/HFd O1 ceanus Spring 1956, Vol. IV, No. 3 WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION WOODS HOLE, MASSACHUSETTS EDITOR: JAN HAHN Published quarterly and distributed to the Asso- ciates of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and others interested in Oceanography Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution WOODS HOLE, MASSACHUSETTS HENRY B. BIGELOW Chairman of the ISoard of Trustees RAYMOND STEVENS "President of the Corporation EDWARD H. SMITH ALFRED C. REDFIELD "Director Associate ^Director COLUMBUS O'D. ISELIN BOSTWICK H. KETCHUM Senior Oceanographers Meteorological Issue WE HOPE TO WITNESS THE START OF A HURRICANE Columbus O'D. he/in BUBBLES, SALT DUST AND RAINDROPS A. H. Woodcock WEATHER AND INSURANCE TRADE WINDS AND TRADE WIND CLOUDS THE FINGERPRINTS OF A STORM Thomas F. Malone Joanne S. Malkus Duncan C. Blanchard On the cover: Our artist's conception of a North Atlantic hurricane's generating area and its path of destruction. EDITORIAL Spring 1956, Vol. IV, No. 3 I N this issue our contributors are not only "talking about the wea- ther" but also explain how something may be done about it. In a recent letter to a Boston newspaper a correspondent ac- cused "scientists in general" of tampering with the weather, there- by causing heavy floods, snowstorms and general misery suffered by him this winter. As you will notice from the following articles, there still remain a few things to be learned before anyone can "tamper" with the weather and we certainly expect that if this day ever comes such tampering will be of general benefit. How this will be possible remains to be seen. One man's joy in rain is another man's spoiled holiday. One man's joy in sunshine is another's ruined vegetable patch. The person who will finally have to make the decisions will be in an unenviable position. Simplified view of the general horizontal and vertical circulation in the atmos- phere. Cumulus clouds forming in the Trade Wind cell. See article on page 8. Educational Opportunities J.O acquaint faculties and students interested in oceanography with the facilities at Woods Hole, the 1956 Annual Announcement was distributed recently to several hundred educational institu- tions. A copy was also sent to each Associate, individual and corporation, that they may be advised of the Institution's educa- tional program. The Announcement also explains the opportuni- ties open to undergraduate and graduate students to do research at the Institution and explains the Fellowships and Grants award- ed each year. The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution has been official- ly recognized as an institution of higher education by a recent ruling of the Office of Education of the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Tuna Tagging 1— /ART type tags, harpoons and instructions are ready for distribution for this year's co- operative tagging program. The equipment is available free of charge and it is our hope that the sport fishermen among our readers will en- courage their friends and clubs to make this an out- standing tagging season. News from the Pacific gives Life Membership us hope that we may also ob- tain some returns this year. One of only 82 big-eye tuna, tagged by ships of the Pacific Oceanic Fisheries Investiga- tions 400 miles northeast of Midway Island, was caught again ten months later 690 miles north of Oahu Island in the Hawaiian Group. The tuna had travelled 800 miles and grown ten pounds. J.HE Executive Committee of the Associates of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution has recommended, and the Trustees have authorized, the establishment of Life Membership to those interested in the study of the ocean and wishing to further the scientific and educational aims of the Institution. This mem- bership has been placed at $1,000.00 We are most pleased to report as the first Life Member: Mr. Harry Alfandre Montau/c Point, L. I. We Hope To Witness The Start Of A Hurricane .HE cumulus cloud is the work horse of tropical mete- orology. It is the vital and critical link in the transfer of heat and water vapor from the sea surface to the atmos- phere. Huge areas of the tro- pics are covered by cumulus clouds which are often ar- ranged in long bands sepa- rated by areas of less dense cloud cover. The life cycle of an individual cumulus cloud is usually less than half an hour, but few people have the patience to watch one for long, especially when thousands of them are in sight. Since the Wyman- Woodcock expedition of 1945 in a Navy PBY plane, sever- al members of our staff have continued to be interested in the dynamics and physical chemistry of warm cumulus clouds, the characteristic cloud of the marine tropics, an area which covers about by C. O'D. Iselin Basic atmospheric and oceanic information will be gathered by our new ship. 40% of the earth's surface. Anyone reading "Tropical Meteorology" by Herbert Riehl, the newest and most complete discussion of the warm end of the great at- mospheric heat engine, is struck by the many signifi- cant contributions of our staff. Dr. Joanne Malkus has continued and developed the pioneer studies of Mr. Henry Stommel on the dynamics of large scale convection in and beneath clouds. Mr. Andrew Bunker has made most of the measurements of turbulence both within the clouds and in the clear areas surround- ing them. Mr. Alfred Wood- cock is our expert on the role of giant condensation nuclei in the initiation of rain. Mr. Duncan Blanchard has as- sisted him in studies of the details of the formation of sea-salt nuclei and recently has begun a study of the as- sociated electrical phenomena present near the sea surface and within the clouds. Mr. Theodore Spencer has pro- duced most of the instru- ments to observe these phen- omena. The expeditions gathering the basic atmospheric infor- mation have for various rea- sons mostly taken place dur- ing the winter season. This is also true of the cruises of our ships. Thus we have gained a relatively clear winter pic- ture, both of the oceanogra- phy of the surface layer of the tropical North Atlantic, in- cluding the Caribbean Sea, and of the physical charac- teristics of the lower layer of the winter atmosphere. In the tropics this is the orderly sea- son. Although many variable phenomena are at work, the system as a whole is in bal- ance. The winds blow stead- ily from the east. The sky is covered rather uniformly with relatively small clouds. While showers occur, espe- cially during the afternoon, a disturbance as violent as a small thunderstorm is rare until the equator is approach- ed. Storms are nonexistent. In winter, then, small scale, convective processes over the tropical Atlantic are rather orderly and uniformly distri- buted. No large scale, organ- ized convective phenomena, such as a hurricane, appears. For obvious reasons, last autumn we began to think about the oceanography and meteorology leading up to the formation of a hurricane. Be- tween us, we soon evolved a plausible physical model of the birth of a hurricane, but we found that we had practi- cally no data that could be used to support or to refute this model. We had kept our ships out of the tropics during the summer season and so have nearly all other oceano- graphers. Our data on tropi- cal clouds are similarly limit- ed. Since hurricanes form along a rather narrow band of the marine tropics, center ing 5° to 8° away from the equator, perhaps oceanogra- phers could make a signifi- cant contribution to their un- derstanding, for they are a uniquely marine phenomena. New vessel. A general plan of attack rather quickly evolved, but we had no really suitable ship. One reason that we had not sent the "Atlantis" south during the summer is that in so small a steel ship the heat and humidity below decks are almost unbearable. Another is that she is somewhat slow to be dodging even newly form- ed hurricanes. However, in Oc- tober we received word that the U. S. Coast Guard had decided that three of its 125' cutters could be disposed of. The Director vigorously fol- lowed up this lead and, after plowing through a mountain of red tape, by January we were the proud owners of an excellent vessel whose en- gines had only been used dur- ing three, ice free seasons in the Great Lakes. The "Craw- ford" is now1 at Munro's Ship- yard in East Boston being converted for scientific work. It is hoped that by early June she will be ready for sea and it is planned that her first five months as a research ves- sel will be devoted to hurri- cane research. Some initial financial support has been promised by the U.S. Weather Bureau and it is hoped that more will follow. Although a departure from our main theme, a brief dis- cussion of the conversion of the "Crawford" may be of in- terest to the sailors among our readers. In January the Ex- ecutive Committee authorized the expenditure of $100,000 for this conversion and the firm of M. Rosenblatt and Son was asked to undertake a fea- sibility study of some rather novel ideas which might make the "Crawford" a really superior research vessel. For some time the design of the "ideal" oceanographic vessel has been under discussion and preliminary study. Within the Navy a preliminary design has been prepared. This is for a vessel of 1000 tons dis- placement and the gross weight of the "Crawford" is less than one third of this. Nevertheless, it seemed possi- ble that two of the chief fea- tures of the Navy's proposed design might be incorporated into the "Crawford" namely both passive and active anti- rolling tanks, and a bow jet pump propulsion unit for holding the vessel head to the seas without forward motion so as to facilitate lowering in- struments to great depths. Our naval architects have recommended against these particular features in a ves- sel so small as the "Craw- ford". Anti-rolling tanks would take up too much of the space necessary for living quarters and instead they have advised in favor of an active rudder, a German development which is installed on their newest research vessel. Fortunately other more important fea- tures of the conversion could be achieved within the limits of displacement and funds available. The endurance of the 'Crawford" is being in- creased to 30 days and 6000 miles. Her living quarters are being re-arranged and air con- ditioned, and a large deck laboratory is being added. Although we will still have to put up with a certain amount of roll while on station, in all other respects she should make an economical and com- fortable vessel for prolonged field work in the tropics. Birth of a Hurricane. What is this physical mode of the birth of a hurricane that we plan to test out with the "Crawford" during the next several summers? First of all, it is supposed that the situation becomes particularly ripe for the formation of a hurricane after a period of abnormally light winds across the northern half of the trade wind belt. Light winds in theory result in several im- portant effects. As far as the sea is concerned, heat accu- mulates near the surface. So far as is known, hurricanes only form in areas where the sea surface temperatures are higher than 27°C. Light winds, according to Mr. Wood- cock's studies would also re- sult in the production of too few of the larger condensation The Crawford at Woods Hole, now being converted to a research vessel, will start soon on the first cruise ever made by a scientific ship to study the birth of a hurricane. nuclei and consequently few of the lower clouds would rain out. Thus the humidity of the lower layer of the at- mosphere can build up to ab- normal levels. A large sup- ply of especially warm and humid air over the sea is the first requirement of a hurri- cane, for this becomes an un- stable situation. Our model goes on to suppose that at this point a large scale wave-like disturbance occurs in the light easterly winds. As this wave travels westward, local- ly at its crest the winds pick up so that white caps are pres- ent. A supply of larger con- densation nuclei is then avail- able to the low level convec- tive processes. Clouds can be- gin to rain out and the ener- gy of latent heat accelerates the convection. Locally the surface winds further in- crease, bringing more moist air and a really adequate sup- ply of salt particles to the re- gion of most active convec- tion. The clouds increase in height and remain active for a long time so that the low level wind flow becomes or- ganized over a considerable area, as when the whirl forms over the drain in a wash ba- sin. From there on the dis- turbance can be clearly rec- ognized as a hurricane. Its duration and intensity will depend only on the quantity and moisture content of the warm, low level air available to it. Prevent hurricanes? There is nothing radically novel about this model and so far as it is known it fits the facts. What is exciting is that if the picture presented here is found to be basically true, it is conceivable that the for- mation of, hurricanes could be prevented. What is necessary is to maintain random con- vective activity during the build up period, to bleed off energy at scattered points be- fore any large scale pattern of flow can become organized. Mr. Woodcock's studies sug- gest several techniques by which this might be accom- 6 plished. It is too early to at- tempt accessing the engineer- ing problems involved. If we are lucky, perhaps the "Craw- ford" will return in Septem- ber with the necessary data. In any case, it seems quite possible that if detailed stu- dies at sea can be continued during several seasons, a weak link in the chain of events can be found. What makes the difference between hurricanes and no hurricanes is clearly something quite subtle. It is believed that hurricanes start as weak disturbances. This is the time for man to try to attack them. By the time they become recognized on the weather maps the energy has become organized and it is too late. At any rate, we mean to have a good try. Observations. To study at first hand the details of the environment in which they form will be a new approach to hurricane research. Meteorologists work from weather maps, which are particularly deficient in reliable observations from mid-ocean areas in the tropics. To attack the observational part of the problem with aer- oplanes, as a well organized Weather Bureau team will be doing simultaneously, may leave a critical question unan- swered. If our model of the situation is correct, it is vital to be able to measure small changes in surface wind velo- city. Low level winds are extremely difficult to observe accurately from a plane. Thus we believe that the "Craw- ford" may provide the key in- formation that will bring suc- cess to the very major re- search effort that was trig- gered off by the North Atlan- tic hurricanes of the past two seasons. Once full under- standing has been gained, the question of whether or not weather modification at sea will become practical depends mainly on how weak the weak link in the chain of events turns out to be. Columbus O'D. Iselin, Oceanographer, was director of this Institution from 1940 to 1950. He started his \ career as a Harvard student by malcing a survey of the Labrador Current with his schoo- ner "CHANCE." Now teaching a half course in oceanography at Harvard University he also serves as advisor and consultant to many government departments. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and received an Hon- orary Doctorate from Brown Uni- versity in 1947. Trade Winds and * Trade Wind Clouds J.HE visitor to the islands in the tropics is struck by two outstanding features of the weather: The first is the regularity and monotony of the east wind, which even at night does not stop from rat- tling the palm leaves. The second is the beautiful and exotic array of clouds. The trade winds, covering about 40% of the earth's sur- face, are the world's most ex- tensive and most steady wind system. For comparison, the middle latitude westerlies with whose variability we are well acquainted cover about 30% to 35% of the earth's sur- face. Meteorologically, the trade winds and the trade cumuli are most important. Trade cumuli are not just a feature of sunny days, as are their relatives in our temperate lat- itudes, but appear around the clock, and are as much visi- BY JOANNE S. MALKUS Trade Wind Clouds form a link in providing the energy for all the wind systems of the globe. ble in full moonlight as in the baking noonday sun. Even in the turbulent gray cauldron of a tropical storm the trade cumuli are found below the overcast, made ragged by the high winds, but still with patches of sea visible between them. The tropical storm, however, though spectacular and in its intense versions hid- eously destructive, is a rare phenomenon, much less com- mon than the larger frontal storm of middle latitudes. Trade-wind weather is far more faithfully characterized by the first illustration than by the last, and its outstand- ing feature is sultry monot- ony. Because of the rarity of storms, rainfall in the trade- wind region, in latitudes 10° - 30° North and South, is un- reliable. Most tropical islands are water-starved communi- ties. Even the casual visitor 8 to the Virgin Islands, for ex- ample, is impressed by the large concrete catch-basins scarring the hills, and the strict economy of water use by the local inhabitants. Stu- dy of the life cycle of the trade cumulus is thus of econ- omic importance. It is of practical value to discover what causes these clouds to form and develop, how small cloud droplets grow into much larger raindrops within them, and in particular why some clouds grow to enormous pro- portions and others are cut off after a few hundred feet. Woods Hole Studies The meteorology group of the Woods Hole Oceanogra- phic Institution has been in- volved in the study of these clouds since the close of World War II. Theoretical and ex- perimental work on cloud and precipitation growth has been carried out at the Woods Hole Laboratory and frequent field trips to the Caribbean area have been made. During the field trips a meteorologically- instrumented PBY aircraft, loaned to the Institution by the U. S. Navy, has been flown into clouds of assorted sizes, and cross sections of their temperatures, humidities, and draft structure were drawn. In comparing these detailed studies of individual clouds with larger-scale investiga- tions of the circulations and features of low-latitude mete- orology as a whole, some sur- prising and important connec- tions have been brought to light. It now appears as if the humble trade winds clouds Dr. Malkus well known in me- teorological circles, recently re- turned from England where she spent a year as Honorary Lecturer in the Meteorological Department of the Imperial College. She has made frequent flights on board the PBY am- phibious plane which we have on loan from the U.S. Navy. form a vital link in the mech- anism driving the trade-wind circulation and thus in provid- ing the energy for all the wind systems of the globe. To understand this, it is necessary to give a brief de- scription of low-latitude air motions.* The atmospheric circulation from latitudes 0° to 30° on either side of the equator consists fundamen- tally of a meridional cell, with rising motion over the heated equatorial doldrums and sinking motion in the subtropical high pressure belt which circles the globe at about latitude 30°. The division between vertical as- cent and descent lies about halfway between these bounds, or around 15°. The motion near the surface of the earth is thus equator- ward at low levels and pole- ward higher up. Because of the earth's rotation, the low- level equatorward-moving air is deflected to its own right (looking downwind) in the northern hemisphere and to its left in the southern. This combination of effects produces the "trades," north- easterly winds in latitudes 10° -30° North and south easterly winds in correspond- Irregular clusters of Trade Cumulus clouds are com- monly found over the sea, separated by slightly larger clear areas. ing south latitudes. At high- er elevations the easterlies weaken, and are overlaid by westerlies in some areas. As mentioned earlier, the low- level easterlies are a re- markably steady wind sys- tem, far more constant than any winds of the temperate zone. This fact is brought home forcibly to the visitor to the tropics when he sees the airports there — which are built with only one run- way, facing east-west. Heat engine Now it turns out, as a re- sult of recent researches, that trade winds and their main- tenance are intimately relat- ed to the presence and ac- tivity of the clouds. To ex- plain this we may regard the tropical circulation cell just described as a large, and very inefficient, heat engine which exhibits many of the properties of a man-made servomechanism. To carry the analogy a bit further, the clouds may be conceived as the fuel pump for the engine, in that they carry up heat from the warm tropical seas and distribute it through a vertical depth of air so that it may be used in maintain- ing the pressure gradients which drive the easterlies against friction. The servo- Definite lines of clouds are sometimes formed, generally, though not always, parallel to the wind. control comes in because the clouds are forever operating against resistances or brakes. It so happens that if the clouds are weakened, the overall air currents change in just such a way as to re- lease these brakes slightly and clouds are permitted to surge forth with renewed vigor restoring the heating and thereby the air currents to their original condition. Thus there appears to be a "stable coupling" between the small-scale phenomena, namely the clouds, and the much larger-scale air cur- rents, namely the easterly trades themselves. It is an interesting confirmation of these ideas (which have re- cently been worked out quan- titatively) that above the height reached by the cloud tops, or about 10,000 ft., the steadiness of the flow van- ishes, and the upper level 10 In the turbulent gray caul- dron of a tropical storm the cumuli, made ragged by the high winds, are still found below the overcast. I ~ P Small cotton puffs in the foreground stand out in con- trast with the giant towers in the background, reaching an elevation of 50,000 feet. winds of the tropics are as variable as those of our own latitudes. Hurricanes and Brakes Of course, we know that the servomechanism some- times gets out of control in localized regions. Especially in the more westerly por- tions of the trad e-wind oceans the fuel pumps occa- sionally work too energeti- cally over a small area and the earth's rotation helps convert some of the energy released by precipitating clouds into a wave-like dis- turbance, or in severe cases into a whirling hurricane vortex. Devastating though these may be to man and his artifacts, the atmosphere rec- ognizes tropical storms only as rare and insignificant backfires which contribute negligibly to the energy con- versions normally going on in a smoothly operating en- gine. Ordinarily the brakes against convection are work- ing so effectively that most potential storms in the tro- pics perish in anonymous in- fancy. It is thus of importance for multifold reasons to learn more of the "brakes" or re- sistances operating against cumulus cloud development. It now appears that these re- sistances are not only inhi- bitors of precipitation and storm growth, but play a regulatory role upon the rate at which energy is fed into the large-scale circulations. Much of the work of the Woods Hole meteorology group has therefore been fo- cused upon this aspect of the problem. It has been learned that these resistances are primarily of three kinds: (1) Sinking motion in the en- vironment, which chang- es the air structure so that the clouds are pre- vented from forming. (2) A force analogous to aer- odynamic drag which re- duces the momentum of a rising lump of buoyant air or cloud tower. (3) Turbulent mixing of the cloudy air with the drier environment. This eats away the cloud's energy supply, which has been found to be the heat re- 11 leased by condensation of water vapor into liquid water. Using these concepts it has been found possible to con- struct a theory of a cloud near the middle or well-developed stage of its life history. This model has compared well with the cloud cross-sections ob- tained by the PBY aircraft. Recently, preliminary efforts have been made to construct the theory of the origin of a cumulus and to learn how a lump of warm buoyant air or- ganizes its motions in the early stages. Laboratory and further field studies are being carried out to check and guide the theory. Simultane- ously, investigations of the raindrop-forming and growth process are being continued at Woods Hole. It is believed that such studies must pre- cede, and fundamentally un- derlie, any possible efforts to understand, predict, or control the behavior of rainfall, trop- ical storms, or larger-scale circulations in the trades. ASSOCIATES NEWS Annual New York Dinner President Raymond Stev- ens, in a letter to your Presi- dent McLean, stated that: "The showing of The Silent World was in my opinion one of the best things that has happened to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in a long time. I am sure that everyone interested in the Institution is grateful." Mid-Winter Lectures Through your sponsorship we have had this winter at Woods Hole the extreme pleasure of listening to eight noted Harvard and M.I.T. savants speaking on their re- spective interests which ranged from galaxies to or- ganic evolution and from anthropology to the science of human behavior. Capacity audiences listened every Fri- day afternoon to the lectur- ers whose attendance was obtained through the co-op- eration of our Trustee, Dr. Harlow Shapley. Associates Fellowships Announcements of two As- sociate Fellowships for 1956- 57 went out early this year to attract two college gradu- ates. It will be remembered 12 that Mr. Roderic B. Park now at the California Insti- tute of Technology was ap- pointed last year, and that a total of three Fellowships are to be awarded each year. Successful candidates will be reappointed for the normal three-year period of gradu- ate education leading to a doctorate. New Corporate Associates In Memoriam With deep regret we learned of the death in Jan- uary of Associate Mr. Charles W. Brown, Jr. Mr. Brown was an ardent participant in our game fish studies. To- gether with his son and guests on board the sport- fisherman KETCHUM III, he tagged and released many tuna during the summer of 1955. American Export Lines, Inc. New York, N. Y. Esso Shipping Company New York, N. Y. Marine Office of America New York, N. Y. Newport News Shipbuilding Company Foundation Newport News, Va. BY THOMAS F. MALONE — * More scientific research offers hope of reducing hurricane losses to own- ers and insurance companies. o NE of the primary func- are health and longevity, tions of an insurance com- pany is to protect the values which make our domestic and economic life sound and secure. Among the many fires, accidents — and wea- ther. Notable progress has been made in studying and improving health conditions and extending life expect- factors affecting those values ancy, and in analyzing and 13 minimizing fires and acci- dents. Increasing attention is now being given to the weather factor. There are two reasons for this: the in- creasing complexity of our civilization which makes it more susceptible to the vicis- situdes of weather, and the expansion of the protection principle of insurance to take care of losses occasioned by weather occurences in which this principle is applicable. It follows that the insurance in- dustry has a rather vital stake in meteorology. It is of some interest to examine some aspects of the meteoro- logical problem in which in- surance is involved. Better predictions The most obvious instanc- es, and certainly the most dramatic, are the major wea- ther catastrophes, the hurri- cane and the tornado. Losses from these two weather phenomena mount to mil- lions of dollars each year. Al- though there are not at hand, now or in the foreseeable fu- ture, means to eliminate these losses completely, more precise predictions would be of inestimable aid in reduc- ing these losses. Improve- ments in prediction tech- niques and warning systems made in recent years have already reduced the intensi- ty and frequency of such losses. Similar arguments ap- ply to the more frequent but less spectacular weather oc- currences. In this sense, the insurance industry has a vital interest in the prediction problem in meteorology, in more precise predictions of wind, rain, hail, tidal height, temperature, and so forth. A word of caution is in order here, in the interpretation of the term "more precise." Ab- solute precision in weather prediction may well turn out to be incompatible with the fundamental nature of the meteorological problem. It is likely that, as pointed out by a distinguished English meteorologist* in a presi- dential address before the Royal Meteorological Socie- ty: "Our answers must al- ways be expressed as proba- bilities." Whatever form improved short-range predictions may take in the future, they will be of direct and immediate interest to the insurance in- dustry. In a broader sense, the probabilistic nature of the meteorological problem is in- extricably linked to the in- terest of insurance people in weather matters. It is pre- cisely because it is not possi- ble to anticipate weather oc- currences weeks, months, and years in advance that insur- ance is desirable covering losses due to weather. How- ever, such insurance, if it is soundly conceived, must be underwritten with some awareness of the probability that a given weather event will occur. Here, the interest of the insurance industry veers from what has already been referred to as the pre- diction problem and focuses on the climatic aspects. In a sense, the shift in interests *Sir Graham Sutton, April 28, 1954. 14 involves only semantics, be- cause climatic data are used to predict the future from a consideration of the past. Here, the attempt is, or should be, to determine the probability or likelihood that damaging hail will fall on a particular tract of land, that wind in excess of a critical value will cause damage to a radio or television tower or to a home or business build- ing, that the distribution of winds in the atmosphere would distribute uncon- trolled radioactive particles in a particular pattern of fall- out, or that a combination of wind and waves at sea would cause loss of life and prop- erty to shipping operations or to off-shore oil drilling and exploration work. Such knowledge is required in the setting of rates on an equita- ble basis so as to provide sound and continuing pro- tection. Climatic trends It is apparent that more than a simple knowledge of past climatic conditions is required. Interrelationships between climatic elements and the interaction between the atmosphere and its bound- ary, both land and ocean, must be known and appre- ciated. Moreover, cognizance must be taken of long-term (i.e., of the order or decades and centuries) climatic trends whenever they can be shown to be real and of significance. Estimates of unusual or ex- treme values must frequently be made from distributions Dr. Malone is Director of the Travelers Weather Research Center, The Travelers Insur- ance Co., Hartford, Conn. He has had a distinguished career in the field of meteorology and is a partner of Weather Train- ing Supplies, furnishing educa- tional material to schools and universities. which leave something to be desired in the way of com- pleteness. Critical values of weather elements must be determined, either empirical- ly or theoretically, From a correlation of comparatively short period of insurance ex- perience and weather data it is frequently possible to ex- trapolate the insurance ex- perience over a longer time and thus provide a broader base for underwriting. Fi- nally, the most sophisticated treatment of climatic data may be of no avail unless it is possible to apply it in actual practice according to accep- table standards for sound in- surance procedures. In summary, the insurance industry is interested in the climatic aspects of meteoro- logy in order to arrive at a procedure of underwriting which will permit extending the protective features of in- surance on a realistic and sustained basis. It is inter- ested in the prediction prob- lem insofar as this can be utilized in an effective man- ner to minimize the losses to the insurer and hence the costs to the insured. To meet the challenge suggested by these dual interests, meteoro- logy and its sister field of oceanography have much to offer and a great deal yet to do. 15 The Associates Distinguished Lecturer .HE Associates of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, by sponsoring the distinguished lectureship ser- ies for the past three sum- mers at Woods Hole, have contributed significantly to the educational opportunities for the staff and students at the Institution. Announcements will soon be distributed to colleges and universities that the Associ- ates' lecturer for 1956 at Woods Hole will be Professor B. Kullenberg, Associate Pro- fessor of Oceanography of the University of Goteborg, Sweden. Dr. Kullenberg also will be available as a consul- tant, and may participate in some phases of the Institu- tion's research. Einar Borge Kullenberg was born May 11, 1906, at Uppokra, Sweden and edu- cated at the University of Lund taking his B.A. in 1928 and his Ph.D. in 1938. He is married and has two chil- dren. Dr. Kullenberg's pro- fessional career includes four years as a demonstrater at the Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Lund; thirteen years on the staff of the Swedish Hydrographical Biological Commission at Stockholm, and since 1939 has been a member of the staff at the Oceanographic Institute at Goteborg. In 1942 he was appointed Lecturer in Oceanography on the faculty of the University of Gote- borg, and in 1948 an Associ- ate Professor. Dr. Kullenberg's activities include membership in Swe- den's delegation to the Inter- national Council for the Ex- ploration of the Sea, member of Goteborg's Academy of Arts and Sciences, and of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. His scientific pub- lications include articles on inertial currents in the sea, internal waves, water ex- changes of harbor and chan- nels, marine sediments, and the techniques of core samp- ling. The Kullenberg piston corer, for which he is proba- bly best known, was used ef- fectively on the round-the- world Swedish Deep-Sea Ex- pedition of 1947-48, when cores of sediment as long as 16 66 feet were obtained. He has unusual ingenuity in the de- sign of oceanographic instru- ments. Dr. Kullenberg is a cul- tured scholar of social poise and gifted as a raconteur. He likes chess and often plays it blind. The summer of 1954, he was one of the eminent scientists attending the dedi- cation ceremonies of the Lab- oratory of Oceanography at Woods Hole where again he will find many friends and admirers waiting to extend to him a warm welcome. E. H. S. Research in marine meteorology at the Institution is supported by contracts with the Office of Naval Research, U.S. Navy, the US. Weather Bureau, and the support of basic research by the associates. BUBBLES SALTDUST and BY A. H. WOODCOCK RAINDROPS Salt particles from the sea play a role in rain formation. E VERYONE knows that winds blowing over the sea carry water vapor from the ocean areas to the land areas of the earth, and that this water vapor eventually falls as rain or snow. But, it is less well-known that these winds also transport an av- erage of about 30 pounds of sea salts per cubic mile of air, and that this salt seems to be important if not essential in rain formation. On a clear, dark night the visible "dust beam" from a flashlight reveals the pres- ence of this salt as minute particles, shining star-like as they are tumbled about in marine air-streams. Spider webs are often strung with tiny salt crystals, some of which are just large enough to be seen with a good hand lens. On still nights these crystals often collect water, and the morning sun will re- veal a "jeweled web." The number of salt particles at cloud-base altitudes is almost equal to the number found relatively near the surface. At these higher levels, clean 17 glass slides exposed to the air from an airplane soon be- come "fogged' 'with the crys- tals or droplets which rap- idly collect on the surface. After a short flight the lead- ing edge of the propeller tip will often taste salty when touched with the tip of the tongue. Origin of salt. Knowledge of the nature of these atmospheric salt nuclei and of their origin is impor- tant as an aid in the search for understanding of a great many geophysical problems, the most important of which are the problems of the for- mation of rain and the role of airborne salts in the cycles of geochemistry. The breaking waves caused by winds on the open sea force much air beneath the surface in the form of small bubbles. These bubbles range in size from less than one- thousandth of an inch up to about one-tenth of an inch in diameter. With ultra- slow-motion photography we have established one way in which bubbles of this size produce droplets when they burst at the surface of the sea. Several droplets are produced by each bubble and many of them remain air- borne. As the water evapo- rates they leave a minute crystalline residue. Thus winds passing over the sea acquire a burden of salt dust simultaneously with the ad- dition of water vapor. Well- mixed marine air, which has passed over hundreds of miles of sea surface will com- monly contain from 10 to 100 of these salt particles per cubic inch, from the sea surface up to the bases of the local cumulus clouds. Other natural phenomena which produce great num- bers of small bubbles in sea water, and hence add to the salt-nuclei population of the air, are melting snow, sleet and hail, and impinging rain- drops. For instance, individ- ual snowflake clusters re- lease as many as 500 bubbles as they melt in the surface waters of the sea. Most of the bubbles produced in the <"BBB5HPr High speed photograph, made in our laboratory, of droplets pro- duced by an air bubble bursting at a water surface. sea in this manner are of mi- croscopic size. When droplets are ejected into the air from the burst- ing bubbles, they commonly carry with them a strong positive charge. This charge on the droplets has been mea- sured in this laboratory by Mr. D. C. Blanchard. " His preliminary results indicate that the electrical current flow due to the transfer of charged droplets from the sea surface to the atmosphere may contribute largely to the well-known electrical inter- 18 change between the earth and the atmosphere. Hence it is possible that these charged nuclei are important in the generation of thunder- storm electricity. Sampling salt. Here at Woods Hole we have also developed tech- niques for sampling and weighing air-borne salt parti- cles. As everyone knows, table salt (NaCl) crystals tend to become wet when the weather is humid. In fact, at a relative humidity of 80% a single small crystal will, if left exposed for a sufficient time, collect enough water from the air to completely dissolve and to form a drop- let. At a given humidity and temperature the amount of water collected in this way by a mass of NaCl is directly related to its weight, and this is also true for a particle of sea salt. This fact was uti- lized in weighing indirectly the minute sea-salt crystals sampled in the free air. The method has been tested by direct but more laborious chemical methods. When a small glass slide 1 mm wide was exposed from an aircraft at a speed of 70 mph, it was found that prac- tically all of the salt nuclei larger than about one micron or 0.00025 inches in radius, impinged upon and adhered to the glass surface. These salt particles are crystalline at a low relative humidity and become liquid droplets at high humidities. Under a microscope, measurements of the diameter of the droplets enable us to compute the vol- Mr. A. H. Woodcock has been with the Institution since 1931. Serving originally as ship's technician on the Atlan- tis his curiosity and power of observation led to new knowl- edge about the behavior of air over the sea. These and the studies mentioned in his article have received international at- tention. ume of each, and from this volume the weights of salt in solution. Rain formation. Samples taken from air- craft have shown that the salt particles from the sea are carried by the winds to great heights, and there seems to be a physical connection between the salt in these particles and the salt in rain water. One of the most excit- ing aspects of the study of atmospheric salt particles concerns the role of these particles in raindrop forma- tion. Over a period of about five years, evidence has been slowly accumulating that each large salt particle be- comes the nucleus upon which raindrops form in ma- rine air. The evidence sup- porting this idea was ac- quired by comparing the number and weight of the salt nuclei in a volume of relatively clear air with the number of raindrops, and the weight of salt dissolved in them, in an equal volume of rainy air. These comparisons are too complex to present in 19 detail here. However, the result implies that droplets containing each salt particle grow to raindrop size through coalescence with much more numerous and relatively non- saline cloud droplets. Measurements of the weights of salt in oceanic air are also useful in attempting to explain world-wide occur- rence of chloride in precipi- tation and river waters. Comparisons of the weights of chloride suspended in ma- rine winds and the weights of chloride carried onto the continents by rains, wind im- pingement, etc., have suggest- ed that all of the chlorides found in river waters may come from the sea, via the at- mosphere. If, however, all of the salts found in rain wa- ters and in the airborne par- ticles do in fact come from the sea, how is one to explain the often observed discrep- ancies in the ratios of these various salts as compared to the ratios of these salts in the sea? Further problems. Progress in understanding is often dependent upon learning enough to be able to frame detailed questions which are realistic, and which are sufficiently limited in scope to be answered within a reasonable time and with the available facilities. Recent studies have en- abled us to frame detailed and more nearly ideal ques- tions concerning a number of problems in cloud physics and geochemistry. The future work required to answer some of the most important of these questions should, it seems to me, involve a study of the detailed mechanics of the production of droplets by bursting bubbles of the vari- ous sizes found in the sea, and the chemistry of the drop- lets so produced. Special at- tention should be given to the affects of various surface film conditions of the sea up- on the chemical make-up of the droplets. The results of this study may be of great interest to geochemists and to agriculturalists. Other efforts, aimed at fur- ther understanding of the rain-forming role of the sea- salt nuclei, should involve tracing the physical and chemical events within and near individual cumulus clouds before, during and af- ter the time of occurrence of rain showers. The present time is one of accelerated interest in the role of the oceans in weather processes. The outlook is for increased research effort in marine meteorology. I feel that it is important at this stage to emphasize the rela- tively small scale studies of the interrelationships of sea surface conditions, air-borne salts, and the conditions in and around individual cumu- lus clouds. These studies may provide useful evidence and understanding of the compli- cated sequence of events leading up to rain formation. Such understanding should be of basic aid in defining the larger problems of rain for- mation in the groups of clouds in marine storms such as hurricanes. Knowledge of the details of the natural 20 rainforming process should, artificially altering this pro- and probably will, lead to cess. new ideas and methods for The Fingerprints J.HE sudden downpour of a violent summer thunderstorm, the light steady rains from a grey overcast sky and the gusty wind-swept rains of the northeaster, all are familiar to us. We are quite aware of the different cloud formations, overcasts and general wind conditions that accompany these rains. But what of the rain itself? Does one ever think of differences in the nature of the rain in each of these storms? Most of us merely classify the rain as light, medium, heavy or perhaps the well- known ultimate in intensity; cats and dogs. After all, this is a sufficient classification for most purposes. But, when we examine the raindrops them- selves, there begins to emerge a rather unique feature, inde- pendent of the rate of rainfall, which may enable us to asso- ciate a particular rain with a certain type of storm. This is the size and number of rain- drops present in a given space in a rain, a feature which the cloud physicists call the basic structure of the raindrop size distribution. It has been found BY DUNCAN C. BLANCHARD Laboratory photograph of raindrop disintegrating in upward moving airstream. that a particular type of rain- storm will often have its own characteristic drop size dis- tribution and it is beginning 21 to appear that a storm may be typed by this distribution. This may be called the finger- print of a storm. Existing evidence indicates that these fingerprints in oceanic rains at least, may be controlled by the minute salt particles that rise from the surface of the sea. Mr. Woodcock, in an- other article in this issue of Oceanus, has described how these particles originate. Measuring drops. The science of meteorology had existed for a long time before anyone gave thought to measuring the sizes of rain- drops. The simple techniques that were used during some of the first attempts are still used today. The first meas- urements probably were made by the Englishman Lowe in 1892 and his observa- tions of raindrop splashes on pieces of slate were the pre- lude to increased interest in the subject. A few years later Wiesner in Germany introduced a sampling tech- nique, still widely used, which consists of allowing a small sample of rain to fall upon an ordinary chemical filter paper which has been lightly dusted with a water soluble dye. The size of the rain spots, easily visible now by virtue of the dye, can be re- lated to the raindrop size. A novel and ingenious flour method for determing rain- drop size was discovered in 1904 by a Vermont farmer named Bentley. This method consists of allowing the rain to fall into a pan containing a layer of sifted flour. The pan and contents, with the raindrops now forming soft dough pellets, are baked in a warm oven until the pellets are hard. The size of the pel- lets can then be related to the original raindrop size. I have used Bentley's flour pel- let method and find it quite satisfactory. Indeed, a lack of cooking skill is no great handicap. It is interesting to note that Bentley was not a professional meteorologist but was engaged in these inter- esting scientific adventures in his spare time. Radar echoes The measurements of rain- drop size were accelerated during and since World War II, when it was found that rain produced an excellent radar echo. Meteorologists were quick to take advantage of the opportunity offered by this new technique. Both theory and experiment proved that the reflection of a radar signal from a raindrop was proportional to the 6th power of the raindrop diameter. For example, a given raindrop would reflect a radar signal 64 times as well as a drop half its size or 729 times as well as a drop one third its size. This measure of the ability of a collection of raindrops to pro- duce a radar echo was called the radar reflectivity or sim- ply Z. This seemed to be the ideal meteorological tool. Higher rates of rainfall meant more and larger raindrops and consequently a much greater value of Z. After obtaining by experiment the relation- ship between Z and the rate of rainfall it would appear that with the aid of radar a 22 Duncan C. Blanchard is associated with Mr. Woodcock's meteorological group. Trained in engineering and physics, he worked with Drs Langmuir and Vincent Schaefer at General Electric Research Laboratory, Schenectady, N. Y. meteorologist could determine how hard it was raining in a storm many miles distant. Now, all this is based on the assumption that for a given rate of rainfall the raindrop size distribution is always the same and thus only one value of Z can exist for any given rainfall rate. But what would happen if, in two rains of the same intensity or rate of rainfall, the drops were large and scarce in the first rain and small and plentiful in the second. A little thought will show that a much great- er radar echo will most likely come from the rain with the large raindrops. A single drop of 5 mm diameter pro- duces the same echo as about 16,000 raindrops of 1 mm di- ameter. The differences in the raindrop size distribution that tend to confuse the esti- mates of the intensity of rain- fall on a radar screen un- doubtedly lie in the mechan- ism responsible for the very origin of the rain itself. Let us look at a striking example of how two differ- ent rains, having exactly the same rate of rainfall, will give vastly different finger- prints or raindrop size distri- butions which apparently are a direct result of the manner in which the embryo drops are formed. During recent experiments on the island of Hawaii, A. H. Woodcock and the author obtained measure- ments of the raindrop size distribution in many types of rain. During one rain falling at the rate of 0.1 inch per hour we found few and big drops while in another rain we found the opposite; many, but small drops. This latter rain is typical of the rains of Hawaii, where the clouds do not penetrate to any great heights in the atmosphere and the raindrops, whose fi- nal size is somewhat depend- ent on the cloud thickness, are relatively small. On this basis then it is somewhat my- terious to find Hawaiian rains showing sparse numbers of big drops. Is this drop dis- tribution a reflection of some other origin of the rain, pos- sibly entirely different from the process that produces many but small drops? This puzzling question was some- what clarified when we looked at the weather condition that produced the few but large drops. The measure- ments were obtained late one evening at an elevation of about 7,000 feet on the vol- cano of Mauna Kea. The fol- lowing morning, after the rain had ceased and clouds swept away, the entire top of Mauna Kea was covered with a blanket of snow which ex- tended nearly down to the elevation where the raindrop samples were made. I think we are now in a position to give a reasonable explanation of why we found the few but large drops. The raindrops evolved from snow- flakes which formed high within the great cloud system that existed over Mauna Kea that night. When these rath- 23 er sparsely distributed snow- flakes fell down into re- gions above freezing they melted into small raindrops which continued to "feed" on the much smaller cloud drop- lets, like a large snowball growing as it plummets down a snow covered slope, until their arrival at the ground was characterized by large drops. And so it appears that someday we may have hopes of identifying what type of rain-forming process is going on in the clouds by the size distribution of the raindrops that fall out. It will be excit- ing if we are definitely able to show that the distribution of raindrops in oceanic rains reflects the manner in which salt particles are produced by the sea. We will certainly have to find out how nature produces rain before we are able to duplicate the process ourselves. The problem is difficult and far from solved. We must learn more about how the drops behave in their flight from cloud to earth. The eventual answer may en- able us to type or fingerprint a storm with certainty by measuring the size of rain- drops. Currents and Tides "The effects of atomic ex- plosions on the atmosphere and the sea" were presented to the staff by Dr. Yasua Mi- yake of the Meteorological Research Institute in Tokyo, who visited us in February. The essence of his talk was reported in TIME of March 20th, 1956. Among recent distinguished visitors to the Institution were: Dr. G. E. R. Deacon, Director of the National In- stitute of Oceanography in Great Britain, an old friend of many staff members; Dr. G. I. Taylor of Cambridge University, pioneer into the properties of rotating fluids; and Dr. Jacques Picard, co- inventor of the Bathyscaphe TRIESTE. Honorary degrees were awarded on March 13 by the University of Oslo, Norway, to Dr. A. C. Redfield, Senior Oceanographer and to Dr. Laurence Irving, Associate in Physiology. The University of Oslo presents such awards once in five years to distin- guished foreigners. On the instigation of phy- sical oceanographer Allyn C. Vine, the science teachers of our local High School spent an instructive evening at the Institution. Many staff mem- bers explained their respec- tive fields, while a spirited open meeting discussed how this Institution and the staff might aid in local science education. 24 LIBRARY WH 17YS X ASSOCIATES OF THE WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION GERARD SWOPE, JR., Chairman N. B. McLEAN, President JOHN A. GIFFORD, Secretary RONALD A. VEEDER, Executive Assistant EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CHARLES F. ADAMS, JR. N. B. McLEAN BENJAMIN H. ALTON WINSLOW CARLTON RACHEL L. CARSON POMEROY DAY JOHN A. GIFFORD GEORGE F. JEWETT HENRY S. MORGAN FRANK PACE, JR. MALCOLM S. PARK GERARD SWOPE, JR. THOMAS J. WATSON, JR. JAMES H. WICKERSHAM CORPORATE COMMITTEE Chairman: CHARLES F. ADAMS, JR. President, Raytheon Manufacturing Company ROBERT M. AKIN, JR. F. M. BUNDY W. VAN ALAN CLARK POMEROY DAY M. C. GALE CAPTAIN PAUL HAMMOND F. L. LaQUE T. V. MOORE FRANK PACE, JR. MILES F. YORK President, Hudson Wire Company President, Gorton Pew Fisheries Chairman, Avon Products, Inc. Partner, Robinson, Robinson and Cole President, Monarch Buick Company Hammond, Kennedy & Legg Company Vice President, International Nickel Company Esso Research and Engineering Company Exec. Vice President, General Dynamics Corporation President, Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company (Dffiriu RAYMOND STEVENS, President ADMIRAL ED. H. SMITH, Director EDWIN D. BROOKS, JR., Treasurer Published by WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION WOODS HOLE, MASSACHUSETTS