C 55.2: ES 8/5/ V.5 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey Volume 5: Pacific Coast Region April 1998 Office of Ocean Resources Conservation and Assessment National Ocean Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S. Department of Commerce ■ -< ^1' :'-'■ I The National Estuarine Inventory The National Estuarine Inventory (NEI) represents a series of activities conducted by NOAA's Office of Ocean Resources Conservation and Assessment (ORCA) since the early 1980s to define the nation's estuarine resource base and develop a national assessment capability. Over 120 estuaries are included (Appendix 3), representing over 90 percent of the estuarine surface water and freshwater inflow to the coastal regions of the contiguous United States. Each estuary is defined spatially by an estuarine drainage area (EDA) — the land and water area of a watershed that directly affects the estuary. The EDAs provide a framework for organizing information and for conducting analyses between and among systems. To date, ORCA has compiled a broad base of descriptive and analytical information for the NEI. Descriptive topics include physical and hydrologic characteristics, distribution and abundance of selected fishes and inver- tebrates, trends inhuman population, building permits, coastal recreation, coastal wetlands, classified shellfish growing waters, organic and inorganic pollutants in fish tissues and sediments, point and nonpoint pollution for selected parameters, and pesticide use. Analytical topics include relative susceptibility to nutrient discharges, structure and variability of salinity, habitat suitability modeling, and socioeconomic assessments. For a list of publications or more information about the NEI, contact C. John Klein, Chief, Physical Environ- ments Characterization Branch, at the address below. | The Estuarine Eutrophication Survey ORCA initiated the Estuarine Eutrophication Survey in October 1992. The goal is to comprehensively assess the scale and scope of nutrient enrichment and eutrophication in the NEI estuaries (see above) and to provide an information base for formulating a national response that may include future research and monitoring. The Survey is based, in part, upon a series of workshops conducted by ORCA in 1991-92 to facilitate the exchange of ideas on eutrophication in U.S. estuaries and to develop recommendations for conducting a nationwide survey. The survey process involves the systematic acquisition of a consistent and detailed set of qualitative data from the existing expert knowledge base (i.e., coastal and estuarine scientists) through a series of surveys, site visits, and regional workshops. The original survey forms were mailed to over 400 experts in 1993. The methods and initial results were evalu- ated in May 1994 by a panel of NOAA, state, and academic experts. The panel recommended that ORCA pro- ceed with a regional approach for completing data collection, including site visits with selected experts to fill data gaps, regional workshops to finalize and reach consensus on the responses to each question, and regional reports on the results. The Pacific regional workshop was held in March 1997; this document, Volume 5, is the regional report. It was preceeded by the South Atlantic (Volume 1, September 1996), Mid-Atlantic (Volume 2, March 1997), North Atlantic (Volume 3, July 1997) and Gulf of Mexico (Volume 4, November 1997) reports. A national-level assessment report on the status and health of U.S. estuaries is now under development. In addition, an "indicator" of ecosystem health will also be published. Both national-level products will require one or more workshops to discuss and reach consensus on the methods proposed for conducting these analyses. ORCA also expects to recommend a series of follow-up activities that may include additional and /or improved water quality monitoring, and case studies in specific estuaries for further characterization and analysis. For publications or additional information, contact Suzanne Bricker, Project Manager, at the address below. Strategic Environmental Assessments Division /ORCA 1305 East West Highway, 9th Floor Silver Spring, MD 20910-3281 301/713-3000 http://seaserver.nos.noaa.gov NOAAfs Estuarine Eutrophication Survey Volume 5: Pacific Coast Region Office of Ocean Resources Conservation and Assessment National Ocean Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Silver Spring, MD 20910 msvh/ania State University Libraries 1998 Documents Colli I . .■/Copy April 1998 This report should be cited as: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). 1998. NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey, Volume 5: Pacific Coast Region. Silver Spring, MD: Office of Ocean Re- sources Conservation and Assessment. 75 pp. 1 1 ORCA Organization The Office of Ocean Resources Conservation and As- sessment (ORCA) is one of four major line offices of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Ocean Service. ORCA provides data, information, and knowledge for decisions that affect the quality of natural resources in the nation's coastal, estuarine, and marine areas. It also manages NOAA's marine pollution programs. ORCA consists of three divisions and a center: the Strategic Environmental Assessments Division (SEA), the Coastal Monitoring and Bioeffects Assessment Divi- sion (CMBAD), the Hazardous Materials Response and Assessment Division (HAZMAT), and the Dam- age Assessment Center (DAC), part of NOAA's Dam- age Assessment and Restoration Program. II Project Team Suzanne Bricker, Project Manager Christopher Clement Scot Frew Miranda Harris Douglas Pirhalla | Acknowledgments The Project Team would like to thank SEA Division Chief Daniel J. Basta, as well as Charles Alexander and C. John Klein of the SEA Division, for providing di- rection and support throughout the development of the report and the survey process. Our thanks also go to Elaine Knight of South Carolina Sea Grant for lo- gistical support, and Michelle Harmon of ORCA for staff support during the Pacific Coast Regional Work- shop. Finally, we gratefully acknowledge Pam Rubin of the SEA Division for her editorial review. Contents Introduction 1 About This Report 1 The Problem 1 Objectives 1 Methods 2 Next Steps 5 Regional Overview 6 The Setting: Regional Geography 6 About the Results 8 Algal Conditions 8 Chlorophyll a Turbidity Suspended Solids Nuisance Algae Toxic Algae Macroalgal Abundance Epiphyte Abundance Nutrients 12 Nitrogen Phosphorus Dissolved Oxygen 13 Anoxia Hypoxia Biological Stress Ecosystem/Community Response 16 Primary Productivity Plankton Community Benthic Community Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Intertidal Wetlands References 19 Estuary Summaries 22 Regional Summary. 63 Appendix 1: Participants 64 Appendix 2: Estuary References 67 Appendix 3: NEI Estuaries 75 Introduction This section presents an overview of how the Estuarine Eutrophication Survey is being conducted. It includes a statement of the problem, a summary of the project objectives, and a discussion of the project origins and methods. A diagram illus- trates the project process and a table details the data being collected. The section closes with a brief description of the remaining tasks. For additional information, please see inside the front cover of this report. I About This Report This report presents the results of ORCA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey for 38 estuaries of the Pacific Coast region of the United States. It is the last in a se- ries of five regional summaries (South Atlantic (NOAA, 1996), Mid- Atlantic (NOAA, 1997), Gulf of Mexico (NOAA, 1997), North Atlantic (NOAA, 1997) and Pacific Coast). A national summary report is also under development. The Survey is a component of ORCA's National Estuarine Inventory (NEI) — an on- going series of activities that provide a better under- standing of the nation's estuaries and their attendant resources (see inside front cover). The report is organized into five sections: Introduc- tion, Regional Overview, References, Estuary Summa- ries, and Regional Summary. It also includes three ap- pendices. The Introduction provides background in- formation on project objectives, process, and methods. The Regional Overview presents a summary of find- ings for each parameter and includes a regional map as well as maps illustrating the results for selected pa- rameters. Next are the Estuary Summaries — one-page summaries of Survey results for each of the 38 Pacific estuaries. Each page includes a narrative summary, a salinity map, a table of key physical and hydrologic information, and a matrix summary of data results. The Regional Summary displays existing parameter conditions and their spatial coverage across the region. Appendix 1 lists the regional experts who participated in the survey. Appendix 2 presents the references sug- gested by workshop participants as useful background material on the status and trends of nutrient enrich- ment in Pacific Coast estuaries. Appendix 3 presents a complete list of NEI estuaries. I The Problem Between 1960-2010, the U.S. population has increased, and is projected to continue to increase, most signifi- cantly in coastal states (Culliton et al., 1990). This in- flux of people is placing unprecedented stress on the nation's coasts and estuaries. Ironically, these changes threaten the quality of life that many new coastal resi- dents seek. One of the most prominent barometers of coastal environmental stress is estuarine water qual- ity, particularly with respect to the inputs of nutrients. Coastal and estuarine waters are now among the most heavily fertilized environments in the world (Nixon etal., 1986). Nutrient sources include point (e.g., waste- water treatment plants) and nonpoint (e.g., agricul- ture, lawns, gardens) discharges. These inputs are known to have direct effects on water quality. For ex- ample, in extreme conditions, excess nutrients can stimulate excessive algal blooms that can lead to in- creased metabolism and turbidity, decreased dissolved oxygen concentrations, and changes in community structure — a condition described by ecologists as eutrophication (Day et al., 1989; Nixon, 1995; NOAA, 1989). Indirect effects can include impacts to commer- cial fisheries, recreation, and even public health (Boynton et al., 1982; Rabalais and Harper, 1992; Rabalais, 1992; Paerl, 1988; Whitledge and Pulich, 1991; NOAA, 1992; Burkholder et al., 1992; Cooper, 1995; Lowe et al., 1991; Orth and Moore, 1984; Kemp et al., 1983; Stevenson et al., 1993; Burkholder et al., 1992a, Ryther and Dunstan, 1971; Smayda, 1989; Whitledge, 1985; Nixon, 1983). Reports and papers from workshops, panels and com- missions have consistently identified nutrient enrich- ment and eutrophication as increasingly serious prob- lems in U.S. estuaries (National Academy of Science, 1969; Ryther and Dunstan, 1971; Likens, 1972; NOAA, 1991; Frithsen, 1989; Jaworski, 1981; EPA, 1995). These conclusions were based on numerous local and re- gional investigations into the location and severity of nutrient problems, and into the specific causes. How- ever, evaluating this problem on a national scale, and formulating a meaningful strategy for improvements, required a different approach. |obj ectives The Estuarine Eutrophication Survey will provide the first comprehensive assessment of the temporal scale, scope, and severity of nutrient enrichment and eutrophication-related phenomena in the nation's major estuaries. The goal is not necessarily to define one or more estuaries as eutrophic. Rather, it is to sys- tematically and accurately characterize the scale and scope of eutrophication-related water-quality param- eters in over 100 U.S. estuaries. The project has four specific objectives: NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast 1. To assess the existing conditions and trends, for the base period 1970 to present, of estuarine eutrophication parameters in 129 estuaries of the contiguous United States; 2. To publish results in a series of regional reports and a national assessment report; 3. To formulate a national response to identified problems; and 4. To develop a national "indicator" of estuarine health based upon the survey results. ORCA also expects to recommend a series of follow- up activities that may include additional and /or im- proved water-quality monitoring, and case studies in specific estuaries for further characterization and analysis. I Methods The topic of estuarine eutrophication has been receiv- ing increasing attention in both the scientific literature (Nixon, 1995) and in the activities of coastal resource management agencies. In the United States, investi- gators have generated thousands of data records and dozens of reports over the past decade that document seasonal and annual changes in estuarine water qual- ity, primary productivity, and inputs of nutrients. The operative question for this project was how to best use this knowledge and information to characterize these parameters for the contiguous United States. Preparing for a national survey To answer this question, ORCA conducted three work- shops in 1991-92 with local and regional estuarine sci- entists and coastal resource managers. Two workshops held at the University of Rhode Island's Graduate School of Oceanography in January 1991 (Hinga et al., 1991) consisted of presentations by invited speakers and discussions of the measures and effects associated with nutrient problems. The purpose was to facilitate the exchange of ideas on how to best characterize eutrophication in U.S. estuaries and to consider sug- gestions for the design of ORCA's proposed data col- lection survey. A third workshop, held in April 1992 at the Airlie Conference Center in Virginia, focused spe- cifically on developing recommendations for conduct- ing a nationwide survey. Given the limited resources available for this project, it was not practical to try to gather and consolidate the existing data records. Even if it were possible to do this, it would be very difficult to merge these data into a comprehensible whole due to incompatible data types, formats, time periods, and methods. Alterna- tively, ORCA elected to systematically acquire a con- sistent and detailed set of qualitative data from the existing expert knowledge base (i.e., coastal and es- tuarine scientists) through a series of surveys, inter- views, and regional workshops. Identifying the Parameters and Parameter Characteristics To be included in the survey, a parameter had to be (1) essential for accurate characterization of nutrient en- richment; (2) generally available for most estuaries; (3) comparable among estuaries; and (4) based upon ex- isting data and /or knowledge (i.e., no new monitor- ing or analysis required). Based upon the workshops described above and additional meetings with experts, 17 parameters were selected (Table 1). The next step was to establish response ranges to en- sure discrete gradients among responses. For example, the survey asks whether nitrogen is high, medium, or low based upon specific thresholds (e.g., high > 1 mg/ 1, medium > 0.1 < 1 mg/1, low > 0 <0.1 mg/1, or un- known). The ranges were determined from nationwide data and from discussions with eutrophication experts. The thresholds used to classify ranges were designed to distinguish conditions among estuaries on a national basis, and may not distinguish among estuaries within a region. Temporal Framework: Existing Conditions and Trends For each parameter, information is requested for ex- isting conditions and recent trends. Existing conditions describe maximum parameter values observed over a typical annual cycle (e.g., normal freshwater inflow, average temperatures, etc.). For instance, for nutrients, ORCA collected information characterizing peak con- centrations observed during the annual cycle such as those associated with the spring runoff and/or turn- over. For chlorophyll a, ORCA collected information on peak concentrations that are typically reached dur- ing a bloom period. Ancillary information is also re- quested to describe the timing and duration of elevated concentrations (or low levels in the case of dissolved oxygen). This information is collected because all re- gions do not show the same periodicity, and, for some estuaries, high concentrations can occur at any time depending upon estuarine conditions. For some parameters, such as nuisance and toxic blooms, there is no standard threshold concentration that causes problems. In these cases, a parameter is considered a problem if it causes a detrimental impact on biological resources. Ancillary descriptive informa- tion is also collected for these parameters (Table 1). NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast PARAMETERS EXISTING CONDITIONS TRENDS (maximum values observed over a typical annual cycle) (1970- 1995) • Surface concentrations.' Hypereutrophio (>60 ug chl-a/l) High (>20, s60 ug ohl-a/l) Medium (>5, s20 ug chl-a/l) Low (>0, s5 ug chl-a/l) • Concentrations3.4 • Limiting factors CHLOROPHYLL A • Limiting factors to aigal biornass (N, P, Si, light, other) • Contributing factors5 • Spatial coverage1 , Months of occurrence, Frequency of occurrence2 TURBIDITY • Secchi disk depths: High(<1m), Medium (1 an, £3m), Low(>3m), Blackwater area • Concentrations3.4 • Contributing factors6 co • Spatial coverage1 , Months of ooounence, Frequency of occurrence2 » Concentrations: o 1- o z SUSPENDED SOLIDS Problem (significant impact upon biological resources) No Problem (no significant impact) (no trends information collected) o o _l s —I < • Months of occurrence, Frequency of occurrence2 • Occurrence • Event duration3.4 NUISANCE ALGAE Problem (significant impact upon biological resources) No Problem (no significant impact) • Frequency of occurrence3.4 TOXIC ALGAE • Dominant species • Event duration (Hours, Days, Weeks, Seasonal, Other) • Months of occurrence, Frequency of occurrence2 • Contributing factors5 MACROALGAE EPIPHYTES • Abundance Problem (significant impact upon biological resources) No Problem (no significant impact) • Abundance3.4 ♦ Contributing factors5 • Months of occurrence, Frequency of ooourrence2 CO h- z UJ cc H Z • Maximum dissolved surface concentration: NITROGEN High fe1 mg/i), Medium (aO.1, <1 mg/l). Low (sO, < 0.1 mg/l) • Spatial coverage1 , Months of occurrence • Concentrations3!4 • Contributing factors5 • Maximum dissolved surface concentration: _..___,.-_,.- High (20.1 mg/l), Medium (20.01, <0.1 mg/l), PHOSPHORUS - Low (k< 0.01 mg/l) ♦ Spatial coverage1 , Months of occurrence • Concentrations3'4 • Contributing factors5 Z LU a >■ X o o UJ o Q • Dissolved oxygen condition ANOXUMOmg/O Kctlnce HYPOXIA (>0mg/l S 2mg/l) • StratSication (degree of influence): (High. Medium, Low. Not a factor) BIOL. STRESS (>2mgrt s 5mg/l) • Water column depth: (Surface, Bottom, Throughout water column) • Spatial coverage1 , Months of occurrence, Frequency of occurrence2 • Min. avg. monthly bottom dissolved oxygen cone3'4 • Frequency of occurrence3'4 • Event duration3'4 • Spatial coverage3.4 • Contributing factors5 UJ CO z o Q. CO UJ DC > z 2 O o s UJ t- co >- CO O O UJ • Oominant primary producer PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY Pelagic, Benthic, Other • Temporal shift • Contributing factors5 • Dominant taxonomic group (number of cells): PLANKTON1C COMMUNITY „. ,-,„„, , „„. Diatoms, Flagellates, Blue-green algae. Diverse mixture, Other •Temporal shift • Contributing factors5 • Dominant taxonomio group (number of organisms): BENTHIC COMMUNITY „ ■■':„ Crustaceans, Molluscs, Annelids, Diverse mixture. Other • Temporal shift • Contributing factors5 SUBMERGED AQU ATfC VEG. . Spatial coverage1 INTERTIDAL WETLANDS • Spatial coverage3'4 • Contributing factors5 NOTES (1) SPATIAL COVERAGE (% of salinity zone): High (>50, £100%), Medium (>25, £50% ), Low (>10, £25%), Very Low (>0, £10% No SAV / Wetlands in system (2) FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE: Episodic (conditions occur randomly), Periodic (conditions occur annually or predictably), Persistent (conditions occur continually throughout the year) (3) DIRECTION OF CHANGE: Increase, Decrease, No trend (4) MAGNITUDE OF CHANGE: High (>S0%, £100%), Medium (>25%, £50%), Low (>0%, £25%) (5) POINT SOURCE(S), NONPOINT SOURCE(S), OTHER Table 1: Project parameters and characteristics. NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Trends information is requested for characterization of the direction, magnitude, and time period of change for the past 20 to 25 years. In cases where a trend has been observed, ancillary information is requested about the factors influencing the trend. Spatial Framework A consistently applied spatial framework was also re- quired. ORCA's National Estuarine Inventory (NEI) was used (see inside front cover). For the survey, each parameter is characterized for three salinity zones as defined in the NEI (tidal fresh 0-0.5 ppt, mixing 0.5-25 ppt, seawater >25 ppt). Not all zones are present in all NEI estuaries; thus, the NEI model provides a consis- tent basis for comparisons among these highly vari- able estuarine systems. Reliability of Responses Finally, respondents were asked to rank the reliability of their responses for each parameter as either highly certain or speculative inference, reflecting the robust- ness of the data upon which the response is based. This is especially important given that responses are based upon a range of information sources, from statistically tested monitoring data to general observations. The objective is to exploit all available information that can provide insight into the existing and historic condi- tions in each estuary, and to understand its limitations. The survey questions were reviewed by selected ex- perts and then tested and revised prior to initiating the national survey. Salinity maps, based upon the NEI salinity zones, were distributed with the survey questions for orientation. Updates and/or revisions to these maps were made as appropriate. Collecting the Data Over 400 experts and managers agreed to participate in the initial survey. Survey forms were mailed to the experts, who then mailed in their responses. The re- sponse rate was approximately 25 percent with at least one response for 112 of the 129 estuaries being sur- veyed. The initial survey methods and results were evaluated in May 1994 by a panel of NOAA, state, and academic eutrophication experts. The panel recommended that ORCA continue the project and adopt a regional ap- proach for data collection involving site visits to se- lected experts to fill data gaps and revise salinity maps, regional workshops to finalize and reach consensus on the responses to each question (including salinity maps), and regional reports on the results. The revised strategy was implemented in the summer of 1994 start- ing with the 22 estuaries of the Mid- Atlantic region (Figure 1). Estuaries were targeted for site visits based upon the completeness of the data received from the original mailed survey forms. The new information was incor- porated into the project data base and summary ma- terials were then prepared for a regional workshop. Workshop participants were local and regional experts (at least one per estuary representing the group of people with the most extensive knowledge and insight about an estuary). In general, these individuals had either filled out a survey form and /or participated in a site visit. Preparations included sending all regional data to participants prior to the workshop. Participants were encouraged to bring to the workshop relevant data and reports. At the workshop, at least two work Figure 1: Diagram of process. 1992-93 Regional Strategy (to complete data collection) — } K Survey Design National \ Site Visits Survey / 1993-94 | Workshops N.Atlantic QM of Mexico Mid-Atlantic West Coast S. Atlantic National Workshop(s) l~~ Next Steps 1 | • national monitoring | > strategy? I • research / case I I studies? I 1 1 1 1 Regional Reports ■ Indicator Report ■ National Report 1995-96 1996-98 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast groups were established based upon geography. The survey data and salinity maps for each estuary were then carefully reviewed. ORCA staff facilitated the dis- cussions and recorded the results. At the close of the workshop, participants were asked to identify "criti- cal" references such as reports and other publications that described nutrient enrichment in one or more of the region's estuaries. Workshop results were summarized for each estuary and mailed to workshop participants for review. The data then was compiled for presentation in a regional report that was also reviewed by participants prior to publication. The regional process, from site visits to publication of a regional report, takes approximately six months to complete. Some tasks have been con- ducted concurrently. | Next Steps A national assessment report on the status and health of the nation's estuaries is under development. The regional results and final national data base will be available on the Internet. Formulating a national re- sponse to estuarine nutrient enrichment, and devel- oping a national "indicator" on coastal ecosystem health, will require one or more workshops to discuss and reach consensus on the methods and products resulting from these analyses. This work is currently scheduled for mid-1998. ORCA is funding a series of small contracts with regional experts to provide addi- tional technical support for these tasks. Regional Overview This section presents an overview of the survey results. It begins with a brief introduction to the regional geography and a summary of how the results were compiled. Narrative summaries are then presented for each parameter in four subsections: Algal Conditions, Nutrients, Dissolved Oxygen, and Ecosystem/ Community Response. Figures include a regional map showing the location of '38 Pacific Coast estuaries, a summary of probable-months-of-occurrence by parameter, four maps illustrating existing conditions for selected parameters, and a summary of recent trends by estuary for selected parameters. | The Setting: Regional Geography The Pacific Coast Region includes 38 selected estuarine systems encompassing a total estuarine surface of more than 2,750 mi2. The Pacific Coast consists of a relatively straight and uninterrupted shoreline with rocky shores, sandy beaches, and occasional river outlets. The region has a dynamic geologic history and a physiographic profile that differs greatly from the flat coastal plains of the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico regions. Recent geologic uplift of the North American Plate has reconstructed the topography, providing limited areas of flat, lowland environments to support estuaries, bays and lagoons (Beccasio et al., 1981). Nearby mountain systems abruptly meet the coastline, creating a steep and rugged coastal topography. For this report, the Pacific Coast is divided into three distinct subregions: The Southern California Coast, Central California Coast, and Pacific Northwest Coast. The Southern California Coast extends from the Tijuana estuary at the U.S.-Mexico border to Point Conception, California. The Central California Coast spans the coastline from Point Conception to Cape Mendocino. The Pacific Northwest Coast includes the coastline of northern California and all of the Oregon ^ Highlights of Regional Results Note: Tidal fresh = 9%, Mixing - 22%, Seawater = 69% of regional estuarine surface area (2,763 mi2) Hypereutrophic concentrations (>60 ug/1) are observed episodically in 4 estuaries, affecting a maximum of 3% or the total regional estuarine area. High or greater concentrations (>20 ug/1) are observed in 18 estuaries with highest concentrations occurring mostly during March through October, affecting up to 31% of the total regional estuarine area. Increases in Chl-a concentrations were observed in parts of 2 estuaries, decreases in 3 estuaries, and in 13 estuaries, concentrations remained unchanged. Trends were unknown for 21 estuaries. I High nitrogen concentrations (>1.0 mg/1) have been observed in 9 of 38 estuaries, over 5 percent of the regional estuarine area, mostly from August through November. Generally, concentrations are high throughout the year in California estuaries, and during winter in Oregon and Washington estuaries. Concentrations are reported to have increased in 4 estuaries, decreased in 4 estuaries, and remained I unchanged in 7 estuaries. Trends are unknown for 23 I estuaries. Hypoxia is observed periodically in 10 estuaries, generally from August through November in Central and South California Coast estuaries. Hypoxia was observed in up to 4% of regional estuarine area, in bottom waters of 7 estuaries, and throughout the water column in 4 estuaries. Water column stratification was reported to be a major influence for the systems with hypoxia in bottom waters. Spatial coverage of hypoxic occurrences have decreased in 2 estuaries, increased in 2, and remained the same in 17 estuaries. Trends are unknown for 17 estuaries. Toxic algal blooms, primarily Alexandriwn, are reported to occur in 16 of 38 estuaries (three in Southern California, five in Central California and eight in the Pacific Northwest) for weeks at a time, mostly on a periodic basis. There was no trend in the frequency of occurrence of toxic blooms for all or parts or 15 estuaries, and trends were unknown for all or parts of 21 estuaries. An increase in frequency was reported for one estuary and a decrease in frequency was reported for another. High phosphorus concentrations (>0.1 mg/1) were observed in 11 estuaries, over 9 percent of the regional estuarine area. For most estuaries, high concentrations are persistent throughout the year. Concentrations have increased in 4 estuaries, decreased in 3 estuaries, remained unchanged in 7 estuaries and are unknown in 24 estuaries. Anoxia is observed periodically 3 estuaries, episodically in 3 estuaries, is persistent in Tijuana Estuary, and occurs with unknown frequency in 1 estuary. Anoxic events are observed in up to 2% of the regional estuarine surface area, occurring during the months of April through November. Anoxia occurs in bottom waters of 4 estuaries and throughout the water column in Alamitos Bay and in small creeks of Monterey Bay. Stratification is a factor in development of anoxia only in estuaries where it occurs in bottom waters. The spatial coverage of anoxic events has decreased in 2 estuaries, increased in 2 estuaries, remained the same for 17 estuaries. Trends are unknown for 17 estuaries. NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Figure 2: Regional map of the Pacific Coast's 38 estuaries amd 3 subregions. Pacific Northwest Coast Central California Coast 38) Washington Northern Bays 34) Hood Canal 32) Grays Harbor 31) Willapa Bay 30) Columbia River 29) Nehalem River 28) Tillamook Bay 27) Netarts Bay 26) Siletz Bay 25) Yaquina Bay 24) Alsea River 23) Siuslaw River 22) Umpqua River 21) Coos Bay 20) Coquille River 19) Rogue River 18) Klamath River 17) Humboldt Bay 16) Eel River North Southern + California 50 100 Coast Miles 15) Tomales Bay 14) Drakes Estero 13) North/Central San Francisco Bays 12) San Francisco Bay 10) Monterey Bay 9) Morro Bay 6) Alamitos Bay lJ7) Anaheim Bay 8) Santa Monica Bay/ *>*%__4) Newport Bay 5) San Pedro Bay'Ti 3) Mission^ Bay^ 2) San Diego Baj 1) Tijuana Estuary and Washington coastline, including Puget Sound and the Washington Northern Bays. Southern California Coast The Southern California Coast includes eight estua- rine systems encompassing approximately 251 mi2 of estuarine water surface area, most of which is in Santa Monica Bay. The coastal mountain ranges bend east- ward, and the coastline follows in a similar southeast- ward tract. Off the coast, the California Current paral- lels the shoreline, moving south towards Point Con- NO AA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast ception; a countercurrent transfers warmer waters back toward the north. Many embayments of this sub- region are constructed marinas and canals that are highly engineered. Estuaries are predominantly small and have limited freshwater supply. Most coastal riv- ers and creeks flow only after heightened seasonal rainfall events, and during the summer, hypersaline conditions occur in many estuaries due to the de- creased inflow and high evaporation rates. The coast- line is characterized by long stretches of sandy beaches with rocky headlands. Tides are mixed semidiurnal, and the average tidal range is approximately 3.6 ft. Central California Coast The Central California Coast includes seven estuarine systems encompassing approximately 759 mi2 of estuarine water surface area. Relatively straight and uninterrupted, the coastline is mountainous with few embayments; estuaries are relatively small and separated by large distances. Major embayments are San Francisco, Tomales and Monterey Bays, and Drakes Estero. The coastline generally grades from a rocky shore and steep seacliff setting to a low-relief, sandy beach setting with occasional bays of predominantly fine mud substrata. The continental shelf is typically only a few miles wide in this subregion. Submarine canyons cut through the shelf and the slope in some offshore areas along the coast. Immediately offshore, the substratum grades from relatively course sediment to finer silts and clays. A common feature of the rocky coastline is the sea stack, a small island composed of resistant rock formed from cliff erosion. Rivers north of Santa Cruz have flows year-round, while many systems south of Santa Cruz have flows only during peak rainfall months. Freshwater inflow is dominated by the Sacramento River, which empties into San Francisco Bay. Tides are semidiurnal and range between five and six ft. Pacific Northwest Coast The Pacific Northwest Coast includes 23 estuarine sys- tems encompassing approximately 1,739 mi2 of estua- rine water surface area. The Oregon coastline is rela- tively straight and uninterrupted. Recent geologic uplift in the area, a consequence of tectonic move- ments, typifies the overall "youth and instability" of Pacific Northwest estuaries. Estuaries are typically small, with freshwater inflow occurring year-round. The coast is typically high-cliffed with numerous pocket beaches interspersed within a predominantly sandy or rocky beach setting. Extensive mudflats and eelgrass beds are common. Tides range between five and six ft. near the estuary mouths. Two exceptional estuaries within the subregion are the Columbia River and Puget Sound systems. The Co- lumbia River estuary has very high freshwater inflow (highest in the region) and an extensive inland marsh complex. Puget Sound is a large, fjord-like estuary with deep basins and shallow bays and inlets. The water- way is a complex composite of several connecting ba- sins. Tides range from 6.4 ft. near the mouth of Hood Canal to 7.4 ft. near inlets within the main basin of the Sound. | About the Results The survey results are organized into four sections: Algal Conditions, Nutrients, Dissolved Oxygen, and Ecosystem Response. Each section contains a general overview followed by more detailed summaries for each parameter. This material is based on the indi- vidual estuary summaries presented later in this re- port. Regional patterns and anomalies are highlighted and existing conditions and trends are reviewed. Prob- able months of occurrence by parameter and by salin- ity zone are presented in Figure 3. Regional maps sum- marizing existing conditions for selected parameters are presented in Figure 4 (page 11). A summary of re- cent trends for all parameters is presented in Figure 5 (pages 14-15). Data Reliability As described in the introduction, participants were asked to rank the reliability of their responses as ei- ther highly certain or speculative inference. Over 95 percent of the responses are highly certain. Where rel- evant, speculative inferences are noted in the text and on the estuary summaries that follow. A highly certain response is based upon temporally and spatially rep- resentative data from long-term monitoring, special studies, or literature. A speculative inference is based upon either very limited data or general observations. When respondents could not offer even a speculative inference, the value was recorded as "unknown." | ! Algal Conditions Algal conditions were examined by characterizing ex- isting conditions and trends for chlorophyll a, turbid- ity, suspended solids, nuisance and toxic algae, macroalgal abundance, and epiphyte abundance (Table 1). Hypereu trophic concentrations of chlorophyll a (>60 ug/1) were reported to occur in only four estuaries and only along the Southern and Central California Coasts, but high or greater concentrations (>20 ja.g/1) were re- ported in 18 estuaries and over larger percentages of the tidal fresh and mixing zones (56 and 45 percent, respectively) than in the seawater zone (23 percent). 8 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast High turbidity was reported in 20 estuaries, generally throughout the year, in up to 98 percent of the tidal fresh zone and 84 percent of the mixing zone, but in only 18 percent of the seawater zone surface area. Bio- logical resource impacts due to suspended solids were reported to occur in 13 estuaries throughout the re- gion, usually where high turbidity also was reported. Resource impacts from toxic algae were reported to occur in the mixing and seawater zones, generally on a periodic basis, while nuisance algae impacts were reported in all three zones, but mostly on an episodic basis. Resource impacts from macroalgae were re- ported in 12 estuaries throughout the region; epiphyte problems were uncommon. Chlorophyll a High or greater concentrations (>20 ug/1) were re- ported in 18 estuaries across a maximum of 31 percent of the regional estuarine surface area. Hypereutrophic concentrations (>60 |ig/l) were reported to occur epi- sodically in four estuaries, affecting less than three percent of the regional estuarine area. Along the South- ern and Central California Coasts, hypereutrophic con- centrations were reported in Tijuana Estuary, Elkhorn Slough, San Francisco Bay, and the North/ Central San Francisco Bay system. In general, high or greater con- centrations occurred episodically. Chlorophyll a con- centrations were unknown in seven of the 15 estuar- ies in these two subregions. In estuaries along the Pa- cific Northwest Coast, hypereutrophic concentrations were not observed, but high concentrations were re- ported to occur in 14 of 23 systems. This condition was reported to occur periodically from March to October. Concentration information from the Rogue River north to the Columbia River was very sparse. Most of the information for these systems was only for the seawa- ter zone and was based to some extent on the specula- tive inference that offshore productivity of chlorophyll a moves into the seawater zone during tidal exchange. Trends for the period 1970-1995 were unknown for 22 Pacific estuaries. Chlorophyll a concentrations were reported to have decreased in San Pedro Bay and parts Figure 3: Probable months of occurrence by parameter and by salinity zone (average). This figure illustrates the probable months, over a typical annual cycle, for which parameters are reported to occur at their maximum value. The black tone represents months where maximum values occur in at least 65 percent of the 38 Pacific Coast estuaries for a particular salinity zone. For example, tidal fresh zones occur in 12 estuaries; therefore, a black tone indicates a maximum value was recorded in 8 or more estuaries. Similarly, for the mixing zone, black represents 17 or more estuaries, and for the seawater zone it represents 23 or more estuaries. Gray represents months where maximum values occur in 39 to 64 percent of the estuaries in that salinity zone, and unshaded boxes (white) represent months where maxi- mum values occur between 1 and 38 percent of the estuaries in that zone. "Months-of -occurrence" data were not collected for Ecosystem/Community Response parameters (i.e., primary productivity, planktonic community, benthic community, SAV, and intertidal wetlands). TIDAL FRESH ZONE 12 estuaries MIXING ZONE 26 estuaries SEAWATER ZONE 36 estuaries Chl-a Turbidity Suspended Solids Nuisance Algae Toxic Algae Macroalgae Epiphytes TDN TCP Anoxia Hypoxia Biological Stress J F H A M J J A S 0 N 0 I I I LZ I I I I L_ ! '' I I I I I I I I I I I : I I zl I I I I I I I I I j D i I F M A M J J A 8 0 N J F M A M J J A S 0 N D I I I I m i II I II I i 1 *$&m I I I I I i i i I I I I I I I i i i LZ I I I ii I I i i i i I i H | "T-TH i i i I I 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M 1 A U J J A S 0 N D III II 1 1 1 1 1 111- 11 ! 1 . 1 J F M A M J J A S O N 0 >65% ol the estuaries In each zone between 39% and 64% ol the esluanes in each zone □ between 1% and 38% ol the estuaries in each zone NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast of the San Joaquin River portion of the North/Central San Francisco Bay system. However, concentrations increased in other parts of the San Joaquin River and in Elkhorn Slough. Concentrations remained un- changed in 13 estuaries. Turbidity High turbidity (Secchi disk depths <1 m) was reported in 20 estuaries covering 41 percent of the regional es- tuarine surface area. Medium turbidity (Secchi disk depths <3 m) or higher was reported in 32 estuaries over 70 percent of the area. High turbidity levels were reported to occur episodically between October and March in Southern California coastal waters. In the Central California Coast, high levels were reported to occur throughout the year, except in Morro Bay and Unique Characteristics of Southern California and Pacific Northwest Systems In the Pacific coastal region, seasonal changes in rain- fall and freshwater discharge are significant factors influencing sedimentation and salinity variability within river systems and estuaries. In the Pacific Northwest, intense runoff during the rainy winter season causes large amounts of sediment to be trans- ported and deposited throughout many estuaries and lagoonal areas. The Eel River, for example, carries the highest recorded average annual sediment load per square mile of drainage area in the United States. Systems such as these experience persistently high turbidity in winter and progressively reduced tidal prisms as the estuaries accumulate sediment The large sediment load is a product of factors ranging from deforestation and agriculture to watershed size and type of parent material. Another distinctive feature of West Coast estuaries is the extremely variable salinity regime. Estuaries and river systems of the Pacific Northwest having large watersheds and high average annual rainfall (60-100 inches in Oregon and Washington, of which 75% occurs from November to April) exhibit extremes in seasonal salinity structure. In Southern Califor- nia estuaries, high evaporation rates and minimal rainfall during the summer cause hypersaline con- ditions. However, during the winter rains from No- vember to March (90% of the annual rainfall), cata- strophic sedimentation can occur. In smaller water- sheds of Southern California, impacts from urban de- velopment are evidenced by increased peak dis- charges and sediment load, and high turbidity lev- els. Increased erosion has been documented in la- goonal areas of Southern California where sedimen- tation rates have far exceeded holding capacity (Zedler et al., 1992). J small areas of Monterey Bay, where high turbidity was reported to occur periodically from November to Feb- ruary. In the Pacific Northwest Coast, high turbidity conditions were reported to occur episodically in two estuaries, periodically in one, and most of the year in all or parts of seven estuaries. During the period 1970-1995, turbidity was reported to have declined in seven estuaries, increased in two estuaries, and remained unchanged in 10 estuaries. Turbidity increased and decreased simultaneously in different parts of the San Joaquin River portion of the North/Central San Francisco Bay system. Trends were unknown for 20 estuaries. Suspended Solids Suspended solids were reported to have impacted bio- logical resources (e.g., submerged aquatic vegetation, filter feeders) in 13 estuaries. The impacts were re- ported to occur episodically along the Southern Cali- fornia Coast between October and March. In the Cen- tral California Coast, problem conditions were re- ported to occur throughout the year in Elkhorn Slough and the seawater zone of San Francisco Bay, and peri- odically during November to April in three other es- tuaries. Along the Pacific Northwest Coast, impacts were reported between November and March. Trends information was not collected for suspended solids. Nuisance Algae Biological resource impacts due to nuisance algae were reported to occur in 22 estuaries. Along the Southern California Coast, episodic impacts from Gonyaulax polyhedra and /or Gymnodinium spp. were reported to occur in eight estuaries between April and Novem- ber, for weeks at a time. Along the Central and North- ern California Coasts, impacts from Gymodinium splendensfChaetoceros spp. and /or Prorocentrum micans were reported to occur in parts of eight estuaries, mostly periodically for weeks, or seasonally during April to October. In the Pacific Northwest Region, nuisance algae conditions were mostly unknown from the Rogue River north to the Columbia River. Ceratium spp. were reported to cause resource impacts in Willapa Bay episodically, for weeks at a time from Au- gust to October. In Puget Sound, impacts were reported to occur periodically between April and October from Chaetoceros spp. and Heterosigma sp. in the main basin and from Gymnodinium sanguineum and Ceratium fusus in South Puget Sound. Episodic impacts from Heterosigma spp. were reported to occur for weeks at a time during April to October in Hood Canal, Whidbey Basin, and Port Orchard Sound. 10 NOAA '$ Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast I ljuana bstuary San Diego Bay Mission Bay Newport Bay San Pedro Bay Alamltos Bay Anaheim Bay Santa Monica Bay Mono Bay Monterey Bay Elkhom Slough San Frandsco Bay N. Cen. S.F.Bays Drakes Estero Tomales Bay Eel River Humboldt Bay Klamath River Rogue River Coquille River Coos Bay Umpqua Bay Siuslaw River Alsea Bay Yaqulna Bay Siletz Bay N etarls Bay Tillamook Bay Nehalem River Columbia River Willapa Bay Grays Harbor Puget Sound Hood Canal Whidbey Basln/Skagit Bay South Puget Sound Port Orchard Sound Washington Northern Bays Chlorophyll a (^Hypereutrophic (>60p.g/l) )High(>20, <60u.g/l) ^Medium (>5, <20*ig/l) )Low(>(k5u.g/l) nUnknown Phosphorus >High(>0.1mg/l) ^Medium (>0.01, <0.1mg/l) )Low (>0, <0.01mg/l) ^Unknown Figure 4: Existing conditions for chlorophyll a, nitrogen, phosphorus, and dissolved oxygen. Symbols indicate that an existing condition(s) (e.g., hypereutrophicfor chlorophyll a, anoxia and/or hypoxia for dissolved oxygen) was reported in at least a portion of one salinity zone of an estuary at some time during a typical annual cycle. Symbols do not necessarily represent existing conditions across an entire estuary. For a more complete review of individual estuaries, turn to the estuary summaries beginning on page 22. 11 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast During the period 1970-1995, the frequency and/or du- ration of occurrences of nuisance algal blooms were reported to have increased in Puget Sound and parts of Monterey Bay. Occurrences were reported to have increased in San Pedro Bay and the San Joaquin River. Conditions remained unchanged in 13 estuaries, and were unknown in 21 estuaries. Toxic Algae Biological resource impacts due to toxic species were reported to occur in 18 estuaries throughout the re- gion. In nine estuaries along the California Coast, Alexandrium spp. and Pseudo-nitzchia spp. were re- ported to impact resources periodically, for weeks at a time, from April to October. In seven estuaries along the Pacific Northwest Coast, Alexandrium spp. and Pseudo-nitzchia spp. were reported to impact resources periodically, for weeks at a time, from May to Octo- ber, with some estuaries also affected during winter months. Trends for the period 1970-1995 were unknown for parts of 22 Pacific estuaries. An increase of low mag- nitude in the duration and frequency of toxic algae events was reported in the Puget Sound main basin; a decrease of high magnitude was reported for San Pablo Bay. Conditions were reported to have remained un- changed in parts of 22 estuaries. Macroalgal Abundance Biological resource impacts due to macroalgae were reported to occur periodically in 12 estuaries. Along the Southern California Coast, impacts were reported between March and November (throughout the year in the Tijuana Estuary). Impacts were reported to oc- cur between June and October along the Central Cali- fornia and Pacific Northwest Coasts. Macroalgal con- ditions were unknown in 13 estuaries, mostly in the Pacific Northwest. Reported macroalgal abundance information was based in part on speculative infer- ence for two estuaries. During the period 1970-1995, impacts from macroalgae were reported to have increased in five estuaries along the Southern and Central California Coasts. Impacts decreased in San Francisco and North/Central San Francisco Bays. Conditions remained unchanged in nine estuaries and were reported as unknown in 22 estuaries, mostly in the Pacific Northwest. Epiphyte Abundance Biological resource impacts due to epiphytes were re- ported to occur in only one estuary, Elkhorn Slough, from June to October. Conditions were unknown in 18 estuaries, mostly along the Pacific Northwest Coast. Epiphyte abundance impacts for the period 1970- 1995 were reported to have remained unchanged in 14 es- tuaries; trends were unknown for 24 estuaries. Nutrients Nutrient concentrations were characterized by collect- ing information on the existing conditions (maximum values observed over a typical annual cycle) and trends. The intent of the survey was to collect infor- mation for total dissolved nutrients, because these forms are directly available to phytoplankton. Unless otherwise specified, nutrient information presented in this report refers to total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) and phosphorus (TDP), including the inorganic and or- ganic forms. Nitrogen values reported for Siletz Bay and Tillamook Bay are dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN). For Rogue River and Coos bay, values are for total inorganic nitrogen (TIN). Phosphorus values re- ported for Newport Bay, Anaheim Bay, Coos Bay, Siletz Bay, and Tillamook Bays are total phosphorus (TP). High concentrations of nitrogen (> 1.0 mg/1) were re- ported for 10 estuaries, mostly in the Southern and Central California Coast systems, while medium con- centrations (> 0 - 0.1 mg/1) were reported for 20 estu- aries, mostly in the Pacific Northwest systems. High concentrations of phosphorus (> 0.1 mg/1) were ob- served in 13 estuaries, mostly in Southern and Cen- tral California, and medium concentrations were ob- served in 18 estuaries, mostly in the Pacific Northwest. Trends in nitrogen concentrations were unknown for 23 estuaries, and trends in phosphorus concentrations were unknown for 24 estuaries. For seven estuaries, nitrogen concentrations remained unchanged; phos- phorus concentrations also were unchanged for seven estuaries. Nitrogen concentrations decreased in four estuaries and phosphorus concentrations decreased in three estuaries. Both nitrogen and phosphorus concen- trations increased in four estuaries; all reported in- creases occurred in Central California estuaries. Nitrogen High nitrogen concentrations were reported in eight Central and Southern California Coast estuaries and in one Pacific Northwest estuary, mostly in the mix- ing and sea water zones (Figure 4). High concentrations were observed in up to 5 percent of the total regional estuarine area, in 21 percent of the regional tidal fresh zone, in 11 percent of the regional mixing zone, and in 1 percent of the regional seawater zone. Medium con- centrations were observed in 16 estuaries in up to 82 12 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast percent of the regional estuarine area. Maximum con- centrations of nitrogen occurred persistently in South- ern and Central California estuaries, in late spring to early fall from Rogue River to Tillamook Bay, and in the winter from Columbia River to Puget Sound. Trends in nitrogen concentration were unknown for 23 estuaries. However, between 1970-1995, concentra- tions decreased in Humboldt Bay, San Francisco Bay, and San Pedro Bay. Increases in nitrogen concentra- tion were reported to have occurred in four Central California estuaries: Morro Bay, Monterey Bay, Elkhorn Slough, and North/Central San Francisco Bays. Ni- trogen concentrations remained unchanged in seven estuaries. Trends information was based on specula- tive inference for two estuaries. Phosphorus High phosphorus concentrations (>0.1 mg/1) were re- ported to occur in three Pacific Northwest estuaries and eight Southern and Central California Coast estu- aries, mostly in the mixing and sea water zones. High concentrations were observed over a maximum of 9 percent of the regional estuarine area, 9 percent of the tidal fresh zone, 11 percent of the mixing zone, and 8 percent of the regional seawater zone. Medium con- centrations were reported for a larger number of estu- aries (26) and for a larger area, up 72 percent of the regional estuarine area, mostly in the mixing and sea- water zones. In general, maximum phosphorus con- centrations were observed in winter or throughout the year in Southern and Central California Coast estuar- ies, in summer to early winter from Coquille River to Tillamook Bay, in winter from Columbia River to Grays Harbor, and throughout the year in the Puget Sound system. Trends in phosphorus concentrations were reported as unknown for 24 estuaries. Increases were reported for Morro Bay, Monterey Bay, Elkhorn Slough, and North/Central San Francisco Bay. Decreases were re- ported for Columbia River, Humboldt Bay, and San Francisco Bay. No trend in phosphorus concentrations were reported for seven estuaries. Trends were based on speculative inference for three estuaries. \ Dissolved Oxygen Dissolved oxygen conditions were characterized by collecting information about existing conditions and trends for anoxia (0 mg/1), hypoxia (>0 mg/1, <2 mg/ 1), and biologically stressful concentrations (>2 mg/1, <5 mg/1). For each observed condition, the occurrence, timing (both time of year and duration), frequency of occurrence (periodic or episodic), location in the wa- ter column (surface, bottom, or throughout), and spa- tial extent were recorded. The influence of water-col- umn stratification (high, medium, low, or not a factor) on the development of low dissolved oxygen also was noted. Anoxic conditions were reported to occur in seven estuaries, and hypoxia in 10 estuaries, during July to November. Biologically stressful concentrations were observed in 17 estuaries, persistently in two es- tuaries, episodically in two, and periodically in 13. Trends in minimum bottom-water dissolved oxygen concentrations were unknown for 24 estuaries of this region. Bottom-water dissolved oxygen concentrations did not change for eight estuaries, increased in four estuaries, and decreased in two estuaries. Anoxia Anoxic conditions were reported to occur in seven es- tuaries in the mixing and seawater zones, mostly in Southern California Coast estuaries. Anoxia was re- ported in seven estuaries in up to 7 percent of the mix- ing zone, and 1 percent of the seawater zone, for a maximum of 2 percent of the total Pacific Coast re- gional estuarine surface area. The condition was re- ported to occur episodically in three systems during April through November. For another three estuaries, anoxia was reported to occur periodically, usually in October. In Tijuana Estuary, anoxia was reported over a low spatial area throughout the year. In four estuar- ies, anoxia occurred in bottom waters and was highly influenced by stratification of the water column. In Alamitos Bay and in small creeks of Monterey Bay, anoxia was observed throughout the water column (stratification was not an influencing factor). For all or parts of 10 estuaries, it was unknown whether anoxic conditions occurred. Trends information for the duration, frequency of oc- currence, and spatial coverage of anoxia was sparse. Duration trends were unknown for 17 estuaries, fre- quency of occurrence trends were unknown for 23 es- tuaries, and spatial coverage trends were unknown for 17 estuaries. There was no change in duration for 16 estuaries, in frequency of occurrence for 13 estuaries, and in spatial coverage for 17 estuaries. Increases in the duration of anoxic events were reported for Mis- sion Bay and Columbia River; increases in spatial cov- erage were reported for San Diego Bay and Mission Bay. Decreases were reported for duration in San Pedro Bay, Monterey Bay and Elkhorn Slough; in frequency of occurrence for San Pedro Bay and Elkhorn Slough, and in spatial coverage for San Pedro Bay and Elkhorn Slough. 13 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Figure 5: Recent trends (1970 - present) for selected parameters by estuary by salinity zone (T, tidal fresh; M, mixing; S, seawater). All salinity zones are not present in all estuaries. Most of the 1,728 possible values are unknown (1,009). There are 65 decreasing trends, 62 increasing trends, and 579 no trends. §3&&&S&*& %\\ V £ •5-V ^ \ •^ V ^ V\ 1 « X \ \ %, N \ 9- S s s M S s S £ 5 H S H S H S H s T M S s H S M s M « s T M S T M S T M S Chlorophyll a (pg/i) ■ • • ? 7 i ? ? 7 ? ? ? :• rt • . • i I 4 ? 7 ? • • ? ? ? ? •* 9 "3 ■? ? » "5 Turbidity (concentrations) • I • 7 7 4 ? 4; 7 ±|+ t I 4, 7 ? 7 • • » 7 4;4 4 7 7 7 ? 7 7 Nuisance duration Algae frequency o • ? • • 4 • ? ? • • t|« •*: ■ • : • 4 ? • 7 ? 7 • ? 7 7 ? i ? ? ? 7 ? » 7 7 7 7 ? • » ? ? ?\ 7 7 ? ? 7 ? 7 » Toxic duration Algae frequency 7 • 7 • • • m • ? • • ?:? •i • • : • ? 1 •' 7 7 7 • » 7 7 ?' 7 7 7 7 ? 7 7 ' ? • ? . . • m • 7 • • ? ! ? •1 * * \ * ? 1 I ? 7 7 • ? ? 7 ? 1 ? ? ? 7 ? 7 7 7 Macroalgal Abundance t t • tt • • 7 ? t t • ? •|t *\± • • I ? » ? ? • ? 7 7 | 7 7 » ? 7 7 7 7 Epiphyte Abundance •> 7 ? ? • • • : •* ?'? • • m ? ? ? » • 7 7 ? i ? ? 7 7 7 7 7 7 Nitrogen 7 • 7 ? ? 4 ? 7 7 r T t|« tit i- t t t ? » » • i 7 7 ?| ? 7 7 » ? 7 ? ? Phosphorus ? • 7 ? 7 ? ? 7 7 r ? r> tit M* t t t 7 i ? • 4 » 7 7 ? ? 7 7 7 7 Bottom D.O. ? t t i ? t • ? 7 ? 7 ,;, 7 7 t • » 7 7 • • 7 7 7 ! 7 ? ? » 7 ? ? » Anoxia duration frequency spatial coverage 7 ? t ? 7 4 • 7 ? ? ? 4:« 44 • • » » ? • ? ? ' ? r ? ? ? 4 • ? ? 7 7 • i • 4j4 • • ? 7 7 ? 7 7 7 ? * t ? ? 4 • ? » 7 7 • : • + 1 • • ? ? ? • » ? ? ? Hypoxia duration frequency spatial coverage 7 7 t 4 • » » 7 7 Mm 44 ■ • ? ? > • ? ? ? 7 # . J r t J, ? 1 ? 4 4 • 7 7 » » • m 4|« • • ? 7 ? 7 ? 7 7 7 • 7 ? ? » * ■ 4|4 • • ? 7 ? • ? ? 7 7 Biological duration Stress frequency spatial coverage i t ? ? 4 • ? 7 7 ? t« t;« • t 7 7 ? ? • 7 ? 7 » ? -> ■? ? | ■> 4 • » 7 > r- t • • » ? 7 7 7 ? ? - ? ? ? 7 r t T 4 • 7 p t r t- t 4 • 7 7 ? 7 - • 7 • ? ? 7 Primary Productivity ©• •• - •* • ' • s> • 7 • • ?;• ©!© • © • 7 ? ? ? • 7 7 ? ? i ? » 7 ? ? 7 ? Plankton Communjty__ ? ? 7 •* • * • • ? ? •* •• »'• ? ? © © © 7 • • 7 • ? ? 7 ? i ? ? ? ? 7 7 ? Benthic Community • •• • •' • * • • ? • • • ?;» ©!• © ©!• ? • • 7 • ? ? • » ? » » 7 » • • SAV (epabal coverage) • ? • • 1 • • ' ? • ? 4 7 ; * •jt 11 • •U ? • • • • • » 4 • • 7 • • 7 7 ? • - no trend or shift © - shift from pelagic to diverse 4r ? - unknown - decreasing trend © - shift from diverse to benthic t - increasing trend * - speculative response © - shift from annelids to diverse 14 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast The remaining 1 3 responses display shifts in primary productivity, the planktonic community or benthic community. Forty values are based on speculative inferences. For a more complete listing of the trends parameters, see Table 1 on page 3. ? / Sf /jffST/ 9 ft / // Ay A/ / ■ / o^ gs 4 f c -? f J / / #v% ¥/f/ T M S M S M S T M S s T M S H S T M T M S T M S M S H S H < S H s s ? \? ? 7 ■p • • 7 7 ? 7 ? 7 7 7 : ? • "3 "3 7 ■3 ? ■5 "3 7 7 7 ■3 ? I "3 "> 7 Chlorophyll a (mo") ? ? ? 7 ? • • •? ■? ■3 7 7 7 7 7 7 • t t t 7 7 7 7 -3 7 7 7 ■3 "3 ! ■? ? 7 Turbidity (concentrations) J ? ? ? ? •> ' 7 7 7 ? ? ? o 7 ? • 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 t 7 7 7 7 7! 7 7 7 Nuisance duration Algae frequency » ? *3 "3 ■> ■> ? "3 ? "3 •3 •3 •? •? ? *3 • o "3 •3 *3 ■3 *3 ■3 t 7 7 7 7 ? : 7 ? ? ?!?? 7 ? ■? » ? ? 7 ? 7 ? 7 ■3 *3 7 7 7 ? 7 ■3 7 ■3 t 7 ■3 7 7 ?l 7 •3 "3 Toxic duration Algae frequency •> 1 ? 1 9 7 7 ' 7 7 •3 ? ■? 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ? ' ? ■3 7 7 t ? ' ? 7 ? : ? ? 7 ? ! ? i ? 7 ? • • •? 7 *3 ? 7 7 7 ■5 7 7 7 7 ? ? ? 7 ' ? ! ? 7 7 Macroalgal Abundance ? 1 ? - ? 7 7 • • "> *3 7 7 f ? "3 7 ? "3 ■3 ? ■3 "3 ■3 7 ? 7 ■> ? ? 7 Epiphyte Abundance ? ! ? 1 ? 1 7 • • 7 7 7 7 7 7 ' "3 7 • 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 il' ? 7 Nitrogen ? = ? ! ? 7 7 • • ? 7 •? 7 ? 7 7 ? ? 1 1 7 ? ■3 7 ? ■3 •3 •3 ■3 7 7 7 ■3 "3 Phosphorus ? \ 7 \ 7 7 ? ? ' 7 9 7 7 7 7 ? ? 7 1 4 7 • • 7 7 7 • • 7 7 • • ?! 7 7 7 Bottom D.O. 7 = ? 1 ? • • • 7 7 t t •3 ? ? ? 7 ? • • 7 7 • • 7 i 7 7 7 Anoxia duration frequency spatial coverage ? i ? ! ? • • • ? 7 "3 ■? 7 ■? "3 ? ■3 ■3 7 7 7 7 7 7 ?! 7 ? ? ?'?;? • • • ? ? • • 7 ? ? ? ? 3 • • ? 7 ■3 ? "3 ! *3 •3 "3 ? 1 ? : ? • • • ? 7 ^ t t 7 ? * 7 7 ? • • ? 7 • • ? : ? 7 ? Hypoxia duration frequency spatial coverage 7 i ? 1 7 • • • 7 ? 7 *3 7 7 7 "3 *3 -> ■? "3 -3 ■3 7 7 ■3 I ? ? ? ?,?;? • • • 7 7 • • 7 » ? 7 ? ? • • 7 7 7 7 ? : ? ? 7 ? : ? i ? • 7 7 7 7 t t ? "3 7 •3 7 7 • • 7 7 • • 7 i 7 7 7 Biological duration Stress frequency spatial coverage ? i ? 7 • 7 7 7 7 7 ■3 7 ? "3 "3 *3 •3 ? ? 7 ■3 ■3 ■3 7i 7 7 ■3 ?;? 9 • 7 7 7 7 7 ? ■> 7 7 7 ? 7 • • "3 ? •3 "3 j "3 ? 7 ? 7 7 • 7 7 ? 7 7 7 ? ? • 7 7 7 7 • • 7 ? 7 7 ? : ? ? 7 Primary Productivity ? ; ? j • 7 • • • 7 7 7 7 7 • ® • • • 7 7 7 • • ■3 ? *3 "3 •3 : ? ^ 7 Plankton Community 7 7 7 7 • • 7 7 • • • 7 7 7 • • © © • • ? ? ? 7 Benthic Community 7 7 ? 7 • • • f • X 4 7 ? 7 7 I j 7 7 ?: 7 4 t SAV (spatial coverage) Q) - shift from pelagic to benthic © - shift diatoms and flagellates to diatoms (£) - shift from diverse to annelids Q - shift from diatoms to diverse (g) - shift from arthropods to annelids (£) - shift from mollusks to annelids 15 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Hypoxia Hypoxic conditions (>0 mg/1, <2 mg/1) were observed in 10 estuaries, mostly in Central and Southern Cali- fornia Coast estuaries; in the bottom waters of six es- tuaries; and throughout the water column in four. In estuaries where hypoxia was reported in bottom wa- ters, stratification highly influenced the development of the condition. Hypoxia was reported to occur peri- odically in parts or all of six estuaries, episodically in two estuaries, and persistently in Tijuana Estuary and Hood Canal. In Newport Bay, Alamitos Bay, Elkhorn Slough, and Suisun Bay, hypoxia was reported to oc- cur throughout the water column; with the exception of Suisun Bay, stratification was not reported to be an influencing factor. Hypoxia was reported to occur usu- ally from August through November, but in some es- tuaries as early as April. The spatial extent varied among estuaries from very low to high, and was ob- served in up to four percent of the regional estuarine area, 0.5 percent of the tidal fresh zone, six percent of the mixing zone, and four percent of the sea water zone. For all or parts of 10 estuaries, it was unknown whether hypoxia occurred. Trends information for the duration, frequency of oc- currence, and spatial coverage of hypoxia was sparse. For 17 estuaries, trends in duration were unknown; for 23 estuaries, trends in frequency of occurrence were unknown; and for 17 estuaries, trends in spatial cov- erage were unknown. From 1970-1995, there was no change in the duration of hypoxia for 16 estuaries; no change in the frequency of occurrence for 13 estuar- ies; and no change in the spatial coverage for 17 estu- aries. Decreases in duration were reported for San Pedro Bay, Monterey Bay, and Elkhorn Slough; de- creases in both spatial coverage and frequency of oc- currence were reported for San Pedro Bay and Elkhorn Slough. Increases in event duration were reported for Mission Bay and Columbia River; increases in spatial coverage were reported for San Diego Bay and Mis- sion Bay. Biological Stress Biologically stressful levels of dissolved oxygen (>2 mg/1, <5 mg/1) were reported to occur in all or part of 17 estuaries, mostly in the summer and fall. This con- dition was reported to occur periodically in 13 estuar- ies and episodically in Alamitos and Anaheim Bays. Biologically stressful dissolved oxygen concentrations occurred all year over a low spatial extent in Tijuana Estuary, and over a high spatial extent in Hood Canal. For all or parts of 10 estuaries, this condition was re- ported in bottom waters and stratification was a highly influencing factor, particularly in the Washington State estuaries. In Newport Bay, Elkhorn Slough, and the mixing zone of Yaquina Bay, biologically stressful con- centrations were reported to occur throughout the water column. The cumulative area over which it was reported is up to 12 percent of the total regional estua- rine area, 1 percent of the tidal fresh zone, 20 percent of the mixing zone, and 11 percent of the seawater zone. For all or parts of eight estuaries, it was unknown whether this condition occurred. The most frequent response for trends of duration, fre- quency of occurrence and spatial extent of biologically stressful concentrations of dissolved oxygen was un- known. For 18 estuaries, trends in duration were un- known; for 24 estuaries, trends in frequency of occur- rence were unknown; and for 18 estuaries, trends in spatial coverage were unknown. There was no change in duration of biologically stressful concentrations re- ported for 15 estuaries, no change in frequency for 11 estuaries, and no change in spatial extent for 14 estu- aries. Decreases in duration, frequency of occurrence, and spatial coverage were reported for San Pedro Bay and for the seawater zone of Elkhorn Slough. Increases in event duration were reported for four estuaries, in- creases in spatial coverage were reported for five es- tuaries, and increases in frequency of occurrence were reported for two estuaries. For Elkhorn Slough, spa- tial coverage increased in the mixing zone and de- creased in the seawater zone. Ecosystem/Community Response The responses of estuarine ecosystems to nutrient in- puts were characterized by collecting information on the status and trends of five parameters: primary pro- ductivity, pelagic and benthic communities, sub- merged aquatic vegetation (SAV), and intertidal wet- lands. Pelagic communities, particularly diatoms, were identified as the dominant primary producers in the Pacific region. A diverse mixture of annelids, mollusks, and /or crustaceans dominated the benthic community. SAV and intertidal wetlands were reported in nearly all Pacific estuaries, generally at a low or very low spa- tial coverage. Information regarding historical shifts in the estuarine ecosystem indicated that between 1970 and 1995, changes took place in all but 10 estuaries, particularly with regard to intertidal wetlands, for which cover- age declined in 19 systems. Changes in the spatial cov- erage of SAV were the second most reported trend, with decreases occurring in eight estuaries and in- creases in four estuaries. Shifts in primary productiv- ity and the pelagic and benthic communities were re- ported almost exclusively in four estuaries: Elkhorn Slough, the North/Central San Francisco Bays system, Willapa Bay, and Hood Canal. Changes across all five 16 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast ecosystem parameters were reported in the North/ Central San Francisco Bays and Willapa Bay. With the exception of intertidal wetlands, changes in ecosys- tem parameters were reported primarily in the Cen- tral California Coast and Pacific Northwest Coast in the mixing and seawater zones. Trends information was unavailable for the tidal fresh zone of many estu- aries. The factors said to contribute most to shifts/ trends were changes in nonpoint sources, changes in hydrology, and the introduction of exotic species. Primary Productivity Pelagic communities were identified as the dominant primary producer in parts of 20 Pacific estuaries (57% of the region's estuarine surface area), particularly in the seawater zone and in the Pacific Northwest and Central California Coast subregions. Benthic commu- nities were reported as dominant in the mixing and/ or seawater zones of seven estuaries, while a diverse mixture of pelagic, benthic and /or emergent commu- nities was reported in 11 estuaries, primarily in the Pacific Northwest. No information was available for parts of 19 estuaries (12% of the region's estuarine sur- face area), including 11 of 12 estuaries with tidal fresh zones. Temporal shifts in primary productivity, i.e., shifts in dominance from one primary producer to another, were reported as unknown in parts or all of 28 Pacific estuaries (57% of the region's estuarine surface area), including 89% of the region's tidal fresh zone. Where information was available, a shift in dominance was reported in four estuaries. Primary production was reported to have shifted from benthic organisms or a diverse mixture of benthic and other organisms to pelagic organisms in the mixing zone of Elkhorn Slough, due to changes in nonpoint sources; in the mixing zone of Willapa Bay, due to a reduction in fresh- water input and an increase in upwelling; and in a portion of the seawater zone of San Pedro Bay, due to changes in vessel-source pollutants from marinas. A shift from benthic organisms to a diverse mixture of benthic, pelagic and/or other organisms in the sea- water zone of Elkhorn Slough was attributed to changes in nonpoint sources. The invasion of the ex- otic clam, Potamocorbula amurensis, contributed to a reported shift in dominance from pelagic to benthic organisms in portions of the mixing and seawater zones of Suisun and San Pablo Bays. Shifts were re- ported as unchanged in parts of 16 estuaries (36% of the region's estuarine surface area), including 72% of the Central California Coast subregion. Plankton Community Diatoms were reported as the dominant plankton group, in terms of abundance, in parts of 21 Pacific estuaries, mostly in the mixing and seawater zones. A diverse mixture of diatoms, dinoflagellates, and /or other plankton groups was the next most reported community, occurring in nine estuaries but account- ing for 54% of the region's estuarine surface area. For estuaries within Puget Sound, except for Hood Canal, the dominant plankton community was reported to fluctuate from diatoms in winter and spring months to flagellates in summer and fall. No information was available for parts of 20 estuaries (11% of the region's estuarine surface area). Shifts in plankton dominance, from one taxonomic group to another, were reported in three estuaries dur- ing the period 1970-95. A temporary shift from dia- toms to a toxic dinoflagellate species (Alexandrium) was reported in the seawater zone of Hood Canal and the mixing and seawater zones of Willapa Bay, due to changes in freshwater input and upwelling. A shift from a diverse mixture of plankton groups to a com- munity dominated by diatoms occurred in parts of the mixing and seawater zones in the North/Central San Francisco Bay system; however, the factors that con- tributed to the shift are unknown. Shifts were reported as unchanged in parts of 17 estuaries (45% of the region's estuarine surface area), including 72% of the Central California Coast subregion. No information was available for parts of 28 estuaries, particularly in the Pacific Northwest subregion. Benthic Community A diverse mixture of annelids, mollusks, and/or crus- taceans was identified as the dominant benthic com- munity, in terms of abundance, in parts of 22 estuaries (59% of the region's estuarine surface area), mostly in the seawater zone. Annelids, the next most reported group, were dominant in parts of 12 estuaries, prima- rily in the tidal fresh zone. Most of the remaining area in the region was dominated by crustaceans (six estu- aries) and mollusks (four estuaries). The dominant benthic community was unknown in parts of 16 estu- aries (15% of the region's estuarine surface area). Historical shifts (ca. 1970-95) in benthic community dominance, from one taxonomic group to another, were reported as unchanged in parts of 25 estuaries, representing 50% of the region's estuarine surface area. Shifts were reported in four estuaries, including the Elkhorn Slough mixing zone, where a shift from a di- verse benthic community to annelids was attributed to changes in nonpoint sources; and the Willapa Bay mixing and seawater zones, where crustaceans were reported as increasingly dominant in a diverse com- munity due to overfishing of predators. In the Hood Canal system, dominance reportedly shifted from an- 17 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast nelids to mollusks in the mixing zone and from anne- lids to a diverse community in the seawater zone; the contributing factors to the shift were unknown. In the North/Central San Francisco Bays system, dominance reportedly shifted from arthropods to mollusks in the Suisun Bay mixing zone as a result of an invasion of the exotic clam, Potamocorbula amurensis. Within the same estuary, dominance reportedly shifted from arthropods to annelids in the Western San Joaquin and Northern Sacramento Rivers, and from annelids to arthropods in the Lower San Joaquin River, due to unknown factors. No information was available for parts of 22 estuaries. Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) The presence of SAV was reported in at least one sa- linity zone in 31 Pacific estuaries. Only seven estuar- ies had no SAV reported within any zone: five in the Southern California Coast and one each in the Central California and Pacific Northwest Coasts. In 29 of the estuaries in which SAV was reported, the spatial cov- erage (to depths of one meter below mean low water) was identified as low (>10<25% surface area) or very low (<10% surface area). Exceptions were a medium spatial coverage (>25<50% surface area) reported for six estuaries in the Pacific Northwest Coast, and a high spatial coverage (>50% surface area) reported for the tidal fresh zone of San Francisco Bay and the mixing zone of Willapa Bay. The combined spatial coverage of SAV throughout the Pacific Coast region was be- tween 6 and 17 percent of the total estuarine surface area (to depths of one meter). No information was available for parts of 14 estuaries. During the period 1970-95, the spatial coverage of SAV was reported to have declined in eight estuaries (30% of the region's estuarine area), mostly in the seawater zone at a medium or high magnitude (50-100% change). The declines were attributed to such factors as dredging and changes in nonpoint sources and sedi- ment loads. Other contributing factors were the intro- duction of an exotic wetland species (Spartina) in the mixing and seawater zones of Willapa Bay, and macroalgae blooms in the seawater zone of Elliott and Commencement Bays (Puget Sound) and Port Orchard Sound. SAV coverage increased at a low magnitude (<25% change) in four estuaries, representing eight percent of the region's estuarine area. The factors said to contribute to the increases included changes in nonpoint sources, the reduction of freshwater input and sediments, and the expansion of tidal mudflats. No changes in spatial coverage were reported for parts of 24 estuaries and no information was available for parts of 22 estuaries. Intertidal Wetlands Emergent (intertidal wetland) communities were re- ported in at least one salinity zone in 32 estuaries. Be- low high water, wetlands were reported at a low or very low spatial coverage (<25% surface area) in 83% of the region, a medium spatial coverage (>25<50% surface area) in 5% of the region, and a high spatial coverage (>50% surface area) in less than 1% of the region. The combined spatial coverage of all wetlands reported was between five and 15% of the region's es- tuarine surface area. No information was available for parts of 15 estuaries (11% of the region's estuarine sur- face area), primarily in the tidal fresh zone. Wetlands coverage declined (ca. 1970-95) in 19 estuar- ies, mostly in the Pacific Northwest and Southern Cali- fornia Coasts and at a low magnitude (<25% change). Losses in wetland coverage were attributed almost ex- clusively to development activities. Wetlands cover- age increased in seven estuaries, mostly in the mixing zone and at a low magnitude. Factors contributing to the increases included physical alteration of the wa- tershed, restoration activities, and the introduction of an exotic wetland species (Spartina). No changes in spa- tial coverage were reported for parts of eight estuar- ies (22% of the region) and trends information was un- known for parts of 21 estuaries (39% of the region). 18 References Beccasio, A.D., J.S. Isakson, and A.E. Redfield. 1981. Pacific coast ecological inventory: User's guide and information base. Washington, DC: Biological Services Program, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 159 pp. Boynton, W.R., W.M. Kemp, and C.W. Keefe. 1982. A comparative analysis of nutrients and other factors influencing estuarine phytoplankton production. In: Kennedy, V.S. (ed.), Estuarine comparisons. New York City: Academic Press, pp. 69-90. Burkholder, J.M., K.M. Mason, and H.B. Glasgow Jr. 1992. Water-column nitrate enrichment promotes de- cline of eelgrass Zostera marina evidence from seasonal mesocosm experiments. Marine Ecology Progress Se- ries 81:163-178. Burkholder, J.M., E.J. Noga, C.H. Hobbs, and H.B. Glasgow Jr. 1992. New "phantom" dinoflagellate is the causative agent of major estuarine fish kills. Nature 358:407-410. Burns, R.E. 1985. The shape and form of Puget Sound. Seattle, WA: Puget Sound Books, for Washington State Sea Grant Consortium, pp. 73-85. Cooper, S.R. 1995. Chesapeake Bay watershed histori- cal land use: Impacts on water quality and diatom com- munities. Ecological Applications 5. Culliton, T.J., M.A. Warren, T.R. Goodspeed, D.G. Remer, CM. Blackwell, and J.D. McDonough III. 1990. 50 years of population change along the nation's coasts, 1960-2010. Coastal Trends Series report no. 2. Rockville, MD: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- tion, Strategic Assessment Branch. 41 pp. Day, J.W. Jr., C.A.S. Hall, W.M. Kemp, and A. Yanez- Arancibia. 1989. Estuarine ecology. New York City: John Wiley and Sons. 558 pp. Frithsen, J.B. 1989 (draft). Marine eutrophication: Nu- trient loading, nutrient effects and the federal response. Washington, DC: Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, for EPA Office of Environ- mental Science and Engineering. 66 pp. Hinga, K.R., D.W. Stanley, C.J. Klein, D.T. Lucid, and M.J. Katz (eds.). 1991. The national estuarine eutrophi- cation project: Workshop proceedings. Rockville, MD: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; and University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography. 41pp. Jaworski, N.A. 1981. Sources of nutrients and the scale of eutrophication problems in estuaries. In: Neilson, B.J. and L.E. Cronin (eds.), Estuaries and nutrients. Clifton, NJ: Humana Press, pp. 83-110. Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc. 1981. Ecological char- acterization of the central and northern California coastal region, vol. 2, part 1: Regional characterization. FWS/OBS-80/46.1. Washington, DC: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Biological Services; and Bu- reau of Land Management, Pacific Outer Continental Shelf Office. 405 pp. Kemp, W.M., R.R. Twilley, J.C. Stevenson, W.R. Boynton, and J.C. Means. 1983. The decline of sub- merged vascular plants in upper Chesapeake Bay: Summary of results concerning possible causes. Ma- rine Technology Society Journal 17(2):78-89. Likens, G.E. 1972. Nutrients and eutrophication: The limiting nutrient controversy. Proceedings of a sym- posium on nutrients and eutrophication, W.K. Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University, Hickory Corners, MI, Feb. 11-12, 1971. Lawrence, KS: Allen Press, Inc., for the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc. 328 pp. Lowe, J. A., D.R.G. Farrow, A.S. Pait, S.J. Arenstam, and E.F. Lavan. 1991. Fish kills in coastal waters, 1980-1989. Rockville, MD: NOAA, Strategic Environmental As- sessments Division. 69 pp. National Academy of Sciences (NAS). 1969. Eutrophi- cation: Causes, consequences, correctives. Proceedings of an international symposium on eutrophication, Uni- versity of Wisconsin, 1967. Washington, DC: NAS Printing and Publishing Office. 661 pp. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). 1997a. NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey, Vol. 2: Mid-Atlantic Region. Silver Spring, MD: Office of Ocean Resources Conservation and Assess- ment. 51 pp. NOAA. 1997b. NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Sur- vey, Vol. 3: North Atlantic Region. Silver Spring, MD: Office of Ocean Resources Conservation and Assess- ment. 45 pp. NOAA. 1996. NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Sur- vey, Vol. 1: South Atlantic Region. Silver Spring, MD: Office of Ocean Resources Conservation and Assess- ment. 50 pp. 19 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast NOAA. 1992. Red tides: A summary of issues and ac- tivities in the United States. Rockville, MD: Office of Ocean Resources Conservation and Assessment. 23 pp. NOAA. 1991. Nutrient-enhanced coastal ocean pro- ductivity. Proceedings of a workshop, Louisiana Uni- versities Marine Consortium, October 1991. Held in conjunction with NOAA Coastal Ocean Program Of- fice. TAMU-SG-92-109. Galveston, TX: Texas A&M University, Sea Grant Program. 173 pp. NOAA. 1989. Susceptibility and status of East Coast estuaries to nutrient discharges: Albemarle /Pamlico Sounds to Biscayne Bay. Rockville, MD: Office of Ocean Resources Conservation and Assessment. 31 pp. Nixon, S.W. 1995. Coastal marine eutrophication: A definition, social causes, and future concerns. Ophelia 41:199-219. Nixon, S.W. 1983. Estuarine ecology: A comparative and experimental analysis using 14 estuaries and the MER1 mesocosms. Final report to the U.S. Environmen- tal Protection Agency, Chesapeake Bay Program, Grant No. X-003259-01. Nixon, S.W., CD. Hunt, and B.N. Nowicki. 1986. The retention of nutrients (C,N,P), heavy metals (Mn, Cd, Pb, Cu), and petroleum hydrocarbons in Narragansett Bay. In: Lasserre, P. and J.M. Martin (eds.), Bio- geochemical processes at the land-sea boundary. Amsterdam: Elsevier Press, pp. 99-122. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ). 1994. Coquille River and estuary water qual- ity report: Total maximum daily load program. Port- land, OR: ODEQ. 6 pp. + appendices. Orth, R.J. and K.A. Moore. 1984. Distribution and abundance of submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesa- peake Bay: An historical perspective. Estuaries 7:531- 540. sities Marine Consortium, October 1991. Held in con- junction with NOAA Coastal Ocean Program Office. TAMU-SG-92-109. Galveston, TX: Texas A&M Univer- sity Sea Grant Program, pp. 150-153. Ryther, J.H. and W.N. Dunstan. 1971. Nitrogen and eutrophication in the coastal marine environment. Sci- ence 171:1008-1013. Smayda, T.J. 1989. Primary production and the global epidemic of phytoplankton blooms in the sea: A link- age? In: Cosper, E.M., V.M. Bricelj, and E.J. Carpenter (eds.), Novel phytoplankton blooms: Causes and ef- fects of recurrent brown tides and other unusual blooms. Coastal and Estuarine Series 35. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. pp. 449-483. Stevenson, J.C, L.W. Staver, and K.W Staver. 1993. Wa- ter quality associated with survival of submerged aquatic vegetation along an estuarine gradient. Estu- aries 16(2)346-361. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1982. Whitledge, T.E. 1985. Nationwide review of oxygen depletion and eutrophication in estuarine and coastal waters: Executive summary. Rockville, MD: NOAA, National Ocean Service. 28 pp. Whitledge, T.E. and W.M. Pulich Jr. 1991. Report of the brown tide symposium and workshop, July 15-16, 1991. Port Aransas, TX: University of Texas Marine Science Institute. 44 pp. Zedler, J.B., CS. Norby, and B.E. Nus. 1992. The ecol- ogy of Tijuana Estuary: A National Estuarine Research Reserve. Washington, DC: NOAA, Sanctuaries and Reserves Division. Paerl, H.W. 1988. Nuisance phytoplankton blooms in coastal estuarine and inland waters. Limnology and Oceanography 33:823-847. Rabalais, N.N. 1992. An updated summary of status and trends in indicators of nutrient enrichment in the Gulf of Mexico. Prepared for Gulf of Mexico Program Technical Steering Committee, Nutrient Subcommit- tee. EPA/800-R-92-004. Stennis Space Center, MS: GOM Program. 421 pp. Rabalais, N.N. and D.E. Harper Jr. 1992. Studies of benthic biota in areas affected by moderate and severe hypoxia. In: Nutrient-enhanced coastal ocean produc- tivity. Proceedings of a workshop, Louisiana Univer- 20 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5- Pacific Coast Estuary Summaries begin on page 22. 21 Estuary Summaries This section presents one-page summaries on the status and trends of eutrophication conditions for the 38 Pacific Coast estuaries. The summary information is organized into four sections: algal conditions, nutrients, dissolved oxygen, and ecosystem/community responses. Each page also includes a salinity map depicting the spatial framework for which survey information was collected, selected physical and hydrologic characteristics, and a narrative overview of the survey infor- mation. Salinity Maps. Salinity maps depict the estuary extent, salinity zones, and subareas within the salinity zones. Salinity zones are divided into tidal fresh (0.0-0.5 ppt), mixing (0.5-25.0 ppt), and seawater ( >25.0 ppt) based on average annual salinity found throughout the water column. Subareas were identified by survey partici- pants as regions that were either better understood than the rest of a salinity zone, or that behaved differently, or both. Each map also has an inset showing the location of the estuary and its estuarine drainage area (EDA) (see below). Physical and Hydrologic Data. Physical and hydrologic characteristics data are included so that readers can better understand the survey results and make meaningful comparisons among the estuaries. The EDA is the land and water component of a watershed that drains into and most directly affects estuarine waters. The average daily inflow is the estimated discharge of freshwater into the estuary. Surface area includes the area from the head of tide to the boundary with other water bodies. Average depth is the mean depth from mid-tide level. Volume is the product of the surface area and the average depth. Survey Results. Selected data are presented in a unique format that is intended to highlight survey results for each estuary. The existing conditions symbols represent either the maximum conditions predominating one or more months in a typical year, or whether there are resource impacts due to bloom events. The trends (circa 1970-1995 unless otherwise stated) symbols indicate either the direction and magnitude of change in concen- trations, or in the frequency of occurrence. The four sections on each page include a text block to highlight additional information such as probable months of occurrence and periodicity for each parameter, limiting factors to algal biomass, nuisance and toxic algal species, nutrient forms, and degree of water column stratification. Some parameters are not characterized by symbols on the estuary pages. These include macroalgal and epi- phyte abundance, minimum average monthly bottom dissolved oxygen trends, temporal shifts in primary productivity, benthic community shifts, intertidal wetlands, and planktonic community shifts. These param- eters are described in the Regional Overview section (starting on page 6) and, where relevant, are highlighted in the text blocks under each parameter section on the estuary pages. See the next page for a key that explains the symbols used on the summary pages. See Table 1 on page 3 for complete details about the characteristics of each parameter. Estuary Page Estuary Page Estuary Page Tijuana Estuary 24 N./ Central San Fran. Bays: 37 Siletz Bay 50 San Diego Bay 25 Mixing & Seawater Zones Netarts Bay 51 Mission Bay 26 Drakes Estero 38 Tillamook Bay 52 Newport Bay 27 Tomales Bay 39 Nehalem River 53 San Pedro Bay 28 Eel River 4(1 Columbia River 54 Alamitos Bay 29 Humbolt Bay 41 Willapa Bay bb Anaheim Bay 30 Klamath River 42 Grays Harbor 56 Santa Monica Bay 31 Rogue River 43 Puget Sound 57 Morro Bay 32 Coquille River 44 Hood Canal 58 Monterey Bay 33 Coos Bay 45 Whidbey Basin/Skagit Bay 59 Elkhorn Slough 34 Umpqua River 46 South Puget Sound 60 San Francisco Bay 35 Siuslaw River 47 Port Orchard Sound 61 N. /Central San Fran. Bays: 36 Alsea River 48 Washington Northern Bays 62 Tidal Fresh Zone Yaquina Bay 49 22 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Key to Symbols Used on Estuary Summaries Tidal Fresh Mixing M 25-50% 4* Seawater Subarea X Subarea Y M 1> 50-100% L -& Salinity Zone Absent: if the salinity zone is not present in the estuary the entire box is left blank Spatial Coverage: surface area over which condition occurs (not listed for nuisance/toxic algae or low/not observed conditions) Reliability: indicates assessment made from speculative inferences Salinity Zone Divided: salinity zones are often divided into subareas to account for unique characteristics H Existing Conditions Trends (circa 1970-1995) Concentrations Event Occurrences Direction of Change (Concentrations or Frequi Magnitude of Change (Chi a, Turbidity, Nutrients, SAV) (Nuisance/Toxic Algae, d.o.) incy of Event Occurrences) E hypereutrophic chl-a: >60 ug/l Y impacts on resources nuisance algae: impacts occur ^^ increase + high ■ >50%, <100% H high chl-a:>20, <60ug/l turbidity: secchi <1m TDN: >1 mg/l TDP:>0.1 mg/l SAV >50, <100 % coverage toxic algae: impacts occur or low d.o. is observed anoxia: 0 mg/l hypoxia: >0, <2 mg/l biological stress: >2, <5 mg/l JL- decrease y\ medium Ll>25%, _<50% y\ low U>0%, <25% M medium |SJ no resource impacts no trend chl-a: >5, <20 ug/l no nuisance algae impacts turbidity: secchi >1m, <3m TDN:>0.1,<1 mg/l TDP:>0.01,<0.1 mg/l no toxic algae impacts or 9 unknown ■ /9\ magnitude LT unknown SAV >25, < 50 % coverage low d.o. not observed L low chl-a: >0,<5_ug/l turbidity: secchi >3m TDN: >0, <0.1 mg/l TDP: >0. <0.01 mg/l SAV >10, £25 % coverage no anoxic events no hypoxic events ? unknown VL very low SAV >0, <10 % coverage NS no SAV in zone B blackwater area 9 ■ unknown 23 NOAA's Estnarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Tijuana Estuary Salinity Zones Q Tidal Fresh ■ Mixing Zone Q Seawater Zone - "Mexico Miles Algal Conditions Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater ■s E 9 ■ 25-50% H H 50-100% 1 Y E HSjj ■ 9 ■ Chl- 8.0 5.0 8.0 Volume (billion cu It) 0.5 0.04 0.4 A modified lagoonal system consisting of Newport Bay and various small channels and tributaries that flow into the main system. Water conditions are governed by the coastal water regime between the southern California mainland and the Channel Islands, known as the Southern California Bight. Waters within the bay are influenced by solar hearing and storm runoff. High salinities persist throughout the lower portions of the bay. Tides range approximately 3.8 ft. Nutrients Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater I H 9 ■ H 9 ■ 50-100% 50-100% | H 9 ■ H 50-100% 9 ■ 50-100% High nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations occur throughout the year. Phosphorus reported as total phosphorus. Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater N 9 ■ N 9 ■ | 50-100% 9 ■ N 9 ■ | Y 9 ■ Y 9 ■ 50-100% 0-10% Dissolved oxygen events speculated to occur periodically. In mixing zone, hypoxia occurs October to November throughout water column. Key on page 23 27 NO AA '$ Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coaast San Pedro Bay Algal Conditions Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater [ L ^ I Ji 25-50% ^> I Y 1 Y Chl-« limiting factor is nitrogen. Decreasing trend in Chl-a associated with point and nonpoint sources during storms. Highest turbidity occurs periodically November to March. Nuisance Gonyaulax polyhedra and Gymnodinium spp. occur episodically January to August. Toxic Pseudo-nitschia spp. and Alexandrium catenella observed episodically. Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater NS Primary productivity dominated by pelagic community. Pelagic community dominated by diatoms and benthic community dominated by annelids. Intertidal wetland coverage is very low with a high magnitude decrease due to development and dredge and fill activities. In San Pedro Bay, chlorophyll a concentrations are low, tur- bidity is high and nuisance and toxic blooms occur. Nitro- gen concentrations are low and phosphorus is medium. Anoxia, hypoxia and biological stress are not observed, and there is no SAV in the system. Chlorophyll a, turbidity, and nitrogen concentrations have decreased. Anoxia and hypoxia occurrences have decreased also. There has been no change in nuisance and toxic blooms occurrences or SAV coverage. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mi2) -j )726 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 300 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area (m?) 23.2 23.2 Average Depth (it) 38.9 38.9 Volume (billion cu It) 25.2 25.2 A modified, fairly open system consisting of San Pedro Bay, Long Beach Harbor and other subsystems to the main bay. Water conditions are highly governed by the coastal water regime between the southern California mainland and the Channel Islands, the area called the Southern California Bight. High salinities persist throughout the bay. Lowest salinities occur near the mouth of the Los Angeles River. Tides range approximately 3.8 ft. Nutrients Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater | L ^ 5 i M ? 0 ■ Decrease in nitrogen attributed to changes in point sources. Medium phosphorus occurs November to January. Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Decrease in duration, frequency, and spatial coverage of dissolved oxygen events attributed to changes in point sources. 28 Key on page 23 NO AA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Alamitos Bay Miles Salinity Zones 0 Tidal Fresh ■ Mixing Zone Q Sea water Zone Algal Conditions Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater [ 9 ■ 9 ■ i| * M ? 9 ■ i Y i N Elevated turbidity occurs throughout the year. Nuisance Gonyaulax polyhedra and Gymnodinium spp. occurs episodically in September. Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater VL * 1 Primary productivity dominated by pelagic community. Pelagic community speculated to be dominated by diatoms; benthic community is diverse. Intertidal wetland coverage is very low. In Alamitos Bay, chlorophyll a concentrations are unknown and turbidity is speculatively medium. Nuisance blooms occur, but toxic blooms do not. Concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus are medium. Anoxia, hypoxia, and biologi- cal stress are observed in this system. SAV spatial coverage is very low. Trends for chlorophyll a, turbidity, nitrogen, and phospho- rus are unknown. There were no changes in nuisance and toxic bloom occurrences, SAV spatial coverage, or dissolved oxygen events. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mi2) 29 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 4 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area (mt2) 0.8 0.8 Average Depth (ft) 12.6 12.6 Volume (billion co ft) 0.3 0.3 A small, highly modified system consisting of the main bay, Marine Stadium and the San Gabriel River. Water conditions are highly governed by the coastal water regime between the southern California mainland and the Channel Islands, the area called the Southern California Bight. High salinities persist throughout the system. Waters within the bay are influenced by solar heating and storm runoff. Tides range approximately 4 ft. Nutrients Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater M 50-100% 9 ■ M 50-100% 9 ■ Medium nutrient concentrations occur throughout the year. Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Y 50-100% Y 50-100% Dissolved oxygen events observed episodically April to November throughout the water column. Key on page 23 29 NOAA's Estnarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Anaheim Bay II J c» ^->a ) {{' Ljf* , — — Huntington Harbor _ Area J inn B&*a Cfrtat Ctmnmi Anaheim\. «tf^ Bay \ &&. 8. s mWintorsburg Ch&irtgi V"B\ '"H Area San Pedro Bay North \ Salinity Zones Q Tidal Fresh ■ Mixing Zone fj Seawater Zone 0 0.5 1 \~ Miles Algal Conditions Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater 1 9 ■ 9 ■ | H ^> 50-100% | Y 9 ■ i N Highest turbidity occurs episodically October to March. Nuisance Gonyaukx polyhedra and Gymnodinium spp. occurs episodically June to August. Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater VL ■ Primary productivity dominated by benthic in Anaheim and Bolsa Bays, and by pelagic in Huntington Harbor (shift from benthic) and the turning basin. Benthic community dominated by annelids. Intertidal wetland coverage is medium with low magnitude decrease attributed to marinas. In Anaheim Bay, chlorophyll a concentrations are unknown. Turbidity is high and nuisance blooms occur, but toxic blooms do not. Nitrogen concentrations are medium and phosphorus is high. Biological stress is observed in this sys- tem, but anoxia and hypoxia are not. SAV spatial coverage is very low. Trends for most parameters are unknown. Turbidity con- centrations have declined and there have been no changes in toxic bloom occurrences. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mP) 79 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 10 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area Seawater N N N Anoxia (throughout water column) and hypoxia (in bottom waters) observed episodically August to October. An increase in biological stress in mixing zone attributed to temperature change and non-point sources, and decrease in duration of anoxic and hypoxic events attributed to changes in hydrology. Key on page 23 33 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Elkhorn Slough Miles Algal Conditions Tidal Fresh Mixing H H N N Seawater" H * Y --- ChI-« blooms speculated to occur episodically throughout year with limiting factor of light, and increasing trend attributed to non- point sources. High turbidity occurs all year. Nuisance Prorocentrum micans, Gymnodinium splendens and Chaetoceros spp. all observed. Toxic Pseudo-nitzschia spp. and Alexandrium catenella occur periodically throughout year with highest abundance for Pseudo-nitzschia August to September and for Alexandrium catenella in early spring Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Frash Mixing Seawater m VL L 0 Primary productivity speculatively dominated by pelagic in mixing zone (shift from diverse), and is diverse in seawater zone (shift from benthic). Pelagic community dominated by diatoms; benthic community by annelids (speculated mixing zone was diverse). SAV increase due to watershed alterations and non-point sources. Intertidal wetland coverage is medium with decreases reported due to dredging or watershed alterations. In Elkhorn Slough, chlorophyll a concentrations range from high to hypereutrophic, and turbidity is high. Nuisance and toxic blooms occur in the seawater zone. Nitrogen concen- trations are high and phosphorus ranges from medium to high. Hypoxia is observed in the seawater zon,e and bio- logical stress occurs throughout the system. SAV spatial cov- erage ranges from very low to low. There were no changes in turbidity concentrations or nui- sance and toxic bloom events. Chlorophyll a, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentrations, and SAV spatial coverage, have increased. Anoxia decreased in both zones and hypoxia de- creased in the mixing zone. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mP) 305 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 1 33 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area (ml2) 1.2 0.2 1.0 Average Depth (to 8.0 7.5 8.1 Volume (billion cu ft) 0.3 0.04 0.2 A wide slough system and marshland located in a U-shaped valley cut into up-raised coastal terraces. The head of the slough receives freshwater from an intermittent stream which meanders through its valley to the mouth of Monterey Bay. Broad tidal mudflats are located at the mouth. Salinity structure is detenruned primarily by oceanic influences. Tidal range is 3.5 ft near the estuary mouth. Nutrients Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater II H t H * 25-50% 10-25% :;l H * M t 25-50% 25-50% Highest nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations occur November to March, with increase attributed to non-point sources. Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater N * N * N * Y 25-50% i-*B Y 10-25% O Y 25-50% Hypoxic events occur periodically June to October throughout water column. Decrease in duration, frequency, spatial coverage of anoxia and hypoxia (consequently, an increase in biological stress) attributed to changes in point sources. 34 Key on page 23 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast San Francisco Bay Algal Conditions Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater 1 E E 50-100% 50-100% n H <0 M O 50-100% 50-100% N Y N N Chl-a blooms occur episodically between February and April with limiting factors speculated to be grazing and silica or nitrogen depletion. Elevated turbidity occurs throughout the year due to tidal and wind induced resuspension. Nuisance Gytnnodinium splendens occur. Ecosystem/Community Responses ( Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater NS * VL ^l Primary productivity is diverse in mixing zone and dominated by pelagic community in seawater zone. Pelagic community is diverse; benthic community dominated by mollusks in mixing zone and is diverse in seawater zone. Decrease in SAV due to dredging in seawater zone and dredging and non-point sources in mixing zone. Intertidal wetland coverage is very low. In San Francisco Bay, chlorophyll a concentrations are hypereutrophic and turbidity ranges from medium to high. Nuisance blooms occur in the mixing zone. Nitrogen con- centrations range from medium to high, and phosphorus is high. Anoxia, hypoxia, and biological stress are not observed. SAV coverage ranges from none to very low. There were no changes in chlorophyll a concentrations, oc- currences of nuisance or toxic blooms, or dissolved oxygen events. Turbidity, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentrations have decreased. SAV spatial coverage has also decreased. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mi2) 6,618 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 37,036 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area (mP) 195.6 67.6 127.5 Average Depth (it) 20.9 11.5 21.7 Volume (billion cult) 113.8 21.6 77.0 Consists of the main bay proper and several small tributaries. Freshwater inflow dominated by the Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta (90% of total inflow to bay). Forcing mechanisms such as tides, winds and density gradients are variable and are important for salinity structure and overall circulation. Wind and tides are more dominant in shallow areas of the bay. Tidal range is 4.6 ft near San Leandro Bay. Nutrients Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater ; 9 H 50-100% O M ? 9 ■ I H 50-100% ^ H ? 9 ■ Highest nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations occur throughout the year with decrease associated with changes in point sources. Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater | N N I N N N N Periodic biological stress observed throughout the water column in 0-10 percent of tidal fresh zone Key on page 23 35 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophi cation Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast North/Central San Francisco Bays: Tidal Fresh Zone Algal Conditions H + SO- 100% H *Jti> N ... N ... N ... N ... Tidal Fresh_ IHl \7 H 25-50% * E 50-100% t H ^ H_0 H_^ H N ^ Y^ Y * Y * M N 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 N 9 ■ Chl-a blooms occur in the Lower Sacramento R., periodically March to November with grazing limiting; in N. Sacramento and E. San Joaquin R., episodically March to May with light limiting; in Lower San Joaquin R., episodically in September with light limiting; in S. San Joaquin R. episodically April to October with light limiting; and in W. San Joaquin R. periodically May to September with light & grazing limiting. Elevated turbidity observed throughout year. An unknown nuisance species observed in San Joaquin R. episodically April to October. Trends in Chl-a, nuisance, and toxic algae attributed to changes in non-point sources or hydrology. Ecosystem/Community Responses t Tidal Fresh VL NS NS ... San Joaquin River Lower Central Southern L ... L ... L O Primary productivity dominated by pelagic community. Pelagic community dominated by diatoms in Lower San Joaquin K. and was diatom dominated elsewhere but now is diverse. Benthic community dominated by annelids, except in Lower San Joaquin R. where arthropods dominate. Lower Sacramento R., and W. San Joaquin R. historically were arthropod-dominated, and Lower San Joaquin R. was annelid dominated. SAV increase in S. San Joaquin River due to hydrology changes and increased light. Intertidal wetlands are non- existent in tidal fresh zone. In the tidal fresh zone of the North/Central San Francisco Bay system, chlorophyll a concentrations range from high to hypereutrophic, and turbidity is high. Nuisance algal blooms occur in the San Joaquin River but toxic blooms do not occur. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations range from medium to high. Hypoxia and biological stress are ob- served in the southern San Joaquin River. SAV spatial cov- erage ranges from low to nonexistent. Most chlorophyll a and turbidity concentrations, and occur- rences of nuisance or toxic blooms, have decreased. Nitro- gen and phosphorus concentrations have increased in most areas. Anoxia and hypoxia observations, and SAV spatial coverage, have not changed. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mi2) 4^95 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 32,400 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area (mP) 319.7 Sacramento San Joaquin River River 18.6 39.2 see following page Average Depth (ft) 20.6 n/a n/a Volume (bilBoncuft) 183.6 n/a n/a Consists of the Sacramento/San Joaquin delta and tributaries of Central San Francisco Bay. Nutrients Sacramento River Northern Lower M 1>JL* M 50-100% O H 50-100% * Tidal Fresh M H_^ NLD H_* Elevated nitrogen concentrations occur all year, except in West San Joaquin R., where they occur December to March. Elevated phosphorus concentrations occur all year except in East/South San Joaquin R., where they occur December to May. Nitrogen and phosphorus trends associated with changes in non-point sources and/or hydrology. Dissolved Oxygen N ... N ... N N ... N ... N ... Tidal Fresh N ... N ... N ... N ... N ... N ... N ... Y ... 0-10% N N N ... Y ... 10-25% In S. San Joaquin R., bottom-water hypoxic events observed periodically September to November, and biological stress periodically February to November throughout water column. Water column stratification is a highly significant factor. 36 Key on page 23 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast North/Central San Francisco Bays: Mixing & Seawater Zones l ** . A, ) si If ^\ ^ >£ <$A San (Pablo Jl &aY Suisun Honker ^"^Ss§S Bay — & -> Central J&- San Francisco Bay V ^Van Franc\acb^S\ Bay \ Norih 0 10 20 Salinity Zones 0 Tidal Fresh ■ Mixing Zone E3 Seawater Zone Miles Algal Conditions Mixing Seawater Suisun Bay San Pablo Bay San Pablo Bay Canlral San Fran. Bay I E E 25-50% * M 50-100% -^ M 50-100% ^> E 0-10% — B I 13 60-100% * H 50-100% 0 50-100% * M 50-100% — ! n 1 N N N Y --- B m 1 ? N + N * N — yj Chl-fl blooms occur in Central San Fran. Bay episodically in April with silica speculated as limiting factor; in San Pablo Bay, periodically April to August with light & grazing limiting; and in Suisun Bay, episodically in July with light & grazing limiting. Elevated turbidity occurs all year. In Central San. Fran. Bay, nuisance Mesodinium spp. occurs episodically April to May and Gymnodinium sanvuineum once in August. Chl-fl, nuisance, and toxic algae trends attributed to changes in non-point sources or hydrology. Ecosystem/Community Responses 'Mixing I .__ I ___ L — Central San Fran Bay VL* Primary productivity dominated by pelagic community except in Suisun Bay, which was pelagic but now benthic. Pelagic community was diatom dominated but is now diverse. Benthic community dominated by mollusks in Suisun and San Pablo Bays and crustaceans and annelids in Central San. Fran. Bay. Suisun Bay was historically arthropod-dominated. The spatial coverage of intertidal wetlands is low in both salinity zones. In the mixing and seawater zones of the North /Central San Francisco Bay system, chlorophyll a concentrations range from medium to hypereutrophic, and turbidity ranges from medium to high. Nuisance algal blooms occur in the tidal fresh and seawater zones; toxic blooms do not occur. Nitro- gen and phosphorus concentrations range from medium to high. Hypoxia and biological stress are observed in the tidal fresh zone. SAV spatial coverage ranges from non-existent to low. Most chlorophyll a and turbidity concentrations, and occur- rences of nuisance or toxic blooms, have decreased. Nitro- gen and phosphorus concentrations have increased in most areas. Anoxia and hypoxia observations, and SAV spatial coverage, have not changed. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mi2) 4,596 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 32,400 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area (m?) 319.7 See Previous Page Suisun Bay San Pablo Bay 67.7 37.2 San Pablo Canlral SF Bayl Bay 60.4 96.6 Average Depth (it) 20.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a Volume (bill for) cu ft) 183.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a Consists of Central San Francisco Bay, San Pablo Bay and several smaller embayments. Freshwater inflow dominated by the Sacramento/San Joaquin rivers. Forcing mechanisms such as tides, winds, and density gradients are important for salinity structure and overall circulation and are variable depending on season. Wind and tides are more dominant in shallow areas of the system. Tidal range is 3.5 ft within San Pablo Bay. Nutrients Mixlnq Seawater Suisun Bay San Pablo Bay San Pablo Bay Central San Fran. Bay I H tf M 50-100% O M I 50-100% ft M 50-100% ■ I M E 25-50% O M 50-100% tf M 50-100% ft M 50-100% ft ■ Elevated nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations occur throughout year. Nitrogen and phosphorus trends associated with changes in non-point sources and/or hydrology. Dissolved Oxygen Mixing Seawater Suisun Bay San Pablo Bay San Pablo Bay Central San Fran. Bay N — N N N N ... N N ... N N — N 9 ■ N ■ N 9 ■ Key on page 23 37 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Drakes Estero Algal Conditions Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater | 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ | Y ■O 1 Y 9 ■ ''■"-' Nuisance Prorocentrum micans and Gymnodinium splendens occur late summer to late fall, Skeletonema costatum most abundant during spring upwelling. Chaetoceros spp. also observed. Toxic Alexandrium catenella observed in highest abundance early spring, August and December and Pseudo-nitzschia spp. in late spring and late summer . _ Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater 9 9 ■ ■ In Drakes Estero, nuisance and toxic algal blooms are ob- served. All other parameters are unknown. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mi2) 30 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 30 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area {m?) 3.8 3.8 Average Depth in) 2.5 2.5 Volume (billion cu It) 0.3 0.3 A semi- enclosed small, shallow system near Point Reyes, CA. Oceanic salinities persist throughout the system. Waters within the bay are influenced by solar heating and storm runoff. Nutrients Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater K 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ Dissolved Oxygen TidaLFresh Mixing Seawater 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 38 Key on page 23 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Tomales Bay Tomales Point , • Tomales Pacific Ocean North Salinity Zones Q Tidal Fresh ■ Mixing Zone ^ Seawater Zone 1.5 Miles Algal Conditions Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater n 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ WL ? 9 ■ L 9 ■ Y 9 ■ Y 9 ■ Y 9 ■ Y ■ Nuisance Prorocentrum micans and Gymnodinium splendens most abundant during late summer to fall, Skektonema costatum occur during spring upwelling. Chaetoceros spp. and Scrippsiella spp. also observea. Toxic Alexandrium catenella and Pseuao-nitzscnia spp. occur periodically throughout year but Alexandrium observed in highest abundance July to August and December and Pseudo- nitzschia in spring and late summer. Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater ■ B L m' ■_ Pelagic community dominated by diatoms; benthic community dominated by crustaceans in mixing zone and mollusks in seawater zone. In Tomales Bay, chlorophyll a concentrations are unknown and turbidity concentrations range from low to medium. Nuisance and toxic algal blooms occur. Concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus, and observations of hypoxia or anoxia, are unknown. Biological stress is not observed. SAV spatial coverage ranges from low to medium. Spatial coverage of SAV has not changed. All other trends are unknown. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mP) 233 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 260 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area (mt2) 11.4 0.1 1.4 9.9 Average Depth (ft) 5.6 1.0 1.0 6.1 Volume (billion CU It) 1.8 0.03 0.04 1.7 A long , narrow system. Freshwater input is highly seasonal, with the wet season occurring between October and March. Evaporation is highest in June and September. Extreme seasonality of both freshwater input and system salinity is apparent within the estuary. Tides range approximately 4.2 ft within the bay. Nutrients Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater I m 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ N 9 ■ N 9 ■ Key on page 23 39 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Eel River In Eel River, chlorophyll a concentrations are low and tur- bidity ranges from medium to high. Nuisance or toxic algal blooms do not occur. Concentrations of nitrogen and phos- phorus are low. Anoxia, hypoxia and biological stress are not observed in this system. SAV also is not present. All trends for this system are reported as stable, except changes in anoxia and hypoxia, which are unknown. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mP) i)503 Avg. Daily Inflow (els) 9,700 Estuary TF Mixing SW Surface Area (m?) 7.0 Area 1 Area 2 1.1 2.7 3.2 Average Depth (ft) 5.4 n/a n/a 5.4 Volume (billion cult) 1.1 n/a n/a 0.5 The Eel River delta rests upon a valley, the Eel River syncline, filled with thousands of feet of sediment. The watershed is composed of a steeply eroded terrain that has been heavily logged in past 80 years. Reduced tidal prisms and impaired sediment flushing potential are consequences of significant winter discharges. Is highly stratified during high flow period. Tidal range is 4.4 ft near the river mouth. Alga! Conditions J Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater [ Area 1 Area 2 L L | M 50-100% H 50-100% I N N I N N Turbidity occurs periodically June to October. Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Fresh Mixing NS NS Seawater Primary productivity dominated by pelagic community in Area 1 and is diverse in Area 2. Pelagic community dominated by diatoms; benthic community dominated by crustaceans. Intertidal wetland coverage is very low in Area 1 and medium in Area 2, with low magnitude increases due to reclamation. Nutrients Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater m Area 1 Area 2 L L L L Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixing Area 1 Area 2 N 9 ■ N 9 ■ N 9 ■ N 9 ■ N 9 ■ N 9 ■ Seawater 40 Key on page 23 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Humbolt Bay Areata Jacoby Creek Freshwater Creek Salmon Creek Miles Algal Conditions Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater | L ;j H 50-100% | Y 9 ■ I Y 9 ■ High turbidity can occur any time during the year. Nuisance Chaetoceros spp. and Skeletonema costatum occur all year. Toxic Pseudo-nitzschia spp. occur early spring and late fall and Alexandrium catenella occur early spring and late summer. Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Primary productivity is diverse. Pelagic community dominated by diatoms; benthic community is diverse. Intertidal wedand coverage is low with a high magnitude increase from restoration. In Humbolt Bay, chlorophyll a concentrations are low and turbidity is high. Nuisance and toxic blooms occur. Concen- trations of nitrogen and phosphorus are low. Anoxia, hy- poxia, and biological stress are not observed in this system. SAV spatial coverage is low. Concentrations of chlorophyll a and turbidity, occurrences of nuisance algal blooms, and SAV spatial coverage have all remained the same. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations have decreased; dissolved oxygen trends are unknown. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mi2) 223 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 700 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area (mi2) 25.2 25.2 Average Depth (ft) 11.1 11.1 Volume (billion cu ft) 7.8 7.8 A bar-built estuary consisting of South Bay, Entrance Bay and Areata Bay. Both South and Areata Bays consist of extensive mud flats interspersed with drainage channels. Entrance Bay is a relatively narrow and deeper bay than other two. Within Areata and South Bay mixing is limited while Entrance Bay water is well-mixed. Circulation is predominantly tidally driven. Tidal range is 5.5 ft near North Spit. Nutrients Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater I L * L * Decrease in nitrogen and phosphorus attributed to changes in point sources. Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater N ■ N 9 ■ N ■ Key on page 23 41 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Klamath River t CA Klamath River jj 1 0 North t 1.5 3 C Salinity Zones Q Tidal Fresh / Miles ■ Mixing Zone □ Seawater Zone In Klamath River, chlorophyll a concentrations are low and turbidity is medium. Nuisance or toxic algal blooms do not occur. Concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus are low. Anoxia, hypoxia, and biological stress are not observed in this system. SAV spatial coverage is medium. All trends for this system are reported as stable, except changes in anoxia and hypoxia, which are unknown. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mP) 1541 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) n/a Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area (m?) 1.0 1.0 Average Depth m 22.8 22.8 Volume (bitlbncufl) 0.6 0.6 The Klamath River estuary has distinctive outflow differences between summer and winter. When snowmelt ends, flow rates diminish to where no tidal exchange exists and a lagoon forms. When runoff dominates in winter, the estuary is thoroughly flushed. The estuary exhibits vertically stratified conditions. Algal Conditions Tidal Fresh Mixing 1 ... M ? N N Seawater Turbidity occurs episodically November to February. Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Fresh Mixing M Seawater Benthic community dominated by crustaceans. Nutrients I Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater I L L Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixing N 9 ■ N 9 ■ N 9 ■ Seawater 42 Key on page 23 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Rogue River • Gold Beach Salinity Zones □ Tidal Fresh ■ Mixing Zone E3 Seawater Zone Miles Algal Conditions Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater 9 ■ 9 ■ L ^> 1 Benthic community dominated by epiphytes on gravel in seawater zone. SAV decrease associated with non-point sources. Interudal wetland coverage is very low in mixing zone. In Rogue River, all information on algal conditions is un- known. Concentrations of nitrogen are medium in the mix- ing zone, and phosphorus concentrations are unknown. There are no observations of anoxia, hypoxia, or biological stress in this system. SAV spatial coverage is low in the sea- water zone. SAV spatial coverage has decreased in the seawater zone. All other trends are unknown. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mP) 904 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 10,561 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area (ml2) 1.0 0.9 0.1 Average Depth (ft) 10.9 12.0 4.0 Volume (bWonaift) 0.3 0.3 0.01 A small estuary with a large drainage area. Lacks tidal flats and marshes. Seasonal variations in freshwater inflow strongly influence the characteristics and processes of the estuary. Salinity stratification is generally high, especially in winter. Structure is dependent on river flow, tides and formation of sand spit near the mouth. Tidal range is 4.9 ft at the mouth of the River. Nutrients Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater I M 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ ? 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ Nitrogen reported as total inorganic nitrogen. Highest concentrations occur July to September. Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixing N N N Seawater N N N Key on page 23 43 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Algal Conditions Coquille River Pacific ] Ocean ^ 1 ^ IT | *. . Coquille ^ p / \ i_ Coqulllt / m \ Bandon r North Salinity Zones 0 Tidal Fresh ■ Mixing Zone O Seawater Zone 0 1.25 2.5 Miles Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater 1 9 • ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ H * 50-100% 1 H * H * H * 50-100% 50-100% 50-100% I i 9 s ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ J 1 ? 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ ! In seawater zone, Chl-a blooms occur periodically April to October. Elevated turbidity occurs throughout the year. Ecosystem/Community Responses i Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater VL VL VL In Coquille River, chlorophyll a concentrations are high in the seawater zone, and turbidity is high in all zones. Nui- sance or toxic bloom events are unknown. Concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus are medium. There are no ob- servations of anoxia, hypoxia, or biological stress. SAV spa- tial coverage is very low. Chlorophyll a and dissolved oxygen concentrations, and SAV spatial coverage, have all remained the same. Turbidity con- centrations have declined. All other trends are unknown. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mi2) ,1/3 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) n/a Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area (m?) 3.6 1.0 1.8 0.8 Average Depth m n/a n/a n/a n/a Volume (billion cu ft) n/a n/a n/a n/a A long, narrow estuary among the smallest in Oregon. The estuary is fully exposed to waves and tidal influences at the the mouth. Tidal influence can be felt 36 to 40 miles upstream. Salinity stratification occurs, especially during winter months. Tidal range is 5.2 ft near the river mouth. Nutrients Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater I M 9 ■ M 9 ■ M 9 ■ 50-100% 50-100% 50-100%* M 9 ■ M 9 ■ M 9 ■ 50-100% 50-100% 50-100%* Nitrogen concentrations occur July to December in tidal fresh and mixing zones and speculatively June to August in seawater zone. Phosphorus concentrations occur July to December in tidal fresh and mixing and speculatively June to August in the seawater zone. Dissolved Oxygen Pelagic community dominated by diatoms in the seawater zone. Benthic community is diverse in the seawater zone. Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater 9 N N N 1 N N N 1 N N N I P.O. trends reported for 1970 -1991. 44 Key on page 23 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Coos Bay Pacific Ocean Salinity Zones 0 Tidal Fresh ■ Mixing Zone FJ SeawaterZone North . t \ 1.25 M 2.5 Miles Algal Conditions Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater E I ? 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ H 9 ■ 50-100% y ■=■ * 9 ■ H 9 ■ H 9 ■ 50-100% 50-100% 5 ! ? 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ i H 1 ? 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ !■ In seawater zone, Chl-a blooms occur periodically April to June with nitrogen limiting. High turbidity occurs throughout the year. Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater r 9 ■ 9 ■ L VL ... l Primary productivity dominated by pelagic community. Pelagic community dominated by diatoms in mixing and seawater zones; benthic community dominated by annelids in mixing zone and is diverse in seawater zone. Intertidal wetland coverage is high in tidal fresh zone and medium in mixing and seawater zones, with low magnitude decreases due to development. In Coos Bay, chlorophyll a concentrations are high in the sea- water zone, and turbidity is high in the mixing and seawa- ter zones. Nuisance or toxic bloom events are unknown. In the seawater zone, nitrogen concentrations are medium and phosphorus concentrations are high. Anoxia, hypoxia, and biological stress are not observed in this system. SAV spatial coverage ranges from very low to low. Dissolved oxygen observations and SAV spatial coverage have not changed. All other trends are unknown. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mi2) 539 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 2,900 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area (mi2) 18.3 0.2 10.4 7.7 Average Depth (it) 14.2 10.0 14.6 11.5 Volume (bUHon cult) 7.3 0.06 4.2 2.5 A drowned river valley estuary consisting of Coos Bay and several tributaries. Extensive filling and diking in the main bays and sloughs have changed the form of the estuary. The estuary is considered well mixed for almost all months of the year. Receives majority of freshwater inflow from the Coos River. Tidal range is 5.7 ft near the mouth of the estuary. Nutrients Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater 1 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ M 9 ■ 50-100% 1 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ H 9 ■ 50-100% Nitrogen reported as total inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus reported as total phosphorus. Highest concentrations for both parameters occur April to June. Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater I 9 ■ 9 ■ N N 9 ■ 9 ■ N N 9 ■ 9 ■ N N D.O. trends reported for 1970-1984. Key on page 23 45 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Umpqua River Pacific Ocean Salinity Zones Q Tidal Fresh ■ Mixing Zone D Seawater Zone Algal Conditions Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater I 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ * H 9 ■ ? 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater 1 9 ■ 9 ■ L 9 ■ VL 9 ■ 1 Benthic community is diverse in mixing and seawater zones. Intertidal wetland coverage is very low in tidal fresh zone, medium in mixing zone, and low in seawater zone. In Umpqua River, chlorophyll a concentrations are high in the seawater zone and turbidity concentrations are un- known. Nuisance or toxic bloom events are unknown, as are nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. Anoxia, hy- poxia, and biological stress are not observed in this system. SAV spatial coverage ranges from very low to low. Observations of anoxia, hypoxia, and biological stress have not changed. All other trends are unknown. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mP) -j 509 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 9,300 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area (mP) 9.3 0.6 6.4 2.3 Average Depth m 13.5 12.6 13.8 9.7 Volume (billion cult) 3.5 0.21 2.5 0.6 A large and moderately deep estuary. Depth to width ratios are high and are accentuated by dredged navigation channels. Seasonal and daily variation in freshwater flow is most significant factor in affecting the salinity structure. Umpqua Bay is classified as two-layered during high flow, partially-mixed during low flow. Mean tidal range is 5.1 ft near the entrance to the river. Nutrients TidalFresh Mixing Seawater n 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 1 9 ■ 9 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater N N N N N N N N N 46 Key on page 23 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Siuslaw River °acific Ocean Salinity Zones 0 Tidal Fresh ■ Mixing Zone (*) Seawater Zone ' ' North 1.5 Miles Algal Conditions Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater VL Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater 1 1 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ * H 9 ■ ? 1 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 1 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ r Pelagic community dominated by diatoms in seawater zone; benthic community is diverse in mixing and seawater zones. Intertidal wetland coverage is very low in tidal fresh zone, medium in mixing zone, and low in seawater zone. In Siuslaw River, chlorophyll a concentrations are high in the seawater zone and turbidity concentrations are un- known. Nuisance or toxic bloom events are unknown, as are nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. Biological stress is observed in this system, but anoxia and hypoxia arenot. SAV spatial coverage ranges from very low to low. SAV spatial coverage has not changed. All other trends are unknown. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mi2) 775 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 3,013 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area (mfy 3.7 0.5 1.0 2.2 Average Depth (it) 9.3 6.0 9.2 11.6 Volume {bHIIon cult) 1.0 0.08 0.3 0.7 A riverine-type estuary consisting of the main channel of the Siuslaw River. Seasonal and daily variation in freshwater flow is the most significant factor affecting salinity structure. The degree of mixing can vary from completely mixed (October) to an almost fully stratified system Qanuary and May). Mean tidal range is 5.5 ft near the entrance to Siuslaw River. Nutrients Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater I 9 ■ 9 ■ N 9 ■ N 0 m ! I| 9 ■ 9 ■ N 9 ■ N 9 ■ ■ 1 9 ■ 9 ■ Y 9 ■ N 9 ■ n 10-25% ■_ Periodic biological stress observed during summer in mixing zone. Key on page 23 47 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Alsea River Salinity Zones 0 Tidal Fresh ■ Mixing Zone E3 Seawater Zone Miles In Alsea River, chlorophyll a concentrations are high in the seawater zone and turbidity concentrations are unknown. Nuisance or toxic bloom events are unknown, as are nitro- gen and phosphorus concentrations. Anoxia, hypoxia and biological stress are not observed in this system. SAV spatial coverage ranges from low to medium. Dissolved oxygen observations and SAV spatial coverage have not changed. All other trends are unknown. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mP) 483 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 2,250 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area (n&) 3.6 1.6 2.0 Average Depth (it) 6.6 9.7 4.3 Volume (billion cu ft) 0.7 0.4 0.2 A shallow estuary consisting of Alsea Bay and several tidal creeks. The estuary is usually stratified during the winter and well mixed during the summer. Seasonal and daily variation in freshwater flow is the most significant factor affecting the salinity structure. Mean tidal range is 58 ft near the entrance to Alsea Bay. Algal Conditions Nutrients Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater | 9 ■ 9 ■ * H 9 ■ ? 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ I 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ I 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Fresh Mixing M Seawater Pelagic community dominated by diatoms in seawater zone; benthic community is diverse with crustaceans dominating. Intertidal wetland spatial coverage is unknown, but decreases have been reported due to development. Dissolved Oxygen D.O. trends reported for 1970-1983. Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater ' 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater I N N I N 1- N N N 48 Key on page 23 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Yaquina Bay Salinity Zones Q Tidal Fresh ■ Mixing Zone [3 Seawater Zone Algal Conditions Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater j M 50-100% M 50-100% ■! M 50-100% M 50-100% | N 9 ■ N 9 ■ | N 9 ■ N 9 ■ Chl-d blooms occur episodically May to July with nitrogen and light co-limiting. Elevated turbidity occurs throughout the year. Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Primary productivity dominated by pelagic community in seawater zone. Pelagic community dominated Dy diatoms; benthic community is diverse. Intertidal wetland coverage is medium in mixing zone and low in seawater zone, with decreases reported due to development. In Yaquina Bay, chlorophyll a and turbidity concentrations are medium. Nuisance andtoxic algal bloom events are not observed. Concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus are medium. Biological stress is observed in the system but not anoxia or hypoxia. SAV spatial coverage is low. Chlorophyll a, turbidity nitrogen, and phosphorus concen- trations have remained unchanged. Anoxia and hypoxia observations and SAV spatial coverage have also remained the same. Nuisance and toxic bloom trends are unknown. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mi2) 246 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 950 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area (mP) 5.8 2.5 3.3 Average Depth (it) 9.6 8.5 10.9 Volume (blHionajIt) 1.6 0.6 1.0 A drowned river valley estuary greatly influenced by climate patterns of the Pacific Northwest. Seasonal streamflow is highly correlated with seasonal patterns of precipitation. Freshwater inflow is lowest from June to October, when a saltwedge extends fairly far upriver. During this period, significant variations in salinity structure can occur with the onset of upwelling events. Tidal range is 5.9 ft near the head of the estuary. Nutrients Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater ( ? ... M 7 I M ? M ? Highest nitrogen concentrations observed December to January andphosphorus concentrations December to February. Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixing N N Seawater N N Periodic biological stress observed throughout water column May to September m mixing zone, and speculatively in bottom-waters in seawater zone. Water column stratification is not a factor. Key on page 23 49 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Siletz Bay Salinity Zones Q Tidal Fresh ■ Mixing Zone fj Seawater Zone Pacific Ocean Algal Conditions Elevated turbidity occurs throughout the year. Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ m 9 ■ M 9 ■ M 9 ■ 50-100% 50-100% [ 1 9 s 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ i 1 ? 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ '■ I Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater 9 ■ 9 ■ ^VL 9 ■ VL 9 ■ I Benthic community is a diverse mixture. Intertidal wetland spatial coverage is medium in mixing and seawater zones. In Siletz Bay, chlorophyll a concentrations are unknown and turbidity concentrations are medium. Nuisance and toxic algal bloom events are unknown. Concentrations of nitro- gen are medium and phosphorus are high. There are no ob- servations of anoxia, hypoxia or biological stress. SAV spa- tial coverage is very low. Dissolved oxygen observations have not changed in the mix- ing and seawater zones. All other trends are unknown. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mi2) 372 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 2,767 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area (m?) 2.7 0.3 0.6 1.8 Average Depth (ft) 8.1 7.9 8.6 6.0 Volume (Union cu ft) 0.6 0.07 0.1 0.3 A small, riverine-type estuary consisting of Siletz Bay and River. Drift Creek and Schooner Creek discharge directly into the bay. Sedimentation rates have increased, and increases in river flow dampen tidal influences within the estuary, especially during fall and winter. The estuary is partially mixed in October, and stratified in January and April. Mean tidal range is 5.8 ft. Nutrients Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater 1 9 ■ 9 ■ M 9 ■ M 9 ■ 50-100% 50-100% ■ 1 9 ■ 9 ■ H 9 ■ H 9 ■ 50-100% 50-100% m Nitrogen reported as dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus reported as total phosphorus. Highest concentrations of both parameters are speculated to occur June to August. Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater ■ 9 ■ N N 9 9 ■ N N 9 ■ 9 N N D.O. trends reported for 1970-1983. 50 Key on page 23 NOAA's Estnarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Netarts Bay In Netarts Bay, chlorophyll a concentrations are high and turbidity concentrations are medium. Nuisance or toxic bloom events are unknown, as are nitrogen and phospho- rus concentrations. There are no observations of anoxia, hy- poxia or biological stress. SAV spatial coverage is medium. Dissolved oxygen observations and SAV spatial coverage have not changed. All other trends are unknown. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mP) 16 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 98 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area (m?) 3.6 3.6 Average Depth (ft) 4.7 4.7 Volume (billion cutl) 0.5 0.5 A bar-built, shallow estuary shaped like an open lagoon. Only a small percentage (12%) of the bay is subtidaL Inflow of freshwater is small. Salinities generally approach oceanic levels within the bay, and significant mixing usually occurs all year. Tidal range is 5.8 ft near the bay entrance. Algal Conditions Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater * H ? 9 ■ M 50-100% 9 ■ 9 9 ■ ■ 9 9 ■ ■ Elevated turbidity occurs throughout the year. Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater M Primary productivity speculated to be dominated by pelagic community. Pelagic community dominated by diatoms; benthic community is diverse. Intertidal wetland coverage is high with a low magnitude decrease reported due to development. Nutrients Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixing ! Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater 9 ■ 9 ■ | 9 ■ 9 ■ Seawater N N N Dissolved oxygen trends reported for 1980-1984. Key on page 23 51 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Tillamook Bay Algal Conditions Tidal Fresh H o Mixing H Seawater M M In seawater zone, Chl-a blooms speculated to occur periodically May to October. Elevated turbidity occurs throughout the year. Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater m i 9 ■ 9 ■ M L ■_ Primary productivity speculated to be dominated by pelagic community in seawater zone. Pelagic community dominated by diatoms in seawater zone; benthic community is diverse in mixing and seawater zones. Intertidal wetland coverage is medium in mixing zone and low in seawater zone, with low magnitude decreases reported due to development. In Tillamook Bay, seawater chlorophyll a concentration is medium. Turbidity concentrations range from medium to high. Nuisance and toxic bloom events are unknown. Con- centrations of nitrogen and phosphorus are high in the sea- water zone. Anoxia, hypoxia and biological stress are not observed. SAV spatial coverage ranges from low to medium. Dissolved oxygen observations and SAV coverage in the mix- ing and seawater zones have not changed. All other trends are unknown. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mi2) 553 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 3,880 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area (m?) 14.9 0.5 9.9 4.5 Average Depth (ft) 6.0 5.0 5.0 7.7 Volume (billion cult) 2.5 0.07 1.4 1.0 A shallow estuary consisting of Tillamook Bay and several tributaries discharging into the bay. During high runoff period from November to March, the bay has a two-layered salinity structure but is vertically homogeneous during April through October. Salinity intrusion is greatly reduced during the winter. Tidal range is 5.6 ft near the bay entrance. Nutrients Tidal Fresh Mixinq Seawater 1 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ H_ 50-100% 9 ■ H 1 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ H 9 ■ 50-100% ■ Nitrogen reported as dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus reported as total phosphorus. Highest concentrations for both parameters occur May to September. Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixinq Seawater N 9 ■ N N N 9 ■ N N N 9 ■ N N 52 Key on page 23 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutraphication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Nehalem River Salinity Zones Q Tidal Fresh ■ Mixing Zone Sea water Zone Algal Conditions Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ * H 9 ■ 50-100°* M 9 ■ L 9 ■ 50-100% 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ I 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ Chl-fl speculated to occur periodically April to August. Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater VL VL - - - I Primary productivity speculatively dominated by pelagic community in seawater zone. Pelagic community dominated by diatoms in seawater zone; benthic community is diverse. Intertidal wetland coverage is very low or low with some decreases reported due to development. In Nehalem River, chlorophyll a concentration is high and turbidity concentrations range from low to medium. Nui- sance and toxic bloom events are unknown, as are concen- trations of nitrogen and phosphorus. There are no observa- tions of anoxia, hypoxia or biological stress. SAV spatial cov- erage is very low. Dissolved oxygen concentrations and SAV spatial coverage have not changed. All other trends are unknown. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mi2) 860 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 3,420 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area (mP) 3.0 0.0 2.3 0.7 Average Depth (it) 7.3 8.5 6.6 13.1 Volume (billion cu ft) 0.6 0.01 0.4 0.3 Consists of Nehalem Bay and the Nehalem River that discharges into the bay approximately 5 miles from the mouth. Receives majority of freshwater from the Nehalem River (99% of watershed). Classified as a partly-mixed system in January and September and a two-layered system in April. Mean tidal range is 5.9 ft near the entrance to the bay. Nutrients Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater gji 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater | N N _nJ N N N Dissolved Oxygen trends reported for 1970-1993. Key on page 23 53 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutraphication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Columbia River Algal Conditions Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater E 1 H H E 25-50% 25-50% ' B 1 H 50-100% 50-100% | ! N N : | N Y 9 ■ Chl-a blooms occur periodically May to August with limiting factors of light and retention time. Elevated turbidity occurs aU year. Toxic Alexandrium spp. occurs periodically September to November and Pseudo-nitzschia spp. occurs episodically throughout the year. Ecosystem/Community Responses i Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater VL VL * 0 Primary productivity dominated by benthic community in tntertidal areas, and pelagic in subtidal areas. Pelagic community dominated by diatoms in tidal fresh and seawater zones, except in summers flagellates dominate; benthic community is diverse. SAV increase due to expanding mudflats. Intertidal wetland coverage is low in tidal fresh zone and medium in mixing zone, with decreases reported due to development. In Columbia River, chlorophyll a and turbidity concentra- tions are high. Nuisance blooms do not occur, but toxic blooms occur in mixing zone. Concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus are medium. Anoxia, hypoxia and biologi- cal stress are not observed in this system. SAV spatial cov- erage is very low. All trends are stable except a decrease in phosphorus con- centrations and an increase in mixing zone SAV coverage. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mi2) 5,609 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 272,500 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area (m?) 240.7 171.4 69.3 Average Depth (ft) 15.6 14.3 20.3 Volume (billion cu It) 104.9 68.3 39.2 A highly dynamic estuarine system consisting of the Columbia River and several tributaries. Tidal influence can be felt as far upstream as the Bonneville Dam (not pictured), ~ 65 miles upstream. Wide variations in salinity gradients occur throughout the year. Saltwater intrusion is more pronounced during lower upland flow periods. Mean tidal range is 5.6 ft. at the river mouth. Nutrients Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater 1 M : 50-100% M 50-100% t I M K 50-100% 4 * M 50-100% O ■ Highest nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations occur December to April. Decrease in phosphorus associated with changes in non- point sources. Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater J N 9 ■ N 9 ■ N 9 ■ N 9 ■ N 9 ■ [r^ 9 ■ Increase in duration of dissolved oxygen events attributed to non- point sources. 54 Key on page 23 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Willapa Bay Pacific Ocean Miles Salinity Zones Q Tidal Fresh ■ Mixing Zone ^ Seawater Zone Algal Conditions Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater 1 L 9 ■ M 9 ■ M 9 ■ 50-100% 25-50% 1 H & H ft M Y 9 ■ Y 0 Chl-fl blooms occur periodically March to September with limiting factor of depth. Highest turbidity occurs in Elliot/Commencement Bays periodically April to December and in February, and in Main Basin October to December and February to April. Nuisance Choetoseros spp. and Heterosigma spp. occur periodically April to November. Toxic Alexandrium spp. occurs periodically all year. Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater 9 ■ 9 ■ VL ^> I Primary productivity dominated by pelagic community. Pelagic community dominated by diatoms, except in summer when flagellates dominate; benthic community is a diverse mixture. SAV decrease attributed to macroaglae blooms. Intertidal wetland coverage is very low, with decreases due to development. In Puget Sound, chlorophyll a and turbidity concentrations are high. Nuisance and toxic blooms are reported to occur periodically. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations are medium. There are no observations of anoxia or hypoxia, however biological stress is observed in the seawater zone. SAV spatial coverage is very low in the seawater zone. Trends for chlorophyll a, turbidity, nitrogen, and phospho- rus concentrations are unknown. Nuisance and toxic bloom impacts have increased in the seawater zone. SAV spatial coverage in the seawater zone has decreased. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mP) 7,813 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 51,100 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area (mP) 396.9 24.5 372.4 Average Depth (ft) 211.2 323.1 208.8 Volume (billion cu ft) 2337.1 220.7 2167.9 A fjord-like estuary connecting through Admiralty inlet to the Strait of Juan de Fuca westward to the Pacific Ocean. The main basin extends southward from Admiralty Inlet near Possession Point to the narrows. The Skagit, Stillaguamish, and the Snohomish rivers are the major sources of freshwater. Seasonally, deepwater replacement occurs when saline waters move into the main basin, eventually replacing less dense, mixed waters. Tides and wind influence circulation and salinity structure within the main basin. Tidal range is approximately 7 ft near the mouth of the main basin. Nutrients Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater M 50-100% 9 ■ M 50-100% 9 ■ M 9 ■ M 50-100% 9 ■ 50-100% Highest nitrogen concentrations occur throughout year in Elliot and Commencement Bays and January to April in the Main Basin. Highest phosphorus concentrations reported throughout year. Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixing N 9 ■ N 9 ■ N 9 ■ Seawater N 9 ■ N 9 ■ Periodic biological stress occurs in bottom waters July to November. Key on page 23 57 NOAA's Estimrine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Hood Canal Milps^ Algal Conditions Tidal Fresh Mixing H M 50-100% N N Seawater M 50-100% M 50-100% N N Chl-a blooms occur periodically April to August with limiting factors of nitrogen and light in mixing zone, and nitrogen and depth in seawater zone. Elevated turbidity occurs periodically June to October. Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Fresh Mixing VL Seawater VL Primary productivity dominated by pelagic community. Pelagic community dominated by diatoms; benthic community dominated by mollusks in mixing zone and is diverse in seawater zone, but historically both zones dominated by annelids. Intertidal wetland coverage is very low with decreases reported due to development. In Hood Canal, chlorophyll a concentrations range from medium to high and turbidity concentrations are medium. Nuisance and toxic blooms are not observed. Concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus are medium. Anoxia is observed in the mixing zone, and hypoxia and biological stress are observed throughout the system. SAV spatial coverage is very low. All trends are unknown. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mP) 976 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 6,500 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area fm^j 154.1 29.5 124.6 Average Depth (ft) 229.9 265.1 213.9 Volume (billion cu ft) 987.8 218.0 743.1 Puget Sound subsystem consisting of Hood Canal, Dabob Bay, and several small embayments. Entrance is between Tala Point and Foulweather Bluff. Hood Canal has very limited tidelands compared to other areas of Puget Sound. Mudflats exist in the Lynch Cove area. Tidal range is 7.5 ft near Dabob Bay. Nutrients Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater M 9 ■ M 9 ■ 50-100% 50-100% I M 9 ■ M 9 ■ 50-100% 50-100% Highest nitrogen concentrations occur November to April and phosphorus concentrations throughout the year. Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater | Y 9 ■ N 9 ■ 50-100% | Y 9 ■ Y 9 ■ 50-100% 25-50% I Y 9 ■ Y 9 ■ 50-100% 25-50% Bottom-water anoxia observed episodically in October, bottom- water hypoxia observed all year in mixing zone and periodically July to March in seawater zone, and bottom-water biological stress conditions observed all year. Water column stratification is a highly significant factor. ___ 58 Key on page 23 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Whidbey Basin/Skagit Bay Salinity Zones Everett Snohomish River Tata Point' I $\g )%\[ So9und 7Possession NT ' Point f Algal Conditions Tidal Fresh Mixing H H N Seawater H M N Chl-a blooms occur periodically March to August with co-limiting factors of light and depth. Elevated turbidity occurs periodically December to January and March to July. Nuisance Heterosigma spp. occurs episodically. Ecosystem/Community Responses Primary productivity dominated by pelagic community. Pelagic community dominated by diatoms, except in summer when flagellates dominate; benthic community speculatively dominated by annelids. Intertidal wetland coverage is low in mixing zone with increase reported due to invasive species, and very low in seawater zone with speculated decrease due to development. Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater ■ 1 VL 9 ■ VL 9 ■ ■ In Whidbey Basin/Skagit Bay, chlorophyll a concentrations are high and turbidity concentrations are high in the mixing zone and medium in the seawater zone. Nuisance blooms are reported in the mixing and seawater zones. Concentra- tions of nitrogen and phosphorus are medium. Anoxia and hypoxia are observed in the seawater zone and biological stress is reported in the mixing and seawater zones. SAV spatial coverage is very low. All trends are unknown. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mP) 1 ,408 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 36,600 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area (m?) 246.0 145.3 100.7 Average Depth (it) 154.5 85.7 237.3 Volume (billion cu H) 1059.4 347.2 666.2 Northeastern subsystem of Puget Sound encompassing water portion from Possession Sound to Deception Pass, a natural outlet to the Juan de Fuca Straight. Skagit Bay is the shallowest area, and Possession Sound is the deepest. Tides are frequently out of phase with other areas within the system and the range is 7.4 ft near the entrance at Deception Pass. Nutrients Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater | M 9 ■ M 9 ■ 50-100% 50-100% I M 9 ■ M 9 ■ 50-100% 50-100% Highest nitrogen concentrations observed November to April and phosphorus concentrations reported throughout the year. Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixing N 9 ■ N Seawater Bottom-water anoxic events observed in Perm Cove periodically in October, and hypoxia and biological stress observed August to October. Water column stratification is a highly significant factor. Key on page 23 59 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast South Puget Sound Salinity Zones H Tidal Fresh ■ Mixing Zone D SeawaterZone Miles 3 .Olympia North Algal Conditions J TF Mixing Seawater [ In General Budd Inlet M 50-100% 9 ■ H 50-100% 9 ■ H 50-100% 9 ■ § M 50-100% 9 ■ H 25-50% 9 ■ M 50-100% 9 ■ 1 Y 9 ■ Y 9 ■ Y 9 ■ ! Y 9 ■ Y 9 ■ Y 9 ■ Chl-fl blooms occur periodically April to October with co-limiting factors of nitrogen and light. Elevated turbidity occurs periodically April to October in seawater zone and all year in mixing zone. Nuisance Gymnodinium sanguineum and Ceratium fusus, and toxic Alexandrium spp. occur periodically June to October. Ecosystem/Community Responses TF Mixing VL u VL m Seawater u\? Primary productivity dominated by pelagic community. Pelagic community dominated by diatoms, except in summer flagellates dominate; benthic community is diverse. Intertidal wetland coverage is low in mixing zone and very low in seawater zone. In South Puget Sound, chlorophyll a and turbidity concen- trations range from medium to high. Nuisance and toxic blooms occur periodically. Nitrogen and phosphorus con- centrations are medium. Anoxia is not observed, however hypoxia is observed in the mixing zone and biological stress is observed in all zones. SAV spatial coverage ranges from very low to low. All trends are unknown except a decrease reported in nitro- gen concentrations in Budd Inlet. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mP) n/a Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) n/a Estuary TF Mixing Seawater Surface Area f/w2; 192.1 In General Budd Inlet 19.0 16.9 156.2 Average Depth (ft) n/a n/a n/a n/a Volume (billon cu ft) n/a n/a n/a n/a Southernmost portion of Puget Sound. Consists of several passages, inlets, and interconnected waterways and a shoreline that is highly complex and extensive, lite entrance is at the Narrows, a short, steep sided passage that provides the only access between South Puget Sound and the Main Basin. The significant tidal range and more gentle sloping shoreline creates abundant intertidal areas. Nutrients TF Mixing Seawater J In General Budd Inlet M 50-100% 9 ■ M 50-100% * M 50-100% 9 ■ 5 M 50-100% 9 ■ M 50-100% 9 ■ M 50-100% 9 ■ Elevated nitrogen concentrations occur October to June, with decrease reported for 1994-97 attributed to changes in point sources. Elevated phosphorus concentrations occur throughout the year. Dissolved Oxygen TF Mixing Seawater In General Budd Inlet 9 ■ 9 ■ N 9 ■ N 9 ■ ;:! Y 10-25% 9 ■ Y 25-50% 9 ■ N 9 ■ 1 Y 25-50% 9 ■ 25-50% 9 ■ Y 25-50% 9 ■ Bottom-water hypoxia and biological stress observed periodically j July to October. Water column stratification is a significant factor. 60 Key on page 23 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Port Orchard Sound v Algal Conditions Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater H 25-50% 9 ■ M 50-100% 9 ■ Y ? Chl-a blooms occur periodically March to August with light, depth and nitrogen as limiting factors. Elevated turbidity, nuisance Heterosigma spp., and toxic Alexandrium spp. occur periodically April to October. Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater VL * Primary productivity dominated by pelagic community. Pelagic community dominated by diatoms, except in summer when flagellates dominate; benthic community speculated to be diverse. SAV decrease attributed to macroalgae blooms. Intertidal wetland spatial coverage is very low. In Port Orchard Sound, chlorophyll a concentrations are high and turbidity concentrations are medium. Nuisance and toxic blooms occur periodically. Concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus are medium. Biological stress is observed in the system, but not anoxia or hypoxia. SAV spatial cover- age is very low. All trends are unknown except a speculative decrease in SAV spatial coverage. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (m\2) n/a Avg. Daily Inflow (els) n/a Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface Area (mP) 36.3 36.3 Average Depth (ft) n/a n/a Volume (bHUon cu It) n/a n/a Subsystem of Puget Sound consisting of Dyes Inlet, Sinclair Inlet, Port Orchard, and Liberty Bay. Waters in Rich Passage are fairly deep while Agate Passage is shallow and narrow. The entire central portion is moderately shallow and contain extensive tideland areas. Nutrients Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater M 50-100% 9 ■ M 50-100% 9 ■ Elevated nitrogen concentrations occur September to May and phosphorus concentrations throughout the year. Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater N 9 ■ N 9 ■ Y 9 ■ 10-25% Key on page 23 61 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Washington Northern Bays Bellingham Bay Salinity Zones 0 Tidal Fresh ■ Mixing Zone E3 Seawaier Zone Algal Conditions 1 TF Mixing Seawater 1 BeUingham/PadOa/Sofnlsh Sequim/Diacovery Bay H 25-50% 9 ■ H 25-50% m H H 10-25% 9 ■ L 9 ■ | \K 9 ■ ■ 9 ■ 1 Y 9 ■ Y 9 ■ Chl-a blooms occur periodically April to October with limiting factors of light, nitrogen and depth. Elevated turbidity occurs periodically April to June and December to February in Bellingham/Padilla/Samish Bays, and April to July in Sequim/Discovery Bays. Toxic Akxandnum spp. occurs periodically July to October. Ecosystem/Community Responses TF Mixing Seawater M Bollingham/Padilla/SomlBh Saquim/Diacovaiy Bay M 1> L ■ Primary productivity is mix of SAV and pelagic communities in Bellingham/ Padilla/Samish Bays and is dominated by pelagic community in Sequim/Discovery Bays. Pelagic community dominated by diatoms, except in summer when flagellates dominate. In Bellingham/Padilla/Samish Bays, SAV increase attributed to increased sediments due to changes in freshwater inflow. Intertidal wetland coverage is very low. In Washington Northern Bays, chlorophyll a concentrations are high and turbidity ranges from low to high. There are no observed nuisance blooms but toxic blooms occur periodi- cally. Concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus are me- dium. Biological stress is observed in the system, but not anoxia or hypoxia. SAV spatial coverage ranges from low to medium. All trends are unknown, except a low magnitude increase in SAV spatial coverage in Bellingham/Padilla/Samish Bays. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mP) n/a Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) n/a Estuary TF Muting Seawater Surface Area (mP) 161.5 Bellingham/ Gaqulm/Dlscovafv PadKla/Sarrtah 135.3 26.2 Average Depth (it) n/a n/a n/a Volume (blllioncuft) n/a n/a n/a Open embayments to the Strait of Georgia and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. There is little freshwater inflow to these coastal bays. Instead, the bays are dominated primarily by tidal currents. Nutrients TF Mixing Seawater Bolllngham/Pedllla/Somi* S*qulm/Dlscov9ry Bay 50-100% 9 ■ WL 50-100% 9 ■ WL 50-1 00% 9 ■ M 50-100% 9 ■ Elevated nitrogen concentrations occur August to April and phosphorus concentrations reported throughout the year. Dissolved Oxygen TF Mixing Seawater BaWngha/TVPadilla/Somlah Saqulm/Dlscovery Bay N* u N 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ N 9 ■ N 0 m Y 10-25% 9 ■ Periodic bottom-water biological stress observed August to October in Sequim Bay. 62 Key on page 23 Regional Summary Regional classification status of existing conditions for 12 parameters as a cumulative percent of total estua- rine surface area for three salinity zones. The spatial extent of existing conditions was recorded for each salinity zone in each estuary when indicators were recorded at their maximum thresholds (i.e., when chl-a was recorded as hypereutrophic, when turbidity, nitrogen, or phosphorus were recorded as high, and when anoxia, hypoxia, or biologically stressed oxygen conditions were ob- served). Four broad ranges of spatial extent were used: high (51%-100% of the surface area in a particular zone of an estuary), medium (26%-50%), low (10%-25%), and very low (1%-10%). For some estuaries, existing conditions were reported but spatial coverage was unknown. The figure represents a method for quantifying these results. A black bar shows conservative estimates of cumulative spatial extent (e.g., high spatial extent equals 51% of an estuary's surface area). A black bar with white lines shows liberal estimates (e.g., high equals 100% and unknown spatial coverage also equals 100%). White bars show the cumu- lative total surface area reported to have low concentrations or no observed conditions. Tidal Fresh (234.4 rri2) Mixing (588.5 mi2) Seawaler (1933.4 mi2) Chlorophyll a f! Turbidity TON I i TDP s I Anoxia I I Hypoxia I I Biological Stress I I ] E E £ \ ■ .-i Concentration / Condition (Chl-a, Turb.. N. & P) (Anoxia, Hypoxia, Bio Stress) High Concentration / Observed Low-endJ Range 1 j_ High-end Range/ t -glial Unknown Spatial xlerrt Coverage □ The presence of suspended solids, nuisance algae, toxic algae, macroalgae, and epiphytes in each salinity zone was reported as either impacting resources, not impacting resources, or unknown. The spatial extent of these conditions was not recorded. Tidal Fresh (234.4 ml2) Susp. Solids I 1 Nuisance Algae 1 1 Toxic Algae f" | Macroalgae | 1 Epiphytes | 1 Mixing (588.5 mt2> Condition (Susp. Solids, Nuisance/Toxic Algae, Macroalgae, Epiphytes) Impacts Resources No Resource Impact □ 63 Appendix 1: Participants The persons below supplied the information included in this report. Survey participants provided the initial data to ORCA via survey forms sent through the mail. Site visit participants provided additional data through on-site interviews with project staff. These persons also reviewed initial survey data where available. Workshop participants reviewed and revised, in a workshop setting, preliminary aggregate results and, where possible, provided additional data that was still missing. All participants also had the opportunity to provide comments and suggestions on the estuary salinity maps. | Pacific Coast Regional Workshop (March 17-21, 1997 San Francisco, CA) Oregon and Washington Frank Cox John A. Johnson Larry Marxer Greg McMurray Jan Newton Curtis Roegner Randy Shuman Barbara Sullivan Kathy Taylor Ron Thorn California Shirley Birosik Karleen Boyle Jane Caffrey Brian Cole Scott Dawson John Hannum Deborah Johnston Katie Kropp Peggy Lehman Bruce Moore Don Reish Bruce Thompson Karen Worcester Participated in absentia Kathleen Sayce Joy Zedler I Survey/Site Visits Washington Department of Health Oregon Fish and Wildlife Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Washington State Department of Ecology Oregon Institute of Marine Biology Metropolitan King County Ambient Monitoring Oregon State University CREST Battelle/Marine Sciences Laboratory Los Angeles Water Quality Control Board UCLA Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve US Geological Survey Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board California Department Fish and Game Morro Bay National Estuary Program Department of Water Resources Orange Co. Environmental Management Agency California State University San Francisco Estuarine Institute Morro Bay National Estuary Program Shoalwater Botanical San Diego State University participated in site visit participated in survey and site visit Tijuana Estuary Karleen Boyle* Peggy Fong* Peter Michael* Grieg Peters Joy Zedler* San Diego Bay Peter Michael • Bill Paznokas Grieg Peters UCLA UCLA San Diego Wat. Qual. Con. Bd. San Diego Wat. Qual. Con. Bd. San Diego State University San Diego Wat. Qual. Con. Bd. Calif. Dept. of Fish & Game San Diego Wat. Qual. Con. Bd. Mission Bay Lisa Levin Peter Michael* Grieg Peters Bill Paznokas Newport Bay Karleen Boyle* Scott Dawson* Peggy Fong* Christopher Kinner* Eric Klein* Bruce Moore* Don Reish Ken Thompson* Joy Zedler* Scripps Institute of Oceanog. San Diego Wat. Qual. Con. Bd. San Diego Wat. Qual. Con. Bd. Calif. Dept. of Fish & Game UCLA Santa Ana Wat. Qual. Con. Bd UCLA Irvine Ranch Water District Orange Co. Env. Mgmt. Ag. Orange Co. Env. Mgmt. Ag. California State University Irvine Ranch Water District San Diego State University 64 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast San Pedro Bay Shirley Birosik Don Reish Alamitos Bay Shirley Birosik Don Reish Anaheim Bay Eric Klein* Bruce Moore* Don Reish Santa Monica Bay Don Reish Bruce Thompson Monro Bay Michael Martin Don Reish Karen Worcester Monterey Bay Deborah Johnston Michael Martin James Nybakken Elkhorn Slough Andrew DeVogelare Deborah Johnston Michael Martin James Nybakken Mark Silberstien Bruce Thompson San Francisco Bay James Cloern Donald Heinle James Hollibaugh Deborah Johnston Michael Martin Frederic Nichols Don Reish Mary Beth Saffo Larry Shemel Bruce Thompson North/Central San Jim Arthur Randall Brown Deborah Johnston Michael Josselyn Michael Martin Frederic Nichols Harlan Proctor Don Reish Larry Shemel Bruce Thompson Los Angeles Water Quality California State University Los Angeles Water Quality California State University Orange Co. Env. Mgmt. Ag. Orange Co. Env. Mgmt. Ag. California State University California State University San Francisco Estuarine Inst. Calif. Dept. of Fish & Game California State University Cen. Coast Wat. Qual. Con. Bd. Calif. Dept. of Fish & Game Calif. Dept. of Fish & Game Moss Landing Marine Lab Elkhorn Slough NERR Calif. Dept. of Fish & Game Calif. Dept. of Fish & Game Moss Landing Marine Lab Elkhorn Slough NERR San Francisco Estuarine Inst. US Geological Survey CH2MHill San Francisco State University Calif. Dept. of Fish & Game Calif. Dept. of Fish & Game US Geological Survey California State University University of Calif., Santa Cruz US Geological Survey San Francisco Estuarine Inst. Francisco Bays Bureau of Reclamation CA Dept. of Water Resources Calif. Dept. of Fish & Game San Francisco State University Calif. Dept. of Fish & Game US Geological Survey Calif. Dept. of Fish & Game California State University US Geological Survey San Francisco Estuarine Inst. Drakes Estero Michael Martin Tomales Bay Deborah Johnston Michael Martin Greg Ruiz Eel River John Hannum William Winchester Humbolt Bay Milton Boyd John Hannum Deborah Johnston William Winchester Klamath River Barry Collins John Hannum William Winchester Rogue River Tim Unterwegner Coos Bay Barbara Butler* Michael Graybill* Jan Hodder* John A. Johnson* Lynda Shapiro* Steve Rumrill* Umpqua River John A. Johnson* Siuslaw River John A. Johnson* Alsea River John A. Johnson* Yaquina Bay John Chapman* Clayton Creech* John A. Johnson* David Specht Janet Webster* Siletz Bay John A. Johnson* Netarts Bay John A. Johnson* Calif. Dept. of Fish & Game Calif. Dept. of Fish & Game Calif. Dept. of Fish & Game Smithsonian Env. Research Cn. No. Coast Water Qual. Con. Bd. No. Coast Water Qual. Con. Bd. Humboldt State University No. Coast Water Qual. Con. Bd. Calif. Dept. of Fish & Game No. Coast Water Qual. Con. Bd. Calif. Dept. of Fish & Game No. Coast Water Qual. Con. Bd. No. Coast Water Qual. Con. Bd. Oregon Dept. Fish & Wildlife Oregon Inst, of Marine Biology South Slough NEER Oregon Inst, of Marine Biology Oregon Fish and Wildlife Oregon Inst, of Marine Biology South Slough NEER Oregon Fish and Wildlife Oregon Fish and Wildlife Oregon Fish and Wildlife Hatfield Marine Science Center Hatfield Marine Science Center Oregon Fish and Wildlife US EPA Hatfield Marine Science Center Oregon Fish and Wildlife Oregon Fish and Wildlife 65 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Tillamook Bay John A. Johnson* Larry Marxer* Gregory McMurray* Avis Newell* Nehalm River John A. Johnson* Columbia River Robert Emmet Jon Graves Larry Marxer* Gregory McMurray* Kathleen Sayce Lawrence Small Oregon Fish and Wildlife Oregon Dept. of Env. Quality Oregon Dept. of Env. Quality Oregon Dept. of Env. Quality Oregon Fish and Wildlife NOAA/NMFS Columbia R. Study Task Force Oregon Dept. of Env. Quality Oregon Dept. of Env. Quality Shoalwater Botanical Oregon State University Washington Northern Bays Jan Newton* Washington State University Chris Prescott Puget Sound Wat. Qual. Auth. Pete Striplin Striplin Environmaental Assoc. Ronald Thorn* Battelle Marine Science Lab Willipa Bay Robert Emmet Larry Marxer* Gregory McMurray* Jan Newton* Kathleen Sayce Ronald Thorn* NOAA/NMFS Oregon Dept. of Env. Quality Oregon Dept. of Env. Quality Wash. State Dept. of Ecology Shoalwater Botanical Battelle Marine Science Lab Grays Harbor Carol Janzen Jan Newton* Jack Word Wash. State Dept. of Ecology Battelle Ocean Sciences Puget Sound Eugene Collias Andrea Copping Jan Newton* Frederick Nichols Chris Prescott Jack Rensel Ron Thorn* NW Consultant Oceanogr. Inc. Washington Sea Grant Wash. State Dept. of Ecology US Geological Survey Puget Sound Wat. Qual. Auth. University of Washington Battelle Marine Sciences Lab Hood Canal Jan Newton* Chris Prescott Pete Striplin Ron Thorn • Wash. State Dept. of Ecology Puget Sound Wat. Qual. Auth. Striplin Environmaental Assoc. Battelle Marine Sciences Lab Whidbey Basin/Skagit Bay Jan Newton* Wash. State Dept. of Ecology Chris Prescott Puget Sound Wat. Qual. Auth. Pete Striplin Striplin Environmaental Assoc. Ronald Thorn • Battelle Marine Science Lab South Puget Sound Jan Newton* Chris Prescott Pete Striplin Ronald Thorn* Wash. State Dept. of Ecology Puget Sound Wat. Qual. Auth. Striplin Environmaental Assoc. Battelle Marine Science Lab Port Orchard Sound Jan Newton* Chris Prescott Pete Striplin Ronald Thorn* Wash. State Dept. of Ecology Puget Sound Wat. Qual. Auth. Striplin Environmaental Assoc. Battelle Marine Science Lab 66 Appendix 2: Estuary References The following references were recommended by one or more Eutrophication Survey participants as critical background material for understanding the nutrient enrichment characteristics of individual Pacific Coast estuaries. In some cases, the survey results are based directly upon these publications. This list is not comprehensive; some estuaries are not included because no suggestions were received. Tijuana Estuary Beare, P.A. and J.B. Zedler. 1987. Cattail invasion and persistence in a coastal salt marsh: The role of salinity. Estuaries 10:165-170. Busnardo, M.J., R.M. Gersber, R. Langis, T.L. Sinicrope, and J.B. Zedler. 1992. Nitrogen and phosphorus re- moval by wetland mesocosms subjected to different hydroperiods. Ecol. Eng. 1:287-307. Fong, P., J.B. Zedler, and R.M. Donohoe. 1993. Nitro- gen vs phosphorus limitation of algal biomass in shal- low coastal lagoons. Limnology and Oceanography 38:906-923. Winfield, T.R Jr. 1980 (PhD dissertation). Dynamics of carbon and nitrogen in southern California salt marsh. California: University of California-Riverside and San Diego State University. Zedler, J.B. 1996a. Ecological issues in wetland mitiga- tion. An introduction to the forum. Ecology Applica- tions 6:33-37. Zedler, J.B. 1996b. Coastal mitigation in southern Cali- fornia: The need for a regional restoration strategy. Ecology Applications 6:84-93. Zedler, J.B. 1993. Canopy architecture of natural and planted cordgrass marshes: Selecting habitat evalua- tion criteria. Ecology Applications 3:123-138. Zedler, J.B. 1992. Invasive exotic plants: Threats to coastal biodiversity. In: Proceedings of the marine en- vironment of Southern California symposium, South- ern California Academy of Sciences, May 1991. Los Angeles: University of Southern California, Sea Grant Program, pp. 49-62. Zedler, J.B. 1986. Catastrophic flooding and distribu- tional patterns of Pacific cordgrass (Spartina floiosa Trin.). Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 85:74-86. Zedler, J.B. 1984. Salt marsh restoration. La Jolla: Cali- fornia Sea Grant College. Zedler, J.B. 1983. Freshwater impacts in normally hy- persaline marshes. Estuaries 6:346-355. Zedler, J.B. 1982. The ecology of southern California coastal salt marshes: A community profile. FWS/OBS- 31/5431/54. (second printing with corrections 1984). Washington, DC: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bio- logical Services Program. Zedler, J.B. 1977. Salt marsh community structure in the Tijuana Estuary, California. Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science 5:39-53. Zedler, J.B. and P. Beare. 1986. Temporal variability of salt marsh vegetation: The role of low-salinity gaps and environmental stress. In: Wolfe, D. (ed.), Estuarine Vari- ability. New York City: Academic Press, pp. 295-306. Zedler, J.B., M. Busnardo, R. Sinicrope, R. Langis, R. Gersberg, and S. Baczkowski. 1994. Pulsed-discharge wastewater wetlands: The potential for solving mul- tiple problems by varying hydroperiod. In: Mitsch, W. (ed.), Global wetlands: Old world and new. New York City: Elsevier Press, pp. 363-368. Zedler, J.B., J.D. Covin, C.S. Nordby, P. Williams, and J. Boland. 1986. Catastrophic events reveal the dynamic nature of salt-marsh vegetation in Southern California. Estuaries 9:75-80. Zedler, J.B., R. Langis, B. Nyden, and M. Busnardo. 1992. Assessing the effects of sewage inflows on Tijuana Estuary. NO AA tech. memo. NOS MEMD. Washing- ton, DC: NOAA. Zedler, J.B., C.S. Norby, and B.E. Nus. 1992. The ecol- ogy of Tijuana Estuary: A National Estuarine Research Reserve. Washington, DC: NOAA, Office of Coastal Resource Management, Sanctuaries and Reserves Di- vision. San Diego Bay Browning, B.M. and J.W. Speth. 1973. The natural re- sources of San Diego Bay: Their status and future. Coastal Wetlands Series no. 5. Sacramento, CA: Cali- fornia Department of Fish and Game. 67 NO AA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Fong, P. 1986 (master's thesis). Monitoring and manipu- lation of phytoplankton dynamics in a Southern Cali- fornia estuary. San Diego, CA: San Diego State Uni- versity. Fong, P., R. Rudnicki, and J.B. Zedler. 1987. Algal com- munity response to nitrogen and phosphorous load- ings in experimental mesocosms: Management recom- mendations for southern California lagoons. Califor- nia: San Diego Association of Governments. Zedler, J.B. 1980. Algal mat productivity: Comparisons in a salt marsh. Estuaries 3:122-131. Zedler, J.B. and R. Langis. 1991. Comparisons of con- structed and natural salt marshes of San Diego Bay. Restoration and Management Notes 9:21-25. Zedler, J.B., R. Langis, J. Cantilli, M. Zalejko, and S. Rutherford. 1990. Assessing the successful function- ing of constructed marshes. In: Hughes, H.G. and T.M. Bonnicksen (eds.), Proceedings of the annual confer- ence, 1989. Madison, WI: Society of Ecological Resto- ration and Management, pp. 311-318. Zedler, J.B., C. Norby, and T. Griswold. 1990. Linkages: Among estuarine habitats and with the watershed. NOAA tech. memo. NOS MEMD. Washington, DC: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Newport Bay County of Orange. Annotated bibliography for New- port Bay (NPDES annual report). Anaheim, C A: County of Orange, Public Facilities and Resources Dept. 500 pp. MEC Analytical Systems, Inc. 1997. Biological resources of Upper Newport Bay, California. Contract #DACW09-97-D-003. Los Angeles: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, LA District. Moffatt & Nicholl, Engineers. 1993. Tidal hydraulics, flood flow hydraulics, and water quality assessment for the proposed plan at Bolsa Chica. M&N file 2778- 095. Newport Beach, CA: The Bolsa Chica Co. Moffatt & Nicholl, Engineers. 1991. Tidal-induced cur- rents under the Anaheim Bay bridge. M&N file 2778- 095. Newport Beach, CA: The Koll Co. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1997. Feasibility report: Upper Newport Bay, Orance County, California: Final model and GUI development and implementation re- port. Los Angeles: USACOE, LA District. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1998 (in press). Upper Newport Bay, California: Draft baseline conditions re- port. Los Angeles: USACOE, LA District. San Pedro Bay MEC Analytical Systems, Inc. 1988. Biological baseline and an ecological evaluation of existing habitats in Los Angeles Harbor and adjacent waters, vol. 2. Los Ange- les: Port of Los Angeles. Alamitos Bay City of Long Beach. 1991. Draft environmental impact report: Marine stadium master plan. State of California. Unpublished data. Bay protection and toxic cleanup program. Southern California Estuaries Zedler, J.B. 1996. Tidal wetland restoration: A scientific perspective and southern California focus: Index. Re- port no. T-038. La Jolla, CA: University of California, Sea Grant College System. San Francisco Bay Alpine, A.E. and J.E. Cloern. 1992. Trophic interactions and direct physical effects control phytoplankton bio- mass and production in an estuary. Limnology and Oceanography 37(5):946-955. Alpine, A.E. and J.E. Cloern. 1988. Phytoplankton growth rates in a light-limited environment, San Fran- cisco Bay. Marine Ecology Program Series 44:167-173. Alpine, A.E., J.E. Cloern, and B.E. Cole. 1981. Plankton studies in San Francisco Bay, vol. 1: Chlorophyll distri- butions and hydrographic properties of the San Fran- cisco Bay estuary, July 1977-December 1979. USGS open-file rpt. 81-213. Washington, DC: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). 150 pp Alpine, A.E., S.M. Wienke, J.E. Cloern, and B.E. Cole. 1988. Plankton studies in San Francisco Bay, vol. 9: Chlorophyll distributions and hydrographic properties of South San Francisco Bay, 1984-1986. USGS open-file rpt. 88-319. Washington, DC: USGS. 86 pp. Alpine, A.E., S.M. Wienke, J.E. Cloern, B.E. Cole, and R .L.J. Wong. 1985. Plankton studies in San Francisco Bay, vol. 11: Chlorophyll distributions and hydro- graphic properties of south San Francisco Bay, 1983. USGS open-file rpt. 85-196. Washington, DC: USGS. 58 pp. 68 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Association of Bay Area Governments. 1992. State of the estuary: A report on conditions and problems in the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta estuary. Prepared under cooperative agreement with the U.S. EPA. Oakland, CA: San Francisco Estuary Project. 270 pp. Buchanan, PA., D.H. Schoelihamer, and R.C. Sheipline. 1996. Summary of suspended-solids concentration data, San Francisco Bay, California, water year 1994. USGS open-file rpt. 95-776. Washington, DC: USGS. 47 pp. Caffrey, J.M., B.E. Cole, J.E. Cloern, J.R. Rudek, A.C. Tyler, and A.D. Jassby 1994. Studies of the plankton and its environment in the San Francisco Bay estuary, California, regional monitoring results, 1993. USGS open-file rpt. 94-82. Washington, DC: USGS. 411 pp. Canuel, E. A. and J.E. Cloern. 1996. Regional differences in the origins of organic mater in the San Francisco Bay ecosystem: Evidence from lipid biomarkers. In: Hollibaugh, J.T. (ed.), San Francisco Bay: The ecosys- tem. San Francisco, CA: Pacific Division of the Ameri- can Association for the Advancement of Science, pp. 305-324. Cloern, J.E. 1996. Phytoplankton bloom dynamics in coastal ecosystems: A review with some general les- sons from sustained investigation of San Francisco Bay, California. Reviews of Geophysics 34:127-168. Cloern, J.E. 1982. Does the benthos control phytoplank- ton biomass in south San Francisco Bay? Marine Ecol- ogy Progress Series 9:191-202. Cloern, J.E. 1979. Phytoplankton ecology of the San Francisco Bay system: The status of our current under- standing. In: Conomos, T.J. (ed.), San Francisco Bay: The urbanized estuary. San Francisco, CA: Pacific Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, pp. 247-264. Cloern, J.E., B.E. Cole, R.L.J. Wong, and A.E. Alpine. 1985. Temporal dynamics of estuarine phytoplankton: A case study of San Francisco Bay Hydrobiologia 129:152-176. Cloern, J.E. and A.D. Jassby. 1995. Yearly fluctuation of the spring phytoplankton bloom in South San Francisco Bay: An example of ecological variability at the land- sea interface. In: Steele, J.H, T.M. Powell, and S. Levin (eds.), Ecological tme series. New York City: Chapman Hall. pp. 139-149. Cloern, J.E. and F.H. Nichols (eds.). 1985. Temporal dynamics of an estuary: San Francisco Bay. The Neth- erlands: Kluwer, Dordrecht. 237 pp. Cohen, A.N. and J.T. Carlton. 1998. Accelerating inva- sion rate in a highly invaded estuary. Science 279:555- 557. Cohen, A.N. and J.T. Carlton. 1995. Nonindigenous aquatic species in a U.S. estuary: A case study of the biological invasions of the San Francisco Bay and delta. Washington, DC: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Cole, B.E. and J.E. Cloern. 1984. The significance of bio- mass and light availability to phytoplankton produc- tivity in San Francisco Bay, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series 17:15-24. Conomos, T.J. 1979. San Francisco Bay: The urbanized estuary. San Francisco, CA: Pacific Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Conomos, T.J., R.E. Smith, D.H. Peterson, S.W. Hager, and L.E. Schemel. 1979. Processes affecting seasonal distributions of water properties in the San Francisco Bay estuarine system. In: Conomos, T.J. (ed.), San Fran- cisco Bay: The urbanized estuary. San Francisco, CA: Pacific Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, pp. 115-142. Goodrich, D.M. (ed.). 1987. San Francisco Bay: Issues, resources, status, and management: Proceedings of a seminar held Nov. 22, 1985, Washington, DC. Wash- ington, DC: NOAA, Estuarine Programs Office. 159 pp. Hager, S.W. 1994. Dissolved nutrient and suspended particulate matter data for the San Francisco Bay estu- ary, California, Oct. 1991 through Nov. 1993. USGS open-file rpt. 94-471. Washington, DC: USGS. 53 pp. Hager, S.W. 1993. 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Salem: Oregon Dept. of Land Con- servation and Development. 126 pp. Hamilton, S.F. (ed.). 1973. Oregon estuaries. Salem: State of Oregon, Division of State Lands. 42 pp. Miller, J. and RJ. Garono. 1994. Impacts of erosion and sedi- mentation in Tillamook Bay and watershed: Summary of Tillamook Bay National Estuary Project scientific/technical advisory committee forum. Rpt. no. 01-94. Salem, OR: TBNEP. Nehalem River Cortright, R., J. Weber, and R. Bailey. 1987. The Oregon estuary plan book. Salem: Oregon Dept. of Land Con- servation and Development. 126 pp. Hamilton, S.F. (ed.). 1973. Oregon estuaries. Salem: State of Oregon, Division of State Lands. 42 pp. Columbia River Cortright, R., J. Weber, and R. Bailey. 1987. The Oregon estuary plan book. Salem: Oregon Dept. of Land Con- servation and Development. 126 pp. Fox, D.S., S. Bell, W. Nehlsen, and J. Damron. 1984. The Columbia River estuary: Atlas of physical and biologi- cal characteristics. Astoria, OR: Columbia River Estu- ary Data Development Program. Fuhrer, G.J., D.Q. Tanner, J.L. Morace, S.W. McKenzie, and K.A. Skach. 1996. Water quality of the lower Co- lumbia River Basin: Analysis of current and historical water-quality data through 1994. USGS water resources investigative rpt. 95-4294. Graves, J.K., J.A. Christy, P.J. Clinton, and P.L. Britz. 1995. Historic habitats of the lower Columbia River. Salem, OR: Columbia River Estuary Study Task Force. 14 pp. Hamilton, S.F. (ed.). 1973. Oregon estuaries. Salem: State of Oregon, Division of State Lands. 42 pp. 72 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Lara-Lara, J.R., B.E. Frey, and L.F. Small. 1990. Primary production in the Columbia River estuary I: Spatial and temporal variability of properties. Pacific Science 44: 17- 37. Small, L.F. and B.E. Frey. 1984. Water column primary production in the Columbia River estuary. Salem, OR: Columbia River Estuary Data Development Program. 133 pp. Willapa Bay Newton, J. A., S.L. Albertson, and A.L. Thomson. 1997. Washington State marine water quality in 1994 and 1995. Pub. no. 97-316. Pullman, WA: Washington State University, Dept. of Ecology. Grays Harbor Newton, J. A., S.L. Albertson, and A.L. Thomson. 1997. Washington State marine water quality in 1994 and 1995. Pub. no. 97-316. Pullman, WA: Washington State University, Dept. of Ecology. Puget Sound Harrison, P.J., D.L. Mackas, B.W. Frost, R.W. MacDonald, and EA. Crecelius. 1994. An assessment of nutrients, plankton, and some pollutants in the wa- ter column of Juan de Fuca Strait, Strait of Georgia and Puget Sound, and their transboundary transport. In: Review of the marine environment and biota of Strait of Georgia, Puget Sound and Juan de Fuca Strait, pro- ceedings of the BC /Washington symposium on the marine environment, Jan. 13-14, 1994. Canadian Tech- nical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 1948. 398 pp. King County Department of Natural Resources. 1996. Water quality status report for marine waters: King County area, 1995. Seattle, WA: King County Dept. of Natural Resources, Water and Land Resources Division. King County Department of Metropolitan Services. 1994. Water quality status report for marine waters: King County area, 1993. Seattle, WA: King County De- partment of Metropolitan Services. King County Department of Metropolitan Services. 1993. Water quality status report for marine waters: King County area, 1990-1992. Seattle, WA: King County Department of Metropolitan Services. Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle. 1989. Water qual- ity status report for marine waters. Seattle, WA: Mu- nicipality of Metropolitan Seattle. Newton, J.A., S.L. Albertson, and A.L. Thomson. 1997. Washington State marine water quality in 1994 and 1995. Pub. no. 97-316. Pullman, WA: Washington State Universiry, Dept. of Ecology. 71 pp. + apps. Newton, J. A., A.L. Thomson, L.B. Eisner, G. A. Hannach, and S.L. Albertson. 1995. Dissolved oxygen concentra- tions in Hood Canal: Are conditions different than 40 years ago? In: Puget Sound Research 1995 Proceedings. Olympia, WA: Puget Sound Water Quality Authority, pp. 1002-1008. Rensel, J.E. 1993. Factors controlling Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning in Puget Sound. Journal of Shellfish Research 12:2:371-376. Rensel Associates and PTI Environmental Services. 1991. Nutrients and Phytoplankton in Puget Sound: EPA 910/9-91-002, Seattle. 130 pp. Stober, Q.J. and K.K. Chew. 1984. Renton sewage treat- ment plant project: Seahurst baseline study. Prepared for the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle. Seattle, WA: University of Washington, School of Fisheries, Fisheries Research Institute. 175 pp. Terra Tech, Inc. 1988. Characterization of spatial and temporal trends of water quality in Puget Sound. Sub- mitted to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Re- gion 10, Seattle, WA, under contract nos. 68-03-3319 and 68-02-4341. Duxbury, MA: Battelle Ocean Sciences. Thorn, R.M. and R.G. Albright. Dyamics of benthic veg- etation standing-stock, irradiance, and water proper- ties in central Puget Sound. Marine Biology 104 (1990): 129-141. Thorn, R.M., A.E. Copping, and R.G. Albright. Nearshore primary productivity in Central Puget Sound: A case for nutrient limitation in the nearshore systems of Puget Sound. In: Proceedings of the first annual meeting of Puget Sound Research. Seattle, WA: Puget Sound Water Quality Authority, pp. 378-391. Thorn, R.M., T.L. Parkwell, D.K. Niyogi, and D.K. Shreffler. Effects of graveling on the primary produc- tivity, respiration and nutrient flux of two estuarine tidal flats. Marine Biology 118 (1994): 329-341. Wilson, R.C.H., R.J. Beamish, F. Aitkens, and J. Bell (eds.). 1994. Review of the marine environment and biota of Strait of Georgia, Puget Sound and Juan de Fuca Strait, proceedings of the BC /Washington sym- posium on the marine environment, Jan. 13-14, 1994. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aqautic Sciences No. 1948. 398 pp. 73 NOAA 's Estuarine Eutwphication Survey: Volume 5 - Pacific Coast Hood Canal Newton, J.A., S.L. Albertson, and A.L. Thomson. 1997. Washington State marine water quality in 1994 and 1995. Pub. no. 97-316. Olympia, WA: Washington State Dept. of Ecology. 71 pp. + apps. Whidbey Basin/Skagit Bay Collias, E.E. 1973. Skagit Bay study of dynamical ocean- ography. Final report to Snohomish County PUD and Seattle City Light. Seattle, WA: University of Washing- ton, Dept. of Oceanography. Newton, J. A., S.L. Albertson, and A.L. Thomson. 1997. Washington State marine water quality in 1994 and 1995. Pub. no. 97-316. Pullman, WA: Washington State University, Dept. of Ecology. 71 pp. + apps. South Puget Sound Newton, J. A., S.L. Albertson, and A.L. Thomson. 1997. Washington State marine water quality in 1994 and 1995. Pub. no. 97-316. Pullman, WA: Washington State University, Dept. of Ecology. 71 pp. + apps. Port Orchard Sound Newton, J. A., S.L. Albertson, and A.L. Thomson. 1997. Washington State marine water quality in 1994 and 1995. Pub. no. 97-316. Pullman, WA: Washington State University, Dept. of Ecology. 71 pp. + apps. Washington Northern Bays Bernhard, A. 1993 (master's thesis). Nutrient limitation of phytoplankton in Padilla Bay. Padilla Bay NERR re- print series no. 19. Bellingham, WA: Western Washing- ton University. 73 pp. Cassidy, P.M. and G.L. McKeen. 1986. Padilla Bay baseline water quality record. Final report to Marine & Estuarine Management Division, NOAA, Grant No. NA85 AA-D-CZ046. Padilla Bay NERR reprint series no. 2. Anacortes, WA: Shannon Point Marine Center, West- ern Washington University. 472 pp. Bulthuis, DA. 1996. Coastal habitats in Padilla Bay, Washington: A review. Tech. rpt. EL-96-15. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experi- ment Station, Environmental Impact Research Program. 57 pp. Bulthuis, DA. 1995. Distribution of seagrasses in a North Puget Sound Estuary: Padilla Bay, Washington. U.S.A. Aquatic Botany 50: 99-105. Bulthuis, DA. 1993. Review of water quality data in the Padilla Bay/Bay View watershed. Padilla Bay NERR tech. rpt. no. 10. Mount Vernon, WA: Washing- ton State Dept. of Ecology. 72 pp. Bulthuis, DA. 1991. Distribution of habitats and sum- mer standing crop of seagrasses and macroalgae in Padilla Bay, Washington, 1989. Padilla Bay NERR tech. rpt. no. 2. Mount Vernon, WA: Washington State Dept. of Ecology. 35 pp. 35 pp. Newton, J.A., S.L. Albertson, and A.L. Thomson. 1997. Washington State marine water quality in 1994 and 1995. Pub. no. 97-316. Pullman, WA: Washington State University, Dept. of Ecology. 71 pp. + apps. Thorn, R.M. Spatial and temporal patterns in plant standing stock and primary production in a temperate seagrass system. Botanica Marina 33 (1990):497-510. 74 Appendix 3: NEI Estuaries One hundred twenty-nine estuaries are included in the National Estuarine Inventory (NEI). Some estuaries are actually subsystems of larger estuaries, although each is being evaluated indepedently for the Eutrophication Survey project (e.g., Potomac River is a subsystem of Chesapeake Bay). There are additional estuaries characterized for the Eutrophi- cation Survey project that are not NEI estuaries. However, those estuaries may be added to the NEI in the future. For more information on the National Estuarine Inventory, see the inside front cover of this report. North Atlantic (16) Passamaquoddy Bay Englishman Bay Narraguagus Bay Blue Hill Bay Penobscot Bay Muscongus Bay Damariscotta River Sheepscot Bay Kennebec /Androscoggin Rivers Casco Bay Saco Bay Great Bay Merrimack River Massachusetts Bay Boston Bay Cape Cod Bay Mid-Atlantic (22) Buzzards Bay Narragansett Bay Gardiners Bay Long Island Sound Connecticut River Great South Bay Hudson River/Raritan Bay Barnegat Bay New Jersey Inland Bays Delaware Bay Delaware Inland Bays Maryland Inland Bays Chincoteague Bay Chesapeake Bay Patuxent River Potomac River Rappahannock River York River James River Chester River Choptank River Tangier /Pocomoke Sounds South Atlantic (21) Albemarle/Pamlico Sounds Pamlico/Pungo Rivers Neuse River Bogue Sound New River Cape Fear River Winyah Bay North /South Santee Rivers Charleston Harbor Stono/North Edisto Rivers St. Helena Sounds Broad River Savannah River Ossabaw Sound St. Catherines/Sapelo Sounds Altamaha River St. Andrew /St. Simons Sounds St. Marys R./Cumberland Snd St. Johns River Indian River Biscayne Bay Gulf of Mexico (36) Florida Bay South Ten Thousand Islands North Ten Thousand Islands Rookery Bay Charlotte Harbor Caloosahatchee River Sarasota Bay Tampa Bay Suwannee River Apalachee Bay Apalachicola Bay St. Andrew Bay Choctawhatchee Bay Pensacola Bay Perdido Bay Mobile Bay Mississippi Sound Lake Borgne Lake Pontchartrain Breton/ Chandeleur Snds Mississippi River Barataria Bay Terrebonne /Timbalier Bays Atchafalaya/ Vermilion Bays Mermen tau River Calcasieu Lake Sabine Lake Galveston Bay West Brazos River Coast Matagorda Bay San Antonio Bay Aransas Bay Corpus Christi Bay Upper Laguna Madre Baffin Bay Lower Laguna Madre West Coast (37) Tijuana Estuary San Diego Bay Mission Bay Newport Bay San Pedro Bay Alamitos Bay Anaheim Bay Santa Monica Bay Morro Bay Monterey Bay Elkhorn Slough San Francisco Bay Cent. San Francisco/San Pablo/ Suisun Bays Drakes Estero Tomales Bay Eel River Humboldt Bay Klamath River Rogue River Coos Bay Umpqua River Siuslaw River Alsea River Yaquina Bay Siletz Bay Netarts Bay Tillamook Bay Nehalem River Columbia River Willapa Bay Grays Harbor Puget Sound Hood Canal Skagit Bay/Whidbey Basin South Puget Sound Port Orchard System Washington Northern Bays North Atlantic Mid Atlantic South Gulf of V Atlantic Mexico 75 ^"TO'cQv ^5 w ^5 ^£[J£J2«» •\ ''^'SK?*^* PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES i inn ADDDD3E15EMDM