tliiJior ^facsimile



Date of the first known edition 1607

[5 M. C. i2./.3. <5)-J Reproduced in Facsimile 1914

Sttto jfarsimrli tots

l . 2, "

Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER



Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of





This facsimile is from the original in the British Museum. Other examples are at Bodley and in the Dyce Collection.

Webster was also associated with Dekker in "Westward Hoe." Both plays are of a somewhat rollicking domestic order.

Bullen regards " Northward Hoe " as " an allegorical play of little value " (D. N. B. s. v. Dekker). Although Dekker's name appears first on the title-pages of this play and " Westward Hoe," it seems probable that Webster had by far the larger share in its composition. An allusion to an incident occurring in 1597 seems to point to 1 60 1 as the date of writing.

The reproduction in facsimile has been well and satisfactorily done.



' HOE.

times Afted by the Children of Tattles.

* *:~

By Thomas Dcckcr,and lohnWcbftcr.

Imprinted at London by G,


e/fcrrj1 'PR i Mrs.

Enter Lukf Qreene-fiitldivith Fetberjloft

Feth. A Re lure old Majberj Inncs here to nighr, (jrec. jfc\ Tis ccrtainc the honett knanc Chambeile'me that •*• •* hath bin n.y Iiitotmer,mybaud, cucr fmce I knew W.irr aflurts me of it , and more being a Leadmer though altogether vnacqiuinred, I hauc rcqucfted his company at (upper.

Feth. Excellent occafion: how wee (hall cany cuvfducs in this bufinci is onc!y to be thought vprm,

(jrtc.Bc tliat :ny vndcnnking: if 1 do not take a full reucnge of his wines puriiamcall coyiicfTe.

Fttk. Sripivole it fhc fhould be chaft,

C< ee. O i-.ang her -• this art of teeming honcft makes many of our you., g tonnes and heires in thcCit;y, lookefo likcoul prcntifcs, Chambcrlaine.

Cha. Hearc Sir. Enter foamberlaine.

C/ret. Tnis honcft knauc is call'd Imtoctnce , iftnotagood name for a Chamberlainc?he dwelt at Dunjlable not long finer, and hath brought me and the two Butchers Daughters there to intemicw twenty times & not fo little I proteft : how chance you left dunftablc Sirra ?

(T>*. Faith Sir t he townc droopt euer fince the peace in Ire~ /.r«d!,your captaiMc^ were wont to take their leaues of their £.0** tLo>t Polecat i,; thciv wenches I meane Sir) at DunttabJc: the next morning when they had broke theirfaft togeather thewenches brought them to Hockly 'ith hole , & fo the one for London the other for WeftcheJ1er}yomont\y rode nowSir is Torkf forks Sir.

Gree. True,but yet it comes fcant of the Prophefy; Lincolne \\zs, London is,and Torkf Hiall-be.

fr*. YesSir,tisfullfild,ror^fiialbe,that is,it flialbe Torke fli l.furely itwnsthe meaning of the prophet: will you hauc fomc Cray-fifli,and a Spitchcocke.

Enter Ma.ybtry with BclLvneHt,

Feth. And a fat Trout.

A »

Cb*n. You (Kill Sir; :hc Londo^rs you wot of: Green; Mo3 kindly welcome— I bcfccch you hold our bould- ncflfc cxcufcd Sir.

'SetU.Sn it is the hsa'th of Tvnailers , to inioy good company: will you walkc. Ftr&.Whcther Trauaile you I befcech you. M<*7. To London Sir we earn: from Siurb'td^e, Bf/.Itel you Gentlemen 1 haue obferu'd very much with be- ingatfturbridgsjit hath afforded me mirth beyond the length offiuc lactin Comedies; here fhould you mcete a Nor-folk yeo man ful-but; with hishead able to oucr-turne you;and his pret ty wife that followed him, ready to cxcufe the ignorant hard- ncfleof her huf bands forhead, in the gpofc markt number of frcflimenjftuck here and there.with a graduste:like cloucs with great heads in a gammon of bacon: here two gentlemen ma king a mariage betwcene their heires ouerawool-pack;thcrc aMiniftctswife that could fpeakefalfe lattincvciy lifpingly; here two in one corner of a (hop: Londoners felling their wares, & other Gentlemen courting their wiues ; where they take vp petttcoatesyou (held finde fchollers & townf-mcns wiues crou- ding togither while their huf bands wearc in another market bune smorgfl the Oxcn;twas like a campe for in other Coutries fo many Punks do not follow an army.I could mikean excellent difcriptionof it in a Comedy: but whether arc you trauailyng Gentlemen?

Tfth Faith Sir we purpofcd a dangerous voiagc, but vpo better <onfidcra:ion we altcrd our courfc.

M*j. May we without offence pcrtakc the ground of ic.

Gree*,Tis altosither triuial in-footh:but to paflc away : be time till fuppcr.lle deliuer it to you-, with proteftation before .hand,! feekenot to pubhfti eucrygctle»womans difriMicr, only by the- pafla^e of my difcourceto haueyou cenfurcthcftaie-or our quarrel . Bel, Forth Sir.

Grwf.Frequenthig the company of many marchants wiues in the C5tty,my heart oy chance leapt into mine eye to afre&the faireft but with al the falfeft creature that cuer affcftio ftooptto.

M»7. Of what ranck was (he I befcech you, .,

Ftth. Vpon your promifc of fcerefie.

Bel. You fliall clofc it vp like trcafurc of your owne,and yotir fjUcfhaU kccpc the key of it. ..



(jree*. She was and by report ftill is wife to a moft graue and well reputed Cittizcn. <JMay. And entcrtaind your loue.

Green. As Meddowcs do Aprill : the violence as it fccmcdof heraffe&ion— but alas it proucd herdiflcmbling , would at my comoiing and departing be-dcw her eyes with loue droppsjO {he could the art of woman moft feelingly.

Sef. Molt feelingly.

Mny, I fliould not haue lik' d that feelingly had (he bcene my ' wifc,giue vs fome fack hcarc and in faith we arc all friends; &in priuatc— - what was her huf bands name, Ilegiue you a caroufe by and by.

Grtex. O you (hall pardon mcc his name , it fecmcs you afe a Cittizcn , it would bee difcourfc iuough for you ?pon the ex change this fort-night fiisuld 1 tell his name.

'Set. Your modcfty in this wiues commendation; on fir;

GrttM. In the paflagc of our loues,( amorgft other fauours of greatervalew)inc beftowcd vpon me this ringe which flic pro* t cited was her huf band?, gift. Majjhc poefie,thepocfic— Omy hcarr,thatring good infaith: "

Green. Not many nights comming to her and being familiar w.thher. ^/•y.Kifling and fo forth. Cfreen.JSir.

Ma.hnd talking to her fce!inglyG»r.Pox on'r.,1 lay with her.

Afay Good infaitlr'youarc of a good complexion.

(jrcen. Lying* with her as I fay rand rifing fomc-what early fro her in the morning,! loft this ring in her bed.

lAay. In my wiucs bed. />/&. How do you Sir.

Mujf. Nothing : Icttes haue a fire chambcrlaine j I thinke my bootcs haue taken water! hauc fuch a fhuderiwo : ith' bed you %>' Green. Right Sir, in-Miftris yLtibcrie-s flieetes. -

My. Was her name Maybtrj.

Green Beflircw my toBgue for blabbing, I prcfumc vpon your fccrefy. M.j/.O God Sir,but where did you find your loofingj

yrecn. Where J found her falfncflcrwith this Gentlemanjwho by his owne confefflon pcrtiking the like inioyment; found this ring the fame morning on her pillowe , and-fham'd norin ray fight towcareit.

M«r. What did (hcc talke feelingly to him too ) I war- »nt her huf baud wai forth a Towne all this while;


and he poore man crauaild with bud Egges in's pocket , to faue the charge of a baite, whilft (he was at home with her Plotter*, Turkey .Chickens ; do you know that Mtabtrj.

Fti*. No more then by name.

Mxj. Hee's a wondrous hon eft man; lets be merry ; will not your are tenants in common I take it.


M*j. Will not your Miftreffe make much of her husband vvhco he comes home .as if HO fuck legerdemaipe had bin a&ui.

GretH.Ycs (he hath re afo n for't, for in forne countricv.vvhere men and women haue goodtrauaihng (tomackes,thcy begin with porrcdgc ; then they fall to Capon or fo-tbnh : but if Ca pon come fhort of filling their their porridge againc, t is theironely cou t for our women in Engt**d.

My, This wit taking of long loumeys : kindred that comes in ore the hatch,and failing to Weftminlter makes a number of Cuckolds.

Bell. He what an idle qusrrcll is thi^was this her ring ?

Green. Her ring Sir.

May. A pretty idle toy.would you would take mony for't,

Ftth. Great. Mony fir.

Jfdf.The more I looke on't, the more I like it.

BeH Troth 'tis of no great ralew, and coofidering the loflc, and finding of this ring made breach into your friend(hip,Gen- tlemen}with this trifle purchafe his loue,I can tell you he keepea a good Table.

Gretn. What my Miftri s gift ?

Ftth. Faith you are a merry old Gentleman \ He glue you nay part m't.

Green. Troth and mine, with your promife to conceale re from her husband.

<^M*y, Doth he know of it yet ?

Cm*. No Sit.

M*j. He (hall neuer then 1 proteft : looke you this ring doth fit t c me patting well.

Ftth. I am glad we haue fitted you.

M*j. This walking is wholcfome , I a cold euen now*

now I fweat for't.



Feth. Shalts walkc into the Garden Lukf. Gentlemen vvcclc downc and haRen fupper.

, M*}. Lookc you,vve muft be better acquainted that's all. Extent Grein.tntdFetb.'

<]ree». Moft willingly ; Excellent , hee's heat to the proofe, lets with-draw,and giuc him ieaue to raue a little. Maj. Chamberlaine,giue ? $ a deane Towell.

Enter Chambtrlauie. Titll, How now man ?

M*y. I am feolifh old M*yl>erjt and yet I can be wife May- I'irj too ; He to London prefcndy.begon Sir. Sell. How,how ?

MAJ, Nay, nay, Gods pretious you docmiftakc mceMaiftcr BellamoHt ; I am not diftempered, for to know a mans wife is a whore,ii to be refolu'd of it,and to be rcfolued of it, is to make no Cjueftion of it,and when a cafe is out of < jucftion ; what was I faying ?

Bell. Why looke y ou,w hat a diffraction are you falne into ? M*j. If a man be deuorft, doe you fee , dcuorft/«nw4 lurit, whether may he haue an action or no ,gainft thole tha: make honies at him 2

"Bell. O madneflc ! that the frailty of a woman fliould make a ' ^ ^^5fc man thus idle ! yet I protert to my tndcrftanding , this re port feemes a: farre from truth,as you from patience.

May. Then am I a foole , yet I can bee wife and I lift too : what fayes my wedding ring ?

Bell. Indeed that breeds fomc fufpition : for the rett moft grofc and open, for two mtn.both to loue your wife, both to in- ioy her bed, and to meet c you as if by miracle , and not know ing you , vpon no occafion in the world , to tnruft rpon you a ducourfe of a quarrell , with circumftance fo difhoneft,that not '••ny Gentleman but of the countric blufhing, would haue pub. liuu.I and to name you: doe you know them ?

My. Faith now I remember, I haue fccnc them walke muf- fled by my fiiop.

Bell. LUcc enough ;prty God they doe not borrow mony of •»t tw:xt Mrc and Londsn : come fame to blow oner thcfc »«Iowdcj.



r— - \ .

CW*/. Not a clowd,you (hall hauc deaneMoone-/hine,they hauc good fmooth lookcs the fellowes.

Bell, As Ict,they will take yp I warrant you, where I hey may bee truftcd ; will you be merry ?'

* miy, Wondcroas merry ; lets hauc fomcSack to drowns this Cuckoldjdowne with him : wondcrous iiicrry : one word & no rtioicjl am but a foolifti tradcfmau, and yet lie be a wife tradcfman. Exeunt.

.Enttr DtUleadbemeeHt Leuer-poolc/OM/Chartley, after them Philip arrefted.

Phil. Arrcftmc? atwhofcfute ? TomChartltj^icl^LeMir- peoltfiay, Ime arreftcd. Omn, Arrcftcd ?

i.Str. Gentlemen breake not the head of thcpeace; its to no purpofe.for hcc's in the lawes clutches, you'fcc hee's fengd.

Doll. Vds life, doe you fland with your naked weapons hi your hand , and doe nothing with cm ? put one of em into my fmgers,Ile tickle thcpimplc-nofcd varlctj.

Phil. Hold Doll, thrurt not a weapon vpon a madwoman, Officers fiep back into the Tauerne , you might ha tane mee ith ftrcctc,and not ith' Tauerne entrie,you Cannibals.

Ser. Wee did it for your credit Sir.

. .

Chart. How much i$ the debt ? Drawer , fome wine,

Enter rDr*air.

•i. Ser. Fourefcorc pound : can you fend for Baile Sir ? or •fc what will you doe ? wee cannot ftay.

Doll. You cannot , you pafty-fbotcd Rafcalis ,you will Aay one day in hell.

PM. Foure fcore pounds drawes deepe; farewell 2)o//,comc ^ericantSjIleftcptomineVnclenotfarreorT, here-byin Pud ding lane,and he {hall bailc mee : if not, C^fy y°u ^'^ ^a<^e me playing at Span-counter, and fo farewell- Send mee fome Tobacco. I JStr. Haue an eye to his hands.

2.&r.Haue an ey: to his legges. Bxtttnt. Dell, Ime as melancholy now?

CWf.Villar.ous fpitefull 1 uck,Il c hold my life fone of thefc fawfie Drawers betrayd him.

Dj^nr.Wccfir! no by Gad Sir, wcc fconw to hauc > Mu in our company,



lexer. No,no,hec was dogd in,this is tfic end of all dyeing.

'Dott. This is the end of all whores, co fall into the hands of knaucs,Drawcr,tye'myfhoc pry thcc.- the new knotas.thou fedt this : 'Philip is a good honeft Gentleman , I louc him bc- caufeheclefpend, but when Ifaw him on his Fathers Hobby, and a brace of Punkes .following him in a coach, 1 told him hce would iun oot,haft done boy ?

Dr<xv. Yes forlboth : by my troth you haue a dainty legge.

Doll. How now good-man rogue.

Draw. Nay fwccce MiGrcffe2>«//.

'Doll. Doll\ you reprobate/ out you Bawd for fcauen yeare« . by the cuftome of the Ckty.

Dn.v.Good Mittris 'Derethj ; the pox take met, if I toucht

yourlegge but to a good intent. Doll. Prate yourtht

Prate yourthe rotten toothd rafcall, will for fixe pence fetch any whore to his maitters cuflomers: and is euery one that fwinis in a 1 aff.uic gowne Lettis for your lippes? vds life, this is rare,that Gentlewomen and Drawers,mu(i fuck atone Spiggot: Doc you laugh you vnfeafonable puck-fill? doc you gi in?

Chart. Away Drawer : hold pry thee good toguc , holdcmy ' fweete 'ZJ^a pox a this fwaggering.

Doll. roxayourgutts,youi-kidney<;rncw: hang ycc,rookc: Tmc as melancholy now as Fleet-ftrcctein a long vacation.

LtMtr. Melancholy? come wcelchafomcmuld Sack.

Doll. When begins the tcrmc ?

Chart. Why ?ha>tany fuites to betryed at Wcfiminftet ?

2)*//. My Sutcs you bafciuffian Lauc bcene tryed atWcft- minftcr already : fofoouc as euerthe tcrmc begins, He change my lodging , it (lands out a the way; lie lye about Charing- crofic,for if there be any ftirrings,thcre we ihall haue 'em : or if fome Dutch-man woa'd ccme from the States I oh ! thefe f lemmings pay foundly for what they take.

Letter. If thou'thauca lodging Weft-ward 2V/, lie fittc thee.

Dell. AtTyburne willyounot? a lodging of your proui- ding ? to bee cal d a Lieutenants , or a Captaines wench 1 oh ! I fcorneto bee one of your Low-country commodities,!; is / this body made to bcc maintcincd with Proliant and dead

B pay:



nay ? no : the Mercer muft bee paide , and Saccin gown* aiuft bee tanc vp. L'-ffc. , Ch/trt. And gallon pots muft be tumbled downe.

Doll, Stay : I hauc had a plot a breeding ia my brainc«— Arc all the Q^elt-houfcs broken rp ? Leutr. Ycs,long fince : what then ?

'DaJl. What then rmiry rhen is the wind come about and for thole poorc wenches that before Chiifttnaflc flea Weft-ward with big and biggag?, come now fai'ing a'ongft the lee fhore with a Northerly winde. and we that had warrants to lie with out the liberties , come now dropping into the frecdomeby Owle-liglit fneakingly.

Ch trt. But Doll, whats the p!or thou fpakft off? Dill. Mary this : Gentlemen, and Tobacco-ftincken , and fuch like arc (till buzzing where f A'cctc mcates aic (like Flycs) but they make any ficfh Itinkc that chcy blow vpon: I will leauc thofefcllowes therefore in the hands of their Landrcflcs : Sil- ucr is the Kings ftampe,min Gods ftampc,and a woman is mans ihmpc , \vcc are not currant til! weepafle from one tiian to art- other. . Bith: Very good.

Doll I will therefore take a fairehoufe in the Citty: no mat. ter tho it be a Tauerne that has blowoc vp his Maiftcr : it (hall bcintradeftilljfor I knowdiucrfc Taucrnc; ith Towne, that haue but a Wall bctweene them and a hottc- houfc . It fhall then bee giuen out, that I'me a Gentlewoman of fuch a birth, fuch a wealth , haue had fuch a breeding, and fo foorth , and of fuch a carriage, and fuch qualHties/aod fo forth : to fct it off the better, o\AI*c1^Hor»tt fliall take ypponhim to bee my Father.

Leutr. Excellent, with a chaine about k;s neck and fo forth. Doll. For that, Saint Martins and wee will talke : I know we fhall hauc Gudgions bite prefently :if they doe boye$, you (hall Hue like Knights fe'.lowes; as occafion ferues, you (hall vvearc liueries and wake, but when Gulls are my wmde-falls, you fhall be Ge itlemcn, and kecpe them company : fcekc out Itck. Hornet incontinently. Ltxtr. Wee will ; come Cfarefy, VTcele playe our partc* I

' JfCTS.


The world's a ftagc , from which grange fliapcs we borrow: To day we are honeft, and rankc knaucs to morrow. SxitMt.

Enter Maybcry,Bellamont,4»4x Prentict. M*}. Wncre is your Mtftris,villainc ? when went fhe abroad ? Pretit. Abroad Sir, why afleonc as (he was vp Sir.

M&j, Vp Sir, do wnc Sir,fo fir : Maiftcr BelbmoMt , I will tell y«u a (trsnge fccrct in Naturc.this boy is my wiues bawd.

Bell. O He fir.fiejthc boy he doe's not looke like a Bawde^he has no double chin.

Pren. No fir , nor my breath docs not ftiuke, I fme'll not of Garlickor./4f»<*-tw<* : I vfe not to bee diunke wth Sack and Sugar: I fweare not Cod dam me,if I know vvhcre the party ij, >vbcn 'tis a lye and I doe know: I was neucr Carted ( but in har- ucft ) ncucr vvhipt but at Schoole : neuer had the Grincomi : ncucr fold one Maiden-head ten feuerail times, ftift to an £*f- /<^»M»,thento a Welftmxn, then to a fD>ttcbm*Mt then toapoc- kie Fre*cbm<vtt\ hope Sir I am no Bawd then.

MO.J. Thou art a Babax»e,*nd holdft me with trick es, vrhilft tny Wife grafts grafts,away,crudge,run,fcarch her out by land, and by water.

Pt en. Well Sir,thc land He ferret , and after that Be' fearch her by water, for it may be (hces gone to Bntmftrd. £*it.

Mttyf>.. Jt.quire at one of trine Aunts.

tell Oneol your Aunts are you mad ?

Mnyb. Yca,as many of the twelue companiesarCj troubled, troubled. .- * '•'

"Bil. I;c chitic you : goe too,I!e chide you foundly.

^laj. Oh rmifter EeKamcnt I

'Bel. On Maifter Mtybery \ before your Scruant to daunce a Lancashire Home -pipe : it fhcwcs worfc to mce then dancing dees to a deafe man that Tecs not the riddles : Sfoot you talke like aPlaver.

(Jttajb. IfaPlayer talke like a mad-man , or a foole, or art Afle, and knowes not vyhat hee talkes ,then IT^C one : you are a Pcet Maifter 'Btllamont , I will beftow a piece of Plate vpon you to bring my wife vpon the Stage, wud not her humor pleafe Gentlemen.

B a Br//4J


BtlU. I thinke it would : yours wud make Gentlemen as fatt ts fooles : I wud giuc two pccces of Platc,to haue you ftand by mc.when I were to write a iealous mans part : lealous men are eyther knaucs or Cox combes, bee you neithei : you wcare yel low hofc without caufe.

May. With-out caufc, when my Marc be arcs double : with out caufc ? Bell. And Without v.'it.

Mij. When two Virginlll lacks skip vp , as the key of my inftrumcnt goei downe ! B:l. They ate two wicked ciders. Mny. When my wiucs ting docs finoake tbr't. Be'l. Your wiucs ring may dccciuc you. M*j. OMaiftcrBf/A**w»f ! had it not beenc my wife had made me a Cuckoldjitfhouldncuer haue grecued met. "Be I, You wrong her rpon my foule. MM. No,fhc wrongs me vpon her body.

Enter « Serving****,

Bel, Now blew-bottlc ? what flutter you for Sea-pyc? Str. Noc to catch filh Sir,my young Maiftcr,y*ur Ibnne mai- fter Philip is taken prifoner. Bel. By the Dunkirk*.

Str. Worfc : by Castcli-polls: hee's encountred. BeL Shall I neucrfcc that prodtgall come home. Sw.Ycs Sir, ifyoule fetch him out , you may kill a Calfe for him . Bel. For how much lyes he ?

Str. The debt is foure fcore pound,aurry he chargde mee to tell you it was foure fcore and ten , fo that he lies oncly for the odde ten pound.

Bet. His childs part flial now ptid,thi( mony flialbe his laft, & this Texation the laft of mine : if y ou had fuch a fonne mai- fter iMtubtrit. M*/.To fuch a wife, twere an excellent couple. Btl. Releafe him,and releafe me of much forrow, 1 will buy a Sonne no nv»e : goe redeeme htm. nter PrentictMA

Prat. Here's theparty Sir. UWirfwr/ir//*,

C/K«. Hence,tnd lock faft the dorei^ow is my prize. frmt . If (he bcatc you not at yout owne weapon , w»o her Buckler were cleft in twd peece«a Exit.

Btl. I will not haue you handle her too roughly. CUtt.No,! will like a lufticc ofpeace.grow to the point: are net you a whore : neoec ftajrc: thou att a .dotbworker,»n*haft &\ imidmc. W*


fpift. Ho\v Sir, iiico wha" $ir,haue I curn'd you?

//a/. lutoa Ciuill Suite: into a fober beaft.-a Land-rat,* Cuckold:thou art a common bedfcllow,art notPart not?

Wif. Sir this Language,to me 1$ ftrange,! vndcritand it not.

Maj. Q ! you ftudic the frcnch now.

Wife. Good Sir, lend me patience,

lA*y. \ made a fallade of that herbe : docft fee thefc flefii- hookcs, I could teare ou t thofc fall c ey es,thofc Cats eyes, that can fee in the night: punck I could.

Bel. Heare her anfwcr for her felfe.

Wtf. Good Matftcr Belltmtnt, Let him not dome violence : deere Sir, Should any but your felfc (hoote out thtfc names, I would put oft all female mo deity, To be rcueng' d on him.

Mxr . Know'tt thou this ring ? there has bin old running at the ringfincclwent.

mfe. Yes Sir, this ring is mine,he was a villaync, That ftole it from my hand : he was a villaync: That put jt into yours.

Mxr/« They were no villaynes, When they flood ftoutly forme : woke your part: And ftcad of collours fought vnder my flieetcs* Wife. I know not what you mcane. H«r. They lay with the : I mcane plainc dealing; wife. With me ! if euerl had thought vnclcanc, In deteflation of your, nuptiall pillow: Let Snifter drop ftom Heaucn, and naile my body Dead to this earth : that flaue.that damned fury «

(Whofc whipi are in your tongue to torture me) Catting an eye vnlawfull on my cheeke, Haunted your thre-(hold dai1y,and threw forth All tempting baytcs which lufl and credulous youth, Apply to our frailc fcx:but thofc being weake The fccond fcige he iayd was in fweete wordes.

MX/. And thco the breach was made.

"Sfl. Nay,nay, heare all.

Wife. At lafth* takes me fitting at your doje,

-- '''»

HO 8.

Seizes my palme.and by the charme of o:he» (Back to rcftore it ftraight) he won my hand, To nownc hit finger with that hoope of go! d. I did demand it , but he mad with rage And with dci'.rcs Tnbrideledjfled and vow'd, That ring ftiould nice vndo : and now belike His fpells haue wrought on you . But I bcfeech you, .To dare him to ray face>and in meane time Deny me bcd-roome.driue me from your board, D: (grace me in the habit of your flauc, Lodge me in fome difcomfbrtabfe vault Where neither Sun nor Moonc may couck ray fight, Till of this flandcr I my foule acquite.

Btl. Guiltleflc vpon my foule.

M.y. Troth fo thinke 1. I now draw in your bow, as I before Suppof d they drew in mine :my ftrcamc'of iclozy, Ebs back againe,and I that like a horfe Ran blind-told in a Mill ( all in one circle) Yet thought I had gon fore-right,now fpy my error; ' Villaincs you haue abufd me, and I vow Sharp vengeance on your heads:dnue in ycurteaies I take your word y a'rc honeft, which good men, Veiy good men w ill fcarcc do to their wiues. I will bring home tbefc ferpents and allow them, The hcate of mine owne bofeme:vrifc I charge you .Set out your hauiours towards them in fuch collours, As if you had bin their whorc,Ilc haue it fo, lie candy o'rc my words,and fleeke my brow,

Intreate 'em that they would not point at me, ^ Nor mock my horne$,with this Anne He embrace cm

And with this go too.

irift. Oh we fhall haue murder-~you kill my heart.

But I will b.e rcucng'd they that do wrong

Teach others war to right : He fetch my blow

Faire and a far off and as Fencers vfc &t«r Philip

Tho at the foote Jftiifethc he»dHc bruize. '


Bel. He layne, with you : !ets m!kc:oh!heres my Sonne. Welcome a fhore Sir : from whence come ycu pray. Pit. From the houfc of praier and rafting the Counter.

Bel. Art not, thoualham'd to bee fecncconae outofapri- fon.

Pit. No Gods my Iudgc,butl was afliarn'dto goe into prifon.

Sf/.Iamtold fir,thatyou fpend your credit and your coine vpon a light woman.

Thil. 1 ha fccne light gold fir, paflc away amongft Mer cers.

Bel. And that you haue layd thirty or fortie pounds vpon her back in taffaty gqwnes.aad filkc petticoates.

Phil. None but Taylors will fayfo,Inerc lay 'd any thing; vpon her backe : I confefle I tooke vp a petticoate and a raiz'd fore-part for her, but who has to do with that ? <Jbtay. Mary tha: has euery body Maifter Philip. Bel. leauehcr company, or leaueme,for fhce'sawomanof an ill name.

Phil. Her ram e is Dorothy fir,T hope thats no il name. Bel. What is fhe?what wilt thou do with her? Phil. Sbloud fir what docs he with her? "Bel. Doeft mcane to marry her? of what birth is lhe»? what arc her commings in what 'docs {he Hue vpon?

Phillip. Rents fir, Rents , fhec liucs vpon her Rents , and I can haue her. Bel. You can,

Phi!. Nay father, ifdefiiny dogge meelmufthaue her: you haue often could nice the nine Mufcs are all women , and you dealc with .them , may not I the betcer bee allowed one than you fo many ? looke you Sir, the Northerne man loues whitc-m'atcs.the Seuthery man Sallades,the Efler hiaii a Calfc , the Ktntifliman a Wag-taile , the Lanca/hire man an Egg-pic, the WclQiman Leekes and Cheefe , and your Londoners rawe Mutton , fo Father god-boy , I was borne in Landon.

B*/k. Stay , lookc you Sir , as hce that Hues vpon Sal- lades without Mutton, fccdes like an Oxc,( for hec eate*

. . UOS.

graffc yotf kbowe )yet as hungry as an Aftc , and as hee that makes a dinner of Icekcs will hauc leane chcckcs.ib, thou foolilh Londoner, if nothing but rsw mutton can diet thee, looke to liue like a foolc and a flaue,and to die like a beggtr and a knauCjCome Maiftcr Mx/£rr»,farewcll boy.

Fk'tl. Farewell father Snot Sufifl haue her , lie fpend more in muftard & rineger in a yeare,then both you in becfe.

Both. More faucyknauc thou. Exeunt.

i. Sctn*. I.

Inter Hornet,Doll,Leucrpoolc WClurtly tikefe

Ham, AMI like a fidfers bafe violl ( new fet vp, ) in a good L\ cafe boics ? id neate, is it terfe I am I hanfome?ha'

Omn. Admtrxble>excellent.

£«/.An vnder (heriffe cannot coucr a knaue more cunningly.

Letter, Sfoot if he fhould come before a Church .w ardc n , he Wudmake him peu-fellovt with a Lords Reward at Iraft.

Ham, If I had but a flaffe in my Iiand , fooles wud thinkc 1 were one of Siawr and ludes gentlemen vfhf r;,and that mj ap. parell were hir'd: they fay three Taylors go to the making vp of a man,but Imc fure I had fourc Taylors and a halfe went to the making of me thus : this Suite tho it ha bin canuaft well,y et tis nolaw-fuice/ortvftfaiipatchtiboncrthana poiTctoa a wed ding night.

Del. Why I tcl thee lack Hbntttf the Diuel and all the Bro kers in long lane had rifled their wardrob , they wud ha bcene dauabd before they had fitted thee thus.

I , Hern. Punck , 1 Qi all bee a ilmple father for you .• how does

my chaine (how now' I vvilkc.

Dol. If thou weit hung in chaines, thou cou'dft not (how better.

Chart. Bat how fit our blcw-coates on our backes.

tD«t. As they do ?pon banckrout retainers backes at Saint Getrges fcaft in Z,«/nfc>»:but at Weflmivfttrjx. makes 'cm fcorne the badge of their occupation: there the bragging velure-cani- ond hobbi-horfet , praunce rp and downe as if foine a the Tilters had ridden 'em .

foot,if th ey be banckrouts^tis like fome haue nddcn

sv i/ A 7 n-wA K I) HO E.

'em : and tKcre-Jvpon the Ciii^ns Pi-oucibc rifcf , when hee 4 fjyes; he trails co a broken ftatlc.

Doll. Hornet .now you play my Father,takc heed you be not out ot yourparr.and fhameyour adopted Daughter.

Horn, I will lockegraucly Doll,\ (doc you fee boy cs) like the fore-man of a lury : and fpeake wifely like a Lattin Schoolc- maiftcr.and be furly and dogged, and proud like the Keeper of apnfon.

Letter. You muft liehorrib'y.when you talVeofyour lands.

Horn. No (hop-keeper iLall out lycmce ,nay, no Fencer1! when I hem lhall duck : when I cough andfpit gob bets 'Z>*i'.

Doll. The pox 0 all be in your lungs Horiiet,

Hor. No DoK, thele with their high fhoes rtiall tread me out. .

1)011, All the leflbns that I haprickt out for'cnys when the VVcther-cock of my body turncs towards them,toftand bate.

Horn. And not to be fawcic as Seruing-men arc. fox-. CottiCjCome, we arc no fuch creatures as you take TS for. .

2J4/.1F v c hauc but good draughts in my pcctcr-boatajficili Salnion you fweetc villaines fliall be no meatewith vs.

Hertt. S toot nothing mooues my choller,but that my chaine is Copper .- but tis no matter, better men than old Jack, Htnttt rnue rode vp Holburne,with as bad a thing about Uvir.neckcs as this : your right whiffler indeed hangs himklte in Saint .1/<w//'»/.and not in ChtApe-Jide.

'Doll. Peace, feme-body rings : run both, whilfthc Has the the rope in's hand,if it b; a prize^hale kiinjfa nun a' war, blow him vp,or hang him out at r he nuiney cards end.

Horn, But what ghoft. (hold vp my fine Gixle ) \vhat ghofij haunts thy houfc ? . -\

Dttt. Oh ! why diueife : I hauc a Clothiers Fadtor or two ; a Grocer that would faincPcppct me, a«>#7>Gapraine that hies hard fcegc.a Dutch Marchat, thatv\ould fpend al that he's abTc * to make ith' low countries, but to takemeafu e G<; my Holland fliccccs when I Jye in 'em : I hcaic trampling : 'tis my i-Umifti' Hoy.

E-i:er Lcuerpoolc.Chari'y^WHan!- v.'O Icii'i.

Hans. par istjn: v:-w,n;:5 uu; rrw : -co/»,f-:;<- ^



tine faiHtnc , ojinhs Vellum spSc fc ctfc : Hsmpf, tuts tyinchgelt.

£«<«-. Till our crowncs crack agcn Maificr Hau VM Btlcb

Hans, ^oto ift met pOHjboto itt brc * bjaltefo ^ To//. 3efe bare toell CfoD eenttc pc u : Nay Jme an apt fchol- ler and can take.

H**i. Datt is gooD , uott w goon : Jrfj can nnrt Cap tr ng t foj 31cb fceb en f&ip came itoto fopon De uater t j3D mine fctffl* men tiro^tocc fall Dauce-lantecra, teera,an» On0 3ch faatncto to t'ou rain l)crc,tan: toat mania Datbro.

Hor.Nay pray fit ®n.

HJ»J. CJ^at ljonD0 foat is uat jsDfljrot&p.

k 2)«//Tis my father.

H<z»/.(35ott0 &acramcntl?onr tiatserltwljp fcpgl? rn vou met

t To to me ! mine ijcarf tu mine all great iefirc , to cuii t'ou

mine toner ta foj Jcfe loue Dis fc^onen bro ponr DAc^tecHitt.

Hw.Siryou arc welcome in the way of honefly.

/faw.jttl? bcoantfcpou : jcUl^cbfo gt)c fiianoenlutDer.

//4rw. Whats your name I pray. //^/.a? i;n nom bin Hans van Belch..

, tis ft, be aren't™ man i* alteet re» imtibcrme.

ffom.Doc y ou play tl>c raarchantjfbnne ~Btlch. HMJ.PM 'oaocr: jitbfyeb DC f nip Mm note fcpor If POU cnnoatp, goe bp in DC little S>lup oat goe fo puiD bp to trapping , 5(fe fal bear* vou on mp bacfae t anB ^ang vou about tnin nech into min groct &btp.

Horn. He Say cs D»//, he"would haue thee to Wapping and -, r bang thee.

2)o//.No Father I vnderftand him,but maifter HMS , I would not be icene hanging about any mans neck, to be counted his levrclljfbr any gold. ( Harw.Is your father Huing Maifter H4»/.

JW.J0AU , pan , min baber ^eb fcfjonen ^nfeninAHs- « burgh groet mine l) ear c is mine babero buber, mine babet Ijeb lano,anb bin full »f fit,oat w btatt0?catUU

*- .*.=*. ~JU

HOE. ~y

Hans. Jpin tuioci bin nc jjrotcft foofect in all Ausbrtugfi,

Del. The great ci J wiiat? > Letter. Fookcr tie laics. Do/. Out vpon him.

Han. f?aU) tfsto/ooUcr is en greet min tjere fyee* en *l* Herman tan« Cttty,got« facramcntjfoat us DC clocfc- jtcU met

H»r. Call his watch before you,if you can. D^tf. Hers a pretiy thing:d« thcle whcclcs fpin vp the h«urcs! v.hats a clock.

Han. 3cl)t:wato tisane.

Dol. We can hcare neither clock,nor lack going,wee dwell in fuch a place that I fearc J fliallneuer findc the way to Church, becaufcche bells hang fo farre; Such a watch as this, would make me go downcwith the Lamb , and be vp with the Laikc.

Hans. &V gljcn v*nu fo^o; it to.

Dill. Ofic: Jdocbucicfl,fbr intrueth Icoiildncucrabidca watch

HAU. 3»otts factMmcnf,3f fe nict ^cb it aw moje,

(xeunt Leuei-poole and Charily. Do/. An other pi. ale I good father lanch out this Hollander.

Hum, Come Ma l^cr R;!ch, I will bring you to the water-fide, perhaps to Wapping,aud there lie leauc you.

Han. jlcb b .Miarti-tt you tjafier. Sxit.

Doll. Tncy fay Whores and bawdcs go by docks ,but what a Manafles is this to buy twelue hourcs Ib decrely , and then bee begd out ot 'cm fo eafily ? hecle be out at hecles fliortly furc for he's out about the clockcs already : O foolifh young man how doeft thou fpcnd thy time?

Enter Lcuer-poole_/6y?,r^<wf Allom and Charily.

Lr«r. Your groce^

Da/.fNay Sfoot , then ilc change my tune : I may caufe fuch Icadcn-heeld rafcalls ; out of my fight : a knife , a knife I fay ; O Maifter Allont , if you loue a woman , draw out your knife and vndome vndome. *

A//».Swcetc miftrisDontf^jVvhatftiould yOU do with a knife, it; ill medhng with edge tooles, what's the matter Maiflers! kuifcGodblcflevs.

C * ttntr. |

KOHTH-irARD HOE. Len. Sfoot what tricks at noddy arc thcfe. 2>o. Oh I fhal bur(t,if I cut net my lacerl'mc fo vext!iny father life's ridde to Court:onc was a^outa matter of a 1000. pound weight; and one of his men !ik c a roaguc as he is)is rid another way for reins , 1 Icokt to haur had him vp ycikrday , and vp to day.and yet face lliowcs not 1' i > head ; lure he's run away, or robd & ! un thorough ; and h ci c was a Icriuencr but euen now, ta put my tarhcr in niindc of a bor,H,(hat wilbc Forfit this night irthemonybe not payd Mailer All<.mt Such croflc fortune! AHo. How much ii the bond? Ch.irt. O rare little villainc.

Dol. My father could takcrp, vponthc barcnefie of his word fiuc hundred poundrahd Hue toe. Allam. What is the debt? Dol. But hee fcoraes to bee and I fcome to bee— Allom. Pice thcc fvvcete Miftris Dorothy vex not , how much is it?

D»l. Alas Maifter AlltmjC^ but poore fifty pound. e/f llo. If that bee all, you (hall vpon your worde take vp fo much with mcranoc her time ile run as far in your bookcs. Dil. Sir, I know not how to repay this kindncflc : but when

my father :

All. Tufli,tufh,tij not worth the talkingrlu^ jo pound?when is ittobepayd.

Dol. Betwcene one and two. 7,««r.That's wee tore.

Mom. Let one of your men goe along , and lie fend your fifty pound!

Dol. You fo bind mee fir , ^goe firra : Maifter Mlom.l ha fome quinces brought from our houfcirh Country toprcfcrue, when ftiall we haue any good Sugcr come ouer ? thewarres in Barbary makeS iger at fuch anexcefliucratc ; you pay fyveetely now I warranter do you not. A/ You Oval haue a whole cheft of Sugar if you pleafc. Dol. Nay by my faith foure or fiueloues wil-be enough, and lie pay you at my firft child Maiftcr A//WW. A//»i».;Co;i»enr ifait^, ;'»va man (hall bring all vndcr one , lie borro/'-'^'H1* ofyou*« parting. '


* Del. You fljallfir.I borrow more of you. Ex.hlb.&Le*.

(;l)*rt. Sauc you Captainc.

'Dol. Welcome good captainc lynl^r.s,

CtiptMue, What is hcc a Barber Surgeon , tliat drcft your lippcsfo.

Dol. A Barber . hec's may Taylof; I bidde him mcatiire how liie,hcc would make the Handing collerof my new Taff'atic Gowue before,and hec js Tailors \\ilbc fawcicand lickcrifh, laid mce ore the lippcs.

foptMnc. Yds bloud ilc laic him crofle vpon his coxcomb nextdaie.

Dol. You know ti$ not for a Gentlewoman to fland with a knaue,for a fmall matter,and fo I wud not ftriuc with him,onc- lie to be rid of him.

C*pt~ If I take Maifter prick-loufe ramping fb hie againe, by this Iron( which is none a gods Angell) lie make him know howtokiflc your blind check es fooncr: miftris DorsthrUoi- n<rt,Iwudnot haueyoubee a hornet, tohckeat CowiTierds, but to fl)ng fuch fl,rcdi ofrtfcallity : will you ling a Tailor (hall haue mcc my ioy?

« Dal. Captainc , ile bee lead by ycu in any thing ! a Taylor ! foh.

fript. Of what ftature or fife hauc you a ftomach to haue your huf bandjiow?

Dol. Of the mcanei^ llature Captainc, not a fizc longer than your fclfc^nor Shorter.

Caf. By god , ris wcl laid all your bcft Captainc in fht Low- countries ate as taller as I : but why of my pitch Miilriibal?

Dol. Becaufc your fmallcft ^rrowrs fiic fartheH; ah you little hard-tauord villainc, but fwcctcviUaine,! louethee bee- caulc thou't draw a my fide,hang the roaguc that will not fight for a woman.

Cjf. Yds blotrld, and hangc him for vrfc than a roague that w ill flafh and cut foran cman,if fiic be a whore.

Dol. Prcethc good Captaine/r«^/, teach rnec tofpeake feme welch , mec thinkes a Welch: *. t tongu '-ncatcft tongue.' '"' *" ; ' k

fop. As any tongue in the yrid,vnlcflc Cr.t ma. cr> . that's fife. D 3 Doll

HOE. f. Do/. How cio you fay,I louc you with all my heart.

Cap. Aft car vhet.ea hellon.

Dol. Y>\trar4vhee,en htl-hinxd.

Cap. Hel.hoM»d,o menditjmy cur A whet {H helltn,

Dol. O,my cxr* vhee en bellon.

£ap. Oh ! and you went to wryting fchoole twenty fcore y care in Wdtt , by Scfu , you cannot hauc better yttrance , for welch.

Dol. Come tit mcc, come tat mee , come throw a kiflfc at me, how is that? Gtp.By gad I kanow not,what your tit mees,and tat mee$ arc,

but mte iMtb* Sbloud 1 know what kiflcs bc.afwcl

as I know a Welch hooke , if you will goe dovvnc with Shrop^. fheere cariers you flul hauc Welch enough in yourpellies forty weelres.

'Dal. Sty Captaine that I ftiould follow your collours iuto your Country how fhould I fare there?

C*f. Fare ? by Sefu , O there is the moft abominable fcere! and wider filuer pots to dripck in .andfoftcrpeds tolicyponae do our necelTary pufm cs , and fairer houfcs.and parkcs,8c holes for Conies, and more money, bcfides toftcd Sees and butter- milke in N»rt\m*lts diggon : bcfide$,harpe$ & Welch Freeze, and Goafcs, and Cow-hcc!cs, and Mctheglin,ouh,it maybe fee in thcKernicleSjWil you march thither?

Dol. Not with your Shrop-flieire cariers.Captaine.

C*f. Will you go with Captaine lenkyi and fee hisCouzen MtMnc vpon Ienk»» there , and ile run hedlongs by and by,& batter away money for a new Coach to iolc you in. Dol, Bellow your Coach Vpon me,o: two young w'nitc Mares, and you fliall fee how Ile ride.

Cap. Will yout-by all the leckes that are worne on Saint Da- uics daic I will buy not only a Coach , with fourc whzeles , but alfo a white Marc and a ftonehorfc too.bccaufc they fha! traw yoUjTcry if the diuill were in their avfes. Sxit. How now,more Tailors ••• - (JMtctcs Vhillif.

Phi. How firjTaylors,

25«/. O good Captaine.tis my Couzen.

*"•/ Enter Ltnerfoole4t Mother dore.

-.IS -xj-vms '— ~ -" < »

C*f. If he , I will Couzen youthen fir coo/uie day. P*«/. I hope fir then to Couzcn you too. C*/>.Byg<idIhobc{o,fare-wcllS«£tt;/f». Exit.

Letter. Her's botR moncy,and fuger. D«/.Ofwcer.cvillainc, fet irvp. Exit^dEattrfrtfently, P/W.Sfoot,what tame fuaggci cr was this 1 met Doll. Dot. A Captaine,a Captaiue:but haftfeap't the Dttnkerk* ho- neft 'Philip [ Philip ryalls arc not more welcome: did thy father pay the mot?

Phil. He pai'd that fhot.and then motpiftolets into my poc- ^3 kets : harkc wcnch:chmck chink,make$ the punck wanton and the Baud to winck. Capers.

Chxrt. O rarcmufick.

Leutr. Hcauenly confort.better than old (JMoortes. Phil. But why ? whyD»/, goe thefc two like Bcadells in b!ew?ha? j

Dell. Theres a mbrrall in that : flea off your skins , you Sj pretious Caniballs :O that the welch. Captaine were here a-- gaine,and a drum with him,I could march now,rari;tan,tanjta~ ra/anjtan.tanjfirra Pht/ip has thy father any plate in's houfe. Phil. Enough tofctvp aGold-fmizhes mop. Do/ Canit not borrow lome of it ? wcefliall Aauc guefts ro morrow or next day, and fwud fcruc the hungry rag-a-muffinf in platc,tho twcre none of mine owne.

Phil. 1 fliall hardly borrow it of him bitt 1 could get one of mine Aunts , to beat'-1 the bu(h for mcc , and (he might get the bird. -j

Dal. Why prec thejet me bee one of thine Aunts,and doe ic for me then. As ImcvertuousandaGendcwomanikrcftore. Phil. Say no more t is don.

Dol What manner of man is thy father ? Sfoot ide faiuefee the witty Monky becaufethou fayfthe's a Poet : iletell thee, what i\cAo:Lt*er-poole or Chxnly, mall like my Gentleman ?& her goe to him,and fay fuch a Lady fends for him, about a foiH .1 net or an epitaph for her child that dictHtnurfcjorforfome deuice about a maske or fojif he comes you mall ftand in a cor. ner.and fee in what State ilcbcare my felfe : he does not know mc,nor my lodging. Phil. \

<U.J& a match Sirs? fh»lls be mcry wittyim and his mufc i*. Agrccdi4ny fcatfold to execute khauery vpon.

'DM. llrffeod then my vant-currcrprcfcntly : in the meane time,mifche»fiaer<h«X:aptainc,fcoundrcls,co:neholdme vp Looke how Salri** funck ith' riucr Setter™, So will w< foure be drunkc uh' %-wrack Fautrne. Exeunt. Enter BeltaitiDnt,M:iybciy)4»^.<M»/?r<rJ(/* Maybcry.

Mq. Comf Wife, ouj: two.gailants will be here prefcmly : I hiae promirt them the bcftof entertainment, with protcftati- o;> neucr to reye^c to thee their flandcr : I will hauc thee bcatc thy fclfe,a»iftnbtf madeit a fcaft vpon Stmen and fwies day , to country Gentleafometi, that came to fee the Pageant, bid them extreamly welcome,ehough thou wifti their throats cut; 'tis in fafhien. W/^O Qod I /hall nencrindure them.

Bell. Indtuc them,:.Jrou are a foole : make it your cafe , as it may b«mail^womcnsofthcFrccdomc:ihat you had a friend i n priuate t whoipjour husbarutfrioumiay to his bofome .• and he ittrcquitall {H*uld lay his wirc^> hisbofeqic: what treads of the toe, fafatations by winckes,difcourfe Ny bitings of the lip, amorous glances , fvvcete ftolnc kiffes when your husbands backs turn d .would pa/Tc bet weene them , bearc yom fclfe to (Jreenejbitld,u if you did louc him foraflfcdmg you fo intirely, not taking any notice of his ionrncy ytheile puj more trjcks vp on you : you told me gree»efl>ield meanc* to jfcdng his Siller to your hauc her boord here.

/l/»7.Right,fliee4 (bme crackt Jcmy-culucrin.that hatnraif- . cariedin femicerno matter though it be fome charge to me for •a tinse,! care not. Wife Lord was there euer fuch a husband?

^/*r. Why, wouldft thou haue rae fuffq their tongues to run at large, in Ordinaries and Cock-pits ; though the Knaues doe rye ,j tell you Maifter BelUmont , lyes that come from fternc lookes,and Sattin out-fides,and guilt RapicM alfo.willbc put vp and goe for currant. . . (mans difcredit.


Vpotithem : I was in doubt I Hiould haue grp ^* it were nor for law fuitcs : and fcare ofour wiu«j


¥' ' %

mould grow out olau compafTe : they come, my worthy friends vdcomc : look; my wiucs colour rifts already. GrtfH. You hauc not made her acquainted with she difcoocry. Mtt}. O by no mcancs : ycc fee Gentlemen the afte&ion of an old man ; I would faiae make all whole a gen. Wife gjuc entertainment to our new acquaimancc.yourlips.wife/my wo- ma may lend her lips without her husbands priuiry tis alowablc, Wife. You are very welcome; I thinkc it be ccere dinner t«»« Gendcmen: lie wi II the inside to coucr.and rcturne picfemly. £'if.Godspcetious whv doth flic leauethem? Exit.

. O T k ..ow her ftoi uck : fhee h but jretirdcinto another rt with crying a little : it hath eucrbia i; j.or6.t:mcsinaday,whenCouiti- <¥$ haue r ?^>c he . -,if a;:y thing iuth bin our of ordc', and yet , H fery rctt te latent a%d biji as nicr ;y : & how is it Gcaiiemen, / yt •' are well acquainted \vith this roou i ^atc you not? , grre. I had a dcl!icasc banquet once on that ;able. (chaoiber, good dme:but you arc better acquainted w:tn my bed BeU.Wcic thccloath of gold Cufhins ford) At yo*tt cnr tertataement ? . Fr/ifr. Yes Sir.

2vi*j. Andthecloathof TuTew Valance. Fttb. They are very rich one*. (furniture.

Maj. God refufe me , they are lying Rafcols , 1 haue no fuch Green. I prctelt it was the ftrangeft, and yet widi-ali the hap* pieft fortune that wee fliould meetc you tv?o at W*ftt that euer redeemed fuch defolate actions : I would not Wrong you agen for a million ofLmJoiit.

May. No,do you warn any money ? or if you be in dcbt.I aia a hundreth pound ith* Subfidie, command mee.

Ffth. Alas good Gentleman ; did you euer read of the like pacience in any of your ancient Romtms ?

Bf/.You fee what a fweet face in a Veluet cap can do,your ck- tizcs wiues arc like Partriges, the hens arebetter the the cocks. Feth. I beleeue it in troth , Sir you did obfmie how the Gen tlewoman could not contameherfelfe, when (he faw vs cntct. Sell Right.

Feth. For thus much I muft fpcake in allowance of her mode- ftic/r, h en I bad her moft priuate (he would blufe extreamely.

B Btl.U,

Melt. I, I warrant you, and aske you if you would haue fucK agrcat finnc lie vpon your confcience , as to lie with another vans wife. F<wb.Introth (he would,

St8. And tell you there were maidesinoughinlondon, if a man were fo vitioufly giuen, whofc Portions would hejpc them to hubibands though gentlemen gaue thcfirft onfct.

Ffth,You are a merry ould gentleman infaith Sir .-much like ' to tiits was her langwage.

Belt. And yet clipe you with as voluntary « bofomc ; as if Hie had fallen in louc wirii you at fonxe Innes a court reuels ; and invited you by letter to her lodging.

Frf.Your knowledge perfcd without any information.

M*y.l\e goefecAvhat my wife is doing JP.CO tl cm* •e.when my wife enters mew her this ring; and twill quit all frifyfcion. Exit,

JV/6.DofHieare Litkf Grt shield wil thy wife by here prefc tl / .

Afay. Uefr my boy to watgbt vpon hcr,by this light,! think c God prouides ; for if this cittifcn had not out of his euerplusof jcindnes proferd her , her diet and lodging vndcr the name of tny fifler, I could not haue told what (hi* to haue made; for the created part of my mony is reuolted; weele make more vfc of him,the whorefo rich Inkeeper ofDanetfttr her father (hewed himfclf c araoke oftl er .- to fend her vp at this time a yearc ; and aitdby thccaricrto, twasbut a radcstnkeofhini. * Fetb.&iK hsUKyouinftruded her to call you brother.

(jreen. Yes and ftelc do it, 1 left her at BofomeJ Inn c, (hedc beJicrc,prefendy. Enter tJKJtfkij. .

MyMMa (jretncflieiUjom fifter is come; try wife is enter. tain ing her,by the maffe 1 haue bi« vpon her lips already , Lady jou are welcome,looke you muRa GneneflifU , becaufe your fitter it newly cnmeoutofthefreiri«lf>andthattobepent vp fa a narrow lodging here ith' cttt ie may offenci her health Hie fliall lodge at- a garden houfe cf mine in More fei.'dj where if it oleafc yon and my worthy friend heare to bearc her company yourfeuerall lodgings and lointcommons (ro the poorc ability of a cituzcn) flialb e pr ou id ed. Feth.O God Sir.

C/Wi*r . Nay no complement your loues com a n d it : Oialls to dionci Gentlemen , come maifter BtlUtnoxtllc. be the Gentle* man vlherto this fairc Lady.

Crtt. Here is your ringMiftris ; a thoufand times , ——and

would haue willingly loft rnybeft of maintenance that I might bauc found you halfe fo tractable.

mf.Sir 1 am Rill my fclfe, I know not by what mean s you haue grown vpo my husbaJ,hc is much deceaued in you I take it; will you go in to dinner— O God that I might haue my wil of him & it were not for my husbad ide fcratch out his eyes prefetly.&r,

ftt .VVelccmc to Londo bonny miftris Kate,thy husband Hide dreams ofthe familiarity that hath paft bet wenc thee & I Kate. &ctt.Noc matter if hee did : he ran away from me like a bale flauc as he was.out tfTtrkt-jhire, an J pretended he would goe the Uand voiagc.fincc 1 neere heard of him till within this fort night: can the world coudcmnc roe for cntcrtayrdngafricud, that am vfed fo like an Infidel? Ft. I think uot,bu t if your hus bad knew of this he'd be deuorft.

Xat.Hcc were an afic then ,no wifcmen fhoulcl dealc by their wiucs as thcfale of ordinance pafleth in £»//«4ifit breake the firft difchargc the workman is at the lofie or it,if the fecond the Marcham,& the workman ioymly,if the third the Marchant,fo in our cafe,if a woman prouc ralfe the firft y care,t i.rne her vpon her fathers neck, if the fecond,turne her home to her father but allow her a portion.but if flic hould pure mettaile two'ytare & file to fcueral pccccs,in the th;rd,rcpaire the rulncs of her hone- fly at your charges , for the b eft peece of ordinance } may bee crackt in the cafting , and for women to haue cracks and fiaue% alas they are borne to them , now 1 haue held out foure y care, doth my husband do any things about Lfiulo doth he fwagger?

Feth. O as tame as a fray in Fleet eftreete , when their are no. body to part them;

T(*. I euer thought fo, we haue notable valiant fetlowes about ci!c giue the lie and the (tab both in an inftant.

Fetb. Youlilce fuch kind of man-hood bcH Kate. &tt .Yes int roth for I think any woman that loucs her fricd,had rather hsue him ftand by it then lie by it, but I pray thee tel me, why mufl I be quarterd at this Ctti?.ens garden hot|fe>fay you. F'.The di(cou; fe of that wil fct thy bloud on fire to be reuegd On thy husbands fbrhead peece. £« A/*//?. May be.

Wif.Wil you go in to dinner fir? gat. Wil you lead the way

#Vf. No fwcctc forfochc wecle followyou, (for/bin?

D * O

rm.'D jfot.

O Maifler Silent : »s euer you tooke pitty ypon tnefuapn- aty of a poorc abufed gentlewoman :wil you tell me one thing

5<r£ Any thing fweet Miftris (^Ltjtt

Wtft.l but will you doe it faithfully?

'BtS. I refpe&your acquaintance Khali doe h.

Wtfe. Tell me thca Jbefeech you , doc not you thinks this minx is fonw noughty packe whome my husband hach fallen in lotrc with, and meaneito keepe ? ndcr my nofe at hii garden houfe.

S*J7.No rpon ray life is fhe not,

Wift . O I cannot beleeue it , Jknow by be^eiei /he i$ not honeft,whjr f?wuld my husband proffer than fifch kindntt^riuc. baue abufed him anal me ^<^intolleral>'<' -'nJ-.'viiynotluffcr me to fpeake; Acres tht Lelknt not fuffer me to lpc*e. ,

Btll. Re'fie , h* doth that Wa^ vfcrci- * that «vill vfe a mm WthallkiuHnes,thathcmaybe otreleue of paying his mony, vpon his day , and after-wards ukc the extremkjcof the forft. lure | your iealoufie ir Idle: fay ihi> /ere trne,,it lies in the bo. fome of afwccte wife to drawbar husband from any loofe ifljp«fe£i:on,fiom wenching,ftom Icabfie, from couituoufnei. from crabbednes , which is the oh) man* comnv>D difeafe, by her polititicyeilding.

BtB . She mayedoe ic fi»m|fcrabedn», for example I haue knowne as tough blades as any are in England broke vpon a fetherbed, eome to<iinep,

* be ruled byy«u Sir/or you are very like mine vncle.

tofl. Sufpition workejnjorernifchiefegrowesnjo'-e-ftiong, To fcuet chad beds the* apmnt wrongs. fxit.

. f.

£0/«rOoll,Chanly Leuerpoo|e 494 Phillip. Hit. Come myli«le Punke with thy two Compoiitors to ihis Tolawfull faulting houfc , thy poun der» a my oid poeiicall dad v»ilbe hereprefently . take rp thy State in this chayre , and beare thy fdfc a$ if thou wert taking to thy pot^caiy after the receipt of a purgattoa : lookc fcuruily vpon him : fometimcs be merrie and itaod rppon thy pantofflei UK anew

i i

ft OH*

DM And by and bymclancbolickelilceaTllter thtt hath

broake hi s flaues fbuJe before his Mittrifle.

Phil. Right, for hee takes thcc to bee a woman of a great count : harke ypon my life hee's come.

Dtll. See who knocks ; thou (halt fee met make a foole of a Poet, that hath made fiuc hundred foolcs.

Liuer. Plcafe your new Lady-ihip hee's come.

'Doll. Is hee ?I (hould for the more ftate let him walke feme two houres in an vtrer roome : if I did owe him money, 'twere . not much out of fafliion 5 but come enter him : Stay, when vrc are in priuate conference fend in my Tayler.

Enter Bcllamon t brought in by L euerpoole. Letter. Looke you my Ladle's a flecpe , fheele wake prefently,

Sell. I come not to teach a Starling Jir.God-boy-you.

Lexer. Nay in trueth Sir , if my Lady (hould but dreame you had beene heare.

'Doll. Who's that kcepes fuch a prating?

Letter. *Tis I Madam.

D»ll, lie haue you preferd to be a Cryer : you hauc an eileat throate for't : pox a the Poet is he not come yet >

Letter. Hee's here Madam.

Doll. Cric you mcrcy.-I ha curft my Monkey for ffirewd turnc4 a hundred times,and yet I loue it neuer the worfe I proteft.

F>el. Tis not in fr.fh:on deere Lady to call the breaking out of a Gentlewoman; lips/cabsjbut the heate of the Liuer.

'Do/. So fir: if you haue a fweete breath , and doe not fmeU of fwctty linnen,youmay draw nearer, nccreiv

Pel. I am no friend to Garlick Madam.

'Doll. You wrhe the fwecter verfe a great dcale fir, I hau« heard much good of your wit maiftcr Poet : you do many de- uifesforCitdzenswiucs: I care not greatly becaufe I haue a Citty LaundrefTc already,if I get a Citty Poet too : I hauc fuch a det life for you, afld this it i s. Eattr Tayler. ' O welcome Tayler : do but waite tdl I dilpatch my Tayler, and He difcouer wydeuicetoyou.

Bell. He take my leaue of your Ladiftiip.

Poll. No :Ipraytheeftay*I muft haue you fwCate for ray ikukeMaifterPcet.

fi 3 rti/.Ht

r~*~ JVCTTX flW.,He fwcaii already belecuc it. Do/. A cup ofaine trnfVt : wh at fafbion will make a woman hauc the bcft bodic Tay lo r.

TAJ. A fhort dutch, waft with a round cathern-wheele far- dingale : a dofc fleeue wiih a cartoofe collour and a pickao'ell. Dal, And what mcatc will make a woman haucaiincwic Maifter Poet.

ft/ Fowlc madam is the moft light,delicate,& witty feeding.

*>/. Fowlc fayftchou:! know them that feedeof it euer/

m eale, and yet ate as arrant fooles as any are in a kingdomc of

my credit : had thou doo Taylor ? now to difcoucr my dcuicc

lir:IIe drincktoyou fir.

Phil. Gods precious, wee nere thought of her deuice before, pray god ic be any thing toilet able. Dot. He baucyou make i a. poefics for a dozen of theefc tren chers. Pkil.O horrible!

Btl. In welch madam? D#/. Why in welch fir. Bel. Becaufc you will hauc tnemfemd in with your cheefe

DM. I willbeftow them indcede vpon a welch Captaine: one that loues cheefe better than venibn , for if you (bouid but get 5 .or 4. Chefhire checfci and fet them a running down Hie- eace-hill, he would make more haft after the than after the beft fcennell of hounds in £*g4«*4 what think you of my deuice?

Tltl. Fore-goiU very ftrangc deuice and a cunning one.

Phil. Now be bcfliru to eye the goblet.

Btl. You fliould be a kin {p the "BetUm*Ktt3yoii giue the fame Armes madam.

Dal. Faith I paid fweetefy forthe cup , as k may be you and feme other Gentleman bauc don for their Armes.

Bel. Hs.the fame waight : the fame falbion : I had three a eft •f them jjtuen mee, by a Nobleman at the chrifting of toy

Pkit. Your Ibnneis come to full age fin and hath tanepoflc- flton of the gift of his God-fatbcr.

Btl. Ha,thou wilt not kill mee.

Fbtl. Nof«,ilekulno Poet \s& his ghoft writefatiresa. gtinftsac



TStl. Wh at i (he? a good common welthes woman , foee wai borne. Phil. For her Country, and has borne her Country.

Bel. Heart of vertue? what make I here?

"Phil. This was the party you rail d OR .- 1 keepe no worfe c5- patty than your felfc father, you were wont to fay ycnery is like yfcry thatitmay be allowed tho it be not lawful!.

"Sti Wherefore come I hither. ' D«/. To make a dcuice for checfc-trcn chers.

Phif. lie tell you why I fent for you, for nothing but to ftie w you thai your grauity may bee drawnc in: white haires may fall into the company ot drabs afaell as red beardcs mio the foci- ety of knaues : would not this woman deceiue a whole camp ith Low-count ties , and make one Commander beleeue Oie on. ly kept her cabbin for him, and yet quarter twenty more in't. Do/. Prcc the Poet whir doeftthou think of me.

Set. I thinke thou art a moft admirable , br aue , be autifuH Whore.

DJ!. Nay fir , I was told you would railc : but what doe you thinke of my deuice fir , nay: but you are not to depart yet Mai- fter Poet: vvut fup with mc?Ilc cafhicre all my yong barniclcs, & >TCC!C talke oucr a price of mutton and a partridge, wifely, r- Btl. Sup with thee that art a common vndcrtakerPtkou that docftpromifc nothing but watcliet eyes , bumbafl calues and falfep cry wigs.

Del. Free the comb thy beard with a comb of black leade^t may bel fliall affect thec.

Btl. O thy rnlucky flarre! I muft take my leaue of your wo r- /hippe I cannot fit ycur deuice at this inftant: Irr.uft dcfneto bonovv a neA of goblets of you : O villanic'.I vvud fonie honcft Butcher would beggcall rhequeancs and knaues ith Citty and cary them 'into fomc other Country they'd fell better than Beefes and Caluesrwhat a vertuoiM Citty would this bee then! mary I thinke there would bee a few people left hit , vds foot, guldwith Chccic-trenchcrs and yok tin entertainment with a Taylor? good,good. Exit.

fbtl. How doefi DoA? , Dotf, Scuruic-,Yery fcuruij.

KtMtr. Where fiialls fuppe wen th?

D«//. He fuppe in my bedde ; gette you home to your



edging and co me whc I fend for y 011,6 filthy rogue that! am.

P/J//. How ! how.miftris Doretbj?

D»/. Saint An tomes fire light to your Spanifli flops : yds life, illc make you know a difference , bctweene my mirth and mel- panderly roague. Ow.Wc obfcme your Ladifliip.

Vki. The pimcks in her humcr— pax. Exit.

Dol. He humor you and you pox mee : ?ds life haue I lien with

aty4«MrWof late, that I hauc learnt to mingle fuch water with

my Malago, Other's fomc fcuruie thing or other breeding;

how many feuerall loues of Plaiers of Vaultrrs, of Lieutenants

haue I entertain' d betides a runner a the ropes , and now to lee

bloud when she figne is at the heart ? {hould I fend him a letter

with Tome Icwel in't.h e would requite it as lawicrs do, that rc-

returne a wood-cock pie to their clients,when they fend than a

Bafon and a Eure,I will inftandy go and make my fclfe drunke,

1? till 1 haue loft my mcmory,liue a fcoffing Poet? gxit.

-„ Enter Le p-ftog MJL Squirill .

Fr#j.Now Shrill wiltthou makers acquainted with the ieft thou promift to tell vs off

S^tt. i will difcouct it , not as a Darby-lhere women difco- uers her great teetlyo laughter:but fofcly as a gentlema courts « wench behind an Arras : and this it is , yong Grttncfre'ilfim? Maifler with Gr»**tfkttUi fitter lie in my maificrs garden-houto here in More-fields. Trtg . Right,what of this? ' Stjmr. Mary fir if the Gentlewoman be not his wife, he com mits in.ceft/or Ime fure he lies with her euery night.

Frg. AH this I know,but to the reft.

Sq Mir. I will tell thee , the mod pollitick trick of a woman, that ere made a mans face looke witnerd and pale like the tree in Cuckolds Hauen in a great fnow : ind this it is , my miftris makes her' buf band belicue that Hiee walkcs in her fleepe * niglus, aad te confiime this beleefe in him , fondry times fhce hath rizen out of her bed, vnlockt all the dbres,gon fro Cham ber to Chtmber,opcnd her chcfts, touz'd among her iinnen.Sc when hehath waktc & mifl her, comming to qucftion why (Tie eoniur'd tnus at midnight, he hath found her faft a fleepe,mary it was Cats flcepe/for you (hall hcare what prey {he watchi for.


£f*ir.Ioucr-heardher lafl night talking with thy Maifter, and fhcpronuft him that aflbone as her husband was a fleepe, flic would walke according to her cultome , and come to his Charaber.marry fhcc would do it fo puritannically, fecret ly I mcanc.that no body fhould hcare of ir. Frog. Htpoffible?

S^Kir. Take;b'.itthat coraer and ftand c'.ofe, and thine eyes fliallwitrclTeit.

Frog.O iritollcrablc wicte,what hold can any mantakc of a womanshonefly.

Sqtti. Hold ? no more hold then of a Bull noynted with Sope, and baited with a fhcalc of Fidlcrs in Srailbrdiliirc : ft and dofc I hcarc hey comming. Eater Kate.

K/ftt.WhatafiUriykiiauc was the (hoc-maker, that made my flippcrs,what a creaking they kecpc : O Lord,iftherc be any power that cantnakca wcmans husband il-.i T foundlyat a,as I haue often read in foolifli Poctrie thui there if, now, now,and it be thy will, let him drcame foruc fine dreame or o- ther, that hee's made a Knight , or a Noble-man, or fome-whac whilll 1 go and take but two kiflcs , but two kiflcs from fwcete fetherjltHt. £xit.

Stftti. Sfoot hee may, well dreanae hees made a Knight : for lie be hangd if flic do not dub hiru.

(jntn. Was there euer any walking (pirit,like to my wife ? what reafon Hiould there bee in nature for this} I will queftion feme Phifltion: nor heare neither: vdflife,! would laugh if (he were in Mailkr F*r/^/?*w Chamber, (Lee v,ould fright him.M aiftcr F«i*r/7ow,Maifter Fetbtrfttne.

Within Fttber. now who cals ?

Green. Did you leaue your door; open laft night ?

Ftth. I know not,I thinke my boy did.

Cjreen. Gods light fliee's there then, will you know the ieft, my wife hath her old tricks, lie hold ray life , my wife's in your chamber.rife out of your bed,and fee and you can feele her.

Squi.Hc will feeleher I w arrant you? Gree .Haue you hci fir)

Fetb. Notyetfir,(hee's here fir.

Enter Fethcidone ar.dKite in bis trmes.

Cjreen. So I faid euen now to my fclfe before God la: take her

vp in your araies ,ajud bring her hcthcr foftly,for fearc of waking

£ her.


her : I netier knew the like »f this before God la , if at poof* /C*v,Iook- before God; ftiees *• Hcepe with her eyes open: prit- tis little roaguc,llc wakeher.and make her afhamd oHt. J

f«A. O youle make her ficker then.

Gretn, I warrant you ; would all women thought no more fcurtthcn thou dooft,now fwcet vilJainc./ir^A'/tff.

Kttt. I longd for the mciry thought of a phcfant.

(fret*. She talkes in her fleepe,

K*tt. And the foulc-gutted Tript-wife had got it, & eate halft of it : and my colour went and came,and my ttomach \\ ambledi till I was ready to foundybuc a Mid-wife peicciued it,and rearkt which way my eyes went ; and hclpt mee to it,but Lord how I pick: it, 'twas the fweeteft mr ate me thought.

S<j *i.O pollitick Miftriffc. grein. Why K«tt,K<ttt ?

X*tt . Ha ,ha,ha,I belhrew your hart. Lord vvhcic am I ?

(jrtfr.. I pray thee be not frighted.

Katt.G I am fick.l am fick,I am fick,O how my fielli trembiest th forneof the Angelic* water,! flial haue thcMothcrprelentJy.

Crte. Hold downc her ftomach good matfter \'ethtrjfonc,\\\\i\c 1 fetch fome Exit. ffth. Well diflcmblcd Kttt. K*te.\>i(h,l am like fotne of your Ladies that can be Gck when they hauc no tlomack to lie with their husbands.

fcth. What mifchiuous fortune is this : weel haue a iouraey to H'trc K,ite, to rt Jecme this misfortune.

K*tc. Wc!!,Chcatert do not win all wayei : that woman that will cntertainc a friend , muit as well proutde a Clofet or Back* doore for bim^as a Fcther-bed.

Ffth. Be my troth I pit cy thy husband. man dares call him Cuckold ; for he wearcs

Sate in : pitty hirn,he that will pull downe a mans %ne, and. fee vphorncSjthere's law for him-.

Feth. Be fick agafne,yoi-r husband comes.

G/>ef». I haee the woiftluck ; I thinkc 1 get more bumps a:iu ffircwd curncs ith' d*rke,how do's fhe maillrr Ftibfrffme.

Fetlt.Vcry ill Ifr.niees troubled witli the rroother extiejmly, Jlield downe her belly euen now^nd 1 miglw fecU it rife.

Jtr«;Olay.rae in my bed, I befccch you.

- Cjree. I wilftndea remedy for this walking, if all the Dodcn in towne can fell it ; a thoufand pound to a penny {he fpoirc not her face,or brcakc her neck , or catch a cold that flicc may n«e daw off againc,how dooft wench ?

Kitte.h. little rcccuerd ; alas I hauefo troubled that Gcr.tkmJ. Fft/j.None ith' world K^tejmsy I do you any farther fcruice,

K*te. And I were where I would be in your bed : pray pardou mcjwaft you Maifter Ftthfrjto>te}hem,l fhould be well then, Squi, Markt how flic wrings him by the fingers. Kate. Good 11 ight,pray you giue the Gentleman tliankes for patience. Green. Good night Sir.

, Ffth. You hauc a fhrewd blow,you were beft haue it fcirche. Green. A fcratch.a fcratch. Ex*.

Feth Let nic fee what excufe ftjould I frame,ro get this wench forth a towne with me: He perfwadc her fiusbtnd to take Phi- fick, and prtfcn ;ly hauc a letter framed, from his father in law, to be dcliuerd that morning for his wife , to come and recciuc iomc final) parcel! efmoncy in £0/fr/4chafe,at a Keepers that is her Vncle, then Mr he not beeing in cafe to traucll, will intreate me to accompany his wife, xveele lye ytjyart all night , and the next morning to London, He goeftrike a Tinder , and frame a Letter prefcntly. Exit.

Sqtii. And He take the paincs to difconcr all this to my mai- ftcrold Afybe-j, there hath gone a report a good while, nty Mailrer hath vfed them kindly , becaufe they haue beene ouer familiar with his wife , but I fee which way Fetbtrftonf lookcs. ffoote ther's ncare a Gentleman of them all fliall gull a Citizen, & thinke to go fcot-froe : though your commons fhriakc for this be but fccrct,and my Maifter fliall intertaine thce, make thec in- ftecd of handling falfe Dice, finger nothing but gold and filuer wagge,an old Scoring -man turn es to a young bcggtr, whereas a young Prentife may turnc to an old Alderman,wilt be fecret? Lentf, O God iir,is fecret as rufhcs iii an old Ladycs Chatn- her. Sxit.


£*/rrBellamont in his Ntgbt-cap jvith leMtet m kit lt*nd, hie nut* tftrr him jritb lifhtt^tmet^t tr.d Pqcr.

E a fe£c

.A. _ ^


Btl. Sirra,Ile fpeake with none. Sent. Not a p! alert

B*/. No cho a Sh arer ball, Be fpeake with none.altho it be the mouth Of the big compaay,Ilc fpeake with none, away. Why fhould not I bee an excellent ftaiefmanrl can in the wry. ting of a tragedy , make C*f*r fpeake better than euer his am bition could: when I write of Pompejlhwc Tomptie/ ibule within me,and when I perfonate a^worthyPoct,Itn then truly inj fclfe,a poorc rnprcferd fcholler.

Stra, Here's t fwaggering fellow fir , that fpeakes not like? man of gods rnaking,fwctres he muft fpeake with you and wil fpeake with you.

B//. Not of gods making'what is he?a Cuckold? Sam, He's a Gentleman fir, by his clothes. B»/. Enter him and hit clothes : clothes foraetimes are bet ter Gentlemen than their Maiflers. EntjbefiptniiK&tkiStr. if this h e5S ee k c you me fir.

Ctf . I feeke fir . (god p!e(Te you) for a Sent illman , that talkes befides to himfclfc when he's alone , as if nee were in Bed-lam, •nd he's a Poet.

Rel. So firjt may bee you feeke mee.for Ime fometimes out t nay wits. ^if.You ate a Poet fir,af e yott;

&/. Ime haunted with a Fury Sir. £*p. Pray Maifter Poet fhuieoflf this litdepot-giin,andl coniure your Fu :y : u$ well lay you fir , my dtfires are to haue fome amiable and amorous fonnet or madrigall conipofed by your Fury/ee you.

&/. Are you a louer fir of the nine Mufes. Cq>. Ow , by gad out a cry. Of. Vare then a fchoiler fir. C*p. I ha picStTp mycr»mesin Sefus colledge in Oxford one day a gad while agoe.

B</. i are welcome , y'are ycry welcome, He borrow your lodgement lookc you fir,Imc writyng a Trtgedy,the Tragedy

•fyOUBg t/S/MffAY.

C^. Styantx Tragedy ! is he liuing can you tell f was not Sti* «m*x a Afo»-mttttk man? J}«. O no fir,you ouftake,he.wa» a Try** great H/5#r- Son.


dtp. H#3w was grannarn to Cdim&idtr , when flieewas great with cmld,god vdge me,there was one young Stytnan of Mta-mtHtb flicirc was a madder gre«kc as any is in al Engltd. Eel. This was not he afliirc yce: looke you fir, I will haue this* Tragedy prefcnted in the French Court,by French Gallants. Cap. By god your Frenchmen will doc ?. Tragedy entcriude, poggywell.

Bel. It fhai be fir at the marriages of the Duke of QrleAnit and ChttiliaH the admiral of Fr4»«,the Rage.

Cap. VdsbIou<J,does Orient marry with the Adtnirill of Frjxcenovr.

Bel. O fir no, they are two feuerall muriagcs . A s I was fay- ing the ftage hung all with black reluct, and while tis afif d,my felf wil Mad behind the Duke of 2?/r#»,or {brae other cheefe mi - nionorfo, who (half, I they (hall take Tome oecailoo about the mufick of the fourth A&,to ftep to the freneb King,and fay, Sire , vojU, ilet vttrt trefbumklijerttiteitr , It }t»pt£t ,idini;it tfpfrit}f»oijith> BeUamant,i!i\ in Frmc^chus poynting at me , or yon is the learned old Gnglifr <Sen:lenaan Maifter BelUmtnt >* Tery worthic man , to bee one of your priuy Chambcr,or Poet Lawreat.

Cap. But are you fure Duke Pcppc r- noonc wil glue you fucb good vrdes,behind your back to your face.

"Bet. Oh 1,1,1 man,he's the onely courtier that I know there: but what do you thinke that I may come to by this. C<:p. God vdge race, all Fr*>K* may hap die in your debt for this.

Bel. I am now wryting the defcription ofhis death. Cup. Did he die in his ped.

Be/. You (hall hearc : fufpition is the Mynion of greai hearts, r.o .-I will not begin there : I mtginc a great man were to be ex ecuted about the 7. houre in a gloomy morning.

Ce>r. As it might bee Starpft* or fo, or great Gtlits that w t> kild by my Coun triman. ' B«7. Right fir, thus I cxpreffe it in yong Aftitnux. Now the wilde people greedy of their griefes, Longing to fec,that which their thought^ abhord, ueuted day,and rod on their o\vne roofer.

P? O?,

TV v X T zf*r-jf Ktr-n u JEV

C*;» . Could the little horfe that ambled on the top of Paules, cary til the peoplcjcls hew could they ride on the roofes! B»/. O fir,ti$ a figure in Poetry jtnaike how tis followed, Rod on their ownc roofes,

Making all Neighboring lioufcs tilde with men; tilde with men ' iu not good.

C*p. By Sau , and it were tilde all with naked Imcn twcrt better.

Bel. You iTi all heare more ; pick your eares, they arc fo wlc fir, w li at are you fir pray?

C*f. A Captainc lir,and a follower of god Mart. Btt. c/k'<er/,#4fA*/,and Iloue /fpiHa ! aCaptaine ! then I par don your fir, and Captain c what wud you prefie me for?

lap. For a witty ditty , f o a Sentill-omaa , that I am falne in with all , ouer head and eares in arrc&ions, and natural! dcfircs.

Bel. An Acroftick were good vpon her name me thinkes. fop. Crollc flicks : I wud not be too croffc Maifter Poetjyet ifitbce bcfi to bring her name in qucftion, her name is inittris T&orftkjr Hornet.

Br/.The very conl umption that wafts my Sonnc , and the Ay me that hung lately vpon mee: doe you ioue this Miftria Dorothyt

tCttf. Loueher! there is no Captaines wifein£«//<w^,caa haue more Ioue put vpon her, and yet Imefure Captaines wiuey, haue their pcllies full of good me ns loues. B*. And does Hie Ioue y ou?h*s there pad any great matter be- tweene you?

Cap. As great a matcer,as a whole coach, and a horfe and his wife are gon toe and fro be tweene TS .

B*/. Is £hee?ifaythCaptaine,bee valiant and tell tructh, is i, fhehonefl?

j^ Cap. HonefiPgod vdge me , (lice's as hone(t,a« a Funck , that

cannot abide fornicatioo,and lechery.

B«/. Looke you Captainc, He iliew you why I aske , I hope you thinkemy wenching dates aiepaft,yet Sir, here's a letter that her father, brought me from her and infbrc'dntcetotakt this very day. £«fer* SjritA*t 4tnlffitifptrf.


C*p. Tis for foais loue—fong to- fend to mc,I hold my life.

B*/. This falls out man tells mcc , the par cy is at my dorc,/h4ll fhc come in Captainc?

Cap. O I,I,put her in.put h er in I pray now. Exit Ser*.

B//, The letter faies here , that (he's exceeding fick , and in- treates me to vifit her : Captainc, lie you in ambuih behind the hangings, and perhaps you fhall hcare the peece of a Commc- dy : /he comes,flie comes,make your felfc away.

C(«p. Daes the Poet play Torktn and caft my Lucrtjitt water too in- hugger muggersrit he do,St ^»<tvTragcdy wa$ neuer fo horrible bloudy-mindcd,ashjsComm:dy flialbc, —Tiarft*j Captaine//»^««/. .£*;*• Doll..

Do/. Now Maifter Poet,I fent for you;

Ef/ And I came once at your LadiOiips call.

Del, MyLaduTup and your LorclChiphe both in one nun. ner ; you haueconiur'd vp a fwcete ipirit in ince haueyou not Rimer?

Be/. Why Mtle* \ what fpiiit ! wud I were a young man for thy fake.

!>»/. So wud I,for then thou couldfi doe mee no hurt ; now thou doeft.

Bel. Ifl were,ayonker,5t would be no Imodefty in me to bee fecne in thy company } But to haue fnow in the lap of lunejvile! Tile : yet come ; garlick has a white-head , and a grcenc {hike, then why Should not 1 ? lets bee merry: what faics the diuill to al the world/or line fure thou art carnally pofleft with him.

Dtf/.Thou haft a filthy foot, a very filthy caricrs foote.

'Bel. A filthy fhooc, bt| afincfootc,Iftandnot vpon my footel.

C*p. What ftands hcvpon then ? with apot god bleflcys?

"D»n. A legge and a Calfell haue had better of a butcher ferric times for carrying a body ! not worth begging by aftai- ber-furgeon.

Be/. Very good^you draw me and quarter mc/at es kcepc me from hanging;

Del. And which mofi t urnes vp a woman, (tomach , thou att an old hoary maotthou haft gon ouer the bridge of many years, and now art ready to dfop into 9. graue ; what doc I fee then

ffOE. m'" in that withered face of thine?

Bell. Wrinkles .- grauity .

I>*tf.Wretchedues:griefe : old fellow thou haft be witch me; I can neither eate for thec, r\or fleepc for thce, nor lie quietly iu mybcdfbrthee.

fa. Vd«b!ood Ildidncuer fee a white flea before I uiU clinge you?

Dfflf. 1 was borne fure in the dogdayes '.me fo vnluky ; I , in whome neither a flaxen hairc , yellow beard , French doublet, nor Spanifh hofe.youth nor perfonagc, rich face nor mony cold euer breed a true louc to any, cueito any man , am now befot- ted , mad , for the carcas of a mao , and as if I wae a ring pi cafes me but a deaths head.

Cap. Sefvjare I men fa srfi vtrfy.

Bell , Mad for me ? why if the worm e of luft were wrigling within mee as it does in others, doft thinke Ide crawle vpoa thee;wud I low after the e,that art a cornea calfe-bearcr.


Caf. Doe you,are you a towne cowe and coafefle you bear r calues. D«ll.\ confc(Tt,I haue bia an Innc for any gucft.

C«p. A pegs a year ftable»roome;is your Innc a baudy houfe now? ,

T>»ll. I confcfle (for I ha bin taught to hide nothing from my Suergcon and thou an he) I confcflc that old (linking Surgeon like thy fclfe) whom I call father , that H*r*« neuer fvvcat for me, line none of his making.

Cop. You lie he makes you a punke Htr*tt mbmr.

Dal. Hees but a cheat cr.and I the falfe die hee playes with* all , I power all my poyfon out before thee,becauie heareafter I wifl be cleane : Oiunmenot, loath me not, mocke me roc, plagues confound thee.I hate thce to the pit of hell , yet if thou goeft thither,ile follow thee/uo, arde doe what thou caoft , ile run and ride ouer the wodd after tnee.

fa. Cockatrice : you naiftris S«l*iMndtn that feare no bur* , ning Jet my mare and my mares horfe, and my coach come run ning home agen,and run to an hofpitall.and your Surgeons^and to knaucs and panders and to the tiucll and his tame to. Z>«#JFiend art thou raized to torment roe,


Eel. Shee loues you Captainehoneftly. ; Cap. lie hauc any man , oman or cilde by his carc^that faies a conunon drab -can louc a Scotsman honeftly , I will fell my, C<*fb for a cart to hauc you to puncks ball, Pridewcll , 1 farge yoalh Allies name , whom you belong to/ec her fprth-com- ming ,till I come and tiggic her, by and by, Sbloud I was ncaer Couzend with a more rafcall peece of mutton, fince I came out a the Lawcr Countries. Exit.

Tel. My dores are open for theejbcgon: woman!

Doll. This goates peezle of thine

Eel. Away: I louc no fuch implements in my hoiife.

'2)ol. Doeft not ? am I but an implement ? by all the maiden- heads that are loft in London in a yeare( & thats a gteat oth)for this trick, other manner of women tbtnmy felfeftiallcometo this houfe only to laugh at thee; and if thou wouldft labour thy heart out,thou (halt not do withal. Exit. Enter Str*4n t. - B*/JsthismyPoeticaUfiiry?hownowfir!

Ser. Maiftcr Majberj and his wife fir ithttext roome.

Br/. What are they doing fir? x

Ser. Nothing fir,that I fcc,buc ondy wud fpeakc whh you.

Eft. Enter 'em: IRIS houfc v»i!be to hot for mee>if this wench

ieaft me into thefc fweate«, I mufl ftuft my felfe, for pure aeceC- fity^haunted with fpritet in my old daiesl

Enter Maybery bsattd , his Wift with him, CMqr. A Commedy , a Canterbury tale fmells not halfe fo fwecte as the Commedy Ihaueforuiecold Poet: thouflialc \\rite vpon't Poet.

Eel. Nay I will write tpon't ift bee a Commedie , for I haue becne at a mod villanous female Tragedie : corae , the plot, the plot.

May. Let your man giue you the bootcs ptefently , the plot lies in Wort my white Poet .- Wife thou and I this night, wiU haue mad fport in Wort , markc me well Wife,uxfF*r*. Wt/.Atyourpleafurefir. \

UM*r. NayitHialbe at your plcafurc Wifctlooke you fir, lookc yo\i'.fftberjto»et boy (like an honeft crack-halter)layd os«, . pea all tooncof my prentices, (for boies youtcnowlflce women ' louetobcdoing.) Eel. Very good: to the plor,


f. Tcetberftmt like a crafty mutton-monger , perfwAdei Gr**jigUto berun througluhe body. Beff. Strange ! through the body? M*jt I take phifick the dees fo, hce'sput to his pur- gation; then fir what docs me ^tthtrftone , but counterfits a let. ter from an Inkceper of Doncafter, to fetch Gree>tfl>icld ( who t j needy you know)to a keepers lodge in Enreil(i-chacesa certaine Vncle, where Grttxjbuld ihould receiuc mony due to him in behalfcofhiswife.

Pell. His wife ! is CretnflttUd married J I haiie heard him fweare he was a batchiler. . Wife. So haue I a hundred times.

M*y . Thcknaue has more wiues than rfie Turkc,he has a wife ftlmoft in cuery fliire \v£Mgl*Kti, this parcel Gentlewoman is that Inkecpers Daughter of Dtncafttr.

B#/. Hath fhe the entenainement ofher fotc-fathen ? wil fhc kccpe all commets company?

May. She help's to paffe away ftale Capons t fewer wine-, and ntuiry prouander:bur to the purpofe^his traine waclayd by the baggage her felfe and F«6«y/»»r,v. hem fcemes makes her huf- baiid a vnkornc : and to eiue fire tot,(jrtt>ifl*ild like an Arrant wittall intreates his friend, to ride before his wife,and fetch the money , becaufe taking bitter pills, he fhould proue but a loofe fellow i f he went,and io durft not go.

B(f//.AndfothcpooreStagi$ to bee hunted \nEnfeiULclnKt

^a&7.No fir,Maifter poet there you mifle the plot, Etthtrfto*e and my Lady CjretnffjfilJ are rid to batter away their light com- modifies mf^ttret En ftilti-chitceis to cold for cm.


"Mavln dnrt7 Ware\l forget my fclfewife.ou with your ry- ding fuitc , and cry Nortb-w*rdkoeiv the boy at Powles faies, let my Prentice get vp beforethee,andmanthee to Wcrfjiodge in the In n c I told th ec/pur cut and away.

Wifc. Well fir. Exit.

B*tf. Stay , ftay , whats the bottom of this riddle ? why fend you her away?

Uaj ^Fox a thing my little hoary Poet : looke thee,I fmck «ut my noble ftincker GrttnfhtilA'Vi his Chamber, and as tho



my heart ftringcs had bin crackt,! wcpt.and fighd , & thumpd, and thumpd.andrau'd and randcd, and vaild,and cold him how my wife was now grownc as common as baibery , and that fhee had hicrd her Taylor to ride with her to Ware , to mectc a Gentleman of the Court.

R?/. Good; and how tookc he this drench downe. - Maj. Like Egs and Mufcadine, at a gulp : hec cries out pre- fently , did not 1 tell you old man, that fheedwin my game when /he came to bearing? heerailes vpon her,willsme to take her tn the A6t ; to put Tier to her white fhecte,to bee diuorc'd, and for all his guts arc not fully fcourd by his Pottecary > hee'i pulling on his bootcs, & v. il! ride along with TS ; lets muftcr as many as wee can.

B*/. It wilbc excellent fport,to fee him and his owne wife meete in Ware , wilt not ? I, I,weelchauc a whole Regiment of horfcwithvs.

M.»^. I Rand vpon thornes,tcl I fluke him bith homes:comc, bootes boy,vvo nmft gallop all the way/oi the Sin you know is done with turning vp the white of an eye , will you ioyne your

Btl. Like a Hollander againft a 'Dunkirk*. (forces.

MAJ. March then, this curfe is on allletchers thrown c, Theygiuehomesandatlaftjhornesaretheirownc. . Exit.

Enter Captaine Icnkins/ud Allom. . _ /s Cap. Set the beli of your little diminitiue legges before, and ndepoft I pray.

,A//«.ls it poflible that miftrii £>«# fhould bec^fo bad?

^.Pofliblc ! Sbloud tit more eafic for an oman to be naught, than for a foldicr to beg, and that s horrible cafic,you know.

tsil. I but to conntcatch vs all fo grofly.

fop. Your Norfolk* tumblers arc but zanycs to connicatch- ing punckcs.

Allom. Shce gelded my purfc of fifty pounds in ready money.

C*f. I will geld all the horfcsinfiue hundred Shcircs,bud will ride oner her , and her cheaters , and her He-nets', Shce made a ftarke Aflc of my Coach-hojrfe , and there is a putter- box, vvhomc fheefpre'd thick Tpon her white bread , and eate him vp , I thinke ftiee has fen: thepoore fellow to (jel- 4erl*ndt but 1 will marfe praucly ia and out , and packe P ».. »ga:nc


tjen vpon all the low countries in ChriftcndorrHas Holland and ZeUxa and Netherl*nAtix&. fle.'iettnd too , and 1 will be drunke ' and cad with maiftcr HMIS vtm rWf^bfit I will (mell him out.

Mom, Doe fo and wceledraw all our arrowesof reuenge Vptothcheadbutwcelehit Kerforhervillany.

Cap. I will traw as pctter,and as vrfe weapons as arrcwes vp to the head, lug you , it flia'.bc warrants to giuc her the whippe deedle.

Allom. But now flic knowcs ihccs difcoucred , flieclc take her bells and fly out of our reach.

C*p. Fie -with her pells ! oyvnds I know a parifli that fal tag do vvne all chr pells and fell cm to Capten lenkgnt, to do him. good. and if pclle will fly, weelc flie too , vales , the pell-ropes hang vs.- will you amble vp and downe to rnaifter lattice by my fide, to haue this rafcall \\orntt in corum , and fo , to make her hold her whoars peace, •>• '"

Al/ amble or trot with you Capten : you told me , (he i ',t .- threatened her champions (hould cut for hcr,ifio,wce may Ijauc

the peace of her.

t •(/ - CXp.O mon dft ludguinl follow your ieader,/r»^i» (hall cut,and

".V "SljCe,asworfeasthcy:comeIfcernetohaucanypeaccofher,or

of any onam,but open warrcs. , Stunt.

^' - - ,

£»/«'Bcnamont,Maybery,Greenflieild,Phillip> LeuarpoolCjChanlcy : att booted.

What?will thefe yong Gentlemen to helpe vs te catch tbis frefli Salmoa, h a ! Phillip 1 arc they thy friends.

Phil. Yes Sir-

"Sell. We are beholding to you Gentlmen that youle fill oar confort Ihofecneyour faces me thinkes before ; and I cannot inforrne my felfe where. ' A

Botb^Avf be fo Sir. / 5*//.Shalls to horfe,hears a tickler : he\gh : to horfe.

Afay. Come S wit ts and Spurres^ lea mount our Cheualls: merry quoth a.

Bell. Gentlemen (hall I flioote a fooies bolt out aniong you all.bccaufc vvcelc bcfurcto bc.mcrfy;


Caw. What ifl?

Bell. Formirth on the high way, will make vs rid ground fa- ficr then if thceues \vcrc at our taylcs, what fay ycc to this, Ices all praftife ielts one againtt another , and hce that has the bcft ieft throwne vpon him , and is moft gald, bctweenc our ridiug fborth and comming in , flull bcarc the charge of the whole Journey. Omn. Content ifai'.h.

Eell. Wee fliall fitte one a you with a Cox-combe at Ware I bcleeue. MAJ. Peace. v Green. lit a bargen.

Omn, And hands clapt vpon it.

Bel. Stay ,yondcrs the Dolphin without Bifliops-gate, where our horks are at rack and manger , and wee are going paft it : come croflc ouer : and what place is this ?

Affijf. Bedlam ift not ?

lot!. Where the mad-men are , I neuer *vas amongft them, as you loue me Gentlemcn,let$ fee what Greckes arc within.

Green. Wee flhall ftay too long.

"Bell, Not a whit, Ware will ftay for our comming I warrant you : come a fpurt and away?, lets bee mad once in our dayes, ': this is the doore. Enter Full-moone. i

Afqr, Sane you fir, may \vefeefomeayourmad-folkes, doe you kcepe em ? Fttlt. Yes.

Bell. Pray bellow your name fir rpon TS.

Full. My name is FuU-matne.

£f //.You well defciuc this office good mi&tt Full-wane : and what mad-caps haue you in your houfe,

Enter tht'Phifttion. F«/.Diuerfe. Gods fo,fcc,fce,wli ats heewalkes yonder, is he mad.

Full. Tints a Mufition,yes hee's bcfidcs himfclfe. .

Bell. A Mu! ir ion ,ho w fell he mad for Gods fake ?

Fttl. For loue of an ludi** Dwarfe. <

Bell. Has he bccne in Italy then ?

Fill', Yes and fpcakcs they fay all manner of language** Enter the'Bmvd.

Omn. Gods fo,looke,lookc, whats ftee.

Be!!. The dancing Beare: a pritty well-fauourd little woman .

Fu/l. They fa y, but I know not,that flic was a Baw^and wai frighted out of her wittcs by far,

F 3


JW.May we talkc wfth 'em maiftcr Fitl-mtotit vnll. Yes and you will ;I nwft lookc about for I hauetonily tenants. £xif,

£r//. What haue you in this paper hone() friend? Creels this he has al manner oflanguagcs,yet fpcikes none Eaua. How doe you Sir Andrew ^\ you fend for fome aqua- uite for tne,I haue had no drinkc neuer lincc the laft great raine that felt. Btl. Not hats a lye.

B*W.Nay by gad,dien you hc,for all y'are Sir j4»tkretf,l was a dapper rogue in Port ingall voiage , not an inch broad at the heele , and yet thus high, I fcornd I can tell you to be dmncke with raine water then Sir , In thole golden and filucrdaycs: I had {wee te bitti then Sir Andrew : how doe you good brother Timothy?

BelU.You haue bin in much trouble face that voiage, B^W.Ncuer in bride-wel I protd^as line a virgin: rer I could neuer abide that bride-wel I proteft,! was once ficke,and 1 tooke my water in a baske t,and cary'd it to a doctors. Phil.ln a basket.

B^W. Yes Sir : you arrant fool c there was a vrinall in it. fhil.l cry you mercy.

BiM^.The Do£or told me I was with child,how many Lords Knights, Gentlemen, Cittizeas , and others promift me to be god-fathers to that child : twas not Gods will: the prentifes made a riot vpon my glaffc-windowcs the Shrouc-tucfday fol lowing and I mifcaried. Omn.O doe not wccpe.

"Band. I ha caufc to weepe : I trud Gintlewomen their diet fomctimcs a fortnight : lend Gentlemen holl and fl n rt s,and they fweat 'em out at tennis : and no reftitution, and no reflitution. but He take a new order , I will haue but fir ftewd prunes in a difhand fome of mother Walls cakes : for my bcft cuflomcrs are tay lors. Omw.Taylors ! ha ha.

Band} Taylors : giue meyour London Prentice ; your coun try Gentlemen aregrowne too polJiticke.

5f /. But what fay you to fuch young Gentlemen as thefc are.

&u<J. Fob, they as foone as they come to their lands get vp

to London , and Ukc fquibs that tun rpon lyaes , they keept



Spitting of fire, and cracking till they ha /pent all, an d when my fquib is out.what faycs his punkc,foh,hc ftinckcs.

enter the muff ion,

Me thought this other night,! law a pretty fight, Which plcafcd me much, A comely country miydy-.ot fqucatnifli nor afraid, To let Gentlemen touch.

Ifold her maiden-head once,and I fold her maiden-head twicej And 1 fould it laft to an Alderman of Torkc. And then I had fold it thrice.

(Witji. You fing fcuruily.

2?W.mary murtc^ng thou better , for lie goe flecpe my old fie? p cs. Exit. B<f//. What are you a doing my friend,


J?(f//.Whatdoeyoumeanc by pricking?

c^/*/T.A Gentleman like quaflity.

Be II. this fellow is fome what prouder, and fulliner then the other. c#f.«7,Oh;fo be niott of your anufitions.

CWK/J'.Arcmytecthrqttcn? Ow».NoSir.

y3/*/?,Then 1 am no Comfit-maker,nor Vintner.I doenot get

wenches in my drincke : areyouamufition ? Bti. Yes..

jfcW.wcelc be fworncbrothers thcn^ookc you fweete roague.

Gree.Gods fo,now I thinkc vpon't,a left is crept into my head,

fteale away ,if you leue me. ! *A Exeunt: mttjttitnfings.

(Jtfft/i.Wis euer any marchaets bandfct better I fetitrwalkc Imc a cold , this white fattin is to thin vnles it be cut , for then the Sunn c enters : can you fpeake Italian too,S*pct e Italuwt.

BelL Vnfoco.

Muji. Sblood if it bein you, He poake i: out if you ; vnpaco^ come March lie heaie with me but till the fall of the leafe , and if you hauc but f«co Italian* in you, He fill you full of more foco March. 2fe//.Come.on> £xtnnt.

Enter Maybcry.Grecnefliilde.PhillipJull-moone.

Leucrpoole,4»J Chartcly.

<7r«.Good Maiftcr M*jbtriey TA////>, if you be kind Gentle- H ypjihold theicft : your whole voiageis payd for. t^y. Follow it then.


HOE. .

F*/. T^e old Gentleman fay yoj^why he talkt euenjww a<- wcll iahis. wittes as I do my fclfe,and looktjjs wit'ely. t/TW.Ntfmattcr how he talkcs,but his Pcricranion1!! perifl*.

Ful. Where is-hepray-?, . j

Phil, Mary wU^the Mufition , and madder by this time | CAxr.Hee's an excellentMufition!iitnfe]fe,yoi! B>uft note tfeat.

May, And hauing met one fit for his one tooth/ you fee hec ' **• skips from vs.

Green. The troth is maiiter F».Y-w«w», diners traincs haue bia *"' laidcto brine him hither, withour gaping of people, and neuer any tookeettcd till now. F*/. How fell he mad?

</>•'«*. For a woman, looke you fir: here's a aowne topro- uide his (upper : rice's a Gentleman of a very good houfe, you fhall bee paid well if you conucrt him ; to morrow morning, bedding,and a gowne/Kall be fentin, and wood and coale

F«/. Nay fir,h c muft ha no fire.

Green. No, why looke what itr a w you buy for him , (hall re- turne you a whole harueft.

Omnes. Let his ftraw be frcfli and fweet we befeech you fir ?

Grsen. Get a couple of your fturdieft f ellowcs,and bind him I pray,whilft wee flip out of his fight.

F*/, ,Ilc hamper him, I warrant Gentlemen. Exit.


Msf. But how will my noble Poet take i: it my hands, to betray hirrhhus. Omn. Foh.tis but a ieft.he comet.

fhnm k c you : I haue had fuch a mad dialogue here. Omn. Wee ha bin with the other mad folkw. ^iay. And what fayes he and his prick-fong ? ' k ' Jbll. Wee were vp to the earei in falun ifaith.

I Omn. In Italian; O good ma'rfte r Tklltmont lets b care him.

B*//. How noy,Sdeath what do you mcane ? arc you mad ? % - - F*/ Away firraj binrfhim, hold faft : you want awench firra, V. doe you? %;

Veil. Whit Wfach ? waJLyou take mine arma from mc-,betag

''' * ^- *• ' . j

, Jf .*? ..-Jh^_»:^»


F*/. Bind him,be quiet : corue>come,dogs,fie,& a gentleman,

IV//. Maiftcr Maiffay,'Philip,ma.iRctJlfatl>trjrjtdsfoot.

F«/. lie bring you a wench, are you mac1 for a wench.

l&el. I hold my life my comrads haue put this fooles cap vpon thy head : to gull me: I fmell it now : why doe you heare F*/f- moon e, let me loole ; for Ime not mad; line not mad by lefn : F«/. Aske the Gentlemen that.

B#/. Bith Lord I'mc afwcll in my win, as any man ith' houfc^

It this is a trick put vpon thee by thefe gallants in pure knaucrjr.

ful. lie trie that,anfwcv me to this qu eftion :looi e bis antics*

little, look e you fir, three Geefe nine pence ; euery Goofe three

pcnccjwhat s that a Goofe,roundly,round!y one with another.

B.'/. Sfoot do you bring your Geefe for me to cut vp.

Enter nil. flrikchimfo»ndljjwdkickj}»*'

Om»t. Hoi d,hold,b ind him maiftcr F*//-a»o«w.

F*/. Binde him you, hee has payd me all, He haue none of his bonds not I.vnlcflc I could rccoucr them better*

Grr.Haue I gtuen it you maiftcr Po c t, did the Lime-hufh take.

Af*. Ic was his warrant fent thee to BtdLtm,o\d /<«r^.B*//<«»» J>, andmaiftcrF^/-^'woo«,ourwarrantdifchargc»him ; Poet, wccl e all ride vpon thee to Wart,& back agcn I fcare to thy coft. *Sel. If you doc ,1 mufi beare you', tbanke you Maifter Green- fltitUJ. will not dye in your debt : farewell you mad rafcals , to horfc come, ti $ well done ; 'twas well dene , you may laugh, you fhall Uugh Gentlemen :if the gudgeon had beene (wallow ed by one of you it had bin vile , but by Gad 'tis nothing , for your beft Poets indeed are madde for the moft part : farewell good-man ^ull-mcone.

Fnl. Pray Gentlemen if you come by call in. Exit.

B# //. Ycs,y es.wh en they are mad, horfc your felucs now if you be men. May. Hee gallop muft that after women rides, Gjt our \viues out of To vvnc,thcy take long (bides. 'Extant.

A errs j.

Enter old M ay b cry ttnd Bellamont. -I;'-

Maj. But why haue you brought vs to the wrong Inne ? and

withal! poffeft Greenfield that my wife is not in townc : when

myproiedl was, that I would haue brought himyp into the

<| chamber,

' ffOS*

chember, where yong Fetkerftf*e and his wife lay : and fo «U his Artillery irtould hauc recoild into his owne bolomc.

bell. O it will fall out fat re better , you flull fee my reuenge will haue a. more neatc and vne jpc&ed conuf yancc: he hath bin all vp and downe the townc . to enquire for a Londoners wife, none fach is to be foun<! : for I haue mtwd your wife vp already, maty he heresof a Torkt-fhire Gendewoman at next Innc , and (hats all the commodity Ww^affbords at this inltsni : no w fir,hc very polliuckly irnagins,that your wife is rode to Pitckrid^e,fiue. mile furth er.for faith fuch a towne where Hofti- will be fa- nailiar.aud Tapftcrs faucie,& Ghamberlaines worfe then t heeues Jruellrger.ccrs .thcile neuer pur foot out of Stirropre i thcr at PKC- '

horfcs arc wcify^hee's gone to take vpPofthorlc.-iTiy counfaile is onely this, when he conies. inrf aineyour fclfe wery melaochb. lie ,fvvcare you will ride no far(hcr , and th:s i? your pair of the Comedy : the fequcll of the ieft fliall come like money bor rowed of a Court ic r^ind paid within the day, a, thing flrange It cifled,. f. ;/, -^ Enter Gweoeflucjd.. T. Inottgh,lh'a'r, .Br/ He comes. .

- Coruc gallanti,thc pcit horfc are ready ,tit but a quartcj ofan houccs ridi»g,\vcele ferrit them and fi.kc thon in-faith. ^i?/. Are-they grownc pollitick? when do you fee honefty oouet corners,or a gcntlcmi thacs no thiefc lie in the Inne.of a carrier, - C/Wrt/. Nothing htth vndonemy vvife,buttoorauth.riding.

Bf /. She WAS aipritty piece of a Poet indecd,& in her difcourfo Would as many of your Gold, fmiths wiuci doe, draw h er fimily ftom pretious ftoncs ,fo w i t r ily, as redder then your Ruby , har- der then your Diamond.and 10 from ftone to itonc,ja Icfle tirpc then a man can draw on a ftraigh t hootf* as if QIC had beenOn excellent Lapidary. ' fyti*. Corrcwillyowtoborfefix?. ,; c3/«r. No let her go to the diucJl and Ac T\iiljlle not fljrrc a fixKcfunhcr.

^f».G ods pretious income to this : pejfwadehim as you are aGcmkman,theie will be ballads made of'him,& thcbur- tbcn tbcrtof will be/if you had rode out c. mile forward^ic bad fownd the fatal] houfe of Br4/»</«rr<< North-ward, Olhcqe4hooc> honeononero. SeS, YOU arc merry fir. .. (abo»ftb«<i.

€re,Ukt yoar Ciuizcn Jncuer thiakc of ray dcbts^wben I ana * B*/Y«*«

Eel. Vou imagin you are riding from your creditor^ Irw.Good iniaith: wil you to horfc? Maj.Uc ride no further; *f rtf.The tie di fchargc the poil-maiftcr : was't not a pritty wit of mine mauler Poet to baue bad him rod into Puckrui^e^ with a home before him,ha waft not ?

B«r//. Good footh excellent : I was dull in apprehending it: but come fincc we muft flay : vrele bcmery,charnbcdainccall in the mull ck, b id the Tapftcrs & maids come vp and dance,what weel make a night of it,harke you maulers, I haue anezellenc left to make old lHa&crj merry ,Sfootc wecl e baue him merry. QretH. Lets make him drunkc then, a fimplc catching wit I. eel. Go thy waies, I kaow a Nob! crrun would take fuch a de light in thee. Green. Why ib he would in his fbole,

Bel. Before God but hee would make * difference^ ee would ke cpe you in Sattin,bur as 7 was a faying weel htue him merry : his wire is gon to Puckruigt, tis * wench makes him niclacholy, tis a wench muft make him merynve muft help him to a wench, when your cictizen comes into his Innc, wet & cold, dropping, eirhcr the hofti* or one of her maids-.warmes his bed,puls on hi* nighc-cap,cuts his comes puts out the candle,bids him comand QUght,if he want ought : end ib after maifter cittiner fleepcs as quietly, » if belay in his owne low-country aSHolUitd, his own linnen 1 meane fir, w e muft haue a wench tor him.

(jreeBut whcr's this wench to be foundjhere are al the mouef ablepeticotesofthehoufc. -

Bf /'. At the next Inne there lodged to night— Gree. Gods precious a rcr^/rir Gentlewoman ; Iha't, Il« angle for her prcfentK/jWeele hauehira merry.

Bel. Procure fome Chamber! ainc to Pander for you. Grcf. No lie be Pander my fclfe,becaufc weele be merry. Bfll Will you, will you?

Gr;rJButhow?be a Pander as I am agentlcma?that were hor rible jlle thruft my felf into the out-fide of a Fawlconer in towne here:& now I thinke on't there are a company ofcoutry plaiers, that are come to towne here, fliall furniln mee with haireand beard : if i do not bring her, wilbe wondrous merry. Be/rAbout it lookc you fir.though (lie beare her far al oofc,and her body out of diflaace, fo her mind be coming 'tis no matter. G a fir**.


Green. Get old Mattery merry: tharanyman mould take to heart thus the downc fall of a vrc.uan, I thinkc when he comes home poorc fnaite,heclc not dare to pecpe forth of doorc* leaft his homes vihcr him. Exit.

Btl Go i hy way esjthere^ be more in E*gl**d weare large earcs jit and homes, then Stagges and Afles: excellent hee rides pofte with a halter about his- neck* , How now wilt take f]

2?*/. Beyond expc<SUtion : I hauc perfwaded him the oncly •way to make you merry, is to helpe you to a wench , and the foole is gone to pander his ownc wife nether.

May. Why hecle know her?

Ed. She hath beene matkt eucr (ince Hie came into the Innr, for-feare of difcouery. May. Then Qicele know him/

Bel. For that his ownc vqfortimte wit helpt ray lafie irmen- tioo, for he hath difguifd himl'elfe like a Fawkncr, ioTowne h ear c, hoping in that procuring iliapc , to doe more good vpoa her,then in the out-fide of a Gentleman.

UW*7. Young Fetbtrjiont will know him ? . ^

Br/.Hce'j gone into the towne,and will not rename this halfc houre. <-M*y. Excellent if fhe would come,'

Br/. Nay ypon my life fheele come : when (he enters rememv bet fomc of 'your young bloud , talke as forne of your gallant commoners will,Dicc and drinke : freely tdo not call for Sack, leaft it betray the coldneflc of your man-hood , but fetch t ca per DOW & th en , to make the gold chrnke in tout po:keti : I fo,

Mar.H* old Poet^ets osce ftand to it for the credit of Afi%r

Jhreetf. Is my wife acquainted with this. Bel. She's perfc)a>& will come out fp6 her qu,I warrant yc** M«y. Good wenches infaith : fils fome more Sack heatft £r/. Gods pi etious,do not call for Sack by any meanes. MM. Why then giue TS a whole Lordftup fot life in with the reuerfion in Sugar, B<r//. Excellent.

<JM*j. It were not amide if we were dancing. Hell. Out vpon't, I Hi aJl n euer doit.

Exttr Greenflteild JtftuifeJjvitk miftreflr


Orttn. Out of mine nofttils tapfler.thou fraelft like mo daie s after Simon and Itdtpi drinke moft horribry,off wWi

gre*»rO well bouIdTww ( ) wehaue prefcdents,for'tr

^.ir. But I hanc a huf band fir.

B*/. You haue, if thtknaue thy huf band bee rich, make him poors, that he may borrow mony of this M«chant,and be lay d vp in the Counter , or Ludgate,fo it (liall bee confciencc in you; old Gentleman, when he hath fcized all thy goodsjto take the home and maintaine thee.

JCtt. Well if yon be not a Nobleman,you are fome great valiir

antGentlemaa ,by your bearth:and the fafhion of your bear ch and do but thus to make the Cittizen merry , becaufeyou owe him few* money.

thy maf kefweete fiivhcrof the North : thefe maske* are foiles to good face s,and to bad ones they arc like new fattin oat-fides . to loufie linings.

X<«r.prby no mcanes fir , your Merchant will not open a \\holcpeccetohis bcftcottonier, hce that buies a woman,niuft take her as flic fries: lie vnmaske my hand hcares the fample.

Grc*n.Goe to then, eld Poet 1 haue tane her vp already as a pinnis bound for the Itraights, flic knowes her burden yonder.

Bel, Lady you arc welcome : yon it the old Gentleman and obferue him,he's not one of your fat Citty chuffcs : whofe great belly argues that the felicity ef his life confiftcs in cappn/ack, and fincere horiefly but aleane fparc bountiful gallant one that , hath an old wifc,and a young performariccrwhofc reward is not the rate ofa Captaine newly come out of the Low-cofitties't or a Ttrkejkicrt Atturny in good contentious praiStice.fome angel, no the.proportion of your welthy Cittizen to hu wench, is,her Chamber, her diet., Her phifick,hcr apparell, her painting , her monkey , her pandar , her cifery thing . Youlc fay your yong Gentleman, is your onely feruice that lies before you like a talues head, with his braines fome halfe yeard from him.but I aflure you,they muft not onely haue variety of foolery; but alfo of wenches-! whereas your confeionablc^ray-beard cfftrrhtg- toH within, wiHkeepc himfelfc,io the mines of onecaft vraigh- ling-woman an age : & perhaps , when he's paft all other good " "c-waightes,and twenty ith-hundred,,

, to wipe out falfe- walght marry her


BCff. O you arc a wag. LftUy. You are rcry welcome, Grte. He is t anc, c xc ell cnr, excel! cnr,th c r'.t one will make him merry : is it any imputation to he! pe ones friend ro a wench ?

IV. No more thca at my Lords intreaty ,to helpe my Lady to apritty waighting woman: if he had giuen you ageldiDg,orthc reuerfion of fome Monopoly, or a new lute of Sat tin tohaue done this,happily your Sattin would hanc fmclt of the Pander : but what's done freely, comes like aprefent to an old Lady, without any re ward, and what is done without any reward e, comes like wounds to a Souldier, very honourably not-with- ftanding. (uaileyou?

<JMaj. This is my breeding Gentlewoman : and\vhether tra- Kate. To London llr,as the old tale gocs,tofeekc my fortune. cJWtf;. Shall I be yc ur fortune Lady ? Ktte.O pardon me fi r,Ile haue fome young landed heire to be my Forrunc/or they fauour fhce foolcs more then Cittizcns, <JlLrr. Are you married?

K*tc. Yes. but my husband is in garrifon ith* Low-countries, is his Colonels bawd, and his Captaines Icfter: hefentme word oucr,that he will thriue: for though is apparell lie ith Lombard, ickccpci bis conicienceith'Muner-bookc.

(JM*j. Hee may do his coun trie good feruice Lady. K*tt, I as many of your Captaines do, th at fight as the Geefe faucd the Capi t oil ,onely with p ratling : well, well, if I were in fomc Nobl emans bands nowjmay be he would not take a thou- fan d pounds for me. c^^ly.No.

K*ti. No fir .- and yet may be at yeares end, would glue me a brace of hundrcth pounds , to marry me to his Bayly, or the So licitor of his Law futes: whofe this I bcfcech you /


Hofliei. I pray you /brfboth be pat i en r.

B*/.Paflion *f my heartjMiftrcfle M*rb

Grtf*. Now will fliee put fome notjibletrick, vpon hec Cuck« •Idly husband.

H«7. Why how now Wif«,what meanes this ? ha ?

M^.M^-Well,! am rery well : 6 my vnfortunatc pareats,woul4 you had buried me qukk,whcn you link: me to this tmfery.


.Q Wife be patient,! hauc more caufcto raile wife. tAt/fers <JbUj. You hauc,prouc ic.proue in whcres the Courti- a,y ou {hould haue tanc in my bofomedlc lp:t my gall in'i face, that cen tax me of any difhonorchauc I loft the plcafurc of mine eycs.thc fwcetesof my youth^thc wifhcs of my bioud : and the jK>rtiori of my friends, to be thus difhonord _, <co be reputed vild* in Londar>> whilft my huf band prepares common difeaies for iaea«ff*m?,OgodOgod. Jk Prettily weldiffenibledi

-.£: Hoft. Asl am true ho^ice you are to blame fir, what arc you. maiftcrs : He know what you are afore you depart maifters ,doft thou leaue thy Chamber in an honeA Inrie,:o come and inuca- gle my coft«mers,aod you had fent for me vp : and kid me and vfdcmelike an hofticc , twoid n'euer haue greeued mce,but to do it to a ftranger. K*te. He leaue you fir.

M/y.Stay.why how now Tweetc gentle woman>cannot Lcome forth to breath my felfe,but I rruift bee haunted, raiie vpon oide BetLtmoHtjhzi hemay difcoucr remember Iccthirftone Gree*(bfiM. ^

Mr/?.M«/. I remember than, T,they are two as coging, difli notable danibd forfwbrae beggerly gcntleme,as arc in al Lon don, and thcr's a reucrcotold gent' eman tOj your pander in my conference.

Eel Lady, I wil not as the old god Jet were wont.fweare by. . the infernall T/M:; but by all iheim'ngled wine inthel'dler be~ neatft, and the fmokc of Tobacco that hath fumed ouer the vef- failes , I did not procure your huf band this banqueting di/h of fuckket .looke you behold the parenthefis^.

Ho/I. Nay lie fee your face too., i

Ktt.My dcarevnkind husband; Iprotefttothe«!hauepiayd. this knauifli part only to be witty.

Cjree. That I might bee prefcndy turned into a mai tcr more fodllid then hornejntb Marble, (fouldier

"Bel. Your husband gentlewoman :-why hee newer was j»> Kit. I but a Lady got him pnckt for a Capcaint , i warrant you, he wil anfwcrc to the name ofCapt ainc,though bee bee none: like a Lady thar wil nor think fcorne to anfwere to the name of her firfi husband; though h c weare a Sopo-boyltf6> ' \fi

Green, Hangeof thou diuill,away.




* * •" *"

When I was'with child you ran away, But hncc I hauc caught ybu now.

Green, A pox of your wit and your finging.

Sc/.Nay lookc you fir^foc muft (ing becaule. wcele be merry, What though you rod not fiue mile forward.youhaue fbud cbat fit all houfc at Brainford Northward, O hone ho no na ne ro. .

Greet. God refute mee Gentlemen , you may laugh and bee mcrry:but I am a Cockold and I thinke you knew ofic,who lay fthfegges with you to nigh twild-ducke. ,- «.

JCtftKotody with me,as I ftiall be faued:but Maiftcr Ftthtr^r ftont,cnmc to meet e mcfas far as Roiftoite^


My. See the hawke that firft ftoopt, my phefant is ki!d by the Spaniell that fi rft fprang all of our fide wife. * Bel. Twas a pretty wit of you fir , to haue had him rod into Puckc ridge with a home before him; ha: waft not;


B*/. Or where a Cinizen keys his houfe, you know t Is not •I a Gen tleman kcepes hit Chlrnhcr for debt , but as you fayd even how very wifcly,leaft hi$ hornts fhould vfrierhim, green. Very' good Fetherfttnt he comes. Enter Fetherftooe. Feth. Luke Gre*neJfaUi$M&tiMyl*r}> old Poet :M«lmd K*te,moft hapily incoimter d,ydflifc now came you heather, by my life the man lookes pale. [ ' ^

gnen. You are anllauie,and Demak't good vpon you , I am no feruingman,so feede vpon your reuerfion.

Feth. Go to the ordinary then. :. ,*;

B«/. This is his ordinary fir & in this flie is like a London or- dinary :h er bcft getting comet by the box.

Gretn. You are a dambd villainc.

fetb. Oty no naeanes.

CreeK.^0, ydQife, lie go inftantly takea purfe,bc appreben- ded and hang'd for't.bctter then be a Cockold.

Feth. Bcftfirft make your confeflion firra.

Gree*. Tis this thou haft not vfcd me like a Gendeman.

Fetb. A Gentleman rthou a gentlcmaa : taou art a Taylor'

Ir/.Ware peaching. -^

Ffftt. Nofirraifyouwill Cbnfeflc oaghti tcUhowthouhitt


wronged that vertuous Gentlewoman : how thou laicft at her two yeare together to make her difhoncft : how thou wouldeft fend me thethcr with letters, howduely thou woudft watch the cittizens wiues vacation , which is twice a day ,• namely the cxchainge time , twelue at noone and fix at night , and where flic, refilled thy importunity, and vowed to tell her husband: thou wouldeft fall downe vpon thy knees , and intreat her for theloueof Hcauen , if not to cafe thy violent affection , at leaft to concealc it , to which her pitty and fimplc vertue confcntcd, how thou tookeft her wedding ring from her , Met 'thcfe two Gentlemen at Ware : faincd a quarell , and the reft is apparanc, this onely rcmaines what wrong the poore Gentlewoman hath fincc receaued by our intollerable lye ; I am moft hartely forry for, and to thy bofome will maintaine all I haue faid to bee honeft.

Cfcty.Vi&orie wife thou art quit by proclamation.

Be/. Sir you arc an honcft man ,1 haue kuowne an arrant thccfc for peaching made an officerjgiic me ycur hand Sir.

Kate.O mlthy abhominable husband did you all this?

y^/.Certainely he is no Captaine he blufnes.

Mi,May. Speakc Sir did you euer know mcanfwcre your wHhes. (jfw.You arc honeft,very vcrtuousfly honeft.

. Afi.MtyJ wil then no longer be aloofc woman,! haue at my husbands pleafure tanevpon me this habit of iealoufie : Ime forry for you , vertue glories not in the fpoyle but in the victory.

Br.How fay you by that goody Sentencejookc you firjyou gal- lats vifit houfcs, as the Spaniard firR failed to the Indies, you preted bying of wares or felling of lads: but the end proues tis nothing but for difcouery & coquclt of their wiues for better- maintenance why looke you,was he a ware of thofe broken pa tience when you met him at Ware, & pofleft him of the downfal of his wife:you are a Cockcold you haue paderd your own wife to this gentleman better men haue don it,honeft Tom( ),wcc haue prefidcnts for't,hie you to Z,««/(w:what is moreCatholick ith Citty then for husbands daily for to forgiue.the nightlyfins i of their bedfellowes .- if you like not that courfc but to intend to be rid of her : rifle her at a Tauerne,\vhcre you may fwallow H. do-woe:


downc fome fifty wifacrcs Tonnes and heirei to old tenements and common gardens: like fo many raw yeolkcs with Mufka- dine to bed-ward.

K*t. O filthy knauc,doft compare a woman of mycariadge to a horfc.

B* /. And no difparagmentjfor a woman to haue a high for- licad.-a quick care, t full cye,a wide noHrell,afleckcskin,a ftraight back,a round hip, and fo forth is moft comely. K«t. But is a great belly comly in a horfe fir. B//. No Lady.

Kat. And what think e youof it in a woman I pray you. "Bet. Certainly,! am put downs at my o wnc weapon; I there fore recant theriflyingPno there is a new trade come vp for caft Gentle wemen, of pcerivyip making/let your wife fet yp ith Strand, and yetl doubt,whither flic may orno,for:thcyfay,thc. wome haue got it to be a corporatiojif you can you may make good v f c of it/or you (hall haue as good a comming in by haire (tho it be but a falling commodity; & by other fooJifh tyriog, as any betvveene Saint C/ements and Charter.

Fttb.No\\ you haue run your felfe out of breach, here tne : I protert the gentlewoman is honcft , and fince I haue wrong'd. her reputation in meeting herthus priuatcly^lcmaintalneher: wilt t li on hang at .my purfe Katt , like a paire of barbary but- toos,co open when tis full, and clofc when tis empty?

Kat. lie be diuorc'd by this Chriftian element , and becaufc thou thinkft thou art a Cockold,] caft I friould make thee an in- ftdell , in caufing thee to beleeue an vntructh , lie make thee a Cockold . 'Bel. Excellent wench.

Peth. Come,! ets go fwcc t c: the Nag I ride ypon b cares dou- ble,wec!e to London. \

<JU.*j. Do not bite your thumbes fir. K*tt. Bite his thumbc ! He make him do a thing worfc than this, Come loue me where as I lay.

t. He fliall father a child if none of hi5, O the cieane contrary way. IWA.Oluftv&w. &*»*.

NORTH-WARD 7. Me thought he fayd^euen now you were a Taylor.

Gre. Youfcall hcare more of that hereafier.Ile make Ware and him ftinck ere he goes, ifIbecaTaylor,theroaguesnaked weapon {hall not fright rhe,lle1>eatc him and my wife both out ath To wn e with a Taylors yard. Sx it. .

May. O Valiant fir Tr'jframiroomc there.

Enter Philip Lcuer-poole<w<iChaitJj.

?&»'/. Newes faehcr.moft flrang newes out of the Low-coon* tri«,your good Lady and Miftris that fet you to worke vpon a1 dozen of chcefe-trcnchers is new lighted at the next Innc.and the old venerable Gentlemans father with her.

Br/ Let the gates of our Inne be lockt vp, clofcr than a No ble-mans gates at dinner time.

Om». Why fir,why?^

"Bella. If flice enter here, the houfrwilbe infeclicd .• the plague is not halfe fo dangerous , ars a Shce-homet : Philip this is your fhuflling a the cardes , to turne vp her for the bot>

Phi. No as Ime vertuous fir3aske the two Gentlemen. k. Letter. No in troth fir j fhce told vs,that inquiring vtLtndtn

foryou oryourfonne.yotirnunchalktout herway toWwr.

Bel. Iwud ffdmnight choake 'cm both, Maiftcr Mrfj-fcrjr, my horfe and I will take our leaues of you ? He to Bedlam agcn rather than ftaybcTi

fj\iny. Shall a woman make thee flic thy country ? ftay.ftand to her th«> fliecwere greater than Pope latutt, what arc thy braines coniuring for.niy poeticall bay-leafe-eater?

Bel. Forafpritcathe buttry , that fliall make vs aH drinck with mirth if I can raize it .- flay , the chicken is not fully hatcht, hit I befeech thee: So; come ! wil you bcfccret Gentlemen and affifting.

Oww.With browne billsfif you thinke-gooi.

Br/.What wil you fay,if by fomc trick we put thislittle Hor net into VetkerftoHrsbofomCyZndtnaiiy 'cm togither.

Omn. Fuh,tis impoflible.

Br/. Moft pofliblc.lle tomy trcnchcr-woman,letme alone for , dealing with her:F^^wKJcntlemen fhalbe your patieat.




Bell. Thus:l will clofe with this country Pedlar tniftrifle Doro- fWthat trauels vp and downc to exchange Pinnes for Cunny- skins) very louingly, (he fhall.eate of nothing but fweet-mcates in my company ( good words) whofe tattc when (he likes , as I know (hee will , then will Jplay vponhcr with this Artillery, that a very proper man> and a great hcyre (naming Petherftone) fpyed her from a window, when flicc lighted at herlnne, is ex- trcam'y falne in louc with hcr,vo wes to make her his wife, ifit ftand to her good liking , euen in Ware ; but being ( as moft of your young Gentlemen arc;fomc-what baftifull, and aftiamde to venture vpon a woman.

JMity. Citcy and fuburbes can iuftifie it : fb fir. B*/. Hee fends mec (being an old friend ) to vndermine for him : II c fo whet the wenches ftomack,aud make herfo hungry, that (he (hall haue an appetite to him,fcare it not ; Cjreenejheild (hall haue a hand in it too, and to beereuengde of his partner, will I know ftrikc with any weapon.'

Letter. But isF«/.vr/?0»*ofanymcanes? elsyouvndoe him and her.

J%. Hee has Ia»d bctweene Feo/ham and London^ would haue made it ouer to me : to your charge Poet, giue you the af- fault vpon her , and fend but Fctherjlonc to mee , lie hang him by the gills,

"BeS. Hees not yet horfl fure, P»////^,go thy waves, giuc fire to him,and fend him hither with a powder prefently. Phil. Hecs blowne vp already. Exit.

¥>d. Gentlemen youle ftick to the deuife,& looke to your plot? Omnes. Moft Pocticall y : away to your quarter. "Sel. 1 m arch c, I will "ft my rider gallants : I hope you fee who (hall pay for our voyage. Exit.

Enter Phillip Mid Fetherftonc.

M*f. That muft hec that comes here : Maifter Tetherft»*e, O Maifter FftherJ?o»f,you may now make your fortunes weigh ten (tone of Fcthcrs more then euer they aid: 1 cape but into the Saddle now,that (lands empty for you,you arc made for euer. Letter. An A(Tc He befworne. Per I). How for Gods fake? how ? My . I would you had, what I could wifli you,I louc you,and


becaufe you fliall be furc to know where my loue dwcls , lookc youfir,it hajigsout ac this figne. -you ftiall pray for Wtre, when Ware is dead and rotten : lookc you fir,therc is as pretty a little Pinnas,flruck faile hereby, and come in lately ? fliec's my kinfe- womin,my fathers youngcft Sifler , a wardc , her portion three thoufand ; her hopes if her Graunam dye without iflue, better.

Feth. Very good fir.

C/J-/91. Her Gardian goes about to marry her to a Stone-cut- ter,and rather than Ilicele be fubieft to fuch a fcllow.flicelc dye a martyr, will you haue all on; ? fhce's runup away, is here at an Inne ith' toxvne, what parts fo euer you liaue plaid with nice, I fee good parts in you, and if you how will catch times hayre that's put into your hand,you /nail clap her vp prefcntly.

Fetb. Is flie young ? and a pretty wench ?

Letter. Few Cittizens wiues are like her. 'Phil. Yong,why I warrant fixteene hath fcarce gone oucr her.

F^.Sfoot, where is fhe?if I like herperfonage, afwcll as I like that which you fay belongs to her pcrfbnagc , He ftand thrumming of" Caps no longer, but board your Pynnis whilft 'tis hotte.

M<y. Away then with thefe Gentlemen with aFrr«r£gaI- Iop,and to her: 'Phillip here (hall run nc for a PrieA,and difpatch you.'

Feth. Will you gallants goe along : wee may be married in a Chamber for feare of hew and crie after her , and fomc of the company fliall kcepe the doorc.1

M<9vAflurc your foulc fhee will be followed: away therefore. HeesmtheC«rti««gulfe,andfvvallowed horfeandman: hee will haue fbme body keepe the doore for him ,{heelelooke to that : I am yonger then 1 was two nights agoe/or this phifick.— how now ?

Enter Captaine. Allom.HansyW others hotted.

Copt, God plcfle you ; is there not an arrant fcuruy trab in your company, that is a Sentill-woman borne fir, and can tawg Wehbtva& Dutch, and any tongue in yout head ?

M4;. How fo ? Drabs in my company : doe 1 lookc like a Drab-driuer? *^

H C.


Ctyr.TheTrab will driueyou (if flieputyou before her)in- to a pcnch hole.

Allom. Is not a Gentleman here one Miifter 'Btilanmt fir of your company.

Mrfj. Ycs,ycs, comeyou from Z-ffW»»,hcc!e be hcreprcfcndy,

C*ft. Will he .?Mw/ffW,tbis oman, hunts at hiscaile likr your little Goales in ff*/« follow their mother , wee haue warrants herefrom maiftcr Suftice of this fhirc,to fticw nopitty nor nacr- cie to ber,hcr name is T>ott.

Mtty. V\ hy fir, what has flic committed ? T thinkc fuch ft crea ture is ith'towne.

fipt. What has flic committed : ownds flice hascommitted more then man-daughters , for fhce has committed her fclfc God plefle vs to euerlaHing prifon : lug you fir, fhee is a punkc, flic fhifcs hcrloucrs(as Captaincs and Welfh Gentlemen and fuch )^s flic does her Trenchers when flic hat well fed vpon't, and that there is left nothing but pare bones, flicc calls for a cleane one,and fcrapes away the fulh

Enter BeUamontyttfJHornet,w»^ Doll btnvtenttbcn*

Greeaeflhicld^Cate.Mayberies w^PhiUip,


May. Gods (b MaiMer Fetberftone, what will you do ? here's three come from London f& fetch away the G with x a warrant.

Tretk. All the warrants in Ettroft fhall not fetch her now.fhe s mine fure enough : what haue you to lay to her? fliee's my wife.

C*p. Ow ! Sbloud doc you come fo farre to fiflie and eaten Frogs ? your wife is a Tilt-boate, any man or oman may goe in her for money ; fliee's a Cunny-catcher: where is my mooue- ab'e goods cald aCoach,and my two wild peafts , pogs on you? vvud they had trawne you to the gallowes.

st Horn. I muft borrow fiftic pound of you Miftris Bride.

Hans. |3aio tro , anD vou matte me DJ gtjcck foilc,votil)cb mine gelt to : iDflr is it i

Doll. Out you bale Icums , come you to difgracc mce in my wedding fhooes?


ftth. Is this your three thoufaod pound ward , yee tolde mee fir Ihc was your Kinfwomati.

<JM.ay. Right/jnc of" mine Awnts.

Bell. Who payes for the Northren voyage now lads ?

Cree. Why do you not ride before my Wife to Landau now? the Woodcocks ith Sprindgc.

Kate, O forgiue me dccre husband ! I will neucr louc a man that is worfe than hangd,as he is.

J/^7.Now amanmayhaueaccurfcin yourParkc?

feth. Hee may fir.

Doll. Neuer I proteft, I will bee as true to thcc 3 as Ware and WaAes-mM are one to another.

Feth. Well,it's but my fate : Gentlemen , this is my opinion, its better to flioote in a Bow that has beene /hot in bcfore,and will neucr ftart,than to draw t faire new one,that for euery Ar row will bee warping : Come wench wee are ioynd, and all the Dogs in FrMice {hall not part vs : I hauc forne lands, thofe lie turne into money,to pay you,and you,and any .• lie pay all that I can for thce/or line fure thou haft paid me.

Omn. God giue y ou.ioy .

My. Come lets be me try, lye you with your ownc Wife, to be fure fhee (hall not walkc in her fkepe : a noyfe of Mufitians Chatnbcrlainc.

This night lets banquet/reefy : cvme petit fare, Our wives to fomfae ith' i^rette bed itiVfve. Exeunt.


PR 2437 N6 I607a

Dekker, Thomas Northward hoe