^]^/ Ar<;rs rrs Fi.n>ii>c;. yly UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH Bp.r. m622 I8l9a|| v.l Uarlington JVLemorial L/ibrary Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2010 with funding from University of Pittsburgh Library System httpj//www.archive.org/details/northamericansyl01michin THE NORTH AMERICAN SYLVA. UNITED STATES : Sold Ly "Wells and Lilly, Court Street , Boston; H. Howe , JVew-ffaven; J. Eastbubn, JS'ew York; T. Dobson and Son, Philadelphia; Coale and Maxwell , Baltimore; HoFF , Charleston, S. C. LONDON : Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, PalernosterRow ; Dulau and Co., Soho Square; Trecttel andWcRTZ, Soho Square. TARIS: The Author, Place Saint-]Michel , No. 8; Treuttel and TVdrtz, rue de Bourbon, No. 17; Galignani, rue Vivienne. THE NORTH AMERICAN SYLVA, O R A DESCRIPTION OF THE FOREST TREES OF THE UNITED STATES, CANADA AND NOVA SCOTIA, Considered particularly with respect to their use in the Arts , and their introduction into Commerce ; TO WHICH IS ADDED A DESCRIPTION OF THE MOST USEFUL OF THE EUROPEAN FOREST TREES, ILLUSTRATED BY l56 COLOURED ENGRAVINGS. . Translated from the French of •<- \\^ r:' A N DR E W M I C H A U X, illo I ^S^iT Member of the American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia ; Corespondent of the Institute of France ; Member of the Agricultural Societies of Charleston , S. C. , Philadelphia and Miissachusetts; Honorary Member of the Historical, Literary and Philosophical Societies of New York. , . . arbore sulcamus maria, terrasque admovemuf, (irhore txcedificamus tecla. Pumi SECDKDi: Nat. Hist. , lib. xii, VOL. l. PARIS, PRINTED BY C. D'HAUTEL. lvv^'w^'wwv\/wvw'» 1819. 3 1735 060 445 602 TO JAMES HILLHOUSE, LATELY A SENATOR A OF THE UNITED STATES, THIS WORK IS INSCRIBED, BY HIS AFFECTIONATE FRIEND AND OBEDIENT SON, AUGUSTUS L. HILLHOUSE. N. B. The English edition of the North American Sylva was an- nounced in six numbers. As it has been judged useful to add a few figures and descriptions to those at first proposed , it is hoped the sub- scribers will not be displeased that a different division has been adopted; it was otherwise impossible to increase the number of plates, as the lowest price had been fixed upon the work. Believing that it would be more agreeable to the reader to have the text of an uniform composition , the first number has been reprinted and is delivered as a complement to the seventh. F. A. MICHAUX. PREFACE. The Author of the North American Syha has made me the most grateful return in his power , for the pains I have bestowed upon his publication , by requesting me to dedicate it to my father. No literary pretensions, I am sensible, can be founded on a labour imperfectly executed , and so humble in its kind, that perfection itself would be without praise. I should not have attached my name to the part which I first translated, nor to the work thus entire, but for the pleasure which I was assured it would afford a revered parent, to whom my obligations exceed the common measure of filial gratitude. In the performance of so extended a task he will discern proofs of that perseverance which is the basis of every valuable char- acter ; and in the usefulness of the work , an apology for my diversion from more appropriate pursuits. The departures that may be observed from the sense of the original are in compliance with notes of the au- thor : with more leisure I could have rendered my style less faulty. J have not escaped the us€ of impure idioms, which I was studious to avoid. American writers should labour assiduously to weed from their dialect all the pe- iv PBEFACE. cullarllies which are unauthorized by taste — not from deference to the critics , but to the laws of criticism. Our language, in its purity, is copious and flexible enough to be always susceptible of accuracy and grace. The author of this valuable work will , I hope , be in- duced to complete it by a practical treatise on the forma- tion and management of forests. That branch of eco- nomy, which is admirably developed in France and Ger- many, must soon command attention in the United States. Though three fourths of our soil are still veiled from the eye of day by primeval forests , the best ma- terials for building are nearly exhausted : with all the projected improvements in our internal navigation, whence shall we procure supplies of timber , fifty years hence , for the continuance of our marine ? The most urgent motives call imperiously upon the government to provide a seasonable remedy for the evil : from a govern- ment like ours, which is the faithful expression of the public will , and which has no concern but the prosper- ity and honour of the nation, prospective wisdom is reasonably demanded. I have no pecuniary interest in this publication , and may therefore express my solicitude for its success. Mr. Michaux— actuated no doubt by a mixed motive—desir- ous of rendering his name familiar to a people whom he respects, and anxious to possess them of a body of in- PREFACE. V formation which he justly considers as of great practical utility, has executed this edition at an expense which ill comports with the modest fortune of a man of letters. It would not become us to accept such a present from an individual. While we allow Education among ourselves to loiter in the porch of Science , and consent to receive from strangers that knowledge of our own country which they should receive from us — for our reputation — let us , at least , reward their services. Besides his personal merit , the Author of the Syha has hereditary claims upon our gratitude. A. L. H. Citizen of the United States. Paris, May 20, 1819. «V\IV\^IV\A^ OAKS. In the greater part of North America, as well as in Europe, there is no tree so generally useful as the Oak. It is every-where the most highly esteemed in the con- struction of houses and of vessels , and is commonly selected for implements of husbandry. It seems, also, to have been multiplied in proportion to its utility : without insisting upon the diversity of climates to which it is indigenous , we may observe that the number of its known species is already considerable and is daily in- creasing, particularly on the Western Continent, and that its varieties are infinite. These considerations deter- mined my father, in 1801, after his return from the United States , to publish a Treatise containing drawings and descriptions of the Oaks of that country , which was favourably received by the lovers of botany and agriculture. The following extract from his work exhibits a just outline of this tree: *' The genus of the Oaks {LntroducL I. 2 10 OAKS. p. 4.) comprises many unknown species ; most of those which grow in America exhibit such various forms while young, that they can be ascertained with certainty only when arrived at maturer years. Often an inter- mediate variety so nearly resembles two species , that it is difficult to determine , from the foliage, to which of them it belongs. Some species are so variable , that it is impossible , by the leaves , to recognize their identity in youth and ^t a more advanced age. Others are so similar, that specific characters must be derived from the fructi- fication , which is itself liable to variations and excep- tions. It is only by a comparison of stocks of different ages that analogous species can be distinguished, and varieties correctly referred to their species. *' I have endeavoured to arrange the American Oaks in a natural series , the characters of which I first sought in the fructification : but this afforded only unimportant distinctions, such as the position of the barren flowers, whether pedunculated or nearly sessile, and the size and period of the Iruit. Neither was I able to found my distinctions on the structure of the cup : I was obliged , therefore , to have recourse to the foliage , which has been made the basis of a division into two sections, the first containing the species with beardless leaves , and the second , those in which the sYimmit or lobes are terminated by a bristle. " The interval between tlie appearance of the flower and the maturity of the fruit is different in different OAKS. 11 species ; and this distinction I have admitted as a second- ary character. ** All the Oaks are proved to he monoecious. We know^ too that on the European White Oak and other species, the female flow^ers are situated above the male upon the shoots of the same season ; that both are axil- lary; and that, immediately after the fecundation, the male flowers fade and fall , while the female blossom continues advancing through the natural stages, till, in the course of the year, it ripens into perfect fruit. But there are some species whose fertile flowers re- main stationary a whole year, and begin to develope their germ the second spring, probably because they are not fecundated the first season ; so that eighteen months elapse between the appearance of the flower and the maturity of the fruit. Hence I have formed a subdi^^sion into species of annual and species of bien- nial fructification. The female flower which is axillary the first season , ceases to be so of course at the falling of the leaf. Several species are found upon the Old Con- tinent whose fructification is biennial , such as the Cork Oak, Quercus siiber, etc." I have derived great assistance from my father's work, and have adopted his arrangement , which perfectly ac- cords with my own observations. But I have inserted several new species , and have suppressed two that were not well ascertained : the existence of one of them is doubtful , and the other is evidently a duplicate. 12 OAKS. What chiefly distinguishes my work from his , is the more extended practical observations ; which are the fruit of my own researches. My constant aim was to ap- preciate the utility of each species in the mechanical arts , and to point out those whicli are the most deserv- ing of attention in Europe and America. If in this re- spect I have some advantage, my father's work will al- ways preserve its title to the attention of botanists and amateurs of foreign plants, by other details not con- sistent with my plan. They will fmd , for example , quo- tations from all the authors who had previously taken notice of the species he describes , and in the plates , leaves of the young plant as well as of the full-grown tree. I have described twenty-six American species, which I have divided into two sections, according to the term of fructification : the first comprising ten species that bear fruit every year ; and the second, sixteen of which the fructification is biennial. I have learned by multiplied observations that, with the exception of the Live Oak, the wood of the first section is of a finer texture , more compact, and consequently more durable. Linnaeus, in the third edition of his Species Plantanim, published in 1774? described fourteen species of Oak; of which five only are natives of the New World. Since that period such additions have been made to the list , that the new edition of Willdenow's Species Plantarurn published in i8o5 , contains forty -four OAKS. l3 American species ; of which sixteen were recognized by- Messrs. Humboldt and Bonpland in Old Mexico, and twenty-six by my father and myself in the United States and the adjacent countries. Probably the American series will be still farther augmented by discoveries in the western part of Louisiana , and in the interior pro- vinces of New Spain, a country 1200 miles in extent lying between the United States and Old Mexico, which no naturalist has explored. In America , as we have just observed , are found forty-four species, which are all comprised between the 20th and the 48th degrees of north latitude ; in the Old Continent are enumerated only thirty, which are scat- tered on both sides of the equator, beginning at the Goth degree north. This sketch is not without utility, and appears na- turally in this place ; such parallels might perhaps con- tribute more than is generally thought to the progress of botany and agriculture, and they deserve particular attention from naturalists travelling in foreign countries. It would be interesting to possess comparative tables of those plants which are found in the higher latitudes of both Continents, and of the trees and shrubs of the temperate climates of America with the analogous species found in nearly the same latitude in Asia. I have long entertained a wish, which will doubtless be shared by all who interest themselves in the science , that botanists would go more deeply into the geography of l4 OAKS. plants. The rapid progress of the young Americans who are beginning to devote themselves with ardour to the study of Natural History , will soon afford the requisite information concerning their own portion of the globe. METHODICAL DISPOSITION OF THE OAKS OF NORTH AMERICA, INCLUDING THREE EUROPEAN SPECIES. Momxcia polyandria. LiNN. Amentacce. Juss. FIRST DIVISION. Fructification annual. FIRST SECTION. — Leaves lobed. 1. White Oak Quercus alba. 2. Common European Oak Quercus robur. 3. European White Oak. . Quercus robur pedunculata. 4. Mossy- cup Oak. . . . Quercus olUceformis. 5. Over-cup White Oak. . Quercus macrocarpa, 6. Post Oak. Quercus obtusiloba. 7. Over- cup Oak. . . • . Quercus lyrata. SECOND SECTION. — Leaves toothed. 8. Swamp White Oak. . . Quercus prinus discolor. 9. Ghesnut White Oak. . Quercus pnnus palustris. 10. Rock Chesnut Oak. . • Quercus prinus monticola, IT. Yellow Oak Quercus prinus acuminata. 12. Small Chesnut Oak. . . Quercus prinus chincapin» SECOND DIVISION. Fructification biennial; leaves mucronated. (except in the i3th species.) FIRST SECTION. — Leaves obtuse or entire. 1 3. Live Oak Quercus virens. l6 METHODICAL DISPOSITION, etC. 14. Cork Oak. . . . • . . Qucrcus suber. 1 5. Willow Oak. ..... Quercus phellos. 16. Laurel Oak Quercus imhricaria. 17. Upland Willow Oak. . Quercus cinerea. 18. Running Oak Quercus purnila. SECOND SECTION. — Leaves lohed. ig. Bartram Oak Quercus heterophylla. 20. Water Oak. . . . • . Quercus aquatica. 21. Black Jack Oak, . . . . Quercus ferniginea. 2.1. Bear Qak Quercus banisteii. THIRD SECTION. — Leaves multifid or many-defied. 23. Barren Scrub Oak. . . Quercus catesbcei. 24. Spanish Oak Quercus falcata. 25. Black Oak. Quercus dnctoria. 26. Scarlet Oak Quercus cocci nea. 27. Grey Oak Quercus ambigua. 28. Pin Oak Quercus palustris. 2y. Red Oak. . . • . . • Quercus nibra. p/.r^ Willi e Oak. Ofurcifs all) a V«^VVVVVVVVVVVV>A/VVVV\A\VVVVVVV^ COMMON EUROPEAN OAK. QuERCUS ROBUR. Q. folUs petlolatis , oblongis, glahiis , sinuatis; lobis rotuiidatis ; fixictibus oblongis, sessilibus. To the particular attention bestowed upon this inter- esting tree in modern times is owing its division into two species^ the Common European Oak, Quercusrobur, and the European White Oak , Quercus pedunmlata. These two species, which are much alike and are usually considered as the same, grow in the same coun- tries , and frequently together. They constitute the greater part of the European forests, from the Goth to the 35th degree of north latitude, overspreading a great part of the north of Asia and the northern ex- tremity of Africa. They are most abundantly multiplied on the shores of the Black Sea , in Germany , England , France and some parts of Italy, where the climate is particularly favourable to their growth. The Common European Oak is from 60 to 80 feet in height^ numerously ramified, and crowned with an ample and majestic summit. The bark upon the trunk is thick, and upon old stocks , deeply furrowed. The leaves are petiolaled , smooth , and of an uniform colour on both sides, enlarged towards the summit, and very coarsely toothed. The acorns are oval and sessile, which is the principal difference between the two species. n. CL. COMMON EUROPEAN OAK. 3g This tree prefers high places and the declivities of hills, with a barren gravelly soil ; hence it grows more slowly, and its wood is more compact , tougher and heavier than that of the European White Oak. It is less used for household stuff and other kinds of joinery, because it is less easily wrought; but is more esteemed for build- ing and for works that require great strength and dur- ability. The Common European Oak is subdivided into many Tarieties , the most valuable of which are the European Black Oak, Quercus robur lanuginosa, and the Qiiercus robur glomerata. The first is only 3o or 4o feet high , with small , thick leaves , very downy underneath ; its timber is compact and excellent for fuel. The second never rises to a great height ; the leaves are small , but smooth on both sides ; the acorns are of an inferior size and collected in clusters upon a short common peduncle. PLATE II. A branch of the Common European Oak with leaves and acorns of the natural size. U.'WWVVWV\%VV^VWVWW^VWVWVWW\IWVV\\WVV\WVWV EUROPEAN WHITE OAK. QuERCUS PEDUNCULATA. Q. foliis subsessilibus , glabrls , sinuatis; fructihus oblongis , pedunculatis. The European While Oak grows of choice in rich bottoms, where the soil is deep and moderately humid. It reaches tl^e height of 90 or 100 feet , and has a large well proportioned trunk, which is often undivided for a considerable distance , and which spreads into a large commanding summit. The bark upon the body is very thick, and on old trees, deeply furrowed ; upon the limbs and the young stocks it is greyish, smooth and glossy. The leaves are of a light green on the upper surface , whitish beneath, widened towards the summit, deeply sinuated with blunted points , and supported by short petioles like those of the American White Oak. They are more or less divided according to the age of the tree and to the moisture of the soil. A part of the dry discoloured foliage persists through the winter and falls the ensuing spring. Besides the difference of the foliage , this species is constantly distinguished from the preceding by its fruit, which is supported singly or in pairs by slender ped- uncles 2, 3 , or even 4 inches long. The acorns are of an oval shape, from 9 lo 18 hues in length, according to the age and vigour of the tree , and contained in shal- EUROPEAN WHITE OAK. 5l low cups : they fall about a fortnight before those of the Common Oak. The wood of the European White Oak is of the same colour with that of the American species , the sap being white and the heart reddish ; but the texture is closer and the pores fuller, which is probably the reason of its being less elastic , but stronger and more durable. It is more generally esteemed than the Common Oak as it furnishes larger timber, splits more regularly, and is more easily wrought ; hence it is preferred for the con- struction of houses and ships, and is extensively em- ployed by the joiner, the cartwright and the cooper. Throughout Europe, except in the north of Russia, the bark of the Common Oak and the White Oak is almost exclusively used in tanning. That which is taken from the branches and from small stocks is preferred , because the epidermis is thinner, and the cellular integ- ument, which contains the tannin, more abundant. Oak wood is more generally used in Europe than in the United States , where the different species of Ash , Birch , etc. , in some measure supply its place. The Eu- ropean White Oak would be a valuable addition to the American forests, and I have sent out acorns to begin the formation of nurseries. PLATE II. A branch of the European fVhiie Oak with leaves and acorns of the natural size. MOSSY-CUP OAK. QuERCUS olivj*:formis. Q. foUis oblongis , glabrls , subtus glaucis , profunde incequallterque sinuato-lobatis ; fruciu ovato ; cupula profundlus crateratd , supeme crinitd ; glande olwceformi. I HAVE observed this species of Oak only in the State of New York on the banks of the Hudson above Al- bany and in Gennessee , where it is so rare that it has hitherto received no specific name. Its leaves are of a light green above and whitish be- neath : they resemble those of the White Oak in colour , but differ from them in form, being larger, and^^ery deeply and irregularly laciniated , with rounded lobes so various in shape that it is impossible to find two leaves that are alike. The acorns are of an elongated oval form, and are enclosed in cups of nearly the same configur- ation , of which the scales are prominent and recurved , except near th^jedge , where they terminate in slender flexible filaments : from this peculiarity I have derived the name of Mossy-cup Oak. This tree is 60 or 70 feet in height , with a spacious summit and an imposing aspect. The bark is white and laminated ; but the tree is chiefly remarkable for the form and disposition of its secondary branches, which are slender, flexible, and always inclined towards tlie Mossy Cup Oak. MOSSY-CUP OAK. 33 earth. This pecnliarity alone would render it a valuable acquisition for parks and gardens. As I have met w^ith this species only in uninhabited places , I have had little opportunity of examining its w^ood ; as far as I can judge , it is not better than that of the White Oak, though far superior to that of the Red Oak. PLATE III. Leaves of the natural size. Fig. i , An acorn with the cup. JFig. 2 , An acorn without the cup. ♦ I. «l»VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVt«VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVbVVVVVVl>VVVVVVVVV\VVVVtVVVVVV>^^ OVER-CUP WHITE OAK. QuERCUS MACROCARPA. Q. foKis subtomentosis ^ piofunde lyratimque sinuato - lobatis , obiusis ; fructu maximo ; cupula profundius crater aid , supeine crinaid ; glande turgide ovatd. This interesting species is most multiplied beyond the AUeghanies , in the fertile districts of Kentucky and West Tennessee , and in Upper Louisiana near the Missouri. It is called by the Americans Bur Oak and Over-cup White Oak , and by the French of Illinois , Chene a gros gland. It is a beautiful tree more than 60 feet in height, laden with dark tufted foliage. The leaves are larger than those of any other Oak in the United States, being frequently i5 inches long and 8 broad : they are notched near the summit, and deeply laciniated below. The acorns , which are also larger than those of any other American species, are oval and enclosed for two thirds of their length in a thick rugged cup , bordered with line flexible filaments. Sometimes, however, in com- pact forests, or in very temperate seasons, the fila- ments do not appear, and the edge of the cup is smooth and bent inwards. The fructification of this tree is not abundant , and as its wood is inferior to that of the White Oak , it is little esteemed in the United States. Over CupMlute Oak. Qua V y/d' /// (jcrocarva . OVER-CUP WHITE OAK. 35 I have observed , as well as my father who first made the remark, that the young branches are frequently covered vdth a yellowish fungous substance , like those of the Elm and Sweet Gum. PLATE IV. A leaf of half the nalural size. Fig. i , An acorn in the cup , of the natural size.. POST OAK. QuERCUS OBTUSILOBA. Q. foliis sinuatis , suhtus pubescen- iibus, lobls oblusis, superioribus dilatatis, bilobis; fructu mediocri; glande brevi^ovatd. Quercus stellata, "Willd. Sp. PI. In New Jersey near the sea, and in the vicinity of Philadelphia, this species is thinly disseminated in the forests , and has hitherto been considered as a variety of the White Oak. In Maryland and a great part of Virginia, w^here it abounds and w^here its properties are better understood, it is called Box White Oak, and sometimes Iron Oak and Post Oak. The last denomination only is used in the Carolinas, Georgia and East Tennessee. The steep banks of the Hudson , nearly opposite to the city of New York, are the most northern points at which I have observed it. Even here its existence seems to be secured only by the influence of the sea-air, which tempers to a certain degree the severity of the winter. A little farther inland it is not found in the forests. In the vicinity of South Amboy , 3o miles nearer the sea , where the soil is dry and sandy, it is more multiplied , and it becomes still more vigorous and more common in advancing towards the south. Westward in Pennsylvania I saw the last individual of this species a little beyond Carlisle on the road to Pittsburgh, i5o miles from Phil- adelphia. Near Baltimore, at the distance of 210 miles J'.J.ReJouie Post Oak (?uercu^^ ohhisiioba POST OAK. 37 from New York, it abounds in the woods, and attains its utmost expansion. In Kentucky and Tennessee it is rare, except on the edges of the swamps enclosed in the forests , about which it is multiplied though not fully developed. It probably exists in Lower Louisiana , for we met with it in East Florida , of which the climate is the same. But it is no where more abundant than in Maryland and in Virginia, between the Alleghanies and the sea. Wherever the soil is dry, gravelly and unsubstantial , it forms a considerable proportion of the forests, which are composed principally of the Black, Scarlet , Spanish and Black Jack Oaks , the Dogwood and the Yellow Pine. These woods exhibit a squalid appearance , occasioned not only by the sterility of the soil, but by the injury they are constantly sustaining from the cattle which range through them at all seasons , and which in the winter are compelled , by the want of herbage , to subsist upon the young sprouts and the shoots of the preceding year. The upper part of the two Carolinas and Georgia, particularly where the Pine and Oak forests unite, is analogous in soil to that portion of Virginia of which we have been speaking , and abounds in the Post Oak ; but nearer the sea the barren wastes are covered with the Long-leaved Pine , and the Oak is seen only in the lowest parts of the swamps, about the plantations, and on tracts that have been exhausted by cultivation and abandoned. 58 POST OAK, The leaves are borne by short petioles, and are divided into four or five rounded lobes, of which the two nearest the summit are the broadest ; they are coriaceous , of a dusky green above and greyish beneath. Towards the fall the ribs are of a rosy tint , instead of a purplish red like those of the Scarlet Oak. The fructification seldom fails. The acorns are small , oval , and covered , for a third of their length, with a slightly rugged greyish cup. They are very sweet , and form a dehcious food for squirrels and wild turkeys ; hence the tree is sometimes called Turkey Oak. The height of this species rarely exceeds 4o or 5o feet, with a diameter of i5 inches. Its summit, even when compressed in the forests, is disproportionately large , owing probably to the early division of the trunk into several Hmbs, with which the secondary branches form more open angles than is common on other trees. The branches also are bent into elbows at certain distances, which gives so peculiar an appearance to the tree that it is easily distinguished when the leaves are fallen. The bark upon the trunk is thin and of a greyish white. The wood is yellowish , with no tinct of red. Growing upon a less humid soil, it is less elastic, but finer-grained, stronger and more durable, than the White Oak : hence it is preferred for posts, and is used with advantage by wheel- Wrights and coopers. In ship-building it is used principally for the knees , and is admitted into the lower part of the frame. It rarely POST OAK. 59 furnishes side-planks or timber of considerable length ; for this reason it is less esteemed than the White Oak , and it is, besides, less common except in Maryland and certain parts of Virginia. The preference given in the West Indies to the staves from Baltimore and Norfolk is due , in a great measure , to their being made of the Post Oak. This tree , though only of secondary size , should be propagated in America and introduced into the forests of Europe. PLATE V. A branch with leaves and fruit of the natural size. V\'*VWVW\'WVWVWV»'VVWVWWVWVVVV\WVWWVVWW'VVWl' OVER-CUP OAR. QUERCUS LYRATA. Q. foliis sitbsesslUbus , glabns , lyrato- sinuosis , summitate dilatatd , dwancato - trllohd , lobis acutangulis, ierminali tiicuspide ; cupula depresso- glo- bosd , muiicato scabrafd; glande subtectd. In the United States I have met with this interesting species only in the lower part of the Carolinas and of Georgia. It probably exists on the banks of the Missis- sippi in Lower Louisiana, and I have observed it on the St. John in East Florida , in situations analogous to those in which it flourishes a little farther north. In Georgia and Carolina it is not extensively multiplied, and has been distinguished only by the inhabitants of the places where it grows. It is called Swamp Post Oak , Over-cup Oak, and Water White Oak. The first of these denomi- nations indicates an analogy between its foliage and that of the Post Oak , and the second , a remarkable pecul- iarity of its fruit , of which the acorn is covered by the cup. The name of Over-cup Oak is the most common in South Carolina , and that of Swamp Post Oak on the Sa- vannah in Georgia. The Over-cup Oak grows in more humid situations than any other species of this genus in the United States. It is never seen in the long narrow marshes which in- tersect the pine-barrens , but is found exclusively in the p/.fi j>jn.../o„/e ,/en Over Clip Oak OVER-CUP OAK. 4.1 great swamps on the borders of the rivers , which are often overflowed at the rising of the waters , and are in- accessible during three quarters of the year. In these gloomy forests it is united with the Large Tupelo, White Elm, Wahoo, Planer Tree, Carolinian Poplar , Water Bitternut Hickory and Water Locust. It expands to a majestic size , and the influence of a deep and constantly humid soil is shown in the luxuriancy of its vegetation. On the banks of the Savannah I have seen stocks which were more than 80 feet high and from 8 to 12 feet in circumference. The leaves are 6 or 8 inches long, smooth, narrow, lyre-shaped, deeply sinuated, and borne by short petioles. The lobes, particularly the two upper ones, are truncated, and from their resemblance in this respect to those of the Post Oak , is derived the name of Swamp Post Oak. The foliage is thick and of a hght agreeable tint. The acorns, unlike those of the Oaks in general which are of an elongated oval shape, are broad, round, and depressed at the summit : they are sometimes from 12 to 18 lines in diameter from side to side, and from 6 to 10 lines from the base to the summit. The cup , which is nearly closed , is thin , and its scales are terminated by short fh^m points. The bark upon the trunk is white, and the wood, though inferior to that of the White Oak and the Post Oak , is more compact than would be supposed from the soil in which it grows ; the pores are observable I. 6 42 OVER-CUP OAK. only between the concentrical circles , and are more regularly disposed than in other trees. This species is the largest and the most highly es- teemed among the Oaks that grow in wet grounds. Its propagation should be attempted in the forests of Eu- rope , where no doubt can be entertained of its success. The acorns which I sent to France several years since , though sown upon uplands , have produced flourishing plants ,' which bear the winter of Paris without injury. PLATE VI. A branch with leaves and fruit of the natural size. SAvainp While (^ak SWAMP WHITE OAK. QuERCUS PRiNUS DISCOLOR. Q. folUs oblougo ■■ obovatis , subtus albo-tomentosis , grosse dentatis, basi integerjimis , dentibus incequalibus dilatatis; fructibus longe pedun- culatis. Quercus bicolor. Willd. This species is known in the United States only by the name of Swamp "White Oak, which indicates at once the soil which it prefers and its analogy to the White Oak. I first observed it near Portsmouth in New Hamp- shire ; but it is less multiplied in this latitude than in the Middle and Western States. It particularly attracted my attention in New Jersey near the city of New York , on the Delaware in Pennsylvania, on the Susquehan- nah in Virginia, and beyond the mountains on the Ohio in Kentucky and on the Holston near Knoxville in East Tennessee; I have also seen it on the shores of lake Champlain and lake Ontario. Except the District of Maine and the maritime parts of the Southern Section, it is diffused throughout the United States ; in compar- ison , however , with several other species, it is not com- mon, being found only on the edges of swamps and in wet places exposed to inundations , and not in the forests at large, like the White Oak, the Black Oak, etc. In New Jersey it is associated wdth the Pin Oak , the Red- 44 SWAMP WHITE OAK. flowering Maple , the White Ash , the Tupelo and the Shell'bark Hickory. On the shores of Lake Champlain , which occasionally offer similar situations , particularly at a little distance from Skeensborough , it is mingled with the White Maples, which occupy the next hne to the Willows in retiring from the shore. The Swamp White Oak is a beautiful tree, more than 70 feet in height , of which the vegetation is vigorous and the foliage luxuriant. The leaves are 6 or 8 inches long and 4 inches broad , smooth and of a dark green above , downy and lighter coloured beneath ; they are entire towards the base , which is cuneiform , but are vvidened and coarsely toothed for two thirds of their length towards the summit. The tree is distinguished , when young , by the form of its base and by the down upon its leaves, which is more sensible to the touch than on any analogous species. At a riper age the low^er side of the leaf is of a silvery white, vs^hich is strikingly con- trasted with the bright green of the upper surface ; hence the specific name of discolor W3is given it by Dr.Muhlem- berg. The acorns are sweet , but seldom abundant ; they are rather large, of a brown complexion , and contained in a spreading cup edged with short slender filaments, more downy within than those of any other Oak , and supported by peduncles i or 2 inches in length. The trunk is clad in a scaly greyish white bark. The wood is strong , elastic , and heavier than that of the SWAMP WHITE OAK. 45 White Oak. In stocks more than a foot in diameter the grain is fine and close , and the pores are nearly obliter- ated. It splits easily and in a straight line, and is es- teemed next in quality to.the White Oak, though from its rareness it is but accidentally employed in the arts. If, as I incline to believe, the Swamp White Oak is found by more accurate experiments to be superior to the White Oak , it must be considered as a very valuable tree , and its increase should be favoured at the expense of the Red-flowering Maple , the Bitternut Hickory, the Hornbeam , and other species which grow in the same exposures. It seems also to deserve a place in the forests of Europe, where , in moist grounds , it might be blended or alternated with the Ashes , the Alders and the Poplars. PLATE VII. A branch with leaves and fruit of the natural size. CHESNUT WHITE OAK. QuERCUs PRiNUS PALUSTRis. Q. folUs oblongo-omlibus , acuminatis acutisve , suhuniformiter dentatis ; cupula crateratd, subsquamosd; glande ovatd. Quercus prinus, Willd. I The Chesnut White Oak is first seen within ten miles of Philadelphia ; but it is less multiplied and less amply developed than farther south. It is most abundant in the maritime parts of the Carolinas , Georgia and East Florida, and is probably found on the banks of the Mis- sissippi , which are analogous to those of many rivers of the Southern States. In Pennsylvania this species is confounded vnth the Rock Chesnut Oak , which it strikingly resembles ; farther South, where the Rock Chesnut Oak is un- known, it is called Chesnut White Oak, Swamp Ches- nut Oak , and generally on the Savannah White Oak. The Chesnut White Oak is adorned with beautiful fo- liage : the leaves are 8 or 9 inches long, 4 or 5 inches broad, obovate, deeply toothed, of a light shining green above and whitish beneath. The acorns are brown , oval , larger than those of any other species except the Over-cup White Oak , and con- tained in shallow scaly cups. Being sweet-flavoured , and sometimes abundant , they are sought with avidity by J'LS. Chcsnut White Oak. CHESNUT WHITE OAK. 4? wild and domestic animals, such as deer , cows, horses and swine. The Chesnut White Oak, like the Over-cup Oak, grows only in the large swamps that border the rivers or are enclosed in the forests ; but it always chooses spots that are rarely inundated , where the soil is loose, deep, constantly cool and luxuriantly fertile. In the Carolinas and Georgia it is usually accompanied by the White Elm, the Wahoo , the Big Laurel, the Umbrella Tree , the Sweet Leaves , the Beech , the Pop- lar, the Bitternut Hickory and the Devil Wood. In this latitude it attains its utmost developement , which is 80 or go feet in stature with a proportional diameter. Its straight trunk , undivided and of an uniform size to the height of 5o feet, and its expansive tufted summit, form one of the most beautiful and majestic trees of the North American forests. Its wood , which is affected by the richness of the soil, is inferior to that of the Post Oak, the White Oak , and even the Over - cup Oak ; and its pgres , though nearly obliterated , are more open. But it is superior to many other species, and is employed for wheel -Wrights' works and for other objects which re- quire strength and durability. As it splits in a straight line , and may be divided into fine shreds , it is chosen by the negroes for baskets and brooms. Its pores are too open to contain wine or spirituous liquors. In the form of rails it lasts 12 or 1 5 years, or a third longer than the 48 CHESNUT WHITE OAK. "Willow Oak. At Augusta in Georgia it is considered as the best fuel, and is sold at 2 or 3 dollars a cord. The Chesnut White Oak endures the winter of Paris , but its vegetation would be quicker in the more south- ern departments. It is to be regretted that a tree which seems formed to be one of the finest ornaments of our forests , should have nothing to recommend it but its beauty. Other properties it possesses only in a second- ary degree , and in Europe it will probably be confined to the pleasure-grounds of amateurs. PLATE VIII. A branch with leaves and fruit of the natural size. Pvoc'k Cliosmil Oak Oiic/rus J^'.'" mvnlicola vvvvvvvvvvvv>^vvvvvvvvwvvvvvvvvvvvv\vvvvvvvvvvvvv\vvvvvvvvv\vvvv>*vvvvvvvvx^ ROCK CHESNUT OAK. QUERCUS PRINUS MONTicoLA. Q. folii's obovatis cicutisj grosse dentatis , dentibus subcequalihus ; fniciu majus- culo, cupula turhinatd, scahrosd; glande oblongd. Quercus montana, Willd. This Oak is among the species which are not scat- tered promiscuously in the forests , but which grow only in particular situations and easily escape obser- vation ; hence it is difficult to assign its limits with precision. It probably does not extend northward far beyond Yermont, nor eastward beyond New Hamp- shire. I have never seen it in the District of Maine nor in Nova Scotia, and it is not mentioned in my father's botanical notes upon Lower Canada ; it is likewise a stranger to the maritime parts of the Southern States. It is most frequently met with in the Middle and in some parts of the Northern Sections j but is rarely mingled with other trees in the forests, and is found only on high grounds thickly strewed with stones or covered vnth rocks. Thus it is often seen on the steep and rocky banks of the Hudson and on the shores of Lake Champlain , and still more frequently on the AUeghanies in Pennsylvania and Virginia. It forms nine tenths of the growih on some parts of these mountains, but the soil is so meager that it is thinly disseminated I- 7 5o ROCK CHESNUT OAK. and does not exceed 20 or 25 feet in height and 8 or 10 inches in diameter. I made this observation particularly on the Djy Ridges i5 miles from Bedford. In that part of Pennsylvania, as well as in Maryland and Virginia , it is known by the name of Chesnut Oak , and by that of Rock Oak on the banks of the Hudson and the shores of Lake Champlain to the distance of 400 miles from New York. Both are significant ; the first , of a remarkable resemblance of the bark to that of the Chesnut ; and the second , of the situations in which the tree is exclusively found. For this reason , and to avoid confounding it with the preceding and following species, which also grow in Virginia , I have blended the two de- nominations. The beautiful appearance of this tree when growing in a fertile soil , is owing equally to the symmetry of its form and to the luxuriance of its foliage. The leaves are 5 or 6 inches long , 3 or 4 broad , oval and uniformly denticulated , with the teeth more regular but less acute than those of the Chesnut White Oak. When beginning to open in the spring , they are covered with a thick down; but, when fully expanded, they are perfectly smooth , whitish beneath , and of a delicate texture. The petiole is of a yellow colour , which becomes brighter towards the fall. The acorns are brown , of an oblong-oval shape, and sometimes an inch in length , a third part of which is contained in a spreading cup covered with loose scales : ROCK CHESNUT OAK. 5l they are sweet-tasted and are a favourite nourishment of wild and domestic animals. The Rock Chesnut Oak is sometimes 3 feet in dia- meter , and more than 60 feet high ; but as its growth is usually repressed by the poverty of the soil , it rarely attains these dimensions,' In open elevated situations it spreads widely, and forms a head like that of the Apple Tree. When the trunk exceeds a foot in diameter it is covered with a thick, hard, deeply furrowed bark. At New York and near the Alleghanies in Pennsylvania, this species of bark is esteemed the best for tanning. Only that of the secondary branches and of stocks less than 6 inches thick is employed. It is sold at New York for 10 or 12 dollars a cord. The epidermis is strongly impregnated with the tanning principle, which in other species resides only in the cellular integument. The wood is reddish like that of the White Oak , but its pores are more open , though its specific gravity is greater : pieces of both species being thrown into water, the White Oak remains on the surface and the other at the bottom. Its staves are not used to contain spirituous liquors. At New York and on the banks of the Hudson , it holds the next place to the White Oak in the con- struction of vessels. It is employed for the lower part of the frame , and oftener for the knees and the ribs : pieces of White Oak suited to these objects are procured with difficulty; but the Rock Chesnut Oak, growing up in a continual controversy with the winds, is more fre- 52 ROCK CHESNUT OAK. quently bent into the proper shape. For fuel , it is next in price to the Hickory. I have been told in several forges, especially those at the foot of the North Mountain, 200 miles from Philadelphia, that it is superior in this re- spect to every other species of its genus except the Live Oak. A tree like this , which grows in stony soils, in abrupt uninhabitable exposures, and whose bark and timber are so valuable, deserves the particular attention of American and European foresters. They should sow the acorns in the crevices of the rocks , and wherever the soil is incapable of cultivation. Thousands of young plants al- ready exist in the vicinity of Paris. PLATE IX. A branch with leaves and fruit of the natural size. Yellow Oak. *v\v\wv\ wwwwwwvwvwww wwwwwvwwwwwwwwvw vvt>ww\ w www vwwww wvvw wvwvwvwwvw YELLOW OAK. QuERCUS PRINUS ACUMINATA. Q. foliis longk petiolatis , acuminaiis, suhcequaliter dentatis; fnictu mediocri ; cu- pula subhemisphericd. Quercus ccstanea , Willd. The banks of the Delaware may be assumed as the northern limit of the Yellow Oak. It scarcely exists in the maritime parts of the Southern States , where I have seen only a few stocks near Two Sisters' Ferry on the Savannah in Georgia , and a single one on the Cape Fear, a mile from Fayetteville in North CaroHna. In the Mid- dle and Western States, though more common, it is still rare in comparison with many other trees, and is sometimes lost sight of by the traveller for several days in succession. I have most particularly observed it on the small river Conestoga near Lancaster in Pennsylvania, on the Mononghahela a little above Pittsburgh , and in several small tracts near the Holston and Nolachuky in East Tennessee. In the Monography of American Oaks, itiy father takes notice of its existence in the country of the Illinois. Near Lancaster this tree is called Yellow Oak , from the complexion of its wood ; but in other parts of the United States it is confounded vdth the Ghesnut White Oak and Rock Ghesnut Oak , to which it bears some re- semblance in its foliage. 54 YELLOW OAK. The leaves are lanceolate , regularly toothed , of a light green above and whitish beneath. The small acorns are contained in slightly scaly cups, and are sweeter than those of any other species in the United States. The Yellow Oak is a fine tree, 70 or 80 feet high and 2 feet in diameter, with branches tending rather to close round the trunk than to diffuse themselves hori- zontally. I invariably found it in vallies where the soil was loose, deep and fertile. The bark upon the trunk is whitish, very slightly furrowed, and sometimes di- vided into plates , like that of the Swamp White Oak; The wood is yellowish , though the tint is not bright enough to fit it for peculiar uses. Its pores are partly ob- literated, irregukirly disposed, and more numerous than those of any other American Oak : this organisation must impair its strength and render it less durable than the Chesnut White Oak and the Rock Chesnut Oak. As this tree is so thinly disseminated, it will not ap- pear surprising that I should not have witnessed the ap- plication of its vvood in the arts, or have found occa- sions of accurately appreciating its qualities. Its agreeable form and beautiful foliage render it proper for the em- bellishment of picturesque gardens. PLATE X. A branch with leaves and fruit of the natural size. PI u. Small Cliesiuit Oalc SMALL CHESNUT OAK. QOERCUS PRINUS CHiNCAPiN. Q. foliis obovatis , grosse dentaiis, subtus glaucis ; cupula hemisphcencd ; glande ovatd. Quercus pnnoides, Willd. In the Northern and Middle States this pretty little species is called Small or Dwarf Chesnut Oak , from the resemblance of its leaves to those of the Rock Chesnut Oak; as there is also a likeness between its foliage and that of the Chincapin , it is known in East Tennessee and in the upper part of the Garohnas by the name of Chincapin Oak. The Small Chesnut Oak is not generally diffused, but is rare in many places adapted to its constitution , and is usually found in particular districts, where, alone or mingled with the Bear Oak, it sometimes covers tracts of more than loo acres. The presence of these species is a certain proof of the barrenness of the soil. I have particularly observed the Small Chesnut Oak in the vi- cinity of Providence in Rhode Island, of Albany in New York, of Knoxville in Tennessee, and on the Alle- ghany Mountains in Virginia. It grows spontaneously in the park of Mr. W. Hamihon near Philadelphia. This species and another which is found in the Pine forests of the Southern States rarely exceed 3o inches in height : they are the most diminutive of the American Oaks, and are mentioned only to complete the series. 56 SMALL CHESNUT OAK. The leaves of the Small Chesnut Oak are oval-acumi- nate, regularly but not deeply denticulated, of a light green above and whitish beneath. The acorns are en- closed for one third of their length in scaly sessile cups ; they are of a middle size, sowewhat elongated, similarly rounded at both ends, and very sweet. Nature seems to have sought a compensation for the diminutive size of this shrub in the abundance of its fruit : the stem, which is sometimes no bigger than a quill , is stretched at full length upon the ground by the weight of the thickly clustering acorns. United with the Bear Oak, which is of the same size and equally prolific, perhaps it might be cultivated with advantage for its fruit. PLATE XL A branch with leaves and fruit of the natural size. PI. 12. MJ/icJauH M^ I^ive Oak. Qiiercus virens. VWVW VWilWWV VWWWWVW VWVWVWM wvwwwvwvwvwwvwvvw wvvww*wvwvwv wvwvvwwwwwwwvw LIVE OAK. QUERCUS VIRENS. Q. folUs perennaiitibus , conaceis, ovato- ohlongis , juniorihus dentatis, veiustioribus intcgris; cupula turhinatd, squamuUs abbrematis ; glande oblongd. This species, which is confined to the maritime parts of the Southern States, the Floridas and Louisiana, is known only by the name of Live Oak. The climate be- comes mild enough for its growth near Norfolk in Vir- ginia , though it is less muUiplied and less vigorous than in a more southern latitude. From Norfolk it spreads along the coast for a distance of 1 5 or iS hundred miles, extending beyond the mouth of the Mississippi. The sea-air seems essential to its existence , for it is rarely found in the forests upon the mainland, and nevermore than 1 5 or 20 miles from the shore. It is the most abundant , the most fully developed , and of the best quality, about the bays and creeks , and on the fertile islands which in great numbers He scat- tered for several hundred miles along the coast. I par- ticularly observed it on the islands of St. Simon , Cumberland, Sapelo, etc., between the St. John and the St. Mary, in an excursion of four or five hundred miles in a canoe , from Cape Canaveral in East Florida to Savannah in Georgia. I frequently saw it upon the beach, or half-buried in the moveable sands upon the I. 8 58 LIVE OAK. downs, where it had preserved its freshness and >igour, though exposed during a long lapse of time to the fury of the wintry tempest and to the ardour of the sum- mer's sun. The Live Oak is commonly 40 or 45 feet in height, and from i to 2 feet in diameter; but it is sometimes much larger : Mr. S. , president of the Agricultural So- ciety of Charleston, assured me that he had felled a trunk , hollowed by age , which was 24 feet in circum- ference. Like most other trees , it has , when insulated, a wide and tufted summit. Its trunk is sometimes un- divided for 18 or 20 feet, but often ramifies at half this height, and at a distance it has the appearance of an old Apple Tree or Pear Tree. The leaves are oval , coria- ceous, of a dark green above and whitish beneath : they persist during several years , and are partially renewed every spring. On trees reared upon plantations, or grow- ing in cool soils, they are one half larger, and are often denticulated : upon stocks of two or three years they are commonly very distinctly toothed. The acorns are of a lengthened oval form , nearly black , and contained in shallow, greyish , pedunculated cups. The Indians are said to have expressed an oil from them to mingle with their food ; perhaps, also , they eat the kernel, which , though not agreeable to the taste , is less rough and bitter than that of many other species. The fruit is sometimes very abundant, and it germi- nates with such ease that if the weather is rainy at the LIVE OAK. 69 season of its maturity, many acorns are fomid upon the trees with the radicle unfolded. Tlie bark upon the trunk is blackish , hard and thick. The wood is heavy, compact, hne-grained , and of a yellowish colour, which deepens as the tree advances in age. The number and closeness of the concentrical circles evince the slowness of its growth. As it is very strong, and incomparably more durable than the best White Oak , it is highly esteemed in ship-building, and is con- sumed not only in the country which produces it, but still more extensively in the Northern States. From its great durability when perfectly seasoned it is almost ex- clusively employed for the upper part of the frame. To compensate its excessive weight it is joined with the Red Cedar, which is extremely light and equally lasting. The Live Oak does not afford large timber; but its wide and branching summit makes amends for this dis- advantage by furnishing a great number of knees, of which there is never a sufhcient quantity in the dock- yards. The vessels built at New York and Philadelphia , with the upper frame of Red Cedar and Live Oak, and the lower timbers of White Oak, are as durable as those constructed of the best materials in Europe. Brekel , whom I have already quoted , says that the best trunnels are of Live Oak ; but at present it is replaced , in the Southern States , by the Locust and the heart of the Long-leaved Pine. 6o LIVE OAK. In the South, particularly at Charleston and Savan- nah , this species is used for the naves and felloes of heavy wheels, for which it is far superior to the White Oak : it is more proper, also, for screws and for the cogs of mill-wheels. The bark is excellent for tanning, but is only acci- dentally employed. Besides the Live Oak timber exported to England , great quantities are used in ship-building in the United States, particularly at Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. The consumption has become threefold within twenty years , in conseqvience of the immense developement of American commerce. Hence the price has doubled , and the species is rapidly diminishing. The clearing of the islands for the culture of cotton , which they yield of a superior quality, has contributed greatly to its destruction. It is already difficult to pro- cure sticks of considerable size in the Southern States , and they are sought on the western coast of East Flo- rida between the St. Mary and the St. John. From St. Augustine to the Cape the species is rarer ; but we are informed that it abounds on the shores of West Florida, whither the English of the Bahama Islands resort for supplies. As the Live Oak, from the peculiarities of ils consti- tution , is multiplied with difficulty, I cannot but con- sider its disappearance throughout the United States within fifty years as nearly certain. It will then be LIVE OAK. 6l found only in the form of a shrub, like the Quercus ilex which formerly skirted the southern coast of France and Italy. y PLATE XII. A branch with leaves and fruit of the natural size. *VVVV*VWVVVVV^(VVVVVV\X^IVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVVVVtVVV*S/VVVVV\^IVV\V\VVVVVVVVVVVVVW CORK OAK. QuERCUS SUBER. Q. folUs ovato-oblongis , indwisis , ser^ ratis , subLus glaucis ; cortice rimoso , fimgoso. The Cork Oak grows naturally in the southern parts of France, in Spain, Portugal, Italy and the States of Barbary, wl^ich are comprised between the 44th and 35th degrees of latitude. It rarely exceeds 40 feet in height and 3 feet in diameter. Its leaves are evergreen , but the greater part of them fall and are renewed in the spring : they are ovate , thick , slightly toothed, of a light green on the upper surface and glaucous beneath. The acorns are rather large, oval, and half enclosed in a conical cup : as they are of a sweetish taste , they are eagerly devoured by swine. The wood is hard, compact and heavy, but less dur- able than that of the Common European Oak, parti- cularly when exposed to humidity. The worth of the tree resides in its bark, which begins to be taken off at the age of 2.5 years. The first growth is of little value ; in ten years it is renewed ; but the second product, though less cracked than the hrst, is not thick enough for corks, and is used only by fishermen to buoy up their nets. It is not till the tree is 45 or 5o years old that the bark pos- sesses all the quahties requisite for good corks, and from that period it is collected once in eight or ten PI i3. Cork Oak. twrie/ .vu/f CORK OAK. 65 years. Its thickness is owing to the extraordinary swel- ling of the cellular integument. It is better fitted than any other substance for the use to which it is appro- priated , as its elasticity exactly adapts it to the neck of the bottle, and its impenetrable structure refuses ad- mission to the fluid. July and August are the seasons for gathering it. For this purpose two opposite longitudinal incisions are made through the whole length of the trunk , and two others, transverse to the first, at the extremities ; the bark is then detached by inserting a hatchet -handle shaped like a wedge. Great care must be taken not to wound the alburnum, as the bark is never renewed upon the injured parts. After being scraped , the bark is heated on its convex side, and laden with stones, to flatten it and render it easier of transportation. In Catalonia it is cut into pieces and boiled to improve its quality. Its ex- cellence consists in being compact, supple and elastic and it should be from i5 to 20 lines thick. The cork produced in France may be reckoned at 17 or 18,000 quintals, and when the sheets are smooth and even each quintal affords 7,000 or 7,600 corks 18 hues long. The common price is a dollar and 70 cents a thou- sand , of which 5o cents must be allowed for the expense of making. It is computed that no or ii5 millions of corks are annually consumed in France. This tree would be an important acquisition to the United States , and would grow wherever the Live Oak 64 CORK OAK. subsists. The soil of the pine barrens is in general too meager to sustain its vegetation ; the bed of vegetable mould is in many places so thin, and the sand beneath so homogeneous , that the roots of the Pines , instead of shooting downward , fold themselves back , as if re- pelled by a solid rock. Both public and private interest requires the inhabi- tants of the Southern coast, and especially of the neigh- bouring islands, to rear the Cork Oak about their plan- tations and in places that are unfit for the cultivation of cotton. It should also be introduced into West Tennes- see , and with the more reason as the Vine may be cul- tivated there with success. As the young stocks are injured by transplanting, they should be permanently fixed the second or third year. To favour their growth, the earth should be loos- ened about the roots two or three times a year ; and to render them tall and well-shaped, the lower branches should be cut even with the trunk. Their vegetation is in this manner strengthened and the bark improved ; without farther attention they will continue to afford a valuable product during two or three centuries. This tree has great advantages over several others which would likewise flourish in the same parts of the United States, such as the Olive and the White Mul- berry. To fit their produce for consumption , particu- larly that of the Mulberry, requires complicated proces- ses, which can be performed with advantage only in CORK OAK. 65 populous countries. Hence the attempts made 70 or 80 years ago in Georgia to introduce the rearing of silk- worms proved abortive; and the old White Mulberry Trees that still remain are monuments of that ill-calcu- lated speculation. The bark of the Cork Oak, on the con- trary, might be transported to the Northern States , or made into corks upon the spot by a simple operation performed by a single person with instruments of which the price does not exceed two or three dollars. PLATE XIII. A branch with leaves and fruit of the natural size. WILLOW OAR. QuERCUS PHELLos. Q. folUs Unean-lanceolatis , integerrl- mis , glabris, apice setaceo-acuminatis , junioribus den- talis lobatisve ; cupula scuiellatd -, glande subrotundd , minima, I This species, which is remarkable for its foliage, makes its first appearance in the environs of Philadelphia ; but it is more common and of a larger size in Virginia , the Garolinas and Georgia , where the milder temper- ature of the winter is evidently favourable to its growth. It is seen, however, only in the maritime parts of those States , and is a stranger to the inland districts , where the surface is mountainous and the climate more se- vere. From the analogy of soil and climate it is probably found in Lower Louisiana, but I have never observed it beyond the Alleghanies in Kentucky and Tennessee. The Willow Oak commonly grows in cool moist places , and , with the Tupelo , the Small Magnolia , the B.ed-flowering Maple , the Pved Bay and the Water Oak, it borders the swamps in the lower part of the Southern States. In these situations it attains its greatest expan- sion, which is 5o or 60 feet in height and from 20 to 24 inches in diameter. The trunk, even at an advanced age, is covered with a smooth bark, remarkable for the thick- ness of its cellular integument. The leaves are 2 or 3 J'/.j4. Willow Oak. Qitercus v/iel/os . 7i.'ru7r.Y. WILLOW OAK. 67 inches long, of a light green, smooth, narrow, entire, and similar to those of the Willow, whence is derived the name of Willow Oak , which is used in every part of North America where the tree is known. Though the Willow Oak , as I have just observed , is almost always seen in moist grounds , by an exception for which it is difficult to account it is sometimes found among the Live Oaks, near the sea, in the driest and most sandy soils. At a distance it resembles the Live Oak in its shape , and in its foliage which persists during several years ; but on a closer examination it is easily distinguished by the form of its leaves , which are shorter and much narrower , and by the porous texture of its wood. The fruit of this species is rarely abundant ; the acorns are of a dark brown colour, small, round, bitter , and contained in shallow cups lightly coated with scales : kept in a cool place they preserve the faculty of germination for several months. The wood is reddish and coarse-grained. It is too po- rous to contain wdne or spirituous liquor , and its staves are classed with those of Red Oak. The quantity , how- ever, is small, as the tree is so little multiphed that alone it would not supply the consumption for two years. In some of the lower parts of Virginia, particularly in the county of York , it is found to possess great strength and tenacity, and to split less easily than the White Oak ; hence , after being thoroughly seasoned, it is employed 68 WILLOW OAK. for the felloes of wheels. These are the only uses to which it seems adapted, and for these it is less proper than the Post Oak and White Ash. On several planta- tions near Augusta in Georgia the fences are made partly of Willow Oak, which lasts only eight or nine years. As fuel , it is sold at the lowest price. PLATE XIV. A branch with leaves and fruit of the natural size. 7y.y^ ffJJieJouf^ rt^/' T.anrcl Oak Oiicrciis i/nbricana. jBoi^uei- Jc ■ »IVVVVVVVV>/VV\AIVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV^VVVVV*VVVVVVVV^AIVVVVVVVVV^VVVVVVVVVW\V^ LAUREL OAR. QuERCUS IMBRICARIA. Q. folus subsessiUbus , ovali-oblon- gis, acutis, integerrimis, nitidis; glandesubhemisphcericd. East of the Alleghanies this species is rare , and has received no specific name ; west of the mountains , where it is more muhipHed and has attracted more at- tention, it is called Jack Oak, Black Jack Oak , and some- times , from the form of its leaves , Laurel Oak. The last denomination I have preserved as the most appropriate, though perhaps it is less common than the first. I observed this tree for the first time in Pennsylvania near Bedford on the Juniata, upon the road from Phila- delphia to Pittsburgh, and it does not exist in the more Northern States. I found it abundant only beyond the mountains, and particularly near Washington Court- house and in some parts of Kentucky and Tennessee. From my father's observations it appears to be more multiplied in the country of the Illinois than in the places I have just mentioned, and it is called by the French Chene a lattes , Lath Oak. In the western parts of Pennsylvania and Virginia , small lawns, covered only with tall grass, are frequently seen in the forests, around which the Laurel Oak forms entire groves : insulated stocks are also found in cool humid situations. It is probably from its flourishing in yO LAUREL 6aK. open exposures that it is most abundant in the country of the Illinois, which consists of immeasurable savannas stretching in every direction, to which the forests bear no sensible proportion. The Laurel Oak is 40 or 5o feet high, and 12 or i5 inches in diameter. Its trunk, even when old, is clad in a smooth bark, and, for three fourths of its height, is laden with branches. It has an uncouth form when bared in the winter , but is beautiful in the summer when clad in its thick tufted foliage. The leaves are long, lanceolate, entire, and of a light shining green. The wood is hard and heavy, though its pores are open. As the trunk is branchy and often crooked , it is considered , wherever I have observed it, as fit only for fuel; but my father, who first described it, says that the French of Illinois use it for shingles. Probably in that region it attains much greater dimensions ; but in my opinion the want of better species only can account for its use. Its wood is inferior to that of the Willow Oak , which it nearly resembles. This tree has no merit but its singular foliage , and it deserves the attention only of amateurs desirous of adorning their rural retreats with a variety of exotic trees. PLATE XV. A branch with leaves and fndt of the natural size. yy lb. llplaiul Willow Oak (III anus- cinerca . oouec o iMrvvvvvvvvv«^/vvvvvv/vvvvv\vvv\vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv\v\vvvv\vvvvvvvvv\\\vvvvv\v\« UPLAND WILLOW OAK. QUERCUS CINEREA. Q. folUs petiolatis , lanceolato-oblongis , acutis, integenimis , subtus cinereo-pubescentibus ; cupula scutellatd; glande subhemisphcericd. The- Upland Willow Oak is confined to the maritime parts of the Southern States. It is little multiplied in comparison with many other species, and is dispersed in small groups in the forests of White Pine. It is found also upon the sea-shore, and upon the islands where it covers tracts of several acres still more barren than the main. But the stocks which grow in these different sit- uations are so different in appearance that they might easily be mistaken for distinct species : in the pine-bar- rens they are i8 or 20 feet high, and 4 or 5 inches in diameter , with the leaves entire , 2 inches and a half long, and whitish underneath; on the islands and on the shore of the Continent , where the soil is extremely dry, as near Wilmington , N. C. , they are only 3 or 4 feet in height , and the leaves are denticulated, are an inch in length , and persist for two years. I have ascer- tained that both varieties belong to the same species , by examining the sprouts of the larger stocks in the pine- barrens, of which the foliage is perfectly similar to that of the smaller ones on the shore. The Upland Willow Oak is one of the abject trees y2 UPLAND WILLOW OAK. that succeed the Pines on lands which have heen cleared for cultivation and abandoned on account of their ster- ility. In these places, as in the pine -barrens , it is 20 feet in stature, and its trunk, crooked and covered v^^ith a thick bark , begins at a third of this height to divide it- self by numerous ramifications. In the spring it is distin- guished at a distance by the reddish colour of its leaves and male aments. The acorns , which are contained in shallow cups , are round and blackish , with the base of a bright rose colour when freshly exposed. It is rare to meet with a tree which yields a quart of fruit. The bark of this species , like that of the Black Oak , affords a beautiful yellow dye ; but the tree is so small and so little multiplied that it is of no utility in this re- spect , nor even for fuel. The Qucrcus nana of Willdenow is certainly the smal- ler variety of this species. PLATE XVI. A branch with leaves and fruit of the natural size.. Fig. 1 , A leaf of the smaller variety of the natural size. 1 villi 111 no- Oak, o VVVVVVVV«VVV\A*VVVWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV\\I>AIVVVVVVVVVVV\IVVVVVVVVV»VVV^ RUNNING OAK. QtJERCUS PUMILA.. Q. foUis dectduis , lanceolatis , integer- rimis, basi attenuatis , apice dilatatis; cupula scutellaid ; glande subhemisphcericd. Quercus sericea, "VVilld. This species , which is rarely more than 20 inches in height and 2 lines in diameter , is the smallest Oak hitherto discovered in the Old or the New World. Like the Upland Willow Oak, it is confined to the maritime parts of the Carolinas , Georgia and the Floridas , where it is called Running Oak. It springs with that species in the pine -barrens, amid the numerous varieties of Whortleberry and other plants which overspread the ground wherever there is a little moisture in the soil and the layer of vegetable mould is a few inches thick. The leaves of this dwarfish shrub are of a reddish tint in the spring, and turn green as the season ad- vances. When fully developed they are entire , smooth , of an elongated oval shape, and about 2 inches in length. The acorns are small, round, and similar to those of the Willow and Water Oaks : they are few in number, because the stem is burnt to the surface of the ground almost every spring, by the fire which is kindled in the forests to consume the dead grass ; as this species belongs to the division whose fructification I. 10 "74 PUNNING OAK. is biennial , the acorns are destroyed before they arrive at maturity. My own observations , and those of Messrs. Bosc and Delille , distinguished botanists who resided several years in the Southern part of the United States, have led me to consider the Running Oak as a distinct species and not as a variety of the Willow Oak, as my father has treated it in his monography of this important genus. It is hardly necessary to remark that from its size it can be interesting only to botanists. PLATE XVII. A branch with leaves and fmit of the natural size. p/.ld\ r>arti\'iin's Oak . BARTRAM OAK. QuERCUS HETEROPHYLLA. Q. folus longe peiiolatis , ovato- lanceolalis , integrls vel incequaliter dentatis ; glande sub- globosd. Every botanist who has \isited different regions of the globe must have remarked certain species of vege- tables which are so little multiplied that they seem likely at no distant period to disappear from the earth. To this class belongs the Bartram Oak. Several English and American naturalists who, like my father and my- self, have spent years in exploring the United States , and who have obligingly communicated to us the re- sult of their observations , have , like us , found no traces of this species except a single slock in a held be- longing to Mr. Bartram, on the banks of the Schuyl- kill , 4 miles from Philadelphia. This is a flourishing tree, 3o feet in height and 12 inches in diameter, and seems formed to attain a much greater developement. Its leaves are of an elongated oval form , coarsely and irregularly toothed , smooth above , and of a dark green beneath. The acorns are round , of a middle size, and contained in shallow cups lightly covered with scales. I was at first disposed to consider this tree as a variety of the Laurel Oak, to which it bears the greatest affin- ity ; but the leaves of that species are never indented , 76 BARTRAM OAK. and not a stock of it exists within a hundred miles of Philadelphia. Several young plants , which I received from Mr. Bartram himself, have been placed in our public gardens to insure the preservation of the species. PLATE XYIII. A branch with leaves and fruit of the natural size. I'/.ig. Waler Oai MMIVVMiWVVU VMWWWWWWWWW f WATER OAK. QuERCUSAQUATiCA. Q. foliis ohovoli-cuneatis , hasi acutis , summitate subintegris, varieve irilobis, glabris; cupula modice crater aid; glande subglobosd. This species first attracted my attention in the forests near Richmond in Virginia ; it becomes more common in proceeding southward, and abounds in the lower part of the Carolinas and Georgia, and in East Florida. Under the name of Water Oak it is sometimes con- founded with the Willow Oak, by which it is always accompanied in the ponds and narrow swamps enclosed in the pine-barrens. It is inferior in size to the Willow Oak, and rarely exceeds 40 or 45 feet in height and 12 or 18 inches in diameter. On full-grown trees the leaves are smooth, shining, and heart-shaped — or broad and rounded at the summit and terminated in an acute angle at the base. In the severe climate of Virginia they fall with the first frost , but on the sea-shore of the Carolinas , Georgia and Florida , they persist during two or three years. There is no Oak in the United States of which the foliage is so variable and so different from that of the tree, on the young stocks and on the sprouts from an old trunk or from the base of a limb that has been lopped : the leaves are commonly oval and deeply and irregularly toothed. 78 WATER OAK. The acorns , which are contained in shallow , slightly- scaly cups, are brown, small, and extremely bitter ; the largest tree rarely yields more than five or six quarts. Like those of the Willow Oak, when kept cool they pre- serve their fecundity for several months. The bark upon the oldest trunks is smooth and very slightly furrowed ; it is little used in tanning , either be- cause it is inferior to that of the Spanish Oak, or because the tree is less abundant. The wood is very tough , but less durable and less es- teemed by carpenters and wheel-wrights than that of the White Oak and Ghesnut White Oak. As this species is destitute of interest , it will probably become extinct like many others which are rapidly di- minishing. In France it would flourish only in the south- ern departments. * PLATE XIX. A branch with leaves and fruit of the natural size. IMaolv Jack Oak «/vvvvvvvvvv\vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv\vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv^^ BLACK JACK OAK. QuERCUS FERRUGINEA. Q. foUis coriaceis , summitate di- lalatis , retuso-suhtrilohis , hasi retusis , subius rubiginoso- puheirilentis ; cupula turbinatd, squamis obtusis, scarlosis; glande brevi oi>atd. Quercus nigra, Willd. I observed this species for the first time in the forests near Allenstown and Cranbury , small towns of New Jersey , about 60 miles east of Philadelphia ; but it is smaller and less multiplied in this place than farther south. In New Jersey and Philadelphia it is called Barrens Oak, and Black Jack Oak in Maryland and the more Southern States. I have adopted the last of these names only because it is the most generally used, and have changed the specific epithet nigra, because the name of -^lack Oak is appropriated in the United States to the Quercus iinctona. This species is commonly found upon soils composed of red argillaceous sand mingled with gravel, and so meager as to be totally exhausted by five or six crops ; when they are thought worthy of cultivation. Unhappily from Baltimore to the borders of North Carolina, an extent of four or five hundred miles, the greater part of Maryland and Virginia consists of this soil. The whole of this interval , with the exception of the vallies and the swamps wdth their surrounding acclivities, is covered 8o BLACK JACK OAK. with forests impoverished by fire and by the cattle that subsist in them during a great part of the year. They are composed principally of Yellow Pine, Post Oak, Black Jack Oak, Black Oak and Scarlet Oak. In the Carohnas and Georgia , where the soil gradually improves in re- tiring from the shore towards the mountains, the same tree forms a band 1 5 or 20 miles wide, between the pine-barrens and the forests of a more generous growth. In Kentucky and Tennessee the Black Jack Oak is seen only in the savannas, where it is widely diffused, and where, preserved by the thickness of its bark and its in- sulated position, it survives the conflagrations that almost every year consume the grass ; the fire , driven forward by the wind , has only time to devour its foliage. In the pine-barrens it grows chiefly on the edges of the branch- swamps , where the soil is a little stronger than is neces- sary for the Pines. With the Upland Willow Oak and the Scrub Oak it possesses itself of the pine lands that have been cleared for cultivation and abandoned on ac- count of their sterihty ; and in these situations it is larger than in the forests. The Black Jack Oak is sometimes 3o feet high and 8 or 10 inches in dameter, but commonly does not exceed half these dimensions. Its trunk is generally crooked, and is covered with a very hard , thick and deeply furrowed bark, of which the epidermis is nearly black , and the cellular integument of a dull red. The summit is spacious even in the midst of the woods. The leaves are yellow- BLACK JACK OAK. 8l ish, and somewhat downy at their unfolding in the spring ; when fnlly expanded they are of a dark green above, rusty beneath, thick, coriaceous, and dilated towards the summit like a pear. In the autumn they turn reddish , and fall with the earliest frost. The oldest trees bear only a few handfuls of acorns , which are large , and half covered with very scaly cups. When the stock is more than 8 inches in diameter, the wood is heavy and compact ; but coarse-grained and porous before it has reached this size. As it speedily de- cays when exposed to the weather, it is not used in the arts. It forms excellent fuel, and is sold at Philadelphia only one dollar a cord less than Hickory , while other kinds of wood are a third cheaper. This species deserves the attention of amateurs in Europe , for the singularity of its foliage. PLATE XX. A branch with leai-es and ffnil of the natural size. II WkV.VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV«VVVVVVVV\\«VVVVVVVVVVVVVtVV\.VVVV«VVVVMIVVVV\'V%rif/ X-u!fi VVVVMVVVVV«VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVNAAIVVVVVVNAAlVVVVVVVVVVVV«VVVVVVVVVV\VVVVVVVVVVVV»(V«^IVVtVVVVVV^^ SCARLET OAK. <2uERCUS COCCINEA. Q. folUs loiige petiolatis, oblongis , profunde sinuatis , glabris ; lohis deniatis , acutis; cupula insigniter squamosa; glande brevi ovatd. The Scarlet Oak is first seen in the vicinity of Boston , but it is less multiplied than in New Jersey, Pennsylva- nia, Virginia, and the upper part of the Carolinas and Georgia , where it forms a part of the forests that are still standing : it is much less common in the lower parts of these States , which , as I have already observed , pro- duce nothing but Pines. I have not seen it in the district of Maine, the States of New Hampshire and Vermont, nor beyond Utica in Gennessee. In the Northern States it is confounded with the Red Oak, and in those of the South , with the Spanish Oak. The name of Scarlet Oak was given it by my father, and, though not in use among the inhabitants , it will probably be adopted, as the tree is evidently a distinct species. This is a vegetable of more than 80 feet in height and of 3 or 4 feet in diameter. The leaves , which are sup- ported by long petioles, are of a beautiful green, shining on both sides, and laciniated in a remarkable manner , having usually four deep sinuses very broad at the bot- tom. They begin to change with the first cold, and, after several successive frosts, turn to a bright red , in- 96 SCARLET OAK. Stead of a dull hue like those of the Red Oak. At this season the singular colour of the foliage forms a striking contrast with that of the surrounding trees, and is itself a sufficient inducement to cuhivate the tree for ornament. The acorns are large, somewhat elongated, similarly rounded at both ends , and half covered with scaly cups. As this fruit varies in size with the quality of the soil , it is difficult to distinguish it from that of the Black Oak ; the only constant difference is in the kernel , which is yellowish in the Black Oak, and white in the species we are considering. The wood of the Scarlet Oak is reddish and coarse- grained, with open pores. As it decays much more rap- idly than the White Oak, it is employed by the builder and wheel-wright only from necessity or economy. It is poor fuel, and is used principally for staves : in the Middle States , a large part of the Red Oak staves are furnished by this species. The bark , though very thick and generally employed in tanning, is in no respect preferable to that of the Grey and Red Oaks. That this tree will flourish in France , is shown by an example at Rambouillet , where it makes part of a beautiful plantation 45 feet in height , formed , in 1786, of species sent home by my father soon after his arrival in the United States. It is to be regretted that so fine a tree, which is so well adapted to our soil, should afford SCARLET OAK. 97 such indifTerent wood that we cannot recommend its introduction into the forests of Europe, nor its preser- vation in those of the United States. PLATE XXV. A leaf of the natural size. Note. The acorns in this plate belong to the Black OaJc. i5 GREY OAK. QuERCUS BOREALIS. Q. foliis slnuatis y glahris, sinuhus siihacutis; cupula subscutellatd ; glande turgide ovatd. The Grey Oak appears, by my father's notes, to be found farther north than any other species in America ; in returning from Hudson's Bay he saw it on the St. Lawrence between Quebec and Malabaie, in latitude 47050'. Under that parallel, and near Halifax in Nova Scotia , where I first observed it , it is not more than l^o feet high ; and, though the bloom is annual, the winter is so rigorous and so long that the fruit is said to be ma- tured only once in three or four years. Three degrees far- ther south in Maine and New Hampshire , and on the shores of Lake Champlain in Vermont , it is more mul- tiplied, and is 5o or 60 feet in height and 18 inches in diameter. It is called by the inhabitants Grey Oak, but it has been confounded by botanists with the Red Oak, to which it bears a close analogy in its foliage , as it does to the Scarlet Oak in its fruit : on this resemblance I have founded the latin specific name ambigua. The leaves are large, smooth , and deeply sinuated at right angles to the main rib. The acorns are of the mid- die size, rounded at the end, and contained in scaly cups. The wood is similar to that of the other species in- 'h P/.26. Gray Oak. GREY OAK. 99 eluded under the common name of Red Oak. Its coarse and open texture renders it unfit for any use except to contain dry wares ; but in districts where Oak wood is rare, recourse is had, for other purposes, to several species of inferior quality, which are still preferred to the Birch , the Beech, and the Pine. Thus the Grey Oak is employed for the knees of vessels and for cartwrights' work; it is even preferred to the Red Oak, as being stronger and more durable. This tree is without interest, as the regions in which it grows possess other species in every respect prefer- able , such as the White Oak , the Swamp White Oak , and the Rock Ghesnut Oak. PLATE XXVI. A branch with leaves and fruit of the natural size. PIN OAK. QuERCUS PALUSTRis. Q. Jolus profuiide sinuatis , glabris , sinubus lads; fniciu parvo; cupula scutellatd, Icen; glande subglobosd. This species , like the preceding , grows in Massachu- setts , but is less common than in the vicinity of New York , in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland. I saw it abundant beyond the mountains near Pittsburgh in Ohio, and in East Tennesse, and my father found it multiplied in the country of the Illinois : I feel assured that it does not exist in Maine , Vermont and the South- ern States. It is called Pin Oak in the lower part of New York and in New Jersey, and Swamp Spanish Oak in Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland. The last of these denominations is sufficiently appropriate ; but I have preferred the second, because it is less liable to mis- take, and is indicative of a characteristic arrangement of the branches. The Pin Oak is a tall tree , which grows constantly in moist places, and of preference about the swamps en- closed in the forests. In these situations it is frequently more than 80 feet high and 3 or 4 feet in diameter. Its secondary branches are more slender and numerous than is common on so large a tree , and are intermingled so as to give it at a distance the appearance of being Pni Oak. PIN OAK. lOl Stuffed. This singular disposition renders it distinguish- able at first sight in the winter , and is perhaps the cause of its being called Pin Oak. The leaves are smooth , of a pleasing green , sup- ported by long petioles , deeply laciniated and very similar to those of the Scarlet Oak , from which they differ principally in their proportions. The acorns are small, round, and contained in flat shallow cups, of which the scales are closely applied one upon another. The bark upon the oldest trunk is scarcely cracked , and consists almost wholly of a very thick cellular integ- ument. The wood is coarse-grained, with the pores open and larger than those of the Scarlet and Red Oaks : though stronger and more tenacious than those species , it is little esteemed for durability. It is used for the axle-trees of mill-wheels when White Oak of suf- ficient dimensions cannot be procured ; it is also some- times, though rarely , made into staves, as the species is little multiplied compared with the Scarlet, Red and Black Oaks. The Pin Oak, in its youth, assumes an agreeable pyramidal shape, and its light elegant foliage contributes greatly to its beauty. It deserves a conspicuous place in parks and gardens. It should never be deprived of its interior branches. The most beautiful stock of this spe- cies with which I am acquainted in Europe , is in a gar- den near Antwerp ; it was about 20 feet high in 1804, 102 PIN OAK. and its brilliant and vigorous vegetation proved how well it was suited in the soil and climate, PLATE XXVII. A branch with leaves and fruit of the natural size. PUS P.'.A-^„.-fe./c/. Red Oak, RED OAR. QuERCUS RUBRA. Q. folUs longe petiolatis , glabris , obtuse sinuatis; cupula scutellatd, sublcevi ; glande subovatd. Next to the Grey Oak this species is found in the highest latitude of all the American Oaks, and is one of the most common species in the Northern States and in Canada. Farther south , particularly in the lower part of New York, in New Jersey, the upper Districts of Pennsylvania, and along the whole range of the Alleghanies, it is nearly as abundant as the Scarlet and Black Oaks ; but it is much less common in Maryland, lower Virginia , and the maritime parts of the Caro- hnas and Georgia. This remark confirms an observa- tion which I have often made, that its perfect develope- ment requires a cool chmate and a fertile soil. It is uni- versally known by the name of Red Oak , except near Lancaster in Pennsylvania, where it is sometimes con- founded with the Spanish Oak. The Pied Oak is a tall, wide -spreading tree, fre- quently more than 80 feet high, and 3 or 4 feet in dia- meter. Its leaves are smooth and shining on both sides large, deeply laciniated, and rounded at the base : they are larger and have deeper and narrower sections on the young stock than on the middle or the summit of the full-grown tree : these last resemble the leaves of the Spanish Oak, which, however, are always downy be- Io4 RED OAK. neath, while those of the Red Oak are perfectly smooth. In the autumn they change to a dull red, and turn yel- low before they fall. The acorns are very large and abundant, rounded at the summit , compressed at the base , and contained in flat cups covered with narrow compact scales. They are voraciously devoured by wild animals , and by the cows, horses and swine which are allowed to range in the woods after the herbage has perished. The wood is reddish and coarse-grained, and the pores are often large enough for the passage of a hair : it is strong but not durable , and is the last among the Oaks to be employed in building. Its principal use is for staves, which , at home, are used to contain salted provisions , flour, and other dry wares that are exported to the is- lands, and, in the Colonies, to receive melasses and sugar. The bark consists of a very thin epidermis and a very thick cellular integument. It is extensively used in tan- ning, but is less esteemed than that of the Spanish, Black and Ptock Chesnut Oaks. The Red Oak was one of the earhest American trees introduced into Europe. Large stocks are found on the estate of Duhamel, which yield seed abundantly, and even multiply naturally ; but the quahty of its wood is so inferior, that I cannot recommend its propagation in our forests. PLATE XXVIIL A branch mill leaves and fnul of the natural size. ADDITIONS TO THE OARS. In the botanical work of F. Pursh, Flora Americce Septentrionalis , published in England in 1814, the fol- lowing species of Oak are added to those which I have described. QuERCUS MARITIMA. Q. folUs perennantibus , coriaceis , integerrimis , glahris , hasi attenuatis, apice mucronaiis ; cupula scuiellatd; glande suhrotundd. A shrub from 3 to 8 feet high , found on the sea-coast in Virginia and Carohna : I consider it as a variety of the Willow Oak, Quercus phellos. QuERCUS MYRTIFOLIA. Q. folus perennantihus , coriaceis, oblongis J integerrimis y glabris , uiiinque acutis ^ supra ni- tidis y margine revolutis. This species, of which Mr. Pursh appears to have seen neither the blossoms nor the acorns, escaped my researches ; perhaps it is the variety of the \Vater Oak which I found among the Live Oaks and which pre- serves its leaves for three or four years. Quercus hemisph.«:rica. Q. foliis perennantihus, ob-^ longo-lanceolatis, trilobis sinuatisque, lobis mucronatis , utrinque glabris. Willd. Mr. Pursh has inserted this species from Willdenow, and he believes it to be a variety of the Water Oak , Quercus aquatica. I. '4 106 ADDITIONS. QUERCUS NANA. Q. foliis cuneifoimis , glabris , apice tn- lobis, basi subsinuatis ^ lobis , divaricatis, mucronatis , inter- medio majore; cupula scutellatd. According to Mr. Parsh, this species is a low-growing shrub , distinct from the Water Oak , Quercus aquadca. QuERCUS DISCOLOR. Q. folUs oUongis , pinnaiifido-si' nuatis, subtus pubescentibus , lobis oblongisj dentatis , seta-* ceo-mucronaiis ; cupula turbinatd. This species of Mr. Pursh I consider as a variety of the Quercus tinctoria. OAKS found in New Spain by Messrs. Humboldt and Bonpland, and described in their Nova Genera et Spe- cies Plantarum. Paris, 1816. Quercus confertifolia. Q. ramulis abbrenatis ; foliis hrevissime petiolatis , confertis , lanceolatis , acuminatis, mucrojiato-aristatis, integerrimis , coriaceis ; margine sub- rejlexis , subtus pubescentibus ; fructibus subgeminis , sessi- libus. This tree is 10 or 12 feet in height : it is evergreen , grows in the temperate and mountainous regions of New Spain , between Guanaxuato and Santa Rosa , and fructifies in September. Quercus crassipes. Q. ramulis tuberculosis ; foliis bre- t?iter petiolatis, lanceolato - oblongis , mucronatis ^ basi ro- tundatis, integerrimis ^ coriaceis, subtus cinereo-tomentosis ; fructibus pedunculatis , subgeminis ^ pedunculis incrassatis ; cupulis subturbinatis. ADDITIONS. 107 This tree is about 20 feet high ; it is found on the low mountains of New Spain , near Santa Rosa , and fructi- fies in September and October. QuERCtJS MEXICANA. Q. ramuUs foliisque, subtus stella- tim pubescentibus , supra nitidis , lineari-oblongis , acutis , submucronatis , subcordatis, undulato-subsinuatis , subcoria- ceis; fmctibus solitariis, breviter pedunculatis ; cupulis cya- ihiformibus. This species rises from i5 to 20 feet ; it is very abun- dant between Acapulco and the city of Mexico , near Moxonera, Quaxiniquilapa and Chilpancingo , and is also found near Moran , Regla , Guanaxuato and Santa Rosa : it fructifies in September. QuERCUS LANCEOLATA. Q. ramuUs iuberculatis ; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis , utmique acutis , undulato-repandis , coriaceis, supra nitidis , subtus stellatim pubescentibus ; fnic- tibus subtemis , bremsime pedunculatis ; cupulis cyathi/or- mibus. This tree equals , and sometimes exceeds , 20 feet in height : it abounds in the temperate regions of Mexico between Moran and Santa Rosa , where it forms im- mense forests : it fructifies in September. QuERCUS TRIDENS. Q. ramis Icembus; foliis oblongisy basi rotundatis, apice cuspidato-tridentatis , membranaceis , supra pubescentibus y subtus tenuiter cinereo - lomentosis ; fmctibus terms out quinis, bredter pedunculatis. This tree rises from 10 to 20 feet; it grows in the mountains near Moran in Mexico, and fructifies in May. • lo8 ADDITIONS. QuERCUS LAURINA. Q. ramulis glabrls; foliis oblongis, acuminatis, basi subrotundatis ; apicem versus subdentatis , conaceis, glabrls, nitidis; fructibus solitariis out ternis , ses^ silibus ; cupulis cyathijormibus. This is a large tree, which resembles the Laurel, and attains the height of 40 feet : it is found in the temperate parts of New Spain , in the environs of Pa- choca , Totonilco and Grande : it flowers in May. QuERCUS REPANDA. Q. fructicosa procumbens ; ramulis Joliisque subtus albido-tomeiitosis , subsessilibus , oblongis , obtusiuscuUs , basi incequalibus , sinuato-repandis , coriaceis; fructibus subsolitanis , ses silibus. This is a shrub about 1 feet in height : it grows in moist shady situations , between Real del Monte and Moran, and flowers in May. QuERCUS DEPRESSA. Q. fructicosa , procumbens; ramulis pubescentihus ; Joliis sempervirentibus , oblongis , acutis, basi ^^otundatis , argute et remote dentatis , rigidis , glabris , niti- dis; fructibus geminis out ternis , breviter pedunculatis. This species is an evergreen shrub , numerously rami- fied , and only 1 or 2 feet in height : it abounds in the same situations with the preceding , and flowers in May and June. QuERCUS CHRYSOPHYLLA. Q. ramulis sulcatis , pubescen- iibus ; foliis oblongis, basi rotundatis , apicem versus cuspi- dato- dentatis ymembranaceis , supra nitidis, subtus tenuis- sime aureO' tomentosis ; fructibus ternis aut quinis, pedun- culatis. ADDITIONS. 109 This tree , which has a thin foliage, rises to the heiglit of 3o or 40 feet, and is from 18 to 24 inches in diameter: it grows in the temperate and stony parts of New Spain between Moran, Pachuca and Regla, and flowers in May. QuERCUS XALAPENSis. Q. ramis tuberculatis ', foliis longe petiolatis, ovato-oblongis, acuminatis , remote cuspidato- dentatis , suhcorlaceis , glabris ; fructibus soUtariis out gemi-' nis, breviter pedunculatis ; cupulis cyaihijormibus* This is a very lofty tree about 2 feet in diameter : it is very common in the forests near Xalapa , on the eastern side of the mountains ; it fructifies in January. QuERCUS ACUTiFOLiA. Q. folUs ovoto-lanceolatis , acu- minatis, incequaliter subcordatis , subtus pulverulento-tom.en- tosis , feniigineis , sinuato - dentatis ; dentibus elongatis , cus- pidatis ; fructibus geminis out quatemis , hredssime pedun- culaiis. A very lofty tree , about a feet in diameter , which grows on the west side of the mountains between Venta di Acaguisolta and la Majonera : it fructifies in May. QuERCUS STiPULARis. Q. ramulis fcmigineo-tomentosis ; foliis obovatO'oblongis , subcordatis, argute et grosse denta- tis; crasse coriaceis, supra nitidis, subtus jladdo-tomento- sis ; stipulis persistentibus y fi'uctibus soUtariis aut geminis , sessilibus. This tree rises to the height of about 5o feet, and has a thick foliage : it is found on the mountains of Mexico near Actopan , and fructifies in May. QuERCUS SYDEROXYLA. Q. ramuUs pubescentibus ; foliis no ADDITIONS. ohovato - oblongis , hasi rotundatis, apicem versus argute serratis, cordaiis, remote et obtuse dentatis, memhranacels , subtus tomentosis ; fructlbus longe pedunculatis , subspicatis; cupulis hemisphcencis. A very lofty tree from i to 2 feet in diameter : it grows in the temperate regions of New Spain near Villalpando and Santa Rosa, and fructifies in September. QuERCUS PULCHELLA. Q. ramis tuberculatis ; foliis obo- vato- oblongis] subcordatis , argute dentatis , coiiaceis , supra nitidis , subtus tenuissime incano-tomentosis ; fnictibus ge- minis, bredter pedunculatis ; cupulis depresso-sphcericis. This tree is from i5 to 20 feet in height and grows in the mountainous regions of New Spain between Gua- naxualo and Santa Rosa ; it fructifies in September. QuERCUS RETICULATA. Q. ramuUs subpubescentibus • /b- liis subsessilibus , obovatis, cordatis , remote dentatis , coria^ ceis, rugusis y subtus tenuissime tomentosis ; fructibus gemi- nis _, longe pedunculatis ; cupulis cyatliiformibus. A tall tree which grows in the mountainous regions of New Spain between Santa Rosa and Guanaxuato , and fructifies in September. QuERCUS CRASSIFOLIA. Q. ramulis sulcatis, foliisque sub- tus Jlavescenti'tomentosis , breviter petiolatis , obovatis , cor- datis J remote dentatis , crasse coriaceis ; Jixictibus subtemis , pedunculatis ; cupulis subsphcericis. This tree is from 3o to 40 feet high, and has a very thick fohage ; it is found in the stony and mountainous regions of New Spain near Chilpancingo, and fructilies in April. ADDITIONS. Ill QuERCUS SPICATA. Q. ramuUs tomentosis ; Joliis ellipti- CIS, simiaio-dentatis , coriaceis , supra nitidis , subtus tenuis^ sime canescenti-tomentosis ; Jiixctihus subgeminis , brevissime pedunculatis i cupulis cyathiformibus. This species is from 3o to /\o feet in height , and is found in shady situations near el Oyamel , el Jacal , and Cerro de las Nabajas ; it fructifies in May. QuERCUS PANDURATA. Q. ramuUs Icenbus ^ hirlis -^ folUs obovato-oblongis , subpanduratis , subcordatis , sinuato-den- tatis , coriaceis , subtus pubescentibus ; fructibus subquinis , pedimculatis ; cupulis cyathiformibus. This species is about i5 feet high : it is found on the sides of ihe mountains in the kingdom of Mechoacan , between Ario and Patzcuaro : it fructifies in September. QuERCUS AMBIGUA. Q. ramulis glabris, obopato-obloji" gis, obtusis , basi rotundatis , subrepandis , membranaceis , subtus ienuissime pubescentibus ; fructibus quinis out septe- nis , pedunculatis , pedunculis geminis , elongatis. This tree is about 20 feet high , and is found in the temperate regions of Mexico near Moran , Cerro Ven- toso and Omilton : it flowers in May. QuERCUS GLAUCESCENS. Q. ramuUs angulatis; foliis brC" ffissime petiolatis , obovato-oblongis , obtusiusculis , basi cu^ neatis, dentato-sinuatis , membranaceis, glabiis, glaucesceU' tibus • fructibus quirds out septenis , pedunculatis. A tall tree , very common in the warm parts of New . Spain , between la Venta de la Majorena and Acagui- sotla : it blooms in April. 112 — 136 ADDITIONS. QuEECUS OBTUSATA. Q. ramuUs tuberculatis , tenuiter pubescentibus ; foliis oblongis, oblusls , basi incequalibus , repandis, corlaceis, subtus pulverulento-pubescentlbus , fruc- tibus subquinisj pedunculatis ; cupulis campanulato-globosis. This species is very tall , with a remarkably straight trunk : it is found in the elevated and dry parts of Neyy Spain near Ario , and flowers in September, WALNUTS. WVVV\\fVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV\VVVVVVVVV\'VVVVVVVV^ WALNUTS. In the variety of trees which compose the vast forests of North America east of the Mississippi , the Walnut ranks after the oak , among the genera whose species are most muUiplied. In this particular, the soil of the United States is more favoured than that of Europe , to no part of which is any species of this tree in- digenous. I have distinguished in the United States ten species of "Walnut, and others will probably be dis- covered in Louisiana : travellers who visit these regions to explore their natural history, should direct their at- tention to this class of vegetables, so interesting from the useful applications of their wood in the arts. There is room to hope , also , that species may be discovered , susceptible , like the Pacanenut Hickory , of speedy me- lioration , by the aid of grafting and of attentive cultiva- tion. Some vs eight is given this consideration , by an observation which I have heard often repeated by my father , that the fruit of the Common European Walnut , in its natural state , is harder than that of the American I. i8 1 38 ■ WALNUTS. species just mentioned , and inferior to it in size and quality. To the members of agricultural societies in the United States it belongs, to extend their observations and experiments on this subject, after the example of our ancestors, to whom we are indebted for a rich va- riety of fruits, equally salutary and beautiful. The Walnuts of North America appear lo present characters so distinct as to require their di\ision into two sections. These characters consist principally in the form of the barren aments or catkins , and in the great- er or less rapidity of vegetation in the trees. The first section is composed of Walnuts with single aments , ( PI. 29 and 3o ) and includes two species : the Black Walnut and the Butternut ; to which is added the Eu- ropean Walnut. The second section consists of such as have compound aments, ( PL 36 ) and comprises eight species : the Pacanenut Hickory, Bitternut Hickory, Water Bitternut Hickory, Mockernut Hickory, Shell- bark Hickory, Thick Shellbark Hickory, Pignut Hickory, and Nutmeg Hickory. The three first species of the second section bear some relation to those of the first, in their buds , which are not covered with scales. For this reason , I have placed them immediately next, be- ginning with the Pacanenut Hickory, which by its nu- WALNUTS. l39 meroiis leaflets , most nearly resembles the Black Walnut and the Butternut , whose buds are also un- covered. Throughout the United States , the common name of Hickory is given to the species of the second section. This common appellation is due to certain properties of their w^ood , which, howerer modified , are possessed by them all, in a greater degree than by any other tree of Europe or America. These species exhibit also a striking analogy in their form , and in their leaves , though they differ in the number and size of their leaf- lets. To these sources of confusion, must be added another in the fruit , which is often so various in its ap- pearance , that it is easy to mistake the species to which it belongs. It is not then , on the most remarkable differences alone , that our distinctions must be found- ed ; recourse must also be had to an examination of the shoots of the preceding year , of the buds , and of the aments. It was only by constant observation in the forests of the country, pursued through the course of a summer , that I became able readily to distinguish between mere varieties and species. M. Delille of the Institute of Egypt , who was at that time in the United States , took an active part in my researches , and re- l4o WALNUTS. sorted with me daily to the woods. Our investigations, I flatter myself, have had the result, which may always be hoped for, from unwearied perseverance. From the considerations alleged, and principally from the striking resemblance of their wood, I have thought proper in describing the species of Hickory, to speak but summarily of their respective properties , and to treat of this part of the subject collectively and comparatively, more at large , in a separate article which will complete their history. METHODICAL DISPOSITION OF THE WALNUTS OF NORTH AMERICA. Rloncecia Polyandria , LiNN. Terelenihaccoi , Juss. I. »' SECTION. Simple aments. ( PI. 29 and 3o. ) VEGETATION RAPID. 1 . Common European Walnut. Juglans regia. 2. Black Walnut Juglans nigra. 3. Butternut. ... ..... Juglans caihartica. S."-^ SECTION. Compound aments , each peduncle hearing threc^ i PI. '66, fig. d.) VEGETATION SLOW. 4. Pacanenut Hickory .... Juglans olivcefonnis. 5. Bitternut Hickory. „ . . . Juglans amara. 6. Water Bitternut Hickory. . Juglans axjuaiica. 7. Mockernut Hickory. . . . Juglans tomentosa. ^42 METHODICAL DISPOSITION, etc. 8. Shellbark Hickory Juglans squamosa. 9. Thick shellbark Hickory. . . Juglans lacimosa. 10. Pignut Hickory Juglans porcina. n. Nutmeg Hickory Juglans myrlsticcejormis. m: Common European Walnut COMMON EUROPEAN WALNUT. JuGLANS REGIA. i. foUolis subseptem's , ovalibus , glabris, sub- serratis , subcequalibus : fructibus subovalibiis. The Walnut which lor several centuries has been cul- tivated in Europe is a native of Asia. According to an an- cient but uncertain tradition , its fruit was brought from Persia with the Peach and the Apricot. My father, who in the years 1782, 83, and 84, visited this part of the East to examine its natural productions, first ascertain- ed wdth exactness , the origin of this tree : he found it in the natural State, in the Province of Ghilan , which hes on the Caspian Sea , between the 35° and the 4o° of latitude. The period of its introduction into Europe , a point on which ancient authors leave us in obscurity, is pro- ved to be remote , by several rites in use among the Romans : such , for instance , as the distribution of nuts in the Cerealia. In the village festival of the Rosiere, ins- tituted by St. Medard, at Salency, Department of the Oise , 1200 years ago , it is directed , that an offering be presented to the young maid who is crowned , com- posed of nuts and other fruits of the Country : which proves the tree to have been already naturalised in that part of France. The Walnut is common throughout the center of Eu- 1 44 COMMON EUROPEAN WALNUT. rope, but it flourishes most in the western and southern Deparments of France , in Spain and in Italy, which approach nearest to the latitude in which it grows in the natural state. In France , it is only in the West and South , that the vegetation of theWalnut is per- fectly secure from frost, that its wood is of a superior quality , and that its fruit is regularly yielded in suffi- cient abuT^dance to become an article of commerce. The European Walnut is one of the tallest and most beautiful among fruit trees , and one of the most re- markable for the amplitude of its summit, and the thickness of its shade. On the trunk of old trees , which frequently are several feet in diameter , the bark is thick and deeply furrowed ; on the upper branches , it is grey and smooth , a good deal resembling that of the Butternut. The leaves are borne by long petioles, and are composed of 2 , 3 , and sometimes 4 pair of leaf- lets , surmounted by an odd one. The leaflets are oval and smooth ; when bruised , they exhale a strong aro- matic odour. In the extreme heat of summer , the emanations from theWalnut are so powerful as to pro- duce unpleasant effects upon some persons, if they slumber in its shade. The flowers of the Common European Walnut , like those of the Black Walnut and Butternut, appear be- fore the unfolding of the leaves; the barren ones in single, pendulous , imbricated aments ; the fertile ones on separate branches , at the end of the young shoots, COMMON EUROPEAN WALNUT. l45 and commonly in pairs. The fruit is green and oval, and in the natural state contains a small hard nut. In the most esteemed cultivated species , the fruit is oval and strongly odoriferous, about an inch and two thirds long, and from an inch and a quarter to an inch and a half in diameter. The nut occupies two thirds of its volume. Towards autumn , the husk softens , and decaying from about the nut , allows it to fall. The shell is slightly channeled, and so thin as to be easily crushed by the fingers. The kernel is of a very agreeable taste : it is large , covered with a fine pellicle , and separated by a thin partition which may readily be detached both from the shell and from the kernel. The nuts are better tasted and easier of digestion , soon after their matu- rity , than later in the season, when the oily princi- ple becomes perfectly formed ; they are then oppressive if immoderately eaten. A dessert of an excellent relish is made by extrac- ting the kernels a fortnight before they are ripe , and seasoning them with the juice of green grapes and salt. They should be thrown into water as soon as they are taken from the shell, and allowed to remain till the moment when they are seasoned to be set upon the table. They are sold in Paris by the name of Cer- neaux ^ and a greater quantity of walnuts is consumed in this way by people in easy circumstances, than after they are perfectly ripe : the use of them is then almost exclusively confined to the lower classes. J- »9 1 46 COMMON EUROPEAN WALNUT. The Common Walnut is more multiplied in the Departments of France which lie between the 4^° and the 48^* of latitude , than in any other part of Europe. In these Departments , it is planted in the midst of cultivated fields , like the apple tree for cider , in those of the north and of the center : the fruit , the oil , and the wood , may be considered as forming one of their principal branches of commerce. In extracting the oil of Walnuts, certain delicate atten- tions are necessary to insure its fmeness. When the fruit is gathered , and the nuts are separated from the husks , Ihey should be kept dry, and occasionally moved till they are used. The properest time for the operation is at the close of winter, as in this interval, the change by which the mucilage of the fruit is converted into oil has become completely effected , and by longer delay the kernel grows rancid , and the oil is of a vitiated quality. The nut is cracked by stri- king it on the end with a small mallet , and pains are taken not to bruise the kernel. The slight lig- neous partition is detached , and such kernels as are partially spoiled , are selected and thrown aside. The sound kernels , thus cleared from every particle of the shell, should be sent immediately to the mill, as they soon become rancid by exposure to the air. They are crushed by a vertical stone , which turns in a circular trough, and is moved by a horse or by a current of water. The paste is next enclosed in bags of strong COMMON EUROPEAN WALNUT. l/^j linen and submitted to the press. The oil which flows under this first pressure without the application of lieat , is of the best quality. It is very clear, and is proper for food ; but it sensibly retains the taste of the nut , which in general is not agreeable to persons unac- customed to it , so that the consumption is limited to the Departments where it is made. To be kept sweet for the table , it should be drawn off several times du- ring the first months , carefully corked, and kept in the cellar , as it is more easily affected than any other oil by the action of air and heat. After the first expression , the paste is emptied from the sacks , moistened with warm water , and modera- tely heated in coppers. It is then replaced in the sacks and returned to the press. The oil of the second dis- charge, is highly coloured, and very speedily becomes rancid ; it is therefore employed only in the prepa- ration of colours. The cakes which remain after the expression is finished, are proper for fattening fowls. Although nut oil , as an article of diet , is in general use in the Departments where the tree abounds, it serves a still more important purpose in the prepa- ration of fine colours. It is preferred on account of the complete and rapid manner in which it dries » and of the facility of obtaining it perfectly limpid ; which is done by diffusing it upon water in large shallow vases. In copper-plate printing, walnut oil is considered, in l48 COMMON EUROPEAN WALNUT. Paris, indispensably necessary fora fine impression, in black or in colours. But there are peculiar modes of preparing it for the several colours with which it is to be mixed. Thus ior white, blue , light green , and the in- termediate shades , it is reduced by boiling to two thirds of its bulk, but for dark green and black, to one fifth , which leaves it a thick, semifluid substance. To faci- litate the process, one tenth part of Hnseed oil is added to it ; it IS then placed in an iron or copper vessel , over an active , clear fire. When it begins to boil ra- pidly, the vessel is uncovered, and the oil takes fire by contact with the flame , and burns till it is reduced to the proper consistency : sometimes it is not allowed to kindle , but when the ebullition commences , crusts of bread are thrown into it, which remain till the neces- sary evaporation is effected , and are then taken out , charged with mucilagenous particles. The principal advantage of this oil , in the preparation of white lead for painting the interior of houses , as well as of the colours employed in copper-plate printing, is the longer and more perfect preservation of the tints. The back of prints done with it do not turn yellow like others. A fine stomachic liquor is made with the fruit of the "Walnut gathered a month before its maturity. Twelve green nuts in the husk are bruised and thrown into a pint of good brandy ; alter they have steeped three weeks, the brandy is filtered througli brown paper, COMMON EUROPEAN WALNUT. 1 49 and a quarter of a pound of loaf sugar is added. This cordial improves by age. Diers obtain by boiling the husks , when they begin to decay , and the bark of the roots , a substantial dark brown , with which they die woolens. Cabinet-makers also make use of it , in staining other species of wood in imitation of Walnut. Among the American Walnuts which are found east of the Mississippi, the Black Walnut bears the greatest resemblance to the European Walnut , in its general appearance , in its flowers and fruit , and in the qualities of its wood : in foliage they are strikingly different. The wood of the European Walnut is inferior in strength and weight, and I believe, far more liable to injury from worms. Twenty or thirty years ago , before Mahogany was imported in such abundance into Europe , Walnut wood was employed almost exclusively, in Cabinet-making. In the country , it is still in general use , and the fur^ niture made of it is far from being inelegant, especially, pieces obtained from such old trees as bear small and thick shelled nuts. It is preferred for the stocks of muskets; and in Paris and Brussels, no other wood is used for the pannels of carriages. The old trees fur- nisch excellent screws for large presses. Great quanti- ties of wooden shoes are manufactured of Walnut , which are more highly esteemed than others. The wood of the European Walnul is largely exported x5o COMMON EUROPEAN WALNUT. from the south of France to the North , and to Holland and Germany : formerly , it was carried to England. Like other fruit trees , whose perfection is among the « noblest conquests of industrious man » , the Walnut has been greatly improved , by long and ca- reful cultivation. There are 7 or 8 cultivated varieties , whose superiority is principally apparent in the augmen- ted size of the fruit, and in the diminished thickness of the shell. Of these the most esteemed, after that which I have described, are the St. Jean and the Jauge Walnuts. The St. John Walnut, is a variety obtained within a few years. It yields fruit as large and as abun- dant as the common Walnut , and for that part of Europe which lies beyond the 4^° of latitude , it pos- sesses an advantage , in opening its vegetation three weeks later, and in being thus secure from the inju- ries of frost. The Jauge Walnut is chiefly remarkable for the size of its fruit , which is twice as large as the variety represented in the plate. It is unproductive, and the kernel does not fill the shell. The Jauge nut is made into cases by jewellers , and furnished with trinkets for the amusement of children. The wood of the Black Walnut is already superior to that of the European Walnut , and it will acquire a still finer grain , when it is raised on lands that have been long under cultivation. It is solely for the excel- lency of its fruit , and the decided superiority of its oil in the preparation of colours , that the European COMMON EUROPEAN WALNUT. l5l Walnut should be warmly recommended to the attention of Americans. It would thrive better than elsewhere in places where the Black Walnut naturally abounds. In some parts of Pensylvania and Maryland , the BlackWalnuts have been preserved in clearing the lands : great advantage would be found in grafting them \vith the European Walnut. The limbs should be cut i5 inches from the trunk, and from the stumps will spring vigorous shoots ,. which the second year may the graft- ed by inoculation. Fifty or sixty buds should be set upon each tree, as is practised near Lyons ; where it is found , that by inserting the Walnut of St. John on the common Walnut, the fruit is rendered finer, and the crop more certain. Black Walnuts thus grafted begin to bear the 5.'^ year. On estates where no Black W^al- nuts exist , the deficiency may be supplied by planting the nuts, and grafting the young stocks when they come to tile height of 8 or lo feet. It should be observed , that in the Walnut , more than any other tree , it is necessary on account of the loose texture of the wood and the large volume of the pith, to protect the amputated limbs from the weather. A covering of clay should be so nicely adapted to the exposed surface, as entirely to exclude the rain , other- wise decay will commence , and spread itself into the body of the tree. In those parts of France , Belgium and Germany, where the Walnut is not cultivated for commerce , the 1 52 COMMON EUROPEAN WALNUT. trees have generally sprung from the seed , which is the cause of the inferiority of their fruit. For it is obser- vedthat, with a few accidental exceptions, the finest fruits and flowers degenerate in reproduction. This inconve- nience would be experienced in the United States, and as there do not perhaps exist in that Country, south of the Hudson river, ten European Walnut trees, I should recommend the obtaining from Bordeaux of young graft- ed trees , which will soon furnish the means to such pro- prietors as wish to enrich their estates with this useful and magnificent tree. PLATE XXIX. Fig. I , A leaf of half the natural size. Fig. 2 , Barren flowers. Fig. 5 , Fertile flowers. Fig. 4 , A. nut in its husk of the natural size. Fig. 5, A nut without its husk. Fig. 6, A nut depris^ed of half the shell to show the kernel. Black Walnut A:r„;„ J-,,,//,! BLACK WALNUT. JUGLANS NIGRA. J. foUoUs qiiindenis , suhcordatis , siipcrne angustaiis , seiratis : fractu glohoso , punctato , scabrius' culo ; nuce comtgatd. This tree is known in all parts of the United States where it grows , and to the french of Upper and Lower Louisiana , by no other name than Black Walnut. East of the Alleghany Mountains , the most Northern point at which it appears , is about Goshen in the Sate of New- Jersey, in the latitude of 4o.''5o'. West of the Moun- tains , it exists abundantly two degrees farther north , in that portion of Genesee , which is comprised between the 77" and 79" of longitude. This observation, as I shall have occasion to remark , is applicable to several other vegetables , the northern limit of whose appearance varies with the climate, and this becomes milder in advancing towards the West. The Black Walnut is mul- tiplied in the forests about Philadelphia, and vdth the exception of the lower parts of the Southern States , where the soil is too sandy, or too wet as in the Swamps , itis met with to the banks of the Mississippi, throughout an extent of 2000 miles. East of the Alleghany mountains in Virginia, and in the upper parts of the Carolinas and of Georgia , it is chiefly confined to vallies where the soil is deep and fertile , and which are watered by l54 3BLACK WALNUT. Creeks and Rivers : in the Western Country, in Genesee and in the States of Ohio and Kentucky, where the soil in general is very rich , it grov^^s in the forests , wath the Coffee-tree , Honey Locust, Red Mulberry , Locust ^ Shellbark Hickory, Black Sugar Maple , Hack Berry , and Red Elm ; all of them trees that prove the good- ness of the soil in which they are found. It is in these Countries that the Black Walnut dis- plays its fuU proportions. On the banks of the Ohio and on the Islands of this beautiful river , I have often seen trees of 3 or 4 f^et in diameter and 60 or 70 feet in height. It is not rare to fmd them of the thickness of 6 or 7 feet. Its powerful vegetation clearly points out this , as one of the largest trees of Ame- rica. When it stands insulated, its branches, exten- ding themselves horizontally to a great distance, spread into a spacious head , which gives it a very majestic appearance. The leaves of the Black Walnut when bruised emit a strong aromatic odour. They are about 18 inches in length, pinnate, and composed in general of 6, 7, or 8 pair of leaflets surmounted by an odd one. The leaf- lets are opposite and fixed on short petioles ; they are acuminate , serrate , and somewhat downy. The barren flowers are disposed in pendulous and cylindrical aments, of which the peduncles are simple , unlike those of the Hickories. (PI. 3o. fig. i.) The fruit is round, odo- riferous , of rather an uneyen surface , and always ap- BLACK WALNUT. 1 55 pears at the extremity of the branches : on young, and vigorous trees , it is sometimes 7 or 8 inches in circum- ference. The husk is thick, and is not as in the Hickories divided into sections ; but when ripe it softens and gra- dually decays. The nut is hard , somewhat compressed at the sides , and sulcated. The kernel , which is divi- ded by firm ligneous partitions , is of a sweet and agreeable taste , thoug inferior to that of the European Walnut. These nuts are sold in the markets of New-York , Philadelphia, and Baltimore, and served upon the ta- bles. The size of the fruit varies considerably, and de- pends upon the vigour of the tree , and upon the nature of the soil and of the climate. On the banks of the Ohio , and in Kentucky, the fruit with tke husk is 7 or 8 inhes in compass with the nut proportionally large : in Genesee on the contrary, where the cold is intense , and in fields exhausted by cultivation , where these trees have been preserved since the first clearing of the land, it is not of more than half this bigness. Some varia- tions are observed in the form of the fruit j and in the moulding of the shell; but these I consider as merely, accidental differences. Indeed there is no genus of trees in America, in which the fruit of a given species exhib- its such various forms, as in the Walnut ; and doubtless this circumstance has mislead observers , who , being acquainted only with the small number of trees existing in European gardens , have described them as distinct species. J 56 BLACK WALNUT. The bark of the Black Walnut is thick, blackish, and on old trees deeply furrowed. When the timber is freshly cut , the sap is white and the heart of a yiolet colour, which after a short exposure to the air assumes an intenser shade, and becomes nearly black : hence probably is derived the name of Black Walnut. There are several qualities for which its wood is principally esteemed ; it remains sound during a long time , even when exposed to the influences of heat and moisture ; but this observation is applicable only to the heart, the sap speedily decays : it is very strong and very tenacious : when thoroughly seasoned it is not liable to warp and split ; and its grain is sufficiently fine and compact to admit of a beautiful polish. It possesses in addition to these advantages , that of being secure from worms. On account of these excellencies, it is preferred and successfully employed in many kinds of work. East of the AUeghanies , its timber is not extensively used in building houses, but in some parts of Kentucky and Ohio, it is split into shingles i8 inches long and from 4 to 6 inches wdde , which serve to cover them : sometimes also this timber enters into the composition of the frame. But it is chiefly in cabinet making , that the Black Walnut is employed wherever it abounds. By selecting pieces from the upper part of the trunk, immediately below the first ramification , furniture is sometimes made , which from the accidental curlings of the grain is highly beau- tiful ; but as its colour soon changes to a dusky hue, the BLACK WALNUT. l5j TVild Cherry wood is frequently preferred for this use. The Black Walnut is also employed for the stocks of military muskets ; it is stronger and tougher than the Jled flowering Maple, which, from its superior lightness and elegance , is chosen for fowling pieces. In Virginia posts are very commonly made of Black Walnut , and as it lasts undecayed in the ground from 20 to 25 years , it appears every way fit for this purpose. I have been assured that it makes excellent naves for wheels, which farther proves its strength and durability. At Philadel- phia, coffms are universally made of it. The timber of this tree 's also excellently adapted to certain uses in Naval Architecture. It should never be wrought till it is perfectly seasoned, after which it is asserted to be more durable, though more brittle, than the White Oak. Breckel in his history of North Carolina , affirms that it is not liable , like the Oak , to be attacked by sea-worms in warm latitudes. This advantage if it is real , is highly important , and de- serves to be ascertained by farther observation. In the marine lumber yards of Philadelphia , I have often seen it used for knees and floor timber ; but in the vessels built at Wheeling and Marietta , small towns on the Ohio , it constitutes a principal part of the frame. On the river Wabash, canoes are made of it>^hich are greatly esteemed for strength and durability. Some of them fashioned from the trunk of a single tree , are more than 4o feet long , snd 2 or 3 feet vAde, l58 BLACK WALNUT. The Black Walnut is exported in small quantities to England in planks of 2 inches in thickness. These planks are sold at Philadelphia , at four cents a foot. The husk of the fruit yields a colour similar to that which is obtained from the European Walnut. It is used in the country for dying woolen stuffs. This tree has been long since introduced , in England? and France , into the gardens of the lovers of foreign culture. It succeeds perfectly and yields fruit abundantly. Though differing widely from the European species , it bears a nearer resemblance to it than any other Ameri- can Walnut. By comparing the two species as to their utility in the arts and in commerce , it will appear , that the wood of the Black Walnut is more compact , heavier and much stronger ; that it is susceptible of a finer po- lish , and that it is not injured by worms ; qualities which , as has been seen , render it fit not only for the same uses with ours , but also for the larger works of architecture. These considerations sufficiently evince that it is a valuable tree , and that it is with great reason , that many proprietors in America have spared it , in clearing their new lands. On high roads , I am of opinion that it might be chosen to succeed the Elm ; for experience has proved , that to insure success in the continued cviltivation of trees or herbaceous plants on the same soil, the practice must be varied with species of different genera. Nuts of the European Walnut and of the Black Walnut "BLACK WALNUT. l5g have been planted at the same time in the same soil ; those of the Black Walnut are observed to shoot more vigorously , and to grow in a given time to a greater height. By grafting the European upon the American species , at the height of 8 or lo feet, their advantages , ■with respect to the quality both of wood and of fruit , might be united. PLATE XXX. u4 leaf of half its natural size. Fig. i , A nut with its huh. Fig. 2 , A nut without its husk. Fig. 5 , A barren anient. L^.- *VVVVVVVVVVVVV»VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV\VVVVVVVV\VVVVV\V*\\VVi\:VVVV»VVVVV\VV\V\V\VVVVVV\V»VVVVV\V*VVV>V\V\WVVVV% BUTTERNUT. JuGLANS CATHARTICA. i . foUoUs subquindenis , lanceolatis ^ basi rotundato-obtusls , subtiis tomentosis , leviter serratis : fructu oblongo, ovato , apice nmoso , viscido Jonge pedun- culato , mice oblongd, acuminata, insigniter insculpte- scabrosa. This species of Walnut is known in North Ame- rica , under different denominations. In Massachusetts, New Hampshire , and Vermont , it bears the name of Oil nut ; in Pennsylvania and Maryland , and on the banks of the Ohio , it is generally known by that of White Walnut ; in Connecticut , New York , New Jersey, Virginia, and in the mountainous districts of the upper parts of the Carolinas , it is called Butternut. The last of these names I have retained, because it is not wholly unknown in those parts of the United States where the others are in general use, and because the wood is employed in the neighbourhood of New York , for a greater variety of uses than elsewhere. I think also that the latin specific name Cathartica , which was long since given it by Doctor Cutler of Massachusetts , should be definitively substituted for that of Cinerea , by which it has hitherto been distinguished among Botanists. This last appellation, derived from the colour of the secondary branches, whose bark is smooth and greyish , suggests only an unimportant characteristic , PI.JI Butter Nut . J lit/ la ns ralha^'tiM . BUTTERNUT. ' " i6l while the first expresses one of the most interesting properties of the tree. ^ The Butternut is found in Upper and Lower Canada, in the District of Maine, on the shores of Lake Erie, in the States of Kentucky and Tennessee and on the banks of the Missouri; but I have never met with it in the lower parts of the Carolinas , of Georgia , and of East Florida , where the nature of the soil and the intemperate heat of the summer, are imfavorable to its vegetation. In cold regions , on the contrary, its growth is luxuriant ; for in the State of Vermont , where the winter is so rigorous that sledges are used during four months in the year , this tree attains a circumference of 8 or lo feet. I have nowhere seen it more abundant, than in the bottoms which border the Ohio between Wheeling and Ma- rietta : but the thickness of these forests , which are hardly penetrated by the sun , appears to prevent its utmost expansion. I have seen here no trees as large as some in New Jersey , on the steep and elevated banks of the Hudson , nearly opposite to the city of New York. The woods in this place are thin , and the soil cold , un- productive , and interspersed with large rocks , in the interstices of which the biggest Butternuts have their root. I have measured some of them, which at 5 feet from the ground , were lo or 12 feet in circumference , and which were 5o feet in height , with roots extending even with the surface of the ground , in a serpentine direction , and with little variation in size , to the dis- I. 21 *> 1 62 BUTTERNUT. tance of 4o feet. The trunk ramifies at a small height, and the branches seeking a direction more horizontal than those of other trees , and spreading widely, form a large and tufted head , which gives the tree a remarkable appearance. The buds of the Butternut , like those of the Black Walnut , are uncovered. In the spring its vegetation is forward , and its leaves unfold a fortnight earlier than those of the Hickories. Each leaf is composed of 7 or 8 pair of sessile leaflets , and terminated by a petiolated odd one. The leaflets are from 2 to 3 inches in length , lanceolate , serrate , and slightly downy. The barren flowers stand on large cyhndrical aments , which are single , 4 01' 5 inches long , and attached to the shoots of the preceding year ; the fertile flowers on the con- trary, Gome out on the shoots of the same spring, and are situated at their extremity. The ovarium is crowned by two rose coloured stigmata. The fruit is commonly single, and suspended by a thin , pliable peduncle, about 3 inches in length ; its form is oblong-oval without any appearance ofseam.lt is often 2 inches and ahalf in length, and 5 inches in circumference, and is covered with a viscid adhesive substance , composed of small transpa- rent vesicles , which are easily discerned with the aid of a glass. The nuts are hard , oblong , rounded at the base , and terminated at the summit, in an acute point-, the surface is very rough , and deeply and irregularly fmTowed. They are ripe, in the neighbourhood of New BUTTERNUT. I 63 York, about the iS^^ of September , a fortnight earlier than the other species of Wahiut. Some years they are so abundant , that one person may gather sevei-al bush- els of them in a. day. The kernel is thick and oily, and soon becomes rancid ; hence , doubtless, are derived the names of Butternut and Oilnut. These nuts are rarely seen in the markets of New York and Philadelphia. The Indians who inhabited these regions, pounded and boi- led them , and separating the oily substance which swam upon the surface , mixed it with their food. When the fruit has attained about half its growth , it is some- times used for making pickles , being first plunged into boiling water, and thoroughly >viped , to clean it of its down , and afterwards preserved in vinegar. The Black Walnut and Butternut , when young , re- semble each other in their foliage , and in the rapidity of their growth ; but when arrived at maturity , their forms are so different , as to be distinguishable at fir^t sight. Remarkable peculiarities are also found , on exa- mining their wood, especially when seasoned ; the Black Walnut is heavy , strong , and of a dark brown colour ; while the Butternut is light , of little strength, and of a reddish hue : but they possess in common, the great advantage of lasting long, and of being secure from the annoyance of worms. From its want of solidity and from the difficulty of procuring pieces of considerable length , Butternut timber is never used in the cities , in the cons- truction of houses , though it is sometimes employed l64 BUTTERNUT. for this purpose in the country. In some Districts of New Jersey , it is often taken for the sleepers which are placed immediately on the ground , in the framing of houses and barns. As it long resists the effects of heat and moisture , it is esteemed for the posts and rails of rural fence, and for troughs for the use of cattle. For corn shovels and wooden dishes , it is preferred to the Red, flowering Maple , because it is lighter and less liable to split ; consequently articles made of it, are sold at a higher price. Near New- York, I have observed it to be made use of for canoes formed of one or two logs , and for the futtocks destined to give them solidity; but in boats of considerable size some stronger wood is selected for this purpose. At Pittsburgh on the Ohio, the Butternut is sometimes sawn into planks , for the construction of small skiffs , which, on account of their lightness , are in request for descending the river. At Windsor in Vermont, it is used for the pannels of coach- es and chaises ; the workmen fmd it excellently adapt- ted to this object, not only from its lightness, but because it is not liable to split , and receives paint in a superior manner : indeed I have remarked that its pores are more open than those of the Poplar and Basswood. The medicinal properties of Butternut bark , have long since been proved , by several eminent Physicians of the United States, and among others, by Doctor Cutler. An extract in water , or even a decoction sweet- BUTTERNUT. I 65 ened with honey, is acknowledged to be one of the best cathartics afforded by materia medica; its purgative operation is always sure , and unattended , in the most dehcate constitutions, with pain or irritation. Experience has shewn that it produces the best effects in many cases of dysentery. It is commonly given in the form of pills, and to aduhs, in doses from half a dram to a dram. It is not however in general use , except in the country , where many of the farmers wives provide a small store of it in the spring, for the wants of their families and of their neighbours. They obtain it by boiling the bark entire in water , till the liquid is reduced by evaporation , to a thick , viscid substance , which is almost black. This is a faulty process ; the exterior bark , or the dead part which covers the cellular integument, should first be taken off, for by continued boiling, it becomes charged with four fifths of the hquid , already enriched with extractive matter. I have also seen this bark successfully employed as a re- vulsive , in inflammatory ophthalmias and in the tooth- ache : a piece of it soaked in warm water is applied in these cases to the back of the neck. In the country it is sometimes employed for dying wool of a dark brown colour ; but the bark of the Black Walnut is preferable for this purpose. On a live tree , the cellular integument, when first ex- posed, is of a pure white , in a moment, it changes to a beautiful lemon colour , and soon after to a deep brown. 1 66 BUTTERNUT, If the trunk of the Butternut is pierced in the month which precedes the unfolding of the leaves , a pretty co- pious discharge ensues of a slightly sugary sap , from which, by evaporation , sugar is obtained of a quality in- ferior to that of the Sugar Maple, Although the Butternut, as has been seen, possesses useful properties , I do not think it sufficiently valuable , either in the arts , or for fuel , to recommend its intro- duction into the forests of the old continent : it should find place only in our pleasure grounds. PLATE XXXI. A leaf of half its natural size. Fig. i , A nut with its husk. Fig. 2 , A nut without its husk. PI. :h. P ac aneuii tHickoiy. Jii^lans oliva'-formis. PACANENUT HICKORY. JuGLANS oliV-«:formis. J. foliolis plurimis , subpetiolatis ^ falcatis , serratis ; fructu oblongo , pjominulo-quadran- gulo ; nuce olivceformi , levi. This species , which is found in upper Louisiana, is called by the French of Illinois and New Orleans, Paca- niei^ and its fruit Pacanes. This name has been adopted by" the inhabitants of the United States , who call it Pa- canenut. On the borders of the rivers Missouri, Illinois , St.-Francis , and Arkansas , it is most abundantly multi- plied ; it is also common on the river Wabash ; on the Ohio , it is found for 200 miles from its junction >vilh the Mississippi : higher than this , it becomes more rare , and is not seen beyond Louisville. My father , in traver- sing this country , learned from the French inhabit- ants , who ascend the Mississippi in quest of furs , that it is not found on that river , beyond the mouth of the Great Mackakity , which discharges itself in the la- titude of 42^ 5 1'. This tree grows most naturally , in cold and wet grounds. There is a swamp of 800 acres , situated on the right bank of the Ohio , oppositite to the river Cumber- land , which is said to be entirely covered with it , and which is called by the French , la pacaniere. The Pacanenut is a beautifal tree, with a straight and I 68 PACANENITT HICKORY. well shaped trunk ; in the forests it reaches the height oi 60 or 70 feet. Its wood is coarse grained, and like the other Hickories , heavy and compact : it possesses also great strength and durability ; but in these respects, it is inferior to some species which remain to be described. Its buds , like those of the Black Walnut , and Butternut are uncovered. The leaves are from 12 to 18 inches in length , and are supported by petioles some what angu- lar, and shghtly downy in the spring. Each leaf is com- posed of 6 or 7 pair of sessile leaflets, and terminated by a petiolated odd one , which is commonly smal- ler than the pair immediately preceding. The leaflets, on flourishing trees , are from 2 to 3 inches long , ovate , serrate , and remarkable for the circular form of the upper edge , while the lower one is less rounded. It is also to be noticed , that the main rib is placed a little be- low the middle of the leaflet. The nuts, which are usually abundant, are contained in a husk from i to 2 lines thick , and have four slightly prominent angles, corresponding to their internal divisions.Tliey vary in length from an inch to an inch and a half, are pointed at the extremities, of a cylindrical form, and of a yellowish colour marked , at the periodof per- fect maturity , with blackish or purple lines. The shell is smooth and thin , though too hard to be broken by the fingers : the kernel is lull , and not being divided by ligneous partitions , is easily extracted. These nuts , which are of a very agreeable taste , form an object of PACANENITT HIC.KOEY. 1 69 petty commerce , between Upper and Lower Louisiana. From New Orleans . they are exported to the West In- dies, and to the ports of the United States. They are not only better than any other species of North American walnuts , but they appear to me to be more delicately flavoured than those of Europe. And besides , varieties of the Paean enut are found, whose fruit is far superior to that of the European Walnut unimproved by culture. I am opinion then, that this tree merits the attention both of Americans and Europeans , and that by assiduous cul- tivation , it may be brought to a high degree of perfec- tion. These advantages , it is true , are balanced in part by the slowness of its growth ; there are trees in France which have been planted more than thirty years , and which do not yield fruit. If the practise should be successfully adopted , of grafting the Pacanenut on the Black Walnut , or on the Common Walnut, its vegetation would be incomparably more rapid , and no motive would discourage its propa- gation in Europe. PLATE XXXIL A leaf of half its natural size. Fig. n, A nut with its husk. Fig. 2 , A nut without its husk. ArV«.VVVVVVW^\'VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV\^VVVV\'VVVVW/VV»IVVVVW*VVVVV*»A^/VA^IVVVVV\V\\VVVVVV\^^V\^ BITTERNUT HICKORY. JuGLANS AMARA. J. arhor maxima , foUolis 7 — 9"'% glabris , conspicue serratis , impan breviter petiolaio : fnictu sub- rotunclo-ovoicleo , superne suturis prominulh ; mice levi , subglobosd, mucronatd : putam,ine fjaglli , niicleo amaro. This species is generally known in New Jersey by the name of Bitternut Hickory ; in Pennsylvania , and particvilarly in the county of Lancaster , it is called White Hickory and sometimes Swamp Hickory j farther south , it is confounded with the Pignut [Hickory j the French of Illinois , like the inhabitants of New Jersey , give it the name of Bitternut, which, as it indicates one of the peculiar properties of the fruit, I have chosen to retain. The Bitternut Hickory , I believe , is nowhere found much beyond the boundaries of Vermont , in the lati- tude of 45°. It is not seen in the Province of Maine , where the borders of the rivers offer situations, anal- ogous to those in which it abounds , a few degrees far- ther south. In Bergen woods , six miles from New- York , and in the bottoms which stretch along the Ohio , it grows to a very lofty stature ; I have mea- sured trees which were 10 or 12 feet in circumference, and 70 or 80 feet high. It attains these dimensions , only in spots where the soil is excellent , constantly iool , and often inundated by creeks and rivers. It is probably because it thrives most in such situations , //j; BiUcr Nut Hickory BlTTERNtTT HICKORY. I7I that it is sometimes called Swamp Hickory. Oi all the Hickories the vegetation of this species is the latest ; I have uniformly observed, that its leaves unfold a fortnight after the others. On flourishing trees at an age to bear fruit , they are 12 or 1 5 inches in length and nearly as much in breadth ; the size , as in other vegetables , va- ries according to the nature of the soil , and the situa- tion of the leaf upon a lower or upon an upper branch. Each leaf is composed of 3 or 4 P^i^ of leaflets , and terminated by an odd one, which is larger than the preceding pair. The leaflets are about 6 in- ches in length , and an inch in breadth , sessile , oval- acuminate , deeply toothed, smooth, and of a pretty dark green. When the tree has shed its leaves , it may still be distinguished by its yellow and naked buds. In Pennsylvania and New Jersey , the Bitternut Hic- kory blossoms about the 25*^ of May. The peduncles of the barren flowers are in pairs , each supporting three flexible and pendulous aments : they are attached at the basis of the shoots of the same season , while the fertile aments, which are not conspicuous, are placed' at the extremity. The fruit is ripe about the beginning of October ; if is so plentiful that several bushels are sometimes ga- thered from a single tree. The husk is thin , fleshy, and surmounted on its upper half by four appendages in the form of wings. It never becomes ligneous , like those of the other Hickories, liut softens and decays. The jr2 BITTEBNUT HICKORY. form of the nut in this species is more constant and more regular than in the others. It is broader than it is long , being 6 or 7 lines one way and 10 lines the other. The shell is white , smooth , and thin enough to be broken by the fingers. The kernel is remarkable for the deep inequalities produced on every side by its fol- dings. It is so harsh and bitter, that squirrels and other wild animals will not feed on it , while any other nut is to be found. In some parts of Pennsylvania where this tree is multiplied , an oil is extracted from the nuts , which is used for the lamp and for other inferior purposes. But from these experiments , in which individuals have succeeded , it is not to be concluded that a sufficient product of this sort can be obtained to form a branch of industry ; neither this , nor any other species of Walnut , is abundant enough in the United States. In the texture of its bark, and in the colour of its heart and sap , the Bitternut Hickory resembles the other Hickories , and its wood possesses , though in an inferior degree , the weight , strength , tenacity , and elasticity , which so plainly distinguish them. At Lancaster , it is used for fuel , but it is not conside- red superior to the White Oak , nor sold at a higher price. The Bitternut Hickory exists and bears fruit in seve- ral gardens in France ; but as it is of no value for its nuts , and flourishes only in very fertile soils ; as its BITTERNUT HICKORY. 1^3 wood , also, is proved in America to be inferior to that of the following species , I think it should not be propa- gated in the forests of Europe. PLATE XXXIII. A leaf of its natural size. Fig. i , A nut with its husk. Fig. 1 , A nut without its husk. WATER BITTERNUT HICKORY. JuGLANS AQUATICA. i. foUoUs 9— 1 1"", lanceolato-acumi- natis , subserratis , sessilUbus, imparl breviter petiolato : fnictibus pedunculatis , nuce subdepressd , parvd , riibigi- nosd, tenerd. No specific name has hitherto been given to this spe- cies , which is confined to the Southern States ; it is con- founded with the Pignut Hickory , though differing from it in many respects. The name which I propose, appears sufficiently appropriate , for I have always found this tree in swamps, and in the ditches which surround the rice fields , where it is accompanied by the Red flow^ering Maple , Tupelo , Cypress , and Carolina Po- plar. The Water Bitternut Hickory grows to the height of 4o or 5o feet, and in its general appearance , resem- bles the other Hickories. Its leaves are 8 or 9 inches long, and of a beautiftil green. They are composed of 4 or S pair of sessile leaflets surmounted by a petiolated odd one. The leaflets are serrate , 4 or ^ inches long , 8 or 9 lines broad , and very similar to the leaves of the Peach tree. The husk is thin , and the nuts are small , angular , a little depressed at the sides , somewhat rough , of a reddish colour , and very tender. The kernel is formed in folds hke that of the Bitternut Hickory : as may be supposed , it is not eatable. The wood of this species , Water Litter Nut Hickoij WATER BITTERNUT HICKOBY. lyS though partaking of the common properties of the Hickories, is in every respect inferior to the others, from the natm^e of the grounds on which it grows. The Water Bittern ut Hickory , which I have introdu- ced into France , flourishes unchecked by the rigours of our Winters ; but I do not think it deserves to fmd a place , in the forests of Europe , nor to be spared in clearing the new lands of America. The southern parts of the United States possess many sorts of timber more useful in building, to which purpose this, like the other Hickories , is poorly adapted. PLATE XXXiy. A branch with leaves of the natural size. Fig. i , Nuts with their husks. Fig. 2 , Nuts without their husks. MOCKERNUT HICKORY. JuGLANS TOMENTOSA. i. foUoUs ^ — 9"'*, levUer serratis , coiispicue villosis , imparl subpctiolato : amentis com- positis , longissim.is , fiUfoiinibus , eximie tom.cntosis : fructu globoso vel oblongo ; nuce quadranguld , crassd , dunssim,dque. In the parts of New Jersey which lie on the river Hudson , and in the City of New York and its yicini- nity, this species is known hy the name of Mocker- nut Hickory , and less commonly of White heart Hic- kory; at Philadelphia and Baltimore, and in Virginia, that of Common Hickory is the only one in use. The French of Illinois call it Noyerdur , or Hard Walnut. The first of these denominations, which is descriptiye of the fruit , I have for that reason adopted. This species is not , as the name which it bears it that country would indicate , more multiplied in Pennsyl- vania, and farther south , than the other Hickories. I have not seen it north of Portsmouth in New Hamp- shire, though 100 miles south in the neighbourhood of Boston and Providence , it is common. It is most abundant in the forests that still remain on the coast of the middle States , and in those which cover the Upper parts of the Carolinas and of Georgia ; but in the last mentioned states, it becomes more rare in ap- Pl.3o. Mocker Nut Hiclcory MOCKERNUT HICKORY. 1 77 preaching the sea , as the sterility of the soil, in general dry and sandy , is unpropitious to its growth. I have noticed , however , that this is the only Hickory which springs in the Pine Barrens : the sprouts are humt ever^' year , and never rise higher than 3 or 4 feet. I have made the same observation , in traversing the Big Barrens of Kentucky and Tennessee, where the Mocker- nut Hickory and Black Jack Oak alone are seen. They survive the conflagrations , which almost every spring envelop the prairies , but their vegetation is checked by the fire , and they do not exceed the height of 8 or lo feet. Like most of the Walnuts , the Mockernut Hickory flourishes in rich soils , and chiefly on the gentle accliv- ities which surround the swamps , where it grows , mingled with the Sweet Gum, Poplar, Sugar Maple, Bitternut Hickory , and Black Walnut. In these situa- tions it reaches its greatest size , which is commonly about 60 feet in height, and 18 or 20 inches in diam- eter. I remember to have seen larger Mockernut Hickories near Lexington in Kentucky , but this extra- ordinary growth in several species of trees, is rarely seen on this side of the Alleghanies , and is attributable to the extreme fertility of the soil in the Western Country. Of all the Hickories , however , the Mocker- nut succeeds best on lands of a middling quality ; for it for forms a part of the waste and impoverished for- ests , which cover the meager sandy soil of Lower I. 23 lyS MOCKERNUT HICKORY. Virginia ; though under these disadvantages it exhibits but a mean and stunted appearance. The buds of this species are large , short , of a greyish white , and very hard ; in the winter , after the falling of the leaf, they afford the only characteristic by which the tree can be distinguished , when it exceeds 8 or lo feet in height. It the beginning of May , the buds swell , the external scales fall off, and the inner ones soon after burst and display the young leaf. The leaves grow 30 rapidly that I have seen them gain 20 inches in eighteen days. They are composed of 4 pair of sessile leaflets , and terminated by an odd one. The leaflets are large oval - acuminate , serrate , pretty thick , and hairy underneath , as is also the common petiole to which they are attached. With the first frosts , the leaves change to a beautiful yellow, and fall soon after. The barren flowers appear on pendulous , downy, axillary aments , 6 or 8 inches long ; the fertile flowers , which are not very conspicuous , are of a pale rose colour , and are situated at the extremity of the young shoots. The fruit is ripe about the i5*^ of November. It is odorous , sessile or rarely pedunculated , and commonly united in pairs. In form and size , it exhibits remarka- ble varieties : on some trees it is round , with depressed seams , on others oblong , with angular or prominent seams ; it is sometimes 2 inches long and 12 or i5 lines in diameter , and sometimes of less than half this size. It differs also in weight, as well as in configuration and MOCKEENUT HICKORY. 1 79 volume , varying from one dram lo four. The largest nuls might be confounded with those of the Thick Shellbark Hickory, and ihe smallest , with those of the Pignut Hickory : I have selected for the drawing a nut of the most common size. The shell is very thick , some- what channeled , and extremely hard. The kernel is sweet but minute , and difficult to extract , on account of the strong partitions which divide it : hence , pro- bably , is derived the name of Mockernut , and hence also , this fruit is rarely seen in the markets. The trunk of the old Mockernut Hickory is covered with a thick , hard , and ragged bark. Its wood is of the same colour and texture, with the other Hickories , and characterised by the qualities which render this class of trees so remarkable. It is particularly esteemed ior fuel , for which use , trees of 6 or 8 inches in diameter are preferred. At this stage of its growth , while the heart , the proper colour of which is reddish is not yet developped, it frequently goes by the name of White heart Hickory. In the country , a greenish colour is sometimes extracted from the bark , but it is not extensively in use. Of all the Hickories , this speties is of the slawest growth : a fact which I have proved by planting nuts of the several species , and by comparing the length of their annual shoots. I have also been led to believe , that it is the most liable to be attacked by worms , and especially by the Callklium flexuosum ^ whose larva eats l8o MOCKERNUT HICKORY. within the body of the tree. These considerations ap- pears suificiently weighty, to induce cultivators, in form- ing large plantations , to prefer some of the species which are described in the sequel. PLATE XXXV. A. leaf of a third of its natiwal size. Fig. i, A niit with its husk. Fig. 2 , A nut without its husk. Fig. 3 , CaUidium Jlexuosum. /Y.36 Shell hark iliikorv »**vvv^^(vv»^^(vvv\^^*vv\rvvvvvvv\^^^^vvvvvv\^^lv\*^^/vvvvvlvvvvvv\vvvvvvvvvvvv^l^^^ SHELLBARK. HICKORY. JUGLANS SQUAMOSA. J. foUoUs quinis , majorihiis , longe petiolatis , ovato-acuminatis , serratis , subiiis villosis , imparl sessili ; ameniis masculis , compositis , glabris , filiformibus : fiiLCta glohoso , depresso, majore ; nuce com^ pressd, alba. The singular disposition of the bark , in this species,, has given rise to the descriptive names of Shellbark , Shagbark, and Scalybark Hickory, the first of which as being most generally in use in the middle and southern states , I have adopted. Many descendants of the Dutch settlers , w^ho inhabit the parts of the of New Jersey near the city of New York, call it Kisky Thomas nut^ and the French of Illinois , know it by the name of Nojer /g72c?r(g, or Soft Walnut. Beyond Portsmouth in New Hampshire , I have not observed the Shell bark Hickory ; and even there , its vegetation being impeded by the rigours of the climate , its stature is low, and its fruit small. I have not found it in the forests of the District of Maine , nor in those of Vermont , situated a little higher towards the North. It abounds on the shores of Lake Erie , about Geneva in Genesee , along the Mohawk river , in the neighbour- hood of Goshen in New Jersey , and on the banks of the Susquehannah and Schuylkill rivers in Pennsylva- 1 62 SHELLBABK HICKORY. nia. In Maryland , in the lower parts of Virginia , and in the other southern states it is less common. In South Carolina , I have nor noticed it nearer Charleston than the parish of Goose-Creek about 24 miles distant. It is met with in the Western States , but not as frequen- tly as the following species, the Thick Shellbark Hic- kory, to which it bears a striking analogy , and with which it is confounded by the inhabitants. East of the AUeghanies , the Shellbark Hickory grows almost ex- clusively about swamps and wet grounds , which are exposed to be inundated for several weeks together : in these situations , it is found in company with the Swamp White Oak, Red flowering Maple , Sweet Gum, Buttonwood and Tupelo. Of all the Hickories , this spe- cies grows to the greatest height with proportionally the smallest diameter, for it is sometimes seen 80 or 90 feet high , and less than 2 feet thick. The trunk is destitute of branches, regularly shaped, and of an al- most uniform size for three quarters of its length, thus forming a very fine tree. The greatest peculiarity in its appearance , and that by which it is most easily distin- guished , is the surface of the trunk. The exterior bark is divided into a great number of long, narrow plates , which bend outwards at the ends , and adhere only in the middle. Bristhng in this manner with projecting points , the Shellbark Hickory attracts the attention of the most careless observer. This remarkable exfoliation of the epidermis takes place , only in trees which SHELLBARK HICKORY. i83 exceed lo inches in diameter, though it is much earher indicated by seams. This characteristic, by which the tree may be recognised in winter when stript of its leaves , does not exist during the 7 or 8 first years of its growth; and during this period, it may easily be confounded with the Mockernut Hickory and Pignut Hickory, if recourse is not had to the buds. In these two species , and generally in all trees , the buds are formed of scales closely applied one upon another; in the species which we are considering , the two external scales adhere for only half the length of the bud , and leave the upper part uncovered. I allow myself the con- jecture, that in this disposition of the scales , which is peculiar to this and the following species , should be sought the origin of the exfoliation of the bark. When the sap begins to ascend in the spring, the outer scales fall, and the inner ones swell and become covered with a yellowish silky down : after a fortnight , the buds , which are already 2 inches long , open and give birth to the young leaves. The growth of the leaves is so rapid , that in a month they attain their full length, which on young and vigorous trees, is sometimes 20 inches. They consist of 2 pair of leaflets with a ses- sil odd one. The leaflets are very large , oval -acumi- nate , serrate , and slightly downy underneath. The harren flowers, which in the State of New York appear from the i5**^ to the 20 ^'^ of May, are disposed as in the preceding species, on long, glabrous , filiform, pen- 1 84 SHELLBARK HICKORY. clulous aments , of which three are united on a com- mon petiole , attached at the basis of the young shoots ; the fertile flowers , of a greenish hue and scar- cely apparent , are situated at the extremity. The fruit of the Shellbark Hickory is ripe about the beginning of October. Some years it is so abundant , that se- veral bushels may be gathered from a single tree. It varies in size , according to the soil and the exposure in which it is produced , but five inches and a half may be assumed as the average of its circumference. The shape is uniformly round, with four depressed seams , in which the husk opens at the season of perfect maturity , dividing itself completly into equal sections. The entire separation of the husk, and its thickness disproportioned to the size of the nut , form a character peculiar to the Shellbark Hickories. The nuts of this species are small , white , compressed at the sides , and marked by four distinct angles , which correspond to the divisions of the husk. The Shellbark nut contains a fuller and sweeter ker- nel than any American Walnut , except the Pacane- nut. The shell , though thin, must be cracked before being brought upon the table , as it is too hard to be crushed in the fingers Hke the European Walnut , which is certainly a superior fruit. These nuts are in such request, that they form a small article of com- merce , registered on the list of exports of the products of the United States. This exportation , which does SHELLBARK HICKORY. 1 85 not exceed four of five hundred bushels annually , takes place from New York and from the small ports of Connecticut , to the Southern States , to the West India Islands , and even to Liverpool ; where the fruit is known by the name of Hickory nuts. In the market of New York , they are sold at two dol- lars a bushel. They are gathered in the forests , and from insulated trees , which , in some places , have been spared in clearing the lands : a precaution which I have particularly noticed to have been used near Goshen in New Jersey, and on several estates about 3o miles beyond Albany. The Indians who inhabit the Shores of Lake Erie and Lake Michigan , lay up a store of these nuts for the winter , a part of which they pound in wooden mortars , and boiling the paste in water , collect the oily matter which swims upon the surface , to season their aliments. Before speaking of the properties of the wood , I cannot forbear mentioning a fine variety of Shellbark nuts , produced upon a farm at Seacocus , near Snake- hill in New Jersey. They are nearly twdce as large as any that I have seen elsewhere , and have a white shell with rounded prominences instead of angles. A cen- tury of cultivation , perhaps , would not advance the species generally to an equal degree of perfection, 1 86 SHELLBARK HICKORY. and probably this variety might still be improved by grafting. The wood of the Shellbark Hickory possesses all the characteristic properties of the Hickories , being strong , elastic and tenacious. It has also their common defects of soon decaying and of being eaten by worms. As this tree stretches up to a great height with nearly an uniform diameter , it is sometimes employed at New York and Philadelphia for the keels of vessels ; but it is now seldom used for this purpose , most of |,he large trees near the sea ports being already consu- med. Its wood is found to split most easily and to be the most elastic ; for this reason it is used for ma- king baskets, and also for whip-handles which are esteemed for their suppleness; several cases of them are annually exported to England. For the same excel- lence , and for the superior fineness of its grain it is selected , in the neighbourhood of New York and Philadelphia , for the back-bows of Windsor chairs , which are wholly of wood. I have frequently observed that among the Hickory wood brought to New York for fuel , this species predominated. Such are the uses to which the Shellbark Hickory appears peculiarly adapted. It has before been seen to be a tree of lofty stature and of majestic appear-^ ance : I should therefore recommend its introduction into tli^ European forests , where it should be con- SHELLBARK HICKORY. 1S7 signed to cool and humid places , congenial with those in which it flourishes in America. In the North of Europe it could not fail of succeeding, as it securely braves the extremest cold. PLATE XXXVI. Fig. I , A nut with its husk. Fig. 2, A section of the husk. Fig. 3, A nut without its husk. Fig. 5 , A barren ament di- mded into three parts. THICK SHELLBARR HICKORY. JuGLANS LACINIOSA. i. folUs majoribus , 7 — g"**, opaio- acuminatis , serratis , suhtomentosis , imparl , petiolato : fructu majore, ovato ; nuce oblongd , crassd, mediocriter compressd. This species bears a striking analogy to the preceding, and is frequently confounded with it by the inhabitants of the Western Country : some of them distinguish it by the name of Thick Shellbark Hickory , which should be preserved as its appropriate denomination. East of the Alleghanies this tree is rare, and is found only in a few places ; it grows on the Schuylkill river 3o or 4o miles from its junction with the Delaware , and in the vicinity of Springfield i5 or 20 miles from Phi- ladelphia , where its fruit is called Springfield nut. It is also found in Glocester County , in Virginia , under the name of Glocester Walnut. These different deno- minations confirm my observation , that this species is little multiplied on the eastern side of theAUeghany moun- tains ; a fact of which I became assured in travelling through the country. It abounds , on the other hand , in the bottoms which skirt the Ohio and the rivers which empty into it , where it vmites with the Honey Locust , Black Maple, Hackberry , Black Walnut, Wild Cherry, White and RedElm, Box Elder, White Maple, //./.'- Tlnck Shell l>arlv Hickory THICK SHELLBARK HICKORY. 1 89 and Button wood, to form the thick and gloomy forests which cover these vallies. Like the Shellbark Hickory it grows to the height of 80 feet , and its ample head is supported by a straight trunk, in diameter, proportio- ned to its elevation. The bark exhibits the same singular arrangement with that of the Shellbark Hickory : it is divided into strips from i to 3 feet long , which are warped outwards at the end , and attached only in the middle. They fall and are succeeded by others sim- ilarly disposed. It is only observable that in this spe- cies the plates are narrower , more numerous , and of a hghter colour ; from which differences , I have thought proper to give it the specific name of ladniosa. The outer scales of the buds do not adhere entirely to the inner ones , but retire as in the Shellbark Hickory. The leaves also , which vary in length from 8 to 20 inches , observe the same process in unfolding , and are similar in size , configuration , and texture ; but they differ in being composed of seven leaflets, and sometimes of nine instead of five, the invariable number of the Shellbark Hickory. The barren aments are disposed in the same form , though they are , perhaps , a little long- er than in the olher species. The fertile flowers ap- pear , not very conspicuously , at the extremity of the shoots of the same spring. They are succeeded by a large oval fruit, more than 1 inches long, and 4 or 5 inches in circumference. Like that of the Shellbark Hickory, it has four depressed seams , which at its com- igO THICK SHELLEABK HICKOBY. plete maturity, open through their whole length for the escape of the nut. The nut of this species is widely dif- ferent from the other ; it is nearly twice as big , it is longer than it is broad , and is terminated at each end in a firm point. The shell is also thicker and of a yellow- ish hue , while that of the Shellbark ntit is white. From the colour of its nut , the Shellbark Hickory re- ceived the specific name oialba, which I have changed, as it indicates a character possessed by it in common with another species , found in the Royal gardens of the Petit Trianon, This species , originally from North America , belongs to the Scalybark Hickories. The nuts are white , and the entire fruit , though a little inferior in size, resembles that of the proper Shellbark Hickory. By its foliage, it is related to the Thick Shellbark Hic- kory , each leaf being composed of 4 pair of leaflets wdth an odd one. The specific name of ambigua, might with propriety be given to it. The nuts of the Thick Shellbark Hickory are brought every autumn to the market of Philadelphia, but the quan- tity does not exceed a few bushels , and they are generally sold mixed vdth those of the Mockernut Hickory , which resemble some varieties of this species.The GlocesterHick- ory I consider only as a variety of the Thick Shellbark Hickory, to which it bears the strongest likeness in its ap- pearance, in its young shoots, in the number of its leaflets , and in its barren aments. The only essential difference is in the nuts ; those of the Glocester Walnut THICK SHELLBARK HICKORY. 19I are a third larger, with the shell one half thicker , and so hard that it requires pretty heavy blows of a hammer to crack them. In colour , they resemble the nuts of the Mockernut Hickory , with th€ fmest varieties of which , they might from this circumstance be confounded. Th€ Thick Shellbark Hickory, as has been said, is nearly related to the Shellbark Hickory, and its wood, which is of the same colour and texture , unites the peculiar qualities of that species , with such as are common to the Hickories. Its fruit , though larger , is inferior in tast^ and this consideration should induce pro- prietors in the Western Country, in clearing their new lands , to spare the true Shellbark Hickory in prefer- ence, when both species are found upon the same soil. For the same reason , and for its favourable growth in less fertile grounds, and even in elevated situations , a fact which I have observed near Brownsville on the Alleghany river , the same preference should , I think, be given to it in the forests of Europe. In the description of the Scaly bark Hickories it has been seen , that they exliibit many striking traits of re- semblance , which may warrant the grouping of them into a secondary section. Besides their generic and specific characters , they possess others peculiar to themselves , by which they are so nearly related , that were it not for some remarkable differences , they might be treated as a single species. The general characters of the Hickories are , three-clefted , pliable , and pen- 192 THICK SHELLBARK HICKORY. dulous barren aments , and certain common proper- ties of the wood. To these are added in the Scaly Hick- ories , a very thick husk covering the nut completely , ^nd divided into four parts w^hen ripe ; a shaggy bark on the trunk , indicated , in my opinion , by the external scales of the buds not adhering to those be- neath ; and leaves composed of very large leaflets of an uniform shape and texture. In comparing the three species with each other , essential differences are ob- served. The Shellbark Hickory , for instance , and the Juglans ambigua are constantly distinguished by the num- ber of leaflets , which is always five in the first spe- cies , and nine in the last. Their nuts and the entire fruit , on the other hand , are so much 'alike , that they might be mistaken for the product of the same tree ; the fruit of both is round with depressed seams , and the nuts are similarly moulded and equally white. If, on a more attentive examination , the Gloces- ter Hickory is determined to be a distinct species from the Thick Shellbark Hickory , it wifl be observed that they resemble each other in their leaves, composed of sei^en and sometimes of nine leaflets , and in the luxuriant force of their vegetation ; but that they differ in their fruit , which in the Thick Shellbark Hickory is oblong with a compressed nut , like that of the Shellbark Hickory, of twice the size , and of a yellowish colour , and in the Glocester Hickory spherical and very large , with a big , greyish white THICK SHELLBARK HICKORY. 1 98 nut, nearly round, whose shell is two lines thick and extremely hard. In fine , it is to be remarked , that the species and the variety of the Scalybark Hickory which have been described , grow , or at least, are most abun- dantly multiplied in regions far remote from each other. PLATE XXXVIL A leaf of one third of its natural size. Fig. i , A section of the husk. Fig. 2 , Nuts. ■¥^ 25 VVVV^AIVVV¥VV«AIX.VVVVVVVVVWVVV»VVVVV*VVVVVVVVVV*VVVVVVVV\^'VVVVVVVVVWV\VVVVV^^ PIGNUT HICKORY. JuGLANS PORCINA. J. folioUs 5 — 7"'*, ovato -acuminatls , seiratis , glabris : amcntis mascuUs compositis , jUifoiTni" bus , glabris ; fnictu pyiiformi vel globoso ; mice minimd , levi , durlssimd. This species is generally knowii in the United States by the name of Pignut and Hognut Hickory, some- times also by that of Broom Hickory. The first of these names is most commonly in use ; the others are known only in some districts of Pennsylvania and particularly in the County of Lancaster. Portsmouth in New Hampshire may be considered as limiting towards the north, the climate of this tree. A little farther south it is abundant , and in the Atlantic parts of the middle States , it helps , with the Mockernut Hickory, White Oak, Swamp white Oak, Sweet Gum, and Dogwood , to form the mass of the forests. In the Southern States , especially near the coast , it is less common in the woods , being found only on the bor- ders of swamps and in places which are wet without being absolutely marshy , or exposed to be long inun- dated. This tree is met with in the Western Country , but less frequently, I believe, than the Thick Shell- bark and Mockernut Hickories. I have observed that the last mentioned species grows wherever the /"/.SS Pig ]Nut Hickory PIGNUT HICKORY. 105 Pignut is found , but that the Pignut does not always accompagny the Mockernut , which is satisfied with a less substantial soil. This remark I have made more particularly in the lower parts of Virginia , of the two Carolinas , and of Georgia. If appears then , that , with the exception of States of Vermont and New Hamps- hire , of the District of Maine, of the Genesee Coun- try, and of the cold and mountainous tracts along the whole range of the Alleghany mountains , this tree is more or less abundant in the forests , throughout the United States. The Pignut Hickory is one of the^ largest trees of the United States. It grows to the height of 70 or 80 feet, with a diameter of 3 or 4 feet. In the winter when stript of its leaves , it is easily known by the shoots of the preceding summer , which are brown , less than half as large as those of the Mockernut and Shellbark Hickories , and terminated by small oval buds. At this season , it is easy also to distinguish the Bit- ternut Hickory, by its naked and yellow buds. The buds of this species , as in the other Hickories with scaly buds , are more than an inch in length , a few days before their unfolding. The inner scales are the largest and of a reddish colour. The do not fall till the leaves are 6 or 6 inches long. The leaves are compound , and vary in size and in the number of leaflets , according to the mois- ture and fertility of the soil. In rich grounds , they are 18 inches long; and the complete number of leaflets is 3 pair ig6 PIGNUT HICKORY. with an odd one. The leaflets are 4 or 5 inches long , acuminate, serrate, nearly sessile, and glabrous or smooth on both sides. On vigorous trees , which grow in shady exposures , the petiole is of a violet colour. The barren aments are smooth, filiform, flexible, and pendulous : they are 2 inches long , and in their arrangement , resemble those of the other Hickories. The fertile flowers are greenish, not very conspicuous, and situated at the extremity of the shoot : the fruit succeeds them in pairs as often as single. The husk is thin and of a beautiful green :when ripe, it opens through half its length , for the passage of the nut. The nut is small , smooth , and very hard on account of Ihe thick- ness of the shell. Its kernel is sweet but meager and difficult to extract , from the firmness of the partitions. These nuts are never carried to market , but serve for food to swine , racoons , and the numerous species of squirrels which people the forests. In the Pignut Hickory , the form and size of the nuts, vary more than in the other species. Some are oval , and when coveredwith their husks, resemble youngfigs ; others are broader than they are long , and others are perfectly round. Among these various forms , some nuts are as large as the thumb , and others not bigger than the little finger. Although the same tree yields fruit of the same form every year , I cannot , after an attentive examination of the young shoots and of the aments, consider these differences in any other light than as va- PIGNUT HICKOBY. 1 97 rieties. The two most remarkable of them are described in the new edition of the Species plantarum by Willde- now , as distinct species. That with oblong fruit is called Juglans glabra ^ and that with round fruit and a husk somewhat rough , Juglans obcordafa. Doctor Muhlen- berg admits this distinction , but with all the deference which I owe to his botanical knowledge , I cannot adopt his opinion. The wood of the Pignut Hickory resembles that of the other species , in the colour of its sap and of its heart : it possesses also their excellencies and their defects. I have conversed with wheel-wrights in the country, who afiirmedthat it is the strongest and the most tenacious of the Hickories, and who , for that reason , preferred it to any other for axle-trees and ax-handles. These con- siderations lead me to recommend its introduction into the forests of Europe , where its success would be certain. PLATE XXXVIII. A branch with its leaves of one third of the natural size. Fig. i , A nut with its husk (oblong variety ). Fig. 1 , A nut without its husk. Fig. 3 , A nut with its husk ( round ra- jiety). Fig. 4, A nut without its husk. NUTMEG HICKORY. JuGLANS MYRISTIC-^FOEMIS. Z. folUs qidnis , folioUs ovaio- acuminatis , serratis , gle-hns : fmctu ovato , scabriusculo ; nuce rninirnd , durlssimd. No specific denomination has hitherto been given to this species by the inhabitants the Middle States , to which it is peculiar : that of Nutmeg Hickory which I have formed appears sufficiently appropriate , from the resemblance of its nut to a nutmeg. I have not myself found this tree in the forets , and hence I conclude that it is not common. It is true I had not, at the period of my residence in that part of the United States , conceived the design of the present work, and did not devote myself entirely to the researches , which have since given birth to it. I am acquainted wath the Nutmeg Hickory only by a branch and a handfull of nuts, given me at Charleston in the fall of 1802 by the gardener of M'. H. Izard, which he had gathered , in a swamp on his master's plantation of the Elms , in the Parish of Goose creek. From this specimen alone I have included the tree among the Hickories. The leaves , which are composed of four leaflets with an odd one , are symetrically arranged. I remarked also , that the shoots of the preceding year were flexible and tough. Bwm Jcu^' Nutinoo^ Hickory Niil NUTMEG HICKORY. 199 The nuls are very small , smooth , and of a brown colour marked with lines of white ; the husk is thin and somewhat rough on the surface. The shell is so thick that it constitutes two thirds of the volume of the nut , which , consequently , is extremely hard , and has a minute kernel. This fruit is still interior to the Pignut. * I suspect that the Nutmeg Hickory is more common in Lower Louisiana * : it belongs to inquirers who en- gage in researches analogous to those which I have pur- sued in the Atlantic and Western States , to study this tree more fully than I have been able to do, and to com- plete the imperfect description which I have given of it. PLATE XXXIX. A branch and nuts with their husks. Fig. i , A nut with- out its husk. * In the interesting work of M'. W. Darby on Louisiana , published at Philadelphia in 1817, the Nutmeg Hickory is said to abound on the waters of Red river in the Mississipi Territory. F. A. M, ^«V\WWVWWWVVWWW\« ) RECAPITULATION OF THE PROPERTIES AND USES OF HICKORY WOOD. In the summary introduction to the History of the Walnuts of North America , it was remarked , that those of the second section , or the Hickories , exhi- bit great variations in the size and shape of their fruit , in the number of leaflets which compose their leaves , and in their general appearance , from the ef- fect of soils of different degrees of moisture. Hence result, in many cases , mutual resemblances so stri- king , that a person not familiar with this class of trees , might easily confound distinct species , or describe as different species what are mere varieties. On taking of the epidermis or dead part , the same organisation is observed in the bark of all the Hickories. In other trees the fibre and the cellular substance are con- founded ; here , on the contrary , they are separate , and the fibre is regularly disposed in the form of lo- zenges , which are smaller in young trees , than in such as are more fully grown. An arrangement so pe- culiar and remarkable has a beautiful effect , and great advantage might be taken of it in cabinet-making , if this bark was not , like other species, liable to warp. It affords nevertheless an interesting object in vegetable physiol- RECAPITULATION. 20I ogy.So close an analogy exists in the wood of these trees, that when stript of the bark , no difference is discerni- ble in the grain , which is coarse and open in all , nor in the colour of the heart , which is uniformly reddish. To these conspicuous properties are added others wor- thy of remark, which, as has been observed , though modified in the several species , are possessed by them all in a higher degree , than by any other tree of the same latitude in Europe or America. These are great weight , strength , and tenacity , a speedy decay when exposed to heat and moisture , and peculiar liability to injury from worms. According to thi?se prominent excellen- cies and defects , the uses of their wood are pretty well determined , and to these uses th^y are indiscriminately applied. Hickory timber is employed in no part of the United States in the building of houses , because , as has been before observed, it is too heavy, and soon becomes worm eaten. But if its defects forbid its employment in architecture , its good qualities , on the other hand , render it proper for many secondary uses , which could not be as well subserved by any other wood.Throughout the Middle States , it is selected for the axle-trees of carriages , for the handles of axes and other carpenter's tools, and for large screws, particularly those of book- binder's presses. The cogs of mill-wheels are made of Hickory heart thoroughly seasoned ; but it is proper only for such wheels as are not exposed to moisture ; and for I. - 2.6 202 RECAPITULATION. this reason some other wood is, by many mill-wrights, pre- ferred. The rods which form the back of Windsor chairs, coach-whip-handles, musket-stocks, rake-teeth, flails for threshing grain , the bows of yokes , or the elliptical pieces which pass under the necks of the cattle; all these are objects customarily made of Hickory. At Balti- more it is used for the hoops of sieves , and is more es- teemed than the White Oak, which is equally elastic , but more apt to peel off in small shreds into the substance sifted. In the country near Augusta in Georgia , I have remarked that the common chairs are of Hickory wood. In New Jersey it is employed for shoeing sledges , that is, for covering the runners or parts which slide upon the snow; but to be proper for this vise it must have been cut long enough to have become perfectly dry. Of the numerous trees of North America east of the Alleghany mountains , none except the Hickory is per- fectly adapted to the making of hoops for casks and boxes. For this purpose vast cjuantities of it are consum- ed at home , and exported to the West India Islands. The hoops are made ofyoung Hickories from 6 to 12 feet high , without choice as to the species. The largest hoop- poles sold at Philadelphia and New York in February 1808 , at three dollars a hundred. Each pole is split into two parts , and the hoop is crossed and confined by notches , instead of being bound at the end with twigs, like those made of Ghesnut. From the solidity of the wood , this method appears sufficiently secure. EECAPITULATION. 20 3 When it is considered how large a part of the pro- ductions of the United States is packed for exportation in barrels , an estimate may be formed of the necessary consumption of hoops. In consequence of it, young trees proper for this object have become scarce in all parts of the country which have long been settled. The evil is greater, as they do not sprout a second time from the same root , and as their growth is slow. The cooper can not lay up a store of Ihem for future vise, for unless employed within a year , and often wilhin six months after being cut , they are attacked by two species of insect ; one of these, which eats within the wood, and commits the greatest ravages , is represen- ted on the plate of the Mockernut Hickory , the wood of which species I have observed to be peculiarly liable ta its attacks. The defects which unfit the Hickory for use in the building of houses, equally exclude it from the construction of vessels. At New York and Philadelphia , the Shellbarka nd Pignut Hickories have been taken for keels , and are found to last as long as those of other wood , owing ta their being always in the water. Gf the two species, the Pignut would be preferable as being kss liable to spht , but it is rarely found of as large di- mensions as the other. In sloops and schooners the rings by which the sails are hoisted and confined to the mast , are always of Hickory. I have also been assured^ that for attaching thfv 2o4 RECAPITULATION. cordage it makes excellent pegs , which are stronger than tliose of Oak: but ihey should set loosely in the holes, as otherwise for want of speedily seasoning , they soon decay. For handspikes the Hickory is particulary es- teemed on account of its strength : it is accordingly employed in most American vessels , and is exported for the same purpose to England , where it sells from Soto lOO per cent higher than Ash , which is brought also from the North of the United States. The Hicko- ries are cut without distinction for this vise , but the Pignut , I believe , is the best. All the Hickories are very heavy , and in a given volume contain a great quantity of combustible matter. They produce an ardent heat, and leave a heavy, com- pact, and long lived coal. In this respect, no wood of the same latitude , in Europe or America , can be com- pared to them : such , at least , is the opinion of all Europeans who have resided in the United States. At New York , Philadelphia and Baltimore , people in easy circumstances , burn no other wood , and though it is sold 5o per cent higher than Oak, it is found profitable iu use. It sold at New York the 20'i» of October 1807 at i5 dollars a cord , and Oak wood at 10 dollars. From its superior quality, the Hickory is always sold separately. I have noticed that at New York, the Shellbark predom- inated in the fuel, and at Philadelphia and Baltimore, the Mockernut. At Baltim^ore the Shellbark, easily recog- nised by its scaly bark , is never seen. RECAPITULATION. 2o5 The quantity of the respective species of Hickory consumed in the cities, is regulated by a soil and climate , more favorable to one than another , and not by an opinion entertained of their comparative excel- lence ; though experience shew^s the Mockernut to be the best and the Bitternut the poorest. This difference , how^ever, is too slight to be generally regarded. Of the uses to v^hich the Hickory is devoted in the United States , tw^o ^vill principally contribute , together with the slowness of its growth , to its entire extermi- nation ; these are , the cutting of the saplings for hoops, and of the trees for fuel. These considerations indepen- dantly of many accessory causes , which hasten the de- struction of the forests in this part of the new world , lead me to believe , that in lest than 5o years , they will not furnish a tenth part of the hoops demanded in commerce. Hence arise motives sufficiently powerful to engage proprietors , who seek to preserve their woods, and to augment their value , to multiply in them the most useful trees , and especially the Hickories. The object might be fully attained by planting walnuts , previously made to germinate in boxes filled with earth , and kept moist in the cellar : the success of this simple method is certain. It would be advantageous also, to plant a greater number than the soil can sustain , that when the poles are an inch in diameter, a part of them may be cut for hoops , while the rest are left to grow for fuel, or for other uses to which the Hickory is appropriate. i2o6 RECAPITULATION. It has been seen by what precedes , that though the Hickory wood has essential defects , they are com- pensated by good properties which render it valuable in the arts , and which entitle it to the attention of Europeans ; above all , as a combustible. Though its growth is slow during its early years , it should form a part of our forests. But I doubt whether this can be ef- fected except by planting nuts in the woods, for the trees, even when very young , with difficulty survive transplan- tation. Before they are 3 lines in diameter and i8 inches tall , they have a tap root 3 feet long and destitute of fibres. Hence it has happened , that of more than a hundred thousand young plants, produced by nuts which I have at different times sent to France, very few are found alive. They have perished in the re- moval from the nursery , ar in the second transplan- tation to the place of their ultimate destination. The Black ^Walnut and Bittemut, on the contrary, whose roots do not descend deeply and are plentifully garnished Math fibres , easily recover themselves after transplan- tation, even when 6 or 8 feet high at the time of their removal. In concluding this article I recommend particu- lary for propagation in European forests the Shellbark Hickory and the Pignut Hickory , whose wood unites in the highest degree the valuable properties of the group. I think also that the Pacanenut merits attention from promoters of viseful culture, not so much for its wood as for its fruit, which is excellent and more deli- RECAPITULATION. 20J cate than that of the European Walnut. It might prob- ably be doubled in size, if the practice was successfully adopted of grafting this species upon the Black Walnut or upon the Common European Walnuts it * MAPLES. Of the species which compose this genus, the number known is already considerable , and will probably be augmented by the future researches of Botanists , espe- cially on the continent of North America. The Maples , in general , are lofty and beautiful trees. One of their principal characters consists in opposite leaves divided into several very distinct lobes. Capable of enduring an intense degree of cold , Ihey form in the North of the Old and of the New continent , extensive forests , which , with those of the Beech , appear to succeed the Spruce , the Larch, and the Pine , and to pre- cede the Chesnut and the Oak. Such, at least, seems to be in America between the 4^ and 4^ degrees of latitude, the place assigned by nature to the true Sugar Maple. The species of Maples hitherto described amount to fourteen , of which seven belong to Europe , and seven to North America. Among these last I have not included the Dwarf Pied Mai^le.Acercoccineum, which is a diminu- tive species , and concerning which I do not possess ade- quate materials for a description. It abounds in Nova Scotia and has always been confounded with the proper Red Maple ; I have also observed it in the upper parts of New Hampshire. It scarcely exceeds 12 or 18 feet in height, and its flowers and seeds are of a more vivid red than those of the Pied Maple. The Black sugar Maple :2IO MAPLES. grows to about the same height Yvdth the Sugar Maple , but it is plainly a distinct species. In the collection of dried plants made by Cap '*. Lewis and Clarke during their journey to the south sea , I saw specimens of a beautiful Maple from the banks of Columbia river. From this brief summary it results that the North American species are more numerous than those of Europe. The wood of the Maples differs so widely in quality in different species, that it becomes difficult to characterize it by general observations : it may be remar- ked that it speedily ferments and decays when exposed to the weather, that it is liable to be injured by worms, and that hence , it is unfit for building. It possesses properties however , which compensate in part for these defects , and which render it useful in the arts and in domestic economy. For more particular information , I must refer the reader to the descriptions of the respective species. METHODICAL DISPOSITION OF THE MAPLES OF NORTH AMERICA, INCLUDING TWO EUEOPEAN SPECIES. Polygamia dioecia , LiNN. Accra , Juss. I.*' SECTION. Sessile flowers. Fructification venial. 1. "White Maple Acer eriocarpum. 2. Red flowering Maple. . . Acerruhram. 2."*^ SECTION. Pedunculated flowers. Fructification autumnal. 3. Sugar Maple Acer saccharinum, 4- Rlack sugar Maple Acer nigrum. 5. Norway Maple Acer platanoides. 6. Sycamore Acerpseudo-platanus^ 7. Moose wood Acer striatum. 8. Box elder. ........ Acer negundo. 9. Mountain Maple Acer montanum^ PI. do. Bf.rj'a Jel . Wliito Maple Acer criocarvu/n Gabriel •rculp. WHITE MAPLE. Acer eriocarpum. k.foUis oppositis , qidnquelobis , pro- funde sinuatis, incequaliter dentatis , subtiis candldissi- mis : jlonbus pentandrls ^ apeialis. In the Atlantic parts of the United States , this species is often confounded with the Red Maple which it nearly resembles ; west of the Mountains , they are constantly distinguished, and Xh^ Acer enocarpum is known by no other name than White Maple. The banks of Sandy river in the District of Maine , and those of the Connecticut near Windsor in Vermont , are the most northern points at which I have seen theWhite Maple. But , like many other vegetables , it is pinched by the rigorous \vinters of this latitude , and never reaches the size which it attains a few degrees farther south. It is found on the banks of all the rivers which flow from the mountains to the Ocean , though it is less common along the streams which water the southern parts of the Carolinas and of Georgia. In no part of the United States is it more multiplied than in the western country,and nowhere is its vegetation more luxuriant than on the banks of the Ohio , and of the great rivers which empty into it. There, sometimes alone, and sometimes mingled with the Willow, which is found along all these waters, it contributes singularly by its magnificent fo- 21 4 WHITE MAPLE. liage to the embellishment of the scene. The brilliant white of the leaves beneath forms a striking contrast with the bright green above, and the alternate reflexion of the two surfaces in the water , heightens the beauty of this wonderful moving mirror . and aids in forming an enchanting picture, which, during my long excursions in a canoe in these regions of solitude and silence, I con- templated with unwearied admiration. Beginning at Pitts- burgh , and even some miles above the junction of the Alleghany and Monongahela rivers , White Maples 12 or 1 5 feet in circumference are continually met with at short distances. The trunk of this tree is low , and divides itself into a greatii umber of limbs so divergent, that they form a head more spacious than that of any other tree with which I am acquainted. It is worthy of remark , that the White Maple is found on the banks of such rivers only as have limpid waters and a gravelly bed , and never in swamps and other wet grounds inclosed in forests, where th6 soil is black and miry. These situations , on the contrary , are so well adapted to the Red Maple , that they are frequently occupied by it exclusively. Hence the last mentioned species is common in the Lower parts of the Carolinas and of Georgia, where the White Maple is no longer seen j for as soon as the rivers , in descending from the mountains towards the Ocean , reach the low country, they begin to be bor- dered by miry swamps covered with the Cypress , Black- gum, Large Tupelo, etc. WHITE MAPLE. 2l5 The White Maple blooms early in the spring : its flowers are small and sessile with a downy ovanum. The fruit is larger than that of any other species which grows east of the Mississipi. It consists of two capsules joined at the base , each of which encloses one roundish seed , and is terminated by a large, membraneous, falciform wing. In Pennsylvania it is ripe about the i^^ of May and ^ month earlier on the Savannah river, in Georgia. At this period, the leaves which have attained half their size are very downy underneath ; a month later, when fully grown, they are perfectly smooth. They are opposite and supported by long petioles ; they are divided by deep sinuses into four lobes , are toothed on the «dges , of a bright green on the upper surface , and of a beau- tiful white beneath. The foliage however is scattered and leaves an open thoroughfare to the sun beams. The wood of this Maple is very white, and of a fine grain ; but it is softer and lighter than that of the other species in the United States , and from its want of strength and durability it is little used. Wooden bowls are sometimes made of it when Poplar cannot be pro- cured. At Pittsburgh , and in the neighbouring towns , it serves in cabinet-making, instead of Holly, for in- laying furniture of Mahogany, Cherry tree, and Walnut : though it is less proper for this purpose , as it soon changes colour. The hatters of Pittsburgh prefer the charcoal of this wood to every other for heating their boilers , as it affords a heat more uniform , and ^ 2l6 WHITE MAPLE. of longer continuance. Some of the inhabitants on the Ohio make sugar of its sap, by the same process which is employed with the Sugar Maple. Like the Red Maple, it yields but half the product from a given measure of sap ; but the unrefmed sugar is whiter and more agreeable to the taste than that of the Sugar Maple. The sap is in motion earlier in this species than in the Sugar Maple, beginning to ascend about the i5'^ of January ; so that the work of extracting the sugar is sooner completed. The cellular integument rapidly produces a black precipitate with sulphate of iron. In all parts of the United States where this tree abounds , many others are found of superior value : its secondary consequence is evinced by the unim- portant uses to which it is devoted. In Europe , the White Maple is multiplied in nur- series and gardens. Its rapid growth affords hopes of cultivating it with profit in this quarter of the world , which is less rich in the diversity of its species. In for- ming plantations , more care than has hitherto been taken, should be paid to the choice of the ground , which should be constantly moist, or exposed to annual inunda- tions : in such situations its vegetation would be supri- singly beautiful and rapid. PLATE XL. A branch, withleai?es of the natural size. Fig. i, Barren flowers. Fig. 2 , Fertile flowers. Fig. 5 , A seed of the natural size. Red il(y\\ ermo'Mapl( ^aJne/ jra^ Acer /'///>/ V VMfVWWV VWVVVVWW\IVVVWVVWWWVWW\'VVVWVW RED FLOWERING MAPLE. Acer rubrum. A. foliis oppositis , trilohis , incequaliter dentatis, subtus glaiicis : Jloribus ruhrls, aggregatis ; ger- mine glabenimo ; umbellis sessilibus : capsules ixibrls , pedunculatis. Different names are given to this tree in different parts of the United States : east of the Alleghany moun- tains it is called Red flowering Maple , Swamp Maple and Soft Maple ; in the Western Country, simply Maple. The first denomination , which is most generally in use , is also most appropriate, as the young shoots, the flowers, and the fruit are red. Toward the north, the Red flowering Maple, ap- pears first about Malebaye , in Canada , in the latitude of 48'*; but it soon become more common in proceeding southward , and is found abundant to the extremities of Florida and Lower Louisiana. Of all the trees w^hich flourish in wet grounds occasionnally overflowed , this species is most multiplied in the Middle and Southern States. It occupies,in great part,the borders of the creeks, and abounds in all the swamps which are often inun- dated, and always miry. In these situations , it is accom- panied by the Blackgum , Sweetgum , Shellbark Hick- ory , Swamp White Oak , Black Ash and White Ash. To these are added in the Carolinas and Georgia, the Small Magnolia or Swamp Bay, the Water Oak, Lob- 2i8 RED FLOWERING MAPLE. lolly Bay , Tupelo, and Red Bay. It is a remarkable fact, that west of the mountain^ , between Brownsville and Pittsburgh, the Red flowering Maple is seen growing on elevated ground with the Oaks and the Walnuts. I have nowhere observed it of as ample dimensions as ia Pennsylvania andNew Jersey : in these States exist exten- sive marshes , called Maple swamps , exclusively covered with it, where it is found 70 feet high and 3 or 4 feet in diameter. The Red flowering Maple is the earliest tree whose bloom announces the return of spring ; it is in flower near New York from the 10 to the i5 of April. The blossoms of a beautiful purple or deep red , unfold more than a fornight before the leaves. They are sessile , aggregate, and situated at the extremity of the branches. The fruitis suspended by longflexible peduncles and is of the same hue with the flowers , though it varies in size and in the intensity of its colouring , according to the exposure and dampness of the soil. The leaves are smaUer than those of the preceding species , but in some respects , they resemble them. They are glaucous or whitish underneath , and are palmated or divided into 3 or 4 acuminate lobes , irregularly toothed. The extre- mities of this tree , which are formed by numerous twigs united at the base , have a remarkable appearance when garnished with flowers and seeds of a deep red , before vegetation has begun generally to revive. Before the Red flowering Maple exceeds 25 or 3o RED FLOWERING MAPLE. 219 feet in height and 7 or 8 inches in diameter, its bark is perfectly smooth, and marked with white blotches, by which it is easily distinguishable. Afterwards , the trunk , hke that of the White Oak and Sweet Gum , becomes brown and chapped. In this tree , as in others which grow in wet places , the sap bears a large proportion to the heart, if indeed the name of heart can properly be given to the irregular star which occupies the center of large trunks , with points , from i to 3 inches in length , projecting into the sap. The wood of the Red flowering Maple is applicable to interesting uses. It is harder than that of the White Maple, and of a finer and closer grain : hence it is easily wrought in the lathe , and acquires by polishing a glossy and silken surface. It is sufficiently solid , and for many purposes it is preferred by workmen to other kinds of wood. It is principally employed for the lower part of Windsor chairs : the pieces are turned in the country , and so considerable is the demand , that boats laden with them arrive at New York and Philadelphia, where an extensive manufacture is carried on , for the consumption of the neighbouring towns, and for exporta- tion to the Southern States and to theWest India Islands. The whole frame of japanned chairs is of this wood, except the back , for which Hickory is chosen on ac- count of its superior strength and elasticity. The frame, the nave, and the spokes of spinning wheels are made of it : at Philadelphia it is exclusively employed for sad^ 220 RED FLOWERIISG MAPLE. die trees , and in the country it is preferred for yokes . and also for shovels and wooden dishes , which are brought to market , and purchased by the dealers in wooden ware. It sometimes happens that in very old trees, the grain instead of followirig a perpendicular direction, is undu- lated, and this variety bears the name of Curled Maple. This singular arrangement , of which I am able to assign no cause , is never witnessed in young trees , nor in the branches of such as exhibit it in the trunk : it is also less conspicious at the center , than near the circum- ference. Trees offering this disposition are rare , and do not exist in the proportion of one to a hundred. The serpentine direction of the fibre , which renders them difficult to split and to work , produces in the hands of a skilful mechanic, the most beautiful effects of light and shade. These effects are rendered more striking, if, after smoothing the surface of the wood with a double ironed plane , it is rubbed with a little sulphuric acid , and afterwards anointed with linseed oil. On examining it attentively,the varying shades are found to be owing en- tirely to the inflexion of the rays of light ; which is more sensibly perceived in viewing it in different directions by candle light. Before Mahogany became generally fashionable in the United States , the most beautiful furniture was of Red flowering Maple, and bedsteads are still made of it, which,in richness and lustre, exceed the finest Mahogany. RED FLOWERING MAPLE. 221 At Boston some cabinet-makers saw it into thin plates for inlaying Mahogany. But the most constant use of the Curled Maple is for the stocks of fowling pieces and rifles , which to elegance and lightness unite a solidity resulting from the accidental direction of the fibre. The cellular integument of the Red flowering Maple is of a dusky red. By boiling, it yields a purplish colour, which, on the addition of sulphate ofiron, becomes dark blue approaching to black. It is used in the country , with a certain portion of Alum in solution , for dying black. The wood of the Red flowering Maple does not burn well , and is so little esteemed for fuel that it is rarely brought into the cities. The French Canadians make sugar from the sap of this Maple , which they call Plaine , but, as in the preced- ing species , the product of a given measure is only half as great as is obtained from the Sugar Maple. It should be observed that the Red flowering Maple never attains its full dimensions except in swamps where the bottom is composed of fertile soil. When the popu- lation of the country becomes denser, these tracts will be cleared and improved by some mode of culture more profitable than the growth of woods , and especially of this species , which is fit neither for the uses of the wheelwright nor for any other solid work ; for it possesses little strength, is liable to injury from worms, 222 RED FLOWERING MAPLE. and ferments and speedily decays when exposed to the alternations of dryness and moisture. Though at present it is extensively used, its importance in the arts it not such as to entitle it to preservation, and it wdll doubtless one day become rare. When the period arrives that it is necessary in the United States, as in Europe , to renew the forests, or to keep on foot those which have escaped destruction , the American Woodman will find among the Oaks , the "W^alnuts , andthe Ashes, many species more deserving of his care. The Sugar Maple also will be preferred , which grows on uplands , and possesses in a superior degree* all the good properties of the other. From these conside- rations the Red flowering Maple appears to have no pre- tensions to a place in European forests. PLATE XLI. A branch with leaves of the natural size. Fig. i ,- Bar? en flowers. Fig. 2 , Fertile flowers. Fig. 3 , Seeds of the natural TI ■ J Jiaimiif: ii-7 . Sugar Alajilc Acer j-ct<\'/ui/i/iu//i Gairiel j-culp. I'VVV^^a'VVWVVVVV^A/VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV^lVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV^ SUGAR MAPLE. Acer sacchaeinum. A. foliis quinque-partito-palmatis , glabris , margine integris , subtus glaucis : Jloribus pedun- culatis , pendentibus. This species , the most interesting of the American Maples, is called Pvock Maple, Hard Maple, and Sugar Maple. The first of these names is most generaly in use, but I have preserved the last, because it indicates one of the most valuable properties of the tree. According to my father's researches into the topography of American vegetables, the Sugar Maple begins a little north of Lake St. John, in Canada, near the 48" of la- titude , w^hich, in the rigour of its winter , corresponds to the 68° in Europe. It is now^here more abundant than between the 46" and 43% which comprise Canada , New Brunswick , Nova Scotia , the States of Vermont and New Hampshire , and the District of Maine : in these regions , it enters largely into the composition of the forests with which they are still covered. Farther south, it is common only in Genessee in the State of New York, and in the Upper parts of Pennsylvania. It is estimated by D' Rush , that in the northern parts of these two States , there are ten millions of acres which produce these trees in the proportion of 3o to an acre.- Indeed I have noticed , in traversing these districts , large masses of woods formed of them almost exclusively. 224 SUGAR MAPLE. In Genessee , however, a great part of the Maples belong to a species which I shall describe , which has hitherto been confounded by Botanists with the Sugar Maple. In the lowers parts of Virginia , of theCarolinas, and of Georgia,and likewise in the Mississipi Territory, this tree is unknown or very rare. It is rapidly disappearing from the forests about New York and Philadelphia , where it is no longer drained for sugar , but is felled for fuel and for other purposes. Between the parallels mentioned as bounding the tracts where this tree is most abundant , the forests do not resemble those of a more southern latitude : they are composed of two different descriptions of trees divided into two great classes , which alternately occupy the soil and which exist in nearly equal proportions. The first class comprises the resinous trees such as Pines and Spruces , and covers the low grounds and the bot- toms of the vallies ; these forests are called Black wood lands. The second class consist of leafy trees , such as the Sugar Maple , the White and the Red Beech, the Birches and the Ashes ; of which the Sugar Maple is most multiplied. They grow on level grounds or on gentle declivities , and form what are denominated Hard wood lands. In proceeding from the 46" of latitude northward , th€ trees of the second class are observed to become more rare, and the resinous trees in the same proportion more abundant : below 4^*^ ■> on the other hand, the resinous trees are found less common, and the SUGAR MAPLE. 223 Others loose their predominance in the forests , as they become mingled with the numerous species of Oaks and Walnuts. The Sugar Maple covers a greater extent of the Ame- rican soil than any other species of this genus. It flour- ishes most in mountainous places , where the soil though fertile is cold and humid. Besides the parts which I have particularly mentioned, where the face of the country is generally of this nature , it is found along the whole chain of the AUeghanies to their termination in Georgia, and on the steep and shady banks of the rivers which rise in these mountains. The Sugar Maple reaches the height of 70 or 80 leet with a proportional diameter ; but it does not com- monly exceed 5o or 60 feet with a diameter of 12 or 18 inches. Well grown , thriving trees are beautiful in their appearance , and easily distinguishable by the whiteness of their bark. The leaves are about 5 inches broad , but they vary in length according to the age and vigour of the tree. They are opposite, attached by long petioles, palmated or unequally divided into five lo- bes , entire at the edges , of a bright green above , and glaucous or whitish underneath. In autumn , they turn reddish with the first frosts. Except in the colour of the lower surface they nearly resemble the leaves of the Norway Maple. The flowers are small , yellowish , and suspended by slender , drooping peduncles. The seed is contained in two capsules united at base and termirta- I. 29 226 SUGAR MAPLE. ted in a membraneous wing. It is ripe near New York in the beginning of October, though the capsules attain their full size six weeks earlier. Externally they appear equally perfect,butl have constantly found one of them empty. The fruit is matured only once in two or three years. The wood when cut is white , but after being wrought and exposed for some time to the light, it takes a rosy tinge. Its grain is fme and close , and when polished, it has a silky lustre. It is very strong and sufficiently heavy, but wants the property of durability , for which the Chesnut and the Oak are so highly esteemed. When ex- posed to moisture it soon decays, and for this reason it is neglected in civil and naval architecture. In Ver- mont , New Hampshire , the District of Maine and far- ther north , where the Oak is not plentiful , this timber is substituted for it , in preference to the Beech , the Birch , and the Elm. When perfectly seasoned , which requires two or three years , it is used by Wheelwrights for axle-trees and spokes , and for lining the runners of common sleds. It is also employed as well as the Red flowering Maple in the manufacture of W^indsor chairs. In the country where the houses are wholly of wood y Sugar Maple timber is admitted into the frame ; and in the District of Maine , it is preferred to the Beech for the keels of vessels , as it furnishes longer pieces : with the Beech and the Yellow Pine it forms also the lower frame , which is always in the water. SUGAR MAPLE. 227 This wood exhibits two accidental forms in the arran- gement of the fibre , of which cabinet-makers take ad- vantage for making beautiful articles of furniture. The first consists in undulations like those of theCurled Maple, the second , which take places only in old trees that are still sound , and which appears to arise from an inflexion of the fibre from the circumference toward the center , produces spots of half a line in diameter, sometimes contiguous, and sometimes several lines apart. The more numerous the spots , the more beautiful and the more esteemed is the wood : this variety is called Bird's eye Maple. Like the Curled Maple it is used for inlaying Mahogany. Bedsteads are made of it and portable wri- ting desks , which are elegant and highly prized. To ob- tain the finest effect , the log should be sawn in a direc- tion as nearly as possible parallell to the concentrical circles. When cutat the proper season the Sugar Maple forms ex- cellent fuel. It is exported from District of Maine for the consumption of Bostan, and is equally esteemed with the Hickory. The opinion entertained of it in this respect , in the North of America , accords with the interesting experiments of M' Hartig c^n the comparative heat af- forded by different species of European wood , from which it results, that the Sycamore, Acer pseudo-platajtus, is superior to every other. The ashes of the Sugar Maple are rich m the alkaline principle , and it may be confidently asserted , that 228 SUGAR MAPLE. theyfurnish four fifths of the potash exported to Europe from Boston and New York. In the forges of Vermont and the District of Maine , the charcoal of this wood is preferred to any other, and it is said to be one fifth heavier than the coal made from the same species in th^ Middle and Southern States ; a fact which sufficiently evinces that this Maple acquires its characteristic properties in perfection , only in nor- thern climates. The woodof the Sugar Maple is easily distinguished from, that ofthe Red flowering Maple, which it resembles in ap- pearance, by its weight and hardness. There is , besides , a very simple and certain test : a few drops of sulphate of iron being poured on samples ofthe different species, the Sugar Maple turns greenish, and the "White Maple and Red flowering Maple change to a deep blue. The extraction of sugar from the Maple is a valuable resource in a country , where all classes of society daily make use of tea and coffee. The process by which it is obtained is very simple , and is every where nearly the same. Though not essen- tially defective, it might be rendered more perfect and more profitable, by adopting hints which have been thrown out in American publications. The work is commonly taken in hand in the month of February , or in the beginning of March , while the SUGAR MAPLE. 229 cold continues intense , and the ground is still covered with snow. The sap begins to be in motion at this season, two months before the general revival of vegetation. In a central situation , lying convenient to the trees from which the sap is drawn , a shed is constructed , called a sugar camp , which is destined to shelter the boilers and the persons who tend them , from the weather. An auger 3/4 of an inch in diameter, small troughs to receive the sap , tubes of Elder or Sumac, 8 or lo inches long, corresponding in size to the auger,andlaid open lor a part of their length , buckets for emptying the troughs and conveying the sap to the camp, boilers of i5 or i8 gallons' capacity , moulds to receive the sirop when reduced to a proper consistency for being formed into cakes , and lastly, axes to cut and split the fuel , are the principal ustensils employed in the operation. The trees are perforated in an obliquely ascending direction , i8 or 20 inches from the ground, with two holes 4 or 5 inches apart. Care should be taken that the augers do not enter more than half an inch within the wood , as experience has shewn the most abundant How of sap to take place at this depth. It is also recom- mended to insert the tubes on the south side of the tree ; but this useful hint is not always attended to. The troughs , which contain 2 or 3 gallons , are made in the Northern States, of White Pine, of White or Black Oak, or of Maple ; on the Ohio , the Mulberry , which is very abundant, is preferred. The Chesnut, the Black ^3o SUGAR MAPLE. Walnut , and the Butternut should be rejected , as they impart to the liquid the colouring matter and bitter principle , with which they are impregnated. A trough is placed on the ground at the foot of each tree , and the sap is every day collected and temporarily poured into casks, from which it is drawn out to till the boilers. The evaporation is kept up by a brisk fire , and the skum is carefully taken off during this part of the process. Fresh sap is added from time to time , and the heat is maintained till the liquid is reduced to a sirop , after which it is left to cool , and then strained through a blanket or other woolen stuff, to separate the remain- ing impurities. Some persons recommend leaving the sirop twelve hours , before boiling it for the last time ; others pro- ceed wdth it immediately. In either case , the boilers are only half filled , and by an active , steady heat , the li- quor is rapidly reduced to the proper consistency for being poured into the moulds. The evaporaration is knov^Ti to have proceeded far enough , when , upon rub- bing a drop of the sirop between the fingers , it is per- ceived to be granular. If it is in danger of boiling over, a bit of lard or of butter , is thrown into it , which in- stantly calms the ebullition. The molasses being drained off from the moulds, the sugar is na longer deliquescent , like the raw sugar of the West Indies. Maple Sugar manufactured in this way , is lighter col- oured , in proportion to the care with which it is made SUGAR MAPLE. 23 1 and the judgment with which the evaporationis conducted. It is superior to the hrown Sugar of the Colonies , at least, to such as is generally used in the United States : its taste is as pleasant , and it is as good for culinary purposes. When refined, it equalsin heauty the finest Sugar con- sumed in Europe. It is made use of, however, only in the districts where it is made, and there , only in the country : from prejudice or taste , imported sugar is used in all the small towns , and in the inns. The sap continues to flow for six weeks ; after which , it becomes less abundant , less rich in saccharine mat- ter, and sommetimes even incapable of chrystalisation. In this case, it is consumed in the state of molasses, which is superior to that of the Islands. After three or four days exposure to the sun , Maple sap is converted into vinegar , by the acetous fermention. In a periodical work , published at Philadelphia sever- al years since , the following receipt is given for making Sugar Maple beer : Upon 4 gallons of boiling water , pour I quart of Maple molasses ; add a little yeast or leaven to excite the fermentation , and a spoonful of the essence of spruce : a very pleasant and salutary drink is thus obtained. The process for extracting the sugar which I have described is the most common one , and it is the same from whatever species of Maple the sugar is made. The amount of sugar manufactured in a year varies from different causes. A cold and dry winter renders the 232 SUGAR MAPLE. trees more productive than a changeable and humid season. It is observed , that when a frosty night is fol- lowed by a dry and brilliant day , the sap flows abun- dantly ; and 2 or 3 gallons are sometimes yielded by a single tree , in twenty four hours. Three persons are found sufficient to tend 25o trees , which give 1000 pounds of sugar , or 4 pounds from each tree. But this product is not uniform , for many farmers on the Ohio have assured me , that they did not commonly obtain more than 2 pounds from a tree. Trees which grow in low and moist places afford a greater quantity of sap than those which occupy rising grounds , but it is less rich in the saccharine principle. That of insulated trees, left standing in the middle of fields or by the side of fences , is the best. It is also remarked, that in districts which have been cleared of other trees , and even of the less vigorous Sugar Ma- ples, the product of the remainder is, proportionally, most considerable. While I resided in Pittsburgh , the foUovi'ing curious particulars appeared in the Greensburgh Gazette : « Ha- ving introduced » says the writer , « twenty tubes into a Sugar Maple , I drew from it the same day , 23 gallons and 3 quarts of sap , which gave 7 pounds and a quarter of sugar : 33 pounds have been made this season from the same tree ; which supposes 100 gallons of sap. » It ap- pears here , that only a little more than 3 gallons , was required for a pound, though four are commonly allowed. SUGAR MAPLE. 253 1 In the foregoing experiments , 5 quarts were drawn in one day from each tube, which is about equal to to the quantity discharged , when two pipes are em- ployed. Might it not hence be concluded , that the sap escapes only from the orifices of the vessels , which have been divided by the auger , without being divert- ed to this issue , from the neighbouring parts ? I am the more inclined to this opinion , as in rambling one day , in the profound solitude of the forests , on the banks of the Ohio, the idea suggested itself to me of cutting into a Maple which had been bored the preceding year. I found amid the white mass of its wood , a green column , equal in width and in depth to the hole beneath. The organisation appeared not to be affected ; but this is not sufficient to warrant the conclusion, that these vessels would be in condition to give pas- sage to the sap , the succeeding year. It may be objected, that trees have been drained for 3o years , without diminution of their produce. But a tree of two or three feet in diameter, presents an extensive surface, and the tubes are every year shifted : besides, the successive layers of 3o or 4o years , would restore it nearly to the state of one that never had been per- forated. In the United States , Maple sugar is made in greatest quantities , it the upper part of New Hampshire , in Vermont, in the State of New York, particularly in Genesee, and in the Counties of Pennsylvania which I. So ^34 SUGAR MAPLE. lie on the eastern and western branches of the Susque- hannah ; west of the mountains , in the country borde- ring on the Alleghany , Mononghahela , and Ohio rivers. The farmers, after laying aside a sufficient store for their own consumption , sell the residue to the shop- keepers in the small towns of the neighbourhood , at 8 cents a pound , by whom it is retailed at 1 1 cents. A great deal of sugar is also made, in Upper Canada, and on the Wabash near Michillimackinac. The Indians dis- pose of it to the commissioners of the North Western Company established at Montreal , for the use of the numerous agents who go out in their employ , in quest of furs , beyond Lake Superior. In Nova Scotia and the District of Maine, and on the highest movmtains of Virginia and the Carolinas , where these trees are sufficiently common , the manufacture is less conside- rable , and probably six sevenths of the inhabitants consume imported sugar. It has been advanced , and doubtless correctly , that the northern parts of New York and Pennsylvania con- tain Maples enough to supply the whole consumption of the United States. But the annual produce by no means answers to this patriotic calculation. The trees grow * The annual consumption of sugar in the United States is about 80 millions of pounds ; of which more than So millions of pounds are imported ; more than 10 millions produced by the cane in Loui- siana ; and, probably, as much as 10 millions made from the Sugar Maple. SUGAR MAPLE. 235 upon excellent lands , which by the influx of emigrants from the older settlements, and by the surprising increase of the population already estabhshed , are rapidly clear - ing; so that in less, perhaps , than half a century, the Maples will be confined to exposures too steep for cul- tivation , and will afford no resource , except to the proprietor on whose domain they grow. At this period also, the wood will probably produce a greater and more ready profit than the sugar. It has been proposed to plant Sugar Maples in orchards or about the fields : but would it not be more certainly advantageous to multiply the Apple tree, which grows in soils too dry to sustain the vegetation of the Maple ? All that has been said on this subject , must be considered as speculative merely , since , in the Eastern States , where information is gene- rally diffused , no enterprises of this nature have been undertaken , by which the importation of sugar might be diminished. Wild and domestic animals are inordinately fond of Maple juice , and break through their enclosures to sate themselves with it. The details into which I have entered, concerning the Sugar Maple, furnish the means of estimating its im- portance, with reference both to its sap, and to its wood. 1 have indicated the regions where it grows, and the soil in which it thrives ; and I feel authorised in seriously recommending it for propagation in the North of Europe. Its sap and its wood are superior to 236 SUGAR MAPLE. those of the Norway Maple and of the Sycamore , and in the same countries where these two species abound in the forests , its success would be most complete , and its cultivation most profitable. PLATE XLII. A branch with leaves and seeds of the natural size. Fig. I , A small twig with Jlowers. a. J. J^ftfmte' 7> 1)L'U'1<; Siijtrar Ma])le ^ira- tiu/iii/ji . BLACK SUGAR TREE. Acer nigrum. A. foliis quinque-partito-palmatis , sinubus apertis , margine integra , subtiis pubescentibus , atro- vindlhus : jloiibus corymbis : capsulis turgide subglo- bosis. In the Western States , and in the parts of Pennsyl- vania and Virginia , which lie between the mountains and the Ohio , this species of Maple is designated by the name of Sugar Tree , and frequently , by the more characteristic denomination of Black Sugar Tree ; pro- bably , on account of the dark colour of its leaves , in comparison with those of the true Sugar Maple, which sometimes grows with it. In the extensive country of Genesee both species are indiscriminately called Rock Maple and Sugar Maple. This confusion seems to have arisen from the country's being settled principally by emigrants from the Eastern States , who , finding the Black Sugar Tree applicable to the same uses with the other , and equally productive of sugar , have given it the samename.The two species have also been confound- ed by Botanists , in describing the vegetable produc- tions of America. Towards the north , I first observed the Black Sugar Tree, near Windsor in Vermont , on the Connecticut river. But from its inferior size , and its scarceness , it 238 BLACK SUGAR TREE. may be inferred that it belongs to a more southern climate. Accordingly , a few degrees lower , it forms a large part of the forests of Genesee , and covers the immense vallies , through which flow the great rivers of the West. In these bottoms* it is one of the most com- mon and one of the loftiest trees. The leaves are 4 or 5 inches long , and exibit , in every respect , nearly the same conformation as those of the true Sugar Maple. They differ from them, principally, in being of a deeper green and of a thicker texture, and in having more open sinuses : they are also slightly downy , which is most sensibly perceptible on the main rib. The flowers , like those of the Sugar Maple , are sus- pended by long , flexible peduncles : the seeds , also , are similar , and are ripe about the same time , that is , about the v^ of October. The wood is much like that of the other species , but it is coarser-grained , and less brilliant when poHshed. It is little used , because , wherever it abounds , other trees are found , such as the Oak , the Walnut , the Cherry tree , and the Mulberry, which are more esteem- ed for building and for cabinet making. It is , howe- ver , preferred for the frames of Windsor chairs , and is considered after the Hickories as the best fuel. Its * This word has become authorised by general use in the United Slates. BLACK SUGAR TREE. 289 most important use is for making Sugar , of which it annually yields a vast amount , in the neighbourhood of Pittsburgh. When the Black Sugar Tree stands alone , it naturally assumes a regular and agreeable shape. Its foliage , of a darker tint and more tufted than that of the other Ma- ples , renders it proper for forming avenues , and for adorning parks and gardens ; in fine , for every situation where thick shade is desired , as a shelter from the sun. PLATE XLIII. A branch with a leaf and seeds of the natural size. NORWAY MAPLE. Acer platanoides. K. foliis quinque-lobis , acuminatis ^ utrlnque glabris , lobis dentatis : corymhosis et^ectis , pedun" cutis glahr'is. This species of Maple is found in the same parts of Europe with the Sycamore , but it is most multiplied in Sweden and Norway ; whence it has received the name of Norway Maple. Like the Sycamore it attains a lofty height and a dia- meter of several feet , and ranks among the largest trees of the north of Europe. Its leaves are broad, of a fine texture , and of a light green colour ; in shape , they resemble those of the Black Sugar tree and the Sugar Maple. They are not whitish underneath like those of the Sugar Maple, and when the petiole is bro- ken a milky fluid distils from it , which does not take place in the American species. The flowers of the Norway Maple are small, yellowish and suspended by pretty long peduncles. The seeds grow in two capsules , which are united at the base , compressed , and garnished with large divergent , mem- braneous wings. They are ripe in the month of Septem- ber. In the winter , when the Norway IVIaple and the Syca- more are stripped of their leaves , they may still be dis- Fl.4^4^. NORWAY MAPLE. 2^1 tinguished by their buds. On the Sycamore the last year's shoots are larger than on the Norway Maple , and the buds are of a yellowish colour , while those of the other species are of a reddish complexion , and are uni- ted in groups of three. On the two species of American Sugar Maple, the shoots are still more tapering and slen- der , and the buds are nearly black. The wood of the Norway Maple is very white and very fine grained : it is easily wrought , and is employed for nearly the same purposes vnth that of the Sycamore. Among cabinet-makers in Germany such trees are in request as present agreeable accidental variations in the direction of the fibre , similar to the Curled Maple and the Bird's Eye Maple. The rapid and beautiful vegetation of the Norway Maple in soils inferior to such as are required by the Sycamore , causes it to be extensively planted in Eu- rope for the embellishment of gardens ; for which pur- pose trees are preferred that develop their foliage early , and shed it late , and that afford through the intemperate season a refreshing shade ; all which advantages are uni- ted in the Norway Maple. PLATE XLIV. Fig. I , A leaf of half the natural size. A seed of the na- tural size. SYCAMORE TREE. Acer pseudo-platanus. K.foUis qidnque lobis , incequa- liter dentatis subtiis glaucesceniibus : Jlorlbus subspicatis i pendulis. This beautiful tree is diffused over all the center of Europe , and abounds especially in Bohemia , Hungary , and Poland. It thrives most luxvmantly in moist and fertile soils , and when expanded to its full dimensions , it is 60 or 70 feet in height , and 2 or 3 feet in diameter. Its head in spacious , and its foliage thick. On old trees, the bark of the trunk is deeply furrow^ed ; on such as are less than 6 inches in diameter , it is perfectly smooth. The leaves of the Sycamore are opposite with long peti- oles, large, and distinctly divided into five unequal lobes ; they are of a dark green above , and whitish underneath. In the heat of midsummer , they are covered with a very sweet , viscid substance , which is gathered with avidity by bees. The flowers appear towards the end of April ; they are small, greenish , and grouped into pen- dulous clusters from 5 to 4 inches in length. The seed is in capsules about an inch in length , united at the base , and terminated by a membraneous wing. "When the Sycamore is fully grown , its wood is fine grained and susceptible of a brilliant polish. In those parts of Europe where it is most common , it is in SYCAMOBE TREE. 243 demand with turners for making-wooden ware. It is used lor making violins , and when its grain is undula- ted , for ornamenting forte-pianos. By the interesting experiments of M'. Hartig , Grand Master of the forests of Prussia , on the comparative value of different spe- cies of wood as combustibles, the Sycamore was found to afford more heat than any other wood of the North of Europe. For several years past, sugar has been made from the Sycamore , in Bohemia and Hungary. Though the at- tempt has completely succeeded , it appears certain that the sugar is yielded in a smaller proportion than by the Sugar Maple. In France and England , the Sycamore is a rare tree in the forests , but it is multiplied in pleasure grounds , on account of its rapid growth, the early developement of its foliage in the spring , and the fine shade which it affords through the summer. It has been observed in England that the foliage of this, tree is less injured than that of others,by the saline vapours wafted irom the sea ; hence it is chosen for situations exposed to these winds. The justness of the observatioa I have never had an opportunity of examining. The Sycamore appears to me to possess no one su- perior property , which entitles it to preference in the United States, over the Sugar Maple and the Black Sugar Tree ; but individuals who wish to possess the spe- cies may , I doubt not , obtain seeds , by addressing 244 SYCAMORE TREE. themselves to the politeness of Col. Steevens , who has it at his delightful seat at Hoboken near New York. PLATE XLIY. Fig 2 , A leaf of half the natural size. A seed of the na- tural size. P(.4-o-. AIooso Wood 7 oil/ o\U^. MOOSE WOOD. Acer striatum. A. foliis infeme rotundatis , supemh acuminatO'tricuspidibus , argute serratis : racemis sim-. pUcibus , pendeniibus. In the Provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brun- swick , in the District of Maine , and in the States of Vermont and New Hampshire , this Maple is known only by the name of Moose Wood : in New Jersey and Pennsylvania it is called Striped Maple. This last denomination, which is preferable as being descriptive, I have thought proper to reject , be- cause it is in use only in a part of the United States whese the tree is rare , and is wholly unknown , in those parts in which it abounds. The name of Moose Wood was given it by the first settlers , from obser- ving that the Moose, an animal now become un- common in this region , subsisted , during the latter part of winter and the beginning of spring upon its young twigs. This tree makes its first appearance near Lake St. John , in the latitude of about 47". that is to say, a little farther north than the preceding species. In Nova Scotia and the District of Maine , where I have most particularly observed it , it fills the forests. In approach- ing the Hudson it becomes more rare, and beyond ^46 MOOSE WOOD. this boundary , it is confined to the mountainous tracts of the Alleghanies , on which it is found , in cold and shaded exposures , along the whole range to its ter- mination in Georgia. In the District of Maine I have always found the Moose Wood most vigourous in mixt forests , or what are called Mixture lands ; where the woods are compo- sed of the Sugar Maple , the Beech , the White Birch , the Yellow Birch , and the Hemlock Spruce. In these fo- rests , it constitutes a great part of the under growth ; for its ordinary height is less than lo feet , though I have found individual trees, of more than twice this stature. The trunk and branches of the Moose Wood are clad in a smooth, green bark, longitudinally marked with black stripes, by which it is easily distinguishable , at all seasons of the year. This is one of the earliest trees of North America , whose vegetation announces the approach of the genial season. Its buds and leaves , when beginning to unfold , are rose coloured , and have a pleasing effect ; but this hue soon changes to green. On luxuriant trees , the leaves are of a pretty thick texture , and finely serrate. They are 4 or 5 inches broad , rounded at the base , and divided into three deep and acute lobes. The flowers are of a greenish cast , and grouped on long , pendulous peduncles. The fruit, which in the main re- sembles that of the other Maples , is remarkable for a MOOSE WOOD. 247 small cavity on one side of the capsules : it is produced in abundance , and is ripe about the end of September. The inferior size of the Moose Wood forbids its use in any kind of construction ; but as it is white and fine-grained , the cabinet-makers of Halifax , employ it instead of the Holly, which does not grow in so north- ern a climate , for forming the white lines , with which they inlay Mahogany. Its principal advantage to the inhabitants consists in furnishing them , at the close of winter , when their forage is exhausted , a re- source for sustaining their cattle, till the advancing season has renewed the herbage. As soon as the buds begin to swell; the famished horses and neat cattle are turned loose into the woods , to browse on the young shoots , which they consume with avidity. Poor as this resource may appear, it is not wholly inadequate , since the tvngs are tender , and full of saccharine juice. A similar practice prevails, also , in the new settlements of the West. This species of Maple has been long cultivited in Eu- rope in parks and extensive gardens. It is in request , as one of the earliest trees to feel the approach of spring , but more particularly , on account of the plea- sing effect of the white veins , which variegate its trunk. In the primitive forests , where it grows beneath a can- opy of impervious shade , these veins are black : the cjiange of colour seems owing to its being planted in drier soils, more open to the sun. Most of thetreei> 248 MOOSE "WOOD. of this species , which now grow in Europe , have been grafted on the lofty Sycamore , whose vigor is felt by the Moose Wood , and ejpands it to four times its na- tural dimensions. PLATE XLV. A branch with fruit of the natural size. Fig. i. Bark of a tree in the forests of North America. Fig. 2 , Bark of a tree cultivated on dry and open ground. 1^ i^k \ ^^m pEi^J^ V. \l \ K ^1-/-:^^^ ^ fP Ke||^> \^^k % "^ ~->,^ A w"^ -' ^^^ - - i A- .., y--/. Box Elder . ,/.lr»f %VWVWVWWVV\'\WVV\'\WV A'VV\\VVVVVV\i\\'VVVlV\\VVV\'VtVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV\^\'VVV\'VVVVVVVVVVVV\V\ V\V X BOX ELDER OR ASH LEAVED MAPLE. Acer negundo. A. foliis pinnatis tematisve , incequaliter serratis : Jloribus dioicis. Ik the Country west of the Alleghanies , where this tree is common , it is called Box Elder ; east of the mountains it is more rare , and having been less atten- tively observed , it has received no specific name. Some persons , however , distinguish it by that of Ash leaved Maple , which is a perfectly appropriate denomination : I have chosen the other , though absolutely insignificant of any characteristic property of the tree , because it is sanctioned by general use. The French of Illinois call it Erable a Giguieres. The leaves of the Box Elder are opposite , and are from 6 to i5 inches long, according to the vigour of the tree , and the moisture of the soil in which it grows. Each leaf is composed of two pair of leaflets with an odd one. The leaflets are petiolated , oval-acuminate , and sharply toothed : towards fall , the common petiole is of a deep red. The barren and fertile flowers are borne on different trees , and are supported by slender^ pendulous peduncles , 6 or 7 inches in length. Of all the Maples of the United States , this species 25o BOX ELDER ventures least into northern latitudes, for in the Atlantic States, it is first seen on the banks of the Delaware, in the neigbourhood of Philadelphia, and even there it is rare. In the maritime parts of the Southern States , also , it is far from being a common tree ; which is less attributable to the heat of the summer , than to the marshy nature of the soil on the borders of the rivers. West of the moun- tains , on the contrary , it is extremely multiplied , and instead of being confined , as in the upper parts of Vir- ginia and of the Carolinas, to the river sides , it grows in the woods , wdth the Locust , Wild Cherry , and Coffee- Tree. But in the bottoms which skirt the rivers , where the soil is deep , fertile , constantly moist , and often inundated, this tree is most abundant , and most fully expanded. Even here , it can be considered only as a tree of secondary size : the largest Box Elders that I have seen were not more than 5o feet in height, and 20 inches in diameter , and trees of these dimen- sions are found only in Tennesee and in the back parts of Georgia , which lie far to the south. In Kentucky they are of only half this height. Though growing in thick forests , the Box Elder expands into a head hke that of the Apple tree. I have remarked this form , par- ticularly, on the banks of the Ohio , where I have also obsei'ved that the trunk bulges into knots at une- qual distances , and is often decayed at the heart. A fine row of Box Elders in the botanical garden of Paris , along the Rue de Bujfon , affords a sufficiently just OR ASH LEAVED MAPLE. 2^1 idea of their appearance in the forests , on the Monon- ghahela and Ohio rivers. It may be concluded from what has been said, that to attain its full proportions, this tree requires a climate three or four degrees milder than that of Philadelphia , Pittsburgh , and Paris. The Box Elder branches at a small height. The bark of its trunk is brown , and I have remaiHced a disagreeable odour in the cellular integument. The proportion of the sap to the heart is large , except in very old trees : in these the heart is variegated with rose coloured and bluish veins. Some cabinet-makers in the Western Country , employ it to ornament furniture made of Mahogan^y or "Wild Cherry Tree. The wood is of a fine and close grain^ and is said to split with difficulty : but as it sooii decays when exposed to the air , it is little used. It has been erroneously asserted that sugar is made from the sap of this species. More than 5o years since , the Box Elder was intro- duced into France by Admiral La Gallissoniere. Subse- quently, it has spread into Germany and England, where it is in great request for adorning pleasure grounds , oa account of the rapidity of its growth , and the beauty of its foliage , whose bright green forms an agreeable contrast with the surrounding trees. Its young branches , of a lively green , contribute to the favour in which it is held, and serve to distinguish it in the winter , whert its leaves are fallen. The utility of its wood, I believe it has, of late> ^52 BOX ELDER OR ASH LEAVED MAPLE. been exaggerated ; both Europe and America possess many trees superior in strength as well as in size. It appears certain , however , that , growing in copses , and cut every three or four years , it would afford a profitable product in its sprouts, which are very numerous , and which , during the first years , shoot ^dth astonishing rapidity. The success of this experiment vnll be more certain , if it is made on grounds unfailingly moist and cool ; though the Box Elder may seem , for a few years, to prosper in dry and meager soils, it sooner or later pines and perishes. Of this I became convinced in conver- sing with several proprietors, in the environs of Paris, who , after some recent publications on this tree , had made an unsuccessful attempt to derive profit from their poor lands , by planting them with the Box Elder. PLATE XLVI. A branch with lemes and seeds of the natural size. /'/. *•/. Moniiimn Maple - Jr,7- inonliijuiin . C'obru/ ifcu^- MOUNTAIN MAPLE. Acer montanum. A. foliis tri-subquinquelohis , acumina-^ tis , dentatis , nigosls : racemis spiciformihus , suherectis , peialis Uneanbus, This species is more abundant in Canada , Nova Sco- tia , and along the whole range of the Alleghany Moun- tains than in any other part of North America. It is called Mountain Maple and Low Maple. Though the last of these names indicates the stature of the tree , I have retained the first, which is more generally in use , and which is likewise appropriate , as this Maple grows of preference on the declivities of mountains exposed to the north , and in cool , moist , and shady situations , on the abrupt and rocky banks of torrents and rivers. On the Mohawk, for instance , near the little falls , it abounds among the enormous rocks which lie scattered along its sides. The Mountain Maple is 6 or 8 feet in height , and it blooms even at a smaller elevation. It most frequently grows in the form of a shrub , with a single and straight stock. The leaves are large , opposite and divided into three acute and indented lobes : they are slightly hairy at their unfolding , and when fully grown , they are uneven and of dark green upon the upper surface. The blossoms are smaU, of a greenish colour, and produced in semi-erect spikes from 2 to 4 inches in length. The seeds, which are smaller than those of any other Amer- 254 MOUNTAIN MAPLE. lean Maple, are fixed upon slender, pendulous footstalks : they are reddish at their maturity , and each of them is surmounted by a membraneous wing , and has a small cavity upon one side. The Mountain Maple is too small to be profitably cultivated for its v^^ood , and as its flow^ers , its roots , and its bark are destitute of any very sensible odour, it promises no resources to medecine. It is found in the gardens of the curious , rather to complete the se- ries of species , than for any remarkable property of its foliage or of its flowers. This species is commonly grafted upon the Syca- more , and like the Moose Wood , it is thus augmented to twice its natural dimensions. This surprising devel- opement proves how great are the advantages which may be derived from this process and from continued cultivation, in meliorating inferior vegetables. PLATE XLVII. A branch with the leaves and flowers of their natural size, Tig. I , A hunch of seeds oftlie natural size. PL 4^8. J. Ji.^drvU Jel. DoQ^wood . Gabrie/ ^'culp ■ DOGWOOD. Tetrandria monogynia, Likn. CaprifoHa , Jess. <]OBNUS FLORIDA. C. folus ovalibus , acuminatis , subtiis albicantibus : jlorihus sessiliter capitatis ; involucro ma- ximo , foliolis apice deformi quasi obcordatis : fructibus ovatis, rubris. Among the eight species of Dogwood which have been observed in North America , this alone is entitled by its size to be classed with the forest trees. It is the 4nost interesting , too , for the value of its wood , the properties of its bark , and the beauty of its flowers. In the United States at large , it is known by the name of Dogwood , and in Connecticut itis also called Box Wood* The Dogwood is first seen in Massachusetts between the 42" and 43° of latitude , and in proceeding south- ward , it is met with uninterruptedly throughout the Eastern and Western States , and the two Floridas , to the banks of the Mississippi. Over this vast extent of Country , it is one of the most common trees , and it abounds particularly in New Jersey , Pennsylvania , Maryland , and Virginia , wherever the soil is moist , gravelly , and somewhat uneven ; farther south , in the Carolinas , Georgia, and the Floridas , it is found only on the borders of swamps , and never in the pine bar- rens , where the soil is too dry and sandy to sustain its 256 DOGWOOD. vegetation. In the most fertile districts of Kentucky and West Tennessee it does not appear in the forests except where the soil is gravelly , and of a middling quality. The Dogwood sometimes reaches 3o or 35 feet in height , and 9 or 10 inches in diameter; but it does not generally exceed the height of 1 8 or 20 feet, and the diame- ter of 4 or 5 inches. The trunk is strong , andis covered with a blackish bark , chapped into many small portions, which are often in the shape ofscjuares more or less exact. The branches are proportionally less numerous than on other trees , and are regularly disposed nearly in the form of crosses. The young twigs are observed to incline upwards in a semicircular direction. The leaves are opposite , about 3 inches in length , oval , of a dark green above, and whitish beneath .the upper surface is very distinctly sulcated. Towards the close of summer they are often marked with black spots, and at the approach of winter they change to a dull red. In New York and New Jersey the flowers are ftdly blown about the 10 or i5 of May , while the leaves are only beginning to unfold themselves. The flowers are small , yellowish , and collected in bunches, which are surrounded with a very large involucre composed of 4 white fioral leaves , sometimes inclining to violet. This fme involucre constitutes all the beauty of the flowers , w hich are very numerous , and which , in their season , robe the tree in white, like a full blown Apple tree , DOGWOOD. 267 and render it one of the fairest ornaments of the Amer- ican .forests. The seeds of a vivid , glossy red , and of an oval shape , are always united. They remain upon the trees till the first frosts , when notwithstanding their bitter- ness they are devoured by the Robin , Turdus migra- ^o/7M5, which about this period arrives from the northern regions. The wood is hard , compact heavy , and fine grain- ed, and is suceptibleofa brilliant polish. The sap is perfect- ly white, and the heart is of a chocolate colour.This tree is not large enough for works which require pieces of con- siderable volume : it is used for the handles of light tools such as mallets , small vices , etc. In the country some farmers select it for harrow teeth, for the hames of horses' collars , and also for lining the runners of sledges ; but to whatever purpose it is applied, being liable to split , it should never be wrought till it is perfectly seasoned. The shoots when 3 or 4 years old , are found proper for the light hoops of small , portable casks ; but the consumption in this way is inconsidera- ble. In the Middle States, the cogs of mill-wheels are made of Dogw^ood, and its divergent branches are taken for the yokes which are put upon the necks of swine , to prevent their breaking into cultivated enclosures. Such are the profitable uses of this tree ; it affords also excellent fuel , but it is too small to be brought into the markets of the cities. I. 33 258 DOGWOOD. The liber or interior bark of the Dogwood is extreme- ly bitter , and proves an excellent remedy in inter- mitting fevers. It has been know^n and successfully used by the country people, as a specific in these maladies, lor more than 5o years. Its medicinal properties were made the subject of a thesis sustained in the College of Physic at Philadelphia, in i8o3 , in which was presen- ted an analysis of the bark of the Dogwood and of the Blue Berried Dogwood, compared with the Peruvian bark: by the experiments made on this occasion , the Dogwood bark was shown to have a close analogy to the Peruvian bark , and to be capable, in many cases, of supplying its place with success. The author of this excellent piece cites a Physician of Pennsylvania , who , during 20 years, had constantly employed it , and who estimated 35 grains of it to be equivalent to 3o grains of the Peruvian bark. The only inconvenience accompanying its use was that , if taken within a year alter being stript from the tree , it sometimes occasioned acute pains of the bowels : but this evil was remedied by adding to it 5 grains of Virginia Snake root, Arlstolochia sejjjentaria. The same author gives a receipt for making an ex- cellent ink in which this bark is substituted for gall nuts : Put 1/2 an ounce of Dogwood bark , 2 scruples of sulphate of iron , and 2 scruples of gum arable , into 16 ounces of rain water ; during the infusion shake it repeatedly. The Dogwood merits the attention of Europeans , for DOGWOOD. 259 the value of its wood , and especially for the brilliancy of its flowers , by which it is better adapted than almost any other North American tree , to the embellishment of forests , parks , and extensive gardens. PLATE XLVIII. u4 branch with leaves and flowers of the natural size. Fig. I , A branch with fruit of the natural size. GEORGIA BARK. Pentendria monogynia. LiKN. Bubiaceae. Ivss. PiNCKNEYA PUBENS. P. folus opposltls , ovolibus , utrinquB acutis ; subtomentosis. ^ Obs- Floribus majiisculis, pallontibus et purpureo-linea- ribus, fasciculato-paniculatis. Capsulis subrotundis , modice compressis : seminibus numerosis , alatis. This tree , still more interesting by the properties of its bark, than by the elegance of its flowers and of its foliage , is indigenous to the most southern parts of the United States : probably its grows also in the two rioridas and in Lower Louisiana. My father found it for the first time in 1791 on the banks of the St. Mary. He carried seeds and young plants to Charleston', and plan- ted them in a garden which he possessed near that city. Though entrusted to an ungrateful soil, they succeeded so well, that in 1807 1 found several of them 25 feet high and 7 or 8 inches in diameter; which proves that the vegetation of this tree does not require a very warm climate, nor a very subsiantial soil. With a great affinity to the Cinchona which yields the Peruvian bark , my father discerned in the Georgia Bark sufficient differences, to distinguish it as a new genus. In testimony of his gratitude and respect , he consecrated it to Charles Cotesworth Pinckney , an en- Georgia Bark Pincknei/a pi/le/is Oahie/ ^i\ufv :/ ^-.r-;-;vf.:;v,'il GEORGIA BARK. 261 lightened patron of the arts and sciences, from whom my father and myself, durii-g our residence in South Carolina , received multiplied proofs of benevolence and esteem. The Georgia Bark is a low tree , dividing itself into numerous branches , and rarely exceeding the height of 25 feet, and the diameter of 5 or 6 inches at the base. A cool and shady exposure appears the most favorable to its growth. Its leaves are opposite , 4 or 5 inches long , of a light green colour , and downy underneath , as are also the shoots to which they are attached. The flowers , which are white with longitudinal rose colour- ed stripes , are pretty large, and are collected in beauti- ful panicles at the extremity of the branches. Each flower is accompagnied by a floral leaf , bordered with rose colour near the npper edge. The capsules are round , compressed in the middle , and stored with a great number of small winged seeds. The wood of the Georgia Bark is soft , and unfit for nse in the arts ; but its inner bark is extremely bitter, and appears to partake of the febrifuge virtues of the Cinchona , for the inhabitants of the southern parts of Georgia employ it successfully in the intermitting fevers which , during the latter part of summer and the autumn, prevail in the Soulheru Slates. A handful of the bark is boiled in a quart of walcr till the liquid is reduced one half, and the infusion is administered to the sick. From the properties of its baik the Pinckneya has taken the 262 GEORGIA BABK. name of Georgia Bark. It is to be wished that some intelligent Physician would examine these properties with care, and indicate with accuracy the manner oi employing this indigenous remedy , and the effects to be expected from it : the tree which produces it so nearly resembles the Peruvian vegetable , that some Bot- anists have included them in the same genus. PLATE XLIX. A branch with leaves and flowers of the natural size. Fig. I, A seed-vessel. Fig. 2 , A seed. P.i Be.ura Je/. Coffee Tree jRena/u/ o\-u^. }MVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV«AA/VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV«VVVVVVVVVVVVk^AnAVVVV\klVVVVVVVVV^^ COFFEE TREE. Dioecia decandria. Linn. Leguminosa, Juss. Gymnocladus canadensis. G. foliis bipinnatis , amplissi- mis , deciduis ; foliolis ovalibus , acuminatis. Floribus racemosis ; leguminosis polyspermis. Upper Canadabeyond Montreal, and that part of Gene- see which borders on Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, are the most northern countries which produce the Coffee Tree : but it is much less abundant in these climates than in the States of Kentucky and Tennessee , and in the tract which is bounded by the Ohio and Illinois rivers , between the 36° and 40° of latitude. The large dimensions which it exibits in these regions is attributable to the milder temperature of the seasons , and to the extreme fertil- ity of the soil. The French of Canada call this tree Chicot ; those of Illinois Gros Feder; and the Inhabitants of the Western States , Coffee Tree. The presence of the Coffee Tree is an index of the richest lands ; on which it habitually grows in company with the Black Walnut , the Red Elm , the Poplar , the Blue Ash, the Honey Locust , and the Hackberry. These trees it equals in height , but not in bulk , for a Coffee 264 COFFFE TT5EE. Tree 5o or 60 feet high does not generally exceed 12 or i5 inches in diameter. In summer this tree when fully grown has a hne ap- pearance : its stiaighl trunk is often destitute of branch- es for 3o feel, and supports a summit not very wide- ly spread , but of a regular shape and of tufted fo- liage: such at least is its form in primitive forests, where it is confmed by the trees which grow around it. In the winter when its leaves are fallen , the fewness of its branches and the size of the terminal ones, which are very large in comparison with those ol other trees , give it a peculiar appearance somewhat resembling a dead tree. This is probably the reason of its being called Chicot, Stump tree, by the French Canadians. To this peculiar character is added another of the epi- dermis , which is extremely rough , and which detaches itself in small , hard , transverse strips , rolled backward at the ends , and projectiijg sufficiently to render the tree distinguishable at fust sight. I have also remarked that the live bark is very bitter , so that a morcel no bigger than a grain of maize chewed for some time produces a violent irritation of the throat. The leaves are 3 feet long , and 20 inches wide on young and thriving traces : on old ones they are not more than half as large. These leaves are doubly com- pound, with oval-acuminate leaflets from i to 2 inches long. The leaflets are of a dull green, and in the fall the petiole is of a violet colour. COFFEE TREE. 265 The Coffee Tree belongs to the class Dioecia of Lin- naeus , which includes all vegetables whose barren and fertile flowers are borne by different plants ; in which case those only that bear the fertile flowers produce fruit : to effect the fecundation it is necessary that there should be male plants growing near them. The flowers and the fruit are large , bowed pods , of a reddish brown co- lour , and of a pulpy consistency within. They contain several large , grey seeds which are extremely hard. The French of Upper Louisiana call them Gourganes. The name of Coffee Tree was given to this vegetable by the early emigrants to Kentucky and Tennessee, who hoped to find in its seeds a substitute for coffee : but the small number of persons who made the experi- ment abandoned it , as soon as it became easy to ob- tain from the sea ports the Coffee of the West Indies. The wood of the Coffee Tree is very compact and of a rosy hue. The fineness and closeness of its grain fit for cabinet -making, and its strength renders it proper for building. Like the Locust, it has the valuable pro- perty of rapidly converting its sap into perfect wood, so that a trunk 6 inches in diameter has only 6 lines of sap , and may be employed almost entire. These qua- lities recommend it for propagation in the forests of the north and of the center of Europe. The Coffee Tree was sent to France more than 5o years since. It thrives in the environs of Paris , where there are there are trees that exceed 4o feet in I. . . 34 266 COFFEE TREE. height ; but it does not yield fruit , and is muhiplied only by shoots obtained by digging trenches round the old trees. The divided roots produce shoots 3 or 4 feet long, the fn'st year. The young trees are sought, on ac- count of their beautiful foliage , for the embeUishment of parks and pictoresque gardens. PLATE L. A branch with flowers of the natural size. Fig. i , A pod of the natural size. Fig. 2 , A seed of the natural size. TABLE. Introduction.. , . . Page ) The Oak I Methodical disposition ^. . g White Oak Quercusalha ii Common European Oak. . . Quercus robur 28 European White Oak. . . . Quercus pcdunculafa. . . 3o Mossy Cup Oak Quercus olmrformis. . . . 33 Over Cup White Oak .... Quercus niacrocarpa. . . 35 Post Oak Quercus obtusiloba. ... 37 Over Cup Oak Qiercus lyrata 4"^ Swamp White Oak Quercus prinus discolor. . 4? Chesnut White Oak Quercus prinus palustris. . 52 Rock Chesnut Oak Quercus prinus monficola. 56 Yellow Oak Quercus prinus acuminata. 6i Small Chesnut Oak Quercus prinus Chincapin. 64 Live Oak Quercus virens 67 Cork Oak Quercus suber. 78 W illow Oak Quercus phellos 78 Laurel Oak Quercus imbricaria. ... 82 Upland Willow Oak .... Quercus cinerea 85 Running Oak Quercus punnla 88 Barlram Oak Quercus heterophilla. . . 90 Water Oak Quercus aquatica 92 Black Jack Oak Quercus ferruginea. ... 95 Bear Oak , Quercus banisleri 99 Barrens Scrub Oak Quercus calesboei io3 Spanish Oak Quercus fahala 106 Black Oak Quercus iinctoria 1 1 1 Scarlet Oak Quercus coccinea. . . . .116 Grey Oak Quercus borealis 119 Pin Oak Quercus palustris 122 Red Oak Quercus rubra 125 Additions to the Oaks 128 268 TABLE. Walnuts Page i3j Common European Walnut. Juglans regla i43 Black Walnut Juglansnigra i53 Butternut Juglans calharlica i6o Pacanenut Hickory Juglans oUvcefonnis .... 167 Bitiernut Hickory Juglans amara 170 Water Bitternut Hickory. . . J uglans aquatica 174 Mockernut Hickory J uglans tomentosa 176 Shellbark Hickory Juglans squamosa 181 Thick shellbark Hickory. . . . Juglans laciniosa 188 Pignut Hickory Juglans porcina i()4 JSutmeg Hickory Juglans myristicceformis. . 198 Recapitulation 200 Maples 208 W^hite Maple Acer eriocarpum 2i3 Red flowering Maple Acer rubrum 217 Sugar Maple Acer saccharinum 223 Black Sugar Maple Acer nigrum 287 Norway Maple Acer platano'ides 240 Sycamore Acer pseudo-plaianus- . . 242 Moose wood Acer striatum 245 Box elder Acer negundo 249 Mountain Maple Acer montanum 253 Dogwood. Cornus jlorida 255 Georgia bark Pinckneya puhens 260 Coffee tree Gymnocladus canadensis. . 263