^ HARVARD UNIVERSITY Library of the Museum of Comparative Zoology MCZ LIBRARY OCCASIONAL PAPERS ^ ^^q. of the MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY The University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas NUMBER 145. PAGES 1-12 6 DECEMBER 1991 ANNOTATED CHECKLIST OF THE MAMMALS OF CUZCO AMAZONICO, PERU Neal Woodman", Robert M. Timm', Rosa Arana C.-, Victor Pacheco-, Cheryl a. Schmidt\ Errol D. Hooper', and Cecilia Pacheco A.- Complete or nearly complete inventories of mammalian species are available for few specific localities in the neotropics because of insufficient sampling. Inferences about abundances of most of the species inhabiting an area can be made for even fewer localities (e.g., Terborgh et al., 1984; Timm, in press). This lack of information severely limits our ability to compare mammalian faunas among sites or study broad patterns of mammalian distributions in the neotropics. The situation is aggravated by the increasing deterioration of natural habitats and the resulting extirpation of many species. To increase our knowledge of neotropical rain forest mammals, the mammal survey team of the neotropical Biological Diversity Program (BIOTROP) developed and tested a formal protocol for surveying neotropical mammals that allows direct comparisons to be made among sites. This study was one part of the BIOTROP pilot project, a joint venture by The University of Kansas Museum of Natural History (KU), Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (MUSM), Missouri Botanical Garden, and Harvard University. The goal of this project was to develop and 'Museum of Natural History and Department of Systematics and Ecology, The University of Kansas, Lawrence. Kansas 66045-2454, USA. "Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Apartado 14-0434. Lima-14, Peru. ^Department of Biology. University of South Dakota. Vemiillion, South Dakota 57069. USA. © Museum of Natural History. The University of Kansas, Lawrence. 2 UNIV. KANSAS MUS. NAT. HIST. OCC. PAP. No. 145 implement a strategy for rapidly inventorying neotropical sites to obtain data on species richness and associations of species for selected groups of organisms in relation to certain measurable environmental variables. The study site. Reserva Cuzco Amazonico. is a national wildlife reserve located along the north bank of the Rio Madre de Dios, 14 km east of Puerto Maldonado. Provincia de Tambopata, Departamento de Madre de Dios. southeastern Peru ( 1 2°33'S. 69°03'W). The Reserve is approximately 300 km east-northeast of the city of Cuzco and about 50 km west of the Bolivian border. The elevation of Cuzco Amazonico is approximately 200 m. Cuzco Amazonico includes approximately 10,000 ha of relatively undisturbed lowland rain forest under the management of Jose E. Koechlin. who operates a tourist lodge ( Albergue Cuzco Amazonico. SA) located near the southwest comer of the reserve. Two 500-m x 500-m study areas dedicated specifically to BIOTROP field studies were established within the Reserve. One study area. Zone 1, was in seasonally inundated swamp forest, whereas the second. Zone 2. was located in lowland forest relatively free of standing water throughout the year. A complete description of the study zones including maps was presented in Duellman and Koechlin (1991). Amphibians and reptiles from Cuzco Amazonico were described by Duellman and Salas ( 1 99 1 ); a list of the birds from the Reserve was provided by Davis et al. ( 1 99 1 ). The list of mammals presented herein (Table 1 ) represents the preliminary results of field work completed by the BIOTROP mammal survey team at Reserva Cuzco Amazonico from 8 June-20 July 1989 and 19 January- 1 March 1990. More detailed accounts of the natural histories of the mammal species we encountered are in preparation and will be presented in a forthcoming paper. We also include records of specimens collected at this locality by J. E. Cadle, J. L. Patton, E. D. Pierson, R. M. Warner, and E. Yensen at various times between 1 979 and 1 984; these specimens are deposited in the collections of the MUSM, the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, and the College of Idaho Museum of Natural History, Caldwell. All species of marsupials, bats, and rodents that we captured are represented by voucher specimens deposited at MUSM and KU. METHODS Small terrestrial and arboreal mammals were surveyed primarily by trapping along four 500-m long trails that marked the boundaries of the two BIOTROP study zones. Trap stations were located at approximately 20-m intervals along each trail and consisted of two pairs of traps, each of which included a Sherman live trap and a Victor rat trap. One pair of traps was placed on the ground and the other located from 0.2-2 m above the ground on branches, lianas, fallen trees, or in shrubs. Trapping was carried out for 12 MAMMALS OF CUZCO AMAZONICO 3 consecutive days on each trail. Traps were baited with peanut butter mixed with rolled oats for 6 days and a suet-seed-fruit mixture for 6 days. Trap stations along two trails (one trail per zone; a total of 200 traps) were monitored simultaneously. Trapping was conducted in the zones once during the dry season (June-July ) and once in the wet season (January-February), for a total of 9.600 trapnights. This was augmented by additional trapping in areas containing habitat types not represented in the two zones to sample other species that might occur in the Reserve. Tomahawk live traps were used to sample medium-sized mammals too large for Sherman or Victor traps. One Tomahawk trap was placed every 1 00 m along traplines in the zones. Mist nets were used to capture bats along forest trails, in clearings, and over streams. We were unable to sample the forest canopy. Larger mammals were censused by recording sightings of the animals or identifiable tracks. More detailed accounts of our mammal sampling techniques and results will be published at a later date. We estimated abundances of small marsupials and rodents from the absolute numbers of captures in the zones. Abundances of other mammals were estimated from frequency of sightings and from previous knowledge about their habits and habitat requirements (e.g.. nocturnal vs. diurnal; wide- ranging vs. relatively sedentary). These estimates are influenced by the likelihood of these animals to enter traps, their attraction to baits, and possibly, seasonal and /or annual abundances in the habitats encompassed by the study zones. Populations of a mammal species in the tropics can vary greatly in numbers from year to year; however, our estimates provide a baseline from which more intensive population studies can be undertaken. Disturbance resulting from our activities in the study areas probably affected the number of sightings of mid-sized and larger mammals. Because of this, we undoubtedly have underestimated abundances of some species. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Reserva Cuzco Amazonico supports a mammalian fauna of at least 100 species belonging to 9 orders and 28 families (Table 1). Included are 9 marsupials, 42 bats, 7 primates, 5 xenarthrans, 1 rabbit, 24 rodents, 9 carnivores, 1 tapir, and 2 artiodactyls. On the basis of our observations of mammals in adjacent areas (e.g., Lago Sandoval), reports in the published literature, and our knowledge of species' distributions and habitat requirements, we estimate that an additional marsupial, 12 bats, 6 monkeys, 4 xenarthrans, 3 rodents, 6 carnivores, and 3 artiodactyls probably are occasional or scarce members of the fauna. If a total of 135 mammal species is correct, our efforts recorded 74% of the mammal fauna of Cuzco Amazonico. Seven mammal species collected by us from Cuzco Amazonico represent 4 UNIV. KANSAS MUS. NAT. HIST. OCC. PAP. No. 145 either extensions of known ranges or are among first records for Departamento de Madre de Dios. Our specimens of Marmosops parvidens. Philander andersoni. and Molossus coibensis are the first records of these species from southeastern Peru, and the specimens of Neacomys tenuipes are the first reported from Peru. Despite intensive effort, we were able to collect only a single specimen of Moiiodelphis adusta. This is the first published record for the species from Departamento de Madre de Dios. Two Peroptery.x leucoptera, collected from a day roost in a hollow fomied by the struts of a large, fallen tree, represent a considerable southern extension of the known range of this bat; this is only the second record of this rare emballonurid from Peru. Our record of Choloepus hoffmauui is the southernmost for the species. Recently, Ascorra et al. (1991) reported the first specimens from Departamento de Madre de Dios of Choeroniscus minor, Micronycteris minuta, Mimon crenukitum, and Rhiuophylla piimilio from the Manu National Park area; we captured individuals of these species at Cuzco Amazonico as well. Small terrestrial rodents and marsupials at Cuzco Amazonico are extremely abundant and diverse, in contrast to other lowland tropical sites. Twenty-three rodent species (exclusive of introduced murids) are confirmed from Cuzco Amazonico, in contrast to 1 5 species known from moist, lowland forest at La Selva, Costa Rica (Timm et al., 1989; Wilson, 1990), 15 species from Barro Colorado Island, Panama (Glanz, 1990), and 16 species from forest north of Manaus, Brazil ( Malcolm. 1 990). The rodent fauna is most comparable to that at Cocha Cashu. Peru, from which 24 species are known (Janson and Emmons, 1990). Bats, which are generally abundant at other lowland tropical sites where we have worked (see also Janzen and Wilson, 1983), were much less common at Cuzco Amazonico. For example, in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica, we typically could capture 10-15 individuals or more in a 3-hr period. Atypical catch at Cuzco Amazonico during the same time period was four to six individuals. Bat diversity also was somewhat low (42 confirmed species) in contrast to La Selva (63 species; Wilson, 1990), but in part, this may reflect our inability to sample in the canopy. Additional field work concentrating on bats undoubtedly will increase the number of species known from Cuzco Amazonico. We found that white-tailed deer, peccaries, tapirs, larger monkeys, and other large "game" animals were uncommon to rare. Although wildlife at Reserva Cuzco Amazonico has protected status, there are no full-time game wardens, and poaching continues to occur. Populations of some mammals at Cuzco Amazonico have undergone changes just within the last few years. When Eric Yensen and Richard Warner visited the Reserve in 1 984. Mctachirits nudicaiidatiis and Philander andersoni were quite common and Didelphis niarsupialis were so rare that they saw only a single individual (E. Yensen. pers. comm.). During our survey of the fauna 5 years later, Metachirus and Philander were uncommon, whereas Didelphis were very abundant. MAMMALS OF CUZCO AMAZONICO 5 Until quite recently, most of the smaller, long-tailed mouse-opossums of the family Didelphidae from Central and South America were included together under the single generic name Mannosa. We concur with Gardner and Creighton (1989) that this diversity is better represented taxonomically by the recognition of several genera. Hence, herein we use Mannosa for the species M. mitrina. Mavmosaps for M. noctira^us and M. parvidens. and Micoureiis forM. vegina. We follow Hershkovitz (pers. comm.) in recognizing Philander andersoni as specifically distinct from P. opossum. Taxonomy of the fruit-eating bats of the gQnw:^ Artiheus is currently under debate and much of it is in need of revision. For the purposes of this paper, we follow Koopman (1978) in considering the large, widely distributed form in the Amazon Basin, A. planirostris. as a distinct species; it sometimes is considered a subspecies of A. jamaicensis. We follow Handley (1989) in recognizing the large, blackish /\/Y/7k^z/5 of the Amazon Basin as A. obscurus; this species previously has been reported under the names A. "'daxisir A. fuliginosus, andAJamaicensisfullginosus. Koopman (pers. comm.) considers A. obscurus to be a subspecies of A. jamaicensis. We follow Owen (1987) in recognizing the smaller members of this group as a separate genus, Dermanura. Taxonomy of the small, fruit-eating bat, Dermanura cinerea, is problematic. Handley ( 1 989) restricted this species to the Atlantic and Caribbean coastline of South America, from Brazil to Venezuela. Our specimens clearly represent a single species, and they are distinct from D. anderseni, D. glauca. and D. glioma. The only appropriate name available for the specimens from Cuzco Amazonico isD. cinerea, 2ind they match Handley 's description and measure- ments fairly well. In the checklist we follow Hall ( 1981 ) and Gardner and Ferrell (1990) in recognizing Platyrrhinus as the senior synonym of Vampyrops. Spiny mice of the genus Neacomys are poorly known, and the taxonomy of these diminutive, spiny cricetids is greatly in need of revision. We refer larger members of the genus (total length of skull [GLS] > 21.5; maxillary toothrow [MTR] > 2.7 ) from Cuzco Amazonico to the widespread species. A'. spinosus. The smaller Neacomys (GLS < 21.5; MTR < 2.7) are refeired tentatively to N. tenuipes. although their average dimensions are somewhat smaller than those previously reported for this species (Lawrence, 1 94 1 ). This is the first time that two species of these spiny mice have been reported from the same site in Peru. Specimens of Rhipidomys from Cuzco Amazonico clearly represent two species, the larger of which (GLS > 36.0; head and body length [HB] > 140) we refer to R. couesi. Although the genus is being revised (C. Tribe, pers. comm.). species of Rhipidomys currently are poorly defined and there is a confusing array of available names. Because of this, we refer to the smaller species from Cuzco Amazonico as Rhipidomys sp. 2. Inspection by one of us (Timm) of specimens of Rhipidomys from Manu National Park, deposited at 6 UNIV. KANSAS MUS. NAT. HIST. OCC. PAP. No. 143 the U.S. National Museum, indicates that these are conspecific with our R. couesi from Cuzco Amazonico. Previously, these specimens were reported as R. leucodactylus by Terborgh et al. (1984). In Table 1 mammalian orders are aiTanged following Hall ( 198 1 ). Families within orders, genera within families, and species within genera are listed alphabetically. Table 1 . Mammals of Cuzco Amazonico, Peru. Abbreviations. — Abundance: A = abundant, often observed and /or captured in appropriate habitats; small teirestrial /arboreal mammals represented by more than 15 captures in zones. C = common, frequently observed and /or captured in appropriate habitats; 10-15 captures in zones. U = uncommon, occasionally observed and /or captured in appropriate habitats; 5-10 captures in zones. R = rare, few sightings /captures in appropriate habitats; <5 captures in zones. P = probable, likely to occur in this area, but not observed or captured; in some cases, this may be the result of seasonal movements, rarity, or difficulty in discovery owing to habits and /or size. L = found at nearby Lago Sandoval, but not known at present from Cuzco Amazonico. An asterisk (* ) signifies that the species was observed, but is not represented by voucher specimens. Macrohabitats: A = arboreal; C = commensal with human habitations; T = terrestrial; V = volant; W = aquatic or aquatic margin. Taxon Abundance Macrohabitat Marsupicarnivora Didelphidae Caluromys lauatus Chironectes minimus Didelphis marsiipialis Marmosa mwina Marmosops noctivagiis M. parviclens Metachirus nmlicaiidatus Micoweus regina Mouodelphis adusta P Inlander andcrsoni Chiroptera Emballonuridae Peroptevyx leucoptera Rhynchonyctcris naso * Saccopteryx hdineata S. leptura Molossidae Molossus coihensis Noctilionidae Noctilio alhiventris N. leporinus R A,T, W P W A A.T,W R A,T A A,T U A,T u T A A,T R T U W,T U V L V U V U V R C P V V V MAMMALS OF CUZCO AMAZONICO Table 1 . Continued Taxon Abundance Macrohabitat Phyllostomidae Anoiira caudifer P V Artiheus lituratus A V A. ohscuvus A V A. planiwstris A V Carol I ia hrevicaucla A V C. castanea A V C. perspiciUata C V Chirodenna salviiii R V C. villositni R V Choeroniscus minor R V Chrotopterus awitiis R V Dermauura cinerea U V D. hart a P V Desmodus rotundus R V Glossophaga soricina C V Lionycteris spurrelli P V Lonchophylla thomasi R V MacrophyUiim macrophyllum P V Micronycteris inegalotis R V M. niiniita R V Mimon crenulatum R V Phylloderma stenops P V Phyllostomus elongatiis U V P. hastatus c V Platyrrhimis braclncephalus u V P. dorsalis p V P. infiisciis R V Rhiiiophylla puniilio C V Sphaeronycteris toxophylluni P V Sturuira liliiuu C V S. magna P V S. tildae R V Tonafia hidens P V T. silvicola R V Trachops cirrhosus R V Uroderma bilohatum C V U. magnirostritm R V Vampyressa macconnelli C V V. piisilla C V Vampyrodes caraccioli P V \ dmpyruni spectrum R V Thyropteridae Tliyroptera tricolor R V 8 UNIV. KANSAS MUS. NAT. HIST. OCC. PAP. No. 145 Table 1 . Continued Tax on Abundance Macrohabitat Vespertilionidae Eptesicus brasiliensis R V Lasiiinis ega R V Myotis albescens R V M. nigricans U V M. riparius R V Primates Callithrichidae Callimico goeldii P A.T Cebuella pygmaea P A Saguinus fuscicoUis * C A S. imperator P A Cebidae Alouatta seniculus * R A Aotus nigriceps * C A Ateles paniscus P A Callicebus moloch P A Cebus albifrons * R A C. apella * R A Lagothrix lagothhcha * R A Pithecia monaclms P A Saimih boliviensis * C A Xenarthra Bradypodidae Bvadypus variegatus U A Dasypodidae Cabassous unicinctus P T Dasypus kappleri P T D. novemciuctus u T Priodontes maximus p T Megalonychidae Choloepiis hojfmanni u A Mymiecophagidae Cyclopes didactyliis p A Myrmecophaga tridactyla * R T Tamandua tetradactyla * u A,T Lagomorpha Leporidae Sylvilagus brasiliensis * u T Rodentia Agoutidae Agouti paca * u T MAMMALS OF CUZCO AMAZONICO Table 1 . Continued Taxon Abundance Macrohabitat R T R T R W A A U A R A U C A T A T U T u A u A A T R T Cricetidae Neacomys spiuosus N. temiipes Nectomys squamipes Oecomys hicolov O. tapajinus O. super a ns Oligoryzomys microtis Oiyzomys capita O. niditus O. yunganus RJiipidomys couesi Rlupidomys sp. 2 Dasyproctidae Dasyprocta variegata Myoprocta pratti Dinomyidae Dinoniys hnuuckii Echimyidae Dactylomys dactylinus Isothrix bistriata Mesomys hispidus Proechimys brevicauda P. simonsi P. steerei Erethizontidae Coendoii bicolor Hydrochaeridae Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris Muridae Rattus rattus Sciuridae Sciurus ignitus S. spadiceiis Carnivora Canidae Atelocynus microtis * Speothos venaticus Felidae Felis concolor * F. pardalis F. wiedii F. yagoiiaroundi * P R A C U C R P U C A R P R R P R A,T A A A T T T A,T A C A A T T T T T,A T 10 UNIV. KANSAS MUS. NAT. HIST. OCC. PAP. No. 145 Table 1 . Continued Taxon Abundance Macrohabitat Panthera oiica * R T Mustelidae Galictis virtata * R T.W Eira harhara * R T,A Luira hngicaudis * L W Miistela sp.* R T Pteronura hrasiliensis * L W Procyonidae Bassaricyon gahhii P A Nasua nasiia P T,A Potosflavus * R A Perissodactyla Tapiridae Tapinis terrestris * R W Artiodactyla Cervidae Mazama americaua P T M. gouazouhira P T Odocoileiis virginianiis * R T Tayassuidae Tayassu pecari * P T T. tajacn U T ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Field work was supported by National Geographic Society grant 40 1 6-89. Funds for travel by Peruvian personnel were granted by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONCYTEC) to the Asociacion de Ecologia y Conservacion (ECCO). We are grateful to William E. Duellman. Director of BIOTROP, for his skillful coordination of held work at Cuzco Amazonico. Philip S. Humphrey, Director of the Museum of Natural History. The University of Kansas, provided considerable moral and financial support. Gerardo Lamas M.. Director of the Museo de Historia Natural. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, arranged for interinstitutional collaboration. B.Anthony Luscombe. Vice President of ECCO, was instrumental in providing outstanding logistical support. We are particularly indebted to Jose E. Koechlin, owner of the Cuzco Amazonico Lodge, whose good will and interest provided impetus, as well as excellent facilities, for our work. Blgo. Jose Purisaca P. of the Direccion General Forestal y de Fauna. Ministerio de Agricultura. Lima, issued permits. James L. Patton. Barbara R. Stein, and Eric Yensen graciously allowed us access to specimens from Cuzco Amazonico MAMMALS OF CUZCOAMAZONICO 11 under their care and freely shared information with us. Michael D. Carleton, Alfred L. Gardner, and Bruce D. Patterson pennitted us to examine South American comparative material in collections under their stewardship. Michael Carleton. Guy G. Musser, Karl F. Koopman, and Ronald H. Pine aided us with the respective taxonomies of Oecomys; Oryzoinys: bats of the genera Artlheus, Dcnnaniira, and Myotis: and mouse opossums. We thank our North American and Peruvian colleagues who worked with us at Cuzco Amazonico and whose contribution of specimens and /or observations of mammals aided our work there. Daixel R. Frost assisted with specimen preparation in the field: Bryant W. Buchanan and Erik R. Wild contributed significantly to our knowledge of the mammals of Cuzco Amazonico, and John J. Weins provided masterful assistance with armadillos. Thor Holmes skillfully prepared the skeletal material. Cesar Ascorra. William Duellman, Philip Humphrey. Philip Myers, James Patton. and Linda Trueb critiqued earlier versions of this manuscript, providing comments that improved it substantially. RESUMEN El trabajo de campo realizado por el equipo mastozoologico del Programa de Biodiversidad Biologica Neotropical (BIOTROP) en la Reserva Cuzco Amazonico, Departamento de Madre de Dios, Peru, dio por resultado un inventario de las especies de mamiferos que habitan en esta localidad. La fauna de mamiferos de Cuzco Amazonico consta de un minimo de 100 especies pertenecientes a 9 ordenes. Esta fauna incluye 9 marsupiales, 42 quiropteros, 7 primates, 5 xenarthros, I lagomorfo, 24 roedores, 9 camivoros, 1 perisodactilo, y 2 artiodactilos. Siete especies representan nuevos registros que extienden los ranges de distribucion conocidos. Los pequeiios roedores y marsupiales ten-estres de Cuzco Amazonico son mas abundantes y diversos en comparacion a los de otras localidades de la selva baja neotropical. Los murcielagos, normalmente muy abundantes en estos liltimos sitios, son menos comunes en Cuzco Amazonico. LITERATURE CITED AscoRRA, C. P., D. E. Wilson, and M. Romo. 1991. Lista anotada de los quiropteros del Parque Nacional Manu, Peru. Publ. Mus. Hist. Nat.. Univ. Nac. May. San Marcos, Serie A Zoologia 42:1-14. Davis, T. J., C. Fox. L. Salinas, G. Ballon, and C. Arana 1 99 1 . Annotated checklist of the birds of Cuzco Amazonico. Peru. Occas. Pap. Mus. Nat. Hist., Univ. Kansas 144:1-19. Duellman, W. E., and J. E. Koechlin. 1991. The Reserva Cuzco Amazonico, Peru: Biological investigations, conservation, and ecotourism. Occas. Pap. Mus. Nat. Hist. Univ. Kansas 142:1-38. 12 UNIV. KANSAS MUS. NAT. HIST. OCC. PAP. No. 145 DuELLMAN. W. E., AND A. W. Salas. 1 99 1 . Annotated checklist of the amphibians and reptiles of Cuzco Amazonico, Peru. Occas. Pap. Mus. Nat. Hist. Univ. Kansas 143:1-13. Gardner, A. L., and G. K. Creighton. 1989. A new generic name for Tate's (1933) Microtarsus group of South American mouse opossums (Marsupialia: Didelphidae). Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 102:3-7. Gardner, A. L., and C. S. Ferrell. 1990. Comments on the nomenclature of some Neotropical bats { Mammalia: Chiroptera). Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 103:501- 508. Glanz, W. E. 1990. Neotropical mammal densities: how unusual is the community on Barro Colorado Island. Panama? Pp. 287-313 //; A. H. Gentry (ed.). Four Neotropical Rainforests. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale Univ. Press. Hall, E. R. 1 98 1 . Tlie Mammals of North America. 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Handley, C. O., Jr. 1989. The Artibeus of Gray 1838. Pp. 443^68 //; K. H. Redford and J. F. Eisenberg (eds.), Advances in Neotropical Mammalogy. Gainesville, Florida: The Sandhill Crane Press, Inc. Janson, C. H.. and L. H. Emmons. 1 990. Ecological structure of the nonfly ing mammal community at Cocha Cashu Biological Station, Manu National Park, Peru. Pp. 314-338 //; A. H. Gentry (ed.). Four Neotropical Rainforests. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale Univ. Press. Janzen, D. H., and D. E. Wilson. 1983. Mammals: Introduction. Pp. 426-442 in D. H. ]anzen (ed.). Costa Rican Natural History. Chicago, Illinois: Univ. of Chicago Press. KooPMAN, K. F. 1978. Zoogeography of Peruvian bats with special emphasis on the role of the Andes. Amer. Mus. Novitates 265 1 : 1-33. Lawrence,B. 1941. A^frtto/HVi^ from northwestern South America. J. Mamm. 22:418- 427. Malcolm, J. R. 1990. Estimation of mammalian densities in continuous forest north of Manaus. Pp. 339-357 //; A. H. Gentry (ed.). Four Neotropical Rainforests. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale Univ. Press. Owen, R. D. 1987. Phylogenetic analysis of the bat subfamily Stenodemiatinae (Mammalia: Chiroptera). Spec. Publ. Mus. Texas Tech Univ. 26:1-65. Terborgh, J. W., J. W. Fitzpatrick, and L. Emmons. 1984. Annotated checklist of bird and mammal species of Cocha Cachu Biological Station, Manu National Park, Peru. Fieldiana Zool. (New Series) 2 1 : 1-29. TiMM, R. M. In press. The mammalian fauna of La Selva. //; L. A. McDade, K. S. Bawa, H. A. Hespenheide, and G. S. Hartshorn (eds.). La Selva: Ecology and Natural History of a Tropical Rainforest. Chicago, Illinois: Organization for Tropical Studies and Univ. of Chicago Press. Timm, R. M., D. E. Wilson, B. L. Clauson, R. K. LaVal, and C. S. Vaugh.an. 1989. Mammals of the La Selva-Braulio Carrillo complex, Costa Rica. N.Am. Fauna 75:1-162. Wilson, D. E. 1990. Mammals of La Selva, Costa Rica. Pp. 273-286 //; A. H. Gentry (ed.). Four Neotropical Rainforests. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale Univ. Press. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PUBLICATIONS The University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History, beginning with volume 1 in 1946, was discontinued with volume 20 in 1971. Shorter research papers formerly published in the above series are now published as The University of Kansas Museum of Natural History Occasional Papers. The University of Kansas Museum of Natural History Miscellaneous Publications began with number 1 in 1946. Longer research papers are published in that series. 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