h^mc ■ - -^ ^ /J. 5^?b^ :-':«K>v -r^^^ V ^ .r-5:^-^- ^• r">-'i --:^^'^ '^^ :^^^ '^..-^/^■ ra^^.. / /^r^^ ^■-r&.'^v^ .:^ % ,^^••■- ^?)^W^ f>flh kj<^<^ .,,'(S- ^T , ' ;'?Kv xV^\^ ^ '^ . ' ^,v; .mi^ E^;/0^^' in ^,Nr^f^ v^- 1^^/^^- '.^j^^^iit ■\:?n:- b' r - ^ri^ ;■«■■?,'"," m :f:f^ ''Ml, ^^ ^^':m^ :.'^'Ai^^^- ''C^' ^.^JA'4^; ' ^ ^ ^/ 3, 3zo. JO * ** NOVITATES ZOOLOGICAE, H Journal of Zooloo^. EDITED BV The Hon. WALTER EOTHSGHILD, Ph.D., Dr. EENST HARTEET, and De. K. JORDAN. Vol. XV. No. 1. Pages 1—2 GO. Plates I. lo XI. Issi-ED June 2oth, at the Zoological Museum, Thing. PRINTED BY HAZELL, WAT80N Ic VINEi', Ld., LONDON AND AYLESBURY. 1908. Vol. XV. N0VITATE8 ZOOLOGICAE. EDITED BY WAITER ROTHSCHILD, ERNST HARTERT, and KARL JORDAN. CONTENTS OF NO. I. PAGES 1. NOTES CRITIQUES SUE QUELQUES TROCHI- LIDAE E. Simon and C. E. HeUmayr . . 1 — 12 2. AN ACCOUNT OF THE BIRDS COLLECTED BY MONS. G. A. BAER IN THE STATE OF GOYAZ, BRAZIL C. E. Uellmayr . 13—102 3. ON THE BIRDS OF CAYENNE (Part I.) . . Hans Graf von Ber- lepach . . . 103—164 i. NEW FORMS OF ORIENTAL PAPILIOS . . Walter Rothgchild . 165—174 5. NEW HETEROCERA FROM BRITISH NEW GUINEA 0. T. Bethune-Baker 175—243 6. A REVISION OF THE GENUS CALAMO- CICIILA Sbarpe Oscar Neumann . 244—252 7. SOME NEW AND SOME UNFIGURED LEPI- DOPTERA (Plates IX., X., XL) . . . Karl Jordan . . 253—258 8. SOME NEW SPHINGIDAE ; .... Walter RotMiild and Karl Jordan . 259—260 NOVITATES ZOOLOGIGAE. Vol. XV., 1908. NOVITATES ZOOLOGICAE. H Journal of Zooloo^ TN CONNECTION WITH THE TRING MUSEUM. EDITED BY The Hon. WALTER EOTHSCHILD, Ph.D., Uk. ERNST HARTERT, and Dr. K. JORDAN. Vol. XV., 1908. (WITH THIRTEEN PLATES.) Issued at the Zoological Museum, Tring. PRINTED BY HAZKLL, WATSON & VINEY, Lo., LONDON AND AYLESBURY. 1909. CONTENTS OF VOLUME XV. (1908). MAMMALIA. PAGES 1. Note on Gm-illa gorilla diehli (Matschie). (Plate XII.) Walter Rothschild .....■•■••• 391 39".. 2. Mirounga angustirostris (Gill). (Plates I.— VIII.) Walter Rothschild 393-39-i AVES. 1. Notes Critiques sur quelques rroc/fiYicte. E. Simon and C. E. Hellmayr . 1—12 2. An Account of the Bii-ds collected by Mons. G. A. Baer in the State of Goyaz, Brazil. 0. E. Hellmayr 13—102 3. On the Birds of Cayenne. Hans Graf yon Berlepsch. Part I. . . 103—164 Part II. . . 261—324 4. A Revision of the Genus Calamocichla Sharpe. O. Neumann. . . 244 — 252 5. The Bird.s of Vella Lavtlla, Solomon Islands. (Plate XIII.) Walter EoTHSCHiLD and Ernst Hartert 351 — 358 6. On a Collection of Birds from San Christoval, Solomon Islands. Walter Rothschild and Ernst Hartert ....... 359 — 365 7. Notes on African Bird.s in the Tring Mu-seum.. O. Neumann. . . 366—390 8. Note on Casuaritos casuarms bislriatus Oort. Walter R'jthschild . . 392 9. Miscellanea Ornithologica. Part V. Ernst Hartert , . ■ . 395—396 ( vi) LEPIDOPTERA. 1. New Forms of Oriental Papilios. Walter Rothschild . 2. New Ueteioeora from British New Guinea. G. T. Bethune-Baker 3. Some Now and some Unfigured Lepidoptera. (Plates IX. — XI.) Kari. Jordan- .......... i. Some New Sp/dngidae. Walter Rothschild and Karl Jordan 5. New Thijrididae in the Tring Museum. W. Warren G. New Subspecies of Pariuisshi-s apollo. Walter Rothschild . 7. A New Lyeaenid from the Solomon Islands. Karl Jordan . PAGES 105- -174 175- -243 253- -258 259- -260 325- -351 390 394 LIST 01^ PLATES IN VOLUME XV. I. — VIII. Photographs of Californian Sea Elephants and their Haunts, taken by Mr. Charles Harris. IX. — XI. New and Rare Lepidoptera, photographed by the " Three-colour Process." XII. Head of Gorilla gorilla diehli, fiom a painting by Grbnvold, made from a stuffed male in the Tring Museum. XIII. New Birds from the Solomon Islands. By Keulemans. vii 30 m '"^^^ NOVITATES ZOOLOGICAE. Vol. XV. JUNE, 1908. No. 1. NOTES CRITIQUES SUR QUELQUES TROCHILIDAE. Par E. SIMON et C. E. HELLMAYR. 1. SUR DEUX ESPfiCES DU GENRE AGYRTRIA. Agyrtria versicolor (Vieillot) {A. a/finis GduM). Triichilus oeisiroliir Vieillot, in Xonr. Dirt, xxiii, p. 4.'50 (181S) (Bresil, in Musi'um d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris). Thaumantiax affiiiix Gould, Monnij. Tmi-hil. v. pi. I'M (1S55. — Novo-Friborgo, prov. de Rio-de- Janeiro ; Minas-Geraes). An Museum de Paris: («) Oisean moiite, tiiv[.: " Agi/rtria brtu-irostris (Less.). Trochilus versicolor (Vieill.) — t)'pe. Delalande, Bresil No. 5022." (Aile 51 inm. ; queue 2ft mm. ; bee 15^ mm.) Ce specimen, qui correspdud exactement a la description de Vieillot, se rapporte au Thaamaiitias affinis Gould et ne diflfere en rien des nombren.x individns provenant de Rio et de Minas-Geraes, auxquels nous I'avons com|)are. A. offiiiiK devra done prendre le nom de ccrsicolor, qui est de beaucoup le plus ancien et que 0. Salvin a attribuS k tort k la synonymie du Stepkanoxis delalandei /a hicolor par D'Orbigny et Lafresnaye • et d'apres Mnlsant.t avaiit rintervention d'Elliot, le mule jHirtait an pied nne dtiqnette de TrofInli(x Ifitirostris de I'ecriture de Bonrcier. Dei)nis lors I'espece a fignr(5 daus tons les onvrages sons le uoni d'Ac/i/i(ria mglecta (Ell.) ; I'nn de iions % a propose de la rej.orter an genre I'ob/rrata a canse de la disparity des sexes. Mais nn nouvel examen, tros soignenx, nous a convaincns que cette pretendne espece reposait snr nue fantaisie de preparatenr : le type est en effet nn oiseau monte tres detraiclii, forme d'une tete de Ihjlocliaris ojanxs tres habilement adiipt^e a nn corps A\\g>/rtria eersicoloi: Nous avons en un instant d'liesitation !i canse de la teinte d'nn blen pins pale et pins verdatre qne celni de Ihjlocharix frais et de la mandibnle snpdrienre passee an brnn presqne noir, mais nous avons pn nous procurer, comma terme de eomparaison, (jnelques tres vicnx specimens de Ili/loiharis cijaiius, ayant snbi, sons Faction dn temps, les memes alterations et le donte n'a pins dte possible. Qnant ii la femelle, elle ne diflftre de YA. versicolor que par la base des rectrices d'un vert un pen plus grisatre, mais cette difference est bien insiguifiante. .1. neylerta devra done disparaitre des catalogues et aller rejoindre les Chri/solampis gigliolii {Chn/sohimpis mo.shatia ne soit autre que la femelle de T. smaragdinea, ( 9 ) Nous donnons ci-aprfes la sjnonymie des deux esjifeces T. lerchi et smaragdinea, qui ont 6te souvent confondues : Thalurania lerchi Muls. et Verr. Thalurania lerchi Mulsant et J. Verreaux, iu Ann. Soc. Linn. Lijon (n.s.) xviii. p. 108 (Janvier 1872) — " Nouvelle-Grenade.'' Timolia lerchi Mulsaut, in. Aim. Soc. Linn. Lyun (2), xxii. 1876, p. 219; Elliot, Classif. Truchil.^ 1879, p. 232. Eucephala lerchi Elliot, in Ibis, 1874, p. 264 ; Mulsant et Verreauz, Hist. Nat. Ois.-Mouch., iv. 1877, p. 191, avec planche. Agyrtria tenebrosa Hartert, in Bull. B. 0. C, x. 1899, p. xv. (prepar. de Bogota) ; idem. Tierreich, Utt. 9, 1900, p. 229. Specimens examines : 1. No. 38724, American Museum of Nat. Hist. New York, c? presque adulte. etiq. : " Thalurania lerchi Muls. et Verr., Soc. Linn. Lyon, 10 aoiit, 1868 (type). N"° Greuade c^ ; " et sur le dos de I'etiquette : " Timolia lerchi — type. Elliot's collection. Type of fig. 119, p. 231, Si/n. of Trochilidac." (Aile 57 ; queue 38 ; furca 8; bee 21 i mm.) 2. Musee de Triiig. S moins adulte, preparation de Bogota. TyjjC d'Aifi/rtria tenebrosa Hart. (Aile 57 ; queue 37 ; furca 7 ; bee 21 i mm.) Grace a I'obligeance de M. Allen, I'un de nous a pu Studier le type de T. lerchi et s'assurer de son identity specifique avec I'oiseau d^crit recemment par M. Hartert sous le nom d! Agyrtria tenebrosa. Les quelques tr6s legeres differences que nous avons not^es entre les deux oiseaux tieunent sans doute a I'age. Le type du lerchi, plus adulte sans I'etre complfetement, a le menton bleu brillant, celui du tenebrosa est garni de plumes blanches avec de petites taches apicales vert pur; I'uropygium du lerchi est vert-bleuatre, comme le dos, vert dore sans'teinte bleuatre dans le tenebrosa; les supra-candales du lerchi sont un pen plus rouges vers I'extremitS, ses sous-caudales sont vert olivtitre, tandis que celles de tenebrosa sont vert bronzfi plus mat, bien que quelques-nues des plus courtes offrent la meme teinte dans les deux individus. Le lerchi pr^sente une petite tache bleue au bord posterieur de la region parotique, qui manque au tenebrosa. Comme nous I'avons dit, ces deux specimens ne sont pas tout k fait adultes, comme le pronve la presence de quelques plumes vert-bleuatre au milieu de la plaque bleu brillant du front. Bien que les descriptions d'Elliot et de Mulsant aient ete faitcs sur le meme oiseau (celui que nous avons sous les yeux), on pent y relever des contradictions, notamment en ce qui concerne la coloration du dos et des sous-caudales. D'apr^s Mulsant le dessns et le dessons du corps seraient d'un vert-bleuatre, ce qui n'est exact que pour le dessus, et les sous-caudales d'un vert luisant. D'aprSs Elliot le corps serait d'un vert-pre plus fonce en dessus et les sous-caudales d'un vert-olive, ce qui est plus conforme a la verite. Les dimensions donndes par Elliot sont exactes ; celles donndes par Mulsant sont beaucoup trop faibles, sauf pour le bee, ( 10 ) Thalurania smaragdinea ((jonhl). Aiigasma smaragdineum Gould, in P. Z. Soc. Land. 1860, p. 305 (" Brazil ") ; Hartert, Tierrcich, livr. 9, 1900, p. 82. Eucephala smaragdo-cacridea Gould, Monogr. Trochil. v. pi. 331. Eucephalii nmnragdiiiea Salvin, Cat. Birds Brit. JSIus. XYi. p. 240 (pars ; (J ad. (J Jut.). Timolia hnhi (nee Mulsant) Salvin & Godman, in /Jjs, 1881, p. 596 ; Sharpe, in Gould, Monogr. Trochil. SuppI, pi. 57. Specimens examines : 1. Mn,^. Brit., S jr. " Novo-Fribnrgo, Rio Janeiro, Brazil — Reeves." Type A'Aiigasma smaragiHuewn et d' E. smaragdo-caernlca Gould. (Aile 54i ; queue 33; furca 8; bee 19 mm.) 2. Mus. Brit., S ad., peau de Bahia, acquis de Whitely; fignre dans le Suppl. de la Monogr. des Trochild. de Gould comme T. lerchi. (Aile 55; queue 3Ti; furca 8; bee 18 mm.) 3. Mus. Berlepsch, cJ jr., peau de Bahia. (Aile 55 ; queue 33; furca 0 ; bee 18 mm.) 4. Mns. E. Simou, (? ad., „ ,, ( „ 50; „ 41; ,, IT; ,, 18 mm.) 5. Mus. E. Simon, c? ad,, „ „ ( „ 53; „ 36; „ 14; ,, 18 mm.) La femelle, decrite par Gonld et Salvin, n'est autre qn'nn Chlorostilbon pucherani Bonrcier, preparation de Rio (in coll. Brit. Mus. : Eucephala smarag- dinea c). VI. SUR LES EUCEPHALA HYPOCYANEA Gould, PYROPYGIA Salvin ET SUBCAERVLEA Elliot. Ces trois especes, qui out 6te decrites sous le nom g(^ni^rique A'Eiicepkala, se rattachent a deux genres : E. hypocyanea Gould et subcaerulea Elliot sout des Chlorestes, assez voisins de C. caeruleus (Vieillot), mais E. pyropygia Salvin n'est pas synonyme du premier, comme un examen trop hatif avait pu le faire croire & Simon et Hartert. Malgre sa tr6s frappante ressemblance avec les especes prec6dentes, E. pyropygia est un Ilylockaris, qui doit prendre place dans le voisinage de H. cyanus (Vieillot) ; * ce qui a contribni k cette erreur est que I'iudiyidu type de la collection Salvin- Godman (un male presque adulte, acquis de ^Vllitely) a le bee refoit : sa mandibule inferieure, examinee a la loupe, moutre des traces de peiuture noire, la sup(5rienre a probablement dt6 habilement remplac^e par celle d'un autre oiseau; en r^alitS le bee de E. pyropygia est rouge et spougieux comme celni des Hylocharis ; sous ce rapport I'individu de la collection Simon est bien caract(5ris6. Hylocharis pyropygia (Salv. & Godm.). Eucephala pyropygia Salvin & Godman, in Ibis, 1887, p. 591), pi. xvi (Rcspub. aequatorialis — cnorc ! — Le type a et^ pr^par6 h Bahia) —Salvin, Oil. Rird.i Bril. .Mus. .\vi. 1892, p. 241. Chlorestes hypocyaneus E. Simon, Cat. Trochil. 1897, p. 16 (pars : (J ad.). Specimens examines : 1. Mus. Brit. S presque ad., peau de Bahia; acquis de H. Whitely ; i\\)c iVEucephala pyropygia Salv. & Godm. (Aile 50i ; queue 28 mm.) 2. Mns. E. Simon ill 19 mm. No. 1094. c? juv., Faz. Esijcranea, December IDUO. In addition to the above specimens, I have examined two others from Catalfio (in the south-eastern corner of the state of Goyaz) collected in ls4G by Castelnaii and Deville, and belonging to the Paris Museum. The six birds which agree in coloration and si/.e with a series from Mattogrosso (3 Chapada, 1 Cuyaba, 1 Miranda) are rather pale, greyish brown on the upper parts. Typical skins from S. Panlo (Victoria, Ypanema, etc.), and two adult females from the Rio Jordfio, prov. Araguary, Minas Geraiis, difier slightly in being soirewhat darker and browner on the back and head, but the variation is scarcely appreciable. Specimens from various localities measure as ibllows : 7 Jc? ad. from S. Paulo (including the type) 3 ? ? ad. from S. Paulo .... 2 ? ? ad. from Rio Jordao, M. Geraes Two adults from Catalao, Goyaz One adult from Miranda, Mattogrosso 3 ? ? ad. from Chapada, Mattogrosso 1 ? ad. from Cuvaba, Mattogrosso . Wing. Tail. Bill, llu- -117 125—134 19 — 20 mm. 107- -109 115—123 19 — 2u mm. 108, lusi 120, 123 20 mm. 110, in' 120, 122 19, 20 mm. 115 130 20 mm. 100- -108 118—124 18i— 19A mm. 105 121 IS mm. * Tiirdiis ejdiijijMiiIis Sclater, P. ^. S. Lnitd. 1S62. p. lUIi (I'dg- •la). ( 16 ) M. satxrtdiius areiioceuK Chajim.* from Bahia, difi'ers from .1/. s. Jratir liy paler coloration and by its much longer, stronger hill. The leni^th of the bill varies, in seven adnlt birds, from 23 — 26 mm. 3. Thryophilus albipectus rufiventris (Scl.). [ Tliri/oHitiiii.i albipei-liia Cabanis. in Schomburgk, Reixen Brit, (jniniia iii. 673 (1848. — Cayenne).] Thrijothiiiua rufirintrix Sclater. P. X. .S. Loml. 1870. p. .32S (Goia?, and Mattogrosso). Thryothorus ijiilhniithi (nee Lawrence) Pelzeln, Zur Ornilh. Bia^. i. lH('i7. p. 47 (Cuyabii, Goiaz) ; Allen, Bull. Aniei: Mu«. iii. 1891. p. 343 (Chapada). No. 2125. ? ad., Rio Thesonras, May HMKi.— Wing 04; tail 40 ; bill 20 mm. Nos. 1833, 1834, 1944, 1951. c?c? ad., cjt? jiiv., Goyaz, March.— Adults : Wing 66; tail (damaged); bill 10. Young: Wing 1 Tarapoto, N. ?eru ; 1 Samiria, N. Peru. ( 24 ) WiDg. Tail. Bill. ro— 75 55—65 16—18 mm 7U, 79 62, 64 18 63 17i ou the Rio Tocaiitiiis, State of Goyaz (Casteliian aud Deville — Mas. Paris); Rio Parana (Natterer) ; Mattogrosso : Ciiapada (Smith), Cornmlia (Borelli). East Bolivia : Ciiiqnitos (D'Orbigny). Measurements. Twenty-two specimens from Bahia (not sexed) . Two adnlts from (Jeara ..... One adnlt, Porto Imperial, Rio Toeantius — Castelnan and Deville coll., Mus. Paris One c? ad.. City of Goyaz — Natterer coll., Mus, Vienna ...... Three cJc? ad, Rio Aragnaya, Goyaz . One ? ad., Rio Araguaya, Goyaz One 6 ad., Rio Thesouras, Goyaz One S ad., Rio Parand, Brazil — Natterer coll. Vienna Mnse'nm ..... Five S d ad., Chapada, Mattogrosso . Two ? ? ad., Chapada, Mattogrosso Two adults from Chiqnitos, East Bolivia — coll D'Orbigny, Mus. Paris .... 73 62 17 74- -76 oOi- -63 16J-1 75 6uj 16 75 62' 16i 75 60 18 73- -77 61- -65 17— Ife 73, 75 60 17 75, 75J 62 17 b. C. gujanensis viridis (Vieill.). Saltator viridis Tieillot, Tab!, enc. meth. ii. p. 793 (1822.— ex Azara, No. 89 : Paraguay). Cydorhis allirostris Salvin, Ibin 1880. p. 352 (Salta, N.W. Argentina). Laniagra gujanensis Lafr. & D'Orbigny, Syn. Av. i. in Mag. Zool. 1837. cl. ii. p. 9 (part. : Bolivia *). Hab. Paraguay : Carapegna (Borelli) ; Bernalcue, near Asuncion (Ternetz coll. — spec, in Mus. H. v. Berlepsch and Vienna) ; Gran Chaco, Pilcomayo (Kerr). Argentina : Ocampo on the Rio ParanA (Venturi) ; Mocovi, west of Ocampo in the Chaco (Venturi) ; Cordova (Schnlz), Tucnman (Venturi), Salta (Durnford, White, Steinbach, Borelli, etc.), S. Luis (spec, in Mus. Brit.). High Bolivia : Ynngas, Aynpaya, Rio Grande (D'Orbigny), Santa Cruz (Garlepp). Measurements. Two adults from Bernalcu^, Paraguay . . . »0 VO iS mm. One cJ ad.. Gran Chaco, Pilcomayo (Kerr) . One (? ad., Mocovi, Chaco, Mus. Tring Two cJ c? (?), Ocampo, Argentina Two ? ? (?), Ocampo, Argentina. Four adults from Salta (including the type of C. altirostris Salv.) .... Two adnlts from Tucuman .... One i ad., S. Luis— Mus. Brit. . One adult from Cordova — Mus. H. v. Berlepsch Two ad. from Yungas, Bolivia — coll. D'Orbigny Mns. Paris . . Two ad, from Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia — • coll. Garlepp — Mus. H. v. Berlepsch, et Coll. Boucard (Mus. Paris) 82,86 72, 76i 1" Wing. Tail. Bill. . 85 70 18 . 84 72 19 . 86 '4J 17 . 81, 80 74, 73 17, 17| . 85, 83 73 17 . 81—84 71—75 17—18 . 80J, 79 72 17, 17i . 83 71 m . 82 75i 18 81, 86 73, 77 17J, 18 ♦ The specimen from Corrientes which I examinrrl in the Paris Museum belongs to C. oohrKcephala Tsch, ( 25 ) N.B. — The specimens from the Bt)lLviaii Andes agree in every respect with those from Paraguay and Argentina. It will be remembered that the birds obtained by D'Orbigny iu the plains of Chiqnitos, near the Brazilian frontier, belong to the smaller, eastern form, C. g. cearensis. (Cf. supra, p. 23.) 12. Stelgidopteryx ruficoUis ruficoUis (VieilL). Hirundo rujknllis Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. xiv. p. 523 (1817.—" Bresil ").♦ No. 2091. S ad., Goyaz, May 1906.— Wing 114 ; tail 57 ; bill 7A ram. Identical with specimens from Bahia and S. Panlo. Cf. my remarks in Nov. Zool. xiii. 1906, p. 13. N.B.— I have examined the specimen (i) of S. uropygialis, said to be from Bahia, t in the British Mnsenm. It really belongs to S. r. aequalis, and certainly never came from Bahia, being of tlie nnmistakable make of the skins that are sent to Europe from Northern Colombia (Carthagena, Baranqailla, etc.). 13. Tachycineta albiventer (Bodd.). Hirundo albiventer Boddaert, Tahl. PI. Enl. p. 32 (1783.— ex Daubenton, PI. Enl. 546, fig. 2.— Cayeisne). No. 2369. S vix ad., Rio Araguaya, August 1906.— Wing 107 ; tail 51 ; bill 8f mm. Differs from a CJayenne specimen merely by having the white edges to the greater wing-coverts and secondaries rather narrower. 14. Progne tapera (Linn.). Hirundo Tapera Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. xii. 1. p. 345 [1766.— " America"— a-s typical locality fixed East Brazil (ex Marcgrave). Cf. Berl. & Hart., Nov. Zool. vs.. 1902. p. 14]. No. 2236. c? ad., Rio Araguaya, June 1906.— Wing 131 ; tail 65; bill 11 mm. Identical with specimens from Bahia and Bogota. 15. Progne chalybea domestica (Vieill.). [Hirundo chahjhea Gmelin, Syst. Nat. 1. ii. p. 1026 (1788.— ex Brisson et Daubenton : Cayenne).] Hirundo domestica Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. xiv. p. 520 (1817.— ex Azara, No. 300 : " )e Paraguay et la riviere de la Plata"). Nos. 2204, 2215. SS ad., Rio Araguaya, June 1906.— Wing 140, 137 ; tail 77^, 77 ; bill 11 J, 11 mm. No. 2205. ? ad., Rio Araguaya, June 1906.— Wing 137 ; tail 77; bill 11 mm. No. 2206. ? jr., Rio Araguaya, June 1906.— Wmg 134; tail 73 ; bill 10| mm. Agreeing in size and colour with a large series from S. Paulo, Bahia, Paraguay, and Buenos Ayres. • In JViiv. Zool. xiii. 190G. p. 13, by some unaccountable mistake, Vieillot's original description is stated to have been based on Azara's No. 306 ex Paraguay. t Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. x. p. 210, ( 2G ) 10. Cyanerpes cyanea cyauea (Linn.). Certhia < ;/anca Liunaeus, Si/xl. Xtit. xii. 1. p. 188 ( 170G. — ex Eil wards, Brisson, etc. — We fix iSurinam [ex Edwards, whom Linnaeus quotes tirst] :ls typical locality), Caereba cyanea Pelzeln, Zur Ontitli. Bras. i. 1867. p. 25 (Goiaz). No. 1760. S jiiv., Faz. Esperanoa, January 1906. — Wing 68; tail 41 ; liill 15 mm. Agrees in the length of the bill with specimens from Hiirinam, Caycime, etc. Cf. Nov. Zool. xiii. 1906. pp. 9-1 0. IT. Dacnis cayana cayana (Linn.). \ifoUicHla cayana Linnaeus, Syil. Nat. xii. 1. p. 336 (17t)6. — '"Mexico" : errore I We substitute Cayenne ex Brisson, Orn. iii. p. 534, t. 28 fig. 1).] Dacnis cyanocephala Pelzeln, Zur Orn. Bras. i. 1867. p. 25 (Goiaz). Nos. 1867, 1945, 2069, 2095. SS ad., Goyaz, March, April, May 19U6.— Wing 67—71 ; tail 46i— 50 ; bill 12^—13^ mm. No. 1998. ? ad., Goyaz, April 1906.— Wing 67 ; tail 46 ; bill 13 mm. The adnlt males agree with others from S. Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Miuas Geraes, and have like those from Cayenne and Venezuela (which we may consider as typical) the throat extensively deep black, and the general colour is the same shade of blue. Brazilian birds, however, are as a rule rather larger than those from more northern localities, though this is not quite constant. Skins from Pern, Bolivia and Mattogrosso (Chapada) differ at a glance by having the throat-patch smaller and much duller, more greenish black. This is I>. cat/ana glaucogidaris Berl. & Stolzm. Some of the Chapada birds slightly point towards D. c. cayana. 18. Euphonia chlorotica violaceicoUis (Cab.) ? \Tauagra chlorotica Linnaeus, Synl. Nat. xii. 1. p. 317 (1766. — ex Brisson : Cayenne).] Acrohptes violaceicoUis Gabanis, Joiirn. f. Ornith. 1865. p. 409 (" Brasilien "). Euphona serriroslris (nee Lafr. & D'Orb.) Pelzeln, Zur Ornith. Bras. iii. 1860. p. 202 (Cidade do Goiaz). Nos. 1860, 1982. ^c? ad., Goyaz, March and April 1906.— Wing 01, 58; tail 38, 35 ; bill 8 mm. These birds, as well as two adult males obtained by Natterer, which I have likewise before me, agree perfectly with a series from Bahia as far as coloration is concerned, but average slightly larger. E. chlorotica, with its geographic forms, is involved in great confusion, and requires careful revision ; but 1 have neither time nor suificient material to enter into the question. 19. Calospiza flava sincipitalis Berl. [Tanagra flava Gmelin, Syst. Nat. 1. ii. p. 896 (1788,— ex Brisson : ex Marcgrave : East Brazil).] Calospiza formosa sincipitalis Berlepsch, Ornis xiv. p. 348 (1907. — Leopoldina, R. Araguay, Goiaz). Calliste flava (nee Gmelin), Pelzeln, Zur Ornith. Bras. iii. 1869. p. 207 (part. ; Goiaz). Nos. 1868, 2025. -ga>itae from Mattogrosso. This ranst be a mistake, for I carefnlly compared the specimen in question, and fonnd it perfect!)' agreeing with skins from S. Paulo — i.e. C. /. chloroptera. It has the back of the same golden buff colour as the latter, and there is just a faint ocliraceous tinge across the forehead only to be seen when viewed from in front. A similar example from Victoria, S. Panlo, is in the Tring Museum. (e) C. flata sincipitalis Berl. llab. State of Goyaz : City of Goyaz (Natterer, Bacr) ; Leopoldina ou the Rio Araguaya (von den Steinen coll. ; Mus. H. v. Berlepsch). S ad. Differs from €./. chloroptera by having the back slightly mixed with silvery-greenish, and the forehead (as far as the posterior border of the eye) decidedly darker, ochraceons-rufous, this colour shading into ochraceous ou the vertex, and into golden buff on the nape. ? ad. Top of the head distinctly darker, more ochraceons-rufous than in the females of C. f. Jiara and C. f. chloroptera. One adult ?f«sts), was imported from some of the principal ports in Eastern Brazil — Bahia or Rio dc Janeiro. ( 33 ) No. 1682. (?) ad., Faz. Esperan<;a, December 1905.— Wing 09 ; tail 05i ; bill 16; depth at base of upper mandible '.), of lower maudible G mm. Besides the.se sjiecimens, I have examined an adnlt male from Rio de Janeiro in Count Berlepsch's collection, and another from (!ayaba, Mattogrosso,* obtained by Natterer, in the Vienna Mnsenm. 0. c. maximiliaiii is a very close ally of 0. c. crassirostris (6m.), and takes its place in Southern Brazil. The males differ from those of the typical race by averaging larger, and by having the axillaries and under wing-coverts broadly edged with black. Specimens of 0. c. crassirostris from Cayenne, Surinam and British Guiana (Aunai) have a mnch smaller bill, as well as shorter wings and tail. Those from Trinidad (Seelet) and the Orinoco valley, however, are scarcely smaller than 0. c. ma.rimiliani, and the bill is quite as large and stont as in the latter. Two adult (SS from the upper Rio Negro (Lamalonga, Marabitanas) have the strong bill of the Orinoco and Trinidad birds, but in size they agree with the Guianan ones. The female of 0. c. maxiiniliaiii differs from 0. c. crassirostris by its ratlier darker and less rnfescent upper parts, and by having the axillaries and under wing-coverts more buff (less whitish). 0. c. maximiliani is rather scarce in collections, and its range very imperfectly known. Prince Wied met with it on the Rio Espiritn Santo, and near Vifoza and Caravcllas in the south-eastern portion of the state of Bahia. Natterer obtained an adult male at Cuyaba, Mattogrosso, and Dr. Allen f records three specimens, obtained by Mr. H. H. Smith near Chapada, in the same province. Count Berlepsch possesses, as mentioned above, an adnlt male from Rio de Janeiro, whence there are also two skins in the British Museum. 36. Volatinia jacarina jacarina (Linn.). Tanc^ra /ac'«W«a Linnaeus, .S^s/. Nmi. xii. 1. p. 31-t (17G6. — ex Brisson : ex Marcgr,ive, p. 210: " Jacarini." — Eastern Brazil). Vohxi'inki jacarina Pelzeln, /.c. p. 226 (Goiaz). No. 1757. $ fere ad., Faz. Esperan^a, January 1900. — Wing 55 ; tail 49 mm. Nos. 1609, 1732, 1750. $S imm., Faz. Esperanpa, December 1905, January 1906. Nos. 1043, 1771. ? ad., ? jnv., Faz. Esperanga, December 1905, January 1906, In the males all the axillaries and under wing-coverts are white. 37. Spinus ictericus alleni Ridgw. [Frhigilla icterica Lichtenstein, Verz. Diihl. Bcrl. Miif:. p. 20 (1823. — .San Paulo).] Spinnn aUeui Ridgway, Aich, xvi. p. .37 (1899. — Chapada, Mattogrosso). No. 2161. (? vix ad., Rio Thesouras, May 1906.— Wing 65; tail 40; bill 10 mm. No. 2208. S ad., Rio Araguaya, June 19u0.— Wing 68; tail 43 ; bill 11 mm, These specimens, which agree perfectly with a topotype from Chapada (Brit. Mns.), differ from true hic forms of this group. (a) Sicalis arcensis arccnsis (Kittl.). llaO. C^hili, Argentine, South Brazil. Goyaz: Rio Thesouras (Baer), Abrantes, Fazenda do S. Antonio (Natterer) ; Northern >S. Paulo : Faz. do Jos^ Dias (Natterer) ; Mattogrosso : Chapada (Smith) ; Miuas Gerae.s : Lagoa Santa (Reiuliardt) ; Rio Grande do Snl : Tarjuara (Ihering), etc. N.l>. — I am unable to see constant differences between specimens from Chili aud Argentine and others from Brazil. Crithagra hilarii Bp. was based on an example from Southern Brazil (cf. JSoc. Zool. xiii. 1906. p. 309). Skins from different localities measure as follows : Wing. Tail. Bill. Six adult (? cJ from Chili . . . 74 — 77 53 — 55i lOA— lU mm. Two adult SS from Mcndoza . . 72i, 75 54, 55i lOi, 11 „ Two adult c?(? from Abrantes, Goyaz 73, 77 54, 57 10 „ One adult c? fi'om Chapada, Matto- grosso 74^ 54 10 „ (i) Hicalis arvensis chapmani Ridgw. Sicalis cliitpiimni Ridgway, .!«/•, xvi. p. 37 (1899. — Sautarem, Lower Amazons). Huh. Lower Amazons : Santarem (Riker) ; Isle of Jlexiana (Wallace), Isle of Marajo (Mus. Paracnse). c? ad. Dilfers from .S. a. arvensis by its smaller size, much larger bill with more * I have not been able to verify this reference. ( 35 ) strongly curved cnlraeti, much brighter yellow uuiliM'-parts aiul more yellowish grouud-colour of the back. Two adult c? J' from Mexiaua (Wallace).— Wing 0."), (i(J ; tail 44, 4-"i ; bill 11 mm. Oue adnlt d from Manijo. — Wing 00; tail 40 ; bill 11 mm. (c) Skalia an:emis minor Cab. Syralis minor Oabanis : in Schumburgk, Hcisin Bill. Giiiaita, iii. p. (57!) (ISiS.— IJrit. Guiana). Hri/j. British Guiana : Aunai, Uio Ruiuirumi, etc. (Whitely, Scliomlmrgk) ; North Brazil : Forte do Itio Branco (Natterer) ; Venezuela, iu the Orinoco valley : Altagracia, Quiribana de Caicara (Cherrie). c? ad. Agrees with S. a. chapmani iu size and coloration, but has a much smaller, less curved bill. Two adult SS from Brit. Guiana.— Wing 65, 04; tail 40i, 45 ; bill 9 mm. Two adult (?(? from the Rio Branco.— Wing G2J, 03; tail 44, 44^; bill 8, 8i mm. Five adult iS from the Orinoco. — Wing 03 — 00; tail 4.) — 48 ; bill S^ — OJ, mm. 4i). Brachyspiza capensis capensis (P. L. S. Mull). Friiigilla capensis P. L. S. Miiller, Xiiliirsysl. Sniipl. p. 1G.3 (1776. — ex Daiibenton, PI. Kiil. 38(5. fig. 2 — "Cap de Bonne Esperauce" : errore ! — Wc substitute Cuyennc as typical looality). Nos. 1869, rJ30, 1U92, 2075. (JJ, ? ? ad., Goyaz, March, April, May I'.JUO. Identical with a scries from Cayenne, and various localities iu Brazil. 41. Porphyrospiza caerulescens (Wied). Tanagra catnUescensWied, Beiti: Natiirg. Bias. 3. i. p. 5U (1830. — " Campo3 GeraiJs " ; = c? ad.). Porphyrosjiiza caerulescens Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. ii. 188'J. p. 140 (crit.). Cyanosi>iza cyanella Pelzeln, /.•■. p. 227 (Cidade de Goiaz). No. 1905. (? ad., Goyaz, March 1900.— Wing 00 ; tail (moulting) ; bill 11 mm. Agreeing with specimens from Chapada, Mattogrosso. 42. Poospiza cinerea Bonap. Ponspiza cinerea (ex Cuvier MS.) Bonaparte, Conxp. Av. i. p. 473 (July 1850. — "Bresil." — type in Paris Museum examined ; = juv.). Pouspiza schisUicca Cabanis, .Mus. llcin. i. p. 137 (May 1851. — Brazil) ; Pelzeln, /..-. p. 'i.'O (Goiaz). Nos. 1942, 1994. SS ad., Goyaz, March, April l'.»u6.— Wing 04 + .\, 00^ ; tail 03, 61i; bill 11, IU mm. No. 2128. S ad., Rio Thesonras, May 1906.— Wing 68 ; tail 04; bill 10^ mm. No. 2083. ? in moult, Goyaz, May 1900.— Wing 65 ; bill loj mm. No. 2130. c? juv., Rio Thesonras, May 1006. The young bird is washed with yellowish below, and the upper parts are dull greyish with a strong olivaceous tinge. P. cinerea is a near ally of P. mchtnoleuca (Lafr. &. D'Orb.), from the Argentine Republic, but has longer wings, a larger bill, and the adnlt males never get a black head, the pileum being schistaceous like the back, while the lores, cheeks and ear-coverts alone are dull sooty blackish. ( 3C ) 43. Myospiza manimbe (Lclih.). Frhigilla Miwimhe Lichtenstein, T't/c. l)i(bl. lii-iiincr Mux. p. 25 (1823. — Bahia). C'*(HrH(f(//H.f ;)^n/rt««.s Bonaparte, Onmp, Ar. i. p. 481 (1850. — "ex Am. m. occ." — crrore ! The type which I examined in the Paris Museum is from Gni/ii:) ; of. AblnnuU. Akml. Wissaixch. Miinrhen, ii. Kl., Bd. xxii. 3. 190G. p. 673, footnote. No. 18(n. i iiiini., Goyaz, March 1900.— Wing 50 ; tail 43 ; bill 10| lum. No. 1048. adult (uot soxed), Faz. Esperauca, December 1005. — Wing 57 ; tail 45 ; 1)111 11 mm. More riifons on the back tlian two Bahia skins, but otherwise uot different 44. Emberizoides herbicola herbicola * (VieilL). Si/lvia herhicnia Tieillot, Xuur. Did. xi. p. Iil2 (1817. — ex Azara, No. 230 : Paraguay). Nos. 1730, 1801. c?c? ad., Faz. Esperanfa, Jannary, February I'JOO. — Wing 75 ; tail 117, 104; bill 14, 14J mm. No. 1758. ? ad., Faz. Esperanca, January 1900.— Wing 72; tail 103; bill 13 mm. Nos. 1630, 1000, 1708. Adults (not sexed), Faz. Esperanga, December 1900.— Wing 70, 75, 70 ; tail 93 ; bill 14, 13 mm. Nos. 1664, 1784. ? ? juv., Faz. Esperanna, December 1905, Jannary 1900. These specimens agree perfectly with otliers from Bahia and S. Paulo. In the adults, the under tail-coverts are always uniform brown, without any trace of dusky spots or stripes ; in one of the young birds (No. 1604), however, the shorter ones arc distinctly striped witli bhxckish. 45. Coryphospiugus pileatus (Wied). Frinr/iUa pi/eata Wied, Reise Bras. ii. i>. lilo (1S21.— Barra Varcda on the Rio Pardo, southern Bahia). No. 2400. c? ad., Rio Araguaya, August 1900.— Wing 63 ; tail 60 ; bill 12 mm. Rather paler uudorneath than two specimens from Bahia. 40. Coryphospingus cucullatus (P. L. S. Miill.). FrimjiUa cucuUata P. L. S. MuUer, Xuiuaijst. Supiil. ]^. ICG (177G.— ex Daubenton, P/. cnl. 181. fig. 1 : Cayenne). Coryjihoxpi/ir/us crislatiis Pelzein, I.e. p. 228 (Goiaz). Nos. 1866, 2031, 2098. S S m]., more or less in moult, Goyaz, March, April, May 1906. No. 2185. (S juv., Itio Araguaya, June 1900. No. 1011. Juv., Goyaz, December 1905. The adults jire perfectly similar to otliers from Paraguay. 47. Paroaria baeri Hellm. Pnroaria bneri Hellmayr, BnU. B. 0. C. xix. p. -13 (.January 1'.I07. — Rio Araguaya, Goyaz). No. 2390. ? ad., Rio Aragnaya, August 1906.— Wing 83; tail 81; bill 13J mm. Type of species. • As pointed out by Mr. Kangs (Ault xxiv. Ifl07. p. 309, footnote), FrmijiUa maetvura Gm. (Syst. AW. 1. ii. 1788. p. ills) i.s preoccupied hy F. macron ra I'all.is (in Vroeg's Cat. AJumhratiuncula, 1764, p. 3, No. 144). Vieillot's term hirhicola becomes, therefore, the specific name, while the northern race ought to be called Ii. hcrUvula sphrniints (Vieill.). ( 37 ) No. 2212. S fere ad., Rio Araguaya, June 1900.— Wing SO; tail 73; bill 14 mm. No. 2375. ? jnv., Rio Araguaya, August 1906.— Wing 70i ; tail 7.s ; bill 1 i mm. Adult female. — Upper parts black with a strong gloss of metallic blue ; the feathers of the forehead and anterior portion of the crown with dark carmine- red tips which form a large frontal patcli, ending in a line with the posterior border of the eye. Lores, sides of the head and neck bhick, glossed with metallic blue like the back. Cheeks and throat cariuine-red, the extreme bases of the feathers being black ; feathers of the foreneck glossy black, each with a minute carmine-red spot at the very tip. Rest of the under-surface pure white, the sides of the breast indistinctly barred with bhick. Thighs black with white tips. Lesser upper wing-coverts metallic bluish black, rather duller towards the base ; remaining wing-coverts, quills and rectrices dull black, slightly glossed with oily greenish along the outer web. Axillaries and under wiug-coverts white. Bill black, basal half of lower mandible dull reddish ; feet black. The male (No. 2212) agrees with the type except in being smaller and in having the under wing-coverts variegated with black. Some of the feathers on the foreneck show pale bniiy-brownish edges, a sign of immaturity. No. 2375 is a young bird with the throat and foreneck deep buff-yellow, and without any red or black in the plumage. It differs from tlie young of P. g. gularis (Linn.) and P. g. cervicalis Scl. by its much darker, fuliginous (instead of pale brown) back, and by having the sides of the head dark smoky brown (not brownish bufl'). The bill, too, is decidedly stronger. P. baeri is nearly allied to, but quite distinct from, P. /anopnyo7i Temminck, lire. PI. ml. livr. 2',) tab. 109 (1822 — "au Brt'sil dans les districts de Bahia").* Cfyanocorax cyanopogon Pelzeln, Zur Oruith. Bras. iii. 1869. p. 190 (Goiaz). Nos. 1882, 1901, 2056. S S ad., ? juv., Goyaz, March and April 1906. Nos. 1628, 1686. SS imm., Faz. Esperan^a, December 1905. Nos. 2219, 2.316, 2401. c? ? ? jr., Rio Araguaya, June, July, and August 19o6. Not different from specimens obtained by Mons. A. Robert on the Rio Jordao, prov. Aragnary, Minas Geraes. 57. Taenioptera cinerea (V'ieilL). Tyrannus cinerens Vieillot, Analyse Onihli. p. 68 (1816. — " Amerique merid."). Taenioptera iieinjeta auct. (nee Linnaeus) : of. Berlepsch, Orn'is xiv. 1907, p. 467. No. 2016. S ad., Goyaz, April 190G.— Wing 143 ; tail 101 ; bill 22J mm. No. 1737. S ad., Faz. Esjieran^a, January 1906. — Wing 143 ; tail worn ; bill 21 mm. No. 1812. c? in moult, Faz. Esperan^a, February 1906. No. 2017. ? ad., Goyaz, April 1906.— Wing 130; tail 98; bill 22 mm. No. 2116. ? ad., Rio Thesonras, May 1906.— Wing 135 ; tail 85; bill 22 mm. These specimens agree in size and coloration with others from S. Paulo and Paraguay. Two females from the island of Marajo, Nortli Brazil, collected by Professor Steere, are considerably .smaller (wing 125J — 126; tail 88, 89 mm.), and have a rather shorter, slenderer bill. Perhaps they constitute a recognisable race. 58. Arundinicola leucocepliala (Linn.). Pipra Imcocephala Linnaeus, Mus. Ail. Friil. ii. Prodr. p. 33 (1764. — Surinam ; cf. Syst. Nal. xii. 1. 17G6. p. 340). No. 2300. S ad., Rio Araguaya, July 1900.— Wing 64 ; tail 47; bill 15 mm. Identical with several Bahia skins. The cnrious shape of the two outer primaries in the adult males seems to have been overlooked by all recent authors, although it was correctly described long ago by Cabanis.f 59. Gubernetes yetapa (Vicill.). Muscicapa yetapa Vieillot, Nour. Diet. xxi. p. 460 (1818. — ex Azara, no. 75 : Paraguay). No. 1785. ?, moulting, Faz. Esperanga, January 1906. Cf. Abkandl. Akad. Miinchen, Kl. ii. Bd. x.\ii. 3. 1906, p. 647. * Temminck pnblislied tlie first proper description of C. cyanopogon. From the account given by Wied {Tteise Brasil. ii. 1821. p. 137) it is impossible to recognise the species. t Mimtcctes leucocephalu) CaUanis in Tschudi, Fann. Pcruan., Arei, 1844-(s p. 148 (footnote). ( 41 ) 60. Knipolegus orenocensis Beil. Cnipolegus orenocensis Berlepsch, Ibis, 1884, p. 4H3, tab. xii. (Angostura : Orinoco) ; Berlepsch & Hartert, Nov. Znol. ix. 1902. p. 35 (Altagracia, Caicara, Capuchin : Orinoco). Nos. 2321, 2322. (?c?ad., Rio Araguaya, July I9(i(5.— Wing 85, 84 ; tail TT ; bill 17, 16J mm. These birds agree exactly with a series of males from the Orinoco in the Tring Museum, except that the bill is a very little narrower and slenderer. In coloration there is not the slightest difference, the back and uuder-surface being sooty-grey with a faint olivaceous hue, the pileum rather more blackish, etc., as in the Orinoco series. The first primary is quite normally shaped. This is one of the most interesting species in the present collection, and quite an unexpected addition to the Brazilian avifauna. K. orenocensis was hitherto only known as an inhabitant of the Orinoco valley. 61. Copurus colonus colonus (Vieill.). Musckapa colotius Vieillot, Nouv. Did. xxi. p. 448 (1S18. — ex Azara, No. 18(1 : Paraguay). Nos. 1885, 2048. c?c? ad., Goyaz, March, April 1906.— AViug 81, 83 ; tail 160, 170; bill 9 mm. No. 1890. ? ad., Goyaz, March 1906.— Wing 79; tail 132; bill 10 mm. No. 1804. (J ad., Faz. EsperanQa, February 1906.— Wing 84; tail 161; bill 9J mm. The female differs from the males by its smaller size, shorter median rectrices, and by having the cap decidedly darker, smoky greyish, contrasting with the white frontal band. The differences between C. c. colonus and C. c. fuscicapillus Scl. are well pointed out by Mr. Ridgway,* but their geographical distribution is not correctly given. C. c. colonus is confined to Paraguay and South Brazil (from Bahia, Goyaz, and Mattogrosso southwards) ; while (7. c. fuscicapillus ranges from Colombia (Bogota) through Eastern Ecuador to Northern and Central Peru. 62. Todirostrum cinereuin coloreum Ridgw. \Todus cineretis Linnaeus, fi?/st. Nat. xii. 1. p. 178 (17C6. — ex Edwards, Glean, ii. p. llo, tab. 'li'<2, fig. inf. — Surinam).] Todirostrum. cinercum coloreum RiJgway, Proc. Biol. Soe. Tl'n.s//. xix. p. 115 (1906.— Corumba, Mattogrosso). T. cinereuiH (nee Linn.) Pelzein, Ziir Orii. Bra.'i. ii. 18G8. p. 100 (part. ; Rio Parana, Ciiyaba, Caiyara, S. Vicente) ; Allen, Bull. Anter. Mus. iv. 1892, p. 332 (Chapada, Corumba). No. 2036. ? ad., Goyaz, April 1906.— Wing 42i ; tail 40 ; bill 14 mm. This bird as well as Nattercr's series from Mattogrosso and the Rio Parana differ from T. c. cinercum of northern South America by rather brighter lower parts, somewhat longer white tip to the outermost rectrix, and by having the back mainly light olive-green, contrasting with the dark slaty pileum and nape. Two specimens from Chajjada in the British Museum are quite similar. * ISirds Nurth and Middle America, iv. 1907, pp. 350-51. (42) 63. Euscarthmus margaritaceiventer margaritaceiventer (I.afr. & D'Orli.). Todirostrum margaritaceiveiiler Lafresnaye & D'Orbi^ny, i^i/n. A v. i. in : Muf/. Ziml. 1837, cl. ii. p. 4G (Chiquitos, Bolivia). EtisaarOimus mnrgaritaceiveiiler Pelzeln, /.<■, p. 101 (Porto ilo Rio Aragnaj). Nos. 2120, 2134, 215(). Si ad., Rio Thesoiiras, May iniiO.— Wing 50J, 50, 48 ; tail 4.51, 43i, 43 ; bill, 14, 13| mm. Practically identical with specimens from Paraguay and Mattogrosso. The flanks are distinctly washed with pale yellow, and the middle of the throat is white with very few if any hrownish streaks. Tiie range of E. m. wuclicreri Sol. & Salv. a])pears to be confined to Bahia. Cf. Berlepsch k Hellraayr, Journ. f. Ormth. 190.5. pp. 0-11. 04. Euscarthmus striaticollis (Lafr.). Todiroslrum strialietilh Lafresnaye, 7?ci\ .1/(17. •^""', 1853, p. 68 (Bahia). EuHcarlhiims Ktriiilioollia Pelzeln, l.r. p. 101 (Aragu.iy). No. 2353. c? ad., Rio Araguaya, August 1900.— Wing 55 ; tail 44 ; bill 1 5 mm. Difters from several Bahia skins by its much duller and darker olive-green (less yellowish) back, greenish (not mouse-brown) cap and decidedly brighter yellow under-parts, with the cliest and sides more strongly tinged with olive-greenish. Natterer's female from the Araguay, however, is not appreciably diflerent from Bahia specimens. 65. Phyllomyias brevirostris virescens (Allen). [Plalijrhynclius brevirostris Spix, Av. Brut. ii. p. 13. tab. xv. fig. 2 (1825.— Rio de Janeiro).] Sulhgatus virescens Allen, Bull. Amer. Mas. ii. p. 149 (1889. — Chapada, Mattogrosso) ; Ridgway, bird' North and Middle America, iv. 1907. p. 420, note b. :No. 2021. S ad., Gnyaz, April 1000.— Wing 37 ; tail 53 ; tars. 15 ; bill 8i mm. [Amer. Mns., New York, No. 33,316. c? ad., Chapada, Mattogrosso, May 8, 1885. Type of S. virescens Allen.- Wing 58| ; tail 52 ; tars. 10 ; bill 8i mm.] Tlie Goyaz specimen is practically identical with the type of S. rirescens kindly lent by Dr. J. A. Allen for comparison. This species is by no means a member of the genus Stihlcyatiis, but a typical r//i/!lo/i/i/ias, to some e.Ktent intermediate between P. b. bixvirostris (Spix), of Sonth-Eastern Brazil, and P. b. incanescens* (Wied), of Bahia. It differs from a series of the latter form by the following details : Breast and abdomen are brighter and more uniform yellow; the cap is decidedly paler, light ashy (not blackish) ; the back more greenish (less greyish) ; the bill rather stouter ; wings and tail rather longer. From P. b. brei-irostris, on the other hand, it may be distinguished by the much paler yellow underparts, with the throat purer and more extensively white, and the flanks much less tinged with greenish or greyish ; the back much paler and duller, greyish green (instead of oil- or bright olive-green) ; the cap light ashy, more or less contrasting with the colour of the back (instead of being green like the latter) ; the wing-bauds much paler, dirty whitish or greyisii wliite, the edges to the quills whitish or yellowish white (instead of bright olive-yellow). * Mmcipeta incanescens Wied, Jicitr. Xalurg. Bras. 3. ii. p. S9.S (1S31.— BaUia). — Phyllomyias livUlus (Temm. IIS.) Pelzeln, Zur Orn. Bras. ii. p. 17« (ISiiS.— Bahia).— P. hcrleptchi Sclater, P.Z.S. Limit. 1887, p. 49 (Bahia).— Cf. Berl. k IleUm. Jimrn.f. Orn. 11)03. pp. 24-5. ( 43 ) Tho range of flie three forms is as follows : a. P. h. hremrostris (Spix). Forest region of Soutli-Eastern Brazil : Rio fie Janeiro (Spix, Wied, Natterer), Cantagallo (Enlcr), Nen Freiburg (Beske), Registo do Sai, Sapitiba (Natterer), Porto Real (Hardy). S. Paulo : Ypanema, S. Luiz (Natterer), Igiiape' (Krone), S. Sebastiao (Hempel), Piqnete (Robert), Ubatuba (Garbe). Parana : Morretes, Serra do Mar (Robert). Santa Catharina : Blnmenan (coll. mea). Rio Grande do Snl : Taqnara (Ihcring). Measurements : 1 S ad., Rio de Janeiro. — AVing CA ; tail 57 mm. 2 ? ? ad., Rio.— Wing 57 ; tail, 50, 52 mm. 9 (?(? ad., S. Paulo.— Wing 59—62 ; tail 52^-55 mm. 9 ? ¥ ad., S. Paulo.— Wing 56—60 ; tail 50—50 mm. 1 (? ad., Parana.— Wing 59 J ; tall 52 mm. 1 c? ad., Taqnara. — Wing 64 ; tail 55 mm. One adult, Blnmenan. — Wing 60 ; tail 54 mm. b. P. b. rirescens (Allen). Campos district of the interior of Brazil. Mattogrosso : ( 'hapada (Smith) ; Goj-az (Baer). 1 S ad. from Chapada (type).— Wing 58i ; tail 52 mm. 1 S ad. from Goyaz. — Wing 57 ; tail 53 mm. c. P. b. incanescens (Wicd). Only known from Bahia, Eastern Brazil. Ten adults (not sexed) from Bahia.— Wing 51—55; tail 45i— 50 mm. 66. Phaeomyias muriua murina (Spix). Philijrhijnchus murimis Spix, Av. Brcti:. ii. p. 14. tab. xvi. fig. 2 (1825.— Brazil). Myiopatis iiicitnesrens (nee iFvsripeta in('^pix) Burmeister, Sy.it, Ubers. Th. Brasil. ii. 1.S50. p. 181. t 2eitschr. gex. Urnith. ii. 1883. p. 131, footnote. X Sabar^ of inoilcrn ni;ip.s. § Muicicapa obsoleta (nee Temm.) l.afr. & D'Orb. Si/n. At: i. in : Munisiana. When I wrote my synopsis of the genus Pipra I had three adnlt males from Chuchnrras before me, but overlooked the dirterence in the markings of the tail. The range of the two races is thus as follows : n. P . fasciicauda fasciicauda Hellm. Eastern Bolivia : Yuracarcs, Guarayos, and Santa Cruz de la Sierra (D'Orbigny), Falls of the Rio Madeira (Rusby). Central Brazil, Mattogrosso : Villa Maria, Engenho do Gama, R. Guaport?, Villa Bella de Mattogrosso, Sao Vicente (Natterer), Chapada (Smith). Goyaz : City of Goyaz (Natterer), Faz. Esperan(ja (Baer). Northern S. Paulo : Rio Parana (Natterer), Faz. Cayou (near the Salto Grande), Rio Paranapanema (Hemi)el). Minas Geraes : Rio Jordao, prov. Araguay (A. Robert). North Brazil : Rio Tocantins (Wallace), Itaitnba on the R. Tapajoz (Hoffmanns). b. P. fasciicauda purusiana Snethlage. Orn. Monhn-. xv. p. It'iO (1907— Ponto Alegre, Rio Purus, N.W. Brazil). P.fusciimmla Hellmayr, Ihix, 19lJ(5. p. 9 (part. East Peru : Ucayali ; Central Peru : Chucliurras). P.fascmta (nee Lafr. & D'Orb.) Sclater & Salvin, P. Z.S. Lmiil. 1873. p. 282 (Ucayali) ; Sclater, Oit. ISinh Brit. Mils. .xiv. 1888. p. 294 (part.: .spec, e, f, ex Peru). N.W. Brazil : Ponto Alegre and Bom Lugar, Rio PurAs (Mus. Pard). Eastern Peru : Ucayali (Bartlett). Central Peru : Chuchnrras, province Hnanuco (Hoffmanns). * Om. Monber. xv. Oct. 1907, p. IGO (type from Tonto Alegre, Kio I'lirus). I am greatly indebted to Miss Suethliige for the loan of the type specimens. ( 55 ) 88. Antilophia galeata (Lcht.). P!/>m f/aJecilit Lichtenstein, Virz. Dubl. Berl. Mim. p. 28 (1823.— San Paulo). Metopia galeata Pelzeln, Zur Orn. Bras. ii. 18G8. p. 129 (Goiaz). Nos. 1836, 1894, 1895, 1954, 1988. . a. w^^/h's, hitherto only known from Mattogrosso. 117. Herpsiloclimus pileatus atricapillus Pelz. Herpsilnchmus atricapillus Pelzeln, Zur Oniith. Brasil. ii. p. 150 (1868. — Porto do Rio ParanA, northern S. Paulo ; Goyaz). Tamnophilus pilmtus (nee Myiotliera piUata Lcht.) Lafresnayo & D'Urbigny, Sijn. -liv i. in .'/n.7. Znol. 1837. cl. ii. p. 12 (Chiquitos, Bolivia). Tamnophilus affinis (nee T. affinis Spix 1825 !) idem, I.e. p. 12. deacr. orig. ? (Chiquito.'i, Bolivia). Tharnndphilus pileatus (,= S) + T. affinis (= ?) D'Orbigny, Voyage, Oiseaux, p. 175 (Oet. 1838. — San Jos^ and S. Ana, Chiquitos, Bolivia). No. 2178. (S<)I (Kalinow.ski) ; Idma : Santa Ana (Kalinowski). 2 cJJ ad.: wing 56, 54; tail 59, 53; bill 15 mm. 118. Herpsilochmus longirostris Pelz. Rcrpsdochmiis Iniigirostris Pelzeln, Zur Oriiith. Bniiil. ii. p. 150 (1868. — Porto do Rio Parana, Rio Araguay, Cuyabi, Rio Guapore) ; Allen, Bull. Amcr. Mus. v. 1893. p. 120 (Chapada). No. 1767. S fere ad., Faz. EsperanQa, January 1906.— Wing 59; tail 56; bill 17J mm. Nos. 1768, 1774. i t)iicivora melanogasira Pelzeln, Zur Ornith. Bras. ii. p. 1.54 (1868.— Goyaz) ; Sclater, Cut. Binls Brit. Mus. XV. 1890. p. 248. note (Goyaz). No. 2188. c? ad., Rio Araguaya, June. — Wing 50i ; tail 57 ; bill 14^ mm. Nos. ,2189, 2304. ? ? ad., Rio Araguaya, June, July.— Wing 50, 52 ; tail 57, 56 ; bill 14 mm. No. 2276. S ,juv. (female dress), Rio Araguaya, July. — Wing 51J ; tail 54 ; bill 13| mm. Of this very distinct species, Imt a few examples were as yet known to exist. The Vienna Museum possesses a male and a female, the types, collected by Natterer in the vicinity of Goyaz, and according to Sclater and Count Berlepsch (in litt.). Prof. Behn obtained, at the same locality, an adnlt male which was formerly preserved in the Kiel Museum, and is now probably in the Berlin collection. Lately, Prof, von Ihering* has recorded a specimen from Avanhandava, in the northern part of the state of S. Paulo. The male sent by Mons. Baer differs from Natterer's type by its stronger bill, and by having a few silky white feathers in the otherwise sooty grey flanks. The females and the young male, on the other hand, are absolutely identical with the female in the Vienna Museum. Compared with a large number of males of F. grisea, those of F. melanogastra differ at a glance by their much longer tail and slenderer bill. The whole lower surface is deep black with the exception of a few greyish white feathers on the flanks, while in F. grisea all the sides of the breast and of the abdomen are pure white. The axillaries are deep black in F. melanogastra, greyish white in • Renxt. Mm. Paid. vi. 1905. p. 355. ( 73 ) F. grisea. The white eyebrow is very much broader, especially above the ear- coverts, and prodnced to the sides of the nape ; the shonlder feathers are black, edged with white along the outer web (uniform smolcy-brown in 7'"'. grisea) ; the inner secondaries have likewise distinct white edges (in F. grisea they are scarcely margined with pale brownish). Moreover, the two outermost pairs of rectrices are white for the entire apical half of their outer web, while in F. grisea the penultimate rectrix shows but a limited apical spot of that colour. The females of the two species are altogether diiferent. In F. mclanogastra the under surface is light cream-buff (Ridgw. 2\omencl. v. 11), the throat rather paler, sometimes even whitish; the flanks shaded with brownish; the under tail- coverts black with white apical margins (not uniform ochraceous as in F. grisea). Ear-coverts and sides of the neck dull black (cream-buff like the cheeks in F. grisea) ; a very broad superciliary stripe from the nostrils to the sides of the nape pure white ; shoulder feathers and inner secondaries distinctly edged with white along the outer web, etc., etc The males of F. melanogastra are smoky-brown on the upper parts, the females more reddish, rather rufescent earthy-brown, both being decidedly darker than the corresponding sexes of F. grisea. 121. Formicivora rufa (Wied). ilyiothera rufa Wied, Beilr. Naturg. Bras. 3. ii. p. 1005 (1831.— Interior of Bahia). Formicirora rufatra Pelzeln, Zur Ornith. Brasil. ii. 1868. p. 83 (Goyaz). Nos. 2122, 2155. SS ad., Rio Thesonras, May 1906.— Wing 52; tail 58, 60 ; bill 15 mm. Nos. 2132, 2118, 2152. ? ? ad., Rio Thesonras, May 1906.— Wing 50—52; tail 57—62; bill 14—15 mm. No. 2180. ? ad., Rio Araguaya, May 1906.— Wing 52 ; tail 62 ; bill 15 mm. These specimens agree with others from Bahia in size and coloration. As stated elsewhere (cf. JSfov. Zool. xiv. 1907, p. 372), skins from Mattogrosso, Forthern S. Paulo, and Humaytha (on the Rio Madeira) have rather brighter, more ochraceous flanks than those from Bahia and Goyaz. 122. Conopophaga lineata (Wied). Myiagrus lineatus Wied, Beitr. Naliirg. Brasil. 3. ii. p. 104(5 (1831.— Array al da Conquista, Bahia) ; Men^gaux& Hellmayr, Bull. Mus. Paris xi. 1905. p. 375. (spec, e : Goyaz). ((?) ad., moulting (without number), Faz. Esperan9a, January 1906. — Wing 75 ; bill 14 mm. Somewhat brighter rufous on throat and foreneck than specimens from S. Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, etc., but otherwise not different. 123. Phoethornis ruber ruber (Linn.). Trochilus ruber Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. x. p. 121 (1758.— ex Edwards, Oriiilli. i. p. 32. tab. 32. fig. sup — Surinam ; cf. Hellm., Nov. Zonl. xiii. 1906. p. 375). Phaetornis eremita + P. Davidianus Pelzeln, Zur Orii. Bras. i. 18G7. p. 27 (Goiaz). No. 1834. c? imm., Goyaz, March 1906.— Wing 29 ; rectr. med. 29, submed. 27, ext. 15 ; bill 23 mm. ( 74 ) No. lT2:i. ?, Faz. Esperan^a, January lOofi.— Wing 32; rectr. med. 32, subnied. 27, ext. 16 ; bill 22i ram. Identical with specimens from Surinam, Pani, etc., in correspondiug plumage. 124. Eiipetomena macroura macroura (Gm.). Trorhihis marrounis Gmeliu, Si/sl. X,il, 1 . i. p. -1^7 (17)58. — " iu Jamaica " (ex Sloano) : crrore I We accept Caijemic as typical habitat, ex Brisson : Orii. iii. p. 726. tab. 36. fig. 0, where the species is well described and figured). Eupetomena inan-nura Pelzehi, l.r. p. 28 (Goiaz). E. III. mavrnura Hellmayr, Nov. Zool. xiv. 1907. p. 395. No. 1835. (? ad., Goyaz, March lOljfi. No. 1747. (? ad., Faz. Esperan^a, January 1900. Nos. 1746, 1824, 1822, 1827, 1830, 1832, 1747, 1724. SS, ? ? ad. and imm., Faz. Esperan(;a, Rio Uruhu, January 1906. This series agrees perfectly with a large number of skins from S. Panlo, Mattogrosso, Minas Geraes, Para, and Cayenne. The belly is pure green with golden reflections here and there, the back golden green, and the violet-blue of the head sharply defined against the colour of the mantle. E. m. hirundo Gould,* from Sout,li-ea.stern Peru (Hniro, Maranura), is very closely allied to E. m. macroura {prasina Sim.), and differs solely by the paler, more cobalt-blue colour of the head, which blends with the golden green of the back. Specimens from Northern Bolivia (Kio Beni) are variously intermediate between the two forms, some being much like hirundo, while others are scarcely distinguishable from macroura of Brazil. 125. Agyrtria albiventris nigricauda (Ell.). [^Ornisinya albiventris Lesson, Hist Nat. Ois.-Monches. pp. xxxiv, 209. pi. 70 (1826. — " la Guiane ")•+] Tliaiiiiiatias nigricauda Elliot, Ihif:, 1878. p. 47 [" Trinidad, British Guiana (Verreaux) ; Cayenne (Verreaux) ; Bahia (Berlepsch) " ; the three first-named localities are now ascertained to have been erroneous ; therefore we accept Bahia as typ. habitat] . Agyrtria albiventris Pelzeln, l.r. p. 28 (part: Araguay, Sangrador, Cuyaba, Caicara, Eugeuho do Gama, Mattogrosso). Orninmya albiveiitrix (not of Lesson) Lafresnaye & D'Orbigny, Si/);. Ar.W.m Mag. Znol. 1838. cl. ii. p. 30 (Mojos, rep. Boliviana). No. 2155. i ad., Rio Thesonras, May 1906.— Wing 53 J ; tail 29 ; bill 17i mm. No. 2293. 6 ad., Leopoldina, Araguaya, July 1906.— Wing 56A ; tail 32 ; bill 19^ mm. Nos. 2317,2319. ? ?, Leopoldina, July 1906.— Wing 5(1, 52; tail 30, 2S ; bill 18, 18| mm. Besides thcso specimens, I have e.xaniiued the series obtained by Natterer on the Rio Araguay, near Sangrador, and in Mattogrosso (nine skins); a couple collected by Mr. Garbe at Barretos on the Rio Grande, Northern S. Paulo, belonging to: the Musen Paulista ; and an adult bird from Mojos, Eastern Bolivia, coll. D'Orbigny, preserved in the Paris Museum. This series agrees with a large number of Bahia skins, trueyl.a. nigricauda (Ell.) — in having the under tail-coverts • Eiipetomena hirundo GouW, Ann. Mag. N.H. (4) xvi. p. 370 (1S75. — Huiro, S.E. Teru). t Ct. Nov. Zool. xiv. 1907. p. 24. ( 75 ) pure white and the tail chiefly bluish-black ; but the middle pair of rectrices is always more or less washed with bronze-green, and the outer tail-feathers are, as a rule, more distinctly tipped with greyish-green or wliitish-grey. Several examples, however, are scarcely distinguishable on tliis score. The range of A. a. nigricauda, thus far known, is as follows : Eastern Brazil : Bahia (many specimens in Mus. Tring, H. v. Berlepsch, Vienna, etc.), Peruambuco (one immature bird in Mas. v. Bcrlepscli) ; Minas Geraes : Uiamaiitina (Gouuelle *} ; Goyaz : llio Thesonras, Leopoldina (Baer), Aragnay (Natlerer); Northern S. Paulo: Barretos on the Rio Grande (Garbe); Mattogrosso : Cityaba, 8angradonro, Engenho do Cap. Gama, Caipara, Villa Bella de Mattogrosso (Natterer) ; Eastern Bolivia : Mojos (D'Orbigny). 126. Chlorostilbon aureoventris puclierani (Bourc. & Muls.). [Ornhmya aiiren-veiilris Lafresnaye and D'Orbigny, Sijn. »1 1\ ii. in M. Ihmminij Birds, 1894. p. 120. X Ornismya eriphile Lesson, Hist. Nat. Colibris suppl. p. 14N. tab. 25 (1832. — "da BrSsil"). Wing. Tail. Bill. 53— 53i 54 35 — 37 17i — 19 mm, 37 (damaged) „ 53 55 55 51 34 30 17 19 „ 35 18i 32 17 ( 76 ) Other specimens examined : Wing. Tail. Bill. Mus. Vindob. No. 2332. 7 mm. ? ?. Three from Annai, Brit. Guiana. — Wing 121 — 124 ; tail Ci— 67 mm. One from Maipures, Orinoco. — Wing 126 ; tail 67 mm. 134. Hydropsalis torquata (Gm.). Capriinulgiis lorqtiiiliis GmeUa, Si/sl. Nal. 1. ii. p. 1032 (1788. -ex Brisson : " Le Tette-clievre du Bresil," Orn. ii. p. 481 : ex Marcgrave. —Eastern Brazil). No. 1964. c? juv., Goyaz, April 19u6.— Wing 154 ; tail 115 ; bill 13 mm. Much smaller and more spotted with rusty on scapulars, smaller upper wing-coverts, etc., than any other of the numerous specimens I have seen. 135. Nyctidromus albicoUis derbyanus Gould. [Caprbmdgiis albicollis Gmelin, Si/st. Nat. 1. ii. p. 1030 (1788. — ex Latham ; Cayenne).] Nyctidromus derhyanus Gould, Icon. Av. tab. 12 (1837-8. — no locality). Nos. 1884, 1899, 2027. c?(^, Goyaz, March aud April 1906.— Wing 168—172 mm. No. 2162. cJ juv., Rio Thesouras, May 1906. Nos. 2264, 2265. c? ¥ , Rio Araguaya, July 1906. Identical in size and colour with specimens from Mattogrosso and S. Panlo. 136. Caprimulgus rufus Bodd. Caprimuhjus rnfiis Boddaert, Tabt. PL eid. p. 46 (1783. — ex Daubenton, PL eid. 735 : " Crapaud- Volant ou Tette-chfevre de Cayenne"). No. 2266. ¥ ad., Rio Araguaya, Jnly 1906.— Wing 175 ; tail 122 ; bill 14 mm. Differs from other Brazilian females by lacking the roundish bntf spots on the middle of breast and abdomen. This is doubtless an individual character. 137. Colaptes campestris (Vioill.). Picus campestris Vieillot, Nour. Did. xxvi. p. lol (1818. — ex Azara, No. 253 : Paraguay). No. 2010. i ad., Goyaz, April 1906. Nos. 1765, 1783,1649. ed throat) all over spotted with black. Chi-ysoptilus Jiacilumbis (Sundev.),t from Bahia, has the rump and lower parts much clearer, brighter yellow, and the former as well as the middle of the belly are wholly or almost unspotted. Some specimens, however, approach C. nattereri very closely. I feel pretty sure that t\ cristatus, C. i/ielanocklorus, C. nattereri, and C.Jlavi- lumbis will turn out to be merely geographical representatives of the same type, bnt I have neither time nor material to discuss this qnestion now. C. nattereri is known to me from the following localities : Goyaz : Abrantes, city of Goyaz (Natterer, Baer), Faz. Esperani;'a (Baer). N.W. Minas Geraes : Rio Jordao, prov. Araguay (Robert ; three spec, in Tring Museum). N.E. San Paulo : Franca, Bebedonro (Dreher & Garbe coll., Mus. v. Berlepsch and Panlista). Mattogrosso : Chapada (Smith), Cnyabd, Villa Maria, Uaicara (Natterer). 139. Leuconerpes candidus (Otto). Picus candidus Otto, Naiurg. Viiijel Biiffon xxiii. p. 191 (1796. — ex Holandre, Abrigi d'hist. nal. iii. p. 404a. — Cayenne). Nos. 1725, 1788, 1789. ??, c? juv., Faz. Esperan?a, January 1906.— Wing 1.54_160; tail 100—103; bill 30—31 mm. Nos. 1850, 1851. S<} jr., Goyaz, March 1906.— Wing 159, 155; tail 97 (moulting) ; bill 29, 30 lum. Agree well with examples from Paraguay and Argentine. Two skin.s from Espiritu Santo, Lower Ama/ons, collected by Prof Steere in 1879, are not different either. This species has not been met with in Cayenne by any of the recent travellers, but as it occurs as far north as Parii, it might yet be rediscovered in the French colony. 14U. Melanerpes flavifrons (Vieill.). Picus flavifrons Vieillot, Noiir. Diet. xxvi. p. 75 (1818. — " Bresil "). Nos. 1880, 2003, 2005. SS ad., Goyaz, March and April 1906. No. 1799. (J ad., Faz. Esperan^a and Goyaz, February 1906. * 1 have not been able to verify the above reference. t Picvs JtarituHthis Sundevall, Consp. Pit'iii. p. 71 (186G. — Bahia). ( 81 ) Nos. 1699, 2002. SS juv., Faz. EsperanQa and Goyaz, April and Jannar}% No. 2001. ? ad., Goyaz, April 1906. This series agrees perfectly with a large number of skius from Parand, Minas Geraes (Rio .Jordao), S. Panlo and Rio de Janeiro, in tlic Tring Museum. 141. Veniliornis olivinus (Malh.). "Picus nUrinm Malherbe, Mem. Soc. Rny. Llirje 1845. p. 67"* (Bresil ; coll. Natterer in Mus. Vindob.). Mesopiciis olu-inus Malherbe, Momijr. Pk-kl. ii. 18G2. p. 65. tab. 59. fig. 4 ((J), 5 ( ? ) ("le type est dans la collection de Vienne" — type in Vienna Museum: ^ ad., Cuyabd, June 16, 1824, Natterer coll., examined). CainpkiK uliriima Pelzeln, l.c. p. 246 (Goyaz). ^'Picus murhius Malherbe, Mem. Soc. Rmj. Liige 1845. p. 67"* (Bresil ; coll. Natterer). Mesopicus mnriiiiis Malherbe, Monogr. Pickl. ii. 1862. p. 62. tab. 58. fig. 5 (fj imm.), 6 (cj juv.), 7 ( J ) (" le type est dans la collection de Vienue " — typo in Vienna Museum : cj imm. Engenho do Gama, July 30, 1820, Natterer coll., examined). Campias murkiim Pelzeln, l.c. p. 246 (Abrantes, Meiaponte : Goyaz ; Engenho do Cap. Gama : Mattogrosso). Nos. 198.5, 1989, 1898. cJc? ad., Goyaz, March, April 1900.— Wing 89— 93 ; tail 56—63; bill 19—21 mm. No. 1068. (d) ad., Faz. Esperan?a, December 1905.— Wing 91; tail 58; bill 21 mm. No. 2393. ((?) juv., Rio Araguaya, August 1906.— Wing 89; tail 57; bill 18J mm. No. 2394. ? ad., Rio Araguaya, August 1906.— Wing 88; tail .55; bill 19^ mm. No. 2049. ? ad., Goyaz, April 1900.— Wing 91 ; tail 57; bill 19^ mm. The four first-named specimens, adult c?c?, agree with the type of P. olivinus in the Vienna Museum, in having the forehead and vertex (as far as the posterior angle of the eye) pale ashy brown while the feathers of the occiput and nape have long scarlet tips. The back is uniform bright golden yellow. Other examples in the Vienna Mnsenm, obtained by Natterer at Goyaz, Cuyab^ and Engenho do Gama, Mattogrosso, are absolutely indistinguishable. The male from the Rio Araguaya (No. 2393) is practically identical with the type of P. muri7ius, kindly lent by Dr. von Lorenz. Both are immature (this being proved by the structure of the plumage), and differ from fully adult males only in having the red of the occiput extended down to the base of the bill or nearly so. It is a well-known fact that in some species of Woodpeckers (for instance, the European Bendrocopits major) the young have more red on the top of the head than the adults, and I am perfectly convinced that the so-called " P. murinus " is nothing but the immature male of V. olivinus. This view is, moreover, supported by geographical reasons, all the so-called " ?;j«n'««s " having been taken within the range occujiied by I', olivinus. Natterer secured a specimen of each at Engenho do Gama, and Dr. Alien,! who received a series of thirt3'-two skins of Dendfobates olivinus in the Smith collection from Chapada, Mattogrosso, also mentions that " two young males (probably birds of the year) have the whole top of the head bright red." The type of P. murinus presents the following dimensions : Wing 89^ ; tail 54 ; bill 19^ mm. * 1 have not been able to verify the above reference, t Bull. Amei: Mus., JV. Y. v. 1893, p. 130. 6 ( 82 ) It may be remarked that the figure iu Malherbe's work is completely mis- leading. The tj'pe specimen has no trace of the yellow nnchal band shown on the plate, where, on the other hand, the narrow shaft-lines of pale yellowish on the npper wing-coverts are altogether omitted. As a whole, it is a very bad representation of the bird. 142. Celeus flavescens intercedens n. subsp. No. 1656. (J vix ad., Faz. Esperan^a, December.— Wing 142; tail 96; bill 2.5 mm. Type of subspecies. Nos. 1630, 1650. ? ? ad., Faz. Esperanfa, December 1905.— Wing, 140, 142 ; tail, 95 92 ; bill 24i, 26 mm. Similar to G. f. J/acescens (Gm.) of South-eastern Brazil, in pattern of colora- tion, bnt distinguishable at a glance by its much shorter wings, shorter and weaker bill, much shorter crest, and by having the ochreons-yellow bands on the back considerably wider, so that the upper parts appear much less varied with black than iu the ty])ical form. The tone of the yellow portions of the jdnmage, too, is decidedly more intense and more ochreons, this being especially noticeable on the wings. Several specimens from Bahia are exactly similar to those from Goyaz.— Wing 140; tail 100 ; bill 24i mm. This interesting new form is intermediate between (?. f. Jiaxescens and C. f. ochraceus (Spix) from the Lower Amazons and N.E. Brazil. It agrees with the latter in the shortness of the crest, in the small size, and approaches it also by the ochreous-yellow hue of the plumage, bnt can easily be recognised by having the back regnlarly banded with black. In C. f. ochraceus the back shows oval or cordiform blackish brown markings, and the general coloration is much deejier ocbraceous. The range of the three forms is as follows : a. Celeus flavescens flavescens (Gm.). South-eastern Brazil : Minas Geraes, Rio de Janeiro, S. Paulo, etc. Examined : 3 c?t?, 1 ?, Rio Jordfio, prov. Araguay, Minas Geraes (A. Robert) ; 1 ¥, Franca, N.E. S. Paulo; 1 cJ, Alambary, S. Paulo; 2 cJcJ, 2 ? ?, Victoria, S. Paulo; 3 (Jc?, 2 ? ?, Rio de Janeiro. 3 (?hastns Momota Linnaeus, Si/sl. Xnt. xii. 1. p. I'i2 (I76G. — based on Edwards & Brisson (excl. syn. Marcgrave) — Cayenne (ex Brisson) accepted as typical habitat).] Momotus nattereri Sclater, P.Z.S. Loud. 1857. p. 251 (" Yungas in Bolivia [d'Orb.] ; Goyaz, Brazil [Natterer] " ). Momotus Nattereri Pelzeln, Zur Orn. Bras. i. 1867. p. 19 (Cidade de Goiaz, Guardamor, Araguay). Nos. 2214, 2402. S6 ad., Rio Araguaya, June, August 1906.— Wing 135, 133 ; tail 250, 230 ; bill 38, 39 mm. No. 2413. ? ad., Rio Araguaya, August 1006.— Wing 13U; tail 220; bill 35 mm. No. 1651. juv., Faz. EsperanQa, December 1905. Cf. Nov. Zool. xiv. 1907. p. 28. 149. Nonnula rubecula (Spix). Bucco rubecula Spix, Ar. Bras. i. p. 51. tab. xxxix. fig. 1 (1824. — " prope pagum Malhada, fluminis St. Francisci proximum "). Monasa rubecula Pelzeln, Zur Ornith. Bras. i. 1867. p. 23 (Goiaz). No. 1993. S jr., Goyaz, April 1906.— Wing 64 (moulting); tail GUj ; bill 21 mm. Agrees well with an immature bird from Victoria, S. Paulo. Eyelid black, covered with white feathers ; frontal edge and lores i>ale huffish ; cheeks and ear- coverts olive greyish-brown, with a distinct buffy patch in the anterior portion of the latter ; chin creamy buff. In adult birds the sides of the head are sooty blackish, and the patch on the ear-coverts, as well as the lores and the chin, white. Wing and tail are rather longer. There is no difference between specimens from S. Paulo, Goyaz, and Bahia. 150. Bucco chacuru Vieill. Bucco chacuru Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. iii. p. 239 (1816. — ex Azara, No. 2G1 : Paraguay). Nos. 1633, 1780, 1781. S d ad., Faz. Esperani;'a, December, January. — Wing 84—86 ; tail 73—77 ; bill 30—34 mm. No. 1791. ? ad., Faz. Esperan^a, January. — Wing 83; tail 70i ; bill 32i mm. No. 1790. ? imm., as above. — Wing 84 ; tail 70 ; bill 29 mm. No. 1657. ? juv., as above. — Wing b2 ; tail 72; bill 2S| mm. The adults agree perfectly with others from Paraguay and S. Paulo. The young bird (No. 1657) differs by its buif (instead of pare white) nuchal band, and by the throat and chest being much paler, creamy bufi" (not deep buff or ochreous) with narrow blackish longitudinal streaks (instead of being marked with wavy transverse lines). Besides this, the upper wing-coverts have broad whitish apical bands. ( 86 ) lol. Bucco maculatus parvirostris u. subsp. lAlcedo maculata Gmelio, Syst. Nat. I. i. p. 451 (1788.— ox "Le Martiu pescheur [sic] tachete du Brt^sil," Brisson, Orii. iv. p. 524 : ex Marcgrave, Hist. Xal. Bras. p. '217 : " MatuHni "—Eastern Brazil).] No. 2226. 6 iid., Rio Araguaya, June 1906.— Wing 77 ; tail 66 ; bill 29 mm. No. 2187. Scl., of which I have examined a large series from Eastern Bolivia and Western Argentine (Salta, Tucnman), the tail is always considerably longer than in the Goyaz and Mattogrosso birds, varying from 72 to 80 mm., and the lower throat and foreueck are of a paler ochraceous colour. 152. Monasa nigrifrons (Spix). Bucco tiigrlfrom Spix, .-li'. Bras. i. p. 53. tab. xli. fig. 2 (1824.— "in sjlvis flum. Solimoens"). No. 1966. ? ad., Goyaz, April 1900.— Wing 130 : tail 135 ; bill 35 mm. No. 2108. c? jr., Goyaz, May 1906. No. 1965. c? in moult, Goyaz, April 1900. Not diiferent from Amazonian examjjles. 153. Chelidoptera teuebrosa tenebrosa (Pall.). Cuculus lembrosus Pallas, Neue Xonl. Bnjir. iii. p. 2 (17.S2.- Surinam). Chelidoptera tenebrosa Pelzeln, I.e. p. 23 (Goiaz). Nos. 1916, 1917. (? ?, Goyaz, March 1900.— Wing 106, 113 ; tail 54, 59; bill 17, 18 mm. • Bucro ttriatipeetus .Sclatei, P.Z.H. Limd. 1863. p. 12.'! (Bolivia.— t.Tpe in Derby Museum). ( 87 ) Nos. 2220, 2223, 2234, 2242, 2263. SS, ? ?, Rio Araguaya, June, July l!)ii6. —Wing 105-112 ; tail 53—60 ; bill 1 7 J— 18 mm. The series agrees with skins from Surinam, Venezuela, Pani, etc., in having tlie lower abdomen alone ochraceons. In the majority of the specimens this patch is of a rather lighter ochraceons than in those from more northern localities, but still very much deeper (and tar less extended) than in C. t. brasilicusis from Bahia and Rio de Janeiro. 154. Ceryle americana americana (Gm.). AUedo americana Gmelin, Syst. xVa<. I. i. p. 451 (1788.— ex Daubenton, PI. E,il. ."iOl fig. 1, 2— Cayenne). Ceryle americana Pelzeln, I.e. p. 2.3 (Goiaz). No. 2196. 6 ad., Rio Araguaya, June 1906. loo. Galbula rufo-viridis Cab. Galbula rufo-viridis Cabanis in : " Ersch und Gruber's Enc. Wissensch. und Kilnste lii. 1. p. 308." * G. maculicauda Pelzeln, Zur Ornith. Bran. i. 1867. p. 24 (Goiaz, Araguay). No. 1995. c? fere ad., Goyaz, April 1906.— Wing 76 ; tail 90 ; bill 53 mm. No. 1927. $ ad., Goyaz, March 1906.— Wing 79; tail 88 ; bill 49 mm. Identical in colour and size with specimens from Bahia, Minas Geraes and Eastern Bolivia (Santa Cruz). 156. Brachygalba melanosterna Scl. Brachygalba melanosterna Sclater, P.Z.S. Land. 1855. p. 15 (Goyaz ; coll. Behn in Kiel Museum). Nos. 1743, 1744, 1759, 1773. 66 ad., Faz. Esperan9a, January 1906.— Wing 69J— 71 ; tail 54—55 ; bill 44J— 45 mm. No. 1763. o jr., Faz. Esperan^a, January 1906. — Wing 70; tail 52; bill 43| mm. These specimens agree exactly with others from Minas Geraes and Northern S. Paulo. A skin from Gnarayos, Eastern Bolivia, coll. D'Orbigny in the Paris Mnsoum, is also in every respect similar. Of the five examples sent, by Mens. Baer two have the whole undor-mandible whitish, in one (No. 1759) the apical fourth is blackish, and in the two others (Nos. 1773, 1763) all the lower jaw is blackish except for a small basal spot of whitish. The differences between B. melanosterna and B. albogularis are set forth in my revision of Spix' types, pp. 600 — 601. The range of jB. melanosterna thus far known is as follows : Central Brazil, Goyaz : City of Goyaz (Behn), Faz. Esperan(;>a (Baer), Leopoldina, R. Araguay (v. d. tSteinen coll. — Mus. H. v. Berlepsch), S. Domingo, near the frontier of Minas Geraes (Luud) ; Northern S. Paulo : Rio Parana (Natterer), Barretos on the Rio Grande (Garbe coll. — Mas. Panlista) ; Minas Geraes : Rio Jordao, prov. Araguay (Robert coll.— Mns. Tring) ; Mattogrosso : Chapada, Abrilongo (Smith). Eastern Bolivia : Gnarayos (D'Orbigny ; Mus. Paris). • I have not been able to \-erify the above quotation. ( 88 ) 157. Trogou variegatiis variegatus Spix. Trogon varifynttis Spix, Av. Bras. i. p. 49. tab. xxxviii a. (1824. — " ia Bra-silia" — type examined). Nos. 2229, 2284. c? ? ad., Rio Aragaaya, June aud July l',Mi6.— Witig 127, 125 ; tail 134, 130; bill 19, 17 mm. Agreeing iu size and coloration with specimens from Rio de Janeiro and Bahia. In Eastern Bolivia and N.W. Argentina T. v. variegatus is replaced by a larger race with shorter white tips to the onter rectrices. This is T. variegatus bekni Gonld.* Cf. my revision of Spix' types, p. .597. Whether T. bolivianus Grant is different from T. v. behni appears to me to be extremely doubtful. Moreover, it is quite inconceivable why the author should have chosen the term bolivianus for a bird which, according to his specimens, is only found in Pern and Eastern Ecuador. lo8. Trogon surrucura Vieill. Trogon surrucura Vieillot, Nnnv. Did. viii. p. 321 (1817. — ex Azara No. 270 : Paraguay). Nos. 2012, 2023. c?c? (in moult), Goyaz, April 1906. In coloration, these specimens are practically identical with an adult male from Sapucay, Paraguay, but seem to be somewhat smaller. Both are, however, moulting. The distribution of this species is rather curious. Natterer obtained it near Mattodentro and Ypanema in S. Panlo. The Tring Museum received specimens from Victoria, in the same state, secured by Mr. A. Hempel ; from Ro?a Nova, Serra do Mar, Parana, and Rio Jordao, Minas Geraes (A. Robert) ; and from S. Javier, Misiones, Argentine (White). T. auratitius Spi.x, which differs only by having the under-parts orange-yellow (instead of blood-red) we have from Bahia, and from Piqnete, S. Panlo (Robert), while an adult male from Novo Fribnrgo, Rio, is intermediate between T. surrucura and T. aurantius. More information is required about these two forms before their distinctness can be considered as established. 1.59. Anodorhynchvis hyacinthinus (Lath.). PsMacus hyacinthinus Latham, Iml. (ini. i. p. 84 (1790. — hab. ign., we fix Brazil as the typical habitat). Sitlace hyacinlhina Pelzeln, Zur Ornith. Bras. iii. 1869. p. 254 (Rio Araguay). Nos. 2231, 2232. ? ? ad., Rio Araguaya, June 1906. The Aragna3-a seems to be one of the principal hunting-grounds of this beautiful bird, for Natterer and Comte de Castelnau also met with it on the banks of that river. It is still very rare in collections. The Tring Museum possesses, in addition to the two fine e.\amplcs sent by Mons. Baer, a couple obtained on the Rio Parnahyba, State of Piauhy, N.E. Brazil. 160. Ara ararauna (Linn.). Psittacus Ararauna Linnaeus, Syst. Nal. x. p. 96 (1758.— "in America meridionali "— we fix Eastern Brazil (ex Marcgrave) as typical locality). Nos. 1818, 1819, 1820. 6, ? ?, Faz. Esperan^a, February 1906. • Trogon tehni Gould, Monogr. Trogon. 2nd edit. 1875. pi. 20 (on the plate spelt " T. behmi") (type en " Bolivia — Brydges "). (89) 161. Ara nobilis (Liun.). Psittacus nobilis Linnaeus, Sijst. Nat. x. p. 97 (17.')8. — ''in America meridionali "■ — we supplement Brazil as typical habitat). Sittace nobilis Pelzeln, Zur Ornilh. Bras. iii. 1869. p. 266 (Porto do Rio Araguay). Nos. 1629, 1652, 1684. c? ? ad., and one adult, not se.^ed, Faz. Esperan^a, December 1905. 162. Conurus leucophthalmus (P. L. S. Mull.). Psittacus leiKophlhalmus P. L. S. MiiUer, Natiirsi/st. Siqjjil. p. 75 (1776. — ex Daubenton, PI. Enl. 407 : Cayenne). No. 2440. ? ad., Agna Suja, Minas Geraes, 1000 metr., October 1906. — Wing 172; tail 167 mm. 163. Conurus aureus (Gm.). Psittacus aureus Gmelin, Syst. Nat. 1. i. p. 329 (1788. — ex Brisson : ex Edwards, Glean, v. tab. 235 : " supposed to be a native of Brazil "). Nos. 2158, 2159. c? ? ad., Rio Thesouras, May 1906. No. 1794. (? ad., Faz. Esperan^a, January 1906. No. 2235. c? ad., Rio Araguaya, June 1906. Nos. 2006, 2007. S ? ad., Goyaz, April 1906. These specimens agree perfectly with others from Bahia and Mattogrosso. 164. Brotogeris chiriri (Vieill.). Psittacus chiriri Tieillot, Nouv. Diet. xxv. p. 369 (1817.— ex Azara No. 283 : Paraguay). Nos. 1838, 1842, 1845, 1933, 1939. SSS, ?? ad., Goyaz, March 1906.— Wing 115—120 ; tail 100—112 mm. There are no constant differences, either in size or in colour, between these specimens and others from Bahia, Minas, Mattogrosso, and Northern S. Paulo (Tiet^). 165. Amazona amazonica (Linn.). Psittacus amazonicus hinnaeus, Syst. Nut. xii. I. p. 1-17 (1766. — ex Brisson, Frisch, etc. — Surinam, errore ! We fix " le pays des Amazones '' [ex Brisson] as terra typica). Oirysotis amazonicii Pelzeln, Zur Ornilh. Bras. iii. 1869. p. 266 (Araguay). Nos. 1618, 1619, 1679, 1683, 1800. (?c?c?,two not sex ed, Faz. Esperan?a, December 1 905, February 1906. The distribution of this species as given in the Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xx. p. 285, is incomplete. Natterer obtained specimens in the State of Rio de Janeiro at Sapitiba, in Mattogrosso ((Juyaba, Estrelhi, etc.), and on the Rio Araguaya, Southern Goyaz. About the variation of A. amazonica cf Ahhandl. Akad. Wissensc/i. Milnchen ii. CI. Bd. x.xii. 3. 1906. p. 594. 166. Ibycter americanus (Bodd.). Falco americanus Boddaert, Tabl. PI. Enl. p. 25 (1783.— ex Daubenton, PI. Enl. 417 : Cayenne). Nos. 2141, 2142. (?. ockrojjteni chloroaucheiua Gigl. & Salvad.* ditfors merely by its much longer wings. Specimens from Parana and Rio grande do Snl are practically identical with typical birds from Uruguay and Argentine. Adult male from Entrerios, Argentina: wing 104; tail 110; bill 16 mm. Adult male from Rofa Nova, Serra do Mar, state of Parang, South Brazil (Robert coll.): wing 102; tail 120; bill 18 mm. 171I. Crax sclateri Gray. Cmi Schiteri G. R. Gray, List Specimens Birds Brit. J/ks. Part V. (iallinae, p. 14 (1807.— pait. : (J? ad. — "Mexico," errore !). No. 1810. ? ad., Faz. E-speran^a, February 1900.— Wing 365 ; tail 335 ; hill 40i mm. Nos. 2332, 2330, 2330, 2342, 2346, 2348, 2382, 2384, 2414, 2419, 2420, 2421, 2422. Si ad., imm. et juv., Rio Araguaya, July and August.— "W'ing 365—380 ; tail 340— 355; bill 43^— 40 mm. Nos. 2333, 2337, 2340, 2343, 2347, 2349, 2383, 2385, 2415-18. ? ? ad., imm. and jnv., Rio Araguaya, July and August 1906. — Wing 340—365 ; tail 320—350 ; bill 39J— 44 mm. Adult males have the crest-feathers aud the thighs uniform black, while they are spotted with white in immature specimens. The series of the females substantially corroborates what I said about the distinctness of C. sclateri and C. pinima Pelz.f The ujjper wing-coverts, quills, rectrices, and the whole back are crossed by regular bars of white or pale buff, the under-surface of the remiges is banded with white on both webs, aud the middle of the breast, the abdomen and under tail-coverts are uniform deep ochraceons buff. In eleven examples the crest is coloured as described by me I.e., viz. basal fourth and apical poition of the feathers black, separated by a long band of white. Two others, Nos. 2383 and 2415, however, have two white spots on each of the crest-feathers, a subapical one, and another near the base. In this respect they agree with the description and plate of Crax fasciolata Spix.J Both specimens are immature, and differ also from the adult ones by having the throat spotted with white. No. 2415 shows yet another character of immaturity in the light bands on the median and greater upper wing-coverts being much broader and deeper lu colour, buff (instead of creamy-white). Though it now seems possible that C. Jasciolata might have been based upon an immature female of C sclateri, I shall * Leptuptila ehloroauchenia GiglioH and Salvador!, Atli It. Ac. Sc. Turino v. p. 274 (1S70.— Estancia Trinidad, near Monteiideo, Uruguay). f Ahhandl Aliad. \Vis.ir/sbrr. Ahitl. Winseiisch. Wien (math, naturw. CI.) xxxi. 1858. p. .330— iVas Frechas, near Cuyabit, Mattogrosso). No. 2388. c? ad., Rio Aragnaya, August I'JOG.— Wing 350 ; tail 300 ; bill 35 mm. No. 2344. Adult, Rio Aragnaya, July 1906.— Wing 330 ; tail 290 ; bill 35 mm. No. 2225. ? ad., Rio Aragnaya, June 1906.— Wing 310 ; tail 285 ; bill 33J mm. Nos. 2391, 2392. ?? imm., Rio Araguaya, August 1906.— Wing 310, 315; tail 270, 285 ; bill 32i, 35 mm. This series doubtless represents a form distinct from P. c. cumanensis, of which there are twenty specimens in Mr. Rothschild's Museum at Tring. The Goyaz birds differ from the typical race by having the lower throat, foreneck and wattle bright reddish orange, chin and upper throat alone being slaty-blackish. More- over, the upper jiarts are darker, more steel-green (instead of bronze-green), this being especially noticeable on the upper tail-coverts, and the mantle is mixed with purple feathers. The birds sent by Mons. Baer agree well with Reicheubach's original description and plate, except that on the latter the naked skin at the base of the wattle is represented as blue, while it is reddish orange in our sijecimens. When lately in Vienna I examined Natterer's series of this group, and found an adult cJ from Manaqueri, R. Solimoens, and a young male from Sangradouro, Mattogrosso, likewise to belong to nattereri. The adults of this form always possess a large rounded wattle, joined to the throat for the whole of its length, and resembling a dewlap ; in young birds the wattle is much smaller. In the shape of the wattle P. c. cumanensis agrees with P. c. nattereri, but all ( !>7 ) the naked portions of the throat and t'oreneck are slate-blackish (upper throat aznre bluish in life, according to Cherrie). In Western Mattogrosso, on the headr^uarters of the Rio Madeira (Rio Gaapor^), and in Paraguay, another fairly well-marked form is found. This has, like /'. c. viimanensis, the naked skin on the throat and foreneck slatc-blackish, liut the wattle is quite differently shaped, being a long, slender, jjendulous caruncle. In the Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, xiv. No. cv. (March 1904) p. 60, I first pointed out the distinctness of this race, but called it erroneously P. nattereri. As I have ascertained now, its proper name is P. cumanetisis grai/i Pelz. (see below). The characters and ranges of the three forms may be summarised as follows : (a) P. cumanensis cumanensis (Jacqu.). " Crax (^cumanensis)" .Jacquin, Bcytr. Gcsrhichte V'ugel p. 25. tab. 10 (1784. — " die Gegend am Orenokoflusse bey Kuinana "). Ilab. Venezuela : Nericagna and Munduapo on the R. Orinoco (t'herrie) ; La Pricion and Nicare, Caura R. (Andre). Brit. Guiana : Rio Takutu (Whitely). N.W. Brazil : Marabitanas, upper Rio Negro (Natterer). Eastern Colombia : Bogota coll. Eastern Ecuador: Sarayaru (Buckley), Coca, Rio Napo (Goodfellow & Hamilton). Peru : Loretoyacu, R. Maranon (Bartlett) ; Chuchnrras, prov. Iluunuco (Hoffmanns) ; Cosnipata, dep. Cuzco (Whitely). i ad. General colour bronze-green. Naked jjortions on throat and foreneck, including wattle, slate-blackish (in life " azure-bluish or indigo blue, shading into slate-black on Ljwer part of throat and on wattle " — Cherrie, Goodfellow, Hoffmanns). Wattle large, rounded, resembling a dewlaii, and joined to the throat for the whole of its length. ? and juv. (?). Like the male, but the wattle wanting or very little developed. N.B. — I have not been able to make out whether the development of the wattle depends on sex, age, or season. The six sexed females (Orinoco, Caura, Takutu River, and Chnchurras) have a very small wattle or none at all, but several males in perfect plumage, for instance, one from Coca, Rio Napo, and three from the Caura River, show no trace of it either. A male in change of plumage (Marabitanas — Natterer coll.) has just a slight indication of a shallow fold on the middle of the lower throat. Specimens examined : Tring Museum: 3 c?c?, 2 ? ? Orinoco, 5 c?(J, 1 ?, Caura, Venezuela ; 2 ? ?, Rio Takutu, Brit. Guiana ; 1 S, Coca, Rio Napo ; 1 ? , Chuchnrras ; 1 T. Sterna superciliaris Vicill. Sterna siijxrciliark Vieillot, iVowr. Dirt, xxxii. p. 176 (1819.— ex Azara no. 415 : Paraijuay). No. 2197. S ad. (in nnptial p]nmage), Rio Ardguaya, June lOOO.—Wiii}' 185 ; tail 81 ; bill 3S mm. Identical with specimens from Argentine (Mocovi — Veuturi coll.). 198. Phaetusa magnirostris (Lcht.). Stenm marjnirostris Licbtenstein, Verz. Dull. Berliner Mus. p. 81 (182:!.— "Brasii "). No. 2320. ¥ ad., Rio Araguaya, Jnly 1906. 199. Rynchops intercedens Sannd. mi/nchnjis iiitercedeiix Saimder.s, null. B.O.C. iv. p. xxvi. (March 1895.— type ex S Paulo Brazil • cf. Cat. B. Brit. .)/».«. XXV. 18<)G. p. loG). Rhjnchops nigra (aec Linn.) Pelzeln, Zur Ontitli. Bras. in. 1809. p. 324 (Araguay). Nos. 2198, 2213. i»L Nat. ed. xiii. i. I (1788) p. 825 (ex Buff. & Daubent. PI. Enl. 701. f. 1 — typ. ex Cayenne). Th. nyapocensis Ridgw. Appronague : 1 . parariisis Rothsch. at Para). ( 1<'« ) Nos. 31, 47, 99, 100, 232, 684, 709, 8C1, 1012, 1007. (J(? : a]. 03|— G2i ; caud. 45f— 43A ; culm. lO^— 9J ; tars. 1S3_171 mm. ? ? : al. 04— 59J ; caud. 45|— 401 ; culm. 10—9^ ; tars. 17|— ICi mm. [Oaj'enne (Sclater collection in Mns. Brit. ; coll. Deplanches,_/?rfe l^P-)-] 14. Geothlypis aequinoctialis (Oml.). MnlaciUa aeqniiinctialis Gmelin, Sjist. Nut. eil. xiii. i. I. (1788) p. 'Mi (ex BufT. I'k' Daulicnt. /'/. Eul. G85. f. 1. — typ. ex Cayenne). Cayenne : 1 S ad., December 19 ; 3 ? ? , October 10, 13, 10 ; 1 cJ juv., Octolier 10 ; 1 S juv. fere imll., October 16, 19o2. (No. 154 parent bird.) Approuagne : 2 iS imm., December 11, 17, 1902. Roche-Marie : 1 ad., November 10, 1902. "Iris seal" (juv. pnll., "greyish"), "feet dusky yellow" ("dusky buff," " buffy," in juv. pull, "yellowish"), "bill above blackish, lielow horny" ("below horny-yellowish,''' "below whitish," in pull, "dusky"). Nos. 27, 28, 86, 153, 154, 666, 1127, 1150, 1275. 63 : al. 60J ; cand 56i— 54i ; culm. 123—121 ; tars. 21 J— 2U mm. ? : al. 58 ; caud. 54 ; culm. 131 ; tars. 211 mm. [Cayenne (Bntfon), Sclater collection in .Mus. Brit., Mus. Ilein.] 15. Basileuterus mesoleucus Sol. Baxih.iiterus mesoleucus Sclater, P.Z.S. ISiJo. p. 2Sr> (■' Demerara " — typ. in Mus. Brit.) Approuagne: 2 36 ad., December 8, 12, 1902. Ipousiu, R. Approuagne : 1 S ad., December 29, 1902. " Iris seal, feet buff-yellow (' pale buff-yellow '), bill black (' blackish '), pale at base of mandible." Nos. 1039, 1136, 12892. (?(? ad. : al. 63—60; caud. 56— 53| ; culm. 13|— llf ; tars. 21i— 20J mm. The Cayenne specimens agree with others from R. Carimang (Brit. Guiana), Orinoco, and Parti. B. mesoleucus had not yet been mentioned as a species inhabiting Cayenne. ?[16. Setophaga ruticilla (Linn.). ilolai-illa Riilii'ilht Linne, Sijtt. Nat. ed. x. 1 (1758). p. 180 (ex Catesby— typ. ex Virginia (Catesby). "Cayenne" (Buffon).] Family VIREOSTnAE* 17. Pachysylvia pectoralis (ScL). Ui/hijjliilus perliirali.i Sclater, P.Z.S. 1866. p. 321 (dcscr. orig. Matto Orosso, coll. Nattorer — excl. hab. Rio Janeiro ! — typ. in Sclater collection, Mus. Brit.). Cayenne: A 33 ad., October 18, November 3, December 17, 19; 2 ? ? ad., October 31, November 29 ; 1 c? juv., October 16, 1902. * List of species not yet recorded from Cayenne, but likely to occur tbero : 1. Virciwjlvia calidrig (L.). West Indies — Brit. Guiana. 2. Tiwc r/nvt (Vieill.). Brit. Guiana — Brazil fgencrally distributed). X Piirhysyhia thoracica griseh'entrit (Berl. & Hart.). Brit. Guiana— Orinoco (/'. Iltonu-iva — Brazil. 4, Pdrhijiylvia hiipo.ranthii (Vch..). Rio Icanna nncl Ilio VaupL'. N. lli'azii. ( l"" ) Roche-Marie: 2 S6 ad., November 13; 1 ? ad., November lU ; 1 d juv., November 10 ; 1 juv., November lU ; 1 ¥ jnv., November 10, 19U2. "Iris sepia ('dark chestaut '), feet pale grey (' (J, dusky flesh-colour'), bill dusky (' blackish ') above, paler below." Nos. 143, 200, 417, 488, (jOl, 6i;;i, 6(14, (305, 747, 748, U(JO, 11.53, ll.:)4. SS: al. 56|— .52; caud. 47f— 44' ; culm. 12J— 121 ; tars. 17f— lOA mm. ¥ ? : al. .5.ji— 54 ; caud. 4(U— 44^- ; culm. 12f— 12^ ; tars. 17|— 171 mm. These birds are apparently not difFereut from specimens collected by Miss ISncthlage at Monte Alegre, on the northern liauk of the Amazouas. [Cayenne (Sclater collection in Mus. Brit.).] 18. Pachysylvia luteifrons (Scl). Jli/liipliiliis liili'/frnm Sclater, Jliis 1881. p. 'MS (typ. ex Bartica Grove, Brit. (iuiaii;i, coll. Wliitely — in Mus. Brit.). Ipousin, R. Appi'ouague : 1 c?, January 5; 1 ? December 30; and 1?, December 29, 1902. " Iris seal, feet grey (' slate-grey '), bill above blackish, below pale grey." Nos. 12891, 1290.5, 13014. /nt. Nut. cd. x. 1 (1758) p. IIH (i;.\ Edwartls t. 21 %. super. — typ. ex Surinam). Cayenne : 2 S 6 ad., November 28, 29, 1902 ; 1 ? ad., November 24, 1902. Ipon.sin, H. Appronague : 1 c? ad., December 28, 1902. (i . " Iris seal, feet slate, bill black." Nos. 448, 649, 1151, 1152. * Miiller's description, although probably based on Daubenton's plate 301. fig. 1. (which clearly represents our species) is erroneous, and might have been intended for another species (for instance C. jjuiictata). ( 115 ) A1. 72J— 72 ; cand. 53i— 50J, ; culm. 1 1!— 10^; tars. 17— 15i mul. [Caj'enno (!ScI:iter coUcctioii ami Salviii & Godman collection in Mns. Brit. — coll. Deplanches, _/■>/<; Bp.).] 50. Tanagra episcopus Linn. Tanaijm Ei>hcopu^ Linne, Sijst. Nat. ed. xii. 1 (170lj) p. 31G (ex Briss. — " Brasilia," crrore I — hab. substit. Cayenne—'' Mus. Reaumur "). Cayenne: "i 3 i ad., October 18, 29, November 28 ; 4 ? ? ad., October 17, November 27, 28, 2!) ; 1 ? jr., November 3, 1902. Appronague : 1 S ad., December 17, 1902. [Cayenne (Sclater collection in Mns. Brit., coll. Deplanches {frfe Bj).), Mus. H. V. B.).] " Iris seal, feet j)lumbeons, bill above black, below plumbeons, dnsky at tip." Nos. 17.5, 186, 397, 482, 944, 954, 962, 971, 12742. A female obtained November 27 was " breedins;." c?c? : al. 93i— 86i ; cand. 66|— 61i ; culm. 17— 14i ; tars. 20J— 19 mm. ? ? : al. 91—87 ; caud. 6.5J— 60J ; culm. 15f— 15^ ; tars. 20^—19^ mm. 51. Tanagra palmarum melanoptera F!cl. [Tatmi/ra pal iiiuriim Wied, Reise Brusil. ii. (1821) p. 7G (typ. ex Brasil. merid. or. iu Am. Mas. y. H. New York). Twiagm melaiiuptera Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856. p. 23,5 (Eastern Peru, etc.). Cayenne: 4 c?c? ad., October 10, 16, 29, November 3; 1 ? ad., November 3, 1902. Appronague : 1 S ad. and 1 ? ad., December 6, 1902. Nos. 24, 139, 395, 419, 480, 1019, 10211. (?c? ad. : al. 97— 9oi ; caud. 74^-694 ; culm. l.SJ— 14| ; tars. 21|— 20i mm. ? ? ad. : al. 96—89^ ; cand. 'U—Qbl; culm. 15J— 14^ ; tar,<. 2U— 2C| mm. ?[52. Tanagra ornata Span-m. TaniMjra onuiki Sparrmann, .U«s. CarU. (1787) pi. ',15 ; " Cayenne " (coll. Daplanches— /ir?'? Bp.). This locality is probably erroneous, 53. Eamphocelus carbo (Pall.). Lanius OirioPall.as in Vroeg, Cm. )-o/>. il'Oi.-i:c Aihiinhmt. (llGi) p. 2 (typ. ex Surinam). M. jaciqxt autorum, Cayenne : 2 c? tJ ad., October 22, November 2, 1902. lie le Pere : 2 c?cJ ad., October 23, 24, 1902. Roche-Marie : 2 , 1003. " Iris seal, feet blackish, bill black, slate at base of mandible." No. 13027. Al. 81 ; cand. 64; cnlm. 18f ; tars. 19i mm. This bird generally agrees with specimens from Rio Carimang, Brit. Guiana in Mns. H. v. B. [Oj'apoc, Cayenne (coll. Jelski — Salvin & Godman collection and Cayenne (Sclater collection) in Mns. Brit.] 74. Oryzoborus angolensis brevirostris snbsp. n. Loxia anynlensis Linne, Si/xl. Nat. ed. xii. i. 1 (1766) p. 303 (ex Edw. — " Angola" — errore !— habit substit. Ceara, Brazil 1). Ofyznhonts ton-idu^ autorum. 0. angolensk brevirostris, 0. iiiirjnleiisis dicto ex Brasil. or. simillimus, differt rostro breviore minus crasso. Hab. Cayenne (typ. in Mus. Triug, coll. Cherrie, No. 802). Cayenne : 4 c?c? ad., November 15, 22, 24, 27, 1902. Roche-Marie: 3 cJcJ ad., November 5, 10, 12; 2 ? ? ad., November 8, 13; S imm., November 11, 1902. " Iris dark chestnut, feet blackish (' slate '), bill black." ? ? : " bill above black, pale at base below." S imm. : " Iris dusky." j>l. {\"li)) p. ICi"). (ex Dnubent. /'/. Eiil. 181, fig. 1 typ. ex Cayenne). Cayenne (Buffon).] [87. Paroaria gularis (Liun.). Tanagra giihiria Linne, Syal. Nat. ed. xii. 1 (ni'ili) p. .310 (ex Briss. "America" — liab. siibst. Cayenne). Cayenne (Sclater collection in Mus. Brit., coll. Deplanclies — /it/e Bp., Mas. H. V. B.).] [88. Paroaria nigrogenys (Lafr.). Xemox'm iiigrogenys Lafresnaye, Rer. Zonl, 1846. p. 21'.i (" Embouchure de I'Ort'noque''). Cayenne (Sclater collection in Mus. Brit.).] Family ICTERTDAE* [89. Xanthornus decumanus Pall. Xn}ithnniux (fecumatut>i Pall., Sjtir. Fnsr. vi. (ITii*.*) p. 1. (typ. ex Surinam). Cayenne (coll. Deplancbes, AV/e Bp.).] 9ii. Xanthoruus viridis (Mull.). Orichts rh-'nV^ MilUer, Naturmjst. Suppl. (1776) p. 87 (ex Daubent. PI. Enl. 328— typ. ex Cayenne). Iponsin, R. Approuague : 3 ? 9 ad., December 29 (three), 1902. " Iris aznre blue, feet black, bill basal half pea-green, distal half orpimcut orange." Nos. 12898, 12897, 12896. ? ? : al. 201 J— 186 ; cand. 140—132 ; culm. 53— 46| ; tars. 40— 42J mm. [Cayenne (Mus. Brit.), coll. Deplanches {/ide Bp.).] 01. Cacicus cela (Linn.). Pariis Crla Linne, Sijsl. Nat. ed, x. (17i8)p. lOI (■' in Indiis" — errors! — hab. substit. Surinam, aut. Hellmayr). C. pei-sietus autorum. Approuague : 5 c? J ad., December G, 10 (two), 11, 12; 5 ? ? ad., December 9, 111, 13, 17, Ls (two), 1902. Koche-Marie; 1 c? ad., November 8, 1902. "Iris pale blue, feet black, bill primrose-yellow." Nos. 1101, 1134, 635, 1111, 1026, 1100, 1082, 1099, 12766, 12764, 12743. cJtJ : al. 160J— 151i ; cand. 106—102 ; cnlm. 39J— 35J ; tars. 32J— 31J mm. ? ? : al. 131 J— 128; caud. 92i— 90^ ; culm. 32J— SOJ ; tars. 28J— 26J mm. [Cayenne (Salvin & Godman collection in Mus. Brit., coll. Deplanches (Bp.).] * The following Icteridae, not yet recorded from Cayenne, are likely to be found there: 1 Icterus crocoTivtitt Wagl. lirit. Guiana — Lower Amazona.s. 2, Lamjmjisnr tatiarjriiius (Spix). Surinam (Mus. Hein.), Brit, (iuiana (Schomburgk). ( 12:^ ) [92. Cacicus haemorrhous (Linn.)- Oriohis Imemorrhniin Linne, Syet. Nat. ed. xii. i. (17CG) p. llil (ex Briss. bah. Brasilia et Cayenne— hab. select. : Cayenne (aut. Berl. & Hart.) ). Cayenne (Sclater collection and Salvin & Godman collection in Mus. Brit., Mus. Philada.).] [93. Cassidix oryzivora (Gml.). Oriohis nri/zirorus Gmelin, Si/al. Nul. ed. xiii. i. 1 (1788) p. 38G (ex Lath.— typ. ex Cayenne). Ciayenne (Latham).] [94. Dolichonyx oryzivorus (Linn.). Emheri-a Onj-irora Linne, Syitt. Nat. ed. xii. 1 (170G) p. .311 (ex Catesb., Edw., Briss. — typ. ex Cuba). Cayenne (Sclater coll. in Mns. Brit., Mns. Philada.).] 95. Molothrus bonariensis atronitens Cab. ITamifira hnnarkiisis GmeMa, Syst. Nat. ed. xiii. i. 1 (1788) p. 898. ex Buff. hab. in "Bonaria" (Argentina).] Molotliriis atronitens Cab. in Schomb. Reise Brit. Guiana iii. (1848) p. G82 (Brit. Guiana, "Kiiste") Cayenne: 1 i ad., October 10, 1002. "Iris seal, feet black, bill black." No. 25. Al. 100 ; caud. 72| ; cnlm. 19 ; tar.s. 2i')\ mm. [Oyapoc, C!ayeune (Jelski leg).] 96. Agelaeus icterocephalus (Linn.). Orloliis iiin-nrr/ijia/im Linne, Si/xt. Nut. ed. xii. 1 (17l!l'>) p. 1G3 (ex Briss. — typ. ex Cayenne — and Edwards). Cayenne : 2 . (1868) pp. Ill, 181 (typ. ex Marabitanas, Rio Negro— ia Mus. Vindob.). Cayenne : 1 6 very young, December 16, 1902. No. 1143. [Oyapoc (Sclater collection in Mus. Brit.).] 118. Pitangus sulphuratus (Liuu.). Lanius mlphuratus Liune, Si/st. Nat. ed. xii. 1 (1766) p. 1.'17 (ex Briss. — typ. ex Cayenne). Cayenne : 1 S ad., November 19 ; 2 ¥ ? ad., October 22, December 4, 1902. Approuagne : 'i S 6 ad., December 8, 17, 19 ; 1 ? ad., December 11, 1902. " Iris dark chestnut (1 ¥ : ' seal '), feet black (' slate-black '), bill black." Nos. 268, 825, 1008, 1062, 111», 12750, 12779. ( 127 ) (?(? ad. : al. 1141— iDSi ; caud. 8TA— 8U ; calm. 29|— 271 ; turs. •^^—•^^ mm. ? ? ad. : al. HIT— 104J ; caud. Sl— 79 ; culm 291—27^ ; tars. 23f— 23* mm. [Cayenne (Brissou).] [119. Pitangus lictor (Liclit.). Laiiius lictor Lichteasfcein, V(r~. Doubl. (t8'23) p. 40 (ex •' Pava " — typ. ia Mus. Berul.). (Cayenne (Mus. Eeiu. — Heine & Reicheuow).)] 121). Myiozetetes cayanensis (Linn.). JluHcicapa cayanensis Linne, Sy^l. Xal. ed. xii. 1 (1788) p. 327 (ex Briss.— typ. u.x Cayenne). Cayenne: 2 SS ad., 19, 21 November; 2 ? ? ad., October 17, December 2, 1902. Roche-Marie : 4 c?c? ad, November 5, 8, 10 (bis); 1 ? ad., November 11, 1902. " Iris seal, feet black, bill black." Nos. 174, 549, 624, 660, 661, 694, 826, 834, 999. capara GaimnriV D'Orbigny, Voy. Am. Meriil. Ois. (1840) p. 32G. (typ. ex Turacares, Bolivia — in Mus. Paris ?).] Elaenia yainiardi guinnen.':is Berlepsch, Proc. iv. Internal. Orn. Conyress 1905. p. 4"21. (typ. ex Camacusa, Brit. Guiana in Mus. H. v. B.). Elaenia agilis Bonaparte (nee .1/. ai/ilis Gml.), Bull, Soc. Linn. Nurmandie xii. (1857) p. 35. deacr. (Cayenne). Cayenne : 4 c? c? ad., November 1, 26, 27, December 2 ; 3 ? ? ad., October 20, 31, November 1, 1902. "Iris seal (1 ? 'dark sepia'), feet slate ('slate black,' 'slate grey'), 'bill black ' (blackish), ' blackish, pale at base of mandible.' " Nos. 221, 420, 438, 440, 921, 949, 991. c? mm. ? ? ad. : al. 54—52; 32^-29; culm. 12J-10|; tars. 20i— 18J mm. [Cayenne (Sclater collection in Mus. Brit., coll. Deplanches Jide Bp., Mus. H. v. B.).] 166. Neopipo cinnamomea (Lawr.). Pipra (?) cinnamomea Lawrence, Proc. Ac. N. Sc. Philada, 1868. p. 42!) (hab. " The Upper Amazon" — typ. in Mus. Lawrence, nunc Am. Mus. N. H. Neio York). Ipousin, R. Appronagne : 1 " c? " (?) (ad.) December 29, 1902. " Iris seal, feet slate-groy, bill above dusky, below pale." No. 12889. Al. 50i; caud. 36 ; tars. 12f mm. This species has not yet been recorded as being found in Cayenne, ( 139) [167. Scotothorus amazonum wallacei (Scl. & Salv.). (ffelerojyelma amazonum Sclater, P.Z.S. ISl'iO. p. 4i')6 (typ. ex Chamicuros, Huallaga io Mua. Brit.). Eeteropelma wallacei Sclater & Salvin, P.Z.S. 18G7. pp. 579, &95 (typ. ex Part in Mus. Brit.). ? Oyapoc, Cayenne (Sclater collection in Mus. Brit.).] [168. Scotothorus igniceps (Scl.). Heleropelma ignkeps Sclater, P.Z.S. 1871. p. 750 (typ. ex Oyapoo, Cayenne in Mui. Brit.). Oyapoc, Cayenne (Sclater collection ex Verdey in Mns. Brit.).] [169. Schiflfornis major Desmnrs. Schifornia major Desmurs (ex Bp.) in Castela. Voi/. Ois. (1855) p. 66. PI. 18. fig. 2 (hab. Sarayai^a, Peruv. or., typ. in Mus. Paris). Oyapoc, Cayenne (Sclater collection ex Verdey in Mas. Brit.).] [170. Heterocercus flavivertex Pelz. Seterocerms fltiriim-ti-T Pelzeln, Zur Orn. Bras. (1808) pp. Vlb, 186 (typ. select, ex Rio Negro— Mns. Vindob.). Oyapoc, Cayenne (Sclater collection and Salvin & Godnian collection in Mus. Brit.).] ? [171. Heterocercus luteocephalus (Less.). iluscicapa luteocephala Lesson, Traiie d'Orii. (1831) p. 392 (Inc. inc.— an ex Cayenne ?). Of. HeUm. Nov. Zool. xiii. (1906) p. 327.] Family COTINGIDAK* 172. Tityra cayana (Linn.). Lanim caijaiius Linne, Sysi. Nat. ed. xii. i. (17GG) p. 137 (ex Briss.— Cayenne). Roche-Marie, C^ayenne : 1 " c? " jnv. in the dress of the ? , November 8, 1902. " Iris seal, feet plnmbeons slate, hill basal Indian pnrple, tip of bill above black, below slate, bare space about eye maroon-purple." No. 636. [Cayenne (Sclater collection and Salvin & Godman collection in Mns. Brit., coll. Deplanches, /(/(? Bp., Mus. Hein.] ? [173. Tityra semifasciata (Spix). Pachyrhynchus semifasdaliis Spix, Av. Bras. ii. (1825) p. 32. tab. xliv. fig. 2 (hab. in proT. Pari— typ. in Mus. Monac). ? Oyapoc (Sclater collection " ? " in Mus Brit.).] * The following five species of Cotingidae not recorded from Cayenne may occur there : 1. Pachyrhamphiis ijriseignlaris 8cl. & Salv. Roraima (P. tvVifi/s— Bahia). 2. Pachijrliamphus custaneiis (.Tnrcl. & Selby). Venezuela— B.ahia. 3. Lipaugm sim/ilcx (Licht.). Brit. Guiana— Orinoco— Bahia. 4. lodoplcura isabellim Parzud. Rio Tocantins (7. leiicopygia Salv. Brit, Guiana). 5. Chasmarhyuchin ruriegatm (Gml). Venezuela— Brazil (Maranhao). ( 140 ) 174. Tityra inquisitor erythrogenys ('Selhy). ILanhis iiiquhitnr Lichtenstein, Yen. Dubl. (1823) p. 50 (S. Paulo, Mus. Berol.)] Pmris erythragenys Selby, Zool. Joiirn. ii. (1826) p. 483 (descr. J typ. ex Pernambuco). Cayenne: 1 " c? " ad., October 17, lOO'i. "Iris sea], feet diisk\' plumbeous, bill above black, below jilnmbeous." No. 176. Al. 101; cand. 61^; culm. 23; tars. 18| mm. [Cayenne (Sclater collection in Mns. Brit.).] [175. Hadrostomus minor (Less.). Qiierula minor Lesson, Truil^ il'Oni. (1831) p. 303 (de.'icr. J juv. ex Cayenne — coll. M. Martin). Cayenne (Sclater collection in Mns. Brit.).] 170. Pachyrhamphus niger (Spix). Pachyrhynchus niijer Spix, At\ Bras. ii. (18'j.'i) p. 3.'. tab. xlv. fig. 1 (loc. ignot., habit, subatit. Fonteboa, aut Hellmayr). Cayenne : 3 " /st. Xut. ed. xiii. i. (178>t) p. 937 (ex Latham— hab. Cayenne). Caj'enne (Lath., Mus. Brit.).] 185. Attila thamnophiloides (Spix). Mtiscicajxi tltamiw2>hiluides Spix, -Id. Bras. ii. (1825) p. I'J. PI. 20. fig. 1 (hab. "in loc. sylv. fl. Amazonum," typ. in Mus. Monac). Cayenne: 1 S ad., December 4, 1902. Approuague : 3 3S acL, December 8, 10, 13; 1 ? ad., December 12, 1902. "Iris seal ('drab'), feet grey (plumbeous), bill bhick." Nos. 1018, 1063, 1098, 1132, 12697. Cayenne specimens agree with a bird from Borba ou the Madeira (Jide Hellmayr). c? j ad. : al. 95— 91 J ; caud. 90|— 81J ; culm. 22— 20J ; tars. 23f— 22 mm. ? : al. 90J ; caud. 82J ; culm. 21 ; tars. 22f mm. [Cayenne (Sclater collection in Mns. Brit., coll. Deplanches (Jirfe Bp.).] [186. Phoenicocercus carnifex (Linn.). Lanius carnifex Linne, Syst. Nal. ed. x. i. (1758) p. 94 (ex Edw. typ. ex Surinam). Cayenne (Sclater collection and Salvin & Godman collection in Mus. Brit., coll. Deplanches (Jide Bonap.), Mus. H. v. B.).] [187. Rupicola rupicola (Liun.). Pipra Rupicola Linne, Syst. Nat. ed. xii. i. (1766) p. 338 (ex Briss. & Edw.— hab. Surinam, Guiana ; hab. select. Cayenne). Cayenne (Sclater collection and Salvin & Godman collection and coll. Rothery in Mus. Brit., Mus. H. v. B.).] [188. Cotinga cotinga (Linn.). Ampelis Cotinga Linne, Si/st. Nat. ed. xii. i. (1766) p. 298 (ex Briss. typ. ex Biasil). Cayenne (coll. Rothery in Mus. Brit., coll. Deplanches (Jide Bp.).] [189. Cotinga cayana (Linn.). Ampelis cayana Linne, Syst. Nat. ed. xii. i. (1766) p. 298 (ex Briss. hab. Brasil. et Cayenne, habit, select. Cayenne ex Briss.). Cayenne (Sclater collection and Salvin & Godman collection in Mus. Brit, Mas. Hein.).] [190. Xipholena pompadora (Linn.). Ampelis PomjMclora Linne, Syst. Nul. ed. xii. i. (1766) p. 298 (ex Briss. hab. Cayenne). Cayenne (Sclater collection and Salvin & Godman collection and coll. Rothery in Mus. Brit., coll. Deplanches (Jide Bonap.), Mns. Heiu.] ( 143) [191. lodopleura fusca (VieilL). 4»!/«/M/«sca Vieillot, Nouv. Dirt. viii. (1817) p. 162 (hab. "Bresil" — errore! — hab. substit. Cayenne). Cayenne (Sclater collection in Mns. Brit.).] [192. Haematoderus militaris (Lath.). Corackis mUilaris Latham, Ind. Oni. Siippl. (1802) p. xxvii. ('ayenne (Sclater collection and Salvin & Godman collection in Mus. Brit., coll. Deplauches {Jide Bp.).] 193. Querula purpurata (Miill.). Jfuscicapa purpurata P. L. S. MuUer, Natursyst. Suppl. (177G) p. 16P. no. 29 (ex Daubent. PI. Eiil. 381 — hab. Cayenne). Ipousin, R. Approiiagne : 1 6 ad., December 29, 1902. " Iris Vandyke brown, feet slate-black, bill plumbeoas, extreme tip maxilla blackish." No. 12900. Al. 176; caud. 120 ; culm. 26f ; tars. 22f mm. [Cayenne (Sclater collection in Mns. Brit), coll. Deplanches {fide Bp.), Mus. Hein.] [?194. Cephalopterus ornatus Geoflr. Cephaloplerus ornatus Is. Geoffr. Ann. d. Mux. xiii. (1809) p. 17 (loc. incert. — hab. substit. Cayenne, aut. Berl. & Hart.). Cayenne (Is. Geoffr. ?).] 195. Calvifrons calvus (Gml.). Con-US tricolor Mull. (1783) desor. falsa ! Corrus cahus Gmelin, St/st. Nat. ed. xiii. i. (1788) p. 372 (ex Buff. & Daubent. PL Eul. 521— hab. Cayenne). Ipousin, R. Approuague : 1 c? ad., December 27, 1902. " Iris seal, feet slate-grey, bill above blackish, below slate-grey with greenish wash." No. 12858. Al. 215^ ; caud. 106 ; tars. 42^ mm. [Cayenne (Sclater collection and Salvin & Godman collection in Mns. Brit., coll. Deplanches (Jide Bp.).] [196. Gymnoderus foetidus (Linn.). Graiula foetida Linne, Syst. Nat. ed. xii. i. (1700) p. 101 (''hab. America — Rolander" — hab. typ. substit. Surinam (aut. Berl. & Hart.). Cayenne (Salvin & Godman collection in Mus. Brit., coll. Deplanches, y(V/t' Bp.).] [197. Chasmorhynchus niveus (Bodd.). Ampelis nirea Boddaert, Tabl. PL Eid. (1783) p. 49 (ex Daubenton, PL EnL 793. hab. Cayenne). Cayenne (coll. Eothery and Salviu & Godmau collection in Mus. Brit.).] ( 144) Family DEXDR 0 COLA P 7VPA E* 198. Synallaxis albescens albigularis Scl. [Si/nallaxis albescens Temminck, PI. Col. (1823) tab. 227. f. 2 (" Bresil," habit, typ. subst. S. Paulo).] Sytiallaj-is albigularis Sclater, P. Z. S. 1858. p. C.3 (typ. e.x Rio Napo). Cavenue : 4 ? ? ad., October 14, 19, 31, November 2, 1902. Roche-Marie: 3 (?lu>cola2>tes sp. ? 9. Dendroclncla longicauda Pelz. Brit. Guiana — Surinani —Brazil, ( 145 ) [201. Synallaxis rutilans Tern. Si/millaxis rutilans Temminck, PI. Co!. (18'J3) tab. 227. fig. 1 (typ. ex " Br^sil " — hab. typ. substit. Rio Negro). Oyapoc, (Cayenne (Salvin & Godmaa collection in Mas. Brit.).] 202. Siptornis gutturata (Lafr. & D'Orb.). Anabates gutturatua L.a£resaaye et D'Orbigny,* tiijii. Av. ii. in Mag. Zml. ii. CI. ii. (1838) p. 14 (typ, ex Yuracares, Bolivia — in Mils. Paris). Synallaxis hijpoKlicta Pelzeln, 18.59. Iponsin, R. Appronagne : 1 ¥ ad., December 26, 1902. " Iris tawny olive, feet dusky oil-green, bill above dusky olive, below slate." No. 12840. Al. 65; cand. 56| ; culm. 14J ; tars. 16J- mm. The Cayenne bird agrees with specimens from Munduapo, on the Orinoco; the under-parts are perhajis a little more rnfescent. The species is new to the fauna of Cayenne. 203. Automolus infuscatus cervicalis (Scl.). \_Anabates infuscatus Sclater, Ann. cD Mag. N. H. ser. 2. xvii. (18.5G) p. 468. " in Peruria orientali," habit, typ. select. Barra do Rio Negro (coll. Natterer in Mus. Vindob.).] Philijdor cenlcalis Sclater,t P.Z.S. 1889. p. 33 (ex Brit, tiuiana, hab. typ. select. Camacusa in Mus. Brit.). A. sdateri aut. Iponsin, R. Approuagae : 1 c? ad., December 25 ; 2 ¥ ? ad., December 24, 1902, January 2, 1903 ; 1 S (juv.) January 1, 1903. " Iris seal, feet greyish sage-green (' sage-green '), bill above olive-brown (dusky olive), below greenish olive." Nos. 12797, 12815, 12953, 12972. S ad. : al. 88J ; cand. 73J ; culm. 20f ; tars. 20f mm. ¥ ¥ ad. : al. STJ— 86-J ; cand. 74|— 72| ; culm. 20f — 20J ; tars. 21J— 20J mm. Cayenne specimens agree best with the birds from Caura, Orinoco. 204. Automolus obscurus (Pelz.). Anabates obscurus Pelzeln, Sitzinigsber. Ak. M'issensch. Wien math.-natw. CI. xxxiv. 2. (1859) p. 110. Anm. (typ. ex Cayenne — Mus. Tindob.). Iponsin, R. Approuaguc : 1 ¥ ad., January 2, 1905. "Iris seal, feet dusky grey, bill blackish, dusky below." No. 12965. Al. 78 J ; caud. 71 ; culm. 20 1 ; tars. 23i mm. The single specimen of this rare species collected by Mr. Gherrie agrees with Pelzeln's type in the Vienna Museum, with which I have compared it. It only differs in having the reddish brown of the throat a little paler (not so reddish) and not extended over the upper breast. The abdomen is also a little paler, more olivaceous, less brownish. The upper Iparts are somewhat darker, more blackisb ; the njiper tail-coverts are of a somewhat darker chestnut. The rufous brown of the under tail-coverts is more intense. ♦ Cf. Meneg. Sc Hellm., Mem. Soc. d'llist. nat. d'AiUun xix. (1906) p. 36. t Cf. Hellmayr, Nav. Znol. 1906. p. y3j. 10 ( 146 ) A. obscurus (Pelz.) is apparently a near ally of ^l. ruhighiosHS Scl. from Central America, Iiut is smaller, with a mnch shorter tail, and differs somewhat in coloration. [Cayenne (Mns. Vindob.).] 205. Philydor ruficaudatus (Lafr. & D'Orb.). Anabates ruficaudatus Lafresnaye et D'Orbigny, Syn. Ar. ii. in .l/aj. Zool. 1838. p. 15 (tjp. ex Turacares, Bolivia, in Mus. Paris). Appronague : 1 S ad., December Iti, 11)02. " Iris wood-brown, feet sage-green, bill above slate-black, below dusky pea-green." No. 1094. Al. 89 ; caud. T2\ ; culm. ^5 J ; tars. 20| mm. The specimen collected by Mr. Cherrie agrees perfectly with topotyi)ioal specimens from Bolivia in Mus. H. v. B. Ph. ruficaudatus had not yet been recorded from Cayenne. 20G. Philydor erythrocercus (Pelz.). Anabates erythrocercus Pelzeln, Sit:iiitijsber. Alcad. Wien .xxxiv. (1859) p. 105 (" Brasilia " — viz. Baira do Rio Negro — typ. in Mus. Vindob.). Ipousin, R. Appronague: 4 c?(? ad., December 25, 27, 28, 1902, January 2, 1903 ; 3 ? ? ad., December 25, 1902. " Iris seal, feet sage-green, bill above clove-brown (' brown '), below pale." Nos. 12811, 12812, 12813, 12814, 12860, 12874, 12968. (?(? ad. : al. 9U— 89J ; caud. 69J— 66^ ; culm. 18f— 17J; tars. 20J— 19| mm. $ ? ad. : al. 84— 78J ; cand. 62|— 60i ; culm. 16!^— lOi ; tars. 18* mm. Cayenne specimens agree generally with the Nattererian birds from Barra do Rio Negro, but they have the uuder-parts rather more suffused with yellowish. [Cayenne (Sclater collection in Mns. Brit.).] 207. Philydor pyrrhodes (Cab.). Anahaics pyrrlwcles Cabanis in Schomb., Reise Brit. Guiana iii. (1848) p. 689 (coast of Brit. G-uiana — typ. in Mus. Brit.). Ipousin, R. Appronague: 1 ?, December 28, 1902. '' Iris dark sepia, feet light sage-green, bill above clove-brown, below slate- grey." No. 12878. This bird is evidently immature ; it differs from a male from Blunduapo, Orinoco, in having much shorter wings and tail, more olivaceous upper back and ujjjjer head, and the uuder-parts, uropygium, and tail of a paler cinuamomeous. 208. Xenops genibarbis HI. Xenuj>s gciubarhis lUiger, Prodr. (1811) p. iVi (typ. ex Cameta, Brazil in Mus. Berol.). Cayenne: 2 SS ad., October 11, November 28 ; 1 ? ad., November 14, 1902. " Iris seal, feet plumbeous grey (' plumbeous '), bill above black, below pale with dusky tip (' aud cutting edge ')." Nos. GO, 904, 905. ( 147 ) "(j(?"atl. : al. 67J— 66; caiitl. 56J— 511 ; culm. 15i— 14^ ; tars. 1 5— 14J mm. " ? " ad : al. 62; cand. 4SA ; culm. 14^; tars. 14 mm. [Oyapoc, Cayenne (Sclater collection ex Verdey in Mus. Brit.).] 209. Xenops rutilus heterurus Cab. & Hein. [Xeiiops rutilus Lichtensteiii, Douhl. Vers. (18-2,'5) p. 17 (typ. ex Bahia in Mus. Berol.).] Xfiiojys heterurus Cabanis et Heine, Mus. Hein. ii. (Aug. 1859) p. 33 (typ. " Columbien " — Mus. Hein.). Cayenne: 1 c? and 2 ? ?, October 13, 14, 18, 1902. " Iris seal, feet plumbeous, bill above black, below pale with dusky tip (' and cutting edge ')." Nos. 91, 124, 201. c? : al. 63 ; caud. 44J ; cnlm. 12 ; tars. 13| mm. ? ? : al. 62^—61 ; cand. 45J— 40| ; culm. 12i— 12; tars. 13|— 13^ mm. Cayenne specimens agree best with Bogota skins, but are smaller-sized. They have much more black in the tails than Brazilian birds. 210. Glyph orhynchus cuneatus (Licht.). Demlrocolaptcs cuneatus Lichtenstein, Ahh. Akad. Berl. 1820. p. 204. tab. 2. fig. 2 (typ. ex Bahia cf. Abh. 1822. p. 2G6— in Mus. Berol.). Cayenne : 1 ? ad., November 27, 1902. Roche-Marie: 2 SS, November 7, 11, 1902. Ipousin, R. Approuague : G S S ad., December 25 (two), 27, 29, 1902, January 5, 6, 1903 ; 5 ? ? ad., December 24, 30, 1902, January 1 (two), 3, 1903. " Iris seal (dark), feet slate (dusky slate, dusky greenish), bill blackish (dusky, above black, below slate, blackish slate above, below greyish slate." ic? ad.: al. 73— 66| ; caud. 73|— 56J ; culm. 13— 11| ; tars. 16J— 14J mm. ? ? ad. : al. 70— 65^ ; cand. 69— 61^ ; culm. 12^— llj ; tars. 16^-15^ mm. Nos. 597, 711, 937, 12785, 12808, 12809, 12867, 1289.5, 12903, 12947, 12948, 12978, 13004, 13020. The Cayenne specimens differ from those from Bahia in having the upper throat much more suffused with rufoos, less whitish. [Oyapoc and Cayenne (coll. Jelski) ; Sclater collection and Salvin & Godman collection in Bins. Brit. ; coll. Deplanches {fide Bp.).] 211. Sclerurus rufigularis Pelz. Sclemriis rnflgvlaris Pelzein, Ziir Oni. Bras. ii. (ISliS) pp. 87, IGl. (descr. specim. ex Borba et Marabitanas, habit, typ. select. Borba in Mua. Viudob.) Ipousin, R. Approuague : 1 ? , January 3, 1903. " Iris seal, feet slate-black, bill above blackish, below pale grey." No. 12980. Al. 77 ; caud. 58J ; culm. 17J ; tars. 21* mm. Mr. Hellmayr has kindly identified this bird for me. S. rufiyularis Pelz. is easily distinguishable from S. caudacutm (Vieill.) by its much shorter and slender bill, and its rafous-brown throat. [212. Sclemrus caudacutus (Vieill.). [Thanuiophilus caudacutus "VieiUot, Nouv. Diet. iii. (1816) p. 310. (typ ex Cayenne). Cayenne (Sclater collection in Mus. Brit.).] ( 148 ) :il',i. Dendrornis guttatoides sororia Berl. & Hart. [Nasica guttatoides Lafresnaye* Rei\ el Maq. de Zool. 1850. p. 38?. (typ. ex Lorette, Amaz. sup., coll. Castelnau in Mus. Paris — av. juv.).] Demlrnrnis rimlrijiaUeiia sororia Berlepsch et Hartert, Noo. Zool. ix. (April 1902) p. 03 (typ. ex Maipures, Orinoco — in Mus. H. v. B.). Cayenne: 3 (?cJ ad., November 1, 25, December 19, adult without iudica- tion of sex, November 1, 19112. "Iris seal, feet greyish plumbeous, bill above blackish, pale below." Nos. 426, 427, 897, 114.5. SS ad.: al. 122—1201; caud. IK)— Hr.U; culm. Ssj— 37J; tars. 24^— 24^ mm. These birds agree in every respect with the typical bird from the Rio Orinoco. [Cayenne (Sclater collection in Mas. Brit. ?) ; Oyapoc (Salvia & Godman col- lection in Mus. Brit.).] 214. Dendrornis pardalotus (Vieill.). Demlrocopus pardalotiis Vieillot, iVoitc. Diet. xxvi. (1818) p. 117 (typ. ex Cayenne). Ipousin, R. Appronagne : 4 cJc? ad., December 2.5, 27,29, 1902, January 5, 1903; 4 ? ? ad., December 25, 27, 1902, January 2, 6, 1903. "Iris seal, feet slate, bill above clove-brown, below dusky grey." Nos. 12827, 12828, 12846, 12861, 12862, 1288.5, 12964, 12997, 13019. SS ad. : al. 108^—97 ; caud. 101— 87J ; cnlm. 36J— 29 ; tars. 21|— 21J mm. ? ? ad. : al. 109i— 99i ; caud. 94i— 91 j ; culm. 35A— 3H ; tars. 2U— 20i mm. [Cayenne (Sclater collection in Mus. Brit.) ; Oyapoc, Jelski leg. : Sclater collection and Salvia & Godman collection in Mus. Brit.).] 215. Dendrornis obsoleta multiguttata (Lafr.). [DfiiJrocolaptes obsoletus Lichtensteia, Abhaiidl. Akad. Berl. (1818-1',1) publ. 1820 (typ. ex Pari — of. ibid. 1822. p. 265— in Mus. Berol., examin., H. v. B.).] Nasica multiguttaius Lafresnaye, Rtr. el Mag. Zool. 1850. p. 417 (hab. Fontiboa, Haul Amazone et du BrMl " — typ. in Mus. Paris t). Dendrornis obsoleta nolata (Eyt.) Berlepsch et Hartert, Nov. Zool. ix. (1902) p. C4 (Orinoco). Approuague : 1 ? ad., December 19, 1902. No. 12774. " Iris seal, feet slate-grey, bill dusky horn-grey, darker at base of maxilla." This female agrees with specimens from the Middle Orinoco, and with others from the Rio Negro and Borba (coll. Natterer). [Oyapoc (Sclater collection in Mus. Brit, and in Mus. Paris ex Geay) ; R. Ouauary (in Mus. Paris ex Geay).] 216. Dendroplex picus (Gml.). OrivUi^ picm Gmelin, Sysi. Nat. ed. xiii. i. 1 (1788) p. 384 (ex Daubenton, PI. Enl. G05— typ. Cayenne). Cayenne: 5 SS a/?■ Meneg. & Hellm.).] [223. Dendrocincla merula (Licht.). Dendrocolaptes Merula Lichtenstein, Abh. Ac. Ba-Viii. 1818-19 (IS'-'O) p. 208 (typ. ex Cayenne— Mus. Berol.). Cayenne (Mus. Berol.).] 224. Dendrocolaptes certhia (Bodd.). Picus certhia Boddaert, Tall. PI. Enl (1783J p. 38 (ex Daubenton, PI. Enl. G21— typ. ex Cayenne). Iponsin, R. Approuague : 1 ?, January 8, 1903. " Iris seal, feet greyish plumbeons, bill above blackish, below paler." Al. 124 ; cand. 123^ ; culm. 35J ; tars. 2G\ mm. No. 8062. This bird agrees with specimens from Brit. Guiana. [Cayenne (Buff.), coll. Delalande et Poiteau in Mus. Paris ; Rio Camopi (F. Geay leg. in Mus. Paris).] 225. Dendrocolaptes plagosus Salv. & Godm. Denilrocolaptea plagosus Salvin et Godman, Ibis 1883. p. '20 (typ. ex. Camacusa, Brit. Guiana in Mus. Brit.). Iponsin, R. Approuague: 1 c? (jr.), December 30, 1902. " Iris seal, feet olive-greyish, bill black, smoke-grey at base of mandible." No. 12921. Al. 130 ; caud. 127 ; culm. 40| ; tars. 28 mm. There is no difference between this bird and specimens from Brit. Guiana. [Rio C'arseveune (M. F. Geay leg. in Mus. Paris).] Family FORMICARIIDAE* 226. Cymbilanius lineatus (Leach). Lanius lineatus Leach, Zool. Misc. i. PI. vi. (1814) p. 20 (hab. Berbice, Brit. Guiana). Iponsin, R. Ajiprouague : 1 ? ad., January 1, 1903. " Iris carmine, feet plumbeous, bill above black, below slate-grey." Al. 76i ; cand. 76J ; cnlra. 23f ; tars. 25J mm. No. 12955. This bird agrees with a female from Camacusa, Brit. Guiana. [Cayenne (Sclater collection in Mus. Brit.).] * The following species of t'ormicariiUae have not yet been found in Cayenne, but are likely to occur there : 1. IJysithaiinma mmtalis (Tem.). Brazil (Pard)— Pto. Cabello, Venezuela. 2. Dijsithamnus phuiiheus (Wied.). Lower Amazons, Venezuela. 3. ItampkiKacnm alhiventris Scl. Brit. Guiana, Surinam (R. wcliiniirus. Pari). i. Cercoviacra tijTannina Scl. Brit. Guiana, Pari. .'>. Cercomaora olncrascem Scl. Brit. Guiana. B. Mi/rmcoiza gritvijiectus Berl. Sc Hart. Brit. Guiana, Monte Alegre (northern bank ol the Amazon). ( 151 ) [227. Thamnophilus viridis Vieill. Thamnophilus viriilis Vieillot, Nuiti'. Diet. iii. (181G) p. 318. descr. oi'ig. $ (hub. rAm^'rique m^ridionale, cf. Pucheran, Arch. Miis. Paris (18.55) p. 354. — hab. typ. substit. Cayenne). Menegaux et Hellmayr, Bull. Soc. Phil, d/i Paris, 1906. p. 24. Lanius lunatus Lesson, 1831. Thamnophilus fnliriiimsHs Gould, 1837. Cayenne (Poiteau in Mus. Paris, Sclater collection in Mus. Brit., Baron Langier collection, Mas. Vindob. ex Becoenr).] 228. Thamnophilus major semifasciatus (Cab.). [Thamnophilus nuijor Vieillot, A'ouv. Diet. iii. (181l'>) p. 313 (ex Azara typ. ex Paraguay).] Diallactes semifasciatus Cabanis, Journ. f. Orn. 1872. p. 234 (hab. ParA, Guiana and Venezuela — habit, typ. select. Para (autore Hellmayr). Appronagne : 3 ¥ ? ad., December 9 (two), 11, 1902. " Iris carmine, feet plumbeons, bill black." Nos. 1079, 1088, 1110. ? ? : al. 91— Ssi ; caud. 78J— 77J ; cnlm. 29J— 28; tars. 34^— 33J mm. These birds have the tipper parts of a much darker chestnnt than females from Bahia. [Cayenne (Salvin & Godman collection in Mas. Brit., Mas. Vindob. ex Becoeur).] [229. Thamnophilus cinereoniger Pelzeln. Thamnophilus cinereoniger Pelzeln, Zur Orn. Bras. ii. (1868). pp. 76, 143 (hab. Rio Negro, Marabitanas, Rio Vaupe, Rio Amajau, Tapajoz, typ. select. (J ex Rio Negro in Mus. Vindob.). Oyapoc, Cayenne (Salvin & Godman collection in Mus. Brit.).] [230. Thamnophilus polionotns Pelzeln. Thamnophilus polionotus Pelzeln, Zur Orn. Bras. ii. (1868). pp. 77, 147 (hab. Marabitanas, Barcellos, typ. select. cJ ex Marabitanas in Mus. Vindob.). Thamnophilus tristis, Sclater & Salvin 1873 (typ. ex Oyapoc, Cayenne). Oyapoc, Cayenne (Sclater collection in Mus. Brit.).] 231. Thamnophilus murinus Scl. & Salv. Thamnnphilus murinus, Sclater & Salvin, P.Z.S. 1867. p. 756 (typ. select, ex Barra do Rio Negro in Mus. Vindob. — aut. Berlepsch et Hartert). Ipousin, R. Appronagne : 3 cJcJ ad., December 20, 1902, January 2, 6, 1903 ; 2 ? ? ad., December 31, 1902, January 2, 1903. " Iris grey (' seal '), feet slate-grey (' pale grey, greyish, ? , grey with olive wash '), bill above black, below slate-grey." Nos. 128.55, 12926, 12961, 12966, 13032. Sa ad. : al. 64—62 ; caud. 59^—54^ ; culm. 18|— 18|: ; tars. 19|— 18| mm. ? ? ad. : al. 63—62 ; cand. 60i— .59f ; culm. 17i ; tars. 19J mm. Cayenne specimens agree with S2)ecimens from Brit. Guiana collected by H. Whitely. A topotypical male from Marabitanas has somewhat lighter under- parts. [Oyapoc, Cayenne (Sclater collection in Mus. Brit.). Cayenne (Mas. Vindob. px Becoeur).] ( 152 ) 232. Thamnophilus naevius (Gml.). Lanius naevius Gmelin, Sysl. Nat. ed. xiii. i. 1 (1788) p. 3118 (ex Latham typ. ex Cayenne). Thamnnjihilus atiibigiiiis Pelzeln (nee Swains.), Ziir Orn. Bras. ii. (1808) p. 76 Anm. 2 (? Cayenne ex Beeoeur).* Cayenne: 4 Si ad., October 31, November 1, 3, 29, 1902; 3 ?? ad., October 31, November 3, 4, 1902. Roche-Marie, Cayenne: 3 8) pp. 77, 145 (hab. Marabitanas, Rio Vaupf?. — typ. select. (J ex Marabitanas in Mus. Vindob.). Oyapoc (Sclater collection and Salvin-Godman collection in Mus. Brit.).] 235. Thamnophilus canadensis (Linn.). Lanius camidcnsis Linne, Sysl. Nat. ed. xii. 1 (1700). p. 134 (ex Briss. " Canada" — hab. typ. subst. Cayenne aut. Berlepsch & Hartert). Tk. cirrhafus (Gml.). Cayenne : 7 c?c? ad., October 13, 14, 29, 31, (two), November 1, 3; 3 ¥ ¥ ad., October 13, 31, November 1, 1902. Roche-Marie: 1 ¥, November 11, 1902. "Iris mars brown, feet plumbeous, bill black (3 S), above black, below plumbeous, or with pale cutting edge (¥ ¥)." * Mde Hellniayr in litterU. ( 153 ) c?c? ad. : al. T3|— 72 ; cand. 01^—58 ; cnlm. 2U— 19f ; tars. 24J— 23J mm. ? ? ad. : al. 73— 71J ; 04J— 58* ; culm. 21—20^- ; 24f— 24J mm. No8. lU;j, 106, 115, 380, 406,407, 408, 429, 430, 490, 692. Male specimens from British Guiana and the Orinoco delta (Orinoco make) are in no way different. Specimens from Pto. Cabello have the back of a much clearer rufous brown (instead of greyish brown with blackish marks). Specimens from the Middle Orinoco and from the llio Branco are somewhat intermediate, but agree best with the Pto. Cabello birds. Nevertheless there is much variation iu the shade of the brown back. [Cayenne (Sclater collection in Mas. Brit., Mus. Hein., Mus. Vindob. ex Becoeur, Mas. H. V. B., coll. Deplanches (^fide Bp.).] 236. Thamnophilus doliatus (Linn.). Laniiis doliatus Linne, Mas. Ad. Frid. ii. Pmdr. (1704) p. 12 loc. ignot. (hab. typ. subst. Cayenne aut. Berlepsch & Hartert). Cayenne : 4 c?(? ad. and 3 cJc? jrs., October 28, 29 (two) jr., 31, November 1 (c? jr.), 3 (c? jrs.), 4 ; 4 ? ? ad., October 28, 31, November 3 (two), 1902. Roche-Marie, Cayenne: 1 S ad., November 10, 1 ? ad., November 11, 1902. " Iris primrose yellow " (twice " lemon yellow "), " feet plumbeous," " bill above black, below slate (' greyish ')," iu ? " yellowish." c?hae in the Museum Heiueanum, kindly lent to me by Oberamtmann F. Heine, and have found it to agree perfectly with male sjiecimens collected by Mr. Cherrie. [260. Cercomacra napensis Scl. Cercomacra napensis Sclater, P.Z.S. 1868 p. 572 (typ. ex Kio Negro in Mus. Brit.). Cayenne, and 7 forked on a short stalk, 8, 9, 10, and 11 free from the cell; cell short, broad, with a spurions cell at its upper apex formed by a short bar to near the middle of the discocellulars, the end of which has a deep pit corresponding with the heavy tuft of androconia on the npper side ; secondaries, cell very short, veins 3 and 4 from the lower angle, 5 from jnst above, 0 and 7 from the upper angle, 8 free from the base. Type : Megaloptera lophota B-B. 121. Megaloptera lophota spec. nov. c?. Head, thorax, and jjrimary uniform bronzy brown ; abdomen and secondaries uniform brown as the primary, but lacking the bronzy lustre. The cell of the primary is filled with reversed androconial hairs, and at the end of the cell there is a raised tuft of similar hairs, but heavily spatulate at the tips ; termen spotted with ochreous at the veins, and having a preceding dark scalloped edging ; a similar edging is just traceable in the secondary. Expanse, 71 mm. Hab. Kebea Range, July ; Aroa River, March. Type in my collection ; other specimens in the Tring Museum. 122. Mastigophorus (?) dinawa spec. nov. Head, thorax, and abdomen dark slate-brown ; both wings dark slate-grey, with a trace of a blackish autemedian line ; reniform blackish palely edged ; a trace of an indefinite median line ; postmedian line blackish, excurved and waved ; from this line to the termen the wing is darker and has a few scattered lavender scales on it. Secondary with a dark median line palely edged externally, and a trace of a snbtermiual paler line ; lavender scales scattered sparingly over the wing. Expanse, 28 mm. Ilab. Dinawa, September. Type in my collection. 123. Mastigophorus olivens spec. nov. (?. Palpi, head, thorax, and abdomen olive-grey, the two latter spotted with black ; both wings olive-grey, with black markings. Primary with four costal spots, one near the base, two before the centre, one beyond it, a short dash in the cell ; antemedian spotted line interrupted, meeting the double oblique interrupted median line on the inner margin ; postmedian line serrate, incurved below vein 3, irregular, with a pale external edging; subterminal line irregular and interrupted; termen finely scallo|»ed. Secondary, with two inner-marginal dark small patches, between which is the irregular median line, outside the lower jjatch is the double postmedian spotted line ; termen darkly scalloped. Expanse, 28 mm. Hab. Dinawa, Sejitember. Tyjje in my collection. 124. Mastigophorus biagi spec. nov. c?. Palpi, head, and thorax dark reddish brown ; abdomen paler. Primary dark reddish brown, of a dark rusty tone, with a pale grey irregular antemedian ( 212 ) line ; postmediau Hue pale grey, irregnlar, siibcrenulate, projecteil outwards t)e}-ond the cell, receding on the fold ; a trace of a pale grey irregnlar dentate subterrainal line; termen narrowly black, with white dots; a whitish spot at the reniform. Secondary grey, with a median and postuiedian pale grey line ; termen dotted with whitish. Expanse, 26 mm. Ilab. Biagi, Mambare River. Type in my collection. 125. Rejectaria albolineata spec. nov. i. Head, thora.K, palpi, abdomen, and both wings dirty greyish brown ; both wings withont any mark except that there is in both a snbterminal, narrow, straightish white line. Expanse, 38 mm. Ilab. Aroa River, February. Type in the Tring Museum. Insolentipalpus gen. nov. c?. First segment of palpi long, reaching to the vertex, long and heavily scaled ; second segment long, roughly scaled, scales shorter, curved over the head ; third segment moderately long, with a tuft of hairs on the inner side; antennae bijjectinate ; legs long, smoothly scaled. Neuration, primary with vein 2 from tlie centre of the cell, 3 in front of the angle, 4 from the angle, 5 from jnst above the angle, 8 and 9 stalked from 7 before the end of the ariole, connected with 10 by a short bar to form the ariole, 1 1 from the cell at a third from the base ; secondary, 2 from the centre of the cell, 3 and 4 from the angle, 5 from directly above the angle, 6 and 7 from the upper angle ; wings, costa slightly arched, depressed at the apex ; termen evenly curved ; primary broad, expanding rapidly outwards ; secondary long, fairly ample. Type : Insolentipalpus ochreopuncf,ata B-B. 12(3. Insolentipalpus ochreopunctata spec. nov. S- Head, palpi, and abdomen olive-grey; end segment of palpi with a tuft of fine white hairs. Primary olive-grey, with a basal black interrupted line ; an irregular antemedian black line ; median line obliquely confluent with the dark reniform, below which it is serrate; postmedian line serrate, receding at the costa, with a fine pale external edging; snbterminal dark line serrate, dotted with ochreous externally, finely dashed with ochreous at the termen, the dashes being edged internally with black spear-head marks. The reniform is palely edged and dotted externally with ochreous ; secondary grey, darker fur the outer half; a median dark line to the cell ; postmedian line excurved and serrate ; snbterminal line pale at the tornus, faintly traceable above ; termen with ochreons dashes between the veins, spotted internally with black ; fringes to both wings, tessellated ochreous and dark gre}'. Expanse, 29-30 mm. J lab. Owgarra. Type in my collection. ( 213 ) 127. Falcimala aurea spec. nov. S. Palpi, bead, and thorax greenish olive-brown ; abdomen pale ochraceons grey. Primary greenish olive-brown, spotted with pale melallie gold; a largish spot at the base of the inner margin, witli a second beyond the middle, between which nearer the basal spot is another ; a spot at the end of the cell ; two spots below each other in the postmedian area, with one or two dots below the second ; a terminal series of small spots : all these spots are very irregnlar in shape and size ; fringes goldenish, darkly intersected ; secondary nniform pale rose-coloar with ochreons fringes. Expanse, 20 mm. Hab. Biagi, Mambare River; Milne Bay. Type in my collection ; a single specimen in the British Museum from Milne Bay. 128. Falcimala brunneistriga spec. nov. . cJ. Upper-surface olive, somewhat lighter and more brownish on the rump and upper tail-coverts. Under-surface pale olive-grey, upper throat, middle of abdomen, and under tail-coverts whitish. Wing 82 ; tail 82 ; tarsus 30J ; hindclaw lU mm. Ilab. North Angola. Only one specimen known, collected by Dr. W. J. Ansorge at Dmiue de Braganza, * The exact locality of the only specimen of le/ilorhi/ncJia collected by Wilke in Northern Abyssinia (Berl. Mus.) is not known. The specimen geographically nearest is the one from Lake Zwai (Brit Mus.) which is referred by me to C. ^avva. ( 246 ) •^ Calamocichla ansorgei nilotica subsp. nov. Plujllostrephus sharpel (nee Shell.), Shell., P.Z. S. 1888. p. 24, Acrocephalus griseldis (nee Hartl.), Sharpe, Hand-list iv. 1903. p. '20(). Similar to C. a. ansorgei, bnt everywhere more dirt}' brown and less grey The lores are lighter than the sides of the head, bnt not pnre white. (In C. a. ansorgei the lores are of the same colonr as the head.) The wing is shorter. The bill is slightly broader and is paler. The hindclaw is longer. Wing, S, ::— TO ; ? , 72 ; tarsns 29—30; ?, 27A ; hindclaw, > )) )) )i » .... *i » )t » )) 1) .... * Measuremeiits taken from the original description. Wing. Tail. Tarsus. Hindclaw 72 70 29 9 mm 73 75(?) 30 ? „ 76 75 29 Si „ 75 73 29 9 ,, 75 74 29 OA „ 74 69 29J 9 ., 72 67 29 9 ,, 73 72 30 '•* (, 71 70 28 9 » ( 247 ) Calamocichla jacksoni Nenm. Calamnrichla jackaoui Neiim., Oni. MMialsber. 1901. p. 18o [Ntebbi]. In 1001 I described a specimen from Ntebbi under this name as follows : " Similar to C. leptorhi/ncha, but somewhat smaller, with the bill more slender. Colonr of the npperside mnch lighter, pale yellowish brown, not earthy brown, very light on lower back and rnmp. Underside greyish white, suffnsed with yellow." I believed at that time that the species was somewhat smaller than lepto- rkyncha, bnt having now had an occasion of examining a large series of Calamocichla, collected by F. Jackson at ISJtebbi, in different years, I came to the conclusion that the bird described as jacltsoni is a very yonng bird of a species which is not smaller than leptorkyncha bnt larger, approaching in size C. parva, being distinguished from this species by its more greyish brown and less fulvous brown npperside and by its greyish underside. I arrived at that conclusion as no adult specimen of the smaller size was ever got at Ntebbi, at which place all these grey birds were collected. All the specimens, of which the measurements are given below, were obtained at Ntebbi, the three marked with an * being in the British Museum, the others in Mr. Jackson's private collection. Measurements. Wing. Tail. Tarsus. Hindclaw * Type (jnv.), Jackson coll., 7. iii. 95 64 62 241 7 mm. * ? (sexed 3), „ )) 0. X. 01 67 52(!) 25 8i „ * ? , Cunningham coll . 68 67 25i 8 „ ?, Jackson coll.. 7. iii. 95 67 62 25 7 „ cJ (sexed ¥ ), Jackson coll.. 7. iii. 95 . 72 69 25 7A „ (S, Jackson coll., 7. iii. 95 70 69 2:ii 8 „ cJ (sexed ? ), Jackson coll.. 24. iii. 01 . 72 66 26 8 „ ? (sexed i), „ )) 17. iii. 01 67 64 25i ''h )i (?, Jackson coll., 15. iv. 01 . 71 70 27 'h „ + > )) )i 15. iv. 01 66 60 251 "' ). (? (?) Csexed S), Jackson coll., 6. x. 01 . 69 62 26 " j> Calamocichla parva (Fschr. & Rchw.). Phjllostreijhus jyarvus Fschr. & Rcbw. J.f. 0. 1884. p. 202 [Lake Niawascha]. Cidainonastes leptorhynchiis (uec Rchw.) Sharpe, Ibis 1892. p. 154 [Lake Naiwascha]. Calamocichla lejitorhyncha (nee Rchw.) Neum. J.f. 0. 1900. p. .W2 [Umbugwe]. Lusciniola rjmcilirostris (nee Hartl.) Grant & Reid, Ibis 1900. p. 646 [Lake Zuai]. „ „ „ „ (partim) Alexander, Ibis 1900. p 81 [Zambesi]. Upi)erside fulvons brown. Underside tawny buff or brownish grey, but not so grey as in jacksoni. Throat and middle of abdomen white. Lores of the same colonr as the head, or slightly j)aler. It is extremely difficult to distinguish between the females of pana and the males of leptorkyncha, both being about eqnal in size. It seems to me that both species occur in East Africa side by side, from Lake Znai in Southern Ethiopia to the Zambesi, though in German and British East Africa C. parva occurs in the higher elevated regions, while C. leptorkyncha is mostly found in the lowlands, and is the only one which occurs in the coast regions of the Indian Ocean. The specimen from Lake Zuai has a smaller and slenderer bill, and a slightly smaller hindclaw. ( 248 ) "Wing. Tail. Tarsus Ilindclaw. . 75 78 27 over 8 mm . 69 69 25 n „ . 74 70 27 10 „ . m 70 26 8i „ . 72 72 26 8 „ V. . 68 67 26 8i „ I have not been able to measure the type myself, and have some doubt whether the tail is measured by my method. Measurements. • Type c?, Lake Naiwascha. (Fischer) Berlin ?, „ „ (Jackson) Priv. Mils, c?, Nairobi. (Jackson) Priv. Mns. ? , Umbngwe. (Neuman) Berlin -is and cunenensis, not slaty whitish as in leptorhyncha. The first primary is shorter than in leptorhijncha and narrowed iu its terminal half It is a little less than half of the second. Measurements. Wing. Tail. Tarsus. Hindclaw. c?, Inhambane, Mozambique (G. H. B. Grant). Br. Mns. . 67 61 26 8 mm. ? (Type), Etchowe, Zululand (Brothers Woodward). Tring 63 59 26 7 „ This bird is distributed from South Mozambique to Zaluland, and probably to Natal, east of the Drakensberg Mountains, where it may replace C. gi-acilirostris. I have seen many specimens of true c/racilirosfris from Newcastle, west of the Drakensberg Range, but none from the coast regions of Natal. Calamocichla gracilirostris Hartl. Ciilamolwrpe (jraciliroslris Hartl., Ihis 18C4. p. 348 [Natal]. Above russet or fulvous brown, brighter on the rump, upper tail-coverts, and edges of wings, below nearly white, slightly washed with yellowish buff on the flanks. Lores and eye-streak white. Bnt for the pure white lores and eye-streak this species resembles very much lighter specimens of C. leptorhijncha and the rufons dress of C. brevipennis, but gracilirostris and zuluensis are distinguished from all other species of Calamocichla by the shape of the first primary, >which is narrowed in its terminal part, and somewhat pointed. It is somewhat less in length than half the second. The bill is not quite so broad as in most of the other species. This species never gets a grey dress, such as all the West African forms of Calamocichla , as well us jachsoi/i, acquire at a certain season. It is of far less wide distribution than is stated by Seebohm, Cat. Birds, vol. vii. p. 122, Reiclienow, Vdgel Africas, iii. p. 583, W. L. Sclater, Stark's Birds of South Africa, vol. ii. p. 102, all these authors having accepted as correct the statements by various authors who recorded other species of Calamocichla under this name. It is distributed over South Africa from Capetown northwards to Omam- bonde, near Otavi, in the west, and to South Transvaal and Western Natal iu the east, that means high up the Orange River system. Bnt it does not appear to occur in the lower Limpopo River,* nor in the coast region of Natal, east of the Drakensberg Range, from where 1 have not seen a single specimen, and wbere it may be replaced by the similar bnt much smaller C. zuluensis. As, however, I only know two specimens of G. zuluensis, the task to clear up this question must be left to our friends of the South African Ornitho- logists' Union. * From the wliolc Limpopo system I have seen only one small specimen from the Matlabas River, ( 250 ) I am well aware that Calamoherpe gracilirostris has beeu described from Natal, bnt no exact locality is given, and the measurements point to the larger bird, wing 3.02 = 76 mm., which, indeed, occurs still plentifully at Newcastle. It is impossible to employ for this bird the name of Si/ln'a babaecula Vieill., founded on "La Caijneteuse " of Levaillant, which lias dirty black jiatches on the chest and breast, and ver\- probably is the Dnidi/jiterug, later called harratti by Sharps, as Reicheuow, Vogel Afrikas, iii. p. 680, has correctly pointed out. 1 have examined no less than thirty-eight specimens of this species, all of which, with the exception of three specimens in Tring, aTe in the British Slusenm. Seventeen specimens from Potchefstroom and six specimens from Newcastle have the following measurements : 2 c? 5. xi. „ xan( ler, Priv. Coll. , San Nicolau 62 6.5 56 02 26 27 6 6,V 51 )1 ») )) )» )) )» )j 63 01 27 H )» J» )> )) 64 60 27 u JJ ?J San Jago . 6U 58 27 4 »J JJ )j )j 64 66 61 65 27i 26 7 6i IT 67 04 261 7 Tring Mus, , San Nicolan 65 59 28 6i )) jj '» JJ 67(!) 64 27 ^ ?(?)13. xi. grey If the sections are correct, which I much doubt, thei'<» is no difference in size between the two sexes in this species. I believe the specimens with a wing of 65—67 mm. to be males, the others to be females. ( 252 ) LIST OF THE SPECIMENS OF CALAMOCICHLA IN THE TRING MUSEUM. Calamocichla ansorgei Hart. Type : S. Diiqiie de Braganza, North Angola. 'Z. viii. 0.3. W. J. Ansorge. Calamocichla leptorhyncha Rchw. 3. Tertale Monntain, near Lake Stephanie . 25. v. 95. Donaldson Smith. c?. Lake Stephanie 31. v. 95. i. Upper Shir6 2. iii. 96. Percy Reudall. Calamocichla brevipennis Kenlemans. S. San Nicolan, Cape Verde Islands . . 5. si. 97. Boyd Alexander. i . • 13. xi. 97. „ „ Calamocichla cunenensis Hart. Type : Cnnene River, Mossamedes . . .3. iv. 80. A. W. Eriksson. Bengnella ii. 01. Mocqnerys. Calamocichla zuluensis Neum. Type ? , Etchowe, Zululaud .... 94. R.B. and T.D.S. Woodward Calamocichla gracilirostris Hartl. c?. Newcastle, Natal 18. ix. 81. Colonel Giffard. ?• „ » 20. ix. 81. ?. Matlabas River, Transvaal . . . . 7. x. 80. A. W. Ericksson. In the foregoing review I had overlooked, by mistake, the following species : Calamocichla chadensis Alex. Cahimocichla chackmis, Alex. Bull. Br. Oim. CI. vol. xix. (1907) p. 63 [Lake Chad]. This species resembles C. brempennis in every respect, but is at once dis- tinguished by its larger size. From adult (grey) specimens of C. mfescens, to which it is about equal in size, it seems to difler l)y its very pale coloration, but unfortunately the five specimens available for comparison are iu much worn condition. They are all in Captain Boyd Alexander's private collection. Hab. Lake Chad Region. Measurements. Wing. Tail. Tarsus. Hindclaw. S . Wnunda 19 v. . . 77 73 30 9 mna. 5 (sexed ¥) „ 18 v. . .76 69 28 8 „ ? Machillela . . 21 v. . . 71 67 29 9 „ ¥ Karraraga . .16 iii. (?) . 70^ 67 28 SJ „ 6 „ . . 17 v. . .77 incomplete 29 8J „ ( 253 ) SOME NEW AND SOME UNFIGURED LEPIDOPTERA. By KARL JORDAN, Ph.D. (Plates IX., X., XI.) PAPILIONIDAE. 1. Papilio mackinnoni benguellae subsp. nov. c?. The jwsterior spots of the baud of thi; upperside of the fore wing, and the central spots of that band of the hindwiug larger than in East African specimens, the two additional spots placed distally to the apex of the cell of the forevving also larger, exceeding in size the three anterior spots of the band. Hab. Cuval River, Benguella, Angola, December 10, 1905 (Dr. W. J. Ansorge). 1 cJ. ERYCINIDAE. 2. Abisara postalba (PI. XL fig. 7 oee : forewing slate-grey ; a mummy-brown band from beyond centre of eosta to below middle of distal margin, this band shading off proximally into a pale grey space, while it is deeper brown and sharply defined on the distal side ; on the outer side of this band, below the eosta, a black patch, which is somewhat glossy and is dentate on the distal side, being here bordered with mummy-brown ; the outer margin feebly emarginate between apex and third radial, being here brown, angulate at third radial and slightly dentate from this vein to hinder angle ; hinder margin sinuate before angle, in front of this sinus three black dots, and farther proximad a faint black double line. Hindwing dark mummy-brown, shaded with grey at anal angle and near outer edge, bearing an ochreous buff dot before anal angle, a similar dot being indicated on forewing. Underside : Vandyke-brown. Forewing with a faint dentate discal line beginning with a black costal dot, a second line being indicated farther proximally ; a subapical patch below eosta faintly tawny ; before hinder angle a conspicuons creamy buff dot. Hindwing a little paler than forewing, except the outer edge ; a thin somewhat S-shaped line beyond centre and a dentate one nearer the margin and a faint trace of a third line in between blackish brown ; at anal angle a buff dot Length of forewing : 21 mm. Jiab. Entebbe, Uganda (F. J. Jackson). 1?. AUS DEN WANDERJAHREN EINES NATURFORSCHERS. Reisen und Forschungen in Afn'ka, Asien und Amerika NEBST DAEAN ANKNOPPENDEN, MEIST OENITHOLOGISCHEN StUDIEN von ERNST HARTERT. Ein Band von xv und 329 Seiten mit 13 Tafeln und 17 Abbildungen im Text. Klein -4. In Leinenband. PREIS 25 MARK. In Commission hei : E. FRIED LANDER k SOHX, Caelstr. U, Berlin. R. H. PORTER, 7, Peinoes St., Cavendish Sqcaee, London, W. MARTINUS NI.JHOFF, 's Geavenhage, Holland. 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Hooks on Zoological, Biological, Bntauical, and ALL other subjects, ami tor ALL E.\aiuinations,_ supplied. Sent on approral. State Wants. Catalogues Free. BOOKS BOUGHT. Good Prices Given. S. B. FOYLE, 135, Charing Cross Road, LONDON, W.C. Annual Subscription to " Kovilates Zoologicae" £1 Is. Price of Yearly Volume, when completed, £.1 10s. (Commission fur Booksellei-s on completed rohnnes onli/.) Communications, etc., may be addressed to THE EDITORS OF •• NOVITATES ZOOLOOICAE," ZOOLOGICAL MUSEUM, __^ TRINa rRINTED BY HA2ELL, WATSON AND VINEV, LD., LONDON AND AVI.E»BURV. ^1^ NOtlTATES MOGICAE, H Journal of Zooloo^. EDITED BY The Hon. WALTER ROTHSCHILD, Ph.D., Dr. ERNST HARTERT, and Dr. K. JORDAN. No. 2. Pages 261—396. Plate XII. IsscjED Nov. 18th, at the Zoological Museum, Trino. PRINTED BY HAZELL, WATSON k VINEV, Ld., LONDOK AND AYLESBURY. 1908. Vol. XV. NOYITATES ZOOLOGICAE. EDITED BY WALTER ROTHSCHILD, ERNST HARTERT, and KARL JORDAN. CONTENTS OF NO. II. I. ON THE BIRDS OF CAYENNE (Part II ) . Hans Graf von Ser- lepsch . . . 261—324 •2. NEW THYRIDIDAE IN THE TKING MUSEUM IF. Warren . . 325—351 3. THE BIRDS OF VELLA LAVELLA, SOLOMON ISLANDS (Plate XIII.) Walter RothschM and Enist ffarteri . 351—358 4. ON A COLLECTION OF BIRDS FROM SAN CHRISTOVAL, SOLOMON ISLANDS . . Waller RothsdiiU and Ernst Hartert . 359—365 5. NOTES ON AFRICAN BIRDS IN THE TRING MUSEUM Oscar N'eumann 6. NEW SUBSPECIES OF PARNASSIUS APOLLO Waller Rothschild 7. NOTE ON GORILLA GORILLA DIEULI (Matschij:) (Plate XII.) Walter Rothschild S. NOTE ON CASUARIUS CASUARIUS BISTRI- ATUS OoRT . . .... Walter Rothschild 9. MIROUNGA ANGUSTIROSl'RIS (Gill) (Plates I.— VIII.) Walter Rothschild 10. A NEW LYCAENID FROM THE SOLOAION ISLANDS Karl Jordan . II. MISCELLANEA ORNITHOLOGICA . Ernst Hartert . 366—390 390 391—392 392 393—394 394 395—396 NOVITATES ZOOLOGICAE. Vol. XV. NOVEMBER, 1908. No. 2. ON THE BIllDS OF CAYENNE, By HANS GRAF VON BERLEPSCH. (Continued from p. 164.) Family TROCHILWAE* 281. Glaucis hirsuta (Gml.). TrochiluH hhsutm Gmelin, %•,<. Nat. ed. xiii. i. 1 (178H) p. 490 (hab. Brasilia ex Mai'cgr.— hab. substit. Bahia — aut. Berl. & Hart.). Cayenne : 1 S jnv., October 31 ; 1 ?, November 2, 1902. Roche-Marie : 2 S S ad., November 7, 12 ; 1 c? jr., November 11, 1902. Appronague •. '2 3 S ad., Deceuil)er 17, 18 ; 1 ? jr., December 18, 1902. " Iris seal, feetbnff (bnflfy), claws dusky, bill above black, below chrome-yellow, dusky at tip." SS : al. 65|— 62 ; cand. 4H— 39J ; cnlm. 30^—28^ mm. ? ? : al. 58— 56J ; caad. 36|— 34f ; culm. 29—28 mm. Nos. 421, 471, 589, 707, 730, 12747, 12701, 12702. [Cayenne (Gould collection in Mus. Brit., Deplancbes leg.— _^f/6' Bp.). Mahnry (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris).] [282. Threnetes leucurus (Liun.). TruchiUiH hnu-ums Linne', Sytt. Nat. ed. xii. 1 (17(56), p. 190(exEdw. t. 2.56. f. 1 — typ. ex Surmatn). " Rarely occurs in collections from Cayenne " (Gould ex Bourcier).] [283. Threnetes antoniae (Bonrc. and Muls.). Trochilns antoniae Bourcier et Mulsaut, Ann. Sr. P/ii/s. el Nat. Lyon ix. (1846) p. 329 (" Pati'ie : Cayenne "). Caj'enne (Salvin & Godman and Gould colls, in Mus. Brit., Mus. H. v. B.). St. Jean dn Maroni (Mns. Simon^^/irAj E. Simon in litt.).] 284. Phaethomis superciliosus (Linn.). Trochilns mqierciliiims Linne, Si/st. Nat. ed. xii. 1 (ITiUi) p. IS'.l (ex Brisson t — typ. ex Cayenne). Phaethornis fratereulns Gonld, 1861. Iponsin, R. Approuagne : 1 2. PI, 18 (coll. Lucicn Biiciiuet, liab. "BriSsil" — errors! — hab. substit. Cayenne). Ipousin, R. Appronague : 1 S ad., January 5, 1903. "Iris seal, feet greyish flesh, bill above blackish, below orange-chrome, with dusky tip." No. 18011. AI. 60 ; ciiud. 01 ; culm. 31 J mm. [Cayenne (Gould and Sclater collections in Mus. Brit., Mus. H. v. B., Mus. Heineaij.). Ouiuiary ((ieay leg. in Mus. Paris).] 287. Pygmornis longuemareus (Less.). Trockilus loiirjuemareiis Lesson, Hist. ynt. Trudi (1H3J) pp. 15, 160, xv. Plchs. 2, 02 (habite Ics environs de Cayenne). Cayenne : 2 cjcf ad., October 29, 1902. Roche-Marie: 1 i ad., November 6, 1902. Appronague: 3 SS ad., December In, 11, 15; 3 ?? ad., December 1, 10, 18, 1902. Nos. 386, 367, 581, 1095, 1124, 12722, 12733, 12748, 12763. " Iris seal, ('eel dusky (dusky flesh, bufty, claws dusky), bill black, basal two- thirds mandible ciu-ome-yellow (above black, below chrome-yellow)." £?(? ad.: al. 45J— 42| ; caud. 43J— il ; culm. 26|— 25J mm. ? ? ad. : al. 46— 43| ; caud. 42J-39J ; culm. 25J mm. [Cayenne (Salviu & Godman, Gould, aud Sclater collections in Mus. Biit., Mus. H. V. B., ? Ueiihinches \6g.—firli', Bp. — sub nomine intennediua Less.] MaUnryf and Ouamiry (Geay leg. in Mas. Paris). * Dr. Hellmayr tliinks this to be the true tupcTodiotut LinnC-, but I cannot agree with Lim. Some specimens of true KHpevriUosus i^fratereiduii Go.ild) have the under tail-coverts rusty wliite (instead of pure white), an 1 t'jc uuler tail-feathers margined witli rufom, resembling in this way the largo species, viz. Ph. tn'iltirig (Xordm.). ■f Hcjlmayr tells mu that the bird from Mabury, named P. striitjiilurixhy M. Mencgaux, i> the same as P. [oiiffueniareus. ( 263 ) 288. Pygmornis ruber (Linn.). Trnchilux ruber Unni, Si/sl. Nat. ed. x. 1 (17.58) p. 121 (ex Edwards, t. .32. f. 1 -typ. ex Surinam). Cf. Hellm. Rev. d. Spix'sclien Ti/iien in Ahhandl. Baiier. Akad. Wisxemrh. ii. Kl. xxii :! nOOli) p. 718. ' Tortue, R. Appronague : 1 ? ad., January V>, 1903. " Iris seal, feet buflfy yellow, bill blackisli, basal two-thirds mandible lemon- yellow." No. 13066. AI. 36|; cand. 34 ; cnlni, -III. mm. [(Jayenue (Sclater and Gould colleutiuns in Miis. Brit.).] TruchiluH larijipomh Boddaert, Tiihl. PI. Eal. (1783) p. 41 (ex Daubont. /'/. Enl. iV!'. f. 2— typ. ex Cayenne). 289. Campylopterus largipennis (Bodd.). ;oddaert, T„hl. PI. i:,tl. (1783) p. 41 (ex Daubont. Cayenne (Salvia & Godman, Sclater, and Gould collections in Mns. Brit., Mus. H. V. B., Deplancbes lug.—Jirlc Bp.). Maroni (Geay le^'. in Mas. Paris).] [290. Eupetomena macroura (Gml.). Troehilus imwrunnis Gmelin, Sjisl. Nat. edi. xiii. i. 1 (1788) p. 487 (ex Brisson— typ. ex Cayenne, Mus. de Bandeville, excl. quot. Sloane et Marcgr. — hab. " Jamaica" — errore !). Eitpeioiiicna macroura prusi/ia Simon, 1897. Cayenne (Brisson, Mus. H. v. B., Mus. Simon).] 291. Anthracotliorax gramineus (Grab). Trochiliis graiiiineiiti Gmelin, Si/d. Nul. ed. xiii. i. 1 (17KS) p. 488 (ex BuEEon : If'uisse col vert, vol.vi. p. .58 — typ. ex Cayenne). ? Trochilux violicanda Boddaert, 187.3 (ex Daubent. /'/. Eid. 671. fig. 2— typ. ex Cayenne), ?. Cayenne: 2 SS ad., October 17, December 2 ; 1 c? juv., December 4 ; 3 ? ? ad., Novemlier 1.5, 21, 29, 1902. Is. Le Pere : 1 3 ad., October 26 ; 3 ? ? ad.. October 24 (two), 25, 19(l2. Nos. 158, 308, 330, 335, 780, 822, 840, 983, 992, 1013. " Iris seal, feet black (blackish), bill black." 3S ad. : al. 73J— 70 ; caud. 41— 37J ; culm. 28J— 27J mm. ? ? ad. : al. 71—68 ; caud. 39i— 30| ; culm. 34^— 28i mm. Two adult birds marked ? ? (frona October 24 and 25) generally agree with the adult males, but have the green throat shield replaced by dull blackish feathers, with bluish-green margins to the tips of some of them ; other specimens marked ? ? have the uuderparts white with a broad black longitudinal band from the throat to the vent. Two ? ? of November 15, 21, have the sides of the throat strongly waslied with rufous, while others from October 24 and November 29 show not the slightest trace of a rufous wash. The latter are evidently fully adult birds, as are also the females with the dark underparts, and another with the rufous suffusion on the sides of the throat. At present 1 am unable to explain these different styles of coloration. [Cayenne (Buffon). (Gould and Sclater collections in Mus. Brit., Mns. H. v. B.).] [292. Anthracotliorax nigricoUis (Vieill.). Trochihoi nii/rnyjili.-: Vieillot, Xuiic. Did. vii. (1817) p. 34'J (typ. ex Bresil -hab. substit. Uio do Janeiro). Cayenne (Deplancbes leg.— Jide Bp.).] (264 ) 293. Plorisuga mellivora (Linn.). Troehih,.-! mrlVrnnix h\an6, S.i/^t. Xat. ed. x. 1(1758) p. 121 ("ex Indiis" — errore !— ex Edwards, typ. ex Surinam, Cab. of Duke of Richmond). Ipousin, R. Appronagne : 1 ? imm., December 24, 1902. " Iris seal, feet blackish, bill black." No. 12799. AI. 68J; caud. 37J ; culm. 1S| mm. [Cayenne (Salvin & Godmau and Solater collections in JIus. Brit., Mus. H. V. B., Deplanches leg.— Jicie Bp.).] [294. Topaza pella (Linn.). Trochllii^ Pella I,inn(5, .S>/. .V/«; Bp.). " Bords du Mana" (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris).] ( 2(16 ) ? [304. Agyrtria chionopectus (Gould). Thaumatiaa chiompectim Goa\d, Monogr. Trorh. v. (Sept. 18.')',!) PI. ccxciii. (typ. ex Trinidad, coll Tucker in Mus. Brit.). Cayenne (Geaj- leg. iti Mns. Paris, Jide Meneg. s.n. " niveijtectus " *), also Snriuam (Mus. H. v. B.).] 305. Agyrtria fimbriata (Goil.). Trnch'ilux fijiihriatus Omelin.t Siist. Xal. ed. xiii. i. 1 (1788) p. 4',(:i (ex Bri^son iii. p. 700. No. 7. t. 3lj. f. 2— typ. ex. Cayenne, envoye Ji M. de lldaumur par''M. des Essara"). Orn/H/ni/a albivrntria Lesson, 1829. Cayenne: 8 J c? ad., October 10, 11, 13, 17, 27, November 3, 4; one adnlr, November 3; 3 ? ?, October 10, November 3; one young bird, October 31, li)02. Roche-Marie : 2 c?c? ad., November 5, 10 ; two adults, November 0, 8 ; 3 2 ? , November 5, 0, 11 ; 1 $ juv., November 5, 1902. Is. Le Pdre : 1 3 ad., October 25 ; 2 ? ? ad., October 23, 25, li)02. Appronagiie : 3 ? ¥, December 8, 17, 10u2. " Iris seal (juv., dusky), feet black (blackish, dusky), bill above black, mandible reddish flesh-colour with blackish tip (below reddish flesh witli black tip, ])ale at base of mandible, below flesh-culour with dusky tip, flesh-colour basal two- thirds mandible, flesh-red basal one-half mandible, flesh-white at base mandible, dusky flesh at base of mandible." Nos. 41, 42, 45, 72, 73, 70, 159, 297, 336, 337, 349, 422, 476, 477, 478, 517, 532, 533, 534, 561, 638, 648, 656, 687, 1056, 1138, 12758. SS ad. : al. 58J— 55J ; caud. 33|-30J; culm. 2U— lOf mm. ? ? ad. : al. 54^—52 ; caud. 32J— 28 ; culm. 21J -19J mm. [Cayeune (Salvin & Godmau, and Gould collections in Mns. Brit., Mns. H. v. B., Mus. Heinean., Deplanches leg.— M' Bp.). Onanary (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris)] 306. Chlorestes notatus (Keich). TriidiiliisnotaliinG.Ohx.'RexcW'^Idfia-in -natiis'BoMa.eTt,Tah!. PL Enl. (1783) p. 39 (ex Daubent. PL Eiil. 640. f, 3. typ. e.\ Cayenne). rayenne (Gould collection in Mns. Brit., Mns. Heinean., Deplaiiclies leg. — /it/e Bp.). St. Georges d'Oyajiock (Geay lea;, in Mns. Paris).] 313. Calliphlox amethystina (Gml.). rm7(;7«s umethi/xthiux Gmelin, Si/at. Niil. e<\. .\iii. i. 1 (1788) p. 490 (ex Buff, et Daubent. PL EiJ. 672. f. 1 — typ. ex Cayenne). ? Trocliiliis nrllii(ra* Lesson, £« Tmr/illldi'es (1832-33) pp. 85, 88, pi. 28, 20 (typ. ex Cayenne, envoye h M. de Longuemare). Cayenne : 2 tJc? juv., November 3, 5 ; 1 ? ad., October 28, 19U2. " Iris seal, feet black, bill black." Nos. 36fi, 476, 531. ? : al. 36| ; caud. 18 ; cnlm. 14J mm. (?(? jnv. : a). 34^—34 ; caud. ISJ-ITJ; culm. 13J— 13^ mm. [Cayenne (Lesson, Gould collection and Salviu & Godman collection in Mns. Brit., Mns. H. v. B.).] Family GYPSEL1DAE.\ 314. Panyptila cayennensis (Gml.). Ilirundn cayetmennh Gmelin, Sijgt. Nat. ed. xUi. i. 1 (1788) p. 1024 (ex Buff. & Daubent., PI Enl. 725. f. 2. — typ. ex Cayenne). Roche-Marie, Cayenne : 1 :. ii. (1823) p. 3. pi. iii. (■' hab. in lit. sylv. fl. Amazon "). Cayenne (Mus. H. v. B.).] [324. Lurocalis semitorquatus (Gml.). Caprimulgus nemiforqmdin Gmelin, Si/mI. Nat. ed. xiii. i. 1 (1788) p. 1031 (ex Buff X- Daubent. PI. E»l. 734— hab. Cayenne). Cayenne (Buffon, Rothery, and Sclater collections in Mus. Brit.).] [325. Nyctibius griseus (Gml.). Capriinulgw grheiiH* Gmelin, Sgsl. Xat. ed. xiii. i. 1 (1788) p. 1029 (ex Buffon— hab. Cayenne). C'aprimulgus Jamaiceii.'i/s Gmelin, ibid. p. 1029. Cayenne (coll. Rothery in Mns. Brit.).] [320. Nyctibius grandis ((iml.). Capri mnlgiis gramlis Gmelin, Si/xt. Nat. ed. xiii. i. 1 (1788) p. 1029 (ex Briss., Buff. & Daubent. PL Enl. 325 et Lath.— hab. Cayenne). Cayenne (Buffon, Sclater, and Tweeddale collections in JIus. Brit., coll. Sir A. Lever, fif/e Lath.).] Family PICJDAE.f 327. Chlorouerpes flavigula (Bodd.). Picns Jlariguhi Boddaert, Tab!. PI. Enl. (1783) p. 4'.l (ex Daubent. /'/. Eiil. 784— hab. Cayenne). Iponsin, R. Approuague : 1 ?, January 1, 1903. " Iris seal, feet greenish grey, bill above dusky, below slate-grey." • Cf. Ilellm. Nov. Zool. xiii. (February 190B) p. :!7. f The following specie.s of Picidac not. yet veoiTilu'cl frnui Cayenne may probably nccur there : 1. ('Iiltrroiicijirs capislratiis (llalli.)— Bill. Guiana (at I'ara t'/il. paraeiish Snethl.). 2. Phiimmis mnccoiudli Sliarpc (/•'. ainazoniciia Suellil.;— British Guiana — I'ara (an = P. apiliHjaNter Sundev. ?). ( 271 ) No. 12946. Al. 110| ; caiul. 70 ; tars. 18^ mm. [Cayenne (Sclater collection iu Mus. Brit.), Oyapock, Cayenne fSalvin & (Joilmun and Selatei' collections in Mns. Brit.).] ? [328. Chloronerpes rubiginosus (Swains.)- I'irii.i ruliif/iiiiixiiK Swain.son, Zool. I/hi.tt. 1st ser. i. (l.S'JO-:Jl) pi. xiv. (hab. " Spanish Main," viz. Veneauela. (Cayenne : jav. (Mus. Brit.), Brit. Gniana.] 329. Chrysoptilus punctigula (Bodd.). Pirus pidictigida Boddaert, T,(hl. PI. Eiil. (IV.sii) p. 37 (ex Daubent. PI. Enl CI.")— hab. Cayenne), $ ! Cayenne : 3 rCc? ad., October 11, 2U, 27 ; 2 ? ? ad., October 11,17; 1 S juv., October 14, 1902. Appronagnc : 1 ?, December 11, l'.»0',>. " Iris cLestnnt, feet sage-green, bill maxilla black, mandibnla blackish." Nos. 06, 213, 348, 75, 112, 177, 1121. (?(? ad. : al. 104—102; cand. 70— 08 J ; cnlm. 22— 20^ ; tars. 21J— 20J mm. ? ? : al. 101— lOOi ; caiid. 08^-06^ ; culm. 22^-20^ ; tars. 2U— 20f mm. [Cayenne (Sclater collection in Mus. Brit., Mus. H. v. B.).] 330. Melanerpes cruentatus (Bodd.). Pints crmutatus Boddaert, Tahl. PL Enl (178:3) p. 4.3 (ex Daubent. P\. Enl. 094. f. 2— hab. Cayenne). Cayenne (Bnffon). [331. Melanerpes rubrifrons (Spi.x). Pkus rubrifrons Spix, Ar. Bnix. i. (1824) p. 01. pi. Iv. figs. 1 c?, 2 ? (hab. in .sylvis Parae-typus c^ in Mup. Monac). Cayenne (Sclater collection and Salvin & Godman collection in Mns. Brit.).] [332. Melanerpes terricolor (Berk). Cmliinis tcrrimlor Berlepsch, Ibis 1880. p. 11.3 (typ. in Mus. H. v. B. ex " Orinoco district "). Cayenne (Mns. Brit.).] [333. Veniliornis sanguineus (Licht.). Pirns sanguiiii'iis Lichtenstein, Cat. Her. J/mnli. (17'.):i) p. 17. Cayenne (Sclater collection in Bins. Brit., c?)-] 334. Veniliornis passerinus (Lian.). Piciis passerinus Linne, Si/st. Xal. ed. xii. 1 (1700) p. 174 (ex Briss. hab. '■ Dominica "—crrore ! hab. substit. Cayenne— aut. Bcrl. i>i Hart.). Picas tejthrodops Wagler, 1827. Cayenne : A S ">, 1902. ( 272 ) " Iris seal (^dark grey, sepia), feet slate-grey (grey, greyisli), bill above dnsky, below greyish white (horn-colour, dnsky at base of maxilla, dnsky at base of inaudible, above dusky, below greyish white)." Nos. 5(), 57, 58, Ux, 160, 172, 173, 28(5, 525, 557, 021, 682, 942, 1()54. (?cJ: al. 78—73; cand. 47—43; cnlm. 20J— 17|; tars. KiJ— 15| mm. ? ?: al. 77—74; cand. 45— 39J ; cnlm. 18—17 ; tars. 10— 1.5J mm. [Cayenne (Sclater collection and ex M. Verreanx in Mns. Brit.) ; Sinnamary, Mana et Macnria (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris, s.n. P. Coeciliae), Mas. Heinean.] 335. Veniliornis cassini (Malh.). Meanpicux ms.iini Malherbe, Mumiir. Piridae ii. (18G'2) p. 5,'). pi. Ixviii. figs. 2, ?, (" vient du Rn'sil ou de la Nouvelle-Grenade" — liab. subst. Cajenue— aut. Berl. it Hart.). Iponsin, R. Appronague : 2 c?c? ad., .Iiinnary 6, 1903. " Iris hazel, feet olive-grey, bill above dnsky, 1)l>1ow pale greyish;" Nos. 13030, 13037. c?c? ad. : al. 95— 93i ; cand. 54.1 ; cnlm. 22i— 20J ; tars. lOJ— lOi mm. [Cayenne (Sclater collection in Mus. Brit. S). Oyapock, (Cayenne (Salvin & Godman collection in Mns. Brit.). St. Georges d'Oyapock, Oaauary and St. Jean dn Maroni et Mahnri (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris).] 330. Celeus elegans (Mull). Picus elegans* P. L. S. Miiller, Nalui-sysl. Siijijil. (177C) p. 02 (ex Daubent. PI. E,il. 524.— bab. Cayenne) ^ ! Picks f imro-f III nis Bodd. 1783 (ex PI. Eiil. 524). PIciis cimminomeus Gmel. 1788 (ex PI. Eiil. 524). Colenpkiis reifheiiharhli Malh., Picidae ii. (18G2) p. 28. PI. Ivi. figs. 4, 5 (J ad. 1 ? ad. (hab. Brt^sil et Colombie — errore !). Celeus reichenbachi Gray— Hargitt, Cat. Binl.t Brit. Mux. xvii^ (1890) p. 427. Appronagne: 2 cJc? ad., December 10, 19, 1902. Iponsin, Appronague : 1 ? ad., December 24, 1902. " Iris bright claret-brown {S S), claret-brown (?), feet greyish sage-green, bill horny white, washed (tinged) with sulphur yellow, bare skin about eve slate." Nos. 1103, 12770, 1281(0. cJ(? ad. : al. 170J— 101^ ; caud. 110— lOOJ; cnlm. 30| ; tars. 27i mm. ? ad. : al. 169 ; cand. 112 ; cnlm. 29J ; tars. 2~\ ram. [Cayenne (Bnffon, Sclater collection, Salvin & (iodman collection and Tweed- dale collection in Mus. Brit., Mus. H. v. B. ? ).] [337. Celeus jumana (Spix). Pints jiiinaiia Spix, Ai: Bras. i. (1824) p. 57. PI. xlvii. fig. 1 c? 2 $ (ex sylvis H. Amazon). Oyapock, Cayenne (Salvin & Godman collection in Mns. Brit.). Caraopi and Bas et Hant Carsevenne (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris).] * In Xor. Zool. xiii. (1906) p. 39 Dr. Hellraayr has pointed out that the spei-ics inhabiting Venezuela and British Guiana is not C. elegans of Miiller, as was believed by Mr. Hargitt (I.e.). The Venezuela bird he calls ' . 1.S2 (typ. ex Edw. & Briss. — hab. "Cayenne " — excl. syn. Marcgr. Brasil). Galbula riridis Lath., 1790. Cayenne : 1 . Oyapock (Sclater collection in Mus. Brit.).] Family BUCCONIDAE. [365. Bucco capensis Linn. liucco cupenxiH Linn*"', Siist. iVii/. ed. xii. 1 (17(iG)p. ltJ8 (ex Biisson, " Le Barbu," (;n/. i. p. 92- hab. " Guiana " ac. Cayenne — nee Cap. B. Spei. — Linne, errore !). Cayenne (Sclater collection in Mus. Brit.).] ( 279 ) [366. Bucco macrorhynchus Gml. Bucco marrovlii/iii-lios Gmelin, Si/xl. Nat. ed. xiii. i. 1 (1788) p. 40G (ex Bu£Eon& Daubenton, PI. Enl 689— hab. Cayeune). Cayenne (Hclater collection in Mns. Brit.).] ? [367. Bucco ordi Cass. Buccu orili Cassin, Pror. Ai: N. Si: Philad,<. 18.01. p. 154. pi. 8. ? Oyapock, Cayenne (Sclater collection in Mus. Brit.),] 368. Bucco tectus Bodd. Bucco teoiiis Boddaert, Tnhl. PI. Eiil (178.3) p. 43 (ex Daubent. PI. Enl. »i88— typ. ex Cayenne). Cayenne: 1 ? ad., October 18, 1902. No. 185. " Iris black, feet blackish." Al. 72J ; cand. .o6J ; culm. 24^ ; tars. 12J mm. [Cayenne (Rothery & Sclater collection in Mus. Brit.).] 369. Bucco tamatia Gml. Bucco Tniuague : 1 S ad., 1 ? ad., January 6, 1903. " Iris bay brown, feet slate black, bill vermilion." c? : al. 125J; caud. 120 ; culm. 3.5J ; tars. 19| mm. ? : al. 129 ; caud. 122; culm. 37J ; tars. 21 mm. Nos. 13038, 13039. [Cayenne (Sclater collection and Gurney in Mas. Brit.). Oyajwck (Verdey, Salvin & Godman collection in Mus. Brit.). Mus. Heinean., Ouanary and Rivier Lunier (Geay leg. in Mas. Paris).] ( 280 ) 37-'. Chelidoptera tenebrosa (Pall.). Cuculas tenehrosns Pallas, Neue Nonl Bei/tr. iii. (.1782) p. i. PI. i. fig. 1 (typ. ex Surinam). Cayenne : 1 cj ad., November 2.5, 1902. No. 896. " Iris seal, feet slate, bill black." Al. lOOJ ; cand. 52 ; culm. 20^- ; tars. 12| mm. [Cayenne (Sclater collcrtioii, iSalvin & (lodman collcctinn in Mns. 15rit., Mn-<. Heinean.) Oyapock (JeLski leg.— Salvin & Gudiuiui collectidu in Mns. 13rit.), Monts. 8inery (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris).] Family CAI'ITdNI UAi:. 373. Capito niger (Miill.). Burco nif/er P. L. S. Miiller, Xa/ursi/sl. Siippl. (177G) p. 8'.l (ex Daiibent. /'/. Eiil. 200. f. 1.— typ. ex Cayenne). Cayenne -.266 ad., October 31, November 1, 19U2. Roche-Marie : 3 cfc? ad., November Tj (three), 2 ? ? ad., November 5, 19U2. Iris seal, feet plnmbeous olive (plniubeous), bill black, olive-grey at base of mandible. Nos. 403, 487, 544, 645, 546, 547, 548. (?t? : al. 84i— 79i; cand. 56—49 ; cnlm. 24J— 20J ; tars. 23|— 21.\ mm. ? ? : al. 82J-81 ; caiid. 53—49 ; cnlm. 23J— 22i ; tars. 23^-22J mm. [Cayenne (Bnffon, Rioconr collection in Mns. Brit., 51ns. d. Pays-Bas, Ueplanches leg., //V/c Bp.). Onanary (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris).] 374. Capito amazonicus Dev. & Des Murs. Cnpitii ama::inil,iix Deville et Des Murs, li'n: Ziml. 184'J. p. 171 (hab. .Sta. Maria ct Egii, Amazon, sup.) Oj'apock, Cayenne (Jelski leg. — Sclater collection in Mns. Brit.) Family RA Ml'JIA S TWA E. 375. Ramphastos toco Jliill. Mamphaxfos Toco P. L. S. Miiller, Natui-sijsl. Siij.j,/. (177li) p. 82 (ex Daulieut. PI. Eiil 82— t.vp. ex Cayenne). Cayenne (Buffon). 370. Ramphastos monilis Miill. RuiiqihiiKln.s mimilix P. L. S. Miiller, Nulurxijsl. tiiqipl. (177G) p. 83 (ex Daubuiit. /'/. Kill. 202— typ. ex Cayenne). /?. eri/lln-urlii/iiiliiis Gmelin, 1788. ? K. tiicanu.1 Linne, %<<. Nat. ed. x. 1 (1758) p. 103. ("aycnnc. Market Place: 1 c? ad., October 4, 1 av. jr. October 3, 1902. Ai)i)ri)uagne : 1 c? ad., December 13, 19ii2. " Iris hazel, feet jilnmbeons, bare skin abont eye indigd bine, shading into pale blue at lower border." Nos. 0, 7, 12700. ( 281 ) (?) p. 75 (ex Daubent. PI. Kul. 407 — typ. ex Cayenne). Cayenne (Bnffon).] [400. Conurus aeruginosus (Linn.). Pmttacm aenir/iiin.iii.'< Linnd, Si/st. Xal. ed. x. 1 (1758) p. P8 (ex Edwards — hab. " West Indies" — errore ! — hab. substit. Cumana, Venezuela, aut. Berl. & Hart.). Cayenne (Salvin & Godman aiid Sclater cullectious in JIus. Brit.).] [41 H. Conurus aureus (Gml.). Cayenne (Buffon).] PxiUacnn aiireim Gmelin, N.y-7. Niil. ed. xiii. i. 1 (I78S) p. 329 (ex Edw. tab. 235 — typ. ex " Brasil ' — habit, restrict. Bahia). [402. Pyrrhura picta (Miill.). PsiUacnx 2>'clii< P. L. S. Miiller, Xalui-.i;/.''!. Siij,j,l. (177ri) p. 75 (ex Daubent, /'/. Eiil. 144— typ. ex Cayenne). ("ayoniie (Bnffnii) Caniojii (Gcay leg. in Mns. Paris).] • The following species (if Psitinridiie nut yet recorded from Cayenne may occur in that country : 1. Ara nrarauim (Linn.) — Surinam, Brit. Guiana— Lower Ainazon. 2. A7'ack/i>rojitfra Groy — Brit. Guiana— Brazil. .1. Ara nohUig (Linn.)— Orinoco — Pard. 4. ^Irrt /m7/7(? (S'inanc. ) — Surinam, Brit. Guiana. 5, Ama:(ina acsiiva (Linn.) — Surinam (Mas. d. I'ays-Ba."*), Brazil, ( 285 ) [41)3. Psittaciila passerina fLinn.). Psltldcux passerhms Liniu',* S,/sl. Xa/. ed. x. (1758) p. 103 (ex Mux. Ad. Frkl. i. p. 14. liab. " in America" — hub. substit. Surinam, typ. in Mus. Ad. Frid.). Linne', Mns. Ad. Fiid. tomi secundi prodromns (ITIU) p. 1G. descr. .satis accurata. Af/iiponiin GiiiaimisiH Swainson, Aiiiiii. in .]friiar/. (18ISS) p. 320 (typ. ex Demerara). Cayenne (Dej)lancbes leg.—fiJe Bp.).] ?[404. Psittacula modesta Cab. Puitlacidn inodexta Cabanis, in Schomb. Brisn Brit. Giiicma iii. (1848) p. 727 (typ. ex Brit. Guiana in Mus. Berol.). Ps. sclateri Gray, 1859. 03'apock {fde E. Verreaux in Mas. Brit.).+] [4U5. Brotogerys virescens (Ginl.) PsilliKii.^ riresceiix Gmelin, Si/sl Nat. ed. xiii. i. 1 (1788) p. .320 (ex Briss., Buff. & Daubent. PI. Etd. 359 — typ. ex Cayenne). Psillariin rerxicoliirim Miiller, 177C.J descr. falsa ! Cayenne (Bnffou).] ? [400. Brotogerys devillei Salvud. Brnlog&ri/s devillei "Gray," Salvailori, Ciil. Bird.'i Bril. Mii.^. xx. (1891) p. 259 (typ. ex R. Amazons — Bates). Oyupock Cayenne (Mus. Brit.).] [407. Brotogerys tuipara (Gml.). PsillacvK tiiipam Gmelin, %.«/. Nat. ed. xiii. i. 1 (1788) p. 348 (ex Briss. hab. Bra.silia^hab. restrict. Paril). 1 Pisittacus snsoi-e Gmelin (ex Buff. & D.ii(ii.i Linne, Si/.il. Xat. cd. xii. 1 (1700) p. 147 § (hab. in Surinamo — typ. in Mus. Upsaliae ?). Cayenne : 2 S l (typ. ex Cayenne in Mus. Lever.). Cayenne (Mus. d Pays-Bas).] [427. Ciccaba hiihula (Dand.). Strix huhiila Daudin, Traile d'Oni. ii. (1800) p. 1911 (ex Levaill, PI. 41 et Manduyt— typ. ex Cayenne in Mus. Paris). Cayenue (Rothery collection in Mus. Brit., Mus. d. Pays-Bas).] [428. Ciccaba hylophila (Temm.).* Slrix hjlnjiliUuM Temminck, Phtticlirx rulnria.'<. Pi. :J73 (" habite le Bn'sil," vi/. Ypanema, S. Paulo — Natterer leg., typ. in Mus. d. Pays-Bas). Cayenne (Mus. d. Pays-Bas).] [429, Ciccaba virgata (Cass,). Si/rnium rinjatiim Cassin, Pine. Ai-ivl. Pliihul. iv. (Dec, 1848) p. 121 (liab. South America — hab. select. Bogota — typ. in Mus. Philada.). ^ Slrix fa»i-inta Vieill., 1817 (hab. Martinique — errore ! ). Cayenne (Mus. Philada.— ^^r/e Cassin).] [430. Strix flammea perlata (Lirht.). Slrix JInmmm Linni', Si/sl. N,il. ed. xii. I (1700) p. KiS ("habitat in Europa "— hab. restrict. Suecia ex Fn. Svet. 73). Strix pfriala Lichtenstein, Verz. Ditulil. .Mas. Bnlin (1823) p, ,'J9 (hab. Brazil— hab. restrict. S. Paulo— typ. in AFus. Berol.). Cayenne (Rothery collection iu Mus. Brit,).] * I agree with Dr. Sliarpc that Strix cayennensin liml,, founded on Da\ibenton's PI. Enl. 442, is not recognisable. ( 289 ) Family VULTURIBAE* [431. Gypagus papa (Linn.). Vidtur Papn Linni', l^ijxt. Nat. ed. x. 1 (1758) p. 86 (ex. Edw. t. 2. et Alb. t. 4.— "bab. in India occidentali — hab. substit. Surinam "). Cayenne (8onnini, Buff.).] [432. Cathartes aura pernigra (Sharpe). [Vtillur Aura LinniJ, Sijxl. Xat. ed. x. 1 (175H) p. 8G (ex Hernand., Marcgr., Calesb., Sloane— hab. " in America calidiore "-- hab. substit. Brazil, or. ex Marcgr.).] Oemps perniijra Sharpe, Cut. Birds Brit. Mils. i. (1874) p. 26 (descr. orig. hab. Guiana, Amazonia and Peru— habit, select, north side of River Amazon, typ. in Mus. Brit.). "Toute la Guiane" (Brisson) ; Cayenne (Jelski leg. — Mus. H. v. B.).] [433. Catharista atratus brasiliensis (Bonap.). [Vidtur atiatiis Wilson (ex Bartram), Amrr. Oni. is.. (1814) p. 104. tab. Ixxv. fig. 2. Catharten hrasilieiisix Bonaparte, Conxp. Ae. i. (1850) p. 9 (ex Am. merid. Antill. — hab. substit. Brasil. merid.). No special records from ( 'ayi'iine, but generally distributed over tropical Sonth America.] Family FALGONlDAE.j [434. Ibycter americanus (Bodd.). FaliM ameriatims Boddaert, Tabl. PL Enl. (178.)) p. 25 (ex Daubeut. /'/. Enl. 417 — typ. ex Cayenne ; cf. Buffon, vol. i. p. 142). Cayenne (BnfFon, Mus. des Pays-Bas, Mas. H. v. B.) ; St. Georges d'Oyapock (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris).] [43.5. Ibycter ater (Vieill.). Daplrius ater Vieillot, Amdijse iiouv. Orn. elenwnt. (1816) p. 68 (habite " le Bre'sil," errore V — hab. substit. Cayenne, aut. Berl. & Hart.). Cayenne (Mus. d. Pays-Bas, Mus. Heinean.).] 436. Milvago chimachima (Vieill.). Poli/borus chimachima Vieillot, Noiiv. Diet. v. (1816) p. 259 (ex Azara— typ. ex Paraguay). Approuague : 1 6 juv., December 12, 19U2. " Iris dark mummy-brown, feet pea-green, bill very pale horn, shaded with greyish." No. 1131. Al. 26U ; cand. 180 ; culm. 23i ; tars. 49J mm. * Cathatirit uriihitiju/a Pelz. recorder! from the Orinoco, as well as in North and South Brazil, is likely to be found in Cayenne, but we have no evidence of this fact. •j- The following' species of FalcimUlae not yet reonnled from Cayenne are likely to be found there : 1. Polijhorus chcrliciiij (.lacq.), Brit. tJuiana, or /'. thanes (Molin.), Lower .\niazons. 2. Micraxtnr mirandollei (Schl.), "Guiana" (Norwich Mus.) — Para. 3. Acripitcr vcntralis Scl., Venezuela, or A. crijthrociwmis Ciray — Brazil or. 4. Bvteii abbieriatvs Cass. — Brit. Guiana— Brazil. 5. Bntcti sirai/isimi Bp.— migrating from U.S. N. Am. to South America. G. liutco hyponpiHlhtu Gum. — Venezuela — Lower Amazon. 7. Jluteola Icucorrhoa (Vieill ) —Venezuela — Brazil. 8. Gcranoactus vu'Jantili'uciiit (Vieill.) — Venezuela — Brazil. 9. Urtibitinga nnthrucina (Licht.) — Brit. Guiana— Surina'u (Mus. d. I'ays-Bas). 10. liosirhamuit sonahilia (Vieill.) — Soutli America generally. 11. Rontrhomiis hamiiiiis (lUig.) — Brit. Guiana — Para. 12. Falco pereijriiui.^ aJtatum Bp. — Lower Amazon (Natterer). ( 290 ) [437. Herpetotheres cachinnans (Linn.). Fah:n carhhmaun Liune, fiysl. Nat. ed. .x. 1 (17iM) p. 17 (,cx Rolander, liab. Am. merid.— habit, substit. Surinam). Cayenne (Vieillot., Geay leg. in Mus. Paris).] [438. Circus buffoni (Gml.). Falco Buffoni Gmelin, Sijxt. Xat. ed. xiii i 1 {llxx) p. 277 (ex "Cayenne Ringtail," Latli.. .s'//«. i. ]. p. 91. No. 76,\. Descr. accurata — typ. ex Cayenne, in Miss Blomefield's collection). AquUa niiiciih.ta Vieillot, 1807. Cayenne (Mus. Blomefield^AV/'' Lath., Mus. Brit., juv.).] [43'j. Micrastur brachypterus (Temiu.). Ftildi hruihiijiterus Temminck, Planches col. (1822) tab. 116 (juv.), 141 (ad.), " au Bre'sil, a la Guyane et au Paraguay " — hab. typ. select. Bre'sil, juv. (Mus. d. Pays-Ba.s). ilicraxtur semilurijiiiitiix et -I/, iinlamileiicnx aut. — cf. Hellm. Nop. Zoul. 11107. p. 40.O. Cayenne (Mus. d. Pays-Bas, Lebloud leg. in Mus. Paris — fide Less.).] [4411. Micrastur ruficollis ( Vieill.). Sparr'ius ruJtciiUis Vieilirt, Xour. Dirl. x. (1817) p. 322 (Amorique mrridionale — hab. subst. Rio. Brazil). ('ayenne (Mus. d. Pays-Bas^^V/e Schleg. individu figurd dans les J'l. col. 9".^, s.n. Nisus xanthothorax Temm.).] 44L Micrastur gilvicollis (Vieill.). Sjtarviiis ri'dvkoUU Vieillot. N(Mi\ Diet. .■(. (1817) p. 32;J (loc. ignot. — habit, substit. Cayenne, aut. Hellm). Nhua concent rlcus Lesson, 1831. Jlicraxlur pdzelni Ridgw. 1875. Iponsin, Approuague : 1 6 ad. "Iris cream, feet orange-yidlow, bill blackish olive, yellowish at base, bare skin of face orange-chrome." Al. 181J; caud. 14.T; culm. 17J; tars. 63J mm. This specimen, which is aj)pareutly quite adult, has the upper parts blackish plumbeous with a brownish shade on the wings, the throat whitish, the lower neck, breast, and upper belly with black and wliite cross-bars of nearly cpuil width, the tibiae marked with very narrow brownish black transverse lines, the middle of the belly and under tail-coverts immaculate white, the tail crossed by t«o narrow, white bands and a third one which is quite imperfect and nearly hidden by the upper tail-coverts, all the tail-feathers being terminated with a narrow margin of brownish white. It has the base of the under maudible yellowish (cf. Gnrney, ^i List of Diurnal Birds of I'reij (1884) pp. 121-20). [Cayenne (Mus. Norwich, Poiteau leg. in Mus. Paris— ^Ve Less.).] [442. Geranospizias caerulescens (Vieill.). Sjiamux caeriilescem Vieillot, Nouv. D'ul. x. (1817) p. 318 (hab. '■ Ami'rique uu'ridiouale " — hab. substit. Cayenne — aut. Berl. & Hart.). ("ayenne (Mus. d. Pays-Bas); 8t. Georges d'Oyapock (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris).]" ( ^yi ) [443. Accipiter tinus (Lath.). Fak-o iiitiis Latham, Iml. Orii. i. (1790) p. 50 (hab. Cayenne — Mus. Lever.). Cayc'uuu (Mils. Lever., Lebloiid leg. in Mus. Paris — fide Less. ; Mas. <\. Pays- Bas, Deplauclies lej^.—Jide Bp.).] [444. Cooperastur bicolor (Vieill.). SjxtrviKs bicoloi- Vieillot, Nouc. Diet. x. (1817) p. Mii (typ. ex Cayenne — juv.). Cayenne (E. Wilson leg. in Mas. Brit., Lebloud leg. in Mas. Paris— ysV/t; Less., Mas. Philada.— ;/(■<•/« Cass.).] [445. Morphnus guianensis (Daad.). Ftilm guianensis Daudin, Traili d'Orn. ii. (1800) p. 78 (ex Mauduyt — typ. ex Cayenne). Cayenne (Maudayt), Guiaue (Balluck in Mas. d. Pays-Bas).] [440. Thrasaetus harpyia (Linn.). Vullur Rarpi/ja Linne', Syst. Nut. ed. xii. 1 (17GiJ) p. 121 (ex Marcgr. et Heraaud. — hab. Mexico). Cayenne (Maaduyt).] [447. Spizaetus tyrannus (Wied.). Falcn tyrannus Pi: Ma.i:iniilkm Wied-Neuwied Reise Bras. i. (1820) p. 3(50 (typ. ex Rio Belmonte nunc in Ann. Mus. N. H. New York). Not yet recorded from Cayenne, bat generally distributed over trojiical Sonth America, also Sarinam (Mns. Lisbon).] [448. Spizaetus ornatus (Dand.). Falco nnuitus Daudin, Traite d'Orn. ii. (1800) p. 77 (ex Mauduyt — typ. ex Cayenne). Falco mauduyti Daudin, ihid. p. 73. Cayenne (Maud), Becoear in Mns. Vindob., Leblond leg. in Mas. Paris (Jide Less.).] [44'J. Spiziastur melanoleucus (Vieill.). Buteo melanoleucus "Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. iv. (1810) p 482 (hab. " Guyane," so. Cayenne). Cayenne (Vieillot, Mus. Paris— ^/rr/e Temm.).] [4.50. Buteo albicaudatus Vieill. Buteo albicaudatus Vieillot, Nouv. Diit. iv. (1816) p. 477 (hab. "Amer. me'rid." — habit, restrict. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). No records from Cayenne, but generally distributed over eastern tropical iSoutli America.] [451. Antenor unicinctus (Temm.). Falco unicinctus Temminek, Plawhes cvlorices i. (1824) pi. 313 (typ. ex Boa Vista, Rio Grande, Aug. Saint-Hilaire leg. in Mus. Paris). No records from Cayenne, but generally distributed over tropical South America.] [452. Buteola brachyura (Vieill.). Biiteii brurliyurus Vieillot, Noui: Did. iv. (1816) p. 477 (loc. inc. — hab. substit. Cayenne). Cayenne (Becoeur in Mus. Vindob. s.n. mi/iutits — juv., M. Leblond leg. in Mus. Paris— ;^(/e Lesson, s.n. " melanoleucun ").] ( 292 ) 453. Rupornis ma^nirostris (Gml.). Faico magnirostria Gmelin, Sysl. yal. td. xiii. i. 1 (17K8) p. 2S2 (ex Buffon & Daubent. PI. Enl. 464— typ. ex Cayenne). Appronasue : 1 c? ad., Deocinlier 8, 10i)2. " Iris lemou-yellow, feet deep chrome, bill Mack, grev at liase of mandible, cere chrome, citron-yellow about eye." No. VyVi. Al. 212J ; caud. 153 ; culm. 18| ; tars. G3 ram. [Cayenne (Buff., Poitean leg. in Mns. Paris — fide Less.).] [454. Asturina nitida (Lath.) Ftilco nilidux Latham, Iml. Oni. i. (1790) p. 41 (typ. ex '' Cayenne "). Cayenne (Latham, Dnfresne in Mns. Vindob., Leblond leg. in Mas. Paris— ^V/e Lesson).] [455. Leucopternis albicollis (Lath.). Fahii albiriillis Latham, fnd. Oni. i. (1790) p. 36 (habitat in •■ Cayana ") Cayenne (Latham, Leblond leg. in Mns. Paris~AV''c Less., Mns. d. Pays-Bus, Jelski leg. in Mns. Brit). Onanary (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris.] ?[456. Leucopternis lacernulata (Temni.). Faho laceninhdns Teraminck, PUim-hcs coloriees i. (lS-27) PI. 437 (liabite le Brt'sil, coll. Lalande et Aug. Sainto-Hilaire in Mus. Paris — hab. restrict. Rio Janeiro). Cayenne {p'l/e Schleg.), '' Guyane," female adnlt in .Mus. d. Pays-Bas^/'V/t' Schleg.] [457. Leucopternis melanops (Latli.). Fah-o melanops Latham, Iml. Oni. i. (17'J0) p. 37 (bab. in Cayana, typ. in Mus. Lever.). Cayenne (Latham, Mus. d. Pays-Bas ex Mns. Paris^A'/c Schleg., Mus. Paris — Jidc Less.). St. Georges, Oyapock (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris).] [458. Leucopternis schistacea (Snndev.). Aduriiia s'7iMta««aSundevall, Offi\ K. ]'e!. .ikail. Fiirli. 1849. p. 132. Cayenne {fde Schleg.).] [459. Urubitinga urubiting^a (Gml.). Falco Undjilhifia Gmelin, Stj^l. Xat. ed. xiii. i. 1 (1788) p. 265 (ex Marcgr. — hab. '• Brasil," sc. Brasil. or.). Cayenne (Becoenr in Mus. Vindob., Sins. Brit., Mns. de Paris— yi'V/f Less.).] [460. Heterospizias meridionalis (Lath.). Faluo merkliiiiKili.i Latham, Iml. Oni. i. (1790) p. 3(1 (typ. ex Cayenne). Cayenne (Latham), Mns. Paris, Poitean leg. (j'df T^ess.).] 4i;i. Buteogallus aequinoctialis (Gml.). Falco aequinoctialis Gmelin, Si/sl. Xal. ed. xiii. i. 1 (1788) p. 2Go (ex Latham — typ. ex " Cayenne " in coll. Miss Blomefield). Cayenne : 1 ? juv., October 29, 1002. "Feet bright olive-yellow, bill black at tiji, pale plnmbeons at base, bare skin on face dusky ochre" (in dried skin basal half of upper maudible yellow). No. 39o". ( 293 ) AI. 312J; cand. 174 ; culm. 31 ; tars. 77 aim. This young bird presents the plumage which is described by Mr. Gnrney in Ibis, 1876, p. 485. The breast and abdomen are creamy white, but the black and rnfous leathers of the adult are already appearing. [Cayenne (Latham, Mus. d. Pays-Bas, Mus. Vindob., specim. ex Becoeur).] [462. Busarellus nigricollis (Lath.). Fa'co nigricollis Latham, Ind. Orn. i. (1790) p. 'Afy (typ. ex Cayenae in Mus. Lever.). Cayenne (Latham, Maadnyt, Leblond leg. in Mus. Pavis—fi-le Less.).] [463. Elanoides forficatus (Linn.). Fah:n fnrfi-ainx Linne, Sijst. Nat. ed. x. I (1758) p. K9 (ex Catesby, t. -t-hab. noi indicat. — hab. subst. Carolina). St. Georges d'Oyapock (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris).] [464. Gampsonyx swainsoni Vig. Gaiapsomjx smainsoii! Vigors, Zoal. Jonni. ii. (1825) p. (W (typ. e.x Bahia, tableland). No records from Cayenne, bat generally distributed over tropical South America.] [465. Elanus leucurus (Vieill.). Miloits leururiis Vieillot, Noui'. Dirt. xx. (1818) p. 563 (ex Azara. typ. ex Paraguay). No records from Cayenne, but generally distributed over tropical South America.] [466. Ictinia plumbea (Gml.). Falco jil Hill bens Gmelin. Si/st. Nat. ed. xiii. i. 1 (1788) p. 283 (ex Latham, typ. iti coll. Miss Blome- field— hab. Cayenne). Cayenne (Latham, Mus. d. Pays-Bas).] [467. Regerhinus uncinatus (Teram.). Fdlcri iiHciiMtus Temminck, Planches rolori/es (1824) Pis. 103, 104, 105 (typ. ex Bresil in Mus. d. Pays-Bas). Cayenne (Leblond leg. in Mus. Paris— ^/iWe Less.).] [468. Leptodon cayennensis (Gml.). Falco cai/ennensis Gmelin, Si/si. Nat. ed. xiii. i. 1 (1788) p. 21)3 (ex Latham, coll. Miss Blomefield et Buffon — hab. Cayenne). Cayenne (coll. Miss Blomefield^fVa Lath., ButE, Leblond leg. in Mus. de Paris —Jide Less., Mus. des Pays-Bas).] [46!». Harpagus diodon (Temm.). Fidoj diudon Temminck, Planches colurieei (1824) PI. 198 (hab. Bre'sil -hab. restrict. Ypanema, S. Paulo— coll. Natterer). Cayenne (Deplauches leg. — -foie Bp., Leblond leg. in Mus. Paris— ^('(/e Less., Mus. d. Pays-Bas ex Mus. Paris).] [47(1. Harpagus bidentatus (Lath.). Falco bidentatus Latham, Tml. Orn. i. (17'JO) p. 38 (habitat in Cayana). Cayenne (Latham, Mus. d. Pays-Bas, e.'i Mus. Paris). Ouanary and Camopi (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris).] 20 ( 2&4 ) [471. Tinnunculus sparverius isabellinus (Swains.). Fiiico n/iarreriii.1 Linne, Si/sl. \,il. eii. x. (17oS) p. 'JO (ex t^atesby hab. Virginia, Carolina— bab. select. Virginia). Falco imbelllnux Swainson, Aiiim. in Meiiag. (1838) p. 281 (typ. ex Demerara). Cayenne (Biiffon).] [472. HypotriorcMs fascocaerulescens (Vieill.). falm fitsM-cnfriileicniit Vieillot, Noui-. Diet. xi. (1817) p. '.HI (ex Azara— typ. ex Paraguay). No records from Cayenne, but generally distribated over tropical Sonth America.] [473. Hypotriorchis rufigularis (Daud.). Falcn riifigulnrix Daudin, TniJte d'Orn. ii. (1800) p. 131 (ex Latham — typ. ex Cayenne, iiilc Lath.). Falco alhigiilarix Daudin, ibid. p. 131 — descr. minus accurata. Cayenne (Latham).] [474. Hypotriorchis aurantius (Gml.). Fak-ii auranl/iis Gmelin, Si/M. Nal. ed. xiii. i. 1 (1788) p. 283 (ex Latham— typ. ex Surinam, olim in Mus. Brit.). Falco deii-oleucits Temminck. 1825. No records from Cayenne, but generally distributed over tropical South America. Surinam (Lath.).] [475. Pandion haliaetus carolinensis (Gml.). Falco hidiaetiis Linne, Sjixt. Nat. ed. x. (1758) p. 'Jl (hab. "Europa" — hab. restrict. Suecia, aut. Berl. & Hart.). Falrii cnrnHii'^Ksis Gmelin, Si/xt. Xal. ei. xiii. i. 1 (1788) p. 263 (ex Cateaby, loc. incert. — habit. substit. Carolina, aut. Berl. & Hart.). No records from ('avenue, but generally distributed over tropical South America.] Family GOLUMBIDAE.* [47(3. Columba speciosa Gml. Columba s/iecioiO, Gmelin, !'- ''^'"'- 7. Xnl. ed. xiii. i. 1 (17S8) p. 029 (ex BuflF. & Daubent. PL Eiil. 9-25, etc. — hab. '' in ins. Dominica, Falkland, Louisiana'' — hab. restrict, ins. Dominica). Cayenne, " I'.ummiin, niclie sur les petites iles " (Buffon).] [52;i. Leucophoyx candidissima iGiul.i. Ardea ruinlidisxhrui Crmelin, Si/xl. Nnt. ed. xiii. i. 1 (1788) p. 033 (ex Jacquin lieiiir. p. 18^typ. ex " Carthagena ''). Cayenne (Miis. Paris— y^'r/f Cuv., Deplanches leg.— JrJe Bp., Rothery collection in Mns. Brit.).] [524. Florida caerulea (Linn.). Aniea i-oenz/ra Linne, Sysl. Xat. ed. x. 1 (17.'i8) p. IJ3 (■'America septr." — hab. restrict. Carolina ex Catesby — aut. Berl. & Hart.). Cayenne (Buffon, Deplanclies leg.— fide Bp.). " Mabury, rives de Kaw " (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris).] 525. Hydi'anassa tricolor (Jliill.). Anlea tricolor r. h. S. MiWler, Xaliirsi/.^/. Si,j,,,l, (1770) p. Ill (ex Daubent. /'/. Enl. 350+)— typ ex Cayenne). Arilea Griseo-Alba Richard & Bernard, Cat. Oix. env. de Cayenne k la Soc. par M. le Blond, in Avtes Soc. Hist. Xat. Paris i. 1 (1792) p. 117. no. 59 (Cayenne). Cayenne: 2 SS jnv., October fi, November 24; 5 ?? jnv., October 31, November 24, 25, 28, 29, 1902. Koche-Marie : 1 S ad., November 12, 19U-2. " Iri.s vinaceons (leraon-yellow), feet anteriorly dnsky sage green, posteriorly olive-yellow (sage green lighter below on tibia), bill above blackish, below olive- buff (above blackish, black at tip, below yellowish olive, above blackish, lighter on cutting edges, below yellowish olive-buff)." Nos. 425, 13, 732, 865, 80(5, 912, 985, 959. S ad. : al. 222J ; cand. 7(1 ; culm. 8Gi ; tars. 78 mm. SS jnv. and ? ? juv. : -A. 222—205; caud. 71— (i5J; culm. 85|— 77i ; tars. 76i— 63J mm. [Cayenne (Buff., Leblond leg. in Mus. Paris), " Mahury, rives de Kaw" (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris).] [52(1. Nyctanassa violacea (Linn.). Ardea viuhicea Linnt', Syxt. Nut. ed. x. 1 (17.08) p. 14:i (liab. in ''Am. septr."— hab. subst. Carolina ex Catesby — aut. Hellm.). Cayenne (Buffon, Mns. d. Pays-Bas).] • The foIlnwinf< species of .{rdc'idac not yot mentioned from Cayenne may be fouiiil there : Surti]iiin sibilatHj" (Tcmm.) — Angostura, Orinoco — Brazil. + Daubenton's figure is hardly recognisable, the throat and lower neek being of a uniform slate- blackish ci lour, instead of rufous brcnvn in the nii'ldle portion. Perhaps Richard anil liemani's name, griuoalba, must come in use. ( 303 ) [527. Agamia agami (Gml.). Ardea Agami Gmelin, Sysl. Nal. ed. xiii. i. 1 (1788) p. 620 (ex Buff. & Daubent. PI. Eiil. 859— typ. ex Cayenne). Cayenne (Bnffon, Tweeddale collection in Mns. Brit.), (Mns. d. Pa^vs-B.as).] [528. Nycticorax nycticorax naevius (Bodd.). [Aniea Nyctirnrar Linn^, Syst. Nal. ed. x. I (1758) p. 142 (hab. in Europa austral. — hab. substit. Hungai'ia, ex Marsigli). Arclea ntiema Boddaert, Tall. PI. Enl. (1783) p. .'ii; (ex Daubent. PI. Enl 9,39, typ. ex Cayenne— av. juv.). Cayenne (BniFon, Deplanches \e.g.^'/le Bp.).] [529. Cancroma cocMearia Linn. Caiieroma Cochlearia Linn^, Syst. Nal. ed. xii. 1 (17lJ6) p. 233 (ex Brisson — hab. Cayenne, typ. in Mu8. Reaumur, miss, k D. Artur). Cayenne (Bris.sou, Buffon, Rothcry, iind Harting collections, in Mns. Brit.).] [530. Pilherodius pileatus (Bodd.). Anlfa/iileata Boddaert, Tail. PI. Enl. (1783) p. 54 (ex Daubent. PI. Enl. 907— typ. ex Cayenne). Cayenne (Buffon).] 531. Butorides striata (Linn.). Anieri xlrinta Linn^, Syst. Nal. ed. x. i. (1758) p. 144 (ex Rolander — typ. ex Surinam). Cayenne : 1 ? jnv., October 28, 1902. No. 352. " Iris chrome-yellow, feet anteriorly chrominm green, posteriorly olive-yellow, bare skin about eye bright olive-yellow, bill above Jplackish, below green." [Cayenne (Bnffon), Ouanary (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris,* p'i/i> Meneg. s.n. B. viresct'/is).~\ ? [532. Ixobrychus erythromelas (Vieill.). Artlea erylhromclas Vieillot, Noiiv. Diet. xiv. (1817) p. 422 (ex Azara — typ. ex Paraguay). Cayenne (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris — )i(le Meneg., s.n. exili.i).'] [533. Tigrisoma lineatum (Bodd.). Ardea liimila Boddaert, Tabl. PI. Enl. (178.3) p. 52 (ex Daubent. PI. Enl. 8G0— typ. ex Cayenne, adnll). C'aytnne (Buffon, Mus. d. Pays-Bas), Riviere Lunier (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris).] [534. Zebrilus pumilus (Bodd.). Ardea puntila Boddaert, Tahl. PI. Enl. (1783) p. .54 (ex Daubent. PI. Enl. 898, " Le Crabier des Philippines" — errore ! = rufous phase — hab. substit. Cayenne — ant. Hellmayr). Cayenne (Bnffon, Mns. Brit.).] [535. Botaurus pinnatus (Wagl.j. Ardea jiiiiiHiliix Wagler, /sf.s 1829. p. G62 (hab. " in Brasiliae prov Babia "). Cayenne (Rothery collection in Mus. Brit.).] » This specimen has been examined by Mr. Hellmayr, who tells pie that it is J}, striata. ( 304 ) Family CICONIIDAE. [536. Euxenura maguari (Gml.). Ardea Magunri Gmelin, Si/.st. A'(((. ed. xiii. i. 1. (178H) p. 6-23 (ex Briss. et Buff.- hab. "in calid. America, praesertim Brasilia" — hab. select. Brasilia or. ex Marcgr. apud Briss.). No records from Cayenne, but general!}' distributed over Sontii America,.] [637. Jabiru mycteria (Licht.). Cicmiia mi/rln-ui Lichtettstein, !>»■;. DniiliJ. Znol. .l/«.s-. Ihrliii (ISiS) p. 7G ex .l/'v'/fWa Lath, iiec Linn. — hab. "in Am. calid. palud." (ex Lath.)— hab. siibstit. Cayenne).] aiiipvirnno. [538. Tantalus loculator Linn. Tantalus Lomlalor lAnnd, Sysl. Nat. ed. x. 1. (17f)fi) p. 140 (ex Catesb. tab. 81— typ. ex Carolina). " Nous a (^te envoye de la Guiane '' (Buffon),] Family PARRIDAE. 539. Parra jacana Linn. PaiTa jacana Linne, Syat. Xat. ed. xii. 1 (1766) p. 25'.l (ex Marcgr. & Edw.— hab. "Am. austr."— hab. substit. Surinam (ex Edwards) — excl. quot. Hernand.). Cayenne : 1 c? juv., December 4, 1902. No. 1016. " L'is smoke-grey, feet slate-grey, bill centre of mandible olive-yellow, shield and base of bill maroon-purple, tip of bill dusky yellowish fawn-colour." [Cayenne (Mus. d. Pays-Bas), " Savanes mariJcagenses de Kourou " (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris).] Family CHARADNTIBAE* [540. Arenaria interpres (Linn.). Trhiga Interpreg Linn^, Syst. Nat. ed. x. 1. (1758) p. 148 (hab. in Europa et Am. septr. — hab. substit. Suecia, ex Fauna Suec. 154 — aut. Hellm.). Cayenne (Buffon, Jelski leg. — Secbohm collection in Mus. Brit.).] [541. Haematopus palliatus Temm. Haematopux jjullialus Temminck, Man. d'Oni. (1820) p. 532 (hab. Ameriqae m^ridionale — Lab. restrict. Rio du Janeiro). No records from Cayenne, but generally distributed over the West Indies and South America.] [542. Hoploxypterus cayanus (Lath.). Charmlrim cayanm Latham, 1ml. Orn. ii. (1790) p. 749 (ex Buff. & Daubent. PI. Eiil. 83.3— typ. ex Cayenne). Cayenne (Buffon).] * The following species of Charadriidae not yet found in Cayenne may really occur there : 1. Oedicnemua bintriatm (Wagl.) — Brit. Guiana — Kio Branco. 2. Aiiri/hcliiliis .mbanjvatus (CUiUlenst.) — U..S. N. Am. — I'atagonia. S. Phalaroptir ftilirariiis (Linn.) — X. Am. — Chile, Argentina. 4. Steganttjtus tricolor (Vieill.) — X. Am. — Argentina. ( 305 ) [543. Belonopterus cayennensis (Gral.). Piirm cayeimemis Gmelin .%»?. Nat. ed. xiii. i. 1 (1788) p. 7(16 (ex Buff. & Daubent. PI. Eiil. 836— typ. ex Cayenne). Cayenne (Biiflfon, De])lanclies leg. — fide Bp.).] 544. Squatarola squatarola (Linn.). Triiiga aiinnlaruhi LiuntJ, Syxl. Nat ed. x. 1 (17.')8) p. Uil (ex Fn. Suec. 155, Eai, Alb. t. 7C)— hab. in Europa — liab. subslit. Suecia ex Faun. Suec). Cayenne : 1 ? juv., November 2, 19U2. No. 474. " Iris seal, feet slate, bill black." Al. 188; caud. 7U ; culm. 30| ; tars. 44i mm. [545. Charadrius dominicus Miill. Cliaradrhts dominlcu,^ P. L. S. Miiller, Nalursy.'it. Sujipl. (1770) p. IIG (ex Brias. — hab. S. Domingue, typ. in Mu.-i. Reaumur, env. par M. Chervain). No records from Cayenne, bnfc generally distributed during migration time over all parts of South America, also occnrriiii,' in Surinam and Brit. Guiana.] [546. Ochthodromus wilsonia (Ord). Cluiradri lis wihniiiii Ord, in Wilson's Am. Oni. ix. (1814) p. 77. PI. Lxxlii. fig. 5 (typ. ex Cape Island, New Jersey). River Oyapoc, Cayenne (Jelski leg.) in Mus. Brit, ex collection Salvin & Godmau.J 547. Aegialitis semipalmatus (Bp.). Cliamdriu.s seinijiulinatiis Bonaparte, Oh-^iero. Wilson 1825, no. 219. Cayenne : 2 ? ?, October 19, 31, 19U2. Nos. 209, 401 . " Bill black, clay-colour at base of mandible, feet clay-colonr, dusky at points." Al. 122— 119A; caud. 57J— 53* ; culm. ]2f— 12J; tars. 23f mm. [Cayenne (Deplanches \eg.—Ji(/e Bp.), Secbohm (collection in Mus. Brit. : juv.).] [548. Aegialitis coUaris (Vieill.). Charadrius coUaris Vieillot, Nnuv. Dirt, xxvii. (1817) p. 136 (ex Azara — typ. ex Paraguay). No records from Cayenne, but distributed over the whole of South America, also in Brit. Guiana and Lower Amazonia.] [54'.). Himantopus mexicanus (Mull.). Charadrius ine.cicanusV.h. S. Miiller, Natursi/sl. Siijiiil. (1776) p. 117 (ex Briss. — ex Hernaml. — hab. Mexico). No records from Cayenne, but occurring in Brit. Guiana and Lower Amazonia.] 550. Numenius hudsonicus Lath. Nuineniii.i hndxiniicn.'i Latham, Jiid. Orn. ii. (17'JO) p. 712 (hab. in sinu Hudsonis). Cayenne: 1 ? ad., November 21, 1902. No. 847. " Feet ashy grey, bill blackish, basal third of mandible pale flesh." Al. 248 ; caud. 98 ; culm. 94J ; tars. 59 mm. ( 306 ) [551. Numenius borealis (Forst.). Scolojiax borealh Forster, Phil. Trait.i. Ixii. (1772) pp. 411, 431. No records frotn Cayenne, but occnrring daring migration in tlie West Indies and in Brazil.] [552. Limosa hudsonica (Lath.). Scolnj)a.r huthwiiiti Latham, Ind. Oni. ii. (17'Jn) p. 720 (typ. ex Hudson's Bay, received from Mr. Hutchiiis). No records from Cayeuue, but occarriug during migration time iu Venezuela and Brazil.] [5.53. Macrorhamphus griseus (Gml.). ScolujMx yrlxed Gmelio, Sy.tt. Xat. ed. xiii. i. 1. (1788) p. G58 (ex Lath, in Noveboraci maritimis. — typ. in Mus. Lever.). No records from ('ayenue, but occurring during migration time in the West Indies and at Pard.] [554. Micropalama himantopus (Bji.). Trimja himaiilujiiix Bonaparte, Ann. Lye. A'. H. AVic York ii. (182(5) p. 157 (typ. ex Long Branch, New Jersey). No records from Cayenne, bnt occurriug during migration time in the West Indies and in Amazonia.] [555. Catoptrophorus semipalmatus ((Jml.). Scoliipax semljialmalii Gmelin, Sy-st. Xat. ed. xiii. i. 1. (1788) p. 659 (ex Lath. hab. New Yark). No records from Cayenne, but occurring during migration time in Brit. Guiana and on the Guapore, Brazil.] 55(3. Totanus melanoleucus (Gml.). Scolopux iiwlamileiirii C.mKWn. .'^y.il. Xat. ed. xiii. i. 1. (1788) p. 66;i (ex Lath.— hab. in Chateaux Bay, Labrador). Ca3-enue : 1 cJ, and one specimen without indication of sex, October 19, 19U2. Nos. 205, 200. " Feet chrome-yellow, bill blackish (blackish dusky at base)." Al. 192— 178 J ; caud. 80— 08^ ; culm. 56J— 5(i ; tars. (JuJ— (3U mm. 557. Totanus flavipes (Gml.). Scohpa.1- J/aripes Gmelin, Syst. Not. ed. xiii. i. 1. (1788) p. 65'J (ex Lath.— hab. "in the province of New York in autumn "). Cayenne: 1 cJ, October 19, and 4 ? ? juv., October 19, November 21 (three), 1902. " Feet dusky chrome, bill blackish." Nos. 207, 208, 848, 849, 850. t? : al. 1.57J ; caud. 58J ; culm. 38| ; tars. 61 J mm. ? 2 : looi— 151 ; caud. 70—59 ; culm. 39^— 35| ; tars. 534— 49^ mm. ( 307 ) 558. Helodromas solitarius (Wils.). Ti-iiiga soUlaria Wilson, Am. Oni. vii. (1813) p. 53. PI. 58. f. 3 (typ. ex "Hudson's Bay"). Cayenne : 1 miij- Adumbrat. (1764) no. 320 ('' valt a;in de Noordsche Zeekusten" — hab. subst. Norwegia). Trhtga Aimav'ta Linno', 1766. No records from Cayenne, bnt occurring during the time of migration in different jiarts of Brazil.] ( 308 ) [565. Pisobia minutilla (Vieill.). Ti-inyii inhiutilla yieHlot, Nouv. Did. xxxiv. (1819) p. 40.) (Iiab. "k Halifax et dans la Nouvelle Ecosse "). Cayenne (Mua. Brit, ex Seebohm collection).] [566. Pisobia maculata (Vieill.). Triii'ja maciildia Vieillot, Xoiir. Did. xxxiv. (1819) p. 465 (" se trouve aux iles Antilles et dans les parties meridionales des 6tats-Unis,"— hab. substit. S. Domingo (ex Brisson). No records from Cayenne, but occnrring during the time of migration near Cumana, Venezuela, and in different parts of Brazil.] 567. Pisobia fascicollis (Vieill.). Triiigafmcicollis Vieillot, .V'/«y. Did. xxxiv. (1819) p. 4ril (ex Azara— typ, ex Paraguay). Cayenne: 1 ? , Odolier 19, 1902. No. 212. "Bill blackish." Al. 117 ; caud. 49 ; culm. 21| ; tars. 23i mm. [568. Tringa canutus Linn. Triii'ja CamUiis Linne, Si/s'. Nat. ed. x. 1. (1758) p. 149 (ex Faun. suec. 150 and ex Rai. — hab. in Europa — habit, restrict. Suecia ex Fauna Suec). No records from Cayenne, but found in the West Indies and in Brazil during migration, also obtained in Surinam (Mns. d. Pays-Bas).] [569. Gallinago delicata (Ord). ScoluiMX clcliaitu Ord, ed. Wilson's Amei\ Om. ix. (1825) p. 218. No records from Cayenne, but mentioned from Surinam and Brazil.] [570. Gallinago braziliensis (Swains.). Scolopax Braziliensis Swainson, Faun. Bur.-Amcr.— Birds (1831) p. 40U note (hab. Brazil). S.freiuila aut. nee Lichtenstein. Cayenne (Mus. Brit, ex Seebohm collection).] [571. Gallinago undulata (Bodd.). Scolopax undulata Boddaert, Tahl. PI. Enl. (1783) p. 54 (ex Daubent. PI. Enl. 895— typ. ex Cayenne). Cayenne (BnfFon, Mus. d. Pays-Bas, Mus. Berol.).] Family LARIDAE* [572. Hydrochelidon surinamensis (Gml.). Stertia mriwimensis Gmelin.f Sysl. \al. ed. xiii. i. 1 (1788) p. 604 (ex Fermin— hab. Surinam). Not yet recorded from Cayenne, but observed on the coast of Surinam.] • The following species of Laridae may still occur on the coast of Cayenne : 1. HijilrociwHdon humptera (Moisner & Scbinz) — once in Barbadoes. 2. Hijilrnrhrlidim lii/hrida (Pall.) — once in Barbadoes. 3. Sterna forsteri Nutt. — obtained 200 — 300 miles from Pernambuco. 4. Sterna iiiarnira Nauni, — Coasts of Brazil. (= St.. paradisaca Briinn.). 5. Sterna dangalli Mont. — West Indies and coast of Venezuela. 6. Sterna cantiara Gml. — Rio Grande do 8ul. (= .SY. sandviecngis Latb.). 7. Sterna Iruileaui Audub.— IS. Brazil and U. S. Xorth America 7 K Mirranous leueoeapiUim (Gould) — West Indies — Fernando Noronha, Brazil, y. Oytjii Candida (Gml.) — Fernando Noronha, Brazil t Gmelin's H. turiiMvieimii ex P'ermin seems to me rather doubtful. Perhaps the name SI. plumiea Wilson (1813) must come in use. ( 309 ) [573. Phaethusa magnirostris (Lictit.). Slerm magnirostris Licbtenstein, Verz. DouhJ. Mus. Berlin (1823) p. 81 (typ. ex Brasil. in Mus. Berol. — a dom. Saunders examinatus). ? Cayeuue (Latbain — s.n. Sterun simph'x)^ [574. Gelochelidon anglica (Mont,.). Sterna anglka Montagu, Orn. Diet. Siippl. fig. (1813) (typ. in Mus. Brit, ex Sussex, coll. Montagu). '? Sterna nilntica Gmelin, 1788. No records from Cayenne, but oecnrriii.i;' on the coasts of British Guiana and Brazil (Bahia).] [575. Sterna fluviatilis Nanm. Sterna JturiatiUs Xaumauu, Isis 1819. pp. 1847, 1848 (loc. non iudic. — hab. substit. ins. Sylt, Holstein). Cayenne (H. C Rothery collectiou in Mus. Brit. — ^.juv.).J [576. Sterna maxima Bodd. Sterna nnu-hna Boddaert, Tnhl . PI. Enl. (1784) p. 58 (ex Daubent. PI. Enl. 988— typ. ex Cayenne). Cayenne (Buflbn) [Surinam fMns. Brit.)].] [577. Sterna eurygnatha Sannders. Sterna enri/ynatha Saunders, Proc. Zmjl. Snr, 1876. p. 654 (typ. ex Sta. Catherina, Rogers leg.— in Mus. Brit.). No records from Cayenne, but obtained on tliu coasts of Venezuela and Brazil.] [578. Sterna anaestheta 8 cop. Sterna anaestheta Scopoli, Deliciae Faun, et Flar. Imabr. i. (1786) p. 92 (ex SoQuerat— typ. ex ins. Panay, Philippines). No records from Cayenne, but generally distributed over the intertropical seas, obtained on the Lesser Antilles.] [579. Sterna fuliginosa Gml. Sterna fuliyinum Gmelin, Si/st. Nat. ed. xiii. i. 1 (1788) p. 005 (ex Buff., Forst., Cook, Penn., Lath. — "hab. in mari atlantico, americano, indico, australi" — habit, select. New York, typ. in Mus. Lever.— /(fc Lath.). Cayenne (Latham) [Month of the Amazon — Mus. Brit.].] ? [580. Sterna antillarum (Less.). Sternula antillarum Lessou, De.irr. .Uamm. et Ois. (1847) p. 256 (typ. ex ins. Guadeloupe). No records from Cayenne, but generally distributed over tlie West Indies and Trinidad.] [581. Sterna superciliaris Vieill. Stermi superciliaris Vieillot, Nouv. Diet, xxxii. (1819) p. 129 (ex A.:ara— typ. ex Paraguay). No records from Cayenne, bat obtained on the coasts of Surinam and British Guiana (Mus. Brit.).] 21 ( 310 ) [582. Anous stolidus (Linn.). Slenia ulnlida Linn^, Si/si, Nal. ed. x. 1 (ITyS) p. 137 fex Sloane and Catesby — " hab. in Americae Pelago " — habit, restrict. Bahamas (ex Catesby). No records from Cayenne, Init obtained in the West Indies and on the coasts of Brazil.] [583. Rhynchops nigra cinerascens Spi.K. [RhiiniJiiipx iiii/ni Linne, l^i/«l. Nat. ed. x. 1 (17.'iS) p. 13S (hab. in America — habit, substit. Carolina ex Catesby).] Rhynrhrijix cinemsceii" Spix, Ar. Bras. ii. (1825) p. 80. tab. cii. (hab. in locis ripariis flum. Amazonum). No records from Cayenne, but obtained on the coasts of Surinam and Brit. Gaiana and at the mouth of the Amazon.] [584. Larus atricilla Linn. Lani.'! AtriciU'i Linne, !^i/sl. Xal. ed. x. 1 (1758) p. 13C (ex Catesby, hab. " in America "—hab. substit. ins. Bahamas ex Catesb.), No Cayenne records, but obtained on the coasts of Surinam, Brit. Guiana, and North Brazil.] Family STERGORARTIDAE.* ?.[585. Stercorarius cepphus (Briinn.). Qithanirlii cejij/liiis Briinnich, Orn. Bnr. (1764) p. 36 (occisa in Cimbria ad littus maris germanici, prope praedium Lonborregaard). Larus crepidalua Banks, 1773. No Cayenne records. Atlantic Ocean — llio de Janeiro.] Family PR0CELLARIIDAE.\ Family PUFFINIDAE.* ?[580. Puffinus gravis (O'Reill.). Procellaria gniris O'Reilly, To;/, to Greeii/aml, etc. (1818) p. 140. pi. 12. fig. 1. No Cayenne records. Faroes and North America to Cape of Good Hope and Falklands.] [587. Puffinus puffinus (Briinn.). Frocellicria Viiffiiiiix Briinnich, (_)ni. Bor. (1704) p. 2il (Feroa .>e Norvegia— habit, select, ins. Faroes). Procellaria aiiglorum Teraminck, 1820 (ex Ray, 1713). No Cayenne records, but Azores to the coast of Brazil.] * Stercorarius pimiarinw (Temm.), inhabiting the Atlantic Ocean to Uaniaialand, may also possibly occur on the coa-st of Cayenne. f The following species of ProceVariidae may perhaps occur on the coast of Cayenne : 1. Oceanodroma castro (Hare.) — Atlantic Ocean, Ma(ifn (Spix) — Brit. Guiana, Amazonia, ( 314 ) Family PODTCIPETIDAE. • 614. Podiceps dominicus brachyrhynchus (Chapm.). \Colymbiis dominicux Linne, Si/sl. Xal. eJ. xii. 1 (1700) p. 2-';i(ex Brisson— hab. in Dominica, typ. in Mus. Ruanmur ex Chervain).] Coh/mhua ilnminiriis hrarhi/rhijiichux Cliapman, Bull. Am. .Mus. X.II. xii. (1H!I9) p. i55 (1900— typ. ex Chapada, Mattogros0(Hceps (Linn.), known from the West Indies and from Brazil (Pari), is likely to be found at Cayenne, though not yet recorded from there. t M. llenepanx's determination has been verified by Mr. Hellmayr. (315) [619. Todirostrum pictum Sal v. Todirostrum pictum Salrin, Ibk, 189rt. p. 1511 (typ. ex Aunai, Brit. Guiana — H. Whitely leg. in Mus. Brit.). Saint-Jean du Maroni (Geaj' leg., Mns. Paris and Mns. Mona,c.—fif/e Hellmayr).] [620. Lipaugus simplex (Licht.). Muscicapa simpler Lichtenstein, Vei-z. Dutibl. J/«s. Berlin (182.?) p. 53 (typ. ex Bahia in Mus. Berol.). " Camopi et Montagnes dn Haul Carsevenne" (Geay leg. in Mas. Paris).]* [621. Automolus turdinus (Pelz.). Anabates liiriliiiu.i Pelzela, Sitttioigsln'i: Akad. Wien (1«59) p. 110 (e.t Brasilia, typ. subst. Borba Rio Madeira, coll. J. Natterer in Mus. Vindob.). Konrou (Geay leg. in Mas. Paris).] The following species were inadvertently omitted from my list, viz. : ? [622. Dendroica fusca (Mllll.). Motacilln fiisca P. L, S. Mliller, Natursi/st. Snppl. (1770) p. 175 (ex Daubent. PL Eid. 58. fig. 3— typ. ex " Cayenne "). Motacilla blackbiiriiiae Gmelin, 1788. " Cayenne " (Buff'ou).] There can be no donbt, I think, that " Le Fignier etranger" of Danbeuton, PI. Enl. 58. f. 3, is the same as Dcnilroii.'fi hlackbunnae (Gml.), bnt the locality Cayenne as given by Bnftbn has not been confirmed by subsequent authors.] [623. Pachysylvia thoracica griseiventris (Berl. & Hart.). \_EylopKdus ilwraciam Temminck, Pi. col. 173, fig. 1 (Dec. 1829). " Bre'sil," coll. Natterer.] Hylophilun Ihoracicm grixeicentris Berlepsch & Hartert, Nor. Zool. ix. (April 1902) p. 11 (typ. in Mus. Tring ex Suapure, Orinoco). Cayenne (trade skin in Mns. Brit.^/!>/t' Hellm.).] [624. Pachysylvia muscicapina (Scl. & Sal v.). Ili/lophilux muscicajnnus Sclater et .Salvin, Xomcncl. Ar. Neidr. (1873) p. 15G (typ. ex S. Louis d'Oyapock, Cayenne, in Mus. Brit.). Cayenne (Sclater collection in Mns. Brit.), also a Cayenne skin in Mus. Strick- land in Cambridge {fii/e Salviu).] [625. Brachyspiza capensis (Miill.). Friiigilla capemix P. L. S. Miiller, Xatiirsi/.-^l. Siippl. (1776) p. 105 (ex Daubent. PI. Kid. 380. f. 2., hab. Cap. B. Sp. — errore : hab. subst. Cayenne (ex Buff on). Embenza pileata Boddaert, 1783. Cayenne (Buffon).] [620. Piprites chlorion (Cab.). Hemipipo chlorion Cabanis Wiegm. Archir.f. Nnturij. xiii. 1 (1847), p. 234 (typ. in Mus. Berol. ex Cayenne). Cayenne (Mus. Berol).] * M. Menegaux's determination has been verified by Mr. llellm.'ijT. ( .^le ) ?[627. Xiphorhynchus dorsoimmaculatus Chapm. Xlphorhifnchiis doraoimmacululns Cliipnian, BnU. Anirr. Mhs. .V. //. New Turk ii. (188'.!) p. 159 (hab. •' Cayenne " ? typ. in Mus. Boston Soc. N. H.). ? Cayenne (Lafresnaye collection in Mns. Boston).] The Geay collection is also imjiortant from a geograpliiral point of view, most of the specimens being labelled as coming from certain localities, whence many of tliem have not yet been mentioned before. I therefore think it well to give a sn[)plementary list of the localities as illustrated by this collection : 7 wdits fumigatiis. St. Georges d'03'apock (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris). Turdns pliaeopygus. Ouanary (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris). Donacobius atricapillus. St. Georges d'Oyapock (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Thryotliorus corayn. St. Georges d'Oyapock et Mahnry (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Troglochites miiscnhm darns. St. Georges d'Oyapock et Mahnry (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris— AVf Meneg., s.n. sti-iatuh(S). ( 'i/clorhis (pijnnensis. Oyapock (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Tach/cineta albiventer. Sinnamary (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris). Progne chalyhea. Mahnry (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Progne tapera. Oyapock (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Cyanerpes coerideus. Kouron, Sinnamary et Mahnry (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Coereba chloropyga. Camopi et Ilet la Mere (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris). Etiphonia violacea. Kourou et Saint Jean dn Maroni (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Tanagra episcopus. Mahnry et Ilet la Mure (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). ( 317 ) Tanagra palmarum melanoptera. St. Georges d'Oyapock, Oiianary et Mahury (Geay leg. iu Mus. Paris). Ramphocelus carbo. St. Georges d'Oyapock, Sianamary ct Maconria (s.n. " /?. dimidiatus ") (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris). Tachi/iihomis suriiiamus. Riviere Lnnier et ("amopi (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Arremon silens. • St. Georges d'Oyapock (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Sal tat or maxirmis. Rivifere Lnnier (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Piti/lus grossus. Maroni (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Sporophila minuta. Bas Mahnry, bords et savanes du Sinnamary (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris^ Sporophila americana. St. Georges d'Oyapock (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Volatinia jacavina splendem. Gnyane franraise (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris). Xa n th or?i us rirklis. St. Georges d'Oyapock et ( 'amopi (Geay leg. iu Mus. Paris). Cacicus cela. St. Georges d'Oyapock, Ouanary et Sinnamary (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Le/stes militaris. Bas Mahnry (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris). Fluvicola pica. I'ointe de Maconria (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Tyrannns melancholicus. Onanary, Mahnry, Sinnamary (Gea}' leg. in Sins. Paris). Pitangus sulphuratus. Ouanary et Mana (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Mtjiosetetes cayanensis. Mahury (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris). ^f|/iarchl(s feror. St. Georges d'Oyapock, Mahury, Ilet de la Mere (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris). ( 318 ) ^^>|iolliux baibatns. St. Georges d'Oyapock and St. Jenu dn Maroni (Geay leg. in Mas. Vxth^fide Meneg., s.n. sulphureipijgius). RkyDchoci/clua poUocephalus xrltifrri. Cayenne (Gear leg. in Mns. Paris). Toditostriim cinereum. Mabury (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Todirostrum marulatum. St. Georges d'Oyapock (Geay leg. ia Mus. Paris — fide Meneg., s.n. signatum). Colopterus galeatus. Saint .Jean dn Maroni (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris). Elaenia ^/faxogastcr. St. Georges d'Oyapock (Geay leg. in Mas. Paris— ^/fV/e Meneg., s n. pagana). Pkaeomi/ias m//rina incomta. Mahury (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris— ^/^V/e Meneg., s.n. M se7nifiisca). Tyranmscits gracilipes. Mahnry (Geay leg. in Jlns. Paris). Ti/raiiiiuhis elatus. Malinry (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). MioiH'cti'x oleagineus. Mahnry (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Pijira aurcohi. Saint-Georges, Ouanary et Mahnry (Geay leg. in Mas. Paris). Fipra eigthrocephala. Malinry (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris — fide Meneg., s.n. auricapiU(i'). Pipra levcocilla. Camopi, Mahnry, monts d'Oyack ((icay leg. in Mns. Paris). Cliiromacliaeris manacua. St. Georges d'Oyapock et Maroni (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris — fide Meneg., s.n. manacus et gntfid-osn). Tityra xeiiiifasckita. Riviere Carsevennc (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris). Latkria cinercu. Riviere Lunier et ("ainopi (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Pkoenicorercus carnifex. Riviere Carsevenne (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris). ( 319 ) Rupicola rupicola. Onanarv (Oeay leg. in Mus. Paris). Qxi'mhi purpiirntii . Cainnpi (Gcay leg. in Miis. Paris). Calvifrons calv/ts. Camopi et riviere Lunier (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Synallaxis albescens albigularis. Mahury (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Synallaxis gujanensis. St. Georges d'Oyapock (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). riiihpJor eri/tliroccrcus. Camopi (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Gli/phorlnjiichiis cuneatus. St. Georges d'Oyapock, Mahnry et riviere Lnnier (Geay leg. in Bins. Paris). DenJi'ornin quttatoidcs sororia. Oiianary (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Detxlroriiis pardulotiis. Riviere Lnnier et f'amojii (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris-^/fV/? Meneg., s.n. parchdotus et nana). Den drocincia fti liqinosn . St. Georges crOyapock ((ieay leg. in Mns. Paris — fhlr Meneg., s.n. tiinliii(i). Thamnophilus naevius. Onanary et Mahnry (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). llntmiiophilus ama^oii/ciis. St. Georges d'Oyapock et Onanary (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris— -/iV/c Meneg., s.n. ambiguus). Thamnophilus canadensis. Sinnaiuary et Mana (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris— ^^rfe Meneg., s.n. cirrhatns) Thamnophilus doUutns. St. Georges d'Oyapock, Onanary, Mahnry, Mana (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Thamnomanes glaucus. St. Jean dn Jlaroni et riviere Lunier (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris). Myrmotherula axillaris. Onanary et St. Georges d'Oyapock (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Formicivora grisea. Mahnry, ¥ (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). ( 320 ) Sclateria naevia. St. Georges (rOj-apock (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Hi/pocnemis cantntor. Caniopi, Oiiiinary, et St. Jean iln Maroni ((ioay le^;. in Mns. Paris). Ht/pocnemis melanopogon. Cainopi (Geay leg. in llns. Paris). Percnostola rufa. St. Georges d'O.vapock, Camopi, Mahnry, Onauary (Geay leg. in Mus. Paris- /ide Meneg., s.n. funfbn'g). I'ithys alhifrons. Camopi (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Anoplops rujigula. Camopi (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Grallaria raria. Riviere liiinier (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Grallaria brecicauda. Ciunopi (Geay leg. in Mns. Paris). Grallaria maciilaria. Camopi (Geay leg. in Mas. Paris). In another article on the " Birds of Fr^'nch Gniana," jnst published by M. A. Menegans {Bulletin clit Mns. crflist. mif. 1007. pp. 41)3-99, 1908, pp. 8-13*), I find the following speeies to be noteworthy : Basileuterus mesolettciis — " nn sps^cimen." Vireosylvia chivi — " trois spficiraens." Vireolanitts leucotis {= V. I. chlorogash'r') — " nn specimen." Lamprospiza melanoleuca — 1 $ ad.,' 1 S jnv. M. Menegans states that the tyiie of this species in the Paris Mnsenm, described by M. Vieillot, had been presented by the Empress Josephine. Sporopliila rastaneirentris — 5 c?(J (1 jnv.). II;/locharis sapp/iirina — 3 c?(? ad., 5 jnv., 13 ? ?. Also Mr. Hellmayr has kindly communicated to me a list of species received by the Mnnich Museum directly from St. Jean dn Maroui, viz. : Sporopliila castaneiventris. Formicivora consobrina microsticta. Flati/rinchus saturatus. Ilfrpsiloc/zmus sticturus, S ? . Toilirostrum jjicttim. Ilypocnemis naevia. Omit/lion inerme. Cercomacra nigrescens. Scotothorus amazonum wallacei. • The artide relates to the birds sent to tlie Museum d'Histoire n.iturelle at Paris by the Governor M. Eey. ( 321 ) At last I have found it neuossary to make some corrections, most of them having been suggested to me by Mr. Hellmayr. 1. Hellmayr tells rae that Packysyhia In/poxanfha is not likely to occur in Cayenne, the so-called " Guiana specimen" in the British Bluseura being really of the well-known Orinoco make, and being referable to P. aarantii/ronH satiimta Hellm 2. No. 19. As the jjrobable habitat for Malaconotus leacotis Swains., " Upper Amazons " should be accepted instead of Cayenne. 3. No. 40, Kuphonia cai/aiia, should stand as : Euphonia cayennensis (Gml.). Tamif/ra aii/ennenvis GmeliQ, Si/st. Xal. ed. xiii. i. 1 (178H) p. 8i>4 (ex Briss., liuff. uL Daubeiit. PL Enl. 114. f. 3— typ. ex Cayenne). Hellmayr, in Nov. Zool. xiii. (19fJ6) p. 357, has pointed out tliat Tmiugra cai/ana Linne, p. 315, is the base for Calospiza ciu/ana (Linn.), and that Tanagra cayava Linn6, p. 316, is preoccuj)ied by T. cayana of p. 315. 4. The author for Serinopsis aroensis chapmani is Ridgway, not Alleu I 5. Sporophila misya (Vieill.) is apparently the same as Sporophila, ameiicana (Gml.)! Cf Hellmayr, Verh. zonl.-hot. Ges. Wien lf)04. p. 632; but in the Museum Heineanuoi both are mentioned as being represented by Cayenne specimens in that collection. 6. No. 84, Emherizoides macrotinis (Gml.) should stand as : Emberizoides herbicola sphenurus (Vieill.). [Sylekt herbicola Vieillot, Xmir. Dili. xi. (1817) p. 192 (l-x .\zara — typ. ex Paraguay).] Pasaeriiia sphenitra Vieillot, None. Did. xxv. (1817) p. "J5 (typ. ex Cayenne). Frinrjilla iiuicrount Gmelin, 1788 nee Pallas 17lj4. Fringilla macroura Gmelin, 1788, is preoccupied by F. inacroura Pallas in Vroeg's Cat., 1764. 7. No. 37, Eaphonia chlorofica (Linn.) sliould stand as : Euphonia aurea (Pallas). Parux aureus Pallas in Vroeg, Cut. mix. d'Oisnuu- Adumbrat. (1764) no. 175 (typ. ex Surinam). Tanagra chlorotica Linne, 1766. 8. No. 168, Scotothnrux igniceps (iScl.) should stand as : Scotothorus chrysocephalus (Pelz.). Heteropelmu chryaocephalum Pelzeln, Orn. Bnis. (1868) pp. 125, 185 (part., hab. S. Carlos, Mara- bitanas, Rio l9anna — typ. select, ex S. Carlos in Mus. Vindob.). Heieropelma ignicepn Sclater, 1871. Cf Hellm., Verhandl. zool.-hot. Gesellsck. Wien 1903. p. 202. 9. No. 190, Xipholcna pompwhra (Linn.), should stand as: Xipholena punicea (Pall.). TurditK imiiiceus Pallas in Vroeg, Cat. rais. d'Oiseaux Adumbrat. (nOi) no. 'J9 (descr. orig. ?, cit. Edwards, t. 341 — typ. ex Surinam ? (•' Zuyd America "). Ampeliii poiiipadora Linn^, 1766. lU. No. 203. The typical habitat for Anabates inf meatus Sol. should be " the Peruvian Amazons," not Barra do Rio Negro. ( 322 ) 11. No. 269, Cercoman-a napensis Sol. slioiiM stiiud as : Cercomacra cinerascens (Scl.). Formifirora riitcfo-'o'fm Sclater. P. Z. .S. (1H57) p. lol, part. (typ. select, specim. e.\ ripis fl. Napo in Mus. Brit.). C. napemii Sol. 1868. Cf. Hellmayr, Nm\ Zn„l. xii. (Sept. VM'i) p. 287. SUMMARY. To tlie (Wfj * species admirteJ as occurring in Frencli Guiana we may aild uhmit, 141) which, although not yet recorded from that colony, are likely to be i'onnd there. We are therefore justified in computing the number of species inhabiting that country to be about 766. Of the 626 species enumerated in my list about 23 are somewhat doubtful, viz. : Dendroica fusca Setopbiiga ruticilla Euphenia rufivontris Tanagrella iridina Calospiza bra.siliensis Tanagra oruata Piranga siiira Paroaria nigrogenys Leistes superciliaris Myiochaues cinereus Heterocei-cus luteoceplial us Cephalopterus ornatu.s Threuetes leucurus Chlorouerpes rubiginosus Trogon aurantius Brotogery.s devillei Urochroma bata\ica Urochroina hueti LeHcopternis lacernulata Eupsyuhortyx sonnini Plegadis guarauna Chauiia cristata Aechmophorus major There are 50 species enumerated in my list which, although not yet recorded from Cayenne, being species of vast distribution, are surely to be met there, viz. : Bubo magellauicus Glaucidium brasilianum phalaenoides Catharista atratus brasiliensis Spizaetus tyrannus Buteo albicaudatus Antenor unicinctus Gampsonyx swainsoui Elaniis leucuius Hypotriorchis fu.scocaeriilesceus Hypotriorchi.s auiantius Pandion haliaetus caroUueu.sis Mitua mitu Galliiuila gaU-ata Haematopus palliatus Aegialitis coUaris Himautopus mexicanu.>i Numeuiu.s borealis Limosa hudsonica Macrorhamphus griseiis Micropalama himantopu.s Catoptrophorus semipaliuath. Pavoncella pugnax Tringites subruficollis Calidris alba Pisobia maciilata Tringa caiuitus Gallinago delicata Hydrochelidou surinamensis Sterna autillarum Gelochelidou anglica Sterna eurygiiatba Sterna anaestheta Sterna superciliaris Anous stolidu.s Rbynchops nigra cinertecens Laru.s atricilla Stercorarius cepphus PiiUinu-s putiiuus Putiinub obscurus PuHinus gravis Putlinus griseus Aestrelata haesitata Aestrelata mollis Bulweria bulwcri Piion ariel Diomedea molauophrys Sula piscator Plioenieopterus ruber Cairina moschata Nettion brasilien.se • I have deducted Ko. 71*, 'Sj}»i-ojjhilti miiya (VieilK), this being probably = No. 7S, .S. uiitericatta (Gml.). ( 323 ) If we relegate the species of the hist two categories (23 + 50) to a hypothetical list, theu we have at least 626 less 73 = 553 certain species which are kuowu to inhabit French Guiana. The specimens collected by Mr. Gherrie are referable to 234 species, this being not qnite half the number of the known Cayenne species. The following species and conspecies are peculiar to F'rench Guiana as far as we know : ? 1. Heterocercios luteocepkalas — of doubtful occurrence in Cayenne. 2. Lipaugus immiiiuhis. 3. Automoliis obscurus. 4. Hijlexetastes perroti — replaced by a nearly allied form in the Madeira district {fide Helimayr in litt.). ? 5. Xiphorhi/iiclias dorsoiminaculatiis — of doubtful occurrence in Cayenne. 6. Terentira eluopteryx — replaced in Surinam and British Guiana by the nearly allied T. spodioptila. 7. Formicivora consobrinu inicrosticta — replaced by nearly allied forms in Brazil, etc. 8. Myrmelastes melanothomx. 9. Cercomacra nigrescens. 10. Tkrenetes antoniae. 11. Pkacthornis malaris. ? 12. Tkalufunia furcata — replaced hy a nearly allied form in Brit. Guiana. 13. Thalurania scapulata. ? 14. (Montophoriis guianemis — replaced by a nearly allied form in Brit. Guiana. The following species are apparently pecnliar to Cayenne and Surinam : 1. Todirostnim/umifroiis penardi. 2. Pipra Serena — replaced in Brit, (juiana by F. suacissima. 3. Fachyrhainpliiia gtirinaiiius. 4. Ficumiim bujfoni — replaced in Brit. Guiana lay P. bujf'oiu undulatus. ? 5. Ficumnus minutissimus. The following species are perhaps pecnliar to the three Guianas — viz. Cayenne, Surinam and Biit. Guiana. 1. Fachysylvia Ititeifrons. 2. Microcercu/us bambln. 3. Tanagrella velia, replaced by T. c. signata Hellm. near Para. 4. Calospiza gijrola. 5. Todirostrum pictum. 6. Pipra gutturalis. 7. lodopleiira Jiisca. 8. Xipkorhgnckus procurtoides. l». Dendrexetastes rufigala — replaced at Para by a nearl\ allied ibrm. ( 324 ) ]<). ift/rmotlienda guttitrfdis ") replaced by nearly allied forms in the neigh- 11. Mi/rmothenda cinereircntris] bouring country. 12. Herjisilochmus sticturus. 13. FormicaiiuH crissalis "i i i i ^ n- i j • ,1 11 /replaced by nearly allied tonus in tlie aeiglilionnnji; 14. (Trallaria macularia > , 1, , , ( country. 15. thiifsoptiius punctigiiht ) 16. Cajjito niger. 17. Psittacula jjasserina — replaced by nearly allied forms in the neighbouring country. IS. Ama^ona dufresneana. 10. Gallinago undulata. Some species seem to be peculiar to Cayenne and Lower Amazonia, viz. : Polio jjtila //*vV//7— replaced in Brit. Guiana by P. I. innotata. ( \dosjiiza firescens. Empidockanes fuscatus/umosus. Pi/riglena leitconota. Two s]iecies are perhaps peculiar to Cayenne, Surinam and Lower Amazonia, viz.: ? Mimas (/dett.s — replaced in Brit. Guiana by .1/. //. rolumhiantis ? Lamprosjiiza melanoleuca. Thirteen species or conspecies are ai)pareutly peculiar to the three Guiauas and Lower Amazonia, viz. : Euphonia cayennensis. Calospiza mexicarm\^^^^^^T^ 1^^ ^^^^^^.1^, ^,1;^^, ^^^.^^^ j,, ^1^^ neiji'libouring conntries. Tanagra episcopus ] Pitylus ergthromelas. Pitt/lus canadensis. Cassicus hacmorrhoas l^placed by nearly allied forms in the neighbouring Todirostrum mactdatum ■ Elaenia gaimardi yttianensi Haematoderus militaris. Sclateria naecia. Avocettula reciirvirostris, Pteroglossus inscriptus. Selenidera riattereri. Penelope marail. j conntries. •insis' My best thanks are due to Mr. C. Helluiayr, Dr. E. Hartert, and M. Menegaux for much useful information about the birds of Cayenne. In a futnre article I hope to be able to say some more about the geographical distribution of the Cayenne birds, and to give a summary of the literature referring to them. ( 325 ) NEW THYBIDIDAE IN THE TRING MUSEUM. By W. WARREN, M.A., F.E.S. 1. Addaea castaneata spec. nov. Forewing : with basal area, a broad mediau fascia, aud the whole marginal area deep chestnut-brown, with slightl}' darker transverse striae especially along costa ; a violet purplish tinge along snbmedian interspace; the meJiau fascia is slightly oblique, narrow at costa, swollen a little above the mediau vein and bulged below it ; on each side of it is a whitish obliipie band, the inner one narrow and the outer wide, with some grey strigae in their centre ; fringe brown, blackish at apex and anal angle. Hindwimi : similar; in the marginal brown area there appears a narrow submarginal band, wliich is slightly visible on forewing as well ; iViugo blackish towards apex only. Underside similar, the contrast greater between the pale and dark areas. Head, thorax, and abdomen all brown. Ex])anse of wings : 2U mm. 2 6S from Milne Bay, British New Guinea, January and February 1890 (Meek). Allied to both polyphoralis Wlk. and piisilla Butler, but entirely distinct from either. 2. Banisia angustifascia Warr. In yoc. Zool. vi. p. 315 (IS'j'jj I suggested that my B. angustifascia ? from Amboina was the same species as B. maltifenestrata 6 Warr. from Humboldt Bay, New Guinea. This identification was prcmatnre. For though angustifascia occurs commonly in New Guinea, also in the Kei Islands and the Louisiades, yet a good series of both sexes shows that its real c? is much more like the ¥ than nudtifenestrata. The sexes agree in having the apical area of forewing filled np with dai'k fuscous, a-i in Pagenstecher's nitida; but in place of the numeraus whitish hyaline spaces which a[)pear in midlife nestrata, the S of anqasti fascia has normally f)ur square white sjjats iu forewing aud two in the hindwiug ; the two most prominent are placed, in the forewing, one above the other on each side of vein 2 between the two branches of the postmedian fascia, the other two being on the iunerside of the inner branch, but the upper one of the latter pair is very small and often obsolete ; in the hindwiug the two spots are always above vein 2, one on each side of the inner branch of fascia. In multifenestrata ide paler with jiartial fulvous suffusion, the biunis bright fulvous ; those at anal angle much reduced. Head, thorax, and abdomen like ground colour of witigs. Expanse of wings : 44 mm. 5 c? (J from the Khasias (type) ; 1 S Sikkim 1889 (Pilcher). 9. Banisia tetragonata Wlk. subsp. ordinaria \\'arr. These are undoubtedly local forms of one species : typical ordinaria from Australia are on the average the smallest of all the forms, except those from Amboina, which are equally small ; tetragonata from Borneo, the Malay Peninsula, and India the largest. The examples from New Guinea and tiie Louisiade Islands are larger than the Australian ; while those from the islands of the Solomon group come next in size to tetrogonuta. A noticeable point of diflerence is that in the ab. hyphcnata the black dash in the Solomon Islands examples is always below vein 2, in all the other forms above it. 10. Beguma radiata spec. uov. Forewing: fulvous brown, with broad, abbreviated, slightly glossy, pale ochreous bauds from costa, eacli with the c?ntre fulvous, the darker ground colonr forming long wedge-shaped bands between them ; three of these pale bands, in the basal half of wing, are somewhat oblicpie outwards, the two beyond the middle oblique inwards, especially tlie outermost, which rises from costa before apex and ends in midwiug at vein 4 ; the four oiliers are indistinct below submedian vein, the dark ground colour in the lower middle of wing becoming blackish-brown ; all the veins in submarginal area are marked by pale fulvous ochreous rays, that on vein 6 being least conspicuous, those on 3 and 4 forming the ends of a broader curved streak from three-fourths of inner margin ; fringe fulvous. Hindwing : with a pale autemedian band, a baud from middle of costa widening downwards and forking below middle, one liranch running to anal angle but bifurcating along vein 2, the other bifurcating to outer margin along veins H and 4 ; vein 3 also pale-rayed ; the apex with a semi-elliptical pale costal blotch ; fringe lulvous. Underside like u]iper, buf the pale spaces emphasised. Head, thorax, abdomen, and legs all fulvous. Expanse of wings : 3U mm. 1 i fiom Luebo, Kassai Hiver (P. Landbeck). 1 refer this species to liegumu for the present : the tyj)e of the genus, ]i. constellutu from India (still unique), is a ? with strongly lamellate antennae ; the i of tlie new species has bipectinate antennae, bat the pectinations are short and thickened at their aj)ex, like developed serrations; the forehead is strongly bulged ; both wings with well-rounded angles and outer margins. ( 329 ) 11. Belonoptera arachnidia spec. uov. Foir/t'int/ : pale grey, tliiokly cnvered witli minute irregular darker ri^ticulatioiis ; the lines and shading red-brown ; basal fonrth rather darker, edged by a very irregnlar curved line, followed by an ei[nally irregular median line ; from nearly two-thirds of costa an oblique thick line forked at costa runs to middle of inner margin ; s[)ace beyond shaded with red-brown, narrowly above, but reaching outer margin at vein 2, forming roughly an A-shaped mark ; a black subcostal streak in enter fourth running out into apex, from the base of which a red-brown streak forked at origin runs to outer margin at vein 4 ; all the paler intervals filled with fine cobweblike markings ; fringe dark brown with paler tips. Hindwinq : with a long white streak, narrow at middle, along the discoocllular ; the sj)ace beyond it rather deeper suffused ; all the intervals filled with cobweblikc irregular markings ; the apex and some streaks before it darker. Underside like upper, but the ground colour paler and the markings clearer. Head, shoulders, and basal half of patagia reddish brown ; tips of patagia, the thorax, and two basal segments of abdomen pale grey ; rest of dorsum brownish red. Expanse of wings : 82 mm. 1 ? from La Oroya, R. Inambari, 8.E. Peru, 3100 ft., October 1904, wet season (Ockenden). 12. Brixia australiae spec. nov. Forewinq : pale greyish fawn-colour in basal half, reddish fawn in the outer; basal area traversed by two faint brownish bands, the paler intervals forming bands of the same width each with a dark line through it ; a similar pale band is visible at two-thirds of inner margin, hardly reaching midwing ; a large whitish triangular costal blotch before apex, with the veins and striae across it fawn-colour ; a faint pinkish mark at apex before fringe, and a black spot on margin above vein 5 ; fringe with basal half dark leaden brown, ajiical paler. Hindwiiig : with basal area pale lilac-grey, with darker striations ; rest of wing reddish fawn, showing traces of a paler dark-centred postmedian band ; fringe wholly fawn-coloured. Underside with the dark and pale bands more clearly defined, the dark markings deeper brown, and the striae more conspicuous ; black spot of forewing large, the apical mark above it white. Head and shoulders deep chestnut ; thorax and abdomen pale lilac-grey, the anal half of dorsum browner, the anal extremity fulvous. Expanse of wings : 28 mm. 2 ? ? from Yeppoon, October 1890 (Barnard coll.). 13. Brixia comparalis spec. nov. Forewing : very much like disparalis Hmpsn. from Ceylon, but the subapical costal blotch is broadly triangular, not .attenuated, marked with two small brown dots on the costal edge, which is tinged with yellow, the white a[)ical portion with faint brownish reticulation ; a slij;ht white streak before fringe from costa to vein 6 ; basal and outer areas paler fawn-colour than the central, which is broadly olive-brown on costa, including the space between the two white marks ; narrowing off to a diffuse smoky brown obli(iue band at miildle of inner margin ; a lilack spot ( 330 ) before fringe above vein f) ; a few dark dots and strigae in tlie basal half ; fringe coucolorons. lUmhving : with the smoky brown band continued across wing to inner margin above anal angle, broader and with a darker central stripe ; rest of wing i)ale ochreons fawn; the fringe rather deejier fawn. Underside nmcli dnller ; firewing with a inirjdish grey flush beyond middle ; striae more prominent, especially iu hiudwing, wliich sliows no trace of the dark band. Head and shoulders deep chestnut-brown ; thorax and abdomen pale greyish ochreons ; base of anal segment with a brown blotch. Expanse of wings : 20 mm. 2(?c?from the Khasia Hills. 14. Dohertya submicans spec. nov. Differs from f>. astradora Meyr. by the absence of the paler intervals between the dark bands, the whole surface of both wings being leaden fuscous. Foreicinij : crossed by fonr dark lines, subbasal, antemedian, postmedian, and outer, and a short submarginal line to middle of outer margin ; all the intervals crossed by parallel lines of dots ; at end of cell a dull dark cloud containing some brown scales, as if burnt ; fringe fuscous. Hindwiny : with the outer lines only. Underside of forewing with the markings as in astradora, but the brown ones more developed ; a bed of black and metallic scales iu cell, and a streak of black scales along subcostal vein beyond cell ; hiudwing shining whitish, crossed by rows of sharp black striae between the veins, here and there marked with brown. Head, thorax, and abdomen fuscous. Expanse of wings : 16 mm. 2 (J J from Dorei, Dutch New Guinea, June 1807 (W. Doherty). 15. Draconia accipitrina spec. nuv. Forewing: whitish, the veins and reticulations pale brown, the bands dark brown ; basal tliird suffused with brown ; a broad oblique fascia from middle of inner margin and a conical blotch from anal angle brown, the two uniting above vein 5 and reaching the costa as a narrow band at two-thirds ; the whitish areas, wliicli are semihyaline, are therefore a narrow oblique band lietwecn basal ]iatch and central fascia rea(!liing as far as subcostal vein, anil a broader one beyond the fascia reaching vein 5 ; there are also three roundish hyaline spots beyond the joint fasciae between veins 4 and 7, edged outwardly by black spots which are continued towards costa; apex whitish, traversed by a brown streak along vein 8, which joins at right angles a brown costal sj)ot, from which a brown line, interrui)ted by the veins, runs to near outer margin on vein 4 ; fringe dark brown, with jiale tips and deeper brown beyond the veins. Hind wing : with the base only narrowly brown : the double fascia as in forewing, but its central area narrower ; the ajiical area with more numerous hyaline spots, traversed by a curved brown streak from three-fourths of co.sta to a brownish cloud at middle of outer margin ; submarginal line more interrupted ; the ape.\ not white. Underside with the basal areas and the fasciae dark brown and distinct ; the rest of both wings pale fawn-colour, the veins not brown, ( 331 ) Head, thorax, abdomen, and legs dark 1)ro\vii ; dorsnni witli a fine t)'ai'k line. Expanse of wings : 78 mm. 1 (J from Bogota, Coloraln'a. The apex of both wings is produced and the outer margin crennlate, and siunons only, not elbowed or angled at middle. 10. Draconia albiapicata spec, no v. Forewing : ferruginons ochreons, the lines and retienlations darker ferrnginons ; a dark brown costal streak running out into apex, the extreme edge paler in onter third ; some brown streaks in basal half of cell, with a ferrnginons blotch at one-third ; an oblique ferrnginons line just beyond middle, forked at costa anil inner margin, the lower fork tilled up with ferrnginons ; the upper fork emits a curved line towards a large oval ferrnginons blotch lying between veins 2 and 3, above a bnllet-shaped blotch at anal angle ; a brown line from the costal -stre.ik at five-sixths runs down towards anal angle parallel to outer margin ; the intervening spaces covered with fine interlacing lines; the outer margin deeper ferruginous; apex whitish ; fringe brown. lUndwing : with a curved ferrnginons line at one-third, followed by a small white spot at lower end of discocellnlar ; some irregular coalescent dark ferruginous blotches below costa before apex, which is whitish ; a round ferruginous blotch between veins 2 and 3, above a streak from anal angle ; outer margin above middle deeper ferruginous. Underside the same, but the dark markings better defined ; the apex of both wings white ; the white cell-mai-k visible on forewing also. Head, palpi, shoulders, and a dorsal streak along abdomen deep ferruginous ; thorax, patagia, and rest of abdomen paler varied with brighter. Expanse of wings : 05 mm. 1 $ from La Oroya, R. Inambari, S.E. Pern, 3100 ft., March 190.5, wet season (Ockenden). Resembling B.fromlicula (luen., but the outer margin in both wings excavated in upper half and crennlate in lower. 17. Draconia dismutata spec. nov. Much resembling J), basipleta Warr., Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. xxix. p. 340, from British Guiana, from which it differs as follows : the brown markings are all jialer, more rusty brown ; the basal jiatcli of forewing covers quite one-third of the wing instead of only one-fourth ; the costal streak is much broader throughout, and the second of the projections depending from it is quite close to a[)ex a^id not connected by a line with outer margin ; vein 2 is not marked with brown. In the hindwing the oblique line from two-thirds of costa to outer margin, which cuts off an equilateral triangle in basipleta, is absent, and is represented by a broad brown streak from shortly before apex, forming a Y with the broad marginal line. In both wings the pale ground colour is tinged with rufous, and the reticulations and veins of hindwing are red. Expanse of wings :