OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE URRAR^ ^UL5 1978 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES , AB: Mass, No. 129, 1-73 pages, 4 text figures, 18 plates, 1 table June 22, 1978 Age and Stratigraphic Significance for Lyellian Correlation of the Fauna of the Vigo Formation, Luzon, Philippines By W. p. Popenoe Department of Geology. University of California, Los Angeles. California 90024 and R. M. Kleinpell Museum of Paleontology . University of California, Berkeley. California 94720 ^o^DE/^/u WoED\^''^ SAN FRANCISCO PUBLISHED BY THE ACADEMY 0 COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONS Laurence C. Binford. Chairman Tomio Iwamoto. Editor Paul H. Arnaud. Jr. William N. Eschmeyer George E. Lindsay The California Academy of Sciences Golden Gate Park San Francisco, California 941 18 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY ALLEN PRESS, INC.. LAWRENCE. KANSAS DEDICATION This paper is dedicated to the memory of Frank E. Merchant, paleontologist from 1939 to 1941 for the Philippine Bureau of Mines and the Philippine National Development Company, in association with the present authors. With our advice and encouragement, he planned to undertake the study and description of the rich and beautifully preserved, but little known Philippine later Tertiary faunas. In furtherance of this work, he had been awarded a scholarship at the California Institute of Technology and was on the point of returning to America to begin his studies when World War II broke out. He immediately joined the American Army in Cebu, was captured and interned in a military prison, and died a few weeks afterward of dysentery, pneumonia, and brutal treatment. With his death, the science of paleontology lost a most promising neophyte, his country a scholar and patriot, and his associates a fine and valued friend. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Abstract vi II. Introduction 1 III. Stratigraphy and Paleontology: An Historical Review 3 A. Evidence and Criteria for the Previous Recognition of Miocene on the Bondoc Peninsula 3 1 . The Stratigraphic Geology 3 2. The Mollusks 4 3. The Foraminifers 6 4. The Algae 8 B. Relevant Later Studies in the Cenozoic of the East Indian Archipelago ... 8 1 . General 8 2. The Mollusks 9 3. The Eoraminifera 10 4. Philippine Stratigraphy and Correlation IV. Age and Correlation of the Vigo Group, Bondoc Peninsula A. On the Basis of Eoraminifera and Biostratigraphic Superposition 1 . Stratigraphy (a) Malumbang Formation (b) Canguinsa Sandstone 18 (c) Vigo Shale 19 2. Biostratigraphy of the Eoraminifera 20 B. On the Basis of the Mollusks 21 1 . The Fauna 21 2. Rates of Evolution 26 V. Acknowledgments 28 VI. References Cited 28 VII. Appendix A: Notes 33 VIIL Appendix B: Register of CIT Fossil Localities 35 IX. Plates 37 Abstract Popenoe, W. P., and R. M. Kleinpell. Age and stratigraphic significance for Lyellian correlation of the fauna of the Vigo Formation, Luzon, Philippines. Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences, no. 129, 73 pages, 4 text-figs., 18 plates, 1 table, 1978. — Roy E. Dickerson, in two papers published in 1921, theorized that tropical Tertiary molluscan faunas evolved much slower than did faunas of temperate regions and that, hence, the percentage of Recent species in later Tertiary tropical faunas is higher than in contemporaneous faunas from temperate regions. This theory, derived from analysis of a tropical Philippine fauna of inferred Miocene age, has been frequently cited but never critically evaluated. Studies of Philippine and Indonesian Tertiary molluscan and foraminiferal faunas collected since Dickerson's time and accurately placed stratigraphically indicate that the Philippine molluscan faunas that Dickerson believed to be of Miocene age are more probably later Pliocene or possibly Pleistocene in age, with a percentage of extinct species differing not very greatly from the percentages established by Lyell and Deshayes for contemporary faunas of Europe. The theory that tropical molluscan faunas evolve at a markedly different rate from those of temperate regions is therefore without foundation and is probably erroneous. INTRODUCTION In 1921 the late Roy E. Dickerson wrote two papers that have had a marked influence upon subsequent writing in the field of Cenozoic cor- relation by fossils and the field of organic evo- lution as a whole. These papers were devoted to the fauna of the Neogene Vigo Group. Phil- ippines, and its bearing on the evolution of ma- rine molluscan faunas (Dickerson 1921a. 1921b). Dickerson was at that time Honorary Curator in the Department of Paleontology at the Cali- fornia Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. California. It was a period of active and wide- spread geological exploration for petroleum. In the Philippines, because of known surface seep- ages and suitable structural and stratigraphic conditions (see Pratt and Smith 1913). the Bon- doc Peninsula of southeastern Luzon had been receiving more than ordinary exploratory atten- tion, especially by the Richmond Petroleum Company, a subsidiary of the Standard Oil Com- pany of California (see Moody 1922). By 1921. Dickerson had been able to collect, study, and publish upon a considerable fauna of fossil mol- lusks collected from the Canguinsa Formation and Vigo Group from the south part of this Bon- doc Peninsula. His record of these data and their significance first appeared in January 1921 in the Philippine Journal of Science (Dickerson 1921a) and. again, with very slight modification, the paper appeared in July of the same year in the Proceedings of the California Academy of Sci- ences (Dickerson 1921b). In the first of these two papers, Dickerson (1921a) questioned "the time rate of evolution of Tertiary molluscan faunas" and followed with a brief description of the geologic history of his collection area. He then listed the faunas from six localities within the upper part of the Vigo Group. Of the 128 forms which he tabulated in a "partial list of species from the Vigo Group." Dickerson noted that "there are 98 forms that are specifically determined and of these 74 or 75.5 per cent are living species, an astonishing number when the geologic history of the region yielding these forms is considered. In addition, the extinct forms are practically all common to the upper Miocene of Java, according to K. Martin." (Ibid.: 10-12) In pursuit of the age of the Vigo Group, Dick- erson (1921a: 12-16) gave evidence from earlier collections of fossil mollusks from elsewhere in the Philippines and from Java. He further added stratigraphic evidence from earlier recordings of larger foraminifers. principally cycloclypeids and lepidocyclinids, and of the algal reef-lime- stone-builder. Lithothamnion ramosissimum Reuss. These data led him to the first of his two most significant conclusions (ibid.: 16): "From all the evidence Canguinsa and Upper Vigo beds may be assigned to some stage of the Miocene, and the evidence of LepidocycUna indicates a still greater age, the Oligocene." With the age of the mollusk-bearing strata thus determined. Dickerson then discussed the "importance of guide fossils," "factors pro- moting evolution of pelecypods and gastro- pods," "comparison of life conditions during Vigo-Miocene time with those of Recent time," and "crowding of species and the Recent fauna of the Philippines" (ibid.: 16-20). A summary paragraph in which is embodied the second of his major conclusions followed: The tentative conclusion of the writer is that in the study of Tertiary faunas of the Tropics a different percentage scale must be used. For the later Tertiary, Miocene, Pli- ocene, and Pleistocene the percentages which apply in the temperate regions to the Pliocene are roughly adaptable to the Miocene: similarly, the percentages which apply in the temperate regions to the Pleistocene are apparently those of the Pliocene of the Tropics. This apparent lack of faunal differentiation during the Tertiary in the Tropics is due to uniformity of temperature, salinity, food, and other life es- sentials. From another viewpoint the rate of evolution of gastropods and pelecypods in the Tropics during the Ter- tiary was far less than during this same time in the more rigorous environs in the temperate zones. The tropical or subtropical faunas [of the Eocene] of the Pacific Coast of North America exhibit but slight differences compared to the faunas of Miocene and Pliocene age of this same region, and the writer ascribes this to the uniformity of life con- ditions which prevailed during Eocene time. The amount of faunal change must not be used as a measure of time in the whole of the Tertiary, but in measuring the tropic and subtropic faunas differently marked scales are necessary for the Eocene and the Oligocene than for the Miocene, the Pliocene, and the Pleistocene. It is particularly note- worthy that the Japanese paleontologists are now searching for comparisons with the Pacific Coast of North America and Australia rather than with Europe. In other words, many problems of the tropical Orient will be solved only when conditions on both sides of the Pacific become better known [Dickerson 1921a; 20-21J Subsequently. Dickerson (m Smith 1924: 315) summed up his conclusion more succinctly with respect to the significance of the Vigo fauna: As noted above, the percentage of Recent species is re- markably high and. from a detailed study of the subject, I conclude that the evolution of marine molluscan faunas in the Tropics is far slower than in Temperate Zones .... OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 129 Text - Figure I. Index map of Philippine Islands, showing approximate location of im- portant Neogene sections I Cagayan Valley, Luzon 2. Bondoc Peninsula 3 Island of Cebu 4 Southwestern Panay 5, Island of Mindanao On this account the same "yardstick" in the Tertiary geo- logic time scale cannot be applied in both tropical and tem- perate regions. Since Dickerson's time, several papers de- voted to various aspects of the Philippine Ter- tiary have appeared (see References Cited). In many of these, conclusions as to the age and correlation of the Canguinsa Formation and Vi- go Group have not agreed with Dickerson's Miocene age assignment (e.g.. Corby et al. 1951; Irving 1952; Cloud 1956). yet. few have focused on the basis for Dickerson's age assignment of the Vigo fauna or considered alternative corre- lations. Of greater interest and significance, however, is the wide extent to which the second and more far reaching of Dickerson's conclu- sions has been circulated and tacitly assumed to have been demonstrated; this concerns a differ- ential in so-called "rates of evolution"" in Tropic and Temperate zones and the consequent sup- posed irrelevancy of Lyellian principle to in- terregional Tertiary correlation. As an example. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA the reader need go no further afield than a pas- sage from what in all probability is as sound and as comprehensive a textbook in stratigraphic geology as any of the few that are currently available. In summarizing the origin of the terms currently employed to designate the series sub- divisions of the Cenozoic, Dunbar and Rodgers (1958: 282) note that "Lyell's subdivision of the Cenozoic into Eocene. Miocene and Pliocene Series was based primarily on the percentage of still living species in the several faunas [although] from the first, he used guide fossils as well as the percentage of recent species in recognizing these main subdivisions of the Cen- ozoic." In a second paragraph they added: As study of the faunas of these and other areas pro- gressed, and the gaps between the Eocene, Miocene, and Pliocene Series were in part filled by adding the Pleisto- cene, Oligocene, and Paleocene Series to the sequence, the characteristic proportions of living species cited by Lyell were modified from time to time and gradually this basis of classification and correlation lost its significance, yet the names have stuck. One of the most searching criticisms of the method is that of Dickerson ( 1921) who found that fau- nal changes and extinction during the Cenozoic Era have been more rapid in the Temperate Zone than in the Tropics, so that percentages worked out in western Europe are not usable in lower latitudes. [Dunbar and Rodgers. I9.'^8: 282] Finally, since this paper was submitted for publication, Shuto (1975: 296) has written: "Bondoc Peninsula: The Canguinsa formation seems to range, at least, from Preangerian to Miocene/Pliocene transition as suggested by the molluscan assemblages from Loc. 2. 3. 4, and 5 of Dickerson (1921)." During the years 1939-1941. we had occasion to study Tertiary fossils, including foraminifera and mollusks, from the Bondoc Peninsula. Lu- zon. The senior author also collected smaller foraminifers and mollusks from localities that were reported by Dickerson. In comparing these fossils from Dickerson's original localities with those from other areas then being collected by the Philippine Petroleum Survey, it became ap- parent that Dickerson's conclusions as to the age of the Canguinsa and upper Vigo mollusks were too theoretical to accommodate the evi- dence available. Evidence from mollusks and larger foraminifers. and evidence from the su- perpositional relationships of all three kinds of fossils in the Bondoc Peninsula and elsewhere did not support his conclusions. A further com- parison with the faunas of the Malay Archipel- ago only served to emphasize these discrepan- cies in correlation. If Dickerson's Miocene age assignment of the Vigo-Group mollusks was er- roneous, his major conclusion concerning rates of evolution was automatically affected, and es- pecially so his conclusion concerning a sup- posed invalidity of the principle of Lyellian cor- relation. It is our aim to here focus upon those facets of the paleontological data that bear upon Dick- erson's major conclusions and to critically eval- uate the basis for those conclusions, especially in light of the additional evidence available. Hopefully, through such a synthesis, clarifica- tion of the significance of these data may be made, not only for the geology, stratigraphy, and paleontology of the Bondoc Peninsula Ter- tiary, but also for the principles of Lyellian Ter- tiary correlation by fossils and for those of or- ganic evolution as a whole. We begin with the data and criteria which led Dickerson to conclude that his 98 specifically identified fossil mollusks from the Canguinsa Formation and Vigo Group were of Miocene age. STRATIGRAPHY AND PALEONTOLOGY: AN HISTORICAL REVIEW Evidence and Criteria for the Previous Recognition of Miocene on the Bondoc Peninsula. Southern Luzon The Stratigraphic Geology. — The marine sed- imentary strata exposed in the southern half of the Bondoc Peninsula consist of the lower se- quence, the Vigo Group, and an upper, the Mal- umbang Formation, together with some still higher marine terraces. In general. Dickerson followed Pratt and Smith (1913) who described the stratigraphic sequence in detail. On the peninsula proper the base of the Vigo is not exposed, its lowermost outcropping beds are those seen about mid-peninsula in the core of a close, principally southward plunging, an- ticlinorium (see Corby et al. 1951: 282. and pi. 26: Irving 1952: 466; Irving 1953: Section 11). In Dickerson's summary (1921a: 3): The oldest rocks here recognized consist of shales and sandstones from 3.000 to 4,000 feet in thickness, the Vigo group and its uppermost member, the Canguinsa formation. The strata exposed in the vicinity of Vigo River are steeply dipping, black, organic shales, subordinate sandstones, and minor lignitic strata which are unconformably overlain by the Malumbang formation. The Malumbang formation consisting of coralline lime- OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 129 stone and associated marls varies in thickness from small residuals to 1.000 feet. In a few places . . . marine terraces truncate the Malumbang strata. These terraces are in places thickly mantled with coralline limestone of Pleistocene age. Some . . . may represent high Pleistocene terraces. . . . These horizons exhibit the same essential conditions in northwestern Leyte and are beautifully exemplified in the vicinity of Toledo, Cebu. as well. After briefly comparing some strata in Min- danao with those of the Vigo, Dickerson ( 1921a: 3) added: "We are not dealing with local con- ditions but with general ones which existed over the site of these islands. . . . Conditions of de- position during Malumbang and Pleistocene time resembled those existing today in the vicinity of the Bondoc Peninsula, and essentially the same mollusca occur in the coral reef facies of all three. The deposition during Vigo time was in marked contrast with these later times, in that the contributing land masses consisted largely of diorites. schists, and serpentines or perido- tites from which they were probably derived." He concludes (ibid.: 4) that "the sediments were deposited in the moderately deep waters of an inland sea with high mountainous islands to the east. The total time represented since the begin- ning of the Vigo is evidently long, and on these grounds as well as faunal, the Vigo group ap- pears to be as old as the Miocene, and the Mal- umbang probably represents at least a portion of the Pliocene." Dickerson based his paper on collections from strata that Pratt and Smith referred to the Can- guinsa Formation and Vigo Group. He believed that the six fossil mollusk collections were "from strata which are . . . unconformably be- low the Malumbang formation." and that "there are but few places in these islands where good collections are obtained from localities with sat- isfactory stratigraphy" (ibid.: 4). Dickerson (1921a: 4-9) described the six localities and list- ed the species associated with each, emphasiz- ing the stratigraphic position in every case in- sofar as was possible. Locality 2x [was] on the northeast bank of Bahay River in a 50-foot cliff of yellow sandstone and bluish clayey sandstone disturbed by minor faulting. . . . The Malum- bang limestone is found in the hill 100 yards to the northeast and from the the general relations in the field it is clearly unconformable upon the underlying Canguinsa formation. Locality 3x [was also from the Bahay River but 200 me- ters upstream from locality 2x and in strata that are] nearly vertical ... on the southwest bank of stream in a stiff dark gray shale. Locality 4x. [again from the Bahay River, but] 320 me- ters east of the mouth of Apad Creek in road cut 60 feet above the river in yellow sandstone, about 50 feet strati- graphically above the . . . lignitic strata of locality 5. Locality 5 (was also from the Bahay River but] 300 me- ters east of the mouth of Apad Creek in lignitic gray sand- stone which was deposited in brackish water. Locality 9x [was] on Dumalog Creek ... in uppermost Vigo just conformably below Canguinsa sandstone in black shale. Locality llx [was] on west bank of Sapa Tubigbinukot 400 yards upstream from Sapa Yaknes: in soft, yellow sandstone of Canguinsa age. . . . The strata at this point dip west about 20" while the overlying Malumbang, a few hundred feet west, has a gentle dip of 2 to 3". At other places in this vicinity a notable unconformity separates these two formations. The Mo////,vA.s.— Dickerson (1921a: 10-12) list- ed the species of mollusks collected at his six localities and noted the percentage of living spe- cies represented in the fauna. Fourteen of these were also recorded by Martin (1879-1880) from the upper Miocene of Java — most were consid- ered characteristic of that horizon. Only one other species from Java, Vicarya callosa Jen- kins, recorded by Martin, was missing from Dickerson's Bondoc Peninsula localities. But Martin (1896), in a subsequent paper, recorded it from apparently the same horizon in the Ca- gayan Valley of northern Luzon. Two of Mar- tin's collections were from "Minanga," one from "4 miles above Minanga," two presumably from nearby, and the other four from localities even more difficult to relate geographically, as well as stratigraphically, to the others. Dicker- son (1921a: 13-14) listed the species from nine of Martin's Cagayan Valley localities (these ap- pear to have been the collecting localities of Semper). Two of these nine localities yielded Vkarya callosa: one (locality 8) yielded only this species, the other (locality 2 from "Minan- ga; right bank of Ilaroen") yielded this species in association with seven others, none of which, however, appear in Dickerson's list from the Bondoc Peninsula. Among the seven, however, four (Tcrcbra jcnkinsi Martin. Tercbra handon- gensis, Murex grooti Jenkins, and Rostellaria javana Martin) in addition to Vicarya callosa are noted as having their "occurrence ... in the Tertiary of other parts of the Indian Archipela- go" as Miocene (ibid.: 14). A passage from Mar- tin's discussion of these mollusks from the Ca- gayan Valley was included by Dickerson (1921a: 13): Now, in reviewing Semper's collection, I was at once struck with Vicarva callosa Jenkins, which is known from POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA Java and is described in detail below; and this induced me to make a closer comparison between the fossils of the Philippines and those of the Indian Archipelago, whereby it at once became apparent that a whole series of species, especially of the Javanese Tertiary is common to both re- gions. Thus far. indeed. 1 have been unable to make a com- plete study of Semper's collection, and for the time being it has little further interest, because statements as to strati- graphical position are entirely lacking and the equivalent deposits of neighboring regions are still very insufficiently known. After completion of my monograph on the fossils of Java, however. I hope to undertake a more thorough study of the Philippine fossils, and to supplement this pre- liminary communication. From these data, the reader may gather that Vicarya callosa may be widespread and of more than ordinary significance in the East Indian Archipelago as a whole, including the Philip- pines, and that other species, too. appear to be common to these two regions. In short. Dick- erson suggests that at least some strata of Mio- cene age were probably present at some un- specified stratigraphic horizon in the Cagayan Valley (which is more than 200 miles (322 km) north of the Bondoc Peninsula), that the strati- graphic ranges of species, at least in Java, might be stated with more assurance following com- pletion of Martin's monograph on the Javanese fossils, that Java and the Bondoc Peninsula shared several molluscan species in common, that Java and the Cagayan Valley shared several other species in common, and that of these sev- eral species, two (viz., Natica mamilla Lamarck and Conns loroisii Kiener) occurred both in the upper Vigo-Canguinsa sequence of the Bondoc Peninsula and at some stratigraphically unspec- ified horizon in the Cagayan Valley, none of which, however, carried Vicarya callosa. Dickerson (1921a: 14) concluded his evalua- tion of the molluscan faunas stating: The fossils in Martin's list come from nine different lo- calities and the largest number of species from any one locality is ten. According to Martin, the strata in the vicin- ity of Minanga belong essentially to the same horizon, and he says: Judging from these facts, the strata of Minanga are to be classed with the upper Miocene bed which exists in Java in the locality denoted by Junghuhn by O and at Selatajan on the Tjilongan. As was indicated above, many of the fossils from the Bondoc Peninsula are common to this locality O in Java, and the equivalence of the Upper Vigo beds with these Javan beds is evident. Upon the basis of Martin's work, the age of the Vigo beds is upper Miocene. In a subsequent section. "Importance of guide fossils," Dickerson added another paragraph having direct bearing on the age of his mollusks. As will be seen from a study of the fauna cited above, most of the forms which are extinct were originally described from a correlative horizon in Java. Of these, the writer is inclined to think that Cerithium jenkinsi . C. herklotsi. C. handongensis . Mitru javana. M. jenkinsi. M. junghtihni . M. bucciniformis . Tunis coronifer. Terebra bicinctu. Tcr- cbru javana . Vicarya callosa . and Vcrmclus javanus will probably prove reliable guides among the mollusca. (Ibid.: 161 The two cones and the columbellid previously listed from Martin's Javanese localities were omitted here; otherwise the lists are the same. Concerning these twelve species. Dickerson (1921a: 16) notes that "All of these species are representatives of highly organized genera and their extinction during the post-Miocene time was probably due to their inability to obtain life conditions suited to their highly specialized needs." Before leaving this review of the direct mol- luscan evidence for the Miocene age of the up- per Vigo and Canguinsa molluscan fauna, it seems appropriate to refer again to Dickerson's (/// Smith 1924) subsequent discussion of the same Vigo and Canguinsa formations and their mollusks. In Table 24 of that work. Dickerson listed 1 18 species that he previously (1921) listed from the Bondoc Peninsula Vigo Group, and 1 19 forms in total. He again stated that "about 75 per cent of the specifically determined forms are living species, an astonishing percentage when the geologic history of the region yielding these forms is considered" (ibid.: 315). Conspicuous, however, in this 1924 list, is the presence of Vi- carya callosa. previously absent from the Vigo list in his 1921 paper. No Bondoc Peninsula lo- cality for this species was given, though, as in the earlier work, he listed it from other areas in the Philippines (Batan Island. Mindanao, Cebu and "from sandstones, lignites and shaley lime- stones which dip at an angle of 35° beneath the coralline limestone of Mount Mirador ... six kilometers west of Baguio northern Luzon" (ibid.: 326-327)). In discussing the age of the Batan Island coal deposits. Dickerson noted that "in the gray shale overlying the East Batan coal seam in the Perseverancia claim, very excellent specimens of Vicarya callosa Jenkins and nu- merous species of Corbnla were obtained by F. A. Dalburg (Bureau of Science locality No. 7)" (ibid.: 319). On the following page he stated: OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 129 ... it is my opinion that this Batan coal is essentially of the same age as is the coal of Cebu and of tunnel 14 of Sibuguey Peninsula. Mindanao. At the latter place. Dalburg collected splendid specimens of Vicarya callosa Jenkins from the coal seams and shales (Plate 9, fig. I). Vicarya callosa is associated with the coal seams of Cebu and seems to be a form which flourished in brackish water. Whether or not this form is very limited in geologic range is probably open to question, as those forms which have a great geographic distribution frequently have a consid- erable stratigraphic range as well. It is probably limited to the Vigo group at least; that is. to about 1,000 meters of sedimentary beds, as it never has been reported from the Malumbang formation. Douville places locality 272 in his II. 2, the Lepidocyclina limestone. The Bureau of Science possesses an excellent collection of gastropods and pelecypods from this place collected by Smith, among which the following forms have been identified. [Dickerson />i Smith 1924: 320] and he then lists the following from "Locality F272 (Cebu)": Bullaria ampulla (Linnaeus), Conns sp., Cerithium (Campanile) sp., Ceri- thium sp., Cerithium jenkinsi K. Martin, Ceri- thium herklotsi K. Martin, Cypraea sp.. Fiisinus sp.. Natica sp..TurbinellaJunghulini K. Martin. Trochus sp.. Turbo sp. a. Seraphs sp., Vicarya callosa Jenkins, Voluta innexa Reeve, Chione lacerata Hanley. Lucina sp., Pecten cf. lenti- ginosus Reeve. Pecten leopardus Reeve, Pli- catula imhricata Menke. Concerning this as- semblage he adds, "A brief comparison of these forms with collections from the Vigo group of the Bondoc Peninsula clearly demonstrates es- sential faunal unity" (ibid.). Of the nine forms specifically identified in this assemblage of twen- ty forms, three are in common with the earlier (1921) list from the upper Vigo and Canguinsa of the Bondoc Peninsula; four are in common with those listed in the preceding table as from the Vigo Group, the extra species in the latter instance being Vicarya callosa . Further discussion of the age and correlative significance of the upper Vigo and Canguinsa mollusk fauna from the Bondoc Peninsula is left for a later page, when the problem is reviewed in the light of additional data. The Foraminifers. — The balance of Dicker- son's direct paleontological evidence for the Miocene age of the Vigo-Canguinsa fauna of the Bondoc Peninsula consists of foraminifera. For the sake of clarity, the pertinent passages from Dickerson (1921a: 14-15) are quoted in full. Martin lists the distinctive foraminifera, Cycloclypcus communis Martin from his (and Junghuhn"s) localities K, L, O, and P.; Orhitoidcs f>igantca Martin is from locality O; and O. radiata Martin is from locality K. The localities all represent about the same horizon in Java and it is im- portant to note these forms here, as they are regarded as excellent horizon determiners. Dr. W. D. Smith [footnote reference here to Pratt and Smith 1913: 330], on the strength of the occurrence of Cv- cloclypcus communis K. Martin and Lepidocyclina richth- ofcni Smith, refers the Canguinsa sandstone to the middle or lower Miocene. His exact statement is as follows: .... The limestone from Mount Morabi . . . contains Cycloclypcus communis K. Martin, which represents the middle Miocene, and large lepidocyclinas some of which are 45 millimeters in diameter and ."i millimeters broad in the thickened central portion. Lepidocyclina richthofeni Smith was identified among these. This species has been referred by Douville to the lower Miocene. No definite age determination can be made from the fossils in the Canguinsa sandstone proper. The fossils in the included limestone, however, are well known and have been used in correlation by various authorities. From their presence it is concluded that the Canguinsa sandstone should be placed in the middle Miocene, ex- tending perhaps into the lower Miocene. In a recent publication. Prof. H. Yabe [footnote refer- ence here to Yabe 1919: 40| gives a full discussion of cor- relation of these equivalent beds in Cebu, and Smith's and Douville's correlation tables are quoted. It is noteworthy that the beds under discussion are classified by Douville as Aquitanian. All who have studied the large foraminifers from the Philippine Islands agree that one of the charac- teristic genera is Lepidocyclina . Cushman [footnote refer- ence here to Cushman 1918: I15[ in a recent paper makes the following significant statement: Because, in general. Orbitoides with some modifica- tion to be noted in a future paper, is Cretaceous, Orttio- phrugmina Eocene and Lepidocyclina Oligocene, much importance is attached to these organisms in the inves- tigation of problems of geologic correlation. For the purpose of placing Dickerson' s crite- ria for age and correlation in their relevant con- text here, it needs to be noted that Cycloclypcus communis, sensu lato, ranges geologically from Oligocene to Recent (see Corby et al. 1951: pi. 31; and Colem Ladd and Hoffmeister 1945: 280, for a distinction between the "C. communis'^ of Douville and that of Martin; and see also Cole, op. cit.: 273. 279). and that the "limestone from Mount Morabi" referred to by Smith is at the very least stratigraphically 1.000 ft (305 m) (and probably more than 2,000 ft (610 m)) below the base of the Canguinsa Formation as used by Pratt and Smith (1913) and by Dickerson (1921a). Dickerson (/// Smith 1924: 309-322) made fur- ther reference to the foraminiferal evidence for a Miocene age for this fauna under the subhead- ing "Lepidocyclina limestone facies of the Vigo group." He discussed, under this subheading. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA Douville's classification of foraminiferal samples collected by W. D. Smith from Batan Island (Caracaran. locality 2. and the soft sandy yel- lowish limestone of Gaba Bay. locality 8) and from the islands of Cebu (Sibul Gulch, old Al- paco Mine, locality 273; limestone of Guila-Gui- la, locality 278; limestones of the Barrio of Mes- aba, locality 272; limestones of the valley of Cumajumayan. locality 28; the Compostella Mine, locality 289; along the road from Toledo to Cebu, on the edge of the Minanga River, lo- cality 277, near camp 1 ; and the "very soft white limestone which runs along the cordillera central of Cebu Island, Valley of Cotabato," locality 279). Douville had concluded that these large foraminifers ranged in age from Oligocene Stam- pian to Miocene Burdigalian. Following a dis- cussion of the stratigraphic relationships of these larger foraminifers to the associated mol- lusks, Dickerson (op. cit.: 321) returned to the large Foraminifera which "Smith reported . . . from Bondoc Peninsula from beds of Canguinsa age." Here Dickerson quoted part of an earlier (1921) passage referring to "the limestone from Mount Morabi," but without W. D. Smith's ear- lier qualification as to the age of "the fossils in the Canguinsa sandstone proper." Concerning these. Smith had clearly stated. "No definite age determinations can be made from them." Dick- erson then added, in this (1924) paper. This Lepidocyclina fauna occurs in the upper portion of the Vigo group, the Canguinsa formation |sic|. This for- mation in the same region has yielded a large part of the mollusks reported above, and it is clear that the vertical range of the large representatives of the genus Lepidocy- clina is much greater than Douville suspected. H. Yabe (footnote reference here to Yabe 1918: 2). in a recent publication, recognizes this possibility and he re- views the case as follows: L. Rutten studied foraminiferal rocks from southern and eastern parts of Borneo and found it necessary to modify somewhat H. Douville's correlation of the Ter- tiary rocks, because Lepidocyclina appeared to have a more extended vertical range than was believed by Dou- ville. Thus, the oldest Miocene and Oligocene deposits, according to Rutten. are characterized by Lepidocycli- nas of larger and smaller sizes, while the smaller ones alone are found together with Miogypsina in all parts of Miocene deposits except the lowest division. Rutten (footnote reference here to Rutten 191 1-1914: 287] presents a table in his paper which is copied by Yabe. Yabe [footnote reference here to "659,"' appar- ently Yabe 1919: 37-51] in another and later paper upon the Lepidocyclina limestone from Cebu. recognized Lep- idocyclina (Nephrolepidinu) angulosa Provale associated with Lepidocyclina monstrosa Yabe, Lepidocyclina for- mosa Schlumberger. and several other Foraminifera. It is evident from this assemblage that the section Ne- phrolepidina is not restricted to the uppermost horizon, as Douville thought. Briefly, in conclusion, then, the Lepidocyclina lime- stone is equivalent to the shales and sandstone of the Vigo group and the molluscan faunas of the latter beds are equivalent to the large-sized Lepidocyclina fauna of Cebu. In other words, the limestones, shale, sandstones, and coal are different depositional facies within the same group, the Vigo of probable middle and upper Miocene age. Again, the systematics here involved could be clarified to advantage. Clearly, the bearing of these Lepidocyclina-carrying limestone beds upon the age of the upper Vigo and Canguinsa mollusk fauna of the Bondoc Peninsula is one of superpositional relationships. Needless to say, the islands of Batan, Cebu and Mindanao are many miles removed from each other as well as from the Bondoc Peninsula and, similarly, the Cagayan Valley and the Baguio area of northern Luzon are distantly removed. Even Mount Mor- abi is about five miles (8 km) from the Canguinsa mollusk-bearing outcrops. Pratt and Smith rec- ognized an unconformity at the base of the Can- guinsa which intervenes stratigraphically be- tween the orbitoidal limestones in reference and most of the mollusk-bearing Canguinsa strata. However. Dickerson clearly disagrees with Pratt and Smith regarding the presence of this uncon- formity. In his 1921 paper the particulars are vague: "The writer's view concerning the stra- tigraphy of the region under discussion differs in this regard from that of Pratt and Smith, but a full exposition of this important point cannot be given here" (Dickerson 1921a: 3. footnote). But in his subsequent paper (1924). Dickerson's views are made clear. I am not in agreement with Pratt and Smith concerning the stratigraphic relations of the Malumbang. Canguinsa, and Vigo in their type localities. Bondoc Peninsula. I be- lieve that a great unconformity exists between the Mal- umbang and the underlying Vigo group. I failed to recog- nize an unconformity between the Canguinsa formation and the Vigo shale, although the areas cited by Pratt and Smith were critically examined. The relations that appear at these places are best explained by faulting. On this account the term "Vigo" is widened to include the Canguinsa forma- tion as its upper sandstone facies. thus raising the term Vigo to a group rank. [Dickerson in Smith 1924: 313, footnote] Subsequent field studies by the present au- thors and the field parties of the Philippine Petroleum Survey and the Philippine Oil De- velopment Company have indicated the OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 129 controversial unconformity to be local, with elsewhere a local sandstone and fine sandy con- glomerate occurring gradationally between the underlying dark claystone of the Vigo and the lowermost beds of the Canguinsa. sensn stricto. At one locality a single small outcrop of volcanic agglomerate occurs at the horizon of Pratt and Smith's "unconformity" at the base of the Can- guinsa. sensii stricto. Yet. whether a mere dia- stem is reflected, or a hiatus of greater magni- tude indicated, is not clear from the physical evidence. In any event, the notable geographic distance between the respective fossil localities and the intervening stratigraphic interval of at least 305 m. and probably more, both remain. Thus, the residue of evidence for the contem- poraneity of the moUusks and larger foraminifers stressed by Dickerson is of two kinds: one. in- direct evidence involving species from widely separated islands that are interpreted to be cor- relative, although many of the forms involved turn out to be long-ranging species and the diagnostic species were absent in the critical lo- calities; the other is direct evidence involving occurrences within a single formation, the Vigo, raised to group rank by Dickerson and suppos- edly "from 3.000 to 4.000 feet in thickness" (Dickerson 1921a: 3), though not at all clearly at the same stratigraphic horizons within that group or formation. The Algae. — The remaining paleontologic evi- dence for the Miocene age of the upper Vigo and the Canguinsa mollusk fauna of the Bondoc Pen- insula is clearly indirect, though again super- positional since it involves the presence of Lith- othamnion ramosissimum Reuss in the lower limestone of the overlying Malumbang Forma- tion. But from Dickerson's discussion, it is ap- parent that even he came to regard the strati- graphic significance of this fossil as equivocal. Concerning this, Dickerson (1921a: 15-16) first quoted Pratt and Smith (1913: 327). then Yabe (1918: 14), in the following passages: Pratt and Smith state the case as follows: The most conclusive evidence as to the age of the Malumbang series is found in the Lower limestone, which, on the basis of the fossil Lithothamnion ramosis- simum Reuss . . . may be assigned to the Miocene. The upper beds in the series are apparently as voung as the upper Miocene or Pliocene. The formation is similar to the "etage marneux" which Verbeek assigns to the mid- dle stage of the upper Tertiary for Java. Concerning the range of this species. Prof. H. Yabe... notes the following: This reef building organism is very often cited from the limestone of the Oligocene and Miocene ages of the Indo- Pacific region, its occurrence being known from Ja- pan, the Philippines. Borneo, Timor. Amboina, New Guinea and adjacent islands. New Hebrides, Victoria, the Christmas Is. etc. In Japan it is found not only in Lepidocyclina and Miogypsina-limestone and similar and equivalent beds of Formosa, Botel-tobakee. the Riukiu Islands and the Ogasawara-Jima, but also in the Lepidocyclina and Mio- gypsina-limestones of the provinces of Sagami and Kae, 2, the Lithothamnion-limestones of Oyami-Yama and Megami-yami near Sagau, Province of Lotomi; and 3, the Lithothamnion-limestone intercalated in an oil-bear- ing Tertiary complex of Echigo, 4. the Lithothamnion- limestone of Shiroiwa, Makatsuka-mura, Otsu-gou, Province of Natigo. It is evident from these references that this form has considerable range in the Miocene and probably the Pli- ocene. In his subsequent paper. Dickerson (in Smith 1924: 327) quotes Smith in reference to Smith's work on the Sagada Limestone of Mountain Province, as recognizing therein "the well- known Mio-Pliocene marine alga. Lithotham- nion ramosi.ssimiim Reuss." and Dickerson (op. cit.: 322. 331. and Table 3) consistently refers to the Malumbang "Pliocene." Relevant Later Studies in the Cenozoic OF the East Indian Archipelago General. — In the two decades that followed Dickerson's evaluation of the fauna from the Vigo Group, much additional information has come to light concerning the Cenozoic inverte- brates of the East Indies (including the Philip- pines) and their stratigraphic distribution throughout the archipelago. More than one syn- thesis of these data have appeared during this interim. Some have emphasized the geologic history of the region, some its stratigraphic pa- leontology, and others the economic signifi- cance of the geology and stratigraphy of the area. With these extensive regional studies, more detailed comparisons are possible between the Cenozoic of the Philippines and that of the Ma- lay Archipelago as a whole. The molluscan stud- ies of Martin and others have been concluded. The sequence of Tertiary larger foraminifers has come to form the bases for a biochronologic classification of the East Indian Tertiary — the so-called "letter classification" first proposed by Van der Vlerk and Umbgrove (1927) and later expanded by Leupold and Van der Vlerk ( 1931). POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA A record of the smaller foraminifers and their stratigraphic distribution has been added to some extent. In addition to the Leupold and Van der Vlerk (1931) summary, a geologic history of the East Indies (Umbgrove 1938) has paid not- able attention to the Cenozoic stratigraphic ge- ology and stratigraphic paleontology. In the Philippines economic and geologic reports by Corby et al. (1951) and by Irving (1952. 1953) have summarized, in reconnaissance fashion, the distribution of the Cenozoic in much of that archipelago. Cloud (1956) has placed these East Indian faunal and formational sequences into re- lationship with those of the Cenozoic of the Pa- cific basin as a whole. Within the context of these syntheses, the Neogene faunas of the southern Bondoc Peninsula have come into sharper focus than was possible in Dickerson's time. These syntheses have particular signifi- cance in that conclusions drawn as to the age of the Neogene faunas of the southern Bondoc Peninsula and as to the so-called rates of evo- lution of these faunas differ considerably from those of Dickerson which, nevertheless, have tended to persist. We review first these regional syntheses; then, in the light of these data, we re-examine the Neogene sequence in the Vigo Group of the Bondoc Peninsula. The Mollusks. — Karl Martin's studies of the East Indian Tertiary mollusks occupied more than fifty years of his lifetime. Dickerson. in his comparisons with Martin's upper Miocene mol- lusks from Java, apparently made all of his de- terminations from two of Martin's first publica- tions. "Tertiarschichten auf Java" (1879-1880) and "Tietliohrungen auf Java" (1883-1887). The tremendous amount of work that Martin did sub- sequently on the faunas may have been un- known to Dickerson. Dickerson seems to have been unaware of Martin's 1919 work ("Unsere Palaeozoologische Kenntnis von Java") in which Martin explains his own extinction-per- centage scheme for the East Indies Tertiary. Martin considered his Tjilanang beds, together with Junghuhn's locality "O" to have 34% Re- cent species, these constituting the horizon with which Dickerson correlated his Bondoc Penin- sula faunas with 75% Recent species. In 1921. Martin listed the percentages of Recent mollus- can species in the Tertiary of Java as follows (Martin 1921; see also Davies 1934: 57; and Po- penoe in Corby et al. 1951: 253-254): Pleistocene 86 to 90% Pliocene 5 1 to 64% Odeng beds 43% Tjilanang beds 34% Njalindung beds 21.6% Rembang beds 16.9% West Progo Miocene 6.8% Upper Eocene & (?)01igocene 0% As Davies (1934: 57) noted. "Here the steady increase in the percentage is obvious." Pointing out that the terms "Eocene." "Mio- cene," "Pliocene." etc., used in his classifica- tion could not be held to represent exactly the same periods of time as the European Tertiary epochs so named, Martin classified these Javan molluscan faunas thus: "Pleistocene" — 80% or more Recent species "Pliocene" — 50-80% Recent species "Upper Miocene" — 20-50% Recent species "Lower Miocene" — 8-20% Recent species "Eocene" — no Recent species present So the "West-Progogebirge beds," Rembang Beds, and Njalindung Beds served as guide for the "Upper Miocene," and the fauna from the Sonde Beds, with 150 molluscan species (53% Recent), furnished guide fauna for the "Pli- ocene" (see Popenoe in Corby et al. 1951: 253- 254). The Fufa Beds of Seran and Obi, with a fauna of 158 species of which only 46.8 per cent were Recent, were also considered "Pliocene" by Fischer (1927: see also Popenoe in Corby et al. 1951: 260). Martin (1919) included lists of important though less comprehensive publications dealing with the Tertiary paleontology of the Indo-Pa- cific region. A list of Martin's major papers on the subject, along with those of Tesch ( 1920; on Timor). Fischer ( 1927) and Van der Vlerk ( 193 1 ) is given by Popenoe (in Corby et al. 1951; 263). Van der Vlerk ( 193 1 ) gives a complete list of all Cenozoic mollusks reported or described from the Dutch East Indies up to 1931, with geologic range, references, a complete bibliography, and critical notes. By 1927 Van der Vlerk and Umbgrove had further subdivided the East Indian Tertiary on the basis of the stratigraphic ranges of foramin- ifers. Leupold and Van der Vlerk (1931; 611- 648) summarized the Tertiary history of the East Indies, employing 8 stages and 16 zones "based upon vertical distribution of larger foraminif- era." They grouped these stages and zones into OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No, 129 a "Tentative general subdivision of the Tertiary of the Dutch East Indies based on the main stratigraphic features (transgressions, uncon- formities). . . ."' with corresponding "percent- ages of still living species of Mollusca" as fol- lows: Upper Tertiary Upper: Stage h. Zone 2 60% Zone 1 50% Stage g 45% 35% Stage f. Zone 3 30% Middle: Stage f. Zone 2 20% Zone 1 18% 8% Stage e. Zone 5 Zone 4 Lower: Stage e. Zone 3 Zone 2 Zone 1 Stage d Lower Tertiary Upper: Stage c Middle: Stage b Stage a. , Zone 2 Lower: Stage a. Zone 1 A more recent percentage distribution summa- rized by Umbgrove (1933) has not notably al- tered these percentages. Meanwhile, in the Philippines, the major ad- ditional contribution to the molluscan paleon- tology was probably that of Faustino (1926; 1928). He reviewed the disputed Oligocene or Miocene age of the typical Vigo Shale (ibid.; see also Corby et al. 1951: 238. 248-249) and fo- cused attention on the conflicting evidence pre- sented by the mollusks and the larger foramini- fers as correlated by Douville (1909). Again the controversy centered around the Oligocene or Miocene age of the lowest of these beds and around the identification and biochronological significance of a gastropod, Ainpullinopsis , and of certain aberrantly small ''Niimmiilitt's" (N. suhniasis) that are associated with Lcp'uiocycli- na in the lowest of the Batan Island beds from which the suite of larger foraminifers studied by Douville were collected (see Douville as quoted by Dickersonm Smith 1924: 317). During 1939-1941, field parties of the Philip- pine Petroleum Survey assembled an extensive collection of fossil mollusks, principally from the island of Panay, but also from Cebu and else- where, and on Luzon from the Bondoc Penin- sula, the Batan Island area and the Cagayan Valley. Oldest were Jurassic ammonites from relatively undisturbed strata on Mindoro (Corby et al. 1951: 68). but most were of Neogene age. A partial list of the mollusks from these collec- tions was presented by Popenoe (in Corby et al. 1951: pis. 36, 37, 44-46) together with their known geologic ranges in the East Indies and in the Philippines. The 152 Philippine localities from which these mollusks were collected were assigned a geologic age by Popenoe and Mer- chant in the same publication (ibid.: pi. 38), as were also the mollusks and the 60 mollusk-bear- ing Philippine Tertiary localities on record in the literature prior to 1939 (ibid.: 32-33). Popenoe (op. cit.: 252-264. and also pi. 47) presented a preliminary discussion of the molluscan faunas, their geologic age, and their relationships with the Tertiary molluscan faunas of the East Indies. In view of the direct bearing of these Philippine mollusk collections upon the age and signifi- cance of the molluscan fauna of the Vigo Group of the Bondoc Peninsula. Luzon, they are dis- cussed in detail in the concluding section of this paper.' The Foraminifers. — Since Dickerson's (1921a, 1921b) works, the most important clarification of the age and stratigraphic distribution of Ter- tiary foraminifers in the East Indies resulted from the so-called "letter classification" of Van der Vlerk and Umbgrove (1927). Leupold and Van der Vlerk (1931) used this letter classifica- tion to provide the time coordinate for their summary of the East Indies Tertiary. A jubilee book in honour of Professor Martin is the right place for an essay on the Tertiary of the Dutch East Indies, as it was he who laid the foundations of stratigraphy in that district. The basis upon which he founded the subdivisions of the Tertiary deposits has proved the firmer the more it has been tested. He laid down two fundamental principles upon which further investigations have been built. In the first place he showed that during the Tertiary an autochthonous fauna developed in the East Indies and in the second place he insisted that a subdivision of the Ter- tiary systems can only be obtained by comparing their fos- sil contents with the fauna that still exists in these regions and not with the European Tertiary fossils. It might appear to be a simple matter to compare fossils with living species, but when entered upon it is found to be difficult in the extreme. Thousands of molluscs have passed through the ' See Note i in Appendix A. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA hands of this untiring investigator and only those who have themselves experienced the endless difficulties that attach to the determination of fossil material are able to form an idea of the energy it must have cost to bring this compar- ative study to a satisfactory conclusion. As the fauna that flourished in the East Indies was en- tirely different, it is not possible to apply the names current for European series with typical faunas to the East Indian Tertiary epoch. The investigations of Vredenburg and DeCotter. in Brit- ish India have rendered it possible to make a rough com- parison between Java and Europe via Burma and North- western India (vide: MARTIN. Leidsche Geol. Meded., Deel IV, Afl.l), but a detailed correlation is not possible. The authors have therefore decided to use the subdivi- sions by letters as proposed by VAN DER VLERK- UMBGROVE (Wet. Meded. No. 6). The basis for the subdivision in stages and horizons is formed by the foraminifera of the strata. As tabulated on a previous page, the "letter classification" serves to subdivide the Tertiary of the East Indies into 8 stages and 16 zones. The ranges of the 52 diagnostic large foraminifer genera and species upon which this classifica- tion is based are tabulated by Leupold and Van der Vlerk(1931). Stages a. b, and c. which do not directly con- cern us. are based primarily upon the ranges of certain species of Comerina, of '^FasciolitesS^ and of the genera Assilina , Pellatispira , Heter- ostegina. and Discocyclina: the sequence a-1 through c was considered to range from lower Ypresian through lower Oligocene by Gerth (1929). Stage c of southeastern Borneo was equated with the Sannoisian by Douville. Stage d, also not directly involved in the problems of the Bondoc Peninsula Vigo Group fauna, carries the highest Camerina (three species, notably in- cluding C. fichteli-intermedia , which is shared with Stage c only), the reslncled Isolepidina and Eiilepidina papiiaensis . together with the lowest Cycloclypcus -dnd Lcpidocyclina (the latter in is- olepidine and eulepidine forms); Stage d is con- sidered Stampian in age by Douville and "Upper Oligocene" by Gerth (1929). Stage 3. the oldest involved in possible cor- relations with the Vigo Group of the Bondoc Peninsula is considered of Aquitanian age by both Douville and Gerth. of "Lower-Upper Aquitanian" by Tobler (1918) following Dou- ville. and as (upper?) "Mio-Oligocene" by Rut- ten (1911); it carries the highest Eidepidina . scn- su striito. and "Clausidus pygmaeus ( = Alv. sp. 3 Verb.)." the lowest Nephrolepidina and Tril- lina howchini . and is further zoned on the basis of species of Lcpidocyclina , sensu lata , and Spi- roclypcus . with ^^Tryhliolcpidina .'^ Miogypsina , and Alvcolina appearing in its upper two zones. With Tertiary Stage f. the "letter classifica- tion" enters unequivocal Miocene. Zonation within the stage leans heavily upon species of Lcpidocyclina and Miogypsina of which all re- maining species make their last stand in Zone f3 which in turn is characterized by the restricted occurrence of "Trybliolcpidina" nitteni. Diag- nostically also. ^^ Alvcolina boscii"^ appears in Zone fl to range upward through the "Pli- ocene," whereas "A. hontangcnsis^" becomes extinct at the top of Zone tl. Finally, it is significant that Stages g and h (including the two zones, hi and h2) reveal merely negative evidence in terms of the larger foraminifers; shown as present throughout, but all ranging upward from lower beds, are Hcter- ostegina. Cycloclypcus, and Alveolina. Diagnos- tic distinctions clearly are based upon different percentages of living mollusk species (35% and 45%. presumably in higher beds, for Stage g. 50% in Zone hi. 60% in Zone h2). The smaller foraminifers are still another element in the East Indian Tertiary faunas that aid in subdividing the stratal sequences on a biochronological basis (see Koch 1923. 1925, 1926; Boomgaart and Vroman 1936; Boomgaart 1949; Caudri 1934; Tobler 1918; LeRoy 1938a. 1938b, 1939. 1941. 1944. 1948). With the disappearance, at the top of the "Miocene" (i.e.. top of Tertiary f3). of the previously dominant lepidocyclines and mio- gypsines. the inshore shallow-water facias of East Indies Neogene witnesses an increase and diversification of mollusks in an expanded coarsely clastic lithofacies and a flowering and diversification of benthonic small foraminifers in the marls and more finely clastic inshore facies of the "Pliocene" generally. This is perhaps most conspicuous in the genus Ammonia, or "/?(>rfl//rt." of which stock "Rotalia'' papillosa Brady (see LeRoy 1941) is an especially con- spicuous and widely flourishing newcomer. Stratigraphically it is not known from the "or- bitoid"-bearing horizons of Stage f (though the less ornate ancestral species of the stock do oc- cur), and even its occurrence in beds of the in- tervening Stage g is rare and sporadic, doubtful at best. The distinction between the "orbitoid"- bearing "Miocene" beds of Stage f. below, and the "Rotalia" papillosa-bearing beds of Stage h. above, had been so consistently noted that OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 129 the term "Rotalia Zone'" had. by the late 1930's. come into wide usage for the ""PHocene"" in re- connaissance petroleum exploration from Bor- neo and Java eastward to New Guinea (see Cor- by et al. 1951: 288; Kleinpell 1954b: 22; 1958: 4- 5). As work has progressed throughout the Indo- Pacific region as a whole, some of the zonal dis- tinctions embodied in the Tertiary "letter clas- sification'" have become blurred. Thus, it has ceased being possible to distinguish on the basis of the larger foraminifers alone all the five zones of Stage 3 over a broad area, and similarly Zone O has tended to blend either upward or down- ward with the other two zones of Stage f (see for example Glaessner 1943. 1953. 1959). Thus Stage 3 today is usually subdivided into a lower (el-e2-e3) and an upper substage or zone (e4- e5). although Zone e5 is. in some areas at least, subdivisible into two zones, as was suggested in the original Leupold and Van der Vlerk (1931) chart showing the ranges of Spiroclypeus . S. ti- doenganensis, S. leupoldi, S. margaritatus, Miogypsina dehaarti. and "Alvcolina" bontan- gensis. Zone f2, in terms of large-foraminifer ranges, hinges upon nothing more distinctive than a somewhat higher range of Ncphrolcpidina sKmatrensis . N. s. var. douvHlei. and the mio- gypsines that lack lateral chambers, in relation to the not-so-high highest occurrences of Pliole- pidina. Ncphrolcpidina bornccnsis . N. vcrbccki . and certain species of microspheric lepidocyc- lines that are less than 15 mm in diameter. Nevertheless, locally at least, as in the Philip- pines (see Corby et al. 1951). small-foraminifer species apparently serve to distinguish a "mid- dle f Zone from lower and higher fl and f3 equivalents, respectively. However this may be. the more commonly accepted "letter classifi- cation" in modified form is succinctly shown in the correlation chart for the Cenozoic of the western and central Pacific by Cloud (1956: pi. 1 ) in which he essentially follows the modifica- tions of Van der Vlerk (1950; see also Cloud 1956: 557-563 for a general discussion of the problem). In the Philippines both the larger and the smaller foraminifers have received considerable attention since the earliest geological studies. Oldest known to date are mid-Cretaceous Or- bitolina from metamorphics in Cebu (Corby et al. 1951: 68; see also Arnold and Kleinpell 1951). Large foraminifers were the first Cenozoic fos- sils recognized in the Philippines (Richthofen 1862); originally thought to have been nummu- lites of Eocene age. these large foraminifers from the Binangonan Peninsula. Laguna de Bay. Luzon, were subsequently shown by W. D. Smith ( 1906) to be orbitoids of the genus Lcpi- docyclina and of post-Eocene age. Abella y Cas- ariego (1886) recorded "nummulites" from Ce- bu which, too. subsequently proved to be Lepidocyclina; and the record of orbitoids and cycloclypeids by Martin (1896; see also Becker 1901 for the English translation) has already been mentioned in connection with his recog- nition of Cenozoic mollusks in the Cagayan Val- ley and La Union Province. Luzon, and the Agusan Valley of Mindanao. Subsequently, Martin (1901) again recorded orbitoids from southern Luzon, and W. D. Smith's (1906) de- scription of the orbitoids of Binangonan and of the Loboo Mountains followed. H. Douville (1909, 1911) described and correlated orbitoid samples collected by W. D. Smith on Cebu and on Batan Island, and a decade later Yabe (1919) published the first of a series of papers by Jap- anese investigators on the Philippine species of Lepidocyclina and their stratigraphic signifi- cance. Smaller foraminifers from the Philippines were first recorded by von Drasche ( 1878) in the report of his reconnaissance of Luzon which in- cluded a report by Felix Karrer (republished in 1880. in Spanish) on some Tertiary small fora- minifers collected from the west coast of Zam- bales Province. Luzon; these Kairer related to the younger Tertiary smaller foraminifers de- scribed by Schwager (1866) from Kar Nicobar. Attention to both the larger and smaller for- aminifers of the Philippines has been more ex- tensive since Dickerson's time, though not as comprehensive as in the Dutch East Indies. Two of the most significant additions to the knowl- edge of Philippine larger foraminifers appeared in papers by Yabe and Hanzawa (1925, 1929); in the first, faunas collected by Dickerson from Cebu and by Nomland from Leyte were de- scribed; in the later work, much additional ma- terial, mostly orbitoidal. was described from samples collected by W. D. Smith. R. E. Dick- erson. W. E. Pratt. F. A. Dalburg. Graham Moody. H. M. Ickis. H. D. McCaskey. A. Kryshtofovich. F. Kearney, H. G. Schenck, Father Sanchez, M. Goodman, and R. D. Row- ley, from localities on the islands of Cebu. Ba- tan. Rapu Rapu. Luzon. Masbate. Mindanao. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA Mindoro, Marinduque, Palawan, and Samar. In Rowley's sample from Palawan, Yabe and Han- zawa found the first Eocene large foraminifers to be recorded from the Philippines: Discocylina and Camerina . From 1939 to 1941 the Philippine Petroleum Survey added much data on Cenozoic foramin- ifers, both large and small. These data were re- corded and discussed in the light of the previous literature by Corby et al. (1951: 227-297). The Philippine large foraminifers previously record- ed in the literature were listed, their ranges in both Philippines and Dutch East Indies were tabulated and their ages and correlations shown on plate 31 of that report. A check list of pub- lished Cenozoic and Recent small foraminifers from the Philippines, prepared by Benjamin Dal- eon with assistance from Mariano Herrera, was presented as plate 32. The references to the sys- tematics involved were tabulated in a bibliog- raphy prepared by Juan S. Teves of the Philip- pine Bureau of Mines, and this tabulation was included in the final report of the Survey, but due to the magnitude of the material covered, his contribution was omitted from the part of the report eventually published in the Corby et al. (1951) report. A copy of this tabulation is now on deposit at the California Academy of Sci- ences. Certain foraminiferal collections of the Survey were also tabulated in the Corby et al. (1951) report. To the extent that preliminary identifi- cation of local type-specimens was possible within the time limitations imposed by the im- mediate aims and facilities of the Survey (ibid.: 229-231), their distribution in biostratigraphic sequences selected as types for a local biochro- nologic classification was shown on plates 34. 35, 39, 40, 41, 42 and 43. With the types sub- sequently destroyed, most of the value of plates 35, 39, 40, 41, and 43 have been lost, though the distribution of some genera — camerinids and or- bitoids and "RotaliaS^ for example — has re- tained certain significance, although the local biochronologic terminology was never intended for publication.- In the wake of the Philippine Petroleum Survey, considerable additional in- formation has been published. A chart of the relative stratigraphic ranges of certain Neogene smaller foraminifers in the Philippines has been presented by Daleon ( 1958; see also Cook 1963, See Note 2 in Appendix A. fig. 4). Hashimoto (1939: table 1) had previously proposed a stratigraphic classification for the Philippines, listing both large and small foramin- ifers from the series and formation of his clas- sification, the former from 24 localities, the most interesting of which are in the Cordillera Central of northern Luzon, which had not previously been realized to be productive of forms such as Spiroclypeits margaritatus, S. vermicularis, and Biphinispira mirahilis. Minute forms of foramin- ifers are also listed from eight other localities (ibid.: tables 3. 5; see also Kleinpell 1958: 9. footnote 5). Grey (1954, 1956) described and discussed the occurrences of Eocene large foraminifers in the Philippines, including previously unrecorded lo- calities in Cebu, Mindoro, the Caramoan Pen- insula, and in Albay, Luzon. Additional occur- rences of Tertiary small foraminifers have been recorded by Daleon (1951). Daleon and Saman- iego ( 1954). Cook ( 1963). and Amato (1964). Planktonic small foraminifers, together with a few benthonic species, have been recorded by Bandy ( 1963) and made the basis for a Neogene zonation (ibid.: 1735, fig. 2, 3) based on sections in southern lloilo, Panay, and in the central val- ley of Luzon, where the two thickest and struc- turally most unbroken sections and also the two most continuously foraminifera-bearing se- quences in the Philippines have long been known. Oldest beds in Bandy's foraminiferal se- quences are those from a subsurface occurrence (Tigbauan well No. I) in the southern lloilo ba- sin of Panay which he correlates with Globiger- ina concinna ciparoensis Zone of the Caribbean and with the Chattian Oligocene of Europe. The bulk of Bandy's planktonic foraminifer faunas are of Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene age (ibid.: figures 5, 7). Philippine Stratigraphy and Correlations . — Geologic and stratigraphic studies in the Phil- ippines in recent years have added to the records of Cenozoic fossils, mainly foraminifers. Irving (1952, 1953) followed the letter symbols em- ployed by Corby et al. (1951) who, in 1954, pointed to the probable Indonesian correlates (i.e., the "letter classification" equivalents) of the local Philippine letter symbols. Vergara et al. ( 1959) presented an areal geology map of the Cagayan Valley north of Tuguegarao, together with three graphic columnar sections from the Cagayan Valley region, in a paper in which the "letter classification" of Indonesia (the former OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 129 Dutch East Indies) is brought directly into the stratigraphy of northeastern Luzon. In view of the bearing of Martin's study of Cagayan Valley fossils upon Dickerson's evaluation of the Vigo Group of the Bondoc Peninsula, the Neogene column in the Cagayan Valley is worth further discussion. In 1954. the junior author, while engaged in petroleum exploration for private industry, un- dertook a study of the stratigraphy, paleontol- ogy and structure of northern Luzon and espe- cially of the Cagayan Valley, the geology of which had. at that time, been left in essentially the broad reconnaissance state of coverage of the Philippine Petroleum Survey. Corby et al. (1951: pi. 139) summarized the formation se- quence as consisting, in ascending order, of the Ibulao Limestone (Tertiary Upper and Lower X). Callao Limestone (Tertiary Lower X). Tug- uegarao Sandstone (Tertiary Middle X). Ilagan Sandstone (Tertiary Lower Z). and Magapit Limestone (Tertiary Z). They suggested that an upper member of the Ibulao in a southerly area (■"south of Jones"") was in possible lenticular re- lationship with the generally overlying Lubu- agan (ibid.: 210). and they recognized a local unconformity between Tuguegarao and under- lying Lubuagan (ibid.: 211). In subsequent stud- ies of Kleinpell (1954).-* some revisions of the local stratigraphy were found necessary. For example, the Lubuagan. though locally rich in carbonaceous material and even leaf impres- sions, seemed more appropriately designated as a formation than as "coal measures"": it ap- peared divisible into three clastic members with the Ibulao as a fourth and basal member of len- ticular limestone (ibid.: 5. and correlation chart between pp. 15 and 16). Kleinpell found the Cal- lao Limestone to grade lateralh into sands pre- viously mapped as Tuguegarao. and both were in turn lateral equivalents of the middle and up- per Lubuagan Formation (ibid.: 8). The Tugue- garao Sandstone of previous mapping also, in part, graded laterally into a portion of the Ilagan Formation: at best it constitutes a cartographic unit areally much more restricted than the for- mation of that name as previously mapped. The mapping of the Tuguegarao as a formation was more than seriously open to question^ (ibid.: 10- 1 1 ) and perhaps v\ as due to an attempt to depict ^ See Note 3 in Appendix A. ■* See Note 4 in Appendix A. areally clastic sediments of presumably about the same age as deduced from scattered fossil content. Kleinpell encountered no unconformity between the Tuguegarao and Ilagan Formation, the implied hiatus being not depositional but due instead to the lack, or at least the scarcity of. fossils definitely of upper Miocene. Mio-Pli- ocene. or lower Pliocene age in the interval be- tween fossiliferous middle Miocene below and the "Upper Pliocene"" of previous correlations above (ibid.: 1 1-12). The Ilagan. coarsely clastic throughout in areas where it overlapped onto crystalline basement complex (as for example in the San Mariano region southeast of the com- munity of Ilagan). included a local and lenticular fine-grained clastic lower member (as. for ex- ample, around Penablanca. west of Calao, where the Pinacanauan de Tuguegarao flows for some distance essentially due south through low terrain between the more resistant Callao Lime- stone on the east and Ilagan Sandstone on the west) (ibid.: 12-14). The fossils which had been the basis for considering the Magapit Limestone as of "Tertiary Z"" age were mostly shells of essentially Recent type from a shellbank im- mediately above the limestone (ibid.: 14. foot- note 38). Thus Kleinpell (1954: 5) presented a revised stratigraphic column for the Neogene of the Cagayan Valley: Lagoonal and Terrestrial Deposits Pleistocene Ilagan Formation Pliocene Transitional Beds .... Miocene to Pliocene Lubuagan Formation Miocene Kleinpell considered the former Ibulao Lime- stone a member, basal and lenticular, of the Lu- buagan Formation, and included under the des- ignation Transitional Beds, the Callao Limestone, the upper member and parts of the middle mem- ber of the Lubuagan Formation (together with local coarse elastics left as local residue, as it were, of the unmappable Tuguegarao Sand- stone), and a lenticular "lower Ilagan mud- stone"" member. The Miocene age determinations stemmed principally from orbitoids found at the localities shown in the Corby et al. report (1951: pi. 10); these were of fl and f2 age (lower and middle Miocene) but also included a number that were of older Tertiary e4-e5 age. with Eulepidina (scnsii stricto). \\ hich might better be considered upper Oligocene or at least Oligo-Miocene in age POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 15 (Kleinpell et al.. 1934: 8-11). Pliocene determi- nations were based on small-foraminifer assem- blages (ibid.: 14) rich in Ammonia ["Rotalia"] papulosa and close relatives, in keeping with their consistent supraorbitoidal stratigraphic oc- currences in the "Rotalia Zone"" of the East In- dies (ibid.: 22), Panay."' Cebu,** and Leyte." Pleistocene determinations stem from fossil mammalian data (ibid.: 15; see also Beyer 1956. and Koenigswald 1954. 1956). The oft-referred- to guide fossil. Vicarya callosa. was not en- countered in the Cagayan Valley above foramin- ifer-bearing strata of Miocene age. By 1957. in view of the revised stratigraphy, it was possible* to relate this Cagayan Valley Neogene sequence, both as to age and geologic history, to the Tertiary sequence of the East In- dies by the "letter classification" much more closely and in greater detail than before; it was also possible to include the results of compara- tive studies, made with private funds in Ban- doeng and Balik Papan late in 1940. between the Philippine and East Indies foraminifer se- quences (see Kleinpell 1958: 1-3). In 1940. it had been possible only to write: Were comparison with type material possible at present ... it is conceivable that the stratigraphic terminology of the Netherlands East Indies could be employed in the pres- ent report, and the currently employed local terminology eliminated; thus geologic comparisons between the two areas would be much more satisfactory as to detail. (Corby et al. 1951: 294; see also pp. 295-2%] Subsequently. 18 years later, it was possible to add that Upon examination of these faunal sequences in Balik Papan it was immediately apparent that the Philippine Neo- gene assemblages were in faunal facies nearest to those from New Guinea and to some extent those from Java in marked contrast to those from eastern Borneo, although in nearby northern Borneo strong similarities of this sort again were very much more apparent. It was also soon clear, as had been previously suggested by comparative studies in Bandoeng, that tentative correlations between the Philip- pines and the southern Indies based on the larger-foramin- ifers could on the whole be readily corroborated. A few minor discrepancies between the ranges as previously pub- lished and certain stratigraphic occurrences observed in the Philippines remained. This was much as already noted by Mrs. Harriet Williams Morrison in Manila (Corby et al.. 1941; 1951; pp. 266-277); yet the latest data on the strati- graphic ranges of nummulite and orbitoid subgenera and species in the Indies seemingly called for no major modi- fication of the "letter classification"' .... Again, in Balik ^ See Note 5 in Appendix A. ^ See Note 6 in Appendix A. ' See Note 7 in Appendix A. * See Note 8 in Appendix A. Papan, . . . classification of Miocene and Pliocene mollus- can correlations . . . was greatly aided through compari- sons of the associated small-foraminifer faunas .... For example, small-foraminifers definitely of Tertiary hi and h2 age in the Netherlands Indies were essentially those of the typical Tertiary "Y"" and "Lower Z" intervals in the provisional Philippine time-scale. In both regions, the faunal sequences in question occupy a stratigraphic interval characterized by a marked evolutionary diversification, and a quantitative efflorescence as well, within the genus Ro- talia l=Ammonia]. In the Philippines such newly appearing rotalid species are exemplified by "Rotalia 2" through "Rotalia 4" in the typical "Y" and "Lower 2" sequences of west-central Panay [footnote 3: Corby et al. (1951: pi. 35 and also pi. 34 and p. 288)]. The basal horizon of the interval in question corresponds to the base of the so-called "Rotalia Zone." which has been widely employed as a key horizon in reconnaissance exploration throughout the East Indies and the Indo-Pacific province as a whole. This ho- rizon generally is taken as the base of the local Pliocene (see Kleinpell. 1954. p. 22). In the more southeriy Indies it coincides with the base of hi — even somewhat below the base of Tertiary g (Corby et al. 1941; 1951. p. 262). Many factors were involved in these discrepancies in Pliocene correlation. One of these had been . . . perforce . . . partial analysis of incomplete data. Another ... in Borneo and in the southern Indies generally the typical Tertiary g interval is distinguished from immediately older and younger se- quences principally on the basis of negative faunal features alone. Too. examination in Balik Papan of the character- istic Tertiary f3-Tertiary g-Tertiary hi small-foraminifer se- quence soon revealed that the microfauna of Tertiary g was represented in the Philippines by those faunules found characteristically in the uppermost 'Upper X" marl, i.e., the small-foraminifer faunules within the local [Upper X" but above the highest local orbitoids yet still below the local] Tertiary Y' beds (Corby et al. 1951. pi. 35). . . . finally, it was also apparent that the Philippine Upper Z" assemblages were all post-Tertiary in terms of the letter classification." Though some local and related problems of faunal facies still remain unresolved, probably this provi- sional "Upper Z" interval in the Philippines represents not the Upper Pliocene Tertiary h2 equivalent but instead the lowermost Quaternary, i.e.. the Lower Pleistocene. This would, in turn, correspond to the so-called "folded Pleis- tocene." which is also the east Asiatic "Villefranchian" of some authors (see Movius 1944). [Kleinpell 1958: 2-6[ The mammal bones, artifacts, and tektites found in the Pleistocene of the Cagayan Valley between Laya and Tabuk strongly suggest that the Philippine horizon of their occurrence may be roughly correlated with the horizon of Pithe- canthropus crcctiis in the so-called upper Trinil beds of Java, though no bones of Java Man have been found associated with them in the Philip- pines (see Beyer 1956; Koenigswald 1954. 1956; Kleinpell 1958: 13; Durkee and Pederson 1961: 160). Passing over additional discussion of Eocene. Oligocene. and Tertiary f2 faunas and correla- OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. No. 129 EUROPEAN STANDARDS NETHERLANDS INDIES PHILIPPINE ISLANDS EUROPEAN STANDARDS Ser i es Leupold and van der Vlerk ( 1931 ), after van der Vlerk and Umbqrove Provisional Local Terminology Employed for Purposes of Petroleum Survey Report Ser i es Stage Zone Zone Stage Ho locene Ho locene P 1 e i s tocene P 1 ei s tocene Lower P le i s tocene Upper Z P 1 iocene h 2 Lower P 1 i ocene 1 q Unner Non-orbi toidal ^^^""^ Orbitoidal X f 3 Miocene 2 Middle Mi ocene 1 Lower e 5 Typical Upper, Middle, and Lower, undifferentiated w 3 "Pre-Upper W" ; barren of small forami n i f ers , but often orb i to i d-bear i nq 2 1 0 1 i gocene d Sample L-OB 260 from the Coal Harbor limestone (see pi . ki, facing p. 250) ; "Lower W" Sample Mr-JH No. 15 from Mindoro (see pp. 265-266 and 267-270) 0 1 i gocene c V Sample Bo-JH No. 7 from Bohol (See pp. 268-269) (Typical and other und i f - ferent ia ted occurrences ) Eocene Sample Ct-Ha No . 5 from Ca tanduanes Eocene a 2 Pa leocene( ? ) 1 Sample M-GC No. 8 from Mi ndanao Pa 1 eocene( ? ) Text-Figure 2. Correlation of provisional Philippine time-rock and Dutch East Indies letter classification. tions between the Philippines and the more southerly Indies (Kleinpell 1958: 6). and adding data pertinent to Tertiary c of the Indies and "V" of the Philippines, the summary chart of correlation between the "'letter classification"" and the tentative classification of the Philippine Cenozoic (Kleinpell 1958: 8) is reproduced here as Text-figure 2. These revised correlations, especially at the late Miocene. Pliocene, and Pleistocene hori- zons, affect the graphic summaries of the com- parative geologic histories of the two regions (Corby et al. 1951: pis. 12. 50; Irving 1952: fig. 3). Perhaps of at least equal interest and signif- icance in this connection, however, is the rela- tionships of the Cagayan Valley Neogene his- tory to the rest of the Philippine Neogene as indicated by the 1954-1958 revision of Cagayan Valley stratigraphy. Post-1945 drilling in the Visayan region had already shed additional light on the same matter in the central Philippines (see Daleon 1951) and by 1957 it was possible to write that: In northwestern Cebu, and on the Bondoc Peninsula of southern Luzon, deposition appears to have been more nearly continuous throughout Miocene time than in most other nearby areas in the central and eastern Visayas. Thus, the Neogene history both of northwestern Cebu and of the Bondoc Peninsula appears to be almost as closely related to that of Central Panay and of the adjacent north- ernmost Negros coast as to that of the balance of central and southern Cebu. northwestern Leyte, and southeastern- most Luzon. In northern Luzon conspicuously the Neogene deposi- tional record is again more like that of central Panay. Both surface and subsurface stratigraphic studies, carried on since 1954 by Paul H. Dudley. Benjamin Daleon and the writer, assisted by Mario Nieto. Jose Kanapi and others, have demonstrated that throughout much of the Cagayan Valley of northeastern Luzon deposition was essentially continuous through Miocene and Pliocene time instead of having been widely interrupted there during Upper Mio- cene and Lower Pliocene times, due. as previously sup- posed, to the local effects of the mid-Miocene (f2. or 'Mid- dle X') orogeny in that area. Thus, major tectonic lines and tectonic province-bound- aries probably are. in detail, more sinuous in the Philip- pines than as originally shown in the petroleum survey re- port, with stronger east-west components. This now appears to be more as in the Banda Arc. though on a small- er scale. It is also in keeping with the postulate that the modem Sulu-Mindanao and Palawan-Mindoro-Luzon to- pographic alignments both reflect very ancient and long prevalent structural and topographic features of a similar position and orientation. In summary, it may therefore be stated that a large part of the Visayan Sea and the Sibuyan Sea lies within that historical-geologic belt termed 'tectonic province II.' instead of in 'tectonic province 111' as previ- ously shown (Corby et al. 1941; 1951; pis. 12, 50). In keep- POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 17 ing with the additional data from northeastern Luzon the same may be said of the Cagayan Valley. [Kleinpell 19S8: 9-101 Thus in "tectonic province IT" north of North Borneo, as early as Paleogene times, no contin- uous depositional record is to be found from Tertiary b to Tertiary c, though both stages are present in separate areas there. Kleinpell (1958: 10-13) also noted that the major Cenozoic geo- syncline more or less coinciding with "tectonic province II.'" also reflected a paleogeographic seaway which, waxing and waning in breadth but ever present throughout Cenozoic time, was at the root of the celebrated Oriental-Australian life-zone boundary between Molengraaf's Sun- daland and Papualand and known to zoogeog- raphy as Wallace's Line. Miocene orogenies probably played a role in the establishment of the peculiarly transitional life-area of unstable geologic history termed Wallacea. between Wal- lace's Line and Weber's Line and including the larger part of the Philippines. Celebes, and most of the more westerly Lesser Sundas (see Dick- erson 1928: 281-303. figs. 4. 16-28. 50. 56. 57. 60-64. pi. 40; see also W. D. Smith 1924; Umbgrove 1938. 1949; Wisser 1940; Mayr 1944; de Beaufort 1948; Beyer 1948. 1955; von Koen- ingswald 1956). From a purely physical stand- point it had been previously . . . possible to extend the northward recognition of the axis of this ancient Tertiary marine trough from the north- em end of Makassar Strait to south-central Panay. There its traces seemed to emerge from the depths of the modern Sulu Sea; and thence, to all appearances, it extended north via Verde Island Passage, between Mindoro and Luzon, and, by way of the Manila Plain and Lingayen Gulf, on north into the South China Sea. Post-war studies in north- em Luzon, however, have suggested that north of the Vi- gan region, the marine Neogene Lingayen basin passes in- land rather than seaward, that many of its sedimentary deposits grade laterally there into pyroclastics and volcan- ics, and that its axis then rises northward above the older crystalline rocks of northern Abra Province. Rather, it is now indicated that the modem Cagayan Valley reflects the northward continuation of the belt of most continuous Neo- gene deposition. Paleogeographically, the old Cagayan depositional basin apparently connected with the former Tertiary trough of the Manila Plain by way of the western Ifugao foothills and the region of Balete Pass. This connecting area is one which subsequently has been strongly folded, uplifted, and then covered with Quaternary pyroclastics. Outcrops of the older marine limestones and elastics of the Tertiary, all strongly deformed, are limited to sporadic 'windows" in the younger volcanics, as in the vicinity of Kiangan. of Balete Pass, and of the Carranglan Valley in Nueva Ecija. [Klein- pell 1958: 12-13; and see Corby et al. 1951: pis. 9. 10] Durkee and Pederson (1961) greatly extended the previous stratigraphic studies of the Cagayan Valley and of the area west of the Cordillera Central of northern Luzon. Following a prece- dent established by Abadilla (1931) in northern Panay and employed in the Baguio district of Luzon by Leith (1938) and later by the Philip- pine Petroleum Survey (the procedure originally had been employed by W. D. Smith (1906). Fer- guson (1909. 1911) in Masbate. and Pratt and Smith (1913). but had subsequently fallen into disuse). Durkee and Pederson gave a number of local mappable stratigraphic units in the Cagayan Valley new names as well as selecting and des- ignating type sections. Except for the Callao Limestone, such typology had been omitted in previous reconnaissance mapping of the area. They measured and described these type sec- tions in great detail.'' Future work may make it advisable to con- solidate some of these local formations but. for the present, they serve admirably to clarify the distinction between fact and interpretation. For example, in discussing the southward disap- pearance of the Sicalao Limestone along the east side in the vicinity of Salegseg. Durkee and Ped- erson (1961) considered this as possibly due to Post-Sicalao and pre-Macaba River Group fault- ing and stripping, whereas lenticularity is as ready a possibility, since fossiliferous limestone stringers of this same age are interbedded with elastics of the Lubuagan Formation at several localities in the middle Chico River-Lubuagan region.'" Stratigraphically higher elastics with even younger orbitoids" were found in subsur- face sequences (the Tumauini wells) farther south to have lensed southward into very fine- grained siltstones and silty mudstones carrying not the inshore orbitoids but their offshore-fa- cies. small-foraminifer age equivalents. Much of what the authors accurately referred to as serv- ing to "further muddle the concepts of the stra- tigraphy along the western margin of the Cagay- an Valley" (Durkee and Pederson 1961: 150) stems from failure to distinguish differences within biofacies in the course of correlation. Meanwhile, even lithofacies change has been picked up only very slowly in this same area, though Durkee and Pederson were meticulous in this matter. One may question the worth of " See Note 9 in Appendix A. '" See Note 10 in Appendix A. " See Note 1 1 in Appendix A. OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 129 replacing with the term Macaba River Group, the old term ■'Lubuagan Formation"" — certainly it was anything but a "'coal measure,"" and cer- tainly it had no specified type section, nor would it be likely to have a very good one, except as a ■ "group"" or as a formation with its members more clearly defined elsewhere. Whether or not, in an area of overturning and isoclinal folds such as that around Naneng. it actually does attain a thickness of 8200 m (ibid.: 151), in our view, it is these authors" handling of the highly lenticular stratigraphy of the Cagayan Valley with a dis- creet and carefully disciplined terminology that will serve in the end to clarify the biofacies as well as the lithofacies problems involved there. Occurrences of large foraminifers. such as Camerina (presumably in "derived" form, from the basement complex on Capilyan Creek about five kilometers south of the Tumauina River along the east side of the Cagayan Valley). Eii- lepidina and a few others, at least by implica- tion, are noted by Durkee and Pederson. The formations described and discussed are corre- lated directly with the East Indies "letter clas- sification"" as well as with the local letter ter- minology of the Corby et al. report, as they are also in a correlation chart of nine Cagayan Val- ley columnar sections with, in addition, one from the west side of the Cordillera Central in which most of the extant terminology (Kennon Limestone. Tertiary e4-e5 to fl; Twin Peaks Formation. Tertiary fl-f2; overlying Klondyke Conglomerate, tentatively Tertiary f2. on the basis of superpositional relationships with fos- siliferous underlying and overlying formations: and Rosario Formation. Tertiary 13 to probably h2) is retained. Beyond the wealth of detail, one other obser- vation by Durkee and Pederson is of great sig- nificance for the stratigraphy, paleontology, and Cenozoic history of the Cagayan Valley in par- ticular and the Philippines in general: the like- lihood that the crystalline basement complex in and around the Cagayan Valley is of Tertiary rather than of pre-Tertiary age (ibid.: 148. 154). Their postulate is in keeping with the demon- stration by Wisser ( 1940) that the Tertiary Vigo Group in the nearby Baguio district of northern Luzon, has been intruded by quartz-diorite. The youngest strata invaded by diorites at various points are of Tertiary fl age (see Corby et al. 1951: 102-103); similar implications of extensive Tertiary f2 diorite intrusion are indicated by or- bitoid-bearing intruded metamorphics in the Paracale mining district of Camarines. It will be recalled that criteria for the original recognition by Dickerson of the Miocene age of the Vigo Group molluscan fauna from the Bon- doc Peninsula consisted of the relevant geologic history, stratigraphy, larger foraminifers. and relationships of the mollusks themselves to fos- sil mollusks elsewhere, especially those of Java. With the Neogene of Panay. northern Cebu. northwestern Leyte. the Singayen region, and Cagayan Valley subsequently brought into much closer relationship to each other, to that of the Bondoc Peninsula, and to that of the East Indies generally, and with even details of both biofacies and lithofacies coming to be clarified over a wide terrain, it is appropriate at this point to view the Vigo Group molluscan fauna within the context of this subsequently gathered data. AGE AND CORRELATION OF THE VIGO GROUP. BONDOC PENINSULA. LUZON A. On the Basis of Foraminifera and Bio- STRATIGRAPHIC SUPERPOSITION Stratigraphy . — Summary descriptions or de- pictions of the Neogene stratigraphic sequence in the southern Bondoc Peninsula have appeared at least four times in the literature. The earliest description was that of Pratt and Smith (1913) whose detailed descriptions of the Vigo Shale and the Canguinsa Sandstone were modified by those of W. D. Smith (1924: 80-83). Pratt and Smith"s (1913) description of the sequence may be summed up about as follows: Malumbang Formation. More or less coralline limestones, calcareous sandstones and marls, concordant and locally conformable on the highest underlying formation in synclinal areas, and widely transgressive. a. Upper Limestone Member 30 m b. Cudiapi Sandstone Member 40-135 m c. Lower Limestone Member. 20 m Canguinsa Sandstone. Close-grained, gray or blue sandstone, more massive than the Cudi- api Member of the Malumbang and character- istically with a considerable proportion of clay. Upper portion usually a soft, clayey sandstone, calcareous, occasionally close jointed and concretionary. Lower portion either a deep blue typical sandstone that POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 19 weathers gray or brown, or an indurated mas- sive or jointed blue clay that weathers gray. "In the section on lower Bahay River, the Canguinsa sandstone includes a few meters of limestone and conglomerate. On Mount Mag- lihi and Mount Morabi limestone which con- tains coarse sand and small pebbles of diorite. quartz, and andesite is present in the Can- guinsa sandstone, but no conglomerate was observed. [Ibid.: 329] "No definite age determinations can be made from the fossils in the Canguinsa sand- stone proper. The fossils in the included lime- stone, however, are well known and have been used in correlation by various authori- ties. From their presence it is concluded that the Canguinsa sandstone should be placed in the middle Miocene, extending, perhaps, into the lower Miocene." [Ibid.: 330] 50-160 m Vigo Shale. Fine-grained gray. blue, or black shale and sandy clay shale interstratified in thin regular beds from 5-10 cm thick, with oc- casional beds of gray or brown sandstone varying from 10 cm to 1 m in thickness; pet- roliferous, especially in upper 50-75 m which have fewer sandstone beds, are more massive and conchoidally fracturing — the so-called "Bacau stage." "There is an apparent transition from east to west in the character of the Vigo shale. In the eastern limb of the Central anticline, ex- posed in the valley of Vigo River, the forma- tion is predominantly shale throughout, sand- stone occurring only at intervals. In the western limb shale predominates in the ex- posure near the axis only, that is. the lower part of the series. Farther to the west the sandstone beds increase in number, until in the upper horizons they become more prom- inent than the shale. The grain-size likewise increases in the upper beds, and small pebbles occur, forming layers of sandy conglomerate. [Ibid.: 3311 "... In the eastern half of the field, the Canguinsa sandstone overlies the Bacau stage in a majority of exposures. Occasionally . . . sandstone and fine conglomerate, which are evidently a part of the Vigo series, occur above the Bacau stage. In the western part of the peninsula sandy conglomerate is found near the top of the Vigo formation. These overlying beds may be always present above the Bacau stage, but concealed generally by an overlap of the unconformable Canguinsa sandstone. ". . . The thickness of the Vigo is unknown. An apparent thickness of about 1 .400 meters is revealed in the Matataha River section, the section on Malipa Creek in the southern limb of the Malipa anticline shows 800 meters of Vigo shale, and the section on Guinhalinan River indicates 600 meters. None of these sec- tions exposes the base of the formation. The apparent thickness of the sections as mea- sured along the outcrop may be in excess of the actual thickness as a result of superficial expansion of the beds or of the repetition of beds from faulting or close folding." [Ibid.: 332-333] 1400+ m Dickerson (1921a: 2-3) described the Mal- umbang as up to 1000 feet (305 m) thick and. referring his readers to the "strata referred by Pratt and Smith to the Canguinsa formation and Vigo group. ..." sums up: The oldest rocks here recognized consist of shales and sandstones from 3000 to 4000 feet in thickness, the Vigo group and its uppermost member, the Canguinsa formation. The strata as exposed in the vicinity of the Vigo River are steeply dipping, black, organic shales, subordinate sand- stones, and minor lignitic strata which are unconformably overlain by the Malumbang formation. . . . Dickerson added in a footnote that his "view concerning the stratigraphy of the region under discussion differs in this regard from that of Pratt and Smith, but a full exposition of this im- portant point cannot be given here." Subse- quently, he (Dickerson /'// Smith 1924: 313) ex- plains: I am not in agreement with Pratt and Smith concerning the stratigraphic relations of the Malumbang. Canguinsa. and Vigo in their type localities. Bondoc Peninsula. I be- lieve that a great unconformity exists between the Mal- umbang and the underlying Vigo group. I failed to recog- nize an unconformity between the Canguinsa formation and the Vigo shale, although the areas cited by Pratt and Smith were critically examined. The relations that appear at these places are best explained by faulting. On this account, the term "Vigo" is widened to include the Canguinsa forma- tion as its upper sandstone facies. thus raising the term Vigo to a group rank. With the exceptions noted. Dickerson essential- ly follows the stratigraphy of Pratt and Smith. In the Corby et al. report of 1951. a graphic 20 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 129 cross section (ibid.: pi. K) along Bacal Creek across a faulted anticline shows the following sequence: Malumbang Formation Unconformity Upper Canguinsa Bacau "stage" Lower Canguinsa About 600 ft (200 m) About 750 ft (225 m) About 250 ft (76 m) Maglihi Lime and Sandstone About 1250 ft (380 m) Molave Gravels About 250 ft (75 m) Vigo Shales ("Upper Vigo") Undetermined thickness The thickness of the Maglihi Lime and asso- ciated sandstone, and of the Molave Gravels are considerably greater than those of comparable units of the Vigo in Pratt and Smiths' work and are probably more accurate. More detailed map- ping in the area permitted recognition of more members, both of the Canguinsa and of the Vigo formations. Allowing for a maximum of 1400 m of exposed Vigo (Pratt and Smith 1913). or from 914-1219 m (3000-4000 ft) of exposed Vigo Group (the combined Canguinsa and Vigo of Dickerson 1921, 1924), a thickness of about 760 m (2500 ft) of Vigo Shales below the Molave Gravels appears to be a maximum thickness of these shales in outcrop. In view of the twice- modified rock-stratigraphic terminology in use by 195 1 . it should be noted that the Bacau Mem- ber ("stage" of Pratt and Smith, "local facies. and its position not uppermost" of Dickerson fide Smith 1924:81) is the "middle Canguinsa" of the Corby et al. (1951) report, with some 76 m (250 ft) of sandstones mapped as Canguinsa, though not included within that formation by Pratt and Smith. It seems also significant to add volcanic agglomerate, a single small outcrop of which occurs at the base of the Bacau and again at Pratt and Smiths' "unconformity" at the base of their Canguinsa. To repeat, the base of the Vigo Shales is not exposed on the southern Bon- doc Peninsula; the stratigraphically lowest beds are those exposed in the core of a closed, but generally southward plunging, anticlinorium (see Corby et al. 1951: pi. 26; Irving 1953: map section 11). To the north, on the Tayabas isthmus, the lowest or "Tayabas coal mea- sures" formation (with limestones, brown car- bonaceous sandstones, and gritty calcareous sandstones) is a more-or-less comparable strati- graphic sequence (Tayabas-Aloneros Con- glomerate— Hondagus Silt — Sumulong Diatom- ite — Vinas Formation — Malumbang Formation). It is intensely folded and appears to lie with depositional contact upon schist and gneiss along the north coast of the isthmus opposite Alabat Island (Corby et al. 1951: 192-195). Cloud ( 1956: pi. 1) presented the following se- quence for the Neogene of southeastern Luzon: Malumbang Is. (after Dickerson) . 10(V-200 ft Canguinsa fm. marl. Is., sh.. sdy marl 500-1200 ft Maglihi s. calc. s 1000-2000 ft Molave eg. 100-400 ft Vigo fm. mainly sh. and ss. 1450 ft plus Biostratigniphy of the Foniminifers . — "The oldest fauna yet recorded from the Vigo area is the orbitoid assemblage from a piece of float on Bahay River reported by Yabe and Hanzawa as Pratt's locality No. 3" (Corby et al. 1951: 282. pi. 31. locality no. 177). The orbitoid is Lepi- docyclina (Eulepldina) formosa Schlumberger, a species not known from strata younger than Tertiary e5. This eulepidine. sensH stricto. is probably conspecific with Lepidocyclina richth- ofeni Smith, and is perhaps the form in the lime- stone from Mount Morabi referred to the latter species by W. D. Smith and cited by Dickerson (1921a: 14-15). although the species was not found in place in any of the strata on Mount Morabi by the Philippine Petroleum Survey (see Corby et al. 1951: 286). The eulepidine would permit a correlation with at least a part of the Cebu Limestone which carries L. {E.) formosa, as discussed by Yabe (1919) and cited by Dick- erson (1921a: 15). Its actual stratigraphic occur- rence in the Vigo area is not known, however, and concerning this sample of fossiliferous float, it is only possible to repeat, "This material was probably derived from the Vigo formation, though not assuredly so. and it is apparently of Upper W age" (Corby et al. 1951: 282). i.e.. Tertiary e4-e5. and thus Oligocene (see Dick- erson 1921a: 16), or at least Oligo-Miocene stra- ta are present at some unknown horizon within the Vigo Group of this area. Small foraminifers in the Vigo Shale from be- low the Molave ("Morabi") Gravels point to a POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 21 similar conclusion; none appear to indicate an age younger than Tertiary f l-f2. and they permit correlation with the Malumbang Formation-Mt. Uling Limestone-Toledo Formation sequence of Cebu stratigraphically above the Cebu Lime- stone, the Singit Formation-Lower Tarao For- mation sequence of Panay (see Corby et al. 1951: pis. 34. 35; and Bandy 1963). and with the Tagnacot Shales of Leyte. which are strati- graphically below the limestone with Lcpidocy- clina V'Tiybliolcpidinif) rutteni of Tertiary f3 age. Moreover, the orbitoidal limestone included locally with- in the Canguinsa by Pratt and Smith . . . and hy Dickerson . . . does not outcrop at the type locality of the Canguinsa formation, and in fact stratigraphically underlies any beds there exposed. Pratt and Smith note its absence in the more northerly section of Vigo and Canguinsa on Bondoc. In the present report, it is given the name Maglihi limestone he- cause of its well-defined occurrence on Mount Maglihi. LepidocycUna richthofeni .' reported by Smith . . . from this limestone, and upon which rests the Miocene age de- termination of Dickerson's Vigo moUusks . . . has not been found, nor have additional specimens of this species been found, in this in the field. However, numerous specimens of large Foraminifera of similar generous dimensions have been found locally. Microscopic examination has revealed that the bulk are specimens ofCycloclypeus: others appear to represent a large species of LepidocycUna (Trybliolepi- dina) an orbitoid which, like Cycloclypeus. is known else- where from Upper X limestone. Finally, it should be em- phasized that his orbitoid horizon not only does not represent the Upper W horizon of the Cebu orbitoid lime- stone of Cebu, but also that it conformably underlies the base of the Canguinsa, a formation here over 600 meters thick, in the very uppermost beds of which occur the "Vi- go"" mollusks reported by Dickerson. . . . [Corby et al. 1951: 286-2871 The orbitoids from the Maglihi Limestone are stratigraphically the highest found to date from the typical Vigo-Canguinsa sequence, and they indicate a Tertiary f3 (orbitoidal "Upper X"") age. Small-foraminifer faunas from the overlying lower Canguinsa (of Corby et al.. not of Pratt and Smith) and Bacau are meager, and some of them indicative of brackish-water deposition; evidence as to their age is more negative than otherwise, suggesting though not indicating a situation characteristic of Tertiary g (postorbi- toidal "Upper X") throughout the archipelago. Thus, the Vigo-Canguinsa sequence as high as the orbitoidal horizons of the Maglihi Limestone Member (Tertiary t3) is clearly of Miocene age. Above this point evidence as to age is negative. On the Bondoc Peninsula, the Upper X faunas of the lower Canguinsa and Bacau . . . are succeeded upwards by the Y faunas of the upper members of the Canguinsa. Above the Y faunas is a thin limestone bed used as a key horizon in mapping structure in the area, and above this, still in the upper Canguinsa, are the fine-grained and richly fossiliferous beds from which Dickerson"s "Vigo" mollusks were collected. Both the mollusks and the small foraminif- era from this uppermost Canguinsa are typical of the Lower Z of Panay. [Corby et al. 1951: 2901 Translating the local letter symbols into the stages and zones of the East Indian "letter clas- sification." "Upper X" reads Tertiary f3 and g, "Y" Tertiary hi. and "Lower Z" Tertiary hi. A recent systematic study (Cook 1963) of the small-foraminifer assemblages at these upper Canguinsa localities has served to corroborate and emphasize the Tertiary h age of the strata at these localities. Seven samples from upper Canguinsa localities are rich in the species of "Rotalia" characteristic of the "Rotalia Zone" Tertiary h. including Dickerson's locality 2x which, with his 3,\. occupy the stratigraphic po- sition of those molluscan faunas upon which his percentages of extinction are derived. They are horizons high in the Canguinsa and most prob- ably well above the top of the highest Bacau beds,'- Thus. independent evidence from the fora- minifers. both direct and indirect, indicates a Pliocene age for the strata of the Canguinsa For- mation of Pratt and Smith (the upper Canguinsa of Corby et al,) including the horizons yielding the mollusks of Dickerson's Vigo-Group fauna. It remains to review, in the full light of Martin's comprehensive studies of the mollusks of Java, the direct evidence from the Vigo-Group mol- lusks themselves. B. On the Basis of the Mollusks The Fauna. — Dickerson's theory concerning the relatively slow rate of evolution of marine tropical faunas was derived from study of col- lections that he made from Tertiary beds ex- posed in the Bondoc Peninsula. Luzon. These collections were later brought to America and deposited in the paleontological museums of the California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, and the University of California at Berkeley and have been made available to us. In addition to Dickerson's original material, we have studied collections from three Bondoc Peninsula locali- ties made in 1937 by W. P. Popenoe while work- See Note 12 in Appendix A. 22 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. No. 129 ing for the Far East Oil Development Company of Manila. Two of the three localities. CIT 1388 and 1389. are the same as Dickerson's localities 2x and 5x. respectively. Dickerson's localities 3x. 4x and 1 Ix v\ere not duplicated in Popenoe's collections, and CIT 1390 is new. Dickerson's locality 9x. being far removed from the others and of dubious relationship to them, was not used. One hundred forty-nine species of gastropods and bivalves are listed in the accompanying checklist with approximate abundance of indi- viduals of each species, reported geologic oc- currence from areas outside of the Bondoc Pen- insula, and notes and references from the literature and from museum collections giving authority for the identifications. With tv\o or three exceptions, all of the species listed are also figured with full locality and dimension data. Most figures of specimens are magnified two or three times. Identification of the molluscan species has been made with aid of the references listed, and by direct comparison of the Bondoc Peninsula fossils with Recent specimens in the collections of the Department of Mollusks. U.S. National Museum, and of the Department of Geology. University of California. Los Angeles. Nomen- clatorially. genera have been used in a broad sense, subgenera and subspecies have not been recognized, strictly nomenclatorial problems have been avoided, and the synonymy presented makes no claim to completeness, but lists only those references recently published and readily available that were used for identifications. Broadly, the classification of Wenz has been em- ployed for the gastropods, and the Bivalvia are classified according to the plan in Part N. Trea- tise on Invertebrate Paleontology . Any criticism of the Dickerson theory on the evolutionary rate of molluscan faunas in the tropics must consider two questions: first. Are the mollusk-bearing beds of the Bondoc Penin- sula Miocene in age?: second. Are the contained fossil faunas made up of species of which ap- proximately 759?^ are still living? We believe that Dickerson was incorrect in concluding that the beds are of Miocene age — they are much young- er. Most of the reasons for this opinion have been expressed earlier in this paper, though some discussion dealing specifically with the supposedly extinct species will follow. Dicker- son's conclusion that the faunas are made up of approximately 759f Recent species, we believe is approximately correct. This will be pointed out in the analysis of the information assembled in the faunal checklist. In his first paper concerning the Bondoc Pen- insula faunas. Dickerson (1921a: 12) wrote: "Tn the above list there are 98 forms that are spe- cifically determined, and of these 74 or 75.5% are living species, an astonishing number when the geologic history of the region yielding these forms is considered. In addition, the extinct forms are practically all common to the upper Miocene of Java, according to K. Martin [1880: 44-51]." Dickerson (1921a: 10-12) listed the fol- lowing supposedly extinct species: Actaeon reticulatus Martin Buccinium simplex Martin #* Cerithium jenkinsi Martin Cerithium herklotsi Martin Cerithium bandongensis Martin Cerithium jonkeri Martin #* Cerithidea ne'dv dohrni? #* Conus ornatissimus Martin Conus hardi Martin Conus striatellus Jenkins # Columbella bandongensis Martin Mitra Javana Martin Mitra ct\ jenkinsi Martin # Mitra junghuhni Martin Mitra bucciniformis Martin S trombus (Dfususl Martin Turris coronifer Martin # Terebra bicincta Martin Terebra Javana Martin Trivia smithi Martin # ' Voluta cf. inne.xa Reeve # Corbula socialis Martin Psammobia cf. lessoni Blainville #* Vermetus javanus'l Martin #' It was not explicitly stated that the presence of these species in the Bondoc fauna was evi- dence of Miocene age. but the inference is dif- ficult to avoid. Specimens representing these species, with the exception of those starred, were later figured by Dickerson ( 1922: pis. 2-7) and the hypotypes w ere deposited in the collections of the Califor- nia Academy of Sciences. Through the courtesy of the late Dr. Leo G. Hertlein. Curator Emer- itus of Invertebrate Paleontology at the Acade- my, we have been able to borrov\ these hypo- types for study and refiguring (see pis. 17 and POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 23 Table 1. Fourteen Species from the Vigo Group. Dickerson's (1921a) identifications in the first column, our identi- fications in second column. Figure numbers refer to illustrations of conspecific specimens on plates 1-16. Geological age ranges compiled from the "Feestbundel" and from works of Oostingh, Regteren Altena, MacNeil, and Shuto. Dickerson's Identifications Identification Used in This Paper Figure Known Age Range 1. Aclaeon reticulatus Martin 2. Cerithium jenkinsi Martin 3. Cerithium ht-rklotsi Martin 4. Cerithium bandongensis Martin 5. Conus ornatissimus Martin 6. Conus hardi Martin 7. Cohonbella bandongensis Martin 8. Mitra javana Martin 9. Mitra junghuhni Martin 10. Mitra bucciniformis Martin !1. S trombus {"?) fusus ? Martin 12. Terebra bicincta Martin 13. Terebra javana Martin 14. Corbula socialis Martin Pupa sulcata (Gmelin) Cerithidea jenkinsi (Martin) Cerithium jonkeri Martin Not found Conus socialis Martin Conus loroisii Kiener Parametaria philippinarum (Reeve) Vexillum vulpecula (Linnaeus) Mitra interhrata Reeve Vexillum cruentatum (Gmelin) Not found Not found Not found Not found 150 Recent 18 U. Mio-Rec. 26.27 Plio. 134. 138 U. Mio-Rec. 142 L. Mio-Rec. 71, 72 U. Mio-Rec. 114 Plio-Rec. 105 U. Mio-Rec. 109 U. Mio?-Rec, 18), with the exception of those indicated by the #-symbol, which could not be found. Compar- ison of Martin's illustrations of the species (re- produced on some plates) with illustrations of the inferred identical species from the Philip- pines raises doubts as to the correctness of Dickerson's identifications and the validity of his stratigraphic correlations. Listed in Table 1 are the fourteen hypotypes figured on Plates 17 and 18. In the first column are Dickerson's identifications of the forms; in the second, our identifications are listed, fol- lowed by the figure number of conspecific spec- imens illustrated on Plates 1 to 16; and in the final column the inferred geologic ranges of these species are compiled from the "Feestbun- del" and from the subsequent works of Oos- tingh, Regteren Altena. MacNeil and Shuto. Nine species for which geologic ranges are in- ferred are included in Table 1. All except one have been recognized from the Recent faunas. Six are reported from beds of Miocene age. though none is restricted to that epoch. Only one — Cerithium jonkeri — appears to be extinct. Thus, the assemblage as a whole implies only a Neogene and not Miocene age. and correlation with the fauna from Junghuhn's locality "O." In summary, it is held that none of the evi- dence put forward by Dickerson to demonstrate the Miocene age of the Bondoc Peninsula mol- luscan faunas has been sustained by later work, and the inferred correlations and substructure for the theory that molluscan evolution in the tropical Pacific is slower than in temperate re- gions are without foundation. The question may next be asked: Does any evidence exist as to the age of the Bondoc Pen- insula faunas relative to those found elsewhere in the western Pacific, and to the standard Cen- ozoic time scale based upon type faunas from western Europe? At least a partial and tentative answer to this question will be attempted below. Two systems for correlation are in common use in western Pacific Tertiary biostratigraphy. The first, based commonly upon analysis of the molluscan faunas, expresses the ages of fossil- iferous beds in terms of the standard epoch ter- minology of western Europe — Eocene. Oligo- cene, Miocene, etc. The actual stratigraphic succession of the most prolific faunas is hard to determine in most cases, and the faunal succes- sion has therefore been inferred upon determi- nation of the percentage of Recent species pres- ent in the faunas according to methods originated by Lyell and modified for use in In- donesia by Karl Martin. This method of age de- termination has been used generally by other molluscan paleontologists working with Indo- nesian mollusk faunas, e.g.. Tesch. Oostingh, Regteren Altena. MacNeil and Shuto. All have recognized that the Cenozoic epochs used in In- donesia are not necessarily exactly equivalent with those of the type sections in western Eu- rope. The second system of biostratigraphic classi- fication is the letter system of Leupold and van 24 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 129 der Vlerk (1927) and is based principally upon the succession of larger foraminifera. with more recent utilization of smaller foraminifera as well. The two types of classification have not been completely satisfactorily integrated nor has either as yet been satisfactorily coordinated with European and American Cenozoic divisions. In the discussion that follows, Cenozoic epoch terms will be employed in the sense that they have been used by Karl Martin and later pa- leontologists working with western Pacific mol- luscan faunas. The faunal chart (Text-fig. 3) accompanying this report lists 149 species of gastropods and bivalves, comprising all forms believed to be specifically determinable. We identified 127 spe- cies; the remaining 22 were either considered as conferred, or as undetermined, but not indeter- minate species. There are 105 species, including those questionably identified, that are believed to be still living. A few unidentified species are listed as still living because of their presence in collections of Recent shells in the U.S. National Museum. Dickerson calculated the percentage of Re- cent species as the proportion of identified forms in the fauna; on this basis, the fauna in our check list is 83% Recent, calculated to the nearest whole percent. This figure is slightly more than the 75% calculated by Dickerson. Neither figure includes the fairly large proportion of undeter- mined species, and there is no compelling reason to think that the percentage of Recent forms in the undetermined fraction of the fauna is nec- essarily the same as in the determined fraction. It might be argued that the percentage of extinct forms in the 22 undetermined species in the checklist would probably be greater than in the determined species because the fossil molluscan fauna of the Philippine area is poorly known, whereas the Recent faunas of this region have been much better described and figured, and be- cause the collections of Philippine Recent mol- lusks in the U.S. National Museum, consulted in the course of this study, are among the best in the world. For this reason, percentages of Recent species in the following calculations are based upon the total number of species in the fauna, assuming in the first figure that all uni- dentified species are extinct, and in the second that they are all living. The two figures thus giv- en indicate essentially the minimum and maxi- mum percentages of Recent species in the fau- nas. For the composite fauna, these figures are 70-85%. For the discussion below of the Bondoc Pen- insula faunas, the assemblages from the three most prolific localities are analyzed and tabulat- ed separately as to specific abundance, propor- tion of Recent species, and the known time ranges of the various species. The data for these analyses are taken principally from the "Feest- bundel," and are supplemented by information from subsequent publications by Oostingh, Reg- teren Altena, MacNeil, Shuto, Cossmann, Ab- bott and Powell. Data for the three most prolific localities, 2x-1388, 3x and Ilx are furthermore expressed graphically on Text-fig. 4. These data and graphs show that: (1) All lo- calities have a considerable number of species whose ranges begin in lower Miocene or in up- per Miocene time. Such species make up from 27% (loc. 1390), to 55% (loc. 1389) of the total species in each locality. Only two species of the total fauna, however, are not found in beds later than Miocene elsewhere in the western Pacific Tertiary faunas. These two are Pot amides sn- caradjctnus Martin, known elsewhere by a single specimen from the upper Miocene of Java, and Crassispira cf. C. hataii MacNeil. which is found in a single locality in the Yonabaru Clay Member of Okinawa. (2) All of the Bondoc Pen- insula localities yield species whose ranges be- gin in the Pliocene and are either elsewhere known only from beds of that series or range higher. The percentage of such varies from 54% ( I Ix) to 72% (3x & 1389). All of these localities have a small number of species, from 1 to 6, that are elsewhere found only in Pliocene beds. (3) Several, but not all, of the Bondoc Peninsula localities include species whose ranges begin in beds of Pleistocene age. The greatest number of such species is three, from locality 1 Ix. (4) All of the Bondoc Peninsula collections contain identified species that have not hitherto been found as fossils. The percentage of such to the total fauna ranges from 16% (9 species) in lo- cality 3x to 3 1% (8 species) in locality 1390. Rec- ognition of these species for the first time in the fossil record obviously contributes nothing to determination of the age of the containing beds. (5) All localities yield a large proportion of spe- cies known as fossil but still found living in Re- cent seas. It has been pointed out earlier that it is not possible to obtain precise figures for the percentage of Recent species in each locality so CLASS GASTROPODA SUPERFAMILY TROCHACEA SUPERFAMILY NERITACEA SUPERFAMILY CERITHIACEA . ArchHectonica perspecfiva (Linnoeus) Architectontca maxima (Philippi) Teiescopium tetescapium ? (Linn) ' Potamides sucaradjanus Martin "Potamides" sp. 0 Cenfhidea ? sp- Cenfhidea Jenkinsi (Mortin) Rhtnoclovis pfefferi ( Dunker ) Rhmoclavis ? sp B Clypeomorus morus (Lamarck) "Cerithium alternatum Sowerby" Cerithium rubus Martyn Centhium sp E Cerithium jonkeri Mortin Cerithium sp C Cerithium sp F Cerithium sp a SUPERFAMILY EPITONIACEA Epiiunium scatare ( Linn ) SUPERFAMILY STROMBACEA Diertomochilus crispatus (Sowerby) 7/f - fusus (Linn) St- 'r-bu5 modiunensis Martin Si -'hus pticatus pulchellus Reeve gendinganensis Martin fennamai ? Martin SUPERFAMILY CYPRAEACEA ■hitiaris Gmelin" loraria ? Linn SUPERFAMILY NATICACEA (Roding) wfc//i in the Indo-Pacific. Indo-Pac. Mollusca. 1(2):33-144. Abella y Casariego, Enrique. 1886. Rapida descripcion fisica. geologica y minera de la isla de Cebu. Madrid. Tello ( 1886). 187 pp.. 6 pis., 1 map [also Bol. Comis. Mapa Geol. Espana 13 (1886)|. Altena, C. O. Van Regteren. 1938. The marine mollusca of the Kendeng Beds (East Java), Gastropoda. Part I (Fis- surellidae-Vermetidae, inclusive). Leidsche Geol. Meded. 10:241-320. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 29 . 1942. The marine mollusca of the Kendeng Beds (East Java). Gastropoda. Part II (families Planaxidae-Na- ticidae, inclusive). Leidsche Geol. Meded. 12:1-86. . 1942-1943. The marine mollusca of the Kendeng Beds (East Java), Gastropoda. Part IV (families Cassididae- Ficidae. inclusive). Leidsche Geol. Meded. 13:89-120. figs. 1-5. . 1950. The marine mollusca of the Kendeng Beds (East Java). Gastropoda. Part V (families Muricidae-Vo- lemidae, inclusive). Leidsche Geol. Meded. 15:205-240. Amato. F. L. 1964. Stratigraphic paleontology in the Phil- ippines. Paper presented at the First Symposium on Mineral Resources Development. November 23-25. Manila, Phil- ippines. 25 pp. Arnold. Z. M., and R. M. Kleinpell. 1951. Cretaceous in the Philippines. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 62(Pt.2)(12): 1455. Bandy. Orville. 1963. 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Rep., Ser. 2(Geol.). 4:104-126. pi. 17. . 1919. Notes on a Lepidocyclina-limestone from Ce- bu. Tohoku Imper. Univ. Sci. Rep.. Ser. 2(Geol.) 5:37-51, pis. 6-7. . AND S. Hanzawa. 1925. Nummulitic rocks of the islands of Amakusa (Kyushu. Japan). Tohoku Imper. Univ. Sci. Rep., Ser. 2(Geol.), 7:73-82. pis. 18-22. , AND . 1929. Tertiary foraminiferous rocks of the Philippines. Tohoku Imper. Univ. Sci. Rep., Ser. 2 (Geol.). 11:137-190. pis. 15-27. 1 table. Zeigler. R. F.. and H. C. Porreca. 1969. Olive shells of the world. Zeigler & Porreca. % pp. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 33 APPENDIX A— NOTES 1. See Kleinpell (1958: 4-5. footnote 3. and p. 7. footnote 4) for the nature and the fate of the fossils upon which these discussions were originally based. It had been the hope and plan of the writers in 1941 that the late Frank Merchant, who had assisted them in these studies, both in field and laboratory, and with particular emphasis upon the mollusk collections, would, with the fellowship that had been granted him at the California Institute of Technology, be able to pursue these studies to their logical conclusion. But at that point the second World War inter- vened. Mr. Merchant's promising career was violently terminated in a war-time prison camp. At the Bureau of Science in Manila. 18 large cabinets containing thousands of specimens of some seventeen hundred mollusk species, along with the microscopic slides of foraminifer types, assemblages, and polished limestone sections also stored there, were totally destroyed in the shelling during the American recapture of Manila. Subsequently, cloth-sacked foraminifer samples stored in a company riverside bodega, surviving the hostilities, disintegrated into incoherent mud and rot for lack of post-war curatorial funds. By 1951. nevertheless, four volumes of the nine comprising the Philippine Petroleum Survey's preliminary report, preserved in the States, had been published, salvaging much of the data and preliminary conclusions. Unhappily for the paleontologic checklists, however, the aims of the preliminary typology and distributional data (see Corby etal. 1951: 231. 292-297) which they record were totally defeated: even descriptions of the fossil localities to which they are geared were not included in the partially published report, though these may be found in copies of the original report on deposit in the Manila Bureau of Mines, and some of them do appear, graphically located by numbers, in some of the areal geology maps included in the publication. Too. a handful of duplicate specimens and slides, although scattered, had been preserved outside the war-devastated area through the foresight of the late Dr. Quirico Abadilla. Director at the time of the Philippine Bureau of Mines, who also lost his life in the final phases of the hostilities. Through the assistance of the post-war Philippine Bureau of Mines, Mr. Earl Irving and associates of the U.S. Geological Survey, and the management and staff of the Philippine Oil Development Company, considerable recollecting of fossils has been made possible (although, unlike neon- tological specimens, fossils do not reproduce their kind). Thus, it has been possible to reas- semble at least some of the more critical material, either in original or duplicate form, over the years. In addition, the senior author has been able to study the original Dickerson molluscan material on deposit at the California Academy of Sciences and in the Museum of Paleontology at the University of California in Berkeley. 2. See Kleinpell (1958: 1-3). Comparison with material in Bandoeng. Java, and Balikpapan. Bor- neo, had been projected and. in fact, subsequently accomplished, after preparation of the Petroleum Survey's preliminary report. The biostratigraphic sequences selected to typify the tentative local age classification have retained descriptive value as presented in plates 34, 40. and 42 of the Corby et al. (1951) report. Especially valuable in this connection are plates 31 and 43 and the accompanying discussion of Philippine larger foraminifers (pp. 247-250. 264- 288) by Morrison et al. 3. This PODCO report on the reconnaissance geology and oil possibilities of northern Luzon was at that time made available, along with the paleontological data from the localities published by Corby et al. ( 1951: pi. 10). to the geological staffs of American Overseas Petroleum Limited (see Durkee and Pederson 1961: pi. 137) and STANVAC. who were subsequently engaged with PODCO in joint geological exploration of the Cagayan Valley. Further studies, with the same context, were pursued in conjunction with Paul H. Dudley. Benjamin Daleon. and Mario Nieto, and references to scientific aspects of these private data were released for publication as of January 1957 (see Kleinpell 1958: I. footnote 2). 4. This Tuguegarao Sandstone, essentially non-existent as a formational unit, was nicknamed by the field party at that time the "Kamlon Formation" after Datu Kamlon of Jolo who. up until that time, had successfully eluded every attempt by the Philippine army to find and capture him. 34 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 129 5. See Corby et al. (1951: pis. 34 & 35). Here the highest orbitoids occur in sample P-JH 32 within the "Type Upper X'" portion ot the sequence along the "Tarao" (a cartographer's misspelling ot the original Jarao) River, the lowest "Rotalias" of the species in reference {"Rotalia'^ sp. 1. sp. 2. and sp. 3) in sample P-JH 15 of the "Type Y" part of the same sequence, and extending upward in greater abundance stratigraphically higher in the "Type Y" and through the "Type Lower Z" sequence. 6. See Corby et al. (1951: pi. 40). Here the highest orbitoids ("Tryhliolcpidcna^" sp. 35 and sp. 36, including "T." rutteni. and Miogypsina) occur in the sampled sequence C-JH 38-0, 39-0. and 40-0 near Sibonga, and C-JH-37B-0 on the Aloguinsan-Barili road near kilometer 78, all in the Lower Limestone Member of the Barili Formation; and in the overlying marls and limestones the "Rotalias" in reference are far rarer than in the more clastic facies of the Philippine Neogene. 7. See Corby et al. (1951: pi. 31). Here the highest orbitoids are again of f3 age. from localities 155 and 156, as reported by Yabe and Hanzawa. the "Rotalias" are rare and restricted to the higher Hubay Formation and associated with its molluscan faunas. 8. Through permission from Colonel A. Soriano and the Philippine Oil Development Company to include references to private data in notes for publication. See Kleinpell (1958: 1). 9. Thus, the former Lubuagan "coal measures" or Lubuagan Formation on the west side of the valley became, in effect, the Mabaca River Group with three formations (a lower Asiga. a middle Balbalan Sandstone, and an upper Baluan). On the east side it became the Gatangan Creek Formation; the former Callao Limestone along the northwestern edge of the valley became the Sicalao Limestone, a name extended to also include the former Ibulao Limestone of the Kiangan syncline in Ifugao and that of the south end of the valley (southwest of Mones. Isabela). while the name Callao was restricted to the original typical area along the eastern side. The former lower mudstone member of the Ilagan Formation along the east side became the Baliway Formation, following the designation of Vergara et al. (1959: 47. 52); the term Ilagan Formation was restricted to the upper more preponderantly coarse-clastic member of that formation in previous usage; and the designation Lallo Formation, without a type section due to poor exposures, was applied to the more or less tuffaceous elastics of variable texture previously mapped for the most part as Ilagan in the Apairi basin of the extreme north. Certain distinctively thin-bedded limestones in a relatively small and isolated area in the north became the Abaan Limestone, and the term Awidon Mesa Formation was given to certain welded tuffs and pyroclastics of Lubuagan. 10. See Corby et al. 1951. plate 10, localities LHB-301, 303. 306. 494. 726. 365. 461. 462. 469. 470, 471, 472, 473, 475, with Eulepidina . Miogypsina . and associated small foraminifers. all of Tertiary e age. and localities LHB^96. 497. 701. 796. 463. 464. 465. 480. 481, 487 and, espe- cially, 474. 482. 483. 484. 488 and 489. all with Tertiary fl orbitoids. as at LHB-315 near the top of the Sicalao, or former Callao Limestone, extension farther north in the area southwest of Luna. 11. See Corby et al. 1951. plate 10. localities LHB-727. 558. 560 and 562. 12. Localities D-1581 (LWP-35). D-1583 (LWP-33). D-1586 (LWP-29). D-1587 (LWP-28). D- 1589 (LWP-24). D-1594 (LWP-19) and D-1597 (LWP-1 = Dickerson's locality 2x). The last- mentioned locality is especially rich in "/?<>/fl//V/" heccarii koehoecnsis LeRoy; "Rotalia" indopacifica Thalmann. "Rottdia" japonica Hada. and "Rotalia" ketienziensis (Ishizaki) are well represented; and "Rotalia" papillosa Brady is especially abundant in samples LWP-19. 24. 28 and 33. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 35 APPENDIX B— REGISTER OF CIT FOSSIL LOCALITIES, BONDOC PENINSULA. LUZON. PHILIPPINES 1388 CIT Blue-gray sandy marls cropping out on right bank of Bahay River. 1219 m (4000 ft) S 25°E of the mouth of Apad Creek, and about 366 m ( 1200 ft) upstream from abandoned oil well on left bank of river (Dickerson's Bureau of Lands bench mark no. 1). Bondoc Peninsula. Tayabas Province. Same as locality 2x/RED. 27 Nov. 1937. Collectors: W. P. Popenoe, Peregrino Romania and Cosme Albis. 1389 CIT Gritty sandstones in bed of Bahay River. 152 m (500 ft) N 40°E of the mouth of Apad Creek. Bondoc Peninsula. Tayabas Province. Same as locality 5x RED. 27 Nov. 1937. Collectors: Popenoe. Pomania and Albis. 1390 CIT Soft blue sandy marls cropping out in bed of Bahay River, about 488 m( 1600 ft) upstream from abandoned oil well (Dickerson's Bureau of Lands bench mark no. 1). Bondoc Peninsula. Tayabas Province. 27 Nov. 1937. Collectors: Popenoe. Pomania and Albis. Descriptions of RED localities 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x and I Ix are recorded on p. 4 of this paper. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 37 PLATES ILLUSTRATIONS OF CANGUINSA FOSSIL MOLLUSKS We have described no new species in this paper. Species names followed by nov. spec. (=n. sp. = new species) refer to new species described by Martin in references 1879- 1880, 1881-1884. and 1883-1887. The illustrations of these species on our plates 17 and 18 are photo copies of Martin's original figures. Quotation marks enclosing specific identifi- cations by Dickerson on plates 17 and 18 indicate dubious or wrong identification, generally the latter. Explanation of specimen catalogue number symbols UCB — University of California, Berkeley, Invertebrate Paleontology catalogue CAS — California Academy of Science, Invertebrate Paleontology catalogue UCLA — University of California, Los Angeles, Invertebrate Paleontology catalogue 38 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 129 Plate 1 Figs. 1-3. Uinhoniiim vestiariiiin (Linnaeus). UCLA cat. no. 48534; Locality no. 1388 CIT; (1) apertural vieu; (2) umbilical view; (3) apical view; all x2; height 6.8 mm; diameter 19.4 mm. Figs. 4. 6. Neritina cf. N. donovana Recluz. UCLA cat. no. 48355; Loc. no. 1388 CIT; (4) apertural view; (6) abapertural view; all x2; height 13.0 mm; diameter 12.9 mm. Fig. 5. Rissoina sp. UCLA cat. no. 48356; Loc. no. 1388 CIT; apertural view; x3; height 8.6 mm; diameter 3.3 mm. Figs. 7-9. Architectonica pcrspectiva (Linnaeus). UCLA cat. no. 48357; Loc. no. 1388 CIT; (7) apical view; (8) umbilical view; (9) apertural view; all x2; height 10.0 mm. diameter 20.6 mm. Figs. 10-12. Architectonica maxima (Philippi). UCLA cat. no. 48358; Loc. no. 1390 CIT; (10) apical view; (11) umbilical viev\; (12) apertural view, all x2; height 12.4 mm; diameter 27.3 mm. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 39 s m 10 W 40 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 129 Plate 2 Fig. 13. Ti'lescopinm telescopiitm ? (Linnaeus). UCLA cat. no. 48359; loc. no. 1389 CIT; apertural view. x2; height 22.0 mm; diameter 14.2 mm. Fig. 14. Telescopium telescopium ? (Linnaeus). CAS cat. no. 53504; loc. no. 3x RED; apertural view. x2; height 21.0 mm; diameter 19.2 mm. Fig. 15. Potamides sucaradjanus Martin. UCLA cat. no. 48360; loc. no. 1389 CIT; aper- tural view, x2; height 24.8 mm; diameter 7.4 mm. Fig. 16 ''Potamides" sp. /3. UCLA cat. no. 48361; loc. no. 1389 CIT; apertural view. x2; height 52.9 mm; diameter 19.4. Fig. 17. Ccrithidea ? sp. UCB cat. no. 10871; loc. no. llx RED; abapertural view, x2; height 24.0 mm; diameter 9.0 mm. Fig. 18. Ccrithidea jenkinsi Martin. UCLA cat. no. 48362; loc. no. 1388 CIT; apertural view, x2; height 26.1 mm, diameter 9.5 mm. Fig. 19. Rhinodavis pfeffcri Dunker. UCLA cat. no. 48363; loc. no. 1388 CIT; apertural view. x2; height 16.5 mm; diameter 5.5 mm. Fig. 20. Rhinodavis ? sp. B. CAS cat. no. 53505; loc. no. 3x RED; apertural view. x2; height 23.9 mm; diameter 13.7 mm. Fig. 21. Clypcomorus morns (Lamarck). UCLA cat. no. 48364; loc. no. 1388 CIT; aper- tural view. x2; height 16.7 mm; diameter 9.1 mm. Fig. 22. "Cerithiiim alternatnm Sowerby." CAS cat. no. 53506; loc. no. 3x RED; aper- tural view. x2; height 12.0 mm; diameter 7.3 mm. Fig. 23. Cerithium rubiis Martyn. CAS cat. no. 53507; loc. no. 3x RED; apertural view. x2; height 20.0 mm; diameter 1 1.5 mm. Fig. 24. Cerithium ruhus Martyn. UCLA cat. no. 48365; loc. no. 1388 CIT; apertural view, x2; height 27.0 mm; diameter 10.3 mm. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 41 i^Oi >*^ j» 24 42 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 129 Plate 3 Fig. 25. Cerlthium sp. E. CAS cat. no. 53508; loc. no. 3x RED; apertural view. x2; height 19.9 mm; diameter 8.6 mm. Figs. 26, 27. Cerithium jonkeh Martin. CAS no. 53509; loc. no. 3x RED; (26) apertural view; (27) abapertural view; both x2; height 40.7 mm; diameter 15.0 mm. Fig. 28. Cerithium sp. C. CAS cat. no. 53510; loc. no. 3x RED; apertural view, x2; height 17.5 mm; diameter 6.8 mm. Fig. 29. Cerithium sp. F. CAS cat. no. 53511; loc. no. 3x RED; apertural view, x2; height 14.5 mm; diameter 9.6 mm. Fig. 30. Cerithium sp. a. CAS cat. no. 53529; loc. no. 2x RED; apertural view, x2; height 19.9 mm; diameter 8.8 mm. Fig. 3 1 . Epitonium scalare (Linnaeus). UCLA cat. no. 48366; loc. no. 1390 CIT; apertural view X !; height 22.0 mm; diameter 16.0 mm. Figs. 32, 33. Dientomochihts crispatus (Sowerby). UCLA cat. no. 48367; loc. no. 1388 CIT; (32) apertural view; (33) abapertural view, both x2; height 19.9 mm; diameter 10.2 mm. Fig. 34. Strombus madiunensis Martin. CAS cat. no. 53540; loc. no. 4x, RED; abaper- tural view, X I; height 37.3 mm; diameter 17.5 mm. Fig. 35. Strombus plicatus pulcheUus Reeve. UCB cat. no. 10872; loc. no. llx RED; abapertural view, x 1; height 37.3 mm; diameter 23.8 mm. Fig. 36. Strombus gendinganensis Martin. CAS cat. no. 53512; loc. no. 3x RED; aper- tural view, x2; height 27.3 mm; diameter 1 1.9 mm. Fig. 37. Tibia fusus (Linnaeus). UCB cat. no. 10873; loc. no. llx RED; apertural view, X 1 ; height 1 10.9 mm; diameter 30.8 mm. Fig. 38. Strombus camirium Linnaeus. UCLA cat. no. 48368; loc. no. 1388 CIT; apertural view, X 1; height 48.8 mm; diameter 31.4 mm. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 43 44 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. No. 129 Plate 4 Figs. 39-42. Strombus fenmimai ? Martin. UCB cat. no. 10874. for figs. 39. 42; UCB cat. no. 10875 for fig. 40. 41; locality 1 Ix RED; (39) and (41), abapertural view, (40) and (42), apertural view, all x 1; no. 40, height, 41.6 mm; diameter 22.0 mm; no. 39. 42 height 32.0 mm; diameter 20.5 mm. Figs. 43. 44. Cypmea miliaris Gmelin. UCB cat. no. 10876; loc. no. llx RED; (43) apertural view, (44) abapertural view; x 1; height 29.8 mm; diameter 18.0 mm. Fig. 45. Cypraea poraria ? Linnaeus. UCLA cat. no. 48369; loc. no. 1390 CIT; apertural view. X 1; height 20.4 mm; diameter 13.5 mm. Figs. 46, 47. Mamilla mammata (Roding). UCLA cat. no. 48370; loc. no. 1388 CIT; (46) apertural view, (47) abapertural view, x2; height 19.5 mm; diameter 17.2 mm. Figs. 48, 49. Neverita pctiveiiana (Recluz 1855). UCLA cat. no. 48371; loc. no. 1389 CIT; (48) abapertural view, (49) umbilical view, x3; height 15.9 mm; diameter 15.0 mm. Figs. 50, 51. Eunciticina papilla (Gmelin). CAS cat. no. 53530; loc. no. 2x RED; (50) apertural view. (51) abapertural view, x2; height 10.0 mm; diameter 9.7 mm. Figs. 52, 53. Poliniccs sp. a. UCLA cat. no. 48372; loc. no. 1388 CIT; (52) apertural view, (53) apical view, x2; height 14.9 mm; diameter 11.5 mm. Figs. 54. 56. Polinices solida Blainville. UCLA cat. no. 48373; loc. no. 1388 CIT; (54) apertural view, (56) apical view, x2; height 11.3 mm; diameter 10.8 mm. Fig. 55. Polinices aurantius Roding. UCLA cat. no. 48374; loc. no. 1388 CIT; apertural view, x 1; height 27.9 mm; diameter 21.2 mm. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 45 46 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 129 Plate 5 Figs. 57. 58. Natico cf. N. cohunmins Recluz. CAS cat. no. 53531; loc. no. 2x RED: (57) abapertural view: (58) umbilical view. x2: height 14.4 mm. diameter 14.8 mm. Figs. 59. 62. Natica marochiensis Gmelin. UCLA cat. no. 48375: loc. no. 1388 CIT; (59) apertural view. (62) apical view, x 1; height 16.9 mm; diameter 14.6 mm. Figs. 60. 63. Cymatium gracile ? (Reeve). UCLA cat. no. 48376; loc. no. 1388 CIT; (60) apertural view. (63) abapertural view. x2; height 19.4 mm; diameter 13.7 mm. Fig. 61. Cymatium baycri Altena. CAS cat. no. 53513: loc. no. 3x RED; apertural view. x2; height 25.3 mm; diameter 13.5 mm. Fig. 64. Distorsio reticulata (Roding). UCB cat. no. 10877; loc. no. 1 Ix RED: abapertural view. X 1; height 32.5 mm: diameter 22.5 mm. Fig. 65. Phalium glauca (Linnaeus). UCB cat. no. 10878; loc. no. llx RED: partial exterior of last whorl, x 1. Fig. 66. Apollon bitubercularis (Lamarck). UCB cat. no. 10879; loc. no. llx RED; aper- tural view. X 1: height 33.5 mm: diameter 20.0 mm. Fig. 67. Murcx sobrimis (A. Adams). UCB cat. no. 10880; loc. no. llx RED: apertural view. X 1; height 26.0 mm; diameter 20.5 mm. Fig. 68. Bursa rami ? (Linnaeus). UCLA cat. no. 48377; loc. no. 1388 CIT; apertural view. X 1; height 32.0 mm: diameter 22.6 mm. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 47 48 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. No. 129 Plate 6 Figs. 69. 70. Mehmgena gigas (Martin). CAS cat. no. 2387: loc. no. 5x RED: (69) aper- tural. and (70) apical views, x 1: height 101 mm; diameter 86.4 mm. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 49 70 50 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. No. 129 Plate 7 Figs. 71. 72. Paramtiaria phiUppinariim (Reeve). UCLA cat. no. 48378: loc. no. 1388 CIT: (71) apertural. and (72) abapertiiral views. \2: height 20.5 mm: diameter 10.2 mm. Fig. 73. Melongena galeodes (Lamarck). CAS cat. no. 53.'i32: loc. no. 2\ RED: apertural view. X 1; height 44.6 mm: diameter 34.6 mm. Fig. 74. Hindsia acuminata (Reeve). UCB cat. no. 10881: loc. no. 11\ RED: apertural view. X 1: height 30.7 mm: diameter 17.3 mm. Figs. 75, 79. Arcularia cf.A. globosa (Quoy and Gaimard). CAS cat. no. 53533: loc. no. 2.\ RED: (75) abaperturaL and (79) apertural views, x2: height 1 1.7 mm: diameter 7.8 mm. Fig. 76. Hebra siihspinosa (Lamarck). UCL.A cat. no. 483'"9: loc. no. 1388 CIT: apertural view, x2; height 13.6 mm: diameter 8.7 mm. Fig. 77. Ht'hrajonkeri (Martin). UCLA cat. no. 48380: loc. no. 1388 CIT: apertural view , x2: height 12.8 mm: diameter 8.5 mm. Fig. 78. \iorha sp. cf. .V. gimmiilaia (Lamarck). UCLA cat. no. 48381: loc. no. 1388 CIT: apertural view. x2; height 12.9 mm: diameter 8.4 mm. Figs, 80, 81. Arcularia rhcrsitcs (Bruguiere). UCLA cat. no. 48382: loc. no. 1388 CIT; (80) apertural, and (81) abapertural views. x2: height 13.2 mm: diameter 9.3 mm. Figs. 82. 83. Arcularia bimaculosa (A. Adams). UCLA cat. no. 48383: loc. no. 1388 CIT: (82) apertural. and (83) abapertural views. x3; height 9.9 mm: diameter 7.2 mm. Fig. 84. Arcularia sp. {3. =?A. globosa (Quoy and Gaimard). C.-\S cat. no. 53534: loc. no. 2x RED; abapertural view, x3; height 10.0 mm; diameter 7.9 mm. Fig. 85. Arcularia sp. a. CAS cat. no. 53514: loc. no. 3.\ RED: abapertural view. x3: height 10.2 mm; diameter 6.7 mm. Figs. 86, 87. Clu'lanassa elcgantissima Shuto 1969. CAS cat. no. 535 15: loc. no. 3.\ RED; (86) apertural, and (87) abapertural views, x2: height 16.5 mm; diameter 9,5 mm. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 51 52 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 129 Plate 8 Fig. 88. Alectrlon sp. qL A. coronatus (Lamarck). UCLA cat. no. 48384; loc. no. 1388 CIT; apertural view, x2; height 21.0 mm; diameter 12.7 mm. Fig. 89. Alectrion verbeeki (Martin). CAS cat. no. 53542; loc. no. 4x RED; apertural view. x2; height 18.5 mm; diameter 9.1 mm. Fig. 90. Alectrion dispar (A. Adams). CAS cat. no. 53516; loc. no. 3x RED; apertural view. x2; height 17.1 mm; diameter 10.5 mm. Figs. 91. 95. Alectrion sinusigera ? (A. Adams). UCLA cat. no. 48385; loc. no. 1388 CIT; (91) apertural, and (95) abapertural view, x3; height 1 1.2 mm; diameter 6.4 mm. Fig. 92. Alectrion cf. A. succinctus (A. Adams). UCLA cat. no. 48386; loc. no. 1388 CIT; apertural view. x3; height 13.7 mm; diameter 7.6 mm. Figs. 93, 94. Alectrion sordida ? (A. Adams). =1 A. coronatus (Lamarck). CAS cat. no. 53542; loc. no. 4x RED; (93) apertural, and (94) abapertural view, x3; height 10.4 mm; diameter 5.4 mm. Fig. 96. Alectrion guudiosus (Hinds). UCLA cat. no. 48387; loc. no. 1390 CIT; apertural view, x2; height 18.8 mm; diameter 9.3 mm. Fig. 97. Alectrion crenidatus (Lamarck). UCLA cat. no. 48388; loc. no. 1388 CIT; aper- tural view, x2; height 20.6 mm; diameter 11.8 mm. Fig. 98. Alectrion canalicnlatus (Lamarck). CAS cat. no. 53517; loc. no. 3x RED; aper- tural view, X 1; height 27.3 mm; diameter 1 1.0 mm. Fig. 99. Alectrion cdgidus (Reeve). UCLA cat. no. 48389; loc. no. 1388 CIT; apertural view, x2; height 17.3 mm; diameter 10.0 mm. Fig. 100. Alectrion euglyptus (Sowerby). CAS cat. no. 53543; locality 4x RED; apertural view, x2; height 20.5 mm; diameter 1 1.3 mm. Fig. 101. Oliva reticulata (R5ding). UCB cat. no. 10882; loc. no. llx RED; abapertural view, X I; height 33.0 mm; diameter 13.7 mm. Fig. 102. Oliva oliva Linnaeus. CAS cat. no. 53518; loc. no. 3x RED; apertural view. x3; height 1 1.0 mm; diameter 6.4 mm. Fig. 103. Oliva funebralis Lamarck. UCB cat. no. 10883; loc. no. llx RED; apertural view, x I; height 38.9 mm; diameter 18.9 mm. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 53 54 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 129 Plate 9 Fig. 104. Mitni fidiietnim Reeve. UCLA cat. no. 48390: loc. no. 1388 CIT: apertural view. x2; height 19.4 mm: diameter 7.2 mm. Fig. 105. Mitra intcrliratu Reeve. UCLA cat. no. 48391: loc. no. 1388 CIT: apertural view. x3: height 14.3 mm: diameter 5.3 mm. Fig. 106. Vexillum subdivisum (Gmelin). UCLA cat. no. 48392: loc. no. 1388 CIT: aper- tural view. X 1: height 48.4 mm: diameter 16.5 mm. Fig. 107. Vexillum ainanda (Reeve). CAS cat. no. 53519: loc. no. 3x RED: apertural view. x2: height 22.3 mm: diameter 7.6 mm. Fig. 108. Vexillum obeliscus (Reeve). UCB cat. no. 10884: loc. no. llx RED: apertural view. X 1; height 28.9 mm: diameter 10.0 mm. Fig. 109. Vexillum cruentatum (Gmelin). UCLA cat. no. 48393: loc. no. 1388 CIT: aper- tural view. x3: height 15.5 mm: diameter 5.9 mm. Fig. 110. Vexillum formosense (Sowerby). UCLA cat. no. 48394: loc. no. 1388 CIT: apertural view. x2: height 22.0 mm: diameter 9.6 mm. Fig. 111. Vexillum gembacanum ? (Martin). CAS cat. no. 53520: loc. no. 3x RED: aper- tural view. x2: height 22.8 mm: diameter 10.6 mm. Fig. 1 12. Vexillum sp. cf. V. amanda (Reeve). UCLA cat. no. 48395: loc. no. 1390 CIT: apertural view. x2; height 26.4 mm: diameter 10.2 mm. Fig. 1 13. Vexillum costellaris (Lamarck). UCLA cat. no. 48396: loc. no. 1388 CIT: aper- tural view, x 1: height 34.3 mm: diameter 14.0 mm. Fig. 114. Vexillum vulpecula (Linnaeus). CAS cat. no. 53521: loc. no. 3x RED: apertural view. X 1: height 39.2 mm: diameter 13.3 mm. Fig. 115. Pterygia sinensis (Reeve). UCB cat. no. 10885: loc. no. llx RED: apertural view. x2: height 23.8 mm: diameter 9.5 mm. Fig. 116. Trigonostoma crenifera (Sowerby). UCLA cat. no. 48397: loc. no. 1388 CIT: apertural view. x2: height 12.0 mm: diameter 9.8 mm. Fig. 1 17. Cancellaria verbeeki Martin. UCLA cat. no. 48398: loc. no. 1388 CIT: apertural view. x2: height 22.8 mm: diameter 14.0 mm. Fig. 118. Cancellaria asperella (Lamarck). UCB cat. no. 10886: loc. no. llx RED; aba- pertural view of last whorl. x2: height 17.5 mm: diameter 14.8 mm. Fig. 1 19. Harpa conoidalis Lamarck. UCB cat. no. 10887: loc. no. 1 Ix RED: abapertural view. X 1: height 45.6 mm: diameter 28.0 mm. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 55 56 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. No. 129 Plate 10 Fig. 120. Marginclla katikalcnsis ? Cossmann. CAS cat. no. 53544: loc. no. 4x RED: apertural \ie\\. x2: height 16.0 mm: diameter 8.5 mm. Fig. 121. Tunis nodiliratus Smith. CAS cat. no. 53522: loc. no. 3\ RED: apertural \ie\v. x2: height 20.2 mm: diameter 12.2 mm. Fig. 122. Tunis crispa Lamarck. CAS cat. no. 53535: loc. no. 2\ RED: abapertural \ie\\ . X 1: height 30.5 mm; diameter 13.5 mm. Fig. 123. Lopliiotonui "mannorata" (Lamarck). UCB cat. no. 10888: loc. no. ll.x RED: apertural view, x 1: height 42.2 mm: diameter 1 1.5 mm. Fig. 124. Lophiotoma gcndingancnsis (Martin). CAS cat. no. 53545: loc. no. 4.\ RED: apertural view. x2: height 27.0 mm: diameter 10.0 mm. Fig. 125. Lophiotoma acuta ? (Perry). CAS cat. no. 53523: loc. no. 3x RED: apertural view. x2: height 29.0 mm: diameter 10.5 mm. Fig. 126. Turricula losariensis ? (Martin). CAS cat. no. 53524: loc. no. 3\ RED: apertural view. x2: height 21.9 mm: diameter 7.4 mm. Fig. 127. Cnissispira pscudoprincipalis (Yokoyama). UCB cat. no. 10889: loc. no. llx RED: apertural view. x2: height 20.7 mm: diameter 7.0 mm. Fig. 128. Crassispira sp. cf. C. Imtaii MacNeil. UCB cat. no. 10890: loc. no. 1 1\ RED: apertural view. x2: height 26.7 mm: diameter 8.3 mm. Fig. 129. Compsodrillia torvita MacNeil. CAS cat. no. 53525: loc. no. 3\ RED: apertural view. x3: height 22.4 mm: diameter 8.0 mm. Fig. 130. Eucithara funiculata (Reeve). UCL.A cat. no. 48399: loc. no. 1388 CIT: aper- tural \iew. x3: height 16.4 mm: diameter 11.6 mm. Fig. 131. Inquisitor ncglectus ? (Martin). CAS cat. no. 53536: loc. no. 2x RED: abaper- tural view. x2: height 26.9 mm: diameter 9.4 mm. Fig. 132. Gemmula speciosa (Reeve). CAS cat. no. 53526: loc. no. 3.\ RED: apertural view, x 1: height 39.1 mm: diameter 16.4 mm. Fig. 133. Gemmula monilifcra (Pease). CAS cat. no. 53549: loc. no. 3\ RED: apertural view. x3: height 18.2 mm; diameter 11.2 mm. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 57 , 124 129 P %p 132 fr ^y 133 58 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 129 Plate 1 1 Figs. 134, 138. Conns socialis Martin. UCB cat. no. 10891; loc. no. llx RED; (134) apertural. and (138) apical view, x 1; height 39.6 mm; diameter 19.0 mm. Figs. 135. 139. Conns kiencri Reeve. UCB cat. no. 10892; loc. no. llx RED; (135) aper- tural. and (139) apical view, xl; height 31.3 mm; diameter 15.1 mm. Figs. 136. 140. Conns ngavianus Martin. CAS cat. no. 53546; loc. no. 4x RED; (136) apertural. and (140) apical view, x 1; height 35.7 mm; diameter 19.8 mm. Figs. 137. 141. Conns tcssnlatiis Born. UCB cat. no. 10893; loc. no. llx RED; (137) apertural. and (141) apical views. x2; height 20.2 mm; diameter 10.8 mm. Fig. 142. Conns fignllnns Linnaeus = C. loroisii Kiener. UCLA cat. no. 48400; loc. no. 1389 CIT; apertural view, x 1; height 28.2 mm; diameter 21.3 mm. Fig. 143. Conns longnrionis Kiener. UCB cat. no. 10894; loc. no. llx RED; abapertural view. x3; height 17.1 mm; diameter 6.9 mm. Fig. 144. Conns mcnengtenganns Martin. CAS cat. no. 53537; loc. no. 2x RED; aba- pertural view. X 1; height 67.6 mm; diameter 18.7 mm. Fig. 145. Conns inscnlptus Kiener. UCB cat. no. 10895; loc. no. llx RED; abapertural view. x2; height 18.8 mm; diameter 8.3 mm. Fig. 146. Terebra pamotanensis Martin. CAS cat. no. 53547; loc. no. 4x RED; apertural view, x2; height 25.6 mm; diameter 8.4 mm. Fig. 147. Terebra dnpUcata ? Linnaeus. UCLA cat. no. 48401; loc. no. 1389 CIT; aper- tural view, x 1; height 43.8 mm; diameter 10.9 mm. Fig. 148. Terebra mynriformis ? Fischer. UCB cat. no. 10896; loc. no. 1 Ix RED; apertural view, xl; height 34.3 mm; diameter 10.6 mm. Fig. 149. Pyramidella sp. CAS cat. no. 53548; loc. no. 4x RED; apertural view. x2; height 10.9 mm; diameter 7.0 mm. Fig. 150. Pnpa sulcata (Gmelin). CAS cat. no. 53538; loc. no. 2x RED; apertural view, xl; height 18.8 mm; diameter 11.4 mm. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 59 134 135 ^^ 136 138 139 /*i-2k 140 42 tz: "^ 143 145 144 146 48 150 60 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 129 Plate 12 Figs. 151-153. Yoldia sp. f3. UCLA cat. no. 48402; loc. no. 1388 CIT: (151) exterior left valve. (152) dorsal view of both valves. (153) exterior right valve. x2: height 9.4 mm: length 16.6 mm. Fig. 154. Anadara pangkaensis (Martin). CAS cat. no. 53527: loc. no. 3x RED: exterior left valve, x 1: height 27.0 mm: length 37.4 mm. Fig. 155. Anadara antiquata (Linnaeus). UCLA cat. no. 48403: locality no. 1388 CIT: exterior left valve, x 1; height 28.2 mm; length 39.0 mm. Fig. 156. Anadara biformis (Martin). UCLA cat. no. 48404: loc. no. 1390 CIT; exterior of right valve, x 1; height 33.5 mm; length 47.5 mm. Fig. 157-159. Anadara granosa (Linnaeus). UCLA cat. no. 48405; loc. no. 1452 CIT. Santa Barbara. Panay: (157) exterior left valve; (158) interior left valve: (159) dorsal view both valves, x 1; height 39.4 mm: length 53.5 mm; thickness of both valves 37.8 mm. Fig. 160-161. Anadara cornea (Reeve). UCLA cat. no. 48406; loc. no. 1388 CIT; (160) exterior right valve; (161) exterior left valve, both x 1; height, right valve. 30.2 mm; length, right valve, 33.7 mm. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 61 ''"iiW 'Him 155 il s \\\ 159 160 161 62 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. IZ'J Plate 13 Fig. 162. Anadara sp. a. CAS cat. no. 53528; loc. no. 3x RED: exterior left valve. x2; height 17.3 mm; length 23.0 mm. Fig. 163. Trisidos semitorta (Lamarck). UCLA cat. no. 48417; loc. no. 1454. Bagacay. Panay; exterior left valve, x 1; height 33.0 mm; length 48.0 mm. Figs. 164. 165. Striarca olivacea (Reeve). UCLA cat. no. 48407; loc. no. 1388 CIT; (164) exterior, and ( 165) interior of left valve. x2; height 7.9 mm; length 1 1.7 mm. Fig. 166. Striarca sinensis Habe & Kosuge. non Thiele. UCLA cat. no. 48408; loc. no. 1390 CIT; exterior of right valve. x2; height 13.0 mm; length 18.2 mm. Figs. 167. 168. Limopsis sp. ^8. UCB cat. no. 10897; loc. no. llx RED; (167) exterior, and (168) interior of left valve. x3; height 11.9 mm; length 11.6 mm. Fig. 169. Glycymeris sp. a. UCB cat. no. 10898; loc. no. 1 Ix RED; exterior left (?) valve. X 3; height 10.9 mm; length 1 1 .0 mm. Fig. 170. Glycymeris sp. B. UCB cat. no. 10899; loc. no. llx RED; exterior of right valve. X 1; height 36.0 mm; length 38.6 mm. Fig. 171. Glycymeris sp. A. UCB cat. no. 10900; loc. no. llx RED; exterior of right valve. X 1; height 37.3 mm; length 38.2 mm. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 63 i^ 164 ■'■S^r |g^ 167 170 169 '^^ III WW 171 64 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 129 Plate 14 Fig. 172. Amiissium pleuroncctes ? (Linnaeus). UCLA cat. no. 48409: loc. no. L^90 CIT; exterior of left valve, x 1; height 30.5 mm; length 29.3 mm. Fig. 173. Chlamys crassicostatus ? (Sowerby). UCB cat. no. 10901; loc. no. llx RED; exterior of right valve. x2; height 17.5 mm; length 15.4 mm. Figs. 174-176. Cycladicama oblonga (Sowerby). UCLA cat. no. 48410; loc. no. 1390 CIT; (174) exterior of right valve. (175) anterior view, both valves, (176) dorsal view both valves, x 1; height 30.3 mm; length 34.5 mm; thickness of both valves 20.8 mm. Figs. 177, 180. Cardita canalicidata Reeve. UCB cat. no. 10902; loc. no. 1 Ix RED; ( 177) exterior of right valve. (180) exterior of left valve. x2; height of right valve. 14.4 mm; length of right valve. 17.9 mm. Fig. 178. LaevkanUiim cf. L. midtipunctatiim (Sowerby). UCB cat. no. 10903; loc. no. 1 Ix RED; exterior of right valve, x 1; height 37.0 mm; length 29.5 mm. Fig. 179. Laevicardium imicolor ? (Sowerby). UCB cat. no. 10904; loc. no. llx RED; exterior of left valve, x2; height 30.8 mm; length 21.1 mm. Figs. 181, 182. Hemidonax donacaeifonnis (Spengler). UCLA cat. no. 48411; loc. no. 1388 CIT; (181) exterior, and (182) interior of left valve, x2; height 14.6 mm; length 18.8 mm. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 65 75 176 66 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 129 Plate 15 Fig. 183. Meiocardia aff. M. vulgaris (Reeve). UCB cat. no. 10905: loc. no. llx RED: exterior of left valve, x 1: height 33.0 mm: length 47.3 mm. Fig. 184. Callista erycina (Linnaeus). UCB cat. no. 10906: loc. no. llx RED: exterior of right valve, xl: height 33.2 mm: length 48.3 mm. Fig. 185. Cyclina sinensis ? (Gmelin). UCLA cat. no. 4(S412: loc. no. 1389 CIT: exterior of left valve, x 1: height 44.0 mm: length 47.0 mm. Fig. 186. dementia pupyracea Gray. UCLA cat. no. 48413: loc. no. 1390 CIT: exterior of right valve. x2: height 19.4 mm: length 26.5 mm. Fig. 187. Paphia eiiglypta (Philippi). UCLA cat. no. 48414: loc. no. 1390 CIT: exterior of right valve, x 1; height 20.5 mm: length 35.0 mm. Fig. 188. Paphia sp. a. UCB cat. no. 10907: loc. no. llx RED: exterior of left valve. X 1: height 22.6 mm: length 33.8 mm. Fig. 189. Plucamen isabellina (Philippi). UCB cat. no. 10908: locality 1 Ix RED: exterior of left val\e. x 1: height 31.8 mm: length 35.2 mm. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 67 186 187 68 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 129 Plate 16 Figs. 190-192. Corbula fortisiikata Smith. UCLA cat. no. 48415: loc. no. 1388 CIT; (190) right exterior. (191) both valves, dorsal view. (192) left exterior. x2; height 12.4 mm: length 15.4 mm: thickness both valves 10.8 mm. Figs. 193-195. Corbula lamellata Fischer. CAS cat. no. 53539: locality 2x RED: (193) right exterior. (194) dorsal view of both valves. (195) left exterior. x2; height 11.3 mm: length 16.6 mm: thickness both valves 8.8 mm. Figs. 196-198. Corbula "scaphoides" Tesch. non Hinds. UCLA cat. no. 48416: loc. no. 1388 CIT: (196) left exterior. (197) right exterior, and (198) dorsal view of both valves. x2: height 14.1 mm: length 19.4 mm: thickness of both valves 11.6 mm. Fig. 199. Corbula sp. UCB cat. no. 10909: loc. no. llx RED: exterior of right valve. x2: height 16.5 mm: length 21.6 mm. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 69 194 196 197 70 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 129 Plate 17 Fig. 200. "Actaeon retkulatus K. Martin": Dickerson 1922. pi. 2. fig. 2. = Pupa sul- cata (Gmelin). fig. 150. this paper. Fig. 201. Actaeon reticulatus nov. spec: Martin 1883-1887, pi. IV. fig. 42 (original fig- ure). Fig. 202. Conus omatissimus Martin: Martin 1891-1906. p. 12, pi. I. fig. 8. Fig. 203. "Conus omatissimus K. Martin": Dickerson 1922. pi. 2. fig. 11; = Conus socialis Martin, this paper. Fig. 204. "Conus hardi K. Martin": Dickerson 1922. pi. 2. fig. 15. = Conus loroisii Kiener, fig. 142. this paper. Fig. 209. Conus hardi Martin: Martin 1891-1906, p. 18. pi. III. fig. 38. Fig. 205. Terebra bicincta nov. spec: Martin 1879-80. p. 33. pi. VI. fig. 13b (original figure). Not found in present study. Fig. 206. "Terebra bicincta K. Martin": Dickerson 1922. pi. 5. fig. 14. Fig. 207. "Terebra Javana K. Martin.": Dickerson 1922, pi. 5, fig. 15. Not found in present study. Fig. 208. Terebra javana nov. spec: Martin 1879-80, p. 32. pi. VI. fig. 11 (original figure). Fig. 210. "Mitra javana K. Martin": Dickerson 1922. pi. 3. fig. 3a. =Vexillum vulpecula (Linnaeus), fig. 114. this paper. Fig. 211. Mitra javana nov. spec: Martin 1879-80, p. 27. pi. VI. fig. 2 (original figure). Fig. 212. "Mitra bucciniformis K. Martin": Dickerson 1922. pi. 3. fig. 5, =VexHlum cruentatum (Gmelin), fig. 109. this paper. Fig. 213. Mitra bucciniformis nov. spec: Martin 1879-1880. p. 28. pi. VI. fig. 4a (orig- inal figure). Fig. 214. "Mitra junghuhni (?) K. Martin": Dickerson 1922. pi. 3, fig. 4, =Mitra inter- lirata Reeve, fig. 105, this paper. Fig. 215. Mitra junghuhni Martin: Tesch 1915. p. 44. pi. LXXIX(7), fig. 94b. POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 71 215 72 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 129 Plate 18 Fig. 216. •■Marginella simplicissima K. Martin": Dickerson 1922. pi. 3. fig. lib. =Marginella sp., this paper. Fig. 217. Marginella simplicissima nov. spec: Martin 1879-80. p. 24. pi. V. fig. 3 (original figure). Fig. 218. •■Columhclla bandongensis K. Martin"": Dickerson 1922. pi. 2. fig. 16. = Parametaria philippinarum (Reeve), fig. 71-72. this paper. Fig. 219. Columbdla bamiongensis Martin: Martin 1891-1906. p. 118. pi. XVIII. fig. 263. Fig. 220. ■■Ccrithium jenkinsi K. Martin"": Dickerson 1922. pi. 2. fig. 7. =Ccrithidea jcnkinsi (Martin), fig. 18. this paper. Fig. 221. Cerithiiim jenkinsi nov. spec: Martin 1879-80. p. 65 pi. XI. fig. 6 (original figure). =C. cingidata (Gmelin). Van Regteren Altena 1942. vol. 12. p. 7. Fig. 222. ■■Cerithiiim bandongensis K. Martin"": Dickerson 1922. pi. 2. fig. 6. This species not found in present study. Fig. 223. Cerithiiim bandongense nov. spec: Martin 1879-1880. p. 63. pi. XI. fig. 5a (original figure). Fig. 224. •■Corbiila socialis K. Martin": Dickerson 1922. pi. 6. fig. 11. Not found in present study. Fig. 225. Corbiila socialis nov. spec: Martin 1879-80. p. 92. pi. XV. fig. 10a (original figure). Fig. 226. ■•Cerithiiim herklotsi K. Martin"": Dickerson 1922. pi. 2. fig. 9a. =Cerithiiim jonkeri Martin, this paper. Fig. 227. Potamides herklotsi (Martin): Martin 1921. p. 473. pi. (Ill) LX. fig. 76. Fig. 228. ■■Strombiis cWfiisiis K. Martin"": Dickerson 1922. pi. 5. fig. 8. Not found in present study. Fig. 229. Fiisns verbeeki spec, nov.: Martin 1891-1906. p. 85. pi. XIII. fig. 195. ^■? Strombiis CD fnsiis spec nov.. Martin 1879-80. p. 50, pi. IX. fig. 9 (original figure). POPENOE & KLEINPELL: VIGO FORMATION AND ITS FAUNA 73 223 W 228 ' 229 wcv MBL WHOI LIBRARY liJH nCE Y