Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. Contribution from the Bureau of Animal Industry JOHN R. MOHLER, Chief Washington, D. C. PROFESSIONAL PAPER May 14, 1921 NITROGEN AND OTHER LOSSES DURING THE ENSILING OF CORN. By R. H. SHAw, Chemist, and P. A. WricHt and EH, F. DrysHeEr, Assistant Chemists, Dairy Division. CONTENTS. Page. Page. PEVOSeNOL paper .2 elo ke 1 | The experimental work—Continued. Previous investigations of nitrogen Method of analyzing samples__ 6 qwudsotner losses) =03 5 1 Results of the analyses_______ 6 ithemexperimental work i 22-2222 5. Discussion ‘ot results. ese 2o as 9 Manner of placing and remoy- CONEIUSLOTIGE ES eee NEES YE 15 ioe Samples ee ee 5 | References to literature___________ 15 Collection’ of -the juice: 22-2 = 2 6 PURPOSE OF PAPER. The silo is primarily a means for conserving food material. With the preservation through fermentation of the mass of corn or other crops in the silo there is generally the loss of a small amount of food material. Certain losses are apparently necessary in the proper fer- mentation ; others are probably unnecessary. For several years the Dairy Division has been studying to find out more definitely what losses incident to the ensiling of corn are neces- sary and what is the proper method of handling the crop to prevent such losses. This bulletin deals with the losses of nitrogen and other elements in corn silage made under ordinary farm conditions. PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS. The earliest recorded studies of the loss of nitrogen and other elements during the ensiling of corn were made with material very low in dry matter and stored in pit or tub silos. Moser (1),! at the Vienna Agricultural Experiment Station, buried bundles of green maize, some wilted and some fresh, at different 1 The figures in parentheses refer to the citations at the end of this bulletin. 33869 °—21 9, BULLETIN 953, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. depths in a small earth pit silo. Calculating on the basis of the author’s tables, one notes losses as high as 74 per cent of the water content and 28 per cent of the crude protein of the original maize in the pit at a depth of 42 centimeters, but at a depth of 170 centi- meters only a 3 per cent loss of water and a 7 per cent loss of the crude protein. His tables indicate a larger loss of nitrogen-free extract in the upper than in the lower layers and a gain in crude fat in the lower layers. The loss in crude fiber is small except in one sample. The change in ash content varies over a wide range. Weiske and Schulze (2) report experiments in which they ensiled maize containing only 12 per cent dry matter. They used two water- tight vats holding 125 kilos and 110 kilos, respectively. The first one, containing maize well packed in, lost 26.1 per cent of its dry matter and 37.8 per cent of its crude protein in 112 days. The second one, containing maize loosely thrown in, lost 35.8 per cent of its dry matter and 54.2 per cent of its crude protein in 115 days. Both tub silos lost heavily in crude fiber and nitrogen-free extract, but gained very markedly in ether extract. Jordan (3) states that in the course of three years’ work, using a stone-basement root cellar as a silo, he found only a 5.18 per cent to 11.82 per cent loss of organic matter, which appeared to be almost wholly in the carbohydrates other than crude fiber. He notes ap- parent gains in crude fiber in two out of three cases and losses of from 0 per cent to 0.77 per cent in the crude protein present at ensiling. He bases his calculations on the assumption that there is no loss of ash during ensiling. Several years later, at the Pennsylvania Experiment Station, Armsby and Caldwell (4), in connection with a comparative feeding experiment, using silage and dry corn fodder, found a loss of 10.76 per cent of the total dry matter ensiled. Their tables show a large loss in the ash and in the albuminoids, a small loss in crude fiber, and a large loss in the nitrogen-free sine with a large gain in nonalbuminoids and in the crude fat. Henry and Woll (5), at the Wisconsin eee Station, studied the losses in ensiling green corn by using three different varieties of corn in three square, wooden bay silos, holding from 8} to 12 tons each. They report 22 and 24 per cent losses of the total dry matter ensiled in two of the silos and 31.8 per cent loss in the remaining one, which broke and let in air. They find the largest losses to be in nitrogen-free extract, crude protein, and crude fiber. There was a large gain in ether extract in two of the silos. They also find a small gain of ash in one silo with a large loss in the others, which is explained as a translocation of the mineral matter caused by pressure of the upper layers on the lower ones, by movement of the juices of green fodder or by diffusion. NITROGEN AND OTHER LOSSES IN ENSILING CORN 3 Woll (6), in another paper, gives additional data on silage studies taken up at the Wisconsin station. His summary of results for three silos indicates that he found a 37.15 per cent loss in albuminoid nitro- gen and a 46.7 per cent gain in amido nitrogen during ensiling. Short (7), in 1888, at the Wisconsin station finds during the ensil- ing of maize in three silos an average loss of 15.94 per cent of the dry matter and 21.26 per cent of the crude protein ensiled. Woll (8), summarizing three years’ work, including 10 experiments in which the comparative losses in ensiling and field-curing green maize were studied, reports that by ensiling there was a loss in the total dry matter of 20.5 per cent and in the crude protein of the green corn a loss of 20.6 per cent. He used silos holding 8 to 12 tons of Silage. In the fall of 1890, Woll (9) continued his experiments on the com- parative losses in ensiling and field-curing green corn. He states in the report for the year ended June 30, 1891, that with a large rec- tangular silo of 80 tons’ capacity, he found in the 65 tons of maize ensiled a loss of only 10.3 per cent in the total dry matter, and of 12.5 per cent in the crude protein. He attributes the larger losses of previous years to the smaller quantities of maize ensiled. F. H. King (10), of the Wisconsin Experiment Station, in connec- tion with his experiments to determine the necessary loss of dry mat- ter in maize silage, studied the losses of total green material and total dry matter. Including all material taken out, whether good or spoiled, he finds in one year, in approximately 65 tons of maize ensiled, a loss of 7.35 per cent of the green matter and 4.95 per cent loss of the total dry matter. In the next year he finds a 5.78 per cent loss of green matter and 9.38 per cent loss of the total dry matter. He concludes that the loss may vary with the maturity of the maize at the time of ensiling. Cooke (11), in the earliest investigations with maize silage reported from the Vermont Experiment Station, describes an investigation with an experimental round stave silo holding about 350 pounds of corn, covered by a follower under a pressure of 50 pounds per square foot. He states that the corn was cut while in the glaze and the silage was in perfect condition when taken out. His tables indicate a loss of 14.67 per cent of total dry matter ; a loss in albuminoids, crude fiber, and nitrogen-free extract; and a gain in the fat of the maize ensiled. Cooke and Hills (12), in a comparative study of the losses in maize silage and maize fodder, using a square wooden silo holding 12 tons, find a loss during ensiling of 20 per cent of the total dry matter, 13 per cent of the albuminoids, and 31 per cent of the sugars and starch in the maize ensiled. 4 BULLETIN 9538, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The following year, in a somewhat similar experiment, the same authors (13) find a loss of 18 per cent of the dry matter, 11 per cent of the albuminoids, and 26.5 per cent of the sugars and starch of the green maize during ensiling. Two years later Hills (14) reports a repetition of the investigation of the comparative losses in maize silage and maize fodder and gives a more detailed chemical report. He states that he found losses in the total amounts of the different constituents of the maize from harvest- ing to feeding to be as follows: Dry matter, 20 per cent; crude pro- tein, 12 per cent; crude fiber, 5 per cent; nitrogen-free extract, 30 per cent; ether extract, 16 per cent; and a gain of 3 per cent in crude ash. The director of the New York Experiment Station (15) at Geneva reports investigations extending over a period of three years, during which nine bags of green maize and seven bags of green sorghum were buried in a silo 14 by 15 by 30 feet. The bags weighed 50 pounds each at ensiling and, except for one bag of sorghum, were buried in sets of three, one bag at the center and the other two within a foot of opposite walls of the silo. The combined results of the 16 bags show during ensiling the following changes, which are based on the total amounts of each constituent of the maize ensiled: Losses—water, 3.9 per cent; ash, 0.4 per cent; albuminoids, 18.5 per cent; crude fiber, 9.8 per cent; nitrogen-free extract, 15.1 per cent; albuminoid nitrogen. 18.7 per cent; sugars and starch, 26.6 per cent; and dry matter, 12.6 per cent; grains—crude fat, 45.4 per cent; and amide nitrogen, 3.7 per cent. Clements and Russell (16) state that they ensiled green maize in a round silo 12 feet in diameter and 17 feet high and examined the silage a few days and also three weeks after ensiling. Their tables show a loss in protein nitrogen and a gain in amide nitrogen, also a slight gain in fiber and in furfurol, and they seem to indicate no trace of sugars remaining even after a few days’ ensiling. | Russell (17) gives a summary of the investigations undertaken with maize silage over a period of five years at the South-Eastern Agricul- tural College, Wye, England. He concludes that the characteristic silage changes are the disappearing of sugar, of some of the less resistant ae ast, and ofa part of the protein. Annett and Russell (18), in a very interesting paper pubes in the Journal of Agricultural Science in 1908, give a discussion of various phases of silage investigation aes elec at the South- Eastern Agricultural College, Wye, England. They discuss quite thoroughly the losses and changes in the silo. Each year the in- vestigators buried in a 12 by 17 foot round stave silo several sacks of from 10 to 15 kilos of fine-cut corn at different depths, and analyzed the maize when put in and when taken out of the silo. NITROGEN AND OTHER LOSSES IN ENSILING CORN. 5 The maize was cut green. In some seasons the dry matter was as high as 20 per cent and in cold, wet seasons as low as 138 per cent. They find practically no loss in crude fiber, but a very great loss in nitrogen-free extract, from which the sugar is shown by direct test to disappear almost entirely. The pentosans and protein suffer considerably. They state that the bags in the top half of the silo lost an average of 32 per cent of their original content of ether extract and 17 per cent of their soluble ash constituents, while the bags in the lower half gained over the original amounts 6 per cent in ether extract and 2 per cent in soluble ash constituents. They make note of a downward wash of soluble acids and ash. In a table stating an average of all losses and gains in original constituents present in the green material during the ensiling of maize during the seasons of 1904 and 1905, they give the losses as follows: Dry matter 36 per cent; ether extract, 16 per cent; nitrogen-free extract, 55 per cent; fiber, 8 per cent; total nitrogen, 26 per cent; protein nitrogen, 55 per cent; ash, 14 per cent; furfurol, 32 per cent; and gains, non- protein nitrogen, 83 per cent. Feruglio and Mayer (19) claim to find a loss of only 5 per cent in the food material during the ensiling of maize. They state that this loss falls somewhat on the pure protein and albuminoids, but most strongly on the sugars and pentosans. On the other hand, they find an increase in ether extract and total acidity. THE EXPERIMENTAL WORK. The silo used was a cylindrical concrete silo 42 feet high by 14 feet in diameter inside, holding approximately 150 tons, and located at the Dairy Division Experiment Farm, Beltsville, Md. The floor of the silo was 4 feet below the lowest door, and the silo up to this door was water-tight. The work was carried on for two seasons, 1914-15 and 1915-16. During both seasons the silo used was completely filled with corn. The depth of the silage after settling was approximately 38 feet. MANNER OF PLACING AND REMOVING SAMPLES. Samples of silage in cheesecloth sacks were buried at various depths and positions in the silo. The silo was divided into 8 levels the first season and 6 levels the second season. The first level was near the bottom of the silo and the last one near the top. The distance be- tween levels was approximately the same. When a level was reached in the regular course of filling the silo a sack of the carefully sampled cut corn was weighed and buried at about the center. At the same time another sample was taken for chemical analysis. The sacks were numbered according to the level at which they were buried. 6 BULLETIN 953, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. During the fall and winter the silage was fed out as usual, and whenever a level was reached the sack was removed, placed in a ~ closed can, and immediately sent to the laboratory for analysis. COLLECTION OF THE JUICE. The fioor of the silo was tapped and a 1-inch pipe conducted the silage juices to a receptacle outside and below the floor level of the silo. During the first season a barrel was used to receive the juice, but this proved unsatisfactory, and during the second season a coy- ered concrete tank was employed. At first daily, later at more extended periods, the juice collected since the previous sampling was thoroughly mixed, and the sample, in an 8-ounce bottle, was immediately sent to the laboratory for analysis. During the collection of a number of juice samples in the season of 1914-15 hard rains occurred which caused the barrel in which the juice was collected to overflow or diluted its contents, thus destroy- ing the value of the respective samples. Owing to these facts, the results of this season’s work on the juice are of value only as pre- liminary and as indicating the approximate amount of juice lost from the silo and the nitrogen contained therein. METHOD OF ANALYZING SAMPLES. The bags of silage were taken to the laboratory immediately after removal from the silo. After the weights were taken the contents were mixed and a 1-kilogram charge was taken for the gross- moisture determination. The remainder was pulped in a power meat grinder. The pulp was thoroughly mixed and charges for the various nitrogen determinations immediately taken. The charge for the gross-moisture determination was placed in a steam drying closet and dried at a temperature between 50° and 60° C. to a con- stant weight. It was then exposed to the air for several days and the final weight taken to represent the air-dry condition. The material was then ground in a power mill to a fine flour suitable for analysis. , The amino nitrogen was determined by the method of Van Slyke and the ammonia nitrogen by the method of Folin and Macalium. The other determinations were made according to the methods of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. RESULTS OF THE ANALYSES. The results of the experimental work are given in the following tables. Table 1 gives the weight and chemical composition of the corn in each sack as it was buried. Table 2 shows the weights and chemical composition of the contents of the sacks as they were re- Soa trl ere tii dag hes ae y oe a Ve ay NITROGEN AND OTHER LOSSES IN ENSILING CORN. moved from the silo. ih Table 3 was calculated from the preceding tables and shows the losses or gains in each sack based on the weights ensiled. Tables 4 and 5 give the weights and chemical analyses of the juice. TABLE 1.—Summary of analyses of cut corn as placed in bags. SEASON 1914-15. : | Albu- Nonre- | ae Mois- Total reps Ether | Crude Total = Fur- Bag No. | Weight.) ture. nitrogen. roger extract.| fiber. | 4S2- | sugar Ser furol Grams. | Per cent.| Per cent.| Per cent.| Per cent.| Per cent.| Per cent.| Per cent.| Per cent.| Per cent. i tee eee 3, 350 68. 54 0. 451 0. 334 0. 52 alo 1, 33 4, 23 0. 39 3. 64 2 7, 740 67. 18 . 406 . 344 - 58 6. 29 1. 02 3. 93 1, 83 Sad 36 to ee 5, 510 67. 21 . 506 . 418 . 63 5. 65 1.18 4.16 1. 03 4, 74 11> ok Spates 6, 220 66. 23 . 434 . 347 . 64 6.17 1.18 3. 07 1. 30 3. 74 FA a ei 6, 390 69. 13 . 45 . 362 . 54 5. 89 1, 83 3. 67 0. 71 3. 49 ee ns 6, 640 74. 60 . 329 . 282 . 42 4,55 1. 02 3. 30 0. 09 2. 72 (see 6, 620 69. 90 . 394 . 349 . 58 6.17 1. 56 2. 64 0. 68 3. 37 RES ain ee 5, 870 72.19 . 370 . 286 TAT 5. 92 1.38 2. 46 0. 72 3. 30 AVOTALE!| ness vec 69. 39 - 413 . 340 ao 5. 84 iad! 3. 39 1, 28 3. 56 SEASON 1915-16. i eS 5, 615 76. 95 0. 398 OS 3269 eee eo os beceoe 1, 29 2.97 0. 51 2. 33 7s ee 4, 685 72. 02 . 434 porate ail ie ee Al | ae Pena 1.91 By Oy . 68 3. 03 511 ae eee 7,170 76. 63 . 360 SUL | Sree eee aS ras) (EES Wi 1, 49 2.98 alr / 2.47 dl lee ee 7, 180 75. 18 . 374 CSL 7A Ieee asl | aru weer 133i Solid . 29 2. 55 Ns Soe 7, 935 74. 80 . 416 MOLD Ui ee a rears 11, 1133 5303 . 28 2. 70 OSS ae eee 5 73. 28 . 344 ODO ae yell Re SL ee ey 3. 03 .79 Pas UE: PAV CLAP O S|. oe a 74. 89 . 385 Soda | eee eell eres orate ee 1, 42 3. 14 . 46 2. 63 TABLE 2.—Swmmary of analyses of silage as removed from bags SEASON 1914-15. Gain Metal |\Banit| Biber Non- Amino | 4™@- Ba Weight (+) or] Mois- SRSA Greet | Crude eh Total | reduc- | Fur- mies monia No. 8 loss | ture. Be. | ghiaae | Bear fiber. * | sugar ing | furol i nitro- (—). SUE ; sugar. 8 gen gen. | Parts | Parts Per Per Per Per. Per Per Per Per Per per per Grams.\Grams.| cent. | cent. | cent. | cent. | cent. | cent. | cent. cent. cent. | million. |\million. Then 3,800) +250} 75.14) 0.442) 0.154) 0.65) 5.10) 1.22) 0.12) None 2. 68] 1, 530 302 7 8,550) +810} 71.02} .427) .168 59} 5.58) 1.14 . 08} None 3. 24) 1, 420 264 ee 6,400} +890} 73.36} .491) .237 18) «=4.91) 1.13) . 13} None 2.69} 1, 510 304 4.. 7,920|/+1, 700) 74.48; .405) .155 .70} 4.69) 1.16) . 15} None 2.62] 1, 360 278 5...| 7,070) +780) 77.30) .396} .149 -67/ 4.40) 1.20 .09| None Ph aai| 1s 246 ee 6,355] —245) 75.32) .349) .106 .64) 4.51) 1.13} . 741 None 2.44) 1, 250 257 7..-| 7,655|+1,035) 76.83} .331) .110 -70} 4.94) 1.27; . 00} None 2.45) 1, 880 305 ro ae 6, 560) +690] 78. 52 Bt, - 114 45 4. 74 1, 25) .17| None 2.49} 1, 900 105 Average.....)....... 75.15| .392) .149| .65]. 4.87) 1. 19 itet| ha eee 2.63) 1,538.8| 257.6 SEASON 1915-16. ihe 5,510} —105| 78.80) 0.382} 0.139).....|......... 1.31} 0.09) None 2. 28) 1, 480 274 Peeves, LOW -P485) A7Rat2) -saO2h TPS oss e 1. 72! . 08} None | 2.37] 1,320 252 3..-| 6,210) —960) 77. 34, .354) 176). .-..|..-.-...- 1. 64, .09| None 2. 46] 1, 040 180 me 6.870) | —310| -oans| ©. 379). 2 139)5.2..]....-02.. 1. 23} . 40} None 2.39) 1, 480 217 a 7,775| —160} 76.98) .386 ead 7 Yi a 0 ee ee 1. 07) .35| None 2.16) 1. 440 256 6). | 7,350} —190} (75.98 LBP?) ef as hele 2 ee ee 1. 40) .11] None 2.41} 1,120 192 maverace.....|.....-. FHM PWM SBOE GD) ine ie ieee ‘Cee y ei z bias | 2.34] 1,313.3] 228.5 8 BULLETIN 953, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. TABLE 3.—Summary of losses and gains, based on weights ensiled. SEASON 1914-15. Fe = : Albu- | Naw | is | | Green -. | Dry | Total} mi- | albu- er Bag No | mat- ae mat- | nitro-| noid |minoid| Ash. | ex- yes ae pio | ter. - | ter. | gen. | nitro-| nitro- tract ; a gen | gen | per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | cent. | cent. | cent. | cent. | cent. cent. é cent. | cent. cent. | cent. | cent. ). Seater +13. 43 +24. 36 —10. 36 +11. 16 —47. 69 +179. 18 + 4.05/+41. 79 — 5.93\— 96. 75-16. 48 2 eae ge eae 410. 47|+16.78\— 2. 46 +16.18—46.04 +361, 53/423. 45|-412.37\— 2.00\— 97. 73|— 3.53 ee ee ee (+16. 15 +26.78 — 5.63 +12. 71\—34. 15 +235. 31) +11. 23 +43. 82\+ - 94|— 96. 37|—34.07 2 ee ee +27. 33 +43.17/— 3.78 ue 8. 82 —43. 13 4-265. 94/425. 17 +39.26|— 3.21/— 93.76 —10. 80 Pe R ee Core eee +10. 64'\+23. 73, —18.64— 2 64 —o4. 47 +210. 56 —27.45 +37.26 —17.35/\— 97.31 —26.13 Gees: Soo ee seen — 4.29 — 3.37,— 7.00+ 1. 52|—64. 01 +394. 75\+ 6. 03|=-45. 82;\— 5.13/— 78.54;—14.14 Peter yoo e ow sis Be +15. 63)+27. 10|—10. 99)— 2 86|—63. 59 +467. 94,— 5. 86|+39.56,— 7 42)—100. 00|—15. 93 a ae +11. 75|+21. 55|—13. 69 — 5. 76|—55. 45, +163. 41/+ 1.23)/+ 6.99/—10.52|/— 92.31/—15. 67 Average of 4top bags!|+ 8.31|+-16. 71|—12. 74, — 2. 46|—59. 41| +277. 24|— 8. 96|+-33. 31|—10. 29|— 91. 65|—18. 24 Average of 4 bottom | | | | 1 Dg eS eee +16. 87|+-27. 43|— 4. 70)+-15. 19} 42. 18 +264. 33|+-17. 61|=31. 92|— 2 26|— 96.35 —15. 60 Average of all bags... 712.35 721.61 — 8.66 + 6.49 —50. 76 + 270.36 + 2.07 +32. 59) — 6. 34 — 94. 14 —17.07 SEASON 1915-16. gee I ES ale 040) ois wl aa i oe ee | 97. oo|— 3.98 SE Se EOE hell eae et +10.35/+19.70 —13.71/— .33|—61.59 +136. $6\— . 63)...---- Bees | —97. 49'—13. 68 Seren ap ilies i —13. 39 —12. 59 —16. 01|—14. 84) 50. 34/4190. 90|— 4. 67|_.____- ales | —97.37 —13. 73 Were es. oo eee i— 4.32\— 3.81 — 5.86)— 3. 04|—58. 04 +302. 96/—10. 16). .....- sie —87. 91}—10. 32 5 oj a eens aie — 2.02\+ .84—10.49|— 9. 08|—57. 19) +162. 72|— 7. 22)....... BE abe —89. 38|—21. 62 5, oO eee ate — 2,52/4 1.07|—12. 37|— 8. 75|—59. 47|+-667. 40|—13. | Gees eee | —96. 45|—14. 57 Average of 3top bags?|— 2.91|— .57— 9.72|/— 7. 09|—58.21/ +276. 14|—10. 43)....... Leseess | —91. 18|—15. 78 Average of 3 bottom | | erste Oe oe NES — 3.32|— .04|—13. 41|— 7. 59]—56. 08|+-184. 70\— 2. 16)...____]____._- | —97. 32|—10. 88 Average of all bags--|— 3. 09) = -34,—11.29 — 7. 31|—57. 27|+-231. 19|— 6. 54)_.-.---]------- —§3. 90 —18. 68 i These averages are 5 on weights obtained rather than on the percentages of the difierent com. pounds in each bag as shown in this table. TABLE 4.—Summary of analyses of juice; season 1914-15. Ae a | Total ni- esa. . | Albumi- | Nonalbu-| trogen Sample No. Weight. SUES Acidity. | Total MM noid ni- | minoid | ealeu- Ewe _ trogen. | ‘trogen. | nitrogen. _ lated as | protein. Pounds. | | Cc. . | Per cent. Per cent. | Per cent.| Pounds. (P25 fie eae eee eee eee 57 1.008 | 0.59 0.0432} 0.0176; 0.0256/ 0.1539 2). Silage eRe a cs ere Whe Si =~ 4 241022) ag Sf Ee a eo Ie he - 6966 = a; feat Diaper at ot 84 OO OES le iG aio ee pieaeane Be . 9997 Pere 9 SER La see ae 126 9 4e> 33 084 > a [ae 0211 2129} 1.834 Fe ae Pore ee rd 127 1. 036 30. 80 27s eres (kot. S ok ee |< a SAD premeseee Shee are: eae PR Tole 9 5a (Te eee ey es rs | EE a | 2.085 7 fs 5 ae Ra Os SSRIS Shag 108 1. 040 2266 |vcsise DOs Se ee hore tees | Es eS 4 tein Sey ete: 94. 75 1. 040 aa eee 7 0314 .2466 | 1.700 DS oe SSR oe ee Gi) 0 33.64 .283 . 0295 . 2535 1. 080 AR oy, a & ene as eng ES 52.5 1. 040 32.45! .290 | .0295 . 2605 . 9399 Th. Sea Fl Ee 29. 25 1. 041 33. Sidi OT . 0252 . 2651 . 5323 Ug Boe os Se een Sap, ee 59 | L082 33.83: .296 | .0259! .2701 1.091 7S (ES a a a Ee oe 58. 25 1. 042 33. 08 . 288 .0281} .2599 1. 048 SEI CO? sagee rte Gee eae 28. 25 1, 042 32. $3 . 292 .0251 | . 2669 517 Pipe eae aoe Sener ee 25 1. 042 32. 83 . 297 .0258 | .2792 . 465 [ct ein Wren eRe RL mage ne 25 | Lod 29. 69 . 282 .0226 | .2594 . 502 Tek GU Ae wie SET cere 14. 25 1, 046 32. 95 . 320 -0305 |. 2804 . 295 oS ERS ce ele be ene hs ee 1-7) apy 32. 45 . 328 .0306-| 2974 | . 369 No ed ee ee ae | 15175 | L018 16. 17 -12% | .0131| .1129| 1200 pee bres 2 ee ee pele 3 Beco ewes: by Lr 20. 14 . 163 0176 | . 1454 1. 336 ites oo. Mee Ce OO ee kee eae | 50.0 | 1026 23. 06 187| <2, 0s |e . 585 Fig a MDM pe Cee ee ES 5,5. OS | 385 | 1.028 24. 03 .202 | .0168 . 1852 485 7d Et RRR I i Sn Pi, ekics 1. 029 24. 50 208 | .0191] 1889 | . 410 7s set ae Nene ae acre RE P4256 | Lo 25.45 214 | 0202 . 1938 . 570 DFS RD OE EGAN Mita 23 SS bs ca Py 1.031 26. 88 230 019. -|=~ ala 324 iiss er We sess. . . 4453 21 C2 Ser On Riga eat ee ste 140. 00 1.014 12. 53 109 .010 099 . 9520 ot, Se SU og et ae oie ete | 31.00 1. 034 30. 99 . 269 . 022 AT | . 5208 a7) Pee a ne ee mi oe e | 127.00 1. 008 7. 82 060 - 005 | » 055 _ 4826 57 NE Be lk SEG EO 149. 25 1.015 15. 03 .119 007 | 12 | 11045 1” ea ee eae SESE Oe 90. 00 1. 023 23.12 . 195 . 012 183 . 1098 gen 2 ete Pe ey ee | 8. 00 1. 026 19. 3 . 187 015 | 172 . 0936 | po COPA RES SBS Fst 23.00/ 1.009] 7.06 064 005 » 059 - 0920 1 The figures in this column aes the number of cubic centimeters of normal ee required to neu- tralize the acid in 100 grams of the j juice. Total weight of juice, 2,579 pounds. Total weight of nitrogen calculated as protein, 28.88 pounds. NITROGEN AND OTHER LOSSES IN ENSILING CORN. TABLE 5.—Summary of analyses of juice; season 1915-16. eNtean bor 7 | Total A Aibumi- . : nitrogen Sample | of days | wejont, | Specific | 4 cidity.1 Total noid |A™MmMonia| Amino |“ (4) eae Oo. | Tepre- 2 gravity. nitrogen. nitrogen. nitrogen. | nitrogen. latedias | sented. protein. Parts per | Parts per Pounds Gxe Per cent. | Per cent.| million. | million. | Pounds. ThA eter 1 40 1. 027 22. 8 0.139 | 0.0384 174, 2 710. 1 0. 3480 AG, Se Se aM 1 81 1. 029 24. 4 168 . 0384 183. 1 850. 9 . 8505 See ce stele 1 142.5 1. 030 21. 4 184 . 0384 Als ¢ 854. 5 1. 6388 (Ns $5 CER RAY 1 166 OZOH S| eer LODE ers Petr icl| variates mreietel| sreiete ters cretc 2. 0252 bat 1 498. 5 1. 029 21.4 208 . 0352 193.7 | 1,073 6. 4805 62) 1 655.5 1. 029 21.4 211 . 0368 190.4 | 1,073 8. 6526 Tie 2| 1,046 1. 029 21.4 227 0320 205.4 | 1,133 14, 8532 Rie 1 650 1. 030 29. 0 . 240 . 0400 215.7} 1,119 9. 7500 2): a alee 1 413 1. 030 29. 0 . 245 . 0496 224.6 | 1,159 6. 3189 AOR Sate Re 1 290. 7 1. 030 28. 5 . 246 . 0304 229.2) 1,203 4, 4775 eS ee 1 231.9 1. 030 29. 0 . 245 . 0416 240.3 | 1,220 3. 6338 UP ae See 1 169. 5 1. 030 28. 5 . 254 . 0400 232.4; 1,214 2. 6951 LIS Se eres 2 313 1. 030 28. 1 . 251 . 0464 233.4 | 1,240 4,9141 AS SE eres b 1 160 1. 030 28.3 . 250 . 0368 243.0] 1,246 2. 4960 1G ee 2 250 1. 0295 28. 3 . 258 . 0464 248.5 | 1,317 4, 0250 1 enor 3 429 1. 029 27.2 . 251 . 0464 249.8} 1,285 6. 7353 tien cece. 5 424 1. 030 28. 0 . 258 . 0336 255.1 | 1,263 6. 8264 1S ae eee 4 262. 5 1. 030 29. 7 . 266 . 0384 295.6 | 1,392 4, 3575 eee 5 340 1. 030 30. 5 . 262 . 0352 301.7 | 1,401 5. 6580 210) Soe 3 172.3 1. 030 31.8 . 251 0432 309.6 | 1, 462 2. 7033 heres «Sas 6 257 1. 032 34.1 3200 . 0384 316.8 | 1,498 4, 4461 2), ees 2 147 1. 032 34.6 . 262 . 0384 317.9 | 1,503 2. 4108 Dee Scie 6 254 1.035 36. 3 . 291 . 0336 334.7 | 1,539 4, 6228 An cns <5 ses 4 WAS 1. 034 36. 8 290 . 0384 332.4 | 1,517 3. 1042 OEE sseicis ars 7 205 1.035 36. 8 280 0144 329.4 | 1,558 3. 5875 Dae SEC 4 107 1.035 37.0 . 285 0128 356.3 | 1,663 1. 9046 foe eae a ts 4 107 1. 036 Sta . 288 01536 374.4 | 1,717 1. 9260 DO os) seh 3 106 1. 036 37.8 . 290 . 0144 A At wala carl 1, 9186 1) eos see 8 177 1. 040 38. 6 . 298 0160 Slavia meal 3. 2922 311 Case 8 | 115 1. 040 39. 5 . 802 0144 394.5 | 1,762 2.1735 ee csi e.cccie 12 124 1. 040 39.3 . 306 0144 438.3 | 1,959 2. 3684 Soa Se 9 89 1. 040 38. 6 . 304 . 0112 416.0 | 1,941 3. 5910 Bose ee acs 8 68 1. 042 38. 5 315 0118 429.5 | 1,986 1.3396 ae ee aiciate 9 65 1. 046 39.3 . 320 01328 441.6 | 2,139 1. 3000 B0-- 13 89 1.041 ate) . 299 01200 415.4 | 1,979 1. 6643 Owes esses 10 58 1.045 36. 2 .315 . 01280 416.4 | 1,972 1. 1426 BY (Soe 20 90 1.045 34.1 . 322 . 0182 429.6 | 1,962 1. 8090 Ose ees sis 22 880 1. 045 32. 0 . 323 0211 448.7 | 1,962 1.6160 OO ese seeks: 14 49 1, 042 28. 2 . 299 . 0216 416.8 | 1,967 . 9163 AQ Rae Ee. ok. 15 51 1. 039 26. 7 . 274 0151 397.1 | 1,657 . 8721 AN eee sek 21 64. 5 1. 040 24. 2 275 0189 395.9 | 1,759 1. 1094 ADE 2 30 122 1. 037 28.3 . 267 0195 419.8} 1,505 2. 0374 (Sr | 34 IBY 1. 030 26. 6 . 219 0158 369.3 | 1,318 2. 1578 Average | biota iere rata ue.cls Bere see 1. 0345 ol. 17 . 263 0283 Ue Ou fie in Al 2a Ot lretete atetalatarets —_ 1 The figures in this column represent the number of cubic centimeters of normal alkali required to neutralize the acids in 100 grams of the juice. Total weight of juice, 9,494.5 pounds. Total weight of nitrogen calculated as protein, 150.75 pounds. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS. The investigation was conducted under all the difficulties inherent in practical farm conditions. The silo was not in any sense an experimental silo. The burial and removal of the bags took place during the regular course of filling the silo and feeding out the silage. In the season of 1914-15 the filling extended over a period of 17 days and the feeding out took nearly 3 months from the first bag to the last. In the season of 1915-16 the filling took only 8 days but the feeding out extended over a period of nearly 7 months. In the former season the corn was considered somewhat overmature and for a few minutes during each day’s run water was added through the distributer. In the latter season the corn was considered less mature than is desirable for the best quality of silage. 10 BULLETIN 953, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. TEMPERATURE AND COLOR CHANGES. The changes that occur in corn during fermentation in the silo have been the subject of much study by numerous investigators, both in this country and in Europe. First, there is a more or less rapid rise in temperature of the silage mass, the degree of which depends somewhat upon the temperature of the outside air and more perhaps upon the state of maturity of the corn and the degree of fineness to which it is cut. This is followed by a gradual decline in temperature ~ of the silage and a change of color from the green of the fresh-cut corn to a greenish-brown. These changes in physical appearance are accompanied by a copious evolution of carbon dioxid and the forma- tion of volatile and nonvolatile acids, which have been shown to con- sist largely of acetic and lactic acids. The sugars both of the reduc- ing and nonreducing type which are present in green corn disappear almost completely during the fermentation process. A large part of the albuminoid nitrogen disappears, and there is a great increase in the amount of nonprotein nitrogen, some of which appears as amino acids. The causes which produce these profound changes have been the subject of considerable dispute, some writers taking the ground that bacterial action is entirely responsible, others that bacteria have little if anything to do with them, and still others contend that the changes are due in part to bacterial and in part to enzymatic action. DOWNWASH OF SOLUBLE MATERIAL. The results of the chemical analyses as given in the tables show many evidences of a downwash of soluble material, the upper part of the silo losing and the lower part gaining. In 1914-15 about 2,600 pounds of juice were collected, and in 1915-16 about 10,000 pounds. Doubtless had this juice not been allowed to escape, the analytical re- sults for the bags in the lower part of the silo would have shown a ereater loading up with soluble constituents, or at least smaller losses. Especially is it believed that this would have been true in 1915-16 when the loss in juice rose to almost 5tons. A difficulty in controlling conditions 1s the impossibility of removing the bags simultaneously so that they would all have been in the silo the same length of time. This factor might be quite important in the 1915-16 work, when from 1 to nearly 3 months elapsed between the recovery of several of the bags. | The tables showing losses and gains of green matter and of moisture during ensiling show by comparison the marked effect of adding water when filling the silo. Indeed, the tendency of certain soluble con- stituents to wash downward in the silo, which was probably obscured the second season by the excessive outflow of juice, may have been eb Dy ay beard pe gt Paige aN NITROGEN AND OTHER LOSSES IN ENSILING CORN. iui enhanced the first season by the addition of water to the corn at en- siling. In the season of 1914-15 the change in amount of green matter varies from a loss of 4.29 per cent in the weight of bag No. 6 to a gain of 27.33 per cent in the weight of bag No. 4. The average gain for all bags is 12.35 per cent. The gain for the bags in the upper half averages 8.31 per cent and for the lower half, 16.87 per cent. That the apparent gain in green matter is only a gain in water which more than offsets any loss in dry matter is shown by a comparison, bag by bag, of the figures for gain in green matter and moisture. In the season of 1915-16, when the corn was somewhat immature and no water was added while filling the silo, there is a loss in green matter in 5 of the 6 bags. The average loss is 3.09 per cent per bag, and the slightly greater loss in the lower than in the upper half prob- ably is due to the large loss of juice that took place. The change in the amount of moisture present, less than 1 per cent, is comparatively unimportant, though it should be noted that the 2 lower bags register gains. LOSS OF DRY MATTER. The greatest loss in dry matter in any bag in 1914-15 is but 18.64 per cent, while the average loss for all the bags is 8.66 per cent. The _ apparent downwash of the soluble dry matter is illustrated very well nS ros = ih that season by a comparison of the losses. The bags in the upper and lower halves show, respectively, 12.74 per cent and 4.70 per cent losses in dry matter. In the season of 1915-16 the figures do not, on their face, bear out this transfusion, there being an increase in loss from 9.72 per cent in the upper half to 13.71 per cent in the lower half. This apparent reversal of the results of the previous season may be and probably is due to the very much larger outflow of juice. The loss in any indi- vidual bag does not run as high as in the previous season, but the average percentage loss of dry matter as ensiled is nearly 3 per cent more, being 11.29 per cent. TOTAL NITROGEN. The figures for total nitrogen in 1914-15 show a gain in 5 out of 8 bags, while in 1915-16 they show a loss in every bag. The fig- ures for the first season show very plainly that there must have been a downwash of nitrogenous material, for while there is a loss of 2.46 per cent in the bags from the top half of the silo, there is a gain of 15.19 per cent over the total nitrogen ensiled in the bags representing the lower half. The fact that this gain in the lower bags raises the average total nitrogen in all the bags may be ac- counted for by irregularities in the downwash by which more nitrog- enous material was washed into the lower bags than was washed out of the upper ones. 12 BULLETIN 953, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. In 1915-16 the average figures for total nitrogen show a loss of 7.31 per cent, with almost exactly the same losses for the upper and lower bags. If it were not for the unaccountably high loss of nitro- gen in bag No. 3, the losses for the bags in the lower half would be less than those in the upper half. However, even considering the figure for bag No. 3 as normal, the large loss of nitrogen in the juice would supply a reason why the average figures for total nitrogen show no differences between the bottom and top halves of the silo. The average losses in total nitrogen in all bags for both seasons are very moderate when compared with the results of other investi- gators. The smallest loss in albuminoid nitrogen for either season is 34.15 per cent, the largest 64.01 per cent, which also occurs in the same season. The average total loss for 1914-15 is 50.76 per cent and for 1915-16 57.27 per cent. The slightly greater loss in albuminoid nitrogen in the latter season may or may not be due to the less mature condition cf the corn when ensiled. The nonalbuminoid nitrogen is, of course, very small in amount in the corn when ensiled, but increases several times its own weight during ensiling in both seasons. The increase is 270.36 per cent the first season and 231.79 per cent the second season. ASH. The figures for loss or gain in ash for both seasons show very plainly the transfusion from the upper half to the lower half of the silo. In 1914-15, 2 of the 4 upper bags gained slightly and the other 2 lost strongly, while all 4 bottom bags gained strongly and consist- ently. The average for the top bags shows a loss of 8.96 per cent and for the bottom bags a gain of 17.61 per cent. The total aver- age gain of 2.07 per cent may be explained in the same way as the gain in total nitrogen. The figures for 1915-16, while showing losses throughout, show plainly that less ash is lost from the bottom bags than from the top bags. The loss for the top bags was 10.43 per cent and for the bottom bags only 2.16 per cent, which latter would probably have been a gain had no juice escaped. SUGARS. The sugars, as has been shown by previous investigators, are the source of much of the actual weight loss of dry matter during en- siling. In both years the nonreducing sugars entirely disappeared and only about 6 per cent of the reducing sugars was left. The loss is slightly greater in the lower bags than in the upper. This is prob- ably due to the fact that fermentation has had a longer time to act on the sugars that remain after the first period of rapid action has taken place. NITROGEN AND OTHER LOSSES IN ENSILING CORN. 13 FURFUROL. The furfurol-yielding bodies show a loss in both seasons, in 1914-15, 17.07 per cent; in 1915-16, 13.68 per cent. Like the albuminoids they show a smaller loss in the lower than in the upper bags. ETHER EXTRACT AND CRUDE FIBER. The ether extract and crude fiber were determined only for the season 1914-15. The former shows an average gain for all bags of 32.59 per cent, this gain being slightly greater in the upper four bags than in the lower four. This consistent increase, which is quite in harmony with the results of previous investigators, is, no doubt, due to the formation of new ether-soluble bodies during the fermentation process. The crude fiber shows an average loss of 6.384 per cent of its weight at ensiling. Like the albuminoids and furfurol it shows a smaller loss in the lower than in the upper bags. The lower bags lost an average of 2.26 per cent, while the upper bags lost an average of 10.29 per cent. COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF JUICE. The total amount of juice collected during the season of 1914-15 was only about one-quarter as much as that collected in the follow- ing season. This is doubtless attributable to the condition of the corn at ensiling, which in the former season had become so mature that water had to be added, and in the latter season was rather too immature. An inspection of the table giving the analyses of the juice for 1915-16 shows that the amount of the solids, as indicated by the specific gravity, the acidity, and the nonalbuminoid nitrogen, seems to follow the same general curve. There appears to be a gradual rise during the first part of the period of juice collection, followed by a gradual fall. The only exception seems to be the albuminoid nitro- gen, which, while showing a slight tendency to follow the specific eravity curve, in amount shows a gradual but continuous decrease from the first sample taken to the last. In percentage it decreases from over one-fourth of the total nitrogen to less than one-nineteenth. AMMONIA NITROGEN AND AMINO NITROGEN. In the season of 1914-15 the bags contained an average of 257 parts per million of ammonia nitrogen and 1,540 parts per million of amino nitrogen. In the season of 1915-16 the bags contained an average of 228 parts per million of ammonia nitrogen and 1,313 parts per million of amino nitrogen. By calculation it is found that in both seasons the ratio of ammonia nitrogen to amino nitrogen is slightly greater in the bags in the lower half than in those in the 14 BULLETIN 953, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. upper half of the silo. This is only what would be expected when it is considered that the ammonia nitrogen is a decomposition prod- — uct of the amino bodies and the longer stay in the silo gives more time for such decomposition to take place. The amounts of amino and of ammonia nitrogen, expressed in parts per million, do not follow parallel curves, although there is a general rise and fall throughout the whole period of juice collec- tion. The proportionate increase in the amount of amino nitrogen is greater, as is also the later decrease. The ammonia nitrogen in the first sample is nearly one-fourth as much as the amino nitrogen, but as the amount of amino nitrogen increases much more rapidly than the ammonia nitrogen it drops in the fifth sample to less than one-fifth. The proportion remains at one-fifth, or below, up to the sixteenth sample and then slightly rises to the thirty-sixth sam- ple. Here the amount of ammonia nitrogen decreases slowly and the amount of amino nitrogen decreases rapidly; consequently, the proportion of ammonia nitrogen to amino nitrogen in the last two. samples is raised to over one- Eranenle The specific gravity ranges from 1.027 to 1.046 and the acidity from an amount requiring 21.4 cubic centimeters to an amount re- quiring 39.5 cubic centimeters normal alkali for 100 grams of juice. The total nitrogen varies from 0.139 per cent to 0.823 per cent, and the albuminoid nitrogen from 0.0112 per cent to 0.0496 per cent. The ammonia nitrogen ranges from 171.7 to 448.7 parts per million and the amino nitrogen from 710 to 2,139 parts per million. Tt will be seen from the tables that the greater part of the nitrogen present in the juice escaping from the silo is in the form of soluble nonalbuminoid nitrogen compounds. Although the actual food value of such compounds is still somewhat a matter of controversy, yet it may be a matter of interest, from a practical standpoint, to ob- serve the possible loss of food material caused by the escape of juice these two years. If the total nitrogen of the 2,579 pounds of juice collected in 1914-15 is expressed as pure protein, we have a loss of 28.89 pounds, which represents the protein in about 1,500 pounds of average silage. Expressing in the same way the results for the season of 1915-16, we havea loss of 150.75 pounds in the 9,494.5 pounds of juice collected, representing the protein in about 7,500 pounds of average Silage. Ona eal basis the results of the two seasons’ 2 iid of silage juice may furnish some explanation for the large variations in the losses of soluble silage constituents which are occasionally reported by investigators. It shows how a large amount of juice, carrying with it much soluble food material, may sink to the bottom of the silo or easily be lost through cracks or through an earthen floor. NITROGEN AND OTHER LOSSES IN ENSILING CORN. 15 CONCLUSIONS. The two years’ work furnishes evidence of a downwash of the juice in the silo, carrying with it soluble-food materials, so that the silage in the lower part of the silo may gain in food material at the expense of the upper part. There was an average loss for all the bags of nearly 10 per cent of the dry matter, which apparently is due largely to the fermentation of the carbohydrates and to the carrying away of soluble material by the juice. The reducing and nonreducing sugars almost entirely disappeared. ‘There was a considerable loss in crude fiber and in the furfurol-yielding bodies. There was a loss in total nitrogen. It is probable, however, that this loss is due largely, if not entirely, to the nitrogenous compounds which escaped in the juice. The albuminoid nitrogen suffered a loss of over 50 per cent, while the nonalbuminoid forms increased several times their own weight. There was a gain in ether extract, which is probably due to the formation of new ether-soluble bodies. The juice which was collected the second season amounted to nearly 10,000 pounds. This juice averaged 0.263 per cent total nitrogen, 0.0283 per cent albuminoid nitrogen, and 317.9 parts ammonia nitro- gen and 1,472.9 parts amino nitrogen per million. REFERENCES TO LITERATURE. (1) Moser, J. Conservirungsversuche mit Mais von J. Moser, Aus ‘“ Erster Bericht uber Arbeiten der K. K. Landwirthschaftlich-chemischen Versuchs-Stationen in Wien, aus den Jahren 1870-1877.” (Abstracted in Jahresbericht Uber die Agrikultur-Chemie, Hoffman, 1879, p. 360-361.) (2) WEISKE, H., and ScHULZE, B. Versuche uber die beim Hinsiuern des Griin- futters entstehenden Verainderungen und Verluste. Journal fiir Land- wirthschaft, v. 32 (1884) Seite 81-100. (8) JorpDAN, W. H. Report on Ensilage. Annual Report, Pennsylvania Agri- cultural Experiment Station (1884), p. 36-48. (4) Armssy, H. P., and CALDWELL, W. H. Comparison of Ensilage and Field- euring for Indian Corn. Annual Report, Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station (1889), p. 117-123. (5) Henry, W. A., and WoL, F. W. A. Comparison of Shocking and Siloing Fodder Corn. Fifth Annual Report, Wisconsin Agricultural Experi- ment Station (1888), p. 67-74. (6) Wor, F. W. A. Uber die Zersetzung Organisher Ammoniak-Verbindungen in Silofutter-mitteln. Die Landwirthschaftlichen Versuchs-Stationen (1889), v. 36, p. 161-179. (7) SHort, F. G. Experiments with Fodder Corn and Ensilage. Sixth Annual Report (1889), Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station, p. 127-130. (8) Wort, F. W. Comparison of Siloing and Field-curing of Indian Corn. Seventh Annual Report, Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station (1890), p. 215-227. = 16 BULLETIN 953, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. (9) Wott, F. W. Losses in Ensiling and Field-curing Indian Corn. Eighth - Annual Report, Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station (1891), p. 227-281. (10) Kine, F. H. The Necessary Loss of Dry Matter in Corn Silage. 12th Annual Report, Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station (1895), p. 273-276. (11) Cookr, W. W. Fodder Crops. Third Annual Report, Vermont Agricul- tural Experiment Station (1889), p. 96-98. (12) Cookr, W. W., and Hits, J. L. Report on Dairying. Fifth Annual Re- port, Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station (1891), p. 75-79. (13) Cookr, W. W., and Hitts, J. L. Report on Dairying. Sixth Annual Re- — port, Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station (1892), p. 163-197. (14) Hits, J. L. Report on Dairying. Eighth Annual Report, Vermont Agri- cultural Experiment Station (1894), p. 168-192. (15) Director New York Experiment Station. Certain Changes Taking Place in the Silo. Eleventh Annual Report Director New York Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva (1892), p. 162-178. (16) Crements, H. F. J., and Russewt, E. J. On Maize Ensilage. Journal South-Hastern Agricultural College, Wye, Kent, England, No. 13, June, 1904, p. 18-86. (17) Russett, E. J. Investigations on Maize and Maize Silage. Journal South-Eastern Agricultural College, Wye, Kent, England, No. 17, (1908), p. 484441. (18) ANNETT, H. E., and RussELt, E. J. The Composition of Green Maize and of the Silage Produced Therefrom. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 2, part 4, July, 1908, p. 382-391. (19) FrErucetio, D., and Mayer, L. Ricerche Chimiche sull’ infossamento del Mais. MHstratto dal Ricerche sperimentali ed attivita spiegata nel biennio (1909-10), pp. 65-90. (Abstracted in Jahresbericht tiber die Agrikultur-Chemie, Hoffman, 1913, p. 261.) ADDITIONAL COPIES _ OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY V 1M Ae TRS VNR EMEC itt = eR pana Fee