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By Leone Levi, Professor of Common Law, King’s College. $1.50. . THE GEOLOGICAL HISTORY OF PLANTS. With Illustrations. By Sir J. Witu1Am Dawson, LL. D., F.R.S. $1.%5. . ANTHROPOLOGY. An Introduction to the Study of Man and Civilization. By Epwarp B. Trtor, D.C. L., F.R.S. Dlustrated. $2.00. . THE ORIGIN OF FLORAL STRUCTURES, THROUGH INSECT AND OTHER AGENCIES. By the Rey. GEoraczE HENsLow, M.A., F.L.S., F.G.S. With 88 Nlustrations. - THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SERIES ON THE SENSES INSTINCTS, AND INTELLIGENCE OF ANIMALS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO INSECTS BY Sir JOHN LUBBOCK, Bart. i? PF BS. D: ¢: L.,.. LL.D. AUTHOR OF ‘‘ ANTS, BEES, AND WASPS ;”’ ‘‘ PREHISTORIC TIMES,” ETC. WITH OVER ONE HUNDRED ILLUSTRATIONS NEW YORK fiat PLETON AND COMPANY : 1888 Transfer Enginee rs School Liby, ‘June 29,1931 PERE FACE, — In the present volume I have collected together some of my recent observations on the senses and intelli- gence of animals, and especially of insects. While attempting to understand the manners and eustoms, habits and behaviour, of eee as well as for the purpose of devising test experiments, I have found it necessary to make myself acquainted as far as possible with the mechanism of the senses, and the organs by means of which sensations are transmitted. With this object I had to look up a great number of memoirs, in various languages, and scattered through many different periodicals ; and it seemed to me that it might be inte- resting, and save others some of the labour I had to undergo myself, if I were to bring together the notes I had made, and give a list of the principal memoirs consulted. I have accordingly attempted to give, very briefly, some idea of the organs of sense, commencing in each case with those of man himself. al PREFACE. Mr. John Evans, Dr. M. Foster, and my brother, Dr. Lubbock, have been so kind as to read through the proofs, and I have to thank them for many valuable suggestions. Lord Rayleigh also has been so good as to look at the chapters on Hearing. Hiego Etms, Down, Kent, CONTENTS. CHAPTER L _ PAGE Introductory remarks—Difficulty of the subject—The life of a cell—Possible modes of origin of sense-organs—Origin of eye and ear—The sense of touch—The organs of touch— Nerves of touch—Sense of temperature—Cold points—Heat points — Pressure-points—Organs of touch among lower animals — Medusze — Annelides—Mollusca—Crustacea—In- sects—Sense-hairs—Tactile hairs aes -- EEE 1 CHAPTER II. The sense of taste—Taste-organs of man—Mammalia—Birds— Reptiles—Taste-organs of the lower animals—Crustacea— Insects—Sense of taste in insects—Organs of taste in _ insects—The bee—Humble bee—Wasp—Fly—Individual differences .., ni: see ve aa eho CHAPTER III. The sense of smell— Protozoa and Ceelenterata— Worms— Mollusca —Insects—Seat of the sense of smell—Different theories as to the seat of the sense of smell in Insects—Experiments with Dinetus — Hydaticus — Silpha — Stag-beetle — Ants— Seat of the sense of smell partly in the palpi, partly in antenne—Organs of smell—Leydiyg’s olfactory cones— Organs of smell in Crustacea—Centipedes—Olfactory cones in insects—Olfactory hairs—Olfactory pits—Ol- factory organs of fly—Antenna of Ichneumon—Olfactory organs of wasp—Antennal organs of insects—Complex structure of the antennze—Various uses of antcnnz aumeh Oa Vill x CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. PAGE The sense of hearing—Organs of sound—-Mollusca—Crustacea— Insects — Locusts — Grasshoppers — Crickets — Cicadas — Beetles—The bombardier beetle—Paussus—Death-watch— Burying beetles—Weevils—Cockchafers— Variety of organs of sound among beetles—Diptera—Hymenoptera—A nts— Bees—-Sounds produced in flight—Power of varying sound —Butterfliles—Moths—Centipedes—Spiders—Power of hear- ing in insects—Sense of hearing in insects on » 60 CHAPTER V. The organs of hearing—Structure of the human ear—The organ of Corti—Mode of action of auditory organs—Organs of hearing in the lower animals—Meduse—Auditory hairs— Mollusca—Annelides—Crustacea—Use of grains of sand as otolithes—Ear in tail of Mysis—Mode of hearing—Organs of hearing in insects—Seat of the sense of hearing in insects —Different seats of organs of sense—Kars in legs of crickets —Ear of grasshoppers—Structure of ear—Auditory rods— Kar of locusts—Peculiar structure in leg of ant—Origin of ear—Ear of fly—Peculiar sense-organs—Auditory rods in beetles—Position of auditory rods—Chordotonal organs— Auditory hairs of antennez of gnat—Sympathetic vibrations —Organs of hearing in various parts of body ane aoe, CHAPTER VI. The sense of sight—Three possible modes of sight—Different forms of eye—The vertebrate eye—Structure of the eye— The retina—The rods and cones—The blind spot in the eye —Inversion of the rods—The pineal gland—The rudimentary -Inedian eye—The median vertebrate eye—The organs of vision in the lower animals—Color-spots—Echinoderms— Worms—Molluses—Cuttle-fish—Compound eyes in Molluses —Arca—Spondylus—Pecten—Onchidium—Sense-organs of Chiton woe oe +f aes =a sas) See CHAPTER VII. The organs of vision in Insects and Crustacea—Ocelli—Compound eyes— Cornea— Crystalline cones — Retinula — Pigment— Different forms of eyes—Structure of the optic lobes—LHyes CONTENTS. of Crustacea—Structure of eye—Mysis—Corycseus—Copilia —Calanella—Limulus—Scorpions—Light-organs of Eu- phausia—Mode of vision by compound eyes—Miiller’s theory of Mosaic vision—Images thrown by the cornea—Objections to other theoriés—Position of the image—Absence of power of accommodation—Absence of retina— Summary—On the power of vision in insects—Experiments on vision of insects —On the function of ocelli—Difficulty of subject—Experi- ments—Short sight of ocelli—Ocelli of cave-dwelling spiders —Probable function of ocelli_ ... ve coe vee CHAPTER VIII. On problematical organs of sense—Muciferous canals of fish— On Deep-sea fish—Light-organs—Living lamps—Problematical organs in lower animals—Meduse—Insects—Crustacea— Difficulty of problem—Size of ultimate atoms—The range of vision and of hearing—Unknown senses—The unknown world oes oo = sae cee eee CHAPTER IX. bees and colors—Experiments with colored papers—Dr. Miiller’s objections—Reply to objections—Preferences of bees—The colors of flowers... bop oe wee CHAPTER X. the limits of vision of animals—Ants and colors—The ultra-violet rays—The limits of vision in ants—Supposed perception of light by the general surface of the skin— Experiments with hoodwinked ants—Confirmation of my experiments on ants—Experiments with Daphnias—Daph- nias and colors—Preference for yellowish green—HExperi- ments—Limits of vision of Daphnias—Perception of ultra-violet rays—Objections of M. Merejkowski—Suggestion that Daphnias perceive brightness, but not color—Further experiments—Evidence that Daphnias perceive differences of color pee ae sae _ one eae CHAPTER XI. On recognition among ants—Experiments with intoxicated ants —Evidence against recognition by means of a sign or pass- word—Experiments with ants removed from the nest as 1x PAGE 146 182 194 202 x CONTEN'IS. PAGE pup and subsequently restored—Experiments with drowned ants—Recognition after a year and nine months—Supposed recognition by scent—Recognition by means of the antennz 232 CHAPTER XII. — On the instincts of solitary wasps and bees—Instinct of render- ing victims insensible—Origin of instincts—Habits not invariable—Change of instincts—Bembex—Odynerus—Am- mophila—Modifiability of instincts—Differences under different circumstances—Origin of the habits of Sphex— Race differences—Limitation of instinct—Toleration of para- sites—Cases of apparent stupidity—M. Fabre’s experiments —Limitation of instinct—Instinct and habits—Inflexibility of instinct— Different habits of males and females—Arrange- ment of male and female cells—Power of mother to regulate the sex of the young ... se esp chs kA! ieee CHAPTER XIII. ' On the supposed sense of direction—Experiments with bees— Whirling bees—Behaviour of bees if taken from home— Mode of finding their way—Experiments with ants—Mr. Romanes’ experiments—No evidence of separate sense of direction .. eee ieee vee eee ss ee CHAPTER XIV. On the intelligence of the dog—Education of the deaf and dumb —Laura Bridgman—Application of the method followed with the deaf and dumb to animals—My dog Van and his cards—Use of cards with words on them, “ food,” “ water,” “tea,” etc.—Recognition of the separate cards—Association of the card with the object—Realization that bringing a card was a request—Attempts to convey ideas—Arithmetical powers of animals—Previous observations—Supposed powers of counting—Mr. Huggins’s experiments—Conclusion ... 272 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIGURE 12 ASD oP ie.) 10. 12. 14, 15. Diagram to illustrate possible origin of asense-organ. ¢, a h, cellular or hypodermic layer Ee ee . Diagram to illustrate possible origin of a sense-organ. ¢, Cuticle h, cellular or hypodermic layer . Diagram to illustrate possible origin of a sense-organ. ¢, Onticke h, hypoderm; n, nerve . Diagram of further stage in the origin af a sense-organ . Diagram illustrating a second possible origin of a sense-organ . Diagram of further stage in the origin of a sense-organ e . Section through the simple eye of a young Dytiscus larva. A, Hypoderm ; /, lens; 0, optic nerve; g, p, modified hypodermic cells; r, retina .. -: ce ye Ks ie ie . Auditory vesicle of Ontochis oe oe cs . Pacinian corpuscle. a, Neuriiemma; ne nerve- fibril’ c, capsule ; d, peculiar fibres; e, central feslitaley a Papilla from the surface of the hand, x 350. a, ees like wade : b, nerve; c, end of nerve ‘ ae . Portion of the skin of the back of ie hind. The pkee: figure represents the arrangement of the hairs; CP, the cold-points ; WP, the warmth-points .. Half a cross section through the brain a Binder pair of eyes of Nereis cultrifera. 1, Hypoderm; 2, cuticle; 3, retina; 4, outer corneal cells; 5 inner corneal cells; 6, brain; 8, 8a, two places to which the brain sends large nerves, but where the cuticle is unaltered ; g, gelatinous body .. . Part of upper nerve-ring and tactile epithelium of Lizzia. a, Tactile epithelium ; g, ganglionic cell; ur', upper nerve-ring Diagram of part of the skin of a sea-anemone (Actinia). dz, Glandular cell; »z, nervous cell : as a a Anterior part of body of Bohemilla comata. 1b, Tactile hair; PAGE 3 3 or ou 10 12 13 X11 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIGURE hy, hypoderm ; ¢, cuticle; 6, anterior part of brain; a, eye; ne, nerve-fibrils ; v, anterior blood-vessel a es ae 16, Diagrammatic section through a papilla of touch of Onchidium. a’, a, two layers of the cuticle; a, biconvex thickened portion of the cuticle; 6, enlarged epithelial cells; 6’, ordinary epithe- lial cells; c, cellular body; d, cells; n, nerve a =f 17. Diagram of the structure of the soft and some of the hard parts 18 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. in the tegmentum of ashell of a Chiton (Acanthopleura spiniger), as seen in a section vertical to the surface, and with the margin of the shell bordering on the girdle lying in the direction of the left side of the drawing. f, Calcareous cornea; A, iris; g, lens; %, pigmented capsule of eye; n, optic nerve; 7, rods of retina; n’, branches of the optic nerve, perforating the cap- sule wall, and terminating in 0’, 0’, b’, ocular sense-organs ; p, Pp, nerves to sense-organ ; m, body of sense-organ cut across}; a, p, fusiform body of sense-organ entire; a, obconical termi- nation of sense-organ ; ¢, nerve given off by one sense-organ to another, 0” .. Be a oF : a ae Diagram of forms of hairs in insects. a, Or avals surface hair; 6, plumose natatory hair; c, hair of touch; d, auditory hair; e, olfactory hair; f, taste hair; n, nerve Hat me i Part of the proboscis of a fly (Musca). . n, nerve; g, ganglionic swellings; s, tactile hairs or rods; ¢, cuticle .. Right half of eighth segment of the body of the larva of a feat (Corethra plumicornis). EG, Ganglion; N, nerve; g, auditory ganglion; gb, auditory ligament; Ch, auditory rods; a, auditory nerve; é, attachment of auditory organ to the skin; 0, attach- ment of auditory ligament ; hn, hn’, termination of skin-nerve; tb, plumose tactile hair; A, simple hair; tg, ganglion of tactile hair; 7m, longitudinal muscle .. - a a -- Taste-buds of the rabbit, x 450 .. Le “x _ a, Isolated taste-cells from the mouth of a vibe. b, two cover- cells and a taste-cell in their natural position, xX 600 _ .. Termination of the nerves of taste in the frog, showing the ramifications of the nerve-fibres and their connections with the cells of taste, X 600 .. e* Inner layer of skin of the aietaia of pie ope a Xx 400. a, Cuticle; 6, terminal (merve) organs; c, ganglionic cells; d, longitudinal muscle; e, transverse muscle .. i : Taste-organ of the bee. B, Horny ridge; R, R, sensory jie C, C, skin of the mouth; Z, muscular fibres; A, A, muscular fibres; S, S', abcde f, section of the skin = esophagus .. PAGE 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 20 21 22 26 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIGURE 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 41. 42. Shows three of Wolff’s cups, each with a central hair, a chitinous ring, and a double ganglionic swelling terminating in a nerve- ‘fibre, x 500 times. R, R’, Sensory pits and hairs; G, G, ganglionic swelling of nerve .. ee oe oe ee Under side of left maxilla of Vespa. Gm, Taste-cups ; Shm, pro- tecting hairs; Jb, tactile hairs; M¢, base of maxillary palpus Section through a taste-cup. SK, Supporting cone; JN, nerve; SZ, sense-cell <2 aa Tip of the proboscis in the hive et (Apis), 4 140. LI, Terminal ladle; Gs, taste-hairs; Sh, guard-hairs; Hb, hooked hairs .. Organ of taste of fly (Musca vomitoria). gn, Nerve; gg, ganglion ; ax, axe-cylinder; gc, terminal cylinder; gf, terminal cone Epithelial and (B) olfactory cells of man. Cells from the olfactory region of a iiotdas (after Stricker). ay Epithelial cells; 6, the apparent processes; ¢, olfactory cells. _ elie. Section through the fiead seaman of Balyephthalivas, “ 300. lmd, muscle; 6o, cup-shaped organ; cu, cuticle; hp, hypo- derm ; /md, longitudinal dorsal muscle; m, peripheral nerve; b, cerebral ganglion; cz, commissure of brain; mb, membrane; pmg, pigment cells; Apdz, unicellular eet in the ee gn, brain; &, clad in the brain - Antenna of Panteilis Bairdii (Lubbock) . Terminal segments of one of the smaller satan of the ator woodlouse (Asellus aquaticus), X 500. a, Ordinary hairs (not connected with a nerve); 6, hairs of eich (with a nerve at the base); c, special cylinders (olfactory cylinders) . Tip of the antenna of a centipede (Julus terrestris), X 600. At the apex are four olfactory cylinders, a few of which are also seen on the following segment, among the ordinary hairs . End of a palpus of Staphylinus erythropterus, X 600. a, Olfac- tory pit .. o> e° . Part of antenna of Giiiatsen ane ranea. 0, Otfactory hairs g, peculiar curved hairs . . Terminations of olfactory ne of hishatcs. a, Of ‘aes af 3 a Paleemon; }, of a Pagurus; ¢, of a Pinnotheres; d, of a Squilla; e, of a Pontonia .. . Antenna of blowfly. a, Enlarged third segment, showing pits ; c, base of the antenna One segment of the antenna of an ae = Section through part of the antenna of a wasp, X 430. CH, . Chitinous skin; Z, olfactory cone; G, olfactory pit; TB, tac- xill PAGE 27 28 28 29 30 33 33 34 47 48 49 50 50 51 53 o4 XIV. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIGURE PAGE tile hairs; H, hypodermic cells; M, the membrane surrounding them; 4, nuclei of the olfactory cell; X,, remains of the ~ earlier upper nucleus; SX, lower circle of rods; RS, olfactory. rod; GZ, Geisselzelle; M/Z, membrane forming cell; 1, mem- brane closing the pit .. ‘ ay. as oe 43. Diagram showing structures on the fers soginaet of the antennz of insects. a, Chitinous cuticle; 6, hypodermic layer ; 6, ordinary hair; d, tactile hair; e, cone; f, depressed hair, lying over g, cup, with rudimentary hair at the base; h, simple cup; 7, champagne-cork-like organ of Forel; &, flask-like organ; /, papilla, with a rudimentary hair at the apex =<. pao 44, Leg of Stenobothrus pratorum .. as <- oe --. (2 45. Sound-bow of Stenobothrus “ 63 46, Diagram of humanear. D, Auditory ual K, pet of Eusta- chian tube; cc, tympanic membrane; B, a cavity 5 0, fenestra ovalis; r, fenestra rotunda; s, semicircular canals; A, cochlea = ee ~ a6 “2 Me ce es 47. Ossicles of the ear. H, Hammer; Am, anvil; Am. 2, shorter process of the anvil; Am. 7, longer process of the anvil; S, stirrup; Sz, long process cf the hammer =: -- a) eo 48. Section through the ampulla. WJ, nerve; z, terminal cells; A, auditory hairs .. os oe : ° ne ae 49, eles wall of the ductus cochlearis, or Bie dog. ‘Gortice - view from the side of the scala vestibuli, after the removal of Reissner’s membrane, 39 [. Zona denticulata Corti. II. Zona pectinata Todd-Bowman: i, Habenula sulcata Corti; 2, Ha- benula denticulata Corti; 3, Habenula perforata Kolliker. III. Organ of Corti: a, portion of the lamina spiralis ossea (the epithelium is wanting); 6 and ¢, periosteal blood-vessels ; d, line of attachment of Reissner’s membrane; é and @,, epi- thelium of the crista spiralis; f, auditory teeth, with the interdental furrows; g, g,, large-celled (swollen) epithelium of the sulcus spiralis internus, over a certain extent shining through the auditory teeth; from the left side of the pre- paration they have been removed; h, smaller epithelial cells near the inner slope of the organ of Corti; 4, openings through which the nerves pass; 7, inner hair cells; /, inner pillars; m, their heads; 0, outer pillars; n, their heads; p, lamina recticularis; g, a few mutilated outer hair cells; r, outer epithelium of the ductus cochlearis (Claudius’s cells of the author’s) ; removed at s in order to show the points of attach- _ ment of the outer hair cells... rs o* ee _. 8 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIGURE 50. ELutima gigas ae es ve ; ae ve be 51. Auditory organ of Ontorchis Daadtiands ws .52. Auditory organ of Phialidium. d', Epithelium of ete upper surface of the velum; d?, epithelium of the under surface of the velum ; AA, auditory hairs; A, auditory cells; np, nervous cushion ; m7’, nerve-ring ; 7, circular canal at the edge of the velum .. 53. Auditory organ of cibeagatonsiwat still eA el a saath criti kk, Modified tentacle; 0, auditory organ _ 54, Sense-organ of Pelagia. o, Group of crystals, sk, sense- ain sf, fold of the skin; ga, gastro-vascular channel .. “e 55. Auditory organ of Unio. a, Nerve; 0, cells; ¢, ciliz; d, otolithe 56. Auditory organ of Pterotrachea Friderici. Na, Auditory nerve; c, central cells; d, supporting plate; 6, outer circle of audi- tory cells; a, ciliated cells .. : is nie : 57. Base of right antennule of lobster Gavin marinus). a, Orifice 3 S, Sac : 58. Interior of idiom sac of ighetes a, fica: a canine waits 59. Part of wall of auditory sac of lobster (Astacus marinus). a, Thickened bars in the membrane of the sac; y, first row of auditory hairs; 7’, second row of auditory hairs; 7”, third row of auditory hairs ; 7”, fourth row of auditory hairs ; e, grains of sand, serving as otolithes : are o~ <¢ 60. Auditory hair of crab (Carcinus diag 000. a, Skin; «, nerve; , delicate intermediary membrane or hinge.. oe 61. Mysis ae =. oe os 62. Tail of Mysis tia showing the mudiiory organ - 63. Part of the leg of a grasshopper (Gryllus). 0, ¢, n, 6, ty ae te 64. Section through the tibia (leg) of a Meconema, x about 150. tr, tr, The two trachee ; ar, the auditory rod ; ; 65. The tracheze and nerve- bani organs from the tibia (leg) of a grasshopper (Ziphippigera vitium). EBT, Terminal vesicles of Siebold’s organ; HT, hinder tympanum; Sp, space between the trachea; Zr, hinder branch of the trachea ; SV, nerves of the organ of Siebold; go, supra-tympanal ganglion; Gr, group of vesicles of the organ of Siebold; vN, connecting nerve-fibrils between the ganglionic cells and the terminal vesicles ; So, nerve terminations of the organ of Siebold ; ol, front tympanum; v7, front branch of the trachea . ae 66. Auditory rod of a grasshopper (Gryllus virions). oe Auditory rod ; 4o, terminal piece 67. Diagram of a eet through the auditory organ ae a eee XV PAGE 83 84 85 85 86 87 87 88 88 89 92 92 93 98 102 103 104 XV1 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIGURE hopper (Meconema). oe, Cuticle; a.r, ae rou 3 “a6; auditory cell; tr, trachea - 2 68. Outer part of a section through the tibia of 3 a Crain viri- PAGE 105 dissimus. h, Hard surface of leg; tr, trachea; F, fat bodies; — Su, suspensor of the trachea; v W, tracheal all ; DN, nerve; gz, ganglionic cells; rb, tissue connecting the ganglionic cells; E. Sch., end tubes of the ganglionic cells, each containing an auditory rod; fa, terminal threads of ditto .. of ae 69. Tibia of yellow ant (Lasius flavus), x 75. 8S, S, Swellings of large trachea; rt, small branch of trachea; a, auditory organ 70. Part of the tibia of Zsopteryx apicalis. Sc, Auditory organ; ef, terminal filament; Cu, cuticle; G, ganglionic cell; Se, structure enclosing the auditory rod; tr, trachea; n, nerve 71. One of the halteres of a fly = 72. Right half of eighth segment of the God of the 1 va of a aie (Corethra plumicornis). EG, Ganglia; N, nerve; g, auditory ganglion; gb, auditory ligament; Ch, auditory rods; a, audi- tory nerve; é, attachment of auditory ligament to the skin; hn, hn', termination of skin-nerve; 7), plumose tactile hair; h, simple hair; fg, ganglion of tactile hair; /m, longitudinal muscle .. a os = se oe a ae 73. Head ofa gnat .. A's ae =. ae 74. Diagram showing one possible widde of ¥ Vision .. oe oe 75. Diagram showing a second possible mode of vision .. heh 76. Diagram showing a third possible mode of vision ee 77. Diagram of human eye. G, Vitreous humor; JZ, lens; W, aqueous humor; ¢, ciliary process; d, optic nerve; ¢ é, sus- pensory ligament; & &, hyaloid membrane; f f, h A, cornea; g, choroid ; 7, retina; /, ciliary muscle; m/f, nf, sclerotic coat ; p Pp, iris; s, the yellow spot. = — o- = 78. Section through the retina. 1, Limitary membrane; 2, layer of nerve-fibres ; 3, layer of nerve-cells; 4, nuclear iayer; 5, inner nuclear layer; 6, intermediate nuclear layer; 7, outer nuclear Jayer; 8, posterior ae ara: 9, layer of small rods and cones; 10, choroid . ; : 79. A, Inner Memetis of rods a S, Ss) and cones oe By Pode man, the latter in connection with the cone-granules and fibres as far as the external molecular layer, 6. In the interior of the inner segment of both rod and cone fibrillar structure is visible. x 800 - =. oe 80. Diagram to fe the existence of the blind ane in the eye 81. Pineal eye-scale on the head of a small lizard (Calotis) ee 106 107 109 110 114 115 119 119 120 121 123 124 125 127 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIGURE 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 21. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. Diagram of a section through the skull and pineal eye of Lacerta viridis. C, Cuticle; Pa, parietal bone; Ep, epidermis; J, lens; Pig, Pigment; FR, rete mucosum; CH, cerebral hemi- sphere; NV, nerve; Lp, epiphysis ; es optic lobe of brain Englena viridis. e, Eye-spot .. -F Section through the simple eye of a young By ieee bers: l, Corneal lens; g, cells forming the vitreous humor; 7, retina; 0, optic nerve; A, hypoderm .. ae o- -¢ Eye-spot of Lizzia. oc, Ocellus; /, lens E ate ais Eye-bulb of Astropecten .. d ae oe Eye of Asteracanthion. , Cuticle; é, pai ica: /, lens; p, pigment . 28 os os . Anterior eeaeaity of a ‘Sedierites worm (Bohemilla eras a, Kye; 6, brain; ¢, cuticle; Ap, ee lb, tactile hair ; mé, nerve; 2, easel 2 : me oe Eye-dot of Nereis. In B the pigment is eis fumoned sO as to show the lens oe . The first twelve segments of Batcgsieleajes pe ee seen from below. The Roman numerals indicate the segments. St, Papillz on the head; KS, head ; au, head eye; s.au, side eyes; Ol, upper lip; U7, under lip; v.ph, pharyngeal vein; V.subinta, anterior ventral vein; V.d.J!-+, veins connecting the superior lateral and vessels; sept'—*, intersegmentary membranes; m.ocs.l, lateral muscle of the esophagus; V.ann, pulsating circular vessel; Md.dr, stomach-glands; V.v-/, vein con- necting the inferior and lateral blood-vessels; Md, stomach ; Bm, muscles of the hairs; G, brain; fi.o, ciliated organ; gm, transverse muscle =a a -# ae Sc ae Alciope Perpendicular fection phcasck ihe are of a dane (Patella). 1, Epithelial cells; 2, retina cells; 3, vitreous body -- Eye of Trochus magus. Gl, Vitreous body; No, nerve ar Eye of Murex brandaris. L, Lens; Gl, vitreous body; No, nerve Eye of Helix pomatia. ct, Cuticle; a, epithelium; 6, cornea; c, envelope of the eye; d, cellular layer; e, fibrils of the optic nerve; jf, feeler cell; na, nerve of the 5 as no, optic Herve... & az) Perpendicular seetion thr ae an eye of head noe. 1, Epithe- lium of the edge of the mantle; 2, cells of vision; 3, lens; 4, 5, connective tissue; 6, section of one of the cells ae Diagram of eye of Pecten. a, Cornea; 0, transparent basement membrane supporting the epithelial cells of cornea; c, the 136 137 138 138 139 140 142 XVill LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIGURE 98. a2. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. pigmented epithelium; d, the lining epithelium of the mantle; e, the lens; f, the ligament supporting the lens; g, the retina; fh, the tapetum; &, the pigment; m, the retinal nerve; ”, complementary nerve oe a Schematic representation of the soft and some of the hand par fs in a shell of a Chiton (Acanthopleura), as seen in a section vertical to the surface, and with the margin of the shell lying in the direction of the left side of the drawing. a, Conical termination of sense-organ ; 0, 6’, ends of nerve; c, nerve; f, calcareous cornea; g, lens; /, iris; %, pigmented capsule of eye; m, body of sense-organ cut across; ”, nerve of eye; p, nerve of sense-organ ; 7, rods of retina : Long section through the front (A) and hinder (B) oa ones of Epeira diadema. A, Anterior eye; 3, posterior eye; Hp, hypoderm; Cé, cuticle ; ct, boundary membrane; JZ, muscular fibres; I, UM’, cross sections of ditto; St, rods; Pg, P', pig- ment cells; Z, lens; Gé', vitreous body ; K, nuclei of the cells of the retina; K¢, crystalline cones; At, retina; Nop, optic nerve Section through the eye of a cockchafer (Melolontha).. Section throngh the eye of a fly. 6.m, Basilar membrane; ec, cuticle; e.op, epioptic ganglion; .c, nuclei; x.c.s., nerve-cell sheath; NV.f, decussating nerve-fibres; op, optic ganglion; pe, pseudocone; pg, pigment cells; p.op, perioptic ganglion; r, re- tinula; AA, rhabdom; 7, trachea; ¢.a, terminal anastomosis; Tt, Hieh ans ti, tracheal vesicle x i Two separate Aches of the faceted eye of a *s Lf, Cornea ; n, nucleus of Semper; 2, crystalline cone ; Pg, a ae cells; Al, retinula; Rm, rhabdom —.. Eyelet of cockroach. Jf, Cornea; &f, Gevtalinas cone; pq’, pig- ment cell; r/, retinula; rm, rhabdom ee Eyelet of cockchafer. (f,Cornea; &&, crystalline cone ; a oh : pigment cells; rl, retinula; rm, rhabdom .. a Leptodora hyalina Eye of Mysis. n, Nuclei; Lf, ve : E eryabaiains cones ; n', cells of the retinula; &/, retinula; Rm, rhabdom; Cp, bloog-vessels; , fibres of the optic nerve; N™, N13, N ee decussations of the fibres of the optic nerve; G, G1, ganglia ; M, muscles for the movement of the eye-stalk ; Km, nuclei .. Coryceus. a, b, The eye : — ° . =e Eyes of Calanella Mediterranea. Pg, pigment cells; N-fr, frontal nerves; V.op, nervus opticus. The numbers show the numbers of the cells PAGE 143 145 147 148 149 150 152 a eee 156 157 158 159 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIGURE 109. Diagram of a vertical section through a portion of the lateral eye of Limulus polyphemus, showing some of the conical lenses, and corresponding retinule. a, Cuticle; 0, cuticular lens; cc, hypoderm; £n, retinula; n, nerves ae Ait as 110. Euphausia pellucida. 1.0, Luminous organ... ie 111. Luminous organ of Zuphausia. f, Fibres; e, lens .. as 112. Eye-stalk of Huphausia. fo, Luminous organ; a, lower eye .. 113. One of the elements of the eye of a fly. 4k, Crystalline cone; xz, position of the image; s, rod; sc, sheath; scm, outer sheath; r, retina; y, seat of vision .. es : 114. Photichthys argenteus .. <= a a. ee ae 115. Ceratius bispinosus : : : 116. Edge of a portion of the santa of ain Monette with a pair of sense-organs. v, Velum; 4, sense-organ; ro, layer of nettle cells; ¢, tentacle ‘ : 117. Sense-organ of leech, 1, Epithelium 5 2, pigment 3, cee: : 4, nerve.. a 118. Daphnia pulex. a, Antecins 4 Te ains @, ee h, ee Mm, muscle of eye; 7, nerve of eye; 0, ovary; ol, olfactory organ; s, stomach; y, three eggs deposited in the space between the back and the shell =: -- ec aa oe 5 X1xX PAGE 189 211 LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL MEMOIRS, ETC., REFERRED TO IN THE PRESENT WORK. Ahlborn, Zur Anat. und d. Ent. der Epi. b. Amphibien und Reptilien, Zool. Anz., 1886. 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MEMOIRS, ETC., REFERRED TO. XXVIl Mark, E, L., Simple Eyes in Arthropods, Bull. Mic. Comp. Zool. Harvard: 1879. Mayer, Dr. P., Sopra certi Organi di Senso nelle Antenne dei Ditteri, Reale Acc. dei Lincei, 1878-79. ——, A. M., Researches in Acoustics, American Journal of Science and Arts, 1874. | Meinert, Bid. til. de Danske Myrers Natur. Hist. 1860. , Die Mundtheile der Dipteren, Zoo/. Anz., 1882. Merejkowsky, M. C., Les Crustacés inférieurs distinguent-ils les couleurs? Meyer, E., Zur Anat. und Hist. von Polyophthalmus Pictus, Arch. fiir Mic. Anat., 1882. Moseley, On the Presence of Eyes in Shells of certain Chitonide, Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 1885. Miiller, Johannes, Zur Physiologie des Gesichtsinnes. ‘Leipzig: 1826. — , Phys. of the Senses, translated by Dr. Baly. Newport, On the Uses of the Antenne of Insects, Trans. Ent. Soc., 1837- 1840. Notthaft, Ueber die Gesichtswahrnehmungen mittels des Facettenauges. Abh. Senkenberg, Naturf. Gesch. 1880. Paasch, Ueber die Sinnesorgane der Insekten im Allgemeinen, von den Gehér und Geruchsorganen im Besonderen, Troschel’s Arch. fur Nat., 1873. Packard, First Annual Report of the United States Entomological Com- mission for 1877. Washington: 1878. —— , The Caudal styles of Insects, Sense-organs, i.e. Abdominal Antenna, . American Naturalist, 1870. Patten, Eyes of Molluscs and Arthropods, Witt. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1886. Pavesi, Pietro, Sopra una nuova Specie di Ragni, Alle callezioni del Museo Civico di Genova, Ann. Mus. Civ., 1873. Peringuay, Notes on Three Paussi, Trans. Ent. Soc., 1883. Perris, Ed., Mémoire sur le siege de l’odorat dans les Articulés, Actes de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux, 1850. Plateau, F., Palpes des Insectes broyeurs, Bull. de la Soc. Zool. de France, 1885. - » Rech. sur la perception de la lumiére par les Myriapodes aveugles, Jour. de 1 Anat., etc., 1886. , Rech. Exp. sur la Vision chez les Arthropodes, Comptes Rendus de la Soc. Ent. de Belg., 1887; Rech. Exp. sur la Vision chez les Arthro- podes, Bull. de l Acad. Roy. de Belgique, 1888. Quatrefages, de, Etudes sur la Typ. Inf. de l’emb. des Annelés, Ann. Sci. Nat., 1850. XXVlll MEMOIRS, ETC., REFERRED TO. Rabl-Riickhard, Entw. des Knochenfischgehirns, Sitz. nat. urf. Freunde. Berlin: 1882. Ranke, Beit. zur Lehre von den Uebergangs-Sinnesorganen, Zeit. fiir Wiss. Zool., 1875. Réaumur, Mém. p. servir & l’Histoire des Insectes. Report on the Locust Campaign, Parl. Paper, 5250 of 1888. Roesel, Insectenbelustigungen. Romanes, Mental Evolution in Animals. , Animal Intelligence. Sars, On the Schizopoda, Challenger Reports, vol. xiii. Sazepin, Ueber den histol. Bau und die Vert. der nervésen Endorgane auf den Fiihlern der Myriopoden, Mém. de l’ Acad. Imper. de St. Peters bourg, 1884. Schiemenz, Ueber das Vorkommen des Futtersaftes, etc., der Biene, Disser- tation der Univ. Leipzig: 1883. Schmidt, Die Gehérorgane der Heuschrecken, Arch. fiir Mic. Anat., 1875. Schultze, Max, Untersuchungen tiber die zusammengesetzten Augen der Krebse und Insecten. 1868. ——, Die Stabchen in der Retina der Cephalopoden und Heteropoden, Arch. fur Mic. Anat., 1869. ——-, Zur Anat. und Phys. der Retina, Arch. fiir Mic. Anat., 1866. ——, Ueber Stibchen und Zapfen der Retina, Arch. fur Mic. Anat., 1867. ——, Ueber die Nervenendigung in der Netzhaut der Auges bei Menschen und Thieren, Arch. ftir Mic. Anat., 1869. | ——, Neue Beit. zur Anat. und Phys. der Retina, Arch. fur Mic. Anat., 1871. —, T. E., Ueber die Sinnesorgane der Seitenlinie bei Fischen und Amphibien, Arch. fur Mic. Anat., 1870. Semper, Ueber Schneken Augen am Wirbelthier Typus, Arch. fur Mie. Anat., 1877. | Serres, Marcel de, De l’odorat et des organes qui paraissent en étre le siége chez les orthoptéres, Annales du Muséum, 1811. Siebold, Ueber die Stimm und Gehérorgane der Krebse und Insekten, Arch. fur Mic. Anat., 1860. Simroth, Ueber die Sinneswerkzeuge unserer einheimischen Weichthiere, Zeit. fur Wiss. Zool., 1876. Slater, Ueber die Funktion der Antennen bei den Insekten, Froriep’s Notizen, ili., 1848. Spencer, The Pineal Eye in Lacertilia, Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 1886. Stricker, Manual of Histology. Sulzer, Geschichte der Insekten. 1761. MEMOIRS, ETC., REFERRED TO. XX1X Treviranus, Verm. Schriften Anat. und Physiol. Inhaltes, 1817. Ussow, Ueber den Bau der sogenannten augenihnlichen Flecken einiger Knochenfische, Bul/. Suc. Imp. Moscow, 1879. Valentine, R., and T. T. Cunningham, ‘‘ The Photospheria of Nyctiphanes Norvegica,” in Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 1888. Vedjdovsky, Syst. und Morph. der Oligochoeten. 1884. Wagner, Untersuchungen iiber die zusammengesetzten Augen der Krebse und Insekten. 1868. Weissman, A., Die nachembryonale Entwicklung der Musciden, Zeit. fur Wiss. Zool., 1864. Westwood, Modern Classification of Insects. Will, F., Ueber die Augen der Bivalven und der Acidien, Froriep’s neue Notizen aus dem Gebiete der Nat. und Heilkunde, 1844. , Das Geschmacksorgan der Insecten, Zeit. fur Wiss. Zool., 1885. Wilson, The Nervous System of the Asteride, with Observations on the Structure of their Organs of Sense, Trans. Linn, Soc., 1860. Wolff, O. J. B., Das Riechorgan der Biene, Nova acta der K. L., Arch. deutsch. Akad. d. Naturf., 1875. ON THE SENSES, INSTINCTS, AND INTELLIGENCE OF poy fk WE A 18. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. THE organs of sense may be said to be the windows through which we look out into the world, and it has always been to my mind one of the most interesting . problems of natural history, to consider in what manner external objects affect other animals, how far their _ perceptions resemble ours, whether they have sensations which we do not possess, and how we ourselves arrive at our own perceptions. I. propose to dwell in the present work especially on the senses of insects, partly because my own observa- tions have been made principally on them, and partly because their senses have, perhaps, been on the whole more thoroughly and successfully studied than those of the other lower animals; which again arises from the fact that no group offers more favourable oppor- tunities for the study of these organs. The subject is no less vast than difficult, and I do not pretend in any way to give a complete view of the whole question, ~ Z DIFFICULTY OF THE SUBJECT. but have selected those cases which seemed to me the most suggestive, interesting, and instructive. No one can doubt that the sensations of other animals differ in many ways from ours. Their organs are some- times constructed on different principles, and situated in very unexpected places. There are animals which have eyes on their backs, ears in their legs, and sing through their sides. Nevertheless, in considering the different senses, it will probably be most convenient to begin by a short summary of our own organs, as afford- ing the best clue to the purposes and functions of cor- responding structures among the lower animals. The subject is one of very great difficulty. Hven as regards our own senses, we are still in extreme ignorance. The clue afforded by anatomy is very imperfect, and some- times almost misleading. No one can read the literature relating to the organs of sense without feeling how very little we really know on the subject. Even when, as especially in the cases of the organs of hearing and sight, we have careful and elaborate descriptions and figures of very complex structures, these relate rather to the separation and arrangement of the waves of sound or light, than to the actual manner in which they affect the nervous system itself; while as to the manner In which our perceptions are in turn created, we are almost absolutely ignorant. In the senses of taste and smell this becomes, perhaps, even more clearly evident. Every cell, indeed, in the animal body is a standing miracle. Consider what it hastodo. It must grow; it must assimilate nourishment; it must secrete; it must produce other cells like itself; and this often in addition to its own proper and distinctive function. The lowest animals consist but of a single cell. Yet they feed and THE LIFE OF A CELL. a digest; they grow and multiply; they move and feel. Their perceptions, indeed, are no doubt confused and undifferentiated, and perhaps devoid of consciousness. The soft protoplasm of which they consist is dimly affected by external stimuli, as, for instance, by the waves of light orof sound. These forms, however, are all minute, and, indeed, almost invisible to the naked eye. The larger animals are built up of a number of cells. Let us, then, consider the possible modes in which an organ of sense, say an eye, may have originated. In the simpler forms, the whole surface is more or less sensitive. Suppose, however, some solid and opaque particles of pigment deposited in certain cells of the skin Fig. 1.—Diagram of skin. c, Cuticle; A, cellular or hypodermic layer. (Fig. 1). Their opacity would arrest and absorb the light, thus increasing its effect, while their solidity would enhance the effect of the external stimulus. aspieee closed vesicle, containing one or more otolithes, and lined with nerve-cells, which are, in the higher groups, connected at their base with the auditory nerve, and bear setee at the other end. De Quatrefages was the first who established clearly the existence of auditory organs in worms. In the Mollusca, the existence of an organ of hearing in some Gasteropods was justly inferred by Grant from MOLLUSCA—ANNELIDES. 87 the fact that one species, Tritonza arborescens, emits certain sounds, doubtless intended to be heard by its fellows. The cilize contained in the auditory vesicle are some- times short, and scattered over the general surface, as in Unio (Fig. 55); sometimes long and borne on papillary projections, as in Carinaria and Pterotrachea * (Fig. 56), where also there are certain special cells, supposed to -actas buffers or dampers. The otolithe is sometimes single, and e Binio (after Leydig) Nees : nearly spherical, asim Acephala "> “*} © owlne and Heteropoda, and consists of calcareous matter with an organic base; in the Gasteropods, Pteropods, and Fig. 56.—Auditory organ of Pterotrachea Friderici (after Claus). Na, Auditory nerve; ¢, central cells; d, supporting plate; 6, outer circle of auditory cells; a, ciliated cells. some Annelides (Arenicola, Amphicora) they are * Claus., “ Ueber den Acoust. App. im Gehororgane der Hetero- poden,” Arch. fiir Mic. Anat., 1878. 6 88 ANNELIDES-——CRUSTACEA. pumerous, and sometimes, as in Cymbulia, collected into a mulberry-like group. In many cases the auditory sac rests directly on the ganglion. | The actual mode of termination of the nerves js still uncertain. I have already mentioned that vibrations, if fewer than thirty in a second, do not produce on us the effect of sound. But it is possible that these organs in the lower animals are intended quite as much to record | movements in the water as for hearing properly so called. THe ORGANS OF HEARING IN CRUSTACBRA. ee rk Ba a ey; EY j E 4? | 7 3s > Fig. 57.— Base of right antennule of lobster (Astacus marinus), after Farre. a, Orifice ; S, Sac. 2 Fig. 58.—Interior of auditory sac of Ichster (after Farre). a, Oritice; b, auditory hairs. It was long supposed that the auditory organ of the ~ Crustacea was situated in the basal segment of the outer antenna. The true auditory organ was, indeed, discovered by Rosenthal in 1811,* who, however, re- * Reil’s Arch. fiir Phys., 1811. be é br -" A si ail _ . “ Pe gh ™ of’ = a. - - ee ee ee ee ee ee a ee eee ee ee eae ee ee, ee ee ae La eT eT CRUSTACEA. 89 garded it as an olfactory organ, as did also Treviranus, Fabricius, Scarpa, Brandt, Milne Edwards, and, in fact, the older naturalists generally. ‘’he discovery of its true nature is due to Farre,* was confirmed by Huxley Tf and Leuckart, and is now generally admitted. It is a sac situated in the base, or first segment, of the lesser pair of antennz, which is slightly dilated. In some species the sac communicates freely with the Fig. 59.—Part of wali of auditory sac of lobster (Astacus marinus); after Hensen. a, Thickened bars in the membrane of the sac ; », first row of auditory hairs; n’, second row of auditory hairs; n”’, third row of auditory hairs; »’/”, fourth row of auditory hairs; ¢, grains of sand, serving as otolithes. water by means of an orifice situated towards the inner and anterior margin, and guarded by rows of fine hairs. In others the orifice as closed,-but its position is always marked, as the auditory sac is at this point eonnected with the skin. Both contain otolithes. Those of the closed sacs are generally rounded; while, on the contrary, those of * Philosophical Transactions, 1843. 7 Ann. and Mag. of Natural History, 1851. 90 USE OF GRAINS OF SAND AS OTOLITHES. the open sacs are simply grains of sand, and are so numerous as sometimes to occupy one-fourth, or even one-third, of the sac. Farre stated that the otolithes in the avai SACS of Crustacea were simply grains of sand, selected by the Crustacea, and put into their own sacs to serve as otolithes. It seemed, however, so improbable that Crustacea should pick up suitable particles of sand and place them in their ears, that the statement was not unnaturally received with incredulity. The obser- vation of Hensen appears, however, to leave no doubt on the subject. The sac, whether open or closed, is an extension of the outer skin, and is cast with it at each moult. Hensen examined them shortly after moulting, and found that the sacs contained no stones; he saw the shrimps carefully selecting particles of sand, but could never detect one in the very act of placing one in the auditory sac. He therefore placed some shrimps in a vessel of filtered sea-water, and strewed over the bottom some crystals of uric acid. Soon afterwards one of the shrimps moulted, and the auditory sac was found on examination to contain a few grains of sand, but no erystals of uric acid. Three hours later, however, Hensen found that the new sac con- tained numerous erystals of uric acid, but none re- sembling common sand. LHvidently, therefore, the Crustacea pick up grains of sand, and actually intro- duce them into their own ears to serve as otolithes. Otolithes are not, however, universally present. In the true crabs (Brachyura) they appear to be always wanting, so that the auditory hairs (which present very nearly the same character as those of the lobsters, etc.) are capable of being thrown into vibrations without the mediation of otolithes. AUDITORY HAIRS. OQ] The interior of the sac is thus described by Farre: “ Along the lower surface of the vestibular sac is seen running a semicircular line, broader at its upper than its lower exiremity (Fig. 58, 6). ‘This part is more easily examined after the sand has been washed away by agitation under water. Itis then seen, with a power of 18- linear, to consist of several rows of ciliated pro- cesses, of which one row is more regular and prominent than the rest, and crests the entire margin of the ridge. The processes diminish in size and number on either side, and are in some places seen in groups, but always assume the general form represented in” Fig. 58. In Astacus there are four rows of hairs. The first are somewhat scattered, and above the otolithes; the second consists of larger bairs, arranged close together ; the third and fourth are smaller again, and more scat- tered. ‘These three rows of hairs are covered by the otolithes. They stand in connection with the terminal fibrils of the acoustic nerve, and through their vibra- tions the sense of sound is supposed to be conveyed. In the lobster Hensen counted 548 auditory hairs. He divides auditory hairs of Crustacea into three classes: otolithe hairs; free hairs, enclosed in the audi- tory sac; and auditory hairs on the outer body surface. These latter auditory hairs (Fig. 59) are situated over an orifice in the chitinous integument, and stand in direct communication with a fibril from the nerve; the stem of the hair does not rest directly on the chitinous integument, but is supported by a delicate membrane, which is sometimes dilated at the base; the edge of the chitine at one side of the hair is raised into a tooth; lastly, according to Hensen, each auditory hair 92 EAR IN TAIL OF: MYSIS. possesses a sort of appendage, or sesh to which the nerve is attached. ce Fig. 60. — Auditory hair of the crab (Carcinus menus), x 500. a, Skin; ¢, nerve; A, delicate intermediary mem- brane or hinge (after Hensen). As far as details are concerned—the form of the sac, the number, form, and arrangement of the hairs, etc.—the auditory organs of the Crustacea offer endless variations in the different species, while very constant in each. In the higher groups the anditory sac is always at the base of the small antenne. In one of the lower forms, however—the curious genus Mysis—_ the ear is situated in the tail. The genus Mysis (Fig. 61) is a group of Crustaceans, in outward appearance very like shrimps, but differing in the absence of external gills, and in the structure of the legs and other par- ticulars, so that it is placed ina different family. Frey aud Pouce moreover, made the interesting he that it possesses two ears in its tavl. Fig. 61.—Mysis (after Frey and Leuckart). The tail, like that of a lobster, consists of five flaps. In each of the two smaller flaps is an oval sae (ig. 62) containing a single, lens-shaped otolithe, consisting of MODE OF HEARING. 93 a calcareous matter embedded in an organic substance. That Crustacea do, as a matter of fact, possess the power of perceiving sounds, there can be no doubt. Hensen himself has made various experiments on the subject. Moreover, strychnine possesses the peculiar property of augmenting the reflex power of the nervous centres. Taking advantage of this, Hensen placed some shrimps in sea-water containing strychnine. He then found that they became ex- tremely sensitive to even very slight noises. Further than this, Hensen availed himself of Helmholtz’s re- searches on the perception of sound, and, suspecting that the different hairs might be affected by ditf-< erent notes, found that was actually the case. | Lhe vibration of the hairs is mechanical, not depend- Meeeon yihe life of the: Ms: 6%. Tall of Morte wdgarts, show. animal. Hensen took a Mysis, and fixed it in such a position that he could watch particular hairs with a microscope. He then sounded ascale; to most of the notes the hair remained entirely passive, but 1o some one it responded so violently and vibrated so rapidly as to become invisible. When the note ceased, the hair became quiet; as soon as it was resounded, the hair at once began to vibrate again. Other hairs in the same way responded to other notes. The relation of the hairs to particular notes is probably determined by various conditions; for instance, by its length, thickness, ete. 94 ORGANS OF HEARING IN INSECTS. That these plumose hairs, then, really serve for hear- ing may be inferred, not only from their structure and position, but also from the observed fact that they respond to sound-vibrations. Hensen’s observations* have been repeated and verified by Helmholtz. THE ORGANS OF HEARING IN INSECTS. IT now pass on to insects. There has been great difference of opinion as to the seat of the organ of hearing in this group. The antennz have, as already mentioned, been re- garded as ears by many distinguished authorities, including Sulzer, Scarpa, Schneider, Bolk-Hausen, Bonsdorff, Carus, Strauss-Diirkheim, Oken, Burmeister, Kirby and Spence, Newport, Landois, Hicks, Wolff and Graber, who have supported their opinion by numerous observations. Kirby states that once “a little moth was reposing upon my window; I made a quiet, not loud, but distinct noise: the antenne nearest to me immediately moved towards me. I repeated the noise at least a dozen times, and it was followed every time by the same motion of that organ, till at length the insect, being alarmed, became more agitated and violent in its motions.” And again: “I was once observing the motions of an Apion (a small weevil) under a pocket microscope ; on seeing me it receded. Upon my making a slight but distinct noise, its antenne started. IJ repeated tle noise several times, and invariably with the same effect.” T * ¢ Sensations of Tone.” + Introduction to “ Entomology,” Kirby and Spence, vol. iv. BEETLES. 95 Among beetles, the genus Copris, “particularly,” says Newport, “ Copris molossus, in which I first remarked it, have the antenne composed of ten joints, the last three of which form the knob or club with which it is surmounted. “When the insect is in motion, these plates or audi- tory organs, if we may be allowed so to call them, are extended as wide as possible, as if to direct the insect in its course; but upon the occurrence of any loud but sudden noise are instantiy closed, and the antenne retracted as if injured by the percussion, while the insect itself stops and assumes the appearance of death. A similar use of the antennze is made by another family, Geotrupidee, which also act in the same manner under like circumstances. “These facts, connected with the previous experi- ments, have convinced me,” he says, “that the antennze in all insects are the auditory organs, whatever may be their particular structure; and that, however this is varied, it is appropriated to the perception and transmission of sound.” f Will has made some interesting observations on some of the Longicorn beetles (Cerambyx), which tend to confirm this view. These insects produce a low shrill sound by rubbing together the prothorax and the mesothorax. The posterior edge of the prothorax bears a toothed ridge, and the anterior end of the mesothorax a roughened surface, and when these are rubbed together, a sound is produced something hke that made by rubbing a quill on a fine file. * Newport, “On the Antenne of Insects,’ Transactions of the Entomological Society, 1856-40, vol. ii. 96 BEETLES. Will took a pair of Cerambyx (beetles), put the female in a box, and the male on a table at a distance of about fifteen centimetres (four inches). They were at first a little restless, but are naturally calm insects, and soon became quiet, resting as usual with the antennee half extended. The male evidently was not conscious of the presence of the female. Will then touched the female with a long needle, and she began to stridulate. At the first sound the male became restless, extended his antenne, moving them round and round as if to determine from which direction the sound came, and then marched straight towards the female. Will repeated this experiment many times, and with dif- ferent individuals, but always with the same result. As the male took no notice of the female until she began to stridulate, it is evident that he was not guided by smell. From the manner in which the Cerambyx was obviously made aware of the presence of the female by the sound, Will considered it clearly proved that in this case he was guided by the sense of hearing. Will has also repeated with these insects the experi- ments I made with ants, bees, and wasps, and found that they took no notice whatever of ordinary noises ; but when he imitated their own sounds with a quill and a fine file, their attention was excited—they extended their antenne as before, but evidently per- ceived the difference, for they appeared alarmed, and endeavoured to escape.* Hicks in 1859 justly observed that, “ Whoever has observed a tranquilly proceeding Capricorn beetle which is suddenly surprised by a loud sound, will have seen * Will, “ Das Geschmacksorgan der Insekten,” Zeit. fiir. Wiss. Zool., 1885, SEAT OF THE SENSE OF HEARING. Q7 how immovably outward it spread its antenne, and holds them porrect, as it were with great attention, as Jong as it listens, and how carefully the insect proceeds in its course when it conceives that no danger threatens it from the unusual noise.” * Other similar observations might be quoted, but these sufficiently indicate that in some insects, at any rate, the organs of hearing are situated in the antenne. On the other hand, Lehmann long ago observed that the house cricket (Acheta domestica), when deprived of its antenne, remained as seusitive to sounds as previously. This is. quite correct; and yet, if a cricket be decapitated, and a shrill noise be made near the head, the antenne are thrown into vibration by each sound. In fact, not only do the highest authorities differ, but the observations themselves appear at first sight to be contradictory. The explanation seems to be that the sense of hearing is not confined to one spot. That the antennz do serve as ears, at least in some insects, the evidence leaves, I think, no room for dveubt. But there is no reason, in the nature of things, why the sense of hearing should be confined to one part of tie body. ‘Taste, indeed, would be useless except in or near the mouth, and almost the same may be said of smell. But the sense of touch is spread, in greater or less perfection, over the whole skin. Indeed, there is among the lower animals a great tendency to repeti- tion, and not least so amongst insects. The body con- sists normally of a number of segments, each with a pair of appendages and a ganglion. There are three pairs of legs; two pairs of jaws, opening, not vertically, * Transactions of the Linnean Society, vol. xxii. 98 DIFFERENT SEATS OF ORGANS OF SENSE. as ours do, but laterally; several pairs of breathing- holes arranged along the sides of the body; and two kinds of eyes. Moreover, unquestionable organs of sense occur in very different parts of the body. The Crustacean genus Mysis, as already mentioned, has ears in its tail; one group of sea-worms (the Polyoph- thalmata) have a pair of eyes on each segment of the body. Of Amphicorine, a small worm of our coasts, M. de Quatrefages says that often,* “C’est la queue qui marche la premiere, explorant évidemment le terrain avec une erande activité et donnant autant de signes d’intelli- gence et de spontanéité que pourrait le faire la partie antérieure du corps. ... Cette queue porte a son extremité un disque élargi sur lequel sont placés deux points rouges. . . . Je ne mets nullement en doute que ces points ne solent en effet des organes de vision.” He was not able, indeed, to make out their finer structure. On the other hand, the lateral eyes of the Polyophthalmata possess a well-formed lens. We need not, then, assume that the organs of hearing in insects must necessarily be in the head, or, indeed, Fig. 63.—Part of leg of Grasshopper that they need be Senn Sib iaer Graber. os to.% trated | 1 OG” pari ae me body. It had long been known that grasshoppers and * Ann. des Sci. Nat., 1850. CRICKETS HAVE EARS IN THEIR LEGS. 99 crickets have on their anterior legs two peculiar, glassy, generally more or less oval, drumlike structures; but these were supposed by the older entomologists to serve as resonators, and to reinforce or intensify the well-known chirping sounds which they produce. . Johannes Miller was the first who suggested that these drums, or tympana, act like the tympanum of our own ears, and that they are really the external parts of a true auditory apparatus. That any animal should have its ears in its legs sounds, no doubt, a priore very unlikely, and hence probably the true function of this organ was so long unsuspected. That it is, how- ever, a true ear the following particulars, taken especially from the memoirs of Miiller,* Siebold,f Leydig,t Hensen,§ Graber,|| and Schmidt,7 conclusively prove, The Leaping Orthoptera fall into three well-marked groups: the locusts (Locustide), which have short antennsz; the crickets (Achetide), which have long antennee, and the wings flat on the back; and, thirdly, the Gryllide, or grasshoppers (as I may perhaps call them), which have also long antenne, but in which the wings are sloping. This is the nomenclature adopted by English authorities, such as Westwood ; but unfortunately many foreign entomologists call the * «Zur vergleichenden Physiologie des Gesichtsinnes.” 1826. + “Ueber die Stimm und Gebhdérorgane der Orthopteren,” Arch. fiir Natur geschichte, 1844. ft “Ueber Geruchs-und Gehororgane der Krebse und Insekten,” Reicherts’ Arch. fiir Anat., 1860. § “Ueber das Gehororgan von Locusta,” Zeit. fiir Wiss. Zool., 1866. | “‘ Die Tympanalen Sinnesapparate der Orthopteren,” Arch. ftir Mic. Anat., vol. xx., 1875. | “Die Gehororgane der Heuschrecken,” Arch. fiir Mic. Anat., vol. xi. 100 EAR OF GRASSHOPPERS. ; crickets Gryllide, the grasshoppers Locustide, and the locusts Acridiidee.* In grasshoppers (Gryllide) and crickets (Achetidee) the auditory organ lies in the tibia of the anterior leg, on both sides of which there is a disc (Fig. 63), generally more or less oval in form, and differing from the rest of the surface in consisting of a thin, tense, shining membrane, surrounded wholly or partially by a sort of frame or ridge. In some species the two tympana are similar in form; in others they differ. For instance, in the field friclents the hinder tympanum is elliptic, the front one nearly circular in outline. In many of the Gryllide, the tympana are protected by a fold of the skin, which projects more or less over them. ‘The corresponding spiracle is also specially modified in the stridulating locusts, while in those which are dumb it is formed in the same manner as the others. The tympana are not always present, and it is an additional reason for regarding them as auditory organs, that both among the Achetide and the Gryllida, in those species which possess no stridulating organs, the tympana are also wanting.T * The destructive “locust” of the East, which is so numerous that in one year our Government! in Cyprus destroyed no less tlian 150,000,000,000 of eggs, and whose ravages are used in Eastern poetry as types of destructiveness, has short antenne, and belongs to the first division; to which, therefore, English entomologists apply the name Locusta, while our foreign friends, on the contrary, apply the name to a totally different insect. However, I merely refer to this now, to explain why the terms I have used do not in all cases agree with those adopted by the observers to whom I am referring. + This rule seems, however, not to be entirely without exceptions. At least, Aspidonotus and Hetrodes are said to possess tympana, but 1 Report on the Locust Campaign, Parl. Paper, 5250 of 1888. Bel a % sf BUS. ARS NG 2. Lc A, we, * 4 ~ ON AER ~ gl oo le ee | Ai STRUCTURE OF BAR. 101 Graber regards the covered tympana as a develop- ment from the open ones, and suggests that in time to come the species in which the tympana are now exposed may develop a covering fold. If now we examine the interior of the leg, the trachea or air-tube will be found to be ele oky modified. Upon entering the tibia it immediately enlarges and divides into two branches, which reunite lower down. To supply air to this wide trachea the corresponding spiracle, or breathing-hole, is considerably enlarged, while in the dumb species it is only of the usual size. An idea of the form of the trachea will be given by Fig. 69, which, however, represents the anterior tibia of an ant, where these trachez are less considerably enlarged, and where one of the branches is much smaller than the other, while in locusts they are nearly equal in width, and one lies against each tympanum... The enlarged trachea occupies a considerable part of the tibia, and its wall is closely applied to the tympanum, which thus has air on both sides of it; the open air on the outer, the air of the trachea on its inner surface. In fact, the trachea acts like the Eustachian tube in our own ear; it maintains an equilibrium of pressure no stridulating apparatus. for instance, in the following forms, both the stridulating apparatus and the tympana are absent, viz. :— Among the CGicanthide: Phalangopsis and GryHomorpha (both are wingless). Platydactylide: Metrypa and Parametrypa (both wing- less). Tettigonide: Trigonidium. Gryllide: Gryllus apterus, Parabrachytrupes Australis, and Apiotarsus (all wingless). Gryllotalpide: Tridactylus apicalis. Mogoplistide: Mogoplistes, Myrmecophila, Physoblemma (all wingless), and Cacoplistes. 102 STRUCTURE OF EAR. on each side of the tympanum, and enables it freely to transmit the atmospheric vibrations. These trachee, though formed on a similar plan, present many variations, corresponding to those of the tympana, and showing that the tympana and the trachee stand in intimate connection with one another. For instance, in those species where the tvympana are equal, the trachee are so likewise; in Gryllotalpa, where the front tympanum only is de- veloped, though both tracheal branches are present, the front one is much larger than the other; and where there is no tympanum, the trachea remains compara- tively small, and even in some cases, according to Graber, undivided. The tibia is thus divided into three parts, as shown in the diagram (Fig. 64), the central portion being occupied by the two tracheze (Tig. 64, tv, tr). Of the other two spaces, one (the lower one in the figure) is occupied by the muscles, nerves, etc., while the other is mostly filled with blood, which thus surrounds and bathes the = auditory vesicles and rods (ar). Fig. 64.—Section through The acoustic nerve—which, next eee Ce) 2 te the optic, is the thickest in the trachew? ar the awa, Dody—divides soon after entering ye the tibia into two branches; the one forming almost immediately a ganglion, the supra- tympanal ganglion, to which I shall refer again pre- sently; the other passing down to the tympanum, where it expands into an elongated flat ganglion, known after its discoverer as the organ of Siebold (Hig. 65), and closely applied to the anterior trachee. STRUCTURE OF EAR. 103 It is well shown in Fig. 65, taken from Graber. At the upper part of the ganglion is a group terminating below in a single row of vesicles, the first few of which fy }H, | 2 \@} ial 139000. Fig, 65.—The trachee and nerve-end organs from the tibia (leg) of a grasshopper (Ephippigera vittum) ; after Graber. EBI, Terminal vesicles of Siebold’s organ ; AT, hinder tympanum ; Sp, space between the trachee; AZ, hinder branch of the ; trachea; SW, nerves of the organ of Siebold; go, supra-tympanal ganglion; Gr, group of vesicles of the organ of Siebold; vN, connecting nerve-fibrils between the ganglionic cells and the terminal vesicles; So, nerve terminations of the organ of Siebold; v7, front tympanum ; v7, front branch of the trachea. are approximately equal, but which subsequently diminish regularly in size. Each of these vesicles is connected with the nerve by a fibril (Fig. 65, vN), and contains an auditory rod (Fig. 66). 104 AUDITORY RODS.. One of these auditory rods is shown in Fig. 66, and the general arrangement is shown in the subjoined diagrammatic figure (Fig. 67). The rods were first described by Siebold, who con- sidered them to be auditory from their association with the stridulating organs. They have since been discovered in many other insects, and may be_re- garded as specially characteristic of the acoustic organs of insects. ‘They are brightly refractive, more or less elon- gated, slightly club-shaped, hollow (in which they differ from the retinal rods), and terminate, in Graber’s opinion,* in _ @ a separate end-piece (Fig. 66,40). In ae Ber c ghee! different insects, besides being in some vinulissimus (after CASES MOFe elongated than in others, Graber, Fig. 90). ° . : fil, Auditory rod; they present various minor modifica- Ho, Serminal Piece tions in form, but are nearly uniform in size—about ‘016 mm.; being as large, for instance, in the young larva of a Tabanus (2 mm. long) as in much larger insects. ‘They are, as we shall see, widely distributed in insects, but as yet unknown in other animals. At the upper part of the tibial organ of Ephippigera there is, as already mentioned, a group of cells, and below them a single row (Fig. 65) of cells gradually diminishing in size from above downwards. One can- not but ask one’s self whether the graduaily diminish- ing size of the cells in the organ of Siebold (Fig. 66) may not have reference to the perception of different * Graber, “ Die chordotonalen Sinnesorgane und das Gehor der Insekten,” Arch. fiir Mic. Anat., 1882. POSITION OF AUDITORY RODS. 105 notes, as is the case with the series of diminishing arches in the organ of Corti (ante, p. 80) of our own ears. I have already alluded to the supra-tympanal ganglion; this also terminates in a number of vesicles Fig, 67.—Diagram of a section through the auditory organ of a Grasshopper (Meco- nema). ¢, cuticle; a.7, auditory rod; a.¢, auditory cell; tr, tracher. containing auditory rods, which are said to be somewhat more elongated than those in the organ of Siebold. The arrangement of the organ is very curious, and will best be understood by reference to Fig. 68. The great auditory nerve, as already mentioned, bifurcates almost immediately after entering the tibia, and one of the branches swell into a ganglion: from this ganglion proceed fibres which enlarge into vesicles (Fig. 68), each containing an auditory rod; and then again contract, approximate into a close bundle, and coalesce with the hypoderm (inner skin) of the wall of the tibia. The supra-tympanal organ of the crickets closely resembles that of the grasshoppers, while, on the other hand, they appear entirely to want the organ of Siebold (Fig. 65). This is a very rematk- able difference to exist in two organs otherwise so similar, There appear to be two ways in which the atmospheric 106 EAR OF LOCUSTS. vibrations may be communicated to the nerve: either the vibrations of the tympanum may act upon the air in the trachez, and so upon the auditory rods, or the air in the tracheze may remain passive, and the vibrations may act upon the auditory rods through the fluid in the anterior chamber of the leg. The fact that the auditory rod is turned away from the tracheze would seem to favour this hypothesis. Fig. 68.—Outer part of a section through the tibia of a Gryllus viridissimus (after Graber). A, Hind surface of leg; p, wall of trachea; F, tat bodies; Su, suspensor of the trachea; vW, tracheal wall; TN, nerve; gz, ganglionic cells; 7B, tissue connecting the ganglionic cells; £.Sch., end tubes of the ganglionic cells, each containing an auditory rod; fa, terminal threads of ditto. In the true Locustide (Acridiodee of Graber) the organ of hearing is situated, not in the anterior tibia, but in the first segment of the abdomen ; externally it is marked by a glistening appearance, and it is oval, orin some cases nearly ear-shaped. It was first noticed by Degeer. Behind the tympanum is a large tracheal sac, as in the families already described, and the tension of the tympanum is regulated by one, or in some cases by two muscles. The tympanum also presents two chitin- EAR OF LOCUSTS. 107 ous or horny thickenings, a small triangular knob, and a larger, somewhat complicated piece, consisting of two processes—a shorter upper, and a longer lower one, making a broad angle with one another. As in the preceding families, so also in the Locustidz, the acoustic nerve is in close connection with the tracheze ; it swells into a ganglion, which con- tains in some species as many as 150 auditory rods, and then, as in the supra-tympanal organ (see p. 105), con- tracts into a tapering end, which is attached to the small chitinous knob. ‘The auditory rods differ in no respect, as yet ascertained, from those already described. For many years no structure corresponding to the tibial auditory organ of the Orthoptera was known in any other insect. In 1877, however, I discovered * in ants a structure which in some remarkable points resembles that of the Orthoptera, and which I described as follows :—“ The large trachea of the leg (Fig. 69) is considerably S Ci ZL WN AN ON Li Zea — = Tt KS » NY ONCE SS —— Fig. 69.—Tibia of yellow ant (Lasius flavus), x 75. 8, S, Swellings of large trachea; rt, small branch of trachea; x, chordotonal organ. swollen in the tibia, and sends off, shortly after entering the tibia, a branch which, after running for some time parallel to the principal cee joins it again. “Now, I observed that in many other insects the * Lubbock, “On the Anatomy of Ants,” Microscopical Journai, 1877. 108 PECULIAR STRUCTURE IN LEG OF ANT tracheze of the tibia are dilated, sometimes with a recurrent branch. ‘The same is the case even in some mites. I will, however, reserve what I have to say on this subject, with reference to other insects, for another occasion, and will at present confine myself to the ants. If we examine the tibia, say of Lastus flavus, we shall see that the trachea presents a remarkable arrange- ment (Fig. 69), which at once reminds us of that which occurs in Gryllus and other Orthoptera. In the femur it has a diameter of about 3,55 of an inch; as soon, however, as it enters the tibia, it swells to a diameter of about =45 of an inch, then contracts again to gl), and then again, at the apical extremity of the tibia, once more expands to 33,5. Moreover, as in Gryllus, so also in Formica, a small branch rises from the upper sac, runs almost straight down the tibia, and falls again into the main trachea just above the lower sae. “The remarkable sacs (Fig. 69, S, S) at the two extremities of the trachea in the tibia may also be well seen in other transparent species, such, for instance, as Myrmica ruginodis and Pheidole megacephala., “ At the place where the upper tracheal sac contracts (Fig. 69) there is, moreover, a conical striated organ (a), which is situated at the back of the leg, just at the apical end of the upper tracheal sac. The broad base lies against the external wall of the leg, and the fibres converge inwards. Indications of bright rods may also be perceived, but I was never able to make them out very clearly.” This closely resembles both in structure and position the supra-tympanal auditory organ of the Orthoptera. Graber has entirely confirmed this account and dis- covered some insects in which the structure is more ORIGIN OF EAR. 109 clearly visible than in any which I had examined. Fig. 70 represents part of the tibia of Lsopteryx apicalis. These organs do not, however, appear to be univer- sally present. In some very transparent species no trace of them can be found. But though so similar in structure, and probably in Fig. 70.*—Part of the tibia of Isopteryx apicalis (after Graber). Sc, Auditory organ; ef, terminal filament; Cu, cuticle; G, ganglion cells; ef, terminal filaments; tr, trachea; m, nerve. function, it may be doubted whether this tibial organ in the ants can be traced to acommon origin with that of the Orthoptera. According to Graber, the direction of the rods is reversed in the two cases, which he regards as clear proofs that they have arisen independently. He is even of opinion that the tympana themselves have originated independently in the different groups of Orthoptera. Moreover, Graber has found this organ In certain insects not only in the anterior, but also in the two other pairs of legs. Indeed, rods of the same character have been found in other regions of the body. * Tn this, as in one or two of the other figures, the explanation of some of the lettering appears to be omitted in the original. At least, I have been unable to find it. 110 EAR OF FLY.. As long ago as 1764 Keller * observed that the base of the curious club-like “halteres,” or rudimentary hind-wings of flies, “est garnie de poils trés courts, ou la tige a le plus d’epaisseur pres du corps; elle est te nit et ARRAY q j a i) itt Si SY | | Nit 3 | Vi Wi \ Wl i \k saa | | | | ii | fi il Hitt} i | Fig. 71.—One of the halteres of a fly (after Lowne). inflexible, et presque garrotté par en haut de plusieurs nerfs; en un mot, elle est faite de maniere que l’on peut juger par sa force par les dehors.” This observation remained unnoticed, and no further description appears to have been given of the organ until it was redis- covered by Hicks in 1856, and more fully described in 1857.7 He found that though in the Diptera (flies and gnats) the hind wings are reduced to two minute, club-shaped organs, they still receive a nerve which is the largest in the insect, except that which goes to the eyes. This proves that they must serve some important function, and renders it almost certain that they are the seats of some sense. He also found at the base of the halteres a number ot “ vesicles,” arranged in four groups, and to each of which the nerve sends a branch, though the mode of pre- paration which he adopted did not permit him to see the finer structure of the nerves, which he figures as mere fine, hard lines. He describes the “vesicles” as “thin, transparent, hemispherical, or * « Geschichte der gemcinen Stubenfliege,” 1764. I have not seen the original, and quote from Hicks’s paper. +t Transactions of the Linnean Society, vol. xvii. ——* ee PECULIAR SENSE-ORGANS. 111 more nearly spherical projections from the cuticular surface,’ and as placed in rows. The number and arrangement differ in different species: the blowfly (Sarcophaga carnaria) has ten rows, Syrphus luniger as many as twenty. These organs have recently been again examined by Bolles Lee.* ‘The vesicles are, according to him, un- doubtedly perforated, contain a minute hair, and those of the upper groups are protected by hoods of chitine. He inclines to correlate them with the similar antennal organs, which he regards as olfactory. His view of the minute structure of these rods differs from that of previous authors, and the subject requires further study. He finds, moreover, that the sense-organ containing the rods has nothing to do with the vesicular plates, but that they are attached to the cuticle in a different place, and where it presents no special modification. The numerous small membranes in the halteres of insects seem to bear somewhat the same relation to the single tympanum of, say, the locust, as the many- faceted eyes do to those with a single cornea. The head of the halteres is divided into two separate spaces by a membrane composed of elongated hypo- dermal cells. The upper part contains a number of large vesicular cells, like those which are in connection with the ends of the trachee. It does not appear to contain any special sense-organ, and, in fact, the large nerve is almost entirely devoted to the sense-organs at the base. M. Bolles Lee suggests that it perhaps serves principally to regulate the pressure on these delicate structures. * “T.es Balanciers des Dipteres,” Recueil Zool. Suisse, 1885. 7 112 AUDITORY RODS IN BEETLES. Special sense-organs occur also on the wings of other insects. Hicks found them “ most perfect in the Diptera, next so in the Coleoptera, rather less so in the Lepidop- tera, but slightly developed in the’Neuroptera, scarcely at all in the Orthoptera (though this assertion may be hereafter modified), and that only a trace of them exists in the Hemiptera.” They are similarly constituted and equally developed in bothsexes. Hicks regarded them as organs of smell. Leydig,* on the contrary, considered them as auditory organs. His mode of preparation dis- played better the structure of the nerves, and he found that they end in peculiar, club-shaped rods (Stdbchen oder Stafle), closely resembling those mm the ears of Orthoptera. He observes that, as in the case of the tibial auditory rods of Orthoptera these rods are of two sorts, which are arranged separately, those in one part of the organs being shorter and blunter, those in another more pointed and elongated. Bolles Lee, on the contrary, considers that the supposed existence of two forms, pointed and rounded, is merely due to an optical deception, and that in reality they are all similar. Leydig also observed in some cases that the rods were thrown into fine ridges. He found also somewhat similar papille on the front wings of certain insects, but could not detect in them the characteristic nerve-ends. It must be confessed that the base of the wing would not seem a convenient place for an organ of hearing. The movements of the wing, it might well be supposed, would interfere with any delicate sensations. Still, this objection would apply to almost any sense being thus placed. “ Auditory rods” are now, moreover, known to occur * Miiller’s Archiv., 1860. ‘ POSITION OF AUDITORY RODS. lia in other parts of the body ; for instance, they have been discovered in the antennze of a water-beetle (Dytiscus) and of Telephorus by Hicks, Leydig, and Graber, and in the body segments of several larve by Leydig, Tee mann, Graber, Grobben, and Bolles Lee. In the larva of Dytiscus, indeed, they have been observed in the body, antenne, palpi, under lip, and legs. Moreover, while, as we have seen, in the tibize of Orthoptera and the halteres of flies they are numerous, in some of these cases they are few, sometimes, indeed, only a single rod being present, as discovered by Grobben in Ptychoptera.* Nevertheless the evidence that they are really acoustic organs is, in the case of the Orthoptera, so strong, ‘their structure is so peculiar, and the gradation of these organs from the most com- plex to the most simple is so complete, that it seems reasonable to attribute to them the same function. — Moreover, as regards the very simplest forms there is another consideration pointing to this conclusion. We have seen that in the Orthoptera the terminal filaments close up, and are attached to the skin. Now, it seems to be a very general rule, in reference to these organs, that they are attached to the skin at _two points, between which is situated the attachment of the nerve. These points, moreover, are so selected as to be main- tained at the same distance from one another, thus pre- serving an equable tension in the connecting filament. Fig. 72, for instance, represents part of one segment of the body of the larva of a gnat (Corethra). This larva is as transparent as glass, and very common in ponds, a most beautiful and instructive microscopic object. EG is the ganglion; a is the nerve in question, which * Sitz. der K. Akad. der Wiss. Wien, 1876. 114 CHORDOTONAL ORGAN OF GNAT-LARVA. swells into a little triangular ganglion at g; from g the auditory organ runs straight to the skin at e, and contains two or three auditory rods (not, how- ever, shown in the figure) at the point Chs; in the opposite direction, a fine ligament passes from g to the Fig. 72.—Right half of eighth segment of the body of the larva of a gnat (Corethra plumicornis) ; after Graber. EG. Ganglia; , nerve; g, auditory ganglion; gb. auditory ligament ; Chs, auditory rods; a, auditory nerve; é, attachment oi auditory organ to the skin; 0, attachment ‘of auditory ligament to the skin; hn, hn’, termination of skin-nerve ; tb, plumose tactile hair; h, simple hair; tg, ganglion of tactile hair; 7m, longitudinal muscle. skin at b. Hence the organ ge is suspended in a certain state of tension, and is favourably situated to recelve even very fine vibrations.* There are, as we have seen, a large number of observations which point to the antenne as organs of hearing, and many more might have been given. When we come to consider, however, the anatomical provision which renders the perception of sound * Similar organs occur in other insects, as, for instance,in Ptychoptera. AUDITORY HAIRS ON ANTENNZ OF GNAT. 115 possible, we are met by great difficulties. The evidence is, I think, conclusive that the antenne are olfactory as well as tactile organs, and I believe that they serve also as organs of hearing. There are, moreover, as shown in the last chapter, various remarkable structures in the antenne, and I have given reasons for thinking some of them to be the seat of the sense of smell. Which, if any, of the remainder convey the sense of sound, it is not easy to determine. I have suggested that Hicks’s bottles (Fig. 48) may act as microscopic stethoscopes ; * but they occur, so far as we at present know, only in ants and certain bees. Fig. 73.—Head of gnat. That some of the antennal hairs are auditory can, ‘I think, no longer be doubted. Johnson, whose figure I give (Fig. 73), suggestedt in 1855 that the hairs on the antenne of gnats serve for hearing. Mayer also,t * I am glad to see that Leydig, who, however, does not appear to have read either Hicks’s paper or mine, also regards these as chordotonal organs (Zool. Anz., 1886). tT Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. 1855. t American Journal of Science and Arts, 1874. 116 SYMPATHETIC VIBRATIONS. led by the observations of Hensen, has made similar experiments with the mosquito, the male of which has beautifully feathered antenne. He fastened one down on a glass slide, and then sounded a series of tuning- forks. With an Ut, fork of 512 vibrations per second he found that some of the hairs were thrown into vigorous movement, while others remained nearly stationary. The lower (Ut;) and higher (Ut;) harmo- nics of Ut, also caused more vibration than any intermediate notes. These hairs, then, are specially tuned so as to respond to vibrations numbering 512 per second. Other hairs vibrated to other notes, extending through the middle and next higher octave of the piano. Mayer then made large wooden models of these hairs, and, on counting the number of vibra- tions they made when they were clamped at one end and then drawn on one side, he found that it “ coincided with the ratio existing between the numbers of vibrations of the forks to which co-vibrated the fibrils.” It is interesting that the hum of the female gnat corresponds nearly to this note, and would consequently set the hairs in vibration. Moreover, those auditory hairs are most affected which are at right angles to the direction from which the sound comes. Hence, from the position of the antenne and the hairs, a sound will act most intensely if it is directly in front of the head. Suppose, then, a male enat bears the hum of a female at some little di-tance. Perhaps the sound affects one antenna more than the other. He turns his head until the two antenne are equally affected, and is thus able to direct his flight straight towards the female. The auditory organs of insects, then, are situated in ORGANS OF HEARING IN VARIOUS PARTS OF BODY. 117 different insects in different parts of the body, and there is strong reason to believe that even in the same animal the sensitiveness to sounds is not necessarily confined to one part. In the cricket, for instance, the sense of hearing appears to be seated partly in the antenne, and partly in the anterior legs. In other cases, as in Corethra, the division appears to be carried still further, and a “ chordotonal” organ occurs in each of several segments. No doubt the multiplication of complex organs, like our ears, arranged as they are to appreciate a great variety of sounds, would be so great a waste that any theory implying such a state of things would be quite untenable; but with simple organs, such, for instance, as that of Corethra* (gnat; Fig. 72), the case is different, and there would seem to be an obvious advantage in such organs occurring in different parts of the body, ready to receive sound-waves coming from different directions. Moreover, the different organs exist; they do not appear to be organs of touch, yet they are clearly organs of sense, and that sense, what- ever it be, whether hearing or any other, and though it may well be simple, and even perhaps confused, must be seated in various parts of the body. The fact of their being so distributed does not make it more improbable that they should be organs of hearing, than of any other sense. At the same time, it is an interesting result of recent investigations that the auditory organs of insects are not only situated in various parts of the body, but are constructed on such different principles. * Where, however, the number does not approach to that in certain Medusz (see ante, p. 84). CHAPTER VI. THE SENSE OF SIGHT. It might at first sight seem easy enough to answer the question whether an animal can see or not. In reality, however, the problem is by no means so simple. We find, in fact, every gradation from the mere power of distinguishing a difference between light and darkness up to the perception of form and coluur which we ourselves enjoy. The undifferentiated tissues of the lower animals, and even of plants, are, as we all know, affected in a marked manner by the action of light. But to see, in the sense of perceiving the forms of objects, an animal must possess some apparatus - by means of which—firstly, the light coming from different points, a, b, ¢, d, e, etc., is caused to act on separate parts of the retina in the same relative positions; and secondly, by means of which these points of the retina can be protected from the lhght coming in other directions. There are three modes in which it is theoretically possible that this might be effected. Firstly, let S S’ be an opaque screen, with a small orifice at o. Let abede be a body in front of the THREE POSSIBLE MODES OF SIGHT. 119 screen. In this case the rays from the point ¢ can - pass straight through the orifice 0, and fall on the retina of an eye, or on a flat surface atc’. There is no other direction in which the rays from ¢ could pass through o. In the same way, the light from a would fall on the point a’, that from 0 on 0’, from d on d’, and eon é. The resuits which would be given in this way would be, however, very imperfect, and, as a matter of fact, no eye con- structed on this system is known to exist. Secondly, let a number of transparent tubes or cones with opaque walls be ranged side by side in front of the retina, and separated from one another by black pigment. In this case the only light which can reach the optic nerve will be that which falls on any given tube in the direction of its axis. »> Qa nae Rane gt Fig. 74. Fig. 75. For instance, in Fig. 75 the light from a will pass to a’, that from 0 to 0’, that from e¢ to ¢’, and so on. The light from ¢, which falls on the other tubes, will not 120 DIFFERENT FORMS OF EYE. reach the nerve, but will impinge on the sides and be absorbed by the pigment. Thus, though the light from ¢ will illuminate the whole surface of the eye, it will only affect the nerve at ¢. In this mode of vision, which was first clearly explained by Johannes Miller, the distinctness of the image will be greater in proportion to the number ot separate cones. “An image,” he says,* “formed by several thousand separate points, of which each corre- sponds to a distinct field of vision in the external world, will resemble a piece of mosaic work, and a better idea cannot be conceived of the image of external objects which will be depicted on the retina of beings endowed with such organs of vision, than by comparing it with perfect work of that kind,” There is, it will presently be seen, reason to suppose that the compound eyes of insects, crustacea, and some molluscs, are constructed on this plan. Thirdly, let L (Fig. 76) be a lens of such a form Fig. 76. that all the light which falls upon its surface from the point a is re-collected at the point a’, that from 6 at U’, from ¢ at c',and so on. If nowother light be excluded, * « Phys. of the Senses,” by Johannes Miller, translated by Dr. Baly. THE VERTEBRATE EYE. 121 an image of a 4c will be thrown on a screen or on a retina at a’ b'c’. The image, it will be observed, is necessarily reversed. ‘This is the form of eye which we possess ourselves: it is, in fact, a camera obscura. It is that of all the higher animals, of most molluscs, the ocelli of insects, etc. Fig. 77, taken from Helmholtz, will give an idea of the manner in which we see. —s SS AN SS * PA —_ SS J = = =S>= S — = = = = - G - = SS = = = Ss — SS —="" = SS => _ SS SAK / gS Sa i ASS rk —E—SSsSssSsSs~ di | aii SSS Wi i | Hy i SSS PULA = vipa Fi 8 (iil Fig. 77.—G, Vitreous humor; L, lens ; W, aqueous humor; ¢, ciliary process; d, optic nerve; € €, Suspensory ligament; k k, hyaloid membrane; f f, h h, cornea; 9 g, choroid; 2, retina; 1 /, ciliary muscle: mf, nf, sclerotic coat; p p, iris; s, the yellow spot. The eyeball is surrounded by a dense fibrous mem- brane, the sclerotic coat, or white of the eye, mf, nf, which 122 STRUCTURE OF THE: EYE. passes in front into the glassy, transparent cornea, f f, hh; the greater part of the centre of the eye is occupied by a clear gelatinous mass, the vitreous humor, G, in front of which is the lens, L ; while between the lens and the cornea is the aqueous humor, W. The sclerotic coat is lined at the back of the eye by a delicate, vascular, and pigmented membrane—the choroid, g g, so called from the great number of blood-vessels which it contains ; in front this membrane joins the iris, p y, which leaves a central opening, the pupil, so called from the little image of ourselves, which we see re- flected from an eye when we look into it. The iris gives its colour to the eye, its posterlor membrane con- taining pigment-cells; if these are few in number, it appears blue, from the layer behind shining through, and the greater the number of these cells the deeper the colour. e e, is a peculiar membrane, which serves to retain the lens in its place. ‘The optic nerve, d, enters at the back of the eye, and, spreading out on all sides, forms the retina, 2, of which one spot, s, the yellow spot, is pre-eminently sensitive. The action of the eye re- sembles that of a camera obscura, and, as shown in Fig. 76, the rays which fall upon it are refracted so as to form a reversed picture on the back of the eye. The retina (Fig. 78) is very complicated, and, though no thicker than a sheet of thin paper, consists of no less than nine separate layers, the innermost (Figs. 78, 79) being the rods and cones, which are the immediate recipients of the undulations of light. Fig. 79 represents the rods and cones isolated and somewhat more enlarged. The number of rods and cones in the human eye is enormous. Ata moderate computation the cones may THE RETINA. 135 be estimated at over 3,000,000; and the rods at 30,000,000.* D Piro 5 < REY OOF 20 O20 ©, 032. on On So oh \ ao! , %! & Fede Se8 Proee’oh | =) 8 be 7g Ae C0 QS 30 SP, 9 is 5, RAs: c a sO 969 7 1 e 9 —we, ©. i”? 0 ar 1g 2%, 200 &: 19 BErLOES OOK v. 5.8 oO ROY EXD, OU | 12) “97.0 Fig. 78.—Section through the retina (after Max Schultze). Beginning from the outside, 1, limitary membrane; 2, layer of nerve-fibres ; 3, layer of nerve-celis; 4, nuclear layer; 5, inner nuclear layer; 6, intermediate nuclear layer; 7, outer nuclear layer ; 8, posterior membrane; 9, layer of small rods and cones; 10, choroid. * Sulzer estimates the cones at 3,360,000; Krause places the cones at 7,000,000, the rods at 130,000,000; but Professor M. Foster tells me that he thinks the latter figure is too high. 124 THE RODS AND CONES. It will be observed that the nerve does not, as one might naturally have expected, enter the eye and then spread itself out at the back of the retina; but, on the contrary, pierces tle retina and spreads itself out on the front, so that the cones and rods look inwards, and not outwards—towards the back of the eye, and not at the object itself. In fact, we do not look outwards at the actual object, but we see the object as reflected from the base of our own eye. From the arrangement of the rods in the eyes of verte- brata, then, the light has necessarily to pass through the retina, and is then re- flected back on it. This involves some loss of light; on the other hand, it perhaps ‘ secures the advantage that /“\weeq the sensitive terminations of : sez the rods and cones can be SReeseS gaec5e: ; : = Fig. 79.—A, Inner segments of rods more readily supplied with (s, S, S) and cones (z, 2’) from man, the latter in connection with the blood. cone-granules and fibres as far as I do not propose to enter the external molecular layer, 6. In the interior of the inner segment of 4 = both rod and cone fibrillar secbene into the reason for this wea ee peculiar arrangement, which is connected with the development of the eye. Bat it is so different from what might have been expected, is in itself so interesting, and makes so important a THE BLIND SPOT IN THE EYE. 125 eontrast with the form which is general, though not universal among the lower animals, that I think it will not be out of place to mention a very simple and beautiful experiment by which every one can satisfy himself that it is so. One result is that we have in each eye a blind spot, that at which the nerve enters. Turn the present page, so that the white circle is in front of the left eye and the small cross in front of the right. Then close the right eye, look steadily across at the cross with the left, and move the book slowly backwards and _ forwards. At one particular distance, about ten inches, the white eircle will come opposite the blind spot and _ will instantaneously Oe On the other hand, they were—for Eristalis tenax (the bee fly) as SE Vanessa urtice (tortoiseshell butterfly) In fact, then, the msects seem to have gone more EXPERIMENTS ON VISION OF INSECTS. LTS often to the trellised opening. M. P:ateau concludes that insects do not distinguish differences of form, or can only do so very badly (“Ils ne distinguent pas la forme des objects ou la distingnent fort mal”’). I confess, however, that these experiments, ingenious as they are, do not seem to me to justify the conclu- sions which M. Plateau has deduced from them. Unless the insects had some means of measuring distance (of which we have no clear evidence), they could not tell that even the smaller orifice might not be quite large enough to afford them a free passage. The bars, moreover, would probably appear to them somewhat blurred. Again, they could not possibly tell that the bars really crossed the orifice, and if they were situated an inch or two further off they would constitute no barrier. I have tried some experiments, not yet enough to be — conclusive, but which lead me to a different conclusion from that of M. Plateau. I trained wasps to come to a drop of honey placed on paper, and, when the insects bad learned their lesson, changed the form of the paper, as i had previously changed the color. It certainly seemed to me that the insect recognized the chance. M. Forel has also tried similar experiments, and with the same result. We know, however, as yet very little with reference | to the actual power of vision possessed by insects. On tHe FuNcTION OF OCELLI. Another interesting question remains, What is the © function of the ocelli? Why do insects have two sorts of eyes? 176 ON THE FUNCTION OF. OCELLI. Johannes Miller considered that the power of vision of ocelli “is probably confined to the perception of very near objects. This may be inferred partly from their existing principally in larve and apterous insects, and partly from several observations which I have made relative to the position of these simple eyes. In the genus Empusa the head is so prolonged over the middle inferior eye that, in the locomotion of the animal, the nearest objects can only come within the range. In the Locusta cornuta, also, the same eye lies beneath the prolongation of the head. ... In the Orthoptera generally, also, the simple eyes are, in consequence of the depressed position of the head, directed downwards towards the surface upon which the insects are moving.” From these facts, he considers himself justified in concluding that the simple eyes of insects are intended principally for myopic vision. The simple eyes bear a similar relation to the compound eyes, as the palpi to the antenne. Both the antenne and compound eyes are absent in the larve of insects.” * Lowne observes f that “the great convexity of the lens in the ocellus of Hristalis must give it a very short focus, and it is manifestly but ill adapted for. the formation of a picture. The comparatively small number of rods must further render the production of anything like a perfect picture, even of very near objects, useless for purposes of vision. I strongly suspect that the function of the ocelli is the perception of the intensity and the direction of light rather than of vision in the ordinary acceptation of the term.” * « Physiology of the Senses,” translated by Baly. f “On the Modification of the Eyes of Insects,” Phil. Trans., 1878, / DIFFICULTY OF SUBJECT. ¥ti Réaumur, Marcel de Serres, Dugés, and Forel also have shown that in insects which possess both ocelli and compound eyes, the ocelli may be covered over without materially affecting the movements of the animal ; while, on the contrary, if the compound eyes are so treated, they behave just as if in the dark. For instance, Forel varnished over the compound eyes of some flies (Musca vomitortza and Lueilia cesar), and found that, if placed on the grouud, they made no attempt to rise; while, if thrown in the air, they flew first in one direction and then in another, striking against any object that came in their way, and being apparently quite unable to guide themselves. They flew repeatedly against a wall, falling to the ground, and unable to alight against it, as they do so cleverly when they have their eyes to guide them. Finally, they ended by flying straight up into the air, and quite out of sight. It seems, indeed, to be a very general tule that insects of which the eyes are covered, whether they are totally blinded, or whether the ocelli are left uncovered, fly straight up into the air—a very curious and significant fact of which I think no satisfactory explanation has yet been given. Plateau * regards the simple eyes, or ocelli, as rudi- mentary organs of scarcely any use to the insect. Forel also states, as the result of his observations, that wasps, humble bees, ants, etc., find their way both in the air and on the ground, almost equally well without as with the aid of their ocelli. I confess that I am not satisfied on this point. In such experiments great care is necessary. M. Forel’s interesting experiments with ants, whose compound eyes * Bull. de? Acad. Roy. de Belgique, t. x., 1885. 178 EXPERIMENTS. he had covered with opaque varnish, might almost, for instance, be quoted to prove the same with reference to the compound eyes. “Mes Camponotus aux yeux vernis,” he says, “attaquaient et tuaient aussito6t une Formica fusca mise au milieu d’eux, la saisissaient - presque aussi adroitement que ceux qui avaient leurs yeux. Ils déménageaient un tas de larves d’un coin de leur récipient a l'autre avec autant de précision qu’ avec leurs yeux.” * On the other hand, Forel goes so far as to say that if the compound eyes are covered with black varnish, insects cannot even perceive light (“Cela prouve qu’elles ne voyaient plus méme la lueur”). In fact, the use of the ocelli seems a great enigma, at least when the compound eyes are present. We must remember that some other Articulata— spiders, for instance—possess ocelli only, and they certainly see, though not probably very well. Plateau has made some ingenious observations, from which it appears that spiders are very short-sighted, and have little power of appreciating form. He found they were easily deceived by artificial flies of most inartistic construction; and he concludes that even hunting spiders do not perceive their prey at a greater distance than ten centimetres (about four inches), and in most cases even less. Scorpions appeared scarcely to see beyond their own pincers. I have also made some experiments on this point with spiders (Lycosa saccata). In this species, which is very common, the female, after laying her eggs, collects them into a ball, which she surrounds with a silken envelope and carries about with her. I captured a * Recueil Zool. Suisse, 1887. SHORT SIGHT OF OCELLL 179 female, and, after taking the bag of eggs from her, put her on a table. She ran about awhile, looking for her egos, When she became still, I placed the ball of eggs gently about two inches in front of her. She evidently did not see it. I pushed it gradually towards her, but she took no notice till it nearly touched her, when she eagerly seized it. IT then took it away a second time, and put it in the middle of the table, which was two feet four inches by one foot four, and had nothing else on it. The spider wandered about, and sometimes passed close to the bag of eggs, but took no notice of it. She wandered about for an hour and fifty minutes before she found it—apparently by accident. I then took it away again, and put it down as before, when she wandered about for an hour without finding it. The same experiment was tried with other individuals, and with the same results. It certainly appeared as if they could not see more than half an inch before them —in fact, scarcely further than the tips of their feet. I may also mention that they did not appear to recognize their own bags of eggs, but were equally happy if they were interchanged. On the other band, it must be remembered that the sac is spun from the spinnerets, and the Lycosa had perhaps actually never seen the bag of eggs. Hunting spiders certainly appear to perceive their prey at a distance of at least several inches. Plateau has shown, in a recent memoir, that cater- pillars, which possess ocelli, but no compound eyes, are very short-sighted, not seeing above cne to two centimetres.* * “Rech. Exp. sur la Vision chez les Arthropodes.” Bull. de "Acad. Roy. de Belgique, 1888. — 180 OCELLI OF CAVE-DWELLING SPIDERS. Lebert has expressed the opinion* “that in spiders some of their eight eyes—those which are most convex and brightly coloured—serve to see during daylight ; the others, flatter and colorless, during the dusk.” Pavesi has observed f that in a cave-dwelling species (Nesticus spelunearum), which belongs to a genus in which the other species have eight eyes, the four middle eyes are atrophied. Tuis suggests that they serve specially in daylight. Returning for a moment to the ocelli of true insects, it seems almost incredible that such complex organs should be rudimentary or useless. Muvreover, the evidence afforded by the genus Eciton seems difficult to reconcile with this theory. The species of this genus are hunting ants, which move about in large armies and attack almost all sorts of insects, whence they are known as driver ants, or army ants. They have no compound eyes, bnéi in the place of them most species have a single large ocellus on each side of the head, while others, on the contrary, are blind. Now, while the former hunt in the open, and have all the appearance of seeing fairly well, the latter con- struct covered galleries, and seek their prey in hollow trees and otner dark localities. Insects with good sight generally have the crystalline lenses narrow and long, which involves a great loss of hight. The ocelli are specially developed in insects, such as ants, bees, and wasps, which live partly in the open light and partly in the dark recesses of nests. Again, the night-flying moths all possess ocelli; while they are entirely absent in butterflies, with, accord- * “Die Spinnen der Schweiz.” 7 “Sopra una nuova Specie di Ragui.” PROBABLE FUNCTION OF OCELLL 181 ing to Scudder, one exception, namely, the genus Pamphila. ) On the whole, then, perhaps the most probable view is that, as regards insects, the ocelli are useful in dark places and for near vision.* Whatever the special function of ocelli may be, it seems clear that they must see in the same manner as our eyes do—that is to say, the image must be reversed. On the other hand, in the case of compound eyes, it seems probable that the vision is direct, and the diffi- culty of accounting for the existence in the same animal of two such different kinds of eyes is certainly enhanced by the fact that, as it would seem, the image given by the medial eyes is reversed, while that of the lateral ones is direct. Forel, in his last memoir, inclines to this opinien, CHAPTER VIII. ON PROBLEMATICAL ORGANS OF SENSE. In addition to the organs of which I have attempted in the preceding chapters to give some idea, and to those which from their structure we may suppose to perform analogous functions, there are others of con- siderable importance and complexity, which are evi- dently organs of some sense, but “ use and purpose of which are still unknown. “Jt is almost impossible,” says Gegenbaur,* “to say what is the physiological duty of a number of organs, which are clearly sensory, and are connected with the integument. These enlargements are generally formed by ciliated regions to which a nerve passes, and at which it often forms enlargements. It is doubtful what part of the surrounding medium acts on these organs, and we have to make a somewhat far- fetched analogy to be able to regard them as olfactory organs.” Among the structures of which the use is still quite uncertain are the muciferous canals of fishes. The skin of fishes, indeed, contains a whole series of organs of whose functions we know little. As regards the * «“ Klements of Comparative Anatomy.” MUCIFEROUS CANALS OF FISH. 183 muciferous canal, Schultze has suggested * that it is a sense-organ adapted to receive vibrations of the water with wave-leneths too great to be perceived as ordinary sounds. Beard also leans to this same view. However this may be, it is remarkably developed in many deep- sea fish. In some cases peculiar eye-like bodies are developed in connection (though not exclusively so) with the muciferous canal. lLeuckart,t by whom they were discovered, at first considered them to be accessory eyes, but subsequent researches led him to modify this opinion, an to regard them as luminous organs. Ussow{ has more recently maintained that they are eyes, and Leydig considers them as organs which approach very nearly to true eyes (“welche wirblichen sehorganen sehr nahe stehen”). Whatever doubt there may be whether they have:any power of sight, there is no longer any question but that they are luminous, and they are especially developed in the fishes of the deep sea. These are very peculiar. The abysses of the ocean are quite still, and black darkness reigns. ‘The pressure of the water is also very great. Hence the deep seas have a peculiar fauna of their own. Surface species covld not generally bear the enormous pressure, and do not desceni to any great depth. ‘The true deep-sea forms are, however, as yet little known. They are but seldom seen, and when * “Ueber die Sinnesorgane der Seitenlinie bei Fischen und Amphibien,” Arch. fiir Mic. Anat., 1870. t “ Ueber muthmassliche Nebenaugen bei einem Fische.” Bericht tiber die 39 Vers., Deutscher Naturforscher, Giessen, 1864. I “ Ueber den Bau der sog. augenahniichen Flecken einiger Knochenfische,” Bull. Soc. Imp. Moscow, 1879. 10 184 DEEP-SEA FISH. obtained are generally in a bad state of preservation. Their tissues seem to be unusually lax, and liable to destruction. Moreover, in every living organism, besides those usually present in the digestive organs, the blood and other fluids contain gases in solution. These, of course, expand when the pressure is diminished, and tend to rupture the tissues. The circumstances under which some deep-sea fish have occasionally been met with on the surface bears this out. They are generally found to bave perished while endeavouring to swallow some prey not much smaller, or even in some cases larger, than themselves. What, then, has happened? During the struggle they were carried into an upper layer of water. Immediately the gases within them began to expand, and raised them higher; the process continued, and they were carried up more and more ‘rapidly, until they reached the surface in a dying condition.* It is, however, but rarely that deep-sea fish are found thus floating on the surface, and our knowledge of them is mainly derived from the dredge, and especially from the specimens thus obtained during the voyage of the Challenger. In other respects, moreover, their conditions of life in the ocean depths are very peculiar. The light of the sun cannot penetrate beyond about two hundred fathoms; deeper than this, complete darkness prevails. Hence in many species the eyes have more or less completely disappeared. In others, on the contrary, they are well developed, and these may be said to be a light to themselves. In some species there are a number of luminous organs arranged within the area * Giinther, “ Introduction to the Study of Fishes.” _ as Sse ae ee aA LIGHT-ORGANS. 185 of, and in relation to, the muciferous system; while in others they are variously situated. These luminous organs were first mentioned by Cocco.* They have since been studied by Giinther, Leuckart, Ussow, Leydig, and Emery. Lastly, they have been carefully described by Giinther, Moseley, and von Lendenfeld in the work on “ Deep-Sea Fishes,” in vol. xxvii. of the “Challenger Reports.” The deep-sea fish are either silvery, pink, or in many cases black, sometimes relieved with scarlet, and, when the Inminous organs flash out, must present a very remarkable appearance. We have still much to learn as to the structure and functions of these organs, but there are cases in which their use can be surmised with some probability. The light is evidently under the will of the fish. It is easy to imagine a Photichthys (Fig. 114), swimming Fig. 114.—Photichthys argenteus (‘‘ Challenger Reports,” vol. xxvii.). in the black depths of the ocean, suddenly flashing out light from its luminous organs, and thus bringing into view any prey which may be near; while, if danger is disclosed, the light is again at once extinguished. It may be observed that the largest of these organs is situated just under the eye, so that the fish is actually provided with a bull’s eye lantern. In other cases * Nuovi Ann. dei Sci. Nut., 1838. 186 LIVING LAMPS. the light may rather serve as a defence, some having— as, for instance, in the genus Scopelus—a pair of large ones in the tail, so that “a strong ray of light shot forth from the stern-chaser may dazzle and frighten an enemy.” * In other cases they probably serve as lures. The “sea-devil,” or “angler,” of our coasts has on its head three long, very flexible, reddish filaments, while all round its head are fringed appendages, closely resembling fronds of seaweed. The fish conceals itself at the bottom, in the sand or among seaweed, and dangles the long filaments in front of its mouth. Other little fishes, taking them for worms, Hea, ingly approach, and themselves fall victims. Several species of the same family live at great Fig. 115.—Ceratius bispinosus (‘* Challenger Reports,” vol. xxvii.). depths, and have very similar habits. A mere red filament would, however, be invisible in the dark, and therefore useless. ‘hey have, however, developed (Fig. 115) a luminous organ, a living “ glow-lamp,” at * Giinther, “ Challenger Reports,” vol. xxvii. ee ae Pore ie ig tS ig oe > Diack Maier. cr Pia “2 PROBLEMATICAL. ORGANS IN LOWER ANIMALS. 187 the end of the filament, which doubtless proves a very effective lure.* These cases, however, though very interesting, throw little light on the use of the muciferous system in ordinary fish, which, I think, still remains an enigma. In some of the lower animals, the nerves terminate on reaching the skin at the base of rod-like structures similar, in many respects, to the rods of the retina, or the auditory rods of the ear, and of which it is very difficult to say whether they are organs of touch or of some higher sense. Round the margin of the common sea-anemone is a circle of bright blue spots, or small bladders. If a section be made, there will be found a number of cylindrical organs, each containing a fine thread, and terminating in a “cnidocil (Fig. 14);” and, secondly, fibres very like nerve-threads, swelling from time to time with ganglionic expansions, and also terminating in a enidocil. These structures, in all probability, serve as an organ of sense, but what impressions they convey it is impossible to say. Some jelly-fishes (Trachynemade) have groups of long hairs arranged in pairs at the base of the tentacles (Fig. 116), which have been regarded as organs of touch, and it is certainly difficult to suggest any other function for them. They are obviously sense-hairs, but I see no reason for attributing to them the sense of touch. The so-called eyes of the leech, in Leydig’s } opinion, * Ginther, “ Study of Fishes.” + “Die Augen und neue Sinnesorgane der Egel.,” Reichert’s Arch., 1861. 188 MEDUSZ—INSECTS—CRUSTACEA. which is confirmed by Ranke,* are also developed from the supposed special organs of touch. The latter are much more numerous, as many as sixty being developed Fig. 116.—Edge of a portion of the mantle of Aglawra hemistoma, with a pair of sense- organs (after Hertwig). v, Velum; &, sense-organ; ro, layer of nettle cells; ¢, tentacle. on the head alone. They are cylindrical organs, lined with large nucleated refractive cells, which occupy nearly all the interior. A special nerve penetrates each, and, after passing some way up, appears to terminate in a free end. I may also allude to the very varied bristles and cirrhi of worms, with their great diversity of forms. Among Insects and Crustacea, there are a great number of peculiarly formed skin appendages, for which it is very difficult to suggest any probable function. The lower antenne of the male in Gammarus, for instance, bear a very peculiar slipper-shaped organ, situated on a short stalk: this was first mentioned by * “Beit. zu der Lehre. von den Uebergangs Sinnesorganen,” Zeit. fiir Wiss. Zool., 1875. DIFFICULTY OF PROBLEM. 189 Milne Edwards, and subsequently by other authors, especially by Leydig.* The short stalk contains a canal, which appears to divide into radiating branches on reaching the “slipper,” which itself is marked by a series of rings. Among other problematical organs, I might refer to the remarkable pyriform sensory organs on the antenne of Pleuromma,f the appendages on the second thoracic leg of Serolis, those on the maxilli- peds of Kurycopa, on the me- tatarsus of spiders, the finger- shaped organ on the antenne of Polydesmus, the singular pleural eye (?) of Pleuromma, and many others. There is every reason to hope that future studies will throw much light on these in- Fig. 117.—Sense-organ of leech (from Carriére, after Ranke). 1, Epithelium; 2, pigment; 3, cells; 4, nerve. The longer axis equals °4 mm. teresting structures. We may, no doubt, expect much from the improvement in our microscopes, the use of new reagents, and of mechanical appliances, such as the microtome ; but the ultimate atoms of which matter is composed are so infinitesimally minute, that it is difficult to foresee any manner in which we may hope for a final solution of these problems. Loschmit, who has since been confirmed by Stoney and Sir W. Thomson, calculates that each of the * Zeit. fiir Wiss. Zool.,”’ 1878. + Brady, ‘On the Copepoda of the Challenger Expedition,” vol. viii. 190 SIZE OF ULTIMATE ATOMS. ultimate atoms of matter is at most sy 505,00 Of an inch in diameter. Under these circumstances, we cannot, it would seem, hope at present for any great increase of our knowledge of atoms by improvements in the microscope. With our present instruments we can perceive lines ruled on glass which are 55159 of an inch apart. But, owing to the properties of light itself, the fringes due to interference begin to produce con- fusion at distances of 745, and in the brightest part of the spectrum, at little more than 5559, they would make the obscurity more or less complete. If, indeed, we could use the blue rays by themselves, their waves being much shorter, the limit of possible visibility might be extended to ,5,!959; and, as Helmholtz has © suggested, this perhaps accounts for Stinde having actually been able to obtain a photographic image of lines only 45095 Of an inch apart. This, however, would appear to be the limit, and it would seem, then, that, owing to the physical characters of light, we can scarcely hope for any great improvement so far as the mere visibility of structure is concerned, though in other respects, no doubt, much may be hoped for. At the same time, Dallinger and Royston Pigott have shown that, as far as the mere presence of simple objects is concerned, bodies of even smaller dimensions can be perceived. According to the views of Helmholtz, the smallest particle that could be | distinctly defined, when associated with others, is about goh55 of an inch in diameter. Now, it has been estimated that a particle of albumen of this size contains 125,000,000 of molecules. In the case of such a simple compound as water, the number would be no less than 8,000,000,000. Even then, if we could THE RANGE OF VISION AND OF HEARING. 191 construct microscopes far more powerful than any we now possess, they could not enable us to obtain by direct vision any idea of the ultimate molecules of matter. The smallest sphere of organic matter which could be clearly defined with our most powerful micro- scopes may be, in reality, very complex; may be built up of many millions of molecules, and it follows that there may be an almost infinite number of structural characters in organic tissues which we can at present foresee no mode of examining. Again, it has been shown that animals hear sounds which are beyond the range of our hearing, and that they can perceive the ultra-violet rays, which are invisible to our eyes.” Now, as every ray of homogeneous light which we ean perceive at all, appears to us as a distinct color, it becomes probable that these ultra-violet rays must make themselves apparent to the ants as a distinct and separate color (of which we can form no idea), but as different from the rest as red is from yellow, or green from violet. The question also arises whether white light to these insects would differ from our white light in containing this additional color. At any rate, as few of the colors in nature are pure, but almost all arise from the combination of rays of different wave- lengths, and as in such cases the visible resultant would be composed not only of the rays we see, but of these and the ultra-violet, it would appear that the colors of objects and the general aspect of nature must present to animals a very different appearance from what it does to us. These considerations cannot but raise the reflection * “ Ants, Bees, and Wasps.” 192 UNKNOWN SENSES. how different the world may—I was going to say must —appear to other animals from what it does to us. Sound is the sensation produced on us when the vibra- tions of the air strike on the drum of our ear. When they are few, the sound is deep; as they increase in number, it becomes shriller and shriller; but when they reach 40,000 in a second, they cease to be audible. Light is the effect produced on us when waves of light strike on the eye. When 400 millions of millions of vibrations of ether strike the retina in a second, they produce red, and as the number increases the color passes into orange, then yellow, green, blue, and violet. But between 40,000 vibrations in a second and 400 millions of millions we have no organ of sense capable of receiving the impression. Yet between these limits any number of sensations may exist. We have five senses, and sometimes fancy that no others are possible. But it is obvious that we cannot measure the infinite by our own narrow limitations. Moreover, looking at the question from the other side, we find in animals complex organs of sense, richly supplied with nerves, but the function of which we are s yet powerless to explain. There may be fifty other senses as different from ours as sound is from sight; and even within the boundaries of our own senses there may be endless sounds which we cannot hear, and colors, as different as red from green, of which we have no conception. ‘These and a thousand other questions remain for solution. The familiar world which sur- rounds us may be a totally different place to other animals. To them it may be full of music which we cannot hear, of color which we cannot see, of sensations which we cannot conceive. To place stuffed birds and THE UNKNOWN WOKLD. 193 beasts in glass cases, to arrange insects in cabinets, and dried plants in drawers, is merely the drudgery and preliminary of study; to watch their habits, to understand their relations to one another, to study their instincts and intelligence, to ascertain their adaptations and their relations to the forces of nature, to realize what the world appears to them; these constitute, as it seems to me at least, the true interest of natural history, and may even give us the clue to senses and perceptions of which at present we have no conception, CHAPTER Ix. ON BEES AND COLORS, In my book on “ Ants, Bees, and Wasps,’* I have recorded a number of observations which seemed to me to prove that bees possess the power of distinguish- ing colors—a power implied, of course, in the now generally accepted views as to the origin of the colors of flowers, but which had not up to that time been proved by direct experiment. Amongst other experiments, I brought a bee to some honey which I placed on a slip of glass laid on blue paper, and about three feet off I placed a similar drop of honey on orange paper. With a drop of honey before ber a bee takes two or three minutes to fill herself, then flies away, stores up the honey, and returns for more. My hives were about two hundred yards from the window, and the bees were absent about three minutes, or even less; when working quietly they fly very quickly, and the actual journeys to and fro did not take more than afewseconds. After the bee had returned twice, I transposed the papers; but she returned to the honey on the blue paper. I allowed her to continue this for some time, and then again transposed the papers. She *« Ants, Bees, and Wasps,” International Scientific Series. Kegan Paul, Trench & Co. EXPERIMENTS WITH COLORED PAPERS. 195 returned to the old spot, and was just going to alight, when she observed the change of color, pulled herself up, and without a moment’s hesitation darted off to the blue. No one who saw her at that moment could have the slightest doubt about her perceiving the difference between the two colors. I also made a number of similar observations with red, yellow, green, and white. But I was anxious to carry the matter further, and ascertain, if possible whether they have any preference for one color over another, which had been denied by M. Bonnier. To test this I took slips of glass of the size used for slides for the microscope, viz. three inches by one, and pasted on them slips of paper of the same size, coloured re- spectively blue, green, orange, red, white, and yellow. I then put them on a lawn, in a row, about a foot apart, and on each put a second slip of glass with a drop of honey. I also put with them aslip of plain glass witha similar drop of honey. I had previously trained a marked bee to come to the place for honey. My plan then was, when the bee returned and had sipped for about a quarter of a minute, to remove the honey, when she flew to another slip. This I then took away, when she went to a third,and soon. In this way, as bees generally suck for three or four minutes, I induced her to visit all the drops successively before returning to the nest. When she had gone to the nest, I trans- posed all the upper glasses with the honey, and also moved the colored glasses. ‘Thus, as the drop of honey was changed each time, and also the position of the colored glasses, neither of these could influence the selection by the bee. In recording the results, I marked down successively 196 EXPERIMENTS WITH COLORED PAPERS. the order in which the bee went to the different coloured glasses. For instance, in the first journey from the nest, as recorded below, the bee lit first on the blue, which accordingly I marked 1; when the blue was removed, she flew about a little, and then lit on the white; when the white was removed, she settled on the green, and so on successively on the orange, yellow, plain, and red. I repeated the experiment a hundred times, using two different hives—one in Kent and one in Middlesex—and spreading the observations over some time, so as to experiment with different bees, and under varied circumstances. I believe that the precautions taken placed the colors on an equal footing, and that the number of ex- periments is sufficient to give a fair average. More- over, they were spread over several days, and the daily totals did not differ much from one another. The result shows a marked preference for blue, then white, then successively yellow, red, green, and orange. The red I used was a scarlet; pink would, I believe from subsequent observations, have been more popular. I may also observe that the honey on plain glass was less visited than that on any of the colors, which was the more significant because when I was not actually observing, the colors were removed, and some drops of honey left on plain glass, which naturally gave the plain glass an advantage. Another mode of testing the result is to take the number of times in which the bee went first to each color, for instance, in a hundred visits she came to the blue first thirty-one times, and last only four; while to the plain glass she came first only five times, and last twenty-four times. It may be worth while to add that I by no means expected such a result. DR. MULLER’S OBJECTIONS. 197 A recent number of Kosmos contains a very courte- ous and complimentary notice of these observations by Dr. H. Miller, which, coming from so high an authority, is especially gratifying. Dr. Miller, however, criticizes some of the above-mentioned experiments, and remarks that, in order to make the test absolutely correct, the seven glasses should have been arranged in every possible order, and that this would give no less than 5040 combinations. I did not, however, suppose that I had attained to mathematical accuracy, or shown the exact degree of preference; all 1 claimed to show was the existence, and order, of preference, and I think that, as in my experiments the position of the colors was continually being changed, the result in this respect would have been substantially the same. Dr. Miller also observes that when a bee has been accustomed to come to one place for honey, she returns to it, and will tend to alight there whatever the color may be; and he shows, by the record of his own experiences, that this has a considerable influence. This is so. Of course, however, it applies mainly to bees which had been used for some time, and were accustomed to a particular spot. I was fully alive to this tendency of the bees, and neutralized it to a considerable extent, partly by frequently changing the bee, and partly by moving the glasses. While, how- ever, | admit that it is a factor which has to be taken into consideration, I do not see that it affords any argument against my conclusions. The tendency would be to weaken the effect of preference for any particular color, and to equalize the visits to all the glasses. This tendency on the part of the bees was, as my experiments show, overborne by the effect produced upon them 198 REPLY TO OBJECTIONS. by the color. So far, then, from weakening my con- clusions, the fact, so far as it goes, tends to strengthen them, because it shows that notwithstanding this tendency the blue was preferred, and the honey on colorless glass neglected. The legitimate conclusion to be drawn seems, I confess, to me, not that my mode of observation was faulty, but rather that the pre- ference of the bees for particular colors is even some- what greater than the numbers would indicate. Next, Dr. Miller objects that when disturbed from one drop of honey, the bees naturally would, and that in his experiments they actually did, fly to the next. Asa matter of fact, however, this did not happen in mine, because, to avoid this source of error, when I removed the color I gave the bee a good shake, and so ‘made her take a flight before settling down again. According to my experience, bees differ considerably in character, or, I should rather perhaps say, in humour. Some are much shyer and more restless than others. When disturbed from the first drop of honey, some are much longer before they settle on the next than others. Much also, of course, depends on how long the bee has been experimented on. Bees, like men, settle down to their work. Moreover, it is no doubt true that, ceteris paribus, a bee in search of honey will go to the nearest source. But, as a matter of fact, in my hundred experiments I had but very few cases like those quoted above from Dr. Miller. This arose partly from the fact that my bees were frequently changed, and partly because, as already mentioned, I took care, in removing the color, to startle the bee enough to make her take a little flight before alighting again. Dr. Miller says that in PREFERENCES OF BEES. 199 his experiments, when the bee did not go to the next honey, it was when he shook her off too vigorously. I should rather say that in his observations he did not shake the bee off vigorously enough. ‘The whole objection, however, is open to the same remark as the last. The bee would have a tendency, of course, like- any one else, to go to its goal by the nearest route. - Hence I never supposed that the figures exactly indi- cate the degree of preference. The very fact, however, that there would naturally be a tendency on the part of the bees to save themselves labour by going to the nearest honey, makes the contrast shown by my observations all the more striking. I have never alleged that it was possible, in the case of bees (or, for that matter, of men either), to get any - absolute and exact measure of preference for one color over another. It would be easy to suggest many con- siderations which would prevent this. For instance, something would probably depend on the kind of flower the bee had been in the habit of visiting. A bee which had been sucking daisies might probably behave very differently from one which had been frequenting a blue flower. So far, however, as the conclusions which I ventured to draw are concerned, I cannot see that they are in any way invalidated by the objections which Dr. Muller has urged, which, on the other hand, as it seems to me, rather tend to strengthen my argument. I may perhaps be asked, If blue is the favourite color of bees, and then pink, and if bees have had so much to do with the origin of flowers, how is it there are so few blue and pink ones? The explanation I believe to be that all blue flowers 200 THE COLORS OF FLOWERS. have descended from ancestors in which the flowers were red, these from others in which they were yellow, while originally they were all green—or, to speak more precisely, in which the leaves immediately surrounding the stamens and pistil were green; that they have passed through stages of yellow, and generally if not always red, before becoming blue. It is, of course, easy to see that the possession of color is an advantage to flowers in rendering them more conspicuous, more easily seen, and less readily over- looked, by the insects which fertilize them ; but it is not quite so clear why, apart from brilliancy and visibility at a distance, one color should be more advantageous than another. ‘These experiments how- ever, which show that insects have their preference, throw some hght on the subject. Where insects are beguiled into visits, as is the case especially with flies, they are obviously more likely to be deceived if the flowers not only, as is often the case, smell like decaying animal substance, but almost re- semble them in appearance. Hence many fly flowers not only emit a most offensive smell, but also are dingy yellow or red, often mottled, and very closely resemble in color decaying meat. There remains another case in which allied flowers, and species, moreover, which are fertilized by very much the same insects, are yet characterized by distinct colors. .We have, for instance, three nearly allied species of dead neti!e—one white (Lameum album), one red (Lamium maculatum), and one yellow (Lamiwm galeobdolon or luteum). Now, if we imagine the existence in a single genus of three separate species, similar in general habit and THE COLORS OF FLOWERS. 201 appearance, and yet mutually infertile, it is easy to see that it would be an advantage to them to have their flowers differently colored. The three species of Lamium above mentioned may be growing together, and yet the bees, without difficulty or loss of time, can distinguish the species from one another, and collect pollen and honey without confusing them together. On the other hand, if they were similarly colored, the bees could only distinguish them with comparative difficulty, involving some loss of time and probably many mistakes. I have not yet alluded especially to white flowers. They seem to stand in a somewhat special position. The general sequence, as I have suggested, is from ereen, through yellow and red, to blue. Flowers normally yellow seldom sport into red or blue; those normally red often sport into yellow, but seldom into blue. On the other hand, flowers of almost any color may sport into white. White is produced by the absence of color, may therefore appear at any stage, and will be stereotyped if for any reason it should prove to be an advantage.* * The genesis of the color is a large and interesting question. It may be due to various causes, and is by no means always owing to the presence of a different coloring matter. For instance, as Professor. Foster has observed to me, many species of Iris occur in blue and yellow forms. The yellow is largely, or wholly, produced by chroma- toplacts, the purple or blue to cell-sap, and if the latter is absent the yellow becomes apparent. CHAPTER X, ON THE LIMITS OF VISION OF ANIMALS. ANTS AND COLORS. I HAVE elsewhere * recorded a series of experiments on ants with light of different wave-lengths, in order, if possible, to determine whether ants have the power of distinguishing colors. For this purpose I utilized the dislike which ants, when in their nest, have for light. Not unnaturally, if a nest is uncovered, they think they are being attacked, and hasten to carry their young away to a darker and, as they suppose, a safer place. I satisfied myself, by hundreds of experiments, that if I exposed to light the greater part of a nest, but left any of it covered over, the young would certainly be conveyed to the dark part. In this manner I satisfied myself that the various rays of the spectrum act on them in a different manner from that in which they affect us; for instance, that ants are specially sensitive to the violet rays. But I was anxious to go beyond this, and to attempt to determine whether, as M. Paul Bert supposed, their limits of vision are the same as ours. We all know that * “ Ants, Bees, and Wasps.” 5 THE ULTRA-VIOLET RAYS. 203 if a ray of white light is passed through a prism, it is broken up into a beautiful band of colors, known as the spectrum. To our eyes this spectrum, like the rainbow, which is, in fact, a spectrum, is bounded by red at the one end and violet at the other, the edge being sharply marked at the red end, but less abruptly at the violet But a ray of leht contains, besides the rays visible to our eyes, others which are called, though not with absolute- correctness, heat-rays and chemical rays. These, so far from falling within the linits of our vision, extend far beyond it, the heat-rays at the red end, the ehemical or ultra-violet rays at the violet end. I made a number of experiments which satisfied me that ants are sensitive to the ultra-violet rays, which lie beyond the range of our vision. I was also anxious to see how two colors identical to our eyes, but one of which transmitted and the other intercepted the ultra-violet rays, would affect the ants. Mr. Wigner was good enough to prepare for me a solution of iodine in bisulphide of carbon, and a second of indigo, carmine, and roseine mixed so as to produce the same tint. T’o our eyes the two were identical both in color and capacity; but of course the ultra-violet rays were cut off by the bisulphide-of-carbon solution, while they were, at least for the most part, transmitted by the other. I placed equal amounts in flat-sided glass bottles, so as to have the same depth of each liquid. I then laid them, as in previous experiments, over a nest of Mornica fusca. In twenty observations the ants went seveuteen times in all under the iodine and bisulphide, twice under the solution of indigo and carmine, while once there were some under each. These observations, therefore, show that the solutions, 204 PERCEPTION OF LIGHT though apparently identical to us, appeared to the ants very different, and that, as before, they preferred to rest under the liquid which intercepted the ultra-violet rays. In two or three cases only they went under the other bottle ; but I ought to add that my observations were made in winter, when the ants were rather sluggish. I am disposed to think that in summer perhaps these exceptional’ cases would not have occurred, | Professor Graber, however, while admitting the accuracy of my observations, has attempted to prove that the perception of the ultra-violet rays is not a case of sight in the ordinary acceptation of the words, but is due to the general sensitiveness of the skin. It has long been known that some of the lower animals which do not possess eyes are, nevertheless, sensitive to light. Hoffmeister,* in his work on earth- worms, states that, with some exceptions, they are very sensitive to light. Darwin, perhaps, experimented with a different species (for there are many different kinds); at any rate, his specimens seemed to be less keenly affected, though it one was suddenly illumi- nated it dashed “like a rabbit into its burrow.” He observed, however, that some individuals were more sensitive to light than others, and that the same indi- viduals by no means always acted in the same way. Moreover, if they “were employed in dragging leaves into their burrows or in eating them, and even during the short intervals when they rested from their work, they either did not perceive the light or were regard- less of it.”t He observes, however, that it is only the * “ Wamilie der Regenwiirmer,” 1845. + Darwin’s ‘“ Earthworms.” =. BY THE GENERAL SURFACE OF THE SKIN. 205 anterior extremity of the body, where the cerebral ganglia lie, which is affected by light, and he suggests that the light may pass through the skin and acts direetly on the nervous centres. Lacaze-Duthiers, Haeckel, Engelmann, Graber, Plateau, and other naturalists have abundantly proved the sensitiveness to light of other eyeless animals. There has, indeed, long been a vague idea that blind people have some faint perception of hght through the general surface of the skin. So far as 1 am aware there is not the slightest evidence or foundation for this belief; nor, indeed, has it been advocated by any com- petent authority. It seems @ priort improbable that an animal with complex eyes should still retain a power which would be almost entirely useless. On the other hand, it is unquestionable that light ean, and often dves, act directly on the nerve termi- nations without the intermediate operation of any optical-apparatus. Some of them might, perhaps, be open to criticism. The effect of heat may not have been always sufficiently guarded against. Again, it is quite true that, as Plateau observes “ Lorsque les Myriapudes chilopodes aveugles ou manis d’yeux, déposés sur le sol, s’introduisent avec empressement dans la premiere fente quwils rencon- trent, cet acte n’est pas déterminé par le seul besoin de fuir la lumiére, ces animaux cherchent en méme temps un milieu humide et avec lequel la plus grande parte de la suriace de leur corps soit en contact direct.” Bnt though this is no doubt true, and though, perhaps, the moisture may be some help, still, whatever be their * Plateau, *‘ Rech. sur la perception de la lumiére par les Myriapodes aveugles,” Jour. del’ Anatomie, etc., T. xxii. 1886. 206 PERCEPTION OF LIGHT object, we can hardly doubt that the absence of light is the principal guide. Professor Graber,* in his interesting memoir on this subject confirms the observations on ants and Daphnias, in which I showed that they are sensitive to the ultra-violet rays, by similar observations on earth- worms, newts, etc. It is interesting, moreover, that the species examined by him showed themselves, like the ants, specially sensitive to the blue, violet, and ultra- violet rays. Graber, however, states that he differs from me inasmuch as I attribute the sensitiveness to the ultra-violet rays exclusively to vision ;—that it is “ausschliesslich durch die Augen vermittelt.”. I am not, however, of that opinion as a general expression, though I believe it to be true of ants, where the opacity of the chitine renders it unlikely that the light could be perceived except by the medium of the eyes or ocelli. Graber has shown in earthworms and newts, and Plateau in certain Myriapods, that these animals perceive the difference between light and darkness by the general surface of the skin. But more than this, Graber seems to have demonstrated that earthworms and newts distinguish not only between light of differ- ent intensity, but also between rays of different wave- lengths, preferring red to blue or green, and green to blue. He found, moreover, as I did, that they are sensitive to the ultra-violet rays. Harthworms, of course, have no eyes; but, thinking that the light might * «Fundamental Versuche iiber die Helligkeits und Farben Em- pfindlichkeit augenloser und geblendeter Thiere,” Sitz. Kats. Akad. d. Wiss. Wien: 1883. + Journ. de V Anatomie et de la Physiologie, 1886. BY THE GENERAL SURFACE OF THE SKIN. 207 act directly on the cephalic ganglia, Graber decapi- tated a certain number, and found that the light still acted on them in the same manner, though the differ- ences were not so marked. He also covered over the eyes of newts, and found that the same held good with them. | Hence he concludes that the general surface of the _ skin is sensitive to light. These results are certainly curious and interesting, but even if we admit the absolute correctness of his deductions, I do not see that they are in opposition to those at which I had arrived. My main conclusions were that ants, Daphnias, etc., were able to perceive light of different wave-lengths, and that their eyes were sensitive to the ultra-violet rays much beyond our limits of vision. His observa- tions do not in any way controvert these deductions; indeed, the argument by which he endeavours to prove that the effect is due to true light, and not to warmth, presupposes that sensations which can be felt by the general surface of the skin, would be still more vividly perceived by the special organs of vision. In connection with this subject, I may add that I do not at all doubt the sensitiveness to light of eyeless animals. In experimenting on this subject, I have always found that though the blind woodlice (Platy- arthrus), which live with the ants, have no eyes, yet if part of the nest be uncovered and part kept dark, they soon find their way into the shaded part. It is, however, easy to imagine that in unpigmented animals, whose skins are more or less semi-transparent, the light might act directly on the nervous system, even though it could not produce anything which could be called vision. 11 208 EXPERIMENTS WITH HOODWINKED ANTS. Forel, in some recent experiments, varnished over the eyes of fifteen ants (Camponotus ligiuperdus) and put them with fifteen others, which were left in their normal condition, in a flat box with a glass top and divided in the middle into two halves by a cardboard division, which, however, left room enough underneath for the ants to pass freely from one half to the other. After some.other experiments, in the course of which one of the varnished ants was accidentally killed, at 1 p.m. all the varnished ants and thirteen of the un- varnished were in the right half of the box, and two unvarnished in the left. He then placed over the whole box two flat bottles containing water to inter- cept heat-rays—over the right half a piece of cobalt (violet) glass; and over the left, a flat bottle containing a solution of esculine, which is quite transparent, but cuts off the ultra-violet rays. At 1.55 the result was as follows :— Under the esculine. Under the cobalt. 5 varnished. 9 varnished. 13 normal. 2 normal. ~The esculine and cobalt were then transposed. At 2.0 the position was— Under the cobalt. Under the esculine. 4 varnished. 13 varnished. 3 normal. 12 normal. The esculine and cobalt were again transposed, and one normal ant was accidentally wounded and removed. At 3.8— Under the esculine. Under the cobalt. 3 varnished. 12 varnished. 11 normal. 3 normal. F 4 EXPERIMENTS WITH HOODWINKED ANTS. 209 The esculine and cobalt were once more transposed, and at 3.13 there were— Under the cobalt. Under the esculine. 3 varnished. 11 varnished, 1 normal. 13 normal. Thus the number of ants which followed the esculine and moved from one half of the box to the other at each transposition of the esculine and cobalt, was as follows :— Varnished. Normal. First change ... oe 4) 1i Second ,, Ee mee cee a wes et 20 Third, .,, ods ie? ean,» Oye ue 9 Fourth ,, ae wee BO filed | Ae 2. ee ee 6 40 And the number remaining under the —— and esculine respectively was— Under the cobalt. Under the esculine. Varnisned. Normal. Varnisned. Normal First experiment ... sae BES 2 5 13 Second ,, cate sigh tei 3 10 12 Third ay ea de oe Es aan te 3 1] Fourth ., 3 | Lauer’ ated! iS 28 9 30 49 These experiments clearly showed that, while the normal ants moved from side to side so as to be under the esculine and consequently protected from the ultra- violet rays, those in which the eyes had been varnished remained unaffected by the transposition of the esculine and -the cobalt, showing that the difference was per- ceived, not by the general surface of the skin, but by the eyes, and that when these were covered the ants were unafie:ted by the change, 210 CONFIRMATION OF MY EXPERIMEN'S ON ANTS. It might be suggested that possibly the ants had been injured or stupefied by the varnishing. M. Forel accordingly, on the following day at 8 a.m., placed over one half of the box a layer of water six centimetres deep, and on the other a piece of red glass, which, while intercepting some of the licht, allows almost all the heat to pass through. At 9.25 there were— Under the red glass. Under the layer of water. 3 varnished. 11 varnished. 12 normal. 2 normal. Here, it seems that the ants which could see pre- ferred the shade, even though they were rather too warm; while the hoodwinked ants went under the cool water. This indicated that the varnished ants remained sensitive to heat, though not to light. Indeed, Forel states that they were just as lively, just as sensitive to currents of air, as the normal ants.* These experiments, then, entirely confirm those I had made. “Cvest une confirmation entiére,’ says Forel, “des resultats de Lubbock ft” and he sums upas follows :—The ants “paraissent percevoir l’ultra-violet principalement avec leurs yeux, c’est-a-dire qu’elles le volent, car lorsque leurs yeux sont vernis elles s’y montrent presque intifférentes; elles ne réagissent alors nettement qun’d une lumiere scolaire directe ou moins forie. Les expériences ci-dessus semblent in- diquer que les sensations dermatoptiques sont plus faibles chez les fuurmis que chez les animaux étudiés — par Graber.” From these and other experiments M. Forel comes * Loe: ctt.; p. bot. { Ibid., p. 174. ier. we se EXPERIMENTS WITH DAPHNIAS. > pl | to the same conclusion as I did, that the ants perceive the ultra-violet rays with their eyes, and not as suggested by Graber, by the skin generally. It is very gratifying that my experiments and conclusions should thus be entirely confirmed by an observer so careful and so experienced as M. Forel. / F ~ > ; ; PF OES My ei ’ ¥ 2 a ee Fig. 118.—Daphnia pulex. a, Antenne; b, brain; e, eye; h, heart; m, muscle of - eye; m, nerve of eye; 0, Ovary; ol, olfactory organ; s, stomach; y, three eggs deposited in the space between the back and the shell. EXPERIMENTS WITH DAPHNIAS. The late M..Paul Bert made some very interesting experiments on a small fresh-water crustacean belong- ds Fei ia rd ib DAPHNIAS AND COLORS. ing to the genus Daphnia (Fig. 118), from which he concludes that they perceive all the colors known to us, being, however, especially sensitive to the yellow and green, and that their limits of vision are the same as ours. Nay, he even goes further than this, and feels justi- fied in concluding, from the experience of two species —Man and Daphnia—that the limits of vision would be the same in all cases. His words are— 1. “Tous les animaux voient les rayons spectraux que nous voyons.” 2. “Ils ne veient aucun de ceux que nous ne voyons pas.” : 3. “ Dans l’étendue de la région visible, les différences entre ies }ouvoirs éclairants des différents rayons colorés sont les mémes pour eux et pour nous.” He also adds, “Puisque les limites de visibilité semblent étre les mémes pour les animaux et pour nous, ne trouvons-nous pas 1& une raison de plus pour supposer que le réle des milieux de l’ceil est tout a fait secondaire, et que la visibilité tient a limpression- nabilité de l'appareil nerveux lui-méme ?” These generalizations would seem to rest on a very narrow foundation. I have already attempted to show that the conclusion does not appear to hold good in the case of ants; and I determined, therefore, to make some experiments myself on Daphnias, the results of which are here embodied.” Professor Dewar was kind enough to arrange for me, at the Royal Institution, a spectrum, which, by means of a mirror, was thrown on to the floor. I then placed some * These observations were published in the Journal of the Linnean Suciety for 1881. PREFERENCE FOR YELLOWISH GREEN. 213 Daphnias in a shallow wooden trough fourteen inches by four inches, and divided by cross partitions of glass into divisions, so that I could isolate the parts illumi- nated by the different coloured rays. The two ends of the trough extended somewhat beyond the visible spectrum. I then placed fifty specimens of Daphnia pulex in the trough, removing the glass partitions so that they could circulate freely from one end of the trough to the other. Then, after scattering them equally through the water, I exposed them to the light for ten minutes, after which I inserted the glass partitions, and then counted the Daphnias in each division. The results were as follows :— NUMBER OF DAPHNIAS. In the In the Beyond Beyond red and _ greenish yellow Inthe In the the the red. yellow. and green. blue. violet. violet. Obs. 1 0 20 28 2 () 0 2 1 21 25 3 0 0 > eae 21 D4 3 0 0 ee | 19 29 1 0 0 OE a 20 27 3 0 0 4 101 133 12 0 0 I may add that the blue and violet divisions were naturally longer than the red and green. May 25.—Tried again the same arrangement, but separating the yellow, and giving the Daphnias the choice between red, yellow, green, blue, violet, and dark :— Dark. Violet. Blue. Green. Yellow. Red. Exp. 1 ae 0 3 39 4) 3 2 a0) 1 y) 37 i 3 os 0 0 4 31 10 5 4 id) 1 5 30 8 6 5 0 1 4 33 6 6 1) 3 18 170 36 23 214 EXPERIMENTS. Of course, it must be remembered that the yellow band is much narrower than the green. I reckoned as yellow a width of three-quarters of an inch, and the width of the green two inches. Again— { Dark. Violet. Blue. Green. Yellow. Red. Pixies. pcsetee 0 = 30 6 10 ee oye - 0 if 3 23 8 45 was ee 0 0 2 24 9 15 ns Oe ee ey 0 3 25 8 13 te ca 10 1 2 24 ‘ih 16 1 2 14 128 38 67 Adding them to- — _— = aa — — gether, we get 1 3) 32 298 4 90 M. Paul Bert observes (oc. ct.) that in his experiments the Daphnias followed exactly the brilliance of the light. It will be observed, however, that in my expe- riments this was not the case, as there were more Daphnias in proportion, as well as absolutely, in the green, although the yellow is the brightest portion of the spectrum. In fact, they follow the light up tea certain brightness; but, as will be seen presently, they do not like direct sunshine. I then arranged the trough so that the yellow fell in the middle of one of the divisions. The result was— NUMBER OF DAPHNIAS. Upper edge. Ultra-red of red, Greenish and yellow, and blue and Ultra- lower red. lower green. blue. Violet. violet. pty. a. 8 38 4 0 0 99 2 eee eae 9 36 5 0 0 ee ae 39 3 0 0 25 113 12 0 0 May 18.—In order to test the limits of vision at the LIMITS OF VISION OF DAPHNIAS. 215 red end of the spectrum, I used the same arrangement as before, placing the trough so that the extreme division was in the ultra-red, and the second in the red. I then placed sixty Daphnias in the ultra-red. After five minutes’ exposure, 1 counted them. There were in the— Red. Ultra-red. ee, ak an SE eu oR Be ee ae i Senge I now gave them four divisions to select from—dark, red, ultra-red, and dark again. The numbers were— Dark. Red. - Ultra-red Dark. Bxpil, ... en aoe ie 47 6 2 Mee 41 7 3 I then shut them off from all the colors excepting red, giving them only the ae between red and ultra-red :— Red Ulira-red. Bxpo tl) uss ane aoe ee + > Seer é Feats 3 _ 3 a ee reer © 6 I then left them access to a division on the other side of the red, which, however, I darkened by interposing a piece of wood. ‘This enabled me better to compare the ultra-red rays with a really dark space :— Dark. Red. Ultra-red. eee tg eg 43 3 Ee OS tn Oe eine 45 2 These observations appear to indicate that their limits of vision at the red end of the spectrum coincide approximately with ours. I then proceeded to examine their behaviour with reference to the other end of the spectrum. In the first place, I shut them off from all the rays 216 PERCEPTION OF ULTRA-VIOLET RAYS except the blue, violet, and ultra-violet. was as follows :— NUMBER OF DAPHNTAS. Ultra-violet. Violet. Blue. Bien. AS Gees oe Be et 9 38 99 2 eee ece eee 4 6 38 33 3 oe3 e703 ees 0 2 46 9) 17 122 The result a | wrwr This shows that they greatly prefer blue and violet to darkness or ultra-violet. I afterwards gave them only the option of ultra-violet, violet, and darkness :— Ultra-violet. Violet. Exp. 1 ste cae aac rae 48 ee ee OR te Lg 48 ses oe Cee ee ee ee 47 ee ee ees 42 ae ce aa ee: 53 49 238 D 1g They preferred the violet; but there were many more in the ultra-violet than in the dark. I then tried ultra-violet and dark. The width of the violet was two inches; and I divided the ultra-violet portion again into divisions each of two inches, which we may eall ultra-violet, further ultra-violet, and still further ultra-violet. The results were— NUMBER OF DAPHNIAS. Still further Further ultra-violet. ultra-violet. Ultra-violet. [ec Ole omens 0 6 52 i es 0 5 52 eee, 0 6 50 sg) vero PRS 0 4 53 bb) 5) tae ss8 0 4 54 a ee 286 Da Ff fod i» | no oo oe BD . ———s PERCEPTION OF ULTRA-VIOLET RAYS. SET In this case the preference for ultra-violet over dark was very marked. May 18.—I again tried them with the ultra-violet rays, using three divisions—namely, further ultra-violet, ultra-violet, and dark. The numbers were as follows, viz. under the— Further ultra-violet. Ultra-violet. Dark, wee see “ee A 50 4. 39 2 eer aes eee 3 5 5 2 9 105 6 To my eye there was no perceptible difference be- tween the further ultra-violet and the ultra-violet portion; but slightly undiffused light reached the two extreme divisions. It may be asked why the still further ultra-violet division should have been entirely deserted, while in each case two or three Daphnias were in the darkened one. This, I doubt not, was due to the fact that, the darkened division being next to the ultra- violet, one or two in each case straggled into it. Not satisfied with this, I tried another test. There are some liquids which, though transparent to the rays we see, are quite opaque to the ultra-violet rays. Bisulphide of carbon, for instance, is quite colourless and transparent: it looks just like water, but it entirely euts off the ultra-violet rays. If, then, we place the trough containing Daphnias, as I had previously done my nest of ants, in the ultra-violet part of the spectrum, and then place over one half of it a flat bottle contain- ing water, and over the other half a similar bottle con- taining bisulphide of carbon, both halves will seem equally dark to us, but the ultra-violet rays reach one half of the vessel, while they are cut off from the other. 218 PERCEPTION OF ULTRA-VIOLET RAYS. To our eyes both, as I say, are equally dark, and so they would be to the Daphnias if their limits of vision were the same as ours. As a matter of fact, however, the Daphnias all collected in the part of the trough under the water, and avoided that under the bisulphide of car- bon, showivg that this, therefore, was to them darker than the other. I varied the experiments in several ways, but always with similar results. Bichromaie of potash is also impervious to the ultra-violet rays, and had the same effect. Not satisfied with this, I tried to test it in another way. I took a cell, in which I placed a layer of five-per- cent. solution of chromate of potash less than an eighth of an inch in depth, and which, though almost colourless to our eyes, completely cut off the ultra-violet rays. IL then turned my trough at right angles, so that I could cover one side of the ultra-violet portion of the spectrum with the chromate and leave the other exposed. The numbers were as follows :— Side of the ultra- - violet covered with Side chromate of potash. uncovered. Dark. Exp. 1 sas. bee 2 ey — aH) a 0 I now covered up the other side. Min 2 52. ae Sek OS gee Again covered up the same side as at first. Hep. 3 Oko it ga ae ee Again covered up the other side. Hp Ai sc. nen Stee Jen 57 eae 0 May 19.—I again tried the same arrangement, re- | ducing the chromate of potash to a mere film, which, OBJECTIONS OF M. MEREJKOWSKY. 219 however, still cut off the ultra-violet rays. Ithen placed it, as before, over one half of the ultra-violet portion of the spectrum ; and over the other half I placed a similar cell containing water. Between each experiment I reversed the position of the two cells. The numbers were— Under the film of Under the chromate of putash. water. Map l. ... ae a es it aie 52 De ES ee eee re eee ee IG ig ne ges 1g BO ol Saaere ae taal | =5E wa 23 Evidently, then, even a film of chromate of potash exercises a very considerable influence; and, indeed, L doubt not that, if a longer time had been allowed, the difference would have been even greater. It seems clear, therefore, that a five-per cent. solution of chromate of potash only one-eighth of an inch in thickness, which cuts off the ultra-violet rays, though absolutely transparent to our eyes, is by no means so to the Daphnias. These observations seem to prove, though I differ with great reluctance from so eminent an authority as M. Paul Bert, that the limits of vision of Daphnias do not, at the violet end of the spectrum, coincide with ours, but that the Daphnia, like the ant, is affected by the ultra-violet rays. | Since these observations were published, M. Merej- kowski has experimented on the subject, and come to the conclusion that the Daphnias are attracted wherever there is most light, that they are conscious only of the intensity of the light, and that they have no power of distinguishing colors. It is no doubt true thatin ordinary diffused daylight the Daphnias generally 220 DAPHNIAS SUPPOSED TO PERCEIVE congregate wherever the light is strongest. Their eyes are, however, so delicate that one would naturally expect, a priort, that there would be a limit to this; and, in fact, direct sunshine is somewhat too strong for their comfort. For instance, I took a porcelain trough, seven and a half inches long, two and a half broad, and one deep, and put in it some water containing fifty Daphnias. One half I exposed to direct sunlight, and the other I shaded, counting the Daphnias from time to time, and trans- posing the exposed and shaded halves. The numbers were as follows:— In the sun. -In the shado. At 10.40 am. ... aid ae Ee aoe 46 age a | Mee 8 42 Rai bs 7 43 ML Baye: 7 43 Se Vie, ty 4 46 5B 3 47 Ae 8 ag. 4 46 Sas 5 45 es aN 7 43 PP) 4 30 3) 4 e 46 53 447 This seems clearly to show that they avoid the full sunlight. I believe, then, that in some of my previous experi- ments the yellow light was too brilliant for them; and the following experiments seem to show that, when sufficiently diffused, they prefer yellow to white light. M. Merejkowsky, however, denies to the crustacea any sense of color whatever. His experiments were made with larve of Balanus and with a marine cope- pod, Dias longiremis. ‘These, if I understand him correctly, have given identical results. He considers BRIGHTNESS, BUT. NOT COLOR. oa that they perceive all the luminous rays, and can dis- tinguish very slight differences of intensity; but that they do not distinguish between different colors. He sums up his observations as follows :— “Tl résulte de ces expériences que ce qui agit sur les Crustacés, ce n’est point la qualité de la lumiére, c’est exclusivement sa quantité. Antrement dit, les Crus- tacés inférieurs ont la perception de tonte onde lumi- neuse et de toutes les différences, méme trés légéres, dans son intensité; mais ils ne sont point capabies de dis- tinguer la nature des ondes, de différentes couleurs. Ils distinguent tres bien lintensité des vibrations éthérées, leur amplititde, mais point leur nombre. Il y a donc, dans le mode de perception de la lumiére, une grande différence entre les Crustacés inférieurs et 1’ Homme, et méme entre eux et les Fourmis; tandis que nous voyons les différentes couleurs et leurs différentes intensités, les Crustacés inférieurs ne voient qu'une seule couleur dans ses différentes variations d’intensité. Nous percevons des couleurs comme couleurs; ils ne les pergoient que comme lumieére.” * It is by no means easy to decide such a question absolutely ; but the subject is of much interest, and accordingly I made some further experiments, as it did not seem to me that those of M. Merejkowsky bore out the conclusion he has deduced from them. 7 Professor Dewar most kindly arranged the apparatus for me again. He prepared a normal diffraction-spec- trum, produced by a Rutherfurd grating with 17,000 — lines to the inch; the spectrum of the first order was thrown on the trongh. In this case the distribution of * M. C. Merejkowsky, “ Les Crustacés inférieurs distinguent-ils les couleurs ?” oD, FURTHER EXPERIMENTS. luminous intensity has been shown to be uniform on each side of the line having the mean wave-length, z.e. a little above the line D in the yellowish green of the spectrum. I then took a long shallow trough in which were a number of Daphnias, and placed it so that the centre of the trough was at the brightest part of the spectrum, a little, however, if anything, towards the green end. After ee the Daphnias equably I left them for five minutes, and then put a piece of blackened cardboard over the brightest part. After five minutes more, there were at the green end, 410; in the dark, 14; at the red end, 76. Here the two ends of the trough were equally illuminated; but the preference for the green over the red side was very marked, I then took five porcelain vessels, seven and a half inches long, two and a half broad, and one deep, and in each I put water containing fifty Daphnias. One half of the water I left uncovered; the other half IL covered respectively with an opaque porcelain plate, a solution of aurine (bright yellow), of chlorate of copper (bright green), a piece of red glass, and a piece of blue glass. Every half-hour I counted the Daphnias in each half of every vessel, and then transposed the coverings, so that the half which had been covered was left exposed, and vice versé. I also changed the Daph- nias from time to time. Here, then, in each case the Daphnias had a choice between two kinds of light. It seemed to me that this would be a crucial test, because in every case the colored media act by cutting of certain rays. Thus the aurine owes its yellow color to the fact that it cuts FURTHER EXPERIMENTS. Qe off the violet and blue rays. The light beneath it con- tains no more yellow tays than elsewhere; but those rays produce the impression of yellow, because the yellow is not neutralized by the violet and blue. In each case, therefore, there was less light in the covered than in the uncovered part. After every five experiments I added up the number of the Daphnias; and the following table gives twenty such totals, each containing the result of five observa- tions, making in all one hundred. _ My reason for adding one vessel in which one half had an opaque cover was to meet the objection that possibly the light might have been too strong for the Daphnias; so that when they went under the sheltered part they did so, not for color, but for shade. I was not very sanguine as to the result of this arrangement, because I had expected that the preference of the Daphnias for light would overcome tieir attachment to yellow. The numbers were as in the following table (p. 224). The result was very marked. The first two columns show the usual preference for light. If the covered half had been quite dark, no doubt the difference in numbers would have been greater; but a good deal of light found its way into the covered half. Still the result clearly shows that the Daphnias preferred the lighter half. The numbers were 2048 in the dark to 2952 in the light; and it will be seen that the preference for the light was shown, though in different degrees, in almost every series. The result in the blue gives, I think, no evidence as to color-sense. The numbers were respectively 2046 against 2954, and were therefore practically the same — S66 9F0G ELF -* «LOL ert LSI CLT LIT , CGT CG wD STL ZOL e aa 90T 7, StL ZOL a OZI OSI a ISI 69 = SLI g/, A 6ST. 16 = = ISFI 6IOI lal pet Se oats = EEE es FFL 90T eo Cal: LY 7, CIT Cel a ZPL ROT = 9CT $6 a 89L Z8 FA OFT OLL OSE ONT CEL CEL Sel SLE H ‘poloaoouyy = ont g N ot} ul N °G FOSS 9076 | GLOE 8Z61 OFGL O9GI | 66F1 TOOT GOT StL CCL C6 9ST PIL 9¢T T6 O&L OGL F8t oD 661 Icl CLI CL TGL NGL ItL 601 8éI GILL FEL OTT SI. LET GEL SIT IIL 661 9&1 a PPI 90T OGT OOT SIT LET 961 PIT PoSI OFIT LCI LG6 €6L L6L PEL OTT £9L L8 LSI ron L6 GL OL OGL Fel 9TL ToL 961 OFT OIL OLT 08 OFT POT PLT 9L £9T Lobes PSI 99 cél CIT E81 L9 98 POL SGI L6 LOT 68 TSI 99 *‘paladoouy, ‘"UdeIH | ‘podoACOU, = *pary ey} UT eq} UT 7, "0 FO6T 9608 O 2 10.45. None were = 59 9 12.30. Two were 5 99 39 1.30. Two were s None were 5, 2.30. One was 9 9 oP) I do not give these results as by any means proving that ants do not recognize their friends by means of smell. They do seem, however, at any rate, to show that not even six months of close companionship under pre- cisely similar conditions will so far assimilate the odour as tolead to confusion. If the recognition 7s due in any degree to this cause, the odour is therefore probably an hereditary characteristic. In the interesting memoir already cited, Forel says,* “Lubbock (loc. cit.) a cru démontrer que les fourmis enlevées de leur nid a l’état de nymphe et écloses hors de chez elles étaient néanmoins reconnues par leurs * Recueil Zool. Suisse, 1887. 236 EXPERIMENTS WITH ANTS REMOVED FROM THE compagnes lorsqu’on les leur rendait. Dans mes Fourmis de la Suisse, avais cru démontrer le coutraire. Voici une expérience que j’ai faite ces jours-ci: Le 7 aout, je donne des nymphes de Formica pratensis pres d’éclore a quelques Formica sanguinea dans une boite. Le 9 aott quelques-unes éclosent. Le 11 aott, au matin, je prends l’une de jeunes pratensis agée de deux ou trois jours seulement et je la porte a sa fourmiliere natale dont elle était sortie comme nymphe seulement 4 jours auparavant. Elle y est fort mal recue. Ses nourrices dil y a 4 jours lempoignent qui par la téte, qui par le thorax, qui par les pattes en recourbant leur abdomen d’un air menacant. Deux d’entre elles la tinrent longtemps en sens inverse chacune par une patte en l’écartelant. EEnfin cependant on fimit par la tolérer, comme on le fait aussi pour de si jeunes fourmis (encore blanc jaunatre) provenant de fourmiliéres dif- férentes. J’attends encore deux jours pour laisser durcir un peu mes nouvelles écloses. Puis j’en reporte deux sur leur nid. Elles sont violemment attaquées. L’une (elles est inondée de venin, tiraillée et tuée. L’autre est longtemps tiraillée et mordue, mais finalement laissée tranquille (tolérée?). On m/’objectera l’odeur des sanguinea qui avait vécu 4 jours avec la premiere et 6 jours avec les deux dernieres. A cela je répondrai simplement par l’expérience de la page 278 a 282 de mes Fournus de la Suisse, ot des F. pratensis adultes séparées depuis deux mois de leurs compagnes par une alliance forcée avec des F’. sanguinea, alliance que j’avais provoquée, reconnurent immédiatement leurs anciennes compagnes et s'allierent presque sans dispute avec elles. Je maintiens done mon opinion: les fourmis apprenneit 4 se connaitre petit A petit a partir de leur éclosion. NEST AS PUP AND SUBSEQUENTLY RESTORED. 237 Je crois du reste que c’est au moyen de perceptions olfactives de contact.” * I have, however, repeated my previous observations, with the same results. At the beginning of August I brought in a nest of Lasius niger containing a large number of pupe. Some of these I placed by themselves, in charge of three ants belonging to the same species, but taken from a nest I have had under observation for rather more than ten years. On August 28 I tovk twelve of the young ants, which in the mean time had emerged from the sepa- rated pups, selecting some which had almost acquired their full colour. Four of them I placed in their old nest, and four in that from which their nurses were taken. At 4.30 in their own nest none were attacked. = ieee as nurses’ nest one was attacked. = 9.0 ie own nest none were attacked. . ee se as nurses’ nest all four were attacked. ag SO - own nest none were attacked. ae 3 nurses’ nest three were attacked. The next day I took six more and marked them with a spot of paint as usual, and at 7.30 ponriced them in their own nest. At 8.0 I found 5 quite at home; the others I could not see, but none were attacked. ”9 8.30 9 +) 49 39 39 9 ” 9.0 ” 3 9 93 39 39 ” 10.0 99 4 39 19 39 F) ” 11.0 99 4) Pp) oP) 39 39 ” 12.0 eH 3 9 9 3 oh) ” 1.0 39 3 2° 2 9 39 9 4.0 93 4 9 »P) 39 39 ” 7.0 9 1 ” 9 9 99 ” 9.0 9 2 9 39 9 39 * “Forel. Exp. et Rem. crit. sur les Sensations des Insectes,” Recueil Zool. Suisse., 1887. 238 EXPERIMENTS WITH DROWNED ANTS. The next morning I could only see two, but none were being attacked, and there were no dead ones. It is probable that the paint had been cleaned off the others, but it was not easy to find them all among so many. At any rate, none were being attacked, nor had any been killed. These observations, therefure, quite confirm those previously made, and seem to show that if pupe are taken from a nest, kept till they become perfect insects, and then replaced in the nest, they are recognized as friends. As regards the mode of recognition, Mr. Me Cook considers that it is by scent, and states that if ants are more or less soaked in water, they are no longer recog- nized by their friends, but are attacked. He mentions a case in which an ant fell accidentally into some water: “She remained in the liquid several moments, and crept out of it. Immediately she was seized ina hostile manner, first by one, and then another, then by a third, the two antenne and one leg were thus held. A fourth one assaulted the middle thorax and petiole. The poor little bather was thus dragged helplessly to and fro for a long time, and was evidently ordained to death. Presently I took up the struggling heap. Two of the assailants kept their hold, one finally dropped ; the other I could not tear loose, and so put the pair back upon the tree, leaving the doomed immersionist to her hard fate.” His attention having been called to this, he noticed several other cases, always with t'e same result. I have not myself been able to repeat the observation with the same species, but with two at least of our native ants the results were exactly reversed. In one RECOGNITION AFTER A YEAR AND NINE MONTHS. 239 case five specimens of Lasius niger fell into water and remained immersed for three hours. I then took them out and put them into a bottle to recover themselves. The following morning I allowed them to return. They were received as friends, and, though we watched them from 7.30 till 1.80 every hour, there was not the slightest sign of hostility. The nest was, moreover, placed in a closed box, so that if any ant were killed we could inevitably find the body, and no ant died. In this case, therefore, it is clear that the immersion did not prevent them from being recognized. Again, three specimens of Formica fusca dropped into water. After three hours I took them out, and, after keeping them by themselves for the night to recover, I put them back into the nest. ‘They were unquestionably received as friends, without the slightest sign of hostility or even of doubt. I do not, however, by any means intend to express the opinion that smell is not the mode by which recognition 1s effected. It will be remembered, perhaps, that my ants (For- mica fusca) recognized one another after a separation of a year and nine months, though “after some months’ separation they were occasionally attacked, as some of the ants, perhaps the young ones, did not recognize them. Still, they were never killed or driven out of the nest, so that evidently when a mistake was made it was soon discovered.” Hence it would appear that there are differences in the memory of. different species. | In one case Forel had taken some ants from a large nest of Componotus, for the experiments on their sensibility to the ultra-violet rays, to which I have already referred. After his observations were 240 SUPPOSED RECOGNITION BY SCENT. concluded, he returned them to the nest, some after eight, some after forty-one days. ‘Those which were returned after eight days were at once recognized, while as regards those which had been forty-one days away from home. “Qn reeulait de part et d’autre, se menagait des mandibules, s’examinait a fond avec les antennes, se mordait méme. fPlusieurs méme allérent dans leur irritation jusqu’ a essayer de décapiter et méme a décapiter quelques-unes de leurs anciennes compagnes et sceurs avec leurs mandibules (c’est le mode de combat des Camponotus)! Les fourmis vernies prirent part a ces rixes aussi bien que les non vernies; je les vis méme attaquer, et elles étaient a peine moins adroites. Les combats ne cessérent entiérement qu’au bout d’un ou deux jours, et, a part les quelques victimes du premier jour, l’incident se termina par une alliance.” Forel seems to entertain no doubt that the recog- nition is effected by a form of smell, which he terms “odorat au contact.” He says, “ Beaucoup d’insectes ont en outre une sorte d’odorat au contact que nous ne possédons pas et qui permet entre autres aux fourmis de distinguer leurs compagnes de leurs ennemies.” His observations, however, do not favour the hy- pothesis that the recognition may be by smell. If the ants recognized their companions by avy odour characteristic of the community, the lapse of thirty days could not have made any difference. Here the question of memory would not enter, because the per- ception of the odour would in both cases be continuaily before them. M. Forel is so excellent an ob-zerver, and has so great a knowledge of the ways of ants, that his opinion is entitled to great weight. It RECOGNITION BY MEANS OF THE ANTENNE. 241 would be very interesting to repeat similar observations, for if it turn out to be the case that separations of comparatively few days lead, in some species, to a want of recognition, it would be a strong argument against the hypothesis that this recognition is due to smell. | It certainly seems as if the recognition was effected to a great extent by the antenne. Not only do the ants cross and recross them, almost, so to say, as two deaf mutes conversing by their fingers ; but, as M. Forel has shown, if ants of different species are brought together after the removal of their antenne they show no signs of hostility. That this latter statement is correct I am quite content to take on M. Forel’s authority ; but it is not so conclusive as might seem at first sight, because in ants, as in men, “a fellow- feeling makes us wondrous kind,” and ants when isolated, and especially when suffering, are much less pugnacious than they are under normal conditions. CHAPTER XII. ON THE INSTINCTS OF SOLITARY WASPS AND BEES. THE hive bee and the common wasps are so familiar and so interesting that they have to a great extent diverted attention from the so-called solitary species of the same groups. ew, for instance, are aware that about 4500 species of wild bees are known, and of wasps 1100, of which some 170 and 16 respectively live in Britain. These insects often live in association, but do not form true communities. Speaking generally, we may say that each female constructs a cell, every species having its own favourite site, sometimes underground, sometimes in a hollow stick, in an empty snail-shell, or built against a wall, a stone, or the branch of a tree. Having completed her cell, the female stores up in it a sufficient supply of food, which in the case of bees consists of pollen and honey; while the wasps select small animals, such as beetles, caterpillars, spiders, ete., each species generally having one kind of prey. The mother then Jays an egg, after which she closes up the cell, and commences another. Having thus pro- vided sufficiently for her offspring, she generally takes no further heed of it. This is not, however, an invari- able rule: in the genus Bembex, for instance, the INSTINCT OF RENDERING VICTIMS INSENSIBLE. 2438 mother, instead of provisioning her cell once for all, brings food to the young grub from day to day. This, however, is an exceptional case, and the mode of life of the solitary wasps raises one of the most interesting questions in connection with instinct. The Ammophila, for instance, having built her cell, places in it,as food for her young, the full-grown caterpillar of a moth, Noctua segetum. Now, if the caterpillar were un- injured, it would strnggle to escape and almost inevit- ably destroy the egg; nor would it permit itself to be eaten. On the other hand, if it were killed, it would decay and soon become unfit for food. The wasp, however, avoids both horns of this dilemma. Having found her prey, she pierces with her sting the membrane between the head and the first segment of the body, thus nearly disabling the caterpillar, and then proceeds to inflict eight more wounds between the following segments ; lastly crushing the head, and thus completely paralyzing her victim, but not actually killmg it; so that it hes helpless and motionless, but, though living, let us hope insensible. M. Fabre, to whom we are indebted for a most interesting and entertaining series of essays on this group of insects, argues that this remarkable instinct cannot have been gradually acquired. The spots selected are, he says, exactly those occupied by the ganglia. No others among the in- numerable points which might have been chosen would have answered the purpose; not one wound is mis- placed or without effect. M. Fabre truly observes that chance offers no explanation.* Moreover, he unhesi- * In the case of other insects, such as Mutilla, Chrysis, Leucospis, Anthrax, etc., which do not possess the instinct of paralyzing their victims, the young feed on the chrysalis, which is normally without power of movement. 244 ORIGIN OF INSTINCTS. tatingly asserts that ‘Si de son cété l’hyménoptére excelle dans son art, c'est qu il est fait pour lexercer ; c'est qu'il est doué, non seulement d'outils, mais encore de la maniére de s’en servir. Et ce don est originel, parfait dés le début; le passé n’y a rien ajouté, l’avenir n’y ajoutera rien.”* But how was it acquired? M. Fabre cuts the Gordian knot. “ Et tout naivement je me dis: Puisqu’il faut des Araignées aux Pompiles, de tout temps ceux-ci ont possédé leur patiente astuce et les autres leur sotte audace. C’est puéril, si l’on veut, peu conforme aux visées transcendantes des théories a la mode; il n’y a la ni objectif ni subjectif, ni adapta- tion ni différentiation, ni attavisme ni transformisme ; soit, mais du moins je comprends.” 3 “Je comprends!” M. Fabre says he understands, and no doubt he thinks so; but I confess that his explanation seems to me to leave us just where we were. ‘To my mind, I confess, it seems to me to throw no light whatever on the matter. M. Fabre asserts that the habits of these insects have been “de tout temps” exactly what they are now. I pass by the fact that the Hymenoptera are, geologically speaking, of comparatively recent appearance. But is it the case that habits are so invariable? Quite the reverse. The cases of variation are innumerable. ) Romanesf refers to a criticism of the same nature by hirby and Spence. “Why,” they ask, “if instincts are open to modification by experience and intelligence, are not bees sometimes found to use mud or mortar instead of wax or propolis? Show us,” they say, “ but one instance of their having substituted mud for * J. H. Fabre, “ Nouveaux Souvenirs Entomologiques.” “ Mental Evolution in Animals.” HABITS NOT INVARIABLE. 245 propolis, ... and there could be no doubt of their having been guided by reason.” Such cases have. how- ever, been observed. Andrew Knight found that his bees collected some wax and turpentine with which he had covered some decorticated trees, and used it instead of propolis, the manufacture of which they discontinued. Nay, M. Fabre has himself placed on record some cases of the same kind, and shown that the instincts of these enimals are not absolutely unalterable. Thus one solitary wasp, Sphex flavipennis, which provisions its nest with small grasshoppers, when it returns to the cell, leaves the victim outside, and goes down for a moment to see that all is night. During her absence M. Fabre moved the grasshopper a little. Out came the Sphex, soon found her victim, dragged it to the mouth of the cell, and left it as before. Again and again M. Fabre moved the grasshopper, but every time the Sphex did exa'tly the same thing, until M. Fabre was tired out. All the insects of this colony had the same curious halit; but on trying the same experiment with a Sphex of the following year, after two or three dis- appointments she learned wisdom by experience, and earried the grasshopper directly down into the cell. - Humenes pomiformis builds, as already mentioned, a cell in the open air. If attached to a bread base, “Crest un déme avec goulot central, évasé en embou- chure d’urne. Mais quand l’appui se réduit a un point, sur un rameau d’arbuste par exemple, le nid devient une capsule sphérique, surmontée toujours d’un goulor, bien entendu.” * Again, he has shown good reason for believing that, although the Tachytes nigra generally makes its *~ Loc e2t., p. 66. 246 CHANGE OF INSTINCTS—BEMBEX. own burrow and stores it with paralyzed prey for its own larvee to feed on, yet that, when this insect finds a burrow already made and stored by another Sphex, it — takes advantage of the prize, and becomes for the occasion parasitic. On which Mr. Darwin has justly observed that he could see no difficulty in natural selection making an occasional habit permanent, if of advantage to the species, and if the insect whose nest and stored food are thus feloniously appropriated be not thus exterminated. The problem is certainly one of great difficulty, and it is with diffidence that I would suggest to M. Fabre certain considerations which may perhaps throw some light on it. Let us examine some of the other solitary wasps, and see whether their habits afford us any clue. That an animal of prey knows where its victim is most vulnerable, has not in itself anything unusual or unaccountable. The genus Bembex kills the insects on which its young are fed, and supplies the cell with a fresh victim from time to time. Humenes, like Ammophila and Sphex, stores up the victims once for all. They are grievously wounded, but not altogether paralyzed. Here, then, we have the very condition which M. Fabre considers would be fatal to the tender egg of the wasp. But not necessarily so. The wretched caterpillars le ina wriggling mass at the bittom of the cell; a clear space is left above them, and from the summit of the cell the delicate egg is suspended by a fine thread, so that, even if touched by a caterpillar in one of its con- vulsive struggles, it would simply swing away in safety. When the young grub is hatched, it suspends itself to this thread by a silken sheath, in which it hangs head ODYNERUS—AMMOPHILA. 247 downwards over its victims. Does one of them struggle ? quick as lightning it retreats up the sheath out of harm’s way. In Odynerus the arrangement is very similar, but the grub simply attaches itself to the support, and does not construct a tube. Moreover, while in the solitary bees and wasps the laying of the egg is generally the final operation before the closing of the cell, in Odynerus, on the contrary, or at least in Odynerus renifornus, the egg is laid before the food is provided. This, perhaps, may have reference to the different con- dition of the victims. According to Marchal,* Cerceris ornata practically kills her victim ; moreover, she stings it not in, but between, the ganglia, and though the first sting is planted between the head and thorax, the following ones do not always follow the same order. At present the Ammophila supplies each cell with one large caterpillar; but was this always so? One species of Odynerus deposits in each cell no less than twenty-four victims, another only eight. Humenes Amedet regulates the number according to the sex: ten for the female grub, five only for the smaller male. Moreover, while phytophagous larve will not gene- rally eat any plants but those to which they are accustomed, it has been proved that, as a matter of fact, these larvee will feed and thrive on other insects almost, if not quite, as well as on their natural food. Is it, then, impossible that in far bygone ages the larvee may have grown more rapidly, so that the victims had not time to decay; or that the ancestors * Marchal, “Sur Instinct du Cerceris ornata,” Arch. d. Zool. Exper., 1887. 248 MODIFIABILITY OF INSTINCTS. of our present Ammophilas may have fed their young from day to day with fresh food, as Bembex does even now; that they may then have gradually brought the provisions at longer intervals, choosing small and weak victims, and laying the ege in a special part of the cell, as Eumenes does? that during these long ages they may have gradualiy learnt the spots where their sting would be most effective, and, thus saving themselves the trouble of capturing a number ot viciims, have found that it involved less labour to select a fine fat common caterpillar, such as that of Noctua segetum, and so have gradually acquired their present habits? Wonderful doubtless they are; but, though I hint the suggestion with all deference, such a sequence does not seem to me to present any in- superable difficulty. This suggestion was made in the Contemporary Review for 1885, and I was much interested to find in Mr. Darwin’s life that he had made a similar suggestion in a letter to M. Fabre. He refers to the great skill of the Gauchos in killing cattle, and suggests that each young Gaucho sees how the others do it, and with a very little practice learns the art. “I suppose that the sand-wasps originally merely killed their prey by stinging them in many places (see p. 129 of Fabre’s ‘Souvenirs, and p. 241), and that to sting a certain segment was found by far the most successful method, and was inherited like the tendency of a bulldog to pin the nose of a bull, or of a ferret to bite the cerebellum. It would not be a very great step in advance to prick the ganglion of its prey only slightly, and thus to give its larvee fresh meat instead of only dried meat.” * * “Tife and Letters of Charles Darwin.” DIFFERENCES UNDER DIFFERENT CIRCUMSTANCES. 249 Perhaps, however, it may be asked, Why should the insect change its habits? Several reasons might be sug- gested. ‘The prey first selected might be exterminated, or at any rate diminish in numbers, and, though each species as a general rule confines itself to one special victim, some exceptions have already been noticed. For instance, Sphex flavipennis habitually preys on a species of grasshopper, but on the banks of the Rhone M. Fabre found it, on the contrary, attacking a field cricket, whether from the absence of the grasshopper or not he was unable to determine. Take another case. M. Fabre denies* that the different species of Sphex can ever have been derived from one source. Lvery species now, he observes, bas some one victim, some one insect on which it preys, to which it restricts itself, and which the other species do not attack. but “Que chassait, je vous prie, ce proto- type des Sphégiens? Avait il régime varié ou régime uniforme? Ne pouvant décider, examinons les deux cas.” He begins by supposing that with the ancestor of the Sphex, “ Le régime était varié. J’en félicite hautement ce premier né des Sphex. II était dans ies meilleures conditions pour laisser descendance prospere.” Is it likely then, he says, that they would have limited themselves to one prey, and thus have foolishly diminished their chances in life? “ Mais non,” he adds, in his lively style, “mes beaux Sphex, vous n’avez pas été aussi idiots que cela. Sivous étesde nos jours can- tonnés chacun dans un mets de famille, c’est que votre ancétre ne vous a pas enseigné la variété.”’ He then discusses the alternative whether the * “ Souv. Entem., troisi¢me série.” 250 ORIGIN OF THE HABITS. OF SPHEX. ancestral Sphex restricted itself to one victim, and that its descendants “subdivisés en groupes et con- stitués enfin en autant d’especes distinctes par le lent travail des siécles, se sont avisés qu’en dehors du comestible des ancétres il y avait une foule dautres aliments.” This, he says, supposes that they experimented on various victims, found several of them to their liking, and then, after a period of varied and plentiful diet, voluntarily abandoned so great an advantage. “Avoir découvert, par vos essais d’age en age, la variété de Valimentation ; l’avoir pratiquée, au grand avantage de votre race, et finir par Puniformité, cause de décadence ; avoir connu l'excellent et le répudier pour le médiocre, ‘Oh! mes Sphex, ce serait stupide si le transformisme ayait raison.’ ” “ Jestime,” then he concludes, “que votre ancétre commun, votre précurseur, a gotits simples ou bien @ gotts multiples, est une pure chimére.” No doubt the habits of Hymenoptera present many difficulties, and have undoubtedly many surprises in store for us, and I cannot think the matter is so clear as M. Fabre imagines, or that he has exhausted the possible cases. It is possible, though it is, [ admit, only a supposition, that the ancestral Sphex hunted some species which does not now exist—at least not in the south of France—and which might have disappeared gradually. As it became rarer, they might be driven to attack other prey, and M. Fabre has himself shown by a variety of most ingenious experiments that the larvee are by no means fastidious as to their food. The Hymenoptera vary considerably in size, and the larger individuals might be able to overmaster some large RACE DIFFERENCES. 251 insect, while the feebler specimens were compelled to content themselves with humbler fare. This is no purely imaginary case. M. Fabre himself distinguishes three races—or are they species ?—ot Leu- cospis which live on the three species of Chalicodomas. « Venu du Chalicodome des galets ou des murailles, dont l’opulente larve le sature de nourriture, il mérite par sa grosseur le nom le Leucospis gigas, que lui donne Fabricius; venu du Chalicodome des hangars, 1 ne mérite plus que le nom de Leucospis grandis, que lui octroie Klug. Avec une ration moindre, le géant baisse d’un degré et n'est plus que le grand. Venu du Chalicodome des arbustes, il baisse encore, et si quelque nomenclateur s’avisait de le qualifier, il naurait plus droit qu’au titre de médiocre. The Anthrax, again, differs considerably a-cording to the species on which it has fed, those coming from the cocoons of Osmua tricorms being much larger from those from O. cyanea. Or it might well happen that while the victim was from some cause or other, say for instance the absence of food elsewhere, limited to a particular district, the region beyond was suited to the ancestress Sphex. In that case, would she not naturally try whether she could not find some other suitable food? Tuis again, is not a purely imaginary case. M. Fabre himself tells us that while “ la Scolie interrompue avait pour gibier aux environs d’Avignon, la larve de l’Anoxie velne (Anozia villosa). Aux environs de Sérignan, dans un sol sablon- neux semblable, sans autre végétation que quelques maigres gramens, je lui trouve pour vivres |’Anoxie matutinale (Anoxia matutinalis), qui remplace ici la velue.” 252 POWER OF DETERMINING SEX. That bees soon take to newly introduced flowers is a familiar case which every one must have noticed, and which it is surely not logical to dismiss by the conve- nient process of referring it to “instinct.” It is indeed difficult for any one who watches these insects to deny to bees the possession of a higher and conscious faculty. In considering the question whether these remarkable instincts were originally, so to say, engrafted in the inseet, or whether they were the resu!t of innumerable repetitions of similar actions carried on by a long series of ancestors, we may perhaps be aided by the consideration that, though the results would in either case be in many respects the same, there are some in which they would altogether differ. In the former, for instance, we might expect that the insect would be so gifted that uo slight obstacle should interfere with the great end in view: in the latter, on the contrary, the very repetition which gave such remarkable results would tend to incapacitate the insect from dealing with any unusual conditions. LIMITATION OF INSTINCT. We should, in fact, find side by side with these won- derful instincts almost equally surprising evidence of stupidity. Now, one species of Sphex preys on a large grasshopper (Ephippigera). Having disabled her vic- tim, she drags it along by one of the antenne, and M. Fabre found that if the antenne be cut off close to the head, the Sphex, after trying in vain to get a grip, cives the matter up as a bad job, and leaves her victim in despair, without ever think ng of dragging it by one of its legs. Again, when a Sphex had provisioned her cell, laid her egg, and was about to c’ose it up, M. LIMITATION OF INSTINCT. 253 Fabre drove her away, and took out both the Ephippi- gera and the egg. He then allowed the Sphex to return. She went down into the empty cell, and though she must have known that the grasshopper and the egg were no longer there, yet she proceeded calmly to stop up the orifice just as if nothing had happened. The genus Sphex paralyzes its victims and provisions its cell once for all. Bembex, on the contrary, as already mentioned, kills the insects on which its young are to feed, and, perhaps on this account, brings its young fresh food (mainly flies) from time to time. But while the Bembex thus preys on some flies, there are others which avenge their order. The genus Miltogramma lays its eggs in the cell of the Bembex ; and, though there seems no reason why the Bembex, which is by far tle stronger msect, should tolerate this intrusion, which, moreover, sbe shows unmistakably to be most unpalatable, she never makes any attack on her enemy. Nay, when the young of the Miltogramma are hatched, so far from being killed or removed, these entomological cuckoos are actually fed until they reach maturity. Nevertheless, it seems contrary to etiquette for the fly to enter the cell of the Bembex ; she watches the opportunity when the latter is in the cell and is drageing down the victim. ‘Then is the Miltogramma’s opportunity; she pounces on the victim, and almost instantaneously lays on it two or three eggs, which are then transferred, with the insect on which they are to feed, to the cell. It is remarkable how the bembex remembers (if one may use such a word) the entrance to her cell, covered as it is with sand, exactly to our eyes like that all ronnd. On the other band, M. Fabre found that if he 254 TOLERATION OF PARASITES. removed the surface of the earth and the passage, exposing the cell and the larva, the Bembex was quite at a loss, and did not even recognize her own offspring. It seems as if she knew the door, the nursery, and the passage, but not her child. Another ingenious experiment of M. Fabre’s was made with a mason bee (Chalicodoma). This genus constructs an earthen cell, through which at maturity the young insect eats its way. M. Fabre found that if he pasted a piece of paper round the cell, the insect had no difficulty in eating through it; but if he enclosed the cell in a paper case, so that there was a space even of enly a few lines between the cell and the paper, in that case the paper formed an effectual prison. The instinct of the insect taught it to bite through one enclosure, but it had not wit enough to do so a second time. One of the most striking instances of stupidity (may I say) is mentioned by M. Fabre, in the case of one of his favourite bees, the Chalicodoma pyrenaica. This species builds cells of masonry, which she fills with honey as she goes on, raising the rim a little, then making a few journeys for honey, then raising the rim again, and so on until the cell is completed. She then prepares a last load of mortar, brings it in her mandibles, lays her egg, and immediately closes up the cell; having doubtless provided the mortar beforehand, lest during her absence an enemy should destroy the egg or any parasitic insect should gain admittance. ‘This being so, M. Fabre chose a cell which was all but finished, and during the absence of the bee he broke away part of the cell-covering. Again, in some half- . finished cells he broke away a little of the wall. In all these cases the bee, as might be expected, repaired CASES OF APPARENT STUPIDITY. 255 the mischief, the operation being in the natural order of her work. But now comes the curious fact. In another series of cells M. Fabre pierced a hole in the cell below the part where the bee was working, and through which the honey at once began to exude. The poor stupid little bee, however, never thought of repairing the breach. She worked on as if nothing had happened. In her alternate journeys she brought first mortar and then honey, which, however, ran out again as fast as it was poured in. This experiment he repeated over and over again with various modifications in detail, but always with the same result. It may be suggested that possibly the bee was unable to stop up a hole once formed. But that could not have been the case. M. Fabre took one of the pellets of mortar brought by the bee, and successfully stopped the hole himself. The omission, therefore, was due, not to a want of power, but of intellect. But M. Fabre carried his experiment still further. Perhaps the bee had not noticed the injury. He chose, therefore, a cell which was only just begun and contained very little honey. In this he made a comparatively large hole. The bee returned with a supply of honey, and, seeming much surprised to find the hole in the bottom of the cell, examined it carefully, felt it with her antenne, and even pushed them through it. Did she then, as might naturally have been expected, stopitup? Not a bit. The unexpected catastrophe transcended the range of her intellect, and she calmly proceeded to pour into this vessel of the Danaides load after load of honey, which of course ran out of the bottom as fast as she poured it in atthe top. All the afternoon she laboured at this fruitless task, and began again undiscouraged the next morning. At length, when she 13 256 M. FABRE’S EXPERIMENTS, had brought the usual complement of honey, she laid her egg, and gravely sealed up the empty cell. In another case, he made a large hole in the cell just above the level of the honey—a hole so large that through it he was able to see the bee lay her egg. Having doneso, she carefully closed the top of the cell, but though she - closely examined the hole in the side, it did not enter into the range of her ideas that such an accident could take place, and it never occurred to her to cover it up. Another curious point raised by these ingenious experiments has reference to the quantity of honey. The cell is by no means filled; a space is always left between the honey and the roof of the cell. The usual depth of the honey in a completed cell is ten milli- metres. But the bee is not guided by this measure- ment, for in the preceding cases she sometimes closed the cell when the honey had a depth of only five milli- metres, of three, or even when the cell was almost empty. No; in some mysterious manner the bee feels when she has provided as much honey as her ancestress had done before her, and regards her work as accomplished. What a wonderful, but what a narrow, nature! She has built the cell and provided the honey, but there her instinct stops: if the cell is pierced, if the honey is removed, it does not occur to her to repair the one or fill up the other. M. Fabre not unnaturally asks, “ Avec la moindre lueur rationnelle, l’insecte déposerait- il son ceuf sur le tiers, sur le dixiéme des vivres réces- saires ; le déposerait-il dans une cellule vide; laisserait- il le nourrisson sans nourriture, incroyable aberration de la maternité? J’ai raconté, que le lecteur décide.” The family of bees is generally reckoned to be one of great intelligence, but these and many other similar LIMITATION OF INSTINCT. 257 instances which might be recorded seem to show great limitation of intelligence. Let me give one other, which any person may easily test for himself. I took a glass shade or jar eighteen inches long, and with a mouth six and a half inches wide, turning the closed end to the window, and put in a common hive bee. She buzzed about for an hour, when, as there seemed no chance of her getting out, I put her back into the hive. ‘Two flies, on the contrary, which I put in with her, got out at once. Again I put another bee and a fly into the same glass; the latter flew out at once. For half an hour the bee tried to get out at the closed end; I then turned the glass with its open end to the light when she flew out at once. To make sure, I repeated the experiment once more, with the same result. _ And yet there is, no doubt, ample foundation for the ordinary view which attributes considerable intelligence to the bee, within the sphere of her own operations. Several other points of resemblance between instincts and habits could be pointed out. As in repeating a well-known song, so in instincts, one action follows another by a sort of rhythm. If a person be interrupted in a song, or in repeating anything by rote, he is often forced to go back to recover the habitual train of thought; so P. Huber found it was with a caterpillar, which makes a very complicated hammock; for if he took a caterpillar which had completed its hammock up to, say, the sixth stage of construction, and put it into a hammock completed up only to the third stage, the caterpillar simply re-performed the fourth, fifth, and sixth stages of construction. “ If, how- ever, a caterpillar were taken out of a hammock made 258 INSTINCTS AND HABITS. up, for instance, to the third stage, and were put into one finished up to the sixth stage, so that much of its work was already done for it, far from feeling the benefit of this, it was much embarrassed, and, in order to complete its hammock, seemed forced to start from the third stage, where it had left off, and thus tried to complete the already finished work.’’* Another very interesting series of observations which we owe to M. Fabre has reference to the question of sex, and it would really seem that the mother can regulate the sex of the egg at will. In many of our wild bees, the females are much larger than the males. The male lives a life of pleasure, idle but short. “Quinze jours de bombance dans un magasin a miel, un an de sommeil sous terre, une minute d’amour au soleil, puis la mort.” : But the female “C’est la mére, la mére seule qui, péniblement, creuse sous terre des galeries et des cellules, pétrit le stue pour enduire les loges, magonne la demeure de ciment et de graviers, taraude le bois et subdivise le canal en étages, dé-oupe des rondelles de feuilles qui seront assemblées en pots a miel, malaxe la résine cueillie en larmes sur les blessures des pins pour édifier des votites dans la rampe vide d’un es- cargot, chasse la proie, la paralyse et la traine au logis, cueille la poussiere pollinique, élabore le miel dans son jabot, emmagasine et mixtionne la patée. Ce rude labeur, si impérieux, si actif, dans lequel se dépense toute la vie de l’insecte, exige, c’est évident, une puissance corporelle bien inutile au male, l’amou- yeux désceuvré.” In the hive bee the drone cells differ materially 1 in shape from those of the queens and workers. * Darwin, “ Origin of Species.” INFLEXIBILITY OF INSTINCT. 259 In the solitary wasps, where the females are much larger than the males, the mother builds a larger cell and provides more food for the former than for the latter. The Chalicodoma (one of the mason bees) often lays her eggs in old cells of the previous year. These are of two sizes—large ones, originally built for the females, and small ones for the males. Now, in utilizing old cells, the bee always places male eggs in male cells and female eggs in female cells. If, how- ever, a female cell be cut down so as to reduce the size, then indeed the bee deposits in it a male egg. The bees belonging to the genus Osmia* arrange their cells in a row in a hollow stick, or some other similar situation, and it has long been known that in these and similar cases the cells first provisioned, and which are therefore furthest from the entrance, always contain females, while the outer cells always contain males. There is an obvious advantage in this, because the males come out a fortnight or more before the females, and it is, of course, convenient that those which have to come out first should be in the cells nearest the door. ‘The bee does not, however, lay all the female eggs first, and then all the male eggs. By no means. She produces altogether from fifteen to thirty eggs, but seldom arranges them in one row; generally they are in several series, and in every one the same sequence occurs—females further from, and males nearest to, the door. For instance, one of M. Fabre’s marked bees—one, moreover, of exceptional fertility—occupied some glass * Osmia tridentata constitutes an exception to the general rule in this respect, as in some others. 260 DIFFERENT HABITS OF MALES AND FEMALES. tubes, which he arranged conveniently for her. From the 1st to the 10th of May she constructed, in one tube, eight cells—first seven female, and then one male. From the 10th to the 17th, in a second tube, she built first three female and then three male cells; from the 17th to the 25th, in a third, three female and then two male; on the 26th, in a fourth, one female; and, finally, from the 26th to the 30th, in a fifth, two female and three male: altogether twenty-five, seventeen female and eight male cells. The advantage of this is clear, but the manner in which it is secured is not so obvious. It might be suggested that the quantity of food was not regulated by the sex of the young one, but that the sex depended on the quantity of food. This would be very improb- able, and M. Fabre attempted to disprove it by some very ingenious experiments. He found that if he took some of the food from a female cell, the bee or wasp produced was still a female, though a starveling; while if he added food to a male cell, the larva still pro- duced a male, though a very large and fine one. M. Fabre then made some of his most ingenious experiments. He brought into his room a large number of cocoons of Osmia. When the perfect insects were about to emerge, he arranged for them a number of glass tubes, of which the Osmias gladly availed them- selves, and in which they proceeded to construct their ~ cells. The usual arrangement, as already mentioned, is that the males are placed nearest to, and the female furthest from, the door. But M. Fabre so arranged the tubes that each was in two parts, an outer wider portion having a diameter of eight to twelve milli- metres, which is sufficient for a female cell; and an ARRANGEMENT OF MALE AND FEMALE CELLS. 261 inner narrower portion with a diameter of five to five and a half millimetres, which is too small for a female, but just large enough fora male. This arrangzement placed the Osmias in a difficulty. They could not follow their natural instinct and construct at the end of the tube cells large enough for females. What happened? Some of the Osmias shut off the narrow ends, and used only the outer wider portion. Others, reluctant, as it were, to throw away a chance, built also in the narrow part of the tube, and under these circumstances, contrary to the otherwise invari- able rule, the inner and first constructed cells contained males. M. Fabre concludes then, and it seems to me has given very strong reasons for thinking so, that these privileged insects not only know the sex of the insect which will emerge from the egg they are about to lay, but that at their own will they can actually control it! Certainly a most curious and interesting result ! He concludes his charming work as follows :—* Mes chérs insectes, dont |’étude m’a soutenu et continue a me soutenir au milieu de mes plus rudes épreuves, il faut ici, pour aujourd’hui, se dire adieu. Autour de moi les rangs s‘eclaircissent et les longs espoirs ont fui. Pourrai-je encore parler de vous ?” and every lover of nature will, I am sure, echo the wish. CHAPTER XIII. ON THE SUPPOSED SENSE OF DIRECTION. ONE of the most interesting questions connected with the instincts and powers of animals has reference to the manner in which they find their way back, after having been carried to a distance from, home. This has by some been attribited to the possession of a special “sense of direction.” Mr. Darwin suggested that it would be interesting to try the effect of putting animals “in a circular box with an axle, which could be made to revolve very rapidly, first in one direction and then in another, so as to destroy for a time all sense of direction in the insects. I have sometimes,” he said, “imagined that animals may feel in which direction they were at the first start carried.” In fact, in parts of France it is considered that if a cat is carried from one house to another in a bag, and the bag is whirled round and round, the cat loses her direction and cannot return to her old home. On this subject M. Fabre has made some interesting and amusing experiments. He took ten bees belonging to the genus Chalicodoma, marked them on the back with a spot of white, and put them in a bag. He then carried them half a kilometre in one direction, stopping at a point where an old cross stands by the EXPERIMENTS WITH BEES. 263 wayside, and whirled the bag rapidly round his head. While he was doing so a good woman came by, who was not a little surprised to find the professor stand- ing in front of the old cross, solemnly whirling a bag round his head, and, M. Fabre fears, strongly suspected him of some satanic practice. However this may be, M. Fabre, having sufficiently whirled his bees, started off back in the opposite direction, and carried his prisoners to a distance from their home of three kilometres. Here he again whirled them round, and then let them go one by one. They made one or two turns round him, and then flew off in the direction of home. In the meanwhile his daughter Antonia was on the watch. The first bee did the mile and three-quarters in a quarter of an hour. Some hours after two more re- turned; the other seven did not reappear. The next day he repeated this experiment with ten other bees. ‘The first returned in five minutes, and two more in about an hour. In this case, again, seven out of ten failed to find their way home. In another experiment he took forty-nine bees. When let out, a few started wrong, but he says that “lorsque la rapidité du vol me laisse reconnaitre la direction suivie;” the great. majority flew homewards. The first arrived in fifteen minutes. In an hour and a half eleven had returned, in five hours six more, making seventeen out of forty-nine. Again he experi- mented with twenty, of which seven found their way home. In the next experiment he took the bees rather further—to a distance of about two anda quarter miles. In an hour and a half two had returned, in three hours and a half seven more ; total, nine out of forty. Lastly, he took thirty bees: fifteen marked rose he took by * 2.64 WHIRLING BEES. a roundabout route of over five miles; the other fifteen marked blue he sent straight to the rendezvous, about one and a half miles from home. All the thirty were let out at noon; by five in the evening seven “rose” bees and six “blue” bees had returned, so that the long détour had made no appreciable difference. These experiments seem to M. Fabre conclusive. “La démonstration,” he says, “est suffisante. Ni les mouve- ments encheyvétrés d’une rotation comme je l’ai décrite; ni Vobstacle de collines a franchir et de bois 4 traverser; ni les embichesd’une voie qui s avance, rétrograde et revient par un ample circuit, ne peuvent troubler les Chali- codomes dépaysés et les empécher de revenir. au nid.” * I am not ashamed to confess that, charmed by M. Fabre’s enthusiasm, dazzled by his eloquence and ingenuity, I was at first disposed to adopt this view. Calmer consideration, however, led me to doubt, and though M. Fabre’s observations are most ingenious, — and are very amusingly described, they do not carry conviction to my mind. There are two points specially to be considered— 1. The direction taken by the bees when released. 2. The success of the bees in making good their ~ return home. As regards the first point, it will be observed that the successful bees were in the following proportion, viz. :— 3 out of 10 ey eee | cy Some Seay y kee 9 fied 7 iat eas Or altogether 47 ,, 144 * J. H. Fabre, “ Nouveaux Souvenirs Entomologiques.” BEHAVIOUR OF BEES IF TAKEN FROM HOME. 265 This is not a very large proportion. Out of the whole number no less than ninety-seven appear to have lost their way. May not the forty-seven have found theirs by sight or by accident? Instinct, how- ever inferior to reason, has the advantage of being generally unerring. When two out of three bees went wrong, we may, I think, safely dismiss the idea of instinct. Moreover, the distance from home was only one and a half to two miles. Now, bees certainly know the country for some distance round their home ; how far they generally forage I believe we have no certain information, but 1t seems not unreasonable to suppose that if they once came within a mile of their nest they would find themselves within ken of some familiar landmark. Now, if we suppose that 150 bees are let out two miles from home, and that they flew away at random, distributing themselves equally in all directions, a little consideration will show that some twenty-five of them would find themselves within a mile of home, and consequently would know where they were. I have never myself experimented with Chalicodomas, but I have observed that if a hive bee is taken to a distance, she behaves as a pigeon does under similar circumstances ; that is to say, she flies round and round, eradually rising higher and higher and enlarging her circle, until I suppose her strength fails or she comes within sight of some known object. Again, if the bees had returned by a sense of direction, they would have been back in a few minutes. To fly one and a half or two miles would not take five minutes. One bee out of the 147 did it in that time; but the others took one, two, three, or even five hours. Surely, then, it is reasonable to suppose that these lost some time before 266 MODE OF FINDING THEIR WAY. they came in sight of any object known to them. The second result of M. Fabre’s observations is not open to these remarks. He observes that the great majority of his Chalicodomas at once took the direction home. He confesses, however, in the sentence I have already quoted, that it is not always easy to follow bees with the eye. Admitting the fact, however, it seems to me far from impossible that the bees knew where they were ; and, at any rate, this does not seem so improbable that we should be driven to admit the existence of a new sense, which we ought only to assume as a last resource. Moreover, M. Fabre himself says, “ Lorsque la rapidité du vol me laisse reconnaitre la direction suivie,” which seems to imply a doubt. Indeed, some years previously he had made a similar experiment with the same species, but taking them direct to a point rather over two miles (four kilometres) from the nest, and not whirling them round his head. I looked back, there, fore, to his previous work to see how these behaved, and I found that he says— “ Aussit6t libres, les Chalicodomes Faden comme effarés, qui dans une direction, qui dans la direction tout opposée. Autant que le permet leur vol fougueux, je crois néanmoins reconnaitre un prompt retour des abeilles lancées a l’opposé de leur demeure, et Ja majorité me semble se diriger du cété de Vhorizon ot se trouve le nid. Je laisse ce point avec des doutes, que rendent inévitables des insectes perdus de vue a une vingtaine de métres de-distance.” In this case, then, some went in one direction, some in another. It certainly would be remarkable if bees which were taken direct missed their way, while those EXPERIMENTS WITH ANTS. 267 which were whirled round and round went straight home. Moreover, it appears that after all, as a matter of fact, they did not fly straight home. Ifthey had done so they would have been back in three or four minutes, whereas they took far longer. Even then, if they started in the right direction, it is clear that they did not adhere to it. J have myself tried experiments of the same kind with hive bees and ants. For instance, I put down some honey on a piece of glass close to a nest of Lasius mger, and when the ants were feeding I placed it quietly on the middle of a board one foot square, and eighteen inches from the nest. I did this with thirteen ants, and marked the points at which they left the board. Five of them did so on the half of the board nearest the nest, and eight on that turned away from it. I then timed three of them. ‘They all found the nest eventually, but it took them ten, twelve, and twenty minutes respectively. Again, I took forty ants which were feeding on some honey, and put them down on a gravel-path about fifty yards from the nest, and in the middie of a square eighteen inches in diameter, which I marked out on the path by straws. I prepared a corresponding square on paper, and, having indicated by the arrow the direction of the nest, { marked down the spot where each ant passed the boundary. ‘They crossed it in all directions; and dividing the square into two halves, one towards the nest and one away from it, the number in each were almost exactly the same. _ After leaving the square, they wandered about with every appearance of having lost themselves, and crossed 268 MR. ROMANES’ EXPERIMENTS. the boundary backwards and forwards in all directions, T'wo of them, however, we watched for an hour -each. They meandered about, and at the end of the time one was about two feet from where she started, but scarcely any nearer home; the other about six feet away, and nearly as much further from home. I then took them up and replaced them near the nest, which they at once joyfully entered. I mentioned some of the foregoing facts in a paper which I read at the meeting of the British Association at Aberdeen, and they have since been confirmed by Mr. Romanes.* | “In connection,” he says, “ with Sir John Lubbock’s paper at the British Association, in which this subject is treated, it is perhaps worth while to describe some experiments which I made last year. The question to be answered is whether bees find their way home merely by their knowledge of landmarks, or by means of some mysterious faculty usually termed a sense of direction. ‘The ordinary impression appears to have been that they do so in virtue of some such sense, and are therefore independent of any special knowledge of the district in which they may be suddenly liberated ; and, as Sir John Lubbock observes, this impression was corroborated by the experiments of M. Fabre. The conclusions drawn from these experiments, however, appeared to me, as they appeared to Sir John, un- warranted by the facts; and therefore, like him, I re- peated them with certain variations. In the result I satisfied myself that the bees depend entirely upon their special knowledge of district or landmarks, and it is because my experiments thus fully corroborate those * Nature, October 29, 1886. / MR. ROMANES’ EXPERIMENTS. 269 which were made by Sir John that it now occurs to me to publish them. “The house where I conducted the observations is situated several hundred yards from the coast, with flower-gardens on each side, and lawns between the house and the sea. Therefore bees starting from the house would find their honey on either side of it, while the lawns in front would be rarely or never visited— being themselves barren of honey, and leading only to the sea. Such being the geographical conditions, I placed a hive of bees in one of the front rooms on the - basement of the house. When the bees became thoroughly well acquainted with their new quarters by _ flying in and out of the open window for a fortnight, I began the experiments. ‘The modus operandi consisted in closing the window after dark when all the bees were in their hive, and also slipping a glass shutter in front of the hive door, so that all the bees were doubly im- prisoned. Next morning I slightly raised the glass shutter, thus enabling any desired number of bees to escape. When the desired number had escaped, the glass shutter was again closed, and all the liberated bees were caught as they buzzed about the inside of the shut window. ‘These bees were then counted into a box, the window of the room opened, and a card well smeared over with birdlime placed upon the threshold of the beehive, or just in front of the closed glass shutter, The object of all these arrangements was to obviate the necessity of marking the bees, and so to enable me not merely to experiment with ease upon any number of individuals that I might desire, but also to feel confident that no one individual could return to the hive un- noticed. For whenever a bee returned it was certain 270 MR. ROMANES’ EXPERIMENTS. to become entangled in the bird-lime, and whenever I found a bee so entangled, I was certain that it was one which I had taken from the hive, as there were no other | hives in the neighbourhood. “Such being the method, I began by taking a score ot bees in the box out to sea, where there could be no Jand- marks to guide the insects home. Had any of these insects returned, I should next have taken another score out to sea (after an interval of several days, so as to be sure that the first lot had become permanently lost), and then, before liberating them, have rotated the box in a sling for a considerable time, in order to see whether this would have confused their sense of direction. But, as none of the bees returned after the first experiment, it was clearly needless to proceed to the second. Ac- cordingly, I liberated the next lot of bees on the sea- shore, and, as none of these returned, I liberated another lot on the lawn between the shore and the house. I was somewhat surprised to find that neither did any of these return, although the distance from the lawn to the hive was not above two hundred yards. Lastly, I liberated bees in different parts of the flower-garden, . and these I always found stuck upon the bird-lime within a few minutes of their liberation. Indeed, they often arrived before I had had time to run from the place where I had liberated them to the hive. Now, as the garden was a large one, many of these bees had > to fly a greater distance, in order to reach the hive, than was the case with their lost sisters upon the lawn, and therefore I could have no doubt that their uniform success in finding their way home so immediately was due to their special knowledge of the flower-garden, and not to any general sense of direction. | — NO EVIDENCE OF SEPARATE SENSE OF DIRECTION. 271 “I may add that, while in Germany a few weeks ago, I tried on several species of ant the same experiments as Sir John Lubbock describes in his paper as having been tried by him upon English species, and here also I obtained identical results; in all cases the ants were hopelessly lost if liberated more than a moderate dis- tance from their nest. M. Romanes’ experiments, therefore, as he himself says, entirely confirm the opinion I have ventured to express—that there is no sufficient evidence among insects of anything which can justly be called a “ sense of direction.” CHAPTER XIV. ON THE INTELLIGENCE OF THE DOG. CONSIDERING the long ages during which man and the other animals have shared this beautiful world, it is surely remarkable how little we know about them. We have recently had various interesting works on the intelligence and senses of animals, and yet I think the principal impression which they leave on the mind is that we know very little indeed on the subject. THE Doa. As to the intelligence of the dog, a great many people, indeed, seem to me to entertain two entirely opposite and contradictory opinivns. I often hear it said that the dog, for instance, is very wise and clever. But when I ask whether a dog can realize that two and two make four, which is a very simple arithmetical calculation, I generally find much doubt expressed. That the dog is a loyal, true, and affectionate friend must be gratefully admitted, but when we come to con- sider the psychical nature of the animal, the limits of our knowledge are almost immediately reached. I have else- where suggested that this arises in great measure from the fact that hitherto we have tried to teach animals, rather than to learn from them—to convey our ideas to EDUCATION OF THE DEAF AND DUMB. 273 them, rather than to devise any language or code of signals by means of which they might communicate theirs to us. The former may be more important from a utilitarian point of view, though even this is questionable, but psychologically it is far less interest- ing. Under these circumstances, it occurred to me whether some such system as that followed with deaf mutes, and especially by Dr. Howe with Laura Bridg- man, might not prove very instructive if adapted to the ease of dogs. A very interesting account of Laura Bridgman has been published by Wright, compiled almost entirely from reports of the Perkins Institution, and the Massachusetts Asylum for the Blind, in which Dr. Howe, the director of the establishment, details the history of Laura Bridg- man, who was deaf, dumb, and blind, almost without the power of smell and taste, but who, nearly alone among those thus grievously afflicted, possessed an average, if not more than an average, amount of intelligence, although, until brought under Dr. Howe’s skilful treat- ment and care, her physical defects excluded her from all social intercourse. Laura Bridgman was born of intelligent and respect- able parents, in Hanover, New Hampshire, U.S., in December, 1829. She is said to have been a sprightly, pretty infant, but subject to fits, and altogether very fragile. At two years old she was fairly forward, had mastered the difference between A and B, and, indeed, is said to have displayed a. considerable degree of intelligence. She then became suddenly ill, and had to be kept in a darkened room for five months. When she recovered she was blind, deaf, and had nearly lost the power both of smell and taste. 274 LAURA BRIDGMAN. “What a situation was hers! The darkness and silence of the tomb were around her; no mother’s smile gladdened her heart, or ‘called forth an answering smile;’ no father’s voice taught her to imitate his sounds. ‘I’o her, brothers and sisters were but forms of matter, which resisted her touch, but which differed not from the furniture of the house, save in warmth and in the power of locomotion, and in these —— not even from the dog or cat.” Her mind, ae was unaffected, and the sense of touch remained. “As soon as she was able to walk, Laura began to explore the room, and then the house; she became familiar with the form, density, weight, and heat of every article she could lay her hands on. “She followed her mother, felt her hands and arms, as she was occupied about the house, and her disposi- tion to imitate led her to repeat everything herself. She even learnt to sew a little, and to knit. Her affections, too, began to expand, and seemed to be lavished upon the members of her family with peculiar force. “The means of communication with her, however, were very limited. She could only be told to go to a place by being pushed, or to come to one by a sign of drawing her. Patting her gently on the head - signified approbation ; on the back, the contrary.” The power of communication was thus most limited, and her character began to suffer, when fortunately Dr. Howe heard of her, and in October, 1837, received her into the institution. | “Fora while she was much bewildered, till she became acquainted with her new locality, and somewhat familiar with the inmates; the attempt was made to give her LAURA BRIDGMAN. 215 knowledge of arbitrary signs, by which she could interchange thoughts with others. “The first experiments were made by taking the articles in common use, such as knives, forks, spoons, keys, etc., and pasting upon them labels, with their names embossed in raised letters. These she felt carefully, and soon, of course, distinguished that the crooked lines s-p-o-o-n differed as much from the crooked lines k-e-y, as the spoon differed from the key in form. Then small detached labels with the same words printed upon them were put into her hands; she soon observed that they were the same as those pasted upon the articles. She showed her perception of this similarity by laying the label k-e-y upon the key, and the label s-p-o-o-n upon the spoon. “ Hitherto, the process had been mechanical, and the success about as great as that of teaching a very know- ing dog a variety of tricks. “The poor child sat in mute amazement, and patiently imitated everything her teacher did. But now her intellect began to work, the truth flashed upon her, and she perceived that there was a way by which she could herself make a sign of anything that was in her own mind, and show it to another mind. At once her countenance lighted up with a human expression. It was no longer as a mere instinctive animal; it was an immortal spirit, eagerly seizing upon a new link of union with other spirits. I could almost fix upon the moment when this truth dawned upon her mind, and spread its beams upon her countenance; I saw that the ereat obstacle was overcome, and that henceforth nothing but patient and persevering, but plain and straightforward, efforts were necessary. 276 APPLICATION OF THE METHOD FOLLOWED “The result, thus far, is quickly related and easily conceived; but not so was the process, for many weeks of apparently unprofitable labour were spent before it was effected. | “The next step was to procure a set of metal types, with the different letters of the alphabet cast separately on their ends; also a board, in which were square holes, into which she could set the types, so that the letters could alone be felt above the surface. “Thus, on any article being handed to her, as a pencil or watch, she would select the component letters and arrange them on the board, and read them with apparent pleasure, assuring her teacher that she understood by taking all the letters of the word and putting them to her ear, or on the pencil.” It is unnecessary, from my present point of view, to carry the narrative further, interesting as it is. I will only observe that even in the case of Laura Bridgman the process was one of much difficulty and requiring great patience. For a long while it was found im- possible to make her realize the use of adjectives; she could not “understand any general expression of quality.” Again, we are told that “Some idea of the difficulty of teaching her common expressions may be derived from the fact that a lesson of two hours upon the words ‘right’ and ‘left’ was deemed very profitable if she had in that time really mastered the idea.” Now, it seemed to me that the ingenious method devised by Dr. Howe, and so successfully carried out in the case of Laura Bridgman, might be adapted to the case of dogs, and I have tried this in a small way with a black poodle named Van. WITH THE DEAF AND DUMB TO ANIMALS. 277 VAN AND HIS CARDS. I took two pieces of cardboard about ten inches by three, and on one of them printed in large letters the word FOOD leaving the other blank. I then placed the two cards over two saucers, and in the one under the “food” card put a little bread and milk, which Van, after having his attention called to the card, was allowed to eat. ‘This was repeated over and over again till he had had enough. In about ten days he began to distinguish between the two cards. I then put them on the floor and made him bring them to me, which he did readily enough. When he brought the plain card I simply threw it back, while when he brought the “food” card I gave him a piece of bread, and in about a month he had pretty well learned to realize the difference. I then had some other cards printed with the words “ out,” “tea,” “bone,” “ water,” and a certain number also with words to which I did not intend him to attach any significance, such as “nought,” “plain,’ “ball,” etc. Van soon learned that bringing a card was a request, and soon learned to distinguish between the plain and printed cards; it took him longer to realize the difference between words, but he gradually got to recognize several, such as “food,” “ out,” “* bone,’ “tea,” ete. If he was asked whetber he would like to go out for a walk, he would joyfully fish up the “out” card, choosing it from several others, and bring it to me, or run with it in evident triumph to the door. 278 MY DOG VAN. T need hardly say that the cards were not always put in the same places. They were varied quite indiscrimi- nately and in a great variety of positions. Nor could the dog recognize them by scent. ‘They were all alike, and all continually handled by us. Still, I did not trust to that alone, but had a number printed for each word. When, for instance, he brought a card with “food” on it, we did not put down the same identical card, but another bedring the same word; when he had brought that, a third, then a fourth, and so on. For a single meal, therefore, eighteen or twenty cards would he- used, so that he evidently is not guided by scent. No one who has seen him look down a row of cards and pick up the one he wanted could, I think, doubt that in bringing a card he felt that be is making a request, and that he could not only distinguish one card from another but also associate the word and object. | I used to leave a card marked “ water” in my dress- ing-room, the door of which we used to pass in going to or from my sitting-room. Van was my constant companion, and passed the do:r when I was at home several times in the day. Generally he tovk no heed of the card. Hundreds, or I may say thousands, of times he passed it unnoticed. Sometimes, however, he would run in, pick it up, and bring it to me, when of course I gave him some water, and on such occasions I invariably found that he wanted to drink. I might also mention, in corroboration, that one morning he seemed unwell. A friend, being at break- fast with us, was anxious to see him bring his cards, and I therefore pressed him to do so. To my surprise he brought three dummy cards successively, one marked COMMUNICATION BY MEANS OF CARDS, 279 “ham,” one “bag,” and one “brush.” TI sgaid re- proachfully, “Oh, Van! bring “food,” or “tea;” on which he looked at me, went very slowly, and brought the “tea” card. But when I put some tea down as usual, he would not touch it. Generally he greatly enjoyed acup of tea, and, indeed, this was the only time I ever knew him refuse it. A definite numerical statement always seems to me clearer and more satisfactory than a mere general assertion. I will, therefore, give the actual particulars of certain days. ‘Twelve cards were put on the floor, one marked “food” and one “tea.” The others had more or less similar words. I may again add that every time a card was brought, another similarly marked was put in its place. Van was not pressed to bring cards, but simply left to do as he pleased. 1 Van brought “food” 4 times. “Tea” 2 times, 2 ” ” 6 9 3 $9 39 8 ry) ry) ae 4 Pa 39 é 99 39 3 ry) 5 ” 9 6 ” 9 eee 6 ” ” 6 le * Nought” onee. 7 39 9 ists, » 4 9 8 ” 99 ae 29 3 29 9 ” 3? 4 Ey) ” 2 5 10 7 ” 10 9 99 - ? * Door” once. 11 99 ” 10 ” oy) 3 29 12 3 9 ae 99 355 80 31 Thus out of 113 times he brought food 80 times, tea 31 times, and the other 10 cards only twice. Moreover, the last time he was wrong he brought a card—namely, “door ’”—in which three letters out of four were the same as in “ food.” 14 280 ATTEMPTS TO CONVEY IDEAS. This is, of course, only a beginning, but it is, I venture to think, suggestive, and might be carried further, though the limited wants and aspirations of the animal constitute a great difficulty. My wife has a beautiful and charming collie, Patience, to whom we are much attached. This dog was often in the room when Van brought the “food” card and was rewarded with a piece of bread. She must have seen this thou- sands of times, and she begged in the usual manner, but never once did it occur to her to bring a card. She did not touch, or, indeed, even take the slightest notice of them. 7 + I then tried the following experiment :—I prepared six cards about ten inches by three, and coloured in pairs—two yellow, two blue, and two orange. I put one card of each colour on the floor, and then, holding up one of the others, endeavoured to teach Van to brmg me the duplicate. That is to say, that if the blue was held up, he should fetch the corresponding colour from the floor ; if yellow, he should fetch the yellow, and soon. When he brought the wrong card he was made to drop it and return for another, until he brought the right one, when he was rewarded with a little food. We continued the lessons for nearly three months, but asa few days were missed, we may say for ten weeks, and yet at the end of the time I cannot say that Van appeared to have the least idea what was expected of him. It seemed a matter of pure accident which card he brought. There is, I believe, no reason to doubt that dogs can distinguish colours; but as it was just possible that Van might be colour-blind, we then repeated the same experiment, only substituting for the coloured cards others marked respectively with one, ARITHMETICAL POWERS OF ANIMALS. 281 two, and three dark bands. This we continued for another three months, or, say, allowing for intermissions, ten weeks ; but, to my surprise, entirely without success, for we altogether failed to make Van understand what we wanted. I was rather disappointed at this, as, if it had succeeded, the plan would have opened out many interesting lines of inquiry. Still, in such a case one ought not to wish for one result more than another as, of course, the object of all such experiments is merely to elicit the truth, and our result in the present case, though negative, is very interesting. I do not, however, regard it as by any means conclusive, and should be glad to see it repeated. If the result proved to be the same, it would certainly imply very little power of combining even extremely simple ideas. Can ANIMALS COUNT ? I then endeavoured to get some insight into the arithmetical condition of the dog’s mind. On this subject I have been able to find but little in any of the standard works on the intelligence of animals. Considering, however, the very lmited powers of savage men in this respect—that no Australian language, for instance, contains numerals even up to four, no Australian being able to count his own fingers even on one hand—we cannot be surprised if other animals have made but little progress. Still, it is curious that so little attention should have been directed. to this subject. Leroy, who, though he ex- presses the opinion that “the nature of the soul of animals is unimportant,’ was an excellent observer, mentions a case in which a man was anxious to shoot 282 PREVIOUS OBSERVATIONS. acrow. “To deceive this suspicious bird, the plan was hit upon of sending two men to the watch-house, one of whom passed on, while the other remained; but the crow counted, and kept her distance. The next day three went, and again she perceived that only two retired. In fine, it was found necessary to send five or six men to the watch-house to put her out in her calculation. The crow, thinking that this number of men had passed by, lost no time in returning.” From this he inferred that crows could count up to four. Lichtenberg mentions a nightingale which was said to count up to three. Hvery day he gave it three meal- worms, one at a time; when it had finished one it returned for another, but after the third it knew that the feast was over. I do not find that any of the recent works on the intelligence of animals, either Buchner, or Peitz, or Romanes in either of his books, give any additional evidence on this part of the subject. ‘There are, however, various scattered notices. According to my bird-nesting recollections, which I have refreshed by more recent experience, if a nest contains four eggs, one may safely be taken; but if two are removed, the bird generally deserts. Here, then, it would seem as if we had some reason for supposing that there is sufficient intelligence to distinguish three from four. An interesting consideration rises also with refer- ence to the number of the victims allotted to each cell by the solitary wasps. Ammophila considers one large caterpillar of Noctua segetwm enough; one species of Eumenes supplies its young with five victims; one ten, another fifteen, and one even as many as twenty-four. The number is said to be constant in SUPPOSED POWERS OF COUNTING. 283 each species. How, then, does the insect know when her task is fulfilled? Not by the cell being filled, for if some be removed she does not replace them. When she has brought her complement she considers her task accomplished, whether the victims are still there or ‘not. How, then, does she know when she has made up the number twenty-four? Perhaps it will be said that each species feels some mysterious and innate tendency to provide a certain number of victims. This would not under any circumstances be an ex- planation, nor is it in accordance with the facts. In the genus Eumenes the males are much smaller than the females. Now, in the hive bees, humble bees, wasps, and other insects where such a differ- ence occurs, but where the young are directly fed, it is, of course, obvious that the quantity can be pro- portioned to the appetite of the grub. But in insects with the habits of Humenes and Ammophila the case is different, because the food is stored up once for all. Now, it is evident that if a female grub was supplied with only food enough for a male, she would starve to death ; while if a male grub were given enough fora female it would have too much. No such waste, how- ever, occurs. In some mysterious manner the mother knows whether the egg will produce a male or female erub, and apportions the quantity of food accordingly. She does not change the species or size of her prey; but if the ege is male she supplies five, if female ten, victims. Does she count? Certainly this seems very like acommencement of arithmetic. At the same time, it would be very desirable to have additional evidence before we can arrive at any certain conclusion. Considering how much has been written on instinct, 284 MR. HUGGINS’S EXPERIMENT. it seems surprising that so little attention has been directed to this part of the subject. One would fancy that there ought to be no great difficulty in determining how far an animal can count; and whether, for in- stance, it could realize some very simple sum, such as that two and two make four. But when we come to consider how this is to be done, the problem ceases to appear so simple. We tried our dogs by putting a piece of bread before them, and preventing them from touching it until we had counted seven. To prevent ourselves from unintentionally giving any indication, we used a metronome (the instrument used for marking time when practising the pianoforte), and to make the beats more evident we attached a slender rod to the pendulum. It certainly seemed as if our dogs knew when the moment of permission had arrived ; but their movement of taking the bread was scarcely so definite as to place the matter beyond a doubt. Moreover, dogs are so very quick in seizing any indication given them, even unintentionally, that, on the whole, the attempt was not satisfactory to my mind. I was the more discouraged from continuing the experiment in this manner by an account Mr. Huggins gave me ofa very intelligent dog belonging to him. A number of cards were placed on the ground, numbered respectively 1, 2,3, and soonup to10. A question was then asked : the square root of 9 or 16, or such a sum as 6495 —3. Mr. Huggins pointed consecutively to the cards, and the dog always barked when he came to the right one. Now, Mr. Huggins did not consciously give the dog any sion, yet so quick was the dog in seizing the slightest indication, that he was able to give the correct answer. “The mode of procedure is this, His master tells CONCLUSION. 285 him to sit down, and shows him a piece of cake. He is then questioned, and barks his answers. Say he is asked what is the square root of 16, or of 9; he will bark four or three times, as the case may be. Or such a sum as ***+7-5 he will always answer correctly. The piece of cake is, of course, the meed of such cleverness. It must not be supposed that in these performances any sign is consciously made by his questioner. None whatever. We explain the per- formance by supposing that he reads in his master’s expression when he has barked rightly; certainly he never takes his eyes from his master’s face.” * This observation seems to me of great interest in connection with the so-called “thought-reading.” No one, I suppose, will imagine that there was in this case any “thought-reading” in the sense in which this word is generally used. Evidently “Kepler” seized upon some slight indication unintentionally given by Mr. Huggins. The observation, however, shows the great difficulty of the subject. The experiments I have made are, I feel, very incomplete, but I have ventured to place them on record, partly in hope of receiving some suggestions, and partly in hope of inducing others with more leisure and opportunity to carry on similar observa- tions, which I cannot but think must lead to interesting results. * M. L. Huggins, “ Kepler: a Biography.” INDEX. A Acalles, 66 Acanthopleura, 15, 145 Acheta, 61, 63, 97, 117 Acridiide, 100, 106 Actinia, 13 Ageronia, 73 Aglaura, 188 Alciopide, 14, 22, 137 Ammophila, 243, 282 Amphibia, 32, 129 Amphicora, 87 Amphioxus, 129 Angler, 186 Anguis, 126 Annelides, touch, 13; taste, 22; smell, 34; hearing, 87; sight, 134; problematical organs, 189 Anobium, 67 Anoxia, 251 Anthidium, 71 Anthrax, 251 Ants, 24, 31, 43, 56, 69, 107, 115, 178, 202 Apion, 94 Apis, 26, 29, 58, 69, 70, 115, 150, 172, 194, 258, 283 Arca, 141 Arenicola, 87 Arithmetic of animals, 281 Arthropods, touch, 16; taste, 23; smell, 35; hearing, 88; sight, 146; problematical organs, 188 Articulata. See Annelides, Insects Ascidians, 129 Asellus, 48 Astacus, 23, 51, 88 Asteracanthion, 133 Asterope, 22 Astropecten, 132 Ateuches, 66 Auditory hairs, 16, 79, 85, 88, 118 organs, 77 rods, 18, 104, 111 EB Balanus, 220 Bee, hive. See Apis Bee, solitary, 242 Beetles. See Coleopter Bembex, 242, 246 Birds, 129, 282 Blatta, 46, 152 Blethisa, 68 Blind spot in eye, 125 Bohemilla, 13, 134 Bombardier beetle, 65 Bombus, 28, 70, 73, 178, 283 Bostrychida, 67 Brachinus, 64, 68 Brachyura, 90 Butterfly. See Lepidoptera f id Calanella, 159 Calotis, 127 Callianassa, 59 288 Camponotus, 208 Capitellide, 34 Capricorn beetle, 96 Carcinus, 92 Cards, Van and his, 277 Carinaria, 87 Caterpillars, 23, 243, 259 Cats, 262 Centipedes, 49, 74 Cephalopoda, 34, 141 Cerambyx, 67, 95, 96 Ceratius, 186 Ceratophyus, 68 Chalcidide, 27 Chalicodoma, 251, 262 Chiasognathus, 68 Chitons, 15, 144 Cicadas, 61, 64, 151 Cicadida, 151 Clepsine, 134 Cockchafer. See Melolontha Cockroach, 46, 152 Celenterata, touch, 11; taste, 22; smell, 33; hearing, 82; sight, 131 Coleoptera, 58, 67, 111, 151 Collie, 280 Color of deep-sea fish, 185 of flowers, 199 , sense of, 190, 194, 202, 280 Componotus, 239 Compound eyes, 163 Copepoda, 48 Copilia, 158 Copris, 68, 95 Corephium, 145 Corethra, 18, 113, 117, 151 Corixa, 75 Corti, the organ of, 80, 108 Coryceus, 157 Cossus, 148 Count ? can animals, 281 Crabs, 90, 92 Crayfish. See Astacus Cricket. See Acheta Crioceris, 68 Crow, 282 Crustacea, touch, 16; taste, 23; smell, 46; hearing, 88; sight, 156; sense of color, 211; problematical organs, 188 Crystalline cone, 166 INDEX Culex, 68, 115 Curculionide, 68 Cychrus, 68 Cyclostoma, 140 Cymbulia, 88 D Daphnia, 48, 206, 212 Dead-nettle, 200 Death-watch, 66 Dias, 220 Dinetus, 39 Diptera, 52, 69, 110, 149, 151 Direction, sense of, 262 Dog, intelligence of the, 272 Dragon-fly. See Libellula Dytiscus, 5, 6, 112, 131, 146, 167 K See Auditory organs in tail of Mysis, 92 , structure of the human, 78, 101 Earthworms, 206 Elaphrus, 68 Elaterida, 67 Empusa, 176 Endosmosis, 25 Englena, 130 Epeira, 146 Ephippigera, 103 Epithelial cells, 14, 20 Epithelium, 11, 19 Eristalis, 69, 174, 176 Eucopide, 85 Eucorybar, 74 Eumenes, 245, 282 Euphausia, 161 EKurycopa, 189 Eutima, 83 Evaneade, 27 Eye, compound, 163 of man, 121 ——,, pineal, 126 , simple, 170 Ear. B Fish, 182 Flowers, 200 INDEX. 289 Fly. See Musca Forficula, 151, 167 Formica. See Ants G Gammarus, 49, 188 Gasteropods, 86 Geotrupes, 68 Geryonia, 86 Glomeris, 50 Glossopharyngeal nerves, 19 Gnat, 68, 115 Gryllotalpa, 102 Gryllus, 63, 98, 106, 108 H Hairs, auditory, 16, 79, 85, 88, 116 , depressed, 17 ——,, flattened, 56 ——, glandular, 29 » hollow, 17 in insects, 16 of touch. Sce Tactile , olfactory, 16, 25 , ordinary surface, 16, 56 ——-, plumose natatory, 16, 94 , simple, 18 , solid, 17, 82 , tactile, 16, 18, 28, 29, 56 , taste, 16, 28 Haliotis, 5, 139 Hattaria, 127 Hearing, organs of, in Vertebrata, 77 ; Celenterata, 82; Mollusca, 86; Annelida, 87; Arthropods, 88 , sense of, 60, 97 Helix, 14, 139 Hemiptera, 112, 151 Hesione, 135 Humble-bee. See Bombus Hydaticus, 40 Hydrachna, 28 Hydromeduse, 86 Hydrophilus, 168 Hydrozoa, 13 Hyleus, 58 Hymenoptera, 23, 25, 56, 57, 58, 69, “70, 96, 151, 181, 250 Hyperia, 171 Hypoderm, 5, 16 i Ichneumon, 54, 58 Ichthyosaurus, 129 Infusoria, 11 Insects, touch, 16; taste, 233; smell, 35, 52; hearing, 61, 94; sight, 146; problematical organs, 188 Instinct— Ant, 202, 232, 267 Bee, hive, 194, 253 , solitary, 255, 260, 262 Birds, 282 Bombardier beetle, 64 Change in, 244 Crustacea, 90 Daphnia, 229 Dog, 272 Fish, 186 Fly, 174, 177 Limitation of, 253 Of direction, 262 Onchidium, 144 Paussus, 65 Wasp, solitary, 245, 282 Isopteryx, 109 J Jelly-fish. See Medusx Julus, 49 L Labyrinthodons, 129 Lacerta, 126, 128 Lamellibranchiata, 14, 141 Lamellicornia, 37, 52 Lamium, 200 Lampyris, 167 Lancelet, 129 Lasius. See Ants Laura Bridgman, 273 Leech, 189 Lema, 68 Lepidoptera, 37, 71, 94, 111, 148, fol, 168, Wel Leptodora, 156 290 Leucospis, 251 Libellula, 69, 70, 149, 152, 171 Light-organs, 161, 185 Ligia, 167 Limitation of instinct, 253 Limpet, 4, 138 Limulus, 159 Lithobius, 155 Lizzia, 132 Lobster, 90, 91 Locusts, 62, 99, 106, 111, 149, 176 Longicorn beetles, 66, 95 Lucanus, 43, 52 Lucilia, 177 Lycosa, 179 Lyda, 58 M Mammals, 129 Maxille, 25 Meconema, 102, 105 Meduse, 6, 22, 117 Meissner’s corpuscles, 7 Melolontha, 52, 58, 67, 68, 148, 152, 168 Mesonotum, 67 Metronome, 284 Miltogramma, 254 Mollusca, 14, 22, 34, 61, 86, 120, 137, 140 Mordella, 148 Mosaic vision, 163 Mosquito. See Culex Moths. See Lepidoptera Murex, 139 Musca, 17, 29, 30, 45, 53, 58, 68, 71, 110, 113, 148, 153, 165, 172, 174, 177, 254 Mutilla, 69, 70 Myriapods, 155, 205 Myrmica. See Ants Mysis, 92, 98, 157, 161 N Nautilus, 140 Necrophorus, 66, 68 Needle cells, 21 Nematocera, 151 82, 88, 84, 85, 86, INDEX. Nematocysts, 12 Nereis, 12, 135 Nesticus, 180 Neuroptera, 111, 151 Newts, 207 Noctua, 73, 243, 282 0 Oceanide, 86 Ocypoda, 61 Odynerus, 247 (Hstrus, 148 Olfactory organs. smell Omaloplia, 68 Onchidium, 14, 131, 143 Oniscoide, 170 Ontorchis, 6, 84 See Organs of | Organs of hearing, 17; 19, 77, 81, 93, 109, 114 af sight, 19, 130, 146 of smell, 17, 88 of taste, 17, 19, 21 —— of temperature, 6, 10 of touch, 11, 14, 17, 19, 131 » problematical, 182 Origin of organs of sense, 3 Orthoptera, 37, 99, 107, 112, 131, 176 Oryctes, 68 Osmia, 251 Otolithes, 52, 82, 84, 85, 89, 90, 91, 92 , possible origin of, 3 E Pacinian corpuscle, 8 Pagurus, 51 Palemon, 51 Palinurus, 61 Palpi, 30, 37, 38, 39, 41, 73 Paludina, 140 Pamphila, 184 Paniscus, 58 Patella, 138, 140 Paussus, 65 Pectens, 61, 141 Pectunculus, 141 | Pelagia, 86 Pelobius, 68 Periplaneta, 152 Perophthalmus, 144 Pheidole, 108 Phialidium, 85 Photichthys, 185 Pineal eye, 127 Pinnotheres, 51 Piscicola, 134 Platyarthrus, 207 Plesiosaurus, 129 Pleuromona, 189 Podophthalmata, 50, 156 Polydesmus, 189 Polyophthalmus, 33, 98, 134 Pompilus, 58 Ponera, 69 Pontella, 47, 48 Pontinia, 51 Poodle dog, 276 Pressure-point, 10 Prionus, 67 Proctotrupide, 27 Pronotum, 67 Prosobranchiata, 138 Protoplasm, 21 Protozoa, 32, 61 Pteropods, 87 Ptychoptera, 113 EB Recognition among ants, 234 Reptilia, 127, 130 Respiration in insects, 35 Retina, 123 Rhopalonema, 85 Rods, auditory, 18, 104, 111, 187 , olfactory, 55 » retinal, 124 Ss Salivary gland, 30 Sarcophaga, 111 Schizochiton, 145 Scolopendra, 155 Scopelus, 186 Scorpions, 179 Sea-anemone, 12, 187 INDEX. 291 Sense-hairs. See Hairs Sense of direction, 262 Sense-organs, origin of, 3, 86, 111 Senses, unknown, 192 Serolis, 189 Setz. See Hairs Sex, power of regulating, 262 Sight, organs of, in Vertebrata, 121; Celenterata, 131; Annelida, 133; Mollusca, 137; Arthropods, 146 , sense of, 118 ——, three possible modes of, 118 Silpha, 38, 41 Sirex, 58 Skin, termination of nerves in, 18 Smell, organs of, in Vertebrata, 32; Protozoa, 33; Celenterata, 33; Annelida, 33; Mollusca,34; Arthro- pods, 35 Smerinthus, 73 Solaster, 133 Sound, organs of, not known in Pro- tozoa or Celenterata, 61; Mollusca, 61; Crustacea, 61; Insects, 62 Sphex, 245 Sphinx, 73, 148 Spherotherium, 74 Spiders, 74, 146, 155, 170, 178 Spondylis, 67, 141 Squilla, 51 Stag-beetle, 43, 52 Staphylinus, 50 Stenobothrus, 62, 63 Stratiomys, 167 Syrphus, 69, 170 T Tachytes, 246 Taste, organs of, in Vertebrata, 19; Annelida, 22; Mollusca, 22; Ar- thropods, 23 Telephorus, 112 Temperature, organs of, 10 Tenebrionida, 68 Tenthredo, 27, 58 Theridium, 75 Touch, organs of, in Vertebrata, 7 ; Protozoa, 11; Celenterata, 11; Meduse, 12; Annelida, 13; Mol- lusca, 14; Arthropods, 16 vA bela | INDEX. Touch, sense of, 7 Varanus, 127 Trachee, 29, 30, 101 Vaterian corpuscles, 7 Trachymeduse, 85 Vertebrata, 7, 19, 32, 77 Trachynemade, 157 Vespa, 28, 55, 58, 175, 178, 283 Tritonia, 87 Trochus, 138 Trox, 68 = Tunicata, 129 Wagner’s corpuscles, 7 Turbellaria, 133 Warmth organs, 6, 10 Wasp. See Vespa v , solitary, 242, 282 : Weevils, 67, 94 Van, 276 Wolffian glands, 27 Vanessa, 73, 174 Worms. See Annelides THE END, D, APPLETON & C0,’8 PUBLICATIONS. —— ee te ee SIR JOHN LUBBOCK’S (Bart.) WORKS. THE ORIGIN OF CIVILIZATION AND THE PRIMI- TIVE CONDITION OF MAN, MENTAL AND SOCIAL CONDITION OF SAVAGES. Fourth edition, with numerous Ad- ditions, With Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, $5.00. “The first edition of this work was published in the year 1870. 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