741 NOAA Technical Report NMFS SSRF- 741 ^^^^'^J^l^ Distribution of Gammaridean ^ ^_^ Amphipoda (Crustacea) in %^ [wj ^j the IVIiddle Atlantic Bight ^^^rEsof*^ Region John J. Dickinson, Roland L. Wigley, Richard D. Brodeur, and Susan Brown-Leger October 1980 Marine Biological Laboratory/ Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution i irrr r^r MAY 6 19V6 Woods Hole, MA 02543 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atnnospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA TECHNICAL REPORTS National Marine Fisheries Service, Special Scientific Report— Fisheries The nujor r«(pon«ibiliti« of the Nitional Mahne Fuhehe* Service (NMFS) are to monitor and auea* the abundance and |«o(raphic diathbution of fiahery rvaource*. to undentand and predict fluctuationa in the quantity and diatribution of theae reaourcea. and to eatabLiah level* for optimum uae of the reaourcea. NMFS it alao charged vith the development and implementation of poUciea for mana^uif oatiooal fiahing grounda, development and enforcement of domestic fiahenea regulations, 8ur%'eillance of foreign fiahing off United States coaatal watara, and the development and enforcement of international fishery agreements and policies. NMFS alao aasista the fishing industry through markst- ing service and economic analysis programs, and mortgage insurance and vessel construction subaidiea. It collects, analyua, and publiahaa statistics on various phases of the industry. The Special Scientific Report— Fisheries series waa esublished in 1949. The series carries reporta on scientific investigatiooa that document long-term continuing programs of NMFS, or intensive scientific reports on studies of restricted scope. 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Houde and Nicholas Chitty. August 1976, iii -t- 18 p., 14 figs., 5 Ubiea. 702. Length compoaition of yellowfin, skipjack, and bigeye tunas caught in the eastern tropical Atlantic by American purse seiners. By Gary T. Sakagawa, Atilio L. Coan, and Eugene P. Holzapfel. August 1976, iv -t- 22 p., 7 figa., 7 tablea, 15 app. table*. 703. Aquacultural economics aka. October 1976, 123 p. bibliography. By John Vondru- menu, U.S. Government Printing Office, Waahington, DC 20402; Stock No. 003-020-00134-3. 712. Annual physical and chemical oceanographic cyclea of Auka Bay, southeastern Alaska. By Herbert E. Bruce, Douglas R. McLain, and Bruce L. Wing. May 1977. iii -t- 11 p., 16 figs., 1 Ubie. For sale by tha Superintendent of Documents. US. Government Printing Office. Waah- ington. DC 20402; Stock No. 003-020-00134-3. 713. Current patterns and distribution of river wat«t« in inner Briatol Bay. Alaska. By Richard R. Straty. June 1977, iii + 13 p.. 16 figs.. 1 table. 714. Wind atreaa and wind stress curl over the California Current. By Craig S. Nelson. August 1977. iii + 87 p., 18 figs.. 1 Uble, 3 app. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Of- fice. Washington, DC 20402; Stock No. 003-020-00139-4. 704. The macrofauna of the surf zone off Folly Beach, South Carolina. By William D. Anderson, Jr., James K. Dias. Robert K. Dias. David M. Cupka. and Norman A. Chamberlain. January 1977. iv + 23 p.. 2 figs.. 31 Uble*. 706. Migration and dispersion of tagged American lobsters. Homarut amencanut, on the southern New England continental shelf. By Joseph R. Uzmann. Richard A. Cooper, and Kenneth J. Pecci. January 1977, v -f 92 p.. 45 figs.. 2 UbIea. 29 app. tablea. 706. Food of western North Atlantic tunas (Thunnia) and lancetfiahea (Atepisourus). By Frances D. Matthews. David M. Damkaer. Lealie W. Knapp. and Bruce B. CoUetU. January 1977. in + 19 p.. 4 fip., 1 uble, 11 app. UbIea. 707. Monthly Umperature and salinity meaauremenU of continental shelf waters of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, 1963-66. By Robert F. Temple, David L. Harrington, and John A. Martin. February 1977, iii -f 26 p.. 5 fip., 10 Ubies. 706. Catch and catch ratea of fishes caught by anglers in the St. Andrew Bay system, Florida, and adjacent coasul waters, 1973. By Doyle F. Sutherland. March 1977. iii -f 9 p.. 2 fip.. 9 UbIea. 709. Elxpendable bathythermograph observation* from the NMFS/ MARAD Ship of Opportunity Program for 1974. By Steven K. Cook and Keith A. Hauaknecht. April 1977. iv -»- 45 p.. 10 fip.. 9 Uble*. 35 app. fip. For sale by the Superintendent of DocumenU. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402; Stock No. 003-017-00397-3. 715. Bottom obstructions in the southwesUm North Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea. By G. Michael Russell, Abraham J. Bar- rett, L. Steve Sarbeck, and John H. Wordlaw September 1977, iii -K 21 p., 1 fig.. 1 app. Uble. For sale by the Superintendent of DocumenU, U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington. DC 20402; Stock No. 003- 020-00140-8. 716. Fishes and associated environmenUl daU collected in New York Bight, June 1974-June 1975. By Stuart J Wilk, WalUce W. Moraa, Daniel E. Ralph, and Thomas R. Azarovitz. SepUmber 1977, iii -»- 63 p.. 3 figs., 3 ubIes. For sale by the Superintendent of DocumenU, U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington. DC 20402; Stock No. 0O3-O17- 0040-4. 717. Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank ichthyoplankton collected on ICNAF larval herring surveys SepUmber 1971 -February 1975. By John B. Colton. Jr and Ruth R. Byron. November 1977. iii -f 36 p.. 9 figa.. 14 UbIes. 718. Surface currenU a* deUrmined by drift card releaaea over the coo- tlnenul thelf off central and southern California. By James L. Squire, Jr. December 1977. iii + 12 p., 2 fip. 719. Seasonal description of winds and surface and bottom salinitiaa and temperature* in the northern Gulf of Mexico. October 1972 to Janu- ary 1976. By Perry A. Thompson. Jr. and Thomas D. Leming. Febru- ary 1978. iv -t- 44 p.. 43 fip. 2 UbIes. For sale by the SuperinUndent of DocumenU. U.S. Government Printing OfHce. Waahington. DC 20402; Stock No. 003-017-00414-7. 710. MidwaUr inverubrates from the eoutheasum Chukchi Sea: Species and abundance m catches incidenul to midwsUr trawling survey of fuhe*. SepUmber-October 1970. By Bruce L. Wing and Nancy Barr. April 1977. iii -t- 43 p.. 1 fig.. 2 Uble*. 2 app. UbIes. For sale by the SuperinUndent of DocumenU. U.S. Government Printing Office. Wash- ington, ex: 20402; Stock No. 003-020-00130-1 711. A list of the marine mammala of the world. By Dale W. Rice. April 1977, iii -t- 16 p. For sale by the SuperinUndent of Docu- 720. Sea surface temperature distributions obtained off San Diego, California, using an airborne infrared radiomeUr. By James L. Squire, Jr March 1978, iii + 30 p., 15 fip. 1 Uble For sale by the Superin- tendent of DocumenU. U.S. Government Printing Office. Waahington, DC 20402; Stock No. 003-017-00415-5. 721. National Marine Fisheries Service survey of trace elemenU in the fishery resource. By R. A. Hall, E. G. Zook, and G. M. Mea- bum. March 1978, iii -f 313 p.. 5 UbIea. 3 app. ftp.. 1 app. Uble. j^O^^MOs^ °^^^A!?!I??rco^ NOAA Technical Report NMFS SSRF- 741 Distribution of Gammaridean Amphipoda (Crustacea) in the Middle Atlantic Bight Region John J. Dickinson, Roland L. Wigley, Richard D. Brodeur, and Susan Brown-Leger October 1980 Marine Biological Laboratory/ Woods Hoie Oceanographic Institution l-ibra.-\? MAY 6 1996 Woods Hole, MA 02543 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Ptiilip M. Klutznick, Secretary National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Richard A. Frank, Administrator National Marine Fisheries Service Terry L. Leitzell, Assistant Administrator for Fisrieries The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) does not approve, rec- ommend or endorse any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned in this publication. No reference shall be made to NMFS, or to this publication furnished by NMFS, in any advertising or sales pro- motion which would indicate or imply that NMFS approves, recommends or endorses any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned herein, or which has as its purpose an intent to cause directly or indirectly the advertised product to be used or purchased because of this NMFS publication. CONTENTS Introduction 1 Materials and methods 2 Systematic arrangements 2 Species accounts 3 Family Ampheliscidae 3 Ampelisca abdita Mills 1964 3 Ampelisca agassizi (Judd) 1896 8 Ampelisca declivitatis Mills 1967 8 Ampelisca macrocephala Ldljeborg 1862 8 Ampelisca uncinata Chevreux 1887 9 Ampelisca vadorum Mills 1963 9 Ampelisca verrilli Mills 1967 9 Byblis gaimardi Krt^yer 1846 9 Byblis serrata Smith 1873 1 Haploops similis Stephenson 1925 1 Family Argissidae 1 Argissa hamatipes (Norman) 1869 1 Family Bateidae 1 Batea catharinensis Miiller 1865 1 Family Calliopiidae 12 Calliopius laeviusculus (Kr^yer) 1838 12 Family Corophiidae 12 Corophium acutum Chevreux 1908 12 Corophium crassicorne Bruzelius 1859 12 Corophium tuberculatum Shoemaker 1934 14 Gammaropsis maculatus (Johnston) 1827 14 Gammaropsis nitida (Stimpson) 1853 14 Lembos smithi Holmes 1905 14 Lembos websteri Bate 1856 14 Leptocheirus pinguis (Stimpson) 1853 14 Leptocheirus plumulosus Shoemaker 1932 16 Micropotopus raneyi Wigley 1966 16 Neohela monstrosa (Boeck) 1861 16 Photis dentata Shoemaker 1945 16 Photis macrocoxa Shoemaker 1945 16 Protomedeia fasciata Kn^yer 1842 16 Pseudunciola obliquua (Shoemaker) 1949 16 Rildardanus laminosa (Pearse) 1912 18 Siphonoecetes smithianus Rathbun 1908 18 Unciola inermis Shoemaker 1945 18 Unciola irrorata Say 1818 20 Unciola laticornis Htmsen 1887 20 Unciola leucopis (Kr<^yer) 1845 20 Unciola serrata Shoemaker 1945 20 Unciola spicata Shoemaker 1945 20 Unciola sp. A 20 Unciola sp. B 22 Family Eusiridae 22 Pontogeneia inermis (Kr^yer) 1838 22 Rhachotropis inflata (G. O. Sara) 1882 22 Family Gammaridae 22 Casco bigelowi (Blake) 1929 22 Elasmopus levis Smith 1873 23 Eriopisa elongata (Bruzelius) 1859 23 Gammarus annulatus Smith 1873 23 Gammarus daiberi Bousfield 1969 25 Gammarus mucronatus Say 1818 25 Gammarus tigrinus Sexton 1939 25 Maera danae Stimpson 1853 25 Melita dentata {Kr^yer) 1842 25 Melita nitida Smith 1873 25 Melita sp. A 27 Family Haustoriidae 27 Subfamily Pontoporeiinae 27 Amphiporeia gigantea Bousfield 1973 27 Bathyporeia parkeri Bousfield 1973 27 Bathyporeia quoddyensis Shoemaker 1949 27 Subfamily Haustoriinae 27 Acanthohaustorius intermedius Bousfield 1965 28 Acanthohaustorius spinosus Bousfield 1962 28 Acanthohaustorius sp. A 28 Acanthohaustorius sp. B 28 Acanthohaustorius sp. C 28 Parahaustorius attenuatus Bousfield 1965 28 Parahaustorius holmesi Bousfield 1965 28 Protohaustorius deichmannae Bousfield 1965 28 Protohaustorius wigleyi Bousfield 1965 31 Pseudohaustorius borealis Bousfield 1965 31 Family Ischyroceridae 31 Cerapus tubularis Say 1818 31 Ericthonius brasiliensis (Dana) 1853 31 Ericthonius rubricornis Smith 1873 33 Ischyrocerus anguipes Kn^yer 1838 33 Jassa falcata (Montagu) 1818 33 Family Liljeborgiidae 33 Idunella sp. A 33 Liljeborgia sp. A 33 Listriella barnardi Wigley 1966 33 Family Lysianassidae 34 Anonyx liljeborgi Boeck 1871 34 Anonyx sarsi Steele and Brunei 1968 34 Cheirimedon sp. A 34 Hippomedon propinquus G. O. Sars 1895 34 Hippomedon serratus Holmes 1905 36 Hippomedon sp. A 36 Hippomedon sp. B 36 Hippomedon sp. C 36 Lysianopsis alba Holmes 1905 36 Orchomene minuta (Kn^yer) 1846 38 Orchomene pectinata G. O. Sars 1895 38 Psammonyx nobilis (Stimpson) 1853 38 Tmetonyx cicada (0. Fabricius) 1780 38 Family Oedicerotidae 38 Monoculodes edwardsi Holmes 1905 38 Synchelidium americanum Bousfield 1973 39 Family Phoxocephalidae 39 Harpinia abyssi G. O. Sars 1885 39 Harpinia antennaria Meinert 1893 39 Harpinia propinqua G. O. Sars 1895 39 Harpinia truncata G. O. Sars 1895 41 Harpinia sp. A 41 Harpiniopsis sp. A 41 Paraphoxus epistomus (Shoemaker) 1938 41 Phoxocephalus holbolli (Kn^yer) 1842 42 Family Pleustidae 43 Stenopleustes gracilis (Holmes) 1905 43 Stenopleustes inermis Shoemaker 1949 43 iv Family Podoceridae 44 Dyopedos monacantha (Metzger) 1875 44 Family Stenothoidae 44 Metopella angusta Shoemaker 1949 44 Family Synopiidae 45 Syrrhoe crenulata Goes 1866 45 Tiron tropakis J. L. Barnard 1972 45 Acknowledgments 45 Literature cited 45 Figures 1. Station locations in the Middle Atlantic Bight where quantitative grab samples were collected 3 2. Geographical features of the Middle Atlantic Bight and the three subarea divisions: Southern New En- gland, New York Bight, and Chesapeake Bight 4 3. Geographic distribution of bottom sediment types in the Middle Atlantic Bight 5 4. 5. Geographic distribution of species from the family Ampeliscidae in the Middle Atlantic Bight 7, 10 6. Geographic distribution of species from the families Argissidae, Bateidae, and Calliopiidae in the Mid- dle Atlantic Bight 12 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Geographic distribution of species from the family Corophiidae in the Middle Atlantic Bight 13, 15, 17, 19, 21 12. Geographic distribution of species from the family Eusiridae in the Middle Atlantic Bight 23 13, 14. Geographic distribution of species from the family Gammaridae in the Middle Atlantic Bight .... 24, 26 15. Geographic distribution of species from the family Haustoriidae, subfamily Pontoporeiinae in the Mid- dle Atlantic Bight 27 16, 17. Geographic distribution of species from the family Haustoriidae, subfamily Haustoriinae in the Middle Atlantic Bight 29, 30 18. Geographic distribution of sfjecies from the family Ischyroceridae in the Middle Atlantic Bight 32 19. Geographic distribution of species from the family Laljeborgiidae in the Middle Atlantic Bight 34 20. 21. Geographic distribution of species from the family Lysiannassidae in the Middle Atlantic Bight . . . 35,37 22. Geographic distribution of species from the family Oedicerotidae in the Middle Atlantic Bight 39 23,24. Geographicdistributionof species from the family Phoxocephalidae in the Middle Atlantic Bight .40, 42 25. Geographic distribution of species from the family Pleustidae in the Middle Atlantic Bight 43 26. Geographic distribution of species from the families Podoceridae, Stenothoidae, and Synopiidae in the Middle Atlantic Bight 44 Tables 1. Bathymetric distribution ofAmplelisca abdita in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 6 2. Sediment associations of Ampelisca abdita in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 6 3. Bathymetric distribution of Ampelisca agassizi in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 8 4. Sediment associations of Ampelisca agassizi in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 8 5. Bathymetric distribution of Ampelisca macrocephala in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight .... 8 6. Bathymetric distribution of Ampelisca uadorum in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 9 7. Sediment associations of Ampelisca vadorum in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 9 8. Bathymetric distribution of Ampelisca uerrilli in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 9 9. Sediment associations of Ampelisca uerrilli in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 11 10. Bathymetric distribution of Byblis serrata in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 11 11. Sediment associations of Byblis serrata in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 11 12. Bathymetric distribution of Corophium crassicome in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 14 13. Sediment associations of Corophium crassicorne in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 14 14. Bathymetric distribution of Leptocheirus pinguis in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 16 15. Sediment associations of Leptocheirus pinguis in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 16 16. Bathymetric distribution of Photis dentata in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 16 17. Bathymetric distribution of Pseuduncio la obliquua in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 18 18. Sediment associations of Pseudunciola obliquua in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 18 19. Bathymetric distribution of Unciola inermis in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 18 20. Sediment associations of Unciola inermis in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 18 21. Bathymetric distribution of Unciola irrorata in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 20 22. Sediment associations of Unciola irrorata in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 20 23. Bathymetric distribution of Pontogeneia inermis in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 22 24. Sediment associations of Pontogeneia inermis in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 22 25. Bathymetric distribution of Casco bigelowi in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 22 26. Sediment associations of Casco bigelowi in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 23 27. Bathymetric distribution of Eriopisa e/onga(a in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 25 28. Sediment associations of Eriopisa elongata in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 25 29. Bathymetric distribution of Gammarus annulatus in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 25 30. Bathymetric distribution of Acanthohaustorius sp. B in samples in the Middle Atlantic Bight 28 31. Bathymetric distribution of Protohaustorius deichmannae in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 31 32. Bathymetric distribution of Protohaustorius wigleyi in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 31 33. Sediment associations of Protohaustorius wigleyi in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 31 34. Bathymetric distribution of Pseudohaustorius borealis in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight .... 31 35. Bathymetric distribution of Eric thonius rubricomis in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 33 36. Sediment associations of Eric thonius rubricomis in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 33 37. Bathymetric distribution of Hippomedon propinquus in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight .... 36 38. Sediment associations of Hippomedon propinquus in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 36 39. Bathymetric distribution of Hippomedon serratus in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 36 40. Sediment associations of Hippomedon serratus in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 36 41. Bathymetric distribution of Orchomene minuta in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 38 42. Bathymetric distribution of Monoculodes edwardsi in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 38 43. Sediment associations of Monoculodes edwardsi in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 38 44. Bathymetric distribution of Harpinia propinqua in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 41 45. Sediment associations of Harpinia propinqua in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 41 46. Bathymetric distribution of Paraphoxus epistomus in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 41 47. Sediment associations of Paraphoxus epistomus in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 42 48. Bathymetric distribution of Phoxocephalus holbolli in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 42 49. Sediment associations of Phoxocephalus holbolli in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 43 50. Bathymetric distribution of Stenopleustes inermis in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 43 51. Bathymetric distribution of Dyopedos monacantha in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 44 52. Sediment associations of Dyopedos monenantha in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight 45 VI Distribution of Gammaridean Amphipoda (Crustacea) in the Middle Atlantic Bight Region JOHN J. DICKINSON,' ROLAND L. WIGLEY/ RICHARD D. BRODEUR,^ and SUSAN BROWN-LEGER'* ABSTRACT The distribution and abundance of 101 species of marine benthic gammaridan amphipods are de- scribed for the Middle Atlantic Bight region. This report is based on 669 quantitative grab samples from 563 stations on the continental shelf and upper continental slope between Cape Cod, Mass., and Cape Hatteras, N.C. The amphipod fauna from the open shelf is most completely represented, but deep-sea and estuarine species are also included. The abundance of each species is reported in terms of its numerical density. Geographic and bathymetric distributions, and sediment relationships are also reported for each species. INTRODUCTION This report is based on collections of gammaridean amphipods from the Middle Atlemtic Bight made by the Benthic Invertebrate Project at the Northeast Fisheries Center Laboratory of the National Marine Fisheries Ser- vice at Woods Hole, Mass. These collections were ob- tained as part of a reconnaissance of the entire Atlantic coastline designed to obtain an overview of the general composition and distribution of the macrobenthos (Wigley and Theroux In press). Amphipods were not specifically sought in making these collections, but they were a major component in the macroinfaunal communities sampled. Gam- maridean amphipods composed 40% of the number of specimens and 2% of the biomass of these Middle Atltin- tic Bight collections (Wigley and Theroux In press). The importance of amphipods in the Northwest Atlantic has also been indicated by the results of food studies, which found that gammarideans were fi-equent prey items in the stomachs of over 40 8i}ecie8 of fishes and were often the principal prey for the juvenile stages of several commercially important fishes (Bowman and Langton 1978). The region between Cape Cod, Mass., and Cape Hat- teras, N.C, is inhabited by about 150 species of gam- maridean amphipods on the continental shelf (Bous- field 1973) with the likelihood of another 100 species 'Northeast Fisheries Center Woods Hole Laboratory, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, Woods Hole, Mass.; present address: National Museum of Canada Ottawa, Canada KIA 0M8. "Northeast Fisheries Center Woods Hole Laboratory, National Marine Fisheries Service. NOAA. Woods Hole, MA 02543. Northeast Fisheries Center Woods Hole Laboratory, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, Woods Hole, Mass.; present address: Graduate School of Oceanography, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331. 'Northeast Fisheries Center Woods Hole Laboratory, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, Woods Hole. Mass.; present address: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543. occurring at bathyal and abyssal depths (Hessler and Sanders 1967). The continental shelf fauna is relatively well known with only a small number of new species to be described. The deepwater amphipod fauna of this area is poorly known with less than half the species presently described. Bousfield's (1973) excellent systematic monograph on the shallow-water amphipod fauna of New England includes most of the species en- countered in the Middle Atlantic Bight, and it also pro- vides a concise summary of the geographic range, bathy- metric distribution, £tnd sediment preference of each species. This reference served as the primary taxonomic source in identifying our gammarideans. Other useful taxonomic studies consulted were Sars (1895), Holmes (1905), Chevreux and Fage (1925), Shoemaker (1930a, b, 1945a, b), Stephensen (1935), Gurjanova (1951), Bar- nard (1960, 1969, 1971, 1972), Mills (1962, 1967b, 1971), Bousfield (1965), Barnard and Drummond (1976), Bynum and Fox (1977), and Laubitz (1977). This report presents distributional data for 101 species of benthic gammaridean amphip>ods repre- senting 55 genera in 17 families. The majority of the species (75%) are continental shelf forms, but both deep-sea (15%) and estuarine (10%) forms are also rep- resented. Amphif)od species characteristic of sand and mud are well represented in our collections, but sp>ecies associated with rock and gravel bottoms are incom- pletely represented, reflecting the scarcity of hard sub- stratum in the areas sampled. In addition to the records of occurrence for all species, this report presents detailed breakdowns by latitude, depth, and sediment type of the numerical density es- timates for the more abundant gammaridean species. The distributional data resulted in many extensions of both geographic and bathymetric ranges. In general, this report represents an addition to our knowledge of the distribution and abundtmce of the gammaridean amphipods of the Middle Atlantic Bight, particularly in the offshore areas of the coninental shelf. METHODS The collections upon which this study were based con- sisted of over 70,000 amphipods from 669 quantitative grab samples from 563 stations between Cape Cod, Mass., and Cape Hatteras, N.C. (Fig. 1). The basic pat- tern of stations was a sampling grid with stations spaced 18 km apart, but there were many additional stations particularly in the northern portion of the study area. The grid pattern resulted in a predominance of samples in the open shelf habitat, because of its substantially greater area, with fewer stations being taken in es- tuarine and deep-sea habitats. Station data including latitude, longitude, date, gear type, depth, and sedi- ment type are listed in VVigley et al. (1976°). The general patterns of bathymetry and sediment distribution are shown in Figures 2 and 3. VVigley and Theroux (In press) subdivided the Middle Atlantic Bight into three subareas: Southern New England, the New York Bight, and the Chesapeake Bight (Fig. 2). These subareas are useful in making geo- graphic comparisons and will be followed in this pap>er. Collections were made with three different sized grabs: the Campbell grab (0.56 m^), the Smith- Mclntyre grab (0.1 m^), and the Van Veen grab (0.2 m^). The Campbell grab was used at 355 stations, the Smith- Mclntyre at 195 stations, and the Van Veen at 13 sta- tions. Each sample provided material for both biolog- ical and geological analyses. The methods of shipboard sample processing are de- scribed in detail by Wigley and Theroux (In press). All grab samples were washed over a 1 mm mesh sieve and preserved in buffered Formalin. In the laboratory, the amphijjods were sorted out of the samples along with other major taxa, transferred to ethanol, identified, and enumerated using dissecting microscopes. The sptecies counts were adjusted to a per m^ basis taking into ac- count the sampler size and any subsamples removed. The density data for each sj>ecies were correlated with depth, sediment type, and latitude in an effort to elucidate major patterns of abundance. SYSTEMATIC ARRANGEMENT The systematic arrangement and terminology follow Barnard ( 1960, 1969, 1972, 1973) at the genus and family levels. Bousfield's (1977) recent work on gammaridean systematics was consulted, but we chose to follow Bar- nard (1969) in order to maintain a consistent hierarchical arrangement. The species names are primarily as in Bousfield (1973). The list of species in their resp>ective families is as follows: Order AMPHIPODA Suborder GAMMARIDEA ■■Wigley. R. L., R. B. Theroux, and H. E. Murray. 1976. Macrobenthic invertebrate fauna of the Middle Atlantic Bight Region. Part 1. Collection data and environmental muasurementa. Northeast Fiah. Cent. Rep.. Woods Hole. Mass.. M p. Family AMPELISCIDAE Ampelisca abdita Mills 1964 Ampelisca agassizi (Judd) 18% Ampelisca decliiitatis Mills 1967 Ampelisca macrocephala Liljeborg 1852 Ampelisca uncinata Chevreux 1887 Ampelisca uadorum Mills 1963 Ampelisca uerrilli Mills 1%7 Byblis gaimardi Kn^yer 1846 Byblis serrata Smith 1873 Haploops similis Stephenson 1925 Family ARGISSIDAE Argissa hamatipes (Norman) 1869 Family BATEIDAE Batea catharinensis Miiller 1865 Family CALLIOPITOAE Calliopius laeuiusculus (Kn^yer) 1838 Family COROPHIIDAE Corophium acutum Chevreux 1908 Corophium crassicorne Bruzelius 1859 Corophium tuberculatum Shoemaker 1934 Gammaropsis maculatus (Johnston) 1827 Gammaropsis nitida (Stimpson) 1853 Lembos smithi Holmes 1905 Lembos websteri Bate 1856 Leptocheirus pinguis (Stimpson) 1853 Leptocheirus plumolosus Shoemaker 1932 Microprotopus raneyi Wigley 1966 Neohela monstrosa (Boeck) 1861 Photis dentata Shoemaker 1945 Photis macrocoxa Shoemaker 1945 Protomedeia fasciata Kn^yer 1842 Pseudunciola obliquua (Shoemaker) 1949 Rildardanus laminosa (Pearse) 1912 Siphonoecetes smithianus Rathbun 1908 Unciola inermis Shoemaker 1945 Unciola irrorata Say 1818 Unciola laticornis Hansen 1887 Unciola leucopis (Kr(^yer) 1845 Unciola serrata Shoemaker 1945 Unciola spicata Shoemaker 1945 Unciola sp. A Unciola sp. B Family EUSIRIDAE Pontogeneia inermis (Kr^yer) 1838 Rhachotropis inflata (G. 0. Sars) 1882 Family GAM M ARID AE Casco bigelowi (Blake) 1929 Elasmopus levis Smith 1873 Eriopisa elongata (Bruzelius) 1859 Gammarus annulatus Smith 1873 Gammarus daiberi Bousfield 1%9 Gammarus mucronatus Say 1818 Gammarus tigrinus Sexton 1939 Maera danae Stimpson 1853 Melita dentata (Kr(/yer) 1842 Melita nitida Smith 1873 Melita sp. A <^ BOSTON ^^ , / Xnjp?. - . • • • ^y •^^ ••••'• • ; ., X •--• V • NEW r. YORK^ •^/. •.-.•. •.•/..;• . .^i: ,/ ^P •b*. .c? A'^ •b" Figure 1.— Station loca- tion in the Middle Atlantic Bight where quantitative grab samples were collect- ed. (After Wigley and Theroux 1979.) Figure 2.' Southern 1979.) —Geographical features of the Middle Atlantic Bight Region and the three subarea divisions: New England, New York Bight, and Chesapeake Bight. (Modidrd from Wigley and Thrroux Figure 3.— Geographic dis- tribution of bottom sedi- ment types in the Middle Atlantic Bight. (After Wig- ley and Theroux 1979.) Family HAUSTORHDAE Subfamily PONTOPOREHNAE Amphiporeia gigantea Bousfield 1973 Bathyporeia parkeri Bousfield 1973 Bathyporeia quoddyensis Shoemaker 1949 Subfamily HAUSTORUNAE Acanthohaustorius intermedius Bousfield 1965 Acanthohaustorius spinosus Bousfield 1962 Acanthohaustorius sp. A Acanthohaustorius sp. B Acanthohaustorius sp. C Parahaustorius attenautus Bousfield 1965 Parahaustorius holmesi Bousfield 1965 Protohaustorius deichmannae Bousfield 1965 Protohaustorius wigleyi Bousfield 1965 Pseudohaustorius borealis Bousfield 1965 Family ISCHYROCERIDAE Cerapus tubularis Say 1818 Ericthonius brasiliensis (Dana) 1853 Ericthonius rubricomis Smith 1873 Ischyrocerus anguipes Kr^yer 1838 Jassa falcata (Montagu) 1818 Family LILJEBORGIIDAE Idunella sp. A Liljeborgia sp. A Listriella barnardi Wigley 1966 Family LYSIANASSIDAE Anonyx liljeborgi Boeck 1871 Anonyx sarsi Steele and Brunei 1968 Cheirimedon sp. A Hippomedon propinquus G. 0. Sars 1895 Hippomedon serratus Holmes 1905 Hippomedon sp. A Hippomedon sp. B Hippomedon sp. C Lysianopsis alba Holmes 1905 Orchomene minuta (Kn^yer) 1846 Orchomene pectinata G. 0. Sare 1895 Psammonyx nobilis (Stimpson) 1853 Tmetonyx cicada (0. Fabricius) 1780 Family OEDICEROTIDAE Monoculodes edwardsi Holmes 1905 Synchelidium americanum Bousfield 1973 Family PHOXOCEPHALIDAE Harpinia abyssi G. 0. Sare 1885 Harpinia antennaria Meinert 1893 Harpinia propinqua G. 0. Sare 1895 Harpinia trurvcata G. 0. Sare 1895 Harpinia sp. A Harpiniopsis sp. A Paraphoxus epistomus (Shoemaker) 1938 Phoxocephalus holboUi (Kn^yer) 1842 Family PLEUSTIDAE Stenopleustes gracilis (Holmes) 1905 Stenopleustes inermis Shoemaker 1949 Family PODOCERIDAE Dyopedos monacantha (Metzger) 1875 Family STENOTHOIDAE Metopella angusta Shoemaker 1949 Family SYNOPIIDAE Syrrhoe crenulata Cjoes 1866 Tiron tropakis J. L. Barnard 1972 SPECIES ACCOUNTS Family AMPELISCIDAE Ampelisca abdita Mills 1%4 Geographic Distribution. This species has been reported from shallow protected watere along the coast of eastern North America from the Bay of Fundy to Florida and in the eastern Gulf of Mexico (Mills 1964; Bousfield 1973; Wildish and Wilson 1976^). We collected A. abdita at 27 stations in protected waters between Massachusetts and Virginia (Fig. 4). This abundant es- tuarine species had a mean density of 420/m^, ranging between 7/m'' and 3,8(X)/m^. The density of A. abdita showed no evidence of changing along the latitudinal gradient within our study area. Bathymetric Distribution. Ampelisca abdita has been collected between 0 and 60 m (Bousfield 1973). In our collections from the Middle Atlantic Bight region, it oc- curred between 4 and 30 m with the highest mean den- sity (630/m2), occurring between 10 and 19 m (Table 1). There was no change in the bathymetric distribution of this species with latitude. Table 1.— Bathymetric di§tribution of Ampelisca ab- idita in samples from the Middle Atlantic Bight. Depth interval Number of Mean density (m) samples (No./m2) 0-9 7 190 10-19 11 630 20-29 8 380 30-39 1 60 Sediment Relationship. According to Mills (1964, 1967a), A. abdita occure most frequently on silty sand bottoms. We collected this species on sediments ranging from shell to silt-clay, but the highest mean densities (540/m2) and largest numbere of samples occurred on sand (6/27) and sand-silt (14/27) bottoms (Table 2). •Wildfish, D. J., and A. C. Wilson. 1976. Check list for subUttoral macro-infauna sampled between 1970 and 1975 in four Bay of Fundy es- tuaries. Fish. Res. Board Can. MS Rep. (Biol.), 1398, 12 p. Table 2.— Sediment associations of Ampelisca abdita in samples fk'om Middle Atlantic Bight. Sediment Number of Mean density type samples (No./m') Sand-gravel 0 — Shell 1 100 Sand-shell 1 10 Sand 6 540 Sand-silt 14 640 Silt-clay 5 110 ^T im Figure 4.— Geographic distribution of species from the family Ampeliscidae in the Middle Atlantic Bight. 7 Ampelisca agasaUi (Judd) 18% Geographic Distribution. This species has been refwrted from both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of North America (Barnard 1971; Mills 1971). Bousfieid (1973) reported that this 8[)ecies is distributed from Nova Scotia to the Caribbean along the eastern coast of North America. In our collections from the Middle Atlantic Bight region, A. agassizi occurred in 161 sam- ples from 125 stations between Massachusetts and North Carolina (Fig. 4). This was the most abundant species in our study area with a mean density of 910/m^, ranging between 2/m^ and lb,000/m'. Ampelisca agassizi showed a clear trend of decreasing abundance from north to south with mean densities decreasing from l,2(X)/m' in southern New England to 290/m^ in the New York Bight and 75/m^ in the Chesapeake Bight. Bathymetric Distribution. Mills (1971) gave a depth range for A. agassizi as 5-450 m. We collected A. agas- sizi between 22 and 450 m. The highest densities (1,500- 3,000/m2) occurred between 70 and 99 m, and 70''; of the samples were collected between 40 and 99 m (Table 3). South of Cape May, N.J., A. agassizi was found only in the deeper (73-400 m) and colder waters of the outer continental shelf and upper continental slope. This pat- tern of "southern submergence" is usually interpreted as an avoidance response by the species to the higher temperatures found in southern inshore waters (Ekman 1953). Sediment Relationship. Bousfieid (1973) reported that A. agassizi is most often collected from stable coarse Table 3. — Bathymetric distribution of Ampeluca agastUi in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Depth interval Number of Mean density (m) samples (No./m=) 20-29 2 3 30-39 10 170 40-49 19 340 50-59 21 340 60-69 17 720 70-79 22 3,000 80-89 17 1.600 90-99 15 1,500 100-124 10 30 125-149 6 40 150-199 10 60 200-299 6 120 300-499 6 4 Table 4. — Sediment associations of Ampelisca agas- aiii in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Sediment Number of Mean density type samples (No./m») Sand-gravel 2 20 Shell 3 30 Sand-shell 3 40 Sand 105 1.300 Sand-silt 42 220 Silt-clay 6 190 sands. We collected this species on sediments ranging from sand-gravel to silt-clay (Table 4), but the highest mean densities (1,300/m^) and the largest number of samples were found on sand l>ottoms. Ampelisca declivitatia Mills 1967 Mills (1967b, 1971) reported that A. declivitatis has been recorded from western Greenland south to the Middle Atlantic States between ICX) and 1,100 m with maximum abundance around 400 m. Our collections from the Middle Atlantic Bight consisted of a few speci- mens from each of seven stations in upper bathyal waters (440-580 m) between Long Island and Cape Hat- teras (Fig. 4). Bottom types at these seven stations in- cluded sand (3/7), sand-silt (3^), and silt (1/7). The abundance of A. declivitatis was uniformly low at all stations with a mean density of 4/m^ ranging between 2/m'i and ll/m^. Ampelisca macrocephala Liljeborg 1852 Geographic Distribution. This cosmopwlitan sptecies has been collected from Norway to Alaska in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, and from Washington to California in the North Pacific Ocean (Barnard 1971; Mills 1967b). Bousfieid (1973) reported that this species has been recorded from Greenland south to Rhode Island along the North American coast. We collected A. macrocephala in 31 samples at 23 stations between Cape Cod and central New Jersey (Fig. 4). The three stations south of Long Island and the single station east of New Jersey extend the known geographic range of this species along the east coast of North America. This species was moderately abundant in our study area with a mean density ot 8U/m-, ranging from 2/m-' to 400/m-. The high- est densities of this arctic boreal species were found at the more northerly stations, which is to be expected since species normally decrease in abundance as they approach the limits of their geographic range. Bathymetric Distribution. The bathymetric range of A. macrocephala is from 10 to 280 m (Mills 1971). We collected this species between 34 and 73 m. The bulk of the samples (24/31) occurred between 30 and 59 m, but the highest densities occurred at the stations >60 m (Table 5). Table 5. — Bathymetric distribution of i4inpeliecie8 was low (10- 20/m2) at all seven stations. Family BATEIDAE Batea catharinenaia Miiller 1865 Bousfield (1973) reported that this warm temperate species may be found from the south side of Cape Cod to Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. This species is found subtidally to 20 m on stony and gravelly bottoms. We collected B. catharinensis at two stations in Buzzards Bay at 10 and 18 m on sand and silty sand bottoms (Fig. 6). The density of the species was low at both stations (10-16/m''). The scarcity of B. catharinensis in our col- li Figure 6.— Geographic distribution of species from the families Argissidae, Bateidae. and Calliopiidae in the Mid- dle Atlantic Bight. lections is probably the result of its preference for rocky bottoms, which we were unable to sample with our gear. Family CALLIOPIIDAE Calliopius laeviusculus (Kr^yer) 1838 This widely distributed species is found throughout the arctic and subarctic regions of the Atlantic and Pa- cific Oceans, and occurs from Labrador south to New Jersey along the east coast of North America (Bousfield 1973). Calliopius laeviusculus occurred in low densities (2-19/m^) at two stations south of Cape Cod in 18 and 33 m on sand bottoms (Fig. 6). According to Steele and Steele (1973), C. laeviusculus is usually found clinging to algae on rocky shores, but it also swarms in the plank- ton during the summer. Its habitat preference for rocky shores explains its scarcity in our collections. Family COROPHIIDAE Corophium acutum Chevreux 1908 This species is nearly cosmopolitan in warm tem- perate regions and is found from Florida north to Cape Cod along the eastern coast of North America (Bous- field 1973). In our collections, C. acutum occurred at two stations in the upper Chesapeake Bay in shallow water (7-16 m) on mud bottoms (Fig. 7). Corophium crassicome Bruzelius 1859 Geographic Distribution. This species is distributed throughout the arctic-boreal regions of the North Atlan- tic and Northeast Pacific, and has previously been taken as far south as Long Island Sound along the east coast of North America (Lie 1968; Bousfield 1973). We collected C crassicorne in 96 samples from 84 stations between Cape Cod and the mouth of Chesapeake Bay (Fig. 7). The 47 records south of Long Island extend the range of this species to Virginia. This species was rather abun- dant with a mean density of 110/m^, ranging between 2/m^ and 3,200/m^. Corophium crassicorne shows a clear pattern of decreasing abundance from north to south with the mean density going from 2(X)/m^ in southern New England to 40/m2 in the New York Bight to 9/m2 in the Chesapeake Bight. Bathymetric Distribution. Bousfield (1973) reported that this species may be found subtidally to 2(X) m. In our samples, C. crassicorne occurred between 15 and 77 m with the largest concentration of samples (54/95), oc- 12 COROPHIUM TUBERCULATUM Figure 7. — Geographic distribution of species from the family Corophiidae in the Middle Atlantic Bight. 13 curring between 30 and 49 m (Table 12). The highest mean density (400/01^) occurred between 20 and 29 m. This species occurred much less frequently in shallow water in the southern pwrtion of our study area. Only one of the 33 stations south of Sandy Hook was in <30 m, whereas 12 of the 50 stations north of Sandy Hook were in <30 m. This trend indicates that C. crassicome has a tendency for southern submergence. Table 12. — Bathymetric distribution of Corophium cmtiicome in samples from .Middle .Atlantic Bight. Depth interval Number of Mean density (ml samples (No./m») 10-19 4 140 20-29 9 400 30-39 27 80 40-49 27 110 50-59 14 70 60-69 10 30 70-79 4 30 Sediment Relationship. Bousfield (1973) stated that C. crassicorne is usually found on consolidated sandy bot- toms. In our collections, this species occurred on sedi- ments ranging from gravel to silty sand, but it was most common (79/96) on sand bottoms (Table 13). Table 13. — Sediment associations of Corophium cra»- ticome in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Sediment Number of Mean density type samples (No./m') Sand-gravel 9 150 Shell 0 — Sand-shell 6 30 Sand 79 120 Sand-silt 2 5 Silt-clay 0 — Corophium tuberculatum Shoemaker 1934 This tube-dwelling amphipod has been reported from bays and estuaries between the Bay of Fundy and the Gulf of Mexico (Bousfield 1973). In our collections, C. tuberculatum occurred at seven stations in coastal and protected waters from Nantucket, Mass., to Chesa- peake Bay (Fig. 7). All of these stations were in shallow water (8-16 m), but a wide variety of sediment types was represented including gravelly shell, shell, sand, sand- silt-clay, shelly silt-clay, and clayey silt. This species was moderately abundant with a mean density of 50/m^, ranging between 10/m^ and 150/m^. Gammaropaia maculatuB (Johnston) 1827 According to Bousfield (1973), this species is amphi- Atlantic in the boreal regions, and it is known to occur south to North Carolina in the northwestern Atlantic (Fox and Bynum 1975). Gammaropsis maculatus oc- curred at a single station off Norfolk, Va., in our collec- tions (Fig. 7), at 22 m on a gravelly sand bottom. Gammaropsis nitida (Stimpson) 1853 This species is amphi-Altantic in the boreal regions, being found from the Gulf of St. Lawrence south to Con- necticut along the east coast of North America (Bous- field 1973). It occurred in low densities (10-20/m2) at two of our stations on Nantucket Shoals (Fig. 7). According to Bousfield (1973), G. nitida prefers rocky bottoms and is found to 50 m. Our collections were from 62 and 77 m on sand bottoms. The scarcity of this species in our sam- ples is most likely due to its preference for rocky sub- strata, which we did not sample. Lemboa amithi Holmes 1905 This species has been reported from Cap* Cod to Florida on wharves, pilings, and eelgrass to depths over 20 m (Bousfield 1973). Lembos smithi occurred at two of our stations in Vineyard Sound (Fig. 8) at 26 and 37 m on sand and sand-gravel bottoms in low densities (7- 50/m^). The scarcity of this species in our collections is undoubtedly due to its preference for substrata which we did not sample. Lemboa webateri Bate 1856 This species has been reported to occur from Cape Cod to Florida and to 30 m (Bousfield 1973). We col- lected L. websteri in low densities (2-8/m^) at a station in Vineyard Sound and two stations off Norfolk, Va., (Fig. 8). These three stations occurred between 21 and 37 m on sand-gravel and sand bottoms. This species occurs most frequently on algal bottoms (Bousfield 1973) which explains its scarcity in our soft-bottom sam- ples. Leptocheirua pinguia (Stimpson) 1853 Geographic Distribution. This species has been col- lected between Labrador and North Carolina along the American Atlantic coast (Bousfield 1973; Fox and Bynum 1975). In our collections from the Middle Atlan- tic Bight, L. pinguis occurred in 167 samples at 134 sta- tions between Cape Cod and Cape Hatteras (Fig. 8). The density of this abundant species ranged between 2/m'' and 3,300/m^ with a mean density of 300/m^. This species showed a clear trend of decreasing density from north to south, going from 410/m^ in southern New England to 120/m- in the New York Bight and 20/m2 in the Chesapeake Bight. Bathymetric Distribution. According to Bousfield (1973), this species is found from the low intertidal to over 250 m. We collected L. pinguis between 6 and 210 m. The highest densities (220-690/m2) and the bulk of the samples (114/167) occurred between 10 and 69 m (Table 14). Although this species decreased in abun- dance and frequency to the south, it showed no tendency to change its bathymetric distribution with latitude. 14 •\^ . LEMBOS WEBSTERI ■i^p-^i '*; •\ LEPTOCHEIRUS PINGUIS ^?^l LEPTOCHEIRUS PLUMULOSUS :^gL Figure 8. — CSeographic distribution of species from the family Corophiidae in the Middle Atlantic Bight. 15 Table 14. — Bathymetric distribution of Leptocheinu pinguU in samples from Middle Atlanlic Bight. Depth interval Number of Mean density (m) samples (No7m») 0-9 1 30 10-19 7 680 20-29 14 250 30-39 21 220 40-49 34 690 50-59 23 220 60-69 15 290 70-79 17 140 80-89 11 20 90-99 17 30 100-124 3 90 125-149 3 7 200-299 1 2 Sediment Relationship. This species has been col- lected on sediments ranging from sand to silt-clay (Bousfield 1973). We found L. pinguis on sediments ranging from gravelly sand to silt-clay (Table 15), but the highest densities (350/m^) and the majority of the samples (123/167) occurred on sand bottoms. Table 13. — Sediment associations of Leptocheirua pinguu in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Sediment Number of Mean density type samples (No./m') Sand-gravel 7 80 Shell 0 — Sand -shell 2 9 Sand 123 350 Sand-silt 28 180 Silt-clay 7 20 Leptocheirua plumuloaua Shoemaker 1932 This species lives in brackish estuaries from Capie Cod to Florida in shallow water on silty bottoms (Bousfield 1973). Leptocheirus plumulosus occurred at four of our stations in the upp>er Chesapeake Bay (Fig. 8) in low to moderate densities (10-590/m^). These collections were between 7 and 16 m on silt-clay bottoms. This species' preference for brackish water accounts for its scarcity in our collections. Microprotopus raneyi Wigley 1%6 This tube-dwelling amphipod has been reported from shallow water between Cape Cod Bay and the Gulf of Mexico on sand bottoms (Bousfield 1973). We collected M. raneyi at a single station off Virginia on a sand bot- tom at 8 m (Fig. 9). The preference of this species for very shallow water probably accounts for its rarity in our samples. Neohela monstroaa (Boeck) 1861 This cold-water species has been recorded through- out the arctic boreal regions of the North Atlantic, and it occurs south to Delaware along the east coast of North America (Shoemaker 1930; Bousfield 1973). In our col- lections, N. monstrosa occurred at a single station on the continental slope east of New Jersey in 650 m on a silty sand bottom (Fig. 9). This species is probably con- fined to bathyal depths in our study area, which ac- counts for its scarcity since we took only a few samples at those depths. Photia dentata Shoemaker 1945 This species is distributed off the east coast of North America from Maine to Florida (Shoemaker 1945a; Bousfield 1973). Photis dentata occurred at 19 stations in the Middle Atlantic Bight between Cape Cod and Cape May, N.J. (Fig. 9). It.s density ranged between 2/m^ and 60/m'' with a mean of 20/m'^. We found this species at stations located between 49 and 92 m with over 65' f of the occurrences being >80 m (Table 16). It showed a strong preference for sand bottoms (19/21). Photis dentata is found in deeper water and seems to have a more southerly distribution than P. macrocoxa. Table 16.— Bathymetric distribution of Photis dentata in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Depth interval Number of Mean density (m) samples (No./m-) 40-49 1 10 50-59 0 — 60-69 5 10 70-79 2 4 80-89 U 30 90-99 2 30 Photia macrocoxa Shoemaker 1945 Bousfield (1973) gave the range of this species as Gulf of St. Lawrence to Virginia. In our collections, P. macrocoxa occurred at only six stations just south of Cape Cod (Fig. 9). According to Bousfield (1973), this species occurs subtidally to 100 m on sand and mud bot- toms. Our records were distributed between 23 and 59 m on sand bottoms. It occurred in low densities (6-20/m^) at all six stations. Protomedeia faaciata Ki4yer 1842 According to Bousfield (1973), this species is found chiefly in the arctic, and has been reported south along the east coast of North America to the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Its occurrence at nine of our stations south of Cape Cod to east of Sandy H(X)k, N.J., (Fig. 9) extends its known distribution significantly. The mean density of P. faaciata was 20/m-, ranging between 2/m- and 60/m^. It occurred in a narrow depth interval (49-62 m) and showed a strong preference for sand bottoms (8/9). Paeuduniciola obliquua (Shoemaker) 1949 Geographic Distribution. Bousfield (1973) gave the range of this species as the Bay of Fundy to Sandy Hook, 16 BOSTON ^1 V ff NEW YORK 1 K ""1 * ' V ^4 „i!»-^«8fV V NORFOLK %^ y • MICROPROTOPUS RANEYI a" * NEOHELA MONSTROSA '^" ^j — "^^75 — ^ — ^ / \ BOSTW^ff^^ • // 4. YORK Ifc^-' •,•, ( ''fc 1 .i ' i<; ^jj^_^-»i S IF ^^^x ^i " \^ \ i '^ ,^4 Xf < /7^^ \, , -<*■ NORFOLK^.^^^^ W^\ i ,/ ^ PHOTIS DENTATA ,/ jl . ->* ■ 'i^iW ->;■ /' V .-'■ PHOTIS MACROCOXA ^ — ^ f^ "7 ) ./ * BOSTtlN \ / ••• r ►•f y ' •• _-'' y >■ fM NEW JV/f • YORK f^^ • ./ W • «.» ■^^\ ( •^ 1 ^^ . V \ ^ 1 '', ■4' .;^j^*\»K I \ *• ^^^^ ^ / -=^2 ^4^!*^ -1* NORFOLK^^jj^^ Mm\ ^ -' --S ' / ■ •f PROTOMEDEIA FASCIATA !l. A< _ ^-i — :;= ...... ..755^1 Figure 9.— Geographic distribution of species from the family Corophiidae in the Middle Atlantic Bight. 17 N.J. We collected P. obliquua at 32 stations between Cape Cod and Norfolk, Vs. (Fig. 10). The 19 stations south of Sandy Hook extend the range of this species. The mean density of this species was high (110/m^), ranging between 2/ni^ and 1,400/m''. Its mean density decreased to the south ranging from 260/m^ in southern New England to 11/m' in the Chesapeake Bight. Bathymetric Distribution. According to Bousfield (197,3), P. obliquua occurs from low water to 50 m. We collected this spiecies between 13 and 91 m. but the bulk of the records (28/33) were taken in <50 m (Table 17). Pseudunciola obliquua showed no consistent trend in its density within its depth range. Its bathymetric range did not change with latitude. Sediment Relatonship. This tube-dwelling species has been collected on medium to coarse sand (Bousfield 1973). In our collections, P. obliquua occurred on sedi- ments ranging from sand-gravel to sand-silt, but it oc- curred most frequently (26/33) and in the highest den- sities (130/m^) on sand bottoms (Table 18). Table 17.— Bathy-metric distribution of Pseudunciola obliquua in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Depth interval Number of Metm density (m) samples (No./m-) 10-19 7 210 20-29 4 20 30-39 11 150 40-49 6 5 50-59 2 20 60-69 2 130 90-99 1 4 Table 18. — Sediment associations of Pseudunciola ob- liquua in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Sediment Number of Mean density type samples (No./m') Sand-gravel 2 130 Shell 1 30 Sand-shell 3 10 Sand 26 130 Sand-silt 1 2 Silt-clay 0 — side of Cape Cod and New Jersey. We collected S. smithianus at 16 stations between Cape Cod and Mary- land (Fig. 10). This species was in low density at all sta- tions with a mean of 9/m^ ranging between 2/m^ and 40/m-. It occurred between 13 and 86 m, but was most common (11/16) between 40 and 60 m. The collections of this species came from shelly sand (2/16), silty sand (1/16), and sand (13/16) bottoms. Unciola inermia Shoemaker 1945 Geographic Distribution. This species has been reported between the Bay of Fundy and the mouth of Chesapeake Bay (Shoemaker 1945b). We collected 106 samples at 92 stations between Cajie Cod and Cap)e Charles (Fig. 10). Unciola inermis was abundant with a mean density of 560/m-, ranging between 2/m'^ and 6,100/m-'. The mean density of this species was highest in southern New England (1,250/m^) and decreased sub- stantially in the New York (230/m-) and Chesapeake (220/m-)" Bights. Bathymetric Distribution. Shoemaker (1945b) found this species between low water and 200 m, but the ma- jority of his records came from about 60 m. We collected U. inermis between 14 and 84 m, but the highest den- sities (720-1, 000/m-) and the majority of the samples (71/106) occurred between 30 and 59 m (Table 19). This species was found at greater depths (>70 m) in the southern portion of its range, showing a clear pattern of submergence. Table 19.— Bathymetric distribution of I'nciola iner mi» in samples from Middle .Atlantic Bight. Depth interval Number of Mean density (m) samples (No./m») 10-19 1 20 20-29 8 200 30-39 14 1,000 40-49 31 720 50-59 26 720 60-69 IS 170 70-79 8 30 80-89 3 6 RUdardanus laminoaa (Pearse) 1912 This species has previously been collected in the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico at 40-60 m (Shoemaker 1945b). Our collections from two stations off Virginia and North Carolina (Fig. 10) extended the range of this species to the north. These records came from 77 and 80 m on shelly sand and shell bottoms. The density for R. laminosa was low (6/m^) at both stations. Siphonoecetea smithianus Rathbun 1908 According to Bousfield (1973), this species has been recorded from only a few localities between the south Sediment Relationship. According to Bousfield (1973), U. inermis occurs on sand and silty sand sediments. We collected this species on sediments ranging from sand- gravel to sand (Table 20). The highest mean density oc- Table 20.— Sediment associations of I'nciola inermit in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Sediment Number of Mean density type samples (No./m') Sand-gravel 11 1.600 Shell 3 10 Sand-shell 11 210 Sand 81 490 Sand-silt 0 — Silt-clay 0 — 18 * BOSTON ^l^5> * j/. • NEW fj/y^ ;' -,«■ ^k, • ,<« ■\ 1 "' .1 V ^w^ • • 'i /L ^^ • '' \h \ • 1 •>* 'Ot-sf^V • • • '\ < I* NORFOLK^^^^^ \^ ) 1 V PSEUDUNCIOLa OBLIQUUA f«!5^Jl ^^"" i -^ ^s" ^^" .-- BOSTON ^^d^»^ *• * § ^, ^ jr ' y-- / y lif \ '' NEW #?•: /•■ YORK <5 ^ , > • ^•l i ^ t ( . • V / '>*' <£ ^4 ^^T I* NOWXXK^Ijj^^ 0 1= ■"V%>i •^' UNCIOLA INERMIS r 1 .^ ,'^ '■ff^i I'. a_ ^^ '^T=„.^ SIPHONOECETES SMITHIANUS •?^l P BOSTON >»f>-' Figure 10.— Geographic distribution of species from the family Corophiidae in the Middle Atlantic Bight. 19 curred on sand-gravel (1,600/m'), but the largest number of samples (81/106) occurred on sand bottoms. Unciola irrorata Say 1818 Geographic Distribution. This species has been re- ported from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to South Carolina along the eastern coast of North America (Shoemaker 1945b). It was ubiquitous in our study area occurring in 216 samples from 189 stations between Cape Cod and Cape Hatteras (Fig. 10). The density of this species ranged between 2/m- and 4,900/m- with a mean of 100/m-. Its mean density decreased from 220/m- in southern New England to 40/m-' in the New York Bight to 20/m^ in the Chesapeake Bight, showing a clear trend of decreasing abundance from north to south. Bathymetric Distribution. Shoemaker (1945b) reported (J. irrorata has previously been collected be- tween low water and 300 m. We collected this species between 6 and 500 m. However, the majority of the rec- ords (169/216) and the highest mean densities (70- 2.30/m2) were found between 10 and 70 m (Table 21). The bathymetric distribution of this species did not change with latitude. Unciola laticomU Hansen 1887 According to Shoemaker (1945b), this species occurs in deep water (100-3,000 m) between Nova Scotia and Virginia. We collected a single specimen of this abyssal amphipod at 1,995 m on a silt bottom east of Virginia (Fig. 11). Unciola leucopis (Kri^yer) 1845 This arctic boreal species is widely distributed in the North Atlantic and has previously been recorded as far south as Georges Bank off the east coast of North America (Shoemaker 1945b). Our collections from nine stations distributed along the outer continental shelf and upper continental slope between Massachusetts and New Jersey (Fig. 11) extend the range of this species to the south. These records were distributed between 62 and 450 m on sand (8/9) and silly sand (1/9) sediments. This cold-water species shows some evidence of south- ern submergence since the five northernmost records are in <100 m and the four southernmost records are below 200 m. Table 21.— Bathymetric distribution of Unciola irro- rata in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Depth interval Number of Mean density (m) samples (.No./m^) 0-9 3 70 10-19 22 120 20-29 26 170 30-39 33 70 40-49 38 70 50-59 27 230 60-69 22 90 70-79 15 30 80-89 13 50 90-99 8 30 100-124 2 3 125-149 3 9 150-199 2 26 >200 2 5 Sediment Relationship. According to Bousfield (1973), this species is usually found on coarse to medium sand sediments. We collected U. irrorata on a wide variety of sediment types ranging from sand-gravel to silt-clay (Table 22). The largest number of samples (159/216) came from sand bottoms, and the highest mean density was found on sand-gravel sediments. Unciola serrata Shoemaker 1945 Shoemaker (1945b) found this species in shallow coastal waters from Vineyard Sound to Georgia. In our collections, U. serrata occurred in low densities (4- 100/m^) at five stations between Vineyard Sound and Delaware Bay (Fig. 11). It was found between 16 and 54 m on gravel, shelly sand, sand, and clayey silt bot- toms. Unciola apicata Shoemaker 1945 Shoemaker (1945b) gave the geographic range of this species as New Jersey to Florida. We collected U. spicata at nine stations along the outer edge of the con- tinental shelf between Long Island and Cape Hatteras (Fig. 11). Shoemaker (1945b) found this species be- tween 40 and 800 m, but the majority of his records oc- curred around 200 m. In our collectons, U. spicata oc- curred in low densities (10/m^) between 80 and 194 m on sand (5/10), silty sand (4/10), and shell (1/10) bot- toms. Table 22. — Sediment associations of Unciola irrorata in samples from Middle Atlantic BiKht. Sediment Number of Mean density type samples (No./m=) Sand-gravel 14 200 Shell 6 20 Sand-shell 17 30 Sand 159 110 Sand-silt 18 60 Silt-clay 2 10 Unciola sp. A An undescribed species of Unciola was collected in 11 samples from 10 stations on the out«r portion of the con- tinental shelf (Fig. 11). Nine of the 10 stations were north of New Jersey indicating this species probably has a subarctic-boreal distribution. Its density was low at all 10 stations, ranging between 2/m^ and 50/m^ with a mean density of 20/m^ We collected it between 90 20 =^rT t>\ / / * UNCIOLA SERRATA • UNCIOLA SPICATA s. ^^ JUi > '^"^ f BOSTON ^ ^^ ,/-' . NEW )V^/ / y^Y.\fJ' \ -^, \ .•^/ V '^—■^^-x D ^^^'-N. \-i i{v \ .R;::^— ^ \k \ < -^A— *fl^ 1* NORFOLX *^ '^ 0 100 KW ;^^ ^ I/FT J / i. '•' UNCIOLA SP. A fts^ai ^.', /- ^1 // "i' UNCIOLA SP^ B :l ^'. Figure U. — Geographic distribution of species from the family Corophiidae in the Middle Atlantic Bight. 21 and 316 m on sand (3/11) and sand-silt (8/11) sedi- ments. Unciola sp. B Single specimens of an undescribed species of Unciola were collected at four stations between New Jersey and Caf)e Hatteras on the continental slope (Fig. 11). These stations were located between 400 and 505 m on silty sand sediments. Family EUSIRIDAE Pontogeneia inermis (Kri^yer) 1938 Geographic Distribution. This species is widely dis- tributed in the arctic boreal regions, and it has previous- ly been recorded as far south as Long Island off the east coast of North America (Bousfield 1973). We collected P inermis at 15 stations extending from Cape Cod to Virginia (Fig. 12). The three records between Long Island and Virginia constitute a southern range exten- sion for this species. Pontogeneia inermis was moderate- ly abundant with a mean density of 80/m^ ranging from 2/m^ to 70O/m2. The three southern stations had low densities (2-8/m^). Bathymetric Distribution. Pontogeneia inermis is reported to occur between the low intertidal and depths over 10 m. We collected this species in samples from be- tween 18 and 73 m with the highest densities (380/m^), occurring between 40 and 49 m (Table 23). It is worth noting that our records of this species are from signifi- cantly greater depths than the bathymetric range sug- gested by Bousfield (1973). The most likely explanation is that P. inermis submerges in the southern portion of its range. Table 23.— Bathymetric distribution of Pontogeneia inermis in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Table 24.— Sediment associations of Pontogeneia inermis in samples from .Middle .Atlantic Bight. Depth interval .Number of Mean density (m) samples (No./m') 10-19 1 2 20-29 6 20 30-39 2 3 40-49 3 380 60-59 0 — 60-69 4 20 70-79 1 20 Sediment Relationship. Bousfield (1973) reported that this species is pelagic and epibenthic, and that it clings to submerged plants and algae. In our collections, P. in- ermis occurred most frequently on sand bottoms (8/17), but its density was highest (240/m2) on gravelly sedi- ments (Table 24). It seems likely that in the deeper waters from which we collected this species it clings to hydroids, bryozoans, and other plantlike invertebrates, since there are no macroalgae at these depths. Sediment Number of Mean density type samples (Nc/mO Sand-gravel 5 240 Shell I 8 Sand-shell 2 SO Sand 8 10 Sand-silt 1 2 Silt-clay 0 — Rhachotropia inflata (G. O. Sars) 1882 This species has previously been recorded in the North Atlantic and northeast Pacific and in the west- em Atlantic; it occurs from the Arctic to the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Barnard 1971; Bousfield 1973). A single specimen was found in our collections from a station located offshore of Chesapeake Bay at a depth of 104 m on a sand-shell bottom (Fig. 12). Although this record extends the range of this species, R. inflata is clearly rare south of Cape Cod. Family GAMMARIDAE Ca8co bigelowi (Blake) 1929 Geographic Distribution. According to Bousfield (1973), this species has been collected from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to New Jersey off the east coast of North America. In our collections from the Middle Atlantic Bight, C. bigelowi occurred in 41 samples from 32 sta- tions located between Cape Cod and Maryland (Fig. 13). It was found in low densities at all stations with a mean ot 'iO/m-, ranging between 2/m- and 60/m-. This species is much more common in the northern part of our study area, but the single deep water (400 m) record off Mary- land does constitute a slight southerly extension of its range. Bathymetric Distribution. Bousfield (1973) gave the depth range of this species as low intertidal to >50 m. We collected C. bigelowi between 33 and 400 m with the bulk of our collections (37/41) occurring between 40 and 100 m (Table 25). The discrepancy between the depth Table 25.— Bathymetric distribution of Casco bige- lowi in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Depth interval Number of Mean density (m) samples (No./m") 30-39 2 30 40-49 6 40 50-59 6 20 60-69 6 30 70-79 10 10 80-89 4 10 90-99 5 20 100-124 1 10 300-499 1 2 22 Figure 12.— Geographic distribution of species from the family Eusiridae in the Middle Atlantic Bight. range reported by Bousfield and our findings may be the result of submergence of this species in the southern por- tion of its range. Sediment Relationship. Bousfield (1973) reported that this species is most commonly found on mud and gravel bottoms. We found C. bigelowi on sand (28/41), sand- silt (9/41), and silt-clay (4/41) sediments (Table 26). Table 26.— Sediment associations of Casco bigelowi in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Sediment Number of Mean density type samples (Nc/m^) Sand-gravel 0 — Shell 0 _ Sand-shell 0 — Sand 28 30 Sand-silt 9 9 Silt-clay 4 20 Elasmopua levis Smith 1873 According to Bousfield (1973), this intertidal and shallow-water amphipod occurs on rocky shores be- tween Cape Cod and northern Florida. It occurred in only two of our samples: off New York and in the lower Chesapeake Bay (Fig. 13). Both of these stations were in shallow water (8-13 m) on gravelly bottoms. The scar- city of E. levis in our collections is undoubtedly due to its preference for rocky intertidal areas. Eriopisa elongata (Brnzelius) 1859 Geographic Distribution. According to Barnard (1971), this species is known from Iceland, Europe, tmd the northeast Pacific. Our collections from the Middle Atlantic Bight seem to be the first records of this species from the east coast of North America. Eriopisa elongata occurred in 28 samples from 25 stations between Cape Cod and Cape May on the outer portion of the continen- tal shelf (Fig. 13), and in low densities with a mean of 10/m-, ranging between 2/m2 and GO/m^. Bathymetric Distribution. Barnard (1971) gave a depth range between 100 and 800 m for this species in the Atlantic Ocean. In our collections, E. elongata oc- curred between 64 and 188 m, but it was most common (16/28) between 80 and 100 m (Table 27). Sediment Relationship. In our samples, this species was found on shelly sand (1/28), sand (15/28), silty sand (9/28), and silt-clay (3/28) sedimente (Table 28). Gammarus annulatus Smith 1873 Geographic Distribution. This species has been 23 * \ 1 NCW YORK i BOSTWi«? • 1 • 1^ — v If i yf \ ■f NORFOLK >-v. ■> \ ^>1' CASCO BIGELOWI ,/ \ | i= f*^l ^i /•- Figure 13.— Geographic distribution of speciea from the family Gammaridae in the Middle Atlantic Bight. 24 Table 27. — Bathymetric distribution of Eriopisa elon gata in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Depth interval (m) Number of samples Mean density (No./m') 60-69 2 5 70-79 2 8 80-89 8 8 90-99 8 20 100-124 2 20 125-149 3 10 1.50-199 3 10 Table 28. — Sediment associations of Eriopiaa elon- gata in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Sediment type Number of samples Mean density (No./m') Sand-gravel 0 Shell 0 Sand-shell 1 Sand 15 Sand-silt 9 Silt-clav 3 2 10 10 10 reported in open coastal areas from Nova Scotia to Long Island Sound (Bousfield 1973). We collected this species in 21 samples from 14 stations in the Nantucket Shoals area (Fig. 1.3). Grammarus annulatus was relatively abundant in the area in which it occurred, with a mean density of 90/m^ ranging between 10/m^ and 630/m^. Bathymetric Distribution. According to Bousfield (1973), G. annulatus is primarily pelagic, but its occur- rence in relatively high numbers in our grab samples in- dicate that it must sometimes be benthic or epibenthic. We collected G. annulatus in samples between 15 and 183 m. The highest density (190/m^) and the largest number of samples (6/21) occurred between 30 and 39 m (Table 29). Table 29.— Bathymetric distribution of Gammarus annulatug in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Depth interval Number of Mean density (m) samples (No./m=) 10-19 1 90 20-29 2 10 30-39 6 190 40-49 3 70 50-59 1 20 60-69 3 90 70-79 2 10 80-89 0 — 90-99 1 30 150-199 2 10 Sediment Relationship. This species has been reported primarily from sand sediments (Bousfield 1973). Our collections of G. annulatus were predomi- nately on sand (19/21), but it also occurred on gravelly sand (1/21) and silt-clay (1/21). Gammarus daiberi Bousfield 1969 This species occurs in the brackish portions of es- tuaries from Long Island Sound to South Carolina (Bousfield 1973). We collected G. daiberi at four sta- tions: one from the Connecticut River, two from the Up- per Chesapeake, and one from Albemarle Sound (Fig. 13). The density was high (l,2(X)/m2) in the Connecticut River, but low (10/m') at the other stations. All four sta- tions were in shallow water (5-8 m). The station in the Connecticut River was on a sand bottom, but the other three stations were on silt-clay bottoms. GammartM mucronatua Say 1818 This shallow-water species has been found between the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Gulf of Mexico (Bous- field 1973). It is primarily an intertidal form in salt marshes and estuaries, but it occurs subtidally in brack- ish waters (Bousfield 1973). Since we did little collecting in its preferred habitats, it is not surprising that G. mucronatus occurred only twice in our samples (Fig. 13). Single specimens were taken in the upper Chesa- peake (7 m — clayey silt) and in Pamlico Sound (4 m — sand). Gammarus tigrinus Sexton 1939 This species occurs in the upper reaches of estuaries between the Gulf of St. Lawrence and North Carolina (Bousfield 1973; Fox and Bynum 1975). We collected three specimens from a single station in Buzzards Bay on a silt-clay bottom at 15 m (Fig. 13). Maera danae Stimpson 1853 This epibenthic species is known from the American Atlantic, from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to New Jersey (Bousfield 1973). We collected M. danae in low to mod- erate densities at two stations: one from Narragansett Bay (150/m^) and the other offshore of Long Island (2/m'') (Fig. 14). The Narragansett Bay station was at 13 m on a shell bottom, and the Long Island station was at 49 m on a sand bottom. Melita dentata (Krt^yer) 1842 This subarctic boreal species is widely distributed in the North Atlantic, and it has previously been recorded as far south as Cape Cod Bay on gravel bottoms from low water to 300 m (Bousfield 1973). Our collections from 10 stations between Cape Cod and Maryland ex- tend the range of this species to the south (Fig. 14). Melita dentata occurred in low densities (2-40/m^) between 46 and 70 m on sand (8/10), gravel (1/10), and shell (1/10) bottoms. Melita nitida Smith 1873 This species occurs in the mesohaline jwrtions of es- tuaries between the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Gulf of 25 ./ -^ 1~: <■ BOSTCTX ^ \ T ?■ \ J f NCW I// 1 1 ^'^"'^^ I 1 ^•-^ .■'V* / ■fj / . 1 { 1 *• ^Sw-v-^i ^, ■^ \ *«' 5^ \^\\ ' rt' ^^^\ \ i< NORFOUC 0 IC-O - M hi- ■■ \ MELITA NITIC „ MELITA DENTATA ,/ '. | n Figure U.— Geographic diitribution of •pecie* from the family Gammaridae in the Middle Atlantic Bight. 26 * BOSTON ^% ^ V- / /^ >■ / y>* NEW i/J 4'' / 1 J ^ \ •."■ ^^1 --' < //^^ •*: V, ^..**»^^*tt;^^'^ K V t* NORFOLK tV V' -\ ^^^f) r •f BATHYPOREIA OUODDYENSIS -f«»«»l ^>L1 ^^ Figure 15.— Geographic distribution of species from the family Haustoriidae, subfamily Pontoporelinae in the Mid- dle Atlantic Bight. Mexico (Bousfield 1973). In our collections, M. nitida occurred in low to moderate densities (10-260/01^) at sta- tions in the Hudson River, off Staten Island, and in the upper Chesapeake Bay (Fig. 14). The depth at these sta- tions ranged between 8 and 16 m, and the sediment types represented were sand, shelly silt-clay, and silt- clay. Melita sp. A An undescribed species of the genus Melita was col- lected in 13 samples from 12 stations between Cape Cod and New Jersey (Fig. 14). The density of this species was low (2-20/m^) at all stations. It was rather evenly dis- tributed between 68 and 97 m. These samples occurred on sand (9/13), silty sand (3/13), and shell (1/13) bot- toms. Family HAUSTORimAE Subfamily PONTOPOREIINAE Amphiporeia gigantea Bousfield 1973 Bousfield (1973) found this species between Cape Cod and Sauidy Hook, N.J., on stmd bottoms in 10-15 m. We collected two specimens of A. gigantea at a single sta- tion southeast of Nantucket in 37 m on a sand bottom (Fig. 15). Bathyporeia parkeri Bousfield 1973 According to Bousfield (1973), this species occurs from the south side of Cape Cod to northern Florida on exposed sand beaches to 10 m depth. We collected this species at six stations between Cape Cod and Virginia (Fig. 15). Bathyporeia parkeri occurred in low densities (2-6/m2) at all these stations. Our collections were slightly deeper than Bousfield's, from 20 to 30 m, and all the stations were on sand bottoms. Bathyporeia quoddyensis Shoemaker 1949 This species has been collected between Nova Scotia and Chesapeake Bay on fine sand to 40 m (Bousfield 1973). Bathyporeia quaddyensis occurred at 10 stations between Cape Cod and Virginia in our collections (Fig. 15). The density of this sf)ecies was low (2-30/m^) except for a single station off Nemtucket where a density of 900/m2 occurred. The collections of this species were made between 13 and 30 m on sand sediments. 27 Subfamily HAUSTORIINAE Acanthohauatoriua intermediiu Bousfield 1%5 This 9p)ecies has been repwrted from Cape Cod Bay to northern Florida on fine sands to 40 m (Bousfield 1973). We collected A. intermedius at 17 stations between Cape Cod and Cape Hatteras (Fig. 16). Its density at these stations was low to moderate (2-170/m^) with a mean of 30/m^ Our samples were rather evenly dis- tributed between 7 and 40 m. All 17 stations were on sand bottoms. Table 30.— Bathv-metric distribution of Acanthohaut- torixu sp. B in aamples from .Middle Atlantic Bight. Depth interval Number of Mean density (ro) samples (No./m») 0-9 1 20 1019 6 80 20-29 11 140 30-39 14 40 40-49 3 70 70-79 1 8 also occurred on sand-shell (1/36) and sand-gravel (1/36). Acanthohaustoriua apinoaua Bousfield 1%2 This species has previously been collected between Nova Scotia and the south side of Cape Cod on coarse and medium sand to depths of 200 m (Bousfield 1973). In our collections, A. spinosus occurred in low densities (2-30/m^) at 14 stations between C&pe Cod and Cape May, N.J. (Fig. 16). Acanthohaustorius spinosus was found between 23 and 74 m, but occurred most fre- quently (10/15) between 30 and 49 m. All the stations were on sand bottoms. The eight records south of Long Island extend the range of this species to the south. Acanthohaustorius sp. A This new species of Acanthohaustorius is currently being described by Ann Frame of National Marine Fish- eries Service (NMFS) Sandy Hook Laboratory, High- lands, N.J. We collected single specimens of this sjjecies from stations off New Jersey and Virginia in 20 and 23 m on sand bottoms (Fig. 16). Acanthohaustorius sp. C An undescribed species of Acanthohaustorius was found at 10 stations in our Middle Atlantic Bight collec- tions (Fig. 16). The majority of the stations (8/10) were located near the mouth of Chesapeake Bay. Its numeri- cal density varied between A/m^ and 60/m^ with a mean of 20/m^. We collected this species between 10 and 37 m on sand (8/10) and shell (2/10) sediments. P€trahaustorius attenuatus Bousfield 1965 Bousfield (1973) reported that this species has been found from Georges Bank south to Chesapeake Bay on clean sand to depths of >50 m. We collected this species at 11 stations between Cape Cod and Virginia (Fig. 17). The mean density of P. attenuatus was 30/m^ ranging between 2/m^ and 170/m^ We found this species between 12 and 74 m, but the majority of the collections (8/11) were between 20 and 40 m. All our records of P. attenuatus were irom sand bottoms. Parahaustorius holmesi Bousfield 1%5 Acanthohaustorius sp. B Geographic Distribution. This species which is an off- shore cognate of A. millsi is presently being described by Ann Frame of the NMFS Sandy Hook Laboratory, Highlands, N.J. We collected Acanthohaustorius sp. B in 36 samples from 35 stations between Cape Cod and Cape Hatteras (Fig. 16). This moderately abundant species had a mean density of 80/m^, ranging between 2/m^ and l,000/m2. The abundance of this species showed no evidence of latitudinal trends within our study area. Bathymetric Distribution. We collected Acantho- haustorius sp. B between 9 and 74 m. It occurred most frequently (34/36), and in the highest densities (40- 140/m2) between 10 and 49 m (Table 30). The bathy- metric distribution of this species showed no tendency to change with latitude. Sediment Relationship. Acanthohaustorius sp. B was most often associated with sand sediment (34/36), but This species has been collected between (ieorges Bank and the mouth of the Chesap>eake on fine clean sand in depths between 20 and 50 m (Bousfield 1973). In our col- lections, P. holmesi occurred at three stations between Cape Cod and Long Island (Fig. 17). The densities of this species at these stations was low (8-40/m^). The sta- tions occurred between 16 and 46 m on sand bottoms. Protohaustorius deichmannae Bousfield 1%5 Geographic Distribution. This species has been recorded from Maine to South Carolina (Bousfield 1973). We collected P. deichmannae at 34 stations between Cape Cod and Cape Hatteras (Fig. 17). This moderately abundant species had a mean density of 50/m^, ranging from 2/m^ to 270/m^. This warm-water species occurred more frequently in the southern pwrtion of our study area; i.e., southern New England (4/34), New York Bight (11/34), and Chesapeake Bight (19/34). Bathymetric Distribution. Bousfield (1973) reported that this species occurs subtidally to about 20 m. In our 28 => ■f ' i J K — ^ ^T" ./ tSjk/^V*'' ^ V * «p 1* V BOSTON ^ i"' i/ A \ J • y A .< y » ^- .-' ^ y^jfff • ^-' >■ /V/ .' NEW (///* / YORK Kr* --; -x \ * V «^ \ V \^ ^^-siN»l I • < *^ ^-^ /"^" 1< NORFOLK ^^ ' \ ^^ -f- ICANTHOHAUSTORIUS INTERMEDIUS ■f ff^ji \ _ Figure 16.— Geographic distribution of species from the family Haustoriidae, subfamily Haustoriinae in the Middle Atlantic Bight. 29 ""^^ J^/^ v^-''* .°' V BOSTON^I^,^ V^ V • • • // A %' <»', V >•• /' .r ^/ /-' ^ L^^ / ,•: f jis* NEW {/^ • YORK 1/ Z' • 1 ./ 1 r • ^' -< ^ I s . • •fj \ • / \*. • •• ' Tl • • 1 l' •« ' r •• '\. j^/^ ^ «^ V^ ' V r ft. II • -; ■vj ^-Ow V • • > -. '^V<^ """"^ lifc ^ ,-c "^^^ ,•>• / ;^^ %• -1* :0O«M y^i^ V ■f' 4 V^ \ii PROTOHAUSTORIUS WI6LEYI _ .TSOBl l** ^/7' NEW / york]/ ^- 'S^ ^ ,1 ^ 4"^. ./ * ^^ •• \ ,< NO«ftHJ<^^^^^ T^^ r 5^ PSEUDOHAUSTORIUS BOREALIS — a!--- 'WMI Figure 17.— Geographic dislribuliun of species from the family Haustoriidac. and subriimil> llausluriinar in ihe Middle 30 samples, P. deichmannae occurred between 7 and 37 m with the highest densities (50-80/m'') occurring in <30 m (Table 31). Eight of the nine stations >30 m occurred in the Chesapeake Bight, suggesting that this species oc- curs at slightly greater depths in the warmer southern waters. Table 31. — Bathymetric distribution of Protohauti- toriug deichmannae in samples from Middle Atlan - tic Bight. Depth interval Number of Mean density (m) samples (No./m^) 0-9 2 80 10-19 14 70 20-29 9 50 30-39 9 20 Sediment Relationship. This species has been found on fine sand or silty-sand (Bousfield 1973). We collected P. deichmannae on sand (26/34), shelly sand (6/34), shell (1/34), and silty sand (1/34). Protohaustorius wigleyi Bousfield 1965 sand (9/88), (Table 33). shell (1/88), and sand (77/88) bottoms Table Xl. — Sediment associations of ProtohauHtorius wigleyi in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Sediment Number of Mean density type samples (No./m') Sand-gravel 1 20 Shell 1 70 Sand-shell 9 20 Sand 77 40 Sand-silt 0 — Silt-clay 0 — P8eudohau8toriu8 borealia Bousfield 1965 Geographic Distribution. This species has been col- lected between Georges Bank and Virginia (Bousfield 1973). In our collections, P. borealis occurred in 27 sam- ples at 24 stations between Cape Cod and Virginia (Fig. 17). This species was moderately abundant where it oc- curred, with a mean density of 50/m^ ranging between 2/m- and 600/m-. Geographic Distribution. This species has been reported to occur from Maine to North Carolina along the American Atlantic coast (Bousfield 1965). We col- lected P. wigleyi in 88 samples from 80 stations between Cape Cod and Cape Hatteras (Fig. 17). The mean den- sity of this species was 40/m^ ranging between 2/m^ and 270/m^. Protohaustorius wigleyi showed no consistent change in density with latitude, but it did occur more frequently in the southern portion of our study area. Bathymetric Distribution. Bousfield (1973) found P. wigleyi from shoreline to 150 m. In our collections, this species occurred between 12 and 91 m. The mean den- sities showed no clear trends with depth, but the bulk of the samples were found between 20 and 49 m (Table 32). Protohaustorius wigleyi showed no evidence of chang- ing its depth distribution with latitude. Table .■i2. — Bathymetric distribution of Protohaus- torius wigleyi in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Depth interval Number of Mean density (m) samples (Nc/m^) 10-19 5 40 20-29 23 30 30-39 25 70 40-49 17 30 50-59 8 30 60-69 5 10 70-79 4 50 80-89 0 — 90-99 1 6 Bathymetric Distribution and Sediment Relation- ship. Bousfield (1973) found this species on medium to coarse sands between 10 and 60 m. In our samples, P. borealis occurred between 22 and 62 m, but the majority of the collections (19/27) and the highest densities (50- 70/m2) came from between 20 and 39 m (Table 34). All 24 stations were located on sand bottoms. Table :!J. — Bathymetric distribution of Pseudohaus- torius borealis in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Depth interval Number of Mean density (m) samples (No./ra^) 20-29 7 50 30-39 12 70 40-49 6 10 50-59 1 10 60-69 1 10 Sediment Relationship. This species is usually as- sociated with sandy sediments (Bousfield 1973). In our collections, it was found on gravelly sand (1/88), shelly Family ISCHYROCERIDAE Cerapus tubularis Say 1818 This species occurs from Cape Cod to eastern Florida on muddy sand to depths of 30 m (Bousfield 1973). We collected C. tubularis at two stations in Delawtire Bay at shallow depths (4-9 m) on silty sand sediments (Fig. 18). The scarcity of C. tubularis in our collections is most likely due to its preference for depths shallower than 10 m where we took few samples. Ericthoniua braailiensis (Dana) 1853 This tube-dwelling species has been reported from Cape Cod to the West Indies in bays and estuaries 31 ^ 'tv/> * BOSTON ^V^*>*" • 4\ .'* / # r' NEW / YORK Jy r 1 ISCHYROCERUS AN6UIPES _ -^^.^ -^ — J^ifl — ^— Figure 18.— Geographic diitributlon of «pecie« ft-om the family Ischyroceridae in the Middle Atlantic BiKht. 32 (Bousfield 1973). We collected E. brasiliensis at four sta- tions: two from Vineyard Sound and two from Chesa- peake Bay (Fig. 18). These records occurred between 10 and 37 m on sand, gravel, and shelly bottoms. Its den- sity at the four stations ranged from Vm'^ to 125/m'^. The scarcity of records of E. brasiliensis in our collections is undoubtedly due to the small number of our samples taken in estuaries. stations where /. anguipes occurred ranged between 18 and 63 m. We found this species on both sand (6/12) and gravel (6/12) bottoms, but the mean densities on gravel (100/m^) were much higher than on sand (lO/m'''). Since /. anguipes occurs most frequently on hard substrata (i.e., rocks, pilings, and aids to navigation), it is probably much more common than our grab sampling indicates. Ericthoniua rubricomis Smith 1873 Jaaaa falcata (Montagu) 1818 Geographic Distribution. This amphi-Atlantic species has previously been recorded in the western Atlantic, between the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Long Island Sound (Bousfield 1973). In our collections from the Mid- dle Atlantic Bight, E. rubricornis occurred in 59 samples from 53 stations between Cape Cod and Cape Hatteras (Fig. 18). The 39 records south of Long Island extend the range of this species to Cape Hatteras. Ericthonius rubricornis has a mean density of 30/m^ ranging between 2/m2 and 720/m2. Bathy metric Distribution. Bousfield (1973) reported that this species may be found from low water to over 200 m. In our collections, E. rubricornis occurred between 40 and 376 m with the bulk of the records (44/59) occurring between 50 and 89 m (Table 35). The density of this species was quite low (2-12/m2) at the sta- tions below 100 m. Table 35. — Bathymetric distribution of Ericthoniua rubricomig in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Depth interval Number of Mean density (m) samples (No./m^) 40-49 5 10 50-59 11 10 60-69 10 20 70-79 12 .30 80-89 11 100 90-99 3 30 100-124 1 4 124-149 1 2 150-199 1 2 200-299 3 10 300-499 1 2 This tube-dwelling amphipod is a dominant fouling organism which is cosmopolitan in temperate and warm temperate seas (Barnard 1969). Along the North American Atlantic coast, J. falcata occurs northward to Newfoundland (Bousfield 1973). We collected this species at a single station in the lower Chesapeake (Fig. 18), but it is known to be a common species on hard sub- strata throughout our study area. Table 36.— Sediment associations of Erichthoniu* ru- bricornis in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Sediment Number of Mean density type samples (No./m^) Sand-gravel 1 4 Shell 3 10 Sand -shell 5 10 Sand 48 40 Sand-silt 2 2 Silt-clay 0 — Family LILJEBORGIIDAE Idunella sp. A This species did not correspond to the description of any known member of the genus Idunella. Idunella sp. A occurred at nine stations between Cape Cod and Cape Hatteras along the outer edge of the continental shelf (Fig. 19). Its density was uniformly low (2-10/m^). The collections of this undescribed species occurred between 121 and 225 m on sand (6/11), silty-sand (4/11), and shell (1/11) sediments. Sediment Relationship. This tube-dwelling amphi- pod lives primarily on sand bottoms (Bousfield 1973). We collected E. rubricornis on sediments ranging from gravel to sand-silt-clay, but the bulk (48/59) of the sam- ples and the highest densities (40/m^) occurred on stind bottoms (Table 36). lachyroceruB anguipes Krrfyer 1838 According to Bousfield (1973), this tube-dwelling species occurs along the American Atlantic coast south to Cape Hatteras on hard substrata to depths >50 m. In our Middle Atlantic Bight collections, this species oc- curred at 11 stations between Cape Cod and Maryland (Fig. 18) in low to moderate densities (4-370/m2). The LHjeborgia sp. A These specimens could not be positively identified as any known species of Liljeboria. They did bear a close resemblance to L. kinahani, but they differed in several important morphological features. We collected this species at four stations between Cape May and Cape Hatteras (Fig. 19). Its density was low (3-40/m^) at all stations. This species was distributed between 20 and 40 m on sand (3/4) and sand-gravel (1/4) sediments. Listriella bamardi Wigley 1966 According to Bousfield (1973), this species is dis- tributed from the south side of Cape Cod to Georgia. It 33 • BOSTON ^V^> IDUNELLA SP A ■f ^L^ Figure 19.— Geographic distribution of species (^otn the family Liljeborgiidae in the Middle Atlantic Bight. lives in the tubes of polychaetes (e.g., Amphitrite or- nata) in low intertidal and shallow subtidal depths. We collected L. barnardi at a single station in Delaware Bay in 22 m on a sand bottom (Fig. 19). The scarcity of L. barnardi in our collections is probably due to its preference for depths shallower than we routinely sampled. Family LYSIANASSIDAE Anonyx lUjeborgi Boeck 1871 This cold-water species is known to occur from the Canadian subarctic to Delaware between intertidal depths and 200 m on sand bottoms (Bousfield 1973). We collected A. lUjeborgi at 16 stations between Cape Cod and New Jersey (Fig. 20). Its mean density was low (20/mO, ranging between 2/m^ and 80/m^. Our collec- tions occurred between 38 and 92 m, but 75% of the rec- ords came from between 40 and 70 m. One sample of i4. lUjeborgi occurred on sandy silt, but the other 15 rec- ords came from sand bottoms. Anonyx aarsi Steele and Brunei 1%8 This epibenthic scavenger is circumpolar, and it has been reported south to Rhode Island along the eastern coast of North America (Bousfield 1973). Anonyx sarai was a rare species in our collections, occurring at only three stations between Martha's Vineyard and central New Jersey (Fig. 20). Our records extend the known range of A. sarsi to central New Jersey. Its density was low at all three stations (2-20/m^). The three occurrences were between 38 and 65 m on sand bottoms. Cheirimedon sp. A A single specimen of this undescribed species was col- lected from abyssal waters (2,435 m) south of Cape Cod on a clay bottom (Fig. 20). Hippomedon propinquus G. O. Sars 1895 Geographic Distribution. This species is widely dis- tributed in the boreal North Atlantic (Stephensen 1935). Shoemaker (1930a) recorded H. propinquus from numerous locations around Nova Scotia and New- foundland. Our collections of H. propinquus from 24 sta- tions between Cape Cod and Cape Hatteras greatly ex- tend the range of this species along the eastern North American coast (Fig. 20). It occurred in low densities at all stations ranging from 2/m^ to 70/m^ with a mean of 20/m-'. It is much more common in the northern portion of the Middle Atlantic Bight being restricted to the shelf edge south of Long Island. 34 ANONYX LIUEBORGI ^■?^' ^' • ANONYX SARSI * CHEIRIMEDON SR A ^ '■ w > -t;,.^ * BOSTON^ 7 > // "^ I ^ ••• »•• r' / Jjj ^^ 3 jM NEwJy^ • / 'tom^'' ( ./ 4 •-v ■i-^Sk^ J ■fS ^ • / .•^ /- 7 V •*• '•^«t%. ~^\ TVi <« ■* J^ / ■'*^^ J. \ ! ■<< HoS^UK^ ^^^ 0 100 «M ^^J^ .y ''^ . ;a / 1 •f HIPPOMEDON PROPINQUUS "^^^1 V .^ NEW ^/Zi\* * ■<5 Cl\ • [ 'i^^^ im "'^ "^^^'•''^ -1* Nol^L>r^-j^^^ ^^> i / 1^ HIPPOMEDON SERRATUS ■if«tm\ - ,\ Figure 20. — Geographic distribution of species from the family Lysianassidae in the Middle Atlantic Bight. 35 Bathymetric Distribution. Shoemaker (1930a) found this species between 30 and 250 m in the Nova Scotia area. In our collections, H. propinquus occurred between 15 and 190 m, but it was most common (20/29) and had the highest densities (20-40/m2) between 40 and 80 m (Table 37). The five stations south of Long Island are all >80 m indicating that this cold-water sp)ecie8 submerges in the southern portion of its range. Table 37.— Bathymetric distribution of Hippomedon propinquus in samplea from .Middle Atlantic Bight. Table 39.— Bathymetric distribution of Hippomedon terratu* in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Depth interval Number of Mean density (m) samples (No./m') 10-19 1 2 20-29 0 — 30-39 1 10 40-49 7 20 50-69 2 40 60-e9 6 20 70-79 5 20 80-89 4 4 90-99 1 10 100-149 0 — 150-199 2 4 Sediment Relationship. This species was found on a wide variety of sediment types including gravelly sand, shelly sand, shell, silty sand, and silty clay, but was most often found on sand bottoms (21/29) (Table 38). Table 38.— Sediment associations of Hippomedon pro- pinquut in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Sediment Number of Mean density type samples (No./m2) Sand -gravel 1 10 Shell 1 2 Sand-shell 1 2 Sand 21 20 Sand-silt 3 20 Silt-clay 2 10 Depth interN-al Number of Mean denjity (m) samples (No./m') 10-19 1 2 20-29 8 9 30-39 18 20 40-49 22 20 50-59 9 20 60-69 2 6 70-79 3 6 80-89 2 3 Sediment Relationship. According to Bousfield (1973), H. serratus is usually found on sand and sandy silt bot- toms. In our samples, it showed a strong preference (61/66) for sand bottoms (Table 40). Table 40.— Sediment associations of Hippomedon ler- ratus in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Sediment Number of Mean density type samples (No./m») Sand-gravel 1 10 Shell 0 — Sand-shell 2 6 Semd 61 20 Sand-silt 1 10 Silt-clay 0 — Hippomedon sp. A An undescribed species of Hippomedon was collected at four of our stations along the continental slope east of New Jersey (Fig. 21). These collections came from between 225 and 474 m on sand (2/4) and silty sand (2/4) sediments. The density of Hippomedon sp. A was low (2-6/m-) at all four stations. Hippomedon sp. B Hippomedon serratus Holmes 1905 Geographic Distribution. This species has been reported from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to North Carolina (Bousfield 1973). We collected H. serratus in 65 samples from 60 stations between Cape Cod and the mouth of Chesapeake Bay (Fig. 20). It is worth noting that this relatively common spiecies occurred in uni- formly low densities ranging between 2/m^ and 90/m^ with a mean of IS/rn'^ Hippomedon serratus showed no latitudinal trend in its density, but it became a rare species south of Delaware Bay. Bathymetric Distribution. Bousfield (1973) gave the depth range of H. serratus as 5->75 m. We collected this species between 13 and 89 m, but the highest mean den- sities (20/m^), and the majority of the samples (49/65) occurred between 30 and 59 m (Table 39). Hippomedon serratus showed no clear evidence of southern submerg- ence. A single specimen of a second undescribed species of Hippomedon was collected at an abyssal station (2,925 m) east of Cape May, N.J., on silt-clay sediments (Fig. 21). Hippomedon sp. C Two specimens of a third undescribed sp)ecies of Hip- pomedon were collected from an abyssal station (3,080 m) east of Sandy Hood, N.J., on a silt-clay bottom (Fig. 21). Lysianopsia alba Holmes 1905 This species is found on shelly sands and in eelgrass roots in protected waters from Cape Cod to the Gulf of Mexico (Bousfield 1973). We collected L. alba at a single station in Vineyard Sound on a gravel bottom at 37 m depth (Fig. 21). 36 • HIPPOMEDON SP A ■ HIPPOMEDON SP B * HIPPOMEDON SP C V.' , • c • ORCHOMENE MINUTA * ORCHOMENE PECTINATA ^ BOSTDW ^1 * 4, ;' A Hen fyy/ 4' 4, -; 1 ;r %^ *^^^ im •-. ^7^^^ \ •^ NORPOUT W N \ T/^\ •I- • PSAMMONYX NOBILIS 1 * TMETONYX CICADA Figure 21.— Geographic distribution of species from the family Lysianassidae in the Middle Atlantic Bight. 37 Orchomene minuta (Kr^yer) 1846 Geographic Distribution. This species is widely dis- tributed in the arctic boreal regions of the North Atlan- tic, and it has been found between Baffin Island and New Jersey off the east coast of North America (Bousfield 1973). Orchomene minuta occurred at 33 sta- tions between Cajae Cod and New Jersey in our Middle Alantic Bight collections (Fig. 21). Ita mean density was 40/m^ ranging between 2/m^ and 300/m^. Bathymetric Distribution. This species has been recorded from intertidal depths down to 100 m (Bousfield 1973). We collected 0. minuta between 23 and 85 m with the highest densities (80-90/m^), occur- ring between 30 and 49 m (Table 41). Orchomene minuta showed no evidence of changing its bathymetric distribution with latitude. Table 41.— Bathymetric diatribution of Orchomene minuta in aamples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Depth interval Number of Mean density (m) samples (No./m2) 20-29 1 10 30-39 6 80 40-49 13 90 60-59 14 20 60-69 6 20 70-79 9 20 80-89 1 2 Sediment Relationship. Orchomene minuta is usually found on fine sand or silty sand (Bousfield 1973). In our collections, 0. minuta was found most commonly on sand (46/50), but also occurred on gravelly sand (2/50) and silty sand (2/50). Orchomene pectinata G. O. Sara 1895 This species has previously been recorded from the Norwegian coast and the Arctic Basin between 200 and 1,200 m (Stephensen 1935). We collected single speci- mens of this bathyal sjjecies at two stations along the continental slope (Fig. 21). The station south of Cape Cod was located in 440 m on sand, and the station east of Chesapeake Bay was located in 900 m on silty sand. Paammonyx nobilis (Stimpson) 1853 According to Scott and Croker (1976), this sand bur- rowing amphipod has been recorded from western New- foundland to New Jersey. They found this species to be most abundant on protected intertidal sand fiats in northern New England. Our collections from six stations between Cape Cod and New Jersey (Fig. 21) occurred between 7 and 60 m on sand (4/6) and shelly sand (2/6) bottoms at low densities (2-20/m''). Tmetonyx cicada (O. Fabricius) 1780 This epibenthic scavenger is widely distributed in arc- tic boreal regions and has been collected from intertidal to abyssal depths (Sars 1895; Stephensen 1935; Barnard 1969). Shoemaker (1930a) reported this species off Nova Scotia in 100-4(X) m. Our collections of T. cicada from three stations on the continental slope (440-550 m) south of Cape Cod constitute a southern range exten- sion for this species off eastern North America (Fig. 21). The density of this species was low (2-4/m') at the three stations. Two of the stations were on a sand bottom, and the other was on a silty sand bottom. Family OEDICEROTIDAE Monoculodea edwardai Holmes 1905 Geographic Distribution. This species is found from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico (Bousfield 1973). We collected M. edwardsi in 29 sam- ples from 23 stations located between Cap>e Cod and Virginia (Fig. 22). The mean density of this species was low (9/m^), ranging between 2/m^ and 30/m2. There was no latitudinal trend in the density of this species. Bathymetric Distribution. According to Bousfield (1973), M. edwardsi is found from low intertidal depths to 75 m. We collected this species between 9 and 73 m, but 80% of the samples occurred between 30 and 59 m (Table 42). Monoculodes edwardsi showed no change in its bathymetric distribution with latitude. Table 42.— Bath.Mnetric distribution of Monoeulodei edwardsi in samples from Middle Atlantic Bicht. Depth interval Number of Mean density (m) samples (No./m») 0-9 1 20 10-19 1 10 20-29 I 4 30-39 6 7 40-49 6 9 50-59 12 10 60-69 1 2 70-79 1 2 Sediment Relationship. Bousfield (1973) found M. edwardsi on fine sand and silty sand sediments. In our collections, it occurred on sediments ranging from sandy gravel to silt clay, but 80% of the collections came from sand bottoms (Table 43). Table 4.1. — Sediment associations of Monoculodes ed- wardii in samples from .Middle Atlantic Bight. Sediment Number of Mean density type samples (No./m') Sand-gravel 1 10 Shell 0 — Sand-shell 1 20 Sand 23 7 Sand-ailt 2 20 Silt-clay 2 20 38 * BOSTON ^ y - \ / •• NEW l/J yorkI/^ • • •• • • • ■\ " !»M, • • ^, ^V \ • i -."■ ^^ ^ '■^; /^- * • • v V NORFOLK 0 10 0 K.W %^ -•'' < MONOCULODES EDWARDS! _ ^^M\ ;. Figure 22. — Geographic distribution of species from the family Oedicerotidae in the Middle Atlantic Bight. Synchelidium eunericanum Bousfield 1973 Bousfield (1973) gave the range of this sand burrowing species as Maine to Georgia. He found S. americanum on fine sands of semiprotected beaches from just sub- tidal to a few meters. We collected this species at nine stations between central New Jersey and Cape Hatteras (Fig. 22). Synchelidium americanum occurred between 14 and 39 m on sand (6/9) and shelly sand (3/9) sedi- ments, and was rare at all stations (2-9/m2). Family PHOXOCEPHALmAE Harpinia abyaai G. O. Sars 1885 This species has previously been collected in the Norwegian Sea and east and west of Greenland between 400 and 2,700 m (Barnard 1960). Harpinia abyssi oc- curred at a single station east of New Jersey in 2,590 m on a silt bottom (Fig. 23). This record seems to be the first occurrence of this species off the North Atlantic mainland. Harpinia antenncuia Meinert 1893 This species has previously been reported from Norway, Icelamd, British Isles, and Greenland (Bcunard 1960). In our Middle Atlantic Bight samples, H. anten- naria occurred in 14 samples from 11 stations dis- tributed along the continental slope between Long Island and Norfolk, Va. (Fig. 23). The density of H. antennaria was uniformly low (2-30/m^) at these bathy- al stations. The depth range of this species in our collec- tions was 125-1,550 m, but the majority of the samples (9/14) occurred between 300 and 500 m. These collec- tions came from sand (1/14), silty sand (6/14), silt (5/14), and clay (2/14) bottoms. These records constitute a southern range extension for this species along the North American Atlantic coast. Harpinia propinqua G. O. Sars 1895 Geographic Distribution. This amphi-Atlantic species has previously been recorded as far south as Cape Cod Bay along the east coast of North America (Bousfield 1973). We collected H. propinqua in 121 samples from 86 stations between Cape Cod and Cape Hatteras (Fig. 23). These records extend the remge of this species to Cape Hatteras. This species has a mean density of 20/m2, ranging between 2/m^ and 170/m^ Bathymetric Distribution. Harpinia propinqua has been rep)orted between 10 and 1,100 m (Barnard 1960). In our Middle Atlantic Bight samples, it occurred 39 — X^' - BOSTON^ ?- . i' -•- -; ^2' NEW J// * 1 ^^ \ ^ ■ iH V 4 M \ 7^ \ \ > * NORFOLK hr '■■■'■ \ 5«f\ \ -f A HARPINIA ABYSSI • HARPINIA ANTENNARIA a 1 HARPINIA PROPINOUA V^ '\^ K. — ^ TT- / * BOSTON^ ^> si tj^ fty 'f' 'x ^^ • r 4. ^f • •■'^ Jr ' • « ,-' r tl ,' J Af • / NEW /Vy7 yorkj/jT 4' If \ 1 / 1 4 rfJ » / / 1 c\ > 4' -^* X <« 7**^^^ ^ ' *^^>^v. i< ""norbou? '^^ 0 ■O0«ii ^ > \ ^ ..J / g. •f HARPINIA TRUNCATA liV' 4 ■i • ■■anaii * BOSTON ^1 ?- TT si y .500 m (Table 44). This species showed a clear pattern of southern submergence since all the records south of New Jersey occurred at depths >80 m (Fig. 23). Harpinia sp. A An undescribed species of Harpinia occurred at two deepwater stations off the coast of New Jersey (2,495 m— silt) and Maryland (1,955 m— silt) (Fig. 23). Table 44.— Bath>'metric distribution of Harpinia pro- pinqua in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Depth interval Number of Mean density (m) samples (No./m^) 10-19 1 2 20-29 0 — 30-39 3 20 40-49 12 50 50-59 13 50 60-69 7 40 70-79 18 30 80-89 10 10 90-99 17 20 100-124 2 40 125-149 4 10 150-199 3 10 200-299 5 10 300-499 17 10 500-999 8 4 1,000-1,999 1 2 Sediment Relationship. Bousfield (1973) found this species on sand and silty sand sediments. We collected H. propinqua on bottoms ranging from shell to silt-clay (Table 45). Although the highest mean density (40/m2) of H. propinqua was recorded from sand bottoms, it should be pointed out that more than half of the samples (63/121) were collected from sand-silt and silt-clay bot- toms. Table 45. — Sediment associations of Harpinia propin- qua in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Sediment Number of Mean density type samples (No./m^) Sand-gravel 0 — Shell 1 7 Sand-shell 2 8 Sand 55 40 Sand-silt 37 20 Silt-clay 26 10 Harpinia truncata G. O. Sara 1896 This species is known from Iceland, Norway, and the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Barnard 1960; Bousfield 1973). We collected H. truncata at seven stations on the con- tinental shelf between Long Island and Cape May (Fig. 23). Its density was low at all stations, ranging between 3/m2 and 90/m^ The seven stations ranged between 34 and 124 m on sand (5/7), sand-silt (1/7), and silty clay (1/7) sediments. These records constitute a southern range extension for this species along the North American Atlantic coast. Harpiniopsia sp. A A single male specimen of this unidentified species oc- curred east of Norfolk, Va., at 960 m depth on a silt bot- tom. (Fig. 23). Paraphoxua epistomus (Shoemaker) 1938 Geographic Distribution. This species has been reported from both coasts of North America (Btimard 1960). Along the American Atlantic coast, it has been recorded from southern Maine to North Carolina (Bousfield 1973). We collected P. epistomus in 191 sam- ples from 181 stations between Cape Cod and Cape Hat- teras (Fig. 24). Although this species occurred through- out our study area, it was only moderately abundant with a mean density of 60/m^ ranging between 2/m2 and 500/m2. The mean density of this species was highest in southern New England (94/m2), decreasing in the New York Bight (38/m2) and Chesapeake Bight (53/m2). Bathymetric Distribution. According to Bousfield (1973), P. epistomus has been collected to >50 m. In our samples, it occurred between 7 and 180 m. The density of this species varied little with depth (Table 46), but the majority of the collections (177/191) occurred between 10 and 79 m. The depth distribution of this open shelf species showed no evidence of change with latitude. Table 46.— Bathymetric distribution of Paraphoxua epistomus in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Depth interval Number of Mean density (m) samples (No./m2) 0-9 3 60 10-19 15 60 20-29 32 SO 30-39 49 70 40-49 32 90 50-59 21 30 60-69 18 SO 70-79 10 SO 80-89 5 7 90-99 1 60 100-124 2 9 125-149 2 40 150-199 1 10 Sediment Relationship. This species usually occurs on sandy sediments (Bousfield 1973). We found it on sedi- ments ranging from gravelly sand to sand, but over 80% of the samples occurred on sand bottoms (Table 47). 41 PARAPHOXUS EPISTOMUS ^*=^' l'' Figure 24.— Geographic distribution of species from the family Phoxocephalidae in the Middle Atlantic Bight. Table 47.— Sediment associations of Paraphoxus epi- Btomua in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Sediment Number of Mean density type samples (No./m2) Sand-gravel 5 40 Shell 7 40 Sand-shell 19 30 Sand 160 60 Sand-silt 0 — Silt-clay 0 — Phoxocephaltu holbolli (Kr^yer) 1842 Geographic Distribution. This species is widely dis- tibuted in the arctic-boreal regions of the North Atlantic (Barnard 1960). Along the eastern coast of North America, it has previously been recorded as far south as Long Island (Bousfield 1973). We collected P. holbolli in 108 samples from 90 stations between Cap)e Cod and the mouth of the Chesapeake (Fig. 24). Our 53 records south of Lyong Island constitute a southern range extension for this sjiecies. The density of this relatively common 8i>ecies was low, ranging between 2/m^ and 220/m^ with a mean of 30/m^. The mean density of this cold-water species decreases from north to south going from 50/m^ in southern New England to 9/m2 in the New York and Chesapeake Bights. Bathymetric Distribution. According to Bousfield (1973), P. holbolli may be found from the low intertidal to 400 m. It occurred between 13 tmd 180 m in our sam- ples, but 80% of the occurrences were between 30 and 69 m (Table 48) . This species was found in deeper water in the southern part of our study area. Tabic I.S.Biith> metric distribution of Phoxocepha- lus holboHi in samples from .Middle .\tlantic Bight. Depth interval Number of Mean density (m) samples (No./m') 10-19 4 30 20-29 8 60 30-39 19 40 40-49 29 30 50-59 25 20 60-69 15 20 70-79 5 9 80-89 1 2 90-99 1 2 100-149 0 — 150-199 1 2 Sediment Relationship. This species has previously been recorded on sediments ranging from fine sand to sandy silt (Bousfield 1973). We found P. holbolli moat commonly on sand bottoms (86/108), but it also oc- curred on gravelly sand, shelly sand, shell, shelly silt, and sandy silt (Table 49). 42 Table 49.— Sediment associations of Phoxocephalus holboUi in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Sediment Number of Mean density type samples (No./m2) Sand-gravel 10 40 Shell 3 30 Sand-shell 6 20 Sand 86 30 Sand-silt 3 10 Silt-clay 0 — Family PLEUSTIDAE Stenopleuatea gracilis (Holmes) 1905 This species has been recorded from the south side of Cape Cod to Chesapeake Bay in shallow water on sandy bottoms (Bousfield 1973). In our collections, S. gracilis occurred at four stations between 18 and 52 m on sand and shelly sand bottoms (Fig. 25). This species seems to be rare throughout its geographic range. Stenopleuatea inermia Shoemaker 1949 Geographic Distribution. Bousfield (1973) reported that this species occurs from the Bay of Fundy to Cape Cod Bay. Our collections from south of Cape Cod to Cape May constitute a southern range extension for this species off the east coast of North America (Fig. 25). Stenopleustes inermis occurred in 25 samples from 20 stations always in low densities (2-40/m''). This species is rare south of Long Island. Bathymetric Distribution. Bousfield (1973) gave the bathymetric range for this species as 5-50 m. In our col- lections, S. inermis occurred at somewhat greater depths, between 23 and 97 m. It occurred most frequent- ly between 40 and 70 m (Table 50). The discrepancy between the bathymetric range given by Bousfield and that found in our samples may be the result of sub- mergence of this species in the southern part of its geo- graphic range. Table 50.— Bathymetric distribution of Stenopletutet inermia in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Depth interval Number of Mean density (m) samples (No./m') 20-29 1 2 30-39 0 — 40-49 7 20 50-59 6 10 60-69 6 9 70-79 3 20 80-89 1 10 90-99 1 20 -^ — x^ :> '^^ '-' * BOSTWr^ '/^> // V irtf V • •,;' ^ \r • • • V ^. \ ..# • • ••• •f W 1 • • •• ^_,'' ■' J^ tir / ^'' "•# i^¥ • 1 J ^^ fyl/y • yorkJ^^'^ ' ./ /' ^ ■^'^ >^v\ J ' "^ rff 1 • ' / L 'ifc" 'S^v < ■^^=^k\ *^^ ■""^k^ \ / -"^j J. \ 1* NORFtXK \ M^ ; i / ! •f STENOPLEUSTES INERMIS '■'. _JSSI1 ^- -* Figtire 25.— Geographic distribution of Bi>ecieB from the family Pleustidae in the Middle Atlantic Bight. 43 Sediment Relationship. Bouafield (1973) reported that S. inermis is epibenthic on finer sediments. We found this species on sand-gravel (1/25), sand (17/25), silty sand (4/25), and silt-clay (3/25) bottoms. Family PODOCERIDAE Dyopedoa monacantha (Metzger) 1875 Geographic Distribution. This caprellid-like gammari- dean has been recorded across the boreal regions of the North Atlantic and has previously been collected as far south as Cape Cod Bay (Laubitz 1977). Our collections of D. monacantha from Cape Cod to Cape Charles ex- tend its range to the south (Fig. 26). This species oc- curred in 27 samples from 25 stations with a mean den- sity of 30/m^ ranging from 2/m^ to 290/m-'. The station with the highest density occurred in Vineyard Sound which is an area of strong currents, which correlates well with the filter-feeding habits of D. monacantha. Bathymetric Distribution. According to Laubitz (1977), this species has been collected between 20 and 320 m. Our records of D. monacantha occurred between 18 and 89 m with the highest mean density (80/m^) between 20 and 29 m (Table 51). Table 51.— Batb>inctric distribution of Dyopedoi monaeanllia in sample* from Middle Atlantic Bight. Depth interval Number of Mean density (m) samples (No./m') 1019 1 20 20-29 4 80 30-39 6 40 40-49 4 20 50-59 S 10 60-69 2 30 70-79 4 30 80-89 2 3 Sediment Relationship. According to Ejiequist (1949), D. monacantha is usually found clinging to algae, hydroids, and bryozoans. In our collections, D. monacantha occurred on bottom types ranging from sand-gravel to silt-clay (Table 52). The largest numbers of samples (6-16/27) and the highest mean densities (40/m^) occurred on sand-gravel and sand sediments. Family STENOTHOroAE MetopeUa angiuta Shoemaker 1949 According to Bousfield (1973), this cold-water species occurs from the Bay of Fundy to New Jersey on fine sedi- P BOSTON i^> •* i^ y Figure 26.— Geographic diatribution of apeciea from the families Podoceridae, Stenothoidae, and Synopiidae in the Middle Atlantic Bight. 44 Table 52. — Sediment associations of Dyopedot mona- cantha in samples from Middle Atlantic Bight. Sediment Number of Mean density type samples (No./m2) Sand-gravel 6 40 Shell 0 Sand-shell 0 — Sand 16 40 Sand-silt 4 10 Silt -clay 1 10 ments between 5 and 40 m. In our samples, M. angusta occurred at only a single station south of Cape Cod in 62 m on a silty sand bottom (Fig. 26). The scarcity of this species in our collections is most likely a reflection of its small size (3 mm) which may have allowed it to be washed through a 1 mm sieve. Fanuly SYNOPimAE Syrrhoe crenulata Goes 1866 This widely distributed cold-water si>ecies is known from the arctic boreal regions of both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans between 10 and 300 m (Barnard 1971). According to Bousfield (1973), Cape Cod Bay was the known southern limit for this species off eastern North America. Our collections of S. crenulata extend its southern limit slightly since we found it in four grabs from a single station south of Martha's Vineyard in 49 m on a sand bottom (Fig. 26). Tiron tropakis J. L. Barnard 1972 This warm-temperate species is reported to occur from Virginia to Venezuela in the western Atlantic at depths between 3 and 157 m (Barnard 1972). We col- lected T. tropakis at a single station off the mouth of Chesapeake Bay in 20 m depth on a sand bottom (Fig. 26). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank our associates at the NMFS Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, Mass., particularly Gilbert L. Chase, Jr., Betty Murray, Evan B. Haynes, Thomas L. Morris, and Ruth Stoddard for assistance in col- lecting and processing samples; Roger Theroux, Amy Leventer, and Jacqueline D. Murray for their help in data processing; and John Lamont for his assistance in drafting the figures. We would also like to thank members of the staff at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole, for assistance in collecting samples; crewmen aboard research vessels; Ann Frame of the NMFS Sandy Hook Laboratory, Sandy Hook, N.J., for her help in the identification of the Haustoriidae; and Richard Lang- ton of NMFS Woods Hole Laboratory, E. L. Bousfield of the National Museum of Canada, Ottawa, and anonymous reviewers for their critical reading of the manuscnpl and helpful suggestions for revision. LITERATURE CITED BARNARD, .J. L. 1960. The amphipod family Phoxocephalidae in the eastern Pacific Ocean, with analyses of other species and notes for a revision of the family. Allan Hancock Pac. Exped. 18:175-375. 1969. The families and genera of marine gammaridean Amphi- poda. U.S. Natl. Mus., Bull. 271. 535 p. 1971. Gammaridean Amphipoda from a deep-sea transect off Oregon. Smithson. Contrib. Zool. 61, 86 p. 1972. A review of the family Synopiidae (=Tironidae), mainly dis- tributed in the deep sea (Crustacea: Amphipoda). Smithson. Contrib. Zool. 124, 94 p. 1973. Revision of Corophiidae and related families (Amphi- poda). Smithson. Contrib. Zool. 151, 27 p. BARNARD, J. L., and M. M. DRUMMOND. 1976. Clarification of five genera of Phoxocephalidae (Marine Am- phipoda). Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 88:515-548. BOUSFIELD, E. L. 1965. Haustoriidae of New England (Crustacea: Amphi- poda). Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. !17(3512):159-240. 1973. Shallow-water gammaridean Amphipoda of New En- gland. Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca, N.Y., 313 p. 1977. A new look at the systematics of gammaroidean amphipods of the world. Crustaceana, Suppl. 4:282-316. BOWMAN, R. E., and R. W. LANGTON. 1978. Fish predation on oil-contaminated prey from the region of the ARGO MERCHANT oil spill. In In the Wake of the ARGO MERCHANT, p. 137-141. Univ. Rhode Island, Cent. Ocean Manage. Stud. BYNUM, K. H., and R. S. FOX. 1977. 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Faunal composition and qualiutive distri- bution. Geol. Surv. Proj. Pat. ■trU.%. GOVERNMEMT PRINTING OFFICE: lMl-697^41 19 46 NOAA TECHNICAL REPORTS NMFS CIRCULAR AND SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC REPORT-FISHERIES GUIDELINES FOR CONTRIBUTORS CONTENTS OF MANUSCRIPT First page. Give the title (as concise as possible) of the paper and the author's name, and footnote the author's affiliation, mailing address, and ZIP code. Contents. Contains the text headings and abbreviated figure legends and table headings. Dots should follow each entry and page numbers should be omitted. Abstract. Not to exceed one double-spaced page. Footnotes and literature citations do not belong in the abstract. Text. See also Form of the Manuscript below. Follow the U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual, 1973 edition. Fish names, follow the American Fisheries Society Special Publica- tion No. 6, A List of Common and Scientific Names of Fishes from the United States and Canada, third edition, 1970. 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