S!RJ0HN^/1.UBB0CK mmm ->^m^ hmimm wmm PI': mm. ' THE Oar -]. Mar sham: Ward. islilll STCRAGE ITEk FfiOCESSlNG-CNt Ipl-H9f Pi ■ ^ ■^a hmmm 4/. Id r-ij i/f/ ,h. b \) riDobern Science Series EDITED BY SIR JOHN LUBBOCK, BART., M.P. THE OAK MODERN SCIENCE SERIES. EdUed by Sir JOHN LUBBOCK, Bart., M. P. L The Cause of an Ice Age. By Sir Kobert Ball, LL. D., F. R. S. n. The Horse: A Study in Natural History, By William Henry Flower, C. B., Director of the British Natural History Museum. m. The Oak; A Popular Introduction to Forest Botany. By H. Marshall Ward, F. R. S. In press : rV. The Laws and Properties of Mat- ter. By R. T. Glazebrook, F. R. S., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1, 3, & 5 Bond St. Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from University of Britisin Columbia Library http://www.archive.org/details/oakpopularintroOOward rinte I. I:' '~' ' ' ^ •^\ il'f-v ^•;^^^?^<{ <^i}^^'^ '^>«»' The Oak in yuMMER. THE OAK A POPrLAR IXTRODUCTIOX FOREST-BOTANY TO BY H. MARSHALL WARD M. A., F. R. S., F. L. S. late fellow of christ's college. cambridge, professor of botany at the iioyal indian" engineering college, coopek's hill NEW YORK D. APPLETOX AXD COMPAXY 1892 Copyright, 1892, ct d. appleton and company. All rights reserved. EDITOK'S IXTKODUCTIOX. The works to be comprised in this Series are in- tended to give on each subject the information which an intelligent layman might wish to possess. They are not primarily intended for the young, nor for the specialist, though even to him they will doubtless be often useful in supplying references, or suggesting lines of research. Each book will be complete in itself, care, however, being taken that while the books do not overlap, they supplement each other ; and while scientific in treat- ment, they will be, as far as possible, presented in simple language, divested of needless technicalities. The rapid progi-ess of science has made it more and more difficult, and renders it now quite impossible, to master the works which appear, almost daily, on various branches of science, or to keep up with the proceedings of our numerous Scientific Societies. A distinguished statesman has recently expressed the opinion, that we cannot expect in the next fifty years any advance in science at all comparable to that of the last half -century. Without wishing to dogmatise, I vi EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. should be disposed to hope that in tlie future the prog- ress of science will be even more rapid. In the first place, the number of students is far greater; in the second, our means of research — the microscope and telescope, the spectroscope, photography, and many other ingenious appliances — are being added to and rendered more effective year by year ; and, above all, the circle of science is ever widening, so that the farther we advance the more numerous are the problems opening out before us. Xo doubt there are other Scientific Series, but it is not believed that the present will exactly compete with any of them. The International Scientific Series and Nature Series are no doubt useful and excellent, and some of the volumes contained in them would well carry out the ideas of the Publishers, but, as a rule, they are somewhat more technical and go into minuter de- tails. The names of the Authors are a sufficient guarantee that the subjects will be treated in an interesting and thoroughly scientific manner. High Elms, Farnboeough: November, 1891. CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE Introduction 1 I. — The Acorn and its Germination — the Seedling . 10 II. — The Seedling and Young Plant , , . .24 III. — The Seedling and Young Plant {continued). Its Shoot-system — Distribution of the Tissues . 39 IV. — The Seedling and Young Plant (continued). Structure of the Vascular Tissues, etc. . 52 V. — The Seedling and Young Plant {continued). The Buds and Leaves 72 VI. — The Tree — its Root-system 89 VII. — The Tree — its Shoot-system 98 VIII. — The Tree {continued). Inflorescence and Flow- ers— Fruit and Seed 121 IX. — Oak Timber — its Structure and Technological Peculiarities 136 X. — The Cultivation of the Oak, and the Diseases AND Injuries to which it is subject . . . 147 XI. — Relationships of the Oaks — their Distribution in Space and Time 167 THE OAK. CHAPTER I. IXTKODUCTIOX. Famous in poetry and prose alike, the oak must always be for Englishmen a subject of interest, around which historical associations of the most varied character are grouped ; but although what may be termed the sen- timental aspect of the " British oak " is not likely to dis- appear even in these days of iron-clads and veneering, it must be allowed that the popular admiration for the sturdy tree is to-day a very different feeling from the veneration with which it was regarded in ancient times ; and that, with the calmer and more thoughtful ways of looking at this and other objects of superstition, a cer- tain air of romance seems to have disappeared which to so many would still present a tempting charm. It is not to these latter alone that our few existing ancient oaks are so attractive, however, and a slight acquaint- ance with the oaken roofs and carvings of some of our historical edifices affords ample proof that the indefin- able charm exercised on us by what has proved so last- ing, is a real one and deep-seated in the Saxon nature. 2 THE OAK. In fact, everything about the oak is suggestive of durability and sturdy hardiness, and, like so many objects of human worship in the earlier days of man's emergence from a savage state, the oak instinctively attracts us. The attraction is no doubt complex, tak- ing its origin in the value of its acorns and timber to our early forefathers, not unaffected by the artistic beauty of the foliage and habit of the tree, and the forest life of our ancestors, to say nothing of the more modern sentiment aroused when ships of war were built almost entirely of heart of oak ; for the Aryan race seems to have used and valued both the fruit and the wood from very early times, and both Celt and Saxon preserved the traditional regard for them. Memories of our Anglo-Saxon ancestors are still found in the English and German names for the tree and its fruit, as seen by comparing the Anglo-Saxon dc or mc^ the name of the oak, with the English word, and with the German Eiclie on the one hand, and with acorn (EiclieX) on the other. In early days, moreover, there were vast oak forests in our island and on the Continent, and, although these have been almost cleared away so far as England is con- cerned, there are still ancient oaks in this country, some of which must date from Saxon times or thereabouts > and the oak is still one of the commonest trees in France, parts of Germany, and some other districts in Europe. This is not the place to go further into what may be called the folk-lore of the oak — a subject which would INTRODUCTION. 3 supply material for a large volume — but it may be re- marked that giant or veteran oaks are still to be found (or were until quite recently) in Gloucestershire, York- shire, and on Dartmoor and other places, and a very fair idea of what an old oak forest must have been like may be gathered from a visit to the New Forest in Hampshire, or even to some parts of Windsor Forest. As so often happens in the study of science, we have in the oak a subject for investigation which presents features of intense interest at every turn ; and however much the new mode of looking at the tree may at first sight appear to be opposed to the older one, it will be found that the story of the oak as an object of biological study is at least not less fascinating than its folk-lore. With this idea in view, I propose to set before the reader in the following chapters a short account of what is most worth attention in the anatomy and physiology of the oak, as a forest tree which has been so thoroughly investigated that we may confidently accept it as a type. In carrying out this idea there are several possible modes of procedure, but perhaps the following will rec- ommend itself as that best adapted to the requirements of a popular book, and as a natural way of tracing the various events in the life-history of a plant so complex as is the tree. First, the acorn will be described as an object with a certain structure and composition, and capable of behaving in a definite manner when placed in the 4 THE OAK. ground, and under certain circumstances, in virtue of its physiological properties and of the action of the en- vironment upon its structure. The germinated acorn gives rise to the seedling or young oak, and we shall proceed to regard this, again, as a subject for botanical study. It consists of certain definite parts or organs, each with its peculiar structure, tissues, etc., and each capable of behaving in a given manner under proper conditions. The study of the seedling leads naturally to that of the sapling and the tree, and the at first comparatively simple root-system, stem, and leaves, now become complex and large, and each demands careful at- tention in order that we may trace the steps by which the tree is evolved from the plantlet. A section will there- fore be devoted to the root-system of the tree, its disposi- tion, structure, functions, aiid accessories ; another sec- tion will be occupied in describing the trunk, branches, buds, and leaves, and their co-relations and functions ; the inflorescence and flowers will demand the space of another chapter, and then it will be necessary to treat of various matters of importance in separate chapters as follows : The timber must be considered with respect to its composition, structure, uses, and functions ; then the cortex and bark have to be described and their origin and development explained. These subjects nat- urally lead to that of the growth in thickness of the tree — a matter of some complexity, and not to be under- stood without the foregoing knowledge of structure. Following what has been said concerning the normal INTRODUCTIOX. 5 structure and life-processes of the tree, we may turn to the investigation of its cultivation and the diseases which attack it, concluding with a necessarily brief chapter on the systematic position of the British oak and its immediate allies, and some remarks on its geo- graphical distribution at the present time. Of course, many points which will turn up in the course of the exposition will have to be shortly dealt with, as the object of the book is to touch things with a light hand ; but it is hoped that, this notwithstand- ing, the reader may obtain a useful glimpse into the domain of modern botanical science and the problems with which forest botany is concerned, and with which every properly trained forester ought to be thoroughly acquainted. The oak, as is well known, is a slow-growing, di- cotyledonous tree of peculiar spreading habit, and very intolerant of shade (Plate I). It may reach a great age — certainly a thousand years — and still remain sound and capable of putting forth leafy shoots. The root-system consists normally of a deep princi- pal or tap root and spreading lateral roots, which be- come very thick and woody and retain a remarkably strong hold on the soil when the latter is a suitable deep, tenacious loam with rocks in it. They are intol- erant of anything like stagnant water, however, and will succeed better in sandy loam and more open soils than in richer ones improperly drained. The shoot-system consists of the stem and all that it 6 THE OAK. supports. The stem or trunk is usually irregular when young, but becomes more symmetrical later, and after fifty years or so it normally consists of a nearly straight and cylindrical shaft with a broad base and spreading branches. The main branches come out at a wide angle, and spread irregularly, with a zigzag course, due to the short annual growths of the terminal shoots and the few axillary buds behind, and also to the fact that many of the axillary lateral buds develop more slowly than their parent shoot, and are cut off in the autumn. Another phenomenon which co-operates in producing the very irregular spreading habit of the branches is the almost total suppression of some of the closely- crowded buds ; these may remain dormant for many years, and then, under changed circumstances, put forth accessory shoots. Such shoots are very com- -monly seen on the stems and main branches of large oaks to which an increased accession of light is given by the thinning out of surrounding trees. The short ovoid buds develop into shoots so short that they are commonly referred to as tufts of leaves, though longer summer shoots often arise later. The latter are also called Lammas shoots. The crown of foliage is thus very dense, and the bright green of the leaves in early summer is very characteristic, especially in connection with the horizontal, zigzag spreading of the shoots. "While still young the tree is apt to keep its dead leaves on the branches through the winter, or at least / Plate II. ■■■'■-: A : ,t //, .'/• ■. -',"'•*' »>»"•♦ -."Hj-j ..-.%_ -^ '^ ^.. The Oak ix Wixter. INTRODUCTION. 7 until a severe frost followed by a thaw brings them down. The buds, leaves, and flowers are all much at- tacked by gall-forming insects, many different kinds being found on one and the same tree. It is not until the oak is from sixty to a hundred years old that good seeds are obtained from it. Oaks will bear acorns earlier than this, but they are apt to be barren. A curious fact is the tendency to produce large numbers of acorns in a given favorable autumn, and then to bear none, or very few, for three or four years or even longer. The twisted, " gnarled " character of old oaks is well known, and the remarkably crooked branches are very conspicuous in advanced age and in winter (Plate II). The bark is also very rugged in the case of ancient trees, the natural inequalities due to fis- sures, etc., being often supplemented by the formation of "burrs." A not inconsiderable tendency to variation is shown by the oak, and foresters distinguish two sub-species and several varieties of what we regard (adopting the opinion of English systematic botanists) as the single species Quercus rohur. Besides forms with less spreading crowns, the spe- cies is frequently broken up into two — Q. pedunculata^ with the female flowers in rather more lax spikes, and the acorns on short stalks, the leaves sessile or nearly so, and not hairy when young; and Q. sessiliflora, with more crowded sessile female flowers, and leaves on short petioles and apt to be hairy. Other minute characters 8 THE OAK. have also been described, but it is admitted that the forms vary much, and it is very generally conceded that these two geographical race-forms may be united with even less marked varieties into the one species Quercus robur. The amount of timber produced by a sound old oak is very large, although the annual increment is so re- markably small. This increment goes on increasing slightly during the first hundred years or so, and then falls off; but considerable modifications in both the habit of the tree and in the amount of timber produced annually, result from different conditions. Trees grown in closely-planted preserves, for instance, shoot up to great heights, and develop tall, straight trunks with few or no branches ; and considerable skill in the forest- er's art is practiced in removing the proper number of trees at the proper time, to let in the light and air necessary to cause the maximum production of straight timber. Oaks growing in the open air are much shorter, more branched and spreading, and form the peculiar dense, twisted timber once so valuable for ship-building purposes. Such exposed trees, other things being equal, develop fruit and fertile seeds thirty or forty years sooner than those growing in closed plantations. The timber itself is remarkable for combining so many valuable properties. It is not tliat oak timber is the heaviest, the toughest, the most beautiful, etc., of known woods, but it is because it combines a good pro- INTRODUCTION. 9 portion of weight, toughness, durability, and other qual- ities that it is so valuable for so many purposes. The richness of the cortex in tannin warranted the growing of young oaks at one time for the bark alone, and the value of the acorns for feeding swine has been immense in some districts. CHAPTER II. THE ACORN AND ITS GERMIXATIOX — THE SEEDLING. When the acorns are falling in showers from the oaks in October and Xovember, everybody knows that each of the polished leather-brown, long, egg-shaped bodies tumbles out from a cup-like, scaly investment which surrounded its lower third at the broader end. Perhaps everybody would not be certain as to whether the detached acorn is a seed or a fruit, so I anticipate the difficulty by stating at the outset that the acorn is the fruit of the oak, and contains the seed within its brown shell ; and I propose to commence our studies by examining an acorn, deferring the explanation of some minute details of structure until we come to trace the origin of the fruit and seed in the flower. The average size of the fruit is about 15 to 20 mm., or nearly three quarters of an inch, long, by 8 to 10 mm., or nearly one third of an inch, broad at the middle of its length; the end inserted in the cup or cupule is broad and nearly flat, and marked by a large circular scar (Fig. 2, s) denoting the surface of attachment to the cupule. This scar is rough, and exhibits a number of small points which have resulted from the breaking THE ACORN AND ITS GERMINATION. 11 of some extremely delicate groujis of minute pipes, called vascular bundles, which placed the acorn in com- munication with the cup and the tree previous to the \ .pl9^ Fig. 1. — Sprigs of oak, shcsving the habit and the arrangement of the acorns, etc., in September. (After Kotschy.) 12 THE OAK. ripening of tlie former. At the more pointed free end of the acorn is a queer little knob, which is hard and dry, and represents the mummified remains of what was the stigma of the flower, and which lost its importance several months previously, after receiving the pollen. The outer hard coat of the acorn is a tough, leather- brown polished skin, with fine longitudinal lines on it, and it forms the outer portion of the true covering of the fruit, called the jjericai-p (Fig. 2,]}). On removing it we find a thin, papery membrane inside, adhering partly to the above coat and partly to the seed inside. This thin, shriveled, papery membrane is the inner part of the pericarp, and the details of structure to be found in these layers may be passed over for the present with the remark that they are no longer living structures, but exist simply as protective coverings for the seed inside. The centre of the acorn is occupied more or less entirely by a hard brown body — the seed — which usual- ly rattles about loosely on shaking the ripe fruit, but which was previously attached definitely at the broad end. A similar series of changes to those which brought about the separation of the acorn from the cup — name- ly, the shriveling up of the tiny connecting cords, etc. — also caused the separation of the seed from the pericarp, and we may regard the former as a distinct body. Its shape is nearly the same as that of the acorn in which it loosely fits, and it is usually closely covered THE ACORX AND ITS GERMINATION. 13 with a thin, browu, wrinkled, papery membrane, which is its own coat — the seed-coat, or testa (Fig. 2, t). The extent to which the testa remains adherent to the seed, or to the inner coat of the pericarp, and both together to the harder outer coat of the pericarp, need not be Fig. 2. — Sections of acorns in three planes at right angles to one an- other. A, transverse ,■ B, longitudinal in the plane of the cotyledons, (J) ; C, longitudinal across the plane of the cotyledons ; c, cotyledons ; t, testa ; jo, pericarp ; s, scar, and ;•, radicle ; pi, plumule. The radicle, plumule, and cotyledons together constitute the embryo. The em- bryonic tissue is at ;• and pi. The dots in A, and the delicate veins in E and C, are the vascular bundles. commented upon further ':han to say that differences in this respect are found according to the completeness and ripeness of the acorn. Enveloped in its testa and in the pericarp, then, we find the long acorn-shaped seed, which seems at first to be a mere horn-like mass withoiit parts. This is not the case, however, as may easily be observed by cutting the mass across, or, better still, by first soaking it in water for some hours; it will then be found that the 14 THE OAK. egg-shaped body consists chiefly of two longitudinal halves, separated by a median plane which runs through the acorn from top to bottom. These two halves, lying face to face so closely that it requires the above manipu- lation to enable us to detect the plane of separation (Fig. 2, I), are not completely independent, however ; at a point near the narrower end each of them is attached to the side of a small peg-shaped body, with a conical pointed end turned towards the narrow end of the acorn. This tiny peg-shaped structure is so small that it may be overlooked unless some little care is exercised, but if the hard masses are completely torn apart it will be carried away with one of them. The two large plano-convex structures are called the cotyledons^ or seed-leaves (Fig. 2, c), and they, together with the small peg-shaped body, constitute the embryo of the oak. The peg-shaped body presents two ends which project slightly between the two cotyledons be- yond the points of attachment to them ; the larger of these ends has the shape of a conical bullet, and is di- rected so that its tip lies in the point of the narrower part of the acorn ; the other, and much smaller end, is turned towards the broader extremity of the acorn. The larger, bullet-shaped portion is termed the radicle (Fig. 2, r), and will become the primary root of the oak- plant ; the smaller, opposite end is the embryo bud, and is termed the phtmule (Fig. 2, pi), and it is destined to develop into the stem and leaves of the oak. If the ob- server takes the trouble to carefully separate the two THE ACORN AND ITS GERillXATIOX. 15 large cotyledons, without tearing them away from the structures just described, he will find that each is at- tached by a minute stalk to a sort of ridge just beneath the tiny plumule; this ridge is sometimes termed the collar. He will also see that the plumule and radicle fit closely into a cavity formed by the two cotyledons, and so do not interfere witli the rery close fitting of their two flat faces. Summing up these essential features of the structure of the ripe acorn and its contents, we find that the fruit contains within its pericarp (which is a more or less complex series of layers, of which the outermost is hard) the seed ; that this seed comprises a membranous testa inclosing an embryo ; and that the embryo is composed of two huge cotyledons, a minute radicle, and a still more minute plumule ; and that the tip of the radicle is turned towards the pointed end of the acorn, lying just inside the membranes. Leaving the details of structure of the membranes until a later period, when we trace their development from the flower, I must devote some paragraphs to a description of the minute anatomy and the contents of the embryo as found in the ripe acorn, so that the process of germination may be more intelligible. Thin sections of any portion of the embryo placed under the microscope show that it consists almost en- tirely of polygonal chambers or cells, with very thin membranous walls, and densely filled with certain gran- ule-like contents. These polygonal cells have not their 16 TUE OAK. own independent walls, but the wall which divides any two of them belongs as much to one as to the other, and only here and there do we find a minute opening between three or more cells at the corners, and pro- duced by the partial splitting of the thin wall. We may, if we like, regard the whole embryo as a single mass of material cut up into chambers by means of par- tition walls, which have a tendency to split a little here and there, much as one could split a piece of pasteboard by inserting a paper-knife between the layers composing it ; what we must not do, is to suppose that these cells are so many separate chambers which have been brought into juxtaposition. In other words, the cell-wall sepa- rating any two of the chambers is in its origin a whole, common to both chambers, and the plane which may be supposed to divide the limits of each is imaginary only. I have said that the embryo consists almost entirely of this mass of polygonal, thin-walled cells, and such is called fundamental tissue ; but here and there, in very much smaller proportion, we shall find other structures. Surrounding the whole of the embryo, and following every dip and projection of its contours, will be found a single layer of cells of a flattened, tabular shape, and fitting close together so as to constitute a delicate mem- brane or skin over the whole embryo ; this outer layer of the young plant is called the epidermis. "Whenever the cotyledons, or the radicle, or plumule are cut across transversely to their length, there are visible certain very minute specks, which are the cut THE ACORN AND ITS GERMINATION. 17 surfaces of extremely delicate strands or cords of rela- tively very long and very narrow cells, the minute structure of which we will not now stay to investigate, but simply mention that these extremely fine cords, running in the main longitudinally through the em- bryo, are termed " vascular bundles " (Fig. 2, a). It may be shown that there is one set of them running up the central part of the radicle, starting from just be- neath its tij), and that these pass into the two coty- ledons, and there branch and run in long strands to- wards the ends of the latter. The three sets of structures which have been referred to are called " tissues," and although they are still in a very young and undeveloped condition, we may say that the embryo consists essentially of a large amount of thin-walled cell-tissue of different ages, which is limit- ed by an epidermal tissue and transversed by vascular tissue. At the tips of the radicle and plumule the cell- tissue is in a peculiar and young condition, and is known as emhryonic tissue. As regards the contents and functions of these tissues, the following remarks may suffice for the pres- ent. The polygonal cells of the fundamental tissue of the cotyledons are crowded with numerous brilliant starch grains, of an oval shape and pearly luster, and these lie imbedded in a sort of matrix consisting chiefly of proteids and tannin, together with small quantities of fatty substances. In each cell there is a small quantity of protoplasm 18 THE OAK. and a nucleus, but this latter is only to be detected with difficulty. Certain of the cells contain a dark-brown pigment, composed of substances of the nature of tan- nin ; and small quantities of a peculiar kind of sugar, called querciie, are also found in the cells, together with a bitter substance. In the main, the above are stored up in the thin- Avalled parenchyma cells as reserve materials, intended to supply the growing embryo or seedling with nutri- tious food ; the starch grains are just so many packets of a food substance containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in certain proportions •, the proteids are similarly a supply of nitrogenous food, and minute but necessary quantities of certain mineral salts are mixed with these. The vascular bundles are practically pipes or conduits which will convey these materials from the cotyledons to the radicle and plumule as soon as germination begins, and I shall say no more of them here, beyond noting that each strand consists chiefly of a few very minute vessels and sieve-tubes. The young epidermis takes no part either in storing or in conducting the food substances ; it is simply a covering tissue, and will go on extending as the seedling develops a larger and larger surface. We are now in a position to inquire into what takes place when the acorn is put into the soil and allowed to germinate. In nature it usually lies buried among the decaying leaves on the ground during the winter, and it mav even remain for uearlv a vear without anv con- THE ACORN AND ITS GERMINATION. 19 spicuous change ; and in any case it requires a period of rest before the presence of the oxygen of the air and the moisture of the soil are effective in making it ger- minate— a fact which suggests that some profound mo- lecular or chemical changes have to be completed in the living substance of the cells before further activity is possible. \Ve have other reasons for believing that this is so, and that, until certain ferments have been pre- pared in the cells, their protojDlasm is unable to make use of the food materials, and consequently unable to initiate the changes necessary for growth. Sooner or later, however, and usually as the temper- ature rises in spring, the embryo in the acorn absorbs water and oxygen, and swells, and the little radicle elongates and drives its tip through the ruptured in vestments at the thin end of the acorn, and at once turns downward, and plunges slowly into the soil (Fig. 3). This peculiarity of turning downward is so marked that it manifests itself no matter in what posi- tion the acorn lies, and it is obviously of advantage to the plant that the radicle should thus emerge first, and turn away from the light, and grow as quickly as pos- sible towards the center of the earth, because it thus establishes a first hold on the soil, in readiness to absorb water and dissolve mineral substances by the time the leaves open and require them. The two cotyledons remain inclosed in the coats of the acorn, and are not lifted up into the air ; the de- veloping root obtains its food materials from the stores 20 THE OAK. in the cells of the cotyledons, as do all the parts of the young seedling at this period. In fact, these stores in Fig. 3. — I. Lonffitudinal section throuffh the posterior half of the em- bryo, in a plane at right angles to the plane of separation between the cotyledons (slightly magnified). II. Germinating embryo, with one cotyledon removed. III. Acorn in an advanced stage of gennination. a, the scar : s, pericai-p ; sA, testa ; J, plumule ; st, petioles of coty- ledons, from between which the plumule, J, emerges ; Tie. hypocotyl ; c, cotyledons ; /, vascular bundles ; w, radicle (primary root") ; «•'. sec- ondary roots. Root -hairs are seen covering the latter and tlie anterior part of the primary root in III. (After Sachs.) THE ACORN AND ITS GERMINATION. 21 the cotyledons contribute to the support of the baby plant for many months, and even two years may elapse before they are entirely exhausted. When the elongated radicle, or primary root, has attained a length of two or three inches in the soil, and its tip is steadily plunging with a very slight rocking movement deeper and deeper into the earth, the little plumule emerges from between the very short stalks of the cotyledons (Fig. 3, sf), which elongate and separate to allow of its exit, and grows erect into the light and air above ground. It will be understood that this plu- mule also is living at the expense of the food stores in the cotyledons, the dissolved substances passing up into it through the tiny vascular bundles and cells, as they have all along been passing down to the growing root through the similar channels in its tissues. The plumule — or, as we must now call it, primary shoot — differs from the root not only in its more tardy growth at first, but also in its habit of growing away from the center of gravitation of the earth and into the light and air ; and here, again, we have obviously adap- tations which are of advantage to the plant, which would soon be top-heavy, moreover, if the shoot were far developed before the root had established a hold- fast in the soil. The little oak shoot is for some time apparently devoid of leaves (Fig. 4), but a careful examination shows that as it elongates it bears a few small scattered scales, like tiny membranes, each of which has a very 22 THE OAK. minute bud in its axil. W'lien the primary shoot has attained a length of about three inches there are usually two of these small scale-leaves placed nearly opposite one another close to the tip, and a little longer and nar- rower than those lower down on the shoot ; from between these two linear structures the first true green foliage leaf of the oak arises, its short stalk being flanked by them. This first leaf is small, but the tip of the shoot goes on elongating and throwing out others and larger ones, until by the end of the summer there are about four to six leaves formed, each with its minute stalk flanked by a pair of tiny linear scales (" stipules," as they are called) like those referred to above. Each of the green leaves arises Fig. 4 — Gemiinating acorn, showing the manner of from a point ou the young stem emergence of the pri- ^|^ip|^ -g ^ |-^^|g J-^igher, and more marj" shoot, and the first scales (stipules) on the to one side, than that from which latter. (After Eossmass- the lowermost One springs ; hence a line joining the points of inser- tion of the successive leaves describes an open spiral round the shoot axis — i. e., the stem — and this of such a kind that when the spiral comes to the sixth leaf up- THE ACORN AND ITS GERMINATION. 23 ward it is vertically above the first or oldest leaf from "vrhich we started, and has passed twice round the stem. At the end of this first year, which we may term the period of germination, the young oak-plant or seed- ling has a primary root some twelve to eighteen inches long, and with numerous shorter, spreading side root- lets, and a shoot from six to eight inches high, bearing five or six leaves as described, and terminating in a small ovoid bud (Figs. 3 and 4). The whole shoot is clothed with numerous very fine soft hairs, and there are also numerous fine root-hairs on the roots, and clinging to the particles of soil. The tip of each root is protected b}' a thin colorless cap — the root-cajD — the de- scription of which we defer for the present. About May, in the second year, each of the young roots is elongating in the soil and putting forth new root-hairs and rootlets, while the older roots are thicken- ing and becoming harder and covered with cork ; and each of the buds in the axils of the last year's leaves begins to shoot out into a branch, bearing new leaves in its turn, while the bud at the end of the shoot elongates and lengthens the primary stem, the older parts of which are also becoming thicker and clothed with cork. And so the seedling develops into an oak-plant, each year becoming larger and more complex, until it reaches the stage of the sapling, and eventually becomes a tree. CHAPTER III. THE SEEDLING AND YOUNG PLANT. Before proceeding to describe the further growth and development of the seedling, it will be well to ex- amine its structure in this comparatively simple stage, in order to obtain points of view for our studies at a later period. For many reasons it is advantageous to begin with the root-system. If we cut a neat section accurately transverse to the long axis of the root, and a few millimetres behind its tip, the following parts may be discerned with the aid of a good lens, or a micro- scope, on the flat face of the almost colorless section. A circular area of grayish cells occupies the centre — this is called the axis cylinder of the young root (Fig. 5, a, a). Surrounding this is a wide margin of larger cells, forming a sort of sheathing cylinder to this axial one, and termed the root-cortex. The superficial layer of cells of this root-cortex has been distinguished as a special tissue, like an epidermis, and as it is the layer which alone produces the root-hairs, we may convenient- ly regard it as worthy of distinction as the piliferous layer (Fig. 5, e). Similar thin sections a little nearer the tip of the THE SEEDLING AND YOUNG PLANT. 25 root would show a more or less loose sheath of cells in addition to and outside this piliferous layer. This is the root-cap^ which is a thimble-shaped sheath of looser cells covering the tip of the root as a thimble covers the Fig. 5. — A. Transverse section of yoiinsr root under a lens, showing the axis cylinder, a ; epidermis or piliferous layer, e ; and the cortex be- tween. B. The same, more highly magnified : c, cortex ; p, phloem ; X, xylem ; C. A portion still more highly magnified : ph, phloem ; jp, pith ; ^«r, pericycle ; sA, sheath (endodermis) ; other letters as before. nd of the finger, only we must imagine the extreme tipe of the finger organically connected with the inside of the cap to make the analogy suitable (see Fig. 6). The 26 THE OAK. rest of the section would be mucli as before, excepting that the distinction between the axial cylinder and the root-cortex would be less marked. Now contrast a section cut a couple of inches or so away from the tip, in the region where the root-hairs are well developed. Here we find the axial cylinder much more strongly marked than before, and the pilif- erous layer is very clearly distinguished by the fact that it gives off the root-hairs, each hair arising from one of its cells. A little investigation shows that the axial cylinder is thus strongly marked because certain dark-looking structures have now been formed just inside its boundary — i. .e, just inside the line which delimits it from the root-cortex. These dark structures are the sections of several fine cords or bundles, called vascular bundles, which can here be traced up and down in the root. As the section shows, these bundles are arranged at approxi- mately equal distances in a cylinder ; they form the vascular system of the root, and they always run along the region just inside the outer boundary of the axial cylinder (Fig. 5, b, p and x). If we compare our successive transverse sections, and cut others at various levels along the young root, it will be clear that, as we pass from the tijD of the root to parts farther behind, certain changes must be going on, which result first in the definite marking out of the axial cylinder, and then in the development of these vascular bundles and of other parts we will not describe in detail. THE SEEDLING AND YOUNG PLANT. 27 If, in addition to these successive transverse sections, we examine a carefully prepared longitudinal section, cut so as to pass accurately through the median plane of the root, the comparison not only establishes the above conclusion, but it en- ables us to be certain of yet other facts (Fig. 6). Such a section shows the root-cap covering the tip as a thimble the end of the finger, and the rim of this root- cap is evidently fraying away be- hind ; the cells of which it is comjjosed die and slough off as the root pushes its way between the abrading particles of soil. Obviously this loss of worn-out tissue must be made good in some way, and closer examination shows how this occurs. The ex- treme tip of the root proper fits closely into the cap, and evident- ly adds cells to the inside of the latter, and thus replaces the old ones which are worn away. At this true tip of the root, more- over, we make another discovery, namely, that all the cells are there alihe in shape, size, and other peculiarities ; and if we could take a Fig. 6. — Diagrammatic sec- tion through the end of the root of the oak. c, root-cortex ; e, piliferous layer ; re, root-cap ; m, the true embryonic tis- sue fso-called " growing- point ") ; ph, phloem ; a;, xvlem. 28 THE OAK. transverse section exactly at this place we should see no dilifercntiation into axial cylinder and root-cortex, etc. ; the small circular mass would consist of cells all alike, and with very thin walls and full of dense protoplasm. This undifferentiated formative tissue is called the embryonic tissue of the root (Fig. 6, in). A little behind this we see the axis-cylinder and root- cortex already formed ; still farther away we see the vascular bundles appearing, first as very thin cords, and then getting stronger . and stronger as wo recede from the tip (Fig. G, ph and x) ; and similarly we trace the gradual development of the other parts in acropetal succession — i. e., the nearer we go to the apex the younger the jjarts are. Now, there is a conclusion of some importance to be drawn from the putting together of these facts — namely, that all the structures found between the embryonic tissue at the tip of the root and the place where the root joins the stem have been gradually formed from the embryonic tissue in acropetal succession. We may picture this by marking a given level on the root, some distance away from the tip, where the axis-cyl- inder is sharply marked and has well-developed vascular bundles, the root-cortex is distinct, and the piliferous layer bears root-hairs, and remembering that so many days or weeks ago this very spot was in the then groAV- ing-point, and consisted of embryonic tissue with the cells all alike. Or we may put it in a different way thus : the present growing-point consists of embryonic THE SEEDLING AND YOUNG PLANT. 29 cells all alike ; in a few days some of these cells will have changed into constituents of the axis-cylinder and cortex, and subsequently some of them will give rise to vascular bundles, etc. Xot all, however ; and it is neces- sary to understand that as the embryonic tissue moves onward and leaves the structures referred to in its wake, it does so by producing new embryonic cells in front — i. e., between the present ones and the root-cap. We must now look a little more closely into the structure of the axial cylinder, at a level a little behind the region where the root-hairs are produced on the piliferous layer. A thin transverse section in this region shows that the root-hairs have all died away, and the walls of the cells of the piliferous layer are becoming discolored, being, in fact, converted into a brown, cork -like sub- stance impervious to moisture, or nearly so ; conse- quently the piliferous layer is no longer absorptive, and it will soon be thrown off, as we shall see. The cortex offers little to notice, except that its cells are being passively stretched or compressed by the growth and processes going on in the axial cylinder ; and it is this cylinder that attracts our special attention, and several points not noticed before must now be examined in some detail. In the first place, the cylinder is demarkated off from the cortex by a single layer of cells shaped like bricks, and with a sort of black dot on the radial walls ; this is called the endodermis, and may be regarded as a 30 THE OAK. sheath limiting wliat belongs to the axis-cylinder (Fig. 5, c, sh). Inside this endodermis are about two rows of thin-walled cells full of protoplasm, and forming a continuous layer beneath the endodermis. This layer is termed the pericycle (Fig, 5, c, per)^ and it is a very important structure, because its cells give rise, by re- peated divisions, to the lateral rootlets, which then grow out and burst their way through the endodermis, cortex, and piliferous layer, and so reach the soil. It is, of course, necessary to bear in mind that the endoder- mis and pericycle are concentric cylinders superposed on the axis of the root, as it were, and only appear as rings on the transverse section. Inside the pericycle are arranged the vascular bun- dles, and we shall have to devote a few words of ex- planation to these remarkable and somewhat complex structures. The section shows that there are about ten alternat- ing groups of tissue constituting these bundles, and again the reader must bear in mind that each group is the transverse section of a long cord running up and down the root. Of these groups five are much more conspicuous than the other five, because they consist chiefly of more or less polygonal openings with firm, dark contours. These are the xylem vessels of the vas- cular bundles (Fig. 5, c, x), and we must note the fol- lowing facts about them : In the first place, they are smaller nearer the pericycle than they are nearer the center of the axial cylinder, and the comparison of THE SEEDLING AND YOUNG PLANT. 31 numerous transverse sections at different levels of the root would prove that the smallest vessels are the first to develop ; whence we learn two facts — namely, that the xylem vessels of the young root are developed in centripetal order, and that the later ones have a larger caliber than those formed earlier. If longitudinal sections are compared with these transverse ones — and I may here observe that it is only by means of numerous such comparisons that these matters have been gradually discovered — it is found that each vessel is a long tube, usually containing air and water when complete, the lateral walls of which are curiously and beautifully marked with characteristic thick and thin ornamentation. It must suffice here to say that the small, outer, first-formed vessels are marked with a spiral thickening, reminding one of caoutchouc gas-tubing kept open by means of a spiral wire inside ; while the larger ones, developed later, usually have numerous small pits on their walls, reminding one of mouths, and the structure of which is very curious. Consequently these groups of xylem vessels are said to consist of spiral and pitted vessels, and their chief func- tion is to convey water up the root to the stem {cf. Fig. 16). Packed in between these vessels are certain cells known as the wood-cells. Returning to the transverse section, we saw that between each xylem group described above there is a group of structures differing from the latter in their less distinct outlines ; these alternate groups are known as 32 THE OAK. phloem, and we may shortly examine tlie elements of which they are composed, as before, by comparing sec- tions of various kinds. Here, again, we find the chief structures in the phloem are also vessels — i. e., long, tubular organs — but very different in detail from the vessels of the xylem. In the first place, their walls are thin and soft,' and composed of the unaltered cellulose which is so charac- teristic of young cells (instead of being hard, like the lignified Avails of the xylem vessels) ; then, again, they contain protoplasm and other organized cell contents, instead of merely air and water. Finally, they are not so completely tubular as the typical xylem vessels are, because the transverse septa of the constituent cells are not absorbed, but are merely pierced by fine strands of protoplasm, and therefore look like sieves when viewed from above — whence the name " sieve-tubes." In the phloem also we find cells — phloem-cells — packed in be- tween the sieve-tubes. If we shortly summarize the above we find that the root consists of an axis-cylinder surrounded by a cortex and the piliferous layer. At the tip the whole is cov- ered by the root-cap, which is organically connected with the embryonic tissue which forms all these struct- nres. The axis-cylinder is somewhat complex ; it is sheathed by the endodermis and the pericyle, the lat- ter of which gives origin to the new rootlets. Inside the pericycle are the vascular bundles running up and down as separate, alternate cords of xylem and phloem ; THE SEEDLING AND YOUNG PLANT. 33 Fig. 7. — Portion of young growing ends of more advanced root, with nu- merous rootlets. Some of the latter are much branched into tuft-like collections, m ; these form the so-called Mycorhiza. Natural size. 34 THE OAK. the xylem consists of vessels and cells, the former de- veloped centripetally, while the phloem consists of sieve-tubes and cells. Any cell-tissue which may lie in the center of the axial cylinder, and surrounded by the vascular bundles, corresponds, in popular language, to pith ; any that runs between the bundles corresponds to medullary rays. "We now turn to the root as a whole, and examine its behavior in the soil as the young seedling develops fur- ther, and in the light of the above anatomical facts. Although the root-system of the young plant is reg- ularly constituted of a series of lateral rootlets spring- ing from the primary root, the orderly arrangement is soon disturbed when the tertiary and other rootlets begin to develop from the secondary rootlets ; more- over, as the age of the tree increases, the tendency to irregularity is increased owing to the production of rootlets of the higher orders at different places, thus interfering with the acropetal succession of the younger rootlets. At first the root-system is especially engaged in bor- ing into the soil, and, provided the latter is sufficiently deep and otherwise suitable, the tap-root will go down a foot or more in the first year. As the roots thick- en they exhibit considerable plasticity, as is especially evinced on rocky ground, where the older roots may often be found in cracks in the rocks, so compressed that they form mere flattened sheets many times broader than they are thick (Fig. 8). TEE SEEDLING AND YOUNG PLANT. 35 It has already been men- tioned that the tip of the young primar}' root circum- nutates, and Darwin also found that the tip of the radicle is extremely sen- sitive to the irritation of small bodies in contact with it. It is also positively geo- tropic, directing itself ver- tically downward if the par- tially grown radicle is laid horizontally ; and it may be assumed from the behavior of other plants of the same kind that the tijD of the radicle is negatively helio- tropic — i. e., it turns away from the source of light. Whether it is also sensitive to differences in the degree of moisture on different sides (hydrotropic), or to differences of temperature ( thermotropic ), is not known, but it may be in- ferred that such is the case ; nor do we know whether it is affected by electric currents in the earth Fig. 8. — Portion of an older root of an oak, which had penetrated while young between two pieces of hard rock, and had to adapt its form accordingly as it thick- ened. (After Dobner.) 36 THE OAK. The root of the oak, speaking generally, is a typical root in the following respects : It consists, as we have seen, of a primary or tap root which develops secondary or lateral roots in acropetal succession, and these in their turn produce rootlets of a higher order. These secondary, tertiary, etc., rootlets arise endogenously, taking origin from the pericycle at the periphery of the strand of vascular bundles which traverse the central axis, and then bursting through the cortex to the ex- terior. The primary root, as well as the rootlets of all orders, are provided with a root-cap at the tips, and they all agree in being devoid of chlorophyll or stomata. From the outer layer of cells — the piliferous layer, cor- responding to an epidermis — root-hairs are developed at some little distance behind the root-cap, and these su- perficial cellular outgrowths also rise in acropetal suc- cession, the older ones behind dying oS as the younger ones arise farther forward. If we bear in mind all that has been shortly stated above, it will be very easy to figure the behavior of the root-system as it pene- trates the ground, and the following short description of the biology of the root may render the matter clear. When the radicle commences to bore down into the soil it puts forth a large number of root-hairs from the parts a few millimetres behind the tip, and these attach themselves to the particles of soil and supply points of resistance; the tip of the radicle is protected by the slippery root-cap, and it must be borne in mind that the embryonic tissue of the growing-point consists of THE SEEDLING AND YOUNG PLANT. 37 thin-walled cells full of relatively stiff protoj)lasm with very little water. Hence the growing-j)oint is a firm body. The most active growth of the root takes place at a region several millimetres behind the root-cap, be- tween it and the fixed point above referred to ; hence the apex of the root is really driven into the ground between the particles of rock, etc., of which the latter is comj)osed. This driving in is aided by the negative heliotropism, the positive geotropism, the circumnuta- tion, and other irritabilities of the apical j)ortions of the root, and it bores its way several centimetres down- ward. As it lengthens — by the addition of cells pro- duced by the di\asion of those of the embryonic tissue, and by their successive elongation — the older parts be- hind go on i^roducing root-hairs, and thus a vertical cylinder of soil around the primary root is gradually laid under contribution for water containing dissolved salts, etc. In those parts of the root which are behind the growing region no further elongation occurs ; hence the tips of the lateral rootlets (which have been devel- oping in the pericycle at the circumference of the axial cylinder of vascular bundles) can now safely break through the cortex and extend themselves in the same manner from the parent root as a fixed base, without danger of being broken off by the elongation of the growing parts. Each of these secondary rootlets grows out at an obtuse angle from the primary root, and not vertically downward, and as it does so a similar wave of root-hairs is developed along it ; thus a series of 38 THE OAK. nearly horizontal radiating cylinders of soil are placed under contribution as before. Then the secondary root- lets emit tertiary rootlets in all directions — these and the rootlets of a higher order growing without any par- ticular reference to the direction of gravitation, light, etc. — and so place successive cylinders of soil in all di- rections under contribution as before. By this time, however, the symmetry of the root-system is being dis- turbed because some of the rootlets meet with stones or other obstacles, others get dried up or frozen, or gnawed off or otherwise injured, and the varying directions in which new growths start and in which the resistances are least, influence the very various shapes of the tan- gled mass of roots now loermeating the soil in all direc- tions. These roots supjily the ever-increasing needs for water of the shoot-system, the leaf -surface of which is becoming larger and larger, and as the greater volume of water from the gathering rootlets has all to enter the stem via the upper part of the main root, we are not surprised to find that the latter thickens, as does the stem ; and so with all the older roots — they no longer act as absorbing roots, but become merely larger and larger channels for water, and girder-like supporting organs. CHAPTER IV. THE SEEDLIXG AND TOUXG PLANT {continued). Its SnooT-SYSTEM — Distribution of the Tissues. I NOW proceed to describe the chief features of im- portance in the structure of the shoot of the young oak- plant, premising that many of the remarks may here be curtailed in view of the facts ah'eady learned in connec- tion with the root. The first object will be to bring out the differences in the shoot as contrasted with the root, and first we may examine the structure by means of transverse sections as before. The shoot consists of all the stractures developed from the plumule. Such sections show that Ave have here also various definitely grouped tissues, of which we may conveniently distinguish three systems. A series of vascular bundles grouped in a close ring constitutes one of these systems ; another is represented by a single layer of cells at the periphery of the section, and this is called the epider- mis ; and the remainder of the section composes the third system, often termed the fundamental tissue, and divided arbitrarily into three regions — the pith, the cor- tex, and the primary medullary rays (Fig. 9). The 40 THE OAK. chief points of difference from the root are that the xylem and phloem of these vascular bundles of the stem do not alternate on the section, as they did in the root, but the phloem of each bundle is on the same radius as the xylem ; and that there is no pericycle, for branches Fig. 9. — Transverse sections through very young twigs of oak, showing the vascular bundles of the stem (P and X), arranged in a ring round the pith, and joined by the cambium ring — the fine line passing through the bundles ; M and s, the vascular bundles passing down from the leaves — M the median bimdles and « the lateral bundles. The external outline is the epidermis ; the letters P P stand in the primary cortex ; the letters X X stand in the pith ; the primary medullary rays separate the bundles. (After Mtlller.) are not developed endogenously as rootlets are. Then there are some important differences in the mode of origin of these vascular bundles in space. We saw that in the root the first-formed spiral vessels are developed at the outer parts of the axis-cylinder, nearest the cor- tex, and the succeeding vessels are formed in centripetal order from these points. In the young stem the exact THE SEEDLING AND YOUNG PLANT. 41 converse occurs — the first spiral vessels arise near the center of the stem, and development proceeds centrifu- gally from the first. We may begin our study of the shoot by tracing the course of the vascular bundles, which, it must be remembered, are the channels of communication between the water-supply at the roots below and the leaves and young parts of the shoot above. If we cut a transverse section of the terminal bud of the oak, as close to the tip as possible, we shall obtain a preparation of the young axis consisting entirely of em- bryonic tissue, all the cells of which are practically alike — small, polygonal, thin-walled cells, with large nuclei and much j)rotoplasm, but Avithout sap-vacuoles ; these cells are in a state of active division, those in the in- terior dividing successively in all planes. Those which form the peripheral layer, however, are already distin- guished by only dividing in the two planes at right angles to the periphery, and they constitute the primi- tive epidermis. There is no structure corresponding to a root-cap. Transverse sections a little lower down show differ- ences of the following nature : In the first place, the outline of the section tends to be somewhat pentagonal, the points of origin of the very young leaves being at the angles of the pentagon in accordance with their phyllotaxis — i. e., the order in which the leaves are ar- ranged on the stem. This is of such a nature that each leaf stands some distance above and to one side of its 42 THE OAK. next neighbor below, and if a line be drawn from the insertion of any one leaf through the points of inser- tion of those above, it will describe a spiral, and will eventually come to a leaf standing directly above the leaf started from. In doing this the spiral line will pass twice round the stem, and through the points of insertion of five leaves. This is shortly expressed by two fifths. The previously homogeneous embryonic tissue in the section now shows certain patches of grayer, closer tissue, arranged round the center in a peculiar manner ; these are transverse sections of the young vascular bundles — strands which at present are distinguished chiefly by the small diameter of their cells, whence the darker gray appearance. These strands when young are called procambium strands. Their cells are distinguished from the other embryonic cells around by growing more in length and dividing less frequently across their length, and by growing less in breadth and dividing more often by longitudinal walls. On transverse sections a little lower down there may be seen a number of elongated and curved patches of procambium, as shown in Fig. 9. On the section it will be noticed that the larger strands are so arranged that they inclose a five-angled mass of central tissue (the pith), the five comers pointing to the angles of the young stem to which the leaves are attached. At the comers or ends of the rays just referred to are in some cases two or three smaller strands. THE SEEDLING AXD YOCXG PLANT. 43 Xow, the important point to apprehend first is that these strands at the corners (ii, s) are the strands which pass directly into the leaves through the petioles, and it is necessary to be perfectly clear on this subject in order to understand much of what follows. For instance, the three strands marked m in Fig. 9, a {m?n, 7ns, and ms in Fig. 10), pass directly into a given leaf, m wi, in the middle, flanked by ms on either side ; but this group is also accompanied on each side by another strand (marked s, s' in Fig. 9, a, and /, I in Fig. lU), so that five strands may be regarded as contributing to each corner of the section, the three middle ones running side by side up the midrib of the leaf and then branching out in a manner to be described subse- quently. It can be shown, moreover, that the larger curved strands, occupying the sides of the pentagon, are simply formed by the union of several of the smaller strands at different levels. If, now, successively lower sections are cut of the very young shoot, and compared, or if the shoot is softened and dissected, it is possible to make out the course of these vascular bundle strands lower down ; the course is somewhat complex, but the diagrammatic sketches in Fig. 11 will enable the reader to apprehend the chief points. In the first place, the middle strand from a leaf, mm, passes vertically down in the angle of the young stem through five intemodes (marked by the horizontal 44 THE OAK. lines), turning to one side and becoming continuous in the fifth internode with a strand coming off from an- other leaf situated at another of the angles at a differ- ent level. The strands which stand next to this me- dian one— one on each side {ms)— at first also i)ass FiCr. 10. — Diairram of the course of the bundles M, «, and «' of Fig. 10, as they pass out of the stem into the base of the leaf-stalk, mm is the median bundle, and ms, ms its two companions (M in Fig. 9, A) ; I, I are the lateral bundles s and s' of Fig. 9, A. The small branches fst go into the stipules. (After Frank.) vertically down together with it, but at about the second or third internode below they break up into smaller strands, which again join with strands coming from other leaves situated at other nodes and angles. If we again compare the figures, it will be seen that the three strands just traced come down in the angle of the stem, only turning aside lower down — the median strand m?n, indeed, running actually in the angle through five internodes. THE SEEDLING AND YOUNG PLANT. 45 To right and left in Fig. 10 are seen two strands, marked I, I, and these run chiefly in what may be called the faces of the five-angled stem ; only, at the node where the leaf we are considering is inserted, they turn in towards the leaf, and erentually they run into the sides of the petiole of the leaf as the so-called " lateral strands," or bundles. Now, observation shows that these lateral strands (marked /, Z-, Z^, etc., in the diagram, Fig. 11. — Diagram of the course of the vascular bundles as they come down from the leaves into the stem. The horizontal dotted lines rep- resent the levels of sucess- ive leaves ; the triangular white area beneath the up- per letter z is the insertion of a leaf. Each group of bundles form a leaf, as mm, ms, ?«<, etc. (see text), descends into the stem, and joins with the bun- dles from other leaves after running through several internodes. The other letters refer to the bundles from other leaves. (After Frank.) 46 TUE OAK. Fig. 11) receive contributions at successive nodes, and pass down as stronger and stronger strands through about seven interuodcs, their lower ends losing them- selves by joining to others ; and, in fact, the larger bun- dles seen on the transverse section (Fig. 9) are larger because they consist of so many contingents running parallel, or nearly so, down the stem. It results from this that all the vascular bundles in the stem are simply composed of strands which run into the leaves on the one hand, and down the inter- nodes on the other; and, as further comparison Avill show, all these bundles are continuous in the stem, since the lower ends of the strands are joined on to other strands. Moreover, as an examination of the diagrams and figures shows, the main course of these bundles in the stem is approximately parallel — they run side by side down from the leaf insertion through two, three, or more internodes, and only bend aside to any great ex- tent when they pass out into a leaf or to join with others. In the section (Fig. 9), for instance, all the little bundles at the angles and outside the ring are cut at levels where they have abandoned the larger bundles and are bending outward through the cortex to the leaves ; lower down we should find them joining to the larger bundles at various levels, and running down with them, just as strands from leaves at higher levels are now conjoined to make up these larger bundles. The group of vascular bundles which passes into the TDE SEEDLING AND YOUNG PLANT. 47 stem from the insertion of a leaf is spoken of collect- ively as the " leaf -trace." Hence we see the leaf -trace of the oak consists of five bundles — one median, two lateral median, and two lateral ; and since the phyllo- taxis of the oak is two fifths, there will be twenty-five bundles in various stages of separation or conjunction coming down in the five iuternodes between any one leaf and the leaf vertically above it, as well as the parts of bundles from other leaves which are still continuing their course for a short time. Now, since the main lengths of the course (in the stem) of these bundles is nearly vertically downward, with slight swerves to one side or another as the strands join, it is obvious that on the transverse section of the stem the bundles will appear arranged in a series round the center — in fact, they will form on the whole a more or less regular ring of bundles dividing off the pith from the cortical portions of the stem. Even in the very young condition (Fig. 9) we see bundles or groups of strands thus surrounding the pith, only the "ring" which they make is a sinuous one, so that the pith is five-rayed — a characteristic point in the oak. At a slightly later stage, as we shall see, this ring of bundles becomes more nearly circular from the gradual filling up of irregularities. Before proceeding further it is necessary to make clear one or two other points. Since all the vascular bundles in the oak-stem are bundles which are common to the stem and leaf, thev are termed " common bun- 48 THE OAK. dies." We have seen that a given strand or bundle may run for part of its course simply side by side with an- other and separate from it ; at other parts of the course the bundles may be united with others. In tlie case of the oak it will be clearly borne in mind that the indi- vidual or separate bundles of the leaf-trace pass into the stem at the node of insertion of the given leaf, and then run down side by side at a practically constant distance from the surface of the epidermis on the one hand, and the longitudinal axis of the pith on the other. At different levels below, at or very near nodes, these bundles turn aside laterally — i. e., in the tangential plane, and hence, still keeping their mean distance from the epidermis and pith, join with others. This being understood, it is also obvious that on the whole the collection of vascular bundles in a young branch form a nearly cylindrical trellis-work or mesh- work symmetrically disposed between the pith and the cortex, and that the latter (cortex and pith) are in con- nection through the meshes between the interpectinat- iug and concomitant vascular bundles. These radial connections of the pith and cortex are the primary medullary rays. It will now be clear why we observe on transverse sections of the young stem taken across an internode the arrangement shown in Fig. 9. The vascular bundles are grouped in a ring round the pith, separating it off from the cortex and its covering the epidermis, and with THE SEEDLING AND YOUXG PLANT. 49 those primary medullary rays which happen to have been cut running between the bundles. If we now trace the vascular bundles of the leaf- trace in the other direction — that is, up into the leaf — their course is simple enough, as shown in Figs. 10 and 11. The five bundles run through the midrib and the stronger lateral ribs to the tij)s and edges of the leaf, first breaking up into several strands in the petiole and midrib, and then becoming finer and finer as they give off the lateral strands. The median bundle does little more than run directly through the leaf as the midrib, becoming finer and finer as it nears the apex. The two lateral median bundles behave in a somewhat curious way. We have already seen how large and flat they are at the leaf insertion (Fig. 10). Soon after entering the petiole they break up into several strands, two of which converge and take a course along the dorsal side of the midrib, thus nearly completing a cylinder of bundles inclosing a pith ; moreover, the xylem portions of these bundles are all turned inward towards the pith. The lateral bundles, coming obliquely into the leaf insertion, pass up the midrib side by side with the above, and, like them, break up into parallel strands. Before entering the midrib they give off small bundles {fst in Fig. 10) to the pair of minute stipules which flank the petiole. As the strands pass along the mid- ribs and chief lateral ribs they interosculate in various degrees, and give off smaller side branches into the mesophyll of the leaf (see Chapter VI). 50 THE OAK. The veins which spring from the chief lateral ribs run towards one another and anastomose, giving off smaller veins which form a network in the area in- cluded by them. In tlie neighborhood of the leaf- margin, however, the smaller veins curve towards one another, and make arches convex towards the margin. In the finer meshes individual minute branches run to the center of a mesh and end there. Eound the ex- treme edge of the leaf is a single vascular bundle ; this receives small bundles from the above-mentioned arches, and also receives the ends of the midrib and the chief lateral ribs (cf. Fig. 1). The vascular bundles of the axillary bud, which will eventually, of course, form a system like that already described on their own account, pass down and join the bundles of the parent axis as follows : The bundles of each lateral half of the bud (Fig. 11, a a) pass down together between the bundles of the leaf-trace of the leaf from whose axil the bud arises, and the next lateral bundles of the stem with which the leaf- trace bundles are conjoined ; the common strand formed by the bundles of each side of the bud then joins with a bundle coming down from another leaf. A few of the strands may also join to the bundles of the leaf-trace itself. At the back or top side of the bud — i. e., the side next the stem which bears it — a few vascular bundles pass from the bud to the nearest strand (Fig. 11, z)\ this is the middle strand coming down from the leaf THE SEEDLING AND YOUNG PLANT. 51 vertically above the bud — i. e., the sixth leaf up the stem. Knowing this, we of course know how the branch is joined to the stem. Several other small strands also are formed, as at z, to complete the filling up the gap, and these may be called completing bun- dles. These connecting and completing bundles en- able the young shoot as it develops from the bud to inclose its own pith in a cylinder of vascular tissue con- tinuous with that of the parent shoot. We thus see that the vascular bundles form a con- nected system in the leaves, buds (i. e., young branches), and stem, and it only remains to add that they are joined below to those of the root-system, with which, in fact, they took origin in the very young embryo. Hence, if we were to remoA'e the whole of the softer tissues of the oak-plant, we should have a model of it left in the form of a more or less open basket-work of vascular bundles. It is necessary to bear this in mind, as some important conclusions follow from it subse- quently. CHAPTER V. THE SEEDLING AND YOUNG PLANT {continued). Stkucture of the Vascular Tissues, etc. Before plunging into the intricacies of the vascu- lar bundles it will be well to obtain some idea of the general plan of structure which they present on trans- verse section (Fig. 9). As already seen, each of the bundles of the ring consists of a xylem portion on the side next the center of the stem, and a phloem porfiou on the side next the periphery, and these portions are separated by the cambium layer. The tissue in the center of the stem, and surrounded by the ring of bun- dles, is called the pith ; the tissue outside the ring, and between it and the epidermis, is called the cortex ; and the tissue left between the bundles is termed the pri- mary medullary rays (Fig. 9). It will, of course, be remembered that the term " ring," as used above, always expresses the fact that a cylinder is here viewed in section. Xoav, the cambium of the individual bundles soon unites across the primary medullary rays, and thus a complete hollow cylinder of cambium is formed throughout the stem, and, as we shall see later, throughout the root also. For the pres- THE SEEDLING AND YOUXG PLANT. 53 ent it must suffice to notice that the cells of this cam- bium cylinder go on developing into new xvlem, or phloem, or medullary rays, according to position and circiunstances ; meanwhile we are only concerned with the vascular bundles of the young shoot. On the transverse section through the very young shoot, provided the preparation is thin and examined with a high power of the microscope, the young vascu- lar bundles are found to present a definite and symmet- rical structure, easily distinguished from that of the fundamental cell-tissue in which they are, so to speak, imbedded (Fig. 12). The cells of the medullary rays are seen in one, two, or several rows, each cell having the form of a parallele- piped or ordinary brick — the bricks being supposed standing on their narrow sides and with the long axes directed radially. The walls in contact with the vas- cular bundles are thickened, and soon become woody and beset with simple pits ; the cells contain proto- plasm and nuclei, and in winter become filled to crowd- ing with starch grains. They also contain tannin. The young vascular bundles, in section, project into the pith — like wedges with a rounded point — giving to the latter the five-rayed shape on the transverse section already referred to (Fig. 9). The cells of the pith also have their walls thickened and pitted, and also contain protoplasm, nuclei, and tannin, and starch in winter. At the rounded angles of the vascular wedges the cells are smaller than else- 5 54 TUE OAK. %'' Fig. 12. — Transverse section of youn;^ stem, showinnr primary vaseulur bundles, etc., highly magnified, a and h. the pitli ; c, primary cortex: ■2, epidermis ; 7i, periderm (cork); {/, collenehyma. Two complete primary vascular bundles, and parts of two others, are shown, se]ia- rated by the primary medullary rays, r, spiral vessels fprotoxylem); /:. bast-fibers (protophlogm) ; n, m, cambium, separating tlie phloCm from the xylem ; p, wood-parenchyma. Secondary medullary rays are seen in the bundles, as also are pitted vessels of different sixes. (Th- Ilartig.) THE SEEDLING AND YOUNG PLANT, 55 where in the pith, but otherwise their shape, etc., are similar ; all the pith-cells are vertically twice or three times as long as broad. Thus the shape of the cells is that of short, polygonal prisms, standing on end and closely packed. Imbedded, as it were, in the smaller pith-cells at the rounded angles of the vascular wedges are the oldest — i. e., first-formed — vessels, looking like small holes with very firm outlines (Fig. 12, r). These are the tracheas, or vessels with unrollable spiral thickenings on their walls. From their shape and peculiarities they are called spiral vessels, and from their position and development they constitute the first-formed elements of the xylem or wood. They are of very narrow caliber, and stand in radial, short rows, single or branched ; those first devel- oped— i. e., nearest the pith — are the narrowest, their diameter being often even less than that of the smallest pith-cells among which they lie. As we pass radially out towards the cortex these vessels get wider and wider, but the true sj)iral vessels are always very narrow (Fig. 16, sp). Occasionally some of these vessels have annular instead of spiral thickenings. Of colirse, their true characters are not elucidated until we compare longitudinal sections of the stem. It is then seen that the spiral thickenings are very closely wound, sometimes to the right, sometimes to the left, and occasionally double. Comparative studies of longi- tudinal sections also show that these vessels at first sim- ply consist of longitudinal rows of very narrow, verti- 56 TUE OAK. cally placed cylindrical cells, standing end to end ; it is because the adjacent ends become resorbed and disappear that the rows of cells at length form long, continuous tubes — vessels, or tracheae. Turning once more to the transverse section, as the eye follows the bundle radially outward the lumina of the vessels in the radial rows are found to become wider and wider, until we meet with vessels with diameters many times greater than that of the pith-cells. The walls of these wider vessels, however, are not strength- ened with spiral thickenings, but are thickened and fur- nished Avith bordered pits, the shape and characters of which are best seen from the illustrations (Figs. 14-16). These larger vessels are not always associated with the radial rows of spiral vessels, but may be scattered be- tween them. The vessels intermediate between the spiral and the pitted ones are thickened sometimes with reticulations. All these larger vessels have septa inclined towards the medullary rays, and perforated with several long, oval, parallel, horizontal holes : hence the segments are easily macerated and distinguished, and their lengths are found to be varia])le (Fig. 16, 2^r). The large j^itted vessels form groups with parenchyma and wood-cells scattered between, and are confined chief- ly to the inner parts, forming radiating series side by side ; in the outer parts of the bundle are various groups of smaller vessels — the groups being rounded, or in ra- dial rows, or curved or oblique rows. THE SEEDLING AND YOUNG PLANT 58 THE OAK. THE SEEDLING AND YOUNG PLANT. 59 60 THE OAK. Successive sections prove that the vessels in the bun- dle change in number — i. e., there are fewer when pass- ing from stem to leaf. A vessel may end in an inter- pectinating, pointed, terminal cell ; or it may branch, as it were, dichotomously, owing to fusions with other similar elements ; or such a fusion may occur lower down, the original vessel ending blindly. In the vicinity of the reticulated and first pitted ves- sels, following on the spiral vessels, we find libriform fibers, tracheids, wood-parenchyma, and secondary rays of parenchyma ; the tracheids are esj)ecially in the neigh- borhood of the vessels (see Fig. 14). The tracheids are long cells with gradually tapering ends, and the walls rather thick but by no means obscur- ing the lumen ; on the walls are numerous, usually elon- gated, oblique or horizontal bordered pits. These pits occur whether the next element is a tracheid, a vessel, or fibers or cells of any kind (Fig. 16, tr). The length of the tracheids varies, and the diameter is also variable. The libriform fibers are also long cells, but often more pointed at the ends, and their very thick walls almost obliterate the lumen (Fig. 16,/) ; their length is about that of the tracheids, but slit-like, small, simple pits are rare on their walls. In the wood of later years, however, the lengths may be different. There are also elements which stand midway between the true fibers and tracheids ; they occur in those parts where masses of true fibers abut on the groups consist- THE SEEDLING AND YOUNG PLANT. 61 f Fig. 16.— The various chief elements of the -svood of the oak, isolated by- maceration, and hijrhly magnified. /, a fiber, distinguished by its thick walls, simple slit-like pits, and no contents ; tv. p, part of a row of wood-parenchyma cells, with simple pits, and containing starch in "winter; i?\ a tracheid, distinguished from the fiber especially by its bordered pits ; p.i\ part of a rather large pitted vessel, made up of communicating segments, each of which coi-responds to a tracheid, and has bordered pits on its walls ; sp. part of a spiral vessel. g2 THE OAK. ing of vessels and tracheids. They resemble tracheids, but have very few and small, scarcely bordered, oblique, slit-like pits : every stage can be detected between these and true fibers. They must be looked upon as, so to speak, abnormal, because their numbers are small com- pared with the typical elements among which they occur. The wood-parenchma consists of vertical groups of short cells, each group having the fusiform shape of a tracheid (Fig. 16, lo.p) : hence the upper and lower cell of each group has a pointed end. Each group obviously arises from the transverse divisions of a long, prismatic cell, pointed at both ends — a cambium cell. The trans- verse section is round, and somewhat larger than that of a tracheid, and the walls are somewhat thinner. Where they abut on vessels and tracheids their walls have bor- dered pits, but where they stand in contact with similar groups, or with parenchyma rays, the pits are simple. During periods of rest they are loaded with starch grains. The length of the groups — i. e., of the fusiform cells cut up into short cells — varies ; the shorter ones have only one transverse division. The wood-parenchyma is less abundant than the tra- cheids and fibers, and predominates in the more vascular parts ; after two to four or more fibers in a radial row a single parenchyma cell may often be seen, but other ar- rangements occur. In the parts where fewer vessels oc- cur it is not uncommon to find a series of radial rows of THE SEEDLING AND YOUNG PLANT. 63 about six to ten fibers end in a single parenchyma cell, and thus are formed short, tangential rows of wood- parenchyma cells, intercalated, as it were, between the radial rows of other elements (Fig. 12, p). It often hap- pens, moreover, that reticulated and pitted vessels are closely surrounded by wood-parenchyma. The secondary medullary rays exist as single radial rows of cells, agreeing in form, etc., with the cells of the primary medullary rays. In contact with one an- other or with wood-parenchyma their walls have simple pits, but they have bordered pits where they abut on tracheids or vessels. In winter these cells are filled with starch. On tangential sections (Fig. 15) it is easy to see how the vertical groups of cells have the same origin as the groups of wood-parenchyma cells — the difference being that the cambial cells which are going to be transformed by horizontal divisions, etc., into ver- tical rows of ray parenchyma, undergo repeated tangen- tial longitudinal divisions, and so continued radial rows are formed. The cells of these rays are often much shorter than those of the wood-parenchyma, yet all gra- dations occur. The mother-cells may be very long, evidently corresponding to two, and they may also di- vide in the radial longitudinal plane, and the ray be- come biseriate. These secondary rays start (on the transverse section) from the first large vessels, or from younger ones, or they may start from other points. The ray may sometimes cease within the first year's bundle : but the difficulty 64 TUE OAK. comes in of deciding whether a continuatiou occurs at a higher or lower level. The cells of the cambium, seen in transverse section, are rectangular in shape and arranged in regular radial rows, owing to the regular tangential divisions (Fig. 12, 7i, 7)i). In longitudinal sections they are found to be like the tracheids in shape and size, so that they stand one behind the other at the same level. Regarding the tangential series in rings, however, they are less regular, because the tangential longitudinal divisions of two cells side by side do not lie in the same tangential plane. This regular radial arrangement would be found in the xylem also, and is so to a certain extent, but it is dis- turbed by the differences in diameter which the various elements attain later. The fibers are most apt to pre- serve the regularity, but in many cases growth in length, and the intercalation of oblique septa, disturb it. In later years the length of the cambial cells in- creases, and hence the length of the elements in the wood. The phloem or bast of the individual bundle is sepa- rated from its neighbors by large rays of parenchyma, the cells of which agree with the secondary bast-paren- chyma rays. As these pass into the cortex they widen, as they do at the pith (Fig. 12). The oldest portion of the phloem — that next the cortex — consists of a group of thick-walled bast fibers with their lumina nearly obliterated ; these are long, spindle-shaped fibers much like the fibers of the wood. THE SEEDLIXG AXD YOUXG PLANT. 65 As a rule, the outer and inner side of these bast grouijs are in contact with vertical rows of nearly cubi- cal parenchyma cells, strongly thickened on the side next the bast, and each nearly filled with a crystalline clump or with an imj^erfectly formed crystal of oxalate of lime. Similar vertical rows of crystal cells may also occur within the groups of bast fibers, the walls of the cubical cells being more or less thickened and simply pitted. Occasionally a cell here and there retains thin walls. The vertical rows result from cross-divisions of prosen- chymatous mother-cells, the conical ends being found in macerations. Within the groups of bast fibers are yet other rows, similarly formed, of parenchyma (Fig. 17, hp)^ the cells of which are longer, however, attaining the length of the wood -parenchyma ; like the latter also their walls are lignified and rather thick, and they contain starch in the winter. Thus we have parenchyma in the bast. Transitions between these two forms of parenchyma cells are also found. The cells of the rays between the bast fibers are thickened and pitted ; they are rounded, and not in vertical series as in the rest of the rays, but are scattered in no particular order. Sometimes they are few, and one or all with very thick walls perforated by pit-canals (Fig. 17, hs). The remaining younger part of the bast consists chiefly of delicate, apparently irregular parenchyma cells with cellulose walls ; this is easily traced to the Fig. 17.— Transverse section of cortex and phlegm of oak (hiirlily masni- fied). 1-, the periderm (cork), which has replaced the epidermis; c, coUeneh yma ; d, cells of cortex containing crystals of oxalate of lime ; «, schlerenchyma cells. All these belonor to the cortex proper. Be- low these come tlie phlogm : J, ft, groups of hard bast fibers ; hp, phloem-parenchyma ; bs, medullary ray ; e, cells containing crystals of oxalate of lime. (Luerssen.) THE SEEDLING AND YOUNG PLANT. 67 cambium. The radial rows of tlie latter can be followed for some distance, the radial diameter of the cells in- creasing, the walls thickening, and the rectangular shape changing. Displacements from the radial arrangement then occur. A few cells assume a nearly circular form (i. e., in transverse section), and the larger ones are ef- fective in causing displacements. The bast cells devel- oped earlier, and therefore more distant from the cam- bium zone, now lie in the perceptibly large periphery, and thus undergo tangential extension or radial com- pression, and so undergo changes of form. Besides these alterations in form and position, the more delicate bast elements increase in numbers by the development of perpendicular division walls ; this is quite clear in those parts nearest the cambium, but farther out, where great irregularity occurs, it is impossible to say which cells have arisen direct from the cambium and which by these later divisions. Still, certain thin septa betray their late origin. On tangential sections we see elongated, pointed, in- terpectinating cells, with secondary rays of parenchyma between, showing that these are formed and continued by the cambium. Each pointed cell has proceeded from a cambium cell, and indeed only differs in its thicker walls and pits. These cells are still simple, or here and there have a transverse septum obliquely across. If the tangential section is in a slightly older portion, most of the above cells are found to be septate and cut up into parenchyma-like cells — irregular bast-parenchyma. The (38 TUE OAK. walls, especially the longitudinal walls, are marked either with crowded small pits giving a reticulate appearance, or have sieve-plates ; all intermediate stages occur also. The transverse walls are also pitted with sieve-plates. All the cells of the soft bast contain tannin, and small grains which turn brown in iodine (leucoplasts?). Very little starch is found in them except in winter. Crystals occur in pitted cells here and there (Fig. 18, d and e). Even in the first year the cambium may produce small groups of thick-walled bast fibers of exactly the same character as those of the primordial groups. It is obvious that while tlie wood elements remain fixed in the cylindrical surface where they are developed, the bast elements formed outside the cambium, being driven outward in consequence of growth in thickness, come to lie in a layer of continually increasing radius. If these last elements were unyielding and lignified there would be a solid sheath of elements which refused to ex- tend by mechanical distention, cell division, or growth of cell-walls ; this would finally rupture under the pressure from within. This is prevented by the division and growth of the chief phloem-elements. In the vascular-bundle system of the stem there are no essential differences in structure as we pass from one region to another ; the only variations are in the thick- ness or breadth of the bundles at different points, such as where other bundles join or leave them. As the leaf- trace passes into the venation of the leaf the ends be- THE SEEDLING AND YOUNG PLANT. 69 come thinner (Fig. 21), and the same is found as it tails off below ; changes in structure also appear in the leaves. Fig. 18. — Longitudinal radial section of the cortex and phloem of oak. Eeferences as in Fig. 17. (Luerssen.) The first noticeable change is the diminution in the number of wood fibers and the presence of narrow 70 THE OAK. vessels only. As the trace passes through the cortex to the leaf the actual number of both xylem- and phloem- elements diminishes ; hence it comes about that the bundles in the leaves consist to a relatively large extent of spiral vessels in the xylem and of sieve-tubes in the phloem. As the bundles leave the midrib and larger veins the true continuous vessels disappear altogether, and only spindle-shaped traclieids with reticulated or spiral thickenings occur, fitting obliquely at tlieir point- ed ends, and which are shorter and sliorter as we ap- proach the ends of the bundles. The phloem also is at length reduced to little more than one or two sieve-tubes, the segments of which are shorter and shorter as we near the end. The shorten- ing of the elements is in evident correlation with the early cessation of growth in length of the parts of the leaf, and the diminution of the number of elements with tlie decreased supply of fluids, etc., on the one hand, and the smaller weight and strains to be sup- ported on the other. We may sum up the changes in structure towards the ends of the vascular bundles thus : The thickening of the walls is less, and the elements become narrower and shorter ; the xylem becomes simplified by the loss of fibers and vessels, until finally only delicate tracheids are left (Fig. 21), the thickenings of which are at length not spirals or nets for the most part, but irregular pit- tings. Moreover, they are nearly isolated. Xeverthe- less, the inner elements can be distinguished as primary THE SEEDLING AND YOUNG PLANT. 71 tracheal elements, because, being earlier formed, they partook more in what elongation occurred, and their spirals, for instance, are wider apart. In the midrib, in proportion as the structural changes go on, the bundles approach one another, the separating parenchyma becoming narrower and nar- rower. The pith consists of parenchyma, chiefly un- lignified and with simple pits, but as the bundles are approached the cells become longer and lignified ; the rays between the xylem groups are also lignified. Towards autumn the cells of the pith and rays fill with starch ; this is nearly, but not quite, all resorbed before the leaf falls. The termination of the bundles in the leaf consists only of a few narrow spiral and reticulated cells, which at last become very short and variable in shape, and of a few small sieve elements and cells (see Chapter VI). CHAPTER VI. THE SEEDLING AXD YOUXG PLANT (continued). The Buds and Leaves. The buds of the oak — those in the leaf -axils as well as those at the tips of the young shoots — are character- istically short and broad ovoid bodies, consisting of numerous overlapping bro^vn scales covered with short, silky hairs, especially at the margins (Fig. 19). These scales are really the stipules of arrested leaves, as is shoAvn by the proper leaf-blades being developed as well under certain circumstances, such as when nutritive ma- terials are directed to the young buds. The same mor- phological fact is also shown by the position of the in- florescences and young leaves higher up in the bud, for they spring from between the scales, and not from their axils proper (see Fig. 32). It is of the highest impor- tance to understand that a bud is simply the young state of a shoot, and that it consists of the growing- point of the shoot enveloped by closely-folded leaf structures. In the oak the buds are already formed before the end of June, and on looking closely into the axils of the leaves on the young shoots — which have by THE SEEDLING AND YOUNG PLANT. 73 that time ceased to elongate to any considerable extent farther — they may be seen as small, green, hairy bodies. During the remainder of the summer the chief changes going on in these buds is a slow swelling, due to the Fig. 19. — A. End of a branch of oak showing the characteristic winter buds. B. A group of buds (slightly magnified): a, bud-scales; d, leaf-scars. C. The same, in longitudinal section : a, bud-scales (stip- ules) ; 6, yoirng leaves ; c, vascular bundles ; r ■e t^ -*-^ • o .2 s a o m o o 82 M a O 6 -^- 1. 4i *5 i5 t; ,i3 a 'oS 3 " o ^ o ci S o ■^ C3 ^ CI o £ 'S -^ -7 ■>. § « c 'T3 ;r i; S c -=1 ^ a, o « 2 _g .s c c i£ -g 'os "Zi s ^ ^^5 ^ ■K CJ -2 "o 3 i-^^ rO rC [ O ~^^r^^ tn O 1 M O o O 3 ^36a C '' *J S C V. a? ^ 120 THE OAK. trees the pliellogen layers may be formed so far down in the cortex that they cut out tissues of the secondary cor- tex— i. e., phloem and bast fibers. It is, of course, this gradual exfoliation of the cut-out areas of bark that ex- plains the relative thinness of the bark in very old stems and branches ; the whole of the primary cortex, and paiost of that formed from the cambium, have been thrown ofE as bark Ion? before. CHAPTER IX. THE TREE {continued). IXFLORESCEXCE AXD FLO'U'- ERS — FRUIT AXD SEED. The oak flo^yers in May in this country, the young inflorescences developing as the leaves unfold. The flowers are unisexual, both male and female appearing on the same branches — i. e., the tree is monoecious — and even on the same twigs of the current year. The rule is that the apical bud of a last 3-ear's twig produces a few male inflorescences from between the axils of the upper scales, and then grows out into a green twig bearing about six to ten normal leaves, the female inflo- rescences arising from the axils of two or three of the upper leaves (Figs. 31 and 32). Lateral buds below the terminal bud of the last year's twig usually produce male inflorescences only — a phenomenon in accordance with their feeble development generally. Thus the male in- florescences are produced first — a common occurrence in forest trees. Since the inflorescences arise from the axils of leaves, their arrangement accords with the phyllotaxis of the tree — i. e., f — so far as it goes. It should be borne in mind that the bud-scales are stijiules. 122 THE OAK. The mule iufloresccnces hang down from between the bud-scales as simple catkin-like spikes, each bear- ing about a dozen llowers. Each mule flower springs mm. Fig. 31. — A spriw of oak in May, with the pendent male catkin below, and the minute spikes of female llower.s just showing above. (Th. Hartig.) from the axil of a tiny scale-like bract, and consists of a shallow perianth, unequally divided into about five to seven small linear-lanceolate lobes, inclosing about five to twelve stamens ; there is no trace of an ovary. The number of lobes of the perianth varies, as also does the number of stamens ; the former are covered with short hairs. INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWERS— FRUIT AND SEED. 123 Each of the stamens consists of a slender thread (filament) bearing on its toj) a four-chambered swollen anther. This contains a yellow dust, the pollen, com- posed of round grains (pollen grains), each with three thinner spots in its otherwise thick wall. Each of these pollen grains consists of a membrane inclosing nucleated protoplasm and food materials. When ripe the wind blows the pollen as it scatters from the dangling stamens, and some of the grains reach the stigmas of the female flowers ; here they germinate, each pollen grain sending a delicate pollen-tube down the st3'le into the ovary of the flower. This process of apjolication of the pollen grains to the stigma is termed pollination, and depends on the wind. The female inflorescences are also spikes (Fig. 32, a), but they bear only one to five flowers, and stand off from the axils of the foliage leaves. In the commonest English variety {Q. pedunculata) the spikes are rather long, obliquely erect, and the flowers are scattered on the upper end of the rachis of the spike ; in other varie- ties the flowers are more clustered in the axils of the leaves. Here, as in one or two other details, minute differences are apparent in different individuals ; similar trifling differences are met with in the structure of the male flowers. Each female flower springs (like the male) from the axil of a small bract : in other respects it is very unlike the male flower. In the flrst place,. the ovary is inferior, being sunk in and fused into a six-partite perigone, the 124 THE OAK. teeth of wliich project some distance up and surround a trifid stigma (Figs. 33 and 34, c). One of the lobes of the perigone will be found opposite to the bract ; the three lobes of the stigma are super^sosed on three alter- nate (outer) lobes of the perigone. Fig. 32. — A, Flowering twig and inflorescences, male ( i ), and female ( $ ), semi-diagrammatic. B, Diagram of plan of a .similar but lateral twig. F. Leaf from axil of which the twig arises : a*, parent stem ; a and P, bracts. The numbers 1-11 denote pairs of stipules acting as bud- scales, some with male inflorescences ( i ) springing from between them ; the continued numbers 12-21 also denote paii-s of stipules, but these have tlieir accompanying leaves, with or without female inflo- rescences { 9 ) in the axils. (Eichler.) There is yet a further covering to the female flower. The somewhat irregular margins of a minute cup-like investment are to be seen arising from beneath and around the perigone : this is the scaly cupula, the future " cup " in which the " acorn " is inserted (Fig. 34, m). If the young female flower is carefully bisected longi- INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWERS— FRUIT AND SEED. 125 tudinally this cupule will be seen to consist of a ring of tissue, arising from beneath the ovary, and with its margin notched into scales. As the ovule enlarges the minute scales become more numerous, new ones arising at the inner margin of the up-growing cupule. A transverse section across the female flower at a slightly later period shows that the inferior ovary is divided into three chambers {loculi), each corresponding to one of the lobes of the stigma, and each con- taining two o\n.iles (Fig. 34). These ovules are in- serted at the upper part of the inner angle of the chamber, and thus hang down in pairs. A curious point arises here. It seems that at the period when the female flower has just opened, but has not yet received any pollen on its stigma, neither the ovules nor the chambers are as yet formed, and the segments of the perigone spring from the lower portion of the flower, and this condition is not altered until pollination oc- curs ; then the tissue below the stigma becomes the three-chambered ovary sunk in the perigone. The pollination takes place in May-June, and ferti- FiG. 33. — A group .of female flowers (slightly magnified). Each has a spreading stigma above and the commencing cupule below, and arises from the axil ot a pointed bract. (Th. Hartig.) 126 THE OAK. lization soon afterwards ; in July the young acorns can be made out peeping from the cupules in which they had hitherto been inclosed. The acorn reaches its full size towards the end of September, and ripens and falls in Fig. 34. — Female flower in .^section. To the left three transverse sections through the young ovary ; the lower one showing the three placentas, each with two ovules. To the right, three longitudinal median sec- tions through the whole flower at successive periods: a. stigma-, h, carpal ; c, perianth ; d, cavity of ovary with ovules ; w, the eupule. (Th. Hartig.) October. When ripe the acorn is, as we have seen, an ovoid, smooth, olive-brown nut, with the broad end in- serted into the eupule, and the narrower, somewhat tapering end projecting free. INFLORESCEXCE AXD FLOWERS— FRCIT AND SEED. 127 It will be interesting, in the light of the foregoing remarks, to examine one of the stronger lateral buds of the oak towards the end of April, before it unfolds. A transverse section of such a bud shows the following structures : In the centei is the axis of the young shoot, represented by the small central dot in the diagram (Fig. 32, b). Surrounding this are about eight to ten green leaves in section, and folded on their midribs in such a way that the two halves of the upper surface are face to face and somewhat crumpled ; some of these are turned so that their edges are directed one way, others with them directed the other. Each of these leaves has a pair of small stij^ules, also cut across, and rather difficult to identify (Fig 32, 12-20). Some of the foliage leaves bear female inflorescences in their axils, as indicated by the sign ? in the figure. Fol- lowing on these stipulate leaves are a number of pairs of larger stipules, devoid of foliage leaves and constituting the bud-scales (Fig. 32, 1-11). Some of these bear male inflorescences {$) between them — i. e., in the position corresponding to the axil of the leaf. It will be understood that in this diagram the parts are all represented on a ground-plan, but that as the bud opens the inner leaves and stipules are on higher levels than the outer scales. In fact, proceeding in the order of the numerals, we pass in an ascending spiral from the outermost lower pair (1) of scales (stipules) to the innermost upper pair (21) with their leaf. If we suppose the female inflorescences removed, the 128 TUE OAK. above diagram will serve to represent the lateral huds which develop male inflorescences only, or if we suppose the three bracts f, a, and /3 away, it would serve for a terminal bud. Each single female flower stands in the axil of a minute scale on the floral axis, as said, and its general structure has been described. AVhen the pollen grains have been dusted on to the trifid stigma, about the end of May or beginning of June, each grain germinates and sends a minute tube down the style, and this pollen-tube soon reaches the cavity of the ovary, and its end becomes applied to one of the ovules. "While the pollen-tube is descending the style, the ovules have arisen as minute cellular outgrowths from the angles of the three cham- bers of the ovary (Fig. 34, d). There are two in each chamber. Each ovule is at first a mere solid lump of cells (nucelhis), which curves and becomes enveloped in two thin investing layers, called integuments, as shown in the figures a-d (in Fig. 35). Inside the solid nucellus, 91, of the ovule there soon arises a small cavity filled with nucleated protoplasm, and termed the embryo-sac, e, be- cause the embryo is to be developed in it. This embrj'O-sac contains, among other structures, a minute, nucleated, naked mass of protoplasm, called the oosphore, or egg-cell. The pollen-tube has carried down in its apex also a nucleated mass of protoplasm, and it passes this over into the egg-cell in the embryo-sac ; the union of the nucleus from the pollen-tube with the nucleus of the egg-cell constitutes the act of fertiliza- INFLORESCEXCE AND FLOWERS— FRUIT AND SEED. 129 tion, and the fertilized egg-cell is now termed tlie oospore, and at once begins to grow into tlie embryo. n B Fig. .35. — Various stages in the development of the ovule : n, nueellus; i, i\ integuments ; p, point of attachment to placenta ; e, embryo-sac ; r, vascular cord supplying ovule ; m, micropyle ; x, young embryo. (Partly after Th. Hartig.) It would be very interesting to describe at length all the remarkable details of these processes, and their 130 THE OAK. morphological meaning in the light of modern biology, but the limits and purpose of this little book will not admit of that, and I must content myself with this brief resume. During this process of fertilization the cupule has grown up like a scaly wall round the ovary (Fig. 34), and the tip of the latter is seen peeping out from its orifice. We are now in a position to understand generally the changes that convert the female flower into the cupped acorn The fertilized oospore becomes the em- bryo (Fig. 35, x) ; it grows at the expense of the con- tents of the embryo-sac, and develops a radicle, a plu- mule, and two relatively large cotyledons, which soon become so big that they occupy the whole space in the sac (Fig. 36). Moreover, the embryo-sac increases to make more room for this growing embryo. And now comes in a curious point. Wc saw that the ovary con- sisted of three chambers, each containing two ovules ; each of these six ovules also had its embryo-sac, contain- ing an egg-cell, etc., and each of the total of six egg- cells may be fertilized by the contents of so many pollen- tubes coming from pollen grains on the stigmas. But the rule is that five of the ovules with their contents perish at an early period, because one strong one takes the lead in development, and starves the rest by taking all the available nourishment to itself. Consequently the advancing ovary is soon filled by one ovule — the other five and two of the chambers being pressed to one side by it. INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWERS— FRUIT AND SEED. 131 In a few weeks the ovary and its cupule have in- creased considerably in size, and the one successful ovule, with the rapidly developing embryo in the em- bryo-sac in its interior, occupies nearly the whole of its cavity ; the remains of the two aborted chambers and Fig. 36. — Sections of acorns in three planes at right angles to one another A, transverse ; B, longitudinal in the plane of the cotyledons (l) ; C longitudinal across the plane of the cotyledons ; c, cotyledons ; t, testa ;/>, pericarp ; s, sear, and r, radicle ; ^?, plumule. The radicle, plumule, and cotyledons together constitute the embryo. The em- bryonic tissue is at r and pi. The dots in A, and the delicate veins in B and C, are the vascular bundles. the five unsuccessful ovules being traceable as tiny, shriveled remnants in one corner. The walls of the ovary then gradually change into the polished brown walls (pericarp) of the fruit ; the walls of the ovule be- come the coat (testa) of the seed ; and the embryo de- veloped from the fertilized egg-cell fills up the interior of the latter, as described in Chapter II. The ripe fruit is the acorn, and we may regard it apart from the cupule ; it contains the seed. 132 THE OAK. The acorn is an egg-shaped, nut-like fruit {glans), about 18 mm. long and 8-10 mm. broad (Fig. 30) ; the apex is somewhat pointed with a hard remnant of the stigma, the base is broader, and marked with the cir- cular scar Avhich denotes where it was inserted in the cupule. The trifid character of the stigma can often be observed even on the ripe fruit, which is smooth (or with fine longitudinal strife), and olive-brown in color when rijie. The rij)e acorn may thus be regarded as consisting of the pericarp (to which the calyx or jjeri- anth is fused) and the seed. The pericarp (Fig. 36,^9) is a thin, hard shell, com- prised of four layers : (1) An epidermis of small, cuboidal cells with their external walls much thickened (Fig. 37, e). (2) Four or five series of very thick- walled and pitted sclerenchyma cells (Fig. 37, 1). (3) Then follow numerous rows of thin-walled parenchyma cells, com- prising the chief thickness of the pericarp (Fig. 37). It is in this tissue that the small vascular bundles supply- ing the pericarp run, and here and there nests of scleren- chyma cells are scattered. The parenchyma cells may contain minute starch grains, in addition to the remains of chlorophyll corpuscles, even when ripe ; they also contain tannin, and, here and there, crystals of calcium oxalate. (4) The internal epidermis consists of elon- gated cells in one layer. The seed proper fills up the entire cavity inclosed by the fruit- wall above described. It consists of a relatively very thin testa, or seed-coat, closely enveloping the large, INFLORESCEXCE AND FLOWERS— FKUIT AND SEED. I33 Fig. 37. — Transverse sections of the pericarp rm) and seed (VI) of the oak • E, epidermis ; i, thick layer of sclerenchvma ; under this come the parenchyma cells, with a few sclerenchyma cells here and there. T. testa of seed ; G, vascular bundles ; e, the outer layer or epidermis of the cotyledon ; Co, thin- walled cells of cotyledons (cf. Figs. 35 and 36) filled with starch, etc. (Harz.) 10 134 THE OAK. straight embryo (Fig. 3G, /). At the broad end thefu- nicle can be observed attaching the seed to the base of tlie acorn ; it is inserted laterally, and traces of the aborted ovules may sometimes be found at the point of insertion. The vessels from the funiculus branca at the chalaza and ramify in the testa. The testa is a shining, pale-brown or yellowish skin, consisting only of a few rows of cuboidal, thin-walled parenchyma cells, the outer rows of which may be the integuments, and the innermost possibly belong to the remains of the nucellus ; or the latter may be repre- sented by the outer portion of the thin membrane which includes all that remains of the embryo-sac. A few feeble vascular bundles run through the testa (Fig. 37, G). The testa is closely applied to the surface of the two stout cotyledons. These fill wp by far the greater part of the space inclosed by the thin testa and pericarp, and their shape is almost described in saying that. Each is a colorless, hard, plano-convex body, face to face with the other by the flat surface (Fig. 3G) ; a transverse sec- tion of the acorn shows each cotyledon occupjdng half the circle. At the more pointed end of the acorn these two cotyledons will be found to be joined to the very small embryo (plumule and radicle) by what will on germination lengthen into very short stalks (petioles), but which are at present mere bridges of tissue, across which minute vascular bundles run from the embryo into the cotvledons. If the shell-like investments de- INFLORESCENCE AND FLOWERS— FRUIT AND SEED. 135 scribed above are removed from the embryo, it is then possible to gently separate the cotyledons and see the minute plumule and radicle to which they are joined (Fig. 36) ; on removing one cotyledon the plumule will be seen imbedded in a slight dej)ression at the base. At this point there is a little room to spare, not quite filled up by the radicle and plumule ; a minute remnant of endosperm may occasionally be found here, not having been entirely absorbed by the developing embryo. The cotyledons and embryo are composed of a deli- cate epidermis inclosing the whole (Fig. 37, e), and very thin-walled cells forming the main mass of tissue in which the vascular bundles run. These bundles are scattered in the thickness of the cotyledons, ready to convey fluids to and fro on germination, and already contain lignified vessels in the xylem and sieve-tubes in the phloem. The iso-diametric, closely-packed cells of the cotyle- dons are filled with reserve materials, consisting of large quantities of starch grains imbedded in proteids and tannin. Here and there are scattered cells filled with brown pigments and containing tannin ; some cells also contain oil-drops. Traces of sugar (quercite), certain bitter principles, acids, and mineral substances also occur in the tissues. CHAPTER X. OAK TIMBER — ITS STRUCTURE AND TECHNOLOGICAL PECULIARITIES. It is now time to look at the timber of the oak as a material, and to examine its technical properties from the various points of view of those who employ such material. Oak timber may be described as follows : (1) Appearance and Structure. — Pith pentangular, 1 to 4 mm. diameter, whitish at first, and then browner, formed of small, thick-walled cells. Sap-wood narrow and yellowish-white; heart-wood varies in shades of grayish or yellow brown (fawn color) to reddish or very dark brown. It darkens on exposure, and works to a glossy surface if healthy. Annual rings well marked by the one to four lines of large vessels in the spring wood, whence radiate outward tongue-like and branched groups of smaller and smaller vessels, tracheids, and cells, in a groundwork of darker fibers. Indistinct peripheral lines of parenchyma are also visible, especially in the broader annual rings. The annual rings are slightly undulating, bending outward between the large medullary rays (Fig. 38). OAK TlilBER. 13; Medullary rays of two kinds, a smaller number of very broad, shining ones, from f to 1 mm., or even a centimetre or more apart, and very numerous (about Fig. 38. — Transverse section of wood of oak (ma^nilied live diameters), showing live annual rin^s, as denoted by the large vessels of the spring wood ; the vessels become smaller in the summer and autumn wood, and are arranged in tongue-like groups. Nine broad medullary rays are shown, the rest are very narrow {cf. Fig. 27). The rest of \ the section is filled with tracheids, fibers, and wood-parenchyma. (Muller.) 138 TUE OAK twelve per mm.) fine ones between them, which undu- late between the vessels. In slowly-grown close wood there is no vestige of radial arrangement left. In the tangential section the small medullary rays are seen to consist each of a vertical row of a few cells, the large ones having numerous cells (see Fig. 27). Wood-parenchyma cells broader than small medullary rays, and the color is chiefly due to pigment in these wood- and ray-cells. The wood-cells are pitted with ob- lique, slit-shaped, simple pits. The vessels have bordered pits, and the septa are per- forated each by one large circular opening. The smaller vessels have delicate spirals on their walls as well as bor- dered pits. Nordlinger says that pith-flecks occur occasionally. It is impossible to distinguish between the '.vood of the varieties pedmiculata and sessiliflora. (2) Its density varies considerably. Taking the weight of a given volume of water as unity, the weight of an equal volume of oak timber may weigh from 0-633 when air-dry to 1-280 when fresh cut. We may take the average density of green — i. e., newly-felled — oak with all its sap present, as about 1-075, and that of the sea- soned wood as about 0-78. It must be borne in mind, however, that these weights refer to the wood as a structure — that is, a complex of vessels and cells, etc., containing air and liquids — and do not give the specific gravity of the wood substance itself. The latter may be obtained by driving off all the air and OAK TIMBER. 139 water from the wood, and is found to be 1'56, compared with an equal volume of water taken as unity. It is the varying quantities of this wood substance, and of air and water in the cavities, which make the density of different pieces of oak vary so much. (3) The proportion of sap contained in the cavities of the vessels, cells, etc., of course differs at different times. In the spring, just as the buds are opening, the quantity of water increases more and more up to about July, when the maximum is attained ; the j)roportion of water to solids then sinks until October, when the leaves fall ; it increases again up to Christmas-tide, and then sinks to the minimum in the coldest part of the winter. The proportion of water to the total weight of the felled wood may vary from 23 to 39 per cent. (4) Obviously the loss of water on drying causes shrinkage of the wood, and although oak shrinks very little in the direction of its length (0-028 to 0*435 per cent), tlie effect is very marked in other directions. In the radial direction — i. e., in the direction of the medul- lary rays — it may shrink from 1 to 7'5 per cent of its measurement when first felled ; and in the direction vertical to this — i. e., parallel to a tangent to the cylin- drical stem — the variation is from 0-8 to 10-6 per cent. Of course, green oak shrinks much more than seasoned and older wood, the process of seasoning being, in point of fact, the period of chief shrinkage. It is said that wood from the variety sessiliflora shrinks more than that of the variety pedunculata, but it may be doubted 140 THE OAK. how far the difference would hold if sufficiently numer- ous comparisons were made, (5) Swelling may be regarded as complementary to shrinkage. It has been found that if oak wood is allowed to absorb water until thoroughly saturated it will increase from 0-13 to 0*4 per cent in length, and be distended radially from 2*66 to 3*9 per cent, or tan- gentially 5*59 to 7-55 per cent, according to age and condition, young wood swelling more than old. It has also been found that the total yolume increased from 5-5 to 7'9 per cent, and the weight from GO to 91 per cent, on complete saturation. (6) Elasticity and Tenacity. — Oak is very elastic, and easily bent if steamed, and it does not readily splinter. When pulled in a direction parallel to the length of the structure the absolute tenacity = 2*23 to 14"51 kgr. — i. e., it took a pull equal to this weight per 1 sq. mm. of section to pull the wood asunder. The limit of elasticity corresponds to a load of 2*72 to 3*5 kgr., according to various authorities, the speci- men lengthening :r^7th in the former case. ■ The modulus of elasticity is given as 826 to 1,030 kgr., and the breaking limit as 4*G6 to 6*85. When the pull is in a direction across the length of the fibers, the results differ according as the load is applied so as to act radially or tangentially. When acting radially the modulus of elasticity is given as 188*7 kgr., and the breaking limit as 0-582 kgr. When acting parallel to a tangent the modulus of OAK TIMBER. 141 elasticity = 129-8 kgr., and the breaking limit 0-406 kgr. The absolute tenacity in the transverse direction is given as 0-44 to 0-Gl kgr. In the case where pressures are applied in the direc- tion of the length of the fibers the limit of elasticity = 2-09 to 3-22 kgr. ; the modulus of elasticity, 933 to 1,250 kgr. ; and the absolute resistance, 2-58 to 3-64 kgr. Flexibility.— T\\e limit of elasticity = 1-77 to 2-71 kgr. ; modulus of elasticity, 620 to 735 kgr. ; resistance to bending, 4-53 to 6-18 kgr. Torsion. — Oak warps considerably unless carefully seasoned. Limit of elasticity = 0-4 to 0-54 kgr. ; modu- lus of elasticity, 612-5 to 785 kgr. ; resistance to torsion, 0-75 to 0-97 kgr. Eesistance to shearing-stress, in the direction of the fibers = 0-61 to 0-97 kgr. ; perpendicular to them, 1-9 to 3-49 kgr. (7) Resistance to Splitting. — Oak is easily split into tolerably smooth and even staves, and is much employed for this purpose. (8) Hardness. — Oak is neither the hardest and heavi- est nor the most supple and toughest of woods, but it combines in a useful manner the average of these quali- ties. Good oak is hard, firm, and compact, and with a glossy surface, and varies much; young oak is often tougher, more cross-grained, and harder to work than older wood. According to Gayer, if we call the resist- ance which the beech offers to the saw, apjjlied trans- 142 TUE OAK. verse to the fibers, 1, tlieu tliat of freshly felled oak = 1-09. (!)) DurahilUy. — A mild climate and open situation produces the most durable oak, and it is extraordinarily durable under water, in the earth, or exposed to wind and weather, or under shelter ; in the latter case it be- comes more and more brittle as years roll by. The alburnum becomes rotten usually in a few years if exposed, and is the prey of insects if under cover. The heart, if sound, may last for centuries under cover and well ventilated, and even in earth or water will endure for several generations. There are, for instance, in the museum at Kew, a portion of a pile from old London Bridge which was taken up in 1827, after hav- ing been in use for about 650 years, and a piece of a beam from the Tower of London, of which it is stated that it was " probably coeval with the building of the Tower by "William Kuf us " ; and many other specimens of very old oak are known. (10) Burning Properties. — The calorific power of oak wood is high, in accordance with its density, but it splutters and crackles and blackens too much. Xever- theless, it produces a valuable charcoal. Hartig says that if we call the cooking-power of a given volume of beech 1, that of an equal volume of oak = 0-92 to 0*96. (11) Peculiarities. — Oak timber is apt to suffer from various diseases, and from frost-cracks and star-shakes, cup-shakes, etc., as we shall see in the next chapter. It often presents brittle wood, red-rot (foxiness), white-rot, OAK TIMBER. I43 spottiness of various kinds, and is sometimes twisted. At the roots it is very often affected with burrs. It con- tains gallic acid, and so corrodes iron nails, clamps, etc. (13) Uses. — Owing to its high price and great spe- cific weight, oak has suffered in competition with spruce, larch, and pine so far as building is concerned ; but its uses are very various and widespread nevertheless, and it is invaluable to the engineer and builder wherever strength and durability are aimed at. As already said, its great value depends on its mar- velous combinations of several average properties ; and considerable variations in the density, durability, ease of working, and beauty when worked, and so forth, are met with according to the situation and climate in which the oak grows. Generally speaking, it is found that when the oak grows isolated in plains, in rich soil and a mild climate (habitat of Q. pethinculata), it grows rap- idly, and produces a wood of very tough and horny con- sistency, which is regarded as the best for naval and hydraulic work, cartwrights, etc., and wherever strength, tenacity, and solidity are required in high degree (Fig. 39, top). The best should have broad and equal rings, but not broader than 7 to 8 mm., with narrow vascular zone and the smallest possible vessels, and with a pale, rather than dark, and even color on the fresh section. It should also have long fibers and a strong, fresh smell. In close, high forest, on poor soil, and in a rougher climate, it may take 300 years to reach 0*6 metre diame- ter, and the wood is then softer and more porous, beau- lU THE OAK. Fig. 39. — Three specimens of oak grown under dill'erent conditions. OAK TIMBER. 145 tifiilly speckled, and shrinking little (Fig. 39, middle). Such wood is excellent for sculpture and carving, and is very pretty ; it is also well adapted for cooperage. In deep soil of moderate quality, in hilly country, and growing as coppice under standards, we have a wood of irregular growth and not very valuable, but useful in an all-round way for sawing and splitting (Fig. 39, bottom). Speaking generally, it is found that, other things being equal, the most resistant, closest, and toughest timber comes from isolated trees growing in the open : straight and long timber, less marked for the above qualities, comes, on the contrary, from trees grown in close, high forest. This is the conclusion arrived at by the naval authorities in France and England, and may be accepted as according with the facts of structure, etc. Some differences may be put down to the varieties, but probably Boppe is right in concluding that rate of growth, etc., due to differences in the soil and climate, are the determining causes. The builder employs oak for sills, staircase treads, Desckiptiox of Fig. 39. — The upper one is from a rapidly-gro-mi tree, in the open, and at a low altitude ; the wood is very stronsr, hard, and heavy (density 0-827), because there is a preponderance of fibers in the broad rings. The middle specimen comes from a tree growing slowly in a forest at a considerable altitude ; the narrow rings have too large a proportion of vessels, whence the wood is soft (density 0*691), porous, and weak. The lower section is from a tree which has grown very in-egularly on poor soil, as shown by the variable rings ; only the parts with broad rings are good — hence bad wood predominates (density 0-742). (Nanquette-Boppe.) \ 146 THE OAK. keys, wedges and treenails, gate-posts and doors, and superior joinery. Railway-sleepers are best made of young oak, as it is denser, and the Austrians say such sleepers last from seven to ten years if not treated, and for as long as six- teen years if treated with zinc chloride and other pre- servatives. On the Continent heavy oak is used in machines, for axletrees, spokes, stamps of mills, anvil-stocks, hammer- I handles, etc. Oak is much used for carving of all kinds, large fur- niture, paneling, parquetry, for the felloes, spokes, and axles of wheels, and for other parts of wagons, etc. In cooperage it is much used for the staves, etc., of casks, J measures, sieves. Split oak makes excellent palings and shingles, and oak vine-props are only second to those of chestnut. Walking-sticks are also made of oak, and even water- pipes have been used, but they taint the water. CHAPTER XL THE CULTIYATIOX OF THE OAK, AXD THE DISEASES AXD INJURIES TO WHICH IT IS SUBJECT. The oak has been cultivated in all kinds of "ways, but by far the best timber is produced in what is called " high forest " — that is, the young trees all start at the same age and planted much closer together than they will be later on, their number being lessened period after period by successive removals until there is left a forest of large trees at equal distances. As it takes from 140 to 200 years to bring such a crop of timber to maturity, we may easily understand that such are rarely met with except as State forests, and the governments of various countries keep them going at various ages : one set of plantations will be ten, another twenty, a third thirty years old, for instance, when a given set is ready to be finally cut over for heavy timber. There are many difficulties, however, in cultivating pure oak woods, and the custom of mixing other trees is a common one, for the young oaks need much light ; and yet, if each plant has the space given it necessary to allow of this light, it grows into a short and spreading tree instead of rising up into a tall, straight one. The 148 THE OAK. forester usually gets over these difficulties by planting beech, or silver fir, or some otlier species among the oaks, but in such a way that the oaks are never completely shaded by the other trees — that is to say, he keeps the trees at different ages, the beach, hornbeam, silver fir, spruce, etc., only being allowed to just close in the forest, leaving the leaf -crowns of the oaks to be fully exposed to the light above. The oak grows faster than the beech or spruce, for instance, while young, and so keeps its head easily above the others for a time. Very often the oak is cultivated pure at first, and then, when the oaks are becoming too crowded and he has to thin them, the forester puts in the silver fir or beech, which prevents the light coming in to the lower parts of the young oak- trees, and consequently prevents the development of lower branches, which would give the spreading, squat habit he wishes to prevent. For without light the leaves of the lower twigs of course can not make the materials to strengthen and thicken the latter into branches, and so they die off, and the trunk remains a straight, clean cylinder. Although oaks are often raised from seed, a number of veteran trees being allowed to stand for many years in order to scatter the acorns, yet in by far the greater number of cases the plants are put in artificially, the long tap-roots being first cut in order to make them throw out lateral rootlets. It is also a common practice to cut back oaks, and allow them to sj^rout into what is known as coppice — that is to say, numerous buds which THE CULTIVATIOX OF THE OAK. 149 would not have developed at all are impelled to grow up into twigs and branches (stool-shoots) from the lower parts of the cut tree. It was very usual at one time to grow oak in this way for the sake of the bark, which was employed in tanning, the trees being cut back again and again, and renewing the coppice growth after each cutting. There are various other modes of growing oak in forests, but, whatever the system employed, the follow- ing facts have to be borne in mind and provided for : The oak is a tree that requires a soil of great depth, and sufficiently open to allow of the free penetration of air and Avater to the subsoil ; consequently many soils, other- wise rich enough, are unsuited for the culture of this tree. Again, young seedlings and plants are apt to suffer from frost unless they are protected by suitable mixtures of other plants; but such mixtures must be chosen properly, for this tree demands light and space to a degree greater than most other European trees ex- cept the larch, birch, and one or two others, and rapidly suffers if shaded or unduly crowded. Further, as com- pared with other European trees, the oak is a tree of the plains, and requires a relatively high temperature. These requirements also accord with its adaptation to deep, rich, well-drained soil, and, taking it all round, we have to regard the oak as a tree which makes consider- able demands on the locality (soil and climate) where it grows. In return for this, however, it yields the best of all temperate timbers. 11 150 THE OAK. As we have seen, the forester has to exercise con- siderable forethought — the outcome of long experience — in growing oak so as to obtain long, clean stems. The natural habit of the tree is to form a short, thick bole and a widely spreading crown, the main branches of which come off not far from the ground. To compel the stem to elongate into a long pole he has to plant other trees with it (as we have seen, beech, spruce, etc.), which, while they keep the light off the lower parts of the oaks, do not overtop them. This makes the trees long and spindly at first, as they run up their leaf- crowns higher and higher, and it is part of the forester's art to select the exact time when he may cut away some of the nurse trees and let in just enough, and not too much, light and air, so that the croTSTis of the oaks shall fill out more and thicken the stems. For it must never be forgotten that the timber is laid on from substance prepared in the leaves. The natural shape, so to put it, of an oak-tree is that of a wide-spreading, short-stemmed mushroom, and such a shape is realized in the open ; the forester com- pels it to lengthen its stem as much as possible before he lets it extend its crown. Hence he aims at length first, and then lets the tree put on timber in the mass. He does this, of course, by taking advantage of the tree's peculiarities, and one of these is that it grows very rapidly when young. It will be obvious that the skilled forester also has to aim at getting as much timber as possible on the gi-ound in a given time, and in the case THE CCLTIVATIOX OF THE OAK. 151 of a tree like the oak liis calculations have to be well made beforehand, for the tree may have to stand for from 120 to 200 years before it is cut. Left alone it may live for 1,000 years, but the proportion of good timber in trees after a certain age rapidly diminishes — a fact that has also to be reckoned with. It is quite different, however, when trees are re- quired for seed purposes. The oak hardly bears fruit at all before it is fifty to sixty years old, and seventy to eighty years is a better age for the purpose ; but, as with other trees, to produce really good seed the oaks must be isolated, or nearly so, so that they get the maximum of light and air. Consequently a modifica- tion of procedure has to be made when seed-trees are required. When the fruiting period has once been reached the tree goes on producing acorns every year ; but it is noticed that heavy croj^s of good seeds only recur every five (or perhaps three) years or so, the yield in the intervals be- ing inconsiderable. This is in accordance with Hartig's discovery that in the beech, for instance, the tree goes on storing up nitrogenous materials and salts of phos- phorus and potassium during the first seventy or eighty years of its life, and then suddenly yields these stores to the seeds; the drain is so exhausting that it requires three to five years to re-store sufficient of these sub- stances for another " seed-year." The season or weather is also concerned in the matter. Of course there are very many other details to be 152 THE OAK. considered in the technical cultivation of the oak, but enough has been said to give the reader a general ac- count of the i^rocedure, and I now pass to the subject of the dangers and diseases which threaten the tree at various periods in its development, and the timber afterwards. The diseases and injuries to which the oak is subject are very numerous and various, although, compared with some other indigenous trees, it suffers remarkably little from the different dangers which await it at all stages in the course of its long life from the seedling to the aged tree. Some of these are referable to the exigencies of the non-living environments — the climate, soil, etc. ; others are due to the attacks of living organisms, both vegetable and animal — from the Aveeds which smother the young seedlings by keeping the light from them, to man himself, who injures the trees in various ways. The earliest struggles of the young seedling are with the weeds, slugs, and insects of various kinds that in- vade the territory on which the acorn has germinated ; and of course the baby plant has also to contend against any inclemencies of climate or unsuitableness of soil that it may meet with. Owing to such vicissitudes very many of the seedlings never obtain the dimensions of a plant at all, and in some seasons the mortality is enor- mous. Other destructive agents during these early phases of the life of the oak are cattle and deer, which not only tread down the shoots but also nibble them off, and mice, squirrels, etc., do their share of injury, as also do THE CULTIVATION OF THE OAK. I53 wood-pigeons and other birds. In the north of Europe the young plants suffer terribly from the ravages of a fungus named Rosellinia, the mycelium of which sends its branches into the roots and kills them, consequently entailing the death of the plant. The larvae of various insects also damage the roots and bring about injuries which may prove fatal. Cynips corticalis produces galls on the lower parts of the stems. When the plant has passed into the condition of a sapling its dangers are for the most part of quite other nature, the injurious fungi especially being different. The chief diseases of the roots now arise from their spreading into unsuitable soil, the drainage of which may be incomplete, and thus bring about a sodden, acid, ill-aerated condition. The want of oxygen and the low temperature combine to kill the root- hairs and young rootlets, and the leaves above part with their water faster than it can be supplied from below, and they turn yellow and die off, the branches dry up, and the tree dies. Other dangers arise from the persistent overshadow- ing of other trees, which slowly kill the young oaks by depriving their leaves of light ; the offending trees playing the same inimical i^art, in fact, that grass and weeds, etc., play towards the small seedlings. Or the roots may be too thickly set in the soil if the trees are too crowded, and each suffers from over-competition with others. Much mischief is effected by the attacks of insects 154 TUE OAK. of various kinds. The caterpillars of certain moths (especially Cnethocampa and Tortrix), for instance, eat off the loaves in June, and then form large masses of mingled debris, skins, etc., as they pass into the pupa stage in July. The denudation of the leaves brought Fio. 40. — Toi'trix riridana, the (rrccn oak-moth, the Larvae of which eat off the youug leaves. (Altum.) about by such caterpillars is apt to be very exhaustive to the trees, for although they put forth new foliage in July and August, it must not be forgotten that these new leaves are constructed from materials which should have gone to the general stores in the tree, and from which new wood, for instance, would have been devel- oped. THE CULTIVATION OF TEE OAK. 155 Of other animals which injure oaks I may mention the various cattle, which bite off or rub the bark and buds ; hares, squirrels, mice, etc., which nibble roots and buds and destroy the acorns, etc. ; and a few birds ; and certain beetles, which bore into the wood. Among the pests belonging to the vegetable kingdom the following may be selected from a large number : The honeysuckle occasionally twists tightly round the young stem, and in course of time so compresses the cortex that the formative materials from the leaf -crown have to pass in a spiral course between the coils of the strangling plant, and the tightly-squeezed parts may be starved as the tree thickens, and even the death of the cambium may follow, especially if one or two of the honeysuckle coils come to lie nearly horizontally round the stem. As a rare event the mistletoe is found on the oak. A much commoner parasite of the same family is Loran- tlius europmus, which does considerable damage to oaks in some parts of Europe. The sticky seeds are carried into the trees by thrushes. Here they germinate, and send their roots, or haustorial strands, into the cortex of a branch as far as the cambium, where they spread and feed on the contents of the young wood- and cambium- cells, causing malformations of the injured branch at the spot attacked, owing to the hypertrophy of the tis- sues, to which abnormal quantities of food materials now flow (Fig. 41) ; and frequently bringing about the death of the u^oper parts of the branches owing to the 156 THE OAK. paucity of water at tliose parts, the parasite taking much of that whicli reaches the injured place, and tlie impov- erished Avood allowing less to pass thau it would normally have done. Among the fungi there are several enemies to the oak-tree. The leaves are attacked by Fhi/Uactinia, one Fkj. 41. — Loranthns eiirnp(viis. A. Lower part of stem attaeliod toLranch of oak, both denuded of cortex. B. Longitudinal section tliroufrh one of the haustorial strands, showing its progress year by year, as the branch thickens. C. Transverse section, through a branch which has long been badly infested with the Lnj-ariflnis ; a a, dead remains of old haustorial strands; 5 ^, young Loranflnis plants developed as buds from the older ones. The asterisks mark .still younger speci- mens. (Ilartig.) of the mildews, which forms white networks, like spiders' webs, on their surfaces. Numerous small ascomycetous fungi are found on the dying and dead leaves, but these do not directly injure the living tree. Other fungi are found in the cortex, and one of the most interesting of these is a red Nedria, the spores of THE CULTIVATION OF THE OAK. 157 which germinate on the bark, but can not infect the tree unless there is a wound in the neighborhood. How- ever, owing to the numerous small cracks and ru^Dtures due to the injuries caused by insects, hail, frost, etc., the mycelium easily gains access to the cortex and cambium, and feeds on the contents of the cambium-cells, which it destroys. The consequence of the irritations set uj) is the formation of canker-like knots on the branches, and the injury may be great enough to destroy smaller ones, and occasionally even a large one. Unquestionably the most important of the diseases to which the older oak-trees are subject are those which result in the destruction of the timber. There are about six or eight of the fungi known popularly as toadstools — technically as Hymenomycetes — which are able to injure and even destroy the timber of standing oaks, and while each of these pests does the damage in its own peculiar way, they show considerable similarity in general behavior. In the first place, these fungi are unable to penetrate the bark of sound trees, and their hyphfe always gain access to the timber by means of actual wounds and exposed surfaces of wood, such as the cracks caused by frost or by the bending down of heavy branches under the weight of a load of snow, or the ruptured ends of broken branches blown off by strong gales or struck by falling trees, or places where animals have removed the bark, where cart-wheels have abraded the larger roots, and so on. Once inside, the hyphge of these fungi pierce the vessels, cells, etc., of the 158 THE OAK. wood by excreting soluble ferments which dissolve the substance of their -walls, and feed on the products of solution. Hence they damage tbe timber in two ways — they riddle it through and through by myriads of minute apertures, and thus ruin its structure, and they Fio. 42.— Piece of oak dostroyccl by Thelephora Perdi.i\ slinwiiiir the characteristic markings due to the action of the fungus. (R. Hartig.) reduce its substance by dissolving it and converting it to their own uses. The wood, therefore, loses in strength and in weight, and becomes " rotten." There are differ- ences in detail as to the mode of destroying the elements of the wood, but the final result is much the same in all THE CULTIVATION OF THE OAK. 159 cases : some of tlie fungi destroy the vessels, fibers, etc., by dissolving their walls from inside, while others de- stroy the part common to contiguous cells, etc., and thus first isolate the elements and then complete the destruction. A series of very interesting researches by l;i Fig. 43. — Oak timber destroyed by tlie fiinirus Jlijihi um diversidens : a shows the medulhiry rays on the tangential section ; i, a mass of felted mycelium. (E. Hartig.) Hartig has demonstrated that the presence of these tim- ber-destroying fungi can be detected from the markings and discolorations they produce in the wood ; those due to Hychium diversidens, Thelepliora Perdix, Pohjporus sulplmreus, P. igniarins, P. dryadevs, and Stereum 160 THE OAK. hirsutum being all different, and in some cases so char- acteristic that the merest glance suffices to diagnose the disease {cf. Figs. 42 to 45). There is yet another disease of oak timber to be noticed, and one which causes great havoc in buildings Fig. 44. — Oak damaged b_y Polyporus igniarius, a very common timber fmigus. (E. Hartig.) where the ventilation is bad and the air damp. This is the too well known dry-rot, due to the destructive action of the fungus Mendius lacrymayis, a hymenomycete allied to the preceding, but differing from them in not attacking the standing timber. The spores of this THE CULTIVATIOX OF THE OAK. 161 fungus are able to infect oak planks, beams, etc. ; and the mycelium rapidl\- spreads on and in the wood, de- stroying the cell-walls, and causing the wood to shrink and crack and warp, and finally to fall to pieces. Thor- ough ventilation is fatal to the fungus and stops the rot. Fig. 45. — Oak wood destroyed by Pohjporus dryadexi8, showing the very characteristic markings, like insect tunnels in a deep red brown ma- trix. (E. Hartig.) A series of enemies to the oak-tree not yet referred to are various gall-insects, so called because they pierce the young leaves or buds, etc., and lay their eggs in the wound ; the irritation set up suffices to induce a flow of food materials to the stimulated spot, and the overfed Fig. 40.— Piece of oak-bark witli fructiiication of Polyporus 8ul2>hureu8. C «^ Fig. 47. — Piece of oak attacked by Pohjporuft foilpliureus. th e yellowish •white niyceliuiu of which is seen at c and d. (R. Hartig.) Fig. 48. — Transverse section of oak-timber tk-stroyed by Polyjporus sul- phureus. (K. ilartig.) Fig. 49.— Highly magnified longitudinal radial section of a piece of oak destroyed by a timber fungus, showing the ravages of the hj'phai in the various tissues. (K. Hartig.) 104 TUE OAK. cells multiply and form the gall. This is a mere out- line sketch of tlie matter, however, for the differences in behavior are enormous. Each insect causes the forma- FiG. 50. — Portion of the spore-bearing hymeniura of Merulius lacrymans, the fundus of " dry rot." tion of a specific kind of gall, differing in shape, size, color, and other characters from those caused by other gall-insects. There are many kinds, and only a few can be mentioned here. Each species of oak may have its I THE CULTIVATION OF THE OAK. 165 owu galls also, those on the American oaks differing from those on the European species, but some are com- mon to more than one species. The insects which pro- FiG. 51. — An oak-leaf with several kiuds of Cynips galls on it: «, gall produced by Cynips scutellaris ; S, C. divisa ; c, Neuroterus Beau- murii ; e, BiorMza renum ; f^ Neuroterus ostreus. (Frank.) duce the commonest English oak-galls are nearly all members of the Cynipidem, a group of hymenoptera which lay their eggs in the young tissues of various plants, especially oaks and roses. 12 1(56 TUE OAK. Some of the resulting galls are discoid, such as the " oak-sj^angles " of our woods ; others, again, are spheri- cal, such as the common leaf -galls so well known in Eng- land, and the so-called oak-apple; then there are the "artichoke galls," produced by the partial metamor- phosis of the buds of the oak in which the Cynips has laid its egg, and many others. CHAPTER XII. EELATIOXSHIPS OF THE OAKS — THEIE DISTKIBUTIOiir IX SPACE AXD TIME. The oak is a member of a very large and ancient group of dicotyledonous flowering plants, embracing the beeches, chestnuts, hazel-nuts, etc., and many other forest trees of the Northern Hemisphere. The number of species of oaks ( Quercus) is very large, probably more than 300, of which the majority belong to North America, Europe, China, Japan, and other parts of Asia. There are none in Africa south of the Mediterranean region, nor in South America orA ustral- asia. Some remarkable species are found in the Hima- layas, and many in the Malayan Archipelago. The various species of the genus Quercus are ar- ranged into groups according to differences in the form and arrangement of the scales of the cupule, the charac- ters of the leaves, and certain peculiarities in the acorns. Many oaks, especially those of warm countries, for in. stance, are " evergreen," with hard, leathery leaves, quite unlike the leaves of our common British oak. The latter is denominated botanically as Quercus l(Jji THE OAK. Rohiir, but certain varietal forms of it have been distin- guished, of which the commonest in this country are Q. pedunculata., a variety with the female flowers on long peduncles, and Q. sessilijlora, with the female flowers on short peduncles ; but although numerous attempts have been made to define these forms, and while small differ- ences in the petioles, lobing of the leaves, and the w^ood, etc., have been insisted upon at various times by ob- servers, it appears that the two varieties graduate into one another by intermediate forms. In England, the vaxiety j^edicnculata is the commonest over the country generally, but in the hilly districts of Xorth Wales and the north of England the variety sessilijlora is said to prevail. Similarly, on the Continent the latter variety is found at higher elevations than the former, though its area of occurrence is more restricted. This pronounced variability of the oak was commented upon by the late Charles Darwin, who points out, in the Origin of Species, that more than a dozen species have been made by a certain author out of what other botanists regard as mere varieties of the common oak. De Candolle, who made a special study of this group, found the variations so enormous that, although he made something like 300 species, he decided that the ma- jority of these were merely provisional ; and he conclud- ed, as others have done, that we have, in the numerous varieties of the species of this old genus Quercus, series of incipient species. If the connecting forms were to die out, leaving certain varieties more isolated than they RELATIONSHIPS OF THE OAKS. 169 are at present, systematists would elevate the latter to the rank of species. It is interesting to observe that twenty-eight varie- ties of the common English oak {Q. Rohur) have been described, and that the majority of these can be grouped around the three forms pedunculata^ sessiliflora, and puhescens, the latter being a somewhat hairy variety found on the Continent. No doubt Ave have here, again, a case where the three varieties mentioned would be accorded specific rank if the connecting forms died out, as some of them appear to be doing. I have already stated that the oaks are a very ancient family, and their great variability is in accordance with this. It probably implies that the genus has had time during its migrations over the Northern Hemisphere to vary immensely, and that some of the varieties have be- come adapted to given situations, others to others. On the whole, the oak family must be regarded as a north- ern type which has sent extensions southward. Now let us glance at their geological history. Some- thing like 200 forms of fossil oaks have been described from remains, chiefly of leaves and wood, found in vari- ous parts of the world. Some of the European fossil forms remind us of species now found only in hot coun- tries near the tropics, others are peculiar, and some are very doubtful. The earliest remains of oaks come from the Creta- ceous strata, being coeval with the first undoubted dico- tvledons that have been found. Many have been found 170 THE OAK. in the Tertiary also, and we have to conclude that the oaks were probably already a well-developed group of plants before the higher mammalia existed — i. e., so far as we can judge from the fragmentary records of the rocks. It seems that even the present species of oaks were already in existence in Tertiary times, and possibly some of their varieties also. From the evidence of their fossil remains, together with the facts of their present distribution, it is at least exceedingly probable that the European oaks, including our English oak, came into existence somewhere in the East, and that, after spreading from Asia towards the West, they are now slowly retreating before competing forms — e. g., the beech. Meanwhile the English oak (Q. Robur) has been giving rise to several varieties, of which three at least (viz., pedunculata, sessiliflora, and puhesceyis) have become sufficiently marked to be re- garded as species by those who do not consider the con- necting forms. It is not improbable that this migration of the Euro- pean oaks from Asia was completed before the islands of Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, and Britain were separated from the mainland of the Continent. Moreover, our English oak is not distantly related to certain species of Eastern Asia and of "Western North America, and it has been surmised that all these related forms sprang from a common ancestor not unlike our English oak of to-day. Again, fossil leaves from Italy, found in diluvial deposits, are so like those of certain Californian RELATIONSHIPS OF THE OAKS. I7I oaks now existing that a common origin is also sug- gested, and similar leaves have been discovered in Ter- tiary deposits in Xorthwest America. If all the evi- dence is put together, we may conclude with Asa Gray that " the probable genealogy of Q. Eobur, traceable in Europe up to the commencement of the present epoch, looks eastward and far into the past on far-distant shores." Many of the oaks yield products which are made use of in the arts, apart from their timber, the most valu- able of which comes from our European oak, the white oaks of North America, and one or two Himalayan species. In several countries oaks are grown for the sake of the bark, cups, etc., as a tanning material, and these even form important articles of export. Quer- citron, a yellow dye and tanning material, is obtained from Q. tinctoria in Xorth America. Cork, as used for bottling and other purposes, is obtained in Spain, the south of France, and in Algiers, from the thick periderm of Q. Siiher. Q. infectoria pelds the chief galls of commerce. They are caused by the punctures of Cynips galloB tinc- torim, and are used for making ink and for dyeing. In these and similar galls the value depends on the pres- ence of relatively large quantities of tannic and gallic acids which they contain. IIs^DEX. Accessory shoots, 6. Acorn, 4, 7, 10-23, 130 ; figs. 1-3. Age of oak, 151. Alburnum, 110, 136. Annual rings, 95-108, 136. Axis-cyUnder, 24, 28, 32, 91; fig. 5. Bark, 98, 111, 118-120; fig. 30. Bast. See Phloem. Beech, 148, 151. Biology of roots, 36. Bud, 50, 72-76, 127; figs. 19, 32. Burning of oak, 142. Burrs, 7. Cambium, 40, 52, 64, 92, 98, 100, 103, 111; figs. 9, 24. Cattle, 155. Cells, 15, 136. Chlorophyll, 79, 85. Cnethocampa, 154. Common bundles, 47. Coppice, 149. Cork, 93, 116; figs. 17, 18. Cortex, 52, 98; figs. 17, 18. Cotyledons, 14, 130, 134 ; figs. 2, 3, 37. Course of vascular bundles, 42-51, 68-71; figs. 10, 11. Cultivation of oak, 147-152. Cupule, 10, 124, 130. Cynips, 153, 162 ; fig. 48. Density of oak, 138. Diseases of oak, 152-163. Drainage, 153. Dry-rot. See Jferulius. Durability of oak, 142. Duramen, 109, 136. Elasticity of oak, 140. Embryo, 14. Embryonic tissue, 17, 28, 41, 96; figs. 2, 6, 25. Embryo-sac, 128 ; fig. 35. Endodermis, 30, 32 ; fig. 5. Epidermis, 16, 39, 41, 52. Fertilization, 130. Fibers, 60, 106, 108, 113, 136; fig. 16. Flexibility of oak, 141. Flowers of oak, 121 ; figs. 31, 32. Folk-lore, 2, 3. Fruit of oak, 10, 131. Fundamental tissue, 16, 39. Fungi, 96, 153, 156-163 ; figs. 25, 42-47. Gall-insects, 161 ; fig. 48. General description of oak, 5. Germination, 10-23. Growing-point, 37, 74, 96 ; figs. 6, 19. Growth in thickness, 68, 91, 100- 103. 174 INDEX. Habit of oak, 150. Hardness of oak, 141. Heart-wood. See Duramen. High forest, 147. Honeysuckle, 155. Hornbeam, 148. Hydnum diver.sidens, 159; fig. 43. Hymenomycetcs, 157. Hyphcfi, 97, 157 ; fig. 25. Hypocotyl, fig. 3, Inflorescence of oak, 121 ; figs. 31, 32. Injuries to wliich the oak is sub- ject, 152-163. Insects, 154. Lammas shoots, 6, 74. Leaf, 21, 76-88; figs. 20, 21, 22. Leaf-trace, 47, 49, 69. Lenticels, 114. Loranthus europceux, 155; fig. 41. Medullary rays, 34, 39, 48, 52, 54, 63, 95, 100, 104, 136; figs. 9, 12, 27, 38. Menilius lacrymans, 160 ; figs. 46, 47. Mesophyll, 76, 79, 81, 85 ; fig. 22. Mistletoe, 155. Mixed woods, 148. Mycorhiza, 96 ; figs. 7, 25. Nectria, 156. Oak-apple, 163. Oak-moth. See Tortrix. Ovary, 124, 130; figs. 33, 34. Overcrowding, 153. Ovules, 125, 128 ; figs. 34, 35. Parenchyma, 18. Peculiarities of oak, 142. Pericarp, 12, 131 ; figs. 2, 3, 37. Pericycle, 30, 32 ; fig. 5. Periderm, 93, 111, 117. Perigone, 124. Phellem. See Cork. Phelloderm, 117. Phellogen, 116. Phloem, 32, 40, 62-71, 92, 99, 103, 111; figs. 5, 6, 9, 17, 18, 24. Phyllactinia, 156. Phyllotaxis, 42, 47, 78, 122. Physiology of roots, 35. of leaf, 83-87, 91. of stem, 90. Piliferous layer, 24, 32, 91 ; figs. 5, 6. Pith, 39, 52, 55, 98, 136 ; figs. 5, 12, 99. Plasticity of roots, 35. Plumule, 14, 21, 130 ; figs. 2, 3. Pollen, 123, 128. Pollination, 123, 126. PoJyporus dryadetis, 159 ; fig. 45. igniarius, 159 ; fig. 44. sulphuretis, 169. Primary root, 14, 22 ; fig. 3. Primary shoot, 21, 39 ; fig. 4. Procambium, 42. Properties of oak, 136-146. Proteids, 17, 18. Protoplasm, 17. Pure oak woods, 147. Qualities of oak, 144 ; fig. 39. Quercite, 18. Qiiernts peduncufata, 7, 123, 138. Hobur, 7, 8. sessilifora, 7, 76, 138. INDEX. 175 Radicle, 14, 130; figs. 2,3. Requirements of oak, 149. Rocking of root, 20, 35. Root-cap, 23, 25, 32 ; fig. 6. Root-cortex, 24, 28, 32, 91 ; figs, 5, 6. Root-hairs, 23, 28, 36, 82, 97; fig. 3. Root-system, 38, 91-97. Rosellinia, 153. Sapling, 4, 89. Sap wood. See Alburnum. Scale-leaves, 21. Secondary roots, 34 ; fig. 3. Seed of oak, 10, 12, 132 ; figs. 36, 37. Seed-coat. See Testa. Seed-leaves. See Cotyledons. Seed-trees, 149, 151. Seedling, 4, 19-24, 89; fig. 3. Sheath, fig. 5. Shoot-axis, 22, 39, 75, 98 ; figs. 9, 26. Shoot-system, 6, 39, 98-120. Shrinkage of oak, 139. Sieve-tubes, 32, 112. Silver fir, 148. Splitting of oak, 141. Spruce, 148. Stamen, 123. Starch -grains, 17, 18, 87. Stcreicm hirsutum, 159. Stigma, 12, 123. Stipules, 22, 74, 122, 127; figs. 4, 19, 32. Stomata, 82 ; fig. 23. Stores of food materials, 20, 88. Structure of oak, 136. of root, 24 ; fig. 6. Swelling of oak, 140, Tannin, 9, 17, 68, 135. Technology of oak, 136-146. Tenacity of oak, 140. Testa, 13, 131 ; figs. 2, 3, Thdcphora Ferdix, 159 ; fig. 42, Timber, 8, 136-146 ; figs, 26, 38, 39. Tissues, 17, 39. Torsion of oak, 141. Tortriz viridana, 154 ; fig. 40. Tracheids, 60, 106, 108, 136 ; fig. 16, Tree-killing fungi, 157, Tyloses, 110; fig, 29. Uses of oak, 143. Vascular bundles, 11, 17, 18, 26, 41-51, 100 ; figs, 2, 3, 9, 10-12. system, 51-71. Venation of leaf, 49, 70, 76, 79 ; fig. 21. Vessels, 30, 31,40, 55-62, 90, 106, 108, 136 ; figs. 12-16, 38. Water in oak, 139. Winter state, 7. Wood. See Xylem. Wood-cells, 31, 62, 106 ; fig. 16. Xylem, 30, 40, 52-71, 92, 100, 103, 111 ; figs. 5, 6, 9, 13-15, 24, D. APPLETON & 00/8 PUBLICATIONS. SIR JOHN LUBBOCK'S (Bart.) WORKS. THE ORIGIN OF CIVILIZATION AND THE PRIMI= TIVE CONDITION OF 3IAN, MENTAL AND SOCIAL CONDITION OF SAVAGES. Fourtb edition, with numerous Ad- ditions. With Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, |5.00. 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