735 Ok* Co. o NOAA Technical Report NMFS SSRF-735 History of the Fishery and Summary Statistics of the Sockeye Salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, Runs to the Chignik Lakes, Alaska, 1888-1966 Michael L. Dahlberg August 1979 larine Biological Laboratory ' LIBRARY OCT 14 1992 Woods Hole, Mass. J U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA TECHNICAL REPORTS National Marine Fisheries Service, Special Scientific Report— Fisheries The major responsibilities^ of the National Marine Fisheries Service (N'MPSi are to monitor and assess the abundance and geographic distribution of fisher\' resources, to understand and predict fluctuations in I he quantity and distribution of these resources, and to establish levels for optimum use of the resources. NMFS is also charged with the development and implementation of policies for managing national fishing grounds, development and enforcement of domestic fisheries regulations, surveillance of foreign fishing off I'nited States coastal waters, and the development and enforcement of international fisher.- agreements and policies. NMFS also assists the fishing industry through marketmg service and economic analysis programs, and mortgage insurance and vessel construction subsidies. It collects, analyzes, and publishes .statistics on various phases of the industry. The -NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular series contmues a series that has been in existence since 1941. The Circulars are technical publications of general interest intended to aid con.servat ion and management. Publications that review in considerable detail and at a high technical level certain broad areas of research appear in this series. Technical papers originating in ec. In order to study the dynamics of the runs' historic catch, escapement and age structure data were compiled by spawning stock and brood year. The history of fishing and management of the runs from inception of the fishery until 19fi() is described. The high seas and coastal distributions of Chignik sockeye salmon indicated significant interception by the fishery in only one area other than the Chignik Bay and Chignik Lagoon: the fishery at Cape Igvak started in the mid-1960's. Results of the study were used to construct parent-progeny relationships that formed the basis for a management strategy to restore the runs to their former level of abundance. INTRODUCTION One approach to restoring sockeye salmon stocks' to their former levels of abundance is to precisely regulate the harvest of each major race (Royce 1964). According to Ployce (1960), such a course requires that the manage- ment agency 1) can define and recognize each major race' of salmon, 2) has accurate statistics on catch and escapement, 3) can forecast the returns accurately, 4) knows the number of spawners needed for maintenance, and 5) is aware of the gear and time needed to harvest the desired number of salmon. The management agency does not have all this knowledge for any race of salmon in Alaska, but information has become available on the stocks of one sockeye salmon-producing system of west- ern Alaska, the Chignik River system, from which it can formulate a management strategy based on precise regu- lation of the harvest. In this paper, historic catch and escapement statistics are presented for each of the two major stocks of sockeye salmon in the Chignik River system. Current statistics have been routinely published and are later cited. Sockeye Salmon Research at Chignik, Alaska The potential of the Chignik watershed for controlled studies of the life history of sockeye salmon was 'Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center Auke Bay Laborator>', Na- tional Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, P.O. Box 155. Auke Bay, AK 99821. -Stock refers to each aggregation that can be managed separately (Ricker 1966): run, as defmed by Mathews (1966), signifies the total number of mature sockeye salmon entering the watershed in 1 yr (catch plus escapement). ^Race, the same as stock; see above. 'Returns refers to the total number of mature progeny produced by one spawning, regardless of the time of return. recognized early in the development of salmon research in Alaska (Gilbert and O'Malley 1921). Parallel studies of the life history of sockeye salmon were started by the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries at Karluk in 1921 and at Chignik in 1922 with the main purpose of ascertaining "what relation exists between spawning colonies of vary- ing size and the number of progeny that they furnish" (Gilbert 1929). The Karluk and Chignik Rivers were selected because it was believed the fishery operated solely on fish bound lor these particulair watersheds. In 1928 the complexities of the life cycle and dynamics of the sockeye salmon populations of Chignik were brought to light, and intensive study of the freshwater life history of the Chignik sockeye salmon began (Higgins 1930). Considerable progress was made in determining the pattern of the life history of Chignik sockeye salmon and the relationship between the numbers of spawners and returning progeny (Holmes 1934). However, in 1934 research was drastically reduced because of budget re- strictions, and the only activity was collection of scales for later study (Higgins 1936). A fish-counting weir was first erected in Chignik River in 1922 to estimate the escapement. The counting weir was not maintained in 1938, from 1940 through 1948, and in 1951. Each year since 1952 a weir has been in operation to count the escapement; because of turbid water and lack of ade- quate sites, counting towers used in the Bristol Bay dis- trict are not feasible at Chignik. Tagging studies were conducted at Chignik by the Fisheries Research Institute (FRI), University of Wash- ington, in 1949 and 1952, and a research program funded by the Chignik salmon canning industry began in 1955. From 1955 to 1960 the research program consisted of studies of the age composition of the runs, annual enumeration of smolts, and an investigation of predation on juvenile salmon by Dolly Varden, Salvelinus malma, and coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, (Roos*- *■ ', 1959, 1960). Beginning in 1961 the FPU intensified eco- logical studies of the nursery lakes. Results of those studies have been reported by Narver (1966), Phinney (1970), Parr (1972), and Burgner and Marshall'. Dahl- berg (1973) analyzed the historical records of the fishery and reported on the dynamics of the sockeye salmon returns to Chignik from the inception of the fishery through 1966. Although all five species of Pacific salmon found in North America occur at Chignik, sockeye salmon are the most abundant and commercially impor- tant species. This repwrt treats only sockeye salmon at Chignik. Narver (1966) and Parr (1972) described the life histories of fishes associated with sockeye salmon in the Chignik lakes. The Watershed The Chignik watershed is located on the Alaska Pe- ninsula approximately halfway between the tip of the Alaska Peninsula and Kodiak Island (Fig. 1). Black and Chignik Lakes drain into the Pacific Ocean and form a natural northwest-southeast pass through the Aleutian Mountain Range. The watershed covers an area of approximately 1,520 km^ including two lakes of 63.8 km' total surface area. Atwood (1911) and Knappen (1929) 'Roos, J. F. 1959. Report on Chignik adult red salmon studies. 1958. Unpubl. manuscr., 12 p. Fish. Res. Inst., Univ. Washington, Seat- tle. 'Roos, J. F. 1959. Red salmon tagging at Chignik, Alaska during 1959. Unpubl. manuscr., 9 p. Fish. Res. Inst., Univ. Washington, Seat- tle. 'Roos, J. F. 1960. Life history of red salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum), at Chignik, Alaska. Unpubl. manuscr., 56 p. Fish. Res. Inst.. Univ. Washington, Seattle. "Burgner. R. L.. and S. L. Marshall. 1974. Optimum escapement studies of Chignik sockeye salmon. Anadromous Fish Project Final Re- port for period ending June 30, 1973. Report No. FRI-UW-7401. Fish. Res. Inst., Univ. Washington, Seattle, 91 p. discussed in detail the geology of the region and briefly described the geography and vegetation; Murie (1959) detailed the fauna of the Alaska Peninsula. Because the lakes are important as rearing areas for ju- venile sockeye salmon, they have been closely studied; a complete description of the two leikes is presented by Narver (1966). Black Lake is shallow (44% of the area is <2 m deep), warms rapidly in the spring, and is usually turbid (typical Secchi disk reading is <1 m) throughout the summer. Chignik Lake, although smaller in area than Black Lake, is six times greater in volume and gen- erally clearer. Although the lakes are different physically (Table 1), together they show a marked contrast in bio- logical activity when compared with 24 other sockeye salmon-producing lakes in western Alaska (Burgner et al. 1969) . The Chignik system ranked second in number of spawners per unit of lake surface area, first in rate of photosynthetic activity (area and volume), first in con- tent of chlorophyl a per unit of lake volume, and second in content of total dissolved solids, and generally showed high concentrations of trace elements. Black Lake and Chignik Lake had the highest standing crops of phyto- plankton among the lakes compared. The lakes are connected by Black River (12 km long), which flows south along the edge of the Aleutian Moun- tain Range. Two major spawning tributaries enter Black River. West Fork, entering fi-om the west, drains the northeast slope of Mount Veniaminoff (Fig. 1), a volcano which erupted as recently as 1956 (Roos see footnote 7). Chiaktuak Creek enters from the east and drains a valley parallel to Chignik Lake. Bearskin Creek also enters Black River but is of minor importance as a spawning stream; small numbers of spawners are found occasional- ly in the upper reaches (Phinney 1970). The lower lake is drained by Chignik River (7.2 km long), which is normally influenced by tidal action for nearly one-half its length. The highest spring tides affect the river up to the lake outlet. Mount Veniaminof Kilometers Figure 1.— Map of the Chignik River watershed with inset of western Alaska. Table 1.— Morphometric measurements of Chignik and Black Lakes and Chignik Lagoon (from Dahlberg 1973). Altitude (m) Depth (m) Mean Maximum Water area (km') Volume (km») Shoreline Length (km) Development Flow at outlet Source (mVs) Date Black Lake 15 3 6 41.1 0.10 27.0 1.19 17.0 25 June 1963 Chignik Lake 5 29 64 22.7 0.64 27.7 1.64 79.5 23 June 1963 — — — — — — — 35.8 13 Aug. 1963 Total — — — 63.8 0.74 - — — - Chignik Lagoon - 3 15 41.8 0.13 46.7 2.04 - - Chignik Lagoon (12 km long) is a nearly enclosed estu- ary having a sandy or muddy, flat bottom with scattered patches of algae and extensive areas of eel grass (Zostera). Water covers about 42 km^ at high tide, and about half that at low tide. Low and high tide salinities range from 10 to 17%. in the upper lagoon and from 30 to 32%. at the sand spit near the outlet. The importance of the estuary as a secondary rearing area for juvenile sockeye salmon has been investigated by Phinney (1968); large catches of postsmolt sockeye salmon have been taken by beach seine and surface trawl in the lagoon during June and July (Narver and Dahlberg 1965; Phin- ney 1968). The Climate The climate of the region is strongly maritime because the Alaska Peninsula is a comparatively small body of land between two large water masses, the North Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea. The weather conditions re- ported by Atwood (1911) and Knappen (1929) remain typical. The summers are short and cool; although there may be many days of wet weather, the rainfall is seldom excessive. A great many overcast days occur. Violent winds often exceeding 161 km/h (100 mph) have been recorded. Winter temperatures are more moderate than those in Bristol Bay; recording thermometers left in cabins over the winters of 1961-67 showed a low of -27°C (-17°F). Ice breakup on the lakes occurs in April or May, much earlier than in the lakes of the Bristol Bay district. Long-term weather records are not available for the immediate area; Kodiak Island (270 km to the north- east) is the nearest location with extensive weather records, although some data are available from nearby Port Heiden on the north side of the peninsula. History of the Commercial Fishery Cannery operations. — Commercial exploitation of Chignik sockeye salmon began in 1888 when the Fisher- men's Packing Company of Astoria, Oreg., sent a crew to Chignik Bay to prospect for fish; they returned in the fall with 2,160 barrels of salted salmon. In 1889 canning operations were started in plants of the Fishermen's Packing Company, Chignik Bay Company of San Fran- cisco, and the Shumagin Packing Company from Portland, Oreg. (Moser 1899). Operating agreements be- tween the companies proved so successful in 1890 and 1891 that they joined the pool of canneries of the Alaska Packing Association in 1892. In 1893 they all became members of the Alaska Packers Association, and only one cannery was operated as a result of increased operation efficiency (Moser 1899). The ease with which fish were captured at Chignik at- tracted more investment into the fishery; in 1896 Hume Brothers and Hume, and the Pacific Steam Whaling Company each built a cannery (Cobb 1930). In 1901 these companies became part of the Pacific Packing and Navigation Company, which in turn became part of the Northwestern Fisheries Company in 1905. In 1910 the Columbia River Packers Association built yet another cannery in the area. Competition was intense until 1914 when the three companies then operating — Alaska Packers Association (APA), Columbia River Packers As- sociation (CRPA), and Northwestern Fisheries Company (NFC) — agreed to an equal division of the catch (Rich and Ball 1930). Industry relationships remained static until 1926 when H. W. Crosby operated a floating salmon cannery, Salmon King, for one season. In 1932 Crosby returned and built a land-based cannery; the same year, CRPA, NFC, and APA made a combined pack at the APA can- nery. The following season, 1933, Pacific American Fish- eries (PAF) acquired the Northwestern Fisheries Com- pany, and the PAF, APA, and CRPA combined canning operations. The APA acquired the Chignik interests of PAF and CRPA during the ensuing years and continues to operate their cannery at Chignik (Pacific Fisherman Yearbook 1915-67; National Fisherman Yearbook 1968, 1969; Pacific Packers Report 1970-76). Crosby changed the name of his operation to Chignik Lagoon Packing Company in 1936, and after two other changes gave it the name Chignik Fisheries Company in 1947. Beginning in 1953, APA and Chignik Fisheries Company entered into an agreement to can all fish in the APA cannery; the cannery of the Chignik Fisheries Com- pany serves as a base of supply and operations for its fishing fleet (Roos see footnote 7). In 1968, Columbia- Wards Company purchased the Chignik Fisheries can- nery and has continued operations under the same arrangements with the APA (Pacific Packers Report 1976). Fishing gear. — Pile traps (Scudder 1970) were the principal fishing gear, and beach seines took a small part of the catch before 1900. The water at Chignik was too clear and the channel too narrow for effective gillnetting (Moser 1899). The number of units of gear operated in Table 2. — Recapitulation of types of fishing gear and catches of sockeye salmon by gear (percentage), fishing seasons, fishing regulations, and numbers of days fished at Chignik, 1893-1966 (Dahlberg 196S). Number of units Catch by gear Number of gear (percentage Fishing' Fishing^ of days Gill Gill Year Traps Seines' nets Traps Seines nets season regulations fished Source 1895 Na< Na Na Na Na Na 10 June- 2 Aug. 1 45 Moser(1899) 18% 17 10 13 Na Na Na 15 June-14 Aug. 1 51 Mo3er(1899) 1897 23 10 10 Na Na Na 7 June-27 Aug. 1 68 Moser(1899) 1898 23 Na Na Na Na Na 9 June- 8 Aug. 1 50 Moser(1899) 1899 Na Na Na Na Na Na 9 June-22 Aug. 1 61 Moser(1902) 1900 24 8 26 70.0 5.0 20.0 11 June-12 Aug. 1 52 Moser(1902) 1901 21 Na Na Na Na Na 13June-24 Aug. 1 60 Rich and Ball (1930) 1902 21 Na Na Na Na Na 9June-10Aug. 1 52 Rich and Ball (1930) 1903 29 Na Na Na Na Na 8June-23Aug. 1 63 Rich and Ball (1930) 1904 28 Na Na Na Na Na 10 June- 9 Aug. 1 50 Rich and Ball (1930) 1905 12 Na Na Na Na Na 4 June- 13 Aug. I 57 Rich and Ball (1930) 1906 7 Na Na Na Na Na 11 June- 12 Aug. 1 52 Rich and Ball (1930) 1907 8 Na Na Na Na Na 10 June-12 Aug. 2 50 Rich and Ball ( 1930) 1908 8 Na Na Na Na Na 6 June- 8 Aug. 2 44 Rich and Ball (1930) 1909 8 Na Na Na Na Na 14June-15Aug. 2 50 Rich and Ball (1930) 1910 18 Na Na Na Na Na 16June-31 Aug. 2 50 Rich and Ball (1930) 1911 29 Na Na Na Na Na 15 June- 5 Sept. 2 64 Rich and Ball (1930) 1912 37 Na Na Na Na Na 10 June- 3 Sept. 2 68 Rich and Ball (1930) 1913 37 Na Na Na Na Na 9 June-24 Aug. 2 60 Rich and Ball (1930) 1914 9 Na Na Na Na Na 9 June-27 Aug. 2 64 Rich and Ball (1930) 1915 9 Na Na Na Na Na 10June-23Aug. 2 58 Rich and Ball ( 1930) 1916 9 Na Na Na Na Na 12 June- 9 Sept. 2 70 Rich and Ball (1930) 1917 12 Na Na Na Na Na lOJune-14 Sept. 2 78 Richand Ball (1930) 1918 12 Na Na Na Na Na 12Junc- 4 Sept. 2 67 Rich and Ball (1930) 1919 14 Na Na Na Na Na 17 June-17 Sept. 2 74 Rich and Ball (1930) 1920 12 Na Na Na Na Na 16 June-14 Sept. 2 72 Rich and Ball (1930) 1921 9 Na Na Na Na Na 17 June-29 Aug. 2 58 Rich and Ball (1930) 1922 9 Na Na Na Na Na 16 June-27 Aug. 2 55 Rich and Ball (1930) 1923 9 Na Na Na Na Na 15 June-22 Aug. 2 52 Rich and BalK 1930) 1924 9 Na Na Na Na Na 20June-16Sept. 2,5 52 Rich and Ball (1930) 1925 9 Na Na Na Na Na 19June-llSept. 2,5 46 Rich and BalK 1930) 1926 10 Na Na Na Na Na 15 June- 3 July 2,5 16 Rich and BalK 1930) 1927 10 Na Na Na Na Na 16 June- 15 Sept. 2 72 Rich and BalK 1930) 1928 11 Na Na Na Na Na 12 July -23 Sept. 2,5 58 Richand BalK 1930) 1929 10 Na Na Na Na Na 13 June-22 Sept. 2 87 Rich and BalK 19301 1930 6 Na Na Na Na Na 4July-ll Aug. 2,5 26 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1931 8 Na Na Na Na Na 4June-16Sept. 2,5 78 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1932 8 1 5 99.4 0.5 0.1 8 June-17 Sept. 2 81 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1933 8 22 4 97.0 2.8 0.2 12June-19Aug. 2 54 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1934 7 Na Na 89.5 9.7 0.8 3 June-12 Sept. 2 81 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1935 7 Na Na 78.5 20.6 0.9 4 June-12 Sept. 2,5 80 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1936 8 21 4 74.4 23.7 1.9 1 June-lOSept. 2,5 47 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1937 8 Na Na Na Na Na 8 June- 4 Sept. 2,5 35 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1938 4 Na Na 54.3 43.0 2.7 22 June- 1 Sept. 2,5 68 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1939 8 14 6 Na Na Na 5 June- 1 Sept. 2 70 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1940 4 18 2 2.0 92.8 5.2 2 June- 9 Aug. 2 56 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1941 8 23 5 68.2 29.9 1.9 4 June-30 Aug. 3 58 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1942 4 18 5 63.2 34.1 2.7 8 June-29 Aug. 3 56 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1943 4 15 2 70.3 28.0 1.7 5 June-23 Aug. 3 53 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1944 4 21 2 59.0 38.9 2.1 5 June-18 Aug. 3 48 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1945 5 17 5 66.4 29.8 3.8 8 June-11 Aug. 3 43 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1946 7 22 7 49.0 50.0 1.0 3June-20Aug. 3 52 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1947 8 58 3 37.2 62.3 0.5 1 June-29 Aug. 4,5 50 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1948 7 70 3 34.6 64.8 0.6 1 June-21 July 4,5 28 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1949 5 41 2 .10.0 69.6 0.4 lOJune-lSSept. 4,10 28 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1950 4 55 18 24.5 74.1 1.4 6June-15Sept. 4,10 38 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1951 4 64 0 22.8 77.2 0 6 June-17 Aug. 4,10 24 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1952 4 Na 0 28.4 67.9 3.7 16 June-26 June 4,10 8 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1953 4 26 0 25.0 75.0 0 22 June-24 July 4,10 14 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1954 4 63 1 24.1 75.8 0.1 22 June-26 June 4,10 5 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1955 0 55 0 0 100.0 0 18 June-17 July 5,6 20 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1956 0 42 0 0 100.0 0 20 June- 1 Sept. 5,6 20 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1957 0 37 0 0 100.0 0 26 June-22 Aug. 5,7 40 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. Table 2.— Continued. Number of units Catch by gear Number of gear (percentage) Fishing^ Fishing^ of days Gill Gill Year Traps Seines' nets Traps Seines nets season regulations fished Source 1958 0 40 0 0 100.0 0 18 June-22 Aug. 5,8 27 Mgt, Biol. Annu. Rep. 1959 0 29 0 0 100.0 0 17June-18Sept. 5,8 44 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1960 0 17 0 0 100.0 0 SJune-USept. 5,7 61 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1961 0 33 0 0 100.0 0 8June-27 Aug. 5.6 32 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1962 0 25 0 0 100.0 0 20 June-19Aug. 5,9 41 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1963 0 22 0 0 100.0 0 3 July- ISept. 9,10 56 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1964 0 21 0 0 100.0 0 14 June-27 Aug. 9,10 69 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1965 0 24 0 0 100.0 0 19 June-28 Aug. 9,10 42 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 1966 0 25 0 0 100.0 0 30 June- 7 Sept. 9,10 44 Mgt. Biol. Annu. Rep. 'For the period 1954-66 the number of seines is the weighted daily mean. '■'Inclusive dates for beginning and end of entire fishing season. Tishing regulations coded: 1. Weekly closure of 30 h, 0000 Friday to 0600 Sunday. 2. Weekly closure of 36 h, 1800 Saturday to 0600 Monday. 3. Weekly closure of 60 h, 0600 Wednesday to 0600 Thursday; 1800 Saturday to 0600 Monday. 4. Weekly closure of 60 h, 1800 Friday to 0600 Monday. 5. Periodic closure by management biologist. 6. Weekly closure of 3 days. 7. Weekly closure of 2 days. 8. Weekly closure of 4 days. 9. Weekly closure (5 days or 4 days) changed during season by the management biologist. 10. Fishing periods changed by emergency regulations set by management biologist. *Na = not available. Chignik Lagoon and Chignik Bay, length of fishing seasons, and fishing regulations have varied consider- ably during 1895-1966 (Table 2; Fig. 2). Because of the unique time of entry of the Black Lake and Chignik Lake stocks into Chignik Lagoon, to be shown later, the distribution of open and closed fishing periods within each season indicates to some extent which stock was exploited (Fig. 3). In 1954, for example, there was only one short open period which resulted in a fourfold difference in rates of exploitation between stocks. The lengthy season and the large number of traps concentrated in this small area (Chignik Lagoon is about 12 km long) indicate an intense fishery from 1900 to 1914. Moser (1902) visited Chignik in 1898 and again in 1900 and stated, "the lagoon and approaches and the river ap- Figure 2. — Percentages of catches of sockeye salmon caught by trap, seine, and gill net in the Chignik fishery, 1932-6fi. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. 5 15 251 5 15 251 5 15 251 5 15 25 JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT 5 15 25l 5 15 25 I 5 15 25! 5 15 25 1896 1898 1900 1902 1901 1906 19 1910 1912 1914 1916 1918 1920 1922 1924 1926 1928 1930 1932 1931 1936 1938 1940 1942 1944 5 15 251 5 15 251 JUNE JULY i 15 251 AUG. ; 15 25 SEPT. ■^^^^^^^^^^^^a !■■■■■■ ■ ■■■■■ ■■■■■■I ■ ■■ • ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ 1 ■ I ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■ ■ ■■■■■1 1 ■■ 1 ■■■■■■1 ■■■■■■■I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■1 ■ ■■■ II ■■■ ■ ■■■ llllll ■ ■III ■ III III II ■ lllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllll ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■lllllll JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. 5 5 15 25! 5 15 251 5 ,15 25| 5 15 25^ lillllilllillli nil 1946 1948 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 IB ■■■ ■ ■1 1950 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■ I I i II 1952 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1954 ■ 1 ■ ■ ■■ 1956 1 1 II III 1 III nil II IIIHHBHHBHI 1958 III III III III! Ill III III III II IIIIMIMII M III HUM iiiiaiiai 1960 II 1 II lliaHHI ■■■■■■■ 1 IIIIIIHHII IHHHH 1 1962 1964 IIB^H 1 1 !■■■■■■! ^^S? 1 1 ■■■■■ ■ ■■ 1 1966 ^■B ^IBH ■ !■■ ■ Bl 5 15 25 JUNE i 15 25| JULY i 15 251 AUG. 5 15 25 SEPT. , 15 251 JUNE ; 15 251 JULY ; 15 251 AUG. 5 15 25 SEPT. Figure 3.— Open and closed fishing periods for the Chignik fishery, 189.5-1966; bars represent time periods open to fishing. proaches are studded with traps, some with leads 3,500 feet long, and sometimes so interlaced that at a distance the channel appears completely blocked, and it hardly seems possible for a fish to pass." Dahlberg (1968) pre- sented figures showing the location of traps fished in Chignik Lagoon during 1899 and 1902. Because there is some question as to the effectiveness of the older types of gear, I calculated fishing effort from the data on gear (Table 2) and catch data. The unit of ef- fort chosen was the trap-day, i.e., the number of traps fished, which yields the total trap days in season i. Total trap catch in season i divided by total trap days within season i yields catch per unit of effort.' The fishing effort from 1905 to 1909 was low and t}ie catch of sockeye salmon per unit of effort (CPUE) was exceedingly high (Fig. 4). The sharp drop in the CPUE Figure 4. — Trends in fishing effort (solid line) and catch (dotted line) of sockeye salmon per unit of effort at Chignik, 1900-66. and the concomitant rise in units of gear between 1909 and 1913 indicate "keen competition" between com- panies during this period (Rich and Ball 1930). The agreement in 1914 to equally divide the catch among the three companies brought about much more efficient con- duct of the fishery; however, its intensity was to no ex- tent reduced in later years (Rich and Ball 1930), e.g., in 1922 more than 75% of the run was harvested (Alaska Fishery and Fur-Seal Industries 1922).'° While it appears from Figure 4 that the CPUE may have risen during the period 1950-65, this may be due to a change in the effi- 'Since beach seines gradually replaced traps over the years (Fig. 3, Table 2), I chose to convert the effort by gill nets and seines to trap effort in order to make all the fishing effort data comparable between years. I calculated relative fishing powers, by gear type, from the percentage of the catch of each type of gear and the number of units of each type of gear operating concurrently. I found that on the average, one trap was the equivalent of 5.9 beach seines or 26.2 gill nets. These figures are to be used with caution since the selectivity of trap sites and the efficiency of beach seines used during the period 1940 to 1954 and those used in the 1970's are probably not the same. However, these relative fishing powers can be used for gross comparisons of fishing effort. '"The data for 1917 to 1950 were taken from the publication series Alaska Fishery and Fur-Seal Industries. This series was published an- nually as appendices to the Report of Commission of Fisheries until 1940. Beginning in that year, they were published in the U.S. Fish and Wild- life Service's Statistical Digest Series. ciency or catchability of the newer gear. With the intro- duction of powered seine blocks, synthetic fiber nets, and modem seine boats in recent years, one would expect greater efficiency per unit of gear. Fishing regulations. — There was little, if any, enforcement of fishery regulations in the Chignik fishery before 1922. There were no statutory regulations prior to 1895, only a weekly closure of 30 h for the period 1895- 1906, and one of 36 h for 1907-40 (Table 2). Cooley (1963) pointed out that starting in 1892 the U.S. Fish Commis- sion had funds to support only one inspector and an as- sistant for the enforcement of fishing regulations in the entire territory of Alaska. They were forced to depend on industry transportation to make their rounds during the 3-mo season. A fish-counting weir was first established in Chignik River in 1922 by the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries. The weir has not been installed every year since that time, but a management agent has been on duty to check the fishing area during closed periods. However, inspection of Fig- ure 2 shows that until 1925 there had never been <40 days of fishing during the season. In 1924, with the pas- sage of the White Act," which required 50% escapement in streams where counting weirs were maintained, the fishery was subjected to periodic closures by the manage- ment agent. In 1925 it was required that the minimum annual escapement at Chignik be set at 1 million fish (Rich and Ball 1930). This requirement was met nearly every year until 1938. Management of the Chignik fishery was based mainly on the rule of 50% escapement and 50% catch under the White Act until the time of its repeal in 1957.' In recent yesu-s target escapements esti- mated from spawner-retum relationships have been used as management guidelines to secure adequate spawning densities (Dahlberg 1973). Catch trend. — The general trend of catch declining not long after the inception of the fishery is typical of many other salmon fisheries in Alaska (Fig. 5). Catches 'Public Law 204, 68th Congress, 1924 (Cooley 1963). ^Public Law 296. 85th Congress. 1957. 1B95 1900 OS 10 IS 20 2S 30 35 1*0 45 50 55 60 65 YEAR Figure .i. — Commercial catches of sockeye salmon at Chignik, 1895- 1966; unsmoothed curve (broken line) and curve smoothed by a moving average of 5 (solid line). gradually increased as the fishery developed, leveled off until the White Act took effect in 1924 at which time they decreased, remained at an intermediate level for several years (1925-48), and then dropped shtirply after 1949 to a low level. The catch data for the Nushagak district of Bristol Bay (Mathisen 1971), show a unique similarity in trend (Fig. 6) except for the timing of the fall from ini- tial high production. The decline of sockeye salmon pro- duction in the Nushagak district preceded that at Chignik by a few years. It is noteworthy that these two independent sockeye salmon systems exhibit the same historical development and both show a decline in re- turn per spawner. I/I 7.2 Z SS.6 u. 3-2 O |l.6 z 0.8 Figure 6.— Commercial catches of sockeye salmon in the Nushagak district. Bristol Bay, 1893-1966 (after Mathisen 1967); unsmoothed curve (broken line) and cur^■e smoothed by a moving average of .5 (solid line). CATCHES AND ESCAPEMENTS OF THE CHIGNIK SOCKEYE SALMON RUNS, 1888-1966 Catch and escapement, age and size composition, sex ratio, timing of the run, and distribution of the escape- ment on the spawning grounds Eire among the important required statistics for setting management regulations for the establishment and maintenance of maximum sus- tained yield. Catches and Escapements Elscapement records began accumulating after erection of a weir in Chignik River in 1922. Catch statistics have been recorded from the beginning of the fishery in 1888; more detailed records have been kept since the Chignik canners joined the Alaska Packers As- sociation in 1893 (Moser 1899). The long-term changes in abundance of Chignik sockeye salmon have been about twofold (Table 3). Catch records. — Several sources of information were used to compile a complete record of the annual catches of Chignik sockeye salmon since 1888 (Moser 1899, 1902; Rich and Ball 1929, 1930; Alaska Fishery and Fur-Seal Industries 1917-50; Kasahara 1963; Pacific Fisherman Yearbook 1915-67; Pacific Salmon Inter-Agency Council 1966; Roos", see footnotes 5, 7; Calkins'''). The two most valuable sources were 1) annual reports of the Chignik cannery superintendents, Alaska Packers Association, over the years 1895-1955; and 2) vfirious reports of the management agents for the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries (1922-39), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (1940-59), and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (1960-66) (microfilms of these documents are on file in the archives of the FRI). I resolved inconsistencies in the reports com- piled and issued by veirious agencies and individuals by cross-checking several sources; in the event of a major disagreement, 1 accepted the daily catch figures com- piled by either the management agency or canning in- dustry. Many arithmetical errors were discovered in the historical records; in these instances, I used the summa- tion of the daily catch figures (Dahlberg'^). Catch records were complete for all the years covered in this study (1888-1966). Escapement records. — Daily weir counts were used to compile annual escapement records for those years in which a weir was operated in the Chignik River. The counting weir was not maintained in Chignik River dur- ing 1938, from 1940 through 1948, and in 1951. More- over, in some years (1924, 1931, 1933) the weir was "Rocs, J. F. 1957. Report on Chignik adult red salmon studies, 19.55-1956. Unpubl. manuscr., 58 p. Fish. Res. Inst., Univ. Washing- ton. Seattle. "Calkins, T. P. 1958. Report on Chignik adult red salmon studies, 1957. Unpubl. manuscr., 59 p. Fish. Res. Inst., Univ. Washington, Seat- tle. '^Dahlberg, M. L. 1967. Chignik catch-escapement analysis. Fish. Res. Inst., Comput. Program FRD 295, Univ. Washington. Seattle, 4 p. Table 3. — Long-term changes in abundance of Chignik sockeye salmon (Dahlberg 1968). Chignik Lake Black Lake Total run Escape- Rate of Escape- Rate of Escape- Rate of Catch ment Total exploi- Catch ment Total exploi- Catch ment Total exploi- 1.(XX)'3 l.CXM's l.CKXJ's tation' 1,(X)0'9 1,000's 1,000's tation' 1,000's l,(XX)'s l,(XX)'s tation' Mean 1922-39 504 563 Mean 1949-66 240 326 Percent change- -52.5 -42.1 1,06' 0.472 290 787 0.368 794 1,060 1,854 0.428 346 0.419 385 527 912 0.422 47.0 -10.4 -49.8 -59.5 -55.9 ■H3.9 -51.5 -50.2 -50.8 -3.8 566 0.423 201 'Rate of exploitation as defined by Ricker (1958:20). -Expressed as a percentage of the mean for the period 1922-39. damaged by high water, and the escapement was inaccurately assessed. Because it was desirable to have a continuous record of past escapements, estimates were used for missing data (Table 4). The estimates for 1924, 1931, and 1933 were made by U.S. Bureau of Fisheries personnel stationed at Chignik in these years; the esti- mate for 1951 represents the total of weekly estimates of escapement made by the management agent, U.S. Fish amd Wildlife Service, at Chignik in that yeeu-. Table 4. — Estimated escapements of sockeye salmon at Chignik, Alaska, for those years in which weir counts either were not avail- able or were unreliable (Dahlberg 1968). Escapement Description Year estimate of run' Time period Source 1924 115,000 - 4 June - 5 July U.S. Bur. Fish, personnel 1931 107,600 — To 10 July U.S. Bur. Fish, personnel 1933 426,000 — After 25 June U.S. Bur. Fish, personnel 1938 482,000 550,000 All year FRI, Dahlberg 1940 329,000 1,100,000 All year FRI, Dahlberg 1941 906,000 Very light All year Fm, Dahlberg 1942 960,000 Very light All year FRI, Dahlberg 1943 1,907,000 Excellent run All year FRI, Dahlberg 1944 643,000 Unusually poor All year FRI, Dahlberg 1945 369,000 Far below average All year FRI, Dahlberg 1946 1,514,000 Good escapement All year FRI, Dahlberg 1947 3,781.000 Best run in many years All year FRI, Dahlberg 1948 698.000 — All year FRI, Dahlberg 1951 616.000 All year U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service personnel 'Source: Alaska Fishery and Fur-Seal Industries (1938, 1940-48). Providing estimates of the escapement for 1938 and the period 1940-48 was more complex since daily or weekly estimates of the escapement were not available. In these cases, the ratio of escapement to catch was calculated from data obtained immediately before and after the pe- riod, and escapement in the period was estimated by tak- ing the product of the catch and the calculated ratio of escapement to catch. Rounsefell (1958) used a similar method for estimating the escapement to Karluk Lake prior to 1921; however, I attempted to correct for an ap- parent trend in the ratio (Fig. 7). The predicted ratios were estimated by linear interpo- lation: yo + ^ - V (^ -*o) where x„ = 1936, >„ = average ratio of escapement to catch for the period 1933-37 and 1939, X, = 1951, y , = average ratio of escapement to catch for the period 1949-53, Figure 7. — Trend in the ratio of escapement to catch for Chignik sockeye salmon. 1922-66. Ratios read from the straight line were used where data were missing, 1940-4S. X = year in which an estimate of escapement to catch was desired, y = estimated ratio of escapement to catch. The predicted ratios were calculated from: 1.03 + (2.10 1.03) (1951 - 1936) (x - 1936). The estimates were calculated from the ratio and catch for each of the years and compared with qualitative de- scriptions of the yearly runs (Alaska Fishery and Fur- Seal Industries 1938, 1940-48) (Table 4). The estimate for 1938 is in close agreement with the figures shown in Alaska Fishery and Fur-Seal Industries (1938). The esti- mate of the escapement for 1940 is far from that shown in Alaska Fishery and Fur-Seal Industries (1949); however, since no rationale is given for the published figure, the one calculated from the ratio of escapement to catch was used. Although the quantitative estimates and quali- tative descriptions in Table 4 are not directly compar- able, they do seem to agree in magnitude. Catches, Escapements, and Total Runs by Stock Estimated migration times and delays between fishery, lagoon, and weir. — Regulation of the Chignik fishery requires knowledge of the daily total run, which is the total of the daily catch and daily escapement. Escapement was counted at the weir in Chignik River. The daily catch could not be added to the escapement for the same day because of the migration time between the fishing area and weir. In addition, until 1966, Chignik fish were caught in significant numbers only in one near- by fishing area that was within the management dis- trict. Migration times must be considered before catch and escapement data can be combined. Travel time between Cape Kumlik and Chignik Lagoon. — Starting in 1960 some purse seine boats in the Chignik management area began catching significant numbers of sockeye salmon in Aniakchak Bay and its western terminus, Cape Kumlik, which is 72 km (45 mi) east of Chignik Lagoon. Since that time tagging studies have shown that almost 95% of the sockeye salmon in this area are bound for Chignik Lagoon (Lechner"*). In order to assign these fish to the catch of a given day in Chignik Lagoon, one must know the migration time from Cape Kumlik to Chignik Lagoon. Travel time can be estimated from the interval between the release of fish tagged at Aniakchak Bay and the recovery of the same fish in Chignik Lagoon. Fish were tagged in Aniakchak Bay by Richardson'' on 7 July 1963 during a closed fishing period. The commercial fishery in the district re- sumed operations on 8 July at 0600 h and continued oper- ations from 0600 to 1800 h each day through 12 July. The recovery of tagged fish in Chignik Lagoon reached a peak 2 days after release (Fig. 8). Hartt (1966) has shown that tagging delays the migration of mature sockeye salmon on the high seas about 1 day. It appears from Figure 8 that many sockeye salmon can travel from Cape Kumlik to Chignik Lagoon in 1 day, allowing 1 day for tagging delay. This is a rate of travel of about 72 km (45 mi) per day; Hartt (1966) has shown that the rate of travel for '^Lechner. J. 1969. Identification of red salmon stocks taken in the Cape Kumlik - Aniakchak Bay fishery, Chignik area, 1967. Alaska Dep. Fish Game Inf Lead. 1,33, 32 p. "Richardson, T. H. 1963. Aniakchak tagging program. Alaska Dep. Fish Game, -Juneau, 2 p. 20 r DAYS FROM RELEASE Figure 8.— Numbers of tagged sockeye salmon re- covered in Chignik Lagoon from day 1 to 5 after release of fish lagged at Aniakchak Bay in July 1963 (data from Richardson, see text footnote 17). returns to Bristol Bay is as much as 56 km (35 mi) per day, becoming faster as the fish near the coast. lYavel time between Chignik Lagoon and Chignik weir. — The commercial catch in Chignik Lagoon on a given day is not taken from the same group of fish that are counted through the weir on the same day; the mi- gration time between the fishing area and the weir must be considered. Normally, sockeye salmon move up- stream from the lagoon on each high tide and pass im- mediately through the weir; few fish loiter in the river downstream from the weir. In tagging experiments to de- termine time of entry of the stocks, fish tagged and re- leased in Chignik Lagoon during closed fishing periods were later counted as they passed through the weir. In addition, other fish were tagged and released immedi- ately downstream from the weir and these tagged fish also were counted as they passed through the weir. Since the same sampling gear (seine), type of tags (25 mm diameter disks), and tagging crew were used in both tag- ging operations, the difference between migration times through the weir for the two groups of fish should reflect the migration time between the lagoon and weir (Figs. 9, 10; Table 5). Two results are apparent from the tagging data: 1) Tagging delayed migration approximately 1 day, i.e., fish tagged immediately downstream from the weir did not pass through until about 1 day later as shown from the mode in Figure 9; and 2) assuming a delay in mi- gration of 1 day due to tagging, the migration time from Chignik Lagoon to the weir was about 2 days. Since catch and escapement are recorded by 1-day intervals, a 2-day lag between the catch and escapement was used as the DAYS FROM RELEASE Figure 9. — Numbers of days between release and passage through the Chignik River weir for sockeye salmon tagged and released immediately below the weir, 1962-66 (Uahlbcrg 1968). 17 18 19 20 Figure 10. — Numbers of days between release and passage through the Chignik River weir for sockeye salmon tagged and released at Chignik Lagoon, 1962-66 (Dahlbcrg 1968). Table 5.— Average duration of time from release to passage through the weir for sockeye salmon tagged in Chignik Lagoon and sockeye salmon tagged immediately below the Chignik River weir (combined data from 1949, 1962-66) (Dahlberg 1968). Tagging location Number of tagged fish counted through weir Average time from release to passage through weir (days) Mean Median Mode Lagoon Weir Difference 488 306 4.16 1.60 2.56 2.48 2.00 0.73 LOO 1.75 1.00 correction factor for the migration time between the lagoon and weir. Separation of stocks by time of entry. — For manage- ment purposes, the sockeye salmon runs to the Chignik watershed are considered to be comf)osed of two stocks: Chignik Lake stock and Black Lake stock (Dahlberg and Phinney'*). Counting the catch and escapement of the two stocks is complicated. The two stocks travel through the same fishing area and trunk stream on their spawn- ing migration, and their times of entry overlap. They do segregate on the spawning grounds, and their peak spawning activity generally occurs at different times. Results of preliminary tagging studies in 1952, 1959, 1960, and 1961 indicated 1) that most of the fish entering Chignik Lagoon in early June were bound for the spawn- ing areas of Black Lake and Black River tributaries, and 2) that fish entering in late July were bound for the spawning areas of Chignik Lake and certain Black River tributaries (Narver and Dahlberg 1964; Roos, see foot- note 6). The FRI conducted more intensive tagging studies from 1962 to 1966 to determine the consistency of timing of the runs and to measure overlap in entry time be- tween the two stocks. Colored, 25 mm diameter disk tags were used in all the experiments; a different color com- bination was used during each tagging session. Recovery was by foot survey of each major spawning area at the peak of spawning (Table 6). "Dahlberg, M. L., and D. E. Phinney. 1967. Studies of mature sockeye salmon at Chignik, 1966. Univ. Washington, Fish. Res. Inst. Circ. 67-7, 41 p. Table 6.— Summary of tagging experiments to determine time of entry of the sockeye salmon stocks of Chignik, Alaska, l%2-66 (Dahlberg 1968). Total Total flsh fish Percentage Tagging Year tagged recovered recovered location 1962 966 120 1963 1,411 165 1964 1,658 175 1965 1,448 150 1966 1,816 160 Total 7,299 770 12 Lagoon and weir Weir Lagoon and weir Lagoon and weir Lagoon and weir I classified the tagged fish into early-season and late- season spawners and calculated their relative percent- ages for each tagging date (early spawning peaked in the first week of August, and late spawning peaked in the last week of August and early September). Because tag- ging sites varied between the lagoon and weir, all tagging dates were standardized to correspond with releases at the weir. Dates of tagging at the lagoon were adjusted to compensate for the 2-day migration between the lagoon and weir. To obtain a quantitative estimate of the proportion of each stock present in the catch and escapement on a given day, I sought a suitable mathematical model. One approach was to consider the proportion of a stock pres- ent on a given day as a quantal response to the inde- pendent variable (time) and proceed with probit analysis (Finney 1952). However, another approach to analysis of data of this nature was proposed by Moore and Zeigler (1967), namely: P = 1 1 + e- where P = proportionof early spawners, \-P = proportion of late spawners, e = base of Napierian system of logarithms, t = coded time in days measured from 15 June (day 1), a, 6 = parameters estimated from tagging studies, i = error term, assumed random. A method of nonlinear least squares which utilized the techniques of steepest descent and linearization (Gales 1964) was used to fit curves to data collected in each year and to all tagging data combined (Fig. 11, Table 7). The entry pattern was nearly the same from year to year, but the time of entry changed slightly (the data for 1962 all fall to the left, or earlier entry; whereas, the data for 1965 and 1966 are to the right, or later entry). Time of entry might be expected to vary with annual fluctu- ations in environmental conditions, such as, weather and water temperatures; nonetheless, the curves can be used to separate approximately the early and late spawners by entry time and to indicate the daily proportion of each stock in the fishery and escapement. 10 . D • O ' • < 7 D .^•&-o :'- ~ / il/': - - ■ in - - va^ - Table 8. — Proportions of Black River spawners in the early sockeye salmon escapements. 1960-66 (Dahlberg 1968). ADJUSTED DATE OF TACCINC Figure 11.— Patterns of time of entry for tagged Black Lake and Chignik Lake sockeye salmon, 1962-66 (Dahlberg 1968). Table 7. — Estimates of d, 6. and spji for tagging studies of time of entry of Chignik sockeye salmon. 1962-66. after the formula of Moore and Zeigler (1967). see text. Number of Year a b ipH observations 1962 -4.562 0.254 0.010 5 1963 -5.252 0.228 0.058 6 1964 -9.040 0.422 0.013 6 1965 -6.084 0.250 0.007 6 1966 -7.741 0.295 0.031 7 Combined -5.451 0.239 0.090 30 To precisely regulate the escapement to the Chignik system, it is imperative to know where the progeny of the various spawning groups are reared, because manage- ment is based on the nursery area carrying capacity of each lake. A knowledge of the time of entry of early- and late-season spawners is not adequate in itself, because all the progeny of the Black River tributary spawners (early season and late season) are reared in Chignik Lake (Narver 1966). About 13' r of the early spawners use the river (Table 8).'^ The progeny of the remainder of the early spawners (which utilize the Black Lake tributar- ies) are reared in Black Lake; whereas, all the progeny of '^he percentage of early spawners in the Black Lake tributaries is determined from aerial surveys of the spawning grounds in each year. The total number of spawners in Black River tributaries divided by the total number of spawners counted on all early spawning areas is the propor- tion u.sed. For the years before 1960 the geometric mean ratio for the years 1960-66 was used. The proportion of Black River spawners observed each year from 1960 to 1966 is shown in Table 8. .\ test of the consistency of us- ing aerial survey data to calculate the Black River proportions of the early escapement was conducted in 1965. .-Xn Alaska Department of Fish and Game management biologist aerially surveyed the early spawning grounds and from his counts determined a proportion of 0.0308 Black River spawners; he accounted for 76' r of the early escapement. On the same day. I made the same survey using the same airplane with the same pilot. 1 calculated a proportion of 0.0312 Black River spawners and ac- counted for 53' r of the early escapement. Thus, although the total counts were quite different, both observed the same relative proportion of spawners in Black River tributaries. Proportion of Black River spawners Geometric 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 mean 0.264 0.279 0.279 0.060 0.079 0.031 0.158 0.125 the late spawners are reared in Chignik Lake. On the average, the portion of the escapement for a given date whose progeny will be reared in Black Lake is the value read from the entry curve for the year in question (Fig. 11) minus 13'; , the part of the escapement whose pro- geny is reared in Chignik Lake. This relationship implies that all Black Lake fry remain in Black Lake; this condi- tion may not hold true in every year. Calculation of catches and escapements by stock. — The information on catches and escapements was pro- cessed by computer program after the records had been compiled and estimated portions collated with the observed data (Dahlberg see footnote 15). The daily catches and escapements were divided into Chignik Lake and Black Lake stocks on the basis of the time of entry relationship. Time of entry was determined from tagging studies and the distribution of spawners on the spawning grounds. For years in which these data were not avail- able, the average relationship was used. Catches were ad- justed to allow for migration time from Cape Kumlik to Chignik Lagoon and the migration time between the lagoon and counting weir. Escapements of the two stocks were corrected for weir leakage (Lechner"") and the pro- portion of Black River spawners in the early escape- ments. Estimates of the total catches by stock for the years 1888-1921 were produced from the computer program (Table 9). Table 10 presents the catches, escapements,"' and runs by stock for the years 1922-66. Table 11 pre- sents ratios of escapement to catch, rates of exploita- tion, and percentages of escapement for each stock. Fig- ures 12 through 15 show the data in graphical form. Beginning in 1967, summaries of the annual catch and escapement of the runs of sockeye salmon to Chignik have been reported by either FRI (Dahlberg and Phin- ney see footnote 18; Parr and Pedersen;'" Wells and Parr") or the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (Phinney and Lechner;-^ Pedersen and Seibel;^' -".Jack Lechner. Area .Management Biologist, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, pers. commun., .August 1965. ■'Includes estimates of missing data for certain years as described pre- viously. See also Table 6. •Parr. \V. H.. .Jr.. and P. C. Pedersen. 1969. Studies of adult sock- eye salmon at Chignik in 1968. Univ. Washington, Fish. Res. Inst. Circ. 69-16. 40 p. -'Wells, J. W.. and W H. Parr. 1971. Studies of adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) at Chignik, Alaska, in 1969 and 1970. Univ. Washington. Fish. Res. Inst. Circ. 71-7. 61 p. -'Phinney, D. E.. and .J. Lechner. 1969. Studies of adult Chignik sockeye salmon in 1967. Alaska Dep. Fish Game Inf. Leafl. 130, 43 p. ■'Pedersen. P. C, and M. C. Seibel. 1970. Forecast of the 1970 Chignik system red salmon run. Alaska Dep. Fish Game Inf. Leafl. 144, 24 p. 11 Table 9.— Summar>' of estimated catches by the fish- ery of Chignik sockeye salmon by stock, 1888-1921 (Dahlberg 1968). Year Chignik Lake Black Uke Total 1888 Na' Na 13,000 1889 Na Na 560,000 1890 Na Na 453,000 1891 Na Na 775,000 1892 Na Na 522,000 1893 Na Na 600,000 1894 Na Na 600.000 1895 377,820 305,499 683,319 1896 615,671 234,329 850,000 1897 424,084 340,916 765,000 1898 797,466 367,953 1,165,419 1899 382,164 521,585 903.749 1900 588.532 458,839 1.047.371 1901 730,901 176,449 907,350 1902 895,888 886,127 1.782,015 1903 899.462 2.50,528 1.149.990 1904 1,409.452 280,190 1.689.642 1905 981,906 315,209 1.297.115 1906 1,112,235 211,349 1.323.584 1907 1,284,349 338,6.38 1.622,987 1908 1,208.984 421,693 1,630,677 1909 1.427,100 303,704 1,730,804 1910 978.174 336,498 1.314,672 1911 956,734 120,861 1,077.595 1912 949,857 380,975 1,330,832 1913 616,174 217,046 833,220 1914 795,200 261,429 1,056,629 1915 828,295 501,736 1.330,031 1916 710,934 291,977 1.002,911 1917 1,227,044 229,422 1,456,466 1918 1,429,709 112,998 1,542,707 1919 774,379 110,559 884,938 1920 1,407,882 364,828 1,772,710 1921 1,497,970 330,887 1,828,857 'Na = = Not available. Pedersen and Petersen^^). Annual reports for the Chignik Management District are compiled each year by the area management biologist, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and filed with the regional office in Kodiak, Alaska. Detailed records of the runs by stock, age group, and sex for the period 1922-66 can be found in Dahlberg (1968). I used the information on age composition, catch, and escapement to estimate spawner-return relationships for the two stocks of sockeye salmon in the Chignik River system (Dahlberg 1973). Subsequent estimates of target escapements from these spawner-return functions have been considered by the management agency in control- ling the annual catch. SUMMARY I. The abundance of stocks of sockeye salmon at Chignik, Alaska, decreased from an average of 1.9 mil- lion during the period 1922-39 to an average of 0.9 mil- lion during the period 1949-66. The average rate of 'fPedersen, P. C, and D. Petersen. 1971. Forecast of the 1971 Chignik system red salmon run. Alaska Dep. Fish Game Inf. Leafl. 151, 13 p. exploitation during the two periods was nearly the same — 0.428 in the early period and 0.422 in the re- cent period. 2. The high-seas and coastal distributions of Chignik sockeye salmon were investigated to determine whether or not Chignik sockeye salmon were inter- cepted by fisheries along the coast of the Alaska Pe- ninsula. The Cape Kumlik fishery and, later, the Cape Igvak fishery harvest an important portion of the sockeye salmon bound for Chignik. This catch should be counted as part of the annual Chignik run. 3. Chignik sockeye salmon have been exploited since 1888; several companies operated canneries in the ear- ly phase of the fishery. The salmon canning industry coordinated their operations in the 1930's. From 1953 through 1966, two companies operated in the area, Chignik Fisheries Company and the Alaska Packers Association. 4. Enforced regulation of the fishery did not exist before 1922; after that year, management agents were sta- tioned at Chignik each year to inspect the fishing gear during periodic closures. The White Act required an escapement equal to 50*^0 of the yearly run; this re- quirement was met in most years. 5. Catch records and weir counts were used as a basis for studying the productivity of the system during the last 40 yr. Since there were no escapement records from 1940 through 1948, a ratio of escapement to catch was used to estimate the missing data. 6. Separation of the catch and escapement records for the two stocks was facilitated by time-of-entry re- lationship. Results from tagging studies of 1962-66 were used to estimate the relationship; an average time of entry curve was used to analyze the records before 1962. 7. Estimated annual catches and escapements for each of the two stocks were compiled for the period 1922-66, based upon the methods summarized above. LITERATURE CITED ALASKA FISHERY and FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES. 1917-50. In U.S. Bur. Fish., Appendices to Rep. U.S. Comm. Fish. 1918-1941 and U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Stat. Dig. 1942-1953. .ATWOOD. W, W. 191 1. Geology and mineral resources of parts of the Alaska Pe- ninsula. U.S. Geol. Serv. Bull. 467, 137 p. BURGNER, R. L.. C. J. DiCOSTANZO. R. J. ELLIS. G. Y. HARRY. ,IR.. W. L. HARTMAN, O. E. KERNS, .JR.. 0. A. MA THISEN. and W. F. ROYCE. 1969. Biological studies and estimates of optimum escapement* of sockeye salmon in the major river systems in southwestern Alaska. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv.. Fish. Bull. 67:405-459. COBB. .J. N. 1930. Pacific salmon fisheries. U.S. Bur. Fish., Rep. U.S. Comm. Fish., 1930, append. 13:409-704. COOLEY. R. A. 1963. Politics and conservation. Harper and Row. N.Y,, 230 p. DAHLBERG, M. L. 1968. Analysis of the dynamics of sockeye salmon returns to the Chignik lakes, Alaska. Ph.D. Thesis, Ui.iv. Washington, Seattle, .337 p. 12 Table 10.— Summary of estimated catches and escapements of Chignik sockeye salmon by stock, 1922-66 (Dahlberg 1968). Catch Escapement Total run Chignik Black Chignik Black Chignik Black Year Lake Lake Total Lake Lake Total Lake Lake Total 1922 900,823 346,011 1,246,834 352,807 86,421 439,228 1,253,630 432,432 1,686,062 1923 562,316 80,556 642,872 213,781 4,642 218,423 776,097 85,198 861,295 1924 767,424 110,937 878,361 910,521 121,983 1,032,504 1,677,945 232,920 1,910,865 1925 436,985 260,999 697,984 677,566 386,364 1,063,930 1,114,551 647,363 1,761,914 1926 173,161 242,054 415,215 695,314 289,009 984,323 868,475 531,063 1,399,538 1927 303,401 137,566 440,967 429,525 857,881 1,287,406 732,926 995,447 1,728,373 1928 774,667 8,595 783,262 1,020,520 507,353 1,527,873 1,795,187 515,948 2,311,135 1929 689,123 359,861 1,048,984 914.307 995,832 1,910,139 1,603,430 1,355,693 2,959,123 1930 27,306 888 28,194 359,405 92,955 452,360 386,711 93,843 480,554 1931 503,584 206,256 709,840 631,986 96,201 728.187 1,135,570 302,457 1,438,027 1932 871,112 704,130 1,575,242 1,113,859 2,151,734 3,265,593 1,984,971 2,855,864 4,840,835 1933 345,469 249,452 594,921 310,088 223,913 534,001 655,557 473,365 1,128,922 1934 525,294 583,048 1,108,342 447,642 866,890 1,314,532 972,936 1,449,938 2,422,874 1935 409,893 209,449 619,342 462,469 194,636 657,105 872,362 404,085 1,276,447 1936 453,914 526,811 980,725 376,838 548,039 924,877 830,752 1,074,850 1,905,602 1937 422,254 207,064 629,318 406,618 205,613 612,231 828,872 412,677 1,241,549 1938 260,879 150,111 410,990 305,827 175,972 481,799 566,706 326,083 892,789 1939 652,780 827,580 1,480,360 512,754 1,142,852 1,655,606 1,165,534 1,970,432 3,135,966 1940 116,336 134,098 250,434 152,957 176,307 329,264 269,293 310,405 579,698 1941 383,764 270,145 653,909 531,904 374,420 906,324 915,668 644,565 1,560,233 1942 354,518 303,987 658,505 516,621 442,981 959,602 871,139 746,968 1,618,107 1943 788,636 459,182 1,247,818 1,205,418 701,859 1,907,277 1,994,054 1.161,041 3,155,095 1944 219,545 182,431 401,976 351,212 291,844 643,056 570,757 474,275 1,045,032 1945 90,563 130,390 220,953 151,326 217,882 369,208 241,889 348,272 590,161 1946 424,682 444,337 869,019 739,884 774,130 1,514,014 1,164,566 1,218,467 2,383,033 1947 768.694 1,316,128 2,084,822 1,393,990 2,386,733 3,780,723 2,162,684 3,702,861 5,865,545 1948 166,244 204,085 370,329 313,319 384,637 697,956 479,563 588,722 1,068,285 1949 418,156 124,390 542,546 574,715 213,269 787,984 992,871 337,659 1,330,530 1950 318,450 34,742 353,192 861,070 206,270 1,067,340 1.179,520 241,012 1,420,532 1951 143,521 115,494 259,015 490,899 125,126 616,025 634,420 240,620 875,040 1952 20,393 106,675 127,068 260,540 34,155 294,695 280,933 140,830 421,763 1953 109,450 185,738 295,188 221,408 168,375 389,783 330,858 354,113 684,971 1954 19,232 72,334 91,566 277,912 184,963 462,865 297,144 257,287 554,431 1955 168,987 179,539 348,526 201,409 256,757 458,166 370,396 436,296 806,692 1956 421,251 246,442 667,693 483,024 289,096 772,120 904,275 535,538 1,439,813 1957 224,757 77,423 302,180 328,779 192,479 521,258 553,536 269,902 823,438 1958 179,949 141,180 321,129 212,594 120,862 333,456 392,543 262,042 654,585 1959 251,547 165,000 416,547 308,645 112,226 420,871 560,192 277,226 837,418 1960 418,356 274,048 692,404 357,230 251,567 608,797 775,586 525,615 1,301,201 1961 278,609 53,852 332,461 254,970 140,714 395,684 533,579 194,566 728,145 1962 292,528 71,562 364,090 324,860 167,602 492,462 617,388 239,164 856,552 1963 323,080 80.258 403,338 200,314 332,536 532,850 523,394 412,794 936,188 1964 427,940 128,950 556,890 166,625 137,073 303,698 594,565 266,023 860,588 1965 152,521 477,032 629,553 163,151 307,192 470,343 315,672 784,224 1,099,896 1966 143,098 79,696 222,794 183,525 383,545 567,070 326,623 463,241 789,864 1973. Stock and recruitment relationships and optimum escape- ments of sockeye salmon stocks of the Chignik lakes. Alaska. Plapp. P.-V. Reun. Cons. Int. Explor. Mer 164:98-105. FINNEY. D. J. 1952. Probit analysis. 2d ed. Cambridge Univ. Press. Cambr.. 318 p. GALES, L. E. 1964. Non-linear least squares parameter estimation. M.S. Thesis. Univ. Washington, Seattle, 108 p. GILBERT. C. H. 1929. Quotation in E. Higgins, Progress in biological inquiries, 1927, p. 214. U.S. Bur. Fish.. Rep. U.S. Comm. Fish.. 1928. ap- pend. 6. GILBERT. C. H., and H. OMALLEY. 1921. Special investigation of salmon fishery in central and western Alaska. U.S. Bur. Fish., Rep. U.S. Comm. Fish., 1919, append. 9:143-160. HARTT. A. C. 1966. Migrations of salmon in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea as determined by seining and tagging. 1959-1960. Int. North Pac. Fish. Comm. Bull. 19, 141 p. HIGGINS. E. 1930. Progress in biological inquiries, 1928. U.S. Bur. Fish.. Rep. U.S. Comm. Fish., 1929, append. 10:627-680. 1936. Progress in biological inquiries, 1934. U.S. Bur. Fish.. Rep. U.S. Comm. Fish.. 1935. append. 3:331-399. HOLMES, H. B. 1934. Natural propagation of salmon in Alaska. Proc. Fifth Pac. Sci. Congr. 5:3585-3597. KASAHARA, H. 1963. Catch statistics for North Pacific salmon. Int. North Pac. Fish. Comm. Bull. 12. 82 p. KNAPPEN, R. S. 1929. Geology and mineral resources of the Aniakchak District. U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 797:161-223. MATHEWS, S. B. 1966. The ecortomic consequences of forecasting sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka. Walbaum) runs to Bristol Bay, Alaska: a computer simulation study of the potential benefits to a salmon canning industry from accurate forecasts of the runs. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Washington. Seattle, 238 p. 13 Table 11.— Selected ratios of catch and escapement statistics for Chignik Lake, Black Lake, and total runs, 1922-6S. Chignik Lake Black Lake Total r Catch/ Escape- Rate of Escape- Catch/ Escape- Rate of Escape- Catch/ Escape- Rate of Escape- escape- ment/ exploi- ment escape- ment/ exploi- ment escape- ment/ exploi- ment ment catch tation (prop) ment catch tation (prop) ment catch tation (prop) 1922 2.553 0.391 0.718 0.281 4.003 0.249 0.800 0.199 2.838 0.352 0.739 0.260 1923 2.630 0.380 0.724 0.275 17.353 0.057 0.945 0.054 2.943 0.339 0.746 0.253 1924 0.842 1.186 0.457 0.542 0.909 1.099 0.476 0.523 0.850 1.175 0.459 0.540 1925 0.644 1.550 0.392 0.607 0.675 1.480 0.403 0.596 0.656 1.524 0.396 0.603 1926 0.249 4.015 0.199 0.800 0.837 1.193 0.455 0.544 0.421 2.370 0.296 0.703 1927 0.706 1.415 0.413 0.586 0.160 6.236 0.138 0.861 0.342 2.919 0.255 0.744 1928 0.759 1.317 0.431 0.568 0.016 59.028 0.016 0.983 0.512 1.950 0.338 0.661 1929 0.753 1.326 0.429 0.570 0.361 2.767 0.265 0.734 0.549 1.820 0.354 0.645 1930 0.075 13.162 0.070 0.929 0.009 104.679 0.009 0.990 0.062 16.044 0.058 0.941 1931 0.796 1.254 0.443 0.556 2.144 0.466 0.681 0.318 0.974 1.025 0.493 0.506 1932 0.782 1.278 0.438 0.561 0.327 3.055 0.246 0.753 0.482 2.073 0.325 0.674 1933 1.114 0.897 0.526 0.473 1.114 0.897 0.526 0.473 1.114 0.897 0.526 0.473 1934 1.173 0.852 0.539 0.460 0.672 1.486 0.402 0.597 0.843 1.186 0.457 0.542 1935 0.886 1.128 0.469 0.530 1.076 0.929 0.518 0.481 0.942 1.060 0.485 0.514 1936 1.204 0.830 0.546 0.453 0.961 1.040 0.490 0.509 1.060 0.943 0.514 0.485 1937 1.038 0.962 0.509 0.490 1.007 0.992 0.501 0.498 1.027 0.972 0.506 0.493 1938 0.853 1.172 0.460 0.539 0.853 1.172 0.460 0.539 0.853 1.172 0.460 0.539 1939 1.273 0.785 0.560 0.439 0.724 1.380 0.420 0.580 0.894 1.118 0.472 0.527 1940 0.760 1.314 0.432 0.567 0.760 1.314 0.432 0.567 0.760 1.314 0.432 0.567 1941 0.721 1.386 0.419 0.580 0.721 1.386 0.419 0.580 0.721 1.386 0.419 0.580 1942 0.686 1.457 0.406 0.593 0.686 1.457 0.406 0.593 0.686 1.457 0.406 0.593 1943 0.654 1.528 0.395 0.604 0.654 1.528 0.395 0.604 0.654 1.528 0.395 0.604 1944 0.625 1.599 0.384 0.615 0.625 1.599 0.384 0.615 0.625 1.599 0.384 0.615 1945 0.598 1.670 0.374 0.625 0.598 1.671 0.374 0.625 0.598 1.670 0.374 0.625 1946 0.573 1.742 0.364 0.635 0.573 1.742 0.364 0.635 0.573 1.742 0.364 0.635 1947 0.551 1.813 0.355 0.644 0.551 1.813 0.355 0.644 0.551 1.813 0.355 0.644 1948 0.530 1.884 0.346 0.653 0.530 1.884 0.346 0.653 0.530 1.884 0.346 0.653 1949 0.727 1.374 0.421 0.578 0.583 1.714 0.368 0.631 0.688 1.452 0.407 0.592 1950 0.369 2.703 0.269 0.730 0.168 5.937 0.144 0.855 0.330 3.021 0.248 0.751 1951 0.292 3.420 0.226 0.773 0.923 1.083 0.479 0.520 0.420 2.378 0.296 0.704 1952 0.078 12.775 0.072 0.927 3.123 0.320 0.757 0.242 0.431 2.319 0.301 0.698 1953 0.494 2.022 0.330 0.669 1.103 0.906 0.524 0.475 0.757 1.320 0.430 0.569 1954 0.069 14.450 0.064 0.935 0.391 2.556 0.281 0.718 0.197 5.054 0.165 0.834 1955 0.839 1.191 0.456 0.543 0.699 1.430 0.411 0.588 0.760 1.314 0.432 0.567 1956 0.872 1.146 0.465 0.534 0.852 1.173 0.460 0.539 0.864 1.156 0.463 0.536 1957 0.683 1.462 0.406 0.593 0.402 2.486 0.286 0.713 0.579 1.724 0.366 0.633 1958 0.846 1.181 0.458 0.541 1.168 0.856 0.538 0.461 0.963 1.038 0.490 0.509 1959 0.815 1.226 0.449 0.550 1.470 0.680 0.595 0.404 0.989 1.010 0.497 0.502 1960 1.171 0.853 0.539 0.460 1.089 0.917 0.521 0.478 1.137 0.879 0.532 0.467 1%1 1.092 0.915 0.522 0.477 0.382 2.612 0.276 0.723 0.840 1.190 0.456 0.543 1962 0.900 1.110 0.473 0.526 0.426 2.342 0.299 0.700 0.739 1.352 0.425 0.574 1963 1.612 0.620 0.617 0.382 0.241 4.143 0.194 0.805 0.756 1.321 0.430 0.569 1964 2.568 0.389 0.719 0.280 0.940 1.062 0.484 0.515 1.833 0.545 0.647 0.352 1965 0.934 1.069 0.483 0.516 1.552 0.643 0.608 0.391 1.338 0.747 0.572 0.427 1966 0.779 1.282 0.438 0.561 0.207 4.812 0.172 0.827 0.392 2.545 0.282 0.717 1922-1939: Mean 1.018 1.883 0.463 0.537 1.844 10.456 0.431 0.569 0.965 2.163 0.438 0.561 95"^ confidence limits Upper 1.340 3.334 0.538 0.613 3.822 23.966 0.551 0.689 1.340 3.918 0.518 0.641 Lower 0.696 0.432 0.387 0.461 -0.132 -3.053 0.311 0.448 0.589 0.409 0.358 0.481 1949-1966: Mean 0.841 2.733 0.411 0.588 0.873 1.982 0.411 0.588 0.779 1.687 0.413 0.586 95% confidence limits Upper 1.127 4.738 0.495 0.671 1.223 2.763 0.495 0.672 0.974 2.220 0.473 0.646 Lower 0.555 0.727 0.328 0.504 0.523 1.201 0.327 0.504 0.583 1.153 0.353 0..526 Combined: Mean 0.930 2.308 0.437 0.562 1.359 6.219 0.421 0.578 0.872 1.925 0.426 0.574 95% confidence limits Upper 1.136 3.492 0.491 0.616 2.326 12.802 0.490 0.648 1.075 2.799 0.473 0.621 Lower 0.723 1.125 0.383 0.508 0.391 -0.364 0.351 0.509 0.668 1.051 0.378 0.526 14 Figure 12.— Calculated catches of Chignik Lake (solid line) and Black Lake (dotted line) sockeye salmon, 1895-1966, based on time of entry of the stocks in recent years (Dahlberg 1968). Figure 1.1.— Catch trends for Chignik Lake (dotted line) and Black Lake (solid line), 189.')-I966, smoothed by a moving average of .'> (Dahlberg 1968). ,1.58 1 .'W,,! 57 i.a ■ 1 1 in}. 2 z o ^1.0 - '-' 1 1;, : z HO. 8 -; ; S / A '- ^0.6 U r\ Ia y 1 '\ .-'--\ 0.14 i- ESTIMATED— 1 1 ' 0.2 o1 -J 1 1 1 1 ..1,11,1 ..1 , . 1 1 , . 1 1 1 . , , 1 1 , 1 1 1 Figure 14. — Escapement trends for Chignik Lake (dotted line). Black Lake (solid line), and combined stocks (broken line), 1922-66, smoothed by a moving average of 5 (Dahlberg 1968). Figure 15. — Trends in total run for Chignik Lake (dotted line). Black Lake (solid line), and combined stocks (broken line), 1922-66, smoothed by a moving average of 5 (Dahlberg 1968). -| 25 |20 -'' ;' i \ ' ', zi \ _ / \ ^' 1 ? '5 --■■ ■»•' \, .' ""' \ z> : A r^ ' -I 10 < 1- o >- 5 ^ 1 , , , , 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 , , , , , , , . 1 1 , . . 1 . . .. . 15 MATHISEN, 0. A. 1971. Escapement levels and productivity of the Nushagak sock- eye salmon run from 1908 to 1966. Fish. Bull., U.S. 69:747-763. MOORE, R. H., and R. K. ZEIGLER. 1967. The use of non-linear regression methods for analyzing sensi- tivity and quantal response data. Biometrics 23:563-566. MOSER, J. F. 1899. The salmon and salmon fisheries of Alaska. Eieport of the operations of the United States Fish Commission steamer Albatross for the year ending June 30, 1898. U.S. Fish Comm. Bull. 18:1-178. 1902. Salmon investigations of the steamer Albatross in the sum- mer of 1900. U.S. Fish Comm. Bull. 21:175-348. MURIE, O. J. 1959. Fauna of the Aleutian Islands and Alaska Peninsula. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv.. North Am. Fauna 61, 406 p. NARVER, D. W. 1966. Pelagial ecology and carrying capacity of sockeye salmon in the Chignik lakes, Alaska. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Washington. Seattle, 348 p. NARVER, D. W., and M. L. DAHLBERG. 1964. Chignik sockeye salmon studies. In T. S. Y. Koo (editor). Research in fisheries . . . 1963, p. 18-21. Univ. Wash. Coll. Fish. Contrib. 166. 1965. Estuarine food of Dolly Varden at Chignik, Alaska. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 94:405-408. NATIONAL FISHERMAN YEARBOOK. 1968, 1969. PACIFIC FISHERMAN YEARBOOK. 1915-67. PACIFIC PACKERS REPORT. 1970-76. PACIFIC SALMON INTER-AGENCY COUNCIL. 1966. Tech. Rep. No. 4:120-122. PARR, W. H., JR. 1972. Interaction between sockeye salmon and lake resident fish in the Chignik lakes, Alaska. M.S. Thesis, Univ. Washington, Seat- tle. 103 p. PHINNEY, D. E. 1968. Distribution, abundance, and growth of postsmolt sockeye salmon in Chignik Lagoon, Alaska. M.S. Thesis, Univ. Wash- ington, Seattle, 159 p. 1970. Spawning ground catalog of the Chignik River system, Alaska. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Data Rep. 41, 174 p. (micro- fiche). RICH, W. H., and E. M. BALL. 1929. Statistical review of the Alaska salmon fisheries. Pt. I: Bristol Bay and the Alaska Peninsula. Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish. 44:41-95. 1930. Statistical review of the Alaska salmon fisheries. Pt. II: Chignik to Resurrection Bay. Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish. 46:643-712. RICKER, W. E. 1958. Handbook of computations for biological statistics of fish populations. Fish. Res. Board Can., Bull. 119, 300 p. 1966. Sockeye salmon in British Columbia. Int. North Pac. Fish. Comm. Bull. 18:59-70. ROOS, J. F. 1959. Feeding habits of the Dolly Varden, Salvelinus malma (Walbaum), at Chignik, Alaska. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 88:253- 260. 1960. Predation of young coho salmon on sockeye salmon fry at Chignik, Alaska. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 89:377-379. ROUNSEFELL, G. A. 1958. Factors causing decline in sockeye salmon of Karluk River, Alaska. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Fish. Bull. 58:83-169. ROYCE. W. F. 1960. Fishery regulation in Alaska salmon management. Univ. Wash., Fish. Res. Inst., Circ. 123, 8 p. 1964. Prospects for Alaska salmon. Pac. Fisherman 62(10):21-24. SCUDDER, H. C. 1970, The Alaska salmon trap: Its evolution, conflicts, and conse- Alaska State Lib. Hist. Monogr. 1, 25 p. MBL WHOI Libr? illlllilalll9li:ill|!lllllMllllliilllllLllllilll||| 5 WHSE 04518 ft U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OP=FICE: 1979-699-139 /I96 REGION 10 16 NOAA TECHNICAL REPORTS NMFS CIRCULAR AND SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC REPORT- GUIDELINES FOR CONTRIBUTORS FISHERIES CONTENTS OF MANUSCRIPT First page. Give the title (as concise as possible) of the paper and the author's name, and l'(X)tnote the author's affiliation, mailing address, and ZIP code. Contents. Contains the text headings and abbreviated figure legends and table headings. Dots should follow each entry and page numbers should be omitted. Abstract. Not to exceed one double-spaced page. Footnotes and literature citations do not belong in the abstract. Text. .See also Form of the Manuscript below. Follow the U.S. Government I'rinting Office Style Manual, 1973 edition. 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UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MHIIONAI OCEANIC ANO ATMOSPHERIC APMINISIRATION NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE SCIENTIFIC RUBllCATIONS STAFF ROOM 450 I 107 N E <5TH ST SEATHE.WA 98105 OFFICIAL BUSINESS NOAA SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS NOAA. the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, was established as part of the Department of Commerce on October 3. 1970 The mission responsibilities of NOAA are to monitor and predict the state of the solid Earth, the oceans and their living resources, the atmosphere, and the space environment of the Earth, and to assess the socioeconomic impact of natural and technological changes in the environment. The six Major Line Components of NOAA regularly produce various types of scientific and technical infor- mation in the following kinds of publications: PROFESSIONAL PAPERS— Important definitive research results, major techniques, and special in- vestigations. 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