THE NORTH AMERICAN CUP-FUNGI CIBORINIA BIFRONS The North American Cup-fungi CO (Inoperculates) BY FRED JAY SEAVER, M.S., Ph.D., Sc.D. Visiting Professor of Biology, Florida Southern College Formerly Head Curator in The New York Botanical Garden AND Managing Editor of Mycologia ILLUSTRATED NEW YORK PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR 1951 Copyright 1951 By Fred Jay Seaver PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY THE LANCASTER PRESS, INC., LANCASTER, PA. DEDICATED TO MY WIFE Jj'titetta 4Fry ^ta&cr IN APPRECIATION OF INSPIRATION AND COLLABORATION TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Preface ix Introductory 1-6 This comprises a brief account of the writer's early work on this group of fungi and a discussion of the habits of the Inoperculates in contrast with the Operculates. Taxonomic treatment 7-373 Explanation of plates 374-384 Host index 385-396 Index to illustrations 397-398 Index to recognized genera 399 Index to genera and species 400-428 ^^Hrih VII PREFACE When the North American Cup-Fungi (Operculates) was issued in 1928, it was expected that this would be followed in a reasonable time b\' a similar volume on Inoperculates. As the work progressed, however, it became obvious that the task was so tremendous that nothing approaching completeness could be accomplished in one short life time. Fully realizing this, it has been decided to bring together at this time, in one volume, the results of the observations of the writer extending over a period of more than forty-five years as well as those of his colleagues and coworkers in various parts of North America. There are many controversial questions and the writer makes no pretense that this is the last word in the treatment of species, genera or families but merely a summary of the available facts as they appear at the present time. It is hoped that this volume may be as useful as the preceding one in stimulating observation, and research in this obscure, interesting, and apparenth' inex- haustible field. New York, 1948 IX INTRODUCTION The writer's interest in the inoperculate cup-fungi coincides with that of the operculates. In fact, when these studies were begun as a student in Iowa, the separation of the cup-fungi or Discomycetes into the operculate and inoperculate forms had not come to be generally recognized although the importance that should be attached to the dehiscence of the asci in the classifi- cation of the Discomycetes was announced by Boudier more than twenty years before (Grevillea 8: 45. 1879.). The steps leading up to the present work will be discussed here in some detail. Although the operculates may seem to have absorbed most of the writer's attention up to the present time, some of the first novelties encountered in student days were of the inoperculate group. One of these will be mentioned here. In the spring of 1905 the writer's attention was called to a small disco appearing under the trees of wild cherry across the river from the University of Iowa, the region at that time consisting of wooded hills and open fields constituted one of our favorite collecting grounds. Careful search revealed many of the small discs each attached by a stem to a partially buried seed of the wild cherry, Pniniis serotina. This was at once recognized as belonging to the genus Sclerotinia as at that time known. Being unable to find any record of a Sclerotinia on this host, in his youthful enthusiasm the writer transmitted a specimen to Dr. H. Rehm of Germany, then the outstanding world authority on this group of fungi. When Dr. Rehm later reported this to be a new species and named it in honor of the collector Sclerotinia Seaveri (Plate 85) it was an event of no small importance in the writer's young life and furnished an added incentive to continue the researches started on this group of fungi. A few years later G. M. Readc of Cornell University pub- lished a paper (Ann. Myc. 6: 109 115. 1908.) entitled "Prelim- inary notes on some species of Sclerotinia' in which he listed the writer's namesake and recorded with it the conidial stage which had later been discovered and recorded as Monilia Seaveri. In the meantime both stages of the fungus had been collected at various places in New York State. Reade at the same time 1 2 The North American Cup-Fungi recorded another of the writer's early collections made at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, on the seeds of basswood as Sderotinia Tiliae. As a result of the work done by Reade at Cornell University, the writer some time after coming to The New York Botanical Garden invited Professor H. H. Whetzel to monograph the genus Sderotinia for North American Flora, thinking at the time that this little task could be accomplished over a summer vacation. This, however, proved to be the beginning of a lifelong research problem which has been prosecuted by Whetzel up to the time of his death and by his students and collaborators, Honey, Drayton, White and others up to the present time. Unfor- tunately, much of Whetzel's work was still unpublished, at the time of his death. Although the task of monographing the genus Sclerotinia was assigned to Whetzel, the writer never entirely lost interest in the genus and its allies, and other members of the genus or tribe as it is now regarded kept forcing them onto his attention in such a manner that they could not be disregarded. One illus- tration of this should be mentioned. During the early days at The New York Botanical Garden occasional afternoons were spent in field work in the suburbs of New York City, especially the Van Cortlandt Park section when that region was more natural and unsophisticated than it is at the present time. For several seasons the writer had collected every spring on the rootstocks of wild geranium a discomycete growing in large clumps which could not be identified. No record of any such fungus growing on this host could be found. Finally it was decided to name and describe the fungus so as to have a record of it. It was regarded as a Sderotinia and knowing from experiences previously recorded that some of these had conidial stages on the foliage of the host, a careful search was made for such connections. About this time a letter was ad- dressed to Professor Whetzel as follows: "For several years past I have been collecting each spring a Sderotinia on the root- stocks of wild geranium. Perhaps you recall that I referred to this species while you were here. During the present spring I have found it as usual and have been following it up in the field with a hope of finding its conidial stage. I have been unable to find anything which appeared to be its conidial stage on the leaves of the same host. However, I have in culture a number of rootstocks which were infected with apothecia and in about a Introduction 3 week I had the most beautiful growth of a Botrytis. I am sending a small specimen of this to you for examination. While the occurrence of Botrytis might be purely coincidence, it occurs with such great abundance in connection with the apothecia and rootstocks that I am inclined to suspect that there might be some connection between the two. If >'Ou can give me any light on the Botrytis as to its identity, the favor will be very greatly appreciated." To this Professor Whetzel replied as follows: "I very much doubt that the Botrytis can be a conidial stage of your fungus on wild geranium. Nevertheless this is quite possible, and I shall see what I can make out of it. However, I could come a great deal nearer answering the question if you could get me apothecia of the same fungus from which I could make ascospore cultures. The probability is that cultures from the Botrytis will give only Botrytis.'' Since Professor Whetzel seemed doubtful of any connection between the Botrytis and Sclerotinia, it was cultured at The New York Botanical Garden and the connection established. On June 28, 1917 the following report was made to our Cornell associate: "Since writing you we have cultured out the Sclero- tinia on wild geranium and proved beyond the question of a doubt that the Botrytis is the conidial stage of this fungus. Professor Home is here for a time and being interested he offered to culture the fungus. Excellent growth of conidia can be pro- duced from the ascospores in four or five days. I thought >ou might be interested in knowing our results. We will publish a short paper in the near future. I would be glad to send you some of the perfect stage of the fungus but the last time I was out I could find none. It lasts only about a month in the spring. Unless we can decide on the specific name of the Botrytis we will call the fungus Sclerotinia Geranii. According to our rules the specific name of the Botrytis provided it has one would be tenable for the species." On Juh- 2, 1917 a letter was received from Professor Whetzel containing the following statements: "I want to congratulate you upon having made the connection between a Botrytis and the Sclerotinia . . . So far as I am aware this is the first authentic case of the connecting up of the Botrytis with the Sclerotinia, and it will be a very important contribution to the general subject." Our Cornell associate still seemed doubtful of our results, and 4 The North American Cup-Fungi in the spring of 1919 by previous arrangement came to New- York with an assistant to check up our conclusions for his own personal satisfaction. The work was done in New York since at that time the fungus had not been collected in any other place, and it was desired to make first hand field observations. No difficulty was encountered in collecting the material, and after careful culture work our results were substantiated. The importance of this contribution lies in the fact that De Bary (Comparative Morphology and Biology of the Fungi 238. 1887.) claimed a connection between Botrytis cinerea and Sclero- tinia Fuckeliana, a claim that could never be substantiated. To use his exact words: "the conidiophores of Sderotinia Fuckeliana were made a species under the name of Botrytis cinerea.'' Neither had any other connection been made between a Sderotinia and a Botrytis, so far as we are aware, until the connection was made in The New York Botanical Garden between Sderotinia Geranii and an unnamed Botrytis. However, when we refer to Sdero- tinia this is used in a broad sense as it was then applied. It is now used in a much more restricted sense. Since the establish- ment of the one connection several others have been made, which will be reported in the proper place. Habits and Life History As stated in the volume on operculates, very few of those were even suspected of being parasitic in their habits. At the same time the conidial stages are either lacking or obscure and inconspicuous. On the other hand, many of the inoperculates are destructive parasites and in these the conidial stages are often much more highly developed and conspicuous. From these facts we conclude that the high development of the conidial stages in these forms is in some way associated with their para- sitic habits. Take as an illustration the species just discussed, Sderotinia Seaveri. In this species the ascigerous stage appears the early part of May, at which time the asci discharge their spores vigorously just about the time young foliage of the host plant begins to appear. The spores germinate on the young leaves producing monilioid spores in great abundance and forming conspicuous blotches on the leaves and inflorescence. The conidia thus constitute the summer or repeating stage, the mycelium passing to the seeds which fall to the ground and carry Introduction 5 the fungus over the winter. Here the high development of the conidial stage is obviously an adaptation to the parasitic habits of the fungus. Other similar illustrations might be cited. From this high development of the conidial stages in some of the fungi of this group and their adaptation to their hosts have resulted the most complicated pleomorphic life cycles. To trace these requires the most careful laboratory studies, and it is needless to say that only a small percentage of the forms have been so studied. Many do not respond easily to this kind of treatment, or it may be possible that the right technique has not been employed. And since the classification of these forms is often based on their conidial stages, it follows that any treat- ment of genera adopted now is purely tentative. While many of the inoperculates are parasitic, man>- more are strictly saprophytic, and in many of these the conidial stages are as yet unknown, or possibly lacking a condition similar to that found in the operculates. The types of conidia found in the inoperculates are most varied and no attempt will be made to enumerate them here. They will be treated with the species to which they are organically connected. Sex in the Cup-fungi Definite sex organs were observed by Tulasne and DeBary at an early date, but whether these actually functioned has remained a controversial question. Tulasne, as early as 1865, observed minute bodies in certain of the discomycetes which he called spermatia or conidiola, which he believed would be found to function like that of the pollen. They were believed to be male sperms, like the spermatia of the lichens. Recent authors held the same view. Spermatization In 1932, F. L. Drayton (Mycologia 24: 345-348.) proved that microconidia, which were found in many species of Sdero- tinia and other fungi, and which were probably morphologically identical with the spermatia or conidiola of Tulasne, stimulated the production of apothecia when placed on certain structures which develop on another thallus of the same fungus. To this process he applied the term "spermatization." His preliminary experiments were carried on with Sclerotinia Gladioli. Isolates of this fungus transferred to suitable culture /<9 oO°2 ^^/ 2- LiQRAnV I 6 The North American Cup-Fungi media produced layers of sclerotized tissue with scattered scle- rotia. From this crust-hke growth so called receptive bodies are formed which are more or less columnar and about 1 mm. in height. These structures when spermatized with microconidia from another thallus finally produce mature apothecia. The receptive bodies of each isolate do not, however, react with their own microconidia. Heterothallism While from the above we appear to have a condition of heterothallism in Sderotinia Gladioli, Drayton (M>-cologia 26: 69. 1934) believes that while this is in a sense heterothallism, it is not true heterothallism as the term is usually understood since while microconidia and receptive bodies must be produced on different thalli, these may have arisen from a single hyphal tip, while in true heterothallism the series are segregated on different thalli. However, the term heterothallism is used differently by the various authors and there is a chance for a difference of opinion on this point. Section 2. Inoperculate> Faniii\ 3. Geoglossaceae. Order PEZIZALES (conlinucd) (For diagnosis see North American ("up-fungi. Operculates) Asci inoperculate (opening by a simple pore at the apex). Ascophores stipitate, clavate, spathulate, or piieate, rarely discoid or turbinate, on the ground or more rareh' on plant tissues. Ascophores typically cup-shaped or dis- coid, not as above, usualh' on living or dead plant tissues, never or rarely on the ground. Apothecia for the most part soft and fleshy or wax}', superficial from the first, or erumpent on herbaceous plant tissues. Apothecia soft or more often hard, leather} , or horny, erumpent through the substratum, often cespitose, usu- ally on living or recently killed woody plant tissues. Famil\ 5. Cenangiacear. Famih' 4. Helotiaceae. Family 3. GEOGLOSSACEAE Ascophores mostly club-shaped, or clavate, more rarely dis- coid or turbinate, the hymenium arising directly from the surface of the clavula and forming a uniform stratum over it, usually covering only a part of the ascophore but in some cases extend- ing over the whole of it, or piieate, the hymenium occupying the upper surface only; consistency fleshy but usually elastic or fibrous rather than brittle, a few leathery, others distinctly gelatinous; asci usualh" 8-spored; spores varying from ellipsoid to fusiform, h\aline, or colored. Ascophore stipitate, clavate, or spathulate, the as- cigerous portion usualh' more or less compressed, rareh' subglobose. ("lavate, the ascigerous portion not or only slightly decurrent on opposite sides of the stem. Spores small, ellipsoid, cylindric, or fusiform, simple. 7 1. Mitrula. 8 The North American Cup-Fungi Spores long-elliptic to cylindric, S-man^'-sep- tate when mature. Ascophores bright-colored. 2. MiCROGLOSSUM. Ascophores black or blackish. Spores hyaline. 3. Corynetes. Spores fuliginous, or brown. Hymeniuni without spines or setae. Apothecia viscid. 4. Gloeoglossum. Apothecia not viscid. 5. Geoglossum. Hymenium beset with spines or setae. 6. Trichoglossum. Spathulate or fan-shaped, ascigerous portion de- current on opposite sides of the stem. 7. Spathularia. Ascophores stipitate, piieate. Spores ellipsoid-fusiform; ascophore gelatinous. 8. Leotia. Spores filiform, or filiform-clavate. Ascophores fleshy-gelatinous; asci very narrow; spores filiform; plants aquatic or semi- aquatic. 9. Vihrissea. Ascophores fleshy-leathery; asci broadly cla- vate; spores filiform-clavate; plants terres- trial. 10. CUDONIA. Note. The treatment of the Geoglossaceae is based on Durand's monograph (Ann. M\c. 6: 388-482. 1908.) with addi- tions and such alterations as seemed necessary to make it con- form with the style of the present work. While the nomencla- ture does not in some cases conform to the present international rules, the writer does not feel justified in diverging from his conclusions. 1. MITRULA Pers. Neues Mag. Bot. 1: 116. 1794. Heyderia (Fries) Bond. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 1: 110. 1885. Not C. Koch 1873. Microglossum Boud. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 1: 110. 1885. Not Gill. 1879. Ascophores fleshy, erect, stipitate, clavate, the hymenium covering only the upper portion, or the ascigerous portion ellip- soid to subglobose, usually sharply delimited from the stem and often slightly free from it below, bright-colored (usually yellow or brownish); asci clavate-cylindric, opening by a pore, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate, or 2-seriate in the ascus, ellipsoid to narrowly fusiform, hyaline, continuous, or rarely 1 -septate when mature; paraphyses present or absent. Type species, Mitrula Heyderi Pers, MiTRULA 9 Spores broadly ellipsoid; paraphyses absent. Ascophores very irregular and contorted; spores 4-5 X 6-10 n. \. M. irregularis. Ascophores regularly clavate; spores 3-4 X 4-6 ju. 2. M. vitellina. Spores narrowly ellipsoid, clavate, or fusiform; para- physes present. Ascigerous portion vitelline-yellow; stem satiny white. 3. M. phalloides. Ascigerous portion cream-color to brownish; stem darker, at least not white. Growing on coniferous leaves; ascigerous portion cream-buff when fresh; stem darker. 4. M. cucullata. Growing on living moss. Hymenium nearly even; when dry ascigerous portion orange-brown; stem paler. 5. M. gracilis. Hymenium more or less convoluted. 6. M. muscicola. 1. Mitrula irregularis (Peck) Durand, Ann. Myc. 6: 398. 1908. Geoglossum irregulare Peck, Ann. Rep. N. V. State Mus. 32: 45. 1879. Mitrula vitellina irregularis Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 36. 1889. Mitrula luteola Ellis, Am. Nat. 17: 192. 1883. Mitrula crispata Berk. Grevillea 3: 149. 1875. Spragueola americana Massee, Jour. Bot. 34: 150. 1896. Ascophores usually cespitose, rarely solitary, clavate, or irregular in form, usually twisted or contorted, compressed, obtuse, sometimes lobed, 1.5 cm. high; ascigerous portion vitel- line-yellow, commonly occupying one-half to two-thirds the total length, up to 15 mm. broad; stem tapering downward, satiny white, pruinose, fibrillose or thinly tomentose, up to 1.5 cm. high, 2-5 mm. thick, sometimes absent; substance yellowish white; asci clavate-cylindric, the ascigerous hyphae repeatedly branched below, the apex rounded, not or slightly blue with iodine, vari- able in length, reaching a length of 90-150 m and a diameter of 5-6 M, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate, hyaline, continuous, smooth, ellipsoid, often slightly reniform, 4-5 X 6-10 ^ (majority 5X8); paraphyses absent. On bare soil, mossy damp soil or often among pine leaves. Type locality: Sandlake, New York. Distribution: Ontario and New Brunswick south to Dis- trict of Columbia, and west to Colorado. Illustrations: Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 1-': pj. jj. 5-7; Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 48: pi. 5,f. 8-14; Ann. Bot. 11: pi. 12 J. 23-24a; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 5,f. 7-8; Jour. Bot. 34: pi. 357, J. 8, 9. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 978. 10 The North American Cup-Fungi 2. Mitrula vitellina (Bres.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 36. 1889. Geoglossum vitellinum Bres. Rev. Myc. 4: 212. 1882. Microglossum vitellinum Boud. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 1: 110. 1885. Ascophores clavate, 2-3 cm. high, "when fresh creamy- yellow," when dry yellowish cream-colored or brownish in one specimen, the ascigerous portion occupying about one-half the total length, about 3 mm. wide, compressed, obtuse, not sharply differentiated from the stem; stem terete, somewhat fie.xuous, equal, about 1 mm. in diameter, whitish, fibrillose; asci slender, cylindric, branched below, apex rounded, not blue with iodine, reaching a length of 75-80 m and a diameter of 5-6 ju, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate, hyaline, continuous, smooth, broadly ellipsoid, 3-4 X 4-6 n; paraphyses absent. On rotten wood. Type locality : Tyrol. Distribution: Tennessee; also in Europe. Illustrations: Bres. Fungi Trid. pL 45, f. 1; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 1143/. 1-3; Ann. Bot. U: pi. 12, f. 3~4a; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 5, /. 5-6. 3. Mitrula phalloides (Bull.) Chev. Fl. Paris 1: 114. 1826. (Plate 76.) ?Helvella laricina Vill. Hist. PI. Dauph. 4: 1045. 1789. Clavaria phalloides Bull. Hist. Champ. Fr. 214. 1791. Mitrula paludosa Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 491. 1821. Leotia uliginosa Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. 6: pi. 312. 1828. Leotia elegans Berk. London Jour. Bot. 5: 6. 1846. Mitrula elegans Fries, Nov. Symb. Myc. 103. 1851. Mitrula laricina Massee, .Ann. Bot. 11: 271. 1897. Ascophores solitary, or usually more or less densely gregari- ous, sometimes as many as fifteen to twenty closely aggregated and cohering at their bases, 2-6 cm. or more high, ascigerous portion clear vitelline-yellow, sharply differentiated from the stem, at first solid, becoming vesiculose or inflated and hollow when old, in outline ellipsoid, ellipsoid-obovoid, or pyriform, the apex rounded, obtuse, even or somewhat longitudinally furrowed especially below, often somewhat compressed, rarely more than one-fifth the total height of the plant, .5 2 cm. high, 4-10 mm. wide; stem terete, often flexuous, pure satiny white or sometimes with a pinkish tint, 1.5-2 mm. thick, smooth, when moist trans- lucent and viscid; the whole plant soft and subtremellose; asci CUP-FUNGI PLATE 76 1. MITRULA PHALLOIDES 2. OMBROPHILA CLAVUS MiTRL'LA 11 clavate, apex much narrowed, acute, very slightly blue with iodine, long-stipitate, reaching a length of 60-150 m and a diam- eter of 6-8 M, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, hyaline, continuous, smooth, contents granular, cylindric to clavate-cylindric, 2.5- 3 X 10-18 m; paraphyses filiform, usually branched, septate, scarcely thickened above. On decaying vegetation, often on or among Sphagnum, in wet places, pools and ditches. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Ontario to Alabama and west to British Columbia. Illustrations: Bull. Herb. Fr. pi. 463, f. 3; Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. pi. 312; Phill. Brit. Discom. pi. 2, f. 6; Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. pi. 28, f. 1; Cooke, Mycographia, pi. 45, f. 175; pi. 46, f. 182; Ann. Bot. 11: pi. 13, f. 69; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. 1'^: 1143, /. 1-4; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 17, f. 185. ExsiccATi: Rav. Fungi Car. 5: 36; Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 433; Wilson & Seaver, Ascom. 38. 4. Mitrula cucullata (Batsch) Fries, Epicr. Myc. 584. 1838. Elvela cucullata Batsch, Elench. Fung. Cont. 1: 189. 1786. Mitrula Heyderi Pers. Neues Mag. Bot. 1: 116. 1794. Leotia Mitrula Pers. Syn. Fung. 611. 1801. Ascophores small, solitary, or gregarious, very slender, 1-2.5 cm. high; ascigerous portion ellipsoid, ovate, or obovate, rounded above, distinct from the stem below and free from it for a slight distance, scarcely compressed, 1-3 mm. long, .5-2 mm. thick, cream-colored to yellowish-ochraceous; stem terete, equal, or tapering slightly upward, yellowish-brown above, darker below, granular-pruinose, the lower end frequently enveloped in and attached by a yellowish-brown tomentum, .5-. 75 mm. thick (all parts become slightly darker in drying) ; asci clavate, apex narrowed, the pore blue with iodine, reaching a length of 45- 70 yi and a diameter of 6 /x, 8-spored; spores obliquely 1 -seriate, or 2-seriate, hyaline, continuous, smooth, narrowly fusiform, straight, or curved, 2-3 X 13-16 ^t; paraphyses rather stout, gradually thickened upwards, septate, brownish, 3-4 ix thick. On fallen leaves of conifers. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Northeastern United States to Idaho; also in Europe. 12 The North American Cup-Fungi Illustrations: Batsch, Elench. Fung. Cont. 1:/. ]32; Neues Mag. Bot. 1: pJ. 3, f. 12; Cooke, Mycographia pi. 45, J. 176; Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. pi. 28, f. 2; Sow. Engl. Fungi pi. 84; Ann. Bot. 11: p/. 12, f. 39-41; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 5,f. 1. 5. Mitrula gracilis Karst. Hedwigia 22: 17. 1883. Mitrnla gracilis var. flavipes Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 49: 32 1896. Ascophores solitary, slender, 1 1.5 cm. high; ascigerous portion obovate-globose, rounded above, not or very slightly free from the stem below, about 1 mm. diameter, orange-brown, even or nearly so; stem slender, flexuous, .5-. 75 mm. thick, smooth, pale brownish-yellow, nearly translucent; asci clavate, apex rounded, pore blue with iodine, reaching a length of 65- 80 n and a diameter of 6-8 n; spores 2-seriate, hyaline, smooth, oblong-fusiform to fusiform, continuous, or possibly becoming 1-septate, 2-3 X 10 14 n; paraphyses filiform, 1.5-2 fx thick. Attached to and evidently parasitic on Paludella sqtiarrosa in bogs. Type locality.- Europe. Distribution: Labrador, Newfoundland, and Colorado (about 10,000 feet elevation); also reported from Greenland. Illustrations: Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 5,f. 3-4. 6. Mitrula muscicola P. Henn. Oefv. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. 42^: 71. 1885. Ascophores cespitose, erect; pileus yellowish to tan-colored, obtuse, slightly Alorchella-Vikc, with a tendency to be ribbed or rugose, glabrous, about 4 mm. long; stipe lighter colored to whitish, glabrous, solid, about 10 mm. long; asci clavate, apex narrowed, pore blue with iodine, reaching a length of 65 75 n and a diameter of 6-8 n, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, hyaline, continuous, smooth, narrowly oblong-ellipsoid, 2-3 X 10-13 /x! paraphyses filiform, very slightly thickened upward, hyaline, 2 jjL thick. On moss stems (Webera nutans), in moist spruce and balsam woods at about 7000 feet elevation. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Alberta; also in Europe. Illustrations: Oefv. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. 42^: pi. 8,f. 6-8; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 5,f. 2. MiCROGLOSSUM 13 Durand (Mycologia 13: 185. 1921.) states that this is "doubtfulh- distinct" from the preceding M. gracilis, which has been found by the writer in quantity in Colorado (see Mycologia 3:57. 1911.). Excluded Species Mitrula inflata Fries, Elench. Fung. 1: 234. 1828. This is Phymlacria inflata (Fries) Peck, a basidionn cete. Mitrula roseola Morgan, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist. 18: 42. 1895. "Mr. Morgan later concluded that this was a lichen." 2. MICROGLOSSUM Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 25. 1879. Helote Hazsi. Magyar. Akad. Ertek. Termesz. Kor. ll'»: 8. 1881. Geoglossum subg. Leptoglossum Cooke, Mycographia 250. 1879. (in part.) Ascophores fleshy, erect, stipitate, clavate, ascigerous only in the upper portion, bright-colored (usually yellow, brown or green); asci clavate-cylindric, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, hyaline, smooth, ellipsoid, fusiform, or cylindric, becoming 3-many- septate; paraphyses present. Type species, Geoglossum viride Pers. Paraphyses strongly curved or uncinate and slightly thickened at the tips. Spores of one kind in the ascus. Ascophores bright-yellow. 1. M. rufum. Ascophores yellow-clay or tawny. 2. M. fumosum. Spores of two kinds in the ascus, the larger 60-100 ju long, 14-16-septate; ascophores cinnamon- brown. 3. M. longisponim Paraphyses straight or flexuous; ascophores usually with a greenish tint. Stem smooth, fibrous. 4. M. olivaceum. Stem squamulose, scarcely fibrous. 5. M. viride. 1. Microglossum rufum (Schw.) Underw. Minn. Bot. Studies 1: 496. 1896. Geoglossum rufum Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 181. 1832. Clavaria contorta Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 182. 1832. Geoglossum luteum Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 24: 94. 1872. Mitrula lutescens Berk.; Cooke, Hedwigia 14: 9. 1875. Geoglossum pistillare Berk. & Cooke; Cooke, Mycographia 206. 1878. Mitrula rufa Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 38. 1889. Mitrula pistillaris Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 38. 1889. Leptoglossum luteum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 48. 1889. Xanthoglossum luteum Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 2: 875. 1891. Leptoglossum lutescens mitruloides Rehm, Ann. Myc. 2: 32. 1904 14 The North American Cup-Fungi Ascophores solitary, gregarious or subcespitose, clavate, 2-5 cm. high, rather slender; ascigerous portion one-third to one-half the total length, ellipsoid-obovate, ellipsoid to subcylindric, obtuse, usually compressed or longitudinally furrowed, .5-2 cm. long, 6-12 mm. wide, sharply differentiated from the stem, usually clear vitelline or orange-yellow, rarely of a duller shade; stem terete, yellow, paler than the ascigerous portion, usually prominently squamulose, 1.5-3 cm. high, 2-3 mm. thick; whole ascophore becoming dingy-yellowish or reddish-brown when dry; asci clavate, apex narrowed, pore blue with iodine, reaching a length of 100-140 fx and a diameter of 10-12 fx, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, hyaline, smooth, cylindric or slightly narrowed toward the obtuse ends, straight or curved, for a long time con- tinuous, then multiguttulate, finally 5-10-septate, 5-6 X 18- 38 n (25-35) ; paraphyses filiform, 2-3 ^i thick below, the apices slightly thickened and strongly curved or uncinate. On rotten wood and humus, rarely on mossy banks, frequent. Type locality: New Jersey. Distribution: New Hampshire to Minnesota and south to Louisiana. Illustrations: Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 24: pi. 3, f. 20-24; Cooke, Mycographia pi. 3,f. 12; pi. 45, f. 178; pi. 96, f. 346 & 348; Ann. Bot. U: pi. 12, j. 28-30. Exsiccati: Ellis, N. Am. P\mgi 58. 2. Microglossum fumosum (Peck) Durand, Ann. Myc. 6: 408. 1908. Leptoglossum luteum wav. fumosum Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 43: 40. 1889. Leptoglossum fumosum Peck, Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 116: 25. 1907. Ascophores solitary, or more often densely cespitose, clavate, 2-6 cm. high, robust; ascigerous portion obovate, ellipsoid, or oblong, rounded above, more or less compressed and longitudi- nally furrowed, about one-third to one-half the total length of the ascophore, but little distinct from the stem, smoky-yellowish, clay-colored, or tawny, .75-3 cm. long, 3-12 mm. thick, rarely twisted or contorted, more or less puckered below where it joins the stem; stem terete, or slightly compressed, 1-3 cm. long, 3-5 mm. thick, clay-colored, slightly squamulose, or sometimes smooth and shining, with several longitudinal cavities, rather fibrous; asci clavate, the apex narrowed, pore blue with iodine, MiCROGLOSSUM 15 reaching a length of 100 150 n and a diameter of 10-12 /x, 8- spored; spores 2-seriate, hyahne, smooth, cylindric, or sHghtly narrowed toward the obtuse ends, usually slightly curved, 5 X 20-50 IX (35-43), at first continuous, finally 7-15-septate; paraphyses filiform, septate, 2 /u thick, slightly thickened and strongly curved above. On much decayed rotten logs and about the bases of stumps. Type locality: New York. Distribution: New York and Massachusetts. Illustrations: Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 5,f. 15, 16; pi. 19, f. 203, 204, 205. 3. Microglossumlongisporum Durand, Ann. Myc. 6: 409. 1908. Ascophores solitary, gregarious, clavate, often curved or contorted, rich cinnamon-brown, 3-6 cm. high; ascigerous portion occupying about one-third to one-half the total length, slightly differentiated from the stem, oblong to ellipsoid, obtuse, more or less compressed and longitudinally furrowed, slightly darker than the stem, often with an umber tint, 1-2.5 cm. long, 4-10 mm. wide, flesh yellowish-brown; stem terete, squamulose, sometimes later becoming nearly smooth and hygrophanous, clammy or slightly viscid below, 2-4 cm. long, 2-4 mm. thick, equal; asci cylindric-clavate, apex rounded, only slightly narrowed, the pore blue with iodine, reaching a length of 100-140 fj. and a diameter of 12-15 ju, 8-spored; spores of two kinds in the ascus; the first 2 in number (very rarely 3 or 4), lying side by side and nearly as long as the ascus, hyaline, smooth, cylindric or a very little broader in the middle, ends rounded, straight or curved, at first continuous and multiguttulate, finally becoming about 14-16- septate, 4-5 X 60-100 pi; the second 6 (rareh' less) usually placed irregularly near the apex of the ascus, similar to the first kind but smaller, 3 X 12-18 (x, rarely longer, usually continuous; paraphyses filiform, 2 n thick, hyaline, the apices slightly thick- ened and strongly curved or uncinate. On the ground among leaves in the midst of grasses and sedges, in rich woods and ravines. Type locality: New York. Distribution: New York to Michigan and North Carolina. Illustrations: Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 5, f. 17, 18; pi. 19, f. 20^ 206a. /C^^^^^C 'i\ LIBRARY 16 The North American Cup-Fungi 4. Microglossum olivaceum (Pers.) Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 25. 1879. Geoglossum olivaceum Pers. Obs. Myc. 1: 40. 1796. Geoglossum olivaceum Cooke, Mycographia 250. 1879. Mitrula olivacea Sacc. Syll Fung 8: 38. 1889. Microglossum contortum Peck, Bull. Torrey Club 25: 328. 1898. Microglossum obscurum Peck, Bull. Torrey Club 26: 71. 1899. Ascophores solitary, or clustered, clavate, either regular, twisted, or contorted, 2-8 cm. high; ascigerous portion occupying about one-third to one-half the total length, continuous with the stem but sharply delimited by color, greenish-brown, often with a yellow or buff tint, compressed, obtuse, up to 3 cm. long, 10 mm. wide; stem terete, or compressed above, perfectly smooth, shining, hygrophanous, yellowish-buff, tawny-buff, smoky-olive- buff or brownish-cervine, fibrous, solid, 2-8 mm. thick; asci cylindric-clavate, ape.x rounded, rarely narrowed, pore blue with iodine, reaching a length of 75-100 n and a diameter of 9-10 ju. 8-spored; spores 2-seriate above, 1-seriate below, hyaline, smooth, oblong-fusiform to fusiform, straight, curved, or sigmoid, for a long time simple, finally becoming 3-septate, 4-6 X 12-18 /x; paraphyses filiform, often branched, septate, straight or slightly curved, or flexuous, not thickened above, hyaline. On the ground among leaves or in grassy places in rich woods. Type locality : Europe Distribution: Northeastern United States and Ontario; also in Europe. Illustrations: Pers. Obs. Myc. 1: pi. 5,f. 7; Cooke, Myco- graphia pi. 4, f. 13; Pat. Tab. Fung. /. 65; Berk. Outl. Brit. Fung. pi. 22, J. 3; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 5J. 19, 20; pi. 20, f. 209. Exsiccati: Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 1745. 5. Microglossum viride (Pers.) Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 25. 1879. ?Clavaria mitrata viridis Holmsk. Coryph. 24. fig. 1790. ?Clavaria viridis Schrad. Gmel. Linn. Syst. Nat. 2: 1443. 1791. Geoglossum viride Pers. Neues Mag. Bot. 1: 117. 1794. Mitrula viridis Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 29. 1871. Helote viridis Hazsl. Magyar Akad. Ertek. Termesz. Kor. 11^^: 9. 1881. Leptoglossum alabamense Underw. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 82. 1897. Ascophores solitary, or more often gregarious, or cespitose, clavate, up to 5 cm. high; ascigerous portion about one-half the CORVNETES 17 total length, sharph' delimited from the stem, lanceolate to ellipsoid, obtuse, strongly compressed and deeply longitudinally furrowed in older specimens 3-10 mm. wide, olive-buff, or olive- ochraceous; stem terete, or slighth' compressed, 2-5 mm. thick, conspicuously squamulose, pale pea-green; dried plants are darker, sometimes almost black; crushed flesh pea-green to olive, usually pale; asci clavate-cylindric, apex rounded or slightly narrowed, pore blue with iodine, slender below, reaching a length of 110-150 fx and a diameter of 8-10 n, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate above, 1 -seriate below, hyaline, smooth, cylindric- oblong, ellipsoid-oblong, or oblong-clavate, ends obtuse, straight, curved, or sigmoid, for a long time continuous, finally becoming clearly 3-4-septate, 5-6 X 14-22 ii; paraphyses filiform, branched hyaline, the apices often slightly pyriform-thickened and tinged green, forming a green epithecium. On the ground, in moist woods, often along the borders of old wood roads. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Eastern United States; also in Europe. Illustrations: Cooke, Mycographia pi. 4,f. 14; Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. pi. 26, j. 2; Ann. Bot. \l: pJ. 13, f. 6S; Rab. Krypt.- Fl. V: 1144,/. 1-4: Phill. Brit. Discom. pi. 2, f. 8; Ann. Myc. pi. 5,f. 23-24; pi. 20, f. 208. Exsiccati: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2030; Fungi Columb. 1746. 3. CORYNETES Hazsl. Magyar. Akad. Ertek. Termesz. Kor. 1119; 7. 1881. Geoglossum subg. Leptoglossum Cooke, Mycographia 250. 1879, (in part). Microglossum Sacc. Bot. Cent. 18: 214. 1884. (Not Gill. 1879.) Leptoglossum Sacc. Bot. Cent. 18: 214. 1884. (Not Karsten, 1879.) Thuemenidium Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 2: 873. 1891. Xanthoglossum Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 2: 875. 1891. Ascophores fleshy, erect, stipitate, clavate, the hymenium covering only the uj^per portion, black, brownish-black or purplish-black; asci clavate-cylindric, opening by a pore, 8- spored; spores usually 2-seriate, hyaline, smooth, cylindric, ends rounded, becoming 3-many-septate; paraphyses present. Type species, Geoglossum microsporum Cooke «& Peck. 18 The North American Cup-Fungi Paraphyses hyaline, or only slightly purplish tinted at the tips. Asci and paraphyses agglutinated at the tips into a conspicuous, vinous-brown epithecium. Paraphyses clavate to pyriform, thickened at the tips. 1. C. piirpiirascens. Paraphrases not or only very slightly thickened at the tips. 2. C. alropiirpureus. Epithecium lacking or inconspicuous; ascophores robust; paraphyses slightly clavate-thickened and more or less curved at the tips. 3. C. rohtistus. Paraphyses conspicuously brown. 4. C. arenaritis. 1. Corynetes purpurascens (Pers.) Durand, Ann. Myc. 6: 413. 1908. ?Clavaria mitrata Holmsk. Coryph. 21. 1790. Geoglossum purpurascens Pers. in Holmsk. Coryph. 171. 1797. Leotia atropurpiirea Corda, Ic. Fung. 5: 79. 1842. Geoglossum atropurpureum Cooke, Mycographia 10. 1875. (Not Pers.) Microglossum atropurpureum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 40. 1889. Thuemenidium atropurpureum Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 2: 873. 1891. Mitrula purpurascens Massee, Ann. Bot. 11: 266. 1897. Ascophores solitary, or cespitose, 3-6 cm. high, every part with a distinct purpHsh-brown tint when fresh, blackish when dry, the crushed flesh vinous-brown; ascigerous portion irregular, clavate, sometimes lobed or forked at the apex, more or less compressed, 1-2 cm. long, up to 1 cm, broad, occupying about one-third to one-half the total length; stem cylindric, minutely squamulose; asci clavate, apex narrowed but rounded, pore blue with iodine, reaching a length of 105-120 ^ and a diameter of 10-12 /i, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, hyaline, smooth, cylindric, slightly narrowed from the middle to the rounded ends, straight, or curved, at first simple, then multiguttulate, finally 6-septate, 5-6 X 20-37 M (20-30) ; paraphyses filiform, hyaline, 3 n thick, the apices straight and abruptly obovate-pyriform thickened, 8-10 /i thick, agglutinated with amorphous matter to form a vinous-brown epithecium. On the ground or humus. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Maine and New York; also in Europe. Illustrations: Corda, Ic. Fung. 5: pi. 9,f. 71; Cooke, My- cographia pi. 4 J. 16; Ann. Bot. 11: pL 12, f. 27; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 6,f. 36-39. CORYNETES 19 2. Corynetes atropurpureus (Pers.) Durand, Ann. Myc. 6: 414. 1908. Geoglossum atropiirpureum Pers. Obs. Myc. 2: 62. 1799. Mitrula glabra Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 30. 1871. Geoglossum microsporum Cooke & Peck; Peck, .\nn. Rep. N. V. State Mus. 25: 97. 1873. Geoglossum tremellosum Cooke, Mycographia 206. 1878. Geoglossum microsporum var. tremellosum Cooke, Grevillea 4: 109. 1876. Leptoglossum microsporum Sacc. Bot. Cent. 18: 214. 1884. Microglossum atropjirpureum Karst. hcta.Soc.¥¥\. Fenn. 2": 110. 1885. Xanthoglossum microsporum Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 2: 875. 1891. Mitrula microspora Massee, Brit. Fungus-Fl. 4: 483. 1895. Ascophores solitary, or cespitose, entirely black, at least when dry, rather slender, 2-3 cm. high; ascigerous portion about one- half the total length, narrowly clavate-oblong, obtuse; stem slender, minuteh' squamulose; asci clavate, apex narrowed but rounded, reaching a length of 100-127 /x and a diameter of 10 ju, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, hyaline, smooth, cylindric but tapering slightly toward the obtuse ends, at first simple, finally becoming up to 10-septate, 3 4 X 25-35 fi; paraphyses filiform, hyaline, branched, straight, the apices scarcely thickened and rarely only slightly bent, the tips of the asci and paraphyses being united by a vinous-brown amorphous layer forming an epi- thecium. On the ground in woods. Type locality': Europe. Distribution: New Hampshire and New York; also in Europe. Illustration.s : Pers. Obs. Myc. 2: pi. 3,f. 5; Cooke, Myco- graphia pi. 3,f. 11; pi. 96 J. 347; Ann. Bot. 11: pi. 13 J. 55-57; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 6,f. 27-35. 3. Corynetes robustus Durand, Ann. Myc. 6: 416. 1908. Ascophores solitary, or gregarious, often cespitose, black or brownish-black, 2.5-8 cm. high, stout; ascigerous portion occu- pying about one-fourth to one-half the total length, not sharply differentiated from the stem, black with an olive-brown tint, pyriform-ellipsoid, obtuse, 1-3 cm. long, 6-15 mm. broad, more or less compressed, or longitudinally furrowed, sometimes twisted, hollow, flesh dark-brown; stem terete or compressed, paler, shining brownish-black, h\grophanous, lightly squamu- lose above, 1-4 cm. high, 3-8 mm. thick; asci clavate, stout, sessile, or short-stipitate, apex narrowed, pore blue with iodine, 20 The North American Cup-Fungi reaching a length of 100-150 m and a diameter of 10-15 n, 8- spored; spores 2-seriate above, 1-seriate below, hyaline, smooth, cylindric, slightly narrowed toward each end, at first simple, multiguttulate, finally 7-1 1-septate, straight or curved, 4-6 X 25-50 n (30-40) ; paraphyses hyaline, filiform, branched, 2-3 n thick, the apex slightly irregularly thickened, usually curved or uncinate at the tips which are not, or only slightly, agglutinated into an epithecium. On rich sandy humus among leaves in damp woods. Type locality: North Carolina. Distribution: Maine to Michigan and Mississippi. Illustrations: Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 6J. 40 44; pi 19 J. 199-202. 4. Corynetes arenarius (Rostrup) Durand, Ann. Myc. 6: 417. 1908. Microglossum arenarium Rostr. Med. Grdnl. 3: 606. 1891. Leptoglossum latum Peck, Bull. Torrey Club 22: 210. 1895. Mitrula arenaria Massee, Ann. Bot. 11: 283. 1897. Ascophores single, or cespitose, broadly clavate, black, 1-4 cm. high; ascigerous portion about one-half the total length, .5-2 cm. broad, irregularly bent, or contorted, compressed, furrowed, black; stem brownish-black or olive-black, pruinose, or squamulose; asci stout, clavate-cylindric, apex narrowed, pore blue with iodine, reaching a length of 100-125 y. and a diameter of 12-15 n, 8-spored, spores 2-seriate above, 1-seriate below, hyaline, smooth, cylindric or cylindric-oblong, ends rounded, straight or curved, 6 X 25-35 m, for a long time simple, finally becoming at least 4-septate, (probably 10 or more); paraphyses brown, cylindric, septate, longer than the asci, 3 /x thick below the apices, usually somewhat clavate-thickened and more or less curved. In sand. Type locality: Greenland. Distribution: Greenland, Newfoundland, and Labrador. Illustrations: Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 6J. 45-49; pi. 18 J. 194-197. 4. GLOEOGLOSSUM Durand, Ann. Myc. 6: 418. 1908. Geoglossum of authors in part. Ascophores viscid-gelatinous, erect, stipitate, clavate, usually ascigerous only in the upper portion, black or brownish-black; Gloeoglossum 21 asci clavate-cylindric, pore blue with iodine, 8-spored; spores fascicled, or multiseriate in the ascus, cylindric or clavate- cylindric, 3-15-septate (rarely simple in one species), brown or fuliginous; paraphyses numerous, septate, thickened, or coiled and brown above, not confined to the hymenium but continued down the stem to its base. Type species, Geoglossum difforme Fries. Spores 0-7-septate when mature. Spores 0-7-septate, clavate-cylindric, 55-102 /u long. 1. G. glutinostim. Spores 7-septate, clavate, 43-65 y. long. 2. G. affine. Spores 15-septate when mature. 3. G. difforme. 1. Gloeoglossum glutinosum (Pers.) Durand, Ann. Myc. 6: 419. 1908. Geoglossum glutinosum Pers. Obs. Mj'C. 1:11. 1796. ?Geoglossum viscosiim Pers. in Holmsk. Coryph. 39. 1797. Geoglossum glutinosum luhricum Pers. Myc. Eur. 1: 197. 1822. Ascophores solitary or clustered, 5-8 cm. high, viscid- gelatinous; ascigerous portion clavate, or narrowly elliptic, more or less compressed, apex obtuse, 1.5-2.5 cm. long, 5-10 mm. thick, black, not sharply differentiated from the stem; stem 4-6 cm. long, 3-4 mm. thick, terete or slightly compressed, brown or brownish-black, very smooth and viscid, covered to the base by the paraphyses; flesh brown, composed of parallel septate hyphae, rather looser in the center; asci narrowly clavate, narrowed from the middle toward the apex, the pore blue with iodine, reaching a lei.gth of 250 n and a diameter of 12-15 m, 8- spored; spores multiseriate in the ascus, cylindric, or slightly narrowed toward the rounded ends, fuliginous, at first simple, then 3-septate, finally in most cases 7-septate, 5 6 X 55-102 n (75-85) ; paraphyses cylindric, septate, 3 ju thick, longer than the asci, the apices pale-brown and abruptly pyriform to globose thickened, 8-10 m thick. On the ground and on rotten wood, in rich woods. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Ontario to North Carolina; also in Europe. Illustrations: Cooke, Mycographia pi. 2, f. 6; pi. 3, f. 10; Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. pi. 25, J. 2; pi. 26, f. 1; Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. pi. 55; Massee, Ann. Bot. U: pi. 13, f. 66, 67; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 8,f. 70-72; pi. 14, f. 149-155. 22 The North American Cup-Fungi 2. Gloeoglossum affine Durand, Ann. Myc. 6: 420. 1908. Ascophores solitary, or gregarious, black, viscid-gelatinous when fresh, clavate, 1.5-2.5 cm. high; ascigerous portion nar- rowly clavate-oblong, obtuse, compressed, occupying about one- half the total length up to 3 mm. thick, not sharply differentiated from the stem; stem slender, smooth; asci clavate, the apex rounded, reaching a length of 130-160 /x and a diameter of 15 n, 8-spored; spores fasciculate, smoky-brown, clavate, 7-septate, 5-6 X 43-65 m; paraphyses slenderly cylindric below, 2.5 /z thick, slightly and gradually thickened above, the terminal portion septate, brownish, the terminal cell abruptly ellipsoid to globose thickened, 7-8 /x in diameter, the lower ones either cylindric, or nodulose, or abruptly and conspicuously thickened below the septa, in extreme cases almost globose, either straight or more less curved, or coiled above, and continuing down the stem to its base. On soil or humus in swamps. Type locality: New York. Distribution : New York. Illustrations: Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 8J. 73-74; pi. 16 J. 165-167. 3. Gloeoglossum dififorme (Fries) Durand, Ann. Myc. 6: 421. 1908. Geoglossum diffornie Fries, Obs. Myc. 1: 159. 1815. (Not of authors.) Geoglossum Peckianum Cooke, Hedwigia 14: 10. 1875. Ascophores solitary, or gregarious, sometimes two or three together, black, smooth, viscid, especially below, evenly clavate, with no line of demarcation between ascigerous portion and stem, strongly compressed, apex obtuse, 3 6 cm. high, 8-14 mm. wide; flesh brown, composed of parallel, cylindric, septate hyphae, rather looser in the center but not hollow; asci clavate, gradually narrowed from the middle toward the apex, the latter rounded, the apical plug blue with iodine, reaching a length of 240-275 n and a diameter of 18-25 fi, 8-spored; spores in a parallel fascicle in the ascus, brownish-fuliginous, clavate-cylindric, slightly narrowed from the middle each way, ends rounded, straight, or slightly curved, smooth, 15-septate at maturity, the cells about as long as wide, 6-7 X 95-125 n; paraphyses longer than the asci, slender, septate, tips slightly thickened, brownish, much coiled and twisted, continued down the stem to the base. Geoglossum 23 On soil, humus, decayed wood, or among pine needles in rich woods. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Maine to Ontario, Florida and Michigan; also in Europe. Illustrations: Cooke, Mycographia pi. 2, f. 5; Massee, Ann. Bot. 11: pi. 12, f. 42-43; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 8J. 75-77; pi. 15, f. 156-160. ExsiCCATi: Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 1731. 5. GEOGLOSSUM Pers. Neues Mag. Bot. 1: 116. 1794. Ascophores fleshy, erect, stipitate, clavate, hymenium cover- ing only the upper portion, black, or brownish-black; asci clavate-cylindric, 8-spored; spores fascicled, or multiseriate in the ascus, cylindric or clavate-cylindric, 3-15-septate, fuliginous; paraphyses numerous, septate, usually brownish above, confined to the ascigerous portion. Type species, Geoglossum glahrum Pers. Paraphyses and asci free above, the apices not aggluti- nated to form a brown epithecium; spores early be- coming brown. Spores 7- or 7-12-septate at maturity. Mature spores uniformly 7-septate; ascophore black or brownish-black; paraphyses brown above. Paraphyses normally clavate in the distal third, closely septate, usually constricted or monili- form. Paraphrases remotely septate, scarcely monili- form, the thickening confined to the terminal cell. Mature spores 7-12-septate; ascophore tawny- brown; paraphyses nearly hyaline. Mature spores 15-septate. Paraphyses and asci agglutinated above forming a con- spicuous brown epithecium; spores usually remain- ing for a long time hyaline. Spores 0-7-septate; paraphyses brown, the tips pyri- form. Spores 7-12-septate; paraphyses nearly hyaline. Spores 15-septate, clavate-cylindric. Ascophores large, up to 5 cm. high. Ascophores small, usualh' 1 cm. high or less. 1. G. glabrum. 2. G. nigritum. 3. G. fallax. 4. G. pygmaeum. 5. G. cohaerens. 6. G. intermedium. 7. G. alveolatum. 8. G. pumilum. 24 The North American Cup-Fungi 1. Geoglossum glabrum Pers. Neues Mag. Bot. 1: 116. 1794. ?Clavaria ophioglossoides L. Sp. PI. 2: 1182. 1753. Geoglossum sphagnophilum Ehrb. Sylv. Myc. Ber. 30. 1818. Geoglossum difforme sensu Cooke, Mycographia 6, pi. 2,f. 7. 1875. Geoglossum simile Peck, Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci. 1: 70. 1873. Ascophores solitary, or rarely clustered, gregarious, 3-7 cm. high; ascigerous portion black, about one-third the total length of the ascophore, lanceolate, compressed, 1-3 cm. long, 3-8 mm. thick, obtuse or acute, not sharply delimited from the stem; stem terete or slightly compressed, brownish-black, rather slender, densely squamulose, 2-5 cm. high, 1.5-5 mm. thick, but commonh' about 2 mm., the tissue composed of a fascicle of parallel, septate, brown hyphae 10-12 n in diameter, those in the center of the ascigerous part loose, those on the surface of the stem projecting to form flexuous, septate hairs up to 100 ju long, single or agglutinated into groups; asci rather stout, clavate- lanceolate, apex narrowed but rounded, pore blue with iodine, short-stipitate, reaching a length of 170-200 ^ and a diameter of 20-22 )U, 8-spored; spores in parallel fascicle in the ascus, clavate, dark-fuliginous, 7-septate, usually slightly curved, 7-9 X 60-105 jx (the majority 75-95) ; paraphyses slightly longer than the asci, typically clavate in the distal third, closely septated into cells rarely more than twice as long as broad, usually constricted at the septa and the cells often swollen so as to give a moniliform appearance, brown above, straight, or curved, about 3 ju thick below, 5-9 fx thick above. On very rotten wood, logs, stumps, or rich humus, rarely on soil. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Newfoundland to Florida and California; also in Europe. Illustrations: Cooke, Mycographia pi. 2,f. 7 ; Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. pi. 24, f. 3; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 1145,/. 1-4; Ann. Bot. 11: pi. 12, f. 44-46; Bond. Ic. Myc. pi. 423; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 7, J. 50-56; pi. 12, f. 121-129. 2. Geoglossum nigritum (Pers.) Cooke, Mycographia 205. 1878. Clavaria nigrita Pers. Syn. Fung. 604. 1801. Ascophores usually solitary, clavate, black, or brownish- black, up to 8 cm. high ; ascigerous portion lanceolate, compressed, Geoglossum 25 rather acute, one-half the total length of the ascophore or less, 2-5 mm. thick; stem terete, slender, 1-2 mm. thick, furfuraceous, minutely squamulose, or almost smooth; asci clavate or clavate- lanceolate, apex narrowed but rounded, reaching a length of 150-175 n and a diameter of 18 /x, 8-spored; spores in a parallel fascicle in the ascus, clavate, fuliginous, 7-septate, 6 X 54-85 n; paraphyses rather longer than the asci, cylindric, septate, the cells 2-10 times as long as wide, not constricted, rarely slightly swollen below the septa, pale-brown above, either only slightly thickened, or the apex of the terminal cell pyriform, usually more or less curved. On wet ground, banks, or among leaves on rich humus, rarely on rotten ground. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Maine to North Carolina and California and Bermuda; also in Europe. Illustrations: Cooke, Mycographia pi. -, or gregarious, sometimes cespitose, up to 10 cm. high, black or brownish-black; ascigerous portion lanceolate, ellipsoid, or subrotund, one-fifth to one-third the total length of the fruiting body, 3-15 mm. long, 4-10 mm. thick, more or less compressed, rounded above, usually rather sharply delimited from the stem; stem terete, somewhat flexuous, 2 3 mm. thick, equal, black, velvety; asci short-stipitate, clavate, apex narrowed, reaching a length of 175-210 m and a diameter of 1. T. velutipes. 2_ T. tetrasporum. 3. T. hirsutnm. 4. T. Wrighlii. 5. T. octopartitum. 6. T. Farlozvi. 7. T. confusuin. 8. T. Walteri. 30 The North American Cup-Fungi 18 n, 4-spored; spores in a parallel fascicle in the ascus, smoky- brown, narrowed each way from above the middle, 8-11-septate when mature, reaching a length of 115-166 ^ and a diameter of 6-7 m; paraphyses pale-brown, cylindric, sparingly septate, slightly thickened and curved or uncinate at the tips; spines variable in length, usually projecting one-third to one-half their length beyond the asci, sometimes shorter, acicular, black. On soil, humus, or rotten wood. Type locality: Northville, New York. Distribution: New York to North Carolina and Minnesota. Illustrations: Cooke, Mycographia pi. I,f. I; Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 29: pi. Ij. 16-19; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 9, f. 86-88; pi. 16 J. 169-173; Mycologia 22: pi. 13 J. 1, 2. 2. Trichoglossum tetrasporum Sinden & Fitzp. Mycologia 22: 60. 1930. Ascophores black, 3-8 cm. high; ascigerous portion ellipsoid to subrotund, not more than one-fifth the total length of the entire ascophore, more or less compressed, rounded above, rather sharply delimited from the stem; stem terete, rather flexuous, 1-2 mm. thick, equal, black, velvety; asci clavate, apically nar- rowed, reaching a length of 175-220 m and a diameter of 20-25 m, 4-spored; spores in a fascicle, brown, cylindric-clavate, broad- est above the middle, tapering each way to subobtuse ends, normally 15-septate at maturity, 6-7 X 110-160 /x (mostly 125-150); paraphyses smoky-brown, cylindric, septate; tips somewhat curved, slightly thickened, 3 n thick below to 7 m thick above; setae black, projecting slightly beyond the hy- menium. Type locality: Labrador Lake near Apulia, New York. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 22: pi. 13, f. 5-8. 3. Trichoglossum hirsutum (Pers.) Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 86. 1907. (Plate 78.) Geoglossum hirsutum Pers. Neues Mag. Bot. 1: 117. 1794. ?Geoglossum capitatum Pers. Obs. Myc. 1:11. 1796. Ascophores solitary, or gregarious, black, 3-8 cm. high; ascigerous portion more or less ellipsoid, or lanceolate in outline, hollow, obtuse, more or less compressed, up to 1.5 cm. long, .5-.75 cm. thick, usually not more than one-fifth as long as the stem from which it is rather sharply delimited; stem terete, CUP-FUNGI PUATE 78 TRICHOGLOSSUM HIRSUTUM Trichoglossum 31 equal, up to 6 cm. long, 2 3 mm. thick, densely velvety, com- posed of a fascicle of parallel, brown hyphae, 5-8 n thick, looser in the center, those at the surface projecting as short, septate hairs, giving rise also to numerous acicular, black spines up to 225 ^t long; asci broadly clavate, apex narrowed, the pore blue with iodine, reaching a length of 210-225 fi and a diameter of 20-22 n, 8-spored ; spores in a parallel fascicle in the ascus, brown, cylindric-clavate, broadest above the middle, tapering each way to the obtuse ends, 15-septate at maturity, 6-7 X 100- 160 M (120-150); paraphyses brown, cylindric, septate, usually strongly curved, or coiled at the slightly thickened tips, 3 ^u thick below, up to 8 /i thick above; hymenial spines numerous, usually projecting about one-third their length beyond the hy- menium, straight, acute, black, opaque, 8-10 /i thick, variable in length. On rotten wood or on humus among leaves. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Ontario to California and south to Louisiana and the West Indies. Illustrations: Cooke, Mycographia pi. l,f. 3; Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. pi. 24, f. 2; Phill. Brit. Discom. pi. 2, f. 9; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. l"*: 1145,/. 5-6; Ann. Bot. 11: pi. 12, f. 31 32; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 9,f. 78-80; pi. 17, f. 176-181; Mycologia 22: pi. 13, f. 3. ExsiccATi: Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 1729. A capitate form of this species was received from Mr. Fred L. Lewis which seemed almost distinct enough to be regarded as a distinct species (Plate 78). However, since the ascophores are very variable in form it is recorded simply as a capitate form of the above species. 4. Trichoglossum Wrightii Durand, Mycologia 13: 187. 1921. (Plate 79.) Trichoglossum hirsutum f. Wrightii Durand, Ann. Myc. 6: 438. 1908. Ascophores clavate, or flattened, black, velvety with numer- ous black cystidia, variable in size but often 2-3 cm. high; ascigerous portion occupying one-third the entire length; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 250-265 n and a diameter of 20-25 ju, 8-spored; spores fasciculate, reaching a length of 105- 145 M and a diameter of 7 y., brown, clavate, broadest about the middle, mostly 8-9-septate, rarely 5-6- or 7-septate, stout; pa- raphyses cylindric, septate, pale-brown above, only slightly 32 The North American Cup-Fungi thickened and strongly curved; spines black, acute, projecting only slightly above the hymenium. On damp soil in open places. Type locality : Cuba. Distribution: Cuba and Bermuda. Illustrations: Mycologia 22: pi. 13, f. 4; 32: 390,/. 1; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 9J. 83; pi. 16, f. 174. This form was first reported by Durand on two specimens from Cuba. Later collections of the author from Bermuda in 1912 (Britton, Brown & Seaver 1404) convinced Durand that it was a distinct species. Abundant material was collected in Bermuda in 1926 by the author and H. H. Whetzel, and again in 1940 by the author and J. M. Waterston. It is one of the com- monest species in Bermuda. 5. Trichoglossum octopartitum Mains, Am. Jour. Bot. 27: 325. 1940. Ascophores clavate, 1.5-4 cm. high, slender, 2-4 mm. thick above, black, hirsute; stem slender 1-1.5 mm. thick; asci clavate, reaching a length of 175-200 /i and a diameter of 18-20 /x; spores fusoid-clavate, attenuated toward both ends from above the middle, 6 X 100-140 ix, usually 7-septate; setae brown, acumi- nate, reaching a length of 240 y., projecting considerably above the hymenium; paraphyses slender slightly enlarged above and curved at their apices. On the ground. Type locality: British Honduras. Distribution: Smoky Mountains, National Park, Tennessee; also in British Honduras. Illustrations: Am. Jour. Bot. 27: 324,/. 10. 6. Trichoglossum Farlowi (Cooke) Durand, Ann. Myc. 6: 438. 1908. (Plate 80.) Geoglossum Farlowi Cooke, Grevillea 11: 107. 1883. Ceoglossum velutipes Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 28: 65. 1876. Ascophores solitary, or clustered, two or three together, 2-6 cm. high; ascigerous portion lanceolate in outline, not sharply distinguished from the stem, brownish-black, about one-third the total length of the plant, 1-3 cm. long, 3-5 mm. or more thick; stem terete, equal, often fiexuous, rarely somewhat com- pressed, 2 mm. thick, 2-4 cm. long, black, densely velvety with CUP-FUNGI PLATE 79 TRICHOGLOSSUM WRIGHTII Trichoglossum 33 acicular spines; asci clavate, apex somewhat narrowed but rounded, pore blue with iodine, reaching a length of 170-200 n and a diameter of 15-18 /x, 8-spored; spores multiseriate in the ascus, clavate-cylindric, tapering very little or not at all above the middle, fuliginous, or brownish, 6 X 48 85 /x (60-75), either continuous, or 1-3-5-septate, paraphyses cylindric, sep- tate, curved to circinate at the somewhat thickened tips, brown- ish above; spines projecting about one-third to one-half their length beyond the hymenium. In open grassy woods, on humus among leaves, or in moss. Type locality: Massachusetts. Distribution: New York and New Hampshire to Florida and Mississippi. Illustrations: Ann. Myc. 6: pL 10, f. 89-92; pi. IS, J. 186-189. 7. Trichoglossum confusum Durand, Mycologia 13: 185. 1921. Ascophores solitary, when dry 1.5-2.5 cm. high; ascigerous portion one-third to one-half the total length, obovate, even or longitudinally furrowed, rather irregular; stem terete, 1-2 cm. high, 1-1.5 mm. thick, velvety with black spines; asci narrowly clavate, apex rounded, reaching a length of 175 /x and a diameter of 12 /i, 8-sporcd; spores multiseriate, clavate-cylindric, straight, or curved, fuliginous, at first 3-septate, finally 7-septate, 4-5 X 55-73 /x (60-68); paraphyses pale-brown, slighth' thickened above, straight, or curved; spines projecting but little beyond the hymenium. On soil. Type locality: Brazil. Distribution: North Carolina; also in South America. Illustrations: Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 10, f. 93; pi. 16, f. 168. This species was reported by Durand (Ann. M>'c. 6: 439. 1908.) as Trichoglossum Rehmianum (P. Henn.) Durand. Later observations showed it to be different. 8. Trichoglossum Walteri (Berk.) Durand, Ann. Myc. 6: 440. 1908. Ceoglossuni Walteri Berk. Hedwigia 14: 39. 1875. Ceoglossum Rehmianum P. Henn. Hedwigia 39: (80). 1900. Trichoglossum Rehmianum Durand, Ann. Myc. 6: 439. 1908. 34 The North American Cup-Fungi Ascophores solitary, or aggregated, 3-7 cm. or more high, brownish-black; ascigerous portion narrowly ellipsoid to lanceo- late, obtuse, not distinct from the stem, one-third to one-half the total length of the plant, 1-2 cm. long, 3-5 mm. or more wide, compressed; stem terete or compressed, about 2 mm. in diameter, densely velvety with black, acicular spines; asci clavate, apex narrowed, obtuse, pore blue with iodine, reaching a length of 175-200 /n and a diameter of 18-20 ju, 8-spored; spores multiseriate in the ascus, clavate-cylindric, not narrowed above the middle, fuliginous, or pale-brown, 6 X 82-107 fx (87-100); paraphyses cylindric, septate, curved at the tips which are slightly thickened and brown; spines acicular, projecting about one-fourth to one-third their length beyond the hymenium. On rotten wood or humus. Type locality: Australia. Distribution: New Hampshire to Minnesota and south Alabama; also in Europe and Australia. Illustrations: Cooke, Mycographia pi. 1, f. 4; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 10,}. 94-97; pi. 18, J. 190-193. 7. SPATHULARIA Pers. Neues Mag. Bot. 1: 116. 1794. Ascophores fleshy, erect, stipitate; ascigerous portion spath- ulate, much compressed, fan-shaped, decurrent on opposite sides of the stem from which it is sharply delimited; bright-colored; asci clavate, 8-spored; spores fasciculate in the ascus, filiform- clavate, multiseptate; paraphyses present. Spathularia differs from other genera of the famih' in having bright-colored, spathulate or fan-shaped ascophores. The con- sistency and spore characters are those of Cudonia. Type species, Spathularia fiavida Pers. Stem pallid or yellowish-pallid; mycelium pale-yellow. 1. 5. clavata. Stem bay-brown, minutely velvety; mycelium orange. 2. S. velutipes 1. Spathularia clavata (Schaeff.) Sacc. Michelia 2: 77. 1882. (Plate 81, Fig. 2.) Elvela clavata Schaeff. Fung. Bavar. 4: Ind. 59. 1774. Spathularia flavida Pers. Neues Mag. Bot. 1: 116. 1794. Spathularia flava Pers. in Holmsk. Coryph. 166. 1797. Spathularia flavida var. rugosa Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 39: 58. 1 887. Spathularia rugosa Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 50: 118. 1897. Mitruliopsis flavida Peck, Bull. Torrey Club 30: 100. 1903. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 80 TRICHOGLOSSUM FARLOWII Spathularia 35 Ascophorcs solitar\', or usually gregarious, rarely cespitose, with two or three together, sometimes growing in lines or circles, fleshy up to 10 cm. high, whole plant pallid when young and fresh, then becoming yellowish, or brownish; ascigerous portion darker than the stem, much compressed, fan-shaped, obtuse or rounded, decurrent on opposite sides of the stem, even, undulate, or radiately rugose, sometimes contorted, clavate, or almost capitate, occupying about one-third to one-half the total length of the ascophore, up to 2.5 cm. wide; stem hollow, smooth or farinose, terete or somewhat compressed, tapering slightly up- ward, often swollen or bulbous below, slightly brownish at the base, up to 1 cm. in diameter, attached by a pallid, or yellowish mycelium; flesh white; ascophores usually becoming yellowish- brown when dry; asci clavate, apex conspicuously narrowed, often submammiform, not blue with iodine, reaching a length of 100-125 n and a diameter of 12 14 n, 8-spored; spores in a paral- lel fascicle in the ascus, often twisted together above, smooth, clavate-filiform, multiseptate, hyaline, 2.5-3 X 35-65 ^i (40-50) ; paraphyses filiform, branched, hyaline, much curled, or coiled at the apices, not thickened. On soil or humus, but most commonly under pines among the needles. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New Brunswick to California; also in Europe. Illustrations: Schaeff. Ic. Fung. pi. 149; Cooke, Myco- graphia pi. 95, f. 342; Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. pi. 27, f. J; Phill. Brit. Discom. pi. 2, f. 7; Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. pi. 165; Berk. Outl. Brit. Fung. pi. 21, f. 7; Sow. Engl. Fung. pi. 35; Seaver, Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa pi. l,f. 1; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 10, f. 98-100; pi. 22, f. 220. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 1268; Clements, Crypt. Form. Colo. 127. 2. Spathularia velutipes Cooke & Farlow; Cooke, Grevillea 12: 37. 1883. (PLATii 81, Fig. 1.) Ascophores solitary, or usually gregarious, occasionally cespitose several being united by a common base, up to 5 cm. high, 1-3 cm. wide, fan-shaped; ascigerous portion much com- pressed, yellowish to brownish-yellow, decurrent on opposite sides of the stem, the margin rounded, even, or often wavy or incised or lobed, sometimes contorted, about 1 cm. high at the 36 The North American Cup-Fungi top; stem varying from nearly terete or compressed to broadly expanded and flattened above, rather rounded in outline at its junction with the ascigerous part, 2-4 cm. high, up to 1.5 cm. broad above, 3-5 mm. thick at the base, solid, bay-brown and minutely velvety, attached by an orange mycelium; the asco- phore shrinks but little in drying, the color becomes brownish and the stem more or less longitudinally rugose or striate; asci clavate, apex narrowed, not blue with iodine, reaching a length of 80-105 IX and a diameter of 10 /i, 8-spored; spores in a parallel fascicle in the ascus, hyaline, smooth, clavate-filiform, straight, or curved, becoming multiseptate, 2 X 33-43 /x (35-40); paraph- yses filiform, hyaline, branched, strongly curved, or coiled at the tips. On rotten logs, humus among leaves, or especially on the ground under pines. Type locality: New Hampshire. Distribution: New Hampshire to North Carolina and Minnesota, and Idaho? Illustrations: Ann. Bot. 11: pi. 13, f. 85-88; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 11, f. 101-102; pi. 22, f. 221-222. Doubtful Species Spathularia linguatus A. E. Johnson, Bull. Minn. Acad. Nat. Sci. 1: 370. 1880. "Head tongue-shaped, flat, thin, nearly even, white, or white tinged with yellow or buff'; stem white or yellowish white, thick, solid; asci very long, clavate; sporidia filiform, nearly as long as the asci, straight or curved, multi- nucleate. Gregarious, seldom solitary, one to two inches high; head as long or longer than the stem, one-fourth to three-fourths of an inch broad. On moss in tamarck swamps. October. Scarce." The above is all that is known about this species. 8. LEOTIA Pers. Neues Mag. Bot. 1: 97. 1794. Hygromitra Nees, Syst. Pilz. Schw. 157. 1816. Cudoniella Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 41. 1889. Ascophores more or less gelatinous, stipitate, erect; ascigerous portion pileate, horizontal, supported in the center, bearing the hymenium spread over its upper convex surface, sterile beneath; asci clavate; spores hyaline, oblong-fusiform, at first simple, finally 3-5-septate; paraphyses present. Type species, Elvela luhrica Scop. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 81 1. SPATHULARIA VELUTIPES 2. SPATHULARIA CLAVATA Leotia 37 Ascophores entirely yellowish-ochraceous, sometimes oli- vaceous. 1. L. lubrica. Hymenium aeruginous-green; stem white to yellowish. 2. L. stipitata. Ascophores entirely green; stem furfuraceous, substance firm, stems slender. 3. L. chlorocephala. According to Durand the type of CiidonieUa is a Leotia. The color varies much in the species listed above, but the three listed seem to be reasonably distinct. 1. Leotia lubrica (Scop.) Pers. Neucs Mag. Bot. 1: 97. 1794. (Plate 82, Fig. 1.) Elvela lubrica Scop. Fl. Carn. 2: 477. 1772. Helvetia gelatinosa Bull. Hist. Champ. Fr. 296. 1791. Ascophores usually densely cespitose, stipitate, more or less viscid-gelatinous, ochraceous-yellow, often with a greenish or olive tint, 3-6 cm. or more high; ascigerous portion pileate, convex above, the surface often irregularly furrowed, with a recurved margin, wrinkled or nodulose, 1-1.5 cm. or more broad; stem terete or somewhat compressed, usually tapering slightly upward, the adjacent ones often coalescing below, about 1 cm. thick below, .5 cm. above, up to 5 cm. or more high, minutely squamulose, sometimes with innate, greenish granules; asci narrowly clavate, apices rounded, slightly narrowed, not blue with iodine, reaching a length of 130-160 y. and a diameter of 10-12 ju, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate above, 1-seriate below, hya- line, smooth, cylindric-oblong to fusiform, ends obtuse, or sub- acute, straight or curved, 5-6 X 18-28 /x (20-23), at first simple, then with three to eight oil-drops, finally becoming 5-7-septate; paraphyses filiform, branched, the apices clavate to pyriform, hyaline, the tips agglutinated by amorphous matter. On rich humus or sandy soil rarely on rotten wood, in woods. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Ontario to Alabama and Iowa; also in Europe. Illustrations: Bull. Herb. Fr. pi. 473, f. 2; Sow. Engl. Fungi pi. 70: Fl. Dan. pi. 719; Berk. Outl. Brit. Fung. pi. 22, f. 1; Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. pi. 56; Cooke, Mycographia pi. 44, f. 171; Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. pi. 23; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. 1'^: 1161, /. 1-4; Ann. Bot. 11: pi. 13, J. 61-64; Atk. Mushrooms/. 221; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 11, f. 106; pi. 20, f. 213;Seaver, Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa pi. 2,f. 1; Mycologia 2: pi. 17, f. 1. ExsicCATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 57; Ellis & Ev. Fungi Co- in mb. 1738. 3S The North American Cup-Fungi 2. Leotia stipitata (Bosc.) Schrot. E. & P. Nat. Pfl. V: 166. 1897. Tremella stipitata Bosc. Berl. Mag. 5: 89. 1811. Leotia viscosa Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 30. 1822. Ascophores solitary, or clustered, stipitate, viscid-gelatinous, 3-6 cm. or more high; ascigerous portion 1-2 cm. or more broad, margin incurved toward the stem, even or irregularly nodulose, hymenium clear deep aeruginous-green, whitish below; stem terete or tapering slightly upward, usually pure-white, or less often with an ochraceous or orange tint, 2-4 cm. high, .5-1 cm. thick, often beset, especially above, with minute, green squa- mules; asci narrowly clavate-cylindric, not or only slightly narrowed, not blue with iodine, reaching a length of 118-150 n and a diameter of 10 ^u, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate above, 1- seriate below, hyaline, smooth, at first simple, finally 5- or more- septate, ends obtuse, or subacute, straight or curved, 5-6 X 16-28 y. (20-24); paraphyses filiform, branched, the apices pyri- form, intense green when fresh. In rich humus or soil, especially among leaves in woods or on the slopes of ravines. Type locality: South Carolina. Distribution: Maine to Florida and California; also in Europe. Illustrations: Berl. Mag. 15: pi. 6, f. 14; Cooke, Myco- graphia pi 44, f. 173; Ann. Bot. 11: pL 13, f. 65; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 11, f. 109; pi. 20, f. 210. Exsiccati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 663; Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2032; Rav. Fungi Car. 4: 22; Fungi Am. 173. 3. Leotia chlorocephala Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1: 114. 1822. Ascophores solitary to densely clustered, subgelatinous, en- tirely green, 1-5 cm. high; ascigerous portion hemispherical, convex, margin incurved, obtuse, hymenium smooth or furrowed, the margin often lobed or nodulose, pea-green to aeruginous, 2-10 mm. wide; stem terete, firm, the middle layer green, surface densely squamose, or furfuraceous with green granules, 1-4.5 cm. high, 2-4 mm. thick, shrinking much in drying, the color changing but little; asci narrowly clavate, apex rounded not blue with iodine, reaching a length of 125-150 /i and a diameter of 10-12 ju, 8-spored, short-stipitate; spores subbiseriate above. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 82 1. LEOTIA LUBRICA 2. CUDONIA CIRCINANS 'V ViBRISSEA 39 1-seriate below, hyaline or with a faint greenish tint, narrowly ellipsoid to ellipsoid-fusiform, ends obtuse or subacute, at first simple, finally about 5-septate, straight or curved, 5-6 X 18-20 n; paraphyses filiform, branched, the apices pyriform, green. On sandy soil in rich woods, on knolls, or along wood roads or among mosses in ravines. Type locality: Salem, North Carolina. Distribution : New Hampshire to Alabama. Illustrations: Cooke, Mycographia pi. 44, f. 174; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 11 J. 110; pi. 20, f. 211, 2i2; Mycologia 2: pi. 17, f. 2. Doubtful and Excluded Species Leotia exigim Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1: 113. 1822; Mitrula e.xigua Fries, Elench. Fung. 1: 235. 1828. Durand states: "No specimens are known to be in existence, certainly not in the herbaria of Schweinitz or Fries. It was probably Helotiaceous." Leotia mjundibuliformis (Schaeff.) Fries, Obs. Myc. 2: 299. 1818; Elvela infundibuliformis Schaeff. Fung. Bavar. 4: Ind. 111. 1774. Durand states: "Whatever may be thought of the European specimens the one pre- served in the Schweinitzian herbarium, from New York, is an Helvetia related to H. elastica." Leotia marcida (Mull.) Pers. Syn. 613. 1801; Phallus marcidus Mull. Fl. Dan. Fasc. II: 7, pi. 654, f. 1. 1777. Durand states: "This species has been reported several times from the United States, but all the specimens which I have been able to examine, both from Europe and America, are indistinguish- able internally from L. lubrica." Leotia rufa Rostrup, Med. Gr0nl. 3: 536. 1888. "Pileus repandus, margine revoluto, latit. 1-2 mm. rufus; stipes inaequaliter teres, furo-ferru- gineus, altit. 5-6 mm. Asci cylindraceo-clavati, pedicellati, long. 60-70 m crass. 2 M- Inter, muscos. Agdluitsok [Greenland] (Vahl)." Durand states: "The above is Rostrup's original description. I saw a small fragment of the original collection in the Botanical Museum Copenhagen, but did not examine it microscopically. It is probably Helotiaceous." Leotia chlorocephala f. Stevensoni (Berk. & Br.) Massee, Brit. Fungus — Fl. 4: 472. 1895; Leotia Stevensoni Berk. & Br. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. V. 3: 212. 1879. This form has been reported from Missouri by J. B. Routien (My- cologia 34: 579. 1942). The writer has no knowledge of the form. 9. VIBRISSEA Fries, Syst. Myc. 2:31. 1822. Ascophores stipitate, pileate, soft, waxy, or subgelatinous; ascigerous portion hemispherical, bearing the hymenium on its upper, convex surface, sterile below; asci long-cylindric, narrow, 8-spored, spores in a parallel fascicle and nearly as long as the ascus, hyaline, filiform, many-septate; paraphyses slender. 40 The North American Cup-Fungi Type species, Leotia truncorum Alb. & Schw. Spores 175-250 M long. 1. V. truncorum. Spores 85-100 M long. 2. V. foliorum. 1. Vibrissea truncorum (Alb. & Schw.) Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 31. 1822. Leotia truncorum Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. 297. 1805. Leotia Clavus Pers. Myc. Eur. 1: 200. 1822. Vibrissea truncorum var. albipes Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 44: 37. 1891. Ascophores solitary, gregarious, or in clusters of two or three each, 4-5 mm. high; ascigerous portion hemispherical-convex, margin obtuse, 3 5 mm. in diameter, yellow, orange, or reddish- orange, rarely pallid; stem terete, up to 1.5 cm. high, 1-2 mm. thick, white to bluish-gray, or brownish, minutely squamulose, due to minute, spreading hyphae, rather darker below; asci slenderly cylindric, apex rounded, not blue with iodine, reaching a length of 200 325 ju and a diameter of 5-6 /x, 8-spored ; spores in a parallel fascicle in the ascus, hyaline, very slenderly filiform, slightly narrowed toward each end, nearly as long as the ascus, multiseptate, up to 1 X 250 /x; paraphyses filiform, occasionally forked, the apices somewhat clavate-thickened and colored. On wholly or partly submerged sticks etc., in brooks, mostly in higher altitudes. Type locality: Europe. Distribution : Laborador to Alaska and West Virginia. Illustrations: Trans. Linn. Soc. II. 2: pi. l,f. 1-9; Phill. Brit. Discom. pi. 10, f. 60; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. 1-^: 1164,/. 1-4; Ann. Bot. 11: pi. 12, f. 15-I7a; Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. pi. 29, f. 1; Kromb. Myk. Heft pi. 5,f. 34-36; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 11, f. HI, 112; Pers. Myc. Eu. 1: pi. 11, f. 9. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 134. 2. Vibrissea foliorum Thaxter; Durand, Ann. Myc. 6: 454. 1908. Ascophores solitary, or gregarious, stipitate, of soft consist- ency; ascigerous portion convex, 1-1.5 mm. in diameter, yellow- ish-orange; stem pallid, 2-3 times as long as the diameter of the head, slender, translucent, slightly furfuraceous with projecting hairs below; asci narrowly cylindric, apex rounded, not blue with iodine, reaching a length of 150-180 n and a diameter of 5-6 yi, 8-spored ; spores in a parallel fascicle in the ascus, hyaline, slenderly filiform, 1 X 85-100 /z; paraphyses filiform, hyaline, CUDONIA 41 not exceeding the asci, simple, or occasionally forked near the distal ends, very slightly pyriform-thickened at the tips. On dead oak leaves, acorn-cups etc. in a wet place. Type locality: West Haven, Conn. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 11, f. 113. 10. CUDONIA Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 348. 1849. Ascophores stipitate, erect, flcshy-leather>-; ascigerous por- tion pileate; hymenium on the upper, convex surface, sterile beneath, margin acute, incurved toward the stem; asci clavate, 8-spored; spores hyaline, clavate-filiform, multiseriate, or fas- ciculate in the upper part of the ascus, multiseptate; paraphyses present. Type species, Leotia circinans Pers. Spores 30-45 ix long; ascophores pale-brownish to buff, often with a rosy tint. L C. circinans. Spores 45-78 ix long; ascophores entireh' yellowish. 2. C. lutea. Spores 18-25 ix long. Caps ochraceous, or reddish-brown. Caps 5 mm. in diameter. 3. C. ochroleuca. Caps 10-30 mm. in diameter. 4. C. monticola. Caps gray. 5. C. grisea. 1. Cudonia circinans (Pers.) Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 348. 1849. (Plate 82, Fig. 2.) Leotia circinans Pers. in Hoimslc. Cor>ph. 163. 1797. Vibrissea circinans Hazsl. Magyar. Akad. Ertek. Termesz. Ivor. II''-': 9. 1881. Ascophores solitary, or gregarious, fleshy, becoming more distinctly leathery in drying, 2-6 cm. high; ascigerous portion .5-2 cm. broad, rather thin, margin acute and recurved, even or undulate, hymenium convex, even, wrinkled, or convoluted, cream-buff with a faint rosy tint, or sometimes yellowish, or pale- brownish; stem tapering slightly upward, often stout below where it is 2-10 mm. thick, 1.5-5 mm. thick above, darker than the hymenium especially below, often longitudinally striate especially above, the striae being prolonged as radiating veins on the lower side of the cap, somewhat farinaceous, sometimes becoming hollow in age; asci clavate, apex narrowed, not blue with iodine, reaching a length of 85 130 /x and a diameter of 8- 10 ^, 8-spored; spores fasciculate, hyaline, smooth, clavate-filiform, broadest above the middle or at the distal end, 2 X 30-45 fi 42 The North American Cup-Fungi (34-40); paraphyses hyaline, filiform, strongly curved above, often branched, tips only slightly thickened, 2 n thick. On rotten wood or humus among leaves, often under conifer- ous trees. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Newfoundland to Colorado, Idaho, and Al- berta; also in Europe. Illustrations: Pers. Ic. Descr. Fung. pi. 5, /. 5-7; Bres. Fungi Trident, pi. 145; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. 1'': 1163,/. 1-4; Cooke, Mycographia pi. 44 J. 172; Phill. Brit. Discom. pi. 2,f. 5; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 11 J. 103; pi. 21, f. 214, 215. 2. Cudonia lutea (Peck) Sacc. Atti Inst. Venet. VI. 3 : 725. 1885. Vihrissea lutea Peck, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 1: 70. 1873. Leotia lutea Cooke, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 2: 287. 1875. Ascophores solitary or gregarious, rarely clustered, 1-6 cm. high, but usually about 3 cm., fleshy-leathery; ascigerous portion pileate, convex, the margin acute, reflexed, hymenium when young covered by a volva-like membrane which later cracks irregularly and falls away leaving remnants attached to the margin, usually slightly depressed above, sometimes furrowed, beautiful flesh-color to orange-buff, the under surface often with radiating striae which continue down the stem, 5-15 mm. in diameter; stem terete, or slightly compressed, sometimes in- flated below, even or longitudinally striate, mealy, pale-yellow, 1-5 cm. high, 2-5 mm. thick, the whole ascophore when dry becoming about the color of chamois skin or of Otidea leporina; asci clavate, apex narrowed, not blue with iodine, variable in size, reaching a length of 100 170 m and a diameter of 10-12 m, 8-spored; spores in a fascicle in the upper part of the ascus, hyaline, smooth, with a hyaline, gelatinous sheath, clavate- filiform, lower end acute, not narrowed above the middle, 2 X 45-78 M (55-65); paraphyses filiform, branched, not thickened but strongly circinate at the tips. On decaying leaves in thickets, rarely on rotten wood, chestnut burrs etc. Type locality: North Elba, New York. Distribution: Ontario to Tennessee. Illustrations: Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 25: pi. 1, f. 19-23; Ann. Bot. 11: pi. 12, f. 5-7; Ann. Myc. 6: pi 11, f. 105; pi. 21-22, f. 216-219. Exsiccati; Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 3533. CUDONIA 43 3. Cudonia ochroleuca Cooke & Hark.; Durand, Ann. M\c. 6: 461. 1908. Leotia ochroleuca Cooke & Hark. Grevillea 9: 8. 1880. Vibrissea ochroleuca Massee, Ann. Bot. 11: 262. 1897. Ascophores scattered, stipitate, pileate; ascigerous portion convex, ochroleucous, 6 mm. in diameter when dry; stem slender, flexuous, white, longitudinally striate, or rugulose, 8-10 mm. high; whole ascophore when dry dark reddish-brown, substance apparently not subgelatinous; asci clavate, slenderly stipitate, apex narrowed, not blue with iodine, reaching a length of 75-100 ji and a diameter of 8-9 /i, 8-spored; spores multiseriate in the ascus, clavate-filiform, acute at each end, hyaline, 3-more- septate, 2 X 18-25 /x; paraphyses filiform, very slender. On damp ground. Type locality: San Rafael, California. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Ann. Bot. 11: pi. 13, j. 70-72; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 11, f. 104. 4. Cudonia monticola Mains, Am. Jour. Bot. 27: 322. 1940. Ascophores single, gregarious, or cespitose, pileate, fleshy- leathery, 3-10 cm. high; pileus variable in form, convex, irregu- larly hemispherical, laterally compressed or subspathulate, 10-30 mm. broad, incarnate-cinnamon; stem 5-7 mm. thick below, somewhat attenuated upward, wood-brown; asci clavate, reach- ing a length of 90-100 /x and a diameter of 8-10 ^t, attenuated below, 8-spored; spores acicular, 2 X 20-24 y., hyaline; paraph- yses filiform, hyaline, curved at their apices. On spruce needles and coniferous debris. Type locality: Lake Crescent, Washington. Distribution: Washington. Illustrations: Am. Jour. Bot. 27: 324,/. 1. 5. Cudonia grisea Mains, Am. Jour. Bot. 27: 322. 1940. Ascophores gregarious, pileate, stipitate, fleshy, 1.5-5 cm. high; pileus convex, thick, 5-15 mm. broad, drab or dark-gray, smooth; stem 3 8 mm. thick, attenuated above, smooth, brown; asci clavate, reaching a length of 70 90 ^ and a diameter of 6-8 n, attenuated below; spores acicular, 1.5-2 X 18-22 ji, hyaline; paraphyses filiform, hyaline, curved at their apices. 44 The North American Cup-Fungi On rotten coniferous wood. Type locality: Hoh River, Washington. Distribution: Washington. Illustrations: Am. Jour. Bot. 27: 324,/. Z. Excluded Genera and Species Cudoniella fructigena Rostrup. Med. Gr0nl. 3: 605. I89L According to Durand this belongs with the Helotiaceae. He states further that he believes the genus Cudoniella to be ill founded since the species thus far referred to it might better be placed elsewhere. Helotium aciculare (Bull.) Pers. Syn. Fung. 677. 1801 ; Helvella acicularis Bull. Hist. Champ. Fr. 296. 1791; Peziza acicularis Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 156. 1822; Cudoniella acicularis Schrot. in E. & P. Nat. Pfl. P: 166. 1897. Roesleria hypogaea Thiim. & Pass. Durand states: "I have seen this species growing on buried grape canes in New York and Missouri. Schroter placed it in the Geoglossaceae, while Rehm and others regard it as synonymous with Coniocybe pallida (Pers.) Korb., and refer it to the Calicieae. Judging from the specimens seen its affinities do not seem to be at all close to the Geoglos- saceae, so that I exclude it from that family." Family 4. HELOTIACEAE Apothecia extremely- variable, ranging in size from a fraction of a millimeter to 2 or 3 centimeters in diameter, sessile to long- stipitate, varying much in the same species, superficial, or more rarely erumpent on herbaceous stems, colors varying from white, bright-yellow, or red to green, olive, blue, brown, or nearly black, smooth, or hairy; asci cylindric to broad-clavate; spores simple or compound, globose to long-filiform, hyaline or more rarely colored; paraphyses hyaline or more rarely colored, fili- form, or rarely with lanceolate, pyriform, or subglobose ends. Apothecia not distinctly hairy. Apothecia arising from a sclerotium or scle- rotium-like substratum. Apothecia not springing from a sclerotium, but occasionally on a subiculum. Apothecia fleshy, waxy, leathery, or sub- cartilaginous. Stipitate or sessile, usually bright- colored, more rarely dark-brown or blackish. Sessile, sordid, gray or blackish. Apothecia cartilaginous or gelatinous to subtremelloid. Apothecia hairy. Tribe 1. Sclerotineae. Tribe 2. Helotieae. Tribe 3. MOLLISIEAE. Tribe 4. .\scotremelleae Tribe 5. l.ACHNELLEAE. Helotiaceae 45 Tribe 1. Sclerotineae. Apothecia arising from a definite sclerotium of variable form, usually on or in the tissues of a living or recently killed host (more rarely isolated or in one case formed on the dung of animals) or from a stromatized portion of the host; conidial stage present and well developed, or un- known; apothecia cup-shaped to subdiscoid, or more rarely verpoid, usually stipitate, the length of the stem variable; asci usually 4-8-spored; spores ellipsoid, hyaline or subhyaline, or occasionally brown; spermatia often present. The following genera have been adopted from H. H. \\'hetzel who spent many years in critical research on this group of fungi, the results of which were posthumously published by Dr. H. M. Fitzpatrick (Mycologia 37: 648-714. 1945). 1. monilinia. 2. Seaverinia. 3. Streptotinia. 4. botryotinia. 5. Septotinia. 6. ovulinia. 7. Lambertella. Martinia. Conidial stage present, well developed. Conidial stage monilioid or botryoid. Conidial stage a Monilia; on woody plants. Conidal stage of the Botrytis type. Conidiospores rough. Conidiospores smooth. Conidiophores twisted or kinked. Conidiophores not twisted or kinked. Conidial stage not monilioid or botryoid. Conidial stage a Gloeosporium. Conidial stage not a Gloeosporium, conidia large-ovoid. Conidial stage absent, unknown or obscure. Ascospores brown. Sclerotia indefinite or diffused. Sclerotia definite, hemispherical. Ascospores hyaline or subhyaline. On plant tissues. Sclerotia discoid or subdiscoid, foliicolous. Apothecia cup-or saucer-shaped. Apothecia verpoid. Sclerotia not discoid or subdiscoid. Sclerotia definite, isolated or associated with the host. Sclerotia indefinite on or within the host. In flowers or fruit of the host. On stems or other host tissues. On dung of animals. Tribe 2. Helotieae. Apothecia stipitate, or sessile, usually highly colored, bright->ellow, light-brown, blue, or some shade of green or rarely dark-colored, brownish-black, regular or irregular in form; stem very variable in length even in the same 9. ClBORINIA. 10, Verpatinia. 11. SCLEROTINIA. 12. Ciboria. 13. Stromatinia. 14. COPROTINIA. 46 The North American Cup-Fungi species; asci cylindric or clavate, usually 8-spored; spores ellip- soid to fusoid, fusiform, or filiform, simple or septate, hyaline or more rarely colored; paraphyses present and variable. Spores hyaline. Apothecia usually, elongated on one side. Apothecia not elongated. Color yellow-olive or greenish. Opening with a stellate aperture. Not opening as above. Bright-green, medium large, 5 mm.-l cm. broad. Yellowish to olive, small, less than 5 mm. broad. Spores large, 20 m or more long. Spores small, 10 ^ or less long. Color varied but never green. Apothecia medium large, 4-5 mm. or more broad. On over wintering buds; conidial stage, an Acarosporium. On plant debris; conidial stage not as above. Spores simple. Spores compound. Apothecia small usually less than 4 mm.; bright-colored, white, yellow or red. Margin toothed. Margin not toothed. Spores simple. Apothecia stipitate or substipi- tate. Apothecia entirely sessile. Spores becoming septate. Spores fusiform. Apothecia entirely sessile. Seated on a subiculum. Without definite subicu- lum. Spores 1-septate. Spores 3- or more-sep- tate. Apothecia stipitate. Spores filiform. Asci not strongly protruding. Apothecia sessile. Apothecia stipitate. Asci strongly protruding. Spores brown. 15. MiDOTIS. 16. PODOPHACIDIUM. 17. Chlorocibori.\. 18. Kriegeria. 19. Chlorosplenium. 20. Pycnopeziza. 21. ClBORIELLA. 22. Calycina. 23. Cyathicula. 24. Helotium. 25. Orbilia. 26. Trichobelonium. 27. c.a.lloria. 28. Belonium. 29. Belonioscypha. 30. gorgoniceps. 31. pocillum. 32. Apostemidium. 33. Phaeohelotium. Helotiaceae 47 Tribe 3. Mollisieae. Apothecia entirely sessile, mostly minute, sordid-gray to black, superficial, or erumpent, occurring on living plants or more often on dead plant debris; asci cylindric to clavatc, usually 8-spored; spores simple, or septate, hyaline, or faintly colored ; paraphyses filiform to clavate. Occurring; on living plants. Apothecia erumpent. Spores simple. Spores septate. Apothecia superficial. Occurring on dead plant debris. Spores simple. Apothecia subdiscoid, superficial. Seated on a subiculum. Not seated on a subiculum. Spores hyaline; apothecia minute. Spores ellipsoid, on wood\' tissues. Spores globose, on ascomycetous fungi. Spores green; apothecia medium large, up to 1 cm. Apothecia, cupulate, often erumpent. Spores with 3 or more septa. 34. pseudopeziza. 35. Fabr.a.e,\. 36. Pest.vlopezia. 37. Tapesia. 38. mollisia. 39. mollisiella. 40. Catinella. 41. Pyrenopeziza. 28. Belonium. Tribe 4. Ascotremelleae. Apothecia more or less gelatin- ous and Tremella-like, ranging in size from 1 mm. to several cm., stipitate, or sessile; spores from ellipsoid to filiform, hyaline, or colored, simple, or septate; paraphyses filiform to clavate. Apothecia not on a stromatic base. Apothecia small and delicate, usually less than 1 cm. broad. Erumpent, sessile or subsessile. Superficial, stipitate. Apothecia large, usually exceeding 1 cm. broad. Spores simple. Spores brown. Spores hyaline. Spores septate. Spores fusoid to fusiform. Spores filiform or vermiform. Apothecia on a stromatic base, large 4 cm. in diameter. Tribe 5. Lachnelleae. Apothecia ranging in size from minute bodies less than 1 mm. in diameter to nearly 1 cm., externally clothed with well developed hairs which are sometimes closely adpressed but often presenting a wooly appearance; hairs rigid or more often flexuous, thin-walled and often delicately 42. Stamnaria. 43. Ombrophil.\. 44. Phaeobulgaria 45. Ascotremella. 46. CORYNE. 47. HOLWAYA. 48. ACERVUS. 48 The North Amkrican Cup-Fungi roughened, more rarely smooth, usually septate, varying in color from white (hyaline) to yellow, green, purple or pale- to dark-brown ; asci cylindric to clavate, usually 8-spored ; spores hyaline or subhyaline, globose to ellipsoid, fusiform, or filiform; paraphyses filiform, clavate, or lanceolate, in one genus with conidium-like apices. Spores simple or very rarely sparingly septate. •Apothecia not seated on a definite mycelial su- biculum. Spores ellipsoid to fusoid. Paraph\ses filiform-clavate, or lanceolate, without conidium-like apices. 49. Lachnella. Paraphyses with easil}' detached conidium- like apices. 50. Diplocarpa. Spores globose. 51. L .\chnellula. Apothecia seated on a definite m3xelial subiculum. 52. Eriopeziza. Spores definitely septate, fusoid to filiform. Apothecia seated on a definite subiculum. 53. .Arachnopeziza. Apothecia not on a definite subiculum. Spores 1-septate. 54. Helotiella. Spores 3-many septate. Hairs hyaline. 55. Erinellina. Hairs dark-brown or black. 56. Echinella. 1. MONILINIA Honey, Mycologia 20: 153. 1928. Apothecia of variable size, occurring singly, or several de- veloping from pseudosclerotia which are commonly formed within fruits of the higher plants; conidial stage consisting of a Monilia; asci clavate 8-spored; spores simple, hyaline or sub- hyaline; paraphyses slender, often slightly enlarged above. Type species, Ciboria fructicola Wint. I am indebted to Dr. Edwin E. Honey for the following notes on the genus: "All known North American species are vernal. During the life-history of members of Monilinia two types of stroma are developed (1) the ectostroma which is developed first, and which functions in the rupture of the epidermis of the host, and upon which develop the typical monilioid conidia and (2) as a result of the initial levy on the food supply of the newly invaded host or some other factor, a change takes place and in affected fruits, under favorable environmental conditions, there results the development of an entostroma, which after over- wintering may give rise to apothecia. The entostroma is a MONILINIA 49 composite stroma, that is, it is an admixture of living fungous hyphae and dead host cells in contrast to the typical sclerotium characteristic of the genus Sderotinia as represented by Sclero- tinia sclerotiorum in which the sclerotium is composed entirely of fungous hyphae. The term pseudosclerotium has been used to designate this composite stroma which is so characteristic of the monilioid group. "Emphasis has been placed on the life-history of the various species in showing relationships. It is felt that the study of any one stage, as for example, the stromatic, the apothecial or the conidial in the life-history of these species is not sufficient to adequately show true phylogenetic relationships. In order to obtain either the specific or the generic concept, all stages de- veloped during the life-history must be given consideration. On the basis of life-histories which appear to be correlated with certain morphological characteristics, the genus Monilinia may be divided into two general groups:— "(1) Those species in which in the spring ascospores infect the young leaves and stems resulting in the development of an ectostroma. Upon these host organs the ectostroma gives rise to conidia which in turn function as inoculum for blossom infec- tion. Young developing fruits become infected through the blossom, and as a result pseudosclerotia are formed which com- monly drop to the ground and overwinter, giving rise in the spring to apothecia which produce ascospores (the primary inoculum which again infects the young leaves and stems). Commonly but a single cycle occurs. The majority of the North American representatives fall in this sub-group, the members of which are also characterized by the presence of dis- junctors within the conidial chains (a specialization for the dis- semination of conidia). They are furthermore characterized by a marked sweetish odor (mandelic acid; benzaldchyde and hydro- cyanic acid) emitted from infected parts of the host at about the time of conidial production and they appear to be more special- ized and limited in their host range. In the Vaccinium-mhahit- ing members there is a tendency to suppress the development of the ectostroma in infected fruits, and to further segregate the conidial production from the apothecial production which, ac- cording to certain European workers (Fischer, Ed., etc.) reaches its climax in such forms as Monilinia Ledi ( = Sderotinia heteroica Woronin and Nawaschin) and Monilinia Rhododendri {Sdero- 50 The North American Cup-Fungi tinia Rhododendri Fischer) in which heterocism is said to occur and in which the conidial stage occurs upon one host and the pseudosclerotial and apothecial stages upon another host. "(2) Those members in which ascospores normally infect blossoms, upon which conidia then develop and function as inoculum for secondary cycles on fruits (chiefly). Pseudosclero- tia develop within infected fruits, overwinter upon the ground and give rise to apothecia, thus furnishing ascosporic inoculum for blossom infection in the spring. Commonly many successive secondary cycles may occur. In this subgroup the sweetish odor is not evident, disjunctors between the conidia are lacking, and the members appear to be less specialized as to host. North American representatives of this group are MoniUnia fructicola and Monilinia laxa. "All known members of this genus occur as parasites on mem- bers of the three following families of plants: the Rosaceae, the Cornaceae, and the Ericaceae." On plants of the family Rosaceae. On plants of the genus Primus. Conidial stage forming brown spots on fruit. Conidial stage Monilia cinerea americana. Conidial stage Monilia cinerea. Conidial stage not forming brown-rots. Conidia large, 10-20 n long. Conidia medium 7-15 /x long. On Pruniis serolina. On Prumis demissa. Not on Primus. On Amelanckier. On Crataegus. Ascospores 6-8 X 12-15 ju- Ascospores 2-3.5 X 8-12 /x. On plants of the family Ericaceae. On Polycodium. On Vaccinium. On blueberry. 1. M. fructicola. 2. M. laxa. 3. M. Padi. 4. M. Seaveri. 5. M. demissa. 6. M. Amelanchieris. 7. M. Johnsoni. 8. M. gregaria. 9. M. Polycodii. 0. M. Vaccinii- corymbosi 1. M. Oxycocci. 2. M. A zaleae. On cranberry. On Azalea. 1. Monilinia fructicola (Wint.) Honey, Mycologia 20: 1928. (Plate 83.) Cz6ona/rMClindric-clavate, reaching a length MONILINIA 57 of 200-240 /x and a diameter of 10-14 n, 8-spored ; spores obliquely 1-seriate, ellipsoid, hyaline, simple, with two oil-drops, 10-12 X 15-20 fx; paraphyses slender, simple, 2 jjl thick, slightly enlarged above. Parasitic on twigs and fruits of Polycodium stamineum. Type locality: Ithaca, New York. Distribution: New York. 10. Monilinia Vaccinii-corymbosi (Reade) Honey, Am. Jour. Bot. 23: 105. 1936. Sclerotinia Vaccinii-corymbosi Reade, Ann. Myc. 6: 109. 1908. Monilia Vaccinii-corymbosi Reade, Ann. Myc. 6: 109. 1908. Conidial stage (Monilia) on blighted shoots of the host, effused, powdery, ash-gray to olive-buff, on stems, petioles and midribs at the base of the leaf-blades or on peduncles of blighted flowers; citron-shaped, continuous, hyaline, the conidia 19-25 X 23-32 fi, in long di- or trichotomously branched chains, with fusiform disjunctors 2 X 3-5 ix; sclerotia formed on mummified fruits, microconidia on spores and mycelium in cultures 2.5-3 n, globose, hyaline with a central refractive spot. Apothecia one to several from a single mumm\-, 1-3.5 cm. high and 5-10 mm. in diameter, cup-shaped, somewhat convex, or cyathiform, stipitate; hymenium fawn-colored, outer surface darker and satiny; stem smooth, slender, cylindric, reaching a length of 1-3 cm. and a diameter of 1-2 mm., slightly tapering and shading into clove-brown below; asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 200-260 m and a diameter of 10 12 ;u, 8- spored; spores obliquely 1-seriate, ellipsoid, 9-10 X 14-18 /x, simple, hyaline, containing a few granules; paraphyses slender, simple, 2-3 n in diameter, slightly swollen at the tips. Parasitic on twigs and fruits of Vacciniiim corymhosum. Type locality: Malloryville, New York. Distribution : New York and Massachusetts. Illustrations: Mycologia 20: pi. 13, f. d, e, i. 11. Monilinia Oxycocci (Woron.) Honey, Am. Jour. Bot. 23: 105. 1936. Sclerotinia Oxycocci Woronin, Mem. Acad. Sci. St. -Petersburg. 36": 28. 1888. Conidial stage as in Monilinia Vaccinii-corymbosi. Apothecia arising from sclerotia in the mummified fruits, usually one from each sclerotium, stipitate, the stem often 4-5 58 The North American Cup-Fungi cm. long and slender, about 1 mm. in diameter, gradually expanding above into the cup which is at first rather deep, be- coming shallow cup-shaped, or often reflexed, reddish-brown, about 5 mm. in diameter and often as deep; hymcnium concave, plane, or convex, similar in color to the outside of the apothecium ; asci clavate, reaching a length of 150 ^i and a diameter of 5-6 /x, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, 6 X 12 14;u; paraphyses gradually enlarged above. On fallen fruits of cranberry, Vaccinium Oxycoccos. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Where the cranberry is cultivated. Illustrations: Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Petersburg 36'': pi. 7. 12. Monilinia Azaleae Honey, Phytopathology 30: 537. 1940. Ectostroma developed beneath the epidermis, particularly on the leaves, the young succulent shoots and fruits forming as ash- gray coating of the conidial fructification, commonly on the upper surface of the midrib of the leaf and the surface of the fruits; conidia limoniform, simple, hyaline, 8.5-19 X 5.5-14.5 borne on long di- and trichotomously branched chains, disjunctors com- monly present between the conidia; microconidia not observed; pseudosclerotia developing in the infested capsules, at maturity filling the loculi of the immature fruit with a solid mass of thick- walled, hyaline hyphae, falling to the ground and overwintering. Apothecia one or two arising as small fundaments from the outer surface of the pseudosclerotia, reaching a height of .8-3.5 cm., cyathoid to patelliform, .2-1.4 cm. in diameter, stipitate; stem smooth, slender, cylindric, tapering downward, reaching a length of .4-3 cm. and a diameter of .5-2 mm.; asci cylindric- clavate, reaching a length of 178-258 m and a diameter of 11- 16.5 ;u, 8-spored; spores obliquely 1-seriate, or occasionally ir- regularly arranged, ellipsoid, 5-14 X 9-20 ju; paraphyses filiform slightly swollen above. Apothecia in May on overwintering fruits of Rhododendron rosenm; conidial stage on leaves, young shoots and on the young fruits of Rhododendron spp. in June and July. Type locality: Ithaca, New York. Distribution: New York and Georgia. Doubtful Species Monilinia Corni (Reade) Honey, Am. Jour. Bot. 23: 105. 1936; Sclero- tinia Corni Reade, Ann. Myc. 6: 113. 1908; Monilia Corni Reade, Ann. Myc. 6: 113. 1908. According to Reade the apothecial stage of this species is un- CUP-FUNGI PLATE 85 SEAVERINIA GERANll Seaverinia 59 known. Hone}- believes that this is a good species even though the connection with a perfect has not actually been proven. In addition to the species listed above, two others were listed by Edwin E. Honey (Am. Jour. Bot. 23: 105. 1936) as follows: Monilinm emarginata on Prunus emarginata and Monilinia Aroniae on Aronia spp. So far as we are aware these are still unpublished and must remain in doubt. Monilinia Uniula (Weinm.) Whetzel, Mycologia 37: 673. 1945; Peziza Urnula Weinm. Flora 15: 455. 1832; Peziza (Phialea) Unmla Weinm. Hymeno-Gastero-Mycetes 459. 1836; Sclerotinia Vaccinii Woron. Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. 36: 3. 1888. This species has been reported from Washington by Dr. B. Kanouse on Vaccininm sp. There seemed to have been some doubt in Whetzel's mind as to the identity of Phialea Urnula Weinm. and Sclerotinia Vaccinii Woron. 2. SEAVERINIA Whetzel, Mycologia 37: 703. 1945. Stroma substratal, poorly developed, perhaps vestigial, not a definite sclerotium, formed in the rhizomes of the host and visible on its surface usually as a narrow, black line; spermatia not observed; conidial stage a Botrytis; conidiophores botryose 1 mm. or more in length, pale-brown, sparingly septate, formed in tufts on the rhizome and roots of the host and, under moist conditions, profusely developed, bearing conidia in rather dense clusters, conidia pale-brown, minutely, but definitely tubercu- late, subglobose, tapering somewhat to the point of attachment. Apothecia arising from the partially decayed rhizome, stipitate, the length of the stem varying considerably depending on the depth to which the rhizome is buried, shallow cup-shaped, reaching a diameter of 15 mm.; asci c^-lindric or subcylindric, 8- spored; spores ellipsoid, hyaline. Type species, Sclerotinia Geranii Seaver & Home. 1. Seaverinia Geranii (Seaver & Home) Whetzel, Mycologia 37: 705. 1945. (Plate 85.) Sclerotinia Geranii .Seaver & Home, Mem. Torre\- Club 17: 205. 1918. Stromatinia Geranii Seaver & Home, Mem. Torrey Club 17: 206. 1918. Conidial stage {Botrytis) occurring on the roots and rootlets of the host, being especially abundant when left in moist chamber for a few days and even developing on the outside of the apo- thecia, usually appearing in tufts and often springing from minute, sclerotium-like bodies, although the latter are not al- ways present, dark-brown in mass at maturity; conidiophores reaching a length of 1 mm. or more and a diameter of 10-15 m, pale-brown, sparingly septate and branched, the conidia borne in rather large masses like bunches of grapes; conidia subglobose 60 The North American Cup-Fungi or pyriform, the small end representing the point of attachment, reaching a diameter of 10 ju or rarely as large as 12 ^t, slightly longer than broad, at first smooth, becoming quite strongly roughened, pale-brown with transmitted light. Apothecia springing from the partially decayed rootstocks in clusters of variable numbers, stipitate, shallow-cup-shaped, or subdiscoid, reaching a diameter of 1 cm. or rarely larger, pale- brown externally; hymenium concave or nearly plane, a little darker than the outside of the apothecium; stem reaching a diameter of 2 mm. and often reaching a length of several cm., though often short and occasionally almost wanting, the length varying with the depth to which the rootstocks of the host are buried; asci cylindric or subcylindric, 8-spored, reaching a length of 120-140 M and a diameter of 8-10 /x; spores hyaline, ellipsoid, or almond-shaped, 4-5 ^i X 12 /x, usually containing two very small oil-drops. On the rootstocks of wild geranium {Geranium maculatum). Type locality: Van Cortlandt Park, New York, N. Y. Distributions: New York and Wisconsin. Illustrations: Mem. Torrey Club 17: pi. 3; Mycologia 37: 704,/. 32, 33; 106, f. 34-36; 39: 117,/. 1. This fungus occurs regularly season after season in abundance in the same region in the suburbs of New York City. 3. STREPTOTINIA Whetzel, Mycologia 37: 684. 1945. (Plate 86.) Stroma a small, black sclerotium, flattened, or hemispherical, firmly attached to the substratum and flat or flattish on the attached surface; conidiophores as in Botrytis except that the branches are strikingly and characteristically twisted tightly as in Streptothrix; conidia smooth, hyaline or nearly so; apothecia minute, short-stipitate; asci 8-spored; spores hyaline, ellipsoid. Type species, Streptotinia Arisaemae Whetzel. Streptotinia Arisaemae Whetzel, Mycologia 37: 686. 1945. Stroma and conidia as above. Apothecia stipitate, 1 mm. or less in diameter; asci reaching a length of 100-150 n and a diameter of 8-10 ju; ascospores, 4-6 X 8-14 M. On disintegrating leaves of Arisaema triphyllum. Type locality: Ithaca, New York. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 37: 685,/. 22-24. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 86 STREPTOTINIA ARISAEMAE BOTKYOTINIA 61 4. BOTRYOTINIA Whctzel, Mycologia 37: 678. 1945. Stroma consisting of a black, flattened, or irregularly hemi- spherical sclerotium, usually formed just beneath the cuticle of the epidermis, finally erumpent, remaining firmly attached to the host; spermatia globose, borne on branching spermatio- phores, enveloped in a mucilaginous matrix; conidial stage a Botrytis; conidia on short sterigmata in dense clusters, smooth, subglobose to pyriform. Apothecia cupulate, stalked, some shade of brown, infundib- uliform to discoid, or margin reflexed; asci cylindric, or subcy- lindric; spores hyaline, simple, ellipsoid. Type species, Sderotinia convoluta Drayton. On garden Iris. 1. B. convoluta. On Ricinus. 2. B. Ricini. In stems of Gladiolus. 3. B. Draytoru. On Narcissus. 4. B. narcissicola. 1. Botryotinia convoluta (Drayton) Whetzel, Mycologia 37: 679. 1945. Botrytis convoluta Whetzel & Dra>ton, Mycologia 24: 475. 1932. Sderotinia convoluta Drayton, Mycologia 29: 314. 1937. Sclerotia shining-black, convolute, agglomerated, reaching a size of 16 X 18 mm., frequently hollow in the center; conidio- phores brown, erect, fasciculate, branched at the apex, about 1 mm. tall and 9-12 jx thick at the base, tapering toward the apex; conidia light-brown, simple, smooth, ovoid to slightly pyriform, borne in dense clusters on sterigmata produced from the ultimate branchlets of the conidiophores, averaging 9 X 11 m; micro- conidia present, 4-4.5 ji in diameter. Apothecia densely gregarious, arising from the sclerotial agglomerations, infundibuliform to cyathiform, becoming discoid, reaching a diameter of 2.5 4 mm., stipitate; stems reaching a length of 3-6 mm. ; asci cylindric, reaching a length of 150-195 fx and a diameter of 9 13 m, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate, ellipsoid, hyaline, simple, at maturity with several oil-drops, averaging 7 X 15 ^; paraphyses abundant, filiform, hyaline, 2.5-3 n, slightly enlarged above. On garden Iris. Type locality: Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. 62 The North American Cup-Fungi Distribution: New York and Canada. Illustrations: Mycologia 24: 473,/. 1; pi. 15, f. 1, 2; pi. 16, f. 3-5; Mycologia 29: 307, /. 1, 2; 309, /. 3-5; 312, /. 6; 313, /. 7-9; 37: 681,/. 19, 20. 2. Botryotinia Ricini (Godfrey) Whetzel, Mycologia 37: 680. 1945. Sclerotinia Ricini Godfrej-, Phytopathology 9: 566. 1919. Conidial stage {Botrytis) forming wide-spread, cobwebb\- or somewhat woolly masses, pale drab-gray, dried specimens dark olive-gray; fertile hyphae long slender, olivaceous when mature, dichotomously branched, terminal branches compact, collapsing when conidia fall; conidia borne on sterigmata, globose, smooth, hyaline, 6-12 yt in diameter; microconidia globose, hyaline, 2-3.5 n in diameter, on short, obclavate conidiophores from the sides of the hyphae or tips of special branches; sclerotia black, rough, elongate, irregular, 1-25 mm. in diameter. Apothecia one to several from a single sclerotium, 5-30 mm. high, usually 6-15 mm., infundibuliform to cyathiform and discoid, stipitate, cinnamon-brown to chestnut-brown, becoming saucer-shaped, with the margin somewhat recurved, 1-7 mm. in diameter; stem cylindric, slender, smooth, flexuous; asci cylindric- clavate, reaching a length of 50-110 n and a diameter of 6-10 mm., 8-spored; spores ellipsoid to subfusoid, hyaline, simple, containing two oil-drops, 4-5 X 9-12 jx; paraphyses abundant, filiform, septate, hyaline, 1.5-2 mm. in diameter. Parasitic on Ricinus communis, on inflorescence, or on leaves. Type locality: Orlando, Florida. Distribution: Florida to Texas and Cuba. Illustrations: Phytopathology 9: pi. 40, 41. 3. Botryotinia Draytoni (Buddin & Wakef.) Seaver, comb. nov. Sclerotinia Draytoni Buddin & Wakefield, Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. 29: 150. 1946. Sclerotia black, smooth, applanate, then convex-lenticular, about 3-7 X 8-12 mm., in irregular masses about 2.5 cm. long, agglutinate, white within; microconidia globose, 2-2.5 ^ in diameter; macroconidiophores, springing from the sclerotium, erect, brown below, 12-15 n in diameter, above hyaline, two to three branched, the branches capitate, with numerous minute sterigmata; conidia hyaHne, or pale-brown, ellipsoid, or broadly ovoid, 5-7.5 X 8-16 m- Septotinia 63 Apothecia long-stipitate, occurring singly, or several from each sclerotium, at first infundibuliform with the margin in- curved, then umbilicate-discoid, finally slightly convex with the margin reflexed, 2.5-5 mm. in diameter; hymenium yellowish- olivaceous, the margin at first brown, then pallid; stem 10-13 mm. long, flexuous, enlarged above, same color as the hymenium, brown below; asci cylindric, 8-spored, reaching a length of 140-190 M and a diameter of 9-10^1 spores 1-seriate, broad- ellipsoid, or subfusiform, hyaline, often with two oil drops, 6-8 X 12 17 fi; paraphyses filiform, enlarged above. On the stems of cultivated Gladiolus. Type locality : Europe. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. This species is included since it was named in honor of an American mycologist. Dr. F. L. Drayton, although it has not been reported from America. It is not unlikely that it will be found here also. Illustrations: Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. 29: 151,/. 11. 4. Botryotinia narcissicola (Gregory) Seaver, comb. nov. Sclerotinia narcissicola Gregory, Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. 25: 37. 1941. Conidial stage a Botrytis {Botrytis narcissicola Kleb.) ; scler- otia black; smooth, more or less globose, 1-1.5 mm. Apothecia occurring singly on the sclerotium, cup-shaped, becoming funnel-shaped, or expanded and plane, reaching a diameter of 2.5 mm., sepia to raw-umber when moist; stem 1.5-5 mm. or more long, tapering below; asci reaching a length of 126- 140 n and a diameter of 8 ^u; spores 1- or 2-seriate, hyaline, navicular, often with two oil-drops, 5-9 X 10 20^; paraphyses filiform. On old leaves and bud scales of species of Narcissus. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Conidial stage widely distributed in the United States. The apothecia stage has not been seen but doubtless could be found. Illustrations : Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. 25: pi. 2,f. 2-8. 5. SEPTOTINIA Whetzel, Mycologia 29: 134. 1937. Conidia on massed, branched conidiophores, hyaline, elongate, septate; sclerotia angular, elongate, or circular, thin, black formed in the tissues of the host usually after they have fallen 64 The North American Cui'-Fl;nc;i to the ground; spermatia ovoid, very minute, produced on short, indian-club-shaped spermatiophores, ckistered to form minute spermadochia on decaying tissues, accompanying formation of sclerotia. Apothecia shallow cup-shaped, stipitate, arising in the spring from sclerotia in the soil or leaf-mold; asci cylindric; spores hyaline, ovoid ; paraphyses simple or branched with swollen tips. Type species, Gloeosporium podophyUina Ellis & Ev. 1. Septotinia podophyUina (Ellis & Ev.) Whetzel, Mycologia 29: 135. 1937. Gloeosporium podophyUinum Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 4: 103. 1888. Septogloeum podophyUinum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 10: 497. 1892. Conidia hyaline, often becoming 0 4-septate, straight or curved, often breaking apart at the septa when mature, truncate at the base, attenuated toward the apex, very variable in length; about 6 n wide, borne on branched, hyaline, septate conidio- phores which are densely clustered to form minute, white, sporodochia which become horny and often amber-colored when dry; sporodochia gregarious or scattered over both sides of the leaf; usually most numerous on the upper surface; sclerotia formed in the tissues of the dead leaves and stalks on the ground, mostly along the veins, angular elongated, or circular, thin, black, 3-5 mm. long, 1 mm. broad; spermatia accompanying the formation of sclerotia, minute, ovoid, 1-2 X 2-3.6 /x, hyaline. Apothecia shallow cup-shaped, stipitate, arising from sclerotia on or in the soil or leaf-mold, 1 /x mm. in diameter, pale fawn- colored; stem tapering downward; asci cylindric, 8-spored, reaching a length of 148 /x and a diameter of 10 m; spores ovoid, hyaline, 5-6 X 10 16 /x; paraphyses slender, swollen above. On leaves of Podophyllum peltatum. Type locality: Concordia, Missouri. Distribution: New York to Delaware and Missouri. Illustrations: Mycologia 29: 137,/. 9-10; 141,/. 11-18. ExsiCCATi: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2442. 6. OVULINIA Weiss, Phytopathology 30: 242. 1940. Sclerotia irregularly discoid to shallow cup-shaped, thin, black, formed within but distinct from the host tissue; micro- conidia minute, globose, produced in chains on short, fusoid hyphae forming tufts on the surface of the host accompanying OVULINIA 65 the sclerotia; conidia, large, obovoid, hyaline, produced singly on short, simple, or branched conidiophores, forming a thin mat on the surface of the host. Apothecia arising singly or in groups from the sclerotium; asci slender, cylindric or subcylindric, 8-spored ; spores ellipsoid ; paraphyses mostly simple. Type species, Oviilinia Azaleae Weiss. Conidia large, 21-36 X 40-60 m; on Ericaceae. 1. 0. Azaleae. Conidia small, 6-10 X 8-15 yu; on vegetables. 2. 0. perplexa. 1. Ovulinia Azaleae Weiss, Phytopathology 30: 243. 1940. Sclerotia, microconidia and conidia as above. Apothecia two or three or occasionally as many as eight in a group, stipitate, urceolate, or cyathiform, expanding at maturity, becoming subdiscoid, ochraceous to brown, 2-5 mm. in diameter; stem typically 2-3 mm. long and 1-1.5 mm. thick, but occasion- ally 15-18 mm. long; asci cylindric, reaching a length of 140-260 n and a diameter of 9-14 /x, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate, 8-10 X 10-18 /x, hyaline; paraphyses simple enlarged above. On flowers of cultivated species of Azalea and Rhododendron causing blight, the apothecia appearing in late winter or spring from sclerotia lying on or in the soil. It is said also to infect Kalmia and Vacciniiim. Type locality: North Carolina. Distribution: Southeastern United States from North Carolina to Texas. Illustrations: Phytopathology 30: 238,/. 1, 239, f. 2; 240, f.3. 2. Ovulinia perplexa (Lawrence) Seaver, comb. nov. Sclerotinia perplexa Lawrence, Western Wash. Exp. Sta. Bull. 107: 10. 1912. Sclerotia gray when young, becoming dull-black, snow-white within, becoming pink or brown with age, depressed-subglobose, reaching a diameter of 1-3 mm., forming thin, black crusts of considerable extent; conidial stage on or accompanying the sclerotia, consisting of straight, or branched conidiophores often several mm. long, producing ovoid conidia 6-10.5 X 8-15 ^l. Apothecia stipitate one to many from a single sclerotium, flesh-colored, reaching a diameter of 2-8 mm.; stem reaching a length of 1-2 mm.; asci cylindric, or subcylindric, reaching a length of 115-145 ii and a diameter of 5-7 ju, 8-spored; spores subellipsoid, 3.5-5 X 8-10 ju; paraphyses, filiform. 66 The North American Cup-Fungi On Jerusalem artichoke, onions, cucumber, cabbage and a large number of cultivated vegetables. Type locality: Western Washington. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Western Wash. Exp. Sta. Bull. 107:/. 1-9. 7. LAMBERTELLA Hohn. Sitz.-ber. Akad. Wien I. 127: 375. 1918. Apothecia springing from a more or less definitely outlined, dark-colored, stromatic base consisting of a single layer of cells and loosely interwoven hyphae, stipitate, gregarious, or scattered, fleshy, becoming coriaceous, or corneous on drying, some shade of brown, or yellowish-brown when fresh; hymenium slightly darker; stem relatively stout, variable in length, or occasionally wanting, hirsute, or furfuraceous; asci c>lindric to clavate, attenuated below, rounded or truncate at the tip, 8-spored; spores usually 1 -seriate, or occasionalh' becoming partially 2- seriate, simple, broadly ellipsoid, ovoid, or lunate, usually unequal sided, or lunate, smooth, or rough, golden-brown, or olivaceous when mature; paraphyses often branched, hyaline, slightly enlarged above. Spermatia usually present. No con- idial stage observed. Type species, LamberteUa Corui-maris Hohn. Spores small, not over 10-11 ju long. On stromatized hulls of Carya. 1. L. Ilicoriae. On mummied berries and leaves. On Jasminum and Citharexylum in Bermuda. 2. L. Jasmini. On Coccoloba? leaves in British Honduras. 3. L. tropicalis. Spores large, 12-18 m long. On mummied fruits of Prunus. 4. L. Pruni. On fallen or hanging leaves. On leaves of Viburnum. 5. L. Viburni. On leaves of Cephalanihus. 6. L. Cephalanthi. 1. LamberteUa Hicoriae Whctzel, Lloydia 6: 33. 1943. Apothecia arising from stromatized hickory-nut hulls partially buried in soil or leaf-mould, about 2 mm. in diameter, fleshy, stipitate, brown or tawny-olive to dark vinaceous-brown; hymenium olive-brown or fuscous; stem stout, light above, dark- brown toward the base; asci cylindric-clavate, attenuated below, rounded or truncate above, reaching a length of 101-127 ^ and a diameter of 6-8//; spores obliquely 1 -seriate, later becoming 2- Lambertella 67 seriate, broadly ellipsoid, flattened on one side, with two oil- drops, and hyaline when >'oung, becoming olivaceous-brown when mature, 4 6 X 7-10 yu; paraphyses slender, branched, slightly enlarged above. Spermatia globose, 2-3 fx in diameter. On stromatized hulls of Carya ovata. Type locality: Woods east of Ca>'uta Lake, New York. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Lloydia 6: pi. 3,f. 1-5; p. 35,/. 2. 2. Lambertella Jasmini Seaver & Whetzel, Lloydia 6: 37. 1943. Apothecia one to several arising from the stroma in fruits, pedicels, or leaves of the host, 1-5 mm. in diameter, fleshy, stipitate, dark olive-buff, outside of the apothecium fibrillose, the short tips of the hyphae forming a fringe about the margin: hymenium darker brown; stem stout to slender, usually rela- tively short, cinnamon-brown below, lighter above, more or less hairy; asci c\lindric, attenuated below, rounded above, reaching a length of 95 135 n and a diameter of 7-8 n\ spores 1 -seriate, broadly ellipsoid, flattened on one side, slightly roughened, with two prominent oil-drops, becoming dark golden-brown at ma- turity, about 4-5 X 6-9 ju; paraphyses hyaline, slender, branched, slightly enlarged above. On mummied berries and leaves of Jasminum gracile and on leaves of Citharexyliim spinosum. Type locality: Walsingham, Bermuda. Distribution: Bermuda. Illustrations: Lloydia 6: 36, pi. 4,f. 13; p. 38,/. 3. 3. Lambertella tropicalis (Kanouse) Whetzel, Lloydia 6: 49. 1943. Ciboria tropicalis Kanouse, Mycologia 33: 463. 1941. Apothecia scattered over a stromatic area on the upper sur- face of the leaf, the stroma forming an irregular area along the midrib and side veins of the leaf, the individual apothecia small, about 2 mm. in diameter, very short-stipitate or nearh' sessile, waxy, white when fresh, alutaceous when dry, minutely furfuraceous beneath; hymenium nearly plane; stem very short and thick; asci cylindric-clavate, broadest at the apex, the tip rounded and thickened, reaching a length of 90-100 ;u and a diameter of 8-11 ju; spores 1-seriate or irregularly 2-seriate, almost completely filling the ascus, inequilateral, slightly allan- 68 The North American Cup-Fungi toid, granular, becoming golden-brown, 4-5 X 11-14 m; para- physes filiform, sparingly branched. On leaves of Coccoloba? Type locality: British Honduras. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Lloydia 6: 50,/. 7. 4. Lambertella Pruni Whetzel & Zeller, Lloydia 6: 40. 1943. Apothecia gregarious, as many as a hundred springing from a single stromatized fruit, the stroma consisting of a thin, wrinkled, black crust surrounding the host, the individual apothecia 1.5 mm. in diameter when mature, short-stipitate to sessile, externally furfuraceous, the margin fringed with short hyphal tips, brown; hymenium plane or convex, pale-brown, darker with age; stem very short, sharply constricted at point of attachment and black at the base; asci cylindric, slightly nar- rowed above, attenuated at the base, reaching a length of 115- 150 ji and a diameter of 10-14 n; spores 1 -seriate, lunate, with broad, blunt ends, smooth, containing two oil-drops, golden- brown, becoming dark olivaceous-brown at maturity, 7-8 X 12- 15 /x; paraphyses branched, septate, slightly enlarged above. On mummied fruits and seedlings of sweet cherry, Primus avium. Type locality: Reynold's Estate near Salem, Oregon. Distribution: Known onh' from the type locality. Illustrations: Lloydia 6: 36, pi. 4,f. 4; p. 41,/. 4. 5. Lambertella Viburni Whetzel, Lloydia 6: 43. 1943. Apothecia scattered, stipitate, arising from a subcuticular stromatic base, restricted largely to the veins of the leaves, individual apothecia small, .5-2 mm. in diameter, externally fibrillose, light-bufT, the margins dark-brown, incurved, rimmed with hyphal tips; hymenium shallow-concave to plane, light- brown; stem stout, cinnamon-brown, lighter above, hirsute; asci slender-cylindric, tapering slightly below, rounded above, reach- ing a length of 60-1 14 n and a diameter of 8-9 jx; spores ellipsoid, bluntly apiculate, flattened on one side, light-brown, becoming darker after discharge, 4-6 X 12-18 ju, with two oil-drops; paraphyses apparently simple, actually fasciculately 3-branched near the base, septate, slightly enlarged at the tips. On hanging dead leaves of Viburnum cassinoides. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 87 J \ • . .' »» * » •* • • • • • MARTINIA PANAMAENSIS Martinia 69 Type locality: The "Bottomless Pit" near Hanover, New Hampshire. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Lloydia 6: 44, pi. 5; p. 45,/. 5. 6. Lambertella Cephalanthi Whetzel, Lloydia 6: 47. 1943. Apothecia scattered, arising from the surface of the leaf without any distinct stromatization, minute, not exceeding 1 mm. in diameter, stipitate, pale-brown, the margin fringed with short hyphal tips; hymenium dark-brown, deeply concave, paler after spore discharge; stem dark-brown below, pruinose and colored like the outside of the apothecium; asci short, stout, broadly cylindric, tapering slightly toward the base, slightly narrowed above, the apex rounded or more or less truncate, reaching a length of 90-117 yi and a diameter of 10-12 ju; spores 1-seriate, or becoming 2-seriate, nearly filling the entire ascus, broadly ellip- soid, olivaceous-brown with a thickened, darker band on one side, containing two oil-drops, 5-8 X 12-17 ju; paraphyses 3-branched, septate, swollen above. On fallen leaves of Cephalanthus occidentalis. Type locality: West Roxbury, Massachusetts. Distribution : Massachusetts and Cayuta Lake, New York. Illustrations: Lloydia 6: 48,/. 6. 8. MARTINIA Whetzel, Mycologia 34: 585. 1942. Apothecia arising singly or several from minute, hemi- spherical sclerotia on the surface of the substratum, thin, mem- branous, shallow cup-shaped, reaching a diameter of 2-3 mm., stipitate; hymenium olivaceous to olive-brown when spores are mature; stem long, slender, hair-like; asci 8-spored; spores simple, ellipsoid, olive-brown. Type species, Martinia panamaensis Whetzel. This name is apparently untenable having previously been used. See Vaniot, Acad. Geogr. Bot. 12: 31. 1903. 1. Martinia panamaensis Whetzel, Mycologia 34: 586. 1946. Stromata and apothecia as above; asci cylindric above, at- tenuated below, reaching a length of 35-40 n and a diameter of 5 (x; spores ellipsoid, slightly flattened on one side, 2.5 X 4.5 pt; paraphyses branched near the base, scarcely enlarged above. On the surface of bark and wood of some undetermined tree. 70 The North American Cup-Fungi Type locality: Near Balboa, Panama. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 34: 587,/. 1-4. 9. CIBORINIA Whetzel, Mycologia 37: 667. 1945. Stroma a definite sclerotium of the discoid type, black, circular, subcircular, or occasionally elongated, thin, flat, or on drying somewhat concavo-convex, foliicolous, persistent, or deciduous; spermatia present, globose or ovoid, hyaline, in mass pale-yellow. Apothecia, one to several arising from each sclerotium, cup- shaped to shallow saucer-shaped or discoid, small to medium, 1-5 mm. in diameter, reddish to brown, or nearly white; asci usually 8-spored; spores simple, hyaline, ellipsoid; paraphyses slender, usually swollen at the tips. Type species, Sclerotinia Whetzelii Seaver. On leaves of Populus tremuloides. Apothecia usually one to each sclerotium, large, 2-10 mm. in diameter. 1. C. Whetzelii. Apothecia several to each sclerotium small, .5-1.5 mm. in diameter. 2. C. hifrons. Not on Populus tremuloides. On leaves of Salix. 3. C. foliicola. On Erythronium. 4. C. Erythronii. On petioles of Magnolia. 5. C. gracilipes. 1. Ciborinia Whetzelii (Seaver) comb. nov. (Plate 89.) Sclerotium bifrons Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 155; Sacc. Syll. Fung. 14: 1169. 1899. (in part). Sclerotinia bifrons Whetzel, Mycologia 32: 126. 1940. Not Sclerotinia bifrons Seaver & Shope. 1930. Sclerotinia Whetzelii Seaver , Mycologia 32: 127. 1940. Ciborinia bifrons Whetzel, Mycologia 37: 668. 1945. Sclerotia formed in the living leaves, circular, or irregularly subcircular in form, persistent or dehiscent. Apothecia occurring on sclerotia lying on the ground, stipitate, at first cup-shaped, expanding and becoming subdiscoid, brown- ish, 2-10 mm. in diameter; stems 5-25 mm. long; asci clavate or subclavate, reaching a length of 150-200 m and a diameter of 9-12 jLt; spores 1-seriate, ellipsoid, 4-7 X ll-16iu- On sclerotia dehisced from the leaves of Populus tremuloides and lying on the ground. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 88 CIBORINIA BIFRONS ClBORINIA 71 Type locality: New York. Distribution: New York and Quebec, Canada. Illustrations: Mycologia 37: 669, f. 6, 7; Canadian Jour. Res. 18: pi. 1, f. 1-10. 2. Ciborinia bifrons (Kllis & Ev.) Seaver, comb. nov. (Plate 75 (frontispiece), 88.) Sclerotium bifrons Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 155: Sacc. S>11. Fuiiij;. 14: 1169. 1899. (in part). Sclerotinia bifrons Seaver & Shope, Mycologia 22: 3. 1930. Sclerotinia conf undens Whetzel, Mycologia 32: 126. 1940. Ciborinia confundens Whetzel, Mycologia 37: 668. 1945. Sclerotia formed in the living leaves of the host, irregularly circular in form, persistent, or dehiscent, black, thin; apothecia stipitate, several to each sclerotium, minute, whitish, or slightly yellowish, .5-1.5 mm. in diameter; stems variable in length, usually 2-3 mm.; asci clavate, or subcylindric, 8-spored, reaching a length of 50-75 ii and a diameter of 4-7 /x; spores fusoid, or ellipsoid, hyaline, 2-3 X 7-10 ju; paraphyses slender. On sclerotia dehisced from the leaves of Populus tremuloides and lying on the ground in moist places, usually embedded in humus. Type locality: University of Colorado summer camp near Boulder, Colorado. Distribution: Known only from the type localit>'. Illustrations: Mycologia 22: pi. 4; 37: No. 6, frontispiece, 645,/. 2. Exsiccati: Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 155; Barth. Fungi Columb. 2554. 3. Ciborinia foliicola (Cash & Davidson) Whetzel, Mycologia 37: 668. 1945. Sclerotinia foliicola Cash & Davidson, Mycologia 25: 269. 1933. Sclerotia surrounding the midribs of overwintering leaves of the host, .5-1 mm. wide and 14 cm. long, thick and appearing on both sides of the leaf-blade. Apothecia stipitate at first cup-shaped, expanding and be- coming almost discoid at maturity, up to 1 cm. in diameter, grayish-brown; stems .5 1 mm. thick, reaching a length of 1-3 cm., rather stout when young, becoming slender at maturity, asci cylindric, or subcylindric, attenuated below, reaching a 72 The North American Cup-Fungi length of 120-140 m and a diameter of 8-10 n; spores 1-seriate, ellipsoid, hyaline, 5 X 9-13 m; paraphyses filiform, septate, gradually enlarged above to 3-4 /x thick. On leaves of Salix sp. Type locality: Mesa Lakes, Colorado. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 25: pi. 37, f. 8, 9. 4. Ciborinia Erythronii Whetzel, Mycologia 37: 668. 1945. ?Sclerotinia gracilis Clements; Bessey, Contr. Bot. Uep. Univ. Nebr. 3: 47. 1892. Sclerotinia Erythronii Whetzel, M\cologia 18: 232. 1926. ? Ciborinia gracilis Whetzel, Mycologia 37: 668. 1945. Sclerotia usually more or less pointed, black, deepl\- buried, or flat and ovate lying on the surface of the soil, 1-1.5 X 5- 10 mm. Apothecia slightly elevated above the surface of the soil, cup- shaped to shallow saucer-shaped, finally expanded and sub- discoid, or convex, brown, 3 5 mm. in diameter; stems often very long, reaching a length of 5-10 cm. the length varying according to the depth at which the sclerotia are buried; asci cylindric, or subclavate, reaching a length 200-275 ^ and a diameter of 12 /x, 8-spored; spores long-ellipsoid, 7-10 X 20-30 ^u; paraphyses filiform, only slightly swollen above. Parasites on Erythronium americanum, occurring on shaded knolls or wooded hillsides. Type locality: Labrador Lake, near Tulley, New York. Distribution: New York and Nebraska? Illustrations: Mycologia 18: 232./. 1, pi. 27. 5. Ciborinia gracilipes (Cooke) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza gracilipes Cooke, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 2: 294. 1875. Sclerotinia gracilipes Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 200. 1889. Sclerotia thin, rounded, or ellipsoid, formed on the petioles of the host. Apothecia stipitate, at first cup-shaped, finally becoming discoid, submembranaceous, yellowish-brown, reaching a diam- eter of 2-3 cm.; asci cylindric, or subcylindric, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, 4 X 8 /x. From sclerotia on the petioles of Magnolia glauca. Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 89 CIBORINIA WHETZELII Verpatinia 73 Distribution: Known only from the type locality. ExsicCATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi. 390. Specimens in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden show excellent sclerotia and apothecia. 10. VERPATINIA Whetzcl & Drayton, Mycologia 37: 690. 1945. Stroma an elongated, black sclerotium of the discoid type identical with that of Cibonnia, foliicolous, formed beneath the cuticle of the host; conidial stage believed to be wanting. Apothecia arising from the sclerotia singly or in pairs, stipi- tate, campanulate to cylindric or subturbinate; the hymenial surface pitted or often longitudinally furrowed; asci 8-spored; spores ellipsoid to fusiform. Type species, Verpatinia calthicola Whetzel. On old leaves of Caliha paltisiris. 1. V- calthicola. On old leaves of Betula lutea. 2. T^ duchesnayensis. 1. Verpatinia calthicola Whetzel, Mycologia 37: 692. 1945. Stroma and sclerotia as above. Apothecia campanulate, or turbinate, 2 3 mm. long and 1-2 mm. thick, clay-colored to pale-brown, long-stipitate; stem slender, slightly swollen at the base, 5-15 mm. long and .5 mm. in diameter; asci cylindric, gradually tapering below, reaching a length of 30-38 M and a diameter of 3 6 m; spores subellipsoid with one side flattened, 2-3 X 6-10 m- On overwintering petioles of Caltha pahistris. Type locality: Ithaca, New York. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 37: 687./. 25-28. 2. Verpatinia duchesnayensis Whetzel, Mycologia 37: 694. 1945. Sclerotia elongated, at maturity as long as 25 mm. though often much shorter, varying from short-fusiform in earh- stages to long, slender-cylindric, rather abruptly tapering toward the ends, dull to shining, formed in the midrib or one of the primary ribs of the host. Apothecia, stipitate, arising singly, or in pairs from the em- bedded sclerotium, cylindric to barrel-shaped, or turbinate, ap- 74 The North American Cup-Fungi proximately 2 mm. long, 1 mm. thick, pale ashy-gra^', surface irregularly furrowed or wrinkled; stem of uniform diameter throughout, brownish, smooth, paler above; asci cylindric, or sub- cylindric; spores, fusoid, one side often flattened, 3-4 X 9-12 fx; paraphyses thick, enlarged at their apices. On disintegrating leaves of Betula lutea. Type locality: Duchesnay, Quebec, Canada. Distribution : Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 37: 691,/. 30, 31. 11. SCLEROTINIA Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 330. 1871. Apothecia arising from a definite tuberoid, elongated, or irregular sclerotium, usually formed in the living or recently killed tissues of the host, more rarely apparently disconnected with any host, at first rounded, becoming cup-shaped, urn- shaped or discoid; asci clavate-cylindric, usually 8-spored; spores ellipsoid to fusoid, simple, hyaline; paraphyses filiform, or slightly enlarged above. Type species, Peziza sckrotiorum Lib. Sclerotia occurring unattached to any host. Sclerotia closely associated with a host plant. On monocotyledons, grasses or sedges. On seeds of Secale. On stems or leaves. On Juncus. On Carex. Apothecia large, 2 4 cm. in diameter. Apothecia small, less than 1 cm. Sclerotia small, .3-1 mm. in diam- eter on leaves of host. Sclerotia large, 7 mm. -2 cm. long. Sclerotia 1-7 mm. long. Sclerotia 2-2.5 cm. long. On dicotyledons, various species. On flowers or seeds. On seeds. On Tilia americana. On Nyssa sylvatica. On flowers of Camellia. On leaves or stems. On leaves. On Potentilla. On lettuce, Lactiica and other garden plants. 1. S. tuberosa. 2. S. temulenta. 3. 5. juncigena, 4. S. Caricis- ampnllaceae. 5. 5. paludosa. 6. S. longisclerotialis. 7. S. Diiriaeana. 8. 5. Tiliae. 9. 5. nyssaegena. 10. S. Camelliae. 11. S. fallax 12. s. minor. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 90 SCLEROTINIA TUBEROSA SCLEROTINIA 75 On stems or seed pods. On Veratrtim califortiicum. 13. S. Veratri. On stems or seed-pods of Pedicular is. 14. S. coloradensis. On bulbs, tubers or roots. On roots of Tragopogon and Daucus. 15. .S'. intermedia. On bulbs or tubers. On tubers of Pana.x. 16. S. Panacis. On bulbs of Tulip and Medicago. 17. .S'. saliva. I. Sclerotinia tuberosa (Hedw.) Fuckel, S\ml). M\c. 331. 1S6Q. (Plate 90.) Octospora tuberosa Hedw. Descr. 2: 39. 1788. Peziza tuberosa Bull. Hist. Champ. Fr. 266. 1791. Macroscyphus tuberosus S. F. Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. PI. 1: 672. 1821. Rutstroemia tuberosa Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 105. 1871. Phialea tuberosa Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 97. 1882. Hytnenoscypha ttiberosa Phill. Brit. Discom. 113, 1887. Sclerotia buried in the ground, forming irregular nodules 5-7 mm. in diameter, occasionalh' larger, externalh' black, internally white, strongly convoluted when dr\'. Apothecia infundibuliform to cup-shaped, more or less ex- panded at maturity', margin often inturned, pale umber-brown, stipitate, 1 cm. or more in diameter; hymenium slightly darker than the outside of the apothecium, even, or occasionally slightly convoluted; stem slender, about 2 mm. in diameter, gradually expanding into the cup above, and with the base more or less swollen, reaching a length of several cm., usualh- one fruiting body from each sclerotium but occasionally several ; asci cylindric- clavate, reaching a length of 150 /x and a diameter of 8-10 n, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, the ends slighth' narrowed, 6 X 12- 14 n; paraphyses filiform, the ends slighth' enlarged above, 3-4 /x in diameter. On sclerotia buried in the ground, the stem of the apothecia being long enough to reach the surface of the ground. Type locality : Europe. Distribution: New York to North Dakota and south to Tennessee, probably distributed in North America; also in Europe. Illustrations: Hedwig, Descr. 2: pi. JO, f. B; Bull. Herb. Fr. pi. 485, f. 2-3; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 802,/. 13; E. & P. Nat. Pfl. V: 193,/. 156 K. European authors report this species as occurring on the rhizomes of Anemone nemorosa. The writer has collected hun- dreds of sclerotia and apothecia of this species in the suburbs of 76 The North American Cup-Fungi New York City, over a period of years, and in no case has the fungus been associated with the rhizomes of this or any other host. While there might be a mycehal connection, none was apparent. This leads us to suspect that our American form may be distinct from the European. However, the two agree so well in other characters that for the time being our species are re- garded as identical with the European. 2. Sclerotinia temulenta (Prill. & Delacr.) Seaver, comb. nov. Phialea temulenta Prill. & Delacr. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 8: 23. 1892. ? Endoconidium temulentum Prill. & Delacr. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 7: 116. 1891. Conidial stage consisting of globose, or subglobose conidia produced in chains within the branches and near the tips of the conidiophores. Apothecia solitary, or gregarious on a sclerotium formed in the seed of the host, stipitate, at first partly closed, pallid, from ochraceous to honey-colored, .5-7 m in diameter; hymenium plane to slightly convex; stem slender, 7-10 mm. long and .5-1 mm. thick; asci cylindric, reaching a length of 130 ju and a diameter of 5 m, 8-spored; spores, 1-seriate, fusoid, 4-5 X 10^; paraphyses filiform, slightly enlarged above 1.5-2 ji thick. On fruits of Secale cereale to which it gives poisonous proper- ties. Said to be a very destructive parasite. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Williamette Valley, Oregon; also in Europe. Illustrations: Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 7: 116,/. 1 (conidia). If Prillieus and Delacroix are correct in assuming that this is the perfect stage of Endoconidium temulentum and we follow the Whetzel scheme of separating genera on the basis of their conidial stages this should be made a separate genus since it is the only member of the tribe which has an Endoconidium as the conidial stage. 3. Sclerotinia juncigena (Ellis & Ev.) Whetzel, Farlowia 2: 432. 1946. Ciboria juncigena Ellis «& Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1894: 348. 1894. Sclerotia one, possibly more within a diseased culm, slender, cylindric, with truncate, slightly rounded ends, reaching a length of 15 mm. and a diameter of 2 mm., externally black, sulcate, internally white when mature, enclosed in a cavity in the pith region of the culm. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 91 SCLEROTINIA CARICIS-AMPUULACEAE SCLEROTINIA 77 Apothccia usualh but one from each sclerotium, long- stipitate, thin membranous, shallow, cup-shaped, subumbilicate, 4-5 n in diameter, reddish-brown ; stem relatively long, reaching a length of 1 cm. and a diameter of 1 mm. attached below by a spreading, dark hyphal mat; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 60 n and a diameter of 4-5 n, 8-spored ; spores allantoid, slender, distinctly curved, hyaline, 1-1.5 X 8-9 n; paraphyses not apparent. In culms of Juuchs (probably /. effusiis var. californica). Type locality: Falcon Valley, Washington State. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 4. Sclerotinia Caricis-ampullaceae Nyberg, Mem. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 10: 22. 1933. (Plate 90.) Sclerotia externalh' black (inside white), longitudinally sul- cate, bowed or S-shaped, usually broader below and tapering above, the bow often variable, reaching a length of 1-10 cm. and a diameter of 1 mm. to 1 cm., each producing one to twenty apothecia. Apothccia stipitate, often funnel-shaped at first, later cup- shaped, finally expanding and becoming nearly flat and umbili- cate, reaching a diameter of 2-4 cm., externally finely tomentose, some shade of brown; hymenium concave to plane, brown; stems 1-2 mm. thick and reaching a length of 5-10 cm., gradually expanding above into the cup, darker below, almost black; asci cylindric, rounded above, reaching a length of 200-300 ju and a diameter of 11 m; spores 1-seriate, ellipsoid, smooth, without oil- drops, 6-9 X 11-15 ix; paraphyses thread-like, branching below, 1-2 yi thick, scarcely enlarged above. In culms of Carex aqnatilis, C. ampuJIacea (C. rostrata) and C. inflata . Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Medicine Bow Mountains, Wyoming; also in Europe. Illustrations: Mycologia 35: 387, /. 1; 393, /. 2-3; 395, /. 4-6; Farlowia 2: 406, pi. 6 J. 23-25. 5. Sclerotinia paludosa Cash & Davidson, Mycologia 25: 271. 1933. Sclerotia on leaves of host, often on edges, inconspicuous, 3-1 mm. in diameter, sometimes elongated up to 1.7 mm., black. 78 The North American Cup-Fungi Apothecia brown, small, cupulate, then becoming almost plane, reaching a diameter of 1.2-2 mm.; stem reaching a length of 2-4 mm. and a thickness of .3 mm.; asci cylindric, attenuated at the base, with a short, stem-like base, 8-spored; spores 1-2- seriate, simple, containing two oil-drops, 5 X 12 14 ;u; paraphyses numerous, filiform, septate, agglutinated and brown at the tips, 1-4 n thick. On overwintering leaves of Carex exsiccata. Type locality: Grand Mesa, Colorado. Distribution: Grand Mesa National Park, Colorado. Illustrations: Mycologia 25: pi. 37, f. 6-7. 6. Sclerotinia longisclerotialis VVhetzel, Mycologia 21 : 28. 1929. Sclerotia usually one or two or sometimes three in each culm, remaining enclosed even at maturity, not discharging by the breaking of the culm as in Sclerotinia Duriaeana, somewhat exposed by a narrow slit in the epidermis, at maturity black, oblong, truncate, uniform in thickness, more or less 3-angled, striate due to the pressure of the vascular strands of the culm during development, originating as a loose, cottony weft of white mycelial hyphae in the interior of the culm, gradually thickening, forming a firm body at first of a pinkish color, gradually changing to a smoky-gray on the exterior, finally black, the ends capped by a long, pointed weft of white mycelium continuous with the mycelium in the tissues of the culm, at maturity varying in size with the slenderness of the host culm, reaching a length of 1-7 cm. and a diamater of 1-2 mm. Apothecia 2-5 mm. broad, goblet-shaped with mouth con- stricted, stipitate, dark fawn-colored, usually one to each scle- rotium; stem slender, reaching a length of 15-30 mm.; asci cylindric, attenuated below, reaching a length of 170-230 /n and a diameter of 9-15 jjl, 8-spored; spores strongly unequilateral, flat, or incurved on one side, averaging 8 X 18 ju; paraphyses simple, very slender, slightly clavate. On species of Carex, C. prairea, C. interior, C. crinita, C vesicaria and C. retrorsa. Type locality : New York. Distribution: New York and Maine. Illustrations: Mycologia 21: pi. 4, pi. 5,f. 20-22; Farlowia 2^: pi. 5,f. 19-22. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 92 I *?Si- r t If' y^ \v. l^-v^ I fc. ) 1^" SCLEROTINIA DURIAEANA SCLEROTINIA 79 7. Sclerotinia Duriaeana (Tul.) Rehm, Hedwigia 21: 66. 1882. (Plate 92.) Sclerotium sulcatum Roberge; Desm. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. 16: 329. 1851. Epidochium ambiens Desm. .^nn. Sci. Nat. III. 20: 231. 1853. Epidochium affine Desm. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. 20: 232. 1853. (in part). Peziza Duriaeana Tui. Fung. Carp. 1: 103. 1861. Sphacelia ambiens Sacc. Syll. Fung. 4: 666. 1886. Hymenoscypha Duriaeana Phill. Brit. Discom. 115. 1887. Sclerotia one to three in each culm, when mature exposed by the rupture of the epidermis along one or two faces of the culm which thus weakened soon breaks over widening the slit and allowing the sclerotia to fall, black, fusiform, much resembling ergot, the sclerotia of Claviceps, often inequilateral, or slightly curved in larger specimens, of variable size according to the host, reaching a length of 20-25 mm. and a diameter of 3-4 mm. but often smaller, 3-angled. Apothecia stipitate, reaching a diameter of 2-10 mm., deep cup-shaped when young, expanded when mature, fawn-colored, varying in size with the sclerotia from which they arise; stem short, 5-20 mm. long; asci slightly attenuated below, reaching a length of 150-180 m and a diameter of 7-11 fx, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate, long-ovoid, often inequilateral, 5-9 X 8-18 n; pa- raphyses slender, slightly swollen at their apices. On Carex stricta, Carex prairea, Carex hystericina, Carex riparia var. lacustris. Carex flava, Carex rostrata, Carex crinita, and Carex nehraskensis. Type locality: Ithaca, New York. Distribution : New York and Oregon; also known in Europe. Illustrations: Mycologia 21: 21,/. 1; pi. 2, 3, 5, J. 14, 15, 16; Farlowia 2^: pi. 1, 2, 3, 4 (as S. sulcata). Whetzel (Farlowia 2: 397) treats S. sulcata as distinct from 5. Duriaeana. 8. Sclerotinia Tiliae Reade, Ann. Myc. 6: 114. 1908. Apothecia mostly solitary, cyathoid, long-stipitate, .5-1 cm. high, Isabela color, 1-3 mm. in diameter; stem smooth, slender, cylindric, .5 mm. or less thick; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 140-170 M and a diameter of 8-10 m, 8-spored; spores obliquely 1-seriate, ellipsoid, hyaline, simple, 4 5 X 9-11 juipara- physes sparse, filiform, hyaline. From sclerotia in seeds of Tilia americana hing on the ground. 80 The North American Cup-Fungi Type locality: Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Distribution : Known only from the type locality. This species was collected in the spring of 1906. So far as we know it has not been reported from any other place. 9. Sclerotinia nyssaegena (Ellis) Rehm, Ann. Myc. 4; 338. 1906. Peziza nyssaegena Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 8: 73. 1881. Ciboria nyssaegena Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 207. 1889. Helotium nyssaegenum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 207. 1889. (as synonym) Apothecia arising singly, gregarious, or cespitose, concave, becoming nearly plane, pale-yellow to yellowish-brown, reaching a diameter of 3-5 mm.; hymenium concave, or becoming nearly plane, similar in color on the outside of the apothecium; stem very variable in length but often reaching 1-2 cm., about 1 mm. in thickness, often branched, usually imbedded in soil; asci clavate, reaching a length 100-1 10 m and a diameter of 6-8 /i at their apices; spores partially 2-seriate, or irregularly crowded, fusoid, narrowed toward the base, 3-4 X 12-14 ju; paraphyses slender, reaching a diameter of 1-2 n. On seeds of Nyssa sylvatica, buried under dead leaves. Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. Distribution : New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York. Exsiccati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 389. A small collection of this species was obtained by the author in The New York Botanical Garden, September, 1930, growing with Helotium nyssicola from which it differs in size, color and in its spore measurements. 10. Sclerotinia Camelliae Hansen «& Thomas, Phytopathology 30: 170. 1940. Sclerotia dark-brown to black, usually compound, impreg- nating and surrounding the petal tissue, variable in form, reach- ing a size of 12 X 30 mm.; conidia none; microconidia globose to pyriform, 2.5-3.5 n in diameter, produced in long chains on conidiophores which are produced in clusters. Apothecia occurring singly or in groups, buff-olive, becoming darker with age, scantily pubescent, cyathiform to discoid, reaching a diameter of 5 20 mm.; stem 2-3 mm. thick and reaching an extreme length of 40 mm., tapering below; asci SCLEROTINIA 81 cylindric, reaching a length of 100-125 /x and a diameter of 4-6 n, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate, ellipsoid, simple hyaline, 2.5-3.5 X 5-7 M ; paraphyses filiform, 1.2-2.5 fj. thick, slightly swollen above. On diseased flowers of Camellia japonica. Type locality: Hay ward, California. Distribution: California and Ontario, Canada. Illustrations: Phytopathology 30: 167,/. 1; 169,/. AD. 11. Sclerotinia fallax (Sacc?) Cash & Davidson, Mycologia 25: 270. 1933. ?Sclerotium fallax Sacc. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 23: 197. 1916. Sclerotia on leaf, reaching a length of .3-2 mm., a width of 1 mm. and a thickness of .5 mm., falling out and leaving holes in the leaf. Apothecia small, patellate, 1-1.5 mm. in diameter, pale- brown, long-stipitate; stem reaching a length of 1.4 cm.; asci cyHndric, attenuated at the base, reaching a length of 55 n and a diameter of 5-6 jx, 4-spored; spores 1-seriate in the upper half of the ascus, narrowed at the lower end, 3-4 X 9-12 /x; paraphy- ses filiform, septate, simple, 2 n thick. On Potentilla sp. Type locality: Mesa Lakes, Colorado. Distribution: Known onh' from the type locality. 12. Sclerotinia minor Jagger, Jour. Agr. Res. 20: 333. 1920. Sclerotia formed on the recently killed leaves of the host, small, .5-2 mm. in diameter; microconidia present, 3-4 ^x in diameter. Apothecia occurring singly, or rarely more than one to each sclerotium, stipitate, .5-2 mm. in diameter; stem cylindric, slender, flexuous, attenuated downward, .5-12 mm. long; asci cylindric, or subcylindric, reaching a length of 125-175 ^ and a diameter of 8-11 n, 8-spored ; spores ellipsoid to ovoid, 6-8 X 12- 16 m; paraphyses filiform, enlarged above, 3-4 ju in diameter. Parasitic on lettuce, Lactuca, celery, Apiiim and other plants. Type locality: New York Distribution: New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Florida. Illustrations: Jour. Agr. Res. 20: 332,/. 1, pi. 59, f. C. 82 The North American Cup-Fungi 13. Sclerotinia Veratri Cash & Davidson, Mycologia 25: 267. 1933. Sclerotia flat, elliptic, or irregularly elongate, embedded in stems and when infection is severe, diffused over considerable area, dark reddish-brown to black, white within, reaching a length of 3-7 mm. and a width of 1-3 mm. and a thickness of 1 mm. Apothecia reddish-brown, cupulate at first with inrolled margins, becoming almost flat, usually reaching a diameter of 3-7 mm., or occasionally as large as 1 cm., wrinkled when dry; hymenium brown, becoming lighter, grayish-brown at maturity; stem black, swollen toward the base, .5-1 cm. long and .5-1 mm. thick; asci cylindric, attenuated near the base, reaching a length of 140-150 /i and a diameter of 11-13 ju, 8-spored; spores irregu- larly 1 -seriate, oblong-elliptic, simple, hyaline, usually with two oil-drops, 5-6.5 X 15-17.6 n; paraphyses filiform, simple or branched near the base, pale-brown, 2-2.5 fx thick at the apex. On Veratrum calif ornicum. Type locality: Mesa Lakes Reservoir, Colorado. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 25: pi. 36, f. 4. 14. Sclerotinia coloradensis Cash «& Davidson, Mycologia 25: 268. 1933. Sclerotia on stems and seed-pods, thin, flat, elongated, some- times confluent, black, white within, .2-3 cm. long and 2-5 mm. broad, .5 mm. thick, inconspicuous on weathered material. Apothecia one to several from each sclerotium, cup-shaped, becoming flat, margin inrolled when dry, pale-brown, reaching a diameter of 2-3.5 mm.; hymenium pale-brown; stem brown, reaching a length of 4-7 mm. and a diameter of .5 mm.; asci cylindric, short-stipitate, reaching a length of 135-155 and a diameter of 7.5-9.5 ix, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, hyaline, simple, 4-5 X 10-12 ii; paraphrases filiform, septate, simple, 2.5 /x in diameter at their apices. On Pedicularis groenlnndica and Pedicularis hracteosa. Type locality: Grand Mesa, Colorado. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 25: pi. 38, f. 12. SCLEROTINIA 83 15. Sclerotinia intermedia Ramsey, Phytopathology 14: 323. 1924. Sclerotia black, irregular, 13 mm. in diameter, often joined together in long chains; microconidia globose, hyaline, 3.8 ju in diameter formed on short, flask-shaped sterigmata. Apothecia funnel-shaped to discoid, one to several from a single sclerotium, stipitate, reaching a diameter of 6 mm.; stem 7-12 mm. long, 1-1.25 mm. in diameter, expanding upward into the apothecium; hymenium tawny-olive at first, changing to snuff-brown at maturity, buff after the ejection of the spores; asci cylindric to cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 130 m and a diameter of 7-8 /x; spores ellipsoid to ovoid, with one oil- drop, hyaline, 4-6 X 10-15 m; paraphyses filiform, simple. On roots of salsify (Tragopogon porrijolius) and carrot {Daucus Carota) from the markets. Type locality: Chicago, Illinois. Distribution: Known only from the t>pe locality. Illustrations: Phytopathology 14: 324,/. 1; 325,/. 4-6. 16. Sclerotinia Panacis Rankin, Phytopathology 2: 30. 1912. Sclerotia large, .3-1 cm. in diameter, irregularly depressed- globose, solitary, or aggregated, black; conidia in potato-agar cultures, globose, small, 3-5.5 m i" diameter, borne on verticillate- branching conidiophores. Apothecia scattered, or gregarious and sometimes cespitose. fleshy to subcoriaceous, closed at first, then expanding, finally flat with a distinct depression in the center from which radiate folds in the hymenium, more or less irregular, reaching a diameter of 1.5-2.5 cm., brown, stipitate; stem smooth, variable in length, tortuous, 2-3 mm. thick; asci narrowly cylindric, reaching a length of 125-137 ji and a diameter of 6.5 n\ spores obliquely 1-seriate, hyaline, with two oil-drops, simple, smooth, ellipsoid, 5-7 X 11-16 /x; paraphyses scarce, slightly thickened above. On sclerotia of "black-rotted" tubers of cultivated ginseng, Panax quinqiiefolium. Type locality: Labrador Lake, New York. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Phytopathology 2: 29,/. a-c, pi. 3. 84 The North American Cup-Fungi 17. Sclerotinia sativa Drayton & Groves, Mycologia 35: 526. 1943. Sclerotia black, irregular in shape, usually more or less circular to elongated, 1-5 mm. in length or rarely longer and 1-2 mm. thick, frequently becoming laterally fused and forming irregular crusts not adhering closely to the substratum. Apothecia appearing singly, or in clusters, stipitate, reaching a diameter of 1-5 mm., shallow cup-shaped to almost plane, or finally convex, slightly hairy to almost glabrous; hymenium concave to plane or convex, brown; stem reaching a length of 2-6 mm., tapering downward less than 1 mm. thick, dark-brown to almost black at the base; asci cylindric with a slender tapering base, reaching a length of 100-130 /x and a diameter of 7.5 10 /x; spores ellipsoid to ovoid, hyaline, 1 -seriate, 4-7 X 9 12 n; pa- raphyses filiform, septate, simple or branched, 2.5 3.5 n thick, the tips enlarged to 4-5 jjl; spermatia present. On bulbs of Tulipa and roots of Medicago sativa, Melilofus alba, and Melilotiis officinalis. Type locality: New York. Distribution: New York to Quebec and Alberta, Canada. Illustrations: Mycologia 35: 520,/. /, 7; 525,/. 8. Doubtful Species Sclerotinia incondita (Ellis) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 200. 1889; Peziza in- condita Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 8: 73. 1881. Apothecia occurring on sclerotia the origin of which was undetermined; asci 4-spored; spores 7-8 X 10-12 m- Distributed by Ellis (N. Am. Fungi 391). Nothing more is known of this species. Sclerotinia wisconsinensis Rehm, Ann. Myc. 6: 317. 1908. Occurring on unattached sclerotia in the soil in Wisconsin. This appears to be close to Sclerotinia tuberosa. 12. CIBORIA Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 311. 1870. Stroma a sclerotium, mummiform, occurring in the flowers or fruits of the host which retain much their original form scarcely suggesting a sclerotium; spermidium often present, manteling the developing sclerotium; spermatia globose, or ovoid, hyaline, in mass faintly yellowish; conidia unknown. Apothecia cupulate to shallow saucer-shaped, often becom- ing flat, expanded or even reflexed, usually some shade of brown, rarely red, yellow, or whitish, medium sized; asci cylindric or CUP-FUNGI PLATE 93 m, ^1 F-l CIBORIA AMENTACEA ClBORIA 85 subcylindric, usualh' 8-spored, rarely 4-spored; spores ellipsoid, or siibellipsoid, simple, hyaline, smooth, or minutely roughened; paraphyses, hyaline, or colored, filiform, slightly thickened above. Type species, Peziza Caucus Rebentich. On mummified flowers. On overwintering flowers of Acer. 1. C. acerina. On catkins of Salix, and Populus. Apothecia minute, 1 mm. in diameter, whitish. 2. C. amenti. Apothecia medium, 2-8 mm. in diameter, brown. Spores 4-5 X 9-13 m- 3. C. amentacea. Spores 5-6 X 9-10 yu- 4. C. Caucus. On fruits. On mulberry fruits, Morus. 5. C. carunculoides. On old acorns, Qiiercus. 6. C. psetidotuberosa. On mummified apples and other fruits. 7. C. aestivalis. On involucres of Casfanea. 8. C. americana. 1. Ciboria acerina Whetzel & Buchw. Mycologia 28: 516. 1936. Apothecia stipitate, from one to several from the black stromatized male (rarely the female) inflorescence of the host, small, 1-4 mm. in diameter, funnel-shaped to shallow cup- shaped, finally expanded and subdiscoid; stem variable in length, 1-10 mm. long, somewhat darker than the apothecium, slightly pubescent when young; asci clavate, reaching a length of 75- 100 yL and a diameter of 7-9 /x, 4-spored; spores ellipsoid, slightly flattened on one side, 1 -seriate, hyaline, smooth; paraphyses unbranched, slender, gradually enlarged above. On overwintering male and female flowers of Acer rubrum and on male flowers of Acer saccharinum , Myrica Gale, Salix dis- color and Ostrya virginiana. Type locality: Cornell University Campus, Ithaca, New York. Distribution: New York and New Jersey. Illustrations: Mycologia 28: 517,/. 7-12; 521,/. 13-19. 2. Ciboria amenti (Batsch) Whetzel, Mycologia 37: 675. 1945. Peziza amenti Batsch, Elench. Fung. Cont. 1: 211. 1786. Helotium amenti Fuckel, Symb. M\c. 313. 1870. Phialea amenti Quel. Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 26: 234. 1879. Hymenoscypha amenti Phill. Brit. Discom. 143. 1887. Apothecia scattered, stipitate, whitish, or grayish, reaching a diameter of nearly 1 mm.; hymenium pallid, concave, or nearly plane; stem slender, reaching a length of 5 mm., similar in color 86 The North American Cup-Fungi to the apothecium; asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 60-70 /i and a diameter of 6-7 ju, 8-spored ; spores elhpsoid, or ovoid, 3-4 X 7-10 ;u; paraphyses filiform, reaching a diameter of 3 /i. On fallen catkins of Salix and Populus. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York and Oregon; also in Europe. Illustrations: Batsch, Elench. Fung. Cont. 1: pi. 27, f. 148; Boud. Ic. Myc. pi. 496; Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. pi. 90 J. 1. 3. Ciboria amentacea (Balbis) Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 311. 1870. (Plate 93.) Peziza amentacea Balbis, Mem. Acad. Sci. Turin II. 2: 79. 1805. Rutstroemia amentacea Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 106, 1871. Hymenoscypha amentacea Phill. Brit. Discom. 120. 1887. Apothecia springing from the sclerotium formed in the mummified catkins of the host, gregarious, stipitate, yellowish- brown, shallow cup-shaped, then expanded, reaching a diameter 1 cm. or rarely larger; stem variable in length, often reaching a length of 2-4 cm. ; asci cylindric, or subcylindric, reaching a length of 110-120 /i and a diameter of 7-10 ijl, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate, ellipsoid, or subellipsoid, 4-5 X 9 13 /x; paraphyses filiform, 1-2 mm. in diameter, slightly enlarged above. On catkins of Ahius incana and Salix discolor. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York to Oregon. Illustrations: Mycologia 37: 677, /. 11-13; Rab. Krypt.- Fl. 1-^: 750,/. 1-3; Friesia 3: 247,/. 6; 249, f. 7: 250, f. 8. 4. Ciboria Caucus (Reb.) Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 311. 1870. Peziza Caucus Rebentisch, Prodr. FI. Neomarch 386. 1804. Phialea Caucus Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 110. 1882. Hymenoscypha Caucus Phill. Brit. Discom. 120. 1887. Apothecia stipitate, springing from a mummified sclerotium within the tissues of the host, cup-shaped with margin incurved, finally expanding and becoming saucer-shaped, or subdiscoid, 2-8 mm. in diameter, brown; stem 2-8 mm. long, 5 mm. thick; asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 130 /x and a diameter of 9 fx, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, or subellipsoid, 5-6 X 9-10 ju, hyaline; paraphyses filiform, slightly enlarged above. On fallen catkins of Populus tremuloides and Salix. Type locality: Europe. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 94 1. CIBORIA PSEUDOTUBEROSA 2. CIBORIA CAUCUS ClBORIA 87 Distribution: New York to Oregon and Winnipeg, Canada; also Europe. Illustrations: Mycologia 37: 677,/. 14, 15. This and the preceding species are very close both in habitat and in morphological characters. They should be studied more carefully from living material. 5. Ciboria carunculoides (Siegler & Jenkins) Whetzel & Wolf, Mycologia 37: 676. 1945. (Plate 95.) Sclerotinia carunculoides Siegler & Jenkins, Jour. Agr. Res. 23: 835. 1923. Sclerotia formed in the ovaries and calyx lobes of mulberry, preventing the formation of normal fruits, black, fairly regular, subspherical ; microconidia produced in great numbers, subglo- bose 2-4 X 2-3.2 M- Apothecia one to several from a single sclerotium, cupulate, or subcupulate, 4-12 mm. in diameter, inside snuff-brown, out- side Front's brown, stipitate; stem cylindric, flexuous, smooth, attenuated upwards, 15-42 mm. long, reaching a diameter of 1.5 mm.; asci cylindric, or cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 104-123 M and a diameter of 6-8 ju- 8-spored, spores 1-seriate, reniform, hyaline, 2.4-4 X 6-9.6 m, with two bodies on the concave surface, one more or less rhombic as seen from above about 2 X 4 M and adjoining it a more or less hemispherical body 3 )u in its longest diameter; paraphyses filiform to cylindric- clavate. On mulberry fruits {Morus alba). Type locality: Scranton, South Carolina. Distribution: South CaroHna; also reported from other southern states. Illustrations: Jour. Agr. Res. 23: 834,/. 1, pi. 1, 2; Myco- logia 37: 479,/. 1; 481,/. 2; 482, f. 3; 485,/. 4. 6. Ciboria pseudotuberosa Rehm, Ascom. 106: 1872; Ber. Nat. Ver. Augsburg 26: 28. 1881. Hymenoscypha pseudotuberosa Phill. Brit. Discom. 119. 1887. Sclerotinia pseudotuberosa Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 809. 1893. Stroniatinia pseudotuberosa Boud. Ic. Myc. 278. 1911. Apothecia springing from a sclerotium-like growth within the seeds of the host, stipitate, at first closed, opening and becoming cup-shaped, later expanding and becoming nearly plane, or umbilicate, reaching a diameter of 1-2 cm. or rarely larger, brown or brownish; stem variable in length, often reaching 1-2 cm.; 88 The North American Cup-Fungi asci cylindric or subcylindric, reaching a length of 120-150 /x and a diameter of 6-10 /i, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, 5-6 X 8-10 ju; paraphyses slender, 3 /x in diameter, slightly enlarged above. On old acorns, Quercus. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New Jersey to Iowa; also in Europe. Illustrations: Rab. Krypt. Fl. P: 800,/. 1-5; Phill. Brit. Discom. pi. 5,f. 25; Boud. Ic. Myc. pi. 480. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 983 (as Peziza pseiidotiiherosa Rehm). 7. Ciboria aestivalis (Pollock) Whetzel; Harrison, Mycologia 27: 317. 1935. Sclerotinia aestivalis Pollock; Harrison, Mycologia 27: 303. 1935. Apothecia from one to fifty on a single mummified apple, stipitate, light reddish-brown, at first cup-shaped, discoid at maturity, 1-7 mm. in diameter, with radiating ridges and furrows outside; stem rarely reaching 1 cm. long, .5 mm. thick; asci clavate or nearly cylindric, reaching a length of 50-85 n and a diameter of 6-8 /z, 8-spored; spores narrow ellipsoid, 2-3.5 X 6-12 M. On mummified fruits, especially apples. Mains sp. in the early spring. Type locality: Ann Arbor, Michigan. Distribution: Michigan and Maryland?; also in Australia on various fruits. Illustrations: Mycologia 27: 310,/. /I; 312,/. 5. 8. Ciboria americana Durand, Bull. Torrey Club 29: 461. 1902. Rutstroemia americana White, Lloydia 4: 188. 1941. Apothecia solitary, stipitate, cup-shaped, usually becoming- plain or with the margin reflexed and umbilicate, thin, waxy- membranous, pale-cinnamon to brown, 3-10 mm. in diameter; stem 2-10 mm. long, slender; asci clavate, usually curved, reaching a length of 75 n and a diameter of 9 /i, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, hyaline, smooth, ellipsoid to ovoid, slightly unsym- metrical, 4-5 X 9-12 ju; paraphyses filiform. On stromatized involucres of Castanea vesca lying on the ground among leaves. Type locality: Ithaca, New York. Distribution: New York and Pennsylvania to Ontario. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 95 CIBORIA CARUNCUUOIDES Stromatinia 89 Doubtful Species Ciboria Liquidambaris Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1895: 428. 1895. Apothecia stipitate, 2 mm. in diameter; hymenium convex, brownish; stem whitish, 4 mm. long; asci clavate, 7-8 X 75-80 yu; spores ellipsoid, 3 X 8-11 fjL. On decaying capsules of Liquidambar, Naamans Creek, Delaware. Type material very scant. Ciboria rufofusca (Weberb.) Sacc. Syll. 8: 203. 1889; Peziza rufofusca Weberb. Pilze Norddeuts. 7. 1875. On scales of cones of Abies, Washington. Whether this species is a Ciboria in the sense here used is uncertain. 13. STROMATINIA Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 108. 1907. Stroma of two types, a thin, black, subcuticular sclerotium covering or manteling the affected portion of the host from which the apothecia are produced and small, black sphaerules borne free on the mycelium and not producing apothecia; spermatia globose. Apothecia as in Sclerotinia; spores hyaline, simple. Type species, Peziza Rapiiliini Bull. On dead rhizomes of Smilacina. 1. S. Smilacinae. On Gladiolus and other ornamentals. 2. 5. Gladioli. 1. Stromatinia Smilacinae (Durand) Whetzcl, Mycologia 37: 674. 1945. (Plate 96.) Sclerotinia Smilacinae Durand, Bull. Torrey Club 29: 462. 1902. Sclerotia small, not exceeding 1-2 mm. in diameter, irregu- larly globose, aggregated and sometimes coalesced into a thin, crust-like mass 1-2 cm. in diameter. Apothecia scattered, or gregarious, long-stipitate, fleshy- leathery, closed and subglobose at first, expanding to cup- shaped, finally becoming campanulate, usually with a depression in the center, sometimes contorted or irregular, reaching a diameter of 1-3 cm., bright cinnamon-brown, externally smooth; stem reaching a length of 2-6 cm. and a thickness of 2-3 mm., tapering downward, sometimes tomentose below; asci narrowly cylindric, apex rounded, reaching a length of 120-140 /x and a diameter of 6-8 m, 8-spored; spores obliquely 1 -seriate, hyaline, simple, smooth, narrowly ellipsoid, often with two oil-drops, 4-5 X 12-15 m; paraphyses filiform, scarcely thickened above. On dead rhizomes of Smilacina racemosa buried in rich humus. Type locality: Fall Creek, Ithaca, New York. Distribution : New York. Illustrations: Jour. Agr. Res. 5: pi. 29. 90 The North American Cup-Fungi Dr. Edwin E. Honey (Mycologia 20: 139. 1923.) states that it is believed by him and others that Durand misidentified the host of his fungus, and that his species is identical with Stroniatinia RapnJum (Bull.) Boud. which occurs on Polygonatiim. 2. Stromatinia Gladioli (Massey) Whetzel, Mycologia 37: 674. 1945. Sclerotiiim Gladioli Massey; Drayton, Phytopathology 18: 521. 1928. Sderotinia Gladioli Drayton, Phytopathology 24: 400. 1934. Sclerotia black, 90-300 ^ in diameter; microconidia globose, 1.2-1.8 n in diameter, apparently functioning as spermatia. Apothecia densely cespitose, stipitate, 3-7 mm. broad, 6-10 mm. high; hymenium umbilicate, convex-discoid, sometimes convolute, cinnamon-brown; stem chestnut-brown; asci cylindric to cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 190-235 ^i and a diame- ter of 8-10 M, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate, ellipsoid, hyaline, usually with one oil-drop, 5.6 9.5 X 10-16 /x; paraphyses abund- ant, filiform, slightly clavate, 2.8-3.2 ^l in diameter at their apices. Parasitic on species of Gladiolus, Freesia and Crocus. Type locality: Ithaca, New York. Distribution: United States and Canada; also in Europe and New Zealand. Illustrations: Phytopathology 24: 401,/. /; 402,/. 2; 403, f.3. 14. COPROTINIA Whetzel, Farlowia 1: 484. 1944. Stroma not observed in nature, of indefinite form, 1-2 mm. thick and several cm. in diameter, consisting of one to several layers of black hyphae; spermatia not seen; conidial stage wanting. Apothecia gregarious, numerous, long, slender-stipitate, some shade of brown, relatively small; stem hair-like, minutely roughened by the ends of the hyphal tips; asci very small, clavate; spores 2-seriate, crowded near the end of the ascus, hyaline. Type species, Coprotinia minutula Whetzel. 1. Coprotinia minutula Whetzel, Farlowia 1 : 484. 1944. Stroma as above. Apothecia arising in large numbers from all over the surface of the stroma, very long-stipitate, 1-2 mm. in diameter, chestnut CUP-FUNGI PLATE 96 SCLEROTINIA SMILACINA MiDOTIS 91 brown; stems very slender, hair-like, reaching a length of 20 mm. and one-fourth of a mm. thick; asci short, stout, clavate, reaching a length of 31-47 n and a diameter of 3-5 n, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, 1.5-2 X 4-6 ju; paraphyses cylindric, 3-3.5 y. thick. On a small dung ball of some unknown animal. Found only once. Type locality: M al lory vi lie. New York. Distribution : Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Farlowia 1: 485,/. 13; 486,/. 4-6. 15. MIDOTIS Fries, Syst. Orbis Veg. 363. 1825; Elench. Fung. 2: 29. 1828. Rutstroemia Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 105. 1871. lonomidotis Durand, Proc. Am. Acad. Sci. 59: 8. 1923. Apothecia superficial, solitary, or several springing from the same substratum, at first subglobose and closed, expanding and usually becoming vertically elongated on one side when mature, yellow, brown, dark-blue or olivaceous; the excipulum subcoria- ceous, composed of interwoven hyphae which often project from the surface as short, stout, septate, hair-like hyphae, often violet with transmitted light, or when treated with K. O. H.; asci cylindric, or clavate, 8-spored; spores small, hyaline, simple; paraphyses filiform, or in one species lanceolate above. Type species, Midotis Lingua Fries. This genus corresponds with ScodeUina or Otidea of the operculates on the one hand, and Wynnea and Phillipsia on the other, but differs from both in the inoperculate asci and the relatively minute size of its asci and spores. Saccardo combined Wynnea and Midotis although they are widely separated, the former being an operculate and the latter an inoperculate. Rutstroemia Karst. was founded on Peziza bulgarioides Rab. which in the opinion of the writer is a Midotis. Karsten's genus contained several other species not now regarded as congeneric which has resulted in much confusion. We cannot accept White's version of the genus in which the last species mentioned by Karsten is adopted as the type. Apothecia dark-blue, violet, or purple, nearly black in mass. Paraphyses with lance-like tips; apothecia large, several cm. in diameter. 1. M. irregularis. 92 The North American Cup-Fungi Paraphyses filiform, without lance-like tips. Apothecia large 1-2 cm.; spores 5-7 X 15-18 yu. 2. M. nicaraguensis. Apothecia small 1-2 mm.; spores 2-3 X 5-8 ;u. 3. M. plicata. Apothecia not blue, violet, or purple. Apothecia olivaceous. Apotheica large, 1-3 cm. 4. M. versiformis. Apothecia small, not exceeding 5 mm. in diameter. Spores medium, 3 X 7-8 fi. 5. M. olivascens. Spores minute, 1 X 3-4 ju. 6. M. floridana. Apothecia yellow, reddish, or brownish. Apothecia externally bright-yellow; hymenium darker. 7. M. heteromera. Apothecia pale- to dark-brown. Occurring singly usually. 8. M. occidentalis. Occurring in dense cespitose clusters. 9. M. Westii. 1. Midotis irregularis Cooke; Sacc. Syll. Fung. 11: 422. 1895. Peziza irregularis Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 171. 1832. Cordierites irregularis Cooke, Bull. Buffalo Acad. Sci. 3: 26. 1875. Peziza doratophora Ellis & Ev. Jour. IVIyc. 1: 90. 1885. Otidea doratophora Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 96. 1889. lonomidotis irregularis Durand, Proc. Am. Acad. Sci. 5Q: 9. 1923. Apothecia occurring singly, or more often in cespitose clusters from a common stem-like base up to 2 cm. in length which penetrates the substratum, at first closed then opening and becoming much elongated on one side and irregularly lobed or lacerated, reaching a length and width of 3 cm., the entire cluster reaching a diameter of 5-7 cm., externally scurfy, dark chestnut- brown; hymenium darker than the outside of the apothecium, almost black; asci cylindric-clavate, the apex truncate-rounded, reaching a length of 50 70 fx and a diameter of 4-5 jx, 8-spored; spores 1 -seriate, or partially 2-seriate, hyaline, or subhyaline, smooth, containing two or three oil-drops, 3-4 X 8-10 /x; pa- raphyses with a violet tint, each terminated by a lanceolate, 1-3-septate head 3-4 X 18-30 m which project beyond the hymenium and is easily detached. On rotten wood and branches lying on the ground. Type locality: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Distribution: New Hampshire to Oregon, Pennsylvania and Ohio. Illustrations: Proc. Am. Acad. Sci. 59: pi. 1. A specimen in the herbarium from Ohio is labeled Diplocarpa tinctoria Massee & Morgan (type). The writer could find no CUP-FUNGf PLATE 97 ■J ■ .••/'" ^l^^'^sjK^r^"— MIDOTIS WESTII ■w. MiDOTis 93 record of its publication but we record it here in order to call attention to the name. 2. Midotia nicaraguensis (Durand) Seaver, comb. nov. lonomidotis nicaraguensis Durand, Proc. Am. Acad. Sci. 59: 11. 1923. Ciboria caespitosa Seaver, Mycologia 17: 48. 1925. ?Ionomidotis portoricensis Seaver, Mycologia 17: 50. 1925. Apothecia closely clustered, or coalesced at the base, at first closed, then opening and expanding so as to become applanate (when dry), sessile, attached at one side of the base, reaching a diameter of 1-2 cm., externally dark ferruginous-brown, verru- cose; hymenium blackish-brown, becoming dark reddish-purple when wet; asci cylindric-clavate, the apex rounded, reaching a length of 135-150 and a diameter of 8 ;u, 8-spored; spores 1- seriate, hyaline, smooth, 5-7 X 15-18 y,; paraphyses slender, hyaline, below, slightly thickened and brownish at their apices. On rotten logs. Type locality: Nicaragua. Distribution: Nicaragua and Porto Rico. Illustrations: Proc. Am. Acad. Sci. 59: pi. 1. Our species from Porto Rico agrees so closely with Durand 's description that we feel safe in combining them. lonomidotis portoricensis is close to Ciboria caespitosa and may be identical. The material is scant. 3. Midotis plicata Phill. & Hark. Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1: 24. 1884. lonomidotis plicata Durand, Proc. Am. Acad. Sci. 59: 12. 1923. Apothecia small, clustered, or several arising from a common base, at first closed, then opening by a pore, becoming unsym- metrically goblet-shaped, resembling a minute Urnula Craterium, reaching a height and width of 1-2 mm., externally black when moist, brownish-black when dry, externally granular-furfura- ceous, the substance thin, dark violet-brown and opaque under the microscope; asci cylindric-clavate, the apex rounded, reach- ing a length of 65-70 n, 8-spored ; spores irregularly 2-seriate, smooth, hyaline, narrowly ellipsoid, straight or strongly curved, 2-3 X 5-8 n; paraphyses abundant and often forked, the con- tents pale violet-brown, the tips slightly swollen and darker. On dead Umhellularia calif arnica. 94 The North American Cup-Fungi Type locality: Sausalito, California. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Proc. Am. Acad. Sci. 59: pi. 1. 4. Midotis versiformis (Pers.) Seaver, comb. nov. (Plate 99, Fig. 1.) Peziza versiformis Pers. Ic. Descr. 25. 1798. Chlorosplenium versiforme DeNot. Comm. Critt. Ital. 1: 376. 1864. Helotium versiforme Berk. Outl. Brit. Fung. 372. 1860. Helotium rugipes Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 26: 82. 1874. Lanzia rugipes Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 480. 1889. Coryne versiformis Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. 1': 492. 1891. Chlorociboria versiformis Seaver, Mycologia 28: 393. 1936. Apothecia short-stipitate, becoming expanded and sub- discoid, or more often elongated on one side, entirely light-green, or olivaceous, occasionally brownish or orange, reaching a diameter of 1-3 cm. ; stem short, usually not exceeding 4 or 5 mm., rather stout; asci clavate, reaching a length of 100-110 m and a diameter of 5-7 m, 8-spored; spores irregularly long-ellipsoid, straight, or curved, 3-4 X 9-14 ^ occasionally becoming 1- septate; paraphyses strongly enlarged above where they reach a diameter of 2-3 ju, containing a greenish coloring matter. On decaying wood. Type locality : Europe. Distribution : New York and Massachusetts to Iowa and south to Mexico. Illustrations: Boud. Ic. Myc. pi. 486; Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa 6: pi. 24, f. 2; Pers. Ic. Descr. pi. 7,f. 7; Berk. Outl. Brit. Fung. pi. 2, J. 6; Mycologia 28: 392 (upper figure). ExsicCATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 988. 5. Midotis olivascens (Durand) Seaver, comb. nov. lonomidolis olivascens Durand, Proc. .Am. Acad. Sci. 59: 13. 1923. Apothecia stipitate, solitary, gregarious, or rarely cespitose, at first closed, then opening by a pore, finally becoming discoid, nearly plane with a slightly upturned margin, reaching a di- ameter of 1.5-3 mm., becoming unsymmetrical and Otidea-\\ke , entirely blackish-olive, externally granular, or nearly smooth; stem slender, reaching a length of 1-2 mm. and a diameter of .5 mm. attached at one side; hymenium nearly plane with a yel- MiDOTis 95 lowish tint; asci clavate, the apex rounded, reaching a length of 45-50 fjL, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, hyaline, smooth, straight, or slightly curved, narrow-ellipsoid, 3 X 7-8 ju; paraphyses filiform, scarcely thickened above. On rotten wood. Type locality: Coconut Grove, Florida. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Proc. Am. Acad. Sci. 59: pi. I. 6. Midotis floridana Seaver, sp. nov. Apothecia occurring singly, or often several in cespitose clusters from a common base, stipitate, at first regular in form, soon becoming strongly one-sided, reaching a diameter of 3-4 mm., externally olive-green and pruinose; stem slender, gradually expanding into the apothecium, about 2 mm. long, more or less longitudinally striated; hymenium slightly darker than the out- side of the apothecium and stem; asci clavate, reaching a length of 30-55 n and a diameter of 4 /x, 8-spored; spores minute, baccilloid, often slightly curved, 1 X 4-6 ju; paraphyses filiform, about 1 M in diameter. Apotheciis sparsis aut caespitosis, stipitatis, difformis, 3-4 mm. diam., extus viridis; ascis clavatis, 8-sporis, 4 X 30-55 ^i; sporis minutis, 1 X 4-6 n; paraphysibus filiformibus, 1 pL diam. On rotten wood. Type locality: Gainesville, Florida. Distribution: Florida. 7. Midotis heteromera (Mont.) Fires, Summa Veg. Scand. 362. 1849. Peziza heteromera Mont. Ann. Sci. Nat. II. 13: 206. 1840. Midotis verruculosa Berk. & Curt. Jour. Linn. Soc. 10: 370. 1869. Apothecia occurring singly, or several arising from a common, stem-like base, irregularly elongated on side, tough, corky to leathery when dry, reaching a length and width of 2-3 cm., externally verrucose, rhubarb-colored to citrine; hymenium reddish-brown; asci clavate-cylindric, the apex rounded, reach- ing a length of 80-90 /x and a diameter of 5 /x, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate, hyaline, smooth, ellipsoid to cymbiform, 3.5-4 X 8- 10 /x; paraphyses slender projecting above the asci. On rotten wood. 96 The North American Cup-Fungi Type locality: South America. Distribution: West Indies and Costa Rica; also in South America. Illustration: Ann. Sci. Nat. II. 13: pi. 6,f. 3. 8. Midotis occidentalis Durand, Proc. Am. Acad. Sci. 59: 6. 1923. Apothecia small, scattered, or closely gregarious, stipitate, coriaceous, elongated on one side and split to the stem on the other, reaching a length and width of 3-5 mm., externally blackish-brown, vertically striated; hymenium brownish; stem reaching a length of 3-7 mm. and a thickness of 1 mm., gradually expanding above into the apothecium; asci clavate-cylindric, apex rounded, reaching a length of 80 /x, 8-spored; spores 1- seriate, hyaline, smooth, ovoid-ellipsoid, 3 X 5-6 pt; paraphyses slender, hyaline, not thickened above, longer than the asci. On a decaying log. Type locality: Mabess River, Jamaica. Distribution: Known only from the t\pe locality. 9. Midotis Westii Seaver, sp. nov. (Plate 97.) Apothecia in dense, semiglobose clusters springing from a common base, the clusters reaching a diameter of 1-2 cm. and consisting of twelve to fifteen apothecia closely crowded together, individual apothecia subturbinate and vertically striated outside, the striations very prominent in dried specimens, the flesh thick and coriaceous when fresh, corky when dry, becoming more or less one sided, externally pale-brown, lighter below, reaching a diameter of 7 mm.; hymenium slightly concave, darker than the outside of the apothecium; asci clavate, reaching a length of 60 ^l and a diameter of 5-6 ju, 8-spored; spores minute, about 2 X 4-5 ju; paraphyses slender, slightly enlarged above, not over 2 n in diameter at their apices. Apotheciis dense caespitosis, subturbinatis, extus verticalis striatis, 7 mm. diam., hymenio concavo, dilute bruneo; ascis clavatis, 8-sporis, 5-6 X 60 mI sporis 2 X 4-5 n; paraphysibus clavatis, 2 m diam. On wood of Ostrya. Type locality: Sanchez Hammock, near Gainesville, Florida. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 98 PODOPHACIDIUM XANTHOMELUM PODOPHACIDIUM 97 Doubtful Species lonomidotis Julvotingens (Berk. & Curt.) Cash, Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 29: 50. 1939; Cenangium Julvotingens Berk. & Curt. Grevillea 4: 4. 1875. Ac- cording to Miss Cash, this species belongs with the present genus. One speci- men collected by L. O. Overholts (16856) in Pennsylvania has been referred to this species by him. No authentic material has been seen. 16. PODOPHACIDIUM Niessl in Rab. Fungi Vm. 1153. 1868. Melachroia Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 96. 1907. Apothecia contracted at the base, substipitate, obconic to turbinate, opening with a laciniate aperture; hymenium freely exposed at maturity and bright-colored, yellow-olivaceous; asci clavate, 8-spored; spores simple, hyaline. Type species, Podophacidium terrestre Niessl. Only one species of the genus known to the author. 1. Podophacidium xanthomelum (Pers.) Kavina, Crypt. Cech. Exsicc. 217. 1936. (Plate 98.) Peziza zanthomela Pers. Syn. Fung. 665. 1801. Peziza .xanthomela Pers. Myc. Eu. 1: 296. 1822. Podophacidium terrestre Niessl in Rab. Fungi Eu. 1153. 1868. Aleuria xanthomela Gill. Fr. Champ. Discom. 207. 1886. Humaria xanthomela Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 128. 1889. Urnula terrestris Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 550. 1889. Melachroia xanthomela Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 97. 1907. Melachroia terrestris Boud. Hist. Class Discom. Eu. 97. 1907. Apothecia thickly gregarious, occasionally a few closely crowded, the hymenium bright-yellow with a slightly olive tint, surrounded with a dark-brownish or almost black laciniate bor- der, the outside of the apothecium dark-brownish or nearly black, reaching a diameter of 3-4 mm.; asci clavate, reaching a length of 90-125 M and a diameter of 7-9 ju; spores ellipsoid, the ends slightly attenuated, usually with two oil drops, 5-6 X 10 17 n; paraphyses very slender, branched. On soil in coniferous woods. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Washington to northern New York, Toronto and Quebec; also in Europe. Illustrations: Rab. Fungi Eu. 1153; Niessl Beit. pi. 7,f. 50; Boud. Ic. Myc. pi. 449 (as Melachroia xanthomela (Pers.) Boud.); Cooke, Mycographia, pi. 11, f. 41 (as Peziza xanthomela Pers.), Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 22: pi. 15, j. 2; MycologiaSl: 351,/. 1. 98 The North American Cup-Fungi 17. CHLOROCIBORIA Seaver, Mycologia 28: 390. 1936. Chlorosplenium DeNot. Conim. Critt. Ital. 1: 376. 1864. Not Fries 1849. Apothecia stipitate, or substipitate, often reaching a diameter of 1 cm., or rarely as large as 2 cm., the stem usually about half as long as the diameter of the apothecium, resembling Ciboria, color green, or olivaceous, staining the substratum green; asci usually 8-spored; spores irregularly ellipsoid to vermiform, simple, hyaline; paraphyses slender, clavate. Type species, Elvela aeruginosa Oed. The reasons for the establishment of this genus are given in detail in Mycologia (28: 390. 1936). This genus has some characters in common with Midotis, one species, C. versiformis, having been transferred to that genus. Occurring on rotten wood, staining the wood verdigris green. 1- C- aeruginosa. Occurring on spruce cones, not staining the substratum. 2. C. strobilitia. 1. Chlorociboria aeruginosa (Oed.) Seaver, Mycologia 28: 391, 1936. Elvela aeruginosa Oed. Fl. Dan. 9: 7. 1770. Peziza aeruginosa Pers. Obs. Myc. 1: 27. 1796. ?Cantharellus viridis Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 153. 1832. ?Peziza chlorascens Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 175. 1832. Helotium aeruginosum Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 355. 1849. Chlorosplenium aeruginosum DeNot. Comm. Critt. Ital. 1: 376. 1864. Peziza aeruginescens Nyi. Not. Fauna Fi. Fenn. 10: 42. 1869. Chlorosplenium aeruginescens Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 103. 1871. Chlorosplenium viride Morgan, Jour. Myc. 8: 185. 1902. Chlorociboria aeruginescens Kanouse, Mycologia 39: 641. 1947. Apothecia gregarious, stipitate, or subsessile, at first cup- shaped, becoming expanded and subdiscoid with the margin slightly elevated, verdigris-green and producing a similar color in the wood on which it grows, reaching a diameter of 5 mm. ; hymenium plane or slightly concave, similar in color to the out- side of the apothecium, or lighter and sometimes yellowish; stem darker, scarcely exceeding in length one-half the diameter of the apothecium and about 1 mm. thick; asci clavate, reaching a length of 45-50 m and a diameter of 3-4 /x; spores 2-seriate, or irregularly crowded, narrow ellipsoid, 2-2.5 X 5-7 n (rarely 10-12); paraphyses very slender, about 1.5 ^ in diameter, scarcely enlarged above. On dead wood. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 99 f^ T \ 1. MIDOTIS VERSIFORMIS 2. CHLOROCIBORIA STROBIUINA Chlorociboria 99 Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York to Colorado, south to Mexico and the West Indies; also in South America, Europe, Asia and Australia. Illustrations: Boud. Ic. Myc. pi. 485; Fl. Dan. pi. 534, f. 2; Cooke, Austr. Fungi pi. 20, f. 158; Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. pi. 88, f. 1; Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. pi. 241; Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa 6: pi. 24, f. 1; Phill. Brit. Discom. pi. 5,f. 28; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. l'^: 749,/. 1-5; E. & P. Nat. Pfl. 1':/. 155, H-L; Massee, Brit. Fungus-Fl. 4: 156, /. 41, 42; Sow. Engl. Fungi pi. 347. Exsiccati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 987; Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2047; Rav. Fungi Car. 5: 40. Some European authors recognize Chlorosplenium aerugines- cens as distinct from Chlorosplenium aeruginosum. The writer has been unable to detect any difference of specific importance in the material which he has examined. 2. Chlorociboria strobilina (Alb. & Schw.) Seaver, comb. nov. (Plate 99, Fig. 2.) Peziza tuberose strobilina Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. 313. 1805. Peziza versiforniis livida Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. 314. 1805. Peziza Abietis strobilina Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. 342. 1805. Chlorosplenium versiforme nigrescente-olivacea Weinm. Hymeno-Gastro-My- cetes 467. 1836. Pezia ciborioides strobilaria Nyl. Not. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 10: 36. 1869. Cenangium strobilinum Sacc. Fung. Ital. pi. 1306. 1883. Chlorosplenium lividum Karst. Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. II. 6: 124. 1885. Peziza bulgarioides Rehm in Rab. Fungi Eu. 1311; Hedwigia 9: 136. 1870. Rustroemia bulgarioides Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 105. 1871. Ombrophila strobilina Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. P: 482. 1891. Ciboria strobilina Bresadolae Boud. Ic. Myc. 4: 279. 1907. Apothecia stipitate, or subsessile, at first concave, becoming expanded and subdiscoid or shallow cup-shaped, occasionally repand, reaching a diameter of 1 cm. or rarely larger, regular or slightly irregular in form, brownish-black or with a slightly olive tint; hymenium similar in color to the outside of the apo- thecium; stem short, scarcely exceeding one-half the diameter of the apothecium, slightly lacunose; asci clavate, reaching a length of 85 ^ to 100 and a diameter of 5-7 /x; spores irregularly ellipsoid, 3-4 X 7 /z; paraphyses filiform. On spruce cones, Picea sp. 100 The North American Cup-Fungi Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Nova Scotia to Michigan; also in Europe. Illustrations: Sacc. Fungi Ital. pi. 1306; Boud. Ic. Myc. pi. 480 bis; Mycologia 28: 392 (lower figure). Excluded Species Chlorosplenium striisporum Ellis & Dearn. See Ascoholus striisportis (Ellis & Dearn.) Seaver, N. Am. Cup-fungi Operculates 90. 1928. Chlorosplenium epimyces Cooke. See Ascoholus epimyces (Cooke) Seaver, N. Am. Cup-fungi Operculates 9L 1928. Chlorosplenium canadense Ellis & Ev. See Holwaya gigantea. 18. KRIEGERIA Rab. Hedwigia 17: 32. 1878. Chloroscypha Seaver, Mycologia 23: 248. 1931. Apothecia gregarious, or scattered, sessile, or stipitate, minute, or of medium size, yellowish-green to blackish when dry, the substance yellowish-green by transmitted light and resem- bling that of Ascobolus, occurring on the foliage of conifers, Thuja, Sequoia, Lihocedrus, and Juniperus and apparently parasitic; asci when young greenish, normally 8-spored; spores comparatively large, at first granular and appearing greenish, but hyaline when mature, typically fusiform, or more rarely broad-ellipsoid, usualh* simple, rarely 1 -septate; paraphyses slender, simple, or branched, surrounded by a greenish matri.x. Type species, Ombrophila Kriegeriana Rab. Occurring on foliage of Thuja. Apothecia subsessile; spores broad-fusoid. 1. K. Seaver i. Apothecia stipitate; spores narrow-fusoid. 2. K. enter ochroma. Not on Thuja. On Sequoia; spores fusoid, 5 X 10 m- 3. K. chloromela. On Juniperus; spores broad-ellipsoid or fusoid, 10 X 20 m. On leaves; spores simple. 4. K. juniper ina. On branches; spores often 1 -septate. 5. K. cedrina. On Lihocedrus; spores 4-5 X 18-19 m- 6. K. altUipes. 1. Kriegeria Seaveri (Rehm) Seaver, Mycologia 35: 493. 1943. (Plate 100.) ?Omhrophila thujina Peck, Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 150: 60. 1911. Helotium Seaveri Rehm (in litt.). 1912. Chloroscypha Seaveri Seaver, Mycologia 23: 249. 1931. Apothecia minute, scarcely exceeding .5 mm. in diameter, short-stipitate, occurring singly, or in small, cespitose clusters CUP-FUNGI PLATE 100 KRIEGERIA SEAVERI Kriegeria 101 from the leaves of the host, turbinate, greenish, becoming almost black in dried material; hymenium plane or nearly so, lighter than the outside of the apothecium, the substance of the apothe- cium pale olivaceous-green when teased out and viewed by transmitted light; asci clavate, reaching a length of 100-135 /x and a diameter of 25-30 m, the contents greenish; spores irregu- larly 2-3-seriate, fusoid to fusiform, the lower end more pointed than the upper, densely filled with granules and slightly yellowish- green, simple, about 8-9 X 25-28 m, smooth, or very minutely roughened; paraphyses filiform, scarcely enlarged above. On foliage of white cedar. Thuja plicata. Type locality: Libby, Montana. Distribution: Montana and (New York?). Illustrations: Mycologia 23: pi. 23. According to the late J. R. Weir this fungus is the cause of a very destructive blight. Omhrophila thujina Peck apparently differs only in the smaller size of the spores. The type has been examined. 2. Kriegeria enterochroma (Peck) Seaver, comb. nov. (Plate 101.) Peziza enterochroma Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 32: 47. 1879. Ombrophila enterochroma Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 619. 1889. ?Helotiiim limonicolor Bres. Fungi Trid. 2: 81. (1898?). Chloroscypha Jacksoni Sealer, Mycologia 23: 249. 1931. Kriegeria Jacksoni Seaver, Mycologia 38: 493. 1943. Apothecia scattered, stipitate, at first closed, gradually opening and becoming shallow cup-shaped, then discoid, exter- nally yellowish, becoming darker with age, reaching a diameter of 2 mm.; hymenium concave, plane, or slightly convex, yellowish with a greenish tint, often becoming nearly black with age; stem slender, reaching a length of 2 mm., similar in color to the outside of the apothecium; asci clavate, reaching a length of 100-130 M and a diameter of 12-14 n, 8-spored ; spores irregularly 2-seriate, fusoid, or fusiform, often with two distinct oil-drops, or granular, apparently greenish when young, usually hyaline when mature, often minutely roughened or smooth, simple, 7-8 X 20-38 /x; paraphyses slender, rather abruptly enlarged above and surrounded with a greenish-yellow substance. On Thuja occidentalis. Type locality: Adirondack Mountains, New York. Distribution: New York to Ontario. 102 The North American Cup-Fungi Illustrations: Mycologia 23: pi. 24;? Bres. Fungi Trid. pi. 195, f. 3; Ic. Myc. pi. 1235, f. 2. This species differs from the preceding which also occurs on Thuja in the much narrower spores and stipitate apothecia; whether this species is also parasitic has not been determined. 3. Kriegeria chloromela (Phill. & Hark.) Seaver, Mycologia 35: 493. 1943. ?Pezim sphaerophoroides Phill. & Hark. Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1: 2L 1884. Peziza chloromela Phill. & Hark. Grevillea 13: 22. 1884. ?Helotium sphaerophoroides Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 236. 1889. Chlorospleniiim chloromelum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 319. 1889. Chloroscypha chloromela Seaver, Mycologia 35: 493. 1943. Apothecia scattered, or gregarious, short-stipitate, externally smooth, greenish-black, reaching a diameter of .6 mm.; hy- menium becoming nearly plane, yellowish-green; stem reaching a length of 1 mm., a little paler than the outside of the apothe- cium; asci clavate-cylindric ; spores clavate, or fusiform, usually curved, at first hyaline, becoming greenish, simple, 4-5 X 20- 25 ji; paraphyses filiform, indistinct, adhering together. On leaves of Sequoia sempervirens. Type locality: California. Distribution : Known only from the t>'pe locality. A note from the Royal Botanic Garden states that the material of Peziza chloromela at Kew is very scanty. Through the kindness of the Director of that institution a microscopic slide has been examined. The spores, as indicated in the description, are smaller than in the species on white cedar. In 1932 specimens of what appears to be this, collected by H. E. Parks at Trinidad, California, were sent to the writer by Dr. Lee Bonar. This is the first material of this species seen. In 1935 it was collected by H. E. Parks in Humboldt Co., California. 4. Kriegeria juniperina (Ellis) Seaver, Mycologia 35: 493. 1943. Dermatea juniperina Ellis, Am. Nat. 17: 192. 1883. Chloroscypha juniperina Seaver, Mycologia 23: 250. 1931. Apothecia gregarious, at first rounded, expanding and becom- ing turbinate, tapering into a stem-like base, black to the un- aided eye, greenish with transmitted light, reaching a diameter of .25 mm.; asci clavate, reaching a length of 130 /x and a diam- eter of 20 IS, tapering rather abruptly below; spores ellipsoid, or CUP-FUNGI PLATE 101 KRIEGERIA ENTEROCHROMA Kriegeria 103 fusoid, about 9-10 X 18-20 )u, granular within, often appearing greenish from the greenish material which surrounds the asci and paraphyses, simple; paraphyses slender, enlarged above, reaching a diameter of 4 /u, adhering together at their tips, yellowish-green. On leaves of Jimiperus communis. Type locality: Decorah, Iowa. Distribution: Iowa and New Jersey. This species is quite similar in general appearance to Kriegeria Seaveri but differs in the form and size of the spores as well as in the host. 5. Kriegeria cedrina (Cooke) Seaver, Mycologia 35: 493. 1941. (Plate 102.) Peziza cedrina Cooke, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 2: 294. 1875. Lachnella cedrina Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 395. 1889. Chloroscypha cedrina Seaver, Mycologia 30: 594. 1938. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, reaching a diameter of 1 mm. and nearly as deep, black and vertically striated with dark mycelium; hymenium concave, dark; asci cylindric, or sub- clavate, reaching a length of 140 160 ju and a diameter of 12- 14 /x, 8-spored but some of the spores often immature; spores usually 1 -seriate, ellipsoid with the ends lightly attenuated, densely filled with granules and oil-drops, usually simple but occasionally becoming tardily 1-septate, 10 X 20 jx; paraphyses slender, about 3 /x in diameter below, strongly enlarged above where they reach a diameter of 5 n, the ends strongly curved, becoming greenish-brown. On branches of Juniperus virginiana. Type locality : New York. Distribution: New York and North Carolina. Illustrations: Mycologia 30: 595,/. 1. 6. Kriegeria alutipes (Phill.) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza alutipes Phill. Grevillea 7: 23. 1878. Phialea alutipes Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 266. 1889. Apothecia gregarious, stipitate or subsessile, yellowish to pale-brown, darker, almost black in dried specimens, yellowish- green with transmitted light, 1-2 mm. in diameter; hymenium similar in color to the outside of the apothecium; stem very short, or 1-2 mm. long, gradually expanding into the apothecium; asci clavate, reaching a length of 90 /x and a diameter of 10-12 n; 104 The North American Cup-Fungi spores fusoid, 5-8 X 18-20 n, multinucleate; paraphyses filiform, rather abruptly enlarged above, the ends agglutinated together and surrounded with a yellowish substance. On dead foliage of Lihocedrus decurrens. Type locality: Blue Canon, California. Distribution: California and Oregon. Authentic material collected by Dr. Harkness in California has been studied. Doubtful Species Rutstroemia elatina (Alb. & Schw.) Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. P: 767. 1893; Peziza elatina Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. 330. pi. 2,f. 3. 1805; Cliloro- splenium elatinum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 318. 1889. This species is regarded by White as synonymous with Ombrophila Kriegeriana on which this genus was founded. It has been doubtfully recorded from North America. 19. CHLOROSPLENIUM Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 356. 1 849_ Apothecia sessile, or short-stipitate, not exceeding 1-3 mm. in diameter with the margin upturned, yellowish; hymenium concave, becoming olivaceous green; spores simple, hyaline; paraphyses filiform, slightly clavate. Type species, Peziza chlora Schw. Apothecia yellowish. 1. C. chlora. Apothecia sage-green or pea-green. Spores 1-1.25 X 3-4 m- 2. C. salviicolor. Spores 3-4 X 9-10 m- 3. C. olivaceum. 1. Chlorosplenium chlora (Schw.) Massee, Jour. Linn. Soc. 35: 116. 1901. Peziza chlora Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1: 122. 1822. Chlorosplenium Schweinitzii Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 356. 1849. Peziza crocitincia Berk. & Curt.; Cooke & Peck, Grevillea 1: 6. 1872. ?Peziza pomicolor Berk. & Rav.; Berk. Grevillea 3: 157. 1875. Pezizella crocitincta Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 286. 1889. ? P seudohelotium pomicolor Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 300. 1889. Apothecia thickly gregarious, sessile, or subsessile, at first closed and subglobose, becoming shallow cup-shaped with the margin slightly incurved, externally slightly roughened but not hairy, bright-yellow, reaching a diameter of 1-2 mm. ; hymenium concave, or nearly plane, at first yellow, gradually becoming green; asci clavate, reaching a length of 40 50 m and a diameter of 6-8 n\ spores 2-seriate above, narrow-ellipsoid, or fusoid, 2 X 8 ju; paraphyses slender, reaching a diameter of 2 /x. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 102 a ¥ <:v.;y:u.«'-"i»f,ftS KRIEGERIA CEDRINA Chlorosplenium 105 On rotten wood. Type locality: North Carolina. Distribution: New York and Connecticut to Alabama and North Dakota. Illustrations: Grevillea 1: pi. l,f. 5; Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa 6: pi. 23, f. 3. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 664; Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 249; Rav. Fungi Car. 5: 39; Wilson & Seaver, Ascom. 1; ? Brenckle, Fungi Dak. 667 (as Phialea sordida) ; Reliq. Farlow. 107 . 2. Chlorosplenium salviicolor Ellis & Dearn.; Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1893: 146. 1893. Apothecia at first subhemispheric with the margin incurved, expanding and becoming subdiscoid, externally dark sage-green, reaching a diameter of 1.5-2 mm., contracted below into a very short, stem-like base; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 30 ju and a diameter of 2.5-3 m; spores 2-seriate, minute, elon- gated, hyaline, 1-1.25 X 3-4 m; paraphyses slender, branched above. On dead stems of Vitis vulpina. Type locality: St. Martinsville, Louisiana. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 3. Chlorosplenium olivaceum Seaver, sp. nov. Apothecia thickly gregarious, entirely sessile, shallow cup- shaped to scutellate, the margin often irregularly wavy, exter- nally slightly furfuraceous, dark olive-green, reaching a diameter of 2-3 mm.; hymenium concave, light pea-green; asci clavate, reaching a length of 55-60 and a diameter of 6-7 m, 8-spored; spores irregularly 2-seriate, narrow-ellipsoid, 3-4 X 9-10 /x; pa- raphyses slender, slightly enlarged above, reaching a diameter of 2-3 fi. Apotheciis gregariis, sessile, scutellatis, margine plicato-crenato, extus pal- lide viridis, 2-3 mm. diam.; hymenio palidiore; ascis clavatis 8-sporis, 6-7 X 50-60 m; sporis ellipsoideis, 3-4 X 9-10 ai; paraphysibus filiformibus, sursum clavatis, 2-3 m diam. On rotten wood of Quercus sp. Type locality: Princeton, Georgia. Distribution: Georgia and North Carolina. 106 The North American Cup-Fungi Doubtful Species Chlorosplenium ? atrovirens (Pers.) DeNot. Comm. Critt. Ital. 1: 377. 1864; Peziza atrovirens Pers. Syn. Fung. 635. 1801; Calloria atrovirens Fries, Summa Veg. Scad. 359. 1849; Coryne virescens Tul. Fung. Carp. 3: 193. 1865; Coryne atrovirens Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 641. 1889. This species has been reported from North America but no material has been seen which could be ascribed to it with any certainty. This species was treated by DeNotaris under Chlorosplenium but he did not actually make the combination attributed to him. Chlorosplenium tortum (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 320. 1889; Peziza torta Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 175. 1832. Described as 8 mm. broad and high, externally aeroginous-green. Identity uncertain. 20. PYCNOPEZIZA White &Whetzel,Mycologia 30: 187. 1938. Pycnidial stage an Acarosporium. Apothecia small, not over 5 mm. in diameter, solitary, or gregarious, very short-stipitate to practically sessile, brown or brownish, at first closed, opening irregularly or by a pore, finally expanded, the margin stellate or circular; hymenium light- brown or buff; asci clavate or cylindric-clavate; spores small, ellipsoid, hyaline, simple; paraphyses filiform, simple. Type species, Pycnopeziza sympodialis White & Whetzel. Apothecia opening irregularly, becoming stellate. 1. P. sympodialis. Apothecia opening by a circular pore, becoming scutellate. 2. P. quisquiliaris. 1. Pycnopeziza sympodialis White & Whetzel, Mycologia 30: 190. 1938. Acarosporium sympodiale Bubak & Vlengel, Ber. Deuts. Bot. Gesell. 29: 385. 1911. Apothecia solitary, scattered, short-stipitate, at first erect, pyriform and closed, opening by splitting Geaster-\\k.e into 4-6 stellate rays, 3-5 mm. in diameter; stem short but usually dis- tinct, .5-1.5 mm. long and 1 mm. thick, black; hymenium nearly plane, buff to ochraceous, slightly umbilicate; asci cylin- dric-clavate, reaching a length of 75-85 /x and a diameter of 6.5-7.5 M, 8-spored; spores narrow-ellipsoid, 3-3.5 X 7-9 /i ir- regularly 1-seriate; paraphyses filiform, scarcely enlarged above, 2.5 fx in diameter. For description of the pycnidial stage see Mycologia. On buds and staminate flowers of Acer rubrum, catkins of Populus canadensis, and buds and catkins of Populns tremnloides. Type locality: Malloryville Bog, near Ithaca. Distribution : Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 30: 189,/. 1-6; 194, f. 11-13. ClBORIELLA 107 2. Pycnopeziza quisquiliaris (Ellis & Ev.) White & Whetzel, Mycologia 30: 192. 1938. Cyathicula quisquiliaris Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1893: 451. 1893. Apothecia solitary, or gregarious, attached by a narrow stipe-base, opening by a circular pore, finally saucer-shaped, 1-4 mm. in diameter, with a few dark squamules about the base, furfuraceous above, yellowish or cream-colored; hymenium con- cave, same color as the outside of the apothecium; asci clavate- cylindric, reaching a length of 75-85 n and a diameter of 6-7 m. 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, irregularly 1 -seriate, 3-4 X 7-9 /x; paraphyses filiform, 2.5 n in diameter, scarcely enlarged above. For description of pycnidial stage {Acarosporium quisquiliaris) see Mycologia. On various kinds of over-wintering buds; also on leaf debris, apparently of some herbaceous plants. Type locality: Nuttalburg, West Virginia. Distribution: West Virginia and New York. Illustrations: Mycologia 30: 189,/. 7-9; 194,/. 10; 197, f.l4. 21. ClBORIELLA Seaver, gen. nov. Apothecia stipitate, or substipitate, as in Ciboria, not stro- matic; asci clavate, 8-spored; spores simple, ellipsoid to fusoid, hyaline; paraphyses filiform. Apotheciis stipitatis vel substipatitis; Ciboria sine sclerotic; ascis clavatis, 8-sporis; sporis ellipsoideis vel fusoideis, hyalinis; paraphysibus filiformibus. Type species, Ciboria rufescens Kanouse. The genus Ciboria Fuckel has been restricted by H. H. Whetzel to those forms occurring on flowers and fruits and included in the Sclerotineae. The present genus is to include similar forms which would be excluded from the Sclerotineae. 1. Ciboriella rufescens (Kanouse) Seaver, comb. nov. Ciboria rufescens Kanouse, Mycologia 33: 463. 1941. Apothecia short-stipitate, firm-fleshy, gregarious, pale-orange when fresh, blood-red when dry, exuding a red juice when bruised in water, 2-5 mm. in diameter; stem slender, 1-2 mm. long; asci clavate, reaching length of 35-60 n and a diameter of 7-8 n, 8-spored; spores fusoid, hyaline, simple, 3.5 X 7-8 /x; paraphyses filiform. 108 The North American Cup-Fungi On decaying leaves of Alnus. Type locality: Hoh River, Oregon. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Doubtful Species Discinella washingtonensis Kanouse, Mycologia 39: 650. 1947. .Apo- thecia described as 6-12 mm. in diameter with a stem 3-5 mm. long. Spores fusoid, 4 X 12-14 yu; paraphyses filiform. It would seem to the writer that the species might be included here. 22. CALYCINA S. F. Gray, Nat. Arrang. Brit. PI. 1 : 669. 1821. Ciboria Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 311. 1869. (in part only). Rutstroemia White, Lloydia 4: 169. 1941 (in part). Not RiUstroemia Karst. 1871. Apothecia meditim large, up to 1 cm. in diameter stipitate, or subsessile, the length of the stem varying with the conditions, light-colored or dull, externally smooth, or with very poorly developed, hair-like structures; asci cylindric or clavate, usually 8-spored; spores ellipsoid to fusoid, hyaline, for a long time simple, later often becoming septate with one to several septa. Type species, Peziza firma Pers. This is a Ciboria-Vike fungus with a septate spore. Spores comparatively small, not over 20 ^t long. On wood or twigs. Substance of the apothecium not golden-fellow. 1. C. firma. Substance of the apothecia golden-yellow. 2. C. bolaris. On overwintering leaves. 3. C. petiolonim. Spores large, 30-35 n long. 4. C. macrosporum. 1. Calycina firma (Pers.) S. F. Gray, Nat. Arrang. Brit. PI. 1: 670. 1821. fPeziza ochroleuca Bolton, Fungi Halifax 3: 105. 1789. Peziza firma Pers. Syn. Fung. 658. 1801. Ciboria firma Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 312. 1869. Helotium firmum Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 11: 233. 1871. Rutstroemia firma Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 13: 233. 1873. Phialea firma Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 101. 1882. Hymetioscypha firma Phill. Brit. Discom. 123. 1887. Ciboria ochroleuca Massee, Brit. Fungus-Fl. 4: 274. 1895. Apothecia gregarious, infundibuliform, becoming expanded and often nearly discoid, stipitate, brownish, reaching a diameter of 1 cm. though often smaller; hymenium brown, darker than the outside of the apothecium; stem variable in length, but up to 12 mm. and .5 mm. in diameter, but gradually expanding above; CUP-FUNGI PLATE 103 1. CAUYCINA BOLARIS 2. CALYCINA MACROSPORA Calvcina 109 asci cylindric, or subcyHndric, reaching a length of 130 m and a diameter of 9 12 n, 8-spored; spores elHpsoid, or fusoid, obHquely 1 -seriate with the ends overlapping, 4-6 X 15-20 m, at first simple, occasionally becoming 1-3-septate; paraphyses filiform, enlarged, above, reaching a diameter of 2 ii. On woods of various kinds. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Doubtfully reported from North America, also in Europe. Illustrations: ?Bolton Hist. Fung. 3: pi. 105; Boud. Ic. Myc. pi. 483; Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. pi. 74, J. 2; E. & P. Nat. Pfl. 195,/. 155, 0, P; Sow. Engl. Fungi pi. 155; Lloydia 4: 174, /. 1-9. For full discussion of this species see White (Lloydia 4: 173-181.). According to W. L. White all American reports of this species are based on misdeterminations. It is not unlikely that the species will eventually be found in this country. 2. Calycina bolaris (Batsch) Seaver, Mycologia 26: 346. 1934. (Plate 103, Fig. 1.) Peziza bolaris Batsch, Elench. Fung. Cont. 1: 221. 1786? Ciboria bolaris Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 311. 1869. Phialea bolaris Boud. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 1: 116. 1885. Hymenoscypha bolaris Phill. Brit. Discom. 124. 1887. Apothecia gregarious, stipitate, or subsessile, expanding and becoming discoid, or slightly convex, externally yellowish, reach- ing a diameter of 5-6 mm., with a few club-shaped hair-like structures about the margin; hymenium slightly concave, plane, or a little convex, yellowish-brown, a little darker than the outside of the apothecium, (substance of the apothecia when crushed, golden-yellow); stem short, usually a little less than the diameter of the apothecium, about .5 mm. in diameter, expanding rather abruptly into the apothecium; asci cylindric, or clavate, 8- spored, reaching a length of 200 m and a diameter of 12-14 m; spores ellipsoid, usually slightly curved, 7-9 X 18-20 m, for some time simple, finally 1 -septate and often with apiculi at one or both ends, later 3-septate; paraphyses filiform, enlarged above, the contents yellow. On twigs of various kinds. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York; also in Europe. 110 The North American Cup-Fungi Illustrations: Boud. Ic. Myc. pi. 482; Mycologia 26: pi. 40 (upper figure) ; Lloydia 4: 182,/. 10-14; 185,/. 15-26. This species is close to Calycina firma but seems to differ in that it is less robust and lighter colored, yellowish instead of brownish. The only American specimen seen is one collected by H. H. Whetzel, No. 10784. 3. Calycina petiolorum (Roberge) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza petiolorum Rob. PI. Crypt. Fr. II5S; Ann. Sci. Nat. II. 17: 96. 1842. Helotium petiolorum DeNot. Comm. Critt. Ital. 1: 378. 1864. Phialea petiolorum Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 102. 1882. Calycella petiolorum Quel. Elench. Fung. 305. 1886. Hymenoscypha petiolorum Phill. Brit. Discom. 132. 1887. Cyathicula petiolorum .Sacc. S>11. Fung. 8: 305. 1889. Ciboria petiolorum Schrot in Cohn, Krypt.-FI. Schles 3-: 61. 1893. Apothecia solitary, scattered, becoming patellate, stipitate, reaching a diameter of 4 mm., externally showing faint longi- tudinal striations, pale-brown, the margin dentate; stem slender, usually tapering gradually below, becoming reddish-brown, nearly black at the base; hymenium slightly concave, ochraceous to cinnamon-brown; asci clavate, reaching a length of 95-120 n and a diameter of 9-12 /x, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate, or 2-seriate above, oblong-reniform, 4.5-5.5 X 14-17 n, at first 1-septate, later 2-3-septate, producing spermatia from the tips of the ascospores; paraphyses simple, enlarged above, 2.5-3.8 jj. at their apices. On rudimentary stromatic base on the petioles and midribs of overwintering leaves usually of Fagus and Quercus. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Iowa to Maine and North Carolina; also in Europe. Illustrations: Grevillea 4: pi. 65, f. 301; Ann. Myc. 4: 228, /. 46, 299, f. 47; Lloydia 4: 198,/. 35-29. As will be seen, from the synonymy, this species has been placed in several genera at different times and by different authors. Saccardo placed it in Cyathicula because of the slightly dentate margin. It seems to the writer to belong to the present genus, largely on the basis of its spore characters. 4. Calycina macrospora (Peck) Seaver, Mycologia 26: 346. 1934. (Plate 103, Fig. 2.) Helotium macrosporum Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 26: 82. 1874. Bulgaria decolorans Berk. & Curt. Grevillea 4: 6. 1875. Cyathicula 111 Peziza nebulosa Cooke, Mycographia 163. 1877. Geopyxis nebulosa Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 70. 1889. Ombrophila decolorans Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 615. 1889. Ciboria Dallasiana Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 9: 165. 1903. Tarzetta cinerascens Rehm, Ascom. 1853; Ann. Myc. 2: 352. 1904. Ciboria fuscocinerea Rehm, Ann. Myc. 2: 525. 1909. Apothecia gregarious, stipitate, or occasionally subsessile, at first closed and subglobose, gradually expanding and becoming nearly discoid, attenuated at the base, reaching a diameter of 1 cm., cinereous to yellowish-brown; hymenium concave, or nearly plane, similar in color to the outside of the apothecium; stem reaching a length of 1 cm. and a diameter of about 1 mm. ; asci cylindric, or clavate, 8-spored, reaching a length of 150 jj. and a diameter of 10-12 yu; spores narrow-ellipsoid, or fusoid, straight, or slightly curved, hyaline, granular, for a long time simple, finally becoming 1-5-septate, and often with an apiculus at one or both ends and an oil-drop between each two septa, reaching a length of 30-35 n and a diameter of 6-7 ti ; paraphyses filiform, slightly enlarged above. On rotten wood. Type locality: South Carolina. Distribution: New York to Alabama, North Dakota and Colorado; also reported from Europe as Ombrophila decolorans. Illustrations: Cooke Mycographia, pi. 73, f. 281; Seaver, Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa 6: pi. 20, f. 2; Mycologia 26: pi. 40 (lower). ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 477; Rehm, Ascom. 1853; Seaver, North Dakota Fungi 6. 23. CYATHICULA DeNot. Comm. Critt. Ital. 1: 38L 1863. (in part). Hyalinia Boud. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 1: 114. 1885. Calycella Quel Ench. Fung. 305. 1886. Pezoloma Clements, Gen. Fungi 175. 1909; Minn. Bot. Stud. 4: 186. 1911. Pezizellaster Hohn. Ann. Myc. 15: 349. 1917. Apothecia scattered, stipitate, at first closed and subglobose, expanding, the margin beset with sharp teeth, the outside of the apothecium smooth; asci c>lindric-clavate, 8-spored; spores fusoid, elongated, finally 1 -septate; paraphyses filiform. Type species, Peziza coronata Bull. When the genus was established no species was designated as the type. Later authors have regarded Peziza coronata as the 112 The North American Cup-Fungi type, a species originally included by DeNotaris but not the first one mentioned. This species is therefore regarded as the type. The genus Pezoloma was proposed by F. E. Clements for sessile species of Cyathicula. The character seems to the writer to be of no generic significance. Occurring on herbaceous stems. 1. C. coronata. Occurring on living Marchantia. 2. C. Marchantiae. 1. Cyathicula coronata (Bull.) Rehm in Rab. Krypt-Fl. P: 740. 1893. Peziza coronata Bull. Hist. Champ. Fr. 251. 1809. Peziza radiata Pers. Myc. Eu. 1: 234. 1822. Helotitim coronatiim Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 136. 1871. Hymenoscypha coronata Phill. Brit. Discom. 127. 1887. Peziza denticulata Fl. Dan. Fasc. 17: 10, pi. 1016, f. 3. 1790. Apothecia scattered, or gregarious, stipitate, at first rounded and closed, opening and becoming pitcher-shaped, finally ex- panded, the margin beset with long teeth, pale rose-colored or yellowish, .5-3 mm. in diameter; stem 1-6 mm. long, .2-.5 mm. thick, smooth, white, or yellowish-white; asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 80-110 ju and a diameter of 8-9 ju, 8-spored; spores elongated, fusoid, simple, or 1 -septate, 3-4.5 X 15-18 n; paraphyses filiform, 2 /x thick. On herbaceous stems of various kinds. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York to Michigan; also in Europe. Illustrations: Bull. Herb. Fr. pi. 416; Phill. Brit. Discom. pi. 5,f. 26; Nees, Syst. Pilze/. 293; E. & P. Nat. Pfl. l^: 205,/. 160, N-0; Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 20: pi. 15, f. 1. 2. Cyathicula Marchantiae (Sommerf.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 307. 1889. Peziza Marchantiae Sommerf. Fl. Lap. Suppl. 295. 1826. Apothecia solitary, turbinate, sessile, or with a short, thick stem, substance fleshy to waxy, thin, translucent, pallid-white, usually with a pale-lilac tint, reaching a diameter of .5-2 mm.; hymenium plane, or slighth' concave, the margin ornamented with ciliate teeth composed of bundles of narrow cells; asci clavate-cylindric, not conspicuously narrowed below, apex rounded, reaching a length of 60-75 ^ and a diameter of 6-8 /z; CUP-FUNGI PLATE 104 I / ^z 1. HELOTIUM VIRGULTORUM 2. HELOTIUM CITRINUM Helotium 113 spores 1- or 2-seriate, smooth, ovoid, or ellipsoid, 4 X 8~10 /x. usually with two small oil-drops; paraphyses filiform. On living Marchantia polymorpha. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York and Michigan; also in Europe. Our only knowledge of this species is Durand's report in Bull. Torrey Club 29: 463. 1902, and a report of its occurrence in Michigan by Dr. B. Kanouse. Doubtful and Excluded Species Cyathicnla alpina Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1894: 349. 1894. Apothecia minute, about .5 mm. in diameter and less than 1 mm. high; pallid, the margin fibrous, the extremities of the fibers prolonged and subfasciculate so as to make the margin obscurely dentate; asci clavate-cylindric, 8-spored; spores subcylindric, 1.5-2 X 8-10 m; paraphyses filiform. On dead stems of Pedicularis and culms of Elymiis condensatus, Colorado, alt. 9500 ft. It is doubtful if this species belongs here. Cyathicula aquilina (Rehm) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 307. 1889; Coronellaria Aquilinae Rehm, Hedwigia 24: 231. 1885. This species has been reported from Washington by Dr. B. Kanouse on fern debris and on Gaultheria Shallon. Rehm makes this a synonym of Mollisia pteridina Karst. Cyathicula dentata (Pers.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 307. 1889; Peziza dentata Pers. Ic. Descr. Fung. 5. pi. 1, f. 6, 7. 1798; Niptera dentata Fuckel, Symb. Myc. Nacht. 1: 47. 1871; Cistella dentata Quel. Ench. Fung. 319. 1886; Mollisia dentata Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 124. 1882; Calloria dentata Phill. Brit. Discom. 332. 1887. This species has been reported from Michigan under the name Cistella dentata. It is also reported from Washington under the name Pezizellaster radiostriatus (Feltig) Hohn. Von Hohnel regarded these as identical. Pezoloma grisenm Clements, Gen. Fungi 175. 1909; Minn. Bot. Stud. 4: 186, pi. 25, f. 2. 1911. The illustration shows the apothecium beset with a border of very long, tooth-like structures consisting of a fascicle of mycelial threads. The spores are described as 3-4 X 15-18 /x- The species should be further investigated. It is known only from the type collection in Colorado. Lachnaster miniatus Kanouse, Mycologia 39: 662. 1947. Described as having long, whiplash hairs arranged in teeth, pale-yellow; spores 1-1.5 X 6-8 m; paraphyses lanceolate. The toothed margin would place this in the genus Cyathicula. On Pteridium aquilinum, W^ashington. 24. HELOTIUM Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 354. 1849. P seudohelotium Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 298. 1869. Pkialea (Fries) Boud. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 1: 112. 1885. Discinella Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 96. 1907. ? P seudociboria Kanouse, Mycologia 36: 460. 1941. Apothecia long-stipitate to sessile or subsessile, externally smooth (not hairy), usually small (not exceeding 2-3 mm. in 114 The North American Cup-Fungi diameter), for the most part bright-colored, whitish, yellowish, or occasionally dingy-brown, reddish, or with a greenish tint, usually with a whitish vegetative mycelium; asci usually 8- spored; spores simple (1 -celled), or occasionally spuriously septate, ellipsoid, fusoid, or allantoid, hyaline or subhyaline; paraphyses very slender. Type species, Helvella acicidaris Bull. The genus Pseudociboria is characterized by having two kinds of paraphyses, hyaline and colored, which in the opinion of the writer would scarcely warrant the establishment of a separate genus. This is a large and cumbersome genus. Attempts to break it up have not been very successful. The separation of Phialea on the presence of a stem has been disregarded by recent workers. Many species have been described from scant material and never re-collected so that their value must remain uncertain at best. If it were possible to call a moratorium on the description of new species until the old ones could be better known it would be a great advantage to the monographer but that is probably too much to expect. The species are keyed out to the best of our ability. Spores 20 tx or more long. Spores more than 30 m long. On fallen leaves of Alnus. On fallen leaves of Steironema. Spores not usually exceeding 30 m. Spores clavate. Spores fusoid. On herbaceous stems. On fallen leaves of Salix. Spores usually 15-20 n long. On fruits. On old acorns and hickory-nuts. On seeds of Nyssa sylvatica. Not on fruits. On cryptogams. On living mosses. On old fungi, Fames. On phanerogams. On monocot. leaves, Iris. On dicots. of various kinds. On fallen leaves or petioles. On petioles of Acer. Not on petioles. 1. H. fastidiosum. 2. H. Dearnessii. 3. H. serotinum. 4. H. Scutula. 5. H. salicellum. 6. H. fructigenum. 7. H. nyssicola. 8. H. tiirbinatum. 9. H. mycetophUum. 10. H. nigromaculatum. \\. H. fratertium. Helotium 115 On fallen leaves of Betula etc. On decaying leaves. Spores clavate. Spores fusoid. On rotten wood. Apothecia cudonioid. Apothecia not cudonioid. Spores usually 10-15 n long. On coniferous plants. On fallen leaves of Picea. Apothecia pallid, with Fnmosa. Apothecia sulphur-yellow. On fallen leaves of Larix. Not on coniferous plants. On seeds of Alnus oregona. Not on seeds. On old fungus, Dichaena strmiiosa. Not on fungi. On herbaceous plants. Apothecia dark-brown or black. On stems of Erigeron. On leaves of Antenuaria. Apothecia yellowish or cinereous. On stems of EsclischoUzia. On various plants especially Impatiens. Not on herbaceous plants. Spores reniform. Apothecia yellowish-green, on (usually) petioles of Fraxinus. Apothecia not yellowish-green. On rotten wood. Apothecia lemon-yellow. Apothecia pallid or yel- lowish. Spores clavate, on Sympiioricarpns. Spores not clavate. Apothecia not over 1 mm. in diam. Apothecia 3 mm. in diam. on Salix. On dead leaves. Apothecia yellow to pale- orange. On leaves of Fagus. 12. H. Linderi. 13. H. naviculasporum. 14. H. epiphyllum. 15. H. cudonioides. 16. H. virgullorum. 1 7. H. fumoseUum. 18. H. sulphuratum. 19. H. acicularum. 20. //. seminicola. 21. //. strumosum. 22. H. nigrescens. 23. //. phaeoconium. 24. H. Eschscholtziae. 25. H. herharum. 26. H. renisporum. 27. //. Uiteovirescens. 28. //. citrinum. 29. H. dakotense. 30. //. pallescens. 31. H. amplnm. 32. H. alhopunctum. 116 The North American Cup-Fungi Not confined Fagus. to On leaves of Quercus. On leaves of va- rious kinds. Apothecia pallid or yel- lowish-white. Not over 1 mm. in diameter. Spores 12-15 m long, on Acer and Quercus. Spores 10- 13m long, on Popu- lus, more rare- ly' on other kinds. Reaching 2-3 mm. in diameter. Apothecia creamy- yellow. Apothecia wa- tery-white. Apothecia not yellow or orange. Apothecia lilac, on Co7iocarpus. Apothecia brown or reddish-brown. Spores usually less than 10 ju long. Occurring on cryptogams. On living mosses and liverworts. On fungi, Hypoxylon, Xylaria, etc. Occurring on phanerogams. On coniferous trees. On needles of Larix. On bark of Picea. Not on coniferous trees. On monocotyledons. On palm, Archontophoenix. On grasses or sedges. Apothecia lemon-yellow, on Carex. Apothecia pale-yellow, on Andro- pogon. On dicotyledons. On herbaceous plants. On stems of various plants. Apothecia distinctly stipitate. Apothecia subsessile. 33. H. piihendum. 34. H. immutabile. 35. H. translucens. 36. H. populinum. 37. H. erraticum. 38. H. simulatum. 39. H. Conocarpi. 40. H. castaneum. 41. H. destructor. 42. H. episphaericum. 43. H. laricinum. 44. H. aurantium. 45. //. alrosuhiculatum. 46. H. citrinulum. 47. H. planodiscum. 48. H. cyathoideum. 49. H. consanguineum. Helotium 117 On exposed roots of Polygonum and Collinsonia. On woody plants. On bud scales of Populus. Not on bud scales. On the wood or woody stems. Apothecia waxy-white, on rotten wood. Apothecia yellow, or yellow- ish on woody stems. Paraphyses lanceolate, on Spiraea. Paraphyses not lanceo- late. On bark of Acer and quince. On bark of Carpinus. On branches of Cor- nus. On leaves. Apothecia white, minute, on Cassandra. Apothecia yellow or orange. On leaves of Populus and Betula. On leaves of Quercus and pods of Gleditsia. Apothecia yellowish-brown or brown. On sandy soil, probably on submerged roots. 50. H. rhizicola. 51. H. gemmarum. 52. H. Craginianum. 53. H. lanceolato- paraphysaHim. 54. H. albuminum. 55. H. ammoides. 56. H. propinqnnm. 57. H. Cassandrae. 58. //. Friesii. 59. H. midlandense. 60. H. umhrinum. 6\. H. arenicola. 1. Helotium fastidiosum Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 27: 107. 1875. Calycina fastidiosa Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 3^: 448. 1898. Apothecia small, stipitate, pale-yellow, reaching a diameter of about 1 mm., rarely larger; hymenium plane, or slightly con- cave, yellow; stem slender, about equal in length to the diameter of the apothecium, brownish, or yellow with a brownish base; asci narrow-clavate, reaching a length of 80-100 /x and a diameter of 9-12 jj., 8-spored; spores crowded, or 2-seriate, elongate, sub- clavate, multiguttulate, about 4 4.5 X 32 /x; paraphyses slender. On petioles and midribs of fallen leaves of Alnus in wet places; also reported on catkins of (Alnus?). 118 The North American Cup-Fungi Type locality: Forestburgh, New York. Distribution: New York to Quebec and Oregon. Probably common. Illustrations: Mycologia 34: 158,/. 2; 166, f. 9; Farlowia 1: 153./. 7. This species seems to be distinct in its very long, slender spores. A part of the original collection in the herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden has been examined. 2. Helotium Dearnessii (Ellis & Ev.) White, Mycologia 34: 167. 1942. Phialea Dearnessii Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1893: 146. 1893. Hymeyioscyphus Dearnessii Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 3^: 485. 1898. Apothecia scattered, stipitatc, nearly sulphur-yellow, .7 mm. in diameter, at first subolivaceous, becoming yellow, the margin subfimbriate; stem short, stout, less than the diameter of the apothecium; asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 100- 108 m and a diameter of 10-13 m, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, fusoid to clavate, slightly curved, with two large oil-drops, 4-4.5 X 30 35 /x, gradually attenuated below; paraphyses fili- form, scarcely enlarged above. On dead stems of Steironema ciliatum. Type locality: London, Ontario, Canada. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illu.strations: Farlowia 1: 615,/. 31-34. Exsiccati: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2624 (as Peziza Dear- nessii) . 3. Helotium serotinum (Pers.) Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 781. 1893. Peziza serotina Pers. Syn. Fung. 661. 1801. Hymenoscypha serotina Phill. Brit. Discom. 125. 1887. Apothecia gregarious, stipitate, at first club-shaped and closed, finally opening and becoming cup-shaped, then plane or nearly so, .25-.5 mm. in diameter, bright-yellow; stem 2-10 mm. long, .2-. 5 mm. thick; asci clavate, reaching a length of 100-150 n and a diameter of 10-12 n, 8-spored; spores clavate, straight, or slightly curved, sharp-pointed, 4 X 22-24 fi (Rehm states 30-36 n long and occasionally 1-septate); paraphyses filiform, 2 ^ in diameter. On fallen leaves and branches of different kinds. Helotium 119 Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Ohio; also in Europe. Illustrations: E. & P. Nat. Pfl. 1': 207. /. 162, E; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. P: 770,/. 1-4. Although this species has been reported from North America by Saccardo the onh- specimen seen is one from Ohio determined by Dr. B. Kanouse. 4. Helotium Scutula (Pers.) Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 11:233. 1871. Peziza Scutula Pers. Myc. Eu. 1: 284. 1822. Ciboria ciliatospora Fuckel, Symb. Myc. ZW. 1869. Helotium Scutula caudatum Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 112. 1871. Helotium gracile Cooke & Peck; Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 26: 83. 1874. Helotium vitellinum Rehni, Ber. Naturh. Ver. Augsburg 26: 124. 1881. Phialea Scutula Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 108. 1882. Helotium virgultorum Scutula Rehm, Asconi. Lojk. 7. 1882. Helotium Scutula Rubi Rehm, Hedwigia 24: 229. 1885. Calycella Scutula Quel. Ench. Fung. 305. 1886. Hymenoscypha Scutula Phill. Brit. Discom. 136. 1887. Hymenoscypha Scutula Lysimachiae Phill. Brit. Discom. 137. 1887. Hymenoscypha Scutula Rudbeckiae Phill. Brit. Discom. 138. 1887. Phialea vitellina Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 262. 1889. Phialea gracilis Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 265. 1889. Phialea Sctitula Rudbeckiae Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 266. 1889. Helotium Verbenae Cavara, Rev. Myc. 11: 178. 1889. Phialea appendiculata Oud. Versl. Med. Akad. Wet. 7: 313. 1890. Belonioscypha ciliatospora Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. 1^: 744. 1893. Helotium Scutula vitellina Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. P: 794. 1893. Helotium Scutula Lysimachiae Massee, Brit. Fungus-Fl. 4: 254. 1895. Helotium Scutula Rudbeckiae Massee, Brit. Fungus-Fl. 4: 254. 1895. Hymenoscyphus gracilis Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 3': 485. 1898. Helotium vitellinum pallidostriatum Fairman, Jour. Myc. 10: 231. 1904. Phialea vitellina pallidostriata Sacc. & D. Sacc. in Sacc. Syll. Fung. 18: 56. 1906. Helotium appendiculatum Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 114. 1907. Helotium ciliatosporurn Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 114. 1907. Belospora ciliatospora Clements, Gen. Fungi 175. 1909. Hymenoscypha Scutula Grossulariae Kauffm. Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 1: 107. 1921. Apothecia thickly gregarious, stipitate, or occasionally almost sessile, often springing from a dark-colored subiculum at first shallow cup-shaped, becoming nearly plane, reaching a diameter of 1-2 mm., pale-yellow; hymenium slightly concave, similar in color to the outside of the apothecium; stem relatively slender and 120 The North American Cup-Fungi variable in length, often reaching 5 mm., usually about .3 mm. thick; asci clavate, reaching a length of 90-100 fx and a diameter of 8-10 ju. 8-spored; spores irregularly 2-seriate, fusoid, or clavate, slightly curved, often spuriously 1-3-septate, 3-4 X 20-28 ju, occasionally with a cilium at one or both ends; paraphyses fili- form, reaching a diameter of 7 ju. On herbaceous stems of various kinds. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York to Oregon, and Missouri, probably throughout North America; also in Europe. Illustrations: Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 771, f. 1-5; Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. 18: 76-83,/. 1-5; Mycologia 34: 158,/. 1. ExsiccATi: Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 2339; Clements, Crypt. Form. Colo. 80. 5. Helotium salicellum Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 356. 1849. Peziza salicella Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 133. 1822. Apothecia scattered, springing through the bark of the host, short-stipitate, at first globose, then expanding and becoming shallow cup-shaped, brownish-yellow, reaching a diameter of 2 mm.; hymenium slightly concave, or nearly plane, yellowish; stem scarcely exceeding 1 mm. in length and .3 mm. thick; asci clavate, reaching a length of 75-100 ^ and a diameter of 12-25 /x, 8-spored; spores fusoid, with the ends acute, straight, or curved, usually containing one or two oil-drops, becoming spuriously 1-3-septate, 5-7 X 25-30 m; paraphyses filiform, reaching a diameter of 2 /x. On fallen branches of Salix. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Oregon; also in Europe. This species has been reported from North America by Sac- cardo. No American material was found in the collection at The New York Botanical Garden, except the Oregon specimens. Fuckel regards this as a variety of Helotium virgiiltorum. 6. Helotium fructigenum (Bull.) Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 113. 1871. Peziza fructigena Bull. Hist. Champ. Fr. 236. 1791. Phialea Jriictigena Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 99. 1882. Hymenoscypha fructigena Phill. Brit. Discom. 135. 1887. Apothecia gregarious, stipitate, at first closed, then opening and expanding, becoming plane or nearly so, reaching a diameter CUP-FUNGI PLATE 105 /'f HELOTIUM NYSSICOLA Helotium 121 of 1-3 mm., pale->'ellow; hymenium plane, or slightly concave, similar in color to the outside of the apothecium; stem slender, very variable in length, sometimes reaching nearly 1 cm., at other times so short that the apothecia appear subsessile; asci clavate, reaching a length of 80-100 /i and a diameter of 7-9 n, 8-spored; spores fusoid, or subclavate, often with two oil-drops and numerous smaller ones, 3-5 X 12-18 n; paraphyses filiform, slightly enlarged above, reaching a diameter of 3 /x. On acorns and hickory-nut husks, Quercus and Hicoria. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York to Iowa and Pennsylvania; also in Europe. Illustrations: Bull. Herb. Fr. pJ. 228; Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. pi. 73; Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa 6: pi. 23, f.l. ExsiccATi : Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2048. There seems to be considerable variation in the size of the spores in this species. The spores are often smaller than indi- cated. As the plants are otherwise typical this may be due to immaturity. Occasionalh- the spores seem to be septate. This has been reported from Minnesota by Miss Daisy S. Hone as Helotium virgultorum fructigenum, following Rehm. 7. Helotium nyssicola Seaver, Mycologia 30: 79. 1938. (Plate 105.) Apothecia gregarious, or occasionally occurring singly, stipitate, or subsessile, reaching a diameter of 2-4 mm., pale- yellow, orbicular, or with the margin irregularly split; hymenium concave, or nearly plane, pale-yellow; stem very slender, short, or reaching a length of 2 or more cm., the length depending upon the depth of the substratum; asci clavate, reaching a length of 125 fx and a diameter of 8 fx, gradually tapering below into a slender, stem-like base, 8-spored; spores fusoid, or clavate, about 5-5.5 X 15-20 M, containing a number of small granules; pa- raphyses rather stout, granular, reaching a diameter of 3-4 m- On buried or partially buried seeds of Nyssa sylvatica. Type locality: The New York Botanical Garden. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 30: 80,/. 1. This species has been collected season after season under one tree in The New York Botanical Garden. It has not been found in any other locality. 122 The North American Cup-Fungi 8. Helotium turbinatum (Fuckel) Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 113. 1907. Leucoloma turbinata Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 318. 1869. Helotium bryogenum Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 30: 61. 1878. Humaria turbinata Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 127. 1889. Plicaria turbinata Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 1009. 1894. Belonium bryogenum Rehm, Ascom. 127Q; Hedwigia 38: Beibl. (244). 1899. Calycina bryogena Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 3': 448. 1898. Calycella turbinata Hohn. Sitz.-ber. Akad. Wien 127i: 594. 1918. Apothecia solitary, sparse, short-stipitate, fleshy, brown when dry, .8-1 mm. in diameter, waxy to waxy-cartilaginous; hymenium plane, or slightly concave, dark-brown in dried specimens; stem short, stout, about .3 mm. long; asci clavate, reaching a length of 70-90 /x and a diameter of 8-11 n, 8-spored; spores elongated, straight, or very slightly curved, usually simple, or rarely 1 -septate, 3-4 X 12-15 ju, somewhat attenuated at the ends; paraphyses, simple, or once branched near the base. On living mosses, especially Bryum. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York; also in Europe. Illustrations: Mycologia 34: 166,/. 10. According to W. L. White, Helotium bryogenum Peck is synonymous with the above. This was described as pallid or yellowish-white when moist, livid-red or subolivaceous when dry. 9. Helotium mycetophilum Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 43:33. 1890. Calycina mycetophila Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 3': 448. 1889. Apothecia scattered, or gregarious, appearing singly, or more rarely two in close contact, substipitate, .1 to .3 mm. in diameter, more or less turbinate in form, dark-red ; stem very short, tapering upward; hymenium plane, or slightly concave; asci clavate, reaching a length of 100-120 ju and a diameter of 13-15 m; spores 1 -seriate below, irregularly 2-seriate above, narrow- ellipsoid, slightly curved, or at least flattened on one side, occasionally becoming 1-septate but usually 1-celled, 5.5-7 X 17-20 m; paraphyses simple, slightly flexuous, scarcely more than 1 )Li in diameter. On pileus of old sporophore of Fomes fomentarius. Type locality: Rainbow Lake, New York. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 34: 166,/. 16. Helotium 123 10. Helotium nigromaculatum (Earic) Seaver, comb. nov. Hymenoscypha nigromaculata Earle, Bull. N. V. Bot. Gard. 2: 338. 1902. Phialea nigromaculata Sacc. Syll. Fung. 18: 57. 1906. Apothecia occurring on black spots which are .5-1 cm. in diameter, gregarious, brown, sessile, or substipitate, the margin inrolled when dry, becoming turbinate when moist, about .3 mm. in diameter and of equal height, externally fibrillose, the ends of the fibers extending slightly above the margin of the apothecium; asci broadh' clavate, reaching a length of 70 ^ and a diameter of 14 yu, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, or irregularly disposed, irregu- larly ellipsoid, 6 X 18-20 n; paraphyses sparse and rather stout. On dying leaves of Iris sp. Type locality: Palmetto, Florida. Distribution: Known only from the type locaHty. No material has been seen. 11. Helotium fraternum Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 32: 47. 1879. Apothecia solitary, scattered, stipitate, reaching a diameter of 2 mm., at first cyHndric, or columnar, finally expanding above, becoming globose, then cup-shaped and finally fully expanded, yellowish to whitish; hymenium at first concave, becoming convex when moist, wax-yellow to ochraceous-orange, when dry becom- ing concave and reddish-brown; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 70-100 m and a diameter of 10 12 m, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate or partially so, elongate-fusiform, often sHghtly curved, usually with an oil-drop in either end, 4-5 X 16 20 ju; paraphyses filiform, scarcely enlarged above. On decaying petioles of various species of Acer. Type locality: Adirondack Mountains, New York. Distribution: Maine to Indiana and West Virginia. Illustrations: Mycologia 34: 166./. 14. The type specimen in the herbarium of The New York Bo- tanical Garden has been examined. 12. Helotium Linderi White, Farlowia 1 : 154. 1943. Apothecia scattered, stipitate, reaching a diameter of 1 mm., pure-white when fresh, becoming cinereous to nearly black on drying; stem slender, white when fresh, drying to hyaline- ochraccous, smooth, slightly thickened above; hymenium be- coming plane, or slightly concave, white, drying darker than the 124 The North American Cup-Fungi outside of the apothecium, often nearly black; asci clavate, reaching a length of 65-75 ^J. and a diameter of 9-10 n, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, elongated, narrowed toward the lower end, rounded above and somewhat curved, 3.5-4 X 16-18 /x, contain- ing several oil-drops; paraphyses simple, or once forked below the middle, scarcely enlarged above, about 3 ju in diameter at their apices. On fallen leaves of Betula sp. and others. Type locality: Chimney Trail, Great Smoky Mts. National Park, Tennessee. Distribution: Tennessee and Wisconsin. Illustrations: Farlowia 1: 153,/. 9. 13. Helotium naviculasporum Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 5: 46. 1874. ?Peziza caudata Karst. Fungi Fenn. 547. 1866. Helotium saprophyllum Cooke & Peck; Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 29: 55. 1878. Calycina naviculaspora Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 3^: 448. 1898. Calycina saprophylla Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 3^: 449. 1898. Helotium sparsum Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 111. 1907. Apothecia scattered, sparse, minute, delicate, slender- stipitate, hyaline-white when fresh, becoming opaque and more or less yellowish, or ochraceous on drying, reaching a diameter of .4 to 1.3 mm.; stem slender, delicate, smooth, similar in color to the apothecium, scarcely 1 mm. long; hymenium plane, or slightly convex, white to pale-yellow, or ochraceous; asci clavate, reaching a length of 80-90 /x, or rarely 110 ju, and a diameter of 8-11 m; spores irregularly 2-seriate, slightly curved and attenu- ated at the lower end, 4-5 X 16-20 m, granular within; paraphy- ses simple, scarcely enlarged above, reaching a diameter of 2-3 n. On fallen leaves usually from the midribs or veins, more rarely on petioles: Acer, Alnus, Carya, Fagus, and Tilia. Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. Distribution: New York to New Jersey and Michigan; also in Europe. Illustrations: Boud. Ic. Myc. pi. 495; Mycologia 34: 158, /. 3; 166,/. 3; Farlowia 1 : 153,/. 8 (as Helotium caudatum (Karst.) Vel.) ExsicCATi: Ellis, Fungi Nova-Caesar. 53; N. Am. Fungi 62. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 106 \ HELOTIUM RHIZICOLA Helotium 125 14. Helotium epiphyllum (Pers.) Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 356. 1849. Peziza epiphylla Pers. Tent. Disp. Fung. 72. 1797. CaJycina aurantiaca Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pi. 3'': 448. 1898. Hymenoscypha epiphylla Rehm; Kauffm. Papers Mich. .\cad. Sci. 9: 177. 1929. Apothecia scattered, or in groups of two to four, sessile to short-stipitate, bright-yellow, or dull-orange when fresh, the color not changing much on drying, fleshy to waxy, reaching a diameter of 4 mm.; stem when present exceedingly short, pale- yellow; hymenium slightly concave to plane, or sometimes repand, becoming yellow to orange, or occasionally dull-red; asci clavate, reaching a length of 90 130 m and a diameter of 9-12 /x, 8-spored; spores fusoid, more or less unsymmetrical or slightly curved, simple, 1-seriate below, 2-seriate above, 4-5 X 16-20 ix, granular, often with two or three definite oil-drops; paraphyses straight, scarcely thickened above, reaching a diam- eter of 2-3 y.. On leaves of various deciduous or more rarely coniferous trees; also on forest debris. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Probably throughout the United States and Canada; also in Europe. Illustrations: Farlowia 1: 143,/. 1. ExsicCATi: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2328. On Sept. 13, 1935, the writer examined a specimen of this species in the Persoon Herbarium at Leiden, Holland, and it showed three yellowish apothecia about 3 mm. in diameter on a leaf labeled Corylus. No microscopic examination was possible. 15. Helotium cudonioides Seaver, Mycologia 37: 267. 1945. Apothecia stipitate, single, or cespitose, at first concave, soon becoming strongly convex, reaching a diameter of 2 mm., pale- to dark-brown; stem white or nearly white, reaching a length of 2-3 mm. and less than 1 mm. in diameter; asci clavate, 8-spored, reaching a length of 100 ix and a diameter of 10-12 n; spores 1- seriate below and irregularh" 2-seriate above, fusoid, hyaline, about 5 X 16-20 m; paraphyses filiform, 1 m or less in diameter. On rotten wood. Type locality: Cleveland, Ohio. 126 The North American Cup-Fungi Distribution : New York and Ohio. Illustrations: Mycologia 37: 268, f. 1. This species has been sent in several times for determination. As the name signifies it looks like a miniature Cudonia. 16. Helotium virgultorum (Vahl.) Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 355. 1849. (Plate 104, Fig. 1.) Peziza virgultorum Vahl. Fl. Dan. 17: 10. 1790. Hymenoscypha virgultorum Phill. Brit. Discom. 134. 1887. Phialea virgultorum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 266. 1889. Apothecia gregarious, stipitate, at first closed, expanding and becoming shallow cup-shaped to patellate, or occasionally even convex, reaching a diameter of 1-3 mm., whitish to pale- yellowish; hymenium usually concave, bright-yellow; stem cylindric, two to three times as long as the diameter of the apothecium, whitish, or yellowish; asci clavate, reaching a length of 100-120 n and a diameter of 9-10 jx, 8-spored; spores partially 2-seriate, fusoid, or subclavate, usually containing two oil-drops with several smaller ones, 4-5 X 15-20 ^l, occasionally spuriously septate; paraphyses filiform, slightly enlarged above. On partially buried sticks and roots. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Toronto to Colorado, Washington, and Cali- fornia; also in Europe. Illustrations: Fl. Dan. pi. 1016, f. 2. Excellent material collected in Colorado on roots of Alnus has been studied and is the basis of the illustrations shown in this work. The distribution is difficult to determine since this species has been confused with two others which arc here re- garded as distinct, Helotium frudigentim and Helotium Scutula. 17. Helotium fumosellum (Cooke & Ellis) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza fumosella Cooke & Ellis, Grevillea 6: 91. 1878. Phialea fumoseUa Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 269. 1889. Allophylaria fumosella Nannf. Nova Acta Soc. Sci. Upsal. IV. 8: 291. 1932. Apothecia minute, stipitate, fumose, at first clavate, then expanding, becoming cyathiform, .25-. 7 mm. in diameter and .5 mm. high; hymenium pallid; asci cylindric-clavate, 8-spored; spores elongated, straight, or curved, 10 /x long. On fir leaves, Abies, accompanying Hymenula fumosa which may be its conidial stage. Helotium 127 Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 18. Helotium sulphuratum (Fries) Phill. Brit. Discom. 161. 1887. Peziza sulphtirea Schum. PI. Saell. 2: 428. 1803. Not Pens. 1797. Peziza sulphurata Fries, Syst, Myc. 2: 72. 1822. ?Helotium Piceae (Kauffm.) Kanouse, Mycologia 33: 465. 1941. Apothecia scattered, or occasionally two or three together, stipitate, or subsessile, at first rounded and closed, expanding and becoming shallow cup-shaped, or nearly plane, 1-2 mm. in diameter, externally pale-yellow; hymenium sulphur-yellow; asci c>'lindric-clavate, 8-spored; spores fusiform, about 3 4 X 10- 12 /x; paraphyses filiform. On leaves of conifers matted on the ground, Picea. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Colorado and Manitoba, Canada. Illustrations: F1. Dan. pi. 19l5,f. 2. Helotium Piceae was based on specimens collected by C. H. Kauftman and regarded by him as a variety of //. sulphuratum. The difference, in our opinion, is too slight to segregate it as a distinct species. 19. Helotium acicularum (Roll.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 10: 8. 1892. Calycella acicularum Rolland, Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 5: 170. 1889. . Phialea acicularum Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. P: 719. 1892. Apothecia short-stipitate, at first closed and rounded, finally opening and becoming cup-shaped, then plane, externally yellow- ish-white, .2-.3 mm. in diameter, fleshy-waxy ; hymenium concave to plane, egg-yellow; asci clavate, reaching a length of 160 m and a diameter of 10-12 m, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, slightly bent, 5-8 X 10-12 /i; paraphyses filiform. On fallen needles of larch, Larix sp. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Michigan; also in Europe. Illustrations: Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 5: pi. 15, f. 3. 20. Helotium seminicola Keinh. & Cash, Mycologia 29: 82. 1937. Apothecia stipitate, occurring singly, or two or three arising from a seed, at first cup-shaped, expanding and often plane. 128 The North American Cup-Fungi reaching a diameter of 6 mm.; hymenium fawn-colored, plane, or concave; stem reaching a length of 10 mm. and usually .5-8 mm. thick, sometimes hairy toward the base when young; asci clavate, reaching a length of 75-130 ju and a diameter of 7-12 n, 8-spored; spores fusoid-ellipsoid, with ends attenuated, with several small oil-drops, 3.5-5 X 12-20 /x; paraphyses filiform simple, or branched below, slightly enlarged above, reaching a diameter of 4 fji, hyaline. On seeds of Alniis oregona. Type locality: Hood River, Oregon. Distribution : Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 29: 83,/. 1-4. 21. Helotium strumosum Ellis «& Ev. Jour. Myc. 4: 56. 1888. Pseudohelotium strumosum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 300. 1889. Apothecia gregarious, sessile or subsessile, bright lemon- yellow, closed and subspherical at first, then opening and becom- ing cup-shaped and finally expanding to nearly plane, about .3 mm. in diameter, tomentose-pubescent outside and attached to the matrix by fine, white hairs at the base; asci clavate, reaching a length of 70 80 n and a diameter of 10-12 yu, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, ellipsoid, with two or three oil-drops, and indications of a medial septum, 3-4.5 X 10-12 /z; paraphyses stout, slightly yellowish and thickened above. On old Dichaena strumosa on Quercus coccinea. Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. Distribution: New Jersey and Delaware. 22. Helotium nigrescens (Cooke) Rehm, Ascom. 307; Ber. Naturh. Ver. Augsburg 26: 77. 1881. Peziza nigrescens Cooke, Hedwigia 14: 83. 1875. Apothecia stipitate, brownish-black, becoming black, at first clavate, then expanded, .3 mm. in diameter; hymenium pallid or subcinereous; stem thick, expanding into the apothe- cium, .5 mm. long; asci cylindric, or subcylindric, reaching a length of 60 ji and a diameter of 9 ^, 8-spored; spores elongate- fusiform, straight, or slightly curved, 3 X \2 n\ paraphyses not observed. On dead stems of Erigeron. Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 107 HELOTIUM CONOCARPI HELOTIUM ATROSUBICULATUM Helotium 129 ExsicCATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 140; Thiim. Myc. Univ. 214; Rehm, Ascom. 307 (both from Newfield, New Jersey). 23. Helotium phaeoconium (Fairman) Seaver, comb. nov. Phialea phaeoconia Fairman, Ann. Myc. 9: 151. 1911. Apothecia gregarious, stipitate, occurring on the under side or projecting from the margins of the leaves, dark-brown, or black, with a light-brown, or grayish margin, globose and closed, finally opening and becoming deep cup-shaped, .25 mm. in diameter; hymenium concave, light-brown ; stem about as long as the diameter of the apothecium, swollen just below the point of attachment; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 50 n and a diameter of 10 m, 8-spored; spores long-ellipsoid, or fusoid, straight, or curved, irregularly 1-seriate, or partially 2-seriate, 3-4 X 10-13 m; paraphyses filiform. On dead leaves of Antennaria plantaginijolia. Type locality: Lyndonville, New York. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Ann. Myc. 9: 150,/. 6, 7. 24. Helotium Eschscholtziae (Phill. & Hark.) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza Eschscholtziae Phill. & Hark. Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1: 22. 1884. Phialea Eschscholtziae Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 271. 1889. Apothecia scattered, short-stipitate, cyathiform, cinereous, pruinose, .5-7 mm. in diameter; hymenium same color as outside of apothecium; asci cylindric, 8-spored; spores fusoid, usually with an oil-drop in each end, 2 X 10 m; paraphyses not observed. On dead stems of Eschscholtzia calif or nica. Type locality: California. Distribution: Known only from California. ExsicCATi: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2042; Rab. -Winter, Fungi Eu. 3272 (from California). This species seems to be very close to Helotium cyathoideum. 25. Helotium herbarum (Pers.) Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 356. 1849. Peziza herbarum Pers. Tent. Disp. Fung. 72. 1797. Apothecia thickly gregarious, very short-stipitate, or sessile, at first rounded, expanding and becoming shallow cup-shaped, or discoid, yellowish, or whitish, reaching a diameter of 1-2 mm.; hymenium nearly plane, light-yellow; stem vrey short, usually 130 The North American Cup-Fungi less than 1 mm. long, or absent; asci clavate, gradually tapering below, reaching a length of 80 ^ and a diameter of 6-7 /x, 8- spored; spores irregularly 2-seriate, fusoid, slightly curved, con- taining several small oil-drops, often spuriously septate, 3-4 X 10-14 ju; paraphyses filiform, reaching a diameter of 1-2 n. On herbaceous stems of various kinds, Impatiens and Eiipa- torium. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York to Maine, Michigan and Kansas; also in Europe. Illustrations: Boud. Ic. Myc. pJ. 497; Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. pi. 89 J. 2; E. & P. Nat. Pfl. 1^: 207,/. 162 CD; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. P: 770,/. 1-4. ExsicCATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 670; Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 740, 1309; Reliq. Farlow. 124 (as Helotium herbariim Ruhi). 26. Helotium renisporum Ellis; Cooke, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat, Sci. 2: 299. 1875. ?Ciboria Sydowiana Rehm, Hedwigia 24: 226. 1885. Hymenoscypha renispora Phill. Brit. Discom. 143. 1887. Ciboria renispora Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 207. 1889. Rutstroemia renispora White, Lloydia 4: 215. 1941. Apothecia stipitate, slightly concave, or plane, from black stromatic lines in the leaf, cinnamon, or brownish-yellow, reach- ing a diameter of 2 mm., externally clothed with adpressed, brown, club-shaped hair-like structures; hymenium similar in color to the outside of the apothecium, usually plane, or convex at maturity; stem blackish, reaching a length of 3-6 mm.; asci cylindric, or subcylindric, reaching a length of 65-100 ju and a diameter of 7-10 ^; spores reniform, with two or three oil-drops, 5-6 X 10-14 /x; paraphyses slender, slightly clavate. On decaying leaves. Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. Distribution: New Jersey and Pennsylvania to South Carolina. Illustrations: Lloydia 4: 214,/. 62-65. Exsiccati: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2049. Phillips, in his British Discomycetes cited above, regards Rehm's European species as identical with Ellis' American form, characterized by its reniform spores. W. L. White claims that Helotium 131 Phillips was in error in making Cihoria Sydoiviana synonymous with Helotium renisporum. 27. Helotium luteovirescens (Rob.) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza luteovirescens Rob. in Desm. PI. Crypt. Fr. 1541. 1846; Ann. Sci. Nat. III. 8: 188. 1847. ?Peziza longipes Peck, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 2: 295. 1875. Peziza pallidovirescens Phill.; Phill. & Plow. Grevillea 6: 24. 1877. Helotium sulfurellum Ellis & Ev. Bull. Torrej- Club 10: 98. 1883. Ciboria tahacina Ellis & Holw.; Arthur, Bull. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Minn. 3: 35. 1887. Ciboria luteovirescens Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 206. 1889. Ciboria sulfurella Rehm; Durand, Bull. Torre>- Club 29: 461. 1902. ?Phialea anomala Peck, Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 167: 29. 1913. Apothecia gregarious, or scattered, stipitate, reaching a diameter of 2-5 mm., sulphur-yellow when fresh with a tinge of green; hymenium concave, or plane; stem very variable in length, sometimes as long as 2 cm. or often very short; hymenium con- cave, plane, or slightly convex, darker than the outside of the apothecium, reddish, or reddish-brown, when dry entire apothe- cium almost black; asci clavate, 8-spored, reaching a length of 75-90 ,u and a diameter of 7-10 ix\ spores 1-seriate with the ends overlapping, ellipsoid, 2>-5 X 10-12 m; paraphyses filiform. On sticks and leaf petioles, Fraxinus especially; also reported on Acer, Tilia and Platinus. Type locality: Kurope. Distribution: New England to North Dakota, Iowa and Pennsylvania; also in Europe. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 1Z75 (as Helotium sul- furellum); Rehm, Ascom. J8S(). (as Ciboria tabacina). Durand has reported Ciboria luteovirescens from this country, but regards Helotium sulfurellum as distinct mainly on color. He states that the latter is never green. The writer has often collected this in Iowa on ash petioles and described it as sulphur- yellow with a tinge of green. It seems doubtful if the two forms are distinct, although for lack of material it is difficult to be certain. 28. Helotium citrinum (Hedw.) Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 355. 1849. (Plate 104. Fig. 2.) ?Peziza lenticular is Bull. Hist. Champ. Fr. 248. 1791. Oclospora citrina Hedw. Descr. 2: 33. 1789. Peziza citrina Batsch, Elench. Fung. Cont. 2: 95. 1789. Peziza confluens Schw. Trans. .\m. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 176. 1832. 132 The North American Cup-Fungi ?Helotium citrinum suhlenticulare Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 355. 1849. Phialea citrina Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 109. 1882. Calycella citrina Boud. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 1: 112. 1885. Helotium confluens Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 222. 1889. ?Helotium lenticulare Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 225. 1889. ?Helotium suhlenticulare Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. 1': 784. 1893. Helotium alaskae Sacc; Sacc. Peck, & Trelease in Harriman Alaska Exped. 5: 25. 1904. Apothecia thickly gregarious and often running together in confluent masses, the individuals with a short and relatively thick stem, reaching a diameter of .5-3 mm.; hymenium plane or nearly so, bright lemon-yellow; stem seldom exceeding 1 mm. in length and often nearly wanting, lighter colored than the hy- menium; asci clavate, 8-spored, reaching a length of 75-100 ^l and a diameter of 10 m; spores ellipsoid, or fusoid, usually with an oil-drop in either end and sometimes pseudoseptate, 3-4 X 9-14 ju; paraphyses filiform, reaching a diameter of 1.5 /x. On decaying wood, of all kinds; also on humus. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Throughout North America; probably world- wide. Illustrations: Hedw. Descr. 2: pi. 8, f. B; ? Fl. Dan. pi. 1971, f. 3; Batsch Elench. Fung. Cont. 2: pi. 39, f. 218; Sow. Engl. Fungi pi. 150 (as Peziza aurea Bolt.), 151; Bull. Herb. Fr. pi. 300. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 1315, 1316; Clements, Crypt. Form. Colo. 79; Shear, N. Y. Fungi 326; Reliq. Farlow. 123. One of the most common and widely distributed of the cup- fungi. It is quite easily recognized by the bright lemon-yellow color and short, thick stem-like base. 29. Helotium dakotense (Rehm) Seaver, comb. nov. Pezizella dakotensis Rehm, Ann. Myc. 11: 396. 1913. Apothecia scattered, subsessile, at first globose and closed, finally patelliform, 1-1.5 n in diameter; hymenium dilutely yellowish; asci clavate, reaching a length of 50-60 ju and a diam- eter of 8 n, 8-spored; spores clavate, straight, 1-seriate, 2 X 12 /x; paraphyses filiform, 2 jj. m diameter, hyaline. On branches of Symphoricarpos occidentalis. Type locality: Kulm, North Dakota. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Helotium 133 30. Helotium pallescens (Pers.) Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 355. 1849. Peziza pallescens Pers. Obs. Myc. 2: 85. 1799. Calycella pallescens Quel. Ench. Fung. 306. 1886. Apothecia short-stipitate, waxy, white, pallid, or pale-yellow, .5-1 mm. in diameter; hymenium concave, or plane; stem short, .2-.6 mm. in diameter, whitish; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 85-120 m and a diameter of 6-7 m, 8-spored ; spores long- fusiform, straight, or slightly curved, with two to four oil-drops, or occasionally pseudoseptate, 3-4 X 10-15 m; paraphyses fili- form, enlarged slightly above. On dead wood and bark of various trees. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New Hampshire to California and Penn- sylvania. Specimens referable to this species have been frequently collected in North America. 31. Helotium amplum (Ellis & Ev.) Seaver, comb. nov. Phialea ampla Ellis & Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 135. 1897. Apothecia gregarious, stipitate, or subsessile, obconic, or clavate at first, at length expanding, 3-4 mm. in diameter and shallow cup-shaped, externally pale-yellow, farinose-pubescent, or minutely striate, the margin involute; hymenium lemon- yellow; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 110 /x and a diameter of 6 n; spores 1-seriate, overlapping, narrow-ovoid, 3.5-4 X 11-12 m; paraphyses filiform. On decaying wood of Salix. Type locality: Mt. Paddo [Mt. Adams], Washington. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Ellis states: "Differs from Helotium citrinum, in its involute margin and larger size." Type in The New York Botanical has been examined. While these are described as stipitate, mature plants appear to be sessile. 32. Helotium albopunctum Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 31: 47. 1879. Not Helotium albopunctum (Desm.) Buck- nail, 1882. Pezizella albopiincta Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 276. 1889. Hymenoscyphns albopuncttis Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 3': 485. 1898. 134 The North American Cup-Fungi Apothecia scattered, solitary, punctiform, subsessile, when dry visible to the unaided eye only as dots, waxy-cartilaginous, the color to the unaided eye similar to that of the dried leaves on which they occur, when magnified pale-yellow to pale-orange; hymenium plane to slightly concave; asci clavate, reaching a length of 60-70 ju and a diameter of 8-10 n; spores straight, or slightly curved, clavate, the narrow end downward, 3.5-4 X 14- 16 ju; paraphyses simple, slightly enlarged above, reaching a diameter of 2.5-3.5 /x. On fallen leaves of Fagus grandifolia. Type locality: Adirondack Mountains, New York. Distribution: New York; also reported from Michigan on leaves of Cornus. A portion of the type in The New York Botanical Garden has been examined. Illustrations: Mycologia 34: 166,/. J3; Farlowia 1: 168, f.JO. 33. Helotium puberulum (Lasch) Fuckel, Fungi Rhen. 1150. 1865. Peziza puberula Lasch in Klotzs. Herb. Viv. Myc. 1529; Flora 34: 566. 1851. Not Berk. & Curt. 1875. Pseudohelotitim puberulum Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 298. 1870. Lachnella puberula Phill. Grevillea 18: 85. 1890. Pezizella puberula Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-FI. 1^: 665. 1892. Dasyscypha puberula Massee, Brit. Fungus-FI. 4: 355. 1895. Beloniurtj sulphureotinctum Rehm, Hedwigia 35: Beibl. (146). 1896. Urceolella puberula Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 129. 1907. Niptera sulphureotincta Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 141. 1907. PUalina puberula Hohn. Mitt. Bot. Inst. Techn. Hochsch. Wein 3»: 106. 1926. Apothecia rather numerous on localized areas of the leaf surface, sometimes in groups of five to fifteen with occasional scattered ones, very small, appearing sessile but with a short, obscure stem, less than 1 mm. in diameter, when fresh bright lemon-yellow, not contracting or changing color much on drying; stem very short and scarcely noticeable; hymenium convex when fresh and bright-yellow, on drying becoming plane and remaining yellow to pale-orange; asci short, clavate, reaching a length of 38 to 55 jj. and a diameter of 6-8 ju, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, or irregularly crowded, slightly irregular in outline, simple, 2-3 X 12-18 ju, often containing several small oil-drops; paraphyses rather stout, scarcely enlarged above, occasionally branched, 3-3.5 ;u in diameter at their apices. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 108 HELOTIUM CUDONIOIDES Helotium 135 On decaying leaves of Quercus and occasionally on leaves of other kinds. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New Hampshire, Massachusetts and New York; also in Europe. Illustrations: Farlowia 1: 168,/. 17. 34. Helotium immutabile Fuckel, Symb. Myc. Nacht. 1 : 50. 1871. Pachydisca immutahilis Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 94. 1907. Apothecia scattered, short-stipitate, white when fresh, be- coming yellow to orange when dry, .8 1.5 mm. in diameter; stem .2-.5 mm. long, gradually expanding into the apothecium above, the color as above; hymenium when fresh white, becoming pale- yellow or in old, dried specimens pale-orange to reddish-brown, plane to slightly convex; asci clavate, reaching a length of 80- 105 n and a diameter of 8-10 ju. 8-spored; spores 1-seriate to 2-seriate, simple, angular-obovoid, 3.8-4.6 X 10-13 n, the con- tents granular, or with a few minute, scattered oil-drops; paraphy- ses once forked below the middle, scarcely enlarged above, reaching a diameter of 3-3.5 ^l. On decaying leaves, especially on the veins and petioles of various deciduous leaves. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Massachusetts to New Jersey and Minnesota; also in Europe. Illustrations: Farlowia 1: 143,/. 3. 35. Helotium translucens White, Farlowia 1: 149. 1943. Apothecia scattered, or subgregarious, stipitate, subfleshy, practically hyaline when fresh, drying to pale-ochraceous, reach- ing a diameter of .4 mm.; stem .3 mm. long, expanding abruptly into the apothecium; hymenium becoming plane and remaining so on drying; asci cylindric-clavate, abruptly narrowed below, reaching a length of 75-95 y. and a diameter of 10-11.5, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate, or becoming partially 2-seriate, obovoid, the contents scarcely granular, 4-4.5 X 12 15 m; paraphyses clavate, 3-3.5 M in diameter above. On the veins and parenchyma of leaves of Acer sp. and Quercus sp. Type locality: Blue Hills near Milton, Massachusetts. 136 The North American Cup-Fungi Distribution: Massachusetts. Illustrations: Farlowia 1: 153,/. 6. 36. Helotium populinum Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 316. 1869. ?Peziza punctiformis Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. 2: 63. 1824. ?Helotiiim punctatum Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 356. 1849. Helotium Ilicis Phill. Brit. Discom. 164. 1887. ? Helotium punctiforme Phill. Brit. Discom. 168. 1887. ?Pseudohelotium punctiforme Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 295. 1889. ?Pezizella punctiformis Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. P: 664. 1892. Pezizella populina Rehm in Rab. Kr>pt.-Fl. l^: 668. 1892. Calycina Ilicis Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 3^: 448. 1898. Calycina populina Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 3^: 448. 1898. Calycella Ilicis Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 95. 1907. Hyaloscypha punctiformis Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 126. 1907. Micropodia populina Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 128. 1907. Hymenoscypha punctiformis Schrot. Krypt.-Fl. Schles. 3''^: 71. 1893. Calycellina populina Migula in Thome's Krypt.-Fl. 10-: 1152. 1913. Calycellina punctiformis Hohn. Sitz. Akad. VVissen. Wien 127^: 601. 1918. Apothecia usually numerous, solitary, or more rarely in groups of two or three, unevenly distributed over large portions of the substratum, at first minute, globose, dirty yellowish- white when fresh, narrowed toward the base, subsessile, opening with a pore, becoming cup-shaped, more shallow as the cup expands, reaching a diameter of 1 mm., contracting on drying; hymenium creamy-white when fresh, plane, slightly concave, or convex, drying to dull-yellow; asci clavate, reaching a length of 50-70 M and a diameter of 6-9 m, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate or partially so, irregularly fusoid, slightly curved, or unequal- sided, 2.7-3.4 X 10-13 m; paraphrases filiform, enlarged above. On dead leaves of various kinds. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Massachusetts, New York and Pennsylvania. Illustrations: Farlowia 1: 168,/. 14. 37. Helotium erraticum White, Farlowia 1: 606. 1944. Apothecia scattered, or subgregarious, stipitate, when fresh white to creamy-yellow, reaching a diameter of 2.5 mm. and a height of 1 mm., when dr\- becoming yellow or reddish-yellow, cartilaginous; hymenium when fresh white or nearly so, plane, on drying becoming bright-yellow to reddish; stem stout, whitish to translucent-yellow; asci clavate, reaching a length of 90-120 n Heloiium l-^' and a diameter of 9-11.5 m, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate above, 1 -seriate below, ellipsoid to ovoid, slightly curved, or flattened on one side, attenuated toward the ends, sometimes more or less slipper-shaped, 3.5-4 X 11-17 m; paraphyses long, straight, simple, or rarely once branched. On much decayed leaves of various trees and on old pods of Rohinia Pseudo-acacia. Type locality: Coy Glen, New York. Distribution : New York to Quebec. Illustrations: Farlowia 1: 607, f. 14-18. 38. Helotium simulatum (Ellis) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza simulata Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 8: 73. 1881. Phialea simulata Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 254. 1 889. Apothecia gregarious, stipitate, dull watery-white, reaching a diameter of 3 mm.; hymenium plane, or nearly so, slightly umbilicate, becoming concave in drying; stem about 3 mm. long, contracted and darker below; asci cylindric, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, hyaline, 12 y. long. On decaying maple, Acer, leaves lying on the ground. Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Ellis states: "The stipe arises directly from the leaf, mostly from the veinlets, and is not attached to any sclerotium. When young the whole plant is milk white." 39. Helotium Conocarpi Seaver & Waterston, Mycologia 34: 517. 1942. (Plate 107, Fig. 1.) Apothecia gregarious, at first subglobose and subsessile, be- coming expanded and short-stipitate, reaching an extreme di- ameter of 3 mm., the hymenium usually remaining concave, the margin even or nearly so; hymenium with a delicate lilac tint, externally nearly the same, darker toward the base; stem scarcely exceeding 1 mm. in length; asci clavate, reaching a length of 50-60 M and a diameter of 6 m, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, hyaline, 4 X 10 M paraphyses filiform, scarcely enlarged above, about 2 ju in diamater. On dead leaves of Conocarpus erectus. Type locality: Near Hamilton, Bermuda. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 34: 518, /. / (upper figure). 138 The North American Cup-Fungi This fungus was found to be rather abundant on the fallen leaves of its host. However, the cups are often so small and, even when expanded, so nearly like the substratum in color that very close search is necessary to find them. 40. Helotium castaneum Sacc. & Ellis; Sacc. Michelia 2: 572. 1882. Apothecia thickly gregarious, on dead areas on the leaves of the host, occurring on the under side of the leaf, minute, brown, or reddish-brown with a slightly darker exterior, subsessile, scutellate, reaching a diameter of .25 mm.; asci short, stout, reaching a length of 40-50 /x and a diameter of 12-14 fi; spores 2-seriate, or irregularly disposed, ellipsoid, 3-4 X 11-14 /x, densely granular within ; paraphyses slender. On leaves of Qiiercus lanrifolia and Rhododendron maximinn. Type locality: Gree Cove Springs, Florida. Distribution : Florida and West Virginia. ExsiCCATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 994. The spores are described as 1 -septate. The writer does not find them so. Specimen on Rhododendron appears to be identical. 41. Helotium destructor Peck; White, Mycologia 34: 163. 1942. Peziza suhcarnea Cooke & Peck; Cooke, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 2: 295. 1875. Not Peziza subcarnea Schum. 1803. Phialea subcarnea Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 265. 1889. Hymenoscyphus subcarneus Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 3^: 486. 1889. Apothecia minute, stipitate, scarcely visible to the unaided eye, solitary, or gregarious and occasionally rather numerous, reaching an extreme diameter of .5 mm. but often much smaller, gradually expanding and becoming subglobose; stem relatively long, reaching a length of .3 to .5 mm., slender and slightly broadened at the junction with the cup; hymenium similar in color to the outside of the apothecium, at maturity concave with upturned margin; asci clavate, reaching a length of 40-50 ju and a diameter of 5-6 n, 8-spored ; spores clavate, 2-seriate, the nar- row end directed downward, 2-2.5 X 4.5-6 n; paraphyses simple, or occasionally branched, scarcely enlarged above, 3-3.5 fx in diameter. Growing on and apparently killing various species of liver- worts and mosses: Jiingermania sp. (type) and Dicranum flagellar e. Helotium 139 Type locality: Indian Lake, New York. Distribution: New York and New Hampshire to Michigan and Alberta, Canada. Illustrations: Mycologia 34: 166,/. 8. ExsiccATi: EUis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2143. 42. Helotium episphaericum Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 40: 66. 1887. Calycina episphaerica Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 3^: 448. 1898. Helotium parasiticnm Ellis & Ev. Jour. Ahc. 9: 165. 1903. Dermatea mycophaga Massee, Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 1908: 218. 1908. Apothecia minute, sessile, or subsessile, reaching a diameter of .2 to .5 mm., solitary, or gregarious, occasionally several crowded together, pale-yellow to bright-orange, or slightly rufous; stem-like base V-shaped; hymenium concave, the color as above; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 48-65 n and a diameter of 5 ^t; spores clavate, 1 -seriate, or partially 2-seriate, 1.8-2.5 X 4.5-7 ju; paraphyscs scarcely enlarged above, reaching a diameter of 2 ju. On stromatic pyrenomycetous iungi: Hypoxylon, Diatrypella, Xylaria and Valsa ? Type locality: Elizabethtown, New York. Distribution: New York and Ontario; also in Europe and Asia. Illustrations: Mycologia 34: 166,/. 15. 43. Helotium laricinum (Ellis & Ev.) Seaver, comb. nov. Pseudohelotium laricinum Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1894: 349. 1894. Apothecia sessile or subsessile, thin, almost membranaceous, fleshy, orange-colored, flat-discoid, 3-5 mm. in diameter, the margin slightly incurved when dry, externally minutely pubes- cent, darker outside; asci cylindric, reaching a length of 75 fx and a diameter of 8 n, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate, long-ellipsoid, 4-5 X 8-10 m; paraphyses filiform, not thickened above. On decaying needles of Larix in a tamarack swamp. Type locality: Northfield, Michigan. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. The type in The New York Botanical Garden has been examined. As stated by Ellis the color in dried specimens is pale-orange. 140 The North American Cup-Fungi 44. Helotium aurantium Seaver, nom. nov. Pezizella aurantiaca Cash, Mycologia 28: 301. 1936. Not Helotium auranti- aciim Cooke; Phill. Grevillea 19: 106. 1891. Apothecia sessile, or subsessile, superficial, single, or cespitose, at first subglobose, then cup-shaped to applanate, contorted by mutual pressure, waxy-fleshy, salmon-orange to orange-brown, 1-2 mm. in diameter, externally powdery, margin delicately fimbriate; hymenium concave, or plane, colored like the exterior; asci cylindric-clavate, gradually narrowed below, 8-spored, reaching a length of 38-45 /x and a diameter of 4-5 n; spores long-ellipsoid, straight, or curved, 1-2-seriate, hyaline, or pale- greenish, usually with two oil-drops, 1.5-2 X 7-9 n; paraphyses filiform, rarely branched, enlarged above to 1.5 ju. On bark of Picea. Type locality: Grand Mesa, Colorado. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 28: 302,/. 5. The author of this species states that in general appearance it resembles the preceding, Helotium lariciniim, from which it differs microscopically. 45. Helotium atrosubiculatum Seaver «& Waterston, Mycologia 32: 397. 1940. (Plate 107, Fig. 2.) Apothecia thickly gregarious, occasionally forming congested masses, stipitate, gradually expanding above, becoming shallow cup-shaped, occasionally convoluted, 2-4 mm. in diameter and about 2 mm. high, externalh' grayish-brown and pruinose; hymenium concave, whitish, even, or in larger specimens con- voluted; asci clavate, reaching a length of 60 jjl and a diameter of 6 ju; spores ellipsoid, each containing two oil-drops, 2-2.5 X 6- 7 n; paraphyses filiform, about 1 /x in diameter. On the blackened surface of leaves of Archontophoenix Alexandrae rotting on the ground. Type collected at Hungry Bay, Bermuda, December 2, 1938. The black subiculum seems to be a constant character in this species. The base of the stem of the fungus is also black and easily detached near the base leaving disc-like scars which them- selves look like minute discomycetes. Distribution: Bermuda and British Guiana. Illustr.\TTONs: Mycologia 34: 15,/. 1, (lower figure). Helotium 141 This fungus was collected in Bermuda by the writer and Mr. Waterston in 1938 and again in 1940. It was also collected by D. H. Linder in British Guiana and Trinidad on palm leaves. 46. Helotium citrinulum Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 11: 238. 1871. Pezizella citrinula Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 288. 1889. Helotium flexuosum Massee, Brit. Fungus-Fl. 4: 263. 1895. Helotium citrinulum Seaveri Rehm, Ascom. 1634; Ann. Myc. 4: 67. 1906. Mollisiella citrinula Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 142. 1907. Apothecia scattered, sessile or subsessile, smooth, becoming discoid, lemon-yellow, reaching a diameter of 1 mm.; hymenium plane, or slightly concave; asci reaching a length of 45 60 n and a diameter of 6 m. 8-spored; spores fusoid, straight, or curved, 1.5-2 X 6-9 ju; paraphyses very slender, slightly enlarged above. On stems of grasses and sedges near the base. American specimen on Car ex. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Iowa and New York; also in Europe. ExsiccATi: Rehm, Ascom. 1634. Two collections of this fungus have been seen from North America. Rehm made a new variety on the Iowa material but it seems to us doubtful that it should be so regarded. The type of Helotium flexuosum in The New York Botanical Garden seems to be identical. 47. Helotium planodiscum (Peck & Cooke) White, Mycologia 34: 171. 1942. Peziza planodisca Peck & Cooke; Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 31: 46. 1879. Pezizella planodisca Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 281. 1889. Hymenoscypha planodisca Lindau in E. & P. Nat. Pfl. 1': 204. 1897. Apothecia scattered, or subgregarious, pale-yellow, sessile or subsessile, attached by a relatively narrow basal portion with the margins free, reaching a diameter of .4 mm.; hymenium entirely plane from the beginning, pale-yellow; asci clavate, slightly narrowed to a thick stem-like base, reaching a length of 40-55 ^t and a diameter of 5-7 ju; spores obliquely 1 -seriate with ends overlapping, straight, or slightly curved, fusoid, narrower below, not granular, 2-2.5 X 7-9 n; paraphyses simple, or sparingly branched, enlarged above, 2.5-3.5 n in diameter. On dead leaves of Andropogon scoparius. 142 The North American Cup-Fungi Type locality: Buffalo, New York. Distribution : Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 34: 166, /. 12. This according to W. L. White is very close to Ilelotium citrinulum Karst. {Helotium flexuosum Massee). 48. Helotium cyathoideum (Bull.) Karst. Fungi Fenn. 836; Not. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 11: 237. 1871. ?Peziza tenella Batsch, Elench. Fung. Cont. 1: 215. 1786. Peziza cyathoidea Bull. Hist. Champ. Fr. 250. 1791. Peziza Solani Pers. Obs. Myc. 2: 80. 1799. Peziza Urticae Pers. Myc. Eu. 1: 286. 1822. Cyathicula vulgaris DeNot. Comm. Critt. Ital. 1: 381. 1864. Helotium Urticae Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna Fi. Fenn. 13: 234. 1873. Helotium Limonium Cooke & Peck; Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 26: 83. 1874. Phialea cyathoidea Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 106. 1882. Calycella cyathoidea Quel. Ench. Fung. 307. 1886. ?Calycella tenella Quel. Ench. Fung. 307. 1886. Phialea Solani Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 252. 1889. Hymenoscypha cyathoidea Phill. Brit. Discom. 140. 1887. Hymenoscypha Urticae Phill. Brit. Discom. 141. 1887. Hymenoscypha cyathoidea Solani Phill. Brit. Discom. 141. 1887. Calycina Limonium Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 3': 448. 1889. Apothecia gregarious, stipitate, at first closed, becoming expanded and shallow cup-shaped, reaching a diameter of .5 to 2 mm.; whitish, or slightly yellowish; hymenium concave, or nearly plane, a little darker than the outside of the apothecium; stem slender, nearly as long as the diameter of the cup, but occasionally much longer, similar in color to the outside of the apothecium; asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 45-50 /x and a diameter of 4.5-5 n, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, elongated, fusoid, or subclavate, straight, or curved, usually with a small oil-drop in each end, 1.5-2 X 5-10 ;u; paraphyses slender, clavate, reaching a diameter of 3 /x. On herbaceous stems or more rarely on small twigs. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York to Pennsylvania, Alabama and California?; also in Europe. Illustrations: Bull. Herb. Fr. pi. 416, f. 3; Batsch, Elench. Fung. Cont. 1:/. 151; Boud. Ic. Myc. pi. 494; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 703,/. 1-5. Exsiccati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 986; Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Helotium 143 Fungi 2632 (as Helotium fumosum) ; Clements, Crypt. Form. Colo. 77; Brenckle, Fungi Dak. 537; Shear, N. Y. Fungi 325. A form "graminicola' is distributed by Roumeguere, Fungi Selecti Exsiccati 7158, and ascribed to Lambotte (Mem. Soc. Sci. Liege 14: 310. 1888.) This would be Helotium cyathoi- deum f. graminicola. 49. Helotium consanguineum Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 1220. 1897. Apothecia minute, about .5 mm. in diameter, thickly gre- garious, often several confluent, subsessile, yellow; hymenium plane or nearly so, bright lemon-yellow, asci clavate, reaching a length of 45 ^x and a diameter of 6 /x; spores fusoid, indistinct, about 2 X 6-7 ;u; paraphyses filiform. On old stems of Tephrosia virginiana. Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Exsiccati: Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 1220. Two collections of this species are in the herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden, one collected in February and one in September, 1879. While distributed in exsiccati the species was not previously published so far as we can find. 50. Helotium rhizicola Seaver, sp. nov. (Plate 106.) Apothecia thickly gregarious, short-stipitate, or nearly sessile, yellowish, or with a tinge of salmon when moist, becoming shallow cup-shaped, or nearly discoid, pale yellowish-white, 1-2 mm. in diameter; hymenium nearly plane, yellowish, or with a tinge of salmon; stems whitish, often very short and again several mm. in length depending upon the position of the substratum; asci clavate, reaching a length of 90 100 m and a diameter of 6-7 ju, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, or fusoid, 3-4 X 7-10 ju, granular within and often with a small oil-drop or group of oil-drops at either end; paraphyses filiform, about 2-3 /x in diameter at their apices. Apotheciis sessilis vel subsessilis, 1-1.5 mm. diam., extus pilis brunneis vestitis; ascis clavatis, 5-6 X 150 m, 8-sporis; sporis fusoideis, 4 X 13-15 /u, paraphysibus, clavatis, 4 fx diam. On exposed or partially submerged roots and basal stems of Polygonum virginianum and Collinsonia canadensis. Type locality: The New York Botanical Garden. 144 The North American Cup-Fungi Distribution: Known only from the type locality. This species was common and abundant during the month of September, 1930. 51. HelotiumgemmarumBoud. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 4: 81. 1881. Fhialea gentmarum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 271. 1889. Apothecia scattered, or subgregarious, stipitate, white when fresh, reaching a diameter of 1.4 mm., at first infundibuliform, then expanding; hymenium concave, or plane, same color as the outside of the apothecium; stem slender, slightly enlarged up- ward, white, reaching a length 1.5 mm. (5 mm. according to Boudier); asci clavate, reaching a length of 45-50 n and a diam- eter of 5-7 n, 8-spored; spores pyriform, small, 2.5-3 X 6-9 ju; paraphyses sparse, simple, or once branched below the middle, not enlarged above. On the scales of buds of various species of Popidus, in the early spring. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York to Pennsylvania and Georgia; also in Europe. Illustrations: Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 4: pi. 17, f. 2; Bond. Ic. Myc. pi. 493; Farlowia 1: 615,/. 35-40. The only specimen of this species seen was one sent, on re- quest, the fungus collected on the campus of the Agricultural College, Athens, Georgia, by Dr. J. H. Miller. 52. Helotium Craginianum (Ellis & Ev.) Seaver, comb. nov. Phialea Craginiana Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 258. 1889. Peziza Craginiana Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 1: 47. 1885. Apothecia stipitate, discoid, pale waxy-white when fresh, darker when dry; stem slender, 2-3 mm. long; asci cylindric, reaching a length of 75 n and a diameter of 6 /x, 8-spored ; spores ellipsoid, hyaline, 1 -seriate, or partially 2-seriate, 2.5-3 X 5-6 )u; paraphyses rather stout, often branched above, but scarcely thickened. On very rotten wood. Type locality: Topeka, Kansas. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. The type in The New York Botanical Garden is so fragmen- tary that nothing can be added to the above which has been compiled from the original description. Helotium 145 53. Helotium lanceolato-paraphysatum (Rchm) Seaver, comb, nov. Pezizella lanceolato-paraphysata Rehni, Ann. Myc. 6: 316. 1908. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, or subsessile, at first globose- closed, finally expanding and becoming plane, .3^.8 mm. in diameter, irregularly contracted when dry; hymenium yellowish with a whitish margin ; asci clavate, reaching a length of 30 n and a diameter of 5-7 n, 8-spored; spores clavate, 2-seriate, 2 X 6-8 fx; paraphyses lanceolate, acute, prominent. On dried stems of Spiraea filipendula. Type locality: Lyndonville, New York. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. As indicated by the specific name this species is characterized by its lanceolate paraphyses, unusual in the plants of this genus. 54. Helotium albuminum (Cooke & Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 214. 1889. Pezisa albumina Cooke & Peck; Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 26: 81. 1872. Calycina albumina Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 3^: 448. 1898. Apothecia stipitate, or substipitate, solitary, more often gregarious, or sometimes crowded and showing a tendency to become confluent, whitish, pale-yellow when dry, expanding and becoming nearly plane in dried specimens, rather deeply concave, even, or slightly irregular, less than 1 mm. in diameter; stem slender, often nearly lacking; hymenium similar in color to the outside of the apothecium, or yellowish; asci cylindric above and slightly narrowed below, reaching a length of 42-55 /x and a diameter of 5 n, 8-spored; spores allantoid, 1.2-1.8 X 7-9 n; paraphyses simple, scarcely enlarged at their apices, about 2 fi in diameter. On wood and bark, reported on quince and maple, Acer. Type locality: New York. Distribution: New York to Ontario and Oregon. Illustrations: Mycologia 34: 166,/. 5. 55. Helotium ammoides (Sacc.) Seaver, comb. nov. P seudohelotium ammoides Sacc. Ann. Myc. 6: 564. 1908. Apothecia densely or loosely gregarious, superficial, subsessile, minute, granuliform, whitish-honey-colored, waxy, at first cup- 146 The North American Cup-Fungi shaped, finally expanded, about .3 mm. in diameter, whitish- pruinose; asci clavate, reaching a length of 60-80 fx and a diam- eter of 8-9 n, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate or partially so, ellipsoid, 2.5-3 X 8.5-9 /x; paraphyses filiform, scarcely enlarged above. On old bark of Carpinus. Type locality: Lyndonville, New York. Distribution : Known onh' from the type locality. 56. Helotium propinquum Sacc. & Ellis; Sacc. Michelia 2: 572. 1882. Apothecia sparse, sessile or subsessile, patelliform, yellowish, .5-. 7 mm. in diameter; hymenium concave to nearly plane; asci clavate, reaching a length of 50 60 /z and a diameter of 6-7 m> 8-spored; spores fusoid, slightly curved, 1.5-2 X 7-10 )u; pa- raphyses filiform. On branches of Cornus. Type locality: Pennsylvania. Distribution : Known onh- from the type locality. ExsiCCATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 995. Type material in the herbarium is too scant to permit of satisfactory study and nothing can be added to the above. 57. Helotium Cassandrae (Kanouse) Seaver, comb. nov. Phialea Cassandrae Kanouse, Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 20: 71. 1935. Apothecia solitary, scattered, stipitate, reaching a diameter of .5 mm., translucent-white; stem extremely long and thin, flexuous, the lower half or more black, the upper half like the apothecium, sub-bulbous at the base; hymenium similar in color to the outside of the apothecium; asci clavate, reaching a length of 30-42 /x and a diameter of 5-7 /x, 8-spored ; spores 2-seriate, elongated, attenuated below, 1.4-1.8 X 6-8 n; paraphyses sim- ple, or sparingly branched, reaching a diameter of 3-4.5 /x above. On fallen leaves of Chamaedaphne calyciilata. Type locality: Mud Lake Bog, Michigan. Distribution: Michigan. Illustrations: Farlowia 1: 168,/. 13. The author of the species states: "This beautiful little fungus is distinguished by the small spores and by the contrasting black and white of the stipe." Helotium 147 58. Helotium Friesii (Weinm.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 228. 1889. Peziza Friesii Weinm. Hymeno-Gasteromycetes 469. 1836. Apothecia short-stipitate, or nearly sessile, reaching a diam- eter of 1-2 mm.; hymenium plane, or convex, pale-yellow, when dry rather deep-yellow; asci clavate, reaching a length of 65-70 /x and a diameter of 5-6 /x, 8-spored; spores slightly clavate, 3-4 X 8-9 /x; paraphyses filiform, slender. On decaying leaves of Popidus. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Iowa; also in Europe. Illustrations: Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa 6: pi. 23, f. 2. This was originally reported on dejected leaves of PopuJus Tremula and Betula alba but no spore measurements given. The above description is drawn from Iowa material. Rehm treats this as a doubtful synonym of Helotium foliicolum Schrot. (Schles. Crypt. -Fl. 3-: 82. 1893.) but the spores of that species are 4-5 X 20-24 /x. 59. Helotium midlandense White, Farlowia 1: 605. 1944. Apothecia (described from dried specimens), scattered to subgregarious, usually solitary, more rarely in clusters of three to eight, stipitate, yellow, or yellow-orange, .3-. 7 mm. in diam- eter and about the same height; hymenium plane to patelliform, more rarely slightly convex, yellow, or yellow-orange; stem about equal to the diameter of the apothecium; asci clavate, reaching a length of 45-65 fx and a diameter of 6-7 n; spores 2-seriate or partially so, irregularly ovoid, 2.6-3.2 X 7-10 /x; paraphyses filiform, septate. On petioles and larger leaf veins of leaves of Quercus; also on old pods of Gleditsia triacanthos. Type locality: Iowa. Distribution: Ohio to Iowa and Kansas. Illustrations: Farlowia 1: 607, f. 10-13. 60. Helotium. umbrinum (Kanouse) Seaver, comb. nov. Pseudociboria umbrina Kanouse, Mycologia 36: 460. 1941. ?Helotium contortum White, Farlowia 1: 147. 1943. Apothecia foliicolous, stipitate, arising from leaf-blades or veins, externally longitudinally striate, dark-brown to brownish- black, reaching a diameter of 1 mm. ; hymenium plane, similar in 148 The North American Cup-Fungi color to the outside of the apothecium; stem 1 mm. long, ex- panding rather abruptly into the apothecium; asci cylindric- clavate, reaching a length of 55-70 n and a diameter of 6-7 m, 8-spored; spores obliquely 1-seriate, ellipsoid to subovoid, 3.5- 4 X 5-7 n; paraphyses of two kinds, hyaline paraphyses 1 m in diameter and colored paraphyses, stout, 4-4.5 ju in diameter and entirely filled with dark-brown coloring matter, the apices rounded. On decaying leaves of Alnus. Type locality: Lake Crescent, Olympic National Forest, Washington. Distribution: New York to Washington. Illustrations: Farlowia 1: 153,/. 4 ? 61. Helotium arenicola (Ellis & Ev.) Seaver, comb. nov. Phialea arenicola Ellis & Ev. Am. Nat. 31: 426. 1897. Apothecia stipitate, at first concave, becoming plane, or even slightly convex, externally light-yellow, subpruinose, 2-3 mm. in diameter; hymenium dull-orange; stem stout, 2-4 mm. long, substriate, gradually enlarged above, same color as the hy- menium; asci cylindric, or subcylindric, reaching a length of 60-65 M and a diameter of 4 m, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, or partially so, long-ellipsoid, 1.5 X 6-8 /i. On sandy ground, probably attached to submerged roots or stems. Type locality: Blackbird Landing Bridge, Delaware. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Type in The New York Botanical Garden has been examined. The material is scant. Doubtful and Excluded Species Helotium alhovirens Cooke, Bull. BuflFalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 2: 299. 1875. Apothecia scattered, or subgregarious, pale greenish-white, sessile, attached beneath bv white, arachnoid threads, 1 mm. in diameter; hymenium plane, or convex, darker when dry; asci cylindric, 8-spored; spores long-ellipsoid, straight, or curved, 3 X 18 m; paraphyses not observed. On wood of Acer, New Jersey. Helotium alniellum (Nyl.) Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 11: 239. 1871; Peziza alniella Nyl. Not. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 10: 45. 1869; Phialea alniella Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 257. 1889. This species has been reported from Washington by Dr. B. Kanouse on maple seed. It has previously been re- ported on catkins of Alnus and would seem to belong to the genus Ciboria as defined by Whetzel. Helotium 149 Helotium aurantiacum Cooke; Phill. Grevillea 19: 106. 1891. This orange-yellow species is described as having spores 4-5 X 14-18 /u> becoming pseudoseptate. On the under side of decaying leaves, United States. The species is in doubt. Helotium brassicaecolum (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 226. 1889; Sarea brassicaecola Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 178. 1832. Saccardo places this doubrfully in the genus Helotium. Nothing more is known of it. Helotium Buccina (Pers.) Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 355. 1849; Peziza Buccina Pers. Syn. Fung. 659. 1801. This has been reported from North America by Saccardo on pine branches. It is usually regarded as a basidiomy- cete, Guepiniopsis. Helotium caraborum Vel. Monog. Di.scom. Bohem. 1: 208. 1934. Apo- thecia less than 1 mm. in diameter, milky-gray; spores 4-5 X 8-10 ju- Re- ported from Lake Crescent, Washington on moss by Dr. B. Kanouse. No material seen. Phialea carneola Sacc; Sacc. Peck, & Trelease in Harriman Alaska Exped. 5: 25. 1904. This is said to be close to P. cyathoidea but differs slightly in color and size of spores, 3-3.5 X 11-14 jx. Helotium Cecropiae P. Henn. Hedwigia 41: 25. 1902; Phialea Cecropiae Seaver, Mycologia 17: 50. 1925. This species has been recorded from Porto Rico by the writer on leaves of Cecropia. Helotium conformatum Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna Fi. Fen. 11: 236. 1871. Peziza conformata Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna FI. Fenn. 10: 149. 1869. This species has been reported from Michigan by Dr. B. Kanouse. No material has been seen. Phialea crocea (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 261. 1889; Peziza crocea Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 176. 1832. Saccardo suggests that this may be a Guepinia. Helotium crocinum Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Jour. Linn. Soc. 10: 369. 1868. Described as yellow, obconic, with a short, thick stem, crateriform, the margin inflexed. On dead twigs, Cuba. Drawings from the type by Massee in the herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden show the spores 1-septate which would make it a Calloria. Specimens in the herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden from Ohio are claimed by Massee, through whom the specimens came, to agree with the type of this species. Helotium discretum Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna FI. Fenn. 1: 235. 1871; Phialea discreta Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 729. 1893. This species has been reported on gooseberry (Ribes) cane from Washington by Dr. B. Kanouse. No material seen. Helotium ferrugineum (Schum.) Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 356. 1849; Peziza ferruginea Schum. PI. Saell. 2: 429. 1803. This species on dead leaves of Quercus, has been reported from North America. No material has been seen. Helotium fumigatnm Sacc. & Sacc. & Speg. Michelia 2: 78. 1880; Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 235. 1889. Reported from Alaska by Saccardo in Harriman Alaska Exped. 5: 26. 1904. On decaying herbaceous stems, Yakutat Bay, Alaska. Helotium fumosum Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2632; Sacc. Syll. Fung. 11: 403. 1895. No description has been seen and apparently it was never pub- vV lished. On stems of Leonurus Cardiaca, Lyndonville, New York. v'^Gil C AT LiERARY U^l 150 The North American Cup-Fungi Helotium furfuraceum Phill. & Hark. Bull. ("alif. Acad. Sci. 1: 24. 1884. Scattered, minute, short-stipitate, or sessile, cyathiform, alutaceous, furfura- ceous; asci clavate, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, slightly curved, 5 X 15 a*- On under side of dead leaves of Querciis agrifolia in California. Nothing more known of the species. Helotium imberhe (Bull.) Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 356. 1849; Peziza imberbis Bull. Hist. Champ. Fr. 245, pi. 467, f. Z. 1791. This white species has been reported from Wisconsin and Michigan. The determinations are not at all certain. Pseudohelotium isabellinum Clements, Bot. Surv. Nebr. 4: 15. 1896. Reported on wet twigs from Rock Creek, Ke\apaha County, Nebraska. No material seen. Pezizella leguminum (Schw.) Sacc. S>11. Fung. 8: 290. 1889; Peziza leguminum Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. n.4: 176. 1832. A minute, scattered, emergent, brown species occurring on pods of Bignonia and Catalpa in Bethle- hem, Pennsylvania. The fruit was not described and the species is in doubt. Phialea leucopsis (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 264. 1889; Peziza leucopsis Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Jour. Finn. Soc. 10: 368. 1868. Flesh-pallid, irregular, the margin erect, then reflexed, 3-6 mm. in diameter; spores allan- toid, 5 n long. On dead wood, Cuba. Discinella liv id o purpurea Boud. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 4: 79. 1888; Humaria lividopurpurea Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 124. 1889. This species has been reported from Michigan by Dr. B. Kanouse. Since this was described by Boudier as an inoperculate it should not have been placed in the genus Humaria as pointed out by Dr. Kanouse. Its position is uncertain. Helotium microspis Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 152. 1871; Peziza microspis Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 10: 178. 1869; Pezizella microspis Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 281. 1889. Reported from Washington by Dr. B. Kanouse on sedges. The description would indicate that it is very close to Helotium citrinulum. Phialea microspora Seaver, Mycologia 17: 50. 1925. Apothecia dull- yellow, stipitate, 1 mm. in diameter; spores 1.5-2 X 6 m- On leaves of unidentified host in Porto Rico. Rutstroemia microspora Kanouse, Mycologia 39: 684. 1947. This species is reported by its author as arising from a black stroma in old branches in Washington. The general description would indicate that it belongs with our genus Helotium. Helotium miserum Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Jour. Linn. Soc. 10: 369. 1868. Minute, white, clavate, short-stipitate, subglobose; asci clavate; spores sub- clavate, contents finally four-parted, 12 ^ long. On bark among mosses in Cuba. Helotium montaniense [montanense] Ellis & Anders. Bot. Gaz. 16: 45. 1891. The type specimen in the herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden is too fragmentary to permit of study. Helotium monticola Berk. Grevillea 4: 1. 1875. On dead wood. North Carolina. Described as "crowded, pale tawny, obovate; disc plane; sporidia biseriate, subfusiform." A minute specimen, apparently from the type, in the herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden is too meager for study. Helotium nigripes (Pers.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 215. 1889; Peziza nigripes Helotium 151 Pers. Syn. Fung. 661. 1801. This species has been recorded from North America and Cuba. No material has been seen. Phialea olympiana Kanouse, Mycologia 39: 681. 1947. Apothecia de- scribed as stipitate, 1 mm. in diameter, yellowish-citrine, drying black; spores 1 X 6-8 m; paraphyses filiform. Described from material collected in Wash- ington. On herbaceous stems. Phialea pallida Kanouse, Mycologia 39: 681. 1947. Apothecia de- scribed as pale olive-buff, .5 mm. in diameter, stipitate; spores 1.5 X 6-9 n; paraphyses filiform. Reported from Washington on old stems of Delphinium. Pezizella Pastinacae (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 290. 1889; Peziza Pastinacae Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 176. 1832. The brief descrip- tion suggests a Helotium. On Pastinaca. No material has been seen. Helotium Phiala (Vahl.) Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 355. 1849; Peziza Phiala Vahl. Fl. Dan. 18: 8, pi. 1078, f. 2. 1792. This has been reported from W^ashington on leaves of Sambucus callicarpa by Dr. B. Kanouse. Apo- thecia described as buff-yellow, stout with a stem 7 mm. long; spores 7-8 X 14-16 M- finally becoming 1-septate. No material has been seen. Helotium pullatum Gerard; Cooke, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 2: 298. 1875. On stems of Vitis. No fruit was described and the identity of the species is uncertain. Looks like an Orbilia. Helotium rhylidodes Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Jour. Linn. Soc. 10: 369. 1868. Described as sessile, cup-shaped, below rugose-plicate; spores ellipsoid, smooth. Cuba. Habitat not given. Helotium rubicohim (Fries) Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 314. 1869; Peziza fructi- gena rubicola Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 119. 1822; Helotium virgultorum rubicolum Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 355. 1849; Phialea rubicola Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 253. 1 889. This has been reported from Michigan under the latter name but no American material seen. Helotium scrupulosum Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1:152. 1871; Peziza scrupulosa Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 10: 178. 1869. This species is reported on old wood from Washington by Dr. B. Kanouse under the name of Unguicularia scrupulosa (Karst.) Hohn. Nothing more is known of it. Helotium sordidatum Karst. & Starb.; Karst. Hedwigia 26: 124. 1887; Phialea sordidata Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 271. 1889. This species has been re- corded from Michigan on leaves and petioles of Quercus. The septate spores would place it in the genus Calloria. Helotium sparsum Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 111. 1907. Reported by Dr. B. Kanouse from Michigan on rotting leaves. Apothecia described as minute but the spores relatively large 7-8 X 18 m- See p. 124. Phialea subgalbula Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. P: 711. 1892. Reported from Michigan by Dr. B. Kanouse and said to agree with Rehm, Ascom. 1981. No American material seen. Helotium tumidulitm (Rob.) Massee; Massee & Crossl. Fungus Fl. Yor- shire 285. 1905; Peziza tumidula Rob.; Desm. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. 16: 325. 1851; Pezizella tumidula Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 276. 1 889. This species has been reported from Michigan by Dr. B. Kanouse but according to W'hite (Farlowia 1: 167. 1943) is based on incorrect determination. Helotium turgidellum Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 150. 1871; Peziza turgidella Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 10: 179. 1869; Pezizella turgidella Sacc 152 The North American Cup-Fungi Syll. Fung. 8: 281. 1889. Reported from Michigan on Carex and Typha. No material seen. Helotium vitigenum DeNot. Comm. Critt. Ital. 1: 377. 1864. This species originally recorded from Italy has been reported from Ann Arbor, Michigan. Spores described as 4-6 X 17-20 m- It would seem to be close to Helotium virgultorum. 25. ORBILIA Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 357. 1849. Pezizella Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 299. 1869. Myridium Clements, Gen. Fungi 174. 1909. Apothecia sessile, membranous, subgelatinous, bright-colored, white, yellow, or red, typically smooth, subcorneous when dry; asci cylindric to clavate, usually 8-spored; spores bacilliform, or ellipsoid to subglobose; paraphyses filiform the apices often clavate to subglobose. Type species, Peziza leucostigma Fries. The plants of this genus are usually minute but because of their light or bright color they are more easily seen and conse- quently often collected. The apothecia are typically thin and membranous, the substance subcartilaginous and often trans- lucent. The spores are minute and often difficult to diagnose. A number of the species have paraphyses with subglobose or pyriform apices. Apothecia white to golden-yellow. Color golden-yellow. 1. 0. chrysocoma. Color white or whitish when fresh. Occurring on rotten wood. Spores ellipsoid. Spores large, 8 X 17-20 ix. 2. 0. diaphanula. Spores small, 3 X 6-7 ix. 3. 0. Fairmani. Spores bacilliform. Spores 3-4 /u long. 4. 0. leucostigma. Spores 5-8 m long. 5. 0. inflatula. Spores 10-15 n long. 6. 0. curvatispora Not on rotten wood. On rinds of squash, Cucurhita. 7. 0. Cucurbitae. On old fungi, Polyporus. 8. 0. epispora. Apothecia some shade of red, orange to scarlet. Asci 8-spored. Spores 12 M or more long. Spores bacilliform, 1.5-2 X 12-17 ix. 9. 0. vinosa. Spores ellipsoid to fusoid. On reeds in California. 10. 0. phymatodes. On bark of Gleditsia. 11. 0 rubrococcine Orbilia 153 Spores mostly less than 12 n long. Spores subglobose, or broad-ellipsoid. Paraphyses with globose apices. 12. 0. coccinella. Paraphyses filiform. Spores subglobose, 2-3 n in diameter. 13. 0. rubinella. Spores ellipsoid, 3 X 5-7 m- 14. 0. Eucalypti. Spores baciliiform. Spores 4-5 fx long, on bark. 15. 0. cruenta. Spores 5-6 ^i long, on Caulophyllum. 16. 0. Caulophylli. Spores 6-12/1 long. Apothecia yellowish-red. 17. 0. Udeorubella. Apothecia flesh-red to dark-red. 18. 0. rubella. Spores minute, spermatoid, on P/jyo/acca. 19. 0. ptdviscula. Asci many-spored. 20. 0. myn'ospora. 1. Orbilia chrysocoma (Bull.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 624. 1889. Peziza chrysocoma Bull. Hist. Champ. Fr. 254. 1791. Calloria chrysocoma Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 359. 1849. Dacryornyces chrysocomus Tul. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. 19: 211. 1853. Guepiniopsis chrysocomus Brasfield, Am. Mid. Nat. 20: 226. 1938. Apothecia gregarious, superficial, at first globose, soon ex- panded, golden-yellow, when dry subcorneous, flexuous, scarcely .5 mm. in diameter; asci cylindric, subsessile, reaching a length of 40-45 yL and a diameter of 5 ^x, 8-spored; spores baciliiform, curved,! X 14-15 ju; paraphyses filiform, slightly enlarged above- On old wood and pasteboard. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Vermont to California, Porto Rico and Bermuda; probably throughout North America; also in Europe. Illustrations: Bull. Herb. Fr. pi. 376, f. 2; Cooke, Austr. Fungi pi. 20, f. 161. 2. Orbilia diaphanula (Cooke) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza diaphanula Cooke, Hedwigia 14: 84. 1875. Apothecia gregarious, minute, transparent-white, at first hemispherical, then expanded, .1 mm. in diameter; asci clavate; spores elongate-ellipsoid, 8 X 17-20 m; paraphyses filiform, scarcely enlarged above. On old bark and wood of decaying Magnolia. Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 154 The North American Cup-Fungi 3. Orbilia Fairmani (Rehm) Seaver, comb. nov. Pezizella Fairmani Rehm, Ann. Myc. 5: 519. 1907. Apothecia scattered, sessile, first globose, then expanded, externally smooth, .25 mm. in diameter, hyaline to slightly yellowish; asci clavate, reaching a length of 30-35 n and a diam- eter of 6-8 n, 8-spored; spores ovoid, 2-seriate, 3 X 6 7 yn; pa- raphyses filiform, 3 ju in diameter. On wood of Tsuga canadensis. Type locality: Lyndonville, New York. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 4. Orbilia leucostigma Fries, Summa. Veg. Scand. 357. 1849. Peziza leucostigma Fries, Obs. Myc. 1: 165. 1815. Peziza xanthostigma Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 146. 1818. MoUisia leucostigma Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 126. 1882. Mollisia xanthostigma Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 125. 1882. Calloria xanthostigma Phill. Brit. Discom. 329. 1887. Calloria leucostigma Phill. Brit. Discom. 330. 1887. Apothecia gregarious, or scattered, sessile, becoming plane, submembranaceous, whitish, becoming yellowish, translucent, reaching a diameter of .5 to 1 mm. ; asci cylindric to cylindric- clavate, reaching a length of 30-35 n and a diameter of 3-3.5 ju, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, 1-1.5 X 3 4 ju; paraphyses slender with subglobose apices. On dead wood. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New Jersey to California and West Virginia; probably widely distributed in North America; also in Europe. The writer can see no reason for separating Peziza leuco- stigma and Peziza xanthostigma. Rehm recognizes a varietal difference only. 5. Orbilia inflatula Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 11: 248. 1871. Peziza inflatula Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 10: 175. 1869. Calloria inflatula Phill. Brit. Discom. 335. 1887. Apothecia patellate, subtremelloid, 1-1.5 mm. in diameter, whitish-translucent, when dry becoming subglobose, or angular, sordid-yellowish, subcartilaginous; asci cylindric, or subcylindric, reaching a length of 18-24 n and a diameter of 2-3 jx, 8-spored; Orbilia 155 spores bacciliform, curved, .5-. 7 X 5-8 /i: paraphyses not observed. On old wood and bark. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Toronto to Louisiana; also in Europe. Illustrations: Massee, Brit. Fungus-Fl. 4: 156./. 48-51. 6. Orbilia curvatispora Bond. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 4: 80. 1888. Apothecia reaching a diameter of 1 mm. but often less, transparent- white, becoming slightly yellowish, fleshy; hymenium convex, rarely depressed in the center; asci reaching a length of 40-45 n and a diameter of 3-3.5 jx, 8-spored; spores slender, bacilliform, much curved, 1 X 10-15 ;u; paraphyses filiform, clavate at their apices, 4-5 /i thick. On rotten wood and bark. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Michigan to Indiana and Ontario; also in Europe. Illustrations: Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 4: pi. 16, J. 6. The only American specimens seen consists of four collec- tions made in Michigan and Indiana, determined by Dr. Geo. B, Cummins. Also one specimen from Ontario determined by Dr. H. S. Jackson. 7. Orbilia Cucurbitae (Ger.) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza Cucurbitae Gerard, Bull. Torrey Club 5: 26. 1874. Pezizella Cucurbitae Sacc. Sjil. Fung. 8: 285. 1889. Apothecia sessile, when moist waxy, scutellate; hymenium pale tan-colored, when dry somewhat horny and dark purple- brown; spores simple, ellipsoid, 10 jx long. On dead rinds of squash, Cucurbita. Type locality: Poughkeepsie, New York. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 8. Orbilia epispora (Nyl.) Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 11: 248. 1871. Peziza epispora Nyl. Not. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 10: 58. 1869. Apothecia, gregarious, whitish-translucent, .3-.5 mm. in di- ameter; asci clavate, reaching a length of 16-19 /x and a diameter 2-2.5 /x; spores bacilliform, .5 X 3-6 ix. On Polyporus igniarius. 156 The North American Cup-Fungi Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New Jersey to Wisconsin and Louisiana; also in Europe and South America. ExsicCATi: C. L. Smith, Centr. Am. Fungi 50. The species is similar to Orbilia leucostigma but smaller. 9. Orbilia vinosa (Alb. & Schw.) Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 101. 1871. Pezim vinosa Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. 308. 1805. CaUoria vinosa Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 359. 1849. Mollisia vinosa Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 125. 1882. Apothecia scattered, more rarely crowded, sessile, at first rounded and closed, expanding and becoming plane, or slightly concave, flesh-colored to dark-red, .2-1 mm. in diameter; asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 40-50 ^ and a diameter of 4-5 yu, 8-spored; spores bacilliform to fusoid, 1.5-2 X 12-17 fx; paraphyses filiform, subglobose above, 4 ^ in diameter. On rotten wood of various kinds; also on fabric. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Massachusetts and New Jersey to Michigan, Iowa and South Carolina; also in Europe. Illustrations: Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 4: pi. 22, f. 1-6; E. & P. Nat. Pfl. 11: 217,/. 169, D; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 447, f. 1; PhiU. Brit. Discom. pi. 10, f. 63. Exsiccati: Rav. Fungi Car. 4: 19; Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 142, 1313. A fine collection of this species was found on an old discarded bedtick in Woods Hole, Massachusetts during the summer of 1946. 10. Orbilia phymatodes (Phill.) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza phymatodes Phill. Grevillea 5: 117. 1877. Pezizella phymatodes Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 285. 1889. Apothecia scattered, at first spherical, then expanded and cup-shaped, reddish, or flesh-colored, smooth, faintly striate, the margin thin, paler; asci subclavate, 8-spored; spores elongate- fusoid, 3-4 X 13-16 m; paraphyses filiform. On reeds. Type locality: Blue Canon, California. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Grevillea 5: pi. 88, f. 9. Orbilia 157 11. Orbilia rubrococcinea (Rchm) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 622. 1889. Calloria rubrococcinea Rehni; Winter, Hedwigia 22: 72. 1883. Apothecia scattered, or gregarious, sessile, patelliform, scarlet-red, contracting when dry, expanding when moist, 1-3 mm. in diameter; asci clavate, reaching a length of 40-45 /x and a diameter of 5 /x, 8-spored; spores clavate, 3 X 12-15 n; paraphyses filiform 3 /x in diameter above. On bark of Gleditsia triacanthos. Type locality: Kentucky. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 12. Orbilia coccinella (Sommerf.) Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 357. 1849. Peziza coccinella Sommerf. in Wahlenb. Fl. Lapp. 296. 1826. MoUisia coccinella Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 129. 1882. Calloria coccinella Phiii. Brit. Discom. 328. 1887. Apothecia scattered, or gregarious, minute, subtremelloid, flesh-red, bright-red when dry, reaching a diameter of 1 mm. but often much less; asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 30-50 M, and a diameter of 4-5 m, 8-spored ; spores subglobose to ellipsoid, 2-2.5 X 3 5 ju; paraphyses very slender, with sub- globose apices. On wood and bark of various kinds, and occasionally on fungi Polyporus and Diatrype. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Delaware to Wisconsin, probably common; also in Europe. Illustrations: Boud. Ic. Myc. pi. 461; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. P: 447,/. 6-8; E. & P. Nat. Pfl. 1^: 217,/. 169, A, B. 13. Orbilia rubinella (Nyl.) Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1 : 97. 1871. Peziza rubinella Nyl. Not. See. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 10: 56. 1869. Apothecia scattered, subgelatinous, flesh-red, or nearly scarlet, about .5 mm. in diameter; asci clavate to pyriform, 8-12-spored, reaching a length of 39-46 m and a diameter of 8-11 m; spores subglobose, about 2 3 ix in diameter; paraphyses filiform, about 1 y. thick, enlarged above to 1.5 fi. On rotten wood and more rarely on woody fungi. Type locality : Europe. 158 The North American Cup-Fungi Distribution: New Hampshire; also in Europe. ExsiCCATi: Reliq. Farlow. 133. The above cited specimen is the only one seen from North America. 14. Orbilia Eucalypti (Phill. & Hark.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 628. 1889. Calloria Eucalypti Phill. & Hark. Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1: 23. 1884. Apothecia minute, scattered, patellate, flesh-red, the margin paler, smooth; asci cylindric, 8-spored; spores ovoid-ellipsoid, 3-5 X 7 jjl; paraphyses filiform and apices pyriform. On decorticated wood of Eucalyptus; also reported on Salix. Type locality: California. Distribution: California and (Washington?). 15. Orbilia cruenta (Schw.) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza cruenta Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II 4: 177. 1832. Peziza rufula Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II 4: 177. 1832. Peziza fihriseda Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 3: 157. 1875. Peziza saccharifera Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 3: 157. 1875. Peziza regalis Cooke & Ellis, Grevillea 6: 91. 1878. Calloria occulta Rehm, Hedwigia 24: 14. 1885. Pezizella rufula Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 283. 1889. PezizeUa regalis Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 284. 1889. Pezizella cruenta Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 284. 1889. Pseudohelotium fibrisedum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 298. 1889. Orbilia occulta Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 623. 1889. Apothecia gregarious, sometimes confluent, sessile, at first closed, then becoming widely open, the margin often wavy, reaching a diameter of 1 mm., subgelatinous; hymenium slightly concave, crimson, or orange-red, brighter than the outside of the apothecium; asci narrowly clavate, with a long stem, 8-spored; spores irregularly 1-seriate, or sometime 2-seriate above, 1.5 X 4- 5 ju; paraphyses slender clavate, or lanceolate at their tips. On bark of various trees. Type locality: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Distribution : New Jersey to Montana and New Mexico. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 438 (as Peziza regalis), 848 (as Peziza occulta) ; Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2326 (as Peziza cruenta) . The above synonymy is based largely on the conclusions of George Massee (Grevillea 22: 99-100. 1894). Orbilia 159 16. Orbilia Caulophylli Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1893: 145. 1893. Apothecia scattered, or gregarious, sessile, subgelatinous, pale rose-colored when fresh, orange when dr>-, about .5 mm. in diameter; hymenium plane, or slightly concave when fresh, more strongly concave when dry, the margin thin, laciniately toothed when fresh, clothed with short, hair-like glandular structures; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 40-50 n and a diameter of 5-6 n, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, clavate-ovoid, hyaline, 1.5 X 5-6 /x; paraphyses filiform, not distinctly enlarged above. On dead stems of CauIophyUiim thalictroides. Type locality: London, Canada. Distribution: Ontario to Michigan. ExsicCATi: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi Z811. 17. Orbilia luteorubella (Nyl.) Karst. Not. Soc. F'auna Fl. Fenn. 11:248. 1871. Peziza luteorubella Nyl. Not. Soc. Fauna FI. Fenn. 10: 55. 1869. Calloria luteorubella Phill. Brit. Discom. 333. 1887. Apothecia scattered, or gregarious, subtrcmelloid, plane or nearly so, often depressed in the center, pallid, then pale yellow- ish-red, or yellowish-brown, .5-1.5 mm. in diameter; asci cylin- dric-clavate, reaching a length of 30-40 n and a diameter of 4-4.5 n; spores fusoid-filiform, 1 1.5 X 6 12 /x; paraphyses filiform, 1.5 /i thick, the apices clavate, or subsphaeroid, 2-2.5 m thick. On rotten wood of Populus, AInus, Salix, etc. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York to Michigan and Louisiana and the West Indies; also in Europe. 18. Orbilia rubella (Pers.) Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 11: 248. 1871. Peziza rubella Pers. S\n. Fung. 635. 1801. Pezizella rubella Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 299. 1869. Mollisia rubella Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 124. 1882. Hyalinia rubella Nannf. Nova Acta Soc. Sci. Upsal. I\'. 8: 252. 1932. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, at first closed and subglobose, expanding and becoming plane or nearly so, flesh-red to dark- red, waxy-gelatinous, .2-1.3 mm. in diameter; asci cylindric- clavate, reaching a length of 30-45 /z and a diameter of 4-5 n. 160 The North American Cup-Fungi 8-spored; spores bacilliform, 1 X 6-12 yu, 2-seriate; paraphyses filiform, gradually enlarged above, 3 n in diameter. On rotten wood. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New Jersey to Pennsylvania, and West Virginia; also in Europe. 19. Orbilia pulviscula (Cooke) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza pulviscula Cooke, Hedwigia 14: 84. 1875. Peziza pulviscula Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 278. 1889. Apothecia gregarious, subtremelloid, at first globose, pallid to yellowish .4 mm. in diameter; asci cylindric, reaching a length of 30 M and a diameter of 5 ju; spores minute, spermatoid. On stems of Phytolacca. Type locality: New York. Distribution: New York and (New Jersey?). While this species was placed in the subgenus MoUisia by its authors, the general description would indicate an Orbilia. This species was based on specimens collected by W. R. Gerard. Specimen in The New York Botanical Garden is evidently a part of the type. A second specimen collected at Newfield, New Jersey has been referred to this species by J. B. Ellis. 20. Orbilia myriospora (Phill. & Hark.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 631. 1889. Calloria myriospora Phill. & Hark. Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1: 23. 1884. Myridium myriosporum Clements, Gen. Fungi 174. 1909. Apothecia minute, scattered, convex, pale rose-red; asci clavate; spores excessively minute, innumerable; paraphyses slender, abundant. On dead stems of Psoralea macrostacliya. Type locality: California. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Saccardo (Syll. Fung. 8: 631. 1889) founded a new sub- genus Myriella on this species, but Clements had previously founded the genus Myridium on the same species. Doubtful and Excluded Species Orbilia assimilis (Cooke & Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 629. 1889; Peziza assimilis Cooke & Peck, Grevillea 1: 5. 1872. Apothecia described as erum- pent, dull-orange; spores 3 X39 )u. On stems of Aster puniceus, West .'\lbany, New York. This looks like Calloria fusarioides. Trichobelonium 161 Pezizella carneorosea (Cooke & Hark.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 284. 1889; Peziza carneorosea Cooke & Hark. Grevillea 9: 130. 1881. Apothecia de- scribed as carneous-rosaceous, .3 mm. in diameter: spores ellipsoid, 3 X 5 m- On twigs of Eucalyptus in California. Nothing more is known of this species. Apparently an Orbilia. Pezizella citrinella (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 287. 1889; Peziza citrinella Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. H. 4: 177. 1832. This is probably an Orbilia. According to Schweinitz it is closely related to Orbilia chrysocoma. Pezizella conchella (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 284. 1889; Peziza conchella Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. H. 4: 177. 1832. Apothecia minute, shell- shaped, sessile, subpellucid, red, confluent. On dead branches of Morus alba, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. This may be an Orbilia. No material has been seen. Orbilia paradoxa Vel. Monog. Discom. Bohem. 1: 102. 1934. Reported by Dr. B. Kanouse from Washington, on log of Alnus. No material seen. Orbilia rosella (Rehm) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 623. 1889; Calloria rosella Rehm, Hedwigia 23: 56. 1884; Laetinaevia rosella Kanouse, Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 21: 100. 1936. Reported from Michigan by Dr. B. Kanouse. No material seen. Orbilia Sarraziniana Boud. Rev. Myc. 7: 221. 1885. This species has been reported from Michigan b\- Dr. B. Kanouse on decaying wood. No material has been seen. 26. TRICHOBELONIUM (Sacc.) Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 590. 1891. Belonium subg. Tricliobelonium Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 495. 1889. Apothecia sessile, gregarious, fleshy to subgelatinous, Hght- or dark-colored, seated on a white or colored mycelial subictilum; asci cylindric to clavate, usually 8-sporcd; spores ellipsoid to fusoid, becoming 3-septate. Type species, Peziza retincola Rab. When Saccardo established the subgenus he described the apothecia as byssoid or pilose. When Rehm raised the sub- genus to generic rank he described the apothecia as seated on a spreading white, or colored mycelium. He later included in the genus Trichobelonium albosuccineum Rehm, which in our opinion is a synonym Peziza leiicorrhodina Mont., the only North Ameri- can species of the genus seen. 1. Trichobelonium leucorrhodinum (Mont.) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza leucorrhodina Mont, in Sagra, Hist. Cuba PI. Cell. 360. 1842. Peziza gelatinosa Ellis & Mart. Am. Nat. 17: 1283. 1883. Belonidium leucorrhodinum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 501. 1889. Scutula leucorrhodina Speg. Anal. Soc. Ci. Arg. 26: 58. 1888. Orbilia gelatinosa Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 624. 1889. 162 The North American Cup-Fungi Mollisia gelatinosa Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 624. 1889. Trichobelonium albosuccineum Rehm, Hedwigia 39: 89. 1900. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, subgelatinous, pinkish, .25 mm. in diameter, seated on a white mycelial subiculum; hymenium becoming plane, or slightly convex; asci broad-clavate to ovate, reaching a length of 35-40 )u and a diameter of 15-20 n, 8-spored; spores 2-3-seriate, fusoid, subhyaline, 3 3.5 X 12-16 n; pa- raphyses thickened above, curved. On the mycelium of species of Perisporiaceae {MelioJa) on various hosts. Type locality: Cuba. Distribution : Southern United States, the West Indies and tropical South America. Illustrations: Hedwigia 39: pi. 5, /. 24. ExsiCCATi: Rehm, Ascom. 1778. Doubtful Species Trichobelonium hercynicum Lindau, Verb. Bot. Ver. Branden. 45: 154. 1904; Beloniiim hercynicum Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 118. 1907. Re- ported from Michigan on old wood by Dr. B. Kanouse. No material seen. 27. CALLORIA Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 359. 1849. Niptera Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 359. 1849. ?Lanzia Sacc. Bot Cent. 18: 218. 1884. Beloniella Sacc,; Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 638. 1892. Eubelonis Clements, Gen. Fungi 175. 1909. ?Laetinaevia Nannf. Nova Acta Soc. Sci. Upsal. I\'. 8: 190. 1932. Apothecia minute, usually less than 1 mm. in diameter, sessile, or subsessile, occasionally with a short, stem-like base, superficial, or suberumpent, dark-grayish, greenish, or more frequently bright-colored, red, yellow, or purplish, externally smooth or nearly so; asci clavate, typically 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, or fusoid, normally 1 -septate (rarely 3-septate), hya- line; paraphyses filiform, simple, or branched, the ends either free, or agglutinated and forming an epithecium. Type species, Peziza fusarioides Berk. Most of the species originally included by Fries in this genus are now placed in OrhiJia . The species here accepted as the type was the last one mentioned by Fries but has come to be regarded as the type. The spore characters were ignored by Fries. Beloniella seems to have been established for species which are erumpent or a Pyrenopeziza with a septate spore. Calloria 163 On phanerogams, wood, stems etc. On dicotyledons. On herbaceous stems. Apothecia orange or orange-red. Spores 9-14 /x long. Spores 18-22 n long. Apothecia not orange. Apothecia vermilion. Apothecia not vermilion. Spores 10-12 n long, on Solidago. Spores 12-20 n long, on Lithospermum. On woody plants. Spores large, 12-18 m long. On cedar limbs and rubbish. On wood of Arctostaphylos. Spores less than 12 ^ long. Apothecia purple. Apothecia yellow or orange. Spores 3-4 X 9-10 m- Spores 4-5 X 8-10 tx. Spores 4 X \2 n. On fallen leaf. On monocotyledon, Carex. On cryptogams. On lichen, Peltigera. On fern stipe, Pterls. 1. C. fusarioides. 2. C. oleosa. 3. C. coccinea. 4. C. SoUdaginis. 5. C. Lithospermi. 6. C. aurea. 7. C. 71 i tens. 8. C. oregonensis. 9. C. Fairmatii. 10. C. kansensis. 11. C. helotioides. 12. C. glagosa. 13. C. caricinella. 14. C. MiiUeri. 15. C. cremea. 1. Calloria fusarioides (Berk.) Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 359. 1849. Feziza fusarioides Berk. Mag. Zool. Bot. 1: 46. 1837. MolUsia fusarioides Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 120. 1882. Apothecia scattered, or gregarious, originating beneath the cuticle, often collected in patches and confluent, at first subglo- bose, gradually expanding and becoming superficial, orbicular, or elongated, bright-orange, .5-1.5 mm. in diameter; hymenium slightly concave, or plane, orange-yellow; asci clavate, reaching a length of 70-95 /x and a diameter of 8-10 m, 8-spored; spores long-ellipsoid, or fusiform, at first simple, finally becoming 1-septate (or occasionally 3-septate) 3.5-4 X 9 14 m; paraphyses filiform, gradually enlarged above to 3.5 /x. On stems of Urtica and possibly on other herlxaceous stems. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York and Delaware; probably widely distributed. 164 The North American Cup-Fungi Illustrations: Berk. Mag. Zool. Bot. 1: pi. 2, f. 4; Gill Champ. Fr. Discom. pi. 81. f. 2; E. & P. Nat. Pfl. l^: 217./. 169 E. G.; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. P: 448,/. 1-3. 2. Calloria oleosa (Ellis) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 639. 1889. Peziza oleosa Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 10: 52. 1883. Apothecia scattered, or gregarious, small, subglobose when fresh, orbicular and concave with a thick, obtuse margin when dry, oily-gelatinous; hymenium orange-red; asci fusoid, reaching a length of 75 90 /j. and a diameter of 10-12 fi, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, fusiform-navicular, 1 -septate, hyaline, 3-3.5 X 18-22 /x; paraphj'ses absent or not observed. On dead herbaceous stems. Type locality: Pleasant Valley, Utah. Distribution: Michigan to Utah. Exsiccati: Clements, Crypt. Form. Colo. 75. Ellis states "Allied to P. fusarioides." 3. Calloria coccinea (Earle) Seaver, comb. nov. Niptera coccinea Earle in Green, PI. Baker. 2:7. 190L Apothecia scattered, or gregarious, cup-shaped, .3-.5 mm. in diameter, soft, thin, subgelatinous, bright-vermilion throughout, or sometimes the margin bordered by a lighter, nearly white line; asci cylindric, reaching a length of 40-50 /x and a diameter of 4-6 /x; spores long-ellipsoid, becoming 1 -septate, not constricted 3 X 8 /x; paraphyses filiform, indistinct. On dead stems of Corydalis. Type locality: Pagosa Peak, Colorado, elevation 10,000 ft. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 4. Calloria Solidaginis Kanouse, Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 20: 66. 1935. Apothecia erumpent through the epidermis of the host, solitary, or cespitose, often several appearing in rows, cup- shaped, not expanding, .5-1 mm. in diameter; h\menium dirty- white with violet tints, or light-brown when fresh, rose-lilac when dry; asci cylindric-clavate, 4-spored, reaching a length of 45-65 /x and a diameter of 6-8 /x; spores ellipsoid to subfusoid, straight, or slightly bent, with an oil-drop in each end, becoming 1-septate, 3-4 X 10-12 /x; paraph>ses filiform, scarcely thick- ened, above and forming an epithecium. Calloria 165 On wet mats of dead stems of Solidago sp. Type locality: Bank of Huron River, near Dexter, Michigan. Distribution: Known only from the type locaHty. Illustrations: Papers Mich. x\cad. Sci. 20: pi. 12, f. 2. 5. Calloria Lithospermi (Ellis & Ev.) Seaver, comb. nov. Niptera Lithospermi Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1893: 147. 1893. Apothecia erumpent-superficial, scattered, sessile, .75 mm. in diameter, at first closed, finally opening, blackish-brown on the outside, granular; hymenium concave, livid-white, becoming darker with age; asci cylindric, reaching a length of 45-55 n and a diameter of 8-10 /x; spores 2-seriate, long-ellipsoid, becoming 1 -septate and mostly constricted in the center, 3-3.5 X 12-20 n\ paraphyses obscure. On dead stems of Lithospermum canescens. Type locality: Mount Helena, Montana. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 6. Calloria aurea (Ellis) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 640. 1889. Omhrophila aurea Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 8: 74. 1881. Apothecia at first obconic and concave above, at length becoming plane, or convex, with a subundulated margin, reach- ing a diameter of 1-3 mm., soft, golden-yellow; asci cylindric, narrowed at the base, reaching a length of 100 /z and a diameter of 10 ju; spores 1 -seriate, acutely ellipsoid, finally 1 -septate, 4 X 12 14 ix\ paraphyses filiform, yellow. In swamps, mostly on decaying cedar limbs lying partly in the water; also on old leaves and rubbish. Type locality: New Jersey. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 395. 7. Calloria nitens (Cash) Seaver, comb. nov. Helotium nitens Cash, Mycologia 28: 251. 1936. Apothecia fleshy to subgelatinous, subsessile, pulvinate, convex, gregarious, sometimes confluent, reaching a diameter of 1.5 mm., 1 mm. high, pale yellow-orange to light salmon-orange; hymenium darker, even, smooth; asci clavate-cylindric, rounded with the wall slightly thickened at the apex, attenuated below into a long stem, reaching a length of 150-170 n and a diameter of 7-8 fx; spores ellipsoid-clavate, at first simple, later becoming 166 The North American Cup-Fungi 1 -septate, 4-4.5 X 13-18 m; paraphyses filiform, freely branched above, 1 n in diameter. On wood of Arctostaphylos Tracyi. Type locality: Spruce Cove, Trinidad, California. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 8. Calloria oregonensis Kanouse, Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 24: 26. 1939. Apothecia sessile, gregarious, 1 mm. in diameter, soft and subgelatinous, purplish; hymenium plane, purple; asci cylindric, 8-spored, reaching a length of 120-150 m and a diameter of 7-8 m, spores ellipsoid, becoming 1 -septate and constricted at the sep- tum, 5-6 X 10-12 m; paraphyses filiform, stiff, abruptly enlarged at their apices, the capitate apex reaching a diameter of 4 jx. On coniferous wood. Type locality: Lake Tahkenitch, Oregon. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 9. Calloria Fairmani Rehm, Ann. Myc. 9: 366. 1911. Belonium Fairmani Rehm, Ann. Myc. 9: 367. IQU. Apothecia scattered, globose, finally discoid, externally smooth, .1-.2 mm. in diameter, subgelatinous, yellowish; asci clavate, reaching a length of 60 m and a diameter of 8-10 n, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, or subclavate, 2-seriate, becoming 1-septate, 3-4 X 9-10 n; paraphyses filiform, yellowish above. On decorticated wood. Type locality: London ville, New York. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 10. Calloria kansensis Ellis & Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 25: 507. 1898. Apothecia gregarious, subgelatinous, pale-orange, globose, .3 mm. in diameter when fresh, of a deeper color and umbilicate when dry, with spreading, white hairs around the base; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 65-75 n and a diameter of 8-10 M, 8-spored; spores mostly 2-seriate, ellipsoid, with two large oil-drops, becoming 1-septate, 4-5 X 8-10 m; paraphyses absent or not observed. On rotten wood. Type locality: Kansas. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Calloria 167 11. Calloria helotioides (Rehm) Seaver, comb. nov. Lanzia helotioides Rehm, Ann. Myc. 2: 36. 1904. Apothecia gregarious, or rarely solitary, sessile, or subsessile, at first cyathiform, then more or less patelliform, 2 mm. to 1 cm. in diameter; hymenium dilutely yellowish-red; asci cylindric, reaching a length of 100-120 n and a diameter of 7-9 m, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, becoming 1 -septate, scarcely constricted, 2-seriate, 4 X 12 /i; paraphyses fiUform, hyaline, 2 /x thick. On decaying wood. Type locality: United States. Distribution: Known only from the type collection. The specimens were sent to Dr. H. Rehm by G. F. Atkinson. No material has been seen. 12. Calloria glagosa (Ellis & Ev.) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza glagosa Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 4: 56. 1888. Pezizella glagosa Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 276. 1889. Hymenoscyphus glagosus Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 3^: 485. 1898. Apothecia sessile, smooth, .25 mm. in diameter, milk-white when fresh, becoming subrufous, or amber-colored when dry; asci clavate, reaching a length of 70-75 ^ and a diameter of 7-8 ju, gradually attenuated at the base, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, or crowded above, long-ellipsoid, or clavate, 2.5-3 X 8-10 fx, be- coming 1 -septate; paraphyses abundant, filiform, not distincth' thickened above. On a much-decayed, fallen leaf in swamp. Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Ellis seemed a little uncertain about the septation of the spores which leaves the species somewhat in doubt. W. L. White regards this as a Helotium. 13. Calloria caricinella (Peck) Seaver, comb. nov. Helotium caricinellum Peck, Ann. Rep. N. V. State Mus. 30: 61. 1878. Niptera caricinella Sacc. S>il. Fung. 8: 484. 1889. Apothecia scattered, sessile, .5-. 7 mm. in diameter, reddish, or ochraceous-brown when moist, black, or blackish when dr\'; hymenium plane, or slighth* concave; asci clavate, 8-spored; spores crowded, ellipsoid, 1-septate, 20-25 /i long. On dead leaves of Carex utricidata. Type locality: Adirondack Mountains. 168 The North American Cup-Fungi Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 30: pi. l,f. 5-8. 14. Calloria Miilleri (Willey) Seaver, comb. nov. Phacopsis Miilleri Willey, Enum. Lich. Massachusetts 34. 1892. Niptera Miilleri Vouaux, Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 30: 182. 1914. Apothecia adnate to the thallus of the lichen host, flat, or slightly convex, rounded, at length confluent, flesh-colored, becoming darker; asci cylindric, 8-spored; spores becoming 1-septate, 3.5-5.5 X 11~15 jx. On the thallus of PeUigera canina. Type locality: Massachusetts. Distribution : Known only from the type locality. No specimens seen. 15. Calloria cremea (Cash) Seaver, comb. nov. Helotium cremeum Cash, Mycologia 28: 249. 1936. Apothecia subsessile, waxy, patellate, occasionally lobate, reaching a diamater of 1 mm., exterior cream-colored to cream- bufT, margin whitish-furfuraceous; asci clavate, reaching a length of 75-90 /i and a diameter of 10-12 n, narrowed but rounded at the apex, gradually attenuated toward the base, 8-spored; spores 1-2-seriate, fusoid-clavate, 1-septate, slightly constricted at the septum, 4-5 X 12-15 fx, upper cell slighth' broader than the lower, containing many oil-drops or granules; paraphyses filiform, septate, unbranched reaching a diameter oi 2 n at the apex. On stipes of Pteridiiim aquilinum pubescens. Type locality: Spruce Cove, Trinidad, California. Distribution: Known onh' from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 28: 250,/. 4. Doubtful Species Calloria citrina A. L. Smith, Jour. Linn. Soc. 35: 15. 1901. Described from material collected in Dominica. No material seen. Niptera discolor (Mont. & Fries) Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-FI. V. 552. 1891; Patellaria discolor Mont. & Fries, Ann. Sci. Nat. IL 5: 290. 1836; Mollisia discolor Phill. Brit. Discom. 175. 1887. Reported from Michigan by Dr. B. Kanouse. No material seen. Solenopezia grisea A. L. Smith, Jour. Linn. Soc. 35: 14. 1901. Spores described as 1-septate, 10 X 15-17 yu. On stalks of some monocotyledon in Dominica. No material seen. Apparently a Calloria. Belonium 169 Peziza mycogena Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 6: 107. 1876. Apothecia minute, pale with a greenish tinge; spores ellipsoid, appearing to become 1-septate, 7.5 ^l long. On old Polyporus igniarius buried in leaves, New Jersey. No material seen. Niptera pella Clements, Crypt. Form. Colo. 88. 1906. On Streptopus amplexifolius , Jack Brook, Colorado. No other publication seen. Niptera tyrolensis (Sacc.) Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. P: 554. 1891; Mollisia tyolensis Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 333. 1889. This species has been reported from Michigan by Dr. B. Kanouse. No material has been seen. Niptera uda (Pers.) Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 293. 1869; Pezi::a uda Pers. Syn. Fung. 634. 1801; Mollisia uda Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 127. 1882. Reported from Michigan by A. H. W. Povah. No material seen. 28. BELONIUM Sacc. Rot. Cent. 18: 219. 1884. Belonidium Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. l'^: 561. 1891. Not Mont. & Dur. 1846. Massea Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 488. 1889. Harknessiella Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 845. 1889. Apothecia sessile, or short-stipitate, cup-shaped to scutellate, black, brownish or occasionally yellowish, or reddish, usually smooth or not distinctly hairy; asci cylindric-clavate, 8-sporcd; spores fusiform to elongate, 2- to many-septate, hyaline; paraphy- ses filiform. Type species, Peziza graminis Desm. The presence of a short, stem-like base has been used to separate Belonidium from Belonium. The character is not regarded as a satisfactory one on which to separate the two genera. On dicotyledonous plant tissues. Spores very large, 35-40 m long. Spores 3-septate, on Glyceria. 1. B. Glyceriae. Spores more than 3-septate. Spores 4-8-septate. Spores 36-40 m long. 2. B. basitrichum. Spores 40-50 n long. 3. B. intros pedum. Spores many-septate, 40-60 ^l long. 4. B. tympanoides. Spores not over 35 ^x long. Spores 30-33 n long. Apothecia greenish. 5. B. Parksi. Apothecia not greenish. On decaying Magnolia. 6. B. phlegmaceiint. On undetermined wood. 7. B. quisquiliarum. Spores 10-20 ^ long. Spores 10-12 /j. long. 8. B. atrosanguineum. Spores 12-20 n long. 170 The North American Cup-Fungi Spores 14-20 n long, on Aralia. 9. B. minimum. Spores 12-15 ;u long. On twigs of Abies. 10. B. inconspicuum. On Populus and Salix. 11.5. aggregalum. On monocotyledonous tissues. On petioles of palms. 12. B. sclerogenum. On grasses or sedges. Spores not over 20 m long. On culms of Spartina. 13. B. heteromorphum. On Andropogon. 14. B. Andropogonis. Spores 20 n or more long. On Calamagrostis, spores 24-30 n long. 15. B. intermedium. On Carex, spores 18-24 n long. 16. B. caricincolum . On Arundinaria, spores 20-24 n long. 17. B. eustegiaeforme. On various grasses, spores 21-40 ^ long. 18. B. culmicola. 1. Belonium Glyceriae (Peck) Seaver, comb. nov. Belonidium Glyceriae Peck, Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 139: 19. 1909. Apothecia 1-1.5 mm. in diameter, sessile, papillate on the under side; hymenium plane, or convex, pale-yellow; asci sub- clavate, or fusoid, reaching a length of 120-130 /x and a diameter of 14-18 /x, 8-spored; spores elongate-ellipsoid, straight, or slightly curved, 2-seriate, 4-5 X 35-40 n, becoming 3-septate; paraphyses filiform. On dead culms of Glyceria nervata. Type locality: Lyndonville, New York. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 2. Belonium basitrichum (Sacc.) Seaver, comb. nov. Belonidium basitrichum. Sacc. Atti Soc. Veneto Sci. Nat. Padova 4M 35. 1875. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, patelliform, soft, entirely white, finally sordid-white, .25-. 5 mm. in diameter; hymenium concave, or plane, becoming yellowish; asci clavate, reaching a length of 100-120 /x and a diameter of 14 /n, short-stipitate, 8- spored; spores 2-seriate, elongate-fusoid, curved, 3-4 X 36-40 ju, becoming 6-8-septate, hyaline; paraphyses filiform, clavate. On rotten wood Querciis, and Castanea, seated on a black mycelial growth. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York; also in Europe. The only specimen seen of this species is one collected by C. L. Shear in Ringwood, New York and which seems to agree with the original description. Belonium 171 3. Belonium introspectum (Cooke) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 498. 1889. Peziza introspecta Cooke, Hedwigia 14: 84. 1875. Apothecia gregarious, or scattered, sessile, translucent, at first hemispherical, finally expanded and nearly plane, .3-. 4 mm. in diameter; asci clavate, 8-spored; spores fusiform, straight, or curved, with four or five oil-drops, finally 5-septate, 8 X 40-50 y.; paraph\ses filiform. On rotting wood. Type locality: New Jersey. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 4. Belonium tympanoides (Ellis & Ev.) Seaver, comb. nov. Belonidium tympanoides Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1893: 149. 1893. Apothecia gregarious, fleshy, sessile, black, closed when dry, hemispherical when fresh, .3-.5 mm. in diameter; hymenium concave, pallid; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 80- 100 jx and a diameter of 12 m, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid-cylindric, becoming many-septate, 2.5 X 40-60 m; paraphyses filiform, curved at their apices. On rotten wood. Type locality: London, Canada. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 5. Belonium Parksi (Cash) Seaver, comb. nov. Belonidium Parksi Cash, Mycologia 28: 248. 1936. Apothecia gregarious, cup-shaped, sessile, externally fuscous, furfuraceous, the margin inrolled, hysteroid, triangular, or irregularly folded; hymenium glaucous-green, drying chromium- green; asci clavate-cylindric, narrowed above, gradually tapering into a short stem, reaching a length of 65-80 fx and a diameter of 6-8 /x, 8-spored; spores fusoid, straight, or slightly curved, obliquely 1 -seriate below, 2-seriate above, becoming 1-3-septate, about 3 X 13 m; paraphyses filiform, slightly enlarged above, 1.5-2 11 thick. On decorticated stems of Vaccinium parvifolium, Rhamnus purshiana, Garrya elliptica, Physocarpus capitatus and Castanop- sis chrysophylla. Type locality: Humboldt Co., California. Distribution: California. • Illustrations: Mycologia 28: 250,/. 2. 172 The North American Cup-Fungi 6. Belonium phlegmaceum (Ellis) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza phlegmacea Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 9: 19. 1882. Belonidium ? phlegmaceum Sacc. Syil. Fung. 8: 500. 1889. Apothecia seated on a subiculum of delicate, creeping, white, loosely matted threads, gregarious, sessile, circular, thin, white, soft; asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 60 n and a diam- eter of 12 )u; spores elongate-fusiform, attenuated below to a slender point, 2.5 X 30-33 /x; paraphyses filiform, scarcely thickened above. On decaying Magnolia. Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 7. Belonium quisquiliarum (Berk. & Curt.) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza qiiisquiliartim Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Jour. Linn. Soc. 10: 366. 1868. Massea quisquiliarum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 488. 1889. Apothecia yellow, crateriform, expanding, sessile, the margin inflexed, 2-5 mm. in diameter; asci clavate, 8-spored ; spores fusiform, curved, becoming 3-septate, 6-7 X 25 yu; paraphyses filiform. On dead branches. Type locality: Cuba. Distribution : Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Cooke, Mycographia pi. 10, f. 37. 8. Belonium atrosanguineum (Rehm) Seaver, comb. nov. Calloria atrosanguinea Rehm, Ann. Myc. 5: 518. 1907. Apothecia parasitic in the mycelium of a Stereum, gregarious, black when dry, when moist blackish-red, punctiform, irregularly hemispherical, .15 mm. in diameter; asci clavate, reaching a length of 40-50 /i and a diameter of 10^, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid to clavate, becoming 1 -septate, finally 3-septate, 3-3.5 X 10-12 )u; paraphyses filiform, 1 /z thick, globose at their apices, 4 /x in diameter. On logs of conifers. Type locality: Sumner, Washington. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 9. Belonium minimum (Ellis & Ev.) Seaver, comb. nov. Belonidium. minimum Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1893: 452. 1893. Apothecia scattered, erumpent, sessile, pale rose-colored, .09-. 11 mm. in diameter, subdiscoid, subgelatinous, furfuraceous, Belonium 173 pilose, or nearly smooth; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 45-55 n and a diameter of 6-7 n, 8-spored ; spores 2-seriate, fusoid, slightly curved, hyaline, 3-septate, 3-3.5 X 14-20 /x; paraphyses not observed. On dead stems oi Aralia racemosa. Type locality: Granogue, Delaware. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 10. Belonium inconspicuum Cash, Mycologia 28: 304. 1936. Apothecia superficial, sessile, occurring singly, smooth, patellate, thin-membranaceous, .3-. 5 mm. in diameter, brownish- black; hymenium drab; asci clavate, tapering into a short stem, reaching a length of 50 65 n and a diameter of 8-10 n, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid to broad-clavate, obliquely 1 -seriate to irregu- larly 2-seriate, hyaline, 3-septate, not constricted, 4-5 X 12-15 ju; paraphyses septate, branched with globose, olive-brown, gluti- nous tips 5 /x in diameter, forming an agglutinated layer. On decorticated twigs of Abies. Type locality: Grand Mesa, Colorado. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 28: 302,/. 2. 11. Belonium aggregatum Cash, Mycologia 28: 303. 1936. Apothecia sessile, urceolate to patellate, soft-fleshy, densely crowded on a more or less evident subiculum of pale-olivaceous hyphae, fuscous-black to olivaceous-black; hymenium of the same color with the margin paler and fimbriate, the entire fungus black when dry; asci cylindric-clavate, slightly narrowed at the apex, reaching a length of 50-65 n and a diameter of 6-7 y., 8-spored; spores 1 2-seriate, clavate to cylindric, 1-3-septate, not constricted, 2.5-3 X 13-15 fx; paraphyses filiform, un- branched, septate, hyaline, slightly enlarged at the apex, 2 ^ in diameter. On decorticated wood of Populus tremuloides and on Salix. Type locality: Mesa Lakes, Colorado. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 28: 302,/. 5. The subiculum would suggest a Trichobelonium. 12. Belonium sclerogenum (Berk. & Curt.) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza sclerogena Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Jour. Linn. Soc. 10: 369. 1868. Belonidium sclerogenum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 497. 1889. 174 The North American Cup-Fungi Apothecia sessile, subhemispherical, yellowish, margin in- flexed, finally applanate; asci clavate, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, fusiform, curved, becoming 3-septate, 30-34 n long. On petioles of palms. Type locality: Cuba. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 13. Belonium heteromorphum (Ellis & Ev.) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza heteronwrpha Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 2: 88. 1889. Belonidium heteromorphum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 502. 1889. Apothecia seated on a brownish-black, felt-like subiculum which extends for several inches along the culm, scattered, globose at first, with a small, round opening with a white margin, at length expanding to nearly plane, or even slightly convex, 2-3 mm. in diameter; hymenium pallid-white to flesh-colored; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 70 m and a diameter of 6-7 fjL, 8-spored ; spores fusoid, slightly curved, finally 3-septate, or pseudoseptate, 2.5-3 X 20 /x. On the base of culms of Spartina polystachya. Type locality: Louisiana. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. The subiculum suggests a Trichobelonium. 14. Belonium Andropogonis (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 493. 1889. Peziza Andropogonis Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 3: 158. 1875. Peziza aberrans Peck, Bull. Torrey Club 6: 14. 1875. Apothecia erumpent, at first elongated and hysteriform, gradually expanding and becoming elliptic in form, externally dark brownish-black, about .5 mm. long; hymenium concave, pale-yellowish; asci clavate, reaching a length of 60-70 m and a diameter of 10-12 n, 8-spored; spores irregularly 2-seriate, fusoid, 2-3 X 18 ju, 3-septate; paraphyses filiform, about 2 m in diameter. In Andropogon. Type locality: South Carolina. Distribution: New Jersey to South Carolina. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 61; Rab. -Winter, Fungi Eu. 3169 (from New Jersey). Belonium 175 15. Belonium intermedium (Rehm) Seaver, comb. nov. Belonidium intermedium Rehm, Ann. Myc. 6: 315. 1908. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, at first closed, finally expanding and becoming patellate, brown, .2-. 3 mm. in diameter; hymenium plane, yellow; asci clavate, reaching a length of 80 /x and a diameter of 12 /z, 8-spored; spores elongate-fusoid, 2-seriate, mostly straight, 3-septate, 5-5.5 X 24-30 ij.; paraphyses filiform 2 n in diameter, expanding above to 3.5. On dead culms of Calamagrostis canadensis. Type locality: Madison, Wisconsin. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 16. Belonium caricincolum (Rehm) Seaver, comb. nov. Belonidium caricincolum. Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-FI. 1': 564. 1891. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, at first globose and closed, finally opening and becoming cup-shaped, externally brownish- black, .2-1 mm. in diameter; hymenium gray, or grayish-yellow to dark-olive; asci clavate, reaching a length of 60-70 fx and a diameter of 7-8 ju, 8-spored; spores fusiform, straight, or some- what curved, finally 3-septate, 3 X 18-24 ju; paraphyses filiform, 3 jjL thick. On fallen leaves of Carex. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Colorado; also in Europe. ExsiccATi : Clements, Crypt. Form. Colo. 284. (as Belonidium caricincolum). 17. Belonium eustegiaeforme (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 494. 1889. Peziza eustegiaejormis Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 3: 158. 1875. Peziza Arundinariae Berk. & Curt.; Cooke, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 2: 297. 1875. Pyrenopeziza Arundinariae Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 368. 1889. Apothecia scattered, seated on a brownish spot, at first closed and rounded, or slightly elongated, expanding and becom- ing scutellate, externally dark brownish-black and f urf uraceous ; hymenium concave, lighter in color, pallid; asci clavate, reaching a length of 80 m and a diameter of 10 15 ju, 8-spored; spores fusoid, hyaline, 5 X 20-24 /z, becoming 3-septate; paraphyses filiform. On Arundinaria macros pernia. Type locality: South Carolina. 176 The North American Cup-Fungi Distribution: South Carolina to Alabama and Georgia. ExsiCCATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 668; Rav. Fungi Am. 310. 18. Belonium culmicola (Desm.) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza culmicola Destn. Ann. Sci. Nat. II. 6: 244. 1836. Belonium vexatum DeNot. Comm. Critt. Ital, 1: 380. 1864. Belonium Moliniae DeNot. Comm. Critt. Ital. 1: 380. 1864. Peziza vexata Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna. Fl. Fenn. 10: 139. 1869. Peziza subgibhosa Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 6: 108. 1876. Phialea culmicola Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 103. 1882. Belonium subgibbosum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 493. 1889. Belonidium culmicolum Phill. Brit. Discom. 148. 1897. Apothecia scattered, or gregarious, sessile, or with a very short, stem-like base, at first rounded, expanding and becoming cup-shaped, or saucer-shaped, .2-1 mm. in diameter, externally yellowish, or slightly reddish; hymenium pallid, yellowish, or rosy; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 120-150 ^ and a diameter of 12-15 m, 8-spored; spores fusiform, straight, or curved, becoming 3-septate, 4-5 X 21-40 ju; paraphyses filiform, somewhat enlarged above, 6 ju in diameter, brown. On dead stems of Andropogon and various other grasses. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New Jersey; also in Europe. Illustrations: Phill. Brit. Discom. pi. 5,f. 29. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 850 (as Peziza vexata DeNot.) Doubtful and Excluded Species Belonium arabicolum Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1894: 352. 1894. On stems of Arabis fiircata, Mt. Paddo, Washington. This is not a discomycete. It looks like a Lophodermium. Beloniditim aurantiacum Rehm in Rab. Krypt-Fl. P: 564. 1891. Re- ported by A. H. W. Povah from Michigan on dead culms of Calamagrostis. No material seen. Belonium bicolor Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 8: 69. 1902. Apothecia sessile, nearly black when dry, less than 1 mm. in diameter; spores 6-8 X 15-20 /u, becoming 3-septate. On Eupatorium, Tuskegee, Alabama. Belonium consanguineum Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 8: 70. 1902. On Ilex, Tuskegee, Alabama. According to Ellis this is close to B. bicolor. Each is known only from the type collection. Both need further study. Belonium Delitschianum (Auersw.) Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 689. 1892; Peziza Delitschiana Auersw. in Rab. Fungi Eu. 912. 1886; Coronellaria Delitschiana Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 183. 1871. This species has been reported from Michigan by Dr. B. Kanouse on rotten logs. The type was recorded on Scirpus lacustris. No American material has been seen. In spite of the difference in habitat Dr. Kanouse regards the American and European speci- mens as identical. The spores are described as 3-septate and 6-7 X 25-40 y.. Belonioscypha 177 Belonidium fusco pallidum, Bres. Verb. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 52 : 434. 1 902. This species has been reported from Michigan by Dr. B. Kanouse on wood of Acer sp. The apothecia are described as olive-green and the hyphae pro- jecting beyond the margin of the apothecium; spores 4-6 X 18-21 yu. No material has been seen. Belonium fuscum Phill. & Hark. Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1: 23. 1884. Apothecia short-stipitate, sooty-brown; spores 1-3-septate, 15-20 m long. On dead stems of Sanicula Menziesii, California. Belonidium hirtipes A. L. Smith, Jour. Linn. Soc. 35: 14. 1901. Apo- thecia stipitate, 2 mm. in diameter with stem 2 mm. long; spores 3-septate, 5 X 20-25 y.. On wood in Dominica. No material seen. Belonidium juncisedum (Karst.) Rehm in Rab. Krypt-Fl. 1': 568. 1891; MoUisia jtuiciseda Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 198. 1871. Reported from Michigan by Dr. B. Kanouse. No material seen. Harknessiella purpurea (Phill. & Hark.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 845. 1889; Phillipsiella purpurea Phill. & Hark. Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1: 23. 1884. On leaves of Garrya elliptica, California. The 3-septate spores would place this in the genus Belonium. Compare Belonium Parksi Cash which occurs on the same host. Belonidium sclerotii A. L. Smith, Jour. Linn. Soc. 35: 14. 1901. Spores described as 3-septate, 3 X 20 /u. On decorticated branch in Dominica. 29. BELONIOSCYPHA Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. P: 743. 1893. Apothecia scattered, stipitate, at first rotinded, expanding and becoming campanulate, or turbinate, Hght-colored, exter- nally smooth; asci clavate, or cyHndric, 4-8-spored; spores elongated fusoid, becoming 3-septate, hyaline; paraphyses filiform. Type species, Peziza Campanula Nees. Asci 4-spored. 1. B. lactea. Asci 8-spored. 2. B. miniata. 1. Belonioscypha lactea (Ellis & Ev.) Seaver, comb. nov. (Plate 109.) Helotium lacteum Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 4: 56. 1888. Helotium lacteum Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1893: 145. 1893. Heloliella lactea Sacc. Syll. Fung. 11: 415. 1895. Apothecia thickly gregarious, or subconflucnt, stipitate, less than 1 mm. in diameter, at first closed, opening and becoming turbinate, white with a tinge of yellow, amber when dry; hy- menium concave, or nearly plane; stem short, stout, the length less than the diameter of the apothecium; asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 75-80 m and a diameter of 5 n, tapering into a long, stem-like base, 4-spored; spores 1 -seriate, or overlapping 178 The North American Cup-Fungi and becoming 2-seriate, fusoid, often curved, 2-3 X 10-15 n; paraphyses filiform. On decorticated wood. Type locality: Cazenovia, New York. Distribution: New York and Pennsylvania. Excellent specimens of this species were sent to the writer by L. O. Overholts Dec. 19, 1927 with the following note: "This was collected in abundance, and I can get enormous quantities of it, growing as thickly scattered as the sample, for 20 ft. or more along the side of an old Liriodendron log." His specimens agree perfectly with the type in the herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. This species was described twice as a new species both based on the same specimen. Ellis did not mention the 4-spored character of the asci but his material is apparently so. 2. Belonioscypha miniata Kanouse, Mycologia 39: 640. 1947. Apothecia stipitate, .2-.4 mm. in diameter, flat when moist with the margin slightly inroUed, delicately roughened by gran- ules of an amorphous deposit outlining the cup, creamy-yellow when fresh, drying pale-yellow; stem very short; asci cylindric- clavate, reaching a length of 50 70 n and a diameter of 6-9 ;x, 8-spored; spores usually 2-seriate, fusoid, straight, or slightly curved, subhyaline, 3-septate, 2-3 X 10-12 ;u; paraphyses fili- form not enlarged above. On old leaves of Carex. Type locality: Lake Tahkenitch, Oregon. Distribution: Known only from the type locality Illustrations: Mycologia 39: 649, f. 4-6. 30. GORGONICEPS Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 15. 1871. Belonopsis Sacc. Syll. Fung. 16: 752. 1902. Apothecia sessile, or short-stipitate, soft and waxy, yellowish, or ochraceous, turbinate to subdiscoid, or scutellatc, seldom exceeding 2-3 mm. in diameter and often less than 1 mm.; asci cylindric to clavate, typically 8-spored; spores elongate, filiform, fusiform, or vermiform, usually becoming multiseptate, hyaline; paraphyses filiform, enlarged above and often branched. Type species, Gorgoniceps aridula Karst. The genus A postemidium which is usually treated with the Geo- glossaceae is close to the present genus and some regard them as CUP-FUNGI PLATE lOd BELONIOSCYPHA LACTEA GORGONICEPS 179 synonymous. Durand, however, treated them as distinct and retains the former with the Geoglossaceae because of its general resemblance to Vihrissea. On coniferous plant tissues. Spores 35-60 n long. On cones of conifers. 1. G. Pumilionis. On bark and scales of Finns. 2. G. aridula. Spores 12-15 /j. long, on pine needles. 3. G. ontariensis. Not on coniferous plants. Spores very slender, 1.5-2 yu thick. 4. G. montanensis. Spores stout, 3-10 n thick. Spores 3-4 X 30-37 /x, on rotten wood. 5. G. iowensis. Spores 5-7 X 40-45 ju, on wood and palms. 6. G. conflnens. Spores 9-10 X 50-55 ^, on bamboo. 7. G. jamaicensis. 1. Gorgoniceps Pumilionis Rehm in Rab. Krypt-Fl. V: 692. 1892 Pezictda Pumilionis Rehm, Hedwigia 21: 115. 1882. Dermatella Piimiliotiis Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 490. 1889. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, or contracted into a short, stem-like base, at first rounded, expanding and becoming scu- tellate, pale-cinereous, becoming brownish-yellow, reaching a diameter of .1-.3 mm.; asci clavate, reaching a length of 75-80 ju and a diameter of 6 7 fx, attenuated above and gradually tapering below into a stem-like base; spores filiform, becoming septate (the number of septa usually 3 or 4) , 2-2.5 X 35-40 ^ ; paraphyses filiform, about 1.5 /x in diameter. On cones of conifers. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Colorado; also in Europe. ExsiccATi: Clements, Crypt. Form. Colo. 290. The only American specimen of this species seen is the Clements specimen referred to above on scales of Picea sp. 2. Gorgoniceps aridula Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 185. 1871- (Plate 110, F'ig. 1.) Apothecia gregarious, or scattered, sessile, or contracted into a very short, stem-like base, bluish-hyaline, when dry pale- brownish, reaching a diameter of .3-.8 mm.; hymenium bluish- hyaline, or pallid, plane, or convex; asci clavate, attenuated above and tapering below into a stem-like base, reaching a length of 100-125 /x and a diameter of 15 /z; spores fasciculate, filiform, straight, or curved, becoming septate (the number 180 The North American Cup-Fungi difficult to determine but apparently 16 to 20), reaching a length of 65 fjL and a diameter of 2.5-3 ^c; paraphyses filiform about 2 /x in diameter. On coniferous bark and scales of Pinus pungens. Type locality : Europe. Distribution: Pennsylvania; also in Europe. Illustrations: E. & P. Nat. Pfl. V: 208, /. 163 A; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 652, f. 1-5; Mycologia 38: 551 (upper figure). The only American specimen of this species seen is one collected by Dr. L. O. Overholts and P. Spaulding (No. 10795) in Pennsylvania. The plants are minute and the species is probably more common than indicated by the material at hand. 3. Gorgoniceps ontariensis (Rehm) Hohn. Mitt. Inst. Hochs. Wien 3: 106. 1926. Pezizella ontariensis Rehm, Ann. Myc. 11: 167. 1913. Apothecia scattered, sessile, at first globose, expanding be- coming cup-shaped, finally discoid, contracted at the base, .5-1.5 mm. in diameter, pale yellowish-white, externally floccose; hymenium plane or nearly so, pale rose-colored; asci clavate, reaching a length of 45 n and a diameter of 6-7 ji, 8-spored; spores filiform, overlapping in the ascus, 1 X 12-15 /x; paraphy- ses filiform, hyaline, 1.5 n in diameter below, enlarged above to 3 n. On needles of Pinus resinosa. Type locality: East Shore of Lake Huron, Ontario. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. ExsiccATi: Rehm, Ascom. 2030 (apparently part of type material). 4. Gorgoniceps montanensis (Kanouse) Seaver, comb. nov. Belonopsis montanensis Kanouse, Mycologia 33: 461. 1941. Apothecia superficial, 1.5-4.5 mm. in diameter, at first globose and closed, finally expanding and becoming plane, or slightly convex, the margin irregular with patches of the remains of the hymenial covering, broadly sessile, soft-waxy, solitary, gray-brown; hymenium orange when dry, slightly paler when moist; asci cylindric-clavate, long-stemmed, 8-spored, reaching a length of 130-155 yi and a diameter of 9-12 /x; spores needle- shaped, straight, or slightly curved, 1.5-2 X 38-50 ju, becoming about 7-septate; paraphyses filiform, twisted into coils or spirals at the apices, forming a thin epithecium. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 110 1. GORGON1CEPS ARIDULA 2. GORGONICEPS CONFLUENS GORGONICEPS 181 On fallen leaves of beech and on fir needles. Type locality: Echo Lake, Flathead National Forest, Montana. DisTRiBUTiox: Known only from the type locality. 5. Gorgoniceps iowensis Rehm, Ann. Myc. 4: 338. 1906. Apothecia scattered, at first subglobose, sessile, or contracted into a very short stem, expanding and becoming patellate, whitish, with a slight grayish-green tint when dry, pale-brownish, reaching a diameter of .2-.5 mm. ; asci clavate, reaching a length of 80-100 M and a diameter of 10-12 /x; spores subcylindric, or clavate, straight, or curved, becoming 7-septate, hyaline, 3-4 X 30-37 m; paraphyses filiform, slightly enlarged above. On rotten wood. Type locality: Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Distribution: New York and Iowa. Illustration: Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa 6: pi. 26 J. 2. 6. Gorgoniceps confluens Seaver & Waterston, Mycologia 32: 399. 1940. (Plate 110, Fig. 2.) Apothecia gregarious, occasionally crowded and several fusing together, sessile, or contracted into a very short, stem-like base, whitish or bluish-white, remaining light-colored, or becoming darker when dried, reaching a diameter of .5 mm., soft and waxy; hymenium plane, or slightly convex, similar in color to the out- side of the apothecium; asci broad-clavate, with a very short, stem-like base, attenuated at the apex, reaching a length of 100 ju and a diameter of 14 ji, 8-spored; spores bunched together and overlapping, cylindric, fusoid, or subclavate, straight, or more often curved or double curved, becoming 7-septate, 5 7 X 40- 45 fi; paraphyses filiform, about 2 m in diameter. On rotten wood and on palm stems, Sabal. Type locality: Bermuda. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 38: 551 (lower figure). Type collected in Bermuda by Stewardson Brown, N. L. Britton and Fred J. Seaver (No. 1487) Nov. 29-Dec. 14, 1912. This is very similar to G. iowensis Rehm, which was described from material collected by the author in Iowa. The spores of the Bermuda specimens seem to be larger. Also collected in Paget Marsh on stems of native palm by Seaver & Waterston. 182 The North American Cup-Fungi 7. Gorgoniceps jamaicensis Seaver, Mycologia 38: 552. 1946. Apothecia gregarious, or crowded, occasionally several coa- lescing, sessile or nearly so, becoming patellate, in dried speci- mens pale yellowish-amber, semitranslucent, reaching a diameter of .5 mm.; hymenium plane, or slightly concave; asci clavate, 8- spored, reaching a length of 140 ^ and a diameter of 20 n, taper- ing below into a short, stem-like base; spores fasciculate, cylindric with the ends attenuated, reaching a length of 50-55 ix and a diameter of 9-10 /x, becoming 7-septate; paraphyses filiform, about 2 ju in diameter. On bamboo, Bambusa vulgaris. Type collected by W. A. and Edna Murrill in Chester Vale, Jamaica, December 21-24, 1908, altitude 3000-4000 ft. (No. 311). This seems to differ from our Bermuda species in the much larger spores and asci. Doubtful Species Gorgoniceps dinemasporioides (Ellis & Ev.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 506. 1889; Peziza dinemasporioides Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 1: 42. 1885. This was de- scribed as a Peziza by Ellis and placed in the genus Gorgoniceps by Saccardo because of the filiform spores. The spores are not filiform but fusoid and the asci appear to be borne in thin-walled perithecia, clothed with long Chaetomi- «w-like hairs. In the opinion of the author this is not a cup-fungus at all. 31. POCILLUM DeNot. Comm. Critt. Ital. 1: 361. 1864. Apothecia stipitate, or substipitate, cup-shaped, or expanded; asci clavate-cylindric, 8-spored; spores filiform, hyaline. Type species, Helotium Cesatii Mont. This genus is close to Gorgoniceps apparently differing only in the stipitate, or substipitate character of the apothecia which ordinarily is not considered a very reliable one. So far as ob- served only one species has been reported within our range. 1. Pocillum hypophyllum (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 606. 1889. Peziza hypophylla Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Jour. Linn. Soc. 10: 369. 1868. Apothecia hypophyllous, short-stipitate, externally brown, crateriform, the margin sinuate; hymenium livid; spores filiform. On the under side of some leaf among the brown, velvety down. Type locality: Cuba. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Apostemidium 183 No material has been seen and the above is all that is known of this species. It was originally placed in the subgenus Mol- lisia. 32. APOSTEMIDIUM Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 15, 186. 1871. Gorgoniceps Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 15, 185. (in part). 1871. Vibrissea Phill. Trans. Linn. Soc. II. 2: 8. 1881. Apothecia sessile, turbinate, or convex, soft-waxy, or subge- latinous; hymenium spread on the upper, convex, or plain surface, sterile below; asci narrowly cylindric, opening by a pore, 8-spored; spores in a parallel fascicle in the ascus, h>'aline, fili- form, many-septate, nearly as long as the ascus; paraphyses present. Type species, Peziza fisceUa Karst. This genus is sometimes treated with the Geoglossaceae next to Vibrissea which it resembles in spore characters but in the opinion of the writer scarcely belongs there. Paraphyses longer than the asci, repeatedly forked near the apices. 1 • -4 . Guernisaci. Paraphyses equaling or scarcely exceeding the asci, sim- ple or rarely forked. 2. A. vibrisseoides. 1. Apostemidium Guernisaci (Cr.) Durand, Ann. Myc. 6: 456. 1908. (Plate HI.) Vibrissea Guernisaci Crouan, Ann. Sci. Nat. IV. 7: 176. 1857. Gorgoniceps Guernisaci Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 505. 1889. Gorgoniceps turbintdata Rehm, Ann. Myc. 2: 353. 1904. Apothecia solitary, or gregarious, sessile by a rather broad base, turbinate, or convex; hymenium plain to convex, bluish- pallid to orange-ochraceous, 1-4 mm. in diameter, even, or sometimes wrinkled, often with a dimple in the center, dark- brownish below, somewhat furfuraceous; asci long-cylindric, apex rounded, reaching a length of 225-300 n and a diameter of 5-6 m; 8-spored; spores in a parallel fascicle in the ascus, hyaline, slenderly filiform, multiseptate, 1 X 200-250 m; paraphyses numerous, filiform, hyaline, longer than the asci, the apical por- tion (about as much as projects beyond the asci) repeatedly forked or fasciculately branched, the tips abruptly pyriform- thickened, hyaline, 4-5 y. thick. On dead sticks and wood in water. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York and New England to Washington. 184 The North American Cup-Fungi Illustrations: Ann. Sci. Nat. IV. 7: pi. 4,f. 24-27; Pat. Tab. Fung./. 369; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 11 J. 115-118. ExsiCCATi: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2738. The long, filiform spores often protrude at maturity, giving the hymenium a white, feathery appearance. This interesting species has been encountered by the writer but once in New York. 2. Apostemidium vibrisseoides (Peck) Boud. Ann. Myc. 4: 240. 1906. Helotiiim vibrisseoides Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 32: 48. 1879. ?Vibrissea turbinata Phill. Trans. Linn. Soc. II. 2: 8. 1881. ?Gorgoniceps turbinata Sacc. Bot. Cent. 18: 219. 1884. Gorgoniceps vibrisseoides Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 505. 1889. ? Apostemidium obconicum Kanouse, Papers Mich. Acad. .Sci. 21: 97. 1936. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, turbinate, 2-3 mm. in diameter; hymenium plain to convex, varying in color from bluish-pallid to yellowish, or ochraceous; asci reaching a length of 275-300 and a diameter of 5-6 m, 8-spored ; spores in a parallel fascicle in the ascus, long-filiform, hyaline, multiseptate, about 1 X 250 m; paraphyses not numerous, slender, 1-1.5 /x thick below, simple, or occasionally forked, the apical portion clavate-thickened, colored, up to 6 ^t thick, about as long as the asci. On decaying sticks lying in the water. Type locality: New York. Distribution: New Hampshire to New York. Illustrations: Bull. N. Y. State Mus. V~:pl. 2,f. 7-9; Trans. Linn. Soc. II. 2: ^/. 2,/. 14-18; Ann. Myc. 6: pi. 11 J. 119-120. Apostemidium obconicum is said to differ in the color and more stipitate character of the apothecia. The writer doubts that the characters are dependable. 33. PHAEOHELOTIUM Kanouse, Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 20: 75. 1935. Apothecia superficial, sessile to stipitate, at first turbinate, opening to a disk, finally convex and slightly umbilicate, soft- waxy, drying brittle to chalky, externally pulverulent, bright- colored; asci cylindric-clavate, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid to fusoid, straight, or slightly bent, 1-septate, brown; paraphyses filiform. Type species, Phaeohelotium flavum Kanouse. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 111 APOSTEMIDIUM VI BR ISSEOl DES PSEUDOPEZIZA 185 1. Phaeohelotium flavum Kanouse, Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 20: 75. 1935. Apothecia as above, 1-2 mm. broad and 1-1.5 mm. high; hymenium bright-yellow to orange-yellow, margin white to pale- yellow; asci reaching a length of 100-125 n and a diameter of 8-9 n; spores with two to four oil-drops, 4-5 X 14-16 n, brown when mature; paraphyses 2-3 n in diameter at their apices. On decaying wood. Type locality: Harbor Springs, Michigan. Distribution: Michigan. Illustrations: Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 20: pi. 15,f. 4. 34. PSEUDOPEZIZA Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 290. 1869. Drepanopeziza (Kleb.) Hohn. Ann. Myc. 15: 332. 1917. Pseudopeziza subg. Drepanopeziza Kleb. Zeitsch. Pflanzenkr. 16: 76. 1906. Apothecia erumpent, usually on living leaves, gregarious, minute, soft and fleshy, the margin often crenulate; asci cylindric- clavate, 4-8-spored; spores ovoid, simple, hyaline; paraphyses filiform and often much curved. Type species, Ascohohis Trifolii Biv.-Bern. On leguminose plants. On leaves of Trifolinm. 1. P. Trifolii. On leaves of Medicago. 2. P. Medicaginis. Not on leguminose plants. On Ranunculus. 3. P. singularis. On Gentiana. 4. P. Holwayi. On Galium. 5. P. repanda. On Ribes. 6. P. Rihis. On Populus alba. 7. P. Populi-albae. 1. Pseudopeziza Trifolii (Biv.-Bern.) Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 290. 1869. Ascobolus Trifolii Bivona-Bernardi, Stirp. Rar. Sic. 4: 27. 1816. Peziza Trifoliorum Lib. PI. Crypt. Ard. 324. 1837. Phyllachora Trifolii Sacc. Atti Soc. Veneto Sci. Nat. Padova 2: 145. 1873. Phacidium Trifolii GiU. Champ. Fr. Discom. 170. 1886. Trochilia Trifolii DeNot.; Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-FI. V: 597. 1891. Mollisia Trifolii Phill. Brit. Discom. 199. 1887. Apothecia occurring on brown spots 1-3 mm. in diameter on living leaves, submerged, becoming erumpent, at first closed, opening and becoming nearly flat, .3-.5 mm. in diameter, brown- ish, waxy; asci clavate, reaching a length of 60-80 fx and a diam- eter of 10-14 ju, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, or ovoid, simple, 186 The North American Cup-Fungi usually with one oil-drop, 5-7 X 10-15 /x; paraphyses filiform, enlarged above, 3-4 m thick. On living leaves of species of Trifolium. Type locality : Europe. Distribution: Probably throughout North America where clover grows; also in Europe. Illustrations: Bivona-Bernardi, Stirp. Rar. Sic. 4: pi. 6, /. J; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. X': 594,/. 1-6; E. & P. Nat. Pfl. l^: 216./ 168. A-C; Briosi & Cavara, Fung. Par. 68. ExsiCCATi: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2626; Rab.-Winter-Paz. Fungi Eu. 3872 (from California); Barth. Fungi Columb. 1755, 3164; Clements, Crypt. Form. Colo. 285; Se>m. & Earle, Econ. Fungi 511; Rehm, Ascom. 614c (from London, Canada). Nannfeldt (Nova Acta Soc. Sci. Upsal. \V. 8: 179.) regards the form on Trifolium arvense as distinct and lists it under the name Pseudopeziza Trifolii-arvensis. 2. Pseudopeziza Medicaginis (Lib.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 724. 1889. Phacidium Medicaginis Lib. PI. Crypt. -Ard. 176. 1832. ?Pyrenopeziza Medicaginis Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 295. 1869. Phyllachora Medicaginis Sacc. Alalpighia 1: 455. 1888. Apothecia minute, expanded and subdiscoid, ochraceous- brown, seated on yellowish, suborbicular spots, opening with a laciniate aperture through the epidermis, .5-1 mm. in diameter; asci stipitate, subcylindric, attenuated above, 8-spored, reaching a length of 75-80 ^ and a diameter of 10 /x; spores 2-seriate, ovoid, simple, hyaline, 4-6 X 8 11 /u; jjaraphyses filiform-clavate. On living or d\ing leaves of species, of Medicago, Trigonella and Melilotiis. Type locality: Europe. Distribution : Throughout North America or wherever the hosts are grown. Illustrations: Briosi & Cavara, Fungi, Par. 262. ExsicCATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fung. 1319; Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 1319, 2627, 3059, Fungi Columb. 533; Barth. Fungi Columb. 2554, 3059, 3927, 4250, 4345, 4551, Seaver, N. Dak. Fungi 18; Griff. West Am. Fungi 337; Se\m. & Earle, Econ. Fungi 506; Solh. Myc. Sax. Exsicc. 8. Nannfeldt (Nova Acta Soc. Sci. Upsla. I^^ 8: 179) regards Fuckel's material as distinct and assigns the new name Pseudo- peziza Jonesii to it. PSEUDOPEZIZA 187 Sydow (Ann. M\c 34: 396) regards the form on Melilotiis alba as distinct and describes the species Pseiidopeziza Meliloti. 3. Pseudopeziza singularis (Peck) Davis, Trans. Wise. Acad. Sci. 17: 863. 1914. Peziza singularis Peck, Ami. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 35: 142. 1884. MoUisia singularis Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 328. 1889. Apothecia minute but often forming irregular, confluent patches 1 mm. or more in diameter, seated on pallid spots, dingy-gray, or pale amber-colored; hymenium plane, or convex; asci clavate, reaching a length of 50-70 m and a diameter of 7-10 /x; spores 1-seriate or partial!)' 2-seriate, elongate-ellipsoid, 4-5 X 10-15 p.; paraphyses filiform. On living leaves of species of Ranunculus. Type locality: ELast Berne, New York. Distribution: New York and Wisconsin. ExsiCCATi: Davis, Fungi Wise. 35. 4. Pseudopeziza Holwayi P. Henn. Hedwigia 41: Beiljl. (64). 1902. Apothecia hypophyllous, erumpcnt, at first subglobosc, finally cup-shaped to discoid, sessile, the margin brownish-black, .3 to .9 mm. in diameter; hymenium plane or nearly so, cinereous- violet; asci clavate, or subfusoid, 8-spored, reaching a length of 50-80 ij. and a diameter of 10-14 /x; spores 2-seriate, ellipsoid, or fusoid, 4-5 X 15-21 /x; paraphyses simple, filiform, thickened above. On living leaves of Geritiana. Type locality: Mexico. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. P. Hennings states that it is not unlikeh that at maturity the spores become 1-septate which, if true, would jjlace it in the genus Fahraea. 5. Pseudopeziza repanda (Fries) Karst. Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 2«: 161. 1885. Phacidium repandum Fries, Vet. Akad Handl. 1819: 108. 1819. Leptotrochila repanda Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 246. 1871. Apothecia at first lighth' submerged, soon becoming super- ficial but deep seated in the tissues of the host, opening with a laciniate margin, .3 mm. in diameter, externally greenish-black; 188 The North American- Cup-Fungi hymenium concave, dingy-brown ; asci clavate, reaching a length of 50-60 n and a diameter of 6-7 /x, 8-spored ; spores 2-seriate, or partially so, fusoid, 3-4 X 16-12 ju; paraphyses filiform. On living leaves of Galium and occasionally on other herba- ceous plants. Type locality : Europe. Distribution: Oregon; also in Europe. Illustrations: Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung, pi 4, f. 6 (as Xyloma herharum.) The only American specimens seen are two collected in Oregon on Galium boreale and Galium triflorum. The fungus seems to agree well with European specimens. 6. Pseudopeziza Ribis Rehm; Kleb. Cent. Bakt. 11. 15: 336. 1905. Gloeosporium Ribis Kleb. Zeit. Pflanzenk. 16: 76. 1906. Drepanopeziza Ribis Hohn. Ann. Myc. 15: 332. 1917. Apothecia erumpent, with a short, stout, stem-like base, be- coming nearly plane, .25 mm. in diameter; asci clavate, reaching a length of 80-100 y. and a diameter of 18-20 /x, 8-spored; spores ovoid, 7-8 X 12-17 /x; paraphyses filiform, branched, scarcely enlarged above. On leaves of species of Ribes. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Ontario and Oregon; also in Europe. 7. Pseudopeziza Populi-albae Kleb. Haupt.-Nebenfr. Ascom. 344. 1918. Drepanopeziza Populi-albae Nannf. Nova Acta Soc. Sci. LIpsal. IV. 8: 170. 1932. Trochilia populorum Desni. Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 4: 858. 1857. Sensu Edgerton, Mycologia 2: 169. 1910. Apothecia at first somewhat globose, expanding and becoming plane, or slightly concave, surrounded by the upturned fragments of the ruptured epidermis, .1-.2 mm. in diameter; asci clavate, reaching a length of 60-80 /x and a diameter of 12-14 /x, 8-spored; spores 1-2-seriate, ellipsoid, usually with two large oil-drops, hyaline, 5-7.2 X 12-16 /x; paraphyses filiform, somewhat enlarged above. On leaves of Populus alba. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York and Georgia; also in Europe, Fabraea 189 Illustrations: Mycologia 2: 170,/. 1-5; 172, f. 6, 7. The conidial stage Marsonia Castagnei (Desm. & Mont.) Magn. is said to be widely distributed in the United States but the perfect stage rarely collected. Doubtful Species Pseudopeziza Bistortae (Lib.) Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 290. 1869. This species has been reported from Alaska in Harriman Alaska Exped. 5: 23, on Polygonum viviparum. No material seen. Pseudopeziza Cerastiorum Arenariae Sacc; Sacc. Peck, & Trelease in Harriman Alaska Exped. 5: 23. 1904. This variety was described by Sac- cardo from material collected on Yakutat Bay, Alaska on dead leaves of Arenaria lateriflora. Said to differ from the species in its larger spores, 4-4.5 X 14-16 M. 35. FABRAEA Sacc. Michelia 2: 331. 1881. Diplocarpon Wolf, Bot. Gaz. 54: 231. 1912. Apothecia at first submerged, becoming superficial, sessile, becoming expanded and subdiscoid, soft and fleshy; asci cylindric to clavate, usually 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, or ovoid, becoming 1 -septate; paraphyses filiform. Type species, Phacidium congener Ces. Occurring on herbaceous plants. On Ranunculus. 1- F- Ranunculi. On Fragaria. 2. F. Earliana. On woody plants. On Rosa. 3. F. Rosae. On Pyrus, Amelanchier, and Cydonia. 4. F. maculata. 1. Fabraea Ranunculi (Fries) Karst. Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 2«: 161. 1885. Dothidea Ranunculi Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 562. 1823. Phlyctidium Ranunculi Wallr. Fl. Crypt. Germ. 2: 420. 1833. Excipula Ranunculi Rab. Deutsch. Krypt.-FI. 1: 153. 1844. Phacidium Ranunculi Lib. PI. Crypt. Ard. 69. 1830. Pseudopeziza Ranunculi Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 290. 1869. Mollisia Ranunculi Phill. Brit. Discom. 200. 1887. Phacidium litigiosum Rob. & Desm. Ann. Sci Nat. IIL 8: 181. 1847. Fabraea liligiosa Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 735. 1889. Apothecia occurring for the most part on discolored spots on the under side of the leaves, at first submerged, becoming erumpent and finally superficial, at first rounded, later cup- shaped, then nearly plane, externally brown, or brownish-black; hymenium concave to plane, dull-gray, or brownish; asci clavate. 190 The North American Cup-Fungi reaching a length of 60-85 ^ and a diameter of 12-14 ^i, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid to ovoid, at first simple, becoming 1 -septate, 5-6 X 12-15 /i; paraphyses filiform 3 fx in diameter above. On the under side of living leaves of Ranunculus. Type locality : Europe. Distribution : Maine to Toronto and Nebraska. ExsiCCATi: Barth. Fungi Columb. 2625; Reliq. Farlow. 638. 2. Fabraea Earliana (Ellis & Ev.) Seaver, comb. nov. Leptothyrium Fragariae Lib. PI. Crypt. Ard. 162. 1832. Ascochyta colorata Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 38: 94. 1884. Peziza Earliana Ellis & Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 11: 74. 1884. Marsonia Fragariae Sacc. Malpighia 10: 276. 1896. Diplocarpon Earliana Wolf, Jour. Elisha Mitch. Sci. Soc. 39: 158. 1924. Mollisia Earliana Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 328. 1889. Conidial stage forming reddish, or purplish spots on the leaves of the host; acervuli black, usually epiphyllous; conidia unsymmetrical, 1 -septate, the upper cell larger, constricted at the septum, 5-7 X 18-30 y.. Apothecia discoid, mostly hypophyllous, dark-brown to black, reaching .3 mm. in diameter, at first submerged, becoming erumpent at maturity, splitting with an irregular margin, closing when dry; hymenium yellow to brown; asci clavate, reaching a length of 55-70 ii and a diameter of 15-20 m; 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, curved, hyaline, unequall}' 2-celled, the upper larger, constricted at the septum, 4-6 X 18-28 ju; paraphyses capitate. On fallen leaves of Fragaria sp. Type locality: Anna, Illinois. Distribution: Widely distributed in eastern United States and Canada. Illustrations: Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 38: pi. 2,f. 9, 10; Jour. Elisha Mitch. Sci. Soc. 39: pi. 9-15; Tech. Bull. N. C. Agr. Exp. Sta. 28: pi. 7J. 3-5; Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 42: 193, /. 9-13. ExsiCCATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 2043. 3. Fabraea Rosae (Wolf) Seaver, comb. nov. Asteroma Rosae Lib. Mem. Soc. Linn. Paris 5: 405. 1827. Actinonema Rosae Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 424. 1849. Dicoccum Rosae Bonord. Bot. Zeit. 11: 282. 1853. Marsonia Rosae Trail, Trans. Crypt. Soc. Scotland 14: 46. 1889. Diplocarpon Rosae Wolf, Bot. Gaz. 54: 231. 1912. Conidial stage forming large, dark-brown, or blackish spots, sometimes becoming confluent and involving the entire leaf; Pestalopezia 191 conidia formed on erumpent acervuli, 1 -septate and constricted at the septum, 5-6 X 18-25 /x. Apothecia epiphyllous, sphaerical to discoid, .25 mm. in diameter, at first closed, opening with a stellate aperture; asci subclavate, reaching a length of 70 80 ju and a diameter 15 n, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, hyaline, unequally 2-celled, constricted at the septum, 5-6 X 20-25 fx; paraphyses filiform, enlarged at their apices. On leaves of Rosa sp. Type locality: Auburn, Alabama. Distribution: The conidial stage, black-spot of rose, is widely distributed wherever the rose is cultivated. Illustrations: Mem. Soc. Linn. Paris 5: pi. 5, f. 3; Bot. Gaz. 54: pi. 13. 4. Fabraea maculata (Lev.) Atkinson, Science N. S. 30: 452. 1909. Entomosporium maculatum Lev. in Moug. & Nestl. Stirp. Crypt. 1457. I860. Apothecia minute, inconspicuous in dried specimens, when moist swelling up and making their appearance through the ruptured epidermis, often ellipsoid in form; asci 8-spored; spores hyaline, 1 -septate. On leaves of Pyrus, Amelanchier and Cydonia. Type locality: New York. Distribution: Widely distributed in North America on cultivated pear and quince. When Atkinson published a preliminary report of this he promised a more complete description later but this apparently was never done. Doubtful Species Fabraea cincta Sacc. & Scalia; Sacc. Peck, & Trelease in Harriman Alaska Exped. 5: 23. 1904. On suborbicular or irregular spots 1-2 mm. in diam- eter; apothecia erumpent, 300-400 m in diameter; asci 18-20 X 70-90 m< 8- spored; spores elongate-ellipsoid, 5-6.5 X 15-20 ju; paraphyses filiform with capitate apices. On fading leaves of Rubus, Yakutat Bay, Alaska. No material has been seen. . 36. PESTALOPEZIA Seaver, Mycologia 34: 300. 1942. Apothecia superficial, sessile, or subsessile, at first subglobose, becoming expanded and subdiscoid, externally pruinose, or tomentose, light-colored; hymenium becoming nearly plane, 192 The North American Cup-Fungi dark-colored, almost black; asci 8-spored, subcylindric; paraphy- ses filiform and rather strongly enlarged. With a Pestalotia as its conidial stage. Type species, Dermatea hrunneopruinosa Zeller. On leaves of Caultheria Shallon in the far west. 1. P. brunneopruinosa. On leaves of Rhododendron maximum in the east. 2. P. Rhododendri. 1. Pestalopezia brunneopruinosa (Zeller) Seaver, Mycologia 34:300. 1942. Pestalotia gihbosa Hark. Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 2: 439. 1887. Dermatea brunneopruinosa Zeller, Mycologia 26: 291. 1934. Apothecia superficial, .6-2 mm. in diameter, closed at first, then cup-shaped, sessile to short-stipitate, externally powder>'- villose, fawn-colored to wood-brown; hymenium fuscous-black due to the brownish tips of the paraphyses which form an epithecium; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 120-140 n and a diameter of 10-14 m; spores ellipsoid, hyaline, 1-seriate, containing one or two oil-drops, 7-10 X 14-20 /x; paraphyses slender, clavate, light-brown above, 4-6 /x in diameter at their tips. On large dead spots on leaves of Gaultheria Shallon associated with Pestalotia gibbosa which represents its conidial stage. Type locality: Coos County, Oregon. Distribution: Washington to northern California. 2. Pestalopezia Rhododendri Seaver, Mycologia 34: 300. 1942. (Plate 112.) Apothecia sparingly scattered near the center of circular or subcircular dead spots apparently caused by the conidial or associated stage of the fungus, Pestalotia, the spots becoming brown and bordered with concentric rings of variegated colors from red to brownish the apothecia not exceeding 1 mm. in diameter, appearing as minute, light-colored balls, gradually expanding and exposing the dark-colored discs; asci subcylindric to clavate, tapering into a short, stem-like base, reaching a length of 150 m and a diameter of 14 m, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate, ellipsoid, hyaline, 8 X 16 m; paraphyses slightly enlarged above, pale-brown, reaching a diameter of 6 m at their apices. Associated with what appears to be the Pestalotia stage on Rhododendron, the spores with three brown cells, 10 X 20 /x, CUP-FUNGI PLATE 1 12 / ' ! / l( ■■I '**XM '-'■"^* I X 1 ^ .* 9 PESTALOPZIA RHODODENDRI Tapesia 193 exclusive of the basal cell and bearing three appendages at the opposite end. Type locality: Pineola, North Carolina. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 34: 299,/. 1. ExsiccATi: Ellis & Ev. Fungi Golumb. 331 (as Dermatea John to). Doubtful Species Cenangella Ericae (Fries) Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. 1'': 232. 1889; Cenangium Ericae Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 188. 1822. This species was described as the perfect stage of Pestalotia Callunae Ces. on Calluna. One specimen on Ledum groehlandicum seems to agree with the one reported on Calluna. This is the only North American specimen seen. If the reported connection is correct this species should be transferred to the genus Pestalopezia. 37. TAPESIA (Pers.) Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. P: 574. 1891. Peziza [subg.] Tapesia Pers. Myc. Eu. 1: 270. 1822. Apothecia superficial, seated on a conspicuous web of white, or dark-colored mycelium, minute, usually less than 1 mm. in diameter, soft and wa.xy, scutellate, or discoid, the excipulum dark; hymenium often at first light-colored, becoming dark; asci cylindric, or clavate, 4-8-spored; spores ellipsoid, fusoid, or elongated, never or rarely septate, hyaline; paraphyses filiform. T\pe species, Peziza fusca Pers. This genus differs from MoUisia onh* in the presence of the subiculum. Apothecia seated on a brown or black subiculum. On wood or branches of various kinds. Spores relatively large, 12-14 ix long. Spores mostly less than 12 m long. On swollen branches of Bigelovia. Not on swollen branches. On old decaying wood. Hymenium white or yellow. Hymenium brown. On recently killed branches. On stems of Rosa. On twigs of Ribes. On branches of Sambucus. On branches of Carpinus and Betula. On leaves of Abies balsamea. Apothecia on a white mycelium. Spores 2-3 X 7-10 n, on Betula. Spores 7 X 15 m, on grass and old wood. 1. 7. fusca. 2. T. tumefacieus. 3. T. culcitella. 4. T. mollisioides. 5. T. Rosae. 6. T. ribicola . 7. T. coloradensis. 8. T. lividofusca. 9. T. balsamicola. ,0. T. secamenti. 11. T. earina. 194 The North American Cup-Fungi 1. Tapesia fusca (Pers.) Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 302. 1869. Pezizafusca Pers. Obs. Myc. 1: 29. 1796. Peziza subiculata Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 174. 1832. Peziza griseopulveracea Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 174. 1832. Mollisia fusca Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 207. 1871. ?Peziza vincta Cooke & Peck, Grevillea 1: 6. 1872. Tapesia cinerella Rehm, Hedwigia 21: 102. 1882. Tapesia vincta Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 372. 1889. Tapesia subiculata Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 380. 1889. Tapesia griseopulveracea Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 380. 1889. Tapesia Rhois Fairman, Proc. Rochester Acad. Sci. 3: 216. 1900. Apothecia seated on a widely, densely efifused subiculum of brown filaments, scattered, or gregarious, at first urn-shaped, black, finally expanding and becoming cinereous-brown, or cinereous-yellow, reaching a diameter of 1 mm.; hymenium pallid-cinereous to pale-yellowish; asci fusoid-clavate, reaching a length of 55-68 n and a diameter of 6-8 ju, 8-spored; spores fusoid, usually simple, occasionally doubtfully 1 -septate, 2-3 X 12-14 )u; paraphyses filiform, 2-4 n in diameter. On wood and bark of various kinds. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York to Oregon and North Carolina; probably widely distributed. Illustrations: Rab. Krypt.-FI. P: 573./. 1-5: E. & P. Nat. Pfl. P: 211./. 165, A. B.; Greville, Scot. Crypt. Fl. 4: pi. 192. No specimen of Peziza vincta Cooke & Peck has been seen but the description suggests the above. 2. Tapesia tumefaciens Ellis & Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 281. 1897. Apothecia densely gregarious, or in broad strips appearing through cracks in the bark, seated on a thick subiculum, when fresh about 2 mm. in diameter, mouse-colored, soft and fleshy, the margin fringed with olivaceous, straight hairs; hymenium slightly concave; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 70-75 n and a diameter of 8-10 /x, 8-spored; spores obliquely 1-seriate, ellipsoid, hyaline, 5-6 X 8-11 ^i paraphyses stout, about 2 n thick. On swollen dead stems of Bigelovia graveolens. Type locality: Colorado. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Tapesia 195 Ellis states: "When dry the opposite sides of the ascomata are rolled together in a hysteriform manner. The habit is that of Angelina rufescens Duby." "The mycelium penetrates the wood and causes the stems to swell in the same manner as Monfagnella tumefaciens E. & M." 3. Tapesia culcitella (Cooke & Ellis) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 374. 1889. Peziza culcitella Cooke & Ellis, Grevillea 6: 7. 1877. Apothecia gregarious, about 1 mm. broad, at first depressed urn-shaped, expanding to plane, seated on a sparse, brown, byssoid stratum, at first milk-white, pallid, or yellowish when dry, externally quite smooth; asci narrowly clavate-cylindric; spores narrow-ellipsoid, 2 X 8 m! paraphyses filiform. Inside an old oak stump, Quercus. Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. Distribution: Newfoundland and New Jersey. Exsiccati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 388. This looks like MoUisia melaleuca except for the subiculum. 4. Tapesia mollisioides (Schw.) Sacc. Michelia 2: 140. 1880. Peziza mollisiaeoides Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. See. II. 4: 174. 1832. Apothecia seated on a brownish-black subiculum, minute, about .12 mm. in diameter, becoming plane, or slightly concave, sessile, brown; hymenium paler; asci clavate, reaching a length of 50-55 /x and a diameter of 10 m, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid to subfusoid, 3 X 8-9 n, slightly curved; paraphyses filiform. On old wood. Type locality: Pennsylvania. Distribution: New England to Ohio and South Carolina. 5. Tapesia Rosae (Pers.) Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 301. 1869. Peziza Rosae Pers. Syst. Myc. 656. 1801. MoUisia Rosae Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 208. 1871. Lachnea Rosae Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 92. 1882. Apothecia sparse, or gregarious, seated on a broadly effused subiculum of brown hyphae, subtomentose, or smooth, brown, slightly concave, coriaceous, contracted and deformed when dry, 1 mm. in diameter; hymenium grayish-white; asci cylindric- clavate, reaching a length of 45-60 ^x and a diameter of 6-8 ju, 8-spored; spores, fusoid, 2-2.5 X 7-9 ^; paraphyses filiform. On stems of species of Rosa. 196 The North American Cup-Fungi Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York to Pennsylvania and Colorado; also in Europe. Illustrations: Boud. Ic. Myc. pi. 539. Exsiccati: Clements, Crypt. Form. Colo. 524. 6. Tapesia ribicola Cash, Mycologia 28: 300. 1936. Apothecia sessile, superficial, depressed-globose, then patel- late, irregularly contorted when dry, often hysteroid, or triangu- lar, gregarious, soft-fleshy, reaching a diameter of 1.5 mm., externally brownish-black to black and smooth near the base, dull-gray to white and fimbriate at the margin; hymenium light- gray; asci cylindric-clavate, short-stipitate, narrowed at the apex, 8-spored, reaching a length of 35-50 /i and a diameter of 4.5-5 n; spores 2-seriate, elongate-ellipsoid to clavate, hyaline, simple, straight, or slightly curved, 1.5-2 X 7-11 fx; paraphyses filiform, hyaline, septate, unbranchcd, not enlarged above. On twigs of Rihes montigenum. Type locality: Mesa Lakes, Colorado. Distribution : Colorado. Illustrations: Mycologia 28: 302,/. 3. 7. Tapesia coloradensis Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1894:350. 1894. Apothecia scattered, or gregarious, sessile, seated on the epidermis or on the surface of the inner bark, surrounded by a thin, brown, subiculum composed of slender, pale-brown, sparingly septate hyphae, reaching a diameter of 1-2 mm., ex- ternally nearly black; hymenium glaucous-white, or livid-white at first, becoming nearly black when dry; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 45-55 jx and a diameter of 8-10 n, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, 2-seriate, smoky-hyaline, often slightly curved, 2.5-3.5 X 8-11 ij.; paraphyses stout, evanescent. On bark of Sambucus melanocarpa. Type locality: Cameron Pass, Colorado, elevation 10,000 ft. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 8. Tapesia lividofusca (Fries) Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. 1^: 576. 1891. Peziza lividofusca Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 147. 1822. Niptera lividofusca Fuckel, Symb. Myc. Nacht. 2: 58. 1873. Mollisia lividofusca Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 127. 1882. Tapesia 197 Apothecia for the most part gregarious, occasionally confluent, seated on a thick, brown, mycelial subiculum, at first globose and closed, opening and becoming cup-shaped, later expanded, shallow cup-shaped, externally brown, reaching a diameter of .2-2 mm., waxy; hymenium, gray, or yellowish-white; asci clavate, reaching a length of 50-60 n and a diameter of 5-6 fx, 8-spored; spores fusiform, straight, or slightly curved, 2.5-3 X 9-12 n; paraphyses filiform 2 ju in diameter. On dead branches of Carpinns, Betula etc. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Reported from Illinois and Nebraska: also in Europe. Dr. B. Kanouse (Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 20: 69. 1935.) reports Tapesia lividofusca var. fallax (Desm.) Rehm on cones of Picea mariana from Michigan. No material has been seen. 9. Tapesia balsamicola (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 376. 1889. Peziza balsamicola Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 34: 51. 1883. Apothecia seated on a subiculum consisting of two kinds of mycelium one black, coarse and producing large, three- or four- lobed, spore-like bodies, the other hyaline, delicate, producing narrow-fusiform conidia, minute, less than .5 mm. in diameter, sessile, smooth, waxy, whitish; asci clavate, reaching a length of 40-50 ijl; spores, subfusoid, with three or four oil-drops, 5-7 X 15-20 n; paraphyses filiform. On dead or dying leaves of Abies balsamea. Type locality: Stony Clove, Catskill Mountains, New York. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 34: pi. 1, f. 14-21. Part of the type collection is in the herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. 10. Tapesia secamenti Fairman, Ann. Myc. 8: 329. 1910. Apothecia seated on a white mycelium which is arachnoid and radiating from the cup bottom, later becoming extended and intricately interwoven and composed of simple, or sparingly branched, continuous, smooth, hyaline hyphae 3 jj. thick, globose, then expanded, brownish-olivaceous, sessile, about 1 mm. in diameter; hymenium white at first, often becoming pale straw- colored; asci fusoid-cylindric, reaching a length of 57 ju and a 198 The' North American Cup-Fungi diameter of 6 /x; spores 1 -senate, ellipsoid, or fusoid, 2-3 X 7-10 n; paraphyses indistinct. On old chips of Betula. Type locality: Lyndonville, New York. Distribution: New York and Michigan. 11. Tapesia carina (Ellis) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 377. 1889. Peziza carina Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 8: 124. 1881. Apothecia thin, soft, seated on a loose mycelium of dirty- white, matted, cottony hairs, circular about 1 mm. in diameter; hymenium brick-red when dry; asci cylindric, reaching a length of 100-125 /x and a diameter of 12 /i, 8-spored; spores 1 -seriate, ellip- soid, usually with one oil-drop, 7 X 15 ju; paraphyses rather stout, thickened above. On dead stems and leaves of grasses and on weather-beaten wood, still partly covered with snow. Type locality: Pleasant Valley, Utah, elevation 6,000 feet. Distribution : Known only from the type locality. Doubtful and Excluded Species Tapesia anomala (Pers.) Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 300. 1869; Peziza anomala Pers. Obs. Myc. 1: 29. 1796; Solenia anomala Fuckel, Symb. Myc. Nacht. 1: 290. 1871. This is now regarded as a Solenia. Widely distributed. Tapesia arachnoidea (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 384. 1889; Peziza arachnoidea Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 174. 1832. The type of this species was examined by the writer on May 2, 1916, and no apothecia could be found. The description is brief and incomplete and the species must re- main in doubt. Tapesia atrofusca (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 373. 1889; Peziza atrofusca Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 3: 156. 1875. The original descrip- tion states "Cups dark brown, with an inflexed crenulated granulated margin springing from a pale ochre membranaceous stratum." This is all that is known of the species. No specimens seen. Probabh^ Tapesia fusca. Tapesia Bloxami (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 380. 1889; Peziza Bloxami Berk. & Curt. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. II. 7: 181. 1851. This species has been rejected by Phillips (Brit. Discom. 408) since no fruit could be found. Tapesia cinerella Rehni, Hedwigia 21: 102. 1882. Reported on stems of Gaultheria Shallon from Washington by Dr. B. Kanouse. No material seen. Tapesia daedalea (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 379. 1889; Peziza daedalea Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 174. 1832. Specimens distributed under this name (Rav. Fungi Car. 1: 37) are referred apparently b\' Ellis to Solenia poriaeformis. The type in the Schweinitz was examined by the writer May 2, 1916. Tapesia derelida Morgan, Jour. Myc. 8: 186. 1902. No specimen has been seen but the white subiculum and septate spores strongly suggest Arach- nopeziza aurelia. MOLLISIA ' 199 Tapesia discincola (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 384. 1889; Peziza discin- cola Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 174. 1832. The type of this species in the Schweinitz Collection has been examined and found very unsatisfactory. Tapesia megaloma (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 378. 1889; Peziza mega- lotna Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 175. 1832. This was reported on rotten wood. No specimens have been seen and details of the fruits are un- known. Tapesia melaleucoides var. Vaccinii Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. P: 578. 1891. This species which was distributed by Rehm (Ascom. 153 b) as Tapesia ftisca has been reported from Michigan by Dr. B. Kanouse. No American material has been seen. Tapesia pruinala (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 379. 1889; Peziza pruinata Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1: 120. 1822. This is Solenia poriaeformis (Pers.) Fries. Tapesia sanguinea (Pers.) Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 303. 1869; Peziza san- guinea Pers. Tent. Disp. Fung. 34. 1797; Patellaria sanguinea Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 231. 1871; Patellea sanguinea Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 284. 1889. This species belongs with the Patellariaceae which are not treated in this work. Tapesia scariosa (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 375. 1889; Peziza scariosa Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 3: 156. 1875. Original description reads: "Cups collapsing, confluent, black with a whitish margin springing from a black subiculum; sporidia slender, subfusiform. Allied to P. fusca." A small specimen and drawing by Massee are in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden. Nothing more is known of it. Tapesia tela (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 373. 1889; Peziza tela Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 3: 156. 1875. This is Cyphella tela (Berk. & Curt.) Massee, Jour. Myc. 6: 179. 1891. Tapesia tenebrosa (Karst.) Nannf. Nova Acta Soc. Sci. Upsal. IV. 8: 165. 1932. Reported from Michigan by Dr. B. Kanouse on oak bark. Charac- terized by the stroma-like base of coarse hyphae on which the apothecia are seated. Asci 5-6 X 30-40 m; spores 1.5-2 X 5-5.5 /x. 38. MOLLISIA Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 187. 1871. Mollisiopsis Rehm, Ann. Myc. 6: 315. 1908. Dibelonis Clements, Gen. Fungi 87, 175. 1909. Apothecia usually dark-colored, sordid, the hymenium oc- casionally light-colored, externally smooth, or occasionally slightly roughened; asci clavate to cylindric, or curved, some- times short and subglobose to ellipsoid, fusiform, or baciliform; paraphyses usually filiform, more rarely lanceolate, hyaline, or colored. Type species, Peziza cinerea Batsch. The genus Mollisiopsis was established for species with lanceolate paraphyses. 200 The North American Cup-Fungi This is a large and difficult genus, new species having been described on the flimsiest pretext and often based on a single specimen in many cases none too good. It is hoped that the following enumeration ma>- be of some assistance to the collector. Occurring on phanerogams. On dicotyledonous plant tissues. On rotten wood. Spores 2-5 /x thick. Spores not e.vceeding 10 tx long. Hymeniuni cinereous or lixid. Spores 6-10 M long. Spores 3.5-4.5 y. long. Hymenium whitish. Hymenium pale-brown. Spores 10 /.( or more long. Hymenium orange-yellow. Hymenium bluish-gray. Hymenium horn-colored. Hymenium sooty-black. Hymenium whitish. Spores slender, 1.5-2 ^ thick. H\menium whitish. Spores 6-9 m long. Spores 4-6 jj. long. Hymenium leather-colored. Hymeniuni lilac-colored. On dead herbaceous stems. Spores 16-18 yu long. Spores not e.xceeding 10 ^ long. On dead stems of Polygonum. On dead stems of Asclepias. On dead stems of Thalictriim. On compositae. Spores scarceh- 5 /x long. Spores \0 n long. On stems of various kinds. On living or recently killed leaves. On living Potentilla. On leaves of Amophila. On leaves of Angelica. On leaves of Antennaria. On leaves of Gaultheria. On petioles of Juglans. On a variety of herbaceous plants. On monocotyledonous plant tissues. Spores 25-30 n long. On Andropogon. On Scirpus. 1. M. cinerea. 2. M. Fairmani. 3. M. melaleuca. 4. M. microcarpa. 5. M. aureofulva. 6. M. caesia. 7. M. stibcornen. 8. M. fumigata. 9. M. glenospora. 10. M. vulgaris. 11. M. caespiticia. 12. M. ettcoelioides. 13. M. lilacina. 14. M. apiophila. 15. M. Polygon!. 16. M. Asclepiadis. 17. M. suhcinerea. 18. M. exigiia. 19. M. erigeronata. 20. M. atrata. 21. M. Dehnii. 22. M. clavigera. 23. M. Angelicae. 24. M. lanaria. 25. M. Gaultheriae. 26. M. abdita. 27. M. Oenotherae. 28. M. atriella. 29. M. scirpina. MOLLISIA 201 Spores less than 25 yu long. Spores 15-21 fx long. On Juncus. 30. M. stictoidea. On leaves of Iris. 31. M. Iridis. Spores 9-14 ix long. On grasses of various kinds. 32. M. hydropkila. On Typha. 33. M. epilyphn. On Juncus alpinus. 34. M. alpina. Spores 4-6 tx long. On petioles of Sabal. 35. M. Sahalidis. On dead stems of Smilax. 36. M. nipternides Occurring on cryptogams. On fern stems, Osmunda. 37. M. teuella. On fungi. On Polyporus. 38. M. incrustata. On Scoleconectria. 39. M. Scoleconectriae. 1. Mollisia cinerea (Batsch) Karst. Myc. Fcnii. 1: 189. 1871. Peziza cinerea Batsch, Elench. Fung. Cont. 1: 197. 1786. Niptera cinerea Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 292. 1869. Apothecia gregarious, or scattered, at first subglobose, then expanding and becoming nearly plane, or occasionally repand, cinereous, with a whitish margin; hymenium undulate, cinereous to yellowish, often becoming nearly black; asci cylindric-clavate, 8-spored, reaching a length of 45-60 fj. and a diameter of 5 7 n, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid to fusoid, 2-seriate, straight, or curved, 2-3 X 6-10 IX] paraphyses filiform, enlarged above to 3-5 /x in diameter. On decaying wood of many kinds. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Throughout North America; also in Europe. Illustrations: Batsch, Elench. Fung. pi. 26, f. 137; Boud. Ic. Myc. pi. 541; Phill. Brit. Discom. pi. 6,f. 32; E. & P. Nat. PH. 11; 213,/. 166, A, B; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. P: 505,/. 7, 8. ExsiCCATi: Clements, Crypt. Form. Colo. 87; Wilson & Seaver, Ascom. 39. Numerous varieties of this species have been recorded b\' Saccardo, among them cuhnina and caricina. Mollisia culmina var. caricina (Sacc.) Rehm has been recorded from Michigan by Dr. B. Kanouse on Carex. No material has been seen. 2. Mollisia Fairmani (Ellis & Ev.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 302. 1889. Peziza Fairmani Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 4: 56. 1888. Pseudohelotium Fairmani Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 302. 1889. 202 The North American Cup-Fungi Apothecia sessile, gregarious, concave with the margin sub- incurved, then expanding to plane, or sHghtly convex, reaching a diameter of .75 mm., externall}^ clothed with glandular hair-like structures; hymenium livid, paler toward the margin; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 35-40 n and a diameter of 4-5 n; spores 2-seriate or partially so, ellipsoid, the lower end often more acute, 2-2.5 X 3.5-4.5 /x. On inner bark lying on the ground. Type locality: Lyndonville, New York. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 3. Mollisia melaleuca (Fries) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 337. 1889. Peziza melaleuca Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 150. 1822. Niptera melaleuca Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 292. 1869. Patellaria melaleuca Quel. Ench. Fung. 325. 1886. Mollisia lignicola Phill. Grevillea 15: 113. 1887. Pyrenopeziza lignicola Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 366. 1889. Apothecia sessile, waxy, becoming patellate, externally rough, becoming black; hymenium whitish; asci cylindric- clavate, acuminate, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, cylindric, slightly curved, 2 X 8 ju; paraphyses filiform, 2.5 fx in diameter. On old wood. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Maine to Ontario and Michigan; also in Europe. 4. Mollisia microcarpa (Fuckel) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 340. 1889. Niptera (?) microcarpa Fuckel, Symb. Myc. Nacht. 1: 46. 1871. Apothecia gregarious, or scattered, sessile, 1 mm. in diameter, watery-transparent, pale-brown, externally lightly strigose, at first closed, then opening; hymenium concave, flexuous, same color; asci clavate-cylindric, 8-spored, reaching a length of 30 ^ and a diameter of 8 ju; spores 2-seriate, fusoid, 2.5 X 8 m; pa- raphyses filiform. On rotten wood. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Michigan; also in Europe. Reported from Michigan by Dr. B. Kanouse but no specimen seen. MoLLISIA 203 5. Mollisia aureofulva (Cooke) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 339. 1889. Peziza aureofulva Cooke, Hedwigia 14: 83. 1875. Apothecia subgregarious, soft-waxy, minute, at first hemi- spherical, then expanded, .5 mm. in diameter, contracted when dry; externally brown; hymenium convex, orange-yellow; asci clavate-c>lindric; spores ellipsoid, with two oil-drops, 5X8- 15 /x; paraphyses enlarged above. On old wood. Type locality: New Jersey. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 6. Mollisia caesia (Fuckel) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 340. 1889. Niptera caesia Fuckel, Symb. I\hc. Nacht. 1: 47. 187L Apothecia gregarious, sessile, reaching a diameter of 2 mm., becoming plane, finally convex, externally smooth; hymenium bluish-gray; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 55 /x and a diameter of 8 /x; spores fusiform, with two oil-drops, 3 X 14- 16 )u; paraphyses filiform, enlarged above to 3 ^u in diameter. On rotting wood of Fagiis. Type locality : Europe. Distribution: North Dakota; also in Europe. ExsiccATi: Brenckle, Fungi Dak. 533. 7. Mollisia subcornea Phill. & Hark. Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1: 22. 1884. Apothecia scattered, or crowded, occasionally coalescing, sessile, patellate, reddish horn-color, .5-1 mm. in diameter; asci clavate, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, ellipsoid-fusoid, occasionally 1-septate, 3 X 10-12 ju; paraphyses filiform. On branches of Eucalyptus globulus. Type locality: California. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. No specimen has been seen. 8. Mollisia fumigata (Ellis & Ev.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 343. 1889. Peziza fumigata Ellis & Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 11: 41. 1884. Apothecia densely gregarious, minute, .13 .16 mm. in diam- eter, sooty-black; hymenium nearly plane, minutely papillose; asci subc)-lindric, reaching a length of 50 ^ and a diameter of 7 ^; 204 The North American Cup-Fungi spores obliquely arranged, or 2-seriate, with two or three oil- drops, slightly curved, 3 X 9-12 /i. On rotten wood of Magnolia. Type locality: New Jersey. Distribution : Known only from the type locality. No specimen found in New York Botanical Garden Her- barium. 9. Mollisia glenospora (Ellis & Ev.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 343. 1889. Peziza glenospora Ellis & Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 11: 18. 1884. Apothecia sessile, orbicular, .25-. 5 mm. in diameter, dull- white, becoming darker, the margin fringed with a row of erect, subcylindric, continuous, hair-like cells, 2 X 8-10 n\ asci cylin- dric-clavate, reaching a length of 75-80 jx and a diameter of 9-10 n; spores ellipsoid, or more acute at one end, with a single oil-drop, 7-8 X 12-15 /x; paraphyses curved and swollen at their apices. On rotten Magnolia. Type locality: New Jersey. Distribution : Known only from the type locality. 10. Mollisia vulgaris (Fries) Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 119. 1882. Peziza vulgaris Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 146. 1822. Pezizella vulgaris Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 278. 1889. Phialea vulgaris Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 709. 1892. Apothecia subcespitose, membranaceous, sessile, 1 mm. in diameter; hymenium concave, white, or pallid-white; asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 35-45 n and a diameter of 5-6 /x, 8-spored; spores elongate-ellipsoid, straight, or curved, 1.5-2 X 6-9 ju; paraphyses filiform. On rotten wood. Type locality : Europe. Distribution: New Jersey and South Carolina; also in Europe. ExsiCCATi: Rav. Fungi Car. 4: 18. Berkeley (Grevillea 3: 159. 1875) records two varieties of this species: var. myceticola on decaying Polyporus, and on oak Santee River, South California; sanguinella with a pale-orange disc, on Ligiiidamhar , from South Carolina and New England. MOLLISIA 205 Peziza alhella With. (Arrang. Brit. PI. 4: 350. 1796) has been cited by various authors including Fries as a synonym. As pointed out by Phillips (Rev. Myc. 12: 140. 1890) this was an error, apparently referring to Peziza albida. This species is described as having apothecia .25-. 75 of an inch in diameter while the species listed under this name, PezizeUa albella, is only 1 mm. in diameter or less. 11. Mollisia caespiticia Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 188. 1871. Peziza caespiticia Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna. Fl. Fenn. 10: 159. 1869. Apothecia for the most part occurring in cespitose clusters, at first globose and closed, finally opening and becoming cup- shaped, at length nearly plane, externally brownish, .2-1.5 mm. in diameter, waxy ; hymenium grayish-white ; asci clavate, reach- ing a length of 30-45 /x and a diameter of 3-4 fx, 8-spored; spores elongated and somewhat fusoid, straight, or curved, 2- seriate, 1-1.5 X 4-6 jj.; paraphyses filiform, 3 ji in diameter. On old wood, Salix, Ulmus etc. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Michigan; also in Europe. 12. Mollisia encoelioides Rehm in Rab. Kr\pt.-Fl. V: 522. 1891. Apothecia thickly gregarious, sessile but narrowed below, at first globose and closed, finally opening and becoming cup-shaped, .3-1.2 mm. in diameter, externalh' brownish and somewhat rough ; hymenium leather-colored ; asci clavate, reaching a length of 30-35 ju and a diameter of 5 fi, 8-spored; spores cylindric, straight, or somewhat curved, 2-seriate, 1.5 X 5-6 /z; paraphyses filiform, 2.5 ^ in diameter, above irregular, 5 ^ i" diameter and brown. On wood of Salix; also reported on spruce branches. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Michigan; also in Europe. 13. Mollisia lilacina Clements, Bot. Surv. Nebr. 4: 15. 1896. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, discoid, lilac, or pale-livid, testaceous when dry, paler beneath, margin elevated, white- crenulate, reaching a diameter of 1 mm.; asci small, clavate, reaching a length of 30-40 n and a diameter of 3-4 n; spores cylindric, straight, or curved, with one to three oil-drops and 206 The North American Cup-Fungi pseudoseptate, 1-seriate, or becoming 2-seriate, 1.5-2 X 7 10 n; paraphyses cylindric, granular, 2 /i in diameter. On bark of Ulmiis americana, and on stems of Ilelianthus anntins. Type locality: Nebraska. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. ExsiCCATi: Rehm, Ascom. 1222 (from Lincoln, Nebraska). 14. Mollisia apiophila Dearness, Mycologia 8: 98. 1916. Apothecia minute, .3-1 mm. in diameter when fresh, hardly visible to the naked eye when dry, flesh-colored, subsessile, turbinate, about as high as wide; asci reaching a length of 45-52 ju and a diameter of 10-12 ^i; spores 2-seriate, with two to four oil- drops, 4-6 X 16-18 m; paraphyses forming a yellowish layer. On old stems of Apios tuherosn. Type locality: London, Ontario, Canada. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. While this was described as a Mollisia, the color and form would suggest that it might be a Helotiiim. 15. Mollisia Polygoni (Lasch.) Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 120. 1882. Peziza Polygoni Lasch, in Rab. Herb. Myc. 1127. 1866. Peziza lactuosa Cooke, Hedwigia 14: 83. 1875. Niptera Polygoni Rehm, Ber. Naturh. Ver. Augsburg 26: 21. 1881. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, at first hemispherical, the margin incurved, crenulate, then expanding and becoming saucer-shaped, externally brownish, reaching a diameter of 1 mm. though often less; hymenium dull-grayish, or slighth' yellowish; asci clavate, reaching a length of 30-40 p. and a diameter of 5-6 /x. 8-spored; spores ellipsoid to clavate, straight, or curved, 2X7- 9 ju; paraphyses filiform. On stems of species of Polygonum. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New Jersey to Iowa and probably widely distributed in North America; also in Europe. Illustrations: Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa 5: pi. 23, f. 2. Exsiccati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 442. This was commonly collected by the writer in Iowa on old Polygonum stems. MOLLISIA 207 16. Mollisia Asclepiadis Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1895-. 428. 1895. Apothecia at first covered by the epidermis, then erumpent- superficial, circular, .75 mm. in diameter, pale slate-colored, the margin coarsely toothed, or subentire; hymenium plane to convex; asci cylindric, 8-spored, reaching a length of 55-60 /x and a diameter of 6 m; spores for the most part 2-seriate, ellipsoid, or subinequilateral, with usually two oil-drops, 3 X 8-10 m; paraphyses slender. On dead stems of Asclepias. Type locality: London, Canada. Distribution: Known onl)- from the type locality. ExsiccATi: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 3334. 17. Mollisia subcinerea (Rehm) Seaver, comb. nov. Mollisiopsis subcinerea Rehm, Ann. Myc. 6: 315. 1908. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, at first globose-closed, then expanding, .3-1 mm. in diameter, externally brownish, when dry margin inrolled; hymenium hyaline, yellowish when dry; asci clavate, reaching a length of 45-50 ii and a diameter of 6-7 n, 8-spored; spores subclavate, straight, 2-seriate, 2 X 8-9 ju; pa- raphyses lanceolate, 4 5 n in diameter, prominent. On dead stems of Thalictrum; also reported on aspen stems. Type locality: Lyndonville, New York. Distribution: New York and Michigan. Distinguished from Mollisia cinerea by its lanceolate pa- raphyses. 18. Mollisia exigua (Cooke) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza exigua Cooke, Hedwigia 14: 83. 1875. Pezizella exigua Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 283. 1889. Apothecia scattered, minute, scarcely visible to the unaided eye, sessile, subtremellose, cup-shaped, finally plane, or convex, the margin scarcely elevated; asci minute, lanceolate; spores linear scarcely 5 n long. On stems of Erigeron. Type locality: New Jersey. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Cooke in describing the species states: "Oculo nudo incon- spicua." Specimens in The New York Botanical Garden are 208 The North American Cup-Fungi apparently part of the type material. Several collections were made by Ellis. 19. Mollisia erigeronata (Cooke) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 323. 1889. Peziza erigeronata Cooke, Hedwigia 14: 83. 1875. ?Peziza astericola Cooke & Ellis, Grevillea 6: 90. 1878. ? Mollisia astericola Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 323. 1889. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, at first subglobose, expanding and becoming nearly plane, brownish-black, becoming black, .5 mm. in diameter; hymenium livid-cinereous, the margin slightly elevated; asci short-clavate ; spores irregularly 2-seriate, long-ellipsoid, 2 X 10 /x; paraphyses not observed. On stems of Erigeron and Solidago. Type locality: New Jersey. Distribution: New Jersey to London, Canada. ExsiccATi: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi } 3335, 3040; Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 245, 1310. 20. Mollisia atrata (Pers.) Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 200. 1871. Peziza atrata Pers. Syn. Fung. 669. 1801. Pyrenopeziza atrata Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 294. 1869. Peziza atrocinerea Cooke; Phill. Brit. Discom. 176. 1887. Urceola atrata Quel. Ench. Fung. 322. 1886. Mollisia atrocinerea Phill. Brit. Discom. 176. 1887. Apothecia gregarious, or scattered, at first globose, expanding and becoming subdiscoid, cinereous, or brownish-black when dry, the margin white and more or less undulate, less than 1 mm. in diameter; asci clavate-fusoid, reaching a length of 25-40 n and a diameter of 5-6 jx; spores elongate-ellipsoid, 1.5-2 X 5 8 /x; pa- raphyses filiform. On dead herbaceous stems of many kinds. Type locality : Europe. Distribution: New York to Ontario and California and south to Alabama; also in Europe. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 443; Ellis «& Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2625; Fungi Columb. 409; Seaver, N. Dak. Fungi 14. 21. Mollisia Dehnii (Rab.) Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 206. 1871. Peziza Dehnii Rab. Bot. Zeit. 1:12. 1843. Beloniella Dehnii Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. 1-^: 639. 1892. Dibelonis Dehnii Clements, Gen. Fungi 175. 1909. MOLLISIA 209 Apothecia gregarious, innate, sessile, finally plane, brown, becoming black when dry, .5-1 mm. in diameter; hymenium livid-cinereous, asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 50-60 M and a diameter of 6-7.5 n; spores 2-seriate, fusoid- elongate, simple, slightly curved, or nearly straight, 3 X 10 16 z^; paraphyses filiform, 2 /x thick. On living leaves and stems of species of Potentilla. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York to Montana and Iowa; also in Europe. Illustrations: Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung, pi 4, f. 6; Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa 5: ^/. 23, f. 1. ExsiCCATi: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2039; Fungi Columb. 531; Barth. Fungi Columb. 2237; Kellerm. Ohio Fungi 103; Seaver, N. Dak. Fungi 38; Brenckle, Fungi Dak. 5; Griff. West Am. Fungi 193; Wilson & Seaver, Ascom. 15. 22. Mollisia clavigera (Ellis & Ev.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 354. 1889. Peziza clavigera Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 4: 100. \\ Apothecia protruding when moist, contracted and hysteriform when dry, .25-.5 mm. wide and .5-1 mm. long, the margin fimbriate; hymenium cinereous, or livid-white; asci cylindric- clavate, narrowed below into a stem-like base; spores 2-seriate, 4-4.5 X 12-15 II with two or three oil-drops; paraphyses slender, enlarged above to 3-4 ix. On leaves of Ammophila longifolia. Type locality: Sand Coulee, Montana. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. No specimen seen. 23. Mollisia Angelicae Dearness, Mycologia 16: 145. 1924. Apothecia dark-brown, superficial, mostly hypophyllous, occasionally epiphyllous, sessile, rugose-costate, urceolate, reach- ing a diameter of .125 mm.; asci c\'lindric to fusoid, 8-spored, reaching a length of 36 40 ^ and a diameter of 9 /x; spores 2- seriate, or obliquely 1 -seriate, narrowed at one end, 2.5-3 X 9- 15 /x; paraphyses scant. On dead parts of living leaves of Angelica atropurpurea. Type locality: London, Canada. 210 The North American Cup-Fungi Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Dearness states that more than 100 leaves were collected bearing this Mollisia. 24. Mollisia lanaria Fairman, Ann. Myc. 9: 150. 1911. Apothecia hypophyllous, nestling in the woolly coating of the leaves, sessile, minute, .25 mm. in diameter, circular in outline, numerous, gregarious, brown; hymenium lighter, light-brown; asci clavate-cylindric, sessile or short-stipitate, narrowed slightly above, reaching a length of 40-45 p. and a diameter of 6-7 ;u; spores long-cylindric, 2-3 X 14-24 m; paraphyses subcylindric. On under side of leaves of Antennaria plantaginifolia. Type locality: Orchard Creek Road, Ridgway, New York. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Ann. Myc. 9: 150./. 1-2. No specimens seen. Fariman states that on the same leaves is occasionally found a Septoria which might be connected with Mollisia I ana ria . 25. Mollisia Gaultheriae Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1894: 349. 1894. Apothecia occurring on large (1-2 cm. broad) orbicular, dirty-brown spots which are sometimes irregular in shape and occupying the greater part of the leaf, amphigenous but more numerous on the under side, .5 mm. in diameter, dark liver- colored, nearly black when dry, the margin slightly dentate; hymenium concave; asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 45-55 jx and a diameter of 10-12 p.; spores 2-seriate, ellipsoid, 3-3.5 X 10-12 ;u; paraphyses filiform, branched. On living leaves of Gaultheria Shallon. Type locality: Seattle, Washington, Distribution: Known only from the t}pe locality. 26. Mollisia abdita (P:ilis) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 353. 1889. Peziza abdita Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 9: 19. 1882. Apothecia orbicular, pale, .6-. 7 mm. in diameter, with a narrow, jagged, membranaceous margin, protruding when fresh through a narrow slit in the epidermis from which it is again withdrawn and entirely disappears when dry; asci cylindric- clavate, reaching a length of 40-45 fx and a diameter of 4-5 /x; spores 2-seriate, clavate, 2-2.5 X 10 /x; paraphyses clavate. AIOLLISIA 211 On fallen petioles of Juglans regia. Type locality: New Jerse>-. Distribution: Known onl>' from the type locality. ExsiCCATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 849. When dry its presence is indicated onh' by a narrow slit in the epidermis, hence the name. 27. Mollisia Oenotherae (Cooke & Ellis) Seaver, comb. nov. Dacryomyces Lythri Desm. PI. Crypt. Fr. J545. 1846. Peziza Oenotherae Cooke & Ellis, Grevillea 6: 90. 1878. Sphaeronema corneum Cooke & Ellis, Grevillea 6: 84. 1878. Cloeosporium ? tremellinum Sacc. Michelia 2: 168. 1880. Cloeosporium ? rhoinum Sacc. Fungi Ital./. 1035. 1881. Hainesia rhoina Ellis & Sacc. in Sacc. Syll. Fung. 3: 699. 1884. Pezizella Oenotherae Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 278. 1889. Tubercularia Rhois Halsted, Bull. Torrey Club 20: 251. 1893. PateUina Fragariae Stevens & Peterson, Phytopathology 6: 264. 1916. Sporonerna pulvinatnm Shear, Bull. Torrey Club 34: 308. 1907. Pezizella Lythri Shear & Dodge, Mycologia 13: 161. 1921. Apothecia scattered, with a short, stem-like base, externally light-brown to amber, .5-1 mm. in diameter; hymenium nearly plane, whitish especially when moist; asci cylindric, or clavate, reaching a length of 55-70 ^ and a diameter of 7-8 /x, 8-spored; spores straight, or slightly curved, 1 -seriate, or often becoming 2-seriate, often enlarged at one end, 2 X 8 ^t; paraphyses filiform, branched, scarcely enlarged above, 1-1.5 /x in diameter. On dead spots on living or dead leaves, petioles and stems of Oenothera and a larger variety of other hosts. Type locality: New Jersey. Distribution: Widely distributed in North America; also in Europe. Illustrations: Mycologia 13: 146,/. 1.; 148,/. 2.; 149, f. 3; 150,/. 4; 151,/. 5; pi. 8-10; Phytopathology 6: 267,/. 19-26. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 733, 846; Ellis «& Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2074, 2278; Fungi Columb. 244, 287; Seym. & Earle, Ecom. Fungi 273. For a complete discussion of this species, its synonymy, morphology and hosts see Mycologia 13: 135-170. 28. Mollisia atriella (Cooke) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 352. 1889. Peziza atriella Cooke, Hedwigia 14: 83. 1875. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, soft-waxy, .2 mm. in diameter, at first hemispherical, then expanded, smooth, black; h\menium 212 The North American Cup-Fungi cinereous-black; asci clavate-cylindric ; spores narrowly fusiform, 2.5 X 30 n; paraphyses filiform. On culms of Atidropogon and Spartina. Type locality: New Jersey. Distribution: New Jersey and Louisiana. ExsiccATi: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 1779 (on Spartina polystachya). 29. Mollisia scirpina (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 348. 1889. Peziza scirpina Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 28: 67. 1876. Apothecia minute, scattered, erumpent, smooth, externally black, grayish within; asci cylindric, 8-spored; spores crowded, fusiform, straight, or slightly curved, with two oil-drops, 20-25 jj, long. On dead stems of Scirpus caespitosus. Type locality: Adirondack Mountain, N. Y. Distribution : Known only from the type locality'. 30. Mollisia stictoidea (Cooke & Ellis) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 348. 1889. Peziza stictoidea Cooke & Ellis, Grevillea 6: 8. 1877. Apothecia erumpent, sparse, .1-.12 mm. in diameter, becom- ing stictoid when dry, brownish-black; hymenium pallid; asci clavate; spores fusoid, 3 X 16 /x. On J uncus. Type locality: New Jersey. Distribution : Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Grevillea 6: pi. 96, f. 37. The erumpent character of the apothecia would indicate a Pyreno peziza. Cooke states: "Margin longitudinally connivent when dry, and retracted, hence it resembles a minute Stictis.'' 31. Mollisia Iridis (Rehm) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 331. 1889. Micropeziza Iridis Rehm, x'\scom. Lojk. 16. 1882. Apothecia when dry oblongate, or rotundate, more or less hemispheric, finally expanded, sessile, gregarious, subfuscous, margin yellowish-green, .3 mm. in diameter; hymenium brownish: asci clavate, reaching a length of 50 jx and a diameter of 9 yu, 4-8- spored; spores ellipsoid, 2-seriate, with one to four oil-drops, 4 X 18-21 ^t; paraphyses filiform, enlarged above to 3.5 ju. MOLLISIA 213 On stems of Iris. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York and Ontario; also in Europe. Several collections of this species from Canada determined by H. S. Jackson are in The New York Botanical Garden. The apothccia are seated on large reddish discolored areas on the leaves. 32. Mollisia hydrophila Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 196. 1871. Peziza hydrophila Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 10: 163. 1869. Apothecia gregarious, entirely white, or pallid, finally sordid- white to cinereous, becoming brown when dry, .7-1 mm. in diameter; hymenium convex, concave when dry; asci fusoid- cylindric, reaching a length of 50-70 )u and a diameter of 5-7 y.; spores acicular, 1.5-2.5 X 9-12 /x; paraphyses filiform, enlarged above. On culms of grasses, Phragmites, Andropogon, Sorghum etc. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New Jersey; also in Europe. ExsiCCATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 847. 33. Mollisia epitypha Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 197. 1871. Niptera epitypha Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna. Fl. Fenn. 11: 247. 1871. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, at first globose, opening and becoming hemispherical, finally convex, at first entirely brownish- cinereous, then cinereous-livid, .6-1 mm. in diameter, externally black when dry; hymenium grayish-pallid; asci fusoid-clavate, reaching a length of 50-60 /x and a diameter of 5-6 ju; spores 2- seriate, straight, 2 X 10-14 ^; paraphyses filiform. On stems of Typha latijolia; also reported on Carex. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Michigan; also in Europe. The only American specimen of this species seen is one from Michigan collected and determined by Geo. B. Cummins. 34. Mollisia alpina Rostr. Medd. Gr0nl. 3: 609. 1891. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, at first globose, then concave, brownish-black, reaching a diameter of .25 y.\ asci cylindric- clavate, reaching a length of 40 n and a diameter of 6-8 yt] spores ellipsoid, 4 X 10-21 ji, with two or three oil-drops. 214 The North American Cup-Fungi On dead stems of Juncus alpinus. Type locality: Greenland. Distribution: Known only from the type locality in Green- land. 35. Mollisia Sabalidis (Ellis & Mart.) Seaver, comb. nov. Dermatea Sabalidis Ellis & Mart. Am. Nat. 18: 1147. 1884. Cenangium Sabalidis Sacc. S>!I. Fung. 8: 562. 1889. Apothecia gregarious, or scattered, shallow cup-shaped, or scutellate, scarcely exceeding .3 mm. in diameter, externally tobacco-brown and clothed with very poorly developed hair-like structures which give the apothecium a powdery appearance; hymenium slightly concave, dark-brown ; asci clavate, reaching a length of 35 n and a diameter of 6-7 /x, 8-spored; spores 2- seriate or irregularly crowded, ellipsoid, 1-1.3 X 4 6 /i; paraphy- ses filiform, slender, scarcely enlarged above. On dead petioles of Sabal serrulata. Type locality: Green Cove Springs, Florida. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. The apothecia do not appear to the writer to be erumpent. It is certainly not a Dermea. 36. Mollisia nipteroides Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1893: 147. 1893. Apothecia cup-shaped, substipitate, or almost sessile, reach- ing a diameter of 1-1.5 mm., umber-colored but whitened out- side by a pruinose coat and a short, erect, glandular pubescence which is more abundant toward the margin; asci cylindric, reaching a length of 35-40 ^ and a diameter of 5-6 /x; spores 2- seriate, with two or three oil-drops, straight, or slightly curved, 1-1.5 X 4-5 /x; paraphyses branched above and bearing minute, globose conidia. On dead stems of Smilax. Type locality: St. Martinville, Louisiana. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. The only specimen seen is the type collection in The New York Botanical Garden. 37. Mollisia tenella (Cooke & Ellis) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 349. 1889. Peziza tenella Cooke & Ellis, Grevillea 7: 40. 1878. MOLLISIA 215 Apothecia hypoph\lIous, scattered, at first hemispherical, finally expanded, .15-.2 mm. in diameter; hymenium pallid; asci clavate; spores linear, straight, 5 tx long. On fronds of Osmunda. Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. Distribution: Known only from the t\pe locality. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 669. A part of the type collection is in The New York Botanical Garden. 38. Mollisia incrustata (Ellis) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza incrustata Ellis, Am. Nat. 17: 192. 1883. Mollisia trametis Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1893: 147. 1893. Psendohelotium incnistatum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 301. 1889. Apothecia growing on the margin and inner surface of the pores of the host, obconic, .11-. 15 mm. in diameter, honey- colored, of fibrous structure, the ends of the fibers projecting so that the outer surface and margin appear granulose-pubescent, or as if covered with sharp-pointed granules, at first convex- hemispheric, resembling a Nectria, soon becoming concave with a distinct subfimbriate margin; asci clavate, reaching a length of 20-23 fji and a diameter of 4-5 /x; spores 2-seriate, or obliquely 1-seriate, narrow-ellipsoid, or clavate, 1.5-2 X 3.5-4.5 n; pa- raph\'ses not observed. Parasitic on Poly poms Stevensii and on a resnpmsite Polyporus. Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. The color of this species would suggest a TIelotium or Orbilia rather than a Mollisia. Should be more carefully studied. 39. Mollisia Scoleconectriae Cash & Davidson, Mycologia 32: 733. 1940. Apothecia cespitose on and sometimes completely covering stromata and perithecia of Scoleconectria scolecospora, .2 .4 mm. in diameter, brownish-black, sessile, soft-fleshy, globose with small circular opening, then cupulate with the margin fimbriate, incurved when dr}'; hymenium dark olive-gray; asci c>'lindric- clavate, reaching a length of 25-35 n and a diameter of 3-4 yu, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, hyaline, simple, narrow-cylindric, straight, or slightly curved, 1 X 5-7 ix; paraphyses filiform, hyaline, unbranched, 1 /i in diameter. 216 The North American Cup-Fungi On stromata of Scoleconectria scolecospora on twigs of Pinus Strobus. Type locality: Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. Distribution: Pennsylvania and New York. Illustrations: Mycologia 32: 129, f. 1, D. Doubtful Species Mollisia alahamensis Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 8: 69. 1902. Apothecia erumpent, pale rose-colored, becoming almost black; spores 6-7 X 12-13 ju; paraphyses forming a brown epithecium. On canes of Riihus villosus, Alabama. May be a Cenangiiim. Pezizella aquifoliae (Cooke & Ellis) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 288. 1889; Peziza aquifoliae Cooke & Ellis, Grevillea 6: 91. 1878. Apothecia subaurantiaceous, attached by white, radiating mycelium; spores ovoid. On leaves of Ilex opaca. The t^'pe in The New York Botanical Garden is too scant to permit of critical study. Mollisia henesuada (Tul.) Phill. Brit. Discom. 174. 1887; Peziza benesuada Tul. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. 20: 169. 1853. This species has been reported from Michigan and Washington by Dr. B. Kanouse. No American specimens have been seen except one doubtfully determined from Pennsylvania. Also var. polyspora Kauff. has been recorded. Pezizella brassicaecola (Berk.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 283. 1889; Peziza brass icaecola Berk. Grevillea 3: 157. 1875. Apothecia brownish; spores 10 m long. On cabbage stems, Brassica, New England. No material seen. Peziza conorum Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 6: 133. 1877. On cones of Pinus inops lying on the ground in New Jersey. Apothecia yellowish-brown sessile, convex; spores 7.5-10 X 15-20 m- No material seen. Mollisia complicatula Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 520. 1891. Apo- thecia erumpent, brownish-black, .3-1 mm. in diameter; spores 2.5 X 9-12 fx. On wood of Lonicera and Populus. Reported from Michigan and Washington. No material seen. Mollisia euparaphysata Schrot. Krypt.-Fl. Schles. 3-: 107. 1908. This species is reported from Michigan on Carex by Dr. B. Kanouse under the name Mollisiopsis euparaphysata (Schrot.) Rehm. No material has been seen. Pezizella exidiella (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. S>11. Fung. 8: 288. 1889; Peziza exidiella Berk. & Br.; Berk. Grevillea 3: 158. 1875. Berkeley places this in the subgenus Mollisia. The description is so brief as to mean little. Pseudohelotiumfibrisediim (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 298. 1889; Peziza fibriseda Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 3: 157. 1875. Apothecia irregular, orange, externally clothed with sugar-like granules, the margin broken, laciniate; hymenium concave. On Ulmus americana, Virginian Mountains. No specimen available and the description is too meager to enable it to be identified. See Orbilia cruenta. Pezizella floriformis (Peck) Sacc. S)ll. Fung. 8: 287. 1889; Peziza flori- formis Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 33: 31. 1880. Apothecia at first subcyathiform, then fioriform, with the margin wavy, hymenium cream- colored; spores spermatoid. On decaying wood of Acer, Verona, New York. No material seen. MOLLISIA 217 Peziza heterocarpa Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 6: 134. 1877. Apothecia minute, stipitate, about 1 mm. in diameter and high, pale-greenish; spores fusoid-ellipsoid, 20 m long. On dead stems of Bidens, in New Jersey. No material seen. This was placed in the subgenus MoUisia by Ellis. Peziza hypnicola Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 6: 134. 1877. Apothecia sessile, pallid-orange, concave; asci subcylindric; spores 1-septate, 2.5 X 9- 10 ^l. On Hypnum sylvaticum in Pennsylvania. This was placed in the sub- genus MoUisia by Ellis. MoUisia introviridis (Cooke & Ellis) Sacc. S>11. Fung. 8: 339. 1889; Peziza introviridis Cooke & Ellis, Grevillea 7: 7. 1878; Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 566. The type of this species was first labeled Peziza sangtiinea. What in- duced Ellis to change his mind is not apparent. MoUisia leucostigma (Fuckel) Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. 1^: 516. 1891; Niptera leucostigtna Fuckel, Symb. Myc. Nacht. 2: 59. 1873. This represents Fuckel's conception of Peziza leucostigma Fries but does not agree with the usual interpretation of the species. See Orbilia leucostigma. Peziza melichroa Cooke, Grevillea 7: 47. 1878; Pseudohelotium meli- chroiim Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 301. 1889. Apothecia described as minute, sac- charine-granulated; spores ellipsoid, 5 ju long. MoUisia miltophthalma (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 334. 1889; Peziza miltophthalma Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 3: 158. 1875. Apothe- cia black with yellow hymenium; spores minute. On branches of Cornus florida, South Carolina. No material seen. MoUisia papillata Earle, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 3: 290. 1905. Apothecia black, clothed with clavate papillae; spores 2 X 8-10 n, On old weathered chips, Stanford University, California. The papillate hairs would suggest a Lachnella. No material seen. MoUisia pauUopuncta (Cooke & Ellis) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 342. 1889; Peziza paulupiincta Cooke & Ellis, Grevillea 7: 7. 1878. Apothecia brownish- black; hymenium cinereous; spores 1 X 5 m- On bark of Acer, New Jerse}-. No material seen. The spelling of the specific name was changed by Saccardo as indicated above. Peziza regalis Cooke & Ellis, Grevillea 6: 91. 1878. Apothecia .1 mm. in diameter, white; asci clavate; spores 7 ^ long. On apple bark. New Jersey. No material seen. This was originally placed in the subgenus MoUisia. Pseudohelotium sacchariferum (Berk.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 298. 1889; Peziza saccharifera Berk. Grevillea 3: 157. 1875. Apothecia gregarious, pallid-orange, irregular, externalh' saccharine; disc concave. On Liquidambar, Alabama. Originally placed in the subgenus MoUisia. Its identity is un- certain. See Orbilia cruenta. MoUisia stenostoma (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 354. 1889; Peziza stenostoma Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 3: 159. 1875. Apothecia elongate; spores narrow-ellipsoid. Looks like a Hysteriiim. No specimen seen. MoUisia Teucrii (Fuckel) Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 524. 1891; Niptera Teucrii Fuckel, Symb. Myc. Nacht. 1: 47. 1871; Pseudohelotium Teucrii Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 294. 1889; Pezizella Teucrii Rehm in Rab. Krypt.- Fl. V: 1264. 1896. Originally reported on stems of Teucrium. Reported from Michigan by Dr. B. Kanouse on wood of Alnus. No specimens seen. 218 The North American Cup-Fungi 39. MOLLISIELLA (Phill.) Massee, Brit. Fungus-Fl. 4: 221. 1895. Mollisia suhg. Mollisiella Phill. Brit. Discom. 193. 1887. Unguiculariopsis Rehm, Ann. Myc. 7: 400. 1909. Apothecia small cupulate, becoming expanded, usually oc- curring on other fungi, externally dark-colored, brownish, tomentose, or clothed with poorly developed hairs; asci clavate, or cylindric, usually 8-spored; spores at maturity 1 -seriate, globose; paraphyses filiform, slightly enlarged above. Type species, Peziza ilicincola Berk. & Br. Mollisiella ilicincola (Berk. & Br.) Massee, Brit. Fungus-Fl. 4: 222. 1895. (Plate 113.) Peziza ilicincola Berk. & Br. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. III. 7: 450. 1859. Peziza hysterigena Berk. & Br. Jour. Linn. Soc. 14: 106. 1873. Peziza Ravenelii Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Greviliea 3: 152. 1875. P seudohelotium ilicincolum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 304. 1889. Lachnellula hysterigena Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 391. 1889. Cenangium Ravenelii Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 568. 1889. Mollisia ilicincola Phill. Brit. Discom. 193. 1887. Unguiculariopsis ilicincola Rehm, Ann. Myc. 7: 400. 1909. Apothecia occurring in fasciculate clusters 1-2 mm. in diam- eter, the individual apothecia irregularh' cupulate often com- pressed from mutual pressure with the margins strongly incurved, externally furfuraceous, whitish, or brownish, with poorly de- veloped hairs; hymenium concave, pallid-brown, or purplish to rosy; asci cylindric to clavate, 8-spored, reaching a length of 40-50 /^ and a diameter of 5-6 m, 8-spored; spores usually 1-seriate, 4-5 jx in diameter; paraphyses fiHform, slightly enlarged above. Usually on other fungi, Myriangiiim, Patellaria, Hysterium and TryhlidieUa. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: North Carolina to Florida; also in Europe. Illustrations: Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. III. 7: pi. 16, f. 17. Jour. Linn. Soc. 31: pi. 18, f. 15-18; Mycologia 31: 94,/. 1. Exsiccati: Rav. Fungi Car. 2: 46. 40. CATINELLA Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 150. 1907. ?Bulgariella Karst. Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 2«: 142. 1885. Apothecia patellate or nearly so, dark-greenish, subgelatinous; asci cylindric or subcylindric, 8-spored; spores simple, greenish; paraphyses filiform granular. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 1 13 MOLLISIELLA ILICINCOLA Catinella 219 Type species, Peziza olivacea Batsch. 1. Catinella nigroolivacea (Schw.) Durand, Bull. Torrey Club 49: 16. 1922. (Plate 114.) ? Peziza olivacea Batsch, Elench. Fung. 127. 1783. Peziza nigroolivacea Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1: 121. 1822. Patellar ia piiUa nigroolivacea Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 160. 1822. Bulgaria nigrita Fries, Elench. Fung. 2:16. 1828. Lemalis rufoolivacea Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 184. 1832. Rhizina nigroolivacea Curr. Trans. Linn. Soc. 24: 493. 1864. Peziza viridiatra Berk. & Curt. Jour. Linn. Soc. 10: 369. 1868. Patellaria violacea Berk. & Br. Jour. Linn. Soc. 14: 108. 1875. Patellaria hirneola Berk. & Br. Jour. Linn. Soc. 14: 108. 1875. Patellaria applanata Berk. & Br. Jour. Linn. Soc. 14: 108. 1875. Peziza fuscocar pa Ellis & Holw. Jour. Myc. 1: 5. 1885. Patellaria olivacea Phill. Brit. Discom. 361. 1887. ?Hutnaria olivacea Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 148. 1889. Pezicula viridiatra Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 315. 1889. Phaeopezia fuscocar pa Sacc. S>11. Fung. 8: 474. 1889. Bulgariella piilla nigroolivacea Sacc. S\il. Fung. 8: 638. 1889. Bulgariella nigrita Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 638. 1889. Patinella violacea Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 770. 1889. Patinella olivacea Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 770. 1889. Patinella hirneola Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 771. 1889. Patinella applanata Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 771. 1889. Humaria marchica Rehni in Rab. Krypt.-FI. P: 952. 1894. Phaeopezia marchica Sacc. Syll. Fung. 11: 415. 1895. Aleuria marchica Sacc. & Syd. in Sacc. Syll. Fung. 16: 739. 1902. Humaria fuscocarpa Morgan, Jour. Myc. 8: 189. 1902. Aleuria fuscocarpa Sacc. & Syd. in Sacc. Syll. Fung. 16: 739. 1902. Catinella olivacea Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 150. 1907. Apothecia sessile, solitary, or several crowded together, at- tached to the substratum by numerous radiating, dark-brown fibers more conspicuous in young plants, at first subglobose and closed, then expanding with a permanently upturned margin, at first entirely greenish-yellow, becoming dark-green, finally blackish with an olive tint, when old the exterior brownish and furfuraceous and vertically striate, fleshy and somewhat ge- latinous when fresh, brittle when dry ; reaching a diameter of 1 cm. but usually much smaller, mycelial fibers about the base very coarse, straight, or strongly kinked, septate, dark-brown, reaching a diameter of 10 /x, radiating 2-3 mm. beyond the base of the apothecium; asci narrowly cylindric-clavate, 8-spored, reaching a length of 75-90 n and a diameter of 5-6 n; spores 1 -seriate, 220 The North American Cup-Fungi irregularly ellipsoid, often slightly constricted near the center so as to appear slipper-shaped, containing one or two oil-drops, pale- olive, becoming brown, 4-5 X 7 10 ^u; paraphyses cylindric, simple or rarely branched. On rotten wood of various kinds. Type locality: North Carolina. Distribution: Throughout eastern North America, the West Indies and Ceylon ; also in Europe. Illustrations: Batsch, Elench. Fung. pi. IZ, f. 51; Boud. Ic. Myc. pi. 452; Trans. Linn. Soc. 24: p/. 57,/. 10 IZ. ExsiccATi: N. Am. Fungi 23Z5: Seaver, N. Dak. Fungi 28. The species is easily recognized by its greenish apothecia and peculiar shaped, greenish spores. 41. PYRENOPEZIZA Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 293. 1869. ?Phillipsiella Cooke & Ellis; Cooke, Grevillea 7: 48. 1878. Apothecia at first submerged in the plant tissues, then erumpent, sessile, at first rounded and closed, opening and be- coming cup-shaped, or more or less expanded, externally dark- colored, usually brown, or brownish-black, and often roughened; hymenium usually concave, lighter than the outside of the apothecium; asci clavate, or subclavate, 4-8-spored; spores ellipsoid to fusiform, or elongate-ellipsoid, straight, or more rarely curved, simple; paraphyses filiform, usualh" enlarged above. Type species, Peziza rugulosa Fuckel. Distinguished from Mollisia b}' the erumpent character of the apothecia a character which is very difficult to recognize in mature plants. The two genera are, to sa>- the least, very close together. On dicotyledonous plant tissues. On woody plants, trees or shrubs. On canes of Rubus. Spores 7-9 /x long. 1. P. Rubi. Spores 12-13 ju long. 2. F. lacerata. On leaves. Spores 10-15 /j long, on Quercus Prinus. 3. P. prinicola. Spores 7-8 n long, on Magnolia. 4. P. protrusa. Spores 5-7 ju long, on Acer. 5. P. leucodermis. Spores 4-5 ^ long, on Tilia. 6. P. minuta. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 114 CATINELLA N iqROQL,! VACEA PVRENOPEZIZA 221 On herbaceous plant tissues. Spores 25-30 n long, on Thaliclrum. Spores less than 25 /^ long. Spores mostly 10-12 n long. Spores 14-16 /x long. On Fesluca. On Solidago. On Potent ilia. Spores 12-13 jx long, on Cephalanthus. Spores 8-12 // long. On stems of Liniim. On stems of various kinds. Hymenium gra>' or rose-colored. Hymen ium reddish-yellow. Spores 7-9 m long. On Artemisia. On Apocynum. On Smilax herhacea. On monocotyledonous stems, Carex. Spores 12-20 m long. Spores 18-20 ix long. Spores 12-15 /j long. Spores 4-5 X 13-15 m- Spores 2 X 12-14 m- Spores 10-12 yu long. Spores 5-7 /j long. 7. 7^ Thalictri. 8. F. Ellisii. 9. P. siibatra. 10. P. coloradensis. 11. P. Cephalanthi. 12. P. calif arnica. 13. P. compressula. 14. P. Absinthii. 15. P. Artemisiae. 16. P. Dearnessii. 17. P. smilacicola. 18. P. caricina. 19. P. yogoensis. 20. P. cervinula. 21. P. Car ids. 22. P. miiltipunctoidea. 1. Pyrenopeziza Rubi (Fries) Rehm, Ascom. 416. 1878. E.xcipula Rubi Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 190. 1822. Mollisia Rubi Karst. Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 2": 136. 1885. Apothecia gregarious, or occasionally crowded, at first im- mersed, rounded, finally erumpent through the ruptured epi- dermis, sessile, expanding and becoming cup-shaped, .3-1 mm. in diameter, the margin inrolled when dry; brownish-black; asci clavate, reaching a length of 45 55 fj. and a diameter of 6 8 jjl, 8-spored, spores elongate-clavate, or almost cylindric, 1.5-2.5 X 7-9 n; paraphyses filiform, 1.5 n in diameter. On dead canes of Ruhus. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Delaware to Oregon and Washington; also in Europe. 2. Pyrenopeziza lacerata (Cooke & Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 361. 1889. Peziza lacerata Cooke & Peck, Grevillea 1: 6. 1872. 222 The North American Cup-Fungi Apothecia gregarious, globose, then expanded, dark-brown, the margin coarsely lacerated into subtriangular, irregular teeth ; hymenium cinereous, becoming blackish when dry; asci sub- cylindric; spores cylindric-clavate, 12-13 ^x long. On Ruhus odoratus. Type locality: Adirondack Mountains, New York. Distribution: New York and West Virginia. ExsiccATi: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2044. 3. Pyrenopeziza prinicola (Ellis & Ev.) Cash, Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 30:302. 1940. Peziza prinicola Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 4: 99. 1888. Mollisia prinicola Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 330. 1889. Apothecia erumpent, becoming superficial, scattered rather thickly and evenly over the lower surface of the leaf, minute, .15-.27 mm. in diameter, subturbinate, then patellate, the entire apothecium black when dr\'; the margin slighth' crenulate; hymenium alutaceous to dark-brown when fresh; asci clavate, narrowed below, reaching a length of 33-40 ix and a diameter of 6-8 II, 8-spored; spores irregularly 2-3-seriate, clavate, becoming pseudoseptate, 1-1.5 X 10-15 /x; paraphyses filiform. On dead leaves of Quercus Prinus and other species of Quercus. Type locality: Louisiana. Distribution: Louisiana and Georgia. 4. Pyrenopeziza protrusa (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 364. 1889. Peziza protrusa Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 3: 159. 1875. Pseudopeziza protrusa Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 726. 1889. Apothecia erumpent, dot-like, surrounded by the ruptured cuticle, externally granulated, chestnut; hymenium concave, white; asci clavate, reaching a length of 45-50 fi and a diameter of 5 yu; spores ellipsoid-clavate, 1.5 X 7-8 n; paraphyses filiform- clavate. On the under side of the leaves of Magnolia glauca. Type locality: South Carolina. Distribution : New Jersey and South Carolina. Exsiccati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 143; Rehm, Ascom. 310 (from New Jersey); Thiim. Myc. Univ. 519 (from New Jersey). Pyrenopezjza 223 5. Pyrenopeziza leucodermis Cash, Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 29: 49. 1939. Apothecia hypophyllous, subej)iclermal, then superficial, sessile, scattered thickly over the leaf, at first nearly globose, then jjatellate, membranous-flesh\-, pale-brown, .15-. 25 mm. in diameter, externally furfuraceous, the margin even or slightly fimbriate, inrolled when dry; hymenium subhyaline; asci clavate, or narrow-ellipsoid, reaching a length of 28-35 /x and a diameter of 5 6 n; spores obliqueh' 1-2-scriate, straight, cylindric to clavate, .7-1 X 5 7 /x; paraphyscs filiform, slightly enlarged above. On leaves of Acer leucoderme and Acer floridanum. Type locality: Athens, Georgia. Distribution: Georgia. 6. Pyrenopeziza minuta Cash, Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 30: 302. 1940. Apothecia hypophyllous, subcuticular, becoming superficial, closely aggregated in pale spots on withering leaves, patellate, pale-brown when moist, entire fungus black when dry, .15-. 17 mm. in diameter, soft, flesh^• to membranous; asci clavate to fusoid, rather abruptly narrowed above and below, reaching a length of 28-33 ^i and a diameter of 4 5 ix, 8-spored; spores 2- seriate, or irregularh* 3-seriate, clavate, .7 1 X 4-5 )u; paraphy- ses filiform, enlarged above, 2-3 n in diameter. On withering leaves of Tilia heterophylla var. Michauxii. Type locality: Princeton, Georgia. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 7. Pyrenopeziza Thalictri (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 360. 1889. Peziza Thalictri Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 29: 55. 1878. Apothecia abundant, sessile, bursting through the epidermis, small, punctiform when dry, externally black, the margin usually whitish, or cinereous and subfimbriate; hymenium cinereous; asci cylindric; spores long-ellipsoid, 5 X 25-30 n paraphyses not observed. On dead stems of Thalictrum. Type locality: Center, New York. Distribution: New York to Ontario and South Dakota. 224 The North American Cup-Fungi 8. Pyrenopeziza Ellisii (Rchm) Massee, Jour. Bot. 34: 149. 1896. Niptera Ellisii Rehm; Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2329; Sacc. Syll. Fung. 11: 416. 1895. nom. nud. Apothecia sparse, or gregarious, erumpent, at first subglobose and closed, then expanding, .5-.7 mm. in diameter, grayish- black, externally brownish-black; asci clavate, reaching a length of 90-100 /x and a diameter of 10-12 ju, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, elongate-cylindric, usually curved, 3.5-4 X 14-16 /i; paraphyses filiform, 3 ^ in diameter. On dead stems of Festuca tenella; also reported on Ammophila longifolia. Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. Distribution: New Jersey and Montana. Illustrations: Jour. Bot. 34: pi. 357, f. 6, 7 . Exsiccati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 565 (as Peziza denigrata Kunze) ; Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2329. 9. Pyrenopeziza subatra (Cooke & Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 359. 1889. Peziza subatra Cooke & Peck; Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 28: 66. 1876, Apothecia erumpent, black, soft, or waxy, at first hemispheri- cal, finally expanding, slightly rugose; hymenium fuliginous, the margin paler; asci subcylindric, 8-spored; spores narrow-ellipsoid, or fusoid, 15-16 /x long; paraphyses filiform. On dead herbaceous stems. Type locality: North Greenbush, New York. Distribution: New York and New Jersey; also reported from Michigan. Exsiccati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 445; Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 21. A portion of what appears to be the type of this species is in the collection of The New York Botanical Garden. A number of specimens have been doubtfully referred to this species. All should be more carefully studied. 10. Pyrenopeziza coloradensis Ellis & Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 27: 60. 1900. Apothecia scattered, superficial, black, with a narrow, slightly incurved margin, reaching a diameter of 1 mm.; hymen- ium concave, or plane; asci clavate, reaching a length of 100-1 10 n Pyrenopeziza 225 and a diameter of 15 ju; spores 2-seriate, ellipsoid, with two oil- drops, 10 X 20 m; paraphyses stout. On dead stems of PotentiUa. Type locality: Red Mountain, Colorado, elevation 12,000 feet. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 11. Pyrenopeziza Cephalanthi Fairman, Jour. Myc. 10: 229. 1904. Apothecia scattered, small, sessile, black outside, the margin occasionally white; hymenium white at first, growing yellowish, then black with age; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 60 n and a diameter of 6-7 n; spores cylindric, or elongate- fusoid, 2-3 X 10-13 m with several oil-drops; paraphyses filiform. On dead limb of Cephalanthus occidentalis l>ing in a ditch. Type locality: Ridgway, New York. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 12. Pyrenopeziza calif ornica Sacc. Ann. Myc. 2: 15. 1904. Pezizella californica Rehm, Ann. Myc. 5: 520. 1907. Apothecia superficial, gregarious, cyathiform, base contracted, black outside and inside, smooth, when dry mouth contracted, externally striate, .5-1 mm. in diameter, the margin conspicu- ously laciniate; asci clavate, reaching a length of 50-68 n and a diameter of 5.5-6.5 m, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate, ellipsoid, 3.5-4.5 X 9-12 m; paraphyses filiform, enlarged above. On dead stems of Linum Lewisii. Type locality: Mt. Eddy, Siskiyou Co., California. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Saccardo suggests that this might be the type of a new genus (Geasterina). 13. Pyrenopeziza compressula Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 618. 1892. Apothecia gregarious, at first globose and immersed, becoming erumpent and sessile, cup-shaped, externally brown to brownish- black, .1-.35 mm. in diameter; hymenium concave, gray, or slightly rose-colored; asci clavate, reaching a length of 45-60 n and a diameter of 5-6 m, 8-spored; spores fusoid, occasionally slightly curved, 1.5-3 X 8-12 m; paraphyses filiform, 2 m in diameter. 226 The North American Cup-Fungi On dead stems of various plants. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Colorado, California and (Quebec?); also in Europe. ExsiCCATi: Clements, Crypt. Form. Colo. 287. 14. Pyrenopeziza Absinthii (Lasch) Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. P: 625. 1892. Peziza Absinthii Lasch; Rab. in Klotzsch, Herb. \'iv. Myc. 14: 17; Bot. Zeit. 8: 438. 1850. Pyrenopeziza fusconibra Rehm; Winter, Flora 55: 526. 1872. Niptera j'uscorubra Rehm, Ber. Naturh. Ver. Augsburg 26: 21. 1881. P seudohelotium Absinthii Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 297. 1889. Mollisia fuscorubra Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 322. 1889. Apothecia thickly gregarious, at first globose and closed, submerged, becoming erumpent and sessile, cup-shaped, finally expanded and saucer-shaped, externally reddish-brown, smooth, .5-1.2 mm. in diameter; hymenium reddish-yellow; asci cylindric- clavate, reaching a length of 60-70 ju and a diameter of 6 7 n, 8-spored; spores elongate-ellipsoid, 2.5 X 8-10 yu; paraphyses sparse, filiform, 2 /x in diameter. On dead stems of various plants, Iva xanthiifolia, Erigeron, Bidens, Ilelianthiis, Artemisia etc. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New Jersey to Kansas and North Dakota. Exsiccati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 60; Brenckle, Fungi Dak. Z15. 15. Pyrenopeziza Artemisiae (Lasch) Rehm, Ascom. 66. 1872. Peziza Artemisiae Lasch in Klotzsch, Herb. Viv. Myc. 335; Grevillea 1: 131. 1873. Mollisia Artemisiae Vh'xW. Brit. Discom. 188. 1887. Apothecia erumpent, turbinate, substipitate, expanding and becoming flattened, brownish-black; hymenium concave to plane, whitish; asci cylindric, reaching a length of 50 /^ and a diameter of 5 /x; spores elongate-cylindric, 1.5 2 X 7-9 /x; pa- raphyses filiform, 2 /x thick, enlarged above to 3 n. On dead stems of Artemisia vulgaris. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York and New Jersey to Michigan and Ontario. Exsiccati: Barth. Fungi Columb. 3866. Pyrenopeziza 227 A variety, Solidaginis , on Solidago juncea, has been recog- nized by Rehm, Ascom. 1^57 from material collected in Ontario, Canada by Dr. John Dearness. 16. Pyrenopeziza Dearnessii Rehm, Ann. Myc. 9: 286. 1911. Apothecia gregarious, at first submerged, becoming erumpent through the laciniately splitting epidermis, at first globose, sessile, brownish, expanding, .2-.5 mm. in diameter, when dry more or less covered by the laciniate epidermis; asci clavate, reaching a length of 50 ^ and a diameter of 7 8 n; spores elongate-ellipsoid, 2-seriate, 3 X 6-8 m; paraphyses filiform 2 /x thick, expanding to 3-3.5 fx at their apices. On dead stems of Apocynum androsaemifoliiim. Type locality: London, Canada. Distribution: Ontario, Canada. 17. Pyrenopeziza smilacicola Dearn. & House, N. Y. State Mus. Circ. 24: 28. 1940. Apothecia thickly scattered, subcorticular at first, then erumpent, and finally sessile-superficial, the margin inrolled when dry, .2-. 35 mm. in diameter, externally brown; asci clavate, reaching a length of 48-55 y. and a diameter of 6.5-9 ju; spores 2-seriate, subclavate, 2 X 7-8.5 m; paraphyses filiform, longer than the asci. On the dead stems of Smilax herbacea. Type locality: Essex Co., New York. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 18. Pyrenopeziza caricina (Lib.) Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 634. 1892. Peziza caricina Lib. PI. Crypt. Ard. 230. 1834. P seudopeziza caricina Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 727. 1889. Apothecia scattered, at first submerged, then erumpent, externally dark-brown, later black, waxy; hymenium grayish- white; asci clavate, reaching a length of 100-1 10 m and a diameter of 15-20 n, 8-spored; spores elongated, slightly curved, 5-6 X 18- 20 m; paraphyses filiform, slightly enlarged above. On dead stems of Car ex. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Colorado; also in Europe. Exsiccati: Clements, Crypt. Form. Colo. 286. 228 The North American Cup-Fungi 19. Pyrenopeziza yogoensis (Ellis & Gall.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 10: 17. 1892. Peziza yogoensis Ellis & Gall. Jour. Myc. 5: 65. 1889. Apothecia erumpent, .2 mm. in diameter, with an incurved, fimbriate margin, olivaceous within; hymenium pale; asci cylindric, reaching a length of 55 60 /x and a diameter of 15-18 m; spores obliquely 1 -seriate, or 2-seriate, ellipsoid, a little narrower at one end, 4-5 X 13-15 n; paraphyses stout, not abundant. On dead leaves of Carex. Type locality: Yogo, Belt Mountains, Montana. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 20. Pyrenopeziza cervinula (Cooke) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 369. 1889. Peziza cervinula Cooke, Hedwigia 14: 84. 1875. Peziza muUipuncta Peck; Thiini. Myc. Univ. 1412. 1879. Apothecia thickly scattered, erumpent, minute, .1-.2 mm. in diameter, at first subglobose, opening and becoming subhemi- spheric, externally deer-colored; hymenium white; asci clavate, reaching a length of 40 m; spores cylindric, straight, or curved, 2 X 12-14 )u; paraphyses not observed. On culms of Carex. Type locality: New Jersey. Distribution: New Jersey and New York. Exsiccati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 440; Thum. Myc. Univ. 1412; Roum. Fungi Select. Exsicc. 4628 (as Peziza midtipuncta) . 21. Pyrenopeziza Caricis Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. l'^: 633. 1892. Mollisia Kar stenii var. Caricis Rehm, Hedwigia 23: 53. 1884. Apothecia gregarious, at first globose and closed, immersed, then erumpent through the epidermis, expanding and becoming cup-shaped, or saucer-shaped, externally dark-colored, brownish- black, .2-.5 mm. in diameter; hymenium yellowish; asci clavate, reaching a length of 40-50 n and a diameter of 8 9 n, 8-spored ; spores, fusoid, straight, or slightly bent, 2-2.5 X 10 12 fi; pa- raphyses filiform, 2 fj. in diameter above. On dead stems of Carex. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York; also in Europe. Stamnaria 229 22. Pyrenopeziza multipunctoidea Dearn. & House, N. Y. State Mus. Circ. 24: 28. 1940. Apothecia at first immersed, minute, thickly scattered, often in rows, emerging through a usually elliptic rupture of the cuticle, .15-22 mm. in diameter; asci cylindric, or fusoid, reach- ing a length of 33-48 ^ and a diameter of 6-7.5 yu, 8-spored; spores partially 2-seriate, ellipsoid, 2.5-2.75 X 5-7 /i; paraphy- ses numerous, filiform. On dead leaves of Carex lacustris. Type locality: Newcomb, Essex Co., New York. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Part of the type material is in The New York Botanical Garden. Doubtful and Excluded Species Pyrenopeziza cariosa (Peck) Sacc. S\1I. P^ung. 8: 367. 1889; Peziza cariosa Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 24: 95. 1872. On rotten wood, Catskill Mountains. Description incomplete. Pyrenopeziza doryphora Clements, Crypt. Form. Colo. 288. 1907. On dead stems of Carex, Colorado. A variety, Heleocharidis Clements, Crypt. Form. Colo. 525. 1908, has been listed. So far as known these have not been officially published. Pyrenopeziza foliicola (Karst.) Sacc. Michelia 1: 65. 1877; Mollisia folii- cola Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 201. 1871. This species has been reported from Georgia but on a doubtful determination. PhiUipsiella nigrella Cooke & Hark. Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1: 23. 1884. On leaves of Qiiercus agrifolia, California. Pyrenopeziza nigrella Fuckel, Symb. Myc. Nacht. 3: 30. 1875. Re- ported from Michigan by Dr. B. Kanouse. On deca>ing stems. No material seen. Pyrenopeziza nigritella (Phill. & Hark.) Sacc. Syil. Fung. 8: 357. 1889; Peziza nigritella Phill. & Hark. Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1: 22. 1884. Apothecia blackish; spores 6 X 15 ju. On dead stems of Galium. 42. STAMNARIA Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 309. 1869. Apothecia erumpent-superficial, occurring singly, or more often in cespitose clusters, more or less gelatinous, horny when dry, sessile, or short-stipitate; asci clavate, usually 8-spored; spores simple, ellipsoid, hyaline; paraphyses filiform, slightly enlarged above. Type species, Peziza Persoonii Moug. On species of £gMwe/Mw. 1. S. americana. On foliage of Thuja. 2. .S". Thtijae. 230 The North American Cup-Fungi 1. Stamnaria americana Massee & Morgan, Jour. Myc. 8: 183. 1902. (Plate 115.) Apothecia erumpent in clusters of three or four each, or in rows 6-7 mm. long, the individual apothecia sessile, or subsessile, at first rounded, gradually expanding and becoming turbinate, reaching a diameter of .5-. 7 mm., pale-orange; hymenium plane, or slightly concave, similar in color to the outside of the apo- thecium, whitish-pruinose from the ends of the protruding asci and paraphyses; asci clavate, 8-spored, reaching a length of 150-200 M and a diameter of 16 n; spores 1-seriate, or partially 2-seriate above, ellipsoid, straight, or curved, usually with one or two large oil-drops surrounded with a granular contents, hyaline, 7-9 X 24-32 n; paraphyses filiform, rather strongly enlarged above, pale-orange in mass. On species of Equisetum, especially Equisetum rohustmn and Equisetum hyemale. Type locality: Preston, Ohio. Distribution: New York and New Jersey to Virginia, Indiana and (Oregon?). Illustrations: Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 19: pi. 8. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 1274 (as Peziza Personii); Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 333 (as Stamnaria Equiseti); Kellerm. Ohio Fungi 2: 18. 2. Stamnaria Thujae Seaver, Mycologia 28: 186. 1936. (Plate 116.) Apothecia occurring singly, or more often in congested masses, erumpent through the epidermis on the under side of the foliage of the host, translucent with a slight yellowish or pinkish tint, exceedingly soft and gelatinous, shrinking much in drying, the individual apothecia small, not usually exceeding .2 mm. in diameter; asci clavate, reaching a length of 55 n and a diameter of 15 )u, 8-spored; spores irregularly disposed in the ascus, ellipsoid, hyaline, granular, 6-7 X 10-12 n; paraphyses very slender branched. On foliage of Thuja occidentaHs. Type locality: Baileys Harbor, Wisconsin. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 43. OMBROPHILA Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 357. 1849. Neohulgaria Petrak, Ann. Myc. 19: 44. 1921. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 115 STAMNARIA AMERICANA Ombrophila 231 Apothecia fleshy to gelatinous, stipitate but the stem often much reduced in length, or 1 cm. or more in length; asci clavate to cylindric, usually 8-spored; spores ellipsoid to fusoid, hyaline, simple; paraphyses variable. Type species, Peziza Clavus Alb. & Schw. The genus has been used as a "waste basket" and most of the species placed here have been referred to other genera. How- ever, the type species is very characteristic, widely distributed, and well known, so the genus is allowed to stand. 1. Ombrophila Clavus (Alb. & Schw.) Cooke, Grevillea 8: 84. 1879. (Plate 76.) Peziza Clavus Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. 306. 1805. Peziza Clavus violascens Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. 306. 1805. Helotium pileatum Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 28: 67. 1876. ?Helotium palustre Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 32: 48. 1879. Leotia aqiiatica Lib. Rev. Myc. 2: 18. 1880. Helotium Clavus Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 153. 1883. Cudonia aquatica Quel. Ench. Fung. 267. 1886. ?Omhrophila albiceps Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 42: 34. 1889. Cudoniella fructigena Rostr. Medd. Grcinl. 3: 605. 1891. Cudoniella aquatica Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 42. 1889. Apothecia scattered, fleshy, to subgelatinous, stipitate, or subsessile, pallid, or purplish; reaching a diameter of I cm.; hymenium plane, or convex, same color; stem variable, short, or very long, gradually expanding into the apothecium, the whole subturbinate; asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 70-90 n and a diameter of 9-10 n, 8-spored; spores elongate-ellipsoid, or subfusoid, often unequal-sided, 4-5 X 10-15 y.\ paraphyses filiform. On leaves and wood submerged in water or in very wet places. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New England to Washington; probably widely distributed. Illustrations: Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. pi. 11,}. 5; Phill. Brit. Discom. pi. 10, f. 62; Bond. Ic. Myc. pi. 434. When Albertini and Schweinitz described Peziza Clavus they listed two varieties: a. pallens and b. violascens. When Fries established the genus Ombrophila, he raised these forms to specific rank calling the first Ombrophila, piirpurascens and the second Ombrophila violacea. Just why violascens was changed to violacea is not apparent. 232 The North American Cup-Fungi Ellis distributed specimens under these names (N. Am. Fungi 3QZ as Ombrophila violacea Fr. and 393 as Ombrophila purpuras- cens Fr.) He indicates that the two were collected together and so far as the writer can see they are identical. Whether these are identical with either of the forms listed by Fries is a question. Ellis and Everhart distributed this again (Fungi Columb. 22) as Ombrophila purpurascens Fr. One specimen in the Ellis collection is labeled Ombrophila purpurascens Fr. (stipitate var.). This is certainly Ombrophila Clavus and indicates that Ellis regarded the two as having a varietal relationship. Dr. B. Kanouse lists for Michigan one collection of Ombrophila violacea (Hedw.) Fr. The small specimen examined seems to be entirely sessile although Octospora violacea Hedw. is illustrated (Hedw. Descr. 2: pi. 8,f. a.) as being at first cylindric, expanding above and at maturity with a stout stem, closely resembling Tulasne's (Fung. Carp. 3: pi. 17, f. 1-8) figures of Coryne sar- coides. There is nothing to indicate that Ombrophila violacea Fries was based on Octospora violacea Hedw., although some have so regarded it. So it will be seen that there is much confusion over the identity of these forms. Phillips (Brit. Discom. 325) states referring to Ombrophila Clavus: "A most variable species both in size and shape, the stem at one time absent, at another elongated to twice the diam- eter of the disc; sometimes very thick, at other times slender." The variability of this species doubtless is responsible for the confusion which has arisen concerning it. Doubtful and Excluded Species Ombrophila albofusca Ellis, Bull. Torre^' Club 9: 73. 1882. The type of this species has been examined but no apothecia could be found. Ombrophila aurata (Berk. & Rav.) Phill. Grevillea 19: 74. 1891; Peziza aurata Berk. & Rav. in Rav. Fung. Car. 3: 37. 1855. No specimen of this species is available but the description suggests Chlorociboria. Ombrophila flavens Feltg. Vorst. Pilz-Fl. Luxenb. V: 76. 1903. This species has been reported on wood of Salix from Washington b}' Dr. B. Kanouse. No material seen. Description suggests a Helotium. Ombrophila hirtella Rehm, Ann. Myc. 6: 314. 1908. No material has been seen but from the description it would appear to be a Lachnella. It was described from material sent from Glenco, Illinois by E. T. and S. A. Harper. Ombrophila lilacina (Wulf.) Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1 : 90. 1871; Elvela lilacea Wulf. in Jacq. Coll. Bot. 1: 347. 1786; Peziza lilacina Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 140. 1822. This species has been reported from Dominica by A. L. Smith, Jour. Linn. Soc. 35: 15. 1901. We have no other knowledge of the species. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 116 STAMNARIA THUJAE Phaeobulgaria 233 Ombrophila limosa Rehm, Ann. Myc. 11: 154. 1913. Described from material on dead leaves of Carex limosa from London, Canada. No specimens have been seen. Ombrophila Lysichitonis Kanouse, Mycologia 39: 672. 1947. Reported on Lysichiton camtschatcense from Washington b>- Dr. B. Kanouse. The description strongly suggests Ombrophila Claims. Ombrophila limosella (Karst.) Rehm, Ascom. 50S; Ber. Naturh. V'er. Augsburg 26: 122. 1881; Pesiza limosella. Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 10: 152. 1869; Ombrophila violacea var. limosella Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 88. 1871. This species has been reported from Washington by Dr. B. Kanouse. As will be seen it was originally regarded as a variety' of Ombrophila violacea, the identity of which is uncertain as indicated above. Ombrophila pellucida A. L. Smith, Jour. Linn. Soc. 35: 14. 1901. De- scribed from material collected in Dominica. No material seen. Ombrophila similis (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 614. 1889; Bul- garia similis Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Jour. Linn. Soc. 10: 370. 1868. On dead wood in Cuba. This is said to differ from Coryne sarcoides in its much smaller spores. Its identity is uncertain. Ombrophila subsqualida Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-FI. V: 1226. 1896. This species has been reported from Michigan by Dr. B. Kanouse. No material has been seen. Ombrophila subaurea Cooke, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 2: 300. 1875. Saccardo suggests that this is close to Ombrophila enterochroma {Kriegeria enterochroma) and the size of the spores, 5 X 30 a^, would so indicate. Speci- mens distributed by Ellis (N. Am. Fungi 394) do not agree with Peck's descrip- tion and are apparently small specimens of Coryne sarcoides. 44. PHAEOBULGARIA Seaver, Mycologia 24: 253. 1932. Apothecia medium large, decidedly gelatinous within, dis- tinguished from Bulgaria by its inoperculate asci and brown spores; asci clavate, 8-spored; paraphyses filiform. Type species, Peziza inquinans Pers. Only one species of this genus known at the present time. Fries included this with Bulgaria since at that time no distinction was made between the operculates and the inoperculates. Phaeobulgaria inquinans (Pers.) Nannf., Nova Acta Soc. Sci. Upsal. IV. 8: 311. 1932. (Plate 1 17, fig. 2.) Peziza polymorphs. Oeder, Fl. Dan. 8: 8. 1769. Tremella hirbinata Hudson, Fl. Angl. 2: 563. 1778. Peziza nigra Bull. Hist. Champ. Fr. 238. 1791. Peziza brunnea Batsch, Elench. Fung. 1: 125. 1783. Octospora elastica Hedw. Descr. 2: 28. 1789. Burcardia tiirbinata Schmidel, Ic. PI. 263. 1793. Tremella agaricoides Retz. Fl. Scand. 295. 1795. Peziza inquinans Pers. Tent. Disp. Fung. 33. 1797. Ascobolus inquinans Nees, Syst. Pilze Schw. 268. 1817. 234 The North American Cup-Fungi Bulgaria inquinans Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 167. 1822. Coryne turbinata Bonord. Handh. Myk. 149. 1851. Bulgaria polynwrpha Wettst. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 35: 595. 1886. Apothecia occurring singly, or more often several from a com- mon base in cespitose clumps, at first rounded, or short cylindric, finally expanding and becoming turbinate with the hymenium concave, becoming plane and finally convex with the margin repand, reaching a diameter of 1-4 cm., externally brownish; hymenium black, or bluish-black and shining; asci clavate, reaching a length of 150-200 ^ and a diameter of 9-10 m. ^- spored; spores ellipsoid, unequal-sided and often narrower at one end, becoming pale-brown, 6 7 X 12-14 m; paraphyses slender yellow, or violet brown, 1 ju in diameter. On bark of trees, especially the various species of oak, Quercus; occasionally reported on other trees. Type locality : Europe. Distribution: New York to Alabama, Washington and California; also in Europe. Illustrations: F1. Dan. pi. 464; Bull. Herb. Fr. pi. 116; Batsch. Elench. Fung. 1: pi. 11, j. 50; Schmidel, Ic. PI. pi. 70; Schaeff. Fung. Bavar. pi. 158; Hedw. Descr. 2: pi. 6, E.; Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa 6: pi. 37, f. 2. ExsiccATi: Rav. Fungi Car. 5: 43; Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 448; Reliq. Farlow. 100. 45. ASCOTREMELLA Scaver, Mycologia 22: 53. 1930. Haematomyces Authors (in part) not Berk. & Br. Jour. Linn. Soc. 14: 108. 1875. Apothecia densely crowded, or cespitose, tremelloid, sessile, or substipitate; asci cylindric but often much swollen so that the spores appear relatively small, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, or more or less irregular in form, usually containing two small oil-drops, hyaline; paraphyses slender, simple, or branched. Type species, Haematomyces fagineus Peck. Apothecia forming cerebriform masses. 1. A.fagtnea. Apothecia cespitose, turbinate. 2. A. turbinata. 1. Ascotremella faginea (Peck) Seaver, Mycologia 22: 53. 1930, (Plate 118.) Haematomyces fagineus Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 43: 33. 1890. Apothecia tremelloid, cerebriform, reaching a diameter of 2-4 cm., or forming a continuous mass 8-10 cm. in extent, gyrose- CUP-FUNGI PLATE 1 17 1. HOLWAYA GIGANTEA 2. PHEUDOBULGARIA INQUINANS CORYNE 235 lobate, smooth, shining, raisin-colored without and within, the substance gelatinous, becoming horny when dry; asci subcylin- dric, reaching a length of 50 m and a diameter of 6-7 jjl; spores usually 1 -seriate, narrow-ellipsoid, hyaline, 4-5 X 7 (x; paraphy- ses slender, slightly enlarged above. On trunks of beach, Fagns americana; also reported on Tilia. Type locality: Rainbow, Franklin Co., New York. Dlstribution: New York to Ontario and Michigan; also reported from England. Illustrations: Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 43: pL 4,f. 5-7; Mycologia 22: pJ. 11; Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. 29: 152,/. 13. 2. Ascotremella turbinata Seaver, Mycologia 22: 53. 1930. (Plate 119.) Apothecia extremely gelatinous, closely crowded when ^oung, giving rise to ccspitose clusters as they mature, the individual apothecia at first rounded, becoming turbinate, or subturbinate, externally light-colored, reaching a diameter of about 2 cm. and of about the same height, the substance shrinking to a thin film when dry; hymenium much darker than the outside of the apo- thecium, brownish, nearly circular in form, convex, plane, or very slightly concave, even or nearly so, occasionally with a few folds about the margin; asci cylindric, or subcylindric, often strongly swollen; spores small, ellipsoid, 3 4 X 6-7 /x; paraphy- ses slender, often branched. On rotten wood. Type locality: Ithaca, New York. Illustration: Mycologia 22: pi. IZ. Distribution: New York. Excluded Species Peziza concrescens Schvv. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1: 118. 1822. This species which was described as a cartilaginous discomycete is a Tremella according to Burt. 46. CORYNE Tul. Fung. Carp. 3: 190. 1865. Producing both conidial and ascigerous fruiting bodies from the same base, the structures occurring in cespitose clumps of similar purple color and both gelatinous, the conidial bodies club- shaped or tongue-shaped; apothecia turbinate, becoming ex- panded, sessile, or substipitate; asci clavate, 8-spored; spores fusoid, hyaline, becoming several-septate; paraphyses filiform. 236 The North American Cup-Fungi Type species, Peziza sarcoides Pers. The name Coryne was first used by Nees (Syst. Pilze 157. 1817) for the conidial stage of this fungus. Later it was adopted by Tulasne for the ascigerous stage and would seem to be the tenable name for the genus. Spores large, 10-30 n long. Spores 4-6 X 10-18 m- 1. C. sarcoides. Spores 6-7 X 24-30 m- 2. C. unialis. Spores small, 2-3 X 5—6 /x. 3. C. microspora. 1. Coryne sarcoides (Pers.) Bonord. Handb. Myk. 149. 1851. ?Octospora violacea Hedw. Descr. 2: 32. 1789. Not Ombrophila violacea Fries. 1 849. Peziza sarcoides Pers. Syn. Fung. 633. 1801. Peziza janthina Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 130. 1822. Bulgaria sarcoides Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 168. 1822. TremeUa sarcoides Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 217. 1822. Sarcodea sarcoides Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 11: 232. 1871. Bulgaria striata Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 1: 90. 1885. ?Coryne solitaria Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. 1^: 488. 1891. Ombrophila sarcoides Phill. Brit. Di.scom. 323. 1887. Coryne striata Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 643. 1889. ?Orbilia atropurpurea Clements, Bot. Surv. Nebr. 4: 16. 1896. Apothecia sessile, or substipitate, gelatinous, flesh-red to dark-purple, externally veined, turbinate, later expanding, 2 mm. to 1 cm. in diameter; hymenium at first concave, becoming plane, or repand, often irregularly deformed; asci clavate, reaching a length of 100-135 ^i and a diameter of 7-8 n, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid-fusoid, 4-6 X 10 18 /x. rarely larger, becoming several- septate, the septa often indistinct; paraphyses filiform, often adhering. On rotten wood. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Maine to Oregon and probably throughout North America; also in Europe, and the West Indies. Illustrations: Hedw. Descr. 2: pi. 8,f. 1-7; Bull. Herb. Fr. pi. 410, f. 1; (as Peziza tremelloidea) Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. pi. 49 (as Aleuria purpurascens); E. & P. Nat. Pfl. 1': 209, /. 164 E, F: Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa 5: pi. 22, f. 1; Tul. Fung. Carp. 3:^/. 17, f. 1-8. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 1280 (as Bulgaria purpurea)', Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2606 (as TremeUa sarcoides). CUP-FUNGI PLATE 118 <^->,, ^'>"' /;^ ASCOTREMELLA FAGINEA HOLWAYA 237 2. Coryne urnalis (Nyl.) Sacc. Atti Soc. Veneto Sci. Nat. Padova 4: 131. 1875. Bulgaria urnalis Nyl. Not. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 10: 73. 1869. Omhroplila urnalis Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 87. 1871. Coryne purpurea Fuckel, S>mb. Myc. 284. 1869. Apothecia similar to those of Coryne sarcoides but much larger, reaching a diameter 2-3 cm. ; asci clavate reaching a length of 160 190 jx and a diameter of 10 15 /u, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, elongate-fusoid, 6-7 X 24-30 /x, granular within, be- coming 1-9-septate; paraphyses filiform, slighth' enlarged above, the apices adhering. On rotten wood of various kinds. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Same as that of Coryne sarcoides. 3. Coryne microspora Ellis & Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 282. 1897. Ombrophila microspora Sacc. & Syd. in Sacc. Syll. Fung. 14: 802. 1899. Apothecia cespitose, fleshy-gelatinous, light liver-colored, reaching a diameter of 1 cm., contracted below into a short, thick stem, wrinkled and folded; hymenium concave with a depression in the center, similar in color to the outside of the apothecium; asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 70-75 ju and a diameter of 5-6 ju, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate, fusoid, 2-3 X 5-6 n, 2-nucleate (becoming septate?); paraphyses filiform. On decaying logs. Type locality : Canada. Distribution: Canada; also reported from Washington. The type has been examined and as stated by Ellis it looks exactly like Coryne urnalis except for the minute spores. Doubtful Species Coryne vinosa Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Jour. Linn. Soc. 10: 341. 1868. De- scribed as vinose, fusiform, compressed, rugose with a small head of similar color, about 4 mm. high, single, or cespitose; conidia minute, abundant. On rotten wood in woods, Cuba. Very doubtful. Coryne unicolor Berk. & Curt.; Massee (as synonym) Jour. Myc. 6: 182. 1891. This is Dacryopsis unicolor (Berk. & Curt.) Massee, Jour. Myc. 6: 181. 47. HOLWAYA Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 646. 1889. Apothecia stipitate, reaching a diameter of 1.5 cm., dark- colored, brownish-black, or greenish; asci 8-spored; spores septate, filiform, or vermiform, hyaline. 238 The North xA.merican Cup-Fungi Type species, Bulgaria Ophiobolus Ellis. The position of the genus is uncertain. Durand (Bull. Torrey Club 28: 354) places it in the Patellariaceae because the paraphyses cling together above the asci forming an epithecium. This would hardly seem to the writer to be sufficient reason for placing it there since the consistency of the apothecia does not suggest such a relationship. 1. Holwaya gigantea (Peck) Durand, Bull. Torrey Club 28: 354. 1901. (Plate 117, Fig. 1.) Stilhum giganteum Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 24: 93. 1872. Coryne Ellisii Berk. Grevillea 2: 33. 1873. Patellaria leptosperma Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 30: 62. 1878. Bulgaria Ophiobolus Ellis, Am. Nat. 17: 193. 1883. Graphiutn giganteum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 4: 611. 1886. Holwaya Ophiobolus Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 646. 1889. Lecanidion leptospermum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 800. 1889. Dacryopsis Ellisiana Massee, Jour. Myc. 6: 181. 1891. Chlorosplenium canadense Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1893: 146. 1893. Holwaya tiliacea Ellis & Ev. Am. Nat. 31: 427. 1897. Conidial structures gregarious, or single, fleshy-gelatinous, consisting of a slender or tapering stem with a length of 3-10 mm. and a diameter of 2 mm. and an ellipsoid, soft, viscid head, 2-6 X 2-4 mm.; conidiophores very slender, branched; conidia hyaline, ellipsoid, 1 X 3 m- Apothecia cespitose, or single, scattered, stipitate, cup-shaped, becoming expanded and plane, or with the margin reflexed and umbilicate, orbicular, or irregular from mutual pressure, reaching a diameter of 1.5 cm., greenish-black, fleshy-gelatinous, shrinking much in drying; hymenium similar in color to the outside of the apothecium; stem tapering upward, covered with a greenish- brown tomentum which often disappears with age ; asci narrowly clavate, reaching a length of 120-200 /x and a diameter of 10-12 n; spores more or less fasciculate, filiform-cylindric, or very narrowly clavate-cylindric with ends rounded or one end occasionally acute, straight, or curved, hyaline, 14-20-septate, 3-4 X 30-75 ju; paraphyses filiform, slender, longer than the asci, globose at their apices and clinging together. On rotten logs of Tilia, Acer, Quercus, and Magnolia, in the crevices of the bark or on the bare wood. Type locality: Buffalo, New York. Distribution : New York to Ontario, Iowa and West Virginia. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 1 19 ASCOTREMELLA TURBINATA Lachnella 239 Illustrations: Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 24: pJ. 3,f. 7-9; Bull. Torrey Club 28: pi. 26. ExsicCATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 1383; Reliq. Farlow. 126 a, 126 b. According to Nannfeldt (Nova Acta Soc. Sci. Upsal. IV. 8: 306. 1932) Crinula caliciifonnis Fries is identical with this species and would replace Graphium giganteum (Peck) Sacc. as had been pointed out by Von Hohnel. 48. ACERVUS Kanouse, Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 23 : 149. 1938. Apothecia sessile, densely cespitose in clusters varying from few to many, much contorted from mutual pressure, arising from a black, tough, rubbery sclerotiform base, reaching a diameter of 4 cm., externally slightly verrucose, soft-leathery and pliant when fresh, somewhat friable when dry, orange-colored. Type species, Acervus aurantiacus Kanouse. 1. Acervus aurantiacus Kanouse, Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 23: 140. 1938. Apothecia as above; hymenium orange-colored; asci cylindric, reaching a length of 100-140 m and a diameter of 7-10 /x, 8- spored; spores ellipsoid, simple, usually with one oil-drop, smooth, 3.5-4 X 6-8 m; paraphyses clavate, curved, orange- colored, 9 IX in diameter. On soil at the base of an elm tree. Type locality: South Lyons, Michigan. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 23: 150,/. /. 49. LACHNELLA Fries, Corpus Fl. Prov. Suec. 1: 343. 1835; Summa Veg. Scand. 365. 1849. Lachnum Retz. Fl. Scand. Prodr. 256. 1779. Dasyscyphus S. F. Gray, Nat. Arrang. Brit. PI. 1: 670. 1821. Peziza tribe Dasyscyphae Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 89. 1822. Trichopeziza Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 295. 1869. Hyalopeziza Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 297. 1869. Dasycypha Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 304. 1869. Coronellaria Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 14. 1871. Hyaloscypha Boud. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 1: 118. 1885. Erinella Quel. Ench. Fung. 301. 1886. Cistella Quel. Ench. Fung. 319. 1886. Solenopezia Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 477. 1889. Atractobolus Tode; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 3-^: 445. 1898. 240 The North American Cup-Fungi Unguicularia Hohn. Ann. Myc. 3: 404. 1905. Not Unguicularia D. C. 1825. Helolachnum Torrend, Broteria 9: 53. 1910. Apothecia sessile, or stipitate, externally densely clothed with hairs; hairs usually flexuose, smooth, or more often delicately roughened; asci cylindric to clavate, usually 8-spored; spores ellipsoid to fusoid, simple, or rarely pseudoseptate, paraphyses filiform to lanceolate. Type species, Peziza corticalis Pers. The genus Lachnella was founded by Fries (Fl. Corpus Prov. Sueciae 1: 343. 1835) on Peziza alboviolascens, a Cyphella, which he apparently mistook for a discomycete as indicated by the fact that a few years later (Summa Veg. Scand. 365. 1849) he used the name for a genus of Discomycetes. Six species were included, one of which Peziza flammea Alb. & Schw. is an opercu- late and later became the type of the genus Perrotia (Bond. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 17: 24. 1901) and is included in our volume on the North American Cup-fungi (operculates). It is proposed that the name Lachnella be conserved for a genus of Discomycetes as originally intended by Fries, and that Peziza corticalis Pers. be adopted as the type since this is probably the most widely dis- tributed and best known inoperculate species included by Fries in his genus. Although not mentioned by Fries, the spores of this species are much elongated, relatively large and occasionally become septate at maturity although this character is by no means a constant one. Since Fries' time various interpretations have been placed on the genus by different workers. In 1887, William Phillips took up the genus and used it in the same sense as Fries (1849) in- cluding four of his six species, one species, Lachnella alboviolacens (Alb. & Schw.) Fries, being ruled out as a Cyphella and one other Lachnella rhabarbarina (Berk.) Fries being transferred to Der- matea. Many other species were included in the genus by Phillips. No particular stress was placed on the spores but the genus was described as follows: ''Cups small, stipitate or sessile; flesh thin, firm, ivaxy; externally pilose or villous; asci cylindrical or subclavate; sporidia 8, colour- less; paraphyses filiform or acerose.'' In 1884, Saccardo (Bot. Cent. 18: 216) recognized the genus as follows: "(Lachnella et Helotium e. p. Erinella Quel. e. p. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 120 \1 LACHNELLA CORTICALIS Lachnella 241 Velutaria Fuckel e. p.)" and treated DasyscypJia, Trichopeziza and Ilyalopeziza as subgenera. In 1889 he used the genus Lachnella in a more restricted sense keeping it for those forms with fihform paraphyses. Those species with what he calls fusoid paraphyses, which is apparently another name for acerose are placed in two different genera Trichopeziza Fuckel (1849) with subsessile apothecia and Dasycypha with stipitate apothecia. Whether the form of the paraphyses is a good character on which to base a genus is a question. The presence or absence of a stem is scarcely more reliable here than in Helofium and Phialea. This is so variable in a given species that it is not regarded by us as a sound character on which to found a genus. In 1897, Lindau, (Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pfl. V: 201. 1897.) also took up the genus Lachnum Retz (1770) treating Trichopeziza Fuckel (1849) as a synonym. If these two genera are synonyms, Trichopeziza would have priority as a post-Friesian genus. Lachnum {Trichopeziza) is distinguished by Lindau from Lach- nella and Dasyscypha by its lanceolate paraphyses. In 1931, Clements and Shear (Genera Fungi 327) used Lachnella with the Peziza flanimea Alb. & Schw. as the type placing it in the Helotiaceae which belong to the inoperculates and ignoring the fact that it had been made the type of the genus Perrotia founded by Boudier and placed in the operculates. It will be seen from the above that no two authors have had exactly the same conception of this genus resulting in almost hopeless confusion. The writer is not presumptuous enough to think that he can straighten out this hopeless tangle, but he can at least present his own views. For the time being we are inclined to use Lachnella in much the same sense used by early workers, and include a number of the recent segregates. Hairs hyaline, appearing white, or cinereous. On coniderous plant tissues. Spores ellipsoid to fusoid, not over 20 ^ long. On species of Larix. Spores 6-8 X 15-20 /x. Spores 4-7 X 10-18 /x- Not restricted to Larix. Spores 14-20 yu long. Spores 11-15 /x long. Spores usually less than 1 1 /x long. On Pseudotsuga taxifolia. Forming cankers on branches. Not forming cankers. 1. L. Willkommii. 2. L. occiden talis. 3. L. Hahniana. 4. L. ohlongospora. 5. L. Pseudotsugae. 6. L. ciliata. 242 The North American Cup-Fungi Not restricted to Pseudotsuga. On resin on Abies balsamea. On bark of various conifers. Spores fusiform, sharp-pointed, 20-25 ^u long. Not restricted to coniferous plants. On phanerogams. Apothecia becoming shallow cup-shaped. On dicotyledonous hosts. On twigs and branches of woody plants. Spores 15-20 /x long, on bark. Spores less than 15 ju long. H y m e n i u m orange-col- ored. Hymenium ochraceous, on Ruhus. On rotten wood of various kinds. Apothecia fasciculate, on olive. Apothecia not fasciculate. Paraphyses filiform. Paraphyses lanceolate. Hairs capped with crystals. Hairs not capped with crystals. On leaves, living or dead. On leaves of Quercus. Hairs capitate, spores 5- 7 yu long. Hairs not capitate. Spores 2.5-3 X 15-20 /x. Spores 1.5 X 7-8 n. Not on leaves of Quercus. On leaves of Garraya. On leaves of Vaccinium. On leaves of Gaul therm. On leaves of Halesia. On exposed roots and debris. On monocotyledons. On culms of Junctis. On stems of Calamagrostis. On leaves of Arundinaria. Apothecia c^dindric, soleniform. On cryptogams. On rootstocks of Equiselum. On ferns. On stems of Pteris. On stems of Aspidium and Adiantum. On fronds of Dicranopteris. 7. L. resinaria. 8. L Agassizii. 9. L. Ellisiana. 10. L. corticalis. 11. L. hicolor. 12. L. subochracea. 13. L. fasciculata. 14. L. hyalina. 15. L. crucifera. 16. L. virginea. 17. L. capjtata. 18. L. ciliaris. 19. L. poUinaria. 20. L. tautilla. 21. L. virginella. 22. L. Gaultheriae. 23. L. Halesiae. 24. L. pygmaea. 25. L. dim inula. 26. L. agrostina. 27. L. Arundinariae. 28. L. Solenia. 29. L. inquilina. 30. L. pteridicola. 31. L. aspidicoJa. 32. L. Dicranopteridis. Lachnella 243 On fungi. On Rhytisma on Acer. On stromata of Acanthonitschkia. Hairs pale-yellow to sulphur-yellow. On phanerogams. On dead wood. .Spores 3-5 X 10-14 m- Spores 2 X 7-8 m- On herbaceous stems. Paraphyses lanceolate. Paraph\ses filiform. On stems of Arctium; spores 1.5-2 X 8-12 M- On stems of Iva, spores; spores 3 X 12-14 II. On fallen pine needles. On cr}ptogams, tree fern, Gleichenia. Hairs greenish or purple. Hairs pale-purple. Hairs green or greenish. Spores large, 5-6 X 12-15 ^. Spores small, less than 10 ix long. Spores 1-1.5 X 5-5.5 n. Spores 2 X 7-9 m- Hairs brown to blackish. On phanerogams. On dicotyledons. On coniferous plants of various kinds. Spores 4 X 7 M- Spores 5 X 12-15 fx. Not on conifers. On woody plant tissues. On bark of Populus trenmloides. Paraphyses lanceolate. Paraphyses clavate. Not restricted to Poptdus. Paraphyses lanceolate on leaves of Cornus. Paraphyses clavate, on rotten wood. On herbaceous stems; Eupatorium. On monocotyledons, Fragmites, Andropogon etc. On cryptogams, Pteris aquilina. 33. L. Rhytismatis. 34. L. Acanthonitschkeae. 35. L. succina. 36. L. albolutea. 37. L. sulphurea. 38. L. canadensis. 39. L. Ivae. 40. L. pulverulenta. 41. L. GJeicheniae. 42. L. atropurpurea. 43. L. viridicoma. 44. L. microspora. 45. L. pulveracea. 46. L. arida. 47. L. fiiscosanguinea. 48. L. poptdicola. 49. L. poptdina. 50. L. Corni. 51. L. cerina. 52. L. Eiipatorii. 53. L. albotestacea. 54. L. Pteridis. 1. Lachnella Willkommii Hartig, Wicht. Krankh. Waldbaume 98. 1874. (Plate 123.) ?Peziza calycina Schum. Enum. PI. Saell. 2: 424. 1803. Peziza calycina Laricis Chaillet; Fries, Elench. Fung. 2: 8. 1828. 244 The North American Cup-Fungi Peziza Laricis Rehm, Grevillea 4: 169. 1876. Lachnea calycina Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 71. 1880. Helotium Willkommii Wettestein, Bot. Cent. 31: 285. 1887. Trichoscypha WiUkommii Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 125. 1907. Trichoscyphella WiUkommii Nannf. Nova Acta Soc.Sci. Upsal. IV. 8: 300. 1932. Conidial stage which precedes the apothecial stage consists of waxy, whitish stromata with irregular labyrinthiform cavities in which the microconidia are abstricted from the tips of slender, subulate, simple, or verticillately-branched sporophores; micro- conidia hyaline, simple, ellipsoid, or allantoid, 1-2 X 2-8 n. Apothecia sessile, or short-stipitate, scattered, or gregarious in small groups and occasionally several closely crowded to- gether, at first closed and rounded, becoming expanded and finally scutellate, externally white and clothed with a dense covering of white hairs, reaching a diameter of 13 mm., hy- menium becoming nearly plane, yellow to orange; hairs flexuous, of nearly uniform thickness throughout their length, minutely roughened; asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 100-120 n and a diameter of 8-10 ^u, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, often with the ends narrowed, hyaline, granular within, 6-8 X 15-20 )u, or rarely as long as 25 ju; paraphyses slender, clavate, reaching a diameter of about 3 /i. On branches of Larix europaea. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Massachusetts to Idaho; also in Europe. Illustrations: Hartig, Text-book Dis. Trees (trans.) 119, /. 58, 59; Boud. Ic. Myc. pi. 518 (in part); Mycologia 26: pi. 9, f. 1-5, pi. 10. 2. Lachnella occidentalis (Hahn & Ayers) Seaver, comb. nov. Dasyscypha occidentalis Hahn & Ayers, Mycologia 26: 90. 1934. Conidial stage consisting of a fleshy stroma with irregular labyrinthiform cavities in which the microconidia are abstricted from the tips of slender, pointed, verticillately branched sporo- phores; microconidia ellipsoid, or allantoid, simple, 1-1.5 X 2-5 /x. Apothecia fleshy, abundant, scattered, or grouped, at first globose and closed, opening in a roundish form, the margin incurved, later expanding and becoming saucer-shaped under moist conditions, laterally compressed and closed when dry, short-stipitate, externally densely clothed with white hairs, reaching a diameter of 1-3 mm., salmon-orange; hairs long, Lachnella 245 flexuous, roughened on the outside, 3-4 m in diameter; asci clavate, reaching a length of 130 m and a diameter 12 /x, 8-spored; spores obliquely 1 -seriate, becoming 1 -septate on germination, ellipsoid, 4-7 X 10-18 m; paraphyses filiform, swollen at their apices, 1-2 ju in diameter. On species of Larix, L. eiiropaea, L. Laricina, L. leptolepis, and L. occidentalis. Type locality: Hills, British Columbia. Distribution: Vermont to Pennsylvania and British Co- lumbia. Illustrations: Mycologia 26: pi. 12, f. 6-10; pi. 13. 3. Lachnella Hahniana Seaver, nom. nov. Dasyscypha calycina Fuckel, Synib. Myc. 305. 1869. Not Peziza calycina Schuni. 1803. Conidial stage consisting of erumpent, fleshy, or waxy stromata containing simple, or labyrinthiform loculi in which microconidia are abstricted from the tips of short, subulate, simple, or verticillately branched sporophores; microconidia continuous, hyaline; ellipsoid, or allantoid, 1-2 X 2-5 /x. Apothecia abundant, solitary, or grouped, short-stipitate, at first globose and closed, opening with a rounded form and expanding to a saucer-shaped structure in moist weather, reach- ing a diameter of 3 mm., externally densely clothed with white hairs; hymenium, concave, ochraceous to salmon-orange; hairs cylindric with slightly swollen extremities, 3-4 m thick, minutely roughened; asci clavate, reaching a length of 100-165 /x and a diameter of 8-10 m, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate, smooth, ellipsoid, simple, often becoming 1-septate on germination, 5-8 X 14 20 n; paraphyses filiform, intermixed with broader filaments with swollen extremities, rounded, or with subacute apices, occa- sionally spathulate, 1-4 y. thick. On Larix europaea, Larix leptolepis, and Pseiidotsuga iaxifolia. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Massachusetts; also in Europe. Illustrations: Mycologia 26: pi. 8; pi. 9,f. 6-10. 4. Lachnella oblongospora (Hahn & Ayers) Seaver, comb. nov. Dasyscypha oblongospora Hahn & Ayers, Mycologia 26: 88. 1934. Conidial stage consisting of waxy, erumpent, stromata with irregular, labyrinthiform cavities in which the microconidia are 246 The North American Cup-Fungi abstricted from the tips of the slender, subulate, simple, or verticillately branched sporophores; microconidia hyaline, sim- ple, ellipsoid, or allantoid, 1-1.5 X 2-5 fi. Apothecia erumpent, waxy, scattered, or grouped, at first globose, closed, opening and becoming urn-shaped, expanding under moist conditions, laterally compressed and closed when dry, short-stipitate, externally clothed with white, or grayish- white hairs; reaching a diameter of 2 mm.; hymenium salmon- orange to orange-buff; hairs long, flexuous and minutely rough- ened, septate, 3-4 fx thick; asci clavate, reaching a length of 70-100 jji and a diameter of 7-10 /x, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate, or irregularly disposed, ellipsoid, hyaline, smooth, at first simple, often becoming 1-septate before germination, 4-6 X 11-15 jjl; paraphyses filiform, scarcely swollen at their apices, 1-2 ju in diameter. On coniferous branches of Larix laricens, L. europaea, L. leptolepis, Picea pungens, Pinus pungens, Pinus virginiana and Pseudotsuga taxifolia. Type locality: Bethel, Vermont (On Larix laricina). Distribution: Vermont to Pennsylvania and Michigan. Illustrations: Mycologia 26: pi. 11; pi. 12, f. 1-5. 5. Lachnella Pseudotsugae (Hahn) Seaver, comb. nov. Dasyscypha Pseudotsugae Hahn, Mycologia 32: 138. 1940. Conidial stage consisting of waxy-fleshy, light-buff stromata with lab^Tinthiform cavities in which the conidia are borne and from which they exude in a droplet or tendril ; conidia produced on the ends of simple, or branched conidiophores; hyaline ellip- soid, 1.8-3 X 2.4-4 fjL. Apothecia waxy-fleshy, scattered, or closely grouped, at first globose and closed, opening in a roundish form, the margin incurved, urn-shaped, becoming widely expanded and discoid under moist conditions, laterally compressed when dry, 1-3.5 mm. in diameter; hymenium light orange-yellow to orange; hairs minutely roughened, cylindrical with obtuse ends, 3-3.5 pi in diameter, hyaline-white; asci clavate, reaching a length of 50-60 fj. and a diameter of 4-5.4 n, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate, ellipsoid to fusoid, 2-4 X 4-7 m; paraphyses filiform, slightly swollen above. Forming cankers on living branches of Pseudotsuga taxifolia. Type locality: Lokoya, Napa County, California. Distribution: California to British Columbia. Illustrations: Mycologia 32: 139./. 1-6. Lachnella 247 6. Lachnella ciliata (Hahn) Seaver, comb. nov. Dasyscypha ciliata Hahn, Mycologia 32: 141. 1940. Conidial stage not observed. Apothecia waxy-fleshy, short-stipitate, usually scattered, occasionaUy grouped, at first globose, expanding and becoming discoid, externally whitish, 1-2 mm. in diameter; hymenium concave, or plane, orange; hairs cylindric with acute ends, minutely roughened, giving rise to a fringe-like margin, 3 /x thick; asci clavate, reaching a length of 70-80 m and a diameter of 7-10 jj., 8-spored; spores obliquely 1-seriate, ovoid to ellipsoid, 4-6 X 8-12 ii; paraphyses filiform, slightly swollen at their apices. On dead branches of Pseudotsuga taxifolia. Type locality: Portland Heights, Oregon. Distribution: Oregon and British Columbia. Illustrations: Mycologia 32: 143./. 2. 7. Lachnella resinaria Phill. Brit. Discom. 242. 1887. Peziza resinaria Cooke & Phill.; Cooke, Greviliea 3: 185. 1875. Dasyscypha resinaria Rehm, Ascom. Lojk. 11. 1882. Lachnellida resinaria Rehm. in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. 1^: 864. 1893. Apothecia short-stipitate, at first globose and closed, expand- ing and becoming shallow cup-shaped, externally densely clothed with white hairs, reaching a diameter of .5-1.5 mm.; hymenium concave, pale-orange; hairs hyaline-white, cylindric, flexuous, septate, reaching a diameter of 3-3.5 jx; asci cylindric above, tapering below, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, 2.5 X 5 ju; paraphyses filiform, slightly enlarged above. On resin from the branches of balsam fir, Abies halsamea. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Minnesota. Illustrations: Bull. Torrey Club 29: pi. 1. Reported from Minnesota, as causing canker growth on Abies balsamea (Bull. Torrey Club 29: 23. 1902.) While frequently reported from Europe, surprisingly little material has been encountered from this country. 8. Lachnella Agassizii (Berk. «& Curt.) Seaver, comb. nov. (Plate 121.) ?Elvela calyciformis Batsch, Elench. Fung. Cont. 1: 195. 1786. ?Peziza calyciformis Willd. Fl. Berol. 404. 1787. fOctospora calyciformis Hedw. Descr. 2: 78. 1789. 248 The North American Cup-Fungi Peziza Agassizii Berk. & Curt.; Cooke & Peck, Grevillea 1: 5. 1872. Peziza subtilissima Cooke, Grevillea 3: 121. 1875. Helotium calyciforme Wettstein, Bot. Cent. 31: 319. 1887. Lachnella subtilissima Phill. Brit. Discom. 244. 1887. Dasyscypha subtilissima Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 438. 1889. Dasyscypha Agassizii Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 438. 1889. Dasyscypha incarnata Clements, Bull. Torrey Club 30: 88. 1903. Apothecia gregarious, short-stipitate, at first subglobose, becoming expanded and shallow cup-shaped, or nearly plane, externally clothed with flexuose, white hairs; hymenium bright orange-yellow, fringed about with marginal hairs, reaching a diameter of 4 mm., but often much smaller; hairs hyaline, white to the unaided eye, blunt, or attenuated, externally covered with coarse granules, reaching a length of 100 /x and a diameter of 2-3 /x; asci cylindric or subcylindric, reaching a length of 60 95 /i and a diameter of 3-4 yu; spores 1- or 2-seriate, narrow-ellipsoid, hyaline, 3-4 X 6-10 /x; paraphyses clavate, reaching a diameter of 2-5 n at their apices. On bark and wood of conifers, Abies balsamea, Picea Mariana, Picea rubra, Pinus monticola, Pinus Strobiis, Pseudotsuga taxi- folia and Tsuga canadensis. Type locality: Lake Superior region (Calumet). Distribution: Labrador to Pennsylvania, Montana and Colorado. Probably widely distributed in subboreal regions; ? also in Europe. Illustrations: Hedw. Descr. 2: pi. 22, B; Grevillea 3: pi. 40, f. 169; Mycologia 21 : pi. 20; 35: 107, /. 2. ExsiCCATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 1311; Barth. Fungi Columb. 4530; Clements, Crypt. Form. Colo. 82; W. B. Cooke, Mycobiota N. Am. 67. Rehm, Ascom. 1854 (from Wisconsin). Bingham and Ehrlich after an exhaustive study (Mycologia 35 : 95-1 11. 1 943) consider Dasyscypha Agassizii as distinct from Peziza calyciformis Willd. of Europe, the differences based largely on spore measurements. The differences are so slight that it seems to the writer a question whether or not they should be separated. 9. Lachnella Ellisiana (Rehm) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza Ellisiana Rehm, Grevillea 4: 169. 1876. Dasyscypha Ellisiana Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 459. 1889. Imperfect stage abundant, yellowish-green, minute, consisting of an erumpent stroma, 106-132 /x diam., at first closed, then opening up with a single exposed chamber, or compound, with CUP-FUNGI PLATE 121 LACHNELLA AGASSIZII Lachnella 249 more than one locule, 243-433 jjl diam., microconidia fusiform, .9-1.2 X 5-5.8 fj. abstricted from the tips of short sporophores, subulate, acute, simple, or verticillately branched. Apothecia scattered, or gregarious, sessile, or very short- stipitate, at first subglobose, expanding and becoming shallow cup-shaped, reaching a diameter of 1-2 mm., externally densely clothed with white or whitish hairs; hymenium plane, or slightly concave, bright-orange; hairs cylindric or subcylindric, septate, hyaline, minutely roughened on the outside, reaching a diameter of 4-6 jjL and of variable length up to 200 jjl; asci clavate, reaching a length of 65 jj. and a diameter of 6-7 /z, 8-spored; spores 2- seriate or partially so, fusiform and very sharp-pointed, 2-3 X 20-25 fj.; paraphyses lanceolate, or sublanceolate, rather slender, about half the diameter of the ascus. On bark of species of Finns, Picea and Larix. Type locality: New Jersey. Distribution : Maine to Alabama and Texas. Illustrations: Mycologia 26: pi. 21; pi. 22, f. 1-7. ExsiCCATi: Rav. Fungi Am. 175; Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2324, 3231; Fungi Columb. 641, 1224; Rehm, Ascom. 303; Thum. Myc. Univ. 716. Resembling Lachnella hicolor but differing in the very long, sharply pointed spores. Dasyscypha lachnoderma (Berk.) Rehm, which was thought by Ellis to be identical with this species is quite distinct according to Ayers and Hahn (Mycologia 26: 157-180). Some of the above exsiccati were distributed under the latter name. 10. Lachnella corticalis (Pers.) Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 365. 1849. (Plate 120.) Peziza corticalis Pers. Tent. Disp. Fung. 33. 1797. Helotium corticate Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 159. 1871. Lachnea corticalis Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 84. 1880. Peziza borealis Ellis & Holw.; Arth. Bull. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Minn. 3: 35. 1887. Lachnella canescens Phili. Brit. Discom. 259. 1887. Dasyscypha borealis Sacc. S>11. Fung. 8: 457. 1889. Lachnella rhizophila Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Phila. 1894: 348. 1894. Dasyscypha canescens Massee, Brit. Fungus-FI. 4: 346. 1895. Lachnum corticate Clements, Crypt. Form. Colo. 86. 1906. Apothecia thickly gregarious, sessile, or short-stipitate, at first closed and subglobose, expanding and becoming shallow 250 The North American Cup-Fungi cup-shaped with the mouth constricted, reaching a diameter of 1 mm., externally densely clothed with grayish hairs which may change to yellowish, or brownish with age, the hairs often tipped with masses of minute, rod-like bodies which give them a crys- taline appearance; hymenium concave, cream-colored, or yellow- ish; hairs gradually attenuated, semiacute, septate, pale-yellow below, hyaline toward the tip, reaching a length of 100-150 fj. and a diameter of 3-4 ju at the base; asci clavate, reaching a length of 100 M and a diameter of 10 m, tapering below; spores obliquely 2-seriate, fusoid, slightly curved, about 4 X 15-20 /x or rarely as long as 30 n, often with a row of oil-drops, giving the spore a pseudoseptate appearance, or often 1 -septate; paraphyses protruding far beyond the asci, cylindric below, semiacute at their apices, 2-3 n in diameter. On bark of various deciduous trees. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York to Winnipeg, Washington and Colorado; also in Europe. Illustrations: Bond. Ic. Myc. pi. 517; E. & P. Nat. Pfl. V: 202, f. 159 H, ExsiCCATi : Clements, Crypt. Form. Colo. 86. 11. Lachnella bicolor (Bull.) Phill. Brit. Discom. 249. 1887. (Plate 123, fig. 2.) Peziza bicolor Bull. Hist. Champ. Fr. 243. 1791. Dasyscypha bicolor Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 305. 1869. Lachnum bicolor Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 172. 1871. Lachnea bicolor Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 70. 1880. Erinella bicolor Quel. Ench. Fung. 303. 1886. Apothecia closely gregarious, or scattered, sessile, or short- stipitate, at first closed, becoming expanded, externally clothed with a dense covering of white hairs, reaching a diameter of 1-2 mm.; hymenium nearly plane, orange-yellow; hairs hyaline, cylindric, septate, externally roughened with granules, reaching a length of 200 /x, and a diameter of 4 m; often with crystaline caps, asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 40-50 m and a diameter of 5-6 m; spores fusiform, straight, or slightly curved, 1.5-2 X 6-12 /i; paraphyses lanceolate, very sharp j^ointed. On small twigs of various trees and shrubs. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York to Washington and Alaska to Mexico; also in Europe. Probably widely distributed. Lachnella 251 Illustrations: Bull. Herb. Fr. pi. 410, f. 3; Phill. Brit. Discom. pi. 8, /. 46; Gill. Champ. Discom. pi. 61, f. 3; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 865,/. 1-4. ExsiccATi: Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 1222; Barth. Fungi Columb. 3117. During the summer of 1929 a fine collection of the species was made near the Alpine Laboratory on Pikes Peak, Colorado on dead stems of Riibus (Seaver & Shope 443). 12. Lachnella subochracea (Cooke & Peck) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza subochracea Cooke & Peck, Grevillea 1: 6. 1872. Trichopeziza subochracea Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 408. 1889. Apothecia sessile, or substipitate, scattered, at first subglo- bose, then expanded and becoming discoid with the margin slightly elevated, yellowish, clothed with white hairs; hymenium ochraceous, nearly plane, or slightly concave with the margin slightly elevated; hairs poorly developed, hyaline; asci clavate, reaching a length of 80 ^ and a diameter of 8 /x; spores partially 2-seriate, or irregularly disposed, fusiform, hyaline, 3 X 12-13 ju; paraphyses filiform, or slightly enlarged above. On dead stems of Rubus. Type locality: Adirondack Mountains. Distributions: New York and Newfoundland. Illustrations: Grevillea 1: pi. l,f. 4. Although this has been placed in the genus Trichopeziza by Saccardo, the apothecia are not conspicuously hair>^ as in most of the species of the genus. The apothecia are delicately pubes- cent but the hairs poorl}^ developed. 13. Lachnella fasciculata (Seaver & Waterston) Seaver, comb, nov. Dasyscypha fasciculata Seaver & Waterston, Mjcolgia 32; 397. 1940. Apothecia thickly gregarious, occurring singly, or more often in dense, fasciculate clumps, several apparently springing from the same base and so closely compact that they appear to be one compound fruit body, short-stipitate, externally clothed with a dense covering of white hairs, the clumps scarcely exceeding 1 mm. in diameter, the individual apothecia much less; hy- menium concave, pale-orange; hairs flexuous, hyaline, externally roughened, about 2 ^i in diameter; asci clavate, reaching a length of 35-40 n and a diameter of 4 /z, 8-spored; spores minute, fusoid, 252 The North American Cup-Fungi hyaline, 1.5 X 6 n; paraphyses filiform semiacute but scarcely lanceolate. Type collected on rotten stumps of olive tree, Olea europaea, Walsingham, Bermuda, Nov. 30, 1938. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 14. Lachnella hyalina (Pers.) Phill. Brit. Discom. 267. 1887. Peziza hyalina Pers. Syn. Fung. 655. 1801. Helothim hyalinum Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna FI. Fenn. 11: 240. 1871. Lachnea hyalina Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 79. 1880. Urceola hyalina Quel. Ench. Fung. 321. 1886. P seudohelotium hyalinum Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 298. 1869. Hyaloscypha hyalina Boud. Ic. Myc. 4: 308. 1911. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, at first globose and closed, opening and becoming cup-shaped, then expanded and saucer- shaped, soft and externally slightly downy, .1-.5 mm. in diameter; hymenium hyaline, occasionally slightly yellowish or rosy; hairs delicate, hyaline, or white; asci fusoid, reaching a length of 35- 45 ju and a diameter of 7-10 /x, 8-spored; spores elongated, or slightly fusiform, 2-seriate, straight, or slightly curved, 2-2.5 X 6-10 m; paraphyses filiform, 2 ^i thick. On dead wood and bark of various kinds. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New Jersey to Washington, California and Louisiana; also in Europe. Illustrations: Phill. Brit. Discom. pi. 8, f. 48; Boud. Ic. Myc. pi 525. ExsiccATi : Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2810. 15. Lachnella crucifera Phill. Brit. Discom. 250. 1887. (Plate 122.) Peziza crucifera Phill. Card. Chron. II. 10: 397. 1878. Peziza sulphurella Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 30: 59. 1878. Dasyscypha crucifera Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 440. 1889. Dasyscypha sulphurella Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 459. 1889. Apothecia stipitate, reaching a diameter of .5-1 mm., shallow cup-shaped with hymenium pale-yellowish, externally clothed with hairs intermixed with crystals of calcium oxalate giving them a granular appearance; stem reaching a length of .5-1 mm. and also clothed with hairs; hairs hyaline, clavate, septate, reaching a length of 80 /x and a diameter of 4 ^t; asci clavate, reaching a length of 40 ix and a diameter of 5-6 /x, 8-spored; spores minute, about 2 X 5-6 /x; paraphyses lanceolate. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 122 .-. :••■5^^-l. /IX / \ xm ■■ ;. ■■-■ ■-'^- 1 i::r===? y.\ .-?— - / LACHNELLA CRUCIFERA Lachnella 253 On rotten wood. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York to Michigan ; also in Europe. Illustrations: Gard. Chron. II. 10:/. 71; Mycologia 28: 5, In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Sciences (23: 153. 1938) Dr. B. Kanouse calls attention to the fact that Feziza sulphurella Peck and Peziza crucifera Phill. are identical. It is an interesting coincidence that both were described in the same month of the same year. Which name actually has priority it is difficult to say. The above synonymy is based on the conclu- sions of Dr. Kanouse. 16. Lachnella virginea (Batsch) Phill. Brit. Discom. 248. 1887. Lachnum agaricinum Retz. Fl. Scand. Prodr. 256. 1779. Peziza virginea Batsch, Elench. Fung. 125. 1783. Octospora nivea Hedw. (fil.) Obs. Bot. 13. 1802. Trichopeziza nivea Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 296. 1869. Dasyscypha virginea Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 305. 1869. Lachnum niveum Karst. Myc Fenn. 1: 168. 1971. Lachnum virgineum Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 169. 1871. Lachnea virginea Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 68. 1880. ?Peziza latebrosa Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 9: 18. 1882. ErineUa virginea Quel. Ench. Fung. 304. 1886. Lachnella nivea Phill. Brit. Discom. 245. 1887. ? Dasyscypha latebrosa .Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 434. 1889. Dasyscypha nivea Sacc. S\ll. Fung. 8: 437. 1889. Lachnum niveum var. Fairmani Rehm, Ann. Myc. 6: 316. 1908. Apothecia gregarious, or scattered, at first globose and closed, becoming expanded and shallow cup-shaped, reaching a diameter of 1 mm., contracted below into a short stem which reaches a length of 1-2 mm., clothed with white hairs; hymenium nearly plane, white, or becoming slightly yellowish; hairs hyaline, septate, covered with minute granules, mostly clavate, reaching a diameter of 3 /i below and about 6 ju above, the length variable but up to 80 ju; asci clavate-cylindric, about 4-5 X 45-60 jx, 8-spored; spores fusoid, 1.5-2.5 X 6-10 /x; paraph yses lanceolate, extending far beyond the asci, hyaline, 4-6 /x in diameter at the thickest point. On wood of various kinds and on woody stems. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Widely distributed in North America; also in Europe. 254 The North American Cup-Fungi Illustrations: Hedw. (fil.) Obs. Bot. pi. 8,f. B; Sow. Engl. Fungi, pi. 65; Gill Champ. Fr. Discom. pi. 59, f. 1-2; Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa 6: pi. 25, f. 3 (except paraphysis). ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 387; Ellis «& Ev, N. Am. Fungi, 2912; Fungi Columb. 19, 2015. This is a species concerning which there has been much con- fusion. Phillips in his British Discomycetes regards L. niveum and L. virgineum as distinct species and states that the latter can be distinguished from the former by its lanceolate paraphyses. Rehm treats them as distinct but assigns lanceolate paraphyses to both and seemed to know nothing of L. niveum as diagnosed by Phillips. Gillet in his Discomycetes of France treats them as distinct and attempts to draw a slight difference in the form of the cups or length of the hairs. In his early work on the Discomycetes the writer encountered this species and figured it with clavate paraphyses which may have been due to faulty observation, for in going over all of the specimens in the herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden listed under these two names, he finds that all of them have lanceolate paraphyses. Since none of the diagnostic characters used by European authors, in separating these two species appear to have any particular value, they are here combined. One specimen examined seems to show two kinds paraphyses, lanceolate and filiform. 17. Lachnella capitata (Peck) Seaver, comb. nov. ?Peziza crystallina Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 306. 1869. Peziza capitata Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 30: 60. 1878. Trichopeziza capitata Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 417. 1889. ?Dasyscypha crystallina Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 440. 1889. ?Dasyscypha scintillans Massee, Brit. Fungus-Fl. 4: 328. 1895. Dasyscypha capitata Kanouse, Mycologia 39: 646. 1947. Apothecia very minute, sessile, at first globose and closed, finally expanding, externally clothed with a dense coat of white hairs; hymenium white, or yellowish; hairs hyaline with trans- mitted light, often terminated with a crystalline cap; asci cy- lindric, or subcylindric, reaching a length of 30 )u; spores cylindric, slender 5-7 /x long; paraphyses thick, longer than the asci, lanceolate. On leaves of Quercus. Type locality: Albany, New York, type on Quercus alba. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 123 V. ? «. * X-J> »."'• .'V -- LACHNELLA WILLKOMMII Lac HN ELLA 255 Distribution: New York to Missouri, and Pennsylvania; also in Europe? ExsiccATi: Rab. -Winter, Fungi Eu. 3168 (from Ohio); Thiim. Myc. Univ. 8J3 (from New York). 18. Lachnella ciliaris (Schrad.) Phill. Brit. Disconi. 251. 1887. Peziza ciliaris Schrad.; Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2: 1453. 1791. Peziza echinulata Auersw. Hedwigia 7: 136. 1868. Hyalopeziza ciliaris Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 298. 1869. Lachnea ciliaris Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 68. 1880. Erinella ciliaris Quel. Ench. Fung. 304. 1886. Trichopeziza ciliaris Rehm, Ber. Naturh. Ver. Augsburg 26: 64. 1881. Lachnella echinulata Phill. Brit. Discom. 249. 1887. Dasyscypha ciliaris Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 443. 1889. Lachnum echinulatum Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. 1': 876. 1893. Apothecia minute, sessile, or very short-stipitate, subglobose and usually closed when dr>% open when moist, white, densely clothed with white hairs; hymenium white; hairs hyaline with transmitted light, reaching a diameter of 6-7 m ^'^ncl a length of 40-60 m; asci clavate, reaching a length of 50-60 /x and a diameter of 8 9 ju, 8-spored; spores fusoid, partially 2-seriate, 2.5 3 X 15- 20 m; paraphyses sparse, filiform, reaching a diameter of 3 /i, lanceolate above. On fallen leaves of Quercus. Type locality : Europe. Distribution: Ohio; also in Europe. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 13 IZ (as Peziza echinulata Awd.). 19. Lachnella pollinaria (Cooke.) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza pollinaria Cooke, Bull. BufFalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 2: 292. 1875. Trichopeziza pollinaria Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 416. 1889. Lachnum pollinarium Cash, Jour. Wash. Acad. Nat. Sci. 29: 48. 1939. Apothecia subgregarious, minute, sessile, at first globose, then expanding, clothed with short, white hairs; asci subcylindric, reaching a length of 35-40 ju and a diameter of 5 /x; spores irregu- larly 2-seriate, fusoid, 1.5 X 7-8 /x; paraphyses stout, lanceolate, 3-4 fx in diameter. On old oak leaves. Type locality: New Jersey. Distribution: New Jersey to Georgia. 256 The North American Cup-Fungi The original description of this species is brief and unsatis- factory. The above description is based on material in the Ellis collection. The species will bear more investigation. 20. Lachnella tautilla (Phill. & Hark.) Seaver, comb, nov, Peziza tautilla Phill. & Hark. Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1: 21. 1884. Dasyscypha tautilla Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 445. 1889. Apothecia scattered, stipitate, minute, white, cup-shaped, clothed to the base with slender, hyaline-white hairs; asci broad- clavate, 8-spored; spores ovoid, 1 X 4 m; paraphyses filiform. Among the hairs on the under side of living leaves of Garrya eJU plica . Type locality: Tamalpais, California. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. ExsiCCATi: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2041; Rab. -Winter, Fungi Eu. 3468 (from California). 21. Lachnella virginella (Cooke) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza virginella Cooke; Cooke & Ellis, Grevillea 4: 178. 1876. Dasyscypha virginella Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 444. 1889. Lachnum virginellum Zeller, Mycologia 26: 293. 1934. Apothecia scattered, long-stipitate, externalh' white-tomen- tose; hymenium whitish; hairs hyaline, reaching a length of 40- 50 ju; asci clavate, reaching a length of 40 fx and a diameter of 4-5 /x, short-stipitate, 8-spored; spores fusoid, 1 X 6-7 /x; pa- raphyses lanceolate. On leaves of species of Vaccinium. Type locality: New Jersey. Distribution : New Jersey to Pennsylvania and Louisiana. Exsiccati: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2144. 22. Lachnella Gaultheriae (Ellis & Ev.) Seaver, comb. nov. Dasyscypha Gaultheriae Ellis & Ev. Erythea 1: 199. 1893. Lachnum Gaultheriae Zeller, Mycologia 26: 292. 1934. Apothecia seated on large, semicircular, grayish to brownish spots with a dark-purple border, stipitate, nearly closed at first, then opening and becoming cup-shaped, pale-orange, clothed externally with a dense coat of short, white hairs; hymenium pale-orange, reaching a diameter of 1 mm. ; stem short, rather less than the diameter of the apothecium; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 40 /x and a diameter of 3-4 /x, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, ellipsoid, or clavate-ellipsoid, 1.25 X 4-5 /x. Lachnella 257 On leaves of Gaultheria Shallon. Type locality: Seattle, Washington. Distribution: Washington to Oregon and California. According to Zeller (Mycologia 26: 293) this species is very closely related to Trichopeziza ecJnnulata Rehm, Ascom. 259. 23. Lachnella Halesiae Cash, Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 29: 48. 1939. Apothecia scattered over the lower surface of the host, sessile, or substipitate, at first subglobose with the margin in- rolled and the hymenium hidden, then expanding and becoming subdiscoid, .2-. 6 mm. in diameter, externally clothed with white hairs; hymenium translucent, apricot-colored; hairs hyaline, septate, delicately roughened, not enlarged above; asci broad- cylindric, 8-spored, reaching a length of 47-50 n and a diameter of 7-8 tx\ spores obliqueh' 1-seriate, fusoid, 1.5-2 X 12-15 /x; paraphyses lanceolate, longer than the asci 2.5-4 yL thick. On leaves of Halesia Carolina. Type locality: Athens, Georgia. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 29: 47,/. 2. 24. Lachnella pygmaea (Fries) Phill. Brit. Discom. 242. 1887. (Plate 125, fig. 2.) Peziza pygmaea Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 79. 1822. Helotium luteolum Currey, Trans. Linn. Soc. 24: 153. 1864. Helotiiim rhizophilum Fuckel, Fungi Rhen. 1598. 1865. Ciboria rhicophila Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 312. 1869. Helotium pygmaeum Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. II: 214. 1871. Lachnea pygmaea Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 71. 1880. Peziza nuda Phill. & Plow. Grevillea 8: 101. 1880. Helotium affinissimnm Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 33: 32. 1883. Erinella pygmaea Quel. Ench. Fung. 303. 1886. Hymenoscypha Hedwigii PhiW. Brit. Discom. 130. 1887. Hymenoscypha rhizophila Phill. Brit. Discom. 144. 1887. Lachnella nuda Phill. Brit. Discom. 247. 1887. Lachnella luteola Phill. Brit. Discom. 247. 1887. Helotium rhizogenum Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 4: 100. 1888. Helotium Phillipsii Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 220. 1889. Phialea Hedwigii Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 260. 1889. Phialea affinissima Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 272. 1889. Dasyscypha pygmaea Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 436. 1889. Dasyscypha luteola Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 440. 1889. Hymenoscypha flexipes Cooke & Phill. Grevillea 19: 106. 1891. Phialea flexipes Sacc. Syll. Fung. 10: 9. 1892. 258 The North American Cup-Fungi Ciboria pygmaea Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. 1': 760. 1893. Helotiurn Hedwigii Massee, Brit. Fungus-Fl. 4: 243. 1895. Helotium nudum Massee, Brit. Fungus-Fl. 4: 498. 1895. Calycina rhizogena Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pi. 3'': 449. 1898. Hymenoscyphus affinissimus Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. y-. 485. 1898. Lachnum Hedivigii Bres. Ann. Myc. 1: 121. 1903. Lachnum pygmaeum Bres. Ann. Myc. 1: 121. 1903. Ciboria carbonaria Feltg. Vorst. Pilz-Fl. Luxenb. P: 44. 1903. Helotium carbonarium Bond. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 113. 1907. Helotium flexipes Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 114. 1907. Hymenoscypha nuda Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 122. 1907. Helotium subrubescens Rehm, Ann. Myc. 7: 524. 1909. Helolachnum aurantiacum Torrend, Broteria 9: 53. 1910. Ciboria subrubescens Dodge, Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. 17: 1033. 1914. Lachnum rkizophilum Vel. Monog. Discom. Bohem. 1: 258. 1934. Apothecia gregarious or ccspitose, typically occurring in a few cespitose clusters of five to ten each, surrounded by a few growing singly, stipitate, 2-7 mm. high, 2-4 mm. in diameter, at first infundibuliform, then spreading and plane; stem slender, flexuous, usually somewhat thickened just below the disc, pale- yellow to flesh-color, or dull-orange, more or less whitish-puberu- lent, often appearing smooth in the dried condition, the margin rather obtuse, when dried becoming somewhat elevated above the hymenium, finely and obscurely puberulent; h>'mcnium pale- yellow to deep-yellow, often varying toward orange, or apricot, retaining the color on drying, or becoming more ochraceous; hairs 20-50 ^t long, clavate, rough, hyaline-white, 4-6 ^ in diam- eter, 1-2-septate; asci small, cylindric, 60-75 X 4.5-6 yu; spores 2-seriate, 1-celled, narrow, broadest just above the middle, slightly tapering toward a point, at the lower end, round, or only slightly pointed above, straight, 1.9-2.4 X 7-11 jx; paraphyses more or less lance-pointed, protruding above the asci, septate, 3-4.5 jjL in diameter. Apothecia arising at ground level on partly buried plant debris of all sorts, especialh' on roots and rhizomes of grasses and other herbaceous plants and on limbs of both frondose and coniferous trees. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Throughout northern United States and southern Canada; also in Europe. Illustrations: Trans. Linn. Soc. 24: pi. 25, f. 11-12, 18; 25: pi. 55, f. 7-18; Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa 6: pi. 24, f. 3 ad. Lachnella 259 ExsiccATi: Rehm, Ascom. 1852 (from Wisconsin). The synonymy is based largely on the studies of Dr. W. L. White. 25. Lachnella diminuta (Rob.) Phill. Brit. Discom. 253. 1887. Peziza diminuta Rob.; Desm. PI. Crypt. Fr. 1538; Ann. Sci. Nat. III. 8: 185. 1847. Lachnea dimimita Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 71. 1880. Dasyscypha diminuta Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 449. 1889. Apothecia scattered, or crowded, short-stipitate, at first globose, then expanded and hemispherical, minute, .5 mm. in diameter, whitish-tomentose; hymenium concave, yellowish, or orange; asci cylindric-clavate, 8-spored; spores long-ellipsoid, 2 X 12 /x; paraphyses filiform. On dry culms of Juncus and grass stems. Type locality : Europe. Distribution: Michigan and North Dakota; also in Europe. ExsiCCATi: Brenckle, Fungi Dak. 527. 26. Lachnella agrostina (Peck) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza agrostina Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 29: 55. 1878. Trichopeziza agrostina Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 421. 1889. Apothecia scattered, minute, less than 1 mm. in diameter, subsessile, subglobose, externally hairy, of a dull-pinkish color; h\-menium pallid, or cream-colored; hairs about the margin bent inward when moist, usually with longer, subulate, whitish points, the others not subulate, often rough and septate; asci cylindric, 8-spored; spores elongated, 6-8 m in length; paraphyses longer than the asci, lanceolate. On dead stems of Calamagrostis canadensis. Type locality: West Albany, New York. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Part of the type collection is in The New York Botanical Garden. 27. Lachnella Arundinariae (Cash) Seaver, comb. nov. Lachnum Arundinariae Cash, Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 30: 301. 1940. Apothecia sessile, scattered, minute, .1-.2 mm. in diameter, translucent when moist, clothed with white hairs, margin fimbri- ate, at first subglobose, then becoming discoid; hymenium plane or nearly so, hyaline to slightly pink; hairs slightly roughened, 260 The North American Cup-Fungi 3 fx in diameter; asci cylindric, 8-spored, reaching a length of 27-33 jjL and a diameter of 3-3.5 jjl; spores narrow-clavate, 2-seriate, .7-1 X 5-6.5 n; paraphyses lanceolate, about 3 /x in diameter. On leaves of Arundinaria tecta. Type locality: Athens, Georgia. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 30: 303./. 2. 28. Lachnella Solenia (Peck) Seaver, comb. nov. (Plate 124.) Peziza Solenia Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 25: 99. 1873. Peziza soleniaeformis Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 4: 55. 1888. Not Berk. & Curt. 1875. Dasyscypha soleniiformis Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 436. 1889. Solenopezia Solenia Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 477. 1889. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, minute, not exceeding .3 mm. in diameter, short-cylindric, a little longer than broad, constricted at the mouth, externally clothed with brown hairs but with a white margin around the mouth; hymenium not much exposed; hairs consisting of two kinds, those about the side of the apo- thecium dark-brown, clavate, septate, slightly roughened and knotted reaching a diameter of 5-6 ^i and a length of 60-80 /x, the marginal hairs similar in size and form but hyaline tipped and covered with minute granules; asci clavate, reaching a length of 65 p. and a diameter of 10 ^t; spores 2-seriate, fusoid, hyaline, becoming 1 -septate, usually with four small oil-drops, about 3-4 X 12 13 yu; paraphyses filiform slightly enlarged above. On dead stems of Eupatorium ageratoides , and on rotten wood. Type locality: Watkins Glen, New York. Distribution : New York. Exsiccati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 384; Thiim. Myc. Univ. 1114. The above description and accompanying illustrations were drawn from material in the herbarium of The New York Botani- cal Garden which is apparently part of the type collection. 29. Lachnella inquilina Karst. Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 2": 132. 1885. Helotium inqiiilinnm Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 147. 1871. Trichopeziza inquilina Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 424. 1889. Pezizella inquilina Rehm in Rab. Kr\pt.-Fl. 1': 675. 1892. Lachnum inquilinum Schrot. Krypt.-FI. Schles. 3~: 96. 1893. CUP-FUNGI PUATE 124 ?^^^"^ \ o^>'. -''. ;%4'i'- >*>•> •"■'^'n m'^"* ii' ^^■'^y '^^a^. ifi^^ LACHNELLA SOLENIA Lachnella 261 Apothecia scattered, or gregarious, short-stipitate, at first globose and closed, later becoming expanded, reaching a diam- eter of .3-. 5 mm., entirely white, or becoming brownish with age, clothed externally with white hairs; hymenium plane, or slightly concave; hairs short, not exceeding 50 ^ in length and reaching a diameter of 3-4 ju, hyaline, rarely septate, more or less irregularly curved, or flexuous, the tips obtuse, smooth, or granular; asci clavate, narrowed at the tips, reaching a length of 35-45 M and a diameter of 5-6 /x, 8-spored ; spores 2-seriate, hya- line, clavate-cylindrical, 2 X 8-10 m; paraphyses lanceolate- acute at their tips, 3 /x thick. On decaying rootstock of Equisetum hyemale, on the ground in wet places. Type locality: Europe. Distributions: New York and Ontario; also in Europe. Our only knowledge of this is from Durand's report in Bull. Torrey Club 29: 464. 1902. 30. Lachnella pteridicola Seaver, nom. nov. Hyalopeziza Pteridis Kanouse, Mycologia 39: 660. 1947. Not Lachnella Pteridis Phil I. 1887. Apothecia solitary-, sessile to substipitate, about .2 mm. in diameter, cup-shaped, translucent-white; hairs hyaline-white, rough, reaching a length of 75 ^ and a diameter of 6 n; asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 30-35 m and a diameter of 4.5 IX, 8-spored; spores bacilloid, .75-1 X 4-5.5 jjl; paraphyses filiform. On stems of Pteris sp. Type locality: Lake Quinault, Washington. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 31. Lachnella aspidicola (Berk. & Br.) Phill. Brit. Discom. 245- 1887. Peziza aspidicola Berk. & Br. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. II. 13: 465. 1854. Mollisia aspidicola yuel. Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 26: 234. 1879. Dasyscypha aspidicola Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 451. 1889. Helotium aspidicolum Rehm, Hedwigia 20: 35. 1881. Apothecia scattered, or gregarious, sessile, or short-stipitate, at first rounded and closed, then expanded and cup-shaped, reaching a diameter of .4 mm. and about the same in height, white-floccose; hymenium white, or yellowish-white; asci clavate, reaching a length of 25-35 ju and a diameter of 5-6 m, 8-spored ; 262 The North American Cup-Fungi spores long-ellipsoid, or subclavate, 1-2 X 5-8 n; paraphyses filiform, 3 /x in diameter. On dead stems of ferns, Aspidium and Adiantnm and unde- termined species. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Reported from Michigan and New Jersey; also in Europe. 32. Lachnella Dicranopteridis (Seaver & Whetzel) Seaver, comb, nov. Dasyscypha Dicranopteridis Seaver & Whetzel, Sci. Sur. Porto Rico. 8: 74. 1926. Apothecia scattered, shortly stipitate, or subsessile, exter- nally reddish, densely clothed with white hairs, reaching a diam- eter of .5 mm.; hairs cylindric, roughened on the outside; asci clavate, 8-spored, reaching a length of 40-50 m and a diameter of 5 /i, tapering into a rather long, stem-like base; spores fusiform, the ends acute and almost bristle-like, not distinctly septate but often with suggestions of septa, 2 X 8-10 /x; paraphyses not indicated. On fronds of Dicranopteris pectinata. Type locality: Porto Rico. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 33. Lachnella Rhytismatis Phill. Grevillea 8: 101. 1880. Dasyscypha Rhytismatis Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 453. 1889. Apothecia minute, gregarious, white, at first globose and closed, then expanding, clothed with white hairs; hymenium white; hairs short, hyaline with transmitted light, bearing at their tips globular or crystalline heads; stem rather long, hairy to the base; asci cylindric, 8-spored; spores fusoid, 1 X 3-5 fx; paraphyses as broad as the asci but longer, lanceolate. On Rhytisma acerinum, on leaves of Acer. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Maryland; also in Europe. Exsiccati: Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 1819. The original spelling of the specific name was "Rhytismae'' but was corrected by Saccardo as indicated above. 34. Lachnella Acanthonitschkeae (Cash & Davidson) Seaver, comb. nov. Dasyscypha Acanthonitschkeae Cash & Davidson, Mycologia 32: 730. 1940. Lachnella 263 Apothecia scattered, one to eight on a single stroma of the host fungus, nearly globose at first, then cup-shaped to subglo- bose, with a circular opening, white, .1-.2 mm. in diameter and height, externally white-tomentose, the hymenium translucent- white; asci cylindric, 8-spored, reaching a length of 22-24 n and a diameter of 3-3.5 /x; spores 1-seriate, ellipsoid, 1.5-2 X 3.5-4 /x; paraphyses filiform, hyaline, simple, not enlarged at their tips. On stromata of Acanthonitschkea coloradensis. Type locality: Grand Mesa, Colorado. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 32: 129, f. 1, E, F. 35. Lachnella succina (Phill.) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza succina Phill. Grevillea 5: 116. 1887. Dasyscypha succina Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 458. 1889. Apothecia stipitate, scattered, or crowded, at first globose, then expanded, concave, or nearly plane, reaching a diameter of 5 mm., the stem short and brownish, externally clothed with a mass of rather poorly developed, sulphur-yellow hairs giving the whole exterior of the apothecium a decidedly yellow color, the individual hairs being yellow, or subhyaline; hymenium flesh- colored; asci clavate, reaching a length of 80 /i and a diameter of 10 12 ju; spores ellipsoid, 3-5 X 10-14 m; paraphyses cylindric, slightly enlarged above. On dead wood of Quercus and {Celtis ?). Type locality: Blue Cannon, Sierra Nevada Mountains, California. Distribution: California and Utah. Illustrations: Grevillea 5: pi. 89, j. 12. ExsicCATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi. 839. 36. Lachnella albolutea (Pers.) Karst. Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. ■ Fenn. 2«: 132. 1885. Peziza sulphurea albolutea Pers. Syn. Fung. 649. 1801. Peziza variecolor Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 100. 1822. ?Peziza turhinulata Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 173. 1832. Tapesia variecolor Fuckel, Symb. Myc. Nacht. 1: 336. 1871. Helotium alboluteum Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 160. 1871. Lachnea variecolor Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 83. 1880. Lachnella variecolor Phill. Brit. Discom. 259. 1887. Dasyscypha turhinulata Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 456. 1889. ?Lachnella citrina Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 46: 35. 1893. Dasyscypha sulphuricolor Peck, Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 157: 25. 1911. 264 The North American Cup-Fungi Apothecia scattered, sessile, at first rounded, expanding and becoming subdiscoid, reaching a diameter of 2 mm., externally clothed with sulphur-yellow hairs; hymenium slightly concave, whitish, or slightly yellowish; hairs when fresh sulphur-yellow, becoming darker with age, slightly roughened on the outside, often a little enlarged above; asci cylindric to clavate, reaching a length of 40-50 m and a diameter of 6 /x, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid to slightly clavate, straight, or curved, about 2 X 7-8 /x; pa- raphyses filiform. On old wood. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Iowa to Missouri and Cuba; also in Europe. Illustrations: Pers. Ic. & Descr. pi. 8,f. 4-5.; Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. pi. 67, f. 7 . Exsiccati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 364 (as Peziza tiirhiniilata Schw.). 37. Lachnella sulphurea (Pers.) Quel. Ench. Fung. 315. 1886. (Plate 125, Fig. 1.) Peziza sulphurea Pers. Tent. Disp. Fung. 2)2i. 1191 . Trichopeziza sulphurea Fuckel, Sj'mb. Myc. 296. 1869. Peziza sulphurea leucophaea Pers. Myc. Eu. 1: 250. 1871. Lachnum leucophaeum Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 177. 1871. Trichopeziza leucophaea Rehm, Ascom. 65. 1872. Lachnea suljurea Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 81. 1880. Peziza cenangioides Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 8: 123. 1881. Lachnella cenangioides Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 396. 1889. Lachnmn sulfureum Rehm in Rab. Krypt-Fl. 1': 891. 1893. Apothecia scattered, sessile but narrowed below approaching substipitate, at first closed, becoming expanded and plane, margin slightly raised, reaching a diameter of 1-1.5 mm., ex- ternally densely clothed with sulphur-yellow hairs; hymenium concave, or plane, whitish, or creamy-white; hairs straight, or slightly curved, septate, cylindric, either blunt, or gradually tapering with semiacute apices, minutely roughened, pale- yellowish, or occasionally yellowish-brown; asci clavate, reaching a length of 50-75 ju and a diameter of 5 )u, 8-spored; spores slender-ellipsoid, straight, or slightly curved, or fusoid, 2-seriate, 1.5-2 X 8-10 fjL or rarely 15-16 jj. long; paraphyses lanceolate, about as thick as the ascus. On dead herbaceous stems. Type locality : Europe. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 125 1. LACHNELLA SULPHUREA 2. LACHNELLA PYGMAEA Lachnella 265 Distribution: New York to Iowa; also in Europe. Prob- ably widely distributed. Illustrations: Boud. Ic. Myc. pi. 513; Bull. Torrey Club 27: pi. 31, f. 12. ExsiccATi: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2631; Brenckle, Fungi Dak. 664. Phillips (Brit. Discom. 265.) treats leucophaea as a synonym of the above and states: "certainly not worthy of specific rank." 38. Lachnella canadensis (Ellis & Dearn.) Seaver, comb. nov. Psendohelotium canadense Ellis & Dearn. Proc. Canad. Inst. 14: 89. 1897. Apothecia scattered, short-stipitate, or subsessile, whitish, with a yellowish tinge, about 1 mm. in diameter, pubescent, the margin fringed with tufts of short, pale hairs and when dry the opposite sides rolled together so as to become elliptical, or triangular in outline; hymenium concave, yellowish; asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 40 m and a diameter of 4 n; spores 2-seriate, long-ellipsoid, 1.5-2 X 8 12 fx; paraphyses filiform. On dead stems of Arctium Lappa. Type locality: London, Canada. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 39. Lachnella Ivae (Rehm) Seaver, comb. nov. Dasyscypha Ivae Rehm, Ann. Myc. 11: 397. 1913. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, at first globose and closed, then cup-shaped, finally expanded, constricted at the base, externally yellow, then brownish, .5-1.3 mm. in diameter, the margin clothed with straight, septate, hyaline, then yellowish hairs 4-5 X 150 /x; asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 70 fj. and a diameter of 9 /i, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, 2-seriate, 3 X 12-14 ;u; pa- raphyses filiform, slightly enlarged above 4 n in diameter. On dead stems of Iva xanthifolia. Type locality: Kulm, N. Dakota. Distribution: Known only from the t>'pe locality. 40. Lachnella pulverulenta (Lib.) Quel. Ench. Fung. 316. 1886. Peziza pulverulenta Lib. Pi. Crypt. Ard. 125. 1832. Trichopeziza pulverulenta Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 297. 1869. Peziza solfatera Cooke & Ellis, Grevillea 7: 7. 1878. Lachnella solfatera Phill. Brit. Discom. 246. 1887. Dasyscypha pulverulenta Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 462. 1889. Dasyscypha solfatera Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 463. 1889. 266 The North American Cup-Fungi Apothecia scattered, sessile, or very short-stipitate, lemon- yellow, at first globose, opening and becoming cup-shaped, .2-1 mm. in diameter, externally clothed with hairs; hymenium con- cave, whitish to yellow; hairs reaching a length of 30-90 /x and a diameter of 4-5 /x, rough, yellow, often with yellowish-brown masses at their apices; asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 30-50 M and a diameter of 3-4 /x, 8-spored; spores fusoid, 1.5-2 X 5-8 n; paraphyses filiform, 2 /x in diameter. On fallen pine needles. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New Jersey and Michigan; also in Europe. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 439. The variety purpiirascens has been reported by Dr. B. Kanouse on fir needles from Olympic National Park (Mycologia 39: 647. 1947). 41. Lachnella Gleicheniae (Cash) Seaver, comb. nov. Lachnum Gleicheniae Cash, Mycologia. 30: 105. 1938. Apothecia developing in the sunken areas of the stems, sulphur-yellow to pale-orange, fading with age, stipitate, at first globose, then cup-shaped, .2-. 7 mm. in diameter, clothed with yellow, strongly verrucose hairs 3-5 fx in diameter; stem smooth, .1 mm. in diameter and .1-.4 mm. high; asci cylindric, or sub- cylindric, reaching a length of 40-50 /x and a diameter of 3-5 /x, 8-spored; spores irregularly 2-seriate, fusiform, or fusoid, straight, or slightly unequal sided, 1-2 X 9 11 ^i; paraphyses extending beyond the asci, lanceolate, 3-3.5 /x thick. On stipes of Gleichenia, and stems of tree fern. Type locality: Hawaii. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 30: 99,/. 2. This is very close to L. Dicranopteridis (Seaver & VVhetzel) Seaver. 42. Lachnella atropurpurea (Durand) Seaver, comb. nov. Lachnum atropurpureum Durand, Jour. Myc. 10: 100. 1904. Apothecia gregarious, or scattered, stipitate, occasionally several apothecia at the summit of a common stem, pale-purple, reaching 1 mm. in diameter, externally clothed with pale-purple hairs; hymenium concave, pale-purple; stem slender, the length equaling the diameter of the apothecium; hairs cylindrical. Lac H NELL A 267 smooth, closely septate, reaching a length of 80 n and a diameter of 5 fi, pale-purple with transmitted light; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 40-50 ij, and a diameter of 5-6 /x, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate, hyaline, smooth, ellipsoid, 2-3 X 6-8 /z; pa- raphyses narrowly lanceolate above, 3-4 /j. thick. On Eucalyptus. Type locality: Stanford University, California. Distribution- Known only from the type locality. 43. Lachnella viridicoma (Peck) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza viridicoma Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 31: 46. 1877. Trichopeziza viridicoma Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 414. 1889. Apothecia minute, reaching a diameter of .3 to .5 mm. sessile, or tapering below into a short, stem-like base, externally pale-green, clothed with a dense covering of hairs; hymenium becoming plane or nearly so, whitish, or slightly yellowish; hairs slender, reaching a length of 40 ^i and a diameter of 1.5-2 /z at the base, gradually tapering above, subhyaline but more or less agglutinated in a greenish-yellow matrix; asci clavate, reaching a length of 80 m and a diameter of 10 ju; spores 2-seriate, ellipsoid, usually slightly curved, with two distinct oil-drops, 5-6 X 12- 15 m; paraphyses very slender, hyaline. On rotten wood. Type locality: Sandlake, New York. Distribution : New York and Toronto. 44. Lachnella microspora (Kanouse) Seaver, sp. nov. Lachnella tricolor var. microspora Kanouse, Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 20: 73. 1935. Apothecia gregarious, stipitate, externally pale-blue, or bluish-green, densely hairy, .5 mm. in diameter; hymenium con- cave, yellowish; hairs slender, nearly hyaline with transmitted light, bluish-green to the unaided eye; asci clavate, 8-spored; spores 1-1.5 X 5-5.5 /i; paraphyses filiform. On decaying wood. Type locality: Cascade Glen, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Dr. B. Kanouse recorded this variety as indicated above. The difference in size of the spores would, in the opinion of the writer, give it specific rank. It is one of the few species which has greenish hairs and in this is unique. 268 The North American Cup-Fungi 45. Lachnella pulveracea (Alb. & Schw.) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza pulveracea Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. 342. 1805. Cenangium ptilveraceum Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 181. 1822. Tympanis seriata Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 237. 1832. Cenangium microspermum Sacc. & Ellis; Sacc. Michelia 2: 571. 1882. Lachnum viridulum Massee & Morgan; Morgan, Jour. Myc. 8: 187. 1902. Not Dasyscypha viridula (Schrad.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 437. 1889. Dasyscypha chlorella Seaver, Mycologia 3: 63. 1911. Apothecia gregarious, occasionally cespitose, at first rounded and closed, gradually expanding and becoming cup-shaped (mouth constricted in dried specimens), reaching a diameter of .5 mm., clothed with greenish hairs, narrowed into a short, stout stem the base of which is surrounded by a radiating mass of white mycelium, or nearly sessile, pale-greenish; hymenium con- cave, dark-green; hairs irregularly tapering above into a semi- acute apex, reaching a length of 60-80 /x and a diameter of 3-4 ju; asci cylindric or subcylindric, 8-spored, reaching a length of 45-60 and a diameter of 6 /x; spores 2-seriate, smooth, hyaline, cylindric, or slightly curved, 2 X 7-9 /x; paraphyses filiform. On Ilex opaca and old wood of various kinds. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New Jersey to Alabama and Colorado; also in Europe. Illustrations: Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. pi. 8,f. 2. While the hairs are greenish they fade in old specimens and become cinereous. It seems to us that our plants are identical with Peziza pulveracea although authentic material is lacking. 46. Lachnella arida (Phill.) Seaver, comb. nov. (Plate 126.) Peziza arida Phill. Grevillea 5: 117. 1877. Dasyscypha fiavovirens Bres. Fungi Trid. 1: 92. 1887. Dasyscypha arida Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 455. 1889. Lachnum Engelmani Earle in Greene, PI. Baker. 1: 25. 1901. Apothecia scattered, very short-stipitate, or apparently sessile, at first globose, then expanded but often irregularly angular, or subhysteriform, especially when dr\-, excipular cells dark-brown, giving rise to a dense covering of hairs, reaching a diameter of 4-8 mm.; hymenium concave, yellowish; hairs cylindrical, brown, septate, minutely roughened on the outside, the ends blunt or semiacute, reaching a length of 200-300 ju and a diameter of 5 ;u; asci clavate, 8-spored, reaching a length of 50 /x CUP-FUNGI PLATE 126 LACHNEUUA ARIDA Lachnella 269 and a diameter of 5 fx; spores partially 2-seriate, ellipsoid, 4 X 7 /x; paraphyses filiform. On bark of conifers (Abies, Larix, Picea), or more rarely on the leaves. Type locality: Blue Canon, Sierra Nevada Mountains, California. Distribution: Newfoundland to Alberta and south to Colorado and California; also in Europe. Illustrations: Grevillea 5: pi. ellowish-brown in dried specimens (the color in living material was not indicated); hairs cylindric, flexuous, reaching a diameter of 5-6 /x and a length of 150 m, brown, roughened with minute granules; asci rather short and stubby, cylindric, scarcely narrowed at the base, reaching a length of 65-80 n and a diameter of 9-10 m; spores obliquely 1 -seriate, or becoming 2-seriate to irregularly disposed, straight, or slightly curved, irregularly fusoid, 4 X 13-15 /x, or occasionally as long as 18 /x; paraphyses clavate, rather strongly enlarged above where they reach a diameter of 4 n. Apotheciis dense gregariis, breve stipitatis vel subsessilis, palHde flavidis 1-2 mm. diam.; ascis clavatis, 7-10 X 90-100 m, 8-sporis; sporis fusoideis, 3-4 X 7-10 /x; paraphysibus filiformibus, 2-3 /x diam. Lachnella ^ 271 On bark and decorticated wood of Populus tremuloides. Type locality: University of Colorado Summer Camp. Distribution: Colorado and Montana to Oregon. This species resembles in general appearance Lachnella fusco- sanguifiea but differs in habitat and in the longer more narrowly fusoid spores. Two collections were obtained by the writer and the late Ellsworth Bethel in 1910 and two collections during the summer of 1929 (Seaver and Shope 107 and 140). Also one specimen was received from Dr. J. R. Weir from Montana in 1917. All are on the same substratum Populus tremuloides. 50. Lachnella Corni (Cash.) Seaver, comb. nov. Lachnum Corni Cash, Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 29: 47. 1939. Apothecia stipitate, scattered, cup-shaped, brown, less than 1 mm. in diameter, the margin inrolled when dry, often becoming triangular; externalh' clothed with hairs; hymenium whitish to pale olive-buff; stem cylindrical .5 mm. long and 1-.7 mm. thick; hairs brown, non-septate, delicately roughened; asci narrow- cylindric, 8-spored, reaching a length of 33 37 n and a diameter of 3-3.5 ijl; spores 2-seriate, ellipsoid, .5-1 X 4-6 /x; paraphyses lanceolate, 3-3.5 /x thick. On leaves of Cornus Amomum. Type locality: Clark County, Georgia. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 29: 47,/. ;. 51. Lachnella cerina Karst. Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 2": 131. 1885. Peziza cerina Pers. Obs. M>c. 1: 43. 1796. Dasyscypha cerina Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 305. 1869. Helotium cerinum Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 156. 1877. Lachnea cerina Gill. Champ. Fr. Disconi. 70. 1880. Erinella cerina Quel. Ench. Fung. 303. 1886. Lachnella virginica Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phiia. 1894: 349. 1894. Apothecia gregarious, at first closed and subglobose, ex- panding and becoming shallow cup-shaped, with a short, dark stem, clothed e-xternally with brown hairs, reaching a diameter of 1 mm.; hymenium becoming nearly plane, yellow; hairs brown, septate, roughened on the outside, reaching a length of 120 tx and a diameter of 4-5 /x; asci cylindric, or subcylindric, reaching a length of 40 50 yu and a diameter of 4-5 /x, 8-spored; 272 The North American Cup-Fungi spores ellipsoid, 1- or 2-seriate, 2.5-3 X 5-6 n; paraphyses fili- form, extending far beyond the asci, reaching a diameter of 2 /n- On wood of deciduous trees. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: West Virginia, Tennessee, Newfoundland, and Washington; also in Europe. Illustrations: Boud. Ic. Myc. pi. 509; Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. pi. 60, f. 1; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. P: 826./. 1-4; Phill. Brit. Discom. pi. 7, f. 44. 52. Lachnella Eupatorii (Schw.) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza Eupatorii Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 174. 1832. Trichopeziza Eupatorii Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 426. 1889. Dasyscypha Eupatorii Massee, Jour. Bot. 34: 146. 1896. Apothecia scattered, sessile, at first closed, then expanding and becoming plane, somewhat contorted when dry, 2-5 mm. in diameter, externally clothed with hairs; hairs reaching a length of 70-120 M and a diameter of 5-7 /x, 3-7-septate, externally sometimes roughened with particles of lime, dark-brown and translucent except near the apex which is paler, almost hyaline, or purple with potassium hydrate, often arranged in fascicles; asci clavate, reaching a length of 100 /x and a diameter of 8-9 ju, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, straight, or slightly curved, finally becoming 1 -septate, 3 X 12-20 /x; paraphyses 2-3 ju thick, almost cylindric. On dead stems of Eupatorium piirpiireuni. Type locality: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Distribution: Known only from the type locaHty. 53. Lachnella albotestacea (Dcsm.) Phill. Brit. Discom. 273. 1887. Peziza albotestacea Desm. PI. Crypt. Fr. 1415; Ann. Sci. Nat. II. 19: 368- 1843. Lachnu»i albotestaceum Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 175. 1871. Trichopeziza albotestacea Sacc. Atti 1st. Veneto VI. 2: 491. 1884. Apothecia scattered, sessile, or very short-stipitate, at first rounded, then expanding, externally brick-red, or reddish-brown, fading with age, .5 mm. in diameter; hymenium flesh-colored; hairs slender, flexuous, reddish, hyaline at their tips; asci cylin- dric-clavate, 8-spored; spores fusoid, 1-2 X 7-10 /x; paraphyses lanceolate. Lachnella 273 On dead grasses, Phragniites, Andropogon and undetermined grasses. Type locality : Europe. Distribution: New Jersey to Washington; also in Europe. Exsiccati: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2038, 2630. 54. Lachnella Pteridis (Alb. & Schw.) Phill. Brit. Discom. 256. 1887. Peziza Pteridis Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. 338. 1805. Urceola Pteridis Quel. Ench. Fung. 32 L 1886. Mollisia Pteridis Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 121. 1882. Trichopeziza Pteridis Rehm, Ber. Naturh. Ver. Augsburg 26: 100. 1881. Apothecia scattered, or gregarious, sessile, at first closed and rounded, finally expanding and becoming cup-shaped, externally dark olive-brown and clothed with adpressed, brown hairs; hymenium concave, dull-yellowish; hairs 30-50 jx long, 4 // thick, septate; asci clavate, 8-spored, reaching a length of 35-55 p. and a diameter of 6-7 /x; spores fusiform simple, 1.5-2.5 X 6-9 fi; paraphyses filiform. On dead stems of Pteridium aguilinum. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York and New Jersey to Ontario, Can- ada; also in Europe. Illustrations: Alb. «& Schw. Consp. Fung. pi. 12, f. 7; Phill. Brit. Discom. pi. 8,f. 47. Exsiccati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 141. Doubtful and Excluded Species Trichopeziza acerina (Cooke & Ellis) Sacc. Sa'II. Fung. 8: 417. 1889^ Peziza acerina Cooke & Ellis, Grevillea 7: 40. 1878. On leaves of Acer sp- Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 666. Material unsatisfactory. Dasyscypha acuum (Alb. & Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 443. 1889; Peziza acnum Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. 330. 1805; Helotimn acuum Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 147. 1871; Lachnella acuum Phill. Brit. Discom. 246. 1887. This is recorded from California on leaves of Sequoia. Dasyscypha albocitrina (Cooke) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 446. 1889; Peziza albocitrina Cooke, Grevillea 7: 47. 1878. On Vaccinium leaves. Cooke states "closely allied to P. virgineUa." Lachnella albolahra Ellis & Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 467. 1897. On dead shoots of Ribes prostratum. Type specimen in The New York Botanical Garden needs further study. Dasyscypha albopileata (Cooke) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 445. 1889; Peziza albopileala Cooke, Hedwigia 14: 82. 1875. On fallen leaves of Magnolia. The description suggests Lachnella virginea. 274 The North American Cup-Fungi Lachnella albopileata var. subaurata Ellis, Grevillea 19: 107. 1891. On leaves of Clethra alnifolia. Trichopeziza alboviridis (Cooke) Sacc. Syli. Fung. 8: 415. 1889; Peziza alboviridis Cooke, Grevillea 7: 47. 1878. On decorticated Myrica or in fis- sures of the bark. Described as aeruginous-villose. Lachnum alnetim Vel. Monog. Discom. Bohem. 1: 247. 1934. This species has been reported from Washington on log of Alnus by Dr. B. Kanouse. It appears to be Lachnella virginea. Hyaloscypha alniseda Yel. Monog. Discom. Bohem. 1: 283. 1934. Apo- thecia described as .1-.3 mm. in diameter, sessile, watery-gra>', fringed with a single row of simple hairs with bulbose bases; asci 30-40 X 5 n; spores 2 X 5-7 m; paraphyses filiform. Reported on log of Alnus, from Washington by Dr. B. Kanouse. No material has been seen. Dasyscypha Arundinariae (Berk.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 448. 1889; Peziza Arundinariae Berk. Grevillea 3: 155. 1875. Reported on stems of Arundi- naria from South Carolina. No material seen. Peziza cannea Cooke is said to be identical. Compare Pyrenopeziza Arundinariae. Lachnella ascoboloidea (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 400. 1889; Peziza ascoboloidea Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4; 175. 1832. Reported on Vitis labrusca. No material seen. Trichopeziza Aspidii (Lib.) Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 297. 1869; Peziza Aspidii Lib. PI. Crypt. Ard. 226. 1834; Lachmim Aspidii Karst. Medd. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 16:27. 1 888. This species has been reported from Michigan, material determined by George B. Cummins. Dasyscypha Bakeri Earle in Greene, PI. Baker. 2: 6. 190L On dead stems of Corydalis Brandegei. Clothed with brown hairs. Spores, 3 X 12 m- Trichopeziza brevipila (Rob.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 404. 1889; Peziza brevipila Rob. in Desm. PL Crypt. Fr. 1742; Ann. Sci. Nat. III. 11: 362. 1849; Lachnella brevipila Quel. Ench. Fung. 313. 1886; Beloniella brevipila Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-FI. V: 641. 1892. Reported from Michigan on overwintering stems of Aster sp. The spores are described as 27-32 n long and finally many- septate which would place it in the genus Belonium as treated here. Dasyscypha brunneola (Desm.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 460. 1889; Peziza brunneola Desm. PI. Crypt. Fr. 1156; Ann. Sci. Nat. II. 17: 96. 1842; Lachnum brunneolum Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 180. 1871. This species has been reported from America but no American material has been seen. Dasyscypha callochaetes (Ellis & Ev.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 462. 1889; Lachnella callochaetes Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 4: 99. 1888. On fallen leaves of Myrica cerifera. About 1 mm. in diameter, sparingh- clothed with erect, black, bristle-like hairs. Spores 2-3 X 12-14 ^i- Lachnum calyculaeforme (Schum.) Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 178. 1871; Pe- ziza calyculaeformis Schum. Enum. PI. Saell. 2: 425. 1803; Dasyscypha caly- culaeformis Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 454. 1889. This has been reported from Colorado (Mj'cologia 28: 304) and Washington but there seems to be some doubt as to its determination. Peziza Campanula Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 8: 73. 1881. This is appar- ently a Cyphella. Trichopeziza Candida Clements, Bot. Surv. Nebr. 4: 15. 1896. On bark and twigs of Tilia americana. Clements states "possibly Trichopeziza Tihae (Peck) Sacc." which is a Cyphella. Laciinella 275 Lachnum carneoInm (Sacc.) Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-FI. 1'': 881. 1893; Hyalopeziza carneola Sacc. Michelia 1: 253. 1878. Dasyscypha carneola Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 447. 1889. Reported by Dr. B. Kanouse from Michigan on Eriophorum callitrix. Trichopeziza carneonibra (Ellis) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 405. 1889; Peziza carneoruhra Ellis; Cooke, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 3: 22. 1877. On stems of Erigeron. "Sessile, rosy flesh-color, 1 mm. broad; sporidia linear binu- cleate." No material seen. Coronellaria Castanopsidis Kanouse, Mycologia 33: 464. 1941. On leaves of Castanopsis chrysophylla, Mt. Hood, Oregon. The spores are de- scribed as 4 X 14-16 n and spuriously septate. The apothecia are clothed with adpressed, hair-like hyphae. No material has been seen. Dasyscypha chamaeleontina (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 433. 1889; Peziza chamaeleotitina Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 30: 60. 1878. On under surface of hemlock (Tsuga) wood hing on the ground. Described as white changing to yellow when bruised. Peck states "There is scarcely any appearance of hairiness on the cups." It is however placed in Dasyscypha by Saccardo. Dasyscypha catdicola (Fries) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 463. 1889; Peziza cauli- cola Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 94. 1822; Helotium caulicola Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 134. 1871; LachneUn caulicola Phill. Brit. Discom. 236. 1887. Reported on Arundinaria in North America and palm stems in Cuba. Also on stems of Urtica from Michigan. Hyalopeziza ciliata Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 298. 1869. This species is re- ported by Dr. B. Kanouse from Washington on Delphinium. No material has been seen. Lachnella cinereofusca (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 399. 1889; Peziza cinereofusca Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1: 119. 1822; Cyphella cinereofusca Sacc. Syll. Fung. 6: 674. 1888; Vehitaria cinereofusca Bres.; Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. P: 645. 1892. As will be seen, Saccardo treated this first as a Basidiomycete and later as a Discomycete. It is a Cyphella. Dasyscypha clandestina (Bull.) Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 305. 1869; Peziza clandestina Bull. Hist. Champ. Fr. 251, pi. 416, f. 5. 1791; Lachnum clandes- tinum Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 178. 1871. This species has been recorded for America. Characterized b\- its crystaline hairs. Trichopeziza coarctata Ellis & Ev. Am. Nat. 31: 427. 1897. On dead branches of Vaccinium myrtilloides. Type in The New York Botanical not very satisfactory. Trichopeziza comata (Schw.) Sacc. S>11. Fung. 8: 431. 1889; Peziza comata Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 173. 1832. On old leaves of Quercus. Minute, white-tomentose. Spores not described. Dasyscypha crinella (Ellis & Ev.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 450. 1889; Peziza crincUa Ellis & Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 10: 76. 1883. On dead stems of Care.x crinita lying in the water. Described as white, thin, and delicate. Spores 2X9-12 n. Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 1273. Trichopeziza crossota (Ellis) Sacc. S\-ll. Fung. 8: 413. 1889; Peziza cros- sota Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 8: 124. 1881. According to Ellis this is closely related to Peziza Meleagris which is an old specimen of Perrotia flammea. Material ver\- poor. 276 The North American Cup-Fungi Peziza digitalis Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. 315. 1803. Reported from North America by Schweinitz. This is Cyphella pendula. Trichopeziza distincta (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 421. 1889; Peziza dis- tincta Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 30: 60. 1878. On dead stems of Andropogon furcatus. Externally blackish, the margin tomentose-hairy, tawny, or olivaceous, the disk pink when moist. Spores fusiform, 20-25 n long. Trichopeziza earolenca (Berk. & Br.) Sacc. S\ll. Fung. 8: 409. 1889; Peziza ear oleuca Berk. & Br. Jour. Linn. Soc. 14: 105. 1875. On herbaceous stems, sticks, and wood. Externally clothed with white hairs. Spores 4 ^ long. Reported from Ceylon. Also recorded from America (Rav. Fungi. Am. 631) and one doubtful specimen from Bermuda collected by the writer. Should be studied. Dasyscypha epixantha (Cooke) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 458. 1898; Peziza epixantha Cooke, Grevillea 7: 3. 1878. On twigs of Quercus. Spores linear, 10 IX long. Dasyscypha eryngiicola Ellis & Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 25: 506. 1898. On dead stems of Eryngium. White-tomentose, 1 mm. in diameter. Spores 2.5-3 X 12-15 M- Lachnella extricata (Berk & Curt.) Sacc. S>1I. Fung. 8: 401. 1889; Peziza extricata Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 3: 152. 1875. On dead stems of some umbelliferous plant. Specimens as stated by Berkeley not in very good condi- tion. Dasyscypha Fairmani Rehm, Ann. Myc. 7: 535. 1909. On decaying wood. Said to differ from D. albolutea in the larger spores which are 3X12- 14 /x. Solenopezia fimbriata Ellis & Barth. Jour. Myc. 8: 174. 1902. Type material of this species loaned the writer by Dr. Flam Bartholomew of Hays, Kansas shows it to be one of the Phacidiaceae and apparently a Diplonaevia. It is close to Diplonaevia melaleuca Ellis & Ev. described from material occur- ring on decorticated wood of Popuhis tremidoides from Montana while the above species was described from material occurring on the same substratum in Colorado. The two species are very similar but appear to differ in spore measurements. Whether this difference will be found to be of specific im- portance when more material has been studied remains to be seen. Dasyscypha fimhriijera (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. S>ll. Fung. 8: 452. 1889; Peziza fimbri if era Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Jour. Linn. Soc. 10: 367. 1868. Apo- thecia white, short-stipitate, externally farinose-tomentose, toward the margin clothed with long, straight hairs. On stems of ferns in Cuba. Fruit not de scribed and no specimen seen. Pseudohelotiumfihrisedum Sacc. S\-ll. Fung. 8: 298. 1889; Peziza fibriseda Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 3: 157. 1875; Peziza saccharifera Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 3: 157. 1875; P seudohelotium sacchariferum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 298. 1889. Illustrations in the herbarium of The New York Bo- tanical Garden, drawn b}' Geo. Massee show the exterior of the apothecia to be clothed with club-shaped hairs. Orbilia cruenta. Lachnella 277 Dasyscypha flavidula Rehm, Ann. Myc. 7: 542. 1909. DoubtfuIl\- reported on fern stems from Porto Rico by the writer. Trichopeziza flavofuUginea (Alb. & Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 413. 1889; Peziza flavofuliginea Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. 319, pi. 11, f. 7. 1805; Dasy- scypha flavofuUginea Fuckel, Symb. Myc. Nacht. 1: 337. 1871. Reported from America but material doubtful. Peziza Jrondicola Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 4: 99. 1888; Pirottaea frondicola Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 388. 1889. On fallen leaves of Osmunda. Type speci- men is very poor. Nannfeldt says scarcely a Pirottaea. Trichopeziza fulvocana (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 430. 1889; Peziza fulvocana Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1: 120. 1822. About 2 mm. in diameter, yellowish-brown-tomentose. Spores not described. Dasyscypha fuscescens (Pers.) Rehm, Ascom. 457. 1878; Peziza fuscescens Pers. Syn. Fung. 654. 1801. On fallen leaves of Fagus. This species has been recorded for North America. American material has been reported on leaves of Andromeda. Dasyscypha fuscidula (Cooke) Sacc. S\ll. Fung. 8: 462. 1889; Peziza fuscidula Cooke, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 3: 22. 1877. On leaves of Andromeda. Lachnella fuscoharbata (Schw.) Sacc. S\ll. Fung. 8: 400. 1889; Peziza fuscobarbata Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 173. 1832. No material seen and description inadequate. Lachmwi fuscofloccosuni Rehm, Ann. Myc. 5: 520. 1907. Reported on sticks from Sumner, Washington. No material seen. Lachnum hyalinellum Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. P: 874. 1893. This is reported from Michigan by Dr. B. Kanouse on cones of Picea Mariana. Also reported from Washington on Alnns. No material has been seen. Pirottaea ? Hydrangeae (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 390. 1889; Peziza Hydrangeae Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig. 1: 121. 1822. Apothecia de- scribed as cinereous-white, subglobose, clothed with long, black hairs. No specimen seen. Dasyscypha hystricula (Ellis & Ev.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 445. 1889; Lachnella hystricula Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 4: 99. 1888. On the under side of leaves of Magnolia grandiflora. Minute, white, clothed with rough hairs. Spores subfusoid, 3-septate, 2 X 12 m- Description suggests an Erinellina. Dasyscypha illota (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 457. 1889; Peziza illota Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Jour. Linn. Soc. 10: 368. 1868. Short-stipitate, solid, crateriform, fawn-colored, tomentose; hymenium brown. On bark. Cuba. No material seen. Dasyscypha inspersa (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. S}11. Fung. 8: 437. 1889; Peziza inspersa Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Jour. Linn. Soc. 10: 368. 1868. Cups subglobose, externally densely white-farinaceous; hymenium flesh-red. On rotten wood in Cuba. No material seen. Lachnella incarnescens (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 399. 1889; Peziza incarnescens Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 173. 1832. Sessile, 2-5 mm. in diameter, externally brownish-black; hymenium flesh-colored. No fruit described. On rotten wood, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. No material seen. 278 The North American Cup-Fungi Trichopeziza Kalmiae (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 411. 1889; Peziza Kalmiae Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 25: 99. 1873. On dead stems of Kalmia angustifolia . Externally dull-gray, the hymenium pinkish-brown. Spores 5 X 10 ;u. Trichopeziza labrosa (PhiU. & Hark.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 419. 1889; Lachnella labrosa Phill. & Hark. Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1:21. 1884. On dead leaves of Arctostaphylos ptingens. Olive-brown, clothed with brown hairs. Spores 3-6 X 10-14 m- Dasyscypha Lentaginis (Schw.) Sacc. S>11. Fung. 8: 458. 1889; Peziza Lentaginis Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 175. 1832. On branches of Viburnutu Lentago. Fruit not indicated. Trichopeziza leonina (Schw.) Sacc. S\ll. Fung. 8: 430. 1889; Peziza leonina Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1: 119. 1822. On wood of Ulmus. Dasyscypha longipila (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 463. 1889; Peziza longi- pila Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 32: 20. 1879. On dead stems of Eupatorium maculatum. Clothed with long, tawny-brown hairs. Spores subfusoid, 2-3 X 7-10 m- Dasyscypha luteoalba (Schw.) Sacc. S\ll. Fung. 8: 457. 1889; Peziza luleoalba Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 173. 1832. On bark. Hairs yellow; hymenium white. Dasyscypha luteodisca (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 449. 1889; Lachnella luteodisca Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 33: 31. 1880. On dead Scirpus validus. Hairs white; h>menium yellow. Trichopeziza marginata (Cooke) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 416. 1889; Peziza marginata Cooke, Hedwigia 14: 82. 1875. On fallen leaves of Qiierciis and Andromeda. Clothed with brown hairs. Spores minute, linear, spermatoid. See Ellis N. Am. Fungi 386. Should be studied. Trichopeziza melaxantha (Fries) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 428. 1889; Peziza melaxantha Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 150. 1822. On old wood. Externally black; hymenium yellowish. Trichopeziza myricacea (Peck) Sacc. S>-11. Fung. 8: 409. 1889; Peziza myricacea Peck, Ann; Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 30: 59. 1878. On dead stems of Myrica Gale. The type of this species in the herbarium is very scant and unsatisfactory. Dasyscypha membranata (Schw.) Sacc. S>11. Fung. 8: 457. 1889; Peziza membranata Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 175. 1832. On old wood. Clothed with adpressed hairs, entirely black. Fruit not indicated. Lachnum Nardi Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 883. 1893. This species originally reported on Nardus has been recorded by Dr. B. Kanouse on some sedge from Washington. No material seen. Trichopeziza nigrocincta (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. S\ll. Fung. 8: 421. 1889; Peziza nigrocincta Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 3: 155. 1875. On sheaths of grasses. "Minute dot-like, plane, scarlet, rough with short, black hairs externally; asci-clavate, sporidia oblong curved." Trichopeziza obscura (Cooke) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 410. 1889; Peziza obscura Cooke, Grevillea 7: 3. 1878. On twigs of Quercus. Sessile, blackish- brown. Spores linear, 10 m long. Lachnella 279 Dasyscypha ochracea (Schw.) Sacc. S}il. Fung. 8: 455. 1889; Peziza ochracea Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 172. 1832. No specimen was found in the Schweinitz collection when examined May 22, 1931. Trichopeziza Opulifoliae (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 429. 1889; Peziza Opulifoliae Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 175. 1832. On dead branches of Spiraea opulifolia. Unguicularia oregonensis Kanouse, Mycologia 33: 467. 1941. The apo- thecia are described as less than 1 mm. in diameter. The asci are 7-8 X 35- 50 yu and the spores 3-3.5 X 7-8 n; curved. No material seen. Trichopeziza Osmundae (Cooke & Ellis) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 423. 1889; Peziza Osmundae Cooke & Ellis, Grevillea 6: 7. 1877; Ellis, N. Am. F"ungi 136. On fronds of Osmunda. Minute, white. Spores 5 /n long. Lachnum pallideroseum (Saut.) Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-FI. P: 885. 1893; Peziza palliderosea Saut. Pilze Salzb. 2: 14. ? ; Phialea palliderosea Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 264. 1889. Reported on grasses from Washington. No material seen. Said to become rose-red when dry. Spores 1.5 X 7-10 ix. Lachnella papillaris (Bull.) Karst. Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 2'': 132. 1885; Peziza papillaris Bull. Hist. Champ. Fr. 244. 1791; Helotinm papillare Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 160. 1871; Lachnea papillaris GiU. Champ. Fr. Discom. 80. 1880. This species has been reported from Michigan by Dr. B. Kanouse. She states that the crystals at the ends of the hairs are a help in determining the species. Dasyscypha pattila (Pers.) Sacc. S>11. Fung. 8: 443. 1889; Peziza patula Pers. Syn. Fung. 654. 1801 ; Lachnella patula Phill. Brit. Discom. 251. 1887; Hyalopeziza patula Fuckel, Symb. M\c. 298. 1869. This species has been reported from America but no American material has been seen. Trichopeziza penicillata (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 429. 1889; Peziza penicillata Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig. 1: 120. 1822. On bark of Vitis. No fruit described. Trichopeziza pomicolor (Berk. & Rav.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 429. 1889; Peziza pomicolor Berk & Rav.; Cooke, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 2: 294. 1875; Berk. Grevillea 3: 157. 1875. On bark of Taxodium distichum. Ex- ternally pomicolor, the hymenium olivaceous. Spores not described. This species is listed by Saccardo twice; once under Trichopeziza and once as a P seudohelotium. See Chlorosplenium chlora. Dasyscypha prolificans (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 456. 1889; Peziza prolificans Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 172. 1832. On old trunks. No fruit described. Dasyscypha puherula (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 461. 1889; Peziza puberula Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 3: 155. 1875. On fallen leaves of Fraxinus. "Cups, fawn-coloured, globose, furfuraceo-tomentose; stem short, pallid as is the h\ menium, which becomes brighter with age." No fruit described. Trichopeziza punctiformis (Fries) Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 296. 1869; Peziza punctiformis Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 105. 1822. On leaves of Myrica, Alnus, and Quercus. Recorded for North America. Trichopeziza relicina (Fries) Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 296. 1869; Peziza relicina Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 103. 1822; Lachnum relicinuni Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 182. 1871. Recorded from Alaska. 280 The North American Cup-Fungi Trichopeziza roseoalba (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 428. 1889; Peziza roseoalha Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1: 122. 1822. On bark of Cornus florida. Type examined in 1931 and found unsatisfactory for study. Trichopeziza rufiberbis (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 426. 1889; Peziza rufiberbis Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 173. 1832. On unidentified stems. Dasyscypha scabrovillosa (Phill.) Sacc. S\ll. Fung. 8: 458. 1889; Peziza scabrovillosa Phill. Grevillea 7: 22. 1878. On Rtibiis nntkanus. This sug- gests Lachnella bicolor. Trichopeziza setigera (Phill.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 407. 1889; Peziza setigera Phill. Grevillea 7: 22. 1878; Lachmini setigeruni Rehm, Ann. Myc. 3: 518. 1905. On dead stems of species of Aralia. Clothed with brown hairs; hymenium brown. Spores 3.5 X 16 ;u. PezizeUa soleniiformis (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 280. 1889; Peziza soleniiformis Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 3: 160. 1875. This is probably a Solenia. Lachnella solitaria (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 401. 1889; Peziza solitaria Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 175. 1832. Solitary, 6 mm. in diameter, scantily clothed with white hairs. No fruit described. Peziza sphaerincola Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 172, 1832. De- scribed as minute, stipitate, externally brown, hairy. On some Sphaeria. Dasyscypha spiraeicola (Karst.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 442. 1889; Peziza spiraeaecola Karst. Not. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 10: 192. 1869; Lachnum spi- raeaecolum Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. 1'^: 880. 1893. Reported from Michigan from material collected by C. H. Kauffman and identified by Geo. B. Cummins. Dasyscypha stipiticola (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 465. 1889; Peziza stipiticola Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 172. 1832. On old stems. No fruit indicated. Lasiohelonium subflavidum Ellis & Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 136. 1897. The description of this species suggests Perrotia flammea. Dasyscypha subhirta (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 462. 1889; Peziza sub- hirta Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 173 1832. On leaves. Described as yellow, minutely hirsute. Spores not described. Dasyscypha subtilissima (Cooke) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 438. 1889; Peziza subtilissima Cooke, Grevillea 3: 121. 1875. On bark of firs, Abies. Cooke states that this can scarcely be distinguished from Peziza calycina Schum. but since its identity is in doubt it does not help much. See Lachnella Agassizii. Dasyscypha sulphurella (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 459. 1889; Peziza sulphurella Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 30: 59. 1878. The species is described as stipitate, pale-yellow, the hairs capitate; spores 7.5 n long; pa- raphjses lanceolate. On stems of Myrica Gale, Adirondack Mountains. The type in the herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden is too scant to permit of critical study. See Lachnella crucifera. Solenopezia Symphoricarpi Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 9: 165. 1903. De- scribed from material collected on Symphoricarpos at Steamboat Springs, Colorado. The apothecia are described as 1 mm. in diameter and covered with a coat of dark-colored hairs; spores fusoid, or subclavate, septate. No mate- rial could be found in the Ellis Collection. Compare Lachnella Symphoricarpi Ellis & Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 467. 1897. The two may be the same. Material not satisfactory. DiPLOCARPA 281 Trichopeziza Tiliae (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 428. 1889; Peziza Tiliae Peck, Ann. Rep. N. V. State Mus. 24: 96. 1872; Cyphella Tiliae Cooke, Gre- villea 20: 9. 1891. Cooke was undoubtedly correct in referring this species to Cyphella. Burt (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 1: 364) recognizes this combina- tion. Frequently collected on Tilia. Dasyscypha transhicida (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. Syli. Fung. 8: 439. 1889; Peziza transhicida Berk. & Curt.; Berk, Grevillea 3: 155. 1875. On twigs of Castanea. Description very inadequate. Dasyscypha tuhercuUformis Ellis & Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 27: 60. 1900. On dead stems of Aquilegia coendea. Ellis states: "The specimens were not well matured so that the form and size of the sporidia will have to be more accurately ascertained hereafter." Dasyscypha uncinata (Phill.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 456. 1889; Peziza uncinata Phill. Grevillea 5: 117. 1877. On pine needles, Pinus and oak wood, Quercus. Clothed with cinereous hairs. Spores 1 X 6 m- Specimens in The New York Botanical Garden meager. Trichopeziza urticina (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 403. 1889; Peziza urti- cina Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 32: 46. 1879. On dead stems of nettle, Vrtica canadensis. Peck states: "The plants are so small that to the naked eye they appear like mere white grains." A part of the type is in The New York Botanical Garden. The species should be investigated. Trichopeziza venturioides (Ellis & Ev.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 419. 1889; Lachnella venturioides Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 4: 99. 1888. On fallen leaves of Caylussacia dumosa. Minute, clothed with black bristles. Spores 1.5-2 X 10-12 M. See Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2145. Peziza villosa Pers. Syn. Fung. 655. 1801. This is Cyphella villosa (Pers.) Karst. Trichopeziza Vitis (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 429. 1889; Peziza Vitis Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 173. 1832. Schweinitz's type examined May, 1931 shows only lichen apothecia. Dasyscypha vixvisibilis (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 456. 1889; Peziza vixvisibilis Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 175. 1832. On the bark of Castanea. Fruit not described. Solenopezia vulpina (Cooke) Sacc. S>11. Fung. 8: 478. 1889; Peziza vul- pina Cooke, Hedwigia 14: 82. 1875. As pointed out by the writer (Bull. Torrey Club 36: 202-203. 1909), this is a synonym of Nectria Peziza (Tode) Fries. Because of its resemblance to a cup-fungus, Cooke described it as a Peziza and Saccardo on the basis of his description placed it in the genus Solenopezia. Pirottaea yakutatiana Sacc; Sacc. Peck, & Trelease in Harriman Alaska Exped. 5: 25. 1904. Apothecia 1 mm. broad and high, externally hairy, black; asci 5.5-6 X 40-45 m, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate, fusoid, 2-2.5 X 9 m- 50. DIPLOCARPA Massee, Brit. Fungus-Fl. 4: 307. 1895. Apothecia small, at first closed, finally expanding and be- coming shallow cup-shaped, attenuated below into a short, stem- like base, densely clothed with short, septate, brown hairs giving the entire exterior a brown color; hymenium concave, olive- 282 The North American Cup-Fungi green; asci clavate, 8-spored; spores fusoid, containing several oil-drops and finally becoming septate; paraphyses filiform and surmounted with a fusiform conidium-like body. Type species, Diplocarpa Curreyana Massee. Diplocarpa Curreyana Massee, Brit. Fungus-Fl. 4: 307. 1895. (Plate 127.) Peziza diplocarpa Currey, Trans. Linn. Soc. 24: 153. 1864. Lachnella diplocarpa Phill. Brit. Discom. 232. 1887. Apothecia gregarious, or closely congested, appearing sessile but actually short-stipitate, at first closed, then expanding and becoming shallow cup-shaped, reaching a diameter of 1-2 mm. externally dark-brown, decidedly rough, tomentose, the rough- ening often vertically striated near the margin; hairs short, septate, brown, with the tips often sharp-pointed; stem 1-1.5 mm. long, relatively thick, about half as thick as long; hymenium concave, olive-green, becoming brownish with age; asci clavate, reaching a length of 70 ju and a diameter of 7 /x; spores partially 2-seriate, ellipsoid, with two or three small oil-drops, finally becoming 1- or 2-septate about 3 X 9 n; paraphyses slender, surmounted with fusoid, septate, spore-like tips which reach a length of 28-32 /x and a diameter of 6-7 /x. On much rotted wood, Wychwood, Wisconsin. Type locality: F^ngland. Distribution: Wisconsin; also in Europe. Illustrations: Trans. Linn. Soc. 24: pi. 25, f. 30, 32, 33; Phill. Brit. Discom. pi. 7,f. 43; Mycologia 29: 176,/. 1. For a full discussion of this species see Mycologia 29: 174 177. 1937. 51. LACHNELLULA Karst. Medd. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 11: 138. 1884. Apothecia stipitate, or subsessile, bright-colored, yellowish, or orange, externally whitish and densely clothed with hairs which are white to the unaided eye, or in one species slightly rufous; asci cylindric, or clavate, 8-spored; spores globose, hya- line; paraphyses filiform, or subclavate. Type species, Peziza chrysophthalma Pers. Distinguished from Lachnella by its globose spores. Spores reaching a diameter of 5-6 jx. \. L. chrysophthalma. Spores reaching a diameter of 3.5 ix. 2. L. microspora. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 127 DIPLOCARPA CURREYANA Lachnelluld 283 1. Lachnellula chrysophthalma (Pers.) Karst. Medd. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 11: 138. 1884. (Plate 128, FiG. 1.) Peziza chrysophthalma Pers. Myc. Eu. 1: 259. 1822. Peziza calycina Ahietis Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 91. 1822. Helotitim chrysophthalmtim Karst. Fungi Fenn. 832. 1869. Pithya suecica Fuckel, Symb. Myc. Nacht. 3: 32. 1875. Apothecia gregarious, erumpent through the outer bark, short-stipitate, at first subglobose, expanding and becoming shallow cup-shaped and apparently sessile, reaching a diameter of 5-6 mm., clothed externally with a dense covering of white hairs; hymenium concave, or nearly plane, orange-red; hairs cylindric, reaching a diameter of 4 ^u and a length of 50-60 yi, densely covered with minute granules, hyaline; asci cylindric, tapering below into a rather slender, stem-like base which is often forked, reaching a length of 80 n and a diameter of 5-6 n; spores 1 -seriate, globose, reaching a diameter of 5-6 /z; paraphyses filiform, slightly enlarged above, reaching a diameter of 2-2.5 /x, filled with oil-drops. On bark of conifers. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Ontario to Idaho, Montana and Colorado; also in Europe. Illustrations: Rab. Krypt.-Fl. 1'^: 828, /. 1-5; E. &. P. Nat. Pfl. V: 200,/. 138, A. Frequently collected in the Rocky Mountains on bark of Abies and Picea and occasionalh' on Pinus. Also reported by L. O. Overholts from Ontario on Pinus Banksiana (Mycologia 25:420. 1933). 2. Lachnellula microspora Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1893:451. 1893. Apothecia sessile, or very short-stipitate, at first nearly closed, expanding and reaching a diameter of 2-3 mm., the margin fringed and the outside of the apothecium clothed with rufo-cinereous hairs; hymenium pale-orange when fresh, sub- rufous when dry; hairs stout, simple, or branched, subfasciculate, reaching a length of 70-80 ii and a diameter of 3.5 /x; asci clavate- cylindric, subsessile, reaching a length of 55-60 ix and a diameter of 6-7 /x; spores 1-seriate, globose, hyaline, reaching a diameter of 3.5 jx; paraphyses present. On bark of spruce trees. 284 The North American Cup-Fungi Type locality: New Harbor, Newfoundland. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. The type of this species has been examined in the herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden but unfortunately nothing remains but the shells of the apothecia and loose ascospores. The species seems to be distinguished by its small spores. Doubtful Species Lachnellula cyphelloides (Ellis & Ev.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 39L 1889; Peziza cyphelloides Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 1: 15L 1885. Although the writer has examined the type material, he is unable to find anything which would appear to belong to this genus. Lachnellula theioidea (Cooke & Ellis) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 391. 1889; Peziza theioidea Cooke & Ellis, Grevillea 7: 7. 1878. Reported from Michi- gan on material collected by A. H. Smith, determined by Geo. B. Cummins. 52. ERIOPEZIA (Sacc.) Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. P: 695. 1888. Tapesia subg. Eriopezia Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 381. 1889. Apothecia sessile, seated on a spiderweb-like subiculum, at first globose and closed, opening and finally becoming subdiscoid, externally clothed with hairs; asci subcylindric, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, or elongated, simple; paraphyses filiform. Type species, Peziza caesia Pers. Distinguished from Tapesia by the pilose exterior of the apothecia. 1. Eriopezia prolifica (Ellis) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 18: 73. 1906. Peziza prolifica Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 8: 73. 1881. Tapesia prolifica Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 382. 1889. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, minute, densely clothed with septate, coarse, spreading, cinereous hairs, cup-shaped; hyme- nium dark; asci clavate, reaching a length of 25 n, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, cylindric, curved, subhyaline, 2.5 X 7-8 ju- On the end of a stick of white oak. Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 53. ARACHNOPEZIZA Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 303. 1869. Apothecia gregarious, seated on a thin, spiderweb-like, white, or yellowish mycelial subiculum, at first closed and rounded, opening and becoming patellate, or scutellate, externally clothed CUP-FUNGI PLATE 128 LACHNELLULA CHR YSOPHTH ALM A LACHNELLA BICOUOR Arachnopeziza 285 with fine bristly hairs; asci clavate, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid to fusoid, clavate, or filiform, becoming several-septate and often with an apiculus at each end, hyaline; paraphyses filiform, usually enlarged above. Type species, Peziza aurelia Pers. Spores, fusoid, apiculate 4-5 X 15-20 m- \. A. aurelia. Spores clavate or filiform. Spores clavate, 3.5 X 40 m- 2. A. delicatula. Spores filiform, 2.5-3 X 65-75 n. On wood and bark. 3. A. aurata. On stems of Arclostaphlos. 4. A. Arctostaphyli. I. Arachnopeziza aurelia (Pers.) Fuckel, S\mb. Myc. 303. 1869. (Plate 129.) Peziza aurelia Pers. Myc. Eu. 1: 270. 1822. Peziza Wauchii Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fi. pi. 139. 1825. Peziza candidofulva Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 174. 1832. Belonidium aurelia DeNot. Comm. Critt. Ital. 1: 381. 1863. Patellaria bicolor Curr. Trans. Linn. Soc. 24: 494. 1864. Polynema aurelium Fuckel, Symb. Myc. Nachtr. 1: 49. 1871. Lachnella aurelia Quel. Ench. Fung. 315. 1886. Tapesia fulgens Hazsl. Zool.-Bot. Verh. 163. 1887. Tapesia candidofulva .Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 385. 1889. Belonidium fulgens Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 500. 1889. Apothecia gregarious, seated on a spreading, white, or yellow- ish mycelial web, sessile, at first rounded, then becoming scutel- late, externally golden-yellow to pale-orange, clothed with fine hairs, reaching a diameter of 2-3 mm.; hymenium yellowish, a little paler than the outside of the apothecium; hairs slender, septate, reaching a length of 100 m and a diameter of 2 ju, tapering to a slender point, collected into conical tufts which stand up about the margin like teeth; asci clavate, attenuated above, reaching a length of 70 90 /x and a diameter of 8-10 m. 8-spored; spores fusoid, hyaline, becoming 3-septate, 4-5 X 15-20 m, often with an apiculus at either end; paraphyses filiform, slightly enlarged above. On leaves, soil, twigs and acorn-cups. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York to Pennsylvania, Iowa and Mani- toba; also in Europe. Illustrations: Fuckel, Symb. Myc. Nachtr. 1:/. 35; Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. pi. 139; Trans. Linn. Soc. 24: pi. 51, f. 15-16; Bond. Ic. Myc. pi. 520; Mycologia 30: 660,/. 1. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 59; Rav. Fungi Car. 5: 41. 286 The North American Cup-Fungi 2. Arachnopeziza delicatula Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 304. 1869. Belonidium delicatulum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 499. 1889. Apothecia gregarious, or scattered, seated on a delicate, white, arachnoid subiculum, at first globose and closed, finally expanding, reaching a diameter of 1-2 mm.; hymenium concave, reddish-brown; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 80- 100 ju and a diameter of 8-10 ju, 8-spored; spores elongated, clavate, slightly curved, simple, or becoming sparingly septate, reaching a length of 40 /x and a diameter of 3.5-4 ju; paraphyses filiform, slightly enlarged above, reaching a diameter of 3 ix. On wood and bark. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Quebec and Michigan; also in Europe. Illustrations: Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 20: pi. 15, f. 1. (as Gorgoniceps delicatula (Fuckel) Hohn.). 3. Arachnopeziza aurata Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 304. 1869. Belonidium auratum Sacc. Michelia 1: 66. 1879. Tapesia aurata Massee, Brit. Fungus-FI. 4: 299. 1895. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, at first closed, then expanding, externally yellowish, clothed with hairs, reaching a diameter of .5 mm., on a thin subiculum; hymenium a little darker than the outside of the apothecium; hairs long, cylindric, or tapering gradually toward the ends, septate, reaching a length of 60-85 fj. and a diameter of 4 /x; asci clavate, the apex somewhat pointed, reaching a length of 96 /x and a diameter of 7 fx, 8-spored ; spores filiform, or slightly clavate, becoming multiseptate, slightly bent, 2.5-3 X 65-75 n; paraphyses very slender, hyaline, occasionally branched. On wood or the inside of bark. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Ohio; also in Europe. 4. Arachnopeziza Arctostaphyli Cash, Mycologia 28: 247. 1936. Apothecia sessile, on sparse subicle of hyaline mycelium, at first subglobose, becoming patellate, cream-colored to light-buff when dry, .4-. 7 mm. in diameter, attached at the margin by delicate, hyaline hairs; asci clavate, often arculate, narrowed above, attenuated toward the base, reaching a length of 100-1 15 /x and a diameter of 10-12 n, 8-spored ; spores irregularly fasciculate, many-guttulate, straight, or curved, 7-septate, 2.5-3 X 65-80 yu; CUP-FUNGI PLATE 129 ARACHNOPEZIZA AURELIA Helotiella 287 paraphyses filiform, branched about half way from the base, granular, hyaline. On decorticated stems of Arctostaphlos Tracyi. Type locality: Trinidad, California. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 28: 250,/. 1. 54. HELOTIELLA Sacc. Bot. Cent. 18: 218. 1884. Apothecia minute, sessile, or subsessile, usually bright- colored as in Helotiiim, or occasionally dark, clothed with hairs; asci cylindric, or subcylindric, usually 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, or fusoid, becoming 1 -septate; paraphyses filiform. Type species, Helotium Citri Penz. On monocotyledonous plant tissues. On stems of Andropogon. \. H. aureococcinea. On old cornstocks, Zea. 2. H. pygmaea. Not on monocotyledonous tissues. On twigs of Lonicera. 3. H. Lonicerae. On rotten wood. Apothecia orange-colored. 4. H. trabinelloides. Apothecia white or whitish. Spores appendiculate. 5. H. cornuta. Spores not appendiculate. 6. H. major. On old paper. 7. H. papyricola. 1. Helotiella aureococcinea (Berk. & Curt.) Massee, Jour. Linn. Soc. 35: 108. 1901. Solenopezia aureococcinea Rehm, Ann. Myc. 2: 352. 1904. Patellaria aureococcinea Berk. & Curt, in Ellis-, N. Am. Fungi 63. 1878. nom. nud. Apothecia scattered, sessile, at first closed and subglobose, finally expanded, externally brownish-black, densely clothed about the margin with yellow hairs; hairs hyaline with trans- mitted light, reaching a diameter 5-6 fx and a length of 125 n, blunt and slightly roughened ; asci clavate, with the apex rounded, reaching a length of 60-70 /x and a diameter of 7-8 ju; spores fusoid, straight, becoming 1 -septate, 2-2.5 X 15 m; paraphyses filiform with the apex obtuse, hyaline reaching a thickness of 2-3 n at their apices. On decaying stems oi Andropogon. Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 288 The North American Cup-Fungi Illustrations: Jour. Linn. Soc. 35: pi. 4, f. 5-7. ExsiCCATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 63 (as Patellaria aureococ- cinea Berk. & Curt. 1878). 2. Helotiella pygmaea Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1894: 350. 1894. Apothecia gregarious, minute, pallid, yellowish outside, sparingly clothed and the margin fringed with pale, slender hairs, convex-discoid when moist, .25 .35 mm. in diameter, when dry cup-shaped and yellowish, attached to the substratum by light- colored hairs; asci cylindric, reaching a length of 30 ^x and a diameter of 6 m, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, fusoid, becoming 1-septate, and often slightly constricted, 3-3.5 X 10-14 m; paraphyses not observed. On old cornstalks, Zea Mays. Type locality: Ohio. Distribution : Known only from the type locality. 3. Helotiella Lonicerae (Cash) Seaver, comb. nov. Tapesia Lonicerae Cash, Mycologia 28: 299. 1936. Apothecia sessile, superficial, soft-fleshy, becoming patelli- form, irregularly contorted when dry, the margin crenulate, inrolled, 1-2.5 mm. in diameter, exterior black, or dull livid- purple, densely setose at the margin; hairs brown, smooth, sep- tate, 2.5-3 X 140-170 m; hymenium pale-gray; asci cylindric, reaching a length of 65 75 /x and a diameter of 7-9 ^i\ spores obliquely 1-seriate, fusoid-clavate, 1-septate, 2-2.5 X 12-13.5 /x; paraphyses filiform, slightly inflated above. On twigs of Lonicera involucrata. Type locality: Mesa Lakes, Colorado. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 28: 302,/. 1. Mr. Richard Korf who is working on the genus A rack no peziza regards this as a true Tapesia and believes that it should not be included with the present genus. 4. Helotiella trabinelloides Rehm, Ann. Myc. 2: 36. 1904. Helotium trabinelloides Rehm, Hedwigia 26: 82. 1887. Solenopezia trabinelloides Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 477. 1889. Helotiella Nuttallii Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1894: 351. 1894. Dasyscypha trabinelloides Massee, Jour. Bot. 34: 145. 1896. Helotiella 289 Apothecia gregarious, sessile, flat-hemispheric, .5-1.5 mm. in diameter, cup-shaped when fresh, contracted and subspherical when dry, with only a small, round apical opening, orange- colored throughout, the margin fringed with hairs; hymenium watery-orange; hairs pale-yellow, straight, roughish; asci clavate- cylindric, sessile, reaching a length of 50-60 n and a diameter of 5-6 ju, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, ellipsoid, becoming 1 -septate, 2.5-4 X 10-17 ju; paraphyses filiform, scarcely thickened above, with orange-colored granules. On rotten wood. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: West Virginia; also in Europe. Illustrations: Jour. Bot. 34: pi. 357, f. 4. ExsiCCATi: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 3233. According to Massee (Jour. Bot. 34: 146) Helotiella NuttaUii Ellis & Ev. is identical with Ilelotium trahinelloides Rehm dis- ■ tributed in his Ascomycetes 853. 5. Helotiella cornuta (Ellis) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 474. 1889. Peziza cornuta Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 9: 73. 1882. Apothecia gregarious, minute, dull-white, flesh-colored when dry, sessile, thin, membranaceous, the margin sparingly fringed with straight, 4-5-septate, white, spreading hairs; asci clavate- cylindric, reaching a length of 50-60 ix and a diameter of 8-10 /x; spores 2-seriate, fusiform, becoming 1 -septate, with a short, bristle-like appendage at either end, 3-4 X 12 ju; paraphyses filiform. On decaying chestnut wood. Type locality: Westchester, Pennsylvania. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Ellis writes: "I have not seen P. arachnoidea Schw. but that is said to be 'white villous,' while this in only ciliate." 6. Helotiella major Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1894: 351. 1894. Apothecia gregarious, often confluent, sessile, 1-2 mm. in diameter, externally dull-white, and densely clothed, especially about the margin, with short, pale, glandular hairs, expanded when fresh, the margin incurved when dry, attached by spreading, white filaments; asci cylindric or subcylindric, reaching a length of 65-70 M and a diameter of 7-8 m, 8-spored; spores mostly 2- 290 The North American Cup-Fungi seriate, elongate-ellipsoid, slightly curved, becoming 1 -septate, or occasionally 3-septate, 2.5-3 X 12-16 n\ paraphyses not observed. On rotten wood. Type locality: Ann Arbor, Michigan. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 7. Helotiella papyricola Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1894: 351. 1894. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, or contracted below into a very short stipe, pale-orange, of a soft-waxy consistency, discoid when fresh, .2-. 3 mm. in diameter, subspherical and nearly closed when dry, outside sparingly furfuraceous, margin fringed with short, spreading hairs; asci cylindric, very short-stipitate, reaching a length of 50-60 ^ and a diameter of 12 /x, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, fusoid, slightly curved, with two to four oil- drops, finally 1 -septate, 3 X 12-15 ^t; paraphyses filiform. On old paper on the ground. Type locality: Ann Arbor, Michigan. Distribution: Michigan and New Jersey. Excluded Species Helotiella Russellii (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 476. 1889; Peziza Russellii Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 3: 158. 1875. This is un- doubtedly a Nectria. No material has been seen. 55. ERINELLINA Seaver, nom. nov. £nnf//a Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 507. 1889. Not £rmf//a Quel. 1886. ?Dasyscyphella Tranz. Hedwigia 38: Beibl. (11). 1899. Apothecia cup-shaped, or subdiscoid, externally clothed with hyaline, or subhyaline hairs; h\menium plane, or concave, variously colored; hairs rigid, or more often flexuous, smooth, or rough; asci cylindric to clavate, usually 8-spored; spores much elongated, fusiform to filiform, hyaline, or subhyaline, 3-many- septate; paraphyses filiform, clavate, or lanceolate. Type species, Peziza simiUima Berk. & Br. The genus ErineUa was established b}' Quelet and is a straight synonym of Lachnella as used here. Saccardo took up the name but used it in an entirely different sense thus creating a homonym. The new^name above is proposed for the genus as treated by Saccardo. Erinellina 291 Spores 100-120 /x long. Apothecia sessile, on Pinus. 1. E. rhaphidospora. Apothecia stipitate, on undetermined bark. 2. E. calospora. Spores 40-65 m long. Hymenium orange to scarlet. 3. E. miniopsis. Hynienium pallid to brown. Apothecia sessile. 4. E. cervina. Apothecia short-stipitate. 5. E. appressa. Spores 16-40 n long. On living leaves of Persea. 6. E. maculosa. On dead herbaceous stems or wood. Hairs yellowish, on herbaceous stems. 7. E. Nylanderi. Hairs white, on bark. 8. E. longispora. 1. Erinellina rhaphidospora (Ellis) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza rhaphidospora Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 6: 107. 1876. Erinella rhaphidospora Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 509. 1889. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, minute, subconfluent, white- tomentose; hymenium plane, or sHghtly convex; asci cylindric- clavate, reaching a length of 100-140 /i and a diameter of 12-20 n, 8-spored; spores nearly as long as the ascus (multiseptate?). On trunks of Pinus. Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. Distribution : New Jersey to Pennsylvania, and Bermuda. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 842. 2. Erinellina calospora (Pat.) Seaver, comb. nov. Erinella calospora Pat. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 4: 101. 1888. Apothecia scattered, turbinate, short-stipitate, 2-3 mm. in diameter, externally white-tomentose; hymenium orange-yellow; hairs long, cylindric, fiexuous; asci cylindric, substipitate, reach- ing a length of 120-150 n and a diameter of 12-15 /x; spores nearly as long as the ascus, 2-3 X 90-120 n, 6-14-septate, sub- hyaline; paraphyses simple, or branched, thickened above, septate, hyaline. On bark of some tree. Type locality: Venezuela. Distribution: South America and the West Indies. Illustrations: Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 4: pi. 18, f. 7. 3. Erinellina miniopsis (Ellis) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza miniopsis Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 8: 66. 1881. Erinella miniopsis Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 510. 1889. Dasyscyphella miniopsis Kanouse, Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 23: 151. 1938. 292 The North American Cup-Fungi Apothecia gregarious, sessile, minute, less than 1 mm. in diameter, clothed with a white-tomentose coat of crisped hairs; hymenium concave, orange to scarlet; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 95 n and a diameter of 12 /x, 8-spored; spores crowded, linear-lanceolate, 50-65 ^ long, becoming multi- septate; paraphyses filiform, not thickened above. On the outer bark of Acer rubrum. Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. Distribution: New Jersey to New Hampshire. ExsiCCATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 563; Barth. Fungi Columb. 2428; Reliq. Farlow. 115. 4. Erinellina cervina (Ellis & Ev.) Seaver, comb. nov. Erinella cervina Ellis &. Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 468. 1897. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, at first subglobose, becoming urceolate, the margin incurved leaving only a small rounded opening, stag-colored; short-tomentose; hymenium concave, pallid ; asci cylindric, or subcylindric, with a short, stem-like base, reaching a length of 75-85 /x and a diameter of 7-9 m. 8-spored ; spores fasciculate, acicular, attenuated toward each end, 2-2.5 X 50-60 m; paraphyses stout, rather longer than the asci, scarcely enlarged above, 2-2.5 n thick. On decaying birch limbs. Type locality: Dillon, Colorado. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. The type specimen is in the herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. 5. Erinellina appressa (Cash) Seaver, comb. nov. Dasyscyphella appressa Cash, Univ. Iowa Stud. Nat. Hist. 17: 217. 1937. Apothecia obconic to infundibuliform, short-stipitate, .2-1 mm. in diameter .5 mm. high, waxy-membranous, ochraceous- tawny, pilose; hairs pale-brown, verrucose; hymenium cinnamon- brown; asci cylindric, narrowed above, reaching a length of 90- 110 /i and a diameter of 7-9 ju, short-stipitate, 8-spored; spores fasciculate, filiform, 2-2.5 X 40-55 n, subhyaline 1-5-septate; paraphyses filiform, 1.5 n thick. On woody stem. Type locality: Panama. Distribution : Panama and Colombia. Illustrations: Univ. Iowa Stud. Nat. Hist. 17: pi. 14, f. 2. Erinellina 293 This scarcely differs from ErineUa cervina Ellis & Ev. so far as we can judge from the descriptions. 6. Erinellina maculosa (Ellis & Martin) Seaver, comb. nov. Helotium maculosum Ellis & Martin, Am. Nat. 17: 1284. 1883. Apothecia sessile, .16 mm. in diameter, externally clothed with a few brown, bristle-Hke, faintly septate hairs arising from near the base; hymenium dull flesh-colored; asci clavate, reaching a length of 55 ^ and a diameter of 12 p., 8-spored ; spores 2-seriate, broad-fusoid, becoming 3-septate, 4-5 /x 16-20 ju; paraphyses rather stout. On pale-brown spots on living leaves of Persea palustris. Type locality: Green Cove, Florida. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. ExsiccATi: Ellis. N. Am. Fungi 1276. 7. Erinellina Nylanderi (Rehm) Seaver, comb. nov. ErineUa Nylanderi Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 910. 1893. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, globose, at first closed, expand- ing and becoming cup-shaped, externally yellow, or yellowish- brown, densely hairy, .3-2 mm. in diameter; hymenium faintly bluish, or reddish-gray; hairs pointed, septate, rough, greenish- yellow, reaching a length of 150 m and a diameter of 4-5 ju; asci cylindric-clavate, slightly attenuated above, reaching a length of 80-90 M and a diameter of 5-6 m, 8-spored; spores elongated, fusiform, straight, or somewhat curved, becoming 3-5-septate, hyaline, 2 X 25-33 /x; paraphyses sparse, not strongly pointed, 3-4 M in diameter. On dead stems of herbaceous plants Urtica and Impatiens. Type locality: Europe and Michigan. Distribution: New York; also in Europe. Resembling and often confused with Lachnella sulphurea. 8. Erinellina longispora (Karst.) Seaver, comb. nov. Lachnum longisporum Karst. Hedwigia 28: 191. 1889. ?Erinella suhcorticalis Pat. in Duss, Enum. Meth. Champ. Guadeloupe and Martin. 67. 1903. ?Dasyscyphella suhcorticalis Cash, Mycologia 35: 601. 1943. Apothecia gregarious, or subsparse, sessile, or short-stipitate, white-tomentose, at first subglobose, then cup-shaped, .5 mm. in diameter; hymenium yellowish; asci cylindric-clavate, reaching 294 The North American Cup-Fungi a length of 60 /i and a diameter of 6-7 fi, 8-spored ; spores fas- ciculate, fusoid-filiform, usually 3-septate, subhyaline, 2 X 18- 40 n ; paraphyses 2 /x in diameter, acute at their apices. On bark of some tree. Type locality: Brazil. Distribution: Central to South America and the West Indies. Doubtful Species Dasyscyphella acutipila Cash, Univ. Iowa Stud. Nat. Hist. 17: 216. 1937. On woody stems in Panama. Spores 1 X 33-45 n. No specimens have been seen. Erinella horealis Povah, Mycologia 24: 241. 1932. Described from ma- terial collected on dead stems of Chamaedaphne calyculata on Isle Royale, Michigan. Later reported by Dr. B. Kanouse (Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 20: 74. 1935) as synonymous with Dasyscyphella Cassandrae Tranz.; Erinella Cassandrae Sacc. & Syd. in Sacc. Syll. Fung. 16: 757. 1902. No material has been seen. Erinella raphidophora (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 509. 1889; Peziza raphidophora Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Jour Linn. Soc. 10: 368. 1868. First globose, then expanded, clothed with short, white hairs, the margin in- flexed; asci elongate; spores linear, variable in length, but about 25 m long. On rotten wood, Cuba and Venezuela. Erinella similis Bres. Hedwigia 35: 296. 1896. This species has been doubtfully reported from Porto Rico by the writer. Spores 2-3 X 35-4 n. 56. ECHINELLA Massee, Brit. Fungus-Fl. 4: 304. 1895. Apothecia sessile, at first closed, then expanding and becom- ing cup-shaped; for some distance down the sides clothed with black, or brown hyphae; asci clavate, 8-spored; spores irregu- larly 2-seriate, hyaline, narrowly fusiform, becoming 3 many- septate; paraphyses filiform or slightly clavate. Type species, Peziza Vectis Berk. & Br. Distinguished from Pirottaea Sacc. by the elongated spores, and from Erinellina by the dark-colored hairs. Echinella rhabdocarpa (Ellis) Seaver, comb. nov. Peziza rhabdocarpa Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 9: 19. 1882. Erinella rhabdocarpa Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 510. 1889. Apothecia scattered, sessile, .5 mm. in diameter, the margin clothed with short, black, fasciculate, obtusely clavate hairs; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 65-75 n and a diameter of 10 )u; spores linear, multi-septate ?, nearly as long as the ascus. Cenangiaceae 295 On branches of Comptonia asplenifolia. Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. Distribution: New Jersey and Ontario, Canada. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 844. Fa mil V 0. CENANGIACEAE Conidial stage present, variable in form, or unknown. Apothecia usually occurring on woody plants, at first im- mersed and bursting through the outer bark, singly, or more often in cespitose clusters, cup-shaped, often opening with an irregular aperture, or discoid to patellate, pale to dark brownish-black, fleshy, wax\-, or leathery, becoming horny when dry; asci usually broad-clavate, 4-8-spored; spores simple, ellipsoid, allantoid, rarely subglobose, or fusiform to filiform, then usually several- septate, hyaline, or colored; paraphyses filiform, often strongly enlarged above, the ends free or glued together forming an epithecium, hyaline, or colored. Asci containing 4-8 ascospores. Ascospores simple. Apothecia tomentose. Apothecia not tomentose. Ascospores remaining h\aline. Spores not over 14-20 m long. Spores 30 yu or more long. Apothecia hysteriform when >oung. Apothecia not hysteriform. Ascospores becoming brown. Ascospores becoming septate, with cross walls onl\-. Asci with ascospores only. Spores 1 -septate. Spores hyaline. Spores becoming brown. Spores more than 1-septate. Spores long fusoid to filiform. Spores ellipsoid, becoming tardih- septate. Apothecia light-colored; conidia ellip- soid. Apothecia dark-colored; conidia fusi- form. Asci with both ascospores, and spermatoid bodies. Ascospores with cross and longitudinal walls (muriform). Asci containing only spermatoid bodies. 1. Velutaria. 2. Cenangium. 3. Dermateopsis. 4. GoDRONIOPSIS. 5. Sphaerangium. 6. Cenangella. 7. Dermatella. 8. godronia. 9. Pezicula. 10. Dermea. 11. durandiella. 12. murangium. 13. Tympanis. 296 The North American Cup-Fungi 1. VELUTARIA Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 300. 1869. Schweinitzia Massee, Brit. Fungus-Fl. 4: 134. 1895. Apothecia erumpcnt, becoming apparently superficial, for the most part single, or in dense, cespitose clusters, at first closed, opening but remaining cupulate, externally clothed with a dense woolly growth, tan-colored, or light-brown; hymenium concave, or nearly plane; asci subcylindric, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, simple, hyaline, or slightly colored ; paraphyses filiform to clavate. Type species, Peziza rufoolivacea Alb. & Schw. The genus Schiveinitzia was proposed by Massee based on Cenanginm phaeosporum Cooke. No authentic material of this species is available but the original drawings and notes of Massee are in the herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. In these notes he states "belongs to same genus as P. rufoolivacea.'' Except for the brown spores the two species would seem to be identical. The globose cells at the tips of the hairs in Cenangium phaeosporum have been noted in P. rufoolivacea, or material so determined. Nannfeldt (Nova Acta Soc. Sci. Upsal. IV. 8: 302) treats Schweinitzia as a doubtful synonym of Velutaria. The present author would agree but would remove the doubt. In fact, if as admitted by Massee, the two species are congeneric there was no reason for the founding of the genus Schweinitzia in the first place. 1. Velutaria rufoolivacea (Alb. & Schw.) Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 300. 1869. Peziza rufoolivacea Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. 320. 1805. Lachnea rufoolivacea Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 85. 1882. Humaria rufoolivacea Quel. Ench. Fung. 291. 1886. Lachnella rufoolivacea Phill. Brit. Discom. 275. 1887. Schweinitzia rufoolivacea Massee, Brit. Fungus-Fl. 4: 135. 1895. Cenangium Ruhi Baumler, Ann. Nat. Hofmus. Wien 13: 440. 1898. Phaeangium Rubi Sacc. & Syd.; Sacc. Syll. Fung. 16: 764. 1902. Apothecia erumpent, either occurring singly, or several to- gether in dense clusters and soon becoming apparently superficial, externally clothed with a dense coat of poorly developed and more or less disjuncted hairs often each with a large, globose apex which gives a dense mealy appearance, reaching a diameter of 1-3 mm.; hymenium concave, or nearly plane, dark-colored, slightly olivaceous to black; asci subcylindric, reaching a length of 110-120 M and a diameter of 12-14 m, 8-spored ; spores 1-seriate, Cenangium 297 ellipsoid, 6-8 X 12-15 jj.; hyaline, or faintl>' colored; paraphyses filiform, rather strongh' enlarged above. On dead branches of various kinds: Quercus, Betula, Andro- meda, Acer, Sassafras and Rubus. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New Jersey to Oregon; also in Europe. Illustrations: Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. pi. 11, J. 4; Phill. Brit. Discom. pi. 8,f. 49. Exsiccati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 69 (as Dermatea lobata Ell.) Doubtful and Excluded Species Velutaria cinereofusca (Schw.) Bres. has been regarded as a synonym of this species but is now regarded as a Cyplella. For details see page 275. Velutaria griseovitellina Fuckel, S>mb. Myc. 300. 1869. This species has been reported from Washington under the name of Tapesina griseovitellina Hohn. The 3-septate spores would place it in the genus Belonium as treated here. Schweinitzia phaeospora (Cooke) Massee, Brit. Fungus-Fl. 4: 135. 1895; Cenangium phaeosporum Cooke, Grevillea 12: 44. 1883; Phaeangium phaeo- sporum Sacc. S3II. Fung. 16: 765. 1902. No material available but appar- ently scarcely distinct from the preceding. 2. CENANGIUM Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 364. 1849. Apothecia occurring singly, or more often in cespitose clusters of variable number, erumpent, usualh' light-colored not black, at first closed, finally opening, deep cup-shaped, or becoming more shallow when expanded, the margin often incurved; asci usually 8-spored, of variable form; spores ellipsoid, or elongated, often allantoid, hyaline, simple; paraphyses filiform, simple, or branch- ed, scarcely enlarged above, hyaline or subhyaline. Type species, Cenangium Jerruginosiiyn Fries. Occurring on coniferous trees. On branches of various conifers. Apothecia 1-1.5 mm. in diameter, reddish- brown. 1. C. Abietis. Apothecia 2-5 mm. in diameter, purplish- brown. 2. C. atropurpureiim. On needles of species of Pintis. 3. C. actium. Not on coniferous trees. Apothecia medium large; 5 mm. to 1 cm. in diam- eter. On branches of yl/wM5. 4. C. furfuraceum. 5. 6. C. pruinosum. C. populneum. 7. 8. C. aureum. C. Yuccae. 9. C. (limorphum. 0. C. tuberculiforme. 298 The North American Cup-Fungi On branches of Populus, more rarely on Fraxi- nus. Apothecia scattered, densely' white- pruinose. Apothecia cespitose, not pruinose. Apothecia small, less than 5 mm. in diameter. Spores medium large, 7-10 ju long. On branches of Ceanothtis. On leaves of Yucca. Spores small 4-6 n long. Apothecia accompanied by flask-shaped conidial bodies. Apothecia not as above, forming tubercular masses. 1. Cenangium Abietis (Pers.) Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. 1'': 227. 1889. Peziza Abietis Pers. Syn. Fung. 671. 1801. Cenangium ferruginosum Fries, Vet. Akad. Hand). 1818. 361. 1818. Dermatea Pini Phill. & Hark. Grevillea 13: 22. 1884. Apothecia gregarious, usually occurring in cespitose clusters, subsessile, at first nearly globose, later opening irregularly, expanding and becoming subturbinate, often irregular from mutual pressure, the margin inflexed when dry, coated externally with a reddish-brown powder, 1-1.5 mm. broad; hymenium concave, yellowish to olive-brown; asci cylindric-clavate, reach- ing a length 100-120 m and a diameter 12-18 m, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, 5-7 X 10-14 /x, 1-seriate, or partially 2-seriate; pa- raphyses stout, simple, about 2 /z in diameter, slightly enlarged above, pale-yellowish. On branches of various species of Pinus, Abies, Picea and probably other conifers. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New England to Oregon, California and Alabama; also in Europe. Illustrations: E. & P. Nat. Pfl. 1^: 233, /. £-G; Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. 4: pi. 197; Cooke, Handb. Brit. Fungi 2:/. 337. Exsiccati: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2050, 2050 (B), Fungi Columb. 1416, 1514; Clements, Crypt. Form. Colo. 517. 2. Cenangium atropurpureum Cash & Davidson, Mycologia 32: 734. 1940. Apothecia erumpent, occurring singly, or two or three to- gether from a stroma beneath the bark, subglobose, then cupulate, Cenangium 299 reaching a diameter of 2-5 mm. and of equal height, fleshy- leathery, substipitate, exterior furfuraceous, dull purplish- black to brownish-black when moist, darker when dry, margin lacerate, becoming inrolled when dry and triangular or hysteroid ; hymenium light ochraceous-buff ; asci cylindric, reaching a length of 70-85 jjl and a diameter of 9-12 ji, 8-spored; spores broad-ellipsoid, irregularly 1-seriate, hyaline, simple, containing several granules, 5-8 X 9.5-11 ju; paraphyses hyaline, un- branched, enlarged at their apices, 3-5 fj, in diameter. On dead twigs Finns nigra, P. Mugho, P. pungens, P. rigida, P. virginiana, P. Taeda and P. sylvestris. Type locality: Sugar Loaf Mountain, Maryland, on Finns nigra . Distribution: Maryland to Pennsylvania and Georgia. Illustrations: Mycologia 32: 729,/. I, A, B. 3. Cenangium acuum Cooke & Peck; Cooke & Ellis, Grevillea 7:40. 1878. Peziza Pinastri Cooke & Peck; Cooke, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 1: 297. 1875. Not Cenangium Pinastri Hazsl. 1887. Mollisia Pinastri Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 327. 1889. Apothccia erumpent through the epidermis of the host, at first closed, soon opening with an irregular aperture leaving the margin irregularly toothed, externally reddish-brown, reaching 1 mm. in diameter; hymenium concave or nearly plane, lighter than the outside of the apothecium; asci clavate, reaching a length of 80-100 ji and a diameter of 8-10 m. tapering into an abrupt, stem-like base, 8-spored; spores fusoid, 3-4 X 12 14 m; paraphyses filiform, enlarged above, reaching a diameter of 2 3 ju. On needles of Finns Strohus and other species of Finns. Type locality: Albany County, New York. Distribution: New York and New Jersey to British Co- lumbia; also in Europe. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 367; Rehm, Ascom. 82Z (from Newfield, N. J.), 82Z b (from Lake Huron, Ontario); Sydow, Fungi Exotici Exsicc. 275 (from Lake Huron, Ontario) ; Rab.-Winter, Fungi Eu. 3365 (from Newfield, N. J.); Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 642; Barth. Fungi Columb. 4705. Pezizella ontariensis seems to differ in the color and size of the spores. However, it is suggestive of this species. 300 The North American Cup-Fungi 4. Cenangium furfuraceum (Roth) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 565. 1889. Peziza furfur acea Roth, Catal. Bot. 3: 257. 1806. Phibalis furfuracea Wallr. Fl. Crypt. Germ. 2: 447. 1833. Dermatea furfuracea Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 362. 1849. Encoelia furfuracea Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 218. 1871. Apothecia erumpent in cespitose clusters of five or six each, or more rarely occurring singly, at first entirely closed, finally opening rather irregularly and expanded but with the margin usually incurved, externally whitish-furfuraceous, the individual apothecia reaching a diameter of 1 cm. or more; asci narrowly clavate, reaching a length of 80 ix and a diameter of 6-7 m, 8-spored; spores narrow-ellipsoid, or allantoid, often with two small oil-drops, 2-4 X 8-10 m; paraphyses filiform slightly en- larged above. On branches of species of Alnus. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Newfoundland to Idaho, California, south to Iowa, and Pennsylvania; also in Europe. Illustrations: Roth, Catal. Bot. pi. 9, f. 2 (as "ThelepJwra fimbriata'). ExsiccATi : Shear, N. Y. Fungi 327; Brenckle, Fungi Dak. 426. Wilson & Seaver, Ascom. 52. 5. Cenangium pruinosum (Ellis & Ev.) Seaver, comb. nov. (Plate 130.) Peziza pruinosa Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 4: 100. 1888. Dermatea pruinosa Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 555. 1889. Apothecia gregarious, occurring in large numbers underneath the outer bark of the host, which rolls back exposing large blackened areas on which the apothecia are seated, the individual apothecia deep cup-shaped with the mouth at first constricted, expanding and reaching a diameter of 3-4 mm., externally covered with a white, granular coat, brown to brownish-black inside and out, the margin slightly crenate, when dry becoming boat-shaped or angular; asci narrow-clavate, reaching a length of 55 n and a diameter of 4-5 ^u, 8-spored; spores minute, allantoid, 2 X 8-10 m; paraphyses filiform, very slender, enlarged above, with dark-brown tips. On trunks of Populus. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 130 CENANGIUM PRUINOSUM Cenangium 301 Type locality: Colorado. Distribution: Colorado and Toronto, Canada. The illustration accompanying this description was made from material collected by the writer and Mr. Bethel in 1910. A note in the herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden on a Bethel label 1898 states "this is abundant everywhere in the Mts. where aspen {Populus treniuloides) is found." It was apparently confused b>' Mr. Ellis with Cenangium populneum, although Ellis, himself, described it ten years before under the name indicated above. 6. Cenangium populneum (Pers.) Rehm in Rab. Krvpt.-Fl. V: 220. 1889. (Plate 131.) Peziza populnea Pers. Tent. Disp. Fung. 35. 1797. Peziza fascicular is Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. 315. 1805. Peziza crispa Sow. Engl. Fungi pi. 425. 1814. ?Cenangiiim popidinum Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. 11. 4: 239. 1832. Dermatea fascicular is Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 362. 1849. Encoelia fascicularis Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 217. 1871. Cenangium fasciculare Karst. Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 2'^: 145. 1885. Encoelia populnea Kirsch. Ann. Myc. 33: 222. 1935. Apothecia erumpent through the outer bark in cespitose clusters of six to twelve each, the clusters often 5 mm. or more in diameter, or more rarely solitary, the individual apothecia at first closed, finally opening and usually deep cup-shaped, often much contorted and twisted from mutual pressure, grayish- brown, reaching a diameter of 3-5 mm.; asci narrowly clavate, reaching a length of 75-90 m and a diameter of 8-9 n, 8-spored; spores narrowly ellipsoid, or allantoid, 3-4 X 12-14 n\ paraphy- ses slender, slightly enlarged above, reaching a diameter of 3 fi. On dead branches of Populus tremuloides and Populus grandi- dentata; also reported on Fraxinus. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Massachusetts to Colorado, Iowa and Kansas; also Europe. Illustrations: Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. pi. 12, f. 2; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. I'*: 215,/. 2; Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa j S:pl. 25, f. 1; Sow. Engl. Fungi pi. 425 J. 1. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 1314; Barth. Fungi Columb. 2209; Brenckle, Fungi Dak. 209 (as var. prunicolum Rehm); Reliq. Farlow. 104. /oS^C4>V ^"^'J. . . .. 'f" \ " ■<:-i -.'■ ■>' / 302 The North American Cup-Fungi While this species usually occurs on PopuJus tremiiloides one specimen from Canada was reported on Populus grandidentata. Albertini and Schweinitz (Consp. Fung. 315) report this species on Salix alba and on Fraxiniis. A specimen in the Ellis collec- tion is accompanied by the following unsigned note: "Dermatea fascicularis A. & S. Have found this again on ash; (you ques- tioned its being an ash) when 120 was sent. Can this be a different species?" Apparently Ellis questioned the host. However we have in the herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden two other specimens reported on ash both by reliable collectors, one by S. H. Burnham at Hudson Falls, New York the fungus determined by the writer and one by R. F. Cain from Ontario, Canada, the fungus determinated by J. W. Groves. The spores in those specimens on ash agree with those from poplar so apparently this fungus is not restricted to Populus. 7. Cenangium aureum Ellis & Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 468. 1897. Apothecia erumpent through transverse crevices in the bark, occurring singly, or two or three together, short-stipitate, cup- shaped, golden-yellow, externally flocose-furfuraceous, becoming nearly smooth, margin slightly incurved, 2-3 fi in diameter; stem short, stout, about 1 mm. long; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 90-110 fi and a diameter of 7-8 n, 8-spored, gradually narrowed below; spores 1 -seriate, ovoid to pyriform, 3.5 X 7-10 m; paraphyses filiform, about as long as the ascus, scarcely thickened above. On dead branches of Ceanothus velutinus. Type locality: Bear Valley, Colorado (alt. 7000 ft.). Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Type material in The New York Botanical Garden has been examined, and is in excellent condition. 8. Cenangium Yuccae Clements, Crypt. Form. Colo. 518. 1907. Apothecia erumpent, scattered, at first closed, opening and becoming cup-shaped, externally densely furfuraceous, brown, reaching a diameter of 1 mm.; hymenium lighter, creamy; asci cylindric, reaching a length of 100 120 n and a diameter of 16-12 )u, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate, ellipsoid, not granular within, about 8 X 10 M paraphyses 2 y. in diameter, scarcely enlarged above, granular within, slightly yellowish. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 131 CENANGIUM POPULNEUM Cenangium 303 Apotheciis sparsis, erumpentibus, primo clausis dein scutellatis, extus furfuraceis, brunneis, 1 mm. diam.; hymenio cremeo; ascis cylindraceis, 8- sporis; sporis ellipsoideis, 8X10^; paraphysibus filiformibus, 2 n diam. On leaves of Yucca. Type locality: Mesa Yerda, Colorado. Distribution: Colorado and California. ExsiccATi: Clements, Crypt. Form. Colo. 518. A second collection of this species was obtained by the writer and Ellsworth Bethel in 1910. A third collection from Santa Anita Canyon, California was sent to the writer in 1939. This was at first thought to be an undescribed species but it was later found that Clements had distributed it in 1907 under the above name as a new species, without diagnosis. 9. Cenangium dimorphum Seaver, comb. nov. Dermatea dimorpha Seaver, Mycologia 16: 8. 1924. Conidial stage described as consisting of club-shaped or flask- shaped bodies 1-2 mm. high, either occurring separately, or associated with and often fused to the base of the apothecia; pycnidia minute, more or less angular, about 2 /i in diameter. Apothecia usually cespitose, sessile, or substipitate, appar- ently erumpent through the outer bark and becoming subsuper- ficial, shallow cup-shaped, with a purplish tint, furfuraceous, the hymenium somewhat darker, reddish, reaching a diameter of 1-2 mm. ; asci clavate, reaching a length of 40 jj. and a diameter of 4 M, 8-spored; spores usually 1-scriate, ellipsoid, often with two small oil-drops; 2 X 4 ^i; paraphyses very slender. On the bark of some undetermined shrub or vine. Type locality: Louisenhoj Estate on the island of St. Thomas. Distribution: St. Thomas of the Virgin Islands and Porto Rico; also in Venezuela and Brazil. Illustrations: Mycologia 16: pi. 2,f. 1-4. In addition to the type, one specimen collected in Porto Rico by John Stevenson in February 1914 has been referred to this species, with which it agrees perfectly. Also one specimen collected by Dr. Carlos F. Chardon in Venezuela has been ex- amined. The latter is said to have been collected on some dead Citrus. It was collected on a coffee plantation near San Cristo- bal. One specimen from the Farlow Herbarium collected by Rick in Brazil labeled "Dermatea episphaeria" Schw. is identical 304 The North American Cup-Fungi with our species but no authentic material of Cenangium epi- sphaeria Schw. has been seen. 10. Cenangium tuberculiforme Kllis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1893: 452. 1893. Apothecia erumpent in dense clumps forming tubercular masses up to 1 cm. in diameter, individual apothecia light- yellow, furfuraceous-squamulose outside, irregularly cup-shaped with the margin incurved, reaching a diameter of 2-3 mm.; hymenium pale brick-red, contracted below into a short, stem- like base; asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 40-50 /x and a diameter of 4-5 ji, 8-spored; spores obliquely 1-seriate, ellipsoid, hyaline, with two small oil-drops, 2-2.5 X 5-6 ix\ paraphyses filiform, branched, scarcely enlarged above. On dead twigs of Ilex glabra. Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. Distribution: New Jersey and Massachusetts. ExsiccATi: Reliq. Farlow. 105. Excellent type material is in the herbarium at The New York Botanical Garden. The only other specimen seen is the one distributed by the Farlow Herbarium collected at East Billerica, Massachusetts by J. B. Rorer. This is a very conspicuous and interesting fungus. Doubtful and Excluded Species Many species of Cenangium have been reported from North America with meager descriptions and in numerous cases based on sterile material. Some of these are not ascomycetes at all. The names are recorded with the hosts, hoping that future collectors may be able to tie them up with something concrete. Cenangium aeruginosum Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 239. 1832. On decorticated wood. Asci and spores unknown. Cenangium alboatrum Ellis & Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 136. 1897. On decorticated, decaying chestnut log. This does not appear to be a Cenangium; material very poor. Cenangium alpinum Ellis & Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 468. 1897. On decorticated limbs of Abies. Spores described as allantoid, 2.5 X 10-14 m- Cenangium Andromedae (Schw.) Fries, Syst, Myc. 2: 182. 1822; Peziza Andromedae Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1: 123. 1822. Asci and spores unknown. Cenangium apertum Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 239. 1832. On dead branches of Hydrangea. Nothing is known of this species. Cenangium asterinosporum Ellis & Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 10: 76. 1883. Apothecia erumpent in cespitose cluster 2-3 mm. in diameter, individuals .5-1 mm. in diameter; spores ellipsoid or subpyriform, subhyaline, constricted Cenangium 305 in the center, becoming 3-septate and submuriform, 6-8 X 15-20 ^l. New Jersey. A Pezicula ? Cenangium Cassandrae Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 31: 48. 1879. On Cassandra calyculata. Spores described as linear, 28-30 n long. Compare Godronia Cassandrae. Cenangium Castaneae Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 239. 1832. On young branches of Castanea. Asci and spores unknown. Cenangium clavatum Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 238. 1832. No spores found. See Dermea Cerasi. Cenangium compressum Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 238. 1832. On Betula. Asci and spores unknown. Cenangium conglobatum Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1895: 428. 1895. On dead branches of some deciduous tree or shrub. Spores described as allantoid, 2-2.5 X 5-6.5 /x- Cena«g/MOT contortow Berk. & Curt.; Cooke, Grevillea 21: 75. 1893. On Cornus. Description inadequate. No material seen. Cenangium confusum Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 238. 1832. No specimen of this species could be found in the Schweinitz collection. Two specimens in the herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden under this name have 3-septate ascospores 3-4 X 35-45 ix and curved. Whether these are correctly named we do not know. Cenangium Crataegi Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 239. 1832. No material found in the .Schweinitz collection at Philadelphia. Cenangium Ellisii Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 566. 1889; Dermatea purpurea Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 6: 108. 1875. Not Dermatea purpurea (Hedw.) Fries. 1849. Said to resemble Derwa/ra /wr/Mracm but smaller. Ellis states "unfortunately the insects have nearly destroyed my spec." No specimens have been seen. Cenangium enteroxanthum Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 240. 1832. Asci and spores unknown. Description indicates that it may be one of the Hysteriales. Cenangiufn episphaeria .Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 238. 1832. On Diatrype Stigma and other sphaeriaceous fungi. Asci and spores unknown, very doubtful. See Cenangium dimorphum. Cenangium fatiscens Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 239. 1832. On bark of Syringa and Morus alba. No asci or spores indicated. It may not be a Discomycete at all. Cenangium fibrisedum Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 239. 1832. On Castanea. Asci and spores unknown. Cenangium Juglandis Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 4: 5. 1875. On Juglans. Description inadequate. Cenangium leptospermum Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 4: 5. 1875. On Abies. Description inadequate. Cenangium nigrofuscum Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 239. 1832. On old wood. Asci and spores unknown. Cenangium palmatum .Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 238. 1832. On bark of Rhododendron maximum. Asci and spores unknown. Very doubtful. 306 The North American Cup-Fungi Cenangium patellatum Cooke, GreviUea 21: 75. 1892. On Acer. Spores described as ellipsoid, tawny-brown, or amber, 5-6 X 18-20 ju. No material available. Cenangium pezizoides Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 31: 48. 1879. The spores suggest a Dermea but no septa observed. Cenangium pyrinum Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 239. 1832. Asci and spores unknown. Description indicates one of the Hysteriales. On Pyrus. Cenangium punctoideum (Cooke) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 570. 1889; Tym- panis punctoidea Cooke, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 3: 30. 1875; Phaeangium punctoideum Sacc. & Syd. in Sacc. Syll. Fung. 16: 765. 1902. No asci could be found in the type specimen. Cenangium quercinum Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 239. 1832; Hysterium quercinum Schw\ Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1: 49. 1822. Not a Cenangium. Cenangium Rhois Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 238. 1832. On branches of Rhus glabra. Asci and spores unknown. Cenangium rigidum Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 238. 1832. No apothecia found in the Schweinitz specimen. See Dermea Prunastri. Cenangium Rosae Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 239. 1832. On bark of Rosa. Asci and spores unknown. Cenangium rubiginellum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 560. 1889. Cenangium ruhiginosum Cooke; Rav. Fungi Am. 635. Not Peziza rubiginosa Fries. Cenangium sphaeriaemorphum Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 238. 1832. On Qiiercus alba. Asci and spores unknown. May be a lichen. Cenangium Spiraeae (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 574. 1889. Dermea Spiraeae Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 237. 1832. Schweinitz specimens examined May 21, 1931 and found worthless. Cenangium Staphyleae Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 238. 1832. On Staphylea. Asci and spores not known. Species very doubtful. Cenangium sticticum (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 559. 1889; Tympanis stictica Berk. & Curt.; Peck, Grevillea 4: 3. 1875. On Salix baby- lonica. Asci described as clavate; spores fusiform, curved, quadrinucleate. The species was also reported on Prinus verticillata and on Quercus tinctoria. The description is inadequate and material not available. Cenangium tryblidioides ElUs & Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 4: 136. 1897. On decorticated willow, Salix. Material weathered and unsatisfactory. Cenangium triangulare Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 238. 1832; Coccomyces triangularis Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 750. 1889. Cenangium tumorum Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 239. 1832. On old wood. Asci and spores unknown. Cenangium ustale (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 568. 1889; Peziza ustalis Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 3: 152. 1875. Description inadequate. No material available. Cenangium Viburni (Schw.) Fries, Syst. M>-c. 2: 185. 1822; Peziza Viburni Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1: 123. 1822. This may be a Tym- panis. On Viburnum. GODRONIOPSIS 307 3. DERMATEOPSIS Nannf. Nova Acta Soc. Sci. Upsal. IV. 8: 89. 1932. Apothecia erumpent, thickly gregarious, or closely crowded, often cespitose, when young bilaterally compressed, hysteriform, opening with an irregular aperture leaving the margin often notched, or occasionally toothed, externally yellowish; hymenium darker, reaching a diameter of less than 1 mm. ; asci 8-spored ; spores long-fusoid; paraphyses filiform. Type species, Dermatea tabacina Cooke. 1. Dermateopsis tabacina (Cooke) Nannf. Nova Acta Soc. Sci. Upsal. IV. 8: 89. 1932. Dermatea tahacina Cooke, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 3: 24. 1877. Godronia tabacina Seaver, Mycologia 37: 350. 1945. Apothecia as above; asci broad-clavate, reaching a length of 100 M and a diameter of 30 m, 8-spored; spores irregularly 2- seriate, very long, fusoid, straight, or curved, granular within, 8-10 X 60-75 /x; paraphyses filiform, enlarged above. On branches of Quercus alba and Quercus coccinea. Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 146; Rehm, Ascom. 359 (from Newfield, New Jersey); Roum. Fungi Selecti Exsicc. 17 IZ (from Newfield, New Jersey); Thiim. Myc. Univ. 1560 (from Newfield, New Jersey). 4. GODRONIOPSIS Diehl & Cash, Mycologia 21: 243. 1929. Apothecia sessile, or subsessile, seated on a black, blister-like subiculum which seems to be erumpent through the outer bark, at first closed, later cup-shaped, or subdiscoid, corky-leathery; asci clavate, 8-spored; spores simple, hyaline, fusiform; paraphy- ses filiform, slightly enlarged above, forming an epithecium. Type species, Peziza quernea Schw. 1. Godroniopsis quernea (Schw.) Diehl & Cash, Mycologia 21: 244. 1929. Peziza quernea Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1: 124. 1822. Cenangium turgidum Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 186. 1822. Not Cenangium tiirgidum Duby. 1830. Patellaria cenangiicola Ellis & Ev. Jour. M\c. 4: 56. 1888. Falellea cenangicola Sacc. S>11. Fung. 8: 784. 1889. Cenangium querneum Seymour; Tha.xter, Mycologia 14: 101. 1922. 308 The North American Cup-Fungi Apothecia as described above, reaching a diameter of 1 mm., externally ridged the ends of the ridges giving rise to a toothed margin; hymenium brown; asci clavate to cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 150 ^t and a diameter of 13-16 n, 8-spored; spores irregularly 2-seriate, simple, hyaline, subfusiform to fusi- form, at first symmetrical and larger at one end, 6-10 X 30-47 ju; paraphyses filiform, hyaline at the base, enlarged above and light chestnut brown, 3-5.5 n in diameter, the ends forming an epithecium. On various species of Quercus. Type locality: North Carolina. Distribution: New Hampshire to Missouri, Florida and Alabama. Illustrations: Mycologia 21: 245./. J, 2. ExsiCCATi: Rav. Fungi Car. 4: 24; Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2148. 5. SPHAERANGIUM Seaver, nom. nov. Phaeangium Sacc. Syll. Fung. 16: 764. 1902 (in part). Not Phaeangiuni Pat. 1894. Apothecia as in Cenangium; asci clavate, 4-8-spored; spores large subglobose, or ellipsoid, at first hyaline, becoming brown; paraphyses forming an epithecium. Type species, Dermatea tetraspora Ellis. A note in the herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden by H. Rehm states that this species might be the type of a new genus, although no name was suggested. While the genus Phaeangium Sacc. was not founded on this species, it was in- cluded. Asci 4-spored. 1. 5. tetrasporum. Asci 8-spored. Spores 19-22 X 40-50 /x. 2. S. magnisporum. Spores 20 X 26 n. 3. S. Tiliae. 1. Sphaerangium tetrasporum (Ellis) Seaver, comb. nov. (Plate 132.) Dermatea tetraspora Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 6: 108. 1876. Cenangium tetrasporum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 570. 1889. Phaeangium tetrasporum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 16: 765. 1902. Apothecia erumpent but scarcely rising above the surface of the bark, occurring singh', or in cespitose clusters, externally CUP-FUNGI PLATE 132 .•f^-'-- - :-i %■- '-'.t' ' / -> y ,. I / SPHAERANGIUM TETRASPORUM Sphaerangium 309 light-brown, reaching a diameter of 2 mm.; hymenium concave, darker than the outside of the apothecium; asci clavate, reaching a length of 200-225 n and a diameter of 25 n, 4-spored ; spores 1 -seriate, very large and broad-ellipsoid to subglobose, 15-20 X 20-25 ix, becoming brown and very granular, often with several oil-drops; paraphyses slender, hyaline below, brown above, the ends adhering in an epithecium. On dead limbs of Quercus coccinea. Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 70. 2. Sphaerangium magnisporum (Cash & Stevenson) Seaver, comb. nov. Phaeangium magnisporum Cash & Stevenson, Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 30: 304. 1940. Apothecia erumpent, occurring singly, or in groups of two or three each, closely surrounded by fragments of the ruptured bark, reaching a diameter of 1-1.5 mm., fleshy, subturbinate, or ob- conic, black, often contorted from mutual pressure, often falling out leaving cavities; hymenium brownish-black, rough; asci broad-clavate, abruptly narrowed at the base, reaching a length of 175-200 M, and a diameter of 25-30 m, 4-spored; spores 1- seriate, broad-ellipsoid, with one large oil-drop when young, surrounded by a thick, hyaline, gelatinous envelope, 19-22 X 40-50 M (exclusive of the envelope) ; paraphyses numerous, branched and interwoven at their tips. On branches of Betiila nigra. Type locality: Agricultural College Campus, Athens, Georgia. X Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 30: 303./. 4. 3. Sphaerangium Tiliae Seaver, sp. nov. (Plate 133.) Apothecia erumpent through the outer bark which breaks irregularly, at first closed and clothed externally with white, furfuraceous granules, finally opening irregularly, often stellately, expanding and exposing the black hymenium; hymenium plane or nearly so, with a rough appearance apparently due to the exuded spores, reaching a diameter of 1-2 mm.; asci subcylindric, reaching a length of 240 /x. and a diameter of about 25 /x, with no 310 The North American Cup-Fungi extended base, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate, broad-ellipsoid, very granular within, at first hyaline, becoming dark-brown, 20 X 26 ju; paraphyses very slender, hyaline, about 2 n thick. Apotheciis erumpentibus, extus albido-furfuraceis, primo clausis dein apertis; hymenio nigro; ascis subcylindraceis, 8-sporis, 20-26 X 240 fi; sporis ellipsoideis, brunneis, 20 X 26 ju; paraphysibus filiformibus, 2 fx diam. On branches of Tilia heterophylla. Type locality: Agricultural College Campus, Athens, Georgia. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 6. CENANGELLA Sacc. Bot. Cent. 18: 248. 1884; Syll. Fung. 8:587. 1889. Apothecia erumpent, urceolate to patellate, dark-colored, brown, or black, coriaceous; asci clavate, 4-8-spored; spores ellipsoid to fusoid, definitely 1 -septate, hyaline; paraphyses filiform to clavate. Type species, Tympanis Ravenelii Berk. This genus was established by Saccardo in 1884 including two species Cenangium Fraxini Tub, based on Tympanis Fraxini Fries, which was based on Peziza Fraxini Schw. and Cenan- gium dolosum Sacc. The first, which would be the type, was apparently included through a misconception of the Schweinitz species since the spores do not agree at all with the above descrip- tion (see Rehm, Ann. M^c. 11: 166). The second is poorly known and we, therefore, suggest as the type of the genus Tympanis Ravenelii Berk, which was treated by Saccardo as Cenangella Ravenelii in 1889. Spores very large, 14 X 40 /x. 1. C. Ravenelii. Spores relatively small 3-4 X 12-15 //. 2. C. oricostala. 1. Cenangella Ravenelii (Berk.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 589. 1889. Tympanis Ravenelii Berk. Grevillea 4: 3. 1875. Apothecia erumpent, single, or several together, dark-brown to black, scarcely exceeding 1 mm. in diameter; hymenium at first concave, becoming nearly plane; asci very broad-clavate, reaching a length of 130 /x and a diameter of 30-35 /x, tapering abruptly below, 8-spored; spores irregularly 2-seriate, ellipsoid, or fusoid, 1 -septate and strongly constricted at the septum, densely filled with coarse granules, 14 X 40 n, hyaline; paraphy- ses stout, reaching a diameter of 5-6 /x at their apices. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 133 SPHAERANGIUM TILIAE Cenangella 311 On branches of Carpinus and Ilex. Type locality: South Carolina. Distribution: Pennsylvania to Missouri and Alabama. Exsiccati: Rav. Fungi Car. 4: 66; Rab. -Winter, Fungi Eu. 3464 (from Perry ville, Missouri). 2. Cenangella oricostata Cash, Mycologia 28: 298. 1936. Apothecia coriaceous, subglobose, sessile, depressed, and radiately ridged at the apex, collapsing when old, emerging some- times singly, more often in groups from cracks in the bark, on a thin, sclerotic layer, dark grayish-olive, olivaceous-black when dry, 1-2 mm. in diameter, not quite so high, slightly furfura- ceous; hymenium pallid-grayish; asci cylindric, or subcylindric, short-stipitate, reaching a length of 130 m and a diameter of 6-8 /x; spores fusoid-clavate, 1 -seriate, or 2-seriate, hyaline, 1-septate, not constricted, upper cell broader, lower cell acute, 3-4 X 12- 15 /x; paraphyses filiform, slightly swollen above and often curved at their apices. On twigs of Rihes Wolfii. Type locality: Mesa Lakes, Colorado. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 28: 302,/. 4. Doubtful and Excluded Species Cenangella abietina Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1895: 429. 1895; Phaeangella abietina Sacc. & D. Sacc; Sacc. Syll. P^ung. 18: 128. 1906. Based on material collected by Waghorn in Newfoundland. Identity uncer- tain. Cenangella flavocinerea (Phill.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 591. 1889; Dermatea flavocinerea Phill. Grevillea 7: 23. 1878. No material has been seen. Cenangella Hartzii Rostr. Medd. Gr0nl. 3: 611. 1891. Apothecia densely gregarious, discoid, margin brown, reaching a diameter of .25-.5 mm.; hymenium black; asci clavate, reaching a length of 35-40 y. and a diameter of 7-9 yu, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate, ellipsoid, olivaceous, 1-septate, 4-5 X 7-9 fi. On decorticated branches of Bettila. Known only from the type locality in Greenland. Cenangella pruinosa Rostr. Medd. Gr0nl. 18: 59. 1894. No material has been seen. On Vaccinium uliginosum. Cenangella Rhododendri (Cesati) Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl.P: 230. 1889; Peziza Rhododendri Cesati; Rab. Bot. Zeit. 12: 186. 1854; Velutaria Rhodo- dendri Rehm, Ber. Naturh. Ver. Angsburg 26: 63. 1881. Reported from Oregon. No material has been seen. Cenangella thujina]E]\\?. & Barth. in Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 3132. 1894. This belongs with the Hysteriaceae and may be a Glonium. 312 The North American Cup-Fungi Cenangella violacea Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1893: 149. 1893. This belongs with the Hysteriaceae and may be a Glonhim. Cenangella thujina appears to be identical. 7. DERMATELLA Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 209. 1871. Phaeangella Sacc. Syll. Fung. 18: 128. 1906. Apothecia erumpent, cupulate to discoid as in Dermea; asci cylindric to clavate, 4-8-spored; spores ellipsoid to fusoid, at first hyaline, becoming yellow, green, or brown, and 1-5-septate; paraphyses filiform to clavate. Type species, Peziza Frangulae Pers. Asci 4-spored. Asci 8-spored. Occurring on conifers, Juniperus. Occurring on deciduous trees. Spores 10-12 X 24-35 n. On Fraxinus. On Magnolia. Spores 6-8 X 12-24 yu- On branches of Carya. On unidentified branches. 1. Dermatella Frangulae (Pers. 1871. 1. D. Frangulae. 2. D. deformata. 3. D. Fraxini. 4. D. Magnoliae. 5. D. caryigena. 6. D. montanensis. Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 209. Peziza Frangulae Pers. M^x. Eu. 1: 324. 1822. Tympanis Frangulae Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 174. 1822. Cenangium Frangulae Tul. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. 20: 136. 1853. Dermatea Frangulae Tu\. Fung. Carp. 3: 161. 1865. Pezicula Frangulae Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 279. 1869. Apothecia erumpent, usually occurring singly, or often several together, turbinate and prominent, at first closed, open- ing with an irregular margin, dark brownish-black, less than 1 mm. in diameter; hymenium lighter than the outside of the apothecium, becoming dark with age; asci clavate, reaching a length of 80-85 /x and a diameter of 12-14 n, 4-spored; spores usually 1 -seriate, ellipsoid, becoming 3-septate, at first hyaline, becoming brown, 8-10 X 20 22 /j.; paraphyses rather stout, enlarged above to about 4 ij. in diameter. On branches of Rhamnus purshiana. Type locality: Europe (on Rhamnus Jrangula). Distribution: Trinidad, California; also in Europe. Illustrations: Fuckel, Symb. Myc. pi. 4, f. 46; Ann. Sci. Nat. 111.20:^/. 16, f. 1-8. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 134 DERMATELLA DEFORMATA Dermatella 313 Only one North American specimen of this species has been seen, collected by Harold E. Parks in California. American specimens agree well with European but the spores are a little larger than indicated in most descriptions. The spores are only pale-brown in our specimens. Fuckel describes and illustrates the spores as muriform but this has not been noted by other authors. 2. Dermatella deformata (Peck) Seaver, comb. nov. (Plate 134.) Cenangium deformatiim Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 28: 68. 1876. Cenangella deformata Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 593. 1889. Phaeangella deformata Sacc. & D. Sacc; Sacc. Syll. Fung. 18: 128. 1906. Apothecia erumpent, occurring singly, in small cespitose clusters, or with a serial arrangement, the individual apothecia at first rounded, gradually opening leaving the margin irregu- larly split and ragged, black and coarsely granular, reaching a diameter of 1.5 mm.; hymcnium concave, lighter than the out- side of the apothecium; asci broad-clavate, about 120 /x long and 35-45 /x broad, normall>' 8-spored, but often with part of the spores undeveloped; spores irregularly 2-seriatc, broad-ellipsoid, 1 -septate and deeply constricted at the septum, becoming dark- brown, 14-16 X 30-35 /x; paraphyses filiform, profusely branched, dark-brown with a greenish matrix. On Juniper us virginiana. Juniper us communis and Juniperus scopulorum. Type locality: Greenbush, New York. Distribution: New York, Montana and Wyoming and Bermuda. Illustrations: Mycologia 34: 520, /. 2. ExsiccATi: Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 1225. Excellent material of this species was collected by the writer and J. M. Waterston in Bermuda on Bermuda cedar, Juniperus hermudiana. 3. Dermatella Fraxini Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1893: 149. 1893. Apothecia gregarious, erumpent-superficial, occurring singly or with two or three grouped together, flesh-colored, reaching a diameter of .75 1 mm., contracted below and slightly turbinate; hymenium plane, or convex, similar in color to the outside of the apothecium; asci clavate, cylindric, reaching a length of 125- 314 The North American Cup-Fungi 150 M and a diameter of 12-15 /x; spores partially 2-seriate, long- ellipsoid, becoming 1-septate, later 3-5-septate, 10-12 X 25- 35 n, at first hyaline, becoming brown; paraphyses filiform. On bark of Fraxiniis. Type locality: London, Canada. Distribution : Known only from the t>pe locality. ExsiCCATi: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2633. Type material has been examined and agrees with the above except that no asci were found in good condition, although spores were present in abundance. This may be due to the age of the material. Measurements were based on the original description. This looks like a Pezicula with a colored spore. 4. Dermatella Magnoliae (Berk. & Curt.) Seaver, comb. nov. Cenangium Magnoliae Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 4: 5. 1875. Apothecia erumpent in cespitose clusters 2 3 mm. in diameter, the individual apothecia turbinate, black, reaching a diameter of 1 mm.; hymenium concave, or nearly plane, black, or brownish- black; asci broad-clavate, reaching a length of 120 /i and a diameter of 26 /x, 8-spored ; spores irregularly 2-seriate, broad- ellipsoid, often curved, or sausage-shaped, densely granular within, becoming 1-septate and brown, 9-12 X 24-30 ;u; paraphy- ses filiform, slightly enlarged above, reaching a diameter of 3 ju. On branches of Magnolia glaiica, Per sea and Sassafras. Type locality: South Carolina. Distribution: South Carolina to Florida and Texas. Exsiccati: Rav. Fungi Am. 70. This was placed in the doubtful list by Groves. The brown 1-septate spores would place in the genus Dermatella as here treated. 5. Dermatella caryigena (Ellis & Ev.) Seaver, comb. nov. Dermatea caryigena Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1893: 148. 1893. Apothecia erumpent in cespitose clumps of four to eight each, nearly black, reaching a diameter of .5-. 75 /x, patelliform when fresh, collapsing when dry; hymenium plane, or slighth' convex when fresh, similar in color to the outside of the apothecium; asci narrow-clavate, reaching a length of 75-90 n and a diameter of 10 II, 8-spored; spores 1-seriate, or irregularly crowded, ellip- soid, distinctly 3-septate, greenish-yellow to pale-brown, 6 X 12-15 jj.; paraphyses filiform, profusely branched, olivaceous- brown. GODRONIA 315 On dead limbs of Carya {Hickoria). Type locality: West Chester, Pennsylvania. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. The only specimen seen is the type collection in the herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden. 6. Dermatella montanensis Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1893: 148. 1893. Apothecia erumpent-superficial, discoid, or subdiscoid, reach- ing a diameter of 1 mm., livid, subgelatinous when fresh; hy- menium concave, black, with a thin, upturned margin when dry; asci broad-clavate, reaching a length of 72-80 fx and a diameter of 18-22 yL, 8-spored; spores irregularly 2-seriate, ellipsoid to clavate-ellipsoid, becoming 3-septate, slightly constricted at the septa, at first hyaline, becoming yellowish-brown, 7-8 X 24 ju; paraphyses, branched, enlarged at their apices, forming a dark- brown epithecium. On small, dead limbs among driftwood. Type locality: Sheridan, Montana. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Doubtful and Excluded Species Dermatella populina Petrak, Ann. Myc. 20: 196. 1922. On bark of Populus tremuloides from Idaho, Weir No. 18002. Specimen of cot>pe ma- terial shows no apothecia. Dermatella viticola Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1894: 352. 1894. .'\pothecia conve.x-discoid and pale when moist, concave and flesh-colored when dry, then scarcely projecting above the surface of the bark, .5-.75 mm. in diameter; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 70 n and a diameter of 12 At, 8-spored; spores 2-seriate or partially so, ellipsoid, becoming 1-3-septate, 6-6.5 X 15-18 fx\ paraphyses filiform. On dead shoots of Vitis, Nuttallburg, West Virginia. No material has been seen. It is probably not a Dermatella as used here. 8. GODRONIA Moug. Consid. Gen. Veg. Vosges 355. 1845. Crumenula DeNot. Comm. Critt. Ital. 1: 365. 1864. Scleroderris (Fries) DeNot. Comm. Critt. Ital. 1: 383. 1864. Ascocalyx Naumov, Bolesni Rast. 14: 138. 1925. Atropellis Zeller & Goodding, Phytopathology 20: 561. 1930. Mougeot describes the genus as having apothecia which are coriaceous, or gelatinous like Bulgaria, and with the spores of a Stictis. The genus Godronia and the genus Stictis are strikingly 316 The North American Cup-Fungi similar and might easily be confused, notwithstanding the fact that they are placed in different orders. The genus is charac- terized by the erumpent apothecia and the very much elongated, or filiform spores which usually become 1 -several-septate, although they may be for a long time without septa, as in other species of Cenangiaceae. Type species, Godronia Muhlenbeckii Moug. & Lev. On deciduous, woody plants. Spores relatively short, less than half the length of the ascus. On stems of Ribes. In congested masses; spores clavate. Spores becoming 3-septate. Spores 20-38 /x long. Spores 18-20 /j. long. Spores simple, in specimens studied. Occurring singly; spores fusoid. Not on Ribes. Spores fusoid. Spores 11-17 m long; on Lantana. Spores 20-24 n long. Apothecia turbinate; hymenium con- cave. Apothecia patellate; hymenium plane or nearly so. Spores 25-40 /x long. Apothecia with a laciniate border, on Spiraea; spores 3-4 X 25-25 yu. Apothecia not laciniate on Vitis; spores 3-4 X 35-40 ix. Spores slender, rod-like; 1.5-2 X 10-12 m- Spores relatively long, more than half as long as the ascus. On stems of woody plants. Spores long-fusoid. Apothecia deeply concave; on Salix. Apothecia slightly concave; on Betula. Spores filiform or vermiform. Spores short, 25-30 ix long; on Kalmia. Spores 40-75 /x long. Spores slender, 1.5-2 tx thick. Apothecia cespitose, discoid. Apothecia scattered, urceolate. Spores 3-4 m in diameter, nearly as long as the ascus. Apothecia scattered; on sage brush. 16. G. montanensis. 1. G. Ribis. 2. G. lobata. 3. G. tnmoricola. 4. G. Davidsoni. 5. G. Lantanae. 6. G. turhinata. 7. G. fiisispora. 8. G. Spiraeae. 9. G. viticola. 10. G. Lonicerae. 11. G. fuliginosa. 12. G. seriata. 13. Kalmiae. 14. G. Nemopanthis. 15. G. Urceolus. GODRONIA 317 Apothecia in cespitose clusters. Spores 3 X 65-70 ju; on Cepha- lanthus. Spores 3-4 X 85-100 m; on 17- hurnum. Spores very long, nearly as long as the ascus. On leaves of Tetrazygia; spores 250 yu long. On branches of Castanopsis. On coniferous branches. Paraphyses blue with transmitted light. Spores 1-3-septate. Spores simple or doubtfully septate. Spores 1.5-3.5 X 32-63 ii. Spores 5-6 X 15-22 ix. Paraphyses not blue. Hymenium light-colored. Hymenium pink to brown; on Picea in Alaska. Hymenium pale-yellow or whitish; on Juniperus in Jamaica. Hymenium grayish or black; on Abies. Spores 8-12 n long. Spores 40-60 ju long. On cankers on living branches. On bleached bark. 17. G. Cephalanthi. 18. G. vibiirnicola. 19. G. parasitica. 20. G. Castanopsidis 21. G. pinicola. 22. G. Zelleri. 23. G. sororia. 24. G. Treleasei. 25. G. jamaicensis. 26. G. Abietis. 27. G. abieticola. 28. G. abietina. 1. Godronia Ribis (Fries) Seaver, Mycologia 37: 339. 1945. Peziza ribesia Pers. Tent. Disp. Fung. 35. 1797. Cenangium Ribis Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 179. 1822. Tympanis Ribis Wallr. Fl. Crypt. Germ. 2: 430. 1833. Crumeniila Ribis Karst. Fungi Fenn. 929. 1870. Scleroderris ribesia Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 215. 1871. Apothecia erumpent in cespitose clusters, 1-3 mm. in diam- eter from a stromatic base, each cluster consisting of four to twelve apothecia, individual apothecia at first globose, or sub- globose, short-stipitate, gradually expanding and becoming shallow cup-shaped, with a notched, or fimbriate margin, reach- ing a diameter of 1-2 mm., blackish-brown; hymenium concave pale-cinereous; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 90- 100 M and a diameter of 7 8 ^l, 8-spored; spores much elongated, clavate, 3 4 X 20-38 m, becoming 3-septate; paraphyses filiform, slightly enlarged above. Pycnidia, Fuckelia Ribis, present; pycnospores elongate- clavate, 3-4 X 7-11 /x, usually containing two oil-drops. On branches of species of Ribes. 318 The North American Cup-Fungi Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Toronto, Canada; also in Europe. Illustrations: Bond. Ic. Myc. pi. 563; Ann. Sci. Nat. III. 20: pi. 16, f. 9 11; Tul. Fung. Carp. 3: ^Z. 19, f. 1-9; Rab. Krypt.- Fl. V: 200, f. 1-2; 201,/. 6, 7; E. & P. Nat. Pfl. 1^: 255,/. 187, G. 2. Godronia lobata (Cash) Seaver, Mycologia 37: 340. 1945. Scleroderris lobata Cash, Mycologia 28: 248. 1936. Apothecia breaking through the bark, usually in clusters of two to four, or rarely single, subglobose to cupulate, opening by splitting into 4 6 lobes which fold over one another on drying, reaching 1 mm. in diameter and height, externally blackish- brown, smooth; hymenium concave, light olive-gray; asci cylindric, short-stipitate, rounded and slightly narrowed above, reaching a length of 90-115 ^ and a diameter of 7-9; spores 1 -seriate below, 2-seriate above, clavate, usually 3-septate, 3-4 X 18 20 m; paraphyses filiform, simple, or branched near the tip, slightly enlarged above. On twigs of Ribes Menziesii. Type locality: Spruce Cove, Trinidad, California. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 28: 250,/. 3. 3. Godronia tumoricola (Cash) Seaver, Mycologia 37: 340. 1945. Scleroderris tumoricola Cash, Mycologia 26: 270. 1934. Apothecia sessile, usually cespitose, or rarely single, cup- shaped to nearly plane, triangular, or irregularly contorted when dry, coriaceous, blackish-brown to black, .5-2 mm. in diameter; hymenium concave to plane, drab, drying nearly black; asci cylindric, narrowed above, reaching a length of 90-110 )u and a diameter of 5-8 m. 8-sporcd; spores 2-seriate, or irregularly 1- seriate, clavate with the acute end below, first simple, later septate?, 1.5-2 X 10 15 m; paraphyses filiform, hyaline, simple, or branched near the middle, enlarged above to 2 /x in diameter. On swollen canker-like areas on twigs of Ribes montigenum. Type locality: Mesa Lakes, Colorado. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 26: pi. 32, f. 4. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 135 ^SSS^-'.iassi-.j. \ itB si m ^- '^^tl^i-^.^HfvS 1. GODRONIA KALMIAE 2. GODRONIA SPIRAEAE GODRONIA 319 4. Godronia Davidsoni Cash, Mycologia 26: 269. 1934. Apothecia sessile, or substipitate, single, depressed-globose to urceolate, not exceeding 1 mm. in diameter and height, dark- colored, greenish-olive, opening with a circular opening, with a fimbriate margin; hymenium concave, smoky-gray; asci c>lin- dric, gradually narrowed toward the base and above, 8-spored, reaching a length of 90-120 /x and a diameter of 5-7 n; spores acicular-fusoid, parallel, or slightly twisted in the ascus, becom- ing 3-septate, 2.5-3 X 33-45 fx; paraphyses filiform, simple, hyaline, gradually enlarged above, reaching a diameter of 2-2.5 ju, often curved at the tips. On stems of Ribes Wolfii, R. bracteosum X R. nignim. Type locality: Near Mesa Lakes, Colorado. Distribution: Colorado and Alaska. Illustrations: Mycologia 26: 269, f. A; pi. 32, f. 3. 5. Godronia Lantanae (Cash) Seaver, Mycologia 37: 341. 1945. Scleroderris Lantanae Cash, Mycologia 30: 100. 1938. Apothecia cespitose, sessile, cupulate to discoid, contorted by mutual pressure, reaching a diameter of 1-1.5 mm., furfuraceous, brown, the margin inrolled when dry, sometimes becoming hysteroid; hymenium concave to plane, brownish-black; asci clavate, rounded above, gradually narrowed toward the base, 8-spored, reaching a length of 50-55 n and a diameter of 5 /x; spores 2-seriate, fusoid, straight, or slightly curved, becoming 1-septate, hyaline to pale-brownish, 1.5-2 X 11-17 /x; paraphy- ses simple, 2.5 n in diameter at their apices. On fallen branches of Lantana Camara. Type locality: Kaluaaha Valley, Molokai, Hawaii. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustration: Mycologia 30: 99, /. 4. 6. Godronia turbinata (Schw.) Farlow; Thaxter, Mycologia 14: 101. 1922. Tympanis turbinata Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 237. 1832. Apothecia erumpent, turbinate, with the mouth strongly constricted, brownish-black, furfuraceous, reaching a diameter of 1 mm.; hymenium deeply concave, pallid; asci clavate, reach- ing a length of 110 m and a diameter of 6-7 fx, apparently 8- 320 The North American Cup-Fungi spored; spores often indistinct, fusiform, about 2 X 20 ^i, 3- septate. On twigs of DierviUa. Type locality: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Distribution: Pennsylvania and Maine. ExsiccATi: Reliq. Farlow. 122. This description is based on material collected by Dr. R. Thaxter at Kittery Point, Maine. Material in the Schweinitz collection in Philadelphia is scant and uncertain. 7. Godronia fusispora (Ellis & Ev.) Seaver, Mycologia 37: 342. 1945. Dermatea fusispora Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1893: 148. 1893. Apothecia scattered, occurring singly, or occasionally two or three crowded together, externally subolivaceous, reaching a diameter of 1 mm.; hymenium plane or nearly so, with a slightly elevated margin, reddish; asci clavate, 8-spored, reaching a length of 70-75 ^x and a diameter of 6-7 iu; spores narrow-fusoid, 2-3 X 20-24 ix; paraphyses filiform, slightly enlarged above, reaching a diameter of 2 3 /x. On dead branches of Betula sp. Type locality: Orono, Maine. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 8. Godronia Spiraeae (Rehm) Seaver, Mycologia 37: 342. 1945. (Plate 135, Fig. 2.) Scleroderris Spiraeae Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 1220. 1896. ?Belonidium Macounii Dearness, Mycologia 8: 98. 1916. Apothecia subsessile, thickly gregarious, occurring singly or rarely with two or three crowded together, subglobose, with the mouth constricted (in dried specimens) and laciniate, dark brownish-black, often with a greenish tint, reaching a diameter of 1 mm. ; hymenium concave, obscured when dry by the in- curved margin, freely exposed when moist, light-brown; asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 80-85 /x and a diameter of 6-7 ju, 8-spored; spores fusoid, overlapping and subfasciculate, 3-4 X 25-35 tx, becoming 3-septate; paraphyses slender, slightly enlarged above. On branches of Spiraea salicifoUa. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York and Toronto, Canada; also in Europe. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 136 1. GODRONIA FULIGINOSA 2. GODRONIA SERIATA GODRONIA 321 Illustrations: Mycologia 37: 337 (lower figure). Described from the material in the herbarium of The New- York Botanical Garden, collected by C. H. Peck at Hewitt's Pond in July (the year not indicated), at first thought to be new but later found to be as above. Belonidium Macounii was described from material collected on dead stems of Spiraea Menziesii in Vancouver Island by John Macoun. Through the kindness of Dr. Dearness a portion of the type has been examined. It is a Godronia. The description of the spores fits this species but from the specimen examined they resemble more closely those of Godronia Urceolus. 9. Godronia viticola (Schw.) Seaver, Mycologia 37: 343. 1945. Peziza viticola Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1: 123. 1822. Tympanis viticola Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 176. 1822. Peziza Schweinitziatta Spreng. in L. Sj-st. Veg. ed. 16. 4^: 515. 1827. Cenangium viticolum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 572. 1889. Apothecia scattered, or gregarious, scutellate to subdiscoid, black, or blackish, soft and subgelatinous when moist, reaching a diameter of .15 mm.; asci clavate, tapering below into a slender, stem-like base, reaching a length of 85 }x and a diameter of 12 /x, 8-spored; spores fusoid, 1-3-septate, 4 X 35-40 /x; paraphyse? filiform. On bark of living grape vine, Vitis sp. Type locality: North Carolina. Distribution: North Carolina to New Jersey. Exsiccati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 1317. 10. Godronia Lonicerae Seaver, Mycologia 37: 343. 1945. Apothecia sessile, or subsessile, attenuated below, at first closed, externally dark-colored, striated near the margin and clothed with poorly developed, adpressed hairs, gradually ex- panding but with the margin constricted, .3 mm. diameter; hymenium dull but lighter than the outside of the apothecium; asci clavate, reaching a length of 40-45 jx and a diameter of 6-7 fi, 8-spored; spores slender, rod-like, 1.5-2 X 10-12 /i, containing several oil-drops; paraphyses filiform, 1.5 2 n in diameter, slightly enlarged above, hyaline. On branches of Lonicera canadensis. Type locality: Lake Temagami, Toronto, Canada. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 322 The North American Cup-Fungi 11. Godronia fuliginosa (Pers.) Seaver, Mycologia 37: 344. 1945. (Plate 136, Fig. 1.) Sphaeria fuliginosa Pers. Obs. Myc. 2: 68. 1799. Cenangium difforme Fries; Moug. & Nest. Stirp. Crypt. 889. 1826. Cenangiutn fiiliginosum Fries, Elench. Fung. 2: 23. 1828. Tryblidium difforme Pers.; Tul. Fung. Carp. 3: 166. 1865. Scleroderris fuliginosa Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 216. 1871. Lasiosphaeria striata Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1893: 443. 1893. Godronia Betheli Seaver, Mycologia 3: 64. 1911. Godronia striata Seaver, Mycologia 4: 123. 1912. Apothecia erumpent through the outer bark of the host, single, or occurring in clusters, often so numerous as to form congested masses many cm. in extent and often almost entirely surrounding the branches on which they grow, the individual apothecia at first nearly globose, opening at the top so as to leave an irregular margin, at maturity about 1 mm. broad and the same in height, brownish, furfuraceous externally and longitu- dinally striated; hymenium whitish, or bluish-white; asci clavate, reaching a length of 130 ^ and a diameter of 7-8 tx, 8-spored; spores fasciculate in the ascus, subfiliform, tapering toward either end, sharp-pointed, 3-4 X 65-85 jx, becoming 7-septate at maturity and often slightly constricted at the septa, hyaline; paraphyses abundant, filiform. Pycnidia often accompanying the apothecia, at first closed, becoming shallow cup-shaped, usually black; pycnospores fusi- form, straight, or slightly curved, 3-septate, 3-4 X 28-30 ji. On branches of Salix. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Ontario and Colorado; also in Europe. Illustrations: Tul. Fung. Carp. 3: pi. 20, f. 1-4; E. & P. Nat. Pfi. V: 255,/. 187, H-J; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 201,/. 3-7; Mycologia 25: pi. 15 (upper figure). This species was collected in abundance on willow at Tolland, Colorado by the author in company with Ellsworth Bethel in 1910 and described as a new species, Godronia Betheli. Later study revealed the fact that Lasiosphaeria striata Ellis & Ev. is identical but owing to the fact that it had been placed in the Sphaeriales it had been overlooked. The young apothecia are strongly constricted which doubtless accounts for the fact that Ellis placed it in that group. Later study has revealed the fact that both Ellis and Everhart's species and the species of the writer are identical with Cenangium fuliginosum of Fries. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 137 ■ w 1 \' 1. GODRONIA JAMAICENSIS 2. GODRONIA CEPHALANTHl GODRONIA 323 Specimens erroneously reported on Alnus by Kauffman (Papers Michigan Acad. Sci. 1: 109. 1923) have been examined and proved to be Cyphella Jasciculata (Schw.) Berk. & Curt. 12. Godronia seriata (Fries) Seaver, Mycologia 37: 345. 1945. (Plate 136, Fig. 2.) Cenangium seriatum Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 185. 1822. Phacidium seriatum Fries, Elench. Fung. 2: 131. 1828. Tryhliditim seriatum Fries, Sclerom. Suec. 161. Dermatea seriata Tui. Fung. Carp. 3: 160. 1865. Gelatinosporium betulinum Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 25: 84. 1873. Apothecia occurring in elongated clumps 3-4 mm. long and about 2 mm. broad, closely compressed together and often slightly irregular from mutual pressure, entirely black, reaching a diameter of .5 mm.; hymenium slightly concave, bordered by a slightly upturned margin, black; asci clavate, reaching a length of 95-110 iJL and a diameter of 10-12 /x, 8-spored; spores long, fusiform and usually slightly curved when free, reaching a length of 45-60 M and a diameter of 2-3 m. 3-septate; paraphyses slender, branched, hyaline, or subhyaline. The conidial stage accompanies the ascigerous and consists of a blackish stroma in which the pycnospores are produced; pycnospores fusiform, strongly curved and 3-septate, reaching a length of 40-45 fx from tip to tip and a diameter of 2-3 ju- On Betula lutea and Betula fontinalis. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York to Pennsylvania and Colorado; also in Europe. Illustrations: Mycologia 25: pi. 15 (lower figure). Exsiccati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 5 37-5 37b; Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 853; Shear, N. Y. Fungi 200. A fine collection of this species was obtained in Coal Creek Canon, Colorado, by the writer and Paul F. Shope, in the sum- mer of 1929 (No. 495), and determined by Mr. W. W. Diehl as. Sderoderris seriata (Fries) Rehm. This is the only perfect specimen of this in the herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden from America. Material which seems to be a part of the type collection of Gelatinosporium hetulinum Peck is found in our collection. A note apparently in the handwriting of C. H. Peck reads as follows: "Perhaps the same as Sphaeronema seriatum B. & C. possibly a condition of Cenangium seriatum Fr." This conclusion is un- 324 The North American Cup-Fungi doubtedly correct since our material collected in Colorado shows both stages on the same stroma. The pycnospores agree very closely with those from Peck's type. No definite pycnidia could be detected. 13. Godronia Kalmiae (Rehm) Seaver, Mycologia 37: 346. 1945. (Plate 135, Fig. 1.) Corgoniceps Kalmiae Rehm, Ann. Mjc. 2: 353. 1904. Apothecia gregarious, erumpent, at first cyathoid, short- stipitate, finally becoming irregularly' discoid, externally reddish- brown, reaching a diameter of 1 mm.; hymenium at first concave, becoming plane, or convex, sordid-yellow; stem very short and stout, gradually expanding into the apothecium; asci cylindric- clavate, reaching a length of 40-50 yi and a diameter of 5-8 jjl, 8-spored; spores filiform, straight, or curved when freed from the ascus, no septa apparent, 1 X 25-30 /x; paraphyses filiform, slightly enlarged above, 1-1.5 /x in diameter. On decaying branches of Vaccinium corymhosum. Type locality: North America (exact locality not given). Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 37: 337 ((upper figure). Exsiccati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 147 (as Dermatea Kalmiae Peck). This material which was incorrectly named by Ellis was made the type of a new species by Rehm. 14. Godronia Nemopanthis (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 603. 1889. Tympanis Nemopanthis Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 35: 142. 1884. Diirandiella Nemopanthis Groves, Mycologia 29: 75. 1937. Apothecia occurring in cespitose clusters, or occasionally single, sessile, slightly narrowed below, reaching a diameter of 1 mm. and a height of 1.5 mm., circular in form, or becoming irregular from mutual pressure, dull-black, the consistency leathery to cartilaginous, or horny when dry; hymenium at first concave, becoming plane, or convex, black, or olivaceous when moist; asci cylindric to clavate-cylindric, tapering below into a stem-like base, reaching a length of 80-125 jx and a diameter of 7-9 ju; spores hyaline, filiform, septate, attenuated at the ends, straight, or variously curved, intertwined in the ascus, 1.5-2 X 50-85 /x; paraphyses hyaline, filiform, septate, branched, 1.5-2 ii GODRONIA 325 in diameter, scarcely enlarged above, forming a yellowish hymenium. On dead stems of Nemopanthes canadensis {Nemopanthes mucronata) . Type locality: Grafton, Rensselaer County, New York. Distribution: New York to Maine and Ontario. Illustrations: Mycologia 29: 76,/. 3; 77,/. 4 9. ExsiccATi: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2330; Fungi Columb. 332; Barth. Fungi Columb. 4539; Reliq. Farlow. 121. 15. Godronia Urceolus (Alb. & Schw.) Karst. Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 2^: 144. 1885. Peziza Urceolus Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. 2,2i2. 1805. Peziza globularis Pers. Myc. Eu. 1: 326. 1822. Cenanginm Urceolus Fries, S\st. Myc. 2: 182. 1822. Sphaeria iiberiformis Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 491. 1823. Tympanis Urceolus Wallr. Fl. Crypt. Germ. 2: 425. 1833. Mastomyces Friesii Mont. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. 10: 135. 1848. Cenangium globulare Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 364. 1849. Crumenula Urceolus DeNot. Conim. Critt. Ital. 1: 363. 1863. Cenangium urceolatum Ellis; Cooke & Ellis, Grevillea 6: 9. 1877. Godronia Cassandrae Peck, Ann. Rep. N. V. State Mus. 39: 50. 1886. Cenangella urceolata Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 591. 1889. Apothecia scattered, or rareh' five to seven closely crowded together, erumpent through the bark, usually with a short, thick stem, urceolate, reaching a diameter of .5-1.5 mm., exter- nally brownish, or brownish-black; hymenium grayish, or pallid; stem very short and inconspicuous; asci clavate-cylindric, reach- ing a length of 90-125 /x and a diameter of 6-7 ijl, 8-spored; spores filiform, many-septate, 1.5 X 50-75 fi; paraphyses filiform, 2 n in diameter. Reported on twigs of various kinds, Alnus, Betula, Cassandra and Clethra. American specimen on Rihes seems to agree. Type locality : Europe. Distribution: Newfoundland to Alaska and Michigan; also in Europe. Illustrations: Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. pi. 3,f. 4; E. & P. Nat. Pfl. V: 234, f. 178, G-J; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. P: 217,/. 1-5; Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 39: pL l,f. 16 20. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 000 (as Cenangium urceola- tum.); Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 742. 326 The North American Cup-Fungi Miss Daisy S. Hone in her Minnesota work (Minn. Bot. Studies 4: 111. 1909) describes a variety Godronia urceolata conferta which was said to differ in the habitat on Prunus pumila as well as in the clustered habit of the apothecia and the slightly shorter spores. Godronia Cassandrae described by Peck from material col- lected on Cassandra calycidata appears to be identical with the above. Cenangium urceolatiim Ellis is identical. The spores are described by Ellis as fusoid, 1 -septate and 4 X 15 ju. These were apparently conidia or pycnospores. Such spores have been found in connection with other specimens. The ascospores in this species are typical. 16. Godronia montanensis Seaver, Mycologia 37: 348. 1945. Apothecia scattered, erumpent, superficial, at first urceolate, later expanding and becoming subdiscoid, blackish and minutely verrucose, reaching a diameter of 1 mm. ; hymenium concave, or nearly plane, pale-yellowish; asci cylindric, reaching a length of 175-185 ii and a diameter of 10-11 n, probably 8-spored; spores filiform, nearly as long as the ascus, about 3 yu in diameter, many- septate and apparently breaking up into segments in the ascus, the segments about as long as broad; paraphyses filiform, about 1.5 in diameter. On sage brush. Type locality: Sheridan, Montana. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. This interesting species was found sparingly associated with Dermatella montanensis Ellis & Ev. and was probably overlooked by Ellis. The species differs from others examined in the spores becoming disjuncted in the ascus as well as in the size of the spores and asci. 17. Godronia Cephalanthi (Schw.) Seaver, Mycologia 37: 349. 1945. (Plate 137, Fig. 2.) Peziza Cephalanthi Schw. Schr. Nat. Gez. Leipzig 1: 123. 1822. Cenangium Cephalanthi Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 188. 1822. Scleroderris Cephalanthi Farlow; Thaxter, Mycologia 14: 102. 1922. Apothecia erumpent, usually in congested clusters several mm. long, the individual apothecia scutellate with the margin, dark brownish-black, reaching a diameter of 2 mm. ; hymenium GODRONIA 327 concave, pale-yellowish; asci cylindric, reaching a length of 65- 70 M and a diameter of 10-12 n, 8-spored; spores filiform, about 3 X 65-70 M, hyaline, becoming 5-7-septate; paraphyses filiform slender. On Cephalanthus occidentalis. Type locality: South Carolina. Distribution: New York and New Hampshire to South Carolina. ExsiCCATi: Reliq. Farlow. 103, 144. The description is drawn from material identified by C. H. Peck and W. G. Farlow. Specimens in the Schweinitz collection are immature and the spore characters therefore uncertain. 18. Godronia viburnicola Seaver, Mycologia 37: 349. 1945. Apothecia erumpent in cespitose clusters of two to ten each, the individual apothecia black, reaching a diameter of 1 mm., tapering below into a stem-like base; hymenium slightly concave, or nearly plane, similar in color to the outside of the apothecium; asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 110 ^ and a diameter of 10-12 (1, 8-spored; spores filiform, 3-4 X 85-100 ix; paraphy- ses slender, branched, slightly enlarged above, and brownish. On Viburnum cassinoides and Viburnum dentatum. Type locality: New Hampshire. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. ExsiCCATi: Reliq. Farlow. 154a, l54b. 19. Godronia parasitica Seaver, Mycologia 24: 354. 1932. (Plate 138.) Apothecia scattered on the under side of the living leaf, especially along the midrib, erumpent, at first globose, becoming expanded but with the mouth constricted, black, reaching a diameter of .3-.5 mm. ; hymenium dingy, more or less concealed ; asci clavate, reaching a length of 250-300 n and a diameter of 27 /Lt; spores filiform, nearly as long as the ascus and about 4 /x thick, many-septate, the number of the septa difficult to deter- mine but more than 50 have been counted, reaching a length of 250 n; paraphyses slender and rather freely branched. On leaves of Tetrazygia longicollis. Type locality: Marmelade, Republic of Hayti. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 24: pi. 9, 328 The North American Cup-Fungi This is described from material collected by Mr. George V. Nash, August 25, 1903. The species is distinguished by its huge asci and spores. 20. Godronia Castanopsidis Seaver, Mycologia 37: 351. 1945. Apothecia thickly gregarious, erumpent through the bark, sessile, usually occurring singly, irregularly rounded, externally blackish, reaching a diameter of 2-3 mm.; hymenium plane with a dark, elevated margin, pale-yellowish, or nearly white; asci subcylindric, tapering below into a stem-like base, attenuated above, reaching a length of 300 /x and a diameter of 16-18 /x, 8-spored; spores filiform, nearly as long as the ascus, hyaline, septate, 2 ju in diameter; paraphyses filiform, branched, pale- yellowish, scarcely enlarged above, 2-3 fx in diameter. On dead branches of Castanopsis chrysophylla. Type locality: Mount Shasta, California. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 37: 353 (lower figure). 21. Godronia pinicola (Reb.) Karst. Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 2«: 144. 1885. (Plate 139, Fig. 1.) Peziza pinicola Reb. Fl. Neom. 385. 1804. Peziza pinicola solitaria Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 113. 1822. Heterosphaeria pinicola Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 365. 1849. Crumenula pinicola Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 210. 1871. Apothecia erumpent-superficial, at first rounded, expanding and becoming shallow cup-shaped to scutellate, black with a purplish tinge (purple by transmitted light) furfuraceous, or slightly hairy, reaching a diameter of 2-3 mm., sessile, or short- stipitate; hymenium concave, or nearly plane, similar in color to the outside of the apothecium; asci clavate, reaching a length of 120 /x and a diameter of 12 /x, 8-spored; spores in a fascicle near the end of the ascus or irregularly disposed, fusiform, hyaline, 3-4 X 24-36 ju, becoming 1-3-septate; paraphyses slender, branched and forming a purplish epithecium. On living branches of Pinus rigida, P. pungens and P. resinosa. Type locality : Europe. Distribution: New Hampshire to Pennsylvania; also in Europe. Illustrations: Not. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 10: pi. 2, f. e; Mycologia 18: 182, /. 1, B-C; 37: 357 (upper figure); Rab. Krypt.-Fl. P: 217,/. 1-5; E. & P. Nat. Pfl. V: 234, f. 178, A-C. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 138 GODRONIA PARASITICA GODRONTA 329 This was listed by L. O. Overholts as a Crumenula and possibly Crumenula pinicoh (Reb.) Karst. in Mycologia 18: 181. It agrees reasonably well with the descriptions of that species except for the purplish color which was not mentioned by Karsten. It is, however, thought best to refer American specimens to that species. 22. Godronia Zelleri Seaver, Mycologia 37: 354. 1945. Atropellis pinicola Zeller & Goodding, Phytopathology 20: 563. 1930. Not Godronia pinicola (Reb.) Karst. 1882. Apothecia solitary, or gregarious, erumpent from outer cortical layers of bark, sessile, or on very short, central stalk, 2-4 mm. in diameter, at first closed, opening by stellate or irregular clefts, leaving rather fimbriate margins, expanding discoid, usually rolling up from two sides when drying, externally pruinose, black to fuscous-black; hymenium pruinose, black; asci clavate, hyaline, staining brown with iodine, 8-spored, 8-13 X 74-178 m; spores filiform to acicular-clavate, hyaline continuous, guttulate, 1.5-3.5 X 36-63 /x; paraphyses hyaline, hair-like, flexuous, exceeding the length of the asci by 32-38 n, tips slender, agglutinated, forming a dense epithecium with rosy and purplish tints in section. Imperfect stage Neofuckelia pinicola Zeller & Goodding (Mycologia 27: 464), usually associated with A. pinicola. Stro- mata erumpent, sometimes scattered, mostly gregarious, black- pulvinulate, sessile to short-stipitate, .8-1.2 mm. in diameter, containing 16-35 locules (pycnidia); conidiophores from entire inner surface of pycnidia, hair-like, simple, or branched; conidia hyaline, continuous, narrowly ellipsoid to bacillar, 1.7-3 X 8- 11 M- On living branches and trunks of Pinus lambertiana, Finns monticola, Pinus Strohus, and P. contorta. Type locality: Oregon. Distribution: Oregon to California, Montana and British Columbia. Illustrations: Phytopathology 20: pi. 1, f. G-M. 23. Godronia sororia Karst. Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 2^: 145. 1885. (Plate 139, Fig. 2.) Crumenula sororia Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1:211. 1871. ?Cenangium piniphilum Weir, Phytopathology 11: 295. 1921. Atropellis pinicola Lohman & Cash, Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 30: 357. 1940. 330 The North American Cup-Fungi Apothecia erumpent in congested masses 1 cm. or more in diameter, the individual apothecia black, or with a purplish tinge (decidedly purple when teased out), irregularly cup-shaped, closing when dry and often irregularly hysteriform, externally furfuraceous; reaching a diameter of 2-4 mm.; hymenium con- cave, similar in color to the outside of the apothecium; asci clavate, tapering very gradually into a long, stem-like base, reaching a length of 135 /x and a diameter of 12 /i, 8-spored; spores irregularly 2-seriate above, fusoid, granular within, often slightly constricted near the center and appearing pseudoseptate, 5-6 X 15-22 fx; paraphyses very slender, branched above and forming a purplish epithecium. Forming cankers on trunks of Pinus ponderosa. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Idaho; also in Europe. Illustrations: Phytopathology 11: 294, /. ;,- 295, /. 2; Mycologia 37: 357,/. 3 (lower figure). The only American material seen was collected in Idaho by J. R. Weir who writes: "forming cankers on 16-year old pine, causing a black deposit to form." As pointed out by Karsten that species is similar to G. pinicola so far as apothecial char- acters are concerned. The specific name selected by Karsten doubtless indicates that it is a sister species to that one which was listed in the same paper. Both have the blue character with transmitted light which, however, was not mentioned by Karsten. Examination of authentic material of both species shows it to be present. The spores in this species are shorter and broader than in that one. It also has a black subiculum not noted in G. pinicola. 24. Godronia Treleasei (Sacc.) Seaver, Mycologia 37: 355. 1945. Scleroderris Treleasei Sacc. in Harriman Alaska Exped. 5: 24. 1904. Atropellis Treleasei Zeller & Goodding, Phytopathology 20: 562. 1930. Apothecia solitary, or gregarious, at first erumpent then entirely superficial, mostly sessile, at first pitcher-shaped, closed then scutellate, laciniately-dehiscent, 2.5-4 mm. in diameter, expanding to 3-5 mm. when moistened, outside and margins torn, dusky purplish-gray, carbonaceous, rugose; hymenium flatly-concave to convexly expanded, waxy, pinkish-cinnamon; asci clavate with obtusely acute apices, long-stipitate, 8-14 X CUP-FUNGI PLATE 139 1. GODRONIA PINICOLA 2. GODRONIA SORORIA GODRONIA 331 17S n, spores fasciculate in the upper part of the ascus, mostly filiform, often somewhat clavate, hyaline, continuous, 2-2.5 X 42-60 n; paraphyses filiform, with simple, or incurved, furcate tips which very slightly exceed tips of asci, hyaline. On bark of Picea sitchensis. Type locality: Alaska. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Harriman Alaska Exped. 5: pi. 3, f. 7 a-g; Phytopathology 20: pi. l,f. A-E. 25. Godronia jamaicensis Seaver, Mycologia 37: 356. 1945. (Plate 137, Fig. 1.) Apothecia scattered, erumpent through the outer bark, finally appearing quite superficial, sessile, becoming expanded and scutellate with a wavy margin, externally brownish-black and verrucose, or wrinkled, reaching a diameter of 2 mm.; hymenium plane, or slightly concave, surrounded by the up- turned, blackish margin, pale-yellowish, or whitish; asci clavate, reaching a length of 175 ^ and a diameter of 10-12 n, 8-spored; spores filiform, nearly as long as the ascus, 1.5-2 y. in diameter, no septa apparent; paraphyses filiform, freely branched. On bark of Juniper us. Type locality: Cinchona, Jamaica, altitude 4500-5400 feet. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 37: 353 (upper figure). A liberal quantity of this material was collected by W. A. Murrill in 1908-1909. The host species was not named but since only one species of Juniperus occurs in Jamaica it must have been that, Juniperus lucayana. 26. Godronia Abietis (Naumov) Seaver, Mycologia 37: 356. 1945. Fusisporiutn Berenice Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 3: 147. 1875. Cenangium pithyiim Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 4: 4. 1875. Scleroderris pitya Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 596. 1889. Botryodiscus pinicola Shear, Bull. Torrey Club 34: 313. 1907. Pycnocalyx Abietis Naumov, Bull. Soc. Oural. Sci. Nat. Trud. Bur. Mykol. 35: 34. 1915. (Citation from Groves.) Ascocalyx Abietis Naumov, Bolesni Rast. 14: 138. 1925. (Citation from Groves.) Apothecia erumpent, usually in clusters of three to six arising from a rounded, black, basal stroma, circular, or slightly wavy in 332 The North American Cup-Fungi outline, narrowed below, .3-1 mm. in diameter, dull-black externally leathery to horny, becoming softer when moist; hymenium concave, becoming plane, smooth, gray to blackish, the margin infolded when dry; asci cylindric-clavate, short- stemmed, 8-spored, 9-11 X 65-100 n; spores hyaline, ellipsoid to subclavate, irregularly 2-seriate, simple, becoming 1-3-septate, 4-5 X 14-22 /x; paraphyses hyaline, filiform, branched, 1.5-2 ju in diameter, scarcely enlarged above. Pycnidia often arising from the stroma, at first almost globose, opening and becoming cup-shaped, reaching 2 mm. in diameter; pycnidial cavities immersed in the disc, ovoid, about 25-75 X 75-100^1; conidiophores hyaline, tapering above, 1.5- 2.5 X 8-12 /x; conidia hyaline, elongated to subfiliform, straight, or curved, simple, becoming 1-5-septate, 3-5 X 16-24 /x. On species of Abies. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New Hampshire to Michigan and North Carolina; also in Europe. Illustrations: Mycologia 28: 452,/. 1; 454,/. 2; 457,/. 3-6. 27. Godronia abieticola (Zeller & Goodding) Seaver, comb. nov. Sderoderris abieticola Zeller & Goodding, Phytopathology 20: 565. 1930. Apothecia single, or gregarious, from an erumpent stroma, short-stipitate, or subsessile, .5-1.2 mm. in diameter, at first closed, spherical, or ellipsoid, opening by a stellate, or irregular cleft, then cup-shaped to expanded, externally smooth to flaky, grayish-black to shiny-black; hymenium shiny-slate to shiny- black; asci clavate, reaching a length of 118-135 ji and a diam- eter of 9-14 n, 8-spored, or rarely 4-spored; spores filiform with many oil-drops, finally distinctly 5-8-septate, 3.5-4.5 X 40-67 /x; paraphyses filiform, slightly enlarged above, somewhat agglu- tinated but not forming an epithecium. On cankers on living branches and twigs of Abies grandis and Abies amabilis. Type locality: Oregon. Distribution: Oregon. Illustrations: Phytopathology 20: pi. 1, N~R. 28. Godronia abietina (Ellis & Ev.) Seaver, comb. nov. Sderoderris abietina Ellis & Ev. Am. Nat. 31: 427. 1897. Apothecia erumpent-superficial, black, subconical, about .5 mm. in diameter; hymenium plane, or convex, black; asci Pezicula 333 clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 70 ^ and a diameter of 15 M. 8-spored; spores fasciculate, clavate-cylindric, containing numerous oil-drops, finally becoming multiseptate, 3-4 X 50- 65 jj.; paraphyses filiform. On bleached bark of fir trees, Abies sp. Type locality: Newfoundland. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Two fine specimens of this species are in The New York Botanical Garden both collected by Rev. A. C. Waghorne in Newfoundland and both apparently a part of the t\pe specimen. Doubtful and Excluded Species Godronia rugosa Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 8: 70. 1902. This species was described by Ellis from material collected at Tuskegee, Alabama, August, 1900 (G. \V. Carver 479). The spores are described as fusoid, arcuate, 45-55 X 3-3.5 tx. Examination of the Ellis material showed such spores but no trace of asci. It is probably not an ascomycete. Godronia Jimiperi Rostr. Medd. Grdnl. 3: 611. 1891. Apothecia scat- tered, sessile, hard, black, reaching a diameter 1-2 mm.; asci reaching a length of 75-85 M and a diameter of 7-8 ^i; spores filiform, 2 X 35-40 m; paraphyses filiform. On wood of Junipcrus. Known only from the type locality in Greenland. Godronia rhabdospora (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 602. 1889; Tympanis rhabdospora Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 4: 3. 1875. Spores said to be filiform. Reported on Acer from New England. No material seen. Atropellis apiculata Lohman, Cash & Davidson, Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 32: 297. 1942. Said to differ from other species on Pinus in that the apo- thecia are chocolate brown rather than blue as in other specimens on Pinus. No specimens have been seen. Atropellis arizonica Lohman & Cash, Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 30: 261. 1940. On stems of Pinus ponderosa. Said to differ from other species or Pinus mainly in the size of the spores. Atropellis tingens Lohman & Cash, Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 30: 257. 1940. On various species of Pinus. Said to be suggestive of Atropellis pinicola but differing mainly in spore size. No material has been seen. 9. PEZICULA Tul. Fung. Carp. 3: 182. 1865. Neofabraea Jackson, Oregon Agr. E.\p. Station, Bienn. Crop. Pest and Hort. Rep. 1911-1912: 187. 1913. Conidial stage consisting of a basal fleshy stroma of the Myxosporium type on the surface of which the conidia are pro- duced, or with definite conical, or flask-shaped pycnidia of the Sphaeronema form in which the conidia are produced; conidio- phores variable in form and length, often very long; conidia broad-ellipsoid, usually granular and hyaline; microconidia often present. 334 The North American Cup-Fungi 1. P. carpinea. 2. P. corylina. 3. P. alnicola. 4. P. auranliaca. 5. P. Alni. Apothecia usually occurring in cespitose clusters on a stro- matic base, sessile, or with a short, thick, stem-like base, usually light-colored, whitish, or yellowish, rarely exceeding 1 mm. in diameter, tubercular, or discoid, usually soft and fleshy; asci broad-clavate, usually 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, simple, or becoming tardily several-septate; paraphyses hyaline, or sub- hyaline and usually free, not agglutinated and not usually forming an epithecium. Type species, Peziza carpinea Pers. On non-coniferous hosts. / On Betulaceae. On Carpinus caroliniana. On Corylus rostrata. On Alnus or Betula. Spores small, fusoid. Spores large ellipsoid or ovoid. Spores 8-12 X 18-32 n. Spores 7-10 X 15-20 m- On Rosaceae. On Crataegus. Spores 15-17 X 35-48 m- Spores 10-12 X 20-25 m- Not on Crataegus. Apothecia at first club-shaped, on Anielan- chier. Apothecia at first subglobose. On Rnbtis spp. On Rosa sp. On Aceraceae. Spores ellipsoid 20-27 n long. Conidial stage spike-like. Conidial stage not spike-like. Spores subglobose 6-8 X 7-10 m- On Cornaceae. Spores 7-8 X 20 ju. Spores 10-13 X 28-34 m- On Salicaceae. Spores 10-12 X 25-30 ix. Spores 5-6 X 18-20 fx. On various other hosts. Apothecia reddish-purple, on Castanea. Apothecia ochraceous. On Viburnum. On Hamamelis. On Rhamnus. On coniferous hosts. On branches of Pinus and Abies. On leaves of Abies. 6. P. crataegicola. 7. P. olivascens. 8. P. pruinosa. 9. 10. P. Rubi. P. Brenckleana. 1 1 . P. spiculata. 12. P. acericola. 13. P. spicata. 14. 15. P. cornicola. P. Corni. 16. P. ocellata. 17. P. Populi. 18. P. purpurascens. 19. 20. 21. P. minuta. P. Hamamelidis. P. Morthieri. 22. 23. P. livida. P. phyllophila. Pezicula 335 1. Pezicula carpinea (Pers.) Tiil. Fung. Carp. 3: 183. 1865. (Plate 140.) ? Tuhercularia Jasciculala Tode, Fungi Meckl. 1: 20. 1790. Peziza carpinea Pers. Syn. Fung. 673. 1801. Octospora paradoxa Hedwig, Obs. Bot. 1: 13. 1802. Peziza Betuli Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. 309. 1805. Diliola paradoxa Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 171. 1822. Stictis Betuli Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 193. 1822. Cyclediim Carpini Wallr. Fl. Crypt. Germ. 2: 512. 1833. Dermatea carpinea Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 362. 1849. Discella discoidea Cooke & Peck; Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 28: 58. 1876. Discula Peckiana Sacc. Syli. Fung. 3: 675. 1884. Ombrophila paradoxa Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 620. 1889. Ocellaria Betuli Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 136. 1888. ?Dermatella scotinus Morgan, Jour. Myc. 10: 98. 1904. Pezicula fasciculata Dearn. & House, Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 243: 95. 1923. Cryptosporiopsis fasciculata Petrak, Ann. Myc. 21: 187. 1923. Conidial stage consisting of a soft, fleshy, erumpent stroma on the surface of which the conidia are produced ; conidiophores slender, often several times the length of the spore, strongly swollen just below the point of attachment; conidia broad- ellipsoid, simple, 10-12 X 20-24 m- Apothecia thickly gregarious, springing in cespitose clusters from an immersed, fleshy stromatic base, the individual apothecia tuberculate, or expanded and subdiscoid, with a short, stem-like base, often distorted by mutual pressure, reaching a diameter of 1-3 mm., pale-yellowish; hymenium plane, or convex, similar in color to the outside of the apothecium; asci clavate, reaching a length of 150-200 ju and a diameter of 15-20 n, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, straight, or slightly curved, granular within, for a long time simple but often becoming 1-3-septate, 10-12 X 18-30 /x; paraphyses slender, branched, enlarged above, reaching a diam- eter of 5 ji, not forming an epithecium. On trunks and branches of Carpinus caroliniana. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Massachusetts to Missouri and Pennsylvania; also in Europe. Illustrations: Tode, Fungi Meckl. pi. 4, f. 32; Hedwig, Obs. Bot. I: pi. 8; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. P: 243,/. 1-6; Ann. Sci. Nat. III. 20: pi. 16, f. 17, 18; Mycologia 2S: pi. 22. Exsiccati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 67, 67 (b) (as Dermatea cornea) ; Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2623, 2741, 3333; Shear, N. Y. 336 The North American Cup-Fungi Fungi P3; Rav. Fungi Car. 5: 38; Rab.-Winter, Fungi Eu. 3463 (From Missouri) ; Wilson & Seaver, Ascom. 91. 2. Pezicula corylina Groves, Mycologia 30: 47. 1938. Excipida turgida Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 189. 1822. Cenangium turgidum Duby, Bot. Gall. 2: 736. 1830. Catinula turgida Desm. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. 18: 374. 1852. Sphaeronema Coryli Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 24: 85. 1872. Conidial fruiting bodies erumpent, thickly scattered, or more or less in rows, mostly separate, sometimes two or three together, cylindric to cylindric-conic, or compressed when dry and subhysteriform, opening out widely when moist, .2-5 mm. in diameter, .3-.5 mm. in height, black, or dark-olivaceous, hard, brittle, fleshy-leathery when moist; conidia ellipsoid 8-10 X 17-28 /x. Apothecia erumpent, scattered, or more or less in rows, separate, or cespitose, circular, sometimes crowded, sessile, narrowed below, pale-yellow, slightly pruinose when dry, much brighter when moist, close to sulphur-yellow, minute, .2-5 mm. in diameter, .2-.4 mm. in height, soft-waxy in consistency, more fleshy when moist; hymenium at first concave, then plane to convex, slightly pruinose, pale-yellow to slightly reddish, margin at first forming a delicate lighter border, later disappearing; asci cylindric-clavate, short-stalked, usually 8-spored, occasionally 4-spored, 15-20 X 85-125 n; spores oblong-ellipsoid, hyaline, straight, or slightly curved, simple, or 1 -septate, irregularly biseriate, 6 10 X 15-27 m; paraphyses hyaline, filiform, simple, or branched, septate, 2-2.5 ^ in diameter, the tips swollen to 3.5 /i, forming a slight epithecium. On Corylus rostrata. Type locality: Bear Mountain, Temagami Forest Reserve, Ontario, Canada. Distribution: Pennsylvania to Washington and Canada; also in Europe. Illustrations: Mycologia 30: 48,/. ;,- 49,/. 2. ExsicCATi: Reliq. Farlow. 106 (as Cenangium turgidum); Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 949; Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 1622. 3. Pezicula alnicola Groves, Mycologia 32: 120. 1940. ? Cenangium tennesseense Kanouse, Mycologia 33: 462. 1941. Conidial stage inconspicuous, developing beneath the outer bark splitting it but scarcely breaking through, the conidia CUP-FUNGI PUATE 140 PEZICULA CARPINEA Pezicula 337 emerging in whitish masses, the stroma usually circular, reaching a diameter of .6 mm., slightly conical to cushion-shaped; conidio- phores exposed on the upper surface, or in widely opening cavi- ties, hyaline, cylindric, pointed, simple, or septate, not branched, 1.5-2.5 X 10-30 m; conidia elongate-fusiform to subfiliform, hya- line, 5-7-septate, almost straight, sickle-shaped, or sigmoid, 4-5 X 35-53 n. Apothecia erumpent, scattered, or more often in clusters of five to ten or occasionally more, circular, or irregular from crowding, sessile, narrowed below, reaching a diameter of 1 mm., and half as high; hymenium concave to plane, or slightly convex, pinkish-cinnamon, slightly pruinose; asci cylindric to cylindric- clavate, short-stalked, 8-spored, reaching a length of 70-110 /x and a diameter of 8-12 /x; spores ellipsoid-fusoid, hyaline, simple, becoming 1-3-septate, straight, or slightly curved, 1- seriate, or becoming irregularly 2-seriate, 3.5-5 X 15-20 n, rarely larger; paraphyses filiform, simple, or branched, 1.5-2 n in diameter, swollen above to 5 /x and forming a slight epithecium. On twigs and branches of Alnus incana and Betula lutea. Type locality: Temagami Forest Reserve, Ontario, Canada. Distribution: Ontario to Quebec; also in Europe (as Pezicula Alni). Illustrations: Mycologia 32: 114,/. 3; 116, f. 8, 9, 4. Pezicula aurantiaca Rehm, Ber. Bayer. Bot. Ges. 13: 198. 1912. Habrostictis aurantiaca Rehm, Ber. Naturh. Ver. Augsburg 26: 67. 1881. Ocellaria aurantiaca Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. 1^: 135. 1888. Conidial stage forming beneath the outer bark raising and splitting it but scarcely breaking through but the conidia emerg- ing in whitish masses, the stromata circular, or slightly elongated, reaching a diameter of 1 mm., obtusely conical, or cushion- shaped to discoid ; conidiophores borne more or less exposed over the upper surface, or in widely open cavities, hyaline, cylindric to subclavate, simple, or occasionally branched, reaching a length of 15-25 n (rarely more) and a diameter of 3-5 ju, some- times swollen below the point of attachment to 7 /x; conidia ellipsoid to ovoid, hyaline, simple, or occasionally 1-3-septate, straight, or slightly curved, one end with a truncate apiculus, 12-16 X 25-40 /x; microconidia (in culture) filiform, straight, or curved, 1.5-2 X 6-14 /x. 338 The North American Cup-Fungi Apothecia erumpent or subimmersed, occurring singly, or occasionally two or three in a cluster, circular, or somewhat irregular, sessile, scarcely narrowed below, 1-2 mm. in diameter and scarcely half as high; hymenium concave to plane, or slightly convex, brownish, or olive-brown, slightly pruinose; asci cylin- dric-clavate, reaching a length of 100-140 /x and a diameter of 15-20 M. short-stalked; spores ellipsoid to ovoid, hyaline, straight, or slightly curved, simple, or occasionally 1-3-septate, irregularly 2-seriate, 8-12 X 18-32 n; paraphyses filiform, hyaline, simple, or branched 1.5-2 n in diameter, enlarged above to 5 pi- On Alnus crispa var. mollis. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Toronto, Canada; also in Europe. Illustrations: M^xologia 32 : 114,/. 1-3; 116,/. 5. 5. Pezicula Alni Rehm, Ber. Bayer. Bot. Gcs. 13: 199. 1912. Dermatella quercina var. Alni Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 490. 1889. Dermatea Ahii Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 252. 1889. Conidial stage forming beneath the outer bark and splitting it but scarcely breaking through, slightly conical, or cushion- shaped, less than 1 mm. in diameter, blackish; conidiophores cylindric to clavate, simple, or branched, 2.5-4 X 12-30 ju. pro- duced on the outer surface of the stroma; conidia ovoid to ellip- soid, or subfusiform, hyaline, simple, one end with a small, truncate apiculus, 5-7 X 14-18 m- Apothecia erumpent, mostly scattered, occasionally with two or three in a cluster, circular, or slightly elongated, sessile but narrowed below, reaching a diameter of 1 mm. and half as high ; hymenium plane to convex, slightly pruinose, brownish-ochra- ceous; asci broad-clavate, 4-8-spored, mostly 8-spored, reaching a length of 100-130 n and a diameter of 18-20 m; spores ellipsoid, irregularly 2-seriate, at first simple, becoming 1-3-septate, 7-10 X 15-25 ii; paraphyses filiform 2-2.5 ji in diameter. On species of AIniis, Alnus crispa var. mollis, A. incana. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Nova Scotia to Michigan and South Carolina; also in Europe. Illustrations: Mycologia 32: 114,/. 2; 116,/. 6, 7. ExsiccATi: Rav. Fungi Car. 5: 46 (as Patellaria rhaharbarina). CUP-FUNGI PLATE 141 "^ 1. PEZICULA ACERICOLA 2. PEZICULA SPICULATA Pezicula 339 6. Pezicula crataegicola (Durand) Groves, Mycologia 38: 414. 1946. Dermatea crataegicola Durand, Jour. Myc. 10: 100. 1904. Apothecia erumpent, occurring singly, or two to four together arising from a common stroma, sessile, or narrowed into a stem- like base .5-1 mm. in diameter, externally mealy-pruinose, rhubarb-color; hymenium plane or nearly so, or even slightly convex, yellowish-olivaceous; asci broad-clavate, attenuated into a short stem, at first filled with a homogeneous, granular protoplasm, reaching a length of 150-165 m and a diameter of 25-30 /x, 8-spored; spores irregularly 2-seriate, or obliquely 1- seriate, hyaline, smooth, simple, oblong-ellipsoid, with a central oil-drop, 15-17 X 35-48 n; paraphyses filiform, branched, en- larged above, olivaceous-yellow, 6-8 n in diameter above, the ends free, not glued together to form an epithecium. On branches of Crataegus. Type locality: London, Ontario, Canada. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. ExsiccATi: Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 1917. This differs from Pezicula olivascens mainly in the size of the spores. This may be due to the immaturity of the material in P. olivascens which was collected very early in the season and the spores seemed poorly developed. 7. Pezicula olivascens (Rehm) Seaver, comb. nov. Dermatea olivascens Rehm, Ann. Myc. 5: 80. 1907. Apothecia scattered, occurring singly, or two or three together, erumpent, subglobose becoming expanded, sessile, or with a very short, stem-like base, yellowish with an olivaceous tinge, .5-1.5 mm. in diameter; asci broad-clavate, at first densely granular within, reaching a length of 150 m and a diameter of 20-25 n, 8-spored; spores broad-elHpsoid, simple (in the speci- mens examined), irregularly 2-seriate, 10-12 X 20-25 /x. sur- rounded with much granular material, hyaUne; paraphyses filiform, 2 /x in diameter, branched, slightly enlarged above, the ends free, not glued together into a distinct epithecium. On dead branches of Crataegus still on the tree. Type locality: Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa 6: P1.38J.1. 340 The North American Cup-Fungi ExsiccATi: Rehm, Ascom. 1686; Wilson & Seaver, Ascom. 2. This species was described from material collected in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa in February. The ascospores appear to be more or less immature. Whether they later became septate is un- certain. The species is very close to Pezicula crataegicola (Durand) Groves but seems to differ in its smaller ascospores. This apparent difference may be due to the immaturity of the spores. Other characters seem to conform very closely with that species. 8. Pezicula pruinosa (Peck) Farlow; Thaxter, Mycologia 14: 102. 1922. Sphaeronema prtiinosum Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 24: 85. 1875. Dermatea pruinosa Petrak, Ann. Myc. 20: 196. 1922. Not D. pruinosa (Ellis & Ev.) Sacc. 1889. Lagynodella pruinosa Petrak, Ann. Myc. 20: 207. 1922. Conidial stage {Sphaeronema) consisting of conical, or spinu- lose, black, pruinose pycnidia which spring from a stromatic base, reaching a length of 1 mm.; conidia broad-ellipsoid, 8-9 X 20-24 M. Apothecia scattered, erumpent, short-stipitate, occurring singly or in cespitose clusters of three to five apothecia each springing from a stromatic base, at first club-shaped, expanding and becoming discoid, or subdiscoid above, pale cinnamon- brown, reaching a diameter of 1 mm.; hymenium plane, or con- cave, similar in color to the outside of the apothecium; stem short, almost as thick as the diameter of the apothecium, densely albopruinose, reaching a length of 2 mm. ; asci clavate, reaching a length of 95 110 yi and a diameter of 18-21 n, 8-spored; spores 1-2-seriate, subellipsoid, usually slightly curved, simple, or becoming 1-3-septate, 8-9 X 22-25 /x; paraphyses filiform, simple, or branched, reaching a diameter of 1 ^. On Amelanchier canadensis, A. alnifolia and unnamed species of Amelanchier. Type locality: Sharon, Massachusetts. Distribution: New York, Massachusetts, North Dakota, Idaho, and Montana. ExsiCCATi: Reliq. Farlow. 135 a. b.; Brenckle, Fungi Dak. 450. 9. Pezicula Rubi (Libert) Rab. in Fungi Eu. 2122. 1876. Patellaria Rubi Lib. PI. Crypt. Ard. 231. 1834. Peziza ardennensis Mont. Ann. Sci. Nat. II. 5: 287. 1836. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 142 PEZICULA CORNICOLA Pezicula 341 Peziza rhabarbarina Berk, in Hooker, Engl. FI. 5^: 197. 1836. Lachnella rhabarbarina Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 365. 1849. Helotium Rubi Spree in Rab. Fungi Eu. 7 17. 1865. Pezicula rhabarbarina TuL; Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 278. 1869. Dermatea rhabarbarina Phill. Brit. Discom. 343. 1887. Dermatea Rubi Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-FI. l^: 258. 1889. Apothecia usually occurring singly, at first subglobose, then expanding and becoming shallow cup-shaped, finally discoid, reaching a diameter of 1 mm.; hymenium plane, or convex, with a yellowish-brown, mealy coating; asci clavate, reaching a length of 90-110 II and a diameter of 16-20 n, 8-spored; spores irregu- larly 2-seriate, long-ellipsoid, becoming 1-2-septate, 6-7 X 18- 24 n; paraphyses slender, branched, the enlarged ends forming an epithecium and agglutinated together with a yellow matrix. On Ruhiis idaeus and other species of Rubus. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Maine to West Virginia and Ohio; also in Europe. Illustrations: Ann. Sci. Nat. II. 5: pi. 13, f. 5; Boud. Ic. Myc. pi. 560. ExsiCCATi: Shear, N. Y. Fungi 95; Reliq. Farlow. 114, 858. 10. Pezicula Brenckleana Seaver, nom. nov. Cenangium Rosae Sacc. Atti Soc. Veneto Sci. Nat. Padova 2^: 160. 1873. Not Cenangium Rosae Schw. 1832. Pezicula Rosae Sacc, Michelia 2: 332. 1881. Dermatea Rosae Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-FI. I': 259. 1889. Apothecia occurring singly, or several in cespitose groups, at first rounded, opening and becoming shallow cup-shaped, then discoid, at first yellowish, becoming brown, reaching a diameter of .5-1 mm.; hymenium concave, plane, or slightly convex, yellow- ish-brown; asci clavate, reaching a length of 90-120 ^i and a diameter of 16-18 /x, 8-spored; spores irregularly 2-seriate, ellip- soid, 7-9 X 20 24 /x, finally becoming 1-3-septate; paraphyses slender, enlarged above, the tips surrounded with a yellowish matrix. On species of Rosa. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: North Dakota; also in Europe. Illustrations: Sacc. Atti Soc. Veneto Sci. Nat. Padova 2^: pi. 16, f. 19-22. ExsiCCATi: Brenckle, Fungi Dak. 392. 342 The North American Cup-Fungi Only one specimen of this species has been seen from North America. While the spores and asci are slightly smaller than indicated in European descriptions, the specimens appear to be otherwise identical. While placed in the genus Pezicula by Saccardo, the conidial stage has not been observed. Since the name given this species is untenable we dedicate the species to Dr. Brenckle who collected the only specimen seen from America. 11. Pezicula spiculata Seaver, Mycologia 25: 146. 1933. (Plate 141, Fig. 2.) The conidial stage (Sphaeronema) accompanies the apothecial both springing from a floccose stroma ; pycnidia large and spike- like, black but covered with white flakes, reaching a length of 1.5 mm., swollen below; macroconidia 10 X 20-24 ju and borne on sporophores equalling or exceeding the length of the spore. Apothecia cespitose in rounded or elongated clusters, or rarely occurring singly, reaching a diameter of 1 mm., pale- yellowish, sessile, or tapering into a short, stem-like base; hymenium slightly concave, or plane, not darker than the outside of the apothecium; asci broad-clavate, reaching a length of 120 ^ and a diameter of 16-18 /x, 8-spored; spores irregularly 2-seriate, ellipsoid and often slightly curved, 8 X 24-27 n, becoming 1-3-septate; paraphyses slender, slightly enlarged above, the ends free, branched, hyaline, about 2 /z in diameter. On Acer (spicatum?). Type locality: Near Ithaca, New York. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 25: pi. 23 (lower figure). So far as the ascigerous stage of this species is concerned it can scarcely be distinguished from Pezicula acericola. However, the two are apparently entirely distinct in their conidial stages. 12. Pezicula acericola (Peck) Sacc. Atti 1st. Veneto VI. 3: 725. 1885. (Plate 141, Fig. 1.) ?Peziza cinnamomea D. C. in Pers. Myc. Eu. 1: 268. 1822. Nodularia acericola Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. Mus. 25: 98. 1873. Dermatea carnea Cooke, & Ellis, Grevillea 5: 32. 1876. ?Dermatea cinnamomea Phill. Brit. Discom. 342. 1887. Not Cooke & Peck 1875. Dermatea simillima Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1893: 451. 1893. Dermatea Alni f. Aceris Rehm in Rab. Krypt-Fl. P: 252. 1889. Pezicula 343 Apothecia erumpcnt in cespitose clusters of three to eight each, the individuals seldom exceeding 1 mm. in diameter, sessile or subsessile, pale-yellow at least when young; hymenium plane, or slightly convex, the margin rather indistinct, similar in color to the outside of the apothecium, becoming concave with age; asci clavate, reaching a length of 90-130 n and a diameter of 15-20 n, 4-8-spored, gradually tapering below into a slender, stem-like base; spores irregularly 2-seriate above, ellipsoid, straight, or curved, at first simple, often becoming 3-4-septate, 8 X 20-26 fx, hyaline, or subhyaline; paraphyses slender, en- larged above and often flexuose, hyaline, or slightly colored with age. On dead branches of Acer spicatum and Acer rnbrum. Type locality: North Elba, New York. Distribution: New York to Newfoundland and Ontario, Canada. Illustrations: Grevillea 5: pL 75, f. 9 (as Dermatea cameo); Mycologia 25: pi. 23 (upper figure in part). ExsiccATi: Ellis, Nova-Caesar, 56; N. Am. Fungi 67; Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 246; Barth. Fungi Columb. 3420; Reliq. Farlow. JJ2 a, b; Thiim. Myc. Univ. 978 (from New York); Rehm, Ascom. 1901 (from Ontario, Canada). In a previous paper (Mycologia 25: 145. 1933) the writer concluded from herbarium observations that Nodularia acerciola Peck and Tympanis acerina Peck were identical, the latter being aged, discolored specimens of the former. The two were often found growing in the same clump; the ascospores were identical and both were accompanied by the Sphaeronema stage. J. W. Groves, however, disagrees and regards Tympanis acerina Peck and Nodularia acericola Peck as two distinct species and treats Sphaeronema acerinum as the conidial stage of the former. He states that the conidial stage of Pezicula acericola is a very inconspicuous fleshy stroma developing beneath the outer bark. Groves further states that the oblong-ellipsoid conidia of Tympanis acerina are similar in form to conidia of species of the related genus Pezicula and this has led to confusion regarding the specific identity and conidial relations of this species and of species of Pezicula occurring on Acer. This also suggests that Dermea acerina may be a discolored Pezicula. 344 The North American Cup-Fungi 13. Pezicula spicata Ellis & Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 25: 506. 1898. Apothecia scattered, usually occurring singly, erumpent, through the ruptured epidermis but scarcely protruding above its surface, .35-.5 mm. in diameter, dull watery-white, yellowish when dry; hymenium slightly concave when dry, the margin a little darker undulated; asci broad-clavate, reaching a length of 60-70 n and a diameter of 12-15 n, with a short, abrupt, stem- like base, 8-spored; spores irregularly 2-seriate, subglobose, 6-8 X 7-10 n; paraphyses filiform, enlarged above, reaching a diameter of 3 fx. On dead twigs of Acer spicatum. Type locality: Near Ottawa, Canada. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. 14. Pezicula cornicola Seaver, Mycologia 29: 337. 1937. (Plate 142.) Apothecia usually in cespitose clusters, individual apothecia sessile, reaching 1 mm. in diameter, pale-yellow; hymenium plane, or slightly convex; asci clavate, reaching a length of 100-120 ju and a diameter of 12-15 n; spores partially 2-seriate, ellipsoid, straight, or slightly curved, about 7-8 X 20 /x, becoming tardily 1-3-septate ; paraphyses filiform, slightly enlarged at their apices. On bark of Cor mis sp. Type locality: East Hampton, New York. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 29: 336,/. 2. This is associated with a Myxosporium which appears to be its conidial stage. The spores ooze out from the pycnidia in sausage-like streams, whitish in color. The conidia are ellipsoid, or slightly narrowed at one end, quite variable in size but often reaching a length of 40 jj. and a diameter of 15 /x, densely filled with minute granules. 15. Pezicula Corni Petrak, Ann. Myc. 20: 197. 1922. (Plate 143.) ?Dermatea Corni Phill. & Hark. Grevillea 13: 22. 1884. Pezicula rhabarbarina f. Corni Ellis in Herb. Apothecia solitary, or cespitose, at first rounded, becoming expanded and subdiscoid, with a mealy, brown covering, reach- ing a diameter of about .5-1 mm.; hymenium plane or nearly so. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 143 t > \ PEZICULA CORNI Pezicula ' 345 yellowish to dark brownish-black; asci clavate, reaching a length of 120 m and a diameter of 27 m. 8-spored; spores ellipsoid, irregularly crowded in the ascus, 10-13 X 28-34 fx; paraphyses filiform, slightly enlarged above. On Cornus alternijolia, C. stolonifera, and unnamed species of Cornus. Type locality: Idaho. Distribution: California to Oregon and Ontario. Illustrations: Mycologia 29: 335,/. i. ExsiccATi: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2809 (as Pezicula rhaharbarina) ; Reliq. Farlow. 857. This is accompanied by a Myxosporium which appears to be its conidial stage. The pycnospores are ellipsoid and densely filled with granules, 13-15 jx X 33-36 ji. 16. Pezicula ocellata (Pers.) Seaver, comb. nov. (Plate 144, Fig. 1.) Peziza ocellata Pers. Syn. Fung. 667. 1801. Stictis ocellata Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 193. 1822. Peziza Lecanora Schm. & Kunze, Deuts Schw. 174. 1817. Stictis Lecanora Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 193. 1822. Phacidium Populi Lasch in Rab. Herb. Myc. ed. 2. 519. 1857. Ocellaria aurea Tul. Fung. Carp. 3: 129. 1865. Habrostictis ocellata Fueled, Symb. Myc. Nacht. 1: 38. 1871. Dermatea cinnamomea Cooke & Peck; Cooke, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 3: 24. 1875. Dermatea inclusa Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 30: 62. 1878. Propolis ocellata Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 214. 1887. Dermatea macrospora Clements, Bull. Torrey Club 30: 87. 1903. Ocellaria ocellata Seaver, Mycologia 3: 65. 1911. Pezicula eximia Rehm, Ann. Myc. 11: 154. 1913. Conidia borne on the surface of a fleshy, submerged stroma, large, ellipsoid, densely filled with granular matter, reaching a length of 30-35 ^ and a diameter of 10-12 /x borne on a conidio- phore about the length of the spore itself and strongly swollen just below the point of attachment. Apothecia occurring singly, breaking through the bark, the broken edges of which form a ragged margin often extending above the margin of the cup, reaching a diameter of 1-2 mm., yellowish, with an irregularly notched margin which is often whitish ; hymenium concave, or nearly plane, surrounded by the upturned margin of the apothecium, yellowish, or dull-orange; asci broad-clavate, reaching a length of 120 m and a diameter of 346 The North American Cup-Fungi 24 /x, terminated abruptly at the base; spores ellipsoid, granular within, 10-12 X 25-30 n, irregularly 2-seriate, hyaline, simple, or 1-3-septate; paraphyses enlarged above, reaching a diameter of 5—6 fjL. On branches of Salix petiolaris, Salix discolor and other species of Salix and Populus. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York to Winnipeg, Washington and Colorado; also in Europe. Illustrations: Tul. Fung. Carp. 3: pi. 18, f. 1-11; Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. pi. 98; E, & P. Nat. Pfl. l^: 247,/. 182. A-C; Massee, Brit. Fungus- Fl. 4: 22,/. 34-35. ExsiccATi: Schm. & Kunze, Deuts. Schw. 174 (as Peziza Lecanora); Barth. Fungi Columb. 1918; Brenckle, Fungi Dak. 535. This species has been placed in various genera and made the type of the genus Ocellaria by Tulasne which genus is usually treated with the Phacidiales. The writer can see no reason for treating it with that group. It has been collected in abundance by the writer in Colorado on some species of willow around Tolland at an altitude of 8,000 to 10,000 feet. Through the kindness of John Dearness, the writer has been permitted to examine a part of the type collection of Pezicula eximia Rehm and finds it identical with the above. 17. Pezicula Populi (Thompson) Seaver, comb. nov. Neofabraea Populi Thompson, Mycologia 31: 458. 1939. Apothecia thickly gregarious, usually occurring singly, or rarely two or three crowded together, entirely sessile, erumpent but scarcely rising above the surface of the substratum, sur- rounded with the upturned edges of the ruptured outer bark, scarcely exceeding .5 mm. in diameter, dark brownish-black; hymenium concave, or nearly plane, reddish-brown, with a slightly elevated, darker center which gives the hymenium an umbilicate appearance; asci clavate, apparently normally 8- spored but often with only 5 or 6 of the spores developed, reach- ing a length of 80 fx and a diameter of 12 /x; spores 2-seriate above, ellipsoid, usually with two oil-drops, hyaline, 5-6 X 18- 20 ju, becoming indistinctly 3-septate; paraphyses enlarged above, hyaline. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 144 V V v^, K 1. PEZICULA OCELLATA 2. PEZICULA POPULI Pezicula 347 On Populus grandidentata and Popuhis tremuloides. Type locality: Ontario, Canada. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 31 : 457,/. /; 460,/. 2; 462, f. 3. This species is known from two collections by G. E. Thompson and communicated by H. S. Jackson, University of Toronto, Cryptogamic Herbarium 2054 and 2046. Said to cause canker on living trees. The conidial stage is reported by Thompson as a Myxosporium which forms definite cankers on young Populus branches. 18. Pezicula purpurascens (Ellis & Ev.) Seaver, Mycologia 34: 414. 1942. (Plate 145.) Dermatea purpurascens Ellis & Ev. Jour. Myc. 4: 100. 1888. Ascoconidium Castaneae Seaver, Mycologia 34: 414. 1942. Conidia found associated with this species and possibly repre- senting its perfect stage. Ascoconidiophores club-shaped reach- ing a length of 90 y. and a diameter of 12 y, pale-brown, each containing one ascoconidium; ascoconidia broad-ellipsoid, reach- ing a length of 30-40 n and a diameter of 9-10 ^i, borne on slender stalk within the conidiophore, becoming disconnected, and finally discharged through the ruptured conidiophore, 3-septate, appearing brownish within the conidiophore but hyaline or subhyaline when discharged. Apothecia scattered, erumpent, occurring singly, or two or three crowded together, sessile, or subsessile, externally reddish- purple, reaching a diameter of .75-1 mm.; hymenium plane, or slightly concave, dirty-white, becoming reddish-purple but lighter than the outside of the apothecium; asci cylindric- clavate, reaching a length of 120-140 n and a diameter of 25-30 /i) 8-spored but some often undeveloped, 8-11 X 30-36 yu, hyaline or nearly so, ellipsoid with the ends strongly narrowed, becoming distinctly 3-septate, 9-1 1 X 30-36 m; paraphyses slender, slightly enlarged above, reaching a diameter of 2-3 m, often slightly colored. The exterior of the apothecium is clothed with a palisade of appressed, poorly developed hairs which are dilutely purplish. It is this character which has suggested the specific name. On dead limbs of chestnut, Castanea dentata. Type locality: West Chester, Pennsylvania. Distribution: Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. 348 The North American Cup-Fungi Illustrations: Mycologia 34: 413,/. /. ExsiCCATi: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2147. 19. Pezicula minuta Peck, Bull. N. Y. State Mus. P: 21. 1887. Dermalea minuta Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 32: 48. 1879. Apothecia thickly scattered, occurring singly, or two or three together, rounded, becoming more or less turbinate, subochra- ceous, reaching a diameter of .25-. 5 mm.; hymcnium at first concave, becoming plane, similar in color to the outside of the apothecium; asci broad-clavate, 8-spored, reaching a length of 90 ju and a diameter of 20-22 /x; spores broad-ellipsoid, granular within, 10-12 X 20-25 ju; paraphyses filiform, slender. On Viburnum lantanoides. Type locality: Catskill Mountains, New York. Distribution: New York and Ontario, Canada. Specimens in the herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden, a part of the type collection, have been examined. In this material it is very difficult to find mature spores. Whether they become septate could not be determined. One specimen collected by Roy Cain, in Canada, No. 7162, has been compared with the type and found identical. 20. Pezicula Hamamelidis Groves & Seaver, Canadian Jour. Res. 17: 140. 1939. (Plate 146.) Conidial fruiting bodies minute, about .3-. 4 mm. in diameter, erumpent, cushion-shaped, and containing one or more cavities lined with conidiophores 2.5-3 X 15-30 /x> swollen just below the point of attachment to 4 yu; conidia oblong-ellipsoid, hyaline, simple, straight, or slightly curved, 12-14 X 30-45 ju; micro- conidia borne in the same fruiting body, hyaline, filiform, straight, or curved, simple, 1.5-2 X 10 18 ix. Apothecia erumpent, scattered, or more or less in rows, usually single, sometimes cespitose with two to six in a cluster, sessile, narrowed below, circular .3-1 mm. in diameter .2-.4 mm. high, pale ochraceous-yellowish, darker when dry, waxy; hy- menium plane to convex, slightly pruinose; asci oblong-clavate, broad, short-stalked, 8-spored, reaching a length of 90-120 ix and diameter of 20-30 /x; ascospores oblong-ellipsoid to ovoid, hyaline, straight, or curved, irregularly 2-seriate, becoming 1-3- septate, 9-13 X 25-37 /x; paraphyses hyaline, filiform, simple, or CUP-FUNGI PLATE 145 ■:' \ ■ fr- ,f„.^. y^j^'- N^_^ # PEZICULA PURPURASCENS Pezicula 349 occasionally branched, 2-3 m in diameter, the tips swollen to 8 ^l in diameter, forming a yellowish epithecium. On branches of Hamamelis virginiana. Type locality: Don Valley, Toronto, Canada. Distribution: Canada. Illustrations: Canadian Jour. Res. 17: 129,/. 3, 1-2, f. 4, 5a, b. ExsiccATi: Sydow, Fungi Exotici Exsicc. 423 (as Dermatea Ruhi). The type specimen is intimately associated with a Coryneum which the writer took to be its conidial stage, but Groves decided that the conidial stage was a Cryptosporiopsis and not the Coryneum which often occurred in the same pustule with the Pezicula. 21. Pezicula Morthieri (Fuckel) Groves, Mycologia 39: 329. 1947. Sphaeria micula Fries, Elench. Fung. 2: lOL 1828. Micula Mougeotii Klotzs. Herb. Viv. Myc. 636. 1844. Cenangium Morthieri Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 272. 1869. Atractium Therryanum Sacc. Micheiia 1: 535. 1879. Cenangella Morthieri Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 592. 1889. Dermatea micula Rehm in Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 261. 1889. Phaeangella Morthieri Sacc & D. Sacc; Sacc Syll. Fung. 18: 128. 1906. Sphaerographium niveum Dearn. & House, Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 266: 89. 1925. Conidial stage erumpent from the same stroma which pro- duces the apothecia, cylindric-conic, reaching a height of I mm. and less than half as broad at the base, usually white, sometimes darkened; conidiophores septate, branched, 2-2.5 X 25-40 m; conidia hyaline, filiform, straight, or curved, pointed at the ends, 3-4 X 45-65 fjL, 1-3-septate. Apothecia erumpent, occurring singly or two or three to- gether, sessile, narrowed below, less than 1 mm. in diameter and height, yellowish-brown to reddish-brown; hymenium at first concave, becoming plane, or slightly convex, darker than the outside of the apothecium; asci cylindric-clavate, 8-spored, reaching a length of 65-100 /x and a diameter of 8-14 n; spores ellipsoid-fusoid, hyaline, or pale-yellowish, straight, or slightly curved, 4-6 X 15-20 ^i paraphyses filiform, very slightly en- larged above, 1.5-3.5 n in diameter. On branches of Rhamnus alnifolia. 350 The North American Cup-Fungi Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Quebec; also in Europe. Illustrations: Mycologia 39: 330,/. 1, 2. Grove states that the position of this species is uncertain but places it in Pezicula. 22. Pezicula livida (Berk. & Br.) Rehm, Ascom. 462. 1878. Patellana livida Berk. & Br. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. II. 13: 466. 1854. Dermatea abieiina Auersw. in Rab. Fungi Eu. 1027; Hedwigia 6: 46. 1866, Peziza eucrita Karst.; Nylander, Not. Soc. Fauna Fi. Fenn. 10: 47. 1869. Dermatea livida Phill. Brit. Discom. 340. 1887. Dermatella livida Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 490. 1889. Dermatella eucrita Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 491. 1889. Durella livida Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 795. 1889. Myxosporium abietinum Rostr. Tids. Skow. 13: 89. 1901. Conidial stage consisting of a stroma on which the conidia are produced; conidia ellipsoid, 5 X 12-16 ^i microconidia present, 1.5-2.5 X 10-17 /i. Apothecia occurring singly, or in small, cespitose clusters of usually three to six each, the clusters thickly gregarious, indi- vidual perithecia reaching a diameter of .5-1 mm., pale-yellowish ; hymenium plane, or convex, similar in color to the outside of the apothecium, minutely roughened with the ends of the paraphy- ses; asci clavate, reaching a length of 100 ju and a diameter of 20 ju. 8-spored; spores partially 2-seriate, ellipsoid, straight, or more commonly curved, at first simple, often becoming 3-5-septate, 6-7 X 20-31 n\ paraphyses slender below, strongly enlarged above, reaching a diameter of 5-7 fx. On bark of Pimis Strobus; also reported on other species of Pinus and Abies. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York and New England; also in Europe. Illustrations: Not. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 10: pi. 1, J. 12: Ann. Bot. 45:/. 1-5. (pp. 77-80); Mycologia 24: 424,/. 1. According to Mary J. F. Gregor (Ann. Bot. 45: 73. 1931) the above indicated species are synonyms. 23. Pezicula phyllophila (Peck) Seaver, comb. nov. Dermatea phyllophila Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 31: 47. 1879. Apothecia minute, erumpent but often partially concealed by the epidermis which has a blistered appearance, yellowish-brown; hymenium pallid, or dingy-white, nearly plane; asci clavate, CUP-FUNGI PLATE 146 PEZICULA HAMAMELIDIS Dermea 351 8-spored, reaching a length of 80-90 m and a diameter of 10-12 n; spores broad-elHpsoid, 5-6 X 7-8 m, usually containing one large oil-drop; paraphyses filiform, thickened above. On lower surface of balsam leaves, Abies balsaniea, while still on the tree; also on leaves of Pinus rigida. Type locality: Summit, New York. Distribution: New York and (New Jersey?). ExsiCCATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi. 385. Type material of this species has been examined. It has all the appearance of a Pezicida except that the spores are small with no indication of septa. The type material is abundant. Doubtful and Excluded Species Pezicula atroviolacea Bres. Ic. M\c. 25: pi. 1237. \92,?>\ Peziza atroviolacea Bres. Fungi. Trid. 1: 24. 1881; Htimaria atroviolacea Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 150. 1889; Pachyella atroviolacea Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 51. 1907. This is certainly Peziza clypeata Schw. and not a Pezicula. Pezicula Kalmiae (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 314. 1889; Peziza Kalmiae Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 25: 99. 1873. No material seen. See Trichopeziza Kalmiae. Beloniella marcyensis Kanouse, Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 24: 25. 1939. The erumpent habits, genera! description, and spores becoming tardily several- septate would indicate a Pezicula. No material has been seen. Pezicula pallidula (Cooke) Rehm, Ber. Bayer. Bot. Ges. 13: 199. 1912; Dermatea pallidula Cooke, Grevillea 16: 70. 1888; Scleroderris pallidula Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 598. 1889. Reported on branches of Rhus venenata from New Jersey. No material seen. Pezicida Philadelphi (Schw.) Sacc. S>11. Fung. 8: 315. 1889; Peziza Philadelphi Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 177. 1832. Reported on Philadelphus inodorus. No material seen. Pezicula viridiatra (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 315. 1889; Peziza viridiatra Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Jour. Linn. Soc. 10: 369. 1868. Sessile, greenish-black, underneath granular, irregularly undulate; spores ellipsoid, finally subfuscous; spores ellipsoid, 5 n long. This has been made a synonym of catinella nigroolivacea by Durand. On dead wood with Polyporus, Cuba. 10. DERMEA Fries, Syst. Orbis Veg. 114. 1825. Dermatea Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 362. 1849. Apothecia occurring singly, or more often in cespitose clusters, often on a stromatic base, tubercular in form or discoid, more rarely scutellate, usually dark-colored, comparatively small, rarely exceeding 2 mm. and usually 1 mm. or less in diameter, coriaceous to subcarbonaceous; asci usually broad-clavate and 352 The North American Cup-Fungi 8-spored; spores usually comparatively large, occasionally minute, simple, or becoming tardily several-septate, the septa- tion often erratic even in the same species; paraphyses colored and their tips agglutinated into a dark-brown or blackish epi- thecium. T\-pe species, Peziza Cerasi Pers. This genus grades rather closely into Cenangiiim but usually has smaller discoid apothecia and large often septate spores. The macroconidia in the various species which are produced in irregular pycnidial cavities in a fleshy stroma are fusiform, usu- ally curved and septate. The conidial stage so far as observed belongs to the form genus Micropera (Gelatinosporium) . These studies are based parth' on the work of Dr. J. W. Groves (Mycologia 38: 351-431. 1946). Apothecia 1.5 mm. or more in diameter. Not on coniferous hosts. On Primus, apothecia distinct. On Betula, apothecia often coalesced. On coniferous hosts, Abies and Tsuga. Apothecia mostly less than 1.5 mm. in diameter. Ascospores less than 5 ju in diameter. Conidia in beaked pycnidia, on Viburnum. Conidia not in beaked pycnidia. Asci more than 10 ju broad; on Nemopanthes. Asci less than 10 m broad. On Amelanchier, apothecia black. On Sorbus, apothecia brownish. Ascospores more than 5 yu in diameter. Conidia in beaked pycnidia. Conidia elongate-ellipsoid; on Acer. Conidia elongate-fusiform; on Fritnus. Pycnidia usually single. Pycnidia usually cespitose. Conidia not in beaked pycnidia. On coniferous hosts. Ascospores less than 14 /u long; on Picea. Ascospores usually more than 14 ^ long. On Pinus. On Libocedrus. Not on coniferous hosts. Asci usually less than 15 /x in diameter. On Hamamelis. Asci usually more than 15 yu in diameter. On Fraxinus. On Chionanthus. On Morus. 1. D. Cerasi. 2. D. mnlliuscula. 3. D. balsam ea. 4. D. Viburni. 5. D. Peckiana. 6. D. bicalnr. 7. D. Ariae. 8. D. accrina. 9. D. Padi. 10. D. Prunastri. 11. D. piceina. 12. D. pinicola. 13. D. Libocedri. 14. D. Hamamelidis. 15. D. Tiilasnei. 16. D. Chionanthi. 17. D. Mori. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 147 .'i. *"'ta35'_^i , -'■■•>^'~ - ■■ ^# m /'^>.fi^;Sv'-^*. 'i^^§!^^. DERMEA CERASI DERMEA BICOLOR Dermea 353 1. Dermea Cerasi (Pers.) Fries, Syst. Orb. Vcg. 115. 1825. (Plate 147, Fig. 1.) Peziza Cerasi Pers. Tent. Disp. Fung. 35. 1797. Sphaeria dubia Pers. Ic. Pict. Fung. 4: 48. 1806. Cenangium Cerasi Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 179. 1822. ?Cenangium cerasoriim Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1: 118. 1822. ? Cenangium clavatiim Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 179. 1822. Cycledum Cerasi Wallr. Fl. Crypt. Germ. 2: 512. 1833. Micropera roseola Lev. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. 5: 283. 1846.|m Micropera drupacearum Lev. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. 5: 283. 1846. Micropera Cerasi Sacc. Atti Soc. Veneto Sci. Nat. Padova 2-: 160. 1873. Tympanis Cerasi Quel. Ench. Fung. 330. 1886. Conidial stage erumpent, irregular in form, circular, or elongated to conical, usually with several flask-shaped bodies which open irregularly, reaching a height of 1 mm., whitish to yellowish, soft-waxy; conidiophores simple, or branched, taper- ing to a slender tip, 2-2.5 X 10-25 /x; conidia sickle-shaped, or almost straight, fusiform, hyaline to faintly yellowish, simple, or 1 -septate, 2.5-4.5 X 35-65 yt; microconidia hyaline, filiform, straight, or curved, simple, 1-1.5 X 12-23 ;u. Apothecia accompanying the conidial stage, single, or more often cespitose, narrowed below, 1-3 mm. in diameter and 1.5 mm. high, at first brownish, finally black, leathery to horny; hymenium at first concave, becoming plane, or convex, often slightly umbilicate, black, or slightly olivaceous; asci cylindric- clavate, tapering below into a stem-like base, reaching a length of 100-150 n and a diameter of 10-15 n, 8-spored; spores ellipsoid- fusoid, hyaline to yellowish, straight, or slightly curved, simple, becoming 3-septate, 5-7 X 15-25 n; paraphyses simple, or branched, the tips swollen and forming a yellowish epithecium. On branches of various species of Pruniis. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Maine to Washington and South Carolina; probably widely distributed throughout North America; also in Europe. Illustrations: Pers. Ic. Pict. Fung. pi. 20, f. 1-2; Tul. Fung. Carp. 3: pi. 19, f. 13-17; E. & P. Nat. Pfl. V: 237, f. 179 A-D; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. V: 242. /. 1-6; Mycologia 25: pi. 20, (upper figure); 38: 366,/. 1, 2; 383,/. 27; 395,/. 42. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 40, 989, 2812; Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2555; Shear, N, Y. Fungi 94; Barth. Fungi Columb. 4942; Reliq. Farlow. 113; Rav. Fungi Am. 246; Fung. Car. A:71. 354 The North /American Cup-Fungi 2. Dermea moUiuscula (Schw.) Cash, Mycologia 29: 304. 1937. (Plate 148.) Cenangium molliusctdum Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 239. 1832. Celatinosporium fulvum Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 38: 97. 1885. Conidial stage, erumpent, circular, or transversely elongated, 1-4 mm. in diameter, .5-1 mm. high, blackish, waxy, usually containing several lobed, or flask-shaped cavities; conidiophores hyaline, simple, or branched, 1.5-2 X 15-30 /x; conidia hyaHne, or pale-yellowish, subfiliform, ends pointed, sickle-shaped, or almost straight, simple, 1-1.5 X 7-12 ^x. Apothecia accompanying the conidial stage, erumpent, single, or cespitose in clusters of two to six, often crowded and sometimes fused, sessile, or substipitate, 1-3 mm. in diameter and 1-2 mm. high, tawny to almost black, leathery to horny; hymenium at first concave, becoming sti^ongly convex, olivaceous- brown to black; asci cylindric-clavate, attenuated below, 8- spored, reaching a length of 100-150 )U and a diameter of 12-15 )u; spores narrow-ellipsoid to subfusiform, hyaline, becoming yel- lowish, straight, or slightly curved, 1-seriate, or irregularly 2- seriate, often becoming 1-3-septate, 4-7 X 15-22 ju; paraphyses filiform, simple, or branched, 1.5-2 ju in diameter, the tips swollen and embedded in a yellowish matrix forming a dark epithecium. On branches of species of Betula. Type locality: Mauch Chunk, Pennsylvania. Distribution: New Hampshire to Pennsylvania and Canada. Illustrations: Mycologia 25: pi. 21 (as Dermea' Betula e); 32: 742,/. 2, 12, 13; 38: 379,/. /i; 386,/. 39; 395,/. 47. 3. Dermea balsamea (Peck) Seaver; Dodge, Mycologia 24: 427. 1932. (Plate 149.) Cenangium balsameum Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 38: 101. 1885. Cenangium balsameum var. ahietinum Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 43: 40. 1889. Celatinosporium ahietinum Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 25: 84. 1873. Micropera erumpens Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1894: 386. 1894. Micropera abietina Hohn. Mitt. Bot. Inst. Wien 3: 32. 1926. Conidial stage erumpent to subimmersed, rounded to cylin- dric, or subconic, .5-1 mm. in diameter, .2-.5 mm. high, yellowish, or olivaceous to black, waxy, opening with one or more irregular cavities; conidiophores hyaline, simple, or branched, tapering CUP-FUNGI PLATE 148 J' ^^ r^ DERMEA MOLLIUSCULA Dermea 355 above, 2-2.5 X 15-25 fi] conidia elongate-filiform, pointed at the ends, hyaline to pale greenish-yellow, becoming 1-3-septate, sickle-shaped, or nearly straight, 4-5 X 50-90 n; microconidia filiform, straight, or curved, 1-1.5 X 11-22 n. Apothecia erumpent, mostly single, sometimes cespitose, two to four in a cluster, sessile, or substipitate, circular, or undulated, 1-2.5 mm. in diameter .4-.8 mm. high, at first yellowish, or brownish, finally black, leathery to horny when dry; hymenium at first concave, then plane, or slightly convex, often umbilicate, light-brown to olivaceous-brown, or black; asci cylindric-clavate, tapering below, 8-spored, reaching a length of 90-150 /z and a diameter of 14-16 n; spores ellipsoid-fusiform, hyaline or slightly yellowish, becoming 1-3-septate, straight, or curved, irregularly 2-seriate, 6-10 X 20-35 n; paraphyses filiform, usually much branched, 1.5-2 n in diameter, the tips very slightly swollen and glued together forming a yellowish epithecium. On branches oi Abies balsamea and Tsuga canadensis. Type locality: Caroga Lake, New York. Distribution: Maine to Virginia and Canada. Illustrations: Mycologia 24: 424,/. ;, pi. 10, pi. 11, e. J.; 38: 366, f. 8, 9; 383, f. 30; 400, f. 54. ExsiCCATi: Shear, N. Y. Fungi 328; Reliq. Farlow. 102. 4. Dermea Viburni Groves, Mycologia 32: 745. 1940. Sphaeronema hystricinum Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 6: 106. 1876. Sphaerographium hystricinum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 3: 597. 1884. Sphaerographium hystricimim var. Viburni Dearn. & House; House, Bull. N. Y. State. Mus. 197: 35. 1917. Conidial fruiting bodies erumpent, scattered, or more or less in rows, single, or two or three arising from the same basal stroma, cylindric-subulate, dark-brown to black, often with a reddish tinge, .3-.5 mm. in diameter at the base, and the beaks about 1 mm. long, leathery to horny, basal stroma containing a single more or less elongated cavity about 150-200 ti in diameter; conidiophores cylindric, occasionally branched, tapering above to a slender tip, 2-2.5 X 15-30 m; conidia elongate-fusiform, to subfiliform, hyaline, sickle-shaped, or almost straight, one end more attenuated than the other, 1-3-septate, 2.5-4 X 30-45 n\ microconidia not observed. Apothecia erumpent, separate, or in small clusters of two to six each, sessile, slightly narrowed below, circular, or slightly undulated, .3-1 mm. in diameter, .2-.5 mm. high, dark-brown to 356 The North American Cup-Fungi black, leathery to horny, softer when moist; hymenium black, at first concave, becoming plane to convex; asci cylindric-clavate, short-stalked, 8-spored, reaching a length of 50-75 /x, and a diameter of 8-12 ju; spores ellipsoid fusoid, hyaline, becoming slightly yellowish, straight, or slightly curved; simple, or 1- septate, 3.5-5.5 X 14-18 /x; paraphyses, h>'aline, filiform, much branched, 1.5-2 /x in diameter, the tips swollen to 3 ^i and glued together, forming a yellowish cpithecium. On various species of Viburnum. Type locality: Hatchley, Ontario. Distribution: Vermont and Ontario, Canada. Illustrations: Mycologia 32: 737. /. G, II; 38: 379, /. 24; 386, /. 38; 398, /. 49. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 337 (as Sphaeronema hys- tricinum); Reliq. Farlow. 19Ha, 198b (as Sphaerographium hystricinum). 5. Dermea Peckiana (Rehm) Groves, Mycologia 29: 67. 1937. Cenangium Peckianiim Rehm, Ann. Myc. 13: 3. 1915. Sphaeronema stellatum Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 6: 107. 1876. Sphaerographium stellatum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 3: 598. 1884. Micropera Nemopanthis Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 46: 31. 1893. Micropera stellata Jacz. Nouv. Mem. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscow 15: 366. 1898. Conidial stage erumpent, rounded, often somewhat capitate, circular to more or less transversely elongated, .5-2 mm. in diameter, 1 mm. high, upper surface uneven and wrinkled around the openings of the cavities, pale-yellowish to black, often with a greenish cast, subfleshy, softer than the apothecia; conidiophores hyaline, cylindric, sometimes branched, tapering above, 2-2.5 X 20-40 ju; conidia hyaline, elongate-fusiform to subfiliform, sickle-shaped, ends pointed, becoming 1-3-septate, 2.5-4.5 X 40-60 m; microconidia hyaline, filiform, straight, or curved, simple, 1.5 X 8-13 ju. Apothecia arising from the old conidial stroma, cespitose in clusters up to fifteen each, .3-. 8 mm. in diameter, circular, or undulated, narrowed below, dark-brown to black; asci cylindric- clavate, tapering below, 8-spored, reaching a length of 75-110 m and a diameter of 9-12 n\ spores ellipsoid-fusiform, hyaline to pale-yellow, straight, or slightly curved, becoming 1-3-septate,. 3-4 X 12-18 ju; paraphyses hyaline, filiform, simple, or branched 1.5-2 /x in diameter, the tips swollen to 3-5 n and glued together forming a yellowish epithecium. CUP-FUNGI PLATE 149 V DERMEA BALSAMEA Dermea 357 On branches of Nemopanthes mucronata and Ilex verticillata. Type locality: Munith, Michigan. Distribution: Michigan and Canada. Illustrations: Mycologia 29: 68,/. 1, 77,/. 4-9; 38: 379,/. 18, 25; 386,/. J5;400,/. 56. ExsiCCATi: ElHs & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 3042; EUis & Ev. Fungi Cohimb. 332. 6. Dermea bicolor (Elhs) Groves, Mycologia 35: 460. 1943. Tympanis bicolor Ellis, Am. Nat. 17: 193. 1883. Cenangium bicolor Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 572. 1889. Cenangium dichroum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 1143. 1889. Patinella Brenckleana Sacc. Mycologia 12: 203. 1920. Dermea Brenckleana Seaver, Mycologia 25: 142. 1933. Conidial fruiting bodies more or less immersed, splitting the bark and slightly erumpent, circular to elongated, or angular, .2-.8 mm. in diameter, .2-.4 mm. high, yellowish, soft-waxy, containing one to several lobed cavities which open irregularly exposing the greenish to yellowish spore masses; conidiophores lining the cavity, hyaline, cylindric, unbranched, tapering above, 1.5-2.5 X 15-30 m; conidia hyaline fusiform, sickle- shaped, or almost straight, pointed at the ends, simple, or 1- septate, 2.5-4 X 15-25 m; microconidia not observed. Apothecia erumpent, usually single, sometimes in more or less elongated clusters, circular, or undulated, sessile, narrowed below, .5-1.5 mm. in diameter, .5-1 mm. high, yellowish or greenish when moist, finally dark-brown to black, leathery to horny, softer when moist; hymenium concave to plane, or slightly convex, greenish when young, becoming dark-brown to black on drying; asci cylindric-clavate, tapering below to a short stalk, 8-spored, reaching a length of 60-80 n and a diameter of 8-10 m; spores ellipsoid-fusiform, straight, or slightly curved, simple, or 1 -septate, hyaline, becoming yellowish brown, irregu- larly 2-seriate, 3-4.5 X 12-16 m; paraphyses filiform, simple, or branched, 1.5-2 ju in diameter, the tips scarcely swollen but more or less glued together forming an epithecium. On branches of Anielanchier. Type locality: Decorah, Iowa. Distribution: Iowa to North Dakota. Illustrations: Mycologia 25: pi. 20 (lower figure); 35: 460, /. /, 2; 462,/. 3; 38: 379,/. 19, 20; 383, f. 33; 395,/. 45. 358 The North American Cup-Fungi 7. Dermea Ariae (Pcrs.) Tul.; Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 224. 1871. Peziza Ariae Pers. Myc. Eu. 1: 325. 1822. Tympanis Ariae Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 175. 1822. Sphaeria Cotoneastri Fries in Kunze & Schm. Myk. Hefte 2: 46. 1823. Sphaeria Cotoneastri Sorbi Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 494. 1823. Tympanis inconstans Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 400. 1849. Cenangium Ariae Tul. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. 20: 136. 1853. Cenangium inconstans Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 268. 1869. Sphaeronema pallidum Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 25: 85. 1873. Cenangium subnitidum Cooke & Phil!.; Cooke, Greviliea 3: 186. 1875. Micropcra Sorbi Sacc. Michelia 2: 628. 1882. Micropera Cotoneastri Sacc. Syll. Fung. 3: 605. 1884. Phaeangella subnitida Massee, Brit. Fungus. -Fl. 4: 137. 1895. Conidial fruiting bodies erumpent, usually single, occasionally two or three together, bluntly conical, about .25-.35 mm. in diameter and .25-.5 mm. high, reddish-brown to olivaceous, or black, horny, becoming softer when moist, containing a single ovoid cavity; conidiophores hyaline, cylindric, simple, or branched, attenuated at the tips, 1.5-2 X 20 40 ix; conidia hya- line to pale yellowish-green, fusiform, sickle-shaped, or occasion- ally almost straight, ends pointed, simple, or 1-septate, 2-4 X 15-25 ju; microconidia not observed. Apothecia erumpent, single, or in clusters of two to four, circular to undulated, sessile, narrowed below, .4-1 mm. in diam- eter, .2-.4 mm. high, dark reddish-brown to black, leathery to horny, softer when moist; hymenium concave to plane, black; asci cylindric-clavate, narrowed into a short stalk, 8-spored, reaching a length of 70-100 ^ and a diameter of 8-10 /x; spores ellipsoid-fusoid, hyaline to pale-yellowish, simple, or becoming 1-3-septate, straight, or slightly curved, irregularly 2-seriate, 3-5 X 12-18 IX] paraphyses hyaline, filiform, simple, or branched, 1.5-2.5 IX in diameter, the tips swollen to 5 ^t and glued together forming a yellowish epithecium. On various species of Sorbus. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Quebec to Ontario, Canada; also in Europe. Illustrations: Mycologia 38: 379,/. 22, 23; 383,/. 34; 398, f.53. ExsiCCATi: Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 571 (conidia only). Dermea 359 8. Dermea acerina (Peck) Rehm, Ber. Bayer. Bot. Ges. 13: 197. 1912. Sphaeronema acerinum Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 24: 86. 1872. Sphaeronema nigripes Ellis, Bull. Torre.v Club 6: 107. 1876. Tympanis acerina Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 31: 48. 1879. Scleroderris acerina Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 599. 1889. ?Lecanidion acericolum Atk.; Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 49: 24. 1896. ?Patellaria acericola Atk.; Butler, M>cologia 32: 810. 1940. Conidial bodies erumpent, single, or cespitose in small clusters, or more often in long rows, subulate, basal stroma subglobose to ovoid .2-.5 mm. in diameter, dark-brown to black, leathery to horny, softer when moist, the beak slender, tapering, straight, or curved, reaching a length of 1.5 mm. and 100-150 ^ in diam- eter at the base, paler and sometimes translucent toward the tip; conidiophores hyaline, cylindric, simple, 2 X 20-40 m. swollen below the point of attachment; conidia ellipsoid, hyaline, straight, or sometimes slightly curved, one end with a truncate apiculus, 5-8 X 15-25 /x; microconidia hyaline, filiform, simple, straight, or curved, 1-2 X 6-10 /jl. Apothecia erumpent, single, or in rows, circular, or undulate, .4-1 mm. in diameter, .2-. 5 mm. high, sessile, narrowed below, black, or dark-brownish, leathery to horny, softer when moist; hymenium at first concave, becoming plane, or slightly convex, slightly paler than the outside of the apothecium; asci cylindric- clavate, short-stalked, 8-spored, reaching a length of 85-125 ^u and a diameter of 13-16 /j.; spores ellipsoid-fusiform, hyaline, becoming yellowish, simple, or 1-3-septate, straight, or sometimes slightly curved, irregularly 2-seriate, 5-6 X 13 20 fx; paraphyses hyaline, filiform, simple, or branched, 1.5-2 n in diameter, the tips slightly swollen and glued together forming a yellowish epithecium. On various species of Acer, A. Saccharum, A. saccharinum, A. ruhrum. Type locality: Greenbush, New York. Distribution: New York to Michigan and Virginia. Illustrations: Mycologia 38: 379,/. 16; 386,/. 36; 398,/. 50. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 947; Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 2086, 3585; Reliq. Farlow. 143a, b. 360 The North American Cup-Fungi 9. Dermea Padi (Alb. & Schw.) Fries, Summa, Veg. Scand. 362. 1849. Peziza Cerasi Padi Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. 345. 1805. Cenangium Cerasi Padi Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 180. 1827. Tympanis Padi Quel. Ench. Fung. 330. 1886. Cenangium Padi Sacc. Michelia 2: 84. 1880. Sphaeria padina Sacc. Michelia 2: 84. 1880. Sphaeronema briinneoviride Auersw.; Sacc. Syll. Fung. 3: 186. 1884. Cryptosporium hriinneoviride Jacq. Nouv. Mem. Soc. Imp. Moscow 15: 369. 1898. Conidial fruiting bodies erumpent, mostly single, occasionally two or three in a cluster, cylindric to conic, .5-1.3 mm. in height and .2-. 5 mm. in diameter, opening at the tip, dark reddish- brown to black, leathery to horny, softer when moist, the basal stroma containing one cavity in which the conidiophores are produced; conidiophores cylindric, tapering to a slender point, 2-3 X 25-50 fi; conidia elongate, fusiform to subfiliform, pointed at the ends, sickle-shaped to almost straight, simple, or 1 -septate, hyaline, 2.5-4 X 20-35 ju; microconidia hyaline, bacilliform, straight, or slightly curved, simple. Apothecia erumpent, single, or cespitose in clusters of two to six, sessile, narrowed below, circular, or undulated, .5-1.5 mm. in diameter and about .3-1 mm. high, dark reddish-brown to black, leathery to horny, softer when moist, hymenium at first concave, then plane to convex, black, or dark-brown; asci cylindric-clavate, tapering to a short stalk, 8-spored, reaching a length of 85-100 ^u and a diameter of 15-15 y.; spores ellipsoid- fusoid, hyaline, becoming yellowish, straight, or slightly curved, simple, or 1-3-septate, 5-7 X 15-20 m; paraphyses hyaline, fili- form, simple, or branched, 1.5-2 ii in diameter, the tips swollen to 3 /i and glued together forming a yellowish epithecium. On species of Pruniis, P. domestica, P. Padus, P. spinosa, P. virginiana. Type locality : Europe. Distribution : New York, also in Europe. Illustrations: Mycologia 38: 366, /. J, 4; 383, /. 29; 395, f.44. 10. Dermea Prunastri (Pers.) Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 362. 1849. Peziza Prunastri Pers. Tent. Disp. Fung. 35. 1797. Ceratostoma spurium Fries, Obs. Myc. 2: 338. 1818. Dermea 361 Cenangium Prunastri Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 180. 1822. Cenangium Prunastri rigida Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 180. 1822. ? Cenangium rigidum Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 238. 1832. Tympanis Prunastri Wallr. Fl. Crypt. Germ. 2: 427. 1833. Sphaeronema spurium Sacc. Syll. Fung. 3: 186. 1884. Phaeangella Prunastri Massee, Brit. Fungus-Fl. 4: 137. 1895. Dermatella Prunastri Dowson, New Phytologist 12: 207. 1913. Conidial bodies erumpent, occasionally single, more often cespitose, cylindric, or cylindric-conic to subulate, 1-2 mm. in height, .2-. 4 mm. in diameter at the base, arising from a more or less circular, or transversely elongated basal stroma, black to greenish, or olivaceous when moist, hard, horny, brittle, softer when moist, with a single, ovoid cavity which is frequently in the tip of the beak only but may extend into the basal stroma also; conidiophores hyaline, cylindric, tapering to a slender point, simple, 2.5-3 X 20-35 m; conidia elongate-fusiform, hyaline, slightly greenish, simple, almost straight, or slightly sickle- shaped, the ends acute, 5-7 X 20 35 /x; microconidia hyaline to yellowish, filiform, straight, or slightly curved, simple, ends rounded, 1.5 X 7-10 m- Apothecia erumpent, single, or cespitose, sessile, narrowed below, circular, or undulated, .5-1 mm. in diameter .2-1 mm. high, dark-brown to black, leathery to horny, fleshy when moist; hymenium concave to plane, or slightly convex, black; asci cylindric-clavate, short-stalked, 8-spored, reaching a length of 90-125 /i and a diameter of 12-15 yu; spores ellipsoid-fusiform, hyaline, becoming yellowish, simple, or 1-3-septate, straight, or slightly curved, irregularly 2-seriate, 5-7.5 X 15-25 ^t; paraphy- ses hyaline, filiform, simple, or branched, 1.5-2 (x in diameter, the tips swollen to 2.5-3 jjl and glued together forming a yel- lowish epithecium. On various species of Prunus. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New Hampshire to Washington and South Carolina. Illustrations: Phill. Brit. Discom. pi. 10, f. 66; New Phytologist 12: 209,/. i, 2; 211,/. 3; Mycologia 38: 366,/. 5, 6; 383,/. 28, 395;/. 43. ExsiCCATi: Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 3118 (as Dermatea Cerasi) . 362 The North American Cup-Fungi 11. Dermea piceina Groves, Mycologia 38: 404. 1946. Conidial bodies erumpent, mostly single, minute, black, or greenish-black, .1-.3 mm. in diameter, almost globose, opening above and the spores emerging in a whitish, or pale-greenish mass or cirrhus; conidiophores lining the cavity, hyaline, cylindric, tapering to a tip, simple, or 1-3-septate; microconidia hyaline, filiform, simple, strongly curved, ends rounded, 1-1.5 X 9-15 /x- Apothecia erumpent, single, or cespitose in clusters of two to six, circular, or slightly undulated, sessile, narrowed below and substipitate, .5-1.5 mm. in diameter, .5-1 mm. high, dark reddish- brown to almost black; asci cylindric-clavate, short-stalked, 8- spored, reaching a length of 75-100 jj. and a diameter of 14-16 ju; spores ellipsoid, or ovoid, hyaline, becoming brownish, simple, or 1-3-septate, irregularly 2-seriate, 6-8 X 12-18 /i; paraphyses hyaline, filiform, simple, or branched, 1.5-2 fx in diameter, the tips swollen to 3 fx, forming a slight epithecium. On branches of Picea glauca. Type locality: Petawawa Forest Experiment Station, Ontario, Canada. Distribution : Known onl^- from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 38: 375,/. 11, 12; 383,/. 32; 398, /. 52. 12. Dermea pinicola Groves, Mycologia 38: 403. 1946. Conidial stage a rounded, fleshy stroma about .5 mm. in diameter, containing a single cavity; conidiophores, hyaline, cylindric, simple, or branched, 3-4 X 20-45 /x; conidia elongate- fusiform, to subfiliform, 1-3-septate, hyaline, sometimes yellow- ish, mostly sickle-shaped, or nearly straight, one end more acute than the other, 4-6 X 30-50 m- Apothecia erumpent, single, or cespitose in clusters of two to six each, circular, or slightly undulate, sessile, narrowed below, .3-.8 mm. in diameter, .2-4 mm. high, dark reddish-brown to black, leathery to horny, softer when moist; hymenium concave, becoming plane, or slightly convex, the margin slightly raised ; asci cylindric-clavate, short-stalked, 8-spored, reaching a length of 70-100 /x and a diameter of 14-20 m; spores ellipsoid-fusiform, hyahne, straight, or slightly curved, simple, or 1 -septate, irregu- larly 2-seriate, 5-7.5 X 18-20 m; paraphyses hyaline, filiform, simple, or branched, 1.5-2 /x in diameter, the tips swollen to 3 /x and glued together forming an epithecium. Dermea 363 On branches of Finns Strohus. Type locality: West mainland, Lake Temagami, Ontario, Canada. Distribution: Vermont to Ontario. Illustrations: Mycologia 38: 375,/. 15; 398,/. 51 a-b. 13. Dermea Libocedri Groves, Mycologia 38: 382. 1946. Conidial fruiting bodies erumpent, separate, black, minute, .2-. 3 mm. in diameter and about the same in height, rounded to subcylindric, opening at the tip, containing a single ovoid, or slightly lobed cavity lined with the conidiophores; conidiophores hyaline, cylindric, pointed at the tip, simple, or branched near the base, occasionally septate, 2.5-3.5 X 20-30 /x; conidia elon- gate-filiform, hyaline, sickle-shaped, pointed at the ends, 1-3- septate, 4-6 X 42-65 /x; microconidia hyaline, filiform, simple, straight, or curved, ends not pointed, 1-1.5 X 10-18 m- Apothccia erumpent, single, or in clusters of two to four each, sessile, slightly narrowed below, circular, or slightly undulated, .3-. 5 mm. in diameter, .2-.3 mm. high, dark brownish-black, fleshy-leathery when moist; hymenium concave to plane, black; asci cylindric-clavate, short-stalked, 8-spored, reaching a length of 75-100 fjL and a diameter of 12-17 /x; spores ellipsoid-fusoid, hyaline, 1-3-septate, straight, or slightly curved, irregularly 2-seriate, 6-8 X 15-20 m; paraphyses hyaline, filiform, simple, or branched, 1.5-2 /x in diameter, the tips swollen to 3-4 /x and forming an epithecium. On Libocedrus decurrens. Type locality: Darlingtonia, California. Distribution: Known onh- from the type locality. Illustrations: Mycologia 38: 366,/. 7; 383,/. 31; 400,/. 57. 14. Dermea Hamamelidis (Peck) Groves, Mycologia 32: 743. 1940. Patellaria Hamamelidis Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 33: 32. 1880. Lecanidion Hamamelidis Sacc. S\ll. Fung. 8: 800. 1889. Dermatella Hamamelidis Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 45: 149. 1893. (as a new species). Dermatella Hamamelidis Durand, Bull. Torrey Club 29: 464. 1902. Conidial fruiting bodies, minute, about .15-. 20 mm. in diam- eter, erumpent through and splitting the outer bark, appearing as thickly scattered, blister-like elevations in the bark, the spores emerging through the cracks in the bark when moist; conidio- 364 The North American Cup-Fungi phores simple, hyaline, tapering above to a slender tip, 2X10- 25 fjL] conidia elongate-fusiform to subfiliform, hyaline, simple, or 1-septate, straight, or curved, one end often narrower than the other, 4.5-6 X 18-25 n; no microconidia observed. Apothecia erumpent, more or less in rows, single, or in small clusters, circular, or somewhat undulated, sessile, narrowed below, .3-.8 mm. in diameter, .2-. 4 mm. high, dark reddish- brown to black, leathery to horny, softer when moist; hymenium concave to plane, or finally convex; asci cylindric-clavate, short- stalked, 8-spored, reaching a length of 80-120 n and a diameter of 12-15 fx] spores ellipsoid-fusiform, hyaline to yellowish, straight, or slightly curved, irregularly 2-seriate, simple, or 1-3- septate, 5-7.5 X 15-20 n; paraphyses filiform, hyaline, simple, or branched, 1.5-2 fx in diameter, the tips slightly swollen and glued together, forming a yellowish epithecium. On branches of Ilamamelis virginiana. Type locality: Clinton, Catskill Mountains. Distribution: New Hampshire to Pennsylvania and Canada. Illustrations: Mycologia 32: 737,/. /, £, F; 742, f. 6-8; 38: 379,/. 17, 25; 386,/. 41; 395,/. 46. ExsiccATi: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2634; Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 2016. 15. Dermea Tulasnei Groves, Mycologia 38: 399. 1946. Cenangium Fraxini Tul. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. 20: 140. 1853. Not Peziza Fraxini Schw. 1822. Cenangella Fraxini Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 590. 1889. Dermea Fraxini Rehni, Ber. Bayer. Bot. Ges. 13: 196. 1912. Conidial bodies erumpent, rounded to short-conical, .15-. 50 mm. in diameter and .2-. 4 mm. high, in elongated clusters up to 1 mm. in length, dark reddish-brown to black, softer than the apothecia, containing one, or sometimes several, more or less ovoid, simple to slightly chambered cavities which open irregu- larly at the top; conidiophores cylindric, simple, or branched, attenuated above, 4-5 X 25-50 /x; conidia hyaline to yellowish- green, fusiform, or subfiliform, simple, or occasionally septate, strongly curved to almost straight, 6-8 X 40-50 /x. Apothecia erumpent, single, or in small clusters, circular, or slightly undulate, sessile, slightly narrowed below, .5-1 mm. in diameter, .2-.6 mm. high, waxy-leathery to horny, softer when moist; hymenium concave to plane, or slightly convex, dark ^ Dermea 365 reddish-brown to almost black; asci cylindric-clavate, tapering into a short stalk, 8-spored, reaching a length of 85-115 ^ and a diameter of 14-20 m; spores hyaline to pale yellowish-green, ellipsoid-fusiform, straight, or slightly curved, simple, or 1-3- septate, irregularly 2-seriate, 6-10 X 15-22 n; paraphyses hya- line, filiform, usually branched, the tips swollen and glued to- gether forming a yellowish epithecium. On species of Fraxinus, Fraxinus nigra. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Canada; also in Europe. Illustrations: Mycologia 38: 375,/. 13, 14; 386,/. 37; 400, f.55. 16. Dermea Chionanthi Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 45: 148. 1893. Conidial fruiting bodies erumpent, single, black, about .2- .4 mm. in diameter and .2 mm. high, irregularly rounded to slightly conical, opening widely at the top, fleshy-membranous, containing a single cavity on the base of which the conidiophores are borne; conidiophores hyaline, cylindric, simple, or occasion- ally branched, tapering above to a tip on which the conidia are borne, 3.4 X 12-20 n; conidia elongate-fusiform to subfiliform hyaline, curved, sickle-shaped to almost straight, simple, or 1- septate, bluntly pointed at the ends, 5-7 X 25-35 ju; no micro- conidia observed. Apothecia erumpent, gregarious, often more or less in rows, single, or cespitose, sessile, slightly narrowed below, circular, or undulated, .4-1 mm. in diameter, .2-.4 mm. high, dark-reddish, or olivaceous-brown to black, leathery, or horny, softer when moist; hymenium at first concave, becoming plane to slightly convex, reddish-brown to black; asci cylindric-clavate, narrowed below into a rather short stalk, 8-spored, reaching a length of 90-110 )u and a diameter of 15-20 n; spores ellipsoid to ellipsoid- fusoid, hyaline, becoming yellowish, simple, often becoming 1-3- septate, straight, or slightly curved, irregularly 2-seriate, 6-7 X 18-25 ju; paraphyses hyaline, filiform, simple, or occasionally branched, 1.5-2.5 ^ in diameter, the tips swollen to 3-4 n in diameter and forming an epithecium. On branches of Chionanthus virginica. Type locality: Wilmington, Delaware. Distribution: Delaware and Marvland. 366 The North American Cup-Fungi Illustrations: Mycologia 38: 375,/. 10; 398,/. 48. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 2635; Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 2423. 17. Dermea Mori Peck, Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 157: 46. 1912. Apothecia erumpent and usually occurring singly, patellate, reaching a diameter of 1-2 mm., black, or blackish; hymenium plane or nearly so, similar in color to the outside of the apothe- cium; asci broad-clavate, reaching a length of 80-90 fi and a diameter of 20 25 ji, 8-spored; spores irregularly 2-seriate, hya- line, apparently simple, ellipsoid, or slipper-shaped, 8-10 X 20- 30 m; paraphyses slender, hyaline below but ends forming a brown epithecium. On dead twigs of Russian mulberry. Morns alba tartarica. Type locality: Concordia, Kansas. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. Description drawn from part of original collection sent from Albany by Dr. H. D. House. From the material examined it seems to be properly placed in the genus. Doubtful and Excluded Species Dermatea crypta Cooke, Grevillea 16: 70. 1888. Ellis states: "This ap- pears to be the same thing I have published in Torr. Bull, as Dermatea olivacea on Ilex glabra Newfield, N. J. 1875". Dermatea cucurbitaria Cooke; Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 6S; Tryblidium cucurbi- taria Rehm, Ber. Naturh. Ver. Augsburg 26: 78. 1881. This is regarded as a Tryblidium. Dermatea Cydoniae Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 237. 1832. On Cydonia. According to Groves, this is not a discomycete. Dermatea Eucalypti Cooke & Hark.; Cooke, Grevillea 9: 130. 1881. This according to Groves is apparently not a Dermea but it is impossible to place it. Dermatea ferruginea (Cooke & Ellis) Rehm, Ann. Myc. 2: 353. 1904; Patellaria ferruginea Cooke & Ellis, Grevillea 5:91. 1 877. Groves states that this is probably a Pezicula but its identity is uncertain. Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 148 under this name is on stems of Desmodiiim. Dermatea olivacea Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 6: 133. 1876. According to Groves this is probably a Pezicula. The species, however, needs more study from fresh material. It was originally reported on Ilex glabra. See N, Am. Fungi 851. The name as pointed out by Groves is invalid having been previ- ously used. Dermatea puberula Durand, Jour. Myc. 10: 101. 1904. This according to Groves is not a Dermea and its position is uncertain. Dermatea Xanthoxyli Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 31: 47. 1877. This is Thyronectria pyrrhochlora (Auersw.) Sacc. , MURANGIUM 367 11. DURANDIELLA Seaver, Mycologia 24: 261. 1932. Durandia Rehm, Ann. Myc. 11: 166. 1913. Not Durandia Bockel, 1896. Apothecia erumpent, coriaceous, black as in Tympanis; asci clavate, containing many minute, spermatoid, spore-like bodies as in Tympanis and in addition normal ascospores; paraph yses filiform. Type species, Peziza Fraxini Schw. In a previous paper (Mycologia 37: 336) this genus was re- garded as a synonym of Godronia. Groves (Mycologia 29: 79) believes that this should be retained as a distinct genus. It might be characterized as a Tympanis with ascospores. We have a similar situation in Scoleconectria of the Hypo- creales in which the normal spores are often obscured by the numerous spermatoid, spore-like bodies. 1. Durandiella Fraxini (Schw.) Seaver, comb, nov, Peziza Fraxini Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1: 123. 1822. Tympanis Fraxini Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 174. 1822. ?Sphaeronema Fraxini Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 29: 71. 1878. ?Sphaerographium Fraxini Sacc. Syll. Fung. 3: 598. 1884. Durandia Fraxini Groves, Mycologia 29: 78. 1937. Godronia Fraxini Seaver, Mycologia 37: 350. 1945. Apothecia erumpent in clusters of three to ten, or rarely occurring singly, black, or blackish, reaching a diameter of 1 mm., circular, or irregular from mutual pressure; hymenium plane or nearly so, similar in color to the outside of the apothecium; asci clavate, reaching a length of 120-150 m and a diameter of 10-12 m, 8-spored; spores filiform, attenuated at either end, septate, 2.5-3 X 50-90 M, accompanied by minute sprematoid, spore-like bodies; paraphyses filiform. The apothecia often accompanied with Sphaerographium Fraxini which appears to be its conidial stage. On branches of Fraxinus americana. Type locality: North Carolina. Distribution: North Carolina to Massachusetts, Ontario and Ohio. ExsicCATi: Barth. Fungi Columb. 3885; Rehm, Ascom. 2027 (from Canada); Reliq. Farlow. 155 a-b. 12. MURANGIUM Seaver, gen. nov. Apothecia as in Cenangium, gregarious, or congested; asci broad-clavate, 8-spored; spores very large, ellipsoid, hyaline, or brown, becoming muriform. 368 The North American Cup-Fungi Apotheciis erumpentibus; ascis clavatis; sporis muriforniibus. Type species, Cenangium Sequoiae Plow. 1. Murangium Sequoiae (Plow.) Seaver, comb. nov. Cenangium Sequoiae Plow.; Phill. Grevillea 7: 23. 1878. Scleroderris Sequoiae Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 596. 1889. Apothecia erumpent through the crevices of the bark, usually in linear groups, often congested, turbinate, at first closed, open- ing with an irregular aperture; hymenium concave, or nearly plane; asci very broad-clavate, reaching a length of 140 ju and a diameter of 30-40 ^i, 8-spored, tapering abruptly into a stem-like base; spores irregularly disposed in the ascus, broad-ellipsoid, the contents granular, becoming 1-3-scptate, then muriform, 16 X 33-36 jx; paraphyses filiform. On bark of Sequoia gigantea and Juniperus virginiana. Type locality: California. Distribution: South Carolina and California. ExsiCCATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 671; Rav. Fungi Am. 634. 13. TYMPANIS Tode, Fungi Meckl. 1: 23. 1790; Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 173. 1822. Apothecia erumpent as in Dermea, single, or cespitose, usually hard and coriaceous, dark-brown, or black; hymenium concave to plane at maturity; asci clavate, filled with numerous spermatoid, spore-like bodies; paraphyses filiform. Type species, Tympanis saligna Tode. The genus Tympanis comprises a number of species in which normal ascospores are absent or undeveloped. Ascospores some- times develop in addition to the spermatoid bodies in which case the species is transferred to some other genus depending upon the nature of the ascospores (see DiirandieUa Fraxini); the species listed here are those in which no definite ascospores have been observed. On coniferous hosts, Pinus, Abies. 1. T. Pinastri. On nonconiferous hosts. On species of Alnus. 2. T. ahiea. On species of Populus. 3. T. spermatiospora. On Oxydendruni. 4. T. Oxydendri. On miscellaneous hosts. Spermatoid bodies .5 X 1-2 ^l. 5. T. conspersa. Spermatoid bodies 1.5 X 4-5 ^x. 6. T. fasciculata. ^ Tympanis 369 1. Tympanis Pinastri (Pers.) Tul. Fung. Carp. 3: 151. 1865. Cenangium Pinastri Pers. Obs. Myc. 2: 83. 1799. Phacidium Pinastri Fries, Scler. Suec. 55. 1820. Cenangium Pinastri Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 184. 1822. Tryblidium Pinastri Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 369. 1849. Cenangium laricinum Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 270. 1869. Tryblidiopsis Pinastri V^arst. Myc. ¥enn. 1:262. 1871. Micropera Pinastri Sacc. Michelia 2: 104. 1880. Cenangella Pinastri Sacc. Syli. Fung. 8: 588. 1889. Apothecia scattered, erumpent, occurring either singly, or in cespitose clusters on a stroma, short-stipitate, at first closed, expanding and becoming turbinate, black, or blackish, reaching a diameter of 1 mm.; hymenium concave, becoming plane, or convex, lighter than the outside of the apothecium, cinereous; asci clavate, reaching a length of 120-130 /x and a diameter of 12 IX, filled with minute, spore-like bodies, 1 X 2-2.5 ju; paraphy- ses filiform, branched at their apices, reaching a diameter of 3 /x. The pycnidial stage, Micropera Pinastri, is described with pycnospores fusoid-falcate, 5-7 X 50-60 ju. On Abies halsamea, Finns rigida and Pinus Strobus. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Newfoundland to Washington and Colorado. Illustrations: Tul. Fung. Carp. 3: pi. I 'J, f. 10-12; Rab. Krypt.-Fl. P: 245,/. 1. ExsiCCATi: Reliq. Farlow. 156 a-b; Rav. Fungi Car. 3: 63. 2. Tympanis alnea (Pers.) Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 174. 1822. Pezisa alnea Pers. Syn. Fung. 673. 1801. Tympanis conspersa alnea Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 227. 1871. Apothecia erumpent in cespitose clusters of three to twenty each, on a rounded, black stroma 3-4 mm. in diameter, the individual apothecia short-stipitate, reaching a diameter of .3-.5 mm., black but often covered with a whitish, powdery coat; asci cylindrical-clavate, reaching a length of 150-160 /i and a diameter of 15-20 /x, filled with numerous spore-like bodies; paraphyses branched enlarged at their tips where they reach a diameter of 6 /x, brown, forming a brown epithecium. On branches of Alnus, Alnus tenuifolia and Alnus incana. Type locality : Europe. Distribution: Newfoundland to New York and Montana. This species is very similar to Tympanis cespitosa and was regarded as a variety by Karsten. The specimen in Schweinitz, 370 The North American Cup-Fungi North American Fungi 1961 is a Godronia. Other specimens, however, do not show the Godronia type of spore so the species is allowed to remain in the present genus. 3. Tympanis spermatiospora (Nyl.) Nyl. Not. Soc. Fauna FI. Fenn. 10: 70. 1869. ?Dermea populnea Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 237. 1832. Not Peziza populnea Pers. 1797. Patellaria spermatiospora Nyl. Not. Soc. Fauna FI. Fenn. 4: 125. 1858. Cenangium- popidinum Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 268. 1869. Tympanis populina Sacc. Bot. Cent. 18: 247. 1884. Cenangium spermatiosporiim Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 560. 1889. ? Cenangium Schweinitzii Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 576. 1889. Apothecia erumpent, occurring either singly, or more often in dense, cespitose clusters, the individual apothecia short-stipitate, at first closed and knob-like, opening and gradually expanding and becoming shallow cup-shaped, or turbinate, black, reaching a diameter of 1 mm.; hymenium concave, or nearly plane, brownish-black; asci clavate, reaching a length of 75-80 /x and a diameter of 12 /i, densely filled with spore-like bodies 1 X 3- 3.5 jj.; paraphyses slender, enlarged above, the ends adhering and forming a brown epithecium. On dead branches of Populus, especially Populiis tremuloides. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: Newfoundland to New York, Idaho, Colorado and Iowa; also in Europe. 4. Tympanis Oxydendri Ellis & Ev. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 1894: 352. 1894. Apothecia erumpent in cespitose clusters of three to five each, the individual apothecia expanding and becoming subturbinate, reaching a diameter of .5-. 75 mm. ; hymenium becoming plane, or convex, lighter than the outside of the apothecium, greenish- black when dry; asci cylindrical-clavate, reaching a length of 110-130 /i and a diameter of 15-18 yu, filled with minute spore- like bodies 1 X 2.5-3 /x; paraphyses slender, abundant, freely branched, hyaline. On dead limbs of Oxydendrum arhoreum. Type locality: Nuttalburg, West Virginia. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. ExsiCCATi: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 3043; Fungi Columb. 247. Tympanis 371 This closely resembles Tympanis fasckulafa but is distin- guished by the greenish hymenium. 5. Tympanis conspersa Fries Syst. Myc. 2: 175. 1822, Sphaeria cespitosa Tode, Fungi Mecki. 2: 41. 1791. Sphaeria Aucupariae Pers. Syn. Fung. 51. 1801. Peziza Pyri Pers. Syn. Fung. 671. 1801. Sphaeria conspersa Fries, Vet. Akad. Handl. 1817: 112. 1817. Cenangium Aucupariae Fries, Syst. Myc. 2: 181. 1822. Tympanis Aucupariae Wallr. Fl. Cr\pt. Germ. 2: 427. 1833. Peziza Aucupariae Pers. Myc. Eu. 1: 327. 1822. Apothecia erumpent in cespitose clusters of ten to twenty each, seated on a fleshy- stroma, at first closed, gradually ex- panding and becoming turbinate, with a short, thick stem, reaching a diameter of .5-1 mm., black but often covered with a whitish mealy coat, semicartilaginous when fresh, horny when dry; hymenium plane, or slightly concave, blackish; asci cy- lindric-clavate, reaching a length of 175 /^ and a diameter of 18-20 n, filled with minute, spore-like bodies .5 X 1-2 ^u; pa- raphyses slender, branched, brown above and forming a brown epithecium. On branches of various kinds, Mains, Tilia and Priiniis. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York and New Jersey to Massachusetts, also in Europe. Illustrations: Tode, Fungi Meckl. 2: pi. 14, f. 113; Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. pi. 338; Phill. Brit. Discom. pi. 11, f. 67; Rab. Crypt.-Fl. P: 245,/. 2. ExsicCATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 66; Barth. Fungi Columb. 4588; Reliq. Farlow. 153. 6. Tympanis fasciculata Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 237. 1832. Apothecia erumpent in fascicles of two to six apothecia each, the individual apothecia becoming expanded and subturbinate, black, reaching a diameter of .5 mm. ; hymenium concave, or nearly plane, similar in color to the outside of the apothecium; asci cylindric-clavate, reaching a length of 130 /x and a diameter of 15 /i, filled with minute, spore-like bodies 1.5 X 4-5 ju; pa- raphyses very slender, branched. On branches of Viburnum Lentago; also on Rhus and Cornus. Type locality: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. 372 The North American Cup-Fungi Distribution: New Jersey and Pennsylvania to Ontario. ExsiccATi: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 65; Rehm, Ascom. 423 (from Newfield, New Jersey). For additional information on Tympanis see Groves, Myco- logia 41 : 59-76. 1949. Doubtful and Excluded Species Tympanis cinerascens Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 237. 1832. On unidentified branches, Easton [Pennsylvania]. Tympanis gyrosa Berk. & Curt.; Berk. Grevillea 4: 3. 1875. The species was described from sterile specimens. No authentic material has been seen. Tympanis plicatocrenulata (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 8: 580. 1889; Peziza plicate crenata Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1: 123. 1822. Material in the Schweinitz collection was very scant and looked more like a Tapesia. Tympanis saligna Tode, Fungi Meckl. 1: 24, pi. 4, f. 37. 1790. Reported on very scant material. Tympatiis pithya Karst. Myc. Fenn. 1: 228. 1871. This species has been reported on Pinus albicaulis at Horse Camp on Mt. Shasta. See Groves. Position Doubtful HAEMATOMYXA Sacc. Bot. Cent. 18: 250. 1884. Apothecia subglobose, finally subpatellate, irregularly sub- cerebriform, gelatinous; asci broadly clavate, 8-spored; spores becoming muriform, brown. Type species, Ilaematomyces vinosus Cooke & Ellis. Spores large 8-10 X 25-30 /x. \. H. vinosa. Spores small 8-10 X 18-20 yu. 2. H. ascoboloides. 1. Haematomyxa vinosa (Cooke & Ellis) Sacc. Bot. Cent. 18: 250. 1884. (Plate 150, Fig. 1.) Haematomyces vinosus Cooke & Ellis, Grevillea 4: 179. 1876. Dothiora rufa (Ellis & Ev. in herb.); Rehm, .Ann. Myc. 10: 397. 1912. Haematomyxa rufa Rehm, Ann. Myc. 10: 397. 1912. Apothecia at first subglobose, becoming patellate and irregu- larly gyrose, wine-colored to blackish; less than 1 mm. in diam- eter; asci broad-clavate, 8-spored; spores broad-ellipsoid, slightly constricted in the middle, becoming muriform; paraphyses sparse. On decorticated oak. Type locality: Newfield, New Jersey. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. The species shows some affinity with the Patellariaceae. CUP-FUNGI PLATE^ISO ;.T Y- 1. HAEMATOMYXA VINOSA 2. HAEMATOMYXA ASCOBOLOIDES Sarcompces 373 2. Haematomyxa ascoboloides Ellis & Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 27: 60. 1900. (Plate 150, Fig. 2.) Apothecia orbicular, fleshy-tremelloid, convex-discoid and wine-colored when fresh, concave and nearly black when dry, .5-.75 mm. in diameter; asci clavate-cylindric, reaching a length of 80-100 M and a diameter of 12-15 ju- 8-spored; spores 1 -seriate, ellipsoid, becoming 3-septate and muriform, 8-10 X 18-20 n; paraphyses filiform, branched. On weathered oak. Type locality: Kansas. Distribution: Known only from the type locality. SARCOMYCES Massee, Jour. Myc. 6: 178. 1891. Apothecia subgelatinous, subsessile, occurring singly, or several in a cluster, reaching a diameter of 2.5 cm.; asci cylindric, 8-spored; spores becoming muriform and brown. Type species, Tremella vinosa Berk. & Curt. 1. Sarcomyces vinosa (Berk. & Curt.) Massee, Grevillea 20: 14. 1891. Tremella vinosa Berk. & Curt, in herb.; Massee, Jour. Myc. 6: 179. 1891. Apothecia as above; spores 1 -seriate, becoming 3-septate and muriform, 8-10 X 21-24 yu; paraphyses numerous, not thickened above, 2-5 ^ thick. Type locality: Venezuela. Distribution: Venezuela and South Carolina, Massee states that this species has much the appearance and habitat of Bulgaria inquinans but of a dark-purple color. It is recorded from South Carolina but no material has been seen. It would doubtless belong with our Ascotremelleae. EXPLANATION OF PLATES (Continued from previous volume) Plate 75 (frontispiece) Ciborinia bifrons. A branch of Popuhis tremuloides showing health}- and infected leaves. Below, photograph of three sclerotia somewhat reduced; also enlarged photographs of two sclerotia with apothecia. The enlarged photo- graphs were made by Paul F. Shope from fresh material collected in Colorado. Plate 76 (P. 10) Mitrula phalloides. Upper figure, habitat from leaves submerged in water. Center, Ombrophila Clavus on oak leaf. Lower figure, several asco- phores, about natural size. Photographs furnished by L. R. Hesler (in part). Plate 77 (P. 28) Trichoglossum velutipes. Photographs of a group of ascophores, about natural size with drawings of an ascus with spores, tips of paraphyses and tip of a ruptured ascus; also one of the setae from the ascophore. Photographed from material collected in New Jersey by Mr. Fred R. Lewis. Plate 78 (P. 30) Trichoglossum hirsutum. This is regarded as a capitate form of the above. Photograph of a clump of sporophores, about natural size or slightly enlarged. Drawings of an ascus with spores, the end of a ruptured ascus, the tip of a paraph>'sis, one spore removed from the ascus and one of the setae. From material collected near Arden, New York, by Fred R. Lewis. Plate 79 (P. 32) Trichoglossum Wn'ghtii. Photograph of ascophores from material col- lected in Bermuda by H. H. Whetzel, F. J. Seaver, and L. Ogilvie, Jan. 1926, about natural size, with drawings of portion of ascus with spores and tip of seta. Setting improvised from Bermuda limestone and soil. Plate 80 (P. 34) Trichoglossum Farlowii. Photograph of ascophores, about natural size, with drawings of ascus with spores and paraphyses; also one of the setae. Photographed from material collected during foray at Ithaca, August, 1931. Plate 81 (P. 36) ITppER FIGURE (1). Spathtilaria velutipes. Photograph of ascophores, about natural size, with drawings of spores. Lower figure (2). Spathularia clavata. Photograph of ascophores, about natural size, with drawings of ascus with spores and paraphysis. Photo- graphs furnished by the Dominion National Museum, Canada. Plate 82 (P. 38) Upper figure (1). Leotia lubrica. Photographed from material collect- ed in The New York Botanical Garden, about natural size, with drawings of ascus, spores, and paraphysis. 374 Explanation of Plates 375 Lower figure (2). Ctidonia circinans. Photographed by Paul F. Shope from material collected in Colorado in 1929, about natural size, with drawings portion of ascus, spores, and paraphysis. Plate 83 (P. 50) Monilinia fructicola. Above, mummified fruits with conidia and young apothecia; also drawings of conidia. Below, mummified fruits with mature apothecia, about natural size; also drawings of ascus with spores and paraphy- ses. Photographs furnished by Edwin E. Honey. Plate 84 (P. 54) Monilinia Seaveri. Center, branches of wild cherry showing leaves in- fected with the conidial stage of the fungus Monilia Seaveri. Above, drawing of the conidia. Below, several seeds with the apothecial stage, about natural size. Left, ascus with spores and paraphysis. Plate 85 (P. 58) Upper figure (i). Seaverinia Geranii. Photograph of the rootstocks of wild Geranium with growth of Botrytis. Center, drawing of a cluster of conidia with some immature at the extreme left. Lower figure (2). Seaverinia Geranii. Photograph of a clump of apo- thecia. Left, drawing of ascus with spores. Below, three spores germinating. Plate 86 (P. 60) Streptolinia Arisaemae. 21, concentricalh' arranged sclerotia from conidia on potato agar, natural size; 22, conidia with typically twisted branches; 23, upper surface of leaf of Arisaema triphyllum, natural size; 24, Botrytis strep- tothrix on Oronlium aquaticum, structure of sclerotium. From H. H. Whetzel. Plate 87 (P. 68) Martinia panamaensis. 1, conidia, developed on potato dextrose agar; 2, two plantings of sclerotia showing tendency to aggregate and coalesce; 3, stick with apothecia developed from sclerotia on bark in moist chamber, twice enlarged; 4, apothecia developed from sclerotia grown on potato dextrose agar. From H. H. Whetzel. Plate 88 (P. 70) Ciborinia bifrons. .Above, photograph of poplar leaves, showing shot- holes, where the sclerotia had dropped out. Below, photograph of a number of sclerotia producing apothecia. Photographs made from dried specimens, about natural size. Pl.\te 89 (P. 72) Ciborinia Whetzelii. Above, sclerotia on leaf of Populus tremuloides. Below, apothecia arising from sclerotia, natural size. From H. H. Whetzel. Plate 90 (P. 74) Sclerotinia tuberosa. Above, photograph of several apothecia from New York City, about natural size. Below, several apothecia removed from the ground, with diagram showing position of sclerotia in the soil. Left, drawing of ascus with spores and paraphysis. 376 The North American Cup-Fungi Plate 91 (P. 76) Sclerotinia Caricis-ampullaceae. Upper figure, left, part of the type speci- men in Carex inflata from Finland. Center, clump of apothecia attached to a sclerotium, part of which is broken off, from specimen collected by Dr. C. L. Porter in Medicine Bow Mt. Swamp, Wyoming. Right, apothecia on sclero- tium attached to leaves of Carex aquatilis, from Sweden. Lower figure, apo- thecia in natural setting in Medicine Bow Mountains. Photographed by Dr. C. L. Porter, one-half natural size. F~rom H. H. Whetzel. Plate 92 (P. 78) Sclerotinia Duriaeana. Upper left-hand corner, photographs of host with several sclerotia. Upper right-hand corner, drawings of ascus with spores and paraphysis. Below, photographs of apothecia, about natural size. Photo- graphs furnished by H. H. Whetzel. Plate 93 (P. 84) Cihoria amentacea. Photograph of alder catkins bearing apothecia, about natural size. At the left, drawing of an ascus with spores and paraphysis. Below, drawing of one apothecium, much enlarged. Above, portion of ascus showing pore and three spores isolated. Photographed from material collected in Oregon by J. R. Keinholz in 1932. Plate 94 (P. 86) Upper figure (1). Ciboria pseudotuberosa. Photograph of apothecia on old acorns, with drawing of an ascus with spores and paraphyses. Lower figure (2). Ciboria Caucus. Several apothecia on catkins of Salix, collected in Hood River region, Oregon by J. R. Keinholz. Plate 95 (P. 88) Ciboria carunculoides. Upper figure, stromatized fruits of mulberry, Morus, the sclerotial stage. Below, photographs of apothecia arising from sclerotia, about natural size. From H. H. Whetzel and F. A. Wolf. Plate 96 (P. 90) Sclerotinia Smilacinae. Photographs of two clumps of apothecia, about natural size. Photographs furnished by H. H. Whetzel. Above, drawing of an ascus with spores and paraphyses. Pl.\te 97 (P. 92) Midotis Westii. Center, photograph of several clumps of apothecia, about twice natural size. Above, drawing of an apothecium, several times enlarged with ascus and spores. Below, several apothecia in different stages of develop- ment. Plate 98 (P. 96) Podophacidium xanthomelum. Center, photograph of apothecia showing habitat, somewhat enlarged. Left, ascus with spores and tip of paraphysis. Right, portion of empty ascus. Above, three spores. Below, drawing of two apothecia much enlarged. Photographed from material collected at the Mycological Foray in Quebec during the summer of 1938. ^ Explanation of Plates 377 Plate 99 (P. 98) Upper figure (1). Midotis versiformis. Photographs of apothecia in various stages of development, about natural size; also drawings of ascus with spores and paraphysis. Photographs furnished by the Dominion National Museum, Canada. Lower figure (2). Chlorociboria strobilina. Photographs of spruce cone with apothecia, about natural size; also one scale removed with apothecia. Upper right-hand corner, drawings of two apothecia, enlarged about two diam- eters; also drawing of ascus with spores and paraphysis. Photographed from material collected in Michigan by Dow V. Baxter. Plate 100 (P. 100) Kriegeria Seaveri. Photograph of type material collected in Montana by J. R. Weir, somewhat enlarged. At the right, drawings of branches bearing apothecia, much enlarged; also several apothecia removed. At the left, drawing of ascus with spores and paraphyses. Below, two spores removed from the ascus. Plate 101 (P. 102) Kriegeria enterochroma. Near center, photograph of branch, much en- larged, showing apothecia. Below, drawings of apothecia removed. At the left, drawing of an ascus with spores and paraphysis. At the right, drawings of three spores removed from the ascus. Below, drawings of apothecia, much enlarged. Photographed from material collected by H. S. Jackson in Ontario, Canada. Plate 102 (P. 104) Kriegeria cedrina. Center, photograph of two branches of cedar with apothecia, from material collected by F. A. Wolf in North Carolina. Below, three apothecia, very much enlarged. Left, drawing of ascus with spores and tips of paraphyses. Right, tip of ruptured ascus showing ascostome and below two mature spores. Plate 103 (P. 108) Upper figure (1). Calycina holaris. Photographs of several apothecia, about natural size. At the left, drawing of ascus with spores and paraphysis. At the right, several spores. Photographs furnished by H. H. Whetzel. Lower figure (2). Calycina macrospora. Photograph of several apo- thecia, about natural size, with drawings of ascus with spores and paraphysis. Photograph furnished by the Dominion National Museum, Canada. Pl.\te 104 (P. 112) Upper figure (1). Helotium virgnUorum. Photographs of apothecia on alder roots, about natural size. Lower right-hand corner, one apothecium en- larged. Near center, drawing of ascus with spores and paraphysis. Above, three isolated spores. Lower figure (2). Helotium citrinum. Photographs of dead wood with the often confluent, apothecia, about natural size. At the left, drawing of ascus with spores and paraphysis; also two isolated spores and one apothecium enlarged. Photographed from materia! collected in Colorado by F. J. Seaver and Paul F. Shope in 1929. 378 The North American Cup-Fungi Plate 105 (P. 120) Helotium nyssicola. Above, photographs of a number of seeds of Nyssa sylvaiica with apothecia, removed from the soil, about natural size. Below, photographs of apothecia as they appear above the soil. At the left, drawing of ascus with spores and paraphysis. Near center, drawings of three spores isolated. Photographed from type material collected near the Museum building of The New York Botanical Garden. Plate 106 (P. 124) Helotium rhizicola. Photographs of roots of Polygonum and Collinsonia with apothecia, about natural size. At the right, drawing of ascus with spores and paraphysis; also three isolated spores. Photographed from type material collected in The New York Botanical Garden. Plate 107 (P. 128) Upper figure (1). Helotium Conocarpi. Photograph of part of leaf with apothecia, about four times enlarged. Right, ascus with spores and paraphysis, portion of empty ascus and free spores. Below, drawings of two apothecia, much enlarged. Lower figure (2). Helotium atrosubiculatum. Several apothecia on portion of leaf, about three times enlarged. Below, drawing of apothecium and spores. Left, ascus with spores and paraphysis. Plate 108 (P. 134) Helotium cudonioides. Below, photograph of a group of apothecia on rot- ten wood, about two and one-half times enlarged. Above, drawings of three apothecia in different stages and from different angles. Left, ascus with spores and paraphysis. Right, empty ascus showing ascostome. Plate 109 (P. 178) Belonioscypha lactea. Photograph of apothecia on Liriodendron much en- larged. Photograph furnished by L. O. Overholts from Pennsylvania. Above, drawings of several apothecia, enlarged, also an ascus with spores and paraphy- sis and three spores isolated. Plate 110 (P. 180) Upper figure (1). Gorgoniceps aridula. Photographs of several scales from cones of Pinus pungens collected in Pennsylvania by L. O. Overholts. At the left, drawing of an ascus with spores. Above, drawing of one apothe- cium, enlarged; also one spore isolated. Lower figure (2). Gorgoniceps confluens. Photographs of rotten wood bearing apothecia, with drawings of three apothecia below, much enlarged. At the right, an ascus with spores. Above, one spore, isolated. Photographed from type material collected in Bermuda by Stewardson Brown, N. L. Britton, and F. J. Seaver in the winter of 1912. Plate HI (P. 184) Apostemidium vibrisseoides. Photograph of sticks bearing apothecia, about natural size. Below, drawing of one apothecium with protruding spores; also clump of cells from outside of apothecium. At the left, drawing ^ Explanation of Plates 379 of an ascus with spores and paraphysis. Above, portion of ascus with pro- truding spores. Photograph furnished by F. L. Drayton, from material col- lected in New York State. Plate 112 (P. 192) Pestalopezia Rhododendri. Center, photograph of leaf of Rhododendron maximum infected with Pestalotia sp. and the apothecia of Pestalopezia Rhodo- dendri. Lower right corner, photograph of several apothecia, much enlarged. Left, an ascus and paraphysis. Upper right-hand corner, one spore of the Pestalotia associate. Plate 113 (P. 218) Mollisiella ilicincola. Left, photograph of a stick bearing apothecia of Mollisiella ilicincola on the h\sterothecia of Tryblidiella rufula, much enlarged. Lower right, two hysterothecia, much enlarged, bearing apothecia. Above, drawing of an ascus with paraphysis and a clump of short hairs from the out- side of the apothecium of the Mollisiella. Plate 114 (P. 220) Catinella nigroolivacea. Above, photograph of apothecia on rotten wood, collected by W. A. Murrill in the island of Jamaica, about natural size. Below photograph of rotten wood with spothecia from material collected in Nebraska by Leva B. Walker, about natural size. Left, drawing of ascus with spores and paraphysis. Right, diagram of a section of an apothecium. Center, drawing of a portion of hair from substratum. Plate 115 (P. 230) Stamnaria americana. Photograph of stems of Equisetum with apothecia, about natural size. At the left, drawing of ascus with spores and paraphysis. At the right, drawing of a clump of apothecia; also one apothecium removed and two spores isolated. Photographed from material collected in Ohio by J. H. Schaffner. Plate 116 (P. 232) Stamnaria Thujae. Photograph of infected branch of Thuja. Upper right, drawing of ascus with spores and paraphysis. Upper left, drawing of infection on leaves. Below, two empty asci and isolated spores. Also drawing of a clump of apothecia, much enlarged. Plate 117 (P. 234) Upper figure (1). Holwaya gigantea. Photograph of bark bearing apo- thecia, about natural size. Above, several apothecia removed, also drawing of one apothecium, enlarged. At the left, an ascus with spores. Photographed from material collected in New Jersey by B. O. Dodge in 1909. Lower figure (2). Phaeobiilgaria inquinans. Photograph of apothecia on bark from dried specimen in herbarium collected by F. S. Earle at Reading, Connecticut in 1902. At the left, drawing of an ascus with spores. Above, two spores isolated and drawing of one apothecium, enlarged. Plate 118 (P. 236) Ascotremella faginea. Photograph of apothecial mass, about natural size. Upper left-hand corner, an ascus with spores. At the right, several spores isolated. Photograph furnished by the Dominion National Museum, Canada. 380 The North American Cup-Fungi Plate 119 (P. 238) Ascotremella turbinata. Photographs of apothecia in various positions and stages, about natural size. Upper left-hand corner, an ascus with spores and paraphysis. Upper right-hand corner, portion of ascus with spores; also two spores, isolated. At the right, diagram of section of an apothecium. Near center, sketch of a cluster of spore-like bodies observed in the tissue of the apothecium. Photographs supplied by H. M. Fitzpatrick from material collected at Ithaca, New York. Plate 120 (P. 240) Lachnella corticalis. Center, photograph of a piece of bark of Populus tremuloides with apothecia, twice enlarged. Above, drawing of apothecia, much enlarged. Left, ascus with spores and paraphysis. Right, cluster of hairs. Below, four spores, isolated. Pl.\te 121 (P. 248) Lachnella Agassizii. Photograph of apothecia on a blister-rust canker on Piniis Strobns, taken during moist weather at Dannemora, New York, about natural size. Photograph furnished by Walter H. Snell. At the right, drawing of an apothecium much enlarged; also hairs from the outside of the apothecium. At the left, drawing of an ascus with spores and paraphysis; also two spores isolated. Plate 122 (P. 252) Lachnella crucifera. Center, photograph of apothecia, about natural size. Upper left, drawing of three apothecia, much enlarged. Left, asci and paraphyses. Right and below, hairs and crystals from the outside of the apothecium. Pl.\te 123 (P. 254) Lachnella Willkommii. Photograph of Japanese larch branch with apo- thecia, about natural size. At the right, ascus with spores and paraphysis and two spores, isolated. At the left, drawing of three apothecia, enlarged; also hairs from the outside of the apothecium. Photograph furnished by Walter H. Snell from Rhode Island. Plate 124 (P. 260) Lachnella Solenia. Drawing of a cluster of apothecia, several times en- larged and two isolated apothecia, greatly magnified. Also drawings of ascus with spores and paraphysis and hairs from the outside of the apothecium. Cluster near center showing the two kinds, the hyaline tipped and the brown. Drawn from material in the herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden which is apparently part of the type. Plate 125 (P. 264) Upper figure (1). Lachnella sulphurea. Photograph of stems showing apothecia, somewhat enlarged. Photograph furnished by H. H. Whetzel. At the right, ascus with spores and paraphysis. At the left, drawings of hairs from outside of apothecium. Lower figure (2). Lachnella pygmaea. Photograph of roots bearing apothecia, about natural size, from material collected in New York City. Near center, drawings of ascus with spores and paraphysis; also hair from out- side of the apothecium. Explanation of Plates 381 Plate 126 (P. 268) Lachnella arida. Photograph of apothecia on coniferous trunk, about natural size. Photograph by Paul F. Shope from fresh material in the field at Middle Boulder Canon, Colorado, summer, 1929. Upper left-hand corner, drawing of an ascus with spores and paraphysis. Lower left-hand corner, drawing of portion of hairs from outside of apothecium. Plate 127 (P. 282) Diplocarpa Curreyana. Center, photograph of a group of apothecia, four times enlarged. Above, drawings of two apothecia enlarged, also asci with spores and paraphyses with their conidium-like apices. Below, two apothecia, much enlarged, and hairs from the outside of the apothecium. Plate 128 (P. 284) Upper figure (1). Lachnelhda chrysophthalma. Photographs of apo- thecia from dried material collected in Wyoming during the summer meeting of Botanical Society of America, 1929, about natural size. At the right, drawing of ascus with spores and paraphysis; also portion of ascus. Near center, drawing of poritions of hairs from apothecium. Lower figure (2). Lachnella bicolor. Photographs of Ruhus bearing apothecia, both natural size and enlarged. At the left, drawings of ascus with spores and paraphyses; also ascus showing pore. At the right, drawing of hair from apothecium; also apothecium enlarged. Photographed from material collected on Pikes Peak, Colorado by F. J. Seaver, Paul F. Shope and F. E. Clements in 1929. Pl.\te 129 (P. 286) Arachnopeziza aurelia. Photograph of two acorns and a twig with apo- thecia, about natural size and drawing of three apothecia, much enlarged. Upper right, an ascus with spores and paraphyses, and portion of empty ascus. Left, clump of hairs from apothecia. Below three spores. Plate 130 (P. 300) Cenangium pruinosujn. Photograph of two clumps of apothecia, about natural size. Below and above, drawings of apothecia greath' enlarged. Left, ascus with spores and paraphysis and loose spores below. Plate 131 (P. 302) Cenangium populneum. Photograph of several clumps of apothecia, somewhat enlarged. Below, clump of apothecia bursting through the bark, much enlarged. Above, one apothecium, much enlarged. Left, drawing of ascus with spores and paraphysis. Pl.\te 132 (P. 308) Sphaerangium tetrasporum. Center, photographs of branches with apo- thecia, somewhat enlarged. Below, two apothecia, much enlarged. Left, ascus with spores and paraphyses. Above, one spore, isolated, and branching paraphyses. Plate 133 (P. 310) Sphaerangium Tiliae. Center, photograph of portion of three branches, about natural size. Above, one apothecium, much enlarged. Lett, drawing of ascus with spores and paraphysis. 382 The North American Cup-Fungi Plate 134 (P. 312) Dermatella deformata. Center, photograph of wood with apothecia, about three times natural size. Below, drawing of apothecia on wood with one iso- lated, much enlarged. Upper left, ascus with spores. Above one spore, isolated; also tips of paraphyses. Plate 135 (P. 318) Upper figure (1). Godronia Kalmiae. Photograph of branches showing apothecia. Below, drawing of apothecia in various stages of development; also an ascus with spores. Above, three spores removed. Photographs and drawings from material distributed in North American Fungi 147. Lower figure (2). Godronia Spiraeae. Photographs of branches bear- ing apothecia. Above, two apothecia, enlarged. At the right, drawing of ascus with spores and paraphysis. Above, drawing of two apothecia, enlarged. At the left, three ascospores, isolated. Photographed and drawn from mate- rial collected by C. H. Peck (no date) and listed as Godronia urceolata. Plate 136 (P. 320) Upper FIGURE (1). Godronia fuliginosa. Photograph of willow branches bearing apothecia and conidia. Above, drawing of clump of apothecia, en- larged. At the left, drawing of one ascus with spores; also one ascospore, isolated. Near the center, conidia producing bodies. At the right, three conidia, isolated. Photographed and drawn from material collected in Colo- ado by F. J. Seaver and Ellsworth Bethel in 1910. Lower figure (2). Godronia seriata. Photograph of branches of Bettda fontinalis bearing apothecia and conidia, about natural size. Near center, drawing of clump of apothecia much enlarged. At the right, drawing of an ascus with spores and paraphysis. Above, two ascospores, isolated. Photo- graphed and drawn from material collected in Coal Creek Canon, Colorado by F. J. Seaver and Paul F. Shope in 1929. Plate 137 (P. 322) Upper figure (1). Godronia jamaicensis. Photograph of two fragments of wood with apothecia, about natural size; also one apothecium much en- larged. Left, an ascus with spores and paraphysis. Also one loose spore. Lower figure (2). Godronia Cephalanthi. Photograph of branch with apothecia, somewhat enlarged. Right, one apothecium, much enlarged; also portion of ascus with spores and paraphysis. Plate 138 (P. 328) Godronia parasitica. Photographs of several leaves with apothecia, about natural size. At the right, two apothecia enlarged. At the left, portion of an ascus with spores and paraphyses. Diagonally across the plate, one spore. Photographed from type collected in the island of Hayti, by George V. Nash, in 1903. Plate 139 (P. 330) Upper figure (1). Godronia pinicola. Photographs of a piece of branch with apothecia, about natural size. Above, drawing of apothecia, much en- larged. Left, ascus with spores, paraphysis, tip of ascus and hair from apo- thecium. Below three loose spores. Explanation of Plates 383 Lower figure (2). Godronia sororia. Photograph of piece of bark with apothecia, about natural size. Above, two apothecia, much enlarged. Right, ascus with spores. Below, two loose spores and portion of two hairs from apothecium. Plate 140 (P. 336) Pezicula carpinea. Photograph of branch showing apothecia, consider- ably reduced. To the left, sketch of apothecia with an ascus with spores and paraphyses. To the left, pycnospores in various stages of development. Plate 141 (P. 338) Upper figure (1). Pezicula acericola. Near the center photograph of bark showing apothecia, about natural size. To the left, an ascus with spores and paraphysis and the end of a ruptured ascus. Upper right-hand corner, sketch of Sphaeronema acericola. Lower right-hand corner, stroma showing both apothecial and conidial stages produced on the same stroma. Lower figure (2). Pezicula splculata. Near the center, photograph of bark showing apothecia and p\cnidia, about natural size. Upper left-hand corner, sketch of stroma showing apothecia and pycnidia and pycnospores. Right-hand side, an ascus with spores and paraphysis. Below, drawing of mature ascospores. Plate 142 (P. 340) Pezicula cornicola. Photograph of two branches showing apothecia. Above, sketch of apothecium, much enlarged. Center, an ascus with spores. Above right, two ascospores. Below, a stroma with e.xuding conidiospores. Below right, two conidia. Plate 143 (P. 344) Pezicula Corni. Center, photographs of several twigs showing apothecia. Above, sketch of two apothecia, much enlarged. Background, drawings of an ascus with spores; also two spores removed and the end of a ruptured ascus. Below, drawing of a sorus and two conidia. Plate 144 (P. 346) Upper figure (1). Pezicula ocellata. Photograph of willow branches showing apothecia, enlarged about one-third. Above, drawing of two apo- thecia, enlarged. At the left, an ascus with spores and paraphysis. Below, drawing of conidia in various stages. Photographed from material collected in Colorado by F. J. Seaver and Ellsworth Bethel in 1910. Lower figure (2). Pezicula Populi. Photograph of branches of poplar bearing apothecia, enlarged about one-third. Below, drawing of several apo- thecia, enlarged. At the right, drawing of an ascus with spores and paraphy- ses; also two ascospores, isolated. Photographed and drawn from type material collected in Ontario, Canada, by G. E. Thompson in 1930. Plate 145 (P. 348) Pezicula purpurascens. Photograph of chestnut branches bearing apo- thecia and conidia, about natural size. At the left, drawing of an ascus with spores and paraphyses. Above, drawing of one apothecium, enlarged; also two ascoconidia. Below, several ascoconidiophores showing stages in the 384 The North American Cup-Fungi development and discharge of the ascoconidium. Photographed and drawn from type material collected at West Chester, Pennsylvania in li Plate 146 (P. 350) Pezicula Hamamelidis. Photograph of bark of Hamamelis bearing apo- thecia and conidia, natural size. Below at the left, drawing of three apothecia, enlarged. At the right, cluster of conidia; also three conidia isolated. Above, tip of ascus showing rupture; also four ascospores at different stages. Photo- graphed from type collected in Ontario by H. S. Jackson. Plate 147 (P. 352) Upper figure (1). Dermea Cerasi. In the center, photograph of branch showing apothecia about natural size, with enlarged sketch of an apothecium; also stromata, and p\cnospores. Lower figure (2). Dermea bicolor. In the center, photograph of branch showing apothecia from type material, about natural size. Above, large drawing of apothecia. To the left, an ascus with spores and paraphyses. Below, sketch of stroma and pycnospores. Plate 148 (P. 354) Upper figure (1). Dermea moUiuscula. Photograph of twigs of Betnla lutea showing apothecia, about natural size. Above, enlarged sketch of apo- thecia. To the left, an ascus with spores and paraphyses. In the center, sketch of a stroma and pycnospores. Lower figure (2). Dermea moUiuscula. In the center, photograph of branch of Alnus showing apothecia, about natural size. Above, enlarged sketch of an apothecium and stromata. To the right, an ascus with spores and paraphyses. Below pycnospores. Pl.\te 149 (P. 356) Dermea halsamea. Photographs of branches of hemlock bearing apothecia and conidia. Below, drawing of portion of branch, enlarged, showing cirrhi of exuding conidia. Above, drawing of one apothecium, enlarged; also ascus with spores and paraphysis, three isolated ascospores, one conidiospore and three niicroconidia. Photographs and drawing of branch furnished by B. O. Dodge from material collected at Scarsdale, New York. Plate 150 (P. 372) Upper figure (1). Haematomyxa vinosa. Photograph of wood bearing apothecia, enlarged about one-half. At the left, drawing of an ascus with spores. Below, one apothecium, enlarged. Above, one spore, isolated. Photographed from material in the Ellis herbarium, collected at Newfield, New Jersey. Lower figure (2). Haematomyxa ascoboloides. Photograph of herbace- ous stems bearing apothecia, enlarged about one-third. Below, drawing of two apothecia, enlarged. At the right, an ascus with spores and paraphysis. Above, one spore, enlarged. Photographed from type material collected at Tacoma Park, Maryland in 1889. HOST INDEX Abies amabilis Gocironia abieticola Abies balsamea Dermea balsamea Lachnella Agassizii Lachnella resinaria Pezicula phyllophila Tapesia balsamicola Tympanis Pinastri Abies grandis Godronia abieticola Abies sp. Cenangium Abietis Cenangium alpinum Cenangium leptospermum Belonium inconspicuum Ciboria rufofusca Godronia abietina Godronia Abietis Helotium fumosellum Lachnella arida Lachnellula chrysophthalma Pezicula livida Acanthonitschkea coloradensis Lachnella Acanthonitschkeae Acer floridanum Pyrenopeziza leucodermis Acer leucoderme Pyrenopeziza leucodermis Acer rubrum Ciboria acerina Dermea acerina Erinellina miniopsis Pezicula acericola Pycnopcziza sympodialis Acer saccharinum Ciboria acerina Dermea acerina Acer Saccharum Dermea acerina Acer spicatum Pezicula acericola Pezicula spicata Pezicula spiculata Acer sp. Belonidium fuscopallidum Godronia rhabdospora Helotium albovirens Helotium albuminum Helotium fraternum Helotium luteovirescens Helotium naviculasporum Helotium translucens Holwaya gigantea Lachnella Rhytismatis Mollisia paullopuncta Pezizella floriformis Velutaria rufoolivacea Adiantum sp. Lachnella aspidicola Alnus crispa mollis Pezicula Alni Pezicula aurantiaca Alnus incana Ciboria amentacea Pezicula Alni Tympanis alnea Alnus oregona Helotium seminicola Alnus tenuifolia Tympanis alnea Alnus sp. Cenangium furfuraceum Ciboriella rufescens Godronia Urceolus Helotium alniellum Helotium fastidiosum Helotium umbrinum Hyaloscypha alniseda Lachnum alneum Lachnum hyalineilum Mollisia Teucrii Orbilia luteorubella Trichopeziza punctiformis Amelanchier alnifolia Pezicula pruinosa 385 386 The North American Cup-Fungi Amelanchier canadensis Monilinia Amelancheris Pezicula pruinosa Amelanchier Cusickii Monilinia gregaria Amelanchier intermedia Monilinia Amelanchieris Amelanchier oblongifoha Monilinia Amelanchieris Amelanchier sp. Dermea bicolor Fabraea maculata Monilinia Amelanchieris Ammophila longifolia Pyrenopeziza Ellisii Andromeda sp, Dasyscypha fuscidula Trichopeziza marginata X'elutaria rufoolivacea Andropogon furcatus Trichopeziza distincta Andropogon scoparius Helotiuni planodi?cum Andropogon sp. Belonium Andropogonis Belonium culmicola Helotiella aureococcinea Lachnella albotestacea Mollisia atriella Anemone nemorosa Sclerotinia tuberosa Angelica atropurpurea Mollisia Angelicae Antennaria plantaginifolia Mollisia lanaria Apios tuberosa Mollisia apiophila Apium sp. Sclerotinia minor Apocynum androsaemifolium Pyrenopeziza Dearnessii Aquilegia coerulea Dasyscypha tuberculiformis Arabis furcata Belonium arabicolum Aralia racemosa Helotium minimum Aralia sp. Trichopeziza setigera Archontophoenix Alexandrae Helotium atrosubiculatum Arctium Lappa Lachnella canadensis Arctostaphylos pungens Trichopeziza labrosa Arctostaphylos Tracyi Arachnopeziza Arctostaphyli Calloria nitens Arisaema triphyllum Streptotinia Arisaemae Aronia sp. Monilinia Aronlae Artemisia vulgaris Pyrenopeziza Artemisiae Artemisia sp. Pyrenopeziza Absinthii Arundinaria macrosperma Dasyscypha Arundinariae Dasyscypha caulicola Asclepias sp. Mollisia Asclepiadis Aspidium sp. Lachnella aspidicola Aster puniceus Orbilia assimilis Aster sp. Trichopeziza brevipila Azalea sp. Ovulinia Azaleae Bambusa vulgaris Gorgoniceps jamaicensis Betula alba Helotium Friesii Betula fontinalis Godronia seriata Betula lutea Godronia seriata " Verpatinia duchesnayensis Betula nigra Sphaerangium magnisporum Betula sp. Cenangella Hartzii Cenangium compressum Dermea molliuscula Godronia fusispora Godronia Urceolus Helotium Linderi Tapesia lividofusca Host Index 387 Tapesia secamenti Wltutaria rufoolivacea Bidens sp. Peziza heterocarpa Pyrenopeziza Absinthii Bigelovia graveolens Tapesia tumefaciens Bignonia sp. Pezizclla leguminuni Brassica sp. Helotium brassicaecolum Pczizella brassicaecola Bryum sp. Helotium turbinatum Calamagrostis canadensis Lachnella agrostina Calamagrostis sp. Belonidium aurantiacum Belonium intermedium Calluna sp. Ceiiangella Ericae Caltha palustris Verpatinia calthicola Camellia japonica Sclerotinia Camel liae Carex ampullacea Sclerotinia Caricis-ampullaceae Carex aquatilis Sclerotinia Caricis-ampullaceae Carex crinlta Dasyscypha crinella Sclerotinia Duriaeana Sclerotinia longisclerotialis Carex exsiccata Sclerotinia paludosa Carex flava Sclerotinia Duriaeana Carex hystericina Sclerotinia Duriaeana Carex inflata Sclerotinia Caricis-ampullaceae Carex interior Sclerotinia longisclerotialis Carex lacustris Pyrenopeziza multipunctoidea Carex limosa Ombrophila limosa Carex nebraskensis Sclerotinia Duriaeana Carex prairea Sclerotinia Duriaeana Sclerotonia longisclerotialis Carex retrorsa Sclerotinia Caricis-ampullaceae Sclerotinia Duriaeana Sclerotinia longisclerotialis Carex riparia lacustris Sclerotinia Duriaeana Carex stricta Sclerotinia Duriaeana Carex utriculata Calloria caricinella Carex vesicaria Sclerotinia longisclerotialis Carex sp. Belonioscypha miniata Helonium caricincolum Helotium citrinulum Helotium turgidellum Mollisia epitypha Mollisa euparaphysata Pyrenopeziza caricina Pyrenopeziza Caricis Pyrenopeziza cervinula Pyrenopeziza doryphora Pyrenopeziza yogoensis Carpinus caroliniana Pczicula carpinea Carpinus sp. Cenangella Ravenelii Helotium ammoides Tapesia lividofusca Carya ovata Lambertella Hicoriae Carya sp. Dermatella caryigena Helotium fructigenum Cassandra calyculata Cenangium Cassandrae Godronia Urceolus Castanea dentata Pezicula purpurascens Castanea vesca Ciboria americana Castanea sp. Belonium basitrichum Dasyscypha translucida Dasyscypha vixvisibilis 388 The North American Cup-Fungi Castanopsis chrysophylla Beloniuni Parks! Coronellaria Castanopsidis Godronia Castanopsidis Catalpa sp. Pezizella leguminum Caulophyllum thalictroides Orbilia Caulophylli Ceanothus velutinus Ccnangium aureum Cecropia sp. Helotium Cecropiae Celtis sp. Lachnella succina Cephalanthus occidentalis Godronia Cephalanthi Lambertella Cephalanthi Cephalanthus sp. Pyrenopeziza Cephalanthi Chamaedaphne calyculata See Cassandra Erinella borealis Helotium Cassandrae Chionanthus virginica Dermea Chionanthi Citharexylum spinosum Lambertella Jasmin i Clethra ahiifolia Godronia Urceolus Lachnella albopileata subauata Coccoloba sp. Lambertella tropicalis Collinsonia canadensis Helotium rhizicola Comptonia asplenifolia Echinella rhabdocarpa Conocarpus erectus Helotium Conocarpi Comus altemifolia Pezicula Corni Comus Amomum Lachnella Corni Comus florida Mollisia miltophthalma Trichopeziza roseoalba Comus stolonifera Pezicula Corni Comus sp. Cenangium contortum Helotium propinquum Monilinia Corni Pezicula cornicola Tympanis fasciculata Corydalis Brandegei Dasyscypha Bakeri Corydalis sp. Calloria coccinea Corylus rostrata Pezicula corylina Corylus sp. Helotium epiphyllum Crataegus punctata Monilinia Johnsoni Crataegus sp. Cenangium confusum Pezicula crataegicola Pezicula olivascens Crocus sp. Stromatinia Gladioli Cucurbita sp. Orbilia Cucurbitae Cydonia sp. Dermea Cydoniae Fabraea maculata Caucus Carota Sclerotinia intermedia Delphinium sp. Hyalopeziza ciliata Phialea pallida Desmodium sp. Dermea ferruginea Diatrype Stigma Cenangium episphaeria Diatrype sp. Orbilia coccinella Diatrypella sp. Helotium episphaericum Dichaena sp. Helotium strumosum Dicranopteris pectinata Lachnella Dicranopteridis Dicranum flagellare Helotium destructor Diervilla sp. Godronia turbinata Elymus canadensis Cyathicula alpina Equisetum hyemale Lachnella inquilina Host Index 389 Equisetum robustum Stamnaria americana Equisetum sp. Stamnaria americana Erigeron sp. Helotium nigrescens Mollisia erigeronata Mollisia exigua Pyrenopeziza Absinthii Trichopeziza carneorubra Eriophorum callitrix Lachnum carneolum Eryngium sp. Dasyscypha eryngiicola Erythronium americanum Ciborinia Erythronii Eschscholtzia califomica Helotium Eschscholtziae Eucalyptus globulus Mollisia subcornea Eucalyptus sp. Lachnella atropurpurea Orbilia Eucalypti Pezizeila carneorosea Eupatorium ageratoides Lachnella Solenia Eupatorium maculatum Dasyscypha longipila Eupatorium purpureum Lachnella Eupatorii Eupatorium sp. Belonium bicolor Helotium herbarum Fagus americana Ascotrcmella faginea Fagus grandifolia Helotium albopunctum Fagus sp. Calycina petiolorum Helotium naviculasporum Mollisia caesia Festuca tenella Pyrenopeziza Ellisii Fomes fomentarius Helotium mycetophilum Fragaria sp. Fabraea Earliana Fraxinus americana Durandiella Fraxini Fraxinus nigra Dermea Tulasnei Fraxinus sp. Cenangium populneum Dasyscypha puberula Dermatella Fraxini Dermea Tulasnei Helotium luteovirescens Freesia sp. Stromatinia Gladioli Galium sp. Pyrenopeziza nigritella Pseudopeziza repanda Garrya elliptica Belonium Parksi Harknessiella purpurea Lachnella tautilla Gaultheria Shallon Cyathicula aquilina Lachnella Gaultheriae Mollisia Gaultheriae Pestalopezia brunneopruinosa Gaylussacia dumosa Trichopeziza venturioides Gentiana sp. Pseudopeziza Holwayi Geranium maculatum Seaverinia Geranii Gladiolus sp. Botryotinia Draytoni Stromatinia Gladioli Gleditsia triacanthos Helotium midlandense Orbilia rubrococcinea Gleichenia sp. Lachnella Gleicheniae Glyceria nervata Belonium Glyceriae Halesia Carolina Lachnella Halesiae Hamamelis virginiana Dermea Hamamelidis Pezicula Hamamelidis Helianthus annuus Mollisia lilacina Helianthus sp. Pyrenopeziza Absinthii Hydrangea sp. Cenangium apertum 390 The North American Cup-Fungi Hypnum sylvaticum Peziza hypnicola Hypoxylon sp. Helotium episphaericum Hysterium sp. Mollisiella ilicincola Ilex glabra Cenangium tuberculiforme Dermea crypta Dermea olivacea Ilex opaca Lachnella pulveracea Pezizella aquifoliae Ilex verticillata Cenangium sticticum Dermea Peckiana Ilex sp. Cenangella Ravenelii Impatiens sp. Erinellina Nylanderi Helotium herbarum Iris sp. Botryotinia convoluta Helotium nigromaculatum MoUisia Iridis Iva xanthifolia Lachnella Ivae Pyrenopeziza Absinthii Jasminum gracile Lambertella Jasmini Juglans regia MoUisia abdita Juglans sp. Cenangium Juglandis Juncus alpinus MoUisia alpina Juncus effusus californica Sclerotinia juncigena Juncus sp. Lachnella diminuta MoUisia stictoidea Jungermania sp. Helotium destructor Juniperus bermudiana Dermatella deformata Juniperus communis Dermatella deformata Kriegeria juniperina Juniperus lucayana Godronia jamaicensis Juniperus scopulorum Dermatella deformata Juniperus virginiana Murangium Sequoiae Juniperus sp. Godronia Juniperi Kalmia angustifolia Trichopeziza Kalmiae Kalmia sp. Ovulinia Azaleae Pezicula Kalmiae Lactuca sp. Sclerotinia minor Lantana camara Godronia Lantanae Larix europaea Lachnella Hahniana Lachnella oblongospora Lachnella occidentalis Lachnella Willkommii Larix laricina Lachnella oblongospora Lachnella occidentalis Larix leptolepis Lachnella occidentalis Larix sp. Helotium laricinum Lachnella arida Lachnella occidentalis Ledum groenlandicum Cenangella Ericae Leonurus cardiaca Helotium fumosum Libocedrus decurrens Dermea Libocedri Kriegeria alutipes Linum Lewisii Pyrenopeziza californica Liquidambar sp. MoUisia vulgaris sanguinella Pseudohelotium sacchariferum Lithospermum canescens Calloria Lithospermi Lonicera canadensis Godronia Lonicerae Lonicera involucrata Helotiella Lonicerae Lonicera sp. MoUisia complicatula Host Index 391 Lysichiton camtschatcense Ombrophila Lysichitonis Magnolia glauca Ciborinia gracilipes Dermatella Magnoliae Pyrenopeziza protrusa Magnolia grandiflora Dasyscypha hystricula Magnolia sp. Belonium phlegmaceum Dasyscypha albopileata Holwaya gigantea Mollisia fumigata Mollisia glenospora Orbilia diaphanula Malus sp. Ciboria aestivalis Tympanis conspersa Marchantia polymorpha Cyathicula Marchantiae Medicago sativa Sclerotinia sativa Medicago sp. Pseudopeziza Jonesii Pseudopeziza Medicagnis Melilotus alba Sclerotinia sativa Melilotus officinalis Sclerotinia sativa Melilotus sp. Pseudopeziza Medicaginis Pseudopeziza Meliloti Meliola sp. Trichobelonium ieucorrhodinum Morus alba Cenangium fatiscens Ciboria carunculoides Pezizella conchella Morus alba tatarica Dermea Mori Myirangium sp. Mollisiella ilicincoia Myrica cerifera Dasyscypha callochaetes Myrica Gale Ciboria acerina Dasyscypha sulphurella Trichopeziza myricacea Myrica sp. Trichopeziza alboviridis Trichopeziza punctiformis Narcissus Botryotinia narcissicola Nardus sp. Lachnum Nardi Nemopanthes canadensis Godronia Nemopanthis Nemopanthes mucronata Dermea Peckiana Godronia Nemopanthis Nyssa sylvatica Helotium nyssicola Sclerotinia nyssaegena Oenothera sp. Mollisia Oenotherae Olea europaea Lachnella fasciculata Osmunda sp. Mollisia tcnella Peziza frondicola Trichopeziza Osmundae Ostrya virginiana Ciboria acerina Ostrya sp. Midotis Westii Oxydendrum arboreum Tympanis Oxydendri Paludella squarrosa Mitrula gracilis Panax quinquefolium Sclerotinia Panacis Pastinaca sp. Pezizella Pastinacae Patellaria sp. Mollisiella ilicincoia Pedicularis bracteosa Sclerotinia coloradensis Pedicularis groenlandica Sclerotinia coloradensis Pedicularis sp. Cyathicula alpina Peltigera canina Calloria Mulleri Persea palustris Erineilina maculosa Persea sp. Dermatella Magnoliae 392 The North American Cup-Fungi Philadelphus inodorus Pezicula Philadelphi Phragmites sp. Lachnella albotestacea Mollisia hydrophila Physocarpus capitatus Belonium Parksi Phytolacca sp. Orbilia pulviscula Picea glauca Dermea piceina Picea Mariana Lachnella Agassizii Lachnum hyalinellum Tapesia lividofusca fallax Picea pungens Lachnella oblongospora Picea rubra Lachnella Agassizii Picea sitchensis Godronia Treleasei Picea sp. Cenangium Abietis Chlorociboria strobilina Gorgoniceps Pumilionis Helotium aurantium Helotium sulphuratum Lachnella arida Lachnella Ellisiana Lachnellula chrysophthalma Pinus Banksiana Lachnellula chrysophthalma Pinus contorta Godronia Zelleri Pinus inops Peziza conorum Pinus Lambertiana Godronia Zelleri Pinus monticola Godronia Zelleri Lachnella Agassizii Pinus Mugho Cenangium atropurpureum Pinus Murrayana Lachnella fuscosanguinea Pinus nigra Cenangium atropurpureum Pinus ponderosa Atropellis arizonica Godronia sororia Pinus pungens Cenangium atropurpureum Godronia pinicola Gorgoniceps aridula Lachnella oblongospora Pinus resinosa Godronia pinicola Gorgoniceps ontariensis Pinus rigida Cenangium atropurpureum Godronia pinicola Pezicula phyllophila Tympanis Pinastri Pinus Strobus Cenangium acuum Dermea pinicola Godronia Zelleri Lachnella Agassizii Mollisia Scoleconectriae Pezicula livida Tympanis Pinastri Pinus sylvestris Cenangium atropurpureum Pinus Taeda Cenangium atropurpureum Pinus virginiana Lachnella oblongospora Pinus sp. Atropellis apiculata Atropellis tingens Cenangium Abietis Cenangium acuum Erinellina rhaphidospora Lachnella Ellisiana Lachnella pulverulenta Pezicula livida Platanus sp. Helotium luteovirescens Podophyllum peltatum Septotinia podophyllina Polycodium stamineum Monilinia Polycodii Polygonum sp. Stromatinia Rapulum Polygonum virginianum Helotium rhizicola Polygonum viviparum Pseudopeziza Bistortae Polygonum sp. Mollisia Polygoni Host Index 393 Polyporus igniarius Peziza mycogena Polyporus Stevensii Mollisia incrustata Polyporus sp. Mollisia incrustata Mollisia vulgaris myceticola Orbilia coccinella Orbilia epispora Populus alba Pseudopeziza Populi-albae Populus canadensis Pycnopeziza sympodialis Populus grandidentata Cenangium populneum Pezicula Populi Populus Tremula Helotium Friesii Populus tremuloides Belonium aggregatum Cenangium populneum Cenangium pruinosum Ciboria Caucus Ciborinia bifrons Dermatella populina Lachnella populicola Pezicula Populi Pycnopeziza sympodialis Tympanis spermatiospora Populus sp. Helotium Friesii Helotium gemmarum Mollisia complicatula Orbilia luteorubella Pezicula ocellata Tympanis spermatiospora Potentilla sp. Mollisia Dehnii Pyrenopeziza coloradnsis Sclerotinia fallax Prinus verticillata See Ilex Cenangium sticticum Prunus avium Lambertella Pruni Prunus demissa Monilinia demissa Prunus domestica Dermea Padi Prunus emarginata Monilinia emarginata Prunus Padus Dermea Padi Prunus serotina Monilinia Seaveri Prunus spinosa Dermea Padi Prunus virginiana Dermea Padi Monilinia Padi Prunus spp. Dermea Cerasi Dermea Prunastri Monilinia fructicola Monilinia laxa Tympanis conspersa Pseudotsuga taxifolia Lachnella Agassizii Lachnella ciliata Lachnella oblongospora Lachnella Pseudotsugae Pseudotsuga sp. Lachnella Hahniana Psoralea macrostachya Orbilia myriospora Pteridium aquilinum Lachnaster miniatus Pteridium aquilinum pubescens Calloria cremea Pteris sp. Lachnella pteridicola Lachnella Pteridis Pyrus sp. Cenangium pyrinum Fabraea maculata Quercus agrifolia Helotium furfuraceum Phillipsia nigrella Quercus alba Dermateopsis tabacina Lachnella capitata Quercus coccinea Dermateopsis tabacina Helotium strumosum Sphaerangium tetrasporum Quercus laurifolia Helotium castaneum Quercus Prinus Pyrenopeziza prinicola 394 The North American Cup-Fungi Quercus tinctoria Cenangium sticticum Quercus sp. Belonium basitrichum Calycina petiolorum Chlorosplenium olivaceum Ciboria pseudotuberosa Dasyscypha epixantha Dasyscypha uncinata Godroniopsis quernea Helotium ferrugineum Helotium midlandense Helotium puberulum Helotium sordidatum Helotium translucens Holwaya gigantea Lachnella capitata Lachnella ciliaris Lachnella pollinaria Lachnella succina Phaeobulgaria inquinans Pyrendpeziza prinicola Tapesia culcitella Trichopeziza comata Trichopeziza obscura Trichopeziza punctiformis Velutaria rufoolivacea Ranunculus sp. Fabraea Ranunculi Pseudopeziza singularis Rhamnus alnifolia Pezicula Morthieri Rhamnus purshiana Belonium Parksi Dermatella Frangulae Rhododendron maximum Cenangium palmatum Helotium castaneum Rhododendron roseum Monilinia Azaleae Rhododendron sp. Cenangella Rhododendri Monilinia Azaleae Ovulinia Azaleae Pestalopezia Rhododendri Rhus venenata Pezicula pallidula Rhus sp. Tympanis fasciculata Ribes bracteosum x nigrum Godronia Davidson i Ribes Menziesii Godronia lobata Ribes montigenum Godronia tumoricola Tapesia ribicola Ribes prostratum Lachnella albolabra Ribes Wolfii Cenangella oricostata Godronia Davidsoni Ribes sp. Godronia Ribis Godronia Urceolus Helotium discretum Pseudopeziza Ribis Ricinus communis Botryotinia Ricini Robinia Pseudo-acacia Helotium erraticum Rosa sp. Cenangium Rosae Fabraea Rosae Pezicula Brenckleana Tapesia Rosae Rubus idaeus Pezicula Rubi Rubus nutkanus Dasyscypha scabrovillosa Rubus odoratus Pyrenopeziza lacerata Rubus villosus Mollisia alabamensis Rubus sp. Lachnella subochracea Pezicula Rubi Pyrenopeziza Rubi Velutaria rufoolivacea Sabal serrulata Mollisia Sabalidis Sabal sp. Gorgoniceps confluens Salix alba Cenangium populneum Salix babylonica Cenangium sticticum Salix discolor Ciboria amentaceae Ciboria amenti Host Index 395 Salix sp. Belonium aggregatum Cenangium tryblidioides Ciboria amenti Ciboria Caucus Ciborinia foliicola Godronia fuliginosa Helotium amplum Helotium salicellum Mollisia caespiticia Mollisia encoelioides Ombrophila flavens Orbilia Eucalypti Orbilia luteorubella Pezicula ocellata Sambucus callicarpa Helotium Phiala Sambucus melanocarpa Tapcsia coloradensis Sanicula Menziesii Belonium fuscum Sassafras sp. Dermatella Magnoliae Veiutaria rufoolivacea Scirpus caespitosus Mollisia scirpina Scirpus lacustris Belonium Delitschianum Scirpus validus Dasyscypha luteodisca Scoleconectria scolecospora Mollisia Scoleconectriae Secale cereale Sclcrotinia temulenta Sequoia gigantea Murangium Sequoiae Sequoia sempervirens Kriegeria chloromela Sequoia sp. Dasyscypha acuum Smilacina racemosa Stromatinia Smilacinae Smilax herbacea Pyrenopeziza smilacicola Smilax sp. Mollisia nipteroides Solidago sp. Calloria Solidaginis Mollisia erigeronata Sorbus sp. Dermea Ariae Sorghum sp. Mollisia hydrophila Spartina polystachya Belonium heteromorphum Mollisia atriella Sphagnum sp. Mitrula phalloides Spiraea Menziesii Godronia Spiraeae Spiraea opulifolia Trichopeziza Opulifoliae Spiraea salicifolia Godronia Spiraeae Spiraea sp. Cenangium Spiraeae Helotium lanceolato- paraphysatum Staphylea sp. Cenangium Staphyleae Steironema ciliatum Helotium Dearnessii Streptopus amplexifolius Niptera pella Symphoricarpos occidentalis Helotium dakotcnse Symphoricarpos sp. Solenopezia Symphoricarpi Syringa sp. Cenangium fatiscens Taxodium distichum Trichopeziza pomicolor Tephrosia virginiana Helotium consanguineum Tetrazygia longicollis Godronia parasitica Teucrium sp. Mollisia Teucrii Thalictrum sp. Alollisia subcinerea Pyrenopeziza Thalictri Thuja occidentalis Kriegeria enterochroma Stamnaria Thujae Thuja plicata Kriegeria Seaveri Tilia americana Sclerotinia Tiliae Trichopeziza Candida 396 The North American Cup-Fungi Tilia heterophylla Pyrenopeziza minuta Sphacrangium Tiliae Tilia sp. Ascotremella faginea Helot ium luteovirescens Helotium naviculasporum Holwaya gigantea Trichopeziza Tiliae Tympanis conspersa Tragopogon porrifolius Sclerotinia intermedia Trifolium arvense Pseudopeziza Trifolii-arvensis Trifolium sp. Pseudopeziza Trifolii Trigonella sp. Pseudopeziza Medicaginis Tryblidiella sp. Mollisiella ilicincola Tsuga canadensis Dermea balsamea Lachnella Agassizii Orbilia Fairmani Tsuga sp. Dasyscypha chamaeleontina Tulipa sp. Sclerotinia sativa Typha latifolia Mollisia epitypha Typha sp. Helotium turgidellum Ulmus americana Mollisia lilacina Pseudohelotium fibrisedum Ulmus sp. Mollisia caespiticia Trichopeziza leonia Umbellularia californica Midotis plicata Urtica canadensis Trichopeziza urticina Urtica sp. Calloria fusarioides Dasyscypha caulicola Erinellina Nylanderi Vaccinium corymbosum Godronia Kalmiae Monilinia Vaccinii-corymbosi Vaccinium myrtilloides Trichopeziza coarctata Vaccinium Oxycoccos Monilinia Oxy cocci Vaccinium parvifolium Belonium Parksi Vaccinium uliginosum Cenangella pruinosa Vaccinium sp. Monilinia Urnula Valsa sp. Helotium episphaericum Veratrum califomicum Sclerotinia Veratri Viburnum cassinoides Godronia viburnicola Lambertella Viburni Viburnum dentatum Godronia viburnicola Viburnum lantanoides Pezicula minuta Viburnum Lentago Dasyscypha Lentaginis Tympanis fasciculata Viburnum sp. Cenangium Viburni Dermea Viburni Vitis vulpina Chlorosplenium salviicolor Vitis sp. Dermatella viticola Godronia viticola Helotium pullatum Lachnella ascoboloidea Trichopeziza penicillata Webera nutans Mitrula muscicola Xylaria sp. Helotium episphaericum Yucca sp. Cenangium Yuccae Zea Mays Helotiella pygmaea INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS The following species are illustrated in this volume. The colored frontispiece is in bold face type. Apostemidium vibrissioides, pi. Ill Arachnopeziza aurelia, pi. 129 Ascotremella faginca, pi. 118 turbinata, pi. 1 19 Belonioscypha lactea, pi. 109 Botrytis Geranii, pi. 85 streptothrix, pi. 86 Calycina bolaris, pi. 103 Calycina macrospora, pi. 103 Catinella nigroolivacea, pi. 114 Cenangium populneum, pi. 131 pruinosum, pi. 130 Chlorociboria strobilina, pi. 99 Ciboria amentacea, pi. 93 carunculoides, pi. 95 Caucus, pi. 94 pseudotuberosa, pi. 94 Ciborinia bifrons, (frontispiece) bifrons, pi. 88 Whetzelii, pi. 89 Cudonia circinans, pi. 82 Dermatella deformata, pi. 134 Dermea balsamea, pi. 149 bicolor, pi. 147 Cerasi, pi. 147 molliuscula, pi. 148 Diplocarpa Curreyana, pi. 127 Godronia Cephalanthi, pi. 137 fuliginosa, pi. 136 jamaicensis, pi. 137 Kalmiac, pi. 135 parasitica, pi. 138 pinicola, pi. 139 seriata, pi. 136 sororia, pi. 139 Spiraeae, pi. 135 Gorgoniceps aridula, pi. 110 confluens, pi. 1 10 Haematomyxa ascoboloides, pi. 150 vinosa, pi. 150 Helotium atrosubiculatum, pi. 107 citrinum, pi. 104 Conocarpi, pi. 107 cudonioides, pi. 108 nyssicola, pi. 105 rhizicola, pi. 106 virgultorum, pi. 104 Holwaya gigantea, pi. 117 Kriegeria cedrina, pi. 102 enterochroma, pi. lOl Seaveri, pi. 100 Lachnella Agassizii, pi. 121 arida, pi. 126 bicolor, pi. 128 corticalis, pi. 120 crucifera, pi. 122 pygmaea, pi. 125 Solenia, pi. 124 sulphurea, pi. 125 Willkommii, pi. 123 Lachnellula chrysophthalma, pi. 12J Leotia lubrica, pi. 82 Martinia panamaensis, pi. 87 Midotis versiformis, pi. 99 Westii, pi. 97 Mitrula phalloides, pi. 76 Mollisiella ilicincola, pi. 113 Monilia Seaveri, pi. 84 Monilinia fructicola, pi. 83 Seaveri, pi. 84 Ombrophila Clavus, pi. 76 Pestalopezia Rhododendri, pi. 112 Pezicula acericola, pi. 141 carpinea, pi. 140 Corni, pi. 143 cornicola, pi. 142 Hamamelidis, pi. 146 ocellata, pi. 144 Populi, pi. 144 purpurascens, pi. 145 spiculata, pi. 141 397 398 The North American Cup-Fungi Phaeobulgaria inquinans, pi. 117 Podophacidium xanthomelum, pi. 98 Sclerotinia Caricis-ampullaceae, pi. 91 Duriaeana, pi. 92 Smilacinae, pi. 96 tuberosa, pi. 90 Seaverinia Geranii, pi. 85 Spathularia clavata, pi. 81 velutipes, pi. 81 Sphaerangium tetrasporum, pi. 132 Tiliae, pi. 133 Sphaeronema acericola, pi. 141 Stamnaria americana, pi. 115 Thujae, pi. 1 16 Streptotinia Arisaemae, pi. 86 Trichoglossum Farlowii, pi. 80 hirsutum, pi. 78 velutipes, pi. 77 Wrightii, pi. 79 INDEX TO RECOGNIZED GENERA Acervus 239 Apostemidium 183 Arachnopeziza 284 Ascotremella 234 Belonioscypha 177 Belonium 169 Botryotinia 61 Calloria 162 Calycina 108 Catinella 2 1 8 Cenangella 310 Cenangium 297 Chlorociboria 98 Chlorosplenium 104 Ciboria 84 Ciboriella 107 Ciborinia 70 Coprotinia 90 Coryne 235 Corynetes 17 Cudonia 41 Cyathicula 1 1 1 Dermatella 312 Dermateopsis 307 Dermea 351 Diplocarpa 281 Durandiella 367 Echinella 294 Eriopezia 284 Erinellina 290 Fabraea 189 Geoglossum 23 Gloeglossum 20 Godronia 315 Godroniopsis 307 Gorgoniceps 178 Haematomyxa 372 Helotiella 287 Helotium 1 13 Holwaya 237 Kriegeria 100 Lachnella 239 Lachnellula 282 Lambertella 66 Leotia 36 Martinia 69 Microglossum 13 Midotis 9 1 Mitrula 8 Mollisia 199 Mollisiella 218 Monilinia 48 Murangium 367 Ombrophila 230 Orbilia 152 Ovulinia 64 Pestalopezia 191 Pezicula 333 Phaeobulgaria 233 Phaeohelotium 184 Pocillum 182 Podophacidium 97 Pseudopeziza 185 Pycnopeziza 106 Pyrenopeziza 220 Sarcomyces 373 Sclerotinia 74 Seaverinia 59 Septotinia 63 Spathularia 34 Sphaerangium 308 Stamnaria 229 Streptotinia 60 Stromatinia 89 Tapesia 193 Trichobelonium 161 Trichoglossum 29 Tympanis 368 Velutaria 296 Verpatinia 73 Vibrissea 39 399 INDEX TO GENERA AND SPECIES {Synonyms in italics) Acervus 47, 239 aurantiacus 239 Acarosporium 46, 106 laxum 5 1 qiiisquilaris 107 sympodiale 106, 107 Actinonema Rosae 190 Aleuria fuscocarpa 219 marchica 219 purpurascens 236 xanthomela 97 A llophylaria fumo sella 1 26 Angelina rufescens 195 Apostemidium 46, 178, 183 Guernisaci 183 ohconicum 184 vibrisseoides 183, 184 Arachnopeziza 48, 284 Arctostaphyli 285, 286 aurata 285, 286 aurelia 198, 285 delicatula 285, 286 Ascobolus 100 epimyces 100 inquinans 233 striisporus 100 Trifolii 185 Ascocalyx 315 Abietis 331 Ascochyta colorata 190 Ascoconiditim Castaneae 347 Ascotremella 47, 234 faginea 234 turbinata 234, 235 Asteroma Rosae 190 Atractium Therryanum 349 Atractobolus 239 Atropellis 315 apiculata 333 arizonica 333 pinicola 329, 333 tingens 333 Treleasei 330 Belonidium 169 aurantiacum 176 auralum 286 aurelia 285 basitrichum 170 caricincolum 175 culmicolum 176 delicatulum 286 fulgens 285 fuscopallidum 177 Clyceriae 170 heteromorphnm 174 hirtipes 177 intermedium 175 juncisedum 177 leucorrhodinum 161 Macounii 320, 321 minimum 172 Pfl;-/^5J 171 phlegmaceum 172 sclerogenum 173 sclerotii 177 tympanoides 171 Beloniella 162 brevipila 274 ZJe/jWM 208 marcyensis 352 Belonioscypha 46, 177 ciliatospora 1 19 lactea 177 miniata 177, 178 Belonium 46, 47, 161, 169, 177, 274, 297 aggregatum 170, 173 Andropogonis 170, 174 arabicolum 176 atrosanguineum 169, 172 basitrichum 169, 170 bicolor 1 76 bryogenum 122 400 Index to Genera and Species 401 caricincolum 170, 175 consanguineum 176 culmicola 170, 176 Delitschianuni 176 eustegiaeforme 170, 175 Fairmani 166 fuscum 177 Glyceriae 169, 170 hercynicum 162 heteromorphum 170, 174 inconspicuum 170, 173 intermedium 170, 175 introspectum 169, 171 minimum 170, 172 Moliniae 176 Parksi 169, 171, 177 phlegmaceum 169, 172 quisquiliarum 169, 172 sclerogenum 170, 173 siibgibbosum 176 sidphureotinctiini 134 tympanoides 169, 171 vexatum 176 Belonopsis 178 montanensis 180 Belospora ciliatospora 119 Botryodiscus pinicola Z?^ 1 Botryotinia 45, 61 convoluta 61 Draytoni 61, 62 narcissicola 61, 63 Ricini 61, 62 Botrytis 3, 4, 45, 59-63 cinerea 4 convoluta 61 narcissicola 63 Bulgaria 233, 315 decolorans 1 10 inquinans 234, 373 nigrita 219 Ophiobolus 238 polymorpha 234 purpurea 236 sarcoides 236 similis 233 striata 236 urnalis 237 Bulgariella 218 nigrita 219 pidla nigroolivacea 219 Burcardia turbinata 233 Calloria 46, 149, 151, 162, 168 atrosanguinea 172 atrovirens 106 aurea 163, 165 caricinella 163, 167 chrysocoma 153 citrina 168 coccinea 163, 164 coccinella 157 cremea 163, 168 dentata 1 1 3 Eucalypti 158 Fairmani 163, 166 fusarioides 160, 163 glagosa 163, 167 helotioides 163, 167 inflatula 154 kansensis 163, 166 leucostigma 154 Lithospermi 163, 165 luteorubella 159 Mulleri 163, 168 myriospora 160 nitens 163, 165 occulta 158 oleosa 163, 164 oregonensis 163, 166 rosella 161 rubrococcinea 157 Solidaginis 163, 164 vinosa 156 xanthostigma 154 Calycella 1 1 1 acicularum 127 citrina 132 cyathoidea 142 pallescens 133 petiolorum 1 1 0 Scutula 1 1 9 tenella 142 turbinata 122 Calycellina 136 populina 136 punctiformis 136 Calycina 46, 108 albumina 145 aurantiaca 125 bolaris 108, 109 bryogena 122 402 The North American Cup-Fungi episphaerica 139 fastidiosa 1 1 7 firma 108, 110 Ilicis 136 Limonium 142 macrosporum 108, 110 mycetophila 122 naviculaspora 124 petiolorum 108, 110 populina 136 rhizogena 258 saprophylla 124 Cantharelliis viridis 98 Catinella 47, 218 nigroolivacea 219 olivacea 219 Catlnula lurgida 336 Cenangella 295, 310 abietina 31 1 deformata 313 Ericae 193 flavocinerea 3 1 1 Fraxini 364 Hartzii, 31 1 Morthieri 349 oricostata 310, 311 Pinastri 369 pruinosa 31 1 Ravenelii 310 Rhododendri 3 1 1 thujina 311, 312 urceolata 325 violacea 312 Cenangium 295, 297, 304, 306, 308, 352, 367 Abietis 297, 298 acuum 297, 299 aeruginosum 304 alboatrum 304 alpinum 304 Andromedae 304 apertum 304 Ariae 358 asterinosporum 304 atropurpureum 297, 298 Aucupariae 371 aureum 298, 302 balsameiim 354 balsameum ahietinum 354 bicolor 357 Cassandrae 305 Castaneae 305 Cephalanthi 326 Cerasi 353 Cerasi Padi 360 cerasorum 353 clavatum 305, 353 compressiim 305 confusum 305 conglobatum 305 contortum 305 Crataegi 305 deformatum 313 dichroum 357 difforme 322 dimorphum 298, 303, 305 dolosum 310 Ellisii 305 enteroxanthum 305 episphaeria 304, 305 Ericae 193 fascicular e 301 fatiscens 305 ferruginosum 297, 298 fibrisedum 305 Frangulae 312 Fraxini 310, 364 fuliginosum 322 fulvotingens 97 furfuraceum 297, 300 globular e 325 inconstans 358 Juglandis 305 laricinum 369 leptospermum 305 Magnoliae 314 microspermum 268 molliusculum 354 Morthieri 349 nigrofuscum 305 Parfz 360 palmatum 305 patellatum 306 Peckianum 356 pezizoides 306 phaeosporum 296 Pinastri 369 piniphilum 329 pithyum 331 populinum 301, 370 Index to Genera and Species 403 populneum 298, 301 populneum prunicolum 301 pruinosum 298, 300 Prunastri 361 Prunastri rigida 361 pidveraceum 268 punctoideum 306 pyrinum 306 quercinum 306 querneum 307 Ravenelii 218 Rhois 306 RibisiM rigidum 306, 361 Rosae306, 341 Riihi 296 rubiginellum 306 rubiginosum 306 Sabilidis 2 1 4 Schweinitzii 370 Sequoia e 368 seriatum 323 spermatiosporum 370 sphaeriaemorphum 306 Spiraeae 306 Staphyleae 306 sticticum 306 strobilinum 99 subnitidum 358 tennesseense 336 tetrasporum 308 triangulare 306 tryblidioides 306 tuberculiforme 298, 304 tumorum 306 turgidum 307, 336 urceolatum 325, 326 Urceolus 325 ustale 306 Viburni 306 viticolum 321 Yuccae 298, 302 Ceratostoma spurium 360 Chaetomium 182 Chlorociboria 46, 98, 232 aertiginescens 98 aeruginosa 98 strobilina 98, 99 versijormis 94 Chloroscypha 100 cedrina 103 chloromela 102 Jacksoni 101 juniperina 102 Seaveri 100 Chlorosplenium 46, 98, 104, 106 aeruginescens 98, 99 aeruginosum 98, 99 atrovirens 106 canadense 100, 238 chlora 104, 279 chloromelum 102 elatiniim 104 epimyces 100 livid urn 99 olivaceum 104, 105 salviicolor 104, 105 Schweinitzii 104 striisponim 100 tortuni 106 versiforme 94 versijorme nigrescenteolivacea 99 viride 98 Ciboria 45, 84, 89, 98, 107, 108, 148 acerina 85 aestivalis 85, 88 amentaceae 85, 86 anienti 85 americana 85, 88 5o/am 109 caespitosa 93 carbonaria 258 carunculoides 85, 87 Caucus 85, 86 cilialospora 1 1 9 Dallasiana 1 1 1 fir ma 108 fructicola 48, 50 fuscocinerea 1 1 1 Johnsoni 55 juncigena 76 Liquidambaris 89 luteovirescens 131 nyssaegena 80 ochroleuca 108 petiolortim 1 10 pseudotuberosa 85, 87 pygmaea 258 renispora 130 404 The North American Cup-Fungi rhizophila 257 rufescens 107 rufofusca 89 strobilina Bresadolae 99 subrubescens 258 sulfurella 131 Sydowiana 130, 131 tabacina 131 tropicalis 67 Ciboriella 46, 107 rufescens 107 Ciborinia 45, 70, 73 bifrons 70, 71 confundens 7 1 Erythronii 70, 72 foliicola 70, 71 gracilipes 70, 72 gracilis 72 Whetzelii 70 Ci Stella 239 dentata 1 1 3 Clavaria contorta 13 mitrata 18 mitrala viridis 16 nigrita 24 ophioglossoides 24 phalloides 10 viridis 16 Claviceps 79 Coccomyces triangulare 306 Coniocybe pallida 44 Coprotinia 45, 90 minutula 90 Cordierites irregularis 92 Coronellaria 239 yl quilinae 1 1 3 Castanopsidis 275 Delitschiana 176 Coryne 47, 235, 236 atrovirens 106 £//i5M 238 microspora 236, 237 purpurea 237 sarcoides 232, 233, 236, 237 solitaria 236 striata 236 turbinata 234 unicolor 237 urnalis 236, 237 versiformis 94 vinosa 237 virescens 106 Corynetes 8, 17 arenarius 18, 20 atropurpureus 18, 19 purpurascens 18 robustus 18, 19 Coryneum 349 Crinula caliciiformis 239 Crumenula 315, 329 pinicola 328, 329 i?/6f^ 317 sororia 329 Urceolus 325 Cryptosporiopsis 349 fasciculata 335 Cryptosporium brunneoviride 360 Cudonia 8, 34, 41, 126 aquatica 231 circinans 41 grisea 41, 43 lutea 41, 42 monticola 41, 43 ochroleuca 41, 43 Cudoniella 36, 37, 44 acicularis 44 aquatica 23 1 Jructigena 44, 231 Cyathicula 46, 1 10, 111, 1 13 alpina 1 13 aquilina 113 coronata 112 dentata 113 Marchantiae 112 petiolorum 1 10 quisquiliaris, 107 vulgaris 142 Carpini 335 Cerasi 353 Cyphella 240, 274, 275, 281, 297 cinereofusca 275 fasciculata 323 pendula 276 tela 199 Tiiiae 281 villosa 281 Index to Genera and Species 405 Dacryomyces chrysocomus 153 Lythri 2 1 1 Dacryopsis EUisiana 238 nni color 237 Dasyscypha 239, 241, 275 Acanthonitschkeae 262 acuum 273 Agassizii 248 albocitrina 273 albolutea 276 albopileata 273 arid a 268 Arundinariae 274 aspidicola 261 Bakeri 274 hicolor 250 horealis 249 brunneola 274 callochaetes 274 calycina 245 calyculaeformis 21 A canescens 249 capilata 254 carneola 275 caulicola 275 cerina 269, 271 chamaeleontina 275 chlorella 268 ciliaris 255 cilia ta 247 clandestina 275 crinella 275 crucifera 252 cry stall in a 254 Dicranopteridis 262 diminuta 259 EUisiana 248 epixantha 276 eryngiicola 276 Eupatorii 272 Fairmani 276 fasciculata 251 fimbriifera 276 flavidula 276 flavofuliginea 277 flavovirens 268 fuscescens 277 fuscidula 277 fuscosanguinea 269 Gaullheriae 256 hystricula 277 illota 277 incarnata 248 inspersa 277 /iJae 265 lachnoderma 249 latebrosa 253 Lentaginis 278 longipila 278 luteoalba 278 luteodisca 278 luteola 257 membranata 278 nw^a 253 oblongospora 245 occidentalis 244 ochracea 279 patula 279 Pwj 269 prolificans 279 Pseudotsugae 246 puherula 134, 279 pulverulenta 265 pygmaea 257 resinaria 247 Rhytismatis 262 scabrovillosa 280 scintillans 254 soleniiformis 260 solfatera 265 spiraeicola 280 stipiticola 280 subhirta 280 subtilissima 248, 280 succina 263 sulphurella 252, 280 sulphuricolor 263 tautilla 256 trabinelloides 288 translucida 281 tuberculiformis 281 tiirbinulata 263 uncinata 281 virginea 253 virginella 256 viridula 268 vixvisibilis 281 406 The North American Cup-Fungi Dasyscyphella 290 acutipila 294 appressa 292 Cassandrae 294 miniopsis 291 siibcorticalis 293 Dasyscyphns 239 Dermatea see Dermea Dermatella 295, 312, 314, 315 caryigena 312, 314 deformata 312, 313 eucrita 350 Frangulae 312 Fraxini 312, 313 Hamamelidis 363 livida 350 Magnoliae 312, 314 montanensis 312, 315, 326 populina 315 Prunastri 361 Pumilionis 179 qnercina Alni 338 scotiniis 335 viticola 315 Dermateopsis 295, 307 tabacina 307 Dermea 214, 240, 295, 351, 366, 368 abietina 350 acerina 343, 352, 359 Alni 338 Alni Acer is 342 Ariae 352, 358 balsamea 352, 354 bicolor 352, 357 Brenckleana 357 brunneopruinosa 192 carnea 342, 343 carpinea 335 caryigena 314 Cerasi 352, 353, 361 Chionanthi 352, 365 cinnamomea 342, 345 cornea 335 Corni 344 crataegicola 339 crypta 366 cucurbitaria 366 Cydoniae 366 dimorpha 303 episphaeria 303 Eucalypti 366 fascicularis 301, 302 ferruginea 366 flavocinerea 3 1 1 Frangulae 312 Fraxini 364 furfuracea 300, 305 fusispora 320 Hamamelidis 352, 363 inclusa 345 juniperina 102 Kalmiae 324 Libocedri 352, 363 livida 350 lobata 297 macrospora 345 micula 349 mimita 348 molliuscula 352, 354 Mori 352, 366 mycophaga 139 olivacea 366 olivascens 339 Padi 352, 360 pallidula 351 Peckiana 352, 356 phyllophila 350 piceina 352, 362 Pini 298 pinicola 352, 362 populnea 370 pruinosa 300, 340 Prunastri 352, 360 puberula 366 purpurascens 347 purpurea 305 rhabarbarina 341 Rosae 341 i?Mf>/ 341, 349 Sabilidis 214 seriata 323 simillima 342 Spiraeae 306 tabacina 307 tetraspora 308 Tulasnei 352, 364 Viburni 352, 355 Xanthoxyli 366 Dibelonis 199 Z)e/f«« 208 Index to Genera and Species 407 Dicoccum Rosae 190 Diplocarpa 48, 281 Curreyana 282 tinctoria 92 Diplocarpon 189 Earliana 190 Rosae 190 Diplonaevia 276 melaleuca 276 Discella disco idea 335 Discinella 1 13 lividopurpurea 150 washingtonensis 108 Disciila Peckiana 335 Diliola paradoxa 335 Dothidea Ranunculi 189 Dothiora rufa 372 Drepanopeziza 185 Populi-albae 188 i?t5T5 188 Durandia 367 Fraxini 367 Durandiella 295, 367 Fraxini 367, 368 Nemopanthis 324 Durella livida 350 Echinella 48, 294 rhabdocarpa 294 Elvela aertiginosa 98 calyciformis 247 clavata 34 cucullata 1 1 infundibuliformis 39 lilacina 232 lubrica 36, 37 Encoelia fascicularis 301 furfuracea 300 populnea 301 Endoconidiiim 76 temulentum 76 Entomosporium macidatum 191 Epidochium a^He 79 ambiens 79 EHnella 48, 239, 240, 290 bi color 250 borealis 294 calospora 291 Cassandrae 294 cervina 292 ciliaris 255 miniopsis 291 Nylanderi 293 pygmaea 257 raphidophora 294 rhabdocarpa 294 rhaphidospora 291 similis 294 subcorticalis 293 virginea 253 Erinellina 48, 277, 290, 294 appressa 29 1 , 292 calospora 291 cervina 29 1 , 292 longispora 291, 293 maculosa 291, 293 miniopsis 291 Nylanderi 291, 293 rhapidospora 291 Eriopezia 48, 284 prolifica 284 Eubelonis 162 Exciptda Ranunctili 189 i?w6i 221 turgida 336 Fabraea 47, 189 cincta 191 Earliana 189, 190 litigiosa 189 maculata 189, 191 Ranunculi 189 Rosae 189, 190 Fuckelia Ribis 317 Fusisporiuni Berenice 331 Geaster 106 Geasterina 225 Gelatinosporium 352 abietinum 354 betulinum 323 fulvum 354 Geoglossum 8, 13, 17, 20, 23, 29 album 28 alveolatum 23, 27 americanum 29 alropurpureum 18, 19 capitatum 30 cohaerens 23, 26 408 The North American Cup-Fungi difforme 21, 22, 24 fallax 23, 25 farinaceum 29 Farlowi 32 glabrum 23, 24, 27 glabrnm paludosum 25 glutinosum 21 glutinosum lubricum 21 hirsutum 29, 30 hirsulum americanum 29 intermedium 23, 27 irregulare 9 luteum 13 microsporum 17, 19 microsporum tremellosiim 19 nigritum 23, 24 olivaceum 16 Peckianum 22 pistillare 13 pumilum 23, 28 purpurascens 18 pygmaeum 23, 26 Rehmianum 33 rufum 13 simile 24 sphagnophilum 24 tremellostim 19 velutipes 29, 32 viride 13, 16 viscosum 21 vitellinum 10 T7a//m 33 Geopyxis nebulosa 1 1 1 Gloeoglossum 8, 20, 45 affine 21, 22 difforme 21, 22 glutinosum 21 Gloeosporium podophyllinum 64 rhoinum 2 1 1 i?J62j 188 tremellinum 2 1 1 Glonium 312 Godronia 295, 315, 321, 367, 370 abieticola 317, 332 abietina 317, 332 Abietis 317, 331 5e/AeZi 322 Cassandrae 305, 325, 326 Castanopsidis 317, 328 Cephalanthi'317, 326 Davidsoni 316, 319 Fraxini 367 fuliginosa 316, 322 fusispora 316, 320 jamaicensis 317, 331 Juniperi 333 Kalmiae 316, 324 Lantanae 316, 319 lobata 316, 318 Lonicerae 316, 321 montanensis 316, 326 Muhlenbeckii 316 Nemopanthis 316, 324 parasitica 317, 327 pinicola 317, 328, 339, 330 rhabdospora 333 Ribis 316, 317 rugosa 2>2>3 seriata 316, 323 sororia 317, 329 Spiraeae 316, 320 striata 2i22 tahacina 307 Treleasei 317, 330 tumoricola 316, 318 turbinata 316, 319 urceolata conferta 326 Urceolus 316, 321, 325 viburnicola 317, 327 viticola 316, 321 Zelleri 317, 329 Godroniopsis 295, 307 quernea 307 Gorgoniceps 46, 178, 182, 183 aridula 178, 179 confluens 179, 181 delicatula 286 dinemasporioides 182 « Guernisaci 183 iowensis 179, 181 jamaicensis 179, 182 Kalmiae 324 montanensis 179, 180 ontariensis 179, 180 Pumilionis 179 turbinata 184 turbiniilata 183 vibrisseoides 184 Index to Genera and Species 409 Graphium giganteum 238, 239 Guepinia 149 Guepiniopsis 149 chrysocomus 153 Habrostictis aurantiaca 337 ocellata 345 Haematomyces 234 fagineus 234 vinosus 372 Haeniatomyxa 372 ascoboloides 372, 373 ruja 372 vinosa 312 Hainesia rhoina 2 1 1 Harknessiella 169 purpurea 177 Helolachnum 240 aurantiacufn 258 i:^^/o/e 13, 16 viridis 16 Helotiella 48, 287 aureococcinea 287 cornuta 287, 289 lactea 177 Lonicerae 287, 288 major 287, 289 Nuttallii 288, 289 papyricola 287, 290 pygmaea 287, 288 Russellii 290 trabinelloides 287, 288 Helotium 46, 113, 149, 150, 167, 206, 215, 232, 240, 241, 287 aciculare 44 acicularum 1 15, 127 acuum 273 aeruginosum 98 affinissimum 257 alaskae 132 albolnteum 263 albopunctum 115, 133 albovirens 148 albuniinum 1 17, 145 alniellum 148 amenti 85 ammoides 1 17, 145 amplum 1 15, 133 append iculatum 119 arenicola 117, 148 aspidicolunt 261 atrosubiculatum 116, 140 aurantiacum 140, 149 aurantium 1 16, 140 brassicaecolum 149 bryogenum 122 Buccina 149 calyciforme 248 caraborum 149 carbonarium 258 caricinellum 167 Cassandrae 117, 146 castaneum 116, 138 caiidatum 124 caulicola 275 Cecropiae 149 cerinum 271 Cesatii 182 chrysophthalmum 283 ciliatosporum 1 19 Citri 287 citrinulum 116, 141, 142, 150 citrinulum Seaveri 141 citrinum 1 15, 131 citrinum siiblenliciilare 132 Claims 23 1 confluens 132 conformatum 149 Conocarpi 1 16, 137 consanguineum 1 16, 143 contortum 147 coronatum 1 12 corlicale 249 Craginianuni 117, 144 cremeum 168 crocinum 149 cudonioides 115, 125 cyathoideum 116, 129, 142 cyathoideum graminicola 143 dakotense 1 15, 132 Dearnessii 1 14, 118 destructor 1 16, 138 discretum 149 epiphyllum 115, 125 episphaericum 116, 139 erraticum 1 16, 136 Eschscholtziae 115, 129 fastidiosuin 114, 117 ferrugineum 149 firmtim 108 410 The North American Cup-Fungi flexipes 258 flexuosum 141, 142 foliicolum 147 fraternum 1 14, 123 Friesii 117, 147 fructigenum 114, 120, 126 fumigatum 149 funiosellum 115. 126 fumosum 143, 149 furfuraceum 150 gemmarum 117, 144 gracile 1 19 Hedwigii 258 herbarum 115, 129 herbarum Rubi 13(» hyalinum 252 Ilicis 136 imberbe 150 immutabile 116, 135 inquiliniim 260 lacteum 177 lanceolato-paraphysatum 117, 145 laricinum 116, 139, 140 lenticulare 132 limonicolor 101 Limonium 142 Linderi 115, 123 luteolum 257 luteovirescens 115, 131 macrosportim 1 10 maculosum 293 microspis 150 midlandense 117, 147 niiserum 150 montanense 150 monticola 150 mycetophilum 114, 122 naviculasporum 115, 124 nigrescens 115, 128 nigripes 150 nigromaculatum 114, 123 nitens 165 nudum 258 nyssaegenum 80 nyssicola 80, 114, 121 pallescens 1 15, 133 palustre 231 papular e 279 parasiticum 139 pelinlorum 1 10 phaeoconium 115, 129 Phiala 151 Phillipsii 257 Piceae 127 pileatum 231 planodiscum 116, 141 populinum 1 16, 136 propinquuni 117, 146 puberulum 116, 134 pullatum 151 pu net a turn 136 ptinctiforme 136 pygmaeum 257 renisporum 115, 130, 131 rhizicola 1 17, 143 rhizogenum 257 rhizophilum 257 rhytidodes 151 Rubi 341 rubicolum 151 nigipes 94 salicellum 114, 120 saprophyllum 124 scrupulosum 151 Scutula 114, 119, 126 Scutula caudatum 179 Scutula Lysimachiae 119 Scutula Rubi 1 19 Scutula Rudbeckiae 119 Scutula vitellina 119 Seaveri 100 seminicola 1 15, 127 serotinum 114, 118 simulatum 1 16, 137 sordidatuni 151 spar sum 124 sphaerophoroides 102 strumosum 115, 128 sublenticular e 132 subrubescens 258 sulfurellum 131 sulphuratum 115, 127 trabinelloides 288, 289 translucens 116, 135 tumidulum 151 turbinatum 114, 122 turgidellum 151 umbrinum 1 17, 147 Urticae 142 Verbenae 1 19 Index to Genera and Species 411 versiforme 94 vihrisseoides 184 virgultorum 115, 120, 126, 152 virgultorum fructigenum 1 2 1 virgultorum rubicoluni 1 5 1 virgultorum Scutiila 119 vitellinum 1 19 vitellinum pallidostriatum 1 1 9 vitigenum 152 Willkommii 244 Helvella 39 see also Elvela acicularis 44, 1 1 4 elastica 39 gelatinosa 37 laricina 10 Heterosphaeria pinicola 328 Heyderia 8 Holwaya 47, 237 gigantea 100, 238 Ophiobolus 238 liliacea 238 Humaria 150 atroviolacea 35 1 fuscocarpa 2 1 9 lividopurpurea 150 marchica 219 olivacea 219 rufoolivacea 296 turbinata 122 xanthomela 97 Hyallnia 1 1 1 rubella 159 Hyalopeziza 239, 241 carneola 275 ciliaris 255 ciliata 275 />a/M/a 279 Pteridis 261 Hyaloscypha 239 alnesida 274 hyalina 252 punctiformis 136 Hygromitra 36 Hymenoscypha amentaceae 86 amenti 85 bolaris 109 Caucus 86 coronata 1 12 cyathoidea 142 cyathoidea Solani 142 Dearnessii 1 18 Duriaeana 79 epiphylla 125 firma 108 flexipes 257 fructigena 120 Hedwigii 257 nigromaculata 123 wwda 258 petiolorum 1 1 0 planodisca 141 psetidotuberosa 87 punctiformis 136 renispora 130 rhizophila 257 Scutula 1 1 9 Scutula Grossulariae 119 Scutula Lysimachiae 1 1 9 Scutula Rudbeckiae 119 serotina 1 1 8 tuber osa 75 Urticae 142 virgultorum 126 Hymenoscyphus affinissimus 258 albopunctus 133 Dearnessii 1 1 8 glagosus 167 gracilis 1 1 9 subcarneus 138 Hymenula funiosa 126 Hysterium 217 quercinum 306 lonomidotis 91 fulvotingens 97 irregularis 92 nicaraguensis 93 olivascens 94 plicata 93 portoricensis 93 Kriegeria 46, 100 alutipes 100, 103 cedrina 100, 103 chloromeia IOC, 102 enterochroma 100, 101, 233 Jacksoni 101 juniperina 100, 102 Seaveri 100, 103 Lachnaster miniatus 113 412 The North American Cup-Fungi Lachnea bicolor 250 calycina 244 cerina 2 7 1 ciliaris 255 corticalis 249 diminuta 259 hyalina 252 papillaris 279 pygmaea 257 Rosae 195 rufoolivacea 296 sulphurea 264 variecolor 263 virginea 253 Lachnella 48, 232, 239, 240, 241, 282, 290 Acanthonitschkeae 243, 262 acuum 21i Agassizii 242, 247, 280 agrostina 242, 259 albolabra 273 albolutea 243, 263 albopileata subaurata 274 albotestacea 243, 272 alboviolascens 240 arida 243, 268, 270 Arundinariae 242, 259 ascoboloidea 274 aspidicola 242, 261 atropurpurea 243, 266 aurelia 285 bicolor 242, 249, 250, 280 brevipila 274 callochaetes 274 canadensis 243, 265 canescetts 249 capitata 242, 254 caulicola 275 cedrina 103 cenangioides 264 cerina 243, 271 ciliaris 242, 255 ciliata 241, 237 cinereofusca 275 citrina 263 Corni 243, 271 corticalis 242, 249 crucifera 242, 252, 280 . Dicranopteridis 242, 262 diminuta 242, 259 diplocarpa 282 echinulata 255 Ellisiana 242, 248 Eupatorii 243, 272 extricata 276 fasciculata 242, 251 fuscobarbata 277 fuscosanguinea 243, 269, 271 Gaultheriae 242, 256 Gleicheniae ,243, 266 Hahniana 241, 245 Halesiae 242, 257 hyalina 242, 252 hystricula 111 incarnescens 277 inquilina 242, 260 Ivae 243, 265 lahrosa 278 luteodisca 278 luteola 257 microspora 243, 267 nivea 253, 254 nuda 257 oblongospora 241, 245 occidentalis 241, 244 papillaris 279 patula 279 Pini 269 pollinaria 242, 255 populicola 243, 270 populina 243, 270 Pseudotsugae 241, 246 pteridicola 242, 261 Pteridis 243, 261, 273 puberula 134 pulveracea 243, 268 pulverulenta 243, 265 pulverulenta purpurascens 266 pygmaea 242, 257 resinaria 242, 247 rhabarbarina 240, 341 rhizophila 249 Rhytismatis 243, 262 rufoolivacea 296 Solenia 242, 260 solfatera 265 solitaria 280 subochracea 242, 251 subtilissima 248 Index to Genera and Species 413 succina 243, 263 sulphurea 243, 264, 293 Symphoricarpi 280 tautilla 242, 256 tricolor microspora 267 variecolor 263 venturioides 281 virginea 242, 253, 273, 274 virginella 242, 256 virginica 271 viridicoma 243, 267 Willkonimii 241, 243 Lachnellula 48, 282 chrysophthalma 282, 283 cyphelloides 284 hysterigena 218 microspora 282, 283 resinaria 247 theioidea 284 Lachnum 239, 241 agaricinum 253 albotestaceiim 272 alneum 274 Arundinariae 259 Aspidii 274 atropurpiireum 266 bicolor 250 brunneolum 21 A calyculaeforme 274 carneolum 275 clandestmum 275 Corni 271 corticate 249 echinulatum 255 Engelmani 268 fuscofloccosum 277 Gaultheriae 256 Cleicheniae 266 Hedwigii 258 hyalinellum 277 inquilimim 260 leucophaeum 264 longisporum 293 Nardi 278 niveum 253 niveum Fairmani 253 pallideroseum 279 pollinarium 255 pygmaenrn 258 reclinatum 279 rhizophilum 258 setigerum 280 spiraeaecolum 280 sulfureum 264 virginellum 256 virgineum 253, 254 viridulum 268 Laetinaevia 162 rosella 161 Lagynodella pruinosa 340 Lambertella 45, 66 Cephalanthi 66, 69 Corni-maris 66 Hicoriae 66 Jasmini 66, 67 Pruni 66, 68 tropicalis 66, 67 Viburni 66, 68 Lanzia 162 lieloti aides 167 rugipes 94 Lasiobelonium subflavidum 280 Lasiosphaeria striata 322 Lecanidion acericolum 359 Hamamelidis 363 leptospermum 238 Lemalis rujoolivacea 2 1 9 Leotia 8, 36, 37 aquatica 231 atropurpurea 18 chlorocephala 37, 38 chlorocephala Stevensoni 39 circinans 41 Clavus 40 elegans 10 exigua 39 infundibuliformis 39 lubrica 37, 39 Zw/m 42 marcida 39 Mitrula 11 ochroleuca 43 rufa 39 Stevensoni 39 stipitata 37, 38 trimcorum 40 iiliginosa 10 viscosa 38 414 The North American Cup-Fungi Leptoglossum 13, 17 alabamense 16 fumosum 14 latum 20 lutescens mitruloides 13 luteum 13 luteum fumosum 14 microsporum 19 Leptothyrium Fragariae 190 Leptotrochila repanda 187 Leucoloma turbinata 122 Macroscyphus tuberosus 75 Marsonia Castagnei 189 Fragariae 190 /eo5ae 190 Martinia 45, 69 panamaensis 69 Massea 169 quisquiliarum 172 Mastomyces Friesii 325 Melachroia 97 terrestris 97 xanthomela 97 Microglossum 8, 13, 17 album 28 arenarium 20 atropurpureum 18, 19 contorturn 16 fumosum 13, 14 longisporum 13, 15 obscurum 16 olivaceum 13, 16 rufum 13 viride 13, 16 vitellinum 10 Micr opera 352 abietiiia 354 Cerasi 353 Cotoneastri 358 drupacearum 353 erumpens 354 Nemopanthis 356 Pinastri 369 roseola 353 5or6i 358 stellata 356 Micropeziza Iridis 212 Micropodia populina 136 Micula Moueeolii 349 Midotis 46, 91, 98 floridana 92, 95 heteromera 92, 95 irregularis 91, 92 Lingua 91 nicaraguensis 92, 93 occidentalis 92, 96 olivascens 92, 94 plicata 92, 93 verruculosa 95 versiformis 92, 94 Westii 92, 96 Mitrula 7, 8 a/fta 28 arenaria 20 crispata 9 cucullata 9, 11 elegans 10 exigua 39 glabra 19 gracilis 9, 12, 13 gracilis flavipes 12 Heyderi 8. 11 inflata 13 irregularis 9 Johnsonii 28 laricina 10 luleola 9 lutescens 13 microspora 19 muscicola 9, 12 olivacea 16 paludosa 10 phalloides 9, 10 pistillaris 13 purpurascens 18 roseola 13 rw/a 13 viridis 16 vitellina 9, 10 vitellina irregularis 9 Mitruliopsis flavida 34 Mollisia 47, 160, 193, 199, 206, 215-218, 220 abdita 200, 210 alabamensis 216 alpina 201, 213 Angelicae 200, 209 apiophila 200, 206 Artemlsiae 226 210. Index to Genera and Species 415 Asclepiadis 200, 207 aspidicola 261 astericola 208 atrata 200, 208 atriella 200, 211 atrocinerea 208 aureofulva 200, 203 benesuada 216 benesuada polyspora 2 1 6 caesia 200, 203 caespiticia 200, 205 cinerea 200, 201, 207 clavigera 200, 209 coccinella 157 complicatula 216 culmina caricina 201 Dehnii 200, 208 dentata 1 13 discolor 168 Earliana 190 encoelioides 200, 205 epitypha 201, 213 erigeronata 200, 208 euparaphysata 2 1 6 exigua 200, 207 Fairmani 200, 201 foliicola 229 fumigata 200, 203 fnsarioides 163 fusca 194 fuscorubra 226 Gaultheriae 200, 210 gelatinosa 162 glenospora 200, 204 hydrophila 201, 213 ilicincola 218 incrustata 201, 215 introviridis 217 Iridis 201, 212 junciseda 111 Karstenii Caricis 228 lanaria 200, 210 leucostigma 154, 217 lignicola 202 lilacina 200, 205 lividofusca 196 melaleuca 195, 200, 202 niicrocarpa 200, 202 miltophthalma 217 nipteroides 201, 214 Oenotherae 200, 211 papillata 217 paullopuncta 217 Pinastri 299 Polygoni 200, 206 prinicola 222 pteridina 1 13 Pteridis 273 Ranunculi 18'^ Rosae 195 rubella 159 Rubi 221 Sabalidis 201, 214 scirpina 200, 212 Scoleconectriae 201, 215 singular is 187 sterostoma 2 1 7 stictoidea 201, 212 subcinerea 200, 207 subcornea 200, 203 tenella 201, 214 Teucrii 217 trametis 215 Trifolii 185 tyrolensis 169 uda 169 vinosa 156 vulgaris 200, 204 vulgaris myceticola 204 vulgaris sanguinella 204 xanthostigma 154 Mollisiella 47, 218 citr inula 141 ilicincola 218 Mollisiopsis 199 euparaphysata 216 subcinerea 207 Monilia 45, 48, 51-57 angustior 52 cinerea 51 cinerea americana 50 Corni 58 Crataegi 55 laxa 5 1 oregonensis 5 1 Peckiana angustior 52 Polycodii 56 Seaveri 53 Vaccinii-corymhosi 57 Monilinia 45, 48, 49 416 The North American Cup-Fungi Amelanchleris 50, 54 Aroniae 59 Azaleae 50, 58 Corni 58 demissa 50, 54 emarginata 59 fructicola 50 gregaria 50, 56 Johnsonii 50, 55 laxa 50, 51 Ledi 49 Oxycocci 50, 57 Padi 50, 52 Polycodii 50, 56 Rhododendri 49 Seaveri 50, 52, 53 Urnula 59 Vaccinii-corymbosi 50, 57 Montagnella tumefaciens 195 Morchella 12 Murangium 295, 367 Sequoiae 368 Myridium 152, 160 myriosporum 160 Myriella 160 Myxosporium 333, 345, 347 ahietinum 350 Nectria 290 Feziza 281 Neohulgaria 230 Neofabraea 333 Populi 346 Neofuckelia pinicola 329 Niptera 162 caesia 203 caricinella 167 cinerea 201 coccinea 164 dentata 1 13 discolor 168 Ellisii 224 epitypha 213 fuscorubra 226 leucostigma 217 Lithospermi 165 lividofusca 196 melaleuca 202 microcarpa 202 Mulleri 168 pella 169 Polygoni 206 sulphureotincta 134 Teucrii 2 1 7 tyrolensis 169 uda 169 Nodtilaria acericola 342, 343 Ocellaria 346 aurantiaca 337 aurea 345 Betuli 335 ocellata 345 Octospora calyciformis 247 citrina 131 elastica 233 wwea 253 paradoxa 335 tuber osa 75 violacea 236 Oidium laxum 5 1 Ombrophila 47, 230, 231 albiceps 231 albofusca 232 aurata 232 aurea 165 Clavus 231, 232, 233 decolorans 1 1 1 enterochroma 101, 233 flavens 232 hirtella 232 Kriegeriana 100, 104 lilacina 232 limosa 233 limosella 233 Lysichitonis 233 microspora 237 paradoxa 335 pellucida 233 purpurascens 231, 232 sarcoides 236 similis 233 strobilina 99 subaurea 233 subsqualida 233 thujina 100, 101 urnalis 237 violacea 231-233, 236 violacea limosella 233 Oospora laxa 5 1 Index to Genera and Species 417 Orbilia 46, 151, 152, 160-162, 215 assimilis 160 atropurpurea 236 Caulophylli 153, 159 chrysocoma 152, 153, 161 coccinella 153, 157 cruenta 153, 158 Cucurbitae 152, 155 curvatispora 152, 155 diaphanula 152, 153 epispora 152, 155 Eucalypti 153, 158 Fairmani 152, 154 gelatinosa 161 inflatula 152, 154 leucostigma 152, 154, 156. 157 luteorubella 153, 159 myriospora 153, 160 occulta 158 paradoxa 161 ph^'matodes 152, 156 pulviscula 153, 160 rosella 161 rubella 153, 159 rubinella 153, 157 rubrococcinea 152, 157 Sarraziniana 161 vinosa 152, 156 Otidea 91, 94 doratophora 92 leporina 42 Ovulinia 45, 64 Azaleae 65 perplexa 65 Pachydisca immutabilis 135 Pachyella atroviolacea 35 1 Patellaria acericola 359 applanala 219 aureococcinea 22,1 , 288 bicolor 285 cenangiicola 307 discolor 168 ferruginea 366 Hamamelidis 363 hirneola 219 leptosperma 238 livid a 350 melaletica 202 olivacea 219 pulla nigroolivacea 2 1 9 rhabarbarina 338 Rtibi 340 san guinea 199 spermatiospora 370 violacea 219 Patellea cenangicola 307 sanguinea 199 Patellina Fragariae 211 Patinella applanala 219 Brenckleana 357 hirneola 219 olivacea 219 violacea 219 Perrotia 240, 241 flarnmea 240, 275, 280 Pestalopezia 47, 191, 193 brunneopruinosa 192 Rhododendri 192 Pestalotia 192, 193 Callunae 193 gibhosa 192 Pezicula 295, 314, 333, 343, 349, 351, 366 acericola 334, 342, 343 Alni 334, 337, 338 alnicola 334, 336 atroviolacea 35 1 aurantiaca 334, 337 Brenckleana 334, 341 carpinea 334, 335 Corni 334, 344 cornicola 334, 344 corylina 334, 336 crataegicola 334, 339, 340 eximia 345, 346 fasciculata 335 Frangulae 312 Hamamelidis 334, 348 Kalmiae 351 livida 334, 350 minuta 334, 348 Morthieri 334, 349 ocellata 334, 345 olivascens 334, 339 pallidula 351 Philadelphi 351 phyllophila 334, 350 418 The North American Cup-Fungi Populi 334, 346 pruinosa 334, 340 Pumilionis 179 purpurascens 334, 347 rhabarbarina 341, 345 rhabarbarina Corni 344 Rosae 341 Rubi 334, 340 spicata 334, 344 spiculata 334, 342 viridiatra 219, 351 Peziza 182, 193, 239, 281 abdita 210 aberrans 174 Abietis 298 Abietis strobiUna 99 Absinthii 226 acerina 27 i acicularis 44 acuum 273 aeruginescens 98 aeruginosa 98 Agassizii 248 agrostina 259 albella 205 a/&iWa 205 albocitrina 273 albopileata 273 albotestacea 272 alboviolascens 240 alboviridis 21 A albumina 145 aZweo 369 alniella 148 alutipes 103 amentacea 86 amenti 85 Andromedae 304 Andropogonis 174 anomala 198 aquifoliae 216 arachnoidea 198, 289 ardennensis 340 ^n'ae 358 arida 268 Artemisiae 226 Arundinariae 175, 274 ascoboloidea 274 aspidicola 261 Asp id a 274 assimilis 160 aster icola 208 a/ra/a 208 atriella 211 atrocincerea 208 atrofusca 198 atroviolacea 351 atrovirens 106 Aucupariae 371 aurata 232 aurea 132 aurelia 285 aureofulva 203 balsamicola 197 benesuada 2 1 6 Betuli 335 bicolor 250 Bloxanii 198 bolaris 109 borealis 249 brassicaecola 2 1 6 brevipila 274 brunnea 233 brunneola 274 Buccina 149 bulgarioides 91, 99 caesia 284 caespiticia 205 calyciformis 247, 248 calycina 243, 245, 280 calycina Abietis 283 calycina Laricis 243 calyculaeformis 27 A Campanula 177, 274 candidofidva 285 cannea 274 capitata 254 car ic in a 227 cariosa 229 carneorosea 161 carneorubra 275 carpinea 334, 335 Caucus 85, 86 caudata 124 caulicola 275 cedrina 103 cenangioides 264 Cephalanthi 326 Cerasi 352, 353 Cerasi Padi 360 Index to Genera and Species 419 cerina 271 cervinula 228 chamaeleontina 275 chlora 104 chlorascens 98 chloromeJa 102 chrysocoma 153 chrysophthalma 282, 283 ciborioides strobilaria 99 ci liar is 255 cinerea 199, 201 cinereofusca 275 cinnamomea 342 citrina 1 3 1 citrinella 161 clandestina 275 clavigera 209 Clavus 231 Clavus pallens 231 Clavus violascens 231 clypeata 351 coccinella 157 comata 275 conchella 161 concrescens 235 confluens 131 conformata 149 conorum 216 cornuta 289 coronala 111, 112 corticalis 240, 249 Craginiana 144 crinella 21 S crispa 301 crocea 149 crocitincta 104 cr OS sola 275 crucifera 252, 253 cruenta 158 crystaUina 254 Cucurbitae 155 culcitella 195 culmicola 176 cyathoidea 142 cyphelloides 284 daedalea 198 Dearnessii 1 18 Dehnii 208 Delitschiafja 176 denigrata 224 dentata 1 1 3 denticidata 1 12 diaphanula 153 digitalis 276 diminuta 259 dinemasporioidcs 182 diplocarpa 282 discincola 199 distincta 276 doratophora 92 Diiriaeana 79 carina 198 Earliana 190 earoleuca 276 echinulata 255 elatina 104 Ellisiarja 190, 248 enterochroma 101 epiphylla 125 epispora 155 epixantha lib erigeronata 200, 208 EscJischoUziae 129 eucrita 350 Eupatorii 272 eustegiaeformis 175 exidiella 216 exlgua 207 extricata 276 Fairmani 201 fascicularis 301 ferruginea 149 fibriseda 158, 216, 276 fimbriifera 276 fimbriseda 276 fir ma 108 fiscella 183 flammea 240, 241 flavofuliginea 277 floriformis 216 Frangulae 312 Fraxini 310, 367 Friesii 147 frondicola 277 fructigena 120 fructigenum rubicola 1 5 1 ftdvocana 277 fumigata 203 fumosella 126 furfuracea 300 420 The North American Cup-Fungi ftisarioides 162-164 fusca 193, 194, 199 fuscescens 277 fuscidula 277 fuscobarbata 277 fuscocarpa 219 fuscosaji guinea 269 gelalinosa 161 glagosa 167 glenospora 204 globularis 325 gracilipes 72 graminis 169 griseoptilveracea 194 herharum 129 heterocarpa 217 heteromera 95 heterotnorpha 174 hyalina 252 Hydrangeae 277 hydrophila 213 hypnicola 217 hypophylla 182 hysterigena 218 ilicincola 218 77/o/a 277 imberbis 150 incarnescens 111 incondita 84 incrtistata 215 inflatula 154 inquinans 233 inspersa 277 introspecta 1 7 1 introviridis 2 1 7 irregularis 92 janthina 236 Kalmiae 278, 351 lacerata 221 Laricis 244 latebrosa 253 Lecanora 345, 346 leguntinum 150 Lentaginis 278 lenlicularis 131 leonina 278 leucopsis 150 leucorrhodina 161 leucostigma 152, 154, 217 lilacina 232 limosella 233 lividofusca 196 longipes 131 longipila 278 luctuosa 206 luteoalba 278 luteorubella 159 luteovirescens 131 Marchantiae 1 1 2 marginala 278 megaloma 199 melachroa 217 melaxantha 278 Meleagris 275 melileuca 202 tnelichroa 217 membranata 278 micros pis 150 miltophthalma 217 miniopsis 291 mollisiaeoides 195 muUiptmcta 228 mycogena 169 myricacea 278 nebulosa 1 1 1 n/gra 233 nigrescens 128 nigripes 150 nigritella 229 nigrocincta 278 nigroolivacea 219 «M(/a 257 nyssaegena 80 obscura 278 occulta 158 ocellata 345 ochracea 279 ochroleuca 108 Oenotherae 211 oleosa 164 olivacea 219 Opulifoliae 279 Osmiindae 279 pallescens 133 palliderosea 279 pallidovirescens 131 papillaris 279 Pastinacae 1 5 1 /?a/7//a 279 pauUopuncta 217 Index to Genera and Species 421 penicillata 279 Personii 229, 230 petiolorum 1 10 phlegmacea 172 Phiala 1 5 1 Philadelphi 351 phymatodes 156 Pinastri 299 pinicola 328 pinicola soli tar ia 328 planodisca 141 pUcatocrenata 372 poUinaria 255 Polygon i 206 polymorpha 233 pomicolor 104, 279 popnlnea 301, 370 prinicola 222 prolifica 284 prolificans 279 protrusa 222 pruinata 199 pruinosa 300 Prunastri 360 pseudotuberosa 88 Pteridis 273 puberula 134, 279 ptilveracea 268 pulverulenta 265 pulviscula 160 punctiformis 136, 279 pygmaea 257 P3'n371 qiiernea 307 quisquiliarum 172 radiata 1 1 2 raphidophora 294 Rapulum 89 Ravenelii 218 re gaits 158, 217 relicina 279 resinaria 247 retincola 161 rhabarbarina 341 rhabdocarpa 294 rhaphidospora 291 Rhododendri 3 1 1 ribesia 317 ^Oiae 195 roseoalba 280 rubella 159 rubiginosa 306 rubinella 157 rufiberbis 280 rufofusca 89 rufoolivacea 296 rufiila 158 rugulosa 220 Russellii 290 saccharifera 158, 217, 276 salicella 120 sanguinea 199, 217 sarcoides 236 scabrovillosa 280 scariosa 199 Schweinitziana 321 scirpina 2 1 2 sclerogena 173 sclerotiorum 74 scrupulosa 1 5 1 Scutula 1 1 9 serotina 1 1 8 setigera 280 simillima 290 simulata 137 singular is 187 Solani 142 Solenia 260 soleniaeformis 260 soleniiformis 280 solfatera 265 solitaria 280 sphaerincola 280 sphaerophoroides 102 spiraeaecola 280 stenostoma 217 stictoidea 212 stipiticola 280 subatra 224 subcarnea 138 subgibbosa 176 subhirta 280 subiculata 194 suhochracea 25 1 subtilissima 248, 280 succina 263 sulphurata 127 sulphur ea 127, 264 stilphurea alboltitea 263 sulphurea leucophaea 264 422 The North American Cup-Fungi sulphur ella 252, 253, 280 tautiUa 256 tela 199 tenella 142, 214 Thalictri 223 theioidea 284 Tiliae 281 torta 106 translucida 281 tremelloidea 236 Trifoliorum 185 tuberosa 75 tuber osa strobilina 99 tumidula 1 5 1 turbinulata 263, 264 turgidella 151 Wa 169 uncinata 281 Urceolus 325 Urceohis 325 Urnula 59 [/rficac 142 urticina 281 iirtalis 306 ustalis 306 variecolor 263 Feciw 294 versiformis 94 versijormis livida 99 vexata 176 Viburni 306 t'/Z/o5a 281 vincta 194 vinosa 156 virginea 253 virgin ella 256 virguUorum 126 viridiatra 219, 351 viridicoma 267 viticola 321 Ft7i5 281 vixvisibilis 281 vulgaris 204 vulpina 281 Wauchii 285 xanthomela 97 xanthosligma 154 yogoensis 228 zanthomela 97 Pezizella 152 albella 205 albopuncta 133 aquifoliae 216 aquifoliae 216 aurantiaca 140 brassicaecola 216 californica 225 carneorosea 161 citrinella 161 citr inula 141 conchella 161 conformatum 149 crocea 149 crocitincta 104 cruenta 158 Cucurbitae 155 dakotensis 132 exidiella 216 exigua 207 Fairmani 154 floriformis 216 glagosa 167 inquilina 260 lanceolato-paraphysala 145 leguminum 150 LyZ/jz-i 2 1 1 microspis 150 Oenotherae 2 1 1 ontariensis 180 Pastinacae 151 phymatodes 156 planodisca 141 populina 136 puberula 134 punctforniis 136 regalis 158 rtibella 159 rufula 158 soleniiformis 280 Teucrii 217 tumidula 1 5 1 turgidella 1 5 1 vulgaris 204 Pezizellaster 1 1 1 radiostrialus 1 13 Pezoloma 111, 112 griseum 1 13 Phacidium congener 189 Index to Genera and Species 423 litigiosum 189 Medicaginis 186 Pinastri 369 Populi 345 Ranunculi \ 89 repandum 187 seriatum 323 Trifolii 185 Phacopsis Mullen' 168 Phaeangella 312 abietina 3 1 1 deformata 313 Morthieri 349 Prtinastri 361 siibnitida 358 Phaeangium 308 magnisporum 309 phaeosporum 297 punctoideum 306 i?M^)i 296 tetrasporum 308 Phaeobulgaria 47, 233 inquinans 233 Phaeohelotium 46, 184 flavum 184, 185 Phaeopeziza fuscocarpa 219 marchica 219 Phallus marcidus 39 Phialea 113, 114, 241 aciculanim 127 affinissima 257 alniella 148 alutipes 103 amenti 85 ampla 133 anomala 131 appendiculata 119 arenicola 148 holaris 109 carneola 149 Cassandrae 146 Caucus 86 Cecropiae 149 cilrina 132 Craginiana 144 crocea 149 ciilmicola 176 cyathoidea 142, 149 Dearnessii 1 1 8 discreta 149 Eschscholtziae 129 firma 108 flexipes 257 frucligena 120 fumosella 126 gemmarum 144 gracilis 1 19 Hedwigii 257 leucopsis 150 microspora 150 nigromaculata 123 olympiana 151 pallida 151 palliderosea 279 petiolorum 1 10 phaeoconia 129 rub i cola 151 Scutula 119 Scutula Rudbeckiae 119 simulata 137 Solani 142 sordida 105 sordidata 1 5 1 subcarnea 138 subgalbula 151 temulenta 76 tuber osa 75 Urnula 59 virgultorum 126 vilellina 1 1 9 vitellina pallidostriata 119 vulgaris 204 Phialina puberula 134 Phibalis furfuracea 300 Phillipsia 91 Phillipsiella 220 nigrella 229 purpurea 177 Phlyctidium Ranunculi 1 89 Phyllachora Medicaginis 186 Trifolii 185 Physalacria inflala 13 Pirottaea 294 frondicola 277 Hydrangeae 277 yukutatiana 281 Pilhya suecica 283 Plicaria turbinata 122 424 The North American Cup-Fungi Pocillum 46, 182 hypophyllum 182 Podophacidium 46, 97 terrestre 97 xanthomelum 97 Polynema aurelium 285 Propolis ocellata 345 P seudociboria 113, 114 umbrina 147 P seudohelotium 113, 279 Ahsinthii 226 ammoides 145 canadense 265 Fairmani 201 fibrisedum 158, 216, 276 hyalinum 252 ilicincolum 218 incrustatum 215 isabellinum 150 laricinum 139 melichroum 217 pomicolor 104 puberulum 134 punctiforme 136 sacchariferuni 217, 276 strumosum 128 Teucrii 217 Pseudopeziza 47, 185 Bistortae 189 caricina 227 Cerastiorum Arenariae 189 Holwayi 185, 187 Jonesii 186 Medicaginis 185, 186 Meliloti 187 Populi-albae 185, 188 protrusa 222 Ranunculi 189 repanda 185, 187 Ribis 185, 188 singularis 185, 187 Trifolii 185 Trifolii-arvensis 186 Pycnocalyx Abietis 331 Pycnopeziza 46, 106 quisquiliaris 106, 107 sympodialis 106 Pyrenopeziza 47, 162, 212, 220 Absinthii 221, 226 Artemisiae 221, 226 Artemisiae Solidaginis 227 Arundinariae 175, 274 atrata 208 californica 221, 225 caricina 221, 227 Caricis 221, 228 cariosa 229 Cephalanthi 221, 225 cervinula 221, 228 coloradensis 221, 224 compressula 221, 225 Dearnessii 221, 227 doryphora 229 doryphora Heleocharidis 229 Ellisii 221, 224 foliicola 229 fuscorubra 226 lacerata 220, 221 leucodermis 220, 223 lignicola 202 Medicaginis 186 minuta 220, 223 multipunctoidea 221, 229 nigrella 229 nigritella 229 prinicola 220, 222 protrusa 220, 222 Rubi 220, 221 smilacicola 221, 227 subatra 221, 224 Thalictri 221, 223 yogoensis 221, 228 Rhizina nigroolivacea 219 Roesleria hypogaea 44 Riitslroemia 91, 108 amenlaceae 86 americana 88 bulgarioides 99 elatina 104 fir ma 108 microspora 150 renispora 130 tuberosa 75 Sarcodea sarcoides 236 Sarcomyces 373 vinosa 373 Sarea brassicaecola 149 Schweinitzia 296 phaeospora 297 rnfoolivacea 296 Index to Genera and Species 425 Scleroderris 315 abieticola 332 abietina 332 acerina 359 Cephalanthi 326 fuliginosa 322 Lanlanae 319 lobata 318 pallidula 351 py'/ya 331 ribesia 317 sequoiae 368 seriata 323 Spiraeae 320 Treleasei 330 tumor icola 318 Sclerotinia 1-5, 45, 49, 74, 89 aestivalis 88 Amelanchieris 54 americana 50 angustior 52 &;7ro«5 70, 71 Camelliae 74, 80 Caricis-ampullacea 74, 77 carunculoides 87 cinera 5 1 coloradensis 75, 82 confundens 71 convoluta 61 Corni 58 Crataegi 55 demissa 54 Dratoni 62 Duriaeana 74, 78, 79 Erythronii 72 fallax 74, 81 foliicola 71 fructicola 50 fructigena 51 Fuckeliana 4 Gerafiii 3, 4, 59 Gladioli 5, 6, 90 gracilipes 72 gracilis 72 gregaria 56 heteroica 49 incondita 84 intermedia 75, 83 John so ni 55 juncigena 74, 76 /axe 51 longisclerotialis 74, 78 minor 74, 81 narcissicola 63 nyssaegena 63, 74, 80 Oxy cocci 57 Pacii 52 paludosa 74, 77 Panicis 75, 83 perplexa 65 Polycodii 56 pseudotuberosa 87 Rhododendri 50 Ricini 62 sativa 75, 84 sclerotiorum 49 Seaveri 1, 4, 53 Smilacinae 89 sulcata 79 Tiliae 2, 74, 79 temulenta 74, 76 tuberosa 74, 75, 84 Vaccinii 59 Vaccinii-corymbosi 57 Veratri 75, 82 Whetzelii 70 ivisconsinensis 84 Sclerotium bifrons 70, 71 /a//a.T 81 Gladioli 90 sulcatum 79 Scodellina 91 Scutula leucorrhodina 161 Seaverinia 45, 59 Geranii 59 Septogloeum podophyllinum 64 Septoria 210 Septotinia 45, 63 podophyllina 64 Solenia 280 anomala 198 poriaeformis 198, 199 Solenopezia 239, 281 aureococcinea 287 fimbriata 276 grisea 168 Solenia 260 Symphoricarpi 280 426 The North American Cup-Fungi IrabineUoides 288 vulpina 281 Spathularia 8, 34 clavata 34 fiava 34 flavida 34 flavida rugosa 34 linguatus 36 rugosa 34 velutipes 34, 35 Sphacelia amhiens 79 Sphaerangium 295, 308 magnisporum 308, 309 tetrasporum 308 Tiliae 308, 309 Sphaeria 280 Aucupariae 371 cespitosa 371 conspersa 371 Cotoneastri 358 Cotoneastri Sorbi 358 dubia 353 fuliginosa 322 micula 349 padina 360 uberiformis 325 Sphaerographium Fraxini 367 hystricinum 355, 356 hystricinum Viburni 355 niveum 349 stellatum 356 Sphaeronema 333, 340, 342, 343 acerinum 343, 359 brunneoviride 360 corneum 2 1 1 Coryli 336 Fraxini 367 hystricinum 355, 356 nigripes 359 pallidum 358 pruinosum 340 seriatum 323 spurium 361 stellatum 356 Sporonema pulvinatum 2 1 1 Spragueola americana 9 Stamnaria 47, 229 americana 229, 230 Equiseti 230 Thujae 229, 230 Stictis 212, 315 Se/M/?' 335 Lecanora 345 ocellata 345 Stilbum giganteum 238 Streptotinia 45, 60 Arisaemae 60 Streptothrix 60 Stromatinia 45, 89 Geranii 59 Gladioli 89, 90 Zaxa 5 1 pseudotuberosa 87 Rapulum 90 Smilacinae 89 Tapesia 47, 193. 284, 372 anomala 198 arachnoidea 198 atrofusca 198 aurata 286 balsamicola 193, 197 Bloxami 198 candidofulva 285 cinerella 194, 198 coloradensis 193, 196 culcitelia 193, 195 daedalea 198 derelicta 198 discincola 199 earina 193, 198 fulgens 285 fusca 193, 194, 198, 199 griseopulveracea 1 94 lividofusca 193. 196 lividofusca fallax 197 Lonicerae 288 megaloma 199 nielaleucoides Vaccinii 199 mollisioides 193, 195 prolifica 284 pruinata 199 Rhois 194 ribicola 193, 196 Rosae 193, 195 sanguinea 199 scariosa 199 secamenti 193, 197 subiculata 194 Index to Genera and Species 427 tela 199 tenebrosa 199 tumefaciens 193, 194 variecolor 263 vincta 194 Tapesina griseovitellina 297 Tarzetta cincrascens 1 1 1 Thelephora fimbriata 300 Thuemenidium 17 atropurpureum 18 Thyronectria p^rrhochlora 366 Tremella 47, 235 agaricoides 233 sarcoides 236 stipitata 38 turbinata 233 vinosa 373 Triblidium see Tryblidium Trichobelonium 46, 161, 173 albosuccineum 161, 162 hercynicum 162 leucorrhodium 161 Trichoglossum 8, 29 confusum 29, 33 Farlowi 29, 32 hirsutum 29, 30 hirsiilum Wrightii 31 octopartitum 29, 32 Rehmiamim 33 tetrasporum 29, 30 velutipes 29 Walteri 29, 33 Wrightii 29, 31 Trichopeziza 239, 241, 279 acerina 273 agrostina 259 alhotestacea 272 alboviridis 274 Aspidii 274 brevipila 274 Candida 274 capitata 254 carneorubra 275 ciliaris 255 coarctata 275 comata 275 crossota 275 distincta 276 earoleuca 276 echinulata 257 Eupatorii 212 flavofuliginea 277 fulvocana 277 inquilina 260 Kalniiae 278, 351 labrosa 278 leonia 278 lencophaea 264 marginata 278 melaxantha 278 myricacea 278 nigrocincta 278 nivea 253 obscura 278 Opuiifoliae 279 Osmundae 279 penicillata 279 poUinaria 255 pomicolor 279 Pteridis 273 pulverulenta 265 punctiformis 279 reiicina 279 roseoalba 280 rufiberbis 280 setigera 280 subochracea 251 sulphur ea 264 Tiliae 21 A, 281 urticina 281 venturioides 281 viridicoma 267 Vitis 381 Trichoscypha Willkommii 244 Trichoscyphella Willkommii 244 Trochilia populortim 188 Trifolii 185 Tryblidiopsis Pinastri 369 Tryblidium 366 cucurbitaria 366 difforme 322 Pinastri 369 seriatum 323 Tubercularia 21 1 fasciculata 335 Rhois 2 1 1 Tympanis 295, 306. 367, 368 acerina 343, 359 428 The North American Cup-Fungi alnea 368, 369 Ariae 358 Aucupariae 371 bicolor 357 Cerasi 353 cespitosa 369 cinerascens 372 conspersa 368, 371 conspersa alnea 369 fasciculata 368, 371 Frangulae 312 Fraxini 310, 367 gyrosa 372 inconstans 358 Nemopanthis 324 Oxydendri 368, 370 Padi 360 Pinastri 368, 369 pithya 372 pHcatocrenulata 372 popnlina 370 Prunastri 361 pundoidea 306 RaveneUi 310 rhabdospora 333 Ribis 3 1 7 saligna 368, 372 seriata 268 spermatiospora 368, 370 stictica 306 turbnata 319 Urceolus 325 viticola 321 Unguicularia 240 oregonensis 279 scrupulosa 151 Unguiculariopsis 218 ilicincola 218 Urceola atrata 208 hyalina 252 Pteridis 273 Urceolella puberula 134 Urnula craterium 93 terrestris 97 Velutaria 241, 295, 296 cinereofusca 275, 297 griseovitellina 297 Rhododendri 3 1 1 rufoolivacea 296 Verpatinia 45, 73 calthicola 73 duchesnayensis 73 Vibrissea 8, 39, 179, 183 circinans 41 foliorum 40 Guernisaci 183 /M/m 42 ochroleuca 43 truncorum 40 truncoruni albipes 40 turbinata 184 Wynnea 91 Xanthoglossum 17 luteum 13 microsporum 19 Xyloma herbaruni 187, 188, 20 S