1 50 Florence M. Latter. Syracuse. N. Y $0 75 Class 57 — Hair receiver : Florence M. Latter, Syracuse, N. Y 50 Elizabeth D. Leggate, Syiacuse, N. Y 25 Class 58 — Specimen lustre : Mrs. Grace Thomas, I^aurens, N. Y 1 00 Class fiO — Specimen raised paste : Maria E. Roys. Lyons, N. Y • * 1 00 Mrs. M. B. Johnson, Rochester, N. Y' 50 Class 61 — Stein : Maria E. Roys. Lyons, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. M. B. Johnson, Rochester, N. Y' 50 Class G2 — Single specimen not listed : Mrs. M. B. Johnson, Rochester, N. Y 50 Class 68 — Cup and saucer : Maria E. Roys, Lyons, N. Y 50 Elizabeth D. Leggate, Syracuse, X. Y 25 Class 64 — Marmelade jar: Elizabeth D. Leggate, Syracuse, X. Y 50 Class 65 — Candlestick : Mrs. M. B. Johnson, Rochester, X. Y 25 Class 66 — Comb and brush tray : ' Mrs. M. B. Johnson, Rochester, N. Y 1 00 Florence M. Latter, Syracuse, X. Y' 50 Class 67 — Chop plate: Elizabeth D. Leggate, Syracuse, X. Y 1 00 Maria E. Roys, Lyons, X. Y 50 Class 69 — Salad set, dish and 6 plates : Mrs. Grace Thomas, Laurens, N. Y' 2 00 SECTION 3 rnOFERSIOXAL WORKS IX OIL FROM XATUISK Entries, 26. Amount awarded, iFG1.50. 1st 2d Class 70 — Collection in oil, not less than 5 : Prem. Prom. E. S. Oldfield, Boonville, X. Y $10 OQ Class 71 — Portrait : Mary C. Sherwood, Lyons, X. Y .$5 00. Mrs. A. L. Percy, Plattsburgh, N. Y 2 50 Class 72 — Animals : Mrs. Smith W. Hill, R. D., Oneida, X. Y 4 00 Mrs. A. L. Percy, Plattsburgh, N. Y 2 00 Class 73 — Marino: Mrs. A. L. Percy, Platl.sburgh, N. Y . . . 4 GO Mrs. Smith W. Hill, R. D., Oneida, X. Y 2 00 Class 74 — Landscape : Mrs. A. L. Percy, Plattsburgh, N. Y 4 00 E. S. Oldfield, Boonville, N. Y ' 2 00 Class 75 — Flowers : E. S. Oldfield, BoonviUe, N Y 3.50 Mrs. A. Ij. Percy, Plattsburgh, N. Y 2 50 Class 76 — Fruit : E. S. Oldfield, Boonville, X. Y 3 50 Mrs. Smith W. Hill, R. D., Oneida, X. Y 2 50 1st 2d I'lem. I'lTlll. $3 50 ?2 r.o 2 00 New York State F^ir 793 Class 77 — Other subjects : Mrs. Smith W. Hill, R. D.. Oneidn, N. Y Mrs. A. L. IVrcy, Plattsburgh, N. Y Class 78 — Winter landscape : Mrs. Smith W. Hill. R. D., Oneida, N. Y Class 79 — Still life : B. S. Oldfleld, Boonville, N. Y 4 00 Mrs. A. L. rcrcy, riattsburgh, N. Y 2 00 SECTION 4 AMATEII! WOKKS IN OIL FltOM X.^TlItK Entries, 76. Amount awarded, $49. 1st 2d Class SO — Colleclion in oil, not less than 5: Prcm. Trem. Mrs. A. Norton, S B. North St., Ballston Spa., N. Y .flO 00 Rachel B. Carver, Fallsiugton, Pa ?5 00 Class 81 — Portrait : Rachel B. Carver, Fallsington, Pa 3 00 E. E. Deake, Franklin, N. Y 1 50 Class 82 — Animals: M. Belle Larkin, Elmira, N. Y 3 00 M. F. Dunlop, Fayetteville, N. Y' 1 50 Class 83 — Marine : M. Belle Larkin, Elmiia, N. Y .",00 E. E. Deake, Franklin, N. Y 1 50 Class 84 — Landscape : Mrs. A. Norton, Ballston Spa., N. Y 3 00 Rachel B. Carver, Fallsingtcn, Pa 1 50 Class 85 — Flowers : • Mrs. S. V. Stewart, Caledonia, X. Y 2 50 M. L Liddell, 7 Jeffe-son St., Glens Falls, N. Y 1 50 Class 86 — Fruit : Rachel B. Carver Fallsington, Pa 2 50 Vera Cole Grey, Lima, N. Y 1 50 Class 87 — Other subjects : E. E. Deake, Franklin, N. Y 2 50 A. B. Sloer, Trenton, N. J 1 50 Class 88 — Winter landscape : Mrs. Gordon W. Stetson, Stock well, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. J. H. Rudd, Lyons, X. Y 1 00 Class 89— Still life: Rachel B. Carver, Fallsington, Pa 1 00 SECTION 5 — AMATEri: WUUKS IN OIL FliOM CDPY Entries, 60. Amount awarded, .1:32.50. 1st 2d Class 90 — Collection, not less than 5: I'rem. Prem. Vera Cole Grey, Lima, N. Y $6 00 N. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y $3 00 Class 91 — Portrait : Roy Clark, Sheffield. Mass 3 00 Mrs. Gordon W. Stetson, Stockwell. N. V 2 00 Class 92 — Marine : Vera Cole Grey, Llm.i, X. Y 2 00 Roy Clark, Sheffield, Mass 1 00 Class 93 — I,andscape : E. E. DeaKo, Franklin. X. Y 2 00 Mrs. M. K. Ilorlfzel. Delton, Midi 1 00 794 New Yokk State Fair 1st 2d Class 94 — Winter landscape : I'rem. I'rom. M. Belle Larkin. Elmira, N. Y .?2 00 Class 95 — Fainting from uncolored engraving : M. Belle Larkin, Elmira, N. Y 3 00 Vera Cole Grey, Lima, X. Y $1 r.O Class 96^ Other sul)jccts : Mrs. M. K. llorltzel, Dolton. Mich 2 00 E. E. Dcake, Franklin, N. Y 1 00 Class 97 — Still life : Vera Cole Grey, Lima, N. Y ■ 2 00 M. Belle Larkin, Elmira, N. Y 1 00 SECTION 6 PROFESSIONAL WATEE COLORS FROM NATURE Entries, 38. Amount awarded, |i52.50. 1st 2d Class 99 — Best collection, not less than 5 : Prem. Prem. The Misses Fidler, Geneva, N. Y ,f 10 00 Effle Rose King, Hobart, N. Y $o 00 Class 100 — Landscape : Effle Rose King, Hobart, N. Y 3 00 Mrs. Smith W. Hill, R. U., Oneida, N. Y 1 50 Class 101 — • Winter landscape : E. S. Oldfleld, Boonville, N. Y 3 00 Leah K. Rogers, Rochester, N. Y" 1 50 Class 102 — Marine : Leah K. Rogers, Rochester, N. Y 3 00 Mrs. A. L. Percy, Plattsburgh, N. Y 1 50 Class 103 — Fruit : E. S. Oldfleld, Boonville, N. Y 3 00 Leah K. Rogers, Rochester. N. Y 1 50 Class 104 — Flowers : Leah K. Rogers, Rochester. N. Y 3 00 Effie Rose King, Hobart, N. Y 1 50 Class 105 — Still life : Mrs. S. W. Hill, R. D., Oneida, N. Y 3 00 Effie Rose King, Hobart, N. Y 1 50 Class 106 — Other subjects : The Misses Fidler, Geneva, N. Y 3 00 Mary C. Sherwood, Lyons, N. Y 1 50 Class 107 — Portrait : The Misses Fidler, Geneva, N. Y 4 00 Leah K. Rogers, Rochester. N. Y 2 00 SECTION 7 AMATEUR WATICR COLORS FROM NATIKE Entries, 65. Amount awarded, ?33. 1st .2d Class 108 — Best collection, not less than 5: Prem. Prem. Vera Cole Grey, Lima, N. Y ^5 00 M. L Liddell, Glens Falls, N. Y .?2 50 Class 109 — Landscape : Mrs. M. K. Horltzel. Dclton, Mich 2 00 A. B. Sloer, Trenton, X. .T 1 00 Class 110 — Winter landscape : Mrs. .7. H. Kudd, Lyons. N. Y 2 00 A. B. Sloer, Tronfon, X. .T 1 00 New Yok'k Sri.!!-: FAin 705 1st Class 111 — Marine: Trem. ' Vora Cole Grey, Lima, N. Y $2 00 Mrs. S. V. Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y Class 112 — Fruit : Rachel B. Carver, Fallsjugton, I'a 2 00 N, Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y Class 113 — Flowers: Rachel B. Carver, FallPiDglon, I'a 2 0<» M. I. Llddell, Glens Falls, N. Y Class 114 — Still life: Vera Cole Grey, Lima, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. M. K. Horltzel, -Delton, Mich Class 115 — Other subjects: M. I. Liddcll, Glens Falls, N. Y 2 00 A. B. Sloer, Trenton, N. J Class 116 — Portrait : E. E. Deake, Franklin, N. Y 3 00 Mrs. J. H. Rudd, Lyons, N. Y f SECTION 8 ASIATEUR WATER COLORS FROM C()1"Y Entries, 52. Amount awarded, if24. 1st Class 117 — Fissure painting: Prem. Vera Cole Grey, Lima, N. Y .?2 00 Mrs. S. V. Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y Class 118 — Portrait : M. I. Liddell, Glens Falls, N. Y 2 00 Vera Cole Grey, Lima, N. Y Class 119 — Landscape: Mrs. M. K. Horltzel. Delton, Mich 2 00 M. L Liddell, Glens Falls, N. Y Class 120 — Winter landscape : Vera Cole Grey, Lima, N. Y 2 00 Vera Cole Grey, Lima, N. Y' Class 121 — Marine : M. I. Liddcll, Glens Falls, N. Y 2 00 N. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y Class 122 — Fruit: X. Pauline Stewart. Caledonia, N. Y 2 00 Rachel B. Carver, Fallsington, Pa Class 123 — Flowers : Mrs. S. V. Stewart, Caledonia. X. Y 2 00 Vera Cole Grey, Lima, N. Y" Class 124 — Other subjects: Rachel B. Carver, Fallsington, Pa 2 00 N. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y SECTION 0 I'ltOFE.S.SIONAI. PAINTIXG NOT ON CANVAS Entries, 29. Amount awarded, $55. Class 125 — Tapestry painting : Mrs. Herbert IT. Fonrtn, Syracuse. X. Y Marie A. Loomis, Syracuse, N. Y Class 12C — Painted sciom : Mary C. Parrish, Syracuse, N. Y crass 127 — Painted plaque : E. S. Oldfield, Boonville, X. Y 1st Prem. i?S 0<) 8 00 4 00 2d Prem. .$1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 .-.0 2d Prem. .$1 00 1 00 1 GO 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2d Prem. .$4 00 796 New York Statk Fair 1st Class 128 — Pen etching on linen : I'rem. L.'iih K. Rogers, Rochester, N. Y $4 00 The Misses Fidler, Geneva, X. Y aass 129 — Painted fan : Leah K. Rogers, Rochester. N. Y Class 130 — Painting on bolting cloth : The Misses Fidler, Geneva, N. Y 4 00 Leah K. Rogers, Rochestei', N. Y Class 132 — Miniature painting: Mrs, E, S, Nowatteny, Auburn, N. Y 5 00 Class 133 — Colored photographs : Leah K. Rogers, Rochester, N. Y . . . 4 00 The Misses Fidler, Geneva, N. Y Class 134 — Painting on satin : The Misses Fidler, Geneva, N. Y 4 00 Leah K. Rogers, Rochester, N. Y SECTION 10 AMATEUR rAI.NTl.NG .\(3T OX CANVAS Entries, 26. Amount awarded, .$21. 1st Class 135 — Tapestry painting: Prem. Mrs. J. H. Rudd, Lyons, N. Y $5 00 Vera Cole Grey, Lima, N. Y' Class 138 — Pen etching on linen : Mrs. E. S. Moore, Norwich, N. Y 2 00 Class 139 — Painted fan : Julia A. Smith, Blnghamton; N. Y 2 00 N. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y Class 140 — Painting on bolting cloth : N. Pauline Stevrart, Caledonia, N. Y 2 00 Emma H. Dublin, Rochester, N. Y Class 142 — • Colored photograph : Mrs. M. Cavanaugh, Utica, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. H. C. Bray, Clyde, N. Y Class 143 — Painting on satin : Mrs. S. V. Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 1 00 Class 144 — Miniature painting: N. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 1 50 SECTION 11 ClIAItCOAI. DlfAWINC. Entries, 42. Amount awarded, ?21. 1st Class 14G — Head from life: Prem. Rachel B. Carver, Fallsington, Pa ?2 00 Mary C. Sherwood, Lyons, N. Y Class 147 — Figure from life: The Misses Fidler, Geneva, N. Y 2 00 Mary C. Sherwood, Lyons, N. Y Class 148 — Head from cast : Vera Cole Grey, Lima, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. A. L. Percy, Plattsburgh, N. Y Cass 149 — Figure from cast : M. F. Dunlop, Fayotteville. N. Y 2 (>(» A. B. Sloer, Trenton, N. J Class 150 — Torso from cast : A. B. Sloer, Trinton. X. .T 2 00 Mrs. A. L. Percy, PlatlKburgli, N. Y 2d I'rem. .$2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2d I'rem. ?2 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 2d Prem. ifl 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 GO Ni:\v "\'()UK Statk Fair 797 1st. IM Class 151 — Auimal from life: rrcni. I'riin. M. F. Dunlop, Fayotttevillt', N. Y if2 00 Mrs. A. L. I'ercy, Fayettovillc, N. Y $1 00 Class 152 — Animal from cast: Vera Cole Grey, Lima, N. Y 2 00 Koy Clark, Sheffiold, Mass 1 00 SECTION 12 IM:.\ AM) INK DUAWINO Entries, 37. Amount awarded, $21. Isl 2(1 Class 153^ — -Head from cast: I'rein. riom. Mrs: A. L. Percy, riattsburgh, N. Y .?2 00 Roy Clark, Sheffield, Mass ij!! oo Class 154 — Figure from life : The Misses Fidlcr, Geneva, N. Y 2 00 M. F. Dunlop, FayettOTille, N. 1' ; 1 00 Class 155 — Portrait : Leah K. Rogers, Rochester, N. Y 2 00 M. F. Dunlop, Fayetteville, N. Y 1 oo Class 156 — Animal from life: M. F. Dunlop. Fayetteville, N. Y 2 00 A. 15. Sloer, Trenton, N. J 1 00 Class 157 — Landscape from nature : M. F. Dunlop. Fayetteville, N. Y 2 00 A. B. Sloer, Trenton, N. J 1 00 Class 158 — Flowers: Mrs. A. L. Percy, Plattsburgh, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. II. C. Bray, Clyde, N. Y 1 00 Class 159 — Fruit: M. F. Dunlop, Fayetteville. N. Y 2 00 A. B. Sloer, Trenton, N. .T 1 00 SECTION 13 SEriA DRAWING Entries, 31. Amount awarded. .?lo. 1st 2d Class IGO — Head: Prem. I'rem. Leah K. Rogers, Ro.^hester, N. Y |2 00 The Misses Fidler, Geneva, N. Y' .$1 00 Class 161 — Figure : Mrs. A. L. Percy, Plattsburgh, X. Y 2 00 The Misses Fidler, Geneva, N. Y 1 00 Class 162 — Animal : Mrs. A. L. Percy, Plattsburgh, N. Y 2 00 E. S. Oldficld, Boonvile, X. Y 1 00 Class 163 — Landscape : M. F. Dunlop, Fayetteville, N. Y 2 00 Leah K. Rogers, Rochester, X. Y ] (to Class 164 — Portrait: The MLssos Fidler, Geneva, X. V 2 00 Mrs. A. L. Percy, Plattsburgh, X. Y 100 SECTION 14 DESIGNING Entries, 30. ,\mount awarded, iflO. 1st 2d Class 165 — Design for wall paper : Prem. Prem. Marie A. Jycomis,, X. Y ."Jl 00 C. Louise Kellogg, Clyde, N. Y . . . ." IfO 7.") Class 167 — Design for posler: C. Louise Kellogg, Clyde, X. Y 1 00 708 New York Sta.te Fair 1st 2d Class 168 — Design for book cover : Prem. Prem. Mary C. Sherwood. Lyons, N. Y $1 00 Mrs. A. L. IVrcy, Plattsburgh, N. Y $0 75 Class 169 — Illuminating, specimen : Mrs. A. L. Percy, Plattslmrgh, N. Y 1 30 Class 170 — Stenciling, specimen : Blanche L. Stillman, Syracuse, N. Y 1 oO Mrs. William C. Dur.'iT, Syracuse, N. Y 100 Class 171 — Illustrating, specimen : Mary C. Sherwood, Lyons, N Y 1 50 Class 172 — Place cards, 6 or more: C. Louise Kellogg, Clyde, N. Y 1 50 Vera Cole Grey, Lima, N. Y' 1 00 Class 173 — Clay modeling, specimen: Marie A. Loomis, Syracuse, N. Y 1 50 Class 174 — ■ Metal work, specimen : Mrs. M. Cavanaugh, Utica, N. Y ; . . . 1 50 Emma H. Dublin, 47 Shcpard St., Rochester, N. Y Class 176 — Book binding, specimen : H. N. Faulder, Syracuse, N. Y 1 .50 A. K. MacGrath, 304 Kellogg St., Syracuse, N. Y SECTION 15 JUVENILE ART Entries, 24. Amount awarded, $20. 1st Class 177 — Oil painting, landscape: I'rem. II. Thorp, Laurens, N. Y .?1 5»i C. Thorp, Laurens, N. Y Class 178 — ■ Oil painted flowers : Harold E. A. Cavanaugh, Utica, N. Y 1 50 II. Thorp, Laurens, N. Y 75 Class 179 — Water color flowers: C. Thorp, Laurens, N. Y' 1 50 II. Thorp, Laurens, N. Y 75 Class 180 — Water color, landscape : Harold Cavanaugh, Utica, N. Y 1 30 C. Thorp, Laurens, N. Y 75 Class 182 — Pen and ink drawings : C. Thorp, Laurens, X. Y 2 00 Class 183 — Pencil drawings : II. Thorp, Laurens, N. Y 1 50 Louise M. Ttrry, Binghamton. X. Y 75 Class 184 — Crayon drawings : Louise M. Terry, Bingliamtoii, N. Y 1 50 Xorman L. Onderdonk, Scnc-ca, X. Y 75 Class 185 — Specimen penmanship : Ethel L. Terry, Binghamton, X. Y 75 Class 186 — Map drawing : Xorman L. Onderdonk, Seneca, X. Y 1 50 Clasa 187 — China painting: II. E. A. Cavanaugh, Uiica, X. Y 1 50 Ethel L. Terry, Binghamton, X. Y 75 1 00 1 00 2d Prem. yO 75 New York State Fair 790 SECTION 16 PVlloaRAPlIV AM) CAUVINii Entiles, 72. Amount awarded, $50. 1st 2fl Class 188 — - Taboureite iu burnt wood: Prem. Prpm. Mrs. E. S. Moore, Norwich, N. Y .^1 50 Mrs. Gordon W. Stotson, Slockwell, X. Y .fl 00 Class ISO — Scrapbasket in liurut wood: Mrs. E. S. Moore, Norwich, X. Y 1 go Class 190 — Box in burnt wood : Mrs. E. S. Moore, Norwich, N. Y 1 TiO M. F. Dunlop, Fayetteville, X. Y 1 (K) Class 193 — Book rack in burnt wood : Mrs. E. S. Moore, Xoi'wich. N. Y 1 OO Effie Rose King, Hobart, X. Y 75 Class 194 — I'hotograph frame in burnt wood : M. F. Dunlop, Fayetteville, X. Y 1 00 Kffie Rose King, Hobart, X Y 75 Class 195 — Card case in burnt leather : Mrs. E. S. Moore, Xorwicb, N. Y' 1 oO M. F. Dunlop, Fayetteville, N. Y' 75 Class 196 — Belt in burnt leather: Mrs. E. S. Mooi-e, Norwich, N. Y 1 00 M. Belle Larkin, Elmira, N. Y 75 Class 197 — Book cover in burnt leather : Emma H. Dublin, Rochesler. X. Y 1 00 Mrs. E. S. Moore, Xorwicb. X. Y 75 Class 199 — Frame in wood carving : A. K. MacGrath, Syracuse, X. Y 1 00 Maria E. Roys, Lyons, N. Y 75 Class 200 — Any article in wood carving : A. K. MacGrath, Syracuse, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. E. S. X'^owatteny, Auburn, N. Y' 75 Class 201 — Book cover ii> tooled leather : A. K. MacGrath, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. E. S. Moore, Norwich, X. Y 75 Class 202 — Beit in tooled leather: A. K. MacGrath, Syracuse, X Y 1 00 H. N. Faulder, Syracuse, X. Y 75 Class 203 — Card or purse in tooled leather: Marie A. Loomis, Syracuse, N. Y 1 oO Emma H. Dublin, Rochester, N. Y 75 Class 204 — Collection tooled leather : A. K. MacGrath,, N. Y :; 00 Marie A. Loomis, Syracuse, X. Y 2 00 Class 205 — Collection burnt leather : Mrs. H. C. Br^y, Clyde, X. Y 5 00 Class 206 — Collection wood carving : A. K. MacGrath, Syracuse, N. Y 3 00 Class 207 — Collection burnt wood : Mrs. E. S. Moore, Norwich, N. Y 5 0(» Effie Rose King, Hobarr. N. Y 3 00 Class 208 — Wood cnrvini; and pyrograpliy combined: Mrs. E. S. Nowatteay. Aulmrn, X. Y ; 1 50 M. Belle Larkin, Elmira, X. Y 1 00 Class 209 — PjTOgraphy and painting combined: M. F. Dunlop, Fay-ntoville, X. Y 1 50 Mrs. E. S. Moore, Norwich, X. Y 1 00 buo jS^ew Yokk State Fair .SECTION 17 BASKKTUY Entries, 41. Amount awarded, ^1^5.50. Class 210 — Raffi.a btisket : Mrs. G. B. DaRolt, Cuba, N. Y The Shelter, Syracuse, N. Y. . . Class 211 — Raffia work basket: L. G. Wood, Hamburg, Is. Y Mrs. R. F. Y'oung, Aul)urn, N. Y Class 212 — Raffia article, not a basket : Mrs. M. Cavanaugh, Utica, Is. Y The Shelter, Syracuse, N. Y Class 213 — Raffia v.-aste basket : L. G. Wood, Hamburg, N. Y Class 214 — Collection sweet grass baskets: Jennie L. Harris, Norwich, N. Y Class 215 — Reed basket : Mrs. M. Cavanaugh, Utica, N. Y Emma H. Dublin, Rochester, N. Y Class 216 — Pine straw basket: Mrs. M. Cavanaugh, Utica, N- Y aass 217 — Raffia hat . Marie A. Loomis, Syracuse, N. Y L. G. Wood, Hamburg, N. Y Class 218 — Collection of raffia work, not less than 5 pieces; Mrs. Fannie B. ShefE, Norwich, N. Y L. G. Wood, Hamburg, N. Y SECTION IS BEAD WORK Entrii s, 35. Amount awarded, .$14.50. Class 210 — Woven chain: Mrs. Fannie B. Sheff, Norwich, N. Y Mrs. Chas. L. Crothers. Newark, N. Y Class 220 — Belt : Mrs. Gordon W. Stetson, Slockwell, N. Y Mrs. M. Cavanaugh, Utica, N. \' Class' 221 — Chain, strung : Matty B. Nutting, Syracuse, N. Y Maria E. Roys, Lyons, N. Y Class 222 — Coin purse : M. Belle Larkin, Elmira, N. Y Dora M. Woyer, Elmira, N. Y Class 223 — Wrist bag : Mrs. H. R. Gentsch, Chicago, 111 Mrs. II. R. Gentsch, Chicago, 111 Class 224 — Collection bead work : Mrs. .7. F. Wickliam, Clyde, N. Y Mrs. Fannie B. Sheff, Norwich, N. Y SECTION 1!) SII.K KMIUJOIDERY Entrief-', Or<. Amonut awarded, iJGO. Class 225 — Best and largest display : Mrs. A. Ti. Whoclor, Vernon, N. Y .Mrs. .1. 1\ Woods, Syracuse. N. Y Class 220 — • (\'nterplece, roses: Blanche L. Stillman, Syracuse, N. Y Mrs. Emma Tope, Buffalo, N. Y 1st 2d I'rera. ' Prem. .|1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 2 00 1 50 1 50 1 50 5 00 1st Prem. $1 50 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 50 2 00 1st Prem. .i;s 00 2 00 $1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 !!d Prem. $1 00 1 00 75 1 00 1 50 2(1 Prem. .$5 00 1 50 Exhibits in the State Institutions Blilding. Nkw V(.i;k Statk, Kaii; 801 1st lid Class JliT -- C'culi'i-piooi', cdlnrod cir.ln-oidciy : I'l-i'iu. I'rcin. H M. FiUildor, Syinciisc. X. V .i;2 00 Mrs. S. V. Stewart, l.'alcdouia, N. Y $1 r,0 Class 228 — Centerpiece, white : Mrs. Emma Pope, Buffalo, N. Y 2 00 Mrs A. Norton, Ballston Spa., N. Y 1 ."n Class 229 — Centerpiece, conventional design: Mrs. L. S. Taylor, Clyde, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. S. W Stewart, Caledonia, X. Y " 1 50 Class 230 — Table sot, 3 or more pieces : Amanda Hanks, Oneo.ita, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. E. S. Moore, Norwich. N. Y 1 50 Class 231 — Lunch cloth: Mrs. R. F. Young. Auburn. N. Y 2 00 Bertha L. Blair, Erieville, N. Y 1 50 Class 232 — Table cover : Mrs. C. L. Tucker, Laurens, X. Y 2 00 Mi-s. George Fitts, McLean. N. Y 1 50 Class 231 — 3 or more doilies, conventional design :. N. Pauline Stewart. Caledonia. X. \' 1 50 Amanda Hanks, Oneouti, X. Y 1 00 Class 235 — 3 or more doilies, flower design: Mrs. S. V. Stewart. Caledonia. X. Y 150 M. Belle Larkin, Elmira, X. Y 1 00 Class 236 — Bureau co\('r : Mrs. H. E. Walzer, Elmira. N. Y 1 50 Mrs. S. V. Stewart, Caledonia, X. Y 1 00 Class 237 — SidebS. Amount awarded, $84.75. Class 246 — Best and largest display, French and Madeira : Blanche L. Stillman. Syjacuse, N. Y Mrs. George Fitts, McLean, X. Y Class 247 — Tablecloth and napkins : Blanche L. Stillman, Syracuse, N. Y Mrs. Anson L. Wheeler, Vernon, X. Y Class 248 — Centerpiece : Blanche L. Stillman, Syi'acuse, N. Y Mrs. I^ulu Human. Sedalia, Missouri Class 249 — Sheet: Blanche L. Stillman, Syracuse, X. Y Mrs. George Fitts, McE<^on, X. Y Class 250 — Pillow cases ; Louise M. Terry, Binghaniton. X. Y Mrs. George Fitts, McLean, X. Y Class 251 — Xapkins, G : Blanche L. Stillman, Syracuse, X. Y Mrs. F. W. Melvin, W.-.tertown, X. Y Class 252 — Tablecloth : Mrs. Lulu Human, Sedalia, Missouri Jennie B. Turner, Geneva, X. Y Class 253 — Shirtwaist : Mrs. Anson L. Wheeler, Vernon, X. Y Mrs. C. E. Harris, Auburn, X. Y Class 254 — Lady's dress : Mrs. Anson L. Wheeler, Vernon, X. Y Mrs. Chas. L. Crothers, Xewark, X. Y Class 255 — Parasol : A. K. MacGrath, Syracuse, X. \' Alta M. Ralph, Watertown, X. Y Class 256 — Xightgown : A. K. MacGrath, Syracuse, X. Y Mrs. S. V. Stewart, Caledonia, X. Y Class 257 — Chemise : A. K, MacGrath, Syracuse, X. Y Blanche L. Stillman, Syrecuse, X. Y Class 258 — C'orsetcover : Mrs. S. M. Rungor, Syracuse. X. Y Jennie B. Turner, Geneva. X. Y Class 250 — Handkerchief : Blanche L. Stillman, Syracuse, X. Y Mrs. G. B. DaBolt, Cuba, X. Y Class 260 — Hat: Emma H. Dublin, Rochester, N. Y Bertha L. Blair, Ericville, X. Y Class 261 — Collar and cufTs : Mrs. Austin Gray, Laurens. X. Y Mrs. R. F. Young, Auburn, X. Y Cnass 262 — Articles not listed : Mrs. S. V. Stewart, Caledonia, X. V Mrs. C. E. Harris, Auburn, X. Y Class 263 — Lunch cloth : Miss Goldstein, Elmi'-a, X. Y Amanda Hanks, Oneonta, X. Y 1st Prem. ?5 00 3 00 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 00 2 00 00 00 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 00 2d Prem. ?3 00 2 00 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 2 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 SO New York Statk Faiij 803 1st lid Class 2G4 — Tray cloth : Prom. Prom. Mrs. W. U. Terry. I'.iuKliiU"!"". N. V $1 00 Bertha L. Blair, Erieville, X. Y $0 75 Class 265 — Bureau cover : Mrs. J. D. Mooro, Lowvillo, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. II. C. Bray. Clyde, N. Y 1 00 Class 2GG — Suit of underwear, 2 iiiici^s : Mrs. S. V. Stewart, Caledonia. N. Y 2 00 C. Ix)uise Kellogg, Clyde, N. Y' ] 25 Class 267 — Apron : Mrs. C. E. Harris, Auburn. N. Y' 1 00 Mrs. W. B. Terry. Binghamton, N. Y 50 Class 268 — Billow shams: Miss Goldstein. Elmira, N. Y' 1 50 Mrs. C. L. Tucker, Laurens, N. Y' 75 Class 209 — Plate doilies. 6 : A. K. MacGrath. Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. Charles L. Crothors, Newark. N. Y 1 50 Class 270 — Finger bowl doilies, fi : A. K. MacGrath. Syracuse. N. Y 2 00 C. Louise Kellogg. Clyde. N. Y' 1 50 Class 271 — Belt : Mrs. M. Cavanaugh, T'tica, X. Y." ] oo Mrs. H. E. Walzer. Elmira. X. Y ; 75 Class 272 — Towel : Emma H. Dublin, Rochcstev, X. Y 1 00 Jennie B. Turner, Geneva. N. Y' 75 Class 273 — ■ Initial embroidery : Miss Goldstein. Elmira, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. Lulu Human, Sedalia, Mo 75 SECTION' 21 MADEIIiA OR EYELET EMBROIDEKY Entries, 76. Amount awarded. .$35.25. 1st 2d Class 274 — Lady's drtss : I'rem. Prem. H. N. Faulder, Syracuse, N. Y ' $3 00 Mrs. A. Xorton. Ballston Spa., N. Y ?2 00 Class 275 — Shirtwaist : N. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia. N. Y" 2 00 Mrs. Lulu Human, Sedalia, Mo 1 50 Class 276 — C'orsotcover : Mrs. Geo. Pitts, McLean, X. T 1 50 Mrs. S. V. Stewart. Ca'.cdonia, X. Y • 1 00 ; Class 277 — Chemise : Bertha L. Blair, Erieville, N. Y 1 50 Miss Goldstein, Elmira, N. Y 1 00 Class 278 — Collar and tie: Blanche L. Stillman. Syracuse, X. Y 1 00 Louise M. Terry, Binghamton. N. Y' 75 Class 280 — Hat : Mrs. S. V. Stewart, Caledonia. X. Y 1 50 Amanda Hanks, Oneonta, N. Y 1 00 Class 281 — Centerpiece : H. N. Faulder, Syracus.^, X. Y' 2 00 Mrs. A. Xorton, Ballston Spa., X. Y 1 50 S04 New York State Fair 1st L'd Class 282 — Plate doilies. 6: I'lcm. I'l-era. Li'jih K. Rogers, Rochester, X. Y $2 00 Mrs. Lulu Human, Sedalia. Mo $1 50 Class 283 — Finger bowl doilies, 6 : II. N. Fauldcr, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 M. Belle Larkin, Elmira. N. Y 1 50 Class 284 — Lunch cloth: Mrs. H. C. Bray, Clyde, N. Y 2 00 N. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y' 1 50 Class 285 — Handkerchief : Miss Goldstein, Elmira, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. Lulu Human, Sedalia, Mo 75 Class 286 — Belt: Alta M. Ralph, Watertown, N. Y 1 00 Bertha L. Blair, Erieville, N. Y 75 SECTION 22 — MOUNT MELLICK Entries, 21. Amount awarded, $13.50. 1st 2d Class 290 — Table cover : Prem. Prcm. Mrs. C. L. Tucker, Laurens, N. Y $2 00 Mrs. G. Fitts, McLean, N. \' T. . $1 00 Class 291 — Centerpiece- Mrs. G. Fitts, McLean, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. S. v. Stewart, Caledonia, X. Y 1 50 Class 292 — Lunch cloth : Mrs. Lulu Human, Sedalia, Mo 2 00 Class 293 — Bureau cover : Blanche L. Stillman, Syracuse, N. Y 1 50 Class 295 — Doilies, 6 ; Blanche L. Stillman, Syracuse, N. 1' 2 00 Amanda Hanks, Oneonta, N. Y 1 50 SECTION 23 HEDEBO EMBEOIDERY Entries, 9. Amount awarded, $15. 1st 2(1 Class 296 — Waist : Prem. Prom. Mrs. Anson L. Wheeler, Vernon, N. Y $2 00 Mrs. L. S. Taylor, Clyde, N. Y $1 50 Class 297 — Centerpiece : Mrs. Anson L. Wheeler, Vernon, N. Y' 2 00~ Mrs. Anson L. Wheeler, Vernon, N. Y 1 ."iO Class 298 — Lunch cloth : Mrs. Anson L. Wheeler, Vernon, N. Y 2 00 Class 299 — Sideboard cover : Mrs. Anson Ij. Wheeler, Vernon, N. Y 2 00 Blanche L. Stillman, Syracuse, N. Y 1 50 Class 301 — Specimen not listed : Mrs. L. S. Taylor, Clyde, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. Emma I'ope, Buffalo, X. Y . . i 1 oo SECTION 24 UAKDANGEH EMBROIDERY Entries, 24. Amount awarded, ^IH. 1st 2d Class 302 — Centerpiece: Prem. Prem. Mrs. M. Cavanaugh, Utica, N. Y $2 0(> Mrs. F. . W. Melvin, Watertown, N. Y $1 50 New Yokk State Fair 805 1st L'd Class 303 — 3 doilies: Prem. I'lcm. Mrs. W. J. King, R. D. G, Fulton. N. Y $1 00 Mrs. Gordon W. Stetson, Stockwell, N. Y $1 00 Class 304 — Table cover : Mrs. W. J. King, K. D. 6, Fulton, N. Y 2 00 Bertha L. Blair, Krievlll?, N. Y 1 50 Class 306 — Collar and cuff set : Blanche L. Stillman, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 307 — Shirtwaist : Louise M. Terry, Binghamton, X. Y 1 50 Dora M. Woyor, !-:imira, N. Y 1 00 Class 308 — Bureau cover : Blanche L. Stillman, Syracuse, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. W. J. King, R. D. 6, Fulton, N. Y 1 00 Class 309 — Specimen net listed: Mrs. S. M. Runger, Syracuse, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. W. J. King, R. D. G, Fulton, N. Y 1 00 SECTION 25 CDT WOKK Entries, 20. Amount awarded, $12.50. 1st 2d Class 310 — Table cover : Prem. Prem. A. K. MacGrath, Syfacuso, N. Y ?2 00 Class 311 — Centerpiece : H. N. Fauider, Syracuse, X. Y .*. 2 00 X. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, X. 1' $1 50 Class 312 — Sideboard cover : H. X. Fauider, Syracuse, X. Y 2 00 Mrs. Fannie B. Scheff , Xorwich, X. Y 1 50 Class 313 — Lunch cloth : Mrs. G. Fltts, McLean, N. Y 2 00 Class 314 — 3 doilies: A. K. MacGrath, Syracuse, X. Y 1 50 SECTION 26 EJIBROIDERY Entries, 111. Amount awarded, $42.50. 1st Class 315 — Collection of different varieties of embroidery : Prem. Mrs. Geo. Fitts, McLean, X. Y $3 00 Blanche L. Stillman, Syracuse, X. Y Class 316 — Wallachian : Mrs. Lulu Human, Sedalia, Mo 1 50 Mrs. S. V. Stewart, Caledonia. X. Y Class 317 — Cross stitch : Mrs. Lulu Human, Sedalia, Mo 1 50 Mrs. M. C. Mead, I>aurens, X. Y Class 318 — Filet : Blanche L. Stillman, Syracuse. X. Y 1 50 Emma H. Dublin, Rochester. X. Y nass 310 — Gobr'lin : Blanche L. Stillman, Syracuse, X. Y 1 50 Class 320 — Shadow : Mrs. A. G. Tripp, Cicero, X. V 1 50 X. Pauline Stewart, Caltdcnia. X. Y 1 00 Class 321 — Bledermler : Miss S. V. Stewart, Cakdonia, X. Y 1 50 M. Belle Larkin, .':imlra, N. Y 1 00 2d Prem. $2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 806 New York State Fair 1st 2d Class 323 — Bulgarian: I'rem. Prem. N. I'aulino Stewart, Caledonia. X. Y $1 ',o Emma II. Dublin, Rochester, N. Y ^1 00 Class 324 — Jewel : Mrs. R. F. Young, Auburn, N. Y 1 50 Miss Goldstein, Elmira, N. Y 1 00 Class 325 — Delft : Mrs. L. S. Taylor, Clyde, N. Y 1 50 Blanche L. Stillman, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 326 — Roman : Miss S. V. Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y" 1 50 Mrs. Geo. Fitts, McLoan, N. Y 1 00 Class 327 — Venetian : N. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. Fannie B. Scheff, Norwich, N. Y 1 00 Class 328 — Couched work : Jennie L. Harris, Norwich, N. Y 1 50 N. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 1 00 Class 329 — Coronation cord : Mrs. C. E. Harris, Auburn, N. Y' 1 50 Mrs. Geo. Fitts, McLean, N. Y 1 00 Class 330 — Beaded embroidery : Mrs. M. C. Mead, Laurens. N. Y' 1 50 Mrs. Runger, Syracuse, N. Y' 1 00 Class 332 — Hungarian : Blanche L. Stillman, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 333 — Piece containing more than one variety of em- broidery : Mrs. S. V. Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 1 50 Alta M. Ralph, Watertown, N. Y 1 00 SECTION 27 I^CES Entries, 184. Amount awarded, .?145. 1st 2d Class 334 — • Largest and best display : ' * Prem. Prem. Mrs. F. W. Melvin, Watertown, N. Y ."FS 00 N. Pauline Stewart, C&lcdouia, N. Y $4 00 Class 335 — Honiton centerpiece : Mrs. S. V. Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 2 00 N. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y' 1 50 Class 336 — Honiton handkerchief : N. I'auline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. S. V. Stewart, Caledonia. N. Y 1 00 Class 337 — Honiton doilies, 2 or more: N. Pauline Stewart, Caiodonia, N. Y' 1 50 Mrs. Charles L. Crothers, Newark, N. Y 1 00 Class 338 — Honiton collar: N. I'auline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y' 1 50 Mrs. II. E. Walzer, Elmira, N. Y 1 00 Class 343 — Filet waist : N. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia. N. Y 1 50 Class 345 — Point lace centerpiece : Mrs. S. V. Stewart, Caledonia. N. Y 2 00 N. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 1 50 Class 346 — Point lace handkerchief : N. Pauline Stewart, Cnbdonia, N. Y' 1 50 Leah K. Uotjers, Uochestev, N. Y 1 00 New York State Fair 807 1st 2d Class 347 — I'oint lace collar : ' rrem. I'rcni. N. I'aullne Stewart. Caledonia, X. Y $1 no Mrs. W. L«. Terry. lUugbaiiUon, X. V $1 00 Class 348 — Point laco dollies, 2 or more : N. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. AV. P. Terry, Bingliamlon, N. Y 1 00 Class 349 — Point lace fan : N. Pauline Stewart, tukdonia, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. Fred ^V. Melvin, AValertown, N. Y 1 00 Class 350 — Princess lace centerpiece : N. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. Fannie B. Scbeff, Noiwich, N. Y 1 50 Class 351 — Princess lace doilies, 2 or more : N. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. Fannie B. Sclieff, Norwich, N. Y 1 00 Class 352 — Collar, princess lace : N. Pauline Stewart, ("nhdonia, N. Y' 1 50 Mrs. M. Cavanaugh, Utica, N. Y 1 00 Class 353 — Princess lat.-o dress trimming : N. Pauline Stewart, CaUdoida, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. S. V. Stewart. Caledonia, N. Y 1 00 Class 354 — Marie Antoinette centerpiece : N. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 2 00 Leah K. Rogers, Rochester, N. Y' 1 50 Class 355 — Marie Antoinette curtain : Mrs. S. V. Stewart, Caledonia, X. Y ' 2 00 X. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 1 50 . Class 356 — Marie Antoinette bed spread : X. I'aulino Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 2 00 Class 357 — Marie Antoinette bureau cover: X. Pauline Stewart, Cahdor.ia, N. Y' 1 50 Leah K. Rogers, Rochester, N. Y 1 00 Class 358 — Tineriffe laco centerpiece : Mrs. L. S. Taylor, Clyde, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. Emma Pope, Buffalo, N. Y 1 50 Class 359 — Tineriffe lace doilies, 2 or more : Mrs. Emma Pope, Buffalo, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, X. Y 1 00 Class 360 — Tineriffe collar and cuff set: Emma H. Dublin, Rochester, N. Y 1 50 Jennie L. Harris, Xorwich, N. Y 1 00 Class 361 — Battenberg centerpiece : Mrs. S. V. Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. G. B. DaBolt, Cuba, X. Y 1 50 Class 362 — Battenoerg bed spread : Mrs. S. V. Stewart, Caledonia, X. Y 2 00 X. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 1 50 Class 363 — Battenberg curtains: Mrs. S. V. Stewart, Caledonia, X. Y 2 00 X. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, X. Y 1 50 Class 364 — Battenberg doilies, 6 : X. Pauline Stewart, Ciilecionia. X. Y 2 00 Ix)uise M. Terry, Binghamtoii, X. Y 1 50 Class 305 — Battenberg table cover : X. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. S. V. Stewart, Caledonia, X. Y' 1 50 SU8 isjiw YoKK State Fair 1st 2d Class 366 — Battenberg lunch cloth: Prcm. I'rcm. N. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. V $2 00 B. L. Lennox, Ix)wville, N. Y $1 50 Class 307 — ■ Battenbeig vcttibule curtain: N. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. S. V. Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 1 50 Class 3GS — Battenbers collar: Mrs. S. M. IJungor, Syracuse, N. Y 1 50 N. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 1 00 Class 369 — Batten!)org dress trimming : N. Pauline Stewart, Caltdonia, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. S. V. Stewart. Caledonia. X. Y 1 00 Class 371 — Arabian lace collar : Mrs. S. V. Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 1 50 N. Pauline Stewart, Cakdonia, N. Y 1 00 Class 372 — Irish i)oiut waist : Blanche L. Stillman, Syracuse, N. Y 3 00 Class 373 — Irish point collars and cuffs : Mrs. S. V. Stewart Caledonia, N. Y 2 00 Class 374 — Irish point lace, article not listed : N. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. S. V. Stewart. CaUdonia. X. Y 1 00 Class 37G — Cluny lace centerpiece : Mrs. M. Cavanaugh, Utica, N. Y 1 50 Class 377 — ■ Cluny lace doilies, 2 or more : Mrs. M. Cavanaugh, Utica, N. Y 1 50 Class 378 — Duchesse lace, specimen : Mrs. H. E. Walzer, Elmira, N. Y 1 50 N. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 1 00 Class 381 — Carriekamacross lace bertha : Mrs. A. D. Meyers, Lowville, N. Y 4 00 Class 382 — Irish crochet lace, specimen : The Shelter, Syracuse, N. Y 1 50 The Shelter, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 383 — Irish crochet collars and cuffs : Mrs. Fannie B. ScholT, Norwich, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. S. M. Hunger, Syracuse, N. Y 1 50 Class 384 — Italian fllet : II. N. Faulder, Syracuse, N. Y 1 50 A. K. MacGrath, Syracuse, N. Y '. 1 00 Class 385 — Bertha, any kind of lace : Mrs. S. M. Hunger, Syracuse. N. Y 2 00 Mrs. S. V. Stewart, Caledonia. N, Y J 50 Class 386 — Bolero, any kind of lace: N. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. S. V. Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 1 50 Class 387 — I^rge collar, any kind of lace: The Shelter, Syracuse, N. Y 2-00 Mrs. S. V. Stewart. Caledonia, N. Y 1 00 Class. 3SS — Brabant bu'e, specimen: X. Pauline Stewart., X. Y 1 50 Class 380 — Api)ll. Crothers, Xewark, N. Y Class 402 — Collar and cuff set : Mrs. M. Cavanaugh, Utica, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. L. S. Taylor, Clyde. N. Y Class 403 — Article not listed : E. L. Lennox, Lowville, X. Y 1 00 Myrtle S. Rooke, Clyde, X. Y Class 404 — Shirtwaist: Mrs. J. D. Moore, Lowville. X. Y 1 50 Mrs. L. S. Taylor, Clyde, X. Y Class 405 — Pillow shams : Mrs. H. E. Walzer, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. C. L. Tucker, Laurens, X. Y' Class 406 — Sideboard cover : Mrs. G. H. Hyde, Cortland, X. Y 1 50 Mrs. J. D. Moore, Lowville, N. Y 2(1 rrcin. $1 50 2d Prein. $5 00 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 ;t Moredith, N. Y 75 Class 427 — Table mats, fine : Mrs. Emma Tope. Buffalo, N. Y 1 00 Amanda Hanks, Oneonta, N. i' 75 Class 42S — Slippers : Mrs. Emma Pope, Buffalo, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. M. Cavanauirh, Utica, X. \' 75 Class 429 — Pair doilies : Mrs. M. Cavanaugh, Utica, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. S. M. Runger, S.yracuse, NY 75 Class 430 — ITood : M. Belle Larkin, Elmira, N. Y 75 Mrs. Theron Andrews, Clay, N. Y' 50 Class 431 — Tidy : Mrs. Chas. L. Crothers, Newark, N^ Y' 75 L. G. Wood, Hamburg, N Y 50 Class 432 — Collar or linen trimming, two yards: A. K. MacGrath, Syracuse, N. Y 75 II. N. Faulder, Syracuse, N. Y 50 Class 433 — Wool trimming, two yards : Mrs. H. E. Walzer, Elmira, N. Y 75 Vera Cole Grey, Lima, X. Y 50 SECTION 31 KNITTING Entries, 140. Amount awarded, .^43.25. 1st 2d Class 434 — Bed spread : Prem. Prem. Mrs. Austin Grey, Laurens. N. Y ?2 00 Mrs. Theron Andrews, Clay, N. Y $1 50 Class 435 — Sweater : Mrs. A. D. Meyers, Lowville, N. Y' 1 50 N. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, N. Y 100 Class 436 — Shawl : Mrs. Gordon W. Stetson, Stockwell, N. Y 1 50 Vera Cole Grey, Lima, N. Y 1 00 Class 437 — Skirt : Mrs. M. Cavanaugh. Utica. X. Y 1 50 Mrs. Austin Gray, Laurens, N. Y' 1 00 Class 438 — Shoulder cape : Alta M. Ralph, Watertown, N. Y 1 00 Class 439 — Fancy knitting :■ Dora M. Weyer, Elmira, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. Austin Gray, Laurons, X'. Y 75 Class 440 — Purse : Mrs. H. R. Gentsch, Chicago, III 1 00 Mrs. S. W. Hill, R. D., Oneida. X. V 75 Class 441 — Slumber robe : , Mrs. M. C. Mead, Laurens, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. Austin Gray, Laurens, N. Y 75 Class 442 — Fascinator : Mrs. Chas. L. Crothers, Newark, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. M. C. Mead, Laurens, N. Y 75 812 New York State Fair 50 50 <0 to 1st 2d Class 443 — Slippers: I'ri-m. I'lem. Mrs. R. V. Young, Auburn, N. Y $1 Od .Tcnnio B. Turnor, Geneva, X. Y $0 75 Class 444 — Table mats : Mrs. Elizabeth Dolan, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. Elizabeth Dolan, Syracuse, N. Y 75 Class 445 — Tidy : Mrs. Smith AV. Hill, R. D., Oneida. N. Y 7.". The Shelter, Syracuse, X\ Y 50 Class 446 — Cotton or linen edge, two yards : Mrs. M. Cavanaugh. Utica, K. Y 75 Vera Cole Grey, Lima, NY Class 447 — Wool edge, two yards : Mrs. M. C. Mead, Laureui^, N Y 75 Mrs. Austin Gray, Laurens, ?s Y Class 448 — Bed socks : Mrs. Austin Gray, Laurens, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. M. Cavanaugh. Utica, N. Y Class 449 — Silk mittens : Mrs. M. Cavanaugh. Utica, X. Y 1 00 Alta M. Ralph,], NY Class 450 — Wool mittens : L. G. Wood, Hamburg, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. Emma Tope, Buffalo, N. Y Class 451 — Striped mittens : • Amanda Hanks, Oneonta, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, N. Y Class 452 — Wool sock? : Alta M. Ralph, Watercown, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. Geo. Fitts, McT^ean, N. Y Class 453 — Wool stockings : Mrs. M. Cavanaugh. Utica, X. Y 1 00 L. G. Woods, Hamburg, N. Y Class 454 — Cotton socks : Mrs. C. L. Tucker, Laurens, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. C. W. Skiflf, East Meredith, X. Y Class 455 — Cotton stockings : Mrs. M. Cavanaugh. Utica. X. Y 1 00 Vera Cole Grey, Lima, N. Y 75 Class 456 — Gloves : Jennie L. Harris, Norwich, X. Y 1 00 Class 457 — Beaded bag : Mrs. Fannie B. Sheff , Norwich, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. R. F. Young, Auburn, X. Y 75 SKCTIOX .^2 TATTINC;, NETTING, OITI-ININO AND BKAIDINO Entries, 71. Amount awarded, $28.50. Ist 2d Class 458 — Tatting ccDtcrpleco : Prem. Prom. Mrs. Gordon W. Stetson, Stockwell, X. Y $2 00 .Tennie L. Harris, Norwich, N. Y $1 50 Class 459 — Tatting handkerchief : Leah K. Rogers, Rochester, N. Y^ 1 Oi) Mrs. C. L. Tucker, Laurens, N. Y 75 Class 460 — Tatting cellar: Mrs. Gordon W. Stetson, Stockwell, X. Y 1 00 .Tennie L. Harris, Xorwich, N. Y 75 75 10 New York State Fair 813 1st Class 461 — Tatting trluiming : Prem. Mrs. S. M. Kiingor. Syracuse, N. Y ' .$1 00 iCmiiia II. I'uliliu, Koihostor, N. Y Class 462 — Garmeut trimmed with tatting : Jennie L. Harris, Norwich, N. Y 1 OO Mrs. Gordon W. Stetson, Stockwell, N. Y * Class 463 — Silk tatting: Jennie L. Harris, Norwich, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. S. M. Uunger, Sjracuse, N. Y ("lass 464 — Netted centerpiece : Mrs. Gordon W. Stetson, Stockwell, N. Y 2 00 Class 465 — Netted mats, 2 or more : Jennie L. Harris, Norwich, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. Emma Pope, Buffalo, NY Class 466 — Outlined bedspread : Mrs. M. Cavanaugh, Utica, NY 1 50 Mrs. W. G. Iviug. U. D. 6, Fulton, N. Y Class 467 — Outlined pillow shams : Mrs. M. Cavanaugh, Utica, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. A. E. Norton, Ballston Spa., N. Y Class 468 — Braided dress: Mrs. A. L. Wheeler, Vernon, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. C. E. Harris, Auburn, N. Y Class 469 — Braided wpist : Mrs. F. W. Melvin, Watertown, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. C. E. Harris, Auburn, N. Y Class 470 — Specimen braiding not listed : Blanche L. Stillman, Sjracuse, N. Y 1 00 Vera Cole Grey, Lima, N. Y SECTION 33 PILLOWS Entries, 101. Amount awarded, $47.50. 1st Class 471 — Embroidered, flowers : Prem. Mrs. G. B. DaBolt, Cuba, N. Y $1 50 Ella C. Doyger, Manlius. N. Y Class 472 — Embroidered, conventional design : Dora M. Weyer, Elmii-a, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. R. F. Young, Auburn, N. Y Class 473 — Embroidered, white: Mrs. Geo. Fitts, McLean, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. J. D. Moore, Lowville. N. Y' Class 474 — Cross stitch : Leah K. Rogers, Rochester, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. H. E. Walzer, Elmira, N. Y Class 475 — Drawn work : Dora M. Weyer, Elmira, N. Y 1 50 Myrtle S. Rooke, Clyde, N. Y Class 476 — Gobelin embroidery : Mrs. H. C. Bray, Clyde, N. Y Class 478 — Coronation cord : Bertha L. Blair, Erieville, N Y 1 50 Mrs. Fred W. Melvin, Watcrtown, N. Y Class 480 — Biedormier : Bertha L. Blair, Erieville, N. Y 2d Prem. $0 75 75 75 1 00 75 1 50 1 00 75 2d Prem. $1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 814 Xkw Yoek State Faik 1st Class 481 — Tinted embroidery : I'lem. Mrs. Eiuma Tope, Buffalo, N. Y i?! 00 Mrs. Schuyler Briggs, Carlisle, N. Y Class 482 — Cigar ribbons : Mrs. W. B. Terry, Bingliamton, N. Y 1 00 Class 483 — Painted pillow: Blanche L. Stillman, Syracuse, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. F. W. Melvin, Watertown, N. Y Class 484 — Battenburg : Mrs. F. W. Melvin, Watertown, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. Geo. Fitts, McLean, N. Y Class 485 — Leather : Mrs. E. S. Moore, Norwich, N. Y 1 50 Maria E. Roys. Lyons, X. Y Class 486 — Wallaohian : Mrs. Chas. L. Crothers, Newark, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. J. F. Wickham, Clyde, N. Y Class 487 — Huck-a-buck : Blanche L Stillman, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Mr.s. A. E. Norton, Ballston Spa., N. Y Class 488 — Rickrack embroidery : Blanche L. Stillman, Syracuse, N. Y Class 489 — Silk patchwork : Julia A. Smith, Bingliamton, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. Gordon W. Stetson, Stockwell, N. Y Class 490 — Emblematic : Bertha L. Blair, Erieville, N. Y Class 491 — Outlined : Mrs. H. C. Bray, Clyde, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. A. E. Norton, Ballston Spa., N. Y Class 492 — Bulgarian : Mrs. H. E. Walzer, Elraira, N. Y 1 50 Blanche L. Stillman, Svracuso, N. Y Class 494 — Cut work : A. K. MacGrath, Syracu-se. N. Y 1 50 H. N. Faulder, Syracuse, N. Y Class 495 — Silk embroidery : Bertha L. Blair, Erieville, N. Y 1 50 Ella C. Doyger, Manlius, N. Y Class 496 — Pillow, any work not specified above : A. K. MacGrath, Syracuse, N. Y 1 50 Blanche L. Stillman, Syracuse, N. Y SECTIOX 34 MI.SCKLLAXEOrs J'AXCY WORK Entries, 324. Amount awarded, $07.50. 1st Class 497 — Bed spread : Prom. Mrs. J. F. Wickham, Clyde, N. Y ?2 00 Mrs. ?^mma I'ope, BulTalo, N. V Class 498 — Table cover : Blanche L. Stillman, Syracrse, N. Y 1 50 H. N. Faulder, Syracuse, N. Y Class 499 — Bureau cover : Mrs. II. E. AValzer, Elmlra, N. Y 1 50 II. N. Faulder, Syracu.jc, N. Y 2d I'rem. $0 7a 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 73 75 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2d Prcm. $1 50 1 00 1 00 ^'i:\v VoRK State Faik 815 1st 2(1 Class 500 — Si(lobon:-d cover : Prcm. I'nm. Mrs. S. \'. Sti'wjut. ('nlc0 — Hair receiver : Mrs. Schuyler Briggs, Carlisle, X. Y 1 00 Louise M. Terry, Binghamton, X. Y 50 Class 531 — Book cover, not leather : Mrs. G. B. DaBolt, Cuba, N. Y 1 00 Louise M. Terry, Binghamton, X. Y 50 Class 532 — Fancy sewing apron : N. Pauline Stewart, Caledonia, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. F. W. Melvin, Watertown, X. Y 50 Class 535 — Calendar : Mrs. F. W. Melvin, Watertown, X. Y 75 Vera Cole Grey, Lima, X. Y 50 Class 536 — Housewife : Emma II. Dublin, Uochester, X. Y 75 Mrs. Chas. L. Crothers, Xewark, X. Y 50 Class 537 — Case for clippings: Alta M. Ralph. Walerlown, X. Y 75 Vera Cole Grey, Lima, X. Y 50 Class 538 — Guest book : Vera Cole Grey, Lima, X. Y 75 Amanda Hanks, Oneonta, N. Y 50 New Yokk. Statk Faiu 817 1st 2(1 CIiiss 539 — Ni'odlobook : I'rpm. I'rcm. Alta M. Ralph, Watcrtown, N. Y .fO 75 Mrs. M. .1. W.vmiin. Kk-liland, N. Y SfO ^0 Class 540 — Photograph frame : Mrs. Einnia Popo, Buffalo, N. Y 75 Mrs. S. V. Stewart, t'aledonia, N. Y 50 SECTION 35 SEWING Kiiti-ics, KM. AiiKiuiit awarded, if:!."!. 25. 1st 2d Class 541 — Hand-made undergarments, 3 pieces : , Prein. I'rem. Mrs. Chas. L. Crothers, Newark, N. Y .<."? 00 Mrs. M. C. Mead, Laurens, N. Y $2 00 Class 542 — Machine-made undergarments : Mrs. Gordon AY. Stetson, Stookwell, X. Y .'. . . 2 uO Mrs. II. C. Bray, Clyde, N. Y 1 50 Class 543 — Single garment, hand-made : Mrs. Theron Andrews, Clay, N. Y 1 50 Leah K. Rogers, Rochester, N. Y 1 00 Class 544 — Single garment, machine-made : Mrs. Clias. L. Crothers, Newark, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, N. Y 75 Class 545 — Corsetcover : Mrs. J. F. Wickham. Clyde, N. Y' 1 00 Mrs. S. M. Hunger. Syracuse, N. Y 75 Class 546 — Fancy waist : Mrs. S. M. Hunger. Syracuse, N. Y 1 50 Blanche L. Stillman, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 547 — A skirt : Mrs. A. E. Norton. Ballston Spa., N. Y 1 50 Mrs. II. C. Bray, Clyde, N. Y 1 00 Class 548 — A dress : Mrs. Theron Andrews, Clay, N. Y' 2 00 Mrs. E. S. Nowatteny, Auburn, N. Y 150 Class 549 — Apron : Mrs. M. C. Mead. Laurens. N. Y' 1 00 Mrs. Gordon ^Y. Stetson, Stockwell, N. Y 75 Class 550 — Dressing sack : 11. N. Faulder, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. IL E. Walzor, Eluiira, N. Y 75 Class 551 — Handkerchief : Myrtle S. Rooke. Clyde, N. Y 75 Mrs. J. D. Moore, Lowville, N. Y 50 Class 552 — Hand sewing, not listed : M. F. Dunlop. Fayetteville, N. Y 1 00 The Shelter, Syracuse, N. Y 75 Class 553 — Specimen darning on garment : Amanda Hanks. Oneonta. N. Y 75 Mrs. Schuyler Briggs, Carlisle, N. Y 50 Class 554 — Specimen patiliing on garment: Mrs. Emma Pope, Buffalo, X. Y 75 Dora M. Weyer, Eluiira. N. Y 50 Class 555 — Specimen buttonholes, 6 : Mrs. Theron Andrews, <'lay, N. Y 75 Mrs. M. C. Mead, Laurens, N. Y 50 81 S Xi;w YouK Statk Fa IK SIX'TIOX MO INKANTS" CLASS Entries, 133. Amount awaidi'd, .S41. Class n.'O — Infants' layitto, dress, slip, camlnic and flanniM 1st 2d skirts : ITeni. Prem. Mrs. M. Cavanaugh. Ulica. N. Y .<.-, iio Amanda Hanks. Oneonta, N. V .<;;; oo Class 557 — Long dr?ss : Mrs. S. M. Rungor, Syracuse. X. Y 2 <:ii Mrs. F. W. Melvin, Watertown, N. Y 1 .-,0 Class 558 - — Short dress : Amanda Hanks, Oneonta, N. i 'i 00 E. L. Lennox, Lowville, N. Y 1 50 Class 559 — Bonnet, embroidoiod : Mrs. W. B. Terry, BLnghamton, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. &. V. Stewart. Ca'.i donia. X. Y 75 Class 5G0 — Bonnet, knitted or crocheted : Mrs. M. C. Mead, Laurens, N. V . . 1 CO Mrs. S. M. Hunger, Syracuse, X. Y 75 Class 5G1 — Bonnet, lace made : Mrs. F. W. Melvin, Watertown. V. Y 1 00 Mrs. H. E. Walzer, Elmira, N. Y 75 Class 562 — Cloak: Mrs. II. E. Walzer, Elmira, N. 1' 1 00 Class 5G3 — Afghan : Mrs. M. C. Mead, Laurens, n' Y 1 .".i; Mrs. Grace Thomas, Lauvius, X. Y 1 00 Class 5G4 — Sack, omlircidcri-d : Leah K. Rogers, Rochester, X. Y 1 nii Mrs, S. M. Runger, Syracuse, X. Y 75 Class 5G5 — Sack or swcati-r, knitted or chrocheted : Mrs. A. E. Norton, Ballston Spa., N. Y 1 00 Amanda Hanks, Oneonta, N. Y 75 Class 5GG — Knitted skirt : Mrs. Schuyler Briggs, Carlisle. N. Y 1 00 Mrs. A. E. Xorton, Ballston Spa.. X. Y 75 Class 5G7 — Chroch.-led skiit: Mrs. Grace Thomas. Lauren,-;, X, Y 1 on Class 568 — Knitted seeks • Mrs. C. W. Skiff. E. Meredith, N. Y 75 Mrs. Schuyler Briggs, Carlisle, N. Y 50 Class 569 — Crocheted socks : Mrs. C. W. Skiff, E. Mer.^dith, N, Y 75 Mrs. M. C. Mead, Laurens, X. Y 50 Class 570 — Mittens : Mrs. M. C. Mead, Laurons, N. Y 75 Alta M. Ralph, Watertown, N. Y 50 Class 571 — Embroidcrod shoes : Alta M. Ralph. Watertown, N. Y 75 Blanche L. Stilliuan, Syracuse, N. Y 50 ("lass 572 — Kimona : A. K, MacGrath, Syracuse, X, Y 75 Mrs, M. Cavanaugh, I'tica, X, Y 50 Class 573 — Crib quilt : I.I ah K. Rogers, Rochester, X, Y 1 00 Nkw Yohk State Fair 819 1st Clnss r)74 -^ I'illow : I'n'in. ISIaiuhf L. Stillmiiu. S.viacuso. N. V !<1 OO N. I'atilinp Stcnvart, Calodoniii, N. Y Class 57r> • — Drrsseil doll : liOiiiso M. Terry, Binghamton, N. Y 1 00 Amauda Hanks, Oneonta, N. Y Class 57G — - Ilomc-mado toy : Mrs. S. yi. Kuiisi-r, Syracuse, N. Y SECTION 37 QUILTS Entries, 47. Amount awarded, $31.50. 1st Class 57S — Quilt, greatest number of pieces: Prem. Mrs. Gordon W. Stetson, Stoclcwell, N. Y .?1 50 J. C. Godfrey, renncllville, N. Y' Class 579 — ratcli-woric quilt, cotton : Mrs. Emma Pope, Buffalo, N. Y 150 Amanda Hanks, Oneouta, N. Y' Class 5S0 — Patchwork quilt, wool : Mrs. M. C. Mead, Laurens, N. Y 150 Mrs. Gordon W. Stetson, Stockwell, N. Y Class 581 — Pieced quilt, cotton : Mrs. A. E. Norton, Ballston Spa.. N. Y 1 50 A. K. MacGrath, Syracuse, N. Y' Class 5S2 — Pieced quilt, wool : Mrs. A. E. Norton. Ballston Spa.. N. Y. 1 50 Amanda Hanks, Oneonta, N. Y Class 583 — Pieced quilt, silk : Mrs. Gordon W. Stetson, Stockwell, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. C. L. Tucker, Laurens, N. Y Class 584 — Log cabin quilt, silk: Mrs. A. E. Norton, Ballston Spa, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. Austin Gray, Laurens, NY' Class 585 — Log cabin quilt, wool: Mrs. Austin Gray, Laurens, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. Theron Andrews, Clay, N Y Class 586 — Silk quilt, fancy pattern : Blanche L. Stillman, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 Class 587 — Cotton quilt, prettiest design : A. K. MacGrath, Syracuse, N. Y 1 50 Class 589 — Wool comfort : Mrs. Theron Andrews, Clay, N. Y Class 500 — Cotton comfort : Amanda Hanks, Oneonta, N. Y' 1 50 Mrs. C. L. Tucker, Laurens, N. Y Class 591 — Outlined quilt : Mrs. W. X. Crider, Rome, N. Y 1 50 Louise M. Terry, Binghamton, N. Y SKCTION 38 DOMESTIC MANUF.VCTUKKS Entries, 50. Amount awarded, .$22.25. ^ . Class 592 — Rag carpet rug: Prem. Mrs. Fannie B. Scheff, Norwich, N. Y $1 00 Mrs. Gordon W. Stetson, Stockwell, N. Y Class 593 — Silk rug : Mrs. M. C. Mead, Laurens, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. A. E. Norton, Ballston Spa., N. Y 2d Prem. .•«(i 73 10 25 2d Prem. $1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 oo 1 00 1 00 2d Prem. $0 73 75 820 Xew York State Yaui (t> i» 1 St I'fl Class 594 — Knitted rug : rrws. R. D.. Clay. X. Y 75 Ethel L. Terry, Binghamton, X. Y' 50 SECTION 40 WOKK OF TUML.S AND CI-ASSES IN I'l'UI.IC. ill VUriAr.I.K. AND SK.MI- PUBLIC INDCSTRIAL SCHOOLS Entries, 8. Amount awarded, $16. 1st 2d Class 631 — Class work in plain sewing: rnin. rn-m. New Y"ork State Training School for Girls, Hudson. X. Y !iA 00 The Shelter, Syracuse, X. Y' $2 00 822 Xew York State Fair Class 632 — Class work in embroidery : New York State Training School for (iirls, Hudson. N. Y. Solvay Sewing School, Syracuse, X. Y' Class 634 — Class work in natural sciences : Seneca Shaip Eyes, Seneca, N. Y 1st Prem. .S4 On 4 00 SECTION 41 ANTigUKS Entries, 120. Amount awarded, .$30. 1st Class 630 — Oldest bible : Prem. Mrs. Austin Gray, Laurens, N. Y $1 50 Mrs. Theron Andrews. K. D.. Clay. X. Y Class 637 — Oldest book (not a bible) : E. A. Parks, Albany, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. A. D. Meyers, Lowville. X. Y Class 639 — Piece mahogany : Mrs. Austin Gray, Laurens, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. Grace Thomas, Laurens, X. Y Class 640 — Jewelry : Maria E. Roys, Lyons, N. Y 1 50 Mrs. Schuyler Briggs, Carlisle, X. Y' Class 641 — Dish (historical) : Mrs. C. E. Harris, Auburn, X. Y' 1 00 Mrs. Smith W. Hill. H. D., Oneida. X. Y Class 042 — Lustre : Mrs. Austin Gray, I^urens, X. Y 1 00 Maria E. Roys, Lyons, X. Y Class 043 — Pewter: Mrs. Emma Smith, Syracuse, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. Emma Smith, Syracuse, X. Y Class 644 — Silver, plate : Mrs. Grace Thomas, Laurens, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. Austin Gray, Laurens, X. Y Class 645 — Silver, solid : Mrs. Austin Gray, Laurens, X. Y 1 50 Mrs. Grace Thomas, Laurens, X. Y Class 646 — Picture : A. K. MacGrath, Syracuse. X. Y 1 00 H. N. Fauldcr,, X. Y Class 648 — Woven coverlid : Fay Giddings, Baldwinsville, X. Y 100 E. A. I'arks, Albany, X. Y Class 049 — Candlesticks : E. A. Parks, Albany, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. Emma Smith, Syracuse, X. Y' Class 050 — Newspapers : Mrs. Grace Thomas, Laurens, N. Y' 1 00 E. A. Parks, Albany, N. Y Class 651 — Sampler : Mrs. Austin Gray, Laurens, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. L. S. Taylor, Clyde, X. Y Class 652 — Old-fashioned dress : Mrs. A. E. Xorton. -Ballston Spa., X. Y 1 00 Class 653 — Old-fashioned bonnet: Mrs. Smith W. Hill, Oneida, N. Y 1 00 .Tulia A. Smith, Binghamton, X. Y 2d Prem, .?2 00 2d Prem. .$1 00 1 00 1 50 1 00 to 75 1 00 10 75 75 75 75 Xr.w VoiMC SiAiK Faii; Class 0."i4 — Ilomi'spiin linen : Mrs. Sinilli \V. Hill, IC. U.. On.i.ln, N. V Mrs. A. 10. Niutoii, Hal sldii Spa., X. Y Class 055 — Old niiln-dlilciy : Blanclio L. Stillman, S.viaciist'. X. Y Mrs. Austin Gray, .Laurens, N. Y Class Gr>G — Collection of old dishes: Mrs. S. W. Hill. H. !>.. Oneida. X. Y Maria E. Roys, Lyons. X. Y SKCTIOX 4'2 COINS. .ST.VMl'S. UKI.ICS Entries, 12. Amount awarded, .fl.S. Class Co" — Best collection of coins: E. A. Parks. Albany, N. Y Fred J. Webber, Syracuse, X. Y Class G.">8 — Best collection of stamps: Mrs. M. Cavanaugh, I'tica. X. Y E. A. Parks, Albany, X. \' Class 6.">9 — Best Indian relics : Mrs. M. Cavanaugh, Ulica. X. Y' Maria E. Roys, Lyons, X. Y' Class GCO — War reli< s : Maria Iv P^oys, Lyons, X Y' SECTION 43 COLLECTIONS Entries, 10. Amount awarded, ^5. Class G61 — Best collection of twelve photographs, taken and developed by an amateur, who must be the exhibitor: M. Belle Larkin, Elmira, X. Y' Mrs. E. S. Moore, Xorwicli, N. Y' SECTION 44 .TUVKNILE COLLECTIONS Entries. 2. Amount awarded, $3. Class G63 — Best display, butterflies : Mrs. Therou Andrews, Ciay. X. Y' Class GGo — Best display, pressed flowers : Seneca Sharp Eyes, Seneca, X. Y SECTION 4."> rUEI'AUED FOOD Entries, 218. Amount awarded, ?G9.50. Class 6G6 — Wheat bread : Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse. X. Y' Olive A. Brown, Syracuse, X. Y Class GG7 — Corn bread : Mrs. Kathryn B. I'urdy, Syracuse. X. Y Mrs. G. H. Hyde, Cortland, X. Y Class GG8 — Rye bread : Mrs. T. Otto, Syracuse, N. Y Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse. X. \' Class GG9 — Entire wheat bread : Mrs. Velnia Wood, West Groton, X. \' Mrs. Charlotte Hey wood, Syracuse, X. Y Class G70 — Boston brown bread : Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse, X. Y Mrs. K. B. Purdy. Syracuse. X. Y 1st Prem. :sl oo 1 00 00 1st Prem. .$3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 1st Prem. $3 00 1st Prem. .T2 00 1st I'rem. $2 00 00 00 2 00 00 823 2d Prem. •SO T5 75 1 50 2d Prem. .i!2 00 00 2 00 2d Prem. ?2 00 2d Pfem. $1 00 2d Prem. n oa 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 824 New York State Fair 1st I'd Class 671 — Craham lnoad : I'roin. Prem. Mrs. T. Otto, t^yiaciisc. N. Y S'J HO Mrs. Charlotte Ileywoorl. Syracuse. N. Y SI 0(> Class 672 — Tin of raised biscuits : Mrs. K. B. Turdy, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 Olive A. Brown, Syracuse. N. Y 1 00 Class 673 — Tin of soda biscuits : Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. G. H. Hyde, Cortland, N. Y 1 00> Class 674- — Tin of rolls: Josephine M. Godfrey, Pennellville, N. Y 2 on Mrs. T. Otto, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Class 675 — Tin of buns : Mrs. T. Otto, Syracuse. N. Y 2 00 Mrs. Velma Wood, West Groton, N. Y 1 00 Class 676 — Tin of luntheon rolls : Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. G. n. Hyde, Cortland, N. Y 1 00 Class 677 — 6 sugar cookies : Mrs. G. II. Hyde. Cortland, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. Charlotte Ileywood, Syracuse, N. Y 50 Class 678 — 6 ginger cookies : Mrs. Theron Andrews, Clay, N. Y 1 oo Mrs. R. G. King, LaPayotte, N. Y 50 Class 670 ■ — 6 jumbles : Mrs. T. Otto, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse, N. Y 50 Class 6S0 — 6 doughnuts: Mrs. A. G. Borden. Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. R. G. King, LaPayette, X. Y 50 Class 681 — 6 crullers : Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. A. P. Wright, Syracuse, X. Y 50 Class 682 — Layer cake, any kind : Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse, X. Y 1 00 N. Y. State Training School for Girls, Hudson. N. Y 50 Clssa 683 — Black chocolate layer cake with marshiuallow filling : Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. T. Otto, Syracuse, N. Y 50 Class 684 — Angel food : Mrs. C. P. Rhoades, Syracuse, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse, N. Y 50 Class 685 — Y'cllow sponge cake : Mrs. C. P. Rhoades, Syracuse, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse, N. Y 50 Class 686 — Gold (or pound) cake: Mrs. Velma Wood, W. Groton. X. Y' 1 00 Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse, X. Y 50 Class 687 — White loaf cake : Mrs. T. Otto, Syracuse, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse, X. Y 50 Class 688 — Xut cake : N. Y. State Training School for Girls, Hudson, X. Y 1 no Mrs. T. Otto, Syracuse, X. Y 50 New York State Fair 825 1st Class 6S9 — Fruit cake : rrcm. Mrs. C V. Ilhoiidos, Syracuse. X. Y >j;i OO Mrs. T. Otto, Syrniuso, N. Y Class 690 — Cocoanut cake: Josephine M. Godfrey, rciinellville, N. Y 1 oo Mrs. Charlotte Ileywood, Syracuse, N. Y Class 691 — Chocolate cake, any kind : Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Josephine M. Godfrey, rennellville, X. Y Class 092 — Sour cream cake : Mrs. G. II. Hyde, Cortland, N. Y 1 00 Josephine M. Godfrey, Pennellville, N. Y Class 693 — 6 oatmeal cookies : Mrs. G. H. Hyde, Cortland, N. Y 1 oO New Y'ork State Training School for Girls, Hudson, X. Y Class 694 — 6 fruit cookies : Mrs. A. P. Wright, Syracuse, N. Y 1 oo Mrs. Velma Wood, West Groton, X. Y Class 695 — 6 ginger snaps : Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse. X. Y'. .• 1 00 Mrs. G. H. Hyde, Cortland, N. Y Class 696 — 10 pounds maple sugar : J. C. Godfrey, Pennellville, X. Y' 2 00 Class 698 — Sample maple syrup, one quart: N. H. Temple, Syracuse, N. Y 2 00 Mrs. R. G. King, LaFayette, X. Y Class 699 — Half peck dried apples : Mrs. R. G. King, LaFayette, N. Y' 2 00 J. C. Godfrey, Pennellville, X. Y SECTIOX 46 C.WNBD GOODS, PICKLE.S AND JELLIES Entries, 330. Amount awarded, 5:86.50. 1st Class 700 — Collection of (only) 12 varieties canned fruits: Prem. Mrs." W. H. Pillow, R. D., Canandaigua, N. Y $5 00 J. C. Godfrey, Pennellville. X. Y Class 701 — Can sweet cherries : Mrs. C. W. Skiff, East Meredith. X. Y 100 Mrs. T. Otto, Syracuse, X. Y Class 702 — Can sour cherries : Mrs. C. W. Skiff, East Meredith. X. Y 100 Josephine M. Godfrey. I'ennellville, X. Y Class 703 — Can pears : Josephine M. Godfrey, Pennellville, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. K. B. Purdy, Syracuse. X. Y Class 704 — Can red raspberries : Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse, "N. Y" 1 00 Josephine M. Godfrey, Pennellville, X*. Y Class 705 — Can yellow raspberries: Mrs. George W. Sides. Schenevus, N. Y 1 00 Class 706 — Can black raspberries : Mrs. C. F. Rhoades, Syracuse. X. Y 1 00 Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse, N. Y Class 707 — Can strawberries (field): Mrs. Velma Wood, West Groton, X. Y 1 00 Josephine M. Godfrey, Pennellville, X. Y 2d Prem. $0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 1 00 1 00 2d Prem. $2 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 826 New York State Faie 1st Class (OS — Can strawberries (garden): Prem Mrs. C. W. Skiff, East Moroditli, X. Y .<;i 00 Mrs. Velum Wood, West (Jroton, X. Y Class 709 — Can tomatoes: Mrs. A. G. Bordt'n, Syracuse, N. 1' 1 qq Mrs. K. B. I'urdy, Syracuse, N. Y , " Class 710 — Can red currants : Mrs. W. H. I'illow, Canandaigua, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse, N. Y Class 711 — Can white currants: N. II. Temple, Syracuse, N. Y' 1 00 Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse, N. Y Class 712 — Can gooseberries : Mrs. C. W. Skiff, East Morcdith, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse, X. Y Class 713 — Can pineapple : John U. Young, Kirkville, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. W. II. Pillow, Canandaigua, X. Y Class 714 — Can light colored plums: Mrs. George W. Sides, Schoneviis, X. Y' 1 00 Josephine M. Godfrey, I'ennellville, X. Y Class 715 - — Can dark colored plums : Josephine M. Godfrey, I'ennellville, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse, N. Y Class 716 — Can yellow peaches : Josephine M. Godfrey, Ponnellville, N. Y 1 00 Josephine M. Godfrey, Pennollvillc, N. Y. Class 717 — Can white peaches : Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. W. H. Pillow, Canandaigua, N. Y Class 718 — Can quinces : Mrs. C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. T. Otto, Syracuse, X. Y Class 719 — Sample preserved peaches : Josephine M. Godfrey, Pennellville, N. Y i 00 Mrs. Velma Wood, West Groton. X. Y Class 720 — Sample preserved cherries : Olive A. Brown, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse, X'. Y Class 721 — Sample preserved plums: Mrs. C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. K. B. Purdy, Syracuse, N. Y Class 722 — Sample preserved strawberries : Mrs. Velma Wood, West Groton, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, N. Y Class 723 — Sample preserved pears, with ginger root : Mrs. K. B. Purdy, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse, N. Y Class 724 — Sample preserved tomatoes : Mrs. K. B. Purdy, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse, X. Y Class 725 — Best colleclion fruit jellies, not over 12 kinds: Jennie L. Schauber, Ballston Lake, N. Y' 4 00 Mrs. George W. Sides, Schenevus, X. Y Class 72G — Sample npi)le jelly: Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse, N. Y 1 00 Mrs. K. B. I'urdy, Syracuse, X. Y 2d I'rem. ."?0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 GO 50 50 2 00 50 3*'e\v Yokk IState Fair »2T 1st :.M Class 727 — Sample crab apple jelly : I'rom. rnm. Mrs. A. G. Borden. Syracuse, N. Y .'Jl 00 Jinnie L. Scbaiihcr, Hallston Lake, X. Y' $0 50 Class 728 — Sample blackberry jelly : Mrs. A. P. Wright. Syracuse. N. Y 1 00 Mrs. C. W. Skiflf, liast Meredith, N. Y 50 Class 729 — Sample raspberry jelly : Mrs. George W. Sides. Schenevus, N. Y^ 1 00 Fay Giddiugs, Baldwinsville, N. Y .-,0 Class 730 — Sample strawberry jelly : Mrs. George W. Sides, Schenevus, N. Y 1 oo Fay Giddings, Baldwinsville, N. Y' 50 Class 731 — Sample currant jelly : K. B. Purdy, Syracuse. X. Y 1 00 Mrs. George ^Y. Sides, Schenevus, X. Y r>0 Class 732 — Sample grape jelly : Mrs. T. Otto, SyracHise. X. Y 1 oO Fay X. <;iddings, Baldwinsville. X. Y 50 Class 733 — Sample plum jelly : Mrs. A. G. Borden, Syracuse. X. Y 1 00 Mrs. A. P. Wright, Syracuse, X. Y 50 Class 734 — Sample rasberry jam : Mrs. M. Cavanaugh, Utica, X. 1' 1 oO Mrs. T. Otto, Syracuse, X. Y 50 Class 735 — Sample strawberry jam : Mrs. Velma Wood, West Grot on, X. Y' 1 00 Mrs. A. P. Wright, Syracuse, X. Y' 50 Class 736 — Sample blackberry jam : Mrs. A. P. Wright, Syracuse. X. Y' 1 00 Mrs. T. Otto, Syracuse, X. Y 50 Class 737 — Best collection pickles, not over IL' kinds: Mrs. C. W. Skiff. East Meredith. X. Y 4 00 X. H. Temple, Syracuse, X. Y' 2 00 Class 738 — Can cucumber pickles : Mrs. A. G. Borden. Syracuse. X. Y 1 00 Mrs. M. J. Wyman, Richland, X. Y" 50 Class 739 — Can mustard pickles : Mrs. T. Otto. Syracuse. X. Y' 1 00 Mrs. C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, X. Y 50 Class 740 — Can ripe cucumber pickles : Mrs. C. W. Skiff. East Meredith, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. M. J. Wyman, Richland, X. Y' 50 Class 741 — Can mixed pickles: Mrs. Velma Wood, West Groton, X. Y' 1 00 Mrs. C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, X. Y 50 Class 742 — Can pickled onions : Mrs. A. G. Borden. Syracuse, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. A. P. Wright. Syracuse, X. Y' 50 Class 743 — Can pickled pears : Josephine X. Godfrey, Pennellville, X. Y. 1 00 Mrs. T. Otto. Syracuse, X. Y 50 nass 744 — Can pickled peaches : Mrs. M. .T. Wyman. Richland, X. Y 1 00 Mrs. C. W. Skiff. East Meredith, N. Y 50 Class 745 — Can chow-chow : Mrs. Velma Wood, West Groton. X. Y 1 00 Mrs. C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, X. Y !",0 828 New York State Fair 1st Class 746 — Can tomato catsup : Prem. Mrs. (ioorge W. Sides, Schenevus, X. Y $1 OO -Mrs. C. W. Skiff, East Meredith, X. Y Class 747 — Sample blackberry cordial : \V. A. Shafor, Oueonta, N. Y 1 oO Josephine M. eiodfiey, Pcnnellville, X. Y SECTION 47 -ILVEXII.E fl'LIXARY Entries, 5. Amount awarded, 14.25. 1st Class 74S — Best loaf wheat bread : Prem. Alice Crider, Rome. X. Y $1 00 Edith Rockwell, Syracuse, X. Y Class 750 — Best loaf of cake : Edith Rockwell, Syracuse, N. Y 1 oO Class 751 — Best layer cake : Edith Rockwell, Syracuse, N. Y , 1 oO Class 754 — Best cup of jelly : Edith Rockwell. Syracuse, N. Y 75 2d Prem. $0 50 60 2d Prem. $0 50 MANUFACTURERS AND LIBERAL ARTS BUILDING Commissioner in Charge, Ira Sharp, Lowville. Tliis building is 500 feet long by 120 feet wide and has two L's, each 50 by 75 feet. It was originally intended to provide for manufactures and liberal arts, but because of lack of other buildings many exhibits of agri- cultural implements have been provided for, causing a demand for much more space than is available. A machinery building, as contemplated, should be erected as soon as possible so that exhibits of manufactures, liberal arts and agricultural machinory may lie better arranged and more liberally pro- vided for. EXHIBITORS Albany Foundry Co., Albany, X. Y Stoves. Bacon-Chappell Co., Syracuse. X. Y Dry goods. Betts, S. T., Jr.. Syracuse. X. Y Pianos. Blickensderfer Typewriter Co.. The, Xew York City. Typewriters. Brown, Curtis & Brown, Syracuse. X. Y Furnishings. Brown, F. M., Co., Syracuse, N. Y' Harness. Buch's, A., Sons Co., Elizabelhtown. Pa Agricultural implements. Burhans & Black, Syracuse, X. Y' Hardware. Carter, A. K., Syracuse, X. Y Herbs. Central City Business School, Syracuse, X. Y.... School work. Central Shoe & Rubber Co., Syracuse, X. Y Shoes and rubbers. Children's Shop. The, Syracuse. X. 1' Merchandise. •Childs, O. J., Utica, X, Y Fire extinguishers. Clark Music Co., Syracuse. X. Y IManos. Collett Mfg. Co., Amsterdam, X. Y Mcndents. Collins Paint Co., Syracuse, N. Y Paints and varnishes. Colt, J. B., Co., Xew York City Gas machines. Cooperative Foundry Co., Uoebi'ster. X. Y Stoves. Cox, C. Clay, Syracuse, X. Y Pianos. Crawford, A. H., Liverpool, X. Y Baskets. Dakln Business School, Syracuse, N. Y School work. Dey Bros., Syracuse, N. 1' Dry goods. Dodge & Zuill, Syracuse, N. Y Vacuum cleaners and washers. Dunbar, A. E., Albany, N. Y Knit supporters. o ■^ D f- DS <1 CQ Q Z o [a < 2se\v Vokk State K\iu 829 runcan, Thomas, S.vracuso. N. Y Cnn.Mlhin products. Dul'ont. E. I., rowdin- Co.. New York City Kxplosivcs. Econoiii.v Kiig Co.. Syiacusp, N. Y Uugs. Feigel, Henry, Syracuse. N. Y Stoves. Foore. W. Y.. Syracuse. .\. Y Hooks, post cards, etc. Fuller & ^Varren Co.. Troy. N. Y Stoves. Godard, .1. 11. & L. A.. Syracuse, N. Y I'ianos. Grimm, G. II., Rutland. Vt Evaporators. (irover, H. F., Syracuse. N. Y Vacuum cleaners. Haywood Wagon Co., The, Newark. N. Y AVagons. Heffron Co., The, Syracuse, N. \' Soap products. 11100 Washer Co., Syracuse, N. Y Washing macliines. Keeley Stove Co., Columbia. I'a Stoves. Kelsey Furnace Co., Syracuse, N. Y Heaters. Kemp & Burpee Mfg. Co., Syi'acuse, N. Y Agricultural implemcMts. Earkin Soap Co., Buffalo, N. Y Soap products. Eeiter Bros.. Syracuse. N. Y Pianos. Eouden Machine Co.. Fairfield. Iowa Farm implements. Manson Campliell Co.. Detroit. .Mirh Agricultural implements. Moller-Schuman Co., Brooklyn. N. Y Varnishes. Munnsrille Plow Co., Munn.sville, N. Y Plows. Newman Bros., Chicago, 111 Pianos. New York Telephone Co.. Syracuse, N. Y' Telei^hones. Nugget Polish Co., The. New York City Polish. Ohio Varnish Co., Cleveland, Ohio Varnishes. Oliver Chilled Plow Co., Rochester, N. Y Plows. Olney, Burt. Canning Co.. Oneida, N. Y Canned goods. Ortell, W. D.. Syracuse, N. Y Eye glasses. I'ierce. Butler & IMerce. Syracuse. N. Y Heaters. Quaker Oats Co., The, Chicago, 111 Demonstrations. Quinlan & Snow, Syracuse. N. Y Demonstrations. Rathlione. Sard & Co., Albany. N. Y Stoves and ranges. Reckitt Blue. Syracuse, N. Y Blueing. Rosenbloom. S., & Sons. Syracuse, N. Y Dry goods. Shibley, W. .T., Batavia, N. Y Agricultural implements. Sill Stove Works, Rochester, N. Y Stoves. Singer Sewing Machine Co., New York City Sewing machines. Southern Railway Co., Washington, D. C Literature. Sprout & Waldron Co.. Muncy, Pa Mills. Standard Oil Co., Syracuse, N. Y Byproducts. Standard Typewriter Co., Groton. N. Y Typewriters. Stewart Vehicle Co., Martinsburg, W. Va Wagons. Stough^ton Wagon Co., Stoughton, Wis Wagons. Summit Foundry Co., Geneva, N. Y Stoves. Syracuse Heater Co., Syracuse, N. Y Furnaces. Witherill, E. A., Syracuse. N. Y Dry goods. Zenith Foundry Co., Phelps, N. Y Stoves. STATE INSTITUTIONS BUILDING Commissioner in Charge, Raymond A. Pearson. Albany. The State Institutiotis Building which was used for the first time in 1909 proved to be too small for exiiibits offered in 1910. This buildinu; repre.sents a new departure at tlie Xew York State Fair. Its aisles and e\iiii)its were crowded almost every hour from tlu- opening of the fair till its In tliis building many citizens and taxpayers of the state learned more about their state departments and institutions than they bad ever before known. 12 830 Xew York State Faik The various exhibits were arranged to show the leading lines of work carried on by the different state agencies. Tlie list of exhibitors is as follows: New York State College of Agriculture. New York- State Scliool of Agriculture at Canton. New York State School of Agriculture at Alfred. New York State School of Agriculture at Morrisville. New York State ^'oterillary College. Department of Agricultuie. State Water Supply Commission. Lunacy Commission. State Banking Drpartment. Excise Department. Public Service Commii^sion, District Xo. 1. State Probation Commission. Superintendent of ^^■eigllt.s and [Measures. Prison Department. Torest, Fish & Game Commission. Fiscal Su])ervisor. Thomas Indian School. Syracuse Institution for Feeble-Minded Children. Craig Colony for Epileptics. New Y'ork State Reformatory for Women at Bedford. Rome State Custodial Asylum. New Y'ork State Training School for Girls at Hudson. New Y'ork State School for tlie Blind at Batavia. New Y'ork State Engineer and Surveyor, Barge Canal. State Board of Health. The New Y'ork State Experiment Station at Geneva exhibited a large assortment of fruits in the fruit building. GRANGE BUILDING Commissioner in Charge, Raymoxu A. Pearsox, Albany. This building, which is connected with the State Institutions Building, was a popular resort for grangers, as well as for many others. It provided for basket parties and for visitors who wished to rest. Several general and educational meetings were held here. The women's work committee of the grange maintained a private room where persons tcAiporarily indisposed were cared for, and another room was occupied by State Master Godfrey and other officers of the grange. Tlie popularity of the Grange Building and the great interest of members of tliis organization in the fair has led to the suggestion, which will probably be worked out a year later, that one hundred farm boys be brought to the state fair, where they may sleep in the (Irange Building on cots to be care- fully stored away each day so that the present available space for the day visitors may not be reduced. JS'kw Yokk 8tatk Faiu 831 WOMAN'S BUILDING AND HOSPITAL Coinmissioti^^r in Chargr, A. E, Perren, BiilValo, ^upnintcndciit, Hattie G. SnnvAUTZ, Syracuse. About 1003 a building was fitted up for tlie coiivenionce of wompn and cliildiou wlio visit tlie New York State Fair. This building lias proved more and more popular each year. Jt contains a rest room where popular concerns are given twice a day; a nursery where as many as 1.50 babies have been cared for in a day; an auditorium, with a seating cajiacity of 400, wiiere programs are presented every day by the various women's clubs of the state; and an emergency hospital having a stall' of two physicians and two nurses and an ambulance. During the 1910 fair several accident cases were eared for in the hospital, as well as a large number of cases of tempo- rary weakness and indisposition. In maintaining the high standard of the women's building tl'.e purpose has been to educate the women visitors in the work of clubs and societies, to pro- vide them with information which may be of practical value in their homes, and with new thoughts which they may take back to brighten the lonely winter days. Thousands of Avomen who visit the building are appreciative and grateful for the comforts provided for them. But now the number of visitors has so greatly increased and the building has become so crowded that this im- portant branch of the State Fair is not able to accomplish all it ought; and enlarged and better adapted facilities are earnestly recommended. There is a growing demand that the state acknowledge the progress of woman's influence in all institutions and provide means for her further advancement. The new building should have a rest room to replace the one now in use which is packed almost to suffocation on heavy days of the fair, even stand- ing room being at a premium. A nursery several times as large as the one now used is needed and it should be provided with hygienic equipment, good ventilation and ordiiuiry comforts. ^lore toilets are desired but if they cannot be had at once those in the present building ought to be overhauled. Tlie hospital should be made larger and, perhaps most important of all, the auditorium should be enlarged and properly ventilated and furnished. TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Commissiotier in Charrie. Ira Sharp. Lowville. The loading and unloading of heavy exhibits from docks which are entirely inadequate (although lliey are nuich larger than ever before) makes the cost of the transportation department far gi eater than it would be if the facilities for handling were increased. The fair takes upon itself the transfer of every exhibit from tlie cars to the locations on the grounds or in the buildings and returns the same to the docks for shipment at the close of the fair. The commission has been charging at the rate of fifty cents a load each way, but I would recommend that this price be increased to one dollar per load each way for the lieavier machinery. The conunission does not desire to make any money from this department but expects that the department will pay for itself. 8o2 ^'e\v York State Fair PRIVILEGES Commissioner in Charge, Ira Sharp, Lowville. The privileecs at tlie New York State Fair are sold on a flat rate basis, and, considering that this fair is not running a nigiit sliow and continues but six days, the total amount received, $9,050, exclusive of the midway, seems to be a fair consideration. These privileges will bring much higher prices as soon as the fair is equipped with a proper building and locations can be arranged in other places than tents. It has been the policy of the commission to sell the frankfurter, soft drink, score card, pop corn and ice cream privileges to the highest bidder. The lunch privileges are sold at an upset price of $125. Special privileges sell from $25 to $100, according to the locations and the style. The sale privileges in the Manufactures and Lib- eral Arts Building are sold at twenty cents per square foot, floor space. The commission must bear in mind that this fair has eliminated the sale of any- thing that looks like a game of chance and, while it has improved the quality of the privileges, it has depleted the treasury of at least $2,000 a year. With the improvements that are expected within the next two or three years, the privileges should reach $20,000. FORAGE DEPARTMENT Cotiimissiuner in Charge, Ira Sharp, Lowville. The privilege to supply hay, straw and grain to exhibitors is given to a responsible local dealer with the understanding that -he must furnish all grades of feed at the market price. The conduct of the business during the past year was excellent. A little fault was found with the prices by one exhibitor, but upon investigation it was found that the owner had l)een mis- informed by his caretaker. I am convinced that our policy of handling tliis department is wise and should be continued. MIDWAY Commissioner in Charge, Charles A. VVietixg, Cobleskill. The location for the midway in 1910 was entirely unsatisfactory. There was an up-to-date, harmless line of shows. This year the midway was run on a percentage basis and netted $2,557.47, which was more than was expected, in consideration of the location and the inability on the part of the show people to place their fronts attractively. As soon as the permanent plan is farther along, the midway should be given permanent headquarters of size sulTicient to enable the commissioners to secure the largest and best shows that are on the road. POLICE DEPARTMENT Commissioner in Charge, Wii.i.iam Pitkix. Rochester. This department should be regarded rather as one concerned with the safety and comfort of the people than as one for the detection and control of the criminal clement. The patrons of the fair need but little police regulation. While the duty of the department is to maintain order, prevent violations of the law, and arrest offenders, its work in this direction is not burdensome or New York State Fair 8.*i:J strenuou3. The principal work is to safofjuard tlie visitors at tlie fair, to supply them with iuformatioii and guidance, and in every way to look after their comfort and welfare. This has been done to the satisfaction of the commi.ssion and the puhlic. The force of the department for 1910' consist*'d of a chief, and iussistant chief, a clerk, a justice of the peace, and a patrol force of sixty day and eh'ven night men. There was a slight increase in the force of day men over that of the previous year. The change in rules grant- ing admission to the paddock and infield without extra charge largely in- creased the numl>er of p<>ople in those sections of the grounds, and the number crossing the race track during the races, necessitating additional ofTicers to thoroughly guard t!ie danger points. Xo serious accidents occurred during the fair, the large crowds being well handled and controlled. It is found that wlule the total attendance at the fair increased from 142.000 in 1907 to 100,000 in 1010. an increa.3e of 38 per cent., the expense of the police department decreased from $3,124 in 1907 to $2,561 in 1910, a decrease of IS per cent. Some additional changes in methods and safety appliances are now under consideration, whioli will add still more to the eflectiveness of the depart- ment, and the safety, comfort, and convenience of the visiting public. PASSENGER RATES Commissioner in Charge, A. E. Perren, Buffalo. Three and three-quarters cents per mile, one-way distance, for the round trip, plus aamission fet of 50 cents, from points in yew York State and border points in Pennsi/lcanio ; tickets including admission to the fair to be sold and good going from New York City and points within 40 miles thereof, September 10, 11, and 12, and from other points, September 10 to 17, in- clusive; all tickets to be good returning to reach original starting point not later than September 10. Two an