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Mo 44 ra eee oe ~< a he 2 ia roo a ~ $1,207, 208 | ALBANY, The University of the _ rs PAGE ool 8 ae en oe 7 ats. Pee scope “of, the ee oe feo vce 9 of the State Mus- ny Meet boy 2k ers 10 “Brezent condition and activi- gf the M Se ee) en ions. be- to the State Muséum .. pment publications ..... ; on. geological sur- Soe me Set Bee > oe ww 6 6 Bhs es eT eee we ek te ate SH ‘ 2 rr _ of the Zoologi ists ee = the Arcbebiogixt and . — New York State Mustum._ jJoun M. CLARKE, aces AUG — 19 1S 2 wYork State Museur Bulletin "Entered as seoond-class matter Novethber 27, 1915, at the. Post Office at Albany, N.Y, under the actiof August 24, rof2 Published monthly by The University of the State of New York N; Y. Marce-Arrit, 195 State of New York . BUREAU or LibRakt IRIEENTH REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF | laa STATE MUSEUM AND SCIENCE — DEPARTMENT wat 9 THE SEVENTY-FIRST REPORT OF THE STATE " MUSEUM, REPORT OF THE STATE PALEONTOLOGIST FOR 10917 PAGE - Foliation of the Gneissoid Sye- nite-granite.Complex of Lewis County, New York. Ay oF. BUDDINGTON 4%... Fes eS 10i Geology of ‘the Lake Clear Region. Haroip L. ALLING 111 Geological Map of the Peninsula pe reé, P.Q. and Its Islands. MeCiaren. 147 Réné Just Hay and His In- finence.. H. P. WHirLock = 2149 Crystallographic . Studies of Barite; _ tt. P. WHITLOCK... 157 Champlain’ 3 Assault onthe Fort- ified —Fown. of the Oneidas, P6E5.q ARTHUR C, PARKER. . 165 On the Genetic Significance of Ferrous’. Silicate Associated with the Clinton Iron Ores. se VERS Ree aT. 175 Radium and Uranium: Their Ores s-and . Occurrerice ~ in “Natures; R.A F. PENROSE jR. 199 Index... 2... Ae SE ator cae 209 ALBANY — 5; pe, ge gS. sr AN ETHNOLOGY THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Regents of the University — : With years when terms expire i936 Biniy T- Saree LL.B. LL.D. Chancellor - Palmyra 1927 ALBERT VANDER VEER M. By: M. A. Ph.D. LL.D. lee) ys Vice Chancellor _ Albany 1922 Poleien a nee MA. LL.D. - - - Brooklyn . 1930 Wiutam Norrincnam M.A. Phil D. a, D.. — Syracuse To2t FRANCIS. M. (CARPENTER - - - —- —- - — = Mount Ki 1923. Asram I. -E.xus LL.B. LL.D. DCL: - -— New York 1924 ADELBERT Moor «LL. D.- = —= = = Balas Le 5 CHARLES B: ALEXANDER a - ‘LL.B. LED; litt}D. _- - = + - - = - - -> — New Yorks IQIO ) Joun Moors LLP SS =. aoe ee 1928 WaLter GuEsT ance B.A. LL. D. - — Ogdensburg r920 James Byrne B.A. LL.B. LL.D. —- = = New York 1929 kesosiva L. BRIDGMAN” M.A. -— = = = Bracken | ee , President of the University and Contes of Rincation » Joun: H. FINLEY M.A. ‘Lia L.H.D. Deputy Commissioner and Assistant ci iaisionaa for Elementary Education ue) | THomas E. Finecan. M.A. Pad. D. LL.D, ~ “ Assistant Sceases anak and Dirdetor-at Professional Education _ Aucustus S. Downinc M.A. L.H.D. LL.D. oe Hesiptany Comeiiones for Secondary Education ‘Cuaries F, WHEELOCK io prowe Pe BS Director of State Library Sia is Wyer, JR, M.LS. Director of Seance and State Museum Jou: M. CLarKe DSc. LID: Chiefs and Directors of Divisions 4; pieacisteaion Hrram C. CAsE | _. Agricultural and Industrial Education, Lewis A. WiLson _. Archives and History, James Suttivan M. A. Ph.D. : Attendance, James D. SutuivaN i ea ea Educational Extension, Wiui1am R. Watson BS. $ Examinations and Inspections, GrorcEe M. Witry M A. ‘Law, Frank B. Grpert B.A., Counsel Fe “Library School, Frank K. WALTER M. A. MLS. | School Buildings and Grounds, Franx H. Woop M.A. School Libraries, SHERMAN Wittiams Pd. D. Visual Instruction, Arrrep W. Asprams Ph.B. ad Lass ris a et = or SS The University of the State of New York State Museum, June 20, 1918 Dr John H. Finley President of the University sir: I have the honor to transmit to you, in accordance with the requirements of the statute, the annual report of the Director of the State Museum for the year past, and to recommend that this be published as a bulletin of the Museum. Very respectfully Joun M. CLARKE Director THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORE THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Approved for publication this 24th day of June 1918 & . > ead President of the University [5] ZF State Museum Bulletin Entered as second-class matter November 27, 1915, at the Post Office at Albany, N. Y., under the act of August 24, I912 Published monthly by The University of the State of New York Nos. 207, 208 AE BAIN YEON Y: MARCH-APRIL 1918 The University of the State of New York New York State Museum JoHn M. CLARKE, Director FOURTEENTH REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE STATE MUSEUM AND SCIENCE DEPARTMENT -: INCLUDING THE SEVENTY-FIRST REPORT OF THE STATE MUSEUM, THE THIRTY- SEVENTH REPORT OF THE STATE GEOLOGIST AND THE REPORT OF THE STATE PALEONTOLOGIST FOR 1917 Regents Committee on the State Museum Charles B. Alexander M.A. LL.D. Litt.D., Tuxedo Herbert L. Bridgman M.A., Brooklyn Walter Guest Kellogg B.A., Ogdensburg INTRODUCTION This report covers all divisions of the scientific operations and museum work under the supervision of The University of the State of New York and has reference to the progress made therein during the fiscal year 1916-17. It constitutes the seventy-first consecutive annual report of the State Museum, the thirty-seventh annual report of the State Geologist (consecutive since 1881) and the report of the State Paleontologist for 1917. It is introductory to all memoirs and bulletins issued by this Department during the year named. The subjects presented in this report are considered under the following captions: I Legal Status and Scope of the State Museum II Codification of the State Museum Law III Present Condition and Activities of the Museum IV Condition of the Scientific Reservations Belonging to the Museum V Department Publications, VI Report of the Geological Survey zl 8 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM VII Report of the State Botanist VIII Report of the State Entomologist IX Report of the Division of Zoology X Report of the Division of Archeology and Ethnology XI Staff of the Department XII Accessions to the Collections XIII Scientific Papers XIV Appendixes (to be continued in subsequent volumes) REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 9 [ LEGAL STATUS AND SCOPE OF THE STATE MUSEUM The broad scope of the State Museum was clearly and succinctly defined in the Education Law (as amended in 1910) under article 3, which relates to the objects and functions of the University. Section 54 of the law reads as follows: “ All scientific specimens and collec- tions, works of art, objects of historic interest and similar property appropriate to a general museum, if owned by the State and not placed in other custody by a specific law, shall constitute the State iMuseum: 2): . Lhe State Museum shall include the work of the State Geologist and Paleontologist, the State Botanist and the State Entomologist, who, with their assistants, shall be included in the scientific staff of the State Museum.” This definition of scope is broad and clear. It is the specific expression of the intent of the people of the State to constitute and maintain not alone a state museum of science, but a state museum of art, a state museum of history and a state museum which may depict any other field of civic and educational concern which in the judgment of the Regents of the University, would be justified by public interest. The spirit of the law where its sentences bear upon the creation of a museum of art and a museum of history is so obvious as to be constructively a command. The wish of the people and the desire of the Board in regard to this expansion of the actual museum nearer to the ideal of the museum expressed in the law have become a matter of record. It is then to be understood that the existing science museum of the State represents the development of only one phase of what should be, and what within the implied intention of the law is to be, the State Museum. ite) NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM II CODIFICATION OF THE STATE MUSEUM LAW? (Laws of 1910, Chapter 140, as amended to July 1, 1914) § «3 [State Museum: Department of the University]. The [State Library and] State Museum shall be [al departments] of the . University. Source. Education L. 1909, § 1091, revised from former Univ. L. (L. 1892, ch. 378) § 10; originally revised from L. 1889, ch. 529, tit. 1, § 16. § s4 How constituted. All scientific specimens and collections, works of art, objects of historic interest and similar property appro- priate to a general museum, if owned by the State and not placed in other custody by a specific law, shall constitute the State Museum, and one of its officers shall annually inspect all such property not kept in the State Museum rooms, and the annual report of the Museum to the Legislature shall include summaries of such property, | with its location, and any needed recommendations as to its safety or usefulness. The State Museum shall include the work of the State Geologist and Paleontologist, the State Botanist and the State Entomologist, who, with their assistants, shall be included in the scientific staff of the State Museum. Source. Education L. 1909, § 1092, revised from former Univ. L. (L. 1892; ch. 378) § 22, as amended by L. 1893, ch. 488; L. 1896, ch. 493. § 55 Collections made by the staff. Any scientific collection made by a member of the Museum staff during his term of office shall, unless otherwise authorized by resolution of the Regents, belong to the State and form part of the State Museum. Source. Education L. 1909, § 1093, revised from former Univ. L. (L. 1892, claia78) S23: § 56 Indian collection. There shall be made, as the Indian section of the State Museum, as complete a collection as practicable of the historical, ethnographic and other records and relics of the Indians of the State of New York, including implements or other articles pertaining to their domestic life, agriculture, the chase, war, religion, burial and other rites or customs, or otherwise connected with the Indians of New York. Source. Education L. 1909, § 1095, revised from former Univ. L. (L. 1892, chi 378).8 24; originally revised trom. 1889) ch. 520) tite tm siee 1 The ‘‘ Sources ”’ indicated in connection with this codification of the Museum Law have been supplied by courtesy of Frank B. Gilbert, Esq. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 II § (27 Indian Law (L. 1909, ch. 31) Custody of Indian wampum. The University of the State of New York, which was duly elected to the office of wampum-keeper by the Onondaga nation on February 26, 1898, and which by unanimous action of its Regents on March 22, 1898, accepted such election as authorized to do by law, and which accepted the custody of the wampums as formally transferred to the Chancellor as part of the exercises and with the unanimous approval, both of the election and transfer, by the council of the Five Nations held in the senate chamber of the Capitol at Albany on June 22, 1898, by duly chosen representatives of all the original nations of the Ho-de-no-sau-nee, shall hereafter be recognized in all courts and places, as having every power which has ever, at any time, been exercised by any wampum-keeper of the Onondaga nation, or of any of the Ho-de-no-sau-nee, otherwise known as the Five Nations, or the Six Nations. or the Iroquois, and shall keep such wampums in a fireproof building, as public records, forever, and is hereby authorized to secure by purchase, suit, or otherwise, any wampums which have ever been in the possession of any of the Ho-de-no-sau-nee, or any preceding wampum-keeper, and which are now owned by any of them or to which any of them is entitled, or to which it is entitled, in law or in equity; and to maintain and carry on suit to recover any of such wampums in its own name or in the name of the Onondaga nation at any time notwithstanding that the cause of action may have accrued more than six years, or any time, before the commencement of any such suit. § (159 Conservation Law (L. 1911, ch. 647) License to collect - or possess for propagation, scientific or exhibition purposes. The commission may issue a license revocable at its pleasure to any person, permitting the holder to collect or possess quadrupeds, birds, birds’ nests or eggs for propagation, scientific or exhibition purposes. Before such license is issued, every applicant, except a game protector, duly chartered museum or society incorporated for scientific or public exhibition purposes, or an officer thereof, must file written testimonials from two well-known scientific men; pay one dollar for the license and file a bond in the penal sum of two hundred dollars with two responsible sureties, to be approved by the commission, conditioned that he will not violate the provisions of this article or avail himself of the privileges of said license for purposes not herein set forth. Persons receiving such license must report the result of operation thereunder annually to the commission, at the expiration of the license. Such license shall be in force for one year only from 12 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM the date of issue and shall not be transferable. [Amended by L. 1913, ch. 508, in effect May 14, 1913.] . § 1115 Transfers from State officers. The librarian of any library owned by the State, or the officer in charge of any state department, bureau, board, commission or other office may, with the approval of the Regents, transfer to the permanent custody of the State Library or Museum any books, papers, maps, manuscripts, specimens or other articles which, because of being duplicates or for other reasons, will in his judgment be more useful to the State in the State Library or Museum than if retained in his keeping. Source. Education L. 1909, § 1025, revised from former Univ. L. (L. 1892, Cheysy7.8) aNi20: § 1117 Public and free [libraries and] museums. All provisions of this section and of sections 1118 to 1134, inclusive, shall apply equally to libraries, museums, and to combined libraries and museums, and the word “‘ library ”’ shall be construed to include reference and circulating libraries and reading-rooms. Source. Education L. 1909, § 1027, revised from former Univ. L. (L. 1892, ch. 378) § 35. § 1118 Establishment. By a majority vote at any election, any city, village, town, school district, or other body authorized to levy and collect taxes, or by vote of its common council, or by action of a board of estimate and apportionment or other proper authority, any city, or by vote of its trustees, any village, may establish and main- tain a free public library [museum], with or without branches, either by itself or in connection with any other body authorized to maintain such library [museum]. Whenever twenty-five taxpayers shall so petition, the question of providing library [museum] facilities shall be voted on at the next election or meeting at which taxes may be voted, provided that due public notice shall have been given of the proposed action. A municipality or district named in this section may raise money by tax to establish and maintain a public library [museum] or libraries [museums], or to provide a building or rooms for its or their use, or to share the cost as agreed with other municipal or district bodies, or to pay for library [museum] privileges under a contract therefor. It may also acquire real or personal property for library [museum] purposes by gift, grant, devise or condemnation, and may take, buy, sell, hold and transfer either real or personal property and administer the same for public library [museum] pur- poses. A board of supervisors of a county may contract with the trustees of a public library [museum] within such county or with REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 13 any other municipal or district body having control of such a library [museum] to furnish library [museum] privileges to the people of the county, under such terms and conditions as may be stated in such contract. The amount agreed to be paid for such privileges under such contract shall be a charge upon the county and shall be paid in the same manner as other county charges. [Amended by L. rot, ch. 815.] Source. Education L. 1909, § 1028, revised from former Univ. L. (L. 1892, ch. 378) § 36, in part, as amended by L. 1895, ch. 859, § 5; L. 1902, ch. 185; L. 1909, ch. 606; originally revised from L. 1889, ch. 529, tit. 3, § 4. Reference. Establishment of free libraries by municipalities, General Municipal Law, § 79. Qualifications of voters. Voters upon the question of providing or maintaining a library should possess the same qualifications as voters at district meetings. Rep’t of Atty. Gen. (1903) 397. Contract with city library. Board of supervisors (prior to the amendment of I91t) has no authority under this section to contract with a city library for the use of such library. Rep’t of Atty. Gen. (Ig1I) IIo. § r119 Acceptance of conditional gift. By majority vote at any election any municipality or district or by three-fourths vote of its council, any city, or any public library [museum] in the University, or any designated branch thereof, if so authorized by such vote of a municipality, district, or council, or of any combination of such voting bodies, may accept gifts, grants, devises or bequests for public library [museum] purposes on condition that a specified annual appropriation shall thereafter be made, by the municipality or district or combination so authorizing such acceptance, for main- tenance of such library [museum] or branches thereof. Such accept- ance, when approved by the Regents of the University under seal and recorded in its book of charters, shall be a binding contract, and such municipality and district shall levy and collect yearly the amount provided in the manner prescribed for other taxes, and shall maintain any so accepted gift, grant, devise or bequest, intact and make good any impairment thereof. Source. Education L. 1909, § 1029, revised from former Univ. L. (L. 1892, ch. 378) § 36, as amended by L. 1895, ch. 859; L. 1902, ch. 185; L. 1907, ch. 606; originally revised from L. 1889, ch. 529, tit. 3, § 4. Appropriation of a fixed sum continues as an annual appropriation. Rep’t of Atty. Gen. (1903) 514. § 1120 Subsidies. By vote similar to that required by sections 1118 and 1119 money may be granted toward the support of libraries [museums] not owned by the public but maintained for its welfare and free use; provided, that such libraries [museums] shall be subject I4 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM to the inspection of the Regents and registered by them as main- taining a proper standard, that the Regents shall) certity whar number of the books circulated are of such a character as to merit a grant of public money, and that the amount granted yearly to libraries [museums] on the basis of circulation shall not exceed ten cents for each volume of the circulation thus certified by the Regents. Source. Education L. 19c9, § 1031, revised from former Univ. L. (L. 1892, ch. 378) § 37, in part, as amended by L. 1900, ch. 481. § 1121 Closing of museum; admission fee during certain hours. The trustees of any institution supported under this chapter by public money, in whole or in part, may, so far as consistent with free use by the public at reasonable or specified hours, close any of its museum collections at certain other hours, for study, to meet the demands of special students or for exhibition purposes, and may charge an admission fee at such hours, provided that all receipts from such fees shall be paid into the treasury and be used for the maintenance or enlargement of the institution. Source. Education L. 1909, § 1031, revised from former Univ. L. (L. 1892, ch. 378) § 37, in part, as amended by L. 1900, ch. 481. § 1122 Taxes. Taxes, in addition to those otherwise author- ized, may be voted by any authority named in section 1118 and for any purpose specified in sections 1118 to 1120 inclusive, and shall, unless otherwise directed by such vote, be considered as annual appropriations therefor till changed by further vote, and shall be levied and collected yearly, or as directed, as are other general taxes; and all money received from taxes or other sources for such library [museum] shall be kept as a separate tibrary [museum] fund and expended only under direction of the library feneseninL trustees on properly authenticated vouchers. Source. Educaticn L. 1¢09, § 1032, revised from former Univ. L. (L. 1892, One Bye) § Sse § 1123 Trustees. Free public libraries [museums] established by action of the voters or their representatives shall be managed by trustees who shall have all the powers of trustees or other educational inst.:tutions of the University as defined in this chapter; provided, unless otherwise specified in the charter, that the number of trustees shall be five; that they shall be elected by the legal voters, except that in cities they shall be appointed by the mayor with the consent of the common council, from citizens of recognized fitness for such position; that the first trustees determine by lot whose term of office REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR I9I7 15 shall expire each year and that a new trustee shall be elected or appointed annually to serve for five years. Source. Education L. 1909, § 1033, revised from former Univ. L. (L. 1892,, ch. 378) § 39. § 1124 Incorporation. Within one month after taking office the first board of trustees of any such free public library [museum] shall apply to the Regents for a charter in accordance with the vote establishing the library [museum]. Source. Education L. 1909, § 1034, revised from former Univ. L. (L. 1892, ch. 378) § 40. Reference. Application for, and grant of charter, Education Law, §§ 60-62. § t125 Use of free public libraries [museums]. Every library [museum] established under section 1118 of this chapter shall be forever free to the inhabitants of the locality which establishes it, subject always to rules of the library [museum] trustees, who shall have authority to exclude any person who wilfully violates such rules; and the trustees may,.under such conditions as they think expedient, extend the privileges of the library [museum] to persons - living outside such locality. Source. Education L. 1909, § 1035, revised from former Univ. L. (L. 1892, ch. 378) § 42, as amended by L. 1895, ch. 859. § 1126 Reports. Every library or museum which receives state aid or enjoys any exemption from taxation or other privileges not usually .accorded to business corporations shall make the report required by section 58 of this chapter, and such report shall relieve the institution from making any report now required by statute or charter to be made to the Legislature, or to any department, court or other authority of the State. These reports shall be summarized and transmitted to the Legislature by the Regents with the annual reports of the State Library and State Museum. Source. Education L. 1909, § 1036, revised from former Univ. L. (L. 1892, en. 378) § 41. § 1127 Injuries to property. Whoever intentionally injures, defaces or destroys any property belonging to or deposited in any incorporated library, reading-room, museum or other educational institution, shall be punished by imprisonment in a state prison for not more than three years, or in a county jail for not more than one year, or by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Source. Education L. 1909, § 1037, revised from former Univ. L. (L. 1892, ch. 378) § 43. Reference. Removal of books in libraries and injuries to books, works of art, etc. in libraries and museums, a misdemeanor, Penal Law, §§ 1427, 1428. 16 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM § 1128 Detention. Whoever wilfully detains any book, news- paper, magazine, pamphlet, manuscript or other property belonging to any public or incorporated library, reading-room, museum or other educational institution, for thirty days after notice in writing to return the same, given after the expiration of the time which by the rules of such institution, such article or other property may be kept, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one nor more than twenty-five dollars, or by imprisonment in the jail not exceeding six months, and the said notice shall bear on its face a copy of this section. Source. Education L. 1909, § 1038, revised from former Univ. L. (L. 1892, ch. 378) § 44. § 1129 Transfer of libraries. Any corporation, association, school district or combination of districts may, by legal vote duly approved by the Regents, transfer, conditionally as provided in section 1119 of this article, or otherwise, the ownership and control of its library, with all its appurtenances, to any municipality, or district, or public library [museum] in the University, or any desig- nated branch thereof, and thereafter such transferee shall be entitled to receive any money, books or other property from the State or other sources, to which the transferring body would have been entitled but for such transfer, and the trustees of body making the transfer shall thereafter be relieved of all responsibility pertaining to property thus transferred. Source. Education L. 1909, § 1039, revised from former Univ. L. (L. 1892, ch. 378) § 45, as amended by L. 1907, ch. 606. § 1130 Local neglect. If the local authorities of any library [museum] supported wholly or in part by state money, fail to provide for the support and public usefulness of its books [collections], the Regents shall in writing notify the trustees of said library [museum] what is necessary to meet the State’s requirements, and on such notice all its rights to further grants of money [or books] from the State shall be suspended until the Regents certify that the require- ments have been met; and if said trustees shall refuse or neglect to comply with such requirements within sixty days after service of such notice, the Regents may remove them from office and thereafter all [books and other] library [museum] property wholly or in part paid for from state money shall be under the full and direct control of the Regents who, as shall seem best for public interests, may appoint new trustees to carry on the library [museum], or may store it, or distribute its books [collections] to other libraries [museums]. Source. Education L. 1909, § 1040, revised from former Univ. L. (L. 1892, ch. 378) § 46. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 iG § 1131 Loans of books [collections] from state. Under such rules as the Regents may prescribe, they may lend from the State Library [museum] duplicate department, or from books [collections] specially given or bought for this purpose, selections of books [collections] for a limited time to any public library [museum] in this State under visitation of the Regents, or to any community not yet having established such library [museum], but which has conformed to the conditions required for such loans. Source. Education L. 1909, § 1051, revised from former Con. Sch. L. (L. 1894, ch. 378) § 47. § 1132 Advice and instruction from State Library [museum] officers. The trustees or librarian [director] or any citizen interested in any public library [museum] in this State shall be entitled to ask from the officers of the State Library [museum] any needed advice or instruction as to a library building, furniture and equipment, government and service, rules for [readers] selecting, buying, cata- loging, [shelving] lending [books, or] any [other] matter pertaining to the establishment, reorganization or administration of a public library [museum]. The Regents may provide for giving such advice and instruction either personally or through printed matter and correspondence either by the State Library [museum] staff or by a library [museum] commission of competent experts appointed by the Regents to serve without salary. The Regents may, on request, select or buy books [collections], or furnish them instead of money apportioned or may make exchanges and loans through the duplicate department of the State Library [museum]. Such assistance shall be free to residents of this State as far as practicable, but the Regents may, in their discretion, charge a proper fee to nonresidents or for assistance of a personal nature or for other reason not properly an expense to the State, but which may be authorized for the accom- modation of users of the library [museum]. Source. Education L. 1909, § 1042, revised from former Univ. L. (L. 1892, ch. 378) § 48. § 1133 Apportionment of public library [museum] money. - Such sum as shall have been appropriated by the Legislature as public library [museum] money shall be paid annually by the treas- urer, on the warrant of the comptroller, from the income of the United States deposit fund, according to an apportionment to be made for the benefit of free libraries [museums] by the Regents in accordance with their rules and authenticated by their seal; provided, that none of this money shall be spent for books [collections] except those 18 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM approved or selected and furnished by the Regents; that no locality shall share in the apportionment unless it shall raise and use for the same purpose not less than an equal amount from taxation or other local sources; that for any part of the apportionment not payable directly to the library [museum] trustees the Regents shall file with the Comptroller vouchers showing that it has been spent in accord- ance with law exclusively for books [collections] for free libraries [museums] or for proper expenses incurred for their benefit; and that books [collections] paid for by the State shall be subject to return to the Regents whenever the library [museum] shall neglect or refuse to conform to the ordinances under which it secured them. Source. Education L. 1909, § 1043, revised from former Univ. L. (L. 1892, ch. 378) § 50. ; § 1134 Abolition. Any library [museum] established by public vote or action of school authorities, or under section 1118 of this chapter, may be abolished only by a majority vote at a regular annual election, ratified by a majority vote at the next annual election. If any such library [museum] is abolished its property shall be used first to return to the Regents, for the benefit of other public libraries [museums] in that locality, the equivalent of such sums as it may have received from the State or from other sources as gifts for public use. After such return any remaining property may be used as directed in the vote abolishing the library [museum] but if the entire library [museum] property does not exceed in value the amount of such gifts it may be transferred to the Regents for public use, and the trustees shall thereupon be free from further responsibility. No abolition of a public library [museum] shall be lawful till the Regents grant a certificate that its assets have been properly distributed and its abolition completed in accordance with law. Source. Education L. 1909, § 1044, revised from former Univ. L. (L. 1892, ch. 378) § 51, as amended by L. 1895, ch. 859. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 19 IEE PRESENT CONDITION AND ACTIVITIES OF THE MUSEUM The outstanding problem of the Museum is to adjust the growing collections to fixed limitations of space. In this there is the ever present danger of overcrowding, curtailing proper aisle space and providing for freedom of movement over the floors on the frequent occasions when the halls are thronged. Facing this problem, the effort to meet it is by turning from the use of more floor space to the utilization of the walls. Naturally the procedure grows increasingly difficult, but the life of the Museum depends upon ignoring such limitations even if we have to suspend collections from the rafters. A finished museum is a dead one; this Museum can not die as long as the scientific corps behind it is pursuing its work and acquiring new factors in the natural resources of the State. It is perfectly evident that before long, certainly in the clearer light of the new order and more elevated ideals about to come, a more adequate provision must be made for the housing of the State Museum. It has lived decorously in the Education Building, but under restraint. It needs its own house, its own atmosphere and the fair chance to pursue its many activities and realize its own ideals. Light screens. The control of the light in the great main hall which receives its illumination only through skylights has been a difficult problem to solve. This we believe to have been now well taken care of by the installation throughout of panels specially prepared of mercerized fabric vanes working together after the mode of a Venetian blind and each panel easily adjustable from beneath by compensating cords. The design is one furnished and controlled by the Simon Ventilighter Company of New York, which has installed the entire equipment. The zoology wing, which is lighted in parts from the sides, has been equipped by the same company with adjusted blinds of similar design which operate after the style of curtains, not so easy to operate as the others, but with reasonable effectiveness. Decoration of the Iroquois halls. There has been installed over each of the arched main entrances to the Iroquois halls a lunette representative of New York Indian life and tradition. At the east entrance is the very effective ‘‘ Sun Worshipers ”’ and over the west arch ‘‘ The Coming of Hiawatha.’’ These paintings are by David 20 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM C. Lithgow and the former is a splendid example of Mr Lithgow’s © workmanship. Each of these pictures measures fourteen feet across the base and fills the entire spring of the arch.’ The extensive walls within the Iroquois halls have also been decorated throughout in conventional Indian designs which add greatly to the attractiveness of the Iroquois exhibits and relieve the bald expanse of monochrome surface with which they were sur- ~ rounded. The cost of this decoration has been borne by Mrs Frederick F. Thompson. Seneca bark lodge. The full-size bark lodge, such as was used by the Seneca Indians in precolumbian days, has been built in the ~ small room at the east of the Iroquois chambers on the west mezza- nine. This construction, erected by matching and tying, that is to say, without nails, was put together by a Seneca Indian of the Cat- taraugus reservation, now in France as a lieutenant in the United States Army. The elm bark required for the construction was obtained by Indians of Wiscons’n. The lodge stands fully equipped as in the ancient days and helps New York people to understand the fact that our Indians did not dwell in tents or wigwams. This lodge has also been provided by the generosity of Mrs Thompson. The Arnold collection of birds eggs. Mr Benjamin W. Arnold of Albany has presented to the Museum his very extensive collection of birds eggs, the results of a lifelong active interest in this field of ‘study. Through this gift he has equipped the Museum with a collection in oology which must be reckoned as one of the most ample and complete known. ‘The scope of the collection is general but the North American birds are represented by about 1000 species, while the collection abounds in representatives from the rest of the world, especially from the West Indies, South America, the South Atlantic islands, New Zealand and the countries of Europe. There are about 15,000 eggs in this collection. On receipt of the gift the Regents of the University, in recognition of its interest and worth and in Mr Arnold’s attainments of ornithology, recorded an expres- sion of their appreciation of Mr Arnold’s consideration and conferred on him the title of honorary curator of ornithology. _ The collection was received in perfect order, completely labeled. Preparations were at once made, under Mr Arnold’s supervision, for its installation. It was decided to arrange it along the walls of the 1Mr Lithgow did the writer the honor to base his conception for the Sun Worshipers on a sketch entitled ‘‘ The Vision of Ongwe”’ which was printed in ““ Sketches of Gaspé.” jouvd yeinut vloreosn |, ery a 2 ee aoe ee} jie Beate wh came ae et a RRM RR wee ee Rv ieee oe ea be Se ese oa ia we * 9 a a m ch ae. ABE ee uae cine Ame od wean Ci agne - A £ She eaee ay a cues: Ser AS beieratonort ee in opm Sasi Ree Eee pee meer eas ae & BR CSM GREE BA. & ah me * , ae be * 4 i | a : 3 : ee er eee cers Cayuga mural panel UOIVAOOOP PLADUL YIM ‘AHOLS YMVYO TA / | | S78) ’ r . =a j ~ ‘ E = Fa A = ¥ f Bs . fara = a ~ Ss pire B . ’ + } s At - * > x ra A .. . ? 7 * ' ss / = < » ? ? j; ; : - i * ‘ . =“) y 1] ane . ‘ Corridor in Iroquois hall, with mural decoration ot oe isin = Teas, pte + pena we A oa % Seneca Lodge seen through the arch als h . juois East end of Iroc REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 21 paired corridors leading from the main hall to the rotunda into the zoology hall, that is, next adjoining the Fuertes bird paintings. The cases which have now been constructed and put in place are keyboard cases equipped with inside steps and supported by wooden bracket. These line both walls of each corridor. The work of installing the specimens has proceeded to a point at which it may be said that about one-half the collection is now exposed to view. It is planned to give exhibition space to as many of these specimens as practicable and at the same time to protect their delicate coloration from fading by excluding practically all the daylight and displaying them under electric lamps. The lighting device for this purpose has been installed and the display is of great effectiveness because of the extraordinary variant combinations of color patterns on the most graceful of all shapes. The collection attracts because of its beauty. ts, Other exhibits in zoology. A habitat group of the otter anda very effective reproduction of the burrow-nest of the bank swallow with its birds, have been located and installed by the members of the zoology staff. Recently there have been acquired the materials necessary for habitat group of the timber wolf (eight animals) and of the beaver (seven animals). These will be completed as oppor- tunity affords; but the enlistment of Sherman C. Bishop, zoologist, in the U. S. Navy and of the taxidermist, Arthur Paladin, in the New York State Guard, will of necessity delay the work. The George Lasher Taylor collection of fossils. The collection of fossils from the various formations in the Schoharie valley, left by the death of Mr Taylor, has been presented to the Museum by his mother, Mrs Joseph Taylor of Schoharie. It consists of about 600 specimens from this classic region for Paleozoic fossils. Indian basketry. The museum has received from Mrs Frederick F. Thompson a gift of forty-two Indian baskets from the western tribes, which are very acceptable for illuminating comparatively the basketry. weave and motives among the Iroquois. These baskets are listed as follows: t Salish baby basket 1 Havasupai water bottle 2 Havasupai bowl baskets t Navaho sacred basket t Poma conical basket 4 Poma bowl baskets (one very modern) 5 Pima large bowl baskets 22 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 4 Tlinkit baskets (three with covers) t Apache basket (storage) t Tlinkit bowl basket 8 Salish baskets (various shapes and sizes) t Salish harvesting basket t Klamath three strand basket t Hat creek basket t Salish twilled fish or burden basket t Hopi basket t Apache bowl 1 Russian basket top t Eskimo covered basket t Tlinkit or Salish basket or hat t British Columbia basket t Navaho gambling tray 1 Tlinkit wallet t Salish basket (large, covered with old design) Mushroom exhibit. The series of restoration of mushrooms constituting the Charles H. Peck testimonial collection has been completed and now represents about sixty species of the common edible and noxious kinds. The beauty and accuracy of this collec- tion attract general attention and interest. Other exhibits. There has recently been added to the collection in industrial geology a series of seventy-two examples of American- made dyes received from the Schoellkopf Aniline & Chemical Works of Buffalo, N. Y. There is also in the course of assemblage a historic exhibit which will bring together items of interest associated with the development of geological science in this State, such as the mineral collection made by Governor DeWitt Clinton, the specimens gathered in the Agricultural and Geological Survey of Rensselaer County (1818) by Amos Eaton and Joseph Henry, the hammer used by James Hall in the Fourth District Survey, etc. several temporary exhibits have been shown at various times during the year: . t Color designs by the children of the elementary schools of Paris 2 Indian paintings by David C. Lithgow 3 Butterflies and moths 4 Collection of American plows 5 Early American metal lamps 6 English sailor jugs ‘pazIqryXo MOU 9SOY} JO Bz aIB DIO, “UOTJOOT[OO PlOULY oY} WOT sd30 JO osed qunout jo o[A4js ol} MOYS 0} !S88o9 JO UOTJOOT[OO P[OULY OY} WOT OSV’) | ». @- BS'2. is: CO OQVAM _* SAMA RB EOMBeODANOMOe ee re LE Tm > B\O m\nr\iolannlqmnic, Gal Pi PP Iw SUIOOIYSNUL PUeYOIV\, OU] 4 \ REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 ; 23 Bird day. The State Bird Day is proclaimed each year by the Museum and its observation is widely celebrated throughout the schools and other communities of the State. The creation of this annual observance is in accordance with a logical outcome from the encouragement which has been given by the Museum to the study of the birds through its publications. It may be noted in this connection that these publications, namely ‘“‘ Birds of New York”’ in two quarto volumes and the portfolio of plates taken from the publication, are in constant and increasing demand. Up to this time we have distributed nearly four million colored plates of the New York birds. The New York State Archeological Association. In the last - report mention was made of the organization of a chapter of this association in Rochester, known as the Lewis H. Morgan Chapter. This branch of the association has a present membership of 125 and is very active in its researches, the present officers being Alvin H. Dewey, president, and W. H. Cassabeer, secretary. Recently a chapter has been organized at Cooperstown which will interest itself in the archeology of the upper Susquehanna region. This isa vigorous young organization which calls itself the Leatherstocking Chapter. It now has a membership of 35. Its officers are David Rewer president, and R. D. Spraker, secretary: ‘The relation of the State Museum to this association is that of parent organization with the purpose of making the relations of the two of mutual benefit. Retirement of Herbert P. Whitlock, Mineralogist. The appoint- ment of Mr Whitlock to the position of curator of mineralogy in the American Museum of Natural History has made necessary his resignation from his equivalent duties here. Mr Whitlock has been a member of this staff for fourteen years and in that time has rendered admirable service in his department, which is reflected both in the Museum arrangements and in the quality of his published investigations. Restoration of invertebrate fossils. To rehabilitate the inverte- brate life of the State as represented in the fossiliferous rocks requires an exact understanding of structures, combined with unusual artistic skill. Itisarare combination; having found it, it is of first importance to take advantage of it. This Museum possesses a wealth of inver- tebrate fossils, in proportion to the wealth of the State itself in these regards. It is eminently appropriate to the Museum that it enter somewhat extensively upon this effort to poe these back to life as far as can reasonably be done. 24 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM There has recently been completed a group representing the remarkable associates of marine life known as the Naples fauna of the Upper Devonian as it lived in the seas of western New York. The assemblage of restorations is worked out with close attention to original structure as far as these can be made out from the study of allied living species and are presented as an underwater scene which has been effectively rendered by Mr Henri Marchand. The species represented in this submarine group are.the following: Fishes Rohvard tai clay My side vy o mine suis) Clarice nasa 4 Cephalopods Manticoceras thy nich os toma) Clarkes ae I Orthoceras bebry x Hale ee I Mollusks Grammysita elliptica Hall, 2. 3 Starfishes Urasterella ys o.oo elo a ee er I Lepidastereltla ¢yalum Clarke. (0) E Kl asaniia am iia isp inawedemiaiamnar a ae gh: I Clarkeaster pliers pinios us Rucdemann a ee I Crinoids Halloecrinus -orimat 1s sapmatis pela I Corals Plumalina plumearive Hall oe ee r Siphonophore Plat, Op Sion em ay ic Taya, bh oyorayaa) Clankeu e) an te Sponges Hydnoceras tuber os umpComadenry ee I H. leg atuime Hall’ & Clarke wi eee ae 4 Seaweed ‘Fhamnocladus 0. 0e' oo /s05 2 eee ae 4 The water fowl of Bonaventure island.' With the assistance of — the zoology department of the Victoria National Museum at Ottawa, the Director has acquired a series of the water fowl now breeding on the Bonaventure island in the Gulf of St Lawrence, one of the last resorts of these birds on the Atlantic coast. It seemed well to take advantage of the opportunity afforded just at this time by a special study of the habits of these birds being made through the 1Since this was written the Provincial Parliament of Quebec has constituted tre Perce Rock, Bonaventure Island and the Bird Rocks into a single great reserve of waterfowl (March 17, 1919). puvyosvypy Aq svos (UUIUOAC]) OSL}I0g OY} Jo of] ou, PP Vas a Serr RN a ane one mente YSyavjs puev s[e10o9 “YSy-YUr ‘SpoaM-ves ‘soysy :dno1s ofl, osv41Og oyy Jo sprejod Details of Portage life group: nautilus, glass-sponge and starfish New i beh aN Mp Suir sow yn p) OSpo] YOOI OF poyoryye ysyseys :dnoss oft] osv4sIOg oyy JO [Ivjoc] j d starfish sea-lily an Details of the Portage life group Detail of Portage life group: glass-sponges * ‘ 7 2 ‘ : i! : ‘ if . m U ‘ 1 A 4 ' 5 i 4 : . ; ” ; 4 r # t : a ; 7 , 4 ca I . ) ‘ ‘ ; . ; \ . y ’ : ' oy] sf ; A i * 4 if | _ ‘ 4 + ’ f ; “4 J =) | = fi , [ > . / v a ; ; ‘ REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 25 agency of the Canadian federal zoologists. In this connection it may be explained that there are in the Gulf of St Lawrence two colonies of these water fowl, consisting of the following birds: gannet, kitttwake, brunnich murre, razor-billed auk, puffin, guillemot and one or two others which nest together on widely separate islands; Bonaventure, which lies 4 miles off the coast of Percé, and the “‘ Bird rocks’ the northernmost part of the Magdalen islands, 120 miles out to sea, eastward of the former colony. Of these two colonies the remoter one, that on the “ Bird rocks,’ has for many years been regarded as the larger and undoubtedly it was so until the pillage of the birds and their nests substantially reduced the census of the population. The Bonaventure island colony is now undoubt- edly the larger and is the annual resort of many thousands of birds for nesting purposes. Close inshore from Bonaventure island and at the point of the Percé peninsula is an insulated rock mass known as the Percé rock. On its summit is a colony different from the other two and consisting of two species; the herring gull and the crested cormorant. We owe to the questioned habits of the cormorant the earnest effort that has been, and is still being made, to rescue and conserve all these three nesting places in the hope and with the reasonable expec- tation of bringing them under federal protection: a procedure which must be made effective soon if the bird colonies are not to suffer serious destruction. The sporting fisherman of the Gaspé salmon streams made formal complaint to the government that the cor- morant was destroying the young of the salmon, in consequence of which complaint an order was issued that the cormorant should be destroyed. In protest thereto, and as a more conservative pro- cedure, the order was held in abeyance until the scientific bird students of the Dominion could make full investigation of the indictment against the cormorants. Through several recent seasons the accomplished observers of the Canadian Natural History Depart- ment studied this problem, making intensive and complete examina- tions of the stomach contents of the cormorants during the entire period of the breeding and maturing season and after introspective scrutiny returned the verdict: no cause of complaint. These inves- tigations on the habits of the cormorants led to closer study of the habits of other members of these bird associations and colonies, and to the intensive feeling that these wonderful nesting places should be brought under official protection. Even though they may seem remote they are annually invaded in the most heartless and destruc- tive manner, and the mortality has grown rapidly with the increase 26 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM in the population of the coasts. It is recognized that the better sense and the finer taste of the community requires that these beauti- ful creatures be protected from any such destruction as has already befallen the other nesting places of the gulf and other members of the bird fauna of the Atlantic coast. Lively interest in this pro- cedure has been taken by the Canadian Commission of Conservation, as well as by private individuals, and in such hands it seems pre- determined that the effort will come to a successful issue. Because of the interest which we have taken in this matter through many years of personal acquaintance and association with these colonies, it seems appropriate to introduce here some illustrations of the birds nesting on these extraordinary cliffs. What New York State is doing for science. It is probably true that very few of our citizens have had the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the ramifications of the State’s business throughout all the magnitude of the various interests of this Commonwealth and its people. ‘‘ This certainly is a wonderful State,” a visitor to the State Museum was recently overheard to remark after looking over some of the evidences there assembled of its natural resources; indeed so great a State is it that only great, elaborate and costly machinery 1s competent for the performance of its gigantic business. Its functions extend in every direction, cover seemingly every phase of our community relations wherein aid, supervision or expert counsel is required. | The purpose of this statement is to indicate how completely the state of New York cares for its scientific interests, and I presume what is true of science is equally true of its other concerns: educa- tional, charitable and corrective. The list that follows shows the detail into which the supervision and development of the scientific interests have now extended, and these functions reach not to super- vision alone, but to research, investigation and application. Itisa very noteworthy fact that there is little if any duplication in these activities; that is to say, no two departments are doing the same work. From my own long experience I know that this has not been the case for very many years. Only as the departmental activities |become more closely analyzed” and) periccrecmmac. the danger of overlapping or duplication become practically removed. i Perhaps a word of explanation is needed to explain certain instances that may seem to be duplications; for example, the State maintains an official entomologist. This official is attached to the Photo by P. A. Taverner Bonaventure island. The Gannet ledges. A group of young gannets. Photo by P. A. Taverner One thousand four hundred birds are shown in this view. Bonaventure island. The Gannet ledges. Photo by P. A. Taverner Bonaventure island. The Gannet ledges. Over 1000 gannets are shown in this view. (‘ 4 Photo by P. A. Taverner Bonaventure island. The Gannet ledges. A group of! | ks. Puffing, Pir ta ears vents ¥ REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 27 State Museum, which is itself a subsidiary of The University of the State of New York, and the work of the State Entomologist is to conduct researches upon insect habits and insect control and to make recommendations as to procedures in insect control though he is without statutory power to enforce his recommendations. The Department of Farms and Markets maintains, also, entomologists whose business it is toinspect nursery stock, orchards etc., for insect pests and to enforce against these the protective laws which the State has enacted. The latter is police work carried out under mandatory statutes. This is a philosophical and sound division; that is to say, the work of the State Entomologist is distinctively a university function and is therefore appropriately attached to The University of the State of New York, while the work of the entomological inspectors is not of this character. ‘This difference is recognized in the case of one or two other officials, where the application of the control required by the statute is left to one department but the necessary research and investigation in that field is regarded as an appropriate part of the university machinery. It is not likely that any scientific problem specially applicable to the interests of the State could arise, for which the present State machinery has not already made provision. The State, therefore, is admirably protected in this regard and this fact has come into the foreground in the present war crisis when every state community has been called upon to develop to the utmost its supplies of natural resources of every description, direct and indirect. Many of the states have organized special scientific research committees in con- nection with their state defense councils. New York has not done this because its present organization seems to cover the entire field. One exception may be made; we have no state weather service. Perhaps this is to be regretted. Certainly the farmers of the State do not carry on their agricultural operations with any large degree of reliance upon the reports distributed to them from the federal service, and New York might therefore well consider the propriety of supplying the agricultural interests with more definite information regarding probable and impending local weather conditions which it could readily acquire by the estab- lishment of a sufficient number of observation stations, doing their work under proper supervision and interpretation. The following list may be incomplete in some particulars, but it is sufficiently comprehensive as it stands to excite interest and give a reasonable feeling of pride in the efficiency of this phase of the State’s business, 28 SCIENCE Agricultural investigations and experiments. NemiculitumerimStmucuiO ntl rc. ee ener Agriculture, law administration. Animal diseases, inspection and Sentral of Antitoxins and serums. ci 3. t en nee Aquatic insects, ingediieation of sects Win yaph ee INS OCG DENG Ree Osteen ag ea ste ss ORE, Caleta tie eh Sane Archeology IBACteHIOlO Sy. ss laeid renee ele eee Je pe ean, ae Bicd Day. 42. vey: RG s WTOLECELOMMemenn le Multa eamunti can muewuae ot) «| fe) ime (elie! ie! va) le ie) fete.) @) el tele: feie\ ee: eh a j}ieiialste viel ours Botany. . Breeding ae fh. es Bridges, canal, consteuction aa Taepectoimne Campsinsectsscomtnolloka anes ee ee Cancerand) alliedudiseasessm ssa seein Cement testing.. Chemical inivestisations (dune ad beat ChenustayzoftoodSere nto) ae aren vee @lay sia Cecials etesbittaya enue) ci niees see ClaynproductOne src es RT Raine Construction of canal locks and storage Crops y protection iromminsectssae. see Disease, relation of insects to. Drainage and irrigation. Drugs and adulterations, onto can Dracss control of saleiok. 2. oe eee ee eee Dusts, dangerous, investigation of......... 1Diaell oye Soaipelee ek Sa NPL me el eMm mcm) Amc SEL ee ES Engineering; all problems except highways. Hat OMMOlOS yikes pata i. AN mene eye nee at Epidemics, investigation of Faunal studies Phe) ed alselileljeiie)/ suis ecientel si 1s Cy 80 HOON IG OOOO) OG tee -Oaceeoo sy) oh 1G ho Fish and game protection lOna WSCC OR sir fe hse esto mc neke eA Foods and adulterations, control of........ PPO On OO Ch ON OS Oe Soi iG Forest insects, control of NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM DEPARTMENT Agricultural experiment stations Schools and colleges of agriculture . Farms and Markets Farms and Markets | Degecvinedt: of Health Department of Education Department of Education and Con- servation Commission Department of Education Department of Health . Department of Education Conservation Commission and De- partment of Education . Department of Education . Conservation Commission State Engineer Department of Education State Institute for the Study of Cancer and Allied Diseases Department of Highways State Board of Pharmacy Farms and Markets State School of Clay-working and Ceramics Department of Education State Engineer Department of Education and Farms and Markets . Department of Education | .. Conservation Commission . State Board of Pharmacy and Department of Health State Board of Pharmacy Department of Labor Board of Embalming Examiners State Engineer Department of Education Department of Health Department of Education Department of Education and Farms and Markets Conservation Commission Department of Education Department of Health and Farms and Markets Department of Education and Con- servation Commission REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR 1917 2¢ (A SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Forest preserve. : . Conservation Commission Forest trees, ditenace of Gine iplietee pest): . Conservation Commission Bonestiy anc TtOrestaviont i...) 6.4 2... Conservation and State College of Forestry orestsangd dandsy mle Nn Sal wa ia Conservation Commission EP puit msects, mvestigation Of.) 222.4). 4: Department of Education Department of Education and Farms and Markets amedcimest USe-Of 6.0. oan eee Fur-bearing animals, protection of......... Conservation Commission (G@eae iayel IS oe ee ade ier ee, pie Geena Mean es Conservation Commission aATMERCeMSUS eee | he cece tree ete URL one tzy « Conservation Commission GAME GRESOUVIC sis Sore te ey eee tg el 3 Conservation Commission Garden and field insects, control of........ Department of Education and Farms and Markets Garden development. . . Farms and Markets Gash nacunay) production: yy 45 ..... 4) oo: Department of Education Gases, dangerous, investigation of......... Department of Labor Geovra plaienmanmese la se ee eves lee es State Board of Geographic Names Geological maps... Geoloricalisurvey 3.601). .5. Ree nih ae. iodine COMSERUCHOM. 2c). ao nc ce ee ea . Department of Education Department of Education Department of Highways Iouseiold insects; control of? 22. .....5.%.. Department of Education NalnminealiCensest er. war heya horse oe oe wna Conservation Commission Hel GROLOSay gy NU eye ea nh te ak hak Se at Department of Education and Con- servation Commission Hydranlicideyelopiments 2 22/522 6 he: Conservation Commission lirammamtenmol Omar erie ean ke hc ed, oa eee ace oe Department of Health Indians, history and customs... . ...... Department of Education iiieastrialereolosy cs. Soe. as sks fhe seks Department of Education alancderivier Ow, COntrOl. sj 704.655. h 0s : State Engineer Inland waters, other than canal system. Conservation Commission linsamemcarc Olin 5.55 wank deh ons Sok Soa State Hospital Commission * Insecticides, use and supervision of........ Department of Education and Farms and Markets iimseciss controlkohk noxious. 92%. «40 4-045). Department of Education and Farms and Markets ihiseetsysbudy ol allitorms Of. 4: eee es ee Department of Education Liquors and adulterations, control of....... Department of Health Maitonant diseases a. 02. snvee oc ge. eek pela’ Institute for the Study of Malig- nant Diseases INS eCOlOeICANs 2 fen ae tora Ble Department of Education Maps of public sites and grants........... State Engineer Marine diSMERes.. Me ct cc wns ee vin eect Conservation Commission Medicine; control/of sale. 22. ..-0:..-.9- State Board of Pharmacy Ci aleiindtattie ya et is ne era caey tal sa usc Department of Education Mineral productionn a...) 5a5460 2... 250s. Department of Education Mineral waters (Saratoga Springs)......... Conservation Commission IME OSyes eee RT ene pi eh) cilia) Department of Education 30 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM SCIENCE DEPARTMENT A Tein Set iNGeip ran Lad Tae 2 eo Oe A se ce Department of Education Mines and quarries, inspection of.......... State Industrial Commission Miminerelaims tiled) 5). .0 00 eS Secretamy ol state IMMosemibocombrol sy ce el Seiya nue pecs Department of Education VISTIROOTIS ice ylita ev ute pga con ives cos rt wel Department of Education Naturalimonuments) 2140 e45.75.... 4... _Departmenton edtteattenm Navigation, science and practice of, instruc- TEWONGT, SWAN er Atty a LO Yn aI Le A at IA New York State Nautical School Oilbonodtuetions cela ctu ie ny. iee Department of Education Omithology . 0-2). Oi kale se Department of Education IAlEOMLOLOSivg wate tae nic Nines apelin cm Lane Department of Education atl @l eave Mews tain eel Ach wile yn am pt ee Department of Health pharmeacetubical iolants| a ee ua eed sein Department of Education milan diseasesmstudy, and) controlioke. aes. Farms and Markets and Depart- | ment of Education Poisons, controlof sale of /)).)))4.).....4... tate Boardiof# Pharmacy, Pollution of the Bronx river, prevention of. Bronx Parkway Commission Rotalolexweaters a weiss ceca nt conan Department of Health Propagation of fshiandssame:. eee... oe. Conservation Commission Quarantine establishment................ Health Officer, Port of New York Ovwarimyaprocducts meq. Schule che ora ae Department of Education INCTORESEALION Den einen. Velma), vot ane Rite eee Conservation Commission RAVEL MIA PTOVEMeNt saci. seine eee. Conservation Commission River regulation by storage reservoirs...... Conservation Commission Rock testing iotroadumaterials.) yn. 7c Department of Highways Safety and health, tested and promoted.... American Museum of Safety Satlitatay, CMSIMCe HIM. lees cet lo anon ame Bis Department of Health Saratoga Springs, control and development DUC walk dare ee am SIL ASD RPO es a gE Men Cg a ee Conservation Commission SEROlOR fash ie eis cael Beli ne dnd ica eile itera Department of Health Sirallegte Stine aa ane nae ma ehinee eile Cea Ne ee se State School of Clay-working and : Ceramics Shell fish, propagation and protection of... Conservation Commission Mestineror rock anG@icement ial es eee Department of Highways Moposraphicsunveyine.). ne ieons ieee ee State Engineer Aer CULEUITS Sia eyes Lae anni raha Conservation Commission Trees, control of injurious insects on....... Department of Education WEILER MMSECES Rn Miata iceuoh i en aac ae a Department of Education WVAUEEI SUP Ply; peers Miswek te Mandan aye ae Conservation Commission Waters, impounding of, other than for canal SVS UCTIM = AOR TAU Utica tons oh oeainiey Mallayuneure Drag il Conservation Commission NVieters potable. cml a Niiieun ode ves sh ania Department of Health LON OLY Nahe ice A iat Ried: eit aA Department of Education Publications. Some of the present publications of the Museum are worthy of special notice. ‘‘ The Wild Flowers of New York,” to which reference has been made in a previous report, is now prac- tically completed, the color plates, 264 in number, have been made REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 31 and the letter press is now printing. It is hoped to issue this book in two volumes in the course of the current calendar year and in view of its comprehensive character, elaboration and perfection of its plates, it seems well to interpolate here the introductory letter of communication which intimates the influences and causes leading up to the preparation of this monograph. The scientific survey of this State, established in 1836 under the title ‘‘ The Natural History of New York,’’ embraces in its monumental reports two volumes treating of the flora of the State. These volumes, prepared by the distinguished botanist, John Torrey, bear the inscription: Flora of the State of New York; Comprising Full Descriptions of all the Indigenous and Naturalized Plants hitherto Discovered in the State, with Remarks on Their Economical and Medical Properties (1843). The species described in this work were entirely of the phenogamous or flowering plants. Until that time no summary of the New York flora had been brought together; and the service rendered to the people of the State by the publication of this compendium was of a high order and was received with enthusiastic appreciation. Doctor Torrey’s books served the needs of the time and expressed the state of its knowledge of the New York flora. Seventy-five years have passed, and in that long stretch of time botanical science has grown widely and apace. The field of cryptogamous botany, that which deals with the flowerless plants, the mushrooms, mosses, lichens and their kind, was not entered in these early reports; it was obscure and little understood; its mostly inconspicuous growths did not attract the eye or invite the observer; nor were its important relations to the economy of the community even suspected. The early official botanical investigations of the State were formally terminated by the publication of John Torrey’s reports. Not till 1867 did the need of con- tinuous official attention to this department of science meet the recognition of the Regents of the University. In that year Charles Horton Peck was desig- nated to take charge of such botanical collections as had accumulated in the State Museum, and not long thereafter Mr Peck was officially appointed the State Botanist. To the botanical service of the State Mr Peck thereafter dedicated himself without reserve for the rest of his long life. He added much to the store of knowledge of the flowering plants, but the veiled world of the flowerless plants the more invited him and to it he specially gave his labors, leaving behind him a harvest of knowledge of them and a repute for his intricate researches which ranks him high on the roll of great botanists. Doctor Peck spared no effort, however, to increase the store of knowledge of all the flora of the State and he is the creator of the great state herbarium. After fifty years of unstinted devo- tion to his science and to his State, Doctor Peck fell asleep in honor, in the year EOQU7: Since the date of Torrey’s report, the flowering plants have been the subject of study in all parts of the Commonwealth. Botanical societies and local stu- dents have multiplied; records have grown; the demand for information has greatly increased; but there has been no reliable exposition of such information accessible to these students. It has been with this purpose of meeting a wide demand and of setting forth with such excellence as present knowledge and perfected modes of illustration could afford, that the present work, The Wild Flowers of New York, has been 32 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM projected. The undertaking, bound to be an arduous one, has not been entered upon hastily. The advice of the leading botanists of this State and country was sought as to its timeliness, its scope, mode of presentation and illustration. The interested public will find it to be not a highly technical guide, couched in closely analytical descriptions, but a comparatively brief text, untechnical so far as the theme permits, accompanied by color illustrations taken from the growing plants. The present State Botanist, Dr Homer D. House, is the respon- sible author of the work; he has not only prepared the text and its arrangement, but has supervised in detail the color photography; he has accompanied the photographers into the field on every visit and has selected every subject which is here reproduced. The color illustrations must speak for themselves. They have been executed with most painstaking care by the quadricolor process, and the living and grow- ing plants have been reproduced in their colors as near to those of Nature as now seems possible. The Matthews-Northrup Company of Buffalo, and the Zeese-Wilkinson Company of New York are to be credited with the quality of the coloration and printing of these plates. As such, then, these volumes are given to the people of the State and as such, we believe, they would have this service rendered. The volumes of Museum Memoir 12, parts 1 and 2, constituting “ The Birds of New York” and the portfolios of color plates taken from these volumes, are in constant demand. Indeed, the demand does not diminish and becomes much freshened with the approach of every spring. From these facts it is obvious that the vanishing editions of this publication must be replenished in order to meet the call, not only from the citizens of this State, but from every quarter where the study of the birds and their protection is pursued. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR I917 33 IV THE SCIENTIFIC RESERVATIONS BELONGING TO THE STATE MUSEUM Three reservations are controlled by the State Museum and have been deeded to the institution by the generosity of citizens of the sine. ‘hese are: 1 The Clark reservation near Jamesville, Onondaga county. 2 The Lester ledge or Cryptozoon park, town of Greenfield, near Saratoga Springs. 3 Starks Knob or the Northumberland volcano at Schuylerville. liehas mot been practicable to expend much money on the care and needed repairs of these reservations. A wardenship of the Clark reservation has been established by the appointment of C. E. Archambo as a deputy sheriff of Onondaga county, with power to prevent invasions and any form of vandalism so that this, which is the largest o° the reservations, covering something over t1oo acres, has been reasonably cared for. The donor has generously provided an effective entranceway of stone and has done her part. The place is much in need of proper fencing and of a limited amount of road construction. Two years ago the Lester park was monumented with explanatory tablets set on concrete foundations, but the growth of the vegetation requires annual care in order to keep well exposed the Cryptozoon pavement for which the reservation has been set apart. The Starks Knob reservation has received no attention whatever. It stands as when it was given and its boundary lines have not been monumented. This is in very special need of attention as well as protection to keep the stone, which is quite suitable for road mending, from being taken away. 34 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM V DEPARTMENT PUBLICATIONS During the year the bulletins of the Museum have been issued as rapidly as circumstances permitted. They have the following numbers and titles: t90 The Mining and Quarry Industry of New York State. By D. H. Newland tot Geology of the Vicinity of Ogdensburg (Brier Hill, Ogdens- burg and Red Mills Quadrangles). By H. P. Cushing 192 Geology of the Blue Mountain, New York, Quadrangle. By William J. Miller 193 The Adirondack Mountains. By William J. Miller 194 Household and Camp Insects. By Ephraim Porter Felt 195 Postglacial Features of the Upper Hudson Valley. By H. L. Fairchild 196 Director’s Report for 1916 197 Report of the State Botanist for 1916. By Hi, Motes 198 32d Report of the State Entomologist 1916. By E. P. Felt 199 Key to American Insect Galls.' By E. P. Felt The State Museum Bulletin is now issued as a regular monthly periodical. This arrangement holds back in some degree the number of reports which can be issued in any one year, as it seems imprac- ticable with the present service to issue more than one a month, while it might be possible for the staff to prepare more than twelve 2) WAL. : REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 35 NEE REPORT ON THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Resurvey of war minerals supplies. Directly upon the entry of the country into the war an active canvass was made through the war minerals committee, organized by the National Research Coun- cil, to ascertain the available stocks of minerals in the country which are essential to war industries, the right of present production of these exigent supplies and the possibility of increasing them. Many minerals were imperatively needed, among them sulphur, manganese, graphite, of all of which our importation was very large and the domestic production relatively small; moreover, these large importa- tions were using important ship tonnage already gravely needed for other purposes. A general demand was sent out for a resurvey of domestic supplies of these and other minerals and a general speed- ing up of domestic production. Such service, it was found, could most effectively be made through state organizations, and immedi- ately upon the condition becoming evident, work was begun in New York and was extended to cover examinations of all the min- erals required. The pyrite deposits of northwestern New York were carefully studied by. A. F. Buddington and the report thereon pub- lished promptly as Bulletin 1 of the New York State Defense Council, entitled Report on the Pyrite and Pyrrhotite Veins in Jefferson and St Lawrence Counties. The zinc and pyrite deposits of the Edwards district in St Lawrence county were also examined with renewed care and a report on these issued as Bulletin 2 of the State Defense Council, The Zinc-pyrite Deposits of the Edwards District, New York, the work being done by David H. Newland, who had given close study to the important developments of the zinc industry in that region since its inception. The results of these examinations of sources of supply of sulphur and zinc have been of importance as new supplies of large moment were indicated and increased pro- duction has resulted. Contemporaneously with these undertakings a study was inaugu- rated of the manganese deposits of Columbia county, regarding which there were only historic records. It was nevertheless thought important to leave no stone unturned to locate any possible deposit of this kind. The early geologists in their reports of 1837-42 indicated the presence of this ore in that region; but the examination made under present auspices by Prof. Nelson 2 36 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM C. Dale, using surface and earth auger determinations, has shown that there is but little of the ore in occurrence there and what there is of it is of low grade. There has been a further demand for the mineral molybdenum, and as the occurrence of it was known in this State Mr Newland examined the locality in Westchester county with reference to possible production, but under existing conditions the supply does not seem to be available as it is too widely and minutely disseminated to make a practical working proposition. The study of the graphite was then taken up for revision. New York has for years been one of the largest producers of this mineral, but with the curtailment of the Ceylon importations it seemed quite imperative to locate additional supplies if this were possible. In this work Mr Newland, who has long experience with the practical side of graphite geology, was aided by Harold L. Alling, who has carried out his investigations with a fine degree of elaboration, involving the location, in some instances, of new deposits, in others Of imereased extent, of present ore bodies: Dhis’ report micemengeaa press under the title of Adirondack Graphite Deposits. As the items mentioned have suddenly become an important national war asset, there has been further effort to make precise valuations of supplies available for military requirements, and this phase of the work has been also in the general charge of the war minerals committee. It may be said that this committee was organized at the instance of the National Research Coumeige@minae Council of National Defense and is composed of representatives of the United States Bureau of Mines, United States Geological Sur- vey, Association of State Geologists and American Institute of Mining Engineers. Other lines of work im the museum! in the ditectiompongrme production of immediate needs are under way or in contemplation. There has been inaugurated a special study of the glass sands and refractory materials of the State in the hope of meeting the vastly increased demands of the glass manufacturers; and there is also operating a restudy of the salt supplies of the State with a reason- able expectation of providing knowledge which would help to meet the newer and more refined applications of sodium salts both for military and domestic purposes; for sodium must, in some degree at least, substitute potassium in such manufactures as glass and other compounds in which it has heretofore been thought that potassium was indispensable. Further investigations planned have special REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 BY. bearing upon the location of abrasive materials of various grades and the determination of the abrasive quality of materials here- tofore neglected. Inventory of road-making and concreting materials. A resurvey of the entire Atlantic seaboard from Maine to Texas, inaugurated by the geology committee of the National Research Council and which enlisted the services of a large number of experts, also involved the State of New York. A very large amount of careful detailed work was put upon this problem of bringing together for quick availability, classified records of the distribution of all materials suitable for the building of highways, for construction, whether of fortifications or buildings, and for cement and concrete work. ‘So far as New York is concerned, the work further involved the loca- tion, within the belt indicated, of every natural and artificial rock outcrop, every stone pile, every stone fence, bank of gravel or sand, with data of production, maps showing location, tables showing rates of transportation and routing, and all matter relating to quick assimilation of the material when needed. This report was duly produced in somewhat voluminous form and filed for access with the geology committee of the National Research Council. It has already proved of very high service, especially in the matter of - locating concrete materials, as since the completion of the work the national government has begun the building of concrete ships and concrete barges for the New York State barge canal, on a very large scale. The report promises to be serviceable in many other directions. Mining and quarry bulletin. The annual summary of the min- eral industries with production statistics for the calendar year 1916 was not completed until late in the following year on account of the press of other matters. The report reveals a rather unsettled con- dition in many branches traceable to the disturbance of trade through the foreign situation, and unusual activity .1n certain restricted fields. In comparison with the more or less balanced development that has characterized the course of progress in preceding years, the trend was uneven and indicative of instability in the fundamental market situation. Still the value of the production of materials, estimated in terms of the crude ores and minerals at mine or quarry, amounted to $45,947,947, which was larger than that reported in any previous year. One of the items that helped to expand the total was zinc ore from the newly opened mines in St Lawrence county, which rapidly attained important rank in the industry. 38 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Regular operations began in 1915, but last year was the first in which they were continuous for the twelvemonth. - Notable gains were reported also by the iron mines. The pyrite deposits. Supplementing the mention already made of the investigation of pyrite which was directed particularly to the commercial possibilities of the deposits, and the work done by Dr A. F. Buddington in the more promising of the known occur- rences in the western Adirondack region, it may be added that the geology of the ores and the problems presented by their gneiss had been studied previously by Prof. C. H. Smyth, jr, whose paper appeared in the issue of the Report of the Director of the New York State Museum for 1912. The present investigations showed that the more important deposits occur in groups and that these are arranged in long, narrow bands that follow the general structural trend, that is, have a. northeasterly strike: Seven such belucvare recognized, of which the more important ores (five in number) form a single zone 40 miles long and 3 to 4 miles wide that reaches from the vicinity of Antwerp and Theresa on the southwest to Pyrites near Canton on the northeast. The individual ore-bands consist of disseminations, bunches and veinlets of pyrite so as to give a more or less uniform content of the mineral, in a gangue of which chlorite is a distinctive ingredient. The bands and lenses attain a width up to 4o or 50 feet but usually are around ro to 20 feet. They have marked persistence on the surface, having been followed for distances of 1500 to 2600 feet in individual workings and so far as explored show a similar continuity in depth. Only a few of the bands have been actually exploited; those at Stellaville, Pyrites and the Cole mine near Gouverneur have yielded most of the ore that has been named im the past, Where are resounces, still avaueile undoubtedly to afford an output four or five times as large as the current supply. Since the report was issued, preparations awe been in progress to extend the production. The need for increasing the American supplies of the mineral has become especially urgent with the practical cessation of imports of the Spanish sand Canadian ores. _ Zinc-pyrite ores. In the Edwards district, St Lawrence county, long associated with the fibrous talc industry, occur bodies of admixed zinc blende and pyrite which lately have come into prominence. They have quite different features than the pyrite ores just described, consisting of lenses, bands and disseminations of the two sulphides in dolomitic hmestone. They also are smaller in size, the width not exceeding 15 feet as a maximum in the developed and exposed REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 39 ‘bodies. The ores are even, granular aggregates and very compact, lacking the usual character of vein fillings, rather resembling the country limestone in their textures. In the richer samples there is little else to be seen than sphalerite and pyrite. The proportions of the two minerals may vary widely in different deposits, but in the usual run there is more blende than pyrite. The occurrences, of which a dozen or more have so far been located, lie within the main belt of limestone in the stretch from Edwards to Sylvia lake, about to miles long. They are not alined or confined to any horizon, but seem to prefer the border zone, where the limestone is in contact with granitized quartz schists and gneisses and where the limestone is charged with siliceous environment. An investiga- tion of the deposits, of which the field work and geological studies were performed by D. H. Newland, with the cooperation of Prof. C. H. Smyth, jr, who has kindly undertaken the independent study of the origin of the ores, was so far completed that the general features of the occurrences and their economic relations could be appropri- ately treated in a report, which, as already stated, has been pub- lished. Professor Smyth’s contribution on the mineral relations and genesis of the ores has been practically completed. Manganese ores. In the reports of the First Geological Survey, 1837-43, W. W. Mather makes mention of the presence of man- ganese ore in Columbia and Dutchess counties which at that time seems to have been the object of commercial mining. In his account, an estimate of the deposits places the available supply at a figure so large that it would be a valuable asset under the existing strin- gency in the market, particularly as the information is vouchsafed that the crude ores lend themselves readily to treatment for removal of the earthy impurities. Prof. Nelson C. Dale undertook an investigation during the past summer, which covered the principal localities mentioned in the early reports. Considerable difficulty was encountered at first in relocating some of the old mines, but after the nature of the deposits was once established the work was expedited. It was found that the ores are an earthy form of man- ganese (wad) and are restricted to certain upland swamps along a belt that extends north and south through Canaan, Hillsdale and Ancram townships. The manganese, apparently, has its source in the rocks on the higher ground, from which the drainage first enters the bogs where the minute quantity of the metal held in solution is precipitated, aiter a similar manner to the formation of ~ bor ”’ iron ore. ‘The deposits are restricted in area and thin, hardly justi- fying their development under present-day conditions. AO NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM AREAL GEOLOGY In the work directed toward the completion of the great geologica! map of the State on a scale basis of one mile to the inch, some progresS was accomplished although conditions made it obligatory to curtail the work somewhat and much of it was interrupted in the course of the season. Prof. H. P. Cushing, who has been connected with the areal survey of the Adirondacks for more than twenty years, completed his survey of the Gouverneur quadrangle and his final report is now in preparation. Gouverneur quadrangle. A report upon the progress of the work was made in 1916, in which the absence of large areas of intrusive rocks was commented upon, and at the same time the frequency of granite sills intruded into the Grenville strata was noted, and the contrast between this district, with its abundant and continuous Grenville exposures and lack of large bodies of intrusives, and the main Adirondack region to the east and south was set forth. The granite sills are regarded as upward protrusions from a large body of syenite below ground, which followed the Grenville structures as the lines of least resistance, and the contrast with the more easterly region is attributed to lesser altitude and erosion in the Gouverneur region. The most important result of the so17 field work wastme demonstration afforded of the closely folded structure of the Gren- ville rocks in the region, which le in a series of closely appressed, pitching, isoclinal folds. The relationships between the Grenville rocks and the granite sills suggest that the folding occurred before the intrusion of the sills. These matters will be discussed in detail in the final report. Lake Placid quadrangle. The final report on this field was com- pleted by) Prot Wo |. Miller and is mow im course on piimanmnies Schroon Lake quadrangle. This area was also completed during the summer of 1917, and its geology shows many features of much interest, as an unusually fine display of many types of Adirondack rocks occurs within the quadrangle. Grenville strata mappable as such occupy about 12 square miles of the quadrangle. The largest areas are in the vicinity of Minerva and Olmstedville. Many other masses are simply small and large inclusions in the syenite-granite series. All the usual types of Grenville, as well as some interesting structures were observed. The oldest intrusive of the region is the anorthosite, which exhibits two rather well-defined, mappable facies. Of these, the Marcy REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR 1917 AI anorthosite is usually very coarse grained, bluish gray, and highly feldspathic, though locally developed gabbroid facies are common. It makes up the greater bulk of the anorthosite, which occupies most of the northeastern half of the quadrangle. The other facies, known as Whiteface anorthosite, is usually medium grained, light gray, and more or less gabbroid. This is a broader development of the Marcy anorthosite. Many small and large inclusions of anor- thosite, chiefly the Whiteface type, occur in the syenite-granite series as far out as 7 or 8 miles from the main body of the anorthosite. Next in order of age is the syenite-granite series, which is clearly intrusive into both the Grenville and the anorthosite. It is wholly confined to the southwestern half of the quadrangle where the granite facies is the most prominent of all the rocks. A rock type of particular interest, called the Keene gnetss, is well developed, and observations within the quadrangle have thrown much light upon its origin. The two largest bodies mapped each occupy several square miles. This Keene gneiss is considered to have resulted from the actual digestion or assimilation of anortho- site by the syenite-granite magma. Gabbro stocks of the usual Adirondack kind are prominently devel- oped in the southwestern half of the quadrangle, but none occur within the great body of anorthosite. Each of the two stocks covers several square miles. Pegmatite and diabase dikes, both later than. the gabbro, are moderately represented. Also a few dikes of aplite occur, some of them younger than the gabbro and some probably older. | A small area of dolomitic limestone has long been known to occur in Schroon Lake village. It is probably of Little Falls (Upper Cambrian) age and about 135 feet thick. In 1916 an outlier of Potsdam sandstone was discovered from 13 to 2 miles southwest of Schroon Lake village. It is about one- half of a mile long. In 1917 an area of about 2 acres of sandstone and dolomite, belonging to the Potsdam-Little Falls series, was discovered in the schroon valley 7 miles north of Schroon Lake village and one-fourth of a mile east of the border of the Schroon Lake quadrangle. Fifteen faults and zones of excessive jointing have been located, and these have notably influenced the topographic development. A number of conspicuous ridges and valleys with north-northeast strike have been determined by these fault zones of weakness in the rocks. 42 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Pleistocene deposits are widespread, being especially thick in the more prominent valleys where the ancient rocks are in many places effectually concealed. The general movement of the great ice sheet was a little to the east of south across the quadrangle. Phelps quadrangle. This quadrangle was surveyed some years ago by D. Dana Luther, but as some refined points have come up for discussion and determination, certain of these were specially restudied by George H. Chadwick, whose report follows. Mr Chadwick’s determinations are supplementary to Mr Luther’s and will be utilized in the publication of this survey. The waterlime strata (Bertie and Akron) extend across the northern end of the quadrangle paralleling the railways, and have been washed fairly clear of drift by the glacial drainage that followed the Victor-Phelps channel. Good, continuous sections are scarce. The best exposure is the new quarry at Oaks Corners, near the east edge of the quadrangle. ‘This is, in fact, an unusually instructive locality. Basal layers of the Onondaga limestone cap the west wall of the quarry. At some points these: rest directly on the Silurian waterlimes, while at others within a few rods 2 or 3 feet of black- pebble conglomerate varying to a nearly pure coarse white sand- stone may intervene. The numerous fossil corals in these lentils indicate that they may be early Onondaga (Springvale?) rather than Oriskany. Remarkable evidence of pre-Onondaga weathering is seen in the underlying dolomitic waterlimes, while ‘‘ Oriskany ’’ sand is found infiltrating fissures in these beds even 25 feet below their present upper limit. The contrast with the Onondaga layers above is further emphasized by the development of a peculiar system of sloping joints in the weathered waterlimes, rendering them difficult to blast. No difficulty is experienced. at this quarry in identifying the minor subdivisions of the group that were instituted for the western sections (Bul. Geol. Soc. Amer. 28:173). The upper 14 feet of beds of geodic cavities and small Stromatopora are the Akron dolomite. Beneath are nearly 8 feet of hard, dark (“‘ black’) waterlime refer- able to the horizon of the Buffalo or Walliamsville cement bed, (“ Buffalo” is preoccup’ed) and nearly 4 feet of bluish, argillaceous limes representing the Scajaquada shale. Drillings in the quarry floor have shown that the latter division continues downward for another 4 or 5 feet and is then succeeded by the typical chocolate dolomite of the Falkirk division. After 6 or 8 feet farther, however, REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR I9Q17 43 the latter gives way to s or 6 feet of beds of a light ashen color whose full significance is not yet understood. Analyses of the drill samples are being made to determine whether these are the gypseous shale of the Camillus, or the whitish beds of the lower Falkirk such as directly underlie the Onondaga limestone at Honeoye Falls. A preliminary reconnaissance of about 5 miles, from Oaks to northwest of Phelps Junction, seems to indicate great variations in the thickness of the interval between the Camillus and the Onondaga, with subtraction and addition of beds at both base and summit of the waterlimes. Richfield Springs quadrangle. The field work here was carried on by Mr C. A. Hartnagel and the area lies to the south of the Mohawk valley, including parts of Herkimer and Otsego counties, with a small strip of Montgomery county at the east. Mr Hartnagel makes the following provisional report on this work. The area studied includes formations of the Ordovician, Silurian and Devonian systems. The lowest formation in the quadrangle is the Trenton limestone, which extends as a spur from the Little Falls quadrangle. Above this is the Canajoharie shale. The relation of this shale to the Dolgeville beds has afforded some difficulty but present paleonto- logical studies by Dr Ruedemann give promise of clarifying the situation. Above the Canajoharie shale, especially well shown along Nowa- daga creek, is an excellent and what is probably the most complete section of the Utica shale in New York State. Not only is the transition from the Canajoharie favorably shown, but there are present several fossil zones and its very gradual change to the Frank- fort shale is exhibited in a very satisfactory way. Of the Silurian formations, the Oneida conglomerate, the several stratigraphic divisions of the Clinton formation and the Bertie waterlime, are present but have not been found in force east of this quadrangle. Five divisions of the Clinton formation are recognized in ascending order as follows: a Sandstones and shales. The sandstone greatly predominates. Much of it coarse, cross-bedded and of a red color 'b Oolitic ore . c Green shale with fossils d “ Red flux’ ore — not well developed and rarely exposed e Gray sandstone The Vernon red shale which is found in the western half of the 44 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM quadrangle comes to an end before Deck is reached, since here the Camillus rests upon the upper gray Clinton sandstone. The Camillus crosses the quadrangle as a well-defined formation and grades into the Bertie waterlime. The Cobleskill is present and here lithologically much like the Bertie. The presence, however, of characteristic fossils clearly defines its position between the Bertie and Rondout waterlimes. | The Rondout as a rule is not well or frequently exposed, due to its position at the base of the often steep-faced Manlius where there is always considerable talus material. Of the Lower Devonian formations, the Coeymans and Onondaga limestones are present in great force and for the most part are sepa- rated by only a few feet of Esopus grit. Only at one place was. an outcrop of the Oriskany observed, and here but a few inches thick. No outcrops of the New Scotland beds were observed but they undoubtedly extend into the quadrangle from the east, since a well-defined exposure is seen one-half of a mile east of the limits of the map. It is well established that neither the Becraft limestone nor the Schoharie grit extend as far west as this quadrangle. Above the Onondaga limestone the Marcellus black shale is well developed and about 25 feet from the base is found the Cherry Valley limestone, named from Cherry Valley which is located along the east boundary of the quadrangle. Above: the Marcellus black shale the transitional beds marking the gradual change from the Marcellus into the Hamilton beds, are included under the Cardiff shale. The overlying Hamilton beds, which are here undivided stratigraphically, are the youngest rocks within the district and form the high range of hills of the southern part of the quadrangle. Of particular interest is the glacial geology of this quadrangle, for here centers an area of drumlins second only in importance in this State to the drumlin region of western, New York. The outstanding feature of the drumlins is their direction, which is here east and west, while the western New York drumlins have a north and south direction. GLACIAL GEOLOGY Professor Fairchild spent the season in a general summary of his important study of postglacial continental uplift of northeastern America, the data for which are largely based on his long-continued studies in New York. In going farther afield for the application of his conclusions and accumulation of additional data, an extensive REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7~ A5 area was covered by him, including Ontario, Quebec, from Lake Nipissing to Gaspé, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Maine, New Hampshire, and a review of the Connecticut valley north of Green- field, Mass. With precision, or at least fair approximation, the amount of glacial depression of the land and postglacial uplift was determined at over 60 stations. The deltas built in the sea-level waters by south-leading streams were used as the main criteria. The result is given in a map of isobases, or lines of equal uplift, which shows the amount of land rise and the area affected. It is found that the center of the doming uplift is in Quebec, between James bay, and Quebec city, with a rise of over 1000 feet. It also appears that Newfoundland was the locus of a distinct ice cap and area of land oscillation. The detailed description of this study is published in the Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, volume 29; with abstracts in Science and in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The glacial survey of the Catskill mountains. Dr John Rach has been engaged for two years in the study of the glacial phenomena of the south and southwestern Catskills with the plan of continuing this work to its completion. Doctor Rich has now been commissioned as captain in the War Intelligence Office, and this service will doubt- less interfere with the progress of this undertaking during the term of the war. Captain Rich has reported the following with reference to his last year’s work. Reconnaissance mapping was carried southward along the south- eastern base of the Catskills and the valley of Rondout creek as far as Summitville, where strong terminal moraines and outwash plains mark the position of an important stand of the CE. The eastern base of the Catskills from High Point to Summitville is marked by numerous marginal drainage channels, sand plains and hanging deltas. At Napanoch is a large hanging delta built by a stream which flowed from Esopus valley through Peek-o-Moose gulf at the time the ice was banked high up on the eastern front of the range at High Point and a lake, with discharges at Sumn.tville, was held up in the Rondout valley. These conditions furnish data - for the determination of the slope of the ice tongue in the Hudson valley at the time the delta was building. An examination of the northwestern end of the northeastern range of the Catskills revealed the fact that a very heavy moraine is banked against the range near Broome Center, and that after the 40 | NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM abandonment of the Grand Gorge outlet, the waters of the lake in the Schoharie valley found their next lower escape at an elevation of about 1210 feet to Catskill creek through the col 2 miles north of Franklinton. North of Broome Center, in the valley of Keyser kill, a splendid series of hanging deltas at various levels was built into a lake whose waters dropped through several stages down to the level of the Grand Gorge outlet. PALEONTOLOGY The Museum. Reference has been made to the installation of a group displaying the fauna of the Portage epoch rehabilitated with its organic parts. The success of this group is so striking and its purpose so satisfactorily accomplished that it is planned to present from time to time other rehabilitations of the several extinct faunas of our older rocks. The general systematic collections in paleontology having been fully installed, an additional effort has been made to facilitate its interpretation and educational worth. This has partly been done by installing a case carrying the legend, What 1s a fossil? In this is skilfully arranged a display of the various modes of fossilization, or preservation of fossils, with full explanatory labels, so that the student finds herein a complete visual introduction to this phase of paleontology. This work has been very successfully done by Winifred Goldring. | : Investigations. Doctor Ruedemann has continued his study of the Utica and Lorraine formations of the Mohawk and Black River valleys. Further study of sections of the Utica shale added more details to the establishment of three horizons in the Utica shale, while continued careful study of the section of the Lorraine gulf and the elaboration of the collections from our Lorraine beds brought out the fact that the Lorraine formation of New York consists of two distinct divisions, the lower Lorraine, corresponding to the Eden of the Ohio valley, and the upper Lorraine, corresponding to a part at least of the Maysville of the western Cincinnatian. Alto- gether we have been able to distinguish eight life zones in the Lorraine format.on of New York, the first three of which correspond respec- tively to the Economy, Southgate and McMicken zones of the Eden, the first or Fulton zone of the Eden being represented by the black shale that underlies the lower Lorraine. Zone 4 shows relationship to the Mount Hope beds of the Maysville, Zone 5a to the Fairmount and Zones 5b-8 to the Bellevue beds of the Maysville. The finding of many new species as well as of many forms hitherto REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQ17 47 unknown to this State, in the Utica and Lorraine formations during the investigation of the stratigraphy of these formations, has led to a revision of the faunas which requires many new illustrations. Devonian crinoids. This work is progressing although it has been carried forward under some difficulties. The crinoids of the Devonian formations of New York constitute a very interesting and, for the most part, undescribed or imperfectly described group which has received too little attention. They have been heretofore studied casually but always with the purpose of covering the field exhaust- ively. This final form of the work is now in a fair degree toward completion. Miss Goldring has submitted the following statement as to the scope and condition of the work. Devonian Crinoids The descriptive part of the monograph on the Crinoids is very nearly completed. At the present time the descriptions include 131 species and 8 varieties belonging to 53 genera, among which are 14 new genera, 46 new species and 6 new varieties. The lists of the genera, species and varieties are given below. : With the completed drawings and diagrams and those still to be made, the descriptive part of the monograph will be illustrated with about 400 drawings, 25 diagrams and 8 photographs. Numerous text figures will be used to illustrate the general discussion. I List of Genera A Camerata 1 Acacocrinus W. & Sp. 13 Hadrocrinus Lyon 2 Acanthocrinus Roemer 14 Hystricrinus Hinde. 3 Aorocrinus W. & Sp. 15 Lecocrinus gen. nov. 4 Clarkeocrinus gen. nov. 16 Mariacrinus Hall 5 Clonocrinus Quenstedt 17 Marsipocrinus Bather 6 Cordylocrinus Angelin 18 Megistocrinus Owen & Shum. 7 Corocrinus gen. nov. 19 Melocrinus Goldfuss 8 Cyttarocrinus gen. nov. 20 Pterinocrinus gen. nov. 9 Dimerocrinus Phillips 21 Rhodocrinus J. S. Miller 10 Dolatocrinus Lyon 22 Sphaerotocrinus gen. nov. 11 Gennaeocrinus W. & Sp. 23 Springerocrinus gen. nov. 12 Gilbertsocrinus Phillips 24 Thammnocrinus gen. nov. 25 Thylacocrinus O2hlert B Flexibilia Clidochirus A ngelin I 2 Eutaxocrinus Springer 3 Taxocrinus Phillips 48 C + 4+ OO ON Aw BW N — 0 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Inadunata Anamesocrinus gen. nov. 12 Glossocrinus gen. nov. Ancyrocrinus Hall 13 Hallocrinus gen. nov. Arachnocrinus Meek & Worthen 14 Halysiocrinus Ulrich em. Bather Barycrinus Wachsnuth 15 Haplocrinus Ste:ninger Batherocrinus gen. nov. 16 Hypsocrinus Springer & Slocom Botryocrinus Angelin 17 Lasiocrinus Kirk Brachiocrinus Hall 18 Maragnicrinus Whitfield Catactocrinus gen. nov. 19 Myrtillocrinus Sandberger Corematocrinus gen. nov. 20 Poteriocrinus Miller Deltacrinus Ulrich 21 Schultzicrinus Springer Decadocrinus W. & Sp. 22 Symbathocrinus Phillips 23 Stylocrinus Sandberger Incertae sedis ‘ Aspidocrinus Hall Edriocrinus Hall II List of Species and Varieties A Camerata ion OO ON AWB W ND H SS OO = | Oo ON AM BW W NHN DH NY HY NYY HY ND DN OO ON AM BW NY FO Acacocrinus pentadactylus (Grabau) n. com. Acanthocrinus spinosus (Hall) n. com. Acanthocrinus onondaga sp. nov. Aorocrinus armatus sp. nov. Aorocrinus cauliculus (Hall) Aorocrinus elegans sp. nov. Aorocrinus formosus sp. nov. Aorocrinus praecursor (Hall) Aorocrinus longidactylus sp. nov. Clarkeocrinus ruedemanni sp. nov. Clarkeocrinus schoharie sp. nov. Clonocrinus ? (Corymbocrinus?) macroptalus (Hal!) Cordylocrinus plumosus (Hall) Cordylocrinus ? ramulosus (Hall) Corocrinus ? calypso (Hall) n. com. Corocrinus ornatus sp. nov. Cyttarocrinus eriensis (Hall) n. com. Cyttarocrinus ? jewetti sp. nov. Dimerocrinus arborescens (Talbot) n. com. Dimerocrinus whitfieldi sp. nov. Dolatocrinus glyptus (Hall) Dolatocrinus glyptus var. intermedius (Hall) Dolatocrinus insignis sp. nov. Dolatocrinus liratus (Hall) Dolatocrinus lobatus sp. nov. Dolatocrinus marshi var. glaber var. nov. Dolatocrinus ornatus Meek Dolatocrinus speciosus (Hall) Gennaeocrinus carinatus Wood Gennaeocrinus carinatus var. crassicostatus var. nov. 64 Ne REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR I9Q17 Gennaeocrinus eucharis (Hall) Gennaeocrinus kentuckiensis (Shumard) Gennaeocrinus nyssa (Hall) Gennaeocrinus peculiaris sp. nov. Gilbertsocrinus spinigerus (all) Hadrocrinus polydactylus (/al/) Hystricrinus depressus (W. & Sp.) Hystricrinus eboraceus (Hall) Hystricrinus granosus sp. nov. Hystricrinus ithacensis (Williams) Hystricrinus leai (Lyon) Hystricrinus punctobrachiatus (fall) Hystricrinus splendens sp. nov. Lecocrinus indianensis (M. & G.) n. com. Mariacrinus beecheri Talbot Mariacrinus plumosus Hall Mariacrinus ramosus Hall Mariacrinus stoloniferus Hall Marsipocrinus tentaculatus (Hall) Megistocrinus depressus Hall Megistocrinus ontario Hall Melocrinus bainbridgensis Hall & Whitf. Melocrinus breviradiatus Hall Melocrinus chemungensis sp. nov. Melocrinus chemungensis var. parvus var. nov. Melocrinus clarkei (Hall MS) Williams Melocrinus gracilis W. & Sp. Melocrinus (Trichotocrinus) harrisi Olsson Melocrinus (Trichotocrinus) lutheri sp. nov. Melocrinus naplesensis sp. nov. Melocrinus nobilissimus (Hall) Melocrinus nodosus (Hall) Melocrinus pachydactylus (Hall) Melocrinus paucidactylus (Hall) Melocrinus reticularis Olsson Melocrinus williamsi Olsson Melocrinus sp. ? ( Young) Pterinocrinus quinquenodosus sp. nov. Rhodocrinus nodulosus Hall Rhodocrinus nodulosus var. pernodosus var. nov. Sphaerotocrinus ornatus sp. nov. Springerocrinus stellatus sp. nov. Thamnocrinus troosti (Hall) n. com. Thylacocrinus gracilis (Hall) n. com. Flexibtlia Clidochirus schucherti (Talbot) 1. com. Eutaxocrinus avoca sp. nov. Eutaxocrinus chiriformis sp. nov. 49 tn IOu O OonNnanKRwW bd HH © =~ — es NO = O | eS) Se ee eS 0 ON An f NO NY bd 1 ee ®) 23 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Eutaxocrinus ithacensis (Williams) n. com. Eutaxocrinus nuntius (Hall) n. com. Eutaxocrinus petilus sp. nov. Taxocrinus lobatus (Hall) Inadunata Anamesocrinus lutheri sp. nov. Ancyrocrinus bulbosus Hall Arachnocrinus bulbosus (fall) Arachnocrinus extensus W. & Sp. Arachnocrinus extensus var. spinobrachiatus var. nov. Barycrinus sentosus sp. nov. Bathericrinus cohoctonensis sp. nov, Bathericrinus halli sp. nov. Botryocrinus americanus Rowley Botryocrinus crassus (Whiteaves) Botryocrinus nycteus (Hall) n. com. Brachiocrinus nodosarius Hall Catactocrinus leptodactylus sp. nov. Corematocrinus plumosus sp. nov. Decadocrinus ? decemnodosus sp. nov. Decadocrinus ? geniculatus sp. nov. Decadocrinus gregarius Williams Decadocrinus ? killawogensis sp. nov. Decadocrinus multinodosus sp. nov. Decadocrinus rugistriatus sp. nov. Decadocrinus serrato-brachiatus sp. nov. Deltacrinus clarus (Hall) Glossocrinus cornellanus (Williams) n. com. 24 Glossocrinus ithacensis sp. nov. 25 26 27 28 29 30 21 B2 38 34 3D 36 37 Glossocrinus naplesensis sp. nov. Hallicrinus ornatissimus (Hall) n. com. Halysiocrinus secundus (Hall) Haplocrinus clio Hall Hypsocrinus fieldi Springer & Slocom Lasiocrinus ? schoharie sp. nov. Lasiocrinus scoparius (Hall) Maragnicrinus portlandicus Whitfield Myrtillocrinus americanus Hall Myrtillocrinus levis (Wood) Poteriocrinus ? avocensis sp. nov. Poteriocrinus ? avocensis var. robustus var, 12 Poteriocrinus clarkei Williams Poteriocrinus clarkei var. alpha Williams Poteriocrinus diffusus Hall Poteriocrinus dignatus sp. nov. Poteriocrinus ? elongatus sp. nov. Poteriocrinus ? infundibuliformis sp. nov. Poteriocrinus nassa Hall | REPORT OF THE DiRECTOR IQI7 51 Poteriocrinus (Decadocrinus) nereus Hal! Poteriocrinus ? pergracilis sp. nov. Poteriocrinus zethus Williams Schultzicrinus ? elongatus Springer Schultzicrinus typus Springer Symbathocrinus sulcatus sp. nov. Stylocrinus canandaigua sp. nov. aS 4s eS CON OU mn & oe) Inceriae Sedis Aspidocrinus callosus Hall Aspidocrinus digitatus Hall Aspidocrinus scutelliformis Hall Edriocrinus becraftensis Clarke Edriocrinus dispansus Kirk Edriocrinus pocilliformis Hall Edriocrinus pyriformis Hall Edriocrinus sacculus Hall ON AnNARWNH HY MINERALOGY Accessions. Among the important accessions may be mentioned an interesting and varied suite of rro geodes from Brown and Augusta counties, Illinois, and Lee county, Iowa, presented by Mr Charles N. Magill of Albany. These, together with the specimens from this locality already in the collection, constitute a fairly complete series of these interesting formations. By an exchange with the National Museum the collections have acquired a series of the vanadium minerals from Peru and a suite of the rare mercury minerals from Terlingua, Texas, the latter of which is specially welcome in that it fills several of the gaps due to unrepresented species in the general collection. A suite of many large and handsome specimens of the minerals of the iron and copper regions of Michigan was received in exchange and purchased from the Rev. Alfred E. Healey of Ironwood, Mich. War minerals. An exhibit of the minerals essential to the manu- facture Ol ordnance, munitions, armor plate, motors and other articles and commodities necessary to the winning of the war has been installed. In each instance the suite of specimens covering a particular mineral product is headed by a concise label stating the relation of that metal or compound to war industries; this is followed by a small map showing the distribution of the world’s supply of the workable ores and pointing out in most instances the urgent necessity of establishing a United States source of supply. A small series of these ores is supplemented where possible by a number of finished and unfinished end products. A number of these end products were presented to the Museum by the Bethlehem Steel Co. through Mr 52 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Cummings. Explanatory printed labels were supplied to the entire series which at present occupies two flat cases in the Hall of New York Minerals. Other installations. A temporary exhibit of the radio-activity of carnotite was installed in the small case devoted to new accessions and minerals of current interest. This exhibit was built up around two: handsome specimens of carnotite presented by UDG inane Penrose, jr. A radio-photograph taken from a negative exposed under one of these specimens, together with the objects used to demonstrate the radio-activity and the light tight box used in the demonstration, are all shown in the exhibit. An innovation which has so far met with marked success, consists of the installation on a small table in the Mineral Hall of a group of fifteen loose mineral specimens of appropriate size and excellent quality, selected with a view to stimulating the casual interest in the mineral collections. The public is encouraged to handle these Specimens to which are attached very simple labels, and Museum publications which are to be found close at hand furnish the desired information regarding them. It is interesting to note that no specimen has been removed or lost. Extension work. With a view to emphasizing one of the appli- cations of minerals to the arts, Mr Whitlock has been publishing from time to time throughout the year a series of articles on forms of gem cutting in the leading trade journal of the jewelry trade. These articles, which are of a semipopular nature, discuss the various forms in which precious stones have been cut with a view to estab- lishing in the more important forms the maximum brilliancy- efficiency. | REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQ17 53 VII Re POR On ris Stat, BOmANISa? Scientific investigations. The investigative work of the State Botanist during the season of 1917 has been limited to a study of the flora of certain sections of the central and western counties of the State. Early in the season several days were spent in a study of the vegetation of southern Herkimer county, a region of numerous small lakes, bogs and swamps, and the home of several rare species of plants. A visit was also made to Fourth Lake in northern Herki- mer county, and further investigations were made upon the vegeta- tion of several sphagnum bogs through the counties of Oswego, Cayuga, Wayne, Seneca, Monroe and Genesee. At all the localities visited collections were made for the state herbarium. A large number of fungi, ferns and flowering plants were collected during the year, many of which were new to the state flora. The ferns and flowering plants of particular interest will be recorded in the State Botanist’s report under. ‘‘ Local Flora Notes”’ and the fungi under “‘ Notes on Fungi.’”’ A large number of fungi, some of recent collection, but most of them undetermined species collected by Doctor Peck and others, were studied and identified in col- laboration with Prof. John Dearness and will be recorded. under ‘““ New and Interesting Species of Fungi.” Considerable progress has been made in the compilation of a list of New York fungi which will also include an arrangement according to the host plants which they inhabit in the case of those saprophytic and parasitic species which are found upon definite hosts. Memoir on the Wild Flowers of New York. The photographic work for this project was practically completed in 1916, and during the past year it was necessary to secure additional photographs of only a few subjects. The manuscript was completed in 1917 and there remains now only the completion of the engraving and printing. It is expected that this will be finished before the publication of this report. The great amount of detail connected with this undertaking has made it necessary to curtail to a large extent new investigations of a scientific nature. Noteworthy contributions to the state herbarium. The chief additions to the state herbarium during the past year in the form of contributions and exchanges are presented in the following list of contributors, which also indicates the number of specimens received from each. 54 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM NUMBER OF CONTRIBUTOR SPECIMENS Crayalenarinina J Manvand Wininyensitiy eq) siy see ee se ee ee 236 Bromilow Crawtond,| Clareniomte Wal aio ni ie evn ei adel eee 165 ommprtimeys\Lattle Malls oN ay oii oe eI Cc UaR a air vali lie NE ae 130 Protwe. O-. Overnolis: StateiCollewe Weal tes) yaaa in anu) Serene ia a 86 Drjfames IR Weim UMiissoulay INiomt 2) i si iey ees Ones ea eae 53 MiSSuMieGKG Smut, "stestPank (Colin. i NW alin suerte see 35 a kGllip sRochester, Nu yVi yi Wie SCAU boo tec a ae ea 40 Be ne ic a 22 DiWehlay don Marsintveld Ore wien eanie ei Vile set lees ie elle ee 20 AGEebarcons Carter mvlomt: ee ene ec emo MAM MeN YS BO) Douglas M. White, ROenerer Nay eA ME Soe ELC ide Ca a 20 Gm ONicane (hale Raver Gal) 00) i 16 Sell wiswcmhana Eludsomilla lsc IN VOI. ey cM a CN eis ie ech eae 12 Win Ac Wiatthews: (Rochester. aN. Vays. ie lag CI eh ee aes ols Bene lee a II Roy, Watham Ortent, Novy, Ba ste sont tale gas et rad nae ie dine ee ke Olaf O. Nylander, Caribou, Net 2B LAI a ke 10 Miss Caroline C. Haynes, Highlands, N. 1 MM mie Pere Ma sc! 9 Hele) Barleley, Crahamenile Nov 8. | 2 IWhiscsi@hanlottie Bogzardus Coxsackie wNj 40. ee eee eee I Misi vob Gardwer | Canarndarcutia WN NG. fi 90s ee ao eae I Simon Davis, Brookline, Mass. . «ete Bb ae AA aN en Leap tan ee ae I AV eminence NN carstanamert @ test) Guim oh 2a re a en ROU ea an I Mota sie oP GLE CCE Us To in Ue GRA ) A ep et ae Condition of the collections. With the aid of the assistant botanist, Mr Louis Robbins, it has been possible to continue the rearrangement OF une material im) the herbarium, maine it) imMene access ial emcn study, and in addition to the mounting of the current collections, exchanges and contributions, a large number of valuable specimens of the Sheldon herbarium (presented in 1914) have been mounted and placed in the herbarium. Further progress in definitely marking the many type specimens has been made. Additions to the herbarium. The number of specimens which have been added to the herbarium from all sources during the past year is 1212. Of these, 901 were received in exchange or as con- tributions: 311 specimens were collected by the staff im the coumties of Albany, Cayuga, Erie, Essex, Franklin, | Hamilton) Miadicem Monroe, Nassau, Niagara, Oneida, Otsego, Ontario, Onondaga, Nensselaer, Saratoga, seneca, Oueens, Wayne and) Warrentaadaine number of species added which were new to the herbarium was 128, which includes 33 specimens of ferns and flowering plants of the northeastern states and 95 species of fungi. Of the latter, 18 species are described as new. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 55 Identifications. The State Botanist’s office has been called upon to identify and report upon 437 specimens of plants, including many fungi. These identifications were asked for by 108 different persons. PLANTS ADDED TO THE HERBARIUM The policy of giving a detailed list of all species mounted and added to the state herbarium, which has characterized the State Botanist’s reports for many years, is now discontinued, and the following list contains only the names of the species added to the herbarium during 1917 which were not hitherto represented in our collections. Of the many species of flowering plants received, which were new to our collections, only those from the northeastern United States are listed. Ferns and Flowering Plants New to the Herbarium Agalinis acuta Pennell Agropyron acadiense Hubbard Antennaria cana Fernald « neodioica gaspensis Fernald Astragalus blakei Eggleston Bidens colpophila Fernald & St John “ ~ eatonii kennebecensis Fernald Carex oronensis Fernald “ “projecta x scoparia Fernald tenuiflora x teisperma Fernald Dryopteris goldiana x marginalis Dowell Erechtites megalocarpa Fernald Eriocaulon parkeri Robinson Euphrasia americana Wettst. 2 arctica Lange purpurea var. farlowii (Rob.) Fernald & Wiegand randi Robinson Glyceria fernaldii (Hitchc.) St John Juncus pervetus Fernald Kobresia elachycarpa Fernald Lactuca canadensis var. montana Britton Lesquerella arctica var. purshii Wats. Odontites odontites (L.) Wettst. Pleurogyna rotata (L.) Griesb. Proserpinacea intermedia Mackenszte Puccinellia fasciculata (Torr.) Bicknell : alaskana Scribn. & Merrill Salix glaucophylloides Fernald Scirpus longi Fernald Scutellaria churchilliana Fernald Veronica teucrium Linn. Xyris arenicola Small “ “ “ 56 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Fungi New to the Herbarium Aleuria rhenana Fckl. Anthostoma menispermi D. & H. Asterella fraxinina D. & H. Asterstroma cervicolor (B. & C.) Massee Aylographum onocleae D. & H. Catinula turgida Desm. Ceracea corticicoides (EZ. @ E.) Pat. Ceratostoma avocetta (C. & E.) Cladosporium molle Cooke Colletotrichum helianthi Davis Coniophora vaga Burt. Corticium albulum Atk. & Burt. alutaceum (Schrad.) Bres. atrovirens Berk. . centrifugum (Lev.) Bres. confluens Fr. epigaeum FE. & EF. polyporoideum B. & C. roseopallens Burt - rubicundum Burt i scutellare B. & C. stramineum Bres. + vagum B. & C. Cylindrosporium ceanothi F. & EF. “ cratace H.1Ge, Dendrophoma variabilis D. & H. Diatrypella minutispora Dearness missouriensis £. & EF. Dimerosporium echinatum E. @& E. Dothiorella caryae D. & H. Gloeosporium castanopsidis D. & H. a hedericolum Maublanc Gloniella parvulata D. & H. VAC cIMiColany eres Glutinium exasperans Fr. Gnomonia perversa Rehm Godronia urceolata:( Ellis) Gymnosporangium kernianum Bethel Helicosporium nymphaearum Rand Hypochnus olivascens (B. & C.) Burt spongiosus (Schw.) Burt subferruginosus Burt subvinosus Burt Illosporium coccinellum Cooke Labrella celastri D. & H. Laestadia caricis D. & H. a smilaciniae D. @ H. Leptostromella chenopodi D. & H. Leptosphaeria acuta (M. & N.) Sacc. ill REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 Macrophoma ulmicola Dearness Melanomma inspissum (Schw.) Midotis irregularis (Schw.) Sacc. Mycena filopes (Bull.) Quel. Nigredo occidentalis (Diet.) Arth. Odontia nivea ( Karst.) Ovularia bistortae (Fckl.) Sacc. Peniophora affinis Burt 4 arachnoidea Burt é laevis (Fr.) Burt ? peckii Burt i pubera (Fr.) Burt :: praetermissa ( Karst.) Burt s sordida Karst. i velutina (DC.) Cooke Phragmidium occidentale Arth. Phyllosticta alcides Sacc. Fr amicta LE. & E. i. gaultheriae E. @ E. < omphaleae D. & H. : salicicola Thum. £ tiarellae Dearness Pseudoplectania nigrella ( Pers.) Fckl. Puccinia epilobi-tetragonis (DC.) Wint. e seymouriana Arthur ry veronicarum DC. Pucciniastrum sparsum (Wint.) Ed. Fisch. Ramularia aequivoca (Ces.) Sacc. Scleroderris fuliginosa ( Pers.) Karst. Septoria araliae LE. & EF. hedeomae D. & H. Sporodesmium naviculum D. & H. Stereum erumpens Burt “ ochraceoflavum Schw. Tympanis buchsu (Henn.) Rehm. “3 laricina (Fckl.) Sacc. Valsaria toxici (Cke.) Winterina crustosa FE. & E. 58 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM VII REPORT OF Lok SsiAtE, SINR MOL Gilsa The Entomologist reports that the cold and, in some sections of the State, excessively wet spring produced an unusual condition and many of the insects normally destructive were conspicuous by their absence, while a few comparatively unknown forms caused serious losses, though a portion of these, notably in connection with the work of the seed corn maggot, was due largely to climatic con- ditions and the employment of methods poorly adapted to the abnormal conditions prevailing. The apple tent caterpillar has almost dropped out of sight as a serious pest, though late in the season a number of leaf feeders, such as the red-humped apple tree worm, the yellow-necked apple tree worm, the fall web worm, the hickory tussock moth caterpillar and some related species were uncommonly abundant and destructive. The following is a brief summary of the Entomologist’s work and the conditions he has found in various parts of the State. More detailed information is given in the Report of the State Entomologist. Fruit tree insects. An unusually interesting discovery was that of the recently established apple and thorn skeletonizer, H em er- ophila pariama Clerck, near Irvington and) Nyaceun isa: insect was so abundant in some localities as to skeletonize practically all the foliage, even in orchards of considerable size. The Ento- mologist made a study of the situation, worked out the life history of the species and in cooperation with agents of the State Depart- ment of Agriculture determined the approximate extent or time infested area. A special account has been prepared which will be published as an extension bulletin by Cornell University and well distributed throughout the infested area in an effort to secure general cooperation in checking this pest until such time as natural enemies may bring it under control or experience shows it to be an insect of comparatively minor importance. Work on the codling moth was continued in cooperation with the bureau of horticulture of the State Department of Agriculture. The spraying operations were continued in the orchard of H. E. Wellman, Kendall. Owing to unfortunate weather and field con- ditions, however, the results, as will be seen by a reference to the detailed account of the work, were not satisfactory. The very cool, wet weather of early spring appears to have prevented the setting of REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR ILQI7 59 a fair crop of fruit and in many portions of the western part of the State there were almost no apples. The yields on the experimental plots, though promising well at blossoming time, were so small that it was not considered worth while to pick and classify the fruit on the trees sprayed three times, owing to the fact that the crop was so small that very little of value could be secured. These untoward conditions were further accentuated by the extremely muddy con- dition of the orchard at the time of the first spraying. This mate- rially affected the efficiency of the work. The experiment in Niagara county was continued in the orchard of George Mead of Barker and there conditions were much better than in the Kendall orchard, since there was a larger crop and fairly satisfactory returns were obtained from the spraying, though the benefit secured was not nearly so great. as that which had been obtained in earlier years in the Hudson valley. The small crop of fruit mentioned above was also accompanied by an unusually heavy infestation by codling moth, and the two combined prevented obtaining high percentages of worm-free fruit, though substantial benefits were secured on the sprayed trees, as compared with the unsprayed or checks. Apple maggot. The work of last year with this pest was continued in the orchard of Mr Edward Van Alstyne of Kinderhook. The test made with the late application of a poison just as the flies began to appear was followed by a very gratifying freedom of injury on trees where there was very serious damage to the fruit last year. Variations in the numbers of this insect are so great that the Ento- mologist did not feel warranted in drawing definite conclusions from the results of one season. Leaf roller. Observations show this insect to be less abundant in the western part of the State than was the case two years ago, due, probably, to the work of natural enemies. Red bug. Injuries by these pests, as shown by the work of the past year, are becoming increasingly apparent here and: there in the State and fruit growers are suffering considerable losses from the work of these pests. The fact that there are two species, both of which may occur in the orchard, one being abundant a little earlier than the other, complicates control measures, since recommendations of value in the case of the earlier species are of comparatively little service if the infestation is largely due to the later and, lacking expert examination, it is usually impossible to determine the trouble- some form until the damage has been caused. San José scale. This pest, as determined by observations and reports from various parts of the State, is relatively much less 60 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM abundant than in earlier years, this being especially true in the Hudson valley. There is a generally satisfactory control with thorough spraying with the lime-sulphur wash at winter strength, and in some localities there is little or no damage even in unsprayed orchards. The work of parasites, first brought to attention a few. years ago, continues and it is probable that these minute insects are not unimportant factors in bringing about this gratifying condition. Pear thrips. The situation with respect to this insect remains nearly unchanged. It is sporadically abundant and destructive here and there in pear-growing sections, especially in the Hudson valley, and despite efforts of fruit growers there is likely to be con- siderable loss before the seriousness of the infestation is appreciated. Pear psylla. There has been considerable pear psylla in Hudson valley orchards due, in some cases at least, to the delayed dormant spray not being held until practically all the eggs have been deposited. This pest, like the pear thrips, can be controlled to best advantage only by applications given within rather closely defined time limits and many growers experience difficulties in recognizing the periods when work of this kind can be done to the best advantage. Gipsy moth. An examination by the Entomologist of the region formerly infested shows a very gratifying condition in that no living insects in any stage have been found-within two years and the thorough spraying and other work prosecuted in this attempt to exterminate the insect augurs well for the successful completion of a difficult and costly, though economical, undertaking. Grass and grain pests. The cold weather and copious rains of last spring were unfavorable to the development of sufficient grass- hoppers to cause serious damage and in most sections these insects were not unusually abundant, though as the season advanced small areas, especially beside orchards, were found to be infested with considerable numbers. The use of grasshopper bait was advised in a number of such places and in several instances rather serious damage to young fruit trees was reported, due to ignoring the insects earlier and allowing them to develop unchecked. May or June beetles were unusually numerous in many sections of the State, defoliating or partly defoliating individual trees and, in not a few instances, strips of woodland. This condition was pointed out earlier and an effort made to interest the farmers in noting these results for themselves, since the amount of feeding affords a basis for estimating the probabilities of damage another season to susceptible crops, such as corn and potatoes planted upon REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 61 sod land near badly affected trees. In cooperation with the Insect Pest Survey and Information Service it has been possible to make what is practically a May or June beetle survey of the State and as a result there has been brought together a mass of data which can be used to great practical advantage in indicating areas where serious injury by the destructive white grub 1s likely to occur next year. The information has been summarized and it is planned to distribute this early next spring so as to prevent, so far as possible, serious losses by planting upon land badly infested by these destructive pests. The wheat midge was somewhat injurious to heading rye in various parts of the State and later was found in many wheat fields. — It was estimated that the loss in southern Niagara and northern Erie counties caused by this insect would approximate 20 per cent in shrunken wheat. The actual loss in other wheat-growing counties appears to be considerably less, that in Orleans county being placed Hume per cent to 5 per cent. Dhis damage, comparatively rare during recent years in New York State, was largely due to unusual climatic conditions at the time the grain was heading and there is little probability of its recurring another year. Field crops. The work of the seed corn maggot in bean fields came to notice the last of June and was very serious, the loss on seed alone in one 9 acre field in Genesee county amounting to $70, while Mom SO tO 75 per cent of 16 acres were destroyed: One Monroe county grower lost over $300 on seed alone. The damage for Erie county was put at 4o per cent and it was estimated that one-fourth of $96,000 worth of seed was destroyed in Orleans county. Untoward weather conditions and deep planting on the wetter land appears to have greatly augmented losses, while the total damage was increased by the work of snails, millipeds and disease. Potato aphis appeared in July on Long Island and became rather abundant and very injurious in some fields of many counties, Lewis being one of the last to report infestation. This insect breeds very rapidly, has a considerable range of food plants and under certain conditions is most destructive. It is usually checked by parasites, which appears to have been the case in many localities, though severe losses were reported for individual fields. The estimated loss in Dutchess county was placed at 5 per cent. It was ranked as a plague in Orleans county. It caused serious trouble for some large growers in Ulster county and was very injurious in gardens, the estimated decrease in the crop ranging from 1o to 75 per cent, with 62 - NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM total loss in isolated cases. Growers agree as to the beneficial results following early and thorough spraying with a tobacco soap preparation. | Shade tree insects. The urgent necessity of producing large crops the past season has resulted in more attention being given to their insect enemies than to those occurring upon shade trees. It is perhaps fortunate that the season was exceptionally favorable to the growth and development of trees and consequently there was comparatively little damage by insects. Forest tree pests. The statements made above in relation to shade trees apply in large measure to forest trees, though the latter part of the season was marked by an unusual abundance of hickory tussock moth caterpillars and some of their allies and a corresponding anxiety as to the probabilities of injury, not only during the present season but in the future. © Greenhouse and garden pests. The injurious Florida fern cater- pillar, recorded in the last report as having become established in a Lockport greenhouse, appears to have been exterminated. Reports have been received of this insect having become established in other portions of the country, and now that its destructive nature 1s more fully appreciated, the probabilities are that it will be effectually excluded by the exercise of a moderate degree of care in preventing the introduction of infested plants. The destructive chrysanthemum midge has been reported during the year from a number of localities in the United States and Canada, several being in Massachusetts and adjacent states. It has not, as far as known, been found in New York, though as pointed out earlier it is likely to be brought in with infested plants and when thoroughly established is capable of causing serious damage. Another introduction, though not new to the continent, is the establishment of the European earwig, Forficula aurict- larva Winn in Hast) Aurora. This Huropeam insect appearssvouse abundant and generally established there. It is best known because of its annoying habits rather than on account of the injury it causes. It was probably introduced with infested plants and is another illustration of the gradual dissemination of species with habits which lend themselves readily to distribution through commercial agencies. Flies and other pests. ‘The necessity of controlling these insects has been greatly emphasized by the extensive mobilization of troops, particularly as more than half of the deaths in armies during recent wars have resulted from diseases rather than from wounds. The REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 63 almost constant demand for information relating to household insects had practically exhausted the edition of State Museum Bulletin 136 dealing with the “‘ Control of Flies and Other Household Insects,’ and the Entomologist therefore prepared an extended and - almost entirely rewritten edition entitled ‘“‘ Household and Camp Insects,” which was issued as State Museum Bulletin 194 and widely distributed among sanitary officers of the army as well as to those specially interested in work of this kind throughout the country. Insect Pest Survey and Information Service. This special war activity was organized by the Entomologist last May in cooperation with the New York State Food Supply Commission, the State College of Agriculture, the farm bureaus, the State Experiment Station and other agencies. An additional stenographer was engaged in this work from May 23d to July 31st. This service, since its organization and up to September rst, in addition to the normal work of the State Entomologist’s office, sent out 729 letters, 4763 copies of circulars, 1729 copies of the fifteen weekly digests prepared, 1754 report blanks and 12,174 pages of circular matter. It received 606 reports from over roo correspondents located in all parts of the State, mostly representatives of the New York State Food Supply Commission. The main purpose of the survey was to secure early and accurate reports from all over the State, to summarize the information thus obtained, distribute it promptly, and thus promote the checking or prevention in large measure of the numerous losses naturally inflicted by insect pests. Particular emphasis was laid upon the initial signs of injury in order that the insects might be controlled before material damage had been inflicted. The survey was closely articulated with the control work in the field under the supervision of Messrs Crosby and Matheson of Cornell University. The more important crops received first attention, especially the insect enemies of potatoes, fruits (such as apples, pears, peaches and cherries), cereal and forage crops and truck and garden crops. The importance of this work may be gauged somewhat by an estimate made in 1913, which placed the approximate loss caused by insects in this State to all farm crops at $20,000,000. The organization outlined above had one or more active agents in practically every county of the State and has made feasible a closer watch upon insect developments than has heretofore been possible. The experience of the past season repeatedly showed that insect outbreaks in the southern part of the State, especially 64 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM the lower Hudson valley and Long Island, were likely to develop later in the more northern sections and that hence the conditions in one region could be used to indicate probabilities in others. The fifteen weekly digestsynot only recorded conditions in various sections of the State and outlined preventive or remedial measures, but also appraised the possibility of subsequent damage by various insects. Particular attention was paid to the possibilities of preventive or early remedial work, and in carrying this out several circulars were issued, especially one on fruit insects and crop pests, mailed May 30th, another discussing the destructive red bug and pear psylla was issued June 2d, a third on spraying fruit trees with special reference to the control of the codling moth was mailed June 7th. A circular calling attention to the work of the extraordinarily abun- dant May or June beetles was issued June 11th. One discussing the seed corn maggot so destructive in the bean-growing regions was prepared June 18th and the day outbreaks of the army worm on Long Island were reported was marked by the preparation of a circular calling attention to early indications of attack by this greatly feared pest and giving in summarized form the more approved control and remedial measures. The wheat midge injuring rye and wheat, the midsummer leaf feeders of the apple orchard, the insect pests of domestic animals and the Hessian fly were likewise discussed in timely circulars. The correspondence reported above has been largely with county representatives of the New York State Food Supply Commission. Special effort was made to keep these persons thoroughly posted as to the latest developments and the best methods of dealing with various perplexing insect problems. These in turn have passed the information along to their numerous correspondents and the effort can’ not tail to have greatly increased imberest im) the proplemamer insect control as well as promoted greater efficiency along these lines. Gall insects. The Entomologist prepared an illustrated ‘‘ Key to American Gall Insects ’’ (now.in press) which has resulted in much interesting material being submitted for study. ‘This is true of the work of several gall wasps or cynipids, namely, the ribbed bud gall and the white oak club gall, deformations which are occasion- ally very abundant and injurious. Brief discussions of the work and biology of these species appear in the Entomologist’s report. There have been some exceptionally interesting gall midges sub- mitted to the Entomologist for study, namely, a small collection REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 65 from India and a larger one of mostly reared species from the Philip- pine Islands. This material has been worked up, that relating to the former has been published and the manuscript discussing the latter has been submitted for publication in the Philippine Journal of Science, together with a complete tabulation for the families, tribes and genera of the Itonididae, which latter should do much toward placing the classification of this large and very diverse group upon a thoroughly scientific basis. Lectures. The Entomologist has delivered a Anibe of lectures on insects, mostly economic species, before various agricultural and horticultural gatherings, some of these being in cooperation with the Bureau of Farmers Institutes or county farm bureau agents. Several lectures have also been given under the auspices of local welfare associations. Publications. A number of brief, popular accounts of the more injurious insects have been prepared by the Entomologist and widely circulated among county farm bureau and New York State Food Supply Commission agents, the latter as a part of the Insect Pest Survey and Information Service. Owing to delay in printing the report for 1916, the only bulletin from the State Entomologist’s office issued during the past year is No. 194, “‘ Household and Camp Insects,’ briefly noticed above. Several important papers have appeared in current entomological journals, such as “‘ New Western Gall Midges”’ in the Journal of the New York Entomological Society, ‘“ New North American Gall Midges’””’ and “‘ New Indian Gall Midges,” both in Entomological News, and “ Distribution of Gall Midges”’ in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Collections. Additions to the state collections have been con- stantly made throughout the year, especially of specimens repre- senting the early stages and work of various injurious forms, since biological material of this character greatly facilitates the identi- fication of insects and is indispensable in a well-prepared exhibit illustrating the life histories of various species. Owing to the pressure of work incident to conducting the Insect Pest Survey and Information Service, a large amount of time was necessarily devoted to the identification of numerous specimens and as a consequence it was impossible for the Entomologist and his staff to give the usual amount of labor to the very desirable and really necessary work of classifying and arranging specimens already in the state collections. Numerous microscopic preparations of 66 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM smaller insects have been made and incorporated in the collections as in earlier years. The work upon exotic Itonididae referred to above has resulted in adding a number of types, both generic and specific, to an already very large collection. A unique addition was that of Mr Howard Notman of Keene Valley and Brooklyn who generously donated a collection of 648 admirably mounted specimens. taken at Keene Valley, a locality where comparatively little collecting has been done in this group. Attention should also be called to the bees kindly donated by Prot. 7). D. A. Cockerell, Boulder, Coltvamemne the African imsects secured by exchange with Prof: I) Wiihegaala of Amherst, Mass. Other acquisitions are listed under additions to collections. Earlier estimates by the Entomologist indicate .a native fauna of approximately 20,000 species, which means fully 100,000 specimens if we are to have only one representative of each sex and of each of the three other stages, namely, egg, larva and pupa, to say nothing of specimens illustrating work and habitat. Many species should be represented by series illustrating variations and habits. A state collection should possess all these if it is to take its proper place in the exposition of our natural resources. Much has been accom- plished through the natural history survey work summarized in the preceding report, though very much still awaits the competent investigator. The urgency of the immediately practical should not eliminate research, since progress is possible only through the latter. This is true not only of the development of a representative collec- tion, itself an indispensable aid to the best economic work, but is fundamental in establishing effective methods of controlling many destructive insects. There is great need of a more adequate develop- ment of the work along these lines if the entomological branch of the Museum is to discharge its full duty to both State and Nation. The constantly increasing specimens have filled the boxes or trays to such an extent that there is urgent meed! of more space tonsimis material. The wooden cases containing the insect collections should be replaced by steel cabinets and more provided to accommodate the additional boxes and trays required. No adequate provision has as yet been made for the constantly increasing biological material, which is also true of the large number of microscopic slides, many of them containing types of species and genera and therefore unique. A metallic filing case for the collection of negatives and photographs illustrating insects or their work 1s also greatly needed. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 67 Nursery inspection. The nursery inspection work of the State Department of Agriculture has resulted, as in former years, in a number of specimens representing various stages of insect develop- ment, some in very poor condition, being submitted to the Ento- mologist for identification. As such material may originate in a foreign country, determinations of this character are laborious and require for their successful prosecution a large collection and an excellent library of both domestic and foreign works. The correct identification of such material is important, since the disposal of an entire shipment of nursery stock must’ depend in considerable measure upon the character of the infestation. General. The work of the office has been materially aided, as in past years, by the identification of a number of species through the courtesy of Dr L. O. Howard, chief of the Bureau of Entomology, United States Department of Agriculture, and his associates. There has been, as already stated, very effective cooperation with the State Department of Agriculture, the New York State Food Supply Commission and its agents, the county farm bureaus, the state experiment station and other public welfare organizations in the State. A number of correspondents have donated valuable speci- mens and many have rendered efficient service by transmitting local data respecting various insects. 3 68 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM IDX REPORT OF Try ZOOWe Gist Reference has been made to changes and new installations in the Hall of Zoology. In the absence of the zoologist, Sherman C. Bishop, and the taxidermist, Arthur Paladin, who have enlisted for the war, the development of the zoological collections has been curtailed and at present it is possible to do little else than keep the collections in good condition. There have been some installations, notably the otter and woodchuck habitat groups, the nesting flicker group and an exhibit of the pileated woodpecker showing the very extraordinary work of these birds. The Arnold collection of birds’ eggs and its installation have already been referred to. The work upon this extensive collection has required already the preparation of some 1500 special plaster mounts and will doubtless require more. An interesting record made for the year was the shooting, by the zoologist, of a prairie wolf or coyote in the woods of South Bristol, Ontario county, N. Y. The attention of the Department was drawn to the depredations of this wolf upon the farmers’ flocks in that part of the State and a hunting expedition succeeded in bringing itin. It was thought that it was one of a family but no other trace. of such activities has since been noticed in that region. Where the wolf came from is still unexplained. Researches. The zoolagist has been specially interested in acquiring material for a study of the very large number of spiders of the State, many of which have already been beautifully illustrated by Mr Barkentin. This work, however, will, under the circum- stances, proceed slowly although it opens a field of very large and general interest. | Roy W. Miner, associate curator in the American Museum of Natural History, has been engaged in the completion of a report on the myriapods of New York. This is a line of interest in which Mr Miner is especially competent and his study will conclude some investigations that were started a few years ago. The monograph of the Land and Fresh Water Shells of New York, which has been in charge of Dr H. A. Pilsbry for a number of years, is very near its completion and the distinguished author hopes to conclude his work in the course of the present year. A considerable number of very beautiful drawings have been made and the analytical and descriptive parts of the book are largely finished. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR 1917 69 xX REPORT, OF THE ARCHEOLOGIST AND ETHNOLOGIST The most recent of the organized sections of the State Museum is that of archeology and ethnology. The period before 1906 was one of irregular and promiscuous acquisition though under the acts of 1897 and 1899 funds had been provided by the Legislature for the buying of small private collections. These were installed in the corridor about the top of the western stairway in the Capitol, and during the fire of 1911 were destroyed. ‘The type of cases and location of the exhibit made any attempt at scientific arrangement difficult and almost impossible. | Not until the new quarters of the State Museum in the Education Building were provided was a real opportunity opened for a method- ical exhibit. Until that time (1913) all the archeological research done for the State Museum had been more or less irregular owing to inadequate laboratory facilities, storage space and legislative appropriation. This does not mean, however, that highly valuable results were not obtained. To the contrary, the time before the erection of the Education Building was one of acquisition. Methods were studied, an exhibition plan devised, old collections examined and valuable field researches made. ‘The results were the publica- tion of a series of pioneer monographs of the various types of aborig- inal artifacts by Dr William M. Beauchamp, the collection of many valuable specimens through the efforts of A. G. Richmond, Esq., and of Mrs Harriet M. Converse, and after the creation of the office of Archeologist in 1906, intensive field work and the publication of three monographs on New York subjects. During this period also . the plans for the ethnological groups were drawn up by the Arche- ologist and the field work necessary for their completion done. The period was one of the drawing together of potentialities; it was a long season of preparation and preliminary research, during which time the public saw only the promise of realization. To provide a standardized museum of New York aboriginal archeology, several things were necessary, namely, ample space, adequate collections, well-constructed cases and scientific arrange- ment. Happily, with the exception of ample space, all the essen- tials are now either provided or in the process of realization. ‘The section of archeology has outgrown its exhibit space, but thé collec- tions, though far from complete, afford a splendid delineation of 70 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM New York archeology, the cases are well constructed and afford a correct means of exhibition, and the arrangement of the artifacts, though yet in a preliminary stage, is in accord with the latest and most approved methods. Condition of collections. To care properly for the 150,000 speci- mens in the archeological collections 1s no easy task. About 90,000 cataloged specimens are in the storage drawers, though this number must be expanded 50 per cent to include duplicates, or specimens with identical numbers. Approximately 10,000 specimens are on exhibition. To record and describe properly these specimens is a task that requires patient application. The preliminary catalog made out by Mr Howard Lansing provides the means for recognizing the speci- mens. Mr Lansing had just completed the type catalog when he died. His patient apphcation and attention to detail had made him a valued helper. There is ordinarily no deterioration of the objects in the archeology collection, but proper labels are of the greatest importance, and a specimen loses value if without data and label. It has been the aim during the year to provide permanent labels and case signs, but this work is necessarily slow. The cases completely provided include the western New York type specimen’ cases, Alto sl saud cases 23 and 63. All other cases have general guide labels and all important exhibits detailed specimen labels either hand printed or typewritten. It has occurred to us that the backs and sides of the cases may be utilized for exhibition space for certain types of specimens. A plan is, therefore, being devised to take advantage of this oppor- tunity. Specimens are already being mounted on mount-boards tor mstallation. Our great care is mot to mill cases to) tmenpennen congestion, for to avoid fatigue and to keep interest stimulated it has been found bést to exhibit a few well-arranged objects in each case rather than a large number crowded together. We have previ- ously explained the individual mount system employed. Public interest and cooperation. It is a matter of much grati- fication to note the steady growth of interest in New York arche- ology and ethnology. These subjects have a wide appeal and a wide application to human affairs today, a fact constantly verified by the visits of students and collectors to our offices and by the numerous letters and requests for information. There are hundreds of students of these subjects, many of them prominent business and professional men. od REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR I9QI7 71 As an indication of interest in this subject may be mentioned the Lewis H. Morgan Chapter of the New York State Archeological Association in Rochester, which now has more than 125 men with an organized interest in aboriginal history, archeology and eth- nology. In other places the interest is proportionately great, as at Cooperstown, Otsego county, where within one month more than 50 men joined the Leatherstocking Chapter of the association. The members of this association are devoted not only to research but to the establishment of better local museums, mere scientific field work and to the preservation of the aboriginal monuments in their several localities. Inasmuch as the general headquarters of the association is the state Museum, the State will profit considerably through the cooperation of a numerous company of patriotic and well-instructed men and women. There is a pressing demand for public addresses and lectures on archeological and Indian subjects. The demand is for a popular, yet accurate, presentation of subjects along these lines. We have responded as often as the pressing demands of our office work would permit. The following list includes the more important public addresses given by the Archeologist during the past 18 months: The Archeology of Western New York; before the federated historical and scientific societies at Rochester University, December BS. WG woe Lewis Henry Morgan, Man and Scientist; Rochester, November 21. William M. Beauchamp as an Archeologist; Syracuse, March 1917. Handsome Lake, the Peace Prophet; Caledonia, June ro. Men and Events Leading up to the Pickering Treaty; Canan- daigua, Genesee Country Historical Federation, July 11. Making Democracy Safe for the American Indian; Federated @onterence of the Friends of the Indian, January 21, 1018, Philadelphia. The American Indian in the World Crisis; Albany Institute and Historical Society, February 5. The Influences of Anthropology on the Thought of the World; Morgan Chapter, Rochester, February 23. ‘Primitive Medicines and Medicine Men; Albany Philosophical society, April 5. The New York Indians in the Conflict for Civilization; Coopers- town, April 19. The Construction of Habitat Groups in Wax and Plaster; Amer- ican Museums Association, Springfield, Mass., May 22. 72 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Acquisitions. No extended field work has been done during the period ending with the fiscal year, the time being employed in cura- torial work, in research and in other important museum activities. About 1000 specimens, however, have been acquired, the result of donations, collection in the field and purchases. Mhe more important collections are those’ of |.°P. Nan @iencea of Glens Falls, Forest V. L. Ryder of North Troy, who collected near Coxsackie (both of which were purchased), Alvin H. Dewey, representative collection from vicinity of Rochester, R. T. Webster, from vicinity of Irondequoit bay, D. D. Luther, trom vieimity of Canandaigua lake, John Gillard of Stafford; all of which were donated. Two important manuscripts were purchased during the year. One is the result of tem years’ field study of the Genesee valley ama comes) under the title, Aboriginal Sites in the Genescemmieiiers including four adjacent counties, by Harrison C. Follett; the other, Rock Shelters in Southeastern New York, by Max Schrabisch. Both of these manuscripts are of considerable importance in the preparation of ‘‘ The Archeological History of New York,” a volume upon the preparation of which we are spending much care. An Iroquois bark lodge. During July and August 1917, there was erected in the east end of the Hall of Ethnology an Iroquois bark lodge. The bark and poles were secured for us by Indian friends who were glad to cooperate in this attempt at reconstruction, and the bark was placed upon the frame by Chief Lyman Johnson, Gyantwaka, of the Tonawanda Senecas. The lodge is 18 feet long, 16 feet wide and 14 feet high. So far as possible the architectural plan was made to conform to the data concerning bark house struc- ture that we were able to find. The lodge contains a central hallway and, on either side, platform benches running the length of the structure. Above is another platform ‘Serving for Storage or sleeping, quarters. | Thewedeem. furnished with mats, pelts, cooking and eating utensils, gaming sticks, ceremonial objects and other appropriate articles!) in tue center, beneath the roof opening that served as a smoke vent, is an artificial fire with the remnants of a feast strewn about it. In the foreground is the ever present wooden mortar ane pestle. ) 20 Se Se De Bf 10 30 R. F. Webster, Palmyra From Irondequoit bay SLieliet eih~) wlio tele, »icr) ol ies vis) (6) si-w) el (=| (el le),0/1@) 18) 10, .e),0) @1,6) @,.@) (8) =) e1/e) ©).0'(e) (0) ¢)\\6) ee (ec) 0) ©) el ein) je) wis) ie) is) lols Arrow points Net sinkers JS) HORS SO ONGESUO. A SIO LG Oy. OPO. OMe On 0 GG O80 .0 OO CLOGS Oo 0. GOS GUS Ono 3° O60 OF On) On SOD (oes Orc > Dro OO Oncol OM ONO nmi ohOs Chic. ONO Ke ONCE sO cr ce ery, OMrnO aon Cems re SRO CWSOL SSL SH EAR ee PR en ag nC Ve pe le cir enne, cs ON 00S EAL pa eet een ene eM Chipped stone.... 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Antler punch. . Bone awls. Flint blade, Comestnnn, Banner stone. Bar amulet. Gouge, fHnodeh E. IRs Burmaster.. Celt, Madison county. . Clay pipe asian 4 Gorget, Jefferson ee Gorget, Vari Bubenc Worked bones. Fragments of clay pipes. Botcherde: ol by oak oe ane rr Ehmitublade cc ete GS i A Ae eee es a cr Through A. H. Dewey Elamamen Stones. amiss 6 bas 2 ae ee ea eee eee |r a ChippedlStome sn! joshi 8 Gala AI FA NaN eee ee Le Chalcedony chips. . Dereherde tremeNie Niortis. DMP ooo) SRN 1 Ne NGUeineen Plurk (Orchard no. .o cae Unites | lamml er Stomes, Hiclimaarac i NVIilIse eee. aetna rne te ete ee Forrest V. L. Ryder Purchase Artifacts from ten Greene county localities Eitey. tablet, turtle and serpent. 40.9065 0s ee oe ee Pigment.... Polished: poimt en! eisiy Cy a ee sO ae eee) A ee ae CSupistone ae, Samed StOmesSPOOl wher a lar Ae A weet le on Nes ae an ge Celt. C ie pipe rotons Paint cups, limonite eoucretions PG eI iri MERE EN GE GIS S)S yc no 3 wo Wiorkedi stone: witha pits) oe) 00) 6 ee ae ii ee eee Steatite pot fragments a Ce ORON Ol CMEC RON Ol NDImOn ron ce sO GO MONON OIC IO thc OM ORO oO On Demet O OOOO o 550 6 9 SS & NO = FF SS & | ie) on Se ST NS Se SH Se SS SS SS SS A = YN HY # WN CO FW SH Ss S&S SS SS DY BS REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 OO Ww Discoidal stones. . Bi Mig alah a a Lae SS Es OD Tn CL CS a oy Re a Flint scrapers. . To eedlchestcbiects| Tact. Ely a pale tid eat Mig Bae ARIAS Aine kits eae a a Cieligyoidl ROE eG UN IG) Ae Nea ete SUELO COXGAC leit Mi sco Saree ACNE ches Stas 6 ah eacisac epee gue + aAnMer SbOMle tdi) WLOCESS 2 5 Sat cae aa: Grooved axe.. Pestle, long. . BAS RU Men RUN Ro BN CRTs LURten cei et C EAs, Baht Oblong stone ith, Bite. Mullers. 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STATE MUSEUM Cheeni velewhh Wott i sy IN ne UREA RU Spee er ON (CIAVESCT Ey Stes 2h oy AN aU Te URE RIL IT AUER eR DCG Ns MNT ACPA J" NZ imely: polished) sreen!StOMeW =)40 see ym huni inWhyer (st te rs Coucerknobbedibacka iio. siyees wane He aN G Ue We NRIOL MATE ahi ol PME ES files UREN eh ea nL WL Tbe eA eee Ot Ce cn rr Net sinkers:)...... 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Edmunds Estate, Glens Falls — Wariclubs “ShAWNEE 6 o.4ic/s 6 Ge hace Se ee: POTeMeS ID Gla wane wey ca ihus ic pisces Mote Wea ey el ee NRE Senay eee tee a ae Pairiwomen Sleseims). x's LA ek Wie © Pa eee ee ANSE eh aT VIMO CCASIIS/ Nek cui ke eae, EL) Seiad cer Aten Ia s8// 0 rr Catherine Ten Eyck & Anna Pond, Albany MO MMANt ASKEW Ce ake Ie ae ace elel ane) oie leland csi aeitt el neU gen ey errr Woodentladlewiay on Lot Purchase A. A. Schmidt JBYEeeNG VEX Ul OfeVevaneal ie ear tana Imma ABA Geter MnP RIG PE Maly Ao whch EN a ety Forrest V. L. Ryder Nicodentladlen ive eo Wiki a ih Sy Ul 8 RI ae NEU Gemeente Ces eae Ss me NH WN Sketch map of the manganese district of Columbia County, N. Y. POSTGLACIAL MANGANESE IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, NEW YORK BY NELSON C. DALE At the request of the State Geologist the writer has undertaken the investigation of these ores. The urgent demand for manganese as the result of the interrup- tion of our imports from Brazil, Russia and India in consequence of the war has stimulated the search for new deposits, as well as more detailed investigations of the possible utility of hitherto known deposits of low grade. Bog manganese was long ago reported from various places in Columbia county (1:54) and it seemed well to reexamine these occurrences. According to W. W. Mather in his report of the First DWistcier survey, 1836-42, ) im the counties of Columbia and Dutchess 50,000 tons of manganese could be procured without any great expense, if carefully prepared.’ He alsostated that some of the bog manganese showed on analysis as high as 68.5 per cent manganese Gxideremamiess clam 5 per cent silicay AL the direction oF the stave Geologist the writer has devoted most of the summer of 1917 to this work. The results of this investigation, though not in any way confirming the quantitative results of Mr Mather, are herewith published as a matter of record and as an account of the manner of the occurrence and the genesis of postglacial bog manganese. Physical Features The manganese district of Columbia county includes certain Swamps or marshes of small area, 1200 to 1400 feet in elevation, scattered throughout a north-south belt 25 miles long and 5 to 6 miles in maximum width. This area of 125 or 150 square miles lies among the western foothills of the Taconic range, some 12 miles south of the Rensselaer plateau and 15 to 20 miles east of the Hudson river, principally in the townships of Canaan, Hillsdale and Ancram. In practically all the localities the manganese-bearing bogs occupy small depressions in the interhill saddles or divides, or in terracelike benches at the foot of hills usually at about the same elevation, [85] 86 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM that is, between 1200 and 1400 feet above sea level. These bogs act not only as the catchment basins for drainage from the sur- rounding hills but also as sources for some of the small brooks and tributaries of the Hudson river drainage system. The more resistant rock formations of this area, such as the slates and the schists, constitute the more prominent topographic features like the truncated crests of folds shown in the structure of the Taconic range and of the smaller hills and ridges immediately to the west; while the less resistant rock formations, limestones prin- cipally, are found in the larger north-south valleys. General Geology of Area As no intensive geological work has been done south of the Auster- litz area in Columbia county, our knowledge of the general geological relations of the manganese belt can only be inferred by correlating certain type specimens with those known to exist farther north along the strike, as described by T. N. Dale (4). In referring to the areal distribution of the principal formations of the region, this writer says that “‘at the north the Cambrian belt narrows and is bordered on both sides by Ordovician shale and grit. Ordovician schist, the metamorphic equivalent of the shale and grit, constitutes the Daconie mange and merges) mo) theseran) the wests aliencmentc also a number of very small areas of Beekmantown shale (lowest Ordovician) overlying the Cambrian. Finally the Rensselaer grit, with its interbedded slate and shale, representing the basal part of the Silurian, constitutes the plateau, besides an outlying lenticular area of 43 square miles in Nassau and Chatham, another of half a square mile near North Nassau, and a much smaller area resting in the Ordovician schist near Spencertown in Austerlitz, 12 miles south On tne plateaus In a further contribution (5:2097) the same writer expresses the view that the mica schist referred to is the Berkshire schist of the Ordovician system, whereas the grit found in the vicinity of Canaan and Spencertown is probably the Rensselaer grit of the lower Silurian, as these rocks not only appear to be the same so far as microscopic characters are concerned but are on the strike of the mapped occurrences to the north and bear somewhat similar strati- graphical relations to each other, the grit overlying the schist. In the vicinity of Canaan, at the Girdler road corners, gently southeast- dipping purple and green slates were found interbedded with green Rensselaer grit, the latter occurring with cavernous quartz veins REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 87 lined with the dusty, brownish black dioxide of manganese. Not far from this locality loose boulders of the Rensselaer grit showed dark, circular areas considerably disintegrated but blackened by the oxides of manganese. An occasional vein of quartz and calcite was found in the grit showing the effect of solution on the calcite and the vein walls somewhat darkened by the oxides of manganese. In the vicinity of Spencertown, the grit, slate and schist area through which the Spencertown-Austerlitz state road was recently cut shows a conspicuous veined zone in the grit, consisting of numerous branching quartz veins with conspicuous pink orthoclase and massive chlorite. Nearer the village of Spencertown, on the same road, in the slate area, the oxides of manganese are conspicuous by their black stains. The purple and green slates associated with the grits of Canaan as well as those just cited in connection with the grits of Spencertown are doubtless a part of the Ordovician system. Mineralogy of the Manganese Belt Bog manganese, otherwise known as wad, a variety of psilomelane, is a brownish black amorphous mineral consisting of varying amounts of the oxides of manganese. It is usually earthy but frequently coal-like to submetallic in luster, the variation no doubt signi- fying a transformation to the higher oxides. The occurrence of bog manganese as pure hydrous oxide of manganese is very rare. The common impurities are iron, silica, phosphorus and barium: the silica and phosphorus are objectionable for the metallurgical use of the ore. The bog manganese of Columbia county has three habits of occurrence: nodular, aggregates and hardpan cement. The nodular variety is usually found at the surface overlying the other two forms. Nodules somewhat brownish in color and usually enveloped in a whitish clay, in which material they are also embedded, have gener- ally elliptical and subspherical forms with a suggestion of slightly developed botryoidal structure. In size they vary from a pinhead to one-half of an inch in diameter. In dry bogs these nodules occur in the outlets of swamps or in the beds of brooks, the enveloping clay having disappeared, leaving a brownish black surface to the nodule. To this type the name of stream manganese has been applied. The second variety of wad, less common than the loose nodular type, was nodular aggregations in a matrix of whitish gray clay 88 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM cemented in great part by a manganiferous clay. Though found in only a few localities, such as in the Gott-Mesick bog of Spencer- town and in the Palmer bog of North Hillsdale, it underlaid the loose nodular zone and occurred at about the level of the water table or where circulating underground water was most active (see figure r). The accumulation for the most part consisted of irregular masses of roughly lenticular form 2 to 3 square feet in area and about 6 inches thick, as in the Gott-Mesick bog. In these masses the nodules and clay were in equal proportion. Considerably less frequent in occurrence was the third variety, the most impure of the three types, which consisted of a glacial hardpan composed of boulders and rock fragments in a matrix of hardened clay and cemented together by films of manganese dioxide. Many of the rock constituents, which were largely of mica schist, had thick coatings of the dioxide. Of the three varieties, by far the most common is the loose, nodular type which characterizes ail the surficial zones of the locali- ties about to be described. Spencertown, Columbia County The Gott-Mesick bog on the two adjoining properties of the Gott and Mesick estates is situated in the township of Austerlitz, Columbia county, about 23 miles east of the village of Spencertown and 74 miles east of the nearest railway station at Chatham, N. Y. It is reached by a trail heading north through the eastern part of the Henderson estate (formerly the Gott estate). Immediately west of the Henderson trail is a bog, forested along the edges and sparsely so throughout, about 500 feet long and 300 feet wide. Drillings with an earth auger showed an average depth of 3 feet. A representative section of this consisted in large part of gravelly blue clay, peat and sand. It contained no bog manganese, except in one place on the western edge, where a small area of nodular manganese was found fringing the shore from a point 15 feet north of a dry brook to 30 feet beyond, with an average width of 15 feet and a depth of 1 foot (figure 1). In this area of 450 square feet the wad occurred as nodules and irregular masses varying from a fraction of an inch to 3 or 4 inches in diameter and commonly char- _acterized by thin laminae of limonite. Occasionally the larger irregular masses appeared to consist of aggregations of manganese with loose rock, the pebbles and fragments of rock as a rule being vein quartz, mica schist and grit. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQ17 89 Nodular bog manganese was found on the top of a small 15-foot north-south ridge of vertically inclined beds of Rensselaer grit mantled with humus and glacial detritus, above and directly west of the bog just described. In the bed of a dry brook leading across the ridge from the circular black muck bog to the larger bog 15 feet below, numerous brownish black subspherical nodules of bog manganese were found, the dis- covery of which led to further investigation by drilling and trenching, the result of which was that an area of about 625 square feet was found to be underlaid by nodular manganese to a depth of 2 feet, the upper 11 inches of which consisted of a nodular wad and the lower 6 inches of a massive or consolidated nodular aggregate, the Nodulav Hovizontal 75° Vevtical 30’ Fig. 1 Gott-Mesick manganese bog locality, Spencertown, N. Y. latter type occurring either as fragments about a foot or more square, or forming a more or less continuous lenslike bed overlying a whitish clay. Through the more massive manganiferous bed and between it and the underlying whitish clay, water was in circulation, flowing doubtless from the upper circular bog to the lower bog. Reference to the accompanying figure will suggest to the reader that a probable genesis of the manganese may be assigned to the swamp waters circulating through the top of the ridge from the upper bog to the lower. This subject, however, is considered later on. In the two closely adjacent areas it may be safely said, after drilling and trenching, that bog manganese underlies about 825 square feet and that altogether there are about 1250 cubic feet of manganiferous soil, allowing 14 feet for an average thickness. It is go NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM safe to estimate that about 50 per cent of this consisted of soil, gravel and clay, bringing the volume of manganiferous material to 625 cubic feet. Allowing approximately 135 pounds of clay and gravel to the cubic foot and of the manganese about 100 pounds, the contents of the mixture in this area would approximate 75 tons or about 4o tons for the bog manganese. Hillsdale, Columbia County The manganese bog of the Palmer farm is situated 14 miles south- west of North Hillsdale between two small hills, 1340 and 1390 feet in elevation, respectively. As in the Gott-Mesick bog this one, Fig. 2 Palmer manganese bog, North Hillsdale, N. Y. because of its small area, is also not shown on the topographic map, but it is about one-half of a mile long and one-fourth of a mile wide with the greater portion of it forested and watery, serving as a source for a small southeasterly and a northeasterly flowing brook. In the bed of the southeasterly flowing brook, not far from the outlet of the bog, infrequent brownish black subspherical nodules of ' bog manganese, averaging about one-half of an inch in diameter, were found. Upon following up the stream, these led to the discovery of their source on the northwestern side of the bog. The accompany- ing diagram (figure 2) presents the main features of this occurrence. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 OI By frequent and numerous drillings and trenchings, the manganese area was delimited to a patch 130 feet in length by 50 feet in width, approximating 6500 square feet in area. Under this area to a depth of 1+ feet bog manganese occurs in greater or less amounts largely as nodular wad with only a slight local development of nodular aggregates. Allowing 235 pounds of sand, clay and manganese to the cubic foot and so per cent of the volume as consisting of bog manganese, this bog should yield approximately 450 tons of wad. According to Mr Mather, “a bed of wad or earthy oxide of man- ganese has been found on the farm of Joseph Goodsell in Hillsdale.” Mr Calvin Prescott dug 50 tons of the ore some years ago and sold it for $20 a ton in New York. As Mr Joseph Goodsell at the time this record was made owned four farms not adjacent, the manganese bog in question was located with much difficulty. It was found to be 3 miles northeast of Crearyville and the same distance northwest of Hillsdale. A narrow east-west open and stony black muck bog or “run” about 450 feet long with an average width of 25 feet was found just west of the old Joseph Goodsell farm. Asin the other description of bogs, this occupied a small divide between two hills at an elevation of 1200 feet above sea level, from the eastern end of which a small brook was flowing. The bog was found to contain numerous man- ganiferous nodules at the western half and an intensely black, earthy, manganiferous muck throughout the eastern half. The nodules varied in size from that of small shot to larger diameters. Limonite nodules were found sparingly.. Manganese dioxide was present in the form of cement which consolidated the local areas of boulders and clay. An occasional fragment of nodular aggregate consisting of clay and wad was found. One of the most interesting occurrences of manganese was noted here in the form of a bluish black iridescent scum surfacing a few of the small pools of water in the bog proper, not unlike the yellowish green iridescent scum associated with iron springs. This scum may well be one of the manganese minerals similar to the iron scum and originating as a result of bacterial action. The percentage of manganese in this bog is higher than in all the others, averaging about 22 per cent. With a surface of 10,750 square feet and an average thickness of 13 feet, allowing one-third of the volume for bog manganese, the writer estimates that there is approximately 600 tons of bog man- ganese in this locality. G2 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM several other localities in the vicinity of North Hillsdale possibly warrant brief mention because of the manner of occurrence. On another of Joseph Goodsell’s farms, now occupied by Henry Duff, a negligible amount of bog manganese has been accumulat- ing in an irregular bog about one-half of a mile north of the farm in a small depression in an open pasture west of the road. The location of this bog is near the 1200-foot contour and in a schist area. The accompanying diagram (figure 3) illustrates the essential features of the occurrence. The manganese content is probably low, as can be seen by referring to the analysis on page 9s. Wad is found more or less evenly distributed throughout an area of 2460 Fig. 3 Henry Duff manganese bog, Hillsdale, N. Y. square feet to the depth of 1 foot. By allowing 50 per cent of the area to consist of bog manganese in the form of nodules, the other part taken up largely by boulders and clay, the estimate of approxi- mately 125 tons is made. An interesting locality 2 miles northwest of North Hillsdale was found in the middle of the road where the overflow from a roadside marsh crosses the road to lower ground on the other side. This occurrence consisted of a nodular aggregate pavement of wad, the writer’s attention being called to it by the dark manganiferous nodules, looking much like a conglomerate consisting of dark pebbles in a whitish cement. Neither in the bottom of the bog, in the brook, nor on the land adjacent to it, was the writer able to find signs of any more bog manganese. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 93 Ancram, Columbia County Three miles southeast of Ancram lead mine on the top of the south extension of Fox hill, between the 1200 and 1300-foot contour, and in the bed of a brook near its source, numerous subspherical nodules of bog manganese were found. This occurrence is near the outlet of the bog, extending along a westerly flowing brook for a distance of 200 feet and to a depth of 1 foot. The important characteristics are its elevation of 1200 feet, its occurrence in a bog near the outlet and its association with the Berkshire schist. Canaan, N. Y. In the search for the occurrence on David Parson’s farm which Mr Mather (10: 121) refers to as being three-fourths of a mile south of Canaan Center, the writer found some six other localities where Fig. 4 David Parsons manganese bog, Canaan, N. Y. bog manganese is found. The David Parson’s occurrence is now on the property of Mr Beaver about 1} miles west of Flatbrook and 1 mile southwest of the Boston & Albany Railroad tunnel. It is 1120 feet above sea level and between two small knolls of 1160 and 1192 feet in elevation respectively. By a boring, it was found that the manganese sections were restricted to two main localities, one within 130 feet of the outlet 94 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM with an area of 3960 square feet, and the other within 300 feet of the outlet with an area of 1350 square feet, making a total combined area of 5310 square feet. By trenching at the outlet another area was found but of negligible importance. From a study of three east-west trenches of 30 feet and 18 feet in respective length, a vertical section revealed 11 inches of brown, loamy clay with loose, ; Fig. 5 Girdler manganese bog, Canaan, N. Y. nodular manganese with infrequent nodular aggregates locally developed, both overlying a bluish green unconsolidated hardpan. The nodules were generally less than an inch in diameter and sub- spherical in shape with a coating of whitish clay. Upon washing off the clay the characteristic brownish black color prevailed, which became darker upon cutting them open. The stream manganese exhibited this characteristic because of natural washing and doubtless REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 95 can be accounted for by the high content of iron. Figure 4 illustrates the occurrence. Upon following the brook west from this outlet, a small deposit. of nodular wad is found at the debouchure of the small brook in the swamp below. The proportion of manganese in the main bog is, according to analysis, 12.20 per cent. By a conservative estimate the bog manganese in this occurrence is about 300 tons. On the-estate of R. H. Girdler, situated about 1 mile south of Canaan Center, a small occurrence of nodular bog manganese was discovered in the summer of 1917. The manganese for the most part is in the form of nodules, nodular aggregates and as a cement for the underlying consolidated hardpan. A section from the trench reveals 12 inches of brownish yellow clayey loam with abundant nodules and occasional nodular aggregates, 28 inches of consolidated hardpan with occasional boulders and rock fragments cemented by manganese dioxide, in a matrix of whitish clay overlying a non- manganiferous consolidated hardpan. Figure 5 illustrates this deposit. In an area of 5000 square feet adjacent to the outlet stream and outlet portion of the bog, it is estimated that about 300 tons of manganese may be found. In several other localities on the terracelike benches and divides of Shaker mountain traces of nodular manganese were found in marshy places overlying and adjacent to schist, slate and grit areas. Chemical analyses LOCALITY Mn Fe 2 Ba Gott-Mesick Bog, Spencertown, N. Y......... Aa Tiss say .04 sii jeGoodsell HulisdalessN. Yue aoe el aoe DOE ZO EN RO mie att Jo eMail Ns Odeo Paealmer North, HullsdaleoN. Y..2 oJ a5 OTPTOM ees Mieke alie! ata Dare arsons.. Canaan INO Vo: ae Oe LOZ Ome eal eee cate No attempt has been made to make an exhaustive analysis of the samples. Doubtless the iron would average about the same in the other localities as in the Gott-Mesick bog and the same might be inferred for the phosphorus and barium. The analyses and the clay associations of the manganese would lead us to think that the silica content is very high. The blackest of the manganese bogs, that of J. Goodsell, seems to contain the highest percentage of manganese as well as the highest tonnage. 96 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Genesis of the Manganese Deposits The western foothill county of the Taconic range, in which the bog manganese occurs, consists for the most part of irregular hills more or less conical in shape and of no great height. The depressions now occupied by the manganese bogs are no doubt a product of preglacial subaerial and glacial erosion; the claylike materials filling them are of glacio-lacustrine deposition. Since the withdrawal of the glacier, this region has been reclaimed by vegetation giving rise in some of the depressions to peat. Trenchings, test pits and drillings frequently made throughout the bog area all testify to a recent origin for the manganese. The lower- most underlying materials as a rule consist of a bedrock of grit or schist, overlaid by consolidated hardpan or till with or without a manganiferous cement and a bluish or light gray’ clay, containing manganiferous nodular aggregates or nodular wad, surfaced with a clayey loam or a dark loam clay with nodular bog manganese. The immediately associated beds of bluish or light gray clay holding faceted boulders and rock fragments, are of glacial origin, arising from fluviatile or lacustrine deposition. Later additions were made in the form of sand, iron and manganese, constituting the clayey loam soil and the bog manganese and bog iron ore. ‘The nodular form assumed by the oxide of manganese, as shown by Hjort and Murray in connection with deep sea nodules and by the writer in the study of Cambrian manganese of Conception and Trinity bay, Newfoundland, is a phenomenon due to chemical and playsieal causes, as will” be discussed later im this (papenammeame characteristic form, so far as revealed in Columbia county bogs, is purely secondary, and the formation of nodules and nodular aggre- gates is taking place parz passu with the addition of the oxides of manganese. The fact that manganiferous waters have been and are percolating through the clayey beds is most strikingly ,brought out by the coatings of MnO, in the loose rock fragments and boulders in the clay. The adjacency of the manganese deposits to the bogs and bog waters is a most significant relationship, so far as the immediate genesis of the manganese is concerned. Chemical investigation leads to the conclusion that manganese exists in surface waters either in the form of the bicarbonate or the sulphate. Through oxidation of either of these, manganese is precipitated as the dioxide of man- ganese. This oxidation may take place wherever oxygenated con- ditions are present; such as at the surface of bog waters: or imeane REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 Q7 candy clay adjacent to bogs through which manganiferous waters are percolating. At the Gott-Mesick locality (figure 2) at the time the trench was made, the manganese zone illustrated a significant coincidence in this respect. From the upper bog water was running through the zone above the clay as ground water.in the direction of the lower bog. Where the manganese was best developed in the form of nodular masses there occurred a water channel from which water flowed out into the trench. It would not seem at all unlikely therefore that the greater development of the manganese in the Gott-Mesick bog was due to the continuous contribution of the manganiferous waters, originating from the upper bog and flowing as ground water to the lower bog. The porosity of the loamy clay of the ridge would naturally furnish excellent oxidizing conditions, as a result of which the conversion of the bicarbonate to the dioxide might readily take place. The ultimate origin of the manganese must be sought for in the rock underlying the drainage basin of the bogs. The bog depressions, of course, act as natural reservoirs for the immediate run-off of the surrounding country, through the various small tributaries. In considering the general geology of the area, it was found that all the manganese bogs were located at about the same general elevation, and that beneath all the bogs the same type of rocks belonging to the same geological horizon occurred. It was the hope of the writer that the ultimate origin or source of the manganese might be trace- able to the associated rock formations with some beds of primary manganese mineral, but no definite evidence in the matter was forth- coming. The chief formations underlying the manganiferous section are the Hudson River schists, and greenish, reddish and purplish slates, all belonging to the Ordovician and the Rensselaer grit of the lower part of the Silurian system. Of course nothing but a petro- graphic examination has been made of these formations in the Hudson valley, so far as the writer is aware, but from their northern occurrences in Vermont and New York the Hudson grits were essentially clastic rocks composed of fragments of quartz, muscovite, plagioclase, chlorite, sericite, quartzite, slate and some carbonate (4:187). The red slates of the slate belt of Vermont and New York, with which the schists of the Hudson river are to be correlated, show as much as 30 per cent MnQO,. , ‘“Beds of carbonate of a manganese (rhodochrosite) a half inch thick with calcite and quartz occurring in the red Ordovician slates,”’ yielding 32.22 per cent of MnOz, are reported. 98 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM With this amount of manganese in the same formations and not far distant, and the significant coincidence of the association of the bogs with this formation, it seems reasonable to suppose that the metamorphosed Ordovician and possibly lower Silurian formations are the ultimate source of the manganese which has given rise to the concentrated derivatives in the form of bog manganese or wad in the high bogs of the western foothills of the Taconic range in Colum- bia county. The only evidence of the occurrence of some form of manganese in these formations was shown in the 1917 Spencertown-Austerlitz state road cutting near Spencertown where the schists and slates were discolored by the dioxide. The Rensselaer grits, east of this locality, were intrically veined with pink orthoclase, chlorite and quartz unaccompanied by any manganese staining. In the vicinity of Canaan on the Girdler farm, numerous specimens of cavernous quartz as evidence of the work of solution were found, but whether the original mineral filling the cavities was calcite or rhodochrosite could not be determined, though the cavities were lined with the powdery black dioxide of manganese. For the reasons given above, the writer believes that the rocks underlying the drainage areas are in all probability the ultimate source of the manganese. The decomposition of the silicate minerals no doubt was brought about by carbonic acid and the “ so-called humic sols, the latter consisting of about Soper cent ©) Ass pemecwn O45 per cent El, 2 per cent N and some @)and!S teundeiaenac amounts in marshy water.” On the J. Goodsell bog, which contained the highest amount of manganese, a thin film of dark greenish and bluish iridescent coating was found quite like the iridescent coating found in connection with bog limonite and iron springs, but unlike it so far as the darker degree of color is concerned. According to Beyschlag, Vogt and Kruseh (2:986)' The humic ‘sols are not precipitated iby menneus but by ferric salts. When a solution containing ferrous salts meets one containing humic sols, a soluble ferro-humate is first formed which upon oxidation passes gradually over to ferri-humate. This is in fact immediately precipitated, forming there the thin, often iridescent coating which when present in spring courses indicates the ferruginous character of the water.’’ If upon examination any of the iridescent scum of manganese bogs proves to contain manga- nese in large amounts, such an origin as conveyed by the foregoing quotation might very well indicate similar origin for the manganese. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 99 Of course there is no direct evidence that these manganese deposits are of organic origin but it is very possible that the humic sols may have played an important part in the decomposition of manganese- bearing silicates in the rocks underlying the drainage basin of the bogs. As manganese hydroxide has been found on the walls of the iron bacteria, it is highly probable that bacteria may cause the manganese to be precipitated from the sol humates which take the humates up in the carbonate form and precipitate it in their bodies as the hydroxide. Further investigations along this line have still to prove how great and how general such action is. Assuming then that the manganese exists in the bog waters in some soluble form, possibly in that of the bicarbonate, its precipita- tion must have taken place through the oxidation of the same or as the result of the presence of calcareous bicarbonate. As a precip- itate, it is very possible that manganese exists as a colloidal hydroxide quite as much as the hydroxide of iron does after its chemical changes from the soluble to the solid form. . Whether the precipitation takes place in the fresh-water bogs as in the deep sea free from clayey admixtures or subsequent to absorption by the clay, is a problem; though it would seem to the writer that the clayey solids etc., do act as absorbents as they do with the hydroxide of silica, iron and alumina (12:288). The assumption of the nodular and concretionary forms seems to the writer to be a purely physical matter, the result of the tendency of substances in mobile state to collect 1n bodies of smallest surface area in proportion to mass. The centrifugal force or the accommo- dating of the interior mass to the dimensions of the outer envelop appears to be a characteristic of many minerals, especially those of a calcareous, siliceous, ferruginous or manganiferous nature. Deep sea nodules (11), and Cambrian manganese of Newfoundland (3:450) illustrate this principle of surface tension as well as nodules of the Columbia county manganese bogs. Bibliography 1 Beck. Mineralogy of New York. Albany, 1842 2 Beyschlag, Vogt, & Krusch. The Deposits of the Useful Minerals and Rocks. Translation by Truscott. 1916. v. 2 3 Dale, N. C. The Cambrian Manganese Deposits of Conception and Trinity Bays, Newfoundland. Am. Phil. Soc., 1915, 54:371-456 4 Dale, T. N. Geology of the Hudson Valley between the Hoosic and the Kinderhook. U.S. G.5S. Bul. 242. 1904 5 ————_ The Rensselaer Grit Plateau in New York. U.S. G.S., 13th Ann. Rep’t, 1894, p. 297-540 A 100 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 6 Dale, T. N. The Slate Belt of Eastern New York and Western Vermont. UPS Gis. roth Anne prt.. ob 2h mlsoo 7 Gilpin, E. Manganese Ores of Nova Scotia, Translation by Roy. Soe. @anada: ive12 8 Harder, E.C. Manganese Deposits of Nova Scotia with Sections on Foreign Deposits, Chemistry and Uses. \U: S,Gis: Bul. 427; 1010; ps 1-208 9 Jones, H.C. Nature of Solutions. 1917 to Mather, W. W. Geology of New York, pt 1, Albany, 1843 11 Murray, Sir John, & Hjort, John. Depths of the Ocean. 1913. p. 821. 4 maps, 9 plates 12 Murray, John, & Irvine, Robert. On Manganese Oxides and Manganese Nodules in Marine Deposits; Trans. Royal Soc., Edinburgh, 1894, 37: 721 —A2 13 Penrose, R. A. F. Manganese: Its Uses, Ores, and Deposits. Ann. Rep’t Geol. Surv. of Ark. for 1890, 1: 1-642 14 Vogt, J. H. L. Uber manzanwiesenerz und tber das verhaltniss zwischen eisen und mangan in den Seeund Wiesenerzen. Zeits. fur prakt. Geol., UCWWO, De Al 7i—2e FOLIATION OF THE GNEISSOID SYENITE-GRANITE COM- PLEX OF LEWIS COUNTY, NEW YORK BY A. F. BUDDINGTON The data and conclusions herewith presented are for the most part abstracted from a report on the geology of the Lake Bonaparte quadrangle, prepared at the request of the State Geologist. In its preparation the writer was associated with Dr C. H. Smyth, jr. Some additional information obtained subsequently by the writer in a study of the geology of the Lowville quadrangle has also been used. The origin and significance of the foliated structure in the gneisses which constitute the Adirondacks have been discussed by many writers in recent years, and widely diverse views have been expressed. On the one hand, Miller! asserts a primary origin for the foliation of the igneous gneisses and ascribes it to flowage phenomena and crushing during the progress of consolidation of the magma, resulting from the efforts of the igneous magma to shoulder aside blocks of Grenville gneiss into which it is intrusive. He further states it as his belief that “‘ none of the published Adirondack maps or available data afford any reasons to believe that the Grenville strata were ever profoundly folded or compressed.’’ On the other hand Smyth, Cushing, and Martin have presented very strong evidence that intense orogenic forces have acted upon the Precambric gneisses of the northwestern Adirondacks, with the conspicuous result of isoclinal folding. In particular, Martin? has studied and mapped in great detail a great sigmoidal fold in the vicinity of Pierrepont. An intensive study of over six hundred thin sections of rocks embraced wituin the area of the Lake Bonaparte and Lowville quadrangles has furnished considerable new data bearing on this problem. ) is) ah ctr ct) i>) ce be) ma FAY is) —} SS; m Basic augite syenite, includes both the porphyritic and equigranular facies Grenville = Grenville gneisses and limestone with ——— intrusive granites Paleozoic Sedimentary beds overlying the Pre- cambric rocks unconformably ‘aj[buvapony aljinmor emmme== Boundary between different facies of Syenite-Granite complex eo Boundary between equigranular gneisses (Croghan Mass) which exhibit no evidences of crushing and protoclastic gneiss (Diara Mass) on NW., which is porphyritic ; (1 — Boundary between protoclastic and \ ‘ NW Savy cataclastic-protoclastic gneiss on hF, NAS NW., both of which are porphyritic Sketch Map of Geology of Lowville and Lake Bonaparte Quadrangles, N. Y. 102 The sx Lowville complex granite | TOmaog narrow, width. a host o general ¢ in the 1 corner ¢ east-wes Gt wae © way on eneisses and lime On the ; beds of - The grouped possess ; other. uniforml FeO 2) 10 partial ¢ bers of medium whatevel variatior step mo former b blende ¢ syenite 1 indicatec from the of the lin of both : Both boc dikes. 7] gabbro 11 REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 pe lO From a study of the thin sections of the rocks of these two masses and from the results obtained by grouping them according to their degree of crushing, the following conclusions have been drawn, based on the accompanying briefly summarized data: 1 There are three well-defined bands or zones of rmetamorphism in which increasing degrees of crushing are exhibited passing from the southeast to the northwest; comprising (a) gneiss of the southeast zone in which there is no evidence of crushing and in which the texture is of massive granitoid character (plates 1 and 4); (b) proto- clastic gneiss of the central zone in which most of the minerals are granulated but in which quartz is uncrushed (plate 2) and (c) cataclastic-protoclastic gneiss of the northwest zone in which most of the minerals are pulverized but in which quartz is only granulated (plate 3). The line between (b) and (c) has been drawn where the quartz first starts to appear granulated and where the average diameter of the pulverized feldspar grains averages less than o.1 mm in diameter. 2 The uncrushed gneiss is equigranular, the crushed gneisses are porphyritic im texture (plates 1, 2 and 3). The gneiss which in thin section shows no evidence of crushing forms, so far as mapped, a band with a minimum width of to miles covering the eastern portion of the Lowville area and the southeast corner of the Lake Bonaparte quadrangle. It embraces all the gneisses belonging to the Croghan syenite-granite complex. The crushed gneisses form a band 5 miles wide, so far as mapped, and comprise the gneisses of the Diana syenite complex. 3 Foliation and banding are always parallel. No matter in what direction the belts extend nor how abrupt the curve at the blunt end of a lense, the foliation always remains parallel to the banding. 4 The degree of crushing is for the most part independent of the chemical or mineralogical composition. Rocks varying all the way from hyperite to granite occur in each zone of metamorphism and all within a given zone are equally crushed or equally uncrushed as the case may be. 5 The foliation is for the most part independent of the degree of granulation or crushing (plates 1, 2 and 3). The gneisses of massive texture exhibit as well-defined a foliation as do the pulverized cata- clastic gneisses. The line of equal crushing or demarkation between the protoclastic and cataclastic-protoclastic gneiss cuts directly across the banding and direction of foliation of the gneisses northwest of Croghan. The foliation of the gneisses in this area (the northwest - 104 NEW YORK ss TAGE MUS HMavi corner of the Lowville area) is thus at a large angle to the direction of the forces which acted to crush the gneisses, and the latter can thus have had little or nothing to do directly with the foliation. 6 The foliation may be slightly accentuated by the crushing. 7 In the crushed gneisses, those minerals which are most mashed are the ones which normally crystallize out first in quantity from a magma; and vice versa, the last minerals to crystallize out are the least crushed. Thus in the case of the protoclastic gne‘sses, feldspar, hornblende and aug.te are the most crushed, whereas quartz is wholly uncrushed. Again, in the cataclastic-protoclastic gneiss, the feldspar and ferromagnesian minerals are pulverized and the quartz is only granulated. In some of the gneiss two generations of mag- netite are present. In this case that occurring as inclusions in other minerals and representing an early stage of crystallization 1s crushed, whereas that associated with the quartz of a late pneumatolytic stage 1s massive. In the hyperite dikes the augite may be partially eranulated and the feldspars unaffected. 8 In the cataclastic gneisses the degree of crushing of the quartz is roughly proportional to the degree of mashing of the other minerals, the quartz varying from 2 to 5 times as coarse as the comminuted feldspar. 9 The primary foliation of the gneiss witha “massive waremnine forming the southeast zone is due to mineral segregation, dimensional orientation of minerals by crystallization under stress, and to flowage in the magma. There is no crushing of the minerals and only here and there do strain shadows appear in the quartz. The occurrence of inclusions with a foliation at an angle to that of the inclosing rock, the occasional presence of flowage lines swirling around a host of separated small inclusions of Grenville gneiss, a texture and succes- sion of crystallization normal to igneous rocks, occasional euhedral character of the crystals, the frequent segregation of apatite, zircon and magnetite with the ferromagnesian minerals in streaks, and the presence of pract’cally massive hyperite dikes of an age older than the foliation of the country rock, militate against an explanation of this foliation by recrystallization. to The protoclastic origin of the foliation of the central zone is evidenced by the following data: the granulated character of the feldspars and ferromagnesian minerals and the normally uncrushed character of the quartz; the parallel'sm of foliation and banding irrespective of the widely divergent orientations of the latter, a phenomenon best explained as the result of crushing in a semifluid Upper figure. Hornblende syenite. Primary gneissic structure with massive texture. Natural size. From Croghan mass. Lower figure. Photomicrograph of above showing massive grani- toid texture, crossed nicols. x17 Upper figure. Hornblende syenite. Augen gneiss with protoclastic texture. From the Diana mass and the central zone of metamorphism. Natural size. Lower figure. Photomicrograph of above; quartz uncrushed, other minerals granulated; protoclastic texture. Crossed IC OLS ea li7, Mice. cr are Upper figure. Hornblende grano-syenite. Augen gneiss with cataclastic-protoclastic texture. From Diana mass, n.w. border. Natural size. Lower figure. Photomicrograph of above; quartz granulated, other minerals pulverized. Crossed nicols. x7, REPORE OM THE DIRECTOR 1O17 105 or semiviscous state. A primary foliation independent of any crushing is indicated by the frequent parallel alignment of slender, unbroken, euhedral zircon crystals, by the segregation of the com- ponent m’nerals in individualized streaks, and by the flattened, uncrushed character of the quartz. : nm bneevadence Of a preexisting protoclastic foliation im. the cataclast c-protoclastic gneiss of the northwest zone is: the presence of a transition into the protoclastic gneiss of the central zone through a disappearance of the superimposed cataclastic features, and the presence of sm lar characters to those of the latter band. Quartz is normally the first m'neral to fracture in the process of rock crushing. In these gneisses the quartz is less mashed than the feldspar, which indicates that it was not affected by crushing until after the feldspar had already been pulverized. Such a phenomenon might happen in the case of a magma undergoing pressure in which the quartz had not yet crystallized out, whereas the other minerals constituted a continually growing and fa‘ling meshwork. The continuation of the pressure after complete consolidation then granulated the quartz in its turn. 12 The grains resulting from the crushing of any rock from within the central zone will, with only rare exceptions, average over 0.1 mm in size, those of the northwest zone (quartz excluded) under o.1 mm im diameter, but the proportion of the m‘nerals in the rock of either Zone winen is reduced to these fespective Sizes is very variable in Miiceremnsuteaks, VOLlvem Sharply | delim ted’ and parallel’ to) the . foliation. 3 13 Phe forces which resulted in the production of the foliation were not attendant upoa a shouldering influence against the Grenville exerted by the magma during intrusion,. but were the result of orogenic stresses exerted from w.thout, because a Later intrusive dikes of hornblende syenite, hypersthene syenite, MyWetlic, StaAmwoO-syeall> and peema jive all vexiibin te same derree of metamorphism, as the couatry rock of the zone of metamorphism im wich they occur. Uhis is best exemplified by the case of the hyperite dikes. According to the usual mode of geological reasoning, bese dikes must all be of essentially the samo age. | They are uni- Iori es ta lr im (character witerever tound have a teadeacy to cluster more abundantly around local stocks of gabbro, and always bear analozous relations to all rocks with which they are fourd in contact. There is nothing to suggsst that we are dealing with dikes of more than one epoch of intrusion. Yet where these diles 106 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM occur in the zone of massive gneiss they also are massive, although the augite is usually granulated as the result of flowage (plate a, upper figure); where they occur in the protoclastic gneiss they are granulated (plate 4, lower figure and plate 5, upper figure); and where they are found in the cataclastic-protoclastic gneiss they are more or less pulverized and have a gneissic character (plate 5, lower figure). b In each of the three zones of metamorphism many cases may be observed where the foliation of the inclosing gneiss also crosses the intruding dike. This is particularly noticeable in the case of the pegmatite or granitic veins in all three zones and of the hyperite dikes in the crushed zones. c The outer zone of rock must have been partially crushed subse- quently to its complete solidification, as shown by granulation of the quartz. d The line of equal crushing or the boundary between protoclastic and cataclastic-protoclastic gneiss is very regular in its ‘trend and passes directly across the banding and hence is independent of any magmatic flowage. e On the Lowville quadrangle the planes of foliation alternately pass several times from a low dip (30°) to a vertical attitude and then back again to 30°, going southwest. Muller reports this pseudo anticlinal and synclinal effect to be repeated on the Port Leyden quadrangle to the south. Where the banding northwest of Croghan is observed in plan, there is a suggestion of a synclinal folded structure. j Miller has raised the objection’ that, i "orogenie moreeom mene acted in this region, the Grenville gneisses should exhibit signs of crushing. On the Lake Bonaparte quadrangle blocks of Grenville which are associated with the syenite-granite gneiss complex are crushed. It is true, however, that elsewhere they are uncrushed, but for the very good reason that they have been entirely recrystal- lized by contact metamorphism, or by the injection of pegmatite veins, or by soaking with granitic juices which permeate them. The granites responsible for this are younger than the syenite-granite complex. ; | 14 The. mere fact of foliation crossing both country rock and associated dikes or pegmatite veins 1s not accepted as a uniformly valid criterion for the dynamo-metamorphic or dynamic flow and recrystallization origin of gneissic structure. In the broad band of granite gneiss innumerable dikes of coarse pegmatite have been observed which cut across the foliation of the gneiss and are them- Upper figure. Hyperite. Feldspars uncrushed, pyroxenes partially granu- lated. Froma dike in Croghan mass, s.e. zone of metamorphism. Photo- micrograph. Crossed nicols. x 40 Lower figure. Hyperite. More crushed than preceding rock. Feldspars are granulated. From dike in granite in central zone of metamorphism, n.w. of Croghanin Diana mass. Photomicrograph. Crossed nicols. x 40 5 tS Pa de ‘2 a 4 = tae Le z fap 4 , aie aie : 2 it 34 5 Se’ Upper figure. Hyperite. More mashed than preceding specimen (lower figure, plate 4) but from same locality. Photomicrograph. Crossed nicols. X 40 Lower figure. Hyperite. Intensely crushed with well developed gneissic foliation. From dike in augite syenite on n.w. border of Diana mass. Photomicrograph. Crossed nicols. x 40 Plate 6 Upper figure. Palimpsest structure in pegmatitized Grenville gneiss. Biotite is oriented parallel to banding, quartz and feldspar of pegmatite veins at right angles. Locality n.w. of Lake Bonaparte. Natural size. Lower figure. Same specimen as above, etched with HF and H:2SO, and coated with NH:Cl. Shows orientation of pegmatite minerals at right angles to banding. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 107 selves crossed by this foliation. Yet when examined in thin section these do not show evidences either of crushing or of recrystallization. They have a normal granitoid texture — the usual result of crys- tallization from a magma. Furthermore, if this massive gneiss is not the result of recrystallization (an hypothesis which it is believed the facts do not support), then the foliation of the veins likewise can not be due to this cause. The statement that the degree of crushing of both dikes and country rock is the same also holds for those dikes which are crossed by the foliation of the intruded gneisses. The assumption that the foliation was induced in the dikes before either the country rock or the dike was completely solidified neces- sitates a close genetic connection between the igneous gneisses and the dikes or pegmatite veins. This, however, was exactly the conclusion arrived at from other data before the foregoing theory was considered. It is noteworthy that field evidence indicates that the Diana mass was in a much more advanced state of consolidation than the Croghan mass at the time of intrusion of the hyperite dikes. Thus in the rocks of the Diana mass the hyperite usually occurs in well-defined dikes, whereas in many cases in the rocks of the Croghan body masses of hyperite and gabbro interfinger so with the granite and syenite that it is utterly impossible to tell which is country rock and which is intrusive. Evidently both masses were in at least a semifluid state and squeezed into each other. That it is possible to have a foliation induced in a rock while it is still in a fluid or semiviscous state is well exemplified in a band of gneiss northwest of Lake Bonaparte. Here Grenville gneiss has been thoroughly injected and almost completely disintegrated by pegmatite. In those remnants of gneiss which retain their individu- ality, the biotite flakes and quartz are oriented parallel to the banding (plate 6, upper figure), but in the pegmatitic material, the quartz and feldspar are all oriented at right angles to the banding and hence to that portion of the biotite and quartz which has retained the structure of the gneiss (plate 6, lower figure). Thus we have two foliations at right angles to each other in the same rock, one written over the other without completely destroying 1t — a palimpsest. The quartz of the pegmatite is wholly uncrushed and assuredly would not have been oriented by recrystallization at right angles to the biotite. On the contrary, it 1s interpreted as a folta- tion of protoclastic origin. This type of phenomenon also shows up in specimens from several localities where belts are oriented at an angle to the direction of the orogenic forces, 108 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM General Conclusions The writer believes that the evidence of intense folding of the Grenville by the action of strong orogenic forces throughout the northwestern Adirondacks is conclusive. On the one hand, a portion of the evidence derived from a. study of the metamorphism of the syenite-granite complex conforms with this. On the other hand, the evidence points equally strongly to the primary origin of the foliation accompanied by a wave of crushing which swept in from the outer border and died away as it advanced. The correlation of these two apparently opposed theories necessitates a very close synchronism between the mountain-building forces and the intrusioa OF the entire syemite-granite ‘complex. )Phese comclustoms smenelicr those reached by McMahon! in his work in India. There the igneous frocks were intruded durme the time ‘ol action (of /orovemienuenee: wich tolded) and) crumpled the strara ot the) Eanalayas ameeem om gneissic structure was induced in them before complete solidification. From the external structures and internal textures of the rocks of the syenite-granite gneiss complex, we may infer that we are dealing with a heterogeneous magma which was intruded in two or more stages under the influence of a cycle of orogenic compression. Thus the primary banding or belting of the rocks is a feature which took its origin during the process of intrusion and represents facies of different composition which have been squeezed out into these elongated lenses by compressive forces. Although the primary banding and foliation were thus controlled by the action of lateral compressive forces, the latter were inefficient in crushing the min- erals crystallizing out from the magma until they had become so abundant as to interfere and form an open crystal meshwork. This was not until after the intrusion of the satellitic dikes and veins such as the hyperites, pegmatites etc., and after the feldspars and other minerals had already formed large phenocrysts in the magma, with only a small amount of interstitial liquid material rema ning. These inferences are indicated by the facts that the dike rocks have suffered the same degree of metamorphism as the:r inclosing rocks, and that large crystals of feldspar, augite and hornblende are still more or less abundant as the uncrushed eyes of augen in the rocks of the Diana mass. The orientation of these in alignment parallel to the primary banding which is in diverse directions suggests, however, that the crystals were oriented to a considerable extent 1 McMahon, C. A., “Granite of the Himaiayas,’’ Geol. Magazine, 1888, p. 212-20. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQ17 109 parallel to stream lines in magmatic currents which continued to maintain more or less the same relative movements during the progress of crystallization which they followed during their intrusion. During the later stages of consolidation of the magma the satellitic dikes of hornblende syenite, hypersthene syenite, hyperite, grano- syenite and granitic veins. were intruded along cracks caused by crystallization and cooling in the now partially crystallized viscous mass; or sheets of similar materials were forced in along the already existent foliation planes as sills, and suffered the same degree of metamorphism as the rocks inclosing them. The next stage in the history of this mass witnesses the rise of external compressive forces to a dominant position and a high degree of magnitude in controlling the progress of crushing. Under the influences of these intense stresses the growing meshwork of crystals in the rocks of the Diana mass were ground against one another, broken, strained and pulverized while the still liquid quartz was smeared out into lone, narown an leaves, That. portiom: on the mass along the northwest received the stresses at their maximum and suffered crushing and pulverization to the highest degree. The crushing resulted in a coarser granular type as the Croghan mass 1s approached and ceases abruptly at the border of this mass. This is possibly to be explained by the assumption that this body was intruded later than the Diana mass and was still molten and only slightly crystallized when the latter body consisted of a very coarse, openwork, crystal aggregate with only quartz and pneumatolytic materials filling the interstices. The medium equigranular character of the Croghan mass and the presence of occasional sharply defined bands or dikes of rock similar to the latter in the adjacent Diana body are indicative of such a succession. Within this mass (Croghan) then, the lateral compressive forces already partially spent and dissipated in the small but potent still liquid portion of the Diana mass served merely to produce an orientation, growth and segregation of the minerals along lines at right angles to them, the mineral boundaries still being due to intergrowth in the normal process of crystallization and not to crushing. But even w-thin the Diana mass the compressive forces could not overcome the influence of the previous primary foliation and banding, offering as the latter did potential surfaces along which movement was easiest and parallel to which it actually took place. This follows from the fact that folation and banding are always parallel. If the rock had not been partially liquid it is difficult to see how the compressive forces I10 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUINE could thus have been so conspicuously resolved into forces at widely divergent angles. That it was in such a condition is indicated by the fact that the quartz which was the last mineral to crystallize almost wholly escaped crushing in the central zone and that it is less crushed than the other minerals in the northwest zone. The compressive forces did not, however, cease immediately after the consolidation of at least part of the Diana mass, since within a wide zone along the northwest all the minerals, quartz included, show pulverization or granulation. The central zone and the Croghan mass are not thus affected, and the explanation may be either that the border band was the first to arrive at a state of complete con- solidation or that the forces died out as they passed away from the border toward the southeast. Since the dividing line between the protoclastic gneiss and the cataclastic-protoclastic gneiss cuts directly across the banding and foliation, it is apparent that the active forces came from without and had nothing to do with flowage within the magma. The alternative to the foregoing outline is to assume that the foliation of the whole complex is the result of recrystallization and that it has subsequently been subjected to a wave of crushing which was accompanied by recrystallization of quartz under a limiting set of conditions. Such an assumption involves the idea that recrystallization may result in exactly the same phenomena which it is known do arise during the intrusion and crystallization of a magma. This hypothesis needs support and proof from other districts to be considered here. It may be added here imcemume brecciation of part of the rock was either a process of dry crushing, since no hydrothermal minerals were formed, or else the crushing took place under magmatic conditions so that magmatic minerals formed, which is the hypothesis favored. It is realized that the conclusions set forth here are drawn from a limited field and may need to be modified by evidence from other districts or by future work. The conclusions are therefore not considered so important as the facts presented relative to the areal distribution in zones of rocks showing similar degrees of metae morphism and to the character of the metamorphism within thes- ZONES. V7 Eth eee FS i J aa © * oy a a ee Ree Se ee ee 2 EF TURP bp ri Ie TN a Neel oo ae A is =A ny ay raid \ j ¢ aeditl .acdor NTT ky A MBA aS AGS TLR AR SNR I AA RRM My, 0 TERE ~ altos a * Attandtrom A (fe fj a 4 . eerepre tie : tae) letidoot! i: _ getthaloni —ssh@aaghepreensa dt » Mong! bie atrsitihes - a oS ae =, Varah ©: fy pia y aX NR ARMIN AREER NER PC ‘ oed ANID A NATROL RS NOTES 2: ah Cb ae ONE GEOLOGY OF THE LAKE CLEAR REGION (Parts of St Regis and Saranac quadrangles) BY HAROLD L. ALLING Preface The chief purpose of this paper is to outline in popular language the geological history of the region around Lake Clear, Franklin county, N. Y. In order to do so, the general geology of the Adiron- dack mountains as a whole has been discussed, in the course of which many terms that may be new to the reader have been used, but in each case they are defined or explained at the point of introduction or shortly afterwards. The reader’s attention is called to the topographic maps prepared and for sale by the United States Geological Survey, which can be secured from the Director of the United States Geological Survey, Washington, D. C., at to cents each. For naturalists, sportsmen, campers and trampers they are almost indispensable. The maps for this area are known as the “ St Regis quadrangle’’ and the Poaninacwbake quadrangle. | ihe State also ofiers: for sale a series of bulletins that deal with the geology of the Adirondacks, ranging from 20 cents to $1 each. A list of the bulletins can be Secured) by wimme the New York state Museum, Albamy, IN: Yi The following bulletins deal more or less directly with the area under consideration: H. P. Cushing. Preliminary Report on the Geology of Franklin County. Pt 2, 18th Rep’t of the State Geologist, 1900 ———— Recent Geological Work in Franklin and St Lawrence Counties. 20th Rep’t of the State Geologist, 1900 —— Geology of the Northern Adirondack Region. N. Y. Mus. Bul. S55 1905. 30c —— Geology of the Long Lake Quadrangle. -N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 115 Other bulletins that deal with other areas of the Adirondacks are: H. P. Cushing, H. L. Fairchild, R. Ruedemann, C. H. Smyth, jr. Geology of the Thousand Island Region. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 145. Cl. $1 C. H. Smyth, jr. Crystalline Limestone and Associated Rocks of the North- western Adirondack Region. Geol. Soc. Amer. Bul., 1895, 6: 263-84 ———— Genetic Relations of Certain Minerals of Northern New York. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1896, 15: 260-70 Pen NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM BULLETIN 207-8 GEOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE MAP OF PARTS OF ST. REGIS AND SARANAC QUADRANGLES JOHN M. CLARKE. DIRECTOR LEGEND Diabase Dikes y xX r orn =e Pegmatite Dikes Sr = ‘ — . & : Gabbro Stocks, Knobs, Dikes 3 9 PROC Hornblende Syenite. Quartzose to Granitic types Basic Syenite. Often Dioritie to Gabbroic Gabbroic Doubtful Gneisses. including Metamorphosed Sediments and Igneous Rocks Grenville Gneisses * Quarries Faults Rock Boundries Geology by Harold L. Alling. 1916 Scale s8a00 2 3 oMilex HM. Wilson, GeopreRney in charge. Triangulation by E. L. McNair. “ z a Topography by Glenn S. Smith, W. R. Harper, T. F. Slaughter, _____ aaa he te ° a 2 3 A 5 Blometnre ——— SS ° Contonr interval 20 feet W. H. S. Morey and A, T. Fowler. Surveyed in 1902 In cooperation with the State of Now York. Datum i= mean sea loved So Fey + ste ia a heh hii 112 NEW MORK StAd BE) Vase C. H. Smyth, jr. Report on the Crystalline Rocks of the Western Adirondack Region. N. Y¥. State Mus. Ann. Rep’t 51 (for 1897), 2: 469-97 J. F. Kemp & R. Ruedemann. Geology of the Elizabethtown and Port Henry Quadrangles. N.Y. State Mus. Bul. 138, 1910. 40c J. F. Kemp. Geology of the Mt Marcy Quadrangle. N.Y. State Mus. Bul. In preparation . William J. Miller. Geology of the Lake Placid Quadrangle. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. Jn press ——____. Geology of the North Creek Quadrangle. N. Y. State Mus, Bull 70, WO UAY AC ——-—— Geological History of New York State. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. TON), LOW AOe ———— Geology of the Blue Mountain Quadrangle. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 192, 1916. 25¢ ne ———— The Adirondack Mountains. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 193. 35c I. H. Ogilvie. Geology of the Paradox Lake Quadrangle. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 96, 1905. 30c J. C. Martin. The Pre-Cambrian Rocks of the Canton Quadrangle. N. Y. State Mius, Bull 185, 1916. 3ec C. H. Van Hise & C. K. Leita. Pre-Cambrian Geology of North America. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bul. 360, 19029. Chapter X, eSpecially p. 619-21 Introduction The Adirondacks have long been famous as a summer resort, attracting the inhabitants of our eastern cities and the nature lovers who found rest and recreation among the wooded mountain slopes, the brooks and numerous lakes and ponds of the region. The attempt is here made to add to the usual summer pleasures the enjoyment of understanding and interpreting the various surface features of the topography, to trace step by step the history of the Adirondacks from the earliest times to the present day, and especially the geological history of Lake Clear and its immediate vicinity. Location and Character Lake Clear, the one here considered (for unfortunately there are a number of lakes in the Adirondacks that are known by the same name), is situated in the heart of the mountains, if the entire district covered by the great north woods 1s included, and is reached by the Adirondack division of the New York Central Railroad. The area is one of moderate altitude and comparatively little relief, consisting of a great sandy plain surrounding innumerable rocky knobs and knolls. In depressions in its surface are a large number of lakes, ponds and swamps, among which is Lake Clear. The lake is roughly oval in shape, the longer axis having a north- REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR 1917 I13 east and southwest direction. Its northern and southern shore is composed of rock and sand, while the remaining portions are formed of fine sand diversified by gravel and boulders. To the north are the Saint Regis lakes. Upon the lower lake is situated the famous hotel of Paul Smith’s. To the south the three Saranac lakes are grouped. On the northern shore of the upper or the most westerly lake of the group is Saranac Inn, ore of the more fashionable hostelries in the region, with a splendid view of the water. In fact, lakes and ponds are characteristic of the region about Lake Clear. In attempting to arrive at a better understanding of the relations between the geology and the flora of the region we must trace the geological events that brought about these conditions. The lakes and ponds in the district are dwarfed remnants of larger bodies of water that once played an important role. These ancient lakes were in part brought about by the great continental ice sheet which came out of the north and dammed the valleys, thus flooding the area. On the melting of the glacier they drained away, leaving only here and there mere remnants in depressions in the glacal sands or in rock basins. We must consider the events that occurred before the ice invas'on to appreciate the mode of development of the structure and rela- tions of the different rock masses to one another, and the results of the forces that have sculptured the rocks into the various forms which are today nature’s stage setting. But any understanding of rock structures, the formation of the valleys and the mountains necessitates a review of the rocks themselves, the number of the rock units and their mode of injection, alteration and deformation. The logical sequence is to begin at the dawn of geologic history and trace step by step the events as interpreted by the geologist. In beginning at the base of things it is obvious that our knowledge of the events that occurred in the far distant past is at the best but fragmentary and so the attempt to outline the history is: fraught with great difficulties. The Rocks One of the attractions which the Adirondacks offer to geologists, 10 matter whether profess‘onal or amateur, is that they present, perhaps, the oldest rocks and mountain masses of which we have definite knowledge anywhere in the world. It gives one a sense of satisfaction to put one’s foot upon a rocky ledge and say: ‘‘ This rock was formed long before the Alps existed; long before the EA: NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Catskills or the White mountains; we are looking at the very founda- tion rocks of the continent.” It is good for our imagination to attempt to grasp the meaning of such statements. The Grenville Series The geologist starts with the theory that the northeastern portion of North America was at one time submerged under a great body of water, in all probability marine. The ancient streams that flowed from the adjacent land areas into this ocean, carrying debris, deposited upon the bottom layer upon layer of muds, sands and gravels. A very primitive form of life existed that performed the chemical change which produced limestones from the various cal- cium compounds in solution in the waters. Thus there was depos- ited a great thickness of sedimentary rocks including limestones, sandstones, shales, conglomerates and their intermediaries. Among geologists this group of rocks is known as the Grenville series. These rocks have not only been largely washed away but the remnants have become so changed from their original character both in appear- ance and in mineralogical make-up that it is often difficult to identify them correctly. The Limestones The limestones, although limited in extent, are the most con- Spicuous rocks remaining. They have been subjected to so much heat and pressure that they usually have lost all trace of their original bedding planes and are recrystallized into creamy white marbles exhibiting beautifully the rhombohedral form of calcite. Usually they contain small grains of dark minerals, such as the black oxide of iron (magnetite); garnets and green silicates (pyroxenes); and sometimes shiny flakes of “ black lead” (graphite) which is prob- ably the crystallized residuum of organisms that inhabited the primeval sea. The Sandstones-quartzttes The sandstones, members of the Grenville series, have likewise been altered and changed to white quartzites, so called because they are composed to a very large degree of quartz, although the impure sandstones have developed other minerals in addition. The shales and conglomerates have been so modified that their identification is a matter of great difficulty. Some of them have a composition approaching that of granite (quartz, feldspar and mica) while others are darker colored. In all cases the dark minerals have been squeezed into parallel lines giving rise to what the geolo- REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR [O17 115 gist terms a “gneiss.” The interpretation of these gneisses fur- nishes the professional worker one of the most difficult problems in the whole region. The Gneisses Although limestone is reported near Colby pond (plate 1), the writer did not find any remnants of this interesting and ancient formation ‘in place”’ in the immediate neighborhood of the pond, but in the vicinity of the town of Saranac Lake patches of the gneisses were found in the bed of the river.1 Better exposures can be found in the bed of the river three-eighths of a mile north of Bloomingdale, where the gneiss contains flakes of graphite, and on the southwest slopes of Mount Pisgah, where the schists, rich in mica, and the quartzites are splendidly shown. (plate 2) Moreover, one may easily pick out quartz boulders, which were part of the original sandstone and various boulders of gneisses that 1n many- cases were shales, conglomerates or the result of their intermediate sediments. We do not know what was the nature of the rock floor upon which the Grenville rocks were laid down, nor are we acquainted with the order of events that took place in that far distant past. The rocky book that the geologist is trying to decipher is at the best fragmen- tary and many leaves are absent. But enough remains of this old series of sedimentary rocks to make us sure that it was of great extent and of enormous thickness. One geologist estimates that it may have been from 20,000 to 25,000 feet thick. We find strata which in all probability belong to this same Grenville series in New England, in the Highlands of the Hudson (West Point region), and in Canada, and can safely assume that it exists at great depths throughout New York State overlaid by rocks of later ages. The Doubtful Gnetsses North of the town of Saranac Lake there are a variety of gneisses and granitelike rocks that are today a puzzle to the most observant and careful worker. Some of these may be igneous in nature (that is, were once in a molten condition), while others are sedimentary (that is, water-laid) in origin, but great changes have subsequently taken place in all of them so that their appearance and composition is far different from their original form. If a trace of the floor of 1 Petrographic examination seems to cast some doubt upon this interpreta- tion, although Doctor Cushing regards it as undoubted Grenville. 2H. P. Cushing, N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 95, p. 275. Tene) NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM the Grenville sea is preserved, one should seek remnants of it in these “‘ doubtful gneisses,’ which are sometimes referred to as the Saranac formation. As many of these gneisses are certainly Jor later age than the Grenville, they are discussed here. The Igneous Intrusives During this great period of erosion a series of molten rocks welled up from the interior of the earth and slowly worked their way toward the surface, invading the Grenville from below. The heat of these semifluid masses was often sufficient to melt and engulf the surface rocks and thus add them to their own mass. The first of these igneous rock intrusives was of great extent and today forms the central core of the Adirondack mountains, some 1200 square miles in area, It is known’ tov the, ge@lecicmmae > anorthosite. | lt is a rock composed to a large extent asonuenae per cent) of a particular member of the feldspar family known as labradorite, because of its occurrence in Labrador. It is a dark, grayish blue mineral that exhibits minute striations and infre- quently displays a beautiful iridescent blue sheen. Often in the running brooks these labradorite crystals of the anorthosite flash their characteristic color to the eye as a ereeume "@nemmealy aan is a silicate of soda, lime and alumina. Besides the labradorite, the anorthosite contains various members of the pyroxene group of minerals, besides magnetite, commonly known as the black oxide of iron and several other minerals. Evidently this intrusive mass of molten rock, buried under the great thickness of surface strata, solidified very slowly for the entire rock is coarsely crystalline, labradorite crystals as large as a man’s hand often being encountered. This anorthosite was subsequently exposed by the erosion of the surface rocks, but in all probability it, did not at first reach the surface of the land. Whe anonumosinene the rock encountered on all sides of Lake Clear. A ledge of it is exposed at the water’s edge in front of Lake Clear Inn. Although it has been subjected to fr ghtful pressure and heat subsequent to its intrusion, the rock here does not show the effects of this so much as that found farther to the east, where it appears as a bluish white rock spotted with green silicates. An excellent locality to examine the anorthosite is north of the road three-fourths of a mile west of Paul Smith’s, where an extensive quarry has been opened. Several small veins carrying fool’s gold ” (pyrite) cut through the tock The next member of this series is represented by a rock called LIMESTONE ANORTHOSITE TALUS MATERIAL TORK STATE ad ee uM, are sometimes ai stred to as. y of these gneisses are certainly, BEV AEe) OBA ssed her Vig 4 ks wel ed me , it) " chavs Bs ie a as | AA \ YY Sele C OT rib eProo ly novesbet Me & CUFT CTCL ITACGIOT . Macainute striations: sheen. OG sth { and aie brad cmb. co | stale ag ie ved, “Tiga nor thos abda und: he sis si 2 oA LEE RAM pr ura « of the land, The anor WE of Lake Clear. Al mot of Lake ‘4 eat Inn, i on ie and heat s subseb 28 THOS sham the € fects Lord this f cast, where It naladaal ; ibh a Af Tas ch GTN 5 8 Le ee ’ row three-fourths of a mile mi tre ei eeeie UlA al Pe . ay! sive Guatry has been opened, a BY eer: ree s ~ id h Md Apyr'roe) oat’ through t 1c rey Ore wer he ai by a Plate 1 Photo by H. L. Alling, 1917 Grenville limestone, upper portion of photograph, in con- tact with anorthosite separated by pyroxene-garnet gneiss, dark colored. One mile north of Elizabethtown, Essex county, N. Y. Padi ah (hemi A each 3 “yOOI popuvq oy} UY} TITY oy4 An JoyyIV;F St op[IAUIIL) oY} JO 9oU9IINOVO sIy, “ydessojoyd oy} ul uMoys Aj1vojo ore sould suIppoq oy, “YyIou suryoo] “oye ovuLIeS JO JSOMYZIOU op vB ‘Yesstg yUNoP JO odojs ysomy Nos oy} UO sslous o][IAUOID) oY} JO o1nsodxe Uy L161 ‘sullTy “TH Aq 0704d Z oeId * UTD OURICN OH MAU SLD, IDI IBC AO) IOAN) Ry MisvVemite mnauis more mearly allied to, the eranites.. It is com- posed of the same kind of feldspar that characterizes granites, namely, orthoclase, although this is very frequently replaced by Puucroperuame, — Lhe other Chiek component is either black-sreen pyroxenes or black hornblende; quartz and mica are to a very large extent lacking. The syenite rocks received their name from Syene, whence came the Egyptian granite in ancient times, although these two rocks do not resemble each other when compared according to modern methods. ‘The syenite of this region has a green color due to the hornblende and augite it contains, which makes it easily distinguishable from the grayish or dark blue of the anorthosite. iicsyembeisiexiibined volune casmon Wake Cleary asieampe Seen on the accompanying map. Unfortunately, however, no exposures of the typical syenite were found near Lake Clear, for most of them have been affected by contact with other rocks. In the neighbor- ~ hood of Lake Loon, on the slopes of Katy mountain, syenite rocks are typically developed (plate 4). One exposure occurs in the town of Saranac Lake on the east side of the state road from Lake Clear, just north of the two railroad crossings, that shows an abnor- mal banded rock. This exposure will be more fully treated later on. Professor Cushing has shown by means of rock exposures farther south in the vicinity of Long Lake that the syenite is of later age than the anorthosite, thus establishing the time relations accepted Dygunerwiber Necenthy tie whiver bas veried this comelusion by two exposures, one south of Mountain pond, northwest of Paul Smith’s, and another 2 miles west of Gabriels. In the southeastern Adirondacks granitic rocks occur that are ' closely associated with the syenites and are considered to be merely quartzose phases or members of the normal granite. Thus a granite should be mentioned in the list of igneous rocks of the series. These. granites are considered as segregations or differentiations of the syenite, and hence may be termed the granite-syenite intrusives.” The third member of this group of igneous rocks is the “ gabbro.’’; a dense green-black rock somewhat similar to the anorthosite, but containing more pyroxene at the expense of the labradorite. Around Lake Clear the gabbro is scarce and occurs only in very small patches or as a filling of cracks in the older rocks, but in the eastern portion of the mountains considerable areas plentifully exhibit this third and last member of the series. One small knob of gabbro is found INTL SGN SEnTe IESG Me nbIU narue hop talon 2 William J. Miller, N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 170, 182 etc. 118 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM a mile northwest of Shingle bay of Lower Saranac lake. Several others are located on the southern boundary of the petrological map. One geologist! suggests that the anorthosite, which is classi- fied as an individual of the gabbro family, is the solidified segre- gation or “scum ”’ of lighter substances forming the upper layers of the molten rock. This top portion had more silica and the min- erals crystallizing from it as it congealed were largely feldspars, while the lower layers received the heavier and darker colored compounds richer in iron and magnesium as they settled down by virtue of their greater mass or gravity.” Following the solidification of the anorthosite, this dark, lower mass welled) up as | smonmealy as gabbro, completing the series. Granite Taking the Adirondacks as a whole, there appear to be two granites of different ages. In either case the darker minerals are found to have been squeezed into parallel lines by subsequent heat and pressure, giving rise to gneisses. The field worker is often puzzled to know where to place a granite gneiss in the scale of geologic time. In the first place it may be recrystallized or meta- morphosed sedimentary rocks, such as shaly sandstones or sandy limestones of the Grenville group. Their origin is probable if one finds a great variety of such granite gneisses in a comparatively limited area, for this condition suggests their formation from the many different kinds of rocks that composed the Grenville series. It they. are surely of igneous origin, the problemi 1s stilia@ineciinns they may be (1) older than the Grenville, or (2) later than the Grenville series but earlier than the anorthosite-syenite-granite- gabbro intrusives, or (3) members of the last-named series itself. . It may be well to state that geologists have found no positive evidence in the Adirondacks of the class of granites first above mentioned, that is, those prior to the Grenville series. ‘Theoret- ically, they may occur but they have not yet been identified. There is, however, certainty of the identification of the other two different granite gneisses,? namely, those that are members of the massive intrusive group and those that preceded them. TRA} Daly. a) leneous Rocks anduithem-Onicint espe cei. 2 More recently, Dr N. L. Bowen suggests a new interpretation. Jour. Geol., TOaVEON On 3591120042. 3H. P. Cushing, Amer. Jour. Sci., ser. V, 39:288-94, 1915; N. Y. State Mus: Bull 145; p. 46-47, 177-00; N. VY. State Mus) Bulle 169,py 2126, 2 Recemrnaite writer has identified them in Paradox lake, Bolton and Whitehail quadrangles _ Plate 3 Photo by H. L. Alling, 1917 Looking west. in the anorthosite a mile east of Ray Brook, just north of the state highway between Lake Placid and Saranac Lake. running Road stone quarry UMOJSJOLIILV]T 0} OWT OVUPIVSG WOI SULUUNI peol oY} OpIsog “ov OVUBILG JO UMO} OY} JO JSeMY}IOU-YJIOU SoTIUI J[eYy-ou0 PU do1Y} oJUEAS OpudTquIOY z41enb JO 98po'T L161 ‘Buty “1 “H Aq oy04d ‘Ailend ouojs pros oyy joysvoqasnf -q ,Zb'N Sunt puv opIM soYoUT gI sTeyIp oy, ‘Seetdop SP jo s[suv uv Ysno1y} UMOp poddr sem Bviolwlvo OY, ‘S[oLIqen Jo ySoM soyIU OM], ‘opsoyyJoue oy} BsuIyyNo oyUOAS Jo OIC L161 ‘Buy “IH Aq 0y04q fen Pace REPORT OE TEs) DER BeCLOR TOi7. II9 Granites 1n the Doubtful Gnetsses In the doubtful gneisses north of Saranac Lake village several exposures were found, which in appearance suggest a true granite eneiss. It is a question whether they are immediately associated with the Grenville or are a true granite older than the later great series of igneous rocks, but distinct from the old sedimentaries. In view of the wide difference of opinion and lack of sufficient data, the writer is compelled to take refuge in a noncommittal mapping; grouping all such gneisses and granite-gneisses together, and indi- cating them by a uniform convention. The Pegmatites As the surface of the molten rocks (magma) began to solidify, shrinkage cracks occurred due to the contraction on cooling, and these allowed the still molten interior to escape upwards in the form of various gases and liquids. These aqueous vapors filled the cracks and congealed, solidifying at comparatively low temperatures, forming bands or dikes of highly siliceous minerals, such as the feldspars and quartz. Each of- the different igneous rocks above mentioned shows such dikes or “ pegmatites,’’ although the granites and more siliceous rocks are more productive of them. One such pegmatite cutting the anorthosite was observed directly in front of the Lake Clear Inn near the water line. It is 34 inches wide, runs west-northwest, and exhibits the characteristic coarse crystals of orthoclase feldspar (probably the variety known as microcline) and quartz. Pegmatites of the syenites and gabbros abound in the Adirondacks. Several syenitic pegmatites cutting the anorthosite were found a little south of Mountain pond northwest of Paul Smith’s, and are indicated on the map. Contact Rocks Igneous Coniacts When the anorthosite, syenite and gabbro, in forcing their way up to and into the surface rocks encountered other igneous bodies already solid and cool, the effect of the chill upon them is very marked and may be observed for a mile or two on both sides of the line of contact. The border phase of the anorthosite is shown by an increasing amount of the darker minerals (pyroxenes and garnets) at the expense of the labradorite, thus approaching the gabbro in composition and giving rise to “‘ anorthosite-gabbro.”’ The syenite likewise passes through changes in composition, becoming darker in i) 120 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM color (basic) until a rock more like the gabbro than anything else is found. A border phase of the syenite was found a mile east of Lake Clear Junction that exhibits this exceedingly well, the speci- men in mind being taken from a road metal quarry on the north side of the state road. An excellent example can be seen about Long Lake to the south, where the syenite and the anorthosite are in contact and show well-developed border phases.’ In contrast with the dark phase, the syenite often develops a quartzose type, which with increasing amount of quartz becomes a granitic phase or a true granite, as has already been po:nted out. A very interesting and instructive igneous contact was brought to light on a reconnoitering trip north of Lake Clear one-fourth of a mile south of Mountain pond. Here, apparently, the syenite in the form of a wide, rusty dike cuts through the anorthosite and has developed curious contact phases. The syenite holds inclusions of the anorthosite as well as fragments of the Grenville rocks. This exposure demonstrates beyond doubt the age relations first estab- lished by Professor Cushing. Associated with the syenite are a number of pegmatites cutting the anorthosites. The more adven- turous summer visitor would be well paid to visit this spot if he is prepared to overcome the difficulties of a district recently ravaged by forest fires. In addition to the marked changes in composition, structural differences are to be noted at the contact, as the rocks there often exhibit gneissoid structure and the granulation is more pronounced than is the case in the core of the mass. Contacts with the Sedimentary Rocks Miore striking still are the contact effects often observed) au the junction of igneous with sedimentary rocks, especially when the latter are limestones. At such points the changes in structure, texture and composition are often profound. Various vapors that the molten rock contained react with the limestones, giving rise to new mineral combinations that may present a great variety of rocks. A common one is a rock composed almost entirely of red- brown garnets and dark green pyroxenes, very pleasing to the eye and full of interest to the geologist.” 1 See the geological map of the Long Lake quadrangle. H. P. Cushing, N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 115, and emphasized by R. A. Daly, “ Igneous Rocks and Their Origin, p: 240: 2 For a fuller discussion of contact metamorphism, see W. Lindgren, ‘‘ Mineral Deposits,’ p. 664 ef seq. REPORA OF LEE DERE CTOR, tL 2 121 A striking contact of the syenite with the Grenville gneiss is shown by an exposure in the village of Saranac Lake to the east of the road running north on the west side of the river. Here the syenite was injected along the bedding planes of the gneiss by the process known as “ lit-par-lit’”’ injection, producing a banded rock composed of alternate layers of the two rocks. Apparently there are no exposures of the limestones of the Gren- ville series present near Lake Clear, but perhaps remnants will be found among the hills on more careful search. If such are encoun- tered, contact effects will probably be shown. Inclusions in Igneous Rocks} As has been pointed out, the great igneous intrusive masses prob- ably engulfed the overlying rocks to an enormous extent, often dislodging fragments which were melted, in whole or in part, and absorbed by the molten mass.” Each of the different intrusives probably floated off pieces of the preceding rocks, for we often find blocks embedded in the anorthosite, syenite and gabbros. Fre- quently the edges of these included fragments present a corroded appearance showing that partial melting or solution has taken place. The usual rocks thus found included in the prevailing formation are members of the Grenville series. They are numerous in the east-central portion of the Adirondacks, but about Lake Clear they are not so plentiful. The Mountain pond exposure, above referred to, shows in a very clear manner inclusions of the anorthosite and Grenville in the syenite. On the map it will be noted that a long ridge runs northeast-southwest on the eastern side of Mountain pond. The exposure is on the first knob of the ridge to the south of the road which runs on the south side of the pond. The stone quarry beside the road is of extreme interest, and will be referred to again in connection with the diabase dikes. In many places in the great anorthosite core the rock is singularly rusty in appearance and is difficult of interpretation except by assuming that it has melted and included sufficient quantities of the Grenville rocks to show a marked change in composition. Grenville inclusions are limited, as far as the writer’s experience has shown, to the schists and 1 For a fuller discussion of ‘‘ Magmatic Assimilation,” see R. A. Daly, ‘‘ Igneous Rocks and Their Origin,” ch. I1. | 2 William J. Miller, “‘ Magmatic Differentiation and Assimilation in the Adiron- dack Region,” Bul. Geol. Soc. Amer., 25:243-64. {22 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM gneisses and rarely the quartzite. The limestones were too easily soluble to leave any core of unmelted material. The Later Igneous Rocks The Diabase Dikes After the solidification of the major igneous bodies treated above, they were all subjected to mountain-making processes associated with dynamic disturbances, stresses and rise in temperature. Under these agencies profound changes were wrought, as has already been suggested, greatly altering the rocks in character and mineral con- tent, the older rocks being more altered than the later ones because of their subjection to several periods of stress. Erosion still continuing, the area was reduced to a more or less uniform plain. Along lines of weakness in the rocks, up through cracks and joint planes the dying-out igneous activity played its last role in the form of a lava oozing upwards and filling fissures and rock openings and forming what are known as diabase dikes. They consist of black, rocky bands cutting the older rocks indiscrim- inately. This lava welled up from some deep-seated reservoir and may or may not have reached the then surface of the land. Whether the dikes were the supplying channels to extensive surface lava flows or supported active volcanic action is an unsettled question, for all surface rocks have been carried away by erosion. In the region- here treated these dikes are rather umcommeon, only seven having been seen. One is splendidly shown on the south shore of Lake Clear. It is 5 feet wide, runs east-northeast, and can be seen either from the water or along the side of the state high- way which runs to Saranac Inn. At one outcrop it was observed that it was faulted a foot laterally, that is, a portion has been dis- placed or side-stepped showing that since its solidification the area has been further subjected to dynamic forces. It probably con- tinues to the railroad cut 4 miles west of Saranac.! ‘There are three dikes in the anorthosite syenite contact zone in the road metal quarry at Mountain pond.? They are respectively 3, 9 and 24 inches wide, and run very nearly east and west. They have been more or less squeezed and faulted, for they perhaps lie along a fault line. Another dike is situated in the town of Saranac Lake, cutting 1H. P. Cushing, 18th Rep’t of the N. Y. State Geol., Prem. Rept on the Geol. of Franklin Co., p. 122, dike 37. 2H. P. Cushing, 18th Rep’t N. Y. State Geol.,"dike 25. ‘sulyur Aq pousyy}suers Us9q DAVY SUOISNOUT oY} JO SolZepunog oy, ‘puod ureyunoyy Jo yyNos olur ev Jo Jyey-ouo ‘oqruoAS Z3.1eND Ul SUOISHIOUL o][TAUOIL pu o4ISsOoYyy1OUy g161 ‘Bury “IH Aq 0f0Ud 9 a4%Iq Photo by H.L. Alling, 1917 Olivine diabase dike, 24 inches wide, cutting anorthosite. Just south of Mountain pond, north-northwest of Paul Smiths. Direction N.80° E. There are two other dikes nearby but they are not shown in the photograph. REPORT OFS THE, DIRECTOR: 197 123 through a contact phase of the syenite. The excavation and lev- eling of Broadway has exposed it at the side of the street. It is about 5 feet wide and runs nearly northeast-southwest. Still another is to be noted 14 miles south of McCauley pond, beside the road, not far from the Gabbro knob. Only two dikes are reported in the region about Long lake,’ while in the eastern section the country is fairly seamed with these black bands. In composition, the dikes are somewhat similar to the gabbros but the textural make-up is far different. These dikes must have welled up nearly if not fully to the surface, for they display a striking chill effect. Close to the point of con- tact with the country rock the diabase dikes are very dense and are actually glassy in nature, showing that they were cooled too rapidly to allow complete crystallization of the minerals. Farther from the edge the glassy constituent is less and less prevalent until in the center of the wide dikes, some of which are 30 or 4o feet in thickness, the rock is wholly crystalline. The ridge known as the Palisades of the Hudson, so familiar to New Yorkers, is a wide dike (or more properly a sill) of diabase similar in composition to the Adirondack type, although of very much later age. Along the shore of Lake Champlain dikes of later age and of syenitic composition occur,” but we need not discuss them here. The Later Sedimentary Rocks With the dying out of the igneous activity the region was again subjected to the ravages of water, frost and winds, subduing the raggedness of its topography. The land experienced a general lowering and slowly sank below the waves of the sea, when a period of rock construction succeeded the ages of destruction. Around the shoulders of the Adirondacks layer upon layer of water-laid sediments were deposited, which, as time went on, became rocks. The Potsdam Sandstone The first deposit was a conglomerate composed of the refuse of the wear upon adjacent land areas. This is known as the Potsdam basement bed. Resting upon this a purer sandstone is found.’ The ree Cushing. Nav. State Vius! Balj ims5ips 104. Kemp, J. F. & Marsters, V. F., The Dikes of the Champlain Valley, U. S. Gros Bul. 107. 3 Recent work seems to indicate that these beds are of different age from the Potsdam, but this is of small moment to us here. 124 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM total thickness of the Potsdam is unknown, but an estimate of 1000 feet! is given. It is thickened to the northeast of the Adirondacks, indicating that the Potsdam sea encroached from that direction. Whether the entire Adirondacks were buried under the Potsdam formation is an open question, but the writer is of the opinion that they probably were, at least as far as the east-central portion is concerned.” The Potsdam formation has been eroded from the central mass of the Adirondacks and occurs today only fringing the foothills and in disconnected patches (outliers) within the borders. While entirely gone from the Lake Clear region, loose boulders and irreg- ular slabs are found scattered about. It is a dense, tough, white to red sandstone, massively crystallized to a ‘‘ quartzite.” The individual grains of quartz sand have been cemented together with siliceous material. In the stone piles and fences of the farms the occurrence of the Potsdam is surprisingly common. Some of the red varieties show streaked areas of white that are attributed to the bleaching action of the organic acids produced by the life in the Potsdam sea. The Following Limestones The subsidence still continuing, later beds of sedimentary rocks were deposited upon the Potsdam, alternating sandstones and limestones showing a thickness of from 50 to 200 feet. Following these beds, which are known as the Theresa and Tribes Hill forma- tions, the Little Falls magnesian limestone (dolomite) was deposited, with a total thickness of some hundreds of feet. Upon these beds still later formations of sedimentary rock were laid on the bottom of the sea that covered nearly the whole of northeastern New York State. We need not discuss these various rocks, for if they existed in the area about Lake Clear, they have all been carried away by erosion and the great ice sheet that invaded the land. Rock Structures Winder the action of compressive forces the various) mamerals composing the rocks of the region have been rearranged with respect ¢40 one another. Those which crystallize in the form of needles or peneplane,’’ see ID. W. Johnson, Geog: Rev.) ve len ltimene ners E. W. Shaw at the Albany meeting (1916) of the Geological Society of America questioned the age of the ‘‘ Cretaceous ’’ peneplane, regarding it of later age. tees Cushine wi @Nenovave IVitisn bUlo5 ome “jal, IU, Weubetcloniicl, shane, (Cisoll, Sores Belly 275 1. BA5—O2. Ore ily “bie $e +: Bie Thee yt — ™~ a a. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR I917 129 depression in altitude. Today the land area, relieved of this weight, has “‘ sprung’ back again. Glacial Geology During geologic time the climate of the earth has been more uniform than is perhaps realized. Nevertheless slight periodic alter- nations of cooler and warmer periods have occurred and undoubtedly will continue to occur. A lowering of the average temperature by only a few degrees, if long continued, wouid result in the accumu- lation of vast amounts of ice in the highlands far to the north, and when it acquired sufficient mass, it would have to spread over this and other adjacent regions. This would mark the beginning of a glacial period. North America, especially the northern portion, has been subjected to repeated invasions of continental ice bodies. Without much question the Adirondacks have been so invaded many times, but in view of the fact that the glacial deposits are mainly the result of the last ice sheet, we will confine ourselves to it and its results. Glacial Erosion The great ice sheet crowded its way across the area in a south- westerly direction, grinding off the loose and disintegrated weathered surface of the rocks, widening the valleys and polishing the ledges. On rocky surfaces recently exposed by the removal of the top soil we find today numberless parallel scratches gouged by the scraping or planing action of sharp-edged stones and sand grains frozen in the ice. The direction of these striae informs us of the course taken by the waning stages of the glacier. One set of striae on the east shore of Upper St Regis lake measured south-southwest 5 37° W (corrected iOmieibe MOL), Anouler Sel vol Siiiae was 10und on a ledgeyor syenite 33 miles north-northwest of Saranac lake. Here the direction of the ice flow was nearly the same (S 38° W). Many striae to the east and south have been noted and recorded; many more will doubtless be found in the Lake Clear district on careful search. Glacial Deposits The continental ice body picked up and carried with it all sorts of debris which it dropped as it melted. The water, resulting from the melting ice, swept much of this away into.terraces and deltas » of lake deposits. Nevertheless a number of well-formed deposits are present in the area; two long, narrow hills southeast of the GLACIAL GEOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE MAP OF PARTS OF ORK STATE MUSEUM BULLETIN 207-8 JOHN M. CLARKE, DIRECTOR ST. REGIS AND SARANaG QUADRANGLES Re LEGEND 4 Moraines and Eskers ¢ Ice Block Kettle Holes > ~ > eTe Boulder Trains : Sand Dunes y Glacial Lake Beaches “Jpper Newman’ 1800-1895 Q ae 2) isa) = x o “Lower Newman” 1740-1780 Saranac Glacial Waters 1450-1660 Local Lake “St. Germain’ * 1625 sil . Geology by Harold L. Afling. 1916 | mcg Ae A ee emerge Se eee tn Mate Sei F2202 .0O SSeS 3) lt eae eee Anos. 0.05 0.15 OF O07 Ole d7/ POs. 02 .0O 1.42 00 DGGE 00 2.58 ile 1.05 MnO. 0.29 - .00 0.30 0O IEE) aS eo Se i ee eee er 0.00 OO 215) eee orO. ONONales Baeie OLOO" Sask ae 68 .69 Bula 67 .33 32.34 IL GSS: (OS pe ie a ea Se Le 0.64 eft Wie Ce ales a ee 68.05 100.43 99 .67 SiOa sole Misth Crs ee ak Ceca ee ORD Slt the. ne oetee ©). Sin See es 1 Chamosite odlite, Burns farm, Clinton, N. Y. Princeton Catalog, no. 6070. E. W. Morley, analyst 2 Chamosite odlite, Burns farm, Clinton, N. Y. Princeton Catalog, no. 6108. E. W. Morley, analyst. = The large amount of insoluble material is what would be antici- pated from a comparison of the gray odlite with the ordinary odlitic iron ore, and its composition is also what would be expected — essentially quartz, of detrital origin, and pyrite, formed 7 sztu. It is, however, the soluble portion which is of chief present interest 178 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM and here, again, in spite of the somewhat heterogeneous nature of the material analysed, the results are what had been anticipated. A proper interpretation of these results involves a simple recalcula- tion, the phosphorous being treated as Ca3(POu.)e, the calcium and magnesium as carbonates, and the ferric oxide as disseminated hematite. S102, AloO3, FeO, remaining MgO and the H.O’are then recalculated to too per cent, giving the results shown in 1a and 2a below. Ia 20% (38.84%)|(44-41%)| % | 4 2 : i 2 ° SHO A Ne 4 23.68 22053) 25.19) 22).28| 25/23) 21-35) 20440lmaor 25 oe IMNAD a. 4 3) 21220 22 ASO etn 7/1125 A0|O) O71 oleae One eae 76 8.92 Bes Oe a ae eee ae Lee eee nts OxOG| ayes Tt 571) 23052 sae 24.40 eOneer: AN 21 AI .46 AI. 45 327.41) 37.51| 36.81) 36.02) ieee eee IMBEKO) So 5c 2 By AO6| Hi sAO|e 52) 12) Aol) OO) mene 25 G7) esas CAO oes ioret ce rears te lohan sts Hein te (NMOS alls acre Tall Lue aorta an ee 57| r.26 Na.O. BeAr 98] 0.25 K.0.. ee 9.54) 4.21 Sd Tea 7.77\ 12.13| 10:25] 12:90} 8.78] 0.07) 4oaleeamae IN Litt ©) ee capt oe aS ae cea ah On2i tr 100.00 100 .00!T00O .00|1TO0 .O0;TOO .OO;100.T 1/100 .00}/100.35)100.23 1a Chamosite of gray odlite, Burns farm, Clinton, N. Y. Princeton Catalog, no. 6070. E. W. Morley, analyst. 2a Chamosite of gray odlite, Burns farm, Clinton, N. Y. Princeton Catalog, no. 6108. E. W. Morley, analyst. 3 Chamosite, Schmiedefeld. Mean of two analyses recalculated to 100. Zalinski, Neues jabra i) Ming ete: Bab. De pn 77 oor 4 Chamosite, Wabana, a 1B Recalculated to 100. Hayes, Memoir 78, Geol. Survey of Canada, p. 59, 1915. 5 Chamosite, Windgallen. Recalculated to 100. C. Schmidt, quoted by Zalinski, Op. cit., p. 78. | 6 Thuringite, Gebersreuth. Zannski@psicit i oiae 7 Greenalite, Mesabi. Anal. by Steiger, recalculated to 100. Leith, C. K., The Mesabi Iron Bearing District, Mon. 43, U. S. Geol. Survey, p. 246, 1903. 8 Glauconite, Padi, Russia. K. Glinka, Zeits. Kryst. Min. XXX, p. 390, 1899. g Glauconite, Station 164B, Challenger Expedition. Thomson, C. W. & Murray, J. Report of Challenger Expedition, Deep-Sea Deposits, p. 387, 1891. In view of the variable character of the rock analysed and the large amount of material calculated out, these figures, in spite of some lack of agreement, are in sufficient accord to justify conclusions as to the nature of the mineral composing the shells of the spherules, and it is, evidently, a hydrated, ferrous aluminous silicate. Both its composition and its physical properties show that the mineral is a member of the rather indefinite group of chlorites, REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR I9Q17 179 such as cronstedite, thuringite, delessite, and its closest affinity seems ‘to be with the chamosite variety of thuringite — that is, the variety rich in ferrous iron and poor in ferric iron. Zalinski,! with much reason, regards chamosite as a distinct species, but whether or not this conclusion is finally accepted is unimportant in the present connection. His analyses, shown averaged and recalculated to 100 in no. 3, were made on carefully separated material and with a purely mineralogical end in view, while Doctor Morley’s analyses were made to show the nature of the rock as a whole, as well as that of the particular mineral in ques- tion, and considerable lack of agreement is inevitable. But, in view of this essential difference in the nature of the data, as well as the peculiar and variable character of the minerals con- cerned, the divergence of results is no more than would be expected. As a matter of fact, the results of the present analyses agree better with Zalinski’s analyses of chamosite than do the latter with most analyses of thuringite (illustrated by no. 6) of which mineral chamo- site is generally considered a variety. From the analytical results given above, Zalinski derives the formula H,(FeMg)3AlsSi2O1;, while for thuringite, he derives the formula Hys(FeMg)s(AlFe)sSisO4:. The ferrous silicate 1a gives the following molecular equivalents, Al.O; being taken as 1 in the second column: Sil Me en ees einen irate) ks ei Eo A ok Wirelelist ie apres akecibe .439 1.87 PNT OR Ne Te se) wads CON cs Mee wndomy Sma AS jen aKa eel So! 0 M2371 1.00 steal esa a ieee eee TREO} inc RR ah RO ea STA Mele egNE NE aa rr an ST te te .705 3.00 While the silica ratio is low, the evidence points toward the same formula as that obtained by Zalinsk1. In the case of the ferrous silicate 2a, the corresponding figures are: STO eee ce nae aN lik NN Gee, ORIN ated rab apamestct ai tayi aN ler iep 2) 9 othe ia .416 ite vl PARI @ eee ateni, cea earn he oitel sed SCR MM cect Mas eich iatan' i,t a. 225; 1.00 Pe ae er aan) -738 etsy JEU AG) iat Ae oes eet ange DEAS AA Ce ie pL Ae NB Aes ae eee ce eu . 460 1.95 The ratios here are even less satisfactory than in the preceding case, but, so far as they may be trusted, they indicate the same form- ula, with one less molecule of water, or H,(FeMg)3S12O 12. 1 Zalinski, E. R., Untersuchungen ttber Thuringit u. Chamosit aus Thtiringen u. Umgebung: Neues Jahrb. f. Min. etc., B. B. Dex pa dO, 845 lOOd: 180 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM It is obvious that the data in hand are quite insufficient to estab- lish the precise formula of the mineral or minerals involved, but they indicate very clearly the general nature and mineralogical associations of the compounds. The data necessary for the precise determination of the silicate formula could be obtained only by analysing carefully separated samples, and the nature of the material is such as to make separation by heavy solutions an exceedingly arduous task. In the foregoing recalculations of analyses 1 and 2, to determine the composition of the ferrous silicate, 1t was assumed that all the CO. present was combined with calcium and magnesium. As a matter of fact, this is doubtless not the case for, almost without question, some CO» is combined with iron, thus reducing the amount of iron and increasing the amount of magnesium in the silicate. The limit in this direction is obtained by calculating all the CO2 left from calcium carbonate to iron carbonate and including all the magnesium in the silicate. The results of such calculation are shown in 1b and 2b as follows: 1b 26 Si@aC Miwa ericia ee Vat Gr Ri Can ie ana nd eae eee 26.49 25.09 TEMS OE Age ne Et Mee RR NIDA genet ARMREST Nea ae csi et, 23.93 24.08 FO Scere thy cate on ah es a OB WR DN Sign Oe SFR akg AB MRO Ey MUON Rees eg 19.09 2G ait A Gad a oN Te Ne ey an bane Na ter her LMU MAEM Ape eters Ae Mace yf 7/8) 12a 1 Oar ALB ed car DAMIR E Ly tern NAME Nel len meu pA. G'S 1270 8.28 100.00 100.00 While the figures depart considerably from those of ta and 2a, the replacement of FeO by an equivalent amount of MgO does not, of course, change the essential composition of the mineral as expressed by a formula. The true composition is doubtless somewhere between the extremes represented, respectively, in ra and rb and 2a and 2b. Thus there appears to be sufficient evidence for classing the ferrous silicate of the gray odlite as chamosite, at least if the name be used ~ in the rather general sense given to it by Lacroix! and many others, even if not in the more exact sense assigned to it by Zalinski.? It is evident that the silica in the above analyses is of two sources — clastic and chemical — being, in part, detrital quartz and, in part, precipitated from solution. The same is true for the Clinton ores, in general, but in the ores, as contrasted with the gray odlite, by far the larger part of the silica is of the former origin. 1 Lacroix, A., Mineralogie de la France I, p. 397, 1893-95. 2 Talinski Wy. Wocw ett: Figure 1 Green odlite resulting from the alteration of odlitic ore. centric structure evident. Magnified 30 diameters Figure 2 Green odlite resulting from alteration of odlitic ore. Concentric structure evident. Magnified 30 diameters REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR I9Q17 181 A further fact made clear by the analyses is the small amount of potassium in the odlite. This is a matter of interest in its bearing upon hypotheses, to be treated later, which explain the Clinton ores, and others more or less similar, as resulting from the alteration of glauconite. _In this connection, too, it may be noted that while the silicate of the gray odlite is ferrous, glauconite is essentially a ferric silicate. | By way of comparison, analyses of other minerals are given which are related to chamosite either mineralogically or in manner of occurrence, as well as, possibly, of origin. Further reference will be made to these in the sequel. A second variety of odlite, differing markedly in appearance from that just described, occurs somewhat frequently in small amounts, not as a separate bed, as is the case with the gray odlite, but scat- tered irregularly through the ore itself, and differing from it chiefly in being of a pale grayish green color instead of red (plate 4, figures 1 and 2). The relation of this green odlite to the ore clearly shows the former to be merely a secondary modification of the latter. avine two varieties pass into each other by imperceptible gradations and it sometimes happens that, when the ore is traversed by a joint or irregular crack, the original red color has given place to green, obviously as the result of the action of solutions passing through the opening. Indeed, it is quite evident that this green odlite 1s strictly analogous to the green spots and bands so commonly developed in red formations by circulating solutions. Samples for analysis, representing the green odlite and the red ore from which it is derived, were taken from a single large specimen of the ore, shading gradually into the green odlite at one end. The results are shown below, analysis 9 being the green oodlite and 1o the ore. Recalculation of the analyses of the soluble portions, by the same method that was used for the dark-gray odlite, gives, for no. 9, a total of 37.23 per cent of ferrous silicate, whose composition is shown - in oa, and, for no. 10, a total of 22.07 per cent of ferrous silicate, whose composition is shown in toa. These results are less trustworthy than those derived in the pre- ceding cases because of certain peculiar features of the materials analysed. The green odlite, no. 9, shows a deficiency in CO2 which requires the calculation of all MgO to the ferrous silicate while, on the other hand, the red odlite, no. 10, has a large excess of CO2 which uses up not only all of the MgO but, in addition, a consider- 182 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM able amount of FeO, indicating the presence of an unusual amount of siderite. Moreover, in the latter case, the total amount of silicate is small and tends to exaggerate any errors in the combinations assumed. In spite of these difficulties, however, the agreement of the ferrous silicate composition is fairly close, both for the two samples them- selves and for the preceding odlites. Allowing for errors in making the combinations, for the somewhat heterogeneous character of the rocks and, even more, for the uncertain and variable nature of the minerals concerned, the agreement is, on the whole, as good as could be expected and quite sufficient to justify the conclusion that the ferrous silicate of the green and the red odlites is essentially the same as that of the gray odlite and is, therefore, chamosite or a closely related mineral. 9 (GREEN) 10 (RED) Qa . 10a Sol. Insol. Sol. Insol. | @7.22 9%) @2no7 7) S102. 9.51 8.03 5.45 S678) 25.54 24.70 Al.Os 7.07 0.00 4.94 Ona 18.99 22,20 Fe.0s; BRO 6.69 11.59 0.41 . a are FeO. ano? 0.00 29.64 0.00 a7 aaa 41.90 MgO 2.35 Omg 1.39 0.06 6235 |. Ape CaOz PER OR 0.24 1,5 O513 wie dit ue Nae Ont ee eee Oni 0.16 Oesies || ON Bia anes o.15 | f 0.03 ee Reka H.O+ Ae Omics pecente 2 SAR Lente may in 12.03 DL Or Hs@e eae ORM anaes OTT PII ake sane (Ook) ee eee A hye eee COn SOD lie eo DD: Omens BiO yn eee ae 0.05 0.12 O.O1 0.01 ier. «ae eee P20s.. ey Ore 0.97 O).O4 4) 0 Meare Saree AEN BY QO heat ceo O02 | |:..0o hee rr INU O)S oe We ieve oh 0.56 0.00 0.94 O.12)) ss oo. al eee BaQ te oe eos reee OLOOP | esa 0.03 Seas ll a i or Sr Oke Ae COVEN T/ahl Weer eset O.05 | ueleee ea ul) [he's ose ee VOR 20.82 92707, 6.86 100.0 100.0 100.53 99 .93 9 Green oolite, Clinton, N. Y. Princeton Catalog no. 6110. E. W. Morley” analyst. 10 Oolitic ore, Clinton, N. Y. Princeton Catalog no. 6111. EE. Wa eMiorley; analyst. ga Ferrous silicate of green oolite. 10a Ferrous silicate of oolitic ore. Figure 1 Odliticoreshowing typical spherules, but their concentric struct- ure masked by the opacity of the hematite. Magnified 30 diameters Figure 2 Minette ore of Lorraine. The spherules are much smaller than those of the Clinton ore and lack the quartz cores, but have similar concentric structure. Magnified 57 diameters REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 183 The molecular proportions of 9a are shown below, the second column being based upon Al,O; as 1 and the third on (MgFe)O ais: 3). OE Neat ery eee Gee ge ee oe Bayh .422 226 1.86 £1190). oA SLSR RIC BUR et eae ee a iene nae ae . 186 1.00 83 EO eis eR on eae che cta sae ers BAS 3 MeO. \ 673 3.60 3.00 H.O.. 668 3.60 3.00 STC cr ae et Mee ey es hei le nn ee Sea gD .409 1.86 2.097 PO oe) ee set en eg Reg ha, .219 TOO 1.128 FeO.. IRE os orb Tad cee hears ge ee nC Ae Ree Pe aes TEL C) 2. eb: SoS eR ene ice DOO ee reo OO rw .610 Dh acly] 2eie The divergence from theoretical quantities is even greater here than in the preceding cases, but a rough approximation to the same simple ratios may be seen. These specimens of green and red odlite, while closely related to the typical odlitic ore, differ from it in certain respects, being, in a sense, intermediate between it and the gray odlite. Therefore, to carry the series farther, and to its normal limit, analyses 11 and 12 were made, the first representing the spherules of the ordinary odlitic ore (plate 5, figure 1) and the second representing the irregular grains of the so-called fossil ore, both collected from the type deposits aeumton. N.Y. The spherules and grains were separated from the fine clastic material and cement in order to secure as large an amount as possible of the ferrous silicate, which is largely confined to the former. The low P20; shown in these analyses is, doubtless, due to the elimination of phosphatic lingula fragments during the separation of spherules and grains from cement, while the same operation has increased the amount of insoluble silica in no. 11 because this occurs, largely, as rounded quartz grains, forming the cores of spherules. Of this sample, 73.66 per cent is hematite, 11.61 per cent is con- sidered ferrous silicate, 11.91 per cent quartz, the remaining 3 per cent being calcite, pyrite etc. This composition is in sharp contrast with that of the gray odlite, numbers 1 and 2, with only 1.70 per cent and 0.83 per cent, respec- tively, of hematite, 38.84 per cent and 44.41 per cent of ferrous sili- cate and 24.21 per cent and 28.81 per cent of quartz. 184 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM II I2 Ila I2a Sol. Insol. Sol. Insol. | (11.61%) | (14.48%) SiO2 3.00 it Ot 2.59 4.56 25.83 L789 Al:O3 3.08 0.31 Uh 07) 0.18 26.52 28.80 Fe.Q;3 73.66 0.32 41.21 O213. [Oe Pe OR ir ais mein Heat Ah Mee ZOO |Nienerd: 27,2328 24.86 Mie ON sae een 0.56 0.07 6.81 0.06 4.82 10.42 Cale vanes Gey aeuee Tor 0.08 14.55 0.05 | edie le Na.O 0.07 0.04 0.19 O.II K.0 Ovite2 0.08 0.07 OOP ier eae eae H.O+ 1.80 Ok: DAO ales val 15.53 18.03 15 Ore 0.22 OLCOGI ue ane he COs Ain ie Ea ier ORT Mae 47 17; SOO | aha eselns ih aieeseeere Os Oey kurka hate On ies O22 [RON UR RE SAAS, PQ ig ieee eee ee 1 1g On22 0207) | .6... 008 2a SHER iniete yeaa iia oe Mocha’ ONO 2 TAN Sean OROBuie ee eee MnO.. Opeigh adore une 0.46 ee Woh. ol OS BAO rues i veeng ke CONE O)Z ills paca O03" Pace. Wi. Se SEOM a ers v ania OOD eee tL) (OF i aig| MOET Au IM ees 87.44 2 15 94.50 56 3l fi settee 100.19 99.81 100.00 100.00 SiO. sol. in HCl... 0.06 0.04 11 Spherules of oolitic ore, Clinton, N. Y. Princeton Catalog no. 6107 E. W. Morley, analyst. 12 Grains of fossil ore, Clinton, N. Y. Princeton Catalog no. 6109. E. W. Morley, analyst. 11a Ferrous silicate of oolitic spherules. 12a Ferrous silicate of fossil grains. The composition calculated for the ferrous silicate in no. 11 and in MO, 12,19 shown im no. ta@ and im mo, 120.) One) tovalyaaneuon of silicate ini the fist Case is 11/01 per cent) im’ the secon@lmenns Pence: Compared with the composition of the silicate of no. 1, there is, in tra, more silica, alumina and water, with very considerably less ferrous oxide. This might be explained by regarding part of the ferric oxide, all of which is treated as hematite, as being combined in the silicate, bringing it closer to true thuringite. But, like other explanations that might be suggested, this one does not admit of proof, nor is it indicated by the limited data at hand. Doubtless, the chief cause of discrepancies here, as in the other cases, lies in the small amount of silicate present, with consequent multiplica- tion of errors in making the calculation. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR I9QI7 185 The really interesting point brought out by the analysis is the actual presence of a ferrous silicate similar to the chamosite of the gray oolite. Other interpretations of the analysis might be offered, but this one not only fits the individual case but is supported by the evidence of the preceding cases. The results from the recalculation of no. 12, shown in no. 124, are unsatisfactory. This is due, in part, to the fact that the deter- mination of CO, is only approximate and, in part, again, to the small amount of silicate present. But, that it actually is present, there can be little doubt. This last analysis, taken by itself, would shed little if any light upon the constitution of the ores, but it falls in line with the other analyses and, when all are considered together, while at the same time their geological and mineralogical relations are kept in view, much that is of interest appears. As already stated, many specimens of Clinton ore from various localities, have been treated with acid and in every case a residue of gelatinous silica, soluble in alkalies and retaining perfectly the form and structure of the spherules and grains, has been obtained; and the same thing has been noted by several observers in ores of similar character and of various regions and ages. The gray odlite, represented by analyses nos. 1 and 2, behaves in precisely the same manner and, in this case, the gelatinous silica is evidently derived from the ferrous silicate chamosite or a related mineral. In spite of some variation in composition, the same con- clusion is justified in the case of the green and red odlites, nos. 9 and to, the latter of which is a low-grade ore. For the two ores, nos. 11 and 12, the evidence is not so satisfactory but suggests the presence of a similar silicate. Thus the conclusion might seem warranted that, in all cases where iron ores of the Clinton type leave a gelatinous residue on digestion with acids, this residue results from the decomposition of a ferrous silicate. While this may be too sweeping a conclusion, it is clear that a ferrous silicate is a frequent constituent of such ores and, when present, is the source of the gelatinous residue. It is evident that, if the ferrous silicate is so generally present in the Clinton ores, any hypothesis attempting to explain their genesis must take the silicate into account, as has been done in the case of other ores of a more or less similar character. Approaching the problem from the side of the silicate, the gray odlite, though leaving much to be determined, presents certain facts which seem to have a very definite bearing upon its origin. 186 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM As already indicated, the spherules of the odlite are of simple composition, consisting of the silicate, alone, surrounding cores, usually, of rounded quartz. Obviously, this silicate must either be primary or derived from the alteration of an earlier mineral, presumably oxide or carbonate. As to the latter compound, though present in the cement, no evidence has been found that it has played an important réle in the formation of any of the odlites, either gray or red, similar to that which Cayeux assigns to it in the French ores. The case of hematite is, of course, entirely different, this mineral being the chief constituent of the spherules in the red odlite, or ore, and appearing in small amount in the gray odlite, though in the cement rather than the spherules. That, under certain conditions, the silicate might be derived from the oxide, there can be no doubt but on geological grounds such derivation’ can not be accepted in the present caseummmne association of the gray odlite and the ore is such as to show that both have been subjected to essentially identical conditions ‘since their formation. The gray odlite, unlike the green variety in the ore, is a definite layer and no reason appears why, if deposited as oxide, it should have been altered to silicate any more than the ore less than 2 feet above it. Moreover, it is difficult to see how the small amount of hematite in the cement of the gray odlite could escape alteration which was so markedly changing the spherules. These spherules, furthermore, differ in detail from those of the ore, being often less nearly spherical, showing evidence of distortion while soft and, frequently, blending one with another, so far-as their outer layers are concerned (plates 1, 2 and 3). These are doubtless somewhat accidental distinctions, but they are thought to have some significance. The total impression made upon one who has studied the gray odlite in the field and laboratory is that the ferrous silicate is distinctly primary and that the absence of hematite is due to some slight variation from the ordinary ore-forming conditions, rather than to its secondary conversion into silicate. The green odlite, resulting from alteration of the red ore, 1s evidently analogous to the green streaks and blotches of red shales and sandstones. From this it might be concluded that the green silicate is secondary, resulting from the alteration of the red oxide. But, while this may be true in part, another explanation is possible. The analyses show that the ore contains practically the same REPORA ORT THE, DIRECTOR -1Ot 7 187 ferrous silicate that the green odlite contains, but in less amount, the respective quantities being 22.07 per cent and 37.23 per cent. While the weak green color of the silicate in the ore is wholly masked by the strong red of the oxide, in thin section the ore is green by transmitted light, though bright red by reflected light. In the change from red to green odlite there has been, through the action of percolating solutions, doubtless of a reducing nature, a loss of hematite, to which the red color was due, while the silicate is relatively increased in quantity by this removal, as well as by the elimination of the unusually abundant iron carbonate. ‘The presence of the large amount of the latter in the ore strongly suggests that its formation is the first step in the removal of the oxide, while the marked decrease in total iron in the green odlite as compared with the ore is added evidence of leaching. If this interpretation is correct, the silicate of the green odlite 1s, in part at least, not formed by the alteration of oxide in the red ore, but is simply rendered conspicuous by the removal of the oxide. That, at the same time, some silicate may be formed is evident. So far as the typical odlitic ore and the fossil ore, represented by analyses 11 and 12 are concerned, the silicate can be determined only by indirect means, and nothing definite is indicated as to its relation to the oxide. Streaks and blotches of green odlite occur sporadically in the odlitic ore bed and are essentially identical in nature with those just described. As yet nothing similar has been noted in the fossil ores, probably because of merely accidental over- sight. In both varieties of ore the association of silicate and oxide is most intimate and, apparently, constant. Thus, it is concluded that the chamosite, or related ferrous silicate, which occurs as a distinct bed associated with the Clinton hematites, as well as the silicate intimately mingled with hematite in the ores themselves, is a primary deposit rather than an alteration of some other iron compound. If this conclusion is correct, the intimate and, apparently, constant association of ferrous silicate with the oxide of the ores suggests at once the possible derivation of the Clinton ores from a primary silicate. Such an explanation of the ores would account very well for their constant yielding of gelatinous silica when treated with acids, the silica resulting from the decomposition of a residual portion of the silicate that had escaped alteration. This, however, as will be shown later, is not the only possible source of silica, though distinctly 188 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM indicated when the proportions of the various constituents conform to a definite silicate formula. If the ore is derived from primary silicate, it is evident that the gray odlite, represented by analyses 1 and 2, must have escaped the alteration and retained its original composition. This involves a ‘difficulty similar to that met with in the attempt to explain the gray odlite as derived from primary oxide — the fact that both silicate and oxide have been subjected to the same geological con- ditions. If the ore represents altered silicate, why has not the much thinner bed of silicate, just below it, been similarly altered? As a matter of fact, both beds appear to have retained essentially their original condition, with little change, and it is impossible to examine them in the field without concluding that their differences are primary. Furthermore, if the ore is derived from silicate, why does it never grade into the unaltered original material? This happens repeatedly in the European cases, where such an origin for the ores has been maintained, while the Clinton ores never, so far as the writer is aware, grade into unchanged silicate, even under covers exceeding a thousand feet. This is really the serious, not to say fatal, obstacle to the hypothesis of derivation of the ores from silicate. An alter- ation so complete and uniform, extending to such depths, over so great an area, and with such widely varying topography, seems impossible. It is true, McCallie! states that, in Georgia, the hard, unleached ores carry 4 per cent of ferrous iron while the soft, leached ores carry only about 0.3 per cent. But while this is the relation that would be expected if ferrous silicate is a general primary con- stituent of the ores, no proof is afforded that this silicate was ever the only, or the dominant, iron mineral. For were this the case, there would certainly be parts of the formation, under heavy cover, not reached by the oxidizing solutions where the entire bed would consist of silicate. The nearest approach to this that the writer has seen is the bed © of gray odlite described above, and the complete preservation of the chamosite in this, with no special protective conditions, strengthens the conclusion that the same mineral would some- times hava remained intact in the ore beds, had it ever formed a chief constituent of the latter. If more positive evidence were needed upon this question, it 1 McCallie, S. W.; Fossil Iron Ores of Georgia. Geol. Survey of Georgia, Bul. 17, p. 180, 1908. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR I9Q1I7 189 would be afforded by the iron minerals of the Wabana deposits of New Foundland, described by Hayes.’ Here again the main ore is hematite, occurring in vast bodies, with subsidiary chamosite and siderite. In the same section there are sharply defined beds of odlitic chamosite which, as is the case with the gray odlite at Clinton, have been subjected to all the vicissitudes that have affected the ore but have retained what is clearly their original constitution. In both the Wabana and the Clinton cases, which are closely parallel, except in the matter of scale, it seems perfectly clear that the chamosite and hematite beds are distinct in character now, not because of secondary changes, but because they were originally distinct and have in both cases preserved their original characteristics with little modification. It is on these purely empirical grounds that the derivation of the ores from silicates is rejected, for not only is there no theoretical obstacle to the hypothesis, but the cases of the Mesabi ores, the Minette ores of Lorraine, and many others, are evidence of the possibiltty of such derivation on a large scale. The field relations of the Clinton ores, however, (and the same is true of the Wabana ores) seem to preclude the possibility of such origin. Should further deep exploitation of the Clinton ores show a general passage into beds of chamosite, this conclusion would of course have to be aban- doned; but in view of the depth to which they have already been worked, without change of character, it is deemed most improbable that any such change will appear. Even the occasional occurrence of chamosite varieties of the ore would not be sufficient evidence to establish the silicate hypothesis, ‘for if, as shown above, chamosite is a widespread and presumably primary constituent of the ores, it is quite conceivable that it would sometimes surpass the hematite in quantity without at all indicating that this is a general relation. As to the precise method of formation of the ferrous silicate, little can be said with certainty. In the case of the gray odlite, the silicate is of very shallow water one having been deposited ona) cracked mud surface) @he silicate was deposited in concentric shells, coating rounded quartz grains, the deposition beginning around isolated grains but gradually cementing these together so that, in a late stage of the process,, there was some blending of the shells of adjacent spherules (plate 3, figures 1 and 2). That the iron was first precipitated as hydrated 1 Hayes, A. O., Wabana Iron Ore of New Foundland. Geol. Survey of Canada, Mem. 78, p. 17 and 19, I9I15. 190 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM ® oxide with adsorbed silica and subsequently changed to silicate, under reducing conditions due to organic matter on the sea bottom, is possible, as suggested by Leith! in his first discussion of the Mesabi ores; and certain facts derived from examination of modern lake ores, to be discussed later, support this view. But direct precipitation as ferrous silicate is thought more probable. In this connection, the artificial precipitation? of greenalite is of great interest but, while the laboratory conditions involved, with their high temperatures, approximate those indicated for the natural precipitation of greenalite, they are quite unlike the conditions under which the Clinton silicate was formed. In spite of this, however, they indicate the readiness with which ferrous silicate may be formed, while the difference in conditions may account for the difference in the minerals produced. In the case of the Clinton ores, there seems to have been a delicate equilibrium between silicate and hydroxide and, while the latter was formed in larger amount, there was still, as a rule, a certain amount of the former. A slight shift in one direction, that: of lack of oxygen, would increase, while a similar shift in the opposite direction would decrease, the amount of silicate. It appears, then, that primary precipitates of ferrous silicate and ferric hydroxide, the latter easily dehydrated, may form simultaneously, and that, with varying conditions, either one may predominate in a given case, though as a rule both are present. That subsequent oxidation, under new geological conditions, may convert the silicate to oxide is undoubted; and it is almost equally certain that reducing conditions may, in the presence of sufficient silica, convert the oxide to silicate, reference being made to alteration under moderate cover, in the region of cementation, not to deeper seated conditions, where any silicate formed would be of the type characteristic of the crystalline schists. . Stapfi* long ago pointed out that modern lake and bog ores, when treated with acid, leave a residue similar to that left by the Clinton and other ores, and concluded that there was iron silicate present. The writer has examined a large number of samples of modern 1 Leith, C. K., The Mesabi Iron Bearing District; U. S. Geol. Survey, Mon: PIOIUUE Fo), BOs OOS 2 Van Hise, C. R. & Leith, C. K., Geology of the Lake Superior Region; U. S. Geol: Survey, Mon! Wil; sp: 521-22, rom. 3 Stapff, F. M., Ueber die Entstehung der Seeerze; Zeits. d. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. 18, p. 110 and 166, 1866. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR 1017 idl pisolitic and odlitic sedimentary ores and in every case has obtained such a gelatinous residue. Indeed, in cases of spherules of similar size, it is difficult to distinguish residues of modern origin from those of the Clinton ores. In order to determine whether or not the similarity extends to the presence of ferrous iron or even ferrous silicate in the modern ores, Professor Morley determined FeO and soluble silica in seven modern lake ores, with the results shown below. For six of the specimens from which the samples for analysis were taken, the writer is indebted to the kindness of Prof. J. H. L. Woanom Chasiiantay Norway (aos. 1.14 and 15) Dr Broil Sarin of Helsingfors, Finland (nos. 16 and 17), and Dr C. Wesenberg-Lund of Copenhagen, Denmark (no. 18). Number 19 was purchased from F. Krantz of Bonn, Germany. 13 14 15 16 09/ 18 19 Gia” Gis) (Gane (GeO) Guo) gi) = (eaen) Re Oren tice st cs On72 O16) I.9O 29 i 5 aXe. 0.34 1.49 SHOE, halal aay 1.44 D 1B 1 it 2 0.88 1.40 133 Sil Op thay Gal RG 0.81 0.38 1.50 O37, OLOO 1 OY 0.34 Rotalsols SiOz... 2D 2.51 2EOB 7) Te One VIG 7 i Oy * Princeton catalogue number. 13 Pisolitic limonite (lake-ore), Widastern, Aminne, Smaland, Sweden. E. W. Morley, analyst. 14 Limonite (lake-ore “ Shilling ore ’’) Bolmen, Aminne, Smaland, Sweden. E. W. Morley, analyst. 15 Odlitic limonite (lake-ore), Herresbad, Aminne, Smaland, Sanden: Dia Ws Morley, analyst. 16 Pisolitic limonite (lake-ore), Suontsenjaroi, Joutse, Finland. E. W. Mor- ley, analyst. 17 Pisolitic limonite (lake-ore), Palkjaroi, Finland. E. W. Morley, analyst. 18 Pisolitic limonite (lake-ore), Lake Fureso, Frederiksdal, Denmark. E. W. Morley, analyst. 19 Pisolitic limonite (lake-ore), Binnensee, Husaby, Sweden. E. W. Morley, analyst. The material represented by analysis number 14, as its familiar name suggests, is largely composed of lenticular masses with a diameter of about 1 inch. Analysis 15 is made from material which consists of small, uniform spherules strikingly similar to those of the odlitic Clinton ores, differing from them only in color. Analysis 18 represents material of particular interest in con- taining many shells coated and replaced by limonite! and giving the same siliceous residue that the ordinary spherules do. Thus 1 Wesenberg-Lund, C., Studier over Sokalk, Bonnemalm og Sogytje 1 danske Indsoer; Medd. Dansk. Geol. For., no. 7, p. 79-87, 159, plates I and II, 1g9or. 192 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM it is strictly analogous to the fossil ores of the Clinton and points clearly to the coating and replacement of the organic fragments of the latter during, and immediately after, their accurrulation on the sea bottom and before the deposition of the overlying sediments. The results of the analyses give an affirmative answer to the question as to the presence of ferrous iron, but leave in doubt the matter of the ferrous silicate for, unlike the Clinton ores, these lake ores show no approximation to constancy of proportion between ferrous iron and soluble silica. It is evident that, in every case, there is an excess of silica over that required to form the ferrous silicate, which suggests the presence of the latter. Assuming the presence of silicate, however, the question remains as to the mode of occurrence of the remaining silica. The tendency of collodial ferric hydroxide to adsorb various substances, to which Van Bemmelen! has called attention, strongly suggests that this is the correct explanation in the present instance, while Sosman? says: “ The intimate association of silica with many ores, amounting even to chemical combination, as in some of the siliceous ores of the Lake Superior region, may, represent a simultaneous agglomeration of colloidal silica and ferric oxide, or an adsorption of ferrous and ferric iron by agglomerated silica.’’ It is quite possible that a ferric silicate is present, though there is no definite evidence achauestiehwis vmeycase: In the Clinton ores, where all the silica is regarded as forming ferrous silicate, the absence of excess of silica, like that of the lake ores, may be an original character or, may be due to either ja leaching out of silica or its conversion to the insoluble form. In addition to the amount of silica present, an obvious controlling factor in the formation of ferrous silicate is the quantity of oxygen available to precipitate the iron as ferric hydroxide. The chamosite layer points clearly to a deficiency of oxygen, while in the ores the oxidation was much more nearly complete. That silica adsorbed by ferric hydroxide, under strongly oxidizing conditions, might, under subsequent reducing conditions, combine with ferrous iron to form a silicate, as suggested in discussing the origin of the gray odlite, does not admit of a doubt, and this may be a frequent method of formation of the silicate. | 1Van Bemmelen, J. M., Ueber das Vorkommen, die Zusammensetzung und die Bildung von ea ates an in und unter Mooren: Zeits. f. Anorg. Chem. DOULS TOs B77 Tshoe). 2Sosman, R. B., Some Problems of the Oxides of Iron: Jour. Wachineton . ACadh SCle uN ill; ome Ale ani REPORT Oh, TLE DIRECTOR TOL 193 But whatever the explanation, the simple fact that both types of ores under consideration, the Paleozoic Clinton ores and the modern lake ores, generally contain both ferrous iron and soluble silica, is strong evidence of a similarity of origin and, as the latter are obviously direct chemical precipitates, there is this added evidence that the same is true of the former. In both cases the details of the process of precipitation constitute a difficult problem in colloid chemistry whose solution must be left to the future. Sosman! has recently said, with reference to iron oxides in nature, “Even the layman can get a vivid realization of the complexity of the problems involved; he has but to walk out through the country round about Washington and notice the bewildering play of inorganic colors everywhere about him, ranging from deep brown-black through various shades of drab, brown, purple and maroon, and through the many tints of pink, ochre and rose to the most brilliant reds and orange-yellows, and then realize that almost every one of these hundreds of colors is due to an oxide or hydrated oxide of iron; he will begin to realize then that our chemical knowledge of these oxides is almost infinitesimal.’’ This passage, of course, refers to geological conditions quite different from those under which the iron ores were deposited, but the chemical problems involved are essentially the same, and certainly are not simplified by the intro- duction of the ferrous silicate factor. That the latter is something to be reckoned with in all attempts to solve the problems, both geological and chemical, of the sedi- mentary iron ores, seems to be a definitely established fact. In any given case, the relations of the silicate and the oxide must be controlled by local conditions. For the Clinton ores, a pre- dominant precipitation of hydroxide, with only subsidiary silicate, is indicated. For the Wabana district, Hayes? reached the same conclusion, while for European ores resembling the Clinton ores, and notably the Minette ores of Lorraine, which are such a vital factor in the present war, much difference of opinion exists. In most of these cases the amount of silicate, as compared with oxide, is much greater than in the Clinton ores and the two grade _ back and forth into each other repeatedly. That they have a most intimate genetic relationship is evident and that one is derived from the other by secondary processes is generally held, but there is no EO cit. 9: 72. 2 Op. cit., p. 67-80. 194 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM agreement as to which is primary and which secondary, some investigators regarding the oxide as derived from a primary silicate and others regarding the relation as just the reverse while in both cases various views are held as to the conditions of formation of the original mineral. For example: while Beck! gives the impression that chamosite and thuringite are primary precipitates, Zalinski? considers them secondary after deposits of indeterminate nature. Van Werweke? in his important contribution to the geology of the Minette ores, concludes that they were originally precipitated, in part, as ferrous silicate which was subsequently altered to oxide. In the case of similar ores in Germany, on the other hand, Lepsius* and Gaub® regard the limonite as the primary precipitate and the silicate as formed from it by secondary processes. More extended references would give further evidence of this diversity of view. : Another solution of the silicate problem for the Clinton ores was offered some years ago by McCallie® who, finding scales of a green mineral in the Clinton ores of Georgia and noting that some ferrous iron was reported in analyses, suggested that both phenomena indicated the presence of glauconite, and concluded that the Clinton ores were originally deposited as glauconite and subsequently altered to hematite. Such an explanation of the ores is exeecedimely, attractive, particularly because it connects them with deposits now forming over extensive areas of the sea bottom; although it must be said that geological evidence points to distinctly shallower water conditions for the Clinton ores than those under which glauconite is now forming. But, as was pointed out in the paper on Types of Ore Deposits, there are other and more serious objections to this hypothesis, and the evidence presented in the foregoing pages argues most strongly against it, leading to the conclusion that the green mineral of the Clinton ores is not glauconite, but chamosite or a related 1 Beck, R., The Nature of Ore Deposits, p. 84-85, 1905. 4 (O} 0), Gthks (Oy Ole, . 3 Van Werweke, L., Zusammensetzung u. Entstehung der Lothringisch-luxem- burgischen odlitischen Eisenerze (Minetten). Oberrhein Geol. Verein., Separat- abdruck, April, 1900. 4 Lepsius, R., Geol. von Deutschland, 2 Lief. I, p. 219, 1903. > Gaub, F., Die Jurassischen Odlite der Schwabischen Alb. Neues Jahrbuch fi. Wink eter 1908sellesao4: S Op eits py ra5-04) Plate 6 Figure 1 Chamosite, Nucitz, Bohemia. Very similar to the chamosite of the gray odlite, but lacking the quartz nuclei. Magnified 30 diameters Figure 2 Greenalite, showing the rounded form of the grains and complete absence of concentric structure. Magnified 57 diameters ; re REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR I9QI7 . 195 silicate. This is shown by the marked concentric structure of the spherules and their close agreement in optical properties with Chamosite from well-known localities (compare plate 6, figure 1 with plates 1 and 2) as well as by the analyses of the gray odlite, indicating a nonpotassic ferrous silicate of a composition similar to certain chlorites of the thuringite type, instead of a potassic ferric silicate, like glauconite (see analyses 8 and 9). There can be little doubt that the ferrous iron of the Georgia ores is, in reality, derived from essentially the same silicate as that of the Clinton specimens. Unfortunately, the analyses of the former are not sufficiently complete to admit of a calculation of the silicate. Indeed, the determination of ferrous iron in Clinton ores is very unusual, most analysts, with purely commercial ends in view, determining merely the total iron and calculating all of it as ferric. It is most desirable that more complete analyses should be made, representing different localities and varying depths. The existing data, however, are distinctly adverse to the glauconite hypothesis and leave the problem of the precise origin of the silicate unsolved. In this respect the situation is somewhat analogous to that which arose in connection with the Mesabi ores some years ago. Spurr’ explained the ores as due to the alteration of extensive deposits of ferrous silicate, occurring in round grains without concentric structure; and of green color (plate 6, figure 2), which he classed tentatively as glauconite and supposed to have been formed under conditions similar to those under which glauconite is forming at the present time. This gave, for the time being, a very complete and satisfactory explanation of the Mesabi ores, but Leith? has since shown that the green mineral, from which they are derived, is not in reality glauconite but a nonpotassic ferroso-ferric silicate, which he calls greenalite (analysis 7). As, in contrast with the case of glauconite, the geological con- ditions under which greenalite is formed are determinable only indirectly, and not by the study of deposits now forming, this leaves the first concentration of the Mesabi ores in relative obscurity as compared with Spurr’s hypothesis. 1 Spurr, J. E., The Iron Ores of the Mesabi Range; Amer. Geol. GUN Os 2S 45, 1894, and The Iron-Bearing Rocks of the Mesabi Range in Minnesota, Bul. Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey of Minn., no. 10, 1894. 2 Leith, C. K., The Mesabi Iron Bearing District of Minnesota, U. S. Geol. Survey, Mon. XLIII, 1903. 7 196 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM So, in the case of the Clinton ores, even were it proved that they resulted from the alteration of the silicate, the fact that this silicate is not glauconite would, as.shown above, leave its origin or, in other words, the nature.of the first concentration of the iron, unsettled. For ores of the Clinton type, the problem of the genetic relations of oxides, silicates and other compounds of iron has been most elaborately treated by Cayeux! in a magnificent monograph of which, unfortunately, only the first part is as yet available. The iron silicate is regarded as the usual stage intermediate between the car- bonate and the oxide, the genetic sequence being (1) calcium car- bonate, (2) iron carbonate, (3) iron silicate, (4) iron oxide, the last three compounds, in the order named, being regarded as replacing calcium carbonate. 1 The importance of these conclusions can not be doubted and, throughout the foregoing discussion, they have been kept constantly in mind. But at the same time the actual geological conditions have been taken as the key to the solution of the genetic problem and these have indicated a relatively minor réle for the secondary processes. Cayeux, on the other hand, regards these processes as the essential cause of ore formation, starting with the replacement of calcium carbonate by iron carbonate. : As the data at present under consideration shed no important light upon the possible formation of the Clinton ores by the replace- ment of limestone, it would be futile to repeat, here, the discussions of this phase of the problem which have been published in earlier papers. In general, it may be said that the writer’s conclusion, that the ores are primary, is based much more upon their larger geological relations than upon any minute details of structure and composition. Important though the latter be, they are often capable, as appears above, of diverse interpretation; while the larger features of dis- tribution, relation to other rocks, limitation to certain horizons, shape of deposits, continuity in depth etc., to the writer, seem to admit of but one interpretation — that of deposition of the iron in each bed before the deposition of the overlying bed, in other words, primary deposition. Repiacement of calcium carbonate, when it has occurred, is regarded as of the contemporaneous type, taking place during the accumulation of the calcareous materials on the sea bottom; and, if 1 Cayeux, L., Les Minerais de Fer Oolithque de France, Fasc. I, Minerais de Fer Primaires, Paris, 1909. REPORT. OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 197 the replacement hypothesis is given this limitation, not only are the chief evidences against it removed but, as clearly indicated in all pre- vious discussions by the writer, its acceptance, for certain phases of the ore, is inevitable. Subsequent relative enrichment of ores, by the leaching out of calcium carbonate by ground waters, is clearly recognized, but that the same waters actually brought in the iron and replaced the carbonate, thus converting limestone into iron ore, is not accepted _as a factor of any considerable importance in the genetic process. Though not bearing directly upon the foregoing discussion, a few words may be added with regard to the various minor constituents determined in Doctor Morley’s analyses of which no mention has been made. Manganese, as might be expected, has undergone some con- centration as compared with its average amount in the lithosphere, the latter being, according to Clarke,! 0.05 per cent while the mean of the six specimens analysed is 0.47 per cent. The range is from 0.13 per cent to 1.06 per cent, the variation being exceedingly irregular and independent of the iron. Indeed, the minimum amount of manganese and the maximum amount of iron occur in the same specimen, the odlitic ore, no. 5. The small amount of K.O, particularly in nos. 1 and 2, has already been referred to as indicating that the green silicate can not be regarded as glauconite. Beyond this, the alkalies have no particular significance but their accurate determination in rocks of this char- acter is unusual and affords data that may prove valuable in other connections. . Sulphur is, practically, all present as pyrite, a mineral of quite varying distribution in the rocks and one whose genetic relations are of much interest, in themselves, but not sufficiently worked out to shed real light on the ore problem. In general, it may be said that the pyrite appears to be for the most part of distinctly secondary origin. TiOs, averaging for the six analyses 0.165 per cent, is considerably reduced, not only as compared with its amount in the lithosphere as a whole, 0.77 per cent, but also as compared with sedimentary rocks in general, the amount falling between that of sandstones and of limestones, and far below that of shales. In view of the known geochemical behavior of titanium compounds, this is what Clarke, F. W., The Data of Geochemistry; U. 5S. Geol. Survey Bul. 616, p22, 1016. 198 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM might be expected. Unlike the manganese, titanum shows a very limited range, in quantity, in five out of the six samples analysed. The determinations of BaO and SrO were made in an attempt to get evidence as to the first stage of concentration of these oxides which occur somewhat frequently in Clinton rocks as aggregates of celestite and strontianite, containing barium. As a matter of fact, the average content of BaO, 0.016, indicates dilution rather than concentration while, on the other hand, SrO, with an average amount of 0.08, shows slight concentration, but no long step toward the segregated minerals. As the latter usually occur near the horizon of the ‘“‘ fossil ore,’’ no. 6, it is rather sur- prising to find no greater concentration of SrO in this rock than in no. 2, many feet lower down. In analyses numbers 5 and 6, the results for all the minor con- stituents are probably affected by the manner of preparing the samples, as was pointed out with reference to the small content of P.O; in comparison with the amount. commonly present in Clinton ores. 1 Chester, A. H., Mineralogical Notes from the Laboratory of Hamilton Col- ege, Am. Jour. Sci. (3) XX XIII, 1887, p. 284-91. RADIUM AND URANIUM THEIR ORES AND OCCURRENCE IN NATURE BW Re Aah. eB NROSEyik: INTRODUCTION The following article is intended to give a short description of the occurrence of radium and uranium in nature. The brief space available for it does not permit the discussion of all the chemical and physical phenomena manifested in the origin of radium from the disintegration of uranium through the intermediate element ionium, and of the various products of the disintegration of radium itself, with the formation of various more or less temporary prod- ucts, and with perhaps the eventual production of lead. These subjects are treated in many published papers and textbooks. The present article is confined largely to a discussion of the minerals and other ores from which radium and uranium are derived, and of their geographic and geologic distribution. RELATION OF RADIUM AND URANIUM Radium is a metal and is a product of the disintegration in nature of the metal uranium. Both radium and uranium are elements. Radium has been isolated in its metallic state, but is not used in that form and is known better in the form of its salts, among the “most important of which, so far as their uses are concerned, are the bromide, chloride and sulphate. Wherever uranium occurs in nature, radium is associated with it in certain definable quantities. Uranium can contain, however, only a certain maximum amount of radium at a time, and when it has reached this stage, the radium and uranium ratio is said to be in equilibrium. In this condition the amount of radium per gram of uranium has been calculated by Rutherford to be 3.4 x 107 gram.t This corresponds to 1 gram of radium element to about 3000 kilograms of uranium element, or 1 part of radium element to about 3,000,000 parts of uranium element. Uranium minerals as mined are usually impure and carry only a small percentage of uranium element, so that the ratio between radium and the crude uranium ore may be 1 to several or many times 3,000,000. 1E. Rutherford, Radio-Active Substances and Their Radiations, p. 462. 1913. [ 199 | 200 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Sometimes uranium minerals, even when comparatively pure, are found to be lacking in the amount of radium required for equilibrium. Some authorities believe this to be due to a natural leaching of the radium from the uranium; while others believe that such vast periods of time are required for the original establishment of equi- librium, estimated in the millions of years, that the minerals which show a deficiency in radium have not existed for a sufficiently long time to have yet acquired equilibrium, and that only /thevolder uranium minerals have existed long enough for this purpose. These great spaces of time required for the formation of radium from uranium would, of course, render it impracticable, from a commercial standpoint, to keep uranium, from which radium has been artificially extracted, until the latter has been restored. The production of radium from uranium is usually stated in mil- ligrams or grams, and even in the richest ores there is usually only a small fraction of a gram to a ton, while in the ordinary lower grade ore there are only a few milligrams to a ton, corresponding toa small traction’ of a grain to a ton. Wess than twemingayeame ago it was estimated that probably not one gram of radium element in the form of its refined salts had been extracted in the world. Today a great many times, perhaps a hundred times or more, this amount has been extracted and isin use. The annual production of radium today in the world is probably several grams. The annual production of uranium in the world is probably several hundred pounds. ; The unique position of uranium as the source of radium in nature makes it necessary to discuss both materials together. UsES OF RADIUM Radium is a heavy white metal which is very unstable and alters rapidly ini the air.) It is mot used in its metallic) State) bit omlyaanm the form of its salts. A few years ago these salts were supposed to have a) generally beneficial effect im the treatment of camcenramel other malignant growths, but more recent investigations seem to conime their influence to only certain forms of /these ailienioms Their influence in other diseased conditions is often very marked, but the full extent of the field of usefulness of radium for medical purposes has not yet been very clearly defined. In recent years radium has been applied to other important purposes, especially in luminous paint for watches, clocks, com- passes and other instruments; and this use has so greatly increased REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQ1I7 201 in recent yéars, especially for military purposes, that it now con- sumes more radium than is used in medicine. Radium salts are more or less luminous when seen in a darkened room, and this quality is often increased by the admixture of certain other materials, notably zinc sulphide. Hence their value in luminous paints. Radium salts also cause certain minerals to fluoresce, notably the zinc minerals willemite and sphalerite. In Germany, where radium during the war has become scarce on account of the shortage of the ores from which it is extracted, radium salts are said to be pre- served for medical purposes, and mesothorium and other radio- active substances are said to be used in making luminous paints. USES OF URANIUM Uranium is a heavy white metal, which slowly tarnishes on expos- ee cie air. he ciel use of uranium today is as a source ob radium. For many years before the discovery of radium, however, uranium compounds were used in a small way in coloring glass and porcelain, in photography, in reagents for chemical analysis, in mordants for dyeing and for other small purposes. The use of uranium metal in small quantities in steel manufacture has been tried with some degree of success. ORES OF RADIUM AND URANIUM General statement. The principal uranium minerals at present known in nature, which are therefore the principal sources of both uranium and radium, are carnotite and uraninite, with the impure amorphous form of uraninite known as pitchblende. Torbernite, autunite and some of the rarer uranium minerals have produced a little radium and uranium. Carnotite and uraninite or pitchblende as mined for ores are generally more or less mixed with other materials and are rarely found pure. The uranium in the ores is usually stated commer- cially for convenience in the form of the uranium oxides represented by the formula UO,+2U0Os, briefly expressed as U30s. Most car- notite ore varies from 1 per cent to 3 per cent of U3;0s; a 5 to 10 _ per cent ore is considered high grade; a 20 to 4o per cent ore is remarkably rich. Uraninite and pitchblende ordinarily contain more uranium than carnotite contains, and even in the impure forms in which they are mined as ores, they often show this greater uranium contents. The ordinary uraninite and pitchblende ores carry from 2 to 3 per cent to 8 or 10 per cent U30s, and a 20 per 202 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM cent ore is very high gerade, though) some ore suns) Go oni7emecs Cemt: Carnotite. Carnotite is an amorphous, soft, powdery material, sometimes more or less coherent and of a talcose or waxy character, generally of a brilliant canary yellow color, though sometimes dis- colored by iron, organic matter and other substances. It has a formula K»,O.2U03.V20s5.(?)H2O, in which the amount of water (H.O), has been variously estimated at from 3H2O to 8H.O. It is essentially a hydrous potassium uranium vanadate and is some- times associated with the hydrous calcium uranium vanadate known as tyuyamunite, having the composition CaO.2UO3.V20;(?)H2O in which the amount of water is uncertain, as in carnotite. Some authorities believe that carnotite is not a distinct mineral, but a mixture of different minerals. Uraninite and pitchblende. The terms uraninite and pitchblende are often used synonymously to designate the same mineral, but more properly the term uraninite is a general name for all forms of the mineral and especially for the purer and distinctly crystalline vari- ety, and the term pitchblende is applicable to the impure amorphous form. When crystalline, the mineral belongs to the isometric system, and when amorphous is in a massive form, often with botryoidal surfaces and a conchoidal fracture. It is black or grayish black in color, opaque, often has a submetallic, glossy or pitchlike luster. It has a hardness of about 5.5, and a specific gravity of g or over when pure, but both these qualities vary when the mineral is impure. It is often remarkably lacking in distinctive character- istics, so that its presence might frequently be overlooked. For this reason it seems possible that this mineral, now known in only comparatively small quantities, may some time in the future be found more abundantly. Uraninite, like carnotite, has a somewhat indefinite formula, but is essentially a combination of the two uranium oxides UO, and UOs;, in which UO, seems to act as a base and UO; as an acid. A number of both the rarer and commoner elements are often asso- ciated with them. The relative amounts of the two oxides vary considerably in different specimens, especially in the impure form of pitchblende, and no definite formula can at present be given, In pitchblende a notable amount of water, perhaps sometimes in chemical combination, is often present. Several other minerals much rarer than uraninite or pitchblende are related to them in composition, among them being cleveite, bréggerite and nivenite, REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQI7 203 Other ores. Though carnotite, uraninite and pitchblende are the most abundant of all the radium and uranium mater a!s in nature, and produce almost all the radium and uranium of commerce, yet many other minerals contain both metals, and though as yet known only in such limited quantities as to be of small commercial value, may in the future be found in quantities of importance. Among them may be mentioned tyuyamunite, a hydrous calcium uranium vanadate often associated with the hydrous potassium uranium vanadate described above as carnotite; autunite, a hydrous calcium uranium phosphate; torbernite or chalcolite, a hydrous copper uranium phosphate. Still other rare radium uranium min- erals are gummite, samarskite, uranocirite, fergusonite, mackin- toshite, thorogummite and numerous other rare forms, many of them of very vague composition, and not as yet known in sufficient quantities to .be more than mineralogical curiosities. CHOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC DISTRIBUTION OF RADIUM AND URANIUM The only regions of the world that have as yet produced any large amounts of radium and uranium minerals on a commercial scale are Colorado, Utah and Austria. Cornwall, Australia and Germany have produced a small quantity of these minerals. They are known in small quantities in France and Portugal, and have been, reported in India and German East Africa, but in these regions they have not yet become commercially important. They occur sparingly, so far as yet known, and practically as only mineralogical curiosities, in Connecticut, North Carolina, Canada, Norway and many other regions, but may in the future be found in larger quantities. Minute quantities of radium or its products of disintegration occur in almost all rocks, and in the atmosphere, and in the waters of the sea and land, but in such small amounts as to be unavailable as a source of these substances. The source of all radium of com- merce at the present time is in the certain few uranium minerals already mentioned. They, as will be shown later, are found in formations of various geologic ages from recent superficial deposits to the older crystalline rocks. They often, however, show a tend- ency toward certain modes of occurrence, such as in southwestern Colorado and southeastern Utah as an impregnation in sandstone; in eastern Colorado, Cornwall, Austria and South Australia as one of the gangue minerals in veins of other ores; in North Carolina, Canada, Norway and West Australia in pegmatite or other felds- pathic dikes, 204, NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM RADIUM AND URANIUM RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES General statement. The commercially important deposits of ores of radium and uranium in the United States are, so far as yet known, confined to the carnotite regions of southwestern Colorado and southeastern Utah, and the pitchblende deposits of Gilpin county in eastern Colorado. In Connecticut, North Carolina and elsewhere, some little uraninite, pitchblende and other uranium minerals have been found; and near Mauch Chunk in Pennsylvania, small quantities of carnotite! have been discovered, but these occur- fences are, SO lat as ‘known, in quantities too, smallitommemer commercial value. Colorado and Utah. The carnotite deposits of southwestern Colorado and southeastern Utah are the most important sources of radium and uranium in the world. In Colorado the largest quanti- ties of ore have come from many mines in Montrose county, especially in Paradox valley, while Mesa, San Miguel, Dolores, Rio Blanco, Routt and other counties have been producers. In south- eastern Utah the ores are carnotite, as in southwestern Colorado, and occur especially in Grand, Emery and San Juan counties, but have not been worked to the same extent as in Colorado. The carnotite of Colorado and Utah occurs as an impregnation in.sandstones and shaly sandstones, mostly in the McElmo and the La Plata formations, lying at the top of the Jurassic beds and below the Cretaceous sandstones and conglomerates of the region. The deposits seem to have been formed by the precipitation of carnotite from solution along certain strata of these formations, and the material occurs along bedding planes, in fissures and small cavities, in layers or irregular masses from a fraction of an inch to several inches in width, and sometimes as a general impregnation of the sandstone for several feet in thickness. ._It seems to be especially abundant in strata impregnated strongly with vegetable or animal matter, and is often in unusual quantities in lignitized or petrified trunks of trees. This phenomenon suggests the influence of organic matter in precipitating and segregating the carnotite. The rocks carrying the carnotite lie horizontally or dip at low angles in most parts of the Colorado region; in Utah they le often in the same way, but occasionally dip at steep angles. Where they appear on the surface, the carnotite sometimes impregnates certain strata for several hundred feet or more along the outcrops, but 1 Edgar T. Wherry, A New Occurrence of Carnotite, Amer. Jour. Sci., 33:574- SOW LOL. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR IQ17 205 more generally it occurs in spots along them, with little or no car- notite in the intervening spaces. As these outcrops are followed into the hillsides, the ore appears to be even more irregular in its distribution than on the surface, and in many or most cases it - becomes much scarcer the further it 1s explored underground, until within 10 to 4o or 50 feet from the surface it often mostly or entirely disappears. There are exceptions to this feature, but the gradual and often rapid decrease in quantity and grade of the carnotite ore as it is followed into a hill is generally recognized. ‘This fact sug- gests that the carnotite may have been red'ssolved in the sandstone and carried to the surface by capillary action in this arid climate, forming rich, superficial efflorescences. In many of the carnotite deposits, vanadium minerals occur independently of the vanadium in the carnotite, but this assoc!ation is not always observed. They occur in sandstone and often give it a dark-gray or blackish color. In eastern Colorado several mines near Central City, Gilpin county, have produced limited quantities of pitchblende. Among these are the Kirk, the Wood, the Belcher, the Alps, the German and the Calhoun mines. The pitchblende occurs as a subordinate constituent in the gold-bearing veins of that country. The veins intersect old metamorphic rocks intruded by igneous rocks. The mines of Gilpin county are today producing little if any pitch- blende, and the total production has been small, amounting in all probably to only a few tons. Much more pitchblende, however, was let go to waste in former days when the mines were worked for other ores and the value of uranium was not recognized. Production. The United States is today by far the largest pro- ducer of radium and uranium ores in the world, and is also the largest producer of manufactured radium and uranium compounds. Before the war, England, France and Germany, especially Germany, imported large quantities of American ores and extracted the radium in a refined state as its different salts, much of which was returned to the United States for sale. Now, however, American ores are almost entirely treated in the United States, with the exc2ption of a little shipped to England and possibly to France. The Stand- ard Chemical Company of Pittsburgh was a pioneer in .this work and others quickly followed, among them the National Radium Institute of Denver, the Schlesinger Radium Company of Denver, the Chemical Products Company of Denver, the Cummings Chemical Company of Landsdowne, Pa., the Radium Luminous Materials Corporation of New York, and others. 206 NEW. YORK STATE MUSEUM Before the discovery of radium in 1898, but little attention was given to uranium ores in America, though some little pitchblende was shipped from the Central City, Colorado, region for use in making uranium compounds. Shortly after the discovery of radium, however, mining was begun on the carnotite of southwestern Col- orado, and from 1900 to 1910 several companies were formed to work these ores both in Colorado and Utah. The pitchblende of Central City also began to attract renewed attention. For a few years active work was done in prospecting for it, but the quantities have so far proved to be small. A few tons probably represent the total amount derived from these mines since the search began. In the meantime, however, the production of carnotite increased rapidly until 1915, when it greatly decreased on account of the curtailment of shipments to Europe. In the latter part of 1916, however, the production increased again, on account of the increased consump- tion of ore in this country, and today the production is very active, largely on account of the increased use of radium not only in medicine but especially in luminous paints. 3 The amount of radium and uranium ores produced in the United States, Or in fact amywhere, during a given period, is cimecHlnare determine on account of the different bases on which reports are made. Some reports give the weight of crude ore produced with- out giving the per cent of uranium; others give the weight of uranium oxide contained and not of crude ore; others give the amount of radium element or uranium element produced without giving the amount of ore used in the production. For these reasons only more or less vague and disconnected estimates of production are available, but it may be said that the tonnage is small compared with that of ores of commoner metals, a few thousand tons being a large amount of carnotite, and simply a few tons or pounds being a large amount of pitchblende. Though the mining of radium and uranium ores in the United States began about 1900 or shortly before, no very large quantities were produced until 1912, when about L100 tons were mined, consisting chiefly of Colorado carnotite. The pro- duction has gradually increased until now it is several thousand tons yeariy, practically all of which is carnotite from Colorado and Utah. RADIUM AND URANIUM RESOURCES OF EUROPE Joachimsthal, Austria. The most important radium and uranium ore at present in Europe, is the uraninite or pitchblende found in the mines of Joachimsthal in Bohemia, Austria. It occurs as a REPORT OF THE) DIRECTOR! 1OL7 207 subordinate gangue mineral in certain silver veins of that region, which intersect metamorphic and igneous rocks, and has been actively worked ever since the discovery of radium by M. and Mme. Curie in 1898. Before that time the mineral. had a certain value as a source of uranium compounds. These Austrian mines are second to those of the United States as a source of radium and uranium, but their production equals only a very small part of that of this country. Until the present war began this production was controlled largely, if not wholly, by the Austrian Government, and as the production is said still to continue, it is probably still controlled in the same way. Cornwall, England. Next in importance in Europe to the uran- inite or pitchblende ore of Joachimsthal as a source of radium and uranium, is the similar ore in some of the mines of Cornwall, Eng- land.1_ It occurs as a subordinate mineral in the gangue of some of the old tin,and copper mines in veins intersecting metamorphic and igneous rocks, especially at St Just, St Ives, Grampound Road, st Austell and elsewhere. The production and treatment of the ore has been under private or corporate auspices and the amount produced has not been large. Germany. In Germany the production of radium and uranium ores has always been insignificant. A small quantity of such ores has been produced at Schneeberg, Johanngeorgenstadt, Annaberg and elsewhere. Before the war, Germany was a large producer of manufactured radium and uranium compounds, but they were derived mostly from imported American ores. Other localities. With the exception of Joachimsthal and Corn- wall, Europe has produced but small quantities of radium and uranium minerals. A little uraninite or pitchblende has been found in other localities in Austria, such as Przibram and else- where, and sparingly in Norway. Autunite and other uranium minerals have been found in small quantities near Autun, France, and near Sabugal and Guarda, in Portugal, but no important quan- tities have been produced. RADIUM AND URANIUM: RESOURCES OF AUSTRALIA, JONIDIVAL AINIDY GEPIRIUC IES Australia. In South Australia carnotite, autunite, torbernite and other rare uranium minerals occur in regions of metamorphic and 1R. A. F. Penrose jr, The Pitchblende of Cornwall, England, Econ. Geol. NO? lO; TOl—70., elOLs: 208 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM igneous rocks at Radium hill near Olary, and at Mount Painter in the Flinders range. A few hundred tons of ore containing these minerals have been mined by private or corporation interests. Most of this has been sent to Woolwich, near Sydney, New South Wales, or to England, for the extraction of the radium. Since the war started no very active mining operations in such ores have been carried on in the South Australian region. At Cooglegong in Western Australia, the uranium mineral fer- gusonite and to a less extent the uranium mineral euxenite occur in the surface detrital material of the region. At Wodgina the minerals mackintoshite, thorogummite and pilbarite, all hydrous silicates of uranium, thorium and lead, occur in an albite pegmatite dike. No important quantities of these Western Australia ores have yet been produced. : India and Africa. Radium and uranium minerals have been reported in India and German East Africa, but no important quan- tities have yet been produced. PROSPECT OF FUTURE DISCOVERIES OF RADIUM AND URANIUM ORES The prospect for increased discoveries of radium and uranium minerals at the present time seems best in the carnotite regions of Colorado and Utah. The workable deposits seem to be more or less superficial, and perhaps no large quantity of ore may be found in any one spot, yet the great extent of the region in which the for- mations carrying carnotite occur, will supply an immense aggregate amount of ore. The prospect for increased discoveries of uraninite, pitchblende and other uranium minerals in Europe is possible, even though that continent has already been well explored for them. Moreover, new discoveries of different radium and uranium minerals may very likely be made in still other parts of the United States than those men- tioned, and in less explored parts of the world, especially certain regions of South America, Australia, Asia and Africa, - Many on these minerals, especially pitchblende, have no very distinctive features when first observed, and might readily be overlooked many | - times before their true nature was discovered. Hence the possibilities of future discoveries. 1Edward S. Simpson, Western Australia Geological Survey, Bul. 59, 1914. ** The Rare Metals and Their Distribution in Western Australia,” p. 53-54. IGINED EX Accessions to collections, 76 Adirondacks, geology of the Lake Clear region, paper, III-45 Alling Harold L., study of graphite deposits, 36; Geology of the Lake Clear region, III-—45 Ancram, Columbia county, mangan- ese, 93 Apple maggot, 59 Archeological © Association, New York State, 23 Archeologist and ethnologist, report, 69 | Archeology, accessions to collection, 80 Areal geology, 40 Arnold collection of birds eggs, 20 Barite, crystallographic studies of, paper, 157-64 Bird day, 23 Birds eggs, Arnold collection, 20 Bonaventure island, water fowl, 24 Botanist, report of, 53 Botany, plants added to herbarium, 55 Buddington, A. F., study of pyrite deposits, 35, 38; Foliation of gneis- soid syenite-granite complex of Lewis county, IOI—I0 Bulletins, 34 Canaan, manganese, 93 Carnotite, 202 Catskill mountains, glacial survey of, 45 Chadwick, George H., Phelps quadrangle, 42 Champlain’s assault on the fortified town of the Onhneidas, paper, 165-73 Clark reservation near Jamesville, 33 Clarke, John M., Geological map of the peninsula of Percé, P. Q., and its islands, 147 report on Clinton iron ores, genetic significance of ferrous silicate associated with, paper, 175-98 Codification of State Museum Law, 10-18 Columbia county, postglacial man- ganese in, paper, 85-100 Concreting materials, inventory of, 37 Crinoids, Devonian, 47 Cryptozoon park, 33 Cushing, H. P., report on Gouver- neur quadrangle, 40 Dale, Nelson C.,study of manganese deposits, 36-39; Postglacial man- ganese in Columbia county, 85-100 Devonian crinoids, 47 Dyes, exhibit, 22 Economic geology, accessions to col- lection, 7 Entomologist, report, 58; publica- tions, 65 Ethnology, accessions to collection, 84 Exhibits, 22 Fairchild, Professor, studies on glacial geology, 44 Field crops, 61 Flies and other pests, 62 Foliation of gneissoid syenite-granite complex of Lewis county, paper, IOI—-I0 Forest tree pests, 62 Fossils, George Lasher Taylor collec- tion, 21; invertebrate, restoration On 23 Fruit tree:insects, 58 Gall insects, 64 Geological science, exhibits associ- ated with, 22 Geological survey, report on, 35 209 210 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Gipsy moth, 60 Glacial geology, 44; region, 129 Glass sands, study of, 36 Gneisses of Lake Clear region, 115 Gneissoid syenite-granite complex of Lewis county, foliation of, paper, IOI-I10 Gouverneur quadrangle, 40 Granteiok, Bakes Gleanunecionwn1S Graphite, 36 Grass and grain pests, 60 Greenhouse and garden. pests, 62 Grenville series of Lake Clear region, II4 Lake Clear Hartnagel, C. A., work on Richfield Springs quadrangle, 43 Hauy, Réné Just, and his: influence, paper, 149-55 Hillsdale, Columbia county, man- ganese, 90 Igneous contacts of Lake Clear region, IIQ Indian basketry, 21 Insect pest survey and information service, 63 Iron ores, Clinton, genetic signifi- cance of ferrous silicate associated with, paper, 175-08 ) Iroquois bark lodge, 72 Iroquois halls, decoration of, 19 Keene gneiss, 41 Lake Clear region, geology of, paper, III-45 Lake Placid quadrangle, report on, 40 Law, State Museum, codification of, 10-18 Leaf roller, 59 egal) status sand Museum, 9 Lester ledge or Cryptozoon park, 33 Lewis county, foliation of gneissoid syenite-granite complex, paper, I0I— 10 scope of State Light screens, 19 Limestones of Lake Clear region, 114 Lorraine formation, 46 Manganese deposits, 35, 39 Manganese, postglacial, in Columbia county, paper, 85-100 Miller, W. J., report on Lake Placid quadrangle, 40 Mineralogy, 51; accessions to collec- tion, 76 Minerals, war, resurvey of, 35 Mining and quarry bulletin, 37 Molybdenum, 36 Mushroom exhibit, 22 Naples fauna, 2. New York State, what it is doing for science, 26 New York State Archeological Asso- ciation, 23 Newland, David H., investigation of zinc-pyrite deposits, 35, 39; study of graphite deposits, 36; study of molybdenum deposits, 36 Northumberland volcano at Schuyler- ville, 33 Nursery inspection, 67 Paleontology, 46; accessions to col- lection, 79 Parker, Arthur €., Champlainseas- sault on the fortified town of the Oneidas, 165-73 Pear psylla, 60 Pear thrips, 60 Pegmatites of Lake Clear region, II9 Penrose, R! A. E., js) Radiumgand uranium, 199-208 Percé, geological map of the penin- sula and its islands, 147 Phelps quadrangle, 42 Pitchblende, 202 Plants added to herbarium, 55 Potsdam sandstone, of Lake Clear region, 123 Publications, 30, 34 Pyrite deposits, 35, 38 —" INDEX TO REPORT Radium and uranium, paper, 199-208 Red bug, 59 Reservations, scientific, belonging to State Museum, 33 | Rich, John L., glacial survey of Cats- kill mountains, 45 ' Richfield Springs quadrangle, 43 Road-making materials, inventory of, Sy) Ruedemann, Rudolf, study of Utica and Lorraine formations, 46 Salt supplies, restudy of, 36 San José scale, 50 Sandstones-quartzites of Lake Clear region, I14 Schroon Lake quadrangle, 40 Science, what New York State is doing for, 26 Scientific reservations belonging to State Museum, 33 Sedimentary rocks, of Lake Clear region, 120 Seneca bark lodge, 20 Shade tree insects, 62 Smyth, G. H., jr, investigation of zinc-pyrite ores, 39; on the genetic significance of ferrous silicate as- sociated with the Clinton iron ores, 175-98 Sodium salts, 36 Spencertown, Columbia county, man- ganese, 88 OF DIRECTOR IQI7 Peal Stat of Department, 74 Starks Knob, 33 State Museum, legal status and scope, 9; present condition and activities, I9 State Museum Law, codification of, 10-18 Syenite-granite complex of Lewis county, gneissoid, foliation of, paper, IOI-I0 Taylor, George Lasher, collection of fossils, 21 Thompson, Mrs Frederick F., gift of Indian baskets, 21 Uraninite, 202 Uranium and radium, paper, 199-208 Utica formation, 46 War minerals, 51; resurvey of, 35 Water fowl of Bonaventure island, 24 Weather service, 27 Whitlock, Herbert P., retirement, 23; Réné Just Haity and his influence, 149-55; Crystallographic studies of barite, 157-64 Wild flowers of New York, 30, 53 Zinc-pyrite ores, 35, 38 Zoologist, report, 68 Zoology, exhibits in, 21 1h New York State Museum JoHN M. CrarKE, Director PUBLICATIONS Packages will be sent prepaid except when distance or weight renders the same impracticable. Oa I0 or more copies of any one publication 20% discount will be given. Editioas printed are only large enough to meet special claims and probable sales. When the sale copies are exhausted the price for the few reserve copies is advanced to that charged by second- hand booksellers, in order to limit their distribution to cases of special need. Such prices are inclosed in [ ]. All publications are in paper covers, unless binding is specified. Checks or money orders should be addressed and payable to The University of the State of New York. Museum annual reports 1847-date. All in print to 1894, 50c a volume, 75c in cloth; 1894-date, sold in sets only; 75c each for octavo volumes; price of quarto volumes on application. These reports are made up of the reports of the Director, Geologist, Paleontologist, Botanist and Entomologist, ene museum bulletins and memoirs, issued as advance sections of the reports. Director’s annual reports 1904-date. 1904. I38p. 20c. Toro. (Bul. 149) 280p. il. 42pl. soc. 1905. I102p. 23pl. 30c. I9gtt. (Bul. 158) 218p. 4opl. soc. 1906. 186p. 4Ipl. 25c. 1912. (Bul. 164) 2t4p. Sopl. soc. 1907. (Bul. 121) 212p. 63pl 5oc. 1913. (Bul. 173) 158p. il. 29pl. 4oc. 1908. (Bul. 133) 234p. 390pl. map. 4oc. TOA (Silez7) 7A pede saiplasAges 1909. (Bul. 140) 230p. 4ipl. 2 maps, 4 charts. 1915. (Bul. 187) ro2p. il. 58pl. 5 maps. 50c, Out of print 1916. (Bul. 196) 308p. il. 5opl. maps 55¢c. These reports cover the reports of the State Geologist and of the State Paleontologist. Bound also with the museum reports of which they form a part. Geologist’s annual reports 1881-date. Rep’ts 1, 3-13, 17-date, 8vo; 2 14-16, 4to. In 1898 the paleontologic work of the State was made distinct from the geologic and was reported separately from 1899-1903. The two departments were reunited in 1904, and are now reported in the Director’s report. The annual reports of the original Natural History Survey, 1837-41, are out of print. Reports 1-4, 1881-84, were published only in separate form. Of the 5th report 4 pages were reprinted in the 39th museum report, and a supplement to the 6th report was included in the 40th museum report. The 7th and subsequent reports are included in the 41st and following museum reports, except that certain lithographic plates in the 11th report (1891) and 13th (1893) are omitted from the 45th and 47th museum reports. Separate volumes of the following only are available. Report Price Report Price Report Price I2 (1892) $.50 17 $.75 21 $.40 I4 o's 18 3S 22 .40 i Ohio 2 19 .40 23 .45 16 I 20 .50 [See Director’s annual reports] Paleontologist’s annual reports 1899—date. See first note under Geologist’s annual reports. Bound also with museum reports of which they form a part. Reports for 1899 and 1900 may be had for 20c each. hose for 1901-3 were issued as bulletins. In 1904 combined with the Director’s report. Entomologist’s annual reports on the injurious and other insects of the State of New York 1882-date. Reports 3-20 bound also with museum reports 40-46, 48-58 of which they form a part. Since 1898 these reports have been issued as bulletins. Reports 3-4, 17 are out of print, other reports with prices are: Report Price Report Price Report Price I $1 13 Out of print 24 (Bul. 134) $ 35 2 .30 iA (BHU, 22) S5 BO Bs (CO Batali 5 BE 5 25 15e Cin psi) abs 20 (si LAT) PSS 6 15 TOPCO) 225 27 (ile TSS) ia 7 720) TOC in 64) 20 28m (Gero) 40 8 25 ne) (( 710) LS AX ete SUAS Gale 9 nos 2Or Cre O7) eed 0 se oF aeheXo))) | ey 'sK0) Io 5 BE oy (CW S¥oyit)) 9 G8 201i L860) 35 II 325 BA shi) 525 Bent 198) Ao 12 Boo 23m i 124) e275 Sou Cue zoe 35 The University of the State of New York Reports 2, 8-12 may also be obtained bound in cloth at 25c each in addition to the price given above. Botanist’s annual reports 1867-date. Bound also with museum reports 21-date of which they form a part; the first Botanist’s report appeared in the 2Ist museum report and is numbered 21. Reports 21-24, 29, 31-41 were not published separately. Separate reports for 1871-74, 1876, 1888-98 are out of print. Report for 1899 may be had for 20c; 1900 for 50c. Since 1901 these reports have been issued as bulletins. Descriptions and illustrations of edible, poisonous and unwholesome fungi of New York have also been published in volumes 1 and 3 of the 48th (1894) museum report and in volume 1 of the 49th (1895), 51st (1897), 52d (1898), 54th (1900), 55th (1901), in volume 4 of the 56th (1902), in volume 2 of the 57th (1903), in volume 4 of the 58th (1904), in volume 2 of the 59th (1905), in volume 1 of the 60th (1906), in volume 2 of the 61st (1907), 62d (1908), 63d (1909), 64th (1910), 65th (1911), v. 2 of the 66th (1912) reports. The descriptions and illustrations of ‘edible and unwholesome species contained in the 4oth, 51st and 52d reports have been revised and rearranged, and, combined with others more recently prepared, constitute Museum Memoir 4. Museum bulletins 1887-date. 8vo.° To advance subscribers, $2 a year, or $1 a year for division (1) geology, economic geology, paleontology, mineralogy; 50c each for division (2) general zoology, archeology, miscellaneous, (3) botany, (4) entomology. Bulletins are grouped in the list on the following pages according to divisions. The divisions to which bulletins belong are as follows: 1 Zoology 59 Entomology 117 Archeology 2 Botany 60 Zoology 118 Geology 3 Economic Geology 61 Economic Geology I19 Economic Geology 4 Mineralogy 62 Miscellaneous 120 i 5 Entomology 63 Geology 121 Director’s report for 1¢07 6 a 64 Entomology 122 Botany 7 Economic Geology 65 Paleontology 123 Economic Geology 8 Botany 66 Miscellaneous 124 Entomology 9 Zoology 67 Botany 125 Archeology 10 Economic Geology 68 Entomology 126 Geology II & 69 Paleontology 127 Geology 12 a 70 Mineralogy 128 a 13 Entomology 71 Zoology 129 Entomology 14 Geology 72 Entomology 130 Zoology 15 Economic Geology 73 Archeology 131 Botany 16 Archeology 74 Entomology 132 Economic Geology 17 Economic Geology 75 Botany 133 Director’s report for 1908 18 Archeology 76 Entomology 134 Entomology 19 Geology 77 Geology 135 Geology 20 Entomology 78 Archeology 136 Entomology 21 Geology 79 Entomology 137 Geology 22 Archeology 80 Paleontology 138 . 23 Entomology 81 Geology 139 Botany 24 ¢ 82 ne I40 Director’s report for 1909 25 Botany 83 ue TAI Entomology 26 Entomology 84 f I42 Economic Geology 27 cS 85 Economic Geology I43 3 28 Botany 86 Entomology 144 Archeology 29 Zoology - 87 Archeology 145 Geology 30 Economic Geology 88 Zoology 146 i 31 Entomology 89 Archeology 147 Entomology 32 Archeology 90 Paleontology 148 Geology 33 Zoology 91 Zoology I49 Director’s report for 1910 34 Geology 92 Paleontology 150 Botany 35 Economic Geology 93 Economic Geology I51 Economic Geology 36 Entomology 94 Botany : 152 Geology 37 i 95 Geology 153 38 Zoology 06 ne 154 te 39 Paleontology 97 Entomology 155 Entomology 40 Zoology 98 Mineralogy 1560 a 4t Archeology 99 Paleontology 157 Botany 42 Geology 100 Economic Geology 158 Director’s report for 1911 43 Zoology ; tor Paleontology 159 Geology 44 Economic Geology 102 Economic Geology 160 : 45 Paleontology 103 Entomology 161 Economic Geology 46 Entomology I04 i; 162 Geology AT iB 105 Botany 163 Archeology 48 Geology 106 Geology 164 Director’s report for 1912 49 Paleontology 107 Geology and Paleontology 165 Entomology 50 Archeology 108 Archeology 166 Economic Geology 51 Zoology 109 Entomology - 167 Botany 52 Paleontology IIo a 168 Geology 53 Entomology ~— Irzr Geology 169 is 54 Botany Ir2 Economic Geology ~- 170 i: 55 Archeology 113 Archeology 17 ie i 56 Geology I14 Geology 172 ae 57 Entomology IIs uD 173 Director’s report fo ~9 3 58 Mineralogy 116 Botany 174 Economic Geolo ty MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS 175 Entomology 186 Entomology 197 Botany 176 Botany 187 Director’s report for I915 198 Entomology 177 Director’s report for 1914 188 Botany 199 Geology 178 Economic Geology 189 Geology 200 Entomology 179 Botany I90 201 Economic Geology 180 Entomology IOL te 202 Entomology 181 Economic Geology 192 c 203-204. Economic Geology 182 Geology 193 e 205-206 Botany 183 Geology 194 Entomology 207-208 Director’s report for 184 Archeology 195 Geology IQI7 185 Geology 196 Director’s report for 1916 Bulletins are also found with the annual reports of the museum as follows: Bulletin Report Bulletin Report Bulletin Report Bulletin Report 12-15 48, v. I 78 See I17 60, v. 3 165-67 6GsivzN2 Ow 17 50, v. I 79 Bila Wa lg ite 4 1aee) 60, v.I 168-70 66, v. I 18, 19 Sit, 37 2 80 iq We iq jotnalt I19Q-21 OlenvVanie i7t—710 67 20-25 2 even L 81, 82 58, v. 3 122 61, v.2 177-80 68 26-31 SY Nias 1b 83, 84 58, v. I 123 OLA Vent Cir 690, v. 2 32-34 RAM ven 85 58, v. 2 I24 Olg Vaz) 182 ses OOsnvanL 35, 36 54, Vv. 2 86 58, Vv. 5 125 OAs ii Butea 690, v. 2 37-44 5A, Vv. 3 87-89 58, v.4 126-28 OZFAVAN TOS 690, v. I 45-48 Bile Vg Ll 90 58, v. 3 129 ODF ivi 2 SO 60, v. 2 49-54 55 91 58, v. 4 130 62,Vv.3 187 69, v. I 55 56, v. 4 92 58, v. 3 THs 2 OL vee 188 69, v. 2 56 BOm Vie 93 58, v. 2 133 O2iva LE r8o 60, v. I 57 56, v- 3 94 58, v. 4 134 62,v.2 190 69, v. 2 58 BOsvene 95, 96 Savant 135 OR, Wo i 59, 60 56, v. 3 907 58, Vv. 5 136 63, v.2 Memoir I 6), Wo. at 98, 99 Be) Wo 2B RG, 13ks} O85 445 hw 49, ZandesOlvere 62 56, v.4 100 590, v- I 139 OB Wo Bo By Zt B35 Wo 2 63 SOnaver2 IOI 50, v. 2 I40 OB Ao Le Ss © So Wo B 64 Op Wo 6 102 Onnvienl I4I-43 Of 2 57,V-.4 65 56, v. 2 103-5 SOmvene I44 OAR WA 2) Ss pte OuvenS 66, 67 56, v.4 106 59, v. I TAKAO MOAN Vania Se pt) 2 Oy Wo Zl SOUS 107 60, v. 2 TAT UAC OAT Ale Olp Gal 60, v. 4 69 5Ouvere 108 60, v. 3 149 OA Vela Os pbe2 62,v.4 70, 7 B75 So iy 1 HOG, UUO) OO Wo i U5O=G4, OAL Wo BO 60, v. 5 72 Ry Wo Uy (OB Bo aes 60, v. 2 USS=57/ (O55 Wo @. iit OIivens 73 Ral ie 2 I12 OOtnVeL LE URS00) OS, Wo Asie OB. jt 2 74 RIA AS Ry 11s HIER} 60, v. 3 161 O52 Ubi A Cows 3 75 Hanis BZ II4 60, v. I 162 OH, Wo ie 363} Bs Wo Zl 76 B75 Nie ey fo A was 60, v. 2 163 CON VAIZ ELAR Van EO SPnVenS 77 Bp Wo Tp iors 2h Cie) 60, v. I 164 COM Veen WAsp Vero OS Mayan) The figures at the beginning of each entry in the following list indicate its number as a museum bulletin. Geology and Paleontology. 14 Kemp, J. F. Geology of Moriah and West- port Townships, Essex Co., N. Y., with notes on the iron mines. 38p. 1eV7 pl. 2 maps: sept. 1895. Livec: 19 Merrill, F. J. H. Guide to the Study of the Geological Collections of the New York State Museum. 164p. 119 pl. map. Nov. 1898: Out of print. 21 Kemp, J. F. Geology of the Lake Placid Region. 24p. Ipl. map. Sept. MAQGen0 Tee. 34 Cumings, E. R. Lower Silurian System of Eastern Montgomery County; Prosser, C. S. Notes on the Stratigraphy of Mohawk Valley and Sara- toga County, N. Y. 74p.14pl.map. May 1900. I5c. 39 Clarke, J. M.; Simpson, G. B. & Loomis, F. B. Paleontologic Papers 1. 72p. il. 16pl. Oct. 1900. ,15¢. Contents: Clarke, J. M. A Remarkable Occurrence of Orthoceras in the Oneonta Beds of the Chenango Valley, N. Y Paropsonema cryptophya; a Peculiar Echinoderm from the Intumescens-zone (Portage Beds) of Western New York. —— Dictyonine Hexactinellid Sponges from the Upper Devonic of New York. —— The Water Biscuit of Squaw Island, Canandaigua Lake, N. Y. Simpson, G. B. Preliminary Descriptions of New Genera of Paleozoic Rugose Corals. Loomis, F. B. Siluric Fungi from Western New York. 42 Ruedemann, Rudolf. Hudson River Beds near Albany and Their Taxo- nomic Equivalents. 116p.2pl.map. Apr.1901. 265c. 45 Grabau, A. W. Geology and Paleontology of Niagara Falls and Vicinity. 286p. il. 18pl. map. Apr. 1901. 65c; cloth, 90c. 48 Woodworth, J. B. Pleistocene Geology of Nassau County and Borough of Queens. 58p.il. 8pl.map. Dec. 1901. Out of print. 49 Ruedemann, Rudolf; Clarke, J.M. & Wood, Elvira. Paleontologic Papers 2. 240p. 13pl..) Dec. r901.- Out of print. THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Contents: Ruedemann, Rudolf. Trenton Conglomerate of Rysedorph Hill. Clarke, J. M. Limestones of Central and Western New York Interbedded’ with Bitumi- nous Shales of the Marcellus Stage. Wood, Elvira. Marcellus Limestones of Lancaster, Erie Co., N. Y. Clarke, J. M. New Agelacrinites. —— Value of Amnigenia as an Indicator of Fresh-water Deposits during the Devonic of New York, Ireland and the Rhineland. e2 Clarke, J. M. Report of the State Paleontologist 1901. 280p. il. t1opl. map, 1 tab. July 1902. 4oc. 56 Merrill, F. J. H. Description of the State Geologic Map of I901. 4a2p. 2 maps, tab. Nov. 1902. Free. 63 Clarke, J. M. & Luther, D. D. Stratigraphy of Canandaigua and Naples Quadrangles. 78p. map. June 1904. 25c. 65 Clarke, J. M. Catalogue of Type Specimens of Paleozoic Fossils in the New York State Museum. 848p. May 1903. $1.20, cloth. 69 —— Report of the State Paleontologist 1902. 464p. 52pl. 7 maps. Nov. 1903. $1, cloth. 77 Cushing, H. P. Geology of the Vicinity of Little Falls, Herkimer Co. g8p. il. 15pl.2 maps. Jan. 1905. 30c. 80 Clarke, J. M. Report of the State Paleontologist 1903. 396p. 2gpl. 2 maps. Feb. 1905. 85c, cloth. 81 Clarke, J. M. & Luther, D. D. Watkins and Elmira Quadrangles. 32p. map. Mar. 1905. 265c. . 82 —— Geologic Map of the Tully Quadrangle. gop. map. Apr. 1905. 20c. 83 Woodworth, J. B. Pleistocene Geology of the Mooers Quadrangle. 62p. 25pl.map. June 1905. 25c. 84 —— Ancient Water Levels of the Champlain and Hudson Valleys. 206p. il. rrpl.18 maps. July 1905. 465c. go Ruedemann, Rudolf. Cephalopoda of Beekmantown and Chazy For mations of Champlain Basin. 224p. il. 38pl. May 1906. 785c, cloth. 92 Grabau, A. W. Guide to the Geology and Paleontology of the Schoharie Region. 314p. il. 26pl. map. Apr. 1906. 75Cc, cloth. 95 Cushing, H. P. Geology of the Northern Adirondack Region. 188p. I5pl. 3 maps. Sept. 1905. 30c. 96 Ogilvie, 1. H. Geology of the Paradox Lake Quadrangle. 54p. il. 17pl. map. Dec. 1905. 30c. 99 Luther, D. D. Geology of the Buffalo Quadrangle. 32p. map. May 1906. 20c. 101 —— Geology of the Penn Yan-Hammondsport Quadrangles. 28p. map. July 1906. Out of print. 106 Fairchild, H. L. Glacial Waters in the Erie Basin. 88p. 14pl. 9 maps. Feb. 1907. Out of print. 107 Woodworth, J. B.; Hartnagel, C. A.; Whitlock, H. P.; Hudson, G. H.; Clarke, J. M.; White, David & Berkey, C. P. Geological Papers. 388p. 54pl. map. May 1907. 90¢, cloth. Contents: Woodworth, J. B. Postglacial Faults of Eastern New York. Hartnagel, C. A. Stratigraphic Relations ot the Oneida Conglomerate. Upper Siluric and Lower Devonic Formations of the Skunnemunk Mountain Region Whitlock, H. P. Minerals from Lyon Mountain, Clinton Co. Hudson, G. H. On Some Pelmatozoa from the Chazy Limestone of New York. Clarke, J. M. Some New Devonic Fossils. An Interesting Style of Sand-filled Vein. —— Eurypterus Shales of the Shawangunk Mountains in Eastern New York. White, David. A Remarkable Fossil Tree Trunk from the Middle Devonic of New York. Berkey, C. P. Structural and Stratigraphic Features of the Basal Gneisses of the High- lands. 111 Fairchild, H. L. Drumlins of New York. 6op. 28pl. 19 maps. July 1907. Out ‘of print. 114 Hartnagel, C. A. Geologic Map of the Rochester and Ontario Beach Quadrangles. 36p. map. Aug. 1907. 20c =r5 Cushing, “cll Geology torn tae Long Lake Quadrangle. 88p. 2opl. OAHOG AOS LOO7/a. Le 118 Clarke, J. M. & Luther, D. D. Geologic Maps and Descriptions of the Portage and Nunda Quadrangles including a map of Letchworth Park. op. 16pl.4 maps. Jan. 1908. 35c. MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS 126 Miller, W. J. Geology of the Remsen Quadrangle. 54p. il. 11pl. map. Jan. 1909. 25c. 127 Fairchild, H. L. Glacial Waters in Ceatral New York. 64p. 27pl. 15 maps. Mar. 1909. 40>. 128 Luther, D. D. Geology of the Geneva-Ovid Quadrangles. 44p. map. Apr. 1909. 20c. 135 Miller, W. J. Geology of the Port Leyden Quadrangle, Lewis County, Nees 1629) teri plamap:. jan. foro. 125¢: 137 Luther, D. D. Geology of the Auburn-Genoa Quadrangles. 36p. map. Var Toros | 20c: 138 Kemp, J. F. & Ruedemann, Rudolf. Geology of the Elizabethtown and Port Henrv Quadrangles. 176p.. il. 2opl. 3 maps. Apr. I9QI0., 40c. msecushines He Pr (Rairchild)) Hb.) Riuedemann, Rudolf’ & Smyth, C9 He Geology of the Thousand Islands Region. trg4p. il. 62pl. 6 maps. Dec. 1910. $1, cloth. 146 Berkey, C. P. Geologic Features and Problems of the New York City (Catskill) Aqueduct. 286p. il. 38pl. maps. Feb. t911. 75c; $1, cloth. 148 Gordon, C. E. Geology of the Poughkeepsie Quadrangle. 122p. il. Zope Maps APL etoile .30C- 152 Luther, D. D. Geology of the Honeoye-Wayland Quadrangles. 3op. mapa Oct. LOlls: 20c. 153 Miller, William J. Geology of the Broadalbin Quadrangle, Fulton- Saratoga Counties, New York. 66p. il. 8pl. map. Dec. I91I. 25¢. 154 Stoller, James H. Glacial Geology of the Schenectady Quadrangle. 44p. @plemap-. Dec. 1911. 20e. 159 Kemp, James I*. The Mineral Springs of Saratoga. 8op. il. 3pl. Apr. TOMS, TSC. 160 Fairchild, H. L. Glacial Waters in the Black and Mohawk Valleys. 48p. il. 8pl.14 maps. May 1912. 50c. 162 Ruedemann, Rudolf. The Lower Siluric Shales of the Mohawk Valley. M2 Poles le WAS TOD. 5c: 168 Miller, William J. Geological History of New Yok State. 1I30p. 43pl. io maps. Dec. 1913. 40c. 169 Cushing, H. P. & Ruedemann, Rudolf. Geology of Saratoga Springs and Vicinity. 178p. il. 2opl.map. Feb. 1914. 40c. 170 Miller, William J. Geology of the North Creek Quadrangle. gop. il. r4pl. Heb wrong. (25¢: 171 Hopkins, T. C. The Geology of the Syracuse Quadrangle. 8op. il. 2opl. map. - July 1914. 25c. 172 Luther, D. D. go celeey of the Attica and Depew Quadrangles. 32p. map. August 1914. I5 182 Miller, Willian i. The Geology of the Lake Pleasant Quadrangle. 56p. HeLOpl map: | Heb) 19onG. 925¢- 183 Stoller, James H. Glacial Geology of the Saratoga Quadrangle. 5p. il. re pieiniap | Vat ty holon 25c: 185 Martin, James C. The Precambrian Rocks of the Canton Quadrangle. PZ p. 11. 20pl. map: - May 1; 1916. 30c: 189 Ruedemann, Rudolf. Paleontologic Contributions from the New York State Museum. 225p.il. 36 pl. Sept. 1916. 5oc. 191 Cushing, H. P. Geology of the Vicinity of Ogdensburz. ae il. 6pl. map. Nov. 1916. °25¢: 192 Miller, William J. Geology of the Blue Mountain Quadrangle. 68p. il. Bipl. map. DWecr1o16:-.25¢: 193 the Adirondack Mountains: Yo7p. i) Zopl 2maps Jans 1917. 35e: 195 Fairchild, H. L. Postglacial Features of the Upper Hudson Valley. 22p. map. Mar 1, 1917. -25¢. Crosby, W.O. Geology of Long Island. In preparation. Stoller, J. H. Glacial Geology of the Cohoes Quadrangle. Jn press. Chadwick, George H. Paleozoic Rocks of the Canton Quadrangle. In press. Luther, D. D. Geology of the Phelps Quadrangle. In preparation. —— Geology of the Eden-Silver Creek Quadrangles. Prepared. —— Geology of the Brockport-Hamlin and Albion-Oak Orchard Quadrangles. Prepared, THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Geology of the Medina-Ridgeway and Lockport-Olcott Quadrangles. Prepared. Geology of the Caledonia-Batavia Quadrangles. Prepared. Smyth, C. H., jr., & Buddington, A. F. Geology of the Lake Bonaparte Quad- rangle. In press. Miller, W. J. Geology of the Lake Placid Quadrangle. In press. Geology of the Schroon Lake Quadrangle. In press. Fairchild, H. L. Pleistocene Marine Submergence of the Hudson, Champlain and St Lawrence Valleys. In press. Ruedemann, R. The Utica and Lorraine Formations of New York. In preparation. Whitnall, H.O. Geology of the Morrisville Quadrangle. Prepared. Hudson, G. H. Geology of Valcour Island. . In preparation. Economic Geology. 3 Smock, J.C. Building Stone in the State of New York. 154p. Mar. 1888. 30c. First Report on the Iron Mines and Iron Ore Districts in the State of New York. 78p. map. June 1889. 25c. 10 Building Stone in New York. 210p. map, tab. Sept. 1890. 4oc. tz Merrill, F. J. H. Salt and Gypsum Industries of New York. 94p. 12pl. 2rMaps, wl) tabs. vA pr TOOs ISOC: ’ 12 Ries, Heinrich. Clay Industries of New York. 174p. il. ipl. map. Mar. 1895. 30c. 15 Merrill, F. J. H. Mineral Resources of New York. 240p. 2. maps. Sept. 1895. [50c] Road Materials and Road Building in New York. 52p. 14pl 2 maps. | Oct. 1897. | 15e: 30 Orton, Edward. Petroleum and Natural Gas in New York. 136p. il. 3 maps. Nov. 1899. 1I5c. 35 Ries, Heinrich. Clays of New York; Their Properties and Uses. 456p. 140pl.map. June 1900. §$1, cloth. Lime and Cement Industries of New York; Eckel, E. C. Chapters on the Cement Industry. 332p. 1oIpl. 2 maps. Dec. 1901. 8§c, cloth. 61 Dickinson, H. T. Quarries of Bluestone and Other Sandstones in New York. TIP: 18pl. 2 maps. Mar. 1903. 35c. 85 Rafter, G. W. Hydrology of New York State. 902p. il. 44pl. 5 maps. May ey $1.50, cloth. 93 Newland, D. H. Mining and Quarry Industry of New York. 78p July 1905. Out of print. too McCourt, W. E. Fire Tests of Some New York Building Stones. 4op. 26pl. Feb. 1906. 15¢c. 102 Newland, D. H. Mining and Quarry Industry of New York 1905. 162p. June 1906 25c: 112 Mining and Quarry Industry of New York 1906. 82p. July 1907. Out of print. 119 —— & Kemp, J. F. Geology of the Adirondack Magnetic Iron Ores with a Report on the Mineville-Port Henry Mine Group. 184p. 14pl. 8 maps. Apr. 1908. 35c. 120 Newland, D. H. Mining and Quarry Industry of New York 1907. 82p. July 1908. 15¢c. 123 & Hartnagel, C. A. Iron Ores of the Clinton Formation in New York State. 76p.il. 14pl.3 maps. Nov. 1908. 25c. 132 Newland, D.H. Mining and Quarry Industry of New York 1908. 98p. July 1909. 15¢c. 142 Mining and Quarry Industry of New York for 1909. 98p. Aug. TOTO: ase: 143 —— Gypsum Deposits of New York. 94p.20pl.4 maps. Oct. 1910. 35c. 17 44 I51 Mining and Quarry Industry of New Yorki1910. 82p. JuneI9QII. 15¢c. 161 Mining and Quarry Industry of New York I911I. 114p. July 1912. 20c. 166 Mining and’ Quarry Industry of New York 1912. 114p. Aug. 1913. 20¢. 1'74 Mining and Quarry Industry of New York 1913. 1It1p. Dec. 1914 20¢€. MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS 178 —— Mining and Quarry Industry of New York 1914. 88p. Nov. 1915. 15c. 181 —— The Quarry Materials of New York. 212p. 34pl. Jan. 1916. 40c. 190 —— Mining and Quarry Industry of New York 1915. 92p. Oct.1916. 15c. —— Mining and Quarry Industry of New York 1916 (see Mus. Bul. 196). 199 Alling, Harold L. The Adirondack Graphite Deposits. 15o0p.il. July 1, O07: 30C: 201 Smyth, C. H., jr. Genesis of the Zinc Ores of the Edwards District, St iwawrence county, Ney. 1322p: 12pls) Sept. 1, 1917. . 20c. 203-204 Colony, R. J. High Grade Silica Materials for Glass, Refractories andeAbrasives: 21 p,al. Nov.—Dee. 1917. -c. Newland, D. H. Mining and Quarry Industry of New York 1917. In preparation. ‘Mineralogy. 4 Nason, F. L. Some New York Minerals and Their Localities 22 pst pl. Ais: 1888. Free. 58 Whitlock, H. P. Guide to the Mineralogic Collections of the New York State Museum. 150p. il. 39pl. 11 models. Sept. 1902. 40c. 70 —— New York Mineral Localities. r1op. Oct. 1903. 20c. 98 —— Contributions from the Mineralogic Laboratory. 38p. 7pl. Dec 1905. Out of print. Zoology. 1 Marshall, W. B. Preliminary List of New York Unionidae . 20p. Mar. 1892. Free. 9 Beaks of Unionidae Inhabiting the Vicinity of Albany, N. Y. 3op. Ipl. Aug. 1890. Free. 29 Miller, G. S., jr. Preliminary List of New York Mammals. 124p. Oct 1899. I5c. 33 Farr, M.S. Check List 0° New York Birds. 224p. Apr. 1900. 25c. 38 Miller, G. S., jr. Key to the Land Mammals of Northeastern North America. Toop. Oct; 1900:. 15e¢: 40 Simpson, G. B. Anatomy and Physiology of Polygyra albolabris and Limax maximus and Embryology of Limax maximus. 82p. 28pl. Oct. TOOL) | 25C. 43 Kellogg, J. L. Clam and Scallop Industries of New York. 36p. 2pl. map. Apr. Igor. Free. 51 Eckel, E. C. & Paulmier, F. C. Catalogue of Reptiles and Batrachians of New York. 64p.il. rpl. Apr. 1902. Out of print. Eckel, E. C. Serpents of Northeastern United States. Paulmier, F.C. Lizards, Tortoises and Batrachians of New York. eee sa H. Catalogue of the Fishes of New York. 784p. Feb. 1903 I, clot 71 Kellogg, J. L. Feeding Habits and Growth of Venus mercenaria. 30p 4pl. Sept: 1903. Free. 88 Letson, Elizabeth J. Check List of the Mollusca of New York. 116p. May 1905. 20c. gt Paulmier, F. C. Higher Crustacea of New York City. 78p. il. June 1905. 20¢. 13) Shufeldt, R. W. Osteology of Birds. 382p. il. 26pl. May 1909. 5oc. Entomology. 5 Lintner, J. A. White Grub of the May Beetle. 34p. il. Nov. 1888. Free. 6 Cut-worms. 38p.il. Nov. 1888. Free. 13 San José Scale and Some Destructive Insects of New York State. 54p. 7pl. Apr. 1895. 15¢c. 20 elt, E. P. Elm Leaf Beetle in New York State. A6p. il) Spl june 1898. Free. See 57. 14th Report of the State Entomologist 1898. 4150p. il. gpl. Dec. 1898. 20c. Memorial of the Life and Entomologic Work of J. A. Lintner Ph.D. State Entomologist 1874-98; Index to Entomologist’s Reports 1-13. 316p. Ipl. Oct. 1899. 35¢c. Supplement to 14th report of the State"Entomologist. THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 26 —— Collection, Preservation and Distribution of New York Insects. 36p. il. Apr. 1899. Out of print. 27 Shade Tree Pests in New York State. 26p. il. 5pl. May 1899. Out of print. 31 —— 15th Report of the State Entomologist 18)9. 128p. June I900 I5¢c. 36 —— 16th Report of the State Entomologist 1900. 118p. 16pl. Mar. 1901s 25c: 37 —— Catalogue of Some of the More Important Injurious and Beneficial Insects of New York State. 54p.il. Sept. 1900. Free. 46 —— Scale Insects of Importance and a List of the Species in New York State. 94p.il. 15pl. Jume 1901. 25Cc. 47 Needham, J. G. & Betten, Corne'ius. Aquatic Insects in the Adiron- dacks. 234p. il. 36pl. Sept. 1901. 45¢c. 53 Felt, E. Pi 17th Report of the State Entomologist Toor, 232 eile sGple Aug. 1902. Out of print. 57 —— Elm Leaf Beetle in New York State. 46p. il. 8pl. Aug. 1902. Out of print. This is a revision of Bulletin 20 containing the more essential facts observed since that was prepared. 59 —— Grapevine Root Worm. 4op. 6pl. Dec. 1902. 15c. See 72. 64 —— 18th Report of the State Entomologist 1902. t11op. 6pl. May 1903. 20C. 68 Needham, J. G. & others. Aquatic Insects in New York. 322p. 5apl. Aug. 1903. 80c, cloth. 72 Felt, E. P. Grapevine Root Worm. 58p.13pl. Nov. 1903. 20c. This is a revision of Bulletin 59 containing the more essential facts observed sin e that was prepared. 74 & Joutel, L. H. Monograph of the Genus Saperda. 88p. r4pl- junesioo“ 2 5c: 76 Felt, E. P. roth Report: of the State Entomologist 1903) 5epaep: 1904. 15¢C. 79 —— Mosquitos or Culicidae of New York. 164p. il. 57pl. tab. Oct. 1904. 40c. 86 Needham, J. G. & others. May Flies and Midges of New York. 352p. il. 37pl. June 1905. 80c, cloth. 97 Felt, E. P. 20th Report of the State Entomologist 1904. 246p. il. 1gpl Nov. 1905. 40c. 103 Gipsy and Brown Tail Moths. 44p.1opl. July 1906. Out of print. 104 21st Report of the State Entomologist 1905. 144p. Iopl. Aug. 1906. 25c. 109 Tussock Moth and Elm Leaf Beetle. 34p. 8pl. Mar. 1907. Out of print. 110 22d Report of the State Entomologist 1906. 3152p. 3pl. June 1907. 25¢. 124 23d Report of the State Entomologist 1907. 542p. il. 44pl. Oct. 1908. 75c. 129 —— Control of Household Insects. 48p.il. May 1909. Out of print. 134 24th Report of the State Entomologist 1908. 208p. il. 17pl Sept. 1909. 35c. 136 —— Control of Flies and Other Household Insects. 56p. il. Feb I91IO. I15¢. : This is a revision of Bulletin 129 containing the more essential facts observed since that was prepared. 141 Felt, E. P. 25th Report of the State Entomologist 1909. 178p. il. 22pl. july 1o1ro. s25e: 147 26th Report of the State Entomologist 1910. 182p. il. 35pl. Mar. TOMI a3 5C: . 155 27th Report of the State Entomologist 1911. 198p. il. 27pl. Jan. I9I2. 40C. MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS 156 —— Elm Leaf Beetle and White-Marked Tussock Moth. 35p. 8pl. Jan. nO 2c: 163 —— 28th Report of the State Entomologist 1912. 266p.14pl. July 1913 40c. 175 —— 29th Report of the State Entomologist 1913. 258p. 16pl. April MOMs 45) | 180 —— 30th Report of the State Entomologist 1914. 336p. il. I9pl. Jan. 1916. 50c. 186 —— 31st Report of the State Entomologist 1915. 215p. tl. 18pl. June Ie eho a5C: 194 —— Household and Camp Insects. 84p.il. Feb.1, 1917. I5c. 198 32d Report of the State Entomologist 1916. 276p. il. 8pl. June.1, MOM. WAC: 200 Key to American Insect Galls. 31op. il. 16pl. August, 1917. Out of print. 202 33d Report of the State Entomologist 1917. 240p. il. 12pl. 35¢. Betten, Cornelius. Report on the Aquatic Insects of New York. Jn press. Botany. 2 Peck, C. H. Contributions to the Botany of the State of New More 72 ps 2plem Mayi1ss 7) 6 20c: 8 —— Boleti of the United States. 98p. Sept. 1889. Out of print. 25 —— Report of the State Botanist 1898. 76p. 5pl. Oct. 1899. Out of print. 28 —— Plants of North Elba. 206p. map. June 1899. 20¢. 54 —— Report of the State Botanist 1901. 58p. 7pl. Nov. 1902. 40c. 67 —— Report of the State Botanist 1902. 196p. 5pl. May 1903. 50c. 75 —— Report of the State Botanist 1903. 7op. 4pl. 1904. 40c. 94 —— Report of the State Botanist 1904. 60p. 10pl. July 1905. 4oc. 105 —— Report of the State Botanist 1905. . I108p. 12pl. Aug. 1906. 50c 116 —— Report of the State Botanist 1906. 120p.6 pl. July 1907. 365c. 122 —— Report of the State Botanist 1907. 178p. 5pl. Aug. 1908. 40c. 131 —— Report of the State Botanist 1908. 202p. 4pl.. July 1909. 4oc. 139 —— Report of the State Botanist 1909. 116p. 1opl. May 1910. 45c. 150 —— Report of the State Botanist 1910. 1100p. 5pl. May I91I. 30c. 157 —— Report of the State Botanist 1911. 140p.9pl. Mar. 1912. 35c. 167 —— Report of the State Botanist 1912. 138p. 4pl. Sept. 1913. 30c. 176 —— Report of the State Botanist 1913. 78p.17pl. June 1915. 20c. 179 —— Report of the State Botanist 1914. 108p.1pl. Dec. 1915. 20c. 188 House, H.'D. Report of the State Botanist 1915. 118p. il. a4pl. Aug. 1, TOLGs 30C. 1907 INepOrtsOnbnessratceboOtanisy JOLoy 122). ripl. May 1, 197.) 306: House, H. D. Report of the State Botanist 1917. In press. Archeology. 16 Beauchamp, W. M. Aboriginal Chipped Stone Implements of New York. “86p. 23pl. Oct. 1897. 25¢c. 18 —— Polished Stone Articles Used by the New York Aborigines. 104p 35pl. Nov. 1897. 25c. 22 —— Earthenware of the New York Aborigines. 78p. 33pl. Oct. 1898. ZC: 32 —— Aboriginal. Occupation of New York. 190p. 16pl. 2 maps. Mar 1900. 30c. 41 —— Wampum and Shell Articles Used by New York Indians. 166p 28pl. Mar. 1901. Out of print. 50 Horn and Bone Implements of the New York Indians. 1112p. 43pl. Mar. 1902. Out of print. 55 —— Metallic Implements of the New York Indians. g4p. 38pl. June 1902. 25¢. 73 —— Metallic Ornaments of the New York Indians. 122p. 37pl. Dec. 1903. Out of print. History of the New York Iroquois. 340p. 17pl. map. Feb. 1905. Out of print. 87 —— Perch Lake Mounds. 84p.12pl. Apr. 1905. 20¢. 78 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 89 —— Aboriginal Use of Wood in New York. tgop. 35pl. June 1905. Out of print. 108 —— Aboriginal Place Names of New York. 336p. May 1907. Out of print. ‘ II3 Civil, Religious and Mourning Councils and Ceremonies of Adop- One) TLSPs pl. ume moO7an 25c: : 117 Parker, A.’ C: (An Erie Indian Village and Burial (site), aoepaeesprr Decw190 72 BOC: 125 Converse, H. M. & Parker, A. C. Iroquois Myths and Legends. 1096p. 1: Tip Dee 19038.) e50e 144 Parker, A. C. Iroquois Uses of Maize and Other Food Plants. 120p. il. 31pl. Nov. 1910. Out of print. 163 —— The Code of Handsome Lake. 144p. 23pl. Nov. 1912. Out of print. 184 The Constitution of the Five Nations. 158p. 8pl. April 1, 1916. Boe: —— The Archeologic History of the State of New York. In press. Miscellaneous. 62 Merrill, F. J. H. Directory of Natural History Museums in United States and Canada. 236p. Apr. 1903. .30c. 66 Ellis, Mary. Index to Publications of the New York State Natural History Survey and New York State Museum 1837-1902. 418p. June TOOZs P75 Cn CLOLe. Museum memoirs 1889-date. 4to. 1 Beecher, C. E. & Clarke, J. M. Development of Some Silurian Brachi- opoda. 96p. 8pl. Oct. 1889. $1. 2 Hall, James & Clarke, J. M. Paleozoic Reticulate Sponges. 35o0p. il. 7opl. 1898. $2, cloth. . 3 Clarke, J. M. The Oriskany Fauna of Becraft Mountain, Columbia Co., ING ies onopl Oct 1900.8 1S0c- 4 Peck, ©. H. N. Y. Edible Pungi, 1895-99. 106p. 25p!. Nov. 1900emase- This includes revised descriptions and illustrations of fungi reported in the 4oth, 51st and 52d reports of the State Botanist. 5 Clarke, J. M. & Ruedemann, Rudolf. Guelph Formation and Fauna of New York State. 1196p. 2Ipl. July 1903. $1.50, cloth. 6 Clarke, J. M. Naples Fauna in Western New York. 268p. 26pl. map. 1904. $2, cloth. 7 Ruedemann, Rudolf. Graptolites of New York. Pt 1 Graptolites of the Lower Beds. 350p.17pl. Feb. 1905. $1.50, cloth. 8 Felt, E. P. Insects Affecting Park and Woodland Trees. v.1. 46op. il. a8pl. Feb. 1906. $2.50, cl_th; v. 2. 548p. il. 22pl. Feb. 1907. $2, cloth. $4 for the two volumes. — 9 Clarke, J. M. Early Devonic of New York and Eastern North America. Pt 1. 366p. il. 7opl. 5 maps. Mar. 1908. $2.50, cloth; Pt 2. 250p. il. 36pl. Amaps. Sept. 1909. $2, cloth. 1o Eastman, C. R. The Devonic Fishes of the New York Formations 2326S pl LOOse sal 25 eNcl OL: tr Ruedemann, Rudolf. Graptolites of New York. Pt 2 Graptolites of the Higher Beds. 584p. il. 31pl. 2 tab. Apr. 1908. $2.50, cloth. 12 Eaton, &. Ho Birds of (New York. | v. 1. 501p, 112 “2p eaprememar $3, cloth; v.2,719p.il. 64pl. July 1914. $4, cloth. $6 for the two volumes. 106 colored plates in portfolio $1. 13 Whitlock, Hi. P: ) Galeitesor New York Toop. 1l5 27 pla, Octane cloth. 14 Clarke, J. M. & Ruedemann, Rudolf. The Eurypterida of New York. v. 1. Text. 4gop. il. v.2 Plates. 188p. 88pl. Dec. 1912. $4, cloth. 15 House, Homer D. Wild Flowers of New York. Jn press. Goldring, W. Monograph of the Devonian Crinoids of New York. In preparation. Pilsbry, H. L. Monograph of the Land and Fresh Water Mollusca of the State of New York. In preparation. . inn MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS Natural History of New York. 30 v. il. pl. maps. 4to. Albany 1842-94. DIVISION I ZOOLOGY. De Kay, James E. Zoology of New York; or, The New York Fauna; comprising detailed descriptions of all the animals hitherto observed within the State of New York with brief notices of those occasionally found near its borders, and accompanied by appropri- ate illustrations. 5v. il. pl. maps. sq. 4to. Albany 1842-44. Out of prant. Historical introduction to the series by Gov. W. H. Seward. 178p. v.10 ptr Mammalia. 131 + 46p. 33pl. -1842. 300 copies with hand-colored plates. v. 2 pt2 Birds. 12 +- 380p. 141pl. 1844. Colored plates. . 3.pt3 Reptiles and Amphibia. 7 + 98p. pt 4 Fishes. 15 + 415p. 1842 pt3-4 bound together. v. 4 Plates to accompany v. 3. Reptiles and Amphibia. 23pl. Fishes- 7opl. 1842. 300 copies with hand-colored plates. Ves pts Wiollusea: 4) 2271p) 40pl. \pt.o) Crustacea. 7Op. r3pl. 1843-44" Hand-colored plates; pt5—6 bound together. 4 DIVISION 2 BOTANY. ‘Torrey, John. Flora of the State of New York; com- prising full description; of all the indigenous and naturalized plants hith- erto discovered in the State, with remarks on their economical and medical properties. 2v. il. pl. sq. 4to. Albany 1843. Out of print. v. I Flora of the State of New York. 12 + 484p. 72pl. 1843. 300 copies with hand-colored plates. v. 2 Flora of the State of New York. 572p. 89pl. 1843. 300 copies with hand-colored plates. DIVISION 3 MINERALOGY. Beck, Lewis C. Mineralogy of New York; com- prising detailed descriptions of the minerals hitherto found in the State of New York, and notices of their uses in the arts and agriculture. il. pl. sq. 4to. Albany 1842. Out of print. v. I ptr Economical Mineralogy. pt2 Descriptive Mineralogy. 24 + 536p. 1842. 8 plates additional to those printed as part of the text. DIVISION 4 GEOLOGY. Mather, W. W.; Emmons, Ebenezer; Vanuxem, Lard- ner & Hall, James. Geology of New York. gv. il. pl. sq. 4to. Albany 1842-43. Out of print. v. I ptr Mather, W. W. First Geological District. 37 + 653p. 46pl. 1843. Vaz eanmons. yl benezer. | second) Geological District. 10) 4-437: 17pl. 1842. : v. 3 pt3 Vanuxem, Lardner. Third Geological District. 306p. 1842. v. 4 pt4 Hall, James. Fourth Geological District. 22 + 683p. t1gpl. mapa ESA.) DIVISION 5 AGRICULTURE. Emmons, Ebenezer. Agriculture of New York; comprising an account of the classification, composition and distribution of the soils and rocks and the natural waters of the different geological formations, together with a condensed view of the meteorology and agri- cultural productions of the State. 5v. il. pl. sq. gto. Albany 1846-54. Out of print. v. I Soils of the State, Their Composition and Distribution. 11 + 37Ip. 2Ipl 1846. v. 2 Analysis of Soils, Plants, Cereals etc. 8 + 343 + 46p. 42pl. 1849. With hand-colored plates. v. 3 Fruitsetc. 8 +/340p. 1851. v. 4 Plates to accompany v. 3. 95pl. 1851. Hand-colored. v. 5 Insects Injurious to Agriculture. 8 + 272p. 5opl. 1851. With hand-colored plates. THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK DIVISION 6 PALEONTOLOGY. Hall, James. Paleontology of New York. 8v il. pl. sq. 4to. Albany 1847-94. Bound in cloth. v. I Organic Remains of the Lower Division of the New York System. . 23 + 338p. ogopl. 1847. Out of print. v. 2 Organic Remains of Lower Middle Division of the New York System. ne + 362p. trIo4pl. 1852. Out of print. 3 Organic Remains of the Lower Helderberg Group and the Oriskany deena: pti, text. 12 + 532p. 1859. [$3.50] —— pt2 142pl. 1861. [$2.50] v. 4 Fossil Brachiopoda of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. 11 + 1 + 428p. 69p!. 1867. $2.50. v. 5 pt 1 Lamellibranchiata 1. Monomyaria of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton and Chemung Groups. 18 + 268p. 45pl. 1884. $2.50. —— Lamellibranchiata 2. Dimyaria of the Upper Helderberg, Ham- ilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. 62 + 293p. 51pl. 1885. $2.50. pt 2 Gasteropoda, Pteropoda and Cephalopoda of the Upper Helder- — berg, Hamilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. 2v. 1879. Vv. 5, (text: 15 + 492p.; v.2. 1I20pl. $2.50 for 2 v. —— & Simpson, George B. v. 6 Corals and Bryozoa of the Lower and Up- per Helderberg and Hamilton Groups. 24 + 2098p. 67pl. 1887. $2.50. —— & Clarke, John M. v. 7 Trilobites and Other Crustacea of the Oris- _kany, Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage, Chemung and Catskill Groups. 64 + 236p. 46pl. 1888. Cont. supplement to v. 5, pt 2. Ptero- poda, Cephalopoda and Annelida. 42p. 18pl. 1888. $2.50. —— & Clarke, John M. v. 8 pt 1: Introduction to the Study of the Genera of the Paleozoic Brachiopoda. 16 + 367p. 44pl. 1892. $2.50. & rae John M. v. 8 pt 2 Paleozoic Brachiopoda. 16 + 394p. 64pl. 1894. $2.50. Catalogue of the Cabinet of Natural History of the State of New York and of the Historical and Antiquarian Collection annexed thereto. 242p. 8vo. 1853. Out of print. Handbooks 1893-date. New York State Museum. 52p. il. 1902. Out of print. Outlines history and work of the museum with list of staff 1902. Paleontology. 12p. 1899. Out of print. Brief outline of State Museum work in paleontology under heads: Definition; Relation to biology; Relation to stratigraphy; History of paleontology in New York. Guide to Excursions in the Fossiliferous Rocks of New York 124p. 1899. Free. Itineraries of 32 trips covering nearly the entire series of Paleozoic rocks, prepared specially for the use of teachers and students desiring to acquaint themselves more intimately with the classic rocks of this State. Entomology. 16p. 1899. Out of print. Economic Geology. 44p. 1904. Out of print. Insecticides and Fungicides. 20p. 1909. Free. Classification of New York Series of Geologic Formations. 32p. 1903. Out of print. Revised edition. 96p. 1912. Free. Geologic maps. Merrill, F. J. H. Economic and Geologic Map of the State of New York; issued as part of Museum Bulletin 15 and 48th Museum Report, v.12" 59 x67 ems (16804. Scale 14) miles tom inehe se —— Map of the State of New York Showing the Location of Quarries of Stone Used for Building and Road Metal. 1897. Out of print. —— Map of the State of New York Showing the Distribution of the Rocks Most Useful for Road Metal. 1897. Out of print. Geologic Map of New York. tr901. Scale 5 miles to 1 inch. In atlas form $2. Lower Hudson sheet 50c. The lower Hudson sheet, peologically colored, comprises Rockland, Orange, Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester, New York, Richmond, Kings, Queens and Nassau counties, and parts of Sullivan, Ulster and Suffolk counties; also northeastern New Jersey and part of western Connecticut. MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS Map of New York Showing the Surface Configuration and Water Sheds: MQOle ss OcAle 12 miles tO 1 inch.) a1 5c: ~+-— Map of the State of New York Showing the Location of Its Economic Deposits. 1904. Scale 12 miles to I inch. I65c. Geologic maps on the United States Geological Survey topographic base. Scale I in. == 1 m. Those marked with an asterisk have also been pub- lished separately. Albany county. 1898. Out of print. Area around Lake Placid. 1898. : Vicinity of Frankfort Hill [parts of Herkimer and Oneida counties]. 1899. Rockland county. 1899. Amsterdam quadrangle. 1900. *Parts of Albany and Rensselaer counties. Igor. Out of print. *Niagara river. I90I. 25c. Part of Clinton county. Igot. Oyster Bay and Hempstead quadrangles on Long Island. got. Portions of Clinton and Essex counties. 1902. Part of town of Northumberland, Saratoga co. 1903. Union Springs, Cayuga county and vicinity. 1903. *Olean quadrangle. 1903. Free. *Becraft Mt with 2 sheets of sections. (Scale 1 in. ==4m.) 1903. 20c. *Canandaigua-Naples quadrangles. 1904. 20c. *Little Falls quadrangle. 1905. Free. *Watkins-Elmira quadrangles. 1905. 20c. *Tully quadrangle. 1905. Free. *Salamanca quadrangle. 1905. Out of print. *Mooers quadrangle. 1905. Free. Paradox Lake quadrangle. 1905. *Buffalo quadrangle. 1906. Out of print. *Penn Yan-Hammondsport quadrangles. 1906. 20c. *Rochester and Ontario Beach quadrangles. 1907. 20c. *Long Lake quadrangle. 1907. Free. *Nunda-Portage quadrangles. 1908. 20c. *Remsen quadrangle. 1908. Free. *Geneva-Ovid quadrangles. 1909. 20c. *Port Leyden quadrangle. tIg10. Free. *Auburn-Genoa quadrangles. I910. 20¢. “Elizabethtown and Port Henry quadrangles. 1910. I5c. *Alexandria Bay quadrangle. 1910 Free. *Cape Vincent quadrangle. i910. Free. *Clayton quadrangle. 1910. Free. *Grindstone quadrangle. tIg10. Free. *Theresa quadrangle. i910. Free. *Poughkeepsie quadrangle. 1911. Free. *Honeoye-Wayland quadrangles. I9II. 20c. *Broadalbin quadrangle. «1911. Free. *Schenectady quadrangle 1911. Free. *Saratoga-Schuylerville quadrangles. 1914. 20¢. *North Creek quadrangle. 1914. Free *Syracuse quadrangle. 1914. Free. *Attica-Depew quadrangle:. 1914. 20c¢. *Lake Pleasant quadrangle. 1916. Free. *Saratoga quadrangle. 1916. Free. *Canton quadrangle. 1916. Free. *Brier Hill, Ogdensburg and Red Mills quadrangles. 1916. 15C¢c. *Blue Mountain quadrangle. 1916. Free. *Glens Falls, Saratoga, Schuylerville, Schenectady and Cohoes quadrangles. LOI7. « 20C. . | | | sy Y Leet we Sona MN tev pesagre! i ro = ! Ae . = ah cl ae rt i ae iy, ; , ee Aaa nee le i ! ‘ Sy ; ass mein : ; ei =, My i i : ii ee ot DIRE Msg etn (ae es Mey UE Mi ay Say fa) a fu Tate yh yh yl ey, Che fh dt aoe NY SEA of fap Sinet-a oe Hy eae A a Ny oth al Oe SE A aM UN “A wk ie cht e cties CPi WM Emel, ay “Seal A ua