IL-'s*. Qoc^^V~(^oo~^-^^ Oci-etft,,4Juscw«^t>»U>c<5_ ^-ai"ti0 °C) water did not appear in Smith Sound and could only have originated in Baffin Bay and flowed northward. Cape Norton Shaw-Cape Parry The Cape Xorton Shaw-Cape Parry section was occupied twice. The temperature sections (figs. 11 and 12) indicated a temperature struc- ture similar to that in the Smith Bay-Hvalsund section. Maximum temperatures higher than + 1°C occurred in the deep east of the Carey Islands and lower temperatures, characterized by a minimum below — 1.20°C between 100-200 m, were found in the central and western portions of the section. A mass of warm (0°C) water occurred just west of the Carey Islands between 200-400 m and was more pronounced on 8 Sept. (fig. 11) than on 21 Sept. (fig. 12). A relatively warm {— 1.00°C) layer occurred at .50-100 m depth in the westernmost portion of the section of 8 Sept. (fig. 11) and may have been a re- flection of local seasonal warming. The vertical sections of salinity (figs. 13 and 14) indicated a variation in salinity from less than 32%o near the surface to greater than 34.4'''(K) near the bottom, with maximum salinity occurring in the regions of maximum tempera- ture. The isohaline slopes indicated a net south- ward baroclinic flow of the cold water in the central and western portions of the section, while tlie warm tongue west of the Carey islands ap- peared to flow northward on 9 Sept. (fig. 13) and to be nearly motionless on 20 Sept. (fig. 14). The warm water east of the Carey Islands ex- hibited a southward flow in the earlier section which had become northward by the later occu- pation of the section. Near-surface colder water east of the Carey Islands flowed northward dur- ing both occupations of the section and probably originated from the near-surface cold water layer of Baffin Bay. Cape York-Smith Sound The longitudinal section (fig. 15) east of the Carey Islands indicated a pronounced thermal front between stations 29 and 30, with warm (> + l°C) water occurring below 300 m north of this front as far as station 32 and in the topo- graphic deep at stations 36 and 37. A relatively warm (>0°C) tongue extended northward at 300-400 m depth to station 42, north of which only cold water similar to that found in Smith Soiuid occurred. The water laver between about 50 m and 150 m was characterized by irregular, relatively low (<0°C) temperatures. The partial longitudinal temperature section from Cape York to east of the Carey Islands (fig. 16) indicated that the temperature structure was essentially the same at this later date (19-20 Sept.) as dur- ing the earlier occupation on 11-17 Sept. The earlier vertical salinity section (fig. 17) indicated a salinity variation from less than 32''/6o near the surface to greater than 34.4%o near the bottom, similar to the variation found in the latitudinal sections. The later, partial section (fig. 18) indicated a variation from less than 32%o near the surface to a maximum of .34.399bo near the bottom, so that maximum salinities were slightly lower at this later date. The isohaline slopes on 11-13 Sept. (fig. 17) indicated a westward flow between stations 29 and 30 and an eastward flow between stations 30 and 31. A slower westward flow occurred between stations 31 and 36 and an eastward flow was indicated between stations 36 and 38. Tlie pattern of alternating flow directions continued north- ward with westward flow between stations 38 and 42 and eastward flow between stations 42 and 44. On 19 Sept. (fig. 18) an eastward flow was occurring below about 200 m between sta- tions 67 and 68 while a less intense westward flow was occurring between stations 68 and 72, again below 200 m. An eastward flow occurred below 200 m between .stations 72 and 75. Little flow was taking place in the upper 200 m of the section, as compared with the earlier section wjiere flow generally extended upwards to the surface. The flow below 200m was similar to that for the earlier section if a shift to the south by about 10 nm was supposed for the entire pattern. Smith Sound-Carey Islands The two temperature sections (figs. 19 and 20) indicated lower overall temperatures than east of the Carey Islands. The warm tongue at 200- 300 m had maximum temperatures of only 4-0.o°C that extended northward to station 16 on 10 Sept. (fig. 19), but not as far north on 15 Sept. (fig. 20). Xear-surface temperatures were irregu- lar and low, grading northward into the uniform- ly cold water of Smith Sound. "Blobs" of warm and cold water imply the southern section (fig. 19) to fall across a zone of turbulent mixing between the wanner water originating in Baffin Bay and the colder water flowing southward via Smith Sound. Tlie absence of temperatures as high west of the Carey Islands as were observed east of the ishvnds implied that the core of the warm water layer southeast of the islands turned northward and flowed to the east of them. This was also suggested by the temperature and cur- rent (as deduced from the isohalines) structure in the Cape Norton Shaw — Cape Parry section (figs. 11-14). The southernmost salinity section (fig. 21) in- dicated a westward flow between stations 25 and 26, and an eastward flow between stations 23 and 24. Little flow appeared to occur between stations 19 and 23. The westward flow occurring between stations 16 and 19 was indicated on the northern section (fig. 22) to extend as far north as station 56. An easterly flow occurred through the north- ern section between stations 52 and 56. The two sections (figs. 21 and 22) do not overlap enough to allow detection of changes in the current pat- terns between 11 and 14 Sept. CURRENT METER DATA All four of tlie recording current meters func- tioned. The locations and depths of these meters are indicated on figures 1 and 2. Although the data are still being processed, preliminary work has indicated that the measured currents at each location consisted primarily of periodic (e.g. tidal and inertial) oscillations of 15-20 cm/sec ampli- tude superimposed on smaller non-periodic cur- rents on the order of 5 cm/sec. The non-periodic currents agreed qualitatively in direction and magnitude with the baroclinic currents as deduced from the slopes of the iso- halines, although a more quantitative comparison is needed to separate the baroclinic and baro- tropic modes. A more tliorougli analysis of the measured currents is in progress at the ITniver- sity of Washington based on filtering of the data which will isolate the periodic and non-periodic comnonents. The data were too voluminous to be included in the present report, but may be obtained in their entirety from the Department of Ocean- ography University of Washington, Seattle. CONCLUSION The identifiable water masses in the Smith Sound-northern Baffin Bay region consisted of uniformly cold (<()°C) water which appeared to flow southward from Smith Sound throughout the water column and northward from Baffin Bay in the eastern near-surface layers. Warm (>0°C) deep water flowed northward — primari- ly east of the Carey Islands — from Baffin Bay. The baroclinic currents deduced from the slopes of the isohalines suggested a cyclonic cir- culation pattern, with northward flow east of Carey Islands and southward flow west of them. The presence of "blobs" of warm and cold water in the vicinity of the Carey Islands suggested a zone of turbulent mixing between the north- flowing warmer water and the south-flowing cold water. Such a mixing zone would result in the effective entrainment of the north-flowing warm water into the colder, south-flowing current, so that a westward transfer of warm water would occur continually along the shear zone between the north and south-flowing currents. Such a westward transfer would be erratic, depending on the space and time scales of the turbulent proc- esses, and therefore would agree qualitatively with the erratic nature of latitudinal flow as de- duced from the longitudinal sections. No large scale time changes were observed during the duration of the cruise. Changes were observed, liowever, in some of the details and were probably related to the turbulent processes discussed above. REFERENCES Dunbar, M. .1.. Moira Dunbar and D. C. Xutt. 1967. The Baffin Bay-North Water Project Report Number 1. Arctic Inst, of North America Research Paper No. 45. 71 pp. 80^ 75' 70' 77' ELLESMERE 76' SMITH BAY C. COMBERMERE 86 HVALSUND 8 1BJ6 65 64 6 3 625, '^ ^57 15 M 13 3B^2 037 190 580 20 O 21 O 60 84 1 e, 8' 'L 225J 8 8 « ^'^^ NORTON SHAW O 8-15 September * 18-23 September * Cur rent mete rs 9 O23 A 26 o " • 85 Oe 74^973 60^/- 35Q3 34 CAREY IS. ,2 O 33 T)32 • 70 031 SAUNDERS IS o~8] i ! ^ 0 100 200 300 « 400 UJ i 500 ^ 600 UJ ° 700 800 900 1000 ■>o.o MILES Figure 12 — Temperature distribution. Cape Norton Shaw-Cape Parry, 20-21 September 1968. 13 STATION NUMBER C. NORTON SHAW 0 l-^- C. PARRY 7 CAREY IS. 8 9 10 100 — \ 200 — 300 — I 400 i 500 I 600 a 700 I— BOO 900 I— 1000 32.0 0 10 1 J MILES Figure 13 — Salinity distribution. Cape Norton Shaw-Cape Parry, 8-9 September 1968. STATION NUMBER C. PARRY C. NORTON SHAW 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 CAREY IS. 76 75 0 I — \ ! i -I ! 1^^ I 1 TT'^'K 31.0^=-^T 33.0 100 I— \ 200 ^300 1- ^400 UJ 3E = 500 a. ° 600 700 I— 800 900 0 10 I I MILES Figure 14 — Salinity distribution. Cape Northern Shaw-Cape Parry, 20-21 Sepleniber 1968. 14 Q STATION NUMBER C. YORK SMITH SOUND 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 47 Figure 15 — Temperature distribution, Cape York-Smith Sound, 11-13 September 1968. 15 C. YORK 67 68 STATION NUMBER CAREY IS. 70 71 72 \ 73 Figure 16 — Temperature distribution, Cape York-Smith Sound, 11-13 September 1968. 16 STATION NUMBER C. YORK 28 29 30 SMITH SOUND Figure 17 — Salinity distribution, Cape York-east of Carey Islands, 19-20 September 1968. 17 STATION NUMBER C. YORK 67 70 CAREY IS. 72 ^ 73 Figure 18 — Salinity distribution, Cape York-east of Carey Islands, 19-20 Septem- ber 1968. 18 STATfON NUMBER SMITH SD. pCAREY IS. BAFFIN BAY 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Figure 19 — Longitudinal temperature distribution west of Carey Islands, 10-11 September 1968. SMITH SOUND G 52 CAREY IS. 58 59 MILES Figure 20 — Temperature distribution, Smith Sound — west of Carey Islands, 14-15 Septem- ber 1968. 19 STATION NUMBER ■SMITH SD. 16 19 20 pCAREY IS. 22 23 24 BAFFIN BAY 27 Figure 21 — Longitudinal salinity distribution west of Carey Islands, 10-11 September 1968. SMITH SOUND 52 54 CAREY IS. 58 59 Figure 22 — Salinity distribution. Smith Sound — west of Carey Islands, 14-15 September 1968. 20 A Preliminary Report Of The Zooplankton Collected Aboard USCGC Westwind During September 1968 W. G. TiDMARSH 1 INTRODUCTION As part of the oceanographic program con- ducted aboard tlie USCGC WESTWIND in the Xortli Water region of Baffin Bay during Sep- tember 1968, a total of 16 biological stations were occupied (fig. 1). The purpose of the biological program was to gain more knowledge of the ver- tical and horizontal distribution of the various zooplankton populations in the North Water area. In conjunction with the physical data ob- tained, it is hoped to relate the presence of several species found in the region to specific water masses. The present study concentrates on the copepod and chaetognath populations, but a more comprehensive study of other planktonic forms will be undertaken at a later date. This program is part of a study of the biology of the waters influencing the North Water. Data will be combined with that obtained in future programs to prepare a general survey of the planktonic zoogeography of the North Water region. PROCEDURES Thirty-one collections were made at 16 stations between September 8 and September 23, 1968 in the general vicinity of the Carey Islands in north- ern Baffin Bay. Plankton collections were made from the WESTWIND using one metre stramin nets and one-half metre #6 mesh and one-quarter metre #20 mesh nylon nets shackled to a 5/32 inch stainless steel wire running from the main hydrographic winch. All tows were made with non-closing nets and no flow meters were used. For vertical tows, depending upon the size of the net, weights between fifteen and thirty pounds were attached to the caud end of the net immediately below the collecting bucket. A small depressor was used for the horizontal tows. Collections varied between 10 metres and 400 ' Marine Science Center, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. metres in depth, with the majority being made at 50 metres, 80 metres, 150 metres and 274 metres. Tows were made after consulting the physical data to determine the depth of the thermocline in order to sample in the different temperature layers present. Discreet sampling in each layer was not possible because the nets were of the non- closing variety. Of the 31 tows attempted, 27 were vertical or oblique and 4 were horizontal. Poor results were obtained in two horizontal tows due to difficulties in streaming the stramin nets. Tows in all cases were conducted from the hydro- graphic winch platform; however in making horizontal tows the starboard boat crane was swung outboard, with block attached, to carry the net and wire well clear of the propellers. Vertical tows were made at a speed of 1 metre per second. Wire angles encountered were com- pensated for to allow sampling at specific depths. Horizontal collections were nuide at a speed of 2 knots for 15 minutes along a straight line. No analysis or sorting was carried out on board, though relative abundances of plankton were generally noted. Specimens were preserved in a 5% formaldehyde solution in 8 oz. and 16 oz. plastic bottles. The specimens were in excellent condition on arrival at McGill University where the sorting, identification and counting of sam- ples began immediately. RESULTS A preliminary plankton analysis concentrating on copepod and chaetognath populations has been completed and shows some interesting trends which will require further field work in the re- gion to substantiate. The Copepod populations were either Atlantic or Arctic forms. No Pacific forms were found in any of the collections taken. Three calanoid capepods Cala.nus hyperhoreus, f'alanus glacialis and Metridia longa dominate the collections with Pseudocolanus minutu.% Mi- crocalanus pygmaeus and the cyclopoid copepod. 21 Olthona .similis, also appearing frequently. Adult Parevrhaef/i glaridlis^ Scaphocalanus magnus, Cnlamtf! ftunarchicus, Gaidms tenuspinus and rh Indus ohfus/frons appeared in collections from depths greater than 150 metres though very young forms of these species often appeared in tows made at 100 m. During early September, in conjunction with a heavy phytoplankton bloom, all stages of copepodite development were noted but later in September very few animals younger than stage IV were observed. The numbers of adults in the population also decreased after the phytoplankton bloom liad finished. In general, older forms were found at greater depths than were the young of their species. Atlantic forms were found in tows only at depths greater than 125 metres. These forms ap- peared below the thermocline and their relative abundances were highly variable. Due to its abundance in tows taken, the Atlantic copepod f. ftunftrchwu.s, is the best indicator of the pene- tration of Atlantic water into the North Water region. The extent of its penetration toward Smith Sound is unknown because results from the Station 44 (lat. 77°51' N., long. 74°40' W.) are inconclusive. High winds and ice prevented any collections being made in Smith Sound dur- ing the period the ship was in the region. The exact depth at which Atlantic forms occur is not known because closing nets were not used. How- ever, the surface layer to a depth of 75 to 100 metres was inhabited primarily by the Arctic species f'nJunvs glacialis and Calamis hyper- horeun. Three species of Chaetognath, Euhronm hnmn- tn. ^iigitfn elegcnis. and Sfigitfa mixhna occurred in the samples. They occur in all three water masses being considered but those forms which breed in Arctic water have spots on their fins which are thought to be sensory in nature. The presence or absence of these spots combined with the lengths of the individuals suggest the same conclusions drawn from the copepod analysis. Both Eukronia hamata and Sagitta elegans col- lected from the upper 100 metres of the water column show longer average body size and a higher percentage of spotted finned individuals which suggests strong Arctic water influence. At depths of 100 to 200 metres, the average size decreases as does the percentage of chaetognaths with spotted fins, indicating the greater influence of Atlantic water at this depth. The horizontal distribution of Eukronia hamata was more uni- form tlian that of Sagitta elegann, making the former species better indicator in this region. S. elegans only appeared in 50% of the samples collected and in much fewer numbers. SUMMARY The results obtained from the copepod and chaetognath collections indicate a very strong Arctic influence in the surface waters, these waters being populated by the Arctic copepods Cal2°C, >34%o) and the relatively high percentage oxygen saturation all appear to indicate that this bottom water is periodically renewed by an intrusion of West Greenland Cur- rent Water (figs. 3-5). Warm AVest Greenland Current Water (2.5°C, 34.5%o) was found at 300 meters between stations 17 and 19 along the break in the continental shelf (figs. 3-4). Baffin Bay Deep Water (<1.8°C, <34.5%o) was found below 700 meters Ijetween stations 19 and 25 (figs. 6-7). Dunbar (1951) reports this deep water to be deflected eastward as the bottom shallows towards Davis Strait and recirculated into Baffin Bay. Several of the fjords investigated were expected to be anaerobic near the bottom. However, an abundance of benthic fauna, as evidenced by both 24 the bottom grabs and bottom photos, and rela- REFERENCES tively higli oxygen concentrations were found in Dunbar, M. J. 1951. Eastern Arctic Waters. Fisheries all the fjords investigated. Researcli Board of Canada, Bulletin No. 88. Smith, E. H. 1931. The MARION Expedition to Davis Strait and Baffin Bay. U.S. Treasury, U.S. Coast Tlie data presented in the Tables of Oceano- Guard, Bulletin No. 19 Part 3. graphic Data are reproduced from computer Smith, E. H. 1941. ice observations in the Greenland >■ ,• J. ,, -KT .■ 1 /^-v 1 • i\ J. Sector, 1940, International Ice Observation and Ice listnigs from tlie National (Jceanographic Data r, . , a ■ • ..u ^, .,..,.. „ ^, „ * & f Patrol Service in the North Atlantic Ocean. U.S. Center (Cruise Number 31-1318). Treasury, U.S. Coast Guard, Bulletin No. 30, 11-26. 25 72 71 70 N 69° UMIAMAKO RINK ill '''( » )u^ KAN6DLU6SUAK ]:kangerdluarsuk amarujuk ^^NGNERIT ' ITIVDLIARSUK SERMILIK Ittle KARAJAK EAT KARAJAK tklP-SERMIA V'.il. IKUIJUITSOK 55**W 53° 51° 49° Figure 1 — Location of Tidewater Glaciers of Northeast Bay and Disko Bay. 26 °40'W 60° 55 50 Figure 2 — Positions of USCGC EASTWIND stations 1 25, 21 July lo 5 August 1968. 27 STATION NUMBER 17 16 4 0 15 14 1312 11 10 9 8 0 10 NAUTICAL MILES Figure 3 — Vertical Section of Temperature (°C), USCGC EASTWIND stations 8 to 19, 29 July to 3 August 1968. 28 Or^ 200 400 600 ^3 m^lu 34.555 1000 - 1200 34.472 1400 1600 34.481 STATION NUMBER 17 16 15 14 1312 11 10 9 8 32.5'^ 0 10 NAUTICAL MILES Figure 4— Vertical Section of Salinity (°/<«), USCGC EASTWIND stations 8 to 19, 29 July to 3 August 1968. 29 STATION NUMBER 1312 11 10 9 8 Figure 5 — Vertical Section of Oxygen (ml/I), USCGC EASTWIND stations 8 to 18, 29 July to 3 August 1968. 30 STATION NUMBER - 800 0 10 NAUTICAL MILES 25 Figure 6— Vertical Section of Temperature (°C), USCGC EASTWIND stations 19 to 25, 3-5 August 1968. 31 STATION NUMBER Figure 7 — Vertical Section of Salinity (°/<»), USCGC EASTWIND stations 19 to 25, 3-5 August 1968. 32 STATION NUMBER Figure 8— Vertical Section of Oxygen (ml/1), USCGC EASTWIND stations 20 to 24, 3^ August 1968. 33 Major Taxonomic Groups Of Macrobenthos In Disko Bay And Several West Greenland Fjords Roger B. Theroux ^ INTRODUCTION Maci'obenthic organisms were sampled during the Glacier and Oceanographic Survey cruise of the I'SrCxC' EASTWINI) to AVest Greenland, 18 July to 8 August, 1968. The collections were made to provide information about the fauna of West Greenland, including (1) the difference, if any, in the composition of the fauna of Disko Bay and the inshore sides of sills at the mouth of fjords; ('2) the types of organisms inhabiting the sediments within the fjords; and (3) the fau- nal composition of the deep basins of the fjords, especially tliose where oxygen levels might be low. This preliminary report lists the major groups of organisms collected and the types of sediments in wliich they occurred. SAMPLING PROCEDURE Macrobenthic organisms were taken at 13 of the 21 stations at wiiich bottom samples were collected (tig. 1) ; station data and other physical features are given in Table I. Water depths ranged from 72 to 7.50 meters. A Van Veen grab (().2ni-) was used at 10 stations and a Dietz- Lafond sampler (O.Olm^) was used at 11. All of the Van Veen, but only 3 of tlie Dietz-Lafond samples (stations 3, 14, and 21) were processed for macrobenthos; tlie remaining 8 Dietz-Lafond collections provided only enough material for sediment samples. (The samplers are illustrated in figs. 2 and 3). Macrobenthic organisms were present in all of tlie processed samples. The macrobenthos was washed out of the sedi- ments tlirough a 1-millimeter mesh screen, pre- served in a 10 percent buffered formalin solution, and later sorted and identified to major taxonomic groups. At each station a 1-liter sediment sample was • U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Commer- cial Fi.sherles Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. retained when the total volume of the sample permitted (a smaller amount was removed from small samples), and stored, without further treat- ment, in plastic containers. TAXONS AND SIZES OF MACROBENTHOS COLLECTED Tlie macrobenthic organisms of Disko Bay and the West Greenland fjords are typical of those found in soft muddy ocean bottoms of northern latitudes. Among the organisms in the collections were mud stars {Ctenodiscus crinpa- txin), errant and sedentary polychaete annelids {Nephtyn, Onuphis, Maldamdae, Chaetopteridae, Serpulidae, Sabellidae), sea urchins {Strongylo- cenfrofys), britt'e stars (Ophiuroidea), sea cu- cumbers (Holotliuroidea), mud- and sand-dwell- ing bivalves (Astarte, Cuspidaria, Hiatella, Macoma. NucuUu Nticulana. Thyasira), snails (Naticidae), and moss animals (Bryozoa). Some of the organisms are illustrated in figure 4. In terms of numbers of individuals, polychaete annelids were the most abundant group of or- ganisms in the collections. They occurred at all stations sampled. The bryozoans were the next most abundant group, followed by the molluscs and ecliinodei-nis. Crustaceans made up only a small percentage of the total macrobenthic fauna. Table II shows the distril)ution and occurrence of tlie major taxonomic groups. Most of the macrobenthic organisms were 5 to 20 millimeters long; only a few were larger. The exceptions included Bryozoa colonies (some were 3 to 6 centimeters wide) ; two mud stars, Cteno- dixcus crispatuH, about 6 centimeters in diameter; and one large mud worm, Nephtyv. longer than 12 centimeters (most of the other annelids were less than 1 centimeter long). Living molluscs were generally less tlian 5 millimeters long, but 34 shells of a few dead ones— mostly scallops— were 8 to 9 centimeters long. Except for one sample of gravel, the substrate at all of the stations was predominantly muddy (silt-clay), but generally included varying pro- portions of coarser materials — usually gravel; coarse, medium, or fine sand; fragmented shell remains; or combinations of these materials. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank the U.S. Coast Guard— particularly Captain R. P. Dinsmore, Commanding Officer U.S. Coast Guard Oceanographic Unit — for the opportunity to participate in this expedition, and Captain c'. W. Bailey and crew of P:ASTWIND for their interest and support in tlie work per- formed aboard the vessel. 35 RINKS GIACKR 50 KAP CRANSTOWN UAlANAic 9 •ir fJORo UMANAK IS. 0 A /\ '~^ VI.ITTI.I QARAJAK QAKAJAK OLACII* -70' a;KANOIlIRNOATA ^^lACIM .'Eaip oiACiia 23 /66*0rN 54'04W • I- 68' 7w 0 Is II ^^ At .. ^^ '^ Q a 2 Z 0 ■« Sox H jfe 5-. c« »? ^ u ^ S O T5 = U c o c« a e ^2 1 c a e ^ a ■0 2 S 1 1 « X V an O I C a 8 1, St » -8 a. U a a ^Z J! a M a; a 9 9 u C = 2 U 1] .- ^ a •' -I 3 a e :s ■SI n ■- ., .- a E V .£ C ^' O 3 0 >w m I s 4 s k 0 til) * S. a •? Sub C "O a O -0 S ^ = 4 a "5 •iJ O '- c ^ .. c _ ^ CO £ ft a ^ 0< ■3 2 < B U S I V tri o „ i" 3 /-v -s « s * ^ S B 39 Table I. — Station positions, collecting gear (VV = Van Veen grab; DL = Dietz-Lafond sampler), and physical features of bottom sampling sites occupied by USCGC EASTWIND, July-August 1968. Date Latitude Longitude Depth Bottom station (1968) Time (North) (West) Gear (Meters) type 1 20 July 0130 71°14' 55°12' VV 96 Silt-clay 3 21 July 1330 71''29' 53°20' DL 521 Sand-silt-clay 4 21 July 2230 71° 24' 53°35' VV 648 Silt-clay 6 22 July 1930 70° 53' 52°38' VV 536 Silty sand 7 23 July 1330 70°23' 50°52' VV 750 Gravelly clay 8 24 July 1830 70°4r 52°18' DL 640 Silt-clay 9 25 July 0300 70°56' 53°40' DL 747 Silt-clay 10 25 July 1300 70°22' 54°15' VV 385 Till 11 25 July 2100 69°59' 52°30' DL 169 Till 12 28 July 0330 69°33' 50°55' DL 560 Silt-clay 13 28 July 0500 69° 29' 51°04' VV 72 Sand-silt-clay 14 28 July 0930 69° 19' 51°39' DL 126 Gravelly silt-clay 15 28 July 1400 69° 24' 51°57' DL 129 Till 16 28 July 2100 68°54' 52°53' VV 100 Till 17 29 July 0900 69° 13' 51°14' VV 290 Sand-silt-clay 18 29 July 1030 69° 11' 51°18' DL 299 Silt-clay 19 29 July 1100 69°09' 51°15' DL 190 Silt-clay 20 1 Aug. 2400 69°09' 52°19' DL 475 Silt-clay 21 2 Aug. 1800 69°11' 54°21' DL 85 Gravelly silt-clay 22 2 Aug. 1830 69°11' 54°21' VV 85 Gravelly silt-clay 23 5 Aug. 0300 66°01' 56°04' VV 175 Gravel Tahic II. — Stations off West Greenland at which various taxonomic groups of macrobenthos were collected, 20 July-5 August 1968. Taxon Stations at which each occurred Foraminifera 1, 3, 4, 6, 10, 13, 14, 16, 17, 22. Porifera 13, 14, 16, 21, 23. Coelenterata 10, 22, 23. Nemertea 10, 16. Annelida 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23. Sipunculida 1, 4, 16, 22. Echiurida 7. Crustacea 1, 7, 10, 13, 14, 16, 22, 23. Mollusca 1, 4, 6, 10, 13, 14, 16, 17, 22, 23. Echinodermata 4, 10, 13, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23. Bryozoa 13. 14, 16, 21, 22, 23. Brachiopoda 23. Ascidiacea 4, 16, 21. 40 APPENDIX A.— OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA 1. A complete description of tlie codes utilized in the tabulation of oceanographic station data can be found in National Oceanographic Data Center publication M-2, ProccHsing Physical and Chemical Data from Oceanographic Stations. (Rev. August 1964, supplement issued May 1966.) 2. To facilitate use of the oceanographic station data listing, entry headings which are not self-explanatory are described below. Entry Description of Field Depth to bottom Corrected or uncorrected sounding in meters. Maximum depth of .samples Depth of deepest sample to multiple of 100 meters. Wave observations : DIR Rounded to nearest multiple of 10°. HGT In increments of V2 m. Sum of 5 meters plus increments of V2 m if 50 is added to direction. PER If numerals 2 through 9 are entered, period in seconds is twice the numeric entry or 2X (numeric entry) +1- For other entries see WMO code 3155. SEA Sea state according to WMO code 3700. Weather code If preceded by X, weather according to WMO code 4501. If a two-digit entry, weather according to WMO code 4677. Cloud code : Type Cloud type according to WMO code O.jOO. Amount Cloud amount in eights. Entry of tlie numeral 9 indicates cloud amount could not be estimated. Water : Color code Color according to Forel-Ule scale. Transparency Transparency in whole meters as determined by Secchl disc. Wind : Direction Rounded to nearest multiple of 10°. Speed or force If preceded by letter S, wind speed in knots ; if preceded by letter F, wind force according to Beaufort .scale. Barometer Barometric pressure given in tens, units, and tenths of millibars. Air temperature °C Air temperature to tenths of a degree centigrade. Visibility code Visibility according to WMO code 4300. Number observed depths Number of observed levels associated with the station. Messenger time Entered in hours and tenths of an hour GMT. For Nansen casts, indicates time of of messenger applicable to the observational level. For STD casts, indicates the starting time of lowering the .sen.sor. Card type OBS designates ob.served levels. STD indicates the values at this standard level were interpolated by a modified 3-point LaGrange formula. Depth (m) Depth to nearest meter. A postscript T indicates depth was obtained thermometrically ; Z indicates uncorrected "wire out" depth. Postscript Q indicates value was marked doubtful by originator : P indicates value was considered doubtful l)y NODC. Postcripts P and Q retain this meaning throughout the following entries. T °C Temperature to hundredths of a degree centigrade. S °/°° Salinity in parts-per-thousand. SIGMA-T Entered to hundredths. Specific-volume Multiply entry by KK to obtain specific-volume anomaly in cubic centimeters per gram. Anomaly x 10^ 2iiD Dyn. M x 10' Multiply entry by lO' to olitain anomaly of dynamic height in dynamic meters referenced to the .sea surface. Sound velocity Sound velocity according to Wilson's formula entered to tenths of a meter per second. O, mI/1 Dissolved oxygen in milliliters per liter entered to hundreds. POj-P ^g-at/1 Inorganic phosphate in microgram-atoms per liter entered to hundreds. Total-P Mg-at/1 Total phosphous in microgram-atoms per liter entered to hundredths. NO-N /ig-at/1 Nitrite-nitrogen in microgram-atoms per liter entered to hundredths. NO:i-N Mg-at/1 Nitrate-nitrogen in microgram-atoms per liter entered to tenths. Si04Si Mg-at/1 Silicate-silicon in microgram-atoms per liter entered to whole units. pH Entered to hundredths. 41 Tabic I. — Observed and interpolated oceanographie data from stations tal) 053 175 ' OBS 0010 -0101 31306 2519 175 OBS 0020 -0102 31339 2521 175 OBS 0030 -0098 31'»22 2528 175 OBS 0050 -0085 31710 2551 175 OBS 0075 -0112 32332 2602 175 OBS 0100 -0134 32602 262* 175 OBS 0125 -0132 32775 2638 175 OBS 0150 -0120 32871 26*5 175 OBS 0175 -0116 33010 2657 012 006 SPECIFIC VOLUME 09 SOUND vELOCirr 14396 027 14398 039 14403 047 14416 057 14416 088 14414 lol 14421 097 14432 082 14440 087 000 1 NOj-N St04-S. 002 003 004 003 Oil 004 026 008 063 014 080 016 083 016 078 014 089 014 LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE : * '1/10 ;TATI0N TIME DAY HR.1/10 ORIGINATOR"! WEA- THER cod; NODC STATION NUMBER 76330N 076301W 260 66 09 08 189 1968 WEI 002 0073 08 189 OBS 189 OBS 189 OBS 189 OBS 189 OBS 08 S«ED OR fOBCE S05 BARO- METER 053 0010 -0114 31210 2511 0019 -0108 31321 2520 0029 -0098 31480 2533 0048 -0086 32281 2597 0065 -0112 32688 2631 AIR lEMP. "C 012 006 05 SAD DYN. M. SOUND VELOCin 14389 14395 14403 14423 14420 053 046 058 090 107 NOj-N ug - ol/l 0002 SI O4-S1 l>g - ot/l 004 002 003 003 006 003 048 Oil 068 014 I «F!tENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE I/IO LONGITUDE ' '1/10 ii . ■ DEN ' TAT ON TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC 1 cnr ID. CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER ■oiJ 1-1 MO DAY HR.1/10 DIR. HGTJPER SEA UH AM 1 311378 WE 76350N 076000W 260 |66 |( 39 08 20^ 1968 WEI 003 0311 09 2I4 X4 X 8 0003 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imbil AIR TEMP. -C VIS. COO NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. DIR. SfEtO FOUCl ORT flULB WET BULB 09 S02 060 Oil 007 5 12 HR 1/10 1 t l^ DEPTH (ml T -c s •/„ SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALT-XlO' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY 03 ml/I PO*-P TOTAL-P vfl • ol/l NO3-N U0 - ol/l N03-N va - ol/l S104-S. xg - ol/l pH c c 204 OBS 0010 -0118 31257 2515 204 OBS 0020 -0114 31185 2509 204 OBS 0030 -0106 31417 2528 204 OBS 0050 -0066 32258 2594 204 OBS 0075 -0074 32565 2628 204 OBS 0100 -0113 32950 2552 204 OBS 0125 -0126 33228 2575 204 OBS 0150 -0114 3267P 2629P 204 OBS 0175 -0128 33235 2575 204 OBS 0200 -0089 33374 2585 204 OBS 0250 -0058 3321P 2671P 204 OBS 0300 -0043 33579 2700 14388 042 14390 049 14399 065 14433 077 14439 074 14429 092 14430 095 074 14438 083 14462 075 080 14503 089 000 002 002 003 038 006 044 Oil 053 OlO 073 013 081 013 092 012 091 013 107 014 115 014 128 017 43 j REFERENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 ii '- '.SOEN [ STATION Tl *i ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC i Cirr ID. LONGITUDE * 'I/IO CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S NUMBER '0* r MO DAY Ha.1/10 OIL HGI 'E« S(* IT« AM 1 311378 WF 76370N 076302W 260 65 09 08 22^ 1968 WEI 004 0393 09 2 4 X4 xls 0004 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbi) *1R TEMP. "C -^'JL SPECIAL OflSERVATlONS COLOR CODE TKAHS. DIR. SPEED fOUCE DRT BULB WET BULB 09 S02 060 Oil 006 2 |13 HR 1/10 1 DEPTH (ml T -C s ■/.. SIGMA— T S«CIHC VOLUME ANOMALf-IlO' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/I PO4-P pg - ot/l TOTAl-P ve - 8f/l N03-N »g - «l/t NOj-N VB - al/l SI 04-Si wg - ot/l pH s c c 1 ! 224 OBS 0010 -0108 31268 2516 22'. OBS 0020 -0104 31266 2516 224 OBS 0030 -0094 3093P 2488P 221, OBS 0050 -0126 32348 2604 224 OBS 0075 -0117 32691 2631 224 OBS 0100 -0112 33010 2657 224 OBS 0125 -0104 33177 2670 224 OBS 0150 -0093 33398 2687 224 OBS 0175 -0078 33467 2692 224 OBS 0200 -0031 33675 2707 224 OBS 0250 -0048 33783 2717 224 OBS 0300 -0033 34021 2735 224 OBS 0350 -0026 3375P 2713P 14392 060 14396 054 05o 14406 083 14419 098 14430 102 14440 081 14452 072 14465 082 14493 087 14495 085 14514 094 086 004 004 003 004 OlO 005 055 015 073 014 084 015 090 Oil 092 009 111 013 124 014 124 015 129 015 131 018 j REFERENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 M/aSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX, WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC 1 CTRtJ 10. LONGITUDE ' M/IO CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S'MPL-S NUMBER -D^ NO. 10* r MO DAY HR.l/lO DIR. HGI PEt SEA Tffl AM 1 311378 WF 76380N 075000W 260 65 19 08 238 1968 w El 005 0466 (19 2 4 X4 X 8 0005 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbil AIR TEMP. -C ^-^•JL SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE HANS. DIR. S«EO 0« fORCE DRY BULB WET BULB 09 S02 060 Oil 006 2 14 "«f 0' NO. TYPE HR 1/10 1 DEPTH bnl T 1:: s ■/.. SIGMA-T S«ClflC VOLUME ANOMALT-HO' SAD DVN. M. SOUND VELOCITY Ol ml/1 PO,-P ra ■ oi/i IOTAl-P yg - o./i NOl-N vg • ot/l NOj-N n • ot/l SI 0*-Si vg - ol/l pH S c c 1 : 238 OBS OOlO 31897 238 OBS 0020 32053 238 OBS 0030 -0062 32107 2582 238 OBS 0050 -0066 32822 2640 238 OBS 0075 -0100 33110 2664 238 OBS 0100 -0097 33406 2688 238 OBS 0125 -0092 33384 2686 238 OBS 0150 -0068 33534 2697 238 OBS 0175 -0020 33606 2701 238 OBS 0200 0030 33758 2711 238 OBS 0250 0013 3365P 2703P 238 OBS 0300 -0036 33997 2734 238 OBS 0400 -0028 34094 2741 238 OBS 0450 -0030 3405P 2738P 063 010 14429 154 14440 052 14433 081 14442 078 14449 074 14466 092 14493 089 14522 092 092 14512 085 14534 081 085 001 001 006 003 000 001 O*! 005 089 Oil 097 Oil 106 OlO 115 013 129 015 137 016 143 017 126 016 127 016 128 017 REFERENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 n "/SSDEN STATION Tl ^E ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD COOES NODC ^ ID. NO. • '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S NUMBER 10* r MO DAY Hltl/IO DIR. HGllPH SEA TYPE AM 31 1378 WF 76380N 074300W 260 64 39 09 018 1968 W El 006 0567 09 2 14 X4 X 8 0006 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbd AIR TEMP. "C VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE tRANS. DIR. SPEED OR FO*CE DRY BULB WEI BULB 09 S02 060 Oil 006 2 16 MESSENC TIME HR 1/1 "iCA>T TRD "J NO. lYPE oT 1 ; DEPTH Iml T 'C s •/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALY-XIO' SAD DVN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/l POi-P og - ol/l IOTAL-P Vfl - ol/l NOj-N wg - ol/l NOj-N vg - ol/l SI Oi-Si tig - at/I pH S c c 018 OBS 0010 -0024 32309 2597 018 OBS 0020 0018 32304 2595 018 OBS 0030 0028 32414 2603 018 OBS 0050 -0104 33670 2710 018 OBS 0075 -0094 33857 2725 018 OBS 0100 -0083 33889 2727 018 OBS 0125 -0048 34064 2739 018 OBS 0150 0010 3397P 2729P 018 OBS 0175 0032 34201 2747 018 OBS 0200 -0013 34206 2749 018 OBS 0225 -0035 3435P 2762P 018 OBS 0250 -0040 34168 2748 018 OBS 0300 -0030 34243 2753 018 OBS 0400 -0032 34427 2768 018 OBS 0500 -0030 34449 2770 018 OBS 0550 -0032 14446 029 14467 021 14475 017 14435 079 14446 O80 14456 082 14479 085 091 14525 093 14509 087 083 14504 081 14518 085 14537 083 14555 089 080 002 003 001 002 004 003 082 Oil lOl 012 107 012 118 013 133 015 136 016 128 015 118 014 119 014 132 014 125 014 127 015 124 015 44 REFERENCE SHIP CODE 1^ 'A/aSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAI 7 WAVE WEA- THER coot CLOUD CODES CUT ID. NO. 1/10 * 'l/IO YEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S OBSERVATIONS statio'n NUMBER 10* r MO DAT HR.1/10 DIK. HCI PER SI A llfl AM 31 1378 WE 76410N 073460W 260 63 09 09 o*** 1968 W El 00 7 0492 no 0 X 7 8 nrtril W*TtR WIND BARO- METER tmbt) AIR TEMP. -C VIS. coo NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE '"'f^ DIR. fO«C( DRY BULB WET BULB 27 S02 069 003 000 5 15 HR 1/IoT C\RO TYPE DEPTH (ml T -C s •/.. SIGMA-T SHCIFIC VOLUME *NOMA1.»-IIO' SAD DYN. M. SOUND VELOCITY 0: ml/l P04-P TOTAl_P vg • 01/1 NOl-N vg - ot/1 NOj-N VO - ol/l Si 04-Si wg - oi/l pH s c c 1 0** OBS 0010 32592 0** OBS 0020 32505 044 OBS 0040 -0104 33262 2677 044 OBS 0055 -0098 33707 2713 044 OSS 0090 -0064 33825 2721 044 OBS 0115 -0025 33850 2721 0 44 OBS 0140 0015 33975 2729 0 44 OBS 0155 0055 34161 2742 0 44 OBS 0190 0015 34175 2745 0 44 OBS 0215 0009 34252 2752 044 OBS 0240 0000 34250 2753 044 OBS 0255 0000 34324 2758 044 OBS 0290 -0002 34349 2750 0 44 OBS 0390 0006 34359 2761 044 OBS 0470 0021 34407 2754 023 028 14427 05o 14440 050 14452 081 14484 079 14509 087 14534 092 14520 089 14522 072 14522 089 14527 081 14531 078 14551 090 14572 050 005 002 007 002 058 005 074 007 102 012 112 Oil 128 014 140 015 127 014 112 Oil 130 016 082 010 110 014 129 016 077 012 [ REFERENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 */'.SDEN STATION Tl WE ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NOOC jCTRT ID. NO. LONGITUDE "l/IO YEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAY HR.l/IO OlR. HGT PEI StA lYPl AM I31 1378 WE 75480N 072280W 260 62 09 09 070 1968 w El 008 0265 00 0 X 7 8 onn8 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mb*l AIR TEMP. "C VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IRANS. DIR. SPIED 0> fOtCl DRY BULB WET BULB 19 Sll 116 003 000 5 12 ""' °J NO. UPS HR I/lol DEPTH (m) T t s v.. SIGMA— T SPECIFIC VOLUMI ANOMAir-XlO' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Oi ml/1 P04-P lOTAl-P NO3-N us - 01/ 1 NOj-N wg - oi/l SIO4-SI WS ■ ot/t pH S C c 1 i 070 OBS 0010 0019 32348 2598 070 OBS 0020 0020 3202P 2572P 070 OBS 0030 0019 32280 2593 070 OBS 0050 0008 32585 2626 070 OBS 0075 -0042 33333 2680 070 OBS 0100 -0067 3 3664 2708 070 OBS 0125 -0057 3380P 2719P 070 OBS 0150 -0074 33725 2713 070 OBS 0175 -0021 3350P 2693P 070 OBS 0200 0037 33740 2709 070 OBS 0225 0052 33757 2710 070 OBs 0250 0010 14465 023 025 14469 022 14473 036 14463 064 14450 065 079 14455 079 083 14525 075 14537 090 093 Oil 003 014 003 013 004 0I8 003 055 009 075 009 099 Oil 100 012 119 013 127 014 121 013 133 017 j REFERENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 if '/ :SDEN ITATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES ■^ODC |CTIY ID. NO. * 'i/io CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAY HR.I/10 DIR. HG PER SEA TYPE AM I31 1378 WF 76520N 072000W 260 62 19 09 087 1968 w El 009 0914 no 0 X XI 7 5 0009 WATER WIND - R AIR TEMP. "C VIS, COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SP OBSER COLOR CODE IIANS. DIR. SPEIO OR FORCE METE (mbi DRY BULB WET BULB VATIONS 17 SIO 152 005 OOi* 7 17 1 M««NGI.lcA,T C-RD ^'«t «i NO. TYPE HR 1/10 1 DEPTH (m) T -C s •/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUMI ANOMALT-IIO' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY 0: ml/l P04-P lOTAl-P vg • oi/l N03-N pg - ol/l NO3-N va - Ol/l SI 04-Si Vi - Ol/l pH S c c 1 i 087 OBS 0010 0034 31550 2533 087 OBS 0019 0028 31779 2552 087 OBS 0029 0015 32244 2590 087 OBS 0048 0011 32541 2514 087 OBS 0072 -0086 33037 2558 087 OBS 0097 -0093 33312 2680 087 OBS 0121 -0084 33454 2692 087 OBS 0145 -0082 3321P 2672P 087 OBS 0170 -0032 33677 2708 087 OBS 0195 0012 33747 2711 087 OBS 0220 0024 33905 2723 087 OBS 0245 0034 33911 2723 087 OBS 0270 0044 33879 2720 087 OBS 0295 0058 34008 2729 087 OBS 0395 0089 34317 2753 087 OBS 0790 0103 34485 2755 087 OBS 0890 0105 34470 2764 14462 015 14464 022 14457 027 14472 014 14438 056 14442 069 14453 078 090 14488 088 14513 095 14525 096 14534 090 14542 091 14559 095 14589 loo 14554 107 14582 113 009 002 003 002 014 003 006 003 053 010 077 009 094 012 iln 013 120 013 130 014 131 015 137 015 142 017 143 017 158 023 153 026 164 027 45 «£fERENCE SHIP CODE .£ '■ -.SDtN '.TATION Tl ^E ORIGINATOR'S depth MAX. WAVE ~ WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CTRY ID. NO. LATITUDE \/\0 LONGITUDE * "1/10 H CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER bottom OF S'MPL'S STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAY HH.V10 OIR. HGTlPER Sf* ITPt AM 1 311378 WF 77555N 071270W 2A0 71 19 09 106 1968 W Fl 010. __ . 0997 n iL xn n onin WATER WIND BARO- METER [mbil AIR TEMP. -C ^""depths SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IRANI DIR. SPEED OS FORCt DRY BULB WET BULB 13 S12 185 005 -005 8 20 HR 1/toT C \RD TYPE DEPTH tml T -C s •/.. SIGMA-T SPICIFIC VOLUME ANOMAIT-IIO' SAD DYN. M. SOUND VELOCITY Oi ml/1 P04-P Kg - o./l lOTAl-p HO - ot/l NO3-N vg - m/l NQj-N U9 - ol/l SIO4-S1 i>g - ol/l pH 1 C C ! 106 OB5 0008 0016 106 OBS 0018 0027 31513 2531 106 08S 0027 0030 31731 25*8 106 OBS 00*6 -0010 32*35 2605 106 OBS 0070 -0060 32579 2520 106 OBS 009* -0078 3335* 2683 106 OBS 0118 -0062 3328P 2677P 106 OBS 0142 -0052 336*7 2706 106 OBS 0167 -0038 33713 2711 106 OBS 0192 -0057 33785 2718 106 OBS 0217 0001 33832 2718 106 OBS 02*2 0066 3*003 2729 106 OBS 0293 0083 3*097 2735 106 OBS 0393 0037 3*151 27*2 106 OBS 0*93 0075 3***9 276* 106 OBS 0580 0098 106 OBS 0593 009* 3**35 2762 106 OBS 0680 010* 106 OBS 0780 0110 106 OBS 0880 0111 027 1**60 015 1**66 OH 1**50 025 1***3 0** 1**50 053 052 1**7* 065 1**85 077 1**77 080 1*513 078 1*5*5 085 1*557 090 1*563 093 1*501 103 127 1*526 107 133 129 11* 001 002 001 OOl 00* OOl 026 003 055 nlo 079 005 088 Oil 093 009 loo OlO 103 Oil 113 Oil 133 01* 136 013 135 016 153 022 170 025 159 02* 171 027 156 029 167 029 1 REFERENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE I/IO ii «■ ;SDEN 1 ITATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC ICHY ID. NO. LONGITUDE * M/IO CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM Of S'MPL'S NUMBER 10* V MO DAY HR.l/lO DIR. HGI PtR St* lYPI AM I31 1378 WF 770B1N 072005W 260 72 .9 09 141 1968 WFl Oil 09l'» 13 1 3 xn 0 0011 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbil AIR TEMP. X, V,S 1 •'°- SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS, DIR. SPEED OR FORCE DRY BULB WET BULB COO OBS. DEPTHS 13 S12 185 005 ■005 8 20 MEiSENG TIME HR 1/1 "IcAiT r vBD % NO. TYPE oT DEPTH 1ml T -C s •/.. SIGMA-T SPlCifIC VOLUME ANOMAL'->10' SAD DYN. M. X 10= SOUND VELOCITY 0: m[/l PO4-P na -ol/l lOIAL-P wg • ol/l NOj-N .8 - or/1 NOj-N pg - ol/l SI 0*-Si WO - ol/l pH s c c 1 i 141 OBS 0008 0015 1*1 OBS 0017 0019 313*1 2517 1*1 OBS 0025 002* 31567 2535 1*1 OBS 00*2 -0002 32218 2589 1*1 OBS 0050 -003* 32659 2526 1*1 OBS 0082 -00 72 33*87 269* 1*1 OBS 0105 -0057 3354* 2698 1*1 OBS 0130 -008* 33*76 2593 1*1 OBS 0152 -0055 33589 2702 1*1 OBS 0177 -0058 33721 2713 1*1 OBS 0203 -00*3 3365P 2706P 1*1 OBS 0227 -0020 33*8P 2591P 1*1 OBS 0253 -0010 33803 2717 1*1 OBS 0277 0015 33982 2730 1*1 OBS 0377 00 7* 3*125 2738 153 OBS 0*5* 00 56 3369Q 270*0 1*1 OBS 055* 0082 3*272 27*9 1*1 OBS 055* 0088 3*365 2755 1*1 OBS 075* 009* 3**09 2750 1*1 OBS 085* 0100 3*4*9 2762 009 1**5* 013 1**60 OH 1**50 029 1**55 1**52 059 1**5* 079 1**5* 08* 1**58 108 1**73 075 095 059 1*51* 077 1*532 085 1*577 103 091 1*612 loo 1*633 103 1*653 106 1*573 112 002 OOl 001 002 003 002 017 002 090 007 105 009 110 010 112 008 113 010 109 Oil 117 012 104 010 133 013 151 021 1*6 017 163 021 1*8 023 173 02* 17* 026 46 I DEFERENCf SHIP CODE if '. -.SDEN [ '.TATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE " WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC icnr ID. NO. 1/10 ' -1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S NUMBER 10* r MO DAy HH.VIO DIR. HCT ^ER SEA TYPE AM Ui 1378 WE 77070N 072280W 260 72 09 09 171 1968 WEI 012 0558 15 3 2 X2 6 8 0012 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbil AIR TEMP. "C VIS, coo NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS, DIR. into OR fOBCf DRY BULB WET BULB 15 S12 190 00^ 000 7 17 HR l/IO 1 r. \HD TYPE DEPTH (ml I -c s •/.. SIGMA-T SFECIFIC VOLUME ANOMAIT-XIO' SAD OYN. M. X 10' SOUND VELOCITY 03 n.l/1 P04-F' TOTAl-r ti« - at/l NOj-N VB • ol/l NO3-N PS . ot/1 SI04-S< vg - ol/l pH S c c 1 171 OBS 0009 0030 32205 2586 171 OBS 0019 -0008 32850 2640 171 OBS 0028 33181 171 OBS 0047 -0088 33411 2688 171 OBS 0071 -0080 33451 2691 171 OBS 0095 -0O70 33625 2705 171 OBS 0118 -0078 33778 2718 17! OBS Ol^tZ -0046 33851 2722 171 OBS 0167 0010 3379P 2715P 171 OBS 0192 0069 34046 2732 171 OBS 0217 0052 34215 2747 171 OBS 0242 0054 34201 2745 171 OBS 0260 0053 34222 2747 171 OBS 0285 0062 34401 2761 171 OBS 0385 0088 34411 2750 171 OBS 0485 0103 34459 2753 171 OBS 0525 0104 14469 14463 039 063 14438 075 14446 063 14457 067 14459 085 14479 095 098 14543 113 14542 109 14547 114 14549 116 14560 121 14588 129 14512 132 028 007 047 008 079 012 087 010 101 009 lift 012 123 012 138 013 150 014 157 016 165 019 163 020 158 021 163 024 182 027 1 «FEP-ENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE I/IO z^ ' ;5DEN ' TATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE " WEA- THER CODE CLOUD COOES NODC |Cm ID. NO. LONGITUDE * '1/10 °i CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER ;o* r MO DAY IHR.I/IO oil HCT PER SEA UH *M I3I 1378 WE 77070N 073000W ?60 73 19 09 19? 1968 w M 013 0375 06 1 3 XI 0 1 0013 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbil AIR TEMP. X: VIS, COD NO. oes. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. DIR. SfEEO OR fOSCE DRY BULB WET BULB 07 S03 192 004 000 9 14 MESSENGr1.c>1:,T 1 r RD TIME 0, ^,^_ ,^p^ HR 1/10 1 DEPTH (m) T 'C s •/.. SIGMA-T l^tCIFIC VOLUME ANOMALY-KIO' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY 0: ml/l PO<-P va - o'/i TOTAl-P xg . 0./I NOj-N vg - ol/l N03-N nt - ol/l SIOt-S> KB . ol/l pH S c c 192 OBS 0010 0002 192 OBS 0020 0001 32408 2604 192 OBS 0030 -0010 32592 2519 192 OBS 0050 -0087 33108 2664 192 OBS 0075 -0108 33530 2599 192 OBS 0100 -0097 33671 2710 192 OBS 0125 -0051 33845 2722 192 OBS 0150 -0036 3350Q 25930 192 OBS 0175 0012 34013 2733 192 OBS 0200 0043 34095 2738 192 OBS 0225 0044 34131 2740 192 OBS 0250 0047 34079 2736 192 OBS 0275 0055 34094 2737 192 OBS 0300 0071 34284 2751 032 14461 024 14460 022 14435 063 14435 078 14446 099 14474 085 086 14514 101 14533 095 14538 101 14543 099 14551 105 14555 loo 005 004 015 004 007 003 052 010 099 013 111 013 122 016 127 016 136 016 142 018 140 017 148 017 162 019 140 020 47 ' 311378 WE SHIP CODE LATITUDE V10 LONGITUDE ■1/10 77070N 073280W STATION TIME DAY HR.1/10 260 |73 |Q9 |09 |21A |1968 IwEll OlA 07 S03 ORIGINATOR'S BARO- METER 192 214 OBS 0010 0015 32527 2621 21li OBS 0020 0014 32598 2519 2U OBS 0030 -0020 32962 2549 21A OBS 0050 -0086 33350 2583 214 OBS 0075 -0108 33377 2686 21* OBS 0100 -0097 33613 2705 214 OBS 0125 -0066 33799 2719 214 OBS 0150 -0030 33935 2728 214 OBS 0175 0012 34043 2735 214 OBS 0200 0030 34083 2737 214 OBS 0225 0044 34223 2748 214 OBS 0250 0052 34238 2748 214 OBS 0273 0055 34264 2750 214 OBS 0373 0022 34377 2751 214 OBS 0433 -0030 34382 2764 004 000 15 Cn PEK SEA 06 1 |3 SOUND VELOCITY 0 II 0014 14459 027 14469 029 14460 071 14438 077 14433 14445 083 14466 075 14489 090 14514 112 14527 105 14539 098 14547 108 14553 101 14556 099 14542 095 SIO*-S. 009 003 007 003 034 005 068 010 106 013 116 012 137 013 143 014 138 015 152 017 162 018 148 018 153 019 140 015 j «fEP,ENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 -S • -SDEN ' ■-TATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S OtPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S-MPL'S WAVE ~ WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC iCt«yI id. LONGITUDE * '1/10 '4 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER -oe| NO. '0' T MO DAY HR.1/10 DIfc HOI PER SEA TTPl AM 1 311378 WE 77070N 074010W 260 7'f )9 10 003 1968 W El 015 0613 12 1 2 xo 0 0015 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbll AIR TEMP. X, DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. DIR. SPEED OR FORCE DRY BULB WET BULB 12 Sll 192 007 004 9 17 MESSENG»lc^.T 1 r RO HR 1/10 1 DEPTH (ml T 'C s ■/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMAIT-Xla' SAD DYN. M. XIO^ SOUND VELOCITY Oi ml/l PO4-P VB - al/l TOTAL-P M9 - »./l NOi-N ug - ol/l NO3-N SI04-Si wg - ol/l pH c c t t 003 OBS 0010 0015 32527 2521 003 OBS 0020 0017 32528 2521 003 OBS 0030 0016 3198P 2559P 003 OBS 0050 -0079 33144 2665 003 OBS 0075 -0102 33356 2684 003 DBS OlOO -0091 3 3615 2705 003 OBS 0125 -0062 33735 2713 003 OBS 0150 -0019 33778 2715 003 OBS 0175 -0026 33845 2721 003 OBS 0200 0032 34005 2731 003 OBS 0225 -0014 34021 2734 003 OBS 0250 0004 34117 2741 003 OBS 0272 0038 34154 2742 003 OBS 0297 0044 3398P 2728P 003 OBS 0397 -0032 34195 2749 003 OBS 0497 -0015 34110 2742Q 003 OBS 0572 -0024 34297 2757 14469 023 14471 022 026 14439 075 14435 094 14446 099 14467 088 14492 096 14494 102 14527 089 14510 107 14524 115 14544 115 108 14533 096 109 14567 085 009 003 009 004 004 000 063 008 095 Oil loo Oil 120 OlO 131 012 136 013 142 014 121 014 148 016 148 017 164 019 130 014 147 016 146 017 48 j ilEFERENCE SHIP CODE if '- «D£N ' STATIOH TIME ORIGINATOR'S DtPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S-MPL-S WAVE " WEA- THER CODE CLOUD COOES 1 CUT ID. NO. 1/10 ■ 'I/IO CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER noE 10- r MD 1 DAY HRJ/IO Oil. MCI «t S(A tTH AM I31 1378 WE 77068N 074385W 260 74 09 10 021 1968 WEI 016 0675 14 1 2 xn 0 0016 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbt) AIR TEMP. "C "°'oEs SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE >«ANS. DIR. SftCD rotci DRY BULI WET BULB 14 S12 192 006 001 9 18 HR 1/10 1 CxfiD TYPE DEPTH (ml T X s •/.. SIGMA-T S«ClflC VOlUMt anOmALT-HD' SAD DtN. M. SOUND VELOCITY Ol ml/I P04-P l-B-ol/l TOTAl-r yj-ol/l NOj-N va - di/i NOj-N vs - oi/l SI 04-Si t>0 - or/I pH S c c 1 021 OBS 0010 -0122 30853 2*83 021 DBS 0020 -0120 31133 2506 021 OBS 0030 -0071 31*63 2530 021 OBS 00*9 -0113 32568 2621 021 OBS 0074 -007* 32995 265* 021 OBS 0099 -0082 33355 266* 021 OBS 012* -009* 33*38 2691 021 OBS 01*9 -0082 33557 2700 021 OBS 017* -00*8 336*2 2705 021 OBS 0199 -001* 33721 2710 021 OBS 022* -0005 33889 2723 021 OBS 02*9 003* 33980 2729 021 OBS 027* -0018 021 OBS 0299 -0059 021 OBS 0399 -00*6 021 OBS 0*99 -0036 021 OBS 0599 -0032 021 OBS 06 7* -0027 1*380 071 1*387 05o 1**16 0*6 1**16 09* 1***3 07* 1***9 069 1***8 093 1**60 079 1**81 11* 1*502 081 1*512 091 1*536 098 089 086 092 085 092 003 003 00 1 003 001 003 058 013 062 009 091 007 092 009 111 OlO 118 Oil 117 012 120 013 15* 016 1*5 016 133 013 128 012 107 Oil 1*0 01* 1 REFERENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 '■ ISOEN I STATION Tl ME ORIGINATOR-S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODS CLOUD CODES NODC iCIRT ID. NO. LONGITUDE * '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S NUMBER 10- r MO DAY HR.1/10 OIL Hci rti SEA rtPt AM isi 1378 WE 77072N 075000W 260 75 D9 10 039 1968 WEI 017 0630 14 1 2 xo 0 0017 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imbil AIR TEMP. X VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TlANi DIR. SfEED 01 FOICt DRY BULB WET BULB 14 S12 192 006 ooi 9 17 MtH£NG.lcA,T CRD TiMt 0' NO. TYPE HR 1/10 I DEPTH (ml T n s •/.. SIGMA-T SPECifiC vOlUMt *NOMALt_I10' SAD DYN, M. t 10' SOUND VELOCin 03 ml/I PO.-P vg - Bi/I IOTAl-» „ ■ ../I NOj-N ug - ol/l NOj-N tig - oi/l SIO«-S> KB • ol/l pH c c 1 ' 039 OBS 0010 -0133 31013 2*96 039 OBS 0020 -0125 31202 2511 039 OBS 0030 -0118 3155* 2539 039 OBS 0050 -010* 32105 2583 039 OBS 0075 -0110 32598 2623 039 OBS 0100 -0116 32855 26** 039 OBS 0125 -0112 33181 2671 039 OBS 0150 -010* 33353 268* 039 OBS 0175 -0100 335*0 2699 039 OBS 0200 -0089 337** 2715 039 OBS 0225 -0072 33850 2723 039 OBS 0250 -0066 33969 2733 039 OBS 0275 -0065 3*019 2737 039 OBS 0300 -0062 3*087 27*2 039 OBS 0*00 -0038 3*16* 27*7 039 OBS 0500 -003* 3*220 2751 0 39 OBS 0600 -0036 3*251 275* 1*377 05* 1*385 059 1*395 085 1**13 095 1**21 099 1**26 099 1**36 109 1***7 090 1**55 096 1**67 089 1**81 076 1**90 083 1**95 07* 1*501 085 1*530 081 1*5*9 069 1*566 077 000 002 00* 00* 025 008 0*« 012 072 013 066 01* 079 01* 096 013 112 ni3 116 013 10* 013 129 013 077 009 12* 121 012 089 009 129 012 49 1 «FERENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 ii '• nOEN STATION Tl WE ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL-S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD COOES 1 c»\ ID. NO. * ■\/\Q CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBED TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10- r MO DAY HR.1/10 DlR. MGOER U* TTri AM 311378 WE 77070N 075280W 260 75 09 10 065 1968 WEI 018 0585 11 ll XI 7 7 0018 WATER WIND BARO- METER AIR TEMP, n „.. NO. CODE 085- ^°°' DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. DIR. SPtEO OR FORCE DRY BULB WET BULB 11 S08 190 -002 -006 7 17 "■"";=■ lc», I 1 CUD '"•' " KCl. TYPE HR 1/10 1 DEPTH [ml T -C S '/.. SIGMA-T SrECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALT-DO' SAD DYN. M. SOUND VELOCITY 03 ml/I PO4-P vs - -'/I TOTAL-P ug - ot/l NOj-N 119 - ol/l NOj-N i>B - ot/l SIO«-Si wg . ol/l pH S c c 1 : 065 OBS 0010 -0137 30873 2484 065 OBS 0020 -0135 30861 2484 065 OBS 0030 -0129 30984 2493 065 OBS 0049 -0113 31923 2569 065 OBS 0074 -0141 32341 2603 065 OBS 0099 -0148 32629 2627 065 OBS 0124 -0149 32666 2630 065 OBS 0149 -0132 33101 2665 055 OBS 0174 -0102 33420 2690 065 OBS 0199 -0115 33619 2706 065 OBS 0224 -0068 33727 2713 065 OBS 0249 -0075 33907 2728 065 OBS 0274 -0054 34023 2736 065 OBS 0299 -0060 34107 2743 065 OBS 0399 -0040 34261 2755 065 OBS 0499 -0034 34287 2757 065 OBS 0549 -0031 14373 038 14375 049 14382 057 14406 14402 107 14407 101 14412 105 14430 103 14453 099 14453 084 14481 087 14484 087 14500 087 14502 084 14530 079 14550 065 085 002 001 009 002 000 003 068 015 069 015 058 018 087 015 087 Oil 086 OlO 105 012 129 013 125 015 112 013 112 Oil 088 010 132 015 1 liCFERENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 1° '/«DEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES ■JODC 1 ^]l\ ID. NO. ' '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10* T MO DAY HH.1/10 OIR. KGI PER SEA IT^ AM 31 1378 WE 77000N 074320W 260 74 19 m 097 1968 W E1I0I9 0594 no 0 X XI 7 7 f>ftl9 WATER WIND BARO. METER Imbtl AIR TEMP, -C VIS. coo NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IRANS. Im) DIR. SPEED OR fORCE DRY BULB WET BULB 15 SD5 203 006 000 7 17 ''^J^M^'ic'^T r.vRD ""' "I NO. TYPE HR 1/10 1 DEPTH Iml T -C s ■/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALT-XlO' SAD DYN. M. X 10' SOUND VELOCITY Ol ml/I PO4-P rOTAl-P V0 - o'/l NOj-N ug - ol/l NOj-N vt • ol/l SIO«-Si ug - ol/l pH s c c 1 1 097 OBS 0010 0004 32512 2612 097 OBS 0020 -0002 32611 2520 097 OBS 0030 -0003 32652 2524 097 OBS 0050 -0104 33381 2586 097 OBS 0075 -0109 33587 2703 097 OBS 0099 -0094 33673 2710 097 OBS 0124 -0048 33779 2715 097 OBS 0149 0022 33951 2728 097 OBS 0174 0032 34042 2734 097 OBS 0199 0033 34056 2735 097 OBS 0224 34123 097 OBS 0249 0048 34221 2747 097 OBS 0269 -0034 3409P 2741P 097 OBS 0294 -0004 34255 2753 097 OBS 0394 -0031 34300 2758 097 OBS 0494 -0030 34338 2761 097 OBS 0544 -0034 34323 2760 14452 14452 023 14454 026 14431 077 14435 083 14447 059 14474 068 14513 082 14523 089 14528 096 088 14545 092 078 14529 086 14534 085 14652 082 14558 076 004 002 00* 002 088 OlO 093 009 075 005 073 007 114 012 143 014 142 014 154 139 016 104 012 127 014 137 017 120 013 115 012 50 j HEFIRtNCE SHIP CODE n • ■ iSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH Of S-MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC i CIIY ID. LATITUDE l/IO LONGITUDE * '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER "->DE NO. '0' T MO DAY HR.1/10 Oitu KCT PES 5E* rrn AM 311378 WF 76530N 07^300W 260 64 09 ID 117 1968 WEI 020 0577 11 1 1 XI 7 4 0020 WATEB WIND BARO- METER Imhil AIR TEMP. T "-d?pVhs SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE tRANS, DIR. S^EEO OB fORCE DRY BULB WET BULB 11 SO 7 196 018 014 7 16 HR t/10 I r RD ItPE DEPTH (ml T -c s v.. SIGMA-T SPECinc voiUMt ANOMAL1'~I10' SAD DYN. M, t 10> SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/I PO4-P VS •ol/l lOTAL-P vg - ol/l NOj-N Ufl - ot/l NOj-N VB - o'/l SIO<-Si pH s c c 1 117 OBS 0010 0026 32174 2584 117 OBS 0020 0018 32380 2601 117 OBS 0030 -0039 32903 2645 117 OBS 0050 -0093 33491 2695 117 OBS 0075 -0100 33620 2706 117 OBS 0100 -0070 33780 2717 117 OBS 0125 -0057 33859 2723 117 OBS 0150 -OO'f't 33954 2730 117 OBS 0176 -0034 34031 2736 117 OBS 0200 -0030 34122 2743 117 OBS 0225 -0013 34176 2747 117 OBS 0250 0004 34249 2752 117 OBS 0275 -0002 34236 2751 117 OBS 0300 0003 3418P 2746P 117 OBS 0400 -0022 34262 2754 117 OBS 0500 -0008 34375 2763 14467 141)68 14451 14437 14440 14460 14^.72 14483 14493 14500 14513 14526 14527 14539 14564 SHIP CODE LONGITUDE * '1/10 MO DAY HR.1/10 ORIGINATOR'S on PEBl SEA NODC STATION NUMBER 311378 WE 76460N 074300W 260 64 09 10 136 1968 WEI 021 0600 MESSENCI TIME L HR l/loT UasTI I I 06 506 BARO- METER 196 AIR TEMP. "C 017 0l4 136 OBS 0010 0014 32287 2593 136 OBS 0020 00 14 32574 2617 136 OBS 0030 -0027 32895 2644 136 OBS 0050 -0101 33446 2692 136 OBS 0075 -0102 33605 2704 136 OBS 0100 -0086 33720 2713 136 OBS 0125 -0055 33778 2717 136 OBS 0150 -0016 33917 2725 136 OBS 0175 -0018 33985 2732 136 OBS 0200 -0019 34027 2735 136 OBS 0225 -0020 34070 2739 136 OBS 0250 -0028 34075 2739 136 OBS 0275 -0011 34104 2741 136 OBS 0300 -0009 34158 2746 136 OBS 0400 -0024 34176 2747 136 OBS 0500 -0020 34251 2753 136 OBS 0580 0018 34295 2755 17 06 1 U X3 5 l8 14463 14469 14456 14433 14439 14452 14471 14495 14500 14504 14508 14509 14521 14527 14537 14556 14588 0021 SIO*-Si 51 HtFERENCE SHIP CODE " ■;SDEN STATION Tl ^E ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NOOC cmT 10. NO. 1/10 * "I/IO cauiSE NO. STATION NUMBER 80TT0M OF S-MPL'S STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAY HR.1/10 OIB. HGI PES S£* rVPl AM 311378 WE 76390N 074290W 260 64 39 10 157 1968 WEI 022 0567 00 0 X XI 7 4 0022 WATER WIND 8 ARC- METER Imbtl AIR TEMP. X. c^"..E. SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IRANS, DIR. S«ED fO»CE DRY 8ULB WET BULB 06 S06 196 017 014 8 16 HR 1/10 1 r \RD TYPE DEPTH (ml T -C s •''.. StGMA-T SPtClftC VOLUME ANOMAIT-XIO' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCin Ol ml/1 TO4-P ve ■ 01/1 lOTAL-P vg • ol/l NO,-N uo - ol/l NOj-N vs • ol/l SI 04-Si WO - 0*/' pH S C c 1 157 OBS 0010 0014 32406 2603 157 OBS 0020 0016 32633 2621 157 OBS 0030 0010 32613 2620 157 OBS 0050 -0090 33449 2691 157 OBS 0075 -0094 33547 2700 157 OBS 0100 -0084 33686 2710 157 OBS 0126 -0046 33814 2719 157 OBS 0150 -0022 3375P 2713P 157 OBS 0175 0019 34002 2731 157 OBS 0200 -0002 34049 2736 157 OBS 0225 0022 34116 2740 157 OBS 0250 0044 34081 2736 157 OBS 0275 -0032 34102 2742 157 OBS 0300 -0023 34127 2743 157 OBS 0*00 -0017 34211 2750 157 OBS 0500 -0026 34234 2752 14465 14471 14469 14438 14442 14452 14476 14517 14512 14528 14542 14511 14520 14541 14553 1 REFERENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 if ■'/SSDEN STATION T1 ME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH Of S*MPL-S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC ICTW ID. NO. LONGITUDE * '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10* T MO DAY HR.1/10 DHL MOT PfR S(* tTPI AM Ui 1378 WF 77320N 074300W 260 74 D9 10 174 1968 w ^ 023 0589 no 0 X XI 7 4 0023 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imbi) AIR TEMP, t VIS. COO NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. DIR. SPEED OR FORCE DRY BULB WIT BULB 04 S09 198 006 004 8 17 HR 1/10 1 DEPTH (m) T TC s •/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALT-XIO' SAD DYN. M. X 10' SOUND VELOCITY Ol ml/I P04-P VB-o./l TOTAL-P „i ■ »i/l NOl-N ug - ol/l NO3-N WB - °t/l SI04-Si vg - ol/l pH S c c 1 ; 174 OBS 0010 0023 32420 2604 174 OBS 0020 0020 32500 2610 174 OBS 0030 0016 32563 2616 174 OBS 0050 -0094 33447 2691 174 OBS 0075 -0086 33651 2708 174 OBS 0100 -0080 33716 2713 174 OBS 0125 -0060 33823 2721 174 OBS 0150 -0019 33890 2724 174 OBS 0175 0022 33998 2731 174 OBS 0200 0010 3392P 2725P 174 OBS 0225 -0030 34054 2738 174 OSS 0250 -0038 34089 2741 174 OBS 0275 -0034 34160 2747 174 OBS 0300 -0035 3413P 2744P 174 OBS 0400 -0036 34231 2752 174 OBS 0500 -0032 34340 2761 174 OBS 0550 -0030 34354 2762 14469 14471 14471 14436 14447 14455 14470 14494 14518 14503 14504 14511 14532 14552 14562 52 I REFEP.ENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 f- • -SDEN ' :tation TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE " WEA- THER CODE CLOUD COOES f ODC icm 10. NO. LONGITUDE '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S'MPL-S NUMBER '0' r MO DAY HR.1/10 Ol«. HGl PER lEA ITPE AMI 1 311378 WE 76250N 07^300W 260 6^ 09 10 205 1968 WEI 02^* 0503 00 0 X XI 7 7 0024 WATER WIND BARO. METER (mb»l AIR TEMP, r VIS ''°- SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TMNS. OIR. S»EfO fOIICf DRY eULB WET BULB 11 SIO Zl** 006 004 6 16 M(SS(NC«lc, ,T 1 r ,RD "«' "1 fO. ITPE MR 1/10 1 DEPTH Iml T -C s •''.. SIGMA-T SPtCIFIC VOLUME ANOMAlT-IlO' SAD D¥N. M. SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/1 PO<-P IOT*l-» „g - 01/1 NOj-N us - oi/l NOj-N KB - ol/l SI04-Si UB - ol/I pH % C c 205 OBS 0010 -0009 31747 2551 205 OBS 0020 0018 32152 2582 205 OBS 0030 -0096 32454 2611 205 OBS 0049 -0108 32922 2649 205 OBS 0074 -0126 33181 2671 205 OBS 0099 -0114 33396 2588 205 OBS 0124 -0110 3320P 2672P 205 OBS 0149 -0084 33626 2706 205 OBS 0174 -0084 33744 2715 205 OBS 0199 -0020 33916 2726 205 OBS 0224 0022 34013 2732 205 OBS 0249 -0062 3389P 2726P 205 OBS 0274 -0053 33941 2730 205 OBS 0299 -0041 34142 2745 205 OBS 0399 -0024 34240 2753 205 OBS 0474 -0018 34291 2756 14445 14465 14418 14422 14421 14434 14460 14465 14502 14526 14499 14512 14538 14553 O DAT HR.l/t ORIGINATOR'S Glj'Hl Si* NODC STATION NUMBER 311378 WE 76180N 074300W 260 64 09 10 |223 Il968 IwEll 025 /lo T 10 S«IO OR FO»Ct S03 BARO- METER tmbll 223 OBS 0010 -0091 31692 2550 223 OBS 0020 -0062 31954 2570 223 OBS 0030 -0080 32236 2593 223 OBS 0050 -0080 32912 2548 223 OBS 0075 -0119 33169 2670 223 OBS 0100 -0126 33261 2677 223 OBS 0125 -0124 33413 2690 223 OBS 0150 -0098 33605 2704 223 OBS 0175 -0064 33807 2719 223 OBS 0200 0006 33971 2729 223 OBS 0225 0021 34031 2733 223 OBS 0250 0046 34161 2743 223 OBS 0275 -0042 34153 2 746 223 OBS 0300 -0046 34168 2748 223 OBS 0400 -0038 34308 2759 223 OBS 0450 -0030 34343 2761 023 -001 SrtClfIC VOLUME 0479 16 10 0 |2 0025 14406 14425 14422 14435 14425 14427 14434 14453 14476 14514 14526 14544 14507 14510 14532 14545 53 1 «FEP.ENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE I/IO 1^ • -SOEN ' TATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD COOES NODC |CI« ID. NO. "1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S-MPL-S STATION NUMBER ifl" V MO DAY HR.1/10 OIR. MCT PE» SEA IT« AM r311378 WF 76120N 074340W ?ftO 64 09 11 00? 1968 Iw p. 026 0444 00 0 X X? 7 8 0026 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imb.) AIR TEMP. X. VIS. COD NO. DBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OaSEftVATlONS COLOR coDe TRANL DIR. SPEED OR fOKce DRY SULB WET BULB 10 SO 3 233 000 -005 7 15 MESSENG TIME HR 1/1 1 '. DEPTH Iml T X. s •/.. SIGMA-T iPECinC VOLUME *NOMAl,»-»10' SAD DYN. M. X 10= SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/I P04-P KB-ol/l TOTAL-P pg - ol/l NOi-N wg - ot/l NO3-N i>g - oi/l SIC MS - -Si al/1 pH c c 002 OBS 0010 -0064 31884 2564 002 OBS 0020 -0015 32261 2593 002 OBS 0030 -0018 32457 2509 002 OBS 0050 -0075 33084 2651 002 OBS 0075 -0102 33388 2687 002 OBS 0100 -0096 33418 2589 002 OBS 0125 -0089 33619 2705 002 OBS 0150 -0086 33737 2715 002 OBS 0175 -0073 33848 2723 002 OBS 0200 0008 34009 2732 002 OBS 0225 0028 34064 2735 002 OBS 0250 00 34 34122 2740 002 OBS 0275 0024 34155 2743 002 OBS 0300 -0010 34122 2742 002 OBS O'tOO -0023 34191 2749 14422 14451 14454 14440 14435 14443 14453 14460 14472 14515 14530 14538 14538 14525 14537 1 REFERENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 Sq '■ -SDEN ' TATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S depth MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE " WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC STATION NUMBER i CTRY ID. LONGITUDE ■1/10 CRUISE NO, STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM '0* r MO DAY HR.l/lO DIR. HCT PER SEA I'PE AM 1 311378 WF 76000N 074285W 260 64 ( 19 11 030 1968 WFl 027 0406 no 0 X X2 7 8 0027 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imbil AIH TEMP. "C „„ "0. "-o?pVhs SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRAKS. DIR. SPEED OR FOUCE DRY eULB WET euLe 00 soo 245 -004 -022 7 1^ MESSENG«lcA,T 1 r TIME 0. ^.0. TY HR l/IO 1 RD PE DEPTH Iml T -C s •/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMAL»-X10' SAD DYN. M. X 10' SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/I P04-P lOTAL-f NOj-N MS - at/I NO3-N Vi • ol/l SIQ< MS - ::;, - s c c i ; 030 OBS 0010 -0039 32130 2583 030 OBS 0020 -0029 32339 2600 030 OBS 0030 -0006 32577 2618 030 OBS 0050 -0102 33154 2668 030 OBS 0075 -0114 33485 2695 030 OBS 0100 -0124 3309P 2664P 030 OBS 0125 -0101 33576 2702 030 OBS 0150 -0074 33747 2715 030 OBS 0175 -0029 33908 2726 030 OBS 0200 0004 33969 2729 030 OBS 0225 0038 34028 2732 030 OBS 0250 0041 34106 2738 030 OBS 0275 -0004 3390P 2724P 030 OBS 0300 -0011 34116 2742 030 OBS 0375 -0032 34204 2750 14437 14445 14451 14428 14431 14447 14466 14493 14514 14534 14541 14525 14529 54 UFEBENCE SHIf CODE 1^ °1 •' ISDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF rMPL-S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES cm 10. NO. 1/tO LONGfTUDt ■ -1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BonoM STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAY HR.1/I0 OK. HGT ffl St* Iffl AM 311378 WE 760OON 0713nOW 260 61 n9 n n78 1968 w Fl 028 0*66 no 0 X T? 6 a nn2B WATER WIND lARO- METER tmbi) An TEMP. *C ^O-'omHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TtAHS. DIR. 01 fOICt DRT BULB WET BULB 09 so 2 267 ■003 -006 7 16 ""« * NO. Hit 1/10 1 O.R0 ITPE DEPTH Im) T "C s •/.. SIGMA-T sncrnc voiuMf ANOMALV-XID' SAO OTN. M. I 10= SOUND VELOcmr Oj B- ol/l NOj-N SI 04-Si VB - il/l pH S c c 1 078 DBS 0010 -0006 32720 2629 078 CBS 0020 -0025 328*6 26*0 078 OBS 0030 -0030 32786 2536 078 OBS 0050 -0106 33335 2683 078 OBS 0075 -010* 33*92 2695 078 OBS OlOO -0092 33597 2703 078 OBS 0125 -00*2 33771 2716 078 OBS 0150 -0066 33775 2717 078 OBS 0175 -0033 33899 2725 078 OBS 0200 -000* 3*05P 2737P 078 OBS 0225 -0006 33951 2728 078 DBS 0250 -0000 3*082 2739 078 OBS 027". -0012 3*212 2750 078 OBS 0299 -0017 3*265 275* 078 OBS 0399 -0015 3*385 276* 078 OBS 0't2'> -0012 3*170 27*6Q 1*460 1**55 1**53 1**29 1**36 1***7 1**77 1**70 1**91 1*513 1*522 1*522 1*52* 1*5*3 ^.T. SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE "1/10 MO I DAY HR.1/10 ORIGINATORS Cri PEI SEA WEA- THER CODE NODC STATION NUMBER 378 WE 76075N 071270W 260 MEsnNGi i r TIME or HR l/IO T hi. ,Cl9*i UBl BARO- METER (mb>) 095 OBS OOlO -0002 325** 2523 095 OBS 0020 -0022 32588 2527 095 OBS 0030 -00*0 33082 2660 095 OBS 0050 -0109 33518 2598 095 OBS 0075 -0103 33551 2709 095 OBS 0100 -0076 3382* 2721 095 OBS 0125 -00** 33879 272* 095 OBS 0150 -0011 33970 2730 095 OBS 0175 00*2 3*123 27*0 095 OBS 0200 0022 3*088 2738 095 OBS 0225 00*2 3*165 27*3 095 OBS 0250 0007 3*255 2753 095 OBS 0275 0000 3*271 275* 095 OBS 0300 -0015 3389P 272*P 095 OBS 0*00 -0028 3*331 2750 095 OBS 0500 0005 3**0't 275* 13 S02 281 -005 -OlO 7 15 SPtCrnc VOLUME ns59 SAD DYN. M. X ItP -aa. SOUND VELOcrrr 0 IX X2 6 '8 0029 1**61 1**5* 1**53 1**30 1**39 1**58 1**78 1**98 1*529 1*523 1*538 1*527 1*528 1*537 1*570 TOTAl-P 00 - ol/l SI O4-SI ng - ol/l 55 311378 WE LATITUDE l/IO 76130N 071310W 1260 MESSENGR I PAiT TIME o-^NO. I Viol £Li DAY Hll.1/10 1 la ll9lc/>i »fNO. 1 C RO 1 ITPE ' OBS DEPTH (ml T -c s ■/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLU ANOMAf-Xl e' S DY X AD ■J. M 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/l POi-P vg - oi/l lOTAl-P V9 - ol/l NOj-N ug - oi/l NOi-N vi ■ ol/l SlO^-Si tig - al/r pH s c c 18 0010 0000 31542 2534 14447 182 OBS 0020 -0016 31987 2571 14447 182 OBS 0030 -0031 32187 2587 14444 182 OBS 0050 -0077 33241 2674 14441 182 OBS 0075 -0097 33391 2687 14438 182 OBS moo -0079 33692 2711 14455 182 OBS J125 -0066 33790 2718 14466 182 OBS 0150 -0040 3365P 2706P 182 OBS 0175 -0030 33909 2726 14493 182 OBS 0200 0018 33982 2730 14520 182 OBS 0225 0066 34058 2733 14547 182 OBS 0250 -0032 33940 2729 14505 182 OBS 0275 -0020 34109 2742 14517 182 OBS 0300 0018 34182 2746 14539 182 OBS 0350 0076 34433 2753 14578 182 OBS 0400 0047 34382 2760 14572 18 ? OB 5 0475 OC )80 3A 3 38 27 5 J 14599 57 311378 WE SHIP CODE LATHUDE ' 1/10 76424N LONGITUDE ' M/IO 071300W MfSSfNCI I r TIME or , HR 1/10 T I 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 OBS 08S OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS 0010 0020 0030 0050 0075 0100 0125 0150 0175 0200 0225 0250 0275 0300 0350 0*00 0500 0600 0650 MO DAY HR.1/10 0000 -0006 -0013 -0076 -0068 -0052 -0030 -0030 -0015 0000 0056 0080 0106 0078 0026 0092 0083 0088 260 61 09 11 201 1968 WEl 03A 30 into oi fOlCE so 2 31873 32157 32567 33209 33*67 33566 33629 33769 338*7 33823 33912 33966 34018 3*068 3*3*1 3*379 3**73 3*360 3**26 ORIGINATOirS BAItO> METER [mb*l 2661 258* 2617 2672 2692 2699 270* 2715 2720 2718 2722 2725 2731 2755 2761 2765 27560 2761 AIR TEMP, t 302 -008 -028 0700 SAD DTN. M. I 10" WEA- THER CODE X2 7 |8 NOOC STATION NUMBER 003* SOUND vELOCirr 1**51 1**5* 1**58 1***1 1**53 1**66 1**81 1**87 1**99 1*510 1*5*1 1*556 1*578 1*577 1*562 1*510 1*633 NOj-N REFERENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE * M/IO i| ■*/ SSDEN 1 STATION TIME ORIGmATOR*5 DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES cirr ID. NO. CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER '"^ 10' r MO DAY HR.1/10 Din. MGI PEII Sf* im AM |31 1378 WE 7 6*3 CA.T NO. ON 071*00W 260 61 D9 11 236 1968 WEI 035 0914 00 0 X X2 6 8 0035 WATER WIND BARO- METER lnB - al/l NOj-N 1>B - ot/l SIO<-S< tig - nt/l pH c c 23 OBS 0010 0016 31234 2509 14450 236 OBS 0020 001* 31585 2537 14455 235 OBS 0030 -0002 32025 2573 14456 235 OBS 00*9 -0052 33092 2661 14451 236 OBS 0074 -0088 33384 2685 14442 236 OBS 0099 -0092 33555 2708 14448 235 OBS 012* -0102 3380* 2721 14450 236 OBS 01*9 -0095 3387* 2726 14458 2 36 OBS 0174 -0022 33940 2728 14497 2 35 OBS 0199 00*2 3*027 2732 14532 235 OBS 0224 0083 3*0*0 2731 14554 236 OBS 02*9 0105 3*066 2731 14569 236 OBS 0294 008* 3*317 2753 14570 236 OBS 039* 0070 3*341 2756 14581 235 OBS 0*94 0094 34407 2759 14609 235 OBS 0594 0098 3**17 2760 14628 236 OBS 069* 0100 3**71 276* 14646 236 OBS 079* 010* 3*444 2762 14664 23 b OB 3 084* 0 08 34 4 88 27 6! > 14675 58 LATTTUDE 1/10 311378 WE 76540N 071510W LONGITUDE * 'I/IC ■ O lOAT HR.1/10 260 61 09 12 018 1968 WEI 036 S^ED OB »OiC! SO 5 ORIGINATOR'S lAftO- METER 291 018* ■ OBS 0010 0010 32118 2580 018 OBS 0020 0007 32327 2597 018 OBS 0030 0001, 32336 2598 018 OBS 0050 0010 32583 2617 018 OBS 0075 -0045 33202 2670 018 OBS 0100 -0099 33455 2592 018 OBS 0125 -0094 33502 2696 018 CBS 0150 -0092 33621 2705 018 OBS 0175 -0088 33846 2723 018 OBS 0200 -0034 33986 2733 018 OBS 0225 -0021 33974 2731 018 OBS 0250 -0008 33930 2727 018 OBS 0300 0056 34076 2735 018 OBS 0400 0080 34317 2753 018 OBS 0500 0082 34296 2751 018 OBS 0500 0093 34308 2752 018 OBS ovoo 0096 34464 2764 018 OBS 0800 0108 34*60 2763 018 OBS 0850 0111 34469 2763 AI8 TEM?. X 009 017 0923 19 SAD OYN. M. 00 0 X WEA- THEI CODE y |8 0036 SOUND VELOcmr 14459 14462 14453 14472 14450 14442 14449 14456 14465 14496 14505 14515 14555 14586 14603 14625 14545 14567 14677 TOTAl-f Fg • of/I NO3-N Vfl-Ol/I N03-N SI O4-& vo-ot/l liEFEP.ENCE LAmuDE 1/10 LONGITUDE 'I/IO - • vSDEN ' ITATION Tl M ORIGINATOrS ! DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES .q- ID. NO. CODE '4 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO STATION NUMBER ■0- r MO DAV HR.1/10 """""' S'MPL'S Da. HC1 n* SEA nn AM 31 1378 WE 7 704 NO. ON 072000W 1 260 72 39 12 035 1958 WEI 037 1061 00 0 X X2 7 8 0037 WA1ER WIND AIR TEM p. -c VII. COD NO. OSS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IRANI OIR. S«(0 01 lORCE METER DRY euLS WET Bull Ti SOb 238 -009 - 017 ly MESSING TIME Hit 1/1 ■1 or .T. 5' 1 r RD 1 1VPE DEPTH toll t t s •/„ SIGMA-T SWClFIC VOLUME AN OM All -HO' D? AD 10^ SOUND VELOCITY OjmW PO4-P 09-of/l TOTAL_p NOl-N ug - oi/l N03-N V9-01/1 SI 0*-Si pH S c c 03 OBS 0010 0006 32448 2607 14462 035 OBS 0020 0002 32300 2595 14460 035 OBS 0030 -0012 32516 2613 14458 035 OBS 0050 -0095 33182 2670 14431 035 OBS 0075 -0106 33440 2691 14435 035 OBS 0100 -0091 33525 2698 14447 035 OBS 0125 -0079 33702 2711 14459 035 OBS 0150 -0016 33763 2714 14493 035 OBS 0175 33799 035 OBS 0200 -0002 34054 2737 14512 035 OBS 0250 34078 035 OBS 0300 0049 34188 2745 14554 035 OBS 0400 0078 34202 2744 14584 035 OBS 0500 0088 34255 2748 14605 035 OBS 0500 0087 34385 2758 14623 035 OBS 0700 0097 34422 2750 14645 035 OBS 0800 0102 34432 2761 14664 035 OBS 0900 0105 34430 2761 14682 03 5 OB s 1000 0114 34 4 56 27 6. I 14-] 03 59 SHIP C00£ WE LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUOt * '1/10 77O70N 072300W 260 72 09 12 QbU 1968 WEl 03 into OR fOKce ORIGINATOR'S 0 5* OBS 0010 0018 32132 2581 054 OBS 0020 0010 32450 2607 054 OBS 0030 0004 32464 2608 054 OBS 0050 -0043 32533 2616 054 OBS 0075 -0107 32869 2645 054 OBS 0100 -0103 33407 2688 0 54 OBS 0125 -0084 33771 2717 054 OBS 0150 -0062 33861 2724 054 OBS 0175 -0020 33831 2719 054 OBS 0200 -0012 34064 2738 054 OBS 0250 0054 34244 2749 054 OBS 0300 0070 34323 2754 054 OBS 0400 0099 34377 2757 054 OBS 0500 0107 34400 2758 34 S04 252 -009 -0l7 5 14 0576 00 0 X WEA- THER CODE X2 SOUND VELOCITY 14463 14465 14464 14447 14426 14440 14458 14473 14496 14508 14548 14565 14595 14616 0038 lOTAl-P UB - ot/l 1 HEFWENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 .: -*, ;SDEN STATION Tl we ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH Of S'MPL-S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES |CI«T ID. NO. LONGITUDE * '1/10 ^i CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAY HR.I/tO Old MCI ftt SEA iin AM Ui 1378 WE 77135N 0731'fOW 260 73 09 12 077 1968 WEI 039 0338 00 0 X X2 6 8 0039 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbiJ AIR TEMP. X: r7.. ok DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. DIR. SPEIO OR FORCE DRY BUL8 WEI BULB 3^ SOA 294 -Oil -019 6 14 UESSiNclc*,! Cv«D '"" 'S NO. TYPE HR 1/10 1 DEPTH 1ml T -C S '/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOlUMt ANOMALT-mo' SAD DYN. M, X10> SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/I PO«-P lOTAL-F "9 • <"'" NOi-N ug - ot/l NOj-N vg - or/1 SI 04-Si WB - ai/l PH S c c ! ; 077 OBS 0009 0037 31681 2544 077 OBS 0019 0002 32253 2591 077 OBS 0028 0013 32132 2581 077 OBS 0046 -0016 32959 2649 077 OBS 0069 -0037 33101 2661 077 OBS 0093 -0067 33139 2666 077 OBS 0118 -0060 33385 2685 077 OBS 0143 -0062 33725 2713 077 OBS 0168 -0057 3354P 2698P 077 OBS 0193 -0040 33832 2720 077 OBS 0218 -0017 33846 2720 077 OBS 0243 0012 33859 2720 077 OBS 0268 0043 34036 2733 077 OBS 0297 0049 34020 2731 14455 14459 14464 14465 14461 14451 14452 14470 14490 14505 14523 14544 14551 60 [ KEFERENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE VIO Si A- ?SDEN STATION Tl VIE ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX •, WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC 1 CT«Y ID. LONGITUDE * -1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OF S-MPL*S STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAY HH,1/10 O* MG1 «« SEA 11H AM 311378 WE 77175N 073480W 260 73 D9 12 100 1968 WEI 040 0373 00 0 X X2 7 e OC^O WATER WIND BARO> METER (mb.l AIR TEMP. "C ^\B.. SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IRANI. DIR. SfltO 01 fOICt ORT BULB WET BULB 33 S09 281 -008 -016 1 12 HR 1/10 1 DEPTH Im) T -C s •/.. SlGMA-T SriClflC VOLUME ANQMAL'T-IIO' SAO DYN. M. X 10' SOUND VELOCITY 02 m!/l ?04-r „a . oi/i TOTAl-r »g - ni/l NOj-N us - 01/ 1 NO3-N wo - ol/l SI 04-Si VO - at/I »H i c c 1 : 100 CBS 0009 -0014 31711 2548 100 OBS 0019 0038 31862 2558 100 OBS 0028 32161 100 OBS 00*7 0025 32252 2590 100 OBS 0070 -0009 32698 2628 100 OBS 009't -0052 33093 2661 100 OBS 0118 -0026 33110 2652 100 OBS 0137 0046 33548 2593 100 OBS 0162 -0046 33597 2702 100 OBS 0187 -0038 33674 2708 100 OBS 0247 -0034 33752 2714 100 OBS 0287 0018 34003 2731 14442 14470 14474 14458 14458 14474 14516 14479 14488 14501 14535 1 REFERENCE SHIP cooe ii ■'.■iSDEN STATION Tl «AE ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE ~ WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC |CH-r 10. NO. LATITUDE l/IO LONGITUDE ' "t/IO CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10- V MO DAY HR.1/10 DIt. HC PER SEA TYPl AM Ui 1378 WE 77250N 074180W 260 74 D9 12 125 1968 WEI 041 0604 35 1 3 X2 3 8 00^1 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbll AIR TEMP. X. .7., o~fs. ^•^^^ DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR COOE TBANS. DIR. into o> FORCE DRY BULB WET BULB 35 S13 261 7 15 MESSENC TIMf HR 1/1 .Ic.T r vfiD TYPE DEPTH Iml T t s •/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOIUMI ANOWAIT-IIO' SAO DTN. M. X 10' SOUND VELOCirr Ol ml/1 PO4-P vg • ot/l lOIAl-P vg - ot/l NOj-N Kg . or/1 NOj-N wg . ol/l SI 0*-Si wg - ol/l PH 3 C C 1 125 OBS 0010 -0138 31035 2498 125 OBS 0020 -0131 31069 2500 125 OBS 0030 -0100 31566 2540 125 OBS 0049 -0114 32180 2590 125 OBS 0074 -0124 32327 2602 125 OBS 0099 -0130 33028 2559 125 OBS 0124 -0112 33329 26S2 125 OBS 0149 -0090 33435 2690 125 OBS 0174 -0054 33463 2591 125 OBS 0199 -0068 33803 2719 125 OBS 0249 -0023 34003 2733 125 OBS 0299 0045 34098 2737 125 OBS 0395 -0040 34284 2757 125 OBS 0495 -0033 34344 2751 125 OBS 0545 -0035 34395 2755 14375 14380 14404 14409 14410 14421 14438 14454 14475 14478 14510 14551 14530 14551 14559 61 REFERENCE SHIP CODE 1^ M/SSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S-MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES yoor CIRY ID. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 longitude ' "I/IO TEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAr HR.1/10 OIR. HCI PER SEA ITPt AM 1 311378 WE 77340N 074310W 260 74 09 12 148 1968 WEI 042 0686 35 1 3 X2 3 8 0042 WATIR WIND BARO- METER Imbtl AIR TEMP. "C ^°n DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE HANS. OIR. S»E(0 OR FO«C( DRY BULB WET BULB 35 S13 261 7 16 HR 1/10 1 Card TYPE DEPTH (ml T "C S '/„ SlGMA-T SPECIfIC VOIUME ANOMALT-XtO' SAD DYN. M. xio^ SOUND VELOCITY Ol ml/I PO4-P lOTAL-P NOj-N vs - ol/l NOj-N SlOi-S. MO-ol/l CH S c c 1 148 OBS 0010 -0136 31087 2502 148 OBS 0020 -0114 31384 2525 148 OBS 0030 -0112 31423 2628 148 OBS 0050 -0104 31818 2560 148 OBS 0075 -0109 32127 2585 148 OBS 0100 -0117 32852 2644 148 OBS 0125 -0114 33182 2671 148 OBS 0150 -0104 33284 2679 148 OBS 0175 -0112 33482 2695 148 OBS 0200 -0082 33680 2710 148 OBS 0250 -0046 33921 2728 148 OBS 0300 0028 34181 2745 148 OBS ■ 0397 -0031 34164 2747 148 OBS 0497 -0025 34210 2750 148 OBS 0597 -0036 34300 2758 148 OBS 0647 -0024 34431 2768 14377 14393 14396 14409 14415 14425 14435 14446 14449 14470 14498 14544 14533 14553 14566 14582 REFERENCE SHIP CODE =1 ■A/ »DEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CTRY roDE ID. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ■ '1/10 YEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER 10 SOTTOM OF S'MPL-S STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAY HR.1/10 Dlfc HCTlPER lEA lYPf AM 31 1378 WE 77425N 074395W 260 74 D9 12 176 1968 WEI 043 0658 36 ilo xo 0 0043 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imbtl AIR TEMP. r. vis "O- SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IRANS. DIR. SPEED OR FORCE DRY BULB WET 6ULS 36 SIO 249 ■021 ■023 7 16 mehengrIcast TIME 0. NO. HR 1/10 1 C^RD lYPE DEPTH (ml T -C s ■/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUMT ANOMALT-ItD' SAD DYN. M. > 10' SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/1 PO*-P lOTAL-P MB - •»/\ NO2-N ut - ot/l NOj-N KB - ol/l SIO*-Si »>g - ol/l pH S c c 1 176 OBS 0009 -0132 31183 2509 176 OBS 0019 -OHO 31606 2543 176 OBS 0028 -0112 31867 2564 176 OBS 0047 -0099 32332 2601 176 OBS 0070 -0128 32822 2542 176 OBS 0094 -0119 32960 2653 176 OBS 0119 -0118 33294 2680 176 OBS 0143 -0109 33400 2688 176 OBS 0168 -0097 33778 2718 176 OBS 0193 -0078 33933 2730 176 OBS 0243 -0063 34041 2738 176 OBS 0293 -0055 34186 2750 176 OBS 0391 -0036 34209 2751 176 OBS 0491 -0034 34360 2753 176 OBS 0591 -0034 34467 2771 176 OBS 0616 -0032 34470 2772 14380 14398 14402 14418 14415 14425 14434 14444 14459 14474 14491 14505 14530 14550 14568 14573 62 REFERENCE SHIP CODE ii ■"/aSDEN STATION TfME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MA WAVE ' WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES CUT rooi ID. NO. 1/10 LONGITUDE ■ -1/10 TEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OF S-MPL-S OBSERVATIONS STATION NUMBER 10' T MO DAY HR.1/10 DHL HOT «» S(A TTPt AM 1 311378 WE 77514N 074402w 260 74 D9 12 200 1968 WEI 044 0726 ni 1 2 XI 7 2 nn44 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbll AIR TEMP. "C VIS. coo NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. DIR. SPEED OR fO»CE DRY BULB WET BULB 01 S23 245 -023 -025 7 16 HR 1/10 T 0*110 lYPE DEPTH tml T -c S •''.. SIGMA-T ANOMALI'-XIO' SAD OtN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCtrf Oj ml/I PO*-P VS • Ol/I TOTAL-P vg • oi/i NOj-N HS • Ot/I NO3-N tig - oi/l SI O^-Si VB - ol/l pM s c c 1 1 200 OBS 0010 -0118 31134 2505 200 OBS 0020 -0109 31889 2566 200 OBS 0030 -0117 32246 2595 200 OBS 00*9 -0105 32718 2633 200 OBS 0074 -0112 33060 2661 200 OBS 0099 -0110 33401 2688 200 OBS 0124 -0106 33600 2704 200 OBS 0149 -0093 33637 2707 200 OBS 0174 -0084 33855 2724 200 OBS 0199 -0076 33985 2734 200 OBS 0249 -0068 34037 2738 200 OSS 0299 -0060 34249 2755 200 OBS 0399 -0040 34422 2768 200 OBS 0499 -0036 34433 2769 200 OBS 0599 -0034 34370 27640 200 OBS 06 74 -0035 34380 27640 14386 14402 14405 1<^421 14426 14436 14445 14456 14467 14477 14469 14504 14533 14551 I REFERENCE ID. NO. SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/tO LONGITUDE * 'I/lO ORIGINATOR'S |&I]PES| SEA WEA- THER CODE I 311378 WE 78010N 075300W 260 185 |09 |13 |007 Il963 IwEll 045 MESSENCR TIME .. HR 1/10 T icAST SMED 0« fORCE BARO- METER (mbll 007 OBS 0010 -0115 31487 2534 007 OBS 0020 -0115 31551 2539 007 OBS 0030 -0125 31735 2554 007 OBS 0050 -0115 32496 2615 007 OBS 0075 -0126 32753 2637 007 OBS 0100 -0122 33271 2678 007 OBS 0125 -0116 33437 2691 007 OBS 0150 -0111 33601 2704 007 OBS 0175 -0108 33658 2709 007 OBS 0200 33875 007 OBS 0225 -0072 33900 2727 007 OBS 0250 -0061 33960 2732 007 OBS 0283 -0055 33994 2734 007 OBS 0383 -0052 34243 2754 007 OBS 0483 -0044 34349 2762 007 OBS 0553 -0036 34389 2765 AIR TEMP. "C 022 16 SAD OYN. M. X 10^ J2iL SOUND VILOCITY 14392 14395 14394 14413 14415 14429 14438 14447 14453 14482 14492 14501 14522 14544 14560 XI 0045 NOl-N lig - ol/l SI04-Si DO - Ol/l 63 1 itEFEP.ENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE I/IO ii -, --SDEN \ STATION Tl WE ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAI . WAVE ~ WEA- THER CODE CLOUD COOES tone |Cm 10. NO. LONGITUDE * 'VIO TEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S STATION NUMBER 10' r MO DAY HR.1/10 DIR. HG' nt SEA t.^( AM 13:1378 WE 78000N 075000W 260 85 09 13 027 1968 WFl 0*»6 0702 26 3 2 X2 7 8 nn46 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbt) AIR TEMP. r. VIS. COD NO. DBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. DIR. S«£0 OR fORCt DRY BULB WET BULB 26 S12 253 -016 -022 7 17 MtJHHCIllcA.T rvRO Hit Viol DEPTH tml T -C S '/.. SIGMA-T SKCinc voLUMf ANOMAH-XIO' SAD DYN. M. K 10' SOUND VELOCITY 03 ml/I PO«-P vg - oi/l roTAi_r vg • oi/l NOi-N iig - ol/l NOj-N V9 - ol/l SIO4-S. we ■ of/\ pH s c c 1 ; 027 OBS 0008 -0130 31497 2535 027 OBS 0015 -0129 31671 2549 027 OBS 0023 -0128 31613 2544 027 OBS 0038 -0128 31657 2548 027 OBS 0060 -0115 32107 2584 027 OBS 0083 -0113 027 OBS 0107 -0122 33068 2662 027 OBS 0131 -Oll't 33333 2683 027 OBS 0155 -0102 33604 2704 027 OBS 0180 -0095 33697 2712 027 OBS 0205 -0094 33783 2719 027 OBS 0230 -0088 33810 2721 027 OBS 0280 -0090 027 OBS 0380 -0070 33874 2725 027 OBS 0480 -0050 34155 2747 027 OBS 0580 -0048 34182 2749 027 OBS 0630 -0044 34276 2756 14385 14389 14390 14393 14409 14427 14439 14452 14461 14466 14474 14508 14538 14556 14567 SHIP CODE LONGITUDE ■1/10 DAY HH.1/10 ORIGINATOR'S NOOC STATION NUMBER I 311378 HE 78016N 074290W 260 84 09 13 126 1968 WEl 047 MtSSENGR I r TIMI 01 I HR I/IO T SPEED fORCE 126 OBS 0009 -0125 31880 2566 126 OBS 0017 -0124 31826 2561 126 OBS 0026 -0124 31844 2563 126 OBS 0043 -0123 31881 2566 126 OBS 0066 -0129 32741 2635 126 OBS 0089 -0128 32957 2653 126 OBS OII2 -01 18 331i,4 2668 126 OBS 0136 -0117 33199 2672 126 OBS 0161 -0116 33432 2691 126 OBS 0186 -0094 33556 2700 126 OBS 0236 -0082 33832 2722 126 OBS 0286 -0066 33994 2735 126 OBS 0352 -0076 34087 2742 126 OBS 0452 -0062 34112 2744 126 OBS 0552 -0051 34288 2758 126 OBS 0652 -0039 34322 2760 062 SPEClfiC VOlUMt 0717 SAO DYN. M. X 10^ 00 0 Ix X4 X l8 0047 14392 14394 14396 14399 14412 14420 14431 14436 14444 14460 14478 14495 14504 14527 14551 14574 NOj-N ug - al/l SI04-S< 64 j REFEfENCE SHIP CODE UATITUOE VIO l| ' SOEN ' :tation Tl ^i ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC STATION NUMBER iCtlT 10. NO. LONGITUDE * -1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S-MPL-S 10* r MO DAY HR.1/10 OUL HCT Pit SEA T>Pf AM 1 311378 WE 78000N OT^OOOW 260 84 09 13 151 1968 WEI 048 0664 02 5 2 XI 6 2 00*8 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imbfl AIR TEMP, r DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IKANS. DIR. SPEED 01 fORCE DRY eULB WET BULB 02 S33 254 -026 -032 8 15 '"*' "NO. ItPE Hit 1/10 DEPTH (ml T -C s ■/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALT-IlO' SAD DYN. M. 1 103 SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/1 PO4-P PS • ot/l lOTAl-P «B-ot/) NO3-N vg - ol/l NOj-N vg . ol/l .9.0./I "" S c c I ; 1 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 OBS 0008 -0090 31645 2546 OBS 0016 -0088 31657 2547 OBS 0024 -0090 31663 2547 OBS 0040 -0124 32456 2612 OBS 0062 -0129 32931 2651 OBS 0084 -0099 33064 2661 OBS 0107 -0118 33345 2684 OBS 0131 -0116 33505 2597 OBS 0156 -0100 3342P 2589? OBS 0181 -0086 33625 2706 OBS 0231 -0068 33957 2732 OBS 0281 -0063 34033 2738 OBS 0364 -0049 34067 2740 OBS 0464 -0044 34124 2744 OBS 0564 -0040 34182 2749 14406 14408 14409 14406 14414 14434 14433 14440 14454 14485 14497 14518 14538 14557 j REFERENCE SHIP CODE if ■/:;SOEN ' '^TATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES 40DC \^, ID. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ■i/io CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OP S-MPL'S NUMBER 10* r MO DAY HR.l/lO OIL MG' Pti S(A TTPt AM I31 1378 WF 78000N 073270W 260 83 )9 13 175 1968 WFl 049 0357 35 3 2 xo 0 0049 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbil AIR TEMP, r VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. DIR. SPfED 01 FOiCE DRY BULB WET BULB 35 S35 250 -022 -030 7 12 MESSENC IIMt HR VI 'IcAiT % NO. r>RD TYPE DEPTH Iml T "C s •/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMAIT-XIO' SAD DYN, M. X io3 SOUND VELOCITY O7 ml/I PO«-P ra - Ol/l lOTAL-P US ■ o'/1 NOl-N wg - ol/l NOj-N va - ol/l SIO*-Si wg - Qi/I pH S c c 1 175 OBS 0008 -0103 31806 2559 175 OBS 0016 -0102 32078 2581 175 OBS 0025 -0102 32180 2589 175 OBS 0041 -0068 32588 2621 175 OBS 0064 -0112 33090 2663 175 OBS 0086 -0114 33358 2685 175 OBS 0134 -0090 33594 2703 175 OBS 0158 -0079 3350P 2695P 175 OBS 0183 -0068 33856 2724 175 OBS 0233 -0047 33971 2732 175 OBS 0283 -0040 34052 2738 175 OBS 0313 -0038 34130 2744 14402 14408 14410 14435 14425 14431 14454 14475 14496 14508 14515 REFERENCE SHIP CODE °i // ?SDEN 'jTATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA. THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CTIT ID. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ' -i/io CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S OBSt"Y«ilwr.i NUMBER 10* r MO DAY HR.I/10 Di«. «C1 »f« SEA TY»E AMI 31 1378 WF 78200N 073200W 250 83 D9 13 198 1968 WEI 050 0375 33 2 2 XO 0 0050 WATER WIND E BARO- METER (mbil AIR TEMP. r. VIS. COO NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE tSANI. DIR. OR (ORC DRY BULB WET BULB 33 S25 274 -022 -030 7 05 MES»NC tIMf HR 1/1 • NO. D r.xRO TYPE DEPTH Itnl I -c s •/.. SIGMA-T SPEClflC VOLUME ANOMALI-IlO' SAO DYN. M. K 10^ SOUND VELOCITY O3 ml/I PO4-P »g - at/I lOTAl-P vg ■ ol/l NOj-N l>g - ol/l NOj-N wg - ol/l SI 04-S> ug - ol/l pH s c c 19 19 19 19 19 1 B 8 8 8 8 OB OB OB OB OS 5 S s s s oooe 0011 001" 0029 004£ -oc -0( -0( -0( -0( )54 )54 354 )55 )81 65 LONGITUDE •1/10 T MO I DAY |Ha.l/10 ORIGINATOR'S NOOC STATION NUMBER I 311378 WE 0735OOW 260 83 09 13 216 1968 WEI 051 0494 29 2 2 XO 0051 "IcA.T MEIKNCI HR VIO I S25 BARO- METER tmb*) 280 -019 218 ' OBS 0009 -0083 31568 2539 218 OBS 0019 -0073 31859 2562 218 OBS 0028 -0059 32248 2593 216 OBS 0047 -0074 32754 2635 218 OBS 0071 -0099 33175 2670 218 OBS 0095 33243 218 OBS 0119 -0095 33549 2700 218 OBS 014* -0091 33569 2701 218 OBS 0168 -0066 33768 2716 218 OBS 0193 -0053 33849 2722 218 OBS 0243 -0043 33864 2723 218 OBS 0318 -0032 34142 2745 218 OBS 0443 -0029 34202 2750 AIR TEMP. "C 022 13 IAD OYN. M. X 10' 14408 14419 14432 14435 14433 14448 14455 14473 14484 14498 14519 14542 NO3-N UB ■ al/l LATITUDE 1/10 DAY HR.1/10 OBIGINATOR'S NODC STATION NUMBER 78213N 074130W 260 84 09 13 228 1968 WEI 052 0457 30 2 2 0052 ME!5fNG» I /- TIME 01 HR 1/10 T SPEED OB FOKCE BARO- METER 228 OBS 0008 -0080 31645 2545 228 OBS 0016 -0077 31771 2555 228 OBS 0025 -0078 31738 2553 228 OBS 0041 -0064 32114 2583 228 OBS 0064 -0068 32654 2626 228 OBS 0086 -0100 33203 2672 228 OBS 0109 -0110 33380 2687 228 OBS 0134 -0102 33474 2694 228 OBS 0158 -0094 33541 2699 228 OBS 0183 -0076 33767 2717 228 OBS 0233 -0047 34029 2737 228 OBS 0283 -0039 34205 2750 228 OBS 0408 -0033 34271 2755 AIR TEMP. ^ 30 S25 284 -019 -022 8 13 SEECIfIC VOIUI SAO DVN. M. X 10* 14410 14415 14416 14430 14439 14436 14437 14447 14455 14471 14496 14511 14535 NOj-N VB - ot/l SIO4-S1 VB - ol/l LONGITUDE ' 'I/IO MO DAY HR.l/l ORIGINATOR'S OBSERVATIONS 311378 WE 78200N 074500W 260 84 09 14 025 1968 WEI 053 XI 7 ll MESSENCR I f- IIME or HR 1/10 T 0053 JPEED OB fORCE S15 BARO- METER Imbtl 285 025 ' OBS 0010 -0105 31465 2532 025 OBS 0020 -0106 31674 2549 025 OBS 0030 -0109 31799 2559 025 OBS 0050 -0132 32140 2587 025 OBS 0075 -0100 32769 2637 025 OBS 0100 -0109 33217 2673 025 OBS 0125 -0104 33521 2598 025 OBS 0150 -0094 33638 2707 025 OBS 0175 -0088 33806 2720 025 OBS 0200 -0082 33815 2721 025 OBS 0250 -0076 33866 2725 025 OBS 0300 -0045 34069 2740 025 OBS 0400 -0038 34154 2745 025 OBS 0500 -0036 34256 2754 025 OBS 0550 -0036 34319 2760 AIR TEMR. "C 029 039 15 SAD DYN. M. K 10* SOUND VELOCITY 14397 14401 14403 14400 14428 14434 14445 14455 14465 14472 14484 14509 14530 14549 14558 SlOt-Si 66 SHIP CODE 311378 WE 77580N LONGITUDE ' '1/10 07A340W V10 T I i MO DAY Hfi.1/1 260 74 09 lA 133 1968 WEl 054 SPEED OK »o»ct ORIGIN ATOB'S BARO- METER (mbi) 133 OBS 0008 -0125 31791 2558 133 OBS 0016 -0126 31769 2557 133 OBS 0025 -0132 31783 2558 133 OBS 0041 -0138 31962 2573 133 OBS 0064 -0128 32307 2500 133 OBS 0086 -0127 32560 2621 133 OBS 0109 -0126 32910 2649 133 OBS 0134 -0122 33168 2670 133 OBS 0158 -0112 33234 2675 133 OBS 0183 -0106 33458 2693 133 OBS 0233 -0087 33700 2712 133 OBS 0283 -0064 33876 2725 133 OBS 0371 -0054 34014 2736 133 OBS 0471 -0041 34371 2764 133 OBS 0571 -0036 34372 2764 133 OBS 06 71 -0034 34486 2773 03 S20 276 -020 -040 7 15 0732 SAD OVN. M. 03 WEA- THER CODE SOUND VELOCin 14391 14392 14391 14393 14406 14414 14423 14433 14443 14453 14473 14495 14516 14544 14553 14582 NODC STATION NUMBES 0054 lOTAL-f NOj-N WS - ol/l SI O^-Si REFERENCE SHIP CODE if , A/ HSDEN STATION Tl VIE ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD COOES NODC CI«V 10. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ■ '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM NUMBER 10" r MO DAY MR.1/10 DIR. HGT PER SEA tin AM 311378 WE 77425N 074390W 260 74 09 14 160 1968 WEl 055 0671 01 2 3 XI 7 1 0055 WATER WIND BARO- METER imb.l AIR TEMP. *C VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE tMHS. DIR. SPEED 0« »ORC( DRY BULB WET BULB 01 S21 272 -035 -043 8 15 MISSENC IIME HR 1/1 "IcAiT "■NO. C\RD TYPE DEPTH Imp T -C s •/., SIGMA-T specific VOLUME *NOMAL>-Il0' SAD DYN. M. X lo' SOUND VELOCin Oj ml/1 PO«-P VB • «'/! rOTAL-P NO3-N MS - ai/l NOj-N vt - oi/l SI04-S< vg - oi/l pH 1 C c 1 160 ' OBS 0008 -0134 31425 2529 160 OBS 0015 -0134 31441 2530 160 OBS 0025 31208 160 OBS 0041 -0118 32047 2579 160 OBS 0054 -0120 32391 2607 160 OBS 0086 -0130 32684 2531 160 OBS 0109 -0126 33012 2657 160 OBS 0134 -0114 33352 2584 160 OBS 0158 -0114 33480 2595 160 OBS 0183 -0124 33654 2709 160 OBS 0233 -0067 33910 2728 160 OBS 0283 0014 34044 2735 160 OBS 0383 -0041 34284 2757 160 OBS 0483 -0036 34288 2757 160 OBS 0583 34362 14382 14384 14404 14411 14414 14425 14439 14445 14447 14485 14533 14528 14547 67 I 311378 WE SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 77245N LONGITUDE •1/10 074280W MO DAY Hft.1/10 260 74 09 14 182 1968 WEI 056 S«(0 S09 ORIGINATOR'S 267 182 OBS 0009 -0136 31236 2514 182 OBS 0019 -0136 31213 2512 182 OBS 0028 -0136 31127 2505 182 OBS 0047 -0095 31737 2553 182 OBS 0071 -0119 32094 2583 182 OBS 0095 -0080 32629 2625 182 OBS 0119 -0042 32943 2649 182 OBS 014* 33259 182 OBS 0168 -0094 33408 2688 182 OBS 0193 -0067 33349 2683 182 OBS 0218 -0114 33552 2701 182 OBS 0243 -0080 3380P 2719P 182 OBS 0268 -0078 3 3646 2707 182 OBS 0293 -0070 33768 2716 182 OBS 0393 -0048 34115 2744 182 OBS 0484 34159 182 OBS 0584 34245 182 OBS 0684 -0038 34344 2752 022 028 SPECIFIC VOLUME 0750 18 02 1 1 WEA- THER CODE XI 3 |3 0055 SOUND VELOCITY 14379 14380 14380 14411 1*409 14439 14465 14455 14471 14456 14482 14492 14524 14580 j KEFEP.ENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 1^ "' JSDEN STATION T1 *l ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC I'^!!'m ID. NO. LONGITUDE * '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAY HR.1/10 DIR. KGI PER SEA ITPl AM Ui 1376 WE 77060N 074320W 260 74 39 14 215 1968 W El 057 0682 no 0 X XI 4 2 0057 WATER WIND BARO- METER AIR TEMP. "C V15. COO NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TKANS. DIR. SPEED OR FORCE DRY BULB WET BULB 02 S13 258 -009 -022 7 18 MEJHNG IIMt HR 1/1 «lc*.T 1 r HD 1 '. DEPTH Im) T -C s •/.. SIGMA-T SfECIFIC VOLUME ANQWAlT-tia' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Ol ml/I PO4-P VB - 01/1 roTAL-p „B - 01/1 NOi-N Ufl - ol/l NOj-N tig - 01/1 Sl04-Si |>B - Ol/I pH c c 215 OBS 0010 -0100 31367 2524 215 OBS 0020 0018 31940 2555 215 OBS 0030 0006 32433 2606 215 OBS 0049 0010 32528 2621 215 OBS 0074 -0072 33141 2666 215 OBS 0099 -0098 33363 2685 215 OBS 0124 -0080 33420 2689 215 OBS 0149 -0103 33517 2705 215 OBS 0174 -0081 3375P 2715P 215 OBS 0199 -0076 33634 2706 215 OBS 0224 -0070 33709 2712 215 OBS 0249 -0052 33953 2731 215 OBS 0268 -0060 34018 2735 215 OBS 0293 -0065 34051 2740 215 OBS 0393 -0048 34170 2748 215 OBS 0493 -0042 34249 2754 215 OBS 0593 -0034P 34255 2754P 215 OBS 0543 -0038 3420P 2750P 14398 14452 14465 14473 14446 14441 14455 14451 14472 14480 14491 14496 14498 14525 14545 68 j MFERENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 if '/?SOEN 1 STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S | j EPTH TO MAX : WAVE -n W£A. CLOUD lODC |-'=^S'< ID. NO. LONGITUDE ■ -i/io 1 CRUISE NO. STATION OF S'MPL-S THER CODE CODES STATION NUMBER '0' r MO DAV MR.1/10 OUL MCT fH SEA TTft *M 1311378 WF 76547N 074320W 260 64 09 !■> 004 1968 WFl 058 0516 00 0 X X4 X A WATER WIND BARO- METER lmb»l AIR TEMP. "C w.c NO. COO! oes. ^"°' DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COIOR CODE TUNL DIR. SfEtO FOtCE DRY BULB WET BULB 02 SO 2 253 -027 -037 1 16 Hit Viol DEPTH [ml I t s •/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMAL'-»10' SAO DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Ol ml/I PO4-P TOTAL-P vfl • ot/1 NO3-N ug - oi/l NQj-N va - ol/l SI 04-Si ve - oi/i PH 1 C C 1 004 OBS 0010 -0018 31738 2551 00* OBS 0019 0013 32221 2588 004 OBS 0029 0014 32357 2599 004 OBS 0048 -0118 32702 2632 004 OBS 0073 -0110 33185 2671 004 OBS 0097 -0113 33271 2678 004 OBS 0122 -0086 33522 2697 004 OBS 0147 -0078 33646 2707 004 OBS 0172 -0026 33809 2718 004 OBS 0197 -0002 33888 2723 004 OBS 0222 -0001 33905 2724 004 OBS 0247 -0008 33889 2724 004 OBS 0260 0015 33952 2727 004 OBS 0285 0008 33924 2726 004 OBS 0385 -0033 34036 2737 004 OBS 0485 -0026 34123 2763 14441 14463 14467 14414 14429 14433 14453 14462 14493 14509 14514 14515 14528 14529 14528 14549 1 REFERENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ■1/10 °z /.■;SDEN STATION Tl ME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD COOES NODC iCItt 10. NO. CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10' r MO DAY HR.1/10 0«. HGI PEI SE* ITU AM I31 1378 WF 76390N 074300W 260 64 09 15 024 1968 W Ei 059 0585 00 0 X X4 X 8 0059 WATER WIND BARO- METER lmb») AIR TEMP. "C VIS, COO NO. OSS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR TWNS. CODE "-I DIR. S«ED 01 FO«Ct DRY BULB WET BULB 27 S03 248 -038 -049 4 16 MtlSfNCI [c4 T 1 r ^RD "MI o.^^^_ ,^J° DEPTH Iml MR VloT T -C S 'I. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANO*»AH-»10' SAD OYN. M. X 10' SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/I P04-P rOTAL-P •■9 • "^ NOj-N iig - ot/l NOj-N HB- oi/l SI O4-SI t.e - 01/1 pH S c c 1 1 024 OBS 0010 -0029 32421 2606 024 OBS 0020 -0027 32328 2599 024 OBS 0030 -0076 32830 2641 024 OBS 0050 -0098 33381 26B6 0 24 OBS 0075 -0098 33475 2694 024 OBS 0100 -0100 33551 2700 024 OBS 0125 -0080 33637 2706 024 OBS 0150 -0035 33753 2714 024 OBS 0175 -0022 33855 2721 024 OBS 0200 -0018 33942 2728 024 OBS 0225 -0040 33881 2724 024 OBS 0250 -0001 34062 2737 024 OBS 0275 -00 14 34151 2745 024 OBS 0300 -0004 34117 2742 024 OBS 0400 -0022 34148 2745 024 OBS 0450 -0032 34175 2748 14445 14447 14433 14433 14439 14443 14458 14484 14496 14503 14496 14521 14520 14529 14537 14541 69 1 REFERENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE l/IO ii //RSDEN STATION 11 VIE ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH Of S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD COOES loor •-^A^^E ID. NO. LONGITUDE '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10' r MO DAY HR.VIO DIB. HOT PER SEA TYPE AM ' 311378 WF 77000N 072000W 260 72 ^9 Ifi 17fl 1968 W p. fifen n3i n3 1 2 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbi) AIR TEMP. *C VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. DIR. SPEED OR fORCt DRY eULB WET SULB 03 S07 128 005 ■003 8 19 MtSIENclc^bT CARD IiM{ or fjQ_ ,^pj HR I/IO 1 DEPTH (ml T -C s •/„ SIGMA-T SfECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALT-XlO' SAD DYN. M. X 10' SOUND VELOCITY Ol ml/I PO<-P roTAL-p HB - Dl/1 NOj-N ug - al/l NOj-N Vi - ol/l SIO4-S1 wg - or/I pH S c c 1 1 178 OBS 0010 0000 31251 2511 178 OBS 0020 -0007 31849 2559 178 OBS 0030 -0008 32263 2593 178 OBS 0050 -0050 32874 2644 178 OBS 0075 -0084 33230 2674 178 OBS 0100 -0088 33360 2684 178 OBS 0126 -0072 33497 2695 178 OBS 0150 0004 33593 2699 178 OBS 0175 0026 33746 2710 178 OBS 0200 -0017 33745 2712 178 OBS 0250 0054 34013 2730 178 OBS 0300 0060 34114 2738 178 OBS 0400 0074 34239 2747 178 OBS 0500 0088 34253 2747 178 OBS 0600 0095 178 OBS 0700 0104 34294 2750 178 OBS 0800 0106 34311 2751 178 OBS 0900 0106 34281 2749 178 OBS 1000 0113 14443 006 14449 013 14456 02o 14449 063 14442 073 14446 073 14459 077 14500 085 14516 090 14501 092 14545 088 14558 101 14582 005 14605 no 14646 uo 14664 111 14681 115 000 000 002 001 004 001 048 007 076 008 092 008 093 009 115 Oil 124 013 120 014 132 016 141 018 153 022 155 024 157 026 158 026 168 029 SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE * '1/10 DAY HR.l/10 ORIGINATOR'S OIR. HCnPERl SEA WEA- THER CODE NODC STATION NUMBER 311378 WE 77080N 072080W 260 MESJENCR Ir tiMl or I HR 1/10 T 72 l09 8 1197 11968 IwFll 061 03 SPEED OR FORCE S07 BARO- METER Imbll 122 197 OBS 0010 -0010 31298 2515 197 OBS 0020 0000 31717 2548 197 OBS 0030 -0010 32116 2581 197 OBS 0050 -0044 32896 2645 197 OBS 0075 -0074 33158 2668 197 OBS OlOO -0064 33347 2682 197 OBS 0126 -0048 33423 2688 197 OBS 0150 -0052 33538 2697 197 OBS 0175 -0014 33584 2699 197 OBS 0200 0040 33704 2706 197 OBS 0250 0022 33863 2720 197 OBS 0300 0062 33976 2727 197 OBS 0399 0090 34099 2735 197 OBS 0499 0100 34115 2736 197 OBS 0599 0104 34179 2740 197 OBS 0699 0110 34233 2744 197 OBS 0799 0108 34357 2755 197 OBS 0899 0108 34381 2756 197 OBS 0949 0111 34411 2759 AIR lEMP. "C 005 003 SPECIFIC VOLUME 0985 19 03 1 \2 0061 14439 014 14451 017 14453 026 14452 042 14446 046 14457 055 14470 077 14473 068 14496 083 14526 106 14529 091 14557 086 14587 101 14609 083 14628 081 14648 090 14666 112 14683 114 14693 134 NOj-N SIO«-Si 004 oni 002 001 012 000 035 003 050 005 071 006 090 OlO 085 008 106 010 129 ni2 125 015 121 014 133 020 090 014 090 015 107 017 135 023 160 028 158 029 70 SHIP CODE LATnuOE I/IO 311378 WE 77071N 072280W L0NG1TU0S '1/18 260 72 |Q9 ll 8 l224 [l?68 IwFl nsZ S08 OJUGINATOH-S Aia TEMP. X. 112 006 -004 224 DBS 0010 -0013 30988 2*90 22* 08S 0020 0008 32007 2571 22* OBS 0030 0006 32226 2589 22* OBS 0050 -00*5 32851 26*1 22* OBS 007* -0082 33286 2678 22* OBS 0099 -007* 33**9 2691 22* OBS 012* -0050 33568 2700 22* OBS 01*9 -0051 33718 2712 22* OBS 017* 001* 33883 2722 22* OBS 0199 0032 3383* 2721 22* OBS 022* 00*8 33978 2728 22* OBS 02*9 0055 3*018 2731 22* OBS 0271 006* 3*092 2736 22* OBS 0296 0060 3*136 27*0 22* OBS 0371 0082 3*217 27*5 0^02 NO. OBS. DtPTMS 15 SAO DTN. M. X 103 n3^ 1 12 WEA- THEft CODE xo NODC STATION NUMBER 0062 1**33 021 1**58 017 1**62 019 1**51 0*5 1***3 059 14*5* 077 14*71 074 1**76 083 1*513 087 1*525 091 1*538 092 1*5*6 096 1*55* 077 1*557 105 1*581 099 NOj-N vg - 01/1 NOj-N Kg - ai/l SI 04-Si 000 001 005 OOl 004 001 040 00* 072 007 096 010 096 012 115 010 121 013 133 016 131 018 135 018 130 017 158 018 1*8 021 1 KEFEKENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 S| '/'.SOEN j STATION TIME ORIGINATORS 1 DEPTH MAI. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC cmj ID. LONGITUDE ■1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION TO STATION '""T ''°- 10' 1' MO DAY HR,1/10 NUMBER •>^J••^J'r• OH. MG' PEI SE* Tin AM """'^■' 1311378 WE 77079N 073020W 1 260 73 39 19 040 1968 WEI 063 0366 00 0 X xn 0 0063 WATER WIND BARO- METER imbil Aia TEMP. T VIS. CODE NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TtANI. DtR. IKED 01 tO«C( OR* WET BULB BULB 35 S17 084 001 -005 8 15 HR 1/10 1 DEPTH (ml T -C s •/„ SIGMA-T sncmc voiuwE anOmalv-iib' S AD orN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITir 03 mm TOT*l-f vg - n/l NOj-N ug . ol/l NOj-N VB - 81/1 SIO,-S. ng - ol/l pH S C c ] 040 OBS 0010 3123* 0*0 OBS 0019 -0002 31883 2562 0*0 OBS 0029 -002* 32300 2595 0*0 OBS 0048 -0022 32769 263* 0*0 OBS 0073 33105 0*0 OBS 0097 -0090 33366 2685 0*0 OBS 0122 -00*6 33558 2699 0*0 OBS 0147 -0022 33723 2711 040 OBS 0172 0009 33803 2716 040 OBS 0197 003* 33889 2721 0 40 OBS 0222 33967 040 OBS 02*7 0071 3*0 73 2734 040 OBS 0265 0072 3*078 2734 0*0 OBS 0290 0068 3*123 2738 040 OBS 0365 0075 3*217 27*5 009 14452 OH 14449 025 14460 040 063 14**5 068 1*472 078 1*489 084 14509 085 14525 081 087 14553 lOl 14557 102 14560 093 14577 089 003 000 004 OOl 029 002 053 004 052 007 082 009 107 Oil 118 013 121 014 lie 015 115 013 149 019 147 018 127 016 116 016 71 RfFERENCE SKIP CODE ii A- JSDEN ".TATION Tl ME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH Of S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NOOC CttT ID. LATITUDE I/IO LONGITUDE '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAY MR.1/10 01R. HCI PER SEA ITPt AM 1 311378 WE 77078N 073283W 260 73 39 19 055 1968 WEI 064 0466 35 2 1 xo 0 0064 WATER WIND BARO- METER [mbfl AIR TEMP, r: VIS. COO NO. CBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE HANS. DIR. OR lORCt DRY BULB WET BULB 35 S15 085 -008 ■015 7 15 HR 1/10 T rvHD TYPE DEPTH (ml T y: s •/.. SIGMA-T SPECIfIC VOLUME ANOMAL^-IIO' S Ao DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Ol ml/I PO<-P ,9 • oVI TOTAl-P t>B - ol/l NOj-N ug - ol/l N03-N vg • Dl/I SI 04-Si «S - Ol/l PH S c c 1 055 OBS 0010 -0014 31858 2560 055 OBS 0020 -0022 32556 2617 055 OBS 0030 -0032 32659 2525 055 OBS 0049 -0093 33264 2677 055 OBS 0074 -0105 33394 2688 055 OBS 0099 -0070 33611 2704 055 OBS 0123 -0048 33690 2709 055 OBS 0148 -0010 33744 2712 055 OBS 0173 0002 33809 2717 055 OBS 0198 0018 33912 2724 055 OBS 0223 0048 34050 2734 055 OBS 0248 0050 34053 2734 055 OBS 0298 0050 34077 2735 055 OBS 0398 -0018 34088 2740 055 OBS 0423 -0021 34135 2744 14444 OlO 14452 024 14451 035 14434 070 14434 080 14458 087 14473 085 14495 085 14505 093 14519 095 14539 075 14544 094 14552 075 14538 096 14541 055 003 OOl 013 001 036 003 067 008 088 Oil 103 Oil 112 012 012 124 014 113 014 098 012 132 016 085 012 132 016 080 010 REFERENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 ° z ■// RSDEN 1 STATION Tl VIE ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH Of S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD COOES NOOC CtlY ID. NO. lONGITUOt 1 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10" 1* MO DAY HR.1/1D DIR. HOT PER SEA T*Pl AM 31 1378 WE 77076N 074028W 260 74 39 19 075 1968 WFl 065 0627 35 2 2 XO 0 0065 WATER WIND BARO- METER AIR TEMP. X. VIS. COO NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TIIANS. DIR. SPiED OR fOUCt DRY BULB WET BULB 35 S15 085 -008 ■015 7 17 MES5(NG«[cA,T r.XRD "*•' »i NO. TYPE HR I/IO 1 DEPTH (ml T "C s •/.. SlGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMAIT_I10' SAD DYN. M. X 10' SOUND VELOCITY 0 3 ml/1 P04-P lOTAL-P N03-N ug • oi/l NOj-N MS - Ol/I SlO^-Si VS - o'/l pH S C c 1 : 075 OBS 0008 -0036 32435 2608 075 OBS 0015 -0035 32448 2609 075 OBS 0025 -0034 32580 2527 075 OBS 0041 -0099 33247 2675 075 OBS 0053 -0070 33415 2688 075 OBS 0086 -0064 33473 2592 075 OBS 0110 -0070 33588 2702 075 OBS 0135 -0048 33693 2710 075 OBS 0150 -0038 33749 2714 075 OBS 0185 -0013 33810 2717 075 OBS 0210 0010 33886 2722 075 OBS (1235 0038 33986 2729 075 OBS 0245 00 24 33954 2727 075 OBS 0270 0042 33929 2724 075 OBS 0370 -0014 34154 2745 075 OBS 0470 -0042 34255 2756 075 OBS 0570 -0033 34319 2759 14442 023 14444 022 14449 034 14429 087 14449 073 14456 074 14459 072 14475 083 14485 059 14501 071 14517 080 14535 083 14530 079 14542 14536 075 14541 14553 007 OOl 007 001 021 003 083 012 10* 009 102 010 I08 012 113 Oil 075 009 113 012 133 015 132 015 015 117 014 72 SHIP CODE I 311378 WE LATITUDE 1/10 77071N LONGITUDE 074294W MiSStNClicAbT IlMi O. NO. HR 1/10 I 0 I DAY HR.1/10 260 74 09 19 091 1968 WEI 066 ORIGINATOR'S BARO- METER 091 OBS 0010 -0030 32390 2604 091 OBS 0020 32407 091 OBS 0030 32416 091 OBS 0049 33115 091 OBS 0074 -0102 33366 2685 091 OBS 0099 -0080 33481 2694 091 OBS 0123 -0066 33537 2598 091 OBS 0148 -0074 3 3646 2707 091 OBS 0173 -0074 33748 2715 091 OBS 0198 -0072 33812 2720 091 OBS 0223 -0063 33899 2727 091 OBS 0248 -0060 33951 2731 091 OBS 0273 -0046 33992 2734 091 OBS 0298 -0050 34073 2740 091 OBS 0398 -0038 34148 2746 091 OBS 0498 -0034 34246 2754 091 OBS 0598 -0034 34339 2761 015 0677 17 SAD DYN. M. X 10^ on fEI lEA 35 2 2 NODC STATION NUMBER 0066 14444 025 014 014 078 14436 071 14451 064 14462 069 14454 103 14470 14476 094 14486 109 14492 080 14503 078 14505 076 14530 073 14550 085 14558 087 SI 04-Si 005 007 009 003 010 003 077 013 091 012 09o Oil 106 012 116 014 110 014 125 015 121 014 119 014 126 015 120 013 124 014 124 014 SHIP CODE LATrUDE I/IO LONGITUDE •1/10 ORIGINATOR'S Oi«. HCi] Ht[ SE. I 311378 WE 76065N 071275W 260 61 09 19 177 1968 WEl 067 0^95 06 2 |5 0067 I '10 I S20 BARO- METER (mb*l 177 OBS 0010 -0005 32319 2597 177 OBS 0020 0012 32471 2508 177 OBS 0030 -0018 32544 2515 177 OBS 0049 -0098 33074 2661 177 OBS 0074 -0104 33320 2681 177 OBS 0099 -0100 33438 2591 177 OBS 0124 -0045 33579 2700 177 OBS 0148 -0020 33613 2702 177 OBS 0173 0033 33742 2710 177 OBS 0198 -0002 33797 2715 177 OBS 0223 -0001 33847 2720 177 OBS 0248 -0034 33870 2723 177 OBS 0272 -0035 177 OBS 0297 -0038 33901 2725 177 OBS 0347 -0035 33930 2728 177 OBS 0397 -0032 33971 2731 177 OBS 0447 -0027 33987 2732 AIH TEMP. "C 000 -004 J«CIHC VOIUMI 17 SAD DVN, M. X 10^ 14455 14467 14455 14429 14434 14441 14473 14489 14519 14508 14513 14503 14509 14519 14530 14541 73 Ship CODE LATITUDE )/10 311378 WE 761^0N 071300W LONGITUDE TiMl Of |.jQ HR l/IO T MO DAY HR.1/1 260 61 09 19 192 1968 WEl 068 fOUCt S08 ORIGINATOR'S BARO- METER Imbil 158 192 OBS 0010 0000 32256 2592 192 OBS 0020 -0011 32588 2619 192 OBS 0030 -0062 32816 2639 192 OBS 0049 -0103 33142 2667 192 OBS 0074 -0109 33306 2681 192 OBS 0099 -0095 33342 2683 192 OBS 0123 -0058 33550 2698 192 OBS 0148 -0025 33878 2723 192 OBS 0173 0000 33923 2726 192 OBS 0198 -0043 33953 2730 192 OBS 0223 -0038 33979 2732 192 OBS 0248 -0038 34036 2737 192 OBS 0270 -0020 34101 2741 192 OBS 0295 -0017 34148 2745 192 OBS 0395 -0032 34166 2747 192 OBS 0495 -0018 34212 2750 192 OBS 0525 -0014 34233 2752 000 -004 0567 SAO OYN. M. X 10^ 06 1 |5 WEA- THER CODE X l8 SOUND VELOCITY 14456 14458 14439 14427 14431 14442 14466 14490 14507 14491 14498 14503 14516 14522 14532 14556 14563 NODC STATION NUMBER 0068 SHIP CODE LONGITUDE '1/10 */ 5SDEN STATION TIME SQUARE IGMTI -- DAY HR.l/lD ORIGINATOR'S I 311378 WE 76150N 071300W 260 61 09 19 218 1968 WEI 069 0692 00 0 X MESSENCK I f- TIME or I HR 1/10 T 14 SfEED OR EORCE BARO- METER (mbil 056 218 ' OBS 0010 -0006 32348 2599 218 OBS 0019 -0006 32660 2624 218 OBS 0029 -0032 32825 2639 218 OBS 0048 -0092 33232 2674 218 OBS 0072 -0112 33439 2691 218 OBS 0097 -0082 33561 2700 218 OBS 0122 -0085 33630 2706 218 OBS 0147 -0042 33768 2715 218 OBS 0172 0044 33891 2721 218 OBS 0197 0082 33947 2723 218 OBS 0222 0082 33993 2727 218 OBS 0247 0043 34040 2733 218 OBS 0299 0002 34094 2740 218 OBS 0399 -0034 34150 2746 218 OBS 0499 -0004 34229 2751 218 OBS 0599 0117 34380 2756 218 OBS 0649 0112 34450 2762 022 026 17 SAD DYN. M. X 10^ 0069 SOUND VELOCin 14455 14461 14453 14434 14431 14451 14455 14481 14526 14548 14553 14540 14531 14532 14563 14637 14644 74 311378 SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE 'VIO 071318W 260 MR 1/10 T 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 2 38 238 238 OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS 0010 0020 0030 0050 0075 0100 0125 0150 0175 0200 0225 0250 027;. 0299 0399 0*99 0529 0012 0030 -006* -0105 -0070 -01 14 -Oil*'* -0122 0014 0085 0122 0097 0116 0103 0118 0113 0118 238 1968 13 sfEeo OR fORCE ORIGINATOR'S WEI 070 061 -023 31361 31736 32884 33234 33365 3 3466 33518 33561 33757 33859 33935 33999 34046 34080 34262 34357 2519 2548 2645 2675 2684 2694 2699 2702 2712 2716 2720 2726 2729 2733 2746 2754 DEPTH TO BOTTOW 0527 AIR TEMP, t:: 027 NO. 08S. DEPTHS 17 SAD DYN. M. X 10^ DEPTH OF S'MPL-S" 0 X SOUND VELOCITY 14450 14465 14439 14428 14450 14435 14426 14441 14511 14549 14571 14564 14578 14576 14602 14618 WEA- THER CODE NOOC STATION NUMBER 0070 TOTAl. NO3-N j REFERENCE |CT»» ID. SHIP CODE LONGITUDE ORIGINATOR'S WEA- THER CODE I 311378 WE 76300N 071320W 260 61 09 20 013 1968 WEI 071 0495 X4 X |8 0071 063 013 OBS 0010 -0015 30677 2465 013 OBS 0020 -0016 31716 2549 013 OBS 0030 -0056 32490 2613 013 OBS 0050 -0085 33045 2659 013 OBS 0075 -0088 33256 2676 013 OBS 0100 -0052 33409 2687 013 OBS 0125 -0037 33530 2696 013 OBS 0150 -0036 33590 2701 013 OBS 0175 -0013 33635 2703 013 OBS 0200 0021 33717 2708 013 OBS 0225 0020 33822 2717 013 OBS 0250 0064 33892 2720 013 OBS 0275 0080 33955 2724 013 OBS 0300 0066 34013 2730 013 OBS 0350 0110 34118 2735 013 OBS 0400 0106 34203 2742 013 OBS 0450 0098 34234 2745 027 17 SAD DYN. M. X 10' SOUND VELOCITY 14428 14443 14437 14435 14440 14463 14476 14482 14497 14518 14523 14548 14560 14559 14588 14595 14601 NOj-N 75 311378 SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 76363N LONGITUDE ' '1/10 071306W 260 "■»""=ncA>T TIMI O' ^j_ HR I/IO I 0*0 O^tO CtO 040 040 040 040 040 040 040 040 040 040 040 040 040 OBS DBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS OBS 0010 0020 0030 0050 0075 0100 0125 0150 0175 0200 0225 0250 0275 0300 0400 0450 61 20 -0012 -0012 -0016 -0056 -0081 -0067 -0056 -0052 -0014 0022 0054 00 77 0070 0017 0100 0094 040 1968 03 SP{[0 OR TOICE SO 2 30904 31163 31654 32593 33151 33361 33455 33569 33658 33732 33812 33835 33843 33910 34149 34200 ORIGINATOR'S WEI 2483 2504 2544 2621 2667 2683 2691 2700 2705 2709 2714 2715 2716 2724 2738 2743 072 AIR TEMP. "C 060 -022 -028 DEPTH TO BOTTOM 0500 DEPTH OF S'MPL'S 00 Git rE* StA WEA- THER CODE ■ 0 X SOUND VELOCITY 14^42 14442 14456 14466 14474 14497 14518 14538 14553 14554 14535 14593 14599 NODC STATION NUMBER 0072 NOj-N SI04-S> tig - oi/l SHIP CODE LATITUDE I/IO lONGITUOE 'l/IO DAY HR.l/l( ORIGINATOR'S G1^ nt\ SE< WEA- THER CODE - NOOC STATION NUMBER I 311378 WE 76472N 071300W 260 61 09 20 074 1968 WEI 073 0695 00 0 |x XI 5 ll iiMt or I HR 1/10 T xo SPEED OR FORCE S15 BARO- METER Imbil 266 -061 067 S«CIFIC VOLUME 226 OBS 0009 -0158 31650 2548 226 OBS 0018 -0158 31673 2550 226 OBS 0027 -0158 31685 2551 226 OBS 0045 -0158 31720 2553 226 OBS 0059 -0154 31855 2564 226 OBS 0093 -0109 32198 2591 226 OBS 0118 -0058 32666 2627 226 OBS 0143 -0095 32911 2648 226 OBS 0168 33092 226 OBS 0193 33306 226 OBS 0243 -0125 33550 2701 226 OBS 0293 -0080 33791 2719 12 SOUND VELOCin 14374 14376 14377 14381 14389 14419 14453 14444 14455 14488 0086 SlOi-Si 82 Tahle II. — Observed iind interpolated oceanographic data from stations taken by USCGC EASTWIND, 21 July-5 August 1968, prepared from NODC Listing No. 31-1318. nnniHct SHIP CODE n MARSOEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES *ODC ^Z ID. NO. LATITUOe 1/10 LONGITUDE "1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM NUMBER 10- r MO DAY MR.1/10 t31«. MCI n* if A H»( AM 31131B EW 71290N 053200W 258 13 07 21 152 1968 001 0511 05 00 0 X XI 3 5 0001 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbt) AIR TEMP. "C '-"°' DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE rruNS. OIR. srEED (OlCt DRY BULB WET BULB 00 soo 090 133 111 8 1 1^ HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH (ml r -c s •/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME *NOMALT-»10' SAD DYN. M. X lo' ^^^^^ Ol ml/I VELOCITY "' ■""' P0.1-P vg - oi/l lOTAl-P NOi-N „B - ol/l NOj-N lig - al/l SI 0^-Si i>t ■ at/l PH s c c 1 1 STD 0000 0677 3005 2358 0043237 0000 14716 776 I** OBS 0000 0677 30045 2358 14716 776 STD 0010 0602 3090 2434 0035966 0040 14699 765 1*4 OBS 0010 0502 30900 2434 14699 765 STO 0020 0477 3175 2515 0028243 0072 14661 823 l** OBS 0020 0477 31751 2515 14661 823 STD 0030 0192 3279 2623 0017939 0095 14554 876 144 OBS 0030 0192 32793 2623 14554 876 STD 0050 -0065 3320 2670 0013451 0126 14446 785 144 OBS 0051 -0072 33211 2672 14443 781 STO 0075 -00 78 3333 2681 0012397 0158 14446 699 144 OBS 00 76 -0078 33340 2682 14446 696 STD 0100 0024 3359 2698 0010859 0188 14501 616 144 OBS 0101 0027 33598 2698 14503 613 STD 0125 0069 3375 2708 0009891 0214 14528 581 STD 0150 0104 3388 2716 0009122 0237 14549 559 144 OBS T0153 0107 33894 2717 14551 557 STO 0200 0141 3406 2728 0008018 0280 14577 546 144 OBS T0201 0142 34064 2729 14577 546 STO 0250 0180 3420 2737 0007264 0318 14604 539 STD 0300 0212 3433 2745 0006561 0363 14628 532 144 OBS T0303 0214 34342 2746 14630 531 STD 0400 0258 3457 2760 0005247 0412 14668 533 152 OBS T0400 0258 34565 2760 14668 533 152 OBS 04800 3456Q 529Q SHIP CODE »^ O DAY iHR.l/ll ORIGINATOR'S Cri PER SEA 311318 EW 70587N 052595W 258 02 07 22 1192 1968 SrEEO 0« POtCE BARO- METER tmbi) AIR TEMP. "C 089 |0615| 02 00 0 |X 0002 MUSING* If ..T TIME ojc*^; HR I/IO T SOUND VELOCITY 192 192 STD 0000 0584 3230 2545 0025254 0000 14709 899 OBS 0000 0584 32300 2546 14709 899 STD 0010 0401 3261 2591 0021027 0023 14638 846 STD 0020 0246 3288 2625 0017671 0042 14577 799 STD 0030 0120 3311 2654 0015060 0059 14526 757 STD 0050 -0045 3347 2691 0011461 0085 14459 590 OBS 0051 -0051 33485 2693 14457 587 STD 0075 0004 3351 2700 0010510 0113 14488 551 STD 0100 0053 3373 2708 0009951 0139 14516 619 OBS T0102 0057 33742 2708 14518 517 STD 0125 0095 3385 2715 0009290 0153 14541 595 STO 0150 0130 3396 2721 0008688 0185 14562 577 STD 0200 0177 3415 2733 0007502 0226 14594 561 OBS T0202 0178 34152 2734 14595 561 83 REFEReNCE SHIP CODE ii MARSOEN STATION Tl v,l ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S-MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODt CLOUD CODES rODE ID. NO. LATITUDE I/IO LONGITUDE ■1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAY HR.i/10 OIK. KGi f£it se* un |*M 311318 £W 70220N 050460W 256 00 07 23 228 1968 003 0823 08 00 0 X X2 1 7I8 0003 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbil AIR TEMP. "C ^^Es SPECIAL OBSERVAnONS COLOR CODE TUNt. DIR. 'ORCE DRY BULB WET BULS 00 500 176 056 039 7 1^ HR 1/10 1 CARD TTPE DEPTH (ml T i: s •/.. SIGMA-T JMCinc VOlUMt ANOMALT-IIO' SAD DVN. M. t 10' SOUND VELOCITY Ql ml/I PO4-P U9 • ol/l TOTAL-r no - 01/1 N03-N i^B - o'/l NOj-N i>B - ol/l SIO«-Si »g . ol/l PH 1 c c 1 STD 0000 0175 687 228 OBS 0000 0175 33600 2689Q 587 STD 0010 0079 3296 2644 0016024 14502 570 228 OBS 0010 0079 32952 2644 14502 670 STD 0020 0088 3310 2655 0014969 14610 589 228 OBS 0020 0088 33097 2655 14510 589 STD 0030 0088 3314 2668 0014526 14512 588 228 OBS 0030 0088 33142 2568 14512 588 228 OBS 00*0 008A 33183 2662 14513 588 STD 0050 0096 3326 2667 0013813 14521 579 228 OBS 0050 0095 33255 2667 14521 679 STD 0075 0099 3341 2679 0012623 14528 5 74 228 OBS 0075 0099 33414 2679 14528 574 STD 0100 0055 3349 2688 0011788 1*514 671 228 OBS T0102 0052 33498 2689 14513 STD 0125 0062 3362 2698 0010838 14523 567 STD 0150 00 74 3374 2707 0009997 14534 553 STD 0200 0100 3396 2723 0008495 14557 556 228 OBS T0202 0101 33965 2724 14558 556 STD 0250 0128 3412 2734 0007483 14580 552 STD 0300 0163 3427 2744 0006622 14605 547 228 OBS 0302 0165 34275 2744 14507 647 STD 0400 0257 3453 2757 0005601 14567 543 228 OBS TO'tOS 0259 34535 2757 14569 542 STD 0500 0228 3456 2762 0005067 14672 525 228 OBS 0603 0227 34564 2762 14672 524 STD 0600 0229 3456 2762 0005098 14689 519 STD 0700 0231 3456 2752 0005158 14706 513 228 OBS T0701 0231 34564 2762 14706 513 228 OBS STD T0752 0800 0231 0228 34568 2762 14715 525 532 228 OBS 0814 0226 34530 2760Q 533 REFERENCE SHIP CODE ii MAHSDEN STATION Tl VIE ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NOOC rooE ID. NO. 1/10 LONGITUDE ■ '1/10 CRUISE NO, STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10" 1* MO DAY HR.1/10 OIR. HGT ^ER SEA lYPt AW 31 1318 EW 70412N 052175W 258 02 07 24 219 1968 004 0625 06 00 0 X X4 X 9 0004 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbtl AIR TEMP. "C VIS, COO NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TW.NS. DIR. SfEEO OB FO«C( DRY WEI BULB BULB 00 SCO 120 100 078 1 13 MESStNclcAST TIME 0, NO. HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH [ml T 1C s •/.. SIGMA-T SfECifiC vOlUMt ANOMALT-XI0' SAD DYN. M. xio' SOUND VELOCITY 02 ml/1 fOt-r vs - »»/' lOTAl-r ua • ot/i NO3-N no - ol/l NOi-N i>e - ol/l SI04-Si UB - ol/l pH S c c 1 STD 0000 0376 3080 2449 00 34479 0000 14502 868 212 OBS 0000 0376 30797 2449 14502 868 STD 0010 0322 3234 2577 0022359 0028 14601 855 212 OBS 0010 0322 32339 2577 14601 855 STD 0020 0281 3277 2615 0018778 0049 14591 885 212 OBS 0021 0272 32809 2618 14588 889 STD 0030 0147 3304 2645 0015762 0056 14537 920 212 OBS 0031 0136 33063 2649 14533 921 STD 0050 0101 3329 2669 0013577 0096 14523 796 212 OBS 0058 00 75 33355 2675 14514 760 STD 0075 -0014 3340 2684 0012127 0128 14477 726 212 OBS T0084 -0044 33431 2688 14465 712 STD 0100 -0021 3351 2694 0011249 0157 14479 702 STD 0125 0014 3363 2702 0010499 0184 14501 684 212 OBS T0138 0032 33683 2705 14512 675 STD 0150 0049 3373 2708 0009910 0210 14522 566 212 OBS 0193 0109 33906 2718 14559 632 219 OBS T0199 0163 34050 2727 14682 618 STD 0200 0154 3405 2727 0008154 0255 14582 618 STD 0250 0206 3420 2736 0007470 0294 14616 506 219 OBS 0299 0246 34346 2743 14643 592 STD 0300 0247 3435 2743 0006708 0329 14644 592 STD 0400 0294 3458 2758 0005464 0390 14684 658 219 OBS T0400 0294 34581 2758 14684 558 219 OBS T0498 0270 34622 2763 14690 556 STD 0600 0270 3452 2753 0004993 0443 14591 656 STD 0600 0271 3463 2764 0004989 0492 14708 561 219 OBS T0605 0271 34632 2764 14709 561 84 REFERENCE SHIP CODE °i MARSOEN STATION Tl VIE ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NOOC CI« ID. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE •1/10 YEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAY HR.l/10 Oil. HCIjPEI SEA \in AW 311318 Ew 70218N O^AIS^W 258 0^ 07 25 182 1968 005 0365 03 28 tI. X4 X 9 000 5 WATER WIND BARO- METER [mbll AIR TEMP. X: COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE "tl"- OIR. 1«ID fO«Ct DRT SULB WET BULB 30 S03 155 039 OS'f 2 12 MES5fNCi[cAST Ii«[ 0. NO. HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH tml T "C S -K. SIGMA-T I«CiFrc VOLUME AN0MAL1-IID' SAD DYN. M. SOUND VELOCITY Ol ml/1 P04-P vg • o./l TOTAL-f wg - 01/1 NO3-N Ufl • 01/ 1 N03-N vfl - oi/l SIO«-S- k>e - oi/i pH s c c 1 STD 0000 0257 3273 2613 0018907 0000 14577 825 182 OBS 0000 0257 32727 2613 14577 825 STD 0010 0256 3273 2613 0018895 0019 14578 825 182 OBS 0010 0256 32728 2613 14578 825 182 OBS 0019 0225 32773 2619 14566 855 STD 0020 0220 3278 2620 0018235 0037 14564 851 182 OBS 0029 0176 32895 2633 14548 817 STD 0030 0168 3293 2636 0016735 0055 14545 814 182 OBS 0038 0125 33130 2655 14530 793 182 OBS OO'tS 0128 33156 2657 14533 783 STD 0050 0125 3318 2659 0014560 0086 14533 780 182 OBS 0072 0093 33357 2675 14524 749 STD 0075 0086 3336 2676 0012955 0121 14522 746 182 OBS T0097 0046 33429 2684 14508 726 STD 0100 0050 3344 2684 0012140 0152 14511 723 STD 0125 0080 3357 2693 0011324 0181 14530 701 182 OBS 01'.5 00800 33682 27020 683 STD 0150 0109 3372 2703 0010367 0208 14549 678 182 OBS 0193 0156 33984 2721 14581 638 STD 0200 0165 3402 2724 0008494 0256 14587 634 STD 0250 0216 3422 2736 0007400 0295 14620 608 182 OBS T0289 0246 34323 2741 14641 596 STD 0300 0253 3434 2742 0006836 0331 14646 594 182 OBS T03A0 0270 34393 2745 14661 590 LATITUOE 1/10 LONGITUDE ■ "l/K STATION TIME 0 DAY HR.l/10 ORIGINATOR'S • G1^ nt SEA 311318 EW 050295W 222 90 07 28 028 1968 0365 S«tD 0« FO»C( BARO- METER 068 054 12 00 olxl SOUND VELOCITY NO3-N NO3-N ug - ol/l SI04-S> STD 0000 0313 3039 2423 0037035 0000 14569 028 OBS 0000 0313 30391 2423 14569 10280 STD 0010 0124 3176 2546 0025326 0031 14506 670 028 OBS 0010 0124 31764 2546 14506 670 STD 0020 0129 3227 2586 0021533 0055 14517 637 028 OBS 0020 0129 32266 2586 14517 637 STD 0030 0126 3296 2641 0016250 0074 14527 624 028 OBS 0030 0126 32957 2641 14527 624 028 OBS 0040 0131 33195 2660 14534 640 STD 0050 012B 3337 2674 0013105 0103 14537 602 028 DBS 0050 0128 33374 2674 14537 602 STD 0075 0124 3351 2686 0012050 0134 14541 553 028 OBS 0075 0124 33510 2686 14541 553 STD 0100 0138 3364 2695 0011189 0163 14553 552 028 OBS 0100 0138 33636 2695 14553 552 STD 0125 0161 3376 2703 0010412 0190 14569 552 028 OBS T0149 0183 33855 2709 14584 549 STD 0150 0184 3386 2709 0009830 0216 14585 549 STD 0200 0227 3399 2716 0009240 0263 14614 533 028 OBS 0200 0227 33985 2716 14614 533 STD 0250 0232 3402 2718 0009038 0309 14624 540 STD 0300 0237 3403 2719 0009026 0354 14635 547 028 OBS T0304 0237 34033 2719 14636 547 028 OBS T0329 0237 34034 2719 14640 533 85 REFERENCE SHIP CODE |o MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES r^iVt .0. NO. 1/10 ' '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM STATION NUMBER " 10" T MO DAY HR.1/10 om. HCT PEI SEA ItPt AM 311318 EW 6932eN 050551W 222 90 07 28 069 1966 007 0512 04 00 0 X xo 0 0007 WATER WIND BARO* METER (mb.l AIR TEMP, t ''"'^' DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TUNS, DIR. SPESD FOIICI DRY BULB WET BULB 00 soo 978 0&7 043 8 13 I1M£ or NO. HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH tm) r -c s ■/.. SIGMA-T SfECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALT-XIO' SAD OYN. M. X 10' SOUND VELOCITY Ol ml/I PO«-P lOTAl-P NOi-N US • oi/l NOj-N va - oi/i SIO*-Si V9 - ot/l pH S c c 1 STD 0000 0267 3070 2*51 00 3*35* 0000 1*553 79* 069 DBS 0000 0267 30699 2*51 1*553 79* 069 OBS 0009 Ol^.^ 32066 2568 1*519 668 STD 0010 01*5 3215 2575 0022513 0028 1*521 671 069 OBS 0018 0138 32680 2618 1*526 688 STD 0020 0127 3273 2623 0017992 00*9 1*522 689 069 OBS 0027 0120 3289* 2636 1*523 692 STD 0030 0153 3297 26*0 0016332 0066 1*539 733 069 OBS 0036 0188 33099 26*8 1*557 777 069 OBS 00*6 0157 33229 2661 1*5*7 7*0 STD 0050 01*3 3326 266* 001*067 0096 1*5*2 72* 069 OBS 0068 0099 3339* 2678 1*527 675 STO 0075 0095 33** 2682 0012*01 0129 1*527 673 069 OBS T0092 0092 335*0 2690 1*530 661 STD 0100 0107 3359 2693 0011337 0159 1*538 6** STD 0125 01*8 337* 2702 0010*73 0186 1*563 599 069 OBS 0137 01*60 33795 2707Q 583 STO 0150 0180 3385 2709 0009876 0212 1*583 573 069 OBS 0183 0211 33966 2716 1*603 55* STD 0200 021* 3398 2717 0009173 0259 1*608 556 STD 0250 0220 3*02 2719 00089*0 0305 1*619 561 069 OBS T027'. 0222 3*033 2720 1*62* 562 STD 0300 0222 3*04 2721 0008827 03*9 1*629 562 069 OBS T0368 0221 3*0** 2721 1*6*0 560 STD O^tOO 0221 3*05 2722 0008786 0*37 1*6*5 558 069 OBS 0't'i2 0221 3*050 2722 1*652 553 SHIP CODE LATITUDE I/IO DAT HR.l/ll ORIGINATOB'S Gfl ?ER SEA NODC STATION NUMBER 311318 EW 69110N 051257W 222 91 07 29 19* 1958 008 0335 BARO- METER Imbi) 00 AIR TEMP. "C 12 XI 31 7 0008 SAD DYN. M. X 10' SOUND VELOCITY SlO.-Si lig - ol/l 194 19* 19* 19* 19* 194 194 194 19* 194 194 194 STD 0000 3166 OBS 0000 0*020 31656 25150 STD 0010 32*2 OBS 0011 0096 32*60 2603 STD 0020 0076 3258 261* 00188*0 OBs 0021 00 75 32595 2515 STD 0030 008* 3278 2629 0017359 OBS 0032 0086 32830 2533 OBS 00*2 0097 33161 2559 STO 0050 0101 3327 2668 0013729 OSS 0053 0103 33305 2670 STO 0075 0118 33*6 2682 0012391 DBS 00 78 0120 33*77 2683 STD 0100 0095 336* 2698 0010882 OBS TOlO* 0093 33660 2700 STO 0125 0108 3375 2707 0010055 STD 0150 0130 3385 2713 0009**6 OBS 015* 013* 33871 271* STD 0200 0187 3*00 2720 000881 1 OBS 020* 0191 3*015 2721 STD 0250 02*7 3*17 2729 0008036 STD 0300 0290 3*28 273* 0007619 OBS T0305 0293 3*288 2735 OBS T0327 0305 3*317 2735 659 659 531 1*503 630 1**97 630 1**97 530 1*505 63* 1*507 1*518 6*0 1*523 655 1*525 561 14537 700 1*539 705 1*53* 617 1*53* 606 1*5*5 508 1*551 511 1*563 611 1*596 59* 1*599 592 1*633 556 1*661 537 1*66* 53* 1*673 538 86 REftBENC! SHIP CODE i'i MARSDEN STATION Tl ■^E ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES cut roDI ID. NO. 1/10 ■ 'I/IO CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10* T MO DAY HR.1/10 OIK. HGi n* stA Tin »M 311318 £w 69125N 051497W 222 91 07 29 211 1968 009 0397 04 00 0 X XI 3 3 0009 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imbil AIR TEMP, t SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IdANS. DIR. into fOBCE DRY BULB WET BULB 04 S02 135 077 045 8 12 TIMI o; NO. H& VIO 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH (ml T -C s •/.. SIGMA-T SrtClFIC VOLUME ANOMAH-XIO' SAD DYN. M. X I03 SOUND VELOCITY 03 ml/I PO4-P VB • at/I rOTAl-P UB • ol/l NO3-N us - ar/l N03-N MS - ol/l SI O4-SI no - at/I PH S c c 1 STD 0000 0856 3149 2446 00 34811 0000 148Q6 698 211 OBS 0000 0858 31490 2446 14806 698 STO 0010 0753 3170 2477 0031856 00 3 3 14770 776 211 OBS 0010 0753 31696 2477 14770 775 STO 0020 0258 3286 2624 0017900 0058 14582 980 211 OBS 0020 0258 32862 2624 14582 980 STO 0030 0131 3319 2659 0014550 0074 14532 855 211 OBS 0030 0131 33186 2659 14532 856 211 OBS 0041 0063 33411 2681 14506 664 STO 0050 00 66 3350 2688 0011776 0101 14510 613 211 OBS 0051 0067 33504 2689 14511 608 STO 0075 0097 3367 2700 0010665 0129 14631 662 211 OBS 0076 0098 33671 2700 14532 561 STD 0100 0129 3378 2707 0010037 0155 14651 666 211 OBS 0102 0132 33789 2707 14553 555 STD 0125 0176 3392 2715 0009309 0179 14578 553 STD 0150 0215 3405 2722 0008632 0201 14601 551 211 OBS T0153 0219 34061 2723 14603 551 STD 0200 0267 3425 2734 0007679 0242 14635 558 211 OBS 0203 0270 34254 2734 14636 558 STD 0250 0294 3430 2735 0007474 0279 14655 553 STD 0300 0313 3435 2738 0007309 0316 14672 549 211 OBS T0306 0315 34356 2738 14674 548 211 OBS T0396 0334 34426 2742 14698 543 REFERENCE SHIP CODE i| MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S-MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES CT«Y ID. NO. 1/10 * '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER rooB 10* r MO DAY HILl/lO Dll MCI Pl» SEA TYU *M 31 1318 EW 69120N 052115W 222 92 07 29 230 1968 010 0410 04 00 0 X XI 0 1 0010 WATER WIND BARO* METER (mb»l AIR TEMP. -C VIS, coo NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TUNS. Ml) DIR. into »0»Cf DRY BULB WET BULB 00 SOO 119 095 072 8 12 M(SSINC.[cAST IIMI 0. NO. HB 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH tail T -Q s v.. SlGMA-T S«ClflC VOlUMf ANOMAL'-IlO' SAD DYN. M. X lOJ SOUND VELOCin Oj m1/l PO^-P TOTAl-P VB - 01/1 NOj-N UB - 01/' NO3-N WS - ol/l SI 04-Si vo - ol/l pH S c c 1 STO 0000 0751 3162 2464 0033131 0000 14765 834 230 OBS 0000 0751 31520 2464 14766 834 STD 0010 0654 3166 2487 0030879 0032 14730 903 230 OBS 0011 0634 31707 2494 14723 911 STD 0020 0347 3244 2683 0021825 0068 14615 988 230 OBS 0021 0322 32512 2691 14605 996 STD 0030 0156 3306 2647 0015669 0077 14542 847 230 OBS 0031 0145 33106 2662 14537 83 3 230 OBS 0041 0123 33315 2670 14532 STD 0050 0061 3347 2686 0011977 0106 14508 639 230 OBS 0051 00 56 33488 2688 14506 633 STO 0075 0085 3362 2697 0010973 0133 14625 621 230 OBS 0077 0087 33630 2697 14626 619 STO 0100 0115 3377 2707 0010021 0160 14646 577 230 OBS 0102 0118 33786 2708 14646 574 STO 0125 0160 3392 2716 0009194 0184 14571 572 STD 0150 0199 3404 2723 0008583 0206 14594 570 230 OBS T0151 0200 34048 2723 14595 570 STO 0200 0253 3420 2731 0007836 0247 14628 648 230 OBS 0203 0266 34209 2731 14630 547 STD 0260 0277 3428 2735 0007471 0286 14648 546 STO 0300 0294 3434 2739 0007206 0322 14664 544 230 OBS T0305 0296 34344 2739 14666 STD 0400 0316 3437 2739 0007227 0394 14691 541 230 OBS T0406 0317 34376 2739 14692 641 87 REFERENCE SHIP CODE n MARSOEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAH ■ WAVE WEA- THER CODE ClOUD CODES CUT roDi ID. NO. 1/10 * "1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OF S'MPL-S OBSERVATIONS STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAY HR.1/10 Di«. MGI Ht St* ITPl AM 311318 £W 69128N 032400W 222 92 07 30 015 1968 oil 0417 04 00 0 X XI 0 1 00 1 1 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbil AIR TEMP, r, '■'^^* DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR COD! TRANS, DIR. SrElD fORCf DRY BULB WET BULB 00 soo 101 094 072 8 12 MIlHNCllcASI HR 1/10 ] CARD DEPTH [m) T X s •/.. SICMA-T SMCIflC VOLUME ANOMALY-XIO' SAD OYN. M. » 10' SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/I vg • ai/l lOTAL-P NOj-N MB - ol/l NOj-N we . ot/l SIO4-S. wg - ol/l pH S c c 1 STD 0000 0851 31*2 2**2 0035203 0000 1*802 7*0 015 OBS 0000 0851 31*2* 2**2 1*802 7*0 STD 0010 0768 3168 2*7* 003220* 003* 1*775 808 015 OBS 0010 0768 31676 2*7* 1*775 808 STD 0020 0357 3256 2591 0021030 0060 1*621 901 01s OBS 0020 0357 32557 2591 1*621 106*Q STD 0030 0195 3309 26*7 0015723 00 79 1*559 905 015 OBS 0030 0195 33088 26*7 1*559 905 015 OBS 00*1 009* 33325 2673 1*519 808 STD 0050 0092 33*5 2683 0012308 0107 1*522 726 015 06s 0051 0092 33*60 268* 1*522 719 STD 0075 0083 3359 269* 0011191 0136 1*52* 65* 015 OBS 0076 0083 3359* 2695 1*52* 651 STD 0100 0092 3369 2702 0010*8* 0163 1*533 591 015 OBS 0101 0093 3369* 2702 1*53* 589 STD 0125 0125 3383 2711 0009635 0188 1*55* 577 STD 0150 0163 3396 2719 0008919 0212 1*577 56* 015 OBS T0152 0166 33967 2719 1*579 563 STD 0200 0250 3*18 2730 0007961 025* 1*626 569 015 OBS 0202 0253 3*186 2730 1*628 569 STD 0250 0276 3*26 273* 0007612 0293 1*647 566 STD 0300 0299 3*32 2737 0007395 0330 1*666 56* 015 OBS T0300 0299 3*321 2737 1*666 56* STD 0*00 0342 3**1 27*0 0007215 0*03 1*702 565 015 OBS T0't03 03*3 3**11 27*0 1*703 565 REFERENCE SHIP CODE MARSDEN STATION Tl WE ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MA WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES CT«T coot ID. NO. I/IO LONGITUDE ■ -1/10 YEA? CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM Of S'MPL-S OBSERVATIONS STATION NUMBER 10" r MO DAY HR,1/10 OIR. HOT PER SEA UPl AM 311318 EW 69120N 053150W 222 93 07 30 032 1968 012 0413 04 00 0 X XI 0 1 nni ? WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbt) AIR TEMP. 'C VII, COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. DIR. SPEED OR FORCE DRY BULB WET BULB 00 SOO 075 061 049 7 12 HR l/IO T CARD TYPE DEPTH (ml T t s •/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALT-XlO' SAD DVN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY 0: ml/I PO<-P wg • ot/l TOTAl-P ■ wg -oP/l NO3-N us - of/l NOj-N vi - Ol/l sio*-s. tig • ol/l pH S C c 1 STD 0000 0767 3139 2*51 003*3*8 0000 1*769 812 0 32 OBS 0000 0767 31385 2*51 1*769 812 STD 0010 0535 3195 252* 0027376 00 31 1*686 755 032 OBS 0010 0535 319*6 252* 1*686 1033Q 032 OBS 0019 0207 32622 2609 1*556 736 STD 0020 0201 3266 2612 0019009 00 5* 1*55* 737 032 OBS 0029 0170 32896 2633 1*5*5 751 STD 0030 0173 3291 263* 0016921 00 72 1*5*7 75* 032 OBS 0039 0181 33030 26*3 1*55* 780 032 OBS 00*8 0155 33112 2652 1*5*5 798 STD 0050 01*7 331* 265* 0015005 010* 1*5*2 793 032 OBS 0073 00 82 3335* 2676 1*519 731 STD 0075 00 79 3336 2676 001291* 0139 1*519 72* 032 OBS 0097 0059 33*65 2686 1*515 659 STD 0100 0062 33*9 2688 0011827 0170 1*517 65* STD 0125 0089 3366 2700 0010695 0198 1*535 620 032 OBS T01*7 0120 33799 2709 1*555 596 STD 0150 0127 3382 2710 0009728 0223 1*559 59* 032 OBS 019* 0209 3*087 2726 1*606 568 STD 0200 0213 3*10 2726 0008259 0268 1*609 567 STD 0250 02*7 3*22 2733 0007660 0308 1*63* 560 032 OBS T0293 0272 3*291 2737 1*653 556 STD 0300 0276 3*30 2737 00073*1 03*6 1*656 555 032 OBs T0385 0311 3*363 2739 1*686 553 88 SHIP CODE LATITUDE I/IO 311318 EW 691^2N 053245W 222 MO DAY MR.1/10 93 |07 30 I0^5ll96a FOUCf ORIGINATOR'S 013 AIR TEMP. X 055 10 p2»5 I 02 I 00 0 U WAVE wEA- OISERVATIONS thER -TT- CODE XI 0' 1 0013 SI 04-Si STD 0000 0613 3110 2448 0034619 0000 14704 834 0*5 OBS 0000 0613 31095 2**8 14704 834 STD 0010 0456 315* 2501 0029616 0032 1*6*7 898 045 OBS 0011 05380 31600 2*970 90* STD 0020 0326 3233 2576 0022475 0058 14604 837 045 OBS 0022 0303 32*47 2587 14596 824 STD 0030 0217 3270 2614 0018822 0079 14564 755 0*5 OBS 0033 0197 32778 2622 14555 759 0*5 OBS 00*3 0182 32969 2638 14554 804 STD 0050 0157 3309 2650 0015450 0113 14546 785 0*5 OBS 0054 0144 33156 2655 14541 774 STD 0075 0099 3338 2677 0012881 0148 14528 702 0*5 OBS 0080 0084Q 33*23 26810 686 STD 0100 0072 3356 2693 0011352 0179 14522 526 0*5 OBS T0106 0070 33602 2695 14523 613 STD 0125 00 86 3370 2703 0010373 0205 14535 609 STD 0150 Oil* 3382 2711 0009542 0231 14553 601 0*5 OBS T0159 0126 33862 2714 14560 597 STD 0200 019* 3*06 2725 0008412 0276 14500 673 0*5 OBS 0210 021* 3*106 2727 14511 565 LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE '1/10 0 DAY HR-l/l ORIGINATOR'S WEA- THER CODE NODC STATION NUMBER 311318 EW 69140N 034162W 222 l94 108 102 1210 Il96fl 26 S»EEO FO«C( BARO- METES (mbil 014 AIR TEMP. *C 100 072 0265 I 07 I no 0 IX 8 09 XI 8 '6 0014 SOUND VELOCirr STD 0000 0478 3265 2586 0021507 0000 14670 808 210 OBS 0000 0478 326*6 2585 14570 808 STD 0010 0343 3292 2621 0018151 0020 14618 832 210 DBS 0011 0330 32951 2626 14613 834 STD 0020 0208 3321 2556 0014888 00 36 14565 796 210 OBS 0022 0187 33251 2660 14557 786 STO 0030 0128 3336 2673 0013210 0050 14533 733 210 OBS 0032 0116 33381 2676 14528 722 STD 0050 00 74 3351 2689 0011745 0075 14514 674 210 OBS 0050 0065 33574 2694 14513 555 STD 0075 0083 3365 2599 0010733 0103 14624 639 210 OBS STD STD 0087 0100 0125 0094 0097 0104 33705 2703 14532 529 528 627 210 OBS STD T0141 0150 0108 0123 33770 27070 626 620 210 OBS STD 0195 0200 0186 0192 3401O 27210 590 587 210 OBS T0249 0231 33980 27150 561 REFERENCE SHIP CODE if MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S 1 DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL-S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CT«Y rODE 10. NO. 1/10 ■ '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION TO STATION NUMBER 10* V MO DAY HR.1/10 DIR. HCI fEB SEA UPt AW 311318 EW 69120N 055110W 27Z 95 oe 03 026 1968 015 pi64 01 00 0 X XI 7 7 C\C\\ 5 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbil AIR TEMP. -C vii. CODE NO. OflS. DEPTHS SPECIAI OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE I«ANI. Old. SPEtO Oil FOICE ORT BULB WET BULB 26 SOI 921 050 0^4 7 11 ..ME oj^*j; HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DIPTH (ml T -C s •/„ SIGMA-I SPEClflC VOLUME ANOMALr-XIO' SAO DYN. M. X 103 SOUND VELOCITY 02 ml/I PO*-P lOTAl-P ug - ol/l NOj-N «B-0I/1 NOj-N pg - ol/l SIO4-S1 ug - ol/l pH S c c 1 STD 0000 0373 3268 2599 0020227 0000 14626 026 OSS 0000 0373 32681 2599 14626 STD 0010 0365 3273 2604 0019798 0020 14625 026 OBS 0010 0365 32729 2604 14625 STD 0020 0247 3304 2639 0016505 0038 14580 026 OBS 0020 0247 33035 2639 14580 STD 0030 0200 3320 2656 0014894 0054 14563 026 OBS 0030 0200 33202 2656 14563 026 OBS 0040 0134 33425 2678 14538 STD 0050 0119 3352 2687 0011947 0081 14535 026 OBS 0050 0119 33519 2687 14535 026 OBS 0060 0115 33592 2693 14535 026 OBS 0070 0118 33662 2698 14539 STD 0075 0105 3367 2700 0010715 0109 14535 STD 0100 0076 3372 2705 0010168 0135 14526 0 26 OBS TOlOO 0076 33719 2705 14526 026 OBS 012't 0104 33816 2711 14544 STD 0125 0105 3382 2712 0009581 0160 14545 026 OBS T01'l7 0106 33848 2714 14549 REFERENCE SHIP CODE ii MARSDEN STATION Tl WE ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MA> WAVE ~ WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES CISV roDE ID. NO. 1/10 * '1/10 YEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S OBSERVATIONS STATION NUMBER 10" V MO DAY HR.1/10 DliL MGI PEH ifA ITPI AM 31 1318 EW 69095N 056070W IZZ 96 08 03 059 1968 016 0163 02 19 3 X? 6 a nni b WATER WIND BARO- METER [mb.l AIR TEMP. "C VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. DIR. S«ED Oil fO»CE DRY BULB WET eULG 22 S07 965 039 028 7 10 HR 1/10 T CARD TYPE DEPTH Im) T x. s •/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALY-mo' SAD DYN. M. X 10' SOUND VELOCITY Oi ml/1 PO4-P xg ■ ol/l lOTAL-P NOi-N ufl - ol/l NOj-N PB- 01/1 SlOi-SI hig - ol/l pH S c c 1 STD 0000 0414 3312 2630 0017279 0000 14649 731 059 OSS 0000 0414 33123 2630 14649 731 059 OSS 0009 0414 33130 2631 14651 740 STD 0010 0414 3313 2631 0017227 0017 14651 742 STD 0020 0397 3314 2633 0017011 0034 14545 757 0 59 OBS 0020 0397 33139 2633 14645 757 059 OBS 0029 0358 33169 2639 14631 765 STD 0030 0348 3318 2641 0015256 00 51 14627 755 059 OBS 0040 0262 33294 2658 14593 751 0 59 OBS 0049 0209 33394 2670 14573 723 STD 0050 0195 3340 2672 0013363 0081 14557 719 059 OBS 0074 -0003 33527 2694 14483 555 STD 0075 -0000 3353 2694 0011201 0111 14485 555 059 OBS 0098 0045 33663 2703 14511 STD 0100 0046 3367 2703 0010369 0138 14512 554 059 OBS T0124 0063 33754 2709 14525 553 STD 0125 0064 3376 2709 0009785 0153 14525 552 STD 0150 0095 3384 2714 0009358 0187 14545 525 0 59 OBS T0158 0108 33858 2714 14552 513 90 SHIP COD£ LATITUDE LONGITUOJ ■ '1/10 MO DAY |HR.1/1I ORIGINATOR'S NODC STATION NUMBER 311318 EM 69070N 222 197 108 103 |Q91 11966 tPt(0 OR FORCE S20 BARO- METER Imbt) 980 0238 11 XI 5I7 0017 «lSHNC«lcASI IIMf O^ fjo. HR VIO srECinc VOLUME SAD OYN. M. X 10' SOUND VELOCITY NOj-N i>0 - al/l SI Oj-Si vg • ol/l STD 0000 0467 3306 2620 0018259 0000 14671 091 OBS 0000 0467 33063 2620 14671 091 OBS 0009 0465 33074 2621 14671 STD 0010 0465 3308 2622 0018119 0018 14672 STD 0020 0403 3314 2633 0017061 0036 14648 091 OBS 0020 0403 33140 2633 14648 STD 0030 0226 3330 2661 0014373 0051 14576 091 OBS 0030 0226 33296 2661 14576 091 OBS 0040 0058 33410 2682 14504 STD 0050 0029 3353 2693 0011372 00 77 14494 091 OBS 0050 0029 33527 2693 14494 091 OBs 0074 0057 33744 2708 14514 STD 0075 0058 3375 2709 0009828 0104 14514 STD 0100 0085 3383 2714 0009386 0128 14532 091 OBS TOlOO 0085 33829 2714 14532 STD 0125 0121 3392 2719 0008926 0151 14553 091 OBS T0147 0151 33997 2723 14571 STD 0150 0157 3401 2723 0008498 0172 14575 091 OBS 0196 0215 34146 2730 14610 STD 0200 0217 3415 2730 0007914 0213 14611 091 OBS T0229 0217 34154 2730 14616 SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ■ 'l/lO DAY HH.1/10 ORIGINATOR'S CTjrERl SEA CLOUD THER CODES CODE ■ NODC STATION NUMBER 311318 EW 69035N 058300W 222 j98 08 03 131 1966 018 SPEED OR rORCE SIO BARO- METER Imbt) 985 056 04^ 0316 09 20 |2 lb X2 6l 6 0018 SAO DYN. M. X lo' SOUND VELOCin NO:-N we - ot/i SI 0«-Si STD 0000 0140 3226 2584 0021661 0000 14518 824 131 OBS 0000 0140 32258 2584 14518 824 131 OBS 0009 0139 32255 2584 14519 822 STD 0010 0132 3226 2586 0021605 00 22 14516 825 131 OBs 0018 00 89 32291 2590 14499 842 STD 0020 0095 3238 2597 0020468 0043 14503 838 STD 0030 0122 3278 2627 0017581 00 52 14522 819 131 OBS 0043 0141 33205 2660 14539 794 STD 0050 0128 3329 2668 0013745 0093 14536 774 STD 0075 0083 3358 2694 0011265 0124 14523 716 131 OBS 0096 0045 33794 2713 14513 681 STD 0100 0056 3383 2715 0009265 0150 14523 679 STD 0125 0176 3404 2724 0008401 0172 14580 667 131 OBS 0146 0246 34185 2730 14616 653 STD 0150 0254 3420 2731 0007817 0192 14620 648 131 OBS 0195 0326 34402 2741 14561 608 STD 0200 0333 3443 2742 0006825 0229 14565 605 131 OBs 0247 0380 34615 2752 14596 590 STD 0250 0382 3462 2752 0005962 0251 14697 590 131 OBS T0299 0382 34615 2752 14705 592 91 REFERENCE SHIP CODE ii MARSDEN STATION Tl ME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MA> WAVE " WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES CT«T rODE 10. NO. VIO * '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OF S'MPL-S OBSERVATIONS STATION NUMBER 10" T MO DAY Hft.1/10 Din Hci n» SE* TYPE AM 311318 EW 69015N 059470W 222 99 08 03 171 1968 019 1518 15 15 2 2 X4 7 8 onl9 WATER WIND lARO- METER (mbt) AIR TEMP. -C coot OBS. '-'^'"depths SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE tMNS. DIR. sriEo OR FO«CE DRY BULB WET BULB 16 S05 979 028 022 6 15 TIME or No_ HR 1/10 j CABO TYPE DEPTH (ml T -C s •/„ SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOlUMt ANOWALT-KlO' SAD DYN. M. X 10' SOUND VELOCITY 01 ml/1 '0*-P ».fl-Ot/l TOTAl-P U9 - o'/l NOi-N NOj-N UB ■ oi/l SlO*-Si kig -oi/l pH c c 1 1 STD 0000 0000 3115 2503 0029394 0000 14440 171 OBS 0000 0000 31153 2503 14440 STD 0010 -0011 3220 2587 0021354 0025 14451 171 OBs 0010 -0011 32197 2587 14451 STD 0020 -0107 3244 2610 0019152 0046 14411 171 OBS 0021 -0114 32462 2612 14408 STD 0030 -0148 3273 2635 0016810 0064 14397 171 OBS 0031 -0150 32759 2637 14397 STD 0050 -0143 3326 2678 0012739 0093 14410 171 OBS 0052 -0142 33301 2681 14412 STD 0075 -0124 3343 2691 0011475 0123 14426 STD 0100 -00 79 3358 2702 0010470 0151 14453 171 OBs 0104 -0069 33608 2704 14459 STO 0125 0025 3379 2714 0009339 0176 14508 STD 0150 0106 3397 2724 0008452 0198 14552 171 OBS 0157 0123 34011 2726 14561 STD 0200 0153 3415 2735 0007424 0238 14583 171 OBS T0213 0165 34195 2738 14591 STD 0250 0226 3433 2744 0006654 0273 14626 STD 0300 0280 3448 2751 0006025 0304 14660 171 OBS T0313 0289 34505 2752 14666 STD 0400 0288 3462 2761 0005115 0360 14682 171 OBS 0412 0286 34625 2762 14683 STD 0500 0252 3463 2765 0004771 0410 14683 171 OBS T0517 0245 34630 2766 14683 STO 0600 0209 3461 2767 0004570 0456 14681 STO 0700 0167 3458 2768 0004461 0501 14678 171 OBS T0780 0134 34555 2769 14677 STO 0800 0124 3455 2769 0004344 0545 14676 STO 0900 0080 3451 2769 0004293 0589 14672 STO 1000 0045 3448 2768 0004240 0631 14673 171 OBS 1032 0035 34472 2768 14674 STD 1100 0021 3447 2769 0004100 0673 14679 STO 1200 000 3 3448 2770 0003936 0713 14687 STD 1300 -0010 3448 2771 0003807 0752 14698 171 OSS T1310 -0011 STD 1400 -0019 3448 2772 0003707 0789 14711 171 OBS T1487 -0023 34481 2772 14724 92 REFERENCE SHIP CODE if MARSDtN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S-MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD COOES CT«T root ID. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ' -1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10* T MO DAY HR.1/10 Olt MGi nt 5f» IY»! AM 311318 EW 68350N 059530W 222 89 08 03 221 1968 020 1298 08 16 2 X4 X 9 0020 WATER WIND BARO- METER tmbil AIR TEMP. X: ^"..Es SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TtANt. OIR. 0» fotce DRY BULB WET BULB 16 S05 979 044 039 1 1 13 HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH (ml T X s v.. SIGMA-T SPfCIFIC VOLUME ANOMAL'-»IO' SAO DYN, M. I 10> SOUND VELOCin Ol ml/I P04-P ue -o'/i roTAL-P »g - oi/l NOj-N ug - ot/l NOa-N ^B - or/I SlO^-Si VB - ai/l PH i c c 1 STO 0000 0072 3181 2552 0024695 0000 14482 851 221 OBS 0000 0072 31810 2552 14482 851 STD 0010 0114 3220 2581 0021956 0023 14508 862 221 OBS 0010 0114 32199 2581 14508 862 STD 0020 0129 3240 2596 0020511 0045 14519 894 221 OBS 0021 0130 32426 2598 14520 897 STO 0030 -0118 3280 2640 0016352 0063 14412 834 221 OBs 0032 -0149 32874 2647 14399 823 221 OBS 00*3 -0157 33223 2675 14402 783 STD 0050 -0160 3333 2684 0012159 0092 14404 760 221 OBS 0053 -0161 33370 2687 14404 752 STD 0075 -0144 3350 2697 0010880 0120 14418 724 221 OBS 00 79 -0140 33526 2699 14420 720 STD 0100 -0109 3363 2707 0009979 0146 14440 705 221 OBS 0106 -0099 33654 2708 14446 701 STD 0125 -0042 3376 2715 0009240 0170 14477 680 STD 0150 0025 3390 2723 0008500 0193 14514 656 STD 0200 0137 3413 2734 0007460 0232 14576 614 221 OBS T0210 0156 34167 2736 14586 607 STD 0250 0192 3428 2742 0006755 0M ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH TO BOTTOM MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CUT root ID. NO. 1/10 * 'I/IO CRUISE NO, station NUMBER OF S'MPL-S STATION NUMBER 10- T MO DAY MR.I/10 OIR. MCI PER S(A m£ AM 311318 EW 67320N 058380W 222 78 08 Oi. 139 1968 023 1097 10 1^ 3 X2 5 8 0023 WATER WIND baro- meter (rnbil AIR temp. -C c^».£. SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE 1RANS. DtR. into OS FOIICt DRY BULB WEI BULB 00 SOO 017 083 072 6 15 MfSSENCR CAST HR 1/10 CARD TYPE DEPTH (m) T t s •/.. Sigma-t SPtClfiC VOIUME ANOMAir-IlO' lio* VELOCITY Oj ml/1 PO4-P i,a-ot/i lOTAl-P vg • oi/i N03-N Mfl - Ol/I N03-N wg - ot/l SlO^-Si yg - Ql/I pH 5 C C 1 1 STO 0000 0171 3218 2576 0022479 0000 14531 139 OB5 0000 0171 32176 2576 14531 STD 0010 0156 3228 2585 0021570 0022 14528 139 OBS 0010 0156 32283 2585 14528 STD 0020 -0119 3285 2644 0015987 0041 14411 139 OBS 0020 -0119 32848 2644 14411 STO 0030 -0157 3320 2673 0013178 0055 14400 139 OBS 0030 -0157 33200 2673 14400 139 OBS 0040 -0162 33267 2679 14400 STD 0050 -0163 3332 2683 0012220 0081 14402 139 OBS 0050 -0163 33321 2683 14402 STD 0075 -0164 3343 2692 0011386 0110 14407 139 OBS 0075 -0164 33427 2692 14407 STD 0100 -0154 3352 2699 0010667 0138 14417 139 OBS TOlOO -0154 33522 2699 14417 STD 0125 -0119 3362 2706 0010008 0164 14439 STD 0150 -0086 3371 2712 0009428 0188 14460 STD 0200 -0022 3390 2725 0008247 0232 14501 139 OBS T0201 -0021 33901 2725 14501 STD 0250 0037 3408 2737 0007194 0271 14538 STD 0300 0090 3424 2746 0006359 0305 14573 139 OBS 0300 0090 34235 2746 14573 139 OBS T0398 0177 34457 2758 14631 STD 0400 0177 3445 2758 0005336 0363 14631 STD 0500 0175 3449 2760 0005131 0415 14647 139 OBS T0501 0175 STD 0500 0137 3451 2765 0004692 0465 14647 139 OBS 0600 0137 34511 2765 14647 STD 0700 0110 3451 2767 0004504 0511 14652 STD 0800 0084 3450 2768 0004364 0555 14657 139 OBS TO8OO 00 84 34503 2768 14657 STD 0900 0058 3449 2768 0004249 0598 14662 STD 1000 0033 3448 2769 0004129 0640 14667 139 OBS 1004 0032 34481 2769 14668 96 REFERENCE SHIP CODE °z MARSDEN STATION Tl ME ORIGINATOR'S 1 DEPTH [ MAX. WAVE WEA THER CODE CLOUD CODES B - ot/l SI O4-S! vg - ol/l PH s c c 1 STD 0000 0210 3238 2589 0021193 0000 14551 832 194 OBS 0000 0210 32380 2589 14551 832 STD 0010 0203 3238 2589 0021178 0021 14550 830 19