UL.'S. Qoo--^ ^^3<^v-cC 0( ^ra^iY U.I c_- b\-e U^d vT I x^ll r UNITED STATES COAST GUARD OCEANOGRAPHIC REPORT No. 28 Woods Mo!e Oceanographic Institution ATLAS - GAZETTEER COLLECTION CG 373-28 OCEANOGRAPHIC OBSERVATIONS BETWEEN ICELAND AND SCOTLAND July-November 1965 PLEASE RETURN 10 INSTITUTION DMA LIBRARY UNITED STATES COAST GUARD OCEANOGRAPHIC UNITED STATES COAST GUARD OCEANOGRAPHIC UNIT REPORT No. 28 CG 373-28 OCEANOGRAPHIC OBSERVATIONS BETWEEN ICELAND AND SCOTLAND July-November 1965 Robert B. Elder 3 n- MBL/ III 0301 0 ^ WASHINGTON, D.C. $ SEPTEMBER 1970 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Title page i Abstract iii Table of contents v List of illustrations v Introduction 1 Data collection procedure 1 Data analysis procedure 2 T-S analysis 2 Distribution of properties 3 Conclusions 3 References 4 Appendix A. — Oceanographic data 43 Table 1.— USCGS NORTHWIND, July 1965 44 Table 2.— USCGC EVERGREEN, October-November 1965 61 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1. Positions of NORTHWIND stations 14-23, 7-9 July 1965 and EVER- GREEN stations 17-29, 26 October-23 November 1965 5 2. Temperature-salinity diagrams, EVERGREEN station 17. The base lines ( ) connect North Atlantic Water (9°C, 35.51%.,) with Irminger Sea Water (3°C, 34.89%o) and Norwegian Sea Water (0°C, 34.95%o) 6 3. Temperature-salinity diagrams, NORTHWIND station 15, EVER- GREEN station 18. The base lines ( ) connect North Atlantic Water (9°C, 35.51%o) with Irminger Sea Water (3°C, 34.98%o) and Norwegian Sea Water (0°C, 34.95%o) 7 4. Temperature-salinity diagrams, NORTHWIND station 16, EVER- GREEN station 19. The base lines ( ) connect North Atlantic Water (9°C, 35.51%) with Irminger Sea Water (3°C, 34.89%) and Norwegian Sea Water (0°C, 34.95%) 8 5. Temperature-salinity diagrams, EVERGREEN station 20. The base lines ( ) connect North Atlantic Water (9°C, 35.51%o) with Irminger Sea Water (3°C, 34.89%=) and Norwegian Sea Water (0°C, 34.95%o) 9 6. Temperature-salinity diagrams, NORTHWIND station 17, EVER- GREEN station 21. The base lines ( ) connect North Atlantic Water (9°C, 35.51%c) with Irminger Sea Water (3°C, 34.89%o) and Norwegian Sea water (0°C, 34.95%o) 10 7. Temperature-salinity diagrams, NORTHWIND station 18, EVER- GREEN station 22. The base lines ( ) connect North Atlantic Water (9°C, 35.51%c) with Irminger Sea Water (3°C, 34.89%o) and Norwegian Sea Water (0°C, 34.95%») 11 Figure Pase 8. Temperature-salinity diagrams, NORTHWIND station 19, EVER- GREEN station 23. The base lines ( ) connect North Atlantic Water (9°C, 35.51%.,) with Irminger Sea Water (3°C, 34.89%o) and Norwegian Sea Water (0°C, 34. 95%o) 12 9. Temperature-salinity diagrams, NORTHWIND station 20, EVER- GREEN station 24. The base lines ( ) connect North Atlantic Water (9°C, 35.51%o) with Irminger Sea Water (3°C, 34.89%o) and Norwegian Sea Water (OC, 34. 95%o) 13 10. Temperature-salinity diagrams, NORTHWIND station 21, EVER- GREEN station 25. The base lines ( ) connect North Atlantic Water (9°C, 35.51%) with Irminger Sea Water (3°C, 34.89%o) and Norwegian Sea Water (0°C, 34.95%o) 14 11. Temperature-salinity diagrams, NORTHWIND station 22, EVER- GREEN station 26. The base lines ( ) connect North Atlantic Water (9°C, 35.51%c) with Irminger Sea Water (3°C, 34.89%) and Norwegian Sea Water (0°C, 34.95%o) 15 12. Temperature-salinity diagrams, NORTHWIND station 23, EVER- GREEN station 27. The base lines ( ) connect North Atlantic Water (9 C, 35.51%) with Irminger Sea Water (3°C, 34.89%) and Norwegian Sea water (0°C, 34.95%o) 16 13. Temperature-salinity diagrams, EVERGREEN station 28. The base lines ( .) connect North Atlantic Water (9°C, 35.51 %o) with Irminger Sea Water (3°C, 34.89%o) and Norwegian Sea Water (0°C, 34.95%) 17 14. Temperature-salinity diagrams, EVERGREEN station 29. The base lines ( ) connect North Atlantic Water (9°C, 35.51%o) with Irminger Sea Water (3°C, 34.89%o) and Norwegian Sea Water (0°C, 34.95%o) 18 15. Method of determining proportion of Norwegian Sea Water. From Steele, et al., 1962 19 16. Proportion (CB/CA) of Norwegian Sea Water, NORTHWIND sta- tions 14 to 18, 7-8 July 1965 . 20 17. Proportion (CB/CA) of Norwegian Sea Water, EVERGREEN sta- tions 17- A to 22-A, 26-27 October 1965 20 18. Proportion (CB/CA) of Norwegian Sea Water, EVERGREEN sta- tions 17-B to 22-B, 4-6 November 1965 21 19. Proportion (CB/CA) of Norwegian Sea Water, EVERGREEN sta- tions 17-C to 22-C, 7 November 1965 21 20. Proportion (CB/CA) of Norwegian Sea Water, EVERGREEN sta- tions 17-D to 22-D, 21-22 November 1965 22 21. Vertical section of temperature ( °C) , NORTHWIND stations 14 to 23, 7-9 July 1965. Vertical exaggeration 228.6 to 1. Points indicate observed values 23 22. Vertical section of temperature (°C), EVERGREEN stations 17-A to 29-A, 26-29 October 1965. Vertical exaggeration 228.6 to 1. Points indicate observed values 24 23. Vertical section of temperature (°C), EVERGREEN stations 17-B to 29-B, 4-7 November 1965. Vertical exaggeration 228.6 to 1. Points indicate observed values 25 vi Figure Page 24. Vertical section of temperature (°C), EVERGREEN stations 17-C to 29-C, 7-9 November 1965. Vertical exaggeration 228.6 to 1. Points indicate observed values 26 25. Vertical section of temperature (°C), EVERGREEN stations 17-D to 29-D, 21-23 November 1965. Vertical exaggeration 228.6 to 1. Points indicate observed values 27 26. Vertical section of salinity (%„), NORTHWIND stations 14 to 23, 7-9 July 1965. Vertical exaggeration 228.6 to 1. Points indicate ob- served values . 28 27. Vertical section of salinity (%») , EVERGREEN stations 17-A to 29-A, 26-29 October 1965. Vertical exaggeration 228.6 to 1. Points indi- cate observed values 29 28. Vertical section of salinity (%o), EVERGREEN stations 17-B to 29-B, 4r-7 November 1965. Vertical exaggeration 228.6 to 1. Points indicate observed values 30 29. Vertical section of salinity (%«) , EVERGREEN stations 17-C to 29-C, 7-9 November 1965. Vertical exaggeration 228.6 to 1. Points indi- cate observed values 81 30. Vertical section of salinity (%o) , EVERGREEN stations 17-D to 29-D, 21-23 November 1965. Vertical exaggeration 228.6 to 1. Points in- dicate observed values 32 31. Vertical section of sigma-t, NORTHWIND stations 14 to 23, 7-9 July 1965. Vertical exaggeration 228.6 to 1. Points indicate observed values 33 32. Vertical section of sigma-t, EVERGREEN stations 17-A to 29-A, 26-29 October 1965. Vertical exaggeration 228.6 to 1. Points indi- cate observed values c.4 33. Vertical section of sigma-t, EVERGREEN stations 17-B to 29-B, 4-7 November 1965. Vertical exaggeration 228.6 to 1. Points indicate observed values 35 34. Vertical section of sigma-t, EVERGREEN stations 17-C to 29-C, 7-9 November 1965. Vertical exaggeration 228.6 to 1. Points indicate observed values 36 35. Vertical section of sigma-t, EVERGREEN stations 17-D to 29-D, 21- 23 November 1965. Vertical exaggeration 228.6 to 1. Points indicate observed values 37 36. Vertical section of oxygen, NORTHWIND stations 14 to 23, 7-9 July 1965. Vertical exaggeration 228.6 to 1. Points indicate observed values 38 37. Vertical section of oxygen, EVERGREEN stations 17-A to 29-A, 26- 29 October 1965. Vertical exaggeration 228.6 to 1. Points indicate observed values 39 38. Vertical section of oxygen, EVERGREEN stations 17-B to 29-B, 4-7 November 1965. Vertical exaggeration 228.6 to 1. Points indicate observed values. 40 39. Vertical section of oxygen, EVERGREEN stations 17-C to 29-C, 7-9 November 1965. Vertical exaggeration 228.6 to 1. Points indicate observed values 41 40. Vertical section of oxygen, EVERGREEN stations 17-D to 29-D, 21- 23 November 1965. Vertical exaggeration 228.6 to 1. Points indicate observed values 42 vii Oceanographic Observations Between Iceland and Scotland, July-November 1965 INTRODUCTION In October 1965 the Coast Guard Oceano- graphic Unit initiated an oceanographic pro- gram to study the interchange between the North Atlantic Ocean and northern adjacent seas. This was a logical extension of the Coast Guard Oceanographic Unit program of syste- matic time-series studies at ocean stations BRAVO, CHARLIE, DELTA, and ECHO and the standard section program to obtain data en route to these stations. The initial cruises were planned to obtain measurements of the inter- change through sections connecting southern Greenland, Iceland, and Scotland. Relatively short-term variations, on the order of a week to a month in duration, were of interest, as well as seasonal or longer variations which were to be determined by seasonal reoccupation of the sections. As pointed out by Steele, Barrett, and Worth- ington (1962), a number of investigations have shown that conditions along the Iceland-Faroe Ridge are quite variable. One of the most com- prehensive studies of the interchange between the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean through the Iceland-Scotland area was presented by Tait and Martin (1957 and 1961). Approximately 80 sections taken between 1927 and 1958 were presented in the two publications. The volume transport through sections between Faroe Bank and Butt of Lewis were compared to volume transports through sections between the Faroe and Shetland Islands. The volume transports computed from data taken quasi- synoptically at the two sections were generally in good agreement ; however, they changed con- siderably from survey to survey. Further evi- dence of the variability of the interchange is given by Cooper (1955). Steele, Barrett, and Worthington (1962) pointed out the possibility that the assumptions of no vertical motion re- quired for geostrophic flow might not hold in this area due to vertical mixing near the edge and components of motion down the ridge. They hypothesized that a better study of velocity, volume transport, and water mass character- istics could be made just south of the Ridge. Subsequently, they conducted a two-ship survey in the area south of Iceland and off the Ridge to investigate whether calculated and observed currents were in agreement. Analysis of the data indicated that there was close agreement between the direct current measurements made using neutrally buoyant floats and those cal- culated from routine hydrographic observations. Based on the work cited above, the Coast Guard Oceanographic Unit initiated its study of the interchange between the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean by occupying a section approximately parallel to, but southwest of, the Iceland-Faroe Ridge (fig. 1). This sec- tion was occupied once in July 1965 by USCGC NORTHWIND (WAGB 282) and four times in a 27-day period in October and November 1965 by USCGC EVERGREEN (WAGO 295). Data from both cruises are included in Appendix 1, which also includes data obtained between Greenland and Iceland during the same cruises but not discussed in this report. DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURE Oceanographic data were obtained at approxi- mately 35-mile intervals along the sections il- lustrated in figure 1 using an electronic bathy- thermograph and teflon-lined Nansen bottles. Desired sampling depths were 0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1250, 1500, 2000, and 2500 meters insofar as depth of water permitted. In addition, an attempt was made to obtain samples at 25 and 100 meters above the bottom. The standard depths were frequently modified to define better the vertical temperature distribution as described by the electronic bathythermograph trace. When the water depth exceeded approximate- ly 1000 meters, two casts were made in order to limit the load on the hydrographic wire. Gen- erally the upper 1000 meters were sampled on one cast and the layer from somewhat above 1000 meters to the bottom on the other. The casts were overlapped for purposes of quality control. On deep casts aboard USCGC EVER- GREEN (WAGO 295) a 12-kc pinger was used in conjunction with a precision echo sounding recorder (PESR) in an effort to place the low- est Nansen bottle at approximately 25 meters above the bottom. The PESR had been damaged and was not operating properly; therefore, it was not possible to use the pinger as effectively as would have been possible otherwise. Two protected reversing thermometers were used on each sampling bottle. At 200 meters and deeper, unprotected reversing thermometers were used on alternate bottles. Salinities were determined aboard ship using inductive type salinometers, and dissolved oxygen content was determined using a modified Winkler oxygen determination method ( Jacobsen, Robinson, and Thompson, 1950). Thermometer corrections, thermometric depths, sigma-t values and speci- fic volume anomalies were determined using the computer programs described by O'Hagan (1964). These values were used in preparation of the figures included in this report. Processed temperature, salinity, and oxygen data were submitted to the National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) for further processing and the results are included in Appendix 1 (NODC cruise numbers 31-938 and 31-963). DATA ANALYSIS PROCEDURE At the outset of the analysis of the data it was planned to use the volume transports through the sections as a basis of comparison. It immediately became apparent that this would not provide a legitimate quantitative means of comparison, because in most cases the differ- ence in dynamic height between stations used in the computation of volume transports was of the same order of magnitude as the possible error in measurement. Kollmeyer (1964), in his discussion of errors in dynamic height deter- mination, points out that a realistic instrumen- tal accuracy of ±0.02°C in the measurements of temperature, and ±0.02%= in the measurement of salinity, and a similar interpolation error, would result in a possible error of ±0.0338 dynamic meters over 1000 meters. The effect of this error on computed current speed, assum- ing a latitude of 61 °N, station spacing of 35 miles and no navigational error, is 8.17 cm/sec. This exceeds the computed current speed in al- most all instances and thus makes the value of the computed volume transports doubtful. As a result, it was necessary to utilize a more quali- tative method of comparison of the sections. T-S ANALYSIS Possibly the best means of comparing the water mass characteristics of one section with another is by analysis of T-S diagrams (figs. 2-14). The diagrams are arranged to allow com- parisons of observations taken at approximate- ly the same position at different times. Included in the diagrams are dashed lines connecting the point representing North Atlantic Water (T = 9°C, S = 35.31%„) and Irminger Sea Water (T = 3°C, S = 34.89%o). A mixture of these two types of water would fall along this line. A second dashed line on each diagram connects the point representing North Atlantic water with that of Norwegian Sea Water (T = 0°C, S = 34.95%o, off diagram) which overflows the ridge. The most apparent features indicated by the T-S diagrams were the similarity of the repeat- ed stations at about the same position and the deviations from the Atlantic-Irminger line on part of the section (EVERGREEN stations 17- 21) between Iceland and Outer Bailey Bank (figs. 2-6). The deviations from the Atlantic- Irminger line toward the Norwegian Sea line indicated the presence of varying quantities of Norwegian Sea Water in the three-component mixture. These observations were quite similar to those described by Steele, et al. (1962). He pointed out that at stations near Iceland, Norwegian Sea Water was present as a component of the water mixture from rela- tively shallow depths to the bottom; where- as at stations further away from Iceland, it was limited to the bottom layer. These condi- tions are shown in figures 17-21 ; the former by the proportion of Norwegian Sea Water found at CGC EVERGREEN stations 17A-D, and the latter by the proportion of Norwegian Sea Water near the bottom at CGC EVERGREEN stations 18-21. In general the water between Iceland and Outer Bailey Bank was a mixture mostly of North Atlantic Water and Irminger Sea Water. This was indicated by the T-S val- ues falling near the Atlantic-Irminger line (figs. 3-6). At stations between Outer Bailey Bank and Scotland, the T-S curves tended more closely to the line that represents a mix- ture of North Atlantic Water and Norwegian Sea Water (figs. 10-13). An exception to the temporal constancy of T-S characteristics was observed by comparing USCGC EVERGREEN stations 21-A through 21-D and USCGC NORTHWIND station 17 (fig. 6). Considerable Norwegian Sea Water was present at stations 21-B and 21-C but none was apparent at stations 21-A, 21-D, and USCGC NORTHWIND station 17. This was il- lustrated further by determination of propor- tion of Norwegian Sea Water present (figs. 15- 19). Also noteworthy was the relatively greater amount of Norwegian Sea Water at shallow depths in the vicinity of USCGC EVERGREEN station 20 during all but the initial occupation of the station (figs. 18-20). In general the amount of Norwegian Sea Water in the section increased throughout the survey. DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES The temperature of the upper few hundred meters became cooler during the USCGC EVERGREEN survey (figs. 22-25). The loca- tion of the 9°C isotherm was approximately constant throughout the surveys; sloping from about 200 meters depth near Iceland to 800 me- ters depth near Scotland. Above this isotherm the temperature gradient diminished in time owing to cooling of the surface layers and more nearly approached isothermal conditions in the last section. The USCGC NORTHWIND section (fig. 21) showed a considerably warmer surface temperature and a much shallower 9°C iso- therm indicating development of a seasonal thermocline. The permanent thermocline ex- tends from the 8°C isotherm to the 5°C iso- therm (figs. 21-25), and is also characterized by an oxygen minimum (figs. 36-40). The overall temperature distribution between Iceland and Outer Bailey Bank did not vary significantly from survey to survey. There were significant changes in the near-bottom temper- atures between Iceland and Outer Bailey Bank, however, as pointed out by variations in comput- ed quantities (CB/CA) of Norwegian Sea Water present. There is good correlation be- tween the 0.5 CB/CA isopleth and the 3.0°C isotherm. The temperature distribution below 400 me- ters between Outer Bailey Bank and Scotland did not change greatly during the USCGC EVERGREEN survey. The average depths of the isotherms remained approximately constant with only a slight cooling (<0.5'C) near the middle of the section. Bottom water tempera- tures in this area did not vary appreciably on any of the surveys. The salinity distribution in the section be- tween Iceland and Scotland did not change sig- nificantly during the surveys (figs. 26-50). In addition, the horizontal and vertical gradients were small; with almost the entire body of water having salinity values between 35.00%o and 35.40%o. As a consequence of the relatively static sa- linity distribution, changes in density reflect changes in the temperature distribution ; there- fore, the most noticeable density changes were in the upper 300 to 500 meters of water. Be- neath 500 meters the density distribution was quite constant except for the bottom layers be- tween Iceland and Outer Bailey Bank, where density changes were re'ated to variation in the quantities of Norwegian Sea Water present. CONCLUSIONS Variation of temperature above the perman- ent thermocline due to seasonal cooling was quite pronounced but the changes that occurred beneath it were somewhat less obvious and re- lated to advection of Norwegian Sea Water. The maximum proportion of Norwegian Sea Water observed on each section varied frcm 0.301 to 0.684 (figs. 16-20). The distribution of the Norwegian Sea Water present also varied and extensive distribution was not necessarily asssociated with high proportions. For ex- ample, the individual calculations of the proportion of Norwegian Sea Water during the USCGC NORTHWIND section were relatively low (<0.301) yet Norwegian Sea Water was more widely distributed on this section than on some of the USCGC EVERGREEN sections which had higher individual calculations. Whether this is indicative of changes in the quantity of Norwegian Sea Water passing through the section or merely indicates a differ- ent mixture of an approximated constant a- mount of Norwegian Sea Water cannot be de- termined with the available data. Future study of the variability of the interchange should in- clude continuous temperature and salinity mea- surement to within a few meters of the bottom. Other methods, such as the measurement of preformed nutrients, should also be applied to more carefully define the water types present. 3 Direct current measurements with drogues or neutrally buoyant floats would also be of value in determining volume flow and would allow a more quantitative determination of the vari- ability of the flow of Norwegian Sea Water through the section. References Cooper, L. H. N. (1955). Deep water movements in the North Atlantic as a link between climatic changes around Iceland and biolog:ical productivity of the English Channel and Celtic Sea. J. Mar. Res., H, 347-362. Jacobsen, J. P., R. J. Robinson and T. C. Thompson (1950). A review of the determination of dissolved oxygen in sea water by the Winkler method. Assoc. Ocean. Phys. Publ. Sci., 11 (5). Kollmeyer, Ronald C. (1964). An examination of error in dynamic height determinations. U.S. Coast Guard Oceanographic Unit. (Unpublished Manuscript.) O'Hagan, Robert M. (1964). Oceanographic computer programs for the Programmed Data Processor-5. U.S. Coast Guard Oceanographic Unit. (Unpub- lished Manuscript.) Steele, J. H., J. R. Barrett and L. V. Worthington (1962). Deep currents south of Iceland. Deep-Sea Research, 9, 465-474. Tait, J. B. (1957). Hydrography of the Faroe-Shetland Channel, 1927-52. Mar. Res. Scot., No. 2. Tait, J. B. and J. H. A. Martin (1961). The Atlantic current and water masses in the Faroe-Shetland Channel and over the Iceland-Faroe Ridge during I.G.Y. Rapp. Proc. Verb. Cons. Explor. Mer., H9, 60-83. 'Northwind '^ Evergreen Sta. No. 17 Sta. No. 14 • ,n 15' 16-. 20 17*'' 18. ■'.11 .-.23 ^nV FAROE ISLANDS BILL BAILEY'S BANK OUTER BAILEY BANK ' 24 25 20 i- 26 «". 27 Legend: ''NORTH ATLANTIC EVERGREEN CRUISE LEGS A, B, C. 0 •northwind station POSITIONS I I SHETLAND ISLAND "i ORKNEY ISLANDS 65*'N 60 SS^'N 15 10 Figure 1. Positions of NORTHWIND stations 14-23, 7-9 July 1965 and EVERGREEN stations 17-29, 26 Octo- ber-23 November 1965. °l ~— — ■*= CO oc. LU 1 — a: CD in CO •««| o^ LTJ CO CS ^ CO i^ o (V o a) W c a ^^ bti r/1 ^ « ni M OJ > I/J M ;h a( ta f- !* H ^M be rt t3 >. & C ,— V 3o 3dniva3dW3i p. o> a LO CO LTD -a: I— CO LTD -'I ca LO CO oo LO en J I L O^ GO I — CO LO 3o 3aniVb3dW3i o t-l CO cc. LU CC CD LTJ — C/5 CO 1— CD «^ UJ 1— _l uo CO H- LU CO I— C/O IZ3 C3 CO CO ■V2- I I I g ^ CO o O C eg CO ^ cs H M 1) oi ^ i"! 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S 5 (V o ■§ -4-> rt -M m O Z 73 U -2 o o « Ph w > T-t w o 4-> ^ to u 00 f- .a CD CO (Sll3iaiN)Hid30 g 26 CJ o ^ LU LU LU or a: ^ CD 1— 1-5 .2 ^ -D o iz; c K .S O CJ> &« ^ e o > to (Stl3i3W)Hid3a 28 o I I I I I L_l l__l I I I I I CD OS (Sd3iBN)Hld3Q 29 be be HI id to 05 J3 S o m 5 J, « P3 en w (Stl313H)Hld3a 30 (S)i3iaN)Hld33 31 be bn a J3 f- 0) > o z CO IN •a o w Oi pj o ^ o > H 00 OJ ,,.-^, CM 6^ >, -*-> C rt w g (Sy3i3H)Hid3a g EC. 33 o M oj X to CJ FT) • CD - s CD 1 « 1 > w CO c=> oo (Stl3i3W)Hid3a 34 to 00 IM bo as in > 05 W > I W J I I I I I l__l l_JL (V > C3 OS (Sa313H)Hid3a o 35 to □6 be be a! y. to 05 OS m I (S)1313W)Hld3a 38 m _S I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l_J- (Stl313W)HId3Q 39 00 c o be be X to OS I pa '^ I ^ > «= .H .2 ■« ea •-• m M « > » (= v bo >> o C3 (SII3X3H) Hidaa 40 (Sil313N) HldBQ i 41 J — I — I I I I I I ' I J I I L_L C3 CO (SM313W) Hld3a CO s > O CO a .i 14780 6 13 117 OBS T0576 0442 3511P 2785P 634 STD 0600 0433 3495 27 73 0004 3 50 J5I18 14 7 81 636 117 OBs T0676 0406 34939 2775 l47».r 64 0 STD 0700 0 40 4 3494 2775 OC042U7 0^-) j l"7d- 641 STO 0800 0398 3494 2776 00fl421b 0393 14799 643 STD 0900 0391 3494 2777 0004224 0436 14813 64b STD 1000 0J84 3494 2 7 78 000422U 0477 14B27 647 STD 1100 0378 3494 2119 0004220 0519 14841 649 STD 1200 0371 3495 2779 00042 18 aSbl 14855 551 STD 1300 0364 3495 2780 0004213 0604 14869 653 130 OBs T1306 0364 34946 2780 148 70 653 STD I'lOO 036'i 3495 2780 0004248 064O 14884 651 STD 1500 0350 3494 2781 0004209 0688 14897 650 130 OBS T1563 0342 34943 2782 14904 549 STD 17 50 0298 3494 2786 0003761 0788 14917 650 130 DBS T1997 0229 34916 2790 14929 56i STO 2000 022b 3492 2790 00U3200 0o75 14929 130 OBs 2097 0197 34903 2792 14932 44 REFERENCE SHIP CODE '=*! MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL-S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES JODC CTBY ID. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAY MR.1/10 Dll. wcT n* s(* ITPI AM 31 938 NW 61096N 038b03W 220 Iti 07 OU 22U 1965 005 26lt> Z2 Ob 2 ^ X4 X 9 0002 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbil AIR TEMP. T: CODE °°^- ^°''' DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TaAN5. DIR. OB FOUCf DRY BULB WET BULB 05 S12 163 099 09i. 3 1 HR 1/10 T CARD TYPE DEPTH (ml T -C S •''.. SIGMA-T SPIClfiC vOLUMt ANOwALt-IIO' SAO DYN. M. t 10' SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/I PO4-P TOTAl-P vg - ol/l NOl-N vs - oi/l NOj-N tig - oi/l SIO4-SI vg - di/l pH S c c 1 STL) 0000 0865 3*86 2703 0009879 OOOu 1*852 721 192 OdS 0000 0865 3*659 270S 1*852 721 192 OBS COO'-' 0861 3*861 2708 1*852 72* STO 001 'J 0869 3*86 27C9 000980 1 0010 1*862 72 3 3TD 0020 0827 3*89 2717 0009126 00 19 1*8*1 712 192 OBS 002.> 0818 3*896 2719 1*838 709 STO 00 HO 0 7*3 3*88 2728 0008029 0028 1*811 68* 192 OBS Oo^b 0637 3*85(L. 27*! 1*771 663 STP 00^0 0630 3*87 27*3 ooo6(, *a 00*J 1*769 666 STD 007D 0 5 98 3*92 2761 0006913 0068 1*761 653 192 OBs 009 0 0581 3*9*1 2765 1*757 57^ STD 0100 0572 3*91 2766 0005U82 0073 1*765 66-' STD 0123 0552 3*9* 2759 0006276 0086 1*751 66<: STD OlbO 0635 3*9 3 2760 0CU5181 0099 1*7*8 667 192 OBS 0137 051* 3*928 2752 1*7*6 661 STD 0200 0610 3*93 2 763 000*97* 012-* 1*7*D 661 STO 0250 0*96 3*92 276* 000*8H3 01*9 1*7*8 560 192 OBs T0280 0*86 3*922 2765 1*750 6 60 STD 0300 0*79 3*92 2 766 000*76* 0173 1*760 5*6 192 OBs 0373 0*57 3*926 2769 1*753 5 33 STC 0*00 0*53 3*93 2769 000*526 0220 1*756 526 192 OBs rotiB 0*36 3*932 2772 1*762 619 STD 0500 0*28 3*93 2772 000*3*6 026* 1*762 625 192 oas 056* 0*08 3*92* 277* 1*76* 638 STO OfaOO 0*00 3*92 277* 000*202 030 7 1*757 5*^ 192 OBs 0659 0388 3*915 2775 1*771 6*7 STD 0700 0381 3*92 2776 000*103 03<.8 1*776 5*9 192 OBS T0760 0372 3*920 2777 1*781 650 STD 0800 0369 3*92 2778 000*0 33 0389 1*787 6*9 STD 0900 036* 3*92 2778 000*0*7 0*29 1*801 6*5 192 OBS T0933 0363 3*922 2778 1*807 5*7 STD 1000 0362 3*92 2778 000*110 0*70 1*817 6*8 STD 1100 0361 3*92 2779 O01W170 0512 1*63* 5*9 STD 1200 0369 3*92 2779 000*237 055* 1*850 650 220 OBS T1226 0359 3*923 2779 1*85* 550 STD 1300 0369 3*92 2779 000*309 0596 1*866 6*8 STD 1*00 0358 3*92 2779 000*389 06*0 1*883 5*3 STD 1500 0357 3*92 2779 000**60 U68* 1*899 635 220 OBS T150* 0357 3*922 2779 1*900 536 STD 1750 03*3 3*9* 2782 000*3*3 079* 1*936 220 OBS T1997 0323 3*96t 2785 1*970 STD 2000 0323 3*95 2785 000*173 0900 1*970 220 OBS T2217 0299 3*956 2787 1*997 45 ■ SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ■1/10 DAY HR.I/H 220 17 07 Oi* 246 1965 02 SPEED OR FOKCe 512 ORIGINATOR'S AIR TEMP. "C 2725| 26| 06 2 G1^ PER SEA 6l 8 00031 SPECIflC VOLUi SAD DYN. M. SOUND VELOCITY NO3-N KB - or/I SlO*-Si ng . ol/l 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 23B 238 2^6 246 246 246 246 STD 0000 0902 3500 2713 0009415 0000 14868 688 OBS 0000 0902 34997 2713 14858 688 OBS 0009 090,-r TOTAL-P oe - 01/1 NOj-N VB - o(/l NO3-N vg - ot/1 SI O4-SJ tig-al/l PH S c c 1 STD 0000 1015 3505 2698 0010854 0000 14910 707 237 OBS 0000 1015 35045 2698 14910 707 STD 0010 0939 3507 2713 0009484 0010 14884 709 237 OBS 0010 0939 35068 2713 14884 709 STD 0020 0904 3506 2718 0008997 0019 14873 694 237 OBS 0025 0889 35061 2720 14868 687 STD 0030 0883 3506 2721 0008719 0028 14866 680 STD 0050 0846 3504 2725 0008350 0045 14856 658 237 OBS 0060 0817 35033 2729 14846 653 STD 0075 0741 3502 2740 0007038 0065 14819 658 237 OBS 0099 0645 34991 2751 14785 665 STD 0100 0644 3499 2751 0005999 0081 14785 665 STD 0125 0631 3499 2753 0005863 0096 14784 665 STD 0150 0618 3499 2754 0005727 0110 14783 665 237 OBS 0199 0594 3469P 2734P 565 STD 0200 0593 3499 2758 0005476 0138 14781 664 STD 0250 0566 3500 2761 0005195 0165 14778 608 237 OBS T0298 0549 34997 2764 14779 585 STD 0300 0549 3500 2763 0005052 0190 14780 588 237 OBS 0397 0539 34963 2762 14791 541 STD 0400 0539 3496 2762 0005296 0242 14792 639 STD 0500 0510 3499 2768 0004869 0293 14797 584 237 OBS T0504 0508 34991 2768 14797 582 237 OBS 0595 0459 34964 2772 14791 607 STD 0600 0457 3496 2772 0004544 0340 14791 609 STD 0700 0421 3493 2773 0004437 0385 14792 531 237 OBS T0713 0418 34930 2773 14793 633 STD 0800 0405 3493 2775 0004363 0429 14802 636 242 OBS T0801 0405 34932 2775 14802 636 STD 0900 0384 3494 2777 0004177 0472 14810 651 242 OBS 0996 0374 34939 2779 14822 558 STD 1000 0375 3494 2779 0004129 0513 14823 557 STD 1100 0388 3495 2778 0004301 0555 14845 645 STD 1200 0395 3495 2777 0004478 0599 14865 637 242 OBS T1260 0396 34955 2778 14876 534 STD 1300 0392 3496 2778 0004457 0644 14881 635 STD 1400 0384 3496 2779 0004443 0688 14894 638 242 OBS 1487 0376 34961 2780 14906 540 STD 1500 0375 3496 2780 0004413 0733 14907 540 STD 1750 0355 3496 2782 0004355 0842 14941 542 242 OBS T1919 0340 3499P 27B6P 644 STD 2000 0332 3496 2784 0004237 0950 14974 641 242 OBS T2005 0332 34958 2784 14975 641 49 ■ SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE 030336W O DAY HH.Vl 0 07 06 071 1963 SPEED OR FORCE ORIGINATOR'S AIR TEMP. "C 091 2195 20 DIJL MGtJ P£l 35 1 2 0007 NO3-N ug - oT/l SI04-Si STD 0000 1037 3511 2699 0010768 0000 14919 704 064 OBS 0000 1037 35106 2699 14919 704 STD 0010 0990 3511 2707 0010003 0010 14903 597 064 OBS 0010 0990 35108 2707 14903 597 STD 0020 0929 3511 2718 0009037 0020 14883 702 064 OBS 0025 0906 35112 2722 14875 705 STD 0030 0898 3511 2723 0008577 0029 14873 592 064 OBS 0049 0865 35105 2728 14863 653 STD 0050 0863 3511 2728 0008085 0045 14863 552 STD 0075 0813 3513 2738 0007244 0065 14848 639 064 OBS 0099 0772 35146 2745 14837 630 STD 0100 0771 3515 2745 0005567 0082 14836 530 STD 0125 0742 3514 2749 0006262 0098 14829 632 STD 0150 0718 3513 2752 0005024 0113 14824 534 064 OBS 0198 0683 35115 2755 14818 638 STD 0200 0682 3512 2756 0005727 0143 14818 535 STD 0250 0670 3511 2757 0005657 0171 14821 508 064 OBS T0295 0660 35111 2758 14825 602 STD 0300 0659 3511 2758 00U5519 0199 14825 605 064 OBS 0398 0642 35089 2759 14834 557 STD 0400 0642 3509 2759 0005699 0255 14835 557 064 OBS T0499 0635 35079 2759 14848 653 STD 0500 0635 3508 2759 0005827 0313 14848 553 064 OBS 0598 0589 35059 2753 14845 550 STD 0600 0589 3505 2763 0005505 0370 14845 550 STD 0700 0541 3501 2766 0005330 0424 14843 540 064 OBs T0700 0541 35014 2766 14843 540 071 OBS T0778 0463 34989 2773 14823 523 STD 0800 0450 3499 2774 0004480 0473 14822 619 STD 0900 0403 3499 2779 0004025 0516 14819 608 071 OBS 0968 0381 34985 2782 14821 607 STD 1000 0380 3498 2781 0003908 0555 14825 616 STD 1100 0377 3495 2779 0004152 0595 14841 638 STD 1200 0374 3493 2777 0004401 0539 14856 662 071 OBs T1220 0373 34920 2777 14859 654 STD 1300 0359 3492 2778 0004432 0683 14871 553 STD 1400 0364 3493 2779 0004415 0727 14885 651 071 OBS 1468 0362 34932 2779 14896 650 STD 1500 0361 3494 2780 0004415 0771 14901 650 STD 1750 0357 3495 2782 0004397 0881 14942 645 071 OBS T1876 0357 34959 2783 14954 543 071 OBS T1972 03480 34957 2783Q 644 50 SHIP CODE 31 938 fNW LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ■ '1/10 219 29 07 06 114 1965 SCHO OH FO«Cf ORIGINATOR'S BARO- METER Imbt) AIR TEMP. "C J NO. oas. DEPTHS 096 Gri n»\ if A NODC STATION NUMBER 2\Z\ STD 0000 1013 3507 2700 0010559 0000 14909 578 109 OBS 0000 1013 35067 2700 14909 578 STD 0010 1012 3507 2700 0010665 OOll 14911 581 109 OBS 0010 1012 35057 2700 14911 581 STD 0020 0882 3508 2723 0008535 0020 14855 699 109 OBS 0024 0847 35085 2729 14852 702 STD 0030 0845 3508 2729 0007994 0029 14852 594 109 OBS 0049 0837 35056 2729 14852 672 STD 0050 0833 3507 2730 0007955 0044 14851 571 STD 0075 0736 3505 2743 0006594 0063 14818 655 109 08s 0097 0671 35050 2752 14795 647 STD 0100 0669 3505 2752 0005885 0079 14795 648 STD 0125 0654 3504 2753 0005802 0093 14793 554 STD 0150 0541 3504 2755 0005672 0107 14792 558 STO 0200 0520 3503 2757 0005536 0136 14792 651 109 OBS 0200 0620 35032 2757 14792 661 STD 0250 0612 3504 2759 0005476 0163 14797 552 109 OBS T0295 0598 35U40 2761 14799 547 STD 0300 0595 3504 2761 0005300 0190 14799 547 109 OBS 0396 0543 35041 2768 14794 645 STD 0400 0541 3504 2768 0004756 0240 14793 545 STD 0500 0511 3497 2765 0005008 0289 14797 521 109 OBS 0500 0511 34973 2756 14797 621 109 OBS 0599 0502 35008 2770 14810 594 STO 0500 0502 3501 2770 0004757 0338 14810 594 STD 0700 0465 3500 2774 0004482 0384 14811 603 109 OBS T0702 0464 3510P 2782P 503 Hit OBS T0788 0441 34991 2775 14816 614 STD OBOO 0437 3499 2775 0004314 0428 14816 617 STO 0900 0408 3495 2777 0004285 0471 14821 635 114 OBS 0987 0392 34955 2778 14828 644 STO 1000 0392 3495 2778 0004205 0514 14830 643 STD 1100 0390 3497 2779 0004188 0555 14847 639 STD 1200 0389 3498 2760 0004170 0597 14853 635 114 OBS T1237 0388 34985 2781 14869 533 STD 1300 0359 3497 2782 0004094 0539 14871 545 114 OBS T1360 0361 34961 2782 14878 550 STD 1400 0365 3497 2782 0004157 0680 14885 650 114 OBS T1491 0374 34978 2782 14906 638 51 ■ SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 lONGlTUOC ' '1/10 02750 W MO DAY HH.l/lC 07 06 165 ORIGINATOR'S 31 S14 235 103 097 7 124it 10 MGirniMSiA X2 NODC STATION NUMBER 0009 MESSENC«[cAST TIME MR 1/10 SOUND VELOCITY SIO^-Si STD 0000 1063 3514 2697 0010975 0000 14928 694 165 OBS 0000 1063 35137 2697 14928 694 165 OBS 0009 1061 35137 2697 14929 695 STD 0010 1050 3514 2699 0010767 0011 14925 596 STD 0020 0961 3515 2715 0009247 0021 14895 706 165 OBS 0023 0943 35152 2719 14889 709 STD 0030 0941 3516 2719 0008892 0030 14889 588 165 OBS 0U*7 0936 35172 2721 14890 650 STD 0050 0916 3518 2725 0008379 0047 14884 646 165 OBS 0069 0826 35227 2743 14853 628 STD 0075 0824 3522 2743 0006738 0065 14854 627 165 OBs 0096 0817 35193 2742 14854 624 STD 0100 0815 3519 2742 0006875 0083 14854 625 STD 0125 0802 3519 2744 0006732 0100 14853 628 STD 0150 0792 3519 2746 0006633 0117 14853 631 165 OBS 0189 0779 35185 2747 14855 633 STD 0200 0779 3518 2747 0006609 0150 14856 633 STD 0250 0774 3515 2745 0006848 0184 14862 631 165 OBS T0282 0767 35142 2745 14855 530 STD 0300 0760 3514 2746 0006800 0218 14865 629 165 DBS 0382 0725 35138 2751 14855 627 STD 0400 0716 3513 2752 0006420 0284 14864 627 165 OBS TCtSO 0680 35084 2753 14863 627 STD 0500 0671 3508 2754 0006315 0347 14853 620 165 OBS T0575 0645 35067 2757 14865 596 STD 0600 0642 3508 2758 0006063 0409 14868 586 165 OBS T0667 0625 35107 2763 14872 569 STD 0700 0609 3510 2764 0005605 0458 14671 568 165 OBS 0764 0579 35082 2767 14870 567 STD 0800 0558 3507 2768 0005269 0522 14867 568 STD 0900 0509 3505 2773 0004890 0573 14863 576 165 OBS T0940 0493 35042 2774 14863 582 STD 1000 0472 3504 2776 0004533 0520 14865 593 165 OBS T1029 0464 35031 2776 14866 599 52 REFERENCE SHIP CODE if MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CT«Y CODE 10. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ■ 'I/IO CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S*MPL-S NUMBER 10- !• MO DAY HR.V10 DIR. HGI PER S(* lYPl AW 31 938 NW 6304 N 02630 W 219 36 07 06 191 1965 012 1280 11 32 3 3 X2 6 8 0010 WATER WIND BARO- METER AIR TEMP, t '•"°' DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. DIR. into OR fO»CE DRY BULB WEI BULB 32 514 219 104 091 7 MR 1/10 T CARD TYPE DEPTH Im) T r s ■/.. SIGMA-T SPtClfIC VOLUME ANOMAL»-I10' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY 03 ml/l POi-P lOTAL-P ve - o'/i NQj-N US - ol/l NOj-N i.g - oi/l S104-Si tjg - oi/l pH s c c 1 STD 0000 0987 3518 2714 0009370 0000 14902 695 191 OBS 0000 0987 35184 2714 14902 695 191 OBS 0009 0987 35186 2714 14903 677 STD 0010 0981 3519 2715 0009280 0009 14901 677 STD 0020 0934 3518 2722 0008590 0018 14885 678 191 OBS 0021 0930 35180 2723 14884 678 STD 0030 0924 3518 2724 0008474 0027 14883 672 191 OBS 0048 0913 35176 2725 14882 658 STD 0050 0902 3518 2728 0008162 0043 14878 655 191 OBS 0074 0808 35218 2745 14847 636 STD 0075 0807 3522 2745 0006512 0062 14847 636 191 OBS 0090 0789 35193 2746 14842 636 STD 0100 0787 3519 2746 0006476 0078 14843 633 STD 0125 0782 3518 2746 0006517 0094 14845 626 STD 0150 0777 3517 2746 0006557 0111 14847 622 191 OBS 0180 0771 35160 2746 14850 619 STD 0200 0765 3517 2748 0006481 0143 14851 622 STD 0250 0754 3518 2750 0006338 0175 14855 628 191 OBS T0271 0751 35183 2751 14857 630 STD 0300 0750 3519 2752 0006290 0207 14862 630 191 OBS 0364 0747 35192 2752 14871 630 STD 0400 0736 3519 2754 0006263 0^70 14873 629 191 OBS T0459 0717 35175 2755 14875 527 STD 0500 0701 3516 2756 0006148 0332 14875 620 191 OBS T0556 0682 35144 2758 14877 607 STD 0600 0670 3514 2759 0006013 0392 14880 592 191 OBS T0641 0657 35127 2760 14881 582 STD 0700 0636 3510 2761 0005979 0452 14882 581 191 OBS 0749 0617 35085 2762 14882 579 STD 0800 0587 3507 2765 0005662 0511 14879 577 STD 0900 0536 3506 2770 0005174 0565 14875 572 191 OBS T0947 0517 35050 2772 14875 570 STD 1000 0498 3504 2773 0004936 0615 14876 576 191 08S T1065 0480 35037 2775 14879 587 LONGITUDE "1/10 DAY HR.1/10 ORIGINATOR'S NODC STATION NUMBER 31 219 35 07 06 230 1965 0301 02 32 3lO SPEED OR fORCE 00111 SPfCtfIC VOLU SOUND VELOCITY NOi-N STD 0000 1003 3515 2709 0009859 0000 149U7 684 230 DBS 0000 1003 35153 2709 14907 684 STD 0010 1004 3516 2709 0009824 0010 14909 582 230 OBS 0010 1004 35153 2709 14909 682 STD 0020 0973 3517 2715 0009328 0019 14899 682 STD 0030 0948 3517 2719 0008943 0029 14892 581 230 OBs 0030 0948 35166 2719 14892 681 STD 0050 0924 3517 2723 0008615 0045 14886 570 230 OBS 0055 0913 35165 2725 14883 568 STD 0075 0841 3519 2738 0007212 0056 14860 662 230 OBS 0080 0827 35191 2740 14855 551 STD 0100 0792 3519 2745 0006578 0083 14845 652 230 OBS 0109 0781 35182 2747 14842 653 STD 0125 0780 3520 2748 0006340 0099 14845 645 STD 0150 0777 3522 2750 0006194 0115 14848 625 230 OBS 0163 0773 35224 2751 14849 519 STD 0200 0753 3519 2751 0006152 0146 14847 520 230 OBs T0218 0747 35187 2752 14847 621 230 OBS 0248 0742 35217 2755 14851 616 53 ■ SHIP CODE LATITUDE I/IO 015101W STATION TIME DAY HR.1/10 218 3b 07 07 183 SPEED OR FORCt ORIGINATOR'S BARO- METER 1097 06 on^Ei] S£* NODC STATION NUMBER 0012 SOUND VELOCITY NOi-N ug - ol/l STO 0000 1093 3521 2697 0010971 0000 14940 688 183 OBS 0000 1093 35207 2697 14940 688 STD 0010 1074 3542 2717 0009113 0010 14938 677 183 OBS 0010 1074 35418 2717 14938 677 STO OOiO 1000 3341 2729 0007956 0019 14912 701 183 OBS 0025 0972 35403 2733 14903 708 STD 0030 0959 3540 2735 0007388 0026 14899 707 STD OObO 0922 3537 2739 0007037 0041 14888 701 183 DBS 0050 0922 35374 2739 14888 701 183 OBS 0074 0910 35308 2736 14887 641 STO 0075 0909 3531 2737 0007360 0059 14887 640 183 OBS 0099 0895 35322 2740 14886 627 STO 0100 0894 3532 27*0 0007089 0077 14885 627 STD 0125 0874 3531 2742 0006928 0094 14882 618 STO 0150 0860 3530 2743 0006853 0111 14881 610 183 OBS 0153 0859 3547P 2757P 609 STD 0200 0851 3527 2743 0006991 0146 14885 629 183 OBS T0203 0850 3527 2743 14885 630 STD 0250 0868 3534 2746 0006851 0181 14900 623 STD 0300 0887 3537 2745 0007025 0215 14916 616 183 OBS 0301 0887 35374 2745 14917 616 STO 0400 0826 3535 2753 0006409 0283 14910 605 183 OBS T0405 0824 35351 2755 14910 604 STO 0500 0812 3535 2755 0006397 0347 14921 607 183 OBS T0501 0812 3524P 2746P 607 183 OBS T0589 0777 35320 2758 14922 596 STO 0600 0773 3532 2759 0006193 04 10 14922 597 STD 0700 0733 3524 2758 0006325 0472 14922 604 183 OBS 0700 0733 35244 2758 14922 604 183 OBS T0751 0615 35150 2767 14883 633 STO 0800 0524 3511 2776 0004494 0526 14854 641 STO 0900 0408 3504 2783 0003693 0567 14822 658 183 OBS T0937 0389 35012 2783 14819 664 54 WEA- CLOUD THtR CODES CODE ■ SHIP CODE MO DAY HR.1/1 ORIGINATOR'S CTl PER SfA 01i*276W 1965 15 SPEED fO»Cl BARO- METER AIR TEMP. "C ooia ''f|«1«UAST MR 1/10 IPEClfIC VOLUME SAD DYN. M, X 10^ NOj-N SI 04-Si STD 0000 1090 3529 2704 0010315 0000 14940 653 219 OBS 0000 1090 35289 2704 14940 653 STD 0010 1080 3528 2705 0010211 0010 14938 655 219 OBS 0010 1080 35283 2705 14938 655 STD 0020 1004 3528 2718 0008982 0020 14912 647 219 OBS 0025 0978 35279 2723 14904 643 STD 0030 0977 3528 2723 0008565 0029 14904 641 STD 0050 0965 3526 2725 0008400 0046 14903 633 219 OBS 0050 0965 35282 2725 14903 633 STD 0075 0926 3529 2732 0007803 0056 14893 618 219 OBS 0099 0896 35290 2737 14886 509 STD 0100 0896 3529 2737 0007357 0085 14886 609 STD 0125 0885 3529 2739 0007230 0103 14886 514 STD 0150 0875 3529 2741 0007127 0121 14886 619 STD 0200 0861 3529 2743 0006996 0156 14889 629 219 OBS 0203 0860 35293 2743 14889 630 STD 0250 0855 3529 2744 0007014 0191 14895 618 STD 0300 0850 3529 2744 0007040 0226 14901 605 219 OBS 0302 0850 35291 2745 14902 604 STD 0400 0845 3530 2746 0007095 0297 14916 610 219 OBS T0401 0845 35299 2746 14916 510 STD 0500 0836 3529 2747 0007216 0369 14929 604 219 OBS 0504 0836 35287 2746 14930 604 STO 0600 0829 3527 2746 0007407 0442 14943 629 219 OBS T0603 0829 35273 2746 14943 630 219 OSS T0699 0809 35281 2750 14952 577 STD 0700 0809 3528 2750 0007229 0515 14952 577 224 DBS T0797 0780 35220 2750 14956 553 STD 0800 0778 3522 2750 0007360 0588 14966 554 STD 0900 0718 3518 2756 0006896 0659 14949 590 ZZi, OBS 0988 0658 35152 2762 14939 607 STD 1000 0646 3515 2763 0006192 0725 14937 606 STD 1100 0553 3513 2774 0005142 0781 14915 597 STD 1200 0479 3510 2780 0004467 0829 14902 588 224 OBS T1232 0459 35081 2781 14899 585 STO 1300 0436 3504 2780 000444U 0874 14900 508 STD 1400 0390 3498 2780 0004366 0918 14897 626 224 OBS T1416 0382 34971 2780 14896 627 STD 1500 0332 3499 2787 0003645 0958 14890 625 224 OBS T1510 0326 34990 2787 14889 624 55 SHIP CODE LATITUDE t/10 LONGITUDE sg MO DAY HR.1/1 ORIGINATOR'S OBSERVATIONS Gfl PtH SEA 31 938 NW 62207N 218 23 07 08 021 1963 016 SPEED OR FORCE AIR TEMP. X: 12 01 001^ MtSS(NC«lcAST TIME o. fjo. HH 1/1C SPECIFIC VOLUME STD 0000 1038 3529 2713 0009433 0000 14921 555 021 OBS 0000 1038 35289 2713 14921 555 STD 0010 1040 3529 2713 0009453 0009 14924 653 021 OBs 0010 1040 35294 2713 14924 653 STD 0020 1049 3529 2711 0009591 0019 14929 553 021 OBS 002i. 1053 35282 2710 14931 653 STD 0030 1024 3528 2715 0009306 0029 14921 652 021 OBS 0048 0954 35291 2728 14899 648 STD 0050 0950 3529 2728 0008093 0045 14898 647 STD 0075 0910 3529 2735 0007493 0065 14887 636 021 OBS 0098 0881 35295 2740 14880 627 STD 0100 0880 3530 2740 0007066 0084 14880 625 STD 0125 0870 3530 2742 0005953 0101 14880 519 STD 0150 08ft3 3530 2743 0006898 0118 14882 614 STD 0200 0852 3530 2745 0006829 0153 14885 610 021 OBS 0200 0852 35297 2745 14886 510 STD 0250 0852 3531 2745 0006831 0187 14894 618 021 OBS T0298 0852 35311 2745 14902 624 STD 0300 0852 3531 2745 0006928 0221 14902 624 021 OBS 0398 0837 35295 2747 14913 631 STD 0400 0837 3529 2746 0007035 0291 14913 631 021 OBS T0478 0827 35275 2747 14922 621 STD 0500 0827 3528 2747 0007135 0362 14925 628 021 OBS 0599 0824 35299 2749 14941 638 STD 0600 0824 3530 2749 0007142 0433 14941 638 STD 0700 0804 3527 2750 0007209 0505 14950 515 021 OBS T0700 0804 35272 2750 14950 615 STD 0800 0758 3524 2753 0007054 0376 14952 575 021 OBS 0801 0768 35239 2753 14952 575 STD 0900 0695 3520 2760 0006402 0O44 14940 555 021 DBS T0996 0521 35157 2767 14925 553 STD 1000 0518 3515 2767 0005785 0705 14925 554 STD 1100 0537 3509 2772 0005213 0750 14909 582 STD 1200 0452 3502 2777 0004695 0809 14890 510 021 OBS T1237 0420 34992 2778 14882 520 56 RtFtRENCE SHIP CODE n MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD COOES NOOC cr«r CODE ID. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE * 'I/IO YEAR CRUISE STATION NO. NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10' 1- MO DAY HR.1/10 DIB. HOT F(« St* Jin AM 31 938 NW fai402N Q13166W 218 13 07 08 06^ 1963 017 1372 13 03 2 2 XI 6 i* 0019 WATER WIND BARD- METER Imbll AIR TEMP. -C DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IRANS. DIR. S»E(0 (0«CE DRY BULB WET BULB 01 508 171 083 063 8 MISSENclcAST HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH (ml T -C s v.. SIGAAA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALT-Xia' SAD DYN. M, X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/I P04-P vg -o./i TOTAl-P vg - ol/l NOi-N MS - oi/l NO3-N UB - Dl/I SI04-S< vg - oi/l PH C c 1 STD 0000 1095 3530 2704 0010312 0000 14942 676 064 OBS 0000 1095 35301 2704 14942 675 STD 0010 1094 3530 2704 0010319 0010 14943 570 064 ObS 0010 1094 35301 2704 14943 670 STD 0020 1093 3529 2704 0010383 0021 14944 673 064 DBS 0025 1093 35290 2703 14946 575 STD 0030 1060 3529 2709 0009844 0031 14934 565 064 OBS 0049 0952 35303 2727 14902 635 STD 0050 0950 3530 2728 0008165 0049 14901 536 STD 0075 0924 3531 2734 0007672 0058 14692 515 064 OBS 0099 0897 35322 2739 14886 604 STD 0100 0897 3532 2739 0007134 0087 14887 604 STD 0125 0893 3532 2740 0007140 0105 14889 505 STD 0150 0889 3532 2740 0007146 0123 14892 608 STD 0200 0882 3531 2741 0007166 0158 14897 513 054 OBS 0203 0881 35313 2741 14897 613 STD 0250 0872 3530 2742 0007213 0194 14902 518 STD 0300 0864 3530 2743 0007187 0230 14907 624 064 OBS T0305 0853 35295 2743 14907 624 STD 0400 0849 3530 2745 0007158 0302 14918 609 064 DBS 0402 0849 35298 2745 14918 609 STD 0500 0840 3529 2746 0007272 0374 14931 607 054 OBS T0511 0837 35284 2746 14931 507 STO 0500 0805 3525 2748 0007206 0447 14933 565 064 OBS 0507 0802 35243 2748 14933 563 STD 0700 0749 3523 2755 0005669 0515 14928 561 064 OBS T0711 0741 36222 2766 14927 649 STD 0800 0565 3515 2751 0006173 0580 14911 529 054 DBS T0810 0557 35142 2761 14909 528 STD 0900 0585 3509 2766 0005521 0539 14896 643 STD 1000 0516 3504 2771 0005175 0693 14883 564 054 OBS T1014 0507 35031 2771 14881 557 STD 1100 0467 3500 2775 0004803 0743 14875 593 064 OBS 1171 0426 3599P 2857P 510 STD 1200 0415 3497 2777 0004584 0790 14874 616 064 OBS T1270 0395 3495 2777 14877 527 57 31 LONGITUDE * '1/10 012401W DAY MR.1/10 07 08 111 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 111 111 111 HI 11 1 ORIGINATOR'S Olf 02 S04 171 098 068 8 AIR TtMP. "C SMCIFIC VOIU. 1629 WEA- THER CODE 00161 STD 0000 1090 3429 2626 0017692 0000 14927 667 OBS OOOU 1090 34289 2626 14927 667 STD 0010 1089 3529 2704 0010351 0014 14941 661 OBS 0010 1089 35285 2704 14941 661 STO 0020 1088 3528 2704 0010367 0024 14942 673 OBS 0025 1087 35282 2704 14943 676 STO 0030 1069 3528 2707 0010093 0035 14937 668 OBS 0049 1006 35263 2717 14918 644 STD 0050 1003 3526 2717 0009151 0054 14917 643 STD 0075 0942 3629 2729 0008057 0076 14899 623 OBS 0098 0900 35307 2738 14887 610 STD 0100 0900 3531 2738 0007293 0096 14887 610 STD 0125 0893 3531 2739 0007214 0113 14889 612 STD 0150 0888 3531 2740 0007172 0131 14891 616 STD 0200 0877 3532 2742 0007065 0166 14896 619 06s 0200 0877 35317 2742 14895 619 STO 0250 0867 3530 2743 0007135 0202 14900 61/ OBS T0299 0859 35296 2743 14906 616 STO 0300 0859 3530 2743 0007139 0237 14906 616 OBS 0398 0847 35288 2745 14916 617 STD 0400 0847 3529 2745 0007202 0309 14917 617 STD 0500 0838 3528 2745 0007334 0382 14930 626 OBS T0504 0838 35277 2745 14930 626 STD 0600 0834 3529 2747 0007382 0455 14945 617 OBS 0601 0834 35288 2747 14945 617 STD 0700 0817 3526 2747 0007609 0530 14955 609 OBS T0700 0817 35259 2747 14955 609 OBS T0790 0790 3573P 2788P 582 STD 0800 0784 3523 2750 0007381 0604 14958 578 STD 0900 0722 3520 2757 0006810 0675 14950 547 OBS T0984 0666 35165 2762 14942 636 STD 1000 0651 3515 2762 0006266 0741 14939 539 STD 1100 0569 3509 2768 0005660 0800 14922 560 STD 1200 0502 3504 2773 0005218 0855 14911 582 OBS 1235 0482 35027 2774 14908 590 STD 1300 0450 3500 2775 0004919 0905 14906 608 OBS T1362 0425 34983 2777 14905 621 STD 1400 0413 3497 2777 0004747 0954 14906 627 OBS T1477 0394 34944 2777 14911 633 REFERENCE SHIP CODE °? MAHSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CUT CODE ID. NO. l/IO 'I/IO CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S'MPL-S NUMBER 10' r MO DAY HR.l/10 0\IL HGI PER SEA npi AM 31 938 NW 60310N 012039W 218 02 07 08 1^7 1965 019 0375 04 36 2 0 X2 6 8 0017 WATER WIND BARO- METER AIR TEMP. "C VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE 'T^ DIR. into OS FORCE DRV BULB WET BULB 35 Sll 168 100 079 8 mjhe^grIcast TIME or no HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH Iml T -C s •/.. SIGMA-T SMCIFIC VOLUME ANOMALY-XIO' SAD DYN, M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Oi ml/I POj-P VS - o'/l rOTAL-P vg - ol/l NOi-N ug - or/I NOj-N WB - ol/l sio«-s. kig - ol/l pH S c c 1 STD 0000 1130 3529 2697 0010995 0000 14954 638 147 OBS 0000 1130 35291 2697 14954 638 STD 0010 1130 3531 2698 0010858 0011 14956 664 147 OBS 0010 1130 35313 2698 14956 664 STD 0020 1127 3631 2699 0010857 0022 14957 661 147 OBS 0025 1126 35304 2698 14967 658 STD 0030 1109 3530 2701 0010635 0033 14952 660 STD 0060 1034 3628 2713 0009566 0063 14928 631 147 OBS 0050 1034 35279 2713 14928 631 STD 0075 0923 3529 2733 0007734 0074 14892 636 147 OBS 0075 0923 35289 2733 14892 638 STD 0100 0900 3522 2731 0007944 0094 14886 621 147 OBS 0100 0900 35219 2731 14886 621 STD 0125 0892 3528 2737 0007420 0113 14888 619 STD 0150 0886 3633 2742 0007001 0131 14891 617 147 OBS 0150 0886 35331 2742 14891 617 STD 0200 0880 3539 2747 0006610 0165 14897 613 147 OBS T0200 0880 36386 2747 14897 613 STO 0250 0869 3637 2748 0006660 0198 14901 613 STD 0300 0862 3536 2748 0006699 0232 14907 613 147 OBS 0300 0862 35362 2748 14907 613 147 OBS T0361 0868 35365 2749 14914 609 58 REFERENCE SHIP CODE Sq MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CmT CODE ID. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE "I/IO CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S STATION NUMBER 10- V MO DAY HR.1/10 DIR. HGt nt iEA lYPf AM 31 938 NW 39501N 011288W 182 91 07 08 200| 1963 020 1189 05 XI 6 7 0018 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imbtl AIR TEMP, r: '■°°' DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE lHAUi. DIR. SPEED OR FORCE DRY BULfl WET BULB 36 509 160 100 076 7 1 messencrIcast IIME o. NO. HB 1/10 1 CABD TYPE DEPTH Im| T -c s •/„ SIGMA-T SPECIHC VOLUME ANOMALI-XIO' SAD DVN. M. X 10= SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/I P04-P roTAt-p 1,9.0-/1 NOj-N ug - ot/l NOj-N MB- Ol/l SIO^-Si WB - ot/l pH S c c 1 STO 0000 1192 3535 2689 0011699 0000 14976 611 200 OBS 0000 1192 35346 2689 14976 611 200 OBS 0007 1187 35327 2689 14976 664 STD 0010 1188 3533 2688 0011790 0012 14976 664 200 OBS 0019 1189 36324 2688 14978 664 STO 0020 1178 3533 2691 0011614 0023 14975 660 STO 0030 1077 3536 2712 0009640 0034 14941 625 200 OBS 0039 1008 35379 2725 14918 603 STD 0050 0986 3537 2728 0008090 0052 14912 607 STD 0075 0946 3535 2734 0007573 0071 14901 615 200 oes 0078 0942 35355 2736 14900 616 STO 0100 0937 3535 2736 0007572 0090 14902 619 STO 0125 0931 3534 2735 0007581 0109 14904 622 STO 0150 0926 3533 2736 0007614 0128 14906 625 200 OBS 0157 0925 35331 2736 14906 626 STD 0200 0919 3534 2737 0007666 0166 14911 622 200 OBS T0239 0915 35340 2738 14916 619 STD 0250 0914 3534 2738 0007584 0204 14918 619 STD 0300 0911 3534 2739 0007623 02i»2 14925 617 200 OBS 0319 0910 35342 2739 14928 516 STD O'tOO 0919 3535 2738 0007871 0320 14944 613 200 OBS 10401 0919 3528P 2733P 613 200 OBS 0484 0913 35364 2740 14956 614 STD 0500 0910 3536 2740 0007879 0398 14958 614 200 DBS T0628 0904 35363 2741 14960 614 SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ■ '1/10 DAY HR.1/10 ORIGINATOR'S OBSERVATIONS 59339N 182 90 07 09 001 1965 1388 12 03 3| 2 00191 02 SPEED OR fORCE S12 103 081 SPECIfIC VOLUME SOUND VELOCITY NO3-N Wfl - ol/l STD 0000 1280 3531 2669 0013605 0000 15006 670 001 OBS 0000 1280 35309 2659 15005 570 001 OBS 0008 1180 35306 2588 14973 650 STD 0010 1180 3531 2688 0011803 0013 14973 550 STD 0020 1178 3531 2689 0011785 0024 14974 669 001 OBS 0027 U77 35308 2689 14975 658 STD 0030 1159 3531 2693 0011444 0035 14959 551 001 OBS 0048 1067 36329 2711 14940 619 STD 0050 1059 3633 2713 0009601 0067 14938 618 STD 0075 0977 3535 2728 0008145 0079 14912 611 001 OBS 0096 0925 35359 2738 14897 607 STD 0100 0925 3635 2738 0007301 0099 14897 508 STD 0125 0919 3535 2738 0007288 0117 14899 613 STD 0150 0914 3536 2739 0007283 0136 14901 518 001 OBS 0192 0908 35346 2740 14906 524 STD 0200 0907 3636 2740 0007291 0172 14907 526 STO 0250 0904 3636 2741 0007346 0208 14914 532 001 DBS T0285 0902 35353 2741 14919 633 STD 0300 0902 3535 2742 0007343 0245 14922 631 001 OBS 0382 0902 35359 2742 14935 624 STD 0400 0901 3537 2743 0007457 0319 14938 624 001 OBS T0478 0897 35374 2744 14949 524 STD 050U 0897 3537 2743 0007593 0394 14953 624 001 OBS 0575 0896 36359 2743 14955 624 STO 0600 0895 3636 2742 0007907 0472 14968 524 001 OBS T0576 0887 35334 2742 14978 621 STO 0700 0884 3533 2742 0008059 0561 14981 619 001 08s T0774 0870 36318 2743 14988 611 STD 0800 0861 3631 2744 0008030 0632 14988 604 STD 0900 0822 3530 2750 0007652 0710 14990 587 001 OBS T0959 0797 35286 2752 14990 685 STD 1000 0778 3528 2755 0007256 0785 14990 687 STD 1100 0729 3525 2759 0006876 0855 14987 602 001 OBS 1168 0693 35236 2763 14984 621 59 938 LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE 00855 W STATION TIME DAY HR.1/10 181 98 07 09 035 1965 SPEED OR fOfCt ORIGINATOR'S BARO- METER (mbil AIR TEMP. X Gn PES SEA 0020 SOUND VELOCITY SlO^-iJ STD 0000 1173 3537 2694 0011201 0000 14970 640 035 OBS 0000 1173 36367 2594 14970 540 STD 0010 1170 3534 2593 0011378 0011 14970 634 035 OBS 0010 1170 35339 2693 14970 634 STD 0020 1169 3534 2693 0011404 0023 14972 636 035 OBS 0023 1169 35335 2693 14972 537 STD 0030 1127 3534 2701 0010656 0034 14959 632 STD 0050 1029 3534 2719 0009021 0053 14927 520 035 OBS 0052 1021 35342 2720 14924 519 STD 0075 0958 3535 2730 0008001 0075 14909 612 035 DBS 0099 0926 35353 2737 14898 507 STD 0100 0926 3535 2737 0007383 0094 14898 507 STD 0125 0916 3535 2739 0007278 0112 14898 610 STD 0150 0909 3535 2740 0007219 0130 14900 612 035 OBS 0199 0899 35342 2741 14904 517 STD 0200 0899 3534 2741 0007239 0165 14904 617 STD 0250 0899 3534 2741 0007341 0203 14912 618 STD 0300 0898 3534 2741 0007427 0240 14920 519 035 OBS T0300 0898 3434P 2663P 519 STD 0400 0894 3534 2741 0007568 0315 14935 616 035 OBS 0405 0894 35336 2741 14936 515 STD 0500 0886 3533 2742 0007709 0391 14948 616 035 OBS T0509 0885 35327 2742 14949 615 STD 0600 0879 3532 2742 0007B51 0459 14962 611 035 OBS 0615 0877 35321 2743 14964 609 STD 0700 0859 3530 2744 0007851 0548 14971 597 035 OBS T0720 0854 35300 2745 14972 593 STD 0800 0833 3529 2747 0007699 0625 14978 570 035 OBS 0826 0823 35291 2749 14978 557 STD 0900 0777 3527 2754 0007151 0700 14973 591 STD 1000 0711 3523 2760 0006583 0758 14963 609 035 OBS T1031 0690 35221 2763 14960 511 STD 1100 0635 3519 2758 0005882 0831 14949 502 STD 120U 0565 3513 2772 0005439 0887 14937 589 035 OBS 1215 0555 35127 2773 14936 587 STD 1300 0505 3508 2775 0005081 0940 14929 598 035 OBS T1318 0'»96 35075 2776 14928 602 LATITUDE I/IO LONGITUDE '1/10 ORIGINATOR'S OBSERVATIONS 31 938 NW 58599N 181 87 07 09 078 1965 091^ 2|0| X9 6l 6 0021 SPEED OB fOSCE BARO- METER (mbil 135 AIR TEMP. X: NO. OBS. DEPTH' SPtCIFIC VOLUME SOUND VELOCITY NOi-N vg - Di/t 60 078 078 078 078 078 078 078 078 078 078 078 078 078 STD 0000 1182 3536 2692 0011429 0000 14973 627 OBS 0000 1182 35358 2692 14973 627 STD 0010 1182 3536 2592 0011452 0011 14975 628 OBS 0010 1182 35357 2592 14975 528 STD 0020 1179 3535 2592 0011455 0023 14975 525 OBS 0024 1170 35353 2594 14973 624 STD 0030 1123 3535 2703 0010438 0034 14957 624 OBS 0048 1015 35352 2723 14922 624 STD 0050 1009 3536 2724 0008527 0053 14920 524 STD 0075 0949 3537 2734 0007569 0073 14902 617 OBS 0078 0944 35358 2735 14901 616 STD 0100 0927 3535 2738 0007303 0092 14898 629 OBS 0102 0925 35352 2738 14898 530 STD 0125 0920 3535 2739 0007267 0110 14900 527 STD 0150 0915 3536 2739 0007240 0128 14902 524 OBS T0195 0908 35357 2740 14907 520 STD 0200 0908 3535 2740 0007258 0164 14907 620 STD 0250 0905 3535 2740 0007375 0201 14914 518 STD 0300 0902 3534 2740 0007499 0238 14922 615 OBS 0302 0902 35339 2740 14922 616 STD 0400 0898 3534 2741 0007632 0314 14937 617 OBS T0405 0898 35340 2741 14937 617 STD 0500 0893 3534 2742 0007749 0390 14951 614 OBS 0510 0892 35340 2742 14952 614 STD 0500 0888 3534 2742 0007902 0459 14966 510 OBS T0508 0887 35334 2742 14967 510 STD 0700 0879 3533 2743 0007987 0548 14979 505 OBS T0712 0877 35325 2743 14980 504 OBS T0786 0854 35306 2743 14987 592 Table 2. — Observed and interpolated oceanographic data from stations taken by USCGC EVER- GREEN, 22 October-23 November 1965, prepared from NODC listing No. 31-963. REFERENCE SHIP CODE n MARSDEN STATION Tl Vlt ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OE S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES cm COOl 10. NO. 1/10 LONGITUDE * 'I/IO CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAY HR.1/10 DID. MGT PER SE*. TTP[ AM 31 963 EV 60235N 041if92W 221 01 10 22 084 1965 NAS 001 1362 12 Oi 2 4 XI X 9 0001 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imbtl AIR TEMP. "C VIS. COD NO. DBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IRANS. DIR. SPEtD OR fOBCf DRY BULB WET BULB 31 SIO 922 017 006 8 HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH Im) T -C s •/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUM! ANOMALT-XIO' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY 0 3 ml/I PO4-P vg-Pi/l TOTAL-P va - al/l NOi-N ua - al/l NO3-N JJfl- ol/l SIO«-Si ».g - ol/l pH s c c 1 STD 0000 0474 3435 2721 0008548 0000 14591 580 075 OBs 0000 04743 4352 2721 14591 660 STD 0010 0479 3434 2720 0008772 0009 14594 744 075 OBs 0010 04793 4344 2720 14594 744 STD OOiO 0530 3448 2725 0008327 0017 14719 744 075 OBS 0025 05493 4527 2726 14728 744 STD 0030 0556 3454 2727 0008189 0025 14732 747 STD 0050 0583 3451 2729 0007989 0042 14747 753 075 OBs 0050 05833 4613 2729 14747 753 STD 0075 0614 3472 2733 0007604 0061 14755 741 STD 0100 0641 3482 2738 0007258 0060 14781 730 075 OBS 0100 06413 4817 2738 14781 730 STD 0125 0668 3487 2738 0007251 0098 14797 725 STD 0150 0689 3492 2739 0007197 0116 14810 720 STD 0200 0715 3500 2742 0007031 0152 14829 708 075 OBS TU200 07153 5001 2742 14829 706 STD 0250 0712 3505 2747 0006634 0186 14837 689 STD 0300 0700 3506 2750 0006394 0218 14841 677 075 OBs 0300 07003 5081 2750 14841 577 STD 0400 0546 3504 2754 0005153 0281 14836 678 075 OBs T0402 06453 5034 2754 14835 578 STD 0500 0616 3502 2757 0005034 0342 14841 673 075 OBs 0502 06173 5019 2757 14841 573 STD 0600 0565 3499 2751 0005677 0400 14635 552 075 OBS T0503 05643 4991 2751 14836 662 08;. OBS 0591 05273 4976 2755 14835 557 STD 0700 0522 3497 2765 0005380 0456 14834 552 075 OBS 0706 05193 4972 2755 14834 549 064 OBS T0779 05053 4970 2767 14841 652 STD 0800 0474 3495 2769 0004992 0508 14831 653 075 OBS 0809 04653 4957 2770 14829 564 084 OBS 0882 04683 4967 2771 14843 655 STD 0900 0457 3497 2771 0004975 0557 14845 655 STD 1000 0446 3496 2772 0004905 0507 14853 554 084 OBS T1089 04I0Q 34943 2775Q 553 STD 1100 0402 3495 2776 0004503 0654 14851 555 084 OBS T1159 03553 4960 2781 14645 673 61 REFERENCE SHIP CODE °Z MARSOEN STATION Tl ME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUO CODES NODC cm CODE ID. NO. LATITUDE l/IO LONGITUDE ■i/io YEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10* 1* MO DAY HH.1/10 0(R. HGI ns SEA I»P[ Um 31 963 EV 60364N 040342W 221 00 10 22 138 1965 NAJ 002 2377 20 03 9 3 XI 1 4I 7 onnz WATER WIND BARO- METER tmbsl AIR TEMP. X. c'o>. S?S-. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IRANS. DIR. SPEtO OH fORCE DRY BULB WET BULB 23 532 841 056 033 8 MESSfNCIllcAST TIME 0, NO. HR VIO 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH iml T 1C s •/.. SIGMA-T SftCIFIC VOLUME ANOMALI-mO' SAD DYN. M. SOUND VELOCITY 03 ml/1 PO4-P ^g • ot/l TOTAl-p ug ■ or/l NO3-N U9 - ol/l NOj-N U9 - ot/l SI 04-Si wo - ot/l pH s c c 1 STD 0000 0728 3488 2730 0007811 0000 14800 594 130 OBS 0000 0728 34875 2730 14800 594 130 OBs 0009 0728 34850 2728 14801 719 STD 0010 0728 3485 2728 0006014 0008 14801 719 STD 0020 0728 3485 2728 0008031 0016 14803 718 130 OBS OOJit 0728 34847 2728 14803 717 STD 0030 0729 3485 2728 0008084 0024 14805 724 130 OBS 0049 0732 34845 2727 14809 737 STD 0050 0732 3485 2728 0008137 0040 14809 735 STD 0075 0735 3486 2728 0008148 0061 14815 719 130 OBs 0098 0738 34880 2729 14820 707 STD 0100 0737 3488 2729 0008059 0081 14820 706 STD 0125 0723 3490 2733 0007774 OlOl 14619 700 STD 0150 0709 3492 2736 0007490 0120 14818 595 130 OBs T0197 0682 34951 2743 14615 667 STD 0200 0680 3495 2743 0006933 0155 14815 687 STD 0250 0646 3492 2745 0006781 0190 14809 683 130 OBS 0296 0619 34906 2747 14606 680 STD 0300 0617 3491 2748 0006587 0223 14805 580 130 OBS T0396 0575 34886 2752 14604 675 STD 0400 0573 3468 2751 0006346 0288 14804 575 130 OBs 0495 0524 34850 2755 14800 673 STD 0500 0522 3485 2755 0006057 0350 14800 573 130 OBS T0595 0493 34850 2759 14604 668 STD 0600 0491 3485 2759 0005793 0409 14804 668 130 OBs 0694 0463 34839 2761 14807 568 STD 0700 0461 3484 2761 0005526 0465 14808 669 130 OBS T0796 0434 34826 2763 14812 677 STD 0800 0433 3483 2763 0005460 0522 14612 677 130 OBS T0895 0413 34821 2755 14820 677 STD 0900 0412 3482 2765 0005368 0576 14820 678 STD 1000 0402 3480 2755 0005468 0531 14633 698 138 OBS T1019 03860 34798 2756Q 700 STD 1100 0392 3480 2765 0005456 0685 14845 699 STD 1200 0381 3480 2757 0005408 0740 14857 698 138 OBS 1277 0373 34807 2768 14667 697 STD 1300 0371 3481 2769 0005294 0793 14870 698 STD 1400 0360 3481 2770 0005238 0846 14882 701 STD 1500 0348 3481 2771 0005165 0898 14894 704 138 OBS T1517 0346 34813 2771 14895 705 STD 1750 0317 3482 2775 0004880 1023 14923 704 STD 2000 0282 3482 2778 0004589 1142 14951 703 138 OBs 2013 0280 34821 2778 14952 703 62 REFERENCE SHIP CODE ~ MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES r ODC CTRT CODE ID. NO. LATITUDE VIO LONGITUDE * "I/IO §i CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S-MPL'S NUMBER 10* r MO DAY HR.1/10 DIR. IHCIJFESI SEA ITPl AMT 31 963 £V feOiflSN 039278W 220 09 10 22 200 1965 NAS 003 2377 2if 2^ 7|3| XI h 6 0002 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mb.l AIR TEMP. -C VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IWNS. DIR. SP(£D OR fO«Cf DRT BULB WET BULB Zb S20 831 056 Oi*i* 8 HR 1/10 T CARD TYPE DEPTH (ml T X: s •/.. SIGMA-T JPECIMC VOLUME ANOMAIT-Xia' SAD DYN. M. X 103 SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/l PO4-P TOTAL-P MB- ot/l NO3-N us - oi/l NOj-N VS - oi/l SI 0*-Si j,g.ol/l pH 5 C c 1 STD 0000 0724 3477 2722 0008554 0000 14797 732 189 OBS 0000 0724 34768 2722 14797 732 STD 0010 0725 3477 2722 0008607 0009 14799 719 189 OBS 0010 0725 34765 2722 14799 719 STD 0020 0725 3476 2722 0008631 0017 14801 578 189 OBS 0025 0725 34763 2722 14801 668 STD 0030 0729 3476 2721 0008709 0026 14804 683 189 OBS OCtS 0730 34764 2721 14807 719 STD 0050 0725 3477 2722 0008636 0043 14806 717 STD 0075 0666 3488 2739 0007073 0053 14788 699 189 OBS 0096 0627 34940 2749 14777 689 STD 0100 0624 3494 2750 0006125 0079 14776 590 STD 0125 0607 3494 2752 0005940 0094 14773 698 STD 0150 0590 3494 2754 0005749 0109 14771 702 189 OBS T0195 0564 34945 2758 14768 705 STD 0200 0562 3495 2758 0005458 0137 14758 703 STD 0250 0539 3495 2761 0005231 0164 14767 590 189 OBS 0294 0520 34948 2763 14756 584 STD 0300 0518 3495 2763 0005034 0189 14766 685 189 OBS T0395 0482 34948 2768 14767 687 STD 0400 0481 3495 2^6 8 0004701 0238 14768 685 189 OBS 0498 0451 34955 2772 14772 563 STD 0500 0450 3495 2772 0004420 0284 14771 563 STD 0600 0411 3490 2772 0004453 0328 14771 565 189 OBS 0602 0410 34902 2772 14771 565 STD 0700 0390 3489 2773 0004405 0372 14779 718 189 OBS 0705 0389 34885 2773 14779 719 STD 0800 0375 3488 2774 0004398 0416 14789 719 189 OBS T0810 0374 34878 2774 14790 719 STD 0900 0367 3487 2774 0004446 0461 14802 711 189 OBS T0916 0366 34872 2774 14804 710 STD 1000 0366 3488 2775 0004466 0505 14818 724 200 OBS T1082 0366 34881 2775 14832 729 STD 1100 0365 3488 2775 0004524 0550 14835 725 STD 1200 0362 3489 2776 0004549 0^95 14850 707 STD 1300 0359 3489 2776 0004572 0641 14866 699 200 OBS 1320 0358 34889 2776 14869 698 STD 1400 0356 3489 2777 0004601 0687 14882 705 STD 1500 0353 3490 2778 0004570 0733 14897 714 200 OBS T1560 0350 34904 2778 14906 718 STD 1750 0347 3491 2779 0004643 0848 14937 720 STD 2000 0320 3491 2782 0004445 0952 14968 723 200 OBS 2044 0313 34910 2782 14973 723 200 OBS 2337 0244 34877 2786 14993 733 200 OBS T2411 0198 34855 2788 14985 735 63 LATITUDE 1/10 31 962 EV 60591N 038177W LONGITUDE •1/10 MO DAY HR.1/1 220 08 10 23 016 1965 NA; 00^ 23 SPEED Of fORCE OSIGINATOR'S 039 27^3 20 2^ 5 3 WEA- THER CODE ■ X2 000^ SPECIFIC VOIUME SAD OYN. M. STD 0000 0769 3480 2718 0008962 0000 14815 717 005 OBS 0000 0769 34796 2718 14815 717 STD 0010 0767 3479 2718 0008999 0009 14816 718 005 OBS 0011 0767 34787 2718 14816 718 STD 0020 0768 3479 2718 0009028 0018 14818 718 005 OBs 0028 0769 34791 2718 14819 717 STD 0030 0769 3479 2718 0009054 0027 14820 717 STD 0050 0771 3479 2717 0009135 0045 14824 719 005 OBS 0055 0772 34788 2717 14825 720 STD 0076 0733 3494 2735 0007522 0066 14815 694 005 OBS 0033 0719 34991 2741 14812 685 STD 0100 0716 3499 2741 0005960 0084 14813 685 STD 0125 0710 3499 2742 0005920 0102 14815 686 STD 0150 0700 3499 2743 0005825 0119 14815 587 STD 0200 0672 3498 2746 0006603 0152 14812 688 005 OBS T0222 0656 34966 2747 14809 689 STD 0250 0620 3493 2749 0006357 0185 14799 680 STD 0300 0566 3489 2753 0006051 0216 14785 658 005 OBS 0332 0539 34879 2755 14779 555 STD O'tOO 0508 3489 2760 0005468 0273 14778 574 005 OBS T0442 0492 34898 2763 14778 575 STD 0500 0478 3492 2766 0005003 0326 14783 565 005 OBS 0552 0461 34933 2769 14784 665 STD 0600 0434 3494 2772 0004480 0373 14781 576 005 OBS T0663 0410 34938 2775 14782 587 STD 0700 0406 3492 2774 0004366 04 17 14786 689 005 OBS 0770 0397 34894 2773 14793 697 STD 0800 0391 3490 2773 0004471 0462 14795 704 005 OBS T0885 0378 34896 2775 14805 718 STD 0900 0377 3490 2775 0004388 0506 14807 719 005 OBS T0991 0374 34905 2776 14821 725 STD 1000 0371 3491 2777 0004304 0549 14821 734 016 OBS T1004 0370 34911 2777 14821 738 STD 1100 0365 3491 2778 0004288 0592 14835 746 STD 1200 0360 3492 2778 0004295 0635 14850 753 016 OBS 1255 0357 34918 2779 14858 755 STD 1300 0360 3493 2779 0004276 0678 14867 753 016 OBS T1390 0364 34956 2781 14884 STD 1400 0364 3496 2781 0004211 0720 14886 748 STD 1500 0359 3496 2781 0004234 0763 14900 743 STD 1750 0347 3495 2783 0004273 0859 14938 730 STD 2000 0335 3495 2784 0004303 0976 14975 717 015 OBS T2005 0335 34957 2784 14976 717 64 REFERENCE SHIP CODE Si MAHSOEN STATION Tl WE ORIGINATOR'S | DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S-MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD COOES NODC CUT CODE ID. NO. LATITUDE l/IO LONGITUDE * '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION TO STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAT HR.1/10 NUMBER ou..w«. Dl«. MCI MS SEA lYPE AM 31 963 £v 61108N 037099W 220 17 10 23 073 1965 NA£ 005 2889 28 16 2 3 XI U. 6 0005 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imbi) AIR TEMP. TC VIS- COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. DIR. SPEED o« (ORCE DRT BULB WET BULB 18 S12 Hei 072 061 8 MtSHNO [cast HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH (ml I -c s •/„ SIGMA-T S«CIFIC VOlUMt ANOMAIT-IIO' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY 03 ml/I P04-P rOTAL-P NO3-N ug - or/I NOj-N VB . ar/l SIO^-SI vfl - ai/l pH s c c 1 std 0000 0832 3485 2713 0009444 0000 14840 712 062 OBS 0000 0832 34852 2713 14840 712 STO 0010 0832 3485 2713 0009478 0009 14841 734 062 OBS 0010 0832 34850 2713 14841 734 STO 0020 0831 3485 2713 0009479 0019 14843 711 062 OBS 0024 0831 34851 2713 14843 705 STD 0030 0832 3485 2713 0009508 0028 14844 708 062 OBS 0048 0835 34852 2712 14849 712 STD 0050 0832 3485 2713 0009528 0047 14848 712 062 OBS 0072 0803 34871 2719 14841 710 STD 0075 0784 3488 2722 0008582 0070 14834 710 062 OBS T0095 0578 34945 2743 14797 707 STD 0100 0674 3495 2744 0006595 0089 14796 707 STD 0125 0656 3495 2746 0006498 0105 14793 705 STD 0150 0640 3496 2749 0005255 0122 14791 703 062 OBS 0189 0618 34962 2752 14789 698 STD 0200 0613 3496 2753 0005982 0152 14788 596 STD 0250 0593 3495 2754 0005874 0182 14789 587 062 DBS T0285 0580 34947 2756 14789 680 STD 0300 0576 3496 2757 0005555 0211 14790 675 062 OBS 0382 0546 34981 2753 14792 662 STO 0400 0535 3498 2754 0005127 0255 14790 665 062 OSS T0480 0497 34966 2757 14788 674 STD 0500 0492 3497 2768 0004829 0315 14789 573 062 OBS 0579 0468 34964 2770 14792 659 STD 0600 0457 3496 2771 0004555 0362 14791 583 062 OBS 0679 0424 34935 2773 14790 712 STO 0700 0420 3494 2773 0004418 0407 14792 709 062 OBS T0779 O4O6 34932 2775 14799 599 STD 0300 0403 3493 2775 0004338 0450 14801 700 STD 0900 0390 3493 2776 0004299 0493 14813 704 STD 1000 0380 3493 2777 0004285 0535 14825 709 073 OBS T1092 0372 34925 2778 14837 713 STD 1100 0372 3493 2778 0004284 0579 14838 712 STD 1200 0372 3494 2779 0004259 0622 14855 702 STD 1300 0372 3496 2780 0004241 0654 14872 696 073 OBS 1331 34950 595 STO 1400 0371 3496 2781 0004270 0707 14889 695 STD 1500 0368 3495 2781 0004315 0750 14904 698 073 OBS T1575 0366 34952 2781 14915 699 STD 1760 0359 3496 2782 0004394 0859 14943 700 STO 2000 0344 3496 2784 0004379 0958 14979 702 073 OBS T2055 0339 34963 2784 14988 702 STD 2500 0310 3495 2785 0004349 1187 15050 709 073 OBS 2553 0288 34944 2787 15050 714 073 OBS 2721 34905 738 073 OBS T2791 0138 34898 2795 15026 749 65 REFtRENCE SHIP CODE °S MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CIST CODE ID. NO. 1/10 * '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S OBStiiv«iiunj NUMBER 10* 1* MO DAY HR.1/10 DIB. HGI PER S(* IVfE AM 31 963 EV 61219N 036040W 220 16 10 23 134 1965 NAS 006 2743 28 08 8 3 X2 4 8 0006 WATER WIND BARO< METER Imb.l AIR TEMP. X -^'3.. SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IfcANS. DIR. SPEfO OR FORCt DRY BULB WET BULB 07 S20 895 078 056 8 »^ESStNGR[cAST HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH Im) T "C s •/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME AN0MAIY-X16' SAO DVN. M. X 10^ SOUND VElOCrTY 03 ml/1 PO4-P ve - =1/1 rOTAl-P ,9 - or/l NOj-N vg - oi/l NOj-N vg - oi/l SI 0^-Si ug - al/l pH s c c 1 STO 0000 0820 3490 2718 0008928 0000 14836 712 124 OBS 0000 0820 34898 2718 14836 712 STD 0010 0819 3490 2719 0008919 0009 14837 715 124 OBs 0011 0819 34900 2719 14837 715 STD 0020 0819 3492 2720 0008787 0018 14839 714 124 OBS 0027 0819 34928 2721 14840 713 STO 0030 0820 3493 2721 0008742 0027 14841 713 STD 0050 0825 3493 2720 0008849 0044 14845 709 124 OBS 0052 0825 34931 2720 14846 708 STD 0075 0780 3501 2733 0007659 0065 14834 697 STD 0100 0741 3508 2744 0006635 0083 14824 688 124 OBS 0105 0734 35086 2746 14822 687 STD 0125 0723 3508 2747 0006436 0099 14821 687 STD 0150 0710 3507 2748 0006360 0115 14820 688 STO 0200 0683 3505 2751 0006201 0146 14817 589 124 OBS T0210 0677 35050 2751 14817 689 STD 0250 0657 3504 2753 0005035 0177 14815 665 STD 0300 0628 3502 2755 0005876 0207 14812 647 124 OBS 0313 0619 35014 2756 14810 545 STO 0400 0546 3497 2762 0005338 0263 14795 660 124 OBS T0418 0534 34966 2763 14793 662 STD 0500 0493 3494 2766 0005034 0315 14789 663 124 OBS 0521 0484 34939 2767 14789 663 STD 0600 0457 3495 2770 0004677 0363 14791 689 124 OBS T0627 0449 34947 2771 14792 693 STD 0700 0429 3494 2773 0004487 0409 14796 685 124 OBS 0731 0421 34936 2773 14797 682 STD 0800 0406 3495 2776 0004239 0453 14803 596 124 OBS T0835 0399 34955 2777 14806 700 STD 0900 0388 3493 2776 0004268 0495 14812 701 124 OBS 0940 34924 703 STD 1000 0374 3493 2777 0004228 0538 14822 711 134 OBS T1082 0367 34927 2778 14833 718 STD 1100 0367 3493 2778 0004207 0580 14836 718 STD 1200 0367 3493 2779 0004258 0622 14853 718 STD 1300 0366 3494 2779 0004307 0665 14870 715 134 OBS 1326 0366 34937 2779 14874 714 STD 1400 0366 3495 2780 0004287 0708 14887 708 STD 1500 0365 3496 2781 0004284 0751 14903 702 134 OBS T1558 0364 34961 2781 14913 699 STD 1750 0351 3496 2783 0004302 0858 14939 701 STD 2000 0333 3496 2784 0004250 0955 14974 704 134 OBs 2045 0330 34957 2784 14981 704 STD 2500 0296 3496 2788 0004106 1174 15044 587 134 OBS T2533 0290 34956 2788 15047 578 134 OBS 2700 0254 34929 2789 15060 593 134 OBS T2773 0208 34922 2792 15053 649 66 ' REFERENCE — MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S | DEPTH MAX. DEPTH WAVE OBSERVATIONS WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC STATION SHIP CODE LATITUDE LONGITUDE * "1/10 11 SQUARE IGMTI YEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OP S'MPL- NUMBER Cltr ID. 10' r MO DAY HH.l/lO OIR. HOT PEK SEA lYPl AMI 31 qh3 EU 61363N 03'i572W 220 14 10 23 209 1965 NAS 007 2950 28 05 b 2 XI if 6 0007 ^ J. , - 1 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imbtl AIR TEMP. "C ^"■dEs SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLO CODE TRANS. OIR- SPEED OR FORCE DRY BULB WET BULB 06 S21 902 078 072 _8_ L -| r- \ \ \ 1 n "!"!" = ■ lc«SI CARD TYPE DEPTH Iml I t s •/„ SIGMA-T SPECIfIC VOLUME ANOMALT-HO' SAD DYN. M. XIO' sound velocity 02 ml/1 P04-P TOTAL— P „8 - or/I NO3-N „g - al/l NOa-N kig - ol/l SI04-S' xg - ol/l PH C HR l/IO STD 0000 0845 3484 2710 0009694 0000 14844 707 197 OBS 0000 OBiiS 34844 2710 14844 70' STD 0010 0843 3486 2711 0009676 OOIO 14845 620 197 OBS 0010 0d'i3 34845 2711 14845 620 STD 0020 08't't 3484 2710 0009736 0019 14847 715 197 OBS 0025 08')5 34841 2710 14848 740 STD 0030 08*5 3484 2710 0009767 0029 14849 725 197 OBS 0048 0843 34842 2710 14861 668 STD 0050 0832 3484 2712 0009597 0049 14848 659 STD 0075 0708 3486 2732 0007755 0070 14804 564 197 OBS 0095 0631 34878 2744 14777 511 STD 0100 0625 3488 2745 0006585 0088 14776 515 STD 0125 0599 3488 2748 0006295 0104 14769 532 STD 0150 0676 3489 2752 0005972 0120 14764 543 197 OBS T0194 0546 34903 2756 14760 549 STD 0200 0545 3491 2757 0005514 0148 14760 645 STD 0250 0534 3494 2761 0005223 0175 14764 615 197 OBS 0294 0521 34949 2763 14767 499 STD 0300 0518 3495 2753 0005034 0201 14766 499 197 OBS 0395 0479 34930 2767 14766 502 STD 0400 0478 3493 2767 0004807 0250 14766 508 197 OBS 0498 0457 34949 2771 14774 576 STD 0500 0456 3495 2771 0004531 0297 14774 576 STD 0600 0419 3493 2773 0004364 0341 14775 550 197 OBS 0602 0418 34926 2773 14775 549 STD 0700 0414 3494 2775 0004312 0385 14789 691 197 OBS 0701 0414 34941 2775 14790 692 STD 0300 0400 3494 2776 0004243 0427 14800 608 197 OBS T0809 0398 34937 2776 14801 607 STD 0900 0373 3492 2778 0004137 0469 14805 676 197 OBS T0916 0370 34922 2778 14807 688 209 OBS T0990 0362 34910 2778 14816 578 STD 1000 0362 3491 2778 0004195 0511 14817 586 STD 1100 0360 3492 2778 0004222 0553 14833 555 STD 1200 0358 3492 2779 0004255 0595 14849 700 209 OBS 1224 0358 34920 2779 14853 707 STD 1300 0359 3493 2779 0004267 0638 14867 708 STD 1400 0361 3493 2779 0004372 0681 14884 709 209 OBS 1452 0362 34936 2780 14893 709 STC 1500 0360 3494 2780 0004366 0725 14901 709 STC 1750 0349 3496 2783 0004276 0833 14939 707 209 OBS 1924 034U 34961 2784 14964 705 STC 2000 0339 3496 2784 0004332 0940 14977 708 209 OBS T2404 0307 34933 2785 15032 724 STC 2500 0289 3493 2786 0004199 1154 15041 670 709 OBS 2774 0239 34922 2790 15067 516 209 OBS T2849 0189 34894 2792 15068 752 67 - SHIP CODE EV LONGITUDE 033'»81W 220 13 10 24 030 1965 NA SfEEO OB FOUCE ORIGINATOR'S BARO- METER Imbtl AIR TEMP. "C 2889 29 07 oooa DVN. M. 018 018 018 018 018 018 018 018 018 018 018 018 018 02'E 024 024 024 024 024 024 STD 0000 0824 3484 2713 0009394 0000 14836 695 OBs 0000 0824 34843 2713 14836 695 STD 0010 0825 3484 2713 0009442 0009 14838 709 OBS 0010 0825 34841 2713 14838 709 STD 0020 0826 3485 2713 0009431 0019 14841 726 OBS 0025 0827 34850 2714 14842 730 STD 0030 0828 3485 2714 0009442 0028 14843 726 STD 0050 0832 3486 2714 0009461 0047 14848 713 OBS 0051 0832 34862 2714 14848 712 STD 0075 0731 3502 2741 0006900 0068 14815 700 OBS 0076 0727 35030 2742 14814 699 STD 0100 0724 3504 2744 0006693 0085 14817 695 STD 0125 0721 3505 2745 0006605 0101 14820 692 STD 0150 0718 3507 2746 0006517 0118 14823 688 STD 0200 0712 3509 2749 0006339 0150 14829 680 OBS T0202 0712 35090 2749 14830 680 STD 0250 0650 3502 2752 0006090 0181 14812 677 STD 0300 0602 3497 2755 0005910 0211 14801 673 OBS 0305 0598 34964 2755 14800 673 STD 0400 0555 3496 2760 0005502 0268 14798 664 OBS T0406 0552 34963 2760 14798 663 STD 0500 0494 3493 2765 0005120 0321 14789 684 OBS 0510 0489 34928 2765 14789 686 STD 0600 0461 3493 2769 0004836 0371 14792 687 OBS T0611 0458 34932 2769 14793 687 STD 0700 0430 3493 2772 0004673 0418 14796 693 OBS 0705 0429 34927 2772 14796 693 STD 0800 0411 3493 2774 0004476 0463 14805 698 OBS T0817 0408 34926 2774 14806 700 STD 0900 0393 3492 2775 0004401 0508 14814 716 OBS T0921 0392Q 34914 27750 719 STD 1000 0378 3490 2775 0004461 0552 14824 723 OBS T1051 0372 3489B 2776 14830 725 STD 1100 0368 3490 2776 0004442 0596 14836 726 STD 1200 0361 3490 2777 0004448 0641 14850 731 OBS 1286 0358 34896 2777 14863 732 STD 1300 0358 3490 2777 0004474 0685 14866 732 STD 1400 0359 3491 2778 0004497 0730 14883 729 STD 1500 0361 3492 2778 0004522 0776 14901 725 OBS T1524 0361 34925 2779 14905 724 STD 1760 0353 3494 2781 0004475 0888 14940 7C8 STD 2000 0344 3494 2782 0004548 1001 14979 689 OBS 2004 0344 34942 2782 14979 689 OBS T2490 0310 34938 2786 15048 717 STD 2500 0308 3494 2785 0004407 1224 15049 718 OBS 2807 0246 34926 2790 15076 733 OBS T2876 0194 34898 2792 15065 750 68 - SHIP CODE 963 EV LATrruDE 1/10 62020N LONGITUDE ' '1/10 OSZ^eOSW HR 1/10 T 061 081 081 081 081 0 DAY HR.l/ 220 22 10 24 093 1965 MAS 009 i?((0 01 fo»ct 505 ORIGINATOR'S 2889 15 12 2| 2 WEA- THER CODE ■ XI 6l 2 00091 081 081 081 081 081 081 081 093 093 093 STO 0000 0853 3493 2716 0009196 0000 14848 705 OBS 0000 0853 34927 2716 14848 705 STO 0010 0853 3492 2715 0009252 0009 14860 698 OBS 0010 0853 34922 2715 14850 698 STD 0020 0853 3492 2715 0009294 0018 14852 599 OBS 0025 0853 34918 2716 14852 599 STD 0030 0849 3494 2717 0009098 0028 14862 696 OSS OOi.9 0829 35003 2725 14848 685 STD 0050 0827 3500 2726 0008337 0045 14848 585 STD 0075 0782 3503 2735 0007517 0065 14835 578 OBS 0098 0750 35059 2741 14827 575 STD 0100 0750 3506 2741 0006917 0083 14827 575 STO 0125 0745 3506 2743 0006863 0100 14829 578 STO 0150 0738 3507 2744 0006761 0117 14831 662 OBS T019't 0718 35077 2747 14830 687 STO 0200 0710 3507 2748 0005450 0150 14828 587 STD 0250 0657 3499 2749 0005406 0182 14816 587 STD 0300 0626 3497 2752 0006221 0214 14810 587 OBS 0315 0621 34968 2752 14811 687 OBS T03B8 0626 35028 2766 14826 529 STD OhOO 0616 3502 2757 0005864 0274 14823 631 OBS 0487 0556 34990 2762 14813 643 STD 0500 0551 3499 2753 0005381 0331 14813 544 OBS 0585 0514 34982 2767 14812 647 STD 0600 0503 3497 2767 0005051 0383 14810 650 OBS 0685 0456 34941 2770 14804 658 STD 0700 0451 3494 2770 0004749 0432 148U5 571 OBS T0783 0427 34938 2773 14809 587 STD 0800 0424 3494 2773 0004542 0478 14810 589 OBS T0884 0408 34935 2775 14817 699 STD 0900 0404 3493 2775 0004459 0523 14818 702 STD 1000 0384 3492 2776 0004386 0557 14827 718 OBS T1057 0376 34911 2776 14833 723 STD 1100 0373 3491 2777 0004399 0611 14839 722 STD 1200 0369 3492 2777 0004414 0655 14854 720 OBS 1282 0367 34917 2778 14867 718 STD 1300 0367 3492 2778 0004439 0700 14870 718 STO 1400 0369 3493 2778 0004467 0744 14887 716 STD 1500 0370 3494 2779 0004493 0789 14905 714 OBS T1509 0370 34945 2779 14907 714 69 REFERENCE SHIP CODE if MARSDEN STATION Tl "Ai ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD COOES NODC crsY CODE ID. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ■ -i/io CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S STATION NUMBER 10' r MO DAr HR.1/10 Dia. MGT PER iEft TYPE *M 31 963 EV b2090N 031339W 220 21 10 24 151 1963 NAJ 010 2377 23 17 3 3 XI 8 2 OOIC WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbt) AIR TEMP. "C ^».„E. SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. DIR. i^EED OH FORCE DRT BULB WEI BULB 20 S08 064 106 0 94 e MESUhjGslcAST TIME 0. NO. HR VIO 1 CARD TfPE DEPTH Im) T -C s •/.. SIGMA-T S«ciric voiUMt ANOMALY-XIO' SAD DYN, M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/l PO*-P MB - ol/l TOTAL-P vg • ol/l NOj-N vg - Dl/I NO3-N WB - ol/l SIO*-S. ua ■ ol/l pH s c c 1 STD 0000 0888 3498 2714 0009305 0000 14862 703 1'.4 OBS 0000 0688 34983 2714 14862 703 STD 0010 0884 3498 2715 0009293 0009 14863 696 144 OBS 0011 0884 34975 2714 14863 695 STD 0020 0881 3497 2714 0009335 0019 14863 698 144 OBS 0027 0878 34967 2715 14863 699 STD 0030 0878 3497 2715 0009310 0028 14863 698 STD 0050 0863 3500 2720 0008901 0046 14861 689 144 OBS 0053 0859 35007 2721 14860 688 STD 0075 0808 3510 2736 0007394 0067 14846 675 144 OBs 0085 0788 35139 2742 14840 670 STD 0100 0779 3513 2743 0006777 0084 14839 673 STD 0125 0763 3512 2745 0006661 0101 14837 677 STD 0150 0748 3511 2746 0006567 0118 14835 682 STD 0200 0719 3510 2749 0006389 0150 14832 691 144 OBS T0213 0711 35090 2749 14831 693 STD 0250 0693 3508 2751 0006224 0181 14830 681 STD 0300 0664 3506 2754 0006058 0212 14827 671 144 OBs 0320 0652 35049 2754 14825 569 STD 0400 0591 3501 2759 000561 1 0271 14813 673 144 OBS T0428 0574 34997 2760 14811 675 STD 0500 0541 3499 2764 0005225 0325 14809 663 144 OBs 0531 0528 34993 2766 14809 660 STD 0600 0502 3498 2768 0004964 0376 14810 661 144 OBs T0637 0488 34977 2769 14810 662 STD 0700 0463 3497 2772 0004672 0424 14810 673 144 DBS 0745 0447 34963 2773 14811 682 STD 0800 0427 3494 2773 0004564 0't70 14811 694 144 OBs T0852 0417 34934 2774 14816 704 STD 0900 0416 3494 2774 0004537 051b 14824 711 144 OBS 0912 0415 34940 2774 14825 713 144 OBs 0957 0409 34977 2778 14831 699 STD 1000 0401 3497 2778 0004221 0559 14834 705 STD 1100 0387 3495 2778 0004289 0602 14845 714 151 DBS 1164 0381 34945 2778 14853 717 STD 1200 0381 3495 2779 0004305 0645 14859 715 STD 1300 0382 3496 2780 0004324 0688 14876 710 STD 1400 0382 3496 2779 0004416 0732 14893 705 151 OBS T1416 0382 34965 2780 14896 704 STD 1500 0375 3496 2780 0004413 0776 14907 708 STD 1750 0356 3496 2782 0004369 0886 14942 717 151 OBS T1918 0344 34959 2783 14965 722 STD 2000 0338 3496 2784 0004326 0994 14976 724 151 OBS T2212 0326 34960 2785 15008 729 151 OBS T2302 0323 34957 2785 15022 712 70 REF«ENCE SHIP CODE n WARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX ■, WAVE WEA. THER CODE CLOUD CODES ODC CT«V CODE ID. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ■ '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OF S*MPL-S STATION NUMBER 10- 1* MO DAY HR.1/10 OIR. HCT PER SEA !YP[ AM 31 963 EV 62219N 030256W 220 20 10 2i* 202 1965 na; Oil 1993 16 20 2 X XI a 2 0011 WATER WIND BARO. METER lmb») AIR TEMP. X. VIS. COD NO. CBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. DIR- SPtED fORce DRY BULQ W(T BULS 00 SOD 071 094 078 6 HR 1/10 CARD TYPE DEPTH (ml T \: s •/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOIUME ANOMAL'-IIO' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/I PO4-P lOTAl-P NOj-N ug - 0./I NO3-N vg - oi/l SIO«-S. pg . ol/l ,H s c c 1 STD 0000 0898 3500 2714 0009332 0000 14866 705 193 OBS 0000 0898 35000 2714 14866 705 STD 0010 0899 3500 2714 0009374 0009 14868 704 193 OBS 0010 0899 34999 2714 14868 704 STD 0020 0900 3500 2713 0009437 0019 14870 705 193 OBS 0025 0901 34994 2713 14871 706 STD 0030 0900 3499 2713 0009460 0028 14872 704 STD 0050 0893 3500 2714 0009398 0047 14873 700 193 DBS 0051 0893 34995 2715 14873 700 STD 0075 0826 3506 2730 0007954 0069 14852 700 STD 0100 0771 3510 2742 0006908 0087 14836 700 193 OBS 0102 0767 35103 2742 14835 700 STD 0125 0751 3509 2744 0006714 0104 14832 696 STD 0150 0735 3508 2745 0006615 0121 14830 691 STD 0200 0709 3506 2748 0006495 0154 14828 681 193 OSS T0203 0708 35061 2748 14828 680 STD 0250 0699 3506 2749 0006447 0186 14832 677 STD 0300 0683 3506 2751 0006301 0218 14834 675 193 OBS 0305 0681 35062 2751 14834 STD 0400 0627 3503 2756 0005972 0279 14828 669 193 OBS T0403 0626 35024 2756 14828 669 STD 0500 0600 3505 2762 0005542 0337 14834 638 193 OBS 0507 0597 35056 2762 14834 637 STD 0600 0545 3504 2767 0005078 0390 14828 633 193 CBS T0600 0545 35038 2767 14828 633 STD 0700 0495 3501 2771 0004772 0439 14824 660 193 OBS 0710 0490 35003 2771 14823 662 STD 0800 0450 3497 2773 0004621 0486 14821 674 193 OBS T082'* 0441 34968 2774 14822 677 STD 0900 0419 3497 2776 0OU4366 0531 14825 689 193 OBS T0936 0411 34967 2777 14828 693 STD 1000 0404 3497 2778 0004287 0574 14836 695 202 OBS T1093 0396 34964 2778 14848 598 STD 1100 0396 3496 2778 0004296 0617 14849 698 STD 1200 0392 3497 2779 0004316 0660 14864 698 STD 1300 0387 3497 2780 0004320 0704 14879 699 202 OBS T1339 0385 34971 2780 14885 699 STD 1400 0381 3497 2780 0004331 0747 14893 702 STD 1500 0373 3496 2780 0004387 0790 14906 709 202 OBS T1588 0365 34958 2781 14918 717 71 KEFERENCE SHIP CODE ii MAR$DEN STATION Tl WE ORIGIN AT Oft-S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD COOES NODC CIRV coot ID. NO. I/IO * "1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S STATION NUMBER 10" r MO DAY HR.1/10 OIR. HOT MR SEA iin AW 31 963 EV 62318N 029158W 219 29 10 25 009 1965 NAi 012 1939 19 31 0 2 XI 3 2 0012 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mb.) AIB TEMP. "C VIS. COD NO. CBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. OIR. SPEED OR fORCE DRY euLe WET BULB 31 S02 064 089 078 8 messengrIcast TIME 0, fjo, MR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH ImJ T *C s •/.. SIGMA-T SMCIFIC VOLUME ANOMALT-XIO' SAD OVN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY 02 mt/l PO4-P roTAi-r NO3-N us - at/l NOj-N MS - ol/l SI04-Si wg - ol/l pH S c c 1 STD 0000 0874 3497 2716 0009198 0000 14857 693 003 OBS 0000 0874 34969 2716 14857 693 STD 0010 0872 3497 2716 0009202 0009 14858 707 003 OBS 0010 0872 34967 2716 14858 707 STD 0020 0873 3497 2716 0009234 0018 14860 701 003 OBS 0025 0874 34969 2716 14861 699 STD 0030 0874 3498 2716 0009169 0028 14862 699 STD 0050 0872 3502 2720 0008888 0046 14865 695 003 OBS 0050 0872 36020 2720 14865 695 STD 0075 0832 3510 2732 0007746 0066 14855 678 003 OBS 0099 0801 35147 2741 14848 668 STD 0100 0800 3515 2741 0006976 0085 14848 668 STD 0125 0788 3515 2743 0006855 0102 14847 672 STD 0150 0775 3515 2745 0006721 0119 14646 675 003 OBS T0198 0752 35143 2748 14845 682 STD 0200 0751 3514 2748 0006504 0152 14845 682 STD 0250 0732 3512 2749 0006469 0185 14846 679 003 OBS 0298 0706 35099 2751 14843 675 STD 0300 0704 3510 2751 0006324 0217 14843 675 003 OBS T0397 0626 35022 2756 14827 660 STD O'tOO 0625 3502 2756 0005983 0278 14827 558 003 OBS 0'»98 0576 35010 2761 14823 635 STD 0500 0575 3501 2761 0005541 0336 14823 636 003 OBS 0598 0525 34995 2766 14819 670 STD 0600 0525 3499 2766 0005178 0389 14819 669 003 OBS 0697 0496 34980 2769 14823 648 STD 0700 0494 3498 2769 0004982 0440 14823 649 003 OBS T0798 0435 34938 2772 14814 680 STD 0800 0434 3494 2772 0004664 0488 14814 681 STD 0900 0390 3492 2775 0004371 0534 14813 709 003 OBS T0901 0390 34920 2775 14813 709 STD 1000 0379 3491 2775 0004436 0578 14824 721 009 OBS T1008 0378 34904 2775 14825 722 STD 1100 0376 3491 2776 0004446 0622 14840 721 STD 1200 0373 3492 2777 0004429 0666 14856 719 009 OBS 1252 0372 34924 2778 14864 718 STD 1300 0377 3494 2778 0004414 0711 14874 717 STD I'tOO 0384 3495 2778 0004516 0755 14894 715 009 OBs Tl't9B 0387 34967 2780 14912 712 STD 1500 0387 3497 2780 0004518 0800 14912 712 STD 1750 0376 3496 2780 0004607 0914 1495U 701 009 OBS T1845 0368 34963 2781 14963 697 009 OBS T1933 0358 34960 2782 14974 705 72 31 963 EV LATITUDE 1/10 02ei20w MISSiNO. Ij-is, HR 1/10 059 059 059 059 059 059 059 059 059 059 059 059 059 067 067 067 067 067 STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD STD OBS STD OBS OBS STD STD STD STD OBS STD STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STO OBS OBS STD OBS STD STD STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS 219 0000 0000 0010 0010 0020 0026 0030 0050 0051 0075 0076 0090 0100 0125 0150 0200 0202 0250 0300 0305 CtOO 0't06 0500 T0510 0600 0611 0700 T0719 0800 0822 T0869 0900 T0966 1000 1100 1200 T1219 1300 T1338 lifOO Tl'tl3 10 067 1965 SPEED Da FORCE BARO- METER NA£ 013 DEPTH TO BOTTOM 14'»5 0883 0883 0881 0881 0882 0883 0883 088it 0884 0884 0879 0770 0764 0749 0734 0708 0707 0687 0665 0663 0620 0617 0549 0544 0517 0513 0482 0477 0459 0456 0454 0448 0434 0423 0399 0385 0384 0384 0383 0381 0381 3499 34991 3500 34999 3500 34995 3499 3499 34987 3499 34991 35049 3506 3507 3508 3508 35084 3506 3505 35049 3504 35037 3501 35008 3501 35012 3501 35008 3501 35006 35004 3500 34980 3498 3497 3495 34951 3496 34965 3497 34971 2716 2716 2717 2717 2716 2716 2716 2716 2715 2716 2716 2738 2739 2742 2745 2749 2750 2750 2753 2753 2758 2758 2765 2765 2768 2769 2773 2773 2775 2775 2775 2776 2776 2776 2778 2779 2779 2779 2780 2780 2780 0009170 0000 0009101 0009 0009150 0018 0009240 0027 0009293 0046 0009342 0069 DEPTH OF S'MPL'S KGTl PERI S£* WEA- THER CODE 33 NOOC STATION NUMBER ooia 0007106 0006864 0006624 0006348 0006290 0006145 0005768 0005208 0004929 0004510 0004458 0090 0107 0124 0157 0188 0219 0279 0334 0384 0432 0477 0004479 0522 0004447 0567 0004326 0611 0004331 0654 0004356 0697 0004331 0741 14861 14861 14862 14862 14864 14855 14866 14859 14869 14873 14872 14833 14833 14831 14830 14828 14828 14827 14827 14827 14825 14825 14813 14812 14816 14817 14819 14820 14826 14828 14835 14838 14843 14844 14850 14861 14864 14877 14883 14893 14895 NOl-N 704 704 702 702 704 705 704 699 699 598 598 687 686 585 583 580 680 579 678 678 653 552 643 642 652 553 567 659 674 677 585 687 692 694 702 70? 710 701 699 699 699 73 REFERENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE LONGITUDE 11 MARSOEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S 3EPTH . WAVE — WEA- THER ClOUD CODES CIRY ID. NO. SQUAftI (GMTI YEAR CRUISE STATION TO BOTTOM DEPTn OF OBSERVATIONS st'aiTon 1/10 1/10 10* r MO DAY HR.1/10 NO. NUW BER S-MPL'S OIR HCI PER St* CODf ^1'f *w NUMBER 31 963 EV 6256 4N 02 7036W 219 27 12i 25 105 1965 NA^ 014 1408 09 31 5 2 XI ^ 7 OOliJ WATER WIND BARC AIR TEMP. •c NO. COLOR TRANS, OIR. SPEED METER DRY WET VIS. COO OBS. SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS CODE '"" FORCE (mb* BULB BULB DEPTHS 30 S14 030 083 078 8 HR 1/10 T CARD TYPE DEPTH 1ml T -C s •/„ SIGMA-T SCEC1FIC VOLUMt ANOMALT-XIO' SAD DYN. M. X I0> SOUND VELOCITY 0; ml/I PO4-P tOTAL-P «B-o'/l NO,-N ug - ol/l NOj-N vfl - ol/l SI O4-S. wg - ot/l PH C c STO 0000 0920 3510 2718 0008952 0000 14876 680 105 OBs 0000 0920 35097 2718 14876 680 STO 0010 0918 3509 2718 0008967 0009 14877 686 105 OBS 0011 0918 35094 2718 14877 687 STD 0020 0919 3510 2718 0008964 0018 14879 691 105 OBs 0026 0919 35100 2719 14880 694 STD 0030 0919 3510 2718 0008979 0027 14880 687 STD 0050 0920 3510 2719 0009017 0045 14884 659 105 OBs 0052 0920 35102 2719 14884 657 STD 0075 0880 3513 2727 0008230 0066 14874 656 STD 0100 0845 3517 2735 0007506 0086 14865 654 105 OBs 0103 0841 35169 2736 14864 654 STD 0125 0825 3517 2739 0007226 0105 14862 654 STD 0150 0810 3517 2741 0007052 0122 14860 653 STD 0200 0788 3517 2745 0006814 0157 14860 652 105 OBs T0204 0787 35170 2745 14860 652 105 OBS T0246 0778 36173 2746 14864 688 STD 0250 0777 3517 2746 0006744 0191 14864 686 STD 0300 0764 3517 2748 0006644 0224 14867 664 105 OBS 0306 0762 35168 2748 14867 662 STD 0400 0742 3515 2750 0006646 0291 14875 671 105 OBS T0412 0739 35148 2750 14876 672 105 OBS T0495 0709 35137 2753 14877 660 STD 0500 0707 3514 2754 0006418 0366 14877 656 105 OBS 0507 0704 35131 2754 14877 650 105 OBS T0577 0677 35130 2757 14878 634 STD 0600 0663 3512 2758 0006091 0419 14876 631 105 OBs T0608 0659 35111 2758 14876 630 105 OBS T0653 0640 35102 2760 14876 624 STD 0700 0608 3509 2763 0005665 0477 14871 651 105 OBs 0714 0600 35085 2764 14870 657 STD 0600 0579 3507 2765 0005589 0534 14876 672 105 OBS T0818 0574 35061 2765 14876 674 STD 0900 0546 3505 2768 0005382 0589 14879 682 105 OBS T0926 0535 35047 2769 14878 683 74 SHIP CODJ 31 963 EV LATITUDE LONGITUDE ' '1/10 63072N 02559^W MO DAY HR,1/1 219 35 10 25 155 1965 NAS 015 ORIGINATOR'S 1152 SPEED OH FOUCf AIR TEMP. X: u Gri PER SEA 30 2 1 WEA- THER CODE XI 8l 6 NO. oes. DEPTHS NODC STATION NUMBER 0015i MESSENCR I TIMf at MR I/IO T iPtCIFlC VOLUME NOl-N ug - ot/1 SI 04-Si STD 0000 0959 3508 2710 0009690 0000 14890 68^ 155 OBS 0000 0959 35080 2710 14890 682 STD 0010 0957 3503 2711 0009680 0010 14891 688 155 OBS 0010 0957 35080 2711 14891 6R8 STD 0020 0958 3508 2710 0009717 0019 14893 673 155 OBS 0025 0959 35077 2710 14894 569 STD 0030 0959 3508 2710 0009776 0029 14895 672 STD 0050 0961 3508 2710 0009807 0049 14899 680 155 OBS 0050 0961 35083 2710 14899 6R0 STD 0075 0925 3518 2724 0008572 0072 14891 671 STD 0100 0895 3524 2734 0007682 0092 14885 563 155 OBS 0100 0895 35244 2734 14885 553 STD 0125 0875 3523 2736 0007528 0111 14881 555 STD 0150 0856 3522 2738 0007361 0130 14878 551 155 DBS T0199 0826 35202 2741 14875 648 STD 0200 0826 3520 2741 0007154 0166 14875 648 STD 0250 0807 3520 2744 0005964 0201 14876 658 155 OBS 0298 0789 35192 2746 14877 668 STD 0300 0788 3519 2746 0005848 0236 14875 659 155 OBS T0397 0752 35153 2749 14878 678 STD O'tOO 0750 3515 2749 0005752 0304 14878 678 155 OBS 0496 0701 35099 2762 14874 657 STD 0500 0700 3510 2752 0006577 0370 14874 554 155 OBs 0596 0675 35122 2757 14881 618 STD 0600 0673 3512 2757 0006203 043i, 14880 519 155 OBS 0696 0627 35092 2761 14878 530 STD 0700 0625 3509 2761 0005899 0495 14878 630 155 OBS T0796 0577 35055 2765 14874 637 STD 0800 0576 3505 2764 0005659 0553 14874 637 STD 0900 05't6 3504 2767 0005456 0608 14878 643 155 OBs T0996 0516 35026 2770 14882 549 STD 1000 0515 3503 2770 0005264 0662 14882 549 155 OBS T1097 Oi.83 35015 2773 14885 550 REFERENCE SHIP CODE S| MARSDEN STATION Tl WE ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CriT CODE ID. NO. I/IO ■1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAY HR.1/10 OIR. HGI PER SE* T'PE AW 31 96^ EV 63218N 02^520W 219 34 10 25 201 1965 na; 016 0293 03 25 3 3 X2 6 8 0016 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbs) AIR TEMP. X. VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. D1R. SPEED OR fORCE DRY WET BULB BULB 25 S14 983 083 078 8 TIME c)C«^ HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH tm| T "C s •/.. StGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALY-mo' SAD DYN. M. SOUND VELOCITY Ol ml/1 PO4-P TOTAt-P »S - of/I N03-N VS - at/I NO3-N pH S c c US - ot/l 1 STD 0000 0922 3513 2720 0008775 0000 14877 705 201 OBS 0000 0922 35125 2720 14877 705 201 DBS 0009 0921 35123 2720 14878 712 STD 0010 0921 3512 2720 0008795 0009 14878 710 STD 0020 0921 3512 2720 0008816 0018 14880 696 201 OBS 0023 0921 35123 2720 14880 693 STD 0030 0923 3512 2719 0008890 0026 14882 6R8 201 OBS OO47 0924 35115 2719 14885 678 STD 0050 0924 3512 2719 0008948 0044 14886 577 STD 0075 0917 3513 2721 0008816 0065 14887 672 201 OBS 0093 0908 35139 2723 14887 568 STD 0100 0897 3515 2726 0008408 0088 14884 566 STD 0126 0859 3517 2734 0007728 0108 14874 658 STD 0160 0828 3519 2740 0007163 0127 14857 653 201 OBS T0191 0790 35209 2747 14860 649 STD 0200 0784 3521 2748 0006474 0161 14859 550 STO 0250 0753 3520 2761 0006312 0193 14859 655 201 OBS T0268 0762 35199 2751 14861 557 75 ■ SHIP CODE EV 63250N LONGITUDE 014^71W Zlt MESSENGR I IIME DI HB I/IQ T 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 220 220 220 STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD STD OBS STD STD OBS STD STD STD OBS STD STD OBS STO OBS STO OBs STO OBS STO OBS STD OBS STO OBS STD OBS STO OBS STD STO OBS 10 26 220 SREED OR FORCE S26 0000 0000 0010 0010 0020 0025 0030 0050 0050 0075 0100 0102 0125 0150 0200 T0206 0250 0300 0307 0400 0410 0500 0512 0600 T0616 0700 0721 0800 0827 0900 T0934 1000 T1049 1100 1146 1200 1300 T132e ORIGINATOR'S 0965 0965 0964 0964 0965 0966 0969 0974 0974 0956 0940 0939 0925 0912 0890 0888 0876 0865 0864 0851 0850 0845 0842 0804 0797 0769 0766 0680 0653 0565 0536 0520 0490 0428 0388 0382 0372 0369 3512 35118 3511 35108 3511 35113 3512 3515 35149 3521 3526 35269 3527 3528 3529 35289 3529 3528 35284 3527 35264 3526 35259 3524 35236 3522 35211 3516 35143 3510 35088 3508 35062 . 3504 35018 3502 3502 35016 2712 2712 2712 2712 2712 2712 2712 2713 2713 2721 2728 2728 2731 2734 2738 2738 2740 2742 2742 2743 2742 2743 2743 2748 2748 2751 2752 2759 2762 2770 2772 2774 2776 2781 2783 2784 2785 2785 NAJ 17A DEPTH TO BOTTOM 0009504 0009584 0009607 0009619 0009528 0008864 0008241 0007989 0007798 0007482 0007371 0007321 0007400 0007571 0007264 0007048 0006318 0005272 0004934 0004137 0003821 0003792 0000 0010 0019 0029 0048 0071 0092 0113 0132 0170 0208 0244 0318 0393 0467 0539 0605 0663 0714 0760 0800 0838 DEPTH OP S-MPL'S 24| 3| 2 WEA- THER CODE - SOUND VELOCITY NODC STATION NUMBER 00171 14893 14893 14894 14894 14896 14897 14899 14905 14905 14903 14902 14902 14900 14900 14900 14900 14903 14907 14908 14918 14919 14932 14933 14933 14933 14936 14934 14917 14910 14887 14881 14685 14881 14863 14854 14861 14873 14877 NOi-N NOj-N wg - ol/l SIO4-SI ug -oi/l 708 708 705 705 705 705 704 699 699 691 683 682 681 681 679 679 677 675 675 678 678 679 679 644 540 631 629 643 648 667 673 680 685 690 594 699 707 709 76 - SHIP CODE 963 Ev 63040N LONGITUDE * M/IO 218 34 10 27 027 1965 NA= 18A 20 SPEED 01 FORCE ORIGINATOR'S BARO- METER 739 AIR TEMP. "C 1736 OBSERVATIONS 3 3 X6 5l 9 NOOC STATION NUMBER 0018 SAO DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND vELOCirr NOj-N STD 0000 1008 3523 2714 0009380 0000 14910 585 020 OBS 0000 1008 35229 2714 14910 585 STD 0010 1009 3522 2713 0009476 0009 14912 690 020 OBs 0011 1009 35220 2713 14912 690 STO 0020 1009 3524 2714 0009350 0019 14914 692 020 OBS 0026 1009 35243 2715 14915 694 STD 0030 1009 3524 2714 0009382 0028 14915 691 STD 0050 1007 3523 2713 0009505 0047 14918 579 020 OBs 0050 1007 35225 2713 14918 679 STD 0075 0986 3525 2719 0009032 0070 14914 676 STD 0100 0968 3526 2723 0008720 0092 14912 672 020 OBs 0101 0967 35264 2723 14912 572 STD 0125 095t 3527 2726 0008474 0114 14911 671 STD 0150 09'>1 3528 2729 0008244 0135 14911 571 STD 0200 0919 3528 2733 0007998 0175 14911 669 020 OBS 0202 0918 35282 2733 14911 659 STD 0250 0900 3528 2735 0007822 0215 14912 567 STO 0300 0884 3527 2738 0007707 0254 14914 654 020 OBS 0303 0883 35272 2738 14914 664 STD 0*00 0860 3526 2741 0007615 0330 14921 662 020 OBs T0406 0859 35255 2740 14922 662 STD 0500 0853 3525 2741 0007749 0407 14935 681 020 OBS 0510 0852 35253 2741 14936 682 STD 0500 0846 3525 2742 0007649 0485 14949 688 020 OBS 06 11 0845 35249 2742 14950 689 STO 0700 0833 3525 2744 0007856 0564 14960 672 020 OBs 0713 0829 35244 2744 14961 658 STD 0800 0783 3521 2748 0007512 0641 14957 629 020 OBs T0816 0773 35209 2750 14956 624 STD 0900 0710 3520 2758 0006628 0711 14946 610 020 OBS T0915 0698 35174 2758 14943 020 OBS T0921 0693 35161 2758 14942 506 STD 1000 0626 3512 2763 0006120 0775 14928 585 STD 1100 0551 3506 2768 0005528 0834 14914 551 027 OBS T1121 0537 35053 2769 14912 555 STD 1200 0487 3502 2773 0005151 0888 14904 583 STD 1300 0434 3497 2775 0004927 0938 14898 655 027 OBS T1332 0419 34958 2775 14897 687 77 963 EV LATITUDE VIO 62296N 014072W 218 2^ MO DAY HR.I/K 10 21 091 ORIGINATOR'S SARD* I METER (mbll 26 S25 702 AIR TEMP. "C 1426 WAVE WEA- OflSEBVATIONS tHER -rrH CODE ■ SOUND VELOCITY STD 0000 lOl'* 3524 2713 0009434 0000 14912 693 079 OBS 0000 101<. 35235 2713 14912 693 STD 0010 1011 3524 2714 0009392 0009 14913 513 079 OBs 0010 1011 35237 2714 14913 513 STD 0020 1014 3523 2713 0009516 0019 14915 516 079 OBS 0025 1016 35229 2712 14916 517 STD 0030 1016 3523 2712 0009569 0028 14917 518 079 08s 00^.9 1017 36230 2712 14921 620 STD 0060 1015 3523 2713 0009593 0048 14921 620 STD 0075 0978 3526 2721 0008842 0071 14912 615 079 OBS 0098 0951 35282 2727 14905 613 STD 0100 0950 3628 2728 0008257 0092 14906 613 STD 0125 0938 3529 2730 0008092 0112 14905 616 STD 0150 0927 3529 2732 0007940 0132 14905 518 079 OBS T0198 0911 35299 2735 14908 523 STD 0200 0911 3630 2735 0007731 0172 14908 624 STD 0250 0904 3530 2737 0007686 0210 14914 648 079 OBS 0297 0898 35309 2738 14919 668 STD 0300 0898 3531 2738 0007655 0249 14920 657 079 OBS 0395 089U 35293 2738 14932 638 STD otoo 0888 3529 2738 0007837 0325 14932 535 079 OBS 0'i97 0857 35264 2741 14935 515 STD 0500 0857 3526 2741 0007731 0404 14937 515 079 OBS T0595 0842 35260 2743 14947 637 STD 0600 0841 3525 2743 0007597 0481 14947 637 STD 0700 0815 3524 2746 0007517 0558 14954 632 STD 0800 0763 3520 2751 0007274 0532 14950 527 091 OBS T084't 0732 35183 2754 14946 625 STD 0900 0681 3516 2758 0006550 0701 14934 592 091 OBS T0927 0660 36140 2760 14930 589 STD 1000 0616 3512 2765 0006976 0764 14924 633 079 OBS TlOli* 0607 35114 2765 14923 640 STD 1100 0545 3505 2768 0005518 0822 14912 650 STD 1200 0478 3500 2772 0006187 0875 14900 664 079 OBS T1227 0461 34991 2773 14898 668 STD 1300 0426 3499 2777 0004675 0925 14895 680 079 OBS T1316 0408 34986 2779 14890 684 079 OBs T1381 0295 34993 2791 14854 703 3l 7 00191 NOj-N S104-SI 78 REFE Ci«r ENCE 10. SHIP CODE LATITUDE LONGITUDE ii MARSDEN SQUARE STATION TIME IGMTI TEAR ORIGINATOR'S CRUISE STATION NO. NUMBER DEPTH TO BOTTOM MAX. DEPTH OE S'MPL' WAVE OBSERVAnONS Ol«- HGTlPERj S£* WEA- THER CODE ClOUD CODES ITP( AMt NODC STATION NUMBER cool 3 1 NO. q63 Ev 1/10 62074N ■1/10 013398W 10" 218 23 To" 27 142 1965 i^a; 20A 1399 14 27 9I3I XI 8 6 0020 WATER WIND E BARO- METER [mbll AIR TEMP. \; VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IBANS. DIH. SPEE 0« (OBC DRT BULB WET BULB 26 531 787 111 106 8 -| 1 1 1 1 1 n MESSiNG.lcASI SPECIPIC VOLUME SAD SOUND PO,-P rOTAL-P NO3-N NO3-N SlO*-Si s c CARD TYPE DEPTH (ml T -C s •/.. SIGMA-T ANOMALT-llO' OTN. M, X 10> VELOCITY ug - oi/i Wfl - Ol/l ug - oi/l vg - or/l wg - ot/1 J c STO 0000 1 1026 3525 2712 0009551 0000 14916 694 136 OBS 0000 1026 35246 2712 14916 694 STD 0010 10'i6 3524 2711 0009611 0010 14918 685 136 OBS 0010 1026 35241 2711 14918 685 STD 0020 1026 3524 2711 0009641 0019 14920 683 136 OBS 0025 1026 35240 2711 14921 682 STD 0030 1026 3524 2711 0009670 0029 14921 679 STD 0050 1028 3524 2711 0009728 0048 14925 670 136 OBS 0050 1028 35242 2711 14925 670 STD 0075 1002 3526 2717 0009220 0072 14920 665 136 DBS 0099 0981 35280 2722 14917 662 STD OlOO 0980 3528 2722 0008767 0094 14917 662 STD 0125 0966 3529 2725 0008535 0116 14916 660 STD 0150 0954 3530 2728 0008335 0137 14916 659 136 OBS T0197 0934 35311 2733 14916 658 STO 0200 0933 3531 2733 0007993 0178 14916 658 STD 0250 0920 3531 2734 0007926 0218 14920 660 136 OBS 0294 0911 35301 2736 14923 662 STD 0300 0911 3530 2736 0007914 0257 14924 662 136 OBS 0394 0899 35314 2738 14936 665 STD 0400 0897 3531 2739 0007834 0336 14936 665 136 OBS 0495 0870 35279 2740 14941 663 STD 0500 0868 3528 2741 0007810 0414 14941 662 136 OBS 0594 0836 35241 2743 14944 645 STD 0600 0835 3524 2743 0007749 0492 14945 644 136 OBS 0694 0808 35236 2747 14950 624 STD 0700 0806 3523 2747 0007548 0569 14950 622 136 DBS 0795 0763 35201 2751 14949 601 STD 0800 0762 3520 2751 0007258 0643 14949 598 136 OBS T0897 0709 35173 2756 14946 591 STD 0900 0706 3517 2756 0006787 0713 14944 594 142 OBS T0985 0619 35126 2765 14923 670 STD 1000 0598 3511 2766 0005792 0776 14917 674 STD 1100 0479 3500 2772 0005091 0830 14884 699 STO 1200 0401 3494 2776 0004627 0879 14867 715 142 OBS T1217 0392 34934 2776 14866 717 142 OBS T1288 0367 34929 2779 14868 723 STD 1300 0358 3494 2780 0004178 0923 14866 722 142 OBS T1361 028C 35004 2792 14846 712 79 REFERENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE LONGITUDE 1^ MAflSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S 3EPTH MA ~ WAVE WEA- THER CLOUD CODES CT«Y ID. NO. SQUARE IGMTI YEAR CRUISE STATION TO BOTTOM OF OBSERVATIONS STATION VIO ■1/10 10* r MO DAY HR.l/IO NO. NUMBER S'MPL'S Dm HGT PES SEA CODE IVPt AM NUMBER 31 953 Ev 61406N 013072W 218 13 10 27 192 1965 NA£ 21A 1573 15 77 9 3 X 1 7 f. no ■? 1 WATER WIND BARO- AIR TEMP. ■c NO. COLOR TRANS. DIR. into METER DRY W ET VIS. COD OBS. SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS CODE ""' FO«ce Imbs) BULB BULB DEPTHS 27 S25 817 105 100 8 HR 1/10 CARD TYPE DEPTH Im) I -c s ■/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALT-XIO' SAD DYN. M. X 10= SOUND VELOCITY 07 ml/I PO4-P TOTAL-P NOj-N ug - ol/l NO3-N VS - ot/l SlO^-Si ug - ol/l PH S C c STD 0000 1037 3525 2710 0009704 0000 14921 689 176 OBs 0000 1037 35250 2710 14921 689 STO 0010 1042 3525 2709 0009841 0010 14924 683 176 OBS 0010 1042 35245 2709 14924 683 STD 0020 1043 3625 2709 0009873 0020 14926 588 176 OBS 0025 1044 35248 2709 14927 690 STD 0030 1044 3525 2709 0009916 0030 14928 691 STD 0050 1045 3524 2708 0009998 0049 14931 693 176 OBS 0050 1046 35244 2708 14931 693 STD 0075 0998 3527 2719 0009081 0073 14919 688 STD 0100 0961 3530 2727 0008348 0096 14910 583 176 DBS 0100 0951 35295 2727 14910 583 STD 0125 0948 3529 2729 0008230 0116 14909 579 STD 0150 0935 3629 2731 0008091 0135 14909 574 STD 0200 0916 3529 2734 0007876 0176 14910 665 176 DBS T0203 0916 35285 2734 14910 665 STO 0250 0901 3528 2735 0007815 0216 14912 659 STD 0300 0889 3528 2737 0007727 0254 14916 553 176 OBS 0307 0888 35275 2737 14917 652 STD 0400 0881 3528 2739 0007799 0332 14929 657 176 DBS TC413 0878 35280 2739 14930 658 STD 0500 0849 3525 2741 0007708 0409 14933 655 175 OBS 0519 0844 35243 2742 14936 664 STD 0600 0835 3525 2744 0007675 0485 14945 650 176 OBS T0624 0828 35252 2745 14946 548 STD 0700 0786 3622 2749 0007310 0561 14942 637 175 OBs 0729 0770 35203 2750 14941 534 STD 0800 0733 3517 2753 00U7034 0633 14938 528 175 OBS T0834 0713 35162 2755 14935 625 STO 0900 0666 3514 2750 0005412 0700 14928 618 176 OBS T0940 0537 35130 2753 14923 613 STO 1000 0592 3510 2755 0005780 0761 14914 638 192 OBS T1032 0569 35083 2768 14910 650 STD 1100 0522 3504 2770 0005375 0817 14902 667 STO 1200 0462 3499 2773 0005048 0859 14893 693 192 OBS T1222 0461 34982 2774 14893 599 STD 1300 0418 3497 2776 0004754 0918 14892 737 STD 1400 0383 3494 2778 0004548 0965 14894 751 192 OBS T1453 0356 34930 2779 14897 ^b^ STD 1500 0358 3493 2780 0004399 1009 14900 767 192 DBS T1534 0351 34934 2761 14903 750 80 LATITUDE 1/10 ORIGINATOR'S WEA- THER CODE NODC STATION NUMBER 31 611 16N 012386W 218 12 10 27 239 1963 NAS 22A 1536 16 28 3| 2| 27 SrEED OR fO«Ct S12 BARO- METER Imbi) AIR TEMP. X. XI 4l 3 00221 M(SSENG«l.cAST TIMI or f^o. HR 1/10 ] NOj-N NQj-N SI04-Si STD 0000 1044 3625 2709 0009851 0000 14923 707 231 OBs 0000 1044 35246 2709 14923 707 STD 0010 1043 3524 2708 0009902 0010 14924 694 231 OBS 0010 1043 35240 2708 14924 694 STD 0020 1044 3524 2708 0009927 0020 14926 697 231 OBS 0026 1044 35242 2708 14927 699 STD 0030 1044 3524 2708 0009950 0030 14928 701 STD 0050 1044 3524 2708 0009995 0050 14931 709 231 OBs 0051 1044 35242 2708 14931 709 STD 0075 1023 3525 2713 0009642 0074 14928 690 STD 0100 1002 3526 2717 0009261 0098 14924 675 231 OBS 0100 1002 35262 2717 14924 676 STD 0125 0975 3527 2722 0008814 0120 14919 675 STD 0150 0951 3528 2727 0008405 0142 14914 675 STD 0200 0915 3528 2733 0007934 0183 14909 674 231 OBS T0203 0913 35284 2734 14909 674 STD 025U 0898 3527 2735 0007642 0222 14911 669 STD 0300 0886 3526 2736 0007664 0262 14914 663 231 OBS 0304 0885 35254 2736 14915 663 STD 0*00 0872 3528 2740 0007679 0339 14926 662 231 OBS T0407 0871 35279 2740 14927 562 STD 0500 0853 3526 2742 0007697 0416 14935 576 231 OBS 0511 0851 35254 2741 14936 577 STD 0600 0832 3525 2744 0007628 0493 14944 577 231 OBS 0612 0828 35244 2744 14944 677 STD 0700 0793 3521 2747 0007492 0568 14945 627 231 OBS 0715 0784 35208 2748 14944 519 STD 0800 0718 3515 2753 0006955 0641 14932 670 231 OBS T0817 0706 35146 2755 14930 558 STD 0900 0656 3515 2762 0006214 0706 14924 501 231 OBS T0921 0645 35147 2763 14923 509 STD 1000 0614 3514 2767 0005800 0766 14924 542 239 OBS T1040 0596 35132 2768 14923 655 STD 1100 0548 3508 2770 0005439 0823 14913 564 STD 1200 0483 3501 2772 0005181 0876 14902 577 239 OBS T1278 0444 34968 2773 14899 587 STD 1300 0443 3496 2773 0005119 0927 14902 690 STD 1400 0424 3494 2773 0005112 0978 14911 700 239 OBS Tl'.85 0391 34933 2776 14911 708 STD 1500 0383 3493 2777 0004715 1028 14910 709 239 OBS 1559 0349 34935 2781 14906 714 81 REFERENCE SHIP CODE ii MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX • WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES 'JODC cmY CODE ID. NO. 1/10 LONGITUDE 'I/IO YEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S STATION NUMBER 10- 1* MO DAY HR.l/lO DIR. HGI PES SEA TYPE AM 31 963 Ev 60^60N 012200W 218 oz 10 28 035 1965. NA3 23A 0594 05 30 0 3 X2 4 8 0023 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbil AIR TEMP. "C VIS, COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. OIR. SPEED 0» »0»C£ DRY BULB WET BULB 00 SOO 834 117 106 8 messengrIcast TIM£ 0. NO. HH \/\0] CARD TYPE DEPTH 1ml T -C s •/.. S1GMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALY-XIO' SAD OVN. M. X 10' SOUND VELOCITY 0; ml/1 PO*-P rOTAL-P U8 . oW\ NO3-N WD - ol/l NOj-N va - o'/i sio*-s. ng . ol/l pH S c c 1 STD 0000 1079 3529 2706 0010141 0000 14936 687 035 OBS 0000 1079 35287 2706 14936 687 STD 0010 1080 3529 2705 0010196 0010 14938 587 035 OBS 0010 1080 35285 2705 14938 687 STD 0020 1079 3529 2705 0010208 0020 14939 686 035 OBS 0025 1079 35285 2705 14940 685 STD 0030 1079 3529 2705 0010230 0031 14941 685 STD 0050 1080 3528 2705 0010299 0051 14945 687 035 OBS 0051 1080 35284 2705 14945 687 STD 0075 1080 3529 2705 0010351 0077 14949 704 035 OBS 0076 1080 35285 2705 14949 70b STD 0100 1065 3529 2708 0010115 0103 14947 681 STD 0125 1043 3529 2713 0009768 0127 14944 664 035 OBS T0125 10t3 35294 2713 14944 664 STD 0150 0997 3529 2721 0009054 0151 14931 665 STD 0200 0929 3529 2732 0008054 0194 14914 668 035 OBS 0203 0926 35294 2733 14914 668 STD 0250 0912 3529 2735 0007886 0234 14916 56B STD 0300 0900 3529 2737 0007798 0273 14920 568 035 OBS 0307 0898 35294 2737 14921 658 STD 0*00 0881 3529 2740 0007725 0350 14929 664 035 OBS O'tlO 0880 35287 2739 14931 663 STD 0500 0871 3529 2741 0007762 0428 14942 655 035 OBS T0513 0870 35291 2741 14944 654 SHIP CODE LATITUDE I/IO LONGITUDE ■i/io ORIGINATOR'S cWmT SEA 31 EV 60262N 011505W 077 1965 NA£ 24A 10 3 3 05 SPEED OB FOSCt 797 AIR TEMP. "C NO. OBS. DEPTHS 0024| MESSENGB IIME 1 HR 1/10 SOUND VELOCITY 068 068 068 068 068 068 068 068 068 068 068 058 058 077 077 077 STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD STD OBS STD OBS STD STD STD OBS STD STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STO OBS STD OBS OBS STD DBS STD OBS 0000 0000 0010 0010 0020 0025 0030 0050 0050 0075 0099 0100 0125 0150 0199 0200 0250 0298 0300 T0388 0400 0497 0500 T0595 0600 0595 0700 0795 0800 T0885 0894 0900 T0959 1000 T1043 1044 1044 1048 1048 1047 1047 1047 1048 1048 1013 0985 0984 0957 0952 0928 0928 0915 0905 0905 0890 0889 0877 0876 0852 0851 0827 0825 0782 0779 0733 0728 0723 0675 0659 0539 3524 35238 3526 35261 3525 35265 3527 3527 35256 3529 35312 3531 3531 3532 35320 3532 3532 35319 3532 35319 3532 35299 3530 35281 3528 35275 3527 35245 3524 35231 35229 3522 35175 3518 35174 2708 2708 2709 2709 2709 2710 2710 2709 2709 2717 2724 2724 2727 2730 2734 2734 2736 2738 2738 2740 2740 2741 2741 2743 2743 2747 2747 2751 2751 2757 2768 2758 2751 2763 2755 0009910 0009830 0009820 0009834 0009894 0008596 0008369 0008155 0007846 0007743 0007693 0007654 0007776 0007709 0007555 0007229 0000 0010 0020 0030 0049 0009181 0073 0095 0117 0137 0177 0215 0256 0331 0409 0485 0552 0635 0006679 0705 0006201 0770 149?3 14923 14925 14926 14928 14928 14929 14933 14933 14925 14919 14918 14916 14915 14914 14914 14918 14922 14922 14931 14933 14944 I4944 14951 14951 14958 14958 14957 14956 14953 14952 14951 14944 14942 14941 574 574 575 675 574 573 675 680 680 677 675 575 573 670 655 565 658 664 654 550 650 648 648 544 645 653 652 645 654 563 548 649 550 654 670 82 REFERENCE SHIP CODE ii MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC STATION NUMBER CTRY ID. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE "1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S 10* r WO DAY HR.1/10 DIR. HCI ?ER SEA T1PE AM 31 963 EV 59502N 011230W 182 91 10 28 119 1965 na; 25A 1216 12 27 3 2 X8 3 8 0025 WATER WIND BARO- METEK (mbi) AIR TEMP. *C VIS. COD 0?S "EC1AC DEPTHS OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TWNS. OIR. SfEfO OR (01ICE DRY BULB WEI BULB 21 S16 783 094 094 8 MESSENGR ^AST TIME 0 no_ HR I/IO CARD TYPE DEPTH Iml T -C S •''.. SIGMA-T SPtClfIC VOLUME ANOMAH-IIO' SAO DVN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY 0: ml/l PO4-P vg • oi/l TOTAl-P vg - oi/i NOi-N V9 - or/I NOj-N va ■ oi/l ng - oi/i s c c 1 1 STD 0000 1060 3528 2708 0009891 0000 14929 683 111 OBS 0000 1060 35277 2708 14929 683 111 OBS 0009 1062 35277 2708 14931 685 STD 0010 1052 3528 2708 0009928 0010 14932 685 STD 0020 1063 3528 2708 0009962 0020 14933 687 1 11 OBS 0024 1063 35284 2708 14934 688 STD 0030 1062 3528 2708 0009949 0030 14935 686 111 OBS 0049 1060 35284 2709 14937 679 STD 0050 1058 3529 2709 0009916 0050 14937 679 STD 0075 1010 3530 2719 0009042 0073 14924 674 111 OBS 0099 0976 35319 2726 14916 570 STD 0100 0976 3532 2726 0008407 0095 14916 570 STD 0125 0968 3534 2729 0008183 0116 14917 667 STD 0150 0961 3535 2731 0008050 0136 14919 666 111 OBS T0199 0948 35364 2734 14922 662 STD 0200 0948 3536 2734 0007870 0176 14922 662 STD 0250 0938 3536 2736 0007809 0215 14927 663 STD 0300 0927 3536 2737 0007747 0254 14931 664 111 OBS 0301 0927 35358 2737 14931 654 STD 0400 0918 3636 2739 0007845 0332 14944 668 111 OBS T0402 0918 35355 2739 14944 568 STD 0500 0898 3533 2740 0007881 0411 14953 572 111 OBS 0503 0897 35332 2740 14953 572 STD 0600 0877 3632 2743 0007833 0489 14961 659 1 11 OBS T0605 0875 35315 2742 14961 668 STD 0700 0835 3526 2744 0007B17 0658 14961 646 111 OBS 0706 0833 35252 2744 14951 544 STD 0800 0806 3526 2748 0007618 0645 14967 635 111 OBS T0806 0804 35244 2748 14957 634 111 OBS T0893 0757 35241 2755 14953 638 STD 0900 0753 3524 2755 0006987 0718 14953 634 119 OBS 0914 0745 35240 2756 14962 628 119 OBS T0991 0685 35206 2762 14951 539 STD 1000 0682 3521 2763 0006325 0784 14951 544 STD 1100 0646 3520 2767 0005994 0846 14964 681 119 OBS T1126 0635 35195 2768 14954 687 STD 1200 0598 3518 2772 0005528 0903 14951 693 119 OBS T1204 0596 35182 2772 14951 693 83 KftUNCf SHIP CODE °Z MARSDtN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC Cl»> CODE ID. NO. LATITUDE VIO LONGITUDE ' '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER 10 BOTTOM Of S'MPL'S STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAY MR.1/10 OIR. MGT nH SEA TYPE AM 31 963 EV 59366N 010360W 182 90 10 28 165 1965 NAS 26A 1372 1^ 31 4 X X5 6 8 002e WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbll AIR TEMP. X. "'" DEfTMS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. DIR. SPEED OR fORCt DRY eULB WET BULB 31 S24 810 039 089 7 MlJStNGsl CAST TIME 0. NO. HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH Im) T n s ■/.. SIGMA-T SrECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALK-XIO' S Ao DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY 03 ml/1 PO4-P WB - ol/l rOTAl-f Vg - ol/l NOi-N WO - ol/l NO]-N VB - ol/l SIO<-SI Vt - ol/l pH S c c 1 STD 0000 1090 3531 2705 0010138 ouoo 14940 592 159 OBS 0000 1090 35313 2705 14940 692 159 OSS 0008 1091 35305 2705 14942 693 STD 0010 1092 3531 2705 0010246 0010 14942 593 STD 0020 1094 3530 2704 0010325 0020 14945 592 159 OBS 0021 1094 35303 2704 14945 592 STD 0030 1094 3531 2705 0010294 0031 14945 693 159 OBS OOii't 1093 35315 2705 14949 595 STD 0050 1074 3532 2709 0009930 0051 14943 695 STD 0075 1007 3534 2722 0008712 00 74 14923 597 159 OBS 0087 0983 35351 2727 14916 698 STD 0100 0976 3535 2728 0008200 0095 14915 598 STD 0125 0963 3534 2730 0008088 0II6 14915 595 STD 0150 0953 3534 2731 0008017 0135 14915 695 159 OBS T0169 0947 35332 2732 14917 693 STD 0200 0944 3535 2734 0007882 0176 14921 689 STD 0250 0939 3536 2736 0007833 0215 14927 684 159 OBS 0255 0938 35353 2736 14928 683 STD 0300 0930 3535 2735 0007866 0254 14932 579 159 OBS T03*A 0923 35341 2737 14937 577 STD 0400 0918 3534 2737 0007952 0333 14944 582 159 OBS 0439 0914 35338 2738 14949 683 STD 0500 0908 3533 2739 0008037 0413 14957 675 159 OBS T0536 0904 35331 2739 14951 673 STD 0600 0894 3533 2740 0008074 0494 14968 574 159 OBS 0634 0890 35322 2741 14972 674 STD 0700 0886 3532 2741 0008176 0575 14981 668 159 OBS T0736 0880 35314 2742 14985 663 STD 0800 0864 3530 2743 0008152 0657 14989 550 159 OBS T0840 0850 35284 2744 14991 543 STD 0900 0825 3525 2746 0007993 0737 14991 537 165 OBS T0925 0812 35255 2748 14990 634 STD 1000 0766 3524 2754 0007338 0814 14985 652 155 OBS T1024 0752 35240 2755 14983 557 STD 1100 0747 3524 2755 0007233 0887 14994 653 STD 1200 0703 3522 2751 0005845 0957 14993 570 STD 1300 0619 3518 2759 0005997 1022 14976 678 165 OBS T1316 0602 35173 2771 14972 679 165 OBS T1389 0510 35132 2779 14947 725 84 REFERENCE SHIP CODE if MARSOEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX ; WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD COOES NOOC CTIY CODE 10. NO. LATITUDE l/IO LONGITUDE * 'I/IO CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM Of S'MPl'S STATION NUMBER 10- r MO DAY HR.1/10 OliL HGt PER SEA "Pt |*M 31 963 EV 592^3N 009344W 181 99 10 28 205 1965 NA5 27A 1243 12 30 7 3 Xll bl 5 002"i WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbil A)R TEMP. X. VIS. ^°- CODE °^5- ^"°' DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. DIH. SCEtD OB FO«C( DRY BULB WET BULB 30 S^O 8^1 094 069 7 MISSENGH [cast IiMI or NO. HR l/IO 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH [ml T -C s •''.. SIGMA-T SfECIfIC VOLUME ANQMALT-IIO^ SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Ol ml/1 PO^-P Vfl - a./l rOTAL-P t.g - ol/l NOj-N us - ai/1 NOj-N i^g - oi/l SI 04-Si vg - ol/l pH c c 1 STO 0000 1072 3529 2707 0010029 0000 14933 668 205 OBS 0000 1072 35286 2707 14933 668 STO 0010 1072 3529 2707 0010053 0010 14935 679 STD 0020 1071 3528 2707 0010077 0020 14936 686 205 OBS 0025 1071 35284 2707 14937 687 STD 0030 1071 3528 2707 0010101 0030 14938 683 STD 0050 1072 3529 2707 0010147 0050 14942 674 205 OBS 0050 1072 35286 2707 14942 674 STD 0075 1071 3530 2708 0010085 0076 14946 682 STD 0100 1061 3532 2711 0009833 0101 14946 687 205 OSS 0100 1061 35319 2711 14946 687 STO 0125 1020 3532 2719 0009182 0124 14936 686 STD 0150 0987 3532 2725 0008675 0147 14928 684 STD 0200 0941 3533 2733 0007996 0188 14919 680 205 OBS 0201 0940 35328 2733 14919 680 STD 0250 0937 3535 2735 0007875 0228 14926 680 STD 0300 0932 3536 2737 0007840 0267 14933 675 205 OBS T0300 0932 35358 2737 14933 675 205 OBS 0398 0915 35344 2738 14943 653 STD 0400 0915 3534 2738 0007903 0346 14943 654 205 OBS T0497 0906 35335 2739 14955 694 STO 0500 0906 3533 2739 0008033 0426 14956 695 205 OBS 0598 0898 35326 2740 14969 709 STD 0600 0898 3533 2740 0008132 0507 14969 709 205 OBS 0698 0888 35322 2741 14982 695 STD 0700 0888 3532 2741 0008208 0588 14982 694 STD 0800 0863 3530 2743 0008136 0670 14989 670 205 OBS 0807 0861 35294 2743 14989 669 STD 0900 0832 3528 2746 0007997 0751 14994 658 STD 1000 0784 3526 2752 0007545 0828 14992 647 205 OBS T1041 0760 35247 2755 14989 642 STD 1100 0717 3528 2764 0006440 0898 14983 646 205 OBS 1139 0690 35309 2770 14979 649 STD 1200 0650 3525 2770 0005812 0960 14973 653 205 OBS 1237 0628 35179 2768 14969 655 85 3ll 963 EV SHIP CODE LATITUDE I/IO LONGITUDE "I/IO 181 98 10 29 009 1965 N SI-EEO OK FORCE BARO* METER ORIGINATOR'S Aj 28A AIR TEMP. "C 100 063 1^65 27| 9l 3 WEA- THER CODE 0028 M(SS(NG»l.cAST ; 1/10 SAO DYN. M, X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY SIO4-S1 STD 0000 1068 3529 2707 0009958 0000 14932 694 009 OBs 0000 1068 35285 2707 14932 694 STD ooio 1071 3529 2707 0010043 0010 14935 594 STD 0020 1072 3629 2707 0010083 0020 14937 694 009 OBS 0025 1073 35285 2706 14938 594 STD 0030 1073 3529 2706 0010124 0030 14939 696 STD 0050 1073 3528 2706 0010179 0050 14942 699 009 OBs 0050 1073 35284 2706 14942 599 STD 0075 1030 3531 2716 0009317 0075 14931 677 009 OBs 0099 0995 35334 2724 14923 560 STD 0100 0994 3533 2724 0008598 0097 14922 560 STD 0125 0982 3533 2726 0008456 0119 14922 554 STD 0150 0970 3533 2728 0008315 0140 14922 667 STD 0200 0950 3534 2732 0008090 0181 14923 674 STD 0250 0934 3534 2734 0007937 0221 14925 581 STD 0300 0922 3534 2736 0007840 0260 14929 687 009 OBS 0305 0921 35336 2737 14929 588 STD 0*00 0911 3534 2738 0007875 0339 14941 688 009 OBS 0409 0910 35335 2738 14942 688 STD 0500 0903 3533 2739 0007985 0418 14955 585 009 OBS 0513 0902 35328 2739 14956 685 STD 0600 0896 3533 2740 0008107 0498 14969 599 009 OBS 0619 0894 35324 2740 14971 702 STD 0700 0883 3531 2741 0008199 0580 14980 585 009 OBS T0722 0880 35302 2741 14982 582 STD 0800 0871 3530 2742 0008268 0662 14992 581 009 OBS 0833 0863 35291 2742 14994 579 STD 0900 0837 3528 2745 0008042 0744 14996 564 STD 1000 0787 3525 2751 0007529 0822 14993 652 009 OBS T1070 0745 35232 2756 14988 550 STD 1100 0720 3522 2758 0006954 0895 14983 556 STD 1200 0642 3517 2765 0005275 0961 14959 669 009 OBS T1264 0598 35147 2759 14962 574 STD 1300 0575 3513 2771 0005711 1021 14958 675 009 OBS 1388 0526 35103 2775 14953 675 REFERENCE SHIP CODE S| MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CTOY ID. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE •1/10 YEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER CODE 10* 1" MO DAY HR.1/10 OIR. HGT PER SEA rrpt *M 31 963 EV 59021N 007445W 181 97 10 29 055 1965 NA5 29A 0805 07 78 3 4 XI 4 2 0029 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbi) AIR TEMP. "C VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRAKS. DIR. SPEED OR FORCE DRY BUL8 WET eULB 28 S40 946 089 089 8 HR 1/10 CARD TYPE DEPTH M T -C S '/.. SIGMA-T SfECIfIC VOLUMt ANOMALt-XIO' SAD DYN. M. XIO^ SOUND VELOCITY O3 ml/I PO4-P lOTAL-C NOi-N ng - al/l NOj-N ».e - oi/i SlO:.-Sl Wfl - Ql/1 pH S C c 1 STD 0000 1117 3534 2703 0010421 0000 14950 589 055 OBs 0000 1117 35338 2703 14950 689 STD 0010 1117 3534 2703 0010446 0010 14952 595 055 OBS 0010 1117 35338 2703 14952 595 STD 0020 1118 3534 2702 0010481 0021 14954 597 055 OBS 0026 1118 35338 2702 14955 598 STD 0030 1118 3534 2702 0010523 0031 14955 697 STD 0050 1119 3533 2702 0010505 0053 14959 693 055 OBS 0052 1119 35334 2702 14959 692 STD 0075 1119 3534 2702 0010625 0079 14953 729 STD 0100 1119 3534 2702 0010686 0105 14967 755 055 OBS 0103 1119 35342 2703 14958 757 STD 0125 1094 3535 2708 0010175 0132 14963 746 STD 0150 1058 3538 2714 0009650 0157 14958 733 STD 0200 1027 3541 2725 0008792 0203 14952 708 055 OBS T0207 1022 35418 2725 14951 705 STD 0250 1002 3541 2729 0008527 0246 14951 685 STD 0300 0983 3540 2731 0008407 0288 14952 662 055 OBS 0311 0980 35392 2731 14953 657 STD 0400 0965 3539 2734 0008337 0372 14962 514 055 DBS T0419 0962 35393 2734 14954 503 STO 0500 0953 3539 2736 0008370 0456 14974 544 055 OBS 0527 0949 35383 2736 14977 524 STD 0500 0930 3537 2738 0008339 0539 14982 552 055 OBS T0635 0923 35350 2738 14985 685 STD 0700 0915 3535 2739 0008437 0623 14992 676 055 OBS 0742 0912 35348 2739 14998 670 86 REFERENCE SHIP CODE l-= MA1SDEN STATION Tl *i ORIGINATOR'S 1 DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CIIY CODE ID. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE 1^ * 'i/io - CRUISE NO. STATION OF S'MPL'S NUMBER 10* r MO DAY HR.1/10 NUMBER =wi.w-»T Din. HCT «» SEA ITM AM 31 963 EV 58585N 0074^0W 181 87 11 04 216 1965 NAS 29B 11&2 11 27 5 2 X8 5 8 0030 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imbil AIR TEMP. "C VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. D1R. SPEED 0» fOICE DRY BULB WET BULB 21 S20 902 106 106 8 '"" " NO. HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH Im) T "C s •''.. SIGMA-T S»tClFlC VOLUME ANOMAlt-llo' SAD DYN. M. SOUND VELOCin Or f 1/1 P04-P rOTAL-P NOi-N NOj-N k.g - ol/l SI04-S> i>0 - oi/l PH S C c 1 1 STD 0000 1025 3530 2715 0009137 0000 14917 670 215 OBS 0000 1025 35302 2716 14917 570 STO 0010 1026 3531 2717 0009115 0009 14919 680 STD 0020 1027 3532 2717 0009100 0018 14921 586 216 OBS 0024 1027 35318 2717 14922 587 STO 0030 1027 3531 2717 0009153 0027 14923 584 216 OBS 00AE ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NOOC CIKT CODE ID. NO. I/IO ' 'l/lO CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S STATION NUMBER 10* 1* MO DAY HR.1/10 OIH. MGI PER SEA lYPf AM 31 963 EV 63000N 01^338w 218 3^ 11 06 230 1965 NAS 183 1783 17 23 2 ^ X2 4 8 00^1 WATER WIND BARO. METER (mb.) AIR TEMP. X VIS- COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR COD? IRANS. Old. SPEED OH FORCE DRY euLB WET BULB 22 SIO 186 106 100 6 HR I/loJ CARD TYPE DEPTH fan) T t s •/„ SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOlUMt ANOMALY-IIO' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY 03 ml/I PO4-P Vfl . ol/l TOTAl-r V9 ■g - oI/l SIO*-Si wfl - ol/l pH S c c 1 STD 0000 0957 3525 2724 0008371 0000 14891 661 223 OBS 0000 0957 35254 2724 14891 661 223 OBS 0009 0957 35253 2724 14893 668 STD 0010 0957 3525 2724 0008422 0008 14893 667 STD 0020 0955 3525 2724 0008412 0017 14894 663 223 OBS 002'* 0954 35248 2724 14894 662 STD 0030 0953 3525 2724 0008416 0025 14895 662 223 OBS 0049 0949 35246 2725 14896 662 STD 0050 0949 3525 2725 0008410 0042 14897 662 STD 0075 0945 3524 2725 0008430 0063 14899 663 223 OBS 0098 0941 35239 2726 14901 654 STD 0100 0941 3524 2726 0008434 0084 14902 653 STD 0125 0938 3527 2729 0008217 0105 14905 555 STD 0150 0934 3528 2730 0008132 0125 14908 648 223 DBS T0189 0925 35300 2733 14911 540 STD 0200 0920 3530 2734 0007866 0155 14911 540 STD 0250 0900 3528 2736 0007799 0205 14912 638 223 OBS 0289 0888 35271 2737 14914 535 STD 0300 0887 3527 2737 0007761 0243 14915 542 223 OBS T03e6 0873 35274 2740 14924 657 STD O'tOO 0869 3527 2740 0007683 0321 14925 661 223 OBs 0'»83 0851 35265 2742 14932 641 STD 0500 0851 3527 2743 0007592 0397 14934 543 223 OBS T0576 0846 35272 2744 14945 545 STD 0500 0843 3527 2744 0007655 0473 14948 644 223 OBS 0681 0828 35259 2745 14956 636 STD 0700 0825 3525 2745 0007672 0550 14958 533 223 DBS T0782 0794 35230 2748 14959 519 STD 0800 0779 3521 2749 0007449 0626 14956 599 223 OBS T0885 0712 35157 2755 14943 550 STD 0900 0701 3515 2756 0005859 0597 14942 552 230 OBS T0942 0671 35139 2759 14937 558 STD 1000 0628 3512 2763 0005120 0752 14929 575 STD 1100 0560 3510 2770 0005467 0820 14918 504 230 OBS TUB* 0509 3521P 2785P 524 STO 1200 0499 3507 2776 0004928 0872 14910 629 STD 1300 0444 3505 2780 0004487 0919 14904 655 STD I'.OO 0402 3502 2782 0004214 0962 14903 675 230 OBS Tl'tl5 0397 3495Q 2777Q STD 1500 0390 3500 2782 0004331 1005 14914 585 230 OBs IbitO 0357 34962 2782 14923 688 230 OBS 1715 0328 35004 2788 14924 683 96 REFERENCE SHIP CODE ii MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S | DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CTsr COOf ID. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDf ' -1/10 YEAR CRUISE NO. STATION TO STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAV HR.l/IO Dl«. [HGI| Pt"| iEA TYPE AW 31 963 EV 63277N 013020W 218 33 11 07 026 1965 NAS 17b 1097 10 20 l-^UI Kb 5 8 00^2 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mb»l AIR TEMP. X. VIS. CODf NO. DBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE '"*?"■ DIR. spao FO»CE DRY BULB WET BULB 18 S09 183 100 100 8 messingrIcast Ii«( 0. NO. HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH (m( T -C s •/.. SIGMA-T SMCIFIC VOLUMt ANOMALf-llO' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Ol ml/l PO*-P vg - o'/i TOTAL-P NOj-N vs - or/I NOj-N i>g - ot/l SlO^-Si US . oi/l pM S c c 1 STD 0000 091* 3521 2728 0008044 0000 14875 570 026 OBS 0000 091'. 35207 2728 14875 570 STD 0010 0914 3521 2728 0008035 0008 14877 573 STD 0020 0913 3521 2728 0008051 0016 14878 575 025 OBS 0026 0913 35211 2728 14879 578 STD 0030 0913 3521 2728 0008066 0024 14880 577 STD 0050 0915 3521 2728 0008132 0040 14884 571 026 OBS 0051 0915 35211 2728 14884 671 STD 0075 0916 3521 2728 0008171 0061 14888 566 STD 0100 0916 3522 2728 0008209 0081 14892 551 026 OBS 0101 0916 35217 2728 14892 561 STD 0125 0913 3524 2730 0008043 0102 14895 661 STD 0150 0910 3526 2732 0007900 0121 14899 650 STD 0200 0903 3529 2736 0007671 0160 14905 556 026 OBS 0207 0902 35291 2736 14906 555 STD 0250 089'. 3530 2738 0007555 0198 14910 547 STD 0300 OSS'. 3530 2740 0007507 0236 14914 637 026 OBS TO302 0884 35303 2740 14915 637 STD O'tOO 0867 3529 2742 0007604 0311 14924 539 026 OBS Q'*Ob 0866 35286 2742 14925 639 STD 0500 0853 3528 2743 0007587 0387 14935 634 026 OBs T0509 0851 35274 2743 14936 634 STD 0600 0831 3527 2746 0007455 0462 14943 641 025 OBS 0603 0830 35265 2746 14943 641 026 OBS T0595 0782 35232 2750 14940 654 STO 0700 0774 3523 2751 0007051 0534 14938 654 026 OBS 0796 0536 35158 2765 14899 652 STD 0800 0633 3516 2755 0005662 0598 14898 563 STD 0900 056U 3512 2772 0005071 0652 14885 679 025 OBS T0970 0500 35091 2777 14872 582 STO 1000 0472 3508 2779 0004301 0699 14855 681 026 OBS TlO'f't 0429 35052 2782 14855 678 97 LONGITUDE '1/10 O I DAV Ihr.1/10 ORIGINATOR'S Gri PES SEA WEA- CLOUD THER CODES CODE — -T7TTT 31 963 EV Q143^1W 218 24 11 07 071 1965 NAS 18C SPEED 0« fORCE 19 310 176 AIR TEMP. "C 20 3 U I 0043 SAD DYN. M. X 10^ NOj-N vg - 01/1 STD 0000 0940 3523 2725 0008250 0000 14885 588 063 OBS 0000 0940 36234 2726 14886 688 063 DBS 0009 0939 36236 2726 14886 688 STO 0010 0939 3524 2725 0008242 0006 14885 688 STD 0020 0940 3524 2725 0008280 0017 14688 588 063 OBS 0024 0940 35235 2726 14869 568 STO 0030 0940 3524 2726 0008306 0026 14890 588 063 OBS 0049 0940 35234 2726 14893 687 STD 0050 0940 3523 2726 0008356 0041 14893 587 STO 0076 0940 3524 2725 0006387 0062 14897 688 063 DBS 0098 0939 36239 2725 14901 686 STD 0100 0939 3624 2726 0008402 0083 14901 687 STD 0125 0938 3526 2728 0008291 0104 14905 676 STD 0150 0936 3528 2730 0008164 0125 14909 666 063 OBS T0197 0926 35302 2733 14913 655 STD 0200 0924 3530 2733 0007930 0156 14913 656 STD 0250 0900 3528 2736 0007799 0204 14912 656 063 OBS 0296 0885 35278 2738 14914 657 STD 0300 0885 3528 2738 0007653 0243 14914 558 063 OBS T0393 0874 35292 2741 14925 670 STD 0400 0873 3529 2741 0007599 0319 14926 570 063 OBS 0493 0856 35260 2743 14936 670 STD 0500 0855 3528 2743 0007582 0395 14935 669 063 OBS 0592 0841 35269 2744 14946 651 STO 0500 0841 3527 2744 0007631 0471 14947 661 063 OBS 0693 0825 36262 2746 14957 554 STD 0700 0825 3526 2745 0007628 0548 14958 564 063 DBS T0793 0788 35214 2748 14958 564 STD 0800 0783 3521 2746 0007512 0523 14957 654 063 OBS T0894 0712 35169 2755 14945 567 STO 0900 0705 3616 2756 0005890 0596 14944 658 071 OBS 0991 0519 36115 2764 14924 580 STO 1000 0614 3511 2764 OOO0O2I 0750 14923 682 STD 1100 0658 3507 2768 0006552 0818 14917 507 STD 1200 0605 3503 2771 0005346 0873 I49I2 631 071 OBS T1227 0493 36023 2772 14911 637 STO 1300 0457 3499 2774 0005086 0926 14908 560 STD 1400 0415 3496 2775 0004845 0975 14907 583 071 OBS T1467 0392 34952 2778 14909 693 STD 1600 0384 3496 2779 0004571 1022 14911 694 071 OBS T1666 0348 34971 2784 14922 696 071 OBS 1727 0281 34994 2792 14906 704 98 REFERENCE SHIP CODE ii MASSDEN STATION II ME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CUT CODt ID. NO. LATITUDE LONGITUDE ■ -i/io CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S NUMBER 10' r MO DAY HR.VIO OIR. MGl Pf« S(A IVPI AM 31 963 EV 62300N 01^055W 216 2^ 11 07 115 1965 NAS 19C 1^45 14 20 2 I XI 4 6 00^4 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbll AIR TEMP. -C ''"°' DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IRANS. DIH. S«ED OK FO«Cf DHt BULB WET BULB 17 SU3 173 111 100 8 MlSSENG»lrAST riMt 0. NO. HH I/10| CARD TYPE DEPTH Iml T -C s •/.. SlGMA-T SPtClFIC VOLUME ANOMALT-XIS' SAD OYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY 0? ml/1 PO4-P V9-0./I lOIAl-P WB - ol/l NOj-N UB-ol/l N03-N V^ ■ ol/l SIO*-Si k>e - ol/l pH s c c 1 STD 0000 0965 3526 2724 0008432 0000 14895 686 no OBS 0000 0965 35263 2724 14895 688 STD 0010 0967 3526 2723 0008478 0008 14897 675 no OBS 0010 0967 35264 2723 14897 575 STD 0020 0957 3526 2723 0008515 0017 14899 581 110 OBS 0026 0967 35260 2723 14899 682 STD 0030 0967 3525 2723 0008551 0025 14900 681 STD 0050 0967 3526 2723 0O0B595 0043 14903 573 no OBS 0051 0967 35259 2723 14904 673 STD 0075 0963 3527 2724 0008533 0054 14906 555 STD 0100 0956 3528 2726 0008408 0085 14908 660 no OBS 0103 0955 35277 2726 14908 659 STD 0125 0940 3528 2729 0008175 0106 14906 660 STD 0150 0925 3529 2732 0007915 0125 14905 661 STD 0200 0903 3530 2737 0007597 0165 14905 664 no OBS T020't 0902 35301 2737 14905 664 STD 0250 0900 3531 2738 0007578 0203 14912 659 STD 0300 0895 3531 2739 0007500 0241 14919 654 110 OBS 0307 0894 35313 2739 14919 653 STD O'tOO 0875 3529 2740 0007630 0317 14927 653 no OBS T0'.09 0873 35285 2740 14928 653 STD 0500 0859 3527 2742 0007589 0393 14938 654 no OBS 0511 0857 35272 2742 14939 554 STD 0600 0845 3526 2743 0007738 0471 14949 552 no OBS T0613 0843 35251 2743 14950 651 STD 0700 0828 3525 2745 0007749 0348 14959 642 no OBS 0715 0823 35249 2745 14959 639 STD OBOO 07B8 3526 2751 0007263 0523 14950 509 no OBS T0818 0777 35257 2753 14959 602 STD 0900 0704 3515 2756 0006830 0693 14943 569 no OBS T0905 0701 35157 2755 14943 567 no OBS T0920 0694 35160 2757 14942 579 STD 1000 0639 3513 2763 0006236 0759 14934 583 115 OBS TlOOl 0638 35127 2752 14933 583 STD 1100 0542 3500 2765 0005943 0820 14910 525 STD 1200 0447 3495 2772 0005144 0875 14887 659 115 OBS T12'>2 0407 34945 2775 14877 570 STD 1300 0344 3498 2785 0003711 0919 14851 683 115 OBS T1356 0301 35008 2791 14852 592 STD 1400 0280 3501 2793 0002781 0952 14851 597 115 OBS Tl^tSO 0272 35015 2794 14852 699 99 REFERENCE SHIP CODE °z MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S-MPL-S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES coot ID. NO. LATITUDE I/IO LONGITUDE 'l/lO CRUISE NO. STATION TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10' r MO DAY HR.VIO Old. HGl]Pf« I(A ITPt AM 31 963 EV 62040N U13400W 2ia 23 11 07 i» 1965 NAS 20C 13b& 14 12 ll. X2 4 8 0043 WATER WIND BARO* METER Imbs) AIR TEMP. -C VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE ''I.T' DIR. iPEED 0" «0»CE DRY BULS WEI BULB 13 S07 146 111 iUb 8 missingrIcast I.MI 0, ^0 HR 1/10 1 CARD TVPE DEPTH (ml T -C s •/„ SIGMA-T SMCIFIC VOlUMf ANOMALY-XlO' SAD DYN. M. X 10* SOUND VELOCITY O! ml/l PO4-P »fl - ol/l rOTAL-P va - o'/i NO:-N UB - ol/l NO3-N Kg - 01/1 SIO4-S. I>g . ol/l pH S c c STD 0000 0994 3526 2719 0008907 0000 14906 665 149 OBS 0000 0994 35252 2719 14905 655 STD 0010 0993 3525 2719 0008905 0009 14905 675 149 OBS 0010 0993 35253 2719 14906 675 STD 0020 0993 3527 2719 0008906 0018 14908 578 149 OBS 0025 0993 35258 2719 14909 579 STD 0030 0992 3527 2720 0008382 0027 14909 577 STD 0050 0989 3527 2720 O0O8863 0044 14912 671 149 OBS 0050 0989 35272 2720 14912 671 STD 0075 0983 3527 2721 0008820 0057 14914 571 STD 0100 0975 3527 2723 0008745 0089 14916 671 149 OBS 0100 0975 35272 2723 14915 671 STD 0125 0963 3529 2726 0008471 0110 14915 6fal STD 0150 0951 3530 2729 0008257 0131 14914 554 STD 0200 0931 3531 2733 0007983 0172 14916 546 149 OBS T0200 0931 35308 2733 14915 546 STD 0250 0916 3530 2735 0007911 0211 14918 652 STD 0300 0902 3529 2735 0007845 0251 14921 558 149 OBS 0302 0901 35291 2736 14921 658 STD 0400 0888 3530 2739 0007785 0329 14932 638 149 OBS T0404 0887 35297 2739 14932 537 STD 0500 0859 3528 2742 0007645 0406 14938 648 149 OBs 0504 0858 35275 2742 14938 648 STD 0600 0831 3525 2744 0007612 0482 14943 606 STD 0700 0797 3524 2749 0007334 0557 14947 578 155 OBS T0716 0791 35234 2749 14947 575 STD 0800 0756 3523 2754 0006946 0628 14947 568 155 OBS 0816 0749 35226 2755 14947 557 STD 0900 0715 3521 2758 0006630 0695 14948 569 155 OBS T0917 0707 35201 2759 14947 569 STD 1000 0660 3516 2752 0005326 0751 14942 570 155 OBS T1016 0549 35156 2763 14941 571 STD 1100 0505 3510 2777 0004703 0816 14a96 619 STD 1200 0377 3505 2787 0003518 0857 14859 561 STD 1300 0296 3502 2793 0002842 0889 14841 587 155 OBS T1336 0279 35017 2794 14840 592 STD 1400 0263 3502 2796 0002545 0916 14644 595 155 OBS T1401 0263 35017 2795 14844 596 100 - SHIP CODE LATITUDS 1/10 31 963 EV 61400N LONGIIUDt ■1/10 013088W 218 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 196 196 STD OBS STD OBS STD OSS STD STD OBS STD STD OBS STD STD STD OBS STD STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD OSS STD STD STD OBS OBS STD OBS 0000 0000 0010 0010 0020 0026 0030 0050 0051 0075 0100 0102 0125 0150 0200 T0202 0250 0300 0302 0400 T0402 0500 0502 0600 0601 0700 0702 0800 0802 0900 T0902 1000 1100 1200 T120't 1267 1300 TUitO 13 11 1965 0993 0993 0992 0992 0993 0993 0993 0993 0993 0988 0981 0980 096't 0949 0926 0925 0915 0904 0904 0884 0884 0856 0855 0818 0818 0766 0766 0707 0706 0674 0673 0623 0572 0521 0519 0425 0341 0208 12 SPEED OR EDUCE SIO ORIGINATOR'S BARO- METER 122 21C AIR TEMP. "C DRT BULB 094 089 SPECIFIC VOLUME DEPTH TO BOTTOM 1391 SAD OVN. M. X 10' 3526 35255 3526 35256 3526 35257 3526 3526 35260 3527 3528 35279 3529 3530 3530 35302 3529 3529 35285 3528 35282 3526 35260 3524 35243 3520 35200 3518 35175 3518 36176 3516 3514 3510 35093 35058 3503 34994 2718 2718 2718 2718 2718 2718 2718 2719 2719 2720 2722 2722 2726 2729 2733 2733 2734 2736 2735 2738 2738 2741 2741 2746 2746 2750 2750 2757 2757 2761 2762 2767 2772 2775 2775 2783 2789 2798 0008943 0008941 0008966 0008994 0009017 0008924 0008798 0008488 0008225 0007962 0007962 0007897 0007638 0007737 0007466 0007141 0006570 0006265 0006784 0006336 0006039 0000 0009 0018 0027 0045 0067 0089 0111 0132 0172 0212 0252 0331 0408 0484 0557 0626 0690 0750 0806 0858 13 WAVE OBSERVATIONS 12 THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC STATION NUMBER Kb 0046 SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS SOUND VELOCITY 0003307 0900 14905 14905 14906 14906 14908 14909 14910 14913 14913 14915 14917 14917 14915 14914 14913 14913 14917 14922 14922 14931 14931 14936 14936 14938 14938 14934 14934 14928 14928 14931 14931 14928 14924 14919 14919 14890 14860 14809 NOl-N 663 663 666 666 665 664 664 661 661 651 643 642 641 640 637 637 535 632 632 630 630 619 619 585 686 557 656 553 553 569 569 589 609 628 629 641 663 703 101 REFERENCE SHIP CODE ii MARSOEN STATION Tl WE ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPfS WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CtRY ID. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE * "1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER CODE 10* r MO DAY HR.1/10 D\K MGT PER SEA ITP[ AM 31 963 EV 61H4N 01240^W 218 12 11 07 238 1965 NAS 22C 1609 09 13 h I X6 5 8 00^7 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imbil AIR TEMP. "C "».£. SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANi. DIR. SPEED 0> fo«ce DRT BULB WET BULB 12 S16 088 100 069 8 MfSSfNclcASI TIMI 0. fgo_ HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DtPTH Iml T TC S •''.. SIGWA-T SPECmC VOLUME ANOWALT-ItO' SAD DYN. M. X lo' SOUND VELOCITY 03 ml/I PO*-P lOTAL-P NOj-N UB - o!/l NOj-N v^ • oi/l S10*-S. JIB - ol/l pH c c STD 0000 0991 3527 2719 0008836 0000 14904 659 238 OBS 0000 0991 35265 2719 14904 659 STD 0010 0991 3527 2719 0008851 0009 14906 664 238 OBS 0010 0991 35256 2719 14906 664 STD 0020 0992 3527 2719 0008883 0018 14908 650 238 OBS 0026 0992 35266 2719 14909 545 STD 0030 0992 3527 2719 0008907 0027 14909 645 STD 0050 0990 3527 2719 0008932 0044 14912 653 238 OBS 0051 0990 35265 2720 14912 653 STD 0075 0991 3527 2720 O00B957 0O67 14916 651 STD 0100 0991 3527 2720 0009021 0089 14921 648 238 OBS 0102 0991 35271 2720 14921 648 STD 0125 0968 3528 2724 0008526 0111 14916 647 STD 0150 09'.6 3528 2728 0008325 0133 14912 645 STD 0200 0912 3528 2734 0007887 0173 14908 642 238 OBS T0204 0910 35284 2734 14908 642 STD 0250 0896 352S 2736 0007735 0212 14910 637 STD 0300 0883 3528 2738 0007532 0251 14914 633 238 OBs 0306 0881 35278 2739 14914 632 STD O^lOO 0859 3527 2741 0007525 0325 14921 627 238 OBS TO'tOa 0857 35267 2742 14921 624 STD 0500 0832 3525 2744 0007441 0401 14927 559 238 OBS 0510 0829 35249 2744 14928 556 STD 0600 0794 3522 2748 0007234 0475 14929 578 238 OBS 0511 0788 35220 2748 14928 581 STD 0700 0730 3518 2764 0006751 0544 14920 559 238 OBS 0711. 0721 35178 2755 14919 558 STD 0800 0671 3517 2761 0006105 0509 14913 565 238 OBS T0815 0663 35170 2752 14913 559 STD 0900 0619 3515 2767 0005668 0668 14909 595 238 OBS 0917 0611 35146 2767 14909 604 REFERENCE SHIP CODE ii MARSDEN STATION Tl WE ORIGINATOR'S | DEPTH MAX. DEPTH Of S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CT«Y CODE ID. NO. l/IO ' '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION TO STATION NUMBER 10- r MO DAY HR.1/10 NUMBER Dw.ium DIB. HCI PEP SEA UPt AM 31 963 EV 60467N 012202W 218 02 11 08 0^2 1965 NAS 23C 0631 06 12 5 3 X6 5 8 0048 WATER WIND BARO- METER {mb»l AIR TEMP. "C VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IRANS. DIR. SPEED OR (OHCE DRY BULB WET BULB 13 S22 054 100 089 8 HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH Iml T -C s •/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALY-XlO' S AO DYN. M. xio' SOUND VELOCITY 0 3 ml/I P04-P Hi - ot/l rOTAL-P NOi-N u« - ol/l NO]-N Vfl - ol/l SIO^-SI og • al/l pH S c c 1 STD 0000 1020 3530 2717 0009023 0000 14915 655 042 OBS 0000 1020 35304 2717 14915 655 042 OBS 0009 1020 35305 2717 14917 655 STD 0010 1020 3531 2717 0009040 0009 14917 656 STD 0020 1021 3531 2717 0009068 0018 14919 655 042 OBS 0024 1021 35308 2717 14919 554 STD 0030 1021 3531 2717 0009091 0027 14920 553 042 OSS 0047 1022 35303 2717 14923 651 STD 0050 1022 3530 2717 0009174 0045 14924 651 STD 0076 1020 3531 2717 0009190 0068 14927 649 042 OBs 0094 1019 35307 2718 14930 646 STD 0100 1012 3531 2719 0009073 0091 14929 547 STD 0125 0987 3532 2724 0008542 0113 14924 546 STD 0150 0956 3532 2728 0008353 0135 14920 644 042 OBs T0191 0942 35332 2733 14918 64^ STD 0200 0942 3534 2733 0007924 0175 14920 642 STD 0250 0938 3535 2735 0007B91 0215 14927 642 042 OBS 0288 0934 35356 2736 14932 641 STD 0300 0932 3536 2736 0007852 0264 14933 641 042 OBS T0387 0917 35344 2738 14941 638 STD 0400 0914 3534 2738 0007887 0333 14942 638 042 OBS 0488 0894 35318 2740 14949 534 STD 0500 0891 3532 2740 0007900 041<; 14950 633 042 OBS T0589 0870 35294 2742 14957 525 102 REFERENCE SHIP CODE °z MARSDEN STATION Tl WE ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAK. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CI«T ID. NO. LATITUDE I/IO LONGITUDE "l/IO CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM Of S'MPL'S NUMBER 10* r MO DAY HR.1/10 oia. HOT Pit SEA irfi AM 31 963 EV 60162N 011477W 218 01 11 08 088 1965 NAS 24C 1116 11 13 4 I X2 6 8 00^*9 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbil AIR TEMP. X , NO. --DfS;s SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IRANS. DIR. S»EtO OB FOUCt DRY BUL9 WET BULB 13 S14 030 111 106 a HR l/IO 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH (ml T *C s •/.. SIGMA-T SMC'FIC VOLUME ANOMALY-HO' SAD DVN. M. SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/1 PO4-P vg - o»/l tOTAl-P vg ■ o'/r NOi-N uB-ol/l NO3-N vg - ol/l SIO*-S- U9 - ol/l pH s c c 1 STD 0000 0995 3530 2721 0008681 0000 14905 671 088 OBS 0000 0996 35297 2721 14906 571 STD 0010 0996 3530 2721 0008717 0009 14908 569 STD 0020 0997 3530 2721 0008753 0017 14910 665 088 OBS 0025 0997 35295 2721 14911 555 STD 0030 0997 3529 2720 0008816 0026 14911 668 STD 0050 0997 3529 2720 0006883 0044 14915 675 088 OBS 0050 0997 35287 2720 14915 575 STD 0075 0997 3529 2720 00U6908 0056 14919 571 STD 0100 0996 3529 2721 0006933 0088 14923 567 088 OBS 0100 0996 35293 2721 14923 667 STD 0125 0976 3530 2725 0008609 0110 14920 560 STD 0150 0958 3531 2728 0008297 0132 14917 654 STD 0200 0931 3532 2734 0007894 0172 14916 547 088 OBS 0200 0931 35320 2734 14915 647 STD 0250 0918 3531 2735 0007854 0211 14919 648 STD 0300 0906 3531 2737 0007822 0251 14923 548 088 OBS T0300 0908 35308 2737 14923 648 088 OBS 0398 0895 35312 2739 14935 553 STD O'tOO 0895 3531 2739 0007787 0329 14935 653 088 OBS 0'.98 0888 35313 2740 14949 553 STD 0500 0888 3531 2740 0007888 0407 14949 553 088 OBS 0597 0870 35299 2742 14958 647 STD 0600 0869 3530 2742 0007866 0486 14958 545 088 OBS T0697 0836 35255 2745 14961 517 STD 0700 0835 3527 2745 0007744 0554 14951 616 088 OBS 0795 0794 35250 2750 14951 589 STD 0300 0793 3525 2750 0007376 0639 14962 588 088 OBS 0895 07*6 35222 2755 14959 578 STD 0900 0738 3522 2756 0006909 0711 14957 579 088 OBS 0999 0528 35173 2767 14930 591 STD 1000 0628 3517 2757 0005759 0774 14930 592 STD 1100 0515 3517 2759 0005712 0832 14941 652 088 OBS nioi. 0515 3517'. 2759 14942 565 103 EV LATITUDE 1/10 59i.98N LONGITUDE ■1/10 O DAY MR.l/10 133 ll9b5lNASl 25C SPIED OR fORCE S18 ORIGINATOR'S AIR TEMP. "C 12341 12 NO. DBS. DEPTHS J^ NODC STATION NUMBER 0050 S«CIFtC VOLUME SOUND VELOCITY sio<-si STD 0000 1024 3531 2717 0009075 0000 14917 68<: 127 OBS 0000 1024 35306 2717 14917 682 STD 0010 1024 3531 2717 0009090 0009 14918 675 127 OBS 0010 1024 35307 2717 14918 575 STD 0020 1025 3531 2717 0009130 0018 14920 673 127 OBS 0026 1026 35307 2717 14922 572 STD 0030 1026 3531 2717 0009169 0027 14922 672 STD 0050 1026 3531 2716 0009229 0046 14925 670 127 OBS 0052 1026 35305 2716 14926 670 STO 0075 1026 3531 2717 0009250 0069 14930 658 STD 0100 1026 3531 2717 0009307 0092 14934 565 127 OBS 0103 1026 35315 2717 14934 665 STD 0125 0996 3532 2723 0008805 0115 14927 661 STD 0150 0967 3532 2728 0008362 0136 14921 555 STO 0200 0928 3533 2735 0007795 0177 14915 647 127 OBS T0205 0925 35328 2735 14914 646 STD 0250 0926 3535 2737 0007733 0215 14922 54b STO 0300 0927 3536 2738 0007711 0254 14931 547 127 OBS 0309 0927 35367 2738 14933 647 STD 0400 0911 3535 2739 0007765 0331 14941 652 127 OBS T0413 0909 35345 2739 14943 553 STD 0500 0903 3534 2740 0007882 0410 14955 657 127 OBS 0514 0902 35344 2740 14957 656 STD 0600 0891 3533 2741 0007988 0489 14967 655 127 OBS 0616 0887 35326 2741 14968 654 STD 0700 0857 3528 2743 0007995 0669 14970 545 127 OBS 0720 0851 35274 2743 14971 640 STO 0800 0833 3528 2745 0007794 0048 14977 501 127 OBS T0822 0825 35281 2748 14978 594 STD 0900 0788 3526 2752 0007384 0724 14977 588 127 OBS T0907 0780 35260 2753 14975 585 127 OBS T0925 0755 35251 2756 14968 574 STD 1000 0707 3522 2760 0006580 0793 14961 631 133 OBS T1005 0704 35220 2761 14961 534 STD 1100 0648 3519 2766 0006075 0857 14955 544 133 OBS T1160 0598 35163 2770 14944 659 STD 1200 0558 3515 2775 0005192 0913 14935 673 133 OBS T1233 0521 35134 2778 14925 686 104 31 963 EV LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ■ 'VIO MtSSENG! TIME HR \/lO 167 167 167 167 157 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 173 173 173 173 STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD STD OBS STD STD STD OBS STD STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD STD STD OBS OBS STD OBS 0000 0000 0010 0010 0020 0025 0030 0049 0050 0075 0098 0100 0125 0150 T0191 0200 0250 0287 0300 T03e2 O^tOO 0't80 0500 0577 0600 0675 0700 T0774 0800 T0874 0900 T0982 1000 1100 1200 1214 1299 1300 T1369 ORIGINATOR'S SPEED OR EORCE S20 1027 1027 1027 1027 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1027 1026 1024 0999 0977 0950 0947 0934 0926 0924 0912 0911 0907 0905 0899 0898 0894 0883 0851 0837 0807 0806 0786 0772 0691 0611 0600 0398 0397 0358 MASi 2bC BARO- METER Imbil 122 117 DERTH TO 80TT0M I4l7 NODC STATION NUMBER 3533 35331 3533 35332 3534 35343 3534 35349 3535 3535 35352 3535 3536 3537 35379 3538 3539 35389 3539 36381 3538 35381 3538 35384 3539 35391 3538 35370 3537 35353 3536 35359 3536 3532 3628 36274 36177 3518 35137 2718 2718 2718 2718 2719 2719 2719 2719 2720 2720 2720 2720 2725 2730 2735 2736 2738 2740 2740 2742 2742 2742 2743 2744 2745 2745 2746 2751 2753 2767 2767 2760 2761 2770 2778 2779 2795 2795 2796 0008940 0008955 0008931 0008929 0008931 0008970 0008956 0008544 0008186 0007709 0007568 0007489 0007537 0007636 0007659 00U76S7 0007200 0006966 0006631 0006810 0005020 0000 0009 0018 0027 0045 0067 0089 0111 0132 0172 0210 0248 0323 0399 0475 0652 0626 0697 0765 0827 0882 SOUND VELOCITY 0002928 0921 14918 14918 14920 14920 14922 14923 14923 14927 14927 14930 14934 14934 14929 14925 14922 14922 14926 14929 14930 14939 14942 14954 14956 14967 14970 14981 14981 14981 14980 14981 14985 14991 14988 14973 14968 14966 14886 14886 14880 670 670 675 675 680 681 679 674 674 671 668 668 664 661 667 657 655 653 654 659 659 661 662 664 664 664 662 631 632 633 633 630 628 616 604 602 675 676 709 105 MFWeNCE SHIP CODE if MABSDEN STATION TIME ORIGIN ATOR'S DEPTH . WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD COOES crRY COD( ID. NO. I/IO ■ -UM) CSUI5E NO. STATION NLJMBER TO BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S STATION NUMBER 10- T MO DAY HR.1/10 DIR. HOT ?E« SEA tY»l AM 31 963 EV 59244N 009340W 181 99 n 08 22U 1965 NAS 27C 1463 13 15 3 2 XR 5 8 0052 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbsl AIR TEMP. "C vrs. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IRANS. DIR. SPEED OR (ORCE DRY BULB WET BULB 15 316 075 122 111 8 HR 1/10 CARD TYPE DEPTH Iml T -C s */.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMAU-XIO' SAD DYN. M. K 10' SOUND VELOCITY 0; ml/1 PO<-P vfl - al/l TOTAL-P ug - ol/l NOj-N ug -ol/l NOj-N VB - ol/l SIO4-51 vg -ar/l PH c c 1 1 STD 0000 1040 3537 2719 0008839 0000 14923 658 ZK. OBS 0000 1040 35374 2719 14923 658 STD 0010 1040 3536 2718 0008965 0009 14925 626 214 OBS 0011 1040 35358 2718 14925 624 STD 0020 1038 3533 2716 0009177 0018 14925 628 214 OBS 0026 1036 35312 2715 14925 632 STD 0030 1032 3531 2716 0009247 0027 14924 638 STD 0050 1015 3530 2718 0009U3 0046 14921 655 214 OBS 0050 1015 35296 2718 14921 655 STD 0075 1015 3531 2719 0009066 0068 14926 636 STD OlOO loio 3532 2720 0009003 0091 14928 623 214 DBS 0100 1010 35315 2720 14928 623 STD 0125 0989 3532 2724 0008674 0113 14925 623 STD 0150 0972 3533 2728 0008377 0134 14923 623 STD 0200 0945 3535 2733 0007935 0175 14921 623 214 OBS T0200 0945 35345 2733 14921 623 STD 0250 0935 3535 2735 0007842 0214 14926 531 214 OBS 0299 0926 35354 2737 14930 537 STD 0300 0926 3535 2737 0007802 0254 14931 637 214 OBS T0398 0908 35344 2739 14940 546 STD 0400 0908 3534 2739 0007790 0332 14940 646 214 OBS 0495 0900 35338 2740 14953 653 STD 0500 0900 3534 2740 0007877 04 10 14954 653 214 OBS 0596 0895 35331 2740 14968 649 STD 0600 0895 3533 2740 0008053 0490 14968 649 214 OBS 0695 0882 35315 2741 14979 648 STD 0700 0882 3531 2741 0008183 0571 14980 647 214 OBS T0793 0864 35291 2742 14988 625 STD 0800 0861 3529 2743 0008176 0653 14988 623 214 OBS T0889 0823 35272 2747 14988 607 STD 0900 0818 3527 2748 0007806 0732 14988 608 STD 1000 0770 3525 2753 0007358 0808 14986 616 STD 1100 0710 3522 2760 0006798 0879 14979 624 220 OBS T1105 0707 35215 2760 14979 624 STD 1200 0620 3513 2765 0006239 0944 14959 630 STD 1300 0548 3509 2771 0005614 1003 14947 638 220 OBS T1333 0528 35086 2773 14944 641 STD 1400 0497 3513 2780 0004717 1055 14943 555 220 OBS T1468 0470 35138 2784 14944 657 STD 1500 0459 3513 2785 0004296 1100 14944 554 220 OBS 1538 0446 35119 2785 14945 547 106 REfEBENCE SNIP CODE °1 MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH Of S'MPL-S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC cut cool ID. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE * 'VIO CRUISE STATION NO. NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10" 1* MO DAY HR.VIO 0)8. HC HI' SI* ITPE *W 31 963 EV 59134N U084^2W 181 9ti 11 09 016 1965 NAS 28C 1454 09 19 3 2 1 Xi 3 3 0053 WATER WIND eARO- METER AIR TEMP. -C VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE "^^^ DIR. iHtO Oi fOtCE DRY euLS WET BULB 17 S20 105 122 1X7 8 HB I/lol CARD TYPE DEPTH Ira) T t s •/.. SIGMA-T S^tCinC VOIUWE ANOMALT-HO' S AD DYN. M. 1 10' SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/1 PO4-P VO - at/1 fOTAl-l- PU - o'/l NO3-N W9 - oi/l NO3-N St 04-Si PS - ai/l pH S c c 1 STD 0000 1082 3535 2710 0009713 0000 1*938 692 01s OBS 0000 1082 35352 2710 1*938 592 STO 0010 1082 3535 2710 00097** 0010 1*9*0 65* 016 OBS 0011 1082 35351 2710 1*9*0 651 STD 0020 1083 3535 2710 0009770 0019 1*9*2 63* 015 OBS 0026 108* 35355 2710 1*9*3 629 STD 0030 108* 3536 2710 0009793 0029 1*9*3 637 STD 0050 1083 3536 2710 0009812 00*9 1*9*7 560 016 DBS 0051 1083 35357 2710 1*9*7 661 STD 0075 1075 3535 2712 0009755 0073 1*9*8 53* 016 DBS 0098 1063 35351 2713 1*9*7 516 STD 0100 1060 3535 271* 0009580 0098 1*9*6 516 STD 0125 1029 3535 2720 0009082 0121 1*939 619 STD 0150 1002 3536 2725 0008550 01*3 1*93* 522 STD 0200 0963 3537 2732 0008058 0185 1*928 527 015 OBS T0206 0959 35359 2733 1*927 628 STD 0250 09*9 3537 2735 0007922 0225 1*931 629 STD 0300 09*0 3537 2736 0007882 025* 1*935 631 016 OBS 0309 0938 35372 2737 1*937 631 STD 0*00 0925 3538 2739 0007772 03*2 1*9*7 639 016 OBS T0415 092* 3538* 27*0 1*9*9 6*0 STD 0500 0920 3539 27*1 0007837 0*21 1*962 5** 016 OBS 0517 0919 35389 27*1 1*96* 6*5 STD 0600 0909 3539 27*3 0007851 0*99 1*97* 61* 016 OBS 0622 0906 35389 27*3 1*977 613 STD 0700 0897 3538 27** 0007918 0578 1*985 650 016 OBS 0725 0893 35372 27** 1*989 553 STD 0800 0877 3536 27*6 0007928 0657 1*995 623 016 OBS T0829 0870 35353 27*6 1*997 620 STD 0900 0850 3533 27*8 0007891 0736 15001 533 016 OBS T0932 08*0 35325 27*9 15003 5*8 REFERENCE SHIP CODE if. MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CI«Y CODE ID. NO. 1/10 * '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAY HR.1/10 on. HC ta SEA IY« AM 31 963 EV 59009N 00743bW 181 97 11 09 063 1965 NAS 29C 1063 10 17 3 2 XI 3 3 0054 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imbil AIR TEMP. "C VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TONS. DIR. SPEED fO»CE DRY eULB WET BULB 18 S16 125 122 117 8 MEiSEr-olcAST HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH (ra) I TC s •/.. SIGMA-T SPECIHC VOLUME ANOMALT-IIO' SAD CYN. M. X 10' SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/1 PO4-P tOTAL-P NOi-N PB-ol/l NOj-N pg - ol/l SI04-S. PS - ol/l pH 1 C C 1 063 063 063 063 063 063 063 063 063 063 STD 0000 1065 3535 2713 0009**0 0000 1*932 667 OBS 0000 1066 35352 2713 1*932 667 STD 0010 1065 3535 2713 0009*71 0009 1*93* 658 STD 0020 1066 3535 2713 0009502 0019 1*935 569 DBS 0025 1065 35350 2713 1*936 670 STO 0030 1066 3535 2713 0009522 0028 1*937 656 STD 0050 1055 3535 2713 00095*8 00*8 1*9*0 553 OBS 0050 1055 35351 2713 1*9*0 653 STO 0075 10*5 3532 271* 0009*95 0071 1*937 655 STD 0100 1028 3531 2716 0009377 0095 1*93* 557 DBS 0100 1028 35305 2716 1*93* 557 STD 0125 1013 353* 2721 0008925 0118 1*933 5*0 STD 0150 1000 3535 2725 0006517 01*0 1*933 528 OBS 0198 0980 35395 2731 1*93* 616 STD 0200 0979 35*0 2732 0008122 0182 1*93* 517 STD 0250 0967 35*0 273* 0008018 0222 1*938 633 OBS T0295 0958 35398 2735 1*9*2 6*1 STD 0300 0957 35*0 2735 0007961 0<;62 1*9*3 5*0 OBS 039* 09** 35382 2736 1*953 636 STD 0*00 09*3 3538 2736 0008067 0342 1*95* 537 OBS T0*9* 092* 35363 2738 1*952 5*8 STD 0500 0923 3536 2738 0008092 0*23 1*953 5*8 OBS 0593 0908 35352 27*0 1*972 555 STO 0500 0907 3535 27*0 000810* 050* 1*973 658 OBS 0693 0898 35332 27*0 1*985 675 STD 0700 0898 3533 27*0 0008301 0586 1*986 672 OSS 0791 0885 35328 27*2 1*995 638 STO 0300 0885 3533 27*2 0008309 0669 1*998 538 STO 0900 086* 3531 27** 0008290 0752 15005 536 OBS 0963 0838 3529* 27*7 15007 532 STD 1000 0818 3528 27*9 0007913 0833 15005 629 OBS T10*0 0793 35257 2751 15002 62* 107 REFERENCE SHIP CODE Sf MARSOEN STATION Tl WE ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC cur CODE ID. NO. 1/10 ■ "1/10 (GMT) CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S-MPL'S NUMBER 10* r MO DAY HH.VIO Dlf^ HCT PER SEA tVPt AM 31 963 EV 58592N 007428W 181 87 11 21 138 1965 NAS 29D 102i+ 09 03 4 ^ X7 5 8 0055 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imb») AIR TEMP, n VIS- COO NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TWNS. DIR. into OR fOBCE ORt BULB WET BULB 03 S20 203 04i* 028 8 HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH Iml T -C s •/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMAIY-XIO' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Oi ml/l PO^-P lOTAL-P NOi-N ug - ol/l NOj-N vfl - oi/l pH S c c va ■ o'/i 1 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 STD 0000 1048 OBS 0000 1048 STD 0010 1048 STD 0020 1046 OBS 0026 1048 35431 2722 STD 0030 1048 3643 2722 0008630 STD 0U50 1048 3543 2722 0008677 OBS 0051 1048 35429 2722 STD 0075 1049 3543 2722 000876b STD 0100 1051 3543 2722 0008848 OBS 0103 1051 35429 2722 STD 0125 1045 3543 2723 0008800 STD 0150 1039 3544 2725 0008683 STD 0200 1026 3544 2727 0008577 OBS 0207 1024 35445 2728 STD 0250 1012 3544 2729 0008453 STD 0300 1000 3544 2731 0008362 OBS T0310 0998 35436 2731 STD 0*00 0981 3544 2735 0008275 OBS O'tl't 0978 35438 2735 STD 0500 0957 3541 2736 0008291 OBS 0516 0954 35405 2737 STD 0600 0941 3540 2738 0008304 OBS 0621 0937 35394 2739 STD 0700 0921 3538 2740 0008319 OBS T0724 0916 35374 2740 STD 0800 0900 3535 2741 0008385 OBS 0828 0895 35343 2741 STD 0900 0885 3534 2743 0008415 OBS T0933 0882 35335 2743 14931 14932 14935 14935 14940 14944 14945 14946 14948 14952 14952 14955 14959 14960 14968 14970 14976 14977 14986 14988 14995 14997 15003 15006 15014 15019 REFeRENCE SHIP CODE §1 MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPfS WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CIRY CODE ID. NO. 1/10 ' '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10- r MO DAY HR.l/lD DIR. MGT PtR SS* TYPE AM 31 963 EV 5913QN 008^01W 181 98 11 21 192 1965 NAS 28D 1335 10 02 i* C XI 6 3 0056 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbil AIR TEMP. "C VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE HANS. OIR. SPEED OR FORCE DRY WET BULB BULB 02 S25 875 056 028 8 MESSENC.[cAST TIME 0. MO. HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH Iml T -C s ■/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMAL»-«10' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Oi ml/I PO4-P IOTAl_P t>g • ol/l NO:-N ug - ot/l NOj-N MB • at/I SIO4-SI pH s c C STD 0000 1003 3537 2726 0008248 0000 14910 655 179 OBS 0000 1003 35371 2726 14910 555 STD noio 1003 3537 2725 0008285 0008 14912 648 STD 0020 1004 3537 2725 0008314 0017 14913 541 179 OBS 0025 1004 35367 2725 14914 638 STD 0030 1004 3537 2725 0008373 0025 14915 634 STD 0050 1005 3536 2724 0008468 0042 14919 525 179 OBS 0050 1005 35361 2724 14919 525 STD 0075 1005 3536 2725 0008501 0063 14923 538 STD 0100 1004 3537 2725 0008534 0084 14926 545 179 OBS 0100 1004 35365 2725 14925 645 STD 0125 0987 3537 2728 0008310 0105 14924 533 STD 0150 0973 3537 2730 0008135 0125 14923 524 STD 0200 0952 3536 2734 0007908 0156 14924 516 179 OBS 0200 0952 35354 2734 14924 615 STD 0250 0946 3536 2735 0007919 0205 14930 526 STD 0300 0940 3535 2736 0007929 0245 14936 535 179 OBS T0302 0940 35364 2735 14936 635 STD 0400 0928 3539 2740 0007757 0324 14948 528 179 OBS 0401 0928 35389 2740 14948 528 STD 0500 0912 3535 2740 0007947 0402 14958 529 179 OBS 0503 0911 35353 2740 14958 529 STD 0600 0902 3535 2742 0007955 0482 14971 615 179 OBS 0604 0902 35360 2742 14972 614 STD 0700 0897 3535 2742 0008130 0552 14985 597 179 OBS 0706 0896 35350 2742 14986 595 STD 0800 0872 3534 2744 0008028 0643 14993 540 179 OBS 0803 0871 35334 2745 14993 541 STD 0900 0840 3530 2747 0007945 0723 14997 589 179 OBS T0911 0836 35298 2747 14997 585 STD 1000 0800 3529 2752 0007547 0800 14998 573 179 OBS 1014 0784 35282 2754 14994 557 192 OBS T1026 0768 35277 2756 14990 561 108 REfEflENCE I 31 963 EV LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE \sl 181 99 11 21 231 ORIGINATOR'S NA5 01 SIO 2i*i* 039 028 1516 SAO OVN. M. X 10^ WEA- THER CODE - 5 I 3 NODC SIAI10N NUMBER 0057 STD 0000 1012 3541 2727 0008146 0000 14913 226 OBS 0000 1012 35405 2727 14913 STD 0010 1013 3537 2724 0008413 0008 14915 226 OBS 0010 1013 35374 2724 14915 sto 0020 1014 3536 2724 0008450 0017 14917 226 OBS 0025 1015 35375 2724 14918 STO 0030 1016 3537 2724 0008492 0025 14919 STD 0050 1014 3537 2724 000B536 0042 14922 226 OBS 0050 1014 35372 2724 14922 STD 0075 1014 3537 2724 000860U 0064 14926 226 OBS 0099 1014 35370 2724 14930 STD 0100 1014 3537 2724 0008664 0085 14930 STD 0125 1004 3537 2725 0008568 0107 14931 STD 0150 0996 3537 2726 0008506 0128 14932 226 OBS T0197 0981 35362 2729 14934 STD 0200 0980 3536 2729 0008374 0170 14934 STD 0250 0967 3538 2732 0008151 0212 14938 226 OBS 0295 0958 35393 2735 14942 STD 0300 0957 3539 2735 0007991 0252 14943 226 OBS T0392 0945 35394 2737 14953 STD 0400 0944 3539 2737 0008010 0332 14954 226 OBS 0493 0928 35367 2738 14963 STD 0500 0927 3537 2738 0008114 0413 14964 226 OBS 0593 0914 35348 2739 14974 STD 0600 0914 3535 2739 0008234 0494 14976 226 OBS 0694 0906 35347 2740 14988 STD 0700 0906 3535 2740 0008309 0577 14989 226 OBS 0794 0894 35338 2741 15000 STD 0800 0894 3534 2741 0008386 0661 15001 226 OBS T0896 0846 35310 2747 14999 STD 0900 0841 3531 2747 0007889 0742 14997 231 OBS T0928 0811 36284 2750 14990 STD 1000 0757 3526 2756 0007079 0B17 14981 STD 1100 0688 3621 2762 0006633 0886 14971 231 OBS T1179 0637 36177 2766 14963 STD 1200 0625 3516 2767 0006094 0948 14962 STD 1300 0568 3511 2770 0005756 1007 14955 231 OBS 1369 0529 35082 2773 14950 STD 1400 0511 3508 2775 0005279 1062 14948 231 OBS T1443 0487 35070 2777 14946 N03-N 109 REFERENCE SHIP CODE So MAHSOEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA. THER CODE CLOUD COOES NOOC CtRY CODl to. NO. 1/10 ' '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S STATION NUMBfR 10- r MO DAY HR.1/10 OIR. HCI PER SEA rUPE AM 31 963 EV 59380N 010355W 182 90 11 Z2 033 1965 NAS 26D li*b3 1^ 3^ 2 2 XI 3 2 0058 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mb»l AIR TEMP, t DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IMNS. DIR. SPEED OK FORCE DRY BULB WET BULB 32 S12 257 061 033 8 MESSENGR 1 CAST TIM. .\^^S HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH (ml T y: s ■/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALt-XlO' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Qj ml/1 P04-P »g - oi/l TOTAl-P vg - oi/l NOi-N ug • al/l NO3-N vg - oi/l SI 0*-Si u« - ot/l pH S c c 1 STD 0000 0976 3535 2728 0008002 0000 14900 537 027 OBS 0000 0976 35345 2728 14900 637 027 OBS 0009 0976 35340 2728 14901 636 STD 0010 0975 3534 2728 0008054 0008 14901 635 STD 0020 0978 3534 2727 0008110 0016 14903 637 027 OBS 0022 0978 35335 2727 14904 637 STD 0030 0978 3534 2727 0008174 0024 14905 541 027 OBS 0045 0978 35335 2727 14908 547 STD 0050 0978 3534 2727 0008213 0041 14908 548 STD 0075 0979 3533 2727 0008292 0051 14913 652 027 OBS 0087 0979 35333 2727 14915 653 STD 0100 0979 3533 2727 0008353 0082 14917 549 STD 0125 0978 3533 2727 0008386 0103 14921 642 STD 0150 0977 3534 2727 0008419 0124 14924 536 027 OBS T0172 0976 35336 2727 14928 532 STD 0200 0964 3534 2730 0008281 0165 14928 530 STD 0250 0945 3534 2733 0008094 0207 14930 525 027 OBS 0263 0942 35345 2734 14930 524 STD 0300 0936 3535 2735 0007985 0247 14934 517 027 OBS T0353 0925 35350 2737 14939 511 STD OitOO 0914 3534 2738 0007887 0326 14942 511 027 OBS 0460 0905 35327 2739 14947 511 STD 0500 0901 3533 2739 0007952 0405 14954 609 027 OBS 0549 0897 35332 2740 14961 507 STD 0600 0894 3533 2741 0008037 0485 14968 521 027 OBS 0650 0887 35328 2742 14973 523 STD 0700 0876 3532 2743 0008011 0556 14978 606 027 OBS T0752 0861 35305 2744 14980 594 STD 0800 0846 3529 2745 0007931 0645 14982 591 027 OBS T0856 0819 35281 2749 14981 588 STD 0900 0790 3526 2751 0007430 0722 14977 559 033 OBs T0907 0785 35170 27450 567 STD 1000 0589 3522 2753 0005321 0791 14954 609 STD 1100 0615 3518 2770 0005551 0851 14941 537 033 OBS T1151 0590 35174 2772 14940 644 STD 1200 0582 3517 2773 0005390 0906 14945 642 033 OBS T1289 0562 35161 2775 14951 639 STD 1300 0559 3515 2775 0005250 0959 14952 640 033 OBS 1364 0540 35151 2777 14955 649 110 nntiHCi SHtP CODE L= MARSDEN STATION Tl ME ORIGINATOR'S 1 DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NOOC CUT CODf ID. NO. LATITUDE I/IO LONGITUDE ISg; • -1/10°^ CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S-MPL'S NUMBER 10* V MO DAY HR.1/10 t)t». MCT PER SEA un AM 31 963 FV 59502N 01124^W 182 91 11 22 067 1965 NA5 25D 1207 12 01 2 4 XI. 3 6 0059 WATER WIND BARO- METER AIR TEMP, -C VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IRANS. DIR. SPEED OS fOBCE DRT BULB WET BULB 31 S06 27A 069 067 8 HH 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH tm) T -C s ■/„ SIGMA-T SI-EClflC VOLUME ANOMALT-HO' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY 02 m\/\ PO4-P vg - o'/l lOTAl-P vg - oi/l NOj-N ue - oi/i NO3-N VB - o(/l SI 04-si vg - ol/l pH s c c 1 067 067 067 067 067 067 067 067 067 067 067 067 057 067 STD 0000 0949 3533 2731 0007704 0000 14889 OBS 0000 0949 35327 2731 14889 STD 0010 0949 3532 2731 0007777 0008 14891 OBs 0010 0949 35320 2731 14891 STD 0020 0950 3532 2731 0007792 0016 14893 OBS 0025 0951 35324 2731 14894 STD 0030 0951 3532 2731 0007822 0023 14895 STD 0050 0951 3532 2731 0007680 0039 14898 OBS 0051 0951 35322 2731 14899 STD 0075 0951 3533 2731 0007912 0059 14902 STD 0100 0951 3533 2731 0007944 0079 14907 OBS 0102 0951 35328 2731 14907 STD 0125 0951 3534 2732 0007910 0098 14911 STD 0150 0950 3535 2733 0007867 0118 14915 STD 0200 0949 3537 2735 0007788 0157 14923 OBS T0204 0949 35376 2735 14924 STD 0250 0941 3537 2736 0007792 0196 14928 STD 0300 0933 3537 2737 0007768 0235 14933 OBS 0308 0932 35368 2737 14934 STD 0'*00 0921 3536 2739 0007824 0313 14945 OBS T0410 0920 35363 2739 14947 STD 0500 0909 3536 2740 0007884 0392 14957 OBS 0513 0907 35390 2743Q STD 0600 0898 3535 2741 0007956 0471 14970 OBS 0615 0895 35349 2742 14971 STD 0700 0866 3531 2743 0007954 0550 14974 DBS 0719 0861 35304 2744 14975 STD 0800 0829 3528 2747 0007729 0629 14976 OBS T0820 0820 35275 2748 14976 STD 0900 0773 3525 2754 0007161 0703 14971 STD 1000 0705 3523 2761 0005491 0771 14951 OBS T1053 0666 35210 2765 14954 STD 1100 0629 3519 2759 0005793 0833 14947 OBS 1183 0558 35156 2775 14932 111 REFERENCE SHIP COOE 1° MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH WAVE WEA- THER COOE CLOUD COOES NODC STATION NUMBER CT«T COOE 10. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S OB t.^.-.iw.-.j * '1/10 - 10* r MO DAY HH.I/10 OlR. HGI »ER SEA lYPI AM 31 Q6^ EV 60167N oii^aew ?.\& 01 11 22 100 1965 MAS 2^D 1061 10 06 3 2 X2 4 8 0060 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mb») AIR TEMP. "C VIS. COD NO. DBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IftANS. D1R. SPEED OR FORCE DRV BUL8 WEI GULB 09 S08 261 067 044 8 MlSSfNGRlcAST HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH (ml I -c s •/.. SIGMA-T SPtcrrrc volume ANOMAlY-IlO' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Ol ml/I PO^-P vg -o'/i rOTAL-P "8 ■ ol/l NO:-N uB - ol/l NOj-N Ufl - ol/l SI04-Si wg - ol/l pH S c c 1 STD 0000 0936 3531 2732 0007595 0000 14885 549 100 DBS 0000 0936 3531it 2732 14885 549 STD 0010 0936 3531 2732 0007583 0008 14885 645 100 OBS 0010 0936 35305 2732 14886 646 STD 0020 0937 3531 2732 0007712 0015 14888 634 100 OBS 0025 0938 35307 2732 14889 632 STD 0030 0938 3531 2732 0007745 0023 14890 535 STD 0050 0939 3531 2731 0007793 0039 14894 649 100 OBs 0051 0939 35308 2731 14894 550 STD 0075 0939 3531 2731 0007858 0058 14898 535 STD 0100 0939 3530 2731 0007944 0078 14902 525 100 OBS 0102 0939 35302 2731 14902 524 STD 0125 0938 3531 2732 0007915 0098 14906 626 STD 0150 0936 3532 2733 0007871 0118 14909 527 STD 0200 0933 3533 2734 0007854 0157 14915 631 100 OBs T0201 0933 35334 2734 14917 531 STD 0250 0926 3534 2736 0007771 0195 14922 627 STD 0300 0917 3534 2738 0007730 0235 14927 623 100 OBS 0305 0916 35342 2738 14928 623 STD CtOO 0895 3532 2740 0007713 0312 14935 524 100 OBS T0408 0893 35320 2740 14936 524 STD 0600 0878 3531 2742 0007598 0389 14945 631 100 OBS 0507 0876 35313 2742 14946 632 STD 0600 0851 3529 2744 0007535 0456 14951 522 100 OBS T060't 0850 35289 2744 14952 622 STD 0700 0821 3528 2748 0007418 0541 14966 627 100 OBS 0710 0817 35274 2748 14955 52^ STD 0800 0779 3526 2753 0007083 0613 14957 592 100 OBS T0812 077') 35258 2754 14957 589 STD 0900 0739 3523 2755 0005851 0683 14957 577 100 OBS T0''21 0729 35228 2758 14957 574 STD 1000 0587 3521 2762 0006354 0749 14954 593 100 OBS T10't2 . 0562 35197 2755 14951 513 REFERENCE SHIP COOE if MARSOEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CIRT COOi ID. NO. 1/10 * '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S NUMBER 10' r MO DAY Hfi.1/10 DIR. HGI PER S(A tYP[ AM 31 963 EV 60460N 012176W 218 02 11 22 133 1965 NAS 23D 0589 06 21 2 2 X8 518 0061 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbl) AIR TEMP. "C VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. DIR. SPEED OH fORCE DRY BULB WET BULB 19 SIO 220 050 039 8 TIME ^ NO. HR l/lol CARD TYPE DEPTH tmj T *C s •/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMAL»-K10' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY 02 (iil/l POi-P rOTAl-P us -ol/l NOj-N US - <9i/l NOj-N pg - Qt/1 SlO^-Si pg - at/I pH S c c 1 STD 0000 0942 3530 2730 0007800 0000 14887 133 OBS 0000 0942 36299 2730 14887 STD 0010 0944 3529 2729 0007934 0008 14889 133 OBS 0010 0944 36288 2729 14889 STD 0020 0948 3529 2728 0008012 0015 14892 133 OBS 0024 0949 35289 2728 14893 STD 0030 0948 3629 2729 0008025 0U24 14894 133 OBS 0049 0945 35295 2730 14896 STD 0050 0945 3530 2730 0007979 0040 14895 STD 0075 0948 3530 2729 0008069 0050 14901 133 OBs 0098 0950 35300 2729 14906 STD 0100 0950 3530 2729 0008134 0080 14905 STD 0126 0949 3531 2730 0008135 0100 14910 STD 0150 0947 3631 2730 0008119 0121 14913 133 OBS T0196 0941 35319 2732 14919 STD 0200 0940 3532 2732 0008046 0161 14919 STD 0250 0929 3632 2734 0007937 0201 14923 133 OBS 0297 0919 35328 2735 14927 STD 0300 0918 3533 2736 0007836 0241 14927 133 OBS T0397 0899 35318 2739 14935 STD 0400 0898 3532 2739 0007791 0319 14936 133 OBS 0497 0884 35315 2741 14947 STD 0500 0884 3531 2741 0007824 0397 14947 133 OBs T0575 0878 35309 2741 14958 112 REFERENCE SHIP CODE i| MAfiSDEN STATION Tl ME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH Of S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES cr«T CODE ID. NO. ^10 ' 'I/IO CRUISE STATION NO. NUMBEII TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAY HR.1/10 OIL MGI PEK SEA I»Pt AMI 31 963 ev 61101N U12402W 218 12 11 22 168 1963 NAS 22D 1536 15 12 3 2 X2 5 8 0062 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbl) AIR TEMP. X VIS, COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TSANS. DIR. SPEED OR FORCE DRY eULB Wtl BULB 13 S25 163 050 039 8 HR 1/loT CARD TYPE DEPTH (m) T -C s •-'.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOM*Lt-XlD' SAD D¥N. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Oi ml/I PO4-P TOTAl-P pg -ol/l NO3-N NO:-N ug - ol/l pg . ol/l SI O^-Sl VB - Ol/l pH s c c 1 STD 0000 0997 3533 2724 0008439 0000 14907 534 162 OBS 0000 0997 35332 2724 14907 634 162 OBS 0009 0997 35334 2724 14909 548 STD 0010 0997 3533 2724 0008448 0008 14909 545 STD 0020 0999 3533 2723 0008495 0017 14911 622 162 OBS 0023 0999 35334 2723 14912 619 STD 0030 0995 3532 2723 0008562 0025 14911 630 162 OBS 0045 0989 35309 2723 14911 647 STD 0050 0989 3531 2723 0008689 0043 14912 644 STD 0075 0986 3531 2723 0008518 0054 14915 634 162 OBS 0090 0984 35305 2724 14917 630 STD 0100 0982 3530 2724 0008652 0085 14918 633 STD 0125 0975 3530 2725 0008509 0107 14920 639 STD 0150 0969 3530 2725 0008549 0129 14921 545 162 OBS T0176 0962 35296 2727 14923 651 STD 0200 0953 3530 2729 0008382 0171 14923 633 STD 0250 0935 3531 2733 0008115 0212 14925 610 162 OBS 0261 0931 35315 2733 14925 608 STD 0300 0917 3530 2734 0008025 0253 14927 619 162 OBS T0347 O9O4 35294 2736 14929 623 STD 0400 0895 3530 2738 0007905 0332 14935 610 162 OBS 0436 0887 35298 2739 14938 607 STD 0500 0870 3529 2741 0007746 04 11 14942 516 162 OBS 0527 0862 35283 2742 14943 620 STD 0600 0835 3525 2744 0007575 0488 14945 584 162 OBS 0622 0828 35245 2744 14946 579 STD 0700 0808 3524 2747 0007505 0564 14951 584 162 OBS 0718 0800 35235 2748 14951 585 STD 0800 0748 3521 2754 0006970 0536 14944 542 162 OBS T0806 0743 35205 2754 14943 539 168 OBS T0816 0735 35200 2755 14941 562 STD 0900 0660 3515 2761 0006250 0702 14925 566 STD 1000 0585 3510 2757 0005681 0762 14912 568 168 OBS T1031 0564 35089 2759 14908 559 STD UOO 0525 3506 2771 0005259 0815 14903 584 STD 1200 0478 3503 2775 0004957 0858 14901 604 168 OBS 1253 0457 35011 2775 14901 613 STD 1300 0440 3500 2776 0004785 0916 14901 618 STD 1400 0414 3497 2777 0004760 0964 14907 633 168 OBS T1415 0411 34958 2777 14908 636 168 OBS T1488 0403 34951 2777 14917 663 113 REFERENCE SKIP CODE ii MARSDEN STATION T1 WE ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES ■^ODC CODE ID. NO. LATITUDE VIO LONGITUDE * "1/10 YEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10* T MO DAY HR.V10 01R. HCI PER SEA TYPE AM 31 963 EV 6139AN Oi3107W 219 13 11 22 210 1965 NAS 21D 12u7 13 10 7 ^ X6 3 8 0063 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imbil AIR TEMP. -C VIS, COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE 'tV' DIR. SPEED OR FORCE DRY BUL6 WET BULB 09 S40 139 039 033 6 MtSStNCH rA5I I.Mt 0 ^NO. HR 1/10 CARD TYPE DEPTH (ml T -C s •/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMAIT-XIO' SAD DYN. M. X10' SOUND VELOCITY 03 ml/I PO4-P rOTAL-P >.g - 01/1 NOi-N NO3-N wg - al/I SI04-S> US - ol/l pH S c c 1 1 STD 0000 0932 3529 2731 0007709 0000 14883 204 OBS 0000 0932 35290 2731 14883 STD 0010 0930 3528 2731 0007766 0008 14883 204 OBS 0012 0929 35277 2731 14883 STO 0020 0931 3528 2730 0007832 0015 14885 204 OBS 0029 0932 35277 2730 14887 STD 0030 0932 3528 2730 0007869 0023 14887 STD 0050 0932 3527 2730 0007956 0039 14891 204 OBS 0058 0932 35268 2730 14892 STD 0075 0932 3527 2730 0008009 0059 14895 STD 0100 0932 3528 2730 0008032 0079 14899 204 OBS 0115 0932 35278 2730 14901 STD 0126 0929 3528 2731 0008015 0099 14902 STD 0150 0921 3528 2732 0007933 0119 14903 STD 0200 0906 3528 2735 0007799 0159 14905 204 DBS 0231 0898 STD 0250 0894 3528 2737 0007705 0197 14910 STD 0300 0883 3i^B 2738 0007625 0236 14914 204 OBS 0346 0874 35282 2740 14918 STD 0400 0867 3527 2740 0007651 0312 14924 204 OBS T0462 0852 35255 2741 14928 STD 0500 0838 3525 2743 0007535 0388 14929 204 OBS 0577 0806 35234 2747 14930 STD 0500 0797 3522 2747 0007302 0462 14930 204 OBS 0693 0745 35187 2752 14925 STD 0700 0739 3518 2753 0006857 0533 14924 STD 0800 0656 3514 2761 0006102 0=98 14907 204 OBS 0805 0652 35140 2762 14905 STD 0900 0588 3510 2767 0005590 0656 14896 204 OBS T0924 0571 35085 2758 14893 STO 1000 0532 3507 2771 0005170 0710 14890 204 OBS T1027 0494 35040 2774 14878 210 OBS STD T1034 1100 0482 0456 35031 2774 14874 210 OBS STD T1106 1200 0454 0421 34770 2757Q 210 OBS STD 1252 1300 0406 0395 34540 27440 210 OBS T1325 0390 3461Q 2751Q 114 ■ SHIP CODE 31 963 EV LAinUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ' '1/10 013402W O OAT Hll.1/10 218 23 11 23 Oil 1965 NAS 2QD ORIGINATOR'S SfEfO OR FOICf 8AB0- METER Imbil 152 AIR TEMP. "C NO. CBS. DEPTHS 14 06 Gfl^Kl JiA 2 |3 I NOOC STATION NUMBER 0064 SAD DVN. M. SOUND VELOCin STO 0000 0936 3530 2732 0007669 0000 14884 633 002 DBS 0000 0936 35304 2732 14884 633 002 OBS 0009 0938 35301 2731 14887 541 STD 0010 0938 3530 2731 0007742 0008 14887 641 STD 0020 0937 3530 2731 0007754 0015 14888 640 002 OBS 0024 0937 35301 2731 14889 640 STD 0030 0937 3530 2731 0007763 0023 14890 540 002 DBS 0048 0937 35304 2731 14893 641 STD 0050 0937 3530 2731 0007791 0039 14893 641 STD 0075 0937 3530 2731 0007859 0058 14897 539 002 OBS 0096 0937 35300 2731 14900 638 STD 0100 0937 3530 2731 0007930 0078 14901 638 STD 0125 0938 3530 2731 0007999 0098 14906 637 STD 0150 0939 3530 2731 0008062 0118 14910 635 002 OBS T0190 0941 35301 2731 14917 631 STO 0200 0940 3530 2731 0008164 0159 14919 528 STD 0250 0932 3531 2733 0008067 0199 14924 617 002 OBS 0291 0923 35321 2735 14928 511 STD 0300 0920 3532 2736 0007926 0239 14928 510 002 OBS 0390 0893 35301 2738 14932 506 STD 0400 0892 3530 2739 0007820 0318 14934 509 006 OBS 0491 0877 35305 2741 14943 517 STD 0500 0875 3530 2741 0007753 0396 14944 512 006 OBS T0591 0851 35280 2743 14950 578 STD 0600 0848 3528 2744 0007661 0473 14950 575 006 OBS 0694 0818 35262 2747 14954 570 STD 0700 0817 3527 2748 0007428 0548 14955 575 006 OBS T0795 0789 35306 2755 14960 524 STD 0800 0786 3530 2755 0006899 0620 14960 520 STD 0900 0713 3523 2760 0006453 0687 14947 554 Oil OBS. T0958 0669 35193 2763 14939 548 STO 1000 0641 3514 2763 0006192 0750 14934 559 STD 1100 0564 3504 2765 0005956 0811 14919 585 STD 1200 0468 3501 2774 0004980 0865 14896 512 Oil OBs T1206 0462 35008 2775 14895 514 STD 1300 0358 3504 2788 0003479 0908 14867 539 Oil OBs T1307 0347 35037 2789 14864 642 Oil OBs T1380 0207 35012 2800 14816 680 115 ■ SHIP CODE 31 LATITUDE VIO LONGITUDE * '1/10 01if038W DAY MR.1/10 218 2^ 11 23 Oi.9 1965 NA5 190 06 S22 ORIGINATOR'S BARO- METER (mbl) 173 Oi*i* 022 1536 NO. OSS. DEPTHS 06 0065 HR VIO T SAO OYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY lOTAL-P vg • 81/1 STD 0000 0913 3531 2736 0007302 0000 14875 042 OBS 0000 0913 35305 2735 14876 STD 0010 0913 3530 2735 0007397 0007 14877 01(2 OBS 0010 0913 35295 2735 14877 STD 0020 0915 3530 2734 0007442 0015 14880 0*2 OBS 0025 0916 35297 2734 14681 STD 0030 0916 3530 2734 0007477 0022 14882 STD 0050 0918 3530 2734 0007557 0037 14885 042 OBS 0051 0918 35295 2734 14886 STD 0075 0917 3530 2734 0007589 0055 14889 STD 0100 0915 3530 2734 0007510 0075 14893 042 08s 0102 0915 35296 2734 14693 STD 0125 0915 3530 2735 0007658 0094 14897 STD 0150 0915 3530 2735 0007705 0113 14901 STD 0200 0914 3530 2735 0007793 0152 14909 042 OBS T0202 0914 35297 2735 14909 STD 0250 0907 3531 2737 0007589 0191 14915 042 OBS 0297 0900 35322 2739 14920 STD 0300 0900 3532 2739 0007606 0229 14921 STD 0400 0882 3531 2741 0007594 0305 14930 042 OBS 0409 0880 35305 2741 14931 STD 0500 0854 3528 2743 0007536 0381 14935 042 OBS 0512 0851 35281 2744 14937 STD 0600 0830 3527 2746 0007449 0455 14943 042 OBS 0615 0825 35258 2747 14944 STD 0700 0793 3525 2750 0007198 0529 14945 042 OBS 0718 0764 35244 2751 14945 STD 0800 0736 3521 2755 0005786 0599 14939 042 OBS 0821 0723 35201 2755 14938 STD 0900 0666 3519 2764 0006045 0553 14928 042 OBS 0925 0649 35173 2765 14926 049 OBS T0941 0638 35163 2765 14924 STD 1000 0579 3511 2759 0005524 0721 14909 STD 1100 0496 3503 2772 0005097 0774 14891 049 OBS T1195 0437 34984 2775 14882 STD 1200 0436 3498 2776 0004752 0823 14882 STD 1300 0405 3496 2777 0004510 0870 14885 STD 1400 0375 3494 2779 0004463 0915 14890 049 OBS 1409 0372 34939 2779 14890 049 OBS T1480 023U 35018 2798 14843 116 REFERENCE SHIP CODE ii MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CTIIY CODE ID. NO. 1/10 * "1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBtS TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10* T MO DAV Hft.1/10 Oi«- HOT PER SEA IVPt AM 31 963 £V 63001N 014355W Z16 3^ 11 13 097 1965 NAS 18D 1792 18 0^ 2 X9 5 7 0066 WATER WIND BARO* METER lmb*l AIR TEMP. -C VIS. COD NO. DBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IBANS, OIR. SPEED OH FOKCt DRY BULB WET BULB OA S35 183 022 0U6 8 MfSSfNCRtcAST IIMl 0. NO. HR 1/10 1 CARD IVPE DEPTH tml T "C s v.. SIGMA-T SPtCIFIC VOLUME ANOMALT-KIO' SAD DYN. M. X io3 SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/I PO4-P tOTAL-P vg . Bi/I NOj-N wg - ol/l NOj-N ^g - ol/l SI 0«-Si ug-ol/l pH S c c 1 std 0000 0905 3530 2736 0007245 0000 14873 682 090 OBS 0000 0905 35296 2736 14873 682 090 DBS 0009 0905 35291 2736 14874 664 STD 0010 0905 3529 2736 0007314 0007 14874 663 STD 0020 0907 3529 2735 0007365 0015 14877 653 090 OBS 0024 0908 35289 2735 14878 651 STD 0030 0907 3529 2735 0007390 0022 14878 652 090 OBS 0049 0906 35289 2735 14881 653 STD 0050 0906 3529 2735 0007416 0037 14881 653 STD 0075 0907 3529 2735 0007508 0055 14886 649 090 OBS 0098 0908 35284 2735 14890 647 STD 0100 0908 3528 2735 0007588 0074 14890 648 STD 0125 0908 3528 2735 0007635 0093 14894 656 STD 0150 0908 3528 2735 0007683 0113 14898 662 090 OBS T0194 0907 35284 2735 14905 664 STD 0200 0906 3528 2735 0007763 0151 14906 661 STD 0250 0895 3529 2737 0007654 0190 14910 643 090 OBS 0293 0888 35292 2739 14915 634 STD 0300 0888 3529 2739 0007615 0228 14916 635 090 OBS T0386 0881 35299 2740 14927 636 STD 0400 0878 3530 2741 0007626 0304 14928 634 090 OBS 0497 0860 35282 2742 14938 624 STD 0500 0860 3528 2742 0007646 0380 14938 624 090 OBS 0592 0848 35281 2744 14949 624 STD 0600 0848 3528 2744 0007661 0457 14950 627 090 DBS 0692 0834 35267 2745 14960 636 STD 0700 0832 3526 2745 0007740 0534 14960 634 090 DBS 0793 0792 35226 2748 14960 597 STD 0800 0787 3522 2749 0007501 0610 14959 589 090 OBS T0894 0724 35184 2755 14950 521 STD 0900 0719 3518 2755 0006911 0682 14949 523 STD 1000 0643 3513 2762 0006295 0748 14935 555 097 OBS T104U 0615 35112 2764 14930 567 STD 1100 0570 3508 2767 0005748 0808 14922 583 STD 1200 0506 3503 2771 0005346 0864 14912 607 097 OBS T1280 0466 34997 2773 14909 624 STD 1300 0464 3499 2773 0005179 0917 14911 629 STD 1400 0443 3496 2773 0005219 0969 14919 650 STD 1500 0408 3495 2776 0004919 1019 14921 663 097 OBS 1518 O4OO 34949 2777 14921 665 097 OBS T1725 0277 34996 2792 14904 665 STD 1750 0269 3500 2793 0002987 1118 14905 673 097 OBS T1798 0258 34995 2794 14908 692 117 / 533^^