OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES No. 31, 24 pages, 6 tables. December 31, 1961 CYCLES AND GEOCHRONOLOGY* By Henry P. Hansen Oregon State University The phenomenon of the cyclic nature of the universe and its impact upon the earth's inhabitants is practically inescapable. In fact much of our culture has developed and evolved in response to the vast number of cycles that exist in our environment. A cycle constitutes a sequence of events which progres- ses until it attains the place or time where it began, but it need not exhibit rhythmicity or periodicity. Many cycles do have rhythmicity and the annual and diurnal cycles are perhaps the most important and significant in influ- encing living systems. Variation in the seasonal photo-period is an excel- lent example of a cycle that has a pronounced effect upon the reproductive cycles of many plants and animals. There is evidence that sunspot cycles have had strong influence in controlling not only biological periodicity in various activities of organisms, but even social and economic trends. Then there are the astronomic and cosmic cycles which involve the universe itself and may be measured in terms of millions and even billions of years, caused by the movements and relative positions of the components of the solar system and other bodies of the universe. The direct cause of a rhythmic cycle may be obscured because of the complexity of the ecological system of which it is a part. There has been a well pronounced rhythm of 9.6 years in the abun- dance of the lynx in Canada for 224 years, and in the abundance of rabbits, tularemia, and ticks, all of which may be part of the ecological system of •Presidential address presented at the 41st annual meeting of the Pacific Division; AAAS, University of Oregon, Eugene; June 15, 1960. 2 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (Occ. Papers the lynx. A 9.6 year rhythm for tent caterpillars in New Jersey, Atlantic Salmon in Canada, human heart disease in northeastern United States, and the acreage planted to wheat in the United States, however, probably does not relate to an ecological system in which these four components are invol- ved. There are many economic cycles such as pig iron prices, cigarette pro- duction, cotton prices, and business failures that are evident, but for which there is no explanation at present. Dendrochronology has demonstrated a close correlation between the annual ring growth in trees and sunspot cycles. Dating of successive moraines by retreating Alaska glaciers in the past 200 years shows a close correlation with the 11-year sunspot cycle. In southwest Africa, pre-Cambrian varves 500 million to 1 billion years old show a cyclic rhythm of 11.5 years. It is not my intention to discuss the causes of cycles but to review the interpretations of some of the records left by plants and animals and their chronological correlation with geological events and climatic trends. Only a few of these events are recorded, and their chronology in most cases can be only general and approximate. Man has always been interested in trying to interpret prehistoric events and conditions and to correlate the paleoen- vironment with the paleobiota. The sciences of paleontology, climatology, paleoecology, paleogeography, archeology, geology, geobotany, geochemistry, and palynology, are some of the tools which have helped him obtain a picture of the past. In the several billions of years of the earth's existence, there is evi- dence of innumerable cycles. As one goes back in the earth's history, how- ever, the magnitude and generalities of the cycles increase and become less well defined because the record becomes more sparse and sporadic and more difficult to interpret. In addition to the fossil record of plants and animals, various earth processes such as diastrophism, volcanism, erosion, deposition, weathering, and glaciation provide evidence for cycles and chronology. One of the most interesting and intensely interpreted phases of past environments is that of climate. Paleoclimate is recorded and reflected in a number of ways by the fossil record and by geological processes, which in their inter- relations may provide a very complex pattern which is not always easy to decipher. There is evidence in the records that climate has followed a cyclic pattern, and that these cycles have been of varying periods with the shorter superimposed upon the longer ones. Climate in itself is an expression of the conditions and characteristics of the atmosphere which are evanescent. It is the sum total of the weather over a period of time, either long or short. The atmospheric conditions of yesterday do not leave their record for long and in many cases not at all. Many earth processes are directly or indirectly con- trolled by climate which leaves its imprint physically in and on features of the earth. A strong wind may leave its record in fossil wave ripples on a sandy beach or playa lake, a heavy downpour may be recorded by a deposition No. 3D HANSEN: CYCLES AND GEOCHRONOLOGY 3 of sediments, and a melting glacier may record its recession by moraines or the lamination of sediments in a nearby glacial lake. Changes in plant and animal populations representing biotic succession and migration of the past are also indicators of climatic trends and fluctuations. One of the most interesting and significant interpretations of life, geo- logical processes, and events of the past is that of chronology. While the evidence and records may be readily accessible, dating of their existence and happenings is not always possible. The relative stratigraphic positions of fossils indicate their time of existence in relation to one another, but not the absolute dates. Estimates have been made with some degree of accuracy, however, particularly of more recent events. They have been based upon observed earth processes and applying the chronology to similar processes of the past as evidenced by the strata and the stratigraphic position and re- lationships. These include rate of delta building, retreat of earth features by erosion, stream dissection, weathering, soil development, and deposition of sediments including varved clays, peat, and other organic materials. Ab- normal strata, whose occurrence indicates an interruption by some external environmental change, also serve as chronological markers. These include such strata as volcanic materials, soil horizons, forest beds, oxidized peat, caliche, woody layers in peat, fire horizons, and others. These are especial- ly valuable if their occurrence is fairly consistent and regional. During the past ten years, the development of geochemical techniques has provided the means of fairly accurately dating materials of great age. The thousands of dates which have been obtained by geochemical means have enabled the chronologist to attach absolute dates to prehistoric materials and to construct a time table for many of the major events of the past million years. The most significant and momentous geologic event of the Pleistocene was glaciation. Curing the earth's history there have been at least four periods when ice sheets formed and spread out from centers of accumulation, during which time the climate was probably cooler than at present. These glacial periods have been of comparatively short duration, however, and most of the time the earth has had a genial climate favorable for the existence and evolu- tion of life. Previous to the Pleistocene, there is evidence that glaciation occurred during the late Proterozoic, the Carboniferous, and the Permian. During the Pleistocene or "ice age" there were four or five major gla- ciations covering a period estimated from 300,000 to 1,000,000 years. There were at least four substages of the last glaciation known as the Wisconsin, and it is probable that each major glaciation had a number of substages or minor advances and retreats. Dating of deep-sea cores by geochemical tech- niques suggest that the Riss-Illinoian glaciation ranges from 100,000 to 125,000 years ago, the Mindel-Kansan from 165,000 to 200,000 years ago, and the Gunz-Nebraskan glaciation from 265,000 to 290,000 years ago. Radio- carbon dating indicates that there were major glacial stages around 60,000 4 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (Occ. Papers years ago and 20,000 years ago, with substages about 13,500, 11,000 and 7,000 years ago (table 1). These are probably all stages of the late Wisconsin glaciation, and the latter substages will be discussed later. Because of the important part that radiocarbon dating has played in developing a late glacial and postglacial chronology it seems pertinent to present a brief discussion of the method. Radioactive carbon (C14) is formed by cosmic rays bombarding nitrogen atoms in the earth's atmosphere. It emits beta rays and disintegrates to nitrogen. Carbon14 has a half life of about 5,570 years, and by measuringthe amountofC14 in a substance, it is possible to calculate the time elapsed since the active carbon was formed. Carbon dioxide of the atmosphere, soil, and water contains a minute fraction of C14 and is absorbed by plants and synthesized in their tissues. Animals eat plant material so they also contain C14. Living organisms maintain an equili- brium between the rate of formation and the rate of decay, but upon death and cessation of metabolism, radioactive disintegration takes place and the total amount of C'4 is reduced with time. The amount of C14 remaining indicates the amount of time elapsed since death of the organism. A maximum of 50,000 years can be dated with assurance of reasonable accuracy, but the possible error increases with age. Artifacts of known age up to 5,000 years have been radiocarbon dated, and the dates are reliable, while dates for prehistoric materials show a consistence to warrant confidence in the method. In addition to the source of laboratory errors, the interchange of C14 between organisms and the environment obviously results in the re-use of older carbon as well as dilution with ancient dead carbon. Percolation of ground water containing young carbon may result in its absorption by old carbonaceous material, thus presenting a younger date than is actually the case. A logical consistency in an ever-increasing number of dates of many different materials in many different situations vouches for the reliability and validity of the method. Peat, wood charcoal, shells, and bone are most commonly dated, while inor- ganic carbonates precipitated in saline lakes of the Great Basin have provided a significant chronology of their pluvial and postpluvial history. Before the development of geochemical dating techniques, including radiocarbon assay, a fairly accurate chronology of the late glacial and post- glacial time had been developed in northern Europe. Here the chronology was worked out on practically an absolute time basis by the study of varves, or layers of sediments deposited in standing bodies of water. In northern Europe and North America varves are associated with the melting of glaciers and are formed in glacial lakes as annual layers. The seasonal gradation of size of particle provides a sharp demarcation between the finer particles de- posited late in the season and the coarser particles laid down early in the season of the following year. The thickness of the varves varies from year to year and if they are exposed in cross section, they may be counted and the number of years represented at a given site determined. The Swedish No. 3D HANSEN: CYCLES AND GEOCHRONOLOGY 5 geologist, De Geer, recognized the potential value of varves in late glacial and postglacial chronology and in 1879 began a thorough and systematic study of varve beds. By measuring and counting the varves at one site he found considerable variation in thickness, and by correlating sequences of varve variation in thickness from one site to another, he was able to determine the time required for the ice to retreat from that site to one farther north. This correlation method is analogous to the cross-dating in tree-ring studies. A Finno-Swedish varve chronology includes about 11,600 years, of which 10,150 are considered to represent the northern European postglacial. This is strik- ingly similar to the radiocarbon date for the Two Creeks forest bed in Wis- consin, which marks the Mankato-Valders stage of the late Wisconsin and is generally accepted as the approximate beginning of the postglacial in North America, as will be discussed later. One of the most important research tools in the study of paleoclimatology, history of vegetation, and chronology, especially for the Quaternary, is that of pollen analysis. Since the time of its inception, the study of fossil pollen in Quaternary deposits has been commonly spoken of as pollen analysis, but with more extensive application of the method and the identification of fossil spores of greater age, a broader, and more comprehensive and inclusive term was needed. In 1944 the term "palynology" was suggested by Hyde and Williams. Palynology from the Greek "paluno" means to strew or sprinkle; cf. , pale, fine meal; cognate with the Latin pollen, flour, dust; the study of pollen and other spores and their dispersal, and applications thereof. The term "palynology" was readily adopted by workers in the field and has been adopted as the official name for the science of pollen analysis and all of its ramifications. Modern pollen analysis per se made its debut in 1916 at Oslo, Norway, when Lennart von Post presented the first modern percentage-pollen analysis in a lecture to the Scandinavian scientists' meeting. Fossil pollen grains were first observed in prequaternary sediments as early as 1836, and the significance of the occurrence of pollen grains in postglacial sediments was noted in 1893. The Swiss Geologist J. Fruh published a paper in 1885 on characteristics of peat in which he listed many of the pollen grains present. Other Germans and Scandinavians made early contributions to the literature on pollen in sediments, but von Post deserves the credit for working out the first pollen profiles in which changes in the pollen proportions were shown from bottom to top. The immediate and direct interpretation of pollen profiles is into terms of vegetational succession during the time represented and within range of pollen dispersal to the site of the sediments. The various stages of succes- sion as recorded by the composition of the vegetation, indicate the environ- mental influence upon the vegetation as well as the normal vegetation succession controlled by the synecological and autecological characteristics 6 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (Occ. Papers of the species involved. Paleoclimate in its general trends is perhaps the most significant direct interpretation of the vegetational record. Considerable attention has been paid to the chronological aspects of pollen analysis, and correlated with other sources of chronological data, a rather definite and probably fairly accurate late glacial and postglacial se- quence of events has been determined. Radiocarbon dates have been the most significant factors in building this chronology. It is interesting to note, however, that the general chronology and sequence of late glacial and post- glacial events and climate as interpreted from pollen profiles and varves before the advent of radiocarbon dating have been remarkably accurate. The postglacial period of northern Europe, beginning about 10,000 years ago, as based upon varved clay sequences and recurrence surfaces, is divided into five phyto-climatic periods (table 2). The first stage is known as the Pre- Boreal which persisted for about 600 years and was characterized by forests of birch and pine and a cool wet climate. This was succeeded by the warmer and dryer Boreal stage lasting about 1000 years during which time the forests were composed largely of pine and hazel. In Sweden, this period may have lasted for 1500 years. A longer period of continued warmth and greater moisture was characterized by forests of oak, elm, and linden. Including a transition stage, this period, known as the Atlantic, persisted for about 4000 years in Denmark (table 2). A well defined interval, known as the Sub-Boreal succeeded the Atlantic and the climate became warm and dry supporting forests of oak, ash, and linden. The end of this stage is marked by a well oxidized stratum of peat of wide spread occurrence in the peat beds of northern Europe, over- lain by fresh and unoxidized peat. This layer has been dated at about 600 B.C. The final postglacial stage of perhaps 2500 years duration to the pre- sent, saw a return to cooler and wetter climate supporting forests of oak and beech in Denmark and alder, oak, and birch in the British Isles (table 2). While these periods are marked by general climatic conditions, there have been many lesser fluctuations during each stage, and during the last several thousands of years there have been rather marked changes in glacial movements that suggest corresponding changes in climate. The warmest and driest stage during the postglacial in northern Europe, the Sub-Boreal, has been called the xerothermic period. The end of this time is marked by a recurrence horizon in the peat beds of northern Europe. In fact there are numerous such horizons in the peat sediments, which are char- acterized by a layer of oxidized woody peat, indicating a lowering of the water table in the bogs, resulting in humidification of the organic material. With a return to wetter conditions and subsequent raising of the water table, the shrubby vegetation was replaced with bog mosses. In cross section, a distinct horizon is evident. The Swedish postglacial chronology includes a total of 5 recurrence surfaces, and probably more, dating back to about 3500 B.C. (table 3). Since recurrence surfaces constitute a change from drier to No. 31) HANSEN: CYCLES AND GEOCHRONOLOGY moister climate, they denote recurring dryness at general intervals of 500 to 600 years and 1000 to 1200 years in support of a fundamental climatic cycle of about 550 years and another at about 1100 years interval. These periods of alternating drought and moisture have been almost synchronous throughout Europe since 2300 B.C., and may correspond to similar cycles of bog drying and regeneration in North American bogs. An excellent point of departure for considering the postglacial time in North America seems to be about 10,000 to 12,000 years. One of the signifi- cant radiocarbon dates is that of wood from the Two Creeks forest bed in Wisconsin, located in wave-cut cliffs of Lake Michigan in northern Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, about 25 miles within the maximum extent of the Mankato ice. An average age of about 11,400 years for five samples of wood and peat was determined. Inasmuch as the ice overrode the forest and moved another 25 miles south, the ice (Mankato maximum) is younger and a figure of about 11,000 years seems to be reasonable. Many additional radiocarbon dates from materials that indicate a similar chronological relation to their encom- passing drifts, suggest that 11,000 years for this maximum advance of the last stage of the late Wisconsin glaciation was fairly consistent throughout the northern United States. The Two Creeks forest interval probably represents a warmer period more or less concurrent with the Allerbd of northern Germany and Denmark, during which forests of birch and pine flourished between 11,000 and 12,000 years ago (table 2). In eastern United States, Deevey has carefully worked out a chronology of vegetation changes for at least 15,000 years showing a close chronological correlation with the northern European sequence (table 2). The first was tundra which persisted until 14,000 years ago, followed by forests of spruce, pine, and birch for 1000 years or so. A brief return to tundra conditions is suggested by pollen of tundra herbs, again to be invaded by forests consisting of spruce, pine, fir, and oak during the Pre-Boreal. Continued warming favored increase of pine during the Boreal, while persistent warmth accompanied by increased moisture during the Atlantic, favored oak and hemlock for several thousands of years. A warm but dryer climate permitted hickory to flourish during the Sub-Boreal, while cooler and moister conditions during the sub- Atlantic saw forests of oak and chestnut predominate the scene during the past 2000 years. In the last few centuries the increase in spruce and fir may indicate cooling. There is little doubt that during the past 11,000 years, since the last continental glaciers melted, there was an increase in temperatures to a degree higher than at present, followed by cooler or wetter climate or both. In some parts of the northern hemisphere there was also a decrease in moisture which is well recorded by the increase in xerophytic vegetation, lowered lake levels, and higher timberlines. This period of warmth and dryness, which varied in length in various parts of the world, has been recognized by a number of terms, 8 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (Occ. Papers GENERAL CHRONOLOGY OF THE PLEISTOCENE Years B. P. * North American Glacial Stages Northern European Glacial Stages 6,500 - 7,500 Cochrane Ragunda Pause 10,000 - 11,000 Mankato-Valders Fenno-Scandian 13,500 - 14,500 Cary Scanian 17,000 - 18,000 Tazewell "Classical Wisconsin" Pomeranian 30,000 - 40,000 Farmdale Frankfurt Brandenburg 45,000 Interglacial Interglacial 55,000 - 70,000 Early Wisconsin (Iowan) Warthe 100,000 Sangamon Interglacial Interglacial 120,000 Illinoian Glacial Saale 180,000 Yarmouth Interglacial Interglacial 200,000 Kansan Glacial Elster 260,000 Aftonian Interglacial Interglacial 300,000 ? Nebraskan • The letters "B.P." as used here indicate "Before Present' Table 1 Estimated dates of the major glaciations during the Pleistocene and the sub- stages of the late Wisconsin beginning with the Tazewell. Dates are from many sources including radiocarbon and other geo-chemical techniques, varves, peat strat- igraphy, volcanic ash and pumice, lakes sediments, and pollen profiles. No. 3D HANSEN: CYCLES AND GEOCHRONOLOGY Yrs. B.P. 1000 Glacial Sequence Pollen Sequence Denmark N. Germany Pollen Sequence British Isles European Cultural Stages Pollen Sequence N. E. United States Yrs. B.P. 1000 1 - 2 - — Glacial — — Glacial — — Glacial — — Glacial — < U < o H 0 - - — o U —I CM OJ X 12 ■* u. e S J4 3 5 HI X O o 2 Q Es o as s< o CO 3 I U I E c o O U. is " > as J3 ° U £ 3 E 2 o Z o «J .2 2 a. H 13 H H 'A'N'd 0J u £ « = .a 1) III co g is* 3 is Q 3 3 Mi E « — M 1VAUHXNI -IVWHHHI O O O o u u u ib c 13 Oj c 3 _ CD " ^ CO ^ co u & »!* 'H co " al £■ B CD 3 U uapaMS EJJSEJV CO o 3 CO u o c to n o n - a IS o U -a o „~ 15 o a r. a 60 13 _ a- — < 13 O c a, as OJ — i Ml-* °, a- « jc OJ M Sir ■S c < OJ J2 o d. OJ M> 15 o ►J -5 13 a. as aj — 3 H 2 8 CQ b OJ u CJ >- (J F 03 < <) rr ffl OJ J3 & k- 3 Cu CO y Q a o U - a 5 > S003 HSIdHAS NI SNOZIHOH 3DN3H>ir03y > > -V3HV AVS U3OV30 NI SNOI1VIDV10 a E *+-. ''J o c w ,c u .c .5 S y ti J2 -i! 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