is % it tee A ae : Sys e! yi! at : er pe let pie’ Grr tats 4 Ma ¥ ue FS phe sta - se ie Le rs # abe ee Sk ; - he * o, os: ; 4 a : y) ‘ “ HALOT CONTENTS OF THE EDINBURGH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, No. IX. NEW SERIES. ‘ArT. [. Observations on the Decline of Science in England, ‘ l II. Observations respecting Professor Leslie’s Formula for the Decrease of Heat in the Atmosphere ; and his Opinions respecting the Polar Temperature. By James D. Forses, Esq. F. R.S. Ed. Com- municated by the Author. : 17 111. Observations on the Meteor called the pct Boneiba. with Calcula- tions, Trigonometrical and Analytical, towards determining the po- sition and tne course of the Arches, with respect to the surface of the Earth, By R. PorTrer, Esq. Junior. Communicated by the Author, 3 ° é 23 IV. On the Respiratory Organs and Air-Bladder of certain Fishes of the Ganges. By J. TayLor, Esq. : . 33 V. On the Question of the Existence of the Rein-Deer, ating the Twelfth Century, in Caithness, By S. Hippeet, M.D. F. 3 S. Ed. &c. &c. Communicated by the Author, ‘ 50 VI. On Monochromatic Light, and on the Achromatism and Spherical Aberration of Eye-pieces and Engyscopes. By CHARLEs GORING. ‘ M.D. Communicated by the Author, ‘ 52 VII. On the Specific Heats of some of the Metals, with an Senatticea of some erroneous Determinations by MM. Dulong and Petit; and an examination, as to the Metals, of the important law, that the ultimate particles of simple bodies have all the same capacity for Caloric. By R. mice Esq. Junior. Communicated by the Author, , $ i 75 VIIi. Observations on a new mode of constructing Harboiah By WIit-. - L1aM MaTuHeEson, Civil-Engineer. Communicated by the Author, 83 IX. On the [ntensity of Light when the vibrations are elliptical. By JAMES MACCULLAGH, Esq. Communicated by the Author, 86 X. Extraordinary facts relating to the Vision of Colours: with Observa- tions. By Mr Joun Datton, - 88 X{. On the relation between the Refractive Posh and the polattniniy angles of singly refractive substances. By Dr A. SEEBECK, 99 ii XII. XIIL. CONTENTS.) Abstract of Meteorological Observations made in the Isle of Man from 1822 to 1831. By Ropert STEWaRT, Esq. Receiver-General of the Isle of Man. Communicated by Dr HIBBERT, : Account of an Excursion from Lima to Pasco. In a Letter from ALEXANDER CRUCKSHANKS, Esq. to Dr HOOKER, . XIV. Account of the Russian Steppes, with Geognostical Observations made XV. XXIII. in a Journey to the Environs of Mont Elbrouz, in the Caucasus, undertaken in 1829 by order of the Emperor of Russia. By M. Kuprrer of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, ‘ Historical Notice respecting the Inflammation of Phosphorus in Va- cuo. In a Letter to the Editor by Professor Mott, re . Remarks on Dr Goring’s Observations on the use of Monochromatic Light with the Microscope. ‘ . Notice of the Discovery of the Tetidination of the Niger in the Bight of Biafra, . On the Diamond Mines of [Patina in. Bundelkhand. By Captain JAMES FRANKLIN, First Bengal Cavalry, M. A. S. ‘ . On the Discovery of Vanadium in Scotland, and on the Vanadiate of _ Lead, a new Mineral species. By JAmeEs F. W. Makes Si, A. M. &c. &c. Communicated by the Author, . On some properties in Achromatic Object-Glasses applicable to the improvement of the Microscope. By JosEPH JacKsON LiIsTER, Esq. . Notice respecting the proposed Scientific Meeting at York, on Mon- day the 26th of September, : ‘ Th . Observations on Fossil Vegetables, accompanied by Representations of their Internal Structure as seen through the Microscope. By Henry Wirnam, Esq. of Lartington, Fellow of the Geological Society of London; of the Royal and Wernerian Societies of Edin- burgh, &c. . ° Register of the asia drbictiba: and Rain-Gage, kept at Canaan Cottage. By ALEX. ADIE, Esq. F.R.S. Edinburgh, — TO CORRESPONDENTS. 11 126 ‘141 143 | 148 150 166 169 180 183 190 Mr MARSHALL’s Observations, and other papers, necessarily postponed, will ap- pear in next Number. CONTENTS OF THE EDINBURGH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, ART. I. Il. TI. Vill. No. X. NEW SERIES. loan: aaumieeh sets onion Gitding, Ue BA, cee & wP-.Bineriac se F: R.S. Savilian Professor of Astronomy in the Retvenitn of Oxford. Communicated by the Author, d 191 Ona New Analysis of Solar Light, indieating hed Dinars Colours, forming Coincident Spectra of equal length. By Davip Brewster, LL.D. F. R. SS. Lond. and. Ed. : 197 Further Remarks on the alleged Polarization of Hat By the Rev. BaDEN PowE tt, M. A. F. R. S. Savilian Professor of Geometry in the University of Oxford.. In a Letter to Dr BREWSTER, : 206 . On the General Equations for determining the Positions and Curva- tures of Arches of Aurora Boreales, from observations made in one place only; with Calculations for that of the 25th December 1830. By &. Potr=rR Junior, Esq. Communicated by the Author, ,, 209 . Contributions to Scientific.Bibliography. By a LORPRSPOUDENT- Communicated by the Author, 219 Silver Ores reduced by the Method of Seine! "By Aumins DEL Rio. Communicated by a Correspondent,, . 222 A hetter from CHARLES CHEVALIER, Opticianyin Paris, pe Dr Go. RING, being an Answer to his Paper published in the Second, Vo- lume.of the New Series of the Quarterly Journal of Science, p. 248, entitled, ‘* A Critique on the thick Aplanatic Object-Glasses for di- vergent rays of Vincent Chevalier ainé et fils.” Communicated by Dr GorRING, . ‘ . $ 223 On the Perfection of Microscopes. By LEONARD Sees. Com- municated by Dr GorINe, 233 * TX. Remarks on Mons. Chevalier’s Piper, and on he Memoir of Euler. X. By Dr Gor1nc. Communicated by the Author, 238 On some properties in Achromatic Object-Glasses applicable to the improvement of the Microscope. By JosEPH Jackson LISTER, Esq. (Concluded from No. ix. page 180.) ‘ : 249 iV XI. XIi. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVITI. XIX. XX. CONTENTS. > P. Account of the Aurora Borealis seen in Roxburghshire on the 5th of y= October 1830. By Mr W. Latpiaw, Kaeside, : 252 On the Mean Temperature of Tu1rty-Four different places in the State of New York, for 1830, ‘ 955 Remarks on Mr Potter’s Paper ** on the Specific heatt of Meta a By James F. W. Migaig > 1, A. M. &c. &c. Communicated by the Author, % : : 265 A few Remarks on an Account of the “ Mfootiniy of the Cultivators of Natural Science and Medicine at Hamburgh in September 1830, by James F. W. Johnston, M. A. &c. &c.” as Communicated by the Author to the Edinburgh Journal of Science, New Series, No. viii p. 189. By Dr MuncKE, Professor of Natural Philosophy at Hei- delberg. Communicated in English by the Author, . 271 Observations on Professor MUNCKE’s Remarks on Mr JoHNSTON’S Account of the Meeting at Hamburgh. In a Letter to the EprroRr from Mr JOHNSTON, é K ‘ 278 Round Sterns. Bya dive wpa ieieae a 282 Observations on the Theories which have been sell to explain the Vitrified Forts of Scotland. By S. Hrppert, M, D. F. R. S. Ed. &c. &c. . ~ 285 Notice of the Discovery of very sities Vitrified Reinbics at Els- ness, in the Island of Sanday, Orkney. By S. Hrppert, M. D. F. R.S. E., &c. Ina Letter to Dr BREWSTER, f 309 Some Notices regarding Vanadium. By James F. W. JounsTon, A. M., &c. Communicated by the Author, 318 On the Nature of the Light in the Two Rays phodiioel by the Double Refraction of Quartz. By G. B. Airy, M. A. M. G. S. Late Fel- XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. low of Trinity College; Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Ex. perimental Philosophy in the University of Cambridge ; and Fellow of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, ‘ : 324 Description of a new Species of Lamprotornis. By JoHN BLACK- WALL, F.L. S., &c. Communicated by the Author, . 332 Observations on a Pamphlet, entitled, “‘ On the Alleged Decline of Science in England. By a ForErenER. London, 1831. Pp. 33.” Accompanied by a Preface by M. Farapay, Esq. F. R. S. &c. 334 A System of Geology, with a Theory of the Earth, and an explana- tion of its connection with the Sacred Records.. By Jonn MacCu.- LocH, M. D., F. R.S., &c. In Two Volumes, 8vo. Pp. 512 and 483, : : 358 Register of the Barometer, Thidtnsdineter, and Risadange, kept at Edinburgh. By ALEX. AprE, Esq. F. R.S. Edinburgh, 376 : ‘ . Es bs PLATE I- Edin? Jour. of Science. Series Vol.V. 5 a Ww “yp : oe HESSG EX oe r x Edin" Jour. of Sevence Vol. V. ’ PLATE It. ce * a Fr: Aranettns wont Nites Pe Ve, , ¥ a Sieh S RY fon Y pay writ: tue * 7 es wong eg Bi Al a lal ay Pan aaa 4 7 k ‘oth x ie ; Arg ‘ ; 4 * . ‘ » hye by wf maiga APIA, «ty ae : Mi SL es | THE EDINBURGH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. Ant. I.—Observations on the Decline of Science in England. For several years we have availed ourselves of every proper opportunity of pointing out to our readers the deplorable condi- tion of English science, and the rapid decline of the scientific as well as the useful arts. The language of admonition and of expostulation was too feeble to make any immediate impression, but the smallest impulse may produce a sensible effect by its repetition ; and we have reason to believe that many individuals were induced to turn their attention to the subject, and were led. to discover within the circle of their own knowledge the most palpable evidence of the bitter and mortifying truths which we were the first to acknowledge and to bewail. A posthumous work of Sir Humphry Davy’s contained opinions in unison with ours, and Mr Herschel felt himself called upon not merely to assert in general terms that the sciences of England were declin- ing, but to bring forward specific and incontrovertible proofs of the fact. _ “In England,” says he, “ whole branches of continental disco- very are unstudied, and, indeed, almost unknown even by name. It is in vain to conceal the melancholy truth. We are fast dropping behind. In mathematics we have long since drawn the rein, and given over a hopeless. race. In chemistry the case is not much better. Who can tell any thing of the sulpho- _ salts? Who will explain to us the laws of isomorphism? Nay, NEW SERIES, VOL. V. No. I. JULY 1831. A 2 Observations on the Decline of Science in England. who among us has ever verified Thenard’s experiments on the oxygenated acids? Oersted’s and Berzelius’s on the radicals of the earths? Balard’s and Serullas’s on the combinations of brome, and a hundred other splendid trains of research in that fascinating science? Nor need we stop here. There are, in- deed, few sciences which would not furnish matter for similar remark. The causes are at once obvious and deep seated ; but this is not the place to discuss them.” : This powerful statement, which no person has ever dared to controvert in the minutest particular, was followed up by Mr Babbage’s bold and able work on the Decline of Science, of which we have already laid before our readers a full account. A review of this work appeared in the 87th Number of the Quarterly Review, where the writer not only defended Mr Bab- bage’s-views, but adventured upon the dangerous ground of pointing out in the most fearless manner the causes which have led to the decline of science. He exposed the infamous and fraudulent system of our patent laws, and explained the im- provements in our universities, in our metropolitan institutions, and in our public boards, by which the genius of our country- men might still be called forth and cherished, and the sonar as 28 glory of England preserved and extended. The metropolitan and the provincial press took up the sub- ject with their usual boldness and intelligence, and the facts of the case were speedily diffused over all England. ‘Two par- ties were of course arrayed against each other. Men of science who had pursued it for its own sake, and who had distinguished themselves by original discoveries, entered the ranks with Mr Herschel, Mr Babbage, and Sir James South, and were sup- ported by many of the intelligent and disinterested friends of science; while another party, which we can scarcely charac- terize, was carrying on an anonymous warfare in the bye-ways of our periodical miscellanies. Individuals of no pretensions even to science, and who had all their lives thought» that there could be nothing either good or great out of England, considered it as next to treason to state that the French ex- celled. us in mathematics,—the Swedes and the Prussians’ in chemistry,—the Russians in practical astronomy,—and the Ba- varians in telescopes. The fanctionaries of scientific institu- — Observations on the Decline of Science in England. 3 tions that had long been identified with English science, felt themselves aggrieved by the mere allegation that science was declining, and that their labours were gradually diminishing in importance; and certain professors in universities, who had _ never enriched science with a single fact, and yet considered themselves as its guardians and depositaries, have raised a violent outcry against facts which all but themselves knew, and against opinions which all but themselves believe. Cutting off the auxiliaries from both sides, we may safely state, thatthe parties arrayed against each other on the question of the decline of science, and the unfitness of our present institu- tions to advance its interests, are certain professors in our univer- sities on the one side, and the philosophers actively and con- stantly engaged in original research on the other. Both of these classes of persons are of the highest respectability, and exercise a great and a just influence over public opinion; and thdse who are led to form their judgment chiefly from the authority of names will have some difficulty in taking their place in the controversy, and will probably arrange themselves under the banners of those men who enjoy a temporary and deceitful reputation from their influence as teachers of youth. Many of these persons never heard of Mr Ivory and Mr Dalton, and would scorn the idea of their being greater men than some of our well-known and justly esteemed professors. We must therefore furnish the intelligent reader who wishes to form a correct opinion, with a test by which alone he can decide which of the two parties are most likely to form the most correct ane respecting the decline of English science. _ Original discoveries in science are rewarded in two ways, either by the adjudication of prizes or medals to the discoverers, or by honorary admission into foreign societies Among the living cultivators of science in England, twenty-four honorary medals have been adjudged by the Royal Society of London; viz. nineteen Copley medals, given chiefly for the best papers in each volume of the Philosophical Transactions ; two Rumford medals for discoveries on light and heat; and four or five royal medals for specific discoveries, Now it is a curious fact that only a single professor received one of these medals, * viz. Pro- * Mr Leslie, before he was a professor, received the Rumford medals, and Dr Brinkley received a Copley medal as Astronomer Royal of Ireland. 4 Observations on the Decline of Science in England. fessor Bucklarid. Several miedals havéibeen awarded by foreign. societies to English philosophers, but none of them, have found their way to any of our universities. _ With regard to the honorary distinctions conferred by foreign. } academies, we may state without the fear of contradiction, that. the Institute of France is the only body which dispenses its; honours with rigid impartiality. No adventitious circumstances, are permitted to bias their decisions; and if a few votes should, on particular occasions be influenced by personal feelings, they are entirely lost in the unanimity which invariably characterizes the election of associates and corresponding members. Now there are at present in England nineteen corresponding mem- bers of the Institute of France, and not one of them is a pro- Jessor, or even a resident in any of our English universities. —Professor Leslie, indeed, is the only one who fills a chair, but, he had earned this honour before his brilliant talents were lost — to science in the functions of a popular lecturer. It will not be imagined by the candid reader that we mean. to call in question the genius and talent of many eminent, pro- fessors who adorn the universities to which they belong. We appreciate fully their valuable labours as excellent teachers and eloquent lecturers, and we see among them more than one in- dividual who has begun to earn a brilliant reputation, and who, if not overpowered by professional duties, will add to the scien- tific glory of their university and of their country. , Professors Airy and Whevwell of Cambridge, and Professor Hamilton of Trinity College, Dublin, are the individuals to whom we more particularly refer, though there are still others to whom we look with a feeling of hope, which we trust will not be disap- pointed.* The great fact, therefore, of. the. decline of science, and. the necessity of a reform in its institutions, are maintained almost unanimously by the individuals who stand at_the head of English science, and who represent it in foreign coun- tries, and. by .a host of their distinguished fellow-labourers, ' many of whose names are recorded in the celebrated requisi- tion signed by about eighty fellows of the Royal Society, which _*<* Our remarks have no ‘reference to the: sciences of - hn such as geology and natural history. ote —_— ee ee Ee nt Pie ee - n, e e F eee ne ae j ms ' : « _ Observations on the. Decline of Science in England. — 5 called Mr Herschel to become a candidate for the presidency of that institution. ‘Their opponents are the occupiers of ‘of- fices.and chairs’ in the close burghs of our universities, who, as we'have already proved, have not contributed: their proper share to the scientific glory of their country, and who are thriv- ing on the luxuries of pluralities and official emoluments. These individuals have no sympathy for the condition ‘and hardships of their scientific brethren, who, to their ardour for science, have sacrificed all the advantages of professional ambition, and who, in the nightly bivouac of a campaign that never ends, are exhausting their minds, their healths, and their limited means in advancing the interests of their species, and contributing to the intellectual glory of their country. The privileged philo- sophers believe, that in place of science declining, England sur- passes all nations in her scientific men and in her artists; that our philosophical institutions are nearly perfect, and that any attempt to improve them would detract from the wisdom of our ancestors, without adding to that of our posterity. In these views we recognize the arguments which have been used against any—even the smallest and the slowest improve- ments in our political institutions ; and it is curious to discover that the same persons who are opposed to a constitutional re- form in our representative system are in general equally hostile to a reform in our scientific institutions. Sir Robert Peel has on more than one occasion expressed a disbelief in the decline of science in England, and denied that it has not been sufficiently encouraged by the government. Such opinions are a defence of his own conduct as the Home Secretary of England. In this high situation, it was his duty to observe the downfal of English science, and to recommend measures for its recovery. Represent- ing as he did a learned university,—deriving as he did, and as he himself with much good taste declared,* all his importance in society from the useful arts,—canvassing as he, or his friends did for him, for the presidency of the Royal Society ; and en- tering as he did the council of that body,—a peculiar obligation was laid upon him to promote the scientific interests of Eng- land,.and to improve the vicious system of her patent laws. The force of this obligation he could not but feel, and the very * Speech at the meeting for erecting a monument to Mr Watt. 6 Observations on the Decling of Science in England. proofs which he has given of this feeling betray his unwillingness to advance the interests of science. He recommended to his late Majesty to give L. 100 per annum for two royal medals, which are adjudged not to Englishmen alone, but to philosophers in every part of Europe; and he advised his present Majesty to give L.300 per annum to Sir James South, a gentleman of great wealth, in order, to use his own words, “ that the country should bear some portion of the enormous expence which Sir James had in-_ curred in pursuing his researches!” and in order “ fo relieve - the country from the charge of perfect indifference to subjects of a scientific nature!” While the other governments of Europe are building magnificent observatories, and purchasing the most _ expensive instruments for promoting astronomy, a British mi- -‘nister recommends to his munificent Sovereign to pay some por- tion of the enormous expences of a wealthy astronomer, and never feels it his duty to propose any act of liberality to other men who are involving themselves and their families in pecuni- ary difficulties by the noble devotion of their entire minds to the intellectual service of their country. But the British mi- nister has another motive for this Irish act of liberality, namely, the motive of self-defence against the charge of perfect indiffer- ence to subjects of a scientific nature. Which of these motives predominated and prompted the recommendation, we dare not conjecture ; and, however others may think upon the subject, we cheerfully admit that the grant to Sir James South relieves the country from the charge of perfect indifference to science, in the same manner as the miser would sustain his character for charity, by passing by the poor man at his gate, and casting a mite into the treasury of the rich. In thus totally neglecting the scientific interests of his country, Sir Robert Peel has only followed the example of his predeces- sors in office,* and we have given our observations an especial reference to him, because his conduct is best known to our readers, and because being the last occupier of the Secretary- ship of the Home department, and living at a time when the ‘diffusion of knowledge had ceased to terrify weak minds, the * We beg to refer the reader to the Life of Dugald Stewart in this Jour- nal, No. xx. p. 200, for an anecdote of Lord Liverpool, strikingly illustra- tive of this opinion. ee ee sD Observations on the Decline of Science in England. 7 intellectual population of England were entitled. to expect from him a more generous and enlightened policy. When the poli- tics of D’ Alembert, Condorcet, Carnot and Voltaire, were quoted as arguments againt science and literature, there might be some apology for an ignorant minister when he yielded to the fears of his still more ignorant abettors; but in the days of Sir Robert Peel, such fears as these, if they existed at all, were to be found _ only among men defective in reason, and could not even be felt, still less urged, as grounds of hostility to the cultivation of science. ‘The true cause of the indifference of the government was this; the ruling party in Parliament did not contain one single scientific individual, or one single patron of science. There was therefore no influential channel through which scienti- fic claims could be preferred; and in proof of this we can state on | undoubted authority, that when application was made to govern- ment for a grant to construct a great national machine, the mi- nister durst not give his consent till he had obtained the con- currence and recommendation of the eminent philosopher and statesman who was the leader of the opposition. But it was not merely ignorance of science and of its value to a nation that was the cause of this evil. Corruption and ignorance lay with their mingled poison round the tendrils of the tree of knowledge. The fund with which the Sovertign was entrusted for reward- ing merit was all required for the purposes of parliamentary cor- ruption, and the offices which men of talent could have filled with honour and utility, were all reserved for the tools of faction. In reply to these observations, it is usual to adduce some acts of liberality and justice. Is not such a scientific and literary name on the pension list? Was not L. 12,000 or L, 15,000. given for a mineralogical survey of Scotland? Did not several expeditions of discovery sail from our ports? To these ques- tions we answer in the affirmative: But if we were to inquire into the real history of these transactions, we should find that many of them were the merest jobs, though the avowed object of - them was praiseworthy ; while others were the tricks or ex- - pedients of a designing minister, to throw round his measures a thin halo, sufficient to conceal from the people his own scheme of personal aggrandisement. What is it to science that two me- dals are given annually by the Royal Society in the name of c° Observations on the Decline of Science in England» e the King of England to a British or to a foreign philosopher? What is it to science that a wealthy individual receives L. 10,000. for a scientific survey, which could have been executed for L. 1000? or that several expeditions, got up avowedly for a sci- entific object, but really for the benefit of naval men, have left our ports without a single astronomer, hydrographer, or natu- ralist on board? But though such fragments of a shallow and deceitful policy are nothing to science, yet they are everything to a minister. He pleads upon them as points of character, . and when his insincerity is unmasked, and his miserable expe- dients detected, he consoles himself, and blinds his friends, by the proof that he was not perfectly indifferent to the great inte 3 rests that were confided to his care. The object of these observations is to introduce to the conden the opinions of an able cultivator of science, resident in India, respecting the comparative condition of the sciences in England and France, and respecting the decline of science in England. These opinions are given in an excellent work published at Cal- cutta, entitled Gleanings in Science; and we believe we need not scruple to say, that the author of them is Captain Herbert, assistant surveyor-general of India, and late superintendent of the mineralogical survey of that country. ‘To the sentiments which this disinterested and able writer has expressed, we would’ beg the particular notice of our readers, especially of those who may be disposed to entertain an opposite view of the:subject ; and we would direct his particular attention to the absolute co- incidence between Captain Herbert’s views and those of Mr Babbage, Mr Herschel, and the writer of the article on the de- cline of science in the Quarterly Review. ‘“‘ If to the labours of the officers of La Chevrette we add, those of MM. Diard and Duvaucel, of M. Dussoumier, and of a gentleman well known in Calcutta, now busily employed in investigating the natural history and physical geography of In-’ dia, we shall be forced to confess, however humiliating the ac-; knowledgment, that France will have done more in the short period of the peace for making India known to the scientific _ men of Europe, than England has in the whole period during which she has held the country. ‘There is a general spirit of scientific research diffused throughout the French nation, which. — Observations on the Decline of Science in England. 9 can only be attributed to the great interest taken in these inqui- ries, and to the encouragement afforded to their pursuit by the French Government. In England a very different state of things prevails. There, with a few occasional exceptions, every thing is left to private emulation and the promptings of com- mercial enterprise ; so that those branches of science which do not bear so strongly and directly on public utility, as to offer by their cultivation the prospect of fair commercial returns, are left altogether to their own unassisted resources. Yet, even in the vulgar calculation of pounds, shillings and pence, it is a question, whether the policy of the French Government is not superior to ours. It is at all events certain, that their well fur- nished museums, with the fame of their savans, have the effect of attracting numerous Visitors to their capital. It is equally certain, that if any one thirst after scientific knowledge he will go to Paris, as being sure to find there such aid, with ‘ all ap- pliances to boot,’ as can be had in no other city in the world. In fact, if London be considered the capital of the commercial, Paris may be said to be that of the scientific, world, which, though a smaller body, is not without its influence ; at least for good, if not for evil. Paris is pre-eminently the city of the sciences—yet why it should be so, save from the indifference of our influential personages, it would be difficult to say.” Captain Herbert enters still more fully into the subject in his analysis of Mr Babbage’s book, which he appears not to have seen when he composed the preceding extract. ‘¢ The picture,” says he, “ which is here drawn of the state of English science is melancholy in the extreme, and certainly makes the wonder less that we should be so much below the nations of the continent in the cultivation of every branch of science. In one point, however, we differ from our author: he considers the vile system he has exposed, to be the cause of the decline of science : we, on the contrary, are disposed to think that science must already have been at a miserably low ebb in any country where such things ‘ can be, and not o’ercome us as a summer cloud with special wonder.” Where such things could pass as every-day matters, there science must have already declined. ‘* ‘That the low state of science in England is mainly owing to the system of education, is an opinion we had ventured to give be- 10 Observations on the Decline of Science in England. fore seeing the present work ; and'we are glad to see this opinion confirmed by one so much more competent to judge. He. ob- serves—‘ A young man passes from our public schools to the universities, ignorant almost of the elements of every branch of useful knowledge; and at these latter establishments, formed originally for instructing those who are intended for the clerical profession, classical and mathematical pursuits are nearly the sole objects proposed to the student’s ambition.” The perti- nacity with which we cling to a system of education established in the dark ages, and for a particular class, is indeed character- istic of our nation—as one jealous of innovation and intolerant of change. Yet the many practical evils of our perseverance in so absurd a course, generally acknowledged as they are, would seem to be more than sufficient warrant for a new experiment. That some improvement must take place sooner er later, seems evident, but in the meantime we have lost ground in the race, and have allowed ourselves to be outstripped by all the world, even by that scion from our stock, America. ** It-is a consequence, it appears to us, of the little attention paid to science in England, that, unlike the other countries of Europe, it has no separate class or profession, devoting itself to the exclusive cultivation of science. All our scientific charac- ters belong to other professions, on which they depend for their provision, their scientific labours being occasional and desultory. One consequence of this state of things must be, that owing to the claims on their time made by their profession, few of the investigations they engage in can be pursued to a satisfactory issue—nor is it scarcely possible that they should ever attain excellence while their attention is thus divided. A second consequence is, that there is wanting that stimulus of profes- sional rivalry which would often prompt to great discoveries, and equally that wholesome supervision exercised by a profes- sion over all its members, which, giving to each man the credit which he is justly entitled to, is as certain to reward merit as it is to mark deficiency. If a man, ignorant of law and lawyers, wish to employ the first counsel, let him inquire to whom the profession generally look up, and he is not likely to be dis- appointed in his choice. So also in other professions or dis- tinct classes, in which an esprit de corps seems to give every, ‘Observations on the Decline of Science in England. 11 even the lowest, member a sort of interest and pride in the suc- cess and efficiency of the highest. But scientific men in Eng- land have no esprit de corps—the consequence is, they-are di- vided into coteries, parties, cabals. The interests of science are thus lost in the squabbles and party differences of individuals, and the result is every way mischievous. It is not the least evil of this state of things, that no union of effert, or concert of aim, can be expected from them. ‘< Our system of education is undoubtedly the root of the evil, yet it is not sufficient to account altogether for the low estima- tion into which true science has fallen, or for the fact of its having been almost universally replaced by the contemptible system of tricking and puffery here exposed. An. almost equal- ly powerful cause will be found in the want of national encou- ragement, which is the disgrace of England. In the true spirit of a nation boutiquiere, it is said that every commodity, and science amongst the rest, will always, if left to itself, fetch its true value; and that, if required by the public, the demand will necessarily occasion the requisite supply. But the maxim thus applied is as erroneous as it is contemptible. Mr Bab- bage has well shown that science consists of two parts, theory and -practice—in other words, principles and useful results. The latter are the effect of the application of those principles to the affairs of life. Now the investigation of each class of truths is so distinct, that seldom or ever do the qualities of mind, re- quisite for their discovery, unite in the same individual. But it is the latter alone that the public know any thing of, and con- sequently to those who excel in the discovery of practical ap- plications, and to them alone, is the encouragement of the pub- lic given. The investigator of the principles which have been applied, though equally entitled to the reward, is altogether lost sight of. The discoverer, for instance, of the principle of latent heat, as it has been called, had no share of the immense reward which fell to his lot, who suggested merely one applica- tion of so general a law. Yet had Watt not known of this law, would he have ever stumbled on the capital improvement of condensing the steam in a separate vessel. ‘The inventor of the reflecting quadrant could have done little but for the pre- viously known laws of optics; nor could the astronomer have Madi” 12 Obser'vations on the Decline of Science in England. derived ‘much benefit from ‘the instrument, when invented ’as) ~ applicable to determine the longitude, but for those abstruse re- searches of the mathematician, which, assisted by a few obser-. vations, enables him to predict the exact place of the heavenly’ bodies. It will, in fact, be found throughout, that theory and practice must go on together, or, to speak more correctly, prac-' tice cannot move a step but as she leans on theory. The’ limits of the latter will be the limits of the former. Now what encouragement has any one, however well qualified by nature, to devote himself to this branch of the subject? If he be in- dependent, he may perhaps, urged by the strong bias implanted by nature, pursue a path where neither profit nor: distinction, as emanating from the government, await him; but if he has to struggle against the angustas res domi, he will of course turn his attention and talents to some more promising occupa- tion. } ad <¢ In other countries the case is different ; there men of science not only reap distinction and pecuniary reward, but are consi- dered eligible to the first appointments in the state. Mr Bab- bage gives a long list of these; amongst which we may men- tion, as known to our readers, Laplace, a Marquis, and Presi- dent. of the Conservative Senate; ‘Carnot, Minister of War; Chaptal, a Count, and Minister of the Interior ; Cuvier, a Ba- ron, and Minister of Public Instruction: the latter, too, having to struggle with the prejudice against his religion, (the reform- ed.) The consequence of this difference of system is, that on the continent, and specially in France,'science is*in the most flourishing and prosperous condition ; while in England we’are day after day losing all that once made our distinction. Even our mechanical arts connected with science, the encouragement ‘of which can never be trusted to the commercial spirit, are fast losing ground. The achromatic telescopes of Dollond, which once made us a name all over the globe, have been eclipsed by - the productions of an establishment at Munich, assisted as they were by the successful efforts.of an obscure Swiss clock-maker, to manufacture glass of a superior quality,-and in larger pieces. This is one of the many: practical evils attending that total’in- difference to the scientific character of the country, which is particularly indicative of a Government incapable of apprecia- Observations on the Decline of Science in England. 13 ting the value of science, and ignorant of the fostering cares required to assist its progress.” —Pp. 229-230. - In order that our readers may possess the opposite view of the question, we quote the following observations from the Quarterly Review, No. 89, which profess to be the substance of what has been urged by eminent ! scientific pene in reply to Mr Babbage and his friends. i ‘* Men of science,” says the Reviewer, ‘* continue to be bi 2 divided in opinion as to what is, and what is not, the sort of en- couragement which the government of this country ought to give to scientific inquiry.. The views of Mr Babbage, and many others, have been abundantly explained to our readers in a late article; but these are strenuously opposed by persons equally eminent,*—according to whom the case stands thus: “< Whenever the investigation of certain topics would be useful to the public service, but, from whatever cause, such investiga-_ tion is not likely to be undertaken by individual members of the community, it is the clear duty of government, acting as stewards or agents of the public, to employ the means placed in their hands for the advancement of such objects ; but when the members of the community are themselves willing and compe- tent to prosecute the inquiries, the interference of government would be not only useless, but hurtful. There cannot, they proceed, be a doubt that the philosophical pursuits to which the learned members of the French Institute devote their time, are highly beneficial to their country; or that the government of France does well to pension the savans, and to invest them with honours, that these able men may be stimulated to fresh inqui- ries. If science in that country were not kept up by the -pro- tecting hand of government, it would soon languish and die ;— not because those accomplished philosophers, who ‘are the ad- miration of Europe, are at all lukewarm in their. pursuits, but because there is not, in the community at large, either a suffi- cient degree of taste for such things to render them generally fashionable, or enough of wealth to make them profitable. . In England, they assure us, it is quite otherwise. There is not only a very extensive taste for every description of science dif- fused throughout our country, but there is ample wealth, always " * Who are the persons equally eminent with Mr Herschel and Mr Bab- bage ? 14 Observations on the Decline of Science in England. ready, upon the slightest hint, to support. the expences of such investigations. (!!)* For government, therefore, to interfere in England with such things, would be like dashing with the oar to accelerate the cataract. ‘There is abundance of momentum already impressed upon the body, and any additional force ap- plied to it would be wasted. It matters little what may be the object of inquiry in this country; whether it be abstract and refined, or practical and immediately useful—or whether it com- bine the practical with the speculative—or even if it be altoge- — ther absurd and visionary. Let any subject of inquiry be start- ed, it is straightway pursued with ardour; and there is no in- stance that they have heard of. in which any such inquiry has been retarded for want of due encouragement. (!!) + Proceeding to examples, they tell us there was a time when the Royal So- ciety was supposed to be the only grand fountain of knowledge in the kingdom. At length, certain of its members conceived their favourite pursuit not sufficiently attended to, and in a few months was established the Geological Society. Since that period, the astronomers have, in like manner, set up for them- selves; and so far from being in want of further encourage- ment, these interesting bodies derive, from the pockets of their own members, every assistance they can possibly desire. These are only two out of many similar societies in London, all of them numerous, and all of them supported by the voluntary contributions of their own members. But the other day Mr Barrow pointed out the want of a society which should devote itself expressly to geographical subjects, and in less than three months, five hundred and fifty members came forward to enter their names, all ready to pay their subscriptions, and upwards of a hundred of them to compound by a ten years’ purchase for their annual payments. ‘We are asked if, after this, we can question the sincerity and zeal with which scientific objects are de Sacto encou- raged in England? We are told that we should surprise our rea- ders were we to lay before them an account of the sums of money actually paid annually by the scientific and literary bodies of the metropolis alone, to say nothing of those which may be y Where i is this wealth to be found? The statement is most incorrect, + These persons must be very ignorant of the state of scientific inquiry in England. s Re . * Observations on the Decline of Science in England. 15 found in almost every town in the empire. We are asked if — the money thus raised by voluntary and cheerful contribution, and expended most judiciously on purely scientific objects, is _ not only fifty times greater than the whole amount so ostenta- tiously distributed by the government of our neighbours; but fifty times greater than the executive of this country could ven- ture to collect for any such purpose, or would be permitted to bestow even if they did collect it? Then as to titles and other external distinctions, is it not precisely because such honours are distributed with a sparing hand im this country, that they are felt, when bestowed, as of real value by the individuals selected, and carry solid weight with the body of the nation? - “© Having thus stated the substance of what has been urged among scientific people, in reply to Mr Babbage, and part of our own reviewal of his late treatise, we consider ourselves as having given all readers the means of judging for themselves between the contending parties. ‘Truth, as in most cases, may most probably lie between. That all Mr Babbage’s complaints and our own have been answered we do not think; but croak- ing is not our element, and it is a pleasing relief to do jus- tice to the admirable style in which, with regard to one great object of scientific inquiry, the British government in our day has unquestionably done its duty—carrying the wishes of the country into effect, by bringing its resources to a focus, and ap- plying them in a manner which the government alone could have had the means of doing,—we allude to the case of arctic discovery. * * * * * *« It is fair, then, to own, that in our view, Mr Babbage and his allies should not have passed in silence what has been done by the executive for this single investigation.” With some of these observations ‘* Mr Babbage and his allies” will not be disposed to quarrel ; for they have themselves expe- rienced how great a demand England makes upon the generosity of individuals for the support of her scientific institutions: but: this very fact is the result of the indifference of the government, and is the most satisfactory proof of it that can be desired. We beg, however, to remind the learned author of the preceding extract, that societies may meet in countless numbers,—may elect their functionaries,—-and publish their transactions,—and 16 Observations on the Decling of Science in England. compound for their annual payments,—and “ eat their white bait,”"—while inventive genius has been blighted by the disfa- vour of government, and all original scientific research entirely extinguished. ‘The enormous sums of money collected by so- cieties, and which, by a strange hyperbole, the reviewer states to be fifty times greater than that distributed by the French government, afford an irrefragable proof of the position main- tained by Mr Babbage. They are wasted in house-rent, taxes, wages of servants, and expensive transactions; and it would be difficult to point out any well marked instance where the funds in question have been applied to promote the direct interests of science or of scientific men. With regard to the Arctic expeditions, Mr Babbage and his allies had nothing whatever to do with the consideration of them ; and in asserting the scientific pre-eminence of France, no notice was taken of her admirably conducted voyages of discovery. A British ship of discovery may be at work in every parallel of lati- tude, and yet the mathematical and physical, and even the natu- ral knowledge, and the scientific arts of England, may be utterly extinct. The interests of naval men would indeed be promoted ; but as men of science have been carefully excluded from all such expeditions, we must judge of their utility solely by their results. Of these results we have often spoken in the highest terms of praise; but if we compare them with the enormous expence at which they have been obtained, they sink into comparative insig- nificance ; and we have no hesitation in stating, that the enormous sum admitted by the reviewer to have been lavished on our nine voyages of discovery, would have formed a capital for endow- ing the most noble establishments for encouraging and reward- ing scientific merit, and promoting the best interests of England: The ministers of Great Britain never failed to distribute the national treasure with a liberal hand, provided it was to be spent by the Lords of the Admiralty, or the Board of Ordnance. Offices, and honours, and petisions, were heaped in profusion off military and naval men, as if no other kind of merit deserved their notice. But it is to be hoped that these dark times are gone,—that the eclipse of science is oyer,—that the arts of peace will replace those of war,—and that a regenerated govern- ment will study to foster the true interests of their country. ~ Mr Forbes on Polar Temperature. 17 - Art. II. nceGleotmations respecting Professor Leslie's For- mula for the Decrease of Heat in the Atmosphere ; and his Opinions respecting the Polar Temperature. By James D. Forzes, Esq. F. R. S. Ed. Communicated by the Author. My Dear Sir, : - As I know that in every question of literary justice, nunguam sero is your motto, I cannot help drawing your attention to an atticle which appeared some years since in your Journal, com- municated by an anonymous correspondent. It is in No. ix. First Series, and has for title, ““ Demonstration of Professor Leslie’s Formula for determining the decrease of Heat depend- ing on the Altitude, without ‘a delicate and patient research.’ ” It is only very recently that, having paid attention to this very curious subject, I have been led to examine every statement connected with it which came under my observation. Now the article to which I allude excited my particular attention, and the result of my inquiries into the merits of the case was, that the author of it must, to say the least, have been very imperfectly acquainted with what had been done on the sub- ject. His demonstration amounts merely to this, that, from the ordinary logarithmic formula, he undertakes to give one which shall be identical with the law of uniform decrease of temperature, at the rate of 1° Cent. for 81 fathoms of altitude. To do this would indeed have been a small boon to science, and we might certainly have expected, that, instead of confin- ing himself to the undemonstrated enunciation contained in Professor Leslie’s Elements of Geometry, he would have con- sulted the article Climate, in the Supplement to the Encyclo- peedia Britannica, which was even then published some years, where he would have discovered, that the ‘‘ delicate and patient research” alluded to was of an experimental kind, and so de- serving of that appellation, that, frgm the very refined nature of the experiments, (which were instituted to determine the capacity of air of different degrees of density for heat,) few philosophers have been disposed to place the same confidence - in the deductions to which they lead, as the Professor himself has done. Indeed, previous to the appearance of the article before us, a highly distinguished philosopher had expressed his NEW SERIES, VOL. V. No. I, JULY 1831. B 18 Mr Forbes on Polar Temperature. surprise at the coincidence of observations, with principles de- duced from such experiments, which could only be repeated ¢ on the small scale.* But what makes me farther regret the ap- pearance of the article in No. ix. of your Jowrnal, is, that the demonstration from the logarithmic formula had actually been given by Mr Ivory in the paper to which I allude,—not, how- ever, for the purpose of showing that Professor Leslie’s formula was incorrect, because it deviated from the law of strict pro- portionality to the heights,—but to point out the relation which it bore to such a law,—a law which, I believe, is now supported in all its generality by few philosophers. Let the formula, therefore, be examined on its own merits, such as they are; but let it not be condemned as a mere rude approximation to a known law given under a new form. I may also add, that, instead of referring it to the barometer, as im the expression 26 (5-3): Professor Leslie now puts it under the more correct form of 25 (5 — 6 ) where ¢ is the density of the air, which includes the influence of temperature. Having thus acquitted myself of what I considered it my duty to do when I was enabled fully to clear up the facts of the case which had recently engaged my attention, I take this opportunity of saying a word or two upon another speculation of the same philosopher, which I am afraid has less ground in experiment than the so called “ delicate and patient research.” Whilst I saw Professor Leslie’s opinions on the Mean 'Tem- perature of the Pole confined to purely scientific works, I had comparatively little anxiety to attempt to show their fallacy, because the few who might there peruse them could in some measure be considered as judges of the data upon which they were founded. But when I see the same theoretical deduc- tions brought forward in support of assertions, against which conclusive experiments strongly militate, in a work of a purely popular character, and of considerable circulation, + I could have wished to see the question brought forward in its true — light by some one more competent to the task than myself ; * Philosophical Magazine, 1821. + Edin. Cabinet Library, Polar Regions, p. 12, ; -6 a a ne se - = one ———— = ee a ee a ey eee Mr Forbes on Polar Temperature. 19. but a second edition having appeared without any amelioration in this particular, I cannot help pointing out, in the first place, the inexpediency (to use no stronger a word) of putting con- clusions, purely speculative, against the weight of stubborn facts ; and, in the newt, I shall endeavour to show the fallacy by which these two results have been set in opposition to one another. I say nothing as to the general question of Mayer’s empirical law of climate; I confine myself to the important assumption to which its principal deviations from observation may be traced, that the mean temperature of the Pole is 32° Fahr.,—an opi- nion which Professor Leslie long maintained, and has only now modified, by reducing it to 28° Fahr.,—the freezing point of sea-water. ‘That in the time of Mayer such a position should have been maintained, need not much surprise us, since few observations had been made of the meteorology of the higher latitudes ; but that in our own day, when Humboldt had shown that the Isothermal line of 32°, passed between Lat. 65° and 71° in Europe, and as low as 55° in America ; * and above all, when the direct experiments of our Arctic navigators had shown that the mean temperature of the Pole must approach zero of Fahrenheit nearer than 32°, some strong cause must be as- signed for scepticism. The grand obstacle to the admission of these truths is the supposed consequence of so low a tempera- ture in increasing to an indefinite extent the accumulation of ice in the Arctic regions, —an effect which has certainly not taken _ place; for (as Mr Leslie justly remarks) the length of the day would thereby be increased, which can be shown not to have happened even to the most minute amount during the last 2000 years. Now, taking up the question even at this point, we have a right to call upon all who support the modern system-of inductive philosophy, to subject speculations to facts, and, however singular might appear the stationary quantity of Polar ice, to put into the class of unresolved phenomena the low temperature of the Polar regions, determined during a large portion of several different years, by Parry, and Frank- lin, and Scoresby, and Lyon, and, least of all, attempt to avoid the force of the cumulative evidence of registers, which meteo- * Mémoires d Arceuil, tome iii. p. 525. 20 Mr Forbes on Polar J’emperature. rologists at home would do well ‘to emulate, by ascribing the monstrous deviation of aoontyiey or thirty degrees to “ latent and material inaccuracies.” But, upholding i in the first place such a submission of theory to experience, I propose, with all deference, to offer an explana- tion of the supposed anomaly, that ice does not accumulate under the Arctic Circle. This I,shall endeavour to do by show- ing, first, the difference of operation in the formation and dis- solution of ice ; second, the influence of marine, —and lastly, of aérial currents. I. That the mean temperature of a climate is the only ira of the preponderance of the power which forms, or that which dissolves, ice, has been thought an undeniable fact, because, though vegetable productions may, under other circumstances, be equally matured in climates differing much in mean tempe- rature, this arises from the comparative intensity of the heat of a short summer, which is yet sufficiently long to bring par- — ticular crops to perfection. But, with regard to the summer and winter effect, however distributed, upon ice, it is argued that the effect must depend solely upon the mean temperature, because the conversion of water into ice, and the reconversion of the latter into the former, require a degree of comparative cold in the one case, and of comparative heat in the other, which admit of arithmetical estimation, and are precisely com- mensurate. All this is undeniable ; but if we examine the mode of the formation and dissolution of ice, we shall find an admir- able provision of nature for preventing the former action from overbalancing the latter. Suppose the sea reduced at the sur- face to 28°; if a sudden fall of temperature in the air takes place, ice will be formed very rapidly,—even to several inches in thickness in one night. But observe the effect of the con- tinuance of cold: the thickness of the ice cannot be increased on that side next the frigorific influence, namely, the’ atmo- sphere; the material is the sea-water, and exists only below ; the influence of that intense cold, therefore, which lowers by so great a number of degrees the annual mean, must be exert- ed through the difficult conductor of the mass of ice already formed, and the intensity of its impression is always rendering more tedious the accession of cold to the sea-water, by thick- a ‘ — Mr Forbes on Polar Temperature. 21 ening the defence of ice; the mean temperature of the air may thus be indefinitely low, whilst that of the junction of ice and water cannot be under 28°. But mark the contrastiof the pro- cess of thawing. Here the material for operation, or the ice, is always exposed to the atmospheric influence; here there is no difficultly conducting medium to shelter it from the oppo- site extreme; but not only this, for we have the authority of Professor Leslie himself for saying that the dissolution com- mences newt the water. It is actively going on upon both sides of the ice at once; the currents of warmer water ascending from: lower latitudes are able to effect the partial destruction of the fields before the solar rays have acquired sufficient power to commence their active energy above. But not merely do these causes combine to this great end, but the fall of rain, and the insinuation of moisture through the pores of the ice, tend to its rapid dismemberment ; yet Mr Leslie has confined his cal- culations to the mere thickness of a cake of ice, which the so- lar rays, with a given degree of obliquity, can dissolve. II. We must attend to the important, but little known, ope- rations which nature is constantly performing through the agency of marine currents, before we can pronounce upon the quantity of ice melted under a given latitude or mean tempe- rature; and we have just quoted the best authority for the fact, that the commencement of the thaw-is from below. The laws of hydrostatics prepare us for the fact, that currents of various kinds, and modified by an infinity of local circum- stances, must effectually prevent stagnation in the ocean, and preserve a certain interchange between the Equatorial and Po- lar regions. Their precise nature and extent must often be disguised or wholly unperceived, especially from our ignorance of. causes in action at great depths, which must be materially modified by the remarkable law of the irregular variation of the volume of water by heat, from which it follows that water, perhaps near 50° of temperature, may have a superior specific gravity to surface water at the freezing point of the ocean, or 28°. It is easy, therefore, to speculate upon the sudden effects which may ensue from the action of currents at the critical moment of the disruption of the ice, and, though easier to spe- culate upon than to analyze, there are none so bold as to deny AZ Mr Forbes on Pola® Temperature. the powers which nature thus holds in store, and which may be operating the most important ends, although out of the reach of our senses. III. The last point upon which I have to insist, (for I ony touch upon what I consider the most important facts,) is the influence of aérial currents, or the strong north winds which prevail in the Arctic regions at the.time of the breaking up of the ice. If we refer to the details of navigators, we shall find that the phenomena of this period are very different from what philosophers in their closets generally set about theorizing upon. The latter would imagine to themselves a lake or pond having acquired a few inches of ice at a temperature little below 32°; here indeed the process of the dissolution is slow enough;—but how different is ice in its own proper region, with a temperature of about 30 below zero, in the month of March; it suffers a _ rapid and irregular expansion of volume in the succeeding month, when winter suddenly rushes into the comparatively intense heat of the short-lived Arctic summer. The icy fields are ruptured with tremendous violence, and separate with a fearful crash from the eternal glaciers of the ice-bound shores to which they were cemented. All causes become at once ripe for action ; the expanded volume of the crust,—the liquefying influence of now powerful solar rays, and the penetrating effect of showers, prepare every thing for the action of those prevail- ing northerly winds, which, by the accounts of navigators, in a few hours change totally the whole aspect of the horizon, as far as the eye can reach; and hurry whole thousands of acres down to more southern climates, where the greater part is speedily melted by the joint influence of solar warmth and a higher mean temperature of the ocean; but some masses even reach extremely far into the Temperate Zone. Can we then fail to see a vast difference between the process of freezing and of dissolution; and have we not shown, even in this rapid sketch, sufficient causes to account for the apparent anomaly which we proposed to explain? I perfectly agree with Mr Leslie, that, “‘ to discuss with accuracy the question of the pe- riodical formation and destruction of the Polar ice, it becomes — necessary to explain the true principles which regulate the dis- tribution of heat over the globe ;” and I have only. to regret a Se ee eee Mr Potter on the Aurora Borealis. 23 that he did not, as he promised, ‘‘ attempt to perform it indepen- dent of every hypothesis, by a direct appeal to experiment and observation. ”* Tremain, my Dear Sir, ever most truly yours, J AMES D. Fores. 5th March 1831. To Dr Brewster. Art. III.—Observations on the Meteor called the Aurora Bo- realis, with Calculations, Trigonometrical and Analytical, to- wards determining the position and the course of the Arches, with respect to the surface of the Earth. By R. Potrer, Esq. Junior. Communicated by the Author. ‘ Tue magnificent meteor called the Aurora Borealis has been one which has awakened throughout all ages the feelings of wonder and astonishment in the minds of mankind. Amongst the superstitious it has been always regarded as an omen of fearful portent, betokening the most awful calamity to the in- habitants of the earth ; and though we now look at it with a philosophic eye, and speculate on its connections with electricity and magnetism, its wonderful and ever-varying forms of shining nebulous masses, of spiring evanescent streamers, or more lasting and not less magnificent arches, with the brilliant tints which it occasionally assumes, excite still in us amaze- ment and delight whilst viewing it as an exhibition of one of nature’s operations on a scale which our imagination in vain endeavours to grasp. It is no matter of surprise, then, that since the revival of learning, this meteor should have often at- tracted the attention of philosophers to consider its nature and causes, and, in connection with these, its position in space, or its height above the surface of the earth: indeed, until we can with some precision determine its locality, it is in vain to spe- culate on the extent of its dependence, either on the atmo- sphere or even the more ponderable parts of our planet; and hence to determine its height is the first step we can take in the investigation, and it is a matter of disgrace to science at this day that such discordant opinions should prevail amongst scientific men on the subject. * Polar Regions, p. 7. 24 Mr Potter on the Aurora Borealis. Amongst our countrymen, Mr Cavendish had, by trigono- metrical measurement, computed the height of an arch to be between 52 and 71 miles, and afterwards Mr Dalton, by the same method, on a base of 22 miles, found the height of an arch to be about 150 miles ; see his Meteorological Essays, page 175; and from the observations of others, he has since, see Phil. Trans. for 1828, brought out the height of another arch to be at least 100 miles. These computations would un- doubtedly place the meteor at a distance from the earth at which the atmosphere, if it reaches it at all, must be of the greatest rarity, and where the aurora must be almost beyond the immediate effect of the ordinary changes near the surface. An opinion has been adopted by Lieut. Hood and Dr Ri- chardson, from observations made during the northern over- land expedition, that the meteor occurs in the region only just above the clouds, and the same view has been supported by Mr Farquharson of Aberdeenshire,—see his papers in the Phil. Trans. for 1829 and 1830. ‘These observers have made no sufficient trigonometrical measurements to give even a plau- sibility to their views; they seem to have been governed in their opinions by hypothetical assumptions of the aurora being an electrical phenomenon, depending on the condensation of aqueous vapour ; instead of first seeking correctly its height, and then forming their theory. It is so easy a thing to any person who sees an aurora which passes nearly over his head, to convince himself, even without either instruments or possession of the ordinary mathematical knowledge, that it is more than a few miles from him; that I consider it a reflection on any one’s capacity and judgment, who, having once seen it so situated, comes to the conclusion that it is only just above the region of the clouds. And of those who have not observed the aurora,.and would yet be anxious to support the same opinion, I should say unhesitatingly, that they are either ignorant of what has been done on the subject, or entertain an unphilosophical bias, which prevent their exa- . mining it correctly. I have myself watched many Aurora Boreales, and had the — good fortune to observe the one on the evening of the 29th September 1828, of which J left amemorandum of particulars with Mr Dalton, the next morning. Accounts of the same ; ; Mr Potter on the Aurora Borealis. 25 arch have been given in the Philosophical Magazine, by Dr Burney of Gosport, Davies Gilbert, Esq., Captain Kater, and Mr Utting. And three gentlemen of my acquaintance, who, having arrived by the steam-packet, were proceeding from King- stown to Dublin outside the coach, were struck with the bril- liancy of the arch, which passed almost exactly over their heads. And it is rather an unaccountable circumstance to those who adopt Lieut. Hood’s and Dr Richardson’s views, that the whole of the observers speak of seeing only one arch. To meet the objection, that the observers at different places are generally viewing different arches, I, a short time since, caught the idea, that, if we knew the direction which these arches, (the only part of the phenomena which afford sufficient | data for determining the height in the first instance with any degree of exactness,) take over the surface of the earth, then when they are at different elevations, their apparent curvature cannot be the same for every different one ; but on the assump- tion that we have found the law of their true curvature, their height and distance might be determined from their apparent one. On further considering the subject, I found that, if the law of the magnetic variation were exactly ascertained, and could-be reduced to a general formula, then the height of an arch must be determined accurately from its apparent curva- ture when it was symmetrical ; or at an even distance from the earth in every part; the only reason we can give for the very symmetrical appearance they frequently take ; and it is univer- sally allowed that they then are found at right angles to the magnetic meridian. With this basis we may now examine the different theories which have been advanced, and compare them with trigono- metrical computations. Lieut.. Hood, Dr Richardson, and Mr Farquharson consider the whole phenomena as at low ele- vation ; then, as small portions of the arches on that view could only be seen, and being at right angles to the magnetic meridian, they would not, in the whole of their visible extent, differ sensibly from a great circle; and Captain Kater says he traced the one of the 29th September 1828, to coincide nearly with a great circle. The problem of determining the height of the aurora from one observation, by considering it as an arc 26 Mr Potter on the Aurora Borealis. of such a circle, depends on the possibility of the solution of this question from the following data: A plane being tangent to a given sphere, given the angular bearings from the point of tan- gence, of the points where a circle concentric with the sphere cuts the tangent plane, and also the angular elevation of the highest — point of the circles to determine its radius; the most moderate . knowledge of mathematics suffices to tell us that no such twocir- cles can, on the same side of the pointof tangence, appear to coin- cide exactly in all points. Let K AM, in Plate IT. Figure 6 of last Number, be the portion of a sphere to which the plane Y A X is tangent at the point A, let the centre of the sphere be the origin of the co-ordinates, let the plane of w # be in the magnetic meridian, and the plane of ay parallel to the tangent plane; then C BD, being an arc of a great circle, we have given the radius of the sphere (7,) the angular bearing of the highest point of the arc B.A X, which is in the plane of # x, (let the trig. tang. of this angle equal e,) and theangleD A X in the tangent plane, (of which let f equal the trig. tang.,) let the equation of the plane in which the great circle is, be ~=wa, then, if we have sufficient data to find the value of w, the cir- cle is clearly determinate, but we have in the plane of # x the following 7 =us,s=Pr + ea, and 2 + 3? = R’, where R is the radius of the great circle; and for the points where it cuts the tangent plane, whose equation is x’ = 7, we have a =ur,y =fa', anda? + y'* + x? = R’, or seven equations to determine seven unknown quantities, or eliminating a, %, 2’, ' : ; 2 7, x, and R, we arrive at this equation, Maa adi + u a aT aed 2 or substituting for w its value — we fi 3 a’? vr 59 5 +f* ; may ne it under this ns a> — a2 7 — — 2 af ie ong ~ of which equations will, of course, produce shiec-wiil real or imaginary, for « and x. Now, on the afternoon of the 26th December last, the sky became very regularly covered at . distances with stratus clouds, and though some had very small apparent altitude, yet the whole appeared to meet almost to- gether in two opposite points of the horizon. If we take an Pipa ee i ~ Mr Potter on the Aurora Borealis. 2% example and suppose that a cloud, or an arch of an Aurora, which was a portion of a great circle, for an elevation of 30° in its centre, extended 170° on the horizon, we find by the above formula that such an object, taking the smallest value of « which the formula gives, must be at rather more than 20 miles in height to fulfil the conditions; but the arches of the aurora are never observed to have so flattened a form as this; and when we apply the formula to actual observations, the height comes out so great as to be quite improbable. And, speaking from recollection only, I believe that two arches which I have seen had so much apparent curvature, or had so little extent on the horizon, compared with their altitude, that when I attempted calculations for them, on the supposition of their being arcs of great circles, the three values for w came out quite imaginary; and such as were impossible to be constructed geometrically. Hence this supposition must be abandoned. From all we know of the magnetic variation at present, it is more probable that Mr Dalton’s supposition, (Meteorological Essays, page 181,) that the arches are similar to parallels of latitude -around the magnetic pole, is much nearer the truth than the former supposition. On this ground the problem is equally determinate with the other, or we may say more so, as we shall find that only one such small circle can fulfil the con- ditions required from the data; whereas in the other, there are, real or imaginary, three values for R. It will be easily seen by any one acquainted with analytical geometry, on re- _ferring to Figure 7, that in this case we have the following equations, s = r + ¢a, w? + s? = R’im the plane of wz and y¥ =fx, uv? + yy? + x” = R’ in the tangent plane, having 2’ = r for its equation. And also, as we consider the arch a portion of a small circle in a plane perpendicular to the sup- posed magnetic axis, we have (w — a)? + (x —c)? = R®, and (a — a)? + y® + (x —c)? — R”, taking R’, the radius of the small circle considered in its own plane, where we have nine unknown quantities, and seven equations; but if we take g equal the trig. tang. of the complement of the mag- netic polar distance of the place of observation A, or of the angle, M O 2, we establish the following conditions, e=agand a? + c? + R”? — R? and the whole of the un- 28 Mr Potter on themAurora Borealis, known guantities may be determined. In the course of the elimination it is convenient to put /—14+4//?, m= 1 +, n= 1+ 9%, and p= 1 + cg, and we find the value of a for | the particular case of each arch to come out this. eile! ex- gpl—gm+2ep pression, a — r ( pF pa a has only one value for each position of the arch, or fulfilling the same data. From this value of a we easily find those for 241 a ise 0 ce, vw, # and R, as we havec=ag,a”= = and , @+82—re, A 4 With these we easily find the height of the arch. Taking as example e = tng. tang. 10°, and SJ = trig. tang. 40°, and making g in round numbers = trig. tang. 50°, we bring out the height of such an arch to be 276.7 English miles. I am myself convinced that there is a very great distance between the limits in height at which arches may exist, and this will be seen by any one who notices the different apparent curvatures which they take for the same angular elevation ; but I have a very singular observation, which goes to show that the same arch may descend nearer the earth. On the |, which tells us that : 9 ta _— evening of the 20th February 1830, about half-past 11 o’clock, | I saw that there was an arch of an aurora ;. and, from a bright mass beneath its eastern extremity, there arose several stream- ers, which appeared to pass through the arch, and ascend toa considerable height above it, say to 30° altitude. The air was very cold and frosty, with a north-west wind and clear sky. It was very clear underneath the arch, though at first there were some small and very black clouds, which assisted me in deter- mining the elevation. At half-past 11 the altitude of the un- der edge was very near 15°, and the breadth of the arch 5°, ! A little before 12 o’clock, I estimated the height again, pa called it only 12° to 15°, which made me suspect that I had before called ittoo much. A little after 12 o’clock the arch became very distinct and uniformly bright, and its under edge along the whole part, which I could see,—namely, from about the magnetic north-eastward, was quite distinctly defined, and the light appeared to be glowing off uniformly along the whole Mr Potter on the Aurora Borealis. 29 extent of the upper edge without the appearance of a single streamer. The altitude during its brightest and best defined _ period was 10° to 12°. It then became gradually fainter, and its altitude kept decreasing. At 6 to 8 minutes past 12, its altitude did not exceed 10°. It then became very diffuse in the magnetic north, and at 15 minutes past 12 it was dying away very quickly, its altitude only 5°, and still no appearance of streamers from it. Now, as they are said never to proceed from the south towards the north, but the reverse, and as this arch was in the northern part of the heavens, its decrease in ap- parent altitude could only arise from a real decrease in its height from the surface of the earth. One of the most brilliant displays of the aurora we have had visible here was the one on the evening of Christmas day, (for unfortunately the sky was obscured by clouds during that of the 7th January, which was so fine a one to the inha- bitants of the south of England ;)' and though the moon was shining brightly, and only about four days from the full, it was by far the most brilliant and extensive that I have seen: I was told about 40’ past 6 that an arch of an aurora was vi- sible; at about 10’ to '7 it was regular and well-defined, pas- sing a little below the pole star ; about 15/ afterwards its under edge was higher than « Polaris, and at the western extremity it passed about 6° to the south of « Aquilz, counted on the ho- rizon ; its eastern extremity was diffuse and not so well-de- fined ; about 7 o’clock another arch had formed at about 15° of elevation, y Ursz Majoris being in its under edge ; about 10’ after, the next star in the tail of the Bear was in its under edge, or its altitude was about 20°, at which position it re- mained during the display ; its under edge passed about 5° to the north of « Agui/e counted on the horizon. The higher arch disappeared and reappeared several times; when, at its most southern position, it passed very near the zenith, Capella being in its southern edge, and the more remarkable stars in Cassiopeia being covered by it; it appeared about 6° to 7° broad, and no part of the aurora passed farther to the south than this arch, excepting, perhaps, a few streamers, which shot past its western edge towards the point to which the south pole of the dipping needle tends, so that it will form a good object 80 Mr Potter on the@Aurora Borealis. for trigonometrical computation to those who have observed it — at some distance from Manchester, on the same magnetic me- | ridian. The place at which I observed it is about 13 miles to | the north of Manchester. These two arches were very regular and symmetrical, said to the sight evidently very nearly at right angles to the mag- — netic meridian ; but between them there occurred a profusion — of irregular bands of light, taking different fantastic forms. — Often they appeared like loops, turning again on themselves; — at other times they appeared of a waved form, like a ribbon © thrown down at random. ‘These bands were generally from — 4° to 5° broad. They appeared to proceed from an immense — mass of nebulous misty light in the north-east, and, when they — had extended along the northern horizon, they appeared to light up at their eastern end, and dissipate in streamers and — glowing masses, the lightmg up proceeding onwards towards — the west. When dissipated, other fresh bands of different forms proceeded in the same manner from the eastern maga- zine, if I may so call it, and were dissipated in like mannerin — their turn. A succession of these phenomena occurred during two hours. At 9 o'clock the aurora was dying away very quickly. About 7 o’clock the western end of the higher arch became of a fine bright ruby red, which continued for some time. Many of the streamers near that end also were of the same tint, and some were red on their western edge, and shad- ing into yellowish green on the eastern. Though the two arches, between which the other phenomena appeared, were symmetrical and at right angles to the magnetic meridian, yet these irregular bands seemed as if less under the same influ- ence ; for, though the whole might pass in the direction of the regular arches, yet parts of then were seen extending in re tions at all angles to the meridian. The arch which was visible on the evening of the 12th De. cember last was observed by John Blackwall, Esq. of Crump- gall Hall, about two miles north of Manchester; and I am indebted to him for the following particulars :—‘“ On the even- ing of the 12th December 1830, at 85 15/ p. m. a well-defined arch of an Aurora Borealis suddenly succeeded to a splendid display of streamers, which were lighted up from east to west, Mr Potter on the dutora Borealis. 31 and west to east, alternately. At 20’ past 8 the vertex of the arch attained an elevation of about 15° above the north-western horizon, from which it did not deviate while it continued visi- ble. ‘The arch was about 5° broad, and was bisected by the magnetic meridian. Although the sky continued perfectly cloudless prior to 10 o'clock, this was the only arch seen, and there was not the slightest appearance of an aurora in any other part of the heavens.” This arch was observed also by Dr Burney of Gosport, to whom the world is indebted for so many valuable meteorological observations. He says, in the Philosophical Magazine, that at the time he estimated the alti- tude at 8°; but having written to him to know if -he meant this for the upper or the under edge, I am favoured by his reply, stating, that, on further consideration, he thinks '7° for the upper edge might be nearer its altitude, as he only esti- mated it hastily to be about 8° at half-past 8 o'clock. Though these low arches are not the most desirable for trigonometrical computations, yet this has the advantage of having been for a long time stationary, and Gosport and Man- chester are very nearly on the same magnetic meridian. Where we do not estimate nearer than whole degrees, we may disre- gard the effect of refraction ; and, calling the chord of the arc of the meridian, between the places of observation, 193 miles, and adding 1° 23’ to the altitude at the former place, and sub- tracting the same quantity from that at the latter, on account of the effect of the curvature of the earth, we find the distance of the highest point of the arch from Gosport to have been 498 miles if its altitude were 7°, or 615 miles if 8°, and its elevation above the surface of the earth 99 miles in the former case, and 134 in the latter. The arch which was seen on the 29th September 1828, at- tained at Gosport an elevation of 70°, or about 20° above « Po- laris. With me it was visible south of the zenith, and was in quick motion during the whole time I saw it. It passed over 8 Pegasi at about 15’ past 8 o’clock, and, when its northern edge was about 5° south of that star, it was become hardly perceptible. Its breadth was very nearly 5°. Hence its low- est apparent altitude may be taken at 54°, or, if Dr Burney only gave its altitude of 70°, whilst still of considerable bright- ness, we must allow an altitude of 60° for its southern edge at 82 Mr Potter on the Aurora Borealis Manchester. ‘These being corrected for the curvature of the . earth, give the real elevation as from 197 to 218 English miles. If we examine the arch of the 12th December by the for- mula for a small circle around the magnetic pole,—as the eastern end was observed to cut the horizon near the Lion’s neck, and « Aquilee was in its upper edge in the western horizon,— it must have had an extent in azimuth of about 115° for its under edge, and its altitude was found for the same edge to be 10°. On these data we find the value of w to be 350.56 English miles, and that of 2’ to be 421.67, and R — 7, or its height 77 miles, taking the magnetic polar distance of Man- chester at 41°, which it appears to be nearly, calculating from Captain Parry’s observations on the position of the Pole. Then for the upper edge we have to add the breadth of the arch, which we find to be 31 miles, and the height is 77. + 31108 miles,—a quantity agreeing as well with the trigonometrical computations as we can expect, when we see that the data are furnished only in round numbers. The arches seen on the 25th December were too diffuse on their eastern ends for noticing the stars they passed near ; but, cal- culating from the magnetic north to their western end, I see that they had less proportional extent in azimuth to their alti- tude than the one calculated above, and so venture to predict, that, if sufficient observations have been made for trigonome- trical computations, that aurora will be found to have been at a higher elevation than the one of the 12th December. These confirm the former calculations of Mr Dalton bd others, by assigning a great elevation to this meteor; but I consider this as a secondary consideration to that of proving, when we have correct measurements with divided instruments, © the extent of conformity with small circles (or say rather cy- lindrical rings,) round the pole, or the extent of the deviation from them. This involves the important subject of the mag- netic variation and dip, which we should leave no means of 1 in- vestigating unexplored. It will be seen that we are not tied to the angles of the nb where the arch cuts the horizon, but may take them at any other elevations with proper instruments ; and by substituting, in place of the eyuation of the tangent plane, that of any other given plane passing through the place of observation, we shall _ Mr Taylor on the respiratory organs and Air-bladder, &c. 33 obtain a similar formula. It will be seen, that, if an arch of 10° elevation and 115° extent be 108 miles high, we must see about 850 miles of its inner edge; and a much greater length of its outer edge; and we may entertain a hope, that, being on such a scale, something important may be learned on the electro-magnetic theory of the earth, by comparing the calcu- lated curvature with the various theories. SmepLey Hatt, Feb. 15th 1831. Art. [V.—On the Respiratory Organs and Air-Bladder of certain Fishes of the Ganges. By J. Taytor, Esq. * Awmonce the peculiarities of internal structure in the fishes of the Ganges, the most remarkable, in a physiological point of view, are those connected with the organs of respiration and the air-bladder, in certain species of the genera Ophiocephalus, Bola, Coius, Trichopodus, Macropteronotus, Pimelodus, Silu- rus, Mystus, and Clupanadon. The Macropteronotus Magur, Coius Cobojius, Trichopodus Colisa, Ophiocephalus Gachua, and Silurus Singio, present, in addition to the usual number of gills observed in osseous fishes, certain respiratory organs, which admit, it would seem from the tenacity of life possessed by these species, of a higher de- - gree of oxygenation of the blood than is effected by means of common branchie. Macropteronotus Magur. This species (the Silurus Batra- chus of Bloch) possesses, in a deep cavity on each side of the head, two arborescent branchiz, similar to those discovered by M. Geoffroy, in the Si/wrus Anguillaris of the Nile. These organs supply the place of the superior or cranial limbs of the two middle arches, and consist of two vascular trunks, that spread out into numerous small branches, resembling a tree destitute of foliage, or rather a corroded preparation of the * Mr Taylor has been so kind as to transmit us a copy of this paper previous to its publication in India, and has accompanied it with a series of beautiful coloured drawings illustrative of his inquiries. _ We regret that these cannot be given in a periodical work.—Evp. NEW SERIES, VOL. v. NO. I. JULY 1831. Cc 34 Mr Taylor on the Respiratory Organs. and Air-bladder kidney: they are composed of a smooth semitransparent sub- Stance, apparently possessing the properties of the arterial tis- sue, and are of a deep red colour, their external surface being extensively covered by the minute branches of the branchial artery. The aerated blood appears to be imbibed from. the extremities of these branches, through innumerable villi in the parietes of the respiratory ramifications into their internal ca- nals, and thence flows into the small vessels that unite to form the aorta. Cuvier assigns to these organs, the double function of affording a surface for the oxygenation of the blood, and of acting as so many hearts for propelling it into the aorta, _ — Coius Cobojius, and Trichopodus Colisa. . Each of the bran- chial arches in these fishes, consists only of one osseous portion or limb, and is provided with very short cartilaginous laminee; the fourth or posterior arch presenting merely a rudiment of that structure. . The supernumerary organ of each side lodged in a cavity, as in the M, Magur, and supported upon a broad stalk of cartilage, which is fixed above, by a tendinous process, to the side of the cranium, and below, to the ends of the first and second arches, is concealed from view, by a thin membrane that extends across from the bone corresponding to the clavicle and the superior extremities of the branchial arches, to the in- _ternal side of the operculum. It consists of several broad but very thin cartilaginous plates of a convoluted figure, intimately connected at their bases, and so arranged as to present the ap- pearance of a rosette. ‘Che branchial artery and aortic vessels are ramified upon a thin membrane, reflected from the laminge. overthe surface of this foliated organ, giving it a deep red colour. Ophiocephalus Gachua. The branchial arches of this spe- cies have also very short laminz. The supernumerary organ of each side is divided into two portions supported upon two broad osseous plates, one projecting from the internal side of the articular bone of the head, and connected with the cornu of the os hyoides; the other, articulated with the anterior branchial arch, the superior limb of which is wanting, ‘The substance composing the organ is situate upon the edge of these plates, and consists of a thick solid tissue, having a curled margin, not unlike that of the common species of alga, or sea- 4 weed. The branchial artery having given off branches to the laminee of the arches, runs for a short. distance in a canal of ee ee ee 0 Wo, ee ee ee a ee eee of certain Fishes of the Ganges. ‘ B5 the osseous plate, connected with the anterior arch, and afterwards proceeds upon its surface, where it divides and subdivides into: minute branches, distributed to the tip of the supernumerary organ; the vessels that return. the aerated blood unite into one branch, which joins those proceeding from the gills to form the aorta. | Silurus Singio. Besides the eight branchial arches, there are in this fish two respiratory canals, which extend along the back from the cavity of the mouth to near the end of the tail, where they terminate in blind extremities. They are situate below the superior or dorsal portions of the lateral muscles, one on each side of the vertebre, close to their spinous pro- ‘cesses ; and are composed of two coats, of which the internal one is smooth, vascular, and of a thin delicate texture, resem- bling the membrane that covers the branchial laminz. Each of these canals is provided with a large vessel, which injection shows to be a continuation of that branch of the branchial ar- tery sent to the posterior arch. It runs.along the bottom of the canal, giving off, as it proceeds to its posterior extremity, numerous transverse branches that are minutely ramified upon its internal surface. The canals open into the mouth ; but the communication between them and that cavity, is in a great measure shut up by the lamine of the second and third arches, at the junction of their limbs: these lamine are disposed in a semicircular figure, and are so placed, in relation to each other, as to present, when the two arches are approximated, a lami- nated surface of an oval figure, to the mouth of each canal. The air contained in these cavities is apparently separated from the water, by means of the laminated body; and the blood, thus oxygenated upon their internal surface, is convey- ed by small vessels that descend between the transverse tig cesses of the vertebrze, to join the aorta.* All the species, possessing these supernumerary organs of respiration, are very tenacious of life; surviving the infliction of severe wounds, and living upon land for a much longer time than other fishes. ‘* In China, the species of the G. Ophioce- phalus,” according to Hamilton, ‘ are often carried alive in * Ifa quill, open at both ends, be introduced through an incision, at the side of the spine, into one of these canals, bubbles of air will arise from it simultaneously with those disengaged from under the operculum. 36 Mr Taylor on the Respiratory Organs and Air-bladder pails of water, and slices are cut for sale as wanted, the fish selling dear while it retains life, while what remains after death is considered of little value.” . The Coius Cobojius can be kept alive without water for five or six days, and, according to thé same author, is often conveyed in that state to the Calcutta market, from marshes at the distance of one hundred and fifty miles. This species, and the Ophiocephalus Gachua, like the Doras Costata or hassar, Dr Hancock’s Zoological Journal, No. xiv., possess the power of locomotion on land to a consi- derable extent ; and are the fishes so often met with, after a shower of rain, in fields at a distance from rivers or marshes; and hence supposed to fall from the clouds:—Hamilton’s a count of the Fishes of the Ganges, p. 68. The air-bladder of fishes is generally found in the ancy adhering to the lower surface of the spine. In the Ophioce-— phalus Marulius and Gachua, however, it is not confined in its situation to that cavity, but extends as far as the extremity of the tail, more than two-thirds of it being enclosed between the caudal portions of the lateral muscles. It is of a cylindrical shape, and is divided internally into unequal cavities, by a transverse septum, formed by a reflection of the internal coat ; in the centre of which septum there is a small foramen sur- rounded by a number of short radiated fibres, apparently of a muscular structure, allowing the air to pass from one compart- ment to the other. The external tunic, at the anterior or ab- dominal extremity of the organ, is apparently of a muscular texture, and is provided with a large nerve, derived from the eighth pair; but behind it is thin and weak, the powerful late- ral muscles. by which it is encased supplying its want of mus- cularity. The same kind of internal division exists in this aivabiplidil of the Macrognathus Armatus. In’ both of these fishes, the vascular body which, it is generally supposed, secretes the air | ’ of the bladder, is situate on the internal surface of the anterior portion of the organ, and consists of several small meer 2 ed glands, with. minute villi diverging from them. tid In the Coius Cobojius it extends also as far as the end of the tail. Behind the bone that forms the boundary of the ab- dominal cavity, it is divided longitudinally by the spines. that support the anal fin, into two cavities: strong tendinous fibres ’ <—— ee a “a of certain Fishes of the Ganges. 37 run obliquely between these spines, and fill up the space be- tween them, leaving merely a few irregular openings of com- munication between the two sides above and below. ; ‘In the T'richopolus Colisa it differs from that of the former, in having a membranous septum in its abdominal portions ; thus dividing the organ into two Com par tineanany from one ex- tremity of it to the other. aa ~The air-bladder varies considerably as to figure, size, and internal structure, among the species red the ers Pimelodus and Silurus. — | In the P. Aor it usually consists of two portions of the figure of a heart placed ina line, and united at their apices. It is extremely small in the P. Silondia in proportion to the bulk of the fish. It lies close to the anterior vertebra, is of an oval figure, and is divided into two cavities, each of which, ina fish weighing eight pounds, is not larger than a hazel nut. | The P. Pangasius has it composed of four or more portions, extending in a line from opposite the pectoral fins, to near the end of the tail. The first is generally oval, the second pyra- midal, and the two last, which run between the caudal portions of the lateral muscles, approach to a cylindrical shape. The numerous septa on its internal surface descend from above downwards in the first portion ; in the second, they run in a transverse direction ; and in the posterior ones, form a number of irregular cells. In the Silurus Boalis it is of the figure of a heart, divided, internally, by a longitudinal septum into two cavities, which have a free communication with each other through a semilunar opening at the anterior part of the septum.* It communicates in all of these species with the alimentary canal, by a ductus pnewmaticus, extending from its lower sur- - face to the cesophagus. The air-bladder, besides possessing the locomotive function generally ascribed to it, appears, from the connection that ex- ists between it and a set of small bones, analogous to the ossicula auditus, to exert some influence on the sense of hearing. These bones correspond to the malleus, incus, and stapes of Mammalia, and are present, according to Professor Weber, by * This cavity generally contains a number of worms of the G. Fasciola. 38 Mr Taylor on the Respiratory Organs and Air-bladder whith they were discovered, in all the osseous fishes, in the vi-. cinity of the anterior or cervical vertebrae. —(Blumenbach’s Com-. parative Anatomy, p. 285.) They exist in the different species of the genera Silurus, Pimelodus, and Cyprinus, I have had an opportunity of examining; but are apparently wanting in the genera Ophiocephalus, Cotus and T'richopodus : and also in the: Bola Pama, Mystus Chetala, and Clupanadon Ilisha, in which species their place is supplied by a direct connection between the twoorgans. The bone corresponding to the malleus is consider- ably larger than either of the other two, and is uniformly si-. tuate at the anterior extremity of the air-bladder, extending along the side of the spine to opposite the first vertebra. In the Silurus Boalis its anterior half is long, flat, and of a tri- angular shape, terminating in a blunt point, while the posterior portion is crescentic, having below a scabrous surface, to which the external coat of the air-bladder is firmly attached. By means of a short styloid process, projecting from the side of the latter portion, and received into a pit on the body of one of the vertebre, this bone enjoys a limited degree of lateral motion, by which its apex can be made to approach or recede from the spine. The ineus, which is of a short cylindrieal shape, is placed between the apex of the malleus, and the bone corre- sponding to the stapes, and at aright angle with the former: and is attached to each of these bones by a short round thick ten- don, in the centre of which it presents the appearance of being imbedded. The stapes may be described as consisting of two parts: one is a thin hollow portion, of an oval figure, somewhat resembling the bowl of a spoon, having the tendon of the incus attached to its convex side; the other consists of a small round knob, with a minute spicula projecting from it, and is joined by a neck to the small end of the first portion. It is situate in a large foramen in the first vertebra, and forms one of the sides of a small chamber communicating with the cavity of the cra- nium. This chamber lies immediately behind the cavity con- taining the sac and ossicula, or calcareous bodies of the inter- nal ear; and within the canal of the first vertebra, its roof being composed of a strong tendinous membrane, that supports the medulla spinalis above. ‘The oval portion of the stapes, with its concave side presented towards the interior of the chamber, is loosely connected by a membrane, to the edge of aoe SS hes of certain Fishes of the Ganges. 39 the foramen, and admits of being projected into it, to such an extent as almost to touch its fellow of the opposite side, when both mailei are at the same time gently depressed with the finger, upon the ineudes. The anterior portion of the malleus, and the incus with its tendon, as far as its attachment to the stapes, are inclosed in a tendinous sheath, containing a quantity of gelatinous fluid: they have no muscles attached to them, and it is probable, therefore, that the slight motion which the malleus enjoys, through the medium of its articulation with the vertebra, is entirely regulated by the external coat of the air-bladder. The air-bladder of the Pimelodus Gagora, Pimelodus Bag- haria, Silurus Singio, and Macropteronotus Magur, is placed behind the head, close to its articulation with the first vertebra, and in this situation is connected with the osstcula auditus, which are conspicuous, and present the same relative position as those of the Stlurus Boalis. In the P. Gagora there are two air-bladders lodged, one on each side, in an osseous cup attached by a narrow neck to the body of the first vertebra, close to its junction with the cra- nium. The mouth of each of these cups is covered over by the common integuments, which are at this part extremely thin, and adhere to the surface of the subjacent bladder, presenting, when the latter is distended with air, an external elastic tumour, of an oval figure.: The two air-bladders, which have no com- munication with each other, or with the alimentary canal, apparently derive their supply of air from a vascular tissue, - placed between the two cups where they are attached to the spine: the external coat is of a thin texture, and argentine colour, and has a layer of fine adipose substance interposed be- tween it and the internal surface of the cup. The P. Bagharia has also two air-bladders, which closely re- semblethe former in the argentine tendinous texture of the exter- nal coat, and in having no communication with each other, or with the alimentary canal. They are situate, one on each side of the body, in a deep groove or furrow of the consolidated transverse processes of the cervical vertebree, and are extreme- _ly small, in proportion to the bulk of the fish; each of them, in an individual weighing ten pounds, not exceeding a large 40. Mr ‘Taylor on the Respiratory Organs and Air-bladder | garden pea in size : they are placed at the middle of the grooves,) at about an equal distance from the common integuments (im-: , mediately behind the pectoral fins) and the vertebral column; the space between each of them and the former being filledup with adipose substance, while that next to the spine is occupied ; by the malleus. » og In the Silurus Singio and Macropteronotus Magur, the air- bladder consists of two small pyriform bags, joined at their’ pointed extremities by an intermediate canal. It is situate across the spine; each of the pyriform portions being contain- ed in a funnel-shaped case, projecting outwards from the side of the body of the first vertebra, and having its mouth cover- ed over by the common integuments, as in the P. Bagharia. The case is formed of bone above, and below by a tendinous membrane that extends across the inferior surface of the first vertebra, thus protecting from pressure the intermediate canal or isthmus by which the two pyriform portions are united. A communication exists between it and the alimentary canal, by a small ductus pneumaticus from the intermediate canal tothe cesophagus. | ) In the Bola Pama, Mystus Chetala, and Clupanadon Ilisha, there exists a more direct connection between the air-bladder and organ of hearing, than through the medium of the a bones above referred to. The air-bladder of the Bola Pama is of a pyriform sleaths terminating behind in a slender elongated process. From each side of this process an appendix arises by a minute origin, and proceeds by the side of the body of the bladder, gradually en- larging in size, until it reaches its anterior extremity, opposite to which it divides into a number of blind tortuous branches, that spread out upon the lower surface of the kidney. Two of these branches, which areconsiderably larger than the rest, follow a very singular course : one mounts over the bone corresponding to the clavicle, and appears externally under the thininteguments at the edge of the apertura branchialis ; while the other winds round the cavity in which the internal ear is lodged, and almost meets its fellow of the opposite side, at its anterior part. ‘This latter branch, (the one connected with the organ of hearing,) is dilated at its extremity into a conical shaped bag, which is of a very thin delicate texture, and is placed in a small pit or fossa of certain Fishes of the Ganges. . 4d on the external surface of the base of the cranium, having mere- ly a thin septum, generally of a membranous nature, interposed between it and the principal ossiculwm, or calcareous body of the internal ear. Inthe Mystus Chetala this organ extends in length from the first vertebra to near the extremity of the tail. ' Anteriorly, it forms several chambers communicating with each other, and behind is divided into two parallel cavities by a longitudinal septum, which, like that of the T'richopodus Colisa, is partly — membranous, and partly composed of the spines that sustain the anal fin. ‘These spines are long, hollow, cylindrical bones, and are connected by the internal lining coat of the bladder, reflect- ed on both sides over their whole extent of surface. The la- teral muscles forming the walls of the cavity are very thin, and send off from their lower part small slips of muscles that are in- serted into the membrane between the spines, by which means the septum can be expanded somewhat in the manner of a fan. A free communication exists between the two sides of the organ, through a number of foramina in the membrane connecting the spines, and anteriorly between one of the chambers and the cesophagus, by means of a round opening, wide enough to admit the point of the little finger. From the anterior part of the organ a canal proceeds upon the inferior surface of the cranium, as far as the cavity containing the internal ear, opposite to which it terminates in a blind extremity. It consists of a deep furrow on the external surface of the base of the cranium, covered below by an elongation of the external coat of the bladder, (bearing some analogy in its structure to the Eusta- chian tube of the higher orders of animals ;) and like the cor- responding part in the Bola Pama, is separated from the prin- cipal ossiculum of the internal ear, by a septum so thin and delicate that the slightest touch with a pin is sufficient to rup- ture it. (See Note A.) The air-bladder of the Clupanadon Ilisha is long, narrow, and pointed at both extremities, as in the genus Clupea. From its anterior extremity two very minute ducts arise, and proceed along the inferior surface of the cervical vertebrae and posterior part of the head, to terminate in two small air-bags, situate one on each side of the cranium. These ducts, when 42 Mr Taylor on the Respiratoyy Organs and Air-bladder divided with* the knife, present open mouths, scarcely large enough to admit the point of a fine bristle : they are semitrans-_ parent, and bear a striking resemblance, both in structure’ and appearance, to the membranous semicircular canals of the internal ear. The small bags to which they lead, are lodged in two cavities of a corresponding size in the substance: ' of the osseous walls of the cranium, in which situation they are entirely concealed from view. Each bag may be describ. | ed as consisting of two portions: the first has a horizontal po- sition, and somewhat resembles a French bean in figure; the second is pyriform, is situate above the first portion, and is united to it at nearly a right angle. These bags have very _ thin septa interposed between them and the ossicula of the in- ternal ear, and differ considerably in texture from the organ in the abdomen ; their external tunic being thin, and of a sil- very appearance, while that of the latter is thick, and of a dark red colour, preseuting a smooth internal surface, ite that of a serous membrane. | § On the Anatomy of the Cuchia. The Cuchia, an animal generally regarded as a species of eel, is entirely destitute of fins, and presents, in the structure of its organs of respiration and circulation, some remarkable peculiarities, which would lead us to place it between the class of reptiles and that of fishes. It is common throughout the south-east parts of Bengal, especially in the vicinity of D’haca, where it is generally found lurking in holes and crevices on the muddy banks of marshes and slow-running rivers. Ha- milton, viewing its single external spiracle or branchial aper- ture below the throat as a generic character, has assigned a place to it under the genus Unibranchapertura of Lacepede, (the ge- nus Synbranchus of Bloch,) and has given an accurate descrip- tion of it in his excellent work on the fishes of the Ganges (See Note B.) Organs of Digestion. 'The alimentary canal is pric" 4 in a straight line from the mouth to the anus, and measures about three-fourths of the whole length of the body. The eesophagus is considerably longer than in the eel or fishes in general, and presents internally, longitudinal folds of a white of certain Fishes of the Ganges. AS colour. The stomach, which is slightly dilated at its middle, is distinguished from the former by its more muscular parietes, and the red villous appearance of the internal lining coat : to- wards the pylorus, where it is separated from the intestine by a valve, it is contracted in diameter, and is of a white colour. The latter part of the canal exhibits upon its internal surface, short villous processes, arranged in a zigzag manner, and is _ divided by an annular projection of the internal coat into two portions, of which the last (or the part corresponding to the rectum,) although shorter, is considerably more capacious than the anterior or duodenal portion. The liver is of a narrow elongated figure, attached to the side of the stomach, and has — several deep transverse furrows upon its inferior surface: the gall-bladder, which is of an oval shape, lies near its posterior extremity, on side next to the stomach, and sends out a long cystic duct, that opens upon the internal surface of the intes- tine, immediately behind the pylorus. . There is a long chain of small quadrangular shaped spleens, covered by a thin re- flection of the peritoneum, and joined at their bases to a blood- vessel of considerable size, which extends throughout their length by the side of the intestine. Urinary Organs. , The kidneys, as in fishes, are long nar- row glands, of a dark colour, running along the side of: the vertebral column, and closely attached to it, as far as the an- terior extremity of the abdomen. The bladder is of an elonga- ted shape, and receives the secretion of the kidneys by two ureters opening into it at its fundus. Organs of Generation. 'Those of the male are two long ducts of a greyish colour, possessing a number of lateral tor- tuous branches, that adhere to the external surface of a part of the first portion of the intestine. In the female there is a single pyriform ovarium, containing numerous ova, of various sizes and colours, apparently in different stages of fecundation ; and hence it may be inferred that the animal is viviparous. They terminate along with the urinary organs in a common cavity, the external outlet of which lies immediately behind the anus. The air-bladder is wanting. Bones. The cranium is articulated with the first vertebra by two occipital condyles, one on each side below the foramen 44 Mr Taylor on the Respiratofy Organs and Air-bladder magum, and also by a single tubercle of the body of the ver- tebra, as in the osseous fishes. The bones entering into the formation of the mouth resemble those of fishes. The supe- rior maxillary one is long, slender, and of a curved figure, having its convex side presented outwards : it is joined above to the malar bone, and below to the coronoid process of the lower jaw. The latter consists of two strong pieces slightly incurvated, and firmly united at their symphysis by cartilage: each piece being formed by two bones closely wedged together. Both jaws are furnished with teeth, the largest being planted in the palatine arches above ; they are fixed in alveolar cavi- ties, are sharp pointed, and of a hook form, but do not possess any structure resembling the tubular fangs of serpents, to con- firm the opinion entertained by the natives, of the venomous nature of the bite of the animal. The branchial arches are situate behind the head, at the sides of the four anterior cer- vical vertebrae, and possess a semicartilaginous structure, ex- hibiting, when held up to the light, several detached osseous pieces, of an irregular figure, imbedded in a semitransparent substance. With the exception of the first or anterior arch, which is fixed to the end of the cornu of the os hyoides, all the others are articulated below to their fellows of the opposite side. The first and second are composed, each of one portion, and are free at their superior or vertebral extremities, present- ing the appearance of being suspended in the membrane of the pharynx; while the third and fourth, or two posterior ones, have very minute superior limbs, which are attached to a small pharyngeal bone, connected through the medium of a long and flat muscle, running between the membrane of the back part of the mouth and the inferior surface of the verte- bree, with the base of the cranium. All the arches are smooth on their internal surface. The bones corresponding to the scapulze, or those which in fishes support the pectoral fins, are long, slightly curved, and united by cartilage at their inferior extremities. , Connected with deglutition, and situate below each of the latter, is a small bone, which, together with the pharyngeal ‘bones, is covered on the side next to the gullet, with small teeth. ‘Ihe body of each vertebra is hollowed out posterior- & of certain Fishes of the Ganges. 45 ly, forming a hemispherical cavity, in which the interverte- bral fluid is contained, and is united through the medium of this substance, and also by a small triangular process sent off from each side of the cavity of the medulla spinalis, with the bone contiguous to it. The spinous process is bifurcated, or rather consists of two distinct pieces inclining in different di- rections ; and each transverse one, of a short thick spine, groov- ed on its anterior aspect, with a thin plate of a triangular figure arising from it behind, and occupying the whole side of the body of the bone. The ribs, which are extremely small, are attached to the points of these processes as far as the anus. The cervical and caudal vertebre are distinguished from the intermediate or dorsal ones: the former by the compressed flattened appearance of their bodies, the latter by possessing spinous processes both above and below. Organs of Sense. 'That of smelling appears to be the most perfect. ‘The nasal cavity of each side is tubular, and has two apertures, an anterior one at the extremity of the snout, and a posterior between the eyes: and consists also of two parts, one running forwards, the other extending backwards from the anterior opening in a duplicature of the membrane connecting the malar and maxillary bones, as far as the point of union between the latter and the coronoid process of the lower jaw. The cavities of both the sides have a free commu- nication with each other at their anterior extremities, and may be filled with vermilion injection from one of the apertures. The eyes are very small, and are covered anteriorly by a transpa- rent skin. The thalami optici lie behind the cerebrum, and send out two long slender optic nerves, which cross each other without any incorporation of substance. Organs of Respiration and Circulation. Upon the under surface of the throat there is a semilunar aperture, divid- ed below the integuments in the mesial line of the body into two smaller openings, each of which leads to the gills of the corresponding side. The branchial arches are connected by a strong tendinous membrane, in which are three small open- ings of an irregular figure for the passage of the water from the mouth, and are covered below, for about one-third of their length, by a thick muscle proceeding from the bone correspond- 46 Mr Tayloron the Respiratory Organs and Air-bladder ing to the scapula to be inserted info the os hyoides. Of all the arches, the second alone possesses laminz for the purpose of breathing ; and these consist merely of a few long fibrils at- tached to the middle of the arch, and occupying but a very small extent of its surface; the third supports in the place of lamine, a thick and semitransparent tissue, which in large in- dividuals of the species presents a fringed or denticulated ap- pearance at its edge, while the first and fourth are bare, hay- ing only the membrane that fills up the space between the arches reflected over them. ‘The principal organs of respira- tion are two small bladders, which the animal has the power of filling with air, immediately derived from the atmosphere. They are placed behind the head, one on each side of the neck, above the superior or vertebral extremities of the branchial arches, and are covered over by the common integuments, pre- senting externally, when distended with air, two protuberances of around shape. . On dividing the skin, and reflecting it back, each bladder is found to be partially covered, at its anterior part, by a small and extremely thin operculum, joimed to the upper part of the articular bone of the head, and connected be- low with a membrana branchiostega, which is supported by six osseous rays. The posterior portion of the organ extend-~ ing beyond the edge of the operculum, is confined in its situa- tion, by a broad but thin muscular expansion, running across it in an oblique direction, from the tendinous sheath of the spinal muscles above, to the gill membrane below, , These bladders, which are smooth, and highly vascular upon, their internal surface, do not possess a laminated structure, such as that of the respiratory bags in the lamprey ; but present, when separated from their surrounding attachments, and inflated with air, thin semitransparent: ‘membranous parietes resembling the posterior portion of the lung of serpents. » Each communi- cates with the cavity of the mouth, by a wide semilunar open ‘ing between the os hyoides and the first branchial arch ; its Jower margin, which is thick and prominent, is composed of several muscular fibres that extend between the end of the first branchial arch and the side of the spine, constituting a spe- cies of constrictor muscle, by means of which the aperture can be contracted to so small a size, as to perform, in some degree, 6 of certain Fishes of the Ganges. ih ay the function of the glottis, and thus produce a slight hissing noise, as may occasionally be heard, when the air is forcibly expelled from the bladder. ‘The heart is situate upon the in- ferior surface of the cesophagus, close to its termination at the stomach: and from the extreme proportional length of that tube, is at a much greater distance from the organs of respira- tion than is the case in fishes. It consists of two cavities, an auricle, and a ventricle, provided with a thin membranous valve between them. . The former receives all the blood of the body by four large vessels, viz. two veins conveying it from the head and anterior parts; one from the liver; and one from the mus- cles of the posterior portion of the spine, the organs of gene- ration, and the other viscera-of the abdomen. ‘The first run close to the spinal column, one on each ‘side, and are joined by a transverse branch opposite to the twelfth vertebra: they afterwards separate, and proceed, one in a straight direction, the other across the inferior surface of the cesophagus, to ter- minate in the auricle. ‘The posterior cava, which is the largest of all, proceeds along the inferior surface of the spine, between the kidneys, to its destination; while the cava hepatica, after piercing the pericardium at its posterior part, runs for some distance within the cavity before it terminates m the auricle. The ventricle is of a conical shape, of a reticulated appearance internally, and possesses two sigmoid valves at the origin of the branchial artery. ‘The latter arises from it by an elongated bulb, of an oval figure, and measures from two and a half to three inches in length. It extends along the inferior surface of the esophagus, and divides, opposite to the posterior bran- chial arches, into three branches of an equal size. Two of these branches run, one on each side, between the fourth or poste- rior arch and the small bone connected with deglutition, as far as the vertebral extremity of the inferior limb of the for- mer; and being there reflected backwards, unite at an acute angle, opposite to the tenth vertebra, to form the aorta, The third branch, which is the continuation of the artery, proceeds — along the under surface of the arches, and gives off, in its course, a branch to the second and third of each side; it then runs forward as far as the os hyoides, and is ultimately expend- ed upon the respiratory bladders. The small branches of the 48 Mr Taylor.on the Reegtratety Organs and Air-bladder second and third arches, after supplying the laminze of the former and the semitransparent tissue of the latter with small twigs, are also continued to the bladders; where they are mi- nutely ramified, forming an indistinct net-work of vessels upon their internal surface. Fine vermilion injection, thrown in at the root of the branchial artery, penetrates these minute ves- sels distributed upon the second. and third arches and the in- ternal surface of the bladders, while at the same time it fills the aorta and its branches as far as the tail. The aerated blood is returned by small vessels, forming, at the posterior part of the bladders, two short trunks, which join the branches of the branchial artery before they are reflected backwards, and unite to constitute the aorta. The Cuchia, it is obvious from this account of its anatomi- cal structure, possesses the circulation of reptiles, and the re- spiration, partly of that class of animals, and partly of fishes. . Of the whole volume of blood contained in the branchial ar- tery, one-third passes through the gills and respiratory blad- ders, while the other two are conveyed directly from the heart to the aorta, without being exposed to the action of the air. This fluid, therefore, undergoes a partial oxygenation, present- ing, as may be inferred, a dark purple colour in both divisions of the vascular system, the arteries as well as the veins. Hence the obtuseness of the external senses, and want of activity ob- servable in the Cuchia. It is of a dull and languid nature, exhibiting in all its movements a degree of sluggishness that forms a striking contrast to the vivacity of the. eel. A few in- _ dividuals, which I kept in water for upwards of two months, during the last rainy season, were observed to lie at the bot- tom of the vessel in a very weak and apparently torpid state, without taking any food: and seldom moved about, except oe- casionally to rise to the surface for the purpose of inhaling air. The respiratory bladders, although individually of a small size, afford, in conjunction with the branchial structure of the second. and third arches, a sufficient extent of surface for the oxygena- tion of the small portion of the blood transmitted to them. They do not approach either in configuration or texture to any known modification of branchiz, but on the contrary have a close simi-. litude, in both these particulars, to the posterior portion of the i i ee _Mr Dalton on the Vision of Colours. 98 ed up by the plough. When this kind of cloth loses its co- lour, as other people say, and turns yellow, then it appears to mea pleasant green. Very light green paper, silk, &c. is white to me. Green by candle-light.—I agree with others, that it is diffi- cult to distinguish greens from blues by candle-light ;. but, with me, the greens only are altered and made to approach the blues. It is the real greens only, that are altered in my eye; and not such as I confound with them by day-light, as the brown liquids above-mentioned, which are not at all tinged with blue by candle-light, but are the same as by day, except that they are paler. Blue by day-light and candle-lig ht. ink apprehend this colour appears very nearly the same to me as to other people, both by day-light and candle-light. .Purple by daylight and candle-light—This seems to me a slight modification of blue, . I seldom fail to distinguish pur- ple from blue ; but should hardly suspect purple to be a com- pound of blue and red. ‘The difference between day-light and candle-light is not material. — Miscellaneous observations.—Colours appear to me much the same by moon-light as they do by candle-light. Colours viewed by lightning appear the same as by day- . light ; but whether exactly so, I have not ascertained. Colours seen by electric light appear to me the same as by day-light. That is, pink appears blue, &c. Colours viewed through a transparent sky-blue liquid, by candle-light, appear to me as well as to others the same as_ by day-light. Most of the colours called drabs appear to me the same by | day-light and candle-light. A light drab woollen cloth seems to me to resemble a odie green by day. These colours are, however, easily distinguish- ed by candle-light, as the latter becomes tinged with blue, which the former does not. I have frequently seen colours of the drab kind, said to be nearly alike, which oan to me very different. My idea of brown I obtain from a piece of iwahise: paper heated almost to ignition. This colour by day-light seems to 94 Mr Dalton on the Vision of Colours. have a great affinity to green, as may be imagined from what I have said of greens. Browns seem to me to be very diver- sified; some I should call red :—dark brown woollen cloth I should call black. " The light of the rising or setting sun has no padtioulan of. fect; neither has a strong or weak light. Pink appears rather duller, all other circumstances alike, in a’cloudy day. All common combustible substances exhibit colours to me in the same light; namely, tallow, oil, waz, pit-coal. My vision has always been as it is now. ' II. An account of others whose vision has been found similar to mine.—It has been already observed that my brother per- ceived the change in the colour of the geranium such as myself. Since that time having made a great number of observations on colours, by comparing their similarities, &c. by day-light and candle-light, in conjunction with him, I find that we see as nearly alike as any other persons do. He is shorter eighten than myself. As soon as these facts were ascertained, T conceived the de: sign of laying our case of vision before the public, apprehend- ing it to be a singular one. I remembered, indeed, to have read in the Philosophical Transactions for 1777, an account of Mr Harris of Maryport in Cumberland, who, it was said, ** could not distinguish colours ;” but his case appeared to be different from ours. Considering, however, that one anomaly in vision may tend to illustrate another, I reperused the ac- count; when it appeared extremely probable that, if his vi- sion had been fully investigated, and a relation of it given in the first person, he would have agreed with me. There were four brothers in the same predicament, one of whom is now living. Having an acquaintance in Maryport, I solicited him — to propose a few queries to the survivor, which he readily did, (in conjunction with another brother, whose vision has no- thing peculiar,) and from the answers transmitted to me, I. could no longer doubt of the similarity of our cases. To ren-’ der it still more circumstantial, I sent about twenty specimens” of different coloured ribbands, with directions to make obser- Mr Dalton on the Vision of Colours. 95 vations upon them by day-light and candle-light : the result was exactly conformable to my expectation. It then appeared to me probable, that a considerable num- ber of individuals might be found whose vision differed from that of the generality, but at the same time agreed with my own. Accordingly, I have since taken every opportunity to explain the circumstances amongst my acquaintance, and have found several in the same predicament. Only one or two I have heard of who differ from the generality and' from us also. It is remarkable that, out of twenty-five pupils I once had, to ~ whom I explained this subject, two were found to agree with me; and, on another similar occasion, one. Like myself, they could see no material difference betwixt pink and light blue by day, but a striking contrast by candle-light. And, ona fuller investigation, I could not perceive they differed from me mate- rially in other colours. They, like all the rest of us, were not aware of their actually seeing colours different from other peo- ple; but imagined there was great perplexity in the names as- cribed to particular colours. I think-I have been informed already of nearly twenty persons whose vision is like mine. The family at Maryport consisted of six sons and one daugh- ter; four of the sons were in the predicament in question. Our family consisted of three sons and one daughter who ar- rived at maturity; of whom two sons are I have described. ‘The others are mostly individuals in families, some of which are numerous. I do not find that the parents or children in any of the instances have been so, unless in one case. Nor have I been able to discover any physical cause whatever for it. Our vision, except as to colours, is as clear and distinct as that of other persons. Only two or three are short-sighted. It is remarkable that I have not heard of one female subject to this peculiarity. From a great variety of observations made’ with many of the abaveaienioned persons, it does not appear to me that we differ more from one another than persons in general do. We certainly agree in the principal facts which characterize our vision, and which I have attempted to point out below. {t is but justice to observe here, that several of the resemblan- ces and comparisons mentioned in the preceding part of this 96 Mr Dalton on the Vision of Colours. paper were first suggested to me by one or other of the PArHiets and found to accord with my own ideas. Characteristic facts of our vision.—1. In the +e specae three colours appear, yellow, blue, and purple. The two for- mer make a contrast; the two latter seem to differ more in de- gree than in kind. 2. Pink appears, by day-light, to be sky-blue a little ee by candle-light it assumes an orange or yellowish appearance, which forms’ a strong contrast to blue. 3. Crimson appears a muddy blue by day; and crimson woollen yarn is much the same as dark blue. 4. Red and scarlet have a more vivid and flaming appearance : by eandle-light than by day-light. 5. There is not much difference in colour between a stick of red. sealing-wax and grass, by day. 6. Dark green woollen cloth seems a muddy red, much darker than grass, and of a very different colour. 7. The colour of a florid complexion is dusky blue. 8. Coats, gowns, &c. appear to us frequently to be badly matched with linings, when others say they are not. On the other hand, we should match crimsons with claret or mud; pinks with light blues; browns with reds ;. and drabs with greens. ference is much less by candle-light than by day-light. III. Observations tending to point out the cause of our ano- malous vision.—T he first time I was enabled to form a plausible idea of the cause of our vision, was after observing that a sky. blue transparent liquid modified the light of a candle so as to make it similar ; and, of course, restored to pink j its, proper colour by day, namely, light blue. This was an impor- tant observation. At the same time that it exhibited the effect of a transparent coloured medium in the modification of colours, it seemed to indicate the analogy of solar light to that result- ing from combustion; and that the former is modified by the transparent blue atmosphere, as the latter is by the transpa- rent blue liquid. Now the effect of a transparent coloured I 9. In all points where we differ from other persons, the pad Mr Dalton on the Vision of Colours. 97 medium, as Mr Delaval has proved, is to transmit) more, and consequently imbibe fewer of the rays of its own colour, than ‘of those of other colours. Reflecting upon these facts, TI was led to conjecture that one of the humours of my eye must be a transparent, but coloured, medium, so constituted.as_ to ab- sorb red and green rays principally, because I obtain no pro- per ideas of these in the solar spectrum ; and to transmit blue and other colours more perfectly. What seemed to make against this opinion, however, was, that I thought red bodies, such as vermilion, should appear black to me, which was con- trary to fact. How this difficulty was obviated will be under- stood from what follows. Newton has sufficiently ascertained, that opaque baddies are of a particular colour from their reflecting the rays of light of that colour more copiously than those of the other colours ; the unreflected rays being absorbed by the bodies. Adopting this fact, we are insensibly led to conclude, that the more.rays of any. one colour a body reflects, and the fewer of every other colour, the more perfect will be the colour. This conclusion, however, is certainly erroneous. Splendid coloured bodies re- flect light of every colour copiously; but that of their own most so. Accordingly we find, that bodies of all colours, when placed in homogeneal light of any colour, appear of that particular colour... Hence a body that is red may appear of any other colour to an eye that does not transmit red, accord- ing as those other colours are more copiously reflected from the body, or transmitted through the humours of the eye. It appears, therefore, almost beyond a doubt, that one of the humours of my eye, and of the eyes of my fellows, is a colour- ed medium, probably some modification of blue. I suppose it must be the vitreous fhumonr: ; otherwise I apprehend it might be discovered by inspection, which has not been done. It is the province of physiologists to explain in what manner the humours of the eye may be coloured, and to them I shall leave it; aud proceed to show that the hypothesis will explain the facts stated in the conclusion of the second. part. 1. This needs no further illustration. 2. Pink is known to be a mixture of red and blue; that is, ‘these two colours are reflected in excess. Our eyes only trans- NEW SERIES, VOL. Vv. NO. I, JULY 18381. G 98 Mr Dalton on the Vision of Colours. mit the blue excess, which causes it to appear blue; a few red rays pervading the eye may serve to give the colour that fad- ~ed appearance. In candle-light, red and orange, or some other of the higher colours, are known to abound more proportion- ably than in day-light. The orange light reflected may there- fore exceed the blue, and the compound colour consist of red and orange. Now, the red being most copiously reflected, the colour will be recognized by a common eye under this small modification ; but the red not appearing to us, we see chiefly the orange excess; it is consequently to us not a modi- fication but a new colour. 3. By a similar method of reasoning, crimson, being com- pounded of red and dark blue, must assume the appearances I have described. 4. Bodies that are red and scarlet probably reflect orange and yellow in greatest plenty, next after red. The orange and yellow, mixed with a few red rays, will give us our idea of red, which is heightened by candle-light, because the orange is then more abundant. | 5. Grass-green is probably compounded of green, yellow, and orange, with more or less blue. Our idea of it will then be obtained principally from the yellow and orange mixed with ; a few green rays. It appears, therefore, that red and green to us will be nearly alike. I do not, however, understand, why the greens should assume a bluish appearance to us and to every body else, by candle-light, when it: should seem that candle-light is defictent in blue. 6. The green rays not being perceived by us, the remaining rays-may, for aught that is known, compound a muddy red. {. The observations upon the phenomena of pink and crim- son will explain this fact. 8. Suppose a body to reflect red rays as the number 8, orange rays as the number 6, and blue as 5; and another body red 8, orange 6, and blue 6: then it is evident that acommon — eye, attending principally to the red, would see little difference in those colours; but we, who form our ideas of the colours from the orange and blue, should perceive the latter to be bluer than the former. , 9. From the whole of this paper it is evident, that our eyes 3 Dr Seebeck on the refractive powers, Sc. 99 admit blue rays in greater proportion than those of other peo- ple; therefore, when any kind of light i is less abundant in blue, as is the case with candle-light compared. to day-light, our eyes serve in some degree to temper that light, so as to reduce it — nearly to the common standard. This seems to be the reason why colours appear to us by candle-light, almost as they do to others by daylight. T shall conclude this paper by obperying, that it appears to me extremely probable, that the sun’s light and. candle-light, or that which we commonly obtain from combustion, are ori- ginally constituted alike; and that the earth’s atmosphere is properly a blue fluid, and modifies the sun’s light so as to oc- casion the commonly perceived difference. Art. XI.—On the relation between the Refractive Powers and the polarizing angles of singly refractive substances.. By Dr A. Szezecx. Translated from Poggendorff’s Annalen, 1830, No. 9, p. 27. WaeEn Malus discovered that a ray of light reflected from the surface of bodies not metallic, possessed the property of being polarized like one of the pencils formed by calcareous ‘spar, he sought in vain to discover a relation between the angles at which this property was most completely produced and the other properties of the reflecting body. He observed that the angle of maximum polarization was in general greater with bodies of a great refraction, and that the pencil reflected from both surfaces was simultaneously polarized ; but notwithstand- ing these observations, he expressly says, “ I have determined with many substances the angle at which light is completely polarized, and I have found that this angle follows neither the order of the refractive powers nor that of the dispersive forces. . It is a property of bodies independent of the other modes of action which they exercise upon light.” It must, therefore, have been a matter of great surprise when Dr Brewster announced in the Philosophical Transactions for 1815, as the results of his measurements, that the angle of maximum polarization is a function of the refractive power of the reflecting body. This law he expresses thus : . 100 Dr Seebeck on the polarizing angles The index of refraction is the tangent of the angle of pola. rization ; or according to his other mode of expressing it. When the polarization is complete, the reflected ray forms a right angle with the reflected ray. Dr Brewster arranges his measurements in a table which contains the following eighteen substances, viz. air, water, fluor-spar, obsidian, bird-lime, sul- phate of lime, rock crystal, opal coloured glass, topaz, mother- of-pearl, Iceland-spar, orange coloured glass, spinelle ruby, zircon, glass of antimony, sulphur, diamond, chromate of lead. — By comparing the observed with the calculated angles of po- larization, he found that the difference varied from + 25’ to | — 32’, the sum of the eighteen positive differences being 85/ and that of the negative ones 174/, which does not seem incon- siderable when we consider that the observed property is the mean of a number of observations. These differences are, nevertheless, not to be ascribed to ac- cidental mistakes of observation, for the table contains six or seven doubly refracting bodies; and Dr Brewster has himself shown in a later memoir in the Philosophical Transactions for 1819, that in this class of bodies the angle of polarization va- ries with the inclination of the reflecting surface to the axis of the crystal. These variations, indeed, are so considerable, that they explain the cause of many more glaring differences: than those in the table referred to. With respect to a particular class of singly refracting sub- — stances, viz. the glasses, Dr Brewster found very considerable deviations from the law of the tangents; but he regards them as only apparent exceptions, as he found that they were ow- ing to chemical alterations on the surface, which changed the re- fractive power of the surface without changing that of the re- maining mass, so that the angle of polarization observed on the surface cannot correspond to the refractive power of the mass. It is evident, therefore, that in such cases the angle of po-— larization should be measured on newly polished surfaces of glass ; but Dr Brewster does not say that he has made any ex- periments of this kind. Under these circumstances, it did not seem to me superflu- ous to resume the inquiry, limiting it to singly refracting sub- stances, and directing my attention particularly to the surfaces ° of singly refracting substances. 101 of glass, with the view of reconciling Dr Brewster’s law to this class of bodies, by accurate measurements of the refractive power and of the angle of polarization in the same pieces. (Dr Seebeck then proceeds to describe the divided instru- ment by which he measured the angles of refraction, from which he deduced the following measures of the refractive power.) Colourless fluor-spar, - 1.4341 Index of refraction. Greenish blue fluor-spar, 1.4343 Common opal, - - 1.4516 Glass A colourless Eng. plate glass, 1.5130 B colourless plate glass, 1.5266 —— C English crown glass, 1.5321 —D do. do. . 1.5523 — E English flint-glass, 1.5783 — F do. do. 1.6206 Pyrope, " 1.8131 Yellow blende, . 2.3692 After describing the instrument for measuring the angle of polarization upon these substances, which does not differ much from those previously used for the same purpose, Dr Seebeck gives the following table of his results. The surfaces were mostly polished about six and eight months before, and the re- flecting surfaceson which the polarizing angle wasmeasured were those by which the ray was refracted when the refractive power of the substance was determined. The differences between the | observed andthe calculated angles seldom amount to above 20’, and in very few to above 30’. ‘The calculated angle of polarization given in the table is that deduced from Dr Brew- ster’s law. ; Differences. 1. Colourless flwor-spar. Calculated angle of polarization 4 G59 7 Observed do. on | surface ‘ 55 9 a OP..2 on 2 do. ao > 2566 —0O° 1 2. Blush fluor-spar. | eth. Calculated angle of polarization 557 Observed do. 1 surface 3 55 14 a7 102 Dr Seebeck on the polarizing angles Observed angle, 2 surface t 3. Common opal. Calculated angle of polarization Observed do. on 1 surface 2 do. - 4. Glass A. Calculated angle of polarization Observed do. 1 surface - 2 do. i 5. Glass B. Calculated angle of polarization Observed do. 1 surface - 2 do. - 6. Glass C. Calculated angle of polarization, Observed do. on 1 surface, ; 2 do. s 3 do. : 7. Glass D. Calculated angle of polarization, - Observed do. on 1 surface, — 2 do. - 8. Glass E. Calculated angle of polarization, Observed do. on 1 surface, 3 —— 2 do. ‘ 9. Glass F. Calculated angle of polarization, Observed do. on 1 surface, - 2 do. - 3 do. - 10. Pyrope. Calculated angle of polarization, Observed do. on 1 surface, “ 2 do. ; Ll. Yellow Blende. | _ Calculated angle of polarization, — Observed do. on natural surface, artificial do. ay: 55 9 55 26 ’ 55 39 55 41. 56 32 $6.32 56 46 56 96 56 37 56 36 56 52 57 6 57 3 57 14 57 18 57 19 57 20 57 38 57 15 55 (~O 58 19 58 12 58 17 58 8 61 8. 60 28 60. 42 67.7 66 46. 66 35 of singly refracting substances. 103 In ‘most ‘of these cases, the differences are too great to be ascribed to accidental errors of observation, and it was not pro- bable that they arose from Dr Brewster’s law being inexact, or susceptible of modification, because the differences were in some cases greater in two surfaces of the same body than might be expected from accidental errors. I therefore deter- mined to repeat the measurements on a newly ground and po- lished surface of the glass E, where the differences were great- est, viz. 23’ and 38’. The observed angle of polarization, by a mean of twenty observations, was now 57° 40.6, differing only — 2/.1 from 57° 38’.5, the calculated angle. I now ground and re-polished the surface of the same prism which had be- fore given a difference of — $8/, and found it to be, 57° 41’-4, the difference being only + 0° 2.9 As these small diffiveness are clearly within the limits of ac- eidental errors of observation, I re-ground and polished all the other substances in the preceding table, and having re- measured the angle of polarization, I found it to agree so per- fectly with Dr Brewster’s law, that the slight deviations from it could be ascribed only to errors of observation. The re- sults of these measurements are given in the following table. The angle of polarization for the glass E, is the mean of the two measurements already mentioned. The angle for pyrope is the mean of twenty measurements upon one newly ground face, which was 61° 3’.3, and of twenty measurements upon another newly ground face, which was 61° 4’.8. The angle for blende was observed in two natural cleavage planes ; the mean of twenty observations in one being 67° 8’.2, and of twenty in the other, 67° 8.1. The angle for the other sub- stances was the mean of twenty observations upon surfaces newly ground and polished. Colourless Fluor spar, 55° 6.7 Calc. 55° 6.7 Obs. 0° 0.0 Diff. Bluish Fluor spar 55 7.0 55 38 —03.2 Common opal, 55 26.3 55 29.3 +0 3.0 Glass A, 56 32 2 56 36.00 403.8 B, 56 46.4 56 45.5 '—00.9 ———= C, 56 52.0 56 50.2 — 1.8 peenim' I), 57 12.6 00.0 57 12.6 104 Dr Seebeck on the polarizing angles, &c- Glass ‘Eis, 60) B7188.6 57 41.0. 402.5 - ml, 58.19 4000.).68-16.6 402 Bilin. Pyrope, 61 7.7. 61.40 —0 3.7 h Yellow blende, .67 7.0 67 8.2 °+01.2 The great agreement between the calculated and observed results, as given in this table, confirms, in the case of singly refracting substances, the accuracy of Dr Brewster's law, that the tangent of the angle of polarization is the index of refrae- tion,—a law with sibach observation will coincide only when the heh, al surface has the same property as the rest of the mass. What the cause is which produces the ihe upon the outer surface of the glass has not been determined by my ex- periments. That there is a chemical alteration produced by ' the air only, particularly on the surfaces of glass, is highly probable, yet I do not maintain that this is the principal cause of the observed anomalies. Upon newly polished. surfaces of the glass C, where the difference was at first — 0° 1’.8, I found the mean of twenty measurements of the polarizing angle-to be after sia weeks 56° 54°.6; after fourteen weeks, 56° 5148; after six months, 56° 54’.0, the differences + 0° 2’.6, — 0° 0.2 and + 0° 2.0 being within the limits of errors of observation, so that the upper surface does not seem to have suffered any change in that period. When T had the surfaces of the glass E, which formerly gave angles which agreed with the calcula- tion, again polished by an artist, they gave an angle of 58° '7’.0, which gave a difference of 4+ 0° 28'.5, whereas the differences | were originally — 0° 23’, and — 0°38’. Hence it can scarcely be doubted, that this great variation arose from some mechani- cal cause, produced perhaps by the cleaning of the surface; and it is probable, that the same cause produced the other deviations from Dr Brewster’s law. . | OBSERVATIONS BY THE EDITOR. The preceding observations of Dr Seebeck are undoubtedly the most accurate that have been made on the polarizing angles of particular surfaces, and are exceedingly valuable even as in- sulated facts, independent of their confirmation of the law of the tangents. This law, however, had been established by many observations of my own, subsequent to the publication Mr Stewart’s Mcteorological Observations, §c. 105 of my paper in 1815, and also by observations of MM. Arago and Biot ; and it has been adopted by Fresnel as a law rigor- ously physical, and enters into the beautiful formule with which he has enriched the science of optics. It derived also additional support from the numerous observations made by M. Arago and myself, on the change in the plane of polarization produ- ced by reflexion. The results of Dr Seebeck respecting the cause of the super- ficial changes in glass and other bodies, are, as he allows, not perfectly satisfactory. . I had shown in my first paper, (Phil. Trans. 1815, p. 124, 125,) that the anomalies in glass arose from a chemical change in the surface, which was sometimes obvious even to the eye, and from oxidations produced by the action of the air, and by heat. In a subsequent paper on a different class of phenomena, (See Phil. Trans. 1829, and this Journal, No. ii. N. Series, p. 209, &c.) I have shown how to detect these oxidations when they are wholly invisible to the eye; and I have proved that they take place on some kinds of glass, and not on others. It would be desirable, therefore, that Dr Seebeck should repeat his experiments with the glass E, and examine the state of its surface when it gives different angles of polarization, by examining the pencil reflected from these surfaces, when they are covered by an oil of the same refractive and dispersive power. A slight absorption of some of the minutely divided matter, used in grinding and polish- ing the surface, may account for the anomalies in question in those cases, if any really exist, where they are not produced by oxidation. Ant. XII.—Abstract of Meteorological Observations made in the Isle of Man from 1822 to 1831. By Rosrrt Stew- “xt, Esq. Receiver-General of the Isle of Man. Commu- . nicated by Dr H1sBerv. Iw Number X. of this Journal, p- 281, we have already given an abstract of Mr Stewart’s valuable observations made from 1822 till 1826. The thermometer was situated in a northern exposure, and was observed at 9 o’clock a.m. and 11 o'clock rp. M. ‘The following are the observations made since 1825. 106 : ae Mr Stewart’s MeteoPological Observations 1826. Thermometer. Wind. Number of days. . A. M. P. M. N. S. E. w. January, 39 35} 7 1] 8 G'. February, 44% 43 4 13 1 10 March, 43 442 6 5 14 6. April, 48 43 11 AR eae May, 531 50 6 ‘2 ag 4 June, 60 55 11 9 7 Br July, 664 63 6 11 4 10 August, 67}. 623 1 1k 1 18 September, 58} 53 4d Bae ae October, 555 4Qt 8 5 4 14 November, 435 42 10 0 tii 9 December, 445 44 8 7 4 12 Gen. Medium, 53} - 494 82 86 87 110 A. M. P. Ms Highest state of thermometer, - 75 70 Lowest, . " - - - 30 24 Mean, n - . 517° Weather and Rain. Number of Days. Inches of Rain. Snow. Fair. rain. January, - 7% 1 23 0.79 February, - 17 2 9 4.75 March, - 6 3 22 1.79 April, oe) £40 1 19 2.59 May, - Bom 28: 0.52 June, - 3 0 27 , 0. 4 July, - 10 0 2] 1.30 © August, - 14 anil | 2.35 September, 11 0 19 2. 4 October, - 17 0 14 3.55 November, - 11 4 15 3.52 December, - 17 1 13 6.28 Gen. Medium, 126 12 227 29.52 — Se ee ee eee. made in the Isle of Man. 1827. Thermometer. A. M. P. M. N. January, - 39 38) 12 February, - 39 37 9 March, - 42 41 9 April, - 47 45 5 May, - "> 62 49 4 June, - 57 53 8 July, - 60 55 11 August, - 58 55 11 September, - 59 55 5 October, - 54 52 8 November, - 48 48 16 December, - 46 45 7 Gen. Medium, 50 48 105 Highest state of thermometer, Lowest, : a : Mean, - pe 3 Weather and Rain. Number of days. Rain. Snow. Fair. January, - 13 5 13 February, - 5 1 22 March, - 15 5 11 April, - S. 0B. 119 May, “ 14 0 17 June, ae 0 19 July, - 10 0 21 August, - I1 0 20 September, - 12 0O 18 October, - 15 0 16 November, - 16 1 13 December, - 21 1 9 Gen.Medium,152 15 198 107 Wind. Number of days. Ss. E. w. 4 7 8 4 14 1 2 2) 38 5. 18iKed 17 7 3 12 6 4: 8 8 4 6 12 2 13 10 8 11 12 0 6 5 3 6 Gro lB 93 102 65 A.M. P.M. 70 64: 25 25 49° Inches of rain. 4.58 2.12 5.65 2.41 1.76 2.79 2.65 4.58 2.12 3.50 4.33 6.92 AB.AL 108 Mr Stewart’s Meteorblogical Observations 1828. ' Thermometer. - Wind | . Number of days. A. M. P. Me N. Ss. E. w. January, - 43 42 6 &8-. le a February, - 41 © 42 ot SR Oe 4 March, - 41 43 14 5 6 6 April, - 47 44 6 1l . Sarees May, - 1564 51 . 3 § - 37 .+6me June, « Ri5S 55 2 10 8 10 July,» - | 58 | 59 0 0018 -' 3 Ue August, - 61 58 4 8... i 8 September, - 59 56 2 612 (hoe October, - 53 51 | 6 210-2 S November, - 50 48 8 4 Il 7 December, - 49 48 8 10 4 9 Gen. Medium, 51 49 64 113 107 +82 A. M P. M. | Highest state of thermometer, - 67 64 Lowest, - “ “ 33 82 | Mean, - - - 502 39 Weather and Rain, Number of days. Inches of Rain. Snow. Fair. rain. January, - Ill 2 18 3.47 February, - 13 2 14 6.2.56 March, ei: 3 21 1.80 April, afi,' ae lL 4 4.38 May, - 10 0 21 25 June, ot a 0 20 1 63 July, - 12 0 19 3.33 Avignst; + 9 G20 6% 2.9 September, - 10 0 20 2.50 October, - 14 O° “O17 , 281 November, - 17 1 12 | 4.72 December, - 19 0 12 5.6 Gen. Medium, 147 ..9 210 ... 85.90 made in the Isle of Man. 1829. Thermometer. A. M. Pp. M Ne January, - 36 41 12 February, - 43 43 6 March, - 41 40 3 April, - 46 42 6 May, - 53 50 4 June, : 60 54 8 July, : 60 55 9 August, - 57 54 18 September, - 52 49 13 October, - 49 47 tag November, - 44 45 6 December, - 40 39 5 Gen. Medium, 48 46 102 Highest state of thermometer, ‘Lowest, - - - Mean, ‘ i Weather and Rain. Number of days. Rain. Snow. Fair. January, - 4 q 20 February, - 9 1 18 March, Le 0 27 April, «DS 2 13 May, 5 0 26 June, a 11 0 19 July, - 18 0 13 August, - 17 , 0 14 September, - 17 0 13 October, - 15 0 16 November, - 14 1 15 December, - 6 2 23 13. 217 Gen. Medium, 135 109 - Wind. Number of days. Se E. w. 2 17° 0 2-3 6 @ 0 eee 5 15 7 5 8 6 8 15 4. 3 3 3 rc 8 2 7. 6 7 6 gers 12 14 |g lads bats | 91 110 62 bo Me. Be Ms -' 65 62 28 27 47° Inches of rain. 0.87 158 1. O 3.10 1.53 1.77 2.86 5.80 3.65 6.10 3.81 1.82 33.89 110 Mr Stewart's Meteorological Observations, &c. August, - 58 52 September, - 54 52 October, - 652 49 1830. - Thermometer. Wind. Number of days. A.M. Pe Me N. i...) January, - 3893 87 1 1. 28 February, - 38 37 ll 5 7 March, - 445 47 7 6. 13 April, - AT 45 8 Metin * May, - 52 49 ll sg 5 June, - 55 53 10 oe July, - 56 57 15 4 7 3 3 2 1 a — — | SD Or D W BD Or =F © SP GO A ~3 November, - 49 45 7 7 December, - 39 38 7 7 1 Gen. Medium, 48.8 46.9 83 104 84 94 A. M. P.M. Highest state of thermometer, - 66 67 — Lowest, ‘ a - 25 26 Mean, - - - 47°.8 Weather and Rain. Number of days. Inches of Rain. Snow. Fair. rain. January, - 5 4 22 0.73 February, - 8 7 13 7 2.40 March, - 12 0 19 1.95 April, - 14 2 14 3.72 May, - 19 0 12 3.94 June, ~ hae 0 § 3 2.67 . July, Sees 0 14 3.61 August, - 12 0 ae 2.67 September, - 17 0 13 — 6.83 October, - 15 0 16 3.42 November, - 14 0 16 3.74 December, - 12 2 17 _ . me! Gen. Medium, 167 15 183 38.55 Mr Cruckshanks’s Excursion from Lima to Pasco. V1 From these and the former observations of Mr Stewart, we obtain the following results : | 7 1822, - - hve 51.5 1823, ~ - - 46.1 1824, - - - 49.8 1825, = - - 50.7 1826, - - - 51.3 1827, - - 49 1828, - - - 50 1829, : os - 47 1830, - - - 47.8 Mean Temp. for 9 years, - - 49.24 Correction in consequence of 9", and 11%, not being the hours of Mean Temperature, - - —0.84 48.40 Mean Temperature according to Dr Brewster's for- . mula, - - - " —47.58 Difference between the formula and observation, . + 0.82 . It is curious to remark, that the mean temperature of the four years, 1822-1825, inclusive, is precisely the same as that of the nine years, 1822-1830, inclusive. Art. XITI.—Account of an Excursion from Lima to Pasco. In a Letter from ALEXANDER CrucksHanks, Esq. to Dr Hooker. Turs interesting letter, of which we propose to present an abridgement to our readers, is published in Dr Hooker’s Botani- cal Miscellany, (Parts v. vi. p. 177-198, for March 1831,) a valuable and instructive work, the botanical details of which are relieved and enlivened by much amusing personal narrative. We must refer the botanical reader to the original letter for the - details, in which he will take the greatest interest. ‘** Having determined to accompany my friend Mr M , an English merchant of Lima, who had been appointed Director of a Company for draining the mines, we left the capital at noon on the 21st of June. Our party consisted of six individuals, and 112. Mr Cruckshanks’s Ewcursion from. Lima to: Pasco. we had with us three English workmen belonging to the Com- pany, a servant, and three muleteers: eight laden mules com- pleted the cavalcade. | ‘¢ On leaving Lima, the road proceeds for about a league to- wards the coast, to a place called Arnipuquio, and then, round- ing the hills that separate the two vallies, enters that of Chillon and turns inland. The Scotch-misty weather, the winter of the coast, had lately set in, and the hills were beginning to show the effects of the moisture, being thinly clad with verdure wherever _ a covering of soil had accumulated on the rock.. About half a — league out of Lima in this direction, there is a little valley bound- , ed by: very high hills, called Los Amancaes, from the vast num- ber of these flowers that appear there at the beginning of winter- The great height of the hills encourages a plentiful deposition of moisture, which produces a more abundant vegetation than is usually seen on the coast. After the rains have ceased in the interior, the Indians who rear cattle there are accustomed to drive them down to different parts of the hills and vallies in the low country, till they reach the coast ; and at this season, a consider- able number of small flocks and herds are brought to feed at Los Amancaes. During their stay, the place presents the ap- pearance of a fair, from the number of people who go out to pic- nic, and spend the day in roaming among the hills and decking themselves with the flowers, or in dancing, horse-racing, and other | sports. This annual promenade commences on St John’s day, the Amancaes being then in full flower ; and from an early hour, a great part of the motley population of Lima are seen swarming towards the hills, gaily dressed in all sorts of colours, of brighter hue, but not more varied in their tints than the complexions of the wearers. When the day is fine and the mist confined to the hills, the scene is singularly picturesque. On one hand, the steep rocky sides of the valley are studded with cattle tended by their Indian owners, and gradually disappearing in the mist as they wind ‘among the hills, the plain below, extending to the main valley of the Rimac, is covered with groupes engaged in various sports, and fresh parties constantly arriving; while, on the opposite side of the river, with distant mountains for a back- ground, the white spires of the city are seen through the groves of orange-trees in the gardens of the suburbs ; and lower down, Mr Gruckshanks’s Excursion from Lima to Pasco. 113 * the cultivated valley leads the eye to the’ ocean, with the Island of San Lorenzo rising abruptly in the distance. _ The season was considered late, and the cloudy weather had not extended far inland, so that, after proceeding a few leagues, the hills were perfectly naked, and exhibited a marked contrast to the fields of maize and lucerne in the valley below. We ar- rived before sunset at an estate called Punchanea, five leagues from Lima. ‘The proprietor, an old Spaniard, to whom one of my companions had rendered some essential services during the revolution, gave us a hearty welcome, and an excellent supper was prepared for us without garlic. As a compliment to our English tastes, too, the supper was no sooner removed than ¢ea was placed on the table. -. § Providing beds, especially to a party, forms no part of the hospitality shown to travellers in South America. Each person, if he have a luggage mule, carries bedding with him, but at all events, he has some rugs and.a blanket over his saddle, which, with his: poncho, answer the purpose exceedingly well after sit- ting all day on a mule. We were, therefore, of course, provided. with furniture for an immense empty apartment, into which we were conducted, and which was to serve us for a dormitory. In Chili, most people on a journey prefer sleeping in the open air. ‘Those who have never tasted the luxury of passing the night beneath the bright starry sky of a climate like that of Chili, cannot form an idea of the sound and refreshing sleep the traveller enjoys there, nor of the elasticity of spirits, and perfect freedom from fatigue, with which he springs from his grassy couch, when the muleteer warns him that the day is beginning to dawn, and the mules await him to pursue his joummey. But in Peru, especially in the vallies near the coast, where the climate is ‘ fair and false,’ it is usual to sleep under coyer: the traveller, - who, unaccustomed to the climate, should venture to pass the night in the open air, would most likely awake with an ague, and very frequently, his only alternative is to immure himself for the night amidst the smoke and filth of an Indian hut. | June 22d.—We could not start till eight o'clock, having to wait for a fat sheep our host had ordered to be killed for us. The: carcase being duly packed in its own skin, and placed between’ NEW SERIES, VOL. Vv, NO. 1. sULY 1831. HO 114 Mr Cruckshanks’s Ewcursion from Lima to Pasco. ' two trunks on a mule, we set out, accompanied by our hospitable — friend, who rode with us to the boundary of his estate, where he left us to pursue our journey. The road continued to wind round the foot of the hills on the south side of the valley, to the estate of Cavallero, where there is a post-house, generally made the first stage from Lima, from which it is distant six leagues. Near this place there is a bend in the valley, and in order to avoid the detour, it is usual to proceed up a ravine among the hills, from whence the road falls again into the valley, several leagues farther up. The ravine is called Rio Seco, (dry river,) and dry enough it certainly is, for not a drop of moisture is seen for a distance of five leagues, although there are unquestionable - marks of its having been, at some former period, the bed of a considerable stream. This Rio Seco presents a very fair speci- men of Peruvian barrenness, of which it is hardly possible to’ | form an idea without witnessing it. I have already alluded to the desert appearance of the coast, where you may travel whole days, over pure sand, without any trace of vegetation ; or, if the road lies occasionally near a range of mountains, the scene is: only varied by masses of bare rock, of which the fragments that cover the road are as fresh and unsoiled as if they had fallen but yesterday from the hammer of a mason. ** As the day advanced, we found the heat excessive, having now exchanged the hazy atmosphere of the coast for the clear deep blue sky of a tropical mountain region. At the head of the Rio Seco, the road winds up a steep hill, from the summit of which, the green valley is seen at a distance of two leagues, tan- talizing the thirsty traveller during the two hours that his mule takes to crawl over the rough stany bottom of the ravine that leads to it. | We regained the main valley about three o'clock, at a place : called Yangas, consisting only of half a dozen houses, immedi- ately beyond which is the village of Alcocota, five leagues from. Cavallero, by the road we came; by the valley it is six leagues and ahalf. ‘The valley, where we turned off, is nearly a league in breadth, but here it had contracted to about a mile, and the hills that bound it are high and steep, especially on the, north side, where the rock forms a perpendicular wall. ** Alcocota is considered ~ boundary of the rainy district, Mr Cruckshanks’s Excursion from Lima to Paseo. 115 - but the showers are only experienced occasionally ; a few leagues higher up, they fall constantly during the mountain winter. «< At the end of two leagues, we came to Santa Rosa de Quive, a small place consisting now only of a few huts on the hill-side ; a church and some houses in the valley having been destroyed by fire during the revolution. Here we halted for the night. The little hut where we stopped was not large enough to con- tain one-third of our party ; but being on an eminence far above the valley, there was no danger in sleeping out of doors, and we therefore took up our quarters in an open shed. “ June 23d.—Having been fortunate in escaping the attacks. ‘of mosquitoes, which are numerous in the valley, we rose at day- break, and started as soon as our numerous beasts could be laden and saddled. ‘¢ Though seated on a natural platform, far above the valley, the inhabitants of Yazo are very subject to intermittent fever, and the place has a bad name, on that account, among those who tra- vel to Pasco; but there can be no doubt that the people bring the germ of the disease from below. They work all day in small pieces of irrigated land in the narrow valley, where the heat is increased by the reverberation of the sun’s rays from the steep rocky mountains, which, at the same time, prevent a free circu- lation of air ; and, from the clearness of the sky, they are exposed after sunset to a sudden chill, while surrounded by a moist stag- nant atmosphere in this confined situation. I was obliged to put up here on my return, and, although I had just recovered from a severe attack of the fever, I found no bad effects from sleeping in an open shed. . * The hills near Y azo are very steep, and the road occasionally very narrow, especially in one part, where it forms a mere ledge on the side of a nearly perpendicular hill. A pass of this sort is called a Jadera.. The bank above, consisting of large rolled stones imbedded in gravel, bore evidence of the heavy rains in winter, being ploughed into numerous channels, and at that sea- son it must be dangerous to pass. From some of the loose earth giving way during the earthquake in 1828, a man and several mules were precipitated into the valley and killed. . ** At Huarimayo, there was only a single hut, where travel- 116 Mr Cruckshanks’s Kvcursién from Lima to Paseo. ters usually halt their mules, previous to passing a long and : elevated Jadera, called the Pacron. This is on the north side of the stream which we had erossed, lower down, on a very frail bridge, made of branches of trees laid from bank to bank. 9 5 « ‘On leaving Huarimayo, we continued along the north side of the valley, which is only wide enough to afford a passage to the stream. The hills rise so abruptly, that, in cutting a road, it has been necessary to carry it to a great elevation, following a natural break in the declivity of the mountain, which allowed a breadth of a few feet to be levelled between a precipice on the one hand, and the almost perpendicular wall! of rock that-rises on the other. The rushing noise of the stream gradually be- came more faint as we ascended, and died away before we reach-. ed the greatest elevation, at nearly 400 feet above its bed. The profound silence that reigns in solitary mountain-districts, where there are no trees, and we hear neither the song of birds nor the humming of insects, was only broken at intervals by the shouts of the muleteers encouraging or threatening their troop, as they wound slowly in an extended line along the sinuosities of the mountain. Sometimes, a mule, pressed by a heavy load, showed a disposition to halt and rest, and consequently stop all those in his rear, in- places where it was almost impossible to reach him but in such’cases, a mixed volley of stones and imprecations, with threats of future punishment, which experience had taught the — offender not to despise, soon had the effect of putting a en route. “Tt chanced that several troops of laden eubias bound to Pasco, were passing the /adera at the same time, and followed in our rear. Our muleteers had neglected the usual precaution of sending forward a messenger to prevent others from ascending in the opposite direction till we should have descended to the val- ley and left the road clear; the consequence was, that we were met at the end of the /adera by another party that had just as- cended, and our muleteers being in fault, the others insisted that — we should return; which, however, was out of the question, as there were a great number of mules behind, in situations where it was impossible for them to turnround. After much time spent in altercation, it was agreed that as our opponents had more room Mr Cruckshanks’s Ewcursion from Lima to-Pusco. 117 to move about in, they should endeavour to drive their mules up the hill above the road, which was there rather less steep ; this, with the assistance of our muleteers, was at length accomplished ; and while we passed down they remained perched in situations that hardly promised footing for as many goats. ‘There is, per- haps, more risk in the descent than in the dadera itself, the road making several sudden turns on the face of the hill, where. it is cut into steps to prevent the mules from slipping. ) ' In this part of the valley, on the south side, a hill rises abruptly to an elevation of nearly a thousand feet, and from its summit, a slender stream, like a band of silver, fringed with ver- dure, winds its way down the steep declivity. At the highest point, though not seen from the same spot, is a small Indian village, very difficult of access, whose inhabitants are called in the Quichua language by the now classic name of ‘ The Chil- dren of the Mist.’ “ The valley, which had narrowed into a mere ravine, opens a little on approaching the town of Obrajillo, three leagues from Huarimayo. * Obrajillo is twenty-one leagues from Lima, about widiey between that city and Pasco. Most of the muleteers who pass between the mines and the capital reside there ; a great conve- nience to travellers, as they get fresh mules for the remaining half of the journey. The valley is wide enough to allow some ground to be cultivated between the town and the stream; and above the town, towards the south, there is a recess in the moun- tains, occupied by low rounded hills, which have been levelled and formed into a series of small terraces for the cultivation of grain and vegetables, a sort of work for which the ancient Peru- vians were celebrated. ‘These patches of land being irrigated by a stream of water brought from above, the tufaceous rock readily decomposes by the constant moisture, and, combined with vege- table mould washed down by the rains, forms a black fertile loam, which yields luxuriant crops without manure. On an emi- nence at the extremity of this cultivated land, about — feet above the level of Obrajillo, and half a mile distant, in a straight line, stands the town of Canta, the chief town of the province of the same name, and the residence of the Intendant and.a Governor ; it consists, however, like Obrajillo, of small houses, little better. 118 Mr Cruckshanks’s Excursién from Lima to Paseo. than huts, and the population of the two towns, chiefly. Indian, is only about eight hundred souls. ** 'The day after our arrival was the feast of St John, the patron saint of Obrajillo. Our muleteer being one of the alcaldes of the town, and named after the saint, his presence was considered necessary at the festival. It was recollected, too, that the name of my friend was likewise John, and as the people of the town are chiefly supported by the traffic occasioned by the mines, which was expected to be greatly increased by the erection of the steam engines for draining them, it was argued, that there could be no hope of patronage from the saint in the undertaking if we refused to devote a day tohim. --., * st with Geognostical Observations, &c. 133 ‘horizontal stratification of this rock appears. Upon this hill, not far from Mahomet Kourgan, whence we discover the val- ley of Baksan on the Haimacha, we at last see the sandstone rise with a calcareous rock on which it rests, and which is the oldest secondary limestone of the Caucasus. In the valleys of Kichmalka and of Kassaout we have met with a ‘sandstone, which, in the series of superpositions, ought to be the same as the sandstone with ostracites; it is, however, entirely. devoid of fossils. In the valley of Kassaout, it is very compact at places on a lower level, where it sometimes. contains strata of argillaceous schistus. It is very quartzy at the same place, and does not effervesce with acids, while on the we it is much mixed with carbonate of lime. ‘ In an excursion in which we went out of the valley of Kies. saout, in advancing towards the central chains to seek for a Jead mine which the Tsherkesses had. mentioned. to us, we met on the heights which we traversed a very coarse conglome- rate; rounded peebles of common white quartz, grey brown and black j jaspers, and some fragments of argillaceous oni are all imbedded in a quartzy cement. In-spite of the most careful examination, I ebali not find any fragment of trachyte in this conglomerate. When we have reached the boundary of this plateau, we are still separated from the central chain by a wide and deep val- ley, and it is while descending a little towards this valley that we suddenly meet with nearly vertical strata of a particular rock, against which the above-mentioned conglomerate appear- ed to lean. We soon discover ancient works for obtaining the particles of sulphuretted lead. disseminated in the rock. In the parts near the conglomerate this rock is also composed of pieces of rolled quartz, cemented by a very ferruginous clay, . (not far from this is found much ochre of yellow iron,) in other places the relative quantity of the pieces of quartz diminishes, the paste predominates, and we see it distinctly composed of two substances, feldspar and sulphate of barytes ; it is also the sulphate of barytes which forms the gangue of the sulphuret of lead, and the thin strata of it are traversed by narrow veins of the compact sulphurets of lead and antimony, grey copper, a 134 M Kupffer’s Account of ‘the Russian Steppes, ' and oxide of manganese, all of which are so small in quantity that the works were soon abandoned. eM It was in our excursion to Kinjal and to the Ourda that I had occasion to study the secondary formations which were — older than the sandstone with ostracites. We have already seen that this sandstone rests immediately on a calcareous rock in which I have not met with any fossil remains. On the Hai- macha, where we halted the 10th of July, this limestone, though generally compact, had small lamelle of carbonate of lime disseminated through it. The rocks which follow the banks of the lower Ourda are composed of this calcareous for- mation, which appears to have a great extent, as we'shall pre- sently see. I shall call it limestone with gryphites, for I after- wards met with very large and beautiful specimens of this fos- sil in a limestone rock which I believe belongs to the same formation. I have shown in the historical part that the Inal, the Kinjal, and the Bermamuc, compose a particular chain of mountains, the highest of the secondary mountains, and the nearest to the central chain. ‘These mountains form, so to speak, the rugged edges of a long and wide crevice, from the bottom of which rises the trachytic chain, against which the secondary formations which I have described would appear to lean, if they were not separated by deep vallies, where ‘they | are seen to perforate several intermediate rocks. The Kinjal and the Bermamuc, which we have examined closely, are composed of this grey and compact calcareous rock which ought to be referred to the limestone with gryphites, though i in those same points I have not met with those fossils which in lower points, and in precipices, turned to the central chain, are mixed with sand, and become at last a true sand- stone, still older than the sandstone with ostracites. These two formations rise to the height of 7000 or 8000 feet above the level of the ocean. It was in descending towards the upper Ourda, which here — flows in a deep crevice, that I met with the first intermediary rocks, and at the same time with lava and amphibolic rocks. © The rocks hitherto mentioned are disposed in horizontal beds, which rise almost insensibly towards the central chain ; but in the disposition of the intermediary rocks a much greater with Geognostical Observations, &c. 135 disorder is exhibited. We soon discover the cause of these derangements. Scarcely has the limestone with gryphites be- ‘gun in the lower beds to mix itself with sand, and to change into sandstone, when we see it elevated and torn at several points by black and red lavas, and by compact trachytic masses. We descended in zig-zag the almost perpendicular declivity of this mountain; and when we arrived below, we saw to the bot- tom of a precipice, or of a crevice, on the banks of the Ourda, which falls impetuously from rock to rock. Here we discover heaved up strata of argillaceous schistus. The lavas which are thus found at the limit of the sand- stone and of the argillaceous schistus are mostly of a black colour, filled with vesicles greatly elongated in one direction, - and lying parallel to one another, so that these lavas seem to have suffered a great pressure by the superposed beds in tra- versing them. These vesicles are entirely empty 5 and with the exception of some white points nearly microscopic, we can- not discover any trace of the substances which so often fill the cavities of other lavas. Sometimes small crystals of amphibole are enveloped in their paste. At other places the cavities are - -very-rare and very small. ‘The mass becomes highly compact, takes a gray colour, mixed with small spots of a pale red, cleaves into thin lamine, and presents in general the mineralo- gical characters of a trachytic paste: The crystals of glassy feldspar are, however, wanting ; and we discover here and there small brilliant points of mica of a bronze colour. The argillaceous schistus alternates in some places with a species of psammite, (grauwacke,) which is, however, distin- guished from the common grauwacke by its white colour. ‘The strata of this rock are very much inclined ; on the banks of the river Kinjal, which we descended on the same day, the beds of argillaceous schistus present so many irregularities in their arrangement, that it is easy to observe the effect of a general derangement occasioned by the eruption of trachytic masses, which, as we shall presently see, penetrate every where the soil of the argillaceous schistus. The interval between the last sandstone which I have men- tioned and the argillaceous schistus, is occupied with a parti- cular formation of gres howiller. This I particularly observ- 136 Mr Kupffer’s Account of the Russian Steppes, , éd on the height of Kharbis. This height, which receives its name because this plateau, which forms only a hollow sur- rounded with higher mountains, rises a few hundred feet above the banks of the river Kharbis, forms, where it advances to the river, and at the same time where it advances towards the cen- ‘tral chain, that is, towards the south, a precipice where the ‘strata of which it is composed are laid bare. We see distinct alternations of beds of coal some inches thick, with a quartzy and yellowish sandstone. At some distance to the south, -be- fore the eye arrives at the central chain, or rather at Elbrouz itself, which appears from this in all its grandeur, there is seen rising to a very considerable height a very steep mountain, with a rugged crest, whose flanks are covered with rocky de- bris. This mountain has the same physiognomy as the trachy- tic mountains which compose the central chain. It forms part of a particular chain which runs parallel to the central chain, and which we must ascend in approaching the latter. These mountains, which touch the limit of perpetual snow, are com- posed of a dioritic rock, whose character is so remarkable as to merit a special description. - After having gone along several precipices which Bi alternately horizontal beds of sandstone and coal, of which all the district is composed, and whose rugged walls are turned to the central chain, we descend rapidly into a small hollow which separates the Youngouché, (this is the name of the mountain,) from the plateau which surrounds it towards the north. ,. We ascend again very rapidly, in order to reach a height which leans to the south on the Youngouché, and forms, as it were, the first step of it. This height is composed of a sandstone similar in external characters to that which contains the coal strata, but which differs from it considerably in the disposition — of its beds, which are highly inclined, and almost perpendicu- lar. These strata are supported against rugged rocks, with which the crest of Youngouché is flanked at its base, and which consist of an argillaceous schistus, and of a conglomerate form- ed of fragmentsof quartzand blackish gray jasper (Lydianstone) cemented by a talcose substance of a pale yellow-green colour, unctuous to the touch, and of a compound and schistose tex- ture. At some points this conglomerate takes the appearance ee a with Geognostical Observations, &c. 137 of psammite, to which formation it should doubtless be refer- red. The slope of the mountain is on account of its declivity so covered with debris that it is very difficult to penetrate to the rock. Between these debris, beside the rock which forms the summit of the mountain, and of which I have just spoken, and the conglomerate also mentioned, pieces of ee ons and schistoidal amphibole. The Youngouché itself, that i is, the crest of this mountain, is almost inaccessible. The ascent of it is dangerous ; the ir- regular debris with which its flanks are covered slide beneath the feet, and tumble mto the abyss. The rock of which this mountain is composed is a diorite, in which compact feldspar predominates ; it is a grayish mass containing small needles of amphibole, which sometimes unite into nodules and fill the in- terior of small cavities. ‘This grayish mass seems to be an in- timate mixture of feldspar and amphibole; the feldspar pre- sents here and there points crystallized and whiter than the rest, so that one is sometimes tempted to take this rock for a porphyry. Microscopic points of sulphuret of iron are some- times discovered in it. The conglomerates which I have described appear also in various other points situated on the boundary of the trachytic and secondary district, for example near the cascade of Tous- loukchapap. ‘The cascade itself is formed of a similar and very large conglomerate, which rises perpendicularly above the banks of the Malka to a considerable height. Enormous blocks, which are no doubt detached from these rocks, obstruct the bed of this river. On a slope less. steep, upon which our camp was established, we saw some rocks of serpentine and of intermediary limestone penetrated by a stratum of the vege- table soil which covered it. The stone bridge of Koubun is also formed of porphyroidal diorite; the dioritic mass is of a pale green colour, and con- tains white crystals of feldspar. These amphibolic rocks form here, as they do every where in Caucasus, very rugged moun- tains, bristled with aiguilles and crests, whose strange aspect and sombre colour contrast singularly with the flat but rug- ged rocks of sandstone which follow in the order of their su- perposition. 138 Mr Kupffer’s Account of the Russian Steppes, We have seen that the amphibolic and dioritic rocks form a series of very considerable elevations, intermediate between the central chain and the chain of the more ancient secondary rocks, of which the Kinjal, the Inal, and the Bermamuc, form a part. These rocks seem to have been produced by an erup- tion which has taken place in the region of the argillaceous schistus; for whenever they appear, we meet also with masses of this last rock heaved up in the most regular manner, and evidently broken and altered by their contact with the dioritic rocks. The schistose amphibole, particularly, is so confound- ed with the argillaceous schistus, that it is difficult to distinguish these two rocks, which sometimes alternate in very thin strata, and which have the same colour, and almost the same texture and fusibility. It is almost worthy of remark, that we meet almost every where in the line of this soil, (the dioritic soil does not occupy a great extent,) with springs of acidulous wa- ter containing oxide of iron and carbonate of lime. The Touslookchapap devives its name from a spring of this kind which rises at the foot of the cascade. ‘The acidulous spring near Yesilkol rises out of the ground like that of Youngouché which I have described. This spring deposits so great a quan- tity of carbonate of lime that the whole declivity of the moun- tain is covered with it. The taste of the water is very styptic, on account of the oxide of iron which it holds in solution. The central chain of the Caucasus, which rises considerably above the mountains hitherto described, is entirely composed ' of trachyte. Ata distance it exhibits a series of rugged rocks, crests, and peaks, whose black summits break in a singular manner the masses of snow which fill their crevices. These crests rise to the height of 12,000 feet. The perpetual snow begins in the Caucasus at the height of 10,000 feet. | The Elbrouz rises in the middle of these angular masses in the form of a double-topped cone. The smoothness of its out- line would distinguish it from the surrounding summits, even if it did not rise so much above them. Its height is 15,400. Its advantageous position still adds to the impression which the view of it makes upon the spectator, for it occupies the most advanced corner of an angle which the chain of the Cau- casus forms in this place, as may be seen in the maps. ‘The with Geognostical Observations, &c. 139 top of Elbrouz is entirely covered with snow, which is easily kept on its sides, which are generally not very steep. When we arrive near the middle of its declivity, we perceive that the lowest trachytic crests which surround it range them- selves around it, and encircle its base. Elbrouz itself seems to rise in the middle of a cavity, whose margin is formed by the trachytic crests I have mentioned. In looking northward we see the Kinjal, the Inal, and the Bermamuc, present the same arrangement. All these mountains exhibit precipices turned towards Elbrouz, or towards the central chain ; while to the north they slope insensibly, and form the immense pla- teau of which we have already spoken. The trachyte, (é. ¢. all the porphyries which envelope in their mass crystals of vitreous feldspar,) which compose the sum- mit of Elbrouz itself, holds a middle place between the resinite feldspar and the obsidian porphyries. Its mass, which enve- lopes many white crystals of glassy feldspar of an average dia- meter of two or three lines, is black and opaque, of a rough and uneven fracture, and of a vitreous aspect. On the fissures which traverse it in al] directions, and which divide it into masses ‘of a form approaching to that of the parallelipiped, it is coloured red, probably by the oxidation of the oxide of iron which it contains. Small scales of black amphibole and of black or bronzed mica are disseminated through the mass. The approaches of Elbrouz present the picture of destruc- tion. Enormous blocks of the trachyte which I have describ- ed are heaped one upon another. ‘Their debris cover the bot- tom of the excavations, and of the high valleys which sepa- rate them. These debris often preserve, while decomposing, their salient edges, and prevent the formation of vegetable soil. _ Though traversed by a thousand brooks fed by the melting of the snow, the ground is parched, and rolls down with a noise beneath the feet of the traveller. The rocks which I collect-. ed during this ascent present different varieties of trachyte and lavas; they are disposed without order, and they obstruct the beds of the rivers, particularly that of the Malka, from which I have obtained a great number of them. Among these we particularly distinguished a lava of very porous and grey feldspar, which envelopes white crystals of 140 Mr Kupffer’s Account of the Russian Steppes, &e. glassy feldspar, and small scales of black mica. This lava re- sembles much the trachyte of Elbrouz in its composition, dif- fering from it only in the porosity of its mass. The cavities or-vesicles are elongated in a determinate direction, and: ar- ranged in strata, a very distinctive character, which seems to belong to all these melted masses. This character sometimes vanishes ; the mass becomes more compact, and its colour more sombre. The rock is thus a true trachyte with a base of ob- sidian, which perfectly resembles that of the summit of Elbrouz. Other specimens have a pale violet colour, with the aspect of wacke, enveloping also crystals of glassy feldspar and scales of mica. I have also met with specimens in which very thin strata of black trachyte, with a base of obsidian, alternate with a red and very porous scoria. ' The porous feldspar lavas with crystals of glassy, feldspar, which I have mentioned, rarely envelope portions of hyaline quartz. These portions are very transparent, and often crack- ed, so that they separate into several grains when touched with the point of a knife. T hese grains, however, preserve the or- dinary hardness of quartz. These gray lava sometimes become so porous, that they form very light masses, decomposed at the surface, white and similar to pumice-stone, which they re- semble also in roughness. The debris of this rock forms accu- mulations, which we have several times observed in deere: from Elbrouz. There still remains to be described a particular bart which I have frequently met with in returning from the summit of Elbrouz. This rock consists of a grayish-white feldspar ce- ment, enveloping grains of hyaline quartz, small needles of am- pkibole, and scales of black mica. The cement crystallizes at some points, and then presents the structure of glassy feldspar. This rock exhibits the same stratiform structure which belongs to all the lavas of the Caucasus, and which _ gives to all these rocks the appearance of having flowed in a certain direction. On the banks of the upper Malka we still meet with large. blocks of red and green jasper enveloped in the same black vi- treous trachyte which we have above described. In all our journies in the Caucasus, I have met with gra- _ nite only in the hollows excavated by the rivers ; but we know. Prof. Moll on the inflammation of Phosphorus. 144 from the observatiens of MM. Engelhardt and Parrot, that it is found in interlaced strata in the argillaceous schistus. There have been brought to me pieces of granite and gneiss detached from a rock near the source of the Malka. According to the information I have obtained respecting the position of this gra- nite, it occupies all the bottom of the vallies, never rising to a great height, and is co-ordinate with the argillaceous schistus. I have been assured that the black trachyte of the central chain has been seen expanded over several of the beds of granite which are met with at the foot of Elbrouz, while ascending the river Malka. , - The granite which I have met with in the bed of the Malka is composed of common white feldspar, with a little quartz and silvery mica. The mica is disseminated in it in la- mine pretty large and distinct, which gives to this granite the appearance of gneiss.—See our last Number, page 351. —-- Art. XV.—ZHistorical Notice respecting the Inflammation of Phosphorus in Vacuo. Ina Letter to the Editor by Pro- fessor Mott. - My Dear Docror, Utrecht, 26th May 1831. Tuenre isa statement in one of the last numbers of your Jowr- nal which, if not altogether erroneous, is certainly at any rate not quite correct. I hope you will excuse me if I attempt to set you right. It concerns the combustion of phosphorus in vacuo, or as you express it more justly, in No. 8, p. 370, of your Journal, in a partial vacuum. That experiment is attri- buted by many to a countryman of mine, of the name of Van Bemmelen, who by a misnomer in English and French peri- odicals has heen sometimes called Van Bemmeleer. That wor- thy gentleman, since deceased, cannot claim by any means the honour of the invention of this very singular experiment. This honour belongs entirely to my venerable and celebrated friend Dr Van Marum, who as far back as 1794, observed this curious phenomenon. He published his experiments as early as 1797 in a Dutch collection of chemical tracts, called Kaste- leyn, Chemische Oefeningen, vol. i. p. 249. Soon after he gave an account of them in French, in the Description de quelques 142 Professor Moll on the inflammation of Phosphorus. Appareils Chimiques du Musée de Teyler, No. 10, p. 40. This was repeated in the Annales de Chimie, 'T. xxi p. 158, and in German in Gren’s nedes Journal der Physik, T. iti. p. 96. Mr Van Marum’s experiment was this, that phosphorus, lightly wrapped in dry cotton, or in cotton powdered with re- sin, would inflame in vacuo of a good air-pump. In 1801, the late Dr Van Bemmelen published an account of the repetition of Dr Van Marum’s experiments. He found, however, that phosphorus powdered with resin, or sulphur, without being wrapped in cotton, would inflame equally well, and that the experiment succeeds also when phosphorus is cover- ed with volatile oil of cloves. But neither Dr Van Marum, nor his friend Dr Van Bemmelen could succeed in inflaming phosphorus, not covered by or wrapped in some other sub- stance ; this appears to have been effected by the transatlantic philosophers, according to the very brief account of their pro- ceedings given in the Edinburgh Journal of Science. Van Bemmelen’s tract was in part printed in German in 1828, in the late Professor Gilbert’s Annalen der Physik, neve folge, T. xxix p- 268. Nearly at the same time in 1827, another paper, on the same subject, was published in Dutch by a clergyman of the name of Koning, and this tract, to which a golden medal was awarded by the Zealand Society of Arts and Sciences, is to be found in the second part of the fourth volume, of their Transac- tions. (Nieutve Verhandelingen van Zeeuwsch Genootschap. 4de deel, 2de stuk.) I have seen the experiment frequently re- peated in public lectures, I often repeated it myself, but I never saw or heard of a satisfactory explanation of so uncommon a phe- nomenon. ‘This difficulty of accounting for the result was per- haps the cause why the experiment was scarcely ever mention- | ed in any book on natural philosophy or chemistry ; and except: m Holland, it does not appear that the experiment was much: noticed or even repeated. The thing appeared almost forgotten, when Mr Berzelius was struck by the abstract of Bemmelen’s — experiments in Gilbert’s Annals of Physics; of this abstract another abstract was made in Mr Berzelius’s very valuable year- ly account of the state and progress of natural science ; from thence it gradually. penetrated into almost all the scientific journals of Europe. As, however, Mr Berzclius had made Observations on Monochromatic Laight. 143 unfortunately the mistake, of attributing the invention of the - experiment to Mr Van Bemmelen, all the other editors of scientific journals followed in the same track, and Dr Van Marum has a fair chance of being deprived of the credit of an invention, which he made fully thirty-seven years ago, and of which accounts were printed in the most popular French and German scientific periodicals of the time. My venerable and much respected friend feels justly vexed at this, and I trust to your love of truth and justice the care of setting the public right on this subject.—Y ours very sincerely, G. Mott. Art. X VI.—Remarks on Dr Goring’s Observations on the use of Munochromatic Light with the Microscope. Tue value of practical science, and the superiority of the re- sults of accurate experiments to the deductions of theory, are universally acknowledged, and by none more readily than those who are principally occupied with abstract research. When the calculated results of general laws are found in direct oppo- sition to those of accurate observation, the philosopher is on ‘the eve of some important discovery; but whenever such an opposition presents itself, he will be careful to repeat his ex- periments, and he will not venture either to assail the correct- ness of a well established and universally admitted law, or to | seek for the new principle on which the discrepancy depends, till these experiments are placed beyond a doubt. While we admit, therefore, the transcendent value of practical science, we must so far take the part of theory as to insist upon a ri- gorous scrutiny of the facts by which it is opposed. As I was the first person who recommended the use of ar- tificial monochromatic light for microscopical observations, by arguments drawn not only from theory but from immediate and frequently repeated observations, and as Dr Goring’s observa- tions, as recorded in a preceding article, are, if correct, entirely subversive of mine, it is necessary that I should relieve science from the opprobrium of these contending opinions. As Dr 144 Observations on Mohochromatic Light. Goring’s experiments were made with monochromatic light such as his prism could give him, while mine were made with the infinitely superior illumination of the yellow light of amo- -nochromatic lamp, I might have satisfied myself with the reply, that the results which he obtained with the one could not pos- sibly invalidate those which I obtained with the other; but this would have been a virtual evasion of the difficulty, for I am convinced that monochromatic light properly obtained by the prism is as well fitted for microscopic vision as that of a monochromatic lamp, provided we use a portion of the pris- matic spectrum that has the same limited range of refrangibi- lity. ‘This, however, is almost impossible, and hence the great superiority of artificial yellow light is undeniable. The conclusion at which Dr Goring arrives is, that white light is as good for microscopical vision as the monochromatic light which he obtained from the prism,—that such light is not monochromatic,—and that a monochromatic light is still a desideratum. The proof which he gives of these conclusions is this: When any of the prismatic colours were employed to illuminate the microscopic object, the object was fringed with prismatic colours. Of the accuracy of this observation we cannot doubt; but it is manifest that the prismatic colours employed were compound, and were either formed by an im- perfect prism, or mixed with extraneous light. Instead of suspecting the goodness of his prism, or his method of observa- tion, Dr Goring is led to infer that a certain quantity of white light enters into the constitution of each of the seven coloured rays, and may be rendered manifest by the dispersive powers of prisms and lenses.—This result is in direct opposition to all Sir Isaac Newton’s experiments with the prism; andif Dr Goring will employ the methods suggested by Sir Isaac for obtaining homogeneous light, he will discover the origin of his mistake. As this, however, would be attended with some trouble, we beg to suggest the following experiment which we have made fifty times with the same result. Take an excellent prism, capable of showing -Fraunhofer’s lines in the spectrum, and having admitted the sun’s light through the narrowest practi- cable opening between the edges of the window shutters, fix the prism vertically at the tar ic of twelve or fifteen feet, so Observations on Monochromatic Light: 145 as to see through it a prismatic spectrum of the luminous aper-__ ture. Take another prism equally good, and view. through it any portion of the, first. spectrum, by refracting that portion towards the violet extremity, and it will be seen that it is perfect- ly unchanged in its nature and colours by the second refraction. The lines will be seen as distinctly as before, and nota vestige of any other colour will be seen but that of the coloured por- tion itself. . In reference to the perfection of monochromatic vision, the following experiment will be decisive. Place a printed page of a small type upon a table illuminated by the sun. Stand- ing at the distance of some feet, view this page through a prism so that the plane of its refraction is parallel to the lines im which the types are arranged. The print will be entirely legible, each letter being blurred with a prismatic spectrum of -the white spaces between the sides of the types. Let the page be now illumimated by the light transmitted through a leaf of red paper, and the words and letters will be distinetly legible, though still indistinct on account of the red: light not being homogeneous. Shut the window shutters, and. illumi- nate the page with a monochromatic lamp: The words and letters will now be beautifully sharp and distinct, and except- ing their slight expansion in one direction by refraction, they will be as clearly seen as if they were viewed through a plate of parallel glass, or with the eye alone. If Dr Goring will therefore substitute the monochromatic lamp in place of the sun, we have no doubt that he will change his opinion on the subject of monochromatic vision, and if his health will permit him to devote his acute mind, and apply his great practical knowledge to microscopical discovery, we pledge ourselves that he will find monochromatic light the most power- ful instrument of discovery which optical science can at present command. _ Hogty In the use of single chromatic microscopes, a great deal may be done to improve the image, and even free it from colours when particular kinds of objects are used. Let it be required, for example, to determine the place of an object consisting of close parallel lines, in order to obtain the most perfect vision of it by a single chromatic lens.—The lens should, in the first NEW SERIES, VOL. Vv. NO. I. JuLY 1831. K 146 Observations on Monochromatic Light. place, have its axis horizontal; because in this case the eye is. in its natural position, and the fluid which lubricates the cor- nea is more evenly diffused over it by its gravity. If the axis of the eye were vertical, the fluid would tend to accumulate at the centre of the cornea, and produce a less perfect refraction of the incident rays. The direction of the lines in the micro- scopic object must be vertical, or parallel to the lines in which the fluid descends over the cornea, because in this position their sharpness will be least affected by the descent of the fluid. And, lastly, the direction of the lines should be in that of a diameter of the field of view passing through the axis of the lens, because in this position all colour whatever will dis. appear between the lines, as the plane of refraction in the lens is comcident with the lines; a case in which the largest refracting angle of the most dispersive prism is incapable of producing any colour in a line of light. When the lined ob- ject is placed out of the centre of the field, the prismatic co- lours will immediately appear at the edges of the lines, but this species of colour may be corrected by the opposite refrac- tion of a prism ; or even by looking past the edges of the fin- ger, so as to produce a compensation by the chromatic effect of the eye. This last resource will of course obstruct a good deal of light, and is mentioned chiefly for the sake of illustration. We leave it to the mathematicians to deal with the remain- ing part of Dr Goring’s paper, which displays great practical knowledge of optical instruments, and contains much original and valuable information ;—but we cannot avoid touching up- on one topic. Dr Goring has in page 67 quoted a passage ‘from Mr Coddington’s preface to his T'reatise on the Eye and Optical Instruments, which has no doubt compelled him to take up the gauntlet thus thrown down to every improver of the mi-. croscope. The following is the passage referred to, which has given just grounds of offence, not only to those who have suc- cessfully devoted their time and their fortune to the improve- ment of the microscope, but to those also who feel that English science might justly boast of its achievements in this department’ of optics. While the French and Bavarians have been carrying off from. us the palm in achromatic telescopes, it was some con- Observations on Monochromatic Light. 147 solation that we still surpassed them in nilycigs! segs speak improve- ments. On the subject of telescopes,” says Mr Coddington, * I have done little more than detail and explain to the student the improvements which the talents and industry of Huygens, Dollond, and Ramsden, had long since made available in prac- tice. With regard to the microscope, I may perhaps lay claim toa little more. That instrument had, till very lately, been almost entirely neglected since the days of Campani, and I am inclined to doubt whether the intellectual and manual labour which has within a few years been bestowed upon it have been on the whole profitably directed, since they have left wholly untouched a source of error perhaps the most import- ant of all, namely, the ppbawity of the refraction at the ob- ject-glass.” We entirely agree with Mr Coddington in the opinion, that the microscope has been almost entirely neglected since the days of Campani; but we differ widely from him ‘in his estimate of the value of the intellectual and manual labour which has been lately bestowed upon it.—We regard the last twenty years as the golden age of microscopical improvement ; and in proof of this position, we shall enumerate some of the intellectwal and manual labours by which this period has been so remarkably distinguished. “1. Dr Wollaston’s introduction of centrical pencils by means of two hemispheres separated by a diaphragm. 2. Dr Brewster’s grooved or excavated sphere, very inap- propriately called the bird’s-eye lens by Mr Coddington. 3. The catoptric hemisphere, by which the magnifying power of a hemisphere is doubled. 4. Mr Herschel’s double lenses free from spherical aberra- tion. ! 5. Dr Wollaston’s microscopic doublet. 6. Dr Wollaston’s improved method of illumination. 7. Introduction of monochromatic light. 8. Introduction of microscopes made of garnet, a and diamond. 9. The improved Amician reflecting microscope. 10. Selligue’s idea of combining achromatic object-glasses. 148 Notice of the Discovery of the Termination of the 11. Dr Goring’s various improvements on the microscope, as described in this Journal and elsewhere; and his introduc- tion of test objects. See this Journal, No: xx. Old Series, p- 327, 360; No. i. New Series, p. 64, 353; and No. viii.! p. 244. See also the T'reatise on the Microscope published by Dr Goring and Mr Pritchard. 12. Mr Lister’s discovery of the double aplanatic foci, and: variable aberration of achromatic object-glasses havidg their inner curves in contact. | In the preceding enumeration we do not pretend to give’ ani exact list of recent microscopical improvements; We have’ merely mentioned those that happen to be best known to our- selves. ie With regard to manual labour, we may give the following enumeration :— 1. The new and difficult art discovered by Mr Pritchard of making diamond lenses. 2..The great skill exhibited by Chevalier, Tulley, Anil Utzschneider, and others, in constructing minute achromatic: object-glasses. 3. The art of giving the elliptical form to small spain 3-10ths of an inch focus, and of the same aperture, as perl by Mr Cuthbert. See this Number, p. 74, note. This enumeration of facts will, we hope, relieve the philes sophers and opticians of England and other countries, from the charge of having given an unprofitable direction to their: intellectual and manual labours in the improvement of the mi- croscope. That their inquiries have been pursued in the right: direction, may be safely inferred from the extraordinary success with which they have been attended. é Ant. XVII.—Notice of the Discovery of the Termination of - the Niger, in the Bight of Biafra. | Tne discovery of the termination of the Niger has long been — a problem of some interest in geography. ‘The direction of the river seems to have been traced toa point in 10° of north lati- tude, and 5° of west longitude, a little to the south of Yaory or-Youri, the place where Mungo Park appears to have been * Niger in the Bight of Biafra. y 149 wrecked. At this point the Niger, or the Kowara or Quarra, as it is there called, is within less than 4° of the Bight of Benin, in the Gulf of Guinea, but no correct information could be ob- tained respecting its future course. According to information given to Major Denham it then took a direct easterly course to- wards the Nile, and the very same direction is assigned to it in Sultan Bello’s Map of Central Africa. An able writer in the Quarterly Review supported this view of the subject with great ingenuity. According to the hypotheses of Major Laing, and from information communicated by the Sheikh of Gadamis, the Niger went westward, passing through the mountains of the Moon, and terminating in the River Volta, in the Bight of Benin, in north lat. 53° and east long. 1.° Captain Clapper- ton was led to give it a course straight south from Youri, and terminating in the Bight of Benin, to the east of Lagos, in north lat. 64° and east long. 43 ; while according to the hypo- thesis of Reichard, a German geographer, it went a little far- ther to the east, terminating in the Bight of Benin, and forming the great River of Formosa in Benin, in north lat. 4°, and east long. 5}°. Other travellers, such as Mungo Park and Cap- tain es Well identified it with the Congo or Zaire. Of all these hypotheses that of Reichard is the nearest to the truth, as it has been found to terminate in the Nun or Brasse River, in the Bight of Biafra, in north lat. 43° and east long. 9°, just at the great angular point of the African continent, a little to the north of the Island of Fernando Po. This great discovery was made by the two Landers, one of whom accompanied Captain Clapperton, and attended that ad- venturous traveller on: his deathbed at Sockatoo- In 1830, Mr Landers, accompanied by his brother, sailed to Africa, and succeeded in tracing the Niger to the sea. The following account of the discovery was communicated to the Editor of the Literary Gazette by Mr Fisher. “ His Majesty’s Ship Atholl, at sea, : Bight of Biafra, Feb. 2, 1831. « Dear Sir,—I take the opportunity of writing you a few. lines by a.vessel that we have just now met on her way to” England. My object in writing in this hasty manner is to ac- 150 Captain Franklin on the Diamond Mines of em you that the grand geographical problem reepecaiag the termination of the Niger is at length solved. ** ‘The Landers, after having reached Youri, onhesiiill ina canoe on the Niger, or, as it is called there, the Quarra, and came down the stream until they reached. the sea, in the Bight of Biafra. The branch by which they came to the coast is called the Nun, or Brasse River, being the first river to the eastward of Cape Formosa. On their way down the river, they were attacked by the Hibboos (a fierce nation that inhabit its banks), and made prisoners, or rather captives ; but the King of Brasse happening to be in that country buying slaves, got them released, by giving the price of six slaves for each of them. In the scuffle that ensued at the time they were sakem one of them lost his journal. ** Whilst at Youri they got the prayer book that sake to Mr Anderson, the brother-in law and fellow-traveller of the celebrated Mungo Park. They were upwards of a month at Fernando Po, whence they embarked, about ten days ago, in an English merchant vessel bound to Rio Janeiro, on their way to England. From their taking that circuitous route, [ am in hopes that this will reach you before they arrive, by which you will probably have it in your power to give the first news of this important discovery. ** I do not recollect of any thing else to acquaint you with that is worthy of notice ; and even if I did, I have no time to mention it, as the boat by which I send this (to the vessel) is just this moment ordered away. ‘** I must therefore bid you adieu for the present ; and be- lieve me, dear Sir, yours very sincerely, “© ALEXANDER FisHer.” Ant. XVIII.—On the Diamond Mines of Panna in Bundel- khand. By Cartaix JAMEs Frank tn, First Bengal Ca- — valry, M.A.S. Tur geological position of the matrix of the diamond, being still a question in the history of that gem, the following notice on the diamond mines of Panna, will not, I trust, be wnac- ceptable. Panna in Bundelkhand. 151 ~ Report says, that they were first discovered in the time of Raja Chitras4l, who ruled at Panna, in the reign of the em- peror Aurangzeb, but that period being a troublesome zera in the annals of the Bundelas, it is supposed, that they were not efficiently opened, until the time of his grandson Subha Sinha. - Their situation is peculiar, being confined to a small portion of the great belt of sandstone which extends from Rotasgerh, through the provinces of Boghélkhand and Bundélkhand, un- til it is finally covered by the overlying trap of Malwa and _ Sdgar ; this, however, is but a small part of the extent of this formation, for the break at Rotdsgerh is merely an hiatus oc- casioned by the original current of the Sean valley, which - doubtless swept away every vestige of this rock, until its force was turned aside by the projecting points of the Vindhya range, near Monghir,—after which in the Rajmahal hills, the sand- stone again appears as before,—and from that point it may be traced throughout the whole of the peninsula; it is the depo- sitary of the diamond at Panna—and I have no doubt that the rock mines both of Sembhelpur and Banganpilli, though far asunder, will ere long be found to belong to the same for- mation; in the meantime, the following facts which have fal- len under my own observation, on my route from Belari to Ajayagerh, may serve to identify the class and character of the rock which contains the matrix of the diamond of Panna. - The first part of the route (or from Belari to Ajayagerh) crosses the most lofty portion of the sandstone belt, usually called the Bandair hills—which, without exception, is entirely composed of argillaceous sandstone, either mottled or streak-_ ed—and opposite to the village of Piperiya, below the Ghat of that name, I observed the sandstone reposing on beds of slaty marl. Having descended the Bandair hills by the Ghat of Piper- iya, I came upon the second range, which, like the former, is composed of sandstone, but the surface of its plateau being co- vered with a stratum of lias limestone, the sandstone can only be traced in the beds of rivers, or in small protruding elevations, until it emerges from beneath the limestone and forms the counterscarp of the Panna hills, where it is variegated and 152 Captain Franklin on thé Diamond Mines of friable, and the marly slates are again visible in the hills vane overlook the town of Panna. | The lowest portion of the range, or that whindes is called Bin- dachal, is the peculiar habitat of the diamond, for it is not found in any other part, except on the platform of this range, or on the counterscarp of the second, and it is proved by the waterfalls, that this range also is entirely composed-of sand- stone. For instance, the cascade of the Ranj river shows a series of sandstone interstratified with slate clay three hundred and ninety feet thick. All the other waterfalls present simi- lar appearances, and that of the Bagin river, penetrating deeper than the rest, exhibits a fine section; -here the sand- stone is distinctly interstratified by a succession of layers of slate clay, the uppermost of which having a marly base is thickest, and the descending strata becoming more indurated, containing more mica, and gradually diminishing in thickness, dwindle away finally into mere partings, and in their progress to this attenuated state, they assume characters. so various, that in some instances, it is difficult to distinguish them from the older schists. The sandstone also changes, gradual- ly becoming silicious, and at the bottom it closely -resem- bles some varieties of quartz rock, but the horizontal position of the beds is constantly preserved, and in _all-the glens, par- ticularly in that of the Bagin river, black bituminous shale crops out from beneath the sandstone. I excavated this shale - to the depth of six feet, but having no other means than such, . as I could procure on the spot, the influx of water soon over- powered my operations. I found, however, that the bitumi-. nous quality of the shale increased,—fragments of it, throwing. out strong shoots of flame when ignited, and I was disposed to, think that coal was not far distant. I have ventured to call this formation new red sanidatpee, considering it in the same light as the series of rocks so term~ ed in England, and it would appear, that this denomination, is in some measure corroborated by other. facts, in other por- tions of the same range of hills, but principally by the proof of its saliferous nature. It has been shown, that at the village of Kattra, the soil is impregnated with salt, which. is. there, and in many other adjacent villages, extracted by the native Panna in Bundelkhand. 153 process of lixiviation, such is the case also on the banks of the Tons river, and Mr Stirling, who published an account of the diamond mines of Panna, remarks, that salt abounds in the soil at the foot of this range, opposite Allahabad, and between that place and Mirzapur. These facts, therefore, together with the general horizontal position of the beds, the existence of lias limestone reposing upon them, the distinct interstratifi- cation of a series of slate clay, and above all, the.croppmg out of bituminous shale from beneath the whole :mass, would ap- pear to justify the use of the term which I have applied. I have been thus prolix, because it is of importance that I should be clearly understood with regard to my nomenclature, and, if I am wrong, my own description may, perhaps, serve to correct my error. Having thus premised, I shall now pro- ceed to give as brief.a description as I can of the mines in question. . The natives describe the mines by using the terms chi/a, or superficial, and gahira, or deep, and the matrix they call madda ; the rocky matrix of the deep mines is always a con- glomerate, and, if it is a gritstone with a silicious cement, and its pebbles are of ancient rocks, and waterworn, it is termed pakka or mature; but if the cement is argillaceous, and _ its _ pebbles are of more recent rocks, it is then called -kacha,. or immature ; the matrix of the. superficial mines is universally called Ld/kakru, or red ironstone gravel, mixed with ferrugi- nous sand or clay. This gravel is waterworn, and sometimes quite rounded like swan shot, and when found in the fissures and interstices of the upper sandstone, it is mixed with ferru- ginous sand, but, on the other hand, when imbedded in ferru- ginous clay, it-is usually found covered with vegetable soil, and reposing upon slaty marl ;—sometimes, however, it is sur- mounted by a stratum consisting of particles of common kankar imbedded in yellow clay, which occasionally mingling with it, forms another description of matrix, which, being calcareous, is called hadda ; the diamonds of the glen of the Bagin river, have evidently been transported thither from their native beds, and in all probability the gangue in which. they now rest in the basin of the waterfall, greatly resembles the: cascalho of the Brazils, or that of Sambhelpur, in Southern. India. 154 Captain Franklin on thé Diamond Mines of The pakka, or rocky matrix, 1s very limited, stretching: ge- nerally from Kamariya to Brijpur, along the course of the Bagin river. It is excavated at Kamariya, Bijpur, Bargari, Myra and Etwa; their is also a small deposit of it near the town of Panna, but at Brijpur, from the effects of denuding causes, it lies at the surface, and a very satisfactory section of it is laid bare in the bed of a small rivulet about one mile west of the village, where it appears to be a gritstone, composed of white quartz gravel, cemented by silicious matter, and con- taining rounded pebbles of quartz, jasper, hornstone, Lydian- stone, &c. Thus it forms a conglomerate, which passes by gradual transition into silicious sandstone. It is readily dis- tinguished from its associated rock, differing greatly from it, in as much as the sandstone in which it is found has a martial argillaceous cement, and closely resembles that which forms the upper layer of the cascade of the Bagin river. Kamariya Mines.—The most noted ‘mines of this desittip. tion of matrix are those of Kamariya and Panna; at the for- mer place they are on an average about fifteen feet deep, and in one which I examined, the beds of slaty marl were two feet below the surface, a thin stratum of red ironstone gravel imbedded in ferruginous clay, and vegetable soil, were their only covering ; they differed in no respect from those of Pi- periya Ghat, they were marly, slaty, slightly micaceous, in- terstratified with thin laminze of sandstone, and associated with calcareous slates, which were dendritic between their partings, and although their general colour was bluish-green, or greenish- grey, yet there was a sufficient mixture of red, to characterize them ; they were about twelve feet thick, and immediately. be- low them was the rocky; matrix of the diamond. r The conglomerate is here as. at Brijpur, a gritstone contain- ing pebbles of quartz, both white and green jasper, hornstone, - Lydianstone, &c. and it is worthy of remark, that when the green quartz pebbles abound, it is considered a good sign, and so also when the gritstone is slightly ferruginous, the matrix in these mines reposes on compact sandstone. Panna Mines.—The mines of Panna are of the same itd: & here also the stratum beneath the vegetable soil is red ironstone gravel, below which are beds of slaty marl, better characterized Panna in Bundelkhand. — 155 if possible than those of Kamariya, then follows the diamond ma- trix, which differs in no other respect from that of Kamariya or Brijpur, except that it appears to contain a little more ferru- ginous matter; its pebbles are the same, its cement the same, it has the same peculiarity of containing green quartz nodules so highly esteemed as an augury by the natives, and its floor is of the same description of sandstone. These mines vary in depth from twenty to fifty feet, and, owing to the stratum of the matrix being thinner, (sometimes scarcely a span thick,) they cannot be worked laterally as at Kamariya, they are therefore more expensive, but their pro- duce is said to cover the outlay and yield a profit. They are consequently esteemed, and hold a reputation nearly equal to those of Kamariya. Sakertya Mines.—The kacha, or immature matrix, is ex- cavated at the villages of Sakeriya and Udesna, both situated on the counterscarp of the Panna hills. It contains rounded pebbles of quartz, jasper, Lydianstone, &c. but with these are mixed more recent pebbles of white sandstone. It contains also much white quartz gravel, called by the natives, detla, but the cement of the conglomerate, instead of being silicious, is a yellowish white clay, soft and plastic when in its natural bed, but capable of acquiring the consistency of mortar when ex- posed to the atmosphere, and when it contains ferruginous matter it is considered a good sign. The quartz pebbles are of the fat and greasy variety, and the green kind so much es- teemed in the rocky matrix, is here entirely wanting. A shaft near Sakeriya which I examined, pierced through the following beds Ist, eight feet vegetable soil; 2d, eight feet piri matti, or common kankar, imbedded in yellow clay ; 3d, four feet lalkakru, or red ironstone gravel in ferruginous clay ; 4th, two feet detla, or white quartz gravel; next fol- lowed sandstone, and then the kacha matrix. The thickness of the detla stratum is here considered a matter of augury ; if it is too thick it augurs ill, as it is then supposed that the stra- tum of madda will be correspondently thin, or wanting altoge- ther. It ought not to exceed two feet. Udesna Mines.—Near the village of Udesna, the same kind of matrix underlies laterite, there called macha. The great 156 Captain Franklin on the Diamond Mines of abundance of ironstone gravel and ferruginous matter strewed over this part of the country necessarily produced in former times, and no doubt still continues to produce, a great quanti- ty of oxide of iron, which being washed away, and held lution by the minor streams, has been gradually deposited in the channel of the Ranj river until it is now about ten feet thick, and immediately below it are the beds of detla and sand- stone, and the matrix as above-mentioned. This matrix does not require to be broken, the clay is easily separated by wash- ing, and the expence of working the mines is consequently les- sened, but still they are not considered so certain in their re- turn as those of the rocky matrix. Superficial Mines.—The chila, or superficial mines, are to be found in every part of the diamond tract, excepting only a circuit.of about five miles from the cascade of the Bagin river, where it appears that denuding causes have swept them away and all their contents into the glen of that river. Their ma- trix is always red ironstone gravel in ferruginous sand or fer- ruginous clay. Their geological position, with regard to the descending series, appears to be remarkably well defined, for they are obinly to be found on the verge of two cascades, having 400 feet of sandstone beneath them ; when this matrix fills the fissures and interstices of the upper sandstone, angular fragments of the rock are mixed with it, the corroding influ. ence of the oxide of iron appearing to have detached them as well as to have disintegrated and oxidated a portion of the rock, so that the gravel and fragments are imbedded in sand so highly ferruginous that it resembles the rust of iron; but when, on the other hand, it is imbedded in ferruginous clay, it contains no fragments of sandstone, and is constantly found overlying slaty marl or sandstone, or deéla, as in the instances above-mentioned ; with regard to the ascending series, its geo- logical position seems also to be well defined, for, if the two strata of red ironstone gravel and kankar occur together, as they do at. Sakeriya, it always underlies the calcareous bed, and their line of separation is.distinct, so that, when they hap- pen to mingle as at Bangla, the matrix acquires a new pear and is then called hadda. | These mines rarely exceed five or six ck in depth, and are . 3 PE ee ee ee SS ee ee eee Panna in Bundelkhand. | 157 often much less; with regard to their produce I am inclined to think that they are very precarious, notwithstanding some of the largest diamonds have been found in them; it is‘common to hear complaints of having found nothing for many months, and: to me they appeared like a lottery in which there are a few prizes and many blanks—they have an advantage im re- quiring little or no outlay, and are consequently wrought by all classes, but it is not unlikely that more capital has been sunk in them in the shape of labour than has ever been re- turned. The diamond is occasionally, though very rarely, found on the surface, nor is it improbable that some lucky chance of this kind may have led to the discovery of the mines. Mines of Transported Diamonds.—The above is a brief account of all those matrices of the diamond in the Panna dis- trict, which fall under the denominations of madda, lalkakré, or hadda ; but there are others where the gem is found in de- posites with which it appears to have been swept away from its native beds, as at Majgoha and in the glen of the Bagin river; the mines of the former place are peculiar, and require separate mention, but in those of the glen, the diamond is found under rocky debris, both on the banks and in the bed of the river, and also in the basin which receives the cascade ; its ma- trix in this state, is a confused mixture of red ironstone peb- bles, angular fragments of sandstone, and pieces of common kankar, heaped together in ferruginous sand or clay, the de- tritus in fact of its original gangue; and the mines of course have a great resemblance to the superficial mines above-men- tioned, but they are said to be rather more productive, and there is great reason to believe that the basin of the cascade has never yet been emptied or excavated except to a trifling extent. Majgoha Mines.—The mines of Majgoha are in the west- ern part of the diamond tract, and they may properly be called its western boundary ; they are situated in a hollow resem- bling an inverted cone, which appears to have been excavated by the same process, (more powerfully applied,) which scooped out those resemblances to it in miniature, which are observ- able in the rocky beds of rivers ; the diameter of the vortex is * 158 Captain Franklin on the Diamond Mines of about 100 yards, and its depth (I presume) cannot be less than 100 feet ; on its periphery, superficial mines are wrought _in sandstone, but the cavity of the chasm is filled with green mud, containing calcareous matter, such as I can find no apt similitude to, except by supposing it to be the abraded mat- ter of the same marly slates as those which occur in the mines of Panna and Kamariya, here deposited en masse, and there in slates ; this of course is mere conjecture, but if the vortex has been formed as I suppose it to have been, the matter could not in that case have acquired a schistose form; ‘be the facts of the case, however, what they may, this singular de- posite fills two-thirds of the chasm, and at the top it has a thick crust of calcareous spar, which is indistinctly oe and contains portions of the green mud between ‘its laminee. — The diamond is rarely found in the calcareous crust, its habitat being in the green mud, and it is believed by the na- tives, that the deeper a shaft descends, the richer is the pro duce ; but although they are aware of this circumstance, their ordinary means have never enabled them to descend lower than fifty feet, the water at that depth overflowing their works, and compelling them to desist: this deposite, therefore, and that of the basin of the Bagin river, appear to be two instances in which superior means sagt be employed, with ettnety: and perhaps with profit. ern Mode of washing and searching the Matrix.—The mini of washing and searching is the same in all the mines, the rocky matrix alone requiring to be broken; it is first thrown into a trench with water and shoveled and trod like mortar, and as the object is to wash away the clay, fresh water is thrown on and poured off repeatedly until the fragments are sufficiently cleansed, and, as a final purification, they are sifted on fine baskets, which completes the operation of washing; they are then spread in a thin layer’ on a smooth floor plastered with — clay or cow-dung, and when dry the whole is passed under the hand, and searched three several sata fete which; the: fragments are thrown aside. | Reproduction of the Diamond.—The circumstance of dia- monds being frequently found amongst these fragments after they have been thrown aside, has, perhaps, given rise to the Panna in Bundelkhand. 159 idea of their reproduction, and I was anxious to obtain the opinion of experienced natives on this subject: they admit it only in one instance, viz. at Majgoha, and even there, it is al- ways ascribed to the spiritual agency of the founder of the Mehdivi sect, to whom those mines belong, but their more ra- tional opinion is as follows, which I will give as nearly as pos- sible in the words of my communicant :—“‘ The object of washing is to free the rocky fragments from clay, and particu- larly to cleanse the diamond, so that it may readily be distin- guished in the operation of searching, but with all our care we cannot always succeed ; small diamonds frequently retain their covering, and. thus elude our search in the first scrutiny, nor can they be discovered afterwards, until the coating which concealed them is worn away ; hence it happens that diamonds are found amongst fragments which have been searched and thrown aside, but it is observable that small diamonds alone are so found, and that they rarely exceed the weight of half a troy grain.” With regard to Majgoha I am inclined to think that the above opinion applies with great force. ‘The matrix of these mines contains calcareous matter, and it is no easy attainment to wash away a calcareous incrustation by using water alone ; whenever, therefore, such an occurrence takes place, the dia- mond might not only elude a first search, but a series of searches, and even for a series of years, until the coating which enveloped it was worn away. Description of the Diamonds.—T he lined of the Panna mines may be classed according to the following arrangement, usibg native denominations : 1st, Lilwaja, transparent, colour- less, having no tinge except the azure which is reflected in a drop of distilled water ; it is so scarce that only one specimen was to be found in the town of Panna. 2d, Banspati, Motichar, Ghiya, or Maska: these kinds are common, the first has a greenish tinge, the second is also greenish, but varies to a pearly cast; the third is yellowish and of a greasy or resinous lustre, as its name implies ;—the crystalline form of this class is very distinct, exhibiting fre- quently the regular octahedron as perfect as if it had been shaped by an artist, the dodecahedron is also common, and . * 160 Captain Franklin on the: Diamond Mines of so is the spheroidal, arising apparently from the convexity of its faces, and the obtuseness of its edges, the average price of this class is thirty Srinagari rupees, for diamonds. of one. retti weight, 35 for two, 40 for three, 45 for four, and 50 for erse'r4 of five retti weight. 3d, Sambarra and Charehara :: these are they which ‘havi given rise to the belief that the Panna mines produced only table diamonds; the specimens I saw were quite irregular in their: crystalline form, appearing as if they had’ been broken by a violent blow; but they invariably cleave into thin tabular Ja- mine, and, as they are generally of a good water, and sell for a low price in comparison with the others, the Panna jewellers appear to find it more profitable to work them up, by setting them in rings or other ornaments; their one retti price is twenty rupees, increasing according to weight as above stated. 4th, Bengala pashmi, Pira and Matta: these. are yellow- ish green, yellow, and clove brown, and their crystalline form is multiform, the price of the one reéti gem is fifteen Fe, increasing as above. | 5ih, Rekatberar: this is the rose-coloured variety, its’ cry- stalline form is also multiform, it is not esteemed, and its sin- gle retti price is twelve rupees. fg) 6th, Kala, Garas, or Jalidar: the first is black or very dark brown, and the second, as its name implies, includes all’ diamonds that are flawed or appear to contain filaments like a spider’s web: these varieties are here termed Kaffiya, or seum, but in England they are called bort, and there they are used in the arts for diamond dust to an extent unknown in this country, their price varies according to the size of the stones; but as they seldom, if ever, exceed one retti weight, the worst kind may be purchased for eight, and the best for ten nee the retii. he above list contains the principal names classed- -accord- ing to their relative value; but there are others, apparently founded on fancy alone, a recital of which would embarrass rather than throw light on the subject; the prices also must be considered variable, a purchaser coming suddenly into the © market would as infallibly occasion a rise, as a deficiency of demand would create a depression ; a purchaser therefore should Panna in Bundellshand. a.) 161 fix himself on the spot, and make his purchases gradually, by so. doing, he would at least save the profits which now go to the merchants of Benares. , . Revenue of the Mines:—The revenue of the mines is divid- ed among the Rajas of Panna, Banda, Chircari, and Jatipur, but by far the largest share belongs to the former. Accord- ing to my calculation the Panna division amounts to about 26,000 rupees per annum, but according to Raja Pertar Sinh, who is the efficient manager of the Panna state, it is 30,000 rupees, and as his authority is likely to be nearer the truth than mine, I do not hesitate to adopt it; this revenue is deriv- ed from a tax, originally fixed at one-fourth of the value of all diamonds found in these mines below a certain weight, which, I believe, was rated at eight rettis, but the tax now levied is said to exceed this rate, and on diamonds above the eight re¢tz weight there is no stipulation ; taking therefore the aggregate of the Banda, Chercari and Jaitpur shares, as equal to a fourth of the revenue derived by the Raja of Panna, it will not be too much to suppose that the produce of the mines amounts to about 120,000 rupees per annum. I have now detailed with the utmost fidelity all the circum stances relating to these mines as they occurred to me at the time I examined them, and have endeavoured to throw into my narrative as much perspicuity as the subject is capable of; still, however, the diamond is too important a mineral to be passed over in a hasty manner, and I trust I shall be excused if I here indulge in a few general observations. General Remarks.—1st, It was formerly supposed that dia- monds were always found at the same level above the sea, and it still remains to be proved whether or not there is any truth in the hypothesis, the following barometrical heights are de- duced from actual observations made by myself. Kacha Matriz. Source of the Ranj river near Udesna, - .-1496 feet. Floor of the mines of Sakeriya and Udesna, 1470 ,, . Pakka Matriz. euia Floor of the mines near Panna, . . 1300 feet. Bed of the Ranj river due east of the above, 1300 ,,. Top of its cascade near Ranipur, - - 1240 .,, >. . NEW SERIES, VOL. Vv. NO I. JULY 1831. L 162 \ Captain Franklin on the\Diamond Mines of Source of the Bagin river near Urki, . - a 1420 feet. Floor of the mine of Kamariya be 3 1380. .,5.- Bed of the Bagin river due south of them, -») ; B80 eae Floor of the mines of Brijpur, —_ - ‘ (1260. ,, Bed of the Bagin river exactly opposite, - ., 1250.,,,> : Matrix swept away. by a be dla From this list it would appear that the rock matrix of the diamond in the Panna mines has been swept away at an eleva- tion of 1100 feet, and that its lowest position in situ is i a and 1300 feet above the sea. 2d, The contracted limits of this diamond tract has already been mentioned as a peculiarly striking circumstance; the same kind of sandstone as that in which the diamond is found, extends far beyond those limits, and why does it not contain diamonds also? to this question I can only reply by the fol- lowing explanation: on the north, the scarp of the Bindéchal hills rests as a point d’appui on a low ridge of sienitic granite, and the plains of Bundelkhand exhibit primitive rocks through- out—therefore, excepting transported diamonds, none can be expected in that quarter ; on the south, lias limestone stretches along the outline of the counterscarp of the second range of hills—and here again (excepting the diamonds of the counter- scarp) none are ever found—being perhaps buried by the over- dying limestone ; on the west, the sandstone becomes thinner, being often little more than a mere capping; the conglomerate form is also frequent, but in the diamond tract it is remarkable that there is no other conglomerate than that which contains the diamond ;- moreover, black bituminous shale rises to the surface near the village of Sahigerh, though in the diamond tract I have never seen it with less than 400 feet of sandstone, resting upon it; on the east, the sandstone continues pretty much the same, and I cannot offer any satisfactory reason wh ‘diamonds should not be found east of the Cheyla Nadi, which at present is considered to be their eastern boundary. . 8d, I have endeavoured to show that the rocky matrix of 6 a a ee ey oo = ’ Panna in Bundiekhand. 163 the diamond of Panna is situated in sandstone, which I ima- gine to be the same as the new red sandstone of England ; also, that, (if the transported diamonds are excepted,) there is at least 400 feet of that rock below the lowest diamond beds; and, further, that there are strong indications of coal, underlying the whole mass; how far this may agree with the geological position of the same description of mines in Southern India, will best be seen from the following extracts. “As far as I understand Dr Heyne in his tracts on India, pages 103-4, the hills which surround the rock mines of Ban- ganpilli, are composed of slate clay, and his account of them reminds me much of Panna, he says, ‘¢ they. are straight at top, and usually level for some extent,” so that even villages are built on them—he says also, that ‘ the water of the wells is brackish,” a strong indication of their saliferous nature, and further, “ that the country about Banganpilli is sandy: and stony, and that the stones are chiefly conglomerates, composed of silicious materials. ' With respect to the rock in which the matrix of the dia- - mond is found, his description is as follows ;—* the solid rock ef the hills (which, by-the-bye, is not quite destitute of dia- monds,) is an aggregate, consisting chiefly of a coarse grey hornstone, with rounded pebbles of the same species, but of a fine variety of stone, or of jasper, of different colours: at some depth, this rock becomes ferruginous sandstone; the grains of which are finely cemented together, and this kind of stone usually forms the roof of the floor of the mines; the floor is generally of a reddish brown colour, with shining ‘particles, and strikes fire with steel ;” again he savs, through the solid rock the miners must make their wey before they arrive at the diamond matrix. ~ Dr Voysey’ s account of ‘these mines is, “ that the diamond matrix,” in its rocky state, is * a sandstone breccia ;” it lies _ under ** compact sandstone, differing in no respect from that which is found in the main range, it is composed ofa beauti- ful mixture of red, and yellow jasper, quartz, chalcedony and hornstone, of various colours, cemented together by a quartz paste, it passes into puddingstone composed of roufided peb- bles of quartz, horristone, &c. cemented by an argillo-calcare- 164 Captain Franklin on the Diamond Mines of ous earth, of a loose friable texture, in which the diamonds are most frequently found.” | The apparent discrepancy im these accounts is not irrecon- cilable—but Dr Voysey is most: distinct in his description ; he says that the rock under which the diamond matrix is found, is compact sandstone, and that it differs in no respect from the — sandstone of the main range. He did not see the floor, but Dr Heyne appears to have done so; and, if I understand him right, the floor is sandstone also, for he says, (page 105,) that the diamond bed is of the same nature with the rocks both above and below it, but is distinguished from them by its su- perior hardness, and that the floor is so hard that it strikes fire with steel, a peculiarity which equally applies to the Panna mines.—Dr Voysey arrived at the following conclusions. lst, That the matrix of the diamond in the mines of Sou- thern India is the sandstone breccia of the “‘ clay slate forma~ tion.” 2d, That those found in alluvial soil are produced from the. debris of the above rock, and have been brought thither by some torrents or deluge, which alone could have transported, such large masses and pebbles from the parent rock, and that. no modern or traditional inundation has reached to such an extent. 3d, That the diamonds found at present in the bed of the rivers are washed down by the annual rains. I cordially agree with Dr Voysey in the general result of his conclusions, because I am satisfied that the same circum~ stances are applicable to the mines of Panna, but I neverthe- less. differ from him in two points; 1st, I could not trace any . likelihood of diamonds being washed away by any natural causes now in operation, such as the annual rains—they are, in general, too deeply covered with soil, even in their most su- perficial beds, to admit of this conclusion, and such only as. might have accidentally laid on the surface could be so trans- ported. 2d, I cannot agree with his nomenclature with regard to ** clay slate formation,” because he himself says, that in using the term clay slate, he does not mean the T'honschieffer of Werner, which is the only recognizable term for that rock, according to the Wernerian system, but excepting these two. 4 Panna in Bundlekhand. 165 points, I have found great accordance with his result, and am happy in having it in my power to express it. 4th, There is another circumstance to which I must advert, but I do so with diffidence, and under a hope that it will be considered merely conjectural. Dr Brewster supposes the dia- mond to have originated like amber, perhaps from the conso- lidation of vegetable matter, and that it gradually acquired its crystalline form, by the influence of time and the slow action: of corpuscular forces: the late Dr Voysey adverted to this opinion in his account of the diamond mines of Southern In- dia; and on the occasion of publishing an abstract of that paper in his Journal of Science, Dr Brewster observed that he saw no reason to alter his opinion: now, as the rock matrix of the diamond of Panna appears in some respects, though not. altogether, to resemble that of Banganpilli, in Southern India, there would seem to be little chance of my conjecture being useful, still, however, as every opinion regarding the origin of this fine mineral is as yet theoretical, I will not withhold what occurred to me on this subject, though I again repeat that I offer it with great diffidence. _ The theory of Sir James Hall on the consolidation of strata frequently recurred to me when examining the sandstone in | which the diamond is found ; I thought that I could discern much in favour of it, and particularly in the gradual changes of its nature, from the lower to the upper strata; now, if the principle of this theory is admitted to be correct and applica- ble universally, it follows of course that it must be applied here ; and then it may be questioned how the diamond was preserved, under that degree of heat which must have been necessary to form its matrix the gritstone ? In answer to this objection, I suggest, that the circumstance of calc spar, oc- curring in trap rocks is somewhat analogous, and if it is ad- mitted that compression under the weight of strata, and a superincumbent ocean, had the effect of resisting the expan- sion of its carbonic acid, and constraining it to continue in combination with’ lime, might not the same principle be rea- sonably enough applied, to account for the preservation and detention of the elements of the diamond in the gritstone ? and again, should it be further shown that crystals, such as those 166 Mr Johnston an the Vanadiate of Lead, © with which we are familiar in nature, may be produced by slow’ cooling or other processes according to the above theory, may we not look to it oe to account for the crystallization of the gem? As This conjecture rests upon the truth or fallacy of Sir James’ Hall’s theory, or on a modification of it, and when this theory’ is considered as the result of long and patient experiment, and’ the high reputation of its author is taken into account, it will require something more than limited observation, or ordinary’ ability, to answer its objections; my part, however, is merely the suggestion of a traveller, and I therefore conclude my pa~ per by expressing a hope, that this i mv aloe mineral may’ =e with more able investigation. } Art. XIX.—On the Discovery of Vanadium in Scotland, and on the Vanadiate of Lead, a new Mineral species. By J AMEs, F. W. Jounston, A. M. &c. &c. Communicated by the, Author. a Ir is a remarkable circumstance, and i ll at ils the wide diffusion of chemical knowledge, and of the progress of scientific chemistry, that the new metal Vanadiwm has been discovered in three different countries nearly at. the same time, and without any communication between the several indivi. duals by whom it has been observed and detected. First: in order of time, Professor del Rio, of the School of Mines of Mexico, detected a new metallic substance in the brown lead. ore of Zimapan, te which, probably from its forming red salts, he gave the name of Erythronium.. His results were not pub- lished, however, M. Collet Descotils, to whom specimens were transmitted, having pronounced it to. be an impure:chro- mium. Meantime Professor Sefstrém, of the Schcol of Mines at Fahlun in Sweden, detected in an ore of iron.a simple me- tallic body, which he named Vanadium, and of which he an- nounced some of the properties about the end of the past year. The metal of del Rio, it now APPA is the same ‘with: that of Sefstrém. In the course of. last winter my attention was divsebial toa mineral from Wanlockhead, which I obtained from Mr Rose a new minetal species. >” 167 as an arseniate of lead, to some varieties of which: mineral it; has a strong resemblance. . On analysis, however, it proved: different; and though I failed in obtaining pure oxide of chro~ mium, yet I suspected at first that it contained a considerable | quantity of chromic acid. Repeated attempts, however, to ob-: tain a pure oxide having failed, and many properties manifest- ing themselves which chromium does not exhibit, I came at length to the conclusion that it contained a new metallic sub- stance. This substance I was engaged in examining when the letter of Berzelius in the Annales de Chimie, came to hand, and showed me that my new metal was the Vanadium of Sef- strom: My stock of the mineral was very small, and it was from a portion of it, weighing only seven grains, that I pres pared the compounds of Vanadium which I soon after exhibited to the Royal Society of Edinburgh. It is a matter of regret that both the prior discoverers should have distinguished this metal by names so unwieldy. That of Sefstrém, though less classical, is the more manageable of the two, yet it is time that the northern fashion of naming metals after the barbarous deities of their forefathers should be exploded. The Vanadiate of lead, or minhrale containing the metal. in combination with lead, I have met with in two forms penne very much from each other. I.—The more common has much resemblance. externally to some arseniates—approaches also in colour to that of some phosphates, and molybdates of lead. It,is opaque, varying in _ colour from a straw yellow to a reddish-brown, and is gene- rally dull, though in one beautiful wax-yellow specimen it has very considerable lustre. The lustre of fractured surfaces is resinous. It is scratched by the knife, giving,a white streak ; is brittle, and has a conchoidal fracture. The specific gravity in two specimens was 6.99, and 7-23 respectively. , It occurs most abundantly in small mamillz, from a minute microscopic size to that of a large pin head, sprinkled-over a surface of calamine. . Occasionally it forms a thin coating upon thecalamine. In the finer specimens the individualsare larger, and exhibit groups of six-sided prisms, disposed sometimes in a dendritical form, but more commonly in rounded pisiform 168 Mr Johnston on the Vanadiate of Lead, &e.. masses, in which the crystalline forms are more or less distinet and which appear to -be only a-developement of the minute mamillee. Isolated and perfect crystals are rare. °° ' Heated to redness in a platinum crucible it decrepitates and assumes an orange red colour, changing when it cools to @ beautiful pale yellow. Before the blow-pipe in a pair of forceps it fuses, and on cooling retains its yellow colour. If kept some time in fusion, however, it is changed into a steel grey porous mass, which upon charcoal gives immediately globules of lead. Alone on charcoal it fuses readily, exhales the odour of arsenic, gives globules of lead, and leaves after heating in the inner flame a steel grey very fusible slag, which exhibits the reactions of chromium. The fusibility is characteristic of Vanadium. | The sulphuric and muriatic acids decompose the mineral, giving green solutions of the oxide, and forming sulphate or chloride of lead. With nitric acid it forms a beautiful yellow solution. When the latter acid acts upon it, the oxide of lead is first dissolved, leaving the fragments covered with a beauti- ful red coating of the Vanadic acid, which separates occasion- ally in the form of scales, and is afterwards taken into solutions II.—'The second form of this mineral can hardly be dis- tinguished in external characters from earthy porous peroxide of manganese. It occurs amorphous and in small rounded forms, often powdering the calamine with a thin black coating, and at times scattered about in the cavities. It is steel grey, and porous, as if it had been subjected to heat. Before the blow- pipe it exhibits the same phenomena as the former variety. This mineral has hitherto been found only in one mine at. Wanlockhead, and only in one spot about six fathoms in length, where the vein had been subjected to a violent disruption. The mine has been unwrought for the last five or six years, and the only be met with are among the rubbish of the old workings. A supply of these specimens may be ob~ tained from Mr Rose, mineral-dealer, South Bridge. I have not yet been able to satisfy myself as to the precise composition of these minerals. I hoped to have given a correct analysis in the present, but want of time obliges me to defer it toa future number. PorroBe.Lo, 10th June 1831. Mr Lister’ on the achromatic compound Microscope. 169 Anr. XX:—On. some properties in Achromatic Object-glasses applicable to the improvement of the Microscope. By Jo- sEPH JACKSON LisTER, Esq. : "Te improvement of the achromatic compound microscope having been an occasional object of my leisure for several years past, my attention has in consequence been attracted to’ some properties of object-glasses of short focus and large aperture, which, so far as I am aware, have not been before noticed, and which, I flatter myself, may be applied to increase its powers and the ease of its manufacture. In offering these, accompanied by some other miscellaneous remarks, it may be explanatory to introduce them by a short notice of the several achromatic object-glasses for the micro- scope which have originated apparently independent of each other within a few years past. The first produced in England were the triple ones con- structed in 1824 and 1825 by Tulley, who had been incited to the undertaking by Dr Goring: of these an account is al- ready before the public. 'Tulley has since adopted for his triple object-glass to be used singly the focal length of 0.9 inch, applying another of not quite 0.5 inch focus before it when high magnifying power is required ; and he obtains with these an image of great sharpness and perfection. His first glasses: have all the merit of a new invention, having been executed without the knowledge that anything of the kind previously ~ existed, though other achromatic glasses had before been made. in France by Selligue, by Fraunhofer at Munich, and by Amici at Modena. The glasses of Selligue’s microscope, of which a report was made by M. Fresnel to the Royal Academy of Sciences in 1824, were composed of a plano-concave lens of flint-glass, and a double convex of crown or plate, with their inner curves ce- mented together. Four of these, of from 1$ to 12 inch each in focal length, were made to screw before each other, so as to be used together or alone in the manner long practised with single lenses. The chromatic aberration was thus in a considerable degree “ 170 Mr Lister on the improvement of the corrected, but the glasses were fixed in their cells with the con- vex side foremost, which is their worst position ; and the sphe> rical error was in consequence enormous, showing’ itself even through the contracted opening, to which it was necessary ‘on that account to limit them. | es Yet, inferior as was the instrument of pllinue. the happy, idea of combining. achromatic object-glasses, now generally. adopted, and to which their present superiority is owing, seems to have occurred to no one else till put in practice by him ; and the very simple structure of his glasses will be shortly seen not. to be incompatible with the finest microscopic vision. =, Chevalier of Paris having manufactured some of these in- struments, appears to have observed the great error in the po, sition of Selligue’s glasses ; he retained their construction, but - turned their plane sides foremost ; and making them of shorter focal length, and more correctly achromatic, produced in 1825 a microscope far superior to the former. His deepest glasses are not more than 0.4 inch in focal length, and two of these were united in his earlier instruments for his highest power ; but this was the only combination retained in them, and all his glasses were restricted to apertures too small to show difficuit test objects. He has since increased the number of his glasses to be used ~ together, and otherwise improved their performance ;. but if I may judge from microscopes of his which I have receutly seen in this country, he does not yet derive from the construction that — _he has adopted, all the advantage which it may afford. I am unacquainted. with the date of the first production of - Fraunhofer’s glasses; they resemble the French in having their flint lens plano-concave, but they are not cemented, and the inner surfaces are not in contact, each object-glass being adapted by the curves of its convex lens for being used alone. My friend Mr Brown has kindly lent me a series of five glasses of this description, purchased by him at Munich afew months ago from the establishment of Utzschneider and . Fraunhofer, which range from 1.8 to 0.43 inch in focal length, and are of excellent workmanship: they screw before one another in the manner of Selligue’s. It appears from an- account of the mi-° croscope of those artists, printed in 1829, that-it is only lately achromatic compound Microscope. 17 the glasses have been combined together, and that of the short- est focus added to the former series of four: and also that: they are intended to be used in the order of their focal lengths, _ the shorter towards the object. Each of these glasses singly admits but a small pencil of from 8° to 15° of light, and when: so used, their defining power is necessarily not very great;: but their gombinations have much more, and the different ef- fects of these will be again adverted to. The eminent professor of Modena, besides inventing his: well-known reflecting microscope, was engaged about the year! 1815 with achromatic object-glasses ; but as they did not equal: his reflector, he laid the work aside, till he was induced to re-: sume it in 1824, from reading the report already mentioned: on the microscope of Selligue : from this Amici took the thought of combining his object-glasses, and pursued it with great suc~ eess, making them double, with the curves of the two lenses of: each planned for the place it is to occupy, and for obtaining a good image either with the back glass alone, or with a second or a third im front. He brought with him, when he visited London in 1827, some glasses of this description of very fine performance ;' and! I have been informed by him that he has since executed a combination of *¢ 2.7 lines in focal length and 2.7 lines in aper- ture,” which considerably excels them. ‘ ‘The glasses which have been enumerated possess very differ- ent degrees of merit, chiefly dependent on the extent to whichi they are divested of chromatic and spherical aberration, and particularly, in connection with this, on the focal angle of their aperture; for it has been well established, that a large pencil from the object is absolutely essential to that brilliancy and: distinctness of image which characterize a fine achromatic. When the rays received by the most perfect object-glass from any indefinitely small bright portion of an object in the centre of its field are brought together at its conjugate focus, the image formed by them, though it appears a sharply defined point if moderately magnified, is really a spot or small circle, and will show as such if the microscope is sufficiently over- charged with power in the eye-glass. These circles bear a.con- siderable analogy to the spurious disks of stars; and like them 172 Mr Lister on the improvement of the they will be found to be much enlarged by diminiehiaay the aperture of the object-glass. They are enlarged also, without contracting the on sieaial the glass, by increasing the intensity of the illumination, where- as by darkening the object beyond a certain point they may be rendered ill defined, and be at length dissolved. These peculiarities are most observable on some opaque pes jects, (the reflection from a very small microscopic globule of quicksilver offers perhaps the best example,) but the same ef- fects are produced on the light received from transparent ones ; and the consequent blunting and mingling together of their minute details when the object-glass admits but a small pen- cil of light, gives rise to various fallacious appearances. One of the most remarkable is the spottiness which some surfaces assume, not unfrequently so much resembling smail globules as to have been mistaken for them; an optical illusion having thus been the basis of some ingenious speculations on organic matter. tics, the large angle of whose pencil and its accurate correc- tion enable us to magnify their image greatly, still discovering something new in our objects, before we are checked by the circles of diffusion of the effective rays; but these at last, whe-. ther proceeding from the causes mentioned or from others to be hereafter noticed, form in every microscope the boundary to defining power, except where faulty materials or workman-. ship give it an earlier limit. It is the marginal rays which contribute especially to ren- der visible close and delicate lines, such as those on the scales of lepidopterous insects, and some of the most difficult of these are even best seen when the central light is blag 9 Note A.) A glass that is far from correct in its figure will sometimes show lines of this description sharply, while the outline of the scale is indistinct, and the contrary; but one in which both aberrations are destroyed should give the outline and. the lines distinct together. Even, some good glasses, however, have a defect, against which we should be on our guard ; thats in cer- Such appearances have little place with the finer achendiins je achromatic compound Microscope. 173 tain directions of the light they are liable to show lines on an object which do not really exist. It is observable, that, provided the aperture of the glass remains open, the central pencil of light admitted behind many transparent objects may be limited to a very small one with- out greatly impairing their sharpness ; parallel lines or spots spread closely over a flat surface, often remaining plainly visi- ble in this case, which at a far less amount of contraction by a stop behind the object-glass cannot by any management be made to appear. The reason of this seems to be, that both reflection and refraction of a part of the rays take place at such objects, by which the pencil is spread out on leaving them to a much increased angle in its progress to the glass. The relation between the aperture of microscopic object- glasses, even of the same focal length, and the pencil of light admitted by them, will vary much, according to differences in their thickness, their combination, &c. ; and as aperture is va- luable only in proportion to the pencil it admits, the latter would seem to be the circumstance the more deserving atten- tion of the two. It is so often erroneously estimated, that I will mention a simple mode of ascertaining it, which will be found pretty accurate. | Fix a piece of paper on a table, and on it place the micro- scope with its body horizontal, and one of the eye-pieces on ; set a candle on a level with it a few yards distant; then having directed the body of the instrument so far on one side of the candle, as that the light from it shall bisect the field vertically, leaving half of it dark, trace on the paper a line corresponding to the side of one of the legs. Now, taking the focus of the object-glass as a pivot, turn the microscope hori- zontally to the other side of the candle, till the opposite half of the field only is illuminated, and mark again on the paper the position of the side of the leg. ‘The measure of the angle traversed, shown by the two lines, is that of the pencil of light, In the remarks which follow, the term correction is used to imply the effect preduced by the denser concave lens of a com- pound object-glass upon the aberration of its convex. Thus, as in a simple convex lens, the rays which pass through it near the circumference, have their foci shorter than the more cen- 174 Mr Lister on ‘the improvement of the tral rays, and the colours of the violet side of the spectrum into which each ray is refracted have also their foci shorter than those of the red side ; if ¢ither of these errors is but partially removed by the concave lens, the glass is said to be under-cor- rected as to that aberration, and ovEr-conepten if the opposite error is produced by it. __A large focal pencil free from.all aberration is evidently the great requisite for the object-glass of the compound microscope ; a second point desirable to be attained is, that the field should be flat and well defined throughout ; and a third, that the light admitted should as much as possible be only such as goes to form the picture, and should not be intercepted or ‘diffused over the field by too many reflections. . The prominent obstacle to obtaining a sufficient pencil for high powers by one object-glass of large aperture and deep curves, is that the correction for the spherical figure by the concave lens is greater for the rays of the circumference than its due proportion to that for the more central ones; so that when such a glass is corrected for the mean of the pencil, if we suppose its disk divided into a central space and three rings surrounding it, the rays which pass through the central space, and those of the second ring from it, will arrive at their focus when those of the first ring will have just crossed the axis, and those of the marginal ring will not quite have reached it, The injury resulting to the defining power is in similar glasses in- versely as the squares of their focal lengths, as far as regards this cause of error, as well as those which arise from incorrigi- ble colour and defects of workmanship. The effects upon the pencil which have been before described, must not be included under the same law. This excess of correction in the marginal rays increases after a certain point so rapidly with a small en- largement of the aperture of the glass, as soon to prescribe a limit, beyond which it cannot be carried without injury to the — picture. : With Bebe of more contracted aperture, and at the seve- ral surfaces of which the marginal refraction is moderate, the effect alluded to is comparatively inconsiderable ; and conse- quently, by dividing the refraction among two or more such glasses corrected for the rays that pass through them, the pen- ~~ te. - PPh Gee Oe ee 4 : 3 S 7 on . achromatic compound Microscope. 175 cil received may. be enlarged without impediment, and the light and distinctness greatly increased, thus constituting the important advantage of combination. The triple object-glass is thus very superior to a double one when each is used singly, and the union of two triple ones has been already proved in England to be eminently effective. ‘Tulley’s 0.9 inch glass singly admits a pencil of near 20°, and his combination, one of 38°. _ These triple glasses and the double ones of Professor Amici are adapted by the form of their curves each to its respective place; but the foreign double glasses which have their flint lens plano-concave, and particularly those of Utzschneider be- fore-mentioned, are made much on one model, and intended to be each good alone. It might seem but reasonable to infer from this, that they would be unfit to be combined : and ac- cordingly when screwed together, most of the numerous prac- ticable changes of his series of five glasses, of which as many as four may be united for use, have much indistinctness from spherical error; and this is I think the case with all, those combinations which the maker contemplated. Some peculia- ities, however, observed two years ago in Chevalier’s object- glasses, led me to undertake a close examination of these, which .were liberally placed at my disposal for the purpose, in the hope of discovering the cause for a discrepancy which appear- _ed in their effects. I found that with a part of the combinations, the image of any bright point that was at some distance from the centre of the field had a faint light or coma stretching outwards from it ; with others the coma was as much inwards. The spherical aberration was in general much over. corrected, but in some triple and quadruple combinations the opposite error showed itself ; and out.of the whole number one triple ‘and one quadruple were remarkably beautiful and distinct. The result of this investigation was to disclose or confirm to me the existence of some properties of the double object-glass, which have not I believe been hitherto recorded, and which it is now My purpose to describe only in connection with the sub- ject before us,—the improvement of the microscope. With this in view I would premise, that the plano-concave 176 Mr Lister on the improvement of the form for the correcting flint lens, which was .probably adopt- ed at first for its simplicity, has‘in that quality a strong re- commendation ; particularly as it obviates the danger of error ‘which otherwise exists in centering the two curves, and there- by admits of correct workmanship for a shorter focus. To cement together also the two lenses of the glass, diminishes by very nearly half, the loss of light from reflection, which is con- siderable at the numerous surfaces of a combination. I have thought the clearness of the field and brightness of the picture evidently increased by doing this ; it prevents any dewiness or vegetation from forming on the inner surfaces; and I ‘see no disadvantage to be anticipated from it, if they are of identical ‘curves and pressed closely together, and + ay cementing medi- ‘um permanently homogeneous. —- gh se These two conditions then, that the flint lens shall be plano- concave, and that it shall be joined by some cement to the con- vex, seem desirable to be taken as a basis for the microscopic object-giass, provided they can be reconciled with the destruc- tion of the spherical and chromatic aberrations’ of a large pencil. Now, in every such glass that has been tried by me, which ‘has had its correcting lens of either Swiss or English fint-glass, with a double convex of plate, and has been made achromatic by the form given to the outer curve of the convex, the pro- portion has been such between the refractive and dispersive powers of its lenses, that its figure has been correct for rays issuing from some point in its axis not far from its principal focus on its plane side, and either tending to a conjugate focus within the tube of a microscope, or emerging nearly parallel. Lab, Fig. 4, be supposed such an object-glass, and let it be roughly considered as a plano-convex lens, with a curve a.cb running through it, at which the spherical and chromatic errors are corrected, which are generated at the two outer surfaces; and let the glass be thus free from aberration for rays f d eg issuing from the radiant point f 3 he being a perpendicular to the convex surface, and id to the plane one. Under these circumstances, the angle of emergence ge h much exceeds that of incidence f di, being probably almost three times as great. ‘achromatic compound Microscope. 177 If the radiant is now made to approach the glass so that the course of the ray f deg shall be more divergent from the axis, as the angles of incidence and emergence become more nearly equal to each other, the spherical aberration produced by the two will be found to bear a less proportion to the opposing er- ror of the single correcting curve a c 6; for such a focus there- fore the rays will be over-corrected. But if f still approaches the glass, the angle of incidence continues to increase with the increasing divergence of the ray, ti]l it will exceed that of emergence, which has in the mean- ~ while been diminishing, and at length the spherical error pro- duced by them will recover its original proportion to the op- posite error of the curve of correction. When f has reached this point f”, (at which the angle of incidence does not ex- ceed that of emergence so much as it had at first come short of ‘it,) the rays again pass the glass free from spherical aberration. If f be carried from hence towards the glass, or outwards from its original place, the angle of incidence in the former case, or of emergence in the latter, becomes disproportionately effective; and either way the aberration exceeds the correction. These facts have been established by careful experiment ; they accord with every appearance in such combinations of the plano-convex glasses as have come under my notice, and may I believe be extended to this rule ;—that in general an achro- matic object-glass, of which the inner surfaces are in contact, or nearly so, will have on one side of it two foci in its axis, for the rays proceeding from which it will be truly corrected at a moderate aperture ; that for the space between these two points, its spherical aberration will be over-corrected, and beyond them either way under-corrected. I am not aware that an exception is to be made for any quality of glass or curves that are likely to be used for the microscope: but I apprehend a case may occur, if the flint glass is convexo-concave and the convex lens united to its concave side, that neither of the aplantic pencils may. con- verge after traversing the glass, and that their foci for a radiant may be on opposite sides of it, the principle how- ever of the two foci remaining unaltered. See Fig. 5. To try this principle under a great change of circumstances, NEW SERIES, VOL. V. NO. I. JuLY 1831. M ohh 178 Mr Lister Gn ‘the:improvement of the and to prove in what manner it was applicable to another most simple ‘form of the object-glass, having made a. magnified tracing of the curves of one of Uteschneider’s, and drawn a ray through it from its longer aplanatic focus, which was ascertained’ after cementing the lenses; I laid down a figure of the’ flint’ lens inverted, shd by. means of the: angles of the other diagram projected a plano-convex x, Fig. 5, to be joined to its flat side. The new glass proved as achromatic as the original, though the’ single radius of the plano-convex was’ more than one-third longer than corresponded with the curves of the former’ dou- ble convex lens: the-two aplanatic foci showed themselves as’ before ; the longer, however, not in the place indicated by the ray drawn: but at a point F, about two-thirds more ‘distant from the glass, and from which both surfaces of. the flint lens bent the pencil outwards ; the shorter focus F” too: becoming _ about half the length of the other, and the angle of or, of its rays not equalling that of their emergence... The longer aplantic focus may be found when one of the plano-convex object-glasses is placed in a microscope, by short= enihg the tube if the glass shows over-correction, if under-cor- rection by lengthening it, or by bringing the rays together should they be parallel or divergent, by a very small good tele scope: The shorter focus is got at by sliding the glass before © another of sufficient length and large aperture that is finely ‘ corrected, and bringing it forwards till it gives the’reflexion of — a bright point from a globule of quicksilver, sharp and free from mist, when the distance can be taken wpe the glass and the object. , ts Cyeitne The longer focus is the place at which to ascertain the ut- most aperture that may be given to the glass, and where, in the absence of spherical error, its exact state of correction as to colour is seen most distinctly. | ieog The correction of the chromatic aberration, like: that of the spherical, tends to excess in the marginal rays; so that if a glass, which is achromatic with .a moderate aperture, has its cell opened wider, the circle of rays.thus added to the a. will be rather over-corrected as to colour. | ‘The same tendency to over-correction is oli ‘if, ibith- out varying the aperture, the divergence of the incident rays athromntic compound Microscope. | 179. is much augmented ;-as in an’ object-glass- placed in front of another: but, generally, in this position: a part only of its. aperture:comes:into use; so that the two properties mention- ed neutralize each other, and its chromatic state remains unal- tered. If, for example, the outstanding colours were observ- ed at the longer focus to be green and claret, which show that the nearest practicable approach is made to the union of the spectrum, they usually continue nearly the same for the whole ‘space between the foci, and for some distance beyond them either way. The places of these two foci and their proportions to dati other, depend on a variety of. circumstances.. In several ob- ject-glasses that I have had made for trial,—plano-convex, with their inner surfaces cemented, their diameters the radius of the flint lens, and their colour pretty well corrected—those composed of dense flint and light plate have had the rays from the longer focus emerging nearly parallel; and this focus has been not quite three times the distance of the shorter from the glass :. with English flint the rays have had more conver- gence, and the shorter focus has borne a rather less propor-. tion to the longer. _ Tf the-inner surfaces are not cemented, a striking effect is rodeted by minute differences in their curves. It may give, some idea of this, that in a glass of which.almost the whole disk was covered with colour from contact of the lenses, the. addition of a film of varnish so thin that this colour was not; destroyed by it, caused a sensible change in the spherical cor-, rection. : _ I have found that whatever extended the longer aplantic. fone and increased the convergence of its rays, diminished the relative length of the shorter. Thus by turning to the. concave lens the flatter instead of the deeper side of a convex lens, whose radii were to each other as 31 to 35, the pencil of the longer aplanatic focus, from being greatly divergent, was brought to converge at a very small distance behind the glass ; and the length of the shorter focus which had been one-half that of the longer, became but one-sixth of it. The directionof the aplanatic pencils appears to be scarce- ~ 180 Proposed Scientific Meeting at York. ly affected by differences in the thickness of glasses, if their state as to colour is the same. One other property of the double object-glass remains to be mentioned ; which is, that when the longer aplanatic focus — is used, the marginal rays of a pencil not coincident with the axis of the glass are distorted, so that a coma is thrown out- wards; while the contrary effect. of a coma directed towards . the centre of the field is produced by the rays from the shorter focus. These peculiarities of the coma seem inseparable at- tendants on the two foci, and are as conspicuous in the achro- matic meniscus, as in the plano-convex object-glass. (To. be concluded in next Number.) an Art. XXI.—WNotice respecting the proposed Scientific Meet- ing at York on Monday the 26th of September. Some months ago it occurred to the Editor of this work that the general interests of science might be greatly promoted by — the establishment of a Society of British Cultivators of Science, which should meet annually in some central town in England. He accordingly corresponded on the subject with several influen- tial individuals, and found that there was a general desire for the organization of such a society. As York possessed peculiar ad- vantages for the first place of meeting, from its local position in \ reference to the three capitals of the kingdom,—from its having a Philosophical Society, containing many distinguished members,— and from its having a museum and other apartments, suited for the meetings of the society, he addressed himself to Mr Phillips, the Secretary to the Yorkshire Philosophical Society, in order to ascertain how such a meeting would be viewed by that society and by the principal authorities in York. Mr Phillips lost no time in obtaining the desired information ; and having made ap- plication to the Mayor of York, (the Right Honourable Lord’ Dundas, we believe,) he was able to report that the authorities of York entered heartily into the plan, and that the Philoso- phical Society would willingly charge themselves with any pre- liminary arrangements which might be necessary. Upon receiving Mr Phillips’s letter, I transmitted it to John Robison, Esq. who had kindly agreed to act as interim secretary, Proposed Scientific Meeting at York. 181 “and who, with the assistance of J. F. W. Johnston, Esq. who attended the last meeting of German Naturalists at Hamburg, proposed to draw up a set of regulations or laws to be submitted to the society at its first meeting. Under these circumstances, I drew up the notice of the meet-: ing, which was published in the last number of this Journal, and which has been widely circulated by the periodical press. These steps having been taken previous to the dissolution of Parliament, it was conceived by some individuals, who were ex- tremely anxious about the success of the plan, that the election might interfere with the meetings of the society, and that it might be more prudent to delay its establishment to another year. As the political agitation of the country has entirely subsided, there can be no sufficient reason for such a delay, and it has accordingly been agreed upon to hold the first meeting of the society at York on Monday the 26th September. The following Regulations, most of which are adopted by the German association, are suggested to the consideration of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society, who ought to be prepared: with a Code of Laws to be submitted to the Society at their first meeting. ‘The rules now suggested will be useful in enabling those gentlemen who mean to attend, and who will be entitled to act as Members, to transmit (post paid) any observations or suggestions on this subject, to R. Phillips, Esq. ‘Secretary to the Philosophical Society, York. : 1. The Society shall be called the Society of the British Cultivators of Science. 2. The principal objects will be to promote personal inter- course among scientific individuals, and to adopt every means for advancing the interests of science in every part of the world, by promoting scientific inquiries, and procuring assistance to men of science in the prosecution of their researches. 3. That the Society shall consist of those only who have written upon scientific subjects, or who have been the zealous: patrons of science. 4. The. Society shall be managed by a president and a secre-' tary, resident in the place of meeting for the time being. _ &. The Society shall meet annually on the and shall deliberate with open doors. 6. The Society shall hold its meetings at different towns, 182 . Proposed Scientific Meeting at York. where ‘sufficient accommodation can be obtained, -and the ‘place of meeting for the next year shall be fixed by the Society be- fore the termination of its sittings. 7. The Society shall hold no property ; but if books, &e. are presented to it, they shall be lodged in the museum of the town where the Society last met. 8. A record of the proceedings of the Socisty: shall be kept by the secretary. 9. The expences of the Society shall be defrayed. by the con- tributions of the members present: The following printed notice is now in circulations and it is requested that the Editors.of newspapers will have the eer to give publicity to the views of the Society. ** A strong desire having been expressed that a General Meet- ing of friends of Science should take place annually in some central town of England, with the view of promoting unrestrain- ed communication of scientific opinions and discoveries, a Com- mittee of the principal Scientific Societies of London, Edinburgh, &c. have fixed on the City. of York as a most desirable place for the FIRST MEETING ;—to commence on Monday the 26th of September, a period of the year which has been ascertained to be most convenient for the parties interested, the Meeting to be continued during as many days as may be deemed expedient. - * Any friends of Science in Great Britain or in other parts of Europe, who may wish to attend this Meeting, are requested to senda letter (post paid) to the Secretary of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society, York, in order that adequate preparation and accommodation may be secured. It is proposed that the visitors shall assemble in the Museum and apartments of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society, to receive memoirs and com- munications, and that they shall dine together daily. “ Persons arriving in York on or before the 26th of September will on application to the Porter of the Museum receive infor- mation as to the hours and places of Meeting. : ‘‘ Foreigners who may honour this Meeting with their. pre- sence will find every accommodation prepared for them.” Mr Witham’s Observations on Fossil Vegetables. 183 Art. XXII.—Observations on Fossil Vegetables, accompa- nied by Representations of their Internal Structure as seen through the Microscope. By Henry. Witruam, Esq. of Lartington, Fellow of the Geological. Society of London ; of the Royal and Wernerian Societies of Edinburgh, &c. Tue following extracts which we make are from a splendid work which bears the above title, by Mr Witham. © The im- portance of the volume is not little, as we are furnished by it “with the ready means of examining the character and internal structure of plants of different geological epochs, ina mode hitherto little known to the class of naturalists to whose use. this volume is chiefly designed. << My investigations,” observes Mr Witham, “ have led me to believe, that plants of the Phanerogamic class are much more abundant in our coal-fields and mountain limestone groups, than has generally been supposed. ‘The great opacity and peculiar mineralogical arrangements of these fossil plants, have present- ed obstacles to the examination of their intimate structure, which have induced naturalists to rest contented with the dis- tinctive characters afforded by their external forms; and in many instances, these forms are obviously too much altered, to permit us to refer the objects in question, with perfect satis- faction, to any natural family. But a method has lately been discovered, by which the stems or branches may be sliced, and afterwards reduced to such a degree of thinness as to permit us to inspect the most minute remains of organic texture. The unexpected result thus obtained, has enabled me to examine numerous varieties of structure in fossil plants; and I feel con- fident, that I should be rendering a service to science, by pre- senting to the public representations of some of these varieties, accompanied by others of those recent plants to which they seem decidedly to approximate. ‘“¢ According to the opinion of those who have most success- fully cultivated geological botany, the essential character of the first vegetation of the globe consisted in the great develop- ment and numerical preponderance of the vascular cryptoga- mic plants; and the great size of the Ferns, Lycopodiacee, and Equisetaceze, imbedded in our deposits, authorize us to presume, that, during that period, circumstances calculated to 184 Mr Witham’s Odservations ‘on Fossil Vegetables: ‘ favour the development of these plants had prevailed in a very high degree. May we not now go a little farther, and, from the recent discoveries, suppose that heat and moisture had an equal effect upon plants of different genera from those of the vaseu- lar cryptogamic? When we discover stems of fossil plants thirty, sixty, and even seventy feet long—when each torrent: by its violence uncovers so many relics of ancient times—nay;_ whenever, by the busy ingenuity of man, the lower as well as the higher sedimentary desposits are interfered with or dis- turbed, some previously unobserved fossil is discovered, it is but fair to conclude that the same causes have equally affect- ed them. ‘* By the investigations of many of my friends, and by m my own observations, I am induced (as already noticed) to think that. plants of the phanerogamic class will be found to occur in greater abundance in the earlier sedimentary deposits than was before believed. The day is now arrived, when doubts and difficulties as to the class and family to which they are to be referred, must give way under the microscopic examination of the internal structure of these fossil plants; and I am hap- py in having it in my power to contribute in some degree to the elucidation of this interesting subject.” After these and other prefatory observations, Mr Witham states the arrangement of his volume, which is, ** lst, To offer some remarks on the Vegetation of the first. period of the An-. cient World, that is, from the first deposit of the transition series to the top of the coal-field ; 2dly, To present an account of Fossil Vegetables found at Lennel Braes and Allanbank Mill, in Berwickshire ; 3dly, To exhibit representations of the organic texture, as discovered by the microscope, of several fossil plants of the Coal formation, Mountain Limestone group, and of the Lias, together with corresponding representations of recent plants, of similar or analogous structure, and compa- rative views of other fossil and recent vegetables, accompanied with descriptive references ; and, 4¢h/y, ‘I’o conclude with some general remarks on the varieties represented and described, and on the subject of fossil plants in general.” ‘Lhe first and second parts of Mr Witham’s divisions we shall for the present pass over, not, however, without remarking the - valuable facts. which they record. The section of the work _ Mr Witham’s Observations on Fossil Vegetables. 185 more immediately connected with the object of the publication is the third, in which the skilful author thus unfolds his plan, “ Hitherto, the attention of geologists has been exclusively confined to the external forms of fossil plants ; and these forms, illustrated by reference to living species, and to vegetable anatomy, have afforded characters by. which numerous species . and genera may be distinguished with accuracy. . But the sup- posed destruction of the internal structure of most fossil plants, and the difficulty of applying the microscope to those which evidently retain it, have hitherto prevented our becoming. ac- quainted with the organization of these plants. Many fossil vegetables are converted into a mass of carbonaceous matter : _ others are filled with up sand, and other substances, the external part, or cortex, alone remaining ; but it has been found that many retain their original structure, the interstices being filled up by calcareous or siliceous crystallizations. A method has lately been discovered, by which the organization of the latter may be satisfactorily examined.” A number of beautiful plates, amounting to six in number, then follow, containing ‘‘representations of the internal structure of Recent and Fossil Plants belonging to the Gymnospermous Phanerogamic, Monocotyledonous Phanerogamic, and Dico- tyledonous Phanerogamic Classes. The portions represented are of very thin slices, viewed by prepeniseet light and: magni. fied about fifty-five times. Into the details of description connected with the internal structures thus described, we are precluded from entering ; nor, indeed, could we well make them intelligible to our read. . ers without the aid of Mr Witham’s valuable plates. We shall therefore hasten to the Jast section, in which the author’s con- clusions are explained. ‘“* The first general remark which I have to offer respecting the fossil vegetables figured in the Plates, is, that their con- centric layers present the same irregularity as those of our re- cent plants. An inference to be made from this circumstance is, that the climate which existed at the epochs when these ve- getables grew, resembled ours in the irregularity of its succes- sive summers. If, at the present day, a warm and moist sum- mer produces a broader annual layer of wood, than a cold or dry one, and if fossil plants exhibit such appearances as we 186 Mr Witham’s Observations on Fossil Vegetables. refer in recent plants to a diversity of summers, then it is rea- sonable to suppose that a similar diversicy formerly prevailed. ** The Conifer of the coal-formation and mountain lime- stone group, have few and slight appearances of the lines by which the annual layers are separated. The trees of our pre- sent tropical regions have also few and slight appearances of these lines. Therefore, at the epochs of these formations, the changes of season were probably as little abe es as they are in our tropical regions. Rye ** Again, the condensation obpeived towards the outer mar- gin of each woody layer of the trees of our cold and temperate climates, and which is attributed to the increasing cold of the latter part of the autumnal séason, is decidedly observable in the Coniferze of the lias; as in Figs. 3, and 4, of the lower part of Plate IV., and in Figs. 1, 2, and 3, of Plate V.. Therefore, at the epoch when the trees of the lias grew, there was a cold season as now. 7 4 , ‘** Between the monocotyledonous fossil. and recent species which I have figured, no comparison can be instituted, as they are not of the same species ; but it may be remarked generally, that, so far as I have examined these plants, the recent species have smaller-cells and vessels than the fossil. ‘““'The same remark is to be made of the dicotyledonous woods.” ak Mr Witham then remarks, that some of the recent Coniferee which he has figured, are of climates similar to that in which the fossil Coniferz are figured ; ‘yet that even here no accurate comparison can be instituted, as we cannot decide upon the genera, much less upon the species of the fossil plants ; but that m general the cells’ or tubes of the latter were in almost every case much larger than those of the former. ‘‘ Our observa- — tions, however, on this subject,” adds the author, ‘* are not sufficiently numerous or correct, to authorize any inferences as to the comparative vigour of the vegetation of the different epochs, although they are sufficient, along with other circum- stances, to render it not improbable that the temperature was — higher at the cs when the fossil vegetables aver - it is now. ‘*¢ The general colour of the fossil vegetables, coven shoe organic texture, which occur in our mountain limestone groups, / Mr Witham’s Observations on Fossil Vegetables. 187 _-coal-fields, and lias deposits, is brown, of various tints, more ‘commonly wood-brown, frequently umber, and sometimes grey- ‘ish or blackish-brown. — These fossils are al] more or less cal- careous, and the veins by which they are frequently intersect- ed, are generally of calcareous spar. Those fossils, on the con- trary, which, occurring in the same formations, are destitute ~ “of organic texture, have their interior filled with substances ana- logous to those of which the strata containing them arecomposed. _ & Silicified fossils occur more aburidatiily ; in the superior for- ‘mations, and are generally of a lighter colour. ' The calcedonic monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous fossils of the West In- ‘dies vary in colour from yellowish-white to reddish- brown, or even bright red, but seldom or never assume tints so dark as ‘those of our inferior deposits. ‘. « With respect to the fossil vegetables of which I nate ‘pre- sented figures, I may here again remark, that, notwithstanding ‘the want of well-defined concentric layers in those of the coal- formation and mountain limestone group, no doubt remains with me as to their being Conifer. Should it be shown, by future investigations, that recent plants of other classes pre- sent a similarity of structure, the case will become different ; but until then, it will remain established that these fossil plants come nearer to the structure of the Conifers than to that of any other tribe. As to the fossils of the lias, I presume no doubt can henceforth remain in the mind of any one who may compare them with recent Conifere, or be satisfied with the ac- curacy of my representations.” Mr Witham concludes his highly interesting work by giv- ing details of the mode in which he prepares objects for the microscope, for the process of which he acknowledges being indebted to Mr Nicol. ) ‘* Let a thin slice be cut off from the fossil wood, in a di- rection perpendicular to the length of its fibres. . The ‘slice thus obtained must be ground perfectly flat, and then polished. The polished surface is to be cemented to a piece of plate or mirror glass, a little larger than itself, and this may be done by means of Canada balsam. A thin layer of that substance must be applied to the polished surface of the slice, and also to one side of the glass. The slice and the glass are now to be laid on any thin plate of metal, as a common fire-shovel, 188 Mr Witham’s Observations on Fossil Vegetables. and gradually heated over a slow fire, with a view to concen- trate the balsam. In performing this operation, it will be re- quisite to prevent the heat from becoming so great as to throw the balsam intoa state of ebullition; for, if air-bubbles be once — formed in it, it will be difficult to remove them, and if they are not removed, they will prevent the complete adhesion of the two surfaces when applied to each other. The heat of the shovel should never become so great that the fingers may not — be held in contact with it, without inconvenience, for a few se- » conds. With every precaution, some few air-bubbles will some- times make their appearance, but these may be removed by a small piece of wood tapering to a point. “When the balsam is thought to be sufficiently concentrated, and all air-bubbles com- pletely removed, the slice and the glass may be taken from the shovel, and applied to each other. A slight degree of pressure. will be necessary to expel the superabundant balsam, and this will be facilitated by gently sliding the one on the other. By this kind of motion, any air that might have got entangled in the balsam, when the surfaces were brought into contact, sa also be removed. «¢ When the whole is cooled down to the temperature of the air, and the balsam becomes solid, that part of the balsam ads hering to the surface of the glass surrounding the slice, should be removed by the point of a pen-knife; and it may be right to remark, that, in this operation, it will at once be seen whe- . ther the balsam has undergone the requisite concentration. If, for instance, it has entirely lost its sectility, and starts off in flakes before the knife, it will be found that the slice and the glass will cohere so firmly, that, in the subsequent grinding, there will be no risk of their separating from each other. Ifthe balsam has not been sufficiently concentrated, it will slide be- fore the knife, and, in that case, the two bodies will not adhere — with sufficient firmness. A very few trials, however, will en- able any one to conduct the process with success ; and it may be right to add, that, if the layer of balsam applied to the two surfaces be not too thick, its due concentration may be accom- plished in four or five minutes, provided the application, of the heat be duly regulated. | ‘ The slice must now be ground down to that degree of thinness which will permit its structure to be seen by help of a Mr Witham’s Observations on Fossil Vegetables. 189 microscope. To facilitate this part of the grinding, the lapi- | dary will find it advantageous to fix the glass in a groove made in a small piece of wood, of which half inch thick deal will answer the purpose. ‘The groove in the wood should be a little less deep than the thickness of the glass, and the wood itself need not project more than half an inch beyond each side of the glass. SA lapidary, by attending to the above directions, will find no difficulty in reducing any piece of petrified wood to that degree of thinness wiseent to render its structure visible; and any one, even without the aid of the mechanism employed by the lapidary, may accomplish that object by attending to the ° following directions. _ © The position of the fibres of the wood having been ascer- tained, let a thin piece be chipped off by a blow of a hammer, ina direction perpendicular to the length of the fibres. Let the chip thus obtained be cemented to any small bit.of wood by common lapidaries’ cement (a compound of | part bees’ wax, | part pitch, 4 parts rosin, 16 parts of a mixture of brick- dust and whitening,) to enable the operator to hold it firmly while the grinding is going on. That side of the chip which approaches nearest to a perpendicular to the length of the fibres, must be ground flat, by giving it a rapid circular motion with the hand, on a piece of sheet-lead lying horizontally on a table, and supplied with a little emery, size No. 1, moistened with water. When the emery ceases to act, the muddy matter re- maining may be removed, and a fresh portion of emery appli- ed; and this must be repeated until the surface of the chip has become perfectly flat. The sheet of lead must then be re- moved, and a piece of flat sheet copper substituted, and the surface of the chip ground as smooth as may be, by flower of emery, freed from its coarser parts. The surface may then be polished by friction with crocus or rot-stone, on a transverse - section of any soft wood. «‘ When the polishing is finished, the chip must be detached from the wood to which it was cemented, and the polished sur- face cemented by Canada balsam to a piece of plate-glass, in the manner above described, and then ground thin, and Potlaes ed as before.” ! ~ leao'6zleze-ee asst |ea-avlez 9°Sb |b8'Ob I8b'bb -uvoyn| zoctelst-e16| Tet | Lerr| sett|seeer |9921 | exer | ‘ums| ‘oc | bb | sp |or |igte |or ler | te [2 Sue |S'sb | 9b | 6o° Cob | ob | eb og Ms L'0¢ || Ob | ab. | se Soh | Ob | 66 | ib 6s || ob | eo | se |. 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JY} JO IYSIOY OYL, “YINOs Jo Isom ay} 07 sat F Jnoge ST{IF] PULP oy) pus ‘YINOS aU) 0} aT 1 Ioge si s[[IH pleig Jo esp ayy, “TIE projyovtq jo pua ysaa ayy JO*N opr ew Jo F ynoge pue ‘yyI0] ye vas oy) WOay sdpILM g yNOge ‘ayseQ YSinquIpP'y jo yynos oy} 0} eIU F_ yMoqe payengzis st 09ey309 uLLUD *yI05 “uty Aq payongsuoo ‘syuaumnaysur eoru soa Jo suvami fq ‘aipy ay Jo aouapisos ayy ‘eStz109 uveURD ye peut o19M JoysISIY SULMOT[O; 94) UT pauTEJUOD suOTBAINSqQ aH YT, “UIPA "SUA *bsy ‘aiay ‘xaty Ag = ‘a%vy09 unvung yw jday ‘a9VD-NiIVY ANY ‘WALINOWUAINY, “UALIKOUVG AHL 10 UILSIOIY— ]IT XX “Lay 2 > , _ THE EDINBURGH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. Art. I.— Some Account of James Stirling, F. R. 8. By S. P. Ricaup, F. R.S. Savilian Professor of Astronomy in the University of Oxford. Communicated by the Author. James Sririine was a very eminent mathematician, but hard- ly any thing seems to be generally known about him; and Hutton * was able to collect very little more than the record of his death from the obituary of the Gentleman’s Magazine. He was not, however, one of those common-place men who just come into the world “ to look about us and to die ;” a few additional particulars will therefore not be without an in- terest in themselves, and, by recalling attention to his memory, may be the means of our learning more. His family may yet be resident in his native country, and when they find that his name is still honoured as it deserves, they may, if they are able, be induced to give us further information about him. ' He was the third son of Archibald Stirling of St Ninians, in the county of Stirling. On the 4th of January 1711, he was admitted a commoner of Balliol College, Oxford, and, on the 10th of the same month, he became one of Snell’s exhibi- tioners in that society. At this time he was in the fifteenth year of his age, and consequently, he must have been born in 1696. The particular day of his birth is not preserved in the University Registers, from which these dates are taken. * Pgil. Trans. abr. vol. vi, p. 428. NEW SERIES, VOL. V. NO. Il. OCTOBER 1831. N 192 = Professor Rigaud’s Account of James Stirling. On the death of Queen Anne in 1714, there was a very large portion of the British population which was adverse to the suc- cession of the Brunswick family ; and the events of 1715 showed that the attachment to the Stuarts was retained nowhere with greater force than in Scotland. Young Stirling participated in the feelings of his countrymen, and was tried at the Oxford Assizes in the summer of 1716, for treasonable language which he had used against George the First. The jury brought him in not guilty ; but he did not clear himself from suspicion, as there is a letter in the Bodleian Library from Archbishop Wake | to Dr Charlett, (dated July 28, 1716,) in which he says, oe have had a full account of what passed at your assizes, from the sermon at St Mary’s, tothe stop put to the hurra that had like to have risen in the hall upon the acquittal of Sterlin. The judge did his part fairly, and the man was acquitted, yet some were never the more convinced that he was not guilty of the fact whereof he was accused. I am sorry to hear, if he were fellow of Balliol, that he is still reported to be a nonjuror, but more that I doubt some of our Scots exhibitioners, om the Bishop of Rochester’s foundation, have not taken the oaths. I shall expect to be very well satisfied of these last that they have qualified themselves as the law requires, before they shall re- ceive any more money from Bishop Warner's charity.” It was probably in consequence of these investigations that notice was taken in college of his politics; for among Thomas Hearne’s manuscript memoranda in the Bodleian we find it said :—“ 1717, March 29. Mr Stirling of Balliol College, one of those turned out of their scholarships upon account of the oaths, hath the offer of a professorship i in mathematics in Italy, which he hath accepted of, and is about going thither. This eentléman is printing a book in the mathematical way at the theatre.” Nothing appears from which it can be ascertained whether: he actually went abroad, or, if he did, where he re- sided, and how long he staid there ; but the book which Hearne afludes to must have been the Linew Tertit Ordinis Newto- nian, which he published at Oxford in 1717. Montucla, by some mistake, describes it as having been printed at London in quarto; but it was really a small octavo volume of 128 pages, with an appendix of 19 more, containing the solution of three Professor Rigaud’s Account of James Stirling. 198 questions,—the curve of swiftest descent, the properties of the catenary, and a problem proposed by Liebnitz respecting the curve which would cut certain hyperbolas at right angles: The work came out by subscription ; and in an old accouut-book of the Reverend James Pound, at that time rector of Wansted, there is an entry of his having paid, “‘ 1716, Oct. 10, by sub- scription for Mr Stirling’s books, * 5s.” Edmund Stone pub- lished a paper in the 41st volume Philosophical Transactions, “< concerning two species of lines of the third order, not men- tioned by Sir Isaac Newton, nor by Mr Stirling.” Stirling is said to have been very angry at this statement; and probably he was not better satisfied with Du Gua, who likewise endea- voured + to detect some partial omissions in the enumeration. It must, however, be borne in mind, that he could not have been above one-and-twenty when he published his book ; and we need hardly look for a stronger testimony to its real merit, than the circumstance of its having been reprinted at Paris in 1797. The preface of this second edition speaks of it as “< eximium opus ...... cujus rarissimi libri alteram editionem jamdudum geometre desiderabant.” The bookseller intended, if he met with encouragement, to proceed in the republication of the scarcer works of distinguished mathematicians; a design which, in many instances, would have been very desirable to__ have had executed, but which was not likely to be profitable to those who undertook it. It was, however, no small testimony of the high opinion entertained of this work, that it should be selected for the first on which the trial was to be made. In 1719, Stirling contributed a paper to the 30th volume of the Philosophical Transactions, entitled Methodus differen- tialis Newtoniana illustrata. It was written in Latin, and in the title prefixed to it, he simply calls himself é Coll. Ball. Being a nonjuror, he of course never graduated. He after- wards published a more extensive work on the same subject, in his Methodus differentialis sive tractatus de Summatione et interpolatione Serierum. 'This came out in quarto, and Hutton says it was “ first published in the year 1730, and again in * He subscribed for two copies, as appears from the list prefixed to the book. + Montucla, Hist. des Mathematiques, vol. iii. p. 69. > 194 Pofessor Rigaud’s Account of James Stirling. 1764.” It appears from the sale-catalogue of Dr Hutton’s library, that he was in possession of both, and it is there- fore extraordinary that he should have expressed himself so as to give the false impression of there having been more than one edition. It was originally printed for Strahan by Bowyer, although Nichols, in his anecdotes of that great printer, makes no mention of it. From the scarceness of the copies with 1730 in the title-page, it is fair to conclude that they did not obtain any extensive circulation ; in 1753, (a date which is still more scarce, and which is noticed by no writer on bibliography,) Manby on Ludgate Hill endeavoured to bring the work again into notice ; and lastly, in 1764, Whiston and White, in Fleet | Street, became the agents to supply the demand for it. This last is the date most commonly met with; but any one who will take the trouble of comparing the books, will find that there never was more than one edition, the copies of which have gone out to the world at several times with different title- pages. Hutton mentions that an English translation of this mare by “a Mr Francis Holliday” was published in 1749. Hoolli-. day printed a collection which he called Syntagma Matheseos, (8vo, Lond: 1745.) In 1745, he also began a publication, © which, was to be continued quarterly, under the title of Mis- cellanea Curiosa Mathematica, of which he completed one vo- lume in nine numbers ; he likewise printed five numbers of a second volume, .and began a sixth, which was never finished. The work stopped in 1755, possibly in consequence of the death of E. Cave, the publisher of it, which had taken place in the preceding year. Holliday was then master of the free | grammar-school at Haughton Park, near Retford, in Notting- » hamshire. ‘In 1756, he published an easy introduction to prac- tical gunnery, or the art of engineering, and in 1777, he print- ed an introduction to fluxions, having at this time become vi- car of Markham and Bothamsall 1 in Notts. | Holliday seems to have paid great attention to Stirling’s writings. In the Syntagma Matheseos he gave a translation of the paper on the differential method which had been insert- ed in the Philosophical T’ransactions, and in the second vo- _— lume of the Miscellanea Curiosa Mathematica, (p. 162,) he ~ Te — Professor Rigaud’s Account of James Stirling. 195 says ‘* I shall now annex two problems with their solutions in summation of series, which. I hope will not displease our readers, and, when room permits, shall further illustrate Mr Stirling’s book entitled Swmmation and Interpolation of Infi- nite Series.” The translation of the whole work was original- _ly intended for occasional insertion,* by parts, in the same pe- riodical miscellany, but. Emerson, who had assisted in the re- vision of it, recommended an entire and separate publication. It is valuable, not merely from its scarceness, but also from its forming a comment, in some measure from authority, upon the original text, as will be seen from the following passages which occur in the preface. : ** Being unwilling to commit any mistakes that might be in- jurious to my readers, I had recourse to Mr Stirling himself, and he was so obliging as to give me all the assistance I need- ed on this occasion, and particularly his correction and amend- ment of example 2, + p. 132, concerning which I had some. suspicion.” ; : ** In a postscript of a letter that I had the honour to re- ceive from Mr Stirling, dated the 18th of May 1747......, had, he says, almost forgot to give an answer to that part of your obliging letter, where you-say that some eminent mathemati- cians had observed to’ you, that I had nowhere shown from a given series, how to find the equation of the successive terms : to which I answer, that the thing is self-evident, or easy in such series as I proposed to sum or interpole; but in many kinds of series, the equation to the terms cannot be found, at least if their relation be considered in the manner I have done. For this reason, I gave no rule for finding the equations to. the terms of the series which I considered, and I did not pro- pose to solve the problem generally, because I knew that it was not to be done.” ‘In November 1729, Stirling was elected fellow of the Royal * Upon this plan a translation was begun of Brooke Taylor’s Methodus - Incrementorum, given with ‘‘a due medium between a paraphrase and a verbal translation.” It had not, however, proceeded beyond the first ten propositions when it was stopped by the termination of the publication, + Exp. 2. to Prop. xxvi. 196 Professor Rigaud’s Account of James Stirling. Society, and he afterwards contributed xwo papers to the Phi- losophical Transactions. The first of them is in the 39th vo- lume, (for 1735 and 1736;) it treats of the figure of the earth and the variation of gravity at its surface. His thoughts had been occupied on this subject for a considerable time, for he particularly mentioned it in a letter which, in 1733, he wrote to Bradley, who was his contemporary at Balliol, having en- tered at that same college not three months after him. The letter is dated from 'Tower Street, and Bradley’s* answer was evidently addressed to him in London: some little interval seems to have elapsed before this answer was written; but whether he was now fixed in the metropolis, or only on an oc- casional visit to it, is uncertain. The other paper is contained in the 48d volume of the Philosophical Transactions, (for 1745,) and gives the description of a machine in which a cur- rent of air is supplied by the fall of water, so as to blow up the fire of a furnace. It is not known that he published any otek works; al- though he lived to a very advanced age. From the Gentle- man’s Magazine, (1'770, p. 591,) we learn that he died on the 5th of December 1770, being then agent to the Scotch mining company in Leadhills. It is probable that he had been con- nected with that society for many years, or at least there is a — circumstance ‘that seems to indicate it; for, in his paper on the blast-furnace, which was to be urged by the means of a stream of water, he speaks of an engine sufficiently large “ to smelt harder ore than any in Leadhills.” If the old registers and account books of the company should be still in existence, they may enable us to ascertain whether there is any founda- tion for this conjecture, and may even supply us with some further particulars of the man, whose talents, no doubt, were of the greatest service to the establishment. Oxrorp, July 1831. * Neither of these letters are as yet before the public ; but they will appear in the collection of Bradley’s miscellaneous works, which is now in the press at Oxford. * . - 4 . Se a, a re De Brewster on a New Analysis of Solar Light. 197 Arr. Il.— On a New Analysis of Solar Light, indicating three Primary Colours, forming Coincident Spectra of equal length. By Davin Brewster, LL.D. F.R.SS. Lond. and Ed. (Abridged from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Read 21st March 1831.) Iw submitting to the scientific world a_new analysis of light, I am fully aware of the difficulties which I have to encounter. Even in physical science it is an arduous task to unsettle long established and deeply-rooted opinions, and that task becomes Herculean when these opinions are entrenched in national feeling and assuciated with immortal names. There are cases indeed, where the simple exhibition of new truths is sufficient to dispel errors the most deeply cherished. and the most venerable from their antiquity ; but it is otherwise with doctrines which depend on a chain of reasoning where every step in the inductive pro- cess is not rigorously demonstrative; and of this we require no other proof than is to be found in the history of Newton’s optical discoveries, and particularly in the opposition which they experienced from such distinguished men as Dr Hooke and Mr Huygens. In the investigations which I am about to explain, the in- strument employed is the absorbent action which different bodies exercise on different rays of white light. This principle, which science had hitherto scarcely recognized, was brought in- to notice bv the recent discoveries respecting polarization and double refraction, and was, I believe, first employed as an in- strument of analysis, in a paper printed in the Edinburgh Transactions, (vol. ix. p. 433.) In the experiments there de- scribed, I examined Dr Wollaston’s spectrum of four colours, viz. red, green, blue, and violet, by means of a purplish-blue glass. This glass absorbed the blwe rays, which, when mixed with the yellow, made green, and the yellow rays, which, when mixed with the red, made orange; and by insulating the yel- low and red, it thus effected a perfect analysis of the compound green and the compound orange. From this experiment I drew the conclusion that yellow light has an independent existence in the spectrum; and that the prism is incapable of decomposing : > 198 Dr Brewster on a New Analysis of Solar Light. that part of the spectrum (of four colours) which it occupies. _ This unequivocal result of a simple experiment at once saps the foundation of the prismatic analysis of light. Sir Isaac Newton, resting on the indications of the prism, concluded that green and orange were simple colours, and in general, ‘ that to the same degree of refrangibility ever belonged the same colour, and to the same colour ever belonged the same degree of refrangibility ;” but it is now obvious that certain blwe and yellow rays, and certain red and yellow rays, have the very same refrangibility, so that, in the same medium, refrangibility is not a test of colour, nor colour a test of refrangibility. These views were confirmed by experiments made by Mr Herschel, and printed in the same volume of the J'ransac- tions; but, in referring to them five years afterwards, in his Treatise on Light, he regarded them as liable to formidable objections. ‘* This idea,” says he (the inability of the prism to analyze light), ‘‘ has been advocated by Dr Brewster, in a paper published 1 in the Edinburgh Philosophical Transactions, vol. xi, and the same conclusion appears to follow from other experiments published in the same volume of that collec- tion. According to this doctrine, the spectrum would consist of at least three distinct spectra of different colours, red, yellow, -and blue, overlapping each other, and each having a maximum of intensity at those points where the compound spectrum has the strongest and brightest tint of that colour. It must be confessed, however, that this doctrine is not without its ob- jections ; one of the most formidable of which may be drawn — from the curious affection of vision occasionaily (and not very rarely) met with in certain individuals who distinguish only two colours which, (when carefully questioned and examined, by presenting to them, not the ordinary compound colours of painters, but optical tints of known composition), are generally found to be yellow and blue.” To these remarks Mr Herschel has added an illustrative ae figure of the spectrum, in which it is made to consist of Sour colours, red, yellow, blue, and violet ; the red extending to the middle of the yellow, the yellow beginning at the extremity of the orange and terminating at the indigo, the blue beginning at the middle of the yellow, and terminating at the end of the Dr Brewster on a New Analysis of Solar Light. 199 violet, and the violet beginning at the indigo, and terminating at the extremity of the spectrum. : I have not been able to discover what the general objections are which Mr Herschel refers to in the preceding passage: but the formidable one which he distinctly specifies will be found to have no weight. An obscure physiological fact occurring in one eye out of a million, could not, on any principle, affect the result of a legitimate induction ; but even if we invest it with the character of a general fact, it will be found to be a direct argument in support of the very views which it was supposed to contradict. These views, or the analysis of the spectrum to which they lead, may be expressed in the following propositions : 1. White light consists of three simple colours, red, yellow, and dlue, by the mixture of which all other colours are formed. 2. The solar spectrum, whether formed by prisms of trans- parent bodies, or by grooves in metallic and transparent sur- faces, consists of three spectra of equal length, beginning and terminating at the same points, viz. a red spectrum, a yellow spectrum, and a d/we spectrum. 3. All the colours in the solar spectrum are compound colours, each of them consisting of red, yellow, and blue light in differ- ent proportions. 4. A certain quantity of white light, incapable of being de- composed by the prism, in consequence of all its component rays having the same refrangibility, exists at every point of the spectrum, and may, at some covers be exhibited in an insu- lated state. _ This remarkable structure of the spectrum will be better understood from Plate II., where Figs. 1, 2, and 3, represent the three separate spectra, which is iit in their combined state in Fig. 4 In all these figures the point M corresponds with the vedi! or least refrangible extremity of the spectrum, and N with the violet, or most refrangible extremity; and the ordinates’ ax, bx, cx, of the different curves MRN, MYN, MBN, re- present the intensity of the red, yellow, and blue ray at aay point x of the spectrum. If the distance M z in all these spectra be equal, then, in 200 Dr Brewster on a New Analysis of Solar Light. the combination of them shown in Fig. 4, the ordinates aa, bx, ca, will indicate the nature and i intensity of the colons at any point 2 of the red spectrum. Thus, let The ordinate for red light ax = 30 yellow be = 16 blue — c= Y au+ be +cax = 48 rays, then the point 2 will be illuminated with 48 rays of light, viz, 30 of red, 16 of yellow, and 2 of blue light. Now, as there must be certain quantities of red and yellow light, which will form white, when combined with 2 blue rays, let us assume these, and suppose that white light, whose in- tensity is 10, will be formed by 3 red, 5 yellow, and 2 blue rays; hence it follows that the point « is illuminated by Red rays, 27 Yellow rays, 11 White light, 10 48 rays, or what is the same thing, the light at a will be orange, ren- dered brighter by a mixture of white light. The ¢wo blue rays, therefore, which enter into the composition of the light at a’, will not communicate any blue tinge to the prevailing colour. If the point aw is taken nearer M, and if, at that point, the blue rays are More numerous in proportion to the yellow than 2 to 5, that is, if they are as 3 to 5, then there will be 1 blue ray more than what is necessary to make white light with the 2 yellow and the 3 red rays, and this blue ray will give a blue tinge to that part of the spectrum, or will modify the peculiar colour of pure red light. In like manner, the blue extremity of the spectrum may have its peculiar colour modified by an excess of red rays so as to convert it into violet light. In this manner the tinge of red light at the blue extremity of the spectrum, and of blue light at the red extremity, may be ex- plained, even if the least refrangible branch BM of the blue =~ ee ee Nee ae a Dr Brewster on a New Analysis of Solar Light. 201 curve is every where within the least refrangible branch YM of the yellow curve, and the most refrangible branch RN of the red curve every where within the most refrangible branch YN of the yellow curve. On this supposition the excess of blue light over the yellow will begin to modify the red space at that point where the ordinates ca, bz, are in the ratio of 2 to 5; the ratio in which they exist in white light, and the ex- cess of red light over the yellow, will begin to modify the blue space at that point where the ordinates of the most refrangible red, and most refrangible yellow, branch are as 3 to 5, the ratio in which the corresponding rays exist in white light. But it is not improbable that the blue branch BM may actu- ally cross the yellow branch YM at some point m, as shown in Fig. 5; and the red branch RN the yellow branch YN, so that the blue ordinates in the one case, and the red ordinates in the other, will exceed the yellow ordinates at every point beyond the points of intersection m and n. If this should prove to be true, it follows, that at and beyond m the red should, as it were, re-appear, and by its predominance convert the extreme blue space between n and N into violet. In every part of a spectrum thus composed, there neces- sarily exists three different colours, which form'a compound tint by their union; and as the three differently coloured rays have at every point the same refrangibility, it is impossible to separate them, or to analyze the compound tint by prismatic refraction. By transmitting the compound tint, however, through transparent solids or fluids, which absorb one or more of the simple rays, and allowing the rest to pass, we may ex- hibit one or more of the rays separately, or obtain a residual colour, which indicates the presence of rays whose existence cannot be inferred from the original colour of the compound tint. If, for example, we transmit the compound ray at 2, Fig. 4, through an absorbing medium, which detains 27 red rays, we shall obtain a transmitted tint with 11 yellow rays, and 10 of white light, or a brilliant yellow; and if we again transmit this light through another medium which absorbs 11 yellow rays, we shall have a pure white light, composed of 3 red, 5 yellow, and 2 blue rays. This white light will exhibit the singular property of homogeneous light; namely, that of 202 Dr Brewster on a New Analysis of Solar Light. being indecomposable by the prism, and of being pre-eminent- ly adapted for the nicest purposes of vision. ‘The existence of such light has never even been conjectured, and its insulation at any point of the spectrum becomes a proof of the existence, at that point, of red; yellow, and blue rays of faual fee bility. ° Having thus given a general view of the structure abril Ll _ have found in the spectrum, I shall now proceed to state the experimental evidence from which it has been deduced. From the simple inspection of the coloured spaces, it is ob- vious that red light exists in the red, orange, and violet divi- sions of the spectrum; but, according to Fraunhofer’s mea- surements, these three spaces occupy 190 parts when the whole length of the spectrum is 360; hence, red rays are observed . in more than one-half of the whole spectrum. If we examine the blue and indigo spaces through certain yellow fluids, such as oil of olives, they acquire a distinct violet tint, so that these 7 fluids must have absorbed ‘some rays which had neutralized or — masked the red. Red light, therefore, exists in the blwe and indigo spaces ; and, as I shall afterwards show that white light, which necessarily includes red, may be insulated both in the green and yellow spaces, it follows that red light exists in all the seven coloured spaces into which the spectrum is divided. Yellow light is distinctly recognized by the eye in the orange, yellow, and green spaces which occupy 77 parts of the spec- trum whose length is 360. When the spectrum is examined with a deep blue glass, the green light is distinctly seen at F, one of Fraunhofer’s lines ; and as a green transparent wafer — of gelatine produces a whitish band beyond F, and in the blue’ space, it is clear that a certain portion of yellow light must exist there. We have already seen that the action of oil of olives on the blue and indigo spaces absorbs certain rays and leaves a violet tinge. ‘These rays cannot be red, and they are not blue, because blue taken from blue would not leave violet. They must, therefore, be a small portion of yellow rays, which, forming white with the red, and a portion of the blue, had the effect of diluting the predominant blue light. ‘The existence of both yellow and red rays in the blue and indigo spaces, may be inferred from another experiment. When we trans- Dr Brewster on a New Analysis of Solar Light. 203 _. mit the spectrum through a certain thickness of a blue solu- tion of the ammonio-sulphate of copper, the blue and indigo | spaces appear to be much diluted with white light, that is, the blue appears to be mixed with red and yellow. Now, if _ this apparently diluted blue light is a pure homogeneous blue, containing neither red nor yellow rays, it would suffer no more diminution in passing through an additional thickness of the ammonio-sulphate, than white light would do in passing through the same thickness of pure crystal or pure water, that is, it would suffer no perceptible change. But, in passing through the copper solution, the blue becomes rapidly deeper and less white, which can arise only from its absorbing the red and yellow rays, which cause its apparent whiteness. In order to apprehend the force of this argument, we must con- sider, that though a dark red or a dark blue fluid appear opaque, as they are in reference to white light, of which the one absorbs all the rays but the red, and the other all but the blue, yet, in reference to red and blue light, which each of them freely transmits, they may be regarded as perfectly transpa- rent. Nothing is more remarkable to those who first make the experiment, than the imperceptible diminution of intensity which a beam of homogeneous red light experiences in pas- sing through a great thickness of a red fluid, particularly when the original red beam is produced by transmission: through the same red fluid. It is owing to this cause that the colour of a wine-glass, full of port wine, is nearly as deep as that of the wine in the thickest part of a wine decanter. That yellow light exists in every part of the red space, may be proved by numerous experiments. By using a prism of port wine of 90°, or by viewing the spectrum through certain thicknesses of balsam of sulphur, balsam of Peru, pitch, or red mica, yellow light can be seen directly at the line marked C of Fraunhofer, which is far within the red space; and, by the absorptive action of these four last substances, the whole of the red space has a yellowish tint, arising from the absorp-. tion of blue light. The very same effect is produced, but in a more striking manner, by transmitting the light of the red space through certain yellow, orange, and green transparent wafers, all of which absorb some blue light, and leave the whole 204 Dr Brewster on a New Analysis of Solar Light. of the red space of an orange tint, that is, containing yellow light. In support of the opinion that there are yellow rays in every part of the red space, I may adduce a casual experi- ment of Sir W. Herschel’s, Phil. Transactions, 1800, vol. xe. p. 255, when he had occasion to view the prismatic spectrum reflected from clear turned brass. ‘* The colour of the brass,” says he ‘‘ makes the red rays appear like orange, and the orange colour is likewise different. from what it ought to be.” From these observations it follows, that yellow light may be traced through all the coloured spaces except the violet, where I have not yet been able to find it; but this is not surprising when we consider the great faintness of the violet rays, and the faci- lity with which they are absorbed by media of almost all co- lours. Even the deep blue ammonio-sulphate absorbs almost _the whole of the violet space, and the smalt blue glass nearly one-half of it, so that it is extremely difficult to subject it to the partial action of absorbent media. It is obvious, even to the eye, that blwe light exists in the violet, indigo, blue, and green spaces, which occupy 247 parts out of 860, or more than two-thirds of the whole spectrum. When the most refrangible rays are absorbed by certain thick- nesses of balsam of sulphur, balsam of Peru, pitch, or red mica, the blue mixed with yellow, and forming green, may be traced very near the line C of Fraunhofer, which is considerably with- in the red space. That the blue extends over the whole red space is proved by the same arguments which we used for yel- low light; for when the red space is made of an orange tinge by the absorptive action of certain yellow, orange, and green media, this change can be effected only by the pei: of blue light. Having thus proved that red, yellow, and Dhnie light exist in almost every part of the spectrum, I shall proceed to corrobo- - rate these views by showing that white light may be actually — insulated in different parts ofits When we look at the spectrum through a particular bitte glass of a certain thickness, we insulate the yellow space, the colour of which is. a rich gamboge-yellow. By increasing the thickness of the glass, this compound yellow acquires the pale straw-yellow colour of the yellow monochromatic flame pro- ee ee es Dr Brewster on a New Analysis of Solar Light. 205 duced by the combustion of alcohol and water, or of an alco- holic solution of salt. At a still greater thickness of the glass we produce a greenish-white band, which, by changing the glass for a different blue, becomes a reddish-white band. If we now mix a solution of sulphate of copper, which acts upon the rays on the red side of the yellow space, with diluted red _ ink, which acts on the rays on the blue side of the same space, -we shall reduce the rays in the yellow space to nearly white light, with a slight tinge of green, when there is too much sulphate of copper, and a slight tinge of red when there is too much red ink. ‘This insulation of white light may be pretty well effected by some of the smalt blue glasses acting alone ; and in some cases the purity of the light may be increased by a solution of sulphate of copper and iron, or even by a green glass. The white light thus exhibited may be rendered yel- low by means of a yellow transparent wafer, which absorbs some of its blue rays, and green by agreen transparent —_ which absorbs some of its red rays. From these experiments it follows, that white light, compos- ed of red, yellow, and blue rays, exist in the most luminous part of the spectrum, and may be insulated by absorbing the excess of yellow light, and of any of the other cclours above what is necessary to compose white light. In applying a highly dis- persing prism, it was a singular and peculiarly interesting sight to witness, for the first time, a beam of white light, consisting of red, yellow, and blue rays of equal refrangibility, and inca- pable of being analyzed by prismatic refraction. The preceding observations. contain only a few out of a great number of experiments which I have made on the ab- sorptive action of natural and artificial crystals, and of various - fluids and uncrystallized solids which possess either a natural © + or an artificial colour. I made a few experiments in the course of this winter with the coloured juices of several hot-house plants, which Mr Forbes was so good as to prepare for me ; and I expected, in the course of the summer, to obtain by this means, a more striking insulation of some of the simple colours, than I had effected by the substances within my reach. Im- patient, however, of so long a delay, I thought of supplying, to a certain degree, the place of these absorbing fluids by a subsidiary principle of analysis, which, in its practical applica- 206 Prof. Powell on the alleged Polarization of Heat. tions, exceeded my most sanguine hopes, and has furnished me with the means, not only of analyzing the colours of na- tural bodies, but of determining the causes from which these colours originate. An-account of these, and of other applica- tions of it, will form the subject of separate communications, and I shall confine myself at present to the single observation, that, in applying this method of absorption to the decomposi- tion of the solar rays, I have been able to insulate white light, . both in the orange.and in the green space, and thus obtain the most ample proof of the peculiar analysis of white light which it has been the object of this paper to establish. By means of this analysis we are now able to explain the phe- nomena observed by those who are insensible to particular co- lours. (See this Journal, No. xix. Old Series, p. 153, and No. ix. New Series, p. 88.) The eyes of such persons are blind to red light ; and when we abstract all the red rays from a spectrum constituted as above described, there will be left two colours, blue and yellow, the only colours which are recognized by those who have this defect of vision. To such eyes light is always seen in the red space, but this arises from the eye being sensible to the yellow and blue rays which are mati with the red light. Hence blue light will be seen in the place of the violet, end a greenish-yellow will appear in the orange and red spaces, or, which is the same thing, the spectrum will consist only of the yellow and the blue spectra shown in Fig. 2 and 3. The phy- siological fact, and the optical principle, are therefore in per- fect accordance; and while the latter gives a precise explana- tion of the former, the former yields to the latter a new wt an unexpected support. Art. IIl].—Further Remarks on the alleged Polarization of Heat. By the Rev. Bapen Power, M. A. F. R/S. Savilian Professgr of Geometry in the Prone oF on ford. Ina Letter to Dr Brewsrexr. MES DEAR mR In the number of your Journal for July 1830, you’ did me the favour to insert a’communication on the alleged polarization Prof. Powell on the alleged Polarization of Heat. 207 of heat, in which I stated, that, as far as I was aware at that time, M. Berard’s researches on the subject had not been pub- lished. I have, however, recently been informed that I was mistaken ; and being referred to the 3d volume of the Mé- moires de la Societé d Arcueil, (Paris, 1817,) I there found the paper in question, entitled ‘* Mémoire sur les propriétés des differentes espécés de rayons qu’on peut s¢parer au moyen du prisme de la lumiére solaire, par M. J. E. Berard. Lu a Vinstitut le 21 de Dec. 1812.” I immediately examined the memoir with reference to the question discussed in my former communication ; but, I must confess, felt not a little disappointed at the very slight infor- mation which the distinguished writer affords as to aha parti- cular points on which, it appears to me, so much of the force and importance of the general result depends. The principal particulars which I can collect as bearing on my questions are these : lst, The thermometer employed was an air-thermometer, containing a bubble of alcohol in the tube. 2d, 'The apparatus, consisting of glasses like Malus’s, had the axis of revolution placed vertically. No mention is made of any precautions in regard to the very important point of guarding against irregular action of heat by screens, &c. $d, With regard to the radiation from hot metal, the source was * une boule de cuivre de Ja grosseur d’un ceuf,” which was placed in the focus of a concave metallic reflector. It was used in the first instance at a bright red heat, and im this case, as well as in that of the solar rays, the results agree entirely with what I have before stated. 4th, The author then proceeds to the case of simple heat — unaccompanied by light : this he seems to consider but of se- condary importance, regarding it in connection with the views inferred from De la Roche’s experiments, but, after a few re- marks, proceeds thus to describe his experiments : ‘« J’ai attendu dans quelques experiences que la boule de cuivre ne fut plus visible dans lobscurité ; et je me suis as- suré que les rayous qu “elle emettait dans ce cas pouvaient étre aussi polarises.” This meagre, not to say somewhat ambiguous statement, is NEW SERIES, VOL. V. NO. If. OCTOBER 18981. o 208 Prof. Powell on the alleged Polarization of Heat. ‘the whole account given of a portion’of the research at once (according to my view of the matter) the most essentially im- portant, and certainly the most difficult and delicate to car- ry on. Of the nature of the results in general, so long as any light is present, I have already expressed my opinion, and in these cases the causes of fallacy do not act in the same proportion ; but in the case of the simple radiant heat, I think it will be allowed that a vertical arrangement of the apparatus must leave the results open to very serious objections, and the adoption of the air-thermometer will by some be thought still more os tionable. 2 x In my former communication, I mentioned that riny Sakopans ments, made with a mercurial thermometer, though unsatisfac- tory from the minute effects produced, appeared to confirm M. Berard’s as to all cases of heat accompanying light, but that they failed to do so in the case of simple radiant heat. With the information now before me relative to M. Berard’s researches, I resolved again to repeat the experiment in the case of simple heat from metal below visible redness, making use of an air-thermometer as he had done. I arranged my apparatus as before, horizontally, the iron ball, two inches diameter, was placed in the focus of a tin reflector, six inches diameter, so situated that the rays would fall on the first glass at the proper angle. The blackened bulb of am air-thermo- meter was fixed in the focus of the small reflector attached to the second glass; the adjustment being made by the light of acandle. The bulb of the thermometer was three-fourths of an inch in diameter, and the air was confined by a bubble of coloured liquid in the tube, as in M. Berard’s experiments. The tube of the apparatus passed through a thick screen, so that all communication of heat to the thermometer, except along the tube, was completely intercepted. Every precaution being duly taken, and the second glass reflector, with the ther- mometer, being in azimuth 90°, on admitting the radiant heat, a small effect was produced, and the reflector being then turn- ed into azimuth 0°, and back again to 90° several times, no sensible difference could be observed between the —_ im the respective positions. Mr Potter on the Aurora Borealis. 209 Such are the results I have been able to obtain, entirely con- firming my former conclusions. The inquiry is certainly one of a very troublesome nature, and where it is difficult to feel perfectly satisfied. The principal obstacle is the want of a thermometer at once sufficiently sensible and accurate. Those who are practically conversant with air-thermometers, will pro- bably be ready to admit that there is much uncertainty attend-_ ing their indications. It is to the improvement of mercurial thermometers that we must look for the extension of our know- ledge on this and all questions connected with radiant heat. To secure at once an instantaneous communication of the ef- fect, a 1 large range on the scale corresponding to a small degree of heat, and a pidbfect freedom of motion to the liquid in the tube, are the desiderata in instruments for these purposes, whilst the graduation is wholly irrelevant. It is to be hoped that some of our philosophical artists will direct their attention to this point. I cannot conclude without repeating my earnest hope that these experiments will be tried by others better qualified to do ' justice to them. By the multiplication of observations, we can alone hope to be able to speak with confidence as to investiga- tions of so delicate a nature-—I remain, my Dear Sir, very truly yours, B. PowEtt, - Oxrorn, July 24, 1831. Arr. IV.—On the General Equations for determining the Po- sitions and Curvatures of Arches of Aurora Boreales, from observations made in one place only; with Calculations for that of the 25th December 1830. By R. Porrer Junior, Esq. Communicated by the Author. Since writing my former essay on this subject, I have taken some little pains to learn what has been done by others. In the beginning of the eighteenth century, the meteor appears to have occurred very frequently, and attracted the attention of many scientific men. Amongst these, the celebrated Swe- dish philosopher Celsius, commencing about the year 1716, > ‘ 210 Mr Potter on the Aurora Borealis. made observations on 316 aurorse, and wrote a treatise wherein these observations are recorded; but which I have not yet met with. The celebrated Mayer wrote also in the year 1726, pretty fully on the aurora in the first volume of the Commentarii Petropolitane ; and I was not a little surprised to find that — he had proposed a formula for finding the elements of an — arch from one observation of its altitude and its extent on the horizon, by considering it as a circle parallel to the equator. The reader will see that this is similar to the method I have. proposed, only that he was ignorant of the relation of the meteor with the earth’s magnetism. When his formula is adapted to this discovery, we may find the distance of an arch — by it in the first place, and knowing this, we easily find the height. The results, as I have proved, are just the same as by mine. He there gives only the formula without the de-— monstration; this last was, however, supplied by Maupertuis in the Histoire de ? Academie Royale des Sciences, for 1732. Mayer laid his demonstration before the Petersburgh Aca- demy in 1728, but, as their Transactions were not published until some years afterwards, Maupertuis does not appear to have been aware of it. In the year 1731 Mairan, who had previcnlily written seve- ral memoirs, published an extensive treatise on the aurora, which stands as a supplementary part to the Hist. de [Acad. for that year. He was much occupied with hypothetical views, that the aurora was caused by the zodiacal light, and that this latter was no other than the sun’s atmosphere ex- tending beyond the orbit of the earth. He gives an extensive catalogue of auroree which had been observed from very early times, and several very good plates of the different appearance of the meteor. He enters also very fully on the subject of its height, and made calculations for several obser vations on the pa- rallactic or trigonometrical method; and in one case he made use of the formula of Mayer. He found the height of the aurora of the 19th October 1726, to be 70 French leagues above the surface of the earth; but in general his calculations brought out the height about 200 leagues, some few being as low as 100, and some as high as 300 leagues. | Mr Potter on the Aurora Borealis. 211 Soon afterwards the celebrated Dutch philosopher Mus- chenbroek treated very fully, in his physical essays, on the aurora. Muschenbroek made many observations, and was, as far as I have found, the originator of the hypothesis, that the meteor arises from electrical clouds, and is only at a low ele- vation. Like his successors in the same view, he preferred trusting to the capability of his eyes for ascertaining distances to actual positive measurement. As he says every thing, per- haps, which can be said in favour of his’ hypothesis, I will here give an extract of the summary of his arguments from the French translation of his work by Pierre Massuet, i lished in 1739. 7 ** L” Aurore boréale est dans notre atmosphere, et non pas dehors ou au-dessus. ** 1°. Parceque qu’elle paroit le soir sous la forme d’un nuage, qui ne différe pas des ‘autres nuages, que nous volons commu- nément. Le grand nombre dobservations, que j’ai faites pen- dant longtems pour découvrir la nature de cette lumiére, m’ont appris, que ce n’est autre chose qu’un nuage semblable aux autres qui roulent dans lair, ou ils sont suspendus, et qu'elle se trouve aussi A la méme hauteur que ces nuages, autant qu’on peut en juger par la vue. Si on est curieux de savoir, quelles sont les marques auxquelles on peut connaitre cette Jumiére pendant le jour, il suffit de faire attention a ce qui suit. Lorsqu’il doit tonner, on voit Pair couvert de nuées, qui sont a diverses hauteurs, et peu distant les unes des autres: on les voit flotter ga et la dans lair, et quelques unes de leurs parties parvissent blanches, les autres brunes. Les nuées qui forment laurore boréale, sont suspendus de la mémes maniére dans l’atmosphere, roulant confusément les unes sur les autres, de sorte qu’une personne peu accoutumée 4 observer ces phenoménes jugeroit d’abord que la tonnére est prét a tomber sur sa téte. Mais les aurores boréales sont moins épaisses, d’un blew tirant sur le cendré, elles flottent doucement dans lair, et ne s’éléve au-dessus de horizon que jusqu’a une certaine hauteur. Lorsque tout cela se manifest au nord, au nord-est, ou au nord-ouest, il paroit surement la nuit une aurore boréale ; et si cela continue quelques jours et quelques nuits de suite, on a alors pendant le jour une occa- 212 Mr Potter on the - een Borealis. sion fort favorable pour faire connaitre ce météore, &c. &e.— Je crois donc qu’on ne peut douter, que ces aurores boréales ne soient des nuées repandues dans notre atmosphere.” «¢ 2°. Comme la nuée lumineuse se tient plusieurs heures de suites 2 la méme hauteur au-dessus de horizon, elle doit ne- - cessairement se mouvoir en méme tems que notre atmosphere; car puisque la terre tourne chaque jour autour son axe, cette nuée lumineuse devroit paroitre s’élever au-dessus de Phorizon et descendre au-dessous, si elle se trouvoit au-dessus de Pat- mosphére. Cette nuée étant donc emportée en méme tems que notre globe et notre atmosphere, il y a tout lieu de croire qu’elle s’y trouve éffectivement.” ! 7 ‘* 3°. Il y a plusieurs aurores boréales, qu’on ne sauroit voir en mémes tems de deux endroits peu éloignés Pun de Pautre, ce qui prouve qu’elles ne sont pas toujours 4 une hau- teur considerable, et qu’elles se trouve sGrement dans notre at- mosphere. En effet, on voit cette lumiére 4 Leyden tandis qu on ne la voit pas 4 Utrecht, on lappercoit 4 Utrecht lorsqw’ elle n’est pas visible a Leyden. Combien de fois ne lobserve- t-on pas en Hollande, quoiqu’ elle paroisse rarement en France et encore plus rarement en Italie? Disons donc que c’est une lumiére contenue dans notre atmosphere, et qu'elle ne s’y éléve pas méme fort haut,” &c. &c. His argument against the calculations on the method, of finding the height by the parallax is, that different auroree are viewed by the different observers; though he acknow- ledges that they are generally seen in the north ; which, it would seem, should be considered a very singular thing if they were only in the region of the clouds. Without entering into the question of the aurora being in the earth’s atmosphere, to which we can yet hardly fix a de- finite limit with certainty, we see that his arguments on its lo- cality and connection with clouds are quite specious and un- worthy of a philosopher. What he says as to its frequently - not being seen in places only a few miles distant at the same time, amounts, even if it were shown that the observers were on the look-out at the same time, with no obstacle to inter- cept the view, toa vague negative argument,. which would Mr Potter on the Aurora Borealis. | 213 not render actual measurements the less necessary. And this would become so easy for a low elevation of the meteor. Those who do not wish to take even so much trouble, may _ satisfy themselves by viewing a stratus cloud which passes any where near the zenith. If this cloud be really of pretty nearly av equal breadth throughout its whole extent, it will, in con- formity with the rules of perspective, appear much broader near the zenith than m its more distant parts near the horizon. Now, in a symmetrical regular arch of an aurora, no similar dif- ference in breadth is ever perceptible,—a sufficient evidence of their great distance from the observer. : As to his second argument, it would at most show the me- teor to be connected oth the terrestrial system, and the view first brought forward by Dr Halley, which has since been completely established by Mr Dalton, that it is connected with the earth’s magnetism, is now universally admitted. Never- theless, the apparent motion of the meteor, and particularly its tendency to pass southward, are still subjects for inquiry and discussion. It is one of the most singular features in the history of the observations on the aurora, that its connection with the earth’s magnetism should have escaped the notice of such inquirers as Mayer, Mairan, and Muschenbroek, who all refer the meteor to the true north, though the magnetic declination was about 153 degrees west at London in 1731. And though some ob- servations are recorded where it was noticed not to coincide with the true north, it is not the less to the credit of Dr Halley, that this great man, on the first aurora he saw, namely, the famous one in March 1716, which drew the attention of so many learned men throughout all Europe to the subject, perceived at once its great distance and height, and argued also on its connection with magnetic phenomena. Near the close of my former paper, I remarked that the manner of finding the elements of an auroral arch from an ob- servation of the points in which it cuts the horizon, and the altitude of its highest point, was not the only way in which we might consider the subject ; assuming it still to be a small circle round the magnetic axis, and in a plane perpendicular to it; but that we might substitute in place of the equation ig 214 Mr Potter on the Aurora Borealis. of the plane of the horizon, that of any other plane passing through the place of observation. The most general way of treating the problem is to take the plane at right angles to the magnetic meridian, but making any angle with the vertical line. Thus we arrive at a general formula, which will be discussed below, and from which we deduce that for the plane of the horizon as a pariiadhin case, and it is the simplest one. But it will not be without service to make observations for planes of different elevations on the same arch. For if, as some philosophers maintain, there are more virtwal magnetic poles than two on the earth’s surface, we ought to find con- siderable deviation from a circle in the direction of the symme- trical rings or arches. But if we find a close coincidence, be- tween the results furnished by the different points on a high and extensive arch, we must consider that there is only one such pole for each hemisphere ; and if the electrical theory shall be established, which, from recent experiments, there is reason to expect, we must allow the irregularity in the direc- tion of the magnetic tendency on the earth’s surface, to arise from partial and local causes, such as the situation of places with respect to large continents and the diurnal rotation, or the effects of prevailing winds, &c. To proceed to the general problem, let Fig. 6, Plate II. re- present a view of an auroral arch, the plane A E X being in the magnetic meridian, and ‘the line A X being its intersection with the horizon. The data required for the solution of the pro- blem, are the angle E A X, or the elevation of the arch, the angle D A X, or the inclination of the plane D A F, — that of the horizon, and the angle D A F. Then if a be the place of observation in Fig. 7, a Me a portion of the earth’s surface, M O the magnetic axis, and ef a portion of an auroral arch, we may take the centre O as the origin of the co-ordinates, and put ¢ = the trig. tang. of the angle ca X, f= the trig. tang. of the angle daf, i bemg = the trig. secant, and j = trig. tang. of the angle of inclination — daX, and g = the trig. contangent of the magnetic polar dis- tance of the place of observation, or = the trig. tang. of the angle M Oa. Mr Potter on the Aurora Borealis. 915 _ Then it will be seen that the arch being at an equal height in every part above the surface of the earth, it will be every- where equally distant from the centre, * we will represent this distance Oe by R, putting r for the mean radius of the earth, and 7’ that of the small circle considered in its own plane. We have then for the points of the small circle in the plane of 2 z, | z=r+ea, 2+ 22 = R*, and («x — a)? + (eg —cy = r”, and in the planedafiv =r+ja,y¥ =fiz’, af? + y? 4 x? = R*, (# — a)? + y” + (x —c)? = r2, we havealsoc=ag and R*? — r? + a? +’. These equations are sufficient to determine the circle. In the elimination it is better for simplifying the formula to put t= 1 +? f? +7?,m=-1+e,n=1+8°,0=1 +I28; andp= 1 e+g. We then arrive at this equation, a=r (= bea acins l aa nie) which we see is Lp?n — mon of the same form as the one we found in considering only the points of intersection on the horizon; and, in fact, if we make the angle of inclination equal to zero, it then co- -incides with the horizon; and we have i = radius = 1, and j = 0, these give us /— 1 +,f2 and o — |, and the equation lpg + 2ep—mg lp?n—mn | found before. As the height of the meteor, and its distance from the observer, are generally the only elements required to be known, we may shorten the calculation by finding the imme- diate analytic expressions for them. .Thus, the height being R — 1, we have only to find the value of R and subtract from it the radius of the earth ; but substituting the value of a in the above equations, we find for the horizontal plane the follow- above becomesa =? ) the same as we 2 ae ing easy and short formula, viz. R = 2r / ( or ap a i) “ We here neglect the spheroidal figure of the earth, as it remains yet to be determined whether the observations can be taken so accurately, on such a meteor as the aurora, as to render such nicety in calculation of ser- vice. If it is found that they can be, it will become necessary also to cor- rect the angles observed, from the consideration, that the arch is a view of a cylindrical ring, of which the figure of the section would require to be ascertained. 216 Mr Potter on the Aurora Borealis. Then knowing R, r and the angle eaO in the triangle ea O, we find the distance, or the side ae, by the ordinary WigAne: metrical rule. When we take the extent of the arch, on any other plane than that of the horizon, the formula for the value of R be- comes less simple; by following the same plan as before, we find this formula, viz. : e? Lo? p? +. 2m o2 p2—ejmoep— ejlo 1 R=2r v( pipe “ES JF pm 6AbO ma #3) And when we know R, we easily find the distance as in the other case. I have not yet been able to make observations for any other plane than that of the horizon, but if the aurora shall occur as frequently next winter as it did the last, I hope it will not pass over without some observations being obtained which will tend finally to settle the question of the height of the meteor above the surface of the earth. I propose keeping a vigilant look out for displays of it on which I may myself make observa- tions with such an instrument as I have. But I should be glad to hear that others, with better instruments, may feel suffi- cient interest in the inquiry to seek opportunities of observing. For the guidance of such friends of science, I will take the li- berty to suggest, that it will generally be found best to take the measurements for the under or inner edgé of the arch, when it is not a very high one, aboye the horizon ; for in this case the under edge is almost always well defined, whilst its upper one is frequently so diffuse that two observers would seldom agree to less than 30’ of a degree where it ended. When the arch passes at an altitude approaching the zenith, it will generally be immaterial on which edge the observation is made. I have not yet met with an observation which would en- able me to calculate the arch of the 25th December last, by the parallactic method, but I hope some observer will yet ap- pear who has recorded an observation of it sufficient for the purpose. In the meantime, I give the height and distance as brought out by the analytical formule. The lower arch of the aurora had an altitude of 20° for its under edge in the magnetic north, and it cut the horizon about 61° west of this point for the same edge. . | Mr Potter on the Aurora Borealis. 217 -Therefore, taking e = trig. tang. 20°, f = trig. tang. 61°, and the magnetic polar distance of the place of observation being 41°, we have g = trig. tang. 49°. From. these data I find its distance to have been 412.5 miles, its height 159.4 miles. In looking over the history of the aurora, we see that the calculations of Mairan, Cavendish, and Dalton, on various ' trigonometrical bases, of from about thirteen miles to some hundreds, agree with mine in placing the meteor always at a great elevation, without a single opposing measurement from - good observations in favour of the contrary opinion. The lowest altitude determined, namely, that for the aurora observ- ed by Cavendish, had still a locality such that it is clear it must be ascribed to other causes than the winds and clouds of the denser part of the atmosphere. ‘Though, from its position, we are hardly ever likely to be able to demonstrate actually in what these causes consist, we may yet, by comparing the different theories which can be advanced, form our choice of the one which is most consonant with our previous knowledge and the laws of nature hitherto established. And as my own opinion, founded on observation and comparison with other natural phenomena, is somewhat different from any I have seen, I shall deem no apology neces- sary in here submitting it. I have been struck with the similarity of the light general- ly called electrical in the vacwwm of a mercurial barometer and that of the aurora. The exhibition of this light has general- ly been considered a test of the goodness of the instrument. But it may be seen very completely in the comparative baro- meter attached to the condensing steam-engine, which general- ly in a Jarge long-stroke engine, oscillates between 1. and 1} inches every stroke of the piston, and about two to three inches of mercury below the atmospheric pressure. When the mer- cury is falling in the tube there is seen a pale flickering light, which ceases when the mercury commences to rise again. ‘That is, the light is seen only when the vacuum (as used in com- mon parlance ) is becoming worse and the mercury falling. In whatever way we may explain this phenomenon, the | light of the aurora has a very great resemblance to it. 218 Mr Potter on the Aurora Borealis. But if we consider this light as arising from the mercurial vapour, it will be asked, from. whence could such a metallic vapour arrive at the highest regions of the atmosphere? In answer, I would say, tell me whence come the meteoric stones, and I can give as likely an origin for such a metallic vapour. He would be very hardy at the present day, and I think little versed in chemistry, who would venture to assert the non-ex- istence of metals in such a state, even at low temperatures. We know that aqueous vapours exist at temperatures below the freezing point, and we see that many metals, as zinc, arse- nic, mercury, &c. are easily distilled. We find also, by the evidence of our sense of smelling, though so much inferior in the human species to what it is in many of the lower animals, an impression of the existence of a metallic vapour, when we are in places where metals are worked. But for a ready ex- periment, let any one take a piece of iron or steel, and rub away the coating of varnish or oxide which may be on its surface upon a rough stone or file, on removing it to a short distance, he will readily perceive, if his olfactory sense be not particu- larly dull, a peculiar metallic odour, which cannot arise other- wise than from the iron, and which is only perceived in its vicinity. | I must acknowledge that there is quite as much difficulty in accounting for metals in this state floating in space, as there is in accounting for the origin of aerolites. But the phenome- na of the aurora are undoubtedly, in my opinion, best ac- counted for, on the view that the metals which form so prin- cipal and characteristic a portion of meteoric stones exist also in a state of vapour, moving in space ; which, arriving within the influence of the earth’s attraction, are brought into a state of commixture with the higher portions of the atmosphere. The forms of the meteor, the peculiar light, and the posi- tions with respect to the magnetic tendency, must then result from the necessary effect of the earth’s electrical or magnetic state. The rarity of the matter which causes the aurora is quite in agreement with the tenuity which must exist in a metallic vapour at exceedingly low temperatures. For we find a mass of forty to fifty miles m depth, hardly, in a telescope, affect e Contributions to Scientific Bibliography. 219 the intensity of the light of very small stars. The density of these masses, as I have computed, must be dess than the one ten-millionth part of that of the mercurial atmosphere in the Torricellian vacuum, to give such a light as we observe,—a tenuity we can scarcely form a conception of. Smepitey Hatz, August 3, 1831. Arr. V.—Contributions to Scientific Bibliography. By aCor- RESPONDENT. Communicated by the Author. Tue scarcity of a book, which has nothmg else to recommend it, is a fact which is hardly worth knowing ; but when the work has any real value, either from intrinsic merit, or from forming a link in the history of science, its scarceness then becomes an object of importance. It is constantly found that errors are perpetuated by writers who satisfy themselves by copying what they find at second hand, and these errors can never be cor- rected without reference to original authorities. It is useful, therefore, to know not only what books are scarce, but also (when it is possible) where they are to be found. It must often occur to those who have access to large libraries, that they meet with works which they had never before heard of ; and the books so discovered will sometimes contain matter which had been looked for in vain. Neither is it to be attri- buted to a mere selfish anxiety for accumulation, when any one employs himself in collecting with this view. Much is: learned from what is in our own possession, and even in the search for it; and every one who has indulged himself in col- lecting books, must have often found advantage from what, at the time of the purchase, he did not foresee that he should de- rive any particular use. ‘This of course supposes that he has collected with some discrimination; and if in that case he should sometimes be induced to give a higher price than he otherwise — would for a book in consequence of its scarcity, he is not on that account alone to be blamed. There are other individuals. also to whom some anecdotes on this subject may not be un- interesting; and the following remarks may hereafter be suc- t a ° 220 Contributions to Scientizic Bibliography. ceeded by others of a similar description, if they are fae to contribute even to liberal amusement. B: riggs’s Arithmetica Logarithmica, 1624. Dr Hutton gives an account of “ this stupendous work,” as he justly calls it, in his well-known history of logarithms. He furnishes an ample detail of its contents; but in some of the particulars respecting the book itself, his description ap- pears to require correction. The book contains, as he observes, the logarithms of all numbers, from 1 to 20000, and from 90000 to 100000 carried to fourteen places of decimals ; but he adds, ‘some writers say that there was another chiliad, namely, from 100000 to 101000 ; but none of the copies that I haveseen have more than the 30000 above-mentioned, and they were all regularly terminated in the usual way with the word Finis.” Gardiner, in the preface to his quarto T'ables of Logarithms, (London, 1742,) mentions his having particularly used this chi- liad, but it certainly is hardly ever to be found. ‘There are, how- ever, at least two copies of it in existence ; the one isin the Savi- lian Library at Oxford, and the other is in the possession of the Earl of Macclesfield. It is evident that it formed no part of Briggs’s original design, but was printed separately after the great work. It consists of only a few leaves, and these cir- cumstances will account for its having been so generally lost. From the letters with which the different sheets are marked, it is clear that Briggs’s original intention was not to leave his- great. work in the imperfect state in which it has come down to us; and indeed Wingate says in his preface to T’abule* Lo- garithmice (Lond. 1633,) that after the publication in 1624, he ‘endeavoured, with all the expedition that he and his friends could make, to publish a perfect table, which should contain the logarithms of all numbers from 1 to 100000, — Howbeit, before it could be quite finished, that table which he intended was brought home to him ready calculated and pub- lished in the low countries without his consent or notice, he having directed an easy way (in his book above-mentioned) * These are ye for 7, not 8 place of decimals, as Hutton describes them. Contributions to Scientific Bibliography. 221 how the logarithms of the intercepted numbers might be dis- covered.” The copy of the Arithmetica Logarithmica in the Savilian Library was probably Briggs’s own, and there is between the leaves of it a letter which he had written to his friend Mr Wells of Deptford, giving instructions how to proceed in calculating for him. This agrees well with Wingate’s statement; and it is to be regretted that Vlacq should have interfered with the author’s plan. If he had not, we should have had the work completed for the whole series of numbers to fourteen places of decimals. Vlacq’s, indeed, go to ten places; but his hurry to anticipate those who ought not to have been interrupted, made him suffer his work to go through the press in a most careless manner. The number of errata is really disgraceful, and particularly to be reprobated in a publication like this. It is true that figures require more than common care in the revision of the sheets, but it is equally true that errors in print- ing them are of more than common importance. Besides Vlacq there was one of his own countrymen whom Briggs had likewise some reason to complain of ; but Hutton’s statement leaves an inaccurate impression of what he did. He says, ‘‘ In 1631 was printed in London, by one George Mil- ler, a book containing Briggs’s logarithms, with their differen- ces, to ten places of figures, besides the index, for all numbers to 100000, as also the logarithmic sines, tangents, and secants, for every minute of the quadrant, with the explanation and uses in English.” He then gives a quotation from Norwood’s Trigonometry, in which this publication as well as Vlacq’s are severely reprobated ; but the fact seems to be much over-stat- ed. Miller published a title-page with an imperfect preface made up from Briggs’s Latin, but it does not appear that he ever reprinted the logarithms. This English preface i is in the British Museum bound up by itself. It is sometimes met with in the same volume with Briggs’s own logarithms to fourteen places, to which it certainly cannot belong; but a copy in the Savilian Library clearly points out the distinct object with which it was printed. It isthere prefixed to Vlacq’s own book, to which the description in the title-page exactly answers. ‘To remove all.doubt on this subject, it is only necessary to com- 222 Andres del Rio on Silver Ores, pare the tables of errata, and it will be found that the English is a mere translation of the Latin table given by Vlacq. This clearly proves that it was never intended for any reprint of the work which Miller might have had executed in England, but only to assist the mere English reader in the use of the Dutch publication. ‘This certainly was an assistance to the circula- tion of what might be considered in some measure as a pirated book, but does not amount to a substantive act of piracy in itself. , Art. VI.— Silver Ores reduced by the Method of Becqueret. By Anpres DEL Rio. (Read November 5, 1830.) Commu-_ nicated by a Correspondent. : I uave the honour to present to the American Philosophi- cal Society, the result of some curious researches, which in more dexterous hands may become interesting. ‘They were sug- gested to me by the beautiful experiment of M. Becquerel, inserted in the Annales de Chimie et de Physique for Septem- ber 1829. He introduced into a glass tube some carburet of sulphur, with a solution of nitrate of copper, which, being of ‘less specific gravity, floated upon its surface ; and by means of a copper wire he established a communication between the two liquids. He observed that the surface of the wire became coated with protoxide of copper, while smail tables, assuming a metallic anid glistening appearance, were deposited on the sides of the glass tube. These M. Wohler has since shown to be formed of sulphuret of copper; whence he considers the method of | Becquerel as being merely “‘a new mode of forming sulphurets,” to which, I think, he should have added, ‘‘ by the decomposi- tion of other sulphurets.” Indeed, I introduced severally into three small glass tubes, some small lamellz of ductile and some fragments of brittle silver glance and red silver ore. ‘These, being exposed to the action of nitrate of copper and a copper wire, were reduced in eight days to the state of metallic silver. I repeated the experiment on the ores in’small fragments, which became coated with silver in five days. The formation of silver was even apparent on the second day at the points in which the ore came in contact with the glass. By what pro- reduced to the Method of Becquerel. 223 cess nature invests silver glance and red silver ores with native silver in the mines, is a question which I do not pretend to solve. In operating upon the fragments of silver glance, which were coated in the preceding experiments with metallic silver, I added a little quicksilver. In fifteen days the ore was trans- — formed into an amalgam of silver. The brittle sulphuret and the red silver ore required nearly three weeks for their com- plete amalgamation. According to M. Wohler the carburet of sulphur is decomposable in the same way by diluted nitric acid. I did not succeed in decomposing the dark red silver ore by nitric acid, until after a subsequent saturation of the acid with copper. These experiments afford us instances of the reduction of silver ores without common salt, and sulphuret of iron and copper (the magistral of the Mexicans.) I always sus- pected that the latter substance was very mischievous in the process of amalgamation, occasioning the great loss of silver and mercury which are daily experienced. The silver being oxidized at the expence of the sulphuric acid, retains its oxy- gen with more tenacity, as has been shown by M. Berthier, than had been previously admitted; and especially when in con- tact with the oxide of copper, which possesses this property to a high degree. ‘I'he same probably happens with the mercury; and the sulphates, bisulphates, and subsulphates, which are thus formed, are lost for ever in the process of washing. Hence, I think, they roast their silver ores in Saxony with ' common salt alone; and they treat the chloride of silver by mercury. By this means the loss of mercury amounts only to four ounces per five marcs of silver obtained in the working of ores that contain two ounces per quintal. (See Note A.) How satisfied would we be in Mexicoif our loss were no greater? I trust that the pupils of the College of Mines of Mexico may derive some advantage from these small experiments of mine. Perhaps I have thus approximated to the discovery | made by my lamented pupil Valencia, and which he unfortu- nately carried with him to the grave. I can state as a fact, that by his genius he had discovered the means of avoiding the loss of mercury termed the consumido. Such are the fruits NEW SERIES, VOL. V. NO. If, OCTOBER 1831. P 224 M. Chevalier’s Answer to Dr Goring’s resulting from colleges of mines. In my last letter I suggest- ed to him the use of the protomuriate of tin, not of the nitrate of copper; and in his reply he informed me that his method was so simple, that he feared the workmen would deprive him of the fruits of it. As the mail was closing, he postponed the communication to his next letter, which, however, he never had an opportunity of writing, having previously, as well asmany . others of my able pupils, fallen a victim in the war of inde- pendence. Should the Philosophical Society continue their liberality to me, by supplying me with a fragment of the white silver glance (weisguiden of the Germans), I propose to extend my experi- ments to that ore. Note A.—The Mexican amalgamator divides his loss of mer- cury into two parts; the first he terms consumido, which is al- ways equal at least to the weight of silver obtained. The second termed perdida, is the waste in washing, &c. Art. VII.—A Letter from Cuaries Cuevarier, Optician in Paris, to Dr Gortne, being an Answer to his Paper pub- lished in the Second Volume of the New Series of the Quar- terly Journal of Science, p. 248, entitled, ** A Critique on the thick Aplanatic Object-Glasses for divergent rays of Vin- cent Chevalier aine et fils.” Coansillligaiee by Dr Gortne. | Sir, [ wave read with the greatest interest the different papers you have published on the microscope, and which have. greatly contributed to. the improvement of those useful instruments. As you have had the kindness to honour our labours by writing an article or critique upon the achromatic object- glasses which we worked for Mr Lister, I hope that you will receive » favourably the details which I here transmit to you relating to our achromatic microscopes, and which are in answer to your — critique, bearing date from October to January 1828, (See Dr Goring’s Remark A, p. 238,) in which, after having exa- mined the different object-plaaald of Mr Lister, you make seve- ral observations, to which I reply. * Paper on Aplanatic Object- Glasses. 225 It is very true that the achromatic glasses composed of a flint-glass, and a crown-glass, or double object-glasses, give rays well corrected only for the central pencils, and confuse the oblique ones ; but their advantages in clearness and in fa- cility of construction, make them generally preferable to triple ones. If the object-glass of Mr Lister has its concave tarnished, the fault is to be attributed to the flint-glass of Guinand ; and as to the appearance of dust visible im the substance which unites the two glasses, we can assure you that it is almost im- possible to avoid that very slight inconvenience in any object- glass, whether cemented or not. The advantage of the glued glasses is, that, if they include a little dust, they do not retain any moisture between the surfaces which are in contact. The object-glasses of ten and fourteen lines must necessarily be ineffective upon test objects, considering their focal distances. It is probable that some of our first object-glasses have not been perfectly adjusted ; but this is also an imperfection which it isnot possible to avoid, rigorously speaking, in the construc- tion of these minute glasses. For the rest, the approbation you concede to our lenses in these words, “ nothing can surpass the beautiful simplicity of the curves of M. Chevalier,” is doing -us a great honour. (See remark AA.) Euler composed his object-glasses of two bi-convex lenses of crown-glass, and a bi-concave of flint, to form a triple object- glass of six lines focal distance, (see the following extract from the work of Euler,) with a large aperture ; and it is because our microscope is achromatic, (though the lenses are differently dis- posed,) that it is established on the principles of Euler. You find our quadruple combination of two double object- glasses perfect; but now we combine together three lenses of short focal distances to form sextuple object-glasses. This com- bination is scarcely possible except with our lenses, which have the indispensable requisite for the perfection of microscopes, of being very thin, and of a very small diameter, which conditions cannot be easily fulfilled in triple glasses. Our object-glasses are glued together with a mixture of tears of mastic and turpentine, and that process ought to appear as good in theory as it is in practice, the surfaces in contact hav- * 226 M. Chevalier’s Answer to Dr Goring’s ing rigorously the same radius, and being joined together by a substance as transparent as glass, which obliterates their sur- faces, ‘The introduction of dampness is prevented, and the re- flections produced at their interior surfaces are neutralized ; therefore they are much more transparent, Being, moreover, invariably fixed, they can be employed with as much facility as simple lenses. This it is that makes me think that this is the true method of adjusting achromatic object-glasses, and that if the practice has not been extended to all, it is because the elueing has not been well performed ; if well executed, it is always advantageous.* | It is true that we were too much impressed with the idea, that achromatism being once obtained, distinctness and the con- densation of an artificial light ought to be sufficient ; but after your learned advice, we could observe that a large aperture was — also an improvement (perfectionnement,—see Remark B at the end,) which must be obtained in microscopic lenses; aud that if the effect of object-glasses does not entirely depend upon their aperture, at least, cateris paribus, the object-glasses which admit the greatest opening are the best and the most pene- trating. Since the object-glasses were sent to Mr Lister, one of those systems of six glasses, composed of three object-glasses placed one upon the other, each four lines focal distance, has been sent to you. (See Remark C at the end.) I have studied the letter in which you make some very clever remarks upon that sextuple achromatic system. You say with reason that achro~ — matic lenses must be achromatic, if it was merely on account of their name. ‘The advantage of the set in question you ad- mit to reside rather in their aplanatism than in their achroma- tism, because you have perceived that a little colour does not alter their performance sensibly, as you have seen with them the lines and lozenges on the scales of the Podura plumbea. (See Remark D.) I say on this occasion, that it is very difficult to judge of the perfect achromatism of a lens, or of a system of lenses ; for * The cementing of achromatic object-glasses was first executed in France, together with the practice of burnishing them into settings for the purpose of combination with facility. , 4 ee Paper on Aplanatic Object-Glasscs. 227 with the most achromatic glass, by a simple modification of illumination, we can show the outlines of the object fringed, with colours, but by a little change in the position of. the re- flecting mirror, this can be made to disappear entirely. (See Re- mark E.) This iris or rainbow often proceeds from the eye- glass. This is so true, that, with a catadioptric microscope, it happens sometimes that the outlines of objects are coloured. I believe that when we compare the effect of two achromatic lenses, they must be of the same focal distance, if you wish to judge rightly of their merit, as to their freedom from disper- sion and spherical aberration ; therefore, it would not be right to compare (with reference to these qualities,) a lens of six lines, or of an inch focal distance, with an achromatic system representing a power of less than one line. The best object- glass, in my opinion, is that which is the most penetrating, viz. that which shows with most nicety the little details of test-ob- jects, even if it gave a little tinge of colour, which it is almost impossible to destroy without a great reduction of the aper- ture; but then what is the use of a perfectly achromatic object-glass, if it has no power over the test-objects ? _ Certainly I do not deny the advantage of a glass of short _ focal distance perfectly free from the aberration of sphericity and refrangibility, as it would fulfil the conditions of the high- est degree of perfection. I have seen achromatic lenses of all manufacturers. More than a thousand of these glasses have passed through my hands, and I have never found that ulti- matum so much to be desired ; therefore, I still believe that the most penetrating object-glass will be the most useful, and that to which the preference must be given. As to other matters, be pleased to let me know what you think of the system of len- ses, belonging to Mr Cuthbert, which is composed of the len- ses marked. 0 of 12 lines focal distance, lens plano-convex. 1 of 4 lines do.) 2 1 Tide: 2 of 4 lines do.) .:arieds. 3 of 2 lines do. - meniscus. Three of these lenses are always employed together, whether you take away the glass marked 3 or that marked 0, and em- m 228 M. Chevalier’s Answer to Dr. Goring’s ploy the object gina, 1, 2, 3, to obtain the maximum. _ (See Remark F.) The examination which you will be pleased to make, Sir, of the last sextuple object-glass which I have addressed to you composed of 1 lens meniscus, focal distance 4 lines. L «do. - ~ 3 1 do. 2 bs Q will confirm, I hope, the very correct opinion you have that the perfection of object-glasses i is found in short foci. (See Remark G.) Therefore, it is towards this point that our exertions will be directed, and I think that in a few months we shall in- crease the power of our last set of object-glasses, (see Remark H) composed of 1 lens plano-convex, focal distance 4 lines. 1 —— meniscus Hs b 2 do. Diese do. ‘ ‘ 2 do. I think that opticians must direct their attention and their care to achromatic lenses, of a large aperture, thin, of small diameter, and of the shortest possible focal distance, and when they have succeeded in perfecting them, then will meh wy 5 be carried to their highest degree of excellence. I have read the interesting paper of Mr Lister upon a new method of correcting the object-glasses of microscopes. I think ~ that this plan will give facilities for the fabrication of object- glasses of a moderate focus, and that by this discovery, Mr Lister has advanced a step farther towards the enepaares: of microscopes. Professor Airy proposes in his papers to supplant the achromatic system invented by Dollond and Euler (which is founded on the marvellous structure of the eye) by another process, in order to ascertain to which the preference should — be given. I believe it will be sufficient to consult a work, the title of which is, Dioptrice, auctore Euler, Petropoli, 1769, 1771, and the Analytiche Dioptrick, Leipzig 1778, or better to compare a good achromatic microscope made according to Euler’s system, with the best instrument constructed by that of Mr Airy. Paper on Aplanatic Object-Glasses. 229 In replying to your critique, I find myself under the neces- sity of making known the different improvements made in mi- croscopes since their origin, more especially as to what con- cerns achromatic lenses; I shall therefore endeavour to trace a short notice concerning them, in which I shall enlarge particu- larly on what has been done in France in this part of dioptricks. In general, the invention of the compound microscope is attri- buted to Drebbel in 1621; there are also some opinions in favour of Zacharias Jansens or Joannidas de Middlebourg, and Fontana. Hook improved it by the addition of several lenses. Huygens investigated its theory as well as Toricelli, who perfected the optical instruments then known. Since their time many of the most celebrated geometers and artists have occupied themselves with the improvement of mi- croscopes, and have principally sought to construct an instru- ment which, endowed with considerable magnifying power, light, and clearness, should also be of easy and universal ap- plication. Schmitz, Cuff, Euler, Dollond, Adams, Delabarre, Amici, and Charles, much improved compound microscopes ; for two centuries they were constructed in England, in Holland, in Italy, and in France, until this part of the science of dioptricks seemed to be exhausted. Nevertheless new experiments demon- strated that these instruments were still far from perfection ; in fact, an achromatic combination had not been employed in the composition of object-glasses, which is nevertheless an in- dispensable condition for the attainment of perfect images. Euler first occupied himself in the perfection of this instru- ment. ‘lo him it in fact belongs to have applied to micro- scopes the happy combination of Dollond. (See remark I.) Although achromatic lenses were invented in 1760, yet it was not till 1774 that Euler proposed to employ them in micro- | scopes, and so slow and difficult is the progress of the arts, that it was not till the end of 1823 that achromatic lenses for the microscopes were actually constructed. 1821, M. Biot remarks in his T'raité de Physique, ‘‘ that a great part of the imperfections of microscopes depends on a want of achro- matism, which becomes the more insupportable when we wish to use high powers. It is unfortunately impossible,” he adds, 230 M. Chevalier’s Answer to Dr Goring’s “ to correct this defect entirely, since we cannot achromatise lenses as small as those which the microscope requires. re About this epoch the celebrated Bavarian optician, Fraun- ‘hofer, constructed achromatic lenses having long foci, and con- sequently they were inefficacious upon difficult objects ; and they could doubtless be applied only for the observation of objects of large size, which i is not generally the purpose of a microscope. At the end of 1823, Vincent and Charles Chevalier, opti- cians in Paris, began, on the recommendation of M. Selligue, to construct an achromatic microscope, whose object-glass was composed of four achromatic compound lenses of two lenses, each of the compound lenses having a focus of eighteen lines, with a diameter of six lines, and a thickness at the centre of two lines. These object-glasses were placed, the one before the other, in order that they might be employed, together or separately, in the manner long practised with simple lenses. The aperture placed between these lenses was one line. * This microscope was presented to the Academy of Sciences of Paris on the 5th April 1824. M. Fresnel made a favourable re- port upon it on the 30th of August following. As M., Sel- ligue did not inform M. Fresnel that these opticians had taken an active part in the construction of this instrument, and that they had made sacrifices of all kinds for its success, they abandoned M. Selligue and his imperfect microscope, (see Mr — Lister’s Memoir,) in which, however, he gave the happy idea of combining achromatic object-glasses,—a method generally: adopted, and to which is owing its actual superiority. MM. Chevalier and Son were, from that time, occupied alone in the improvement of the object-glasses and of the mi- croscopes ; and in September 1824, they had constructed the * This natural philosopher does not mention the attempts bene by ‘Dollond, Pollard, and several other amateurs, or English and French op- ticians, nor the four object-glasses with three lenses, which, having be- longed to M. Charles, are in the Physical Cabinet of the Conservatory of Arts in Paris. The same may be said of the similar-works undertaken in M. Amici, because the object-glasses then made gave unsatisfac- - tory results, and were consequently useless, having only a nominal proper- ty.—Note of M. Chevalier. (See Remark K at the End.) Paper on Aplanatic Object-Glasses. 231 first plano-convex achromatic with two glasses united, of a _ short focus, thin, and of a small diameter. (See Remark L.) This lens had a focus of four lines, a diameter of two lines, and a thickness of one line at the centre, and it was with lenses of this kind that the impreved microscope was constructed which. was presented to the Societé d Encouragement on the 30th March 1825. On this occasion the reporter, M. Hachette, re- marked‘: ‘* The images seen through this microscope are free from every sensible aberration, either of sphericity or refran- gibility : objects, whether opaque or transparent, appear in it with a distinctness equal to that of achromatic telescopes. The first achromatic object-glass which had been made in England was the triple object-glass of nine-tenths of an inch focus, executed in 1824 and 1825 by Mr Tulley, at the desire of Dr Goring, (See Remark M,) and of which an account was published in different scientific journals. Mr Tulley after- wards greatly improved his first work, and Mr Dollond was also occupied with this part of dioptrics. With respect to Dr Goring, he has, by means of his learned memoirs, done a ser- vice to the opticians of every country, by pointing out many methods of improving the microscope. On the $d October 1826, Professor Amici wrote in the fol- lowing manner to MM. Chevalier and Sons: “ I have receiv- ed your letter of the 24th September 1825, as well as the no- tices and the memoir which you have addressed to me. In thanking you for this present, which has been very agreeable to me, I have learned, with great pleasure, that you have ar- rived at a perfect construction of achromatic object-glasses for microscopes. ‘This interesting part of optics has been general- ly neglected, perhaps owing to the great difficulties which it presents, and science still requires that skilful opticians should occupy themselves with the amelioration of the achromatism in lenses of short foci. Naturalists will be happy to learn that you have offered them microscopes according to the principles of Euler, which surpass all dioptric microscopes. I hope it will not be long before I shall have an opportunity of admir- ing your instrument at Paris, and I shall then have the plea- sure of showing you a small work of this kind, which, as an amateur, I have constructed for myself.” . + ' 232 M. Chevalier’s Answer to Dr Goring. According to Mr Lister, Mr Amici abandoned in 1815 his ‘first attempts upon achromatic glasses, because they were not equal to his reflecting microscopes; and it was not till 1824, after the report of M. Fresnel, that the philosopher of Modena undertook this work, by adopting the system of M. Selligue with regard to the superposition of object-glasses. He pur- sued this idea with great success, for on the 25th May 1827, he brought to France a microscope whose object-glass was composed of three lenses superposed, each having about six. lines of foci, and a large aperture, but not cemented. ‘This ‘instrument, united to a great magnifying power, a remarkable distinctness, as well as the horizontality of the instrument, and excited the admiration of both philosophers and amateurs. During the stay of M. Amici at Paris, Vincent and Charles Chevalier exhibited in the Louvre a horizontal microscope,’ (see Remark N,) constructed on the principles and after the advice of M. Amici; and this instrument was deemed worthy of the silver medal. by the central jury. Since that time several object-glasses have pire made by Tulley, Amici, and Vincent and Charles Chevalier. These glasses were the subject .of different memoirs or commentaries by MM. Amici, Goring, Lister, Lebaillif, which have great- ly contributed to bring achromatic microscopes to a high de- gree of perfection ; for we can obtain in France, in Italy, and in England, efficacious lenses of four lines focus. The latest trials made in France have proved that it is possible to make achromatic lenses of two lines focus; and that we may even hope to carry still farther the power of dioptric microscopes, such, for example, as to form a compound object-glass of two. lenses of one and a-half line focus, or of three lenses of two and” a-half lines focus. . We may then say after this, that in a few years microscopes will be brought to the highest degree of per-: fection, since it is probable that we shall then have made the most powerful achromatic systems. : CHARLES CHEVALIER. Paris, Quat pD’Hor.oce, No. 69, 10th February 1831. 8 eS se oe M. Euler on the Perfection of the Microscope. — 233 Arr. VIIL—On the Perfection of Microscopes... By Lxo- NARD Evter. Communicated by Dr Gorine. ‘THE best microscopes which have hitherto been made are yet subject to such great defects. that we have reason to be sur- prised that the most skilful artists have not been able to free them from those defects, while they have worked. with so much success at the perfection of the telescope. In the first place, we remark generally in microscopes, the great defect, that they represent objects with less distinctness than telescopes, which would be entirely rejected if they exhibited such a great degree of confusion as we are accustomed to suffer in mi- | croscopes. And we must admit that the more we increase the amplification of microscopes, the more the confusion is in- creased, so that we can distinguish almost nothing in them. The two sources of confusion, the one being the aperture of the lens, and the other, the different refraction of the beams, concur equally to render insupportable the confusion with which microscopes represent objects. : The best method of diminishing this confusion, would be, without doubt, in diminishing the aperture of the object-glass ;_ but then we should lose in clearness, which is generally so little, that in great magnifying powers it is almost impossible to distinguish the different parts of the object under examina- tion. It is also a very great inconvenience im microscopes, espe- cially in simple ones, that we are obliged to approach so near to the objects to put them in the focus of the object-glass ; be- cause if there is any inequality in them, it is absolutely impossi- ble to recognize the points which are a little out of the fecus. The surest means of remedying all these defects will be, without doubt, to employ, as in telescopes, compound object- glasses of different kinds of glass; and for that purpose, the last object-glass in which we have introduced the new species of flint-glass which produces a great dispersion of the rays, furnishes us with a method well fitted to carry also the micro- scope to the highest degree of perfection, as it will be easy for a skilful artist to execute such object-glasses which would 234 $M. Euler on the Perfection of the Microscope. have only half an inch of focal distance, and which could re- ceive an aperture of the eighth-part of an inch in diameter. This would furnish for all the magnifying powers a sufficient degree of distinctness; but as such object-glasses will cause ~ no confusion either from the aperture or the different refrac- tions of the rays, the greatest advantage, without doubt, will be that we could see all objects with the greatest clearness and distinctness, which will enable the natural philosopher to bring microscopic observations to the highest degree of perfection. To facilitate the more the execution as well as the use of such microscopes, we shall ‘give here the description of one, which contains only two eye-glasses, and which might serve even to produce all the magnifying powers, from the smallest to the greatest, without being obliged to change any thing, either in the object-glass, the eye-glass, or in the place of the object, which should be put always at the distance of half an inch be- fore the object-glass. The only variation is to be produced in the distance between the object-glass and the first eye-glass, which will be removed in proportion as we wish to magnify the object. Description of the Object-Glass. 1. The object-glass should be composed of three lenses, of which the first and third are made of crown-glass, and the se- - cond of that sort of flint-glass whose index of refraction is 1,600; so that the focal distance of the whole object-glass may be half an. inch, and that it may receive an aperture of the one-eighth of an inch in diameter. For this purpose the three lenses of which this object-glass is composed, will repre- sent little disks, whose diameter will be about the one-seventh of an inch, and they must be made as thin as their figure will allow. For the figure of each we shall give here the measures expressed in thousands of an inch of twenty-seven muilli- metres. 2. The first of the three lenses, the one which is turned to- | wards the object-glass, must be of crown-glass, equally con- vex on both sides, so that the focal distance will be 0,286, and therefore the radius of each of its sides 0,301. 3. The second lens of fint-glass, equally concave on both- — ee ee M. Euler on the Perfection of the Microscope. 235 sides, having its focal distance 0,229, and therefore the radius of each of the two sides 0,274. 4. The third lens of crown-glass must be eat convex on both sides, so that its focal distance may be 0,375. We must give to the radius of the front side 0,644 of an inch, of the other side 0,287. 5. We must combine these three lenses, so tes -the dis- tance between the middle of the second lens and that of the first or third, should be only 0,019, so that the thickness of _ the whole object-glass will be about 0,057. 6. The object which is to be examined must be always placed at the distance of half an inch from the object-glass ; and then there will be no reason to fear that the too great proximity of the object may cause the least inconvenience. On the contrary, we shall see all the different parts of the object nearly with the same degree of distinctness. Description of the two Eye-Glasses. 7. It will be proper to form them both of flint-glass, for the purpose of admitting a greater aperture, which will contri- bute greatly to increase the apparent field, making both of these glasses equally convex on both sides. 8. The first of these eye-glasses, the one which faces the object-glass, must have the radius of each side 1,200, and the diameter of its aperture 0,600. 9. The second eye-glass, turned towards the eye, must have its focal distance 0,333, and the radius of each side 0,400, and the diameter of the aperture 0,200. 10. Beyond this glass we must place the eye at the distance _ of 0,167 of an inch. 11. The distance between these two eye-glasses will be al- ways ds of an inch, as, according to the nature of the eye, the last eye-glass must be sometimes nearer and sometimes farther from the first, which is effected very easily by means of a screw. Having made these three glasses, the magnifying power will depend only on the distance between the object-glass and the first eye-glass, to which it is always proportional. But we must remark, that,the more we increase the magnify- 236 M. Euler on the Perfection of the Microscope. ing power, the less will be the clearness, and the ‘portion of the object which we can see at once. As to the degree of clearness, it will be proper to observe, that, if the magnifying pewer is under 20 times, the objects will appear with their natural clearness as if we were looking at them with the naked eye. We shall call this degree of na- tural clearness 1; and we shall express, in the following table, for each magnifying power, the clearness of the object by the ‘thousand parts of the unit. | In the same table we shall insert all the diameter of the part of the object, which will be seen at once by each magni- fying power. But to judge of the indict power, we shall refer it, as is usual, to the distance of eight inches, so that the numbers marked for magnifying power will indicate how many times _ each object will be seen greater by the microscope than by the naked eye at the distance of eight inches. | This being settled, the first column A, of the table. will mark the magnifying power; the second B, the distance be- tween the object-glass and the first eye-glass ; the third C, the degree of clearness; and the fourth D, the diameter of the portion of the object seen by the microscope. A B C D 25 0,781 0,800 0,115 50 1,562 0,400 0,064 100 3,125 (0,200 0,035 150 4,687 0,133 0,025 200 6,250 0,100 0,109 250 1,812 0,080 0,015 300 9,375 0,066 0,013 350 10,937 0,057 0,011 400 12,500 0,050 0,010 450 14,062 0,044 0,009 500 =: 15,625 0,040 0,008 600 18,750 8,033 0,007 700 21,875 0,029 0,006 800 25,000 0,025 0,005 _M. Euler on the Perfection of the Microscope. 237 7. B Oi: D 900 =. 28,125 0,022. 0,004 1000 = 41,250 0,020 0,004 1200 = 37,500 0,016 0,003 1400 43,750 0,014 0,003 1600 50,000 0,013 0,003 1800 56,250 0,011 0,002 2000 ~=—- 62,500 0,010 0,002 2500 78,125 0,008 0,002 83000 — 93,750 0,007 0,001 As for the degree of clearness, we must also observe, it is _ not absolutely proportional to the numbers C in the table, but more to the square of these numbers, so that the clearness de- creases much more than it is marked in thetable. If you wish a magnify one thousand times, the degrees of clearness is not 5 of the natural clearness, but only 33009 but that degree of pay is still pretty great in pompenny. it to the clearness of the full moon, which cannot exceed 3555; of that of the sun; from which we see that the degree of clearness which corresponds to a magnifying power of 100 is still ten times greater than the clearness of the full moon, which will be suf- ficient for the objects we may wish to examine. If we wished, however, to increase the magnifying power, we must illuminate the objects as we do when we employ the common microscopes; but it will not be necessary to go farther, because it is probable that a magnifying power of 300 or 400 times, which represents the objects distinctly, will discover a great deal more than the common microscopes with a magni- fying power of some thousand times. N. B.—This article is an extract from a work published at Petersburg in 1774, under the title of Detadled Instructions to bring Telescopes of different kinds to the highest degree of perfection of which they are susceptible, deduced from the Diop- tric Theory of Leonard Euler, and written in a way to assist workmen, by Nicolas Fuss ; with the Description of a Micro- scope of the most perfect kind, capable of every degree of magnifying power. Article 7, p. 75 to 83. 238 Dr Goring’s Remarks-on M. Chevalier’s Paper, Art. [X.—Remarks on Mons. Chevalier’s Paper, and on the — Memoir of Euler. By Dr Gortnc. Communicated by the Author. : A. Ir will no doubt be thought that M. Chevalier has been | somewhat tardy in his reply; but it must be recollected that, in order to answer me with effect, it was necessary for him to perfect his object-glasses, which he has even now scarcely ac- complished, at least to the extent contemplated by him. AA. Simplicity is, in my mind, a capital ingredient in all in- ventions and works of art. M. Chevalier has invented a kind of object-glass which will assuredly descend to posterity, for it is almost the only form in which achromatic object-glasses for en- gyscopes can be made with any sort of facility by moderately gifted artists; the radii of their inner surfaces being alway ri- gorously the same, generate double aplanatic foci and a variable aberration, on which Mr Lister has founded an admirable sys- tem of correction. ‘These advantages, however, were never contemplated or applied by M. Chevalier, and are the exclu. sive discovery of Mr Lister. B. So effectually had M. Chevalier blinded his object-glasses, with respect to lined proof- objects, by an excessive reduction of their aperture, (owing to his ignorance of them at the time,) that had we been disposed to take an ungenerous advantage of his insensibility to the value of aperture, it would have been — easy to have utterly destroyed the reputation of his imstru- ment, (which could always have spoken for itself,) instead of which, we, with the greatest tenderness, opened the eyes of his unfortunate offspring, and made them see very well. | C. One of the quadruple combinations of this set was beau- tifully perfect; the sextuple system was well corrected for sphe- rical aberration, but rather over-corrected in point of dispersion. I certainly do not think this defect of much consequence. It merely causes the outline of a transparent object to be of a bluish colour, instead of its natural tint. Under-correction gives an outline of red and orange, which I utterly detest. Neverthe- less, in order that a false doctrine may not be deduced from this concession, which might be found exceedingly comfortable and convenient to slovenly opticians, viz. that if the spherical aber- ‘ * and on the Memoir of Euler. > © 239 ration is well corrected, it is of small moment whether the chro- Matic is so or not.—I must observe that the necessity for re- moving dispersion is never so sensible as when the spherical has been withdrawn ; for the latter covers and conceals the former, just as the taste of one sapid substance, will-cover that of: an- other, or, speaking accurately, as a fog oomennis the tints of a landscape. This set of object-glasses was exquisitely centered and nd. justed. D. Proof-objects have hems wretchedly abused by dishonest tradesmen, owing to the vast difference of facility of resolution which exists between specimens of the same kind, or nearly. so, so that it has been well observed by Mr Lister, that the only safe way to determine between two microscopes, is to apply the same identical scale to both, under the same circumstances. In illustration of this position, I shall observe, that I have seen a specimen of French podura of no more difficult resolu- tion than the menelaus; yet not to be distinguished from. the difficult English podura, by its outward and visible character. Even among the most difficult English podura there are fre- quently a few large coarse scales to be found of very easy de- monstration. The same discrepancy is found among the other kinds of lined objects. KE. See my paper on monochromatic light. F. This is a very excellent set of object- glasses for practical purposes, but neither of the sextuple compositions are so per- fect as that which I shall next describe ; in order to arrive at perfection, it will, I believe, be found necessary to have fixed combinations. My idea of a perfect achromatic microscope would be this, it should have only one achromatic eye-piece, and that to be as shallow as possible, all the different powers to be obtained. by changing the object-glasses of which there should be, if only of the double kind, about half a dozen fixed compositions or systems, ranging from two inches focus to the utmost shortness consistent with perfection ; in short, the in- strument would be pretty much like a compound: microscope | of the old plan, furnished with achromatic systems of iki glasses. _ G. This set is about ,'5th of an inch focus, and has an an- NEW SERIES, VOL. V. NO. I. OCTOBER 1831. Q - ; 240 Dr Goring’s Remarks on M. Chevaliers Paper, gular aperture of fifty degrees or thereabouts. Each of its com- ponent lenses has some defect or another, which renders it unfit. to act alone, or, in short, in any other manner than.combined with the other two in the required order. The composition of the three is, however, without fault or blemish of any kind, it. cannot be said that there is any defect of centering or adjust- ment, or any spherical or chromatic aberration, which ‘the eye at least can detect; for that tendency to over-correction, both for sphericity and dispersion, which seems irremediable in ob- ject-glasses, embracing a very large pencil, is on this very mi- nute scale wholly insensible, and so of course is the secondary spectrum, so that M. Chevalier has here contradicted himself by his own works, and produced that ultimatum which he insists upon being unattainable. Moreover the oblique pencil is well corrected. NT ha It will be recollected that the aberrations of an ordinary un- corrected object-glass of the same focus and aperture are’ faint in comparison to those of longer foci, taking in a peneil of the same size, so that acommon lens of ;5th of an inch focus, and an aperture of thirty-six degrees, has the power (though with much confusion,) of showing all those lined objects which an achromatic of. one inch focus and an equal aperture can show when raised to the same power, (Jet us suppose .;,th of an inch). Therefore, if we wish to make a fair comparison between the performance of an achromatic object-glass and a common one, both should be of the same focus and angular aperture. Though we may in some measure make a common compound microscope compete with an achromatic one, having an object- glass of long focus, by making that of the former very deep ; yet when we get a perfect achromatic system of ,},th of an inch focus, its superiority over a common jth of an thal becomes nearly as manifest as that of an achromatic of one inely focus over a common one inch one. | M M. Chevalier has now, I think, arrived at the shied ese which it will be possible to use wpon opaque objects. With re- gard to the performance of this system, I think it enough to say, that I have seen with it the two sets of diagonal lines on the true difficult Pieris brassice, which I never saw before, with any sort of certainty, with any achromatic object-glass ; and on the Memoir of Euler... 241 yet not so. mie wi ie as I have seen them with Mr Cuthbert’s ths of an inch metals, having an aperture of ths of an inch; a striking proof, in my mind, of the supe- riority of the reflecting principle, for the advantage in point of power is three to one in favour of the refractor. However, every artist will eternally insist that there is nothing equal to his own leather, be it what it may. This set comes up to a power equal to that of a ~;th of an inch lens without any for- cing, and the vision is, with this amplification, certainly equal in point of distinctness to that of any single or compound mag- nifier,.and superior in the article of achromatism, field of view, &c. The said set of object-glasses are in the possession of Mr Pritchard, Picket Street, Strand. H. I have lately received an intimation from M. Chevalier; that he expects to effect a still greater reduction of the focus of his object-glasses, by forming an achromatic system, by combining two over-corrected object-glasses with a common lens, according to the plan laid down by me in my paper on facilitating the manufacture of engyscopic objectives. See this Journal, No, vi. P- 244. I. It is not my intention to enter into any controversy here concerning the invention of achromatic object-glasses, which being a very valuable one, has of course plenty of fathers to it. It must be obvious, on the most superficial consideration, that the object-glasses of microscopes are merely modifications ef those of telescopes, therefore, there was nothing to be in- vented about them. : We are perpetually annoyed with new applications and adaptations of old things, which are falsely termed new inven- tions; thus it is customary to style a steam-boat, a steam-car- riage, steam-gun, a cotton-mill, &c. new inventions, though: they are only so many ingenious and valuable applications of a steam-engine, highly creditable to those who have brought them imto use. Kuler is undoubtedly the original adapter be deinallaatis ob- ject-glasses to the compound microscope. ‘heir use as mag- nifiers, as eye-pieces, as well as for forming the image of the solar microscope, was, I think, originally pointed out by my- self in the first treatise I wrote upon them; but all these ap- Y 242 Dr Goring’s Remarks on M. Chevaher’s Paper, plications are so very obvious, that the credit, (if any,) which may be attached to them, is scarcely worth having. K. It would be easy to bring forward a considerable mass of evidence to prove that achromatic object-glasses for micro- — scopes had been repeatedly tried and abandoned in this coun- try many years back ; a circumstance of which I was perfect- — ly aware before I employed Mr W. Tulley to construct them for me. Thus, in Adams on the microscope, a work publish- ed in 1787, is the following passage: “ Achromatic glasses. How far this invention is applicable to the improvement of microscopes has not yet been ascertained; and, indeed, from some few trials made, there is reason for supposing they can- not be successfully applied to microscopes with high powers ; so that this improvement is yet a destderatwm in the construc- tion of microscopes, and they may be considered as being yet far from their ultimate degree of perfection.” —Tp. 48, 49. In May 1807, the celebrated Mr Troughton employed Mr W. Tulley to make him a dozen achromatics of oné inch focus for his astronomical circles, but rejected them as worse than common lenses, on account, of their bad execution. It can, moreover, be most distinctly proved, that Mr Dollond has had a triple achromatic of one inch focus kicking about his shop for more than thirty years back. The reason that none of thése object-glasses were brought to perfection was because proof- objects, were not discovered at the time of their fabrication, so that opticians had no certain object to aim at. 1am convin- ced that the utility of achromatics would never have been re- cognized to this day; nor would they, except by chance, have been constructed in an effective manner, had it not been for my own discovery of the peculiar property of the lined ob- jects. In confirmation of which, I may observe, that any dis- covery of fresh proofs of still greater difficulty than those pre- _ viously known, has been invariably found to produce fresh improvements in object-glasses and microscopes in general. Thus, when the brassica and podura were discovered ; — cians immediately found themselves under the necessity of extending the angular aperture of their object-glasses, and of combining two or three together, in order ‘to give them the power of discerning the lines on these objects; because it was and on the Memoir of Euler. 243 found no single object-glass could embrace a pencil of light of sufficient size to render them visible. I appeal to opticians whether telescopes have not been greatly improved since it has become the fashion to try them on double stars. Formerly they were considered good if they showed the moon and the planets well; but a much greater degree of perfection is now required of them, because hay have to deal with what are to them proof-objects. Had we remained to this day ignorant of proof-objects, op- ticians might certainly have made achromatic object-glasses for microscopes ; but they would have been the poorest things ima- ginable, for the value of a large aperture would never have been felt, and when that of achromatics is reduced to a level with that commonly employed in the old compounds, their value or superior utility can hardly be appreciated, because the aberration of the common instruments is in this state in- visible to ordinary eyes. When I first took the subject | in hand, I mentioned it to perhaps the first theoretical optician of which this country can boast. He was, moreover, in the habit of observing with the microscope, and the remark he made me was this: “* Why, I always thought compound microscopes were achromatic,” To which I answered, ‘* that they might appear achromatic un- der certain circumstances, provided the ee had an exceedingly small aperture, as was generally the case.” Now, if such a man could form such an opinion, what may be éx- pected from the vulgar ? | L. This is the date I think of the first effective double-object — glass. ‘Though the error of the oblique pencil is so great in a glass of this description, if it has a sufficient aperture to show proof-objects, that all objects out of the pale of a few degrees from the centre of the field of view would be completely con- fused, it is this defect which renders a double object-glass un- - fit to be used, except in combination, unless its aperture is very much reduced. BTR M. In the autumn of 1823, Mr W. Tulley commenced his labours on my account, and about the 1st of March 1824, pro- duced an object-glass of 0.333 focus and 0.2 of aperture ; for from the very beginning Tulley always aimed at the utmost pos- 244 Dr Goring’s Remarks on M. Chevalier’s Paper, sible reduction of the focus. The next he made for me was of two-tenths of an inch focus, and 0.1 of aperture. _The 0.933 was made afterwards at the suggestion of Mr Lister. The said 0.333 focus object-glass was, I rather think, the first effective one which chanced to be made at least by design and principle, for it was bottomed on proof-objects previously discovered with the single miscroscope. However, I shall leave it to posterity to determine this point. The triple form is evi- dently that adapted to the miscroscope 5 for one alone well ex- ecuted is capable of receiving an aperture quite sufficient for all ordinary purposes, and also for shewing the majority of the lined objects, which advantages it combines with a good cor- rection of the oblique pencil. We do not want to be eternal. ly looking at proof-objects any more than the astronomer does to be perpetually observing double stars and clusters of diffi- — cult resolution. A telescope may be a very good and valu: able instrument, though it has not the power of showing al the latter bodies ; and so may a miscroscope, though it should not be able to exhibit the more difficult lined objects. T certainly do not like triple object-glasses in combination. There is a dimness in the vision of opaque objects caused » by the loss of light from their numerous surfaces ; but if they could be made thin, and with their inner surfaces in contact and cemented together, two of them would evidently be clearer than three double ones, (because two additional surfaces would be obliterated,) and quite as effective. Moreover, I am pretty sure that a triple object-glass highly over-corrected for spheri- city and dispersion might be combined with a common lens for _ the purpose of increasing its power and angular aperture and improving its oblique pencils, and be equal in effect to two triple object-glasses of equivalent foci, with a far srentes ptm: plicity of construction. £ 3 The practice of piling Mount Pelion on Mount Ossa A never be resorted to, unless in a case of great nesses me a real artist. ve N. What.a compliment is it to the reflecting engyacand: to construct an achromatic refractor as nearly as possible in its form, by directing the rays at right angles by means of a rec. tangular prism; and this too purely on, the ground of the at- and on the Memoirof Euler. 245 tainment of a more commodious method of observation. .. I cer- _ tainly have seen many observers who prefer this form of the refracting instrument, though I do not admire it myself. | Restle on Euler's Memoir O. Ls page 6 of the first article of Euler’s memoir, “ Des verres objectifs delivrés de toute confusion,” speaking of tri. ple achromatic object-glasses, he says, ‘* they might also serve to improve miscroscopes by making them as small as possible, but then you must reverse the order of the lenses, by turning the third towards the object in its focus. ‘To succeed better in the-construction of them, it will be advisable to inclose each lens in a little cell, so that the distance between them may be a little varied, in order to discover, by experiment, the best dis- position of the glasses relative to each other, for. it is almost im- posible to execute in practice all the prescribed measures, but a little change in their distance will be sufficient to remedy this defect.” . When I consider this passage in conjunction aie the curves given by Euler, I am almost certain that he had no other idea about the object-glass of an engyscope, but that it was to be that of a very small telescope of a larger angle of aper- ture than usual, reversed or inverted. The same. notion I have found to prevail among other mathematicians, with whom I have conyersed on the subject; and, I must confess that in theory the doctrine seems plausible enough, for when a tele- scope, is, made to act upon a near object, say forty or fifty feet distant, (and be it observed that opticians like to try them best in this way, as they can be more certain of their quality than when made to perform with more parallel rays,) there is ' not a greater disproportion between the length of these con- jugate foci than takes place in an engyscope, therefore, the rule ought, at all events, to be good enough for practical pur- ‘poses; nevertheless, I am convinced myself that it is far too _rude and coarse; no optician could, I am sure, make a triple object-glass for an engyscope by it to please the most ordi- nary customer, though it might do well enough for a-mere magnifier. 246 Dr Goring’s Remarks on M. Chevalier’s Paper, I suppose, if it is conceded that the object-glass of a small telescope should, when turned the wrong way, constitute that of an engyscope, the object-glass of the latter must also, when turned the wrong way, form that of a telescope. Now we: will screw this doctrine up to the sticking-place, and see if it will be found wanting or not when made to stand the brunt of facts. The following are the results of trials with a oth ‘tiple-e en- gyscopic object-glass used as a teleseope. I must premise, that the said oat pea is achromatic and aplanatic, with an aperture of about ,°; of an inch, used as'a microscope, but if. the aperture is greater, the spherical aberration begins topre- ponderate in the concave. If the whole aperture ;%5 1s em- ployed, it is very violent in the concave, and there is:also: a tendency to over-correction in point of colour. I mounted the said object-glass as a telescope, with an Huygenian eye- — piece, which made it magnify nearly four times, and reversed © the order of its lenses.’ : riot ost ginent Whole aperture.—Spherical aberration very ‘violent inthe convex. ‘There seems to be no difference wine way it is turn- ed towards = object. , | ) Cut off to rb: do. do. © See AOS Cut off to ro the same but weaker. be RMT Cut off to ,',, spherical aberration, the same way as befor; , whether the object-glass is inverted or not. A little under cor- rection in point of colour, now becomes manifest. This was be- fore corrected by the sttong spherical aberration in the convex lenses, which is now, by the reduction of the 9% consi- derably weakened in intensity. ~ Si a 8 Aperture ,',.—Aberration greatly reduced, but still hie: same way as before; that of a plano-convex lens of the same ~ focus and aperture, with its covered side towards the object, ee scarce to be distinguished now from that of the achromatic. I may observe, that all the Gripe achromatics I have ever tried give much the same results. The curves of the 75 ob- — ject-glass are, ei OS Radius of Ist surface, — 0.825 } oe ‘id Od, 0.525 | convex, (Crown) and on the Memoir of Euler. — 24:7 Radius of 3d_ surface, 99 concave, (Flint) | 4th, 6 oor convex, (Dutch Plate) Specific gravity of crown, 2.527 | Thickness of do. 0.15 Specific gravity of flint, 3.627 \ Thickness of do. 0.164 Specific gravity of Dutch, 2.519 Thickness of do. 0.175 pom mathematician may see that there is in this object-glass a vast excess of aberration in the convex lenses, beyond what would be required in a telescope, which ever way the rays pass through the lenses. I once procured the object-glass of a small perspective of little more than four inches focus, and somewhat more than an inch of aperture, and converted it into the object-glass of a long engyscope by reversing it. I regret that I did not make notes of my observations with it,.as I cannot now obtain it again; I only recollect that i¢ did not answer at all, and was not even achromatic used in this way. If I can rely on my memory, this object-glass, used in its natural way asa tele- scope, had an excess of aberration in its convex lenses, (at least with its whole aperture,)—a circumstance which should have operated much in its favour. ) I conceive, therefore, that Euler hes done little or nothing beyond pointing out the application of achromatic glasses to form the images of engyscopes, both because he has selected an angle of aperture much too small for efficiency even on ob- jects not of lined kind, and because his system of reversing the order of the curves of an achromatic, in order to adapt it to . diverging rays, will be found utterly inadequate to the pur- pose. The affair will not be got over so easily I am sure, but .. will prove a confounded tough job for the proudest mathema- tician in Europe. The talents of Euler were perhaps little . inferior to those of any man living or dead. Had he taken up the subject in the right point of view he would doubtless have succeeded. A double object-glass agrees rather better with his theory ° 248 Dr Goring’s Remarks on M. Chevalier’s Paper. than a triple one, that is to say, it performs better wpon paral- lel rays when inverted than it does when its concave lens is presented to them to form a telescope; but to obtain this ap- proximation it must be very thin, and have a very small. ener ture, and is even then a long way off from its true figure. ch As metals are very simple in their action compared with achromatic glasses, I always like to put a case with regard to ‘ them in order to settle any theoretical point. Accordingly, , I have tried a set of beautifully perfect metals belonging | to an — Amician reflecting engyscope, inverted as miniature Newto- nian telescopes, and found their figure a great deal too spheri- cal for parallel rays,. vr line of the large — “3 aperture. Had Eulet’s theory been aoa they ought to have ands formed very well as minute’ telescopes, because their figure should, in this case, have been parabolical, instead of which it is much nearer the sphere, and, as I presume, ‘elliptical, which harmonizes. perfectly with the other trials ; for the dif- ference between the ellipse and the parabola-is equivalent to that between the condition of an object-glass perfect in : its ac- tion on parallel rays, and another which has too much spheri- cal aberration in its convex lenses to be so. 'The said metals are, however, not so much out in point of figure as a triple ob- ject-glass is, but about as much as a double one, as far as:I can guess. The theory of achromatic glasses for diverging f rays, is then, I am persuaded, an untried field, in which no mathematician has as yet distinguished himself.* shall pro- _ bably be told that a theory would be of no use if we had it, because artists would not work to it. This is true with regard to the more minute glasses; but very beautiful and useful en- gyscopes may be made on a large scale, having object-glasses of so long a focus as four and even six inches, which also act very strikingly in the solar microscope; and a theory -— * Money is said to make every thing go; to be at the bottom of ever thing; and to purchase every thing, (if i in sufficient quantity.) | Thus a men and all women have their price.’ When I get rich I shall try if ‘the offer of a good:round ‘sum will stimulate the men of numbers and quanti- ties to undertake the theory of a thick aplanatic object-glass for diverging rays. 3 . Mr Lister: on Achromatic compound Microscopes. 249 always be tried and. executed: on: this scale, which would not strain the powers of a real artist too much: - The principal opticians im Europe have made/ achromatic object-glasses for engyscopes for some years, and) are immea- surably in advance of the mathematicians on this.subject. 1f the latter gentlemen do not choose to turn their attention to it, I presume they will be content to retire into the shade ; to abate somewhat of their magnificent pretensions to infallibility and exactitude; and to admit that for once analysis has been beaten by experiment, at least in the pitiful, pimping, insig- nificant, article of the object-glass of a compound microscope, which being such a mere trifle cannot of course reflect any dis- grace on their incapacity to handle it. ** tractata queeque nitescere posse ** Desperant, relinquunt.” LamBETH, June 30, 1831. ‘Arr. X.—On some properties in Achromatic Olject-glasses applicable to the improvement of the Microscope. By Jo- sEPH JACKSON ListER, Esq. (Concluded from No. ix. page 180.) Or several purposes to which the particulars ‘just given seem applicable, I must at present confine myself to the most ob- vious one. They furnish the means of destroying with the utmost ease both aberrations m a large focal pencil, and of thus surmounting what has been hitherto the chief obstacle to the perfection of the microscope. And when it is considered that the curves of its diminutive object-glasses have required to’ be at least as exactly proportioned as those of a large telescope, to give the image of a bright pomt equally sharp and colour. less, and that any change made to correct one aberration was liable to disturb the other, some idea may be formed of what the amount of that obstacle must have been. It will however be evident, that if any object-glass i is but made achromatic, with its lenses truly worked and cemented so that their axes. coincide, it may with certainty be connected with another pos- sessing the same ‘requisites and of suitable focus, so that the 250 Mr Lister on the improvement of the combination shall be free from spherical error also in the cen= tre of its field. For this the rays have only to be received by the front glass B, Fig. 6, Plate I. from its shorter aplanatic focus f, and transmitted in the direction of the longer correct pencil f A of the other glass A. It is desirable that the latter pencil should neither converge to a very short focus, nor be more than very slightly, if at all, divergent; and a little attention at first to — the kind of glass used, wil] keep it within this range, the denser flint being suited to the glasses of shorter focus and —_ - angle of aperture. The adjustment for the microscope is then perfected, if ne. cessary, by slightly varyimg the distance between the object- glasses ; and after that is done, the length of the tube which carries the eye-pieces may be altered greatly without disturb- ing the correction; opposite errors which balance each other being produced by the change. If the two glasses, which in the diagram are drawn as at some distance apart, are brought nearer together, (if the place of A for instance, is carried to the dotted figure,) the rays transmitted by B in the direction of the longer aplanatic pen- cil of A, will plainly be derived from some point (x) more dis- ‘tant than f”, and lying between the aplanatic foci of B; there- fore (according to what has been stated) this glass, and conse- quently the combination, will then be spherically over-cor- rected. If on the other hand the distance between A and B is increased, the opposite effects are of course produced. | In combining several glasses together, it is often convenient to transmit an under-corrected pencil from the front glass, and to counteract its error by over-correction in the middle one. Slight errors in colour may in the same manner be destroy- ed by opposite ones; and on the principles described, we not only acquire fine correction for the central ray, but by the op posite effects at the two foci on the transverse pencil, all coma can be destroyed, and the whole field rendered beau lony flat and. distinct. / The occurrence of two good combinations among the nume- rous ones of Utzschneider’s glasses will now appear only what might be expected; and more are to be obtained from them by varying the distance of the glasses from each other. Achromatic compound Microscope. B61 I have very lately seen one of Chevalier’s combinations of three glasses, each about 0.4 inch in focus, inferior indeed to these, and of contracted aperture, but which I ought to no- tice because its image is pretty well corrected with the glasses in the order given to them by the maker. At the same time, I do not suppose him to be acquainted with the principle which constitutes the key to the effect ; otherwise he would hardly have failed to apply it more effectually. The achromatic meniscus that has been described, enters well into combination, and may perhaps be useful as the front glass of three, but its power is small in proportion to. its curves. It admits too of being cemented at the back of an achromatic plano-convex ; and they may make together a powerful compound glass to go before another. Though the plano-concave form has been proposed for the flint lens, in the larger-glasses it nest perhaps occasionally be relinquished with benefit. Some attention has yet to be given to obtain the best effect from combination; so that with the largest pencil that may be - found desirable, and sufficient cleat- space before the front of the glass, the field may be aplanatic, and the focus»short. Al- ready, however, the three first plano-convex glasses that have been made for me by Tulley, only for preliminary experiments, the shortest of them of 0.7 inch focus, have produced at an aperture of 50°, the most distinct microscopic vision that I have yet met with; and I anticipate no serious impediment to the carrying defining power much farther. These statements are intended only as a notice, for practi- cal purposes and wholly detached from theory, of facts that have been in part very recently ascertained. In investigating them I have depended chiefly on magnified measurements and diagrams, which, though not strictly correct, may perhaps be as well adapted as other far more exact but difficult’methods, for constructing the minute and complex object-glass of a mi- croscope. It is to this that the observations made particular- ly apply ; and should they bring more within reach than pre- viously, the requisites which have been enumerated, I trust they may not be unacceptable to the enlightened optician ; es- > ‘ 252 (Mr Laidlaw’s actownt of the Aurora Borealis pecially if in this: department he unite, like Tulley, the eal ; of the amateur with the skill‘of the superior artist. . I intend soon to put to the test of experiment, wiscntlay not the principle of the two aplanatic “pencils may be applied to telescopes, in cases m which it ‘is requisite to restrict their length, so as to enlarge their aperture with a corresponding increase of light and distinctness. In the meantime, it would give me pleasure to see that principle demonstrated, if it de- serve it, by some abler hand than mine, and treated in a more . Figorous ‘manner than my own limited acquaintance ie ma- thematical science qualifies:me to undertake. (Note A.) The blue down of the Menelaus and the wiilie of the Cabbage Butterfly (Morpho Menelaus and Pieris Bras- sicee) well deserve ‘the place they have acquired as standard tests, especially on account of the respective characters of their transverse tracings. “Some of the small oval ‘scales from ‘the body of the Twenty.plumed Moth (Alucita ‘hexadactyla) are among the closest and most elegant in their lines that I have © seen ; others are very easily resolvable, and the down has such diversity of form as often ‘to‘afford within:a short space a ready variety of excellent tests. . The same is to be said of the scales of Podura plumbea, of which all are difficult, and some ‘seem ~ to defy all powers of definition. It may be observed, that with most objects there is sl difference between individual specimens of the same kind, that in general the only safe way to determine between two good microscopes, is to apply the same specimen to: both, under the — same circumstances of power and light.—Phil. rans. 1830. Arr. XI,—Account of the dhesieni Borealis seen in Rowburgh- shire on the 5th of October 1830. By Mr W. Larpiaw,, Kaeside. Own Friday evening, the 17th September, an uncommon form of the aurora borealis was observed all over the country. It was in the shape of a luminous white arch, and stretched from W. by S., to E. by N. nearly, ending on the E. in a pencil. formed point, and was accompanied by pale streamers i the scen in Roxburghshire en the 5th of October 1830. 253 north horizon; and grape visible from” twonty, to oC . minutes. This evening, (October 5,) I was called to observe an ap- pearance that seemed at first to be nearly similar, though it was more bright and better defined. When first'seen it passed exactly overhead, and in a direction perhaps nearly the same as the former; it was very bright, and white on the N. edge, : and better defined than on the S., on .which side it in some parts shaded off into the sky. . On the west end it sunk bright below the horizon, but on the east, where it approached the moon, it ended like the former in a tail or brush-shaped point, before it reached the horizon,—perhaps about 20° above it. “Having no instrument to measure the breadth, I compared. it with the distances of some stars, and found it equal to the longest-diagonal of the square of the Great Bear,—wider in the E. and narrower in the W. After looking at it occasion- | ally for about twenty minutes, I began to be aware that the arch was making a progress towards the south, aud had already gone over a space equal to its own breadth. | I remarked like- wise; that its extremities were comparatively stationary ; or that ~ jt revolved on its horizontal diameter, and at thirty minutes after. eight, the arch through which it moved was, as near as I could judge by the eye, equal to three times its breadth. I now re- gretted still more the want of an instrument to measure angles ; for, while lying upon my back to observe the curvature, I no- ticed that the bearing of the extremities was not due K. and W..; but that a line from the Pole star formed an acute angle with the eastern half, and I began to suspect that the centre of the arch might be the magnetic pole. At this time the brightness began to fade, and a longitudinal fissure appeared, in the E. quarter. At nine o’clock, the whole arch had become broader and considerably less bright; and in a short time af- ter it very suddenly broke up into fragments, which I soon: observed had a motion, following one another in the line of the: arch from E. to W. My attention. was now strongly directed to this movement, which I never before noticed in any of these: arches. : The appearance which this now assumed was very interesting. Whether it was owing to the moon being in that part of the hea- 254 Mr Laidlaw’s account of the Aurora Borealis, &c. vens that directed my attention to the E., [am uncertain; but I first observed that in the eastern part the separated portions or nebulz had assumed a striated or rather crinited appearance, the lines of each individual nebula pointing S. E., even while they moved all westward, following one another in an order parallel as to each other, but obliquely as to their position on the arch, so that to a careless observer the first general form of the arch . would: have seemed to be preserved :—only that at, and on a little on each side of the meridian, the general continuous line | of the arch was interrupted ; and here an interesting change took place in the direction of the strize of the nebulee, or ra- ther in the order in which they appeared when farther east :— For, on crossing the meridian, they veered to the right, and form- ed on the western part of the arch, with the striated appearance pointing S. W. During the time that this movement continued, coruscations were apparent, and suddenalternate disappearances. and reappearances of the brightness, similar to what is often. observed in the common streamers; the striated divisions not. being always, nor throughout the whole length of the arch, distinctly separated from each other. 'I'hese coruscations were most apparent in the eastern quarter, although they sometimes flashed from one end of the arch to the other, and always from east to west. el ge ; The motions of the striated divisions had the apparent ve- — locity of clouds in a gale of wind, but the shifting and flashing was similar to that of the streamers usually seen in the north. I have since learned from two different persons, one in this neighbourhood and the other in Liddesdale, that there were two arches that evening, one a little: after sunset, which was not so bright and soon disappeared ; and that the second flash- ed out at once bright into the sky. | pe It has since occurred to me that the motion of the striated portions of the arch from E. to W., and which seemed so. sin-. gular, would be best described by referring it to the motion of a wheel with radiated teeth. The motion of such seen in per- spective, would exactly represent the extraordinary appearance attempted to be described. | | ‘ Mean Temperature of New York, &c. 255 Ant. XIL.—LOn the Mean Temperature of Tutrty-Four dif- ferent places in the State of New Yi wes for 1650. In the sixteenth No. of this Journal, ands in Nos. ui. and-v Vii. of our New Series, we have given abstracts of the ‘*- Returns of Meteorological Observations made to the Regents of the Uni- versity of the State of New York for.1826, 1828, and 1829.” _ We are now enabled to present our readers with an abstract of the same valuable returns for 1830... These returns have been made by no fewer than 42 academies ; but only 34 of them are complete. | The observations seem to have been made at the same hours as formerly, viz. 6° a. m. 3° p. m., and an hour after sunset. Tn No. vii. p..78, we have given the positions of the places where observations were ooh ong in. 1829. . The following Table contains the positions of the academies not in that it which have made observations for 1830. N. Lat. W. Long. Elevation above tide, ~ Canajoharie, © : 49°53’ 74° 357 284. “Cayuga, aurora, . 42-45 76 40 412 Cortland Homer, 3 42 38 7611 1096 Delaware, = ma 42 17 Th 54 1384 Fairfield, - af 48 6 7454 1185: Fredonia, Chautangue Co. 42 25 79 24 °° 645: Gouverneur High School, 44 25° 75 35. 400 Ithaca, : s 42 26 ‘76 30 417 Kinderhook, a 42°24 73 45 195 Lewiston, — - - OF Ee we (Dy RU 280 Mount-Pleasant, . 41° 7% 74 16 , _Plattsburg, - - 44 42 73 23 “105 Redhook, liga 42 2 3 56 tS Rochester High School, 43 5 7745 ° 506 Union Ellesburgh, +s Me AO. Leos In 1826 the mean temp. of ten places was 49°. 4 In 1828 the mean temp. of twenty-three places was 49.99. . In 1829 the mean temp. of twenty-eight places was 46.45 _ In 1830 the mean temp. of thirty-four places was 48 .15 NEW SERIES, VOL. V. NO. 1f. OCTOBER 1831. R a ‘ ° 256 Mean Temperature of thirty-four different places The following table contains the mean monthly tempera- ture of the thirty-four places. above-mentioned, the annual mean temperature, the annual range, and the highest. and lowest during the year. Jan. ‘Feb. Albany, , 24.56 24.82 Auburn, 22.54 23.62 Cambridge, Wash. 23.73 18.'79 Canajoharie, 16.60 20.80 Canandaigua, 22.50 24.86 Cayuga, : 26.82 27.53 Cherry Valley, 19.02 20.19 Clinton, : 30.88 27.20 Delaware, x 19.49 22.71 Dutchess, ‘ 26.47 26.68 Erasmus-Hall, 28.90 30.83 Franklin, . 20.11 24.79 Fredonia, - 25.89 26.90 Hamilton, 4 19.16 21.93 Hartwick, 2 22.45 25.42 Ithaca, : 25.89 29.75 Kinderhook, 292.01 22.59 Kingston, : 25.28 25.11 Lansingburgh, 22.53 23.36 Lowville, ‘ 15.35 1'7.64 Middlebury, 23.16 26.51 Montgomery, 26.98 27.29 Newburgh, 25.68 24.48 North Salem, 26.87 25.54 Oxford, ‘ 19.66 23.40 Pompey, -~ + 18.13 21.82 Redhook, .- 23.44, 23.94 Rochester H. School 22.38 25.43 St Lawrence, 13.01 18.24 Union, - 19.89 24.35 Union- Hall, 29.21 28.85 Utica, 20.08 22.26 Washington, 19.64. 19.73 Seminary of G&OC 19 37. 20.87 March. 38.05 $4.55 34.52 31.78 35.20 36.56 31.17 37.97 33.62 38.94 40.84 33.69 38.23 31.51 35.85 37.86 37.17 40.38 36.15 31.20 36.01 39.00 37.00 38.65 34.30 $2.54 37.18 35.40 31.45 36.25 39.31 33.95 33.18 33.20 April. 56.02 50.63 49.69 50.17 52.02 49.18 48.56 45.94 45.86 55.68 50.96 48.71 53.35 50.38 51.25 52,89 51.71 56.46 54.45 49.76 50.79 53.93 50.50. 51.22 48,84 48.75 51.10 54,34 51.10 55.90 50.29 51.31 49.37 49.73 May. 59.27 53.90 54.19 56.14 53.25 53.61 53.92 51.56 50.81 62.33 58.16 52.35 56.21 52.08 52.75 55.98 54.47 61.76 58.46 52.91 52.86 58.71 57.82 57A3. 54.59 51.56 52.62. 54.68. 53.65. 51.47 56.15 53.13 51.09 51.88 June. 65.98 62.06 59.57 63.60 63.42 63.08 61.27 63.02 57.88 69.83 67.35 61.14 62.18 60.10 59.65 6415 63.58 60.00 61.05 68.58 65.11 65.25 in the State of New York for 1880. Albany,, ~ Auburn); - Cambridge, Wash. Canajoharie, Canandaigua, Cayuga, - Cherry-Valley, Clinton, - Delaware, F Dutchess, ~ Erasmus-Hall, Franklin; ¥ Fredonia, f Hamilton, a Hartwick, = Ithaca, - Kinderhook, Kingston, == Lansingburgh, Lowville, es - Middlebury, Montgomery, Newburgh, North Salem, Oxford, é “Pompeys ™ Redhook, 5 July. 73.86 71.41 70.73 72.84 71.83 69.97 70.32 7047 71.08 TTT 75.26 73.12 73.57 69.68 69.32 73.33 72.36 73.39 73.76 70.47 70.23 "5.52 72.37 71.85 70.83 69.62 70.12 Rochester H. School 73.44 St Lawrence, Union, t Union-Hall, Utiea, * . Washington, 70.28 67.59 74.16 70.26 70.18 Seminary of G&OC 69.73 Aug. 70.52 65.75 67.57, 67.77 65.49 67.08 62.41 69.17 66.95 13.87 710.66 64.65 67.76 65.34 64.26 66.16 69.00 71.51 71.01 64.42 65.30 14.52 69.47 69.11 64.85 63.72. 712.34 68.87 65.51 59.49 70.12 64.75 65.46 63.30 Sept. 61.82 57.52 63.40 57.71 56.44 60.32 57.07 61.40. 59.14 64.37 63.47 56.69 58.71 55.80 56.96 58.88 59.46 62.10 60.68 54.75 58.38 63.48 59.93 60.64 58.60 54.72 62.44 59.66 55.72 54.15 57.63 56.22 56.90 55.48 Oct. 52.39 50.89 52.30 | 47.88 51.58 56.60 47.79 58.71 51.23 55.36 55.28 48.62 52.88 50.03 48.21 51.78 51.25 52.91 51.35 48.35 52.10 57.15 59 01 51.04 48.08 47.23 51.98 54.99 47.07 46.59 53.96 48.25 46.25 49.51 > 258 Mean Temperature of thirty-four different places Ann. Mean. Highest. Albany, ; 50.65 Auburn, > 2-Ve AT 37 Cambridge, Wash. 47.92 Canajoharie, L - 46.53 Canandaigua, - —- 48.86 Cayuga, - - 49.4°7 Cherry-Valley, 45.17 Clinton, - - 49.82 Delaware, . 44,99 Dutchess, A 52.73 Erasmus-Hall, ‘ 52.53 Franklin, ‘ 46.38 Fredonia, i a 49.57 Hamilton, 4 w 45.87 Hartwick, “ - ~ 46.68 Ithaca, . : 49.67 Kinderhook, 48.24 Kingston, “ 51.47 Lansingburgh, " 49.64: Lowville, “ 44.60 Middlebury, 2s SHPBZ Montgomery, C 52.038 _ Newburgh, ‘ 50.25 North Salem, ‘ 49.96 Oxford, ~ . 46.55 Pompey, ¢ “ 44.68 Redhook, - “ 49.10 Rochester H. School, 49,27 St Lawrence, 2 44.58 Union, = b 45.94 Union-Hall, . 51.05 Utica, 4 - . 4644 Washington, 46.02 Seminary of G. & O. C., 45.45 97 96 93. 97 93 94 92 93 93 100 93 90 97 95 91 96 . 94 93 98 93 94 104 94 97 93 90 90 98 90. 90. 100. Bi o', 88 et Lowest. —12 — 4 —25 —16 — 8 0 —22 born 3 iF TaD —20 —17 — 1 —l4 —13 — 20) —33 —12 —10 —_ 54 0 —15 —1l] —10— asthe —27 '—23 0 —17- —24 22 118° 85 ~ 113° 60° 101 55 O4.5r ’ * 14992? 91 51 LIO: walght 120: 78% 89 54 97 60 106 61 WS 4 108 77 108 "70 106 71 118° 7% 126! FY 101 67 104° 57 111 69° 108° 70° 101° 64 100 69 103 55). 117 73 113097) 100 55. 107 85 112% YM isco The following Table shows the quantity of rain and show which fell in the state of New York in 1830. : in the State of New York for 1830.0 -. 259 In. boi pp, Albany, “ 41.85 Kingston, “ 40.15 Auburn, "i 37.88 Lansingburgh, - » 40.67 Cambridge, Washington 35.10 . Lowville, - 86.66 Canandaigua, -- $6.60 Middlebury, L 38.50 | Cayuga, ; - 37.11. Montgomery, ~ 40.99 Cherry-Valley, - 45.05 Newburgh, m8 34.83 Clinton, Sid 46.65. North Salem, P 43.37 Delaware, - - 22.55 . Oxford, 2 83.79 Dutchess, - 46.36. Pompey, - »» 80.06 Erasmus-Hall, - .53.47. Redhook, N - 43.00 Franklin, - 36.15 . Rochester High School, 34.94 Fredonia, - 33.93 Union, ¥ 26.09 Hamilton, terre 42.71. Union-Hall, 43.32 Hartwick, Z 41-59 Utica, - 46.19 Hudson, ‘ 39.77. Seminary Gen. and Ithaca, —_—- 35.61 Oneida Con. ’ 41.59 Kinderhook, E 36.92 ; ; ‘ Inches. In 1826 the mean rain: of nine places was 36.34 In 1828 the mean rain of twenty-five places was 36.74 Tn 1829 the mean rain of twenty-five places was 34.88 In 1830 the mean rain of thirty-two places was 38.86 ~ Mean, 36.70 | MiscELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS. Aurora Borealis noticed. January 24, at Canajoharie academy, Utica. Jan. 27, at Lowville. Feb. 16, at Pompey. Feb. 18, at Pompey, St Lawrence, Utica, Cazenovia. Feb. 19, Albany, Canajoharie, Delaware, Kinderhook, North- Salem, Pompey, Utica. Feb. 23, at. Canajoharie. Segment large and. |uminous. Light in the west at half-past 8, like egeighe: Lowville, North Salem, Utica. March 15, at Albany, Canajoharie. Exhibiting the appear- _ ance of day break half an hour before sunrise: Franklin, Low- > 260 Mean Temperature of dherignfour different places ville, Middlebury, Pompey, St Lawrence. Very brine iinet Cazenovia. i March 16, Union. ; areas A March 28, Albany, Pompey. ding’ March 31, at 10 v. m. a single column of light,.a little west of north, extending up at right angles with the horizon, and subtending an angle of about 25 degrees, Franklin... > Apmil 15, at Albany, Lowville, Pompey, St Lawrence, Utica: April 19, from 8 p. m. tll nearly midnight, the whole north- ern horizon presented at times, streams of light, which rose, enlarged and disappeared in succession, sometimes extending almost to the zenith; at others, rising only a few degrees,and usually succeeded by a dark hazy appearance. . The light from this source was sometimes as much as the moon affords, three or four days after conjunction, Auburn. Very brilliant: Cam- bridge, (Washington,) Canajoharie, Cayuga. At 9 PeMela broad column of light, perpendicular. to the horizon, and:éx- tending up about 45 degrees; the whole was so brilliant that the shadows of objects were distinctly seen on the north side of buildings. About midnight it was still more brilliant: Franklin. Brilliant: Hudson, Lansingburgh. | Nearly one- third of the horizon illuminated during the night. | The thigh+ est part of the illuminated segment extending to the height of 45 degrees; lively coruscations and various hues of great beauty especially a reddish tinge of vast extent, which ap- peared at 9o’clock: Lowville. Very brilliant: Oxford, Pom- pey, Rochester, Union, Cazenovia. Very beautiful mith ee coruscations : Utica. bs April 20, brilliant: Cayuga, Delaware, Kindeshook.. T, April 21, at Canajoharie. | tak April 25, at Rochester. YG dE, dat April 28, at Lowville. La May 2, brilliant, 40 degrees above the horizon; 8 P.M Lewiston, St Lawrence. é (sno May 4, at 10 P.M. at Auburn, Edoiiaebargh, Lossille Oxford, Pompey, St Lawrence. Very wide Utica. u idgil May 9, at, Canajoharie, Hartwick. May 10, at Kinderhook. — Sf dowel May 11, at St‘ Lawrence. c rah in the State of New York, for 1830. 261 May 13, at Delaware. May 14, at Canajoharie, Hartwick, beaheel | St Lawrence, Utica. May 15, at Delaware, Kinderhook, St Lawrence, Union, Cazenovia. Very bright, Utica. May 19, at Fredonia. May 22, at Union. June 9, at Middlebury. June 10, between 8 and 9 rp. M. an arc across the heavens, Albany.. Very brilliant, and continued al] night Auburn Luminous arch: Canajoharie. Very brilliant: Erasmus-Hall, Fredonia, Hartwick. A very splendid A. B.; the light ‘so bright as to cast distinct shadows, Mount-Pleasant, Kinder- hook. Very brilliant: Lewiston. Very beautiful, and extend: ing from the east to the west and widening to i north hori- zon: Lowville. A beautiful arch : gr i Pompey, St Law- rence. Uncommon A. B.: Utica. June 11, splendid arch: Dutchess, St Lawrence, Utica. June 16, at St Lawrence. June 17, at Hudson. June 18, at Lewiston, Utica. June 29, at Hartwick, Delaware. July 7, at Lewiston. July 14, at Albany, Canajoharie, Franklin. Bright lumi- nous arch a little south of the zenith, from E. to W., descend- - ing to the south: Hartwick, Delaware. At 10.oclock very bright: Ithaca. Very brilliant: Layiepeioaneis Ibid : Lowville, Middlebury, Union- Hall, Utica. July 15, at Erasmus-Hall. Noticed between 8 and 12 p. u. At first resembling a bright cloud in the form of the segnient of a circle; the crown being about 30 degrees above the ho- rizon, exhibiting for several hours a steady light. About 12 it rose in distinct and brilliant spires, shooting towards the zenith, From 9 to 10 were seen occasionally, beams of light shooting from two points, a few degrees east and west of the luminous ‘segment, uniting and forming a belt at-right angles with the galaxy, and resembling it in width and appearance, except much more luminous. ‘This moved towards the south, and after passing the zenith, separated and disappeared:? F're- donia. 262. Mean Temperature of thirty-four different places July 21, at Lowville. ®t ee July 28, at Fredonia. | hf vane August 8, at Lewiston. | . August 10, at Pompey, Utica. te August 11, at Franklin. rasa’) August 12, at Auburn, Utica. August 13, at Auburn, Hamilton. August 19, at Pompey, Union, Cazenovia. Unqauneply : beautiful : Utica. August 20, at Lowville, Pompey, Cazenovia, Utica. -Onthe evening of the 20th the Aurora Borealis presented an ial appearance. At half-past 9 the flashes of light, apparently proceeding from a dense cloud in the horizon, shot. up very high in forms resembling pencils of rays. At 10, a broad arch, resting in the horizon, in nearly the western point, rose be- tween Arcturus and Ursa Major, and extending over the whole heavens, a little north of the zenith, terminated about 20 de- grees above the eastern horizon. Between this arch and the polar star, stood a row of perpendicular columns of light, with uniform bases, in a right line from Arcturus to the polar star. There were sixteen pillars on the inside of the arch, and one on the outside below Arcturus. They maintained their posi- tion for nearly half an hour, and gradually ascending, in the _ same regular order, grew fainter and disappeared. ‘The flashes in the horizon still continued very light, but not distinetly de- fined : Utica. | Pik August 21, at Hamilton. _ . : feored August 25, at Lowville, St Lawrence. 1 bbw August 26, continued all night: Auburn, Lowrie Pom. pey, Rochester, Union, Utica. . aah August 28, at Hartwick. t in August 29, at Rochester. 4 eae Sept. 5, at Rochester. ot $i Sept. 7, low but regularly arched, not above 20 depress above the horizon at 8 o’clock, but,by the interposition of vapour _ between the top of the arch and the horizon, forming a per- fect segment of a circle at half past 8, two very bright lights, extending from the top of the arch to 50 degrees: Lewiston: Sept. 9, at Fredonia, Utica.. be bers in the State of New York for 1830. 263. . Sept. 10, at Utica. Sept. 11, at St Lawrence. 3 Sept..15, at Albany. Very brilliant, in columns springing from an arch with prismatic colours, resembling those produ- ced by finely striated metal: Pompey- * Sept. 16, at North-Salem. Sept. 17, at Pompey, St Lawrence, Utica. Oct. 5, at Utica. - Oct. 6, at Auburn, Canajoharie. Brilliant: Lowville, North Salem, Plattsburgh, Pompey, St Lawrence, Utica. Oct. 7, at Auburn, Canajoharie, North Salem, Pompey, St Lawrence, Union, Utica. Oct. 8, North Salem. Oct. 9, at Auburn, Fredonia. Oct. 10, at Fredonia, Lowville. Oct. 11, at Utica. Oct. 13, at Hartwick. Oct. 14, at Pompey, Utica- Very k brilliant : St Lawrence. ' Oct..15, at Lowville. ) -Oct.-16, at Lowville. Oct-17, at Lowville, Pompey, Utica. Oct..27, at Auburn. : Oct. 28, at Fredonia, Pompey. Very brilliant over the whole north, and extending to the zenith, and there having a _ fiery red appearance. Large red belts were occasionally seen streaming from the west, towards the zenith, and extending in one instance nearly to the east, spanning the chord of an arch of about 160 degrees, and about 8 or 10 Seats broad : St Lawrence, Union. Nov. 9; at Pompey. Nov. 19, at Hartwick. Nov. 20, very brilliant : Catiasididgt, Fredonia, Middle- bury, Pompey, Utica. Nov. 21, at Canandaigua. Dec. 6, at Cazenovia. Dec. 7, at Lowville.. Very brilliant : Plattsburgh, Pompey, Utica. Dec. 10, very brilliant: Dutchess, Hartwick, Plattsburgh. Dec. 11, The following description gives but a faint, al- 264 Mean Tcmperature of New York, &c. though generally correct, idea of the splendid pen served this evening, between 9 and 10 0’clock: BS ‘‘ Karly on Saturday evening an Aurora anpedbbdtinlline north, stretching round from seven to eight points of the com- pass, and from nearly north-west to nearly north-east. "The principal light was as usual in the form of'an arch, the centre of which was directly under the north, star.\» There was’a ge- neral suffusion of light over the arch, and extending twenty or thirty degrees aboveit. ‘Uhe space beneath the'arch, in the early part of the evening, was filled witha dark cloud. Atabout half past 6 o *clock a row of bright pillars.or columns rose from the arch, and extended to a great height above it, and some of them nearly as high as the north star ; ‘those over the north- western limb of the arch were ‘slightly tinged with redness, and all the others were perfectly white. | These pillars or co- lumns soon disappeared and were succeeded ‘by others; the generally rose over one limb of the first arch, and gradually extended to the other. Between six and seven o’clock, the dark cloud beneath the arch rose and spread over a great part of the sky, and for some time entirely obscured the Aurora. At about eight o’clock some clouds had passed away, and a considerable portion of the upper part of the northern sky had become clear again, and a row of bright white pillars ’or’co- lumns rose from or through the dark clouds beneath, and ex- tended far beyond the north star.—These pillars or columns remained but a short time, and the whole northern sky was again obscured by other clouds, and so continued: through the greater part of the night. Through the intervals between the clouds or the thin places in them, the light of the Aurora was frequently seen in bright white spots over ‘the northern part of the sky. ‘The Aurora continued throughout the night, and between three and five o’clock on: Sunday ernie the sky had become clear and the Aurora was quite bright :” Albany. — Very brilliant: Auburn. Do. Dutchess. Very brilliant, il- luminating the horizon and issuing several perpendicular co- lumns, extending in a direction towards the zenith, from 15 to 20 degrees. The appearance was not unlike that occasioned by a very extensive conflagration in the city of New-York, Erasmus-Hall, Hartwick. Very brilliant’: Lansingburgh, Mr, Johnston’s Remarks on Mr Potier’s Paper. 265 Lewiston. There appeared. two ranges in the north, one above the other, and though irregular, yet in their main direction, - parallel, and resembling two sublime ranges of mountains with dark sides and slight summits of immense height, from which: the brilliant coruscations, were, by the imagination, easily con- verted into voleanoes. In the horizon, the light extended from the south-east, almost to the west, and the currents and flashes of light rose from the north horizon to the zenith, and - thence descended half way to the south horizon: Lowville, North-Salem, Plattsburgh, Rochester. Very. brilliant: St Lawrence, Union, Utica. Dec. 12, very brilliant, Auburn. Do. Dutchess, Franklin, Fredonia. Do, Ithaca, Lansingburgh, Lewiston, Middlebury, North-Salem, Plattsburgh; Pompey, St Lawrence, Utica. This year has been remarkable for the frequency and often the .brilliancy of the Aurora Borealis. In every instance, so far as observations have been made at this place, the phenome- non has presented a dark, dense, and regularly defined cloud, lying in the northern horizon, and extending far to the east and west, apparently a ground-work from which the light pro- ceeds. On some evenings this cloud is above the horizon at the first appearance of the flashes of light ; in others it is not visible until after the light has been observed for some hours, and when the flashes have continued late in the night, the cloud ascends above the horizon and the brilliancy of the light diminishes. In one instance, on the evening of the 11th of December, after the cloud had risen ten or fifteen degr: ees above a clear horizon, a second cloud ‘appeared, from which the flashes of light were distinctly seen shooting to the upper one: Utica.’ Arr. XIII.— Remarks on Mr Potter's Paper ** on the Specific heats of Metals.” By James F. W. Jounston, A.M. &c. &c. Communicated by the Author. Since the admirable experiments df Messrs Dulong and Petit published in the An. de Chim. for 1819, it has been rendered — extremely probable “ that the atoms of all simple’ bodies have o 266 Mr Johnston’s Remarks on Mr Potier’s Paper the same capacity for heat ;” and, consequently, that the pro- duct of the atomic weight into the specific heat is in all simple substances a constant quantity ; or SW = C, where S denotes the specific heat, W the atomic weight, and C the constant.” In the preceding number, (No. ix.) of this Journal, bis 75, is inserted a paper by Mr Potter, in which he professes to give “ an exposition of some erroneous determinations of MM. Dulong and Petit, and an examination as to the metals,” of the — above important law. On this paper I shall take the ey ” : making a few observations. Mr Potter endeavoured to determine the specific fiaat of | eight different metals, by the old method of mixing known | weights of the metals and of-water of different temperatures, and marking the resulting temperature of the mixture. His results agree essentially with those of Dulong and Petit, except in regard to the three metals, silver, gold, and bismuth, X all which the differences are as follow : 18) Potter. Dulong & Petit. Difference. Specific heat of Silver, = .063. 0557 00780 Gold, = .046 © .0298 + 0162 ~ Bismuth, = .039 .0288 + .0102 These differences form the sum and substance of Mr Potter’s paper. ‘hey are all in excess, and are the more deserving of examination, as they represent the specific heats of gold and bismuth as nearly one-half greater than they have hitherto been esteemed. i The old method adopted by Mr Potter is the easiest, but it is liable to many sources of error, some of which are ably point- , ed out by Biot in the fourth volume of his T'raité de Physique. To escape from these sources of error, Messrs Lavoisier and Laplace invented: their calorimeter, and Messrs Dulong and - Petit adopted the expedient of employing a small cylinder , of silver filled with the metal to be experimented upon in the state oe of powder. All have agreed in considering the method of. mix- tures as incapable of yielding any precise results, and therefore we are led, a priori, to regard these high determinations of Mr Potter with some degree of distrust. This distrust is increased when we inspect the results oo ed by Mr Potter by inverse methods. These differences for on the specific heats of Metals. 267 gold and silver, two of the metals for which he has given new, and, as he rape ase more correct results, are as follow : Ist Exp. 2d Exp. Difference. Specific heat of silver, — .0601 0669 .0068 gold, = .0375 0509 0134 On comparing these differences with those given above, we find. that Mr Potter’s two results differ nearly as much from one another as the mean of them differs from the results of MM. Dulong and Petit. Mr Potter adopts the mean of his two ex- periments, supposing, fairly enough, that the methods being in- verse, the errors are likely to have opposite signs. But, in the materials employed by Mr Potter, we shall find, I conceive, ample cause for rejecting, without farther hesitation, — the specific heat assigned by him for these two metals. “ For gold, silver, and copper,” he says, ‘‘ I employed British coins ;” that is to say, his gold was 22 carats fine, or an alloy containing rzth of silver or copper; and his silver contained 7.5 per cent. of copper,—the quantities, I believe, usually found in British coin. With these he attempted to determine the specific heats of pure gold and silver; and because the result he obtained differs from that of MM. Dulong and Petit, is it right in him to denounce theirs as erroneous ? . Rejecting these two alloys, then, there remains only the spe- cific heat of bismuth to be considered. Mr Potter’s two expe- riments on this metal agree closely with each other; the two results being .0390, and .0393, while that of Dulong and Petit, - as above stated, is .0288. , It will be necessary, therefore, to advert to the concluding portion of Mr Potter’s paper, before we can determine absolutely which of them is to be preferred. It was the numerous mistakes contained in this latter part of the paper, together with the tone improperly as well as unjust- ly assumed towards the French philosophers, that suggested to me the propriety of the present remarks. Admiring, as all must do, the profound reasoning and exceeding ingenuity of Mr Dalton, in his New System of Chemical Philosophy, Mr Pot- ter has entered into his views not only regarding heat, but also regarding the atomic weights of bodies, for which his book can-_ not now .be.considered. as any authority. Had Mr Potter’s chemical reading been a little more extensive, he would neither & 1 - > 268 © Mr Johnston's Remarks on Mr Potter's Paper have spoken of others so disparagingly, nor comet so broadly. ne Py Mr Potter thus commences his phetevations on the law ex- pressed above by the formula SW = C. NE *¢ However, the law as enunciated by the French philoso- phers, that the atoms of all simple bodies have the same capa-. city for heat, when applied to. the class of metals, holds I find. with singular fidelity in common temperatures, excepting % in one very remarkable case, that of silver. Whilst the ex tion remains, the law cannot be said to. be established, cae ‘less can MM. Dulong and Petit in the least be said to have proved their proposition, as they have taken for the atomic weights numbers completely arbitrary, without referring either to the opinions of chemists, or the results of analyses. Whence they have obtained their numbers I shall now show. They. appear to have appropriated such portions. of Berzelius’s numbers as. suited their experiments. Thus, for bismuth they have taken three-fourths of this number, for lead one-half, for gold one-half, for tin one-half, for silver one-fourth, for zinc one-half, for tel- lurium one-half, for copper one-half, for nickel one-half, for iron one-half, and for cobalt one-third of this. number, &c. ‘e.” Now, after this sweeping condemnation of. their mode of proving the law, and of the atomic weights they ig us compare their numbers with those of Dalton adopted by Potter, and with those given by Dr Thomson in his Lisiins Ba: lished History of Chemistry. is Dalton. § Dulong & Petit. pe Atomic weight of iron, 25 27.136... 28... zinc, 29 F224 ois) BM oy copper, 56 or 28 31.656 32, silver, 90 54 ' aol 40.4 i tin, 52 58.8 ello gold, 60 99.44 1 ODS, 0. bismuth, 62 LOG. 45. s:ientbee Wee) lead, 90 103.6, 104 A single glance at these three columns will show whethenlehe: numbers employed by Mr Potter or by the French philosophers in verifying the law of equal specific heats, are the nearer to the Sey 4 on the specific heats. of Metals. . 269 ' weights generally received in this country ; and yet, Mr Potter has the advantage of all the researches made by chemists during the thirteen years which have elapsed since the French memoir was published. ‘There is not indeed the slightest ground for asserting that the numbers in column second are ‘* completely arbitrary, referring neither to the opinions of chemists nor to the results of analyses.” Nor is this all. Mr Potter professes to compare the numbers of Berzelius with those of Dulong and Petit, ima table given in page 82; but finding them im the book he has consulted adapted to the oxygen scale, he multiplies them by seven to bring them to the hydrogen scale (!!) thus obtaining and setting down.a list of numbers which no one ever dreamt.of as repre- senting the atomic weights of these bodies. Though Dalton adopts the ratio of 7: 1 as expressive of the relation of the atomic weight of oxygen to that of hydrogen, he ought to have known that Berzelius, whose numbers he thus multiplies, does not, and this would have prevented him from falling into such an error. Let me request his attention to the following extract from Dr ° Thomson’s History of Chemistry, vol. ii. page 297. “ He (Dalton in the 3d volume of his System, published in 1827,) still adheres to the ratio 1: 7 as the correct difference between the weights of the atoms of hydrogen and oxygen. ‘This shows very clearly that he has not attended to the new facts which have been brought forward on the subject. No person who has attended to the experiments made on the specific gravity of these two gases during the last twelve years, could admit that these specific gravities are to each other as 1:14. If1:16 be not the exact ratio, it will surely be admitted on all hands, that it is infinitely near it."—‘* Dr Ure,” says Mr Potter, * adopts 7.5 as an atom of oxygen.” In which of the ancient authors does Mr Potter find this? But in the paragraph already quoted from Mr Potter’s paper, while he denies that they have proved the law of equal specific heats, he says the law ‘ holds I find with singular fidelity in common temperatures, excepting in one very remarkable case, that of siloer””. Now let us take the atomic weights of Dr- Thomson, and multiplymg them separately into the specific 2'70 Mr Johnston’s remariss on Mr Potter’s paper heats obtained ienpossinnty by MM. Dulong and Petit, and by | Mr Potter, let us see how the constant C comes out in’ each. Specific heat or S. Atomic Constant or. Cc. Dulong & Petit. Potter. weights or W. Dulong & Petit. Potter. Iron, 110 110 28 3.08 3.08 © Zine, 0927 098 34 3.158 8.3882" Copper, .0949 .096 32 3.0368. 3.072 © Silver, 0557» .063 55 3.0685 3.465 Tin, 0514 .056 58 2.9812 8.248 Gold, 0298 .046 100 2.9808 4.6 Bismuth, .0288 039 stot 3.1104 2.808 Lead, .0293 .032 104 3.0472 3.328 If the law in question be true, the value of C obtained from each metal must necessarily approach very nearly to the mean — of all the values. Now the mean of column fourth is 3. 057, and all the values of C in that column are so near this mean as to be completely within the limits of error, the greatest difference being that of zinc, which is + .101.. The mean value of C in column fifth, deduced from Mr Potter’s specific heats, is 3.366, but the differences are more irregular than in column fourth ; and the greatest is that of gold, which is 1.233 above a third of the whole. In the one of these columns then, the value of C or SW is nearly constant, in the other it is very irregular; we are forced, therefore, to the conclusion, that either the law of equal capacities does not hold, or Mr Potter's results are inaccurate. But in column fifth there are three numbers which are con- spicuously beyond the mean of the other five, and which, there- fore, in other cases would be rejected in endeavouring to deduce an accurate mean. ‘These numbers stand opposite to the three metals silver, gold, and bismuth. ‘The mean of the other five values is 3.196, which is so near the mean deduced from column fifth that we may safely rely upon the truth of the law to which we have so often adverted—though, so far from showing it ‘‘ to hold with singular fidelity,” we have seen that were Mr Potter’s results to be depended upon, the law, in the present state of our knowledge, would be wholly untenable. . Let us turn now to the specific heat of bismuth, from aiid 3 Dr Muncke’s Remarks on an Account, &c. 271 we have stepped aside so long. We have been obliged to reject from column fifth the numbers opposite to silver, gold, and bis- muth ; the presumption, therefore, is, that the specific heats as- signed to these metals by Mr Potter are too great. But it has al- ready been shown for other reasons, that those given for gold and silver are not at all to be depended upon. We are justified in con- eluding, therefore, that his result for bismuth is also to be rejected. Opposite to bismuth, in column third, I have mserted two atomic weights, that of Dr Thomson 72, and that adopted by MM. Dulong and Petit, which is one-half more, 108; and while I have multiplied the specific heat of these latter gentle- men, as they did, by 108, I have given Mr Potter the benefit of the former number 72, as affording a value of C somewhat nearer the mean than the other number does. ‘The atom of silver I have also set down at 55, as this halving of ‘Thomson’s number was necessary for both determinations. Whether we adopt the one or the other of these numbers is entirely a matter of theory; combinations may yet be effected, such as to render it convenient to make similar alterations in re- gard to many of the metals. That bismuth may have an atomic weight of 13.5 or 108, is rendered more probable by some late experiments of Mr Phillips, by which he has made known se- veral new compounds * of that metal, in which the ratio of 1:3 prevails among the atoms. Art. XIV.—4A few Remarks on an Account of the * Meeting of the Cultivators of Natural Science and Medicine at Hamburgh in September 1830, by James F. W. Johnston, M. A. &c. &¢.” as Communicated by the Author to the Edin- burgh Journal of Science, New Series, No. viii. page 189. By Dr Munckx, Professor of Natural Philosophy at Heidel- berg. Communicated in English by the Author. ‘Te account given by Mr Johnston of the Meeting of the Na- * These are a trisnitrate and a trismuriate. (An. of Phil. December 1830.) Dr Thomson had previously described and analyzed a triscarbonaie, (First Prin. ii. p. 391,) and Berzelius a tris-sulphate. (Gmelin’s Hand- buch; i. p. 1009.) All these salts contain one atom acid to three of base. Were we to consider the atom of bismuth 108, then these would all be called disalts. Pies NEW SERIES, VOL, V. NO. Il. OCTOBER 18351. s . 272 Dr Muncke’s Remarks on an Account of the turalists and Physicians at Hamburgh, is, amongst all. its inte- resting matters, blended with so many deformities, that it may — not only be useful in general to correct them, but it must be even a satisfaction to Englishmen to be possessed of better infor- mation. ‘Taking this account on the whole, it is a true and correct one ; but we are sorry to find it disfigured by palpable errors, arising from prejudice or misconception, or want of good information, or, the tria_juncta in uno. Before I proceed, I must beg to direct the attention of the reader to Mr Johnston’s translation of naturforscher by culti- vators; this: is erroneous. Forschen signifies to search, to seek, to inquire, to pry, to investigate, to examine, and, by dint of these combined efforts, to improve; the German deno- inination consequently implies the progress of: science by dili- gent inquiry, whereas the English adopted by Mr Johnston implies only or more of a stationary plodding. I hope it may not be considered superfluous thus to correct this false descrip- tive denomination of the naturalists, which might otherwise lead to a false conception of their object. I shall now proceed, having disposed of the head, to the body of the account. I do not really mean to be harsh, (to make use of one of Mr Johnston’s own phrases,) but cannot help remarking, that it must be considered a breach of hospitality to stigmatize the in- habitants of a town who have almost unanimously exerted them- selves towards contributing to the most attentive and cordial reception of the assembled learned men, in the manner the nar- rator has done: ‘“‘ a luxurious people, of whom it may be truly said their god is their belly, (I suppose he meant to say their belly is their god,) &c. &c.” Are we then to learn from a sub- ject of the first commercial country in the world, that commer- cial industry and activity is to be treated with sarcasm and con- tempt? According to my humble opinion, the mercantile pro- fession is of full as much importance and as estimable as the learned ; and what progress could science and the arts have made without the aid of commerce and navigation, and without the capital procured by commercial industry? Mr Johnston might have also learned, by application to proper channels and authorities, that Hamburgh, without being an university or seat of learning, may boast of having produced within its walls, men of European celebrity, as Klopstock, Reimarus, Fabricius, Meeeting of Naturalists at Hamburgh.. 2738 Busch, Unzer, Gries, and the great composer Bach; and from its great estimation of learning, and the support given to de- velopement of talent, is likely to have, from time to time, si- milar brilliant stars appearing on its commercial horizon. It may be equally unknown to Mr Johnston, that the readiness of the Hamburghers in promoting objects of science is of old stand- ing; and of the general acknowledgment in later periods, Mr Johnston instances himself, Benzenberg’s Experiments on the Fall of Bodies, (page 240.) But what Mr Johnston relates to have been done by the town for the assembly, is in such con-. tradiction with many of his observations, that his best advocates could scarcely be able to protect him against the charge of in- consistency. With regard to the luxury of Hamburgh, Mr Johnston does wrong to judge by the splendid entertainments occasionally given to visitors ; although it may be certain, tak- ing a general view of it, that the Hamburghers, who are good calculators, have also in this instance not been out of their. reckoning; for at the elegant and splendid breakfast at the bo- tanic garden, it has been proved by evidence, that a great many of the learned men found also other points of attraction besides science ; and as Mr Johnston called that hour “ one of the hap- piest he spent in Hamburgh,” we may take it for granted that he did not belong to the class of those who he describes (page 231) as having wondered. Wealth is a natural and necessary condition of a great com- mercial city ; but it must be acknowledged by the most prejudi-- ced, that the inhabitants of that great emporium of German: commerce understand to give it a most proper direction by philanthropic institutions, by developement of talent, and by a comfortable mode of living and liberal hospitality. In the fa- mily-circle of respectable merchants, Mr Johnston must, how-. ever, have found, if he has had the good fortune to frequent them, that nothing of ostentation and extravagance prevails there; but certainly a noble hospitality, and the visible desire to make themselves agreeable to their guests, without the latter being either merchants or rich; their respectable standing in the learned world being sufficient qualification to entitle them to deference and respect. (Having myself with many of my col-: leagues been in that predicament, I can vouch for the fact.) | The conversation in such limited domestic circles displayed 9 . 274 Dr Muncke’s Remarks on an Account of the more interest for scientific objects than I did expect ; and wher the first modest restraint was broken, then I discovered a much greater portion of general knowledge amongst the men (and im several instances even among the ladies,) than might have been’ anticipated from mere mercantile and ordinary education. Not having been myself at Hamburgh before the last meeting, nor ~ being connected by relationship or other ties to its inmates, I consequently could not have any claim of preference; and I do trust I may be deemed an impartial observer on that account. Let it, however, be considered at the same time, that, if not all the members of the convention there assembled had the good luck to be introduced in society, it was owing to the nature and. character of such a large meeting, of which all the members present could not possibly be of a distinguished or known repu- tation, otherwise the number of first-rate literati of Germany would be enormous, as those congregated at Hamburgh did not. constitute the tenth part of the whole. In private societies, as well as generally, it was not difficult to observe that the better class were not ignorant of the scienti- fic purport of the meetings of naturalists, which they had even been long acquainted with from former meetings in other towns. of Germany, and of course the invitation on the part of the se- nate and the citizens, could otherwise not have taken place ; and the many absurd observations Mr Johnston reports from hear- say (v. 208-210,) are, generally speaking, void of foundation, and as unbecoming and unfit to be introduced in a report of that description, as it would be credulous to give credit to them. It is possible that Mr Johnston or his faithful reporter may have heard something similar from some fat * or idler; but ~* T hope I may be excused to make use of a French term here, which, however, in this instance, is the most expressive for the sort of character I meant to describe, and of which, as cannot be unknown to Mr Johnston, many are to be found at all times of the day in and about the Alster Pa- villion, and even out of change-hours at the Boersen-Halle, (not Boursen- Halle, as Mr Johnston, (probably also from false reports, ) repeatedly calls that establishment, ) sipping their coffee, and puffing their segars, and ready to give and receive all sort of scandal, smail talk, and anecdote. Such places” of resort are most convenient to isolated strangers, but their stationary in- - mates very bad channels of information, even worse than valéts de place, who are at least useful to persons who are unacquainted with the locality of a town, and strangers to thelanguage. An honest valét de place would have told Mr Johnston that the entrance-money to Mr Bauer’s garden, since its ad- ’ « Sn Oy ee ae Ow eae Soe ee ae ee ee ae Meeting of Naturalists at Hamburgh. 275 idlers are weeds of every soil and climate, and no large town is without them; but their stupid opinions can only mislead the uninformed. I must, however, be permitted to state my doubts, founded upon my correct information, that certainly some of the inferior rank of the inhabitants first complained that the city was to be burdened with the charge of board and lodgings of the visitors, but were afterwards not only well satisfied, but glad when it came to their knowledge that the strangers were come ‘to spend their own money. People of that class are of the same illiberal spirit and stamp almost in every country, even Great Britain not excepted; but Mr Johnston and his respected countrymen would have just cause to complain, if the German would take from such a narrow-minded class of the nation, the standard for the national character. This is not the way to judge of the people, nor is it the means of promoting the closer connection of respective nations, so desirable and necessary for the promulgation of the sciences. The office of president, and more so that of secretary at the meeting of naturalists, are so laborious and difficult, that it is much to be feared the association will find it no easy task in future to obtain proper men ready to occupy these intricate of- fices, but particularly the latter, should,—as has been the case in Hamburgh,—many of the congregated members exact to see their often but too contradictory and unreasonable pretensions at- tended to; it cannot, therefore, be read without some indigna- tion “ that a very unfortunate and unsatisfactory choice had been made in the person of Dr Fricke ;” after which observa- tion it is ridiculous to see the sweetening of the dose added, that “ it is not my intention to say any thing harsh of Dr Fricke ?—” but this is, in point of consistency, on a par with many other parts of Mr Johnston’s account. Dr Fricke had been known to most of the members, having attended the pre- ceding meeting at Heidelberg, and, from having been an active member himself on that occasion, made himself acquainted with the routine of the business and the arrangement of the proceedings; added to which he enjoyed the confidence of his fellow-inhabitants and the senate of Hamburgh, which, as well as his indefatigable activity, made him a most fit person for missions to the same have been appropriated to the poor of Altona and ) Hamburgh. ~ . 276 Dr-Muncke’s Remarks onan Account of the this arduous and, as it proved, ungrateful office. Had Dr Lehman (in every respect a most, respectable, unassuming, and modest man certainly,) been considered a more fit secretary than Dr Fricke, the latter would not have been chosen ; and here I must be permitted to place the vote of a whole meeting against an individual opinion in support of my argument. _ Mr Johnston introduces in his account a great deal of irre- levant matter of too minor importance to fill many pages, and his readers would be very badly informed, indeed, were they to learn from it the manners and customs of the Swedes, the Danes, the French, and the Germans. . Nothing is easier than ridiculing certain peculiarities of a nation or nations ; butis there — one without it? The philosopher, however, the liberal mind- ed, and the man of good breeding, will respect in others what he claims for his own. This is a principle grounded not merely upon a proper moral feeling but on sacred precept. | Page 233.—Mr J ohnston says, ‘‘ he has heard some stories when sitting téte-a-téte with a German naturalist ;” and in his innocent candour adding, ‘‘ that it is chiefly the young men who are indiscreet enough to tell them,” he commits the very same indiscretion of a young German naturalist, not téte-a-téte with a confidential reader, but before the great public—not over a “glass of punch in the pavillion of the Alster, but in. Dr Brews- ter’s excellent Journal of Science! But let the same public, and by the same respectable channel, be informed that the stories Mr Johnston did introduce were on the continent not even considered sufficiently well founded to be received in the ° ordinary cursory pamphlets and breakfast journals, as food for idle readers. . I allude to the story of the king of Denmark and Professor Pfaff of Kiel, and.the dialogue of a Professor and the Director of the Police at Vienna.—(Page 235.) I know very well what gave rise to both these stories, the first being from the year 1820, and consequently quite out of date ;—the second happened in the year 1828; but having at that period been myself in Vienna, and having had the best op- portunity of obtaining good information, I can positively as- sert that the story, as reported by Mr Johnston, is quite dis- figured ; besides, every person of sufficient experience must be aware that reports of what has passed in the closet between monarchs and ambassadors ought to be received with caution. a 3 ; . . Meeting of Naturalists at Hamburgh. 277 > What regards “ the fear of arbitrary power,” I may be per- “mitted to observe, that the republic of letters does not know of any such fear ; and I do not hesitate to say, that learned men are generally and highly esteemed, as they show themselves zealous in the performance of their duty—the cultivation of the extensive field of science. If they deviate from that path, wandering into politics, opposing established order, and become factious partizans, then it is no more science which has to com- plain or to fear arbitrary power. ‘That the meetings were not before frequented by scientific men from the Austrian domi- nions, with the exception of Count Sternberg, was merely to be attributed to the great distance from the former places of meet- ing, and the prejudice prevailing at their origin, that the ad- vantageous results were not adequate to the loss of time and ex- pence. It was not till the king of Saxony had received the as- sembly of naturalists in his capital, whose curiosities were most liberally and readily laid open to them, and afterwards at Ber- lin, when Alexander de Humboldt did not refuse the office of president, that the meetings were visited by the most distin- guished learned men, and from that period their established scientific character may be dated. ‘The association then at- tracted the attention of the members of the imperial family of Austria, who are not only distinguished as patrons of the arts _and sciences, but many of them also by profundity of learning, and H. I. Majesty’s permission, or rather the invitation to fix the next meeting at Vienna, might be acknowledged as a sin- cere estimation of science. Should Mr Johnston, or those who know that beautiful metropolis only from stories of young men, happen to join the next meeting, they will then find that it ex- ceeds in treasures for natural history many other towns, and is not behind any in point of liberality and hospitality towards strangers. _ It is much to be regretted that Mr Johnston, who is not void of acuteness of observation, had not been more cautious in collecting his information, which ought to be the first duty of a faithful reporter, as it is also his best policy, inas much as he exposes the credit of the correct part of his account by the hear- say and deformed information, picked up without discernment, and introduced without discretion. I cannot close these remarks without uttering my earnest wish, that the meetings of: the Naturalists and Physicians’ of > 278 Mr Johnston’s Reply to Professor Muncke. Germany may continue to attract the attention, and to enjoy the benefit of knowledge, of the learned men of other nations, and that science may cement the union which commercial in- tercourse had originated, and paved the way for amongst na- tions. May the language of the Germans also become more and more familiar to foreigners, to enable them to obtain cor- rect and unprejudiced information themselves, a as well in a so- | cial as in a scientific point of view. HEIDevBere, June 1831. Art. XV.—Observations on Professor Muncxr’s Remarks on Mr Jounston’s Account of the Meeting at Hamburgh. In a Letter to the Evitror from Mr Jonnston. My Dear Sir, IT nave to thank you for your kindness in allowing me to per- use Professor Muncke’s remarks on my Account of the Meeting of the.German Naturalists at Hamburgh, before they were sent to press. Permit me to add a very few notes by way of reply. Professor Muncke is a person of some note, an amiable man, I believe, and one that I was prepared to esteem. I had not : the pleasure of forming his acquaintance at Hamburgh, for a : mere introduction, followed by the occasional interchange of ‘a sentence during the several days of meeting, cannot be called such ; but I shall not soon forget his animated manner when in his travelling dress he entered the Stadthaus on the morning of the first day of meeting, and found himself among so many assembled Naturforscher. I at once set him down as an en- thusiastic man, and in such men I have generally found some: thing worthy of esteem and admiration. It is therefore gratifying to me to learn from Professor Muncke that my account, ‘* on the whole, is a true and correct one,” even when he takes up his pen deliberately to point out — my errors. I have gone wrong, he says, from one or all of three causes, from prejudice, from misconception, or from want of good information. From wilful error or misrepresentation he acquits me therefore, and so far he does me only justice. Whoever has honoured me by the perusal of my account of the meeting at Hamburgh, will bear me out in saying, that it \ | any 4 Mr Johnston’s Reply to Professor Muncke. 279 is not written in a critical or censorious spirit. I went to that meeting with the hope of being gratified,—I was gratified,—and I have expressed my gratification. And yet, Sir, were I to sit down to find fault and to pick out. blemishes in my own paper, I could produce a much more formidable list than Dr Muncke has done ; for where so many topics are touched upon, while all is true and correct, on the whole, it is hardly possible to avoid some slight mistakes. Let us see how many of these Dr Muncke has detected. __ First, then, I have translated Naturforscher erroneously. It is a ‘* false descriptive denomination,” it seems, to call German philosophers Cultivators of Science. Cultivators, says the Doctor, and they know English well at Heidelberg, are mere stationary plodders,—and your Germans are no plodders! Dr Muncke is a Professor of Physics, and it does not become me _ to argue with him on the doctrines of mechanics ; but it would be interesting to learn, in what part of his Compendium der Naturlehre he treats of stationary plodding. It must be inti- _ mately connected, I should think, with that interesting species of progression known by the name of the Stand-still motion.* After this serious exordium, Sir, it was a great relief to find in the second paragraph, that the Doctor did not ‘* really mean to be harsh with me,” and I am quite as grateful as need be for his forbearance. Oue of the main objects of his communica- tion is to defend the Hamburghers from my assertion that they are a luxurious people. But how will his wrath be excited and his forbearance regretted by him, when I add further, that of all the cities I have visited, Hamburgh is the one in whichthe tone of morality is the lowest,—in which the means of licentiousness are the most abundant, most accessible, and most luxuriously and publicly provided,—and in which the practice of immora- lity is least regarded. And does the learned Professor really think he can persuade his readers, that the Hamburghers either know or care any thing about science. It cannot be that in a city which nightly confines within its walls 120,000 souls, there should not be some scattered gleams of genius at times bursting * “ How many kinds of motion are there,” said a Glaswegian professor of physics to one of his very bright pupils. ‘‘ Three, Sir,” was the reply. “ Three ! name them.”—‘* The Retrograde, the Progressive, and the Stand-still motion.” 280 Mr Johnston’s Reply to Professor Muncke. forth, or that science even there should not have its rare yet faith- ful votary,—and T have not been backward in giving her credit for now possessing such men,—yet, even with these exceptions, the people are not the less a mercantile people,—heedless of sci- ence,—and in whom, however ludicrous total ignorance of scien- tific matters may occasionally have appeared, yet ignorance is in a great measure excusable. The Doctor is a matter of fact man, and cannot tolerate ue many irrelevant and absurd observations I have introduced ; especially about the Hamburghers and their fear of being burden- ed by the arrival of so many strangers; and to set me right, he gives the result of his correct, which is in sum and substance just the same as my imcorrect statement. I have introduced a few sentences of colloquy which the learned Professor did not hear, and therefore, forsooth, they are incorrect. One must not, it seems, enliven a dry account of a meeting of naturalists with a few on dits, but out steps one of your German professors, —ex- claims against their absurdity, and wonders you should give credit to them. Poor calumniated Hamburghers! I shall never be able to face you more. Now, regarding our opportunities for information, let me com- pare notes with the Doctor. By his own confession he never was in Hamburgh before, and he has no connections through whom he could have obtained information regarding the city or what was going on. He talks, indeed, of a valet de place hav- ing been very useful in telling him about Bauer’s garden and various other matters; but that is what the stranger who visits Hamburgh for the first time cannot do without. He arrived, I believe, on the first day of the meeting, and he spent about eight days in all, during which time he was occupied, as all were, with the proper business of the assemblage. I had visited Hamburgh: previously ; I spent nearly a month in it at the time of the meeting, and I have visited it since. My opportunities of ac- quiring information, therefore, both concerning the place itself, and what passed about the time of the meeting, I am entitled to say were superior to those of the Professor.—Alas ! he will ex- claim, that you should have made so little use of them ! But the Doctor cannot read without indignation “‘ thata very unfortunate and unsatisfactory choice ‘was made in the person ; j K : Mr Johnston’s Reply to Professor Muncke. 281 of Dr Fricke,” who had been named secretary to the meeting. I mixed much among all classes of the Naturforscher while -at - Hamburgh, and made more new acquaintances perhaps than any other stranger at the mecting; and my persuasion is, that the choice gave general dissatisfaction, and was therefore unfortunate. He must have been particularly kind to Professor Muncke to have gained so far upon his good graces. And if the selection was so generally acceptable, what may Dr Muncke mean when he says, (p. 275,) “* the association will find it no easy task in future to obtain proper men ready to occupy the intricate of- fice of secretary, should,—as has been the case in Hamburgh, —many of the congregated members exact to see their often but too contradictory and unreasonable pretensions attended to.” Of course it cannot mean any thing inconsistent with what he _ has elsewhere said. I am particularly grateful for the correction in the spelling of the word Bérsen. On referring to my note book, I find it is not an error of the press but a defect of knowledge in myself. - It shows how diffusive is the Doctor’s philanthropy when he has been at the trouble to write all the i from Heidelberg to inform me of my error. There is little else to which I need advert. Dr Muncke is offended at the two anecdotes I have inserted in illustration of the arbitrary spirit of the German governments. He says they were not considered sufficiently well founded to be introduced into the breakfast journals of Germany. And yet he tells us that the two circumstances actually took place, the one in 1820, the other in 1828, when he was himself in Vienna! Does he really wish us to believe that every thing well founded finds its way either into the breakfast or dinner journals in Germany. The very exclusion of such anecdotes, which spread from north to south nevertheless, is just a proof of what I stated, that the governments are suspicious and. arbi- trary. Did Professor Muncke of Heidelberg, in the course of his travels, ever hear of such a thing as a censorship of the press ? We have not now to learn, however plausibly he may talk the matter over to us, that in his fatherland the republic of let. _ ters is a mere name. And then as to the foundation of these two anecdotes, the one I had, among other persons, from a di- a 282 Round Sterns. plomatist, and from a Privy Councillor of his Danish Majesty ; 5 for the other, Dr Muncke is sufficient authority. They may not, they cannot, be given as they occurred; but the spirit I’ think is preserved, and that alone is important. le The Doctor waxes witty in page 276 at the expence of my discretion in telling these on dits. 'This is all fair and allow- able in men so much older and more experienced than our- selves. But I would humbly suggest to him as a metaphysi- cian, if it is not the knowledge of evil consequences to follow which constitutes the indiscretion in such cases,—and that, as we fear none in this free country, there can be no indiscretion even in publishing what men dare hardly whisper in Germany: In conclusion, Sir, I have to regret that Professor Muncke, who, I am willing to believe, writes more conclusively on Natu- ral Philosophy, should have said so much and so sweepingly of my incorrectness, and yet should have adduced so few, and these so trifling, proofs of his assertion. Had he made any grave charge, I should have met it in a corresponding style. Such as he has made, he will excuse me for treating lightly. I hope his next communication will be such as to do honour to your Journal, to himself, and to the university he adorns.—I am, Dear Sir, your’s very sincerely. James F. W. Jonnston. © Portose Lio, 23d August 1831. Art. XVI.—Round Sterns. By a CoxresPonvenr. Iw some former numbers of this Journal, in the Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, and also in the Edinburgh Encyclopedia, the important question of round sterns has with much generality been discussed ; and it is therefore with no ordinary pleasure that we find a splendid prize has been offered by the French Minister of Marine, for determining among all the forms that can be presented that particular one, which shall unite in the highest degree all the requisite conditions that the seaman, the ber architect, and the geometrician may require. Our readers are aware that a vigorous contest was for a long time kept up respecting the principle of the round sterns; but Round Sterns. 283 ~ : time, which softens differences, and with a gentle hand moulds a even prejudice itself into the form of truth, has in this case ob- tained another victory ; and a figure which our gallant seamen had connected with the glorious recollections of Trafalgar and the Nile, is now,—with wisdom which cannot be too highly prais- ed,—nearly if not altogether abandoned. The square stern, with all its massy and cumbrous forms, has indeed given way to an- other, more in unison with the great march of improvement now going on. But while the principle of what is commonly called the round stern has with few exceptions been admitted in all its ful- ness, its best possible form has not been determined; and it would seem as if fancy, rather than the sound discretion which geometry imparts, had presided over the designs hitherto submit- ted to the world. Among the infinite variety of forms which may be ane “‘ round,” there must be one which shall unite in a higher degree than any other, all the best conditions of strength, convenience and defence ;—which shall secure to the brave sailor the great- est degree of comfort, add a new arm to his power in the day of battle, and secure to that portion of the frame-work of the ves- sel, the same admirable strength as distinguishes its other parts. It is this choice of forms, which the French minister of ma- rine now invites the naval architect, the sailor, and the man of science to contemplate ; and we hail the call as a revival of the days when the great men of the Academy of Sciences, clad in the armour of the transcendental geometry, descended from the lofty elevation of the system of the world, to contend for the condi- tions of the metacentre, the great principles of stowage, the pro- blems of masting, of pitching and of rolling, and all the other complicated but interesting inquiries, which the general question of ship-building involves. Our Journal, read alike by geometricians, the naval architects and the sailor, can hardly be better employed than in recording the conditions which the French minister has proposed for this great problem. ‘* To furnish the best plans for the circular sterns for line of battle ships and frigates; with all the exterior and_ interior fittings, the manner of disposing the timbering so as to combine the necessary conditions for defence, with strength, lightness, a 8 > LB 4 Round: Sterns. dispersion of the weight in proper proportion to the displace-» ment of each part, the efficiency of the rudder, the convenience of the water-closets, and the. eae suitableness of the accom. . modations. ‘*‘ This manner of fitting the stern must possess facilities for » enabling the commandant to be aware of whatever manucevres may be in progress, without being obliged to appear on deck. “The style of ornament which it would be proper to adopt, . as well for the forward as for the after part of these new con- structions, is also to be described. The competitors are to remem- ber that nothing of importance is to be at all sacrificed to these decorations. ‘‘ The side of the ship at the stern must have the same thick- ness as at the corresponding places in other parts of the ship. The ports must be so disposed, that it may be easy, on each: deck, to bring guns to bear right aft and on the angles of the quarters, to command those points which the other guns cannot: be brought to bear upon. | ‘‘ The rudder may be fitted either without board, or within. with a circular head, but reasons must be given for whatever plan may be proposed. Reasons also are to be stated for the station which may be proposed for the water-closets, whether: they are fitted interiorly, or in an exterior gallery. ‘¢ The officers of the different branches of the naval service: — are called upon to send their proposals to the minister before the: [st of July 1832. Other persons wishing to become ri ks tors, are eligible to do so. * ‘¢ The memoir in which each competitor explains his propo-) sals, must be accompanied with all the calculations and drawings: which may be necessary to render his plan perfectly complete. and intelligible in all its details. ‘“¢ Each proposal must have a motto affixed to it, of which ‘a copy is to be enclosed in a sealed letter, containing also the name and place of residence of the proposer. ‘* A medal of the value of 2000 francs will be given to the. author of the best memoir presented to the minister of marine before the stated period.” | * The field is therefore open to our countrymen.—Ep, DrHibbert’s Observations on Vitrified Forts: 285. Arr. XVII.—Observations on the Theories which have been proposed to: explain the Vitrified Forts of Scotland. By S. Hiszert, M.D. F.R.S. Ed. &e. &e. (From the Ar- cheologia Scotica, vol. iv. ) ‘Tue members of this Society are no doubt familiar with what is meant by a Vitrified Fort. By this term is implied an area of ground, often of a round or elliptical form, and evidently selected for some natural defence possessed by it, which is far- ther protected by one or more inclosing ramparts, formed by stones ; these stones showing, to a greater or less extent, marks of vitrification, by which they are cemented together. _ None of these vitrified forts exhibit, as from many writers we should be erroneously led to suppose, any regular masonry in their structure. Unhewn fragments of stones, and water-. worn boulders, sometimes mingled with smaller gravel, appear in a quantity almost exceeding belief, following the contour of the summit of a mountain, or, as in the instance of a fort which is situated in the Kyles of Bute, following the contour of a small holm or islet, elevated a few yards only above the level of the sea; and in cases where, owing to the more exposed nature of the ground, a stronger defence is demanded, a dou- ble or even treble rampart of the same rude materials is added. The vitrification which characterizes these forts is, in some few of them, displayed to an extent that is perfectly astonishing ; while in other instances it is with difficulty to be detected. In. short, no two forts in their degree of vitrification are in any respect conformable to each other ; and it 1s of importance to add, that throughout Scotland numerous forts appear, only differing from \ aaa which form the present object of inquiry in the absence of all marks of vitrification whatever. These forts first met with scientific attention about half a century ago, when various theories were proposed to account. for the origin of their vitrification. _ At these I shall glance in succession. Ist, The notion that the vitrification observable in these forts was the result of volcanic agency. During the last century it was a very prevalent notion, that . 286 Dr Hibbert’s Observations on Vitrified Forts. the vitrification of these forts had a volcanic origin ; and hence that volcanoes at some remote period had been very common in Scotland. This opinion was embraced by Mr Pennant, the eminent naturalist, who-was Jed to it from an examination of the Hill of Craig Pheedrick. A similar view was taken up by Thomas West, Esq. the author of a paper published in the. Transactions of the Royal Society of London for the year 1777; and, four years afterwards, by the Hon. Daines Barrington. The circumstances which led to this opinion have not been ill explained by Dr James Anderson of Monkshill, Aberdeen- shire, in-a letter dated the 27th November 1777, and read to the Antiquarian Society of London “ It must be owned,” says this author, ‘ that the natural appearance of the places where these vitrified masses are usually found, is well caleula- ted to favour the opinion that they have been produced by volcanoes. The vitrifiable matter is usually first discovered by travellers around the bottom and on the sides of steep hills, frequently of a conical shape, terminating in a narrow apex, exactly resembling the hills that have been formed by the erup- ~ tions of volcanoes. It is therefore very natural to think that these may have been produced the same way. Let us, for in- stance, suppose that a traveller strongly impressed with this idea, should resolve to examine the top of the mountain more nearly, and for this purpose ascend to the summit :-——-would not his former conjecture be much confirmed when, at the top, he should find himself in a circular hullow, surrounded on all sides by matter rising gradually higher to the very edge of the precipice, which is there entirely environed with vitrified mat- ter of the same kind with that which he had found at the bot- tom ? Could such a man be called unreasonably credulous if he should be induced by so many concurring circumstances to’ believe that this had been a real voleano? But would he not be reckoned sceptical in the extreme if he should entertain the smallest doubt of the truth of this opinion, upon seeing the very opening itself in the centre of the hollow, through which the boiling lava had been ejected ?” : Such is the liberal excuse assigned by Dr Anderson for the volcanic hypothesis, which is the more generous, as he came’ prepared to advocate a very different theory. Indeed, from A : ee ns ay ee Dr Hibbert’s Observations on Vitrified Forts. 287 my own experience, I do not hesitate to say, that some few of these forts are not ill calculated to favour the deception. In a hasty survey which I took of the hill of Finhaven (the first vitrified fort I examined) I saw, like Mr Pennant, an apparent crater-formed cavity, filled with fused materials, occurring in such an abundance as to render unsatisfactory any explanation. which has been hitherto given of the artificial mode in which vitrification to this immense extent must have been produced. But my illusion was short-lived ;—in the examination of a se- cond example it was instantly dispelled. Qdly, The theory, that vitrification was artificially isidecd as a cement for the consolidation of ramparts of loose stones. In the year 1777, the validity of the volcanic theory was first opposed in a pamphlet published by Mr John Williams, mineral surveyor and engineer for the forfeited estates of Scot- land. This author, in advocating the artificial origin of vitrified forts, first assured himself, on the authority of a late eminent chemist, that many varieties of the rocks of Scotland were with little difficulty fusible. Dr Black’s letter to him on this sub- ject may perhaps be worth quoting: ‘* There are in most parts of Scotland different kinds of stones which can, without much difficulty, be melted or softened by fire, to such a degree as to make them cohere together. Such is the greystone, called whinstone; which for some time past has been carried to Lon- don to pave the streets. Such also is the granite or moorstone, which is applied to the same use, and pieces of which are plainly visible in some specimens of those vitrified walls which I receiv- ed from my friends. There are also many limestones, which, in consequence of their containing certain proportions of sand and clay, are very fusible ; and there is nodoubt that sandstone and puddingstone, when they happen to contain certain properties of iron mixed with the sand and gravel of which they are‘com- posed, must have the same quality. A puddingstone composed of pieces of granite must necessarily: have it. -There is abuni- dance of one or other of these kinds of stone in many parts of Scotland ; and, as the whole country was anciently a forest, and the greater part of it overgrown with wood, it is easy to NEW SERIES, VOL. V. NO, Il. OCTOBER 1831. T 288 Dr Hibbert’s Observations on Vitrified Forts. understand how those who erected these works got the mate- rials necessary for their purpose.” After Mr Williams had thus got over the difficulty of arti- ficial fusion, he promulgated his view, which, as he states with much naiveté in his preface addressed to Lord Kames, appear- ed so incredible that no booksellers of London would hazard the publication of it. He supposed that the ancient inhabi- tants of Scotland derived their earliest notion of vitrification, “ first, from melting bog ore, in the process of which they learned how it would, if increased, vitrify stones and earth ; secondly, from observations made while roasting oxen. It is evident,” adds this choice antiquary, “ from the records of the earliest antiquity, that it was the practice of almost all nations to offer burnt sacrifices. And it was customary, on solemn occasions, to burn a hegetized animal whole, which would re- quire a very strong fire.”"—“ After they [the ancient inhabi- tants of Scotland] became acquainted with this power of heat, I suppose some genius among them to have employed it for forming vitrified walls. The manner, however, in which he employed it is still problematical. I have tried the subject se- veral ways in my own mind, but find difficulty in all the me- thods I have yet imagined. I shall, however, mention that which satisfies myself the best, and which appears most practicable. I imagine they raised two mounds of earth parallel, and in the direction of their intended wall; and that they filled the ground formed by these parallel mounds with fuel, above which they laid the materials to be vitrified. There is no doubt but a strong fire would fuse these stones, especially if they were of the plum-pudding kind, and not too large; and the frame of earth would prevent them, when in fusion, from exceeding any assigned breadth. I suppose they added layers of fresh fuel and materials alternately, and raised the mounds of earth till the whole was brought to the intended height. I am confident, from the appearance of the ruins, that the materials of them were run down by the fire in some such method as this. For in all the sections which I have seen, whether of the larger or of the smaller fragments of these ruins, I never observed the least appearance of a stone being laid in any particular way. Dr Hibbert’s Observations on Vitrified Forts. 289 Nor could I in any of them discover a stone, large or small, not affected by the fire, and in some measure vitrified.” “In connection with this theory, Mr Williams defines the walls of a vitrified fort, when complete, after the following manner :—‘ The walls are vitrified or run and compacted to- gether by the force of fire, and that so: thoroughly, that most of the stones are melted down, and any part of them not quite run to glass is entirely enveloped in the vitreous matter ; some- times also they appear like vast masses of coarse glass or slag.” But we shall now examine, with some degree of attention, the validity of this theory, particularly as it has recently met with a defence from a writer of no small eminence, who pos- sesses a store of antiquarian and mineralogical knowledge, which eminently qualifies him to enter the lists in the determination of this question. I allude to a memoir published in the T’ran- sactions of the Geological Society of London, by Dr Maccul- loch, and to his views on the subject which are contained ‘in his description of the Highlands and Western Isles of Seot- land. The drift of the theory in question is,—that with the “ae. sign of strengthening the walls of a fort, the stones have been cemented by a regular process of vitrification. In support of this view Mr Williams has stated, that in none ‘of the vitrified forts which he examined could he discover a stone, large or small, unaffected by the fire, or which was not in some measure vitrified. This assertion, if correct, would certainly go a great way to urge conviction, that the vitrifica- tion of these forts was not an accidental or adventitious, but a _ designed process. Never was there, however, a more unfound- ‘ed statement. At Dun Evan, where there is an extensive for- tified site, the vitrification so far from’ having acted upon every stone, is only to be detected in a space the dimensions of which do not exceed two or three yards. I can also avow, without dread of contradiction, that in numerous other sites the vitri- fication is only to be found in small patches, or that extensive portions of the ramparts which have composed their defence do not show in the slightest degree the effects of fire.’ Nay, even in the forts which display the greatest extent of vitrifica- tion, considerable intervals may be readily traced where no = + 290 Dr Hibbert’s Observations on Vitrified Forts. fusion of the stony materials has ever taken place. These cir- cumstances, then, are fatal to the notion that vitrification was the effect of design ; they rather show that it was merely in- cidental to some other view, which the authors of it must have contemplated. This theory is again as ill supported in its details. Mr Wil- liams has supposed that the builders of these forts raised two mounds parallel to, or in the direction of their intended wall, and that they filled the ground formed by these parallel mounds with fuel, above which they laid the materials intended to be vitrified. Now this supposition is faulty, inasmuch as it proceeds upon an incorrect view which has been taken of the actual con- struction of these forts. A wall formed in such a manner would present to view a pile of stony materials, with sides which would be vertical, or at Jeast nearly so; and it would inclose the summit of a hill after the manner of a modern park wall. But this is not the character of a vitrified fort. The structure of the least dilapidated example is much more rude, being rather after the model of a filled up or extinct volcanic crater. Upon the summit of an insulated hill, an incredible accumulation of loose stones has been made to rise to the greatest height around its circumference, and to gradually thin off towards the centre of the enclosed site. An ori- ginal form of this kind could not then have been derived © from any parallel mounds. This is evident from the an-_ 4 nexed imaginary section. _ These are the chief reasons which induce me to regard the theory of Williams as perfectly utenable. : 4 3dly, The theory of Dr Anderson, that vitrification was sibs moted by the employment of a peculiar vitrescible ore. The theory of Williams, during the same year in which a was divulged, met with some qualified support from Dr An~ derson, in the dissertation by him to which I have already al- luded. He observed of the walls of Knockfarril, that ‘they con- sisted of stones piled rudely upon one another, and firmly ce. mented together by a matter that had been vitrified by means of fire, which formed a kind m artificial rock that resisted. Dr Hibbert’s Observations on Vitrified Forts. 291 ~ _ the vicissitudes of the weather better perhaps than any other - artificial cement that had ever yet been discovered.” Thus, in coinciding with Williams, that vitrification was in- _ -tended as a cement to strengthen the walls of forts, he only _- differed from him in the more correct view which he took of 4 the real structure of these defences, or in the theoretical use _ which he made of an extraneous vitrescible matter. He pro- _ perly remarked of the vitrified fort of Knockfarril, that its __ wall was continued quite round the area, being adapted to the form of the hill, so as to stand on the brink of a precipice, all : round, with the exception of the places of entrance. Such f being its construction, he next supposed that vitrification was _ effected by the aboriginal Britons after the following manner: ** Through all the northern parts of Scotland, a particular kind of earthy iron ore of a very vitrescible nature. much abounds. This ore might have been accidentally mixed with some stones at a place where a great fire was kindled, and being fused by the heat, would cement the stones into one solid _ mass, and give the first hint of the uses to which it might be 4 applied. A few experiments would satisfy them of the possi- __ bility of executing at large what had been accidentally discover- _ ed in miniature. This knowledge being thus attained, no- _ thing seems to be more simple and natural than its application _ to the formation of the walls of their fortified places. Having made choice of a proper place for their fort, they would raise a wall all around the area, building the outside of it as firm as they could of dry stones piled one above another, the inter- stices between them being filled full of this vitrescible iron ore ; . and the whole supported by a banking of loose stones ‘piled carelessly behind it. When the wall was thus far completed, with its facing all round reared to the height they wished for, nothing more was necessary to give it the entire finishing, but to kindle a fire all round it sufficiently intense to melt the vi- trescible ore, and thus to cement the whole into one coherent mass, as far as the influence of that heat extended. As the country then abounded with wood, this purpose. would be readily effected by building a stack of wood round the whole outside of the wall, and then setting it on fire. It was pro-~ bably with a view to enable them to build this stack of wood . ; 292 Dr Hibbert’s Observations on Vitrofied Forts. with the greater ease, and to suffer the fire to act more forci- bly and equally upon the different parts of the wall as it gra- dually consumed, that they were induced to incline the walls so far from a perpendicular position. In an after period, when the woods had gradually been destroyed, and before it was well known how to manufacture peat for fuel, it would be such a difficult matter to procure fuel in abundance, that build- ings of this kind would come to be disused, and the art in a short period, among a people ignorant of siti be entirely forgotten.” : vet Such is the explanation of the process of vitrifying, as given by Dr Anderson, with the discovery of which he is so delighted that he patriotically adds, “* I am disposed to believe that this has been entirely a British invention, and think it probable that the art was never carried out of this country.” He then laboured to prove that so admirable an art was unknown to the Danes, who endeavoured to vitrify some walls round the peninsulated rock of Broughhead ; but having blundered by getting ae of some wrong vitrescible ore, the experiment failed. | On this view of Dr Anderson nothing more may be remarked, than that it is in contradiction with the real facts concerned in’ this vitrification.. All later observers have agreed, that the fusible matter does not consist of any peculiar vitrescible iron ore found in Scotland, but that it is derived for the most part from the alcaline ingredients of well-known rocks of granite, gneiss, mica-slate, clay-slate, hornblende schist, sandstone, &c. &c.; these rocks: being more or less fusible in Dre mt to the felspar which they contain. 4thly, The theory of Lord Woodhouselee, that ‘Sie has not. been employed in the construction, but towards the eat | such forts as display the marks of vitrification. In a paper published in the year 1787, in the 7’ ransactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Lord Wocdhouselee suc- cessfully exposed the weakness of the theory first proposed by Williams, and supported to a certain extent iby Anderson ant other writers. | His Lordship proceeded upon the correct ground, that she vitrification of forts was a very partial occurrence ; that three fortified summits which he examined were crowned with stone 3 a ar, ee ‘ Dr Hibbert’s Observations on Vitrified Forts. 293 structures, showing no appearance whatever of the effects of fire ; and that the number of such forts as displayed marks of vitrification would be found inconsiderable, when compared with those which have not been at all affected by heat. The same able writer also questions, with much propriety, the capability of constructing an efficient fortress of vitrified materials. He doubts whether it would be at all possible, even at the present day, by the utmost combination of labour and skill, to surround a large space of ground with a double ram- part of stones compacted by fire, of such height and solidity as to serve any purpose of security or defence against a besieging enemy ; and concludes that any structure of this kind must have been irregular, low, fragile, easily scaled, and quite insecure. | [7208 The hypothesis of Williams having been thus shown to be perfectly unsatisfactory, Lord Woodhouselee next proposed a theory of his own. It was suggested by the observations which he made, that vitrified mounds do not appear to have been ever much higher than they are at present ; that even ia _. those sites where the wall was the least elevated, the fragments which have fallen down from it were very inconsiderable. His Lordship was therefore led to suppose, that the ramparts which now remain convey to us a full notion of the original construe- tion of these forts,-which was not of stones only, but which depended for their chief defence upon the wood which was employed in their fabric. He supposed that the building was begun by raising a double row of palisades, or strong stakes, in the form of the intended structure, in the same way as in that ancient mode of building, described by Palladio, under the name of Riempiuta or a Cassa, coffer-work ;—that these stakes were probably warped across by boughs of trees laid very closely together, so as to form two fences, running parallel to each other at the distance of some feet, and so close as to confine all the materials, of whatever size they might be, that | were thrown in between them ;—and that into this intermediate space were cast boughs and trunks of trees, earth, and stones of all-sizes, large or small, as fast as they could be quarried or collected ; very little care being necessary in the disposition of > 294 Dr Hibbert’s Observations on Vitrified Forts. these materials, as the outward fence would keep the mound in form. The learned writer having thus constructed a fortress of sie, own, or rather one that was borrowed from an Italian archi-— tect, proceeded to develope his newer theory of vitrification, which was, that in a structure composed of combustible and _ fusible materials, the effects of fire would be accidental ; that they would be induced, not during the construction, but dur- ing the demolition, of a fort. ‘‘The most formidable engine of sattack,” rewnitehd his Lordship, ‘ against ‘a structure of this kind, would be fire; and this, no doubt, would be always attempted, and often sues cessfully employed, by a besieging enemy ;—and if the~be- slegers prevailed in gaining an approach to the ramparts, and, surrounding the external wall, set fire to it in several places, the conflagration must speedily have become general, and the effect is easy to be conceived. If there happened to be any wind at the time to increase the intensity of the heat, the stony parts would not fail to come into fusion, and, as the wood burnt away, sinking by their own weight into a solid mass, there would remain a wreck of vitrified matter tracking the spot where the ancient rampart had stood, irregular, and of unequal height, from the fortuitous and unequal distribution of the stony materials of which it had been composed.” This theory, in its application to a country so well wooded in times of yore as Scotland, merits some notice, though it must be confessed that it is much easier to frame a notion of this kind, which is little more than the offspring of a fertile imagination, than to completely refute it. The chief objection — which I have to this hypothesis is, that in many forts which I have examined there is no indication whatever that their structure was at any time different to what they display at the present day ; and that the encompassing stone mounds appear to’ have afforded a sufficient defence to a savage people, without the addition of ramparts of wood. His Lordship must have anticipated the latter objection, by citing the exceptions to his theory, which he explains after the following manner :—* In those parts,” he observes, “‘ where stones would be easily quar- ried of such size and form as to rear a rampart by themselves Dr Hibbert’s Observations on Vitrified Forts. 295 of sufficient strength and solidity, there was no occasion to em- ploy wood or turf in its construction, and it was therefore proof against all assault of fire. Such are the ramparts which appear on the hill of Dun Jardel, Dun Evan, &e. But on Craig Pheedrick and other hills, where, from the nature of the rock, the stones would be-procured only in irregular and gene- rally small fragments, it was necessary to employ some such ‘mode of construction described.” _ . These are the chief reasons which have induced Lord Wood- houselee to form an opinion differing from that of Mr Williams, and of such as believed these structures to be the proofs of an ancient mode of building, in which fire was employed for the : purpose of a cement before our ancestors knew the use of lime. He is rather disposed to conclude that the appearances of vi- trification, which a few of these fortified sites evince, are the accidental effects of fire upon a structure composed of combus- tible and fusible materials, and by no means the consequence of an operation intended to produce that effect. My own opinion of his Lordship’s demolishing theory is scarcely a decided one. I cannot think it likely that in all cases structures of wood were called in aid to give additional security to mounds of stone. The probability, however, of rude wood-work being occasionally employed for this purpose. must be admitted ; and perhaps it may be illustrated in forts of very small dimensions. But that vitrification was induced by their being set on fire by a besieging enemy, is a distinct proposition, which in most instances will, I am persuaded, meet with no countenance whatever. 5thly, The opinion that the vitriyication of these forts was the result of beacon-fires. A fifth and last opinion, said to be the most plausible one that has yet been broached, is, that the vitrification of these forts was the result of beacon-fires. This theory has met with maliy supporters, particularly among the contributors to Sir John Sinclair’s Statistical Account of Scotland. But the most able advocate of this opinion is Sir George Mackenzie of Coul, Bart in an article on vitrified forts, written by him for Dr Brewster’s Encyclopedia, and in his published’ letter addres- sed to Sir Walter Scott, on the vitrified fort of Knockfarril. 296 Dr Hibbert’s Observations on Vitrified Forts. The chief arguments for this opinion are, that the marks of fire are indicative of an accidental rather than of an intentional — effect, and that vitrified forts are generally situated on lofty insulated bills, in such a chain or mutual connection as to allow of telegraphic communications to. be conveyed from one station to another at a considerable distance. ‘ But even this theory is not without its difficulties. In a dissertation lately printed in a volume of the T'ransactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, by James Smith, Esq. of Jor- dan Hill, a fort in the Kyles of Bute is described, which oc- cupies the site of an islet or holm not more than twelve or fifteen feet above high water mark. Arguing therefore from this circumstance, as well as from the regularity of its vitrifi- cation, the writer comes to the conclusion, that the effect of signal-fires will not account for the fort in question, because the situation, in a flat surrounded on every side by hills of considerable elevation, does not appear at all calculated for such a purpose ; and because, in the next place, the regularity of its form seems still more inconsistent with the effects of an accidental cause. Many who have supposed that the vitrification of these an- cient remains was the result of beacon-fires have offered con- jectures on their date. In a communication read to the Phi- losophical Society of Manchester, by Dr Milligan, the author is of opinion that they were in use among the earliest mhabi- tants of Caledonia; and he supposes that, as the invasion of Agricola was attended by a fleet on the coast of Scotland, the fires seen in the interior of the country, which Tacitus describes as the flames of dwellings kindled by the inhabitants, might have been signal-fires communicating from hill to hill, as, for instance, from Stonehaven to Bute, where a line of vitrified forts may be traced ; and that this telegraphic communication was the prelude of the battle of the Grampians. Various other writers, however, assign to these forts a much later date, par- ticularly the contributors to Sir John Sinclair’s Statistical Re- ports. 'They conceive that they were in chief requisition as beacons during the descents of the Northmen, which lasted several centuries. . This last opinion many, if not most, of the vitrified sites Dr Hibbert’s Observations on Vitrified Forts: 297 which have been examined, tend greatly to support. The coasts of Scotland began to be annoyed by the predatory vi- sits of the Vikingr about the end of the eighth century ; but it was not probably until the Scots had obtained a complete as- cendency over the Picts, by which both were united under one government, that systems of beacons were formed to provide against the sudden descents of the Scandinavians, who invaded them from the Danish or Norwegian shores, or from countries which they subsequently colonized, namely, from Shetland, Orkney, Caithness, Sutherland, the Hebrides, Ireland, or the Isle of Man, The Murray Frith, as we learn from ancient Sagas, was one of the most convenient landing-places for the Northmen ; and hence we must look to this locality for the greatest proportion of vitrified sites. The number of such as have been traced within sight of each other, in a direction east to west from Banff to Dingwall, and in a direction north to south from Cromarty to Fort Augustus, may be estimated at twenty; but it is probable that their actual amount will be eventually found to be much more. Two vitrified eminences appear near Huntly, connected apparently with the line of coast extending from Kimnaird’s Head to the mouth of the Dee. More south, a chain of vitrified sites, nine or ten in number, appears to have conveyed signals from the line of coast which stretches from Kincardine to the Tay, being pro- longed from Stonehaven or Dundee to the neighbourhoed of Dunkeld or Crieff. On the west coast, again, we find similar vitrified sites at Bute, Cantire, Isla, Loch Etive, Loch Sunart, Fort William, or at Arisaig. .The number which subsists on the west yet remains to be ascertained ; about twelve have been enumerated. Lastly, at Galloway, three occur, apparently as signals against the marauding colonists of Ireland. But it must be kept in -view, that it is highly improbable that the original intent of the whole of these vitrified sites was that of affording convenient localities for beacon-fires. ‘Chere is no necessity, whatever, ceteris paribus, that signal lights, merely giving notice of the approach of an enemy from the sea, should be situated on fortified stations. It is not impro- bable, therefore, that the rude ramparts themselves might, at a still more remote period, have been erected by the oldest in- | . 298 Dr Hibbert’s Observations on Vitrified Forts. habitants of Albyn, namely, by the Caledonians and Picts; and hence their occasional or very partial vitrification would merely indicate the later use to which the eminences upon which they were situated had been applied, when the Scots, who succeeded to far earlier inhabitants, were called a to repel new invaders from the sea. Again, it may be remarked, that after the Northmen had gradually acquired a permanent settlement in Scotland and elsewhere, they themselves became liable to sudden piratical descents from their own coutrymen; to guard against which, ancient Sagas inform us, they instituted, in every country | where their arms prevailed, still more perfect systems of beacon-fires, the wardenship of which was enforced by the most rigorous laws. Edicts on this subject appear in many early codes of the north of Europe, particularly in the Leges Gula- Thingenses of King Magnus of Norway, where, in the Land- varnar Bélkr, we find that the bonds were plighted during time of war to be prepared with watch-fires in places where the same had been lighted up from old time. ( Magnus Konongs Laga-Beters Gula-things-Laug. Havnie, edition, a. p. 1817, page 85.) Martin also states of the ancient beacons of the isle of Harris, which the Norwegians colonized, that ‘ there are several heaps of stones, commonly called karnes, on the tops of hills and rising grounds on the coast, upon which they used to burn heath as a signal of an approaching enemy. There was always a sentinel at each karne to observe the sea- coast; the steward of the isle made frequent rounds to take notice of the sentinels, and if he found any of them asleep, he stripped them of their clothes and deferred their personal pu- nishments to the proprietor of the place.” | Still more informa- tion on this subject, yet of a general kind, may be found in the “ Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus,” by Olaus Mag- nus, whose narrative, “ De Ignibus Montanis Tempore Hos- tili,” is accompanied with a rude drawing of mountain-fires.* The explanation which Olaus Magnus gives of this drawing is as follows: ** Ex hac imagine duo veniunt consideranda : quorum alterum in vertice montium, fumi scilicet congestis * A fac simile of the early wood-cut of Olaus Magnus is given in the fourth volume of the Archeologia Scotica. . "oso. eo a yee a Oe Te ae ey ae ace . 4 jo es Va ,*, AL Ps a 2 a OY ae ~— . Dr Hibbert’s Observations on Vitrified Forts. 299 lignorum struibus ad classicos insultus accedentium inimico- rum arcendos excitati: alterum vero in littoralibus angustiis, et scopulis, ne hostes insiliant, diligens equestrium custodia intuenda: qui montana inhabitant loca tempore hostili, veluti celerrimi speculatores, signa fumo faciunt: quibus visis, alii reliquos montes incolentes, itidem a longé positis ignita pyta- mide demonstrant, ut quilibet armatus juxta numerum princi- pis, et patrize lege decretum, ex campestribus locis pro litto- rum custodia sine mora descendat. Inter quos velites eques- tres celerrimi adsunt, ut hostibus portuum, vel riparum ac- cessum preeclusuri, sagittariis plebeize multitudinis locum sta- tuant, ubi commodius excipiant, ac conficiant hostem, omnino aggredi contendentem: ut scilicet in vallibus, aut cavernis expectent, vel ad iniqua et ignota hostibus loca, quasi fugitivi declinent, ne forté eos taliter insequentes educere valeant in agmina robustiora: que urgente necessitate, usque ad infini- tam multitudinem augeri solent. Nec desunt exploratores quoque versum emissi, qui renuntiant, qua ex parte adhuc immineant hostes, ut his celerius, et copiosius occurrentes, vel consilio, vel virtute, vel insidiis, vel necessitate, vel despera- tione, vel loci securitate nutantibus, ne dum victoriam adimant, sed et victos, ut imperata perficiant, militari lege constringant.” (De Gentibus Septentrionalibus, &c. edition, Rome, 1555, p- 228.) : Such is the account of these ancient mountain-fires which [ have collected from Olaus Magnus. By another writer, it has been related of the Norwegian Monarch, Haco the Good, that he caused large trees to be formed into piles, and to be so placed as to be visible from mountain to mountain, with the view that intelligence of a hostile invasion might in seven days travel from one end of his kingdom to the other: ‘ Ut in montibus excelsis ex ingentibus arboribus pyre ita struerentur (s. angari) ut ab una pyra ad alteram facilis et liber esset pro- spectus. Excitatus hoc pacto hostilis irruptiopis nuntius, a prima in extremo regni ad meridiem angulo extructa pyra, ad remotissimum boream versus publicorum comitiorum in Ha- logalandia locum septem dierum spatio volitasse fertur.” (Snorre Haconar Goda, cxxi. p. 146.) The quotation is to be . $00 Dr Hibbert’s Observations on Vitrified Forts. found in Mr Turner’s Anglo-Saxons, vol. ii. p. 258, 4th _ tion.) From this information of Snorro, we are entitled to expect that vitrified sites should be found on the mountain tops of Norwegian provinces. But I am not aware that Scandinavian antiquaries have yet pointed out their existence. Independently, hewever, of this historical testimony, most of the vitrified forts which I have examined show internal evi- dence of their having been in use for such incidental purposes as beacon-signals. Where the stones which have received the full force of the fires appear of inconsiderable depth, a com- plete fusion of the part has taken place ; but, in other exam- ples, the fused matter has run among’ the stones in small streams. In almost every case vitrification appears in patches, the cementing process not being a continuous, but a very he mited effect. | For the extent of fusion, we must look to the comparative degree of frequency with which a beacon-fort would become in requisition ; while the part of the fort which would be fused must depend upon the direction of the wind at the time a beacon was lighted. | It is also not improbable, that such a portion of a beacon- hill would be fired, as might convey the earliest information of the direction in which an enemy was approaching, or of any other events suggesting effectual plans of resistance. Thus, at the hill of Cowdenknows, on the borders of Berwickshire, although its summit has been fortified, it is on the flank of this eminence, where little or no defence appears, but which commands the view of a considerable tract of country to the north and north-east, that a small cairn of vitrified stones is to be detected. In many other places, also, vitrification is rather _ to be observed on the unprotected side than upon the defend- ed summit of a hill; which circumstance might lead us to sup- pose, that signals of alarm were often intended to be conceal- ed from an invading enemy, with the design that a readier chance of success might be afforded to stratagems of repulsion or surprise. That this view is not altogether theoretical, may be collected from the very ancient armorial bearing worn by Mac- . leod, Lord of Lewis, where, in a ruderepresentation given by Sir 9 ~~ <{_ -s Dr Hibbert’s Observations on Vitrified Forts. 301 David Lyndsay, Lyon King at Arms, in 1542, fires are made to blaze from many diversified points of a beacon-hill. But the au- thority of Wallace, who wrote in the year 1700, is more direct to the point. He hasstated, that even at this late period “ the people (of Orkney) had in every isle a wart-hill or ward-hill, _ which is the most conspicuous and elevated part of the isle, on which, in time of war, they keep ward ; and when they see the enemies ships approaching, they put a fire, thereby to give notice to the adjacent isles of the nearness of the enemy, and to advertise them to be on their guard, or to come to their help; this they distinguish by the mwmber of fires. Gthly, Are there any other very ancient observances or cus- toms, not hitherto cited by authors, which may have contri- buted to this vitrification } ? As it remains yet to be proved that marks of vitrification are uniformly limited to fortified sites, or even to beacon-hills, a natural question arises, “* Are there any other ancient ob- servances or customs which might have contributed to this vi- trification ?” | For such information we must consult the earliest and most obscure records of Scottish history. One of these which may be noticed, is the public festival said to have followed the la- bours of the chase, in the commemoration of which all the early Scottish traditions and songsagree. That this feast was accom- panied by a sacrifice of fuel derived from the ancient forests of Scotland, to an amount which at the present day is almost in- éredible, might be inferred from the testimony of Ossian, if we could only depend upon the correctness of the translation: — «* Night is around the hero and his thousands spread upon the heath ; a hundred oaks burn in the midst; the feast of shells is smoking wide.” But upon this cause of vitrification it would be imprudent to insist, as I should be disposed to at- tribute to it very few effects in comparison with that of bea- con-fires. I shall merely mention, that in a section which was made by Sir George Mackenzie of the very small vitrified fort of Dun Fian, near Inverness, the quantity of burnt bones of animals, and of charcoal, found on the site, would rather in- dicate the sequel of a feast than the effect of signal-fires. But 302 Dr Hibbert’s Observations on ¥ itrified Forts. perhaps a combination of events might have otoutned ta. pro-' duce this appearance. Nor is it quite impossible, that some few occasional instances. of vitrification in particular sites might have been rather indi- cative of the forest-trees that blazed during the immense: feasts which the Vikingr were accustomed to enjoy upon each occasion of a strand slaughter ; that is, when they assembled near some strand or shore to slaughter the cattle which they had captured, for the purpose of transporting the salted car- casses to their winter haunts. Another ancient observance connected with the lighting up’ of immense fires, was the festival in honour of Baal, which was renewed upon each return of the summer solstice. This was the greatest feast of the ancient inhabitants of Scotland, which even long outlived the introduction of Christianity ; no ceremony belonging to it being subsequently omitted, except the sacrificial effusion of human blood. Indeed, the custom of the Baaltein is perpetuated in some few districts to the pre- sent time ; and at the parish of Galstone in Ayrshire, a simi- lar pagan honour characterizes the feast of a Christian Saint, — the ancient custom being still retained of kindling fires on all the neighbouring heights upon the evening before a celebrated fair is held in honour of Saint Peter.—(Statistical Account of Scotland, vol. ii. p. 82.) ( In short, we have only to conceive of an annual hunter’s feast, a Baaltein, or indeed a periodical bonfire upon any pub-— lic occasion whatever, continued for many centuries in an ac- customed site, and during a state of country in which it was — deemed patriotic to reduce the luxuriance of extensive forests, and we have a cause perfectly adequate to explain many in- stances of vitrification, which, I expect, upon inquiry, will be found to be of far greater frequency throughout Scotland er | has hitherto been suspected. Tthly, The probability that many of the sites in which vie trified remains occur, were places of rendezvous for tribes * clans, upon all public occasions of peace or warfare. Should this supposition be admissible, it might possibly ex- plain the circumstance of some vitrified sites boasting little or, no defence. 4 * Dr Hibbert’s Observations on Vitrified Forts. 303 In fact, places of rendezvousfor tribes and clans upon any pub- lic occasion, alike incidental to a state of peace or warfare, must have been suggested by many circumstances, as, for instance, by the custom of holding justiciary courts upon them, or even by religious veneration ; the first of which motives recom- mended a cairn in the holm of Dalmorton as the rendezvous of some Ayrshire tenants, (Statistical Account of Scotland, vol. ii. p. 594,) while superstition taught the Buchanans to gather in the island of Clareinnis in Loch Lomond. Keeping this circumstance in view, we need not be surprised that vitri- fication, which was as likely to result.from festive or religious bonfires, as from beacon-signals, should appear in a holm or islet of the Kyles of Bute,- not elevated many feet above the level of the sea, or upon some inconsiderable eminence of the easiest access to an assailing enemy, which is the distinguish- ing site of Dun Fian. Most places of rendezvous, however, were jaiplotod by de- fensive motives. Thus, the ancient war-cry of the Campbell’s in allusion to their assembling place, was the famous. moun- tain in Argyleshire of Bencruachan ; while, among the bor- derers, that of the Logans was Lesterich Law. . And, in the use which we would make of these analogies, we-may cite the vitrified fort of Dunardile, near the fall of Fyres, where, ac- cording to the etymology given of the name by a statistical writer, Dun signifies a hill; Ard, high; and Dyil, Carnochs or followers of a tribe. (Statistical Account of Scotland, vol. xx. p. 38.) In short, the sites of many forts, vitrified or un- vitrified, instruct us, that, while they were intended as places of rendezvous for tribes, their ramparts afforded no less a de- fence for cattle than for human inhabitants; and upon many ~ of these Duns, or strengths, of inappreciable age, the fire of the Beltein, or the beacon of war, has been in turns the symbol for the gathering of ancient clans. At the same time it must be remembered, that in some in- stances a clan has had one site for its rendezvous, and another for its beacon-hill. ‘Thus, in comparatively modern times, the Seaforths mustered at the Castle of Donan, while the sig- nal fires were lighted on the summit of Tulloch-ard.* * Remains of similar observances may be traced in England even so NEW SERIES, VOL. V. NO. Il. OCTOBER 1831. U 304 Dr Hibbert’s Observations on Vitrified Forté, Sthly, The ancient densely wooded staté of. Scotland, ‘of which, the number of vitrified sites, and the occasional: pos extent of their vitrification, serve as indications:* <\ e+ The. forests of Scotland, from the -fifth'to the: Pits. centusy, far exceeded in abundance or: magnitude those of South Britain. Among the produce of them are. enumerated the oak, the pine, (pinus ‘silvestris or Scots fir,) the’ birch,:the hazel, the broad leaved or Wych elm, the roan tree, (or mouns tain ash,) the common ash, the yew, the alder, the! trembling poplar, (populus tremula,) the: bird. cherry, ai ares ee and the saugh or sallow.: «. Mr Fraser:Tytler has collected from: the Rota Scotia th following list of ancient forests: [ ols Ip galat The forests of Spey, the forests of Alnete, Tn ois Kilblene, angmorgan,: Elgin, Forres, Lochindorb, and In- verness. ull lo oie wee - In Aberdeenshire, the forests of essai @aodenache Drum. or Drome, Stocket,: Killanal, Sanquhar, Tulloch, Gasgow; Darrus,: Collyn, and the new forest of Janne gomalig uk - In Banff, the forest.of Boyne. . \. i athat In Perthshire, a forest which, in David I? Ss iaigas ocenpicd the lands between Scone and Cargill. 7 In Kincardine and Forfar, the. forests of Alyty Dry 7 and Plater. 1009 In Fife, the forests of Cardenie bind Uwwethy: 2050, saw In Stirlmg and Clackmannan, extensive forests.: is voile Te ‘In Ayrshire, the forest of Senecastre.. 9 2 1 (00 4 om In the Lowlands ‘the forests of Drumseleh near il ith of Jedburgh, of Selkirk, of Cottonshope, of Maldesley, of Ets trick; of ed eee of Dolar, of Tepes and bis, igi ok “< rly to late as the sth century. It is asked in ‘* the Sidoatiele Dialogusg? (edi- tion a. p. 1738, p. 187,) ‘ To what place are you that are the tenants of this manner usually called to do your services, to muster, and -to show your armour ; and what beacons are you appointed to watch and’ ward at ?” * Sonie few: additions have béen made to this section sinée this’ paper was read. at the Society, in consequence of the information of which I have lately availed, myself relative to the ancient forests of Caledonia, from a chapter in Mr Fraser Tytler’s excellent History of Scotland.. For.seme additions to my list of the earliest exon forest 7 I have to” Ee my friend Mr Neill. weinnnee * \ , - ‘ Dr Hibbert’s Observations on Vitrified Forts. 305 forést, likewise, in David the First’s reign, covered the one between the Leader and the Gala. - the list-of the ancient forests of Scotland, withif “a limits of which vitrified sites appear; and it is in vain to look for them where luxuriant woods have not subsisted. In the Orkneyinga Saga, for instance, we read of numerous beacons signals having been lighted up in Orkney and Shetland; but as these islands from remote historic times have been destitute of forésts, no fire has beem raised of sufficient intensity to leave any tnarks of: vitrification upon the mounds of stone'on which the inflammable materials rested. *: ‘The sameremark may ap- ply to some of the Western Islands. _Vitrification only appears where such mountain-fires have blazed as Olaus a ie described. | . This. very wooded state of Scotlaind, which 4 was its pectiine charanter during the period when its shores were the most ane noyed by the predatory excursions of the Northmen, will also, Ltrust, explain why: vitrified sites should be so common in this country, to the exclusion of England, where, owing to the more early: civilization of Saxon ‘colonists, forest lands were beginning to be thinned, and where, from motives of necessity as convenience, the habit had commenced of using for beacon-fires vessels riage with pitch, instead ce cae 9a — of wood.) . Keeping, then, hive ancient wonided state eof Sedélaal steadily in-view, it is by no means illogical to extend rather than to limit the causes which would induce our ancestors in a coun try overspread with trees, where arable land was also much wanted, to allow the spoils of dense woods and thickets to be % kindled upon every occasion of rejoicing, of religious sacrifice, or of alarm upon the approach of an invading enemy. All the ancient histories and traditions accordingly agree, that the most extravagant use was made of forest trees on every occa- _ *- This, my /ate remark, that there are no vitrified sites in Orkney, I have about a month ago corrected by the unexpected discovery of nunie~ Yous vitrified mounds at Elsness in the island of Sanday, of which a notice, contained ina letter to Dr Brewster, is given in the succeeding article. ‘This discovery is calculated to set at rest the most important questions re= Jative to the origi of these vitrified remains.—S. H. 4 306 Dr Hibbert’s Observations on Vitrified Forts. sion to which their burning could be applied. Until the thir- teenth or fourteenth centuries, Scotland was in the exact state of Wales, Which called for the particular law of Howel Dha. ** There are,” says this. legislator, ** three causes of progres- sion for salutation ; Jand brought into cultivation, festal games, and the burning of forests ; and no person must obstruct such salutation.” In fact, the effects indicative of immense. viles of blading forest trees, the vitrifyimg action of which would be heightened by favouring currents of wind, as by a blast furnace of sur- ‘passing intensity, are most truly marvellous, oft-times appear- ing to vie with the result of voleanic incandescence. . But the phenemenon will admit of explanation.. The stones which are vitrified generally consist of such materials as granite, gneiss, mica slate, clay slate, or the older sandstones and porphyries ; and these are rendered more or less fusible, in. proportion to the felspar which they contain in their composition ;—potash being an ingredient of felspar, occasionally to. the amount of 14 per cent. The stony fragments which have been subjected to this vitrifying process often exhibit effects which are of par- ticular value to the geologist, as they illustrate various circum- stances connected with the agency of heat, in reference to rocks of much theoretical interest, which all ordinary experiments of the laboratory would fail in achieving. ‘Thus, I might men- tion among the most interesting specimens which I collected from vitrified sites, those which show that heat has the power — of causing strata of sandstone to assume the precise character — of the more crystalline laminz of gneiss, or of BP AE iy: iui itself prismatic. * * The most beautiful and perfect specimens of prismatic gneiss I found some years ago among the vitrified ramparts of an islet (named the Burnt Tsland) in the Kyles of Bute. They were small, being about 4 inches in length, and about 4 an inch in diameter, being formed at nearly right angles to the laminar planes of the rock. Since reading this paper, I had the pleasure of observing, in ‘the cabinet of M. Von Leonhard, the celebrated Professor of Mineralogy in the Uni- versity of Heidelberg, several specimens from the vitrified sites of Scotland, which he had collected for the geological information that they conveyed to. him. of the effects of heat upon certain rocks. I also received a few weeks ago the Heidelberg new journal entitled the ** Jahrbuch fur Mi- neralogie, Geognosie,” &c. conducted by Messrs Von Leonhard aud Bronn, Dr Hibbert’s Observations on Vitrified Forts. 307 The thirteenth or fourteenth centuries form the closing pe- ried to which we must limit the data of vitrified’ sites. “The English, in their expedition against Scotland, endeavoured to clear the soil from its encumbering woods; and it is recorded that, in an expedition of the Duke of Lancaster, eighty thou- sand hatchets were heard resounding through the forests, which. at the same moment were consumed by spreading fires. Last- ly, as Mr Tytler has added, many districts were soon afterwards brought into cultivation, and converted into fields and meadow- lands. . - After the period of the destruction of Scottish forests, it- would be futile to expect that any records would indicate the continuance of vitrifying causes. ‘The hill which, as a signal of war, once proudly blazed with the lavish conflagration of. stately trees, is now illumined with little more than a paltry ‘tar-barrel! Sic transit gloria mundi. Recapitulation.—But these investigations I shall now close by stating the conclusions to which I have thus far arriveds ae are as follows :— - 1st; That the notion that vitrification is the effect of dileane igeiey, as well as the hypothesis which would consider vitri~ fication as the result of a regular fabrication for the purpose of cementing stone walls, are conjectures equally chimerical: 2Qdly, That the theory of Lord Woodhouselee, that the con- flagration of wooden ramparts by an assailing enemy might: have produced the vitrification in question, is not established in any single instance; notwithstanding the probability that such a cause might have occasionally subsisted. 3dly, That the number of vitrified sites in Scotland is re-. ferable to the fuel extravagantly consumed during its ancient densely wooded state. in the first number of which is an essay by the first-named gentleman upon the vitrified forts of Scotland. The scientific professor has reposed upon the theory of Williams, as revived by Dr Macculloch, which is, I believe, the only one known to continental geologists. There are several valuable observations of the writer on the effects of the artificial heat thus induced, when compared with the result of volcanic energy upon rocks of similar _ character. The resemblance, to which I have myself many years since adverted in various papers which I have read on vitrified forts, is often very striking. ° $08 Dr Hibbert’s Observations on Vitrified Forts. . 4thly, That if we are entitled to suppose, that in a period of the history of Scotland’ when wood was most luxuriant, more! than one ancient observance might: have ‘induced the vitrifica- tion in question, we:are authorized:in the*expectation, that the character of the sites, im which vitrification’ occurs will be found? as diversified as the multifarious: national causes to ahha effect: may possibly be ascribed) ~~ [ vt onmer oti Buy « 5thly,: That some’ of the sites: where vinwificaithell is. eandl were ancient places of rendezvous for tribes or clans upon any ened occasion whatever of peace or warfare. | baal » Gthly, That many vitrified’sites may from historical ‘and in- ternal evidence be shown to have resulted from beacon-fires formed by piles of wood,after the manner described: by Olaus Magnus,:Snorro, and other northern writerss) 1) ©) “s¥ to \Tthly;. That other public occasions, festive or religious, night have given rise to the same effect of vitrification. (99 14! 8thly, That it would be as easy to show, from numerous ex- amples, that most of the oldest defences'or Duns of Scotland — exhibit no vitrification whatever, as that- when vitrification does occur, it is not restricted. to the precise reed of an emt’ racterized by rude ramparts of stone. en Votes + Othly, That in'some instances the: vitwindineiets of stony'ma- vetlialet is of «so small an extent, as to nearly elude the search after it ; while in others itis of a continuity - trey ices almost surpasses credence: ; uo dstp st » 10thly; That, as ‘it cannot be proved thiat tie vitrification i in question is“imevery ‘instance confined to fortified sites, the term VITRIFIED. FORT %8 too ry the i of ‘errors Aandy alias aes M Lastly, 'That, as nothing caw be more sitinfactbriby establish? ed, than that vitrification is an incidental, not a designed effect, the name of virririeD Frorr may with much advantage. be exchanged for the more comprehensive and untheoretical one of VITRIFIED SITE, £) af Dr Hibbert on the) Vitrified Cairns of Orkney; 309) - .S¥Get of: ViwesiahaMeensis: 10 Hoe! ‘it of ail ete dasacn: Arr. XVILIL.—Notice of the Discovery of very extensive Vitri.. fied Remains at Elsness, in the Island of Sanday, Orkney., : By. 8. Hrssert, Me D., F..R.S. E., &e.. In.a Letter to oiDedBamswrtkReo. VF do lev wh Ye wenger eds of came iw My Dear Siz, To the communication which you’ have honoured’ me by in- serting in your Journal, from the Transactions of the Anti- , quarian Society of Scotland, T have now to make an important addition. sea : cheb se " _ In my observations on the theories which have been pro- j posed to explain the vitrified forts of Scotland, you will find it’ stated, that ‘¢ from the information of Snorro, we were entitled’ to. expect that vitrification would be found on the mountain tops of. Norwegian. provinces 3, but that I was not aware that Scandinavian antiquaries had yet pointed out their existence.” I also remarked, in another article inserted in the Arch@ologia _ ~ Scotica, (vol. iv. p. 184,), that the establishment of such a fact ; would. throw. no inconsiderable light upon the history of Scot- _ tish vitrification. , : | | “The solution of this question I haye not yet obtained; but ‘during the Jast month; I have arrived at the knowledge that vitrified. sites exist in the. ancient, Norwegian colony of Ork- ney, which is quite as satisfactory. Oe Ee _‘ During my visit to these islands, whence I am but just ‘ar- rived, I must confess. that I had but little expectation to find’ in it such a confirmed vitrified site as { have‘now to describe.’ Having many years since explored Shetland, the sister pro- vince of Orkney, and examined most of its ward or watclr hills, _ without detecting any marks of vitrification upon them what- ever; having also found in every topographical account’ of Orkney which I have consulted, a perfect silence regarding the existence of vitrified remains, I came to the coriclusion (cer- tainly a precipitate one,) that it was in vain to look for vitrified . sites where luxuriant woods had not subsisted; that although we read in the Orkneyinga Saga of numerous beacon signals having been lighted up in Orkney and Shetland, ‘yet that, as these islands, from remote historic times, had been destitute of 310 Dr Hibbert on the Vitrified Cairns of Orkney. forests, no fire had been raised of sufficient intensity to leave any marks of vitrification whatever upon the mounds of stone. on which the inflammable materials had rested. 3 This conclusion I must now: very materially qualify. was in the museum of Mr Traill, of Woodwick, a scientific gentleman, who has formed a very interesting collection of the natural products of Orkney, as well as of its relics of antiquity, that I observed some very large specimens of vitrified stony matter, precisely like that which is obtained from vitrified forts, and with which you are familiar. These, Mr Traill informed’ me; had been sent to him by Mr Urquhart of Elsness, in’ Sanday, who had obtained them from the ness or promontory which imparts the name to his estate. _ After these prefatory remarks, I shall proceed to describe the vitrified site of Elsness. You must, however, excuse me from doing more than giving you a very brief notice of it, as’ well as of the inferences, supported by historical documents, which are to be deduced from the discovery. These details, which would run to an unreasonable length, I have not yet had leisure to draw up in aconnected manner. They will, m the course of the ensuing winter, as a continuation of my for- mer memoirs, be laid before the auib BNC Society of Scot- land. Elsness, lying to the south of ae island of Sanday, is a pro. montory rather more than a mile long from north to south, and about half a mile broad. It was evidently the stronghold of a Scandinavian chief, one of the ancient sea-kings, being dignified by the presence upon it of the remains of a burgh, or circular fort, as well as of a large sepulchral tumulus, which bears the name of Egmond’s How, and of a number of smaller cairns ranged near it in a semicircular form, which, perhaps, were likewise the ancient resting-places of the brave. Another contiguous site, which, by means of a low continuous mound of earth, is made to take the form of a large crescent, indicates by this particular structure the place of a weaponshaw, or the site where a tribe was accustomed upon any hostile alarm to repair fully armed. Again, about three quarters of a mile to the north of Elsness, close to the oi Fs church named Mary Kirk, may , Dr Hibbert on the Vitrified Cairns of Orkney. 314 be traced the limits of an ancient ting, where, in Pagan times, the functions of the priest and | Ate , the judge were combined. _ ay . But the most interesting 2 sy hy Marykirk remains of which Elsness can boast are the beacon cairns with which it is studded over; —many of these exhibiting unequivocal testimony of a vitrification quite as intense as is to be traced in any vi- trified fort of Scotland. Semicircle of Earth L£gmond’s How Bay Elsness. These round cairns, of which I counted more than twenty. are from three to five yards in diameter, and elevated from tl to three feet above the surface of the ground. The stone fragments, of which they are composed, which had evidently been collected from the beach, consist of what geologists would name an argillaceous schist; being, in this instance, an equi- valent of the Mansfield slate. Their fusibility they have chiefly derived from the felspar, or rather the alkali, which they con- tain. The bitumimous matter which may often be found to enter into their composition, and which, if constantly present would materially add to their fusibility, is but an he occurrence. _ Altogether, these mounds answer to the description given by Martin of the ancient beacons of the Isle of Harris, another early colony of the Norwegians: “ There are,” says this writer, «< several heaps of stones commonly called Karnes on the tops of hills and rising grounds on the coast, upon which the inhabi- tants used to burn heath asa signal of an approaching enemy.” Upon the possibility, however, of mere heather to produce an effect, which I have been hitherto only disposed to attribute to the combustion of large piles of wood, I will not. yet give an opinion. Wood is only found in Orkney in a fossil state, that is, buried in peat; and whether this substance was em- ployed, or peat itself, which is by far the most abundant fuel in Orkney, or dried sea ware, or heather, or a mixture of two or more of these combustibles, I am not now prepared to dis. * 312° Di Hibbert on the Vitrified Cairns of Orkney! cuss; but shall merely retnark, that the result produced upon! the loose stones, whi¢h in the form of cairns supported the fuel, is most astonishing. In some instances, the vitrification has ex-? tended to:the very bottom of a cairn, showing an almost entire compact mass. Nothing, in short, can display the effects ex-: hibited mote satisfactorily, than by contrasting them with the! appearances induced on subjacent stones by the fires of ‘the kelp-burners of Orkney ; where, if vitrification is at) all -pro- duced, it is slight in the extreme, and rarely cements stonesitor an extent exceeding a few inches. ° This difference would inz dicate that a vitrification, in order to be considerable, mist be a work of time, demanding that the same cairn for perhaps‘a? century or more should be the unvaried site on which beacon =] ates were kindled. . one “ "The cairns of Elsness are not, however, all vitrified aikes On ‘some of them I could ‘not detect a single burnt stone) while in other instances a cairn would almost put ‘on the aps pearance of one compact’ burnt’ mass. ‘'T’oo many’of them also. were concealed by a thick sward; so' that their character for vitrification still remains indeterminate. WBS 90) dod ihe ~- Such is the interesting vitrified site of Elsness, whicli I was as gratified in explore, as upon finding that’ the rescue of its cairns ‘from the unfortunate state of dilapidation, to which too many Orcadian antiquities have been subject, has been duesto the very intelligent proprietor, John Traill Urquhart, Esqoof Elsneéss, who, desirous of ascertaining their origin, ‘and fully aware of their importance to the archzologist, had given strict orders for their preservation. ‘Previous' to these injunctions; Mr Urquhart informed me, a‘ number of these cairns, during’ the process of ploughing up an 578% corn ge - been rooted: up and levelled. : boat QnRd With these particulars of the actual appearances presented — at Hlsness,' I shall for the present content myself; and if any theoretical advantage is’intended to be derived from them, it must: be sought for amidst historical. as wellas local:evidence’s but into this wide investigation’ F ain’ precluded entering; no less on account of its length, than that it would /involve.details which are more éaleulated for the pages of Antiquarian’Trans-. actions than for your Journal. «LT shall therefore'dono more | Ae Dr Hibbert on the Vitrified Cairns of Orkneyl 1B than! glance»at some of the conclusions to which I have ar- v For‘three or four centuries, ‘that is: from the: 10th to the 14th, the Seandinavian province of Orkney, always impatient. of the control of the «nother country, had noenemies to con= tend with so formidable as the kings of Norway, who frequent ly paid them hostile: visits; to ‘reduce them 'to° submission. Against these incessant invasions the Orcadians were generally _' well prepared “by keeping’ up a careful watch im their more northerly ‘isles, which; upon. the first’ approach of anenemy from the shores of Norway, should convey signals*to a*fleet anchored in‘a convenient port, and ready to put’to sea; there to contend with its foes long before they could possibly Jand.w ~« ‘These simple historical circumstances are abundantly unfolds ed to us in the Orkneyinga’ Saga. Our inquiry, therefore; — becomes comprised in the following questions; First, In-what part of Orkney were its ancient gallies most’ commonly moors ed?’ Arid secondly, In-what manner’ were timely signals cons veyed to the fleet thus moored ‘to arm and put'to’sea?: © 101 « The first-of these questions is soon resolved: It is evident, that, as hostile attacks were ‘chiefly to'be dreaded from the north, the most northerly harbour’ whieh ‘could: afford’ good - shelter and depth of water for ships, provided ‘also that «it was situated on the east coast of Orkney, would be preferred 5 as these two circumstances of situation united, would be :requiz site for readily clearing out to-oppose'a hostile fleet, advancing in its proper course from Norway.» Now, ‘the ‘most: northerly island, lying also to the east'of the Orkney group; is North Ronaldsay ;—but here there isno harbour whatever. ‘Noriis the island of Sanday, the next mm succession, much «more for: tunate; its navigation being greatly obstructed” by ‘surrounds ing shoals of ‘sand, uBence the ‘island has: derived its name, In short, there is no port’ whatever which could have afforded any convenience to early war ‘ships; required upon: the ap- proach of an inyading fleet to instantly put to seajy-more: north than the sound of Papa Stronsa. . This’ harbour; then,’ which lies due south of Elsness in Sanday, ‘being divided from iti by a channel a league’ and a-half across,:.must, :fromnecessity, have ‘been selected as the ancient Portsmouth» of Orkney: 314. Dr Hibbert on the Vitrified Cairns of Orkney. No other situation could have been so eligible for instant em- barkation intothe Northern Ocean ;—which superior advantage is even acknowledged at the present day, by its being the only harbour in the isles of Orkney which is deemed a convenient one for the prosecution of the North Sea heb of the Her- rin : The site of the ancient Portsmouth of Orkney being thus established, the next object which 1 have is to shew through what medium telegraphic signals, which consisted of beacon fires, were conveyed to the fleet thus anchored in the sound of Papa Stronsa. Shetland, which yielded a more willing obedience to Norway, was frequently in league with this power against Orkney, and as hostile fleets were often reinforced in the more loyal pro- vince, the intermediate island, named Fair Isle, of difficult ac- cess except to boats, was firmly retained by the Orcadians and converted into their most northerly signal station. From this site, an alarm fire, which would be first hailed in North Ronaldsay, would be answered by its inhabitants kindling a fresh flame in order that the ae might spread to Papa Westray and Westray on the west, and to Sanday on the south. Sanday would propagate the alarm to the fleet which was >. anchored in Papa Stronsa, withs particulars of the number of hos-% tile vessels approaching the Or- cadian shores. ‘These particu- lars, as we are assured by divers writers so late even as the time of Wallace, was usually signi- fied by the number of fires which were lighted; and hence the many vitrified cairns with which < the signal station of Elsness in Z Sanday now appears studded. z In order also to complete the ~ efficiency of this telegraphic sys- tem, every Scandinavian province ) Vitrified cairns of Elsness. Dr Hibbert on the Vitrified Cairns of Orkney. 815 had its laws whereby watchmen were placed at the various wart hills of the country, as the Ward or Vord Hills of Ork- ney were named, who were required, under the severest pe- nalties, to be constantly on the alert to transmit a signal of alarm to a fleet, or to the chain of beacons of which it might form a link. Accordingly, to the north of the sniall island of Papa Stronsa, a higher cairn than common, intended as a look- out place, appears, with the evident foundations of a build- ing near it, which, I have no doubt, was the residence of thé watchman whose office it was, upon the fires of Elsness be- ing kindled, to instantly warn the fleet which was anchored in the contiguous sound. The historical view which I have thus taken was familiarly, yet beautifully, illustrated when I visited Stronsa. On the opposite shore of Sanday several distinct kelp kilns were lighted up, which were well calculated to impress the imagina- tion with a number of beacon fires, while the fishing-vessels then moored in the sound, like so many war ships, added a show of reality to the illusion. The number of the fires I could distinctly count. But the atmosphere was then clear. Under different circumstances, I can account for the disap- pointment occasionally expressed by the ancient Northmen, that the signals were not sufficiently explicit. In the year 1136, a messenger came to inform Earl Paul that war ships had been seen, but that it was uncertain whether the mcenbier was ten or twelve. This is the general history of the vitrified cairns of Elsness. Yet I am still in doubt on one subordinate question, whether a telegraphic signal of the number of hostile vessels approach- ing, indicated by a corresponding number of cairns being lighted up, was communicated by this promontory from inde- pendent observations, or from signals transmitted from North Ronaldsay,—in which latter case we ought to expect as many vitrified cairns to be found here as at Elsness. I much regret, on account of the inconstancy of the weather, making a very hasty visit to this more northerly island. I was certainly shown by the well informed factor of this place, Mr Scarth, many cairns, the stones.of which were discoloured by fire, yet there was none in which absolute vitrification was manifest. But I have requested the proprietor of the island, William Traill, Esq. ° 316 Dr Hibbert om the’ Vitrified Cairns of Oring. of W oodwick, from’ whom,-on. other occasions, I have received much valuable information of. Orkney, to procure me. more de- cisive satisfaction. In the meantime, I can only add, that i itis highly probable that Elsness often derived. its information of the exact number of approaching war ships from independent observation ;, as. the highlands of. Sanday afford oe . a a look out, station, as.North Ronaldsay. - -. . After this. particular examination, I visited. th ell of Pu f more common wart or ward hills of Orkney, but observed the beacon cairns upon them to show little more than discoloration from. fire, with the exception of one ward hill only,—namely, ° that of Sanday, which is situated about two miles north of Elsness. Three of the éairns on this’ “— were considerably yitrified.* | jay The circumstance of sitrifiention being chiefly observable on the beacon stations which connect themselves. with the mooring of an, armed fleet, while a similar manifestation in the ward hills| of, other islands of Orkney appears scarce, is-of no little interest, and strengthens the conjecture, which is not altogether uncountenanced by history, that, upon the numberless occasions of invasion; from Norway, it was, much less, frequently, found necessary to: alarm the large, than to, confine the signal to the fleet which was in readiness ; and that ward hills were only fited when an enemy was likely to make, good. its landing, or when it. became necessary from any. other circum- stances to summon the whole of the islands to,take up arms. , Nor is it of less moment to. keep another incident:in view :— that while Elsness from its peculiar locality was'in every way adapted, by means of beacon fires, to communicate with the fleet of Papa Stronsa, the comparative, lowness of the promon- tory prevented its signals from being observed. by. an expedi- tion advancing from the north ;—which fact, by the way, may explain-many circumstances connected with the vitrified. forts of Scotland. boitixtie Such is the general history of the vitrified cairns of Orknens which may serve to set at rest, I trust for ever, two questions which have been agitated for more than half a century... The * Since’ this communication went to press, L have received from ‘Mr Traill ‘of Woodwick, vitrified poeta | from the nef of Bovcran ane ney.-S. HH. 2 tat ea Dr Hibbert on the Vitrified Cairns gf Orkney. 317 first is,—To what uses or observances. is the effect of. vitri- fication attributable ?, While the, To, what. people is _ the effect attributable ?.In,a tone of confidence, therefore, we are now entitled: to reply,—T hat Vitrification was, merely. inci- dental to the fires which were kindled upon beacon. stations s and that the people who in every country which they occupied or colonized, organized pi of beacon oe were of Bea a origin. =. »You will also, my dear Sir, readily perceives: that the aise cation of this conclusion to the theory of the vitrified. forts of Scotland, (for I -do not rank Orkney as a part of Scotland proper,) isa ‘most: important one. , But I would not enter upon the disquisition here, which would. be only to. anticipate the memoir on the subject which L owe tothe Antiquarian, Society of Scotland, with whose encouragement my investigations .on this subject have hitherto been: uniformly honoured, If you will therefore accept my present crude 1 reerdonnaiis on this sub, ject, I give them: to you as follows :— ; First, That the vitrified. sites of Orkney not being dane. terized; Scotland, by the presence of stone ramparts, but simply ‘by small cairns. upon which the fuel for beacon fires had been placed, incontestibly shew, that a, beacon. station was not of necessity a place of strength or defence. 7 vile ~ Secondly, That such of the ancient Duns or strengths of Scotland proper, in which vitrification is found. to occa- sional. occurrence, belong to the oldest, fortified. the eountry, and are referable to some of its earliest inhabitants, probably to the Picts, who are supposed to be of German erigin: Thirdly, That these ancient Duns, not originally vitrified, indicate, by. their construction and extent, that they were used by a people who had already passed from ‘the hunting to the pastoral state; as they evidently comprehend in their design the protection of cattle, with that of human defence. “Fourthly, ‘That from the tenth to the fourteenth century,'a considerable part of Scotland was overrun by the Scandinavians under the various names of Northmen and Danes, who ) reci- procally became themselves invasion from other pirati cal tribes of the same northern: origin as themselves, and were therefore induced to institute systems of beacon fires, in imita: tion of those with which they had been familiar in‘ Norway. » . 318 ~ ‘Mr Johnston on Vanadium. Fifthly; That as in’ most instances the ancient fortresses of Duns of the oldest historical period of Scotland, were continued to be used as the gathering-places of clans or tribes, the same were.most conveniently selected as the sites’of beacon fires ; the ramparts of loose stones, which characterize such fortified sites, serving the additional purpose of cairns on which the fuel was placed. "7 And, sixthly, That the intensity of fusion exhibited on these vitrified sites is no less referable to the forest trees which on — such occurrences extravagantly blazed, than to the incessant hostile invasions which caused beacon fires to be lighted. — But while I state these my present conclusions, (for it is possible I may yet make some little modification in them,) E would not renounce the idea, that other public occasions, as, for instance, the annual lighting up of the fire of the Belting, might have assisted, though in a subordinate degree, towards producing the vitrified effects, which continue to be the’ asto. nishment of all who are conversant with their extent. =~ But I must now conclude, as my letter has already exceeded the limits which I had at first assigned to it. The interest which continental geologists have begun to take in the varied effects of ignition which these vitrified sites display, has natu- rally made them curious regarding their mysterious history ; which circumstance is the only apology I can offer for making your Journal on this occasion a medium of pure antiquarian inquiry. In some future Number, I hope to render you acquainted with the mineralogical observations of M. Von Leon- hard on the specimens examined by him from the vitrified sites of Scotland.—Believe me, &c. &c. EpInsuren, Ss. Hiepwhsil d August 30, 1831. : | og & ye - — Art. XIX.—Some Notices regarding Vanadium. . By JamEs F. W. Jounston, A. M., &c. Communicated by the Author. I. Process for obtaining it from the Vanadiate of Lead. _ The mineral which I have called Vanadiate of lead is a com- pound of arsenic, phosphoric, muriatic and. vanadic acids, with oxide of lead, and a small admixture of earthy bases,—the se- Oe te te noe Aa Ps ea ae bk, ne a aren aie tate ae tS Mah oe HA Ls SNR om SSS 8 LOVE Mb ~ eR ee en ee ey Mr Johnston on Vanadium. 319 ‘paration of the phosphoric and vanadic acids quantitively from _ each other is attended with difficulties which I have not yet been able wholly to overcome. The metal, however, may | be extracted by the following simple process: The minefal is dis- solved in nitric-acid, with which it forms a yellow solution. From this acid solution the lead and arsenic are thrown down by a current of sulphuretted hydrogen. The solution is now of a beautiful blue, and contains the vanadium in the state of oxide. It is filtered and digested for some time in a gentle heat to separate the sulphuretted hydrogen, and a trace of sul- ' phuret of arsenic remaining in solution. Evaporated to dry- ness by a gentle heat, it changes from blue to green, and leaves a beautiful deep red mass, which is chiefly vanadic acid. This is boiled in successive portions of a perfectly saturated solution of carbonate of ammonia. ‘lhe colourless liquor is filtered while hot, and deposits on cooling a white crystalline powder in minute prisms, which is a vanadiate of ammonia. This salt may be further purified by again dissolving in dis- tilled water and crystallizing. By exposure to the air it be- comes after some days slightly yellowish, probably from the loss of a portion of ammonia. Heated in the open air, this salt parts with its water and ammonia, and leaves oxide of vanadium, which, by a continuance of the heat, combines with the oxy- gen of the atmosphere, and forms vanadic acid. The yellow powder thus obtained fuses by an increase of temperature into a deep red liquid, and crystallizes on cooling into beautiful prismatic radiating needles, sometimes of a deep red, but ge- nerally of a steel gray colour, and high degree of lustre. Fused in considerable quantity in a covered crucible and cooled gra- dually, it gives beautiful large purplish transparent crystals transmitting a brownish light. These crystals are pure vana- dic acid, mixed when blue or grey with more or less oxide of vanadium. By heating the salt in close vessels or in an atmo- sphere of carbonic acid, an indigo blue, or, when rubbed in a mortar, a dark olive brown powder is obtained, which is the oxide of vanadium. | bole IT. Metallic Vanadium and its pr opienGee I have not been able to effect the reduction of the oxide by NEW SERIES, VOL. V. NO IL. OcTOBER 1831. x 320 ? Mr Johnston on Vanadium. means of hydrogen gas. Berzelius, at a white heat, obtained a slightly cohering mass, which he considered to be but imper- fectly reduced. Both the oxide and the acid are reduced easily when heated with potassium or sodium, with the evolution of much heat and flame, but without detonation. But the metal is easiest obtained by mixing the oxide, or the chloride prepared by evaporating the muriatic solution to dryness, with oil, and forming it into a ball. . This is placed in. a small charcoal cru- cible—surrounded with powdered charcoal—placed within one or two other crucibles, and heated to full whiteness for two or three hours. By this process it is reduced, but not fused, being in the state of a grayish, slightly cohering, powder. To pro- cure it in a massive state, the oxide must be previously fused in a platinum spoon, the crystalline mass surrounded with charcoal and oil, and heated for several hours. The mass thus obtained has a metallic lustre, and possesses the following me perties :— 1. It is of a reddish-white colour, approaching to that of bismuth, so hard as to be with difficulty affected by the file; and brittle, giving, when rubbed down, a gravish powder. 2. It does not affect the magnetic needle, but is an excel- lent conductor of electricity. 3. Heated. in the flame of a lamp before the blowpipe i ina pair of forceps, or on charcoal, or to a full red heat in a plati- num spoon, it burns with a visible incandescence, and becomes indigo-blue or steel-gray, exhibiting on the surface traces of partial fusion. It undergoes no further change unless the heat be long continued, when it fuses into a red liquid, which on cooling below redness contracts in volume, and shoots at once into beautiful radiating star-like groups of acicular crystals, occasionally of a reddish, but generally of a steel-gray colour, and high degree of lustre. 4. Heated. to incipient redness in an atmosphere of oxygem gas, it burns, emitting a brilliant reddish light, and is converted. into an indigo blue oxide of a crystalline structure, which fuses. with difficulty in a platinum spoon over a spirit lamp. 5. In chlorine gas it burns at a heat below redness, forming a greenish yellow vapour, which condenses. into a deep brown- Ma) Schisten oa: Fahidli: 321 ish red volatile liquid. As it escapes into the air the vapour is decomposed, forming white fumes of muriatic acid and va- nadic acid (?), which deposits itself in the form of a red crust round the mouth of the tube by which the vapour escapes. Confined in a moist receiver, it is changed into a muriate, and a beautiful blue liquid is formed, which is a solution of the egg in muriatic acid. _ 6. Heated in atmospheres of sulphur and iodinig; it under- goes no change. 7. In nitric acid it dissolves rapidly, with effervescence and evolution of red fumes, forming a deep indigo-blue solution, which, by spontaneous evaporation, gives an amorphous partly steel-grey and partly brownish crust, which isa mixture of the vanadic acid with theoxideof vanadium. Evaporated todryness by a gentle heat continued till fumes of nitric acid cease to be given off, it leaves a beautiful vermilion red vanadic acid, which is slightly soluble in water and forms a yellow solution} Heated further, in the open air, this red substance fuses into the red liquid already mentioned. 8. Neither the sulphuric nor muriatic acids act upon it sen- sibly in the cold, whether dilute or concentrated, and very slightly even when aided by heat. ‘The oxide is dissolved by both acids, giving beautiful blue solutions resembling those of the salts of copper. III. Distinctive Characters of Vanadium. +7 _ This metal is most nearly allied to chromium, and it cannot easily be confounded with any other. It differs from chro- mium as follows. 1. The protoxide of chromium is green and:insoluble in water, that of vanadium is dark brown and soluble. - The deu- toxide of chromium, or the compound of oxide and acid is brown; vanadium appears to give a similar compound, which is of a beautiful indigo-blue. * 2. Newly precipitated oxide of chromium dissolves very * Sefstrém speaks of a green oxide, ( An. de Chim. Jan. 1831.) This I have not obtained, unless, indeed, we suppose it present in the green so-= lution occasionally obtained in acids, and which I suppose to be mixtures of the blue solution of the oxide and the yellow solution of the acid. 322 Mr Johnston on Vanadium. sparingly in solutions~ of: caustic and carbonate of ammonia, .with a rose red* colour; the oxide of vanadium. dissolves easily in ammonia, giving a translucent dark brown or olive solution, from which it cannot be precipitated by alcalies, as oxide . chromium can. 8. Both acids are red and Pi into a rill liquid ; but while the chromic is changed at a higher temperature into the in- fusible oxide, the vanadic, according to Sefstrém, parts with ~ a small portion of its oxygen, and crystallizes on cooling, as already stated. / 4. The chromic acid never loses its ealonin, neither by gt ing nor by combinations with the bases. A solution of the vanadic occasionally loses its colour by heating; and forms, with excess of base, colourless salts similar to the vanadiate of ammonia, mentioned above. ‘The presence of vanadic acid may be at once detected in any of these colourless salts or so- lutions by a drop of nitric acid, which reddens the salt and makes the solution yellow. The crystallized acid or bi-vana- diates are not to be distinguished in colour from. the di-chro- mates. 5. Both metals give volatile chlorides, but that of vanadituin, as already stated. by Berzelius, (An. de Chim. xly. p. 332,) is . not always coloured. If a mixture of a chromate and a chlo- ride be heated with sulphuric acid in a tube sealed at the one end, a beautiful red gas is given off, which condenses if the finger be kept on the mouth of the tube into a beautiful red s ~ So et hat Te a =, liquid, A similar mixture of a vanadiate with a chloride heat- — ed in the same way, gives a colourless gas. 6. Solutions of the vanadiates give, with the metallic cals in general, precipitates resembling those given by the chro- _. mates. The salts of lead and mercury form the most striking exceptions. Newly precipitated chromate of lead is of a bright yellow, which it retains when dry, forming the beautiful and well known pigment. The vanadiate of lead, at first bright yellow, is bleached by the action of light, and becomes occa- sionally pure white. Were it plentiful, therefore, it could never take the place of the chromate in the arts. * Gmelin’s Handbuch, i. p. 845. TS eS ‘ : bn PRES Oe OOO EIS Ea lt ly = ai ee swe ee oN x ef yo" Mr Johnston on Vanadium. 323 With proto-nitrate of mercury, chromates give a deep red ; vanadiates a bright yellow precipitate. Both give with nitrate of silver a ruby or vermilion red, differing only in shade. - In these differences in the properties of these two substances, - having towards each other so many and striking affinities, — we have ample means both of distinguishing and of accurately separating them from each other, should they ever be found in combination: and though, as the number of simple bodies with which we are acquainted becomes greater, the properties of the whole group will more and more shade into each other, yet the number of points in which these two metals disagree, shows us there is yet ample room for an addition to their num- ber without rendering the difficulties which oppose the analy- tical chemist absolutely insurmountable. ' T have not proposed to myself the difficult task of collecting materials for an entire history of vanadium and its compounds, knowing it to be already in far abler hands. Berzelius has been occupying himself with it during the past winter, and he has in all probability already finished his researches; but so little has yet appeared in this country regarding the new me- tal, and it may be yet so long before the results of Berzelius find their way to our journals, that I have thought the above sketch of its properties might in the meantime not be uninte- resting to British chemists. An “ Old Correspondent.” in the August number of the Philosophical Magazine and Annals, p. 157, mentions my hav- ing found vanadium in an ore of lead from Alston Moor, and suggests that it was more probably from the neighbourhood of ‘Keswick.—On this [ have only to remark, that I have never found it, and never said it was to be found in any ores of lead, ‘except the two varieties described in the former number of this Journal, page 166, as formerly occurring in a now r anwrougnt mine at Wanlockhead. PorToBELLO, 8th September 1831. o 324 Professor Airy dn the Double Refraction of Quartz. Art. XX.—On the Nature of the Light in the Two Rays produced by the Double Refraction of Quartz. By G. B. Airy, M. A. M.G. S. Late Fellow of Trinity College ; Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philo- sophy in the University of Cambridge; and: Fellow of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. (Abridged from the Cam- bridge Transactions. Read February 21, 1831.) I propose in this paper to offer some conjectures as to the nature of the light forming the two rays produced by the double refraction of quartz; to describe the experiments on which they are founded ; and to explain the calculations by which the theory and the experiments are compared. The subject is one to which (I believe) no attention has been paid, except by one distinguished foreigner; the mode of calcula- tion is original to me, and is, to the best of my knowledge, new. ! alata It is well known that the rays produced by the double re- fraction of calc spar, (calcareous spar, Iceland spar, or rhom- bohedral carbonate of lime) and most other doubly refracting crystals, are entirely polarized: one in the principal plane passing through the ray (or, if a biaxal crystal, in the plane _. equally inclined to the planes passing through the ray and the two axes) and the other in a plane perpendicular to the for- mer. From the exact agreement of the phenomena of depola- rization with the calculations made on this hypothesis, we are justified in supposing that the law holds true when the rays are so little separated that it is difficult to observe them in. the common mode of inspection. Now it has generally been sup- ‘posed that the two rays of quartz are polarized in the same — way: differing from those of cale spar only in the magnitude — and direction of their separation. 1t was known, however, al- most as soon as Arago and Biot commenced their observations, that there is some anomaly in the rays passing in thedirection of © the axis of quartz; and the latter of these observers establish- ed the difference of right-handed and left-handed quartz. Fresnel by a simple experiment, (see Note A.) (which I have repeated) showed that the light in the direction of the axis of Professor Airy on the Double Refraction of Quartz. - 325 quartz is not one ray, but two rays moving in the same direc- tion, and with different velocities. He showed, moreover, that anew kind of light may be produced ‘by causing polarized light to undergo two internal reflexions in a glass rhomb with certain angles, the plane of polarization being inclined to the plane of incidence at an angle of 45°; and that this light is exactly’similar to one or other of the two rays above-mentioned, according as the plane of polarization is on one or the other side of the plane of incidence. And by a mathematical inves- tigation, of which I am unable to supply the deficient steps, he showed that the effect of the internal reflexions is to retard by one quarter of an undulation the undulations perpendicular to the plane of incidence, so that in the light thus modified the particles of ether which were originally in a straight line wil] at any time be found in the form of a circular helix, and each will revolve uniformly in a circle. (See Note B.) And from the nature of the original experiment it appeared that in right-handed quartz it is necessary to suppose the right-cireu- lar polarization transmitted with the greater velocity ; in left- handed quartz the contrary. I have repeated and varied most: of Fresnel’s experiments relating to this subject, and am per- fectly convinced of the correctness of his views. Now if, in the experiment with the glass rhomb, the planes of polarization and incidence be inclined at any other angle than 45°, the magnitudes of the undulations parallel and per- pendicular to the plane of incidence will no longer be equal: but the alteration of their periods will be the same as before. The displacement of the particles of either will still be repre- sented by a helix, but instead of being traced round a circular - cylinder, it must be supposed traced round an elliptic cylinder. This modification may properly be called (as Fresnel has called it) elliptical polarization. (See Note C.) This term has since been used by. Dr Brewster to express thenature of the light (pre- bably indentical with this, or nearly so) reflected from metallic surfaces. Should any difference be found, I have no hesitation in fixing on the modification above described as that to which in ought in propriety to be attached. I am now able to explain my conjectures on the nature of the light in the two rays of quartz. | - . 326 Professor Airy on the Double Refraction of Quarts... 1. I suppose the ordinary ray to consist of light. elliptically, polarized, the greater axis of the ellipse being perpendicular; to the principal plane; and the extraordinary ray to consist of. light elliptically polarized, the greater axis of the ellipse being in the principal plane. o 2. I suppose that when the ordinary ray is righiecliipdaaliiee polarized, the extraordinary ray is isficellipticaliinnmlartane and vice versa. 3. I suppose that the proportions of the axis of the two alse lipses are the same: each proportion being one of equality when, the direction of the ray coincides with the axis, and becoming more unequal, according to some unknown law, as the direction: is more inclined to the axis: the minor axes of the ellipses hav- ing sensible magnitudes when the one are inclined 10° to the axis. ' 4. I suppose that the course of the rays, after refraction. can, be determined by the construction given by Huyghens for cale spar, with this difference only, that the prolate spheroid for de- termining the course of the extraordinary ray must not be sup-. posed to touch the sphere for determining the course of the or- dinary ray, but must be entirely contained within it. These conjectures were originally suggested by the desire of . finding some connecting link between the peculiar double re- ' fraction in the axis discovered by Fresnel, (see Note D,) and: the double refraction commonly recognized. All the phenome- na of colours which I have observed agree perfectly wie the re- sults of my hypotheses. I may mention that I have found observations pale to many detached parts of the phenomena which I have viewed. assembled, in the early memoirs of Arago and Biot. But the method which these philosophers used, (particularly the latter,) of examining a small part only at a time, does not appear to be; well adapted to the,discovery of the laws of light. In the ex- periments which I am about to describe, every thing depends on the form of the coloured curves; and to attempt to discover this from observation of detached parts would be perfectly hope~ less. These coincidences I have recognized only since I made my own. observations. It must be observed that all the shhenoniens mentioned below. a Boe SS 3. are Professor Airy on the Double Refraction of Quartz. 327 are described as they appear when examined with an analyzing plate of unsilvered glass. If a plate of tourmaline be used, the right and left parts of the image will have the same relative: po- sition, but the upper and lower will be interchanged :. the ob. server’s eye being supposed to turn in such a manner that the axis of the tourmaline appears wp and down. Phenomena.—l. If a plate of cale spar cut perpendicular to- the axis be examined with the polarizing and analyzing plates crossed, the uniaxal system of rings is produced. If the ana- lyzing plate be turned less than 90° either way round the inci-. dent ray, the complementary system is produced. The order: of colours does not sensibly differ from Newton’s scale, begin- ning with black. ‘These are common and well known mae: mena. II. If Fresnel’s rhomb of glass be placed to receive the po- larized light, so that the plane of reflexion pass through the divi- sions 45° and 225°, the cale spar will present another appearance. The rings are abruptly and absolutely dislocated: those in the upper right hand quadrant and the quadrant opposite to it are pushed from the center by one-fourth of an interval, and those in the other quadrants are drawn nearer to the center by the same quantity. ‘The line separating the quadrants is nowhere black: the intensity of its light is uniform and almost equal to the mean intensity. If the plane of incidence pass through — 135° and 315°, the phenomena of adjacent quadrants are exact- ly interchanged. No alteration is made by turning the analy- zing plate round the incident ray: the lines dividing the qua- drants are always parallel and perpendicular to the plane of re- flexion at the analyzing plate. (See Note E.) III. If the plane of reflexion in the rhomb pass through 0° and 180°, or through 90° and 360°, the phenomena. are precise- ly the same, and undergo the same changes as those in Pheno- menon I. If, while the plates are crossed, the rhomb be turned: gradually from the position 0° towards 45°, the rings are gra- dually changed, at first becoming (as far as the eye can judge) elliptical, and then assuming the form represented in Fig 8, | IV. If a plate of quartz, whether right or left-handed, be in- terposed between the crossed plates, a set of rings is. seen. Ag far as the eye can judge, the rings.are exactly circular, but there 328 Professor Airy on the Double’ Refraction of Quarts. is no black cross, and the central tint is not black, but removed: from it by a number of tints in Newton’s scale proportional to the thickness of the quartz. Thus, with a thickness 0,48 inch, the central tint is pale pink: with a thickness 0,38 inch, the’ central tint is bright yellowish green : with thickness 0,26 inch, it is a rich red plum-colour : with thickness 0,17 inch: it is a rich yellow. The colours then appear to be nearly the same, , Meanenina from the center, as in Newton’s scale, beginning with the tint representing this central tint. At a considerable distance from the center four dark brushes begin to’ be visible, in the same directions as the arms of the black cross in cale spar. V. Now (supposing the crystal right-handed), if the plate of quartz be thin, and the analyzing plate be turned, the upper part towards the observer’s left hand, a bluish short-armed cross appears in the centre, (see Note F,) which on turning further becomes yellow : and the rings are enlarged. On turning still further, the cross breaks into four dots. 'The rings are no longer circular, but of a form intermediate between a circle and a square, their diagonals (as well as the cross) being inclined to the left of the parallel and perpendicular to the plane of reflexion. See Fig. 9. If the analyzing plate be turned the other way, there is no cross: the form of the rings is changed from circular — as in the former case. VI. If the plate of quartz be thick, the dilatation of the rings | and the change of form are all the perceptible phenomena. And on turning the analyzing plate continually to the left, the rings continually dilate, and new spots start up continually in the centre, and become rings. If the crystal be left-handed, the remarks on this and the last article apply equally well, suppos- ing the analyzing plate turned in the opposite direction. VII. If Fresnel’s rhomb be placed in the position 45°, and the light thus circularly polarized pass through the quartz; on applying the analyzing plate, instead of rings there are seen two spirals mutually inwrapping each other as in Fig. 10. If the rhomb be placed in position 135°, the figure is turned through a quadrant. If the quartz be left-handed, the spirals are turned in the opposite direction. ‘The central tint appears to be white. With the rhomb which I have commonly used (which is of ee ee fer a tpn eee Fe et ppt, cd hate seinen -_ a ee a . eeeee l S e . PN get ise aha dteed aaa -~ 3 Toe CN ep ned TS ues Professor Airy on the Double Refraction of Quartz. 329 - plate glass, but with the angles given by Fresnel for crown glass) there is at the centre an extremely dilute tint of pink: I think it likely that this arises from the error in the angles, as the intensity of the colour bears no proportion to that in other parts of the spirals. The figure was drawn from the ap- pearances given by a plate of quartz 0,36 inch thick. VIII. If two plates of quartz of equal thickness, but cut one from a right-handed and the other from a left-handed crys- tal, be attached together, and put between the polarizing and analyzing plates, the left-handed slice nearest to the polarizing plate, the appearance presented is that of Fig. 11. Four spirals (proceeding from a black cross in the centre, which is inclined to the plane of reflexion) cut a series of circles at every qua- drant. ‘The points of intersection are in the plane of reflexion, and perpendicular to it. This is the simplest way of describing the form: but if we followed the colours which graduate most gently, we should say that the form of each is alternately a spi- ral and circular arc, quadrant after quadrant. At a distance from the centre the black brushes are seen. If the combination be turned so that the right-handed slice is nearest to the pola- rizing plate, the spirals are turned in the opposite direction. This is one of the most beautiful phenomena of optics. The slices'from whose appearance the figure was drawn are each 0,16 inch thick. _ [Mr Airy next proceeds to explain the mode of calculating these phenomena on assumed laws of the nature of light in the two rays of crystals ; but as this investigation occupies thirty-five pages, intelligible only to the mathematical reader, we are ob- liged to refer such readers to the original Memoir. ] From the agreement between the observed and the calculated _ appearances, I think there is little doubt that the nature of the light in the two rays of quartz is such as I have described. I do not mean to exclude the possibility of supposing that the form of neither wave (in the construction for determining the course of the rays) is exactly spherical or exactly spheroidal . provided the difference of the forms be nearly the same as that of a sphere and a spheroid. Nor do I mean to assert that each elliptically-polarized ray consists exactly of two plane polarized rays following each other at the interval of one-fourth of an un- 330 Professor Airy on the Double Refraction of Quartz. dulation : or that the ratio of the two'axés in the two rays is exactly the same. But I conceive it to be perfectly certain that the general character of the light is such as is stated in my hy- potheses. I have not made any calculations upon other suppositions, but I can hardly imagine that any other would represent the phenomena to such extreme accuracy. I am not so much struck with the accounting for the continued dilatation of circles, and the general representation of the form of spirals, as with the explanation of the minute deviations from symmetry, as white circles become almost square, and crosses are inclined to the plane of polarization. And I believe that any one who shall follow my investigations and imitate my experiments, wil be surprised at their perfect agreement. There is one relation between the construction for dette ing the course of the rays, and the nature of the rays, which de- serves (I think) particular attention. It is that (comparing the rays of quartz with those of any other crystal) a change in the nature of the ray is accompanied with an interruption of conti- nuity. The nappes of the wave surfaces are absolutely separated. This is not the case in the common construction, for uniaxal crystals, nor in Fresnel’s construction for biaxal crystals. There may possibly be a connection of the same kind as that between the change from partial reflexion to total reflexion within’ glass; and the accompanying change from plane polarized light to el- liptically-polarized light. The cases are at least thus far ana- logous, that the change in the light and the interruption of con- tinuity go together. But we are so much in the’ dark respect ing the physical constitution of mane that we cannot at pre- sent go farther. It might have been dedieatid to verify my suppositions. by. ‘more direct experiments on the separate rays of quartz. I can only plead that the duties of my office have not allowed me — the necessary time. They would (under all circumstances) have been: much more troublesome than those which I have the ho- nour of laying before the Society: and I do not think that — they would. have been more satisfactory. The appearances presented by depolarization are admirably adapted to the’ dis- covery of the most delicate differences in the nature and course ee ae eee ee eS a Se < 7 Pe ee ee ee ee eR Pi Oe ag NT a Professor Airy on the Double Refraction of Quartz. 331 of rays. .The same want of time I hope will be allowed as an excuse for the want of accurate measures: without which, no theory, however satisfactory in general explanations,can be con- _ sidered. as firmly established. _ Note A.—it is not easy to make this experiment in a satis- factory manner. If the axes of the crystals are not precisely adjusted, several images will be seen. I have not succeeded in obtaining two only, though I have made the others much more faint than the two principal. Note B.—As I cannot appreciate the mathematical evidence for the nature of circular polarization, I shall mention the expe- rimental evidence on which I receive it. 1st, The light when received on an analyzing plate or tourmaline presents the same appearance in whatever direction the analyzing plate is turned — round the incident ray. 2d, The phenomena of depolarization are the same in whatever direction the analyzing plate is turned. 3d, If the polarized light passes through two such rhombs placed in similar positions, the plane of polarization is shifted 90°. 4th, If they are placed in crossed portions the plane of polarization is unaltered. 5th, The phenomena of depolariza- tion agree with the calculations founded on this supposition: in uniaxal crystals, where the plane of polarization of one ray is changed 860° in going round the axis, the alternate quadrants are pushed in and thrust out one quarter of a tint: and in bi- axal crystals, where the plane of polarization is changed only 180° in going round the axis, the alternate semicircles are al- tered in the same manner. . Note C.—If I might venture to fix on the discovery of Fics. nel, which among all his wonderful additions to optical science - appears likely to possess the greatest practical value, I should select his invention of the mode of producing circularly-polariz- ed or elliptically polarized light by internal reflexion of plane- polarized light in glass or water. He has given us the power of. producing light whose laws are as well known as those of plane-polarized light, and which is more manageable, inasmuch as it admits of degrees in its ellipticity. The beautiful geome- try of Malus is forgotten when we think of the discovery of po- larization: the far more valuable theoretical discoveries of Fres- 832 Mr Blackwall on a New Species of Lamprotornis.- nel will lose their pre-eminence when put in competition with an invention which enables others to make discoveries. - Note D.—It does not appear, I think, that Fresnel had made any distinct supposition as to whether the two rays in the axis should be considered as the ordinary and extraordinary ray in their ultimate state, or not.. From all that I could extract from his Memoirs, I was always in doubt whether both the ordinary and the extraordinary ray in the neighbourhood of the axis ought not to be considered as divided each into two circularly polarized rays. Note E.—It is proper to mention that I had exhitiwed this phenomenon to the Cambridge Philosophical ‘Society in the spring of last year, long before the publication of Dr Brewster's valuable Memoir in the Phil. Trans. for 1830, and (I believe, but I do not recollect the date,) before its communication to the Royal Society. Note ¥.—This may be considered as the definition of riches handedness of the crystal: and this observation gives the readi- est means, with a thin plate, of determining whether it is right- handed or left-handed. If the plate be thick, the easiest me- thod is to observe in which direction the analyzing plate must be turned to make the rings dilate. OBSERVATORY, CAMBRIDGE, Dec. 30, 1830. Art. XXI.—Description of a new Species of Lainprotornis: By Joun Buackxwatt, F.L.S., &c. Communicated by the Author. ns ‘Tuere have been recently deposited in the Museum of the So- ciety for the promotion of Natural History established in Man- chester, two specimens of a bird belonging to the genus Lam- protornis, which, notwithstanding it is one of the most superb. species of its tribe hitherto discovered, appears to have escaped the notice of ornithologists. The following description will serve to convey some idea, though it must be admitted a very inadequate one, of this highly interesting and beautiful bird : a Mr Blackwall on a new Species of Lamprotornis. 3358 Order, Jnsessores, Vigors, Tribe, Conirostres, Cuvier, Family, Sturnide, Vigors, Sub-family, —————? . Genus, Lamprotornis, ‘Temminck. L. Vigorsii. Bill and legs black ; plumage soft, silky, and glos- sy ; head, sides, and back of the neck, upper part of the back and lesser wing-coverts bright green, tinged with gold; scapulars and lower part of the back of a rich bronze-yellow; greater __Wing-coverts, feathers of the spurious wings, tertials, and the _ tips and upper part of the outer web of the primary quills deep _. purple, relieved with violet, blue, and gold ; lower part of the exterior web of the primaries dull green; inner webs of the primaries and secondaries black, faintly clouded with purple, those of the four longest quill feathers in each wing being abruptly emarginated near their termination, a prominent point, formed by the projection of the more elongated fibres of the web, rendering the sudden transition in its breadth remarkably conspicuous ; outer webs of the secondary quills black, with a - bright. tint of bronze-yellow ; tail rounded at its extremity, black, with a slight mixture of bronze-yellow above, particular- __ ly on the middle feathers ; tip, and outer edges of the lateral feathers purple, glossed with violet, blue, and green; upper and under tail-coverts purple, varied with violet, steel-blue, and green ; cheeks purple, tinged with green; throat and anterior part of the neck and breast similar in colour to the scapulars, but less brilliant; abdomen bronze-green, tinged with yellow ; _ thighs and flanks purple, clouded with violet and steel blue ; __ under side of the wings and tail black. Colour of the eyes not known. Total length, 11,4, inches; bill, from the point to the fore- head, ;°;; from the point to the gape, 1,‘,; wings, from the carpus to the tip of the fourth quill feather, 6;';; tail, 4,7 ; tarsi, 1,4,; middle toe, including the claw, 1,4. As the two individuals of the above species in the Man- chester Museum were imported to this country from Brazil, along with a considerable collection of skins of Brazilian birds, it is possible that this elegant creature may be indigenous in South America. I have no positive information, however, that such is the fact; and M. Temminck, in treating upon the family to . 334 Decline of Science in England. - which it belongs, (see his Manuel @Ornithologie, vol. i. p. lv. note (3),) remarks, that “ toutes les espéces sont de l’ancien continent, le plus grand nombre d’ Afrique” I have named this splendid bird-in compliment to that dis- tinguished and disinterested naturalist, N. A. Vigors, Esq. who politely directed my attention to it as a species new to ornitho- logists. _ In detailing those peculiarities of structure which characte- rize the genus Lamprotornis, M. T'emminck says of the toes, ** interne soudé a sa base, l’externe divis¢é,” (Manuel d Orni- thologie, vol i. p. lvi.) the very reverse of what is actually the case. This error, which probably originated in inadyertency, — has been recently repeated by a celebrated French zoologist ; it becomes the more desirable, therefore, that it should be cor- rected. Arr. X XII.—Odservations on a Pamphlet, entitled; “© On the Alleged Decline of Science in England. By a Forriener. London, 1831, Pp. 33.” Accompanied by a Preface by M. Farapay, Esq. F. R. 8., &c. ** It would be unwise in a foreigner to give an opinion on matters which he cannot be expected to understand.”—Pamphlet, p. 16. Tue present dispute respecting the Decline of Science in England, presents to us the rare and almost ridiculous feature, never before exhibited in literary controversy, of all the com- batants on one side coming openly forward with their names, and pledging their public characters for the truth of their facts and statements ; while all those on the other side are anony- mous assailants, fighting behind black crape, or discharging their missiles from.the masked batteries of magazines and reviews. Sir H. Davy, Mr Herschel, Mr Babbage, Sir James Souths and Professor Leslie, have all lamented, in powerful and elo, quent terms, the decline, and ineffective state of science in England ;—and though their allegations have been deemed by ignorant and interested individuals, injurious to the honour of the country, yet not one man bearing the name either of a - philosopher, or even of the lowest grade of authorship, has ventured to place his name and personal character in opposition .. ee ee ane yl a | 7 Decline of Science in England. - 335 to the able and honest and patriotic expostulations of these — great men. Having expended their munitions of war in spe- _ cial pleadings, in the grossest perversion of well known facts, the heroes of the mask have. at last been driven to the expe- dient of subsidizing a scientific foreigner... We regret to find that so excellent and eminent an individual as Mr Faraday has been the Chargé d’Affaires who has negotiated this loan of exo- tic talent ; but though it is gratifying to sfind that he abjures the idea of having by this act “ expressed an opinion on the subject either one way or the other ;” yet it will be seen from an expression in his preface, which we subjoin, that he has more than identified himself with the author on the general | question, however anxious he may have been to renounce the heavy responsibility of having given an editorial sanction to those severe animadversions on the Institutions of France, and on the personal characters of her most distinguished phi- losophers, which constitute so remarkable and so unpleasant a feature in the present pamphlet. “ The MSS,” says Mr Faraday, “ in English, of the following ‘“ series of arguments was sent me by the writer, an eminent ‘¢ scientific foreigner, in consequence of a few remarks in our “mutual correspondence upon some recent publications in ** England. Without being considered as expressing an opi- “< nion on the subject either one way or the other, I am still << desirous of placing my friend’s reasons before the public; ‘* not merely because no one can judge correctly who has heard ‘¢ but one side of a question, but also as a great literary curi- _ osity; for all must allow that it is an extraordinary circum- “* stance for English character to be attacked by natives and «< defended by foreigners. “. 338 Decline of Science in England. by their personal and individual exertions ; and appealed only © to public opinion when other means had proved unavailing, The evil management. of the Royal Society, and its baneful ef- ects upon science, were exposed, not to lacerate private feelings or promote private ends, but to advance the character of an in- stitution whose history was interwoven with that of the bright-— est period of British science. | The decay of mathematical and physical knowledge was pressed upon public notice, not to depreciate the character of English philosophers, but to raise them to new exertions to revive and extend the one, and to raise and ennoble the other... The splendour of foreign ta- lent was brought forward, not to derogate from the lustre of British genius, but to exhibit the happy influence. of Royal favour and of national institutions ; and the liberality of fo- reign governments was justly placed in. painful contrast with the shallow ‘and ignoble policy of our own, with its habitual neglect of intellectual worth, with its exclusion of genius from all the offices and honours of the state, and with its more than: barbarous indifference to the true glory of a civilized empire. Such were the undoubted motives of the reformers of sciénce, and we have reason to know that many of its youthful, culti- vators have not only justly appreciated them, but have con- sidered the declining state of English science as a ground for more strenuous exertions to. maintain the honour of the na- tion. Many of our readers will probably bear testimony in their own hearts to the existence of such a feeling, and we trust that there is a numerous class of scientific men who will cherish. the noble sentiments so well expressed by Mr Brayley. i in the. following commentary upon Mr Babbage’s views, which seems. to have been composed for the very purposes of our argument. Tt oceurs in a well written work, ‘* On the Utility of the Knows ledge of Nature, considered in reference to the General hie cation of Youth.”—London, 1831. Wk “¢ Strong representations,” says he, ‘ have of late been msde). “‘ and among other competent advocates, by the consummate ‘¢ mathematician who now occupies the chair in the University. “« of Cambridge, once filled by Newton, of the paucity, in this * country, of high mathematical knowledge, as well as that of. ‘¢ interest in the more elevated pursuits of those sciences which “ are immediately connected with it, such as astronomy, and ~~ a Decline of Science in England. . @BS ‘the more recondite departments of material physics. Our ‘continental neighbours, as well as the philosophers of Ger- ** many and the north of Europe, have been held up as ex- ‘* amples for our emulation, in this respect, which, it has been ‘* stated, we must for the present be content to follow at an ‘humble distance. That these representations are found- ** ed in truth with respect to the particular branches of know- *< ledge in question, cannot be doubted ; and that they should “© be true, every lover of science in Britain will regret, while “ he will feel himself called upon to use his most strenuous en- ** deavours to remove.this blemish from our national honour.” These are the sentiments of a generous and unprejudiced mind, which regards the sacred interests of truth as paramount to all private feelings ; and we must request Mr Faraday, after reading the above passage, to decide upon the respective merits of those who repel all friendly admonitions and wholesome truths as insults to their character, and of those who receive them in simplicity of heart, and apply them to ane vee pur- poses of personal and national improvement. Having thus vindicated Mr Babbage and his friends from the unwarrantable imputation of having “ attacked English | character,” we shall proceed to examine the defence of English science by a Foreigner. ‘This amiable individual has perform- ed with admirable tenderness, the united offices of apothecary and sick-nurse to scientific England.. When none of her own faculty durst visit her in her decline, save ‘the few empirics who have administered to her in thedark, our kind devotee, under _amask, is conducted by Mr Faraday to soothe and to rouse the _ deserted patient. Elixirs, moral and physical, ate plyed with ex- quisite address,—morphium and henbane combine their narcotic virtues, and new emollients and stimulants are extracted from every corner of the materia medica. It is alleged, says he, from the very chair of Newton in the University of Cambridge, that mathematics, once the staple commodity of England, has greatly declined, and Mr Herschel has dared to say, that in this science, ** England has. long given over a hopeless race.” . How can this be, when Mr Herschel and Mr Babbage are both fitted to run, and when La Place has praised Mr Ivory, and M. Arago praised Dr Young? ‘“ There is not the slightest ** reason for giving over the race as hopeless, whilst such men ° 340 Decline of Science in England. “¢as Mr Ivory, Mr Herschel, and Mr Babbage, are in the full “* force of their talent. In France, M. Legendre is very old,— *« the venerable Lacroix has done more than any other living “* man for the diffusion of analytical science ; we see no one at “* present in France but M. Poisson who could enter the lists of “the race. I do hoe perceive, I a it, the least uleioety “« for giving it over.” Here we have our author fairly drawn from his generalities into a distinct proposition incapable of being misinterpreted. He starts English mathematicians, of whom he considers only THREE as fit to run, viz. Mr Ivory, Mr Herschel, and Mr Babbage, against French mathematicians, of whom he con- siders only onE as fit to run, viz. M. Poisson. In order to make up this strange equation, he eliminates M. Legendre be- _ cause he is old, and M. Lacroia because he has done more than any other living man, and he leaves M. Poisson to strive single- handed with the three English mathematicians. We now bee _ the reader’s attention to the ignorance and unfairness of this contrast, which reprehensible as a piece of reasoning, as it is unjust to the high merits of the French geometers. Mr lvory, now approach ite the end of a brilliant career, is just as much disqualified for pursuing analytical research as Le. gendre or Lacroix ; and both Mr Herschel and Mr Babbage havelong ago abandoned their mathematics, the one for astrono- my, optics and chemistry, and the other for mechanics, so that the English list of our author is already reduced to zero, and his argument falls, self-destroyed, to the ground. But what shall we say of our author’s knowledge, when he assumes M, Poisson as the only French mathematician. Has he not heard of Cauehy, one of the brightest ornaments of France, and one who is likely to revive the age of Laplace and Lagrange. Does he exclude Biot, Poinsot, Ampere, Puis- sant, Prony, Navier, and Damoiseau, from the right of compet- ing with the mathematicians of England ? He will doubtless re- ply that many of these philosophers have chosen other fields for the principal display of their talents ; but he knows well that the same was the case with Herschel and Babbage, and he ought, therefore, to have omitted their names on the aed side. So far for our author’s flattery of English dinate ae an SE ee. Decline of Science in England. 41 We think we may leave this point to Mr Faraday’s own deci- sion ; and though we do not entirely agree with the low opinion of our mathematical character expressed by Mr Ren- nie, Professor of Natural History in King’s College, Lon- don, in his Introduction to Montague’s Ornithological Dic- tionary, yet we know, that such opinions are very generally maintained by uuprejudiced, though possibly not very well informed, individuals. ‘‘ The consequence of this leading- “* string system,” says Prof. Rennie, ‘ is, that it has nearly ** extinguished the mathematical reputation of Britain, for- ** merly so high ; it being as impossible to make a Newton by “ parroting the Principia, as to make a Milton by commit- *“« ting to memory his Paradise Lost.” Another singular argument of our anonymous opponent deserves the special notice of the logician, and all dealers in syllogism. : _ © The names,” says he, ‘“ of Sir Humphry Davy and of “ Mr Herschel are, of course, of the highest authority ; but “it would appear rather strange, that any one should attempt “ to couple those names with a complaint of a decay of science. “‘ This sounds pretty much as if, when speaking of Welling- “ton and Nelson, one would argue on the inferiority of the *¢ British navy and army. ‘The mere mentioning of the names ** of Davy and Herschel, could furnish a proof that science ‘* was flourishing in that country which gave birth to these “ highly gifted individuals.” When this syllogism is iitiiieal quoad artem, it thus stands. Sir H. Davy and Mr Herschel declare, that science is declining in England; and they are persons of the highest authority ; but they were both born in England, therefore science must be flourishing in place of declining!! Now for the illustration of the syllogism. The British army and navy never can be inferior to those of other nations while we can speak of Wellington and Nelson; therefore science never can decline in England while we can speak of Davy and Her- sche]. Upon these principles, we are led to the cheering con- clusion, far more delightful than that.of the author, thaé science and the army and navy never can decline in England, because Davy and Herschel were born withim its’ limits, and because we can always speak of Wellington. and Nelson. This 342 Decline of Science in England. perversion of reasoning will appear still more prominent! y when we consider that-science never can decline except in a country where it has flourished, and which has given birth to great men; so that the very circumstance which must necessarily have pre- ceded the decline of science, namely, the birth of two great men such as Davy and Herschel, is held by our author as an irrefragable proof that science has not declined. In order to follow the other arguments of our author, we must explain the circumstances under which science om LA said to decline in any country. 1. Science must decline by the death, especially the prema- ture death, of one or more of its most eminent and active cul« tivators. 2. Science must decline, when the principal scientific insti- tutions of a country cease to be presided over, and managed — by distinguished men, and are conducted in a slovenly routine, : and in a way in no respect calculated to encourage genius or promote the advancement of science. aM & 3. Science must decline when the sovereign and his mini- sters take no interest in scientific pursuits,—when, in place of establishing new scientific institutions, they destroy old ones, —when the honours and offices of the state are conferred only on military and naval merit,—and when those duties which require to be discharged by men of scientific knowledge, are entrusted to persons who have no other claim but those of fa mily connections and political subserviency. 4. Science must be considered as declining in any country, even when none of the preceding causes ewist, provided it is making less progress than formerly in that country, either in the number or nature of its discoveries, or provided its pro-— gress does not keep pace with that of rival nations. Admitting the most favourable views of the talents of Lit. tish philosophers, and the importance of British discoveries, — there is no upright:and well informed man in the community, who will not acknowledge with bitterness and sorrow that from all the preceding causes, science has declined, and is de- clining, in England. The truth of this sad conclusion, which has been fully established in Mr Babbage’s work, and in the Quarterly Review for October 1830, will bhi’ from a oan view of the subject. “Decline of Science in England. 343. 1. The death of Sir H. Davy, Dr Wollaston, Dr Iwiund: Mr Watt, Dr Marcet, Mr Gregor, Dr J ohn Murray, Mr Chenevix, and Mr Smithson Tennant, within a short time of each other, was almost a death-blow to English science, and particularly to the science of chemistry ;. and it behoves those who allege that science, and especially chemical science, has not on this account declined, to favour the public with the list _of those who fill the shoes of those great men, or of the young aspirants after chemical fame, who hold out the promise of placing themselves in the wide breach so unexpectedly effected. In order to answer this argument, our learned foreigner re- sorts to the following singular artifice, in which he uninten- tionally admits its full force. : ‘* In chemistry,” continues Mr Herschel, “ the case is not ** much better. But to us foreigners it appears hardly just to -** complain of the state of chemistry, when the losses of Davy ‘and Wollaston are still so recent. With the exception of ** Berzelius, whose mind, however, is of a quite different turn, ‘* we will ask Mr Herschel what continental chemist can be ** compared to the two eminent men whom England has to **.lament ?” Now this is a truly admirable counterpart to our saith former reasoning. When he wished to estimate the condition of French mathematics, he cuts off Legendre as old and infirm, and therefore forming no fraction even of French talent ; but when we wish to estimate the condition of English chemistry, he will not allow us to cut off Sir Humphry Davy and Dr Wollaston after they have been years in their tomb! Nay, he insists that no foreign chemist but Berzelius can be com- pared with them, and yet he will not permit us to bewail.their logs as an immediate and irreparable injury to science. When we maintain that science has declined in consequence of the loss of such great men, we surely do not mean to un- dervalue those whom they have left behind. . We, on the con- trary, value them the more, and we implore, -with double earnestness, their eminent successors, Mr Dalton, Dr Henry, Dr Thomson, Mr Philhps, Dr Prout, Dr Turner, Mr John- ston, and others, to come forward with new zeal, and call forth new powers to restore chemistry to its wonted glory. As Mr Faraday considers his character attacked by the allegation of 344 Decline ef Science in sia la the decline of chemical science, it is in vain to pra ” his individual patriotism. ge 2. The influence of sninitatitiina: whether universities or so- — cieties, im promoting or retarding the progress of ‘science, is universally admitted.. The author of the present pamphlet, to use a proverbial expression, admits this ‘* with a vengeance,” when he declares that the establishment of the Ecole Normale in Paris, ** though of short duration, was perhaps of more wuti- ** lity towards the extension of mathematical knociaigie THAN “ aLL THE Universitizs oF Evrove tocetser.” All that Mr Herschel and Mr Babbage have written ou the low con- dition of English mathematics, and all that we and others have said of the inefficiency of our universities, sink imto in- significance compared with this heart-stroke against the ho- nour and the usefulness of these institutions. 'The author of this sentiment, who certainly cannot be a professor, must, if he quits his mask, keep at a respectful distance from Cam- bridge, for if the corporation spirit of this university, when sub- jected to the gentlest admonitions of its true friends, has al- ready bled where it was not wounded, and winced where it was not galled, what powers of wrath will it not deploy against the daring author of this alarming truth, or the flagitious fabricator of this monstrous calumny? That Cambridge, backed by all the universities of Britain, and by. all the uni- versities of Europe, has done less for mathematical science than the short-lived Normal School of Revolutionary France, is indeed an assertion calculated to excite the patriotism of the most unpatriotic, and to awaken the nr of the most phlegmatic Englishman. In thus stumbling among our venerable institutions in pur- suit of the Lucasian professor, our foreign mstructor blunders out a series of the bitterest though well meant remarks. ‘** Most of the English institutions,” says he, ** seem of so pars — ** ticular a nature, and so blended with other subjects totally ‘¢ different from what exists in other countries, that it would ‘¢ be unwise in a foreigner to give an opinion on matters which ‘‘ he cannot be expected to understand. * * * *. But ‘this certainly is a principle firmly entertained on the con- “ tinent, that the diffusion of knowledge is far better promoted — *« by having the sciences taught in the universities by _jirst rate 4 « Decline of Science in England. _ 345 — “‘ professors than by any universitarian regulations.” But notwithstanding these hard hits our author is such a lover of things as they are, that he tells us ‘ that in this as in many - other things the best plan seems to be to let things take their ‘¢ natural level and not interfere in every particular with legis- ** latory provisions.” He very soon, however, repents of this toleration of abuses, for in a few lines, when he gets hold of an abuse that he really understands, he seems pesglate enough to have it rectified. ** It is generally understood,” says he, ‘* that there are ma- “‘ thematical and astronomical professors both at Oxford and “* Cambridge who seldom or never lecture, and who often do *‘ not reside at all at the university. I am possibly blinded ** by continental prejudice, but to me this appears a glaring ** abuse, which elsewhere would call for a speedy remedy.” Having his eyes thus opened by one intelligible abuse, our author begins to see too sharply. He attacks the Duke: of "Wellington in the most tender point, and levels a general blow at the institutions of our country, which, if it is true, or even approximates to truth, presages the speedy downfall of mighty . England. If there is one feature in our institutions more noble than another, or more flattering to our national vanity, it is. the accessibility of high office to character and talent... It has ever been our boast, and we trust it long will, that the hum- blest individual may, by the force of education and character, rise to the highest offices that a subject can fill—to the Archie- piscopal Mitre—the Woolsack, and the Horse Guards. Our author, however, believes and asserts the contrary. “* Mr Babbage,” says our author, “illustrates his argument | ‘*< by asking what would have been the military renown of *¢ England, if, with an equally improvident' waste of mental ** nower, its institutions had forced the Duke of Wellington *‘ to employ his life in drilling recruits, instead; of, planning “ campaigns?’ To this we might answer, omnis comparatio ** claudicat. But admitting the ‘simile, it would have been a ** great waste of mental power certainly, if the whole life of *‘ the noble duke had been employed ‘ in drilling recruits ; ** but it must be remembered that the greatest captain of the ‘¢ Jast century, Frederick the Great, amidst all his various oc- “ cupations, literary and political, always employed part of 346 Decline of Science in England. “his time in that exercise which Mr Babbage deems so far “ below the genius of a Wellington. Perhaps if the illus: “* trious British commander had contented himself during the “last years with superintending the discipline and drilling of ‘“‘ the Grenadier Guards, instead of figuring at the head of “‘ government, he would have rendered an essential service to ‘‘ his country, not attended with a loss of that popularity “¢ which was once so deservedly bestowed upon the conqueror ‘of Waterloo. But we cannot help remarking, that the ease “ which Mr Babbage very justly reprobates actually exists in “ England. If Lord Wellington had not been what he is, ‘“‘ the son of the Earl of Mornington, but the son of a farmer, ‘“a common soldier, like the present king of Sweden, Ney, ‘‘ Lefebure, Soult, Murat, Lannes, and similar men, he might ‘“‘ have been, according to the institutions of England, doomed “ for life to the drilling of recruits, but he never eae “* been an officer.” On first catching the substance of this paragraph, it is diffi cult to resist the impression that the author really united the incongruous characters of a scientific and a radical reformer ; and, but for the’ appendage of the responsible name of Mr Faraday, we should certainly have regarded it as a hoax upon’ the credulity of Englishmen. The attack upon the Duke of Wellington is most unmerited, and we think we speak’ the sentiments of all parties when we say, that but for one impru- dent demonstration against a great popular measure, his me- rits as a statesman will bear a comparison even with his mili- tary greatness. But how shall we reply to the astounding charge, that the institutions of England are such that none but | the sons of Earls can become even officers! Silence is the best refutation of a charge so palpably untrue, and we shall only ask our author how, under such a system, scientific men could | either expect or obtain rewards. ro» From the state of our Universities, of which we have alist ed our author alone to speak, we pass to the state of our Royal Society ; ; and we shall consider whether or not it has suffered such a change as to lead to the inference that science may on that account have declined. és Within ashort period previous to the death of Sir H. ‘Dati this distinguished individual filled successively the offices of Decline of Science in England. 347 Secretary and President to the Royal Society. Dr Wollaston in like manner filled the offices of Secretary, President, and Vice-President ; Dr Young was its — Secretary, and Mr Herschel was its Secretary. | It was scarcely to be wondered at that the Royal Botley was alleged to have declined, when death or resignation had — deprived the institution of these its brightest ornaments. In fillmg up these sad blanks, despair rather than sagacity seems to have presided at the election. It might have been expected that the salaries of three of these appointments should have been given to some young and active philosophers whose in- come, limited either by circumstances or by.a too generous de- votion to science, required such an addition. But with a fa- tality which marks a falling institution, the three secretary- ships were conferred upon men. who, though in every way estimable and respectable, had: never been particularly active in original research ; and all of whom enjoyed good profes- sional incomes. One of these secretaries, indeed, was so loaded with pluralities that it required seven lines of Mr Babbage’s smallest type to record their names; and another was actually an officer of artillery on leave of absence from his regiment, and who,also held the paid situation of scientific adviser to the ad- miralty. Of such a state of things it was the natural conse- quence that the rewards of the society were adjudged upon - new and erroneous ‘principles, that its T’ransactions no longer shone with original discovery, that its funds were devoted to promote no scientific object, and that the managers of the in- stitution, deserted by some of its brighest. ornaments, were nearly, incapable of forming an opinion of some of the papers submitted to their review. - Of subsequent events we forbear to speak ; they have a tongue of their own which will soon bring them into public notice. If any person who peruses this statement shall refuse to pith mit that the Royal Society has declined, and science along with it; we would invite him, forgetting for a moment space and time, to sit down, as we have done, at the same table with Ca- vendish, Sir W. Herschel, James Watt, Maskelyne, Playfair, Hutton, Davy, Wollaston, Y oung, and Chenevix, these mighty dead, and then to-name the party of the muatty ee to which he will invite us in return. “re e : — 348 Decline of Science in England. 3. The supineness of the sovereigns and cabinets of England, — and the indifference of the aristocracy to the great objects of science, have been so fully treated in Mr Babbage’s book and in the article on the decline of science in the Quarterly Review, that we shall confine ourselves to a reply to the observations on these subjects made in the pamphlet under consideration. — Our author admits “* that Sir H. Davy’s remark, “ that the ** aristocracy may be searched in vain for philosophers,” may “‘ be very just ; and it is indeed to be lamented.” He adds, “‘ that noblemen, as the Earl of Macclesfied and the late Duke — *‘ of Marlborough, do not find many imitators amongst the © *¢ English nobility.” Desirous, however, of finding some ex- ception to Sir H. Davy’s observation, he afterwards remarks, ** that it must not be forgotten that the first poet of the age ‘«¢ (Lord Byron) rose to such literary eminence from a seat in ' the British House of Lords;” as if this had any thing what- ever to do with the subject under discussion. ~** Perhaps the ** cause of this neglect,” he observes, ‘* may be traced to the ** circumstances that individuals moving in those higher spheres “* of society may obtain those distinctions, (the honours of the ** peerage,) which are objects of honest ambition, at a more * easy rate than by labouring in the field of science.” Tf this is not a well merited sneer at our mode of conferring honours, it indicates great simplicity and ignorance on the part of an au- thor. He surely does not believe that any labours in the field of science, however brilliant in themselves and useful to the nation, could by any possibility obtain such honours; and he cannot but know that the easy rate to which he refers is no- thing more than the possession of great wealth, the exhibition of military or naval prowess; the dominion over ‘rotten bo- roughs, and the maximum of political subserviency. But, notwithstanding all these admissions, the author will not allow ‘ that’ science is therefore declining in England, ‘¢ unless it could be shown that the same reproach attaches to ‘¢ other classes of society.” He is of opinion that the English — people are great patrons of science, * and that science has — ‘“‘ a better chance in England than elsewhere of securing an “ honest independence to its possessor. Dr Wollaston,” he continues, by his scientific exertions, procured himself that “‘ pecuniary supply without which ‘the greatest genius and ~ Decline of Science in England. 849 * the ignorant are alike unable to support themselves. Now ** J will tell Mr Babbage, that in no country Dr Wollaston, *¢ unassisted by kingly favour, could have been able to earn by “¢ his scientific discoveries, that independence which gave him ** the necessary leisure to apply all his mental force to the ‘* pursuits of science.” Our author here commits a mistake which we have found a very common one, and which, therefore, requires to be cor- rected. England is a wealthy, commercial, and manufactur- ing country, and any person, whether a native or a foreigner, who brings into her markets an article of trade which admi- nisters either to our wants or our luxuries, is sure of disposing of it to the best advantage. Dr Wollaston discovered the art of rendering platina malleable, and long enjoyed the monopoly of supplying this valuable metal. Hence he made a fortune by it, in the same manner as Dr Solomon did by his Balm of Gilead. Mr Watt made a fortune by the steam engine, but many other persons have done the same who made no great improvements upon it. In all these cases the fortune was made by ¢rade, not by science, for if Dr Wollaston had found his art in an old book on alchemy, or had purchased it from a foreign chemist, he would have made the same fortune which he did. Sir H. Davy’s far greater discovery of the metals of the earths never obtained for him a single farthing, because it had no commercial value. But while the wealth of England will be exchanged for an article of trade, whether it is the product of science or of quackery, the laws and customs of England are arrayed against scientific exertions. Had Dr Wollaston taken a patent for his method of purifying platina, he would probably never have made a farthing, and might have been reduced to po- verty by so rash-an act. Had he generously presented his method to the British public, and thus thrown a new trade into the hands of the community, the government would never have awarded to him either thanks, or honours, or remunera- tion. He was therefore compelled, to the great injury of the country, to keep his method a profound secret till he lay upon his death-bed, and: but for accidental circumstances, it would have perished with him. Dr Wollaston, therefore, made his ‘money in spite of his country, and solely because he could . 350 Decline.of England: bring his invention into the market without carton the se. > cret of it. ! Po» There are few inventions, however, of such a natiogs ‘shat they can be sold without disclosing the principle of their con struction. Of these Dr Wollaston’s Periscopic Spectacles was one- He was in this case compelled to secure it by patent The patent was invaded by pirates, and he lost the just re- ward of his labours. _ Now, in every other country in Europe; this patent would have been protected, and though these countries cannot boast of such extensive bazaars as London, and could not have supplied so many purchasers for new spec- tacles, yet it is easy to decide which of them would have been the greatest patron of the inventor. As another proof: that science is well rewarded in England, our author mentions the case of Sir W. Herschel, who, he says, * left a handsome, ** and what elsewhere would be considered a large fortune.” Does the author know that Sir W. Herschel’s fortune was that of the lady whom he married? If he does, why does he pervert truth, and if he does not, why does he write on a subject which he does not. understand ? In continuance of our last quotation our-author goes on fo say, ‘ | “I know such countries where the high-minded Wollaston ‘“‘ might have been obliged to fawn and bow in the anteroom “¢ of some lawyer in office, where his discoveries would have been “ submitted to the examination and criticism of some official “ underling; of having his writings and experiments appre- ‘ ciated by those who neither can conduct an experiment nor ‘¢ weigh the force of an argument ; and after submitting to all ‘ these indignities—after having felt the full weight of the in- ‘ solence of ‘office, he might have had the humiliation to see ‘ preferred to his just claims, the unceasing importunity, and ‘“‘ the shameless effrontery of the impudent quack, and.of the ‘* subservient sycophant. This, I will tell Mr Babbage, is the. ‘¢ real state of scientific men in those countries, whose manner of ‘“‘ managing scientific concerns he affects to rate so much above ** that of his own country, and nist exempla essent odiosa, we “ might bring convincing proofs of the truth of our assertion, ‘* from the scientific history of almost every country in Europe.” True as we doubt not this picture has sometimes been on the - Continent, yet we will tell our author that it is, and has been 3 wa wn n Decline of Science in England. 351 pre-eminently true of England, and that, if he wishes to see his own description justified or even caricatured, he will succeed only by submitting some important invention to the British government. As an anonymous writer, he need not have serup- led to give us a few of the exempla odiosa to which he alludes ; but, however, numerous they might have been, we should have neutralized them by counter statements of the most striking kind. When Dr Anderson, disgusted at home, carried -his flying artillery to the French government—when Fresnel suc- cessfully submitted his improvements in light-houses to the French board,—when Aldini, introduced his incombustible dresses—when Humboldt persuaded the Russian government to erect physical observatories throughout the Empire,— when Hansteen received from the Storthing of Norway a large sum for examining the magnetic curves in Siberia,—when the Emperor of Austria, the King of Russia, and the King of Saxony invited to the honours of their capitals, the seientific associations of Germany,—was there in these acts any appear- _ance of official insolence to genius and talents? We call upon our author to vindicate his allegation by facts, and we doubt not it will be found*that the cases referred to, were those of troublesome speculators who abound in all countries. But not only are foreign sovereigns the liberal friends and patrons of indigenous science, their liberality, especially that of the Emperor of Russia, nobly extends itself to other countries ; and while we are writing these lines, we have learned the gra- tifying fact, that his Imperial Majesty, has presented to George Harvey, Esq. F. R. S. of Plymouth, through his Excellency Prince Lieven, a magnificent diamond ring, as a mark of ap- probation of Mr Harvey’s investigations on ship-building, as published in the article wears sores in the moraine En- cyclopeedia. We come now to a painful part of our duty; to notice the calumnies against French philosophers and French science, which | the author has brought forward to neutralize the high admira- tion which Mr Babbage and the author of the article in the Quarterly Review have expressed of the genius and institutions of the French people. He represents the ** wealth and dignities” which Napoleon heaped upon Laplace as “ the price of shame ** and degradation ;” and he enumerates Lacepede,. Monge, NEW SERIES, VOL. V. NO, II. OCTOBER 183]. Z 352 Decline of Science in England. Berthollet, and Cuvier, among the philosophers, ‘‘ all of whom,” he says, ‘‘ bartered their conscience for wealth and influence.” He ‘afterwards adds, with additional bitterness, ‘“‘ Such men as Laplace, Lagrange, Lacepede, Cuvier, and Fontanes, en- ‘‘ joyed certainly a high income ; the former were senators, “‘ whose salary was 36,000 francs, or L. 1500; but it is a glar- ‘¢ ing error to call this salary an emolument of science. It was ‘‘ the price of the shame and degradation incurred by these ‘“‘ men for giving their silent vote and sanction to any of Napo- “‘ leon’s decrees, however oppressive ; it was the price for which “¢ the silence and connivance was bought of these mock commis- “sions for the liberty of the subject and the liberty of the “< press, which subsisted as sinecures during Napoleon’s reign. ‘“‘ Supposing the English ministry thought it their interest to “‘ bring scientific members into Parliament, would Mr Babbage ‘“‘ consent to sell his vote and his conscience for a pension of “ L,. 1200 or 1500? Still this was what La Place, La Grange, ‘* Lacepede, Monge, Berthollet, &c. constantly did, and we must “* not expect to buy at a cheaper rate the honour and sa “< of men of such distinction.” Human nature shudders at such imputations upon men whose names and characters have become the property of mankind; and while we express our firm belief that they are false, we must add also our regret that they should have received currency in a pamphlet published in England, and edited by an English chemist, who, honoured with a seat in the Institute of France, owed to that distinguished body at least the homage of his silence. This is doubtless the time when every patriot would wish to draw closer the ties which are beginning to unite two mighty nations, and we earnestly hope that every other feeling will be extinguished but those which spring from an honourable rivalry in promoting the best interests of our species. Before quitting this branch of the subject, we must notice two extraordinary mistakes of our author. He supposes that the contribution of L. 2740 annually, by 685 members of the Royal Society, is a subscription Sor the encouragement and benefit. of science, and that it is a greater honour to be a member | of the Royal Society. than a member of the Institute of France. “‘ A very material. difference,” says he, * between the Royal “* Society and the Institute, consists in this, that the fellows of Decline of Science wn England: 358 ‘“‘ the former pay for their admission, whilst the members of the ‘¢ latter enjoy a pension. Now, there are at present 685 fellows ‘© of the Royal Society, who used to pay about L. 4 a-year for ‘the honour of their fellowship, making in all an aggregate “sum of L. 2740, or 68,500 francs. The members of the “‘ French Institute receive, or received formerly, each 1500 “< franes, making 10,250 francs of the public money. Now, we <¢ will ask Mr Babbage in which country the honour of belong- ** ing to the first scientific society is held in greater estimation, _ ‘in that in which the fellows pay the honour with 68,000 “* francs, or those where they receive 10,250 francs, and the ‘* honour as an addition besides ? ** Mr Babbage favours us with a table of the costs of fellow- «< ship of different learned societies; it would have been very “< curious if he had stated the annual sum thus contributed both “‘ by the English and French nations towards the encourage- ** ment and benefit of science; and from the result, a fair esti- “* mate might be drawn in which of the two countries science is ** held in the greatest honour.” He who subscribes L. 4 a-year to the Royal Society, receives in return the Philosophical Transactions gratis, the pleasure of attending the meetings of the Society, the soirées of the presi- dent, the chance of belonging to the Royal Society club, and all the advantages of a reading room and library, which is open almost every day of the year from 11 a. . till 4 p.m., advan- tages really worth more than the subscription. Nay, there have been cases where booksellers have exerted themselves, whether successfully or not we do not say, to obtain the title of F. R. S. for their hack writers, and have considered the subscription as balanced by the commercial advantages which it secured. ‘he man must, therefore, be insane, who imagines for a moment that such subscriptions are contributions to science. Nay, the sub- scriptions are altogether expended in publishing the T'ransac- tions, and in paying taxes to the government and other contin- gencies, and are actually returned in another form to the pockets of the members. 'The medals, &c. of the Society are all paid — out of legacies left for the purpose, and the Society has never assisted a single scientific man in carrying on experiments, and has never appropriated its own subscriptions for any scientific object. ‘The same remarks are applicable to the Royal Society 354 Decline of Science in England. of Edinburgh,—with this difference, that it has on several occa-— sions, though not on so many as it ought, devoted its funds to promote important ‘scientific objects. We can assure our anony- mous flatterer, that there is not one of the 685 members whom he mentions who really conceives that he i is an cata or benefactor of science. With respect to the comparative honour of being a Fellow of the Royal Society, and a Member of the Institute, we’ can scarcely believe that the author is serious. Every person must feel that it is an advantage to be a member of the Royal Socie- ty, but none that it is an honour. ‘The indiscriminate admis- sion of every applicant of respectable character who enjoys title, possesses wealth, or fills office, and the strange but undeniable fact that no persons but men of science find it difficult to be ad- mitted, are circumstances which exclude all ideas of we connected with the transaction. eth? In the case of France, the honour of being an Avcnitmabinai is so palpable, that it is universally admitted, and that honour is certainly increased by its being accompanied with a salary. In London the members purchase their place as a matter of barter; in Paris the academician is purchased by the govern- ment as a commodity valuable to the state. If our readers are not satisfied with this view of the subject, we must bring the ar- gument more home to their apprehension. Mr Herschel and Mr Babbage consider the honour of being connected with the Royal Society as so evanescent, that they have’ omitted’ the ‘* Ten pound a-piece letters” from their names. We may add our testimony, that we feel no honour but much advantage from — the connection ; and we request Mr Faraday sincerely to ac- quaint his friend whether he feels himself most honoured by be- ing a Fellow of the Royal Society or a corresponding pa se of the Institute. 4. The fourth proof of the decline of science, namelyj'Wht which is drawn from the actual state of science in this country, opens up a field too extensive to be discussed at present. © It has been partly treated under other heads, and'we shall only — appeal to our readers whether Mr Herschel, and Mr Babbage, and Sir James South,—or Mr Faraday anaits correspondent, are best fitted to judge of the state of the physical sciences in England, and which of the two parties are actuated by the purest and most _ | Decline of Science in England. 355 patriotic motives in the opinions which they have maintained respecting the decline of science. The motives of men are ge- nerally not cognizable by human judgment ; but circumstances often present themselves, in which motives are as palpable as the actions to which they lead. 'When Mr Babbage, Mr Her- schel, and Sir James South sounded the alarm of declining science, did they sit down with folded arms to witness its de- cay. On the contrary, they were, and still are, the most ar- dent and active philosophers in England ; and, what is more, they are all men perfectly independent in fortune, seeking for no official emoluments, but generously devoting all their time, and much of their fortune, to sustain and revive those very sciences of which they have lamented the decline. The occupations and the motives of these three great men are peculiarly under pub- lic observation ; and though it is perhaps unfair to separate one from the rest, we cannot but express our admiration of the no- ble and unrivalled sacrifices which have been made by Sir James South to promote the progress of astronomical science. But who are the patriotic defenders of English science; the panders to our national vanity, the calumniators of genius, who represent our first philosophers as Firebrands, and ascribe to disappointment, and irritability and faction, the warnings and expostulations of the best friends of England? Let them stand forth! let them unmask their persons! and let him especially present himself to be scanned by the eye of truth, who dared to — say to the philosophers and inventors of England, what the ex- perience of every one of them contradicts, “‘ THAT THERE Is ‘© AMPLE WEALTH IN ENGLAND READY UPON THE SLIGHTEST “HINT TO SUPPORT THE EXPENCES OF SCIENTIFIC INVESTI- “ GATIONS.” The last subject noticed by the author of the pamphlet under review, is the subject of conferring titles on persons eminent in science and literature. On this subject the author substantially agrees with Mr Babbage, but he is so unwilling to entertain one | opinion in common with him, that he contrives, even on this point, to fall out with him by the way. “« Among the means” says he “ of encouraging science in «* England, Mr Babbage proposes the institution of § an order * of merit. Does Mr Babbage imagine that Dr Wollaston or ‘*< Dr Maskelyne, or some such men, would have been 356 Decline of Science in’ England. a“ wn n n Lal n n n on a“ n n wn wn a“ n on n wn n « ta wn Lal ”~ an “n n n an 66 6e eS spected cither at home or abroad, if, like the Russian, they had half a dozen of different coloured ribbons pending on his breast? In almost every country where such distinctions exist, one-half of the ribbons are given to Jobbing and patronage ; and upon the whole, we believe that the institution itself has an injurious tendency. Such crosses and badges are but too often the price for which honour and conscience are bought, These gaudy baubles are the hooks aud baits by which a prey may be allured, which could not be taken in any other way. The distribution of these distinctions must of needs belong to government. How are its members to judge of the diffe. rent degrees of scientific merit? How can a minister know whether an astronomer is a deserving honest man, or whether he belongs to that numerous class of forgers, cooks, trimmers, &c. whom Mr Babbage so justly brands and vows to execra- tion? Mr Babbage does scarcely allow to government the ca- pacity of choosing its own scientific advisers,—How will it be able to discern those who deserve the order of merit ? A well meaning government, not wishing to indispose any body, and attaching deservedly no great value to these things, gives a decoration for the asking; or for the slightest reason or re- - commendation. In this way such orders get at every body’s button hole ; and it is not extraordinary on the Continent, to see a sleight-of-hand performer, a fiddler, or a mountebank, decorated with some foreign order. Farinelli, a celebrated castrato, was decorated by the king of Spain with the mili- tary order of Calatrava; Napoleon gave the order of the Iron Crown, la cowronne de fer, to WVelluti, another castrato. The consequence of all this must be naturally, that in such countries where such distinctions exist, fools are very eager to have them, and really meritorious men do not attach the slightest value to them, and very often refuse them when they are tendered. Thus the late Professor Van Swinden refused an order offered to him by the king of Holland: ** But in England there can scarcely exist any pretext for instituting such an order; there is no necessity that govern- ment should expressly allow certain persons the permission to wear a toy attached to their button-hole. The king of England, if he be inclined to science, and wishes to yest its professors with distinction; may confer upon them the ho- ‘ Decline of Science in England. 357 “nour of knighthood or of the -baronetcy, as his late royal *€ brother has done upon Sir Humphry Davy, and as he him- “ self very justly did, upon Sir James South. There can be “ ‘little doubt, if once the calculating engine is brought to perfec- “€ tion but that we are going to have a Sir Charles Babbage; ‘‘ and we must seriously lament, not for the sake of the men, ** or of that of science, but for the honour of government, that “¢ we never had a Sir William Wollaston, a Sir Thomas Young, “and a Sir James Watt.” In this passage our author completely misrepresents Mr Bab- bage’s views. Mr Babbage does not propose an order of merit. He merely says, that it has been proposed, and he even states, ! almost in the words of his opponent, that if such an order ex- _ isted, government would not be able to fill it properly in the | present state of public opinion respecting science, as it might be. Jilled up through the channels of patronage, and by the mere job- bers in science. When an order of merit has been mentioned it does not mean that there are to be ribbons and gewgaws dangling at button holes. It is meant merely to say, that an honorary title should be created for civil merit. Our author ’ is mistaken, however, if he thinks, as he seems to do, that Mr Babbage and others have any desire for such titles. Respected as they know they are by the great and good men of every na- tion, they are satisfied that this respect cannot be increased by an empty and tinkling syllable prefixed to their names. They have spoken of the subject solely as an instrument for promot- ing science ; and though they themselves, already in the meri- dian of their career, ask no reward for what they have done, and seek no stimulus to do more, they are yet sensible that such titles and rewards are powerful excitements to the young, and that philosophers as well as heroes may be formed by the ambition of honours that are within their grasp. It has been more than once stated by our author, and we fear it is an argument addressed to vulgar apprehension, that science cannot decline in a country which is still adorned by many great names. We admit, and we do it with true pride, that the temple of British science still possesses some of its most ornamental pillars, but we look in vain for the massive gra- nite which should fill up its noble outline. The ruins of mate- yial grandeur read to us the lesson of our intellectual decline. 358 MacCulloch’s System of Geology. The walls of our venerable fabric may have crumbled into dust ; the altar may have disappeared from its hallowed site; and the ministering priests may have been enshrined beneath, while its pillars, like those of ‘* 'Tadmor in the wilderness,” ‘may re- main to attest in sullen grandeur that time has spared but its locality and its name. Arr. XXIII.—A System of Geology, with a Theory of the Earth, and an explanation of its connection with the Sacred Records. By Joun MacCuttocu, M.D., F.R.S., &o. In two volumes, 8vo. Pp. 512 and 483. Wer have not for a long time met with a book of more pro- mise and less fulfilment than the one before us. It has neither : the merit of strikingly original, though crude views, nor ‘of sound unostentatious philosophy,—nor of a luminous exposi- tion of facts,—nor of a happy effort of generalization,—nor of ability of historic detail,—nor, finally, least of all that it pre- tends to, of being a “ System” fitted for the use of the students’. It is also wanting in an eminent degree in that which may re- commend even an indifferent work to the leniency of the rea- der,—its being written in a good spirit, and with a candid de- sire to do justice to those who have pre-occupied the same field. This very fact is enough to convey unfavourable im- pressions of the character of the work, which a more careful scrutiny will not perhaps tend to dispel. The idea of a “‘ System of Geology” at this day, with. out frequent and honourable mention of the names and labours of Cuvier, Brongniart, Humboldt, Von Buch, Sedge- wick, Buckland, Murchison, Smith, and many others whom ‘we need not attempt to enumerate, seems almost a contra- diction in terms; and as Dr MacCulloch confines himself in a great measure to the field of his labours in Scotland, we aight more particularly have expected to meet with abundant references to the writings of Saussure, and Boué, and Jameson, and Hibbert; instead of which we find these two volumes absolutely innocent (we believe) of foot notes, without reference to the works, and, with a few rare exceptions, without mention of the names of these fellow Ja- MacCulloch’s System of Geology. 359 bourers on the field of geology, which many of them have de« voted their whole lives to extend and enrich; and it is painful to add, that in the few instances where such notices do occur, it is almost without exception, in terms of blame, and never, or almost hever, in those of praise. Even with the want of this courtesy, or rather justice which we are entitled to expect, we might have been disposed to give the work due credit for its intrinsic merit—for views so great and absorbing as to blot out for a moment the recollection of the painful labours of immor- tal minds which had brought the science to such a point of perfection as to require only a master’s hand to associate and generalize—or foraplan so compendious and didactic as should . free the author from the charge of egotism, by the laborious _and perspicuous selection of facts and views from every acces- sible source. ‘The work certainly enjoys neither of these cha- racteristics, and we suspect by this time, though we have seen no notice of it whatever, has taken its station in the ranks of literature,—a low one we believe, and above which it will ne- _ ver rise. That the System of Geology has some few good points about it, no impartial person, we believe, will deny ;. whilst its defects are so obvious and glaring, that men of far less intellectual stamina than Dr MacCulloch himself, will delight to tear it in pieces and trample it under foot, whilst few will ever attempt to separate the valuable grains from the over- weeningly preponderating mass of chaff. That the Doctor does not even deprecate criticism is quite obvious from the whole tone of the work. He has fairly laid himself open to the most merciless attacks on every hand, and he will probably experience them. He seems almost to want his usual self-confidence in recommending his book: And how could it be otherwise? During by far the greater part of his 995 pages, the matter is stale; the manner is feeble ; the premises are often indistinct ; the conclusions are often inconclusive; the matter is ill arranged, the views sometimes inconsistent or opposed ;* | the work is ill printed; it is devoid of illustration on wood, copper, or stone ; and the price is,—L.1, 12s. This, we sus- - pect, is the key-stone to the whole work; the “‘auri sacra fames” peeps through at every corner; and the Doctor, we imagine, “* Compare the Jast chapter with other parts of the work. 860 MacCulloch’s System of Geology. never counted strata with more assiduity in Argyleshire, * than he computed the multiples of L. 1, 12s. We do not propose to enter minutely into the merits or demerits of the book ; but before making any extracts from it, we would point out rather a singular consideration | which its perusal must suggest toa reflecting mind. We had occasion not long since to notice Mr Lyell’s interesting first volume of “« Principles of Geology,” as the first attempt in this country for a long series of years to generalize upon the accumulating facts of geological science. His second volume is hardly in the press, when a work by Dr MacCulloch of similar pretensions appears, only with the more imposing name of a “ System,” having the same objects, professing the same end, and differ- ing only in the mode :—but how different! Certainly no two works on one subject ever appeared with an interval of half a - dozen of centuries between them, more antipodal than these two at a distance of as many months. ‘They coincide in few par- ticular hypotheses,—in many they are utterly opposed; but what is more extraordinary, they have hardly the title or sub- ject matter of a chapter common to both. The bewildered reader, standing with an authority by no means destitute of weight on each hand, is apt to inquire where truth lies? Whe- ther the ** System,” or the “ Principles,” contain the essence of the science; for it is utterly impossible that both can do so. It is really important to inquire into this anomalous condition of the science, (for, however triumphant each party may con- sider his.ewn fundamental principles, and baseless those of his opponent, anomalous we must still consider it,) and to show how so important a schism could arise without throwing to the winds any imagined data which geology has been considered to” possess. We are pivgared to concede that Dr MacCulloch possesses the advantage of a varied acquaintance with the physical sciences, to which many, or most of his opponents (and we in- clude Mr Lyell,) lay noclaim. This superiority, for such it undoubtedly is, may have done Dr MacCulloch more harm than good asa pure geologist, by the way in which he has employed it, and the disparagement which he has taken every occasion to throw upon the attainments of the modern school of geolo- gists ;—yet it has led him to take some just views (as they ap- * See the System of Geology, vol. is ps 93. MacCulloch’s System of Geology. 361 pear to us) of the nature of the science, which have been wholly overlooked by some other writers, and which has led to an erroneous view of the qualifications requisite to the geo- logist, and of the great objects of his science to unfold. Before geology had acquired * a local habitation and a name,” the efforts of early speculators were directed, as is well known, to the wide and uncertain field of pure theory con- nected with the origin of the globe ; the connection of scrip- turally historical with physical events, and especially the traces and effects of the Mosaic deluge. The descriptive portion of the science was then a blank. It would have been thought equally beneath the dignity of science to classify rocks and simple minerals, or to descend into a minute comparison of fos- sil organic remains with the existing species. Why should those to whom Nature has revealed hen ample page scrutinize the particular mode of her operation, which could, they imagined, add little to the knowledge of general facts or laws? Why should the phenomena of active causes be ex- amined, the destructive influence of volcanos and earth- quakes, or the devastating operations of seas and rivers, when a comet might as readily be conceived to torrefy the terrestrial nucleus from pole to pole by the approach of its ignited mass, by its attraction to change the axis of rotation, and by the action of a vast tidal wave submerge the mountains, and raise to light and air the peopled cavities of the ancient ocean? No dynamical effect was too powerful for such resources, and as new phenomena arose, new under-plots were added to thedrama - of creation ; new trains of wheels, no matter how cumbrous, were added without mercy to the old one, till the hands were made once more to tell true upon the dial-plate, and permit- ted to remain till new discoveries rendered new substitutions necessary :— how they will wield ‘The mighty frame, how build, unbuild, contrive, To save appearances. An advancing state of physical science led men to amend the laxity which cosmogonal theories had assumed in the days of Burnet and Whiston, and the speculations of Hutton and Werner, both of whom gave much weight to facts of observa- tion, raised a new and very superior class of geologists, What- , 362 MacCulloch’s System of Geology. ever may have been the errors of these two theories, which as- summed the names’of their respective authors, it cannot be de- nied that, independently of any light they may have indivi- dually thrown upon the creative processes of nature, their in- fluence on men’s minds was highly important. The doctrine of consolidation by heat and pressure, and that of universal formations, were brought to their respective tests of experiment and observation ; the former was confirmed as far, perhaps far- ther, than could have been expected, under factitious cireum- stances; whilst the other was shown to have originated in its uts most generality in the narrow views of the ingenious but untra- velled projector of it; and thus men became habituated to the wholesome practice of using well their hands and eyes before they began to speculate upon the subject. The acrimony which the Huttonian and Wernerian con- troversy excited, produced a reaction, and geologists resoly- ed for a time to banish hypotheses and to endeavour to view nature as she was, untinted by the medium through which theorists are too willing to view the objects of their research. his most important stage in the history of geology, and the true bearings of which have not, we think, been sufficiently - adverted to, has been so ably sketched in an admirable re- view of Mr Liyell’s “ Principles” in a contemporary periodi- cal work, * that we shall make no apology for quoting it. We have no hesitation in referring for the paternity of the ar- ticle to the banks of the Cam. «« Notwithstanding that the labour and industry of our iol logical observers have been such as men seldom bestow, except forthe purpose of proving or confirming some favouriteopinion, their self-denial and temperance in abstaining from theory-mak- ing have been quite as eminent as their diligence in collecting materials. ‘To any one acquainted with the recent original pro- ductions of our geological literature, this must have occurred as a very curious characteristic. Nothing can be more copious or communicative than these publications, so far as details are’ concerned. 'To describe, to circumscribe, to subdivide the strata of particular localities ; to class, distinguish, restore the animal remains discovered; to identify distant rocks in the _ Minutest circumstances; these and’ similar subjects have been * British Critic, Jan. 1831. MacCulloch’s System of Geology. 363 the theme of many a long and dreary communication which has been read to the Geological Society, and which it required all the - ingenuity and good taste of the members to enliven by the agreeable extempore discussions which succeed the readings. In most cases the writers described what they saw, and that was all. Stones were to them as flowers to Peter Bell : | «A primrose on a river’s brim A yellow primrose was to him, And it was nothing more.” «The case was not asin former days, when the crystals of a single hand-specimen were supposed capable of revealing the history of the original condition of the world. No doubt among all this mass of detail, (most valuable and indispensable, notwith- standing its tendency to tiresomeness,) there did occur and must occur suggestions and opinions as to the causes and connexions of the appearances described. It was the glimmering of dim and distant truths of this kind, which often gave the subject the charm of an oriental fiction ; and lured the inquirers onwards, ** O’er bog or steep, through straight, rough, dense, or rare.” But that which was truly admirable, was the constancy and firm- -ness with which our geologists abstained from either dwelling upon such speculations as important, positive, certain, and lead- ing points in the science; or from considering an assent to any such opinions as a proof of the orthodoxy and soundness of geological faith of any of their brethren. There was among them a strong suspicion of all generalities; an inflexible rejec. tion of every thing which referred to Mr Jenkinson’s favour- ite topic of ‘ the cosmogony or creation of the world; and a resolute determination not to be misled, even by the most tempt, ing promises of a beautiful and consistent theory, into the rashness of generalizing from immature and partial observa- tions.” The singular discovery of the relation of fossil organic re- mains to the strata in which they are found, to which. the beautiful collections of Woodward show that he had so nearly arrived, was reserved to immortalize the name of Smith. Such a discovery could not fail to absorb the attention of the embryo school. of geologists who made the dogged determination, to observe nature and nature alone; and almost the whole weight 364 -MacCulloch’s System of Geology. of talent devoted to the rising science was embarked in this one research. The superposition of rocks, their connection, sub- divisions, and classification, were all studied by the new light of fossil remains: the broken shell, or the mammoth’s tusk, which a. century ago would have been referred to as a proof of the deluge, (and in saying so it would have been considered as the sum total of information which the fossils were calculat- ed to afford,) i is Now regarded merely as an index to mark the formation in which it is found, as occupying the place of a given term in a known series of rocks, or rather a series of synchronous deposits ; and the knowledge thus obtained would be regarded as amounting merely to the determination of the — structure of a given spot upon the surface of the globe, with- out reference to any ulterior or speculative question. No- thing, therefore, can be more distinct than the character of geo- logy in the three periods we have sketched; and it is worth _ inquiry whether the science does not admit of a division of - objects equally distinct. We have had the cosmogonal or ear- liest period, the middle one, or period of theoretical induction, from observation and experiment more or less extended, ene the last, or age of purely descriptive geology. The course pursued has been precisely the reverse of that which has obtained in the exact sciences. Men began with the transcendental and advanced to the rudimentary. The first geologists elaborated their systems in their closets, the next race combined the facts of nature in the most philosuphi- cal manner that their abilities or opportunities permitted, and deduced theories, legitimately so called ; the last do little more than collate their note-books,—give a natural historical account of what they see,—identify their shells and plants with Sowerby and Brongniart,—and deposit their insulated facts in archives — which are to be the mines out of which a future and happier race of philosophers are to draw conclusions and build hypo- theses. If such be admitted to be a correct picture of the pre- sent state of geology, we can only congratulate its future cul- tivators upon having such indefatigable and disinterested pre- decessors, who are willing themselves to go into eternal obli- vion, provided the materials they have spent their lives in quarrying are destined one day to form a portion of a great and symmetrical edifice. _'This we know to be the view of some MacCulloch’s System of Geology. 305 of the ablest and most long-sighted of those now engaged in this gigantic labour. | If we have succeeded in explaining ourselves, it will be very elear that we would wish to consider geology as having two essentially distinct parts, — Descriptive Geology and the Philoso- phy of Geology. In fact, the mere description of the earth’s crust is essentially a branch of natural history, whilst the spe- culation becomes one of physics the moment that the element of time is introduced, and we begin to investigate the history and causes of any species of change to which it may. be sub- ject, whether past or future. ‘This, then, is a clear line of de- marcation; and the two branches of the science are so neces- sarily distinct, and require such a very different class of acquire- ments and habits of thought for their respective prosecution, that we wonder they should so generally be considered as one and the same, or as distinguished by a line so purely metaphy- sical that the one cannot be practically cultivated without the other. For ourselves, we have no hesitation in considering the physics of geology as the most interesting and important de- partment of the science, without any wish to undervalue the practical labours of those who furnish data to found and to test speculations. But are we to infer that men wanting the technical knowledge requisite to the complete natural histori- cal description of a phenomenon, should be the less able on that account to deduce correct inferences respecting its causes and the legitimate conclusions to which it leads? Or is the re- lation of the mere observer the less to be relied on because he may be incapable of drawing from it all the inferences it may. warrant ? We would say, much the reverse.. ‘The theory of the one and the facts of the other are only the more worthy of confidence ;_ the one is unable to bend his facts to accommo- date his theory ; the other has no theory to support. To take an example: A physical geologist wishes to know the epoch of elevation of a mountain range ;, and suppose that from the di- rection of the chain he suspects from hypothesis that it was elevated at one period rather than another ; he finds one rock formation lying upon the flanks of the range in a way indica- tive of having been raised along with it, whilst another is su- perimposed unconformably in horizontal strata. He is en- titled to infer from dynamical principles that the epoch he re- 566 MacCulloch’s System of Geology. quires lies between the date of deposition of these two rocks. Ignorant of the niceties of discrimination of fossil species, or possibly, of mineral character, he refers to the descriptive geo- logist to assign the respective places of the two rocks in the system, who may perhaps know nothing of the purposes which this determination is to serve. Is the doctrine of parallelism of chains of synchronous elevation more or less satisfactorily determined by the co-operation of these two observers than if one only had been employed? It were easy to multiply illus- trations. Considering the vast multiplicity of sciences, many of theni burdened with enormous technical labour, which become ne- cessary to a complete geologist, it were vain to look for such a “ perfect monster.” Mechanics, dynamics, hydrostatics, pneumatics, chemistry, mineralogy, botany, zoology, are but a portion of the encyclopedaical knowledge with which he ought to be familiar, several of which individually become the labour of a lifetime fully to master: Hence a certain subdivision of labour has been successfully resorted to, and even the natural historical school of geologists often depend for their technical facts upon the authority of a single individual who has studied the subject. The momenta doubtful fossil is presented to the geological society, if it be a bone, it is put into the hands of Mr Clift; if a shell, Mr Sowerby gives his verdict; if an insect, Mr Kirby ; if a plant, Mr Brown or Mr Lindley. This is as it should be; but in the higher divisions of the science a similar plan should be followed ; the physics of geology should not be made subordinate to, but distinct from pure natural history. ‘The ponderous and most elaborate volumes of the Geological Transactions contain piles of facts, but the spirit in which they are treated seems to indicate a trivial standard as the ultimate aim of the geologist. To determine to which subordinate stratum of a large group a particular rock is to be ~ referred, is often considered a most important question as a matter of fact, yet it rarely happens that such a determination is capable of leading to the revelation of a class of general laws. ‘Though we had a perfect geological map of the globe, the minds which were engaged in its construction might be quite incapable of drawing any valuable conclusion from it, — and in precisely the saine way we might consider the author MacCulloch’s System of Geology. 367 of the most elaborate paper in the Geological ‘Transactions as incapable of. writing either the elements or a system of geolo- gy. He might give lists of characteristic fossils,—he might teach the mode of observing, collecting, classifying rocks;.-he might give the whole substance of Conybeare and Phillips's Geology of England, and yet might prove himself incapable of enunciating a single general law of the science, of drawing just geological conclusions, of assigning causes adequate to ef- fects, or commit errors which the humblest elements of dyna-_ _ mics, hydrostatics, or chemistry would have prevented. _ That many important facts depend upon apparently trivial determinations of the geological position of individual strata, we must not be conceived to deny. All we assert is, that such a determination, per se, is of little imterest to science, and that much precious time, capable of giving the most important ex- tension to our knowledge of natural laws; has been ‘spent in the determination of matters of fact which, the chances are equal, may never add to the limits of geological science. ‘fo well di- rected efforts we can set no limits. The physical geologist must be perpetually indebted to the natural historian for the determination of facts which the knowledge of the latter will enable him to answer much more decisively than any moderate acquisition of the former could be expected to effect. . Yet the mechanical philosopher is not a closet geologist. His depart- ment does not, indeed, lead him to map the junction of two strata with the precision of a surveyor, or to decide with ela- borate investigation whether a red sandstone be old or new, or a limestone represent the encrinal series or the coal measures: —but his walk is by the volcano and the torrent :-—It is he who ean judge how far causes now in action are competent to the production of past events. He watches the silent erosion of the o¢ean-beaten cliffs; his skill computes the slow but sure transportation of the glaciers. Trained in the school of sober induction, he passes with philosophic caution from the known to the questionable ; he traces the analogy of present effects to past effects, and thence, of present causes to past causes ; he can seize the differences which science teaches should subsist between the results of power small in amount prolonged through time of indefinite extent, and of power indefinitely great actmg during a short space of time. The mineralogist may compare NEW SERIES, VOL. V. NO. Il. OCTOBER 1831. Aa ' 368. MacCulloch’s System of Geology. the volcanic and trap rocks, and pronounce. their. natural-his-,_ torical character identical; but how infinitely more general-and . conclusive the deductions of the geologist, exercised. by habits of physical research, in pointing out the real discrepancies of aqueous and igneous solution, the chemical effects of heaton rocks, the proofs of mechanical force in elevation, the testimony, which the now rigid mass can be made to reveal of the direc- tion and intensity of the effort. : a Need we touch on the loftier speculations pai pt geology :—Of the speculations which the figure of. the earth renders more sure than almost any others to be found. in the science, which yet, from the want of the requisite knowledge, few geologists can do any thing but take upon trust :—Need we allude to Mr Herschel’s inquiries into that portion.of. geologi.. cal dynamics connected with astronomy,—thus. providing a link between the revolutions of our globe, and those of the sys- tem of which it forms but a single member? When we.consi- der the necessary difference, we had almost said. opposition, which subsists between the pursuits of natural history and those of experimental philosophy, can we wonder at the want.of tact in observing, (or rather in treating observations,) the illogical reasoning; the inadequacy of causes to effects, the arguments a priori, the bigotry to hypotheses, which so frequently cha- racterize the writings of mere descriptive geologists; and we must consider that the science rests on a tottering basis ‘till some one sufficiently qualified devotes himself to the physies of the question, and places it on a better footing... But the — rage for technicalities, which gives the present geological school its peculiar character, which at little expence of thought occu- pies the physical and mental energies to a certain extent, and permits the imagination to run wild in its most fantastic course, whilst an error in nomenclature is the gravest offence it recog- nizes,-—so long as this rage continues in its full extent to di- vert the mind from the whole to part, and to make natural history the first, second, and third, geology, we can hardly hope that those who might work a revolution, in the science, will be induced to set their face against the ‘‘ ex- clusive” habits of the age. But we believe a day, must come before geology is altogether worthy of the name of a science, when men, (either in this or some other country,) worthy of | | ee MacCulloch’s System of Geology. — 869 the names, and inheritors of the talents of Davy; Wollaston, and Young, may. be equally identified with geology, as the brightest of those who now y_adorn and HN its prone department. That some of the wlodéen school of geologists hinta exbibitetd acquirements of both kinds in an eminent degree, we should be the last to deny ; but upon the principle that solid discovery is most likely to attend the efforts of those who circumscribe their energies to a narrow track, we believe that the true inte- rests of science would be better served by some such discrimi- nation of objects as we have pointed at, than by an attempt°to grasp at such wide and varied qualifications as belong to - beau ideal of a perfect geologist. * | It is easily conceivable, upon the principles now laid ho tem that two works might be written upon geology, each sufficiently complete in their respective departments, yet with hardly a subject incommon. From the scientific school in which he has been trained, the strongest part of Mr Lyell’s book was, as might have been expected, what belongs to natural history ; and we formerly took occasion to express our opinion of the weakness of the physical department of the book,—an opinion which has since been amply confirmed in other quarters. But Dr MacCulloch, with a store of knowledge which well fitted him for entering upon some parts of this wide field, has shown * We believe we run little risk of making an invidious comparison by saying, that perhaps the fittest man in Britain for writing upon geology at large is Mr Conybeare. His acquirements in the exact sciences and in general physics, and his stock of knewledge upon the details of geology, to which he has so largely added; fit him peculiarly for the task ; and we hope he will be prevailed upon to give to the world a compact system, in- stead of continuing the detached fragments which for some time appeared at monthly intervals in the Philosophical Maguzine. We may add, that in Mr De La Beche’s Geological Manual, which we have only had leisure to look into since the present article was written, we can perceive, amidst the superabundance of natural-historical details, a just sense of where the distinction of physical geology ought to lie. ‘The ‘‘ Sections and Views of Geological Phenomena” of the same author, are most valuable ; and, as their name expresses, abound in examples of those inestimable traces which nature sometimes leaves of her modus operandi,—traces which it should be the principal object of the physical geologist to discover and ‘investigate, - and which the mere natural historian may often pass over without.a mo- ment’s observation. "pot * 3710 -~MacCulloch’s System of Geology. a similar mistake in attempting the whole, and in a spirit ill adapted to soften the ruggedness of the real deformities of the work. With that propensity we so often see to view that side of a subject as all-important, of which our previous knowledge enables us to form a just idea, and to consider every other | point of view as insignificant, Dr MacCulloch uncompromis- ingly upholds every tittle of the supremacy of mineral charae- ter, and with a levity which is quite characteristic of his style, throws aside, as utterly worthless, the whole theory of fossil remains, as indicative of the strata. He exalts the primitive rocks to an unmeasured degree of importance over the secon- dary and tertiary in the very spirit of Werner, whom, never- theless, he takes every opportunity to discredit and trample on, and to whom he bears the farther resemblance of drawing almost all his illustrations from a country, limited both in absolute and geological extent,—namely, Scotland. It is not wonderful that the Doctor should choose this country for the Saxony of his *‘ System.” There are few countries which ever repaid so well the labour of geological research, and few observations have ever been published in such a variety of form as Dr MacCul- loch’s. It must be unnecessary even to refer to a certain Parliamentary return upon a “ Mineralogical Survey,” to prove that modern alchemy has achieved the transmutation*of even the basest minerals into gold,—that the philosopher’s stone may be discovered by the adept in rocks of every age :— “* Tollit humo Saxum ; Saxum quoque palluit auro. Contigit et glebam ; contactu gleba potenti Massa fit.” Ov. With regard to the volumes before us, we have neither space nor inclination to enter into any analysis of them ; and they pos- sess few either of the charms of style, the merit of novelty, or of any other kind, totempt us. The work is, to speak geologi- cally, a conglomerate ;—not, however, composed of the varied materials which have so long been added as insulated groups of facts to the science,—not gleaned with fidelity and judg- ment from the works of predecessors and contemporaries, and set in a basis which should at once compact and add lustre to the whole ; but it is a conglomerate of the triturated and time- worn fragments of the Doctor’s own works, and the “ basis or ground” is of the same sombre hue with the morsels which it ; MacCulloch’s System of Geology. 371 - encloses. ‘here is hardly one of the thousand pages in which Dr MacCulloch does not implicitly or explicitly appear; and the Account of the Western Isles of Scotland, the Classifica- tion of Rocks, with his scattered papers in the Geological Trans- actions, (which by the way he never quotes but to mention his own memoirs, unless in terms of contempt,) down ‘to the very Description of Hammers in the Appendix, and other glean- ings from his contribations to periodical works :—these are the staple commodities of the book, which are now piled toge- ther with so little arrangement, that the Doctor openly profes- ses to express different opinions in his second volume from what are contained in the first; and the very arrangement of the chapters, (like dislocated strata,) assumes a different con- figuration in the body of the work, and in the table of con- tents. We are at a loss where to quote from: The preface, per- haps, presents as good an idea of the style and pretensions of the work, as any part of it. We shall therefore make one or two brief extracts. Of all announcements by way of recommendation for a work ona daily widening science, the following is the strangest we have met with: ‘“* This work was written in 1821 (!) and it has therefore slept even beyond the Horatian period.” The succeeding paragraph throws completely into the shade any- thing we have attempted to say respecting the neglect of the physical department of geology. ‘“ I have waited ten years, in the announced hope that some better man would stand forward in the breach, the representative of Geological science as it now is: endeavouring also to tempt others to this peri- lous honour, by the occasional publication of certain por- , tions. I do not see that it has been superseded; nor that there are any hopes from a longer delay. I did also expect that time would have brought material improvements, through the efforts of the present multitude of labourers. I grieve to say that it has scarcely received a valuable addition from this source, and not a single fundamental'one. The evidences’ of Geology have indeed been multiplied; yet through identical facts only : since I do not perceive that a new one has been ad- ded to the science. ‘This ought not to have been.”"—Pref. p. v. The modest author's idea of his work may be gathered from . 3t2 . MacCulloch’s System of Geology. the following passages. | ‘* If, to controvert, be termed contro- versy, I am sorry for what I could not avoid. I neither envy the taste nor the feelings that delight in this bane of modern science and literature: under which, they who can contribute nothing, seek for fame, by depreciating what they even rarely understand. Never has there been a science, unless it be physic, so encumbered with rubbish as geology: it was impossible to move a single step without clearing it away. He who desired to build on the solid rock of Nature could not but attempt to remove the ruins that obscured it. And whoever seeks to ‘make his understanding a repository of truth for his own sake, rather than the warehouse of other men’s false and incon- clusive reasonings,’ will follow the same plan. ‘‘ Of the arrangement of this work I have little to say. I have referred to my Classification of Rocks as the grammar of this science, while avoiding, as much as possible, all collision between them. If the order, of the subjects does not prove - satisfactory, I will gladly hear of a better; yet it must be from one who has bestowed equal thought on an unexception- able arrangement. If there are repetitions, and if references to, things not yet examined, I shall be pleased to see any plan that will remove.this blot from one place, without ib an equal or worse one somewhere else.”—Pref: p, vii. ‘‘ T am sensible that the sketch of a’ Theory of the Earth re- quires a volume, instead of a Chapter; and further, that it can scarcely be understood without that series of drawings, as a guide through a perfect labyrinth of reflections, without which I could not even have written it. It must remain for others to demand such a volume: and if it is not Jess true that illus- trations would have been most useful to the whole work, as they had been prepared for it, there are few who do not know =e the obstruction lies, as it is they alone who. can remove —Pref. p. vin. "Thin | is really too bad, in a thirty-two shilling book, without (as we have already said) even the semblance of a wood-cut, or illustration of any kind: but we can heartily subscribe to the assertion, that the ‘Theory of the Earth” is greatly in want of some such elucidation. Would not the India Compan 100 copies have paid for a few diagrams ? Take as a specimen of the application of science the fallow MacCulloch’s System of Geology. 373 ing lecture on hammers: ‘ The hammer of quarrymen is a double truncated wedge : while nothing but extreme ignorance of mathematical principles could have extended this form to those of road-makers and geologists : whence their inefficiency, even under an inconvenient increase of weight. The fragment, — in each case, is produced by exciting a vibration in an imaginary lamina, through a motion too be accompanied by that of. the adjoining parts. It is forgotten that the commu- nication of motion is not regulated by the momentum, simply, of the moving body. The weight and the velocity cannot be indifferently interchanged : and thence strange errors in many other matters also, of daily practice. But, not to enter further on this subject, suffice it, that it requires a time inversely pro- portioned to the tenacity of a body, to allow it to be displaced in amass; whence, if additional momentum be required, the weight, not the velocity, must be increased. - But if it is re- quired to disintegrate the same body, it is the velocity that must be augmented. It is by impulse that the stone is bro- ken in the present case. Hence it is useless to increase the weight of such a hammer, beyond that to which the hand can give the greatest velocity, since there is thus a loss of power. I have taken four pounds as the extreme weight ; while two, or less, will, in a proper form, suffice for most rocks. But that form depending on the mode in which rocks split, the whole impulse should fall on as narrow a line as possible. In practice, however, that cannot be; because the centre of percussion of a wedge cannot easily be made to impinge verti- cally on a surface. But the same object is sufficiently attain- ed by the impulse on a point, through a spheroidal form : as, in a sphere, it is evident that every direction will be, equally, and always, fully, effectual. But this being ‘difficult to con- struct, is also unnecessary, while the oblate spheroidal form is even better; since the curvature of the equatorial portion al- lows of a‘ narrower: point of contact, with an equal weight than a sphere would do: the breadth of that contact diminish- ing the power, for obvious reasons. "—Vol. 1. pp. 466, 467. ‘The chapter on the “ Relations of Organic Remains” is per- haps the most extraordinary and intemperate part of the book. But to do Dr MacCulloch justice, we coincide much in the fol- lowing views-with which it opens: “ The increase of know- ledge has given a very different complexion to this subject, 374 MacCulloch’s System of Geology. and a more rational direction to the pursuit. Yet the geolo- gist seems in danger of forgetting that it is but one part of his science. Its details belong to zoology and botany; and he loses sight of his main object when he pursues these minutize to the neglect of their more imteresting connections with the history of the globe. Still more deeply does he err, when he imagines that a theory of the earth can be founded on what involves so small a portion of ifs structure and history. It is doubtless, essential to know these objects; as, to arrange and name them is the grammar of this department. But it is un- fortunately true, that whether the contemplation of minutiz disables the mind for wider views, or that only a minute mind can be engrossed by such things, the power of profiting by collections and their study, diminishes in proportion to their extent and the activity of collectors, whether it be in natural history or books. ‘ The true business of a geologist, here, is a of a far higher character. It is to determine the antiquity of these objects and that of the earths in which they lived, the waters which they inhabited, and the former places of those; to explain why they are now imbedded in rocks when once free, why ele- vated. on the land when once beneath the sea, why they aré partially distributed, and far more ; as it is also his office to see how these things explain the history of the earth, If - found in alluvial soils, other inquiries of an analogous nature arise, relating especially to the later history of the globe. And in the study of the objects themselves, if he undertakes the office of the zoologist and. botanist, it is his business to com- pare the dead. with the existing races, through which it is his own. proper office to draw inferences as to the history of the living creations of the earth, as to that of the earth itself.”— — Vol. i. PP: 406, 407. The views of climate in this chapter, (Vol. i. p. 492, &e.), which. do not.admit of abridgement, are vague and, most unsa- tisfactory, endeavouring to prove that we have no evidence. of a change’ of climate. | Perhaps Professor Sedgewick and Mr Murchison could tell us something about the following, passage : “ x if i read Aield aba hcte hk stale i xn poh i a ease erg “ : = aay at te . m = wer : = me 6 T= > aN Seowepat eee rs res 7 anne aes a Sage Te i eee te (4 aes ees eset abet 5 ; E aa Sans . _ . . “tas . er eer Saosin eens e qe i i 728) 5 ‘ hog _ - a ~y* > ao . = : oo Sed s : . ut c ‘Cet a ee ~ 5 ns : : = > ne res < Sagi pean ied enn love Sauvere tn St ee eat pee et he mk . meee : : ie —— SS ete Cb tcc TO ‘ a ~ mn < ~ * . 2 c fy poses — =F. ” { caer ory % = > “4 ~ ne = = Ses Sx pe <- « —- ; ae = oar = oe - =a rf 2 - Lees some tees —_ e Pe “ ors = re . f 4 = > rit es a . . * alr od ah oe cis oe 1x Fee Sterre Vers rain icone SSeStet~ ere te ee ton = ; : < . ae Se ‘ r . > > henene ners ~ ~ = 2 vag Fe OS : —— * te — — “ ture 4 se = - 3 Gare waeiomenrs Sp bt ap Sat tae See ’ oy is z z > Ss as coe en ] _ wearers 23 En te st Ps Pi Ee eee omen: hoe Sex 32 otis by : ss tore : . oh eee m3 he he Serer heey od een ta Re EL > “a e ; j o fa Soy Pars aaa = S2¥ Bt rhe Set ed i Se pee ey a ee » ab > "4 ime pewy’ Me Fr Sree 2s ie patna kt BerS ts SA es eo tea eee 3 = sSTets nS pA TE, ret teh See : Pease nate rey St sents eer > =. = <= ei . s ie OF AO So ~ Bayt ert ser ee