NOAA TR NMFS SSRF-658 A UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION NOAA Technical Report NMFS SSRF-658 v\ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service List of Fishes of Alaska and Adjacent Waters with a Guide to Some of Their Literature JAY C. QUASI and ELIZABETH L. HALL SEATTLE, WA July 1972 NOAA TECHNICAL REPORTS National Marine Fisheries Service, Special Scientific Report-Fisheries Series The major responsibilities of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) are to monitor and assess the abundance and geographic distribution of fishery resom-ces, to understand and predict fluctuations in the quantity and distribution of these resources, and to establish levels for optimum use of the resources. NMFS is also charged with the development and implementation of policies for managing national fishing grounds, develop- ment and enforcement of domestic fisheries regulations, surveillance of foreign fishing ofl;" United States coastal waters, and the development and enforcement of international fishery agreements and policies. NMFS also as- sists the fishing industry through marketing service and economic analysis programs, and mortgage insurance and vessel construction subsidies. It collects, analyzes, and publishes statistics on various phases of the industry. The Special Scientific Report — Fisheries series was established in 1949. The series carries reports on scien- tific investigations that document long-term continuing programs of NMP'S, or intensive scientific reports on studies of restricted scope. The reports may deal with applied fishery problems. The series is also used as a medium for the publication of bibliographies of a specialized scientific nature. NOAA Technical Reports NMFS SSRF are available free in limited numbers to governmental agencies, both Federal and State. They are also available in exchange for other scientific and technical publications in the marine sciences. Individual copies may be obtained (unless otherwise noted) from NOAA Publications Section, Rockville, Md. 20852. Recent SSRF's are: 604. The flora and fauna of a basin in central Florida Bay. Bv J. Harold Hudson, Donald M. Allen, and T. J.'Costello. May 1970, iii + 14 pp., 2 figs., 1 table. 605. Contributions to the life histories of several penaeid shrimps (Penaeidae) along the south Atlantic Coast of the United States. Bv William W. Anderson. May 1970, iii + 24 pp., 15 figs., 12 tables. 606. Annotated references on the Pacific saury, Colol- abis saira. By Steven E. Hughes. June 1970, iii + 12 pp. 607. Studies on continuous transmission frequency modulated sonar. Edited by Frank J. Hester. June 1970, iii -f- 26 pp. 1st paper. Sonar target classification experiments with a continuous- transmission Doppler sonar, by Frank J. Hester, pp. 1-20, 14 figs., 4 tables; 2d paper. Acoustic target strength of several species of fish, by H. W. Volberg, pp. 21-26, 10 figs. 608. Preliminary designs of traveling screens to col- lect juvenile fish. July 1970, v -|- 15 pp. 1st paper. Traveling screens for collection of juvenile salmon (models I and II), by Daniel W. Bates and John G. Vanderwalker, pp. 1-5, 6 figs., 1 table ; 2d paper. Design and operation of a canti- levered traveling fish screen (model V), by Dan- iel W. Bates, Ernest W. Murphey, and Earl F. Prentice, 10 figs., 1 table. 609. Annotated bibliography of zooplankton sampling devices. By Jack W. Jossi. July 1970, iii -|- 90 pp. 610. Limnological study of lower Columbia River, 1967-68. By Shirley M. Clark and George R. Snyder. July 1970, iii -f 14 pp., 15 figs., 11 tables. 611. Laboratory tests of an electrical barrier for con- trolling predation by northern squawflsh. By Galen H. Maxfield, Robert H. Lander, and Charles D. Volz. July 1970, iii + 8 pp., 4 figs., 5 tables. 612. The Trade Wind Zone Oceanography Pilot Study. Part VIII: Sea-level meteorological properties and heat exchange processes, July 1963 to June 1965. Bv Gunter R. Seckel. June 1970, iv + 129 pp., 6 figs., 8 tables. 613. Sea-bottom photographs and macrobenthos col- lections from the Continental Shelf off Massa- chusetts. By Roland L. Wigley and Roger B. Theroux. August 1970, iii + 12 pp., 8 figs., 2 tables. 614. A sled-mounted suction sampler for benthic or- ganisms. By Donald M. Allen and J. Harold Hudson. August 1970, iii + 5 pp., 5 figs., 1 table. 615. Distribution of fishing effort and catches of skip- jack tuna, Katsawoniis pekunis, in Hawaiian waters, bv quarters of the year, 1948-65. By Richard N. Uchida. June 1970, iv -f 37 pp., 6 figs., 22 tables. 616. Effect of quality of the spawning bed on growth and development of pink salmon embryos and alevins. By Ralph A. Wells and William J. Mc- Neil. August 1970, iii + 6 pp., 4 tables. 617. Fur seal investigations, 1968. By NMFS, Ma- rine Mammal Biological Laboratory. December 1970, iii + 69 pp.. 68 tables. 618. Spawning areas and abundance of steelhead trout and coho, sockeye, and chum salmon in the Columbia River Basin - past and present. By Leonard A. Fulton. December 1970, iii -1- 37 pp., 6 figs., 11 maps, 9 tables. 619. Macrozooplankton and small nekton in the coastal waters off Vancouver Island (Canada) and Washington, spring and fall of 1963. By Donald S. Day, January 1971, iii -f 94 pp., 19 figs., 13 tables. 620. The Trade Wind Zone Oceanography Pilot Study. Part IX : The sea-level wind field and wind stress values, July 1963 to June 1965. By Gunter R. Seckel. June 1970, iii + 66 pp., 5 figs. Continued on inside back cover. MMOSp,, 'llfNT OV U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Peter G. Peterson, Secretary NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION Robert M. White, Administrator NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE Philip M. Roedel, Director NOAA Technical Report NMFS SSRF-658 List of Fishes of Alaska and Adjacent Waters with a Guide to Some of Their Literature JAY C. QUAST and ELIZABETH L. HALL Marins Ciologica\ Labo}:^^'/^] LIBRARY * DEC 1 2 1972 Woods Hole, Mass. SEAHLE, WA July 1972 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price SO cents The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) does not approve, rec- ommend or endorse any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned in this publication. No reference shall be made to NMFS, or to this publication furnished by NMFS, in any advertising or sales pro- motion which would indicate or imply that NMFS approves, recommends or endorses any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned herein, or which has as its purpose an intent to cause directly or indirectly the advertised product to be used or purchased because of this NMFS publication. CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 List of fishes 2 Myxinidae — hagfishes 2 Petroniyzontidae — lampreys 2 Hexanchidae — cow sharks 3 Alopiidae — thresher sharks 3 Lamnidae — mackerel sharks 3 Scyliorhinidae — cat shai'ks 3 Carcharhinidae — requiem sharks 3 Squalidae — dogfish sharks 3 Squatinidae — angel sharks 3 Torpedinidae — electric rays 3 Rajidae — skates 4 Dasyatidae — stingrays 4 Chimaeridae — chimaeras 4 Acipenseridae — sturgeons 4 Synaphobranchidae 4 Serrivomeridae 5 Nemichthyidae — snipe eels 5 Cyemidae 5 Notacanthidae — spiny eels 5 Clupeidae — herrings 5 Engraulidae — anchovies 5 Salmonidae — trouts 5 Osmeridae — smelts 8 Argentinidae — argentines 8 Bathylagidae — deepsea smelts 8 Opisthoproctidae — spookfishes 9 Esocidae — pikes 9 Umbridae (Dalliidae) — mudminnows 9 Gonostomatidae — lightfishes 9 Sternoptychidae — hatchetfishes 9 Melanostomiatidae — scaleless dragonfishes 9 Chauliodontidae — viperfishes 9 Alepocephalidae — slickheads 10 Paralepididae — barracudinas 10 Alepisauridae — lancetfishes 10 Anotopteridae — daggertooths 10 Scopelarchidae — pearleyes 10 Scopelosauridae 10 Myctophidae — lanternfishes 10 Cyprinidae — minnows and carps 11 Catostomidae — suckers 11 Percopsidae — trout-perches 11 Batrachoididae — toadfishes 11 Gobiesocidae — clingfishes 12 Oneirodidae — dreamers 12 Moridae — longfin cods 12 Gadidae — codfishes and hakes 12 ui Contents — Cont. Page Ophidiidae — brotulas and cusk eels 13 Zoarcidae — eelpouts 13 Macrouridae — rattails 15 Scomberesocidae — sauries 15 Melamphaeidae — melamphids, bigscales 15 Anoplogasteridae 16 Zeidae — dories 16 Lampridae — opahs 16 Trachipteridae — ribbonfishes 16 Gasterosteidae — sticklebacks 16 Aulorhynchidae — tubesnouts 16 Syngnathidae — pipefishes, sea horses 16 Scorpaenidae — scorpionfishes and rockfishes 16 Hexagrammidae — greenlings 19 Anoplopomatidae — sablefishes 19 Cottidae — sculpins 19 Psychrolutidae 26 Agonidae — poachers and alligatorfishes 26 Cyclopteridae — lunipfishes and snailfishes 28 Carangidae — jacks, scads, and pompanos 32 Bramidae — pomfrets 32 Caristiidae — manefishes 32 Sciaenidae — drums 32 Pentacerotidae — boarfishes 32 Embiotocidae — surfperches 32 Sphyraenidae — barracudas 33 Trichodontidae — sandfishes 33 Bathymasteridae — ronquils 33 Anarhichadidae — wolffishes 33 Stichaeidae — pricklebacks 34 Ptilichthyidae — quillfishes 35 Pholididae — gunnels 35 Scytalinidae — gravel divers 36 Zaproridae — prowfishes 36 Icosteidae — ragfishes 36 Ammodytidae — sand lances 36 Trichiuridae — cutlassfishes 36 Scombridae — mackerels and tunas 36 Centrolophidae — rudderfishes 37 Tetragonuridae — squaretails 37 Bothidae — lefteye flounders 37 Pleuronectidae — righteye flounders 37 Molidae — ocean sunfish 39 Literature cited 39 Index to scientific and common names of families 46 IV List of Fishes of Alaska and Adjacent Waters with a Guide to Some of Their Literature JAY C. QUAST, Fishery Biologist and ELIZABETH L. HALL, Biological Technician National Marine Fisheries Service Auke Bay Fisheries Laboratory Auke Bay, AK 99821 ABSTRACT The authors list 432 species known to occur in Alaska waters, supplemented by 137 species that have been recorded from neighboring waters and, in the authors' opinion, should be considered when new collections are identified. Species entries are annotated to include common names, recorded range, useful references, localities represented by specimens in the collection of the Auke Bay Fisheries Laboratory, and comments on taxonomy. Recorded geographic ranges are extended fof 26 species: Ophidiidae — Spectriinctilus radcliffei; Scorpaenidae — Sebastes emphaeus, S. nigrocinclus, S ivilsoni; Cottidae — Eurymen gyrinus, Gymnocanthus detrisus, G. pistilliger, Hemilepidolus zapus, Icelus spatula, I. uncinalis, Myoxocephalus jaok, Nautichthys pribilorius. Triglops scepticus; Agonidae — Agonopsis emmelane, Aspidophoroides bartoni, Ocella rerrucosa; Cyclopteridae — Careproctus melanurus, C. rastrinus, Cyclopteropsis phrynoides, Liparis bristolense. L. ochotensis, Para- tiparis caudatus, P. deani, Temnocora Candida; Scombridae — Thunnus thynnus; Pleuronectidae — Limanda proboscidea. INTRODUCTION This list is an outgrowth of systematic and taxonomic work on the Alaska fish fauna at the National Marine Fisheries Service Auke Bay Fisheries Laboratory. It is an interim document designed to fill the gap between the earlier lists of Wilimovsky (1954, 1964), now partially out of date, and more comprehensive works that are expected in the future. This document should not be regarded as fully authoritative because of the limited time the authors had to devote to the task and the complexities of the literature. Rather, it is intended as a preliminary guide to the species and their literature — a first entry for those not fully acquainted with the Alaska fish fauna. The list departs from its predecessors in several ways. Numerous additional species since recorded for Alaska are included, as well as some species recorded for neighboring waters but not for Alaska. The latter are included on the theory that numerous range extensions into Alaska will be recorded in the future and that the student of the fauna must be aware of possible species that may contribute to the fauna. Some inconsistency in the geographic citations, particularly in regard to what con- stitutes "adjacent waters," was unavoidable. Most of the geographic data are from the litera- ture, including published translations, and the ranges cited often were not comparable between works. We judged the species separately in regard to what constitutes "adjacent waters" on the basis of what is known about their ecology and the status of other general information on the species or their higher taxons. For example, "adjacent waters" should be much more im- mediate to a recorded distribution in the instance of tidepool cottid species than in the apparently wide-ranging and poorly known deepwater species of Cyclopteridae. Species not recorded for Alaska waters (in the literature or the Auke Bay fish collection) are preceded by an asterisk. Geographic names were chosen in regard to their general occurrence in atlases published in the United States and on regional maps such as those published by the National Geographic Society. For the most part, the names indicate regions rather than precise localities. Arrangement of teleostean families and spell- ing of their names follow Greenwood et al. (1966). Literature citations are restricted prin- cipally to those of value for understanding the systematics, taxonomy, or distribution of the species. Citations often apply to synonyms of species in the list. General faunal works have not always been cited in the species entries, yet are important sources of data on many of the species. These general works include Bean's catalog (1881); the four volumes of Jordan and Evermann (1896-1900); Evermann and Goldsbo rough (1907); Gilbert and Burke (1912); Jordan, Evermann, and Clark (1930); Andriyashev (1954); and Clemens and Wilby (1961). More specialized but important also are Norman (1934); Burke (1930); Wilimovsky (1954, 1964); Phillips (1957) ; and McPhail and Lindsey (1970). Unfortunately, a provisional key to the fishes of Alaska by Wilimovsky (1958) is no longer available from any source. A further purpose of the list is to inform scientists of collections of Alaska species that are available for study at the Auke Bay Labora- tory. General regions for which the Auke Bay Laboratory has obtained collections are in- dicated at the end of species entries after "ABBL:."' Localities are underlined when they represent a range extension. Common names include those recommended by the American Fisheries Society (Bailey et al., 1970). LIST OF FISHES AAYXINIDAE — hagfishes Eptatretusdeaui (Evermann and Goldsborough). Black hagfish. Southeastern Alaska-California (Grinols, 1965; Jordan, Evermann, and Clark, 1930; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. Eptatretus stouti (Lockington). Pacific hag- fish, California hagfish, lamperina. Southeastern Alaska-California (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Wilimovsky, 1954). PETROMYZONTIDAE — lampreys Eiit()sphe)iHs trideiitatiis (Gairdner). Pacific lamprey. Japan; Bering Sea to California (Berg, 1931; Carl, Clemens, and Lindsey, 1959; Gilbert, 1895; Gilbert and Thompson, 1905; Hubbs, 1967; Jordan et al., 1930; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Taylor, 1967a; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1*964). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. Lanipetra ayresi (Giinther). River lamprey. British Columbia-California (Carl etal., 1959; Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Jordan et al., 1930; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Vladykov and Follett, 1958). ABBL: Stephens Passage, .southeastern Alaska. Lanipetra japonica (Martens). Aixtic lamprey. Sea of Japan; eastern and western Bering Sea; Arctic Alaska; Alaska Peninsula; Canada (Andriyashev, 1954; Berg, 1931; ' Because the Auke Bay Fisheries Laboratory was called the Auke Bay Biological Laboratory at the time most of the collections were made, ABBL is used in the Heard, 1966; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Okada, 1955; Shmidt, 1950; Walters, 1953, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Alaska Peninsula and south-central Alaska. Lampetra lamottenii (LeSueur). American brook lamprey. Eastern and northern Asia; Gulf of Alaska; central Alaska; eastern North America (Heard, 1966; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Yukon River; Kenai Peninsula. HEXANCHIDAE — cow sharks Hexanchus griseus (Bonnaterre). Sixgill shark. Gulf of Alaska-California (Briggs, 1960; Clemens and Wilby, 1961). * Noto7-y7ichiis maculatus Ayres. Sevengill shark. British Columbia-California (Clemens and Wilby, 1961). SCYLIORHINIDAE — cat sharks *Apristuriis bninneus (Gilbert). Brown cat shark. British Columbia-California (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Fitch, 1966a; Gilbert and Thompson, 1905; Grinols, 1965). CARCHARHINIDAE — requiem sharks *Galeorhinus zyopterus Jordan and Gilbert. Soupfin shark. British Columbia-California (Clemens and Wilby, 1961). Pnonace glauca (Linnaeus). Blue shark. Japan; Gulf of Alaska-Baja California; North Atlantic (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Leim and Scott, 1966; Neave and Hanavan, 1960; Okada, 1955; Ueno, 1970). ALOPIIDAE — thresher sharks *Alopias vi(lpi)iiis (Bonnaterre). Thresher shark. British Columbia-California; western and eastern North Atlantic (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Leim and Scott, 1966; Ueno, 1970). LAMNIDAE — mackerel sharks Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus). White shark. Temperate parts of all oceans; southeastern Alaska-California; North Atlantic (Briggs, 1960; Leim and Scott, 1966; Royce, 1963). Cetorhinus maximiis (Gunnerus). Basking shark. Sea of Japan; Gulf of Alaska-Baja California (Briggs, 1960; Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Honma and Mizusawa, 1966; Leim and Scott, 1966; Ueno, 1970). Lammi ditropis Hubbs and Follett. Salmon shark. Japan; Alaska-California (Bright, 1960; Isak- son, Simenstad, and Burgner, 1971; Leim and Scott, 1966; Neave and Hanavan, 1960; Okada, 1955; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). SQUALIDAE — dogfish sharks Somniosus pacificus Bigelow and Schroeder. Pacific sleeper shark. Japan; Bering Sea-California (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Vladykov, 1933; Wilimov- sky, 1954). Squalus acanthiaf; Linnaeus. Spiny dogfish. South Korea; Japan; Sakhalin; Bering Sea- California; North Atlantic (Grinols, 1965; Jordan and Gilbert. 1899; Leim and Scott, 1966; Okada, 1955; Shmidt, 1950; Taylor, 1967a; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). SQUATINIDAE — angel sharks Squatina califomica Ayres. Pacific angel shark. Southeastern Alaska-Baja California (Roedel, 1953; Wilimovsky, 1954). TORPEDINIDAE — electric rays *Torpedo califomica Ayres. Pacific electric ray. British Columbia-California (Clemens and Wilby, 1961). RAJ I DAE — skates *Raja abyssicola Gilbert. Deepsea skate. British Columbia-Oregon (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Gilbert, 1895; Grey, 1956; Grinds, 1965). Raja aleutica Gilbert. Aleutian skate. Hokkaido-southeastern Alaska (Gilbert, 1895; Ishiyama, 1967; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). Raja binoculata Girard. Big skate. Bering Sea; southeastern Alaska-California (Roedel, 1953; Shmidt, 1950; Wilimovsky, 1954). *Raja inoniata Jordan and Gilbert. California skate. Strait of Juan de Fuca-Baja California (Roe- del, 1953). Raja interrupta Gill and Townsend. Bering skate, interrupted skate (Russ.). Bering Sea (Andriyashev, 1937; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). Raja kiucaidi Garman. Black skate. IBering Sea-California (Alverson, 1951; Wili- movsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Shelikof Strait. Raja parmifera Bean. Alaska skate, armored skate (Russ.). Bering Sea-southeastern Alaska (Gilbert, 1895; Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). Raja rhina Jordan and Gilbert. Longnose skate. Southeastern Alaska-California (Fitch, 1966a; Grinols, 1965; Wilimovsky, 1954). Raja rosispinis Gill and Townsend. Flathead skate. Bering Sea-Oregon (Grinols, 1965; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimovsky, 1954). *Raja smirnovi Soldatov and Povlenko. Yellow Sea; Hokkaido, Sea of Japan; Sea of Okhotsk (Ishiyama, 1967; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970). Raja stellulata Jordan and Gilbert. Starry skate, prickly skate. Bering Sea-California (Gilbert, 1895; Grinols, 1965; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimov- sky, 1964). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. Raja trachura Gilbert. Roughtail skate. Gulf of Alaska-California (Gilbert, 1895; Grinols, 1965; Isakson et al., 1971; Wilim- ovsky, 1954). DASYATIDAE — stingrays ■Dasyatis dipterura (Jordan and Gilbert). Dia- mond stingray. British Columbia-Baja California (Clemens and Wilby, 1961). CHIAAAERIDAE — chimaeras Hydrolagus colliei (Lay and Bennett). Ratfish. Southeastern Alaska-Gulf of California (Grinols, 1965; Lavenberg and Fitch, 1966; Taylor, 1967a; Wilimovsky, 1954). ACIPENSERIDAE — sturgeons ''Acipe)iser baeri Brandt. Siberian osetr. Kolyma Basin of Siberia westward; possibly in Arctic Alaska (Walters, 1955). Acipenser medirostris Ayres. Green sturgeon. Sea of Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; Aleutian Is- lands; Gulf of Alaska-California (Carl et al., 1959; Okada, 1955; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. Acipenser transmontanus Richardson. White sturgeon. Gulf of Alaska-California (Carl et al., 1959; Wilimovsky, 1954). SYNAPHOBRANCHIDAE Synaphobranchiis bathybius Giinther. Japan; Kurilo-Kamchatkan Trench; Bering Sea; Hawaiian Islands; Indian Ocean (Gil- bert, 1895; Grey, 1956; Grinols, 1965; Jor- dan and Gilbert, 1899; Rass, 1954; Wili- movsky, 1954). SERRIVOMERIDAE *Serrivo merjesperseni Bauchot-Boutin. Pacific and Indian Oceans; British Columbia; Gulf of Panama (Taylor, 1967a, 1967b). NEMICHTHYIDAE — snipe eels Arocettiua gilli (Bean). Snipe eel. Southeastern Alaska-Washington (Grinols, 1965; Wilimovsky, 1954). *Avocetti)ia hifa)is (Giinther). Pacific and Indian Oceans; British Columbia- Gulf of Panama (Taylor, 1967a, 1967b). *NemicIithys avocetta Jordan and Gilbert. Threadfish. British Columbia-Oregon (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Grinols, 1965; Taylor, 1967a; Ueno, 1970). *Nemichthys scolopaceus Richardson. Slender snipe eel. British Columbia; California; Gulf of Cali- fornia; south Atlantic; cosmopolitan (Grinols, 1965; Lavenberg and Fitch, 1966; Leim and Scott, 1966; Ueno, 1970). CYEMIDAE Introduced into California waters in 1871; now Gulf of Alaska-California; western North Atlantic (Carl et al., 1959; Leim and Scott, 1966; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. Clupea harengtts pallasi Valenciennes. Pacific herring, seld (Russ.). Sea of Japan-Bering Strait; Chukchi Sea- Laptev Sea-Coronation Gulf; Aleutian Islands; Bering Sea-California (Andri- yashev, 1937, 1954; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Leim and Scott, 1966; Okada, 1955; Popov, 1933; Roedel, 1953; Scofield, 1899; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Walters, 1953, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Chukchi Sea; Bristol Bay; south- eastern Alaska. Sttfdiiwps sagax (Jenyns). Pacific sardine. Kamchatka; southeastern Alaska-Gulf of Cali- fornia (Andriyashev, 1937; Wilimovsky, 1954). ENGRAULIDAE — anchovies *E)ig7'aidis ))iorda.v Girard. Northern anchovy. British Columbia-Baja California (Clemens and Wilby, 1961). *Cyema atnim Giinther. Widespread in tropical to temperate latitudes (Briggs, 1960; Grey, 1956; Grinols, 1966a). NOTACANTHIDAE — spiny eels Macdonaklia challengeri (Vaillant). Japan; Bering Sea; Vancouver Island (Grey, 1956; Peden, 1968; Vaillant, 1888). Polyacanthonotus alius (Gill and Townsend). Bering Sea (Rass, 1954). Polyacanthonotus challengeri (Vaillant). Kurilo-Kamchatkan Trench; Bering Sea (Gil- bert, 1895; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Rass, 1954; Wilimovsky, 1954). Polyacanthonotus longus (Gill and Townsend). Bering Sea (Rass, 1954). CLUPEIDAE — herrings Alosa sapidissinia (Wilson). American shad. SALMON I DAE — trouts Coregonus autumualis (Pallas). Arctic cisco.^ Sea of Okhotsk; coast of Arctic Asia and America; Yukon River (Andriyashev, 1954; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Yukon River. Corego)iusclupcaforniis (Mitchill). Lakewhite- fish, common whitefish.'' Yukon River; Beaufort Sea; British Columbia; Hudson Bay; southeastern Alaska-Great -We have not e.xaniined our material to separate it into CoregoiutK antniiiiialis and C. laurettae according to the redefinition of C. laurettae by McPhail (196.5). Our records for C. aittiiiiinalis, therefore, possibly rep- resent both species. ^McPhail and Lindsey (1970) refer to the "Coreffoinis clnpeafonitis" complex, including C. clupeafoi-mis (Mitch- ill), C. pidschiatt (Gmelin), and C. iielsoni (Bean). The authors discuss recent taxonomy of these nominal species. Lakes (Carl etal., 1959; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Leim and Scott, 1966; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Yukon River; south-central Alaska; Beaufort Sea. Coregonus laurettae Bean (see footnote 2). Kamchatka; Cook Inlet; Gulf of Alaska; north and east to Colville River (McPhail and Lindsey, 1970). Coregonus )tasus (Pallas). Broad whitefish, round-nosed whitefish. Rivers and lakes of Arctic Basin; Kuskokwim River; Yukon River; USSR-MacKenzie River, Canada (Andriyashev, 1954; Carl et al., 1959; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Scofield, 1899; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Yukon River; Colville River on Beau- fort Sea. Coregonus pidschian (Gmelin). Humpback whitefish. Arctic Basin; Murmansk-Beaufort Sea; Yukon River (Andriyashev, 1954; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Central and Arctic Alaska. Coregonus sardinella Valenciennes. Least Cis- co, lake herring. Arctic Basin; Kara River-Mackenzie River (Andriyashev, 1954; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Colville River on Beaufort Sea; Yukon River; Alaska Peninsula. Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Walbaum). Pink salmon, gorbuscha (Russ.), humpback. Japan; Peter the Great Bay; Amur River; Sea of Okhotsk; Petropavlovsk; Point Bar- row; Mackenzie River, Canada; Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands; southeastern Alaska- California (Andriyashev, 1937; Carl et al., 1959; Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Leim and Scott, 1966; Mc- Phail and Lindsey, 1970; Popov, 1933; Scofield, 1899; Shmidt, 1950; Taylor, 1967a; Ueno, 1970; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Alaska Peninsula; Prince William Sound-southeastern Alaska. Oucorhgucluis keta (Walbaum). Chum salmon, dog salmon. Korea; Peter the Great Bay; Sea of Japan; Hokkaido; Sea of Okhotsk; Petropavlovsk; Anadyr Gulf; Lena River; Point Barrow; Mackenzie River, Canada; Bering Strait east to Mackenzie River; Aleutian Islands; Yukon River; southeastern Alaska-Califor- nia (Andriyashev, 1937, 1954; Isakson etal., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Okada, 1955; Popov, 1933; Shmidt, 1950; Taylor, 1967a; Ueno, 1970; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Yukon River; Prince William Sound; southeastern Alaska-California. Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum). Coho salmon, silver salmon. Japan; Kurile Islands; Sakhalin; Sea of Okhotsk; Kamchatka north to Anadyr Gulf; Aleutian Islands; Point Hope; Yukon Riv- er; Kotzebue Sound-southeastern Alaska- California (Andriyashev, 1937, 1954; Isak- son et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899 McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Popov, 1933 Shmidt, 1950; Taylor, 1967a; Ueno, 1970 Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Alaska Peninsula; south-central Alas- ka; Prince William Sound; southeastern Alaska. *Oncorhynchus masu Brevoort. Sea of Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; Sakhalin; possibly west coast of Kamchatka (Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970). Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum). Sockeye salm- on, red salmon. Kokanee salmon (lacus- trine). Hokkaido; Kurile Islands; Sea of Okhotsk; Kamchatka north to Anadyr Gulf; Bering Sea; Kotzebue Sound; Aleutian Islands- California (Andriyashev, 1954; Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Okada, 1955; Popov, 1933; Scofield, 1899; Shmidt, 1950; Taylor, 1967a; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Yukon River; Kenai Peninsula; south- eastern Alaska. Oncorhynchus tshau-ytscha (Walbaum). Chi- nook salmon, king salmon. Japan; Kamchatka; Petropavlovsk; Anadyr Gulf; Aleutian Islands; Yukon River; Kot- zebue Sound; Bering Sea-California (An- driyashev, 1954; Honma and Mizusawa, 1966; Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Popov, 1933; Shmidt. 1950; Taylor, 1967a; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964;. ABBL: Alaska Peninsula; Yukon River; Kenai Peninsula; southeastern Alaska. Prosopium coulteri (Eigenmann and Eigen- mann). Pygmy whitefish. South-central Alaska-Pacific northwest (Carl et al., 1959; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Alaska Peninsula. Prosopium cylindraceuni (Pallas). Round whitefish. Siberia-Canada; Yukon River-Great Lakes; Alaska Peninsula-southeast Alaska (Carl et al., 1959; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Alaska Peninsula; Yukon River; Susitna River; Copper River. Salmo clarki Richai'dson. Cutthroat trout. Southeastern Alaska-California (Carl et al., 1959; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. Salmo gairdneri Richardson. Rainbow trout. Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; Bering Sea-Baja California. Introduced worldwide (Carl et al., 1959; Honma and Mizusawa, 1966; Leim and Scott, 1966; McPhail and Lind- sey, 1970; Okada, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Alaska Peninsula; Kodiak Island; Kenai Peninsula; southeastern Alaska. *SaImo my kiss (Walbaum). Petropavlovsk (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Popov, 1933). *Salmo pe)isliinensis Pallas. Petropavlovsk (Popov, 1933; Shmidt, 1950). Salvelinus alpinus (Linnaeus). Arctic char. Arctic coasts of Asia and North America; Greenland; Scandinavia; widespread in Alaska north of the Alaska Peninsula (An- driyashev, 1954; Leim and Scott, 1966; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Popov, 1933; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Alaska Peninsula. Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill). Brook trout. Introduced into Japan and southeastern Alas- ka; native to eastern North America (Leim and Scott, 1966; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Okada, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. *Salvelinus leucomaenis (Pallas). Sea of Japan; Okhotsk Sea; Kamchatka; Pet- ropavlovsk; western Bering Sea (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Popov, 1933; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970). Salveli)ius malma (Walbaum). Dolly Varden. Yellow Sea; Sea of Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; Petropavlovsk; Bering Sea; interior Alaska; Aleutian Islands-California (Andriyashev, 1954; Carl et al., 1959; Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Popov, 1933; Scofield, 1899; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Alaska Peninsula; Bristol Bay; Ko- diak Island; Kenai Peninsula; Yukon River; southeastern Alaska. Salvelinus uamaycusli (Walbaum). Lake trout. Drainages into Bering and Chukchi Seas; Arctic Alaska to Labrador; Alaska Penin- sula-British Columbia; northeastern United States (Carl et al., 1959; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Alaska Peninsula. Ste)todus leucichtliys (Giildenstadt). Inconnu, sheefish. White Sea-Bering Strait; Kamchatka; Yukon River east to Mackenzie and Anderson Rivers (Andriyashev, 1954; Carl et al., 1959; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). ' ABBL: Yukon River. Thymallus arcticus (Pallas). Arctic grayling. Siberia and Arctic North America (Andriya- shev, 1954; Carl et al., 1959; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Yukon River; Copper River; Alaska Peninsula; Kenai Peninsula. OSMERIDAE — smelts *Allos»ieri(s elongatus (Ayres). Whitebait smelt. British Columbia-southern California (Barra- clough and Wilson, 1971; McAllister, 1963). Hypomesiis olidiis (Pallas). Pond .smelt. Korea-Sea of Okhotsk; Kamchatka-Chukchi Sea; Arctic Alaska-California (Andriyashev, 1954; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; McAllister, 1963; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Okada, 1955; Popov, 1933; Scofield, 1899; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Alaska Peninsula; Bristol Bay. Hypomesus pretiosus (Girard). Surf smelt. Northern Sea of Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; south side of Alaska Peninsula; Prince William Sound; Gulf of Alaska-California (McAllis- ter, 1963; Phinney and Dahlberg, 1968; Shmidt, 1950; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. Mallotus villosus (Miiller). Capelin, moiva (Russ.). Sea of Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; Chukchi Sea; Arctic Alaska-Washington; North Atlantic Ocean (Andriyashev, 1937, 1954; Gilbert, 1895; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Leim and Scott, 1966; McAllister, 1963; Scofield, 1899; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Vladykov, 1933; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Chukchi Sea; Pribilof Islands; Bristol Bay; Gulf of Alaska; Cook Inlet; south- eastern Alaska. Osmerus eperlanus (Linnaeus). Rainbow smelt, Arctic smelt, toothed smelt. Cold-temperate, boreal, and arctic marine and fresh waters of the northern hemisphere (Andriyashev, 1937, 1954; Gilbert, 1895; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Leim and Scott, 1966; McAllister, 1963; Scofield, 1899; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Bristol Bay; Alaska Peninsula; Yukon River. Spiriiichus fitarksi (Fisk). Night smelt. Southeastern Alaska-central California (Dry- foos, 1961; McAllister, 1963). Spiriuchus thaleichthys (Ayres). Longfin smelt. Hinchinbrook Island; Nushagak River; Prince William Sound-San Francisco Bay (Dry- foos, 1961; Gilbert, 1895; Jordan and Gil- bert, 1899; McAllister, 1963; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970). ABBL: Shelikof Strait; Cook Inlet. Tlialeichtlujs pacificiis (Richardson). Eulachon, Pacific smelt (Russ.). Eastern Pacific; Pribilof Islands; Bering Sea- California (Andiiyashev, 1937; Carl et al., 1959; Gilbert, 1895; Grinds, 1965; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; McAllister, 1963; Mc- Phail and Lindsey, 1970; Odemar, 1964; Taylor, 1967a; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Shelikof Strait; Cook Inlet; Gulf of Alaska; southeastern Alaska. ARGENTINIDAE — argentines *Naiise)iia Candida Cohen. White pencilsmelt. British Columbia-California (Grinols, 1965; McAllister, 1967b). 1960, 1961; Taylor, 1967a, BATHYLAGIDAE — deepsea smelts Batlnjktfjiis boiralis Gilbert. Bering Sea (Gilbert, 1895; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899). Bathylagus callorhini (Lucas). In fur seal stomachs between lat 54°42'N to 52°29'N and long 167"4rW to 170°53'W (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899). Bathylagufi milleri Jordan and Gilbert. Stout blacksmelt. Kurilo-Kamchatkan Trench; Sea of Okhotsk; Bering Sea-California (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Cohen, 1966; Grinols, 1965; Rass, 1954; Taylor, 1967a; Ueno, 1970; Wili- movsky, 1954). Bathylagn.s ochotensis Shmidt. Okhotsk black- smelt. Sea of Okhotsk; Gulf of Alaska-British Co- lumbia; Oregon (Grinols, 1965; LeBras- seur, 1964; McAllister, 1960, 1961; Shmidt, 1950; Taylor, 1967a, 1967b). Bathylagus pacificus Gilbert. Pacific black- smelt. Kurilo-Kamchatkan Trench; Sea of Okhotsk; Bering Sea-California (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Grinols, 1965; Rass, 1954; Taylor, 1967a; Ueno, 1970). Bathylagus stilbius (Gilbert). Smoothtongue. Kurilo-Kamchatkan Trench; Sea of Okhotsk; Bering Sea-Central America (Alverson, 1951; Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Cohen, 1956, 1964; Gilbert, 1895; Grinols, 1965; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Lavenberg and Fitch, 1966; Rass, 1954; Shmidt, 1950; Taylor, 1967a; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1958). ABBL: Shelikof Strait; Prince William Sound; Gulf of Alaska; southeastern Alaska. OPISTHOPROCTIDAE — spookfishes Macropinna microstoma Chapman. Barreleye, Pacific barreleye. Gulf of Alaska-California (Grinols, 1965; Taylor, 1967a; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). ESOCI DAE — pikes Esflx iKciiis Linnaeus. Northern pike. Eurasia; Arctic Alaska; northeastern United States; circumpolar in fresh waters (Carl et al., 1959; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Yukon River; Alaska Peninsula. UMBRIDAE (DALLIIDAE) — mudminnows Dallia pectoralis Bean. Alaska blackfish. Siberia; St. Matthew and St. Lawrence Islands (Bering Sea); Arctic Alaska-central Alaska (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; McPhail and Lindsey. 1970; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Alaska Peninsula; Yukon River delta. GONOSTOMATIDAE — lightfishes Cyclothoiieatmria Gilbert. Black bristlemouth. Gulf of Alaska-California (Wilimovsky, 1954). CyclotluDie pacifica Mukhacheva. Smalltooth bristlemouth. Kurilo-Kamchatkan Trench; Sea of Okhotsk; Arctic Ocean; Bering Sea-California (Gil- bert, 1895; Grinols, 1965; Jordan and Gil- bert, 1899; Leim and Scott, 1966; Muk- hacheva, 1954, 1964; Rass, 1954; Shmidt, 1950; Taylor, 1967a; Ueno, 1970; Wilimov- sky, 1954). Cijclothojie pallida Brauer. Bicolored bristle- mouth. Kurilo-Kamchatkan Trench; Bering Sea- California-South America (Grinols, 1965; Rass, 1954; Ueno, 1970). Cyclothone signata Garman. Showy bristle- mouth. Kurilo-Kamchatkan Trench; Bering Sea; cos- mopolitan (Briggs, 1960; Grinols, 1965; Rass, 1954). Gonostoma gracile Giinther. Japan; Bering Sea-California; mid-Pacific (Grinols, 1965; Mead and Taylor, 1953; Ueno, 1970). STERNOPTYCHIDAE — hatchetfishes *Argyropelecuf; lyclniiis Garman. British Columbia-South America; Atlantic Ocean (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Grinols, 1965; Schultz, 1964). MELANOSTOMIATIDAE dragonfishes scaleless *Aristngtomias sciiitilla)if< (Gilbert). Loosejaw, shiny loosejaw. British Columbia-Baja California (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Grinols, 1965; McAllister, 1960, 1961; Taylor, 1967a). *Bathophihis flemingi Aron and McCrery. High- fin dragonfish. British Columbia-Washington (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Taylor, 1967a). Tactostoma inacropuN Bolin. Longfin dragon- fish. Japan; Gulf of Alaska-California (Grinols, 1965; LeBrasseur, 1964; McAllister, 1960, 1961; Mead and Taylor, 1953; Taylor, 1967a; Ueno, 1970). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. CHAULIODONTIDAE - viperfishes Chaitliodns niacoK )ii Bean. Viperfish. Kurilo-Kamchatkan Trench; Sea of Okhotsk; Bering Sea-California (Gilbert, 1895; Grin- ols. 1965; Rass, 1954; Taylor, 1967a; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Gulf of Alaska; southeastern Alaska. ALEPOCEPHALIDAE — slickheads Ericani salmoiieum Gill and Townsend. Deep- sea slickhead. Bering Sea-California (Grey, 1956; Grinols, 1965; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimov- sky, 1954). *Saga»iichthys abei Parr. Antarctic Ocean; northwestern Pacific; Brit- ish Columbia; southern California (Grinols, 1965; Taylor. 1967a, 1967b; Ueno, 1970). Wilimovsky, 1964). ABBL: Gulf of Alaska. SCOPELARCHIDAE — pearleyes Neoscopelarchoides de)itatus Chapman. Pearl- eye, northern pearleye. Gulf of Alaska-Mexico (Grinols, 1965; Mar- shall, 1955; Taylor, 1967a; Wilimovsky, 1954). SCOPELOSAURIDAE *Scopel().'(lon co)'tezia)ius Gilbert. Bigfin eelpout. British Columbia-California (Grinols, 1965). Bothrocara bnnnietini (Bean). Twoline eelpout. Sea of Okhotsk; Sakhalin Island; Olytorsky Bay; Bering Sea-California (Bayliff, 1959; Grinols, 1965; Shmidt, 1950; Westrheim and Pletcher, 1966). Bothrocara moUe Bean. Soft eelpout, pighead eelpout, short-snout eelpout. Bering Sea-Mexico (Andriyashev, 1937; Bay- liff, 1959; Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Grin- ols, 1965; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Shmidt, 1950; Westrheim and Pletcher, 1966; Wilimovsky, 1954). Botlovcara pnsiUiiDt (Bean). Alaska eelpout. Bering Sea-southeastern Alaska (Hubbs and Schultz, 1941; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Gulf of Alaska. ■"' Identified by Daniel M. Cohen, Director, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Systematics Labora- tory, U.S. National Museum, Washingrt.on, D.C. 20.560. (Personal communication, September 21, 1965.) *Commandorella popovi Taranetz and Andria- shev. Commander Islands (Andriyashev, 1937). * Derepodichthijs alepidotus Gilbert. British Columbia (Grinols, 1965). Embryx crotalhia (Gilbert). Snakehead eel- pout. Shumagin Islands-California (Bayliff, 1959; Grinols, 1965; Wilimovsky, 1954). Gynnielis bilabriis Andriashev. Bering Strait (Andriyashev, 1937). Gymnelis hemifasciatus Andriashev. Cape Olytorsky; St. Lawrence Island (Andri- yashev, 1937, 1954; Ueno, 1970). Gyinuelif< riridis (Fabricius) . Fish doctor. Sea of Okhotsk; Anadyr Gulf; Chukchi Sea; Bering Sea; Arctic Ocean; circumpolar; Aleutian Islands; Gulf of Alaska (Andriya- shev, 1937, 1954; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Leim and Scott, 1966; Shmidt, 1950; Vlady- kov, 1933; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). Gynnielopsis atignia (Lay and Bennett). Bering Sea (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wili- movsky, 1954). *Lycenchelys albeolis Andriashev. Kurilo-Kamchatkan Trench (Andriyashev, 1958; Ueno, 1970). *Lyceuchelys birsteiiii Andriashev. Kurilo-Kamchatkan Trench (Andriyashev, 1958; Ueno, 1970). *Lyce)ichelyii canichaticii>i (Gilbert and Burke). Eastern Kamchatka; Commander Islands (Andriyashev, 1937, 1955a, 1958). Lyce)iclielys jordaiii (Evermann and Golds- borough). Southeastern Alaska-Oregon (Bayliff, 1959; Grey, 1956; Grinols, 1965; Wilimovsky, 1954). *Lycenchelys microporus Andriashev. Northwestern Bering Sea (Andriyashev, 1955a). *Lycenchelys pliciferiis Andriashev. Commander Islands (Andriyashev, 1955a). *Lyceuclielys ixttniaiiori Andriashev. Petropavlovsk (Andriyashev, 1955a). 13 *Lyce)ichelys uschakuri Andriashev. Kurilo-Kamchatkan Trench (Andriyashev, 1955a; Ueno, 1970). *Lijceiichehjs vitiazi Andriashev. Kurilo-Kamchatkan Trench (Andriyashev, 1955a). ^Lijcenchehjs volki Andriashev. Commander Islands (Andriyashev, 1955a). Lijcodalepis tiirneri (Bean). Western Bering Sea; Norton Sound; Point Barrow (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Scofteld, 1899). Lycodapus e.vtensus Gilbert.*^ Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands (Gilbert, 1895; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimovsky, 1954). Lycodapus fierasfer Gilbert. Blackmouth eel- pout. Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands-Panama (Bay- liff, 1959; Gilbert, 1890; Grey. 1956; Grin- ols, 1965; Wilimovsky, 1954). Lycodapus grossidois Gilbert. Bering Sea; southeastern Alaska; Oregon (Grinols, 1965; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Prince William Sound; southeastern Alaska. Lycodapus nuuidihiilaris Gilbert. Pallid eel- pout. Southeastern Alaska-California (Alverson, 1951; Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Grinols, 1965; Hubbs and Schultz, 1941; Wilimov- sky, 1954). Lycodapus parviceps Gilbert. Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands (Gilbert, 1895; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimovsky, 1954). Ly codes ag)iostHS Jensen. Anadyr Gulf; Chukchi Sea; Bering Sea; Arctic Alaska; Barents Sea; circumpolar (Andriyashev, 1937; Wilimovsky, 1954). *Lycodes bathybius Shmidt. Southern Kamchatka (Shmidt, 1950). Lycodes brevipes Bean. Shortfin eelpout. Sea of Okhotsk; Bering Sea; Alaska-Oregon ^ The genus Lycodapus is in need of revision. Apparent- ly some nominal species represent different se.xes of the same species. One species {L. (/tossideiis ?) is abun- dant in Lynn Canal, southeastern Alaska. (Andriyashev, 1937; Gilbert and Thompsen, 1905; Grinols. 1965; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Alaska Peninsula; Kodiak Island; Gulf of Alaska; southeastern Alaska. *Lycodes canichaticus Gilbert and Burke. Petropavlovsk; Commander Islands (An- driyashev, 1937). *Lycodes concolor Gill and Townsend. Bering Sea (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wili- movsky, 1954). Lycodes diapterus Gilbert. Black eelpout. Sea of Japan; Commander Islands; Bering Sea-California (Andriyashev, 1937; Bayliff, 1959; Grinols, 1965; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Kodiak Island; southeastern Alaska. Lycodes digitatiis Gill and Townsend. Bering Sea (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899). * Lycodes kiiipoiritschi Popov. Sea of Okhotsk; Kamchatka; Anadyr Gulf; Bering Sea; Chukchi Sea (Andriyashev, 1937; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Walters, 1955). Lycodes dikcosks Richardson. Anadyr Gulf; Bering Sea; Point Barrow (Andriyashev, 1954; Walters, 1955). ABBL: Point Barrow. Lycodes paleaiix Gilbert. Wattled eelpout. Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; Anadyr Gulf; Bering Sea; Chukchi Sea; Arctic Alaska; British Columbia-Washington (Andriyashev, 1937, 1954; Bayliff, 1959; Grinols, 1965; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Ueno, 1970; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Gulf of Alaska; southeastern Alaska. Lycodes polaris (Sabine). Canadian eelpout. Circumpolar in the Arctic Ocean (Andriya- shev, 1954). Lycodes mrideiis Taranetz and Andriashev. Sparse toothed lycod (Russ.). Sea of Okhotsk; St. Matthew Island; Bering Sea; Bering Strait; Chukchi Sea; Arctic Alaska (Andriyashev, 1937, 1954; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Walters, 1955; Wilimov- sky, 1954). * Lycodes soldatovi Taranetz and Andriashev. Sea of Okhotsk; Olytorsky Gulf (Andriyashev, 1937; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Walters, 1955). 14 Lycodes tiirneri Bean. Polar eelpout. Kara Sea; northern Bering Sea; Arctic Alas- ka; Gulf of St. Lawrence; western Green- land (Leim and Scott, 1966; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). Lycodopsis pacifica (Collett). Blackbelly eel- pout. Alaska-California (Bayliff, 1959; Grinols, 1965; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Gulf of Alaska; Yakutat; south- eastern Alaska. *Melanostigma panunckifi Gilbert. Black eel- pout. British Columbia-southern California (Grin- ols, 1965, 1966c). Nalba)iticlithys elongatioi Schultz. Bering Sea (Schultz, 1967). *Tara)tetzella lyoderma Andriashev. Olytorsky Bay (Andriyashev, 1955a). MACROURIDAE — rattails Coryphae>ioides acrolepis (Bean). Roughscale rattail. Japan; Kurilo-Kamchatkan Trench; Sea of Okhotsk; Bering Sea-California (Grinols, 1965; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Okada, 1955; Okamura, 1970; Rass, 1954; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). Coryphaenoides cinereus (Gilbert). Sea of Okhotsk; Kurilo-Kamchatkan Trench; East Kamchatka; Bering Sea; Unalaska Island (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Okamura, 1970; Rass, 1954; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). Coryphaoioides clarki (Jordan and Gilbert). Bering Sea (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Ma- kushok, 1964;, 1954). *CoryphaeuoideH cyclolepis (Gilbert). Smooth- scale rattail. British Columbia (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Grinols, 1965). Coryphaenoides filifera Gilbert. Filamented rattail. Aleutian Islands; British Columbia (Clem- ens and Wilby, 1961; Grinols, 1965; Isakson et al., 1971). ABBL: Gulf of Alaska. Coryphaenoides firmisquamis (Gill and Town- send). Strong-scaled rattail. Bering Sea (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wili- movsky, 1954). Coryphaenoides lepturus (Gill and Townsend). Bering Sea (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wili- movsky, 1954). Coryphaenoides pectoralis (Gilbert). Giant rattail. Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; Kurilo-Kamchatkan Trench; Pribilof Islands; Bering Sea- Oregon (Andriyashev, 1937; Gill and Town- send, 1897; Grinols, 1965; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Okamura, 1970; Rass, 1954; Shmidt. 1950; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). CorypIiae)inides sernda (Bean). Southeastern Alaska (Wilimovsky, 1954). Coryphaenoides spinulosus (Gilbert and Burke). Bering Sea (Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). Coryphaenoides sitborbitalis (Gill and Town- send). Bering Sea (Wilimovsky, 1954). SCOAABERESOCIDAE — sauries Cdldlabis saira (Brevoort). Pacific saury. Korea; Japan; Gulf of Alaska-southern Cali- fornia (Grinols, 1965; LeBrasseur, 1964; Okada, 1955; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). MELAMPHAEIDAE — melamphids, bigscales Melamphaes higubris Gilbert. Highsnout mel- amphid. Bering Sea-Baja California (Ebeling, 1962; Gilbert, 1895; Grinols, 1965; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Taylor, 1967a; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Gulf of Alaska. Poromitra crassiceps (Giinther). Crested big- scale. Atlantic Ocean; Eastern Aleutians-Central and South America (Grinols, 1965; Ko- bayashi and Ueno, 1966; Taylor. 1967a; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). 15 Scupeloberyx )iycteriinis (Gilbert). Kurilo-Kamchatkan Trench; Gulf of Alaska- California (Rass. 1954; Ueno, 1970; Wili- movsky, 1954). ANOPLOGASTERIDAE *Anopl()gaster coniuta Valenciennes. Widespread bathypelagic; Oi'egon-Gulf of Panama; Atlantic Ocean (Grinols, 1966a). ZEIDAE — dories Allocyttus rermcosus (Gilchrist). Coster dory. Atlantic Ocean; Japan; Aleutian Islands; British Columbia (Clemens and Wilby. 1961; Grinols, 1965; Kobayashi, Mikawa, and Ito, 1968; Kobayashi and Ueno, 1966; Ueno, 1970; Welander, Johnson, and Hajny, 1957). LAAAPRIDAE — opahs Lanipris regius (Bonnaterre). Opah. Japan; Gulf of Alaska-California; cosmopoli- tan (Grinols, 1965; Leim and Scott, 1966; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). TRACHIPTERIDAE — ribbonfishes Trachipterus altirelis Kner. King-of-the- salmon. Eastern Pacific; Alaska-South America, off- shore (Grinols, 1965). GASTEROSTEIDAE — sticklebacks Gasterosteiis acideatiix Linnaeus. Threespine stickleback. Yellow Sea; Sea of Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; Bering Sea-Baja California; northern Europe (Andriyashev, 1954; Carl et al., 1959; Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; 'LeBrasseur, 1964; Leim and Scott, 1966; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Okada. 1955; Popov, 1933; Scofield, 1899; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Alaska Peninsula; Kodiak Island; Kenai Peninsula; Prince William Sound; southeastern Alaska. Pmtgitins pioigitius (Linnaeus). Ninespine stickleback. Yellow Sea-Bering Sea; Arctic Alaska; Aleu- tian Islands-British Columbia (Andriya- shev, 1954; Gilbert, 1895; Jordan and Gil- bert, 1899; Leim and Scott, 1966; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Popov, 1933; Scofield, 1899; Ueno, 1970; Walters, 1955; Wilimov- sky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Alaska Peninsula; Yukon drainage. AULORHYNCHIDAE — tubesnouts Anlorlnjiicliiis facidiis Gill. Tube-snout. Southeastern Alaska-Baja California (Wili- movsky, 1954). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. SYNGNATHIDAE — pipefishes, sea horses Sy)ignatlnis griseoliiieatus Ayres. Bay pipe- fish. Southeastern Alaska-southern California (Wilimovsky, 1954). SCORPAENIDAE — scorpionfishes and rockfishes Sehastes aleutiaiiHs (Jordan and Evermann). Rougheye rockfish. Aleutian Islands-California (Barsukov, 1964; Grinols, 1965; Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Phillips, 1957; Taylor, 1967a; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Aleutian Islands; Gulf of Alaska; southeastern Alaska. Sebastes ah(tii>f (Gilbert). Pacific ocean perch, muddy bass (Russ.). Honshu-Cape Olytorsky; Bering Sea-Cali- fornia (Andriyashev, 1937; Barsukov, 1964; Clemens and" Wilby, 1961; Gilbert, 1895; Grinols, 1965; Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Phillips, 1957; Taylor, 1967a; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Bering Sea; Shumagin Islands; Gulf of Alaska; Yakutat; southeastern Alaska. 16 Sebastes auriculatus Girard. Brown rockfish. Southeastern Alaska-Baja California (Phil- lips, 1957; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABEL: southeastern Alaska. *Sebastes aiimm (Gilbert). Aurora rockfish. Vancouver Island-California (Grinols, 1965; Heyamoto and Hitz, 1962; Phillips, 1957; Westrheim, 1968). Sebastes babcocki (Thompson). Redbanded rockfish. Aleutian Islands-California (Best and El- dridge, 1969; Heyamoto and Hitz, 1962; Rosenblatt and Chen, 1972; Thompson, 1915b; Westrheim, 1965). ABBL: Gulf of Alaska; southeastern Alaska. Sebastes brevispinis (Bean). Silvergray rock- fish. Bering Sea-California (Barsukov, 1964; Grin- ols, 1965; Phillips, 1957; Taylor, 1967a; Wilimovsky, 1954). Sebastes borealis Barsukov. Kamchatka; northwestern Bering Sea; Aleu- tian Islands-Puget Sound and possibly Oregon (Barsukov, 1970; Tsuyuki and Westerheim, 1970). Sebastes cain-i)ius Richardson. Copper rockfish. Kenai Penin.sula-California (Phillips, 1957; Westrheim, 1966a; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Prince William Sound; southeastern Alaska. Sebastes eiliatiis (Tilesius). Dusky rockfish. Bering Sea-Dixon Entrance (Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Taylor, 1967a; Westrheim, 1968; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Aleutian Islands; Alaska Peninsula; Kodiak Island; southeastern Alaska. Sebastes craineri (Jordan). Darkblotched rock- fish. Bering Sea-California (Grinols, 1965; Phillips, 1957; Taylor, 1967a; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. Sebastes diploproa (Gilbert). Splitnose rockfish. Southeastern Alaska-Baja Califoimia (Grinols, 1965; Phillips, 1957). Sebastes elongatus Ayres. Greenstriped rock- fish. Montague Island; southeastern Alaska-Baja California (Grinols, 1965; Phillips, 1957; Taylor, 1967a; Westrheim, 1966a). ABBL: Katlian Bay and Baranof Island in southeastern Alaska. Sebastes emphaeus (Starks). Puget Sound rockfish. Puget Sound (Alverson and Welander, 1952; Hitz, 1965; Schultz, 1936). ABBL: Kenai Peninsula ; southeastern Alaska. Sebastes eiitotnelas (Jordan and Gilbert). Widow rockfish. Southeastern Alaska-California (Grinols, 1965; McAllister and Westrheim, 1965; Phillips, 1957; Taylor, 1967a). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. Sebastes ftavidits (Ayres). Yellowtail rockfish. Southeastern Alaska-California (Grinols, 1965; Phillips, 1957; Taylor, 1967a; Westr- heim, 1966b). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. *Sebastes glauciis Hilgendorf. Sea of Japan; northern Sea of Okhotsk; Com- mander Islands (Bar.sukov, 1964; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Shmidt, 1950 ; Ueno, 1970). *Sebastes r/oodei (Eigenmann and Eigenmann). Chilipepper. Vancouver Island; Oregon-Baja California (Grinols, 1965; Westrheim, 1965). Sebastes lielvoniaeidatus Ayres. Rosethorn Southeastern Alaska-Baja California (Grinols, 1965; Heyamoto and Hitz, 1962; Phillips, 1957; Taylor, 1967a; Westrheim, 1965). ABBL: Gulf of Alaska near Cape Fairweather and Yakutat. *Sebastes joi-da)u (Gilbert). Shortbelly rockfish. British Columbia-Baja California (Grinols, 1965; Phillips, 1957; Welander and Alver- son, 1954; Westrheim, 1967; Westrheim and Pletcher, 1966). Sebastes inaliger (Jordan and Gilbert). Quill- back rockfish. Gulf of Alaska-California (Grinols, 1965; Phillips, 1957; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Kenai Peninsula: Lituya Bay; south- eastern Alaska. 17 Sebastefi melaimpx (Girard). Black rockfish." Aleutian Islands; Gulf of Alaska-California (Grinols, 1965; Phillips. 1957; Taylor, 1967a; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Southeastern Alaska. Sebastes mckniostoDins (Eigenmann and Eigen- mann). Blackgill rockfish. Bering Sea-Baja California (Barsukov, 1964; Grinols, 1965; Phillips, 1957). *Sehasteii iiii)iiafHs (Jordan and Gilbert). Ver- milion rockfish. Vancouver Island-Baja California (Grinols, 1965; Phillips, 1957). *Sebastes mystinus (Jordan and Gilbert). Blue rockfish. Reported Bering Sea-Baja California, but presence in Alaska doubtful, records prob- ably S. ciliatus or S. nielanops (Grinols, 1965; Phillips, 1957; Wilimovsky. 1954). Sebastes nebidoi^us Ayres. China rockfish. Southeastern Alaska-California (Phillips, 1957; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. Sebastes )iigroci)ictiis Ayrcfi. Tiger rockfish. Southeastern Alaska-California (Grinols, 1965; Phillips, 1957; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Cape Resurrection, Kenai Peninsula. Sebastes pauclspi)iiis Ayres. Bocaccio. Southeastern Alaska; British Columbia-Baja California (Davenport, 1966; Grinols, 1965; Phillips, 1957; Taylor, 1967a; Westrheim, 1966b). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. Sebasteti p'nudger (Gill). Canary rockfish. Southeastern Alaska; Dixon Entrance; British Columbia-Baja California (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Grinols, 1965; Phillips, 1957; Taylor, 1967a; Westrheim, 1966b). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. Sebastes polyspinis (Taranetz and Moiseev). Northern rockfish, multi-spined bass ( Russ.). Eastern Kamchatka; Bering Sea-southeastern Alaska (Andriyashev, 1937; Ueno, 1970; Westrheim and Tsuyuki, 1971; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Bering Sea; Shumagin Islands; Gulf of Alaska; Kenai Peninsula. Scbat^tes proriger (Jordan and Gilbert). Red- stripe rockfish. Bering Sea-California (Grinols, 1965; Isak- son et al., 1971; Phillips, 1957; Taylor, 1967a; Wilimovsky. 1954). ABBL: Gulf of Alaska; southeastern Alaska. Scbasti-y< reedi (Westrheim and Tsuyuki). Yel- lowmouth rockfish. Sitka. Alaska-Cape Blanco. Oregon (Westr- heim and Tsuyuki, 1967). ''■'Si'bafcauthiis pistilliger (Pallas). Threaded sculpin (Russ.). Sea of Japan-Arctic Ocean; Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands (Andriyashev, 1937, 1954; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Jordan and Starks, 1904; Popov, 1933; Scofield, 1899; Shmidt, 1950; Walters, 1955; Watanabe, 1960; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). relation of size specificity to the species indices is resolved, we prefer to classify ABBL specimens collected to date as E. dicefaufi. 21 ABBL: Bering Sea; Unimak Island (Aleutian Islands); Cook Inlet; Kodiak Island; south- eastern Alaska. Gynnioccuithiis triciixpis (Reinhardt). Arctic staghorn sculpin. Circumpolar; Bering Sea; Hudson Bay (An- driyashev, 1937, 1954; Leim and Scott, 1966; Vladykov, 1933; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Chukchi Sea; Point Barrow. Hemilepidotiis gilberti Jordan and Starks. Northern Sea of Japan; Aniva Bay; Kamchat- ka; Kuril Strait; Commander Islands; Ber- ing Sea (Peden, 1964; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970). HemilepidotHS lu'Diilepidutus (Tilesius). Red Irish lord. Sea of Okhotsk; Aleutian Islands; Bering Sea-California (Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Peden, 1964; Popov, 1933; Shmidt, 1950; Taylor, 1967a; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Bristol Bay; Gulf of Alaska; south- eastern Alaska. He)7iiIepidotu^ijord(i}ii Bean. Yellow Irish lord. North Pacific Ocean to Anadyr Gulf; Aleutian Islands; Bering Sea-southeastern Alaska (Andriyashev, 1937; Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Peden, 1964; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Unalaska Island (Aleutian Islands); Alaska Peninsula; Shumagin Islands; Ko- diak Island; Kenai Peninsula; Gulf of Alaska; Lituya Bay; southeastern Alaska. HemilepidotHS papilio(Bea.n). Butterfly sculpin. Sea of Okhotsk; eastern Kamchatka; Anadyr Gulf; Bering Sea (Andriyashev, 1937, 1954; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Peden, 1964; Shmidt. 1950; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). Hemilepidotus spinosus (Ayres). Brown Irish lord. Southeastern Alaska-California (Peden, 1964). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. HemilepidotHS zapus (Gilbert and Burke). Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands (Peden, 1964; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Chukchi Sea. Heniitripterus villosiis (Pallas). Sea of Japan; Hokkaido; Aniva Bay; Sak- halin; Petropavlovsk; Karaganski Bay; southern Bering Sea; Kodiak Island (An- driyashev, 1937; Gilbert, 1895; Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Jordan and Starks, 1904; Leim and Scott, 1966; Popov, 1933; Shmidt. 1950; Watanabe, 1960; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). Iceli}uis borealis Gilbert. Northern sculpin. Aleutian Islands; Bering Sea-Washington (Gilbert, 1895; Gilbert and Thompson, 1905; Grinols, 1965; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Unimak and Krenitzin Islands (Aleu- tian Islands); Shumagin Islands; Trinity Islands; Cook Inlet; Kodiak Island; Gulf of Alaska; southeastern Alaska. IceliiiKs bHrcliumi Evermann and Goldsborough. Dusky sculpin. Southeastern Alaska-California (Barraclough and Butler, 1965; Grinols, 1965; Wilimov- sky, 1954). *Ici'liiiHs filameiitosus Gilbert. Threadfin scul- pin. British Columbia-.southern California (Clem- ens and Wilby, 1961; Gilbert and Thomp- son, 1905; Grinols, 1965). *Iceli)iHS tennis Gilbert. Spotfin sculpin. British Columbia-southern California (Grin- ols, 1965; Taylor 1967a). Iceliis bicornis (Reinhardt). Twohorn sculpin. Bristol Bay; circumpolar; east of Point Bar- row (Gilbert, 1895; Vladykov, 1933; Wal- ters, 1955). Icelus canaliculatus Gilbert. Sea of Okhotsk; Unalaska Island (Aleutian Islands); eastern Bering Sea (Gilbert, 1895; Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gil- bert, 1899; Shmidt, 1950; Wilimovsky, 1954. Iceliis cini/ops Bean. Gulf of Alaska (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimovsky, 1954). Icelus scutiger Bean. BeringSea-Gulf of Alaska; Attu Island (Aleu- tian Islands); Alaska Peninsula (Gilbert, 1895;JordanandGilbert, 1899; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Bering Sea. 22 IcelHs spatula Gilbert and Burke. Spatulate sculpin. Kara Sea eastward to western Greenland and south to Labrador and Cape Cod; Siberian Sea; Okhotsk Sea; Bering Sea; circum- polar (Andriyashev, 1937, 1954; Leim and Scott, 1966; Shmidt, 1950; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky. 1954). ABBL: Unimak Island (Aleutian Islands); Kuskokwim Bay; Shumagin Islands; Gla- cier Bay (southeastern Alaska). Icelus spiniger Gilbert. Sea of Japan; Kamchatka; Aleutian Islands; Bering Sea-southeastern Alaska (Andriya- shev, 1937; Gilbert, 1895; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Jordan and Starks, 1904; Okada, 1955; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Watanabe, 1960; Wilimovsky. 1954, 1964). ABBL: Bering Sea; Unimak and Krenitzin Islands (Aleutian Islands); Gulf of Alaska; Cook Inlet; Glacier Bay (southeastern Alaska). IcehiK Kiiciiialis Gilbert and Burke. Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands (Andriyashev, 1937; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Wilimov- sky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Unimak Island (Aleutian Islands); Shumagin Islands; Kodiak Island; Cook Inlet; Gulf of Alaska. Icelus vicittalis Gilbert. Bering Sea; Bristol Bay (Gilbert, 1895; Jor- dan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimovsky, 1954). Leptocottus armatus Girard. Pacific staghorn sculpin. Gulf of Alaska-Baja California (Carl et al., 1959; Roedel, 1953; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Alaska Peninsula; Prince William Sound; southeastern Alaska. Malacocottus kincaidi Gilbert and Thompson. Blackfin sculpin. Hokkaido; Sea of Okhotsk; southern Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands; Gulf of Alaska- Washington (Andriyashev, 1937; Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Gilbert. 1895; Gilbert and Thompson, 1905; Grinols, 1965; Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Taylor, 1967a; Watanabe, 1960; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Bering Sea; Fox Islands (Aleutian Islands); Shumagin Islands; Afognak Is- land; Cook Inlet; Gulf of Alaska; Yakutat; Cape Fairweather; southeastern Alaska. Megalocottus laticeps (Gilbert). Bristol Bay; Port Clarence (Seward Peninsu- la) (Jordan and Gilbert. 1899; Scofield, 1899). Megalocottus platycephalus (Pallas). Belliger- ent sculpin. Sea of Japan; Peter the Great Bay; Sea of Okhotsk; Petropavlovsk; Bering Sea; Chuk- chi Sea; Arctic Alaska (Andriyashev, 1954; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Jordan and Starks, 1904; Popov, 1933; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). Microcottus sellaris (Gilbert) . Brightbelly scul- pin. Sea of Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; Bering Sea (Andriyashev, 1954; Shmidt, 1950; Wili- movsky, 1954). Myo.vocephalus jaok (Cuvier). Plain sculpin; shorthorn sculpin (Russ.). Japan; Robben Reef (Sakhalin); Sea of Okhotsk; Petropavlovsk; Bering Sea-Arctic Alaska; Aleutian Islands (Andriyashev, 1954; Gilbert, 1895; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Jordan and Starks, 1904; Popov, 1933; Scofield. 1899; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Walters, 1955; Watanabe, 1960; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Chukchi Sea; Bristol Bay; Cold Bay (south side of Alaska Peninsula). Myoxoccplialus niediiius Bean. Attu and Agattu Islands (Aleutian Islands); Bering Sea (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). Myoxocephalus niger (Bean). Warthead scul- pin. Hokkaido; Sea of Okhotsk; Aleutian Chain; Bering Sea (Andriyashev, 1937; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; " Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Watanabe, 1960; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). Myoxocephalus platycephalus (Pallas). Northern Sea of Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; Ber- ing Sea; Chukchi Sea; Arctic Alaska (Wal- ters, 1955). Myoxocephalus polyacauthocephalus (Pallas). Great sculpin. Eastern Sea of Japan; Tatar Strait; Aniva 23 Bay; northern Sea of Okhotsk; Petropav- lovsk; Commander Islands; Pi-ibilof Is- lands; Aleutian Islands; Bering Sea-Wash- ington (Gilbert, 1895; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Jordan and Starks, 1904; Popov, 1933; Scofield, 1899; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Watanabe, 1960; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Alaska Peninsula; Kachemak Bay; Kodiak Island; Gulf of Alaska; southeastern Alaska. Myoxocephalus quadricornis (Linnaeus). Four- horn sculpin. Anadyr Gulf; Bering Sea; Arctic Alaska; Polar Basin; North Atlantic Ocean (Leim and Scott, 1966; McAllister, 1960; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970; Walters, 1955; Wilimov- sky, 1954)." ABBL: Beaufort Sea. Myoxocephalus scorpioides (Fabricius). Arctic sculpin. Northern Anadyr Gulf; Bering Sea; Chukchi Sea; Arctic Alaska east to Gulf of St. Lawrence; Greenland and eastern Siberian Sea (Andriyashev, 1937, 1954; Joi'dan and Gilbert, 1899; Leim and Scott, 1966; Sco- field, 1899; Vladykov, 1933; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL; Chukchi Sea. Myoxocephalus scorpiKs (Linnaeus). Short- horn sculpin. Northern Kuril Islands; Sea of Okhotsk; Bering Sea; Chukchi Sea; Aleutian Islands; Kara Sea to eastern Greenland; North Atlantic (Andriyashev, 1954; Leim and Scott, 1966; Shm'idt, 1950; Vladykov, 1933; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Point Barrow; Bristol Bay; Gulf of Alaska; southeastern Alaska. Myoxocephalus steUeri Tilesius. Japan; Vladivostok; Sakhalin; Sea of Okhotsk; Petropavlovsk; Bering Sea; Medni (Com- mander Islands) and Unalaska Island (Aleu- tian Islands) (Andriyashev, 1937, 1954; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Jordan and Starks, 1904; Popov, 1933; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). Myoxocephalus verrucosus (Bean). Warty sculpin (Russ.). Kuril Islands; Sea of Okhotsk; Bering Sea; Chukchi Sea; Unalaska Island; Bristol Bay (Andriyashev, 1937, 1954; Gilbert, 1895; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Scofield, 1899; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970). ABBL: Chukchi Sea. Nautichtliys oculofasciatus (Girard). Sailfin sculpin. Eastern Kamchatka; St. Lawrence Island; southeastern Alaska-California (Andriya- shev, 1937; Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Hubbard and Reeder, 1965; Ueno, 1970). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. Nauticlitliys pribilovius (Jordan and Gilbert). Eyeshade sculpin. Sea of Japan-Chukchi Sea; Point Barrow- Kodiak Island; Pribilof Islands; Aleutian Islands (Andriyashev, 1954; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Jordan and Starks, 1904; Peden, 1970; Popov, 1933; Shmidt, 1950; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Chukchi Sea; Bering Sea; Stephens Passage (southeastern Alaska). Nantivhtln/s robustiis Peden. Aleutian Islands; British Columbia (Peden, 1970). Oligocottus inaculosus Girard. Tidepool scul- pin. Sea of Okhotsk; Bering Sea-California (Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. "Oligocottus liiuoisis (Greeley). Saddleback sculpin. British Columbia-California (Bolin, 1944; Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Gilbert and Thompson, 1905). Oligocottus sinjderi Greeley. Fluffy sculpin. Southeastern Alaska-California (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Quast, 1968). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. Onocottns hexacornis (Richardson). Northern Bering Sea; Beaufort Sea; Seward Peninsula; Commander Islands; Greenland (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Scofield, 1899). Oxycottus acuticeps (Gilbert). Unalaska Island (Aleutian Islands); Prince William Sound; Kodiak Island-Vancouver Island (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899). 24 *Pariceli)uis Iwpliticus Eigenmann and Eigen- mann. Thornback sculpin. Queen Charlotte Sound; California (Taylor, l%7a). Phallocottiis obtiisMs Schultz. Spineless sculpin. Aleutian Islands; Bering Sea (Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). Porocnttus bradfordi Rutter. Bering Sea (Andriyashev, 1937; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). *Powc()ttus qnadratus Bean. Commander Islands (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899). Parocottus qnadrifilis Gill. Bering Strait; Bering Sea (Andriyashev, 1954; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimov- sky, 1954). Porocottiis f^eUaris (Gilbert). Petropavlovsk; Bristol Bay (Jordan and Gil- bert, 1899; Popov, 1933; Ueno, 1970). Radiiliuus asp7-elh(s Gilbert. Slim sculpin. Gulf of Alaska-Baja California (Grinols, 1965; Hubbs and Schultz, 1941; Isakson et al., 1971; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Kodiak Island; Gulf of Alaska; south- eastern Alaska. Rhainphocdttiis riclnD'dxoui Giinther. Grunt sculpin. Bering Sea-California (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Gulf of Alaska; southeastern Alaska. S c 0 rp ae n ! c hthij x m a r m u ra f h .s ( A y r e s ) . Cabezon. Southeastern Alaska-Baja California (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Quast, 1968; Roedel, 1953). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. Sigmiates caulias Rutter. Aleutian Islands; Bering Sea-Baja California (Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). Sigmistes smithi Schultz. Kelp sculpin. Aleutian Islands; Bering Sea (Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). Stelgistruni beriiigiantnii Gilbert and Burke. Cape Olytorsky; Aleutian Islands; Bering Sea (Andriyashev, 1937; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). *Stelgistri(m concinuuni Andriashev. Cape Olytorsky (Andriyashev, 1937). Steniictfi .venostethiis (Gilbert). Aleutian Islands; Bering Sea (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). Stlegicottus xenogrammus Bolin. Aleutian Islands (Bolin, 1939; Wilimovsky, 1954). Syuchims gilli Bean. Manacled sculpin. Southeastern Alaska-California (Wilimovsky, 1954). Thecopteriis alenticns Smith. Bering Sea (Wilimovsky, 1954). Thijriscus anoplHH Gilbert and Burke. Aleutian Islands; Bering Sea (Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). Triglopsforficata (Gilbert). Scissortail sculpin. Bering Sea; Kodiak Island (Dryfoos, 1961; Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Ueno, 1970;, 1954). ABBL: Aleutian Islands; Shumagin Islands; northern Gulf of Alaska. *Triglfipsjordani (Shmidt). Northern Sea of Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; Petropavlovsk; western Bering Sea (Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970). Tn'glops macellus (Bean). Roughspine sculpin. Bering Sea-Washington (Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Aleutian Islands; Shumagin Islands; Kodiak Island; Gulf of Alaska; -southeastern Alaska. Triglnpx nietopias Gilbert and Burke. Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands; .southeastern Alaska (Quast, 1968; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Alaska Peninsula; southeastern Alaska. Triglops pingeli Reinhardt. Ribbed sculpin. Bean's triglops (Russ.). Sea of Japan; Tatar Strait; Sea of Okhotsk; Petropavlovsk; Bering Sea; Aleutian Is- lands-Washington; circumpolar (Andriya- shev, 1954; Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert. 1899; Jordan and Starks, 1904; Popov, 1933; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Vladykov, 1933; Walters, 1955; Watanabe, 1960; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Chukchi Sea; Bering Sea; Bristol 25 Bay; Unimak Island (Aleutian Islands); Shumagin Islands; Kodiak Island; Cook Inlet; Gulf of Alaska; southeastern Alaska. Triglops scepticiis Gilbert. Spectacled triglops. Hokkaido; Tatar Strait; northwestern Sea of Okhotsk; Cape Olytorsky; Bering Sea; Attu Island (Aleutian Islands) (Andriya- shev. 1937; Isakson et al., 1971; Okada, 195.5; Shmidt. 1950; Ueno, 1970; Watanabe, 1960; Wiliniovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Aleutian Islands; Shumagin Islands; Gulf of Alaska. UJca boliin Myers. Bigmouth sculpin. Cape Navarin; Alaska Peninsula; Bering Sea-British Columbia (Andriyashev, 1937; Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Wilimovsky, 1954. 1964). ABBL: Unalaska and Unimak Islands (Aleu- tian Islands); Bering Sea; Gulf of Alaska; southeastern Alaska. Zestkelus profiDtdoruin (Gilbert). Petropavlovsk; Aleutian Islands; Bering Sea- Baja California (Andriyashev, 1937; Grey, 1956; Grinols, 1965; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimovsky, 1954). PSYCHROLUTIDAE Psychrolutes paradoxus Giinther. Tadpole sculpin. Sea of Japan; Kuril Islands; northern sea of Okhotsk; Kamchatka; Cape Olytorsky; Aleutian Islands; Alaska Peninsula; Bering Sea-Washington (Andriyashev, 1937; Gil- bert, 1895; Grinols, 1965; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Shmidt, 1950; Taylor, 1967a; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Alaska Peninsula; Gulf of Alaska; Cook Inlet; southeastern Alaska. AGON I DAE — poachers and alligatorfishes Agonopsis emmelane (Jordan and Starks). Northern spearnose poacher. Southeastern Alaska-California (Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Northern Gulf of Alaska. Auopkifionus i)iermi.f (Giinther). Smooth alli- gatortish. Korea; Aleutian Islands; Gulf of Alaska- British Columbia (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Shumagin Islands; Alaska Peninsula; Gulf of Alaska; southeastern Alaska. A>:pid(>pli(ir(iidc>< bartiDii Gilbert. Aleutian al- ligatorfish. Barton's shieldnose (Russ.). Northern Sea of Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; Petropavlovsk; Cape Navarin; Aleutian Islands; Bering Sea (Andriyashev, 1937; Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Wilimov- sky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Chukchi Sea; Unimak Island; Shuma- gin Islands; Kodiak Island. At^pidoplioroides guntheri Bean. Bering Sea (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899). Aspidophoroides olriki Liitken. Arctic alli- gatorfish. Anadyr Gulf; Bering Sea; Bering Strait; Chukchi Sea; Arctic Alaska; Hudson Bay; North Atlantic south to Newfoundland (Andriyashev, 1937; Leim and Scott, 1966; Vladykov, 1933; Walters, 1955; Wilimov- sky, 1954). ABBL: Chukchi Sea; Point Barrow. Asterothi'ca alascaiia (Gilbert). Gray star- snout. Unimak Island (Aleutian Islands); Bering Sea-Washington (Grinols, 1965; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands; Shuma- gin Islands; Kodiak Island; Cook Inlet; southeastern Alaska. Asterotlieca iiifraspinata (Gilbert). Spinycheek starsnout. Bering Sea-Washington; California (Fitch, 1966b; Taylor, 1967a; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Aleutian Islands; Bristol Bay; Kodiak Island; Gulf of Alaska; southeastern Alaska. Aste roth ecu piiitacanthii!i (Gilbert). Bigeye poacher. Bering Sea-California (Grinols, 1965; Wili- movsky, 1954). Buthijago)U(s iiigripiiniia Gilbert. Blackfin poacher. Bering Island (Commander Islands); Bering Sea-Oregon (Andriyashev, 1937; Grinols, 26 1965; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimov- sky, 1954). ABBL: Aleutian Islands; Kodiak Island; southeastern Alaska. Bothragonus swani (Steindachner). Rockhead. Kodiak Island; British Columbia-California (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Hubbard and Reeder, 1965; Quast, 1968). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. Hypsagonus quadiiconiif; (Cuvier). Fourhorn poacher. Northern Sea of Japan; Aniva Bay; Sea of Okhotsk; Petropavlovsk; Bering Strait; Aleutian Islands; Bering Sea-Washington (Andriyashev. 1937, 1954; Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Popov, 1933; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Wilim- ovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Aleutian Islands; southeastern Alas- ka. *Leptagoiii(s decagoiius (Bloch and Schneider). Sea of Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; Anadyr Gulf; Greenland to Kara Sea; Alaska Arctic (?) (Andriyashev, 1937, 1954; Shmidt, 1950). Occella dodecacdron (Tilesius). Bering poacher, eight-edged foxling (Russ.). Northern Sea of Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; Petropavlovsk; Bering Sea; Alaska Penin- sula; Bristol Bay; Norton Sound (Andri- yashev, 1954; Bailey and Gruchy, 1970; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Popov, 1933; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Kuskokwim Bay. *Occella impi Gruchy. British Columbia (Gruchy, 1970). Occella verrucosa (Lockington) . Warty poacher. Southeastern Alaska-California (Bailey and Gruchy, 1970; Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Dryfoos, 1961). ABBL; Bering side of Alaska Peninsula. Od<))itctiis )-oseofiifici(.s Gilbert and Burke. Sakhalin (Burke, 1930; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970). Careproctus scottae Chapman and DeLacy. Southeastern Alaska (Wilimovsky, 1954). *Careproctus segalitniftis Gilbert and Burke. Sakhalin Island (Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970). *Careproctus seraphinnae Shmidt. Sea of Okhotsk (Shmidt, 1950). Careproctus simus Gilbert. Unalaska Island (Aleutian Islands) (Burke, 1930; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimov- sky, 1954). Careproctus spectrum Bean. Gulf of Alaska; southeastern Alaska (Burke, 1930; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimov- sky, 1954). ABBL: Shelikof Strait. *Careproctus trachysoma Gilbert and Burke. Sea of Japan; Sea of Okhotsk (Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970). Crystallichthys cyclospilus Gilbert and Burke. Polka-dot snailfish (see footnote for Liparis cyclostigma). Sea of Okhotsk; Bering Sea (Burke, 1930; Isaksonetal., 1971; Shmidt, 1950; Wilimov- sky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Krenitzin Islands and Unimak Pass (Aleutian Islands); Bering Sea. *CrystaUiclithys nilrabilis Jordan and Gilbert. Kamchatka (Burke, 1930; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899). *Cyclopsis teiitacularis (Pallas). Sea of Okhotsk (Shmidt. 1950). Cyclopteiichthys glaber Steindachner. Globe- fish. Sea of Okhotsk; Aleutian Islands; Bering Sea-British Columbia (Grinols, 1965; Hubbs and Schultz, 1934a; Lindberg and Legeza, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1958, 1964). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. *Cyclopteropsis bergi Popov. Sea of Okhotsk (Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970). *Cyclopteropsis brashnikovi (Shmidt). Sea of Oknotsk (Shmidt, 1950). Cyclopteropsis phrynoides (Gilbert and Burke). Kamchatka; Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands (Lindberg and Legeza, 1955; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1958, 1964). ABBL: Trinity Islands; Cook Inlet; Mon- tague Strait; Gulf of Alaska. *Cyclopteropsis popovi Soldatov. Sea of Okhotsk (Shmidt, 1950). *Elassodiscus tremebundus Gilbert and Burke. Sakhalin; Petropavlovsk (Burke, 1930; Shmidt, 1950). Eumic rot renins andriashevi Perminov. Pim- pled lumpsucker. Kuril Islands; northern Bering Sea; Chukchi Sea (Lindberg and Legeza, 1955; Ueno, 1970). Eumicrotreiuus barbatus (Lindberg and Legeza). Kurile Islands; Aleutian Islands (Lindberg and Legeza, 1955; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1964). Eu nticrotreuius birulai Popov. Sea of Japan ; Tatar Strait ; Sea of Okhotsk ; Petropavlovsk; western Bering Sea; Gulf of Alaska (Andriyashev, 1937; Lindberg and Legeza, 1955; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970). Eumicrotrouus derjugini Popov. Leatherfin lumpsucker. Sea of Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; Chukchi Sea; Arctic Ocean; Hudson Bay; Greenland; North Atlantic; Barents Sea; Kara Sea (Andriyashev, 1954; Leim and Scott, 1966; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Vladykov, 1933; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). Eu niicrotremus gyrinops Garman. Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands (Lindberg and Legeza, 1955; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1964). EuDiicrotremus orbis (Giinther). Pacific spiny lumpsucker. Tatar Strait; Sakhalin Island; northern Kuril 29 Islands; Sea of Okhotsk; Chukchi Sea; Commander and Aleutian Islands; Bering Sea-Washington (Andriyashev, 1937, 1954; Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Isakson et al., 1971; Lindberg and Legeza, 1955; Popov, 1933; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Wilimov- sky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands; Kodiak Island; Cook Inlet; Gulf of Alaska; south- eastei'n Alaska. *Eiin)icrotre»>us soldatovi Popov. Sea of Okhotsk (Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970). *Etnnicrotrei)!us .'ipi)iosus (Miiller). Canadian Arctic; Greenland; Spitzbergen; Iceland; Norway-Barents Sea (Ueno, 1970). Gyrinichthys minytremus Gilbert. Unalaska Island (Aleutian Islands) (Burke, 1930; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimov- sky, 1954). Lethotremus muticna Gilbert. Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands (Isakson et al., 1971; Lindberg and Legeza, 1955; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Aleutian Islands. Liparis agassizi (Putnam). Japan; Sakhalin; Petropavlovsk; Unalaska Island (Aleutian Islands); Bristol Bay; Bering Sea (Burke, 1930; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Ueno, 1970). Liparis bristolense (Burke). Southeastern Bering Sea (Burke, 1930; Wili- movsky, 1954). ABBL: Chukchi Sea. Liparifi caUyodon (Pallas). Spotted snailfish. Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands; southeastern Alaska-Washington (Burke, 1930; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Kenai Peninsula; southeastern Alas- ka. *Liparis curilensis Gilbert and Burke. Sea of Okhotsk (Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970). Liparis cyclopiis Giinther. Ribbon snailfish. Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands-Washington (Burke, 1930; Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Gordon and Backus, 1957; Grinols, 1965; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. Liparis cyclostignia Gilbert. Aleutian Islands; Bering Sea; Hudson Bay; Labrador coast'" (Burke, 1930; Gordon and Backus, 1957; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Leim and Scott, 1966; Vladykov, 1933; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Unalaska Island (Aleutian Islands); Shumagin Islands; Shelikof Strait; Kodiak Island; southeastern Alaska. Liparis denmji Jordan and Starks. Marbled snailfish. Gulf of Alaska-Washington (Burke, 1930; Gilbert and Thompson, 1905; Grinols, 1965; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Unimak Island (Aleutian Islands); Alaska Peninsula; Cook Inlet; southeastern Alaska. *Liparis dulkeiti Soldatov. Sea of Okhotsk (Shmidt, 1950). Liparis florae (Jordan and Starks). Tidepool snailfish. Bering Sea-California (Hubbs and Schultz, 1934b; Jordan and Starks, 1895; Wilimov- sky, 1954). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. Liparis fiiceiisis Gilbert. Slipskin snailfish. Southeastern Alaska-California (Burke, 1930; Grinols, 1965; Hubbs and Schultz, 1934b; Taylor, 1967a; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: southeastei'n Alaska. Liparis gibbus Bean. Chukchi Sea; eastern and western Bering Sea; Unalaska Island (Aleutian Islands); '"Leim and Scott (1966, p. 376 and 377) include Hudson Bay and the Labrador coast in the ranpe of Liparis cyclostignia Gilbert. Their color description is taken from Gordon and Backus (1957, p. 19) who state that the coloration of their specimens fits that of the type description of Gilbert (1895). However, the color description as Kiven by Gilbert was in error according to Gilbert and Burke (1912, p. 75) and applied to a different species. Crystallichthys cyclospilas Gilbert and Burke 1912. Apparently, the reference to Gilbert's description (Gilbert, 1895, p. 446 and 447) by Leim and Scott was inadvertent because the color of their specimens appears to correspond closer to the corrected description of L. cyclustigiiia that is given by Gilbert and Burke in their type description of C. cycl(}spiliis. The counts and morphometry that Gordon and Backus give for their specimens seem to agree with the correct counts and morphometry cited in the original description and its correction. The common name "polka- dot snailfish" (Bailey et al., 1970) also is incorrectly applied and should be the common name of C. cyclospiliis. 30 Bering Sea-southeastern Alaska (Andriya- shev, 1954; Burke, 1930; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). *Liparis grebnitzkii (Schmidt). Bering Island (Commander Islands) (Burke, 1930). Liparis herschelinits Scofield. Bartail snailfish. Arctic Alaska-Arctic Canada (Andriyashev, 1954; Burke, 1930; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Scofield, 1899; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Point Barrow. Liparis koefoedi Parr. Gelatinous seasnail. Eastern Siberia Sea; Arctic circumpolar (Andriyashev, 1954; Leim and Scott, 1966; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). *Liparis latifroiis Shmidt. Sea of Okhotsk (Shmidt, 1950). Liparis liparis (Linnaeus). Striped seasnail. Arctic regions (Leim and Scott, 1966; Walters, 1955). *Liparis nuirmoratKS Shmidt. Sea of Okhotsk (Shmidt, 1950). Liparis megacephalus (Burke). Southeastern Bering Sea (Burke, 1930; Isak- sonetal., 1971; Wilimovsky, 1954). Liparis micraspidophorus (Gilbert and Burke). Bering Island (Commander Islands); Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands (Burke, 1930; Wili- movsky, 1954, 1964). Liparis mucosns Ayres. Slimy snailfish. Kodiak Island-California (Burke, 1930; Hubbs and Schultz, 1934b; Jordan and Starks, 1895; Peden, 1966a). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. Liparis ochotensis Schmidt. Sakhalin Island; Okhotsk Sea (Burke, 1930; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970). ABBL: Kodiak Island. Liparis pnlchdlns Ayres. Showy snailfish. Peter the Great Bay; Tatar Strait; Bering Sea-California (Burke, 1930; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Shmidt, 1950; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. * Liparis punctat us Shmidt. Sea of Okhotsk (Shmidt, 1950). *Liparis rhodosonia Gilbert and Burke. Sea of Okhotsk (Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970). Liparis rutteri (Gilbert and Snyder). Ringtail snailfish. Bering Sea-California (Burke, 1930; Wilimov- sky, 1954, 1964). *Liparis schantarensis (Lindberg and Dulkeit). Sea of Okhotsk (Shmidt, 1950). Lipariscus 7iani(s Gilbert. Pygmy snailfish. Southeastern Alaska-California (Burke, 1930; Quast, 1968; Ueno, 1970). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. Nectoliparis pelagicus Gilbert and Burke. Tad- pole snailfish. Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; Bering Sea-California (Burke, 1930; Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Follett, 1952; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. *Paraliparis albeolus Shmidt. Sea of Okhotsk (Shmidt, 1950). Paraliparis caudatus Gilbert. California (Gilbert, 1915; Gilbert and Burke, 1912). ABBL: Stephens Passage (southeastern Alaska). Paraliparis cephalus Gilbert. Blackbelly snail- fish. Bering Sea-California (Burke, 1930; Grinols, 1965; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899). * Paraliparis dactyloides Shmidt. Sea of Okhotsk (Shmidt, 1950). Paraliparis dactylosus Gilbert. Red snailfish. Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands-California (Burke, 1930; Grinols, 1965; Wilimovsky, 1954). Paraliparis deaiii Burke. Prickly snailfish. Southeastern Alaska-California (Burke, 1930; Grinols, 1965; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Kenai Peninsula; Montague Strait; southeastern Alaska. *Pa7-aliparis entochloris Gilbert and Burke. Sea of Okhotsk (Burke, 1930; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970). * Paraliparis graiidis Shmidt. Sea of Okhotsk (Shmidt, 1950). Paraliparis holomelas Gilbert. Sea of Okhotsk; Bering Sea (Burke, 1930; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Shmidt, 1950; Wilimovsky, 1954). 31 *Pa)-aliparis melanobrancJius Gilbert and Burke. Sea of Okhotsk (Burke, 1930; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970). Paraliparis ulochi)- Gilbert. Broadfin snailfish. Bering Sea; Oregon-Gulf of California (Burke, 1930; Grey, 1956; Grinols, 1965; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimovsky, 1954). *Pt'lagocijchis vitiuzi Lindberg and Legeza. Kuril Islands; western Bering Sea (Lindberg and Legeza. 1955; Ueno, 1970). Polypera bei-ingiamt (Gilbert and Burke). Ber- ing snailfish. Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands-Washington (Burke, 1930; Wilimovsky, 1954). Polypera gree)ii (Jordan and Starks). Lobefin snailfish. Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands-British Colum- bia (Burke, 1930; Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Isakson et al., 1971; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. *Polypera siniushime (Gilbert and Burke). Kuril Islands (Burke, 1930; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970). Rhi)toliparis atteniiatMs Burke. Slim snailfish. Bering Sea; California (Burke, 1930; Grinols, 1965; Wilimovsky, 1954). Rhiiioliparis barbuUfer Gilbert. Japan; Sakhalin; Seaof Okhotsk; Kamchatka; Bering Sea-California (Burke, 1930; Grin- ols, 1965; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). Temnocora Candida (Gilbert and Burke). Bering Sea (Burke, 1930; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Cook Inlet. CARANGIDAE'— jacks, scads, and pompanos Trachurus symmetrkus (Ayres). Jack mack- erel. Southeastern Alaska-Baja California; mid- Pacific (tropical) (Grinols, 1965; Wilimov- sky, 1954). BRAMIDAE — pomfrets Biviiia japoiiica Hilgendorf. Pacific pomfret. Korea; Japan; Kamchatka; Gulf of Alaska- California; cosmopolitan (Grinols, 1965; Hitz and French, 1965; Leim and Scott, 1966; Van Cleve and Thompson, 1938; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). CARISTIIDAE — manefishes *Cari.')iqiiilusjorda)ii (Gilbert). Northern ronquil. Bering Sea-California (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Gilbert, 1895; Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Alaska Peninsula; Kodiak Island; Montague Island; southeastern Alaska. ANARHICHADIDAE — wolffishes Auarhichas orientalis Pallas. Bering wolffish. Tatar Strait; Sea of Okhotsk; Petropavlovsk; Bering Sea; Norton Sound (Andriyashev, 1954; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Popov, 1933; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Wilimov- sky, 1954). ABBL: Bristol Bay. Auarrhichthys ocellatus Ayres. Wolf-eel. Sea of Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; Petropavlovsk; Aleutian Islands; Gulf of Alaska-California (Grinols, 1965; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; LeBrasseur, 1964; Popov, 1933; Roedel, 1953; Shmidt, 1950; Taylor, 1967a; Wili- movsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. 33 STICHAEIDAE — pricklebacks Acautholunipeniis niackayi (Gilbert). Pighead prickleback. Northern Sea of Japan; Tatar Strait; Sea of Okhotsk; Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Makushok, 1958; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1964). ABBL: Bristol Bay. Ak'Ctrklium aurautiacum Gilbert and Burke. Lesser prickleback. Sea of Okhotsk; Petropavlovsk; Bering Sea (Gilbert and Burke, 1912; Peden, 1967; Shmidt, 1950; Wilimovsky, 1954). * Allolumpenus hypochwmus Hubbs and Schultz. Y-prickleback. Vancouver Island (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Hubbs and Schultz, 1932). Anisarchus medius Reinhardt. Stout eelblenny. Sea of Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; Anadyr Gulf; Chukchi Sea; Bering Sea; southeastern Alaska; Arctic Alaska; North Atlantic to Novaya Zemlya (Andriyashev, 1937, 1954; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Leim and Scott. 1966; Quast, 1968; Shmidt. 1950; Ueno, 1970; Walters. 1955; Wilimovsky. 1954). ABBL: Aleutian Islands; Alaska Peninsula; Shumagin Islands; Cook Inlet; southeastern Alaska. Anoplarchus iusiguis Gilbert and Burke. Slen- der cockscomb. Aleutian Islands-Puget Sound (Gilbert and Burke, 1912; Peden. 1966b). AiioplarcltKs pio-purescens Gill. High cocks- comb. Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands; California (Isakson et al., 1971; Peden, 1966b; Wili- movsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Prince William Sound; southeastern Alaska. *Azygopterus corallinus Andriashev and Makushok. Kuril Islands (Andriyashev and Makushok, 1955; Ueno, 1970). Bryostemma tarsodes Jordan and Snyder. Bering Sea (Wilimovsky, 1954). Bryozoichthys lysimus (Jordan and Snyder). Nutcracker prickleback. Sea of Okhotsk; Bering Sea; St. Matthew Island; Aleutian Islands (Andriyashev, 1937; Shmidt, 1950; Wilimovsky, 1954). Bryozoichthys niarjo)ins McPhail. Unalaska Island-southeastern Alaska (Mc- Phail, 1970). Chirolophis nugator (Jordan and Williams). Mosshead warbonnet. Kodiak Island; southeastern Alaska; Strait of Georgia; northern California (Clemens and Wilby. 1961; Hubbard and Reeder, 1965; Isakson etal., 1971; Quast, 1968). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. Chirolophis polyactocephalus (Pallas). Deco- rated warbonnet. Sea of Okhotsk; Petropavlovsk; Bering Sea- Washington (Andriyashev, 1937. 1954; Jordan and Gilbert. 1899; Shmidt. 1950; Wilimovsky. 1954. 1964). ABBL: Kodiak Island. *CI>irol(>phis s)iyderi (Tai'anetz). Sakhalin; Sea of Okhotsk; Petropavlovsk; western Bering Sea (Andriyashev. 1954; Ueno. 1970). Delolepis gigaiitea Kittlitz. Giant wrymouth. Unalaska Island; Krenitzin Islands; Bering Sea-California (Jordan and Gilbert. 1899; Wilimovsky. 1954. 1964). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. Einiiesogrammns praecisus (Kroyer). Four- line snakeblenny. Sea of Okhotsk; Bering Sea; Arctic Alaska; Hud.son Bay; North Atlantic Ocean (Andri- yashev. 1937. 1954; Leim and Scott. 1966; Shmidt. 1950; Vladykov. 1933; Walters. 1955; Wilimovsky. 1954). ABBL: Chukchi Sea. Gymiiocliuus cristnlatits Gilbert and Burke. Trident prickleback. Bering Sea (Isakson et al., 1971; Wilimovsky, 1954). LeptocUiius maculatus (Fries). Langbarn. spotted lumpenus (Russ.). Sea of Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; Anadyr Gulf; Arctic Alaska; Bering Strait; North Atlan- tic Ocean; Aleutian Islands-Washington (Andriyashev. 1937. 1954; Jordan and Gil- bert. 1899; Leim and Scott. 1966; Peden. 1966c; Shmidt. 1950; Ueno. 1970; Wilimov- sky, 1954, 1964). 34 ABBL: Alaska Peninsula; Shumagin Islands; Kodiak Island; Cook Inlet; southeastern Alaska. Lumpenella longirostris (Evermann and Golds- borough). Longsnout prickleback. Sea of Okhotsk; Gulf of Alaska-British Co- lumbia (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Kodiak Island; Gulf of Alaska ; south- eastern Alaska. Lumpenusfabricii (Valenciennes). Slender eel- blenny. Sea of Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; Bering Sea; Chukchi Sea; Arctic Alaska; southeastern Alaska; North Atlantic Ocean to Novaya Zemlya (Andriyashev, 1937, 1954; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Leim and Scott, 1966; Quast, 1968; Shmidt, 1950; Vladykov, 1933; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Chukchi Sea; Cook Inlet; southeastern Alaska. Lumpenus sagitta Wilimovsky. Snake prickle- back. Sea of Japan; Sakhalin; Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands-California (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Okada, 1955; Ueno, 1970; Wilimov- sky, 1954, 1956, 1964). ABBL: Alaska Peninsula; Kenai Peninsula; southeastern Alaska. Lyconectes aleutensis Gilbert. Dwarf wry- mouth, red devil. Bering Sea-California (Gilbert and Thomp- son, 1905; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wili- movsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Aleutian Islands; Alaska Peninsula; Gulf of Alaska; southeastern Alaska. Phijtichthys chirus (Jordan and Gilbert). Rib- bon prickleback. Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands; Gulf of Alaska (Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). *Plectobranchus evides Gilbert. Bluebarred prickleback. British Columbia-California (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Gilbert and Thompson, 1905). PorocUnus rot hrocki Bean. Whitebarred blenny. Bering Sea-California (Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. Stichaeus punctatus (Fabricius). Arctic shan- ny- Sea of Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; Bering Sea; Chukchi Sea; Arctic Alaska; southeastern Alaska (Andriyashev, 1937, 1954; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Leim and Scott, 1966; Shmidt, 1950; Vladykov, 1933; Walters, 1955; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Chukchi Sea; southeastern Alaska. Xiphister atropurpureus (Kittlitz). Black prick- leback. Kodiak Island; southeastern Alaska-Baja California (Hubbard and Reeder, 1965; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. Xiphister mucosus (Girard). Rock prickleback. Southeastern Alaska-California (Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. PTILICHTHYIDAE — quillfishes Ptilichthys goodei Bean. Quillfish. Kuril Islands; Okhotsk Sea; Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands; Washington (Andriya- shev, 1937; Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Grinds, 1965; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Frederick Sound; southeastern Alaska. PHOLIDIDAE — gunnels Apodichthys flavidus Girard. Penpoint gunnel. Kodiak Island ; southeastern Alaska-California (Hubbard and Reeder, 1965; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Middleton Island, Prince William Sound; southeastern Alaska. *Pholidapus dyboicskii (Steindachner). Sea of Japan; Hokkaido; Kuril Islands; Sea of Okhotsk; Petropavlovsk (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970). *Pholis clemensi Rosenblatt. Longfin gunnel. British Columbia (Rosenblatt, 1964). Pholis dolichogaster (Pallas). Stippled gunnel. Sea of Japan; Kuril Islands; Sea of Okhotsk; 35 Petropavlovsk; Commander Islands; Ber- ing Sea; Norton Sound; Aleutian Islands (Andriyashev. 1954; Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert. 1899; Popov, 1933; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). Pholisfasciata (Bloch and Schneider). Banded gunnel. Peter the Great Bay; Japan; Kuril Islands; Sea of Okhotsk; Petropavlovsk; Pribilof Islands; Bristol Bay; Hudson Bay; Lab- rador; Greenland (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Leim and Scott. 1966; Shmidt. 1950; Ueno. 1970; Vladykov, 1933). PhoUs gilli Evermann and Goldsborough. Ber- ing gunnel. Bering Sea (Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Bristol Bay. Pholis laeta (Cope). Crescent gunnel. Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands-northern Cali- fornia (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Isakson etal.. 1971; Wilimovsky. 1954, 1964). ABBL: Cook Inlet; Prince William Sound; southeastern Alaska. Pholis oDiata (Girard). Saddleback gunnel. Bering Sea-California (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Ueno. 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). *PhoUs pictHS (Kner). Sea of Japan; Aniva Bay (Sakhalin); Sea of Okhotsk; Kuril Islands; Petropavlovsk (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Popov, 1933; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970). *Pholis schultzi Hubbs. Red gunnel. British Columbia-California (Peden, 1966a). 1967a; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Gulf of Alaska; southeastern Alaska. ICOSTEIDAE — ragfishes Icosteus aeiiignuiticus Lockington. Ragfish. Southeastern Alaska-California (Clemens and Wilby. 1961; Grinols, 1965; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Gulf of Alaska; southeastern Alaska. AMMODYTIDAE — sand lances AmDiodytes hexapterus Pallas. Pacific sand lance, sandling (Russ.). Sea of Japan: Sea of Okhotsk; Bering Sea; Chukchi Sea; Arctic Alaska; Hudson Bay; Aleutian Islands; Alaska Peninsula; Gulf of Alaska-California (Andriyashev, 1937. 1954; Gilbert. 1895; Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; LeBrasseur, 1964; Scofield, 1899; Shmidt, 1950; Taylor. 1967a; Ueno. 1970; Walters, 1955; Wili- movsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Chukchi Sea; Bering Sea; Cook Inlet; southeastern Alaska. TRICHIURIDAE — cutlassfishes ^BoithodesniKs simouyi (Steindachner). Frost- fish, cutlassfish. Atlantic Ocean; British Columbia, widespread (Grinols. 1965). SCYTALINIDAE — graveldivers ScytaUna cerdale Jordan and Gilbert. Gravel- diver. Aleutian Islands; Bering Sea-California (Quast. 1968; Wilimovsky. 1954. 1964). ABBL: southeastern Alaska. ZAPRORIDAE — prowfishes Zaprora silenus Jordan. Prowfish. Japan; Kamchatka; Aleutian Islands; Gulf of Alaska-California (Grinols, 1965; Le- Brasseur, 1964; Shmidt, 1950; Taylor, SCOAABRIDAE -- mackerels and tunas '^EuthyuHiis pelamis (Linnaeus). Skipjack tuna. British Columbia-southern California (unveri- fied Alaska record. 1964) (Clemens and Wilby. 1961; Leim and Scott, 1966). Sarda chiliensis (Cuvier). Pacific bonito. Eastern Pacific Ocean; southeastern Alaska (Manzer, 1965; Quast, 1964). ABBL: Northern Gulf of Alaska; south- eastern Alaska. Scomber japonicus Houttuyn. Chub mackerel. Taiwan-Sakhalin; southeastern Alaska-Baja 36 California (Okada, 1955; Ueno, 1970; Wili- movsky, 1954). Tliunnus alalunga (Bonnaterre). Albacore. China Sea; Seaof Japan; southeastern Alaska; worldwide (CoUette and Gibbs, 1963; Leim and Scott, 1966; Neave and Hanavan, 1960; Okada. 1955; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1964). ThioiuHS tlujyinus (Linnaeus). Bluefin tuna. Kuril Islands-South Seas; Hawaiian Islands; Korean coast; worldwide (Collette and Gibbs, 1963; Okada, 1955; Ueno, 1970). ABEL: Alaska Peninsula on Shelikof Strait. CENTROLOPHIDAE — rudderfishes Icichtltys h)cki)igto)n Jordan and Gilbert. Me- dusafish, brown rudderfish. Japan; Gulf of Alaska-California (Grinols, 1965; Taylor, 1967a). TETRAGONURIDAE — squaretails *Tetmgoiiurus ciivieri Risso. Smalleye square- tail. North Atlantic Ocean; Mediterranean; south- western Pacific Ocean; Japan; tropical mid-Pacific Ocean; British Columbia; Cali- fornia (Grinols, 1965; Ueno, 1970; Welander and Alverson, 1954). BOTH I DAE — lefteye flounders Citharichthys sordidus (Girard). Pacific sand- dab. Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands-California (Grinols, 1965; Norman, 1934; Taylor, 1967a; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). Citharichthys stigmaeus Jordan and Gilbert. Speckled sanddab. Southeastern Alaska-Baja California (Nor- man, 1934; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Ketchikan. PLEURONECTIDAE — righteye flounders Atheresthes evernia)nii Jordan and Starks. Kamchatka flounder, Asiatic arrowtooth, paltus (Russ.). Sea of Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; Anadyr Gulf; Commander Islands; western Bering Sea (Andriyashev, 1937; Norman, 1934; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970). Atheresthes stomias (Jordan and Gilbert). Ar- rowtooth flounder, arrowtooth, paltus (Russ.), American arrowtooth (Russ.). Chukchi Sea; Bering Sea; Aleutian Islands- California (Andriyashev, 1937; Grinols, 1965; Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Norman, 1934; Pruter and Alverson, 1962; Roedel, 1953; Scofield, 1899; Taylor, 1967a; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Shumagin Islands; Kodiak Island; Lituya Bay; southeastern Alaska. *Clidoderma asperrimum (Temminck and Schlegel). Rough-scale sole. Yellow Sea; Sea of Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; Kuril Islands; Sakhalin; Commander Is- lands; British Columbia (Andriyashev, 1937; Grinols, 1965; Norman, 1934; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Welander, Alverson, and Bergman, 1957). Entbassichthys bathybiiis (Gilbert). Deepsea sole. Gulf of Alaska-California (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Fitch, 1966a; Grinols, 1965; Hubbs, 1959; Norman, 1934; Welander and Alverson, 1954; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Gulf of Alaska. Eopsetta jordani (Lockington). Petrale sole, brill. Gulf of A!aska-Baja California (Grinols, 1965; Norman, 1934; Taylor, 1967a; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Yakutat. Ghjptocephalus zacliirus Lockington. Rex sole, long-finned sole. Bering Sea-California (Andriyashev, 1937; Grinols. 1965; Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Norman, 1934; Taylor, 1967a; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: West of Kodiak Island; Cook Inlet; Kenai Peninsula; southeastern Alaska. Hippoglossoides elassodoii Jordan and Gilbert. Flathead sole, halibut-like flounder (Russ.). Sea of Japan-Chukchi Sea; Commander Is- lands; Bering Strait-Oregon (Andriyashev, 1937; Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Grinols. 37 1965; Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Norman, 1934; Shmidt, 1950; Taylor, 1967a; Ueno, 1970; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Gulf of Alaska; southeastern Alaska. Hippoglossoides robustus Gill and Townsend. Bering flounder. Tatar Strait-Chukchi Sea; Bering Sea; Aleu- tian Islands (Andriyashev, 1937, 1954; Jor- dan and Gilbert, 1899; Norman, 1934; Pruter and Alverson, 1962; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). Hippoglossus stenolepis Schmidt. Pacific hali- but, whitesided paltus (Russ.). Sea of Japan-Anadyr Gulf; Bering Sea-Cali- fornia (Andriyashev, 1937, 1954; Grinols, 1965; Isakson et al., 1971; Leim and Scott, 1966; Norman, 1934; Roedel, 1953; Shmidt, 1950; Taylor, 1967a; Thompson, 1915a; Thompson and Van Cleve, 1936; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Shelikof Strait; southeastern Alaska. Isopsetta isulepis (Lockington). Butter sole. Aleutian Islands-California (Grinols, 1965; Norman, 1934; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964; Yesaki and Wolotira, 1968). ABBL: Bering Sea; Gulf of Alaska; south- eastern Alaska. Lepidopsetta bilineata (Ayres). Rock sole, two- lined flounder (Russ.), white-bellied floun- der (Russ.). Sea of Japan; Sea of Okhotsk; Commander Islands; Bering Sea-California (Andriya- shev, 1937, 1954; Grinols, 1965; Isakson et al., 1971; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899 Norman, 1934; Roedel, 1953; Scofield, 1899 Shmidt, 1950; Taylor. 1967a; Ueno, 1970 Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Pribilof Islands; Kodiak Island Kenai Peninsula; southeastern Alaska. Limanda aspera (Pallas). Yellowfin sole, yel- low-finned flounder (Russ.). Sea of Japan-Chukchi Sea; Bering Sea-British Columbia (Andriyashev, 1954; Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Norman, 1934; Popov, 1933; Pruter and Alverson. 1962; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Chukchi Sea; Pribilof Islands; Sheli- kof Strait; Cook Inlet; southeastern Alaska. Limanda proboscidca Gilbert. Longhead dab, longsnouted flounder (Russ.). Sea of Okhotsk; Bering Sea (Andriyashev, 1937, 1954; Jordan and Gilbert. 1899; Nor- man, 1934; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Chukchi Sea; Bering Sea; Bristol Bay. Liopsi'tta glacialis (Pallas). Arctic flounder, polar flounder (Russ.). Sea of Okhotsk-Bering Strait; Arctic Ocean from White Sea eastward to Bathurst Inlet; Labrador (Andriyashev, 1954; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Norman, 1934; Pruter and Alverson, 1962; Scofield, 1899; Walters, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Beaufort Sea. *Liopsetta ohscnnt (Herzenstein). Dark floun- der (Russ.). Yellow Sea; Sea of Japan; Alaska (record doubtful) (Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Nor- man, 1934; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). Lyopsetta e.vilis (Jordan and Gilbert). Slender sole. Southeastern Alaska-Baja California (Grinols, 1965; Norman, 1934; Taylor, 1967a; Wili- movsky, 1954). ABBL: Lituya Bay; southeastern Alaska. MicrostoniKs pacificus (Lockington). Dover sole. Aleutian Islands; Bering Sea-Baja California (Fitch, 1966a; Grinols, 1965; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Norman, 1934; Taylor, 1967a; Wilimovsky, 1954, 1964). ABBL: Gulf of Alaska; southeastern Alaska. Parophrys vetidiis Girard. English sole. Gulf of Alaska-Baja California (Grinols, 1965; Norman, 1934; Taylor, 1967a; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Aleutian Islands; Kodiak Island; Gulf of Alaska; southeastern Alaska. Platiclithys stellatus (Pallas). Starry flounder. Bering Strait-Sea of Japan-Coronation Gulf- California (Andriyashev, 1937, 1954; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Norman, 1934; Okada, 1955; Popov, 1933; Pruter and Alverson, 1962; Roedel, 1953; Scofield, 1899; Shmidt, 1950; Taylor, 1967a; Ueno, 1970; Walters, 38 1953, 1955; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Alaska Peninsula; Cook Inlet; south- eastern Alaska. Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus Pallas. Alas- ka plaice, yellow-bellied flounder (Russ.). Peter the Great Bay-Chukchi Sea; Bering Sea; Washington (Andriyashev, 1937, 1954; Jordan and Gilbert, 1899; Pruter and Al- verson, 1962; Scofield, 1899; Shmidt, 1950; Townsend, 1936; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Bristol Bay; Gulf of Alaska; Cook Inlet; southeastern Alaska. Pleuronichthys coenosus Girard. C-0 sole. Southeastern Alaska-Baja California (Nor- man, 1934; Wilimovsky, 1954). Pleuronichthys decnrrens Jordan and Gilbert. Curlfin sole. Southeastern Alaska-Baja California (Grinols, 1965; Norman, 1934; Wilimovsky, 1954). Psettichthys mela)iosticti(s Girard. Sand sole. Gulf of Alaska-California (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Norman, 1934; Wilimovsky, 1954). ABBL: Gulf of Alaska. Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (Walbaum). Greenland halibut, black paltus (Russ.), bluesided paltus (Russ.). Japan-Bering Sea; California; arctic parts of Atlantic Ocean; Barents Sea (Andriyashev, 1937; Best, 1963; Hubbs and Wilimovsky, 1964; Leim and Scott, 1966; Nikolskii, 1954; Norman, 1934; Schott, 1966; Shmidt, 1950; Ueno, 1970; Westrheim and Fletcher, 1966). ABBL: Chukchi Sea; Bering Sea; Pribilof Islands; Aleutian Islands. MOLIDAE — ocean sunfish *Mola mola Linnaeus. Ocean sunfish. Southeastern Alaska-California (Alaskan rec- ords not verified) (Leim and Scott, 1966; Ueno, 1970; Wilimovsky, 1954). LITERATURE CITED ALVERSON.D.L. 19.51. New records for marine fishes from south- eastern Alaska. Copeia 1951:86. ALVERSON, D. L., and A. D. WELANDER. 1952. Notes on the scorpaenid fishes of Washington and adjacent areas, with a key for their identifica- tion. Copeia 1952:138-143. ANDRIYASHEV, A. P. 1937. K poznaniyu ikhtiofauny Beringova i Chu- kotskogo moreT (A contribution to the knowledge of the fishes from the Bering and Chukchi Seas). Issled. Morei 25 (Issled. Dal'nevostoch. Morei 5), Leningi-ad, p. 292-355. [Transl. by L. Lanz with N. J. Wilimovsky. 1955. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. 145, 81 p.] 1954. Ryby severnykh more' SSSR (Fishes of the northern seas of the USSR). Akad. Nauk SSSR, Zool. Inst., Opredeliteli po Faune SSSR 53, 566 p. [Transl. by Israel Program Sci. Transl., 1964, 617 p.; avail. U.S. Dep. Conimer., Natl. Tech. Inf. Serv., Springfield, Va., as OTS 63-11160.] 1955a. O nakhozhdenii na glubine bolee 7 km novoT ryby iz sem. morskikh slizneT (Pisces, Liparidae) [A new fish of the lumpfish family (Pisces, Liparidae) found at a depth of more than 7 kilometers]. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tr. Zool. Inst. 12:340-344. [Transl. by Israel Program Sci. Transl., 1963; in A. P. .Andriyashev: Selected ta.xononiic papers on northern marine fishes, p. 50-54; avail. U.S. Dep. Conimer., Natl. Tech. Inf. Serv., Springfield, Va., as OTS 61-31030.] 1955b. Obzor ugrevidnykh likodov [Lycenchelys Gill (Pisces, Zoarcidae) i blizkie formy] morel SSSR i sopredelnykh vod [A review of the genus Lycenchelys Gill (Pisces, Zoarcidae) and related forms in the seas of the U.S.S.R. and adjacent waters]. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tr. Zool. Inst. 18:349-384. [Transl. by Israel Program Sci. Transl.; //( A. P. Andriyashev: Selected ta.xonomic papers on northern marine fishes, 1963, p. 1-36; avail. U.S. Dep. Commer., Natl. Tech. Inf. Serv., Springfield, Va., as OTS 61-31030.] 1958. Dobavlenie k obzoru ugrevednykh likodov ^Lycenchelys Gill) s opisaniem trekh novykh vidov iz Kurilo-KanchatskoT vpadiny (An addition to the review of Lycenchelys Gill, with a descrip- tion of three new species from the Kurilo-Kam- chatkan Trench). Vop. Ikhtiol. 11:171-180. [Transl. by Israel Progiam Sci. Transl.; in A. P. Andriyashev: Selected taxonomic papers on northern marine fishes, 1963, p. 37-46; avail. U.S. Dep. Conimer., Natl. Tech. Inf. Serv., Spring- field, Va., as OTS 61-31030.] ANDRIYASHEV, A. P., and V. M. MAKUSHOK. 1955. AzygopteiHS coralliniis (Pisces, Blennoidei) — novaya ryba bez parnykh plavnikov [Azygop- 39 terns cumlliniis (Pisces, Blennioidei) — A new fish without paired fins]. Vop. Ilvhtiol. 3:50-53. [Transl. by L. Penny, 5 p.; avail. Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., Natl. Syst. Lab., U.S. Natl. Mus., Wash., D.C.] ARON, W. 1962. The distribution of animals in the eastern North Pacific and its relationship to physical and chemical conditions. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 19:271-314. BAILEY, R. M., J. E. FITCH, E. S. HERALD, E. A. LACHNER, C. C. LINDSEY, C. R. ROBINS, and W. B. SCOTT. 1970. A list of common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada. 3d ed. Am. Fish. Soc, Spec. Publ. 6, 149 p. BAILEY, R. E., and C. G. GRUCHY. 1970. Occella to supersede Occa for a genus of agonid fishes. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 27:981-983. BARRACLOUGH, W. E., and T. H. BUTLER. 1965. First record of the dusky sculpin (h-elinns bnrchami) in British Columbia waters. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 22: 1305-1307. BARSUKOV.V. V. 1964. Opredelitel' ryb semeTstva Scorpaenidae (Key to the fishes of the family Scorpaenidae). Tr. Vses. Nauchn.-issled. Inst. Morsk. Rybn. Khoz. OkeanogT. 53 (and Izv. Tikhookean. Nauchn.- issled. Inst. Rybn. Khoz. Okeanogr. 52):233-266. [Transl. by Israel Program Sci. Transl., 1968; ui Soviet Fisheries Investigations in the northeast Pacific, Part III, p. 226-262; avail. Natl. Tech. Inf. Serv., Springfield, Va., as TT67-51205.] 1970. Vidovoy sostav roda Sebastes v severnoT chasti Tikhogo okeana (Species composition of genus Sebastes in the North Pacific and descrip- tion of a new species). Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 195:994-997. [Transl, in Dokl. Biol. Sci. 195(1-6): 760-763, by Consultants Bureau, Plenum Publish- ing Corp., New York, 1971.] BAYLIFF,W. H. 1959. Notes on the taxonomy and distribution of certain zoarcid fishes in the northeastern Pacific. Copeia 1959:78-80. BEAN,T. H. 1881. A preliminary catalogue of the fishes of Alaskan and adjacent waters. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 4:239-272. BEKKER, V.E. 1964. Tonkokhvostye svetyashchiesya anchousy (rody Loweina, Tarletonbeania, Gonichthys i Centrobranchus) Tikhogo i IndiTskogo okeanov. Sistematika i rasprostranenie. [Slendertailed luminescent anchovies (genera Loivenia, Tarle- tunbeaiiia, Gonichthys, and Centrobranchus) of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, systematics and distribution]. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tr. Inst. Okeanol. 73:1-74. [Transl. by Israel Progi-am Sci. Transl., 1966; in T. S. Rass (editor), Fishes of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, biology and distribution, p. 10-78; avail. U.S. Dep. Commer., Natl. Tech. Inf. Serv., Springfield, Va. as TT65-50120.] BERG.L. S. 1931. [A review of the lampreys of the northern hemisphere.] Ezheg. Zool. Muz. (Akad. Nauk SSSR) .32:87-116. BEST, E. A. 1963. Greenland halibut, Reinhardtins hippoglos- soides (Walbaum), added to California fauna. Calif. Fish Game 49:213-214. BEST, E. A., and P. J. ELDRIDGE. 1969. Range extension of flag rockfish (.Sebastodes nibrivinctns) to Aleutian Islands. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 26:1955-1956. BOLIN.R. L. 1939. A review of the myctophid fishes of the Pacific coast of the United States and of lower California. Stanford Ichthyol. Bull. 1:89-156. 1944. A review of the marine cottid fishes of California. Stanford Ichthyol. Bull. 3:1-135. 1959. Iniomi. Myctophidae from the "Michael Sars" North Atlantic Deep-Sea Expedition, 1910. Rep. Sci. Results "Michael Sars" North Atl. Deep-Sea Exped., 1910, Vol. 4, Part 2, No. 7, 45 p. BRIGGS, J. C. 1955. A monogi-aph of the clingfishes (order Xenopterygii). Stanford Ichthyol. Bull. 6:1-224. 1960. Fishes of worldwide (circumtropical) distri- bution. Copeia 1960:171-180. BRIGHT, D. B. 1960. A record of the porbeagle, Lanina nasns, from Cook Inlet, Alaska. Copeia 1960:145-146. BURKE, V. 1930. Revision of the fishes of the family Liparidae. U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull. 150:1-204. CARL, G. C, W. A. CLEMENS, and C. C. LINDSEY. 1959. The fresh-water fishes of British Columbia. Br. Columbia Prov. Mus., Dep. Recreation Con- serv., Handb. 5 (revised), 192 p. CLEMENS, W. A., and G. V. WILBY. 1961. Fishes of the Pacific coast of Canada. Fish. Res. Board Can., Bull. 68, 2d ed., 443 p. COHEN, D.M. 1956. The synonymy and distribution of Lcuroglos- siis stilbius Gilbert, a North Pacific bathypelagic fish. Stanford Ichthyol. Bull. 7: 19-23. 1964. Suborder Argentinoidea. In Fishes of the western North Atlantic, Mem. Sears Found. Mar. Res. 1, Part 4, p. 1-70. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. 1966. The North Pacific deepsea fish name Bathy- lagits niilleri Gilbert, a senior synonym of Bathylagns akiscanns Chapman. Copeia 1966: 877-878. COLLETTE, B. B., and R. H. GIBBS, JR. 1963. A preliminai'y review of the fishes of the family Scombridae. In H. Rosa, Jr. (editor). Proceedings of the world scientific meeting on the biology of tunas and related species, FAO Fish Rep. No. 6, 1:23-32. DAVENPORT, D. 1966. Colour variant of bocaccio {Sebastodes paucispinis) in British Columbia waters. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 23: 1981. 40 DRYFOOS, R. L. 1961. Four range extensions of fishes from the northeastern Pacific. Copeia 1961:476-477. EBELING.A. W, 1962. Melamphaidae I, systematics and zoogeo- graphy of the species in the bathypelagic fish genus Melamphaes Giinther. Dana-Rep. 58, Carlsberg Found., 164 p. EVERMANN, B. W., and E. L. GOLDSBOROUGH. 1907. The fishes of Alaska. Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish. 26:219-360. (Doc. 624.) FITCH, J. E. 1951. Studies and notes on some California marine fishes. Calif. Fish Game .37: 111-120. 1966a. Fishes and other marine organisms taken during deep trawling off Santa Catalina Island, March 3-4, 1962. Calif. Fish Game 52:216-219. 1966b. The poacher Asterothica infaspinata (Gil- bert) added to California's marine fauna, and a key to California Agonidae (Pisces). Calif. Fish Game 52: 121-124. FOLLETT, W. I. 1952. Annotated list of fishes obtained by the California Academy of Sciences during si.x cruises of the U.S.S. Mulberry conducted by the United States Navy off central California in 1949 and 1950. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 27(Ser. 4):399-432. FOLLETT, W. I., and L. J. DEMPSTER. 1963. Relationships of the percoid fish Peiitaceros richardsoid Smith, with description of a specimen from the coast of California. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci.32(Ser. 4):315-338. FORRESTER, C. R., and R. M. WILSON. 1963. A further record of the blacktail snailfish, Careproctus melanuriis Gilbert, from British Columbia waters. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 20:1095-1096. GIBBS, R.H. 1960. Alepisatirus brerirostris, a new species of lancetfish from the western North Atlantic. Breviora 123:1-14. GILBERT, C.H. 1890. 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Phyletic studies of teleostean fishes with a provisional classification of living forms. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 131:339-456. GREY, M. 1956. The distribution of fishes found below a depth of 2000 meters. Fieldiana Zool. 36:73-337. GRINOLS, R.B. 1965. Check-list of the offshore marine fishes occurring in the northeastern Pacific Ocean, principally off the coasts of British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon. M.S. Thesis, Univ. Wash., Seattle, 217 p. 1966a. Northeastern Pacific records oi Anoplogaster conuita Valenciennes (Anoplogasteridae: Pisces) and Cyema atrnin Giinther (Cyemidae: Pisces). J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 23:305-307. 1966b. Southern occurrence of Acantholiparis opercnlaris Gilbert and Burke in the eastern subarctic Pacific region. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 23:935-937. 1966c. Northern records of the zoarcid, Melanostig- ma pammelas, in the eastern subarctic Pacific region. Copeia 1966:601-602. GRUCHY, C. G. 1970. 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Ichthyol. 14:53- 61. HUBBARD, J. D., and W. G. REEDER. 1965. New locality records for Alaska fishes. Copeia 1965:506-509. 41 HUBBS, C. L. 1942. Peculiar variants of the agonid fish Odon- topyxis trispinosKS. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 6:30-36. 1959. Initial discoveries of fish faunas on sea- mounts and offshore banks in the eastern Pacific. Pac.Sci. 13:311-316. 1967. Occurrence of the Pacific lamprey, Ento- sphenas tridentatus, off Baja California and in streams of southern California; with remarks on its nomenclature. Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. 14:301-312. HUBBS. C. L., G. W. MEAD, and N. J. WILIMOVSKY . 19.53. The widespread, probably antitropical, dis- tribution and the relationship of the bathy- pelagic iniomous fish Aiiotopterns phanio. Bull. Scripps Inst. Oceanogr., Univ. Calif. 6:173-198. HUBBS, C. L., and L. P. SCHULTZ. 1932. A new blenny from British Columbia with records of two other fishes new to the region. Biol. Board Can., Contribution Can. Biol. Fish. (NewSer.) 7:319-324. 1934a. Elephantichthys copeianus, a new cy- clopterid fish from Alaska. Copeia 1934:21-26. 1934b. The reef liparid fishes inhabiting the west coast of the United States. J. Pan-Pac. Res. Inst. 9:2-7. 1941. Contribution to the ichthyology of Alaska, with descriptions of two new fishes. Univ. Mich., Mus. Zool., Occas. Pap. 431, 31 p. HUBBS, C. L., and N. J. WILIMOVSKY. 1964. Distribution and synonymy in the Pacific Ocean, and variation, of the Greenland halibut, Rei>ihardtiiis hippuglossoides (Walbaum). J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 21: 1129-11.54. ISAKSON, J. S., C. A. SIMENSTAD, and R. L. BURGNER. 1971. Fish communities and food chains in the Amchitka area. BioScience 21:666-670. ISHIYAMA, R. 1967. Fauna Japonica, Rajidae. Biogeogr. Soc. Japan, Tokyo. 84 p. JORDAN, D. S., and B. W. EVERMANN. 1896-1900. The fishes of North and Middle America. U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull. 47, Part I (1896), Part II (1898), Part III (1898), Part IV (1900), 3313 p. JORDAN, D. S., B. W. EVERMANN, and H. \V. CLARK. 1930. Check list of the fishes and fishlike inver- tebrates of North and Middle America north of the northern boundary of Venezuela and Columbia. U.S. Comm. Fish and Fish., Part II, Rep. Comm. 1928. Append. X, 670 p. JORDAN, D. S., and C. H. GILBERT. 1899. The fishes of the Bering Sea. In David Starr Jordan (editor). The fur seals and fur- seal islands of the North Pacific Ocean, Part 3, p. 433-492. Govt. Print. Off., Wash., D.C. JORDAN, D. S., and E. C. STARKS. 1895. The fishes of Puget Sound. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. (Ser. 2) 5:785-855. 1904. A review of the Cottidae or sculpins found in the waters of Japan. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 27:231-335. KOBAYASHl, K., M. MIKAWA. and J. ITO. 1968. Descriptions of the young and one immature adult specimens of coster dory, Allocyttits ver- nicosits (Gilchrist) from the northern part of the Pacific. Bull. Fac. Fish., Hokkaido Univ. 19:1-5. KOBAYASHl, K.. and T. UENO. 1966. Record of a bathypelagic melamphid fish, Protnitru (Melamphaes) cristiceps (Gilbert) ob- tained from the stomach of salmon taken in the North Pacific Ocean. Jap. J. Ichthyol. 13:213-219. LAVENBERG, R. J., and J. E. FITCH. 1966. Annotated list of fishes collected by mid- water trawl in the Gulf of California, March- April 1964. Calif. Fish Game 52:92-110. LeBRASSEUR.R. J. 1964. Data record, collections of fish taken in Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawl from northeastern Pacific Ocean 1958-59. Fish. Res. Board Can., Manuscr. Rep. Ser. (Oceanogr.-Limnol.) 175, 25 p. LEIM, A. H.. and W. B. SCOTT. 1966. Fishesof the Atlantic coast of Canada. Fish. Res. Board Can., Bull. 155. 485 p. LINDBERG, G. U., and M. I. LEGEZA. 1955. Obzor rodov i vidov ryb podsemeistva Cyelopterinae (Pisces) [Review of genera and species of fishes of the subfamily Cyelopterinae (Pisces)]. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tr. Zool. Inst. 18:389-458. [Transl. by Israel Program Sci. Transl., 1964, 75 p.; avail. U.S. Dep. Commer., Natl. Tech. Inf. Serv., Springfield, Va. as OTS 61-31032.] MAKUSHOK, V. M. 1958. Morfologicheskie osnovy sistemy stikhve- evykh i blizkikh k nim semeistv ryb Stichaeoidae, Blennioidei, Pisces. [The morphology and classifi- cation of the northern blennioid fishes (Stichaeoi- dae, Blennioidae: Pisces)]. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tr. Zool. Inst. 25:3-129. [Transl. by Alice R. and William A. Gosline, 1959, 105 p.; avail. Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., Natl. Syst. Lab., U.S. Natl. Mus., Wash., D.C] 1964. O vidovom tozhdestve \eiii(ito)iiiriis kiiigi- flliff (Giinther, 1877) i ^'. clarki (Jordan et Gilbert, 1898) i nekotorye zamechaniya o voz- rastnoT izmenchivosti u Macruridae (Pisces) [The specific identity of Xemtitotiiinis loiiyifitis (Giinther, 1877) and N. clarki (Jordan and Gilbert, 1898) and some remarks on age-dependent varia- tions in Macruridae (Pisces)]. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tr. Inst. Okeanol. 73:139-162. [Transl. by Israel Program Sci. Transl., 1966, hi T. S. Rass (editor), Fishes of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, biology and distribution, p. 147-172; avail. U.S. Dep. Commer., Natl. Tech. Inf. Serv., Springfield, Va., as TT65-50120.] MANZER, J. I. 1965. Surda liiwolata (Girard), a Pacific bonito, in the Sti-ait of Georgia, British Columbia. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 22:853-855. MARSHALL, N. B. 1955. Studies of alepisauroid fishes. Discovery Rep.27:.303-336. 42 McAllister, d. e. 1960. List of the marine fishes of Canada. Natl. Mus. Can. Bull. 168:1-76. 1961. 1961. A collection of oceanic fishes from off British Columbia with a discussion of the evolution of black peritoneum. Natl. Mus. Can. Bull. 172: 39-43. 1963. A revision of the smelt family, Osmeridae. Natl. Mus. Can. Bull. 191: 1-53. McAllister, d. e., and c. c. lindsey. 1961. Systematics of the freshwater sculpins (Cottus) of British Columbia. Natl. Mus. Can. Bull. 172:66-89. McAllister, d. e., and s. j. westrheim. 1965. Widow rockfish, Sebastodes entomelas, new to British Columbia waters. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 22:1559-1561. McPHAIL, J. D. 1965. A new ronquil, Bathyiitaster leiirolepis, from the Aleutian Islands. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 22: 1293-1297. 1970. A new species of prickleback, Bryozoiclitliys mai^oriiis (Chirolophinae), from the eastern North Pacific. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 27:2362-2365. McPHAIL, J. D., and C. C. LINDSEY. 1970. Freshwater fishes of northwestern Canada and Alaska. Fish. Res. Board Can., Bull. 173, 381 p. MEAD, G. W., and F. H. C. TAYLOR. 1953. A collection of oceanic fishes from off north- eastern Japan. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 10: 560-582. MORROW, J. E. 1965. First record of the trout perch, Percopsis MUKHACHEVA, V. A. 1954. Naibolee mnogochislennaya g'lubokovodnaya ryba dal'nevostochynykh more" — Tsiklotona — Cyclothoiie microdo)! Giinther (Pisces, Gonosto- midae) [The most numerous deep-sea fish in far eastern seas — the cyclothone — Cyclothmie iiiicru- duii Giinther (Pisces, Gonostoniidae)]. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tr. Inst. Okeanol. 11:206-219. [Transl. by Israel Progi-am Sci. Transl., 1960, 17 p.; avail. U.S. Dep. Conimer., Natl. Tech. Inf. Serv., Spring- field, Va., as OTS 60-21110.] 1964. O vidovom sostave roda Cyclothone (Pisces, Gonostoniidae) v Tikhom okeane [The composition of species of the genus Cyclothone (Pisces, Gonostoniidae) in the Pacific Ocean]. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tr. Inst. Okeanol. 73:93-138. [Transl. by Israel Program Sci. Transl., 1966; ('/( T. S. Rass (editor). Fishes of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, biology and distribution, p. 98-146; avail. U.S. Dep. Conimer., Natl. Tech. Inf. Serv., Springfield, Va., as TT65-50120.] NEAVE, F., and M. G. HANAVAN. 1960. Seasonal distribution of some epipelagic fishes in the Gulf of Alaska region. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 17:221-233. NIKOLSKII,G. V. 1954. Chastnaya ikhtiologii (Special ichthyology). 2d ed. Gosudarstvennoe Izdatelstvo, Moscow, 458 p. [Transl. by Israel Pi'ogram Sci. Transl., 1961, 538 p.; avail. U.S. Dep. Commer., Natl. Tech. Inf. Serv., Springfield, Va., as OTS 60-21817.] NORMAN, J. R. 1934. A systematic monograph of the flatfishes (Heterosomata). Vol. 1, Psettodidae, Bothidae, Pleuronectidae. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), London, 459 p. [Reprinted 1966 by Johnson Reprint Corporation, New York.] ODEMAR.M. W. 1964. Southern range extension of the eulachon, Thaleichthys pacificits. Calif. Fish Game 50: 305-307. OKADA,Y. 1955. Fishes of Japan. Maruzen Co. Ltd., Tokyo. 434 p. OKAMURA.O. 1970. Fauna Japonica, Macrourina. Academic Press of Japan, Tokyo. 216 p. PEDEN,A.E. 1964. A systematic revision of the Hemilepidotinae, a subfamily of cottid fishes. M.S. Thesis, Univ. Br. Columbia. Vancouver, 162 p. 1966a. Occurrences of the fishes Pholis schiiltzi and Liparis mucosus in British Columbia. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 23:313-316. 1966b. Reexamination of two species in the stichaeid genus, Aiioplarchns. Copeia 1966: 340-345. 1966c. Rare marine fishes from British Columbia with first records of silver perch, Hypei-prosopon cllipticniii , and shanny, LeptocUnits inacidatus. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 23: 1277-1279. 1967. Redescription of a North Pacific prickleback, AleetridiiDH auranticum. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 24:1-8. 1968. Two new specimens of the notacanthid fish Macdonaldia challenges in the eastern North Pacific Ocean. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 25: 181-188. 1970. A new cottid fish, Xaiitichthys robustus, from Alaska and British Columbia. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci. Publ. Biol. Oceanogr. 2: 1-10. PHILLIPS, J. B. 1957. A review of the rockfishes of California •(Family Scoi-paenidae). Calif. Dep. Fish Game, Fish Bull. 104. 158 p. 1966. Skilfish, Erilepit: zonifer (Lockington), in Californian and Pacific Northwest waters. Calif. Fish Game 52: 151-156. PHINNEY, D. E., and M. L. DAHLBERG. 1968. Western range extension of the surf smelt, Hypoinesus pretiosus pretiostts. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 25:203-204. PINKAS.L. 1967. First record of a Pacific cod in southern California waters. Calif Fish Game 53:127-128. POPOV, A. M. 1933. Fishes of Avatcha Bay on the southern coast of Kamtchatka. Copeia 1933:59-67. PRUTER, A. T., and D. L. ALVERSON. 1962. Abundance, distribution, and growth of flounders in the southeastern Chukchi Sea. J. Cons. 27:81-99. 43 QUAST.J. C. 1960. The fishes of the family Hexagrammidae: their classification, variation, and osteology. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Calif. Los Angeles, 380 p. 1964. Occurrence of the Pacific bonito in coastal Alaskan waters. Copeia 1964:448. 1968. New records of thirteen cottoid and blen- nioid fishes for southeastern Alaska. Pac. Sci. 22:482-487. 1971. Sebastes variegdtiis, sp. n. from the north- eastern Pacific Ocean (Pisces, Scorpaenidae). Fish. Bull., U.S. 69:387-398. RASS, T. S. 1954. Glubokovodnye ryby dal'nevostochnykh more' SSSR (Deep-sea fish of far eastern seas of the USSR). Zool. Zh. 33:1312-1324. [Transl. by Israel Program Sci. Transl., 1960, 22 p.; avail. U.S. Dep. Commer., Natl. Tech. Inf. Serv., Springfield, Va., as OTS 60-21099.] ROEDEL.P. M. 19.53. Common ocean fishes of the California coast. Calif. Dep. Fish Game, Fish Bull. 91, 184 p. ROFEN,R. R. 1966. Family Paralepididae. /)( Fishes of the western North Atlantic, Mem. Sears Found. Mar. Res. 1, Part 5, p. 205-461. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. ROSENBLATT, R.H. 1964. A new gunnel, Pholis cleiiie)isi, from the coast of western North America. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 21:933-939. ROSENBLATT, R. H., and L.-C. CHEN. 1972. The identity of Sebastes bahcucki and Sebastes riibriviiictHS. Calif. Fish Game 58: 32-36. ROSENBLATT, R. H., and D. WILKIE. 1963. A redescription of the rare cottid fish, Arteditis iiieaiiyi, new to the fauna of British Columbia. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 20:1505-1511. ROYCE.W. F. 1963. First i-ecord of white shark (Ca)x-harodon carcharias) from southeastern Alaska. Copeia 1963:179. SANDERCOCK, F. K., and N. J. WILIMOVSKY. 1968. Revision of the cottid genus Enophnjs. Copeia 1968:832-853. SCHMIDT, P. 1927. A revision of the cottoid fishes of the genus ArtediellKs. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 71: 1-10. SCHOTT,J. W. 1966. A Greenland halibut, Reinhardtiiis hippo- glossoides (Walbaum) recorded in southern Cali- fornia. Calif. Fish Game 52:55-56. SCHROEDER.W. C. 1940. Some deep sea fishes from the North At- lantic. Copeia 1940:231-238. SCHULTZ, L. P. 1936. Keys to the fishes of Washington, Oregon and closely adjoining regions. Univ. Wash. Publ. Biol. 2: 103-228. 1964. Family Sternoptychidae. lu Fishes of the western North Atlantic, Mem. Sears Found. Mar. Res. 1, Part 4, p. 241-273. Yale Univer- sity, New Haven, Conn. 1967. A new genus and new species of zoarcid fish from the North Pacific Ocean. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 122(3598): 1-5. SCOFIELD.N.B. 1899. 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UENO, T. 1970. Fauna Japonica, Cyclopteridae. Academic Press of Japan, Tokyo. 233 p. 44 VAILLANT, L. 1888. Poissons. //( Expeditions sciuntifiques du Travailleui- et du Talisman pendant les annees 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 406 p. G. Masson, Paris. VAN CLEVE, R., and W. F. THOMPSON. 1938. A record of the ponifret and barracuda from Alaska. Copeia 1938:45-46. VLADYKOV.V. D. 1933. Biological and oceanographic conditions in Hudson Bay, 9. Fishes from the Hudson Bay region (except the Coregonidae). Contribution Can. Biol. Fish. 8: 13-61. VLADYKOV, V. D., and W. I. FOLLETT. 1958. Redescription of Lampetra ayresii (Giinther) of western North America, a species of lamprey (Petromyzontidae) distinct from Lampetra Hitvi- atilta; (Linnaeus) of Europe. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 15:47-77. WALTERS, V. 1953. The fishes collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18 with additional notes on the ichthyofauna of western arctic Canada. Bull. Natl. Mus. Can. 128:257-274. 1955. Fishes of the western arctic America and eastern arctic Siberia, taxonomy and zoogeo- graphy. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 106:255-368. WATANABE, M. 1960. Fauna Japonica — Cottidae (Pisces). Tokyo News Service Ltd., Tokyo. 218 p. WELANDER, A. D., and D. L. ALVERSON. 1954. New and little known fishes of the eastern Pacific. Wash. Dep. Fish., Fish. Res. Pap. l(2):37-44. WELANDER, A. D., D. L. ALVERSON, and P. BERGMAN. 1957. Rare fishes from the eastern North Pacific Ocean. Wash. Dep. Fish., Fish. Res. Pap. 2(l):60-66. WELANDER, A. D., R. C. JOHNSON, and R. A. HAJNY. 1957. Occurrence of the boar fish, Pscitdvpciita- ceros richardsoni, and the zeid, Allocyttiis ver- rucosus, in the North Pacific. Copeia 1957: 244-246. WESTRHEIM.S. J. 1965. Northern range extensions for four species of rockfish (Sebastodes goodei, S. heivoiiiacnlatiis, S. niliriviiictits, and S. zacentriis) in the North Pacific Ocean. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 22: 231-235. 1966a. Northern range extension records for two rockfish species {Sebastodes caiiriniis and S. eloiit/atits). J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 23:1455- 1456. 1966b. Northern range extensions for three species of rockfish (Sebastodes ,Havidiis, S. paitcispinis, and S. piiniiger) in the North Pacific Ocean. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 23: 1469-1471. 1967. G. B. Reed groundfish cruise reports, 1963-66. Fish. Res. Board Can., Tech. Rep. 30, various pagination. 1968. First records of three rockfish species (Se- bastodes aurora, S. ciUatus, and Sebastolobus altivelns) from waters off British Columbia. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 25:2509-2513. WESTRHEIM. S. J., and F. T. FLETCHER. 1966. First records of the twoline eelpout, Both- roeara brinnieii}ii, Greenland halibut, Reiiihard- tins hippoylossoides, and shortbelly rockfish, Sel)astodes jordaiii, in British Columbia waters. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 23:309-311. WESTRHEIM, S. J., and H. TSUYUKL 1967. Sebastodes reedi, a new scorpaenid fish in the northeast Pacific Ocean. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 24:1945-1954. 1971. Taxonomy, distribution, and biologj' of the northern rockfish, Sebastes polyspi)iis. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 28: 1621-1627. WILIMOVSKY.N. J. 1954. List of the fishes of Alaska. Stanford Ichthyol. Bull. 4:279-294. 1956. A new name, Liiinpenus sagitta to replace LitiitpeuHs gracilis (Ayres), for a northern blen- nioid fish (family Stichaeidae). Stanford Ich- thyol. Bull. 7:23-24. 1958. Provisional keys to the fishes of Alaska. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Fish. Res. Lab., Juneau, Alaska, 113 p. [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., Auke Bay Fish. Lab. Libr.. Auke Bay, Alaska.] 1964. Inshore fish fauna of the Aleutian Archi- pelago. Proc. 14th Alaskan Sci. Conf., 1963, p. 172-190. WISNER, R. L. 1959. Distribution and differentiation of the North Pacific myctophid fish, Tarletoiibeaiiia taylori. Copeia 1959: 1-7. YESAKI. M., and R. J. WOLOTIRA, JR. 1968. Extension of recorded range of butter sole, Isopsetta isolepis, into the Bering Sea. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 25: 1077-1078. 45 INDEX TO SCIENTIFIC AND COMMON NAMES OF FAMILIES Acipenseridae, 4 Agonidae, 26 Alepisauridae, 10 Alepocephalidae, 10 alligatorfishes. 26 Alopiidae, 3 Ammodytidae, 36 Anarhichadidae, 33 anchovies, 5 angel sharks, 3 Anoplogasteridae, 16 Anoplopomatidae, 19 Anotopteridae, 10 argentines, 8 Argentinidae, 8 Aulorhynchidae, 16 barracudas, 33 barracudinas, 10 Bathylagidae, 8 Bathymasteridae, 33 Batrachoididae, 11 bigscales, 15 boarfishes, 32 Bothidae, 37 Bramidae, 32 brotulas, 13 Carangidae, 32 Carcharhinidae, 3 Caristiidae, 32 carps, 11 cat sharks, 3 Catostomidae, 11 Centrolophidae, 37 Chauliodontidae, 9 chimaeras, 4 Chimaeridae, 4 clingfishes, 12 Clupeidae, 5 codfishes, 12 Cottidae, 19 cow sharks, 3 cusk eels, 13 cutlassfishes, 36 Cyclopteridae, 28 Cyemidae, 5 Cyprinidae, 11 daggertooths, 10 Dalliidae, 9 Dasyatidae, 4 deepsea smelts, 8 dogfish sharks, 3 dories, 16 dreamers, 12 drums, 32 eelpouts, 13 electric rays, 3 Embiotocidae, 32 Engraulidae, 5 Esocidae, 9 Gadidae, 12 Gasterosteidae, 16 Gobiesocidae, 12 Gonostomatidae, 9 graveldivers. 36 greenlings, 19 gunnels, 35 hagfishes, 2 hakes, 12 hatchetfishes, 9 herrings, 5 Hexagrammidae, 19 Hexanchidae, 3 Icosteidae, 36 jacks, 32 Lamnidae, 3 lampreys, 2 Lampridae, 16 lancetfishes, 10 lanternfishes, 10 lefteye flounders, 37 lightfishes, 9 longfin cods, 12 lumpfishes, 28 mackerel sharks, 3 mackerels, 36 Macrouridae, 15 manefishes, 32 Melamphaeidae, 15 melamphids, 15 Melanostomiatidae, 9 minnows, 11 Molidae, 39 Moridae, 12 mudminnows, 9 Myctophidae, 10 Myxinidae, 2 Nemichthyidae, 5 Notacanthidae, 5 ocean sunfish. 39 Oneirodidae, 12 opahs, 16 Ophidiidae, 13 Opisthoproctidae, 9 Osmeridae, 8 Paralepididae, 10 pearleyes, 10 Pentacerotidae, 32 Percopsidae, 11 Petromyzontidae, 2 Pholididae, 35 pikes, 9 pipefishes, 16 Pleuronectidae, 37 poachers, 26 pomfrets, 32 pompanos, 32 pricklebacks, 34 prowfishes, 36 Psychrolutidae, 26 Ptilichthyidae, 35 quillfishes, 35 ragfishes, 36 Rajidae, 4 rattails, 15 requiem sharks, 3 ribbonfishes, 16 righteye flounders, 37 rockfishes, 16 ronquils, 33 rudderfishes, 37 sablefishes, 19 Salmonidae, 5 sand lances, 36 sandfishes, 33 sauries, 15 scads, 32 scaleless dragonfishes, 9 Sciaenidae, 32 Scomberesocidae, 15 Scombridae, 36 Scoperlarchidae, 10 Scopelosauridae, 10 Scorpaenidae, 16 scorpionfishes, 16 46 sculpins, 19 squaretails, 37 Torpedinidae, 3 Scyliorhinidae, 3 Squatinidae, 3 Trachipteridae, 16 Scytalinidae, 36 Sternoptychidae, 9 Trichiuridae, 36 sea horses, 16 Stichaeidae, 34 Trichodontidae, 33 Serrivomeridae, 5 sticklebacks, 16 trout-perches, 11 skates, 4 stingrays, 4 trouts, 5 slickheads, 10 • sturgeons, 4 tubesnouts, 16 smelts, 8 suckers, 11 tunas, 36 snailfishes, 28 surfperches, 32 Umbridae, 9 snipe eels, 5 Synaphobranchidae, 4 viperfishes, 9 Sphyraenidae, 33 Syngnathidae, 16 wolffishes, 33 spiny eels, 5 Tetragonuridae, 37 Zaproridae, 36 spookfishes, 9 thresher sharks, 3 Zeidae, 16 Squalidae, 3 toadfishes, 11 Zoarcidae, 13 47 GPO — 7D5.828 MBL WHOI Librai 5 WHSE 01838 621. Predation by sculpins on fall chinook salmon, Oncorhynclins tshawytscha, fry of hatchery or- igin. By Benjamin G. Patten. February 1971, iii + 14 pp., 6 figs., 9 tables. 622. Number and lengths, by season, of fishes caught with an otter trawl near Woods Hole, Massa- chusetts, September 1961 to December 1962. By F. E. Lux and F. E. Nichy. February 1971, iii + 15 pp., .3 figs., 19 tables. 623. Apparent abundance, distribution, and migra- tions of albacore, Tliininus alahinga, on the North Pacific longline grounds. By Brian J. Rothschild and Marian Y. Y. Yong. September 1970, v + 37 pp., 19 figs., 5 tables. 624. Influence of mechanical processing on the quality and yield of bay scallop meats. By N. B. Webb and F. B. Thomas. April 1971, iii + 11 pp., 9 figs., 3 tables. 625. Distribution of salmon and related oceanographic features in the North Pacific Ocean, spring 1968. By Robert R. French, Richard G. Bakkala, Ma- sanao Osako, and Jun Ito. March 1971, iii -\- 22 pp., 19 figs., 3 tables. 626. Commercial fishery and biology of the fresh- water shrimp, Macrohrachitim, in the Lower St. Paul River, Liberia, 1952-53. By George C. Mil- ler. February 1971, iii + 13 pp., 8 figs., 7 tables. 627. Calico scallops of the Southeastern LTnited States, 1959-69. By Robert Cummins, Jr. June 1971, iii -f- 22 pp., 23 figs., 3 tables. 628. Fur Seal Investigations, 1969. By NMFS, Ma- rine Mammal Biological Laboratory. August 1971, 82 pp., 20 figs., 44 tables, 23 appendi.x A tables, 10 appendix B tables. 629. Analysis of the operations of seven Hawaiian skipjack tuna fishing vessels, June-August 1967. By Richard N. Uchida and Ray F. Sumida. March 1971, v -|- 25 pp., 14 figs., 21 tables. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 - 35 cents. 630. Blue crab meat. I. Preservation by freezing. July 1971, iii -\- 13 pp., 5 figs., 2 tables! II. Effect of chemical treatments on acceptability. By Jurgen H. Strasser, Jean S. Lennon, and Fred- erick J. King. July 1971, iii -f 12 pp., 1 fig., 9 tables. 631. Occurrence of thiaminase in some common aquat- ic animals of the United States and Canada. Bv R. A. Greig and R. H. Gnaedinger. July 1971, iii + 7 pp., 2 tables. 632. An annotated bibliography of attempts to rear the larvae of marine fishes in the laboratory. By Robert C. May. August 1971, iii + 24 pp., 1 ap- pendix I table, 1 appendix II table. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 - 35 cents. 633. Blueing of processed crab meat. II. Identification of some factors involved in the blue discoloration of canned crab meat Callincctes sapidus. By Melvin E. Waters. May 1971, iii + 7 pp., 1 fig!, 3 tables. 634. Age composition, weight, length, and sex of her- ring, CInpen pntlasii, used for reduction in Alas- ka, 1929-66. By Gerald M. Reid. July 1971, iii + 25 pp., 4 figs., 18 tables. 635. A bibliography of the blackfin tuna, Thunvus atlanticus (Lesson). By Grant L. Beardsley and David C. Simmons. August 1971, 10 pp. For -sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 - 25 cents. 636. Oil pollution on Wake Island from the tanker R. C. Stouei: By Reginald M. Gooding. May 1971, iii + 12 pp., 8 figs., 2 tables. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 25 cents. 637. Occurrence of larval, juvenile, and mature crabs in the vicinity of Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina. By Donnie L. Dudley and Mayo H. Judy. August 1971, iii + 10 pp., 1 fig., 5 "tables. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 25 cents. 638. Length-weight relations of haddock from com- mercial landings in New England, 1931-55. By Bradford E. Brown and Richard C. Hennemuth. August 1971, V -f 13 pp., 16 fig., 6 tables, 10 appendix A tables. For sale by the Superintend- ent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 25 cents. 639. A hydrographic sui-vey of the Galveston Bay system, Texas 1963-66. By E. J. Pullen, W. L. Trent, and G. B. Adams. October 1971, v + 13 pp., 15 figs., 12 tables. For sale by the Super- intendent of Documents, U.S. Government Print- ing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 30 cents. 640. Annotated bibliography on the fishing industry and biology of the blue crab, Callhiecfes sapidus. By Marlin E. Tagatz and Ann Bowman Hall. August 1971, 94 pp. For sale by the Superinten- dent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Wa.shington, D.C. 20402 - Price $1.00. 641. Use of threadfin shad, Dorosoma petevense, as live bait during experimental pole-and-line fish- ing for skipjack tuna, Katsuwomis pelamis, in Hawaii. By Robert T. B. Iversen. August 1971, iii + 10 pp., 3 figs., 7 tables. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Wa.shington, D.C. 20402 - Price 25 cents. 642. Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus resource and fishery — analysis of decline. By Kenneth A. Henry. August 1971, v -f 32 pp., 40 figs., 5 appendix figs., 3 tables, 2 appendix tables. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 45 cents. 646. Dissolved nitrogen concentrations in the Colum- bia and Snake Rivers in 1970 and their eff'ect on Chinook salmon and steelhead trout. By Wesley J. Ebel. August 1971, iii + 7 pp., 2 figs., (5 tables. For sale by the Superintendent of Doc- uments, U.S. Government Printing Office, Wash- ington, D.C. 20402 - Price 20 cents. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COAAMERCE NATIONAL OCEANIC & ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS STAFF BLDG. 67, NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98115 POSTAGE AND FEES PAID U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE OFFICIAL BUSINESS MARINE; BIOLOr.ICAl. LABORATORY LIBRARY - PERIODICAL?? - WOODS HOLE, UA O^iJ-iJ