Dud: ry l 93943 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS ONE-DIMENSIONAL MODEL HINDCASTS OF COLD ANOMALIES IN THE NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN by Gary L. Stringer December 19 83 Thesis Advisor: R. L. Elsberry Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. T215699 UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PACE (Whin Data Entered) REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE ^ fltPOAT NUMBER READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING FORM 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO 3- RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER 4. TITLE (and Subtitle) One-Dimensional Model Hindcasts of Cold Anomalies in the North Pacific Ocean 5. TYPE OF REPORT 4 PERIOD COVERED Master's Thesis; December 19 83 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER 7. AUTHORS Gary L. Stringer 8. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBERC*,) I. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME ANO ADDRESS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 9 3943 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT, TASK AREA 4 WORK UNIT NUMBERS II. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME ANO ADDRESS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 9 3943 12. REPORT DATE December 19 83 13. NUMBER OF PAGES 136 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME * AODRESSf// dllterent from Controlling Olllce) 15. SECURITY CLASS, (ot thla report) Unclassified IS*. DECLASSIFICATION/ DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE 16. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (ot thia Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (ot thm abatrmct entered In Block 30, II dllterent /root Report) U. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 1>- KEY WOROS (Continue on toimtam aid* II neceeeary and identity by block number) North Pacific Ocean Cold Anomalies One-Dimensional Model Hindcasts TRANSPAC 20. ABSTRACT (Continue on reveree tide II nmcoammrr «nd Identity by block number) Two cases of pronounced, long-term cold anomalies from the North Pacific Ocean Experiment TRANSPAC monthly analyses during 1976-79 are studied. The first case developed after October 1977 and persisted to June 1978. Two periods of amplification of the anomaly are identified. The second anomaly was the most extreme cold anomaly in the four-year sample. The relationships between local atmospheric DD , Iff!, 1473 EDITION OF I NOV «8 IS OBSOLETE S/N 0102- LF-014-6601 1 UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (Whan Data Kntarec UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (Whmn Dmtm Entmrmd) (20. ABSTRACT Continued) forcing, and the development, existence and decay of the anomalies are examined with the Garwood ocean mixed layer model. In the first case, the fall deepening period was hindcast very well. However, the period of spring transition and seasonal warming were not well predicted, is deduced that the most likely cause of the errors is inaccurate atmospheric forcing. In the second case, the model predictions are very sensitive to the surf ac e heat flux. This anomaly cannot be satisfactorily simulated with the Garwood model. This appears to be due to large uncertainties in the surface heat flux fields in the summer. It SN 0102- LF- 014- 6601 UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS RAGEfWh»n Dmtm Entmrmd) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. One-Dimensional Model Hindcasts of Cold Anomalies in the North Pacific Ocean by Gary L. Stringer Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy B.S., University of Washington, 1975 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN METEOROLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL December 19 83 ABSTRACT Two cases of pronounced, long-term cold anomalies from the North Pacific Ocean Experiment TRANSPAC monthly analyses during 1976-79 are studied. The first case developed after October 1977 and persisted to June 1978. Two periods of amplification of the anomaly are identified. The second anomaly was the most extreme cold anomaly in the four-year sample. The relationships between local atmospheric forcing, and the development, existence and decay of the anomalies are examined with the Garwood ocean mixed layer model. In the first case, the fall deepening period was hindcast very well. However, the period of spring transi- tion and seasonal warming were not well predicted. It is deduced that the most likely cause of the errors is inaccu- rate atmospheric forcing. In the second case, the model predictions are very sensitive to the surface heat flux. This anomaly cannot be satisfactorily simulated with the Garwood model. This appears to be due to large uncertain- ties in the surface heat flux fields in the summer. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 14 A. PURPOSE AND HYPOTHESIS 14 B. STUDY DESCRIPTION 16 C. DEFINITIONS 18 1. Spring Transition 18 2. Mixed Layer Depth 19 II. DATA SOURCES AND PROCEDURES 21 A. DATA SOURCES 21 B. MEAN AND ANOMALY FIELDS 2 3 C. PREDICTION MODEL 24 III. LARGE-SCALE LONG-DURATION CASE 2 6 A. COLD ANOMALY 12 DESCRIPTION 26 B. MODEL HINDCAST 42 C. ERROR DISCUSSION 65 1. Analysis Error 68 2. Model Parameterizations 69 3. Model Forcing ^0 4. Model Physical Processes 79 IV. LARGE-SCALE RAPID TRANSITION CASE 82 A. COLD ANAOMALY 1 DESCRIPTION 82 B. MODEL HINDCAST 98 C. ERROR DISCUSSION 10° 1. Data Quality 10° 2. Model Physics 102 3. Model Forcing 104 D. REVISED HEAT FLUX CORRECTION 110 V. CONCLUSIONS 121 APPENDIX 125 LIST OF REFERENCES 132 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 134 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Comparison of analyzed CA 12 and model MA 12 development for each month. The locations and temperatures given are the location of the lowest temperature in CA 12 and MA 12 for each month. 30 Table 2 Table 3 Analyzed and model hindcast heat content (xl04 cal/cm2) relative to 200 m at 36.0°N, 150. 0°W, their difference, and the relative error in heat content above 200 m between analyzed and hindcast temperature profiles. Relative error in model hindcast heat content relative to 20 0 m at the central point 36.0°N, 150. 0°W when the model was initialized on 15 February 1978 (column labeled Hindcast) and when an additional 5 cal/cm^/h was added to the downward surface heat flux from 15 March to 18 June (last column) . 67 75 Table 4. CA 1 development for each month during 1976. The location (s) and temperature (s are for the lowest temperatures in the region of CA 1 for that month. 87 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. Figure 9 . Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13. Anomaly Dynamics Study region. Points at 36°N, 150°W and 40°N, 165°E mark the location of maximum intensity for the two anomalies examined. 17 Temperature (°C) anomaly CA 12 at surface during (A) October 1977 and (B) November 1977. 32 The ratio of change in analyzed temperatures (°C) from 15 October to 15 November 1977 to the climatological temperature change for the same period. — 33 Temperature (°C) anomaly CA 12 during December 19 77 at (A) surface and (B) 60 m. 34 Temperature (°C) anomaly CA 12 during January 1978 at (A) surface, (B) 60 m and (C) 120 m. 35 Similar to Fig. 3 except for the period from 15 December 1977 to 15 January 1978. 36 Similar to Fig. 5 except for March 1978. 37 Similar to Fig. 5 except for April 1978. 38 Similar to Fig. 5 except for May 1978. 39 Similar to Fig. 5 except for June 1978. 40 Similar to Fig. 3 except from 15 April to 15 May 1978. 41 Similar to Fig. 3 except from 15 May to 15 June 1978. 41 Daily maximum model mixed layer depth and corresponding model mixed layer temperature (MLT) compared to objectively analyzed MLT at the center of cold anomaly 12, 36.0°N, 150. 0°W from 15 October 1977 to 18 June 1978. 49 8 Figure 14. Model temperature (°C) anomaly MA 12 at surface during November 1977. 50 Figure 15. The ratio of the change in model temperatures (°C) from 15 October to 15 November 19 77 to the climatological temperature change for the same period. 50 Figure 16. Model temperature (°C) anomaly MA 12 during December 1977 at (A) surface and (B) 60 m. 51 Figure 17. Model temperature (°C) anomaly MA 12 during January 1978 at (A) surface (B) 60 m and (C) 120 m. 52 Figure 18. Similar to Fig. 15 except from 15 December 1977 to 15 January 1978. 53 Figure 19. Similar to Fig. 17 except for March 1978. - 54 Figure 20. (A) Objectively analyzed monthly vertical temperature (°C) profiles centered on the 15th of the month for October (squares) , November (circles) and December (triangles) 1977. (B) Model monthly vertical temperature (°C) profiles averaged over five days centered on the 15th of each month for October (squares), November (circles) and December (triangles) 1977. 55 Figure 21. Similar to Fig. 20 except for January (squares) , February (circles) and March (triangles) 1978 . 56 Figure 22. Similar to Fig. 20 except for April (squares) , May (circles) and June (triangles) 1978. 57 Figure 23. Similar to Fig. 17 except for April 1978. - 58 Figure 24. Similar to Fig. 17 except for May 1978. 59 Figure 25. Similar to Fig. 17 except for June 1978. — 60 Figure 26. Similar to Fig. 15 except from 15 April to 15 May 1978. 61 Figure 27. Similar to Fig. 15 except from 15 May to 15 June 1978. 61 9 Figure 28. Similar to Fig. 13 except at grid point 38.0°N, 135. 0°W. Figure 29. Similar to Fig. 13 except at grid point 40.0°N, 160. 0°W. Figure 30. Similar to Fig. 13 except at grid point 34.0°N, 160. 0°W. Figure 31. Daily maximum model mixed layer depth and corresponding model mixed layer temperature at the central point of cold anomaly 12, 36.0°N, 150. 0°W. The model was initialized on February 1978 and 5 cal/cm^/h was added each time step to the downward surface heat flux from 15 March to 18 June 1978. The objectively analyzed MLT are denoted by x on the 15th of each month. Figure 32. Predicted temperatures (°C) during March 1978 at (A) surface, (B) 60 m and (C) 120 m from the model initialized on 15 February 1978 and integrated with the addition of 5 cal/cm2/h each time step to the downward surface heat flux from 15 March to 18 June 1978. Similar to Fig. 32 except for April 1978. Temperature (°C) anomaly CA 1 at surface during June 1976. The ratio of change in analyzed temperatures (°C) from 15 June to 15 July 1976 to the same climatolo- gical temperature change for the same period. Figure 36. Temperature (°C) anomaly CA 1 during July 1976 at (A) surface (B) 60 m and (C) 120 m. ■ Figure 37. Similar to Fig. 35 except for period from 15 July to 15 August 1976. Figure 33. Figure 34 Figure 35 62 63 64 76 77 78 88 88 89 90 10 Figure 38. Similar to Fig. 36 except for August 1976. 91 Figure 39. Similar to Fig. 36 except for September 1976. 92 Figure 40. Similar to Fig. 36 except for October 1976. 93 Figure 41. Similar to Fig. 35 except for the period 15 September to 15 October 1976. — 94 Figure 42. Similar to Fig. 36 except for November 1976. 95 Figure 43. Similar to Fig. 35 except for the period 15 October to 15 November 1976. 96 Figure 44. Similar to Fig. 36 except for December 1976. '• 97 Figure 45. Model temperature (°C) anomaly MA 1 at the surface during August 1976. The model used the surface heat flux correction relative to 200 m as determined by Elsberry et al. (1982) . 99 Figure 46. Histogram showing the occurrence of cold anomalies during the period January 1976 to December 1979. 101 Figure 47. Daily maximum model mixed layer depth and corresponding model mixed layer temperature (MLT) resulting from no surface heat flux corrections being applied compared to objectively analyzed MLT at the center of CA 1 40.0°N, 165. 0°E from 15 June to 18 December 1976. 108 Figure 48. Model temperature (°C) anomaly at the surface during August 1976. No surface heat flux correction was applied in the model. 109 2 Figure 49. Correction field (cal/cm /h) relative to 200 m for 15 June to 18 August 1976 to be applied to the FNOC surface heat flux fields. 117 11 Figure 50. Model temperature (°C) anomaly at the surface during August 1976 resulting from the correction field relative to 200 m being applied to the FNOC surface heat flux fields. H' Figure 51. Daily maximum model mixed layer depth and corresponding model mixed layer temperature (MLT) resulting from the new correction field relative to 200 m being applied, compared to objectively analyzed MLT at the center of CA 1 40.0°N/ 165°E from 15 June to 18 August 1976. 118 Figure 52. Similar to Fig. 49 except for correction field relative to 100 m. 119 Figure 53. Similar to Fig. 50 except for the application of the correction field relative to 100 m. 119 Figure 54. Similar to Fig. 49 except for correction field relative to 50 m. 120 Figure 55. Similar to Fig. 50 except for the application of the correction field relative to 50 m. 120 12 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to thank Drs , Warren White and Buzz Bernstein for providing the TRANSPAC analyses of ocean thermal structure. The data archiving division of Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center provided the atmo- spheric forcing fields. Appreciation is due to Dr. Roland Garwood who provided the ocean mixed layer prediction model. Miss Arlene Bird deserves thanks for her assistance in computer programming. A special thank you goes to Mr. Pat Gallacher for interpolating the FNOC atmospheric forcing fields, providing valuable comments and assistance during the study and for his review of the manuscript. The computing was done at the W.R. Church Computer Center. The author would like to express his sincerest gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Russ Elsberry for the time and effort he has spent assisting in the defining and analysis of this study, and in the preparation of this thesis. Finally, and most importantly, I want to give my heartfilled love and thanks to my wife, Linne; without her support and encouragement this thesis would not have been possible. 13 I. INTRODUCTION A. PURPOSE AND HYPOTHESIS The purpose of this study is to test the applicability of the Garwood (1977) one-dimensional bulk mixed layer model for hindcasting the cold ocean thermal anomalies found in the Anomaly Dynamics Study (ADS) domain. Elsberry (1983) describes numerous cold anomalies and selects several anomalies that are particularly suitable for testing ocean prediction models. Two of these cold anomalies were chosen for this study. The ability to pre- dict departures from climatology provides a useful test of a model's capabilities relative to either a persistence or a climatological (zero anomaly) forecast. The study of anomalies also lends insight into the large-scale variability of the ocean thermal structure. A second purpose of this study is to demonstrate the usefulness of the corrections derived by Elsberry et al. (1982) to Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center (FNOC) surface heat flux estimates in North Pacific Ocean predictions. These corrections are necessary to offset a systematic bias in the FNOC heat fluxes which was discovered in the prediction experiments of Elsberry et al. (1979), Budd (1980) and Steiner (1981). The seasonal variation in heat content of the upper ocean, away from the major current systems, is primarily 14 determined by the net heat flux across the ocean-atmosphere interface. This heat is distributed in the vertical almost exclusively by turbulent mixing. During and after the formation of the seasonal thermocline, the gradual increase in the solar flux tends to be offset by upward surface heat fluxes and increases in entrainment mixing associated with strong atmospheric storms. That is, a decrease in sea- surface temperature is found during periods of higher wind speeds (Elsberry and Garwood, 1978) . These higher wind events occur less frequently during the spring and summer. The balance between periods of net warming and net cooling is in favor of increasing sea-surface temperature from the spring transition until early autumn. After this time, the net surface cooling and entrainment mixing associated with strong storms reverses the balance, and the sea-surface temperature decreases. Superposed on these seasonal trends are periods with above or below normal temperatures. Anomalous sea-surface temperatures can be caused by anomalous solar radiation and surface heat fluxes or by anomalous entrainment heat flux at the mixed layer base generated by wind stirring and convective overturning (Elsberry and Garwood, 1978) and by horizontal advection, Ekman pumping and upwelling. The basic hypothesis of this study is that near-surface cold temperature anomalies in the North Pacific Ocean during 1976-1978 were primarily generated by local vertical mixing processes. 15 B. STUDY DESCRIPTION An objective of the North Pacific Ocean Experiment (NORPAX) was the study of the interaction between large- scale ocean temperature anomalies and weather. One observa- tional component of NORPAX was a ship-of-opportunity expendable bathythermograph (XBT) program (TRANSPAC) designed to observe the ocean thermal structure on space scales of thousands of kilometers (White and Bernstein, 1979) . The TRANSPAC analyses provide the initial and verifying temperature profiles that are required to validate ocean prediction models (Elsberry and Garwood, 1980) . Because all of the TRANSPAC observations made within a particular month are used in the objective analysis, this defines the time and space scales for the initialization and verification of the model. The NORPAX ADS area (Fig. 1) is the oceanic region examined in this study. The ADS region is bounded by 30 °N- 50°N and 130°W-160°E and encompasses midlatitude regions that contain large-scale thermal anomalies. This region also has strong atmospheric variability. In this study, two cold anomalies are examined. The first is a large-scale, long-duration event that began in the fall of 1977, and extended into the spring of 1978 in the vicinity of 36°N, 150°W. The second anomaly is a shallow, large-scale, rapid transition event occurring in the summer of 1976 in the vicinity of 40 °N, 165°E. These two anomalies provide an 16 CN o CO O o ao u a o o in S o >1 •H W c d) +J c •H 3 M 3 T1 £ -U -H fd x rd 12 W g 3 a 4J •H 0 c o H • 4J T3 C 0 •H Cn O m a) x >i-P +J M en it) e u w •H o e m fd UD flHO >i £ Q *+J Z >io a) -H rH e o c rd u o •H 17 opportunity to test the Garwood model and the vertical mixing hypothesis. C. DEFINITIONS Several terms that will be used throughout this thesis are defined and discussed in this section. 1 . Spring Transition The transition from a winter mixed layer regime to a summer regime occurs during the spring, when the occur- rence and magnitude of storms (and thus high wind speeds) are diminishing and the net daily insolation is increasing. The increase of absorption of solar radiation in the near- surface layers promotes stability, Tully and Giovando (196 3) noted that the spring transition appeared to be rapid. Elsberry and Garwood (1978] combined an oceanic model simulation and observations to demonstrate that the spring transition can occur during a single daytime heating cycle. Budd (1980) reported that the spring transition usually occurred within a 36-hour period; however, the time period for transition was longer for steady wind conditions. The key synoptic feature ini- tiating the transition is an extended period of light winds coinciding with a period of net downward heat flux (Elsberry and Raney, 1978). A layer of warmer (less dense) water near the surface is established during the diurnal heating cycle. If the mechanical generation of turbulent kinetic energy is sufficiently small, the layer will remain intact 18 through the night. A repetition of this cycle through the next several days can lead to the formation of the seasonal thermocline . A set of criteria based on the mixed layer depth and temperature was used to determine when the ocean boundary layer changed from a winter to a summer regime (similar to Budd, 1980) . The transition period was defined as the first period of sustained shallow mixed layer depths (<40 m) that followed a period of greater than 80 m depths. Occasionally the predicted and/or analyzed depths may later exceed 80 m for a short period a week or more after the establishment of the stable layer. Consequently, the transition period was specified as that period which also coincided with a significant increase in mixed layer tempera- ture. As the TRANS PAC temperature analyses were available monthly, only an approximate time frame can be given for the spring transition. 2 . Mixed Layer Depth There is no consensus method for determining the mixed layer depth of a vertical temperature profile. Various definitions have been applied in different studies depending on the requirements (operational or research) and profile resolution. In this study, the mixed layer depth has been defined to be that depth at which the vertical temperature gradient exceeds 0.10°C/5m. For regions with a very slight 19 negative gradient above a marked thermocline and for which the criteria of 0.1°C decrease in 5 m was too stringent, the mixed layer depth was manually determined from the vertical temperature profile. This was done to reduce any bias in mixed layer depth due to definition as found by Steiner (1981) . In the Garwood model , a minimum mixed layer depth of 5 m was set. This is consistent with the analyses, as the wake turbulence of a ship from which an XBT was launched would destroy an shallow (<5 m) surface layer (s) , and thus these layers would not be present in the analyses. The maximum model mixed layer depth was set at 19 0 m to prevent the model vertical profiles from becoming isothermal. 20 II. DATA SOURCES AND PROCEDURES A. DATA SOURCES This study is based on data between January 1976 and December 1979 from two separate sources. The FNOC atmo- spheric forcing and TRANSPAC temperature analyses are over the ADS domain bounded by 30°N, 50°N, 130°W and 160°E. The grid resolution is 2° latitude by 5° longitude. Atmospheric forcing data (wind speed and direction, solar heat flux and total surface heat flux) were obtained from the archived FNOC northern hemispheric atmospheric analyses and short-term predictions. The wind components were available at six-hour intervals, and the solar and total surface heat (latent plus sensible plus back radia- tion minus solar) flux values at 12-hour intervals. The Garwood model requires atmospheric forcing fields on hourly time scales to resolve the oceanic response to the diurnal heating cycle. Garwood (1977) found that this diurnal component can modulate the seasonal trend. A complete description of the procedures and programs for editing and interpolating the forcing fields to one-hour intervals is in Gallacher (1979). The TRANSPAC data sources and analysis procedures are described in White and Bernstein (1979) . XBT observations were made by ship-of-opportunity personnel along ship 21 tracks between Japan and the west coast of the United States. Due to ships tending to avoid rough weather there is a seasonal and a "fair weather" bias in the data. During the summer, the ship tracks are farther north and there is good data coverage over the domain. However, the northern part of the domain is not well sampled during the winter. It was found that the northwest and the southwest corners of the grid were not well sampled (Elsberry, 1983). Conse- quently, these areas are excluded in this study and will appear as cross-hatched areas on all appropriate figures. The XBT profiles have been objectively analyzed at depths of 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 200 m. These objectively analyzed fields produced by White and Bernstein (1979) are not vertically coupled. Since the analyzed temperature profiles are available monthly, they are taken to be representative of the "observed" temperature profile on the 15th of the month. To assure a continuous record, wherever minor data gaps existed along the edge or in the interior of the ADS grid, time and space interpolations were made at 0, 60, 120 and 200 m (Elsberry, 1983). Since data gaps were not removed in the analysis at the other analyses levels, only the analyses at 0 , 60 and 120 m were used to describe the horizontal temperature anomaly structure. The horizontally edited values at the above levels, plus objectively analyzed values (if present) at 30, 90 and 150 m, were then vertically interpolated to a 22 5 m spacing between 0 and 200 m. These gridded monthly oceanic temperature fields were used to initialize the model simulations and to verify the model output. The following comments should be kept in mind during subsequent discussions of the analyses over the entire domain. Due to the sparse ocean data, differences between the Garwood model predictions and the TRANSPAC observations of less than 0.5°C are probably not significant (Budd, 1980). The baseline study conducted by White and Bernstein (1979) indicated that the region west of 175 °W was dominated by strong mesoscale (300 km) baroclinic eddies or waves, whereas east of 175 °W the larger scale variability dominated. The temporal and spatial data coverage and the 2° latitude by 5° longitude grid interval are inadequate to resolve eddies in the region west of the dateline and in the California current. Furthermore, the analyses in regions north of 45°N and south of 35°N are less reliable due to the seasonal variation in data coverage (Elsberry, 1983). B. MEAN AND ANOMALY FIELDS The monthly mean temperature (climatological) fields used in this study are an average of the TRANSPAC monthly objectively analyzed fields over the four years, 1976-1979. These mean temperature fields are based only on the TRANSPAC vertical temperature profiles, and do not include any other source of temperature observations. The advantage of the 23 four-year mean is that the analysis method is consistent in both the mean and the anomaly fields (Elsberry, 1983). The disadvantage is that the anomaly fields will differ from those generated using the long-term NORPAX mean fields (Barnett and Ott, 1976) . This is particularly true because two of the four winter periods (1976 and 1977) include extreme conditions in the Central Pacific (White and Bernstein, 1979; Elsberry et al., 1979; White et al., 1980; Haney, 1980; Budd, 1980). Thus cold anomalies during these winters have a smaller magnitude in this study than in the NORPAX fields. Elsberry (1983) found that there is an overall trend toward a warm bias in the four-year surface TRANSPAC mean fields relative to the long-term Barnett and Ott (1976) fields. The anomaly fields were formed by subtracting the four- year mean (climatclogical) fields from the analyzed fields at 0, 60 and 120 m. The resulting horizontal anomaly fields are taken to be the anomalous conditions on the 15th of the month. C. PREDICTION MODEL The Garwood (1977) ocean mixed layer model is a second order closure bulk model. Since the model is one-dimensional, no advection or Ekman dynamics are included. A more complete description of the Garwood model is contained in the Appendix. 24 The Garwood model is initialized with the initial (TRANSPAC objectively analyzed) temperature profile fields for the 15th of the month. The model is used to predict the evolution of the oceanic thermal structure over the ADS area due to local surface forcing. The model predicts vertical temperature profiles in 5 m increments to 20 0 m over the entire grid every hour. For this study, the model output consists of the vertical temperature profiles averaged over 5 days centered on the 15th of each month, and the mixed layer temperature at the time of maximum mixed layer depth for each day. The model anomaly fields were formed by subtracting the four-year mean (climatological) fields from the model predicted fields at 0, 60 and 120 m. The resulting hori- zontal model anomaly fields are taken to be representative of the conditions on the 15th of the month. 25 III. LARGE-SCALE LONG-DURATION CASE A. COLD ANOMALY 12 DESCRIPTION The cold anomaly (CA) described below was designated and described by Elsberry (1983) as CA 12. CA 12 is a large-scale, long-duration event which persisted for approximately eight months and encompassed a vast region of the ADS grid. The entire domain had above average temperatures during October 1977 (Fig. 2A) . For orientation purposes, the ultimate location of maximum intensity or central point (36°N, 150°W) for CA 12 is marked as a dot on the appli- cable figures. Starting in November 1977 (Fig. 2B) , CA 12 began to develop at the surface in the northeast region. The temperature decreases in this region are noteworthy relative to the climatological cooling during this period. In the northeast region, which changed from a warm to cold anomaly between October and November 1977, the surface temperature decrease was greater than 1.5 times the climatological decrease (Fig. 3) . The cold anomaly con- tinued into December 1977 (Fig. 4) ; however, the temperature decrease was almost the same as climatology. At this time, the majority of the region had below normal temperatures and the anomaly had penetrated 60 m (Fig. 4). From December 1977 to January 1978 (Fig. 5) , the rate of tempera- ture decrease (Fig. 6) slowed to half that of climatology 26 in the northeast region, whereas the rate increased to 1.5 times climatology in the southeast region as the anomaly expanded southward. The anomaly continued to increase in amplitude and spatial extent between January and March 1978. Temperature decreases became more erratic over the area during this period. The vertical structure of CA 12 during January 1978 and March 1978 is shown in Figs. 5 and 7. The cold anomaly penetrated to 120 m in January 1978. A warm anomaly, extending to 120 m, was found along the eastern boundary in January 1978. This resulted in an anomaly pattern with a north-south orientation. During February (not shown) and March 1978 this warm anomaly extended westward in the vicinity of 44 °N, 140 °W. Thus CA 12 had a maximum amplitude in the southeast region. During March 1978, CA 12 reached maximum intensity (-1.91 °C at 36 °N, 150 °W) and areal extent. The western anomaly pattern in the vicinity of 38°N, 170°E in March 1978 was due to the formation of CA 18 (Elsberry, 1983) which persisted through- out the remainder of the existence of CA 12 . The vertical structure for April through June 1978 is shown in Figs. 8 to 10. The anomaly amplitude diminished from March to April 1978. During this period, the tempera- ture in the vicinity of the central point increased at a rate (not shown) of 1.5 times the climatological rate as this area underwent spring transition. However, the 27 temperature in the eastern portion of the region remained below normal through June 1978 (Figs. 8-10). Through that time, the anomaly center was maintained but the pattern changed shape. From April to May 1978 the surface features of the anomaly became more diffuse, but the anomaly ampli- tude at 60 m showed little change. The most rapid surface temperature increase took place during these two months (Fig. 11) ; it was associated with the very late spring transition throughout the remainder of this region (Elsberry* 1983). In the region of CA 12, the temperature increase during May to June 1978 was much the same as the expected climatological increase (Fig. 12). However, the region of CA 18 increased in temperature at twice the climatological rate. In May 1978 the surface signature of CA 12 was absent, although there was a 10° longitude west- ward displacement of minimum temperatures at 60 and 120 m. By June 1978 (Fig. 10) , the cold anomaly 12 became diffuse at 60 and 120 m, but interestingly, it intensified again at the surface. In June 1978, there was substantial vertical tilt between the surface and 60 m but not between 60 and 120 m. After July 1978 (not shown) , the region was generally cold throughout the remainder of the year and periods with above normal temperatures did not persist (Elsberry, 1983). In summary, CA 12 was a long-duration, large-scale event with multiple periods of amplification followed by sustaining periods. The location and minimum temperature 28 for CA 12 each month is given in Table 1. CA 12 formed between October and November 1977 at about 44°N, 145°W and was only sustained by the expected cooling during the southward expansion in December 1977. In January 1978 the anomaly progressively expanded southward. The anomaly reached its maximum amplitude and areal extent in March 1978. By April 1978, the anomaly reached its southern most location (32°N, 155°W) and had started to diminish in size and amplitude, although portions of the regions remained colder than climatology for several months. In May 1978, the surface signature of the anomaly disappeared. In June 1978, CA 12 was displaced northward to about 38°N, 155 °W and the signature of the anomaly had all but disap- peared at depth and had reappeared at the surface. This cold anomaly was clearly a major climatolgoical event. These changes in the analyzed strength of CA 12 (Table 1) could be due to several effects: (1) atmospheric forcing pulses due to localized atmospheric effects; (2) oceanic response to seasonal climatic changes; (3) anomaly-anomaly interactions; and (4) advection effects resulting from Ekman and/or Sverdrup mass transport. An effect of the above physical mechanisms is that CA 12 could be interpreted as being composed of several consecutive cold anomalies that have monthly life spans and appear in a region that is anomalously cold. It is not possible to separate completely the above effects with the available data. 29 TABLE 1 Comparison of analyzed CA 12 and model MA 12 development for each month. The locations and temperatures given are the location of the lowest temperature in CA 12 and MA 12 for each month. ANALYSIS MODEL Month Year Location Temperature Location Temperature Nov 1977 44°N/145°W -1.63°C 46°N,140°W -2.51°C Dec 1977 40°N,145°W -1.61°C (1) 46°N, 140°W -1.69°C (2)30°N/155°W -1.48°C Jan 1978 38°N,145°W -1.36°C (1) 46°N, 140°W -1.99°C (2) 34°N,155°W -2.14°C Feb 1978 34°N,145°W -1.76°C 34°N/150°W -2.23°C Mar 1978 36°N,150°W -1.91°C 34°N,150°W -2.15°C Apr 1978 32°N,155°W -1.85°C 30°N,155°W -3.10°C May 1978 34°N,150°W* -1.31°C 30°N/150°W -2.65°C Jun 1978 38°N/155°W -1.65°C 36°N,150°W -3.79°C * at 60 m 30 There may be some tilt present in the vertical structure of the anomalies. These tilts will not be examined here because the objective analysis of the temperature field is done independently at each level, and the horizontal resolution of these analyses is not appropriate. The next section describes the model hindcast of CA 12 . 31 50N (A) (B) 35N - 30N 160E 170E 180 170W 160W [SOW MOW 130W Figure 2. Temperature (°C) anomaly CA 12 at surface during (A) October 1977 and (B) November 1977. The horizontal temperature analysis for each month is centered on the 15th of that month. Negative (dashed) lines represent regions with temperatures less than climatology, zero (heavy solid) same as climatology and positive (light solid) temperatures greater than climatology. The interval is 0.5 °C. Cross hatched areas have insufficient data for analysis. Dot marks the ultimate location of maximum intensity or central point (36°N, 150°W) for CA 12. 32 50N 45N 40N 35N - 30N 160E 170E 180 170W 1 60W 150N MOW 130W Figure 3. The ratio of change in analyzed temperatures (°C) from 15 October to 15 November 1977 to the climatological temperature change for the same period. Values greater than 1.0 during this period indicate above-average temperature decreases. 33 (A) (B) 50N 45N 40N 35N - ■----0- & / ) \ A^ 30N 50N 45N 40N - 35N - 30N ■ t i ii 160E 170E 180 170W 1 60W 150W MOW 130W Figure 4. Temperature (°C) anomaly CA 12 during December 1977 at (A) surface and (B) 60 m, 34 (A) (B) (C) 50N 45N 40N - ' J 0 o 35N 30N 50N 45N 40N - 35N - 30N 50N 45N 40N - 35N - 301 ' «/ < fi Figure 5. 160E 170E 180 170W 160W 1 SOW MOW 1 30W Temperature (°C) anomaly CA 12 during January 1978 at (A) surface, (B) 60 m and (CI 120 m. 35 50N 45N 40N 35N * OM 30N 160C 170E 180 1 70W 160W 1 50W MOW 130W Figure 6. Similar to Fig. 3 except for the period from 15 December 1977 to 15 January 1978. 36 50N (A) * OM 30N 50N (B) (C) 40N - 35N - 30N 160E 170C 180 17GW 160W 150W HON 130N Figure 7. Similar to Fig. 5 except for March 1978. 37 (A) (B) (C) SON 45N agggggg^ u >< 0 M 40N -i 35N - 30N 50N 45N 40N 35N - i ~\ 30N 50N 45N 40N 35N 4 30N r > i i i > 0* .-t.O-1 • 1 160E 170E 180 170W 160W 150W MOW 130W Figure 8. Similar to Fig. 5 except for April 1978 38 50N (A) (B) (C) 40N -■■ 35N 30N V-0.5-' \ 160E 170E 180 170W I SOW 150W 1 40W 130W Figure 9. Similar to Fig. 5 except for May 1978 39 (A) (B) 50N 45N 40N -• 35N 30N SON 45N 40N - 35N - 30N 50N 45N 40N - 351 30N 160E 170E 180 170W 160W 150W MOW 130W Figure 10. Similar to Fig. 5 except for June 1978 (c) 40 50N i 45N 40N 35N 30N 160E 170E 180 170W 160W 1 BOW MOW 130W Figure 11. Similar to Fig. 3 except from 15 April to 15 May 1978. Values greater than 1.0 indicate greater temperature changes than the normal monthly change. Negative (dashed) values indicate temperature decrease during a period in which seasonal warming is taking place. 50N 45N 40N - 35N 30N 160E 170E 180 170W 160W 150W MOW 130W Figure 12. Similar to Fig. 3 except from 15 May to 15 June 1978. 41 B. MODEL HINDCAST The Garwood model was initialized with the ocean tem- perature analysis from 15 October 1977 and integrated through 18 June 1978 to cover the life span of CA 12. As may be seen in Fig. 13, the model does a rather remarkable job in predicting the mixed layer temperature through March 197 8 during the deepening and maintenance phases of the anomaly at the central point (36.0°N, 150. 0°W) . From April through June 197 8 however, the model-predicted mixed layer temperatures remained too low. Recall that the model was initialized with the October 1977 fields which showed the region covered by above average temperatures (Fig. 2A) . By November 1977 (Fig. 14) , the model developed a cold anomaly on the surface in the north- east region. The model anomaly (MA) underwent rapid temperature decreases (Fig. 15) from October to November 1977 as did CA 12. in the northeast region, the analyzed surface temperature decrease was greater than 1.5 times the climatological decrease (Fig. 3), while the model surface temperature decrease was greater than twice the climatologi- cal decrease (Fig. 15). From November to December 1977, the model sustained the anomaly by a cooling rate much the same as climatology. By this time the majority of the region had below normal temperatures. The model-derived anomaly penetrates to 60 m at the central point in December 1977 (Fig. 16) , which is one month earlier than analyzed 42 (Figs. 4 and 5). That is, the model decreases in mixed layer temperature (and increases in depth) are slightly larger than observed in CA 12 from October to November 1977. The model anomaly in the northeast (MA 12N) at 46 °N, 140 °W is in the locality where CA 12 first appeared. MA 12N remains in the same location for three months, and disap- pears as a separate center by February 197 8. In December 1978, another cold model anomaly (MA 12) center appears on the surface in the southeast (-1.48°C at 30°N, 155°W) . Both centers (MA 12 and MA 12N) are con- sidered to be part of the model's representation of CA 12. As the southeast center (MA 12) development after December 1978 closely parallels that of CA 12, the discussion below will focus on MA 12. From December 1977 to January 1978 (Fig. 17) , the predicted rate of temperature decrease (Fig. 18) slowed to that of climatology in the northeast region, but stayed at 1.5 times climatology in the southeast region as the anomaly expanded southward. This general pattern is consistent with the analyzed changes in the eastern half of the domain (Fig. 6) . The vertical structure for January and March 19 7 8 can be seen in Figs. 17 and 19. The model predictions are noisy at 60 and 120 m, although the features of CA 12 are still very discernable. The model prediction takes on a weak north-south orientation similar to the analyses. The warm anomaly along the eastern boundary is not predicted in 43 January 1978 except at 120 m, where it is correctly oriented north-south but has a larger areal extent. By March 1978 (Fig. 19), this warm anomaly at 120 m has moved eastward to along the eastern boundary of the ADS area, where it remains through June 1978. Since this warm anomaly has a large areal extent in the eastern region at 120 m, MA 12 does not penetrate to 120 m in the vicinity of 36°N, 150°W until February 1978 (not shown) , which is one month later than analyzed. The model does a fairly good job in hindcasting the marked changes in shape of the vertical thermal structure for the central point of CA 12. The model mixed layer temperatures (MLT's) are in close agreement, albeit on the cold side, with those analyzed through March 1978. The analyzed and predicted vertical temperature profiles for October through December 1977 can be seen in Fig. 20A and 20B and those for January through March 1978 in Fig. 21A and 21B. The October 1977 profiles are, of course, identical as this is the initial time. The predicted mixed layer temperatures (MLT's) for November and December 1977 were nearly the same as analyzed, while the remainder of the vertical profiles approximated the analyses. One exception is the higher thermoclime temperatures analyzed during November 1977 only. It is during the period from January to March 197 8 that the model predictions come the closest to hindcasting correctly the vertical temperature profiles 44 at the central point down to 2 00 m, The mixed layer depth is also largest during this period. The model MLT ' s for January through March 1978 are less than 0.5°C lower than the analyzed MLT and the thermal structure below the mixed layer is in fair agreement with the analyses. The analyzed spring transition at the central point occurred between March and April 1978 using the criteria described in Chapter I, Section CI. Determination of the mixed layer depth for both the model and analyzed profiles was made using the criteria described in Chapter I, Section C2. The analyzed March 1978 vertical temperature profile (Fig. 21A) appears to have a mixed layer depth (MLD) of about 80 m, although the temperature gradient below this level is quite small. By April 1978 (Fig. 22A) , the analyzed MLD has shallowed to about 40 m and the MLT has increased by 1.0°C. Using the same criteria as for the analyzed spring transition, the model spring transition does not occur until between April and May 1978. As may be seen in Fig. 22B, the model MLD in April 1978 is 150 m. By May 1978, the model MLD has shallow-d to about 5 m and the model MLT has increased by 1.0°C. Using the daily maximum model MLD and corresponding MLT from Fig. 13, the predicted spring transition would be during the latter half of April 1978. Throughout the spring, the model mixed layer temperature remained too low (Fig. 13). In the southwest region, the 45 model predictions continued to decrease in temperature from March to April 1978, whereas the region actually had undergone spring transition and the cold anomaly was diminishing. The model-derived vertical structure for April through June 1978 can be seen in Figs. 23 to 25. It is during April 1978 that MA 12 reaches maximum intensity (-3.10°C at 30°N/ 155°W) and areal extent. The model anomaly center in April 1978 is southwest of the analyzed central point. Between April and May 1978, the surface temperature in the model began to increase at a rate (Fig. 26) close to twice the climatological rate, which is consistent with the analyzed changes (Fig. 11) . This rapid increase in temerature did not persist long enough for the model mixed layer temperature to increase to the analyzed temperatures. In May 1978 (Fig. 24), the predicted anomaly is quite intense rather than having somewhat diffuse surface features, as was analyzed. The model prediction does maintain the eastern portion at below normal temperatures through June 1978. From May to June 1978, the predicted rate of temperature increase (Fig. 27) is less than that of climatology, and is approximately equal to the analyzed rate of temperature increase (Fig. 12) in the region of CA 12. By June 19 78, at the central point, the model- derived anomaly is still quite prominent, -1.79°C, at 60 m, whereas at 120 m the anomaly has diminished to only 46 -0.65°C. The model correctly predicts the intensification of the surface anomaly at the central point in June 1978 (Fig. 25) ; however, the model anomaly is twice as intense as analyzed. In summary, the Garwood model does a very notable job in hindcasting CA 12 as it developed during the autumn of 1977 and reached the maximum amplitude and area extent during the winter of 1978. The mixed layer temperature and depth, and corresponding vertical temperature profiles at the center of the anomaly, are fairly close to those analyzed. The model spring transition is late compared to the analyzed spring transition, and the model mixed layer temperatures remain too low, A summary of the locations and minimum temperatures during the life spans of both CA 12 and MA 12 is provided in Table 1 (Chapter III, Section 3B) . It is very satisfying to see numerous similari- ties during the life span of the cold anomaly. The model hindcast of CA 12 is slightly on the cold side as seen in Fig. 13. These results show that CA 12 can be accounted for the most part by local atmospheric forcing. It is interesting to look at other grid points around the central point of CA 12. One grid point examined is located to the northeast of CA 12 near the persistent warm anomaly along the eastern boundary of the ADS area. The model predictions there are not as good, as the model does 47 not hindcast the warm anomaly along the eastern boundary. At 38°N, 135°W (Fig. 28) , the model mixed layer temperature is also consistently too low throughout the integration. However, the monthly trends of temperature change are well simulated. At the northwest edge of the anomaly (40°N/ 160 °W) , themodel prediction (Fig. 29) is much better than at the central point of CA 12. Thus, the temperature changes in the central area of the ADS region appear to be explained by one-dimensional processes. Furthermore, the anomalous thermal structure appears to be generated by local atmospheric forcing. The hindcast for 34°N, 160°W (Fig. 30) is also quite good. At this location, the model captures the trend during the autumn-winter temperature decrease and also does a good job in the spring, except for April 197 8. In April, the model mixed layer temperature is significantly colder than the analyzed monthly mixed layer temperature. 48 (y\Q M}dsQ jaXo~i paxi^ wnujixD|A| o'o o-03- crot- o*o9- o'oe- o-ooi- o-oa- o-o-w- o-09i- croei cn-H C -P •H U TD CD a -n O X) a o 0) M o o a id +> a— 0) Eh M —• 0) > a) id M H 3 ■P (d 5-( 0) £ -P -P g C O O U £ • o mh in O H ,c - -P s in o rH O • 0) vo oo cn en d) •H g rH 1 x-.-0 160E 1 70E 180 170W 160W 150W HOW 130W Figure 16. Model temperature (°C) anomaly MA 12 during December 1977 at (A) surface and (B) 60 m. 51 (A) (B) (C) SON 45N 35N - 30N 50N 45N 4on -)) \ V$<0 ---,; yy-'-^ , *d 35N -s 30N 4on-)\\\?v<> ""° y>"^//<: -1.0-.. / I \ / 50N ^^E | 120 M 35N - 30N -0.5. V 160E 170E 180 170W 160W 150W MOW 130W Figure 17. Model temperature (°C) anomaly MA 12 during January 19 78 at (A) surface, (B) 60 m and (C) 120 m. 52 50N 45N 40N - 35N 30N 160E 170E 180 170W 160W 150W MOW 130W Figure 18. Similar to Fig. 15 except from 15 December 1977 to 15 January 1978. Values greater than 1.0 indicate greater temperature changes than the normal monthly decrease. Negative (dashed) values indicate a temperature increase during a period in which seasonal cooling is expected. 53 (A) 50N 45N 40N - 35N - i-'-"'^ 7 7 'x<2>>*:' ^-0.5- X>\ ?i! • ) K -l.o -„ -v.o--- (B) 30N 50N 45N 40N - 35N - J : / i i i 30N 50N T o O ' / \ -1.0 i i (C) 30N 160E 1 70E 180 170W 1 60W 150W MOW 130W Figure 19. Similar to Fig, 17 except for March 1978 54 (W) HId3Q (W) Hld3Q -> r- X CJ C> -P o rH C — 0 n — 6 H 0> (U to 0 M XI 0) CO Xi XI poHiiju e +J -p CTtiH tO d> 03 U C -H d) O MO (din -H 0 «H Q a u u u o e o-p a 73 d) m — x: c -p — -p m XJ u u m rH -P d) O rH ^ 03 C X *-* CO O O E Q) d) x H -P U U -P o M d) (1) 3 U 0) X Q -P C -H > -P 03 O O T3 M — >i O 03 U O 73 a) ^ u s 0) X -H -H CO N -P U -P >l - >, - — - j-| rd -— « rH C 0) 73 CO 03 o u > a) c a) a m 03 73 X >i > 03 • 0) g rH -H 3 r- >, M d> X ^ O1!"- rH CD > -P CO o a) +j o c 5-1 — ' <-\ > C S O d> -h a) g > ^ ^~~ ■p u «. o a) CO U — rH X O -u) -— CU— ' — ' 03 MH • O CN d) u 3 tn •H fa 55 o ■ 81 O- O 1 1 -_. ..-■■ ^.. „ — --. -. pq (W) HldGQ (W) Hld30 w • CD CO S-l r^ ir- M en (d c P ns a •H id u ^ -p "■— " m O £ U-l o u 4J ta as CD O 13 X a cd (0 o ^_^ CN 0) CD • rH Cn u •H H Cm •H O 0 — -P >i M u fd (0 r-H 3 •H S-l S .Q •H CD CO fc, • rH (N a) u 3 cn •H &4 56 LJUIiLJ >1 id 2 *> M d> U a 0 XT CO r-K • 00 •H r- U O^i OirH < *— s u w 0 Q) 4-1 •H t7> -M c cu id ■H XJ Cm a id 0 +J ,— «. w u (1) id rH rH U •H )-l £ •H •H O (W) HId3Q O) *■" (N &4 57 (A) 50N 45N 40N -- 35N - (B) (C) 30N 50N 45N 40N 35N 30N 50N 45N 40N - ' 7* ' a' i.Q ,-i.O^',' — ' ' -•" — *• s « /'—**'/ , -'•> \ / .' / ..*-° ,'' \ \ i -v- ; '" *•*' » i i i > Mill* / * V 1 1 -i.s- / \ / \ -0.5' 30N o •v 35N \ ; ., -\.0 ^A 160C 170E 180 170W 160W 150W MOW 130W Figure 23. Similar to Fig. 17 except for April 1978. 58 (A) (B) 50N 45N 40N - 35N - 30N 50N 45N 40N - 35N - 30N (C) 45N * 120 M 2 40N - 30N o.s^- 9 .' / <>S ' i 'o / / / i,V, J Ca 160E 170E 1 80 ' 1 70W 160W 150W HOW 130W Figure 24. Similar to Fig. 17 except for May 1978 59 (A) (B) 50N 45N 40N 35N 30N SON 45N 40N 35N - 1 x //~i^"^ (c) 30N 50N 45N 40N •> 35N -; i / / r : ' 3 i i 1 1 L> C5 30N -• 160E 170E 180 1 7GW 160W 150W MOW 130W Figure 25. Similar to Fig. 17 except for June 1978 60 SON 45N 40N 35N - 30N ■ ''" v ' i r ■ ■ i ■ ' i ' ' ' r 160E 170E 180 170W 160W 150W MOW 130W Figure 26. Similar to Fig. 15 except from 15 April to 15 May 1978. 50N 45N 40N - 35N - 30N 160E 170E 70W 1 SOW 1 50W MOW 130W Figure 27. Similar to Fig. 15 except from 15 May to 15 June 1978. 61 (y\|) lftd3Q jaXD-] psxi^ LunujixD|/\j o-o o-oc- o*o>- o-09- o-oe- o-ooi- o-oa- o-om- o"09i- o-oeie--oo2- 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 X j 1* ■*■-"-"- » N -•»-cr.T \ ""-'' s ,» ) x y .;"' ( l~ ~ ~ - i - " -•» 7 __^__ . i "*"■ r-- -- - - - ----^ ^t _ ,* —- '**-- ' --" J -.-^v-^ */ *' / '^ 1/ p-r J* *i ' * 5_ "^^.vJ1' -v',7 * / / • / ' / -'' * / --" / _.»' / —•-■-' - 5 o O in 2 o O • 00 •U fi •H 0 0* •H U C7> -P fd 4J a. 0) o > h- X < (D D cr ro m UJ .-H Ll_ • C7> •H > fa < tD (7N 0 4J ~3 5H (0 .H q: •H UJ e 2 •H a CO UJ Q • CO en UJ CN it •H fa o-oe 0'9Z 00C 0-9l 0-0l Q) ajn}Djsduiaj_ jsXon paxi(/\| o-s O'O 62 (y\|) i|}d3Q js/d~i psxi^i uunixi|XD/\) 0*0 0"0C- O'Ot- 0'09- 0"08- O'OOl- 0*021- O'Ott- 0*091- 0'09lfr-002- J l I I l_ UJ i o O o z o O o 4J C •H 0 •H H cn +J id +) 0 Q) E o £ fr- X ee < 0) 3 or ro CD LU -H a_ ► tT> •H fa < is < 0 4J -3 5-1 id rH or LU CD •H e 2 •H LU CO LU Q • •H Em ooe osz 0'OC 0'S 0"0l Q) 9jn}DJ3dujs_L J»Xd"] P9XI^\) 0'5 63 (y\j) M}daQ jsXd-] paxi/g Luntuixo^ tro croc- o*o>- o'09- o-oe- crooi- o-oa- cvo-m- cro9i- oroeie--ooc- ooe UJ 2 o O o Z o o • en -P C •H o •H H 0^ X - &4 az < (D -1; i*» z2 0 -p < —5 u fO -H a. •H UJ CD e 2 •H w en UJ a • o a; CO UJ 5^ O C 3 lO a,--* Cni3 «=r QJ Eh G t3 rJ -H T3 H s rt! 0) 0 u >i(D W C id m a a>ix! 0 O i^h td Q id m-i c -p g rH re ra CO 3 +j <-H g T3 (d >i— . ■H d) (1) H £ O X X A G g g irH (0 U s rH cu «h a) ^ ^ •H T3 U -n U id o a .q « LD Q g W 0 0) and net downward ( but less than expected from climatology) surface heat flux (Q > 0) which produces excessive warming (AH - QT > 0). Elsberry et al. (1982) determined that this type of error would occur 26.8% of the time using the corrected total heat flux. The heat flux correction fields for the June-to-August period as determined by Elsberry et al. (1982) are based on only three years. Their basic assumption is that the error in the surface heat flux is systematic and that an average over the three years will give a stable estimate of the required correction. However, it was shown above that the changes in heat content during 1976 were markedly different. Therefore a new heat flux correction field is derived specifically for the 15 June to 18 August 19 7 6 period. The purpose is to determine if the model can predict the correct vertical distribution of the heat if an improved estimate of the total surface heat flux is provided. The change in oceanic heat content relative to 200 m is AH = H(t + At) - H(t) , (3) where At = two months (June - August 19 76) and H relative to 200 m is given by 0 H = p C f (T(z) - T(200) ) dz . (4) ° P -200 110 It is expected that AH will be positive during this period of net downward heat flux (roughly between April and September ) . A two-month interval was used to be consistent with the heat correction field derived by Elsberry et al. (1982) . They found that bimonthly correction fields were simple to apply and representative of the seasonal variation. This two-month interval is also the time during which CA 1 reached maximum intensity and spatial extent. The following budget equation is assumed: At AH = / Qdt + Residual = Q At + Residual . (5) 0 T The integral sign indicates that the air-sea flux is summed over the same time interval that AH is evaluated. Q is defined as the total surface heat flux and can be expressed as the time integral of: QT = Qs - (Qb + Qh + Qxl = Qs - Qsfc , 161 where the subscripts s, b, h and 1 refer to solar, back, sensible and latent heat fluxes through the sea surface. Q ,. is surface heat flux. The residual term includes non- sfc local physical effects (especially horizontal advection) and the errors in estimating the heat content changes and the surface fluxes. This budget equation assumes that vertical processes dominate the horizontal, and for the space and 111 time scales in this study, that the local change in heat content over the given period should be balanced by the vertical flux of heat at the air-sea interface. The analyzed temperature fields and the model physics were assumed correct. Using predicted temperature fields for August 1976 determined without any heat corrections and the analyzed temperature fields for August 1976, a new bimonthly surface heat flux correction relative to 200 m at each grid point is correction = (AH ,._ > - AH , ,_ N)/At mod (Aug) anal (Aug) ' (H -, /, s - H n ,, . )/At mod (Aug) anal (Aug) ' (7) 2 The correction field (Fig. 49) with units of cal/cm /h was added to the FNOC surface heat flux each hour in the model integration. The solar radiation fields are assumed to be correct. Negative values in the resulting correction field (Fig. 49) indicate that the upward heat flux is to be reduced by the amount shown. It can be seen that H , and H . are approximately equal at the central point (40 °N, 165°E) , so that only a small correction is required. The model was initialized with the 15 June 1976 analysis and integrated through 18 August 1976 (Fig. 50) . The intensity of CA 1 is correctly hindcast, although the gradients around the anomaly are too large. There is also a warm anomaly along 170 °E which is not present in the analyzed anomaly field (Fig. 38A) . The shape of the 112 anomalous warm region in the mid-southern section of the ADS domain is in agreement with that analyzed, albeit with much too high temperatures. It may also be seen in Fig. 50 that there is some weakening of the anomalous features through the middle of the ADS domain. The model does hindcast the eastern region as cold, which agrees with the analysis. At the central point of CA 1 (Fig. 51) , there is very good agreement between the monthly objective analyzed mixed layer temperature and the temperature corresponding to the daily maximum mixed layer depth. The good agreement at this point was expected from Fig. 47 since the new correction is almost zero. Major improvements due to the new correction field relative to either the original (Fig. 45) or no (Fig. 4 8) correction are found through most of the domain. To determine if further improvements in the surface anomaly field could be made, two other correction fields were derived. As the summer mixed layer is shallow and warm, the local atmospheric effects are only felt in the upper 100 m. Thus a correction field based on the heat content changes relative to 100 m was produced (Fig. 52). The model was then initialized with the 15 June analysis and integrated with this correction field added to the FNOC surface heat flux fields through 18 August 1976. The resulting surface anomaly field (Fig. 53) is less representa- tive of that analyzed than in Fig. 50. The eastern, middle 113 and southern sections were not hindcast well. In the region of CA 1, the temperature of the predicted anomaly is too low and the anomaly center is displaced northward. Since the anomaly in August 1976 is present above 60 m, it is possible that the heat flux correction field should be based on the heat content changes in the upper 50 m. Therefore, a correction field relative to 50 m (Fig. 54) was also produced. The model was then integrated over the same time period as previously. The resulting surface anomaly field (Fig. 55) is a much poorer representation of the analyzed field (Fig. 38A) than the predicted fields with surface heat flux correction fields relative to 100 and 200 m. One region of improvement in Fig. 55 is in the eastern section, although the improvement is small relative to Fig. 50. The pattern correlation was calculated between the analyzed and predicted temperature changes between 15 June and 15 August 19 76. These calculations are over an area bounded by 34°N, 44°N, 170°E and 135°W. The pattern correla- tion for the model integration with the surface heat flux correction relative to 200 m was 0.49, while the pattern correlation for the model integration with the correction field relative to 100 m was -0.05. Based on these and the previous results, the new correction field relative to 200 m was judged to be better. The improved results with the larger depth suggest that this calculation is more effective in removing some of the effects of horizontal advection and changes in heat content due to vertical 114 displacements of the thermocline. Waking the correc- tions relative to 50 and 100 m may intertwine these effects with the effects of local atmospheric forcing. In summary, if the best possible estimate of the surface heat flux is provided, the model predictions were improved, although they were only a fair representation of the analyzed August 1976 fields. One possible source of error is the assumption that the total correction should be applied to the surface heat flux. Perhaps a fraction of the correction field should be applied to the solar heat flux. The areas of erroneous high temperatures in the model predictions may also be due to the absence of shear production due to the mean current. It is possible that non-local atmospheric forcing and events may contribute to the poor model performance. Given the available data, it is not possible to separate the effects of three-dimensional processes, poor forcing, inaccurate ocean analyses and incomplete model physics and parameterizations. The very strong anomalous conditions associated with CA 1 are at least partly due to the anomalous atmospheric forcing during the period. Unfortunately, the magnitude of the anomalous forcing appears to be of the same order of magnitude as the bias in the FNOC surface heat flux fields. When the uncertainties in the heat correction field are large, the ability of the model to predict anomalous ocean conditions cannot be satisfactorily tested. These tests 115 with a single case would suggest that improvements in the FNOC surface heat flux are required. It is hoped that the new Navy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System will provide these improved fields. 116 50N 45N 40N 35N - 30N \\\H* s *',',- ~ ,U \ • i i ' ' * i • ' "\ **'v -' rrrIfi — * * * » ■ » \ * *\ " * \* / / ' / *>. x v v * * v s > ' Figure 49. 160E 170E 1B0 170W 1 SOW 150W HOW 130W 2 Correction field (cal/cm /h) relative to 200 m for 15 June to 18 August 1976 to be applied to the FNOC surface heat flux fields. Negative values indicate that the upward heat flux is to be reduced by the amount shown. 50N 45N 40N 35N 30N ><0M »;3f;>\;v.'// \ -////^ ^-^v Wi.'i it " ' ' > ' / «•- v*\v. \\ &$foM??!['!?\ \v>fc> \sCZJJkX \ Figure 50. 160E 1 70E 180 170W 160W 150W MOW 130W Model temperature (°C) anomaly at the surface during August 1976 resulting from the correction field relative to 200 m being applied to the FNOC surface heat flux fields. 117 JULY 1976 AUGUST Time Figure 51. Daily maximum model mixed layer depth and corresponding model mixed layer temperature (MLT) resulting from the new correction field relative to 200 m being applied, compared to objectively analyzed MLT (denoted by x on the 15th of each month) at the center of CA 1 40.0°N, 165°E from 15 June to 18 August 1976. 118 50N 45N 40N 35N 30N 160E 170E 180 170W 1 60W I50W 140W 130W Figure 52. Similar to Fig. 49 except for correction field relative to 100 m. 50N 45N 40N 35N 30N |0M |ggp XT 2.0" \wv ','.,x"xxxr 160E 170E 180 170W 160W 150W HOW 130W Figure 53. Similar to Fig. 50 except for the application of the correction field relative to 100 m. 119 50N 45N 40N - 35N 30N yxv^x--. 1.. ~2. V 9. \ f. i > <5> P 160C 170E lBO 170W l SOW 150W MOW 130W Figure 54. Similar to Fig. 49 except for correction field relative to 50 m. MOM RS^ 40N -.. 30N 1 1 |6fi7'.\»V v *\ / ^ N n ' --in '" / .I'Ml., v> ~N s v„ -- \ v\\Y''/ ** . v '" ' / / .' — •» v-" — ■"""" \/ '. ■0 .„ \V.)/C^ 160E 170E 180 170W 160W 150W MOW 130W Figure 55. Similar to Fig. 50 except for the application of the correction field relative to 50m. 120 V. CONCLUSIONS The Garwood model does a very commendable job of hind- casting the large-scale long duration anomaly CA 12 through the autumn of 1977 and winter of 1978. Errors in the model prediction increased substantially in the spring, following the analyzed spring transition between 15 March and 15 April 1978. It was found that an additional downward surface heat 2 flux of 5 cal/cm /h during this period produced improved predictions. With the additional heat flux correction the model spring transition occurred during the same period as the analysis. For March and April 197 8, the improvements of model features, the presence of a warm anomaly along the eastern ADS region boundary and the reduction in relative heat content errors, suggest that the most likely cause of errors at the central point for these two months is inaccurate atmospheric forcing. However, the additional downward surface heat flux did not improve the horizontal temperature anomaly structure for May and June 1978. Those fields had much too strong thermal anomalies which did not resemble the analyzed horizontal structure, although the relative errors in heat content were decreased substantially 2 This suggests that a correction of about 5 cal/cm /h of heat should be added, but not entirely as a surface heat flux. In May and June 1978, there was anomalous anticyclonic flow 121 over the region of CA 1. Thus, either an additional down- ward solar heat flux and/or Ekman transport of warm water could be the process by which the additional heat needs to be distributed in the model. These results verify the hypothesis that CA 12 was primarily generated by the vertical mixing processes during the autumn of 1977 and the winter of 1978. That is, the mixed layer temperature change is related to one-dimensional processes to the first order. The usefulness of the heat flux correction fields, derived by Elsberry et al. (1982), for FNOC surface heat flux estimates in North Pacific Ocean predictions was demonstrated during the autumn of 197 7 and the winter of 1978. The model results for CA 12 in the spring suggested that in periods of rapid change (i.e., spring transition) a better estimate of the surface heat flux is required. The results for CA 1 emphasized this. It was found from the hindcast of CA 1 that the heat flux correction fields derived by Elsberry et al. (1982) were not satisfactory for June to August 1976. A new surface heat flux correction field was derived specifically for 15 June to 18 August 1976. This new heat flux correction exactly accounts for the difference in the predicted (without correction) and analyzed temperature profile heat content relative to 200 m. With this more correct estimate of the surface heat flux, the model did produce an improved result 122 which was a fair representation of that analyzed for August 1976. However, there were still errors in the model results. Perhaps some of the heat flux correction needs to be applied to the solar heat flux. There is also the possibility of model physics being the source of error. The Garwood model may benefit from the inclusion of entrainment shear production This entrainment may reduce the sensitivity of the model by preventing overly shallow mixed layers from persisting during the spring and summer. The uncertainties in the heat flux correction fields are fairly large in the spring and summer. This limits tests of the ability of the model to predict anomalous ocean conditions during the spring and summer. It is recommended that the model's capability for spring and summer predictions be further examined. The results of this study are generally encouraging. The most encouraging aspect is that a one-dimensional mixed layer model, such as the Garwood model, has the capability to predict anomalous conditions over long integration periods. The validity of a vertical mixing hypothesis for the formation and maintenance of cold anomalies in the North Pacific Ocean is also demonstrated. However, these predictions illustrate the crucial role of the surface heat and momentum fluxes in predicting the ocean mixed layer characteristics. The FNOC surface heat fluxes from the 123 hemispheric, primitive-equation model need to be improved, especially during the spring and summer. It is hoped that the new NOGAPS model at FNOC will provide these improved fields. 124 APPENDIX GARWOOD MODEL The Garwood (1977) model is a bulk or vertically integrated model for the oceanic planetary boundary layer (OPBL) or mixed layer. It is comprised of a closed system of seven equations. The entrainment buoyancy flux equation, T 1/2 m. -bw(-h) = — i H ; (1) the horizontal component of turbulent kinetic energy, 1 3 ,. 2, 2 . bw(-h) |AC|2 j -^ (h ) = m3u, 2AB ' T - 1/2 2ml - 1/2 m5~~ - - m0( - 3) (E) ' -± ( + ~ fh); (2) the vertical component of turbulent kinetic energy, I ft (h <^> ) = I hbw(-h) - \ hu*b* _ 1/2 -^ 1/2 + m2 ( - 3) ' nu , ,„ m - Ji(1/2 + -1 fh) ; (3) 3 it^ 125 the mean buoyancy and mean momentum equations h £|2£ = bw(-h) - bw(0) + -23- Q , (4) po p h -5— = cw(-h) - cw(0) + ifh ; (5) and the jump conditions at the bottom of the mixed layer (relating entrainment fluxes to the rate of deepending, and the changes in mean momentum and buoyancy at the base of the mixed layer) , ■cw(-h) ■ AC |~ , and (6) ■bw(-h) = AB || . (7) The time-dependent model forcing consists of the surface fluxes of momentum and buoyancy. In the present experiments, the contribution to the buoyancy due to salinity is neglected due to the lack of salinity data. Thus, the surface boundary conditions required to compute these fluxes are the total heat flux (Q ) , the solar radiation (Q ) and the wind speed. Model outputs are the entrainment fluxes, turbulent kinetic energy, mixed layer depth and mixed layer temperature. The mechanism Garwood (1977) envisioned in the initial destabilization of the interface (between the mixed layer 126 and the denser water beneath) and the resulting entrainment is a "local" Kevin-Helmholtz instability (also known as a Benjamin (1963) class C instability) . This instability is triggered by shear across the interface provided by the local turbulent eddies. The shear due to mean flow only is assumed to make a minor contribution to the achievement of this critical shear value; thus (5) can be neglected. By using the equation for the flux Richardson number evaluated at z = -h, Rf " .— au — w: ' (8) (uw __ _ vw ^) and the jump conditions (6) and (7) , one can find that shear production is a fixed fraction of buoyant damping in the entrainment zone. This zone may have a flux Richardson number greater than 1.0 and still possess enough turbulent kinetic energy for mixing to continue. In the Garwood model the shear production is only a secondary energy source for mixing, which can only be made available by entrainment initiated by another source. According to Garwood (1977), the most significant source of energy for mixing within an active entrainment zone is the convergence of flux of turbulent energy, - (fz» [ W (l - f » ] o 127 Thus, the critical parameter to determine the entrainment rate is not Rf but the ratio, P, of buoyancy flux to the convergence of energy flux: P = S* |_ I w C| + -B-) ] O The Garwood model uses separate vertical and horizontal equations (2) and (3) for the turbulent kinetic energy. This allows the convergence of turbulent kinetic energy flux to be included in the model. Mixed layer retreat occurs when the vertical component of turbulence is inadequate to transport heat, momentum and turbulence to the earlier depth of mixing. As explained by Tennekes and Lumley (1972) , the dissi- pation rate can be estimated from the rate at which large scale eddies supply energy to the smaller scale eddies. This gives rise to a dissipative time scale *« - *- • <10> Where the vertically integrated averaged turbulent kinetic energy is defined as = 2& + ^ + 2t>- , (11) 128 0 0 / e dz = / -h -h and the net rate of dissipation is 3u. 3u. v ax1 sx1 dz • (12) 3 3 There are two time scales in the oceanic mixed layer. The first is a convective time scale formed from the turbulent velocity and the length scale of the large scale turbulent flow, t, = h/u* . This scale can be thought of as the time required for a large turbulent eddy to overturn. The second scale is imposed by planetary rotation, t~ = 1/f . In deeper boundary layers, planetary rotation turns the mean shear direction with depth and t~ is the characteristic time scale of the resulting vortex stretching. In Garwood's model, both of these time scales are incorporated into the parameterization of the dissipation time scale, which is defined as t = t ~1 + t ~2 . (13) £ 1 2 The parameterization of the absorption of solar radiation used in the Garwood model is described by Gallacher et al. (1983) as a double exponential model for which one of the extinction depths approaches zero. Computationally, this reduces to absorbing a fixed fraction (1-r) of the flux of solar radiation, Q , in the first 129 meter, and exponential absorption for depths greater than one meter. Due to the process of Reynolds averaging in the turbu- lence equations and the subsequent formation of correlations (moments) of the fluctuating variables, there are more unknowns than equations. This problem can not be corrected at a fundamental level with additional equations since each new equation for a higher order of moment introduces addi- tional yet higher order moments. To close the system of equations, the chosen highest moments must be parameterized in terms of lower order moments and mean values. The Garwood model employs a second order closure scheme; thus the triple correlations (second order moments) are parameterized in terms of zeroth order moments (mean values) and first order moments (autocorrelations and cross correlations) . The process of parameterizing the high order moments generates constants of proportionality. In the set (l)-(3), m-, through m- are constants of proportionality which must be determined from geophysical data. The values used in this study were itu = 2.0, p, = m./m, = 1.0, p2 = m^/m^ = 1.0, p3 = m5/m = 0.5, r = 0.5 and y = 0.001. The critical constants are nu , p^, r and y. In order for the model to produce accurate forecasts it must be able to simulate the fall deepening, which is particularly sensitive to nu; the winter maximum mixed layer depth, which is sensitive to p^; the spring transition, which depends on the interaction of 130 nu and the surface heat fluxes; and the summer maximum mixed layer temperature, which depends on r and y« Tne values of the critical constants listed above were empirically determined by Gallacher et al. (1983) to be as consistent as possible with the atmospheric forcing used in this study. 131 LIST OF REFERENCES Barnett, T.P., and J.D. Ott, 19 76: Average features of the subsurface thermal field in the Central Pacific. Scripps Institute of Oceanography Reference Series 76-20, 13 pp. Benjamin, T.B., 1963: The threefold classification of unstable disturbances in flexible surfaces bounding inviscid flows. J. Fluid Mech. , 16, 435-450. Bernstein, R.L., and W.B. 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Elsberry, Code 63Es 5 Department of Meteorology Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943 6. Mr. Patrick C. Gallacher, Code 63 1 Department of Meteorology Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93 943 7. Professor Roland W. Garwood, Code 68Gd 1 Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943 8. LCDR Gary L. Stringer 2 U.S. Navy Oceanography Command Center Box 12, COMNAVMARIANAS FPO San Francisco, CA 96630 9. Directory Naval Oceanography Division 1 Naval Observatory 34th and Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, D.C. 20390 10. Commander 1 Naval Oceanography Command NSTL Station Bay St. Louis, MS 39522 134 11. Commanding Officer Naval Oceanographic Office NSTL Station Bay St. Louis, MS 39522 12. Commanding Officer Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center Monterey, CA 93943 13. Commanding Officer Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity NSTL Station Bay St. Louis, MS 39522 14. Commanding Officer Naval Environmental Prediction Research Facility Monterey, CA 93 943 15. Chairman, Oceanography Department U.S. Naval Academy Annapolis, MD 21402 16. Chief of Naval Research 800 N. Quincy Street Arlington, VA 22217 17. Office of Naval Research (Code 420) Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity 800 N. Quincy Street Arlington, VA 22217 18. Scientific Liaison Office Office of Naval Research Scripps Institution of Oceanography La Jolla, CA 92037 19. Library Scripps Institution of Oceanography P.O. Box 2367 La Jolla, CA 92037 20. Professor Robert L. Haney, Code 63Hy Department of Meteorology Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943 21. Library Department of Oceanography University of Washington Seattle, WA 98105 135 22. Library School of Oceanography Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 23. Commander Oceanographic Systems Pacific Box 1390 Pearl Harbor, HI 96860 136 20TT0H Pacific Ocean. -"•'Oh ""hesis S852T c.l Stringer One-dimenstional mo- del hindcasts of cold anomalies in the North Pacific Ocean.